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for(o=0;oc)if(a=0,c=Math.max(o,e.$capacity<1024?2*e.$capacity:Math.floor(5*e.$capacity/4)),e.$array.constructor===Array){(i=e.$array.slice(e.$offset,e.$offset+e.$length)).length=c;for(var $=e.constructor.elem.zero,u=e.$length;u>>16&65535)*t+r*(n>>>16&65535)<<16>>>0)>>0},$floatKey=function(e){return e!=e?"NaN$"+ ++$idCounter:String(e)},$flatten64=function(e){return 4294967296*e.$high+e.$low},$shiftLeft64=function(e,n){return 0===n?e:n<32?new e.constructor(e.$high<>>32-n,e.$low<>>0):n<64?new e.constructor(e.$low<>n,(e.$low>>>n|e.$high<<32-n)>>>0):n<64?new e.constructor(e.$high>>31,e.$high>>n-32>>>0):e.$high<0?new e.constructor(-1,4294967295):new e.constructor(0,0)},$shiftRightUint64=function(e,n){return 0===n?e:n<32?new e.constructor(e.$high>>>n,(e.$low>>>n|e.$high<<32-n)>>>0):n<64?new e.constructor(0,e.$high>>>n-32):new e.constructor(0,0)},$mul64=function(e,n){var 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$kindFunc:(c=function(e){this.$val=e}).wrapped=!0,c.init=function(e,n,r){c.params=e,c.results=n,c.variadic=r,c.comparable=!1};break;case $kindInterface:(c={implementedBy:{},missingMethodFor:{}}).keyFor=$ifaceKeyFor,c.init=function(e){c.methods=e,e.forEach(function(e){$ifaceNil[e.prop]=$throwNilPointerError})};break;case $kindMap:(c=function(e){this.$val=e}).wrapped=!0,c.init=function(e,n){c.key=e,c.elem=n,c.comparable=!1};break;case $kindPtr:(c=o||function(e,n,r){this.$get=e,this.$set=n,this.$target=r,this.$val=this}).keyFor=$idKey,c.init=function(e){c.elem=e,c.wrapped=e.kind===$kindArray,c.nil=new c($throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError)};break;case $kindSlice:(c=function(e){e.constructor!==c.nativeArray&&(e=new c.nativeArray(e)),this.$array=e,this.$offset=0,this.$length=e.length,this.$capacity=e.length,this.$val=this}).init=function(e){c.elem=e,c.comparable=!1,c.nativeArray=$nativeArray(e.kind),c.nil=new c([])};break;case $kindStruct:(c=function(e){this.$val=e}).wrapped=!0,c.ptr=$newType(4,$kindPtr,"*"+r,!1,i,a,o),c.ptr.elem=c,c.ptr.prototype.$get=function(){return this},c.ptr.prototype.$set=function(e){c.copy(this,e)},c.init=function(e,n){c.pkgPath=e,c.fields=n,n.forEach(function(e){e.typ.comparable||(c.comparable=!1)}),c.keyFor=function(e){var r=e.$val;return $mapArray(n,function(e){return String(e.typ.keyFor(r[e.prop])).replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/\$/g,"\\$")}).join("$")},c.copy=function(e,r){for(var t=0;t0;){var a=[],o=[];t.forEach(function(e){if(!i[e.typ.string])switch(i[e.typ.string]=!0,e.typ.named&&(o=o.concat(e.typ.methods),e.indirect&&(o=o.concat($ptrType(e.typ).methods))),e.typ.kind){case $kindStruct:e.typ.fields.forEach(function(n){if(n.embedded){var r=n.typ,t=r.kind===$kindPtr;a.push({typ:t?r.elem:r,indirect:e.indirect||t})}});break;case $kindInterface:o=o.concat(e.typ.methods)}}),o.forEach(function(e){void 0===n[e.name]&&(n[e.name]=e)}),t=a}return e.methodSetCache=[],Object.keys(n).sort().forEach(function(r){e.methodSetCache.push(n[r])}),e.methodSetCache},$Bool=$newType(1,$kindBool,"bool",!0,"",!1,null),$Int=$newType(4,$kindInt,"int",!0,"",!1,null),$Int8=$newType(1,$kindInt8,"int8",!0,"",!1,null),$Int16=$newType(2,$kindInt16,"int16",!0,"",!1,null),$Int32=$newType(4,$kindInt32,"int32",!0,"",!1,null),$Int64=$newType(8,$kindInt64,"int64",!0,"",!1,null),$Uint=$newType(4,$kindUint,"uint",!0,"",!1,null),$Uint8=$newType(1,$kindUint8,"uint8",!0,"",!1,null),$Uint16=$newType(2,$kindUint16,"uint16",!0,"",!1,null),$Uint32=$newType(4,$kindUint32,"uint32",!0,"",!1,null),$Uint64=$newType(8,$kindUint64,"uint64",!0,"",!1,null),$Uintptr=$newType(4,$kindUintptr,"uintptr",!0,"",!1,null),$Float32=$newType(4,$kindFloat32,"float32",!0,"",!1,null),$Float64=$newType(8,$kindFloat64,"float64",!0,"",!1,null),$Complex64=$newType(8,$kindComplex64,"complex64",!0,"",!1,null),$Complex128=$newType(16,$kindComplex128,"complex128",!0,"",!1,null),$String=$newType(8,$kindString,"string",!0,"",!1,null),$UnsafePointer=$newType(4,$kindUnsafePointer,"unsafe.Pointer",!0,"unsafe",!1,null),$nativeArray=function(e){switch(e){case 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range"),this.$elem=e,this.$capacity=n,this.$buffer=[],this.$sendQueue=[],this.$recvQueue=[],this.$closed=!1},$chanNil=new $Chan(null,0);$chanNil.$sendQueue=$chanNil.$recvQueue={length:0,push:function(){},shift:function(){},indexOf:function(){return-1}};var $funcTypes={},$funcType=function(e,n,r){var t=$mapArray(e,function(e){return e.id}).join(",")+"$"+$mapArray(n,function(e){return e.id}).join(",")+"$"+r,i=$funcTypes[t];if(void 0===i){var a=$mapArray(e,function(e){return e.string});r&&(a[a.length-1]="..."+a[a.length-1].substr(2));var o="func("+a.join(", ")+")";1===n.length?o+=" "+n[0].string:n.length>1&&(o+=" ("+$mapArray(n,function(e){return e.string}).join(", ")+")"),i=$newType(4,$kindFunc,o,!1,"",!1,null),$funcTypes[t]=i,i.init(e,n,r)}return i},$interfaceTypes={},$interfaceType=function(e){var n=$mapArray(e,function(e){return e.pkg+","+e.name+","+e.typ.id}).join("$"),r=$interfaceTypes[n];if(void 0===r){var t="interface {}";0!==e.length&&(t="interface { "+$mapArray(e,function(e){return(""!==e.pkg?e.pkg+".":"")+e.name+e.typ.string.substr(4)}).join("; ")+" }"),r=$newType(8,$kindInterface,t,!1,"",!1,null),$interfaceTypes[n]=r,r.init(e)}return r},$emptyInterface=$interfaceType([]),$ifaceNil={},$error=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"error",!0,"",!1,null);$error.init([{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],!1)}]);var $panicValue,$jsObjectPtr,$jsErrorPtr,$mapTypes={},$mapType=function(e,n){var r=e.id+"$"+n.id,t=$mapTypes[r];return void 0===t&&(t=$newType(4,$kindMap,"map["+e.string+"]"+n.string,!1,"",!1,null),$mapTypes[r]=t,t.init(e,n)),t},$makeMap=function(e,n){for(var r={},t=0;t2147483647)&&$throwRuntimeError("makeslice: len out of range"),(r<0||r2147483647)&&$throwRuntimeError("makeslice: cap out of range");var t=new e.nativeArray(r);if(e.nativeArray===Array)for(var i=0;i4||t<0)break}}finally{0==$scheduled.length&&clearTimeout(e)}},$schedule=function(e){e.asleep&&(e.asleep=!1,$awakeGoroutines++),$scheduled.push(e),$curGoroutine===$noGoroutine&&$runScheduled()},$setTimeout=function(e,n){return $awakeGoroutines++,setTimeout(function(){$awakeGoroutines--,e()},n)},$block=function(){$curGoroutine===$noGoroutine&&$throwRuntimeError("cannot block in JavaScript callback, fix by wrapping code in goroutine"),$curGoroutine.asleep=!0},$restore=function(e,n){return void 0!==e&&void 0!==e.$blk?e:n},$send=function(e,n){e.$closed&&$throwRuntimeError("send on closed channel");var r=e.$recvQueue.shift();if(void 0===r){if(!(e.$buffer.length65535){var l=Math.floor((u-65536)/1024)+55296,s=(u-65536)%1024+56320;$+=String.fromCharCode(l,s)}else $+=String.fromCharCode(u)}return $;case $kindStruct:var f=$packages.time;if(void 0!==f&&e.constructor===f.Time.ptr){var d=$div64(e.UnixNano(),new $Int64(0,1e6));return new Date($flatten64(d))}var p={},h=function(e,n){if(n===$jsObjectPtr)return e;switch(n.kind){case $kindPtr:return e===n.nil?p:h(e.$get(),n.elem);case $kindStruct:var r=n.fields[0];return h(e[r.prop],r.typ);case $kindInterface:return h(e.$val,e.constructor);default:return p}},k=h(e,n);if(k!==p)return k;if(void 0!==r)return r(e);k={};for(a=0;a>24;case $kindInt16:return parseInt(e)<<16>>16;case $kindInt32:return parseInt(e)>>0;case $kindUint:return parseInt(e);case $kindUint8:return parseInt(e)<<24>>>24;case $kindUint16:return parseInt(e)<<16>>>16;case $kindUint32:case $kindUintptr:return parseInt(e)>>>0;case $kindInt64:case $kindUint64:return new n(0,e);case $kindFloat32:case $kindFloat64:return parseFloat(e);case $kindArray:return e.length!==n.len&&$throwRuntimeError("got array with wrong size from JavaScript native"),$mapArray(e,function(e){return $internalize(e,n.elem,i)});case $kindFunc:return function(){for(var t=[],a=0;a=128)return!1;return!0}; +Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; -$packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,J,K,M,O,P,Q,R,S,T,E,G,H,L;A=$pkg.Object=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"js.Object",true,"github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js",true,function(object_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.object=null;return;}this.object=object_;});B=$pkg.Error=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"js.Error",true,"github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js",true,function(Object_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Object=null;return;}this.Object=Object_;});J=$pkg.M=$newType(4,$kindMap,"js.M",true,"github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js",true,null);K=$pkg.S=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"js.S",true,"github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js",true,null);M=$sliceType($emptyInterface);O=$ptrType(A);P=$sliceType(O);Q=$funcType([P],[O],true);R=$funcType([],[O],false);S=$funcType([O],[],false);T=$ptrType(B);A.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return b.object[$externalize(a,$String)];};A.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};A.ptr.prototype.Set=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.object[$externalize(a,$String)]=$externalize(b,$emptyInterface);};A.prototype.Set=function(a,b){return this.$val.Set(a,b);};A.ptr.prototype.Delete=function(a){var a,b;b=this;delete b.object[$externalize(a,$String)];};A.prototype.Delete=function(a){return this.$val.Delete(a);};A.ptr.prototype.Length=function(){var a;a=this;return $parseInt(a.object.length);};A.prototype.Length=function(){return this.$val.Length();};A.ptr.prototype.Index=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return b.object[a];};A.prototype.Index=function(a){return this.$val.Index(a);};A.ptr.prototype.SetIndex=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.object[a]=$externalize(b,$emptyInterface);};A.prototype.SetIndex=function(a,b){return this.$val.SetIndex(a,b);};A.ptr.prototype.Call=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=this;return(d=c.object,d[$externalize(a,$String)].apply(d,$externalize(b,M)));};A.prototype.Call=function(a,b){return this.$val.Call(a,b);};A.ptr.prototype.Invoke=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return b.object.apply(undefined,$externalize(a,M));};A.prototype.Invoke=function(a){return this.$val.Invoke(a);};A.ptr.prototype.New=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return new($global.Function.prototype.bind.apply(b.object,[undefined].concat($externalize(a,M))));};A.prototype.New=function(a){return this.$val.New(a);};A.ptr.prototype.Bool=function(){var a;a=this;return!!(a.object);};A.prototype.Bool=function(){return this.$val.Bool();};A.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var a;a=this;return $internalize(a.object,$String);};A.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};A.ptr.prototype.Int=function(){var a;a=this;return $parseInt(a.object)>>0;};A.prototype.Int=function(){return this.$val.Int();};A.ptr.prototype.Int64=function(){var a;a=this;return $internalize(a.object,$Int64);};A.prototype.Int64=function(){return this.$val.Int64();};A.ptr.prototype.Uint64=function(){var a;a=this;return $internalize(a.object,$Uint64);};A.prototype.Uint64=function(){return this.$val.Uint64();};A.ptr.prototype.Float=function(){var a;a=this;return $parseFloat(a.object);};A.prototype.Float=function(){return this.$val.Float();};A.ptr.prototype.Interface=function(){var a;a=this;return $internalize(a.object,$emptyInterface);};A.prototype.Interface=function(){return this.$val.Interface();};A.ptr.prototype.Unsafe=function(){var a;a=this;return a.object;};A.prototype.Unsafe=function(){return this.$val.Unsafe();};B.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this;return"JavaScript error: "+$internalize(a.Object.message,$String);};B.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};B.ptr.prototype.Stack=function(){var a;a=this;return $internalize(a.Object.stack,$String);};B.prototype.Stack=function(){return this.$val.Stack();};E=function(a){var a;return $makeFunc(a);};$pkg.MakeFunc=E;G=function(a){var 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unexported field"));}};$ptrType(F).prototype.mustBeExported=function(){return new F(this.$get()).mustBeExported();};F.prototype.mustBeAssignable=function(){var m;m=this.$val;if(m===0){$panic(new I.ptr(DF(),0));}if(!((((m&96)>>>0)===0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: "+DF()+" using value obtained using unexported field"));}if(((m&256)>>>0)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect: "+DF()+" using unaddressable value"));}};$ptrType(F).prototype.mustBeAssignable=function(){return new F(this.$get()).mustBeAssignable();};E.ptr.prototype.CanSet=function(){var m;m=this;return((m.flag&352)>>>0)===256;};E.prototype.CanSet=function(){return this.$val.CanSet();};E.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var m;m=this;return!((m.flag===0));};E.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};E.ptr.prototype.Kind=function(){var m;m=this;return new F(m.flag).kind();};E.prototype.Kind=function(){return this.$val.Kind();};E.ptr.prototype.Type=function(){var m,n;m=this;n=m.flag;if(n===0){$panic(new I.ptr("reflectlite.Value.Type",0));}return m.typ;};E.prototype.Type=function(){return this.$val.Type();};AB.ptr.prototype.embedded=function(){var m;m=this;return!((((m.offsetEmbed&1)>>>0)===0));};AB.prototype.embedded=function(){return this.$val.embedded();};P.prototype.String=function(){var m;m=this.$val;if(((m>>0))=AD.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AD.$array[AD.$offset+m]);}return(0>=AD.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AD.$array[AD.$offset+0]);};$ptrType(P).prototype.String=function(){return new P(this.$get()).String();};R.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var m,n;m=this;n=$clone(m.nameOff(m.str),BO).name();if(!((((m.tflag&2)>>>0)===0))){return $substring(n,1);}return n;};R.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};R.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var m;m=this;return m.size;};R.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};R.ptr.prototype.Kind=function(){var m;m=this;return((((m.kind&31)>>>0)>>>0));};R.prototype.Kind=function(){return this.$val.Kind();};R.ptr.prototype.pointers=function(){var m;m=this;return!((m.ptrdata===0));};R.prototype.pointers=function(){return this.$val.pointers();};R.ptr.prototype.common=function(){var m;m=this;return m;};R.prototype.common=function(){return this.$val.common();};R.ptr.prototype.exportedMethods=function(){var m,n;m=this;n=m.uncommon();if(n===EC.nil){return ED.nil;}return n.exportedMethods();};R.prototype.exportedMethods=function(){return this.$val.exportedMethods();};R.ptr.prototype.NumMethod=function(){var m,n;m=this;if(m.Kind()===20){n=(m.kindType);return n.NumMethod();}return m.exportedMethods().$length;};R.prototype.NumMethod=function(){return this.$val.NumMethod();};R.ptr.prototype.PkgPath=function(){var m,n;m=this;if(((m.tflag&4)>>>0)===0){return"";}n=m.uncommon();if(n===EC.nil){return"";}return $clone(m.nameOff(n.pkgPath),BO).name();};R.prototype.PkgPath=function(){return this.$val.PkgPath();};R.ptr.prototype.hasName=function(){var m;m=this;return!((((m.tflag&4)>>>0)===0));};R.prototype.hasName=function(){return this.$val.hasName();};R.ptr.prototype.Name=function(){var m,n,o;m=this;if(!m.hasName()){return"";}n=m.String();o=n.length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(o>=0&&!((n.charCodeAt(o)===46)))){break;}o=o-(1)>>0;}return $substring(n,(o+1>>0));};R.prototype.Name=function(){return this.$val.Name();};R.ptr.prototype.chanDir=function(){var m,n;m=this;if(!((m.Kind()===18))){$panic(new $String("reflect: chanDir of non-chan type"));}n=(m.kindType);return((n.dir>>0));};R.prototype.chanDir=function(){return this.$val.chanDir();};R.ptr.prototype.Elem=function(){var m,n,o,p,q,r,s;m=this;n=m.Kind();if(n===(17)){o=(m.kindType);return AP(o.elem);}else if(n===(18)){p=(m.kindType);return AP(p.elem);}else if(n===(21)){q=(m.kindType);return AP(q.elem);}else if(n===(22)){r=(m.kindType);return AP(r.elem);}else if(n===(23)){s=(m.kindType);return AP(s.elem);}$panic(new $String("reflect: Elem of invalid type"));};R.prototype.Elem=function(){return this.$val.Elem();};R.ptr.prototype.In=function(m){var m,n,o,p;n=this;if(!((n.Kind()===19))){$panic(new $String("reflect: In of non-func type"));}o=(n.kindType);return AP((p=o.in$(),((m<0||m>=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+m])));};R.prototype.In=function(m){return this.$val.In(m);};R.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var m,n;m=this;if(!((m.Kind()===17))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Len of non-array type"));}n=(m.kindType);return((n.len>>0));};R.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};R.ptr.prototype.NumIn=function(){var m,n;m=this;if(!((m.Kind()===19))){$panic(new $String("reflect: NumIn of non-func type"));}n=(m.kindType);return((n.inCount>>0));};R.prototype.NumIn=function(){return this.$val.NumIn();};R.ptr.prototype.NumOut=function(){var m,n;m=this;if(!((m.Kind()===19))){$panic(new $String("reflect: NumOut of non-func type"));}n=(m.kindType);return n.out().$length;};R.prototype.NumOut=function(){return this.$val.NumOut();};R.ptr.prototype.Out=function(m){var m,n,o,p;n=this;if(!((n.Kind()===19))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Out of non-func type"));}o=(n.kindType);return AP((p=o.out(),((m<0||m>=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+m])));};R.prototype.Out=function(m){return this.$val.Out(m);};X.ptr.prototype.NumMethod=function(){var m;m=this;return m.methods.$length;};X.prototype.NumMethod=function(){return this.$val.NumMethod();};R.ptr.prototype.Implements=function(m){var{m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.Implements"));}o=m.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((o===20))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect: non-interface type passed to Type.Implements"));case 2:$s=-1;return AK($assertType(m,DU),n);}return;}var $f={$blk:R.ptr.prototype.Implements,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};R.prototype.Implements=function(m){return this.$val.Implements(m);};R.ptr.prototype.AssignableTo=function(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.AssignableTo"));}o=$assertType(m,DU);p=AL(o,n);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p||AK(o,n);$s=2;case 2:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:R.ptr.prototype.AssignableTo,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};R.prototype.AssignableTo=function(m){return this.$val.AssignableTo(m);};AK=function(m,n){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;if(!((m.Kind()===20))){return false;}o=(m.kindType);if(o.methods.$length===0){return true;}if(n.Kind()===20){p=(n.kindType);q=0;r=0;while(true){if(!(r=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+q]));u=$clone(o.rtype.nameOff(t.name),BO);w=(v=p.methods,((r<0||r>=v.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+r]));x=$clone(n.nameOff(w.name),BO);if($clone(x,BO).name()===$clone(u,BO).name()&&n.typeOff(w.typ)===o.rtype.typeOff(t.typ)){if(!$clone(u,BO).isExported()){y=$clone(u,BO).pkgPath();if(y===""){y=$clone(o.pkgPath,BO).name();}z=$clone(x,BO).pkgPath();if(z===""){z=$clone(p.pkgPath,BO).name();}if(!(y===z)){r=r+(1)>>0;continue;}}q=q+(1)>>0;if(q>=o.methods.$length){return true;}}r=r+(1)>>0;}return false;}aa=n.uncommon();if(aa===EC.nil){return false;}ab=0;ac=aa.methods();ad=0;while(true){if(!(ad<((aa.mcount>>0)))){break;}af=(ae=o.methods,((ab<0||ab>=ae.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ae.$array[ae.$offset+ab]));ag=$clone(o.rtype.nameOff(af.name),BO);ah=$clone(((ad<0||ad>=ac.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+ad]),S);ai=$clone(n.nameOff(ah.name),BO);if($clone(ai,BO).name()===$clone(ag,BO).name()&&n.typeOff(ah.mtyp)===o.rtype.typeOff(af.typ)){if(!$clone(ag,BO).isExported()){aj=$clone(ag,BO).pkgPath();if(aj===""){aj=$clone(o.pkgPath,BO).name();}ak=$clone(ai,BO).pkgPath();if(ak===""){ak=$clone(n.nameOff(aa.pkgPath),BO).name();}if(!(aj===ak)){ad=ad+(1)>>0;continue;}}ab=ab+(1)>>0;if(ab>=o.methods.$length){return true;}}ad=ad+(1)>>0;}return false;};AL=function(m,n){var{m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(m===n){$s=-1;return true;}if(m.hasName()&&n.hasName()||!((m.Kind()===n.Kind()))){$s=-1;return false;}o=AN(m,n,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=2;case 2:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:AL,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AM=function(m,n,o){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(o){$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual(m,n);}q=m.Name();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=n.Name();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(q===r)){p=true;$s=3;continue s;}s=m.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=n.Kind();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=!((s===t));case 3:if(p){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return false;case 2:u=m.common();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=n.common();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;y=AN(v,x,false);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=11;case 11:return z;}return;}var $f={$blk:AM,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AN=function(m,n,o){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(m===n){$s=-1;return true;}p=m.Kind();if(!((p===n.Kind()))){$s=-1;return false;}if(1<=p&&p<=16||(p===24)||(p===26)){$s=-1;return true;}q=p;if(q===(17)){$s=2;continue;}if(q===(18)){$s=3;continue;}if(q===(19)){$s=4;continue;}if(q===(20)){$s=5;continue;}if(q===(21)){$s=6;continue;}if((q===(22))||(q===(23))){$s=7;continue;}if(q===(25)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 2:if(!(m.Len()===n.Len())){r=false;$s=10;continue s;}s=AM(m.Elem(),n.Elem(),o);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;case 10:t=r;$s=12;case 12:return t;case 3:if(!(n.chanDir()===3)){u=false;$s=15;continue s;}v=AM(m.Elem(),n.Elem(),o);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;case 15:if(u){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$s=-1;return true;case 14:if(!(n.chanDir()===m.chanDir())){w=false;$s=17;continue s;}x=AM(m.Elem(),n.Elem(),o);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;case 17:y=w;$s=19;case 19:return y;case 4:z=(m.kindType);aa=(n.kindType);if(!((z.outCount===aa.outCount))||!((z.inCount===aa.inCount))){$s=-1;return false;}ab=0;case 20:if(!(ab>0;$s=20;continue;case 21:ad=0;case 25:if(!(ad>0;$s=25;continue;case 26:$s=-1;return true;case 5:af=(m.kindType);ag=(n.kindType);if((af.methods.$length===0)&&(ag.methods.$length===0)){$s=-1;return true;}$s=-1;return false;case 6:ai=AM(m.Key(),n.Key(),o);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ai)){ah=false;$s=30;continue s;}aj=AM(m.Elem(),n.Elem(),o);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=aj;case 30:ak=ah;$s=33;case 33:return ak;case 7:al=AM(m.Elem(),n.Elem(),o);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;$s=35;case 35:return am;case 8:an=(m.kindType);ao=(n.kindType);if(!((an.fields.$length===ao.fields.$length))){$s=-1;return false;}if(!($clone(an.pkgPath,BO).name()===$clone(ao.pkgPath,BO).name())){$s=-1;return false;}ap=an.fields;aq=0;case 36:if(!(aq=as.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):as.$array[as.$offset+ar]));av=(au=ao.fields,((ar<0||ar>=au.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):au.$array[au.$offset+ar]));if(!($clone(at.name,BO).name()===$clone(av.name,BO).name())){$s=-1;return false;}aw=AM(at.typ,av.typ,o);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!aw){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 38:$s=-1;return false;case 39:if(o&&!($clone(at.name,BO).tag()===$clone(av.name,BO).tag())){$s=-1;return false;}if(!((at.offsetEmbed===av.offsetEmbed))){$s=-1;return false;}aq++;$s=36;continue;case 37:$s=-1;return true;case 9:case 1:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AP=function(m){var m;if(m===DU.nil){return $ifaceNil;}return m;};AQ=function(m){var m;return((m.kind&32)>>>0)===0;};E.ptr.prototype.object=function(){var m,n,o,p;m=this;if((m.typ.Kind()===17)||(m.typ.Kind()===25)){return m.ptr;}if(!((((m.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){n=m.ptr.$get();if(!(n===$ifaceNil)&&!(n.constructor===BI(m.typ))){switch(0){default:o=m.typ.Kind();if((o===(11))||(o===(6))){n=new(BI(m.typ))(n.$high,n.$low);}else if((o===(15))||(o===(16))){n=new(BI(m.typ))(n.$real,n.$imag);}else if(o===(23)){if(n===n.constructor.nil){n=BI(m.typ).nil;break;}p=new(BI(m.typ))(n.$array);p.$offset=n.$offset;p.$length=n.$length;p.$capacity=n.$capacity;n=p;}}}return n;}return m.ptr;};E.prototype.object=function(){return this.$val.object();};E.ptr.prototype.assignTo=function(m,n,o){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:p=this;if(!((((p.flag&512)>>>0)===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:q=DG(m,$clone(p,E));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}E.copy(p,q);case 2:r=AL(n,p.typ);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(r){$s=5;continue;}if(AK(n,p.typ)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:s=(((p.flag&384)>>>0)|new F(p.flag).ro())>>>0;s=(s|(((n.Kind()>>>0))))>>>0;$s=-1;return new E.ptr(n,p.ptr,s);case 6:if(o===0){o=CJ(n);}t=DD($clone(p,E));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(n.NumMethod()===0){(o).$set(u);}else{DE(n,u,o);}$s=-1;return new E.ptr(n,o,148);case 7:case 4:$panic(new $String(m+": value of type "+p.typ.String()+" is not assignable to type "+n.String()));$s=-1;return new E.ptr(DU.nil,0,0);}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.assignTo,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.assignTo=function(m,n,o){return this.$val.assignTo(m,n,o);};E.ptr.prototype.Cap=function(){var m,n,o;m=this;n=new F(m.flag).kind();o=n;if(o===(17)){return m.typ.Len();}else if((o===(18))||(o===(23))){return $parseInt($clone(m,E).object().$capacity)>>0;}$panic(new I.ptr("reflect.Value.Cap",n));};E.prototype.Cap=function(){return this.$val.Cap();};E.ptr.prototype.Index=function(m){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=[m];n=[n];o=[o];p=[p];q=[q];r=[r];s=this;t=new F(s.flag).kind();u=t;if(u===(17)){$s=2;continue;}if(u===(23)){$s=3;continue;}if(u===(24)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:v=(s.typ.kindType);if(m[0]<0||m[0]>((v.len>>0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: array index out of range"));}q[0]=v.elem;w=(((((s.flag&384)>>>0)|new F(s.flag).ro())>>>0)|((q[0].Kind()>>>0)))>>>0;n[0]=s.ptr;if(!((((w&128)>>>0)===0))&&!((q[0].Kind()===17))&&!((q[0].Kind()===25))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$s=-1;return new E.ptr(q[0],(new(BI(DL(q[0])))((function(m,n,o,p,q,r){return function(){return DI(q[0],n[0][m[0]]);};})(m,n,o,p,q,r),(function(m,n,o,p,q,r){return function(x){var x;n[0][m[0]]=DJ(q[0],x);};})(m,n,o,p,q,r))),w);case 8:x=BZ(q[0],DI(q[0],n[0][m[0]]),w);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=10;case 10:return y;case 3:z=$clone(s,E).object();if(m[0]<0||m[0]>=($parseInt(z.$length)>>0)){$panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range"));}aa=(s.typ.kindType);r[0]=aa.elem;ab=(((384|new F(s.flag).ro())>>>0)|((r[0].Kind()>>>0)))>>>0;m[0]=m[0]+(($parseInt(z.$offset)>>0))>>0;o[0]=z.$array;if(!((((ab&128)>>>0)===0))&&!((r[0].Kind()===17))&&!((r[0].Kind()===25))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$s=-1;return new E.ptr(r[0],(new(BI(DL(r[0])))((function(m,n,o,p,q,r){return function(){return DI(r[0],o[0][m[0]]);};})(m,n,o,p,q,r),(function(m,n,o,p,q,r){return function(ac){var ac;o[0][m[0]]=DJ(r[0],ac);};})(m,n,o,p,q,r))),ab);case 12:ac=BZ(r[0],DI(r[0],o[0][m[0]]),ab);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;$s=14;case 14:return ad;case 4:ae=(s.ptr).$get();if(m[0]<0||m[0]>=ae.length){$panic(new $String("reflect: string index out of range"));}af=(((new F(s.flag).ro()|8)>>>0)|128)>>>0;p[0]=ae.charCodeAt(m[0]);$s=-1;return new E.ptr(BD,((p.$ptr||(p.$ptr=new EG(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},p)))),af);case 5:$panic(new I.ptr("reflect.Value.Index",t));case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return new E.ptr(DU.nil,0,0);}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.Index,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.Index=function(m){return this.$val.Index(m);};E.ptr.prototype.InterfaceData=function(){var m;m=this;$panic(new $String("InterfaceData is not supported by GopherJS"));};E.prototype.InterfaceData=function(){return this.$val.InterfaceData();};E.ptr.prototype.IsNil=function(){var m,n,o;m=this;n=new F(m.flag).kind();o=n;if((o===(22))||(o===(23))){return $clone(m,E).object()===BI(m.typ).nil;}else if(o===(18)){return $clone(m,E).object()===$chanNil;}else if(o===(19)){return $clone(m,E).object()===$throwNilPointerError;}else if(o===(21)){return $clone(m,E).object()===false;}else if(o===(20)){return $clone(m,E).object()===$ifaceNil;}else if(o===(26)){return $clone(m,E).object()===0;}else{$panic(new I.ptr("reflect.Value.IsNil",n));}};E.prototype.IsNil=function(){return this.$val.IsNil();};E.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var m,n,o;m=this;n=new F(m.flag).kind();o=n;if((o===(17))||(o===(24))){return $parseInt($clone(m,E).object().length);}else if(o===(23)){return $parseInt($clone(m,E).object().$length)>>0;}else if(o===(18)){return $parseInt($clone(m,E).object().$buffer.length)>>0;}else if(o===(21)){return $parseInt($keys($clone(m,E).object()).length);}else{$panic(new I.ptr("reflect.Value.Len",n));}};E.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};E.ptr.prototype.Pointer=function(){var m,n,o;m=this;n=new F(m.flag).kind();o=n;if((o===(18))||(o===(21))||(o===(22))||(o===(26))){if($clone(m,E).IsNil()){return 0;}return $clone(m,E).object();}else if(o===(19)){if($clone(m,E).IsNil()){return 0;}return 1;}else if(o===(23)){if($clone(m,E).IsNil()){return 0;}return $clone(m,E).object().$array;}else{$panic(new I.ptr("reflect.Value.Pointer",n));}};E.prototype.Pointer=function(){return this.$val.Pointer();};E.ptr.prototype.Set=function(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=this;new F(n.flag).mustBeAssignable();new F(m.flag).mustBeExported();o=$clone(m,E).assignTo("reflect.Set",n.typ,0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}E.copy(m,o);if(!((((n.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=n.typ.Kind();if(p===(17)){$s=5;continue;}if(p===(20)){$s=6;continue;}if(p===(25)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 5:BI(n.typ).copy(n.ptr,m.ptr);$s=9;continue;case 6:q=DD($clone(m,E));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n.ptr.$set(q);$s=9;continue;case 7:BY(n.ptr,m.ptr,n.typ);$s=9;continue;case 8:n.ptr.$set($clone(m,E).object());case 9:case 4:$s=-1;return;case 3:n.ptr=m.ptr;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.Set=function(m){return this.$val.Set(m);};E.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=this;new F(n.flag).mustBeAssignable();new F(n.flag).mustBe(23);o=n.typ.Elem().Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((o===8))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.SetBytes of non-byte slice"));case 2:p=m;if(!(n.typ.Name()==="")){q=true;$s=6;continue s;}r=n.typ.Elem().Name();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=!(r==="");case 6:if(q){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:s=new(BI(n.typ))(p.$array);s.$offset=p.$offset;s.$length=p.$length;s.$capacity=p.$capacity;p=s;case 5:n.ptr.$set(p);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.SetBytes,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.SetBytes=function(m){return this.$val.SetBytes(m);};E.ptr.prototype.SetCap=function(m){var m,n,o,p;n=this;new F(n.flag).mustBeAssignable();new F(n.flag).mustBe(23);o=n.ptr.$get();if(m<($parseInt(o.$length)>>0)||m>($parseInt(o.$capacity)>>0)){$panic(new $String("reflect: slice capacity out of range in SetCap"));}p=new(BI(n.typ))(o.$array);p.$offset=o.$offset;p.$length=o.$length;p.$capacity=m;n.ptr.$set(p);};E.prototype.SetCap=function(m){return this.$val.SetCap(m);};E.ptr.prototype.SetLen=function(m){var m,n,o,p;n=this;new F(n.flag).mustBeAssignable();new F(n.flag).mustBe(23);o=n.ptr.$get();if(m<0||m>($parseInt(o.$capacity)>>0)){$panic(new $String("reflect: slice length out of range in SetLen"));}p=new(BI(n.typ))(o.$array);p.$offset=o.$offset;p.$length=m;p.$capacity=o.$capacity;n.ptr.$set(p);};E.prototype.SetLen=function(m){return this.$val.SetLen(m);};E.ptr.prototype.Slice=function(m,n){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=this;p=0;q=$ifaceNil;r=null;s=new F(o.flag).kind();t=s;if(t===(17)){$s=2;continue;}if(t===(23)){$s=3;continue;}if(t===(24)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:if(((o.flag&256)>>>0)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array"));}u=(o.typ.kindType);p=((u.len>>0));q=CH(u.elem);r=new(BI(q))($clone(o,E).object());$s=6;continue;case 3:q=o.typ;r=$clone(o,E).object();p=$parseInt(r.$capacity)>>0;$s=6;continue;case 4:v=(o.ptr).$get();if(m<0||nv.length){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: string slice index out of bounds"));}w=CC(new $String($substring(v,m,n)));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=8;case 8:return x;case 5:$panic(new I.ptr("reflect.Value.Slice",s));case 6:case 1:if(m<0||np){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice index out of bounds"));}y=BZ(q,$subslice(r,m,n),new F(o.flag).ro());$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=10;case 10:return z;}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.Slice,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.Slice=function(m,n){return this.$val.Slice(m,n);};E.ptr.prototype.Slice3=function(m,n,o){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:p=this;q=0;r=$ifaceNil;s=null;t=new F(p.flag).kind();u=t;if(u===(17)){if(((p.flag&256)>>>0)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array"));}v=(p.typ.kindType);q=((v.len>>0));r=CH(v.elem);s=new(BI(r))($clone(p,E).object());}else if(u===(23)){r=p.typ;s=$clone(p,E).object();q=$parseInt(s.$capacity)>>0;}else{$panic(new I.ptr("reflect.Value.Slice3",t));}if(m<0||nq){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice3: slice index out of bounds"));}w=BZ(r,$subslice(s,m,n,o),new F(p.flag).ro());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=2;case 2:return x;}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.Slice3,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.Slice3=function(m,n,o){return this.$val.Slice3(m,n,o);};E.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var m;m=this;new F(m.flag).mustBe(18);new F(m.flag).mustBeExported();$close($clone(m,E).object());};E.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};E.ptr.prototype.Elem=function(){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=this;n=new F(m.flag).kind();o=n;if(o===(20)){$s=2;continue;}if(o===(22)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:p=$clone(m,E).object();if(p===$ifaceNil){$s=-1;return new E.ptr(DU.nil,0,0);}q=BJ(p.constructor);r=BZ(q,p.$val,new F(m.flag).ro());$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=7;case 7:return s;case 3:if($clone(m,E).IsNil()){$s=-1;return new E.ptr(DU.nil,0,0);}t=$clone(m,E).object();u=(m.typ.kindType);v=(((((m.flag&96)>>>0)|128)>>>0)|256)>>>0;v=(v|(((u.elem.Kind()>>>0))))>>>0;$s=-1;return new E.ptr(u.elem,(DI(u.elem,t)),v);case 4:$panic(new I.ptr("reflect.Value.Elem",n));case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return new E.ptr(DU.nil,0,0);}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.Elem,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.Elem=function(){return this.$val.Elem();};E.ptr.prototype.NumField=function(){var m,n;m=this;new F(m.flag).mustBe(25);n=(m.typ.kindType);return n.fields.$length;};E.prototype.NumField=function(){return this.$val.NumField();};E.ptr.prototype.MapKeys=function(){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=this;new F(m.flag).mustBe(21);n=(m.typ.kindType);o=n.key;p=(new F(m.flag).ro()|((o.Kind()>>>0)))>>>0;q=$clone(m,E).pointer();r=0;if(!(q===0)){r=CZ(q);}s=CV(m.typ,q);t=$makeSlice(EF,r);u=0;u=0;case 1:if(!(u=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+u]),DM(o,p,w));CY(s);u=u+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $subslice(t,0,u);}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.MapKeys,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.MapKeys=function(){return this.$val.MapKeys();};E.ptr.prototype.MapIndex=function(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=this;new F(n.flag).mustBe(21);o=(n.typ.kindType);p=$clone(m,E).assignTo("reflect.Value.MapIndex",o.key,0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}E.copy(m,p);q=0;if(!((((m.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){q=m.ptr;}else{q=((m.$ptr_ptr||(m.$ptr_ptr=new EH(function(){return this.$target.ptr;},function($v){this.$target.ptr=$v;},m))));}r=CR(n.typ,$clone(n,E).pointer(),q);if(r===0){$s=-1;return new E.ptr(DU.nil,0,0);}s=o.elem;t=new F((((n.flag|m.flag)>>>0))).ro();t=(t|(((s.Kind()>>>0))))>>>0;$s=-1;return DM(s,t,r);}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.MapIndex,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.MapIndex=function(m){return this.$val.MapIndex(m);};E.ptr.prototype.Field=function(m){var{aa,ab,ac,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=[n];o=[o];p=[p];q=[q];r=this;if(!((new F(r.flag).kind()===25))){$panic(new I.ptr("reflect.Value.Field",new F(r.flag).kind()));}s=(r.typ.kindType);if(((m>>>0))>=((s.fields.$length>>>0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Field index out of range"));}o[0]=$internalize(BI(r.typ).fields[m].prop,$String);u=(t=s.fields,((m<0||m>=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+m]));q[0]=u.typ;v=(((r.flag&416)>>>0)|((q[0].Kind()>>>0)))>>>0;if(!$clone(u.name,BO).isExported()){if(u.embedded()){v=(v|(64))>>>0;}else{v=(v|(32))>>>0;}}x=$clone((w=s.fields,((m<0||m>=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+m])).name,BO).tag();if(!(x==="")&&!((m===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n[0]=DK(x);if(!(n[0]==="")){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:case 5:y=[y];z=$clone(r,E).Field(0);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}E.copy(r,z);if(r.typ===DH){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:y[0]=$clone(r,E).object().object;$s=-1;return new E.ptr(q[0],(new(BI(DL(q[0])))((function(n,o,p,q,y){return function(){return $internalize(y[0][$externalize(n[0],$String)],BI(q[0]));};})(n,o,p,q,y),(function(n,o,p,q,y){return function(aa){var aa;y[0][$externalize(n[0],$String)]=$externalize(aa,BI(q[0]));};})(n,o,p,q,y))),v);case 9:if(r.typ.Kind()===22){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:aa=$clone(r,E).Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}E.copy(r,aa);case 11:$s=5;continue;case 6:case 4:case 2:p[0]=r.ptr;if(!((((v&128)>>>0)===0))&&!((q[0].Kind()===17))&&!((q[0].Kind()===25))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$s=-1;return new E.ptr(q[0],(new(BI(DL(q[0])))((function(n,o,p,q){return function(){return DI(q[0],p[0][$externalize(o[0],$String)]);};})(n,o,p,q),(function(n,o,p,q){return function(ab){var ab;p[0][$externalize(o[0],$String)]=DJ(q[0],ab);};})(n,o,p,q))),v);case 14:ab=BZ(q[0],DI(q[0],p[0][$externalize(o[0],$String)]),v);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$s=16;case 16:return ac;}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.Field,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.Field=function(m){return this.$val.Field(m);};AT.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var m;m=this;return m.s;};AT.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};AU=function(m){var m;if(m.length<2){return[m,$ifaceNil];}if((m.charCodeAt(0)===39)||(m.charCodeAt(0)===34)){if(m.charCodeAt((m.length-1>>0))===m.charCodeAt(0)){return[$substring(m,1,(m.length-1>>0)),$ifaceNil];}return["",$pkg.ErrSyntax];}return[m,$ifaceNil];};F.prototype.mustBe=function(m){var m,n;n=this.$val;if(!((((((n&31)>>>0)>>>0))===m))){$panic(new I.ptr(DF(),new F(n).kind()));}};$ptrType(F).prototype.mustBe=function(m){return new F(this.$get()).mustBe(m);};R.ptr.prototype.Comparable=function(){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=this;n=m.Kind();if((n===(19))||(n===(23))||(n===(21))){$s=2;continue;}if(n===(17)){$s=3;continue;}if(n===(25)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return false;case 3:o=m.Elem().Comparable();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=7;case 7:return p;case 4:q=0;case 8:if(!(q>0;$s=8;continue;case 9:case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:R.ptr.prototype.Comparable,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};R.prototype.Comparable=function(){return this.$val.Comparable();};R.ptr.prototype.IsVariadic=function(){var m,n;m=this;if(!((m.Kind()===19))){$panic(new $String("reflect: IsVariadic of non-func type"));}n=(m.kindType);return!((((n.outCount&32768)>>>0)===0));};R.prototype.IsVariadic=function(){return this.$val.IsVariadic();};R.ptr.prototype.Field=function(m){var m,n,o,p;n=this;if(!((n.Kind()===25))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Field of non-struct type"));}o=(n.kindType);if(m<0||m>=o.fields.$length){$panic(new $String("reflect: Field index out of bounds"));}return(p=o.fields,((m<0||m>=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+m]));};R.prototype.Field=function(m){return this.$val.Field(m);};R.ptr.prototype.Key=function(){var m,n;m=this;if(!((m.Kind()===21))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Key of non-map type"));}n=(m.kindType);return AP(n.key);};R.prototype.Key=function(){return this.$val.Key();};R.ptr.prototype.NumField=function(){var m,n;m=this;if(!((m.Kind()===25))){$panic(new $String("reflect: NumField of non-struct type"));}n=(m.kindType);return n.fields.$length;};R.prototype.NumField=function(){return this.$val.NumField();};R.ptr.prototype.Method=function(m){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=[n];o=new AV.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,new E.ptr(DU.nil,0,0),0);p=this;if(p.Kind()===20){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:q=(p.kindType);r=q.rtype.Method(m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AV.copy(o,r);s=o;$s=4;case 4:return s;case 2:t=p.exportedMethods();if(m<0||m>=t.$length){$panic(new $String("reflect: Method index out of range"));}u=$clone(((m<0||m>=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+m]),S);v=$clone(p.nameOff(u.name),BO);o.Name=$clone(v,BO).name();w=19;x=p.typeOff(u.mtyp);y=(x.kindType);z=$makeSlice(EI,0,(1+y.in$().$length>>0));z=$append(z,p);aa=y.in$();ab=0;while(true){if(!(ab=aa.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa.$array[aa.$offset+ab]);z=$append(z,ac);ab++;}ad=$makeSlice(EI,0,y.out().$length);ae=y.out();af=0;while(true){if(!(af=ae.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ae.$array[ae.$offset+af]);ad=$append(ad,ag);af++;}ah=CF(z,ad,y.rtype.IsVariadic());$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;o.Type=ai;n[0]=$internalize($methodSet(p[$externalize(BE,$String)])[m].prop,$String);aj=D.MakeFunc((function(n){return function(aj,ak){var aj,ak,al;al=(0>=ak.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ak.$array[ak.$offset+0]);return new $jsObjectPtr(al[$externalize(n[0],$String)].apply(al,$externalize($subslice(ak,1),EJ)));};})(n));E.copy(o.Func,new E.ptr($assertType(ai,DU),(aj),w));o.Index=m;AV.copy(o,o);$s=-1;return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:R.ptr.prototype.Method,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};R.prototype.Method=function(m){return this.$val.Method(m);};BA=function(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=[n];o=[o];p=[p];q=CC(m);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,E);if(!(($clone(r,E).Kind()===23))){$panic(new I.ptr("Swapper",$clone(r,E).Kind()));}p[0]=(($clone(r,E).Len()>>>0));s=p[0];if(s===(0)){$s=-1;return(function(n,o,p){return function(t,u){var t,u;$panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range"));};})(n,o,p);}else if(s===(1)){$s=-1;return(function(n,o,p){return function(t,u){var t,u;if(!((t===0))||!((u===0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range"));}};})(n,o,p);}n[0]=m.$array;o[0]=$parseInt(m.$offset)>>0;$s=-1;return(function(n,o,p){return function(t,u){var t,u,v;if(((t>>>0))>=p[0]||((u>>>0))>=p[0]){$panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range"));}t=t+(o[0])>>0;u=u+(o[0])>>0;v=n[0][t];n[0][t]=n[0][u];n[0][u]=v;};})(n,o,p);}return;}var $f={$blk:BA,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Swapper=BA;BC=function(){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=(function(m){var m;});$r=m((n=new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),new n.constructor.elem(n)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((o=new BL.ptr(0,0,0,0,ED.nil),new o.constructor.elem(o)));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((p=new S.ptr(0,0,0,0),new p.constructor.elem(p)));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((q=new U.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),DU.nil,DU.nil,0),new q.constructor.elem(q)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((r=new V.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),DU.nil,0),new r.constructor.elem(r)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((s=new BN.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),0,0,DW.nil,DW.nil),new s.constructor.elem(s)));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((t=new X.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),new BO.ptr(EG.nil),EK.nil),new t.constructor.elem(t)));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((u=new Y.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),DU.nil,DU.nil,DU.nil,$throwNilPointerError,0,0,0,0),new u.constructor.elem(u)));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((v=new Z.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),DU.nil),new v.constructor.elem(v)));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((w=new AA.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),DU.nil),new w.constructor.elem(w)));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((x=new AC.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),new BO.ptr(EG.nil),EL.nil),new x.constructor.elem(x)));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((y=new W.ptr(0,0),new y.constructor.elem(y)));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m((z=new AB.ptr(new BO.ptr(EG.nil),DU.nil,0),new z.constructor.elem(z)));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BB=true;BD=$assertType(CB(new $Uint8(0)),DU);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BC,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BI=function(m){var m;return m[$externalize(BE,$String)];};BJ=function(m){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;if(m[$externalize(BF,$String)]===undefined){n=new R.ptr(((($parseInt(m.size)>>0)>>>0)),0,0,0,0,0,((($parseInt(m.kind)>>0)<<24>>>24)),$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,BT($clone(BR(BW(m.string),"",!!(m.exported)),BO)),0);n[$externalize(BE,$String)]=m;m[$externalize(BF,$String)]=n;o=$methodSet(m);if(!(($parseInt(o.length)===0))||!!(m.named)){n.tflag=(n.tflag|(1))>>>0;if(!!(m.named)){n.tflag=(n.tflag|(4))>>>0;}p=ED.nil;q=0;while(true){if(!(q<$parseInt(o.length))){break;}r=o[q];s=BW(r.pkg)==="";if(!s){q=q+(1)>>0;continue;}p=$append(p,new S.ptr(BT($clone(BR(BW(r.name),"",s),BO)),BV(BJ(r.typ)),0,0));q=q+(1)>>0;}t=((p.$length<<16>>>16));u=0;while(true){if(!(u<$parseInt(o.length))){break;}v=o[u];w=BW(v.pkg)==="";if(w){u=u+(1)>>0;continue;}p=$append(p,new S.ptr(BT($clone(BR(BW(v.name),"",w),BO)),BV(BJ(v.typ)),0,0));u=u+(1)>>0;}x=new BL.ptr(BT($clone(BR(BW(m.pkg),"",false),BO)),(($parseInt(o.length)<<16>>>16)),t,0,p);y=n;(BM||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[DU.keyFor(y)]={k:y,v:x};x[$externalize(BE,$String)]=m;}z=n.Kind();if(z===(17)){BK(n,new U.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),BJ(m.elem),DU.nil,((($parseInt(m.len)>>0)>>>0))));}else if(z===(18)){aa=3;if(!!(m.sendOnly)){aa=2;}if(!!(m.recvOnly)){aa=1;}BK(n,new V.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),BJ(m.elem),((aa>>>0))));}else if(z===(19)){ab=m.params;ac=$makeSlice(DW,$parseInt(ab.length));ad=ac;ae=0;while(true){if(!(ae=ac.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),BJ(m.elem)));}else if(z===(23)){BK(n,new AA.ptr(new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0),BJ(m.elem)));}else if(z===(25)){as=m.fields;at=$makeSlice(EL,$parseInt(as.length));au=at;av=0;while(true){if(!(av>>0))<<1>>>0;if(!!(ax.embedded)){ay=(ay|(1))>>>0;}AB.copy(((aw<0||aw>=at.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):at.$array[at.$offset+aw]),new AB.ptr($clone(BR(BW(ax.name),BW(ax.tag),!!(ax.exported)),BO),BJ(ax.typ),ay));av++;}BK(n,new AC.ptr($clone(n,R),$clone(BR(BW(m.pkgPath),"",false),BO),at));}}return((m[$externalize(BF,$String)]));};BK=function(m,n){var m,n;m[$externalize(BG,$String)]=n;n[$externalize(BH,$String)]=m;};BL.ptr.prototype.methods=function(){var m;m=this;return m._methods;};BL.prototype.methods=function(){return this.$val.methods();};BL.ptr.prototype.exportedMethods=function(){var m;m=this;return $subslice(m._methods,0,m.xcount,m.xcount);};BL.prototype.exportedMethods=function(){return this.$val.exportedMethods();};R.ptr.prototype.uncommon=function(){var m,n;m=this;return(n=BM[DU.keyFor(m)],n!==undefined?n.v:EC.nil);};R.prototype.uncommon=function(){return this.$val.uncommon();};BN.ptr.prototype.in$=function(){var m;m=this;return m._in;};BN.prototype.in$=function(){return this.$val.in$();};BN.ptr.prototype.out=function(){var m;m=this;return m._out;};BN.prototype.out=function(){return this.$val.out();};BO.ptr.prototype.name=function(){var m,n,o;m="";n=this;m=(o=BQ[EG.keyFor(n.bytes)],o!==undefined?o.v:EM.nil).name;return m;};BO.prototype.name=function(){return this.$val.name();};BO.ptr.prototype.tag=function(){var m,n,o;m="";n=this;m=(o=BQ[EG.keyFor(n.bytes)],o!==undefined?o.v:EM.nil).tag;return m;};BO.prototype.tag=function(){return this.$val.tag();};BO.ptr.prototype.pkgPath=function(){var m;m=this;return"";};BO.prototype.pkgPath=function(){return this.$val.pkgPath();};BO.ptr.prototype.isExported=function(){var m,n;m=this;return(n=BQ[EG.keyFor(m.bytes)],n!==undefined?n.v:EM.nil).exported;};BO.prototype.isExported=function(){return this.$val.isExported();};BR=function(m,n,o){var m,n,o,p,q;p=$newDataPointer(0,EG);q=p;(BQ||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[EG.keyFor(q)]={k:q,v:new BP.ptr(m,n,o)};return new BO.ptr(p);};R.ptr.prototype.nameOff=function(m){var m,n,o;n=this;return(o=((m>>0)),((o<0||o>=BS.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BS.$array[BS.$offset+o]));};R.prototype.nameOff=function(m){return this.$val.nameOff(m);};BT=function(m){var m,n;n=BS.$length;BS=$append(BS,m);return((n>>0));};R.ptr.prototype.typeOff=function(m){var m,n,o;n=this;return(o=((m>>0)),((o<0||o>=BU.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BU.$array[BU.$offset+o]));};R.prototype.typeOff=function(m){return this.$val.typeOff(m);};BV=function(m){var m,n;n=BU.$length;BU=$append(BU,m);return((n>>0));};BW=function(m){var m,n;n=new EN.ptr("");n.str=m;return n.str;};BX=function(m){var m;return!!(BI(m).wrapped);};BY=function(m,n,o){var m,n,o,p,q,r;p=BI(o).fields;q=0;while(true){if(!(q<$parseInt(p.length))){break;}r=$internalize(p[q].prop,$String);m[$externalize(r,$String)]=n[$externalize(r,$String)];q=q+(1)>>0;}};BZ=function(m,n,o){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:p=m.common();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;t=m.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(t===17){s=true;$s=5;continue s;}u=m.Kind();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=u===25;case 5:if(s){r=true;$s=4;continue s;}v=m.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=v===22;case 4:if(r){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:w=m.Kind();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=new E.ptr(q,(n),(o|((w>>>0)))>>>0);$s=10;case 10:return x;case 3:y=m.Kind();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=new E.ptr(q,($newDataPointer(n,BI(q.ptrTo()))),(((o|((y>>>0)))>>>0)|128)>>>0);$s=12;case 12:return z;}return;}var $f={$blk:BZ,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CB=function(m){var m;if(!BB){return new R.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,EG.nil,0,0);}if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)){return $ifaceNil;}return BJ(m.constructor);};$pkg.TypeOf=CB;CC=function(m){var{m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return new E.ptr(DU.nil,0,0);}n=BZ(BJ(m.constructor),m.$val,0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:CC,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ValueOf=CC;CF=function(m,n,o){var{aa,ab,ac,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(o)){p=false;$s=3;continue s;}if(m.$length===0){q=true;$s=4;continue s;}s=(r=m.$length-1>>0,((r<0||r>=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+r])).Kind();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=!((s===23));case 4:p=q;case 3:if(p){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect.FuncOf: last arg of variadic func must be slice"));case 2:t=$makeSlice(EJ,m.$length);u=m;v=0;while(true){if(!(v=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+v]);((w<0||w>=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+w]=BI(x));v++;}y=$makeSlice(EJ,n.$length);z=n;aa=0;while(true){if(!(aa=z.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z.$array[z.$offset+aa]);((ab<0||ab>=y.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+ab]=BI(ac));aa++;}$s=-1;return BJ($funcType($externalize(t,EJ),$externalize(y,EJ),$externalize(o,$Bool)));}return;}var $f={$blk:CF,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.FuncOf=CF;R.ptr.prototype.ptrTo=function(){var m;m=this;return BJ($ptrType(BI(m)));};R.prototype.ptrTo=function(){return this.$val.ptrTo();};CH=function(m){var m;return BJ($sliceType(BI(m)));};$pkg.SliceOf=CH;CJ=function(m){var m,n;n=m.Kind();if(n===(25)){return(new(BI(m).ptr)());}else if(n===(17)){return(BI(m).zero());}else{return($newDataPointer(BI(m).zero(),BI(m.ptrTo())));}};CM=function(m,n,o){var m,n,o;n.$set(o.$get());};CQ=function(m,n){var m,n,o,p;o=n;if(!(o.$get===undefined)){o=o.$get();}p=$internalize(BI(m.Key()).keyFor(o),$String);return[o,p];};CR=function(m,n,o){var m,n,o,p,q,r;p=CQ(m,o);q=p[1];r=n[$externalize(q,$String)];if(r===undefined){return 0;}return($newDataPointer(r.v,BI(DL(m.Elem()))));};CU.ptr.prototype.skipUntilValidKey=function(){var m,n;m=this;while(true){if(!(m.i<$parseInt(m.keys.length))){break;}n=m.keys[m.i];if(!(m.m[$externalize($internalize(n,$String),$String)]===undefined)){break;}m.i=m.i+(1)>>0;}};CU.prototype.skipUntilValidKey=function(){return this.$val.skipUntilValidKey();};CV=function(m,n){var m,n;return(new CU.ptr(m,n,$keys(n),0,null));};CX=function(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=($pointerOfStructConversion(m,EO));o=null;if(!(n.last===null)){o=n.last;}else{n.skipUntilValidKey();if(n.i===$parseInt(n.keys.length)){$s=-1;return 0;}p=n.keys[n.i];o=n.m[$externalize($internalize(p,$String),$String)];n.last=o;}q=$assertType(n.t,CW).Key();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=DL(q);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=BI(r);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=($newDataPointer(o.k,s));$s=4;case 4:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:CX,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};CY=function(m){var m,n;n=($pointerOfStructConversion(m,EO));n.last=null;n.i=n.i+(1)>>0;};CZ=function(m){var m;return $parseInt($keys(m).length);};DC=function(m,n,o){var m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;p=DU.nil;q=EE.nil;r=0;s="";if(n.typ.Kind()===20){t=(n.typ.kindType);if(o<0||o>=t.methods.$length){$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index"));}v=(u=t.methods,((o<0||o>=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+o]));if(!$clone(t.rtype.nameOff(v.name),BO).isExported()){$panic(new $String("reflect: "+m+" of unexported method"));}q=(t.rtype.typeOff(v.typ).kindType);s=$clone(t.rtype.nameOff(v.name),BO).name();}else{w=n.typ.exportedMethods();if(((o>>>0))>=((w.$length>>>0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index"));}x=$clone(((o<0||o>=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+o]),S);if(!$clone(n.typ.nameOff(x.name),BO).isExported()){$panic(new $String("reflect: "+m+" of unexported method"));}q=(n.typ.typeOff(x.mtyp).kindType);s=$internalize($methodSet(BI(n.typ))[o].prop,$String);}y=$clone(n,E).object();if(BX(n.typ)){y=new(BI(n.typ))(y);}r=(y[$externalize(s,$String)]);return[p,q,r];};DD=function(m){var{m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(m.flag===0){$panic(new I.ptr("reflect.Value.Interface",0));}if(!((((m.flag&512)>>>0)===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=DG("Interface",$clone(m,E));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}E.copy(m,n);case 2:if(BX(m.typ)){$s=-1;return((new(BI(m.typ))($clone(m,E).object())));}$s=-1;return(($clone(m,E).object()));}return;}var $f={$blk:DD,$c:true,$r,m,n,$s};return $f;};DE=function(m,n,o){var m,n,o;o.$set(n);};DF=function(){return"?FIXME?";};DG=function(m,n){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=[o];p=[p];if(((n.flag&512)>>>0)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid use of makePartialFunc"));}q=DC(m,$clone(n,E),((n.flag>>0))>>10>>0);o[0]=q[2];p[0]=$clone(n,E).object();if(BX(n.typ)){p[0]=new(BI(n.typ))(p[0]);}r=D.MakeFunc((function(o,p){return function(r,s){var r,s;return new $jsObjectPtr(o[0].apply(p[0],$externalize(s,EJ)));};})(o,p));s=$clone(n,E).Type().common();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=new E.ptr(s,(r),(new F(n.flag).ro()|19)>>>0);$s=2;case 2:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:DG,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};DI=function(m,n){var 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$Uint64(0,0);this.state2=0;return;}this.counter=counter_;this.ch=ch_;this.state1=state1_;this.state2=state2_;});AO=$pkg.Pool=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"sync.Pool",true,"sync",true,function(store_,New_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.store=BV.nil;this.New=$throwNilPointerError;return;}this.store=store_;this.New=New_;});AR=$pkg.Cond=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"sync.Cond",true,"sync",true,function(noCopy_,L_,notify_,checker_,n_,ch_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.noCopy=new AD.ptr();this.L=$ifaceNil;this.notify=new F.ptr(0,0,0,0,0);this.checker=0;this.n=0;this.ch=$chanNil;return;}this.noCopy=noCopy_;this.L=L_;this.notify=notify_;this.checker=checker_;this.n=n_;this.ch=ch_;});AS=$ptrType($Uint64);AT=$ptrType($Uint32);AV=$ptrType($Int32);AW=$ptrType(E);AX=$ptrType(D);AY=$ptrType($UnsafePointer);BD=$ptrType($emptyInterface);BE=$ptrType(Z);BG=$structType("",[]);BH=$chanType($Bool,false,false);BI=$sliceType(BH);BL=$funcType([],[],false);BM=$ptrType(T);BN=$ptrType(U);BO=$funcType([$emptyInterface,$emptyInterface],[$Bool],false);BP=$ptrType(W);BQ=$mapType($emptyInterface,BE);BR=$ptrType(AC);BS=$ptrType(AD);BT=$ptrType(AE);BU=$chanType(BG,false,false);BV=$sliceType($emptyInterface);BW=$ptrType(AO);BX=$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false);BY=$ptrType(AR);AE.ptr.prototype.Done=function(){var j;j=this;j.Add(-1);};AE.prototype.Done=function(){return this.$val.Done();};D.ptr.prototype.RLock=function(){var{j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(false){$unused(j.w.state);A.Disable();}if(B.AddInt32((j.$ptr_readerCount||(j.$ptr_readerCount=new AV(function(){return this.$target.readerCount;},function($v){this.$target.readerCount=$v;},j))),1)<0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=AI((j.$ptr_readerSem||(j.$ptr_readerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.readerSem;},function($v){this.$target.readerSem=$v;},j))),false,0);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(false){A.Enable();A.Acquire(((j.$ptr_readerSem||(j.$ptr_readerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.readerSem;},function($v){this.$target.readerSem=$v;},j)))));}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.RLock,$c:true,$r,j,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.RLock=function(){return this.$val.RLock();};D.ptr.prototype.TryRLock=function(){var j,k;j=this;if(false){$unused(j.w.state);A.Disable();}while(true){k=B.LoadInt32((j.$ptr_readerCount||(j.$ptr_readerCount=new AV(function(){return this.$target.readerCount;},function($v){this.$target.readerCount=$v;},j))));if(k<0){if(false){A.Enable();}return false;}if(B.CompareAndSwapInt32((j.$ptr_readerCount||(j.$ptr_readerCount=new AV(function(){return this.$target.readerCount;},function($v){this.$target.readerCount=$v;},j))),k,k+1>>0)){if(false){A.Enable();A.Acquire(((j.$ptr_readerSem||(j.$ptr_readerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.readerSem;},function($v){this.$target.readerSem=$v;},j)))));}return true;}}};D.prototype.TryRLock=function(){return this.$val.TryRLock();};D.ptr.prototype.RUnlock=function(){var{j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(false){$unused(j.w.state);A.ReleaseMerge(((j.$ptr_writerSem||(j.$ptr_writerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.writerSem;},function($v){this.$target.writerSem=$v;},j)))));A.Disable();}k=B.AddInt32((j.$ptr_readerCount||(j.$ptr_readerCount=new AV(function(){return this.$target.readerCount;},function($v){this.$target.readerCount=$v;},j))),-1);if(k<0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=j.rUnlockSlow(k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(false){A.Enable();}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.RUnlock,$c:true,$r,j,k,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.RUnlock=function(){return this.$val.RUnlock();};D.ptr.prototype.rUnlockSlow=function(j){var{j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;if(((j+1>>0)===0)||((j+1>>0)===-1073741824)){A.Enable();AN("sync: RUnlock of unlocked RWMutex");}if(B.AddInt32((k.$ptr_readerWait||(k.$ptr_readerWait=new AV(function(){return this.$target.readerWait;},function($v){this.$target.readerWait=$v;},k))),-1)===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=AJ((k.$ptr_writerSem||(k.$ptr_writerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.writerSem;},function($v){this.$target.writerSem=$v;},k))),false,1);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.rUnlockSlow,$c:true,$r,j,k,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.rUnlockSlow=function(j){return this.$val.rUnlockSlow(j);};D.ptr.prototype.Lock=function(){var{j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(false){$unused(j.w.state);A.Disable();}$r=j.w.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=B.AddInt32((j.$ptr_readerCount||(j.$ptr_readerCount=new AV(function(){return this.$target.readerCount;},function($v){this.$target.readerCount=$v;},j))),-1073741824)+1073741824>>0;if(!((k===0))&&!((B.AddInt32((j.$ptr_readerWait||(j.$ptr_readerWait=new AV(function(){return this.$target.readerWait;},function($v){this.$target.readerWait=$v;},j))),k)===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=AI((j.$ptr_writerSem||(j.$ptr_writerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.writerSem;},function($v){this.$target.writerSem=$v;},j))),false,0);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:if(false){A.Enable();A.Acquire(((j.$ptr_readerSem||(j.$ptr_readerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.readerSem;},function($v){this.$target.readerSem=$v;},j)))));A.Acquire(((j.$ptr_writerSem||(j.$ptr_writerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.writerSem;},function($v){this.$target.writerSem=$v;},j)))));}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.Lock,$c:true,$r,j,k,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.Lock=function(){return this.$val.Lock();};D.ptr.prototype.TryLock=function(){var{j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(false){$unused(j.w.state);A.Disable();}if(!j.w.TryLock()){if(false){A.Enable();}$s=-1;return false;}if(!B.CompareAndSwapInt32((j.$ptr_readerCount||(j.$ptr_readerCount=new AV(function(){return this.$target.readerCount;},function($v){this.$target.readerCount=$v;},j))),0,-1073741824)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=j.w.Unlock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(false){A.Enable();}$s=-1;return false;case 2:if(false){A.Enable();A.Acquire(((j.$ptr_readerSem||(j.$ptr_readerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.readerSem;},function($v){this.$target.readerSem=$v;},j)))));A.Acquire(((j.$ptr_writerSem||(j.$ptr_writerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.writerSem;},function($v){this.$target.writerSem=$v;},j)))));}$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.TryLock,$c:true,$r,j,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.TryLock=function(){return this.$val.TryLock();};D.ptr.prototype.Unlock=function(){var{j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(false){$unused(j.w.state);A.Release(((j.$ptr_readerSem||(j.$ptr_readerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.readerSem;},function($v){this.$target.readerSem=$v;},j)))));A.Disable();}k=B.AddInt32((j.$ptr_readerCount||(j.$ptr_readerCount=new AV(function(){return this.$target.readerCount;},function($v){this.$target.readerCount=$v;},j))),1073741824);if(k>=1073741824){A.Enable();AN("sync: Unlock of unlocked RWMutex");}l=0;case 1:if(!(l<((k>>0)))){$s=2;continue;}$r=AJ((j.$ptr_readerSem||(j.$ptr_readerSem=new AT(function(){return this.$target.readerSem;},function($v){this.$target.readerSem=$v;},j))),false,0);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=l+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$r=j.w.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(false){A.Enable();}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.Unlock,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.Unlock=function(){return this.$val.Unlock();};D.ptr.prototype.RLocker=function(){var j;j=this;return($pointerOfStructConversion(j,AW));};D.prototype.RLocker=function(){return this.$val.RLocker();};E.ptr.prototype.Lock=function(){var{j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;$r=($pointerOfStructConversion(j,AX)).RLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.Lock,$c:true,$r,j,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.Lock=function(){return this.$val.Lock();};E.ptr.prototype.Unlock=function(){var{j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;$r=($pointerOfStructConversion(j,AX)).RUnlock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:E.ptr.prototype.Unlock,$c:true,$r,j,$s};return $f;};E.prototype.Unlock=function(){return this.$val.Unlock();};K=function(){var j;j=new F.ptr(0,0,0,0,0);AK(20);};L=function(){$throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: sync.runtime_doSpin");};T.ptr.prototype.Do=function(j){var{j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;if(B.LoadUint32((k.$ptr_done||(k.$ptr_done=new AT(function(){return this.$target.done;},function($v){this.$target.done=$v;},k))))===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=k.doSlow(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.Do,$c:true,$r,j,k,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.Do=function(j){return this.$val.Do(j);};T.ptr.prototype.doSlow=function(j){var{j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);k=this;$r=k.m.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(k.m,"Unlock"),[]]);if(k.done===0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$deferred.push([B.StoreUint32,[(k.$ptr_done||(k.$ptr_done=new AT(function(){return this.$target.done;},function($v){this.$target.done=$v;},k))),1]]);$r=j();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.doSlow,$c:true,$r,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};T.prototype.doSlow=function(j){return this.$val.doSlow(j);};U.ptr.prototype.Lock=function(){var{j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(B.CompareAndSwapInt32((j.$ptr_state||(j.$ptr_state=new AV(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},j))),0,1)){if(false){A.Acquire((j));}$s=-1;return;}$r=j.lockSlow();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Lock,$c:true,$r,j,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Lock=function(){return this.$val.Lock();};U.ptr.prototype.TryLock=function(){var j,k;j=this;k=j.state;if(!(((k&5)===0))){return false;}if(!B.CompareAndSwapInt32((j.$ptr_state||(j.$ptr_state=new AV(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},j))),k,k|1)){return false;}if(false){A.Acquire((j));}return true;};U.prototype.TryLock=function(){return this.$val.TryLock();};U.ptr.prototype.lockSlow=function(){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=new $Int64(0,0);l=false;m=false;n=0;o=j.state;case 1:if(((o&5)===1)&&AL(n)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:if(!m&&((o&2)===0)&&!(((o>>3>>0)===0))&&B.CompareAndSwapInt32((j.$ptr_state||(j.$ptr_state=new AV(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},j))),o,o|2)){m=true;}$r=L();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=n+(1)>>0;o=j.state;$s=1;continue;case 4:p=o;if((o&4)===0){p=p|(1);}if(!(((o&5)===0))){p=p+(8)>>0;}if(l&&!(((o&1)===0))){p=p|(4);}if(m){if((p&2)===0){AN("sync: inconsistent mutex state");}p=(p&~(2))>>0;}if(B.CompareAndSwapInt32((j.$ptr_state||(j.$ptr_state=new AV(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},j))),o,p)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:if((o&5)===0){$s=2;continue;}q=!((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0));if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){k=AM();}$r=AI((j.$ptr_sema||(j.$ptr_sema=new AT(function(){return this.$target.sema;},function($v){this.$target.sema=$v;},j))),q,1);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=l||(r=(s=AM(),new $Int64(s.$high-k.$high,s.$low-k.$low)),(r.$high>0||(r.$high===0&&r.$low>1000000)));o=j.state;if(!(((o&4)===0))){if(!(((o&3)===0))||((o>>3>>0)===0)){AN("sync: inconsistent mutex state");}t=-7;if(!l||((o>>3>>0)===1)){t=t-(4)>>0;}B.AddInt32((j.$ptr_state||(j.$ptr_state=new AV(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},j))),t);$s=2;continue;}m=true;n=0;$s=8;continue;case 7:o=j.state;case 8:$s=1;continue;case 2:if(false){A.Acquire((j));}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.lockSlow,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.lockSlow=function(){return this.$val.lockSlow();};U.ptr.prototype.Unlock=function(){var{j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(false){$unused(j.state);A.Release((j));}k=B.AddInt32((j.$ptr_state||(j.$ptr_state=new AV(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},j))),-1);if(!((k===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=j.unlockSlow(k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Unlock,$c:true,$r,j,k,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Unlock=function(){return this.$val.Unlock();};U.ptr.prototype.unlockSlow=function(j){var{j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;if((((j+1>>0))&1)===0){AN("sync: unlock of unlocked mutex");}if((j&4)===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=j;case 4:if(((l>>3>>0)===0)||!(((l&7)===0))){$s=-1;return;}j=((l-8>>0))|2;if(B.CompareAndSwapInt32((k.$ptr_state||(k.$ptr_state=new AV(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},k))),l,j)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=AJ((k.$ptr_sema||(k.$ptr_sema=new AT(function(){return this.$target.sema;},function($v){this.$target.sema=$v;},k))),false,1);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 7:l=k.state;$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=AJ((k.$ptr_sema||(k.$ptr_sema=new AT(function(){return this.$target.sema;},function($v){this.$target.sema=$v;},k))),true,1);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.unlockSlow,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.unlockSlow=function(j){return this.$val.unlockSlow(j);};AA=function(j){var j,k;return new Z.ptr(((k||(k=new BD(function(){return j;},function($v){j=$v;})))));};W.ptr.prototype.Load=function(j){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$ifaceNil;l=false;m=this;n=$assertType(m.read.Load(),X,true);o=$clone(n[0],X);p=(q=o.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],q!==undefined?[q.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);r=p[0];l=p[1];if(!l&&o.amended){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=m.mu.Lock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$assertType(m.read.Load(),X,true);X.copy(o,s[0]);t=(u=o.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],u!==undefined?[u.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);r=t[0];l=t[1];if(!l&&o.amended){v=(w=m.dirty[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],w!==undefined?[w.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);r=v[0];l=v[1];m.missLocked();}$r=m.mu.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(!l){x=$ifaceNil;y=false;k=x;l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}z=r.load();k=z[0];l=z[1];$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.Load,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.Load=function(j){return this.$val.Load(j);};Z.ptr.prototype.load=function(){var j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;j=$ifaceNil;k=false;l=this;m=B.LoadPointer((l.$ptr_p||(l.$ptr_p=new AY(function(){return this.$target.p;},function($v){this.$target.p=$v;},l))));if(m===0||m===Y){n=$ifaceNil;o=false;j=n;k=o;return[j,k];}p=(m).$get();q=true;j=p;k=q;return[j,k];};Z.prototype.load=function(){return this.$val.load();};W.ptr.prototype.Store=function(j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=[k];l=this;m=$assertType(l.read.Load(),X,true);n=$clone(m[0],X);o=(p=n.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],p!==undefined?[p.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);q=o[0];r=o[1];if(r&&q.tryStore((k.$ptr||(k.$ptr=new BD(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},k))))){$s=-1;return;}$r=l.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$assertType(l.read.Load(),X,true);X.copy(n,s[0]);t=(u=n.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],u!==undefined?[u.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);v=t[0];w=t[1];if(w){if(v.unexpungeLocked()){x=j;(l.dirty||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(x)]={k:x,v:v};}v.storeLocked((k.$ptr||(k.$ptr=new BD(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},k))));}else{y=(z=l.dirty[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],z!==undefined?[z.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);aa=y[0];ab=y[1];if(ab){aa.storeLocked((k.$ptr||(k.$ptr=new BD(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},k))));}else{if(!n.amended){l.dirtyLocked();l.read.Store((ac=new X.ptr(n.m,true),new ac.constructor.elem(ac)));}ad=j;(l.dirty||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(ad)]={k:ad,v:AA(k[0])};}}$r=l.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.Store,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.Store=function(j,k){return this.$val.Store(j,k);};Z.ptr.prototype.tryStore=function(j){var j,k,l;k=this;while(true){l=B.LoadPointer((k.$ptr_p||(k.$ptr_p=new AY(function(){return this.$target.p;},function($v){this.$target.p=$v;},k))));if(l===Y){return false;}if(B.CompareAndSwapPointer((k.$ptr_p||(k.$ptr_p=new AY(function(){return this.$target.p;},function($v){this.$target.p=$v;},k))),l,(j))){return true;}}};Z.prototype.tryStore=function(j){return this.$val.tryStore(j);};Z.ptr.prototype.unexpungeLocked=function(){var j,k;j=false;k=this;j=B.CompareAndSwapPointer((k.$ptr_p||(k.$ptr_p=new AY(function(){return this.$target.p;},function($v){this.$target.p=$v;},k))),Y,0);return j;};Z.prototype.unexpungeLocked=function(){return this.$val.unexpungeLocked();};Z.ptr.prototype.storeLocked=function(j){var j,k;k=this;B.StorePointer((k.$ptr_p||(k.$ptr_p=new AY(function(){return this.$target.p;},function($v){this.$target.p=$v;},k))),(j));};Z.prototype.storeLocked=function(j){return this.$val.storeLocked(j);};W.ptr.prototype.LoadOrStore=function(j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=$ifaceNil;m=false;n=this;o=$assertType(n.read.Load(),X,true);p=$clone(o[0],X);q=(r=p.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],r!==undefined?[r.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);s=q[0];t=q[1];if(t){u=s.tryLoadOrStore(k);v=u[0];w=u[1];x=u[2];if(x){y=v;z=w;l=y;m=z;$s=-1;return[l,m];}}$r=n.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=$assertType(n.read.Load(),X,true);X.copy(p,aa[0]);ab=(ac=p.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],ac!==undefined?[ac.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);ad=ab[0];ae=ab[1];if(ae){if(ad.unexpungeLocked()){af=j;(n.dirty||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(af)]={k:af,v:ad};}ag=ad.tryLoadOrStore(k);l=ag[0];m=ag[1];}else{ah=(ai=n.dirty[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],ai!==undefined?[ai.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);aj=ah[0];ak=ah[1];if(ak){al=aj.tryLoadOrStore(k);l=al[0];m=al[1];n.missLocked();}else{if(!p.amended){n.dirtyLocked();n.read.Store((am=new X.ptr(p.m,true),new am.constructor.elem(am)));}an=j;(n.dirty||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(an)]={k:an,v:AA(k)};ao=k;ap=false;l=ao;m=ap;}}$r=n.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=l;ar=m;l=aq;m=ar;$s=-1;return[l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.LoadOrStore,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.LoadOrStore=function(j,k){return this.$val.LoadOrStore(j,k);};Z.ptr.prototype.tryLoadOrStore=function(j){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;k=$ifaceNil;l=false;m=false;n=this;o=B.LoadPointer((n.$ptr_p||(n.$ptr_p=new AY(function(){return this.$target.p;},function($v){this.$target.p=$v;},n))));if(o===Y){p=$ifaceNil;q=false;r=false;k=p;l=q;m=r;return[k,l,m];}if(!(o===0)){s=(o).$get();t=true;u=true;k=s;l=t;m=u;return[k,l,m];}v=j;while(true){if(B.CompareAndSwapPointer((n.$ptr_p||(n.$ptr_p=new AY(function(){return this.$target.p;},function($v){this.$target.p=$v;},n))),0,((w||(w=new BD(function(){return v;},function($v){v=$v;})))))){x=j;y=false;z=true;k=x;l=y;m=z;return[k,l,m];}o=B.LoadPointer((n.$ptr_p||(n.$ptr_p=new AY(function(){return this.$target.p;},function($v){this.$target.p=$v;},n))));if(o===Y){aa=$ifaceNil;ab=false;ac=false;k=aa;l=ab;m=ac;return[k,l,m];}if(!(o===0)){ad=(o).$get();ae=true;af=true;k=ad;l=ae;m=af;return[k,l,m];}}};Z.prototype.tryLoadOrStore=function(j){return this.$val.tryLoadOrStore(j);};W.ptr.prototype.LoadAndDelete=function(j){var{aa,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$ifaceNil;l=false;m=this;n=$assertType(m.read.Load(),X,true);o=$clone(n[0],X);p=(q=o.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],q!==undefined?[q.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);r=p[0];s=p[1];if(!s&&o.amended){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=m.mu.Lock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$assertType(m.read.Load(),X,true);X.copy(o,t[0]);u=(v=o.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],v!==undefined?[v.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);r=u[0];s=u[1];if(!s&&o.amended){w=(x=m.dirty[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],x!==undefined?[x.v,true]:[BE.nil,false]);r=w[0];s=w[1];delete m.dirty[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)];m.missLocked();}$r=m.mu.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(s){y=r.delete$();k=y[0];l=y[1];$s=-1;return[k,l];}z=$ifaceNil;aa=false;k=z;l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.LoadAndDelete,$c:true,$r,aa,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.LoadAndDelete=function(j){return this.$val.LoadAndDelete(j);};W.ptr.prototype.Delete=function(j){var{j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=k.LoadAndDelete(j);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.Delete,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.Delete=function(j){return this.$val.Delete(j);};Z.ptr.prototype.delete$=function(){var j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;j=$ifaceNil;k=false;l=this;while(true){m=B.LoadPointer((l.$ptr_p||(l.$ptr_p=new AY(function(){return this.$target.p;},function($v){this.$target.p=$v;},l))));if(m===0||m===Y){n=$ifaceNil;o=false;j=n;k=o;return[j,k];}if(B.CompareAndSwapPointer((l.$ptr_p||(l.$ptr_p=new AY(function(){return this.$target.p;},function($v){this.$target.p=$v;},l))),m,0)){p=(m).$get();q=true;j=p;k=q;return[j,k];}}};Z.prototype.delete$=function(){return this.$val.delete$();};W.ptr.prototype.Range=function(j){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=$assertType(k.read.Load(),X,true);m=$clone(l[0],X);if(m.amended){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=k.mu.Lock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$assertType(k.read.Load(),X,true);X.copy(m,n[0]);if(m.amended){X.copy(m,new X.ptr(k.dirty,false));k.read.Store(new m.constructor.elem(m));k.dirty=false;k.misses=0;}$r=k.mu.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:o=m.m;p=0;q=$keys(o);case 5:if(!(p>0;if(j.misses<$keys(j.dirty).length){return;}j.read.Store((k=new X.ptr(j.dirty,false),new k.constructor.elem(k)));j.dirty=false;j.misses=0;};W.prototype.missLocked=function(){return this.$val.missLocked();};W.ptr.prototype.dirtyLocked=function(){var j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;j=this;if(!(j.dirty===false)){return;}k=$assertType(j.read.Load(),X,true);l=$clone(k[0],X);j.dirty=(m=$keys(l.m).length,((m<0||m>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));n=l.m;o=0;p=$keys(n);while(true){if(!(o>0;if(k.counter<0){$panic(new $String("sync: negative WaitGroup counter"));}if(k.counter>0&&k.ch===$chanNil){k.ch=new $Chan(BG,0);}if((k.counter===0)&&!(k.ch===$chanNil)){$close(k.ch);k.ch=$chanNil;}};AE.prototype.Add=function(j){return this.$val.Add(j);};AE.ptr.prototype.Wait=function(){var{j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(j.counter>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=$recv(j.ch);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0];case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AE.ptr.prototype.Wait,$c:true,$r,j,k,$s};return $f;};AE.prototype.Wait=function(){return this.$val.Wait();};AH=function(j){var{j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=AI(j,false,1);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH,$c:true,$r,j,$s};return $f;};$linknames["sync.runtime_Semacquire"]=AH;AI=function(j,k,l){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(((j.$get()-(m=AG[AT.keyFor(j)],m!==undefined?m.v:0)>>>0))===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=new $Chan($Bool,0);if(k){o=j;(AF||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[AT.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:$appendSlice(new BI([n]),(p=AF[AT.keyFor(j)],p!==undefined?p.v:BI.nil))};}else{q=j;(AF||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[AT.keyFor(q)]={k:q,v:$append((r=AF[AT.keyFor(j)],r!==undefined?r.v:BI.nil),n)};}s=$recv(n);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s[0];t=j;(AG||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[AT.keyFor(t)]={k:t,v:(u=AG[AT.keyFor(j)],u!==undefined?u.v:0)-(1)>>>0};if((v=AG[AT.keyFor(j)],v!==undefined?v.v:0)===0){delete AG[AT.keyFor(j)];}case 2:j.$set(j.$get()-(1)>>>0);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AI,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};AJ=function(j,k,l){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j.$set(j.$get()+(1)>>>0);n=(m=AF[AT.keyFor(j)],m!==undefined?m.v:BI.nil);if(n.$length===0){$s=-1;return;}o=(0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0]);n=$subslice(n,1);p=j;(AF||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[AT.keyFor(p)]={k:p,v:n};if(n.$length===0){delete AF[AT.keyFor(j)];}q=j;(AG||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[AT.keyFor(q)]={k:q,v:(r=AG[AT.keyFor(j)],r!==undefined?r.v:0)+(1)>>>0};$r=$send(o,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AJ,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};$linknames["sync.runtime_Semrelease"]=AJ;AK=function(j){var j;};AL=function(j){var j;return false;};AM=function(){return $mul64($internalize(new($global.Date)().getTime(),$Int64),new $Int64(0,1000000));};AN=function(j){var j;$throwRuntimeError($externalize(j,$String));};AO.ptr.prototype.Get=function(){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(j.store.$length===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(!(j.New===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:k=j.New();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=6;case 6:return l;case 4:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:o=(m=j.store,n=j.store.$length-1>>0,((n<0||n>=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]));j.store=$subslice(j.store,0,(j.store.$length-1>>0));$s=-1;return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO.ptr.prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AO.prototype.Get=function(){return this.$val.Get();};AO.ptr.prototype.Put=function(j){var j,k;k=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil)){return;}k.store=$append(k.store,j);};AO.prototype.Put=function(j){return this.$val.Put(j);};AR.ptr.prototype.Wait=function(){var{j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;j.n=j.n+(1)>>0;if(j.ch===$chanNil){j.ch=new $Chan($Bool,0);}$r=j.L.Unlock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$recv(j.ch);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0];$r=j.L.Lock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.Wait,$c:true,$r,j,k,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.Wait=function(){return this.$val.Wait();};AR.ptr.prototype.Signal=function(){var{j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(j.n===0){$s=-1;return;}j.n=j.n-(1)>>0;$r=$send(j.ch,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.Signal,$c:true,$r,j,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.Signal=function(){return this.$val.Signal();};AR.ptr.prototype.Broadcast=function(){var{j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=j.n;j.n=0;l=0;case 1:if(!(l>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.Broadcast,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.Broadcast=function(){return 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4:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;e=u[0];f=u[1];w=[e,f];$s=5;case 5:return w;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.ReadAt,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.ReadAt=function(c,d){return this.$val.ReadAt(c,d);};AT.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var c,d,e;c=this;return(d=c.limit,e=c.base,new $Int64(d.$high-e.$high,d.$low-e.$low));};AT.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};AY.ptr.prototype.Write=function(c){var c;return[c.$length,$ifaceNil];};AY.prototype.Write=function(c){return this.$val.Write(c);};AY.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(c){var c;return[c.length,$ifaceNil];};AY.prototype.WriteString=function(c){return this.$val.WriteString(c);};AY.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=new $Int64(0,0);e=$ifaceNil;f=AZ.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break 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1:if(d.$length===d.$capacity){d=$subslice($append(d,0),0,d.$length);}f=c.Read($subslice(d,d.$length,d.$capacity));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];d=$subslice(d,0,(d.$length+g>>0));if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$pkg.EOF)){h=$ifaceNil;}$s=-1;return[d,h];}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[BF.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BC,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ReadAll=BC;H.methods=[{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)}];BI.methods=[{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)}];BL.methods=[{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)}];BT.methods=[{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Seek",name:"Seek",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int64,$Int],[$Int64,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadAt",name:"ReadAt",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF,$Int64],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Size",name:"Size",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int64],false)}];AY.methods=[{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"WriteString",name:"WriteString",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadFrom",name:"ReadFrom",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([N],[$Int64,$error],false)}];BB.methods=[{prop:"Close",name:"Close",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)}];H.init("",[]);I.init("io",[{prop:"readers",name:"readers",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:BJ,tag:""}]);N.init([{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)}]);O.init([{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)}]);P.init([{prop:"Close",name:"Close",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)}]);R.init([{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)}]);S.init([{prop:"Close",name:"Close",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)}]);T.init([{prop:"Close",name:"Close",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)}]);U.init([{prop:"Close",name:"Close",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF],[$Int,$error],false)}]);Z.init([{prop:"ReadFrom",name:"ReadFrom",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([N],[$Int64,$error],false)}]);AA.init([{prop:"WriteTo",name:"WriteTo",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([O],[$Int64,$error],false)}]);AB.init([{prop:"ReadAt",name:"ReadAt",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF,$Int64],[$Int,$error],false)}]);AD.init([{prop:"ReadByte",name:"ReadByte",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Uint8,$error],false)}]);AE.init([{prop:"ReadByte",name:"ReadByte",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Uint8,$error],false)},{prop:"UnreadByte",name:"UnreadByte",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)}]);AF.init([{prop:"WriteByte",name:"WriteByte",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Uint8],[$error],false)}]);AH.init([{prop:"ReadRune",name:"ReadRune",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int32,$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"UnreadRune",name:"UnreadRune",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)}]);AI.init([{prop:"WriteString",name:"WriteString",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$Int,$error],false)}]);AR.init("",[{prop:"R",name:"R",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:N,tag:""},{prop:"N",name:"N",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""}]);AT.init("io",[{prop:"r",name:"r",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AB,tag:""},{prop:"base",name:"base",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"off",name:"off",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"limit",name:"limit",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int64,tag:""}]);AY.init("",[]);BB.init("",[{prop:"Reader",name:"Reader",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:N,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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IG.ptr(2749,2768,19),new IG.ptr(2784,2785,1),new IG.ptr(2809,2821,12),new IG.ptr(2822,2828,1),new IG.ptr(2831,2832,1),new IG.ptr(2835,2856,1),new IG.ptr(2858,2864,1),new IG.ptr(2866,2867,1),new IG.ptr(2869,2873,1),new IG.ptr(2877,2908,31),new IG.ptr(2909,2911,2),new IG.ptr(2912,2913,1),new IG.ptr(2929,2947,18),new IG.ptr(2949,2954,1),new IG.ptr(2958,2960,1),new IG.ptr(2962,2965,1),new IG.ptr(2969,2970,1),new IG.ptr(2972,2974,2),new IG.ptr(2975,2979,4),new IG.ptr(2980,2984,4),new IG.ptr(2985,2986,1),new IG.ptr(2990,3001,1),new IG.ptr(3024,3077,53),new IG.ptr(3078,3084,1),new IG.ptr(3086,3088,1),new IG.ptr(3090,3112,1),new IG.ptr(3114,3129,1),new IG.ptr(3133,3160,27),new IG.ptr(3161,3162,1),new IG.ptr(3168,3169,1),new IG.ptr(3200,3205,5),new IG.ptr(3206,3212,1),new IG.ptr(3214,3216,1),new IG.ptr(3218,3240,1),new IG.ptr(3242,3251,1),new IG.ptr(3253,3257,1),new IG.ptr(3261,3294,33),new IG.ptr(3296,3297,1),new IG.ptr(3313,3314,1),new IG.ptr(3332,3340,1),new IG.ptr(3342,3344,1),new IG.ptr(3346,3386,1),new IG.ptr(3389,3406,17),new IG.ptr(3412,3414,1),new IG.ptr(3423,3425,1),new IG.ptr(3450,3455,1),new IG.ptr(3461,3478,1),new IG.ptr(3482,3505,1),new IG.ptr(3507,3515,1),new IG.ptr(3517,3520,3),new IG.ptr(3521,3526,1),new IG.ptr(3585,3632,1),new IG.ptr(3634,3635,1),new IG.ptr(3648,3654,1),new IG.ptr(3713,3714,1),new IG.ptr(3716,3718,2),new IG.ptr(3719,3722,1),new IG.ptr(3724,3747,1),new IG.ptr(3749,3751,2),new IG.ptr(3752,3760,1),new IG.ptr(3762,3763,1),new IG.ptr(3773,3776,3),new IG.ptr(3777,3780,1),new IG.ptr(3782,3804,22),new IG.ptr(3805,3807,1),new IG.ptr(3840,3904,64),new IG.ptr(3905,3911,1),new IG.ptr(3913,3948,1),new IG.ptr(3976,3980,1),new IG.ptr(4096,4138,1),new IG.ptr(4159,4176,17),new IG.ptr(4177,4181,1),new IG.ptr(4186,4189,1),new IG.ptr(4193,4197,4),new IG.ptr(4198,4206,8),new IG.ptr(4207,4208,1),new IG.ptr(4213,4225,1),new IG.ptr(4238,4256,18),new IG.ptr(4257,4293,1),new IG.ptr(4295,4301,6),new IG.ptr(4304,4346,1),new IG.ptr(4348,4680,1),new IG.ptr(4682,4685,1),new IG.ptr(4688,4694,1),new IG.ptr(4696,4698,2),new IG.ptr(4699,4701,1),new IG.ptr(4704,4744,1),new IG.ptr(4746,4749,1),new IG.ptr(4752,4784,1),new IG.ptr(4786,4789,1),new IG.ptr(4792,4798,1),new IG.ptr(4800,4802,2),new IG.ptr(4803,4805,1),new IG.ptr(4808,4822,1),new IG.ptr(4824,4880,1),new IG.ptr(4882,4885,1),new IG.ptr(4888,4954,1),new IG.ptr(4992,5007,1),new IG.ptr(5024,5109,1),new IG.ptr(5112,5117,1),new IG.ptr(5121,5740,1),new IG.ptr(5743,5759,1),new IG.ptr(5761,5786,1),new IG.ptr(5792,5866,1),new IG.ptr(5873,5880,1),new IG.ptr(5888,5900,1),new IG.ptr(5902,5905,1),new IG.ptr(5920,5937,1),new IG.ptr(5952,5969,1),new IG.ptr(5984,5996,1),new IG.ptr(5998,6000,1),new IG.ptr(6016,6067,1),new IG.ptr(6103,6108,5),new IG.ptr(6176,6264,1),new IG.ptr(6272,6276,1),new IG.ptr(6279,6312,1),new IG.ptr(6314,6320,6),new IG.ptr(6321,6389,1),new IG.ptr(6400,6430,1),new IG.ptr(6480,6509,1),new IG.ptr(6512,6516,1),new IG.ptr(6528,6571,1),new IG.ptr(6576,6601,1),new IG.ptr(6656,6678,1),new IG.ptr(6688,6740,1),new IG.ptr(6823,6917,94),new IG.ptr(6918,6963,1),new IG.ptr(6981,6987,1),new IG.ptr(7043,7072,1),new IG.ptr(7086,7087,1),new IG.ptr(7098,7141,1),new IG.ptr(7168,7203,1),new IG.ptr(7245,7247,1),new IG.ptr(7258,7293,1),new IG.ptr(7296,7304,1),new IG.ptr(7312,7354,1),new IG.ptr(7357,7359,1),new IG.ptr(7401,7404,1),new IG.ptr(7406,7411,1),new IG.ptr(7413,7414,1),new IG.ptr(7418,7424,6),new IG.ptr(7425,7615,1),new IG.ptr(7680,7957,1),new IG.ptr(7960,7965,1),new IG.ptr(7968,8005,1),new IG.ptr(8008,8013,1),new IG.ptr(8016,8023,1),new IG.ptr(8025,8031,2),new IG.ptr(8032,8061,1),new IG.ptr(8064,8116,1),new IG.ptr(8118,8124,1),new IG.ptr(8126,8130,4),new IG.ptr(8131,8132,1),new IG.ptr(8134,8140,1),new IG.ptr(8144,8147,1),new IG.ptr(8150,8155,1),new IG.ptr(8160,8172,1),new IG.ptr(8178,8180,1),new IG.ptr(8182,8188,1),new IG.ptr(8305,8319,14),new IG.ptr(8336,8348,1),new IG.ptr(8450,8455,5),new IG.ptr(8458,8467,1),new IG.ptr(8469,8473,4),new IG.ptr(8474,8477,1),new IG.ptr(8484,8490,2),new IG.ptr(8491,8493,1),new IG.ptr(8495,8505,1),new IG.ptr(8508,8511,1),new IG.ptr(8517,8521,1),new IG.ptr(8526,8579,53),new IG.ptr(8580,11264,2684),new IG.ptr(11265,11310,1),new IG.ptr(11312,11358,1),new IG.ptr(11360,11492,1),new IG.ptr(11499,11502,1),new IG.ptr(11506,11507,1),new IG.ptr(11520,11557,1),new IG.ptr(11559,11565,6),new IG.ptr(11568,11623,1),new IG.ptr(11631,11648,17),new IG.ptr(11649,11670,1),new IG.ptr(11680,11686,1),new IG.ptr(11688,11694,1),new IG.ptr(11696,11702,1),new IG.ptr(11704,11710,1),new IG.ptr(11712,11718,1),new IG.ptr(11720,11726,1),new IG.ptr(11728,11734,1),new IG.ptr(11736,11742,1),new IG.ptr(11823,12293,470),new IG.ptr(12294,12337,43),new IG.ptr(12338,12341,1),new IG.ptr(12347,12348,1),new IG.ptr(12353,12438,1),new IG.ptr(12445,12447,1),new IG.ptr(12449,12538,1),new IG.ptr(12540,12543,1),new IG.ptr(12549,12591,1),new IG.ptr(12593,12686,1),new IG.ptr(12704,12735,1),new IG.ptr(12784,12799,1),new IG.ptr(13312,19903,1),new IG.ptr(19968,40956,1),new IG.ptr(40960,42124,1),new IG.ptr(42192,42237,1),new IG.ptr(42240,42508,1),new IG.ptr(42512,42527,1),new IG.ptr(42538,42539,1),new IG.ptr(42560,42606,1),new IG.ptr(42623,42653,1),new IG.ptr(42656,42725,1),new IG.ptr(42775,42783,1),new IG.ptr(42786,42888,1),new IG.ptr(42891,42943,1),new IG.ptr(42946,42954,1),new IG.ptr(42997,43009,1),new IG.ptr(43011,43013,1),new IG.ptr(43015,43018,1),new IG.ptr(43020,43042,1),new IG.ptr(43072,43123,1),new IG.ptr(43138,43187,1),new IG.ptr(43250,43255,1),new IG.ptr(43259,43261,2),new IG.ptr(43262,43274,12),new IG.ptr(43275,43301,1),new IG.ptr(43312,43334,1),new IG.ptr(43360,43388,1),new IG.ptr(43396,43442,1),new IG.ptr(43471,43488,17),new IG.ptr(43489,43492,1),new IG.ptr(43494,43503,1),new IG.ptr(43514,43518,1),new IG.ptr(43520,43560,1),new IG.ptr(43584,43586,1),new IG.ptr(43588,43595,1),new IG.ptr(43616,43638,1),new IG.ptr(43642,43646,4),new IG.ptr(43647,43695,1),new IG.ptr(43697,43701,4),new IG.ptr(43702,43705,3),new IG.ptr(43706,43709,1),new IG.ptr(43712,43714,2),new IG.ptr(43739,43741,1),new IG.ptr(43744,43754,1),new IG.ptr(43762,43764,1),new IG.ptr(43777,43782,1),new IG.ptr(43785,43790,1),new IG.ptr(43793,43798,1),new IG.ptr(43808,43814,1),new IG.ptr(43816,43822,1),new IG.ptr(43824,43866,1),new IG.ptr(43868,43881,1),new IG.ptr(43888,44002,1),new IG.ptr(44032,55203,1),new IG.ptr(55216,55238,1),new IG.ptr(55243,55291,1),new IG.ptr(63744,64109,1),new IG.ptr(64112,64217,1),new IG.ptr(64256,64262,1),new IG.ptr(64275,64279,1),new IG.ptr(64285,64287,2),new IG.ptr(64288,64296,1),new IG.ptr(64298,64310,1),new IG.ptr(64312,64316,1),new IG.ptr(64318,64320,2),new IG.ptr(64321,64323,2),new IG.ptr(64324,64326,2),new IG.ptr(64327,64433,1),new IG.ptr(64467,64829,1),new IG.ptr(64848,64911,1),new IG.ptr(64914,64967,1),new IG.ptr(65008,65019,1),new IG.ptr(65136,65140,1),new IG.ptr(65142,65276,1),new IG.ptr(65313,65338,1),new IG.ptr(65345,65370,1),new IG.ptr(65382,65470,1),new IG.ptr(65474,65479,1),new IG.ptr(65482,65487,1),new IG.ptr(65490,65495,1),new IG.ptr(65498,65500,1)]),new JN([new IH.ptr(65536,65547,1),new IH.ptr(65549,65574,1),new IH.ptr(65576,65594,1),new IH.ptr(65596,65597,1),new IH.ptr(65599,65613,1),new IH.ptr(65616,65629,1),new IH.ptr(65664,65786,1),new IH.ptr(66176,66204,1),new IH.ptr(66208,66256,1),new IH.ptr(66304,66335,1),new IH.ptr(66349,66368,1),new IH.ptr(66370,66377,1),new IH.ptr(66384,66421,1),new IH.ptr(66432,66461,1),new IH.ptr(66464,66499,1),new IH.ptr(66504,66511,1),new IH.ptr(66560,66717,1),new IH.ptr(66736,66771,1),new IH.ptr(66776,66811,1),new IH.ptr(66816,66855,1),new IH.ptr(66864,66915,1),new IH.ptr(67072,67382,1),new IH.ptr(67392,67413,1),new IH.ptr(67424,67431,1),new IH.ptr(67584,67589,1),new IH.ptr(67592,67594,2),new IH.ptr(67595,67637,1),new IH.ptr(67639,67640,1),new IH.ptr(67644,67647,3),new IH.ptr(67648,67669,1),new IH.ptr(67680,67702,1),new IH.ptr(67712,67742,1),new IH.ptr(67808,67826,1),new IH.ptr(67828,67829,1),new IH.ptr(67840,67861,1),new IH.ptr(67872,67897,1),new IH.ptr(67968,68023,1),new IH.ptr(68030,68031,1),new IH.ptr(68096,68112,16),new IH.ptr(68113,68115,1),new IH.ptr(68117,68119,1),new IH.ptr(68121,68149,1),new IH.ptr(68192,68220,1),new IH.ptr(68224,68252,1),new IH.ptr(68288,68295,1),new IH.ptr(68297,68324,1),new IH.ptr(68352,68405,1),new IH.ptr(68416,68437,1),new IH.ptr(68448,68466,1),new IH.ptr(68480,68497,1),new IH.ptr(68608,68680,1),new IH.ptr(68736,68786,1),new IH.ptr(68800,68850,1),new IH.ptr(68864,68899,1),new IH.ptr(69248,69289,1),new IH.ptr(69296,69297,1),new IH.ptr(69376,69404,1),new IH.ptr(69415,69424,9),new IH.ptr(69425,69445,1),new IH.ptr(69552,69572,1),new IH.ptr(69600,69622,1),new IH.ptr(69635,69687,1),new IH.ptr(69763,69807,1),new IH.ptr(69840,69864,1),new IH.ptr(69891,69926,1),new IH.ptr(69956,69959,3),new IH.ptr(69968,70002,1),new IH.ptr(70006,70019,13),new IH.ptr(70020,70066,1),new IH.ptr(70081,70084,1),new IH.ptr(70106,70108,2),new IH.ptr(70144,70161,1),new IH.ptr(70163,70187,1),new IH.ptr(70272,70278,1),new IH.ptr(70280,70282,2),new IH.ptr(70283,70285,1),new IH.ptr(70287,70301,1),new IH.ptr(70303,70312,1),new IH.ptr(70320,70366,1),new IH.ptr(70405,70412,1),new IH.ptr(70415,70416,1),new IH.ptr(70419,70440,1),new IH.ptr(70442,70448,1),new IH.ptr(70450,70451,1),new IH.ptr(70453,70457,1),new IH.ptr(70461,70480,19),new IH.ptr(70493,70497,1),new IH.ptr(70656,70708,1),new IH.ptr(70727,70730,1),new IH.ptr(70751,70753,1),new IH.ptr(70784,70831,1),new IH.ptr(70852,70853,1),new IH.ptr(70855,71040,185),new IH.ptr(71041,71086,1),new IH.ptr(71128,71131,1),new IH.ptr(71168,71215,1),new IH.ptr(71236,71296,60),new IH.ptr(71297,71338,1),new IH.ptr(71352,71424,72),new IH.ptr(71425,71450,1),new IH.ptr(71680,71723,1),new IH.ptr(71840,71903,1),new IH.ptr(71935,71942,1),new IH.ptr(71945,71948,3),new IH.ptr(71949,71955,1),new IH.ptr(71957,71958,1),new IH.ptr(71960,71983,1),new IH.ptr(71999,72001,2),new IH.ptr(72096,72103,1),new IH.ptr(72106,72144,1),new IH.ptr(72161,72163,2),new IH.ptr(72192,72203,11),new IH.ptr(72204,72242,1),new IH.ptr(72250,72272,22),new IH.ptr(72284,72329,1),new IH.ptr(72349,72384,35),new IH.ptr(72385,72440,1),new IH.ptr(72704,72712,1),new IH.ptr(72714,72750,1),new IH.ptr(72768,72818,50),new IH.ptr(72819,72847,1),new IH.ptr(72960,72966,1),new IH.ptr(72968,72969,1),new IH.ptr(72971,73008,1),new IH.ptr(73030,73056,26),new IH.ptr(73057,73061,1),new IH.ptr(73063,73064,1),new IH.ptr(73066,73097,1),new IH.ptr(73112,73440,328),new IH.ptr(73441,73458,1),new IH.ptr(73648,73728,80),new IH.ptr(73729,74649,1),new IH.ptr(74880,75075,1),new IH.ptr(77824,78894,1),new IH.ptr(82944,83526,1),new IH.ptr(92160,92728,1),new IH.ptr(92736,92766,1),new IH.ptr(92880,92909,1),new IH.ptr(92928,92975,1),new IH.ptr(92992,92995,1),new IH.ptr(93027,93047,1),new IH.ptr(93053,93071,1),new IH.ptr(93760,93823,1),new IH.ptr(93952,94026,1),new IH.ptr(94032,94099,67),new IH.ptr(94100,94111,1),new IH.ptr(94176,94177,1),new IH.ptr(94179,94208,29),new IH.ptr(94209,100343,1),new IH.ptr(100352,101589,1),new IH.ptr(101632,101640,1),new IH.ptr(110592,110878,1),new IH.ptr(110928,110930,1),new IH.ptr(110948,110951,1),new IH.ptr(110960,111355,1),new IH.ptr(113664,113770,1),new IH.ptr(113776,113788,1),new IH.ptr(113792,113800,1),new IH.ptr(113808,113817,1),new IH.ptr(119808,119892,1),new IH.ptr(119894,119964,1),new IH.ptr(119966,119967,1),new IH.ptr(119970,119973,3),new IH.ptr(119974,119977,3),new IH.ptr(119978,119980,1),new IH.ptr(119982,119993,1),new IH.ptr(119995,119997,2),new IH.ptr(119998,120003,1),new IH.ptr(120005,120069,1),new IH.ptr(120071,120074,1),new IH.ptr(120077,120084,1),new IH.ptr(120086,120092,1),new IH.ptr(120094,120121,1),new IH.ptr(120123,120126,1),new IH.ptr(120128,120132,1),new IH.ptr(120134,120138,4),new IH.ptr(120139,120144,1),new IH.ptr(120146,120485,1),new IH.ptr(120488,120512,1),new IH.ptr(120514,120538,1),new IH.ptr(120540,120570,1),new IH.ptr(120572,120596,1),new IH.ptr(120598,120628,1),new IH.ptr(120630,120654,1),new IH.ptr(120656,120686,1),new IH.ptr(120688,120712,1),new IH.ptr(120714,120744,1),new IH.ptr(120746,120770,1),new IH.ptr(120772,120779,1),new IH.ptr(123136,123180,1),new IH.ptr(123191,123197,1),new IH.ptr(123214,123584,370),new IH.ptr(123585,123627,1),new IH.ptr(124928,125124,1),new IH.ptr(125184,125251,1),new IH.ptr(125259,126464,1205),new IH.ptr(126465,126467,1),new IH.ptr(126469,126495,1),new IH.ptr(126497,126498,1),new IH.ptr(126500,126503,3),new IH.ptr(126505,126514,1),new IH.ptr(126516,126519,1),new IH.ptr(126521,126523,2),new IH.ptr(126530,126535,5),new IH.ptr(126537,126541,2),new IH.ptr(126542,126543,1),new IH.ptr(126545,126546,1),new IH.ptr(126548,126551,3),new IH.ptr(126553,126561,2),new IH.ptr(126562,126564,2),new IH.ptr(126567,126570,1),new IH.ptr(126572,126578,1),new IH.ptr(126580,126583,1),new IH.ptr(126585,126588,1),new IH.ptr(126590,126592,2),new IH.ptr(126593,126601,1),new IH.ptr(126603,126619,1),new IH.ptr(126625,126627,1),new IH.ptr(126629,126633,1),new IH.ptr(126635,126651,1),new IH.ptr(131072,173789,1),new IH.ptr(173824,177972,1),new IH.ptr(177984,178205,1),new IH.ptr(178208,183969,1),new IH.ptr(183984,191456,1),new IH.ptr(194560,195101,1),new IH.ptr(196608,201546,1)]),6);Q=new IF.ptr(new JM([new IG.ptr(48,57,1),new IG.ptr(1632,1641,1),new IG.ptr(1776,1785,1),new IG.ptr(1984,1993,1),new IG.ptr(2406,2415,1),new IG.ptr(2534,2543,1),new IG.ptr(2662,2671,1),new IG.ptr(2790,2799,1),new IG.ptr(2918,2927,1),new IG.ptr(3046,3055,1),new IG.ptr(3174,3183,1),new IG.ptr(3302,3311,1),new IG.ptr(3430,3439,1),new IG.ptr(3558,3567,1),new IG.ptr(3664,3673,1),new IG.ptr(3792,3801,1),new IG.ptr(3872,3881,1),new IG.ptr(4160,4169,1),new IG.ptr(4240,4249,1),new IG.ptr(6112,6121,1),new IG.ptr(6160,6169,1),new IG.ptr(6470,6479,1),new IG.ptr(6608,6617,1),new IG.ptr(6784,6793,1),new IG.ptr(6800,6809,1),new IG.ptr(6992,7001,1),new IG.ptr(7088,7097,1),new IG.ptr(7232,7241,1),new IG.ptr(7248,7257,1),new IG.ptr(42528,42537,1),new IG.ptr(43216,43225,1),new IG.ptr(43264,43273,1),new IG.ptr(43472,43481,1),new IG.ptr(43504,43513,1),new IG.ptr(43600,43609,1),new IG.ptr(44016,44025,1),new IG.ptr(65296,65305,1)]),new JN([new IH.ptr(66720,66729,1),new IH.ptr(68912,68921,1),new IH.ptr(69734,69743,1),new IH.ptr(69872,69881,1),new IH.ptr(69942,69951,1),new IH.ptr(70096,70105,1),new IH.ptr(70384,70393,1),new IH.ptr(70736,70745,1),new IH.ptr(70864,70873,1),new IH.ptr(71248,71257,1),new IH.ptr(71360,71369,1),new IH.ptr(71472,71481,1),new IH.ptr(71904,71913,1),new IH.ptr(72016,72025,1),new IH.ptr(72784,72793,1),new IH.ptr(73040,73049,1),new IH.ptr(73120,73129,1),new IH.ptr(92768,92777,1),new IH.ptr(93008,93017,1),new IH.ptr(120782,120831,1),new IH.ptr(123200,123209,1),new IH.ptr(123632,123641,1),new IH.ptr(125264,125273,1),new IH.ptr(130032,130041,1)]),1);$pkg.Digit=Q;$pkg.Letter=F;HR=new IF.ptr(new JM([new IG.ptr(9,13,1),new IG.ptr(32,133,101),new IG.ptr(160,5760,5600),new IG.ptr(8192,8202,1),new IG.ptr(8232,8233,1),new IG.ptr(8239,8287,48),new IG.ptr(12288,12288,1)]),JN.nil,2);$pkg.White_Space=HR;HV=new JO([new IW.ptr(75,107),new IW.ptr(83,115),new IW.ptr(107,8490),new IW.ptr(115,383),new IW.ptr(181,924),new IW.ptr(197,229),new IW.ptr(223,7838),new IW.ptr(229,8491),new IW.ptr(304,304),new IW.ptr(305,305),new IW.ptr(383,83),new IW.ptr(452,453),new IW.ptr(453,454),new IW.ptr(454,452),new IW.ptr(455,456),new IW.ptr(456,457),new IW.ptr(457,455),new IW.ptr(458,459),new IW.ptr(459,460),new IW.ptr(460,458),new IW.ptr(497,498),new IW.ptr(498,499),new IW.ptr(499,497),new IW.ptr(837,921),new IW.ptr(914,946),new IW.ptr(917,949),new IW.ptr(920,952),new IW.ptr(921,953),new IW.ptr(922,954),new IW.ptr(924,956),new IW.ptr(928,960),new IW.ptr(929,961),new IW.ptr(931,962),new IW.ptr(934,966),new IW.ptr(937,969),new IW.ptr(946,976),new IW.ptr(949,1013),new IW.ptr(952,977),new IW.ptr(953,8126),new IW.ptr(954,1008),new IW.ptr(956,181),new IW.ptr(960,982),new IW.ptr(961,1009),new IW.ptr(962,963),new IW.ptr(963,931),new IW.ptr(966,981),new IW.ptr(969,8486),new IW.ptr(976,914),new IW.ptr(977,1012),new IW.ptr(981,934),new IW.ptr(982,928),new IW.ptr(1008,922),new IW.ptr(1009,929),new IW.ptr(1012,920),new IW.ptr(1013,917),new IW.ptr(1042,1074),new IW.ptr(1044,1076),new IW.ptr(1054,1086),new IW.ptr(1057,1089),new IW.ptr(1058,1090),new IW.ptr(1066,1098),new IW.ptr(1074,7296),new IW.ptr(1076,7297),new IW.ptr(1086,7298),new IW.ptr(1089,7299),new IW.ptr(1090,7300),new IW.ptr(1098,7302),new IW.ptr(1122,1123),new IW.ptr(1123,7303),new IW.ptr(7296,1042),new IW.ptr(7297,1044),new IW.ptr(7298,1054),new IW.ptr(7299,1057),new IW.ptr(7300,7301),new IW.ptr(7301,1058),new IW.ptr(7302,1066),new IW.ptr(7303,1122),new IW.ptr(7304,42570),new IW.ptr(7776,7777),new IW.ptr(7777,7835),new IW.ptr(7835,7776),new IW.ptr(7838,223),new IW.ptr(8126,837),new IW.ptr(8486,937),new IW.ptr(8490,75),new IW.ptr(8491,197),new IW.ptr(42570,42571),new IW.ptr(42571,7304)]);HU=$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,91,92,93,94,95,96,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,8490,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,383,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,123,124,125,126,127]);HS=new JP([new II.ptr(65,90,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,32,0])),new II.ptr(97,122,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-32,0,-32])),new II.ptr(181,181,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[743,0,743])),new II.ptr(192,214,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,32,0])),new II.ptr(216,222,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,32,0])),new II.ptr(224,246,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-32,0,-32])),new II.ptr(248,254,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-32,0,-32])),new II.ptr(255,255,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[121,0,121])),new II.ptr(256,303,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(304,304,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-199,0])),new II.ptr(305,305,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-232,0,-232])),new II.ptr(306,311,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(313,328,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(330,375,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(376,376,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-121,0])),new II.ptr(377,382,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(383,383,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-300,0,-300])),new II.ptr(384,384,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[195,0,195])),new II.ptr(385,385,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,210,0])),new II.ptr(386,389,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(390,390,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,206,0])),new II.ptr(391,392,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(393,394,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,205,0])),new II.ptr(395,396,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(398,398,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,79,0])),new II.ptr(399,399,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,202,0])),new II.ptr(400,400,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,203,0])),new II.ptr(401,402,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(403,403,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,205,0])),new II.ptr(404,404,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,207,0])),new II.ptr(405,405,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[97,0,97])),new II.ptr(406,406,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,211,0])),new II.ptr(407,407,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,209,0])),new II.ptr(408,409,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(410,410,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[163,0,163])),new II.ptr(412,412,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,211,0])),new II.ptr(413,413,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,213,0])),new II.ptr(414,414,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[130,0,130])),new II.ptr(415,415,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,214,0])),new II.ptr(416,421,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(422,422,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,218,0])),new II.ptr(423,424,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(425,425,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,218,0])),new II.ptr(428,429,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(430,430,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,218,0])),new II.ptr(431,432,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(433,434,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,217,0])),new II.ptr(435,438,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(439,439,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,219,0])),new II.ptr(440,441,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(444,445,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(447,447,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[56,0,56])),new II.ptr(452,452,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,2,1])),new II.ptr(453,453,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-1,1,0])),new II.ptr(454,454,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-2,0,-1])),new II.ptr(455,455,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,2,1])),new II.ptr(456,456,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-1,1,0])),new II.ptr(457,457,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-2,0,-1])),new II.ptr(458,458,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,2,1])),new II.ptr(459,459,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-1,1,0])),new II.ptr(460,460,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-2,0,-1])),new II.ptr(461,476,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(477,477,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-79,0,-79])),new II.ptr(478,495,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(497,497,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,2,1])),new II.ptr(498,498,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-1,1,0])),new II.ptr(499,499,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-2,0,-1])),new II.ptr(500,501,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(502,502,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-97,0])),new II.ptr(503,503,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-56,0])),new II.ptr(504,543,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(544,544,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-130,0])),new II.ptr(546,563,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(570,570,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,10795,0])),new II.ptr(571,572,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(573,573,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-163,0])),new II.ptr(574,574,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,10792,0])),new II.ptr(575,576,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[10815,0,10815])),new II.ptr(577,578,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(579,579,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-195,0])),new II.ptr(580,580,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,69,0])),new II.ptr(581,581,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,71,0])),new II.ptr(582,591,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(592,592,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[10783,0,10783])),new II.ptr(593,593,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[10780,0,10780])),new II.ptr(594,594,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[10782,0,10782])),new II.ptr(595,595,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-210,0,-210])),new II.ptr(596,596,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-206,0,-206])),new II.ptr(598,599,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-205,0,-205])),new II.ptr(601,601,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-202,0,-202])),new II.ptr(603,603,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-203,0,-203])),new II.ptr(604,604,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[42319,0,42319])),new II.ptr(608,608,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-205,0,-205])),new II.ptr(609,609,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[42315,0,42315])),new II.ptr(611,611,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-207,0,-207])),new II.ptr(613,613,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[42280,0,42280])),new II.ptr(614,614,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[42308,0,42308])),new II.ptr(616,616,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-209,0,-209])),new II.ptr(617,617,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-211,0,-211])),new II.ptr(618,618,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[42308,0,42308])),new II.ptr(619,619,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[10743,0,10743])),new II.ptr(620,620,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[42305,0,42305])),new II.ptr(623,623,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-211,0,-211])),new II.ptr(625,625,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[10749,0,10749])),new II.ptr(626,626,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-213,0,-213])),new II.ptr(629,629,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-214,0,-214])),new II.ptr(637,637,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[10727,0,10727])),new II.ptr(640,640,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-218,0,-218])),new II.ptr(642,642,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[42307,0,42307])),new II.ptr(643,643,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-218,0,-218])),new II.ptr(647,647,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[42282,0,42282])),new II.ptr(648,648,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-218,0,-218])),new II.ptr(649,649,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-69,0,-69])),new II.ptr(650,651,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-217,0,-217])),new II.ptr(652,652,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-71,0,-71])),new II.ptr(658,658,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-219,0,-219])),new II.ptr(669,669,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[42261,0,42261])),new II.ptr(670,670,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[42258,0,42258])),new II.ptr(837,837,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[84,0,84])),new II.ptr(880,883,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(886,887,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(891,893,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[130,0,130])),new II.ptr(895,895,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,116,0])),new II.ptr(902,902,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,38,0])),new II.ptr(904,906,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,37,0])),new II.ptr(908,908,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,64,0])),new II.ptr(910,911,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,63,0])),new II.ptr(913,929,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,32,0])),new II.ptr(931,939,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,32,0])),new II.ptr(940,940,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-38,0,-38])),new II.ptr(941,943,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-37,0,-37])),new II.ptr(945,961,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-32,0,-32])),new II.ptr(962,962,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-31,0,-31])),new II.ptr(963,971,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-32,0,-32])),new II.ptr(972,972,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-64,0,-64])),new II.ptr(973,974,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-63,0,-63])),new II.ptr(975,975,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,8,0])),new II.ptr(976,976,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-62,0,-62])),new II.ptr(977,977,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-57,0,-57])),new II.ptr(981,981,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-47,0,-47])),new II.ptr(982,982,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-54,0,-54])),new II.ptr(983,983,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-8,0,-8])),new II.ptr(984,1007,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(1008,1008,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-86,0,-86])),new II.ptr(1009,1009,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-80,0,-80])),new II.ptr(1010,1010,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[7,0,7])),new II.ptr(1011,1011,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-116,0,-116])),new II.ptr(1012,1012,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-60,0])),new II.ptr(1013,1013,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-96,0,-96])),new II.ptr(1015,1016,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(1017,1017,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-7,0])),new II.ptr(1018,1019,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(1021,1023,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-130,0])),new II.ptr(1024,1039,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,80,0])),new II.ptr(1040,1071,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,32,0])),new II.ptr(1072,1103,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-32,0,-32])),new II.ptr(1104,1119,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-80,0,-80])),new II.ptr(1120,1153,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(1162,1215,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(1216,1216,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,15,0])),new II.ptr(1217,1230,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(1231,1231,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-15,0,-15])),new II.ptr(1232,1327,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(1329,1366,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,48,0])),new II.ptr(1377,1414,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-48,0,-48])),new II.ptr(4256,4293,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,7264,0])),new II.ptr(4295,4295,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,7264,0])),new II.ptr(4301,4301,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,7264,0])),new II.ptr(4304,4346,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[3008,0,0])),new II.ptr(4349,4351,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[3008,0,0])),new II.ptr(5024,5103,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,38864,0])),new II.ptr(5104,5109,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,8,0])),new II.ptr(5112,5117,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-8,0,-8])),new II.ptr(7296,7296,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-6254,0,-6254])),new II.ptr(7297,7297,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-6253,0,-6253])),new II.ptr(7298,7298,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-6244,0,-6244])),new II.ptr(7299,7300,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-6242,0,-6242])),new II.ptr(7301,7301,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-6243,0,-6243])),new II.ptr(7302,7302,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-6236,0,-6236])),new II.ptr(7303,7303,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-6181,0,-6181])),new II.ptr(7304,7304,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[35266,0,35266])),new II.ptr(7312,7354,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-3008,0])),new II.ptr(7357,7359,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-3008,0])),new II.ptr(7545,7545,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[35332,0,35332])),new II.ptr(7549,7549,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[3814,0,3814])),new II.ptr(7566,7566,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[35384,0,35384])),new II.ptr(7680,7829,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(7835,7835,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-59,0,-59])),new II.ptr(7838,7838,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-7615,0])),new II.ptr(7840,7935,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(7936,7943,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(7944,7951,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(7952,7957,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(7960,7965,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(7968,7975,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(7976,7983,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(7984,7991,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(7992,7999,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8000,8005,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(8008,8013,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8017,8017,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(8019,8019,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(8021,8021,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(8023,8023,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(8025,8025,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8027,8027,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8029,8029,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8031,8031,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8032,8039,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(8040,8047,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8048,8049,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[74,0,74])),new II.ptr(8050,8053,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[86,0,86])),new II.ptr(8054,8055,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[100,0,100])),new II.ptr(8056,8057,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[128,0,128])),new II.ptr(8058,8059,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[112,0,112])),new II.ptr(8060,8061,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[126,0,126])),new II.ptr(8064,8071,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(8072,8079,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8080,8087,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(8088,8095,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8096,8103,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(8104,8111,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8112,8113,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[8,0,8])),new II.ptr(8115,8115,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[9,0,9])),new II.ptr(8120,8121,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-8,0])),new II.ptr(8122,8123,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-74,0])),new II.ptr(8124,8124,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-9,0])),new II.ptr(8126,8126,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-7205,0,-7205])),new II.ptr(8131,8131,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[9,0,9])),new II.ptr(8136,8139,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-86,0])),new 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II.ptr(8526,8526,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-28,0,-28])),new II.ptr(8544,8559,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,16,0])),new II.ptr(8560,8575,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-16,0,-16])),new II.ptr(8579,8580,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(9398,9423,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,26,0])),new II.ptr(9424,9449,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-26,0,-26])),new II.ptr(11264,11310,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,48,0])),new II.ptr(11312,11358,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-48,0,-48])),new II.ptr(11360,11361,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(11362,11362,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-10743,0])),new II.ptr(11363,11363,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-3814,0])),new II.ptr(11364,11364,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-10727,0])),new II.ptr(11365,11365,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-10795,0,-10795])),new II.ptr(11366,11366,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-10792,0,-10792])),new II.ptr(11367,11372,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new 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II.ptr(42925,42925,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-42305,0])),new II.ptr(42926,42926,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-42308,0])),new II.ptr(42928,42928,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-42258,0])),new II.ptr(42929,42929,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-42282,0])),new II.ptr(42930,42930,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-42261,0])),new II.ptr(42931,42931,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,928,0])),new II.ptr(42932,42943,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(42946,42947,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(42948,42948,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-48,0])),new II.ptr(42949,42949,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-42307,0])),new II.ptr(42950,42950,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,-35384,0])),new II.ptr(42951,42954,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(42997,42998,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[1114112,1114112,1114112])),new II.ptr(43859,43859,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-928,0,-928])),new II.ptr(43888,43967,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-38864,0,-38864])),new II.ptr(65313,65338,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,32,0])),new II.ptr(65345,65370,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-32,0,-32])),new II.ptr(66560,66599,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,40,0])),new II.ptr(66600,66639,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-40,0,-40])),new II.ptr(66736,66771,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,40,0])),new II.ptr(66776,66811,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-40,0,-40])),new II.ptr(68736,68786,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,64,0])),new II.ptr(68800,68850,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-64,0,-64])),new II.ptr(71840,71871,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,32,0])),new II.ptr(71872,71903,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-32,0,-32])),new II.ptr(93760,93791,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,32,0])),new II.ptr(93792,93823,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-32,0,-32])),new II.ptr(125184,125217,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,34,0])),new II.ptr(125218,125251,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[-34,0,-34]))]);$pkg.CaseRanges=HS;HT=$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,144,130,130,130,136,130,130,130,130,130,130,136,130,130,130,130,132,132,132,132,132,132,132,132,132,132,130,130,136,136,136,130,130,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,130,130,130,136,130,136,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,130,136,130,136,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,16,130,136,136,136,136,136,130,136,136,224,130,136,0,136,136,136,136,132,132,136,192,130,130,136,132,224,130,132,132,132,130,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,136,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,136,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192]);}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["unicode/utf8"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,A,C,D,F,G,H,I,J,K,N,O,P,Q,R,S;B=$pkg.acceptRange=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"utf8.acceptRange",true,"unicode/utf8",false,function(lo_,hi_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.lo=0;this.hi=0;return;}this.lo=lo_;this.hi=hi_;});D=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=a.$length;if(b===0){return false;}d=(c=(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]),((c<0||c>=A.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):A[c]));if(b>=((((d&7)>>>0)>>0))){return true;}f=$clone((e=d>>>4<<24>>>24,((e<0||e>=C.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):C[e])),B);if(b>1&&((1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1])=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]))){return true;}else if(b>2&&((2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2])<128||191<(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]))){return true;}return false;};$pkg.FullRune=D;F=function(a){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=0;c=0;d=a.$length;if(d<1){e=65533;f=0;b=e;c=f;return[b,c];}g=(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]);h=((g<0||g>=A.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):A[g]);if(h>=240){i=(((h>>0))<<31>>0)>>31>>0;j=(((((0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0])>>0))&~i)>>0)|(65533&i);k=1;b=j;c=k;return[b,c];}l=((((h&7)>>>0)>>0));n=$clone((m=h>>>4<<24>>>24,((m<0||m>=C.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):C[m])),B);if(d=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]);if(q>>0)>>0))<<6>>0)|((((q&63)>>>0)>>0));u=2;b=t;c=u;return[b,c];}v=(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]);if(v<128||191>>0)>>0))<<12>>0)|(((((q&63)>>>0)>>0))<<6>>0))|((((v&63)>>>0)>>0));z=3;b=y;c=z;return[b,c];}aa=(3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]);if(aa<128||191>>0)>>0))<<18>>0)|(((((q&63)>>>0)>>0))<<12>>0))|(((((v&63)>>>0)>>0))<<6>>0))|((((aa&63)>>>0)>>0));ae=4;b=ad;c=ae;return[b,c];};$pkg.DecodeRune=F;G=function(a){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=0;c=0;d=a.length;if(d<1){e=65533;f=0;b=e;c=f;return[b,c];}g=a.charCodeAt(0);h=((g<0||g>=A.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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if(55296<=a&&a<=57343){return-1;}else if(a<=65535){return 3;}else if(a<=1114111){return 4;}return-1;};$pkg.RuneLen=J;K=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=((b>>>0));if(c<=127){(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]=((b<<24>>>24)));return 1;}else if(c<=2047){$unused((1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]));(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]=((192|(((b>>6>>0)<<24>>>24)))>>>0));(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]=((128|((((b<<24>>>24))&63)>>>0))>>>0));return 2;}else if((c>1114111)||(55296<=c&&c<=57343)){b=65533;$unused((2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]));(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]=((224|(((b>>12>>0)<<24>>>24)))>>>0));(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]=((128|(((((b>>6>>0)<<24>>>24))&63)>>>0))>>>0));(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]=((128|((((b<<24>>>24))&63)>>>0))>>>0));return 3;}else if(c<=65535){$unused((2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]));(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]=((224|(((b>>12>>0)<<24>>>24)))>>>0));(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]=((128|(((((b>>6>>0)<<24>>>24))&63)>>>0))>>>0));(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]=((128|((((b<<24>>>24))&63)>>>0))>>>0));return 3;}else{$unused((3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]));(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]=((240|(((b>>18>>0)<<24>>>24)))>>>0));(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]=((128|(((((b>>12>>0)<<24>>>24))&63)>>>0))>>>0));(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]=((128|(((((b>>6>>0)<<24>>>24))&63)>>>0))>>>0));(3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]=((128|((((b<<24>>>24))&63)>>>0))>>>0));return 4;}};$pkg.EncodeRune=K;N=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;b=a.$length;c=0;d=0;while(true){if(!(d>0;e=((d<0||d>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+d]);if(e<128){d=d+(1)>>0;continue;}f=((e<0||e>=A.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):A[e]);if(f===241){d=d+(1)>>0;continue;}g=((((f&7)>>>0)>>0));if((d+g>>0)>b){d=d+(1)>>0;continue;}i=$clone((h=f>>>4<<24>>>24,((h<0||h>=C.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):C[h])),B);k=(j=d+1>>0,((j<0||j>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+j]));if(k>0,((l<0||l>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+l]));if(m<128||191>0,((n<0||n>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+n]));if(o<128||191>0;}return c;};$pkg.RuneCount=N;O=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;b=0;c=a.length;d=0;while(true){if(!(d>0;b=b+(1)>>0;continue;}f=((e<0||e>=A.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):A[e]);if(f===241){d=d+(1)>>0;b=b+(1)>>0;continue;}g=((((f&7)>>>0)>>0));if((d+g>>0)>c){d=d+(1)>>0;b=b+(1)>>0;continue;}i=$clone((h=f>>>4<<24>>>24,((h<0||h>=C.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):C[h])),B);j=a.charCodeAt((d+1>>0));if(j>0));if(k<128||191>0));if(l<128||191>0;b=b+(1)>>0;}b=b;return b;};$pkg.RuneCountInString=O;P=function(a){var a;return!((((a&192)>>>0)===128));};$pkg.RuneStart=P;Q=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;while(true){if(!(a.$length>=8)){break;}b=((((((((0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0])>>>0))|((((1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1])>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|((((2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2])>>>0))<<16>>>0))>>>0)|((((3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3])>>>0))<<24>>>0))>>>0;c=((((((((4>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+4])>>>0))|((((5>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+5])>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|((((6>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+6])>>>0))<<16>>>0))>>>0)|((((7>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+7])>>>0))<<24>>>0))>>>0;if(!(((((((b|c)>>>0))&2155905152)>>>0)===0))){break;}a=$subslice(a,8);}d=a.$length;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]);if(f<128){e=e+(1)>>0;continue;}g=((f<0||f>=A.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):A[f]);if(g===241){return false;}h=((((g&7)>>>0)>>0));if((e+h>>0)>d){return false;}j=$clone((i=g>>>4<<24>>>24,((i<0||i>=C.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):C[i])),B);l=(k=e+1>>0,((k<0||k>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+k]));if(l>0,((m<0||m>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+m]));if(n<128||191>0,((o<0||o>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+o]));if(p<128||191>0;}return true;};$pkg.Valid=Q;R=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;while(true){if(!(a.length>=8)){break;}b=(((((((a.charCodeAt(0)>>>0))|(((a.charCodeAt(1)>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|(((a.charCodeAt(2)>>>0))<<16>>>0))>>>0)|(((a.charCodeAt(3)>>>0))<<24>>>0))>>>0;c=(((((((a.charCodeAt(4)>>>0))|(((a.charCodeAt(5)>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|(((a.charCodeAt(6)>>>0))<<16>>>0))>>>0)|(((a.charCodeAt(7)>>>0))<<24>>>0))>>>0;if(!(((((((b|c)>>>0))&2155905152)>>>0)===0))){break;}a=$substring(a,8);}d=a.length;e=0;while(true){if(!(e>0;continue;}g=((f<0||f>=A.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):A[f]);if(g===241){return false;}h=((((g&7)>>>0)>>0));if((e+h>>0)>d){return false;}j=$clone((i=g>>>4<<24>>>24,((i<0||i>=C.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):C[i])),B);k=a.charCodeAt((e+1>>0));if(k>0));if(l<128||191>0));if(m<128||191>0;}return true;};$pkg.ValidString=R;S=function(a){var a;if(0<=a&&a<55296){return true;}else if(57343f.$high||(e.$high===f.$high&&e.$low>=f.$low)))){return 0;}return(((g=(h=(new $Int64(0,d.s.$length)),i=d.i,new $Int64(h.$high-i.$high,h.$low-i.$low)),g.$low+((g.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));};F.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};F.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var d;d=this;return(new $Int64(0,d.s.$length));};F.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};F.ptr.prototype.Read=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;if((h=g.i,i=(new $Int64(0,g.s.$length)),(h.$high>i.$high||(h.$high===i.$high&&h.$low>=i.$low)))){j=0;k=B.EOF;e=j;f=k;return[e,f];}g.prevRune=-1;e=$copySlice(d,$subslice(g.s,$flatten64(g.i)));g.i=(l=g.i,m=(new $Int64(0,e)),new $Int64(l.$high+m.$high,l.$low+m.$low));return[e,f];};F.prototype.Read=function(d){return this.$val.Read(d);};F.ptr.prototype.ReadAt=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;if((e.$high<0||(e.$high===0&&e.$low<0))){i=0;j=A.New("bytes.Reader.ReadAt: negative offset");f=i;g=j;return[f,g];}if((k=(new $Int64(0,h.s.$length)),(e.$high>k.$high||(e.$high===k.$high&&e.$low>=k.$low)))){l=0;m=B.EOF;f=l;g=m;return[f,g];}f=$copySlice(d,$subslice(h.s,$flatten64(e)));if(ff.$high||(e.$high===f.$high&&e.$low>=f.$low)))){return[0,B.EOF];}i=(g=d.s,h=d.i,(($flatten64(h)<0||$flatten64(h)>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+$flatten64(h)]));d.i=(j=d.i,k=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(j.$high+k.$high,j.$low+k.$low));return[i,$ifaceNil];};F.prototype.ReadByte=function(){return this.$val.ReadByte();};F.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte=function(){var d,e,f,g;d=this;if((e=d.i,(e.$high<0||(e.$high===0&&e.$low<=0)))){return A.New("bytes.Reader.UnreadByte: at beginning of slice");}d.prevRune=-1;d.i=(f=d.i,g=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(f.$high-g.$high,f.$low-g.$low));return $ifaceNil;};F.prototype.UnreadByte=function(){return this.$val.UnreadByte();};F.ptr.prototype.ReadRune=function(){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x;d=0;e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;if((h=g.i,i=(new $Int64(0,g.s.$length)),(h.$high>i.$high||(h.$high===i.$high&&h.$low>=i.$low)))){g.prevRune=-1;j=0;k=0;l=B.EOF;d=j;e=k;f=l;return[d,e,f];}g.prevRune=(((m=g.i,m.$low+((m.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));p=(n=g.s,o=g.i,(($flatten64(o)<0||$flatten64(o)>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+$flatten64(o)]));if(p<128){g.i=(q=g.i,r=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));s=((p>>0));t=1;u=$ifaceNil;d=s;e=t;f=u;return[d,e,f];}v=C.DecodeRune($subslice(g.s,$flatten64(g.i)));d=v[0];e=v[1];g.i=(w=g.i,x=(new $Int64(0,e)),new $Int64(w.$high+x.$high,w.$low+x.$low));return[d,e,f];};F.prototype.ReadRune=function(){return this.$val.ReadRune();};F.ptr.prototype.UnreadRune=function(){var d,e;d=this;if((e=d.i,(e.$high<0||(e.$high===0&&e.$low<=0)))){return A.New("bytes.Reader.UnreadRune: at beginning of slice");}if(d.prevRune<0){return A.New("bytes.Reader.UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune");}d.i=(new $Int64(0,d.prevRune));d.prevRune=-1;return $ifaceNil;};F.prototype.UnreadRune=function(){return this.$val.UnreadRune();};F.ptr.prototype.Seek=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;f=this;f.prevRune=-1;g=new $Int64(0,0);h=e;if(h===(0)){g=d;}else if(h===(1)){g=(i=f.i,new $Int64(i.$high+d.$high,i.$low+d.$low));}else if(h===(2)){g=(j=(new $Int64(0,f.s.$length)),new $Int64(j.$high+d.$high,j.$low+d.$low));}else{return[new $Int64(0,0),A.New("bytes.Reader.Seek: invalid whence")];}if((g.$high<0||(g.$high===0&&g.$low<0))){return[new $Int64(0,0),A.New("bytes.Reader.Seek: negative position")];}f.i=g;return[g,$ifaceNil];};F.prototype.Seek=function(d,e){return this.$val.Seek(d,e);};F.ptr.prototype.WriteTo=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=new $Int64(0,0);f=$ifaceNil;g=this;g.prevRune=-1;if((h=g.i,i=(new $Int64(0,g.s.$length)),(h.$high>i.$high||(h.$high===i.$high&&h.$low>=i.$low)))){j=new $Int64(0,0);k=$ifaceNil;e=j;f=k;$s=-1;return[e,f];}l=$subslice(g.s,$flatten64(g.i));n=d.Write(l);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];f=m[1];if(o>l.$length){$panic(new $String("bytes.Reader.WriteTo: invalid Write count"));}g.i=(p=g.i,q=(new $Int64(0,o)),new $Int64(p.$high+q.$high,p.$low+q.$low));e=(new $Int64(0,o));if(!((o===l.$length))&&$interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)){f=B.ErrShortWrite;}$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:F.ptr.prototype.WriteTo,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};F.prototype.WriteTo=function(d){return this.$val.WriteTo(d);};F.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(d){var d,e;e=this;F.copy(e,new F.ptr(d,new $Int64(0,0),-1));};F.prototype.Reset=function(d){return this.$val.Reset(d);};G=function(d){var d;return new F.ptr(d,new $Int64(0,0),-1);};$pkg.NewReader=G;I=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g;if(e.$length===0){return C.RuneCount(d)+1>>0;}if(e.$length===1){return D.Count(d,(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]));}f=0;while(true){g=BO(d,e);if(g===-1){return f;}f=f+(1)>>0;d=$subslice(d,(g+e.$length>>0));}};$pkg.Count=I;J=function(d,e){var d,e;return!((BO(d,e)===-1));};$pkg.Contains=J;K=function(d,e){var d,e;return Q(d,e)>=0;};$pkg.ContainsAny=K;O=function(d,e){var d,e,f;f=d.$length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(f>=0)){break;}if(((f<0||f>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f])===e){return f;}f=f-(1)>>0;}return-1;};$pkg.LastIndexByte=O;P=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;if(0<=e&&e<128){return BX(d,((e<<24>>>24)));}else if((e===65533)){f=0;while(true){if(!(f>0;}return-1;}else if(!C.ValidRune(e)){return-1;}else{j=CC.zero();k=C.EncodeRune(new CA(j),e);return BO(d,$subslice(new CA(j),0,k));}};$pkg.IndexRune=P;Q=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;if(e===""){return-1;}if(d.$length===1){f=(((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])>>0));if(f>=128){g=e;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]))>=0){return 0;}return-1;}if(e.length===1){j=((e.charCodeAt(0)>>0));if(j>=128){j=65533;}return P(d,j);}if(d.$length>8){k=AY(e);l=$clone(k[0],AX);m=k[1];if(m){n=d;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);if(new CD(l).contains(q)){return p;}o++;}return-1;}}r=0;s=0;while(true){if(!(s=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+s])>>0));if(t<128){if(D.IndexByteString(e,((s<0||s>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+s]))>=0){return s;}r=1;s=s+(r)>>0;continue;}u=C.DecodeRune($subslice(d,s));t=u[0];r=u[1];if(!((t===65533))){if(e.length===r){if(e===($encodeRune(t))){return s;}s=s+(r)>>0;continue;}if(D.MaxLen>=r){if(D.IndexString(e,($encodeRune(t)))>=0){return s;}s=s+(r)>>0;continue;}}v=e;w=0;while(true){if(!(w>0;}return-1;};$pkg.IndexAny=Q;AB=function(d,e){var d,e;return d.$length>=e.$length&&BY($subslice(d,0,e.$length),e);};$pkg.HasPrefix=AB;AC=function(d,e){var d,e;return d.$length>=e.$length&&BY($subslice(d,(d.$length-e.$length>>0)),e);};$pkg.HasSuffix=AC;AD=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=e.$length;g=0;h=$makeSlice(CA,f);i=0;case 1:if(!(i=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+i])>>0));if(k>=128){l=C.DecodeRune($subslice(e,i));k=l[0];j=l[1];}m=d(k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=m;if(k>=0){n=C.RuneLen(k);if(n<0){n=3;}if((g+n>>0)>f){f=($imul(f,2))+4>>0;o=$makeSlice(CA,f);$copySlice(o,$subslice(h,0,g));h=o;}g=g+(C.EncodeRune($subslice(h,g,f),k))>>0;}i=i+(j)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $subslice(h,0,g);}return;}var $f={$blk:AD,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Map=AD;AG=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=true;f=false;g=e;h=f;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+i]);if(j>=128){g=false;break;}h=h||(65<=j&&j<=90);i=i+(1)>>0;}if(g){if(!h){$s=-1;return $appendSlice((new CA($stringToBytes(""))),d);}k=$makeSlice(CA,d.$length);l=0;while(true){if(!(l=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+l]);if(65<=m&&m<=90){m=m+(32)<<24>>>24;}((l<0||l>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]=m);l=l+(1)>>0;}$s=-1;return k;}n=AD(E.ToLower,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ToLower=AG;AO=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=AV(d,e,false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(g===-1){$s=-1;return CA.nil;}$s=-1;return $subslice(d,g);}return;}var $f={$blk:AO,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};$pkg.TrimLeftFunc=AO;AP=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=AW(d,e,false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(g>=0&&((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g])>=128){h=C.DecodeRune($subslice(d,g));i=h[1];g=g+(i)>>0;}else{g=g+(1)>>0;}$s=-1;return $subslice(d,0,g);}return;}var $f={$blk:AP,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$pkg.TrimRightFunc=AP;AQ=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=AO(d,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=AP(f,e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=3;case 3:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$pkg.TrimFunc=AQ;AR=function(d,e){var d,e;if(AB(d,e)){return $subslice(d,e.$length);}return d;};$pkg.TrimPrefix=AR;AV=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=0;case 1:if(!(g=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g])>>0));if(i>=128){j=C.DecodeRune($subslice(d,g));i=j[0];h=j[1];}k=e(i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k===f){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return g;case 4:g=g+(h)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return-1;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};AW=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=d.$length;case 1:if(!(g>0)){$s=2;continue;}h=(((i=g-1>>0,((i<0||i>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+i]))>>0));j=1;k=h;l=j;if(k>=128){m=C.DecodeLastRune($subslice(d,0,g));k=m[0];l=m[1];}g=g-(l)>>0;n=e(k);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(n===f){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return g;case 4:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return-1;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AY=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;e=CG.zero();f=false;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=128){i=$clone(e,AX);j=false;AX.copy(e,i);f=j;return[e,f];}l=(k=h/32,(k===k&&k!==1/0&&k!==-1/0)?k>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));((l<0||l>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[l]=((((l<0||l>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]))){break;}d=$subslice(d,1);}if(d.$length===0){return CA.nil;}return d;};BE=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;while(true){if(!(d.$length>0)){break;}f=(((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])>>0));g=1;h=f;i=g;if(h>=128){j=C.DecodeRune(d);h=j[0];i=j[1];}if(!AZ(e,h)){break;}d=$subslice(d,i);}if(d.$length===0){return CA.nil;}return d;};BF=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h;if((d.$length===0)||e===""){return d;}if((e.length===1)&&e.charCodeAt(0)<128){return BG(d,e.charCodeAt(0));}f=AY(e);g=$clone(f[0],AX);h=f[1];if(h){return BH(d,g);}return BI(d,e);};$pkg.TrimRight=BF;BG=function(d,e){var d,e,f;while(true){if(!(d.$length>0&&((f=d.$length-1>>0,((f<0||f>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f]))===e))){break;}d=$subslice(d,0,(d.$length-1>>0));}return d;};BH=function(d,e){var d,e,f;while(true){if(!(d.$length>0)){break;}if(!new CD(e).contains((f=d.$length-1>>0,((f<0||f>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f])))){break;}d=$subslice(d,0,(d.$length-1>>0));}return d;};BI=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;while(true){if(!(d.$length>0)){break;}f=(((g=d.$length-1>>0,((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]))>>0));h=1;i=f;j=h;if(i>=128){k=C.DecodeLastRune(d);i=k[0];j=k[1];}if(!AZ(e,i)){break;}d=$subslice(d,0,(d.$length-j>>0));}return d;};BJ=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;case 1:if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);if(f>=128){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=AQ($subslice(d,e),E.IsSpace);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=6;case 6:return h;case 4:if(((f<0||f>=X.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):X[f])===0){$s=2;continue;}e=e+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:i=d.$length;case 7:if(!(i>e)){$s=8;continue;}k=(j=i-1>>0,((j<0||j>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+j]));if(k>=128){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:l=AQ($subslice(d,e,i),E.IsSpace);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=12;case 12:return m;case 10:if(((k<0||k>=X.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):X[k])===0){$s=8;continue;}i=i-(1)>>0;$s=7;continue;case 8:if(e===i){$s=-1;return CA.nil;}$s=-1;return $subslice(d,e,i);}return;}var $f={$blk:BJ,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};$pkg.TrimSpace=BJ;BN=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;while(true){if(!(!((d.$length===0))&&!((e.$length===0)))){break;}f=0;g=0;h=f;i=g;if((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])<128){j=(((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])>>0));k=$subslice(d,1);h=j;d=k;}else{l=C.DecodeRune(d);m=l[0];n=l[1];o=m;p=$subslice(d,n);h=o;d=p;}if((0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])<128){q=(((0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])>>0));r=$subslice(e,1);i=q;e=r;}else{s=C.DecodeRune(e);t=s[0];u=s[1];v=t;w=$subslice(e,u);i=v;e=w;}if(i===h){continue;}if(i>0)-65>>0))){continue;}return false;}z=E.SimpleFold(h);while(true){if(!(!((z===h))&&z=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]));}else if((f===d.$length)){if(BY(e,d)){return 0;}return-1;}else if(f>d.$length){return-1;}else if(f<=D.MaxLen){if(d.$length<=0){return D.Index(d,e);}g=(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]);h=(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1]);i=0;j=(d.$length-f>>0)+1>>0;k=0;while(true){if(!(i=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+i])===g))){l=BX($subslice(d,(i+1>>0),j),g);if(l<0){return-1;}i=i+((l+1>>0))>>0;}if(((m=i+1>>0,((m<0||m>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+m]))===h)&&BY($subslice(d,i,(i+f>>0)),e)){return i;}k=k+(1)>>0;i=i+(1)>>0;if(k>D.Cutover(i)){n=D.Index($subslice(d,i),e);if(n>=0){return n+i>>0;}return-1;}}return-1;}o=(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]);p=(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1]);q=0;r=0;s=(d.$length-f>>0)+1>>0;while(true){if(!(q=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+q])===o))){t=BX($subslice(d,(q+1>>0),s),o);if(t<0){break;}q=q+((t+1>>0))>>0;}if(((u=q+1>>0,((u<0||u>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+u]))===p)&&BY($subslice(d,q,(q+f>>0)),e)){return q;}q=q+(1)>>0;r=r+(1)>>0;if(r>=(4+(q>>4>>0)>>0)&&q>0;}}return-1;};$pkg.Index=BO;BP=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;f=CA.nil;g=CA.nil;h=false;i=BO(d,e);if(i>=0){j=$subslice(d,0,i);k=$subslice(d,(i+e.$length>>0));l=true;f=j;g=k;h=l;return[f,g,h];}m=d;n=CA.nil;o=false;f=m;g=n;h=o;return[f,g,h];};$pkg.Cut=BP;BQ.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var d;d=this;return $subslice(d.buf,d.off);};BQ.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};BQ.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var d;d=this;if(d===CI.nil){return"";}return($bytesToString($subslice(d.buf,d.off)));};BQ.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};BQ.ptr.prototype.empty=function(){var d;d=this;return d.buf.$length<=d.off;};BQ.prototype.empty=function(){return this.$val.empty();};BQ.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var d;d=this;return d.buf.$length-d.off>>0;};BQ.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};BQ.ptr.prototype.Cap=function(){var d;d=this;return d.buf.$capacity;};BQ.prototype.Cap=function(){return this.$val.Cap();};BQ.ptr.prototype.Truncate=function(d){var d,e;e=this;if(d===0){e.Reset();return;}e.lastRead=0;if(d<0||d>e.Len()){$panic(new $String("bytes.Buffer: truncation out of range"));}e.buf=$subslice(e.buf,0,(e.off+d>>0));};BQ.prototype.Truncate=function(d){return this.$val.Truncate(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var d;d=this;d.buf=$subslice(d.buf,0,0);d.off=0;d.lastRead=0;};BQ.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};BQ.ptr.prototype.tryGrowByReslice=function(d){var d,e,f;e=this;f=e.buf.$length;if(d<=(e.buf.$capacity-f>>0)){e.buf=$subslice(e.buf,0,(f+d>>0));return[f,true];}return[0,false];};BQ.prototype.tryGrowByReslice=function(d){return this.$val.tryGrowByReslice(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.grow=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.Len();if((f===0)&&!((e.off===0))){e.Reset();}g=e.tryGrowByReslice(d);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(i){$s=-1;return h;}if(e.buf===CA.nil&&d<=64){e.buf=$makeSlice(CA,d,64);$s=-1;return 0;}j=e.buf.$capacity;if(d<=((k=j/2,(k===k&&k!==1/0&&k!==-1/0)?k>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))-f>>0)){$s=1;continue;}if(j>((2147483647-j>>0)-d>>0)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:$copySlice(e.buf,$subslice(e.buf,e.off));$s=4;continue;case 2:$panic($pkg.ErrTooLarge);$s=4;continue;case 3:l=BT(($imul(2,j))+d>>0);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$copySlice(m,$subslice(e.buf,e.off));e.buf=m;case 4:e.off=0;e.buf=$subslice(e.buf,0,(f+d>>0));$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.grow,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.grow=function(d){return this.$val.grow(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.Grow=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(d<0){$panic(new $String("bytes.Buffer.Grow: negative count"));}f=e.grow(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;e.buf=$subslice(e.buf,0,g);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.Grow,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.Grow=function(d){return this.$val.Grow(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.Write=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;g.lastRead=0;h=g.tryGrowByReslice(d.$length);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(!j){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=g.grow(d.$length);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=k;case 2:l=$copySlice($subslice(g.buf,i),d);m=$ifaceNil;e=l;f=m;$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.Write=function(d){return this.$val.Write(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;g.lastRead=0;h=g.tryGrowByReslice(d.length);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(!j){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=g.grow(d.length);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=k;case 2:l=$copyString($subslice(g.buf,i),d);m=$ifaceNil;e=l;f=m;$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.WriteString,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.WriteString=function(d){return this.$val.WriteString(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=new $Int64(0,0);f=$ifaceNil;g=this;g.lastRead=0;case 1:h=g.grow(512);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;g.buf=$subslice(g.buf,0,i);k=d.Read($subslice(g.buf,i,g.buf.$capacity));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(l<0){$panic(BS);}g.buf=$subslice(g.buf,0,(i+l>>0));e=(n=(new $Int64(0,l)),new $Int64(e.$high+n.$high,e.$low+n.$low));if($interfaceIsEqual(m,B.EOF)){o=e;p=$ifaceNil;e=o;f=p;$s=-1;return[e,f];}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){q=e;r=m;e=q;f=r;$s=-1;return[e,f];}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.ReadFrom=function(d){return this.$val.ReadFrom(d);};BT=function(d){var{d,e,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$deferred.push([(function(){if(!($interfaceIsEqual($recover(),$ifaceNil))){$panic($pkg.ErrTooLarge);}}),[]]);e=$makeSlice(CA,d);$s=1;case 1:return e;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return CA.nil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BT,$c:true,$r,d,e,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BQ.ptr.prototype.WriteTo=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=new $Int64(0,0);f=$ifaceNil;g=this;g.lastRead=0;h=g.Len();if(h>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=d.Write($subslice(g.buf,g.off));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(k>h){$panic(new $String("bytes.Buffer.WriteTo: invalid Write count"));}g.off=g.off+(k)>>0;e=(new $Int64(0,k));if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){m=e;n=l;e=m;f=n;$s=-1;return[e,f];}if(!((k===h))){o=e;p=B.ErrShortWrite;e=o;f=p;$s=-1;return[e,f];}case 2:g.Reset();q=e;r=$ifaceNil;e=q;f=r;$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.WriteTo,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.WriteTo=function(d){return this.$val.WriteTo(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.WriteByte=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;e.lastRead=0;f=e.tryGrowByReslice(1);g=f[0];h=f[1];if(!h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=e.grow(1);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i;case 2:(j=e.buf,((g<0||g>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+g]=d));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.WriteByte,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.WriteByte=function(d){return this.$val.WriteByte(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.WriteRune=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;if(((d>>>0))<128){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=g.WriteByte(((d<<24>>>24)));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;i=1;j=$ifaceNil;e=i;f=j;$s=-1;return[e,f];case 2:g.lastRead=0;k=g.tryGrowByReslice(4);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!m){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:n=g.grow(4);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=n;case 5:e=C.EncodeRune($subslice(g.buf,l,(l+4>>0)),d);g.buf=$subslice(g.buf,0,(l+e>>0));o=e;p=$ifaceNil;e=o;f=p;$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.WriteRune,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.WriteRune=function(d){return this.$val.WriteRune(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.Read=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;g.lastRead=0;if(g.empty()){g.Reset();if(d.$length===0){h=0;i=$ifaceNil;e=h;f=i;return[e,f];}j=0;k=B.EOF;e=j;f=k;return[e,f];}e=$copySlice(d,$subslice(g.buf,g.off));g.off=g.off+(e)>>0;if(e>0){g.lastRead=-1;}l=e;m=$ifaceNil;e=l;f=m;return[e,f];};BQ.prototype.Read=function(d){return this.$val.Read(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.Next=function(d){var d,e,f,g;e=this;e.lastRead=0;f=e.Len();if(d>f){d=f;}g=$subslice(e.buf,e.off,(e.off+d>>0));e.off=e.off+(d)>>0;if(d>0){e.lastRead=-1;}return g;};BQ.prototype.Next=function(d){return this.$val.Next(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.ReadByte=function(){var d,e,f,g;d=this;if(d.empty()){d.Reset();return[0,B.EOF];}g=(e=d.buf,f=d.off,((f<0||f>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]));d.off=d.off+(1)>>0;d.lastRead=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];};BQ.prototype.ReadByte=function(){return this.$val.ReadByte();};BQ.ptr.prototype.ReadRune=function(){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u;d=0;e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;if(g.empty()){g.Reset();h=0;i=0;j=B.EOF;d=h;e=i;f=j;return[d,e,f];}m=(k=g.buf,l=g.off,((l<0||l>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]));if(m<128){g.off=g.off+(1)>>0;g.lastRead=1;n=((m>>0));o=1;p=$ifaceNil;d=n;e=o;f=p;return[d,e,f];}q=C.DecodeRune($subslice(g.buf,g.off));d=q[0];r=q[1];g.off=g.off+(r)>>0;g.lastRead=((r<<24>>24));s=d;t=r;u=$ifaceNil;d=s;e=t;f=u;return[d,e,f];};BQ.prototype.ReadRune=function(){return this.$val.ReadRune();};BQ.ptr.prototype.UnreadRune=function(){var d;d=this;if(d.lastRead<=0){return A.New("bytes.Buffer: UnreadRune: previous operation was not a successful ReadRune");}if(d.off>=((d.lastRead>>0))){d.off=d.off-(((d.lastRead>>0)))>>0;}d.lastRead=0;return $ifaceNil;};BQ.prototype.UnreadRune=function(){return this.$val.UnreadRune();};BQ.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte=function(){var d;d=this;if(d.lastRead===0){return BU;}d.lastRead=0;if(d.off>0){d.off=d.off-(1)>>0;}return $ifaceNil;};BQ.prototype.UnreadByte=function(){return this.$val.UnreadByte();};BQ.ptr.prototype.ReadBytes=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;e=CA.nil;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;h=g.readSlice(d);i=h[0];f=h[1];e=$appendSlice(e,i);j=e;k=f;e=j;f=k;return[e,f];};BQ.prototype.ReadBytes=function(d){return this.$val.ReadBytes(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.readSlice=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;e=CA.nil;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;h=BX($subslice(g.buf,g.off),d);i=(g.off+h>>0)+1>>0;if(h<0){i=g.buf.$length;f=B.EOF;}e=$subslice(g.buf,g.off,i);g.off=i;g.lastRead=-1;j=e;k=f;e=j;f=k;return[e,f];};BQ.prototype.readSlice=function(d){return this.$val.readSlice(d);};BQ.ptr.prototype.ReadString=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;e="";f=$ifaceNil;g=this;h=g.readSlice(d);i=h[0];f=h[1];j=($bytesToString(i));k=f;e=j;f=k;return[e,f];};BQ.prototype.ReadString=function(d){return this.$val.ReadString(d);};BX=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i;f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(i===e){return h;}g++;}return-1;};$pkg.IndexByte=BX;BY=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i;if(!((d.$length===e.$length))){return false;}f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(!((i===((h<0||h>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+h])))){return false;}g++;}return true;};$pkg.Equal=BY;BZ=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(h>=e.$length){return 1;}j=((h<0||h>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+h]);if(ij){return 1;}g++;}if(d.$lengthh){g=h;}i=$makeSlice(CL,g);j=0;while(true){if(!(j<(g-1>>0))){break;}k=C.DecodeRuneInString(f);l=k[0];m=k[1];((j<0||j>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]=$substring(f,0,m));f=$substring(f,m);if(l===65533){((j<0||j>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]="\xEF\xBF\xBD");}j=j+(1)>>0;}if(g>0){(n=g-1>>0,((n<0||n>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+n]=f));}return i;};I=function(f,g){var f,g;return CH(f,g)>=0;};$pkg.Contains=I;J=function(f,g){var f,g;return M(f,g)>=0;};$pkg.ContainsAny=J;K=function(f,g){var f,g;return L(f,g)>=0;};$pkg.ContainsRune=K;L=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l;if(0<=g&&g<128){return CG(f,((g<<24>>>24)));}else if((g===65533)){h=f;i=0;while(true){if(!(i>0));if(h>=128){h=65533;}return L(f,h);}if(f.length>8){i=AT(g);j=$clone(i[0],AS);k=i[1];if(k){l=0;while(true){if(!(l>0;}return-1;}}m=f;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=0){return p;}n+=o[1];}return-1;};$pkg.IndexAny=M;O=function(f,g){var f,g,h;h=f.length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(h>=0)){break;}if(f.charCodeAt(h)===g){return h;}h=h-(1)>>0;}return-1;};$pkg.LastIndexByte=O;P=function(f,g,h,i){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l;if(i===0){return CL.nil;}if(g===""){return H(f,i);}if(i<0){i=CJ(f,g)+1>>0;}j=$makeSlice(CL,i);i=i-(1)>>0;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]=$substring(f,0,(l+h>>0)));f=$substring(f,(l+g.length>>0));k=k+(1)>>0;}((k<0||k>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]=f);return $subslice(j,0,(k+1>>0));};Q=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;return P(f,g,0,h);};$pkg.SplitN=Q;S=function(f,g){var f,g;return P(f,g,0,-1);};$pkg.Split=S;V=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=0;h=1;i=0;j=0;while(true){if(!(j>>0;l=((((k<0||k>=U.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):U[k])>>0));g=g+((h&(~l>>0)))>>0;h=l;j=j+(1)>>0;}if(i>=128){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=W(f,B.IsSpace);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=4;case 4:return n;case 2:o=$makeSlice(CL,g);p=0;q=0;r=0;while(true){if(!(r=U.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):U[s]))===0)))){break;}r=r+(1)>>0;}q=r;while(true){if(!(r=U.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):U[t]))===0){r=r+(1)>>0;continue;}((p<0||p>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]=$substring(f,q,r));p=p+(1)>>0;r=r+(1)>>0;while(true){if(!(r=U.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):U[u]))===0)))){break;}r=r+(1)>>0;}q=r;}if(q=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]=$substring(f,q));}$s=-1;return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:V,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Fields=V;W=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=$makeSlice(CO,0,32);i=-1;j=f;k=0;case 1:if(!(k=0){h=$append(h,new CN.ptr(i,m));i=~i>>0;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if(i<0){i=m;}case 5:k+=l[1];$s=1;continue;case 2:if(i>=0){h=$append(h,new CN.ptr(i,f.length));}p=$makeSlice(CL,h.$length);q=h;r=0;while(true){if(!(r=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r]),CN);((s<0||s>=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+s]=$substring(f,t.start,t.end));r++;}$s=-1;return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:W,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};$pkg.FieldsFunc=W;X=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;h=f.$length;if(h===(0)){return"";}else if(h===(1)){return(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]);}i=$imul(g.length,((f.$length-1>>0)));j=0;while(true){if(!(j=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+j]).length)>>0;j=j+(1)>>0;}k=new CE.ptr(CP.nil,CQ.nil);k.Grow(i);k.WriteString((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]));l=$subslice(f,1);m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);k.WriteString(g);k.WriteString(n);m++;}return k.String();};$pkg.Join=X;Y=function(f,g){var f,g;return f.length>=g.length&&$substring(f,0,g.length)===g;};$pkg.HasPrefix=Y;Z=function(f,g){var f,g;return f.length>=g.length&&$substring(f,(f.length-g.length>>0))===g;};$pkg.HasSuffix=Z;AA=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=new CE.ptr(CP.nil,CQ.nil);i=g;j=0;case 1:if(!(j>0);h.WriteString($substring(g,0,l));if(o>=0){h.WriteRune(o);}g=$substring(g,(l+p>>0));$s=2;continue;case 2:if(h.Cap()===0){$s=-1;return g;}r=g;s=0;case 4:if(!(s=0){if(w<128){h.WriteByte(((w<<24>>>24)));}else{h.WriteRune(w);}}s+=t[1];$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return h.String();}return;}var $f={$blk:AA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Map=AA;AB=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j,k;if(g===0){return"";}if(g<0){$panic(new $String("strings: negative Repeat count"));}else if(!(((h=($imul(f.length,g))/g,(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===f.length))){$panic(new $String("strings: Repeat count causes overflow"));}i=$imul(f.length,g);j=new CE.ptr(CP.nil,CQ.nil);j.Grow(i);j.WriteString(f);while(true){if(!(j.Len()>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))){j.WriteString(j.String());}else{j.WriteString($substring(j.String(),0,(i-j.Len()>>0)));break;}}return j.String();};$pkg.Repeat=AB;AD=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=true;h=false;i=g;j=h;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=128){i=false;break;}j=j||(65<=l&&l<=90);k=k+(1)>>0;}if(i){if(!j){$s=-1;return f;}m=new CE.ptr(CP.nil,CQ.nil);m.Grow(f.length);n=0;while(true){if(!(n>>24;}m.WriteByte(o);n=n+(1)>>0;}$s=-1;return m.String();}p=AA(B.ToLower,f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=2;case 2:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:AD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ToLower=AD;AL=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=AQ(f,g,false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(i===-1){$s=-1;return"";}$s=-1;return $substring(f,i);}return;}var $f={$blk:AL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$pkg.TrimLeftFunc=AL;AM=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=AR(f,g,false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(i>=0&&f.charCodeAt(i)>=128){j=C.DecodeRuneInString($substring(f,i));k=j[1];i=i+(k)>>0;}else{i=i+(1)>>0;}$s=-1;return $substring(f,0,i);}return;}var $f={$blk:AM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$pkg.TrimRightFunc=AM;AN=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=AL(f,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=AM(h,g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.TrimFunc=AN;AO=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=AQ(f,g,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$pkg.IndexFunc=AO;AQ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=f;j=0;case 1:if(!(j0)){$s=2;continue;}j=C.DecodeLastRuneInString($substring(f,0,i));k=j[0];l=j[1];i=i-(l)>>0;m=g(k);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(m===h){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return i;case 4:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return-1;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AT=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;g=CR.zero();h=false;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=128){k=$clone(g,AS);l=false;AS.copy(g,k);h=l;return[g,h];}n=(m=j/32,(m===m&&m!==1/0&&m!==-1/0)?m>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));((n<0||n>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[n]=((((n<0||n>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[n])|(((o=((p=j%32,p===p?p:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))),o<32?(1<>>0)))>>>0));i=i+(1)>>0;}q=$clone(g,AS);r=true;AS.copy(g,q);h=r;return[g,h];};AS.prototype.contains=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l;g=this.$val;return!((((((h=g,i=(j=f/32,(j===j&&j!==1/0&&j!==-1/0)?j>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),((i<0||i>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[i]))&(((k=((l=f%32,l===l?l:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))),k<32?(1<>>0)))>>>0))===0));};$ptrType(AS).prototype.contains=function(f){return(new AS(this.$get())).contains(f);};AU=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j;if(f===""||g===""){return f;}if((g.length===1)&&g.charCodeAt(0)<128){return AW(BA(f,g.charCodeAt(0)),g.charCodeAt(0));}h=AT(g);i=$clone(h[0],AS);j=h[1];if(j){return AX(BB(f,i),i);}return AY(BC(f,g),g);};$pkg.Trim=AU;AV=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j;if(f===""||g===""){return f;}if((g.length===1)&&g.charCodeAt(0)<128){return AW(f,g.charCodeAt(0));}h=AT(g);i=$clone(h[0],AS);j=h[1];if(j){return AX(f,i);}return AY(f,g);};$pkg.TrimLeft=AV;AW=function(f,g){var f,g;while(true){if(!(f.length>0&&(f.charCodeAt(0)===g))){break;}f=$substring(f,1);}return f;};AX=function(f,g){var f,g;while(true){if(!(f.length>0)){break;}if(!new CM(g).contains(f.charCodeAt(0))){break;}f=$substring(f,1);}return f;};AY=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l;while(true){if(!(f.length>0)){break;}h=((f.charCodeAt(0)>>0));i=1;j=h;k=i;if(j>=128){l=C.DecodeRuneInString(f);j=l[0];k=l[1];}if(!K(g,j)){break;}f=$substring(f,k);}return f;};AZ=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j;if(f===""||g===""){return f;}if((g.length===1)&&g.charCodeAt(0)<128){return BA(f,g.charCodeAt(0));}h=AT(g);i=$clone(h[0],AS);j=h[1];if(j){return BB(f,i);}return BC(f,g);};$pkg.TrimRight=AZ;BA=function(f,g){var f,g;while(true){if(!(f.length>0&&(f.charCodeAt((f.length-1>>0))===g))){break;}f=$substring(f,0,(f.length-1>>0));}return f;};BB=function(f,g){var f,g;while(true){if(!(f.length>0)){break;}if(!new CM(g).contains(f.charCodeAt((f.length-1>>0)))){break;}f=$substring(f,0,(f.length-1>>0));}return f;};BC=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l;while(true){if(!(f.length>0)){break;}h=((f.charCodeAt((f.length-1>>0))>>0));i=1;j=h;k=i;if(j>=128){l=C.DecodeLastRuneInString(f);j=l[0];k=l[1];}if(!K(g,j)){break;}f=$substring(f,0,(f.length-k>>0));}return f;};BD=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=0;case 1:if(!(g=128){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:i=AN($substring(f,g),B.IsSpace);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=6;case 6:return j;case 4:if(((h<0||h>=U.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):U[h])===0){$s=2;continue;}g=g+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:k=f.length;case 7:if(!(k>g)){$s=8;continue;}l=f.charCodeAt((k-1>>0));if(l>=128){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:m=AN($substring(f,g,k),B.IsSpace);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=12;case 12:return n;case 10:if(((l<0||l>=U.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):U[l])===0){$s=8;continue;}k=k-(1)>>0;$s=7;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return $substring(f,g,k);}return;}var $f={$blk:BD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$pkg.TrimSpace=BD;BE=function(f,g){var f,g;if(Y(f,g)){return $substring(f,g.length);}return f;};$pkg.TrimPrefix=BE;BF=function(f,g){var f,g;if(Z(f,g)){return $substring(f,0,(f.length-g.length>>0));}return f;};$pkg.TrimSuffix=BF;BG=function(f,g,h,i){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;if(g===h||(i===0)){return f;}j=CJ(f,g);if(j===0){return f;}else if(i<0||j>0))))>>0);l=0;m=0;while(true){if(!(m0){o=C.DecodeRuneInString($substring(f,l));p=o[1];n=n+(p)>>0;}}else{n=n+(CH($substring(f,l),g))>>0;}k.WriteString($substring(f,l,n));k.WriteString(h);l=n+g.length>>0;m=m+(1)>>0;}k.WriteString($substring(f,l));return k.String();};$pkg.Replace=BG;BH=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;return BG(f,g,h,-1);};$pkg.ReplaceAll=BH;BI=function(f,g){var aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;while(true){if(!(!(f==="")&&!(g===""))){break;}h=0;i=0;j=h;k=i;if(f.charCodeAt(0)<128){l=((f.charCodeAt(0)>>0));m=$substring(f,1);j=l;f=m;}else{n=C.DecodeRuneInString(f);o=n[0];p=n[1];q=o;r=$substring(f,p);j=q;f=r;}if(g.charCodeAt(0)<128){s=((g.charCodeAt(0)>>0));t=$substring(g,1);k=s;g=t;}else{u=C.DecodeRuneInString(g);v=u[0];w=u[1];x=v;y=$substring(g,w);k=x;g=y;}if(k===j){continue;}if(k>0)-65>>0))){continue;}return false;}ab=B.SimpleFold(j);while(true){if(!(!((ab===j))&&ab=0){l=$substring(f,0,k);m=$substring(f,(k+g.length>>0));n=true;h=l;i=m;j=n;return[h,i,j];}o=f;p="";q=false;h=o;i=p;j=q;return[h,i,j];};$pkg.Cut=BJ;BL=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v;g=new BK.ptr(f,CS.zero(),$makeSlice(CT,f.length));h=f.length-1>>0;i=g.badCharSkip;j=0;while(true){if(!(j<256)){break;}k=j;(l=g.badCharSkip,((k<0||k>=l.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l[k]=f.length));j++;}m=0;while(true){if(!(m=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n[o]=(h-m>>0)));m=m+(1)>>0;}p=h;q=h;while(true){if(!(q>=0)){break;}if(Y(f,$substring(f,(q+1>>0)))){p=q+1>>0;}(r=g.goodSuffixSkip,((q<0||q>=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+q]=((p+h>>0)-q>>0)));q=q-(1)>>0;}s=0;while(true){if(!(s>0)));if(!((f.charCodeAt((s-t>>0))===f.charCodeAt((h-t>>0))))){(u=g.goodSuffixSkip,v=h-t>>0,((v<0||v>=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+v]=((t+h>>0)-s>>0)));}s=s+(1)>>0;}return g;};BM=function(f,g){var f,g,h;h=0;while(true){if(!(h>0)-h>>0))===g.charCodeAt(((g.length-1>>0)-h>>0))))){break;}h=h+(1)>>0;}return h;};BK.ptr.prototype.next=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l;g=this;h=g.pattern.length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(h>0;while(true){if(!(i>=0&&(f.charCodeAt(h)===g.pattern.charCodeAt(i)))){break;}h=h-(1)>>0;i=i-(1)>>0;}if(i<0){return h+1>>0;}h=h+(BN((j=g.badCharSkip,k=f.charCodeAt(h),((k<0||k>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[k])),(l=g.goodSuffixSkip,((i<0||i>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+i]))))>>0;}return-1;};BK.prototype.next=function(f){return this.$val.next(f);};BN=function(f,g){var f,g;if(f>g){return f;}return g;};BQ=function(f){var f,g;if((g=f.$length%2,g===g?g:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===1){$panic(new $String("strings.NewReplacer: odd argument count"));}return new BO.ptr(new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),$ifaceNil,$appendSlice((CL.nil),f));};$pkg.NewReplacer=BQ;BO.ptr.prototype.buildOnce=function(){var f;f=this;f.r=f.build();f.oldnew=CL.nil;};BO.prototype.buildOnce=function(){return this.$val.buildOnce();};BO.ptr.prototype.build=function(){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;f=this;g=f.oldnew;if((g.$length===2)&&(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]).length>1){return BY((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]),(1>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+1]));}h=true;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+i]).length===1))){return BT(g);}if(!(((j=i+1>>0,((j<0||j>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+j])).length===1))){h=false;}i=i+(2)>>0;}if(h){k=CU.zero();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m<256)){break;}n=m;((n<0||n>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[n]=((n<<24>>>24)));m++;}o=g.$length-2>>0;while(true){if(!(o>=0)){break;}p=((o<0||o>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+o]).charCodeAt(0);r=(q=o+1>>0,((q<0||q>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+q])).charCodeAt(0);((p<0||p>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[p]=r);o=o-(2)>>0;}return new CV(k);}t=new CA.ptr(CW.zero(),$makeSlice(CL,0,(s=g.$length/2,(s===s&&s!==1/0&&s!==-1/0)?s>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))));u=g.$length-2>>0;while(true){if(!(u>=0)){break;}v=((u<0||u>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+u]).charCodeAt(0);x=(w=u+1>>0,((w<0||w>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+w]));if((y=t.replacements,((v<0||v>=y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y[v]))===CQ.nil){t.toReplace=$append(t.toReplace,($bytesToString(new CQ([v]))));}(z=t.replacements,((v<0||v>=z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z[v]=(new CQ($stringToBytes(x)))));u=u-(2)>>0;}return t;};BO.prototype.build=function(){return this.$val.build();};BO.ptr.prototype.Replace=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.once.Do($methodVal(g,"buildOnce"));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.r.Replace(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.Replace,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.Replace=function(f){return this.$val.Replace(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;$r=j.once.Do($methodVal(j,"buildOnce"));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=j.r.WriteString(f,g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;h=k[0];i=k[1];m=[h,i];$s=3;case 3:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.WriteString,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.WriteString=function(f,g){return this.$val.WriteString(f,g);};BR.ptr.prototype.add=function(f,g,h,i){var aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;j=this;if(f===""){if(j.priority===0){j.value=g;j.priority=h;}return;}if(!(j.prefix==="")){k=0;while(true){if(!(k>0;}if(k===j.prefix.length){j.next.add($substring(f,k),g,h,i);}else if(k===0){l=CX.nil;if(j.prefix.length===1){l=j.next;}else{l=new BR.ptr("",0,$substring(j.prefix,1),j.next,CY.nil);}m=new BR.ptr("",0,"",CX.nil,CY.nil);j.table=$makeSlice(CY,i.tableSize);(n=j.table,o=(p=i.mapping,q=j.prefix.charCodeAt(0),((q<0||q>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[q])),((o<0||o>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]=l));(r=j.table,s=(t=i.mapping,u=f.charCodeAt(0),((u<0||u>=t.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t[u])),((s<0||s>=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]=m));j.prefix="";j.next=CX.nil;m.add($substring(f,1),g,h,i);}else{v=new BR.ptr("",0,$substring(j.prefix,k),j.next,CY.nil);j.prefix=$substring(j.prefix,0,k);j.next=v;v.add($substring(f,k),g,h,i);}}else if(!(j.table===CY.nil)){y=(w=i.mapping,x=f.charCodeAt(0),((x<0||x>=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[x]));if((z=j.table,((y<0||y>=z.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z.$array[z.$offset+y]))===CX.nil){(aa=j.table,((y<0||y>=aa.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa.$array[aa.$offset+y]=new BR.ptr("",0,"",CX.nil,CY.nil)));}(ab=j.table,((y<0||y>=ab.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ab.$array[ab.$offset+y])).add($substring(f,1),g,h,i);}else{j.prefix=f;j.next=new BR.ptr("",0,"",CX.nil,CY.nil);j.next.add("",g,h,i);}};BR.prototype.add=function(f,g,h,i){return this.$val.add(f,g,h,i);};BS.ptr.prototype.lookup=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;h="";i=0;j=false;k=this;l=0;m=k.root;n=0;while(true){if(!(!(m===CX.nil))){break;}if(m.priority>l&&!(g&&m===k.root)){l=m.priority;h=m.value;i=n;j=true;}if(f===""){break;}if(!(m.table===CY.nil)){q=(o=k.mapping,p=f.charCodeAt(0),((p<0||p>=o.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o[p]));if(((q>>0))===k.tableSize){break;}m=(r=m.table,((q<0||q>=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+q]));f=$substring(f,1);n=n+(1)>>0;}else if(!(m.prefix==="")&&Y(f,m.prefix)){n=n+(m.prefix.length)>>0;f=$substring(f,m.prefix.length);m=m.next;}else{break;}}return[h,i,j];};BS.prototype.lookup=function(f,g){return this.$val.lookup(f,g);};BT=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x;g=new BS.ptr(new BR.ptr("",0,"",CX.nil,CY.nil),0,CU.zero());h=0;while(true){if(!(h=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+h]);j=0;while(true){if(!(j=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[l]=1));j=j+(1)>>0;}h=h+(2)>>0;}m=g.mapping;n=0;while(true){if(!(n<256)){break;}o=((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n]);g.tableSize=g.tableSize+(((o>>0)))>>0;n++;}p=0;q=g.mapping;r=0;while(true){if(!(r<256)){break;}s=r;t=((r<0||r>=q.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q[r]);if(t===0){(u=g.mapping,((s<0||s>=u.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u[s]=((g.tableSize<<24>>>24))));}else{(v=g.mapping,((s<0||s>=v.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v[s]=p));p=p+(1)<<24>>>24;}r++;}g.root.table=$makeSlice(CY,g.tableSize);w=0;while(true){if(!(w=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+w]),(x=w+1>>0,((x<0||x>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+x])),f.$length-w>>0,g);w=w+(2)>>0;}return g;};$ptrType(BU).prototype.Write=function(f){var f,g;g=this;g.$set($appendSlice(g.$get(),f));return[f.$length,$ifaceNil];};$ptrType(BU).prototype.WriteString=function(f){var f,g;g=this;g.$set($appendSlice(g.$get(),f));return[f.length,$ifaceNil];};BV.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.w.Write((new CQ($stringToBytes(f))));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.WriteString,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.WriteString=function(f){return this.$val.WriteString(f);};BW=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j;g=$assertType(f,D.StringWriter,true);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(!i){h=(j=new BV.ptr(f),new j.constructor.elem(j));}return h;};BS.ptr.prototype.Replace=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=this;g[0]=$makeSlice(BU,0,f.length);i=h.WriteString((g.$ptr||(g.$ptr=new CZ(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},g))),f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return($bytesToString(g[0]));}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.Replace,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.Replace=function(f){return this.$val.Replace(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=BW(f);l=0;m=0;n=l;o=m;p=false;q=0;case 1:if(!(q<=g.length)){$s=2;continue;}if(!((q===g.length))&&(j.root.priority===0)){t=(((r=j.mapping,s=g.charCodeAt(q),((s<0||s>=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[s]))>>0));if((t===j.tableSize)||(u=j.root.table,((t<0||t>=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+t]))===CX.nil){q=q+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;}}v=j.lookup($substring(g,q),p);w=v[0];x=v[1];y=v[2];p=y&&(x===0);if(y){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:aa=k.WriteString($substring(g,n,q));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;o=z[0];i=z[1];h=h+(o)>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[h,i];}ac=k.WriteString(w);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;o=ab[0];i=ab[1];h=h+(o)>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[h,i];}q=q+(x)>>0;n=q;$s=1;continue;case 4:q=q+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!((n===g.length))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:ae=k.WriteString($substring(g,n));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;o=ad[0];i=ad[1];h=h+(o)>>0;case 8:$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.WriteString,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.WriteString=function(f,g){return this.$val.WriteString(f,g);};BY=function(f,g){var f,g;return new BX.ptr(BL(f),g);};BX.ptr.prototype.Replace=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;g=this;h=new CE.ptr(CP.nil,CQ.nil);i=0;j=false;k=i;l=j;while(true){m=g.finder.next($substring(f,k));if(m===-1){break;}l=true;h.Grow(m+g.value.length>>0);h.WriteString($substring(f,k,(k+m>>0)));h.WriteString(g.value);k=k+((m+g.finder.pattern.length>>0))>>0;}if(!l){return f;}h.WriteString($substring(f,k));return h.String();};BX.prototype.Replace=function(f){return this.$val.Replace(f);};BX.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=BW(f);l=0;m=0;n=l;o=m;case 1:p=j.finder.next($substring(g,n));if(p===-1){$s=2;continue;}r=k.WriteString($substring(g,n,(n+p>>0)));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;o=q[0];i=q[1];h=h+(o)>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[h,i];}t=k.WriteString(j.value);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;o=s[0];i=s[1];h=h+(o)>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[h,i];}n=n+((p+j.finder.pattern.length>>0))>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:v=k.WriteString($substring(g,n));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;o=u[0];i=u[1];h=h+(o)>>0;$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.WriteString,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.WriteString=function(f,g){return this.$val.WriteString(f,g);};BZ.prototype.Replace=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l;g=this.$val;h=CQ.nil;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[j]))===j))){if(h===CQ.nil){h=(new CQ($stringToBytes(f)));}((i<0||i>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]=(l=g,((j<0||j>=l.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l[j])));}i=i+(1)>>0;}if(h===CQ.nil){return f;}return($bytesToString(h));};$ptrType(BZ).prototype.Replace=function(f){return(new BZ(this.$get())).Replace(f);};BZ.prototype.WriteString=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this.$val;k=32768;if(g.length0)){$s=2;continue;}m=$copyString(l,g);g=$substring(g,m);n=$subslice(l,0,m);o=0;while(true){if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);((p<0||p>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+p]=(r=j,((q<0||q>=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[q])));o++;}t=f.Write($subslice(l,0,m));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[0];v=s[1];h=h+(u)>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){w=h;x=v;h=w;i=x;$s=-1;return[h,i];}$s=1;continue;case 2:y=h;z=$ifaceNil;h=y;i=z;$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:BZ.prototype.WriteString,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BZ).prototype.WriteString=function(f,g){return(new BZ(this.$get())).WriteString(f,g);};CA.ptr.prototype.Replace=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;g=this;h=f.length;i=false;if(($imul(g.toReplace.$length,8))<=f.length){j=g.toReplace;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);m=CJ(f,l);if(!((m===0))){h=h+(($imul(m,(((n=g.replacements,o=l.charCodeAt(0),((o<0||o>=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n[o])).$length-1>>0)))))>>0;i=true;}k++;}}else{p=0;while(true){if(!(p=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[q]))===CQ.nil)){h=h+(((s=g.replacements,((q<0||q>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[q])).$length-1>>0))>>0;i=true;}p=p+(1)>>0;}}if(!i){return f;}t=$makeSlice(CQ,h);u=0;v=0;while(true){if(!(v=x.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x[w]))===CQ.nil)){u=u+($copySlice($subslice(t,u),(y=g.replacements,((w<0||w>=y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y[w]))))>>0;}else{((u<0||u>=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+u]=w);u=u+(1)>>0;}v=v+(1)>>0;}return($bytesToString(t));};CA.prototype.Replace=function(f){return this.$val.Replace(f);};CA.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=BW(f);l=0;m=0;case 1:if(!(m=o.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o[n]))===CQ.nil){m=m+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;}if(!((l===m))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:q=k.WriteString($substring(g,l,m));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];s=p[1];h=h+(r)>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){t=h;u=s;h=t;i=u;$s=-1;return[h,i];}case 4:l=m+1>>0;x=f.Write((w=j.replacements,((n<0||n>=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[n])));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=x;y=v[0];z=v[1];h=h+(y)>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){aa=h;ab=z;h=aa;i=ab;$s=-1;return[h,i];}m=m+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!((l===g.length))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:ac=0;ae=k.WriteString($substring(g,l));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;ac=ad[0];i=ad[1];h=h+(ac)>>0;case 8:$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.WriteString,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.WriteString=function(f,g){return this.$val.WriteString(f,g);};CB.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var f,g,h,i,j,k;f=this;if((g=f.i,h=(new $Int64(0,f.s.length)),(g.$high>h.$high||(g.$high===h.$high&&g.$low>=h.$low)))){return 0;}return(((i=(j=(new $Int64(0,f.s.length)),k=f.i,new $Int64(j.$high-k.$high,j.$low-k.$low)),i.$low+((i.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));};CB.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};CB.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var f;f=this;return(new $Int64(0,f.s.length));};CB.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};CB.ptr.prototype.Read=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;if((j=i.i,k=(new $Int64(0,i.s.length)),(j.$high>k.$high||(j.$high===k.$high&&j.$low>=k.$low)))){l=0;m=D.EOF;g=l;h=m;return[g,h];}i.prevRune=-1;g=$copyString(f,$substring(i.s,$flatten64(i.i)));i.i=(n=i.i,o=(new $Int64(0,g)),new $Int64(n.$high+o.$high,n.$low+o.$low));return[g,h];};CB.prototype.Read=function(f){return this.$val.Read(f);};CB.ptr.prototype.ReadAt=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if((g.$high<0||(g.$high===0&&g.$low<0))){k=0;l=F.New("strings.Reader.ReadAt: negative offset");h=k;i=l;return[h,i];}if((m=(new $Int64(0,j.s.length)),(g.$high>m.$high||(g.$high===m.$high&&g.$low>=m.$low)))){n=0;o=D.EOF;h=n;i=o;return[h,i];}h=$copyString(f,$substring(j.s,$flatten64(g)));if(hh.$high||(g.$high===h.$high&&g.$low>=h.$low)))){return[0,D.EOF];}i=f.s.charCodeAt($flatten64(f.i));f.i=(j=f.i,k=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(j.$high+k.$high,j.$low+k.$low));return[i,$ifaceNil];};CB.prototype.ReadByte=function(){return this.$val.ReadByte();};CB.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte=function(){var f,g,h,i;f=this;if((g=f.i,(g.$high<0||(g.$high===0&&g.$low<=0)))){return F.New("strings.Reader.UnreadByte: at beginning of string");}f.prevRune=-1;f.i=(h=f.i,i=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(h.$high-i.$high,h.$low-i.$low));return $ifaceNil;};CB.prototype.UnreadByte=function(){return this.$val.UnreadByte();};CB.ptr.prototype.ReadRune=function(){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x;f=0;g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;if((j=i.i,k=(new $Int64(0,i.s.length)),(j.$high>k.$high||(j.$high===k.$high&&j.$low>=k.$low)))){i.prevRune=-1;l=0;m=0;n=D.EOF;f=l;g=m;h=n;return[f,g,h];}i.prevRune=(((o=i.i,o.$low+((o.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));p=i.s.charCodeAt($flatten64(i.i));if(p<128){i.i=(q=i.i,r=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));s=((p>>0));t=1;u=$ifaceNil;f=s;g=t;h=u;return[f,g,h];}v=C.DecodeRuneInString($substring(i.s,$flatten64(i.i)));f=v[0];g=v[1];i.i=(w=i.i,x=(new $Int64(0,g)),new $Int64(w.$high+x.$high,w.$low+x.$low));return[f,g,h];};CB.prototype.ReadRune=function(){return this.$val.ReadRune();};CB.ptr.prototype.UnreadRune=function(){var f,g;f=this;if((g=f.i,(g.$high<0||(g.$high===0&&g.$low<=0)))){return F.New("strings.Reader.UnreadRune: at beginning of string");}if(f.prevRune<0){return F.New("strings.Reader.UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune");}f.i=(new $Int64(0,f.prevRune));f.prevRune=-1;return $ifaceNil;};CB.prototype.UnreadRune=function(){return this.$val.UnreadRune();};CB.ptr.prototype.Seek=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l;h=this;h.prevRune=-1;i=new $Int64(0,0);j=g;if(j===(0)){i=f;}else if(j===(1)){i=(k=h.i,new $Int64(k.$high+f.$high,k.$low+f.$low));}else if(j===(2)){i=(l=(new $Int64(0,h.s.length)),new $Int64(l.$high+f.$high,l.$low+f.$low));}else{return[new $Int64(0,0),F.New("strings.Reader.Seek: invalid whence")];}if((i.$high<0||(i.$high===0&&i.$low<0))){return[new $Int64(0,0),F.New("strings.Reader.Seek: negative position")];}h.i=i;return[i,$ifaceNil];};CB.prototype.Seek=function(f,g){return this.$val.Seek(f,g);};CB.ptr.prototype.WriteTo=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=new $Int64(0,0);h=$ifaceNil;i=this;i.prevRune=-1;if((j=i.i,k=(new $Int64(0,i.s.length)),(j.$high>k.$high||(j.$high===k.$high&&j.$low>=k.$low)))){l=new $Int64(0,0);m=$ifaceNil;g=l;h=m;$s=-1;return[g,h];}n=$substring(i.s,$flatten64(i.i));p=D.WriteString(f,n);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];h=o[1];if(q>n.length){$panic(new $String("strings.Reader.WriteTo: invalid WriteString count"));}i.i=(r=i.i,s=(new $Int64(0,q)),new $Int64(r.$high+s.$high,r.$low+s.$low));g=(new $Int64(0,q));if(!((q===n.length))&&$interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){h=D.ErrShortWrite;}$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:CB.ptr.prototype.WriteTo,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};CB.prototype.WriteTo=function(f){return this.$val.WriteTo(f);};CB.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(f){var f,g;g=this;CB.copy(g,new CB.ptr(f,new $Int64(0,0),-1));};CB.prototype.Reset=function(f){return this.$val.Reset(f);};CC=function(f){var f;return new CB.ptr(f,new $Int64(0,0),-1);};$pkg.NewReader=CC;CE.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var f;f=this;return f.buf.$length;};CE.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};CE.ptr.prototype.Cap=function(){var f;f=this;return f.buf.$capacity;};CE.prototype.Cap=function(){return this.$val.Cap();};CE.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var f;f=this;f.addr=CP.nil;f.buf=CQ.nil;};CE.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};CE.ptr.prototype.grow=function(f){var f,g,h;g=this;h=$makeSlice(CQ,g.buf.$length,(($imul(2,g.buf.$capacity))+f>>0));$copySlice(h,g.buf);g.buf=h;};CE.prototype.grow=function(f){return this.$val.grow(f);};CE.ptr.prototype.Grow=function(f){var f,g;g=this;g.copyCheck();if(f<0){$panic(new $String("strings.Builder.Grow: negative count"));}if((g.buf.$capacity-g.buf.$length>>0)>>0))<128){g.buf=$append(g.buf,((f<<24>>>24)));return[1,$ifaceNil];}h=g.buf.$length;if((g.buf.$capacity-h>>0)<4){g.grow(4);}i=C.EncodeRune($subslice(g.buf,h,(h+4>>0)),f);g.buf=$subslice(g.buf,0,(h+i>>0));return[i,$ifaceNil];};CE.prototype.WriteRune=function(f){return this.$val.WriteRune(f);};CE.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(f){var f,g;g=this;g.copyCheck();g.buf=$appendSlice(g.buf,f);return[f.length,$ifaceNil];};CE.prototype.WriteString=function(f){return this.$val.WriteString(f);};CG=function(f,g){var f,g;return $parseInt(f.indexOf($global.String.fromCharCode(g)))>>0;};$pkg.IndexByte=CG;CH=function(f,g){var f,g;return $parseInt(f.indexOf(g))>>0;};$pkg.Index=CH;CI=function(f,g){var f,g;return $parseInt(f.lastIndexOf(g))>>0;};$pkg.LastIndex=CI;CJ=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i;h=0;if((g.length===0)){return C.RuneCountInString(f)+1>>0;}else if(g.length>f.length){return 0;}else if((g.length===f.length)){if(g===f){return 1;}return 0;}while(true){i=CH(f,g);if(i===-1){break;}h=h+(1)>>0;f=$substring(f,(i+g.length>>0));}return h;};$pkg.Count=CJ;CE.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var f;f=this;return($bytesToString(f.buf));};CE.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};CE.ptr.prototype.copyCheck=function(){var f;f=this;if(f.addr===CP.nil){f.addr=f;}else if(!(f.addr===f)){$panic(new $String("strings: illegal use of non-zero Builder copied by value"));}};CE.prototype.copyCheck=function(){return 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$pkg={},$init,A,B,C,E,D,F,G,P,U,X,Z,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,S,T,H,L,M,Q,R,V,W,Y;A=$packages["bytes"];B=$packages["errors"];C=$packages["io"];E=$packages["strings"];D=$packages["unicode/utf8"];F=$pkg.Scanner=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"bufio.Scanner",true,"bufio",true,function(r_,split_,maxTokenSize_,token_,buf_,start_,end_,err_,empties_,scanCalled_,done_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.r=$ifaceNil;this.split=$throwNilPointerError;this.maxTokenSize=0;this.token=Z.nil;this.buf=Z.nil;this.start=0;this.end=0;this.err=$ifaceNil;this.empties=0;this.scanCalled=false;this.done=false;return;}this.r=r_;this.split=split_;this.maxTokenSize=maxTokenSize_;this.token=token_;this.buf=buf_;this.start=start_;this.end=end_;this.err=err_;this.empties=empties_;this.scanCalled=scanCalled_;this.done=done_;});G=$pkg.SplitFunc=$newType(4,$kindFunc,"bufio.SplitFunc",true,"bufio",true,null);P=$pkg.Reader=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"bufio.Reader",true,"bufio",true,function(buf_,rd_,r_,w_,err_,lastByte_,lastRuneSize_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.buf=Z.nil;this.rd=$ifaceNil;this.r=0;this.w=0;this.err=$ifaceNil;this.lastByte=0;this.lastRuneSize=0;return;}this.buf=buf_;this.rd=rd_;this.r=r_;this.w=w_;this.err=err_;this.lastByte=lastByte_;this.lastRuneSize=lastRuneSize_;});U=$pkg.Writer=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"bufio.Writer",true,"bufio",true,function(err_,buf_,n_,wr_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.err=$ifaceNil;this.buf=Z.nil;this.n=0;this.wr=$ifaceNil;return;}this.err=err_;this.buf=buf_;this.n=n_;this.wr=wr_;});X=$pkg.ReadWriter=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"bufio.ReadWriter",true,"bufio",true,function(Reader_,Writer_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Reader=AA.nil;this.Writer=AD.nil;return;}this.Reader=Reader_;this.Writer=Writer_;});Z=$sliceType($Uint8);AA=$ptrType(P);AB=$sliceType(Z);AC=$ptrType(E.Builder);AD=$ptrType(U);AE=$ptrType(F);H=function(a){var a;return new F.ptr(a,M,65536,Z.nil,Z.nil,0,0,$ifaceNil,0,false,false);};$pkg.NewScanner=H;F.ptr.prototype.Err=function(){var a;a=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(a.err,C.EOF)){return $ifaceNil;}return a.err;};F.prototype.Err=function(){return this.$val.Err();};F.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var a;a=this;return a.token;};F.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};F.ptr.prototype.Text=function(){var a;a=this;return($bytesToString(a.token));};F.prototype.Text=function(){return this.$val.Text();};F.ptr.prototype.Scan=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(a.done){$s=-1;return false;}a.scanCalled=true;case 1:if(a.end>a.start||!($interfaceIsEqual(a.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:c=a.split($subslice(a.buf,a.start,a.end),!($interfaceIsEqual(a.err,$ifaceNil)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];f=b[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(f,$pkg.ErrFinalToken)){a.token=e;a.done=true;$s=-1;return true;}a.setErr(f);$s=-1;return false;}if(!a.advance(d)){$s=-1;return false;}a.token=e;if(!(e===Z.nil)){if($interfaceIsEqual(a.err,$ifaceNil)||d>0){a.empties=0;}else{a.empties=a.empties+(1)>>0;if(a.empties>100){$panic(new $String("bufio.Scan: too many empty tokens without progressing"));}}$s=-1;return true;}case 4:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(a.err,$ifaceNil))){a.start=0;a.end=0;$s=-1;return false;}if(a.start>0&&((a.end===a.buf.$length)||a.start>(g=a.buf.$length/2,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))){$copySlice(a.buf,$subslice(a.buf,a.start,a.end));a.end=a.end-(a.start)>>0;a.start=0;}if(a.end===a.buf.$length){if(a.buf.$length>=a.maxTokenSize||a.buf.$length>1073741823){a.setErr($pkg.ErrTooLong);$s=-1;return false;}h=$imul(a.buf.$length,2);if(h===0){h=4096;}if(h>a.maxTokenSize){h=a.maxTokenSize;}i=$makeSlice(Z,h);$copySlice(i,$subslice(a.buf,a.start,a.end));a.buf=i;a.end=a.end-(a.start)>>0;a.start=0;}j=0;case 6:l=a.r.Read($subslice(a.buf,a.end,a.buf.$length));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(m<0||(a.buf.$length-a.end>>0)>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){a.setErr(n);$s=7;continue;}if(m>0){a.empties=0;$s=7;continue;}j=j+(1)>>0;if(j>100){a.setErr(C.ErrNoProgress);$s=7;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 7:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:F.ptr.prototype.Scan,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};F.prototype.Scan=function(){return this.$val.Scan();};F.ptr.prototype.advance=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(a<0){b.setErr($pkg.ErrNegativeAdvance);return false;}if(a>(b.end-b.start>>0)){b.setErr($pkg.ErrAdvanceTooFar);return false;}b.start=b.start+(a)>>0;return true;};F.prototype.advance=function(a){return this.$val.advance(a);};F.ptr.prototype.setErr=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(b.err,$ifaceNil)||$interfaceIsEqual(b.err,C.EOF)){b.err=a;}};F.prototype.setErr=function(a){return this.$val.setErr(a);};F.ptr.prototype.Buffer=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(c.scanCalled){$panic(new $String("Buffer called after Scan"));}c.buf=$subslice(a,0,a.$capacity);c.maxTokenSize=b;};F.prototype.Buffer=function(a,b){return this.$val.Buffer(a,b);};F.ptr.prototype.Split=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(b.scanCalled){$panic(new $String("Split called after Scan"));}b.split=a;};F.prototype.Split=function(a){return this.$val.Split(a);};L=function(a){var a,b;if(a.$length>0&&((b=a.$length-1>>0,((b<0||b>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]))===13)){return $subslice(a,0,(a.$length-1>>0));}return a;};M=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;c=0;d=Z.nil;e=$ifaceNil;if(b&&(a.$length===0)){f=0;g=Z.nil;h=$ifaceNil;c=f;d=g;e=h;return[c,d,e];}i=A.IndexByte(a,10);if(i>=0){j=i+1>>0;k=L($subslice(a,0,i));l=$ifaceNil;c=j;d=k;e=l;return[c,d,e];}if(b){m=a.$length;n=L(a);o=$ifaceNil;c=m;d=n;e=o;return[c,d,e];}p=0;q=Z.nil;r=$ifaceNil;c=p;d=q;e=r;return[c,d,e];};$pkg.ScanLines=M;Q=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f;c=$assertType(a,AA,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(e&&d.buf.$length>=b){return d;}if(b<16){b=16;}f=new P.ptr(Z.nil,$ifaceNil,0,0,$ifaceNil,0,0);f.reset($makeSlice(Z,b),a);return f;};$pkg.NewReaderSize=Q;R=function(a){var a;return Q(a,4096);};$pkg.NewReader=R;P.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var a;a=this;return a.buf.$length;};P.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};P.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(b.buf===Z.nil){b.buf=$makeSlice(Z,4096);}b.reset(b.buf,a);};P.prototype.Reset=function(a){return this.$val.Reset(a);};P.ptr.prototype.reset=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;P.copy(c,new P.ptr(a,b,0,0,$ifaceNil,-1,-1));};P.prototype.reset=function(a,b){return this.$val.reset(a,b);};P.ptr.prototype.fill=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(a.r>0){$copySlice(a.buf,$subslice(a.buf,a.r,a.w));a.w=a.w-(a.r)>>0;a.r=0;}if(a.w>=a.buf.$length){$panic(new $String("bufio: tried to fill full buffer"));}b=100;case 1:if(!(b>0)){$s=2;continue;}d=a.rd.Read($subslice(a.buf,a.w));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(e<0){$panic(S);}a.w=a.w+(e)>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){a.err=f;$s=-1;return;}if(e>0){$s=-1;return;}b=b-(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:a.err=C.ErrNoProgress;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.fill,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.fill=function(){return this.$val.fill();};P.ptr.prototype.readErr=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.err;a.err=$ifaceNil;return b;};P.prototype.readErr=function(){return this.$val.readErr();};P.ptr.prototype.Peek=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(a<0){$s=-1;return[Z.nil,$pkg.ErrNegativeCount];}b.lastByte=-1;b.lastRuneSize=-1;case 1:if(!((b.w-b.r>>0)>0)b.buf.$length){$s=-1;return[$subslice(b.buf,b.r,b.w),$pkg.ErrBufferFull];}c=$ifaceNil;d=b.w-b.r>>0;if(d>0)),c];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.Peek,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.Peek=function(a){return this.$val.Peek(a);};P.ptr.prototype.Discard=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;if(a<0){e=0;f=$pkg.ErrNegativeCount;b=e;c=f;$s=-1;return[b,c];}if(a===0){$s=-1;return[b,c];}d.lastByte=-1;d.lastRuneSize=-1;g=a;case 1:h=d.Buffered();if(h===0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=d.fill();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=d.Buffered();case 4:if(h>g){h=g;}d.r=d.r+(h)>>0;g=g-(h)>>0;if(g===0){i=a;j=$ifaceNil;b=i;c=j;$s=-1;return[b,c];}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){k=a-g>>0;l=d.readErr();b=k;c=l;$s=-1;return[b,c];}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.Discard,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.Discard=function(a){return this.$val.Discard(a);};P.ptr.prototype.Read=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;b=a.$length;if(b===0){if(d.Buffered()>0){e=0;f=$ifaceNil;b=e;c=f;$s=-1;return[b,c];}g=0;h=d.readErr();b=g;c=h;$s=-1;return[b,c];}if(d.r===d.w){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){i=0;j=d.readErr();b=i;c=j;$s=-1;return[b,c];}if(a.$length>=d.buf.$length){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=d.rd.Read(a);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;b=k[0];d.err=k[1];if(b<0){$panic(S);}if(b>0){d.lastByte=(((m=b-1>>0,((m<0||m>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+m]))>>0));d.lastRuneSize=-1;}n=b;o=d.readErr();b=n;c=o;$s=-1;return[b,c];case 4:d.r=0;d.w=0;q=d.rd.Read(d.buf);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;b=p[0];d.err=p[1];if(b<0){$panic(S);}if(b===0){r=0;s=d.readErr();b=r;c=s;$s=-1;return[b,c];}d.w=d.w+(b)>>0;case 2:b=$copySlice(a,$subslice(d.buf,d.r,d.w));d.r=d.r+(b)>>0;d.lastByte=(((t=d.buf,u=d.r-1>>0,((u<0||u>=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+u]))>>0));d.lastRuneSize=-1;v=b;w=$ifaceNil;b=v;c=w;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.Read=function(a){return this.$val.Read(a);};P.ptr.prototype.ReadByte=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;a.lastRuneSize=-1;case 1:if(!(a.r===a.w)){$s=2;continue;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(a.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,a.readErr()];}$r=a.fill();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=1;continue;case 2:d=(b=a.buf,c=a.r,((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]));a.r=a.r+(1)>>0;a.lastByte=((d>>0));$s=-1;return[d,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.ReadByte,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.ReadByte=function(){return this.$val.ReadByte();};P.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;if(a.lastByte<0||(a.r===0)&&a.w>0){return $pkg.ErrInvalidUnreadByte;}if(a.r>0){a.r=a.r-(1)>>0;}else{a.w=1;}(b=a.buf,c=a.r,((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]=((a.lastByte<<24>>>24))));a.lastByte=-1;a.lastRuneSize=-1;return $ifaceNil;};P.prototype.UnreadByte=function(){return this.$val.UnreadByte();};P.ptr.prototype.ReadRune=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=0;b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;case 1:if(!((d.r+4>>0)>d.w&&!D.FullRune($subslice(d.buf,d.r,d.w))&&$interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil)&&(d.w-d.r>>0)=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]))>>0));k=1;a=h;b=k;if(a>=128){l=D.DecodeRune($subslice(d.buf,d.r,d.w));a=l[0];b=l[1];}d.r=d.r+(b)>>0;d.lastByte=(((m=d.buf,n=d.r-1>>0,((n<0||n>=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]))>>0));d.lastRuneSize=b;o=a;p=b;q=$ifaceNil;a=o;b=p;c=q;$s=-1;return[a,b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.ReadRune,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.ReadRune=function(){return this.$val.ReadRune();};P.ptr.prototype.UnreadRune=function(){var a;a=this;if(a.lastRuneSize<0||a.r>0;a.lastByte=-1;a.lastRuneSize=-1;return $ifaceNil;};P.prototype.UnreadRune=function(){return this.$val.UnreadRune();};P.ptr.prototype.Buffered=function(){var a;a=this;return a.w-a.r>>0;};P.prototype.Buffered=function(){return this.$val.Buffered();};P.ptr.prototype.ReadSlice=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=Z.nil;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;e=0;case 1:f=A.IndexByte($subslice(d.buf,(d.r+e>>0),d.w),a);if(f>=0){f=f+(e)>>0;b=$subslice(d.buf,d.r,((d.r+f>>0)+1>>0));d.r=d.r+((f+1>>0))>>0;$s=2;continue;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){b=$subslice(d.buf,d.r,d.w);d.r=d.w;c=d.readErr();$s=2;continue;}if(d.Buffered()>=d.buf.$length){d.r=d.w;b=d.buf;c=$pkg.ErrBufferFull;$s=2;continue;}e=d.w-d.r>>0;$r=d.fill();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=1;continue;case 2:g=b.$length-1>>0;if(g>=0){d.lastByte=((((g<0||g>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+g])>>0));d.lastRuneSize=-1;}$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.ReadSlice,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.ReadSlice=function(a){return this.$val.ReadSlice(a);};P.ptr.prototype.ReadLine=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=Z.nil;b=false;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;f=d.ReadSlice(10);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;a=e[0];c=e[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$pkg.ErrBufferFull)){if(a.$length>0&&((g=a.$length-1>>0,((g<0||g>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+g]))===13)){if(d.r===0){$panic(new $String("bufio: tried to rewind past start of buffer"));}d.r=d.r-(1)>>0;a=$subslice(a,0,(a.$length-1>>0));}h=a;i=true;j=$ifaceNil;a=h;b=i;c=j;$s=-1;return[a,b,c];}if(a.$length===0){if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){a=Z.nil;}$s=-1;return[a,b,c];}c=$ifaceNil;if((k=a.$length-1>>0,((k<0||k>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+k]))===10){l=1;if(a.$length>1&&((m=a.$length-2>>0,((m<0||m>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+m]))===13)){l=2;}a=$subslice(a,0,(a.$length-l>>0));}$s=-1;return[a,b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.ReadLine,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.ReadLine=function(){return this.$val.ReadLine();};P.ptr.prototype.collectFragments=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=AB.nil;c=Z.nil;d=0;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;g=Z.nil;case 1:h=$ifaceNil;j=f.ReadSlice(a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;g=i[0];h=i[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){$s=2;continue;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$pkg.ErrBufferFull))){e=h;$s=2;continue;}k=$makeSlice(Z,g.$length);$copySlice(k,g);b=$append(b,k);d=d+(k.$length)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:d=d+(g.$length)>>0;l=b;m=g;n=d;o=e;b=l;c=m;d=n;e=o;$s=-1;return[b,c,d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.collectFragments,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.collectFragments=function(a){return this.$val.collectFragments(a);};P.ptr.prototype.ReadBytes=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.collectFragments(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];g=c[2];h=c[3];i=$makeSlice(Z,g);g=0;j=e;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+l])))>>0;k++;}$copySlice($subslice(i,g),f);$s=-1;return[i,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.ReadBytes,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.ReadBytes=function(a){return this.$val.ReadBytes(a);};P.ptr.prototype.ReadString=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.collectFragments(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];g=c[2];h=c[3];i=new E.Builder.ptr(AC.nil,Z.nil);i.Grow(g);j=e;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);i.Write(l);k++;}i.Write(f);$s=-1;return[i.String(),h];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.ReadString,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.ReadString=function(a){return this.$val.ReadString(a);};P.ptr.prototype.WriteTo=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=new $Int64(0,0);c=$ifaceNil;d=this;d.lastByte=-1;d.lastRuneSize=-1;f=d.writeBuf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;b=e[0];c=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[b,c];}g=$assertType(d.rd,C.WriterTo,true);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(i){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=h.WriteTo(a);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];b=(n=l,new $Int64(b.$high+n.$high,b.$low+n.$low));o=b;p=m;b=o;c=p;$s=-1;return[b,c];case 3:q=$assertType(a,C.ReaderFrom,true);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:u=r.ReadFrom(d.rd);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;v=t[0];w=t[1];b=(x=v,new $Int64(b.$high+x.$high,b.$low+x.$low));y=b;z=w;b=y;c=z;$s=-1;return[b,c];case 6:if((d.w-d.r>>0)>0;$s=-1;return[(new $Int64(0,e)),f];}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.writeBuf,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.writeBuf=function(a){return this.$val.writeBuf(a);};V=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=$assertType(a,AD,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(e&&d.buf.$length>=b){return d;}if(b<=0){b=4096;}return new U.ptr($ifaceNil,$makeSlice(Z,b),0,a);};$pkg.NewWriterSize=V;W=function(a){var a;return V(a,4096);};$pkg.NewWriter=W;U.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var a;a=this;return a.buf.$length;};U.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};U.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(b.buf===Z.nil){b.buf=$makeSlice(Z,4096);}b.err=$ifaceNil;b.n=0;b.wr=a;};U.prototype.Reset=function(a){return this.$val.Reset(a);};U.ptr.prototype.Flush=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(a.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return a.err;}if(a.n===0){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}c=a.wr.Write($subslice(a.buf,0,a.n));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(d0&&d>0)),$subslice(a.buf,d,a.n));}a.n=a.n-(d)>>0;a.err=e;$s=-1;return e;}a.n=0;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Flush,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Flush=function(){return this.$val.Flush();};U.ptr.prototype.Available=function(){var a;a=this;return a.buf.$length-a.n>>0;};U.prototype.Available=function(){return this.$val.Available();};U.ptr.prototype.AvailableBuffer=function(){var a;a=this;return $subslice($subslice(a.buf,a.n),0,0);};U.prototype.AvailableBuffer=function(){return this.$val.AvailableBuffer();};U.ptr.prototype.Buffered=function(){var a;a=this;return a.n;};U.prototype.Buffered=function(){return this.$val.Buffered();};U.ptr.prototype.Write=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;case 1:if(!(a.$length>d.Available()&&$interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}e=0;if(d.Buffered()===0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=d.wr.Write(a);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;e=f[0];d.err=f[1];$s=5;continue;case 4:e=$copySlice($subslice(d.buf,d.n),a);d.n=d.n+(e)>>0;h=d.Flush();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;case 5:b=b+(e)>>0;a=$subslice(a,e);$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){i=b;j=d.err;b=i;c=j;$s=-1;return[b,c];}k=$copySlice($subslice(d.buf,d.n),a);d.n=d.n+(k)>>0;b=b+(k)>>0;l=b;m=$ifaceNil;b=l;c=m;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Write=function(a){return this.$val.Write(a);};U.ptr.prototype.WriteByte=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return b.err;}if(!(b.Available()<=0)){c=false;$s=3;continue s;}d=b.Flush();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil));case 3:if(c){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return b.err;case 2:(e=b.buf,f=b.n,((f<0||f>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]=a));b.n=b.n+(1)>>0;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.WriteByte,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.WriteByte=function(a){return this.$val.WriteByte(a);};U.ptr.prototype.WriteRune=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;if(((a>>>0))<128){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=d.WriteByte(((a<<24>>>24)));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=e;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){f=0;g=c;b=f;c=g;$s=-1;return[b,c];}h=1;i=$ifaceNil;b=h;c=i;$s=-1;return[b,c];case 2:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){j=0;k=d.err;b=j;c=k;$s=-1;return[b,c];}l=d.Available();if(l<4){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:m=d.Flush();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){n=0;o=d.err;b=n;c=o;$s=-1;return[b,c];}l=d.Available();if(l<4){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:q=d.WriteString(($encodeRune(a)));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;b=p[0];c=p[1];r=[b,c];$s=10;case 10:return r;case 8:case 5:b=D.EncodeRune($subslice(d.buf,d.n),a);d.n=d.n+(b)>>0;s=b;t=$ifaceNil;b=s;c=t;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.WriteRune,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.WriteRune=function(a){return this.$val.WriteRune(a);};U.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=0;case 1:if(!(a.length>b.Available()&&$interfaceIsEqual(b.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}d=$copyString($subslice(b.buf,b.n),a);b.n=b.n+(d)>>0;c=c+(d)>>0;a=$substring(a,d);e=b.Flush();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c,b.err];}f=$copyString($subslice(b.buf,b.n),a);b.n=b.n+(f)>>0;c=c+(f)>>0;$s=-1;return[c,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.WriteString,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.WriteString=function(a){return this.$val.WriteString(a);};U.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=new $Int64(0,0);c=$ifaceNil;d=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){e=new $Int64(0,0);f=d.err;b=e;c=f;$s=-1;return[b,c];}g=$assertType(d.wr,C.ReaderFrom,true);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=0;case 1:if(d.Available()===0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:k=d.Flush();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){m=b;n=l;b=m;c=n;$s=-1;return[b,c];}case 4:if(i&&(d.Buffered()===0)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:p=h.ReadFrom(a);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];d.err=r;b=(s=q,new $Int64(b.$high+s.$high,b.$low+s.$low));t=b;u=r;b=t;c=u;$s=-1;return[b,c];case 7:v=0;case 9:if(!(v<100)){$s=10;continue;}x=a.Read($subslice(d.buf,d.n));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;j=w[0];c=w[1];if(!((j===0))||!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}v=v+(1)>>0;$s=9;continue;case 10:if(v===100){y=b;z=C.ErrNoProgress;b=y;c=z;$s=-1;return[b,c];}d.n=d.n+(j)>>0;b=(aa=(new $Int64(0,j)),new $Int64(b.$high+aa.$high,b.$low+aa.$low));if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=1;continue;case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(c,C.EOF)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:if(d.Available()===0){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ab=d.Flush();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=ab;$s=16;continue;case 15:c=$ifaceNil;case 16:case 13:ac=b;ad=c;b=ac;c=ad;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.ReadFrom=function(a){return this.$val.ReadFrom(a);};Y=function(a,b){var a,b;return new X.ptr(a,b);};$pkg.NewReadWriter=Y;AE.methods=[{prop:"Err",name:"Err",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Bytes",name:"Bytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[Z],false)},{prop:"Text",name:"Text",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"Scan",name:"Scan",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"advance",name:"advance",pkg:"bufio",typ:$funcType([$Int],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"setErr",name:"setErr",pkg:"bufio",typ:$funcType([$error],[],false)},{prop:"Buffer",name:"Buffer",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([Z,$Int],[],false)},{prop:"Split",name:"Split",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([G],[],false)}];AA.methods=[{prop:"Size",name:"Size",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([C.Reader],[],false)},{prop:"reset",name:"reset",pkg:"bufio",typ:$funcType([Z,C.Reader],[],false)},{prop:"fill",name:"fill",pkg:"bufio",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"readErr",name:"readErr",pkg:"bufio",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Peek",name:"Peek",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[Z,$error],false)},{prop:"Discard",name:"Discard",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([Z],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadByte",name:"ReadByte",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Uint8,$error],false)},{prop:"UnreadByte",name:"UnreadByte",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"ReadRune",name:"ReadRune",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int32,$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"UnreadRune",name:"UnreadRune",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Buffered",name:"Buffered",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"ReadSlice",name:"ReadSlice",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Uint8],[Z,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadLine",name:"ReadLine",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[Z,$Bool,$error],false)},{prop:"collectFragments",name:"collectFragments",pkg:"bufio",typ:$funcType([$Uint8],[AB,Z,$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadBytes",name:"ReadBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Uint8],[Z,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadString",name:"ReadString",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Uint8],[$String,$error],false)},{prop:"WriteTo",name:"WriteTo",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([C.Writer],[$Int64,$error],false)},{prop:"writeBuf",name:"writeBuf",pkg:"bufio",typ:$funcType([C.Writer],[$Int64,$error],false)}];AD.methods=[{prop:"Size",name:"Size",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([C.Writer],[],false)},{prop:"Flush",name:"Flush",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Available",name:"Available",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"AvailableBuffer",name:"AvailableBuffer",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[Z],false)},{prop:"Buffered",name:"Buffered",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([Z],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"WriteByte",name:"WriteByte",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Uint8],[$error],false)},{prop:"WriteRune",name:"WriteRune",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int32],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"WriteString",name:"WriteString",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadFrom",name:"ReadFrom",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([C.Reader],[$Int64,$error],false)}];F.init("bufio",[{prop:"r",name:"r",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:C.Reader,tag:""},{prop:"split",name:"split",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:G,tag:""},{prop:"maxTokenSize",name:"maxTokenSize",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"token",name:"token",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""},{prop:"buf",name:"buf",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""},{prop:"start",name:"start",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"end",name:"end",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""},{prop:"empties",name:"empties",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"scanCalled",name:"scanCalled",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"done",name:"done",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);G.init([Z,$Bool],[$Int,Z,$error],false);P.init("bufio",[{prop:"buf",name:"buf",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""},{prop:"rd",name:"rd",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:C.Reader,tag:""},{prop:"r",name:"r",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"w",name:"w",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""},{prop:"lastByte",name:"lastByte",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"lastRuneSize",name:"lastRuneSize",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""}]);U.init("bufio",[{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""},{prop:"buf",name:"buf",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""},{prop:"n",name:"n",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"wr",name:"wr",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:C.Writer,tag:""}]);X.init("",[{prop:"Reader",name:"Reader",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:AA,tag:""},{prop:"Writer",name:"Writer",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:AD,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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-$packages["internal/goexperiment"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init;$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["internal/itoa"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,C,D,A,B;C=$arrayType($Uint8,20);D=$sliceType($Uint8);A=function(a){var a;if(a<0){return"-"+B(((-a>>>0)));}return B(((a>>>0)));};$pkg.Itoa=A;B=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;if(a===0){return"0";}b=C.zero();c=19;while(true){if(!(a>=10)){break;}e=(d=a/10,(d===d&&d!==1/0&&d!==-1/0)?d>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));((c<0||c>=b.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b[c]=((((48+a>>>0)-(e*10>>>0)>>>0)<<24>>>24)));c=c-(1)>>0;a=e;}((c<0||c>=b.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b[c]=(((48+a>>>0)<<24>>>24)));return($bytesToString($subslice(new D(b),c)));};$pkg.Uitoa=B;$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["math/bits"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,AV,F,G,AW,AX,A,D,E,H,K,L,Q,U,V,X,Y,AF,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR,AS,AY,AZ,BA;AV=$pkg._err=$newType(8,$kindString,"bits._err",true,"math/bits",false,null);A=function(e){var e;return 32-AF(e)>>0;};$pkg.LeadingZeros=A;D=function(e){var e;return 32-AI(e)>>0;};$pkg.LeadingZeros32=D;E=function(e){var e;return 64-AJ(e)>>0;};$pkg.LeadingZeros64=E;H=function(e){var e;if(true){return K(((e>>>0)));}return L((new $Uint64(0,e)));};$pkg.TrailingZeros=H;K=function(e){var e,f;if(e===0){return 32;}return(((f=($imul((((e&(-e>>>0))>>>0)),125613361)>>>0)>>>27>>>0,((f<0||f>=F.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):F[f]))>>0));};$pkg.TrailingZeros32=K;L=function(e){var e,f,g;if((e.$high===0&&e.$low===0)){return 64;}return(((f=$shiftRightUint64($mul64(((g=new $Uint64(-e.$high,-e.$low),new $Uint64(e.$high&g.$high,(e.$low&g.$low)>>>0))),new $Uint64(66559345,3033172745)),58),(($flatten64(f)<0||$flatten64(f)>=G.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):G[$flatten64(f)]))>>0));};$pkg.TrailingZeros64=L;Q=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;e=(f=(g=$shiftRightUint64(e,1),new $Uint64(g.$high&1431655765,(g.$low&1431655765)>>>0)),h=new $Uint64(e.$high&1431655765,(e.$low&1431655765)>>>0),new $Uint64(f.$high+h.$high,f.$low+h.$low));e=(i=(j=$shiftRightUint64(e,2),new $Uint64(j.$high&858993459,(j.$low&858993459)>>>0)),k=new $Uint64(e.$high&858993459,(e.$low&858993459)>>>0),new $Uint64(i.$high+k.$high,i.$low+k.$low));e=(l=(m=$shiftRightUint64(e,4),new $Uint64(m.$high+e.$high,m.$low+e.$low)),new $Uint64(l.$high&252645135,(l.$low&252645135)>>>0));e=(n=$shiftRightUint64(e,8),new $Uint64(e.$high+n.$high,e.$low+n.$low));e=(o=$shiftRightUint64(e,16),new $Uint64(e.$high+o.$high,e.$low+o.$low));e=(p=$shiftRightUint64(e,32),new $Uint64(e.$high+p.$high,e.$low+p.$low));return((e.$low>>0))&127;};$pkg.OnesCount64=Q;U=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i;g=(((f>>>0))&31)>>>0;return(((h=g,h<32?(e<>>0)|((i=((32-g>>>0)),i<32?(e>>>i):0)>>>0))>>>0;};$pkg.RotateLeft32=U;V=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i;g=(((f>>>0))&63)>>>0;return(h=$shiftLeft64(e,g),i=$shiftRightUint64(e,((64-g>>>0))),new $Uint64(h.$high|i.$high,(h.$low|i.$low)>>>0));};$pkg.RotateLeft64=V;X=function(e){var e;return"\x00\x80@\xC0 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e,f;f=0;if((e.$high>1||(e.$high===1&&e.$low>=0))){e=$shiftRightUint64(e,(32));f=32;}if((e.$high>0||(e.$high===0&&e.$low>=65536))){e=$shiftRightUint64(e,(16));f=f+(16)>>0;}if((e.$high>0||(e.$high===0&&e.$low>=256))){e=$shiftRightUint64(e,(8));f=f+(8)>>0;}f=f+(("\x00\x01\x02\x02\x03\x03\x03\x03\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b".charCodeAt($flatten64(e))>>0))>>0;return f;};$pkg.Len64=AJ;AK=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;h=0;i=0;if(true){j=AZ(((e>>>0)),((f>>>0)),((g>>>0)));k=j[0];l=j[1];m=((k>>>0));n=((l>>>0));h=m;i=n;return[h,i];}o=AL((new $Uint64(0,e)),(new $Uint64(0,f)),(new $Uint64(0,g)));p=o[0];q=o[1];r=((p.$low>>>0));s=((q.$low>>>0));h=r;i=s;return[h,i];};$pkg.Add=AK;AL=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=new $Uint64(0,0);h=(j=new $Uint64(e.$high+f.$high,e.$low+f.$low),new $Uint64(j.$high+g.$high,j.$low+g.$low));i=$shiftRightUint64(((k=new $Uint64(e.$high&f.$high,(e.$low&f.$low)>>>0),l=(m=new $Uint64(e.$high|f.$high,(e.$low|f.$low)>>>0),new $Uint64(m.$high&~h.$high,(m.$low&~h.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(k.$high|l.$high,(k.$low|l.$low)>>>0))),63);return[h,i];};$pkg.Add64=AL;AM=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;h=0;i=0;if(true){j=AN(((e>>>0)),((f>>>0)),((g>>>0)));k=j[0];l=j[1];m=((k>>>0));n=((l>>>0));h=m;i=n;return[h,i];}o=AO((new $Uint64(0,e)),(new $Uint64(0,f)),(new $Uint64(0,g)));p=o[0];q=o[1];r=((p.$low>>>0));s=((q.$low>>>0));h=r;i=s;return[h,i];};$pkg.Sub=AM;AN=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h,i;h=0;i=0;h=(e-f>>>0)-g>>>0;i=(((((((~e>>>0)&f)>>>0))|((((~(((e^f)>>>0))>>>0)&h)>>>0)))>>>0))>>>31>>>0;return[h,i];};$pkg.Sub32=AN;AO=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=new $Uint64(0,0);h=(j=new $Uint64(e.$high-f.$high,e.$low-f.$low),new $Uint64(j.$high-g.$high,j.$low-g.$low));i=$shiftRightUint64(((k=(l=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),new $Uint64(l.$high&f.$high,(l.$low&f.$low)>>>0)),m=(n=(o=new $Uint64(e.$high^f.$high,(e.$low^f.$low)>>>0),new $Uint64(~o.$high,~o.$low>>>0)),new $Uint64(n.$high&h.$high,(n.$low&h.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(k.$high|m.$high,(k.$low|m.$low)>>>0))),63);return[h,i];};$pkg.Sub64=AO;AP=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;g=0;h=0;if(true){i=AY(((e>>>0)),((f>>>0)));j=i[0];k=i[1];l=((j>>>0));m=((k>>>0));g=l;h=m;return[g,h];}n=AQ((new $Uint64(0,e)),(new $Uint64(0,f)));o=n[0];p=n[1];q=((o.$low>>>0));r=((p.$low>>>0));g=q;h=r;return[g,h];};$pkg.Mul=AP;AQ=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v;g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=new $Uint64(e.$high&0,(e.$low&4294967295)>>>0);j=$shiftRightUint64(e,32);k=new $Uint64(f.$high&0,(f.$low&4294967295)>>>0);l=$shiftRightUint64(f,32);m=$mul64(i,k);p=(n=$mul64(j,k),o=$shiftRightUint64(m,32),new $Uint64(n.$high+o.$high,n.$low+o.$low));q=new $Uint64(p.$high&0,(p.$low&4294967295)>>>0);r=$shiftRightUint64(p,32);q=(s=$mul64(i,l),new $Uint64(q.$high+s.$high,q.$low+s.$low));g=(t=(u=$mul64(j,l),new $Uint64(u.$high+r.$high,u.$low+r.$low)),v=$shiftRightUint64(q,32),new $Uint64(t.$high+v.$high,t.$low+v.$low));h=$mul64(e,f);return[g,h];};$pkg.Mul64=AQ;AR=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;h=0;i=0;if(true){j=BA(((e>>>0)),((f>>>0)),((g>>>0)));k=j[0];l=j[1];m=((k>>>0));n=((l>>>0));h=m;i=n;return[h,i];}o=AS((new $Uint64(0,e)),(new $Uint64(0,f)),(new $Uint64(0,g)));p=o[0];q=o[1];r=((p.$low>>>0));s=((q.$low>>>0));h=r;i=s;return[h,i];};$pkg.Div=AR;AS=function(e,f,g){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=new $Uint64(0,0);if((g.$high===0&&g.$low===0)){$panic(AX);}if((g.$high>>0));g=$shiftLeft64(g,(j));k=$shiftRightUint64(g,32);l=new $Uint64(g.$high&0,(g.$low&4294967295)>>>0);o=(m=$shiftLeft64(e,j),n=$shiftRightUint64(f,((64-j>>>0))),new $Uint64(m.$high|n.$high,(m.$low|n.$low)>>>0));p=$shiftLeft64(f,j);q=$shiftRightUint64(p,32);r=new $Uint64(p.$high&0,(p.$low&4294967295)>>>0);s=$div64(o,k,false);u=(t=$mul64(s,k),new $Uint64(o.$high-t.$high,o.$low-t.$low));while(true){if(!((s.$high>1||(s.$high===1&&s.$low>=0))||(v=$mul64(s,l),w=(x=$mul64(new $Uint64(1,0),u),new $Uint64(x.$high+q.$high,x.$low+q.$low)),(v.$high>w.$high||(v.$high===w.$high&&v.$low>w.$low))))){break;}s=(y=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(s.$high-y.$high,s.$low-y.$low));u=(z=k,new $Uint64(u.$high+z.$high,u.$low+z.$low));if((u.$high>1||(u.$high===1&&u.$low>=0))){break;}}ad=(aa=(ab=$mul64(o,new $Uint64(1,0)),new $Uint64(ab.$high+q.$high,ab.$low+q.$low)),ac=$mul64(s,g),new $Uint64(aa.$high-ac.$high,aa.$low-ac.$low));ae=$div64(ad,k,false);u=(af=$mul64(ae,k),new $Uint64(ad.$high-af.$high,ad.$low-af.$low));while(true){if(!((ae.$high>1||(ae.$high===1&&ae.$low>=0))||(ag=$mul64(ae,l),ah=(ai=$mul64(new $Uint64(1,0),u),new $Uint64(ai.$high+r.$high,ai.$low+r.$low)),(ag.$high>ah.$high||(ag.$high===ah.$high&&ag.$low>ah.$low))))){break;}ae=(aj=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(ae.$high-aj.$high,ae.$low-aj.$low));u=(ak=k,new $Uint64(u.$high+ak.$high,u.$low+ak.$low));if((u.$high>1||(u.$high===1&&u.$low>=0))){break;}}al=(am=$mul64(s,new $Uint64(1,0)),new $Uint64(am.$high+ae.$high,am.$low+ae.$low));an=$shiftRightUint64(((ao=(ap=$mul64(ad,new $Uint64(1,0)),new $Uint64(ap.$high+r.$high,ap.$low+r.$low)),aq=$mul64(ae,g),new $Uint64(ao.$high-aq.$high,ao.$low-aq.$low))),j);h=al;i=an;return[h,i];};$pkg.Div64=AS;AV.prototype.Error=function(){var e;e=this.$val;return(e);};$ptrType(AV).prototype.Error=function(){return new AV(this.$get()).Error();};AV.prototype.RuntimeError=function(){var e;e=this.$val;};$ptrType(AV).prototype.RuntimeError=function(){return new AV(this.$get()).RuntimeError();};AY=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;g=0;h=0;i=(e&65535)>>>0;j=e>>>16>>>0;k=(f&65535)>>>0;l=f>>>16>>>0;m=$imul(i,k)>>>0;n=($imul(j,k)>>>0)+(m>>>16>>>0)>>>0;o=(n&65535)>>>0;p=n>>>16>>>0;o=o+(($imul(i,l)>>>0))>>>0;g=(($imul(j,l)>>>0)+p>>>0)+(o>>>16>>>0)>>>0;h=$imul(e,f)>>>0;return[g,h];};$pkg.Mul32=AY;AZ=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h,i;h=0;i=0;h=(e+f>>>0)+g>>>0;i=((((((e&f)>>>0))|((((((e|f)>>>0))&~h)>>>0)))>>>0))>>>31>>>0;return[h,i];};$pkg.Add32=AZ;BA=function(e,f,g){var aa,ab,ac,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;h=0;i=0;if(g===0){$panic(AX);}if(g<=e){$panic(AW);}j=((D(g)>>>0));g=(k=(j),k<32?(g<>>0;l=g>>>16>>>0;m=(g&65535)>>>0;p=(((n=j,n<32?(e<>>0)|((o=((32-j>>>0)),o<32?(f>>>o):0)>>>0))>>>0;r=(q=j,q<32?(f<>>0;s=r>>>16>>>0;t=(r&65535)>>>0;v=(u=p/l,(u===u&&u!==1/0&&u!==-1/0)?u>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));w=p-($imul(v,l)>>>0)>>>0;while(true){if(!(v>=65536||($imul(v,m)>>>0)>(($imul(65536,w)>>>0)+s>>>0))){break;}v=v-(1)>>>0;w=w+(l)>>>0;if(w>=65536){break;}}x=(($imul(p,65536)>>>0)+s>>>0)-($imul(v,g)>>>0)>>>0;z=(y=x/l,(y===y&&y!==1/0&&y!==-1/0)?y>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by 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false;}d=((c<<16>>>16));e=AE(AU,d);return e=AU.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AU.$array[AU.$offset+e]));};AJ=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;if(true&&(c.$high<0||(c.$high===0&&c.$low<100))&&(d===10)){return AN(((c.$low>>0)));}e=AO(EA.nil,c,d,false,false);f=e[1];return f;};$pkg.FormatUint=AJ;AK=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;if(true&&(0>31)*4294967296))>>0)));}e=AO(EA.nil,(new $Uint64(c.$high,c.$low)),d,(c.$high<0||(c.$high===0&&c.$low<0)),false);f=e[1];return f;};$pkg.FormatInt=AK;AL=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f;if(true&&(0>31)*4294967296))>>0))));}f=AO(c,(new $Uint64(d.$high,d.$low)),e,(d.$high<0||(d.$high===0&&d.$low<0)),true);c=f[0];return c;};$pkg.AppendInt=AL;AM=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f;if(true&&(d.$high<0||(d.$high===0&&d.$low<100))&&(e===10)){return $appendSlice(c,AN(((d.$low>>0))));}f=AO(c,d,e,false,true);c=f[0];return c;};$pkg.AppendUint=AM;AN=function(c){var c;if(c<10){return $substring("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",c,(c+1>>0));}return $substring("00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899",($imul(c,2)),(($imul(c,2))+2>>0));};AO=function(c,d,e,f,g){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;h=EA.nil;i="";if(e<2||e>36){$panic(new $String("strconv: illegal AppendInt/FormatInt base"));}j=EC.zero();k=65;if(f){d=new $Uint64(-d.$high,-d.$low);}if(e===10){if(true){while(true){if(!((d.$high>0||(d.$high===0&&d.$low>=1000000000)))){break;}l=$div64(d,new $Uint64(0,1000000000),false);n=(((m=$mul64(l,new $Uint64(0,1000000000)),new $Uint64(d.$high-m.$high,d.$low-m.$low)).$low>>>0));o=4;while(true){if(!(o>0)){break;}q=(p=n%100,p===p?p:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))*2>>>0;n=(r=n/(100),(r===r&&r!==1/0&&r!==-1/0)?r>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));k=k-(2)>>0;(s=k+1>>0,((s<0||s>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out 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$Uint64(0,d)),-l)){m=true;q=true;}r=((-p>>>0));t=((((s=r,s<32?(1<>>0)-1>>>0));u=(v=r,v<32?(o>>>v):0)>>>0;w=(o&t)>>>0;o=u;x=w;y=false;if(m){y=x>((z=((r-1>>>0)),z<32?(1<>>0)||((x===((aa=((r-1>>>0)),aa<32?(1<>>0))&&!q)||((x===((ab=((r-1>>>0)),ab<32?(1<>>0))&&q&&(((o&1)>>>0)===1));}else{y=((ac=((r-1>>>0)),ac<32?(x>>>ac):0)>>>0)===1;}if(!((x===0))){q=false;}AY(c,(new $Uint64(0,o)),!q,y,f);c.dp=c.dp-(l)>>0;};AW=function(c,d,e,f){var aa,ab,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;if(f>18){$panic(new $String("ryuFtoaFixed64 called with prec > 18"));}if((d.$high===0&&d.$low===0)){g=0;h=0;c.nd=g;c.dp=h;return;}i=e;j=B.Len64(d);if(j<55){d=$shiftLeft64(d,(((55-j>>0)>>>0)));i=i+(((j)-55>>0))>>0;}k=(-BA(i+54>>0)+f>>0)-1>>0;l=k<=55&&k>=0;m=BG(d,i,k);n=m[0];o=m[1];p=m[2];if(o>=0){$panic(new $String("not enough significant bits after mult128bitPow10"));}if(k<0&&k>=-22&&BH(d,-k)){l=true;p=true;}q=((-o>>>0));s=((r=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),q),new $Uint64(r.$high-0,r.$low-1)));t=$shiftRightUint64(n,q);u=new $Uint64(n.$high&s.$high,(n.$low&s.$low)>>>0);n=t;v=u;w=false;if(l){w=(x=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),((q-1>>>0))),(v.$high>x.$high||(v.$high===x.$high&&v.$low>x.$low)))||((y=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),((q-1>>>0))),(v.$high===y.$high&&v.$low===y.$low))&&!p)||((z=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),((q-1>>>0))),(v.$high===z.$high&&v.$low===z.$low))&&p&&(aa=new $Uint64(n.$high&0,(n.$low&1)>>>0),(aa.$high===0&&aa.$low===1)));}else{w=(ab=$shiftRightUint64(v,((q-1>>>0))),(ab.$high===0&&ab.$low===1));}if(!((v.$high===0&&v.$low===0))){p=false;}AY(c,n,!p,w,f);c.dp=c.dp-(k)>>0;};AY=function(c,d,e,f,g){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;h=((g<0||g>=AX.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AX[g]);i=0;while(true){if(!((d.$high>h.$high||(d.$high===h.$high&&d.$low>=h.$low)))){break;}j=$div64(d,new $Uint64(0,10),false);k=$div64(d,new $Uint64(0,10),true);l=j;m=k;d=l;i=i+(1)>>0;if((m.$high>0||(m.$high===0&&m.$low>5))){f=true;}else if((m.$high<0||(m.$high===0&&m.$low<5))){f=false;}else{f=e||(n=new $Uint64(d.$high&0,(d.$low&1)>>>0),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===1));}if(!((m.$high===0&&m.$low===0))){e=true;}}if(f){d=(o=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(d.$high+o.$high,d.$low+o.$low));}if((d.$high>h.$high||(d.$high===h.$high&&d.$low>=h.$low))){d=$div64(d,(new $Uint64(0,10)),false);i=i+(1)>>0;}p=((g>>>0));c.nd=(g);q=d;while(true){if(!((q.$high>0||(q.$high===0&&q.$low>=100)))){break;}r=new $Uint64(0,0);s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=r;u=s;if((v=$shiftRightUint64(q,32),(v.$high===0&&v.$low===0))){w=(new $Uint64(0,(x=((q.$low>>>0))/100,(x===x&&x!==1/0&&x!==-1/0)?x>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))));y=(new $Uint64(0,(z=((q.$low>>>0))%100,z===z?z:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))));t=w;u=y;}else{aa=$div64(q,new $Uint64(0,100),false);ab=$div64(q,new $Uint64(0,100),true);t=aa;u=ab;}p=p-(2)>>>0;(ad=c.d,ae=p+1>>>0,((ae<0||ae>=ad.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+ae]="00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt($flatten64((ac=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,2),u),new $Uint64(ac.$high+0,ac.$low+1))))));(ag=c.d,ah=p+0>>>0,((ah<0||ah>=ag.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ag.$array[ag.$offset+ah]="00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt($flatten64((af=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,2),u),new $Uint64(af.$high+0,af.$low+0))))));q=t;}if((q.$high>0||(q.$high===0&&q.$low>0))){p=p-(1)>>>0;(aj=c.d,((p<0||p>=aj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$Uint64(s.$high&0,(s.$low&1)>>>0),(bk.$high===0&&bk.$low===1)));}else{bh=(bl=$shiftRightUint64(ba,((as-1>>>0))),(bl.$high===0&&bl.$low===1));}bn=x&&(ax.$high===0&&ax.$low===0)&&((bm=new $Uint64(d.$high&0,(d.$low&1)>>>0),(bm.$high===0&&bm.$low===0)));if(!bn){r=(bo=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(r.$high+bo.$high,r.$low+bo.$low));}bp=y&&(ba.$high===0&&ba.$low===0);BD(c,r,s,t,bp,bh);c.dp=c.dp-(n)>>0;};BA=function(c){var c;return(($imul(c,78913)))>>18>>0;};BB=function(c){var c;return(($imul(c,108853)))>>15>>0;};BC=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;f=new $Uint64(0,0);g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=0;if(!((j=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),e.mantbits),(c.$high===j.$high&&c.$low===j.$low)))||(d===((e.bias+1>>0)-((e.mantbits>>0))>>0))){k=(l=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,2),c),new $Uint64(l.$high-0,l.$low-1));m=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,2),c);n=(o=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,2),c),new $Uint64(o.$high+0,o.$low+1));f=k;g=m;h=n;i=d-1>>0;return[f,g,h,i];}else{p=(q=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,4),c),new $Uint64(q.$high-0,q.$low-1));r=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,4),c);s=(t=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,4),c),new $Uint64(t.$high+0,t.$low+2));f=p;g=r;h=s;i=d-2>>0;return[f,g,h,i];}};BD=function(c,d,e,f,g,h){var aa,ab,ac,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;i=BI(d);j=i[0];k=i[1];l=BI(e);m=l[0];n=l[1];o=BI(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(p===0){BE(c,k,n,q,g,h,8);}else if(j>>0;}g=g&&(n===0);h=(n>500000000)||((n===500000000)&&h);BE(c,j,m,p,g,h,8);c.dp=c.dp+(9)>>0;}else{c.nd=0;r=9;s=m;while(true){if(!(s>0)){break;}t=(u=s/10,(u===u&&u!==1/0&&u!==-1/0)?u>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));v=(w=s%10,w===w?w:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));x=t;y=v;s=x;r=r-(1)>>>0;(z=c.d,((r<0||r>=z.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z.$array[z.$offset+r]=(((y+48>>>0)<<24>>>24))));}c.d=$subslice(c.d,r);c.nd=(((9-r>>>0)>>0));BE(c,k,n,q,g,h,c.nd+8>>0);}while(true){if(!(c.nd>0&&((aa=c.d,ab=c.nd-1>>0,((ab<0||ab>=aa.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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zero"));if(m>u){break;}if((m===(r+1>>>0))&&r>>0;s=0;h=false;}j=j+(1)>>0;g=g&&(k===0);k=((s>>0));v=m;w=r;x=u;d=v;e=w;f=x;}if(j>0){h=k>5||((k===5)&&!g)||((k===5)&&g&&(((e&1)>>>0)===1));}if(e>>0;}i=i-(j)>>0;y=e;z=i;while(true){if(!(z>c.nd)){break;}aa=(ab=y/100,(ab===ab&&ab!==1/0&&ab!==-1/0)?ab>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));ac=(ad=y%100,ad===ad?ad:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));ae=aa;af=ac;(ag=c.d,((z<0||z>=ag.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ag.$array[ag.$offset+z]="00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt((($imul(2,af)>>>0)+1>>>0))));(ah=c.d,ai=z-1>>0,((ai<0||ai>=ah.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+ai]="00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt((($imul(2,af)>>>0)+0>>>0))));z=z-(2)>>0;y=ae;}if(z===c.nd){(aj=c.d,((z<0||z>=aj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aj.$array[aj.$offset+z]=(((y+48>>>0)<<24>>>24))));}c.nd=i+1>>0;c.dp=c.nd+j>>0;};BF=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w;f=0;g=0;h=false;if(e===0){i=c<<6>>>0;j=d-6>>0;k=true;f=i;g=j;h=k;return[f,g,h];}if(e<-348||347>0,((l<0||l>=CB.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):CB[l]))[1];if(e<0){m=(n=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(m.$high+n.$high,m.$low+n.$low));}o=B.Mul64((new $Uint64(0,c)),m);p=o[0];q=o[1];d=d+(((BB(e)-63>>0)+57>>0))>>0;r=(((s=$shiftLeft64(p,7),t=$shiftRightUint64(q,57),new $Uint64(s.$high|t.$high,(s.$low|t.$low)>>>0)).$low>>>0));u=d;v=(w=$shiftLeft64(q,7),(w.$high===0&&w.$low===0));f=r;g=u;h=v;return[f,g,h];};BG=function(c,d,e){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;f=new $Uint64(0,0);g=0;h=false;if(e===0){i=$shiftLeft64(c,8);j=d-8>>0;k=true;f=i;g=j;h=k;return[f,g,h];}if(e<-348||347>0,((l<0||l>=CB.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):CB[l])),DV);if(e<0){m[0]=(n=m[0],o=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(n.$high+o.$high,n.$low+o.$low));}d=d+(((BB(e)-127>>0)+119>>0))>>0;p=B.Mul64(c,m[0]);q=p[0];r=p[1];s=B.Mul64(c,m[1]);t=s[0];u=s[1];v=B.Add64(q,u,new $Uint64(0,0));w=v[0];x=v[1];t=(y=x,new $Uint64(t.$high+y.$high,t.$low+y.$low));z=(aa=$shiftLeft64(t,9),ab=$shiftRightUint64(w,55),new $Uint64(aa.$high|ab.$high,(aa.$low|ab.$low)>>>0));ac=d;ad=(ae=$shiftLeft64(w,9),(ae.$high===0&&ae.$low===0))&&(r.$high===0&&r.$low===0);f=z;g=ac;h=ad;return[f,g,h];};BH=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;if((c.$high===0&&c.$low===0)){return true;}e=0;while(true){if(!(e>0;}return true;};BI=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g;if(false){return[(($div64(c,new $Uint64(0,1000000000),false).$low>>>0)),(($div64(c,new $Uint64(0,1000000000),true).$low>>>0))];}d=B.Mul64($shiftRightUint64(c,1),new $Uint64(2305843009,917808536));e=d[0];f=$shiftRightUint64(e,28);return[((f.$low>>>0)),(((g=$mul64(f,new $Uint64(0,1000000000)),new $Uint64(c.$high-g.$high,c.$low-g.$low)).$low>>>0))];};BM=function(c,d,e,f){var c,d,e,f;return($bytesToString(BO($makeSlice(EA,0,BY(e+4>>0,24)),c,d,e,f)));};$pkg.FormatFloat=BM;BN=function(c,d,e,f,g){var c,d,e,f,g;return BO(c,d,e,f,g);};$pkg.AppendFloat=BN;BO=function(c,d,e,f,g){var aa,ab,ac,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=ED.nil;j=g;if(j===(32)){h=(new $Uint64(0,C.Float32bits(($fround(d)))));i=BK;}else if(j===(64)){h=C.Float64bits(d);i=BL;}else{$panic(new $String("strconv: illegal AppendFloat/FormatFloat bitSize"));}l=!((k=$shiftRightUint64(h,((i.expbits+i.mantbits>>>0))),(k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)));n=(($shiftRightUint64(h,i.mantbits).$low>>0))&((((m=i.expbits,m<32?(1<>0)-1>>0));q=(o=(p=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),i.mantbits),new $Uint64(p.$high-0,p.$low-1)),new $Uint64(h.$high&o.$high,(h.$low&o.$low)>>>0));r=n;if(r===((((s=i.expbits,s<32?(1<>0)-1>>0))){t="";if(!((q.$high===0&&q.$low===0))){t="NaN";}else if(l){t="-Inf";}else{t="+Inf";}return $appendSlice(c,t);}else if(r===(0)){n=n+(1)>>0;}else{q=(u=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),i.mantbits),new $Uint64(q.$high|u.$high,(q.$low|u.$low)>>>0));}n=n+(i.bias)>>0;if(e===98){return BV(c,l,q,n,i);}if((e===120)||(e===88)){return BW(c,f,e,l,q,n,i);}if(!CW){return BP(c,f,e,l,q,n,i);}v=new BS.ptr(EA.nil,0,0,false);w=false;x=f<0;if(x){y=EE.zero();v.d=new EA(y);AZ(v,q,n-((i.mantbits>>0))>>0,i);w=true;z=e;if((z===(101))||(z===(69))){f=BY(v.nd-1>>0,0);}else if(z===(102)){f=BY(v.nd-v.dp>>0,0);}else if((z===(103))||(z===(71))){f=v.nd;}}else if(!((e===102))){aa=f;ab=e;if((ab===(101))||(ab===(69))){aa=aa+(1)>>0;}else if((ab===(103))||(ab===(71))){if(f===0){f=1;}aa=f;}ac=EF.zero();if((g===32)&&aa<=9){v.d=new EA(ac);AV(v,((q.$low>>>0)),n-((i.mantbits>>0))>>0,aa);w=true;}else if(aa<=18){v.d=new EA(ac);AW(v,q,n-((i.mantbits>>0))>>0,aa);w=true;}}if(!w){return BP(c,f,e,l,q,n,i);}return BQ(c,x,l,$clone(v,BS),f,e);};BP=function(c,d,e,f,g,h,i){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;j=new CC.ptr(EG.zero(),0,0,false,false);j.Assign(g);j.Shift(h-((i.mantbits>>0))>>0);k=new BS.ptr(EA.nil,0,0,false);l=d<0;if(l){BR(j,g,h,i);BS.copy(k,new BS.ptr(new EA(j.d),j.nd,j.dp,false));m=e;if((m===(101))||(m===(69))){d=k.nd-1>>0;}else if(m===(102)){d=BY(k.nd-k.dp>>0,0);}else if((m===(103))||(m===(71))){d=k.nd;}}else{n=e;if((n===(101))||(n===(69))){j.Round(d+1>>0);}else if(n===(102)){j.Round(j.dp+d>>0);}else if((n===(103))||(n===(71))){if(d===0){d=1;}j.Round(d);}BS.copy(k,new BS.ptr(new EA(j.d),j.nd,j.dp,false));}return BQ(c,l,f,$clone(k,BS),d,e);};BQ=function(c,d,e,f,g,h){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;i=h;if((i===(101))||(i===(69))){return BT(c,e,$clone(f,BS),g,h);}else if(i===(102)){return BU(c,e,$clone(f,BS),g);}else if((i===(103))||(i===(71))){j=g;if(j>f.nd&&f.nd>=f.dp){j=f.nd;}if(d){j=6;}k=f.dp-1>>0;if(k<-4||k>=j){if(g>f.nd){g=f.nd;}return BT(c,e,$clone(f,BS),g-1>>0,(h+101<<24>>>24)-103<<24>>>24);}if(g>f.dp){g=f.nd;}return BU(c,e,$clone(f,BS),BY(g-f.dp>>0,0));}return $append(c,37,h);};BR=function(c,d,e,f){var aa,ab,ac,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;if((d.$high===0&&d.$low===0)){c.nd=0;return;}g=f.bias+1>>0;if(e>g&&($imul(332,((c.dp-c.nd>>0))))>=($imul(100,((e-((f.mantbits>>0))>>0))))){return;}h=new CC.ptr(EG.zero(),0,0,false,false);h.Assign((i=$mul64(d,new $Uint64(0,2)),new $Uint64(i.$high+0,i.$low+1)));h.Shift((e-((f.mantbits>>0))>>0)-1>>0);j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=0;if((l=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),f.mantbits),(d.$high>l.$high||(d.$high===l.$high&&d.$low>l.$low)))||(e===g)){j=new $Uint64(d.$high-0,d.$low-1);k=e;}else{j=(m=$mul64(d,new $Uint64(0,2)),new $Uint64(m.$high-0,m.$low-1));k=e-1>>0;}n=new CC.ptr(EG.zero(),0,0,false,false);n.Assign((o=$mul64(j,new $Uint64(0,2)),new $Uint64(o.$high+0,o.$low+1)));n.Shift((k-((f.mantbits>>0))>>0)-1>>0);q=(p=$div64(d,new $Uint64(0,2),true),(p.$high===0&&p.$low===0));r=0;s=0;while(true){t=(s-h.dp>>0)+c.dp>>0;if(t>=c.nd){break;}u=(s-h.dp>>0)+n.dp>>0;v=48;if(u>=0&&u=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[u]));}x=48;if(t>=0){x=(y=c.d,((t<0||t>=y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y[t]));}z=48;if(s=aa.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa[s]));}ab=!((v===x))||q&&((u+1>>0)===n.nd);if((r===0)&&(x+1<<24>>>24)0&&(q||r>1||(s+1>>0)>0);return;}else if(ab){c.RoundDown(t+1>>0);return;}else if(ac){c.RoundUp(t+1>>0);return;}s=s+(1)>>0;}};BT=function(c,d,e,f,g){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;if(d){c=$append(c,45);}h=48;if(!((e.nd===0))){h=(i=e.d,(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]));}c=$append(c,h);if(f>0){c=$append(c,46);j=1;k=BX(e.nd,f+1>>0);if(j>0;}}c=$append(c,g);l=e.dp-1>>0;if(e.nd===0){l=0;}if(l<0){h=45;l=-l;}else{h=43;}c=$append(c,h);if(l<10){c=$append(c,48,((l<<24>>>24))+48<<24>>>24);}else if(l<100){c=$append(c,(((m=l/10,(m===m&&m!==1/0&&m!==-1/0)?m>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))+48<<24>>>24,(((n=l%10,n===n?n:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))+48<<24>>>24);}else{c=$append(c,(((o=l/100,(o===o&&o!==1/0&&o!==-1/0)?o>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))+48<<24>>>24,(p=(((q=l/10,(q===q&&q!==1/0&&q!==-1/0)?q>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))%10,p===p?p:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+48<<24>>>24,(((r=l%10,r===r?r:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))+48<<24>>>24);}return c;};BU=function(c,d,e,f){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;if(d){c=$append(c,45);}if(e.dp>0){g=BX(e.nd,e.dp);c=$appendSlice(c,$subslice(e.d,0,g));while(true){if(!(g>0;}}else{c=$append(c,48);}if(f>0){c=$append(c,46);h=0;while(true){if(!(h>0;if(0<=j&&j=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+j]));}c=$append(c,i);h=h+(1)>>0;}}return c;};BV=function(c,d,e,f,g){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i;if(d){c=$append(c,45);}h=AO(c,e,10,false,true);c=h[0];c=$append(c,112);f=f-(((g.mantbits>>0)))>>0;if(f>=0){c=$append(c,43);}i=AO(c,(new $Uint64(0,f)),10,f<0,true);c=i[0];return c;};BW=function(c,d,e,f,g,h,i){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;if((g.$high===0&&g.$low===0)){h=0;}g=$shiftLeft64(g,((60-i.mantbits>>>0)));while(true){if(!(!((g.$high===0&&g.$low===0))&&(j=new $Uint64(g.$high&268435456,(g.$low&0)>>>0),(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0)))){break;}g=$shiftLeft64(g,(1));h=h-(1)>>0;}if(d>=0&&d<15){k=((($imul(d,4))>>>0));m=(l=$shiftLeft64(g,k),new $Uint64(l.$high&268435455,(l.$low&4294967295)>>>0));g=$shiftRightUint64(g,((60-k>>>0)));if((n=(o=new $Uint64(g.$high&0,(g.$low&1)>>>0),new $Uint64(m.$high|o.$high,(m.$low|o.$low)>>>0)),(n.$high>134217728||(n.$high===134217728&&n.$low>0)))){g=(p=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(g.$high+p.$high,g.$low+p.$low));}g=$shiftLeft64(g,((60-k>>>0)));if(!((q=new $Uint64(g.$high&536870912,(g.$low&0)>>>0),(q.$high===0&&q.$low===0)))){g=$shiftRightUint64(g,(1));h=h+(1)>>0;}}r="0123456789abcdef";if(e===88){r="0123456789ABCDEF";}if(f){c=$append(c,45);}c=$append(c,48,e,48+(((s=$shiftRightUint64(g,60),new $Uint64(s.$high&0,(s.$low&1)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24))<<24>>>24);g=$shiftLeft64(g,(4));if(d<0&&!((g.$high===0&&g.$low===0))){c=$append(c,46);while(true){if(!(!((g.$high===0&&g.$low===0)))){break;}c=$append(c,r.charCodeAt($flatten64((t=$shiftRightUint64(g,60),new $Uint64(t.$high&0,(t.$low&15)>>>0)))));g=$shiftLeft64(g,(4));}}else if(d>0){c=$append(c,46);u=0;while(true){if(!(u>>0)))));g=$shiftLeft64(g,(4));u=u+(1)>>0;}}w=80;if(e===CN(e)){w=112;}c=$append(c,w);if(h<0){w=45;h=-h;}else{w=43;}c=$append(c,w);if(h<100){c=$append(c,(((x=h/10,(x===x&&x!==1/0&&x!==-1/0)?x>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))+48<<24>>>24,(((y=h%10,y===y?y:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))+48<<24>>>24);}else if(h<1000){c=$append(c,(((z=h/100,(z===z&&z!==1/0&&z!==-1/0)?z>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))+48<<24>>>24,(((aa=((ab=h/10,(ab===ab&&ab!==1/0&&ab!==-1/0)?ab>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by 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$Uint64(y.$high+c.$high,y.$low+c.$low),(ag.$high>>0),new $Uint64(o.$high-an.$high,o.$low-an.$low));if((s.$high===0&&s.$low===0)&&(ao=new $Uint64(r.$high&0,(r.$low&511)>>>0),(ao.$high===0&&ao.$low===0))&&(ap=new $Uint64(am.$high&0,(am.$low&3)>>>0),(ap.$high===0&&ap.$low===1))){aq=0;ar=false;f=aq;g=ar;return[f,g];}am=(as=new $Uint64(am.$high&0,(am.$low&1)>>>0),new $Uint64(am.$high+as.$high,am.$low+as.$low));am=$shiftRightUint64(am,(1));if((at=$shiftRightUint64(am,53),(at.$high>0||(at.$high===0&&at.$low>0)))){am=$shiftRightUint64(am,(1));o=(au=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(o.$high+au.$high,o.$low+au.$low));}if((av=new $Uint64(o.$high-0,o.$low-1),(av.$high>0||(av.$high===0&&av.$low>=2046)))){aw=0;ax=false;f=aw;g=ax;return[f,g];}ba=(ay=$shiftLeft64(o,52),az=new $Uint64(am.$high&1048575,(am.$low&4294967295)>>>0),new $Uint64(ay.$high|az.$high,(ay.$low|az.$low)>>>0));if(e){ba=(bb=new $Uint64(2147483648,0),new $Uint64(ba.$high|bb.$high,(ba.$low|bb.$low)>>>0));}bc=C.Float64frombits(ba);bd=true;f=bc;g=bd;return[f,g];};CA=function(c,d,e){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;f=0;g=false;if((c.$high===0&&c.$low===0)){if(e){f=C.Float32frombits(2147483648);}h=f;i=true;f=h;g=i;return[f,g];}if(d<-348||347>>0))));o=(m=(new $Uint64(0,(((($imul(217706,d))>>16>>0)+64>>0)+127>>0))),n=(new $Uint64(0,l)),new $Uint64(m.$high-n.$high,m.$low-n.$low));p=B.Mul64(c,(q=d- -348>>0,((q<0||q>=CB.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):CB[q]))[1]);r=p[0];s=p[1];if((t=new $Uint64(r.$high&63,(r.$low&4294967295)>>>0),(t.$high===63&&t.$low===4294967295))&&(u=new $Uint64(s.$high+c.$high,s.$low+c.$low),(u.$high>0,((w<0||w>=CB.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):CB[w]))[0]);x=v[0];y=v[1];z=r;aa=new $Uint64(s.$high+x.$high,s.$low+x.$low);ab=z;ac=aa;if((ac.$high>>0),(ae.$high===63&&ae.$low===4294967295))&&(af=new $Uint64(ac.$high+0,ac.$low+1),(af.$high===0&&af.$low===0))&&(ag=new $Uint64(y.$high+c.$high,y.$low+c.$low),(ag.$high>>0),new $Uint64(o.$high-an.$high,o.$low-an.$low));if((s.$high===0&&s.$low===0)&&(ao=new $Uint64(r.$high&63,(r.$low&4294967295)>>>0),(ao.$high===0&&ao.$low===0))&&(ap=new $Uint64(am.$high&0,(am.$low&3)>>>0),(ap.$high===0&&ap.$low===1))){aq=0;ar=false;f=aq;g=ar;return[f,g];}am=(as=new $Uint64(am.$high&0,(am.$low&1)>>>0),new $Uint64(am.$high+as.$high,am.$low+as.$low));am=$shiftRightUint64(am,(1));if((at=$shiftRightUint64(am,24),(at.$high>0||(at.$high===0&&at.$low>0)))){am=$shiftRightUint64(am,(1));o=(au=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(o.$high+au.$high,o.$low+au.$low));}if((av=new $Uint64(o.$high-0,o.$low-1),(av.$high>0||(av.$high===0&&av.$low>=254)))){aw=0;ax=false;f=aw;g=ax;return[f,g];}ba=(ay=$shiftLeft64(o,23),az=new $Uint64(am.$high&0,(am.$low&8388607)>>>0),new $Uint64(ay.$high|az.$high,(ay.$low|az.$low)>>>0));if(e){ba=(bb=new $Uint64(0,2147483648),new $Uint64(ba.$high|bb.$high,(ba.$low|bb.$low)>>>0));}bc=C.Float32frombits(((ba.$low>>>0)));bd=true;f=bc;g=bd;return[f,g];};CC.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var c,d,e,f;c=this;d=10+c.nd>>0;if(c.dp>0){d=d+(c.dp)>>0;}if(c.dp<0){d=d+(-c.dp)>>0;}e=$makeSlice(EA,d);f=0;if((c.nd===0)){return"0";}else if(c.dp<=0){((f<0||f>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]=48);f=f+(1)>>0;((f<0||f>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]=46);f=f+(1)>>0;f=f+(CD($subslice(e,f,(f+-c.dp>>0))))>>0;f=f+($copySlice($subslice(e,f),$subslice(new EA(c.d),0,c.nd)))>>0;}else if(c.dp>0;((f<0||f>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]=46);f=f+(1)>>0;f=f+($copySlice($subslice(e,f),$subslice(new EA(c.d),c.dp,c.nd)))>>0;}else{f=f+($copySlice($subslice(e,f),$subslice(new EA(c.d),0,c.nd)))>>0;f=f+(CD($subslice(e,f,((f+c.dp>>0)-c.nd>>0))))>>0;}return($bytesToString($subslice(e,0,f)));};CC.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};CD=function(c){var c,d,e,f;d=c;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f]=48);e++;}return c.$length;};CE=function(c){var c,d,e;while(true){if(!(c.nd>0&&((d=c.d,e=c.nd-1>>0,((e<0||e>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[e]))===48))){break;}c.nd=c.nd-(1)>>0;}if(c.nd===0){c.dp=0;}};CC.ptr.prototype.Assign=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;d=this;e=EF.zero();f=0;while(true){if(!((c.$high>0||(c.$high===0&&c.$low>0)))){break;}g=$div64(c,new $Uint64(0,10),false);c=(h=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,10),g),new $Uint64(c.$high-h.$high,c.$low-h.$low));((f<0||f>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[f]=((new $Uint64(c.$high+0,c.$low+48).$low<<24>>>24)));f=f+(1)>>0;c=g;}d.nd=0;f=f-(1)>>0;while(true){if(!(f>=0)){break;}(i=d.d,j=d.nd,((j<0||j>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[j]=((f<0||f>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[f])));d.nd=d.nd+(1)>>0;f=f-(1)>>0;}d.dp=d.nd;CE(d);};CC.prototype.Assign=function(c){return this.$val.Assign(c);};CF=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u;e=0;f=0;g=0;while(true){if(!(((h=d,h<32?(g>>>h):0)>>>0)===0)){break;}if(e>=c.nd){if(g===0){c.nd=0;return;}while(true){if(!(((i=d,i<32?(g>>>i):0)>>>0)===0)){break;}g=g*10>>>0;e=e+(1)>>0;}break;}k=(((j=c.d,((e<0||e>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[e]))>>>0));g=((g*10>>>0)+k>>>0)-48>>>0;e=e+(1)>>0;}c.dp=c.dp-((e-1>>0))>>0;m=(((l=d,l<32?(1<>>0))-1>>>0;while(true){if(!(e=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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EA(c.d),0,c.nd),((d<0||d>=CH.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):CH.$array[CH.$offset+d]).cutoff)){e=e-(1)>>0;}f=c.nd;g=c.nd+e>>0;h=0;f=f-(1)>>0;while(true){if(!(f>=0)){break;}h=h+(((i=d,i<32?((((((j=c.d,((f<0||f>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[f]))>>>0))-48>>>0))<>>0))>>>0;l=(k=h/10,(k===k&&k!==1/0&&k!==-1/0)?k>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));m=h-(10*l>>>0)>>>0;g=g-(1)>>0;if(g<800){(n=c.d,((g<0||g>=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n[g]=(((m+48>>>0)<<24>>>24))));}else if(!((m===0))){c.trunc=true;}h=l;f=f-(1)>>0;}while(true){if(!(h>0)){break;}p=(o=h/10,(o===o&&o!==1/0&&o!==-1/0)?o>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));q=h-(10*p>>>0)>>>0;g=g-(1)>>0;if(g<800){(r=c.d,((g<0||g>=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[g]=(((q+48>>>0)<<24>>>24))));}else if(!((q===0))){c.trunc=true;}h=p;}c.nd=c.nd+(e)>>0;if(c.nd>=800){c.nd=800;}c.dp=c.dp+(e)>>0;CE(c);};CC.ptr.prototype.Shift=function(c){var c,d;d=this;if((d.nd===0)){}else if(c>0){while(true){if(!(c>28)){break;}CJ(d,28);c=c-(28)>>0;}CJ(d,((c>>>0)));}else if(c<0){while(true){if(!(c<-28)){break;}CF(d,28);c=c+(28)>>0;}CF(d,((-c>>>0)));}};CC.prototype.Shift=function(c){return this.$val.Shift(c);};CK=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i;if(d<0||d>=c.nd){return false;}if(((e=c.d,((d<0||d>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[d]))===53)&&((d+1>>0)===c.nd)){if(c.trunc){return true;}return d>0&&!(((f=(((g=c.d,h=d-1>>0,((h<0||h>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[h]))-48<<24>>>24))%2,f===f?f:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0));}return(i=c.d,((d<0||d>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[d]))>=53;};CC.ptr.prototype.Round=function(c){var c,d;d=this;if(c<0||c>=d.nd){return;}if(CK(d,c)){d.RoundUp(c);}else{d.RoundDown(c);}};CC.prototype.Round=function(c){return this.$val.Round(c);};CC.ptr.prototype.RoundDown=function(c){var c,d;d=this;if(c<0||c>=d.nd){return;}d.nd=c;CE(d);};CC.prototype.RoundDown=function(c){return this.$val.RoundDown(c);};CC.ptr.prototype.RoundUp=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i;d=this;if(c<0||c>=d.nd){return;}e=c-1>>0;while(true){if(!(e>=0)){break;}g=(f=d.d,((e<0||e>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[e]));if(g<57){(i=d.d,((e<0||e>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[e]=((h=d.d,((e<0||e>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[e]))+(1)<<24>>>24)));d.nd=e+1>>0;return;}e=e-(1)>>0;}d.d[0]=49;d.nd=1;d.dp=d.dp+(1)>>0;};CC.prototype.RoundUp=function(c){return this.$val.RoundUp(c);};CC.ptr.prototype.RoundedInteger=function(){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=this;if(c.dp>20){return new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295);}d=0;e=new $Uint64(0,0);d=0;while(true){if(!(d=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[d]))-48<<24>>>24))),new $Uint64(f.$high+g.$high,f.$low+g.$low));d=d+(1)>>0;}while(true){if(!(d>0;}if(CK(c,c.dp)){e=(i=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(e.$high+i.$high,e.$low+i.$low));}return e;};CC.prototype.RoundedInteger=function(){return this.$val.RoundedInteger();};CM=function(c,d){var c,d;return D.IndexByteString(c,d);};CN=function(c){var c;return(c|32)>>>0;};CO.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.Err.Error();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e="strconv."+c.Func+": "+"parsing "+M(c.Num)+": "+d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:CO.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};CO.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};CO.ptr.prototype.Unwrap=function(){var c;c=this;return c.Err;};CO.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};CP=function(c,d){var c,d;return new CO.ptr(c,d,$pkg.ErrSyntax);};CQ=function(c,d){var c,d;return new CO.ptr(c,d,$pkg.ErrRange);};CR=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e;return new CO.ptr(c,d,E.New("invalid base "+DP(e)));};CS=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e;return new CO.ptr(c,d,E.New("invalid bit size "+DP(e)));};CT=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;if(c===""){return[new $Uint64(0,0),CP("ParseUint",c)];}f=d===0;g=c;if(2<=d&&d<=36){}else if((d===0)){d=10;if(c.charCodeAt(0)===48){if(c.length>=3&&(CN(c.charCodeAt(1))===98)){d=2;c=$substring(c,2);}else if(c.length>=3&&(CN(c.charCodeAt(1))===111)){d=8;c=$substring(c,2);}else if(c.length>=3&&(CN(c.charCodeAt(1))===120)){d=16;c=$substring(c,2);}else{d=8;c=$substring(c,1);}}}else{return[new $Uint64(0,0),CR("ParseUint",g,d)];}if(e===0){e=32;}else if(e<0||e>64){return[new $Uint64(0,0),CS("ParseUint",g,e)];}h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=d;if(i===(10)){h=new $Uint64(429496729,2576980378);}else if(i===(16)){h=new $Uint64(268435456,0);}else{h=(j=$div64(new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),(new $Uint64(0,d)),false),new $Uint64(j.$high+0,j.$low+1));}l=(k=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),((e>>>0))),new $Uint64(k.$high-0,k.$low-1));m=false;n=new $Uint64(0,0);o=(new EA($stringToBytes(c)));p=0;while(true){if(!(p=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]);r=0;if((q===95)&&f){m=true;p++;continue;}else if(48<=q&&q<=57){r=q-48<<24>>>24;}else if(97<=CN(q)&&CN(q)<=122){r=(CN(q)-97<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24;}else{return[new $Uint64(0,0),CP("ParseUint",g)];}if(r>=((d<<24>>>24))){return[new $Uint64(0,0),CP("ParseUint",g)];}if((n.$high>h.$high||(n.$high===h.$high&&n.$low>=h.$low))){return[l,CQ("ParseUint",g)];}n=$mul64(n,((new $Uint64(0,d))));t=(s=(new $Uint64(0,r)),new $Uint64(n.$high+s.$high,n.$low+s.$low));if((t.$highl.$high||(t.$high===l.$high&&t.$low>l.$low))){return[l,CQ("ParseUint",g)];}n=t;p++;}if(m&&!CV(g)){return[new $Uint64(0,0),CP("ParseUint",g)];}return[n,$ifaceNil];};$pkg.ParseUint=CT;CU=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;f=new $Int64(0,0);g=$ifaceNil;if(c===""){h=new $Int64(0,0);i=CP("ParseInt",c);f=h;g=i;return[f,g];}j=c;k=false;if(c.charCodeAt(0)===43){c=$substring(c,1);}else if(c.charCodeAt(0)===45){k=true;c=$substring(c,1);}l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=CT(c,d,e);l=m[0];g=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual($assertType(g,EH).Err,$pkg.ErrRange))){$assertType(g,EH).Func="ParseInt";$assertType(g,EH).Num=j;n=new $Int64(0,0);o=g;f=n;g=o;return[f,g];}if(e===0){e=32;}p=($shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),(((e-1>>0)>>>0))));if(!k&&(l.$high>p.$high||(l.$high===p.$high&&l.$low>=p.$low))){q=((r=new $Uint64(p.$high-0,p.$low-1),new $Int64(r.$high,r.$low)));s=CQ("ParseInt",j);f=q;g=s;return[f,g];}if(k&&(l.$high>p.$high||(l.$high===p.$high&&l.$low>p.$low))){t=(u=(new $Int64(p.$high,p.$low)),new $Int64(-u.$high,-u.$low));v=CQ("ParseInt",j);f=t;g=v;return[f,g];}w=(new $Int64(l.$high,l.$low));if(k){w=new $Int64(-w.$high,-w.$low);}x=w;y=$ifaceNil;f=x;g=y;return[f,g];};$pkg.ParseInt=CU;CV=function(c){var c,d,e,f;d=94;e=0;if(c.length>=1&&((c.charCodeAt(0)===45)||(c.charCodeAt(0)===43))){c=$substring(c,1);}f=false;if(c.length>=2&&(c.charCodeAt(0)===48)&&((CN(c.charCodeAt(1))===98)||(CN(c.charCodeAt(1))===111)||(CN(c.charCodeAt(1))===120))){e=2;d=48;f=CN(c.charCodeAt(1))===120;}while(true){if(!(e>0;continue;}if(c.charCodeAt(e)===95){if(!((d===48))){return false;}d=95;e=e+(1)>>0;continue;}if(d===95){return false;}d=33;e=e+(1)>>0;}return!((d===95));};CX=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g;e=d.length;if(e>c.length){e=c.length;}f=0;while(true){if(!(f>>24;}if(!((g===d.charCodeAt(f)))){return f;}f=f+(1)>>0;}return e;};CY=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;d=0;e=0;f=false;if(c.length===0){g=0;h=0;i=false;d=g;e=h;f=i;return[d,e,f];}j=1;k=0;l=c.charCodeAt(0);if((l===(43))||(l===(45))){if(c.charCodeAt(0)===45){j=-1;}k=1;c=$substring(c,1);m=CX(c,"infinity");if(3>0;p=true;d=n;e=o;f=p;return[d,e,f];}}else if((l===(105))||(l===(73))){m=CX(c,"infinity");if(3>0;s=true;d=q;e=r;f=s;return[d,e,f];}}else if((l===(110))||(l===(78))){if(CX(c,"nan")===3){t=C.NaN();u=3;v=true;d=t;e=u;f=v;return[d,e,f];}}w=0;x=0;y=false;d=w;e=x;f=y;return[d,e,f];};CC.ptr.prototype.set=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;d=false;e=this;f=0;e.neg=false;e.trunc=false;if(f>=c.length){return d;}if((c.charCodeAt(f)===43)){f=f+(1)>>0;}else if((c.charCodeAt(f)===45)){e.neg=true;f=f+(1)>>0;}g=false;h=false;while(true){if(!(f>0;continue;}else if((c.charCodeAt(f)===46)){if(g){return d;}g=true;e.dp=e.nd;f=f+(1)>>0;continue;}else if(48<=c.charCodeAt(f)&&c.charCodeAt(f)<=57){h=true;if((c.charCodeAt(f)===48)&&(e.nd===0)){e.dp=e.dp-(1)>>0;f=f+(1)>>0;continue;}if(e.nd<800){(i=e.d,j=e.nd,((j<0||j>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[j]=c.charCodeAt(f)));e.nd=e.nd+(1)>>0;}else if(!((c.charCodeAt(f)===48))){e.trunc=true;}f=f+(1)>>0;continue;}break;}if(!h){return d;}if(!g){e.dp=e.nd;}if(f>0;if(f>=c.length){return d;}k=1;if(c.charCodeAt(f)===43){f=f+(1)>>0;}else if(c.charCodeAt(f)===45){f=f+(1)>>0;k=-1;}if(f>=c.length||c.charCodeAt(f)<48||c.charCodeAt(f)>57){return d;}l=0;while(true){if(!(f>0;continue;}if(l<10000){l=(($imul(l,10))+((c.charCodeAt(f)>>0))>>0)-48>>0;}f=f+(1)>>0;}e.dp=e.dp+(($imul(l,k)))>>0;}if(!((f===c.length))){return d;}d=true;return d;};CC.prototype.set=function(c){return this.$val.set(c);};CZ=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=0;f=false;g=false;h=false;i=0;j=false;k=false;if(i>=c.length){return[d,e,f,g,h,i,j];}if((c.charCodeAt(i)===43)){i=i+(1)>>0;}else if((c.charCodeAt(i)===45)){f=true;i=i+(1)>>0;}l=new $Uint64(0,10);m=19;n=101;if((i+2>>0)>0)))===120)){l=new $Uint64(0,16);m=16;i=i+(2)>>0;n=112;h=true;}o=false;p=false;q=0;r=0;s=0;loop:while(true){if(!(i>0;continue;}else if(u===((t===46))){if(o){break loop;}o=true;s=q;i=i+(1)>>0;continue;}else if(u===(48<=t&&t<=57)){p=true;if((t===48)&&(q===0)){s=s-(1)>>0;i=i+(1)>>0;continue;}q=q+(1)>>0;if(r>>24))),new $Uint64(d.$high+v.$high,d.$low+v.$low));r=r+(1)>>0;}else if(!((t===48))){g=true;}i=i+(1)>>0;continue;}else if(u===((l.$high===0&&l.$low===16)&&97<=CN(t)&&CN(t)<=102)){p=true;q=q+(1)>>0;if(r>>24)+10<<24>>>24))),new $Uint64(d.$high+w.$high,d.$low+w.$low));r=r+(1)>>0;}else{g=true;}i=i+(1)>>0;continue;}break;}if(!p){return[d,e,f,g,h,i,j];}if(!o){s=q;}if((l.$high===0&&l.$low===16)){s=$imul(s,(4));r=$imul(r,(4));}if(i>0;if(i>=c.length){return[d,e,f,g,h,i,j];}x=1;if(c.charCodeAt(i)===43){i=i+(1)>>0;}else if(c.charCodeAt(i)===45){i=i+(1)>>0;x=-1;}if(i>=c.length||c.charCodeAt(i)<48||c.charCodeAt(i)>57){return[d,e,f,g,h,i,j];}y=0;while(true){if(!(i>0;continue;}if(y<10000){y=(($imul(y,10))+((c.charCodeAt(i)>>0))>>0)-48>>0;}i=i+(1)>>0;}s=s+(($imul(y,x)))>>0;}else if((l.$high===0&&l.$low===16)){return[d,e,f,g,h,i,j];}if(!((d.$high===0&&d.$low===0))){e=s-r>>0;}if(k&&!CV($substring(c,0,i))){return[d,e,f,g,h,i,j];}j=true;return[d,e,f,g,h,i,j];};CC.ptr.prototype.floatBits=function(c){var aa,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s;$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=false;f=this;g=0;h=new $Uint64(0,0);if(f.nd===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=new $Uint64(0,0);g=c.bias;$s=3;continue;case 2:if(f.dp>310){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=6;continue;case 5:if(f.dp<-330){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:h=new $Uint64(0,0);g=c.bias;$s=3;continue;case 8:g=0;while(true){if(!(f.dp>0)){break;}i=0;if(f.dp>=DA.$length){i=27;}else{i=(j=f.dp,((j<0||j>=DA.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):DA.$array[DA.$offset+j]));}f.Shift(-i);g=g+(i)>>0;}while(true){if(!(f.dp<0||(f.dp===0)&&f.d[0]<53)){break;}k=0;if(-f.dp>=DA.$length){k=27;}else{k=(l=-f.dp,((l<0||l>=DA.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):DA.$array[DA.$offset+l]));}f.Shift(k);g=g-(k)>>0;}g=g-(1)>>0;if(g<(c.bias+1>>0)){m=(c.bias+1>>0)-g>>0;f.Shift(-m);g=g+(m)>>0;}if((g-c.bias>>0)>=(((n=c.expbits,n<32?(1<>0)-1>>0)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$s=6;continue;case 10:f.Shift((((1+c.mantbits>>>0)>>0)));h=f.RoundedInteger();if((o=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,2),c.mantbits),(h.$high===o.$high&&h.$low===o.$low))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:h=$shiftRightUint64(h,(1));g=g+(1)>>0;if((g-c.bias>>0)>=(((p=c.expbits,p<32?(1<>0)-1>>0)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$s=6;continue;case 14:case 12:if((q=(r=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),c.mantbits),new $Uint64(h.$high&r.$high,(h.$low&r.$low)>>>0)),(q.$high===0&&q.$low===0))){g=c.bias;}$s=3;continue;case 6:h=new $Uint64(0,0);g=(((s=c.expbits,s<32?(1<>0)-1>>0)+c.bias>>0;e=true;case 3:v=(t=(u=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),c.mantbits),new $Uint64(u.$high-0,u.$low-1)),new $Uint64(h.$high&t.$high,(h.$low&t.$low)>>>0));v=(w=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(((g-c.bias>>0))&((((x=c.expbits,x<32?(1<>0)-1>>0))))),c.mantbits),new $Uint64(v.$high|w.$high,(v.$low|w.$low)>>>0));if(f.neg){v=(y=$shiftLeft64($shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),c.mantbits),c.expbits),new $Uint64(v.$high|y.$high,(v.$low|y.$low)>>>0));}z=v;aa=e;d=z;e=aa;$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}};CC.prototype.floatBits=function(c){return this.$val.floatBits(c);};DD=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;f=0;g=false;if(!((h=$shiftRightUint64(c,BL.mantbits),(h.$high===0&&h.$low===0)))){return[f,g];}f=($flatten64(c));if(e){f=-f;}if((d===0)){i=f;j=true;f=i;g=j;return[f,g];}else if(d>0&&d<=37){if(d>22){f=f*((k=d-22>>0,((k<0||k>=DB.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):DB.$array[DB.$offset+k])));d=22;}if(f>1e+15||f<-1e+15){return[f,g];}l=f*((d<0||d>=DB.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):DB.$array[DB.$offset+d]);m=true;f=l;g=m;return[f,g];}else if(d<0&&d>=-22){n=f/(o=-d,((o<0||o>=DB.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):DB.$array[DB.$offset+o]));p=true;f=n;g=p;return[f,g];}return[f,g];};DE=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;f=0;g=false;if(!((h=$shiftRightUint64(c,BK.mantbits),(h.$high===0&&h.$low===0)))){return[f,g];}f=($flatten64(c));if(e){f=-f;}if((d===0)){i=f;j=true;f=i;g=j;return[f,g];}else if(d>0&&d<=17){if(d>10){f=$fround(f*((k=d-10>>0,((k<0||k>=DC.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):DC.$array[DC.$offset+k]))));d=10;}if(f>1e+07||f<-1e+07){return[f,g];}l=$fround(f*((d<0||d>=DC.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):DC.$array[DC.$offset+d]));m=true;f=l;g=m;return[f,g];}else if(d<0&&d>=-10){n=$fround(f/(o=-d,((o<0||o>=DC.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):DC.$array[DC.$offset+o])));p=true;f=n;g=p;return[f,g];}return[f,g];};DF=function(c,d,e,f,g,h){var aa,ab,ac,ad,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;j=(((i=d.expbits,i<32?(1<>0)+d.bias>>0)-2>>0;k=d.bias+1>>0;f=f+(((d.mantbits>>0)))>>0;while(true){if(!(!((e.$high===0&&e.$low===0))&&(l=$shiftRightUint64(e,((d.mantbits+2>>>0))),(l.$high===0&&l.$low===0)))){break;}e=$shiftLeft64(e,(1));f=f-(1)>>0;}if(h){e=(m=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(e.$high|m.$high,(e.$low|m.$low)>>>0));}while(true){if(!(!((n=$shiftRightUint64(e,(((1+d.mantbits>>>0)+2>>>0))),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0))))){break;}e=(o=$shiftRightUint64(e,1),p=new $Uint64(e.$high&0,(e.$low&1)>>>0),new $Uint64(o.$high|p.$high,(o.$low|p.$low)>>>0));f=f+(1)>>0;}while(true){if(!((e.$high>0||(e.$high===0&&e.$low>1))&&f<(k-2>>0))){break;}e=(q=$shiftRightUint64(e,1),r=new $Uint64(e.$high&0,(e.$low&1)>>>0),new $Uint64(q.$high|r.$high,(q.$low|r.$low)>>>0));f=f+(1)>>0;}s=new $Uint64(e.$high&0,(e.$low&3)>>>0);e=$shiftRightUint64(e,(2));s=(t=new $Uint64(e.$high&0,(e.$low&1)>>>0),new $Uint64(s.$high|t.$high,(s.$low|t.$low)>>>0));f=f+(2)>>0;if((s.$high===0&&s.$low===3)){e=(u=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(e.$high+u.$high,e.$low+u.$low));if((v=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),((1+d.mantbits>>>0))),(e.$high===v.$high&&e.$low===v.$low))){e=$shiftRightUint64(e,(1));f=f+(1)>>0;}}if((w=$shiftRightUint64(e,d.mantbits),(w.$high===0&&w.$low===0))){f=d.bias;}x=$ifaceNil;if(f>j){e=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),d.mantbits);f=j+1>>0;x=CQ("ParseFloat",c);}aa=(y=(z=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),d.mantbits),new $Uint64(z.$high-0,z.$low-1)),new $Uint64(e.$high&y.$high,(e.$low&y.$low)>>>0));aa=(ab=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(((f-d.bias>>0))&((((ac=d.expbits,ac<32?(1<>0)-1>>0))))),d.mantbits),new $Uint64(aa.$high|ab.$high,(aa.$low|ab.$low)>>>0));if(g){aa=(ad=$shiftLeft64($shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),d.mantbits),d.expbits),new $Uint64(aa.$high|ad.$high,(aa.$low|ad.$low)>>>0));}if(d===BK){return[(C.Float32frombits(((aa.$low>>>0)))),x];}return[C.Float64frombits(aa),x];};DG=function(c){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=0;e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=CY(c);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=g[2];if(j){k=($fround(h));l=i;m=$ifaceNil;d=k;e=l;f=m;return[d,e,f];}n=CZ(c);o=n[0];p=n[1];q=n[2];r=n[3];s=n[4];e=n[5];t=n[6];if(!t){u=0;v=e;w=CP("ParseFloat",c);d=u;e=v;f=w;return[d,e,f];}if(s){x=DF($substring(c,0,e),BK,o,p,q,r);y=x[0];z=x[1];aa=($fround(y));ab=e;ac=z;d=aa;e=ab;f=ac;return[d,e,f];}if(CW){if(!r){ad=DE(o,p,q);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];if(af){ag=ae;ah=e;ai=$ifaceNil;d=ag;e=ah;f=ai;return[d,e,f];}}aj=CA(o,p,q);ak=aj[0];al=aj[1];if(al){if(!r){am=ak;an=e;ao=$ifaceNil;d=am;e=an;f=ao;return[d,e,f];}ap=CA(new $Uint64(o.$high+0,o.$low+1),p,q);aq=ap[0];ar=ap[1];if(ar&&(ak===aq)){as=ak;at=e;au=$ifaceNil;d=as;e=at;f=au;return[d,e,f];}}}av=new CC.ptr(EG.zero(),0,0,false,false);if(!av.set($substring(c,0,e))){aw=0;ax=e;ay=CP("ParseFloat",c);d=aw;e=ax;f=ay;return[d,e,f];}az=av.floatBits(BK);ba=az[0];bb=az[1];d=C.Float32frombits(((ba.$low>>>0)));if(bb){f=CQ("ParseFloat",c);}bc=d;bd=e;be=f;d=bc;e=bd;f=be;return[d,e,f];};DH=function(c){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=0;e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=CY(c);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=g[2];if(j){k=h;l=i;m=$ifaceNil;d=k;e=l;f=m;return[d,e,f];}n=CZ(c);o=n[0];p=n[1];q=n[2];r=n[3];s=n[4];e=n[5];t=n[6];if(!t){u=0;v=e;w=CP("ParseFloat",c);d=u;e=v;f=w;return[d,e,f];}if(s){x=DF($substring(c,0,e),BL,o,p,q,r);y=x[0];z=x[1];aa=y;ab=e;ac=z;d=aa;e=ab;f=ac;return[d,e,f];}if(CW){if(!r){ad=DD(o,p,q);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];if(af){ag=ae;ah=e;ai=$ifaceNil;d=ag;e=ah;f=ai;return[d,e,f];}}aj=BZ(o,p,q);ak=aj[0];al=aj[1];if(al){if(!r){am=ak;an=e;ao=$ifaceNil;d=am;e=an;f=ao;return[d,e,f];}ap=BZ(new 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aw;aw=this.$val;return((((aw&31)>>>0)>>>0));};$ptrType(R).prototype.kind=function(){return new R(this.$get()).kind();};R.prototype.ro=function(){var aw;aw=this.$val;if(!((((aw&96)>>>0)===0))){return 32;}return 0;};$ptrType(R).prototype.ro=function(){return new R(this.$get()).ro();};Q.ptr.prototype.pointer=function(){var aw;aw=this;if(!((aw.typ.size===4))||!aw.typ.pointers()){$panic(new $String("can't call pointer on a non-pointer Value"));}if(!((((aw.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){return(aw.ptr).$get();}return aw.ptr;};Q.prototype.pointer=function(){return this.$val.pointer();};U.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var aw;aw=this;if(aw.Kind===0){return"reflect: call of "+aw.Method+" on zero Value";}return"reflect: call of "+aw.Method+" on "+new CL(aw.Kind).String()+" Value";};U.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};V=function(){var aw,ax,ay;aw=G.Caller(2);ax=aw[0];ay=G.FuncForPC(ax);if(ay===JN.nil){return"unknown method";}return ay.Name();};R.prototype.mustBe=function(aw){var aw,ax;ax=this.$val;if(!((((((ax&31)>>>0)>>>0))===aw))){$panic(new U.ptr(V(),new R(ax).kind()));}};$ptrType(R).prototype.mustBe=function(aw){return new R(this.$get()).mustBe(aw);};R.prototype.mustBeExported=function(){var aw;aw=this.$val;if((aw===0)||!((((aw&96)>>>0)===0))){new R(aw).mustBeExportedSlow();}};$ptrType(R).prototype.mustBeExported=function(){return new R(this.$get()).mustBeExported();};R.prototype.mustBeExportedSlow=function(){var aw;aw=this.$val;if(aw===0){$panic(new U.ptr(IY(),0));}if(!((((aw&96)>>>0)===0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: "+IY()+" using value obtained using unexported field"));}};$ptrType(R).prototype.mustBeExportedSlow=function(){return new R(this.$get()).mustBeExportedSlow();};R.prototype.mustBeAssignable=function(){var aw;aw=this.$val;if(!((((aw&96)>>>0)===0))||(((aw&256)>>>0)===0)){new R(aw).mustBeAssignableSlow();}};$ptrType(R).prototype.mustBeAssignable=function(){return new R(this.$get()).mustBeAssignable();};R.prototype.mustBeAssignableSlow=function(){var aw;aw=this.$val;if(aw===0){$panic(new U.ptr(IY(),0));}if(!((((aw&96)>>>0)===0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: "+IY()+" using value obtained using unexported field"));}if(((aw&256)>>>0)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect: "+IY()+" using unaddressable value"));}};$ptrType(R).prototype.mustBeAssignableSlow=function(){return new R(this.$get()).mustBeAssignableSlow();};Q.ptr.prototype.Addr=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(((aw.flag&256)>>>0)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Addr of unaddressable value"));}ax=(aw.flag&96)>>>0;return new Q.ptr(aw.typ.ptrTo(),aw.ptr,(ax|22)>>>0);};Q.prototype.Addr=function(){return this.$val.Addr();};Q.ptr.prototype.Bool=function(){var aw;aw=this;new R(aw.flag).mustBe(1);return(aw.ptr).$get();};Q.prototype.Bool=function(){return this.$val.Bool();};Q.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var{aw,ax,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=this;new R(aw.flag).mustBe(23);ax=aw.typ.Elem().Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((ax===8))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Bytes of non-byte slice"));case 2:$s=-1;return(aw.ptr).$get();}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Bytes,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};Q.ptr.prototype.runes=function(){var{aw,ax,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=this;new R(aw.flag).mustBe(23);ax=aw.typ.Elem().Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((ax===5))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Bytes of non-rune slice"));case 2:$s=-1;return(aw.ptr).$get();}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.runes,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.runes=function(){return this.$val.runes();};Q.ptr.prototype.CanAddr=function(){var aw;aw=this;return!((((aw.flag&256)>>>0)===0));};Q.prototype.CanAddr=function(){return this.$val.CanAddr();};Q.ptr.prototype.CanSet=function(){var aw;aw=this;return((aw.flag&352)>>>0)===256;};Q.prototype.CanSet=function(){return this.$val.CanSet();};Q.ptr.prototype.Call=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBe(19);new R(ax.flag).mustBeExported();ay=$clone(ax,Q).call("Call",aw);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=2;case 2:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Call,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Call=function(aw){return this.$val.Call(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.CallSlice=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBe(19);new R(ax.flag).mustBeExported();ay=$clone(ax,Q).call("CallSlice",aw);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=2;case 2:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.CallSlice,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.CallSlice=function(aw){return this.$val.CallSlice(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.CanComplex=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();if((ax===(15))||(ax===(16))){return true;}else{return false;}};Q.prototype.CanComplex=function(){return this.$val.CanComplex();};Q.ptr.prototype.Complex=function(){var aw,ax,ay,az;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();ay=ax;if(ay===(15)){return((az=(aw.ptr).$get(),new $Complex128(az.$real,az.$imag)));}else if(ay===(16)){return(aw.ptr).$get();}$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Complex",new R(aw.flag).kind()));};Q.prototype.Complex=function(){return this.$val.Complex();};Q.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if(aw.$length===1){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ay=$clone(ax,Q).Field((0>=aw.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aw.$array[aw.$offset+0]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=4;case 4:return az;case 2:new R(ax.flag).mustBe(25);ba=aw;bb=0;case 5:if(!(bb=ba.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ba.$array[ba.$offset+bb]);if(bc>0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:if(!($clone(ax,Q).Kind()===22)){be=false;$s=11;continue s;}bf=ax.typ.Elem().Kind();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bf===25;case 11:if(be){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:if($clone(ax,Q).IsNil()){$panic(new $String("reflect: indirection through nil pointer to embedded struct"));}bg=$clone(ax,Q).Elem();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=bg;case 10:case 8:bh=$clone(ax,Q).Field(bd);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=bh;bb++;$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return ax;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.FieldByIndex=function(aw){return this.$val.FieldByIndex(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndexErr=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if(aw.$length===1){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ay=$clone(ax,Q).Field((0>=aw.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aw.$array[aw.$offset+0]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=[ay,$ifaceNil];$s=4;case 4:return az;case 2:new R(ax.flag).mustBe(25);ba=aw;bb=0;case 5:if(!(bb=ba.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ba.$array[ba.$offset+bb]);if(bc>0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:if(!($clone(ax,Q).Kind()===22)){be=false;$s=11;continue s;}bf=ax.typ.Elem().Kind();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bf===25;case 11:if(be){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:if($clone(ax,Q).IsNil()){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:bg=ax.typ.Elem().Name();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=A.New("reflect: indirection through nil pointer to embedded struct field "+bg);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=[new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0),bh];$s=17;case 17:return bi;case 14:bj=$clone(ax,Q).Elem();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=bj;case 10:case 8:bk=$clone(ax,Q).Field(bd);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=bk;bb++;$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return[ax,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndexErr,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.FieldByIndexErr=function(aw){return this.$val.FieldByIndexErr(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.FieldByName=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBe(25);az=ax.typ.FieldByName(aw);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=az;ba=$clone(ay[0],DM);bb=ay[1];if(bb){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:bc=$clone(ax,Q).FieldByIndex(ba.Index);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;$s=5;case 5:return bd;case 3:$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.FieldByName,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.FieldByName=function(aw){return this.$val.FieldByName(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;az=ax.typ.FieldByNameFunc(aw);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=az;ba=$clone(ay[0],DM);bb=ay[1];if(bb){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:bc=$clone(ax,Q).FieldByIndex(ba.Index);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;$s=5;case 5:return bd;case 3:$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.FieldByNameFunc=function(aw){return this.$val.FieldByNameFunc(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.CanFloat=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();if((ax===(13))||(ax===(14))){return true;}else{return false;}};Q.prototype.CanFloat=function(){return this.$val.CanFloat();};Q.ptr.prototype.Float=function(){var aw,ax,ay;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();ay=ax;if(ay===(13)){return((aw.ptr).$get());}else if(ay===(14)){return(aw.ptr).$get();}$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Float",new R(aw.flag).kind()));};Q.prototype.Float=function(){return this.$val.Float();};Q.ptr.prototype.CanInt=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();if((ax===(2))||(ax===(3))||(ax===(4))||(ax===(5))||(ax===(6))){return true;}else{return false;}};Q.prototype.CanInt=function(){return this.$val.CanInt();};Q.ptr.prototype.Int=function(){var aw,ax,ay,az;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();ay=aw.ptr;az=ax;if(az===(2)){return(new $Int64(0,(ay).$get()));}else if(az===(3)){return(new $Int64(0,(ay).$get()));}else if(az===(4)){return(new $Int64(0,(ay).$get()));}else if(az===(5)){return(new $Int64(0,(ay).$get()));}else if(az===(6)){return(ay).$get();}$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Int",new R(aw.flag).kind()));};Q.prototype.Int=function(){return this.$val.Int();};Q.ptr.prototype.CanInterface=function(){var aw;aw=this;if(aw.flag===0){$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.CanInterface",0));}return((aw.flag&96)>>>0)===0;};Q.prototype.CanInterface=function(){return this.$val.CanInterface();};Q.ptr.prototype.Interface=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=$ifaceNil;ax=this;ay=IK($clone(ax,Q),true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ay;az=aw;$s=2;case 2:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Interface,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Interface=function(){return this.$val.Interface();};Q.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var aw;aw=this;return!((aw.flag===0));};Q.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};Q.ptr.prototype.IsZero=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();if(ax===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if((ax===(2))||(ax===(3))||(ax===(4))||(ax===(5))||(ax===(6))){$s=3;continue;}if((ax===(7))||(ax===(8))||(ax===(9))||(ax===(10))||(ax===(11))||(ax===(12))){$s=4;continue;}if((ax===(13))||(ax===(14))){$s=5;continue;}if((ax===(15))||(ax===(16))){$s=6;continue;}if(ax===(17)){$s=7;continue;}if((ax===(18))||(ax===(19))||(ax===(20))||(ax===(21))||(ax===(22))||(ax===(23))||(ax===(26))){$s=8;continue;}if(ax===(24)){$s=9;continue;}if(ax===(25)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return!$clone(aw,Q).Bool();case 3:$s=-1;return(ay=$clone(aw,Q).Int(),(ay.$high===0&&ay.$low===0));case 4:$s=-1;return(az=$clone(aw,Q).Uint(),(az.$high===0&&az.$low===0));case 5:$s=-1;return(ba=F.Float64bits($clone(aw,Q).Float()),(ba.$high===0&&ba.$low===0));case 6:bb=$clone(aw,Q).Complex();$s=-1;return(bc=F.Float64bits(bb.$real),(bc.$high===0&&bc.$low===0))&&(bd=F.Float64bits(bb.$imag),(bd.$high===0&&bd.$low===0));case 7:be=0;case 13:if(!(be<$clone(aw,Q).Len())){$s=14;continue;}bf=$clone(aw,Q).Index(be);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=$clone(bf,Q).IsZero();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!bg){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:$s=-1;return false;case 16:be=be+(1)>>0;$s=13;continue;case 14:$s=-1;return true;case 8:$s=-1;return $clone(aw,Q).IsNil();case 9:$s=-1;return $clone(aw,Q).Len()===0;case 10:bh=0;case 19:if(!(bh<$clone(aw,Q).NumField())){$s=20;continue;}bi=$clone(aw,Q).Field(bh);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=$clone(bi,Q).IsZero();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!bj){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:$s=-1;return false;case 22:bh=bh+(1)>>0;$s=19;continue;case 20:$s=-1;return true;case 11:$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.IsZero",$clone(aw,Q).Kind()));case 12:case 1:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.IsZero,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.IsZero=function(){return this.$val.IsZero();};Q.ptr.prototype.Kind=function(){var aw;aw=this;return new R(aw.flag).kind();};Q.prototype.Kind=function(){return this.$val.Kind();};Q.ptr.prototype.MapIndex=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBe(21);ay=(ax.typ.kindType);az=0;if((ay.key===AF||(new R(aw.flag).kind()===24))&&ay.key===aw.typ&&ay.elem.size<=128){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ba=(aw.ptr).$get();az=HX(ax.typ,$clone(ax,Q).pointer(),ba);$s=3;continue;case 2:bb=$clone(aw,Q).assignTo("reflect.Value.MapIndex",ay.key,0);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=bb;bc=0;if(!((((aw.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){bc=aw.ptr;}else{bc=((aw.$ptr_ptr||(aw.$ptr_ptr=new JV(function(){return this.$target.ptr;},function($v){this.$target.ptr=$v;},aw))));}az=HU(ax.typ,$clone(ax,Q).pointer(),bc);case 3:if(az===0){$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}bd=ay.elem;be=new R((((ax.flag|aw.flag)>>>0))).ro();be=(be|(((bd.Kind()>>>0))))>>>0;$s=-1;return AH(bd,be,az);}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.MapIndex,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.MapIndex=function(aw){return this.$val.MapIndex(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.MapKeys=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=[aw];ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBe(21);ay=(ax.typ.kindType);az=ay.key;ba=(new R(ax.flag).ro()|((az.Kind()>>>0)))>>>0;bb=$clone(ax,Q).pointer();bc=0;if(!(bb===0)){bc=IF(bb);}aw[0]=new IA.ptr($ifaceNil,null,null,0,null);IB(ax.typ,bb,aw[0]);bd=$makeSlice(JO,bc);be=0;be=0;case 1:if(!(be=bd.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bd.$array[bd.$offset+be]=AH(az,ba,bg));IE(aw[0]);be=be+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $subslice(bd,0,be);}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.MapKeys,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.MapKeys=function(){return this.$val.MapKeys();};IA.ptr.prototype.initialized=function(){var aw;aw=this;return!($interfaceIsEqual(aw.t,$ifaceNil));};IA.prototype.initialized=function(){return this.$val.initialized();};AG.ptr.prototype.Key=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=this;if(!aw.hiter.initialized()){$panic(new $String("MapIter.Key called before Next"));}ax=IC(aw.hiter);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;if(ay===0){$panic(new $String("MapIter.Key called on exhausted iterator"));}az=(aw.m.typ.kindType);ba=az.key;$s=-1;return AH(ba,(new R(aw.m.flag).ro()|((ba.Kind()>>>0)))>>>0,ay);}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.Key,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.Key=function(){return this.$val.Key();};Q.ptr.prototype.SetIterKey=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if(!aw.hiter.initialized()){$panic(new $String("reflect: Value.SetIterKey called before Next"));}ay=IC(aw.hiter);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;if(az===0){$panic(new $String("reflect: Value.SetIterKey called on exhausted iterator"));}new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();ba=0;if(new R(ax.flag).kind()===20){ba=ax.ptr;}bb=(aw.m.typ.kindType);bc=bb.key;bd=new Q.ptr(bc,az,(((aw.m.flag|((bc.Kind()>>>0)))>>>0)|128)>>>0);be=$clone(bd,Q).assignTo("reflect.MapIter.SetKey",ax.typ,ba);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=be;HP(ax.typ,ax.ptr,bd.ptr);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.SetIterKey,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.SetIterKey=function(aw){return this.$val.SetIterKey(aw);};AG.ptr.prototype.Value=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=this;if(!aw.hiter.initialized()){$panic(new $String("MapIter.Value called before Next"));}ax=ID(aw.hiter);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;if(ay===0){$panic(new $String("MapIter.Value called on exhausted iterator"));}az=(aw.m.typ.kindType);ba=az.elem;$s=-1;return AH(ba,(new R(aw.m.flag).ro()|((ba.Kind()>>>0)))>>>0,ay);}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.Value,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.Value=function(){return this.$val.Value();};Q.ptr.prototype.SetIterValue=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if(!aw.hiter.initialized()){$panic(new $String("reflect: Value.SetIterValue called before Next"));}ay=ID(aw.hiter);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;if(az===0){$panic(new $String("reflect: Value.SetIterValue called on exhausted iterator"));}new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();ba=0;if(new R(ax.flag).kind()===20){ba=ax.ptr;}bb=(aw.m.typ.kindType);bc=bb.elem;bd=new Q.ptr(bc,az,(((aw.m.flag|((bc.Kind()>>>0)))>>>0)|128)>>>0);be=$clone(bd,Q).assignTo("reflect.MapIter.SetValue",ax.typ,ba);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=be;HP(ax.typ,ax.ptr,bd.ptr);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.SetIterValue,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.SetIterValue=function(aw){return this.$val.SetIterValue(aw);};AG.ptr.prototype.Next=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=this;if(!$clone(aw.m,Q).IsValid()){$panic(new $String("MapIter.Next called on an iterator that does not have an associated map Value"));}if(!aw.hiter.initialized()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:IB(aw.m.typ,$clone(aw.m,Q).pointer(),aw.hiter);$s=3;continue;case 2:ax=IC(aw.hiter);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ax===0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$panic(new $String("MapIter.Next called on exhausted iterator"));case 5:IE(aw.hiter);case 3:ay=IC(aw.hiter);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=!(ay===0);$s=8;case 8:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.Next,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.Next=function(){return this.$val.Next();};AG.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(aw){var aw,ax;ax=this;if($clone(aw,Q).IsValid()){new R(aw.flag).mustBe(21);}ax.m=aw;IA.copy(ax.hiter,new IA.ptr($ifaceNil,null,null,0,null));};AG.prototype.Reset=function(aw){return this.$val.Reset(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.MapRange=function(){var aw;aw=this;new R(aw.flag).mustBe(21);return new AG.ptr($clone(aw,Q),new IA.ptr($ifaceNil,null,null,0,null));};Q.prototype.MapRange=function(){return this.$val.MapRange();};AH=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay,az;if(FD(aw)){az=HM(aw);HP(aw,az,ay);return new Q.ptr(aw,az,(ax|128)>>>0);}return new Q.ptr(aw,(ay).$get(),ax);};Q.ptr.prototype.Method=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay;ax=this;if(ax.typ===JE.nil){$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Method",0));}if(!((((ax.flag&512)>>>0)===0))||((aw>>>0))>=((ax.typ.NumMethod()>>>0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Method index out of range"));}if((ax.typ.Kind()===20)&&$clone(ax,Q).IsNil()){$panic(new $String("reflect: Method on nil interface value"));}ay=(new R(ax.flag).ro()|(((ax.flag&128)>>>0)))>>>0;ay=(ay|(19))>>>0;ay=(ay|((((((aw>>>0))<<10>>>0)|512)>>>0)))>>>0;return new Q.ptr(ax.typ,ax.ptr,ay);};Q.prototype.Method=function(aw){return this.$val.Method(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.NumMethod=function(){var aw;aw=this;if(aw.typ===JE.nil){$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.NumMethod",0));}if(!((((aw.flag&512)>>>0)===0))){return 0;}return aw.typ.NumMethod();};Q.prototype.NumMethod=function(){return this.$val.NumMethod();};Q.ptr.prototype.MethodByName=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if(ax.typ===JE.nil){$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.MethodByName",0));}if(!((((ax.flag&512)>>>0)===0))){$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}az=ax.typ.MethodByName(aw);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=az;ba=$clone(ay[0],DA);bb=ay[1];if(!bb){$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}$s=-1;return $clone(ax,Q).Method(ba.Index);}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.MethodByName,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.MethodByName=function(aw){return this.$val.MethodByName(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.NumField=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;new R(aw.flag).mustBe(25);ax=(aw.typ.kindType);return ax.fields.$length;};Q.prototype.NumField=function(){return this.$val.NumField();};Q.ptr.prototype.OverflowComplex=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this;ay=new R(ax.flag).kind();az=ay;if(az===(15)){return AI(aw.$real)||AI(aw.$imag);}else if(az===(16)){return false;}$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowComplex",new R(ax.flag).kind()));};Q.prototype.OverflowComplex=function(aw){return this.$val.OverflowComplex(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.OverflowFloat=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this;ay=new R(ax.flag).kind();az=ay;if(az===(13)){return AI(aw);}else if(az===(14)){return false;}$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowFloat",new R(ax.flag).kind()));};Q.prototype.OverflowFloat=function(aw){return this.$val.OverflowFloat(aw);};AI=function(aw){var aw;if(aw<0){aw=-aw;}return 3.4028234663852886e+38>>0;bb=$shiftRightInt64(($shiftLeft64(aw,((64-ba>>>0)))),((64-ba>>>0)));return!((aw.$high===bb.$high&&aw.$low===bb.$low));}$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowInt",new R(ax.flag).kind()));};Q.prototype.OverflowInt=function(aw){return this.$val.OverflowInt(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.OverflowUint=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb;ax=this;ay=new R(ax.flag).kind();az=ay;if((az===(7))||(az===(12))||(az===(8))||(az===(9))||(az===(10))||(az===(11))){ba=$imul(ax.typ.size,8)>>>0;bb=$shiftRightUint64(($shiftLeft64(aw,((64-ba>>>0)))),((64-ba>>>0)));return!((aw.$high===bb.$high&&aw.$low===bb.$low));}$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowUint",new R(ax.flag).kind()));};Q.prototype.OverflowUint=function(aw){return this.$val.OverflowUint(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.Recv=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);ax=false;ay=this;new R(ay.flag).mustBe(18);new R(ay.flag).mustBeExported();ba=$clone(ay,Q).recv(false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ba;aw=az[0];ax=az[1];bb=[aw,ax];$s=2;case 2:return bb;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Recv,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Recv=function(){return this.$val.Recv();};Q.ptr.prototype.recv=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);ay=false;az=this;ba=(az.typ.kindType);if((((ba.dir>>0))&1)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect: recv on send-only channel"));}bb=ba.elem;ax=new Q.ptr(bb,0,((bb.Kind()>>>0)));bc=0;if(FD(bb)){bc=HM(bb);ax.ptr=bc;ax.flag=(ax.flag|(128))>>>0;}else{bc=((ax.$ptr_ptr||(ax.$ptr_ptr=new JV(function(){return this.$target.ptr;},function($v){this.$target.ptr=$v;},ax))));}be=IT($clone(az,Q).pointer(),aw,bc);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=be;bf=bd[0];ay=bd[1];if(!bf){ax=new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}$s=-1;return[ax,ay];}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.recv,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.recv=function(aw){return this.$val.recv(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.Send=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBe(18);new R(ax.flag).mustBeExported();ay=$clone(ax,Q).send($clone(aw,Q),false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Send,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Send=function(aw){return this.$val.Send(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.send=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=false;az=this;ba=(az.typ.kindType);if((((ba.dir>>0))&2)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect: send on recv-only channel"));}new R(aw.flag).mustBeExported();bb=$clone(aw,Q).assignTo("reflect.Value.Send",ba.elem,0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=bb;bc=0;if(!((((aw.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){bc=aw.ptr;}else{bc=((aw.$ptr_ptr||(aw.$ptr_ptr=new JV(function(){return this.$target.ptr;},function($v){this.$target.ptr=$v;},aw))));}bd=IU($clone(az,Q).pointer(),bc,ax);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=bd;be=ay;$s=3;case 3:return be;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.send,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.send=function(aw,ax){return this.$val.send(aw,ax);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetBool=function(aw){var aw,ax;ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();new R(ax.flag).mustBe(1);(ax.ptr).$set(aw);};Q.prototype.SetBool=function(aw){return this.$val.SetBool(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.setRunes=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();new R(ax.flag).mustBe(23);ay=ax.typ.Elem().Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((ay===5))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.setRunes of non-rune slice"));case 2:(ax.ptr).$set(aw);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.setRunes,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.setRunes=function(aw){return this.$val.setRunes(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetComplex=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();ay=new R(ax.flag).kind();az=ay;if(az===(15)){(ax.ptr).$set((new $Complex64(aw.$real,aw.$imag)));}else if(az===(16)){(ax.ptr).$set(aw);}else{$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.SetComplex",new R(ax.flag).kind()));}};Q.prototype.SetComplex=function(aw){return this.$val.SetComplex(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetFloat=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();ay=new R(ax.flag).kind();az=ay;if(az===(13)){(ax.ptr).$set(($fround(aw)));}else if(az===(14)){(ax.ptr).$set(aw);}else{$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.SetFloat",new R(ax.flag).kind()));}};Q.prototype.SetFloat=function(aw){return this.$val.SetFloat(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetInt=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();ay=new R(ax.flag).kind();az=ay;if(az===(2)){(ax.ptr).$set((((aw.$low+((aw.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));}else if(az===(3)){(ax.ptr).$set((((aw.$low+((aw.$high>>31)*4294967296))<<24>>24)));}else if(az===(4)){(ax.ptr).$set((((aw.$low+((aw.$high>>31)*4294967296))<<16>>16)));}else if(az===(5)){(ax.ptr).$set((((aw.$low+((aw.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));}else if(az===(6)){(ax.ptr).$set(aw);}else{$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.SetInt",new R(ax.flag).kind()));}};Q.prototype.SetInt=function(aw){return this.$val.SetInt(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetMapIndex=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=this;new R(ay.flag).mustBe(21);new R(ay.flag).mustBeExported();new R(aw.flag).mustBeExported();az=(ay.typ.kindType);if((az.key===AF||(new R(aw.flag).kind()===24))&&az.key===aw.typ&&az.elem.size<=128){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ba=(aw.ptr).$get();if(ax.typ===JE.nil){HZ(ay.typ,$clone(ay,Q).pointer(),ba);$s=-1;return;}new R(ax.flag).mustBeExported();bb=$clone(ax,Q).assignTo("reflect.Value.SetMapIndex",az.elem,0);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=bb;bc=0;if(!((((ax.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){bc=ax.ptr;}else{bc=((ax.$ptr_ptr||(ax.$ptr_ptr=new JV(function(){return this.$target.ptr;},function($v){this.$target.ptr=$v;},ax))));}$r=HY(ay.typ,$clone(ay,Q).pointer(),ba,bc);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 2:bd=$clone(aw,Q).assignTo("reflect.Value.SetMapIndex",az.key,0);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=bd;be=0;if(!((((aw.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){be=aw.ptr;}else{be=((aw.$ptr_ptr||(aw.$ptr_ptr=new JV(function(){return this.$target.ptr;},function($v){this.$target.ptr=$v;},aw))));}if(ax.typ===JE.nil){HW(ay.typ,$clone(ay,Q).pointer(),be);$s=-1;return;}new R(ax.flag).mustBeExported();bf=$clone(ax,Q).assignTo("reflect.Value.SetMapIndex",az.elem,0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=bf;bg=0;if(!((((ax.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){bg=ax.ptr;}else{bg=((ax.$ptr_ptr||(ax.$ptr_ptr=new JV(function(){return this.$target.ptr;},function($v){this.$target.ptr=$v;},ax))));}$r=HV(ay.typ,$clone(ay,Q).pointer(),be,bg);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.SetMapIndex,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.SetMapIndex=function(aw,ax){return this.$val.SetMapIndex(aw,ax);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetUint=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();ay=new R(ax.flag).kind();az=ay;if(az===(7)){(ax.ptr).$set(((aw.$low>>>0)));}else if(az===(8)){(ax.ptr).$set(((aw.$low<<24>>>24)));}else if(az===(9)){(ax.ptr).$set(((aw.$low<<16>>>16)));}else if(az===(10)){(ax.ptr).$set(((aw.$low>>>0)));}else if(az===(11)){(ax.ptr).$set(aw);}else if(az===(12)){(ax.ptr).$set(((aw.$low>>>0)));}else{$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.SetUint",new R(ax.flag).kind()));}};Q.prototype.SetUint=function(aw){return this.$val.SetUint(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetPointer=function(aw){var aw,ax;ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();new R(ax.flag).mustBe(26);(ax.ptr).$set(aw);};Q.prototype.SetPointer=function(aw){return this.$val.SetPointer(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetString=function(aw){var aw,ax;ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();new R(ax.flag).mustBe(24);(ax.ptr).$set(aw);};Q.prototype.SetString=function(aw){return this.$val.SetString(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();ay=ax;if(ay===(0)){$s=-1;return"";}else if(ay===(24)){$s=-1;return(aw.ptr).$get();}az=$clone(aw,Q).Type().String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba="<"+az+" Value>";$s=2;case 2:return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};Q.ptr.prototype.TryRecv=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);ax=false;ay=this;new R(ay.flag).mustBe(18);new R(ay.flag).mustBeExported();ba=$clone(ay,Q).recv(true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ba;aw=az[0];ax=az[1];bb=[aw,ax];$s=2;case 2:return bb;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.TryRecv,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.TryRecv=function(){return this.$val.TryRecv();};Q.ptr.prototype.TrySend=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBe(18);new R(ax.flag).mustBeExported();ay=$clone(ax,Q).send($clone(aw,Q),true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=2;case 2:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.TrySend,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.TrySend=function(aw){return this.$val.TrySend(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.Type=function(){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd;aw=this;ax=aw.flag;if(ax===0){$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Type",0));}if(((ax&512)>>>0)===0){return aw.typ;}ay=((aw.flag>>0))>>10>>0;if(aw.typ.Kind()===20){az=(aw.typ.kindType);if(((ay>>>0))>=((az.methods.$length>>>0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index"));}bb=(ba=az.methods,((ay<0||ay>=ba.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ba.$array[ba.$offset+ay]));return aw.typ.typeOff(bb.typ);}bc=aw.typ.exportedMethods();if(((ay>>>0))>=((bc.$length>>>0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index"));}bd=$clone(((ay<0||ay>=bc.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bc.$array[bc.$offset+ay]),CO);return aw.typ.typeOff(bd.mtyp);};Q.prototype.Type=function(){return this.$val.Type();};Q.ptr.prototype.CanUint=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();if((ax===(7))||(ax===(8))||(ax===(9))||(ax===(10))||(ax===(11))||(ax===(12))){return true;}else{return false;}};Q.prototype.CanUint=function(){return this.$val.CanUint();};Q.ptr.prototype.Uint=function(){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();ay=aw.ptr;az=ax;if(az===(7)){return(new $Uint64(0,(ay).$get()));}else if(az===(8)){return(new $Uint64(0,(ay).$get()));}else if(az===(9)){return(new $Uint64(0,(ay).$get()));}else if(az===(10)){return(new $Uint64(0,(ay).$get()));}else if(az===(11)){return(ay).$get();}else if(az===(12)){return((ba=(ay).$get(),new $Uint64(0,ba.constructor===Number?ba:1)));}$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Uint",new R(aw.flag).kind()));};Q.prototype.Uint=function(){return this.$val.Uint();};Q.ptr.prototype.UnsafeAddr=function(){var aw;aw=this;if(aw.typ===JE.nil){$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.UnsafeAddr",0));}if(((aw.flag&256)>>>0)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.UnsafeAddr of unaddressable value"));}return(aw.ptr);};Q.prototype.UnsafeAddr=function(){return this.$val.UnsafeAddr();};Q.ptr.prototype.UnsafePointer=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=[aw];ax=this;ay=new R(ax.flag).kind();az=ay;if(az===(22)){$s=2;continue;}if((az===(18))||(az===(21))||(az===(26))){$s=3;continue;}if(az===(19)){$s=4;continue;}if(az===(23)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:if(ax.typ.ptrdata===0){if(!IZ((ax.ptr).$get())){$panic(new $String("reflect: reflect.Value.UnsafePointer on an invalid notinheap pointer"));}$s=-1;return(ax.ptr).$get();}$s=-1;return $clone(ax,Q).pointer();case 3:$s=-1;return $clone(ax,Q).pointer();case 4:if(!((((ax.flag&512)>>>0)===0))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:ba=FJ();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw[0]=ba;$s=-1;return aw[0];case 8:bb=$clone(ax,Q).pointer();if(!(bb===0)){bb=(bb).$get();}$s=-1;return bb;case 5:$s=-1;return($pointerOfStructConversion(ax.ptr,JW)).Data;case 6:case 1:$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.UnsafePointer",new R(ax.flag).kind()));$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.UnsafePointer,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.UnsafePointer=function(){return this.$val.UnsafePointer();};AL=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ax,ay))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:az=ax.String();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=ay.String();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(aw+": "+az+" != "+ba));case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AL,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};AN=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=$clone(aw,Q).Len();az=ay+ax>>0;if(az>0;}else{ba=ba+((bd=((ba+768>>0))/4,(bd===bd&&bd!==1/0&&bd!==-1/0)?bd>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))>>0;}}}be=HC($clone(aw,Q).Type(),az,ba);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=be;bg=II($clone(bf,Q),$clone(aw,Q));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg;$s=-1;return[bf,ay,az];}return;}var $f={$blk:AN,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,$s};return $f;};AO=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:new R(aw.flag).mustBe(23);az=AN($clone(aw,Q),ax.$length);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=az;aw=ay[0];ba=ay[1];bb=ay[2];bc=ba;bd=0;be=bc;bf=bd;case 2:if(!(be=ax.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ax.$array[ax.$offset+bf]),Q));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=be+1>>0;bi=bf+1>>0;be=bh;bf=bi;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return aw;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Append=AO;AP=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:new R(aw.flag).mustBe(23);new R(ax.flag).mustBe(23);ay=$clone(aw,Q).Type().Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;ba=$clone(ax,Q).Type().Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=ba;$r=AL("reflect.AppendSlice",az,bb);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=AN($clone(aw,Q),$clone(ax,Q).Len());$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bd;aw=bc[0];be=bc[1];bf=bc[2];bg=$clone(aw,Q).Slice(be,bf);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=II($clone(bg,Q),$clone(ax,Q));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh;$s=-1;return aw;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,$s};return $f;};$pkg.AppendSlice=AP;AW=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=AX(aw,0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;$s=2;case 2:return ay;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,$s};return $f;};$pkg.MakeMap=AW;AX=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=aw.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((ay===21))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect.MakeMapWithSize of non-map type"));case 2:az=$assertType(aw,JE);ba=HS(az,ax);$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(az,ba,21);}return;}var $f={$blk:AX,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};$pkg.MakeMapWithSize=AX;Q.ptr.prototype.Convert=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if(!((((ax.flag&512)>>>0)===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ay=IM("Convert",$clone(ax,Q));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=ay;case 2:az=aw.common();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=BB(az,ax.typ);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=ba;if(bb===$throwNilPointerError){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:bc=aw.String();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Convert: value of type "+ax.typ.String()+" cannot be converted to type "+bc));case 7:bd=bb($clone(ax,Q),aw);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bd;$s=10;case 10:return be;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Convert,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Convert=function(aw){return this.$val.Convert(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.CanConvert=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;ay=$clone(ax,Q).Type();az=ay.ConvertibleTo(aw);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!az){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return false;case 2:bc=ay.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bc===23)){bb=false;$s=7;continue s;}bd=aw.Kind();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=bd===22;case 7:if(!(bb)){ba=false;$s=6;continue s;}be=aw.Elem();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=be.Kind();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=bf===17;case 6:if(ba){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:bg=aw.Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bg.Len();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bh;if(bi>$clone(ax,Q).Len()){$s=-1;return false;}case 5:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.CanConvert,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.CanConvert=function(aw){return this.$val.CanConvert(aw);};BB=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=ax.Kind();if((ay===(2))||(ay===(3))||(ay===(4))||(ay===(5))||(ay===(6))){$s=2;continue;}if((ay===(7))||(ay===(8))||(ay===(9))||(ay===(10))||(ay===(11))||(ay===(12))){$s=3;continue;}if((ay===(13))||(ay===(14))){$s=4;continue;}if((ay===(15))||(ay===(16))){$s=5;continue;}if(ay===(24)){$s=6;continue;}if(ay===(23)){$s=7;continue;}if(ay===(18)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 2:az=aw.Kind();if((az===(2))||(az===(3))||(az===(4))||(az===(5))||(az===(6))||(az===(7))||(az===(8))||(az===(9))||(az===(10))||(az===(11))||(az===(12))){$s=-1;return BI;}else if((az===(13))||(az===(14))){$s=-1;return BM;}else if(az===(24)){$s=-1;return BQ;}$s=9;continue;case 3:ba=aw.Kind();if((ba===(2))||(ba===(3))||(ba===(4))||(ba===(5))||(ba===(6))||(ba===(7))||(ba===(8))||(ba===(9))||(ba===(10))||(ba===(11))||(ba===(12))){$s=-1;return BJ;}else if((ba===(13))||(ba===(14))){$s=-1;return BN;}else if(ba===(24)){$s=-1;return BR;}$s=9;continue;case 4:bb=aw.Kind();if((bb===(2))||(bb===(3))||(bb===(4))||(bb===(5))||(bb===(6))){$s=-1;return BK;}else if((bb===(7))||(bb===(8))||(bb===(9))||(bb===(10))||(bb===(11))||(bb===(12))){$s=-1;return BL;}else if((bb===(13))||(bb===(14))){$s=-1;return BO;}$s=9;continue;case 5:bc=aw.Kind();if((bc===(15))||(bc===(16))){$s=-1;return BP;}$s=9;continue;case 6:if(!(aw.Kind()===23)){bd=false;$s=12;continue s;}be=aw.Elem().PkgPath();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=be==="";case 12:if(bd){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:bf=aw.Elem().Kind();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=bf;if(bg===(8)){$s=-1;return BT;}else if(bg===(5)){$s=-1;return BV;}case 14:case 11:$s=9;continue;case 7:if(!(aw.Kind()===24)){bh=false;$s=18;continue s;}bi=ax.Elem().PkgPath();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bi==="";case 18:if(bh){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:bj=ax.Elem().Kind();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=bj;if(bk===(8)){$s=-1;return BS;}else if(bk===(5)){$s=-1;return BU;}case 20:case 17:if(!(aw.Kind()===22)){bm=false;$s=25;continue s;}bn=aw.Elem().Kind();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm=bn===17;case 25:if(!(bm)){bl=false;$s=24;continue s;}bo=aw.Elem().Elem();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=$interfaceIsEqual(ax.Elem(),bo);case 24:if(bl){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:$s=-1;return IH;case 23:$s=9;continue;case 8:if(!(aw.Kind()===18)){bp=false;$s=30;continue s;}bq=DU(aw,ax);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=bq;case 30:if(bp){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:$s=-1;return IG;case 29:case 9:case 1:br=DX(aw,ax,false);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(br){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:$s=-1;return IG;case 33:if(!((aw.Kind()===22)&&aw.Name()===""&&(ax.Kind()===22)&&ax.Name()==="")){bs=false;$s=37;continue s;}bt=aw.Elem().common();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=bt;bv=ax.Elem().common();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;bv=bv.$blk();}if(bv&&bv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bw=bv;bx=DX(bu,bw,false);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;bx=bx.$blk();}if(bx&&bx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=bx;case 37:if(bs){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:$s=-1;return IG;case 36:if(DT(aw,ax)){if(ax.Kind()===20){$s=-1;return BX;}$s=-1;return BW;}$s=-1;return $throwNilPointerError;}return;}var $f={$blk:BB,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,$s};return $f;};BC=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=ay.common();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;bb=HM(ba);bc=ba.size;if(bc===(4)){(bb).$set(($fround(ax)));}else if(bc===(8)){(bb).$set(ax);}$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(ba,bb,(((aw|128)>>>0)|((ba.Kind()>>>0)))>>>0);}return;}var $f={$blk:BC,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s};return $f;};BD=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=ay.common();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;bb=HM(ba);(bb).$set(ax);$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(ba,bb,(((aw|128)>>>0)|((ba.Kind()>>>0)))>>>0);}return;}var $f={$blk:BD,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s};return $f;};BE=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=ay.common();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;bb=HM(ba);bc=ba.size;if(bc===(8)){(bb).$set((new $Complex64(ax.$real,ax.$imag)));}else if(bc===(16)){(bb).$set(ax);}$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(ba,bb,(((aw|128)>>>0)|((ba.Kind()>>>0)))>>>0);}return;}var $f={$blk:BE,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s};return $f;};BF=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=$clone(GH(ay),Q).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$clone(ba,Q).SetString(ax);ba.flag=(((ba.flag&~256)>>>0)|aw)>>>0;$s=-1;return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};BG=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=$clone(GH(ay),Q).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$r=$clone(ba,Q).SetBytes(ax);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba.flag=(((ba.flag&~256)>>>0)|aw)>>>0;$s=-1;return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:BG,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};BH=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=$clone(GH(ay),Q).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$r=$clone(ba,Q).setRunes(ax);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba.flag=(((ba.flag&~256)>>>0)|aw)>>>0;$s=-1;return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};BI=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=HN(new R(aw.flag).ro(),((ay=$clone(aw,Q).Int(),new $Uint64(ay.$high,ay.$low))),ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=2;case 2:return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:BI,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};BJ=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=HN(new R(aw.flag).ro(),$clone(aw,Q).Uint(),ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=2;case 2:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:BJ,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};BK=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=HN(new R(aw.flag).ro(),((ay=(new $Int64(0,$clone(aw,Q).Float())),new $Uint64(ay.$high,ay.$low))),ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=2;case 2:return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:BK,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};BL=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=HN(new R(aw.flag).ro(),(new $Uint64(0,$clone(aw,Q).Float())),ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=2;case 2:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:BL,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};BM=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=BC(new R(aw.flag).ro(),($flatten64($clone(aw,Q).Int())),ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=2;case 2:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:BM,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};BN=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=BC(new R(aw.flag).ro(),($flatten64($clone(aw,Q).Uint())),ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=2;case 2:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};BO=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=$clone(aw,Q).Type().Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(az===13)){ay=false;$s=3;continue s;}ba=ax.Kind();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ba===13;case 3:if(ay){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:bb=BD(new R(aw.flag).ro(),(aw.ptr).$get(),ax);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;$s=7;case 7:return bc;case 2:bd=BC(new R(aw.flag).ro(),$clone(aw,Q).Float(),ax);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bd;$s=9;case 9:return be;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s};return $f;};BP=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=BE(new R(aw.flag).ro(),$clone(aw,Q).Complex(),ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=2;case 2:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};BQ=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay="\xEF\xBF\xBD";az=$clone(aw,Q).Int();if((ba=(new $Int64(0,(((az.$low+((az.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)))),(ba.$high===az.$high&&ba.$low===az.$low))){ay=($encodeRune((((az.$low+((az.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))));}bb=BF(new R(aw.flag).ro(),ay,ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;$s=2;case 2:return bc;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s};return $f;};BR=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay="\xEF\xBF\xBD";az=$clone(aw,Q).Uint();if((ba=(new $Uint64(0,((az.$low>>0)))),(ba.$high===az.$high&&ba.$low===az.$low))){ay=($encodeRune(((az.$low>>0))));}bb=BF(new R(aw.flag).ro(),ay,ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;$s=2;case 2:return bc;}return;}var $f={$blk:BR,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s};return $f;};BS=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=new R(aw.flag).ro();az=$clone(aw,Q).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=($bytesToString(az));bb=ax;bc=BF(ay,ba,bb);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;$s=3;case 3:return bd;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s};return $f;};BT=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=new R(aw.flag).ro();az=$clone(aw,Q).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=(new JY($stringToBytes(az)));bb=ax;bc=BG(ay,ba,bb);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;$s=3;case 3:return bd;}return;}var $f={$blk:BT,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s};return $f;};BU=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=new R(aw.flag).ro();az=$clone(aw,Q).runes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=($runesToString(az));bb=ax;bc=BF(ay,ba,bb);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;$s=3;case 3:return bd;}return;}var $f={$blk:BU,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s};return $f;};BV=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=new R(aw.flag).ro();az=$clone(aw,Q).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=(new JZ($stringToRunes(az)));bb=ax;bc=BH(ay,ba,bb);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;$s=3;case 3:return bd;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s};return $f;};BW=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=ax.common();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=HM(ay);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;bb=IK($clone(aw,Q),false);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;bd=ax.NumMethod();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bd===0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:(ba).$set(bc);$s=6;continue;case 5:IL($assertType(ax,JE),bc,ba);case 6:be=ax.common();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=new Q.ptr(be,ba,(((new R(aw.flag).ro()|128)>>>0)|20)>>>0);$s=9;case 9:return bf;}return;}var $f={$blk:BW,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,$s};return $f;};BX=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(aw,Q).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ay=HL(ax);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;az.flag=(az.flag|(new R(aw.flag).ro()))>>>0;$s=-1;return az;case 2:ba=$clone(aw,Q).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=BW($clone(ba,Q),ax);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;$s=6;case 6:return bc;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s};return $f;};CX.ptr.prototype.offset=function(){var aw;aw=this;return aw.offsetEmbed>>>1>>>0;};CX.prototype.offset=function(){return this.$val.offset();};CX.ptr.prototype.embedded=function(){var aw;aw=this;return!((((aw.offsetEmbed&1)>>>0)===0));};CX.prototype.embedded=function(){return this.$val.embedded();};DA.ptr.prototype.IsExported=function(){var aw;aw=this;return aw.PkgPath==="";};DA.prototype.IsExported=function(){return this.$val.IsExported();};CL.prototype.String=function(){var aw;aw=this.$val;if(((aw>>0))=DB.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):DB.$array[DB.$offset+aw]);}return"kind"+H.Itoa(((aw>>0)));};$ptrType(CL).prototype.String=function(){return new CL(this.$get()).String();};CN.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;ax=$clone(aw.nameOff(aw.str),GO).name();if(!((((aw.tflag&2)>>>0)===0))){return $substring(ax,1);}return ax;};CN.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};CN.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var aw;aw=this;return aw.size;};CN.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};CN.ptr.prototype.Bits=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(aw===JE.nil){$panic(new $String("reflect: Bits of nil Type"));}ax=aw.Kind();if(ax<2||ax>16){$panic(new $String("reflect: Bits of non-arithmetic Type "+aw.String()));}return $imul(((aw.size>>0)),8);};CN.prototype.Bits=function(){return this.$val.Bits();};CN.ptr.prototype.Align=function(){var aw;aw=this;return((aw.align>>0));};CN.prototype.Align=function(){return this.$val.Align();};CN.ptr.prototype.FieldAlign=function(){var aw;aw=this;return((aw.fieldAlign>>0));};CN.prototype.FieldAlign=function(){return this.$val.FieldAlign();};CN.ptr.prototype.Kind=function(){var aw;aw=this;return((((aw.kind&31)>>>0)>>>0));};CN.prototype.Kind=function(){return this.$val.Kind();};CN.ptr.prototype.common=function(){var aw;aw=this;return aw;};CN.prototype.common=function(){return this.$val.common();};CN.ptr.prototype.exportedMethods=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;ax=aw.uncommon();if(ax===KA.nil){return KB.nil;}return ax.exportedMethods();};CN.prototype.exportedMethods=function(){return this.$val.exportedMethods();};CN.ptr.prototype.NumMethod=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(aw.Kind()===20){ax=(aw.kindType);return ax.NumMethod();}return aw.exportedMethods().$length;};CN.prototype.NumMethod=function(){return this.$val.NumMethod();};CN.ptr.prototype.MethodByName=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=new DA.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0),0);ay=false;az=this;if(az.Kind()===20){ba=(az.kindType);bb=ba.MethodByName(aw);DA.copy(ax,bb[0]);ay=bb[1];$s=-1;return[ax,ay];}bc=az.uncommon();if(bc===KA.nil){bd=new DA.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0),0);be=false;DA.copy(ax,bd);ay=be;$s=-1;return[ax,ay];}bf=bc.exportedMethods();bg=0;case 1:if(!(bg=bf.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bf.$array[bf.$offset+bg]),CO);if($clone(az.nameOff(bi.name),GO).name()===aw){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:bk=az.Method(bh);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=$clone(bk,DA);bl=true;DA.copy(ax,bj);ay=bl;bm=[ax,ay];$s=6;case 6:return bm;case 4:bg++;$s=1;continue;case 2:bn=new DA.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0),0);bo=false;DA.copy(ax,bn);ay=bo;$s=-1;return[ax,ay];}return;}var $f={$blk:CN.ptr.prototype.MethodByName,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,$s};return $f;};CN.prototype.MethodByName=function(aw){return this.$val.MethodByName(aw);};CN.ptr.prototype.PkgPath=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(((aw.tflag&4)>>>0)===0){return"";}ax=aw.uncommon();if(ax===KA.nil){return"";}return $clone(aw.nameOff(ax.pkgPath),GO).name();};CN.prototype.PkgPath=function(){return this.$val.PkgPath();};CN.ptr.prototype.hasName=function(){var aw;aw=this;return!((((aw.tflag&4)>>>0)===0));};CN.prototype.hasName=function(){return this.$val.hasName();};CN.ptr.prototype.Name=function(){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba;aw=this;if(!aw.hasName()){return"";}ax=aw.String();ay=ax.length-1>>0;az=0;while(true){if(!(ay>=0&&(!((ax.charCodeAt(ay)===46))||!((az===0))))){break;}ba=ax.charCodeAt(ay);if(ba===(93)){az=az+(1)>>0;}else if(ba===(91)){az=az-(1)>>0;}ay=ay-(1)>>0;}return $substring(ax,(ay+1>>0));};CN.prototype.Name=function(){return this.$val.Name();};CN.ptr.prototype.ChanDir=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(!((aw.Kind()===18))){$panic(new $String("reflect: ChanDir of non-chan type "+aw.String()));}ax=(aw.kindType);return((ax.dir>>0));};CN.prototype.ChanDir=function(){return this.$val.ChanDir();};CN.ptr.prototype.IsVariadic=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(!((aw.Kind()===19))){$panic(new $String("reflect: IsVariadic of non-func type "+aw.String()));}ax=(aw.kindType);return!((((ax.outCount&32768)>>>0)===0));};CN.prototype.IsVariadic=function(){return this.$val.IsVariadic();};CN.ptr.prototype.Elem=function(){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc;aw=this;ax=aw.Kind();if(ax===(17)){ay=(aw.kindType);return EY(ay.elem);}else if(ax===(18)){az=(aw.kindType);return EY(az.elem);}else if(ax===(21)){ba=(aw.kindType);return EY(ba.elem);}else if(ax===(22)){bb=(aw.kindType);return EY(bb.elem);}else if(ax===(23)){bc=(aw.kindType);return EY(bc.elem);}$panic(new $String("reflect: Elem of invalid type "+aw.String()));};CN.prototype.Elem=function(){return this.$val.Elem();};CN.ptr.prototype.Field=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay;ax=this;if(!((ax.Kind()===25))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Field of non-struct type "+ax.String()));}ay=(ax.kindType);return ay.Field(aw);};CN.prototype.Field=function(aw){return this.$val.Field(aw);};CN.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if(!((ax.Kind()===25))){$panic(new $String("reflect: FieldByIndex of non-struct type "+ax.String()));}ay=(ax.kindType);az=ay.FieldByIndex(aw);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=2;case 2:return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:CN.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};CN.prototype.FieldByIndex=function(aw){return this.$val.FieldByIndex(aw);};CN.ptr.prototype.FieldByName=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if(!((ax.Kind()===25))){$panic(new $String("reflect: FieldByName of non-struct type "+ax.String()));}ay=(ax.kindType);az=ay.FieldByName(aw);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=2;case 2:return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:CN.ptr.prototype.FieldByName,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};CN.prototype.FieldByName=function(aw){return this.$val.FieldByName(aw);};CN.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if(!((ax.Kind()===25))){$panic(new $String("reflect: FieldByNameFunc of non-struct type "+ax.String()));}ay=(ax.kindType);az=ay.FieldByNameFunc(aw);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=2;case 2:return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:CN.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};CN.prototype.FieldByNameFunc=function(aw){return this.$val.FieldByNameFunc(aw);};CN.ptr.prototype.In=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this;if(!((ax.Kind()===19))){$panic(new $String("reflect: In of non-func type "+ax.String()));}ay=(ax.kindType);return EY((az=ay.in$(),((aw<0||aw>=az.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):az.$array[az.$offset+aw])));};CN.prototype.In=function(aw){return this.$val.In(aw);};CN.ptr.prototype.Key=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(!((aw.Kind()===21))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Key of non-map type "+aw.String()));}ax=(aw.kindType);return EY(ax.key);};CN.prototype.Key=function(){return this.$val.Key();};CN.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(!((aw.Kind()===17))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Len of non-array type "+aw.String()));}ax=(aw.kindType);return((ax.len>>0));};CN.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};CN.ptr.prototype.NumField=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(!((aw.Kind()===25))){$panic(new $String("reflect: NumField of non-struct type "+aw.String()));}ax=(aw.kindType);return ax.fields.$length;};CN.prototype.NumField=function(){return this.$val.NumField();};CN.ptr.prototype.NumIn=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(!((aw.Kind()===19))){$panic(new $String("reflect: NumIn of non-func type "+aw.String()));}ax=(aw.kindType);return((ax.inCount>>0));};CN.prototype.NumIn=function(){return this.$val.NumIn();};CN.ptr.prototype.NumOut=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;if(!((aw.Kind()===19))){$panic(new $String("reflect: NumOut of non-func type "+aw.String()));}ax=(aw.kindType);return ax.out().$length;};CN.prototype.NumOut=function(){return this.$val.NumOut();};CN.ptr.prototype.Out=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this;if(!((ax.Kind()===19))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Out of non-func type "+ax.String()));}ay=(ax.kindType);return EY((az=ay.out(),((aw<0||aw>=az.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):az.$array[az.$offset+aw])));};CN.prototype.Out=function(aw){return this.$val.Out(aw);};CP.prototype.String=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this.$val;ax=aw;if(ax===(2)){return"chan<-";}else if(ax===(1)){return"<-chan";}else if(ax===(3)){return"chan";}return"ChanDir"+H.Itoa(((aw>>0)));};$ptrType(CP).prototype.String=function(){return new CP(this.$get()).String();};CT.ptr.prototype.Method=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb;ax=new DA.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0),0);ay=this;if(aw<0||aw>=ay.methods.$length){return ax;}ba=(az=ay.methods,((aw<0||aw>=az.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):az.$array[az.$offset+aw]));bb=$clone(ay.rtype.nameOff(ba.name),GO);ax.Name=$clone(bb,GO).name();if(!$clone(bb,GO).isExported()){ax.PkgPath=$clone(bb,GO).pkgPath();if(ax.PkgPath===""){ax.PkgPath=$clone(ay.pkgPath,GO).name();}}ax.Type=EY(ay.rtype.typeOff(ba.typ));ax.Index=aw;return ax;};CT.prototype.Method=function(aw){return this.$val.Method(aw);};CT.ptr.prototype.NumMethod=function(){var aw;aw=this;return aw.methods.$length;};CT.prototype.NumMethod=function(){return this.$val.NumMethod();};CT.ptr.prototype.MethodByName=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg;ax=new DA.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0),0);ay=false;az=this;if(az===KC.nil){return[ax,ay];}ba=KD.nil;bb=az.methods;bc=0;while(true){if(!(bc=be.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):be.$array[be.$offset+bd]));if($clone(az.rtype.nameOff(ba.name),GO).name()===aw){bf=$clone(az.Method(bd),DA);bg=true;DA.copy(ax,bf);ay=bg;return[ax,ay];}bc++;}return[ax,ay];};CT.prototype.MethodByName=function(aw){return this.$val.MethodByName(aw);};DM.ptr.prototype.IsExported=function(){var aw;aw=this;return aw.PkgPath==="";};DM.prototype.IsExported=function(){return this.$val.IsExported();};DN.prototype.Get=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this.$val;ay=new DN(ax).Lookup(aw);az=ay[0];return az;};$ptrType(DN).prototype.Get=function(aw){return new DN(this.$get()).Get(aw);};DN.prototype.Lookup=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj;ax="";ay=false;az=this.$val;while(true){if(!(!(az===""))){break;}ba=0;while(true){if(!(ba>0;}az=$substring(az,ba);if(az===""){break;}ba=0;while(true){if(!(ba32&&!((az.charCodeAt(ba)===58))&&!((az.charCodeAt(ba)===34))&&!((az.charCodeAt(ba)===127)))){break;}ba=ba+(1)>>0;}if((ba===0)||(ba+1>>0)>=az.length||!((az.charCodeAt(ba)===58))||!((az.charCodeAt((ba+1>>0))===34))){break;}bb=($substring(az,0,ba));az=$substring(az,(ba+1>>0));ba=1;while(true){if(!(ba>0;}ba=ba+(1)>>0;}if(ba>=az.length){break;}bc=($substring(az,0,(ba+1>>0)));az=$substring(az,(ba+1>>0));if(aw===bb){bd=H.Unquote(bc);be=bd[0];bf=bd[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bf,$ifaceNil))){break;}bg=be;bh=true;ax=bg;ay=bh;return[ax,ay];}}bi="";bj=false;ax=bi;ay=bj;return[ax,ay];};$ptrType(DN).prototype.Lookup=function(aw){return new DN(this.$get()).Lookup(aw);};CY.ptr.prototype.Field=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb;ax=new DM.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,"",0,JL.nil,false);ay=this;if(aw<0||aw>=ay.fields.$length){$panic(new $String("reflect: Field index out of bounds"));}ba=(az=ay.fields,((aw<0||aw>=az.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):az.$array[az.$offset+aw]));ax.Type=EY(ba.typ);ax.Name=$clone(ba.name,GO).name();ax.Anonymous=ba.embedded();if(!$clone(ba.name,GO).isExported()){ax.PkgPath=$clone(ay.pkgPath,GO).name();}bb=$clone(ba.name,GO).tag();if(!(bb==="")){ax.Tag=(bb);}ax.Offset=ba.offset();ax.Index=new JL([aw]);return ax;};CY.prototype.Field=function(aw){return this.$val.Field(aw);};CY.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=new DM.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,"",0,JL.nil,false);ay=this;ax.Type=EY(ay.rtype);az=aw;ba=0;case 1:if(!(ba=az.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):az.$array[az.$offset+ba]);if(bb>0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:bd=ax.Type;bf=bd.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bf===22)){be=false;$s=7;continue s;}bg=bd.Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bg.Kind();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bh===25;case 7:if(be){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:bi=bd.Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bi;case 6:ax.Type=bd;case 4:bj=ax.Type.Field(bc);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}DM.copy(ax,bj);ba++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return ax;}return;}var $f={$blk:CY.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,$s};return $f;};CY.prototype.FieldByIndex=function(aw){return this.$val.FieldByIndex(aw);};CY.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=new DM.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,"",0,JL.nil,false);ay=false;az=this;ba=new KE([]);bb=new KE([new DO.ptr(az,JL.nil)]);bc=false;bd=$makeMap(KF.keyFor,[]);case 1:if(!(bb.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}be=bb;bf=$subslice(ba,0,0);ba=be;bb=bf;bg=bc;bc=false;bh=ba;bi=0;case 3:if(!(bi=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bi]),DO);bk=bj.typ;if((bl=bd[KF.keyFor(bk)],bl!==undefined?bl.v:false)){bi++;$s=3;continue;}bm=bk;(bd||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[KF.keyFor(bm)]={k:bm,v:true};bn=bk.fields;bo=0;case 5:if(!(bo=bq.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bq.$array[bq.$offset+bp]));bs=$clone(br.name,GO).name();bt=JE.nil;if(br.embedded()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:bt=br.typ;if(bt.Kind()===22){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:bu=bt.Elem().common();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt=bu;case 10:case 8:bv=aw(bs);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;bv=bv.$blk();}if(bv&&bv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bv){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:if((bw=bg[KF.keyFor(bk)],bw!==undefined?bw.v:0)>1||ay){bx=new DM.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,"",0,JL.nil,false);by=false;DM.copy(ax,bx);ay=by;$s=-1;return[ax,ay];}DM.copy(ax,bk.Field(bp));ax.Index=JL.nil;ax.Index=$appendSlice(ax.Index,bj.index);ax.Index=$append(ax.Index,bp);ay=true;bo++;$s=5;continue;case 13:if(ay||bt===JE.nil||!((bt.Kind()===25))){bo++;$s=5;continue;}bz=(bt.kindType);if((ca=bc[KF.keyFor(bz)],ca!==undefined?ca.v:0)>0){cb=bz;(bc||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[KF.keyFor(cb)]={k:cb,v:2};bo++;$s=5;continue;}if(bc===false){bc=$makeMap(KF.keyFor,[]);}cc=bz;(bc||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[KF.keyFor(cc)]={k:cc,v:1};if((cd=bg[KF.keyFor(bk)],cd!==undefined?cd.v:0)>1){ce=bz;(bc||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[KF.keyFor(ce)]={k:ce,v:2};}cf=JL.nil;cf=$appendSlice(cf,bj.index);cf=$append(cf,bp);bb=$append(bb,new DO.ptr(bz,cf));bo++;$s=5;continue;case 6:bi++;$s=3;continue;case 4:if(ay){$s=2;continue;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[ax,ay];}return;}var $f={$blk:CY.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,$s};return $f;};CY.prototype.FieldByNameFunc=function(aw){return this.$val.FieldByNameFunc(aw);};CY.ptr.prototype.FieldByName=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=[aw];ax=new DM.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,"",0,JL.nil,false);ay=false;az=this;ba=false;if(!(aw[0]==="")){bb=az.fields;bc=0;while(true){if(!(bc=be.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):be.$array[be.$offset+bd]));if($clone(bf.name,GO).name()===aw[0]){bg=$clone(az.Field(bd),DM);bh=true;DM.copy(ax,bg);ay=bh;$s=-1;return[ax,ay];}if(bf.embedded()){ba=true;}bc++;}}if(!ba){$s=-1;return[ax,ay];}bj=az.FieldByNameFunc((function(aw){return function(bj){var bj;return bj===aw[0];};})(aw));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bj;DM.copy(ax,bi[0]);ay=bi[1];bk=[ax,ay];$s=2;case 2:return bk;}return;}var $f={$blk:CY.ptr.prototype.FieldByName,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,$s};return $f;};CY.prototype.FieldByName=function(aw){return this.$val.FieldByName(aw);};DQ=function(aw){var aw;return DR(aw);};$pkg.PtrTo=DQ;DR=function(aw){var aw;return $assertType(aw,JE).ptrTo();};$pkg.PointerTo=DR;CN.ptr.prototype.Implements=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(aw,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.Implements"));}ay=aw.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((ay===20))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect: non-interface type passed to Type.Implements"));case 2:$s=-1;return DT($assertType(aw,JE),ax);}return;}var $f={$blk:CN.ptr.prototype.Implements,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,$s};return $f;};CN.prototype.Implements=function(aw){return this.$val.Implements(aw);};CN.ptr.prototype.AssignableTo=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(aw,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.AssignableTo"));}ay=$assertType(aw,JE);az=DV(ay,ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az||DT(ay,ax);$s=2;case 2:return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:CN.ptr.prototype.AssignableTo,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};CN.prototype.AssignableTo=function(aw){return this.$val.AssignableTo(aw);};CN.ptr.prototype.ConvertibleTo=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(aw,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.ConvertibleTo"));}ay=$assertType(aw,JE);az=BB(ay,ax);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=!(az===$throwNilPointerError);$s=2;case 2:return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:CN.ptr.prototype.ConvertibleTo,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};CN.prototype.ConvertibleTo=function(aw){return this.$val.ConvertibleTo(aw);};DT=function(aw,ax){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu;if(!((aw.Kind()===20))){return false;}ay=(aw.kindType);if(ay.methods.$length===0){return true;}if(ax.Kind()===20){az=(ax.kindType);ba=0;bb=0;while(true){if(!(bb=bc.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bc.$array[bc.$offset+ba]));be=$clone(ay.rtype.nameOff(bd.name),GO);bg=(bf=az.methods,((bb<0||bb>=bf.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bf.$array[bf.$offset+bb]));bh=$clone(ax.nameOff(bg.name),GO);if($clone(bh,GO).name()===$clone(be,GO).name()&&ax.typeOff(bg.typ)===ay.rtype.typeOff(bd.typ)){if(!$clone(be,GO).isExported()){bi=$clone(be,GO).pkgPath();if(bi===""){bi=$clone(ay.pkgPath,GO).name();}bj=$clone(bh,GO).pkgPath();if(bj===""){bj=$clone(az.pkgPath,GO).name();}if(!(bi===bj)){bb=bb+(1)>>0;continue;}}ba=ba+(1)>>0;if(ba>=ay.methods.$length){return true;}}bb=bb+(1)>>0;}return false;}bk=ax.uncommon();if(bk===KA.nil){return false;}bl=0;bm=bk.methods();bn=0;while(true){if(!(bn<((bk.mcount>>0)))){break;}bp=(bo=ay.methods,((bl<0||bl>=bo.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bo.$array[bo.$offset+bl]));bq=$clone(ay.rtype.nameOff(bp.name),GO);br=$clone(((bn<0||bn>=bm.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bm.$array[bm.$offset+bn]),CO);bs=$clone(ax.nameOff(br.name),GO);if($clone(bs,GO).name()===$clone(bq,GO).name()&&ax.typeOff(br.mtyp)===ay.rtype.typeOff(bp.typ)){if(!$clone(bq,GO).isExported()){bt=$clone(bq,GO).pkgPath();if(bt===""){bt=$clone(ay.pkgPath,GO).name();}bu=$clone(bs,GO).pkgPath();if(bu===""){bu=$clone(ax.nameOff(bk.pkgPath),GO).name();}if(!(bt===bu)){bn=bn+(1)>>0;continue;}}bl=bl+(1)>>0;if(bl>=ay.methods.$length){return true;}}bn=bn+(1)>>0;}return false;};DU=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((ax.ChanDir()===3)&&(aw.Name()===""||ax.Name()===""))){ay=false;$s=1;continue s;}az=DW(aw.Elem(),ax.Elem(),true);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=az;case 1:ba=ay;$s=3;case 3:return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:DU,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};DV=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(aw===ax){$s=-1;return true;}if(aw.hasName()&&ax.hasName()||!((aw.Kind()===ax.Kind()))){$s=-1;return false;}if(!(aw.Kind()===18)){ay=false;$s=3;continue s;}az=DU(aw,ax);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=az;case 3:if(ay){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return true;case 2:ba=DX(aw,ax,true);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=ba;$s=6;case 6:return bb;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s};return $f;};DW=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(ay){$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual(aw,ax);}bb=aw.Name();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=ax.Name();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bb===bc)){ba=true;$s=4;continue s;}bd=aw.Kind();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=ax.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=!((bd===be));case 4:if(ba){az=true;$s=3;continue s;}bf=aw.PkgPath();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=ax.PkgPath();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=!(bf===bg);case 3:if(az){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return false;case 2:bh=aw.common();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bh;bj=ax.common();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=bj;bl=DX(bi,bk,false);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm=bl;$s=14;case 14:return bm;}return;}var $f={$blk:DW,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,$s};return $f;};DX=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(aw===ax){$s=-1;return true;}az=aw.Kind();if(!((az===ax.Kind()))){$s=-1;return false;}if(1<=az&&az<=16||(az===24)||(az===26)){$s=-1;return true;}ba=az;if(ba===(17)){$s=2;continue;}if(ba===(18)){$s=3;continue;}if(ba===(19)){$s=4;continue;}if(ba===(20)){$s=5;continue;}if(ba===(21)){$s=6;continue;}if((ba===(22))||(ba===(23))){$s=7;continue;}if(ba===(25)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 2:if(!(aw.Len()===ax.Len())){bb=false;$s=10;continue s;}bc=DW(aw.Elem(),ax.Elem(),ay);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=bc;case 10:bd=bb;$s=12;case 12:return bd;case 3:if(!(ax.ChanDir()===aw.ChanDir())){be=false;$s=13;continue s;}bf=DW(aw.Elem(),ax.Elem(),ay);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bf;case 13:bg=be;$s=15;case 15:return bg;case 4:bh=(aw.kindType);bi=(ax.kindType);if(!((bh.outCount===bi.outCount))||!((bh.inCount===bi.inCount))){$s=-1;return false;}bj=0;case 16:if(!(bj>0;$s=16;continue;case 17:bl=0;case 21:if(!(bl>0;$s=21;continue;case 22:$s=-1;return true;case 5:bn=(aw.kindType);bo=(ax.kindType);if((bn.methods.$length===0)&&(bo.methods.$length===0)){$s=-1;return true;}$s=-1;return false;case 6:bq=DW(aw.Key(),ax.Key(),ay);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bq)){bp=false;$s=26;continue s;}br=DW(aw.Elem(),ax.Elem(),ay);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=br;case 26:bs=bp;$s=29;case 29:return bs;case 7:bt=DW(aw.Elem(),ax.Elem(),ay);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=bt;$s=31;case 31:return bu;case 8:bv=(aw.kindType);bw=(ax.kindType);if(!((bv.fields.$length===bw.fields.$length))){$s=-1;return false;}if(!($clone(bv.pkgPath,GO).name()===$clone(bw.pkgPath,GO).name())){$s=-1;return false;}bx=bv.fields;by=0;case 32:if(!(by=ca.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ca.$array[ca.$offset+bz]));cd=(cc=bw.fields,((bz<0||bz>=cc.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cc.$array[cc.$offset+bz]));if(!($clone(cb.name,GO).name()===$clone(cd.name,GO).name())){$s=-1;return false;}ce=DW(cb.typ,cd.typ,ay);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;ce=ce.$blk();}if(ce&&ce.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!ce){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:$s=-1;return false;case 35:if(ay&&!($clone(cb.name,GO).tag()===$clone(cd.name,GO).tag())){$s=-1;return false;}if(!((cb.offsetEmbed===cd.offsetEmbed))){$s=-1;return false;}by++;$s=32;continue;case 33:$s=-1;return true;case 9:case 1:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:DX,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,$s};return $f;};EY=function(aw){var aw;if(aw===JE.nil){return $ifaceNil;}return aw;};FD=function(aw){var aw;return((aw.kind&32)>>>0)===0;};FJ=function(){var{aw,ax,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=B.FuncPCABI0(new KK(FK));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=aw;$s=2;case 2:return ax;}return;}var $f={$blk:FJ,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,$s};return $f;};FK=function(){$throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: reflect.methodValueCall");};GG=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=(function(aw){var aw;});$r=aw((ax=new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),new ax.constructor.elem(ax)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((ay=new GL.ptr(0,0,0,0,KB.nil),new ay.constructor.elem(ay)));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((az=new CO.ptr(0,0,0,0),new az.constructor.elem(az)));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((ba=new CQ.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),JE.nil,JE.nil,0),new ba.constructor.elem(ba)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((bb=new CR.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),JE.nil,0),new bb.constructor.elem(bb)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((bc=new GN.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),0,0,JF.nil,JF.nil),new bc.constructor.elem(bc)));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((bd=new CT.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),new GO.ptr(KG.nil),KN.nil),new bd.constructor.elem(bd)));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((be=new CU.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),JE.nil,JE.nil,JE.nil,$throwNilPointerError,0,0,0,0),new be.constructor.elem(be)));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((bf=new CV.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),JE.nil),new bf.constructor.elem(bf)));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((bg=new CW.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),JE.nil),new bg.constructor.elem(bg)));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((bh=new CY.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),new GO.ptr(KG.nil),KO.nil),new bh.constructor.elem(bh)));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((bi=new CS.ptr(0,0),new bi.constructor.elem(bi)));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aw((bj=new CX.ptr(new GO.ptr(KG.nil),JE.nil,0),new bj.constructor.elem(bj)));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}GF=true;AE=$assertType(HD(new $Uint8(0)),JE);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GG,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,$s};return $f;};GH=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba;if($interfaceIsEqual(aw,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("reflect: New(nil)"));}ax=$assertType(aw,JE);ay=ax.ptrTo();az=HM(ax);ba=22;return new Q.ptr(ay,az,ba);};$pkg.New=GH;GI=function(aw){var aw;return aw.jsType;};GJ=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci;if(aw.reflectType===undefined){ax=new CN.ptr(((($parseInt(aw.size)>>0)>>>0)),0,0,0,0,0,((($parseInt(aw.kind)>>0)<<24>>>24)),$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,GU($clone(GR(GY(aw.string),"",!!(aw.exported)),GO)),0);ax.jsType=aw;aw.reflectType=ax;ay=$methodSet(aw);if(!(($parseInt(ay.length)===0))||!!(aw.named)){ax.tflag=(ax.tflag|(1))>>>0;if(!!(aw.named)){ax.tflag=(ax.tflag|(4))>>>0;}az=KB.nil;ba=0;while(true){if(!(ba<$parseInt(ay.length))){break;}bb=ay[ba];bc=GY(bb.pkg)==="";if(!bc){ba=ba+(1)>>0;continue;}az=$append(az,new CO.ptr(GU($clone(GS(bb),GO)),GW(GJ(bb.typ)),0,0));ba=ba+(1)>>0;}bd=((az.$length<<16>>>16));be=0;while(true){if(!(be<$parseInt(ay.length))){break;}bf=ay[be];bg=GY(bf.pkg)==="";if(bg){be=be+(1)>>0;continue;}az=$append(az,new CO.ptr(GU($clone(GS(bf),GO)),GW(GJ(bf.typ)),0,0));be=be+(1)>>0;}bh=new GL.ptr(GU($clone(GR(GY(aw.pkg),"",false),GO)),(($parseInt(ay.length)<<16>>>16)),bd,0,az);bi=ax;(GM||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[JE.keyFor(bi)]={k:bi,v:bh};bh.jsType=aw;}bj=ax.Kind();if(bj===(17)){GK(ax,new CQ.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),GJ(aw.elem),JE.nil,((($parseInt(aw.len)>>0)>>>0))));}else if(bj===(18)){bk=3;if(!!(aw.sendOnly)){bk=2;}if(!!(aw.recvOnly)){bk=1;}GK(ax,new CR.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),GJ(aw.elem),((bk>>>0))));}else if(bj===(19)){bl=aw.params;bm=$makeSlice(JF,$parseInt(bl.length));bn=bm;bo=0;while(true){if(!(bo=bm.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bm.$array[bm.$offset+bp]=GJ(bl[bp]));bo++;}bq=aw.results;br=$makeSlice(JF,$parseInt(bq.length));bs=br;bt=0;while(true){if(!(bt=br.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):br.$array[br.$offset+bu]=GJ(bq[bu]));bt++;}bv=(($parseInt(bq.length)<<16>>>16));if(!!(aw.variadic)){bv=(bv|(32768))>>>0;}GK(ax,new GN.ptr($clone(ax,CN),(($parseInt(bl.length)<<16>>>16)),bv,bm,br));}else if(bj===(20)){bw=aw.methods;bx=$makeSlice(KN,$parseInt(bw.length));by=bx;bz=0;while(true){if(!(bz=bx.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bx.$array[bx.$offset+ca]),new CS.ptr(GU($clone(GS(cb),GO)),GW(GJ(cb.typ))));bz++;}GK(ax,new CT.ptr($clone(ax,CN),$clone(GR(GY(aw.pkg),"",false),GO),bx));}else if(bj===(21)){GK(ax,new CU.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),GJ(aw.key),GJ(aw.elem),JE.nil,$throwNilPointerError,0,0,0,0));}else if(bj===(22)){GK(ax,new CV.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),GJ(aw.elem)));}else if(bj===(23)){GK(ax,new CW.ptr(new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0),GJ(aw.elem)));}else if(bj===(25)){cc=aw.fields;cd=$makeSlice(KO,$parseInt(cc.length));ce=cd;cf=0;while(true){if(!(cf>>0))<<1>>>0;if(!!(ch.embedded)){ci=(ci|(1))>>>0;}CX.copy(((cg<0||cg>=cd.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cd.$array[cd.$offset+cg]),new CX.ptr($clone(GR(GY(ch.name),GY(ch.tag),!!(ch.exported)),GO),GJ(ch.typ),ci));cf++;}GK(ax,new CY.ptr($clone(ax,CN),$clone(GR(GY(aw.pkgPath),"",false),GO),cd));}}return((aw.reflectType));};GK=function(aw,ax){var aw,ax;aw.kindType=ax;ax.rtype=aw;};GL.ptr.prototype.methods=function(){var aw;aw=this;return aw._methods;};GL.prototype.methods=function(){return this.$val.methods();};GL.ptr.prototype.exportedMethods=function(){var aw;aw=this;return $subslice(aw._methods,0,aw.xcount,aw.xcount);};GL.prototype.exportedMethods=function(){return this.$val.exportedMethods();};CN.ptr.prototype.uncommon=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;return(ax=GM[JE.keyFor(aw)],ax!==undefined?ax.v:KA.nil);};CN.prototype.uncommon=function(){return this.$val.uncommon();};GN.ptr.prototype.in$=function(){var aw;aw=this;return aw._in;};GN.prototype.in$=function(){return this.$val.in$();};GN.ptr.prototype.out=function(){var aw;aw=this;return aw._out;};GN.prototype.out=function(){return this.$val.out();};GO.ptr.prototype.name=function(){var aw,ax,ay;aw="";ax=this;aw=(ay=GQ[KG.keyFor(ax.bytes)],ay!==undefined?ay.v:KP.nil).name;return aw;};GO.prototype.name=function(){return this.$val.name();};GO.ptr.prototype.tag=function(){var aw,ax,ay;aw="";ax=this;aw=(ay=GQ[KG.keyFor(ax.bytes)],ay!==undefined?ay.v:KP.nil).tag;return aw;};GO.prototype.tag=function(){return this.$val.tag();};GO.ptr.prototype.pkgPath=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;return(ax=GQ[KG.keyFor(aw.bytes)],ax!==undefined?ax.v:KP.nil).pkgPath;};GO.prototype.pkgPath=function(){return this.$val.pkgPath();};GO.ptr.prototype.isExported=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;return(ax=GQ[KG.keyFor(aw.bytes)],ax!==undefined?ax.v:KP.nil).exported;};GO.prototype.isExported=function(){return this.$val.isExported();};GR=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba;az=$newDataPointer(0,KG);ba=az;(GQ||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[KG.keyFor(ba)]={k:ba,v:new GP.ptr(aw,ax,ay,"")};return new GO.ptr(az);};GS=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay;ax=$newDataPointer(0,KG);ay=ax;(GQ||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[KG.keyFor(ay)]={k:ay,v:new GP.ptr(GY(aw.name),"",GY(aw.pkg)==="",GY(aw.pkg))};return new GO.ptr(ax);};CN.ptr.prototype.nameOff=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay;ax=this;return(ay=((aw>>0)),((ay<0||ay>=GT.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):GT.$array[GT.$offset+ay]));};CN.prototype.nameOff=function(aw){return this.$val.nameOff(aw);};GU=function(aw){var aw,ax;ax=GT.$length;GT=$append(GT,aw);return((ax>>0));};CN.ptr.prototype.typeOff=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay;ax=this;return(ay=((aw>>0)),((ay<0||ay>=GV.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):GV.$array[GV.$offset+ay]));};CN.prototype.typeOff=function(aw){return this.$val.typeOff(aw);};GW=function(aw){var aw,ax;ax=GV.$length;GV=$append(GV,aw);return((ax>>0));};GY=function(aw){var aw,ax;ax=new KQ.ptr("");ax.str=aw;return ax.str;};GZ=function(aw){var aw;return!!(GI(aw).wrapped);};HA=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb;az=GI(ay).fields;ba=0;while(true){if(!(ba<$parseInt(az.length))){break;}bb=$internalize(az[ba].prop,$String);aw[$externalize(bb,$String)]=ax[$externalize(bb,$String)];ba=ba+(1)>>0;}};HB=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=aw.common();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;bd=aw.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bd===17){bc=true;$s=5;continue s;}be=aw.Kind();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=be===25;case 5:if(bc){bb=true;$s=4;continue s;}bf=aw.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=bf===22;case 4:if(bb){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:bg=aw.Kind();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=new Q.ptr(ba,(ax),(ay|((bg>>>0)))>>>0);$s=10;case 10:return bh;case 3:bi=aw.Kind();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=new Q.ptr(ba,($newDataPointer(ax,GI(ba.ptrTo()))),(((ay|((bi>>>0)))>>>0)|128)>>>0);$s=12;case 12:return bj;}return;}var $f={$blk:HB,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,$s};return $f;};HC=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=[aw];az=aw[0].Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((az===23))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice of non-slice type"));case 2:if(ax<0){$panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice: negative len"));}if(ay<0){$panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice: negative cap"));}if(ax>ay){$panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice: len > cap"));}ba=HB(aw[0],$makeSlice(GI(aw[0]),ax,ay,(function(aw){return function $b(){var{ba,bb,bc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ba=aw[0].Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=GI(ba);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb.zero();$s=3;case 3:return bc;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ba,bb,bc,$s};return $f;};})(aw)),0);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=ba;$s=5;case 5:return bb;}return;}var $f={$blk:HC,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s};return $f;};$pkg.MakeSlice=HC;HD=function(aw){var aw;if(!GF){return new CN.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$throwNilPointerError,KG.nil,0,0);}if($interfaceIsEqual(aw,$ifaceNil)){return $ifaceNil;}return GJ(aw.constructor);};$pkg.TypeOf=HD;HE=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(aw,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}ax=HB(GJ(aw.constructor),aw.$val,0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;$s=2;case 2:return ay;}return;}var $f={$blk:HE,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ValueOf=HE;HH=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(ay)){az=false;$s=3;continue s;}if(aw.$length===0){ba=true;$s=4;continue s;}bc=(bb=aw.$length-1>>0,((bb<0||bb>=aw.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aw.$array[aw.$offset+bb])).Kind();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=!((bc===23));case 4:az=ba;case 3:if(az){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect.FuncOf: last arg of variadic func must be slice"));case 2:bd=$makeSlice(KR,aw.$length);be=aw;bf=0;while(true){if(!(bf=be.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):be.$array[be.$offset+bf]);((bg<0||bg>=bd.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bd.$array[bd.$offset+bg]=GI(bh));bf++;}bi=$makeSlice(KR,ax.$length);bj=ax;bk=0;while(true){if(!(bk=bj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bj.$array[bj.$offset+bk]);((bl<0||bl>=bi.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bi.$array[bi.$offset+bl]=GI(bm));bk++;}$s=-1;return GJ($funcType($externalize(bd,KR),$externalize(bi,KR),$externalize(ay,$Bool)));}return;}var $f={$blk:HH,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,$s};return $f;};$pkg.FuncOf=HH;CN.ptr.prototype.ptrTo=function(){var aw;aw=this;return GJ($ptrType(GI(aw)));};CN.prototype.ptrTo=function(){return this.$val.ptrTo();};HJ=function(aw){var aw;return GJ($sliceType(GI(aw)));};$pkg.SliceOf=HJ;HL=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=HB(aw,GI(aw).zero(),0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;$s=2;case 2:return ay;}return;}var $f={$blk:HL,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Zero=HL;HM=function(aw){var aw,ax;ax=aw.Kind();if(ax===(25)){return(new(GI(aw).ptr)());}else if(ax===(17)){return(GI(aw).zero());}else{return($newDataPointer(GI(aw).zero(),GI(aw.ptrTo())));}};HN=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=ay.common();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;bb=HM(ba);bc=ba.Kind();if(bc===(3)){(bb).$set(((ax.$low<<24>>24)));}else if(bc===(4)){(bb).$set(((ax.$low<<16>>16)));}else if((bc===(2))||(bc===(5))){(bb).$set(((ax.$low>>0)));}else if(bc===(6)){(bb).$set((new $Int64(ax.$high,ax.$low)));}else if(bc===(8)){(bb).$set(((ax.$low<<24>>>24)));}else if(bc===(9)){(bb).$set(((ax.$low<<16>>>16)));}else if((bc===(7))||(bc===(10))||(bc===(12))){(bb).$set(((ax.$low>>>0)));}else if(bc===(11)){(bb).$set((ax));}$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(ba,bb,(((aw|128)>>>0)|((ba.Kind()>>>0)))>>>0);}return;}var $f={$blk:HN,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s};return $f;};HP=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay;ax.$set(ay.$get());};HS=function(aw,ax){var aw,ax,ay;ay=0;ay=(new($global.Object)());return ay;};HT=function(aw,ax){var aw,ax,ay,az;ay=ax;if(!(ay.$get===undefined)){ay=ay.$get();}az=$internalize(GI(aw.Key()).keyFor(ay),$String);return[ay,az];};HU=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb;az=HT(aw,ay);ba=az[1];bb=ax[$externalize(ba,$String)];if(bb===undefined){return 0;}return($newDataPointer(bb.v,GI(DQ(aw.Elem()))));};HV=function(aw,ax,ay,az){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay,az});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ba=HT(aw,ay);bb=ba[0];bc=ba[1];bd=az.$get();be=aw.Elem();bf=be.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bf===25){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:bg=GI(be).zero();HA(bg,bd,be);bd=bg;case 2:bh=new($global.Object)();bh.k=bb;bh.v=bd;ax[$externalize(bc,$String)]=bh;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HV,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,$s};return $f;};HW=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba;az=HT(aw,ay);ba=az[1];delete ax[$externalize(ba,$String)];};HX=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba;az=0;az=HU(aw,ax,((ba||(ba=new KU(function(){return ay;},function($v){ay=$v;})))));return az;};HY=function(aw,ax,ay,az){var{aw,ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay,az});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=[ay];$r=HV(aw,ax,((ay.$ptr||(ay.$ptr=new KU(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},ay)))),az);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HY,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};HZ=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay,az;HW(aw,ax,((az||(az=new KU(function(){return ay;},function($v){ay=$v;})))));};IA.ptr.prototype.skipUntilValidKey=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;while(true){if(!(aw.i<$parseInt(aw.keys.length))){break;}ax=aw.keys[aw.i];if(!(aw.m[$externalize($internalize(ax,$String),$String)]===undefined)){break;}aw.i=aw.i+(1)>>0;}};IA.prototype.skipUntilValidKey=function(){return this.$val.skipUntilValidKey();};IB=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay;IA.copy(ay,new IA.ptr(aw,ax,$keys(ax),0,null));};IC=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=null;if(!(aw.last===null)){ax=aw.last;}else{aw.skipUntilValidKey();if(aw.i===$parseInt(aw.keys.length)){$s=-1;return 0;}ay=aw.keys[aw.i];ax=aw.m[$externalize($internalize(ay,$String),$String)];aw.last=ax;}az=aw.t.Key();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=DQ(az);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=GI(ba);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=($newDataPointer(ax.k,bb));$s=4;case 4:return bc;}return;}var $f={$blk:IC,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s};return $f;};ID=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=null;if(!(aw.last===null)){ax=aw.last;}else{aw.skipUntilValidKey();if(aw.i===$parseInt(aw.keys.length)){$s=-1;return 0;}ay=aw.keys[aw.i];ax=aw.m[$externalize($internalize(ay,$String),$String)];aw.last=ax;}az=aw.t.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=DQ(az);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=GI(ba);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=($newDataPointer(ax.v,bb));$s=4;case 4:return bc;}return;}var $f={$blk:ID,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s};return $f;};IE=function(aw){var aw;aw.last=null;aw.i=aw.i+(1)>>0;};IF=function(aw){var aw;return $parseInt($keys(aw).length);};IG=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=$clone(aw,Q).object();if(ay===GI(aw.typ).nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:az=HB(ax,GI(ax).nil,aw.flag);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=4;case 4:return ba;case 2:bb=null;bc=ax.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;be=bd;if(be===(23)){$s=7;continue;}if(be===(22)){$s=8;continue;}if(be===(25)){$s=9;continue;}if((be===(17))||(be===(1))||(be===(18))||(be===(19))||(be===(20))||(be===(21))||(be===(24))||(be===(26))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 7:bf=new(GI(ax))(ay.$array);bf.$offset=ay.$offset;bf.$length=ay.$length;bf.$capacity=ay.$capacity;bb=$newDataPointer(bf,GI(DQ(ax)));$s=12;continue;case 8:bg=ax.Elem();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bg.Kind();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bh;if(bi===(25)){$s=16;continue;}if(bi===(17)){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 16:bj=ax.Elem();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(bj,aw.typ.Elem())){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:bb=ay;$s=13;continue;case 21:bb=new(GI(ax))();bk=bb;bl=ay;bm=ax.Elem();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=bm;$r=HA(bk,bl,bn);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=19;continue;case 17:bb=ay;$s=19;continue;case 18:bb=new(GI(ax))(ay.$get,ay.$set);case 19:case 13:$s=12;continue;case 9:bb=new(GI(ax).ptr)();HA(bb,ay,ax);$s=12;continue;case 10:bb=aw.ptr;$s=12;continue;case 11:$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Convert",bd));case 12:case 5:bo=ax.common();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=ax.Kind();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=new Q.ptr(bo,(bb),(((new R(aw.flag).ro()|((aw.flag&128)>>>0))>>>0)|((bp>>>0)))>>>0);$s=27;case 27:return bq;}return;}var $f={$blk:IG,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,$s};return $f;};IH=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=$clone(aw,Q).object();az=$parseInt(ay.$length)>>0;ba=ax.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=ba.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;if(bc>az){$panic(new $String("reflect: cannot convert slice with length "+D.Itoa(az)+" to pointer to array with length "+D.Itoa(bc)));}bd=$sliceToGoArray(ay,GI(ax));be=ax.common();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=new Q.ptr(be,(bd),(((aw.flag&~415)>>>0)|22)>>>0);$s=4;case 4:return bf;}return;}var $f={$blk:IH,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,$s};return $f;};II=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=new R(aw.flag).kind();if(!((ay===17))&&!((ay===23))){$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Copy",ay));}if(ay===17){new R(aw.flag).mustBeAssignable();}new R(aw.flag).mustBeExported();az=new R(ax.flag).kind();ba=false;if(!((az===17))&&!((az===23))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(!(az===24)){bb=false;$s=3;continue s;}bc=aw.typ.Elem().Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=bc===8;case 3:ba=bb;if(!ba){$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Copy",az));}case 2:new R(ax.flag).mustBeExported();if(!ba){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=AL("reflect.Copy",aw.typ.Elem(),ax.typ.Elem());$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:bd=$clone(aw,Q).object();if(ay===17){bd=new(GI(HJ(aw.typ.Elem())))(bd);}be=$clone(ax,Q).object();if(az===17){be=new(GI(HJ(ax.typ.Elem())))(be);}if(ba){$s=-1;return $parseInt($copyString(bd,be))>>0;}$s=-1;return $parseInt($copySlice(bd,be))>>0;}return;}var $f={$blk:II,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Copy=II;IJ=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi;az=JE.nil;ba=KV.nil;bb=0;bc="";if(ax.typ.Kind()===20){bd=(ax.typ.kindType);if(ay<0||ay>=bd.methods.$length){$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index"));}bf=(be=bd.methods,((ay<0||ay>=be.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):be.$array[be.$offset+ay]));if(!$clone(bd.rtype.nameOff(bf.name),GO).isExported()){$panic(new $String("reflect: "+aw+" of unexported method"));}ba=(bd.rtype.typeOff(bf.typ).kindType);bc=$clone(bd.rtype.nameOff(bf.name),GO).name();}else{bg=ax.typ.exportedMethods();if(((ay>>>0))>=((bg.$length>>>0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index"));}bh=$clone(((ay<0||ay>=bg.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bg.$array[bg.$offset+ay]),CO);if(!$clone(ax.typ.nameOff(bh.name),GO).isExported()){$panic(new $String("reflect: "+aw+" of unexported method"));}ba=(ax.typ.typeOff(bh.mtyp).kindType);bc=$internalize($methodSet(GI(ax.typ))[ay].prop,$String);}bi=$clone(ax,Q).object();if(GZ(ax.typ)){bi=new(GI(ax.typ))(bi);}bb=(bi[$externalize(bc,$String)]);return[az,ba,bb];};IK=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(aw.flag===0){$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Interface",0));}if(ax&&!((((aw.flag&96)>>>0)===0))){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Interface: cannot return value obtained from unexported field or method"));}if(!((((aw.flag&512)>>>0)===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ay=IM("Interface",$clone(aw,Q));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ay;case 2:if(GZ(aw.typ)){$s=-1;return((new(GI(aw.typ))($clone(aw,Q).object())));}$s=-1;return(($clone(aw,Q).object()));}return;}var $f={$blk:IK,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,$s};return $f;};IL=function(aw,ax,ay){var aw,ax,ay;ay.$set(ax);};IM=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=[ay];az=[az];if(((ax.flag&512)>>>0)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid use of makePartialFunc"));}ba=IJ(aw,$clone(ax,Q),((ax.flag>>0))>>10>>0);ay[0]=ba[2];az[0]=$clone(ax,Q).object();if(GZ(ax.typ)){az[0]=new(GI(ax.typ))(az[0]);}bb=N.MakeFunc((function(ay,az){return function(bb,bc){var bb,bc;return new $jsObjectPtr(ay[0].apply(az[0],$externalize(bc,KR)));};})(ay,az));bc=$clone(ax,Q).Type().common();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=new Q.ptr(bc,(bb),(new R(ax.flag).ro()|19)>>>0);$s=2;case 2:return bd;}return;}var $f={$blk:IM,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s};return $f;};CN.ptr.prototype.pointers=function(){var aw,ax;aw=this;ax=aw.Kind();if((ax===(22))||(ax===(21))||(ax===(18))||(ax===(19))||(ax===(25))||(ax===(17))){return true;}else{return false;}};CN.prototype.pointers=function(){return this.$val.pointers();};CN.ptr.prototype.Comparable=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=this;ax=aw.Kind();if((ax===(19))||(ax===(23))||(ax===(21))){$s=2;continue;}if(ax===(17)){$s=3;continue;}if(ax===(25)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return false;case 3:ay=aw.Elem().Comparable();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=7;case 7:return az;case 4:ba=0;case 8:if(!(ba>0;$s=8;continue;case 9:case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:CN.ptr.prototype.Comparable,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,$s};return $f;};CN.prototype.Comparable=function(){return this.$val.Comparable();};CN.ptr.prototype.Method=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=[ax];ay=new DA.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0),0);az=this;if(az.Kind()===20){ba=(az.kindType);DA.copy(ay,ba.Method(aw));$s=-1;return ay;}bb=az.exportedMethods();if(aw<0||aw>=bb.$length){$panic(new $String("reflect: Method index out of range"));}bc=$clone(((aw<0||aw>=bb.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bb.$array[bb.$offset+aw]),CO);bd=$clone(az.nameOff(bc.name),GO);ay.Name=$clone(bd,GO).name();be=19;bf=az.typeOff(bc.mtyp);bg=(bf.kindType);bh=$makeSlice(KW,0,(1+bg.in$().$length>>0));bh=$append(bh,az);bi=bg.in$();bj=0;while(true){if(!(bj=bi.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bi.$array[bi.$offset+bj]);bh=$append(bh,bk);bj++;}bl=$makeSlice(KW,0,bg.out().$length);bm=bg.out();bn=0;while(true){if(!(bn=bm.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bm.$array[bm.$offset+bn]);bl=$append(bl,bo);bn++;}bp=HH(bh,bl,bg.rtype.IsVariadic());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=bp;ay.Type=bq;ax[0]=$internalize($methodSet(az.jsType)[aw].prop,$String);br=N.MakeFunc((function(ax){return function(br,bs){var br,bs,bt;bt=(0>=bs.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bs.$array[bs.$offset+0]);return new $jsObjectPtr(bt[$externalize(ax[0],$String)].apply(bt,$externalize($subslice(bs,1),KR)));};})(ax));ay.Func=new Q.ptr($assertType(bq,JE),(br),be);ay.Index=aw;DA.copy(ay,ay);$s=-1;return ay;}return;}var $f={$blk:CN.ptr.prototype.Method,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,$s};return $f;};CN.prototype.Method=function(aw){return this.$val.Method(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.object=function(){var aw,ax,ay,az;aw=this;if((aw.typ.Kind()===17)||(aw.typ.Kind()===25)){return aw.ptr;}if(!((((aw.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){ax=aw.ptr.$get();if(!(ax===$ifaceNil)&&!(ax.constructor===GI(aw.typ))){switch(0){default:ay=aw.typ.Kind();if((ay===(11))||(ay===(6))){ax=new(GI(aw.typ))(ax.$high,ax.$low);}else if((ay===(15))||(ay===(16))){ax=new(GI(aw.typ))(ax.$real,ax.$imag);}else if(ay===(23)){if(ax===ax.constructor.nil){ax=GI(aw.typ).nil;break;}az=new(GI(aw.typ))(ax.$array);az.$offset=ax.$offset;az.$length=ax.$length;az.$capacity=ax.$capacity;ax=az;}}}return ax;}return aw.ptr;};Q.prototype.object=function(){return this.$val.object();};Q.ptr.prototype.assignTo=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=this;if(!((((az.flag&512)>>>0)===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ba=IM(aw,$clone(az,Q));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ba;case 2:bb=DV(ax,az.typ);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bb){$s=5;continue;}if(DT(ax,az.typ)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:bc=(((az.flag&384)>>>0)|new R(az.flag).ro())>>>0;bc=(bc|(((ax.Kind()>>>0))))>>>0;$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(ax,az.ptr,bc);case 6:if(ay===0){ay=HM(ax);}bd=IK($clone(az,Q),false);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bd;if(ax.NumMethod()===0){(ay).$set(be);}else{IL(ax,be,ay);}$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(ax,ay,148);case 7:case 4:$panic(new $String(aw+": value of type "+az.typ.String()+" is not assignable to type "+ax.String()));$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.assignTo,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.assignTo=function(aw,ax,ay){return this.$val.assignTo(aw,ax,ay);};Q.ptr.prototype.call=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=this;az=KV.nil;ba=0;bb=null;if(!((((ay.flag&512)>>>0)===0))){bc=IJ(aw,$clone(ay,Q),((ay.flag>>0))>>10>>0);az=bc[1];ba=bc[2];bb=$clone(ay,Q).object();if(GZ(ay.typ)){bb=new(GI(ay.typ))(bb);}}else{az=(ay.typ.kindType);ba=($clone(ay,Q).object());bb=undefined;}if(ba===0){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Call: call of nil function"));}bd=aw==="CallSlice";be=az.rtype.NumIn();if(bd){if(!az.rtype.IsVariadic()){$panic(new $String("reflect: CallSlice of non-variadic function"));}if(ax.$lengthbe){$panic(new $String("reflect: CallSlice with too many input arguments"));}}else{if(az.rtype.IsVariadic()){be=be-(1)>>0;}if(ax.$lengthbe){$panic(new $String("reflect: Call with too many input arguments"));}}bf=ax;bg=0;while(true){if(!(bg=bf.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bf.$array[bf.$offset+bg]);if($clone(bh,Q).Kind()===0){$panic(new $String("reflect: "+aw+" using zero Value argument"));}bg++;}bi=0;case 1:if(!(bi=ax.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ax.$array[ax.$offset+bi]),Q).Type();bk=az.rtype.In(bi);bl=bj;bm=bk;bn=bl.AssignableTo(bm);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!bn){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:bo=bl.String();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=bm.String();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("reflect: "+aw+" using "+bo+" as type "+bp));case 4:bi=bi+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!bd&&az.rtype.IsVariadic()){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:bq=ax.$length-be>>0;br=HC(az.rtype.In(be),bq,bq);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=br;bt=az.rtype.In(be).Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=bt;bv=0;case 12:if(!(bv>0,((bw<0||bw>=ax.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ax.$array[ax.$offset+bw]));by=$clone(bx,Q).Type();bz=by.AssignableTo(bu);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;bz=bz.$blk();}if(bz&&bz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!bz){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ca=by.String();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cb=bu.String();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;cb=cb.$blk();}if(cb&&cb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("reflect: cannot use "+ca+" as type "+cb+" in "+aw));case 15:cc=$clone(bs,Q).Index(bv);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;cc=cc.$blk();}if(cc&&cc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(cc,Q).Set($clone(bx,Q));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bv=bv+(1)>>0;$s=12;continue;case 13:cd=ax;ax=$makeSlice(JO,(be+1>>0));$copySlice($subslice(ax,0,be),cd);((be<0||be>=ax.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ax.$array[ax.$offset+be]=bs);case 9:ce=ax.$length;if(!((ce===az.rtype.NumIn()))){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Call: wrong argument count"));}cf=az.rtype.NumOut();cg=new($global.Array)(az.rtype.NumIn());ch=ax;ci=0;case 21:if(!(ci=ch.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ch.$array[ch.$offset+ci]);cl=az.rtype.In(cj);cm=az.rtype.In(cj).common();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;cm=cm.$blk();}if(cm&&cm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cn=cm;co=0;cp=$clone(ck,Q).assignTo("reflect.Value.Call",cn,co);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;cp=cp.$blk();}if(cp&&cp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cq=$clone(cp,Q).object();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;cq=cq.$blk();}if(cq&&cq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cr=cq;cs=IQ(cl,cr);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;cs=cs.$blk();}if(cs&&cs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cg[cj]=cs;ci++;$s=21;continue;case 22:ct=IN(new JH([new $jsObjectPtr(ba),new $jsObjectPtr(bb),new $jsObjectPtr(cg)]));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ct=ct.$blk();}if(ct&&ct.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cu=ct;cv=cf;if(cv===(0)){$s=29;continue;}if(cv===(1)){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 29:$s=-1;return JO.nil;case 30:cw=HB(az.rtype.Out(0),IP(az.rtype.Out(0),cu),0);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;cw=cw.$blk();}if(cw&&cw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cx=new JO([$clone(cw,Q)]);$s=34;case 34:return cx;case 31:cy=$makeSlice(JO,cf);cz=cy;da=0;case 35:if(!(da=cy.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cy.$array[cy.$offset+db]=dc);da++;$s=35;continue;case 36:$s=-1;return cy;case 32:case 28:$s=-1;return JO.nil;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.call,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.call=function(aw,ax){return this.$val.call(aw,ax);};Q.ptr.prototype.Cap=function(){var aw,ax,ay;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();ay=ax;if(ay===(17)){return aw.typ.Len();}else if((ay===(18))||(ay===(23))){return $parseInt($clone(aw,Q).object().$capacity)>>0;}$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Cap",ax));};Q.prototype.Cap=function(){return this.$val.Cap();};IP=function(aw,ax){var aw,ax;if($interfaceIsEqual(aw,IO)){return new(GI(IO))(ax);}return ax;};IQ=function(aw,ax){var aw,ax;if($interfaceIsEqual(aw,IO)){return ax.object;}return ax;};Q.ptr.prototype.Elem=function(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();ay=ax;if(ay===(20)){$s=2;continue;}if(ay===(22)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:az=$clone(aw,Q).object();if(az===$ifaceNil){$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}ba=GJ(az.constructor);bb=HB(ba,az.$val,new R(aw.flag).ro());$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;$s=7;case 7:return bc;case 3:if($clone(aw,Q).IsNil()){$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}bd=$clone(aw,Q).object();be=(aw.typ.kindType);bf=(((((aw.flag&96)>>>0)|128)>>>0)|256)>>>0;bf=(bf|(((be.elem.Kind()>>>0))))>>>0;$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(be.elem,(IP(be.elem,bd)),bf);case 4:$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Elem",ax));case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Elem,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Elem=function(){return this.$val.Elem();};Q.ptr.prototype.Field=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=[ax];ay=[ay];az=[az];ba=[ba];bb=this;if(!((new R(bb.flag).kind()===25))){$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Field",new R(bb.flag).kind()));}bc=(bb.typ.kindType);if(((aw>>>0))>=((bc.fields.$length>>>0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: Field index out of range"));}ay[0]=$internalize(GI(bb.typ).fields[aw].prop,$String);be=(bd=bc.fields,((aw<0||aw>=bd.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bd.$array[bd.$offset+aw]));ba[0]=be.typ;bf=(((bb.flag&416)>>>0)|((ba[0].Kind()>>>0)))>>>0;if(!$clone(be.name,GO).isExported()){if(be.embedded()){bf=(bf|(64))>>>0;}else{bf=(bf|(32))>>>0;}}bh=$clone((bg=bc.fields,((aw<0||aw>=bg.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bg.$array[bg.$offset+aw])).name,GO).tag();if(!(bh==="")&&!((aw===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ax[0]=IR(bh);if(!(ax[0]==="")){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:case 5:bi=[bi];bj=$clone(bb,Q).Field(0);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=bj;if(bb.typ===IO){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:bi[0]=$clone(bb,Q).object().object;$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(ba[0],(new(GI(DQ(ba[0])))((function(ax,ay,az,ba,bi){return function(){return $internalize(bi[0][$externalize(ax[0],$String)],GI(ba[0]));};})(ax,ay,az,ba,bi),(function(ax,ay,az,ba,bi){return function(bk){var bk;bi[0][$externalize(ax[0],$String)]=$externalize(bk,GI(ba[0]));};})(ax,ay,az,ba,bi))),bf);case 9:if(bb.typ.Kind()===22){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:bk=$clone(bb,Q).Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=bk;case 11:$s=5;continue;case 6:case 4:case 2:az[0]=bb.ptr;if(!((((bf&128)>>>0)===0))&&!((ba[0].Kind()===17))&&!((ba[0].Kind()===25))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(ba[0],(new(GI(DQ(ba[0])))((function(ax,ay,az,ba){return function(){return IP(ba[0],az[0][$externalize(ay[0],$String)]);};})(ax,ay,az,ba),(function(ax,ay,az,ba){return function(bl){var bl;az[0][$externalize(ay[0],$String)]=IQ(ba[0],bl);};})(ax,ay,az,ba))),bf);case 14:bl=HB(ba[0],IP(ba[0],az[0][$externalize(ay[0],$String)]),bf);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm=bl;$s=16;case 16:return bm;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Field,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Field=function(aw){return this.$val.Field(aw);};IR=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb;while(true){if(!(!(aw===""))){break;}ax=0;while(true){if(!(ax>0;}aw=$substring(aw,ax);if(aw===""){break;}ax=0;while(true){if(!(ax>0;}if((ax+1>>0)>=aw.length||!((aw.charCodeAt(ax)===58))||!((aw.charCodeAt((ax+1>>0))===34))){break;}ay=($substring(aw,0,ax));aw=$substring(aw,(ax+1>>0));ax=1;while(true){if(!(ax>0;}ax=ax+(1)>>0;}if(ax>=aw.length){break;}az=($substring(aw,0,(ax+1>>0)));aw=$substring(aw,(ax+1>>0));if(ay==="js"){ba=H.Unquote(az);bb=ba[0];return bb;}}return"";};Q.ptr.prototype.Index=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=[aw];ax=[ax];ay=[ay];az=[az];ba=[ba];bb=[bb];bc=this;bd=new R(bc.flag).kind();be=bd;if(be===(17)){$s=2;continue;}if(be===(23)){$s=3;continue;}if(be===(24)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:bf=(bc.typ.kindType);if(aw[0]<0||aw[0]>((bf.len>>0))){$panic(new $String("reflect: array index out of range"));}ba[0]=bf.elem;bg=(((((bc.flag&384)>>>0)|new R(bc.flag).ro())>>>0)|((ba[0].Kind()>>>0)))>>>0;ax[0]=bc.ptr;if(!((((bg&128)>>>0)===0))&&!((ba[0].Kind()===17))&&!((ba[0].Kind()===25))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(ba[0],(new(GI(DQ(ba[0])))((function(aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb){return function(){return IP(ba[0],ax[0][aw[0]]);};})(aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb),(function(aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb){return function(bh){var bh;ax[0][aw[0]]=IQ(ba[0],bh);};})(aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb))),bg);case 8:bh=HB(ba[0],IP(ba[0],ax[0][aw[0]]),bg);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bh;$s=10;case 10:return bi;case 3:bj=$clone(bc,Q).object();if(aw[0]<0||aw[0]>=($parseInt(bj.$length)>>0)){$panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range"));}bk=(bc.typ.kindType);bb[0]=bk.elem;bl=(((384|new R(bc.flag).ro())>>>0)|((bb[0].Kind()>>>0)))>>>0;aw[0]=aw[0]+(($parseInt(bj.$offset)>>0))>>0;ay[0]=bj.$array;if(!((((bl&128)>>>0)===0))&&!((bb[0].Kind()===17))&&!((bb[0].Kind()===25))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(bb[0],(new(GI(DQ(bb[0])))((function(aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb){return function(){return IP(bb[0],ay[0][aw[0]]);};})(aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb),(function(aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb){return function(bm){var bm;ay[0][aw[0]]=IQ(bb[0],bm);};})(aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb))),bl);case 12:bm=HB(bb[0],IP(bb[0],ay[0][aw[0]]),bl);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=bm;$s=14;case 14:return bn;case 4:bo=(bc.ptr).$get();if(aw[0]<0||aw[0]>=bo.length){$panic(new $String("reflect: string index out of range"));}bp=(((new R(bc.flag).ro()|8)>>>0)|128)>>>0;az[0]=bo.charCodeAt(aw[0]);$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(AE,((az.$ptr||(az.$ptr=new KG(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},az)))),bp);case 5:$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Index",bd));case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return new Q.ptr(JE.nil,0,0);}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Index,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Index=function(aw){return this.$val.Index(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.InterfaceData=function(){var aw;aw=this;$panic(A.New("InterfaceData is not supported by GopherJS"));};Q.prototype.InterfaceData=function(){return this.$val.InterfaceData();};Q.ptr.prototype.IsNil=function(){var aw,ax,ay;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();ay=ax;if((ay===(22))||(ay===(23))){return $clone(aw,Q).object()===GI(aw.typ).nil;}else if(ay===(18)){return $clone(aw,Q).object()===$chanNil;}else if(ay===(19)){return $clone(aw,Q).object()===$throwNilPointerError;}else if(ay===(21)){return $clone(aw,Q).object()===false;}else if(ay===(20)){return $clone(aw,Q).object()===$ifaceNil;}else if(ay===(26)){return $clone(aw,Q).object()===0;}else{$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.IsNil",ax));}};Q.prototype.IsNil=function(){return this.$val.IsNil();};Q.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var aw,ax,ay;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();ay=ax;if((ay===(17))||(ay===(24))){return $parseInt($clone(aw,Q).object().length);}else if(ay===(23)){return $parseInt($clone(aw,Q).object().$length)>>0;}else if(ay===(18)){return $parseInt($clone(aw,Q).object().$buffer.length)>>0;}else if(ay===(21)){return $parseInt($keys($clone(aw,Q).object()).length);}else{$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Len",ax));}};Q.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};Q.ptr.prototype.Pointer=function(){var aw,ax,ay;aw=this;ax=new R(aw.flag).kind();ay=ax;if((ay===(18))||(ay===(21))||(ay===(22))||(ay===(26))){if($clone(aw,Q).IsNil()){return 0;}return $clone(aw,Q).object();}else if(ay===(19)){if($clone(aw,Q).IsNil()){return 0;}return 1;}else if(ay===(23)){if($clone(aw,Q).IsNil()){return 0;}return $clone(aw,Q).object().$array;}else{$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Pointer",ax));}};Q.prototype.Pointer=function(){return this.$val.Pointer();};Q.ptr.prototype.Set=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();new R(aw.flag).mustBeExported();ay=$clone(aw,Q).assignTo("reflect.Set",ax.typ,0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ay;if(!((((ax.flag&128)>>>0)===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:az=ax.typ.Kind();if(az===(17)){$s=5;continue;}if(az===(20)){$s=6;continue;}if(az===(25)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 5:GI(ax.typ).copy(ax.ptr,aw.ptr);$s=9;continue;case 6:ba=IK($clone(aw,Q),false);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax.ptr.$set(ba);$s=9;continue;case 7:HA(ax.ptr,aw.ptr,ax.typ);$s=9;continue;case 8:ax.ptr.$set($clone(aw,Q).object());case 9:case 4:$s=-1;return;case 3:ax.ptr=aw.ptr;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Set=function(aw){return this.$val.Set(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(aw){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();new R(ax.flag).mustBe(23);ay=ax.typ.Elem().Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((ay===8))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.SetBytes of non-byte slice"));case 2:az=aw;if(!(ax.typ.Name()==="")){ba=true;$s=6;continue s;}bb=ax.typ.Elem().Name();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=!(bb==="");case 6:if(ba){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:bc=new(GI(ax.typ))(az.$array);bc.$offset=az.$offset;bc.$length=az.$length;bc.$capacity=az.$capacity;az=bc;case 5:ax.ptr.$set(az);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.SetBytes,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.SetBytes=function(aw){return this.$val.SetBytes(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetCap=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();new R(ax.flag).mustBe(23);ay=ax.ptr.$get();if(aw<($parseInt(ay.$length)>>0)||aw>($parseInt(ay.$capacity)>>0)){$panic(new $String("reflect: slice capacity out of range in SetCap"));}az=new(GI(ax.typ))(ay.$array);az.$offset=ay.$offset;az.$length=ay.$length;az.$capacity=aw;ax.ptr.$set(az);};Q.prototype.SetCap=function(aw){return this.$val.SetCap(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetLen=function(aw){var aw,ax,ay,az;ax=this;new R(ax.flag).mustBeAssignable();new R(ax.flag).mustBe(23);ay=ax.ptr.$get();if(aw<0||aw>($parseInt(ay.$capacity)>>0)){$panic(new $String("reflect: slice length out of range in SetLen"));}az=new(GI(ax.typ))(ay.$array);az.$offset=ay.$offset;az.$length=aw;az.$capacity=ay.$capacity;ax.ptr.$set(az);};Q.prototype.SetLen=function(aw){return this.$val.SetLen(aw);};Q.ptr.prototype.Slice=function(aw,ax){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ay=this;az=0;ba=$ifaceNil;bb=null;bc=new R(ay.flag).kind();bd=bc;if(bd===(17)){$s=2;continue;}if(bd===(23)){$s=3;continue;}if(bd===(24)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:if(((ay.flag&256)>>>0)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array"));}be=(ay.typ.kindType);az=((be.len>>0));ba=HJ(be.elem);bb=new(GI(ba))($clone(ay,Q).object());$s=6;continue;case 3:ba=ay.typ;bb=$clone(ay,Q).object();az=$parseInt(bb.$capacity)>>0;$s=6;continue;case 4:bf=(ay.ptr).$get();if(aw<0||axbf.length){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: string slice index out of bounds"));}bg=HE(new $String($substring(bf,aw,ax)));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bg;$s=8;case 8:return bh;case 5:$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Slice",bc));case 6:case 1:if(aw<0||axaz){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice index out of bounds"));}bi=HB(ba,$subslice(bb,aw,ax),new R(ay.flag).ro());$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=bi;$s=10;case 10:return bj;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Slice,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Slice=function(aw,ax){return this.$val.Slice(aw,ax);};Q.ptr.prototype.Slice3=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=this;ba=0;bb=$ifaceNil;bc=null;bd=new R(az.flag).kind();be=bd;if(be===(17)){if(((az.flag&256)>>>0)===0){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array"));}bf=(az.typ.kindType);ba=((bf.len>>0));bb=HJ(bf.elem);bc=new(GI(bb))($clone(az,Q).object());}else if(be===(23)){bb=az.typ;bc=$clone(az,Q).object();ba=$parseInt(bc.$capacity)>>0;}else{$panic(new U.ptr("reflect.Value.Slice3",bd));}if(aw<0||axba){$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice3: slice index out of bounds"));}bg=HB(bb,$subslice(bc,aw,ax,ay),new R(az.flag).ro());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bg;$s=2;case 2:return bh;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Slice3,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Slice3=function(aw,ax,ay){return this.$val.Slice3(aw,ax,ay);};Q.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var aw;aw=this;new R(aw.flag).mustBe(18);new R(aw.flag).mustBeExported();$close($clone(aw,Q).object());};Q.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};IT=function(aw,ax,ay){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aw,ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:az=false;ba=false;bb=new KX([new KR([aw])]);if(ax){bb=$append(bb,new KR([]));}bc=IS(new JH([bb]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break 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1:if(!(db)){f=false;$s=5;continue s;}g=a.Less(e,e-1>>0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;case 5:if(!(f)){$s=4;continue;}$r=a.Swap(e,e-1>>0);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=e-(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:d=d+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:B,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};C=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=b;case 1:f=($imul(2,e))+1>>0;if(f>=c){$s=2;continue;}if(!((f+1>>0)>0,(d+f>>0)+1>>0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;case 5:if(g){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:f=f+(1)>>0;case 4:i=a.Less(d+e>>0,d+f>>0);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!i){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$s=-1;return;case 8:$r=a.Swap(d+e>>0,d+f>>0);$s=10;case 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$f;};E=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=a.Less(b,c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=a.Swap(b,c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:f=a.Less(d,b);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(f){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=a.Swap(d,b);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=a.Less(b,c);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=a.Swap(b,c);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:E,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return 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$f;};H=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:case 1:if(!((c-b>>0)>12)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=D($clone(a,V),b,c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 4:d=d-(1)>>0;f=G($clone(a,V),b,c);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if((g-b>>0)<(c-h>>0)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=H($clone(a,V),b,g,d);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=h;$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=H($clone(a,V),h,c,d);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=g;case 9:$s=1;continue;case 2:if((c-b>>0)>1){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:i=b+6>>0;case 14:if(!(i>0);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 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1:f=($imul(2,e))+1>>0;if(f>=c){$s=2;continue;}if(!((f+1>>0)>0,(d+f>>0)+1>>0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;case 5:if(g){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:f=f+(1)>>0;case 4:i=a.Less(d+e>>0,d+f>>0);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!i){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$s=-1;return;case 8:$r=a.Swap(d+e>>0,d+f>>0);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:N,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};O=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=b;e=0;f=c-b>>0;h=(g=((f-1>>0))/2,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));case 1:if(!(h>=0)){$s=2;continue;}$r=N(a,h,f,d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=h-(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:i=f-1>>0;case 4:if(!(i>=0)){$s=5;continue;}$r=a.Swap(d,d+i>>0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=N(a,e,i,d);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=i-(1)>>0;$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:O,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};P=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=a.Less(b,c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=a.Swap(b,c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:f=a.Less(d,b);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(f){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=a.Swap(d,b);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=a.Less(b,c);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break 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3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=P(a,f,f-h>>0,f+h>>0);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=P(a,c-1>>0,(c-1>>0)-h>>0,(c-1>>0)-($imul(2,h))>>0);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$r=P(a,b,f,c-1>>0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=b;j=b+1>>0;k=c-1>>0;l=j;m=k;case 7:if(!(l>0;$s=7;continue;case 8:p=l;case 11:case 13:if(!(p>0;$s=13;continue;case 14:case 17:if(!(p>0);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;case 19:if(!(s)){$s=18;continue;}m=m-(1)>>0;$s=17;continue;case 18:if(p>=m){$s=12;continue;}$r=a.Swap(p,m-1>>0);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=p+(1)>>0;m=m-(1)>>0;$s=11;continue;case 12:u=(c-m>>0)<5;if(!u&&(c-m>>0)<(v=((c-b>>0))/4,(v===v&&v!==1/0&&v!==-1/0)?v>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:w=0;x=a.Less(i,c-1>>0);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!x){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:$r=a.Swap(m,c-1>>0);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=m+(1)>>0;w=w+(1)>>0;case 25:y=a.Less(p-1>>0,i);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!y){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:p=p-(1)>>0;w=w+(1)>>0;case 29:z=a.Less(f,i);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!z){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:$r=a.Swap(f,p-1>>0);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=p-(1)>>0;w=w+(1)>>0;case 32:u=w>1;case 23:if(u){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:case 37:case 39:if(!(l>0,i);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=!ab;case 41:if(!(aa)){$s=40;continue;}p=p-(1)>>0;$s=39;continue;case 40:case 43:if(!(l>0;$s=43;continue;case 44:if(l>=p){$s=38;continue;}$r=a.Swap(l,p-1>>0);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=l+(1)>>0;p=p-(1)>>0;$s=37;continue;case 38:case 36:$r=a.Swap(i,p-1>>0);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=p-1>>0;af=m;d=ae;e=af;$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:R,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};S=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:case 1:if(!((c-b>>0)>12)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=O(a,b,c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 4:d=d-(1)>>0;f=R(a,b,c);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if((g-b>>0)<(c-h>>0)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=S(a,b,g,d);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=h;$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=S(a,h,c,d);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=g;case 9:$s=1;continue;case 2:if((c-b>>0)>1){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:i=b+6>>0;case 14:if(!(i>0);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:$r=a.Swap(i,i-6>>0);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 17:i=i+(1)>>0;$s=14;continue;case 15:$r=M(a,b,c);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 13:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:S,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};T=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=a.Len();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$r=S(a,0,c,U(c));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:T,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Sort=T;U=function(a){var a,b,c;b=0;c=a;while(true){if(!(c>0)){break;}b=b+(1)>>0;c=(c>>$min((1),31))>>0;}return $imul(b,2);};Z.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.$length;};$ptrType(Z).prototype.Len=function(){return this.$get().Len();};Z.prototype.Less=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;return((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a])<((b<0||b>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+b]);};$ptrType(Z).prototype.Less=function(a,b){return this.$get().Less(a,b);};Z.prototype.Swap=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=this;d=((b<0||b>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+b]);e=((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]);((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]=d);((b<0||b>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+b]=e);};$ptrType(Z).prototype.Swap=function(a,b){return this.$get().Swap(a,b);};Z.prototype.Sort=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;$r=T(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.prototype.Sort,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(Z).prototype.Sort=function(){return this.$get().Sort();};AC.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.$length;};$ptrType(AC).prototype.Len=function(){return this.$get().Len();};AC.prototype.Less=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;return((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$f={$blk:AC.prototype.Sort,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AC).prototype.Sort=function(){return this.$get().Sort();};AD=function(a){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=T(($convertSliceType(a,Z)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AD,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Ints=AD;AF=function(a){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=T(($convertSliceType(a,AC)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Strings=AF;AJ=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=a;c=a.Len();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$r=AK(b,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AJ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Stable=AJ;AK=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=20;d=0;e=c;f=d;g=e;case 1:if(!(g<=b)){$s=2;continue;}$r=M(a,f,g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;g=g+(c)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$r=M(a,f,b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:if(!(c>0,g);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;g=g+(($imul(2,c)))>>0;$s=7;continue;case 8:j=f+c>>0;if(j>0)===1){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=c;f=d;case 3:if(!(e>0)>>>0))>>>1>>>0)>>0));h=a.Less(g,b);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:e=g+1>>0;$s=7;continue;case 6:f=g;case 7:$s=3;continue;case 4:i=b;case 9:if(!(i<(e-1>>0))){$s=10;continue;}$r=a.Swap(i,i+1>>0);$s=11;case 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24:x=p-s>>0;if(s>0;f=d-c>>0;case 1:if(!(!((e===f)))){$s=2;continue;}if(e>f){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=Q(a,c-e>>0,c,f);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=e-(f)>>0;$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=Q(a,c-e>>0,(c+f>>0)-e>>0,e);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=f-(e)>>0;case 5:$s=1;continue;case 2:$r=Q(a,c-e>>0,c,e);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AM,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AP=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=AN(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=$clone(c,A.Value);e=AO(a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=$clone(d,A.Value).Len();$r=H(new V.ptr(b,f),0,g,U(g));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break 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$f;};$pkg.SearchInts=AT;AV=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];b=[b];c=AS(a[0].$length,(function(a,b){return function(c){var c;return((c<0||c>=a[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[0].$array[a[0].$offset+c])>=b[0];};})(a,b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.SearchStrings=AV;Z.prototype.Search=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=AT($convertSliceType(b,AW),a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.prototype.Search,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(Z).prototype.Search=function(a){return this.$get().Search(a);};AC.prototype.Search=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=AV($convertSliceType(b,AY),a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AC.prototype.Search,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AC).prototype.Search=function(a){return this.$get().Search(a);};Z.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Less",name:"Less",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Swap",name:"Swap",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[],false)},{prop:"Sort",name:"Sort",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"Search",name:"Search",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[$Int],false)}];AC.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Less",name:"Less",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Swap",name:"Swap",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[],false)},{prop:"Sort",name:"Sort",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"Search",name:"Search",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$Int],false)}];V.init("",[{prop:"Less",name:"Less",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AZ,tag:""},{prop:"Swap",name:"Swap",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:BA,tag:""}]);Z.init($Int);AC.init($String);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AN=A.ValueOf;AO=A.Swapper;}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["internal/fmtsort"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,I,J,D,E,F,G,H;A=$packages["reflect"];B=$packages["sort"];C=$pkg.SortedMap=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"fmtsort.SortedMap",true,"internal/fmtsort",true,function(Key_,Value_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Key=J.nil;this.Value=J.nil;return;}this.Key=Key_;this.Value=Value_;});I=$ptrType(C);J=$sliceType(A.Value);C.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.Key.$length;};C.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};C.ptr.prototype.Less=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;f=E($clone((d=c.Key,((a<0||a>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+a])),A.Value),$clone((e=c.Key,((b<0||b>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+b])),A.Value));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f<0;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:C.ptr.prototype.Less,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};C.prototype.Less=function(a,b){return this.$val.Less(a,b);};C.ptr.prototype.Swap=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;c=this;d=(e=c.Key,((b<0||b>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+b]));f=(g=c.Key,((a<0||a>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+a]));(h=c.Key,((a<0||a>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+a]=d));(i=c.Key,((b<0||b>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(g)){$s=5;continue;}h=f.Key();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=$append(d,h);i=f.Value();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=$append(e,i);$s=4;continue;case 5:j=new C.ptr(d,e);$r=B.Stable(j);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:D,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Sort=D;E=function(a,b){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=$clone(a,A.Value).Type();d=$clone(b,A.Value).Type();e=c;f=d;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,f))){$s=-1;return-1;}g=$clone(a,A.Value).Kind();if((g===(2))||(g===(3))||(g===(4))||(g===(5))||(g===(6))){$s=2;continue;}if((g===(7))||(g===(8))||(g===(9))||(g===(10))||(g===(11))||(g===(12))){$s=3;continue;}if(g===(24)){$s=4;continue;}if((g===(13))||(g===(14))){$s=5;continue;}if((g===(15))||(g===(16))){$s=6;continue;}if(g===(1)){$s=7;continue;}if((g===(22))||(g===(26))){$s=8;continue;}if(g===(18)){$s=9;continue;}if(g===(25)){$s=10;continue;}if(g===(17)){$s=11;continue;}if(g===(20)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 2:h=$clone(a,A.Value).Int();i=$clone(b,A.Value).Int();j=h;k=i;if((j.$highk.$high||(j.$high===k.$high&&j.$low>k.$low))){$s=-1;return 1;}else{$s=-1;return 0;}$s=14;continue;case 3:l=$clone(a,A.Value).Uint();m=$clone(b,A.Value).Uint();n=l;o=m;if((n.$higho.$high||(n.$high===o.$high&&n.$low>o.$low))){$s=-1;return 1;}else{$s=-1;return 0;}$s=14;continue;case 4:q=$clone(a,A.Value).String();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;s=$clone(b,A.Value).String();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=p;u=r;if(tu){$s=-1;return 1;}else{$s=-1;return 0;}$s=14;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return G($clone(a,A.Value).Float(),$clone(b,A.Value).Float());case 6:v=$clone(a,A.Value).Complex();w=$clone(b,A.Value).Complex();x=v;y=w;z=G(x.$real,y.$real);if(!((z===0))){$s=-1;return z;}$s=-1;return G(x.$imag,y.$imag);case 7:aa=$clone(a,A.Value).Bool();ab=$clone(b,A.Value).Bool();ac=aa;ad=ab;if(ac===ad){$s=-1;return 0;}else if(ac){$s=-1;return 1;}else{$s=-1;return-1;}$s=14;continue;case 8:ae=$clone(a,A.Value).Pointer();af=$clone(b,A.Value).Pointer();ag=ae;ah=af;if(agah){$s=-1;return 1;}else{$s=-1;return 0;}$s=14;continue;case 9:ai=F($clone(a,A.Value),$clone(b,A.Value));aj=ai[0];ak=ai[1];if(ak){$s=-1;return aj;}al=$clone(a,A.Value).Pointer();am=$clone(b,A.Value).Pointer();an=al;ao=am;if(anao){$s=-1;return 1;}else{$s=-1;return 0;}$s=14;continue;case 10:ap=0;case 17:if(!(ap<$clone(a,A.Value).NumField())){$s=18;continue;}aq=$clone(a,A.Value).Field(ap);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=$clone(aq,A.Value);as=$clone(b,A.Value).Field(ap);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=$clone(as,A.Value);au=E(ar,at);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=au;if(!((av===0))){$s=-1;return av;}ap=ap+(1)>>0;$s=17;continue;case 18:$s=-1;return 0;case 11:aw=0;case 22:if(!(aw<$clone(a,A.Value).Len())){$s=23;continue;}ax=$clone(a,A.Value).Index(aw);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=$clone(ax,A.Value);az=$clone(b,A.Value).Index(aw);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break 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33:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=bo;if(!((bp===0))){$s=-1;return bp;}bq=$clone(a,A.Value).Elem();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}br=$clone(bq,A.Value);bs=$clone(b,A.Value).Elem();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt=$clone(bs,A.Value);bu=E(br,bt);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bv=bu;$s=37;case 37:return bv;case 13:bw=e.String();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;bw=bw.$blk();}if(bw&&bw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("bad type in compare: "+bw));case 14:case 1:$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:E,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};F=function(a,b){var a,b;if($clone(a,A.Value).IsNil()){if($clone(b,A.Value).IsNil()){return[0,true];}return[-1,true];}if($clone(b,A.Value).IsNil()){return[1,true];}return[0,false];};G=function(a,b){var a,b;if(H(a)){return-1;}else if(H(b)){return 1;}else if(ab){return 1;}return 0;};H=function(a){var a;return!((a===a));};I.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Less",name:"Less",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Swap",name:"Swap",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[],false)}];C.init("",[{prop:"Key",name:"Key",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:J,tag:""},{prop:"Value",name:"Value",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:J,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["internal/oserror"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A;A=$packages["errors"];$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$pkg.ErrInvalid=A.New("invalid argument");$pkg.ErrPermission=A.New("permission denied");$pkg.ErrExist=A.New("file already exists");$pkg.ErrNotExist=A.New("file does not exist");$pkg.ErrClosed=A.New("file already closed");}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["syscall/js"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,F,H,I,R,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,K,L,M,C,D,E,G,J,N,O,P,Q,S,T;A=$packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"];B=$pkg.Type=$newType(4,$kindInt,"js.Type",true,"syscall/js",true,null);F=$pkg.Func=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"js.Func",true,"syscall/js",true,function(Value_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Value=new I.ptr(null,false,V.zero());return;}this.Value=Value_;});H=$pkg.Error=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"js.Error",true,"syscall/js",true,function(Value_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Value=new I.ptr(null,false,V.zero());return;}this.Value=Value_;});I=$pkg.Value=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"js.Value",true,"syscall/js",true,function(v_,inited_,_$2_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.v=null;this.inited=false;this._$2=V.zero();return;}this.v=v_;this.inited=inited_;this._$2=_$2_;});R=$pkg.ValueError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"js.ValueError",true,"syscall/js",true,function(Method_,Type_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Method="";this.Type=0;return;}this.Method=Method_;this.Type=Type_;});U=$funcType([],[],false);V=$arrayType(U,0);W=$sliceType(I);X=$mapType($String,$emptyInterface);Y=$sliceType($emptyInterface);Z=$ptrType(A.Error);AA=$sliceType($Uint8);AB=$ptrType(A.Object);AC=$ptrType(R);B.prototype.String=function(){var a,b;a=this.$val;b=a;if(b===(0)){return"undefined";}else if(b===(1)){return"null";}else if(b===(2)){return"boolean";}else if(b===(3)){return"number";}else if(b===(4)){return"string";}else if(b===(5)){return"symbol";}else 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range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);I.copy(((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]),J(h));f++;}i=a($clone(J(b),I),d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;}))),I));};$pkg.FuncOf=G;H.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this;return"JavaScript error: "+$clone($clone(a.Value,I).Get("message"),I).String();};H.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};J=function(a){var a;if(a===undefined){return new I.ptr(null,false,V.zero());}return new I.ptr(a,true,V.zero());};N=function(){if(!($global===null)){K=$global.eval($externalize("(function(x) { return x; })",$String));L=$global.eval($externalize("(function(x, y) { return x instanceof y; })",$String));M=$global.eval($externalize("(function(x) {\n if (typeof(x) === \"undefined\") {\n return 0; // TypeUndefined\n }\n if (x === null) {\n return 1; // TypeNull\n }\n if (typeof(x) === \"boolean\") {\n return 2; // TypeBoolean\n }\n if (typeof(x) === \"number\") {\n return 3; // TypeNumber\n }\n if (typeof(x) === \"string\") {\n return 4; // TypeString\n }\n if (typeof(x) === \"symbol\") {\n return 5; // TypeSymbol\n }\n if (typeof(x) === \"function\") {\n return 7; // TypeFunction\n }\n return 6; // TypeObject\n})",$String));}};O=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=a;if($assertType(b,I,true)[1]){c=$clone(b.$val,I);return c;}else if($assertType(b,F,true)[1]){d=$clone(b.$val,F);return d.Value;}else if(b===$ifaceNil){e=b;return D();}else if($assertType(b,$Bool,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Int,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Int8,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Int16,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Int32,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Int64,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Uint,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Uint8,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Uint16,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Uint32,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Uint64,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Float32,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$Float64,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$UnsafePointer,true)[1]||$assertType(b,$String,true)[1]||$assertType(b,X,true)[1]||$assertType(b,Y,true)[1]){f=b;return J(K($externalize(f,$emptyInterface)));}else{g=b;$panic(new $String("ValueOf: invalid value"));}};$pkg.ValueOf=O;I.ptr.prototype.internal=function(){var a;a=this;if(!a.inited){return undefined;}return a.v;};I.prototype.internal=function(){return this.$val.internal();};I.ptr.prototype.Bool=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=$clone(a,I).Type();if(!((b===2))){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.Bool",b));}return!!($clone(a,I).internal());};I.prototype.Bool=function(){return this.$val.Bool();};P=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=new Y([]);c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);f=$clone(O(e),I);b=$append(b,new $jsObjectPtr($clone(f,I).internal()));d++;}return b;};Q=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=$recover();if($interfaceIsEqual(a,$ifaceNil)){return;}b=$assertType(a,Z,true);c=b[0];d=b[1];if(d){$panic((e=new H.ptr($clone(J(c.Object),I)),new e.constructor.elem(e)));}$panic(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Call=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;d=$clone(c,I).Type();if(!((d===6))&&!((d===7))){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.Call",d));}e=$clone($clone(c,I).Get(a),I).Type();if(!((e===7))){$panic(new $String("js: Value.Call: property "+a+" is not a function, got "+new B(e).String()));}$deferred.push([Q,[]]);g=J((f=$clone(c,I).internal(),f[$externalize(a,$String)].apply(f,$externalize(P(b),Y))));$s=1;case 1:return g;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return new I.ptr(null,false,V.zero());}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.Call,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};I.prototype.Call=function(a,b){return this.$val.Call(a,b);};I.ptr.prototype.Float=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=$clone(a,I).Type();if(!((b===3))){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.Float",b));}return $parseFloat($clone(a,I).internal());};I.prototype.Float=function(){return this.$val.Float();};I.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=$clone(b,I).Type();if(!new B(c).isObject()){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.Get",c));}return J($clone(b,I).internal()[$externalize(a,$String)]);};I.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Index=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=$clone(b,I).Type();if(!new B(c).isObject()){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.Index",c));}return J($clone(b,I).internal()[a]);};I.prototype.Index=function(a){return this.$val.Index(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Int=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=$clone(a,I).Type();if(!((b===3))){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.Int",b));}return $parseInt($clone(a,I).internal())>>0;};I.prototype.Int=function(){return this.$val.Int();};I.ptr.prototype.InstanceOf=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return!!(L($clone(b,I).internal(),$clone(a,I).internal()));};I.prototype.InstanceOf=function(a){return this.$val.InstanceOf(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Invoke=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=$clone(b,I).Type();if(!((c===7))){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.Invoke",c));}return J($clone(b,I).internal().apply(undefined,$externalize(P(a),Y)));};I.prototype.Invoke=function(a){return this.$val.Invoke(a);};I.ptr.prototype.JSValue=function(){var a;a=this;return a;};I.prototype.JSValue=function(){return this.$val.JSValue();};I.ptr.prototype.Length=function(){var a;a=this;return $parseInt($clone(a,I).internal().length);};I.prototype.Length=function(){return this.$val.Length();};I.ptr.prototype.New=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=[b];b[0]=this;$deferred.push([(function(b){return function(){var c,d,e,f,g,h;c=$recover();if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){return;}d=$clone(b[0],I).Type();if(!((d===7))){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.New",d));}e=$assertType(c,Z,true);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(g){$panic((h=new H.ptr($clone(J(f.Object),I)),new h.constructor.elem(h)));}$panic(c);};})(b),[]]);c=J(new($global.Function.prototype.bind.apply($clone(b[0],I).internal(),[undefined].concat($externalize(P(a),Y)))));$s=1;case 1:return c;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return new I.ptr(null,false,V.zero());}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};I.prototype.New=function(a){return this.$val.New(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Set=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=this;d=$clone(c,I).Type();if(!new B(d).isObject()){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.Set",d));}$clone(c,I).internal()[$externalize(a,$String)]=$externalize((e=P(new Y([b])),(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])),$emptyInterface);};I.prototype.Set=function(a,b){return this.$val.Set(a,b);};I.ptr.prototype.SetIndex=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=this;d=$clone(c,I).Type();if(!new B(d).isObject()){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.SetIndex",d));}$clone(c,I).internal()[a]=$externalize((e=P(new Y([b])),(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])),$emptyInterface);};I.prototype.SetIndex=function(a,b){return this.$val.SetIndex(a,b);};I.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=$clone(a,I).Type();if(b===(4)){return $internalize($clone(a,I).internal(),$String);}else if(b===(0)){return"";}else if(b===(1)){return"";}else if(b===(2)){return"";}else if(b===(3)){return"";}else if(b===(5)){return"";}else if(b===(6)){return"";}else if(b===(7)){return"";}else{$panic(new $String("bad type"));}};I.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};I.ptr.prototype.Truthy=function(){var a;a=this;return!!($clone(a,I).internal());};I.prototype.Truthy=function(){return this.$val.Truthy();};I.ptr.prototype.Type=function(){var a;a=this;return((($parseInt(M($clone(a,I).internal()))>>0)>>0));};I.prototype.Type=function(){return this.$val.Type();};I.ptr.prototype.IsNull=function(){var a;a=this;return $clone(a,I).Type()===1;};I.prototype.IsNull=function(){return this.$val.IsNull();};I.ptr.prototype.IsUndefined=function(){var a;a=this;return!a.inited;};I.prototype.IsUndefined=function(){return this.$val.IsUndefined();};I.ptr.prototype.IsNaN=function(){var a;a=this;return!!($global.isNaN($clone(a,I).internal()));};I.prototype.IsNaN=function(){return this.$val.IsNaN();};I.ptr.prototype.Delete=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=$clone(b,I).Type();if(!new B(c).isObject()){$panic(new R.ptr("Value.Delete",c));}delete $clone(b,I).internal()[$externalize(a,$String)];};I.prototype.Delete=function(a){return this.$val.Delete(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return $clone(b,I).internal()===$clone(a,I).internal();};I.prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$val.Equal(a);};R.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this;return"syscall/js: call of "+a.Method+" on "+new B(a.Type).String();};R.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};S=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=$parseInt(b.v.length);d=a.$length;if(d>0))&&((h>>0))<2054){i=((h<0||h>=L.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):L[h]);if(!(i==="")){return i;}}return"errno "+B.Itoa(((h>>0)));};$ptrType(V).prototype.Error=function(){return new V(this.$get()).Error();};V.prototype.Is=function(h){var h,i,j;i=this.$val;j=h;if($interfaceIsEqual(j,(C.ErrPermission))){return(i===13)||(i===1);}else if($interfaceIsEqual(j,(C.ErrExist))){return(i===17)||(i===39);}else if($interfaceIsEqual(j,(C.ErrNotExist))){return i===2;}return false;};$ptrType(V).prototype.Is=function(h){return new V(this.$get()).Is(h);};V.prototype.Temporary=function(){var h;h=this.$val;return(h===4)||(h===24)||new V(h).Timeout();};$ptrType(V).prototype.Temporary=function(){return new V(this.$get()).Temporary();};V.prototype.Timeout=function(){var h;h=this.$val;return(h===11)||(h===11)||(h===110);};$ptrType(V).prototype.Timeout=function(){return new V(this.$get()).Timeout();};BM=function(h,i){var h,i;return new V(38);};$pkg.Bind=BM;BN=function(h){var h;return new V(38);};$pkg.StopIO=BN;BP=function(h){var h,i,j,k,l,m,n;i=0;j=$ifaceNil;k=$ifaceNil;l=0;m=$ifaceNil;n=new V(38);i=l;j=m;k=n;return[i,j,k];};$pkg.Accept=BP;BR=function(h,i,j){var h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;k=0;l=$ifaceNil;m=$ifaceNil;n=0;o=$ifaceNil;p=new V(38);k=n;l=o;m=p;return[k,l,m];};$pkg.Recvfrom=BR;BS=function(h,i,j,k){var h,i,j,k;return new V(38);};$pkg.Sendto=BS;BT=function(h,i,j,k){var h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u;l=0;m=0;n=0;o=$ifaceNil;p=$ifaceNil;q=0;r=0;s=0;t=$ifaceNil;u=new V(38);l=q;m=r;n=s;o=t;p=u;return[l,m,n,o,p];};$pkg.Recvmsg=BT;BU=function(h,i,j,k,l){var h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;m=0;n=$ifaceNil;o=0;p=new V(38);m=o;n=p;return[m,n];};$pkg.SendmsgN=BU;BW=function(h,i,j,k){var h,i,j,k;return $ifaceNil;};$pkg.SetsockoptInt=BW;BX=function(h,i){var h,i;return new V(38);};$pkg.SetReadDeadline=BX;BY=function(h,i){var h,i;return new V(38);};$pkg.SetWriteDeadline=BY;BZ=function(h,i){var h,i;return new V(38);};$pkg.Shutdown=BZ;CA=function(h,i){var h,i;return $ifaceNil;};$pkg.SetNonblock=CA;CT=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=CR.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=(j=CS[$Int.keyFor(h)],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:[FJ.nil,false]);k=i[0];l=i[1];$r=CR.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!l){$s=-1;return[FJ.nil,new V(9)];}$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:CT,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};CU=function(h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=EC(h);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,k];}l=0;if(!(((i&1)===0))){l=l|(CK);}if(!(((i&2)===0))){l=l|(CL);}if(!(((i&64)===0))){l=l|(CM);}if(!(((i&512)===0))){l=l|(CN);}if(!(((i&1024)===0))){l=l|(CO);}if(!(((i&128)===0))){l=l|(CP);}if(!(((i&4096)===0))){$s=-1;return[0,E.New("syscall.Open: O_SYNC is not supported by js/wasm")];}n=FA("open",new FF([new $String(h),new $Int(l),new $Uint32(j)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=$clone(m[0],F.Value);p=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,p];}q=$clone(o,F.Value).Int();r=FC.nil;t=FA("fstat",new FF([new $Int(q)]));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=$clone(s[0],F.Value);v=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){w=false;$s=5;continue s;}x=$clone(u,F.Value).Call("isDirectory",new FF([]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,F.Value).Bool();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=y;case 5:if(w){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:aa=FA("readdir",new FF([new $String(h)]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;ab=$clone(z[0],F.Value);ac=z[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,ac];}r=$makeSlice(FC,$clone(ab,F.Value).Length());ad=r;ae=0;while(true){if(!(ae=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+af]=$clone($clone(ab,F.Value).Index(af),F.Value).String());ae++;}case 4:if(!((h.charCodeAt(0)===47))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:ag=$clone(CG,F.Value).Call("cwd",new FF([]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=$clone(ag,F.Value).String();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;h=ai+"/"+h;case 10:aj=new CQ.ptr(h,r,0,new $Int64(0,0),false);$r=CR.Lock();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=q;(CS||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int.keyFor(ak)]={k:ak,v:aj};$r=CR.Unlock();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[q,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:CU,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Open=CU;CV=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=CR.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}delete CS[$Int.keyFor(h)];$r=CR.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=FA("close",new FF([new $Int(h)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[1];$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:CV,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Close=CV;CW=function(h){var h;};$pkg.CloseOnExec=CW;CY=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=CT(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,m];}if(l.entries===FC.nil){$s=-1;return[0,new V(22)];}n=0;while(true){if(!(l.dirIdx=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]));r=2+q.length>>0;if(r>i.$length){break;}(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]=((r<<24>>>24)));(1>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+1]=(((r>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));$copyString($subslice(i,2),q);i=$subslice(i,r);n=n+(r)>>0;l.dirIdx=l.dirIdx+(1)>>0;}$s=-1;return[n,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:CY,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ReadDirent=CY;CZ=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=EC(h);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}l=FA("stat",new FF([new $String(h)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=$clone(k[0],F.Value);n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}EY(i,$clone(m,F.Value));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CZ,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Stat=CZ;DA=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=EC(h);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}l=FA("lstat",new FF([new $String(h)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=$clone(k[0],F.Value);n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}EY(i,$clone(m,F.Value));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DA,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Lstat=DA;DB=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=FA("fstat",new FF([new $Int(h)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=$clone(j[0],F.Value);m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}EY(i,$clone(l,F.Value));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DB,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Fstat=DB;DC=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=EC(h);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i;}k=FA("unlink",new FF([new $String(h)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:DC,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Unlink=DC;DD=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=EC(h);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i;}k=FA("rmdir",new FF([new $String(h)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:DD,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Rmdir=DD;DE=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=EC(h);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}l=FA("chmod",new FF([new $String(h),new $Uint32(i)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[1];$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:DE,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Chmod=DE;DF=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=FA("fchmod",new FF([new $Int(h),new $Uint32(i)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:DF,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Fchmod=DF;DH=function(h,i,j){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=FA("fchown",new FF([new $Int(h),new $Uint32(((i>>>0))),new $Uint32(((j>>>0)))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[1];$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:DH,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Fchown=DH;DM=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=FA("ftruncate",new FF([new $Int(h),i]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:DM,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Ftruncate=DM;DO=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=[i];i[0]=$ifaceNil;j=EC(h);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i[0]=j;k=i[0];$s=3;case 3:return k;case 2:$deferred.push([ED,[(i.$ptr||(i.$ptr=new FH(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},i)))]]);l=$clone(CG,F.Value).Call("chdir",new FF([new $String(h)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;m=i[0];$s=5;case 5:return m;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return i[0];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DO,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};$pkg.Chdir=DO;DP=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=CT(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return l;}m=DO(k.path);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=3;case 3:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Fchdir=DP;DQ=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=0;k=$ifaceNil;l=EC(h);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){m=0;n=l;j=m;k=n;$s=-1;return[j,k];}p=FA("readlink",new FF([new $String(h)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=$clone(o[0],F.Value);k=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){r=0;s=k;j=r;k=s;$s=-1;return[j,k];}j=$copyString(i,$clone(q,F.Value).String());t=j;u=$ifaceNil;j=t;k=u;$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Readlink=DQ;DT=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=FA("fsync",new FF([new $Int(h)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[1];$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:DT,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Fsync=DT;DU=function(h,i){var{aa,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=CT(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,m];}if(l.seeked){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:o=DW(h,i,l.pos);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];l.pos=(r=l.pos,s=(new $Int64(0,p)),new $Int64(r.$high+s.$high,r.$low+s.$low));$s=-1;return[p,q];case 3:t=$clone(CJ,F.Value).New(new FF([new $Int(i.$length)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,F.Value);w=FA("read",new FF([new $Int(h),new u.constructor.elem(u),new $Int(0),new $Int(i.$length),$ifaceNil]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;x=$clone(v[0],F.Value);m=v[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,m];}F.CopyBytesToGo(i,$clone(u,F.Value));y=$clone(x,F.Value).Int();l.pos=(z=l.pos,aa=(new $Int64(0,y)),new $Int64(z.$high+aa.$high,z.$low+aa.$low));$s=-1;return[y,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:DU,$c:true,$r,aa,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Read=DU;DV=function(h,i){var{aa,ab,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=CT(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,m];}if(l.seeked){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:o=DX(h,i,l.pos);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];l.pos=(r=l.pos,s=(new $Int64(0,p)),new $Int64(r.$high+s.$high,r.$low+s.$low));$s=-1;return[p,q];case 3:if(false&&((h===1)||(h===2))){t=K(h,i);if(t<0){$s=-1;return[0,P(((-t>>>0)))];}$s=-1;return[t,$ifaceNil];}u=$clone(CJ,F.Value).New(new FF([new $Int(i.$length)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,F.Value);F.CopyBytesToJS($clone(v,F.Value),i);x=FA("write",new FF([new $Int(h),new v.constructor.elem(v),new $Int(0),new $Int(i.$length),$ifaceNil]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=$clone(w[0],F.Value);m=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,m];}z=$clone(y,F.Value).Int();l.pos=(aa=l.pos,ab=(new $Int64(0,z)),new $Int64(aa.$high+ab.$high,aa.$low+ab.$low));$s=-1;return[z,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Write=DV;DW=function(h,i,j){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$clone(CJ,F.Value).New(new FF([new $Int(i.$length)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,F.Value);n=FA("read",new FF([new $Int(h),new l.constructor.elem(l),new $Int(0),new $Int(i.$length),j]));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=$clone(m[0],F.Value);p=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,p];}F.CopyBytesToGo(i,$clone(l,F.Value));$s=-1;return[$clone(o,F.Value).Int(),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DW,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Pread=DW;DX=function(h,i,j){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$clone(CJ,F.Value).New(new FF([new $Int(i.$length)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,F.Value);F.CopyBytesToJS($clone(l,F.Value),i);n=FA("write",new FF([new $Int(h),new l.constructor.elem(l),new $Int(0),new $Int(i.$length),j]));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=$clone(m[0],F.Value);p=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,p];}$s=-1;return[$clone(o,F.Value).Int(),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DX,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Pwrite=DX;DY=function(h,i,j){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=[k];m=CT(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new $Int64(0,0),o];}p=new $Int64(0,0);q=j;if(q===(0)){$s=3;continue;}if(q===(1)){$s=4;continue;}if(q===(2)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 3:p=i;$s=7;continue;case 4:p=(r=n.pos,new $Int64(r.$high+i.$high,r.$low+i.$low));$s=7;continue;case 5:k[0]=new Y.ptr(new $Int64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),0,0,0,0,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),0,0,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0));s=DB(h,k[0]);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new $Int64(0,0),t];}p=(u=k[0].Size,new $Int64(u.$high+i.$high,u.$low+i.$low));$s=7;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return[new $Int64(0,0),P(22)];case 7:case 2:if((p.$high<0||(p.$high===0&&p.$low<0))){$s=-1;return[new $Int64(0,0),P(22)];}n.seeked=true;n.dirIdx=0;n.pos=p;$s=-1;return[p,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DY,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Seek=DY;DZ=function(h){var h;return[0,new V(38)];};$pkg.Dup=DZ;EC=function(h){var h,i;if(h===""){return new V(22);}i=0;while(true){if(!(i>0;}return $ifaceNil;};ED=function(h){var h,i,j,k,l;i=$recover();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){j=$assertType(i,F.Error,true);k=$clone(j[0],F.Error);l=j[1];if(!l){$panic(i);}h.$set(EE($clone(k.Value,F.Value)));}};EE=function(h){var h,i,j,k,l;i=(j=Q[$String.keyFor($clone($clone(h,F.Value).Get("code"),F.Value).String())],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:[0,false]);k=i[0];l=i[1];if(!l){$panic(new h.constructor.elem(h));}return P((k));};EJ=function(){var h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;EH={};h=EI;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);l=0;while(true){if(!(l=EI.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):EI.$array[EI.$offset+j]="");}break;}l=l+(1)>>0;}i++;}};EL=function(h){var{aa,ab,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i="";j=false;$r=EF.Do(EJ);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h.length===0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k="";l=false;i=k;j=l;m=[i,j];$s=4;case 4:return m;case 3:$r=EG.RLock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(EG,"RUnlock"),[]]);n=(o=EH[$String.keyFor(h)],o!==undefined?[o.v,true]:[0,false]);p=n[0];q=n[1];if(!q){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:r="";s=false;i=r;j=s;t=[i,j];$s=8;case 8:return t;case 7:u=((p<0||p>=EI.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):EI.$array[EI.$offset+p]);v=0;case 9:if(!(v>0));x=true;i=w;j=x;y=[i,j];$s=13;case 13:return y;case 12:v=v+(1)>>0;$s=9;continue;case 10:z="";aa=false;i=z;j=aa;ab=[i,j];$s=14;case 14:return ab;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[i,j];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:EL,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};$pkg.Getenv=EL;EV=function(){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=$clone($clone(F.Global(),F.Value).Get("process"),F.Value);if($clone(h,F.Value).IsUndefined()){$s=-1;return FC.nil;}i=$clone($clone(h,F.Value).Get("env"),F.Value);j=$clone($clone(F.Global(),F.Value).Get("Object"),F.Value).Call("keys",new FF([new i.constructor.elem(i)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,F.Value);l=$makeSlice(FC,$clone(k,F.Value).Length());m=0;while(true){if(!(m<$clone(k,F.Value).Length())){break;}n=$clone($clone(k,F.Value).Index(m),F.Value).String();((m<0||m>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]=n+"="+$clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get(n),F.Value).String());m=m+(1)>>0;}$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:EV,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};EY=function(h,i){var h,i,j,k,l;h.Dev=(new $Int64(0,$clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("dev"),F.Value).Int()));h.Ino=(new $Uint64(0,$clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("ino"),F.Value).Int()));h.Mode=(($clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("mode"),F.Value).Int()>>>0));h.Nlink=(($clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("nlink"),F.Value).Int()>>>0));h.Uid=(($clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("uid"),F.Value).Int()>>>0));h.Gid=(($clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("gid"),F.Value).Int()>>>0));h.Rdev=(new $Int64(0,$clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("rdev"),F.Value).Int()));h.Size=(new $Int64(0,$clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("size"),F.Value).Int()));h.Blksize=(($clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("blksize"),F.Value).Int()>>0));h.Blocks=(($clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("blocks"),F.Value).Int()>>0));j=(new $Int64(0,$clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("atimeMs"),F.Value).Float()));h.Atime=$div64(j,new $Int64(0,1000),false);h.AtimeNsec=$mul64(($div64(j,new $Int64(0,1000),true)),new $Int64(0,1000000));k=(new $Int64(0,$clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("mtimeMs"),F.Value).Float()));h.Mtime=$div64(k,new $Int64(0,1000),false);h.MtimeNsec=$mul64(($div64(k,new $Int64(0,1000),true)),new $Int64(0,1000000));l=(new $Int64(0,$clone($clone(i,F.Value).Get("ctimeMs"),F.Value).Float()));h.Ctime=$div64(l,new $Int64(0,1000),false);h.CtimeNsec=$mul64(($div64(l,new $Int64(0,1000),true)),new $Int64(0,1000000));};EZ=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone($clone(F.Global(),F.Value).Get("process"),F.Value);if(!$clone(i,F.Value).IsUndefined()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=$clone(i,F.Value).Call("exit",new FF([new $Int(h)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return;case 2:if(!((h===0))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:k=$clone($clone(F.Global(),F.Value).Get("console"),F.Value).Call("warn",new FF([new $String("Go program exited with non-zero code:"),new $Int(h)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:EZ,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Exit=EZ;FA=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);j=[j];j[0]=new $Chan(FK,1);k=$clone(F.FuncOf((function(j){return function $b(k,l){var{k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=new FK.ptr(new F.Value.ptr(null,false,FM.zero()),$ifaceNil);if(l.$length>=1){n=$clone((0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0]),F.Value);if(!$clone(n,F.Value).IsUndefined()&&!$clone(n,F.Value).IsNull()){m.err=EE($clone(n,F.Value));}}F.Value.copy(m.val,F.Undefined());if(l.$length>=2){F.Value.copy(m.val,(1>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+1]));}$r=$send(j[0],$clone($clone(m,FK),FK));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};})(j)),F.Func);$deferred.push([$methodVal($clone(k,F.Func),"Release"),[]]);if($clone($clone(CH,F.Value).Get(h),F.Value).IsUndefined()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=[F.Undefined(),new V(38)];$s=3;case 3:return l;case 2:m=$clone(CH,F.Value).Call(h,$append(i,new k.constructor.elem(k)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=$recv(j[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n[0],FK);p=[o.val,o.err];$s=6;case 6:return p;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[new F.Value.ptr(null,false,FM.zero()),$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FA,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};V.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"Is",name:"Is",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$error],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Temporary",name:"Temporary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Timeout",name:"Timeout",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)}];Y.init("",[{prop:"Dev",name:"Dev",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"Ino",name:"Ino",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Uint64,tag:""},{prop:"Mode",name:"Mode",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"Nlink",name:"Nlink",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"Uid",name:"Uid",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"Gid",name:"Gid",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"Rdev",name:"Rdev",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"Size",name:"Size",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"Blksize",name:"Blksize",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int32,tag:""},{prop:"Blocks",name:"Blocks",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int32,tag:""},{prop:"Atime",name:"Atime",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"AtimeNsec",name:"AtimeNsec",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"Mtime",name:"Mtime",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"MtimeNsec",name:"MtimeNsec",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"Ctime",name:"Ctime",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"CtimeNsec",name:"CtimeNsec",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""}]);AW.init("",[]);BH.init([]);BI.init("",[{prop:"Port",name:"Port",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"Addr",name:"Addr",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:FR,tag:""}]);BJ.init("",[{prop:"Port",name:"Port",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"ZoneId",name:"ZoneId",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"Addr",name:"Addr",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:FS,tag:""}]);BK.init("",[{prop:"Name",name:"Name",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""}]);CB.init([{prop:"Control",name:"Control",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([FT],[$error],false)},{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([FU],[$error],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([FU],[$error],false)}]);CQ.init("syscall",[{prop:"path",name:"path",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"entries",name:"entries",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:FC,tag:""},{prop:"dirIdx",name:"dirIdx",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"pos",name:"pos",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"seeked",name:"seeked",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);FK.init("syscall",[{prop:"val",name:"val",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:F.Value,tag:""},{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=E.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$pkg.ForkLock=new D.RWMutex.ptr(new D.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,0,0,0);CR=new D.Mutex.ptr(0,0);EF=new D.Once.ptr(0,new D.Mutex.ptr(0,0));EG=new D.RWMutex.ptr(new D.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,0,0,0);EH=false;L=$toNativeArray($kindString,["","Operation not permitted","No such file or directory","No such process","Interrupted system call","I/O error","No such device or address","Argument list too long","Exec format error","Bad file number","No child processes","Try again","Out of memory","Permission denied","Bad address","","Device or resource busy","File exists","Cross-device link","No such device","Not a directory","Is a directory","Invalid argument","File table overflow","Too many open files","Not a typewriter","","File too large","No space left on device","Illegal seek","Read-only file system","Too many links","Broken pipe","Math arg out of domain of func","Math result not representable","Deadlock condition","File name too long","No record locks available","not implemented on js","Directory not empty","Too many symbolic links","","No message of desired type","Identifier removed","Channel number out of range","Level 2 not synchronized","Level 3 halted","Level 3 reset","Link number out of range","Protocol driver not attached","No CSI structure available","Level 2 halted","Invalid exchange","Invalid request descriptor","Exchange full","No anode","Invalid request code","Invalid slot","","Bad font file fmt","Device not a stream","No data (for no delay io)","Timer expired","Out of streams resources","Machine is not on the network","Package not installed","The object is remote","The link has been severed","Advertise error","Srmount error","Communication error on send","Protocol error","Multihop attempted","Cross mount point (not really error)","Trying to read unreadable message","Value too large for defined data type","Given log. name not unique","f.d. invalid for this operation","Remote address changed","Can't access a needed shared lib","Accessing a corrupted shared lib",".lib section in a.out corrupted","Attempting to link in too many libs","Attempting to exec a shared library","","","","","Socket operation on non-socket","Destination address required","Message too long","Protocol wrong type for socket","Protocol not available","Unknown protocol","Socket type not supported","Operation not supported on transport endpoint","Protocol family not supported","Address family not supported by protocol family","Address already in use","Address not available","Network interface is not configured","Network is unreachable","","Connection aborted","Connection reset by peer","No buffer space available","Socket is already connected","Socket is not connected","Can't send after socket shutdown","","Connection timed out","Connection refused","Host is down","Host is unreachable","Socket already connected","Connection already in progress","","","","","","","Quota exceeded","No medium (in tape drive)","","Operation canceled.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",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is remote (not really error)","Inappropriate file type or format","No more files","","No such host or network path","Filename exists with different case"]);M=new V(11);N=new V(22);O=new V(2);Q=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[{k:"EPERM",v:1},{k:"ENOENT",v:2},{k:"ESRCH",v:3},{k:"EINTR",v:4},{k:"EIO",v:5},{k:"ENXIO",v:6},{k:"E2BIG",v:7},{k:"ENOEXEC",v:8},{k:"EBADF",v:9},{k:"ECHILD",v:10},{k:"EAGAIN",v:11},{k:"ENOMEM",v:12},{k:"EACCES",v:13},{k:"EFAULT",v:14},{k:"EBUSY",v:16},{k:"EEXIST",v:17},{k:"EXDEV",v:18},{k:"ENODEV",v:19},{k:"ENOTDIR",v:20},{k:"EISDIR",v:21},{k:"EINVAL",v:22},{k:"ENFILE",v:23},{k:"EMFILE",v:24},{k:"ENOTTY",v:25},{k:"EFBIG",v:27},{k:"ENOSPC",v:28},{k:"ESPIPE",v:29},{k:"EROFS",v:30},{k:"EMLINK",v:31},{k:"EPIPE",v:32},{k:"ENAMETOOLONG",v:36},{k:"ENOSYS",v:38},{k:"EDQUOT",v:122},{k:"EDOM",v:33},{k:"ERANGE",v:34},{k:"EDEADLK",v:35},{k:"ENOLCK",v:37},{k:"ENOTEMPTY",v:39},{k:"ELOOP",v:40},{k:"ENOMSG",v:42},{k:"EIDRM",v:43},{k:"ECHRNG",v:44},{k:"EL2NSYNC",v:45},{k:"EL3HLT",v:46},{k:"EL3RST",v:47},{k:"ELNRNG",v:48},{k:"EUNATCH",v:49},{k:"ENOCSI",v:50},{k:"EL2HLT",v:51},{k:"EBADE",v:52},{k:"EBADR",v:53},{k:"EXFULL",v:54},{k:"ENOANO",v:55},{k:"EBADRQC",v:56},{k:"EBADSLT",v:57},{k:"EDEADLOCK",v:35},{k:"EBFONT",v:59},{k:"ENOSTR",v:60},{k:"ENODATA",v:61},{k:"ETIME",v:62},{k:"ENOSR",v:63},{k:"ENONET",v:64},{k:"ENOPKG",v:65},{k:"EREMOTE",v:66},{k:"ENOLINK",v:67},{k:"EADV",v:68},{k:"ESRMNT",v:69},{k:"ECOMM",v:70},{k:"EPROTO",v:71},{k:"EMULTIHOP",v:72},{k:"EDOTDOT",v:73},{k:"EBADMSG",v:74},{k:"EOVERFLOW",v:75},{k:"ENOTUNIQ",v:76},{k:"EBADFD",v:77},{k:"EREMCHG",v:78},{k:"ELIBACC",v:79},{k:"ELIBBAD",v:80},{k:"ELIBSCN",v:81},{k:"ELIBMAX",v:82},{k:"ELIBEXEC",v:83},{k:"EILSEQ",v:84},{k:"EUSERS",v:87},{k:"ENOTSOCK",v:88},{k:"EDESTADDRREQ",v:89},{k:"EMSGSIZE",v:90},{k:"EPROTOTYPE",v:91},{k:"ENOPROTOOPT",v:92},{k:"EPROTONOSUPPORT",v:93},{k:"ESOCKTNOSUPPORT",v:94},{k:"EOPNOTSUPP",v:95},{k:"EPFNOSUPPORT",v:96},{k:"EAFNOSUPPORT",v:97},{k:"EADDRINUSE",v:98},{k:"EADDRNOTAVAIL",v:99},{k:"ENETDOWN",v:100},{k:"ENETUNREACH",v:101},{k:"ENETRESET",v:102},{k:"ECONNABORTED",v:103},{k:"ECONNRESET",v:104},{k:"ENOBUFS",v:105},{k:"EISCONN",v:106},{k:"ENOTCONN",v:107},{k:"ESHUTDOWN",v:108},{k:"ETOOMANYREFS",v:109},{k:"ETIMEDOUT",v:110},{k:"ECONNREFUSED",v:111},{k:"EHOSTDOWN",v:112},{k:"EHOSTUNREACH",v:113},{k:"EALREADY",v:114},{k:"EINPROGRESS",v:115},{k:"ESTALE",v:116},{k:"ENOTSUP",v:95},{k:"ENOMEDIUM",v:123},{k:"ECANCELED",v:125},{k:"ELBIN",v:2048},{k:"EFTYPE",v:2049},{k:"ENMFILE",v:2050},{k:"EPROCLIM",v:2051},{k:"ENOSHARE",v:2052},{k:"ECASECLASH",v:2053},{k:"EWOULDBLOCK",v:11}]);CG=$clone($clone(F.Global(),F.Value).Get("process"),F.Value);CH=$clone($clone(F.Global(),F.Value).Get("fs"),F.Value);CI=$clone($clone(CH,F.Value).Get("constants"),F.Value);CJ=$clone($clone(F.Global(),F.Value).Get("Uint8Array"),F.Value);CK=$clone($clone(CI,F.Value).Get("O_WRONLY"),F.Value).Int();CL=$clone($clone(CI,F.Value).Get("O_RDWR"),F.Value).Int();CM=$clone($clone(CI,F.Value).Get("O_CREAT"),F.Value).Int();CN=$clone($clone(CI,F.Value).Get("O_TRUNC"),F.Value).Int();CO=$clone($clone(CI,F.Value).Get("O_APPEND"),F.Value).Int();CP=$clone($clone(CI,F.Value).Get("O_EXCL"),F.Value).Int();CS=$makeMap($Int.keyFor,[{k:0,v:new CQ.ptr("",FC.nil,0,new $Int64(0,0),false)},{k:1,v:new CQ.ptr("",FC.nil,0,new $Int64(0,0),false)},{k:2,v:new CQ.ptr("",FC.nil,0,new $Int64(0,0),false)}]);g=EV();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}EI=g;}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["internal/syscall/unix"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J;A=$packages["syscall"];B=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=false;c=$ifaceNil;d=false;e=$ifaceNil;b=d;c=e;return[b,c];};$pkg.IsNonblock=B;C=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d;return[0,new A.Errno(38)];};$pkg.RecvfromInet4=C;D=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=0;h=new A.Errno(38);e=g;f=h;return[e,f];};$pkg.RecvfromInet6=D;E=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e;e=$ifaceNil;e=new A.Errno(38);return e;};$pkg.SendtoInet4=E;F=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e;e=$ifaceNil;e=new A.Errno(38);return e;};$pkg.SendtoInet6=F;G=function(a,b,c,d,e){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=0;i=new A.Errno(38);f=h;g=i;return[f,g];};$pkg.SendmsgNInet4=G;H=function(a,b,c,d,e){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=0;i=new A.Errno(38);f=h;g=i;return[f,g];};$pkg.SendmsgNInet6=H;I=function(a,b,c,d,e){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;f=0;g=0;h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=0;k=0;l=0;m=new A.Errno(38);f=j;g=k;h=l;i=m;return[f,g,h,i];};$pkg.RecvmsgInet4=I;J=function(a,b,c,d,e){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;f=0;g=0;h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=0;k=0;l=0;m=new A.Errno(38);f=j;g=k;h=l;i=m;return[f,g,h,i];};$pkg.RecvmsgInet6=J;$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,N,O,P,Q;A=$pkg.Pool=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"nosync.Pool",true,"github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync",true,function(store_,New_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.store=G.nil;this.New=$throwNilPointerError;return;}this.store=store_;this.New=New_;});B=$pkg.Once=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"nosync.Once",true,"github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync",true,function(doing_,done_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.doing=false;this.done=false;return;}this.doing=doing_;this.done=done_;});C=$pkg.Mutex=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"nosync.Mutex",true,"github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync",true,function(locked_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.locked=false;return;}this.locked=locked_;});E=$pkg.WaitGroup=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"nosync.WaitGroup",true,"github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync",true,function(counter_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.counter=0;return;}this.counter=counter_;});F=$pkg.Map=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"nosync.Map",true,"github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync",true,function(m_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.m=false;return;}this.m=m_;});G=$sliceType($emptyInterface);H=$ptrType(A);I=$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false);J=$funcType([],[],false);K=$ptrType(B);L=$ptrType(C);N=$ptrType(E);O=$funcType([$emptyInterface,$emptyInterface],[$Bool],false);P=$ptrType(F);Q=$mapType($emptyInterface,$emptyInterface);A.ptr.prototype.Get=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(a.store.$length===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(!(a.New===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:b=a.New();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=6;case 6:return c;case 4:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:f=(d=a.store,e=a.store.$length-1>>0,((e<0||e>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]));a.store=$subslice(a.store,0,(a.store.$length-1>>0));$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:A.ptr.prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};A.prototype.Get=function(){return this.$val.Get();};A.ptr.prototype.Put=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(a,$ifaceNil)){return;}b.store=$append(b.store,a);};A.prototype.Put=function(a){return this.$val.Put(a);};B.ptr.prototype.Do=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=[b];b[0]=this;if(b[0].done){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=3;case 3:return;case 2:if(b[0].doing){$panic(new $String("nosync: Do called within f"));}b[0].doing=true;$deferred.push([(function(b){return function(){b[0].doing=false;b[0].done=true;};})(b),[]]);$r=a();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:B.ptr.prototype.Do,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};B.prototype.Do=function(a){return this.$val.Do(a);};C.ptr.prototype.Lock=function(){var a;a=this;if(a.locked){$panic(new $String("nosync: mutex is already locked"));}a.locked=true;};C.prototype.Lock=function(){return this.$val.Lock();};C.ptr.prototype.Unlock=function(){var a;a=this;if(!a.locked){$panic(new $String("nosync: unlock of unlocked mutex"));}a.locked=false;};C.prototype.Unlock=function(){return this.$val.Unlock();};E.ptr.prototype.Add=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.counter=b.counter+(a)>>0;if(b.counter<0){$panic(new $String("sync: negative WaitGroup counter"));}};E.prototype.Add=function(a){return this.$val.Add(a);};E.ptr.prototype.Done=function(){var a;a=this;a.Add(-1);};E.prototype.Done=function(){return this.$val.Done();};E.ptr.prototype.Wait=function(){var a;a=this;if(!((a.counter===0))){$panic(new $String("sync: WaitGroup counter not zero"));}};E.prototype.Wait=function(){return this.$val.Wait();};F.ptr.prototype.Load=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=$ifaceNil;c=false;d=this;e=(f=d.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(a)],f!==undefined?[f.v,true]:[$ifaceNil,false]);b=e[0];c=e[1];g=b;h=c;b=g;c=h;return[b,c];};F.prototype.Load=function(a){return this.$val.Load(a);};F.ptr.prototype.Store=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=this;if(c.m===false){c.m={};}d=a;(c.m||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil 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range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0]));return n;};$pkg.FixedZone=AC;W.ptr.prototype.lookup=function(l){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m="";n=0;o=new $Int64(0,0);p=new $Int64(0,0);q=false;r=this;s=r.get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;if(r.zone.$length===0){m="UTC";n=0;o=new $Int64(-2147483648,0);p=new $Int64(2147483647,4294967295);q=false;$s=-1;return[m,n,o,p,q];}t=r.cacheZone;if(!(t===EH.nil)&&(u=r.cacheStart,(u.$high=x.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x.$array[x.$offset+0])).when,(l.$high=y.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+z]));m=aa.name;n=aa.offset;o=new $Int64(-2147483648,0);if(r.tx.$length>0){p=(ab=r.tx,(0>=ab.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ab.$array[ab.$offset+0])).when;}else{p=new 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u;}t++;}return 0;};W.prototype.lookupFirstZone=function(){return this.$val.lookupFirstZone();};W.ptr.prototype.firstZoneUsed=function(){var l,m,n,o;l=this;m=l.tx;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]),Y);if(o.index===0){return true;}n++;}return false;};W.prototype.firstZoneUsed=function(){return this.$val.firstZoneUsed();};AD=function(l,m,n){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;o="";p=0;q=new $Int64(0,0);r=new $Int64(0,0);s=false;t=false;u="";v="";w=u;x=v;y=0;z=0;aa=y;ab=z;ac=AE(l);w=ac[0];l=ac[1];t=ac[2];if(t){ad=AF(l);aa=ad[0];l=ad[1];t=ad[2];}if(!t){ae="";af=0;ag=new $Int64(0,0);ah=new 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6:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=y;z=w[0];aa=w[1];if(z===v.name){ab=aa;ac=true;n=ab;o=ac;$s=-1;return[n,o];}case 5:s++;$s=2;continue;case 3:ad=p.zone;ae=0;while(true){if(!(ae=ag.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ag.$array[ag.$offset+af]));if(ah.name===l){ai=ah.offset;aj=true;n=ai;o=aj;$s=-1;return[n,o];}ae++;}$s=-1;return[n,o];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.lookupName,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.lookupName=function(l,m){return this.$val.lookupName(l,m);};AQ.ptr.prototype.nsec=function(){var l,m;l=this;return(((m=l.wall,new $Uint64(m.$high&0,(m.$low&1073741823)>>>0)).$low>>0));};AQ.prototype.nsec=function(){return this.$val.nsec();};AQ.ptr.prototype.sec=function(){var l,m,n,o,p;l=this;if(!((m=(n=l.wall,new $Uint64(n.$high&2147483648,(n.$low&0)>>>0)),(m.$high===0&&m.$low===0)))){return(o=((p=$shiftRightUint64($shiftLeft64(l.wall,1),31),new $Int64(p.$high,p.$low))),new $Int64(13+o.$high,3618733952+o.$low));}return l.ext;};AQ.prototype.sec=function(){return this.$val.sec();};AQ.ptr.prototype.unixSec=function(){var l,m;l=this;return(m=l.sec(),new $Int64(m.$high+-15,m.$low+2288912640));};AQ.prototype.unixSec=function(){return this.$val.unixSec();};AQ.ptr.prototype.addSec=function(l){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;m=this;if(!((n=(o=m.wall,new $Uint64(o.$high&2147483648,(o.$low&0)>>>0)),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0)))){q=((p=$shiftRightUint64($shiftLeft64(m.wall,1),31),new $Int64(p.$high,p.$low)));r=new $Int64(q.$high+l.$high,q.$low+l.$low);if((0>>0)),v=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low)),30),new $Uint64(t.$high|v.$high,(t.$low|v.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(s.$high|2147483648,(s.$low|0)>>>0));return;}m.stripMono();}x=(w=m.ext,new $Int64(w.$high+l.$high,w.$low+l.$low));if(((y=m.ext,(x.$high>y.$high||(x.$high===y.$high&&x.$low>y.$low))))===((l.$high>0||(l.$high===0&&l.$low>0)))){m.ext=x;}else if((l.$high>0||(l.$high===0&&l.$low>0))){m.ext=new $Int64(2147483647,4294967295);}else{m.ext=new $Int64(-2147483648,1);}};AQ.prototype.addSec=function(l){return this.$val.addSec(l);};AQ.ptr.prototype.setLoc=function(l){var l,m;m=this;if(l===Z){l=EL.nil;}m.stripMono();m.loc=l;};AQ.prototype.setLoc=function(l){return this.$val.setLoc(l);};AQ.ptr.prototype.stripMono=function(){var l,m,n,o,p;l=this;if(!((m=(n=l.wall,new $Uint64(n.$high&2147483648,(n.$low&0)>>>0)),(m.$high===0&&m.$low===0)))){l.ext=l.sec();l.wall=(o=l.wall,p=new $Uint64(0,1073741823),new $Uint64(o.$high&p.$high,(o.$low&p.$low)>>>0));}};AQ.prototype.stripMono=function(){return this.$val.stripMono();};AQ.ptr.prototype.After=function(l){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u;m=this;if(!((n=(o=(p=m.wall,q=l.wall,new $Uint64(p.$high&q.$high,(p.$low&q.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(o.$high&2147483648,(o.$low&0)>>>0)),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0)))){return(r=m.ext,s=l.ext,(r.$high>s.$high||(r.$high===s.$high&&r.$low>s.$low)));}t=m.sec();u=l.sec();return(t.$high>u.$high||(t.$high===u.$high&&t.$low>u.$low))||(t.$high===u.$high&&t.$low===u.$low)&&m.nsec()>l.nsec();};AQ.prototype.After=function(l){return this.$val.After(l);};AQ.ptr.prototype.Before=function(l){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u;m=this;if(!((n=(o=(p=m.wall,q=l.wall,new $Uint64(p.$high&q.$high,(p.$low&q.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(o.$high&2147483648,(o.$low&0)>>>0)),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0)))){return(r=m.ext,s=l.ext,(r.$high>>0)),new $Uint64(o.$high&2147483648,(o.$low&0)>>>0)),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0)))){return(r=m.ext,s=l.ext,(r.$high===s.$high&&r.$low===s.$low));}return(t=m.sec(),u=l.sec(),(t.$high===u.$high&&t.$low===u.$low))&&(m.nsec()===l.nsec());};AQ.prototype.Equal=function(l){return this.$val.Equal(l);};AR.prototype.String=function(){var l,m,n,o;l=this.$val;if(1<=l&&l<=12){return(m=l-1>>0,((m<0||m>=CL.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):CL.$array[CL.$offset+m]));}n=$makeSlice(EK,20);o=AX(n,(new $Uint64(0,l)));return"%!Month("+($bytesToString($subslice(n,o)))+")";};$ptrType(AR).prototype.String=function(){return new AR(this.$get()).String();};AS.prototype.String=function(){var l,m,n;l=this.$val;if(0<=l&&l<=6){return((l<0||l>=CI.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):CI.$array[CI.$offset+l]);}m=$makeSlice(EK,20);n=AX(m,(new $Uint64(0,l)));return"%!Weekday("+($bytesToString($subslice(m,n)))+")";};$ptrType(AS).prototype.String=function(){return new AS(this.$get()).String();};AQ.ptr.prototype.IsZero=function(){var l,m;l=this;return(m=l.sec(),(m.$high===0&&m.$low===0))&&(l.nsec()===0);};AQ.prototype.IsZero=function(){return this.$val.IsZero();};AQ.ptr.prototype.abs=function(){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;m=l.loc;if(m===EL.nil||m===AA){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=m.get();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;case 2:o=l.unixSec();if(!(m===Z)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if(!(m.cacheZone===EH.nil)&&(p=m.cacheStart,(p.$high>0))/86400,(n===n&&n!==1/0&&n!==-1/0)?n>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0));};AQ.ptr.prototype.ISOWeek=function(){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=0;m=0;n=this;o=$clone(n,AQ).abs();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=4-AT(p)>>0;if(q===4){q=-3;}p=(r=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,q)),new $Uint64(0,86400)),new $Uint64(p.$high+r.$high,p.$low+r.$low));s=BB(p,false);l=s[0];t=s[3];u=l;v=(w=t/7,(w===w&&w!==1/0&&w!==-1/0)?w>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+1>>0;l=u;m=v;$s=-1;return[l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.ISOWeek,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.ISOWeek=function(){return this.$val.ISOWeek();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Clock=function(){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=0;m=0;n=0;o=this;q=$clone(o,AQ).abs();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=AU(q);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=r;l=p[0];m=p[1];n=p[2];s=[l,m,n];$s=3;case 3:return s;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.Clock,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.Clock=function(){return this.$val.Clock();};AU=function(l){var l,m,n,o,p,q;m=0;n=0;o=0;o=(($div64(l,new $Uint64(0,86400),true).$low>>0));m=(p=o/3600,(p===p&&p!==1/0&&p!==-1/0)?p>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));o=o-(($imul(m,3600)))>>0;n=(q=o/60,(q===q&&q!==1/0&&q!==-1/0)?q>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));o=o-(($imul(n,60)))>>0;return[m,n,o];};AQ.ptr.prototype.Hour=function(){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;n=$clone(l,AQ).abs();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=(m=(($div64(n,new $Uint64(0,86400),true).$low>>0))/3600,(m===m&&m!==1/0&&m!==-1/0)?m>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.Hour,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.Hour=function(){return this.$val.Hour();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Minute=function(){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;n=$clone(l,AQ).abs();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=(m=(($div64(n,new $Uint64(0,3600),true).$low>>0))/60,(m===m&&m!==1/0&&m!==-1/0)?m>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.Minute,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.Minute=function(){return this.$val.Minute();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Second=function(){var{l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;m=$clone(l,AQ).abs();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=(($div64(m,new $Uint64(0,60),true).$low>>0));$s=2;case 2:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.Second,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.Second=function(){return this.$val.Second();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Nanosecond=function(){var l;l=this;return((l.nsec()>>0));};AQ.prototype.Nanosecond=function(){return this.$val.Nanosecond();};AQ.ptr.prototype.YearDay=function(){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;n=$clone(l,AQ).date(false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[3];$s=-1;return o+1>>0;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.YearDay,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.YearDay=function(){return this.$val.YearDay();};AV.prototype.String=function(){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;l=this;m=EO.zero();n=32;o=(new $Uint64(l.$high,l.$low));p=(l.$high<0||(l.$high===0&&l.$low<0));if(p){o=new $Uint64(-o.$high,-o.$low);}if((o.$high<0||(o.$high===0&&o.$low<1000000000))){q=0;n=n-(1)>>0;((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n]=115);n=n-(1)>>0;if((o.$high===0&&o.$low===0)){return"0s";}else if((o.$high<0||(o.$high===0&&o.$low<1000))){q=0;((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n]=110);}else if((o.$high<0||(o.$high===0&&o.$low<1000000))){q=3;n=n-(1)>>0;$copyString($subslice(new EK(m),n),"\xC2\xB5");}else{q=6;((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n]=109);}r=AW($subslice(new EK(m),0,n),o,q);n=r[0];o=r[1];n=AX($subslice(new EK(m),0,n),o);}else{n=n-(1)>>0;((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n]=115);s=AW($subslice(new EK(m),0,n),o,9);n=s[0];o=s[1];n=AX($subslice(new EK(m),0,n),$div64(o,new $Uint64(0,60),true));o=$div64(o,(new $Uint64(0,60)),false);if((o.$high>0||(o.$high===0&&o.$low>0))){n=n-(1)>>0;((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n]=109);n=AX($subslice(new EK(m),0,n),$div64(o,new $Uint64(0,60),true));o=$div64(o,(new $Uint64(0,60)),false);if((o.$high>0||(o.$high===0&&o.$low>0))){n=n-(1)>>0;((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n]=104);n=AX($subslice(new EK(m),0,n),o);}}}if(p){n=n-(1)>>0;((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n]=45);}return($bytesToString($subslice(new EK(m),n)));};$ptrType(AV).prototype.String=function(){return this.$get().String();};AW=function(l,m,n){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v;o=0;p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=l.$length;r=false;s=0;while(true){if(!(s>0;((q<0||q>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+q]=(((t.$low<<24>>>24))+48<<24>>>24));}m=$div64(m,(new $Uint64(0,10)),false);s=s+(1)>>0;}if(r){q=q-(1)>>0;((q<0||q>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+q]=46);}u=q;v=m;o=u;p=v;return[o,p];};AX=function(l,m){var l,m,n;n=l.$length;if((m.$high===0&&m.$low===0)){n=n-(1)>>0;((n<0||n>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+n]=48);}else{while(true){if(!((m.$high>0||(m.$high===0&&m.$low>0)))){break;}n=n-(1)>>0;((n<0||n>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+n]=((($div64(m,new $Uint64(0,10),true).$low<<24>>>24))+48<<24>>>24));m=$div64(m,(new $Uint64(0,10)),false);}}return n;};AV.prototype.Nanoseconds=function(){var l;l=this;return(new $Int64(l.$high,l.$low));};$ptrType(AV).prototype.Nanoseconds=function(){return this.$get().Nanoseconds();};AV.prototype.Microseconds=function(){var l;l=this;return $div64((new $Int64(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Int64(0,1000),false);};$ptrType(AV).prototype.Microseconds=function(){return this.$get().Microseconds();};AV.prototype.Milliseconds=function(){var l;l=this;return $div64((new $Int64(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Int64(0,1000000),false);};$ptrType(AV).prototype.Milliseconds=function(){return this.$get().Milliseconds();};AV.prototype.Seconds=function(){var l,m,n;l=this;m=$div64(l,new AV(0,1000000000),false);n=$div64(l,new AV(0,1000000000),true);return($flatten64(m))+($flatten64(n))/1e+09;};$ptrType(AV).prototype.Seconds=function(){return this.$get().Seconds();};AV.prototype.Minutes=function(){var l,m,n;l=this;m=$div64(l,new AV(13,4165425152),false);n=$div64(l,new AV(13,4165425152),true);return($flatten64(m))+($flatten64(n))/6e+10;};$ptrType(AV).prototype.Minutes=function(){return this.$get().Minutes();};AV.prototype.Hours=function(){var l,m,n;l=this;m=$div64(l,new AV(838,817405952),false);n=$div64(l,new AV(838,817405952),true);return($flatten64(m))+($flatten64(n))/3.6e+12;};$ptrType(AV).prototype.Hours=function(){return this.$get().Hours();};AV.prototype.Truncate=function(l){var l,m,n;m=this;if((l.$high<0||(l.$high===0&&l.$low<=0))){return m;}return(n=$div64(m,l,true),new AV(m.$high-n.$high,m.$low-n.$low));};$ptrType(AV).prototype.Truncate=function(l){return this.$get().Truncate(l);};AY=function(l,m){var l,m,n,o,p,q;return(n=(o=(new $Uint64(l.$high,l.$low)),p=(new $Uint64(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Uint64(o.$high+p.$high,o.$low+p.$low)),q=(new $Uint64(m.$high,m.$low)),(n.$highm.$high||(r.$high===m.$high&&r.$low>m.$low))){return r;}return new AV(2147483647,4294967295);};$ptrType(AV).prototype.Round=function(l){return this.$get().Round(l);};AQ.ptr.prototype.Add=function(l){var aa,ab,ac,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;m=this;o=((n=$div64(l,new AV(0,1000000000),false),new $Int64(n.$high,n.$low)));q=m.nsec()+(((p=$div64(l,new AV(0,1000000000),true),p.$low+((p.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))>>0;if(q>=1000000000){o=(r=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(o.$high+r.$high,o.$low+r.$low));q=q-(1000000000)>>0;}else if(q<0){o=(s=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(o.$high-s.$high,o.$low-s.$low));q=q+(1000000000)>>0;}m.wall=(t=(u=m.wall,new $Uint64(u.$high&~0,(u.$low&~1073741823)>>>0)),v=(new $Uint64(0,q)),new $Uint64(t.$high|v.$high,(t.$low|v.$low)>>>0));m.addSec(o);if(!((w=(x=m.wall,new $Uint64(x.$high&2147483648,(x.$low&0)>>>0)),(w.$high===0&&w.$low===0)))){aa=(y=m.ext,z=(new $Int64(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Int64(y.$high+z.$high,y.$low+z.$low));if((l.$high<0||(l.$high===0&&l.$low<0))&&(ab=m.ext,(aa.$high>ab.$high||(aa.$high===ab.$high&&aa.$low>ab.$low)))||(l.$high>0||(l.$high===0&&l.$low>0))&&(ac=m.ext,(aa.$high>>0)),new $Uint64(o.$high&2147483648,(o.$low&0)>>>0)),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0)))){r=m.ext;s=l.ext;u=((t=new $Int64(r.$high-s.$high,r.$low-s.$low),new AV(t.$high,t.$low)));if((u.$high<0||(u.$high===0&&u.$low<0))&&(r.$high>s.$high||(r.$high===s.$high&&r.$low>s.$low))){return new AV(2147483647,4294967295);}if((u.$high>0||(u.$high===0&&u.$low>0))&&(r.$high>0))),new AV(v.$high+z.$high,v.$low+z.$low));if($clone($clone(l,AQ).Add(aa),AQ).Equal($clone(m,AQ))){return aa;}else if($clone(m,AQ).Before($clone(l,AQ))){return new AV(-2147483648,0);}else{return new AV(2147483647,4294967295);}};AQ.prototype.Sub=function(l){return this.$val.Sub(l);};AZ=function(l){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil);if(!((n=(o=l.wall,new $Uint64(o.$high&2147483648,(o.$low&0)>>>0)),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0)))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:q=BF();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AQ.copy(m,new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(2147483648,0),(p=q,new $Int64(p.$high-BG.$high,p.$low-BG.$low)),EL.nil));$s=3;continue;case 2:r=BH();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AQ.copy(m,r);case 3:$s=-1;return $clone(m,AQ).Sub($clone(l,AQ));}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Since=AZ;BA=function(l){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil);if(!((n=(o=l.wall,new $Uint64(o.$high&2147483648,(o.$low&0)>>>0)),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0)))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:q=BF();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AQ.copy(m,new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(2147483648,0),(p=q,new $Int64(p.$high-BG.$high,p.$low-BG.$low)),EL.nil));$s=3;continue;case 2:r=BH();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AQ.copy(m,r);case 3:$s=-1;return $clone(l,AQ).Sub($clone(m,AQ));}return;}var $f={$blk:BA,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Until=BA;AQ.ptr.prototype.AddDate=function(l,m,n){var{aa,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=this;q=$clone(o,AQ).Date();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];s=p[1];t=p[2];v=$clone(o,AQ).Clock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[0];x=u[1];y=u[2];z=BO(r+l>>0,s+((m>>0))>>0,t+n>>0,w,x,y,((o.nsec()>>0)),$clone(o,AQ).Location());$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;$s=4;case 4:return aa;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.AddDate,$c:true,$r,aa,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.AddDate=function(l,m,n){return this.$val.AddDate(l,m,n);};AQ.ptr.prototype.date=function(l){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=0;n=0;o=0;p=0;q=this;s=$clone(q,AQ).abs();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=BB(s,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=t;m=r[0];n=r[1];o=r[2];p=r[3];u=[m,n,o,p];$s=3;case 3:return u;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.date,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.date=function(l){return this.$val.date(l);};BB=function(l,m){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;n=0;o=0;p=0;q=0;r=$div64(l,new $Uint64(0,86400),false);s=$div64(r,new $Uint64(0,146097),false);t=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,400),s);r=(u=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,146097),s),new $Uint64(r.$high-u.$high,r.$low-u.$low));s=$div64(r,new $Uint64(0,36524),false);s=(v=$shiftRightUint64(s,2),new $Uint64(s.$high-v.$high,s.$low-v.$low));t=(w=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,100),s),new $Uint64(t.$high+w.$high,t.$low+w.$low));r=(x=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,36524),s),new $Uint64(r.$high-x.$high,r.$low-x.$low));s=$div64(r,new $Uint64(0,1461),false);t=(y=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,4),s),new $Uint64(t.$high+y.$high,t.$low+y.$low));r=(z=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,1461),s),new $Uint64(r.$high-z.$high,r.$low-z.$low));s=$div64(r,new $Uint64(0,365),false);s=(aa=$shiftRightUint64(s,2),new $Uint64(s.$high-aa.$high,s.$low-aa.$low));t=(ab=s,new $Uint64(t.$high+ab.$high,t.$low+ab.$low));r=(ac=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,365),s),new $Uint64(r.$high-ac.$high,r.$low-ac.$low));n=(((ad=(ae=(new $Int64(t.$high,t.$low)),new $Int64(ae.$high+-69,ae.$low+4075721025)),ad.$low+((ad.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));q=((r.$low>>0));if(!m){return[n,o,p,q];}p=q;if(BM(n)){if(p>59){p=p-(1)>>0;}else if((p===59)){o=2;p=29;return[n,o,p,q];}}o=(((af=p/31,(af===af&&af!==1/0&&af!==-1/0)?af>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0));ah=(((ag=o+1>>0,((ag<0||ag>=BC.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BC[ag]))>>0));ai=0;if(p>=ah){o=o+(1)>>0;ai=ah;}else{ai=((((o<0||o>=BC.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BC[o])>>0));}o=o+(1)>>0;p=(p-ai>>0)+1>>0;return[n,o,p,q];};BD=function(l,m){var l,m,n;if((l===2)&&BM(m)){return 29;}return(((((l<0||l>=BC.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BC[l])-(n=l-1>>0,((n<0||n>=BC.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BC[n]))>>0)>>0));};BE=function(l){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w;o=((m=(n=(new $Int64(0,l)),new $Int64(n.$high- -69,n.$low-4075721025)),new $Uint64(m.$high,m.$low)));p=$div64(o,new $Uint64(0,400),false);o=(q=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,400),p),new $Uint64(o.$high-q.$high,o.$low-q.$low));r=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,146097),p);p=$div64(o,new $Uint64(0,100),false);o=(s=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,100),p),new $Uint64(o.$high-s.$high,o.$low-s.$low));r=(t=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,36524),p),new $Uint64(r.$high+t.$high,r.$low+t.$low));p=$div64(o,new $Uint64(0,4),false);o=(u=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,4),p),new $Uint64(o.$high-u.$high,o.$low-u.$low));r=(v=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,1461),p),new $Uint64(r.$high+v.$high,r.$low+v.$low));p=o;r=(w=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,365),p),new $Uint64(r.$high+w.$high,r.$low+w.$low));return r;};BF=function(){$throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: time.runtimeNano");};BH=function(){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=DU();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];p=l[2];p=(q=BG,new $Int64(p.$high-q.$high,p.$low-q.$low));n=(r=new $Int64(0,2682288000),new $Int64(n.$high+r.$high,n.$low+r.$low));if(!((s=$shiftRightUint64((new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low)),33),(s.$high===0&&s.$low===0)))){$s=-1;return new AQ.ptr((new $Uint64(0,o)),new $Int64(n.$high+13,n.$low+3618733952),$pkg.Local);}$s=-1;return new AQ.ptr((t=(u=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low)),30),new $Uint64(2147483648|u.$high,(0|u.$low)>>>0)),v=(new $Uint64(0,o)),new $Uint64(t.$high|v.$high,(t.$low|v.$low)>>>0)),p,$pkg.Local);}return;}var $f={$blk:BH,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Now=BH;BI=function(l,m){var l,m;return new AQ.ptr((new $Uint64(0,m)),new $Int64(l.$high+14,l.$low+2006054656),$pkg.Local);};AQ.ptr.prototype.UTC=function(){var l;l=this;l.setLoc(Z);return l;};AQ.prototype.UTC=function(){return this.$val.UTC();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Local=function(){var l;l=this;l.setLoc($pkg.Local);return l;};AQ.prototype.Local=function(){return this.$val.Local();};AQ.ptr.prototype.In=function(l){var l,m;m=this;if(l===EL.nil){$panic(new $String("time: missing Location in call to Time.In"));}m.setLoc(l);return m;};AQ.prototype.In=function(l){return this.$val.In(l);};AQ.ptr.prototype.Location=function(){var l,m;l=this;m=l.loc;if(m===EL.nil){m=$pkg.UTC;}return m;};AQ.prototype.Location=function(){return this.$val.Location();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Zone=function(){var{l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l="";m=0;n=this;p=n.loc.lookup(n.unixSec());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;l=o[0];m=o[1];$s=-1;return[l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.Zone,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.Zone=function(){return this.$val.Zone();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Unix=function(){var l;l=this;return l.unixSec();};AQ.prototype.Unix=function(){return this.$val.Unix();};AQ.ptr.prototype.UnixMilli=function(){var l,m,n;l=this;return(m=$mul64(l.unixSec(),new $Int64(0,1000)),n=$div64((new $Int64(0,l.nsec())),new $Int64(0,1000000),false),new $Int64(m.$high+n.$high,m.$low+n.$low));};AQ.prototype.UnixMilli=function(){return this.$val.UnixMilli();};AQ.ptr.prototype.UnixMicro=function(){var l,m,n;l=this;return(m=$mul64(l.unixSec(),new $Int64(0,1000000)),n=$div64((new $Int64(0,l.nsec())),new $Int64(0,1000),false),new $Int64(m.$high+n.$high,m.$low+n.$low));};AQ.prototype.UnixMicro=function(){return this.$val.UnixMicro();};AQ.ptr.prototype.UnixNano=function(){var l,m,n;l=this;return(m=$mul64((l.unixSec()),new $Int64(0,1000000000)),n=(new $Int64(0,l.nsec())),new $Int64(m.$high+n.$high,m.$low+n.$low));};AQ.prototype.UnixNano=function(){return this.$val.UnixNano();};AQ.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;m=0;n=0;o=1;if($clone(l,AQ).Location()===$pkg.UTC){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=-1;$s=3;continue;case 2:q=$clone(l,AQ).Zone();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[1];if(!(((s=r%60,s===s?s:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))){o=2;n=(((t=r%60,t===t?t:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>24));}r=(u=r/(60),(u===u&&u!==1/0&&u!==-1/0)?u>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(r<-32768||(r===-1)||r>32767){$s=-1;return[EK.nil,A.New("Time.MarshalBinary: unexpected zone offset")];}m=((r<<16>>16));case 3:v=l.sec();w=l.nsec();x=new EK([o,(($shiftRightInt64(v,56).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightInt64(v,48).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightInt64(v,40).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightInt64(v,32).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightInt64(v,24).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightInt64(v,16).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightInt64(v,8).$low<<24>>>24)),((v.$low<<24>>>24)),(((w>>24>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((w>>16>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((w>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)),((w<<24>>>24)),(((m>>8<<16>>16)<<24>>>24)),((m<<24>>>24))]);if(o===2){x=$append(x,((n<<24>>>24)));}$s=-1;return[x,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){return this.$val.MarshalBinary();};AQ.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(l){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=this;n=l;if(n.$length===0){$s=-1;return A.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: no data");}o=(0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0]);if(!((o===1))&&!((o===2))){$s=-1;return A.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: unsupported version");}p=15;if(o===2){p=p+(1)>>0;}if(!((n.$length===p))){$s=-1;return A.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: invalid length");}n=$subslice(n,1);ae=(q=(r=(s=(t=(u=(v=(w=(new $Int64(0,(7>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+7]))),x=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(6>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+6]))),8),new $Int64(w.$high|x.$high,(w.$low|x.$low)>>>0)),y=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(5>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+5]))),16),new $Int64(v.$high|y.$high,(v.$low|y.$low)>>>0)),z=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(4>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+4]))),24),new $Int64(u.$high|z.$high,(u.$low|z.$low)>>>0)),aa=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(3>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+3]))),32),new $Int64(t.$high|aa.$high,(t.$low|aa.$low)>>>0)),ab=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(2>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+2]))),40),new $Int64(s.$high|ab.$high,(s.$low|ab.$low)>>>0)),ac=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(1>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+1]))),48),new $Int64(r.$high|ac.$high,(r.$low|ac.$low)>>>0)),ad=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0]))),56),new $Int64(q.$high|ad.$high,(q.$low|ad.$low)>>>0));n=$subslice(n,8);af=(((((3>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+3])>>0))|((((2>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+2])>>0))<<8>>0))|((((1>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+1])>>0))<<16>>0))|((((0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0])>>0))<<24>>0);n=$subslice(n,4);ag=$imul(((((((1>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+1])<<16>>16))|((((0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0])<<16>>16))<<8<<16>>16))>>0)),60);if(o===2){ag=ag+((((2>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+2])>>0)))>>0;}AQ.copy(m,new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil));m.wall=(new $Uint64(0,af));m.ext=ae;if(ag===-60){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m.setLoc(Z);$s=3;continue;case 2:ai=$pkg.Local.lookup(m.unixSec());$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;aj=ah[1];if(ag===aj){m.setLoc($pkg.Local);}else{m.setLoc(AC("",ag));}case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(l){return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(l);};AQ.ptr.prototype.GobEncode=function(){var{l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;m=$clone(l,AQ).MarshalBinary();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=2;case 2:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.GobEncode,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.GobEncode=function(){return this.$val.GobEncode();};AQ.ptr.prototype.GobDecode=function(l){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=this;n=m.UnmarshalBinary(l);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.GobDecode,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.GobDecode=function(l){return this.$val.GobDecode(l);};AQ.ptr.prototype.MarshalJSON=function(){var{l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;m=$clone(l,AQ).Year();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(n<0||n>=10000){$s=-1;return[EK.nil,A.New("Time.MarshalJSON: year outside of range [0,9999]")];}o=$makeSlice(EK,0,37);o=$append(o,34);p=$clone(l,AQ).AppendFormat(o,"2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;o=$append(o,34);$s=-1;return[o,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.MarshalJSON,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.MarshalJSON=function(){return this.$val.MarshalJSON();};AQ.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSON=function(l){var{l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=this;if(($bytesToString(l))==="null"){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}n=$ifaceNil;p=DD("\"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00\"",($bytesToString(l)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;AQ.copy(m,o[0]);n=o[1];$s=-1;return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSON,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.UnmarshalJSON=function(l){return this.$val.UnmarshalJSON(l);};AQ.ptr.prototype.MarshalText=function(){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;m=$clone(l,AQ).Year();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(n<0||n>=10000){$s=-1;return[EK.nil,A.New("Time.MarshalText: year outside of range [0,9999]")];}o=$makeSlice(EK,0,35);p=$clone(l,AQ).AppendFormat(o,"2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=[p,$ifaceNil];$s=3;case 3:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.MarshalText,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.MarshalText=function(){return this.$val.MarshalText();};AQ.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(l){var{l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=this;n=$ifaceNil;p=DD("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",($bytesToString(l)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;AQ.copy(m,o[0]);n=o[1];$s=-1;return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(l){return this.$val.UnmarshalText(l);};BJ=function(l,m){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r;if((m.$high<0||(m.$high===0&&m.$low<0))||(m.$high>0||(m.$high===0&&m.$low>=1000000000))){n=$div64(m,new $Int64(0,1000000000),false);l=(o=n,new $Int64(l.$high+o.$high,l.$low+o.$low));m=(p=$mul64(n,new $Int64(0,1000000000)),new $Int64(m.$high-p.$high,m.$low-p.$low));if((m.$high<0||(m.$high===0&&m.$low<0))){m=(q=new $Int64(0,1000000000),new $Int64(m.$high+q.$high,m.$low+q.$low));l=(r=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(l.$high-r.$high,l.$low-r.$low));}}return BI(l,(((m.$low+((m.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));};$pkg.Unix=BJ;AQ.ptr.prototype.IsDST=function(){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;n=l.loc.lookup($clone(l,AQ).Unix());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[4];$s=-1;return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.IsDST,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.IsDST=function(){return this.$val.IsDST();};BM=function(l){var l,m,n,o;return((m=l%4,m===m?m:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)&&(!(((n=l%100,n===n?n:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))||((o=l%400,o===o?o:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0));};BN=function(l,m,n){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v;o=0;p=0;if(m<0){r=(q=((-m-1>>0))/n,(q===q&&q!==1/0&&q!==-1/0)?q>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+1>>0;l=l-(r)>>0;m=m+(($imul(r,n)))>>0;}if(m>=n){t=(s=m/n,(s===s&&s!==1/0&&s!==-1/0)?s>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));l=l+(t)>>0;m=m-(($imul(t,n)))>>0;}u=l;v=m;o=u;p=v;return[o,p];};BO=function(l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(s===EL.nil){$panic(new $String("time: missing Location in call to Date"));}t=((m>>0))-1>>0;u=BN(l,t,12);l=u[0];t=u[1];m=((t>>0))+1>>0;v=BN(q,r,1000000000);q=v[0];r=v[1];w=BN(p,q,60);p=w[0];q=w[1];x=BN(o,p,60);o=x[0];p=x[1];y=BN(n,o,24);n=y[0];o=y[1];z=BE(l);z=(aa=(new $Uint64(0,(ab=m-1>>0,((ab<0||ab>=BC.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BC[ab])))),new $Uint64(z.$high+aa.$high,z.$low+aa.$low));if(BM(l)&&m>=3){z=(ac=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(z.$high+ac.$high,z.$low+ac.$low));}z=(ad=(new $Uint64(0,(n-1>>0))),new $Uint64(z.$high+ad.$high,z.$low+ad.$low));ae=$mul64(z,new $Uint64(0,86400));ae=(af=(new $Uint64(0,((($imul(o,3600))+($imul(p,60))>>0)+q>>0))),new $Uint64(ae.$high+af.$high,ae.$low+af.$low));ah=(ag=(new $Int64(ae.$high,ae.$low)),new $Int64(ag.$high+-2147483647,ag.$low+3844486912));aj=s.lookup(ah);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;ak=ai[1];al=ai[2];am=ai[3];if(!((ak===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:ao=(an=(new $Int64(0,ak)),new $Int64(ah.$high-an.$high,ah.$low-an.$low));if((ao.$higham.$high||(ao.$high===am.$high&&ao.$low>=am.$low))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:aq=s.lookup(ao);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=aq;ak=ap[1];case 5:ah=(ar=(new $Int64(0,ak)),new $Int64(ah.$high-ar.$high,ah.$low-ar.$low));case 3:as=$clone(BI(ah,((r>>0))),AQ);as.setLoc(s);$s=-1;return as;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Date=BO;AQ.ptr.prototype.Truncate=function(l){var l,m,n,o;m=this;m.stripMono();if((l.$high<0||(l.$high===0&&l.$low<=0))){return m;}n=BP($clone(m,AQ),l);o=n[1];return $clone(m,AQ).Add(new AV(-o.$high,-o.$low));};AQ.prototype.Truncate=function(l){return this.$val.Truncate(l);};AQ.ptr.prototype.Round=function(l){var l,m,n,o;m=this;m.stripMono();if((l.$high<0||(l.$high===0&&l.$low<=0))){return m;}n=BP($clone(m,AQ),l);o=n[1];if(AY(o,l)){return $clone(m,AQ).Add(new AV(-o.$high,-o.$low));}return $clone(m,AQ).Add(new AV(l.$high-o.$high,l.$low-o.$low));};AQ.prototype.Round=function(l){return this.$val.Round(l);};BP=function(l,m){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;n=0;o=new AV(0,0);p=false;q=l.nsec();r=l.sec();if((r.$high<0||(r.$high===0&&r.$low<0))){p=true;r=new $Int64(-r.$high,-r.$low);q=-q;if(q<0){q=q+(1000000000)>>0;r=(s=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(r.$high-s.$high,r.$low-s.$low));}}if((m.$high<0||(m.$high===0&&m.$low<1000000000))&&(t=$div64(new AV(0,1000000000),(new AV(m.$high+m.$high,m.$low+m.$low)),true),(t.$high===0&&t.$low===0))){n=(((v=q/(((m.$low+((m.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)),(v===v&&v!==1/0&&v!==-1/0)?v>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0))&1;o=(new AV(0,(w=q%(((m.$low+((m.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)),w===w?w:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))));}else if((u=$div64(m,new AV(0,1000000000),true),(u.$high===0&&u.$low===0))){y=((x=$div64(m,new AV(0,1000000000),false),new $Int64(x.$high,x.$low)));n=(((z=$div64(r,y,false),z.$low+((z.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))&1;o=(aa=$mul64(((ab=$div64(r,y,true),new AV(ab.$high,ab.$low))),new AV(0,1000000000)),ac=(new AV(0,q)),new AV(aa.$high+ac.$high,aa.$low+ac.$low));}else{ad=(new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low));ae=$mul64(($shiftRightUint64(ad,32)),new $Uint64(0,1000000000));af=$shiftRightUint64(ae,32);ag=$shiftLeft64(ae,32);ae=$mul64((new $Uint64(ad.$high&0,(ad.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(0,1000000000));ah=ag;ai=new $Uint64(ag.$high+ae.$high,ag.$low+ae.$low);aj=ah;ag=ai;if((ag.$highap.$high||(af.$high===ap.$high&&af.$low>ap.$low))||(af.$high===ap.$high&&af.$low===ap.$low)&&(ag.$high>ar.$high||(ag.$high===ar.$high&&ag.$low>=ar.$low))){n=1;as=ag;at=new $Uint64(ag.$high-ar.$high,ag.$low-ar.$low);aj=as;ag=at;if((ag.$high>aj.$high||(ag.$high===aj.$high&&ag.$low>aj.$low))){af=(au=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(af.$high-au.$high,af.$low-au.$low));}af=(av=ap,new $Uint64(af.$high-av.$high,af.$low-av.$low));}if((ap.$high===0&&ap.$low===0)&&(aw=(new $Uint64(m.$high,m.$low)),(ar.$high===aw.$high&&ar.$low===aw.$low))){break;}ar=$shiftRightUint64(ar,(1));ar=(ax=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(ap.$high&0,(ap.$low&1)>>>0)),63),new $Uint64(ar.$high|ax.$high,(ar.$low|ax.$low)>>>0));ap=$shiftRightUint64(ap,(1));}o=(new AV(ag.$high,ag.$low));}if(p&&!((o.$high===0&&o.$low===0))){n=(n^(1))>>0;o=new AV(m.$high-o.$high,m.$low-o.$low);}return[n,o];};BY=function(l){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if((l.$high<0||(l.$high===0&&l.$low<=0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=BF();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=4;case 4:return n;case 2:p=BF();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=(o=p,q=(new $Int64(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Int64(o.$high+q.$high,o.$low+q.$low));if((r.$high<0||(r.$high===0&&r.$low<0))){r=new $Int64(2147483647,4294967295);}$s=-1;return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};BZ.ptr.prototype.Stop=function(){var l;l=this;if(l.r.f===$throwNilPointerError){$panic(new $String("time: Stop called on uninitialized Timer"));}return DX(l.r);};BZ.prototype.Stop=function(){return this.$val.Stop();};CA=function(l){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=new $Chan(AQ,1);n=BY(l);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=new BZ.ptr(m,new DT.ptr(0,n,new $Int64(0,0),CB,new EP(m),0,null,false));$r=DW(o.r);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewTimer=CA;BZ.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(l){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=this;if(m.r.f===$throwNilPointerError){$panic(new $String("time: Reset called on uninitialized Timer"));}n=BY(l);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=DZ(m.r,o);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=3;case 3:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:BZ.ptr.prototype.Reset,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BZ.prototype.Reset=function(l){return this.$val.Reset(l);};CB=function(l,m){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=BH();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$select([[$assertType(l,EP),$clone(o,AQ)],[]]);if(n[0]===0){$s=2;continue;}if(n[0]===1){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:$s=4;continue;case 3:case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CB,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};CC=function(l){var{l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=CA(l);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.C;$s=2;case 2:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:CC,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$pkg.After=CC;CD=function(l,m){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=BY(l);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=new BZ.ptr($chanNil,new DT.ptr(0,n,new $Int64(0,0),CE,new EQ(m),0,null,false));$r=DW(o.r);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:CD,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$pkg.AfterFunc=CD;CE=function(l,m){var l,m;$go($assertType(l,EQ),[]);};CG=function(l){var l,m;if(l.length===0){return false;}m=l.charCodeAt(0);return 97<=m&&m<=122;};CH=function(l){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;m="";n=0;o="";p=0;while(true){if(!(p>0));r=q;if(r===(74)){if(l.length>=(p+3>>0)&&$substring(l,p,(p+3>>0))==="Jan"){if(l.length>=(p+7>>0)&&$substring(l,p,(p+7>>0))==="January"){s=$substring(l,0,p);t=257;u=$substring(l,(p+7>>0));m=s;n=t;o=u;return[m,n,o];}if(!CG($substring(l,(p+3>>0)))){v=$substring(l,0,p);w=258;x=$substring(l,(p+3>>0));m=v;n=w;o=x;return[m,n,o];}}}else if(r===(77)){if(l.length>=(p+3>>0)){if($substring(l,p,(p+3>>0))==="Mon"){if(l.length>=(p+6>>0)&&$substring(l,p,(p+6>>0))==="Monday"){y=$substring(l,0,p);z=261;aa=$substring(l,(p+6>>0));m=y;n=z;o=aa;return[m,n,o];}if(!CG($substring(l,(p+3>>0)))){ab=$substring(l,0,p);ac=262;ad=$substring(l,(p+3>>0));m=ab;n=ac;o=ad;return[m,n,o];}}if($substring(l,p,(p+3>>0))==="MST"){ae=$substring(l,0,p);af=23;ag=$substring(l,(p+3>>0));m=ae;n=af;o=ag;return[m,n,o];}}}else if(r===(48)){if(l.length>=(p+2>>0)&&49<=l.charCodeAt((p+1>>0))&&l.charCodeAt((p+1>>0))<=54){ah=$substring(l,0,p);ai=(aj=l.charCodeAt((p+1>>0))-49<<24>>>24,((aj<0||aj>=CF.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):CF[aj]));ak=$substring(l,(p+2>>0));m=ah;n=ai;o=ak;return[m,n,o];}if(l.length>=(p+3>>0)&&(l.charCodeAt((p+1>>0))===48)&&(l.charCodeAt((p+2>>0))===50)){al=$substring(l,0,p);am=267;an=$substring(l,(p+3>>0));m=al;n=am;o=an;return[m,n,o];}}else 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if(r===(51)){bj=$substring(l,0,p);bk=525;bl=$substring(l,(p+1>>0));m=bj;n=bk;o=bl;return[m,n,o];}else if(r===(52)){bm=$substring(l,0,p);bn=527;bo=$substring(l,(p+1>>0));m=bm;n=bn;o=bo;return[m,n,o];}else if(r===(53)){bp=$substring(l,0,p);bq=529;br=$substring(l,(p+1>>0));m=bp;n=bq;o=br;return[m,n,o];}else if(r===(80)){if(l.length>=(p+2>>0)&&(l.charCodeAt((p+1>>0))===77)){bs=$substring(l,0,p);bt=533;bu=$substring(l,(p+2>>0));m=bs;n=bt;o=bu;return[m,n,o];}}else if(r===(112)){if(l.length>=(p+2>>0)&&(l.charCodeAt((p+1>>0))===109)){bv=$substring(l,0,p);bw=534;bx=$substring(l,(p+2>>0));m=bv;n=bw;o=bx;return[m,n,o];}}else 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if((r===(46))||(r===(44))){if((p+1>>0)>0))===48)||(l.charCodeAt((p+1>>0))===57))){dc=l.charCodeAt((p+1>>0));dd=p+1>>0;while(true){if(!(dd>0;}if(!CY(l,dd)){de=34;if(l.charCodeAt((p+1>>0))===57){de=35;}df=CR(de,dd-((p+1>>0))>>0,q);dg=$substring(l,0,p);dh=df;di=$substring(l,dd);m=dg;n=dh;o=di;return[m,n,o];}}}p=p+(1)>>0;}dj=l;dk=0;dl="";m=dj;n=dk;o=dl;return[m,n,o];};CM=function(l,m){var l,m,n,o,p;n=0;while(true){if(!(n>>0;p=(p|(32))>>>0;if(!((o===p))||o<97||o>122){return false;}}n=n+(1)>>0;}return true;};CN=function(l,m){var l,m,n,o,p,q;n=l;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);if(m.length>=q.length&&CM($substring(m,0,q.length),q)){return[p,$substring(m,q.length),$ifaceNil];}o++;}return[-1,m,CV];};CO=function(l,m,n){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;o=((m>>>0));if(m<0){l=$append(l,45);o=((-m>>>0));}p=ER.zero();q=20;while(true){if(!(o>=10)){break;}q=q-(1)>>0;s=(r=o/10,(r===r&&r!==1/0&&r!==-1/0)?r>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer 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l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w;o=CS(n);p=CT(n);q=(n&65535)===35;r=m;s=ES.zero();t=9;while(true){if(!(t>0)){break;}t=t-(1)>>0;((t<0||t>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[t]=((((u=r%10,u===u?u:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+48>>>0)<<24>>>24)));r=(v=r/(10),(v===v&&v!==1/0&&v!==-1/0)?v>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));}if(o>9){o=9;}if(q){while(true){if(!(o>0&&((w=o-1>>0,((w<0||w>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[w]))===48))){break;}o=o-(1)>>0;}if(o===0){return l;}}l=$append(l,p);return $appendSlice(l,$subslice(new EK(s),0,o));};AQ.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{aa,ab,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;m=$clone(l,AQ).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!((o=(p=l.wall,new $Uint64(p.$high&2147483648,(p.$low&0)>>>0)),(o.$high===0&&o.$low===0)))){r=((q=l.ext,new $Uint64(q.$high,q.$low)));s=43;if((t=l.ext,(t.$high<0||(t.$high===0&&t.$low<0)))){s=45;r=new $Uint64(-r.$high,-r.$low);}u=$div64(r,new $Uint64(0,1000000000),false);v=$div64(r,new $Uint64(0,1000000000),true);w=u;r=v;x=$div64(w,new $Uint64(0,1000000000),false);y=$div64(w,new $Uint64(0,1000000000),true);z=x;w=y;aa=$makeSlice(EK,0,24);aa=$appendSlice(aa," m=");aa=$append(aa,s);ab=0;if(!((z.$high===0&&z.$low===0))){aa=CO(aa,((z.$low>>0)),0);ab=9;}aa=CO(aa,((w.$low>>0)),ab);aa=$append(aa,46);aa=CO(aa,((r.$low>>0)),9);n=n+(($bytesToString(aa)));}$s=-1;return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};AQ.ptr.prototype.GoString=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;m=$makeSlice(EK,0,70);m=$appendSlice(m,"time.Date(");n=m;o=$clone(l,AQ).Year();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=CO(n,p,0);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=q;r=$clone(l,AQ).Month();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;if(1<=s&&s<=12){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:m=$appendSlice(m,", time.");t=m;u=$clone(l,AQ).Month();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=new AR(u).String();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;m=$appendSlice(t,w);$s=6;continue;case 5:m=CO(m,((s>>0)),0);case 6:m=$appendSlice(m,", ");x=m;y=$clone(l,AQ).Day();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;aa=CO(x,z,0);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=aa;m=$appendSlice(m,", ");ab=m;ac=$clone(l,AQ).Hour();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;ae=CO(ab,ad,0);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=ae;m=$appendSlice(m,", ");af=m;ag=$clone(l,AQ).Minute();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;ai=CO(af,ah,0);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=ai;m=$appendSlice(m,", ");aj=m;ak=$clone(l,AQ).Second();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak;am=CO(aj,al,0);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=am;m=$appendSlice(m,", ");m=CO(m,$clone(l,AQ).Nanosecond(),0);m=$appendSlice(m,", ");an=$clone(l,AQ).Location();ao=an;if(ao===($pkg.UTC)||ao===EL.nil){m=$appendSlice(m,"time.UTC");}else if(ao===($pkg.Local)){m=$appendSlice(m,"time.Local");}else{m=$appendSlice(m,"time.Location(");m=$appendSlice(m,(new 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this.$val.Format(l);};AQ.ptr.prototype.AppendFormat=function(l,m){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=this;p=$clone(n,AQ).locabs();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];s=o[2];t=-1;u=0;v=0;w=0;x=-1;y=0;z=0;while(true){if(!(!(m===""))){break;}aa=CH(m);ab=aa[0];ac=aa[1];ad=aa[2];if(!(ab==="")){l=$appendSlice(l,ab);}if(ac===0){break;}m=ad;if(t<0&&!(((ac&256)===0))){ae=BB(s,true);t=ae[0];u=ae[1];v=ae[2];w=ae[3];w=w+(1)>>0;}if(x<0&&!(((ac&512)===0))){af=AU(s);x=af[0];y=af[1];z=af[2];}switch(0){default:ag=ac&65535;if(ag===(276)){ah=t;if(ah<0){ah=-ah;}l=CO(l,(ai=ah%100,ai===ai?ai:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),2);}else if(ag===(275)){l=CO(l,t,4);}else if(ag===(258)){l=$appendSlice(l,$substring(new AR(u).String(),0,3));}else if(ag===(257)){aj=new AR(u).String();l=$appendSlice(l,aj);}else if(ag===(259)){l=CO(l,((u>>0)),0);}else if(ag===(260)){l=CO(l,((u>>0)),2);}else if(ag===(262)){l=$appendSlice(l,$substring(new AS(AT(s)).String(),0,3));}else if(ag===(261)){ak=new AS(AT(s)).String();l=$appendSlice(l,ak);}else if(ag===(263)){l=CO(l,v,0);}else if(ag===(264)){if(v<10){l=$append(l,32);}l=CO(l,v,0);}else if(ag===(265)){l=CO(l,v,2);}else if(ag===(266)){if(w<100){l=$append(l,32);if(w<10){l=$append(l,32);}}l=CO(l,w,0);}else if(ag===(267)){l=CO(l,w,3);}else if(ag===(524)){l=CO(l,x,2);}else if(ag===(525)){am=(al=x%12,al===al?al:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(am===0){am=12;}l=CO(l,am,0);}else if(ag===(526)){ao=(an=x%12,an===an?an:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(ao===0){ao=12;}l=CO(l,ao,2);}else if(ag===(527)){l=CO(l,y,0);}else if(ag===(528)){l=CO(l,y,2);}else if(ag===(529)){l=CO(l,z,0);}else if(ag===(530)){l=CO(l,z,2);}else if(ag===(533)){if(x>=12){l=$appendSlice(l,"PM");}else{l=$appendSlice(l,"AM");}}else if(ag===(534)){if(x>=12){l=$appendSlice(l,"pm");}else{l=$appendSlice(l,"am");}}else if((ag===(24))||(ag===(27))||(ag===(25))||(ag===(26))||(ag===(28))||(ag===(29))||(ag===(32))||(ag===(30))||(ag===(31))||(ag===(33))){if((r===0)&&((ac===24)||(ac===27)||(ac===25)||(ac===26)||(ac===28))){l=$append(l,90);break;}aq=(ap=r/60,(ap===ap&&ap!==1/0&&ap!==-1/0)?ap>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));ar=r;if(aq<0){l=$append(l,45);aq=-aq;ar=-ar;}else{l=$append(l,43);}l=CO(l,(as=aq/60,(as===as&&as!==1/0&&as!==-1/0)?as>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),2);if((ac===27)||(ac===32)||(ac===28)||(ac===33)){l=$append(l,58);}if(!((ac===31))&&!((ac===26))){l=CO(l,(at=aq%60,at===at?at:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),2);}if((ac===25)||(ac===30)||(ac===33)||(ac===28)){if((ac===33)||(ac===28)){l=$append(l,58);}l=CO(l,(au=ar%60,au===au?au:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),2);}}else if(ag===(23)){if(!(q==="")){l=$appendSlice(l,q);break;}aw=(av=r/60,(av===av&&av!==1/0&&av!==-1/0)?av>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(aw<0){l=$append(l,45);aw=-aw;}else{l=$append(l,43);}l=CO(l,(ax=aw/60,(ax===ax&&ax!==1/0&&ax!==-1/0)?ax>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),2);l=CO(l,(ay=aw%60,ay===ay?ay:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),2);}else if((ag===(34))||(ag===(35))){l=CU(l,(($clone(n,AQ).Nanosecond()>>>0)),ac);}}}$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.AppendFormat,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.AppendFormat=function(l,m){return this.$val.AppendFormat(l,m);};CX=function(l){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;m=$makeSlice(EK,1,(l.length+2>>0));(0>=m.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+0]=34);n=l;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=128||r<32){s=0;if(r===65533){s=1;if((q+2>>0)>0))==="\xEF\xBF\xBD"){s=3;}}else{s=($encodeRune(r)).length;}t=0;while(true){if(!(t>0))>>>4<<24>>>24)));m=$append(m,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((l.charCodeAt((q+t>>0))&15)>>>0)));t=t+(1)>>0;}}else{if((r===34)||(r===92)){m=$append(m,92);}m=$appendSlice(m,($encodeRune(r)));}o+=p[1];}m=$append(m,34);return($bytesToString(m));};CW.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var l;l=this;if(l.Message===""){return"parsing time "+CX(l.Value)+" as "+CX(l.Layout)+": cannot parse "+CX(l.ValueElem)+" as "+CX(l.LayoutElem);}return"parsing time "+CX(l.Value)+l.Message;};CW.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};CY=function(l,m){var l,m,n;if(l.length<=m){return false;}n=l.charCodeAt(m);return 48<=n&&n<=57;};CZ=function(l,m){var l,m;if(!CY(l,0)){return[0,l,CV];}if(!CY(l,1)){if(m){return[0,l,CV];}return[(((l.charCodeAt(0)-48<<24>>>24)>>0)),$substring(l,1),$ifaceNil];}return[($imul((((l.charCodeAt(0)-48<<24>>>24)>>0)),10))+(((l.charCodeAt(1)-48<<24>>>24)>>0))>>0,$substring(l,2),$ifaceNil];};DA=function(l,m){var l,m,n,o,p,q;n=0;o=0;p=n;q=o;q=0;while(true){if(!(q<3&&CY(l,q))){break;}p=($imul(p,10))+(((l.charCodeAt(q)-48<<24>>>24)>>0))>>0;q=q+(1)>>0;}if((q===0)||m&&!((q===3))){return[0,l,CV];}return[p,$substring(l,q),$ifaceNil];};DB=function(l){var l;while(true){if(!(l.length>0&&(l.charCodeAt(0)===32))){break;}l=$substring(l,1);}return l;};DC=function(l,m){var l,m;while(true){if(!(m.length>0)){break;}if(m.charCodeAt(0)===32){if(l.length>0&&!((l.charCodeAt(0)===32))){return[l,CV];}m=DB(m);l=DB(l);continue;}if((l.length===0)||!((l.charCodeAt(0)===m.charCodeAt(0)))){return[l,CV];}m=$substring(m,1);l=$substring(l,1);}return[l,$ifaceNil];};DD=function(l,m){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=DF(l,m,$pkg.UTC,$pkg.Local);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:DD,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Parse=DD;DF=function(l,m,n,o){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m,n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:p=l;q=m;r=p;s=q;t="";u=false;v=false;w=0;x=-1;y=-1;z=-1;aa=0;ab=0;ac=0;ad=0;ae=EL.nil;af=-1;ag="";while(true){ah=$ifaceNil;ai=CH(l);aj=ai[0];ak=ai[1];al=ai[2];am=$substring(l,aj.length,(l.length-al.length>>0));an=DC(m,aj);m=an[0];ah=an[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil),new CW.ptr(r,s,aj,m,"")];}if(ak===0){if(!((m.length===0))){$s=-1;return[new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil),new CW.ptr(r,s,"",m,": extra text: "+CX(m))];}break;}l=al;ao="";switch(0){default:ap=ak&65535;if(ap===(276)){if(m.length<2){ah=CV;break;}aq=m;ar=$substring(m,0,2);as=$substring(m,2);ao=ar;m=as;at=CQ(ao);w=at[0];ah=at[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){m=aq;}else if(w>=69){w=w+(1900)>>0;}else{w=w+(2000)>>0;}}else if(ap===(275)){if(m.length<4||!CY(m,0)){ah=CV;break;}au=$substring(m,0,4);av=$substring(m,4);ao=au;m=av;aw=CQ(ao);w=aw[0];ah=aw[1];}else if(ap===(258)){ax=CN(CK,m);x=ax[0];m=ax[1];ah=ax[2];x=x+(1)>>0;}else if(ap===(257)){ay=CN(CL,m);x=ay[0];m=ay[1];ah=ay[2];x=x+(1)>>0;}else if((ap===(259))||(ap===(260))){az=CZ(m,ak===260);x=az[0];m=az[1];ah=az[2];if($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil)&&(x<=0||120&&(m.charCodeAt(0)===32)){m=$substring(m,1);}bc=CZ(m,ak===265);y=bc[0];m=bc[1];ah=bc[2];}else if((ap===(266))||(ap===(267))){bd=0;while(true){if(!(bd<2)){break;}if((ak===266)&&m.length>0&&(m.charCodeAt(0)===32)){m=$substring(m,1);}bd=bd+(1)>>0;}be=DA(m,ak===267);z=be[0];m=be[1];ah=be[2];}else if(ap===(524)){bf=CZ(m,false);aa=bf[0];m=bf[1];ah=bf[2];if(aa<0||24<=aa){t="hour";}}else if((ap===(525))||(ap===(526))){bg=CZ(m,ak===526);aa=bg[0];m=bg[1];ah=bg[2];if(aa<0||12=2&&DJ(m.charCodeAt(0))&&CY(m,1)){bj=CH(l);ak=bj[1];ak=ak&(65535);if((ak===34)||(ak===35)){break;}bk=2;while(true){if(!(bk>0;}bl=DK(m,bk);ad=bl[0];t=bl[1];ah=bl[2];m=$substring(m,bk);}}else if(ap===(533)){if(m.length<2){ah=CV;break;}bm=$substring(m,0,2);bn=$substring(m,2);ao=bm;m=bn;bo=ao;if(bo===("PM")){v=true;}else if(bo===("AM")){u=true;}else{ah=CV;}}else if(ap===(534)){if(m.length<2){ah=CV;break;}bp=$substring(m,0,2);bq=$substring(m,2);ao=bp;m=bq;br=ao;if(br===("pm")){v=true;}else if(br===("am")){u=true;}else{ah=CV;}}else 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if((ak===25)||(ak===30)){if(m.length<7){ah=CV;break;}cp=$substring(m,0,1);cq=$substring(m,1,3);cr=$substring(m,3,5);cs=$substring(m,5,7);ct=$substring(m,7);bw=cp;bx=cq;by=cr;bz=cs;m=ct;}else{if(m.length<5){ah=CV;break;}cu=$substring(m,0,1);cv=$substring(m,1,3);cw=$substring(m,3,5);cx="00";cy=$substring(m,5);bw=cu;bx=cv;by=cw;bz=cx;m=cy;}cz=0;da=0;db=0;dc=cz;dd=da;de=db;df=CQ(bx);dc=df[0];ah=df[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil)){dg=CQ(by);dd=dg[0];ah=dg[1];}if($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil)){dh=CQ(bz);de=dh[0];ah=dh[1];}af=($imul(((($imul(dc,60))+dd>>0)),60))+de>>0;di=bw.charCodeAt(0);if(di===(43)){}else if(di===(45)){af=-af;}else{ah=CV;}}else if(ap===(23)){if(m.length>=3&&$substring(m,0,3)==="UTC"){ae=$pkg.UTC;m=$substring(m,3);break;}dj=DG(m);dk=dj[0];dl=dj[1];if(!dl){ah=CV;break;}dm=$substring(m,0,dk);dn=$substring(m,dk);ag=dm;m=dn;}else if(ap===(34)){dp=1+CS(ak)>>0;if(m.length>0)>0))&&m.charCodeAt((dr+1>>0))<=57)){break;}dr=dr+(1)>>0;}ds=DK(m,1+dr>>0);ad=ds[0];t=ds[1];ah=ds[2];m=$substring(m,(1+dr>>0));}}if(!(t==="")){$s=-1;return[new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil),new CW.ptr(r,s,am,m,": "+t+" out of range")];}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil),new CW.ptr(r,s,am,m,"")];}}if(v&&aa<12){aa=aa+(12)>>0;}else if(u&&(aa===12)){aa=0;}if(z>=0){dt=0;du=0;if(BM(w)){if(z===60){du=2;dt=29;}else if(z>60){z=z-(1)>>0;}}if(z<1||z>365){$s=-1;return[new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil),new CW.ptr(r,s,"",m,": day-of-year out of range")];}if(du===0){du=(dv=((z-1>>0))/31,(dv===dv&&dv!==1/0&&dv!==-1/0)?dv>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+1>>0;if(((((du<0||du>=BC.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BC[du])>>0))>0;}dt=z-(((dw=du-1>>0,((dw<0||dw>=BC.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BC[dw]))>>0))>>0;}if(x>=0&&!((x===du))){$s=-1;return[new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil),new CW.ptr(r,s,"",m,": day-of-year does not match month")];}x=du;if(y>=0&&!((y===dt))){$s=-1;return[new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil),new CW.ptr(r,s,"",m,": day-of-year does not match day")];}y=dt;}else{if(x<0){x=1;}if(y<0){y=1;}}if(y<1||y>BD(((x>>0)),w)){$s=-1;return[new AQ.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EL.nil),new CW.ptr(r,s,"",m,": day out of range")];}if(!(ae===EL.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:dx=BO(w,((x>>0)),y,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;dx=dx.$blk();}if(dx&&dx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dy=[dx,$ifaceNil];$s=4;case 4:return dy;case 2:if(!((af===-1))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:dz=BO(w,((x>>0)),y,aa,ab,ac,ad,$pkg.UTC);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;dz=dz.$blk();}if(dz&&dz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ea=$clone(dz,AQ);ea.addSec((eb=(new $Int64(0,af)),new $Int64(-eb.$high,-eb.$low)));ed=o.lookup(ea.unixSec());$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;ed=ed.$blk();}if(ed&&ed.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ec=ed;ee=ec[0];ef=ec[1];if((ef===af)&&(ag===""||ee===ag)){ea.setLoc(o);$s=-1;return[ea,$ifaceNil];}ea.setLoc(AC(ag,af));$s=-1;return[ea,$ifaceNil];case 6:if(!(ag==="")){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:eg=BO(w,((x>>0)),y,aa,ab,ac,ad,$pkg.UTC);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;eg=eg.$blk();}if(eg&&eg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}eh=$clone(eg,AQ);ej=o.lookupName(ag,eh.unixSec());$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ej=ej.$blk();}if(ej&&ej.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ei=ej;ek=ei[0];el=ei[1];if(el){eh.addSec((em=(new $Int64(0,ek)),new $Int64(-em.$high,-em.$low)));eh.setLoc(o);$s=-1;return[eh,$ifaceNil];}if(ag.length>3&&$substring(ag,0,3)==="GMT"){en=CQ($substring(ag,3));ek=en[0];ek=$imul(ek,(3600));}eh.setLoc(AC(ag,ek));$s=-1;return[eh,$ifaceNil];case 10:eo=BO(w,((x>>0)),y,aa,ab,ac,ad,n);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;eo=eo.$blk();}if(eo&&eo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ep=[eo,$ifaceNil];$s=14;case 14:return ep;}return;}var $f={$blk:DF,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DG=function(l){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;m=0;n=false;if(l.length<3){o=0;p=false;m=o;n=p;return[m,n];}if(l.length>=4&&($substring(l,0,4)==="ChST"||$substring(l,0,4)==="MeST")){q=4;r=true;m=q;n=r;return[m,n];}if($substring(l,0,3)==="GMT"){m=DH(l);s=m;t=true;m=s;n=t;return[m,n];}if((l.charCodeAt(0)===43)||(l.charCodeAt(0)===45)){m=DI(l);u=m>0;v=m;w=u;m=v;n=w;return[m,n];}x=0;x=0;while(true){if(!(x<6)){break;}if(x>=l.length){break;}y=l.charCodeAt(x);if(y<65||90>0;}z=x;if((z===(0))||(z===(1))||(z===(2))||(z===(6))){aa=0;ab=false;m=aa;n=ab;return[m,n];}else if(z===(5)){if(l.charCodeAt(4)===84){ac=5;ad=true;m=ac;n=ad;return[m,n];}}else if(z===(4)){if((l.charCodeAt(3)===84)||$substring(l,0,4)==="WITA"){ae=4;af=true;m=ae;n=af;return[m,n];}}else if(z===(3)){ag=3;ah=true;m=ag;n=ah;return[m,n];}ai=0;aj=false;m=ai;n=aj;return[m,n];};DH=function(l){var l;l=$substring(l,3);if(l.length===0){return 3;}return 3+DI(l)>>0;};DI=function(l){var l,m,n,o,p,q;m=l.charCodeAt(0);if(!((m===45))&&!((m===43))){return 0;}n=DM($substring(l,1));o=n[0];p=n[1];q=n[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))||$substring(l,1)===p){return 0;}if((o.$high>0||(o.$high===0&&o.$low>23))){return 0;}return l.length-p.length>>0;};DJ=function(l){var l;return(l===46)||(l===44);};DK=function(l,m){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;n=0;o="";p=$ifaceNil;if(!DJ(l.charCodeAt(0))){p=CV;return[n,o,p];}if(m>10){l=$substring(l,0,10);m=10;}q=CQ($substring(l,1,m));n=q[0];p=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){return[n,o,p];}if(n<0){o="fractional second";return[n,o,p];}r=10-m>>0;s=0;while(true){if(!(s>0;}return[n,o,p];};DM=function(l){var aa,ab,ac,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;m=new $Uint64(0,0);n="";o=$ifaceNil;p=0;while(true){if(!(p57){break;}if((m.$high>214748364||(m.$high===214748364&&m.$low>3435973836))){r=new $Uint64(0,0);s="";t=DL;m=r;n=s;o=t;return[m,n,o];}m=(u=(v=$mul64(m,new $Uint64(0,10)),w=(new $Uint64(0,q)),new $Uint64(v.$high+w.$high,v.$low+w.$low)),new $Uint64(u.$high-0,u.$low-48));if((m.$high>2147483648||(m.$high===2147483648&&m.$low>0))){x=new $Uint64(0,0);y="";z=DL;m=x;n=y;o=z;return[m,n,o];}p=p+(1)>>0;}aa=m;ab=$substring(l,p);ac=$ifaceNil;m=aa;n=ab;o=ac;return[m,n,o];};DN=function(l){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=0;o="";p=0;n=1;q=false;while(true){if(!(p57){break;}if(q){p=p+(1)>>0;continue;}if((m.$high>214748364||(m.$high===214748364&&m.$low>3435973836))){q=true;p=p+(1)>>0;continue;}v=(s=(t=$mul64(m,new $Uint64(0,10)),u=(new $Uint64(0,r)),new $Uint64(t.$high+u.$high,t.$low+u.$low)),new $Uint64(s.$high-0,s.$low-48));if((v.$high>2147483648||(v.$high===2147483648&&v.$low>0))){q=true;p=p+(1)>>0;continue;}m=v;n=n*(10);p=p+(1)>>0;}w=m;x=n;y=$substring(l,p);m=w;n=x;o=y;return[m,n,o];};DP=function(l){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;m=l;n=new $Uint64(0,0);o=false;if(!(l==="")){p=l.charCodeAt(0);if((p===45)||(p===43)){o=p===45;l=$substring(l,1);}}if(l==="0"){return[new 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$Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),EH.nil);$pkg.UTC=Z;$pkg.Local=AA;AL=A.New("time: invalid location name");BC=$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365]);k=BF();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BG=(j=k,new $Int64(j.$high-0,j.$low-1));CF=$toNativeArray($kindInt,[260,265,526,528,530,276]);CI=new EJ(["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]);CJ=new EJ(["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"]);CK=new EJ(["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]);CL=new EJ(["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"]);CP=A.New("time: invalid number");CV=A.New("bad value for field");DL=A.New("time: bad [0-9]*");DO=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[{k:"ns",v:new $Uint64(0,1)},{k:"us",v:new $Uint64(0,1000)},{k:"\xC2\xB5s",v:new $Uint64(0,1000)},{k:"\xCE\xBCs",v:new $Uint64(0,1000)},{k:"ms",v:new $Uint64(0,1000000)},{k:"s",v:new $Uint64(0,1000000000)},{k:"m",v:new $Uint64(13,4165425152)},{k:"h",v:new $Uint64(838,817405952)}]);EB=new EJ([B.GOROOT()+"/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip"]);DS();}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["internal/poll"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,F,B,C,D,A,E,H,N,Q,R,T,Z,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,I,Y,G,J,K,L,M,O,S,V,W,X;F=$packages["errors"];B=$packages["internal/syscall/unix"];C=$packages["io"];D=$packages["sync/atomic"];A=$packages["syscall"];E=$packages["time"];H=$pkg.FD=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"poll.FD",true,"internal/poll",true,function(fdmu_,Sysfd_,pd_,iovecs_,csema_,isBlocking_,IsStream_,ZeroReadIsEOF_,isFile_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.fdmu=new Q.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),0,0);this.Sysfd=0;this.pd=new N.ptr(AB.nil,false);this.iovecs=AE.nil;this.csema=0;this.isBlocking=0;this.IsStream=false;this.ZeroReadIsEOF=false;this.isFile=false;return;}this.fdmu=fdmu_;this.Sysfd=Sysfd_;this.pd=pd_;this.iovecs=iovecs_;this.csema=csema_;this.isBlocking=isBlocking_;this.IsStream=IsStream_;this.ZeroReadIsEOF=ZeroReadIsEOF_;this.isFile=isFile_;});N=$pkg.pollDesc=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"poll.pollDesc",true,"internal/poll",false,function(fd_,closing_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.fd=AB.nil;this.closing=false;return;}this.fd=fd_;this.closing=closing_;});Q=$pkg.fdMutex=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"poll.fdMutex",true,"internal/poll",false,function(state_,rsema_,wsema_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.state=new $Uint64(0,0);this.rsema=0;this.wsema=0;return;}this.state=state_;this.rsema=rsema_;this.wsema=wsema_;});R=$pkg.errNetClosing=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"poll.errNetClosing",true,"internal/poll",false,function(){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){return;}});T=$pkg.DeadlineExceededError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"poll.DeadlineExceededError",true,"internal/poll",true,function(){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){return;}});Z=$ptrType($Uint32);AA=$ptrType($Int32);AB=$ptrType(H);AC=$ptrType($Uint64);AD=$sliceType(A.Iovec);AE=$ptrType(AD);AF=$sliceType($Uint8);AG=$ptrType(A.SockaddrInet4);AH=$ptrType(A.SockaddrInet6);AI=$ptrType(A.Stat_t);AJ=$funcType([$Uintptr],[$Bool],false);AK=$funcType([$Uintptr],[],false);AL=$ptrType(N);AM=$ptrType(Q);AN=$ptrType(T);G=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=$pkg.AcceptFunc(c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];h=d[2];if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){A.CloseOnExec(f);}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[-1,$ifaceNil,"accept",h];}h=A.SetNonblock(f,true);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=$pkg.CloseFunc(f);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return[-1,$ifaceNil,"setnonblock",h];case 3:$s=-1;return[f,g,"",$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:G,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};H.ptr.prototype.Init=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;if(c==="file"){e.isFile=true;}if(!d){e.isBlocking=1;return $ifaceNil;}f=e.pd.init(e);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){e.isBlocking=1;}return f;};H.prototype.Init=function(c,d){return this.$val.Init(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.destroy=function(){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;c.pd.close();d=$pkg.CloseFunc(c.Sysfd);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;c.Sysfd=-1;$r=X((c.$ptr_csema||(c.$ptr_csema=new Z(function(){return this.$target.csema;},function($v){this.$target.csema=$v;},c))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.destroy,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.destroy=function(){return this.$val.destroy();};H.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.fdmu.increfAndClose();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!d){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return S(c.isFile);case 2:c.pd.evict();e=c.decref();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(c.isBlocking===0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=W((c.$ptr_csema||(c.$ptr_csema=new Z(function(){return this.$target.csema;},function($v){this.$target.csema=$v;},c))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};H.ptr.prototype.SetBlocking=function(){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;d=c.incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=d;$s=3;case 3:return e;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(c,"decref"),[]]);D.StoreUint32((c.$ptr_isBlocking||(c.$ptr_isBlocking=new Z(function(){return this.$target.isBlocking;},function($v){this.$target.isBlocking=$v;},c))),1);f=A.SetNonblock(c.Sysfd,false);$s=4;case 4:return f;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.SetBlocking,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.SetBlocking=function(){return this.$val.SetBlocking();};H.ptr.prototype.Read=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;e=d.readLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=[0,f];$s=4;case 4:return g;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"readUnlock"),[]]);if(c.$length===0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:h=[0,$ifaceNil];$s=7;case 7:return h;case 6:i=d.pd.prepareRead(d.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:j=[0,i];$s=10;case 10:return j;case 9:if(d.IsStream&&c.$length>1073741824){c=$subslice(c,0,1073741824);}case 11:l=L(A.Read,d.Sysfd,c);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){m=0;if($interfaceIsEqual(n,new A.Errno(11))&&d.pd.pollable()){n=d.pd.waitRead(d.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil)){$s=11;continue;}}}n=d.eofError(m,n);o=[m,n];$s=14;case 14:return o;case 12:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Read=function(c){return this.$val.Read(c);};H.ptr.prototype.Pread=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,f];}if(e.IsStream&&c.$length>1073741824){c=$subslice(c,0,1073741824);}g=0;h=$ifaceNil;case 1:j=A.Pread(e.Sysfd,c,d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;g=i[0];h=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,new A.Errno(4)))){$s=2;continue;}$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){g=0;}k=e.decref();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;h=e.eofError(g,h);$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Pread,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.Pread=function(c,d){return this.$val.Pread(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;e=d.readLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=[0,$ifaceNil,f];$s=4;case 4:return g;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"readUnlock"),[]]);h=d.pd.prepareRead(d.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:i=[0,$ifaceNil,h];$s=7;case 7:return i;case 6:case 8:j=A.Recvfrom(d.Sysfd,c,0);k=j[0];l=j[1];m=j[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(m,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}k=0;if($interfaceIsEqual(m,new A.Errno(11))&&d.pd.pollable()){m=d.pd.waitRead(d.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}}m=d.eofError(k,m);n=[k,l,m];$s=10;case 10:return n;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.ReadFrom=function(c){return this.$val.ReadFrom(c);};H.ptr.prototype.ReadFromInet4=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;f=e.readLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=[0,g];$s=4;case 4:return h;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(e,"readUnlock"),[]]);i=e.pd.prepareRead(e.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=[0,i];$s=7;case 7:return j;case 6:case 8:k=B.RecvfromInet4(e.Sysfd,c,0,d);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(m,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}l=0;if($interfaceIsEqual(m,new A.Errno(11))&&e.pd.pollable()){m=e.pd.waitRead(e.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}}m=e.eofError(l,m);n=[l,m];$s=10;case 10:return n;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.ReadFromInet4,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.ReadFromInet4=function(c,d){return this.$val.ReadFromInet4(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.ReadFromInet6=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;f=e.readLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=[0,g];$s=4;case 4:return h;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(e,"readUnlock"),[]]);i=e.pd.prepareRead(e.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=[0,i];$s=7;case 7:return j;case 6:case 8:k=B.RecvfromInet6(e.Sysfd,c,0,d);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(m,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}l=0;if($interfaceIsEqual(m,new A.Errno(11))&&e.pd.pollable()){m=e.pd.waitRead(e.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}}m=e.eofError(l,m);n=[l,m];$s=10;case 10:return n;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.ReadFromInet6,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.ReadFromInet6=function(c,d){return this.$val.ReadFromInet6(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.ReadMsg=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;g=f.readLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=[0,0,0,$ifaceNil,h];$s=4;case 4:return i;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(f,"readUnlock"),[]]);j=f.pd.prepareRead(f.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=[0,0,0,$ifaceNil,j];$s=7;case 7:return k;case 6:case 8:l=A.Recvmsg(f.Sysfd,c,d,e);m=l[0];n=l[1];o=l[2];p=l[3];q=l[4];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(q,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(q,new A.Errno(11))&&f.pd.pollable()){q=f.pd.waitRead(f.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}}q=f.eofError(m,q);r=[m,n,o,p,q];$s=10;case 10:return r;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,0,0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,0,0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.ReadMsg,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.ReadMsg=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.ReadMsg(c,d,e);};H.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgInet4=function(c,d,e,f){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;h=g.readLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=[0,0,0,i];$s=4;case 4:return j;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(g,"readUnlock"),[]]);k=g.pd.prepareRead(g.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=[0,0,0,k];$s=7;case 7:return l;case 6:case 8:m=B.RecvmsgInet4(g.Sysfd,c,d,e,f);n=m[0];o=m[1];p=m[2];q=m[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(q,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(q,new A.Errno(11))&&g.pd.pollable()){q=g.pd.waitRead(g.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}}q=g.eofError(n,q);r=[n,o,p,q];$s=10;case 10:return r;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,0,0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,0,0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgInet4,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.ReadMsgInet4=function(c,d,e,f){return this.$val.ReadMsgInet4(c,d,e,f);};H.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgInet6=function(c,d,e,f){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;h=g.readLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=[0,0,0,i];$s=4;case 4:return j;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(g,"readUnlock"),[]]);k=g.pd.prepareRead(g.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=[0,0,0,k];$s=7;case 7:return l;case 6:case 8:m=B.RecvmsgInet6(g.Sysfd,c,d,e,f);n=m[0];o=m[1];p=m[2];q=m[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(q,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(q,new A.Errno(11))&&g.pd.pollable()){q=g.pd.waitRead(g.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}}q=g.eofError(n,q);r=[n,o,p,q];$s=10;case 10:return r;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,0,0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,0,0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgInet6,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.ReadMsgInet6=function(c,d,e,f){return this.$val.ReadMsgInet6(c,d,e,f);};H.ptr.prototype.Write=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;e=d.writeLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=[0,f];$s=4;case 4:return g;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"writeUnlock"),[]]);h=d.pd.prepareWrite(d.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:i=[0,h];$s=7;case 7:return i;case 6:j=0;case 8:k=c.$length;if(d.IsStream&&(k-j>>0)>1073741824){k=j+1073741824>>0;}m=L(A.Write,d.Sysfd,$subslice(c,j,k));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];if(n>0){j=j+(n)>>0;}if(j===c.$length){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:p=[j,o];$s=13;case 13:return p;case 12:if($interfaceIsEqual(o,new A.Errno(11))&&d.pd.pollable()){o=d.pd.waitWrite(d.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:q=[j,o];$s=16;case 16:return q;case 15:if(n===0){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:r=[j,C.ErrUnexpectedEOF];$s=19;case 19:return r;case 18:$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Write=function(c){return this.$val.Write(c);};H.ptr.prototype.Pwrite=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;f=e.incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=[0,f];$s=3;case 3:return g;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(e,"decref"),[]]);h=0;case 4:i=c.$length;if(e.IsStream&&(i-h>>0)>1073741824){i=h+1073741824>>0;}l=A.Pwrite(e.Sysfd,$subslice(c,h,i),(k=(new $Int64(0,h)),new $Int64(d.$high+k.$high,d.$low+k.$low)));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=l;m=j[0];n=j[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(n,new A.Errno(4))){$s=4;continue;}if(m>0){h=h+(m)>>0;}if(h===c.$length){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:o=[h,n];$s=9;case 9:return o;case 8:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:p=[h,n];$s=12;case 12:return p;case 11:if(m===0){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:q=[h,C.ErrUnexpectedEOF];$s=15;case 15:return q;case 14:$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Pwrite,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Pwrite=function(c,d){return this.$val.Pwrite(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.WriteToInet4=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;f=e.writeLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=[0,g];$s=4;case 4:return h;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(e,"writeUnlock"),[]]);i=e.pd.prepareWrite(e.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=[0,i];$s=7;case 7:return j;case 6:case 8:k=B.SendtoInet4(e.Sysfd,c,0,d);if($interfaceIsEqual(k,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(k,new A.Errno(11))&&e.pd.pollable()){k=e.pd.waitWrite(e.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:l=[0,k];$s=12;case 12:return l;case 11:m=[c.$length,$ifaceNil];$s=13;case 13:return m;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.WriteToInet4,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.WriteToInet4=function(c,d){return this.$val.WriteToInet4(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.WriteToInet6=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;f=e.writeLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=[0,g];$s=4;case 4:return h;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(e,"writeUnlock"),[]]);i=e.pd.prepareWrite(e.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=[0,i];$s=7;case 7:return j;case 6:case 8:k=B.SendtoInet6(e.Sysfd,c,0,d);if($interfaceIsEqual(k,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(k,new A.Errno(11))&&e.pd.pollable()){k=e.pd.waitWrite(e.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:l=[0,k];$s=12;case 12:return l;case 11:m=[c.$length,$ifaceNil];$s=13;case 13:return m;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.WriteToInet6,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.WriteToInet6=function(c,d){return this.$val.WriteToInet6(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.WriteTo=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;f=e.writeLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=[0,g];$s=4;case 4:return h;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(e,"writeUnlock"),[]]);i=e.pd.prepareWrite(e.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=[0,i];$s=7;case 7:return j;case 6:case 8:k=A.Sendto(e.Sysfd,c,0,d);if($interfaceIsEqual(k,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(k,new A.Errno(11))&&e.pd.pollable()){k=e.pd.waitWrite(e.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:l=[0,k];$s=12;case 12:return l;case 11:m=[c.$length,$ifaceNil];$s=13;case 13:return m;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.WriteTo,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.WriteTo=function(c,d){return this.$val.WriteTo(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.WriteMsg=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;g=f.writeLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=[0,0,h];$s=4;case 4:return i;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(f,"writeUnlock"),[]]);j=f.pd.prepareWrite(f.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=[0,0,j];$s=7;case 7:return k;case 6:case 8:l=A.SendmsgN(f.Sysfd,c,d,e,0);m=l[0];n=l[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(n,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(n,new A.Errno(11))&&f.pd.pollable()){n=f.pd.waitWrite(f.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:o=[m,0,n];$s=12;case 12:return o;case 11:p=[m,d.$length,n];$s=13;case 13:return p;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.WriteMsg,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.WriteMsg=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.WriteMsg(c,d,e);};H.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgInet4=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;g=f.writeLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=[0,0,h];$s=4;case 4:return i;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(f,"writeUnlock"),[]]);j=f.pd.prepareWrite(f.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=[0,0,j];$s=7;case 7:return k;case 6:case 8:l=B.SendmsgNInet4(f.Sysfd,c,d,e,0);m=l[0];n=l[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(n,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(n,new A.Errno(11))&&f.pd.pollable()){n=f.pd.waitWrite(f.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:o=[m,0,n];$s=12;case 12:return o;case 11:p=[m,d.$length,n];$s=13;case 13:return p;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgInet4,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.WriteMsgInet4=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.WriteMsgInet4(c,d,e);};H.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgInet6=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;g=f.writeLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=[0,0,h];$s=4;case 4:return i;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(f,"writeUnlock"),[]]);j=f.pd.prepareWrite(f.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=[0,0,j];$s=7;case 7:return k;case 6:case 8:l=B.SendmsgNInet6(f.Sysfd,c,d,e,0);m=l[0];n=l[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(n,new A.Errno(4))){$s=8;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(n,new A.Errno(11))&&f.pd.pollable()){n=f.pd.waitWrite(f.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:o=[m,0,n];$s=12;case 12:return o;case 11:p=[m,d.$length,n];$s=13;case 13:return p;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgInet6,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.WriteMsgInet6=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.WriteMsgInet6(c,d,e);};H.ptr.prototype.Accept=function(){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;d=c.readLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:f=[-1,$ifaceNil,"",e];$s=4;case 4:return f;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(c,"readUnlock"),[]]);g=c.pd.prepareRead(c.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:h=[-1,$ifaceNil,"",g];$s=7;case 7:return h;case 6:case 8:j=G(c.Sysfd);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];m=i[2];n=i[3];if($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:o=[k,l,"",n];$s=13;case 13:return o;case 12:p=n;if($interfaceIsEqual(p,new A.Errno((4)))){$s=8;continue;}else if($interfaceIsEqual(p,new A.Errno((11)))){if(c.pd.pollable()){n=c.pd.waitRead(c.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}}}else if($interfaceIsEqual(p,new A.Errno((103)))){$s=8;continue;}q=[-1,$ifaceNil,m,n];$s=14;case 14:return q;case 9:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil,"",$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil,"",$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Accept,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Accept=function(){return this.$val.Accept();};H.ptr.prototype.Seek=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;f=e.incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=[new $Int64(0,0),f];$s=3;case 3:return g;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(e,"decref"),[]]);h=A.Seek(e.Sysfd,c,d);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=5;case 5:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[new $Int64(0,0),$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Seek,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Seek=function(c,d){return this.$val.Seek(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.ReadDirent=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;e=d.incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=[0,e];$s=3;case 3:return f;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"decref"),[]]);case 4:h=L(A.ReadDirent,d.Sysfd,c);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){i=0;if($interfaceIsEqual(j,new A.Errno(11))&&d.pd.pollable()){j=d.pd.waitRead(d.isFile);if($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil)){$s=4;continue;}}}k=[i,j];$s=7;case 7:return k;case 5:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.ReadDirent,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.ReadDirent=function(c){return this.$val.ReadDirent(c);};H.ptr.prototype.Fchmod=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=[c];d=[d];d[0]=this;e=d[0].incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=e;$s=3;case 3:return f;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d[0],"decref"),[]]);g=M((function(c,d){return function $b(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=A.Fchmod(d[0].Sysfd,c[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};})(c,d));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=5;case 5:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Fchmod,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Fchmod=function(c){return this.$val.Fchmod(c);};H.ptr.prototype.Fchdir=function(){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;d=c.incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=d;$s=3;case 3:return e;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(c,"decref"),[]]);f=A.Fchdir(c.Sysfd);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=5;case 5:return g;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Fchdir,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Fchdir=function(){return this.$val.Fchdir();};H.ptr.prototype.Fstat=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=[c];d=[d];d[0]=this;e=d[0].incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=e;$s=3;case 3:return f;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d[0],"decref"),[]]);g=M((function(c,d){return function $b(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=A.Fstat(d[0].Sysfd,c[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};})(c,d));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=5;case 5:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Fstat,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Fstat=function(c){return this.$val.Fstat(c);};J=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(true&&(D.LoadInt32((Y||(Y=new AA(function(){return I;},function($v){I=$v;}))))===1)){d=V(c,1,0);e=d[0];f=d[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[e,"",$ifaceNil];}g=$assertType(f,A.Errno);if((g===(22))||(g===(38))){D.StoreInt32((Y||(Y=new AA(function(){return I;},function($v){I=$v;}))),0);}else{$s=-1;return[-1,"fcntl",f];}}h=K(c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:J,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$pkg.DupCloseOnExec=J;K=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$r=A.ForkLock.RLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(A.ForkLock,"RUnlock"),[]]);d=A.Dup(c);e=d[0];f=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=[-1,"dup",f];$s=4;case 4:return g;case 3:A.CloseOnExec(e);h=[e,"",$ifaceNil];$s=5;case 5:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,"",$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:K,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.ptr.prototype.Dup=function(){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;d=c.incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=[-1,"",d];$s=3;case 3:return e;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(c,"decref"),[]]);f=J(c.Sysfd);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=5;case 5:return g;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,"",$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Dup,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Dup=function(){return this.$val.Dup();};H.ptr.prototype.WaitWrite=function(){var c;c=this;return c.pd.waitWrite(c.isFile);};H.prototype.WaitWrite=function(){return this.$val.WaitWrite();};H.ptr.prototype.WriteOnce=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;e=d.writeLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=[0,f];$s=4;case 4:return g;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"writeUnlock"),[]]);h=L(A.Write,d.Sysfd,c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=6;case 6:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.WriteOnce,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.WriteOnce=function(c){return this.$val.WriteOnce(c);};H.ptr.prototype.RawRead=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;e=d.readLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=f;$s=4;case 4:return g;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"readUnlock"),[]]);h=d.pd.prepareRead(d.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:i=h;$s=7;case 7:return i;case 6:case 8:j=c(((d.Sysfd>>>0)));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:k=$ifaceNil;$s=13;case 13:return k;case 11:l=d.pd.waitRead(d.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:m=l;$s=16;case 16:return m;case 15:$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.RawRead,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.RawRead=function(c){return this.$val.RawRead(c);};H.ptr.prototype.RawWrite=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;e=d.writeLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=f;$s=4;case 4:return g;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"writeUnlock"),[]]);h=d.pd.prepareWrite(d.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:i=h;$s=7;case 7:return i;case 6:case 8:j=c(((d.Sysfd>>>0)));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:k=$ifaceNil;$s=13;case 13:return k;case 11:l=d.pd.waitWrite(d.isFile);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:m=l;$s=16;case 16:return m;case 15:$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.RawWrite,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.RawWrite=function(c){return this.$val.RawWrite(c);};L=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:case 1:g=c(d,e);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,new A.Errno(4)))){$s=-1;return[h,i];}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:L,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};H.ptr.prototype.eofError=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;if((c===0)&&$interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)&&e.ZeroReadIsEOF){return C.EOF;}return d;};H.prototype.eofError=function(c,d){return this.$val.eofError(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.Shutdown=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;e=d.incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=e;$s=3;case 3:return f;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"decref"),[]]);g=A.Shutdown(d.Sysfd,c);$s=4;case 4:return g;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Shutdown,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Shutdown=function(c){return this.$val.Shutdown(c);};H.ptr.prototype.Fchown=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=[c];d=[d];e=[e];e[0]=this;f=e[0].incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=f;$s=3;case 3:return g;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(e[0],"decref"),[]]);h=M((function(c,d,e){return function $b(){var{h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=A.Fchown(e[0].Sysfd,c[0],d[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,i,$s};return $f;};})(c,d,e));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=5;case 5:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Fchown,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Fchown=function(c,d){return this.$val.Fchown(c,d);};H.ptr.prototype.Ftruncate=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=[c];d=[d];d[0]=this;e=d[0].incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=e;$s=3;case 3:return f;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d[0],"decref"),[]]);g=M((function(c,d){return function $b(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=A.Ftruncate(d[0].Sysfd,c[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};})(c,d));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=5;case 5:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Ftruncate,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Ftruncate=function(c){return this.$val.Ftruncate(c);};H.ptr.prototype.RawControl=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;e=d.incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=e;$s=3;case 3:return f;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"decref"),[]]);$r=c(((d.Sysfd>>>0)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=$ifaceNil;$s=5;case 5:return g;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.RawControl,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.RawControl=function(c){return this.$val.RawControl(c);};M=function(c){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:case 1:d=c();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,new A.Errno(4)))){$s=-1;return e;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:M,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};N.ptr.prototype.init=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.fd=c;return $ifaceNil;};N.prototype.init=function(c){return this.$val.init(c);};N.ptr.prototype.close=function(){var c;c=this;};N.prototype.close=function(){return this.$val.close();};N.ptr.prototype.evict=function(){var c;c=this;c.closing=true;if(!(c.fd===AB.nil)){A.StopIO(c.fd.Sysfd);}};N.prototype.evict=function(){return this.$val.evict();};N.ptr.prototype.prepare=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;if(e.closing){return S(d);}return $ifaceNil;};N.prototype.prepare=function(c,d){return this.$val.prepare(c,d);};N.ptr.prototype.prepareRead=function(c){var c,d;d=this;return d.prepare(114,c);};N.prototype.prepareRead=function(c){return this.$val.prepareRead(c);};N.ptr.prototype.prepareWrite=function(c){var c,d;d=this;return d.prepare(119,c);};N.prototype.prepareWrite=function(c){return this.$val.prepareWrite(c);};N.ptr.prototype.wait=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;if(e.closing){return S(d);}if(d){return $ifaceNil;}return $pkg.ErrDeadlineExceeded;};N.prototype.wait=function(c,d){return this.$val.wait(c,d);};N.ptr.prototype.waitRead=function(c){var c,d;d=this;return d.wait(114,c);};N.prototype.waitRead=function(c){return this.$val.waitRead(c);};N.ptr.prototype.waitWrite=function(c){var c,d;d=this;return d.wait(119,c);};N.prototype.waitWrite=function(c){return this.$val.waitWrite(c);};N.ptr.prototype.pollable=function(){var c;c=this;return true;};N.prototype.pollable=function(){return this.$val.pollable();};H.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=O(d,$clone(c,E.Time),233);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.SetDeadline=function(c){return this.$val.SetDeadline(c);};H.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=O(d,$clone(c,E.Time),114);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(c){return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(c);};H.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=O(d,$clone(c,E.Time),119);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(c){return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(c);};O=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=$clone(d,E.Time).UnixNano();if($clone(d,E.Time).IsZero()){f=new $Int64(0,0);}g=c.incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return g;}h=e;if(h===(114)){A.SetReadDeadline(c.Sysfd,f);}else if(h===(119)){A.SetWriteDeadline(c.Sysfd,f);}else if(h===(233)){A.SetReadDeadline(c.Sysfd,f);A.SetWriteDeadline(c.Sysfd,f);}i=c.decref();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:O,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};Q.ptr.prototype.incref=function(){var c,d,e,f,g;c=this;while(true){d=D.LoadUint64((c.$ptr_state||(c.$ptr_state=new AC(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},c))));if(!((e=new $Uint64(d.$high&0,(d.$low&1)>>>0),(e.$high===0&&e.$low===0)))){return false;}f=new $Uint64(d.$high+0,d.$low+8);if((g=new $Uint64(f.$high&0,(f.$low&8388600)>>>0),(g.$high===0&&g.$low===0))){$panic(new $String("too many concurrent operations on a single file or socket (max 1048575)"));}if(D.CompareAndSwapUint64((c.$ptr_state||(c.$ptr_state=new AC(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},c))),d,f)){return true;}}};Q.prototype.incref=function(){return this.$val.incref();};Q.ptr.prototype.increfAndClose=function(){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;case 1:d=D.LoadUint64((c.$ptr_state||(c.$ptr_state=new AC(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},c))));if(!((e=new $Uint64(d.$high&0,(d.$low&1)>>>0),(e.$high===0&&e.$low===0)))){$s=-1;return false;}g=(f=new $Uint64(d.$high|0,(d.$low|1)>>>0),new $Uint64(f.$high+0,f.$low+8));if((h=new $Uint64(g.$high&0,(g.$low&8388600)>>>0),(h.$high===0&&h.$low===0))){$panic(new $String("too many concurrent operations on a single file or socket (max 1048575)"));}g=(i=new $Uint64(2147483647,4286578688),new $Uint64(g.$high&~i.$high,(g.$low&~i.$low)>>>0));if(D.CompareAndSwapUint64((c.$ptr_state||(c.$ptr_state=new AC(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},c))),d,g)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:case 5:if(!(!((j=new $Uint64(d.$high&2047,(d.$low&4286578688)>>>0),(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0))))){$s=6;continue;}d=(k=new $Uint64(0,8388608),new $Uint64(d.$high-k.$high,d.$low-k.$low));$r=X((c.$ptr_rsema||(c.$ptr_rsema=new Z(function(){return this.$target.rsema;},function($v){this.$target.rsema=$v;},c))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 6:case 8:if(!(!((l=new $Uint64(d.$high&2147481600,(d.$low&0)>>>0),(l.$high===0&&l.$low===0))))){$s=9;continue;}d=(m=new $Uint64(2048,0),new $Uint64(d.$high-m.$high,d.$low-m.$low));$r=X((c.$ptr_wsema||(c.$ptr_wsema=new Z(function(){return this.$target.wsema;},function($v){this.$target.wsema=$v;},c))));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return true;case 4:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.increfAndClose,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.increfAndClose=function(){return this.$val.increfAndClose();};Q.ptr.prototype.decref=function(){var c,d,e,f,g;c=this;while(true){d=D.LoadUint64((c.$ptr_state||(c.$ptr_state=new AC(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},c))));if((e=new $Uint64(d.$high&0,(d.$low&8388600)>>>0),(e.$high===0&&e.$low===0))){$panic(new $String("inconsistent poll.fdMutex"));}f=new $Uint64(d.$high-0,d.$low-8);if(D.CompareAndSwapUint64((c.$ptr_state||(c.$ptr_state=new AC(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},c))),d,f)){return(g=new $Uint64(f.$high&0,(f.$low&8388601)>>>0),(g.$high===0&&g.$low===1));}}};Q.prototype.decref=function(){return this.$val.decref();};Q.ptr.prototype.rwlock=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=new $Uint64(0,0);g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=e;i=f;j=g;k=Z.nil;if(c){h=new $Uint64(0,2);i=new $Uint64(0,8388608);j=new $Uint64(2047,4286578688);k=(d.$ptr_rsema||(d.$ptr_rsema=new Z(function(){return this.$target.rsema;},function($v){this.$target.rsema=$v;},d)));}else{h=new $Uint64(0,4);i=new $Uint64(2048,0);j=new $Uint64(2147481600,0);k=(d.$ptr_wsema||(d.$ptr_wsema=new Z(function(){return this.$target.wsema;},function($v){this.$target.wsema=$v;},d)));}case 1:l=D.LoadUint64((d.$ptr_state||(d.$ptr_state=new AC(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},d))));if(!((m=new $Uint64(l.$high&0,(l.$low&1)>>>0),(m.$high===0&&m.$low===0)))){$s=-1;return false;}n=new $Uint64(0,0);if((o=new $Uint64(l.$high&h.$high,(l.$low&h.$low)>>>0),(o.$high===0&&o.$low===0))){n=(p=new $Uint64(l.$high|h.$high,(l.$low|h.$low)>>>0),new $Uint64(p.$high+0,p.$low+8));if((q=new $Uint64(n.$high&0,(n.$low&8388600)>>>0),(q.$high===0&&q.$low===0))){$panic(new $String("too many concurrent operations on a single file or socket (max 1048575)"));}}else{n=new $Uint64(l.$high+i.$high,l.$low+i.$low);if((r=new $Uint64(n.$high&j.$high,(n.$low&j.$low)>>>0),(r.$high===0&&r.$low===0))){$panic(new $String("too many concurrent operations on a single file or socket (max 1048575)"));}}if(D.CompareAndSwapUint64((d.$ptr_state||(d.$ptr_state=new AC(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},d))),l,n)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:if((s=new $Uint64(l.$high&h.$high,(l.$low&h.$low)>>>0),(s.$high===0&&s.$low===0))){$s=-1;return true;}$r=W(k);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.rwlock,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.rwlock=function(c){return this.$val.rwlock(c);};Q.ptr.prototype.rwunlock=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=new $Uint64(0,0);g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=e;i=f;j=g;k=Z.nil;if(c){h=new $Uint64(0,2);i=new $Uint64(0,8388608);j=new $Uint64(2047,4286578688);k=(d.$ptr_rsema||(d.$ptr_rsema=new Z(function(){return this.$target.rsema;},function($v){this.$target.rsema=$v;},d)));}else{h=new $Uint64(0,4);i=new $Uint64(2048,0);j=new $Uint64(2147481600,0);k=(d.$ptr_wsema||(d.$ptr_wsema=new Z(function(){return this.$target.wsema;},function($v){this.$target.wsema=$v;},d)));}case 1:l=D.LoadUint64((d.$ptr_state||(d.$ptr_state=new AC(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},d))));if((m=new $Uint64(l.$high&h.$high,(l.$low&h.$low)>>>0),(m.$high===0&&m.$low===0))||(n=new $Uint64(l.$high&0,(l.$low&8388600)>>>0),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0))){$panic(new $String("inconsistent poll.fdMutex"));}p=(o=new $Uint64(l.$high&~h.$high,(l.$low&~h.$low)>>>0),new $Uint64(o.$high-0,o.$low-8));if(!((q=new $Uint64(l.$high&j.$high,(l.$low&j.$low)>>>0),(q.$high===0&&q.$low===0)))){p=(r=i,new $Uint64(p.$high-r.$high,p.$low-r.$low));}if(D.CompareAndSwapUint64((d.$ptr_state||(d.$ptr_state=new AC(function(){return this.$target.state;},function($v){this.$target.state=$v;},d))),l,p)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:if(!((s=new $Uint64(l.$high&j.$high,(l.$low&j.$low)>>>0),(s.$high===0&&s.$low===0)))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=X(k);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:$s=-1;return(t=new $Uint64(p.$high&0,(p.$low&8388601)>>>0),(t.$high===0&&t.$low===1));case 4:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.rwunlock,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.rwunlock=function(c){return this.$val.rwunlock(c);};H.ptr.prototype.incref=function(){var c;c=this;if(!c.fdmu.incref()){return S(c.isFile);}return $ifaceNil;};H.prototype.incref=function(){return this.$val.incref();};H.ptr.prototype.decref=function(){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(c.fdmu.decref()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=c.destroy();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=4;case 4:return e;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.decref,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.decref=function(){return this.$val.decref();};H.ptr.prototype.readLock=function(){var{c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.fdmu.rwlock(true);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!d){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return S(c.isFile);case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.readLock,$c:true,$r,c,d,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.readLock=function(){return this.$val.readLock();};H.ptr.prototype.readUnlock=function(){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.fdmu.rwunlock(true);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(d){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=c.destroy();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.readUnlock,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.readUnlock=function(){return this.$val.readUnlock();};H.ptr.prototype.writeLock=function(){var{c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.fdmu.rwlock(false);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!d){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return S(c.isFile);case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.writeLock,$c:true,$r,c,d,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.writeLock=function(){return this.$val.writeLock();};H.ptr.prototype.writeUnlock=function(){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.fdmu.rwunlock(false);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(d){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=c.destroy();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.writeUnlock,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.writeUnlock=function(){return this.$val.writeUnlock();};H.ptr.prototype.Fsync=function(){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=[c];c[0]=this;d=c[0].incref();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=d;$s=3;case 3:return e;case 2:$deferred.push([$methodVal(c[0],"decref"),[]]);f=M((function(c){return function $b(){var{f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=A.Fsync(c[0].Sysfd);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,f,g,$s};return $f;};})(c));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=5;case 5:return g;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Fsync,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Fsync=function(){return this.$val.Fsync();};R.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var c;c=this;return"use of closed network connection";};R.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};R.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var c;c=this;return false;};R.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};R.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var c;c=this;return false;};R.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};S=function(c){var c;if(c){return $pkg.ErrFileClosing;}return new $pkg.ErrNetClosing.constructor.elem($pkg.ErrNetClosing);};T.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var c;c=this;return"i/o timeout";};T.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};T.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var c;c=this;return true;};T.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};T.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var c;c=this;return true;};T.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};V=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e;return[0,new A.Errno(38)];};W=function(){$throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: internal/poll.runtime_Semacquire");};X=function(){$throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: 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J.pollDesc.ptr(FX.nil,false),FZ.nil,0,0,false,false,false);this.name="";this.dirinfo=GA.nil;this.nonblock=false;this.stdoutOrErr=false;this.appendMode=false;return;}this.pfd=pfd_;this.name=name_;this.dirinfo=dirinfo_;this.nonblock=nonblock_;this.stdoutOrErr=stdoutOrErr_;this.appendMode=appendMode_;});BY=$pkg.unixDirent=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"os.unixDirent",true,"os",false,function(parent_,name_,typ_,info_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.parent="";this.name="";this.typ=0;this.info=$ifaceNil;return;}this.parent=parent_;this.name=name_;this.typ=typ_;this.info=info_;});CH=$pkg.LinkError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"os.LinkError",true,"os",true,function(Op_,Old_,New_,Err_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Op="";this.Old="";this.New="";this.Err=$ifaceNil;return;}this.Op=Op_;this.Old=Old_;this.New=New_;this.Err=Err_;});CJ=$pkg.onlyWriter=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"os.onlyWriter",true,"os",false,function(Writer_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Writer=$ifaceNil;return;}this.Writer=Writer_;});DX=$pkg.timeout=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"os.timeout",true,"os",false,null);DZ=$pkg.SyscallError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"os.SyscallError",true,"os",true,function(Syscall_,Err_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Syscall="";this.Err=$ifaceNil;return;}this.Syscall=Syscall_;this.Err=Err_;});EW=$pkg.dirInfo=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"os.dirInfo",true,"os",false,function(buf_,nbuf_,bufp_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.buf=FO.nil;this.nbuf=0;this.bufp=0;return;}this.buf=buf_;this.nbuf=nbuf_;this.bufp=bufp_;});FB=$pkg.readdirMode=$newType(4,$kindInt,"os.readdirMode",true,"os",false,null);FK=$sliceType($String);FM=$sliceType($emptyInterface);FN=$sliceType($Uint8);FO=$ptrType(FN);FP=$ptrType(R);FQ=$ptrType(U);FS=$ptrType(B.Location);FU=$ptrType(C.PathError);FX=$ptrType(J.FD);FY=$sliceType(A.Iovec);FZ=$ptrType(FY);GA=$ptrType(EW);GB=$ptrType(BM);GC=$funcType([GB],[$error],false);GO=$ptrType(CH);GP=$ptrType(DZ);GQ=$sliceType(C.DirEntry);GR=$sliceType(C.FileInfo);GS=$funcType([$Uintptr],[],false);GT=$funcType([$Uintptr],[$Bool],false);GU=$ptrType(AR);GV=$ptrType(BY);R.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var 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1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new C.PathError.ptr("stat",i.file.name,k)];}AL(h[0],i.file.name);$s=-1;return[h[0],$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Stat,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Stat=function(){return this.$val.Stat();};AJ=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=[i];i[0]=new R.ptr("",new $Int64(0,0),0,new B.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),FS.nil),new A.Stat_t.ptr(new $Int64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),0,0,0,0,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),0,0,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0)));j=CG((function(h,i){return function $b(){var{j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=A.Stat(h[0],i[0].sys);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return 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$f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,$s};return $f;};})(h,i));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new C.PathError.ptr("lstat",h[0],k)];}AL(i[0],h[0]);$s=-1;return[i[0],$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AK,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};AL=function(h,i){var h,i,j;h.name=BC(i);h.size=h.sys.Size;B.Time.copy(h.modTime,AM(h.sys.Mtime,h.sys.MtimeNsec));h.mode=((((h.sys.Mode&511)>>>0)>>>0));j=(h.sys.Mode&126976)>>>0;if(j===(24576)){h.mode=(h.mode|(67108864))>>>0;}else if(j===(8192)){h.mode=(h.mode|(69206016))>>>0;}else if(j===(16384)){h.mode=(h.mode|(2147483648))>>>0;}else if(j===(4096)){h.mode=(h.mode|(33554432))>>>0;}else if(j===(40960)){h.mode=(h.mode|(134217728))>>>0;}else if(j===(32768)){}else 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$f={$blk:AP,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Lstat=AP;U.ptr.prototype.readFrom=function(h){var h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;i=new $Int64(0,0);j=false;k=$ifaceNil;l=this;m=new $Int64(0,0);n=false;o=$ifaceNil;i=m;j=n;k=o;return[i,j,k];};U.prototype.readFrom=function(h){return this.$val.readFrom(h);};AR.ptr.prototype.Control=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.file.checkValid("SyscallConn.Control");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=i.file.file.pfd.RawControl(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;H.KeepAlive(i.file);$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.Control,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.Control=function(h){return this.$val.Control(h);};AR.ptr.prototype.Read=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.file.checkValid("SyscallConn.Read");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=i.file.file.pfd.RawRead(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;H.KeepAlive(i.file);$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.Read=function(h){return this.$val.Read(h);};AR.ptr.prototype.Write=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.file.checkValid("SyscallConn.Write");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=i.file.file.pfd.RawWrite(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;H.KeepAlive(i.file);$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.Write=function(h){return this.$val.Write(h);};AS=function(h){var h;return[new AR.ptr(h),$ifaceNil];};AT=function(){if(false){return;}$pkg.Args=FF();};AZ=function(h){var{h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(h===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=F.PanicOnExit0();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$panic(new $String("unexpected call to os.Exit(0) during test"));case 4:FH();case 2:$r=A.Exit(h);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ,$c:true,$r,h,i,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Exit=AZ;BB=function(h){var h;return 47===h;};$pkg.IsPathSeparator=BB;BC=function(h){var h,i;i=h.length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(i>0&&(h.charCodeAt(i)===47))){break;}h=$substring(h,0,i);i=i-(1)>>0;}i=i-(1)>>0;while(true){if(!(i>=0)){break;}if(h.charCodeAt(i)===47){h=$substring(h,(i+1>>0));break;}i=i-(1)>>0;}return h;};BK=function(h){var h;return h;};U.ptr.prototype.Fd=function(){var{h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h===FQ.nil){$s=-1;return 4294967295;}if(h.file.nonblock){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=h.file.pfd.SetBlocking();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;case 2:$s=-1;return((h.file.pfd.Sysfd>>>0));}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Fd,$c:true,$r,h,i,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Fd=function(){return this.$val.Fd();};BN=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=0;k=K.IsNonblock(((h>>0)));l=k[0];m=k[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)&&l){j=3;}n=BP(h,i,j);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewFile=BN;BP=function(h,i,j){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=[k];l=[l];k[0]=((h>>0));if(k[0]<0){$s=-1;return FQ.nil;}m=new U.ptr(new BM.ptr(new J.FD.ptr(new J.fdMutex.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),0,0),k[0],new J.pollDesc.ptr(FX.nil,false),FZ.nil,0,0,true,true,false),i,GA.nil,false,(k[0]===1)||(k[0]===2),false));n=(j===1)||(j===2)||(j===3);if(j===1){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:o="js";if(o===("darwin")||o===("ios")||o===("dragonfly")||o===("freebsd")||o===("netbsd")||o===("openbsd")){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:l[0]=new A.Stat_t.ptr(new $Int64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),0,0,0,0,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),0,0,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0));p=CG((function(k,l){return function $b(){var{p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:p=A.Fstat(k[0],l[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=2;case 2:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,p,q,$s};return $f;};})(k,l));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=(l[0].Mode&126976)>>>0;if($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil)&&((r===32768)||(r===16384))){n=false;}if(false&&(r===4096)){n=false;}case 5:case 3:case 2:s=m.file.pfd.Init("file",n);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){}else if(n){t=A.SetNonblock(k[0],true);if($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil)){m.file.nonblock=true;}}H.SetFinalizer(m.file,new GC($methodExpr(GB,"close")));$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};BQ=function(h,i){var{h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(i,new A.Errno(32))&&h.file.stdoutOrErr){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=CA();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ,$c:true,$r,h,i,$s};return $f;};BR=function(h,i,j){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=false;if(true&&!(((i&64)===0))&&!((((j&1048576)>>>0)===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=AO(h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[1];if(EC(n)){k=true;}case 2:o=0;case 4:p=$ifaceNil;r=A.Open(h,i|0,CB(j));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;o=q[0];p=q[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil)){$s=5;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(p,new A.Errno(4))){$s=4;continue;}$s=-1;return[FQ.nil,new C.PathError.ptr("open",h,p)];case 5:if(k){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:s=CM(h);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;case 8:if(true){A.CloseOnExec(o);}t=BP(((o>>>0)),h,1);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=[t,$ifaceNil];$s=11;case 11:return u;}return;}var $f={$blk:BR,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};BM.ptr.prototype.close=function(){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h===GB.nil){$s=-1;return new A.Errno(22);}if(!(h.dirinfo===GA.nil)){h.dirinfo.close();h.dirinfo=GA.nil;}i=$ifaceNil;j=h.pfd.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(k,J.ErrFileClosing)){k=$pkg.ErrClosed;}i=new C.PathError.ptr("close",h.name,k);}H.SetFinalizer(h,$ifaceNil);$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BM.ptr.prototype.close,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BM.prototype.close=function(){return this.$val.close();};U.ptr.prototype.seek=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=new $Int64(0,0);k=$ifaceNil;l=this;if(!(l.file.dirinfo===GA.nil)){l.file.dirinfo.close();l.file.dirinfo=GA.nil;}n=l.file.pfd.Seek(h,i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;j=m[0];k=m[1];H.KeepAlive(l);o=j;p=k;j=o;k=p;$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.seek,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.seek=function(h,i){return this.$val.seek(h,i);};BT=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=CG((function(h){return function $b(){var{i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=A.Unlink(h[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,$s};return $f;};})(h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}k=CG((function(h){return function $b(){var{k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=A.Rmdir(h[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,l,$s};return $f;};})(h));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,new A.Errno(20)))){j=l;}$s=-1;return new C.PathError.ptr("remove",h[0],j);}return;}var $f={$blk:BT,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Remove=BT;BU=function(){var{h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=EM("TMPDIR");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(i===""){if(false){i="/data/local/tmp";}else{i="/tmp";}}$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BU,$c:true,$r,h,i,$s};return $f;};BX=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=128;case 1:j=$makeSlice(FN,i);k=0;l=$ifaceNil;case 3:o=A.Readlink(h,j);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=CT(n[0],n[1]);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=p;k=m[0];l=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,new A.Errno(4)))){$s=4;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 4:if(false&&$interfaceIsEqual(l,new A.Errno(34))){i=$imul(i,(2));$s=1;continue;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return["",new C.PathError.ptr("readlink",h,l)];}if(k>>0))))>>>0;if(!((((h&8388608)>>>0)===0))){i=(i|(2048))>>>0;}if(!((((h&4194304)>>>0)===0))){i=(i|(1024))>>>0;}if(!((((h&1048576)>>>0)===0))){i=(i|(512))>>>0;}return i;};CC=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=[i];j=[j];j[0]=BK(h);k=CG((function(i,j){return function $b(){var{k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=A.Chmod(j[0],CB(i[0]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,l,$s};return $f;};})(i,j));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new C.PathError.ptr("chmod",h,l);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CC,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};U.ptr.prototype.chmod=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.checkValid("chmod");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=i.file.pfd.Fchmod(CB(h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i.wrapErr("chmod",l);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.chmod,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.chmod=function(h){return this.$val.chmod(h);};U.ptr.prototype.Chown=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=j.checkValid("chown");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return k;}l=j.file.pfd.Fchown(h,i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j.wrapErr("chown",m);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Chown,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Chown=function(h,i){return this.$val.Chown(h,i);};U.ptr.prototype.Truncate=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.checkValid("truncate");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=i.file.pfd.Ftruncate(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i.wrapErr("truncate",l);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Truncate,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Truncate=function(h){return this.$val.Truncate(h);};U.ptr.prototype.Sync=function(){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.checkValid("sync");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i;}j=h.file.pfd.Fsync();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return h.wrapErr("sync",k);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Sync,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Sync=function(){return this.$val.Sync();};U.ptr.prototype.Chdir=function(){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.checkValid("chdir");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i;}j=h.file.pfd.Fchdir();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return h.wrapErr("chdir",k);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Chdir,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Chdir=function(){return this.$val.Chdir();};U.ptr.prototype.setDeadline=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.checkValid("SetDeadline");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=i.file.pfd.SetDeadline($clone(h,B.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.setDeadline,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.setDeadline=function(h){return this.$val.setDeadline(h);};U.ptr.prototype.setReadDeadline=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.checkValid("SetReadDeadline");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=i.file.pfd.SetReadDeadline($clone(h,B.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.setReadDeadline,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.setReadDeadline=function(h){return this.$val.setReadDeadline(h);};U.ptr.prototype.setWriteDeadline=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.checkValid("SetWriteDeadline");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=i.file.pfd.SetWriteDeadline($clone(h,B.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.setWriteDeadline,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.setWriteDeadline=function(h){return this.$val.setWriteDeadline(h);};U.ptr.prototype.checkValid=function(h){var h,i;i=this;if(i===FQ.nil){return $pkg.ErrInvalid;}return $ifaceNil;};U.prototype.checkValid=function(h){return this.$val.checkValid(h);};CG=function(h){var{h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:case 1:i=h();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,new A.Errno(4)))){$s=-1;return j;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CG,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};U.ptr.prototype.Name=function(){var h;h=this;return h.file.name;};U.prototype.Name=function(){return this.$val.Name();};CH.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.Err.Error();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=h.Op+" "+h.Old+" "+h.New+": "+i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};CH.ptr.prototype.Unwrap=function(){var h;h=this;return h.Err;};CH.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};U.ptr.prototype.Read=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$ifaceNil;k=this;l=k.checkValid("read");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){m=0;n=l;i=m;j=n;$s=-1;return[i,j];}p=k.read(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;i=o[0];q=o[1];r=i;s=k.wrapErr("read",q);i=r;j=s;$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Read=function(h){return this.$val.Read(h);};U.ptr.prototype.ReadAt=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=0;k=$ifaceNil;l=this;m=l.checkValid("read");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){n=0;o=m;j=n;k=o;$s=-1;return[j,k];}if((i.$high<0||(i.$high===0&&i.$low<0))){p=0;q=new C.PathError.ptr("readat",l.file.name,D.New("negative offset"));j=p;k=q;$s=-1;return[j,k];}case 1:if(!(h.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}s=l.pread(h,i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=r[0];u=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){k=l.wrapErr("read",u);$s=2;continue;}j=j+(t)>>0;h=$subslice(h,t);i=(v=(new $Int64(0,t)),new $Int64(i.$high+v.$high,i.$low+v.$low));$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.ReadAt,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.ReadAt=function(h,i){return this.$val.ReadAt(h,i);};U.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=new $Int64(0,0);j=$ifaceNil;k=this;l=k.checkValid("write");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){m=new $Int64(0,0);n=l;i=m;j=n;$s=-1;return[i,j];}o=k.readFrom(h);i=o[0];p=o[1];q=o[2];if(!p){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:s=CI(k,h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;i=r[0];j=r[1];t=[i,j];$s=4;case 4:return t;case 2:u=i;v=k.wrapErr("write",q);i=u;j=v;$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.ReadFrom=function(h){return this.$val.ReadFrom(h);};CI=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=G.Copy((j=new CJ.ptr(h),new j.constructor.elem(j)),i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:CI,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};U.ptr.prototype.Write=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$ifaceNil;k=this;l=k.checkValid("write");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){m=0;n=l;i=m;j=n;$s=-1;return[i,j];}p=k.write(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;i=o[0];q=o[1];if(i<0){i=0;}if(!((i===h.$length))){j=G.ErrShortWrite;}$r=BQ(k,q);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){j=k.wrapErr("write",q);}r=i;s=j;i=r;j=s;$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Write=function(h){return this.$val.Write(h);};U.ptr.prototype.WriteAt=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=0;k=$ifaceNil;l=this;m=l.checkValid("write");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){n=0;o=m;j=n;k=o;$s=-1;return[j,k];}if(l.file.appendMode){p=0;q=CK;j=p;k=q;$s=-1;return[j,k];}if((i.$high<0||(i.$high===0&&i.$low<0))){r=0;s=new C.PathError.ptr("writeat",l.file.name,D.New("negative offset"));j=r;k=s;$s=-1;return[j,k];}case 1:if(!(h.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}u=l.pwrite(h,i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;v=t[0];w=t[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){k=l.wrapErr("write",w);$s=2;continue;}j=j+(v)>>0;h=$subslice(h,v);i=(x=(new $Int64(0,v)),new $Int64(i.$high+x.$high,i.$low+x.$low));$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.WriteAt,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.WriteAt=function(h,i){return this.$val.WriteAt(h,i);};U.ptr.prototype.Seek=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=new $Int64(0,0);k=$ifaceNil;l=this;m=l.checkValid("seek");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){n=new $Int64(0,0);o=m;j=n;k=o;$s=-1;return[j,k];}q=l.seek(h,i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];s=p[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil)&&!(l.file.dirinfo===GA.nil)&&!((r.$high===0&&r.$low===0))){s=new A.Errno(21);}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){t=new $Int64(0,0);u=l.wrapErr("seek",s);j=t;k=u;$s=-1;return[j,k];}v=r;w=$ifaceNil;j=v;k=w;$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Seek,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Seek=function(h,i){return this.$val.Seek(h,i);};CM=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=AO(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return l;}m=h;n=k.Mode();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=(n|1048576)>>>0;p=CY(m,o);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=4;case 4:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:CM,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};CO=function(h){var{h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=CQ(h,0,0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:CO,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Open=CO;CQ=function(h,i,j){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=F.Open(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=BR(h,i,j);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[FQ.nil,n];}m.file.appendMode=!(((i&1024)===0));$s=-1;return[m,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:CQ,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$pkg.OpenFile=CQ;CT=function(h,i){var h,i;if(h<0){h=0;}return[h,i];};U.ptr.prototype.wrapErr=function(h,i){var h,i,j;j=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)||$interfaceIsEqual(i,G.EOF)){return i;}if($interfaceIsEqual(i,J.ErrFileClosing)){i=$pkg.ErrClosed;}return new C.PathError.ptr(h,j.file.name,i);};U.prototype.wrapErr=function(h,i){return this.$val.wrapErr(h,i);};CU=function(){var{h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=BU();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:CU,$c:true,$r,h,i,$s};return $f;};$pkg.TempDir=CU;CY=function(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=CC(h,i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:CY,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Chmod=CY;U.ptr.prototype.Chmod=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.chmod(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Chmod,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Chmod=function(h){return this.$val.Chmod(h);};U.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.setDeadline($clone(h,B.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.SetDeadline=function(h){return this.$val.SetDeadline(h);};U.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.setReadDeadline($clone(h,B.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(h){return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(h);};U.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.setWriteDeadline($clone(h,B.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(h){return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(h);};U.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){var h,i,j;h=this;i=h.checkValid("SyscallConn");if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){return[$ifaceNil,i];}j=AS(h);return[j[0],j[1]];};U.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){return this.$val.SyscallConn();};DD=function(h){var{aa,ab,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);j=CO(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:m=[FN.nil,l];$s=4;case 4:return m;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(k,"Close"),[]]);n=0;p=k.Stat();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:s=q.Size();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if((u=(new $Int64(0,(((t.$low+((t.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)))),(u.$high===t.$high&&u.$low===t.$low))){n=(((t.$low+((t.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));}case 7:n=n+(1)>>0;if(n<512){n=512;}v=$makeSlice(FN,0,n);case 9:if(v.$length>=v.$capacity){w=$append($subslice(v,0,v.$capacity),0);v=$subslice(w,0,v.$length);}y=k.Read($subslice(v,v.$length,v.$capacity));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=x[0];aa=x[1];v=$subslice(v,0,(v.$length+z>>0));if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:if($interfaceIsEqual(aa,G.EOF)){aa=$ifaceNil;}ab=[v,aa];$s=14;case 14:return ab;case 13:$s=9;continue;case 10:$s=-1;return[FN.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[FN.nil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DD,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};$pkg.ReadFile=DD;DG=function(){return FI();};$pkg.Executable=DG;DV=function(){return J.ErrNoDeadline;};DW=function(){return J.ErrDeadlineExceeded;};DZ.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.Err.Error();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=h.Syscall+": "+i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:DZ.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};DZ.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};DZ.ptr.prototype.Unwrap=function(){var h;h=this;return h.Err;};DZ.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};DZ.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=$assertType(h.Err,DX,true);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(!(k)){l=false;$s=1;continue s;}m=j.Timeout();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;case 1:n=l;$s=3;case 3:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:DZ.ptr.prototype.Timeout,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};DZ.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};EB=function(h){var h;return EF(h,$pkg.ErrExist);};$pkg.IsExist=EB;EC=function(h){var h;return EF(h,$pkg.ErrNotExist);};$pkg.IsNotExist=EC;EF=function(h,i){var h,i,j,k,l;h=EG(h);if($interfaceIsEqual(h,i)){return true;}j=$assertType(h,A.Errno,true);k=j[0];l=j[1];return l&&new A.Errno(k).Is(i);};EG=function(h){var h,i,j,k,l;i=h;if($assertType(i,FU,true)[1]){j=i.$val;return j.Err;}else if($assertType(i,GO,true)[1]){k=i.$val;return k.Err;}else if($assertType(i,GP,true)[1]){l=i.$val;return l.Err;}return h;};EM=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=F.Getenv(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=A.Getenv(h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Getenv=EM;ES=function(h){var h;return[new $Uint64(0,1),true];};ET=function(h){var h;return EY(h,0,2);};EU=function(h){var h,i,j,k;i=ET(h);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(!k){return[new $Uint64(0,0),false];}return[new $Uint64(j.$high-0,j.$low-2),true];};EV=function(h){var h;return 4294967295;};EW.ptr.prototype.close=function(){var h;h=this;if(!(h.buf===FO.nil)){EX.Put(h.buf);h.buf=FO.nil;}};EW.prototype.close=function(){return this.$val.close();};U.ptr.prototype.readdir=function(h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=FK.nil;k=GQ.nil;l=GR.nil;m=$ifaceNil;n=this;if(n.file.dirinfo===GA.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n.file.dirinfo=new EW.ptr(FO.nil,0,0);o=EX.Get();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n.file.dirinfo.buf=$assertType(o,FO);case 2:p=n.file.dirinfo;if(h===0){h=-1;}case 4:if(!(!((h===0)))){$s=5;continue;}if(p.bufp>=p.nbuf){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:p.bufp=0;q=$ifaceNil;s=n.file.pfd.ReadDirent(p.buf.$get());$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;p.nbuf=r[0];q=r[1];H.KeepAlive(n);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){t=j;u=k;v=l;w=new C.PathError.ptr("readdirent",n.file.name,q);j=t;k=u;l=v;m=w;$s=-1;return[j,k,l,m];}if(p.nbuf<=0){$s=5;continue;}case 7:x=$subslice((p.buf.$get()),p.bufp,p.nbuf);y=ET(x);z=y[0];aa=y[1];if(!aa||(ab=(new $Uint64(0,x.$length)),(z.$high>ab.$high||(z.$high===ab.$high&&z.$low>ab.$low)))){$s=5;continue;}ac=$subslice(x,0,$flatten64(z));p.bufp=p.bufp+(((z.$low>>0)))>>0;ad=ES(ac);ae=ad[0];aa=ad[1];if(!aa){$s=5;continue;}if((ae.$high===0&&ae.$low===0)){$s=4;continue;}af=EU(ac);ag=af[0];aa=af[1];if(!aa||(ah=new $Uint64(0+ag.$high,2+ag.$low),ai=(new $Uint64(0,ac.$length)),(ah.$high>ai.$high||(ah.$high===ai.$high&&ah.$low>ai.$low)))){$s=5;continue;}aj=$subslice(ac,2,$flatten64(new $Uint64(0+ag.$high,2+ag.$low)));ak=aj;al=0;while(true){if(!(al=ak.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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5:if(h>0&&(((j.$length+k.$length>>0)+l.$length>>0)===0)){be=FK.nil;bf=GQ.nil;bg=GR.nil;bh=G.EOF;j=be;k=bf;l=bg;m=bh;$s=-1;return[j,k,l,m];}bi=j;bj=k;bk=l;bl=$ifaceNil;j=bi;k=bj;l=bk;m=bl;$s=-1;return[j,k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.readdir,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.readdir=function(h,i){return this.$val.readdir(h,i);};EY=function(h,i,j){var h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=false;if(h.$length<(((i+j>>>0)>>0))){m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=false;k=m;l=n;return[k,l];}if(false){o=EZ($subslice(h,i),j);p=true;k=o;l=p;return[k,l];}q=FA($subslice(h,i),j);r=true;k=q;l=r;return[k,l];};EZ=function(h,i){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;j=i;if(j===(1)){return(new $Uint64(0,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])));}else 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$Uint64(n.$high|q.$high,(n.$low|q.$low)>>>0)),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]))),24),new $Uint64(m.$high|r.$high,(m.$low|r.$low)>>>0));}else if(j===(8)){$unused((7>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+7]));return(s=(t=(u=(v=(w=(x=(y=(new $Uint64(0,(7>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+7]))),z=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(6>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+6]))),8),new $Uint64(y.$high|z.$high,(y.$low|z.$low)>>>0)),aa=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(5>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+5]))),16),new $Uint64(x.$high|aa.$high,(x.$low|aa.$low)>>>0)),ab=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(4>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+4]))),24),new $Uint64(w.$high|ab.$high,(w.$low|ab.$low)>>>0)),ac=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(3>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+3]))),32),new $Uint64(v.$high|ac.$high,(v.$low|ac.$low)>>>0)),ad=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(2>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+2]))),40),new $Uint64(u.$high|ad.$high,(u.$low|ad.$low)>>>0)),ae=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1]))),48),new $Uint64(t.$high|ae.$high,(t.$low|ae.$low)>>>0)),af=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]))),56),new $Uint64(s.$high|af.$high,(s.$low|af.$low)>>>0));}else{$panic(new $String("syscall: readInt with unsupported size"));}};FA=function(h,i){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;j=i;if(j===(1)){return(new $Uint64(0,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$Uint64(n.$high|q.$high,(n.$low|q.$low)>>>0)),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(3>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+3]))),24),new $Uint64(m.$high|r.$high,(m.$low|r.$low)>>>0));}else if(j===(8)){$unused((7>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+7]));return(s=(t=(u=(v=(w=(x=(y=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]))),z=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1]))),8),new $Uint64(y.$high|z.$high,(y.$low|z.$low)>>>0)),aa=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(2>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+2]))),16),new $Uint64(x.$high|aa.$high,(x.$low|aa.$low)>>>0)),ab=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(3>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+3]))),24),new $Uint64(w.$high|ab.$high,(w.$low|ab.$low)>>>0)),ac=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(4>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+4]))),32),new $Uint64(v.$high|ac.$high,(v.$low|ac.$low)>>>0)),ad=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(5>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+5]))),40),new $Uint64(u.$high|ad.$high,(u.$low|ad.$low)>>>0)),ae=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(6>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+6]))),48),new $Uint64(t.$high|ae.$high,(t.$low|ae.$low)>>>0)),af=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(7>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+7]))),56),new $Uint64(s.$high|af.$high,(s.$low|af.$low)>>>0));}else{$panic(new $String("syscall: readInt with unsupported size"));}};U.ptr.prototype.Readdir=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(i===FQ.nil){$s=-1;return[GR.nil,$pkg.ErrInvalid];}k=i.readdir(h,2);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[2];m=j[3];if(l===GR.nil){l=new GR([]);}$s=-1;return[l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Readdir,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Readdir=function(h){return this.$val.Readdir(h);};U.ptr.prototype.Readdirnames=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=FK.nil;j=$ifaceNil;k=this;if(k===FQ.nil){l=FK.nil;m=$pkg.ErrInvalid;i=l;j=m;$s=-1;return[i,j];}o=k.readdir(h,0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;i=n[0];j=n[3];if(i===FK.nil){i=new FK([]);}p=i;q=j;i=p;j=q;$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Readdirnames,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Readdirnames=function(h){return this.$val.Readdirnames(h);};U.ptr.prototype.ReadDir=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(i===FQ.nil){$s=-1;return[GQ.nil,$pkg.ErrInvalid];}k=i.readdir(h,1);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];m=j[3];if(l===GQ.nil){l=new GQ([]);}$s=-1;return[l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.ReadDir,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.ReadDir=function(h){return this.$val.ReadDir(h);};FE=function(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=[i];k=CO(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=[GQ.nil,m];$s=4;case 4:return n;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(l,"Close"),[]]);p=l.ReadDir(-1);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;i[0]=o[0];m=o[1];$r=P.Slice(i[0],(function(i){return function $b(q,r){var{q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{q,r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:s=((q<0||q>=i[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[0].$array[i[0].$offset+q]).Name();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=((r<0||r>=i[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[0].$array[i[0].$offset+r]).Name();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=s=1){$pkg.Args=$makeSlice(FK,($parseInt(i.length)-1>>0));j=0;while(true){if(!(j<($parseInt(i.length)-1>>0))){break;}((j<0||j>=$pkg.Args.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):$pkg.Args.$array[$pkg.Args.$offset+j]=$internalize(i[(j+1>>0)],$String));j=j+(1)>>0;}}}if($pkg.Args.$length===0){$pkg.Args=new 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9:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!f){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:g=c.UnreadRune();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=5;continue;case 8:(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeRune(e);$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return $convertSliceType(c.buf,BS);}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.token,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.token=function(a,b){return this.$val.token(a,b);};AG=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=0;}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.peek,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.peek=function(a){return this.$val.peek(a);};$ptrType(AO).prototype.write=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.$set($appendSlice(b.$get(),a));};$ptrType(AO).prototype.writeString=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.$set($appendSlice(b.$get(),a));};$ptrType(AO).prototype.writeByte=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.$set($append(b.$get(),a));};$ptrType(AO).prototype.writeRune=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this;if(a<128){b.$set($append(b.$get(),((a<<24>>>24))));return;}c=b.$get();d=c.$length;while(true){if(!((d+4>>0)>c.$capacity)){break;}c=$append(c,0);}e=H.EncodeRune($convertSliceType($subslice(c,d,(d+4>>0)),BS),a);b.$set($subslice(c,0,(d+e>>0)));};AR=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=AQ.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=$assertType(a,CO);b.panicking=false;b.erroring=false;b.wrapErrs=false;b.fmt.init((b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))));$s=-1;return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};AP.ptr.prototype.free=function(){var a;a=this;if(a.buf.$capacity>65536){return;}a.buf=$subslice(a.buf,0,0);a.arg=$ifaceNil;a.value=new E.Value.ptr(BN.nil,0,0);a.wrappedErr=$ifaceNil;AQ.Put(a);};AP.prototype.free=function(){return this.$val.free();};AP.ptr.prototype.Width=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=0;b=false;c=this;d=c.fmt.wid;e=c.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent;a=d;b=e;return[a,b];};AP.prototype.Width=function(){return this.$val.Width();};AP.ptr.prototype.Precision=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=0;b=false;c=this;d=c.fmt.prec;e=c.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent;a=d;b=e;return[a,b];};AP.prototype.Precision=function(){return this.$val.Precision();};AP.ptr.prototype.Flag=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=a;if(c===(45)){return b.fmt.fmtFlags.minus;}else if(c===(43)){return b.fmt.fmtFlags.plus||b.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV;}else if(c===(35)){return b.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp||b.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV;}else if(c===(32)){return b.fmt.fmtFlags.space;}else if(c===(48)){return b.fmt.fmtFlags.zero;}return false;};AP.prototype.Flag=function(a){return this.$val.Flag(a);};AP.ptr.prototype.Write=function(a){var 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3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;d=h[0];e=h[1];g.free();$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:AS,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Fprintf=AS;AU=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=AR();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$r=d.doPrintf(a,b);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=($bytesToString(d.buf));d.free();$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AU,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Sprintf=AU;AV=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;d=$ifaceNil;e=AR();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$r=f.doPrint(b);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=a.Write($convertSliceType(f.buf,BS));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;c=g[0];d=g[1];f.free();$s=-1;return[c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Fprint=AV;AX=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=AR();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$r=c.doPrint(a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=($bytesToString(c.buf));c.free();$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AX,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Sprint=AX;AY=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;d=$ifaceNil;e=AR();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$r=f.doPrintln(b);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=a.Write($convertSliceType(f.buf,BS));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;c=g[0];d=g[1];f.free();$s=-1;return[c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:AY,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Fprintln=AY;BA=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=AR();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$r=c.doPrintln(a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=($bytesToString(c.buf));c.free();$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BA,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Sprintln=BA;BB=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=$clone(a,E.Value).Field(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(($clone(d,E.Value).Kind()===20)&&!$clone(d,E.Value).IsNil()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:e=$clone(d,E.Value).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;case 3:$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BB,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BC=function(a){var a;return a>1000000||a<-1000000;};BD=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;d=0;e=false;f=0;if(b>=c){g=0;h=false;i=c;d=g;e=h;f=i;return[d,e,f];}f=b;while(true){if(!(f>>24)>>0))>>0;e=true;f=f+(1)>>0;}return[d,e,f];};AP.ptr.prototype.unknownType=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!$clone(a,E.Value).IsValid()){(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeString("");$s=-1;return;}(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeByte(63);c=$clone(a,E.Value).Type().String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeString(c);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeByte(63);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.unknownType,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.unknownType=function(a){return this.$val.unknownType(a);};AP.ptr.prototype.badVerb=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;b.erroring=true;(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeString("%!");(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeRune(a);(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeByte(40);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.arg,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}if($clone(b.value,E.Value).IsValid()){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:c=E.TypeOf(b.arg).String();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeString(c);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeByte(61);$r=b.printArg(b.arg,118);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 3:d=$clone(b.value,E.Value).Type().String();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeString(d);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeByte(61);$r=b.printValue($clone(b.value,E.Value),118,0);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeString("");case 5:case 1:(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeByte(41);b.erroring=false;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.badVerb,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.badVerb=function(a){return this.$val.badVerb(a);};AP.ptr.prototype.fmtBool=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=b;if((d===(116))||(d===(118))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:c.fmt.fmtBoolean(a);$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=c.badVerb(b);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.fmtBool,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.fmtBool=function(a,b){return this.$val.fmtBool(a,b);};AP.ptr.prototype.fmt0x64=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=this;d=c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp;c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp=b;c.fmt.fmtInteger(a,16,false,118,"0123456789abcdefx");c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp=d;};AP.prototype.fmt0x64=function(a,b){return this.$val.fmt0x64(a,b);};AP.ptr.prototype.fmtInteger=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=c;if(e===(118)){$s=2;continue;}if(e===(100)){$s=3;continue;}if(e===(98)){$s=4;continue;}if((e===(111))||(e===(79))){$s=5;continue;}if(e===(120)){$s=6;continue;}if(e===(88)){$s=7;continue;}if(e===(99)){$s=8;continue;}if(e===(113)){$s=9;continue;}if(e===(85)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 2:if(d.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV&&!b){d.fmt0x64(a,true);}else{d.fmt.fmtInteger(a,10,b,c,"0123456789abcdefx");}$s=12;continue;case 3:d.fmt.fmtInteger(a,10,b,c,"0123456789abcdefx");$s=12;continue;case 4:d.fmt.fmtInteger(a,2,b,c,"0123456789abcdefx");$s=12;continue;case 5:d.fmt.fmtInteger(a,8,b,c,"0123456789abcdefx");$s=12;continue;case 6:d.fmt.fmtInteger(a,16,b,c,"0123456789abcdefx");$s=12;continue;case 7:d.fmt.fmtInteger(a,16,b,c,"0123456789ABCDEFX");$s=12;continue;case 8:d.fmt.fmtC(a);$s=12;continue;case 9:d.fmt.fmtQc(a);$s=12;continue;case 10:d.fmt.fmtUnicode(a);$s=12;continue;case 11:$r=d.badVerb(c);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 12:case 1:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.fmtInteger,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.fmtInteger=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.fmtInteger(a,b,c);};AP.ptr.prototype.fmtFloat=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=c;if(e===(118)){$s=2;continue;}if((e===(98))||(e===(103))||(e===(71))||(e===(120))||(e===(88))){$s=3;continue;}if((e===(102))||(e===(101))||(e===(69))){$s=4;continue;}if(e===(70)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:d.fmt.fmtFloat(a,b,103,-1);$s=7;continue;case 3:d.fmt.fmtFloat(a,b,c,-1);$s=7;continue;case 4:d.fmt.fmtFloat(a,b,c,6);$s=7;continue;case 5:d.fmt.fmtFloat(a,b,102,6);$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=d.badVerb(c);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:case 1:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.fmtFloat,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.fmtFloat=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.fmtFloat(a,b,c);};AP.ptr.prototype.fmtComplex=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=c;if((e===(118))||(e===(98))||(e===(103))||(e===(71))||(e===(120))||(e===(88))||(e===(102))||(e===(70))||(e===(101))||(e===(69))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:f=d.fmt.fmtFlags.plus;(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(40);$r=d.fmtFloat(a.$real,(g=b/2,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.fmt.fmtFlags.plus=true;$r=d.fmtFloat(a.$imag,(h=b/2,(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),c);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("i)");d.fmt.fmtFlags.plus=f;$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=d.badVerb(c);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.fmtComplex,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.fmtComplex=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.fmtComplex(a,b,c);};AP.ptr.prototype.fmtString=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=b;if(d===(118)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===(115)){$s=3;continue;}if(d===(120)){$s=4;continue;}if(d===(88)){$s=5;continue;}if(d===(113)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 2:if(c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV){c.fmt.fmtQ(a);}else{c.fmt.fmtS(a);}$s=8;continue;case 3:c.fmt.fmtS(a);$s=8;continue;case 4:c.fmt.fmtSx(a,"0123456789abcdefx");$s=8;continue;case 5:c.fmt.fmtSx(a,"0123456789ABCDEFX");$s=8;continue;case 6:c.fmt.fmtQ(a);$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=c.badVerb(b);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:case 1:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.fmtString,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.fmtString=function(a,b){return this.$val.fmtString(a,b);};AP.ptr.prototype.fmtBytes=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=b;if((e===(118))||(e===(100))){$s=2;continue;}if(e===(115)){$s=3;continue;}if(e===(120)){$s=4;continue;}if(e===(88)){$s=5;continue;}if(e===(113)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 2:if(d.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV){(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString(c);if(a===BS.nil){(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("(nil)");$s=-1;return;}(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(123);f=a;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(h>0){(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString(", ");}d.fmt0x64((new $Uint64(0,i)),true);g++;}(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(125);}else{(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(91);j=a;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);if(l>0){(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(32);}d.fmt.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,m)),10,false,b,"0123456789abcdefx");k++;}(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(93);}$s=8;continue;case 3:d.fmt.fmtBs(a);$s=8;continue;case 4:d.fmt.fmtBx(a,"0123456789abcdefx");$s=8;continue;case 5:d.fmt.fmtBx(a,"0123456789ABCDEFX");$s=8;continue;case 6:d.fmt.fmtQ(($bytesToString(a)));$s=8;continue;case 7:n=E.ValueOf(a);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.printValue($clone(n,E.Value),b,0);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:case 1:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.fmtBytes,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.fmtBytes=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.fmtBytes(a,b,c);};AP.ptr.prototype.fmtPointer=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=0;e=$clone(a,E.Value).Kind();if((e===(18))||(e===(19))||(e===(21))||(e===(22))||(e===(23))||(e===(26))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:d=$clone(a,E.Value).Pointer();$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=c.badVerb(b);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 4:case 1:f=b;if(f===(118)){$s=7;continue;}if(f===(112)){$s=8;continue;}if((f===(98))||(f===(111))||(f===(100))||(f===(120))||(f===(88))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 7:if(c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeByte(40);g=$clone(a,E.Value).Type().String();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeString(g);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeString(")(");if(d===0){(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeString("nil");}else{c.fmt0x64((new $Uint64(0,d.constructor===Number?d:1)),true);}(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeByte(41);$s=14;continue;case 13:if(d===0){c.fmt.padString("");}else{c.fmt0x64((new $Uint64(0,d.constructor===Number?d:1)),!c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp);}case 14:$s=11;continue;case 8:c.fmt0x64((new $Uint64(0,d.constructor===Number?d:1)),!c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp);$s=11;continue;case 9:$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,d.constructor===Number?d:1)),false,b);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$r=c.badVerb(b);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 11:case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.fmtPointer,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.fmtPointer=function(a,b){return this.$val.fmtPointer(a,b);};AP.ptr.prototype.catchPanic=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=$recover();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=E.ValueOf(a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(($clone(g,E.Value).Kind()===22)&&$clone(g,E.Value).IsNil()){(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("");$s=-1;return;}if(d.panicking){$panic(e);}h=$clone(d.fmt.fmtFlags,BG);d.fmt.clearflags();(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("%!");(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeRune(b);(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("(PANIC=");(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString(c);(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString(" method: ");d.panicking=true;$r=d.printArg(e,118);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.panicking=false;(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(41);BG.copy(d.fmt.fmtFlags,h);case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.catchPanic,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.catchPanic=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.catchPanic(a,b,c);};AP.ptr.prototype.handleMethods=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=false;c=this;if(c.erroring){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=b;$s=3;case 3:return d;case 2:if(a===119){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:e=$assertType(c.arg,$error,true);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!g||!c.wrapErrs||!($interfaceIsEqual(c.wrappedErr,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:c.wrappedErr=$ifaceNil;c.wrapErrs=false;$r=c.badVerb(a);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=true;h=b;$s=9;case 9:return h;case 7:c.wrappedErr=f;a=118;case 5:i=$assertType(c.arg,AL,true);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(k){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:b=true;$deferred.push([$methodVal(c,"catchPanic"),[c.arg,a,"Format"]]);$r=j.Format(c,a);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=b;$s=13;case 13:return l;case 11:if(c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:m=$assertType(c.arg,AN,true);n=m[0];o=m[1];if(o){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:b=true;$deferred.push([$methodVal(c,"catchPanic"),[c.arg,a,"GoString"]]);p=n.GoString();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.fmt.fmtS(p);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=b;$s=21;case 21:return q;case 18:$s=16;continue;case 15:r=a;if((r===(118))||(r===(115))||(r===(120))||(r===(88))||(r===(113))){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:s=c.arg;if($assertType(s,$error,true)[1]){$s=25;continue;}if($assertType(s,AM,true)[1]){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 25:t=s;b=true;$deferred.push([$methodVal(c,"catchPanic"),[c.arg,a,"Error"]]);v=t.Error();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.fmtString(v,a);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=b;$s=30;case 30:return w;case 26:u=s;b=true;$deferred.push([$methodVal(c,"catchPanic"),[c.arg,a,"String"]]);x=u.String();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.fmtString(x,a);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=b;$s=33;case 33:return y;case 27:case 24:case 22:case 16:b=false;z=b;$s=34;case 34:return z;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return b;}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.handleMethods,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AP.prototype.handleMethods=function(a){return this.$val.handleMethods(a);};AP.ptr.prototype.printArg=function(a,b){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;c.arg=a;c.value=new E.Value.ptr(BN.nil,0,0);if($interfaceIsEqual(a,$ifaceNil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=b;if((d===(84))||(d===(118))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:c.fmt.padString("");$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=c.badVerb(b);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:case 3:$s=-1;return;case 2:e=b;if(e===(84)){$s=9;continue;}if(e===(112)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 9:f=E.TypeOf(a).String();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.fmt.fmtS(f);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 10:g=E.ValueOf(a);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.fmtPointer($clone(g,E.Value),112);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 11:case 8:h=a;if($assertType(h,$Bool,true)[1]){$s=16;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Float32,true)[1]){$s=17;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Float64,true)[1]){$s=18;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Complex64,true)[1]){$s=19;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Complex128,true)[1]){$s=20;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Int,true)[1]){$s=21;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Int8,true)[1]){$s=22;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Int16,true)[1]){$s=23;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Int32,true)[1]){$s=24;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Int64,true)[1]){$s=25;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Uint,true)[1]){$s=26;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Uint8,true)[1]){$s=27;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Uint16,true)[1]){$s=28;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Uint32,true)[1]){$s=29;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Uint64,true)[1]){$s=30;continue;}if($assertType(h,$Uintptr,true)[1]){$s=31;continue;}if($assertType(h,$String,true)[1]){$s=32;continue;}if($assertType(h,BS,true)[1]){$s=33;continue;}if($assertType(h,E.Value,true)[1]){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 16:i=h.$val;$r=c.fmtBool(i,b);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 17:j=h.$val;$r=c.fmtFloat((j),32,b);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 18:k=h.$val;$r=c.fmtFloat(k,64,b);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 19:l=h.$val;$r=c.fmtComplex((new $Complex128(l.$real,l.$imag)),64,b);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 20:m=h.$val;$r=c.fmtComplex(m,128,b);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 21:n=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,n)),true,b);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 22:o=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,o)),true,b);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 23:p=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,p)),true,b);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 24:q=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,q)),true,b);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 25:r=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low)),true,b);$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 26:s=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,s)),false,b);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 27:t=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,t)),false,b);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 28:u=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,u)),false,b);$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 29:v=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,v)),false,b);$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 30:w=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger(w,false,b);$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 31:x=h.$val;$r=c.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0,x.constructor===Number?x:1)),false,b);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 32:y=h.$val;$r=c.fmtString(y,b);$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 33:z=h.$val;$r=c.fmtBytes(z,b,"[]byte");$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 34:aa=h.$val;if($clone(aa,E.Value).IsValid()&&$clone(aa,E.Value).CanInterface()){$s=55;continue;}$s=56;continue;case 55:ac=$clone(aa,E.Value).Interface();$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.arg=ac;ad=c.handleMethods(b);$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ad){$s=58;continue;}$s=59;continue;case 58:$s=-1;return;case 59:case 56:$r=c.printValue($clone(aa,E.Value),b,0);$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=36;continue;case 35:ab=h;ae=c.handleMethods(b);$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!ae){$s=62;continue;}$s=63;continue;case 62:af=E.ValueOf(ab);$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.printValue($clone(af,E.Value),b,0);$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 63:case 36:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.printArg,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.printArg=function(a,b){return this.$val.printArg(a,b);};AP.ptr.prototype.printValue=function(a,b,c){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(c>0&&$clone(a,E.Value).IsValid()&&$clone(a,E.Value).CanInterface()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=$clone(a,E.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.arg=e;f=d.handleMethods(b);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(f){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return;case 5:case 2:d.arg=$ifaceNil;d.value=a;g=a;h=$clone(a,E.Value).Kind();if(h===(0)){$s=8;continue;}if(h===(1)){$s=9;continue;}if((h===(2))||(h===(3))||(h===(4))||(h===(5))||(h===(6))){$s=10;continue;}if((h===(7))||(h===(8))||(h===(9))||(h===(10))||(h===(11))||(h===(12))){$s=11;continue;}if(h===(13)){$s=12;continue;}if(h===(14)){$s=13;continue;}if(h===(15)){$s=14;continue;}if(h===(16)){$s=15;continue;}if(h===(24)){$s=16;continue;}if(h===(21)){$s=17;continue;}if(h===(25)){$s=18;continue;}if(h===(20)){$s=19;continue;}if((h===(17))||(h===(23))){$s=20;continue;}if(h===(22)){$s=21;continue;}if((h===(18))||(h===(19))||(h===(26))){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 8:if(c===0){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("");$s=27;continue;case 26:i=b;if(i===(118)){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("");$s=31;continue;case 30:$r=d.badVerb(b);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 31:case 28:case 27:$s=24;continue;case 9:$r=d.fmtBool($clone(g,E.Value).Bool(),b);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=24;continue;case 10:$r=d.fmtInteger(((j=$clone(g,E.Value).Int(),new $Uint64(j.$high,j.$low))),true,b);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=24;continue;case 11:$r=d.fmtInteger($clone(g,E.Value).Uint(),false,b);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=24;continue;case 12:$r=d.fmtFloat($clone(g,E.Value).Float(),32,b);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=24;continue;case 13:$r=d.fmtFloat($clone(g,E.Value).Float(),64,b);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break 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s;}if($clone(g,E.Value).IsNil()){(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("(nil)");$s=-1;return;}(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(123);$s=44;continue;case 43:(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("map[");case 44:m=I.Sort($clone(g,E.Value));$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=n.Key;p=0;case 48:if(!(p=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]);if(q>0){if(d.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV){(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString(", ");}else{(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return 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54:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString(t);$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 53:(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(123);u=0;case 56:if(!(u<$clone(g,E.Value).NumField())){$s=57;continue;}if(u>0){if(d.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV){(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString(", ");}else{(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(32);}}if(d.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV||d.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV){$s=58;continue;}$s=59;continue;case 58:v=$clone(g,E.Value).Type().Field(u);$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break 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70:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString(aa);$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("(nil)");$s=69;continue;case 68:(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeString("");case 69:$s=66;continue;case 65:$r=d.printValue($clone(z,E.Value),b,c+1>>0);$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 66:$s=24;continue;case 20:ab=b;if((ab===(115))||(ab===(113))||(ab===(120))||(ab===(88))){$s=74;continue;}$s=75;continue;case 74:ac=$clone(g,E.Value).Type();ad=ac.Elem();$s=78;case 78:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad.Kind();$s=79;case 79:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ae===8){$s=76;continue;}$s=77;continue;case 76:af=BS.nil;if($clone(g,E.Value).Kind()===23){$s=80;continue;}if($clone(g,E.Value).CanAddr()){$s=81;continue;}$s=82;continue;case 80:ag=$clone(g,E.Value).Bytes();$s=84;case 84:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;$s=83;continue;case 81:ah=$clone(g,E.Value).Slice(0,$clone(g,E.Value).Len());$s=85;case 85:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=$clone(ah,E.Value).Bytes();$s=86;case 86:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ai;$s=83;continue;case 82:af=$makeSlice(BS,$clone(g,E.Value).Len());aj=af;ak=0;case 87:if(!(ak=af.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):af.$array[af.$offset+al]=((an.$low<<24>>>24)));ak++;$s=87;continue;case 88:case 83:ao=af;ap=b;aq=ac.String();$s=91;case 91:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break 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105:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=av+(1)>>0;$s=102;continue;case 103:(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(93);case 95:$s=24;continue;case 21:if((c===0)&&!(($clone(g,E.Value).Pointer()===0))){$s=106;continue;}$s=107;continue;case 106:ax=$clone(g,E.Value).Elem();$s=109;case 109:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;az=$clone(ay,E.Value).Kind();if((az===(17))||(az===(23))||(az===(25))||(az===(21))){$s=110;continue;}$s=111;continue;case 110:(d.$ptr_buf||(d.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},d))).writeByte(38);$r=d.printValue($clone(ay,E.Value),b,c+1>>0);$s=112;case 112:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 111:case 108:case 107:$r=d.fmtPointer($clone(g,E.Value),b);$s=113;case 113:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=24;continue;case 22:$r=d.fmtPointer($clone(g,E.Value),b);$s=114;case 114:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=24;continue;case 23:$r=d.unknownType($clone(g,E.Value));$s=115;case 115:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 24:case 7:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.printValue,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.printValue=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.printValue(a,b,c);};BE=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;d=false;e=0;e=b;if(b=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]),$Int,true);c=f[0];d=f[1];if(!d){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=E.ValueOf(((b<0||b>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=$clone(h,E.Value).Kind();if((i===(2))||(i===(3))||(i===(4))||(i===(5))||(i===(6))){j=$clone(h,E.Value).Int();if((k=(new $Int64(0,(((j.$low+((j.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)))),(k.$high===j.$high&&k.$low===j.$low))){c=(((j.$low+((j.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));d=true;}}else if((i===(7))||(i===(8))||(i===(9))||(i===(10))||(i===(11))||(i===(12))){l=$clone(h,E.Value).Uint();if((m=(new $Int64(l.$high,l.$low)),(m.$high>0||(m.$high===0&&m.$low>=0)))&&(n=(new $Uint64(0,((l.$low>>0)))),(n.$high===l.$high&&n.$low===l.$low))){c=((l.$low>>0));d=true;}}case 5:case 4:e=b+1>>0;if(BC(c)){c=0;d=false;}case 2:$s=-1;return[c,d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:BE,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};BF=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u;b=0;c=0;d=false;if(a.length<3){e=0;f=1;g=false;b=e;c=f;d=g;return[b,c,d];}h=1;while(true){if(!(h>0;o=false;b=m;c=n;d=o;return[b,c,d];}p=j-1>>0;q=h+1>>0;r=true;b=p;c=q;d=r;return[b,c,d];}h=h+(1)>>0;}s=0;t=1;u=false;b=s;c=t;d=u;return[b,c,d];};AP.ptr.prototype.argNumber=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u;e=0;f=0;g=false;h=this;if(b.length<=c||!((b.charCodeAt(c)===91))){i=a;j=c;k=false;e=i;f=j;g=k;return[e,f,g];}h.reordered=true;l=BF($substring(b,c));m=l[0];n=l[1];o=l[2];if(o&&0<=m&&m>0;r=true;e=p;f=q;g=r;return[e,f,g];}h.goodArgNum=false;s=a;t=c+n>>0;u=o;e=s;f=t;g=u;return[e,f,g];};AP.prototype.argNumber=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.argNumber(a,b,c,d);};AP.ptr.prototype.badArgNum=function(a){var a,b;b=this;(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeString("%!");(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeRune(a);(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeString("(BADINDEX)");};AP.prototype.badArgNum=function(a){return this.$val.badArgNum(a);};AP.ptr.prototype.missingArg=function(a){var a,b;b=this;(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeString("%!");(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeRune(a);(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeString("(MISSING)");};AP.prototype.missingArg=function(a){return this.$val.missingArg(a);};AP.ptr.prototype.doPrintf=function(a,b){var{a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=a.length;e=0;f=false;c.reordered=false;g=0;case 1:if(!(g>0;}if(g>h){(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeString($substring(a,h,g));}if(g>=d){$s=2;continue;}g=g+(1)>>0;c.fmt.clearflags();case 3:if(!(g=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]),((i>>0)));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=e+(1)>>0;g=g+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue s;case 14:$s=4;continue s;case 12:case 5:g=g+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:k=c.argNumber(e,a,g,b.$length);e=k[0];g=k[1];f=k[2];if(g>0;m=BE(b,e);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;c.fmt.wid=l[0];c.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent=l[1];e=l[2];if(!c.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent){(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeString("%!(BADWIDTH)");}if(c.fmt.wid<0){c.fmt.wid=-c.fmt.wid;c.fmt.fmtFlags.minus=true;c.fmt.fmtFlags.zero=false;}f=false;$s=18;continue;case 17:n=BD(a,g,d);c.fmt.wid=n[0];c.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent=n[1];g=n[2];if(f&&c.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent){c.goodArgNum=false;}case 18:if((g+1>>0)>0;if(f){c.goodArgNum=false;}o=c.argNumber(e,a,g,b.$length);e=o[0];g=o[1];f=o[2];if(g>0;q=BE(b,e);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;c.fmt.prec=p[0];c.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent=p[1];e=p[2];if(c.fmt.prec<0){c.fmt.prec=0;c.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent=false;}if(!c.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent){(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeString("%!(BADPREC)");}f=false;$s=24;continue;case 23:r=BD(a,g,d);c.fmt.prec=r[0];c.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent=r[1];g=r[2];if(!c.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent){c.fmt.prec=0;c.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent=true;}case 24:case 21:if(!f){s=c.argNumber(e,a,g,b.$length);e=s[0];g=s[1];f=s[2];}if(g>=d){(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeString("%!(NOVERB)");$s=2;continue;}t=((a.charCodeAt(g)>>0));u=1;v=t;w=u;if(v>=128){x=H.DecodeRuneInString($substring(a,g));v=x[0];w=x[1];}g=g+(w)>>0;if((v===37)){$s=27;continue;}if(!c.goodArgNum){$s=28;continue;}if(e>=b.$length){$s=29;continue;}if((v===118)){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 27:(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeByte(37);$s=32;continue;case 28:c.badArgNum(v);$s=32;continue;case 29:c.missingArg(v);$s=32;continue;case 30:c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV=c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp;c.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp=false;c.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV=c.fmt.fmtFlags.plus;c.fmt.fmtFlags.plus=false;$r=c.printArg(((e<0||e>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]),v);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=e+(1)>>0;$s=32;continue;case 31:$r=c.printArg(((e<0||e>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]),v);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=e+(1)>>0;case 32:case 26:$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!c.reordered&&e=y.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+z]);if(aa>0){(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeString(", ");}if($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil)){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 39:(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeString("");$s=41;continue;case 40:ac=E.TypeOf(ab).String();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeString(ac);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeByte(61);$r=c.printArg(ab,118);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 41:z++;$s=37;continue;case 38:(c.$ptr_buf||(c.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},c))).writeByte(41);case 36:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.doPrintf,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.doPrintf=function(a,b){return this.$val.doPrintf(a,b);};AP.ptr.prototype.doPrint=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=false;d=a;e=0;case 1:if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeByte(32);}$r=b.printArg(f,118);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:(b.$ptr_buf||(b.$ptr_buf=new BO(function(){return this.$target.buf;},function($v){this.$target.buf=$v;},b))).writeByte(10);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.doPrintln,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.doPrintln=function(a){return this.$val.doPrintln(a);};BH.ptr.prototype.clearflags=function(){var a;a=this;BG.copy(a.fmtFlags,new BG.ptr(false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false));};BH.prototype.clearflags=function(){return this.$val.clearflags();};BH.ptr.prototype.init=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.buf=a;b.clearflags();};BH.prototype.init=function(a){return this.$val.init(a);};BH.ptr.prototype.writePadding=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;b=this;if(a<=0){return;}c=b.buf.$get();d=c.$length;e=d+a>>0;if(e>c.$capacity){c=$makeSlice(AO,(($imul(c.$capacity,2))+a>>0));$copySlice(c,b.buf.$get());}f=32;if(b.fmtFlags.zero){f=48;}g=$subslice(c,d,e);h=g;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+j]=f);i++;}b.buf.$set($subslice(c,0,e));};BH.prototype.writePadding=function(a){return this.$val.writePadding(a);};BH.ptr.prototype.pad=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;if(!b.fmtFlags.widPresent||(b.wid===0)){b.buf.write(a);return;}c=b.wid-H.RuneCount(a)>>0;if(!b.fmtFlags.minus){b.writePadding(c);b.buf.write(a);}else{b.buf.write(a);b.writePadding(c);}};BH.prototype.pad=function(a){return this.$val.pad(a);};BH.ptr.prototype.padString=function(a){var 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$Uint64(0+r.$high,48+r.$low)).$low<<24>>>24)));a=$shiftRightUint64(a,(3));}}else if(n===(2)){while(true){if(!((a.$high>0||(a.$high===0&&a.$low>=2)))){break;}m=m-(1)>>0;((m<0||m>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+m]=(((s=new $Uint64(a.$high&0,(a.$low&1)>>>0),new $Uint64(0+s.$high,48+s.$low)).$low<<24>>>24)));a=$shiftRightUint64(a,(1));}}else{$panic(new $String("fmt: unknown base; can't happen"));}m=m-(1)>>0;((m<0||m>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+m]=e.charCodeAt($flatten64(a)));while(true){if(!(m>0&&k>(i.$length-m>>0))){break;}m=m-(1)>>0;((m<0||m>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+m]=48);}if(f.fmtFlags.sharp){t=b;if(t===(2)){m=m-(1)>>0;((m<0||m>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+m]=98);m=m-(1)>>0;((m<0||m>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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BL([$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[9,13]),$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[32,32]),$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[133,133]),$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[160,160]),$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[5760,5760]),$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[8192,8202]),$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[8232,8233]),$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[8239,8239]),$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[8287,8287]),$toNativeArray($kindUint16,[12288,12288])]);AC=new G.Pool.ptr(BM.nil,(function(){return new W.ptr($ifaceNil,AO.nil,0,false,new X.ptr(false,false,false,0,0,0));}));AE=A.New("syntax error scanning complex number");AF=A.New("syntax error scanning boolean");AQ=new G.Pool.ptr(BM.nil,(function(){return new AP.ptr(AO.nil,$ifaceNil,new E.Value.ptr(BN.nil,0,0),new BH.ptr(BO.nil,new BG.ptr(false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false),0,0,BP.zero()),false,false,false,false,false,$ifaceNil);}));}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["compress/flate"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,H,B,F,C,G,D,E,R,S,V,W,X,Y,AF,AG,AH,AI,AP,AQ,BC,BV,BW,BX,BY,CB,CC,CD,CE,CF,CG,CH,CI,CJ,CK,CL,CM,CN,CO,CP,CQ,CR,CS,CT,CU,DM,DN,DO,P,Q,BU,Z,AN,AO,AZ,AA,AB,AC,AD,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AR,BA;A=$packages["bufio"];H=$packages["fmt"];B=$packages["io"];F=$packages["math"];C=$packages["math/bits"];G=$packages["sort"];D=$packages["strconv"];E=$packages["sync"];R=$pkg.CorruptInputError=$newType(8,$kindInt64,"flate.CorruptInputError",true,"compress/flate",true,null);S=$pkg.InternalError=$newType(8,$kindString,"flate.InternalError",true,"compress/flate",true,null);V=$pkg.Resetter=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"flate.Resetter",true,"compress/flate",true,null);W=$pkg.huffmanDecoder=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"flate.huffmanDecoder",true,"compress/flate",false,function(min_,chunks_,links_,linkMask_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.min=0;this.chunks=BV.zero();this.links=BX.nil;this.linkMask=0;return;}this.min=min_;this.chunks=chunks_;this.links=links_;this.linkMask=linkMask_;});X=$pkg.Reader=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"flate.Reader",true,"compress/flate",true,null);Y=$pkg.decompressor=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"flate.decompressor",true,"compress/flate",false,function(r_,roffset_,b_,nb_,h1_,h2_,bits_,codebits_,dict_,buf_,step_,stepState_,final$12_,err_,toRead_,hl_,hd_,copyLen_,copyDist_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.r=$ifaceNil;this.roffset=new $Int64(0,0);this.b=0;this.nb=0;this.h1=new W.ptr(0,BV.zero(),BX.nil,0);this.h2=new W.ptr(0,BV.zero(),BX.nil,0);this.bits=CI.nil;this.codebits=CK.nil;this.dict=new BC.ptr(CF.nil,0,0,false);this.buf=CL.zero();this.step=$throwNilPointerError;this.stepState=0;this.final$12=false;this.err=$ifaceNil;this.toRead=CF.nil;this.hl=CC.nil;this.hd=CC.nil;this.copyLen=0;this.copyDist=0;return;}this.r=r_;this.roffset=roffset_;this.b=b_;this.nb=nb_;this.h1=h1_;this.h2=h2_;this.bits=bits_;this.codebits=codebits_;this.dict=dict_;this.buf=buf_;this.step=step_;this.stepState=stepState_;this.final$12=final$12_;this.err=err_;this.toRead=toRead_;this.hl=hl_;this.hd=hd_;this.copyLen=copyLen_;this.copyDist=copyDist_;});AF=$pkg.hcode=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"flate.hcode",true,"compress/flate",false,function(code_,len_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.code=0;this.len=0;return;}this.code=code_;this.len=len_;});AG=$pkg.huffmanEncoder=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"flate.huffmanEncoder",true,"compress/flate",false,function(codes_,freqcache_,bitCount_,lns_,lfs_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.codes=CM.nil;this.freqcache=CN.nil;this.bitCount=CO.zero();this.lns=AP.nil;this.lfs=AQ.nil;return;}this.codes=codes_;this.freqcache=freqcache_;this.bitCount=bitCount_;this.lns=lns_;this.lfs=lfs_;});AH=$pkg.literalNode=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"flate.literalNode",true,"compress/flate",false,function(literal_,freq_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.literal=0;this.freq=0;return;}this.literal=literal_;this.freq=freq_;});AI=$pkg.levelInfo=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"flate.levelInfo",true,"compress/flate",false,function(level_,lastFreq_,nextCharFreq_,nextPairFreq_,needed_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.level=0;this.lastFreq=0;this.nextCharFreq=0;this.nextPairFreq=0;this.needed=0;return;}this.level=level_;this.lastFreq=lastFreq_;this.nextCharFreq=nextCharFreq_;this.nextPairFreq=nextPairFreq_;this.needed=needed_;});AP=$pkg.byLiteral=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"flate.byLiteral",true,"compress/flate",false,null);AQ=$pkg.byFreq=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"flate.byFreq",true,"compress/flate",false,null);BC=$pkg.dictDecoder=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"flate.dictDecoder",true,"compress/flate",false,function(hist_,wrPos_,rdPos_,full_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.hist=CF.nil;this.wrPos=0;this.rdPos=0;this.full=false;return;}this.hist=hist_;this.wrPos=wrPos_;this.rdPos=rdPos_;this.full=full_;});BV=$arrayType($Uint32,512);BW=$sliceType($Uint32);BX=$sliceType(BW);BY=$ptrType(AG);CB=$arrayType($Int,16);CC=$ptrType(W);CD=$sliceType($Int);CE=$ptrType(Y);CF=$sliceType($Uint8);CG=$arrayType($Int,288);CH=$arrayType($Int,316);CI=$ptrType(CH);CJ=$arrayType($Int,19);CK=$ptrType(CJ);CL=$arrayType($Uint8,4);CM=$sliceType(AF);CN=$sliceType(AH);CO=$arrayType($Int32,17);CP=$arrayType(AI,16);CQ=$arrayType($Int32,16);CR=$arrayType(CQ,16);CS=$sliceType($Int32);CT=$ptrType(AP);CU=$ptrType(AQ);DM=$funcType([CE],[],false);DN=$ptrType(AF);DO=$ptrType(BC);R.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this;return"flate: corrupt input before offset "+D.FormatInt((new $Int64(a.$high,a.$low)),10);};$ptrType(R).prototype.Error=function(){return this.$get().Error();};S.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return"flate: internal error: "+(a);};$ptrType(S).prototype.Error=function(){return new S(this.$get()).Error();};W.ptr.prototype.init=function(a){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=this;if(!((b.min===0))){W.copy(b,new W.ptr(0,BV.zero(),BX.nil,0));}c=CB.zero();d=0;e=0;f=d;g=e;h=a;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if(j===0){i++;continue;}if((f===0)||jg){g=j;}((j<0||j>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[j]=(((j<0||j>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[j])+(1)>>0));i++;}if(g===0){return true;}k=0;l=CB.zero();m=f;while(true){if(!(m<=g)){break;}k=(n=(1),n<32?(k<>0;((m<0||m>=l.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l[m]=k);k=k+(((m<0||m>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[m]))>>0;m=m+(1)>>0;}if(!((k===((o=((g>>>0)),o<32?(1<>0)))&&!((k===1)&&(g===1))){return false;}b.min=f;if(g>9){q=(p=((((g>>>0))-9>>>0)),p<32?(1<>0;b.linkMask=(((q-1>>0)>>>0));r=l[10]>>1>>0;b.links=$makeSlice(BX,(512-r>>0));s=((r>>>0));while(true){if(!(s<512)){break;}t=((C.Reverse16(((s<<16>>>16)))>>0));t=(t>>$min((7),31))>>0;u=s-((r>>>0))>>>0;if(false&&!(((v=b.chunks,((t<0||t>=v.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v[t]))===0))){$panic(new $String("impossible: overwriting existing chunk"));}(w=b.chunks,((t<0||t>=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[t]=(((((u<<4>>>0)|10)>>>0)>>>0))));(x=b.links,((u<0||u>=x.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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of range"),undefined):ar[as]);if(au===0){if((k===1)&&((av=at%2,av===av?av:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===1)){as++;continue;}$panic(new $String("impossible: missing chunk"));}as++;}aw=b.links;ax=0;while(true){if(!(ax=aw.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aw.$array[aw.$offset+ax]);az=ay;ba=0;while(true){if(!(ba=az.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):az.$array[az.$offset+ba]);if(bb===0){$panic(new $String("impossible: missing chunk"));}ba++;}ax++;}}return true;};W.prototype.init=function(a){return this.$val.init(a);};Y.ptr.prototype.nextBlock=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;case 1:if(!(a.nb<3)){$s=2;continue;}b=a.moreBits();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a.err=b;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(a.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return;}$s=1;continue;case 2:a.final$12=((a.b&1)>>>0)===1;a.b=(c=(1),c<32?(a.b>>>c):0)>>>0;d=(a.b&3)>>>0;a.b=(e=(2),e<32?(a.b>>>e):0)>>>0;a.nb=a.nb-(3)>>>0;f=d;if(f===(0)){$s=5;continue;}if(f===(1)){$s=6;continue;}if(f===(2)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 5:$r=a.dataBlock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=9;continue;case 6:a.hl=Q;a.hd=CC.nil;$r=a.huffmanBlock();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=9;continue;case 7:g=a.readHuffman();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a.err=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(a.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}a.hl=a.h1;a.hd=a.h2;$r=a.huffmanBlock();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=9;continue;case 8:a.err=((h=a.roffset,new R(h.$high,h.$low)));case 9:case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.nextBlock,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.nextBlock=function(){return this.$val.nextBlock();};Y.ptr.prototype.Read=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;case 1:if(b.toRead.$length>0){c=$copySlice(a,b.toRead);b.toRead=$subslice(b.toRead,c);if(b.toRead.$length===0){$s=-1;return[c,b.err];}$s=-1;return[c,$ifaceNil];}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,b.err];}$r=b.step(b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err,$ifaceNil))&&(b.toRead.$length===0)){b.toRead=b.dict.readFlush();}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.Read=function(a){return this.$val.Read(a);};Y.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var a;a=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(a.err,B.EOF)){return $ifaceNil;}return a.err;};Y.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};Y.ptr.prototype.readHuffman=function(){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;case 1:if(!(a.nb<14)){$s=2;continue;}b=a.moreBits();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return c;}$s=1;continue;case 2:d=((((a.b&31)>>>0)>>0))+257>>0;if(d>286){$s=-1;return((e=a.roffset,new R(e.$high,e.$low)));}a.b=(f=(5),f<32?(a.b>>>f):0)>>>0;g=((((a.b&31)>>>0)>>0))+1>>0;if(g>30){$s=-1;return((h=a.roffset,new R(h.$high,h.$low)));}a.b=(i=(5),i<32?(a.b>>>i):0)>>>0;j=((((a.b&15)>>>0)>>0))+4>>0;a.b=(k=(4),k<32?(a.b>>>k):0)>>>0;a.nb=a.nb-(14)>>>0;l=0;case 4:if(!(l=Z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):Z[l]),o.nilCheck,((p<0||p>=o.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o[p]=((((a.b&7)>>>0)>>0))));a.b=(q=(3),q<32?(a.b>>>q):0)>>>0;a.nb=a.nb-(3)>>>0;l=l+(1)>>0;$s=4;continue;case 5:r=j;while(true){if(!(r<19)){break;}(s=a.codebits,t=((r<0||r>=Z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):Z[r]),s.nilCheck,((t<0||t>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[t]=0));r=r+(1)>>0;}if(!a.h1.init($subslice(new CD(a.codebits),0))){$s=-1;return((u=a.roffset,new R(u.$high,u.$low)));}v=0;w=d+g>>0;x=v;y=w;case 9:if(!(x=ad.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad[x]=ab));x=x+(1)>>0;$s=9;continue;}ae=0;af=0;ag=0;ah=ab;if(ah===(16)){ae=3;af=2;if(x===0){$s=-1;return((ai=a.roffset,new R(ai.$high,ai.$low)));}ag=(aj=a.bits,ak=x-1>>0,((ak<0||ak>=aj.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aj[ak]));}else if(ah===(17)){ae=3;af=3;ag=0;}else if(ah===(18)){ae=11;af=7;ag=0;}else{$s=-1;return new S("unexpected length code");}case 12:if(!(a.nb>>0)-1>>>0)))>>>0)>>0)))>>0;a.b=(ao=(af),ao<32?(a.b>>>ao):0)>>>0;a.nb=a.nb-(af)>>>0;if((x+ae>>0)>y){$s=-1;return((ap=a.roffset,new R(ap.$high,ap.$low)));}aq=0;while(true){if(!(aq=ar.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ar[x]=ag));x=x+(1)>>0;aq=aq+(1)>>0;}$s=9;continue;case 10:if(!a.h1.init($subslice(new CD(a.bits),0,d))||!a.h2.init($subslice(new CD(a.bits),d,(d+g>>0)))){$s=-1;return((as=a.roffset,new R(as.$high,as.$low)));}if(a.h1.min>>24)));if(a.dict.availWrite()===0){a.toRead=a.dict.readFlush();a.step=$methodExpr(CE,"huffmanBlock");a.stepState=0;$s=-1;return;}$s=5;continue;$s=19;continue;case 10:a.finishBlock();$s=-1;return;case 11:h=e-254>>0;g=0;$s=19;continue;case 12:h=($imul(e,2))-519>>0;g=1;$s=19;continue;case 13:h=($imul(e,4))-1057>>0;g=2;$s=19;continue;case 14:h=($imul(e,8))-2149>>0;g=3;$s=19;continue;case 15:h=($imul(e,16))-4365>>0;g=4;$s=19;continue;case 16:h=($imul(e,32))-8861>>0;g=5;$s=19;continue;case 17:h=258;g=0;$s=19;continue;case 18:a.err=((i=a.roffset,new R(i.$high,i.$low)));$s=-1;return;case 19:case 8:if(g>0){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:case 22:if(!(a.nb>>0)-1>>>0)))>>>0)>>0)))>>0;a.b=(l=(g),l<32?(a.b>>>l):0)>>>0;a.nb=a.nb-(g)>>>0;case 21:m=0;if(a.hd===CC.nil){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:case 28:if(!(a.nb<5)){$s=29;continue;}n=a.moreBits();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=n;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){a.err=f;$s=-1;return;}$s=28;continue;case 29:m=((C.Reverse8((((((a.b&31)>>>0)<<3>>>0)<<24>>>24)))>>0));a.b=(o=(5),o<32?(a.b>>>o):0)>>>0;a.nb=a.nb-(5)>>>0;$s=27;continue;case 26:q=a.huffSym(a.hd);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;m=p[0];f=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){a.err=f;$s=-1;return;}case 27:if(m<4){$s=33;continue;}if(m<30){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 33:m=m+(1)>>0;$s=36;continue;case 34:r=(((m-2>>0)>>>0))>>>1>>>0;t=(s=r,s<32?(((m&1))<>0;case 37:if(!(a.nb>>0)-1>>>0)))>>>0)>>0)));a.b=(w=(r),w<32?(a.b>>>w):0)>>>0;a.nb=a.nb-(r)>>>0;m=(((x=((r+1>>>0)),x<32?(1<>0)+1>>0)+t>>0;$s=36;continue;case 35:a.err=((y=a.roffset,new R(y.$high,y.$low)));$s=-1;return;case 36:case 32:if(m>a.dict.histSize()){a.err=((z=a.roffset,new R(z.$high,z.$low)));$s=-1;return;}aa=h;ab=m;a.copyLen=aa;a.copyDist=ab;$s=6;continue;case 6:ac=a.dict.tryWriteCopy(a.copyDist,a.copyLen);if(ac===0){ac=a.dict.writeCopy(a.copyDist,a.copyLen);}a.copyLen=a.copyLen-(ac)>>0;if((a.dict.availWrite()===0)||a.copyLen>0){a.toRead=a.dict.readFlush();a.step=$methodExpr(CE,"huffmanBlock");a.stepState=1;$s=-1;return;}$s=5;continue;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.huffmanBlock,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.huffmanBlock=function(){return this.$val.huffmanBlock();};Y.ptr.prototype.dataBlock=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;a.nb=0;a.b=0;c=B.ReadFull(a.r,$subslice(new CF(a.buf),0,4));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];a.roffset=(f=a.roffset,g=(new $Int64(0,d)),new $Int64(f.$high+g.$high,f.$low+g.$low));if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){a.err=AA(e);$s=-1;return;}h=((a.buf[0]>>0))|(((a.buf[1]>>0))<<8>>0);i=((a.buf[2]>>0))|(((a.buf[3]>>0))<<8>>0);if(!((((i<<16>>>16))===(((~h>>0)<<16>>>16))))){a.err=((j=a.roffset,new R(j.$high,j.$low)));$s=-1;return;}if(h===0){a.toRead=a.dict.readFlush();a.finishBlock();$s=-1;return;}a.copyLen=h;$r=a.copyData();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.dataBlock,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.dataBlock=function(){return this.$val.dataBlock();};Y.ptr.prototype.copyData=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.dict.writeSlice();if(b.$length>a.copyLen){b=$subslice(b,0,a.copyLen);}d=B.ReadFull(a.r,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];a.roffset=(g=a.roffset,h=(new $Int64(0,e)),new $Int64(g.$high+h.$high,g.$low+h.$low));a.copyLen=a.copyLen-(e)>>0;a.dict.writeMark(e);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){a.err=AA(f);$s=-1;return;}if((a.dict.availWrite()===0)||a.copyLen>0){a.toRead=a.dict.readFlush();a.step=$methodExpr(CE,"copyData");$s=-1;return;}a.finishBlock();$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.copyData,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.copyData=function(){return this.$val.copyData();};Y.ptr.prototype.finishBlock=function(){var a;a=this;if(a.final$12){if(a.dict.availRead()>0){a.toRead=a.dict.readFlush();}a.err=B.EOF;}a.step=$methodExpr(CE,"nextBlock");};Y.prototype.finishBlock=function(){return this.$val.finishBlock();};AA=function(a){var a;if($interfaceIsEqual(a,B.EOF)){return B.ErrUnexpectedEOF;}return a;};Y.ptr.prototype.moreBits=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=a.r.ReadByte();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return AA(e);}a.roffset=(f=a.roffset,g=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(f.$high+g.$high,f.$low+g.$low));a.b=(a.b|(((h=a.nb,h<32?(((d>>>0))<>>0)))>>>0;a.nb=a.nb+(8)>>>0;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.moreBits,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.moreBits=function(){return this.$val.moreBits();};Y.ptr.prototype.huffSym=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=((a.min>>>0));d=b.nb;e=b.b;f=d;g=e;case 1:case 3:if(!(f>>0)),n<32?(((j>>>0))<>>0)))>>>0;f=f+(8)>>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:q=(o=a.chunks,p=(g&511)>>>0,((p<0||p>=o.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o[p]));c=((((q&15)>>>0)>>>0));if(c>9){q=(r=(s=a.links,t=q>>>4>>>0,((t<0||t>=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+t])),u=(((g>>>9>>>0))&a.linkMask)>>>0,((u<0||u>=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+u]));c=((((q&15)>>>0)>>>0));}if(c<=f){if(c===0){b.b=g;b.nb=f;b.err=((v=b.roffset,new R(v.$high,v.$low)));$s=-1;return[0,b.err];}b.b=(w=(((c&31)>>>0)),w<32?(g>>>w):0)>>>0;b.nb=f-c>>>0;$s=-1;return[(((q>>>4>>>0)>>0)),$ifaceNil];}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.huffSym,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.huffSym=function(a){return this.$val.huffSym(a);};AB=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=$assertType(a,X,true);c=b[0];d=b[1];if(d){return c;}return A.NewReader(a);};AC=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=P.Do((function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=CG.zero();b=0;while(true){if(!(b<144)){break;}((b<0||b>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[b]=8);b=b+(1)>>0;}c=144;while(true){if(!(c<256)){break;}((c<0||c>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[c]=9);c=c+(1)>>0;}d=256;while(true){if(!(d<280)){break;}((d<0||d>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[d]=7);d=d+(1)>>0;}e=280;while(true){if(!(e<288)){break;}((e<0||e>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[e]=8);e=e+(1)>>0;}Q.init(new CD(a));}));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AC,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};Y.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;Y.copy(c,new Y.ptr(AB(a),new $Int64(0,0),0,0,new W.ptr(0,BV.zero(),BX.nil,0),new W.ptr(0,BV.zero(),BX.nil,0),c.bits,c.codebits,$clone(c.dict,BC),CL.zero(),$methodExpr(CE,"nextBlock"),0,false,$ifaceNil,CF.nil,CC.nil,CC.nil,0,0));c.dict.init(32768,b);return $ifaceNil;};Y.prototype.Reset=function(a,b){return this.$val.Reset(a,b);};AD=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];$r=AC();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b[0]=new Y.ptr($ifaceNil,new $Int64(0,0),0,0,new W.ptr(0,BV.zero(),BX.nil,0),new W.ptr(0,BV.zero(),BX.nil,0),CI.nil,CK.nil,new BC.ptr(CF.nil,0,0,false),CL.zero(),$throwNilPointerError,0,false,$ifaceNil,CF.nil,CC.nil,CC.nil,0,0);b[0].r=AB(a);b[0].bits=CH.zero();b[0].codebits=CJ.zero();b[0].step=$methodExpr(CE,"nextBlock");b[0].dict.init(32768,CF.nil);$s=-1;return b[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AD,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewReader=AD;AF.ptr.prototype.set=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.len=b;c.code=a;};AF.prototype.set=function(a,b){return this.$val.set(a,b);};AJ=function(){return new AH.ptr(65535,2147483647);};AK=function(a){var a;return new AG.ptr($makeSlice(CM,a),CN.nil,CO.zero(),AP.nil,AQ.nil);};AL=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=AK(286);b=a.codes;c=0;c=0;while(true){if(!(c<286)){break;}d=0;e=0;switch(0){default:if(c<144){d=c+48<<16>>>16;e=8;break;}else if(c<256){d=(c+400<<16>>>16)-144<<16>>>16;e=9;break;}else if(c<280){d=c-256<<16>>>16;e=7;break;}else{d=(c+192<<16>>>16)-280<<16>>>16;e=8;}}AF.copy(((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]),new AF.ptr(AR(d,((e<<24>>>24))),e));c=c+(1)<<16>>>16;}return a;};AM=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=AK(30);b=a.codes;c=b;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]),new AF.ptr(AR(((e<<16>>>16)),5),5));d++;}return a;};AG.ptr.prototype.bitCounts=function(a,b){var a,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=this;if(b>=16){$panic(new $String("flate: maxBits too large"));}d=((a.$length>>0));a=$subslice(a,0,(d+1>>0));AH.copy(((d<0||d>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+d]),AJ());if(b>(d-1>>0)){b=d-1>>0;}e=CP.zero();f=CR.zero();g=1;while(true){if(!(g<=b)){break;}AI.copy(((g<0||g>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[g]),new AI.ptr(g,(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]).freq,(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]).freq,(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]).freq+(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]).freq>>0,0));(h=((g<0||g>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[g]),((g<0||g>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[g]=2));if(g===1){((g<0||g>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[g]).nextPairFreq=2147483647;}g=g+(1)>>0;}((b<0||b>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[b]).needed=($imul(2,d))-4>>0;i=b;while(true){j=((i<0||i>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[i]);if((j.nextPairFreq===2147483647)&&(j.nextCharFreq===2147483647)){j.needed=0;(k=i+1>>0,((k<0||k>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[k])).nextPairFreq=2147483647;i=i+(1)>>0;continue;}l=j.lastFreq;if(j.nextCharFreq=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[i]),((i<0||i>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[i]))+1>>0;j.lastFreq=j.nextCharFreq;(o=((i<0||i>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[i]),((i<0||i>=o.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o[i]=n));j.nextCharFreq=((n<0||n>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+n]).freq;}else{j.lastFreq=j.nextPairFreq;$copySlice($subslice(new CS(((i<0||i>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[i])),0,i),$subslice(new CS((p=i-1>>0,((p<0||p>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[p]))),0,i));(q=j.level-1>>0,((q<0||q>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[q])).needed=2;}j.needed=j.needed-(1)>>0;if(j.needed===0){if(j.level===b){break;}(r=j.level+1>>0,((r<0||r>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[r])).nextPairFreq=l+j.lastFreq>>0;i=i+(1)>>0;}else{while(true){if(!((s=i-1>>0,((s<0||s>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[s])).needed>0)){break;}i=i-(1)>>0;}}}if(!(((t=((b<0||b>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[b]),((b<0||b>=t.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t[b]))===d))){$panic(new $String("leafCounts[maxBits][maxBits] != n"));}u=$subslice(new CS(c.bitCount),0,(b+1>>0));v=1;w=((b<0||b>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[b]);x=b;while(true){if(!(x>0)){break;}((v<0||v>=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+v]=((y=w,((x<0||x>=y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y[x]))-(z=w,aa=x-1>>0,((aa<0||aa>=z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z[aa]))>>0));v=v+(1)>>0;x=x-(1)>>0;}return u;};AG.prototype.bitCounts=function(a,b){return this.$val.bitCounts(a,b);};AG.ptr.prototype.assignEncodingAndSize=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=0;e=a;f=0;case 1:if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);d=(i=(1),i<32?(d<>>16;if((g===0)||(h===0)){f++;$s=1;continue;}j=$subslice(b,(b.$length-((h>>0))>>0));$r=(c.$ptr_lns||(c.$ptr_lns=new CT(function(){return this.$target.lns;},function($v){this.$target.lns=$v;},c))).sort(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;while(true){if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]),AH);AF.copy((n=c.codes,o=m.literal,((o<0||o>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o])),new AF.ptr(AR(d,((g<<24>>>24))),((g<<16>>>16))));d=d+(1)<<16>>>16;l++;}b=$subslice(b,0,(b.$length-((h>>0))>>0));f++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.assignEncodingAndSize,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.assignEncodingAndSize=function(a,b){return this.$val.assignEncodingAndSize(a,b);};AG.ptr.prototype.generate=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(c.freqcache===CN.nil){c.freqcache=$makeSlice(CN,287);}d=$subslice(c.freqcache,0,(a.$length+1>>0));e=0;f=a;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(!((i===0))){AH.copy(((e<0||e>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]),new AH.ptr(((h<<16>>>16)),i));e=e+(1)>>0;}else{AH.copy(((e<0||e>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]),new AH.ptr(0,0));(j=c.codes,((h<0||h>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+h])).len=0;}g++;}AH.copy((k=a.$length,((k<0||k>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+k])),new AH.ptr(0,0));d=$subslice(d,0,e);if(e<=2){l=d;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]),AH);(p=c.codes,q=o.literal,((q<0||q>=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q])).set(((n<<16>>>16)),1);m++;}$s=-1;return;}$r=(c.$ptr_lfs||(c.$ptr_lfs=new CU(function(){return this.$target.lfs;},function($v){this.$target.lfs=$v;},c))).sort(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=c.bitCounts(d,b);$r=c.assignEncodingAndSize(r,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.generate,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.generate=function(a,b){return this.$val.generate(a,b);};$ptrType(AP).prototype.sort=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;b.$set(($convertSliceType(a,AP)));$r=G.Sort(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(AP).prototype.sort,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.$length;};$ptrType(AP).prototype.Len=function(){return this.$get().Len();};AP.prototype.Less=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;return((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]).literal<((b<0||b>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+b]).literal;};$ptrType(AP).prototype.Less=function(a,b){return this.$get().Less(a,b);};AP.prototype.Swap=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=this;d=$clone(((b<0||b>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+b]),AH);e=$clone(((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]),AH);AH.copy(((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]),d);AH.copy(((b<0||b>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+b]),e);};$ptrType(AP).prototype.Swap=function(a,b){return 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this.$val.readFlush();};R.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];S.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];CC.methods=[{prop:"init",name:"init",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([CD],[$Bool],false)}];CE.methods=[{prop:"nextBlock",name:"nextBlock",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CF],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Close",name:"Close",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"readHuffman",name:"readHuffman",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"huffmanBlock",name:"huffmanBlock",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"dataBlock",name:"dataBlock",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"copyData",name:"copyData",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"finishBlock",name:"finishBlock",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"moreBits",name:"moreBits",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"huffSym",name:"huffSym",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([CC],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([B.Reader,CF],[$error],false)}];DN.methods=[{prop:"set",name:"set",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([$Uint16,$Uint16],[],false)}];BY.methods=[{prop:"bitLength",name:"bitLength",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([CS],[$Int],false)},{prop:"bitCounts",name:"bitCounts",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([CN,$Int32],[CS],false)},{prop:"assignEncodingAndSize",name:"assignEncodingAndSize",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([CS,CN],[],false)},{prop:"generate",name:"generate",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([CS,$Int32],[],false)}];AP.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Less",name:"Less",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Swap",name:"Swap",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[],false)}];CT.methods=[{prop:"sort",name:"sort",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([CN],[],false)}];AQ.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Less",name:"Less",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Swap",name:"Swap",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[],false)}];CU.methods=[{prop:"sort",name:"sort",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([CN],[],false)}];DO.methods=[{prop:"init",name:"init",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([$Int,CF],[],false)},{prop:"histSize",name:"histSize",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"availRead",name:"availRead",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"availWrite",name:"availWrite",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"writeSlice",name:"writeSlice",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[CF],false)},{prop:"writeMark",name:"writeMark",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([$Int],[],false)},{prop:"writeByte",name:"writeByte",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([$Uint8],[],false)},{prop:"writeCopy",name:"writeCopy",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[$Int],false)},{prop:"tryWriteCopy",name:"tryWriteCopy",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[$Int],false)},{prop:"readFlush",name:"readFlush",pkg:"compress/flate",typ:$funcType([],[CF],false)}];V.init([{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([B.Reader,CF],[$error],false)}]);W.init("compress/flate",[{prop:"min",name:"min",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"chunks",name:"chunks",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:BV,tag:""},{prop:"links",name:"links",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:BX,tag:""},{prop:"linkMask",name:"linkMask",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""}]);X.init([{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CF],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadByte",name:"ReadByte",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Uint8,$error],false)}]);Y.init("compress/flate",[{prop:"r",name:"r",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:X,tag:""},{prop:"roffset",name:"roffset",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"b",name:"b",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"nb",name:"nb",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint,tag:""},{prop:"h1",name:"h1",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:W,tag:""},{prop:"h2",name:"h2",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:W,tag:""},{prop:"bits",name:"bits",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:CI,tag:""},{prop:"codebits",name:"codebits",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:CK,tag:""},{prop:"dict",name:"dict",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:BC,tag:""},{prop:"buf",name:"buf",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:CL,tag:""},{prop:"step",name:"step",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:DM,tag:""},{prop:"stepState",name:"stepState",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"final$12",name:"final",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""},{prop:"toRead",name:"toRead",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:CF,tag:""},{prop:"hl",name:"hl",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:CC,tag:""},{prop:"hd",name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8;};$ptrType(F).prototype.BlockSize=function(){var a;a=this;return 1;};$ptrType(F).prototype.Sum=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;d=((c=b.$get(),new $Uint64(c.$high,c.$low)));return $append(a,(($shiftRightUint64(d,56).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(d,48).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(d,40).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(d,32).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(d,24).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(d,16).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(d,8).$low<<24>>>24)),((d.$low<<24>>>24)));};$ptrType(F).prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;b=$makeSlice(AA,0,12);b=$appendSlice(b,"fnv\x03");b=R(b,((c=a.$get(),new $Uint64(c.$high,c.$low))));return[b,$ifaceNil];};$ptrType(F).prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;if(a.$length<4||!(($bytesToString($subslice(a,0,4)))==="fnv\x03")){return A.New("hash/fnv: invalid hash state identifier");}if(!((a.$length===12))){return A.New("hash/fnv: invalid hash state size");}b.$set(((c=S($subslice(a,4)),new F(c.$high,c.$low))));return $ifaceNil;};R=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[(($shiftRightUint64(b,56).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(b,48).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(b,40).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(b,32).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(b,24).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(b,16).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(b,8).$low<<24>>>24)),((b.$low<<24>>>24))]);return $appendSlice(a,new AA(c));};S=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;$unused((7>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+7]));return(b=(c=(d=(e=(f=(g=(h=(new $Uint64(0,(7>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+7]))),i=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(6>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+6]))),8),new $Uint64(h.$high|i.$high,(h.$low|i.$low)>>>0)),j=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(5>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$Uint64(b.$high|o.$high,(b.$low|o.$low)>>>0));};V.methods=[{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"Sum64",name:"Sum64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Uint64],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Size",name:"Size",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Sum",name:"Sum",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA],[AA],false)},{prop:"MarshalBinary",name:"MarshalBinary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AA,$error],false)},{prop:"UnmarshalBinary",name:"UnmarshalBinary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA],[$error],false)}];$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break 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0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=C.Executable();c=b[0];d=b[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=new $Uint64(0,0);$s=3;case 3:return e;case 2:g=C.Open(c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];d=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:i=new $Uint64(0,0);$s=7;case 7:return i;case 6:$deferred.push([$methodVal(h,"Close"),[]]);j=I.zero();k=B.New64();m=h.Stat();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];d=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:o=new $Uint64(0,0);$s=11;case 11:return o;case 10:p=$subslice(new J(j),0,8);r=n.Size();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=((q=r,new $Uint64(q.$high,q.$low)));$r=$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).PutUint64(p,s);$s=13;case 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G+a.s;};F.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};F.ptr.prototype.Unwrap=function(){var a;a=this;return $pkg.Error;};F.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};I.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=J("%v%v: %v",new M([new $String(G),new $String(a.s),a.err]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};I.ptr.prototype.Unwrap=function(){var a;a=this;return a.err;};I.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};I.ptr.prototype.Is=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return $interfaceIsEqual(a,$pkg.Error);};I.prototype.Is=function(a){return this.$val.Is(a);};J=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;case 1:if(!(c=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]);if($assertType(d,N,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}if($assertType(d,O,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:e=d.$val;((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]=new $String(e.s));$s=5;continue;case 4:f=d.$val;g=J("%v: %v",new M([new $String(f.s),f.err]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]=new $String(g));case 5:c=c+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:h=B.Sprintf(a,b);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=8;case 8:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:J,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};K=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=E("field %v contains invalid UTF-8",new M([new $String(a)]));$s=1;case 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$f;};$pkg.RequiredNotSet=L;N.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"Unwrap",name:"Unwrap",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)}];O.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"Unwrap",name:"Unwrap",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Is",name:"Is",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$error],[$Bool],false)}];F.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors",[{prop:"s",name:"s",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$String,tag:""}]);I.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors",[{prop:"s",name:"s",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break 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f,g,h,i,j,k;g=Q(f);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=g[2];if(j<0){return[0,0,j];}k=N(h,i,$subslice(f,j));if(k<0){return[0,0,k];}return[h,i,j+k>>0];};$pkg.ConsumeField=M;N=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=O(f,g,h,10000);return i;};$pkg.ConsumeFieldValue=N;O=function(f,g,h,i){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;j=0;k=g;if(k===(0)){l=T(h);j=l[1];j=j;return j;}else if(k===(5)){m=W(h);j=m[1];j=j;return j;}else if(k===(1)){n=Z(h);j=n[1];j=j;return j;}else if(k===(2)){o=AC(h);j=o[1];j=j;return j;}else if(k===(3)){if(i<0){j=-6;return j;}p=h.$length;while(true){q=Q(h);r=q[0];s=q[1];t=q[2];if(t<0){j=t;return j;}h=$subslice(h,t);if(s===4){if(!((f===r))){j=-5;return j;}j=p-h.$length>>0;return j;}t=O(r,s,h,i-1>>0);if(t<0){j=t;return j;}h=$subslice(h,t);}}else if(k===(4)){j=-5;return j;}else{j=-4;return j;}};P=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;return S(f,AK(g,h));};$pkg.AppendTag=P;Q=function(f){var 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$Uint64(j.$high|0,(j.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(((l=(m=$shiftRightUint64(g,7),new $Uint64(m.$high&0,(m.$low&127)>>>0)),new $Uint64(l.$high|0,(l.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(g,14).$low<<24>>>24)));}else if((g.$high<0||(g.$high===0&&g.$low<268435456))){f=$append(f,(((n=(o=$shiftRightUint64(g,0),new $Uint64(o.$high&0,(o.$low&127)>>>0)),new $Uint64(n.$high|0,(n.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(((p=(q=$shiftRightUint64(g,7),new $Uint64(q.$high&0,(q.$low&127)>>>0)),new $Uint64(p.$high|0,(p.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(((r=(s=$shiftRightUint64(g,14),new $Uint64(s.$high&0,(s.$low&127)>>>0)),new $Uint64(r.$high|0,(r.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(g,21).$low<<24>>>24)));}else if((g.$high<8||(g.$high===8&&g.$low<0))){f=$append(f,(((t=(u=$shiftRightUint64(g,0),new $Uint64(u.$high&0,(u.$low&127)>>>0)),new $Uint64(t.$high|0,(t.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(((v=(w=$shiftRightUint64(g,7),new $Uint64(w.$high&0,(w.$low&127)>>>0)),new 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$Uint64(bf.$high|0,(bf.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(((bh=(bi=$shiftRightUint64(g,35),new $Uint64(bi.$high&0,(bi.$low&127)>>>0)),new $Uint64(bh.$high|0,(bh.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(((bj=(bk=$shiftRightUint64(g,42),new $Uint64(bk.$high&0,(bk.$low&127)>>>0)),new $Uint64(bj.$high|0,(bj.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(($shiftRightUint64(g,49).$low<<24>>>24)));}else if((g.$high<2147483648||(g.$high===2147483648&&g.$low<0))){f=$append(f,(((bl=(bm=$shiftRightUint64(g,0),new $Uint64(bm.$high&0,(bm.$low&127)>>>0)),new $Uint64(bl.$high|0,(bl.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(((bn=(bo=$shiftRightUint64(g,7),new $Uint64(bo.$high&0,(bo.$low&127)>>>0)),new $Uint64(bn.$high|0,(bn.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(((bp=(bq=$shiftRightUint64(g,14),new $Uint64(bq.$high&0,(bq.$low&127)>>>0)),new $Uint64(bp.$high|0,(bp.$low|128)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)),(((br=(bs=$shiftRightUint64(g,21),new $Uint64(bs.$high&0,(bs.$low&127)>>>0)),new 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$Int64(f.$high,f.$low)),63),63),new $Int64(g.$high^i.$high,(g.$low^i.$low)>>>0));};$pkg.DecodeZigZag=AL;AM=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j;return(g=((h=$shiftLeft64(f,1),new $Uint64(h.$high,h.$low))),i=((j=$shiftRightInt64(f,63),new $Uint64(j.$high,j.$low))),new $Uint64(g.$high^i.$high,(g.$low^i.$low)>>>0));};$pkg.EncodeZigZag=AM;AN=function(f){var f;return!((f.$high===0&&f.$low===0));};$pkg.DecodeBool=AN;AO=function(f){var f;if(f){return new $Uint64(0,1);}return new $Uint64(0,0);};$pkg.EncodeBool=AO;E.methods=[{prop:"IsValid",name:"IsValid",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)}];$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=D.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=3;case 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0:a=this;b=a.typ;if(b===(1)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return(c=a.num,(c.$high>0||(c.$high===0&&c.$low>0)));case 3:d=$clone(a,G).panicMessage("bool");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(d));case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.Bool,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.Bool=function(){return this.$val.Bool();};G.ptr.prototype.Int=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.typ;if((b===(2))||(b===(3))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return((c=a.num,new $Int64(c.$high,c.$low)));case 3:d=$clone(a,G).panicMessage("int");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(d));case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return new $Int64(0,0);}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.Int,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.Int=function(){return this.$val.Int();};G.ptr.prototype.Uint=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.typ;if((b===(4))||(b===(5))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return(a.num);case 3:c=$clone(a,G).panicMessage("uint");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return new $Uint64(0,0);}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.Uint,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.Uint=function(){return this.$val.Uint();};G.ptr.prototype.Float=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.typ;if((b===(6))||(b===(7))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return B.Float64frombits((a.num));case 3:c=$clone(a,G).panicMessage("float");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.Float,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.Float=function(){return this.$val.Float();};G.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.typ;if(b===(8)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $clone(a,G).getString();case 3:c=$clone(a,G).Interface();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=A.Sprint(new CZ([c]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=7;case 7:return e;case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};G.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.typ;if(b===(9)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $clone(a,G).getBytes();case 3:c=$clone(a,G).panicMessage("bytes");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return CW.nil;}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.Bytes,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};G.ptr.prototype.Enum=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.typ;if(b===(10)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return((a.num.$low>>0));case 3:c=$clone(a,G).panicMessage("enum");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.Enum,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.Enum=function(){return this.$val.Enum();};G.ptr.prototype.Message=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(a,G).getIface();if($assertType(b,AC,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=b;$s=-1;return c;case 2:d=b;e=$clone(a,G).panicMessage("message");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(e));case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.Message,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.Message=function(){return this.$val.Message();};G.ptr.prototype.List=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(a,G).getIface();if($assertType(b,AE,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=b;$s=-1;return c;case 2:d=b;e=$clone(a,G).panicMessage("list");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(e));case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.List,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.List=function(){return this.$val.List();};G.ptr.prototype.Map=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(a,G).getIface();if($assertType(b,AF,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=b;$s=-1;return c;case 2:d=b;e=$clone(a,G).panicMessage("map");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(e));case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.Map,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.Map=function(){return this.$val.Map();};G.ptr.prototype.MapKey=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.typ;if((b===(1))||(b===(2))||(b===(3))||(b===(4))||(b===(5))||(b===(8))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return($clone(a,V));case 3:c=$clone(a,G).panicMessage("map key");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return new V.ptr(CY.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",CW.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:G.ptr.prototype.MapKey,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};G.prototype.MapKey=function(){return this.$val.MapKey();};V.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var a;a=this;return $clone(($clone(a,G)),G).IsValid();};V.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};V.ptr.prototype.Interface=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(($clone(a,G)),G).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:V.ptr.prototype.Interface,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};V.prototype.Interface=function(){return this.$val.Interface();};V.ptr.prototype.Bool=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(($clone(a,G)),G).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:V.ptr.prototype.Bool,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};V.prototype.Bool=function(){return this.$val.Bool();};V.ptr.prototype.Int=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(($clone(a,G)),G).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:V.ptr.prototype.Int,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};V.prototype.Int=function(){return this.$val.Int();};V.ptr.prototype.Uint=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(($clone(a,G)),G).Uint();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:V.ptr.prototype.Uint,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};V.prototype.Uint=function(){return this.$val.Uint();};V.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(($clone(a,G)),G).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:V.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};V.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};V.ptr.prototype.Value=function(){var a;a=this;return($clone(a,G));};V.prototype.Value=function(){return this.$val.Value();};Y=function(a){var a;return new G.ptr(CY.zero(),8,new $Uint64(0,0),a,CW.nil,$ifaceNil);};Z=function(a){var a;return new G.ptr(CY.zero(),9,new $Uint64(0,0),"",a,$ifaceNil);};AA=function(a){var a;return new G.ptr(CY.zero(),11,new $Uint64(0,0),"",CW.nil,a);};G.ptr.prototype.getString=function(){var a;a=this;return a.str;};G.prototype.getString=function(){return this.$val.getString();};G.ptr.prototype.getBytes=function(){var a;a=this;return a.bin;};G.prototype.getBytes=function(){return this.$val.getBytes();};G.ptr.prototype.getIface=function(){var a;a=this;return a.iface;};G.prototype.getIface=function(){return this.$val.getIface();};AD.prototype.IsValid=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}b=D.ConsumeField($convertSliceType(a,CW));c=b[2];if(c<0){return false;}a=$subslice(a,c);}return true;};$ptrType(AD).prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$get().IsValid();};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendFileDescriptorProto=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendServiceDescriptorProto=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]));if(d===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(d===(3)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:e=b.appendSingularField(a,"name",$throwNilPointerError);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=e;$s=5;continue;case 3:f=b.appendRepeatedField(a,"method",$methodExpr(DA,"appendMethodDescriptorProto"));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=f;$s=5;continue;case 4:g=b.appendSingularField(a,"options",$methodExpr(DA,"appendServiceOptions"));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=g;case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendServiceDescriptorProto,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendFieldDescriptorProto=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]));if(d===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===(3)){$s=3;continue;}if(d===(4)){$s=4;continue;}if(d===(5)){$s=5;continue;}if(d===(6)){$s=6;continue;}if(d===(2)){$s=7;continue;}if(d===(7)){$s=8;continue;}if(d===(9)){$s=9;continue;}if(d===(10)){$s=10;continue;}if(d===(8)){$s=11;continue;}if(d===(17)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 2:e=b.appendSingularField(a,"name",$throwNilPointerError);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=e;$s=13;continue;case 3:f=b.appendSingularField(a,"number",$throwNilPointerError);$s=15;case 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21:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=l;$s=13;continue;case 10:m=b.appendSingularField(a,"json_name",$throwNilPointerError);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=m;$s=13;continue;case 11:n=b.appendSingularField(a,"options",$methodExpr(DA,"appendFieldOptions"));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=n;$s=13;continue;case 12:o=b.appendSingularField(a,"proto3_optional",$throwNilPointerError);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=o;case 13:case 1:$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendFieldDescriptorProto,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendFileOptions=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return 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9:l=b.appendSingularField(a,"cc_generic_services",$throwNilPointerError);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=l;$s=23;continue;case 10:m=b.appendSingularField(a,"java_generic_services",$throwNilPointerError);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=m;$s=23;continue;case 11:n=b.appendSingularField(a,"py_generic_services",$throwNilPointerError);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=n;$s=23;continue;case 12:o=b.appendSingularField(a,"php_generic_services",$throwNilPointerError);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=o;$s=23;continue;case 13:p=b.appendSingularField(a,"deprecated",$throwNilPointerError);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=p;$s=23;continue;case 14:q=b.appendSingularField(a,"cc_enable_arenas",$throwNilPointerError);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=q;$s=23;continue;case 15:r=b.appendSingularField(a,"objc_class_prefix",$throwNilPointerError);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=r;$s=23;continue;case 16:s=b.appendSingularField(a,"csharp_namespace",$throwNilPointerError);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=s;$s=23;continue;case 17:t=b.appendSingularField(a,"swift_prefix",$throwNilPointerError);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=t;$s=23;continue;case 18:u=b.appendSingularField(a,"php_class_prefix",$throwNilPointerError);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=u;$s=23;continue;case 19:v=b.appendSingularField(a,"php_namespace",$throwNilPointerError);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=v;$s=23;continue;case 20:w=b.appendSingularField(a,"php_metadata_namespace",$throwNilPointerError);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=w;$s=23;continue;case 21:x=b.appendSingularField(a,"ruby_package",$throwNilPointerError);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=x;$s=23;continue;case 22:y=b.appendRepeatedField(a,"uninterpreted_option",$methodExpr(DA,"appendUninterpretedOption"));$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=y;case 23:case 1:$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendFileOptions,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendSourceCodeInfo=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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3:f=b.appendSingularField(a,"end",$throwNilPointerError);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=f;$s=5;continue;case 4:g=b.appendSingularField(a,"options",$methodExpr(DA,"appendExtensionRangeOptions"));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=g;case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendDescriptorProto_ExtensionRange,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendOneofDescriptorProto=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]));if(d===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===(2)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:e=b.appendSingularField(a,"name",$throwNilPointerError);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=e;$s=4;continue;case 3:f=b.appendSingularField(a,"options",$methodExpr(DA,"appendOneofOptions"));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=f;case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendOneofDescriptorProto,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendMessageOptions=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]));if(d===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(d===(3)){$s=4;continue;}if(d===(7)){$s=5;continue;}if(d===(999)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 2:e=b.appendSingularField(a,"message_set_wire_format",$throwNilPointerError);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=e;$s=7;continue;case 3:f=b.appendSingularField(a,"no_standard_descriptor_accessor",$throwNilPointerError);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=f;$s=7;continue;case 4:g=b.appendSingularField(a,"deprecated",$throwNilPointerError);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=g;$s=7;continue;case 5:h=b.appendSingularField(a,"map_entry",$throwNilPointerError);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=h;$s=7;continue;case 6:i=b.appendRepeatedField(a,"uninterpreted_option",$methodExpr(DA,"appendUninterpretedOption"));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=i;case 7:case 1:$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendMessageOptions,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendDescriptorProto_ReservedRange=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]));if(d===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===(2)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:e=b.appendSingularField(a,"start",$throwNilPointerError);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=e;$s=4;continue;case 3:f=b.appendSingularField(a,"end",$throwNilPointerError);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=f;case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendDescriptorProto_ReservedRange,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendEnumValueDescriptorProto=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendEnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]));if(d===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===(2)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:e=b.appendSingularField(a,"start",$throwNilPointerError);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=e;$s=4;continue;case 3:f=b.appendSingularField(a,"end",$throwNilPointerError);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=f;case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendEnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendMethodDescriptorProto=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]));if(d===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(d===(3)){$s=4;continue;}if(d===(4)){$s=5;continue;}if(d===(5)){$s=6;continue;}if(d===(6)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 2:e=b.appendSingularField(a,"name",$throwNilPointerError);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=e;$s=8;continue;case 3:f=b.appendSingularField(a,"input_type",$throwNilPointerError);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=f;$s=8;continue;case 4:g=b.appendSingularField(a,"output_type",$throwNilPointerError);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=g;$s=8;continue;case 5:h=b.appendSingularField(a,"options",$methodExpr(DA,"appendMethodOptions"));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=h;$s=8;continue;case 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$f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendSourceCodeInfo_Location=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return a;}d=(c=b.$get(),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]));if(d===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(d===(3)){$s=4;continue;}if(d===(4)){$s=5;continue;}if(d===(6)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 2:e=b.appendRepeatedField(a,"path",$throwNilPointerError);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=e;$s=7;continue;case 3:f=b.appendRepeatedField(a,"span",$throwNilPointerError);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=f;$s=7;continue;case 4:g=b.appendSingularField(a,"leading_comments",$throwNilPointerError);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=g;$s=7;continue;case 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true;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$get().Equal(a);};BP.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=(b||(b=new DA(function(){return a;},function($v){a=$convertSliceType($v,BP);}))).appendFileDescriptorProto(CW.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=a;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);d=$append(d,46);d=E.AppendInt(d,(new $Int64(0,g)),10);f++;}$s=-1;return($bytesToString(d));}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BP).prototype.String=function(){return this.$get().String();};$ptrType(BP).prototype.appendSingularField=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(d.$get().$length===0){$s=-1;return 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1:$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:BT.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BT).prototype.String=function(){return new BT(this.$get()).String();};BT.prototype.GoString=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this.$val;b=a;if(b===(2)){$s=2;continue;}if(b===(3)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return"Proto2";case 3:$s=-1;return"Proto3";case 4:c=A.Sprintf("Syntax(%d)",new CZ([new BT(a)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=7;case 7:return d;case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:BT.prototype.GoString,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BT).prototype.GoString=function(){return new BT(this.$get()).GoString();};BV.prototype.IsValid=function(){var a,b;a=this.$val;b=a;if((b===(1))||(b===(2))||(b===(3))){return true;}else{return false;}};$ptrType(BV).prototype.IsValid=function(){return new 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23:ah=ad;ay=0;case 46:az=ah.Len();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ay>0;$s=46;continue;case 47:$s=-1;return n+Q(ac,false)+o;case 24:ai=ad;bf=0;case 55:bg=ai.Len();$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bf>0;$s=55;continue;case 56:$s=-1;return n+Q(ac,k)+o;case 25:aj=ad;bm=$assertType(aj,H.EnumValueDescriptors,true);bn=bm[1];bo=0;case 62:bp=aj.Len();$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bo=bt.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bt.$array[bt.$offset+0])),C.Value).Interface();$s=69;case 69:if($c){$c=false;bw=bw.$blk();}if(bw&&bw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bx=bw;by=N($assertType(bx,H.Descriptor),false,k&&!bn);$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;by=by.$blk();}if(by&&by.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=$append(ac,by);bo=bo+(1)>>0;$s=62;continue;case 63:$s=-1;return n+Q(ac,k&&bn)+o;case 26:$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:K,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};M=function(i,j,k){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=i;m=k;if(!(j===118)){n=false;$s=1;continue s;}p=i.Flag(43);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(p){o=true;$s=2;continue s;}q=i.Flag(35);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=q;case 2:n=o;case 1:r=n;s=N(m,true,r);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=B.WriteString(l,t);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:M,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};$pkg.FormatDesc=M;N=function(i,j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=C.ValueOf(i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=$clone(m,C.Value).MethodByName("ProtoType");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,C.Value).Type();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.In(0);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r="{";s="}";t=r;u=s;if(j){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:v=q.Name();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=v+"{";case 6:w=$assertType(i,H.FileDescriptor,true);x=w[1];y=new O.ptr(AE.nil,k);z=i.IsPlaceholder();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(z){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:if(x){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:$r=y.Append($clone(m,C.Value),new S(["Path","Package","IsPlaceholder"]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$r=y.Append($clone(m,C.Value),new S(["FullName","IsPlaceholder"]));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 14:$s=10;continue;case 9:if(x){$s=18;continue;}if(j){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 18:$r=y.Append($clone(m,C.Value),new S(["Syntax"]));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=21;continue;case 19:$r=y.Append($clone(m,C.Value),new S(["Syntax","FullName"]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=21;continue;case 20:$r=y.Append($clone(m,C.Value),new S(["Name"]));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 21:case 17:aa=i;if($assertType(aa,H.FieldDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=25;continue;}if($assertType(aa,H.OneofDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 25:ab=aa;ae=(af=L[C.Type.keyFor(q)],af!==undefined?af.v:S.nil);ag=0;case 29:if(!(ag=ae.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ae.$array[ae.$offset+ag]);ai=ah;if(ai===("MapKey")){$s=32;continue;}if(ai===("MapValue")){$s=33;continue;}if(ai===("ContainingOneof")){$s=34;continue;}if(ai===("ContainingMessage")){$s=35;continue;}if(ai===("Message")){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 32:aj=ab.MapKey();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ak,$ifaceNil))){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:al=ak.Kind();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=new H.Kind(al).String();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y.recs=$append(y.recs,$toNativeArray($kindString,["MapKey",am]));case 41:$s=38;continue;case 33:an=ab.MapValue();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=an;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ao,$ifaceNil))){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:ap=ao.Kind();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap;if(aq===(14)){$s=49;continue;}if((aq===(11))||(aq===(10))){$s=50;continue;}$s=51;continue;case 49:ar=ao.Enum();$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar.FullName();$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y.recs=$append(y.recs,$toNativeArray($kindString,["MapValue",(as)]));$s=52;continue;case 50:at=ao.Message();$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at.FullName();$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y.recs=$append(y.recs,$toNativeArray($kindString,["MapValue",(au)]));$s=52;continue;case 51:av=ao.Kind();$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=new H.Kind(av).String();$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y.recs=$append(y.recs,$toNativeArray($kindString,["MapValue",aw]));case 52:case 47:case 46:$s=38;continue;case 34:ax=ab.ContainingOneof();$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ay,$ifaceNil))){$s=60;continue;}$s=61;continue;case 60:az=ay.Name();$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y.recs=$append(y.recs,$toNativeArray($kindString,["Oneof",(az)]));case 61:$s=38;continue;case 35:ba=ab.IsExtension();$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ba){$s=63;continue;}$s=64;continue;case 63:bb=ab.ContainingMessage();$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb.FullName();$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y.recs=$append(y.recs,$toNativeArray($kindString,["Extendee",(bc)]));case 64:$s=38;continue;case 36:bd=ab.IsMap();$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!bd){$s=68;continue;}$s=69;continue;case 68:$r=y.Append($clone(m,C.Value),new S([ah]));$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 69:$s=38;continue;case 37:$r=y.Append($clone(m,C.Value),new S([ah]));$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 38:case 31:ag++;$s=29;continue;case 30:$s=28;continue;case 26:ac=aa;be=S.nil;bf=ac.Fields();$s=73;case 73:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=bf;bh=0;case 74:bi=bg.Len();$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bh>0;$s=74;continue;case 75:if(be.$length>0){y.recs=$append(y.recs,$toNativeArray($kindString,["Fields","["+Q(be,false)+"]"]));}$s=28;continue;case 27:ad=aa;$r=y.Append($clone(m,C.Value),(bl=L[C.Type.keyFor(q)],bl!==undefined?bl.v:S.nil));$s=79;case 79:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 28:bm=$clone(m,C.Value).MethodByName("GoType");$s=82;case 82:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=$clone(bm,C.Value).IsValid();$s=83;case 83:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bn){$s=80;continue;}$s=81;continue;case 80:$r=y.Append($clone(m,C.Value),new S(["GoType"]));$s=84;case 84:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 81:case 10:bo=y.Join();$s=85;case 85:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=t+bo+u;$s=86;case 86:return bp;}return;}var $f={$blk:N,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};O.ptr.prototype.Append=function(i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=j;m=0;case 1:if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);o=new C.Value.ptr(AG.nil,0,0);p=$clone(i,C.Value).MethodByName(n);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if($clone(q,C.Value).IsValid()){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:s=$clone(q,C.Value).Call(AF.nil);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=(r=s,(0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0]));case 5:if(($clone(i,C.Value).Kind()===25)&&!$clone(o,C.Value).IsValid()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:t=$clone(i,C.Value).FieldByName(n);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=t;case 8:if(!$clone(o,C.Value).IsValid()){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:u=A.Sprintf("unknown accessor: %v.%s",new AA([$clone(i,C.Value).Type(),new $String(n)]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(u));case 11:w=$clone(o,C.Value).Interface();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$assertType(w,H.Value,true);x=v[1];if(x){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:z=$clone(o,C.Value).MethodByName("Interface");$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=$clone(z,C.Value).Call(AF.nil);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=(y=aa,(0>=y.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+0]));if(!$clone(o,C.Value).IsNil()){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:ab=$clone(o,C.Value).Elem();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=ab;case 19:case 15:ac=false;ad=$clone(o,C.Value).Kind();if((ad===(20))||(ad===(23))){$s=22;continue;}if(ad===(1)){$s=23;continue;}if((ad===(2))||(ad===(3))||(ad===(4))||(ad===(5))||(ad===(6))){$s=24;continue;}if((ad===(7))||(ad===(8))||(ad===(9))||(ad===(10))||(ad===(11))){$s=25;continue;}if(ad===(24)){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 22:ac=$clone(o,C.Value).IsNil();$s=27;continue;case 23:ac=$clone(o,C.Value).Bool()===false;$s=27;continue;case 24:ac=(ae=$clone(o,C.Value).Int(),(ae.$high===0&&ae.$low===0));$s=27;continue;case 25:ac=(af=$clone(o,C.Value).Uint(),(af.$high===0&&af.$low===0));$s=27;continue;case 26:ag=$clone(o,C.Value).String();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ag==="";case 27:case 21:ai=$clone(o,C.Value).Interface();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=$assertType(ai,I,true);aj=ah[0];ak=ah[1];if(ak){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:al=aj.Len();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=al===0;case 31:if(ac){m++;$s=1;continue;}am="";an=$clone(o,C.Value).Interface();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=an;ap=ao;if($assertType(ap,I,true)[1]){$s=34;continue;}if($assertType(ap,H.FieldDescriptor,true)[1]||$assertType(ap,H.OneofDescriptor,true)[1]||$assertType(ap,H.EnumValueDescriptor,true)[1]||$assertType(ap,H.MethodDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=35;continue;}if($assertType(ap,H.Descriptor,true)[1]){$s=36;continue;}if($assertType(ap,$String,true)[1]){$s=37;continue;}if($assertType(ap,AH,true)[1]){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 34:aq=ap;aw=K(aq,false,k.allowMulti);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=aw;$s=40;continue;case 35:ar=ap;ax=$assertType(ar,H.Descriptor).Name();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=(ax);$s=40;continue;case 36:as=ap;ay=as.FullName();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=(ay);$s=40;continue;case 37:at=ap.$val;am=D.Quote(at);$s=40;continue;case 38:au=ap.$val;az=A.Sprintf("%q",new AA([au]));$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=az;$s=40;continue;case 39:av=ap;ba=A.Sprint(new AA([av]));$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=ba;case 40:k.recs=$append(k.recs,$toNativeArray($kindString,[n,am]));m++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:O.ptr.prototype.Append,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};O.prototype.Append=function(i,j){return this.$val.Append(i,j);};O.ptr.prototype.Join=function(){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];j[0]=this;k[0]=S.nil;if(!j[0].allowMulti){l=j[0].recs;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]),AD);k[0]=$append(k[0],n[0]+P(0)+n[1]);m++;}$s=-1;return Q(k[0],false);}i[0]=0;o=(function(i,j,k){return function(o){var o,p,q,r;p=$subslice(j[0].recs,k[0].$length,o);q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]),AD);k[0]=$append(k[0],r[0]+P(i[0]-r[0].length>>0)+r[1]);q++;}i[0]=0;};})(i,j,k);p=j[0].recs;q=0;case 1:if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]),AD);t=E.Contains(s[1],"\n");if(t){$s=3;continue;}if(i[0]>0);}else{return":"+E.Repeat(" ",1+i>>0);}};Q=function(i,j){var 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4:e.indent=b;case 2:h=$clone(c,AS);if($equal(h,($toNativeArray($kindUint8,[0,0])),AS)){$s=8;continue;}if($equal(h,($toNativeArray($kindUint8,[123,125])),AS)||$equal(h,($toNativeArray($kindUint8,[60,62])),AS)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 8:AS.copy(e.delims,$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[123,125]));$s=11;continue;case 9:AS.copy(e.delims,c);$s=11;continue;case 10:i=G.New("delimiters may only be \"{}\" or \"<>\"",new AQ([]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=[AT.nil,i];$s=13;case 13:return j;case 11:case 7:e.outputASCII=d;$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:R,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewEncoder=R;P.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var b;b=this;return b.encoderState.out;};P.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};P.ptr.prototype.StartMessage=function(){var{b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.prepareNext(4);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b.encoderState.out=$append(b.encoderState.out,b.delims[0]);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.StartMessage,$c:true,$r,b,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.StartMessage=function(){return this.$val.StartMessage();};P.ptr.prototype.EndMessage=function(){var{b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.prepareNext(8);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b.encoderState.out=$append(b.encoderState.out,b.delims[1]);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.EndMessage,$c:true,$r,b,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.EndMessage=function(){return this.$val.EndMessage();};P.ptr.prototype.WriteName=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.prepareNext(1);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.encoderState.out=$appendSlice(c.encoderState.out,b);c.encoderState.out=$append(c.encoderState.out,58);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.WriteName,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.WriteName=function(b){return this.$val.WriteName(b);};P.ptr.prototype.WriteBool=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=c.WriteLiteral("true");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=c.WriteLiteral("false");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.WriteBool,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.WriteBool=function(b){return this.$val.WriteBool(b);};P.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.prepareNext(2);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.encoderState.out=S(c.encoderState.out,b,c.outputASCII);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.WriteString,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.WriteString=function(b){return this.$val.WriteString(b);};S=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;b=$append(b,34);e=T(c);f=$substring(c,e);g=$appendSlice(b,$substring(c,0,e));c=f;b=g;while(true){if(!(c.length>0)){break;}h=E.DecodeRuneInString(c);i=h[0];j=h[1];if((i===65533)&&(j===1)){i=((c.charCodeAt(0)>>0));b=$append(b,92);k=i;if((k===(34))||(k===(92))){b=$append(b,((i<<24>>>24)));}else if(k===(10)){b=$append(b,110);}else if(k===(13)){b=$append(b,114);}else if(k===(9)){b=$append(b,116);}else{b=$append(b,120);b=$appendSlice(b,$substring("00",(1+(l=((B.Len32(((i>>>0)))-1>>0))/4,(l===l&&l!==1/0&&l!==-1/0)?l>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)));b=C.AppendUint(b,(new $Uint64(0,i)),16);}c=$substring(c,j);}else if(i<32||(i===34)||(i===92)||(i===127)){b=$append(b,92);m=i;if((m===(34))||(m===(92))){b=$append(b,((i<<24>>>24)));}else if(m===(10)){b=$append(b,110);}else if(m===(13)){b=$append(b,114);}else if(m===(9)){b=$append(b,116);}else{b=$append(b,120);b=$appendSlice(b,$substring("00",(1+(n=((B.Len32(((i>>>0)))-1>>0))/4,(n===n&&n!==1/0&&n!==-1/0)?n>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)));b=C.AppendUint(b,(new $Uint64(0,i)),16);}c=$substring(c,j);}else if(i>=128&&(d||i<=159)){b=$append(b,92);if(i<=65535){b=$append(b,117);b=$appendSlice(b,$substring("0000",(1+(o=((B.Len32(((i>>>0)))-1>>0))/4,(o===o&&o!==1/0&&o!==-1/0)?o>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)));b=C.AppendUint(b,(new $Uint64(0,i)),16);}else{b=$append(b,85);b=$appendSlice(b,$substring("00000000",(1+(p=((B.Len32(((i>>>0)))-1>>0))/4,(p===p&&p!==1/0&&p!==-1/0)?p>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)));b=C.AppendUint(b,(new $Uint64(0,i)),16);}c=$substring(c,j);}else{q=T($substring(c,j));r=$substring(c,(j+q>>0));s=$appendSlice(b,$substring(c,0,(j+q>>0)));c=r;b=s;}}b=$append(b,34);return b;};T=function(b){var b,c,d;c=0;while(true){if(!(c=127){return c;}c=c+(1)>>0;}return b.length;};P.ptr.prototype.WriteFloat=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;$r=d.prepareNext(2);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.encoderState.out=U(d.encoderState.out,b,c);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.WriteFloat,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.WriteFloat=function(b,c){return this.$val.WriteFloat(b,c);};U=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d;if(A.IsNaN(c)){return $appendSlice(b,"nan");}else if(A.IsInf(c,1)){return $appendSlice(b,"inf");}else if(A.IsInf(c,-1)){return $appendSlice(b,"-inf");}else{return C.AppendFloat(b,c,103,-1,d);}};P.ptr.prototype.WriteInt=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.prepareNext(2);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.encoderState.out=$appendSlice(c.encoderState.out,C.FormatInt(b,10));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.WriteInt,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.WriteInt=function(b){return this.$val.WriteInt(b);};P.ptr.prototype.WriteUint=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.prepareNext(2);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.encoderState.out=$appendSlice(c.encoderState.out,C.FormatUint(b,10));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.WriteUint,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.WriteUint=function(b){return this.$val.WriteUint(b);};P.ptr.prototype.WriteLiteral=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.prepareNext(2);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.encoderState.out=$appendSlice(c.encoderState.out,b);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.WriteLiteral,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.WriteLiteral=function(b){return this.$val.WriteLiteral(b);};P.ptr.prototype.prepareNext=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=[b];c=[c];c[0]=this;$deferred.push([(function(b,c){return function(){c[0].encoderState.lastType=b[0];};})(b,c),[]]);if(c[0].indent.length===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(!((((c[0].encoderState.lastType&10)>>>0)===0))&&(b[0]===1)){c[0].encoderState.out=$append(c[0].encoderState.out,32);if(F.Bool()){c[0].encoderState.out=$append(c[0].encoderState.out,32);}}$s=3;case 3:return;case 2:if((c[0].encoderState.lastType===1)){c[0].encoderState.out=$append(c[0].encoderState.out,32);if(F.Bool()){c[0].encoderState.out=$append(c[0].encoderState.out,32);}}else if((c[0].encoderState.lastType===4)&&!((b[0]===8))){c[0].encoderState.indents=$appendSlice(c[0].encoderState.indents,c[0].indent);c[0].encoderState.out=$append(c[0].encoderState.out,10);c[0].encoderState.out=$appendSlice(c[0].encoderState.out,c[0].encoderState.indents);}else if(!((((c[0].encoderState.lastType&10)>>>0)===0))){if(b[0]===8){c[0].encoderState.indents=$subslice(c[0].encoderState.indents,0,(c[0].encoderState.indents.$length-c[0].indent.length>>0));}c[0].encoderState.out=$append(c[0].encoderState.out,10);c[0].encoderState.out=$appendSlice(c[0].encoderState.out,c[0].encoderState.indents);}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.prepareNext,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};P.prototype.prepareNext=function(b){return this.$val.prepareNext(b);};P.ptr.prototype.Snapshot=function(){var b;b=this;return b.encoderState;};P.prototype.Snapshot=function(){return this.$val.Snapshot();};P.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(b){var b,c;c=this;Q.copy(c.encoderState,b);};P.prototype.Reset=function(b){return this.$val.Reset(b);};W.prototype.String=function(){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;c=b;if(c===(0)){$s=2;continue;}if(c===(1)){$s=3;continue;}if(c===(3)){$s=4;continue;}if(c===(2)){$s=5;continue;}if(c===(4)){$s=6;continue;}if(c===(5)){$s=7;continue;}if(c===(6)){$s=8;continue;}if(c===(7)){$s=9;continue;}if(c===(8)){$s=10;continue;}if(c===(9)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return"";case 3:$s=-1;return"eof";case 4:$s=-1;return"scalar";case 5:$s=-1;return"name";case 6:$s=-1;return"{";case 7:$s=-1;return"}";case 8:$s=-1;return"[";case 9:$s=-1;return"]";case 10:$s=-1;return",";case 11:$s=-1;return";";case 12:d=I.Sprintf("",new AQ([new $Uint8(((b<<24>>>24)))]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=15;case 15:return e;case 13:case 1:$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:W.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(W).prototype.String=function(){return new W(this.$get()).String();};X.prototype.String=function(){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;c=b;if(c===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(c===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(c===(3)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return"IdentName";case 3:$s=-1;return"TypeName";case 4:$s=-1;return"FieldNumber";case 5:d=I.Sprintf("",new AQ([new $Uint8(((b<<24>>>24)))]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=8;case 8:return e;case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:X.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(X).prototype.String=function(){return new X(this.$get()).String();};Y.ptr.prototype.Kind=function(){var b;b=this;return b.kind;};Y.prototype.Kind=function(){return this.$val.Kind();};Y.ptr.prototype.RawString=function(){var b;b=this;return($bytesToString(b.raw));};Y.prototype.RawString=function(){return this.$val.RawString();};Y.ptr.prototype.Pos=function(){var b;b=this;return b.pos;};Y.prototype.Pos=function(){return this.$val.Pos();};Y.ptr.prototype.NameKind=function(){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.kind===2){$s=-1;return((((b.attrs&~128)<<24>>>24)<<24>>>24));}c=I.Sprintf("Token is not a Name type: %s",new AQ([new W(b.kind)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.NameKind,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.NameKind=function(){return this.$val.NameKind();};Y.ptr.prototype.HasSeparator=function(){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.kind===2){$s=-1;return!((((b.attrs&128)>>>0)===0));}c=I.Sprintf("Token is not a Name type: %s",new AQ([new W(b.kind)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.HasSeparator,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.HasSeparator=function(){return this.$val.HasSeparator();};Y.ptr.prototype.IdentName=function(){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if((b.kind===2)&&!((((b.attrs&1)>>>0)===0))){$s=-1;return($bytesToString(b.raw));}c=I.Sprintf("Token is not an IdentName: %s:%s",new AQ([new W(b.kind),new X(((((b.attrs&~128)<<24>>>24)<<24>>>24)))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.IdentName,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.IdentName=function(){return this.$val.IdentName();};Y.ptr.prototype.TypeName=function(){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if((b.kind===2)&&!((((b.attrs&2)>>>0)===0))){$s=-1;return b.str;}c=I.Sprintf("Token is not a TypeName: %s:%s",new AQ([new W(b.kind),new X(((((b.attrs&~128)<<24>>>24)<<24>>>24)))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.TypeName,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.TypeName=function(){return this.$val.TypeName();};Y.ptr.prototype.FieldNumber=function(){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!((b.kind===2))||(((b.attrs&3)>>>0)===0)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=I.Sprintf("Token is not a FieldNumber: %s:%s",new AQ([new W(b.kind),new X(((((b.attrs&~128)<<24>>>24)<<24>>>24)))]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));case 2:d=C.ParseInt(($bytesToString(b.raw)),10,32);e=d[0];$s=-1;return(((e.$low+((e.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.FieldNumber,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.FieldNumber=function(){return this.$val.FieldNumber();};Y.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var b;b=this;if(!((b.kind===3))||!((b.attrs===2))){return["",false];}return[b.str,true];};Y.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};Y.ptr.prototype.Enum=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(!((b.kind===3))||!((b.attrs===3))||(b.raw.$length>0&&((c=b.raw,(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]))===45))){return["",false];}return[($bytesToString(b.raw)),true];};Y.prototype.Enum=function(){return this.$val.Enum();};Y.ptr.prototype.Bool=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;b=this;if(!((b.kind===3))){return[false,false];}c=b.attrs;if(c===(3)){d=(e=Z[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString(b.raw)))],e!==undefined?[e.v,true]:[false,false]);f=d[0];g=d[1];if(g){return[f,true];}}else if(c===(1)){h=C.ParseUint(b.str,0,64);i=h[0];j=h[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil)){k=i;if((l=new $Uint64(0,0),(k.$high===l.$high&&k.$low===l.$low))){return[false,true];}else if((m=new $Uint64(0,1),(k.$high===m.$high&&k.$low===m.$low))){return[true,true];}}}return[false,false];};Y.prototype.Bool=function(){return this.$val.Bool();};Y.ptr.prototype.Uint64=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;if(!((b.kind===3))||!((b.attrs===1))||((b.numAttrs&128)>>>0)>0||((b.numAttrs&4)>>>0)>0){return[new $Uint64(0,0),false];}c=C.ParseUint(b.str,0,64);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){return[new $Uint64(0,0),false];}return[d,true];};Y.prototype.Uint64=function(){return this.$val.Uint64();};Y.ptr.prototype.Uint32=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;if(!((b.kind===3))||!((b.attrs===1))||((b.numAttrs&128)>>>0)>0||((b.numAttrs&4)>>>0)>0){return[0,false];}c=C.ParseUint(b.str,0,32);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){return[0,false];}return[((d.$low>>>0)),true];};Y.prototype.Uint32=function(){return this.$val.Uint32();};Y.ptr.prototype.Int64=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;if(!((b.kind===3))||!((b.attrs===1))||((b.numAttrs&4)>>>0)>0){return[new $Int64(0,0),false];}c=C.ParseInt(b.str,0,64);d=c[0];e=c[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil)){return[d,true];}if(false&&((b.numAttrs===1))){f=C.ParseUint(b.str,0,64);g=f[0];h=f[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){return[(new $Int64(g.$high,g.$low)),true];}}return[new $Int64(0,0),false];};Y.prototype.Int64=function(){return this.$val.Int64();};Y.ptr.prototype.Int32=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;if(!((b.kind===3))||!((b.attrs===1))||((b.numAttrs&4)>>>0)>0){return[0,false];}c=C.ParseInt(b.str,0,32);d=c[0];e=c[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil)){return[(((d.$low+((d.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)),true];}if(false&&((b.numAttrs===1))){f=C.ParseUint(b.str,0,32);g=f[0];h=f[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){return[((g.$low>>0)),true];}}return[0,false];};Y.prototype.Int32=function(){return this.$val.Int32();};Y.ptr.prototype.Float64=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!((b.kind===3))){$s=-1;return[0,false];}c=b.attrs;if(c===(3)){$s=2;continue;}if(c===(1)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:e=D.ToLower(($bytesToString(b.raw)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=(f=AA[$String.keyFor(e)],f!==undefined?[f.v,true]:[0,false]);g=d[0];h=d[1];if(h){$s=-1;return[g,true];}$s=4;continue;case 3:i=C.ParseFloat(b.str,64);j=i[0];k=i[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[j,true];}l=$assertType(k,AU);if($interfaceIsEqual(l.Err,C.ErrRange)){$s=-1;return[j,true];}case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return[0,false];}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.Float64,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.Float64=function(){return this.$val.Float64();};Y.ptr.prototype.Float32=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!((b.kind===3))){$s=-1;return[0,false];}c=b.attrs;if(c===(3)){$s=2;continue;}if(c===(1)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:e=D.ToLower(($bytesToString(b.raw)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=(f=AA[$String.keyFor(e)],f!==undefined?[f.v,true]:[0,false]);g=d[0];h=d[1];if(h){$s=-1;return[($fround(g)),true];}$s=4;continue;case 3:i=C.ParseFloat(b.str,64);j=i[0];k=i[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[($fround(j)),true];}l=$assertType(k,AU);if($interfaceIsEqual(l.Err,C.ErrRange)){$s=-1;return[($fround(j)),true];}case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return[0,false];}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.Float32,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.Float32=function(){return this.$val.Float32();};AG.ptr.prototype.parseStringValue=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.in$5;d=AV.nil;case 1:if(!(b.in$5.$length>0&&(((e=b.in$5,(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]))===34)||((f=b.in$5,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]))===39)))){$s=2;continue;}h=b.parseString();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),j];}d=$append(d,i);$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(3,2,0,b.orig.$length-c.$length>>0,$subslice(c,0,(c.$length-b.in$5.$length>>0)),D.Join(d,"")),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.parseStringValue,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.parseStringValue=function(){return this.$val.parseStringValue();};AG.ptr.prototype.parseString=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.in$5;if(c.$length===0){$s=-1;return["",$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}d=(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]);c=$subslice(c,1);e=AC(c);f=$subslice(c,e);g=$subslice(c,0,e,e);c=f;h=g;case 1:if(!(c.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}i=E.DecodeRune(c);j=i[0];k=i[1];if((j===65533)&&(k===1)){$s=4;continue;}if((j===0)||(j===10)){$s=5;continue;}if((j===((d>>0)))){$s=6;continue;}if((j===92)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 4:l=b.newSyntaxError("invalid UTF-8 detected",new AQ([]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=["",l];$s=11;case 11:return m;case 5:n=b.newSyntaxError("invalid character %q in string",new AQ([new $Int32(j)]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=["",n];$s=13;case 13:return o;case 6:c=$subslice(c,1);b.consume(b.in$5.$length-c.$length>>0);$s=-1;return[($bytesToString(h)),$ifaceNil];case 7:if(c.$length<2){$s=-1;return["",$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}p=(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]);q=p;if((q===(34))||(q===(39))||(q===(92))||(q===(63))){$s=15;continue;}if(q===(97)){$s=16;continue;}if(q===(98)){$s=17;continue;}if(q===(110)){$s=18;continue;}if(q===(114)){$s=19;continue;}if(q===(116)){$s=20;continue;}if(q===(118)){$s=21;continue;}if(q===(102)){$s=22;continue;}if((q===(48))||(q===(49))||(q===(50))||(q===(51))||(q===(52))||(q===(53))||(q===(54))||(q===(55))){$s=23;continue;}if(q===(120)){$s=24;continue;}if((q===(117))||(q===(85))){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 15:r=$subslice(c,2);s=$append(h,p);c=r;h=s;$s=27;continue;case 16:t=$subslice(c,2);u=$append(h,7);c=t;h=u;$s=27;continue;case 17:v=$subslice(c,2);w=$append(h,8);c=v;h=w;$s=27;continue;case 18:x=$subslice(c,2);y=$append(h,10);c=x;h=y;$s=27;continue;case 19:z=$subslice(c,2);aa=$append(h,13);c=z;h=aa;$s=27;continue;case 20:ab=$subslice(c,2);ac=$append(h,9);c=ab;h=ac;$s=27;continue;case 21:ad=$subslice(c,2);ae=$append(h,11);c=ad;h=ae;$s=27;continue;case 22:af=$subslice(c,2);ag=$append(h,12);c=af;h=ag;$s=27;continue;case 23:ah=$subslice(c,1).$length-H.TrimLeft($subslice(c,1),"01234567").$length>>0;if(ah>3){ah=3;}ai=C.ParseUint(($bytesToString($subslice(c,1,(1+ah>>0)))),8,8);aj=ai[0];ak=ai[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ak,$ifaceNil))){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:al=b.newSyntaxError("invalid octal escape code %q in string",new AQ([$subslice(c,0,(1+ah>>0))]));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=["",al];$s=31;case 31:return am;case 29:an=$subslice(c,(1+ah>>0));ao=$append(h,((aj.$low<<24>>>24)));c=an;h=ao;$s=27;continue;case 24:ap=$subslice(c,2).$length-H.TrimLeft($subslice(c,2),"0123456789abcdefABCDEF").$length>>0;if(ap>2){ap=2;}aq=C.ParseUint(($bytesToString($subslice(c,2,(2+ap>>0)))),16,8);ar=aq[0];as=aq[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(as,$ifaceNil))){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:at=b.newSyntaxError("invalid hex escape code %q in string",new AQ([$subslice(c,0,(2+ap>>0))]));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=["",at];$s=35;case 35:return au;case 33:av=$subslice(c,(2+ap>>0));aw=$append(h,((ar.$low<<24>>>24)));c=av;h=aw;$s=27;continue;case 25:ax=6;if(p===85){ax=10;}if(c.$length>0));if(L.IsSurrogate(bd)){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:if(c.$length<6){$s=-1;return["",$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}be=C.ParseUint(($bytesToString($subslice(c,2,6))),16,16);bf=be[0];bg=be[1];bd=L.DecodeRune(bd,((bf.$low>>0)));if(!(((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])===92))||!(((1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1])===117))||(bd===65533)||!($interfaceIsEqual(bg,$ifaceNil))){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:bh=b.newSyntaxError("invalid Unicode escape code %q in string",new AQ([$subslice(c,0,6)]));$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=["",bh];$s=45;case 45:return bi;case 43:c=$subslice(c,6);case 41:h=$appendSlice(h,($encodeRune(bd)));$s=27;continue;case 26:bj=b.newSyntaxError("invalid escape code %q in string",new AQ([$subslice(c,0,2)]));$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=["",bj];$s=47;case 47:return bk;case 27:case 14:$s=9;continue;case 8:bl=AC($subslice(c,k));bm=$subslice(c,(k+bl>>0));bn=$appendSlice(h,$subslice(c,0,(k+bl>>0)));c=bm;h=bn;case 9:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return["",$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.parseString,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.parseString=function(){return this.$val.parseString();};AC=function(b){var b;return T(M.UnsafeString(b));};AD=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=AH((new AR($stringToBytes(b))));d=c.parseString();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AD,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.UnmarshalString=AD;AG.ptr.prototype.parseNumberValue=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;b=this;c=b.in$5;d=$clone(AF(c),AE);if(d.size===0){return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),false];}e=d.kind;if(d.neg){e=(e|(128))>>>0;}f=d.size;g=d.size-1>>0;if((d.kind===4)&&(((h=b.in$5,((g<0||g>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])===88)){c=1;g=2;f=$subslice(f,2);while(true){if(!(f.$length>0&&((48<=(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<=57)||(97<=(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<=102)||(65<=(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<=70)))){break;}f=$subslice(f,1);g=g+(1)>>0;}if(g===2){return new AE.ptr(0,false,0);}d=d+(g)>>0;}else if(48<=(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<=55){c=2;h=2;f=$subslice(f,2);while(true){if(!(f.$length>0&&48<=(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<=55)){break;}f=$subslice(f,1);h=h+(1)>>0;}d=d+(h)>>0;}if(((c&3)>>>0)>0){if(f.$length>0&&!AP((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]))){return new AE.ptr(0,false,0);}return new AE.ptr(c,e,d);}}f=$subslice(f,1);d=d+(1)>>0;}else if(49<=(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<=57){i=1;f=$subslice(f,1);while(true){if(!(f.$length>0&&48<=(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<=57)){break;}f=$subslice(f,1);i=i+(1)>>0;}d=d+(i)>>0;}else if(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])===46)){c=4;}else{return new AE.ptr(0,false,0);}if(f.$length>0&&((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])===46)){j=1;f=$subslice(f,1);if((f.$length===0)&&(c===4)){return new AE.ptr(0,false,0);}while(true){if(!(f.$length>0&&48<=(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<=57)){break;}f=$subslice(f,1);j=j+(1)>>0;}d=d+(j)>>0;c=4;}if(f.$length>=2&&(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])===101)||((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])===69))){c=4;f=$subslice(f,1);k=1;if(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])===43)||((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])===45)){f=$subslice(f,1);k=k+(1)>>0;if(f.$length===0){return new AE.ptr(0,false,0);}}while(true){if(!(f.$length>0&&48<=(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<=57)){break;}f=$subslice(f,1);k=k+(1)>>0;}d=d+(k)>>0;}if(f.$length>0&&(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])===102)||((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])===70))){c=4;f=$subslice(f,1);d=d+(1)>>0;}if(f.$length>0&&!AP((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]))){return new AE.ptr(0,false,0);}return new AE.ptr(c,e,d);};AH=function(b){var b;return new AG.ptr(0,new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$ifaceNil,AR.nil,b,b);};$pkg.NewDecoder=AH;AG.ptr.prototype.Peek=function(){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=[b];b[0]=this;$deferred.push([(function(b){return function(){b[0].lastCall=1;};})(b),[]]);if(b[0].lastCall===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=b[0].Read();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;Y.copy(b[0].lastToken,c[0]);b[0].lastErr=c[1];case 2:e=[b[0].lastToken,b[0].lastErr];$s=4;case 4:return e;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.Peek,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AG.prototype.Peek=function(){return this.$val.Peek();};AG.ptr.prototype.Read=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=[b];b[0]=this;$deferred.push([(function(b){return function(){b[0].lastCall=0;};})(b),[]]);if(b[0].lastCall===1){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=[b[0].lastToken,b[0].lastErr];$s=3;case 3:return c;case 2:e=b[0].parseNext(b[0].lastToken.kind);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=$clone(d[0],Y);g=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:h=[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),g];$s=7;case 7:return h;case 6:i=f.kind;if((i===(8))||(i===(9))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:k=b[0].parseNext(f.kind);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;Y.copy(f,j[0]);g=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:l=[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),g];$s=14;case 14:return l;case 13:case 10:case 8:Y.copy(b[0].lastToken,f);m=[f,$ifaceNil];$s=15;case 15:return m;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AG.prototype.Read=function(){return this.$val.Read();};AG.ptr.prototype.parseNext=function(b){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;c.consume(0);d=false;if(c.in$5.$length===0){d=true;}e=b;if(e===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(e===(0)){$s=3;continue;}if(e===(2)){$s=4;continue;}if(e===(3)){$s=5;continue;}if(e===(4)){$s=6;continue;}if(e===(5)){$s=7;continue;}if(e===(6)){$s=8;continue;}if(e===(7)){$s=9;continue;}if((e===(8))||(e===(9))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(1,0,0),$ifaceNil];case 3:if(d){$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(1,0,0),$ifaceNil];}f=c.parseFieldName();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=13;case 13:return g;case 4:if(d){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}i=(h=c.in$5,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]));j=i;if((j===(123))||(j===(60))){$s=15;continue;}if(j===(91)){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 15:c.pushOpenStack(i);$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(4,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 16:c.pushOpenStack(i);$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(6,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 17:k=c.parseScalar();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=20;case 20:return l;case 18:case 14:$s=11;continue;case 5:n=c.currentOpenKind();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];q=o;if(q===(0)){$s=23;continue;}if(q===(4)){$s=24;continue;}if(q===(6)){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 23:if(d){$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(1,0,0),$ifaceNil];}s=(r=c.in$5,(0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0]));if(s===(44)){$s=28;continue;}if(s===(59)){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 28:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(8,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 29:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(9,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 30:t=c.parseFieldName();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=33;case 33:return u;case 31:case 27:$s=26;continue;case 24:if(d){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}w=(v=c.in$5,(0>=v.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+0]));x=w;if(x===(p)){$s=35;continue;}if(x===((y=AJ[$Uint8.keyFor(p)],y!==undefined?y.v:0))){$s=36;continue;}if(x===(44)){$s=37;continue;}if(x===(59)){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 35:c.popOpenStack();$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(5,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 36:z=c.newSyntaxError("mismatched close character %q",new AQ([new $Uint8(w)]));$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),z];$s=42;case 42:return aa;case 37:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(8,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 38:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(9,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 39:ab=c.parseFieldName();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$s=44;case 44:return ac;case 40:case 34:$s=26;continue;case 25:if(d){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}ae=(ad=c.in$5,(0>=ad.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+0]));af=ae;if(af===(93)){$s=46;continue;}if(af===(44)){$s=47;continue;}$s=48;continue;case 46:c.popOpenStack();$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(7,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 47:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(8,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 48:ag=c.newSyntaxError("unexpected character %q",new AQ([new $Uint8(ae)]));$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),ag];$s=51;case 51:return ah;case 49:case 45:case 26:case 22:$s=11;continue;case 6:if(d){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}aj=c.currentOpenKind();$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;ak=ai[1];am=(al=c.in$5,(0>=al.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):al.$array[al.$offset+0]));an=am;if(an===(ak)){$s=54;continue;}if(an===((ao=AJ[$Uint8.keyFor(ak)],ao!==undefined?ao.v:0))){$s=55;continue;}$s=56;continue;case 54:c.popOpenStack();$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(5,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 55:ap=c.newSyntaxError("mismatched close character %q",new AQ([new $Uint8(am)]));$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),ap];$s=59;case 59:return aq;case 56:ar=c.parseFieldName();$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar;$s=61;case 61:return as;case 57:case 53:$s=11;continue;case 7:au=c.currentOpenKind();$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=au;av=at[0];aw=at[1];ax=av;if(ax===(0)){$s=64;continue;}if(ax===(4)){$s=65;continue;}if(ax===(6)){$s=66;continue;}$s=67;continue;case 64:if(d){$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(1,0,0),$ifaceNil];}az=(ay=c.in$5,(0>=ay.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ay.$array[ay.$offset+0]));ba=az;if(ba===(44)){$s=69;continue;}if(ba===(59)){$s=70;continue;}$s=71;continue;case 69:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(8,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 70:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(9,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 71:bb=c.parseFieldName();$s=73;case 73:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;$s=74;case 74:return bc;case 72:case 68:$s=67;continue;case 65:if(d){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}be=(bd=c.in$5,(0>=bd.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bd.$array[bd.$offset+0]));bf=be;if(bf===(aw)){$s=76;continue;}if(bf===((bg=AJ[$Uint8.keyFor(aw)],bg!==undefined?bg.v:0))){$s=77;continue;}if(bf===(44)){$s=78;continue;}if(bf===(59)){$s=79;continue;}$s=80;continue;case 76:c.popOpenStack();$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(5,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 77:bh=c.newSyntaxError("mismatched close character %q",new AQ([new $Uint8(be)]));$s=82;case 82:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),bh];$s=83;case 83:return bi;case 78:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(8,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 79:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(9,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 80:bj=c.parseFieldName();$s=84;case 84:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=bj;$s=85;case 85:return bk;case 81:case 75:$s=67;continue;case 66:if(d){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}bm=(bl=c.in$5,(0>=bl.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bl.$array[bl.$offset+0]));bn=bm;if(bn===(aw)){$s=87;continue;}if(bn===(44)){$s=88;continue;}$s=89;continue;case 87:c.popOpenStack();$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(7,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 88:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(8,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 89:bo=c.newSyntaxError("unexpected character %q",new AQ([new $Uint8(bm)]));$s=91;case 91:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),bo];$s=92;case 92:return bp;case 90:case 86:case 67:case 63:$s=11;continue;case 8:if(d){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}br=(bq=c.in$5,(0>=bq.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bq.$array[bq.$offset+0]));bs=br;if(bs===(93)){$s=94;continue;}if((bs===(123))||(bs===(60))){$s=95;continue;}$s=96;continue;case 94:c.popOpenStack();$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(7,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 95:c.pushOpenStack(br);$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(4,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 96:bt=c.parseScalar();$s=98;case 98:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=bt;$s=99;case 99:return bu;case 97:case 93:$s=11;continue;case 9:bw=c.currentOpenKind();$s=100;case 100:if($c){$c=false;bw=bw.$blk();}if(bw&&bw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bv=bw;bx=bv[0];by=bv[1];bz=bx;if(bz===(0)){$s=102;continue;}if(bz===(4)){$s=103;continue;}$s=104;continue;case 102:if(d){$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(1,0,0),$ifaceNil];}cb=(ca=c.in$5,(0>=ca.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ca.$array[ca.$offset+0]));cc=cb;if(cc===(44)){$s=106;continue;}if(cc===(59)){$s=107;continue;}$s=108;continue;case 106:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(8,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 107:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(9,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 108:cd=c.parseFieldName();$s=110;case 110:if($c){$c=false;cd=cd.$blk();}if(cd&&cd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce=cd;$s=111;case 111:return ce;case 109:case 105:$s=104;continue;case 103:if(d){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}cg=(cf=c.in$5,(0>=cf.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cf.$array[cf.$offset+0]));ch=cg;if(ch===(by)){$s=113;continue;}if(ch===((ci=AJ[$Uint8.keyFor(by)],ci!==undefined?ci.v:0))){$s=114;continue;}if(ch===(44)){$s=115;continue;}if(ch===(59)){$s=116;continue;}$s=117;continue;case 113:c.popOpenStack();$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(5,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 114:cj=c.newSyntaxError("mismatched close character %q",new AQ([new $Uint8(cg)]));$s=119;case 119:if($c){$c=false;cj=cj.$blk();}if(cj&&cj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ck=[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),cj];$s=120;case 120:return ck;case 115:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(8,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 116:$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(9,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 117:cl=c.parseFieldName();$s=121;case 121:if($c){$c=false;cl=cl.$blk();}if(cl&&cl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cm=cl;$s=122;case 122:return cm;case 118:case 112:case 104:case 101:$s=11;continue;case 10:co=c.currentOpenKind();$s=123;case 123:if($c){$c=false;co=co.$blk();}if(co&&co.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cn=co;cp=cn[0];cq=cn[1];cr=cp;if(cr===(0)){$s=125;continue;}if(cr===(4)){$s=126;continue;}if(cr===(6)){$s=127;continue;}$s=128;continue;case 125:if(d){$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(1,0,0),$ifaceNil];}cs=c.parseFieldName();$s=129;case 129:if($c){$c=false;cs=cs.$blk();}if(cs&&cs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ct=cs;$s=130;case 130:return ct;case 126:if(d){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}cv=(cu=c.in$5,(0>=cu.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cu.$array[cu.$offset+0]));cw=cv;if(cw===(cq)){$s=132;continue;}if(cw===((cx=AJ[$Uint8.keyFor(cq)],cx!==undefined?cx.v:0))){$s=133;continue;}$s=134;continue;case 132:c.popOpenStack();$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(5,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 133:cy=c.newSyntaxError("mismatched close character %q",new AQ([new $Uint8(cv)]));$s=136;case 136:if($c){$c=false;cy=cy.$blk();}if(cy&&cy.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cz=[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),cy];$s=137;case 137:return cz;case 134:da=c.parseFieldName();$s=138;case 138:if($c){$c=false;da=da.$blk();}if(da&&da.$blk!==undefined){break s;}db=da;$s=139;case 139:return db;case 135:case 131:$s=128;continue;case 127:if(b===9){$s=124;continue;}if(d){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}dd=(dc=c.in$5,(0>=dc.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):dc.$array[dc.$offset+0]));de=dd;if((de===(123))||(de===(60))){$s=141;continue;}$s=142;continue;case 141:c.pushOpenStack(dd);$s=-1;return[c.consumeToken(4,1,0),$ifaceNil];case 142:df=c.parseScalar();$s=144;case 144:if($c){$c=false;df=df.$blk();}if(df&&df.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dg=df;$s=145;case 145:return dg;case 143:case 140:case 128:case 124:case 11:case 1:dh=c.Position(c.orig.$length-c.in$5.$length>>0);di=dh[0];dj=dh[1];dk=I.Sprintf("Decoder.parseNext: bug at handling line %d:%d with lastKind=%v",new AQ([new $Int(di),new $Int(dj),new W(b)]));$s=146;case 146:if($c){$c=false;dk=dk.$blk();}if(dk&&dk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(dk));$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.parseNext,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.parseNext=function(b){return this.$val.parseNext(b);};AG.ptr.prototype.currentOpenKind=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.openStack.$length===0){$s=-1;return[0,0];}e=(c=b.openStack,d=b.openStack.$length-1>>0,((d<0||d>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]));f=e;if(f===(123)){$s=-1;return[4,125];}else if(f===(60)){$s=-1;return[4,62];}else if(f===(91)){$s=-1;return[6,93];}g=I.Sprintf("Decoder: openStack contains invalid byte %c",new AQ([new $Uint8(e)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(g));$s=-1;return[0,0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.currentOpenKind,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.currentOpenKind=function(){return this.$val.currentOpenKind();};AG.ptr.prototype.pushOpenStack=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.openStack=$append(c.openStack,b);};AG.prototype.pushOpenStack=function(b){return this.$val.pushOpenStack(b);};AG.ptr.prototype.popOpenStack=function(){var b;b=this;b.openStack=$subslice(b.openStack,0,(b.openStack.$length-1>>0));};AG.prototype.popOpenStack=function(){return this.$val.popOpenStack();};AG.ptr.prototype.parseFieldName=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=[b];c=[c];d=[d];d[0]=new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,"");c[0]=$ifaceNil;b[0]=this;$deferred.push([(function(b,c,d){return function(){if($interfaceIsEqual(c[0],$ifaceNil)&&b[0].tryConsumeChar(58)){d[0].attrs=(d[0].attrs|(128))>>>0;}};})(b,c,d),[]]);if((e=b[0].in$5,(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]))===91){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=b[0].parseTypeName();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;Y.copy(d[0],f[0]);c[0]=f[1];h=[d[0],c[0]];$s=4;case 4:return h;case 2:i=AM(b[0].in$5,false);if(i>0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=$clone(b[0].consumeToken(2,i,1),Y);k=$ifaceNil;Y.copy(d[0],j);c[0]=k;l=[d[0],c[0]];$s=7;case 7:return l;case 6:m=$clone(AF(b[0].in$5),AE);if(m.size>0){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:if(!m.neg&&(m.kind===0)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:n=C.ParseInt(($bytesToString($subslice(b[0].in$5,0,m.size))),10,32);o=n[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:p=$clone(b[0].consumeToken(2,m.size,3),Y);q=$ifaceNil;Y.copy(d[0],p);c[0]=q;r=[d[0],c[0]];$s=14;case 14:return r;case 13:case 11:s=new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,"");u=b[0].newSyntaxError("invalid field number: %s",new AQ([$subslice(b[0].in$5,0,m.size)]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;Y.copy(d[0],s);c[0]=t;v=[d[0],c[0]];$s=16;case 16:return v;case 9:w=new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,"");y=b[0].newSyntaxError("invalid field name: %s",new AQ([AO(b[0].in$5)]));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;Y.copy(d[0],w);c[0]=x;z=[d[0],c[0]];$s=18;case 18:return z;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[d[0],c[0]];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.parseFieldName,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AG.prototype.parseFieldName=function(){return this.$val.parseFieldName();};AG.ptr.prototype.parseTypeName=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.orig.$length-b.in$5.$length>>0;d=AN($subslice(b.in$5,1),0);if(d.$length===0){$s=-1;return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}e=AR.nil;while(true){if(!(d.$length>0&&AK((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])))){break;}e=$append(e,(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]));d=$subslice(d,1);}d=AN(d,0);f=false;case 1:if(!(d.$length>0&&!f)){$s=2;continue;}if(((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===93)){$s=4;continue;}if((((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out 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0;}if(c&&((0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])===45)){e=$subslice(e,1);d=d+(1)>>0;if(e.$length===0){return 0;}}if((((0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])===95))||(97<=(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])&&(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])<=122)||(65<=(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])&&(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])<=90)){e=$subslice(e,1);d=d+(1)>>0;}else{return 0;}while(true){if(!(e.$length>0&&(((0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])===95)||97<=(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])&&(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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1:e=b.parseStringValue();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=4;case 4:return f;case 2:g=b.parseLiteralValue();h=$clone(g[0],Y);i=g[1];if(i){$s=-1;return[h,$ifaceNil];}j=b.parseNumberValue();k=$clone(j[0],Y);l=j[1];if(l){$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}m=b.newSyntaxError("invalid scalar value: %s",new AQ([AO(b.in$5)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),m];$s=6;case 6:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.parseScalar,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.parseScalar=function(){return this.$val.parseScalar();};AG.ptr.prototype.parseLiteralValue=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=AM(b.in$5,true);if(c===0){return[new Y.ptr(0,0,0,0,AR.nil,""),false];}return[b.consumeToken(3,c,3),true];};AG.prototype.parseLiteralValue=function(){return this.$val.parseLiteralValue();};AG.ptr.prototype.consumeToken=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f;e=this;f=new Y.ptr(b,d,0,e.orig.$length-e.in$5.$length>>0,$subslice(e.in$5,0,c),"");e.consume(c);return f;};AG.prototype.consumeToken=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.consumeToken(b,c,d);};AG.ptr.prototype.newSyntaxError=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=G.New(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=d.Position(d.orig.$length-d.in$5.$length>>0);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=G.New("syntax error (line %d:%d): %v",new AQ([new $Int(h),new $Int(i),f]));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.ptr.prototype.newSyntaxError,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.newSyntaxError=function(b,c){return this.$val.newSyntaxError(b,c);};AG.ptr.prototype.Position=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=0;d=0;e=this;f=$subslice(e.orig,0,b);c=H.Count(f,(new AR($stringToBytes("\n"))))+1>>0;g=H.LastIndexByte(f,10);if(g>=0){f=$subslice(f,(g+1>>0));}d=E.RuneCount(f)+1>>0;h=c;i=d;c=h;d=i;return[c,d];};AG.prototype.Position=function(b){return this.$val.Position(b);};AG.ptr.prototype.tryConsumeChar=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;if(c.in$5.$length>0&&((d=c.in$5,(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]))===b)){c.consume(1);return true;}return false;};AG.prototype.tryConsumeChar=function(b){return this.$val.tryConsumeChar(b);};AG.ptr.prototype.consume=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.in$5=AN(c.in$5,b);return;};AG.prototype.consume=function(b){return this.$val.consume(b);};AN=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;b=$subslice(b,c);while(true){if(!(b.$length>0)){break;}d=(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]);if((d===(32))||(d===(10))||(d===(13))||(d===(9))){b=$subslice(b,1);}else 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$f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,D,E,F,B,C,L,M,N,O,H,I,J,K;A=$packages["fmt"];D=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text"];E=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"];F=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"];B=$packages["math"];C=$packages["strconv"];L=$funcType([],[],false);M=$arrayType(L,0);N=$sliceType($Uint8);O=$sliceType($emptyInterface);H=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=b;if(e===(8)){$s=2;continue;}if(e===(14)){$s=3;continue;}if((e===(5))||(e===(17))||(e===(15))){$s=4;continue;}if((e===(3))||(e===(18))||(e===(16))){$s=5;continue;}if((e===(13))||(e===(7))){$s=6;continue;}if((e===(4))||(e===(6))){$s=7;continue;}if((e===(2))||(e===(1))){$s=8;continue;}if(e===(9)){$s=9;continue;}if(e===(12)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 2:if(d===2){f=a;if(f===("1")){$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfBool(true),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}else if(f===("0")){$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfBool(false),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}}else{g=a;if(g===("true")){$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfBool(true),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}else if(g===("false")){$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfBool(false),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}}$s=11;continue;case 3:if(d===2){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:h=C.ParseInt(a,10,32);i=h[0];j=h[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:k=c.ByNumber((((i.$low+((i.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:m=l.Number();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=F.ValueOfEnum(m);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=[n,l,$ifaceNil];$s=22;case 22:return o;case 19:case 16:$s=14;continue;case 13:p=c.ByName((a));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:r=q.Number();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=F.ValueOfEnum(r);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=[s,q,$ifaceNil];$s=28;case 28:return t;case 25:case 14:$s=11;continue;case 4:u=C.ParseInt(a,10,32);v=u[0];w=u[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfInt32((((v.$low+((v.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}$s=11;continue;case 5:x=C.ParseInt(a,10,64);y=x[0];z=x[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfInt64((y)),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}$s=11;continue;case 6:aa=C.ParseUint(a,10,32);ab=aa[0];ac=aa[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfUint32(((ab.$low>>>0))),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}$s=11;continue;case 7:ad=C.ParseUint(a,10,64);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfUint64((ae)),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}$s=11;continue;case 8:ag=0;ah=$ifaceNil;ai=a;if(ai===("-inf")){ag=B.Inf(-1);}else if(ai===("inf")){ag=B.Inf(1);}else if(ai===("nan")){ag=B.NaN();}else{aj=C.ParseFloat(a,64);ag=aj[0];ah=aj[1];}if($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil)){if(b===2){$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfFloat32(($fround(ag))),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}else{$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfFloat64((ag)),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}}$s=11;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfString(a),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];case 10:al=J(a);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=al;am=ak[0];an=ak[1];if(an){$s=-1;return[F.ValueOfBytes(am),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}case 11:case 1:ao=E.New("could not parse value for %v: %q",new O([new F.Kind(b),new $String(a)]));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=[new F.Value.ptr(M.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",N.nil,$ifaceNil),$ifaceNil,ao];$s=31;case 31:return ap;}return;}var $f={$blk:H,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Unmarshal=H;I=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=c;if(e===(8)){$s=2;continue;}if(e===(14)){$s=3;continue;}if((e===(5))||(e===(17))||(e===(15))||(e===(3))||(e===(18))||(e===(16))){$s=4;continue;}if((e===(13))||(e===(7))||(e===(4))||(e===(6))){$s=5;continue;}if((e===(2))||(e===(1))){$s=6;continue;}if(e===(9)){$s=7;continue;}if(e===(12)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 2:if(d===2){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:f=$clone(a,F.Value).Bool();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(f){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$s=-1;return["1",$ifaceNil];case 14:$s=-1;return["0",$ifaceNil];case 15:$s=12;continue;case 11:g=$clone(a,F.Value).Bool();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:$s=-1;return["true",$ifaceNil];case 18:$s=-1;return["false",$ifaceNil];case 19:case 12:$s=9;continue;case 3:if(d===2){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:h=$clone(a,F.Value).Enum();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=C.FormatInt((new $Int64(0,h)),10);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=[i,$ifaceNil];$s=26;case 26:return j;case 22:k=b.Name();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=[(k),$ifaceNil];$s=28;case 28:return l;case 23:$s=9;continue;case 4:m=$clone(a,F.Value).Int();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=C.FormatInt(m,10);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=[n,$ifaceNil];$s=31;case 31:return o;case 5:p=$clone(a,F.Value).Uint();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=C.FormatUint(p,10);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=[q,$ifaceNil];$s=34;case 34:return r;case 6:s=$clone(a,F.Value).Float();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(B.IsInf(t,-1)){$s=-1;return["-inf",$ifaceNil];}else if(B.IsInf(t,1)){$s=-1;return["inf",$ifaceNil];}else if(B.IsNaN(t)){$s=-1;return["nan",$ifaceNil];}else if(c===2){$s=-1;return[C.FormatFloat(t,103,-1,32),$ifaceNil];}else{$s=-1;return[C.FormatFloat(t,103,-1,64),$ifaceNil];}$s=9;continue;case 7:u=$clone(a,F.Value).String();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=[u,$ifaceNil];$s=37;case 37:return v;case 8:x=$clone(a,F.Value).Bytes();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=K(x);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=y;z=w[0];aa=w[1];if(aa){$s=-1;return[z,$ifaceNil];}case 9:case 1:ab=E.New("could not format value for %v: %v",new O([new F.Kind(c),new a.constructor.elem(a)]));$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=["",ab];$s=41;case 41:return ac;}return;}var $f={$blk:I,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Marshal=I;J=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=D.UnmarshalString("\""+a+"\"");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[N.nil,false];}$s=-1;return[(new N($stringToBytes(d))),true];}return;}var $f={$blk:J,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};K=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=N.nil;c=a;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);f=e;if(f===(10)){$s=4;continue;}if(f===(13)){$s=5;continue;}if(f===(9)){$s=6;continue;}if(f===(34)){$s=7;continue;}if(f===(39)){$s=8;continue;}if(f===(92)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 4:b=$appendSlice(b,"\\n");$s=11;continue;case 5:b=$appendSlice(b,"\\r");$s=11;continue;case 6:b=$appendSlice(b,"\\t");$s=11;continue;case 7:b=$appendSlice(b,"\\\"");$s=11;continue;case 8:b=$appendSlice(b,"\\'");$s=11;continue;case 9:b=$appendSlice(b,"\\\\");$s=11;continue;case 10:g=e>=32&&e<=126;if(g){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:b=$append(b,e);$s=14;continue;case 13:h=b;i=A.Sprintf("\\%03o",new O([new $Uint8(e)]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;b=$appendSlice(h,j);case 14:case 11:case 3:d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[($bytesToString(b)),true];}return;}var $f={$blk:K,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break 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$pkg={},$init,B,C,D,A,N,O,P,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M;B=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"];C=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"];D=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"];A=$packages["math"];N=$interfaceType([{prop:"IsMessageSet",name:"IsMessageSet",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)}]);O=$sliceType($Uint8);P=$sliceType($emptyInterface);E=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=$assertType(a,N,true);c=b[0];d=b[1];if(!(d)){e=false;$s=1;continue s;}f=c.IsMessageSet();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;case 1:g=e;$s=3;case 3:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:E,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};$pkg.IsMessageSet=E;F=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=a.Name();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break 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$Uint64(0,a)))>>0;};$pkg.SizeField=G;H=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}d=B.ConsumeTag(a);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=d[2];if(g<0){$s=-1;return B.ParseError(g);}a=$subslice(a,g);if(!((e===1))||!((f===3))){h=B.ConsumeFieldValue(e,f,a);if(h<0){$s=-1;return B.ParseError(h);}a=$subslice(a,h);$s=1;continue;}j=I(a,b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];g=i[2];m=i[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}a=$subslice(a,g);if(k===0){$s=1;continue;}n=c(k,l);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return o;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:H,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Unmarshal=H;I=function(a,b){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;d=O.nil;e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=a.$length;case 1:h=B.ConsumeTag(a);i=h[0];j=h[1];k=h[2];if(k<0){l=0;m=O.nil;n=0;o=B.ParseError(k);c=l;d=m;e=n;f=o;$s=-1;return[c,d,e,f];}a=$subslice(a,k);if((i===1)&&(j===4)){$s=4;continue;}if((i===2)&&(j===0)){$s=5;continue;}if((i===3)&&(j===2)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 4:if(b&&(d.$length===0)){d=B.AppendVarint(d,new $Uint64(0,0));}p=c;q=d;r=g-a.$length>>0;s=$ifaceNil;c=p;d=q;e=r;f=s;$s=-1;return[c,d,e,f];case 5:t=B.ConsumeVarint(a);u=t[0];v=t[1];if(v<0){w=0;x=O.nil;y=0;z=B.ParseError(v);c=w;d=x;e=y;f=z;$s=-1;return[c,d,e,f];}a=$subslice(a,v);if((u.$high<0||(u.$high===0&&u.$low<1))||(u.$high>0||(u.$high===0&&u.$low>2147483647))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:aa=0;ab=O.nil;ac=0;ae=C.New("invalid type_id in message set",new P([]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;c=aa;d=ab;e=ac;f=ad;af=[c,d,e,f];$s=12;case 12:return af;case 10:c=((u.$low>>0));$s=8;continue;case 6:ag=B.ConsumeBytes(a);ah=ag[0];ai=ag[1];if(ai<0){aj=0;ak=O.nil;al=0;am=B.ParseError(ai);c=aj;d=ak;e=al;f=am;$s=-1;return[c,d,e,f];}if(d===O.nil){if(b){d=$subslice(a,0,ai,ai);}else{d=$subslice(ah,0,ah.$length,ah.$length);}}else{if(b){an=B.ConsumeVarint(d);ao=an[1];ap=$subslice(d,ao);d=O.nil;d=B.AppendVarint(d,(new $Uint64(0,(ap.$length+ah.$length>>0))));d=$appendSlice(d,ap);d=$appendSlice(d,ah);}else{d=$appendSlice(d,ah);}}a=$subslice(a,ai);$s=8;continue;case 7:aq=B.ConsumeFieldValue(i,j,a);if(aq<0){ar=0;as=O.nil;at=0;au=B.ParseError(aq);c=ar;d=as;e=at;f=au;$s=-1;return[c,d,e,f];}a=$subslice(a,aq);case 8:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[c,d,e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:I,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ConsumeFieldValue=I;J=function(a,b){var a,b;a=B.AppendTag(a,1,3);a=B.AppendTag(a,2,0);a=B.AppendVarint(a,(new $Uint64(0,b)));return a;};$pkg.AppendFieldStart=J;K=function(a){var a;return B.AppendTag(a,1,4);};$pkg.AppendFieldEnd=K;L=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=0;while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}c=B.ConsumeTag(a);d=c[0];e=c[1];f=c[2];if(f<0||!((e===2))){b=0;return b;}a=$subslice(a,f);g=B.ConsumeBytes(a);f=g[1];if(f<0){b=0;return b;}a=$subslice(a,f);b=b+(((G(d)+B.SizeTag(3)>>0)+f>>0))>>0;}b=b;return b;};$pkg.SizeUnknown=L;M=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:case 1:if(!(b.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}c=B.ConsumeTag(b);d=c[0];e=c[1];f=c[2];if(f<0||!((e===2))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=C.New("invalid data in message set unknown fields",new P([]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=[O.nil,g];$s=6;case 6:return h;case 4:b=$subslice(b,f);i=B.ConsumeBytes(b);f=i[1];if(f<0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:j=C.New("invalid data in message set unknown fields",new P([]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=[O.nil,j];$s=10;case 10:return k;case 8:a=J(a,d);a=B.AppendTag(a,3,2);a=$appendSlice(a,$subslice(b,0,f));a=K(a);b=$subslice(b,f);$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[a,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:M,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$pkg.AppendUnknown=M;$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=B.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A;A=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"];$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,C,A,B,D,I,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,E,J,H,M;C=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"];A=$packages["sort"];B=$packages["sync"];D=$pkg.messageField=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"order.messageField",true,"google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order",false,function(fd_,v_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.fd=$ifaceNil;this.v=new C.Value.ptr(V.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",W.nil,$ifaceNil);return;}this.fd=fd_;this.v=v_;});I=$pkg.mapEntry=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"order.mapEntry",true,"google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order",false,function(k_,v_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.k=new C.MapKey.ptr(V.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",W.nil,$ifaceNil);this.v=new C.Value.ptr(V.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",W.nil,$ifaceNil);return;}this.k=k_;this.v=v_;});P=$sliceType($emptyInterface);Q=$sliceType(D);R=$ptrType(Q);S=$sliceType(I);T=$ptrType(S);U=$funcType([],[],false);V=$arrayType(U,0);W=$sliceType($Uint8);H=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=[b];d=[d];e=[e];if(b[0]===$throwNilPointerError){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=a.Range(c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=4;case 4:return;case 2:f=E.Get();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=$assertType(f,R);d[0]=$subslice((e[0].$get()),0,0);$deferred.push([(function(b,d,e){return function(){if(d[0].$capacity<1024){e[0].$set(d[0]);E.Put(e[0]);}};})(b,d,e),[]]);$r=a.Range((function(b,d,e){return function(g,h){var g,h;d[0]=$append(d[0],new D.ptr(g,$clone(h,C.Value)));return true;};})(b,d,e));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.Slice(d[0],(function(b,d,e){return function $b(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=b[0](((g<0||g>=d[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[0].$array[d[0].$offset+g]).fd,((h<0||h>=d[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[0].$array[d[0].$offset+h]).fd);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};})(b,d,e));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=d[0];h=0;case 8:if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]),D);j=c(i.fd,$clone(i.v,C.Value));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!j){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$s=13;case 13:return;case 11:h++;$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};$pkg.RangeFields=H;M=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=[b];d=[d];e=[e];if(b[0]===$throwNilPointerError){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=a.Range(c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=4;case 4:return;case 2:f=J.Get();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=$assertType(f,T);d[0]=$subslice((e[0].$get()),0,0);$deferred.push([(function(b,d,e){return function(){if(d[0].$capacity<1024){e[0].$set(d[0]);J.Put(e[0]);}};})(b,d,e),[]]);$r=a.Range((function(b,d,e){return function(g,h){var g,h;d[0]=$append(d[0],new I.ptr($clone(g,C.MapKey),$clone(h,C.Value)));return true;};})(b,d,e));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.Slice(d[0],(function(b,d,e){return function $b(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=b[0]($clone(((g<0||g>=d[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[0].$array[d[0].$offset+g]).k,C.MapKey),$clone(((h<0||h>=d[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[0].$array[d[0].$offset+h]).k,C.MapKey));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};})(b,d,e));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=d[0];h=0;case 8:if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]),I);j=c($clone(i.k,C.MapKey),$clone(i.v,C.Value));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!j){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$s=13;case 13:return;case 11:h++;$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:M,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};$pkg.RangeEntries=M;D.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order",[{prop:"fd",name:"fd",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:C.FieldDescriptor,tag:""},{prop:"v",name:"v",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:C.Value,tag:""}]);I.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order",[{prop:"k",name:"k",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:C.MapKey,tag:""},{prop:"v",name:"v",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:C.Value,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=C.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}E=new B.Pool.ptr(P.nil,(function(){return $newDataPointer(Q.nil,R);}));J=new B.Pool.ptr(P.nil,(function(){return $newDataPointer(S.nil,T);}));$pkg.AnyFieldOrder=$throwNilPointerError;$pkg.LegacyFieldOrder=(function $b(a,b){var{a,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=a.ContainingOneof();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;f=b.ContainingOneof();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=c;h=e;i=(function $b(i){var{i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)))){j=false;$s=1;continue s;}k=i.IsSynthetic();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=!k;case 1:l=j;$s=3;case 3:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;});j=a.IsExtension();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=b.IsExtension();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(j===k)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:m=a.IsExtension();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(m)){l=false;$s=7;continue s;}n=b.IsExtension();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=!n;case 7:o=l;$s=10;case 10:return o;case 4:p=i(g);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=i(h);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(p===q)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:s=i(g);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!s)){r=false;$s=15;continue s;}t=i(h);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=t;case 15:u=r;$s=18;case 18:return u;case 12:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(g,h))){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:v=g.Index();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=h.Index();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=v0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=e[0].checkGenProtoConflict(g);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=b[0].Path();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=new $String(j);l=F.New("file %q is already registered",new Z([k]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=X(m,(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]),b[0]);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;if(!(e[0]===$pkg.GlobalFiles)){o=false;$s=13;continue s;}p=J(b[0],m);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;case 13:if(!(o)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:q=m;$s=15;case 15:return q;case 12:case 6:r=b[0].Package();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;case 17:if(!(!(s===""))){$s=18;continue;}u=(t=e[0].descsByName[H.FullName.keyFor(s)],t!==undefined?t.v:$ifaceNil);v=u;if(v===$ifaceNil||$assertType(v,AC,true)[1]){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:$s=21;continue;case 20:w=b[0].Path();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=new $String(w);y=new H.FullName(s);z=F.New("file %q has a package name conflict over %v",new Z([x,y]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;ab=X(aa,u,b[0]);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;if(!(e[0]===$pkg.GlobalFiles)){ac=false;$s=27;continue s;}ad=J(b[0],aa);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;case 27:if(ac){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:aa=$ifaceNil;case 26:ae=aa;$s=29;case 29:return ae;case 21:s=new H.FullName(s).Parent();$s=17;continue;case 18:c[0]=$ifaceNil;d[0]=false;$r=P(b[0],(function(b,c,d,e){return function $b(af){var{af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{af});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ag=af.FullName();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=(ah=e[0].descsByName[H.FullName.keyFor(ag)],ah!==undefined?ah.v:$ifaceNil);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:d[0]=true;aj=b[0].Path();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=new $String(aj);al=af.FullName();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=new H.FullName(al);an=F.New("file %q has a name conflict over %v",new Z([ak,am]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c[0]=an;ao=X(c[0],ai,b[0]);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c[0]=ao;if(!(e[0]===$pkg.GlobalFiles)){ap=false;$s=10;continue s;}aq=J(af,c[0]);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=aq;case 10:if(ap){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:c[0]=$ifaceNil;case 9:case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,$s};return $f;};})(b,c,d,e));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(d[0]){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:af=c[0];$s=33;case 33:return af;case 32:ag=b[0].Package();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;case 35:if(!(!(ah===""))){$s=36;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual((ai=e[0].descsByName[H.FullName.keyFor(ah)],ai!==undefined?ai.v:$ifaceNil),$ifaceNil)){aj=ah;(e[0].descsByName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[H.FullName.keyFor(aj)]={k:aj,v:new M.ptr(AB.nil)};}ah=new H.FullName(ah).Parent();$s=35;continue;case 36:ak=b[0].Package();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=$assertType((al=e[0].descsByName[H.FullName.keyFor(ak)],al!==undefined?al.v:$ifaceNil),AC);am.files=$append(am.files,b[0]);$r=P(b[0],(function(b,c,d,e){return function $b(an){var{an,ao,ap,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{an});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ap=an.FullName();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=ap;(e[0].descsByName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[H.FullName.keyFor(ao)]={k:ao,v:an};$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,an,ao,ap,$s};return $f;};})(b,c,d,e));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=g;(e[0].filesByPath||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(an)]={k:an,v:$append((ao=e[0].filesByPath[$String.keyFor(g)],ao!==undefined?ao.v:AB.nil),b[0])};e[0].numFiles=e[0].numFiles+(1)>>0;ap=$ifaceNil;$s=39;case 39:return ap;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.RegisterFile,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};L.prototype.RegisterFile=function(b){return this.$val.RegisterFile(b);};L.ptr.prototype.checkGenProtoConflict=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!(c===$pkg.GlobalFiles)){$s=-1;return;}d="";e=b;if(e===("google/protobuf/field_mask.proto")){d="google.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/field_mask";}else if(e===("google/protobuf/api.proto")){d="google.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/api";}else if(e===("google/protobuf/type.proto")){d="google.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/ptype";}else if(e===("google/protobuf/source_context.proto")){d="google.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/source_context";}else{$s=-1;return;}f=C.TrimSuffix(C.TrimPrefix(b,"google/protobuf/"),".proto");f=C.Replace(f,"_","",-1)+"pb";g="google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/"+f;h=A.Sprintf("duplicate registration of %q\n\nThe generated definition for this file has moved:\n\tfrom: %q\n\tto: %q\nA dependency on the %q module must\nbe at version %v or higher.\n\nUpgrade the dependency by running:\n\tgo get -u %v\n",new Z([new $String(b),new $String(d),new $String(g),new $String("google.golang.org/genproto"),new $String("cb27e3aa (May 26th, 2020)"),new $String(d)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.checkGenProtoConflict,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};L.prototype.checkGenProtoConflict=function(b){return this.$val.checkGenProtoConflict(b);};L.ptr.prototype.FindDescriptorByName=function(b){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;if(c===AD.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=3;case 3:return d;case 2:if(c===$pkg.GlobalFiles){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:e=b;f="";case 7:if(!(!(e===""))){$s=8;continue;}g=(h=c.descsByName[H.FullName.keyFor(e)],h!==undefined?[h.v,true]:[$ifaceNil,false]);i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:k=i;if($assertType(k,H.EnumDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=11;continue;}if($assertType(k,H.EnumValueDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=12;continue;}if($assertType(k,H.MessageDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=13;continue;}if($assertType(k,H.FieldDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=14;continue;}if($assertType(k,H.ServiceDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 11:l=k;q=l.FullName();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(q===b){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:r=[l,$ifaceNil];$s=20;case 20:return r;case 18:$s=16;continue;case 12:m=k;s=m.FullName();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(s===b){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:t=[m,$ifaceNil];$s=24;case 24:return t;case 22:$s=16;continue;case 13:n=k;u=n.FullName();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(u===b){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:v=[n,$ifaceNil];$s=28;case 28:return v;case 26:w=N(n,f);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;if(!(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil)))){y=false;$s=32;continue s;}z=x.FullName();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z===b;case 32:if(y){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:aa=[x,$ifaceNil];$s=34;case 34:return aa;case 31:$s=16;continue;case 14:o=k;ab=o.FullName();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ab===b){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:ac=[o,$ifaceNil];$s=38;case 38:return ac;case 36:$s=16;continue;case 15:p=k;ad=p.FullName();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ad===b){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 39:ae=[p,$ifaceNil];$s=42;case 42:return ae;case 40:af=p.Methods();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=af.ByName((ag||(ag=new AE(function(){return f;},function($v){f=$v;}))).Pop());$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;if(!(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil)))){aj=false;$s=47;continue s;}ak=ai.FullName();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak===b;case 47:if(aj){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:al=[ai,$ifaceNil];$s=49;case 49:return al;case 46:case 16:am=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=50;case 50:return am;case 10:e=new H.FullName(e).Parent();f=($substring(b,(e.length+1>>0)));$s=7;continue;case 8:an=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=51;case 51:return an;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.FindDescriptorByName,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};L.prototype.FindDescriptorByName=function(b){return this.$val.FindDescriptorByName(b);};N=function(b,c){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=(d||(d=new AE(function(){return c;},function($v){c=$v;}))).Pop();if(c===""){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=b.Enums();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f.ByName(e);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return h;}i=b.Enums();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.Len();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j-1>>0;case 7:if(!(k>=0)){$s=8;continue;}l=b.Enums();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.Get(k);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.Values();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.ByName(e);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}k=k-(1)>>0;$s=7;continue;case 8:q=b.Extensions();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q.ByName(e);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return s;}t=b.Fields();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.ByName(e);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return v;}w=b.Oneofs();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w.ByName(e);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return y;}case 2:z=b.Messages();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z.ByName(e);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:if(c===""){$s=-1;return ab;}ac=N(ab,c);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;$s=24;case 24:return ad;case 22:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:N,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(O).prototype.Pop=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b="";c=this;d=C.IndexByte((c.$get()),46);if(d>=0){e=($substring((c.$get()),0,d));f=$substring((c.$get()),(d+1>>0));b=e;c.$set(f);}else{g=((c.$get()));h="";b=g;c.$set(h);}b=b;return b;};L.ptr.prototype.FindFileByPath=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;if(c===AD.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=3;case 3:return d;case 2:if(c===$pkg.GlobalFiles){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:f=(e=c.filesByPath[$String.keyFor(b)],e!==undefined?e.v:AB.nil);g=f.$length;if(g===(0)){$s=8;continue;}if(g===(1)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 8:h=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=12;case 12:return h;case 9:i=[(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]),$ifaceNil];$s=13;case 13:return i;case 10:j=F.New("multiple files named %q",new Z([new $String(b)]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=[$ifaceNil,j];$s=15;case 15:return k;case 11:case 7:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.FindFileByPath,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};L.prototype.FindFileByPath=function(b){return this.$val.FindFileByPath(b);};L.ptr.prototype.NumFiles=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=this;if(b===AD.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=0;$s=3;case 3:return c;case 2:if(b===$pkg.GlobalFiles){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:d=b.numFiles;$s=7;case 7:return d;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return 0;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.NumFiles,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};L.prototype.NumFiles=function(){return this.$val.NumFiles();};L.ptr.prototype.RangeFiles=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;if(c===AD.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=3;case 3:return;case 2:if(c===$pkg.GlobalFiles){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:d=c.filesByPath;e=0;f=$keys(d);case 7:if(!(e=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);l=b(k);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!l){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$s=14;case 14:return;case 12:j++;$s=9;continue;case 10:e++;$s=7;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.RangeFiles,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};L.prototype.RangeFiles=function(b){return this.$val.RangeFiles(b);};L.ptr.prototype.NumFilesByPackage=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;if(c===AD.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=0;$s=3;case 3:return d;case 2:if(c===$pkg.GlobalFiles){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:e=$assertType((f=c.descsByName[H.FullName.keyFor(b)],f!==undefined?f.v:$ifaceNil),AC,true);g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!h){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:i=0;$s=9;case 9:return i;case 8:j=g.files.$length;$s=10;case 10:return j;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return 0;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.NumFilesByPackage,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};L.prototype.NumFilesByPackage=function(b){return this.$val.NumFilesByPackage(b);};L.ptr.prototype.RangeFilesByPackage=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;if(d===AD.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=3;case 3:return;case 2:if(d===$pkg.GlobalFiles){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:e=$assertType((f=d.descsByName[H.FullName.keyFor(b)],f!==undefined?f.v:$ifaceNil),AC,true);g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!h){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$s=9;case 9:return;case 8:i=g.files;j=0;case 10:if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);l=c(k);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!l){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:$s=15;case 15:return;case 13:j++;$s=10;continue;case 11:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.RangeFilesByPackage,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};L.prototype.RangeFilesByPackage=function(b,c){return this.$val.RangeFilesByPackage(b,c);};P=function(b,c){var{aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=b.Enums();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;f=e.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f-1>>0;case 3:if(!(g>=0)){$s=4;continue;}h=e.Get(g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c(h);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=e.Get(g);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.Values();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l-1>>0;case 10:if(!(m>=0)){$s=11;continue;}n=k.Get(m);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c(n);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=m-(1)>>0;$s=10;continue;case 11:g=g-(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:o=b.Messages();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=p.Len();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q-1>>0;case 16:if(!(r>=0)){$s=17;continue;}s=p.Get(r);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c(s);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=r-(1)>>0;$s=16;continue;case 17:t=b.Extensions();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=u.Len();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v-1>>0;case 22:if(!(w>=0)){$s=23;continue;}x=u.Get(w);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c(x);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=w-(1)>>0;$s=22;continue;case 23:y=b.Services();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;aa=z.Len();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa-1>>0;case 28:if(!(ab>=0)){$s=29;continue;}ac=z.Get(ab);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c(ac);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ab-(1)>>0;$s=28;continue;case 29:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};S.ptr.prototype.RegisterMessage=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;d=b.Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(c===$pkg.GlobalTypes){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=K.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"Unlock"),[]]);case 3:f=c.register("message",e,b);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:h=g;$s=8;case 8:return h;case 7:c.numMessages=c.numMessages+(1)>>0;i=$ifaceNil;$s=9;case 9:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.RegisterMessage,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};S.prototype.RegisterMessage=function(b){return this.$val.RegisterMessage(b);};S.ptr.prototype.RegisterEnum=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;d=b.Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(c===$pkg.GlobalTypes){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=K.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"Unlock"),[]]);case 3:f=c.register("enum",e,b);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:h=g;$s=8;case 8:return h;case 7:c.numEnums=c.numEnums+(1)>>0;i=$ifaceNil;$s=9;case 9:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.RegisterEnum,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};S.prototype.RegisterEnum=function(b){return this.$val.RegisterEnum(b);};S.ptr.prototype.RegisterExtension=function(b){var{aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;d=b.TypeDescriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(c===$pkg.GlobalTypes){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=K.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"Unlock"),[]]);case 3:f=e.Number();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=e.ContainingMessage();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.FullName();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;m=(k=(l=c.extensionsByMessage[H.FullName.keyFor(j)],l!==undefined?l.v:false)[$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number.keyFor(g)],k!==undefined?k.v:$ifaceNil);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:n=F.New("extension number %d is already registered on message %v",new Z([new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number(g),new H.FullName(j)]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=X(o,m,b);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;if(!(c===$pkg.GlobalTypes)){q=false;$s=14;continue s;}r=J(e,o);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;case 14:if(!(q)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:s=o;$s=16;case 16:return s;case 13:case 9:t=c.register("extension",e,b);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:v=u;$s=20;case 20:return v;case 19:if(c.extensionsByMessage===false){c.extensionsByMessage={};}if((w=c.extensionsByMessage[H.FullName.keyFor(j)],w!==undefined?w.v:false)===false){x=j;(c.extensionsByMessage||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[H.FullName.keyFor(x)]={k:x,v:{}};}y=g;((z=c.extensionsByMessage[H.FullName.keyFor(j)],z!==undefined?z.v:false)||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number.keyFor(y)]={k:y,v:b};c.numExtensions=c.numExtensions+(1)>>0;aa=$ifaceNil;$s=21;case 21:return aa;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.RegisterExtension,$c:true,$r,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};S.prototype.RegisterExtension=function(b){return this.$val.RegisterExtension(b);};S.ptr.prototype.register=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=c.FullName();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;i=(h=e.typesByName[H.FullName.keyFor(g)],h!==undefined?h.v:$ifaceNil);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=F.New("%v %v is already registered",new Z([new $String(b),new H.FullName(g)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=X(k,i,d);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;if(!(e===$pkg.GlobalTypes)){m=false;$s=8;continue s;}n=J(c,k);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;case 8:if(!(m)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return k;case 7:case 3:if(e.typesByName===false){e.typesByName={};}o=g;(e.typesByName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[H.FullName.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:d};$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.register,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.register=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.register(b,c,d);};S.ptr.prototype.FindEnumByName=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;if(c===AA.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=3;case 3:return d;case 2:if(c===$pkg.GlobalTypes){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:f=(e=c.typesByName[H.FullName.keyFor(b)],e!==undefined?e.v:$ifaceNil);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:g=$assertType(f,H.EnumType,true);h=g[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:i=[h,$ifaceNil];$s=11;case 11:return i;case 10:j=W(f);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=new $String(j);l=F.New("found wrong type: got %v, want enum",new Z([k]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=[$ifaceNil,l];$s=14;case 14:return m;case 8:n=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=15;case 15:return n;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.FindEnumByName,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};S.prototype.FindEnumByName=function(b){return this.$val.FindEnumByName(b);};S.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByName=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;if(c===AA.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=3;case 3:return d;case 2:if(c===$pkg.GlobalTypes){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:f=(e=c.typesByName[H.FullName.keyFor(b)],e!==undefined?e.v:$ifaceNil);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:g=$assertType(f,H.MessageType,true);h=g[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:i=[h,$ifaceNil];$s=11;case 11:return i;case 10:j=W(f);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=new $String(j);l=F.New("found wrong type: got %v, want message",new Z([k]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=[$ifaceNil,l];$s=14;case 14:return m;case 8:n=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=15;case 15:return n;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByName,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};S.prototype.FindMessageByName=function(b){return this.$val.FindMessageByName(b);};S.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByURL=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;if(c===AA.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=3;case 3:return d;case 2:if(c===$pkg.GlobalTypes){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:e=(b);f=C.LastIndexByte(b,47);if(f>=0){e=$substring(e,(f+1>>0));}h=(g=c.typesByName[H.FullName.keyFor(e)],g!==undefined?g.v:$ifaceNil);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:i=$assertType(h,H.MessageType,true);j=i[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:k=[j,$ifaceNil];$s=11;case 11:return k;case 10:l=W(h);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=new $String(l);n=F.New("found wrong type: got %v, want message",new Z([m]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=[$ifaceNil,n];$s=14;case 14:return o;case 8:p=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=15;case 15:return p;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByURL,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};S.prototype.FindMessageByURL=function(b){return this.$val.FindMessageByURL(b);};S.ptr.prototype.FindExtensionByName=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;if(c===AA.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=3;case 3:return d;case 2:if(c===$pkg.GlobalTypes){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:f=(e=c.typesByName[H.FullName.keyFor(b)],e!==undefined?e.v:$ifaceNil);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:g=$assertType(f,H.ExtensionType,true);h=g[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:i=[h,$ifaceNil];$s=11;case 11:return i;case 10:if(false){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:j=$assertType(f,H.MessageType,true);k=j[1];if(k){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:l=new H.FullName(b).Append("message_set_extension");n=(m=c.typesByName[H.FullName.keyFor(l)],m!==undefined?m.v:$ifaceNil);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:o=$assertType(n,H.ExtensionType,true);p=o[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:q=p.TypeDescriptor();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=E.IsMessageSetExtension(q);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(r){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:s=[p,$ifaceNil];$s=24;case 24:return s;case 21:case 19:case 17:case 15:case 13:t=W(f);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=new $String(t);v=F.New("found wrong type: got %v, want extension",new Z([u]));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=[$ifaceNil,v];$s=27;case 27:return w;case 8:x=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=28;case 28:return x;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.FindExtensionByName,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};S.prototype.FindExtensionByName=function(b){return this.$val.FindExtensionByName(b);};S.ptr.prototype.FindExtensionByNumber=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;if(d===AA.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=3;case 3:return e;case 2:if(d===$pkg.GlobalTypes){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:f=(g=(h=d.extensionsByMessage[H.FullName.keyFor(b)],h!==undefined?h.v:false)[$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number.keyFor(c)],g!==undefined?[g.v,true]:[$ifaceNil,false]);i=f[0];j=f[1];if(j){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:k=[i,$ifaceNil];$s=9;case 9:return k;case 8:l=[$ifaceNil,$pkg.NotFound];$s=10;case 10:return l;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.FindExtensionByNumber,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};S.prototype.FindExtensionByNumber=function(b,c){return this.$val.FindExtensionByNumber(b,c);};S.ptr.prototype.NumEnums=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=this;if(b===AA.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=0;$s=3;case 3:return c;case 2:if(b===$pkg.GlobalTypes){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:d=b.numEnums;$s=7;case 7:return d;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return 0;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.NumEnums,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};S.prototype.NumEnums=function(){return this.$val.NumEnums();};S.ptr.prototype.RangeEnums=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;if(c===AA.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=3;case 3:return;case 2:if(c===$pkg.GlobalTypes){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=K.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(K,"RUnlock"),[]]);case 5:d=c.typesByName;e=0;f=$keys(d);case 7:if(!(e>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=31;case 31:return r;case 5:t=$clone(e,B.Value).Int();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=A.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,(((s=t,s.$low+((s.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=A.SizeVarint(u);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;$s=35;case 35:return w;case 6:x=$clone(e,B.Value).Uint();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=A.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,((x.$low>>>0)))));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=38;case 38:return z;case 7:ab=$clone(e,B.Value).Int();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=A.SizeVarint(((aa=ab,new $Uint64(aa.$high,aa.$low))));$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;$s=41;case 41:return ad;case 8:ae=$clone(e,B.Value).Int();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=A.EncodeZigZag(ae);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=A.SizeVarint(af);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;$s=45;case 45:return ah;case 9:ai=$clone(e,B.Value).Uint();$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=A.SizeVarint(ai);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;$s=48;case 48:return ak;case 10:$s=-1;return A.SizeFixed32();case 11:$s=-1;return A.SizeFixed32();case 12:$s=-1;return A.SizeFixed32();case 13:$s=-1;return A.SizeFixed64();case 14:$s=-1;return A.SizeFixed64();case 15:$s=-1;return A.SizeFixed64();case 16:al=$clone(e,B.Value).String();$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=A.SizeBytes(al.length);$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;$s=51;case 51:return an;case 17:ao=$clone(e,B.Value).Bytes();$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=A.SizeBytes(ao.$length);$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap;$s=54;case 54:return aq;case 18:ar=$clone(e,B.Value).Message();$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=$clone(f,AV).size(ar);$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=A.SizeBytes(as);$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at;$s=58;case 58:return au;case 19:av=c;aw=$clone(e,B.Value).Message();$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=$clone(f,AV).size(aw);$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;az=A.SizeGroup(av,ay);$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=62;case 62:return ba;case 20:$s=-1;return 0;case 21:case 1:$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.sizeSingular,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.sizeSingular=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.sizeSingular(c,d,e);};Y=function(c){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=new AV.ptr(new O.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),false,false,false).Size(c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Size=Y;AV.ptr.prototype.Size=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return 0;}e=c.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=$clone(d,AV).size(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=3;case 3:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.Size,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.Size=function(c){return this.$val.Size(c);};AV.ptr.prototype.size=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=0;e=this;f=AB(c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!(g===CK.nil)&&!(g.Size===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=g.Size(new BT.ptr(new O.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),c,0));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,BU);d=i.Size;$s=-1;return d;case 3:if(!(g===CK.nil)&&!(g.Marshal===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=g.Marshal(new BX.ptr(new O.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),c,BW.nil,0));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=$clone(j[0],BY);d=l.Buf.$length;$s=-1;return d;case 6:m=$clone(e,AV).sizeMessageSlow(c);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=m;n=d;$s=9;case 9:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.size,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.size=function(c){return this.$val.size(c);};AV.ptr.prototype.sizeMessageSlow=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];e[0]=0;d[0]=this;f=c.Descriptor();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=C.IsMessageSet(f);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=$clone(d[0],AV).sizeMessageSet(c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=h;i=e[0];$s=6;case 6:return i;case 2:$r=c.Range((function(d,e){return function $b(j,k){var{j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=$clone(d[0],AV).sizeField(j,$clone(k,B.Value));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=e[0]+(l)>>0;$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};})(d,e));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=c.GetUnknown();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=e[0]+(j.$length)>>0;e[0]=e[0];$s=-1;return e[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.sizeMessageSlow,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.sizeMessageSlow=function(c){return this.$val.sizeMessageSlow(c);};AV.ptr.prototype.sizeField=function(c,d){var{aa,ab,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=this;g=c.Number();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=c.IsList();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i){$s=3;continue;}j=c.IsMap();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:k=h;l=c;m=$clone(d,B.Value).List();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=$clone(f,AV).sizeList(k,l,n);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=o;p=e;$s=11;case 11:return p;case 4:q=h;r=c;s=$clone(d,B.Value).Map();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=$clone(f,AV).sizeMap(q,r,t);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=u;v=e;$s=14;case 14:return v;case 5:w=h;x=c.Kind();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;z=$clone(d,B.Value);aa=$clone(f,AV).sizeSingular(w,y,z);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=A.SizeTag(h)+aa>>0;ab=e;$s=17;case 17:return ab;case 6:case 2:$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.sizeField,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.sizeField=function(c,d){return this.$val.sizeField(c,d);};AV.ptr.prototype.sizeList=function(c,d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=0;g=this;i=d.IsPacked();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(i)){h=false;$s=3;continue s;}j=e.Len();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=j>0;case 3:if(h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=0;l=0;n=e.Len();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 7:if(!(o>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=7;continue;case 8:f=A.SizeTag(c)+A.SizeBytes(k)>>0;$s=-1;return f;case 2:w=0;y=e.Len();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=w;aa=x;case 13:if(!(z>0))>>0;z=z+(1)>>0;$s=13;continue;case 14:f=f;$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.sizeList,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.sizeList=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.sizeList(c,d,e);};AV.ptr.prototype.sizeMap=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];f=[f];g=[g];g[0]=0;f[0]=this;$r=e.Range((function(c,d,f,g){return function $b(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g[0]=g[0]+(A.SizeTag(c[0]))>>0;j=d[0].MapKey();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(f[0],AV).sizeField(j,$clone($clone(h,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=d[0].MapValue();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$clone(f[0],AV).sizeField(l,$clone(i,B.Value));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=A.SizeBytes(k+m>>0);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g[0]=g[0]+(n)>>0;$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};})(c,d,f,g));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g[0]=g[0];$s=-1;return g[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.sizeMap,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.sizeMap=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.sizeMap(c,d,e);};Z=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=$assertType(c,CL,true);e=d[0];f=d[1];if(f&&true){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=e.Reset();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 2:g=c.ProtoReflect();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AA(g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Reset=Z;AA=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=c[0].IsValid();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!d){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=c[0].Descriptor();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e.FullName();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=new B.FullName(f);h=E.Sprintf("cannot reset invalid %v message",new BK([g]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:i=c[0].Descriptor();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.Fields();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;case 9:m=k.Len();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(l>0;$s=9;continue;case 10:$r=c[0].Range((function(c){return function $b(o,p){var{o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{o,p});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=c[0].Clear(o);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,o,p,$s};return $f;};})(c));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c[0].SetUnknown(B.RawFields.nil);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AA,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AB=function(c){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=c.ProtoMethods();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AB,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AD=function(){$pkg.Error=F.Error;};AV.ptr.prototype.sizeMessageSet=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];e[0]=0;d[0]=this;$r=c.Range((function(d,e){return function $b(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=f.Number();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=C.SizeField(h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=e[0]+(i)>>0;e[0]=e[0]+(A.SizeTag(3))>>0;j=$clone(g,B.Value).Message();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(d[0],AV).size(j);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=A.SizeBytes(k);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=e[0]+(l)>>0;$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};})(d,e));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=c.GetUnknown();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=C.SizeUnknown($convertSliceType(f,BW));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=e[0]+(g)>>0;e[0]=e[0];$s=-1;return e[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.sizeMessageSet,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.sizeMessageSet=function(c){return this.$val.sizeMessageSet(c);};AV.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSet=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];e=[e];f=[f];f[0]=this;if(true){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=F.New("no support for message_set_wire_format",new BK([]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=[c[0],g];$s=4;case 4:return h;case 2:i=H.AnyFieldOrder;if(f[0].Deterministic){i=H.NumberFieldOrder;}e[0]=$ifaceNil;$r=H.RangeFields(d,i,(function(c,e,f){return function $b(j,k){var{j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=$clone(f[0],AV).marshalMessageSetField(c[0],j,$clone(k,B.Value));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;c[0]=l[0];e[0]=l[1];$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual(e[0],$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};})(c,e,f));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c[0],e[0]];}j=c[0];k=d.GetUnknown();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$convertSliceType(k,BW);m=C.AppendUnknown(j,l);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=8;case 8:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSet,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.marshalMessageSet=function(c,d){return this.$val.marshalMessageSet(c,d);};AV.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSetField=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=c;h=d.Number();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=C.AppendFieldStart(g,i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=j;c=A.AppendTag(c,3,2);k=c;l=$clone(e,B.Value).Message();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.Interface();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(f,AV).Size(m);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=(new $Uint64(0,n));p=A.AppendVarint(k,o);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=p;r=c;s=$clone(e,B.Value).Message();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=$clone(f,AV).marshalMessage(r,t);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=u;c=q[0];v=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c,v];}c=C.AppendFieldEnd(c);$s=-1;return[c,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSetField,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.marshalMessageSetField=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.marshalMessageSetField(c,d,e);};BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSet=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];e[0]=this;if(true){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=F.New("no support for message_set_wire_format",new BK([]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=4;case 4:return g;case 2:h=C.Unmarshal(c,false,(function(d,e){return function $b(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(e[0],BC).unmarshalMessageSetField(d[0],h,i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if($interfaceIsEqual(k,BE)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=d[0].GetUnknown();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;m=$convertSliceType(A.AppendTag($convertSliceType(m,BW),h,2),B.RawFields);m=$convertSliceType(A.AppendBytes($convertSliceType(m,BW),i),B.RawFields);$r=d[0].SetUnknown(m);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};})(d,e));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=6;case 6:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSet,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.unmarshalMessageSet=function(c,d){return this.$val.unmarshalMessageSet(c,d);};BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSetField=function(c,d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=c.Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=h.ExtensionRanges();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.Has(d);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!j){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return BE;case 3:l=h.FullName();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=f.Resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(l,d);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=m;n=k[0];o=k[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(o,I.NotFound)){$s=-1;return BE;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:p=h.FullName();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=new B.FullName(p);r=new A.Number(d);s=o;t=F.New("%v: unable to resolve extension %v: %v",new BK([q,r,s]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=12;case 12:return u;case 9:v=n.TypeDescriptor();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=e;y=c.Mutable(w);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$clone(y,B.Value).Message();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;ab=$clone(f,BC).unmarshalMessage(x,aa);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ac;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSetField,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.unmarshalMessageSetField=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.unmarshalMessageSetField(c,d,e);};AF=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=c.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;h=d.ProtoReflect();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=e;j=g;k=i.Descriptor();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=j.Descriptor();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,l))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:n=i.Descriptor();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.FullName();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=o;q=j.Descriptor();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q.FullName();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=r;s=m;t=p;if(!(s===t)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:u=E.Sprintf("descriptor mismatch: %v != %v",new BK([new B.FullName(s),new B.FullName(t)]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(u));case 12:$panic(new $String("descriptor mismatch"));case 4:$r=new AH.ptr().mergeMessage(i,j);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Merge=AF;AG=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}d=c.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;f=e.IsValid();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!f){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=e.Type();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.Zero();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.Interface();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=8;case 8:return j;case 3:k=e.New();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$r=new AH.ptr().mergeMessage(l,e);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.Interface();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=12;case 12:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Clone=AG;AH.ptr.prototype.mergeMessage=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];e=[e];e[0]=this;f=AB(c[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!(g===CK.nil)&&!(g.Merge===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=new CE.ptr(new O.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),d,c[0]);i=g.Merge($clone(h,CE));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,CC);if(!((((j.Flags&1)>>>0)===0))){$s=-1;return;}case 3:k=c[0].IsValid();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!k){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=c[0].Descriptor();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.FullName();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=new B.FullName(m);o=E.Sprintf("cannot merge into invalid %v message",new BK([n]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(o));case 6:$r=d.Range((function(c,e){return function $b(p,q){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{p,q});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:r=p.IsList();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(r){$s=2;continue;}s=p.IsMap();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(s){$s=3;continue;}t=p.Message();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}u=p.Kind();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((u===12)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:v=c[0].Mutable(p);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=$clone(v,B.Value).List();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;y=$clone(q,B.Value).List();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;aa=p;$r=$clone(e[0],AH).mergeList(x,z,aa);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=7;continue;case 3:ab=c[0].Mutable(p);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=$clone(ab,B.Value).Map();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;ae=$clone(q,B.Value).Map();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;ag=p.MapValue();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;$r=$clone(e[0],AH).mergeMap(ad,af,ah);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=7;continue;case 4:ai=c[0].Mutable(p);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=$clone(ai,B.Value).Message();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;al=$clone(q,B.Value).Message();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;$r=$clone(e[0],AH).mergeMessage(ak,am);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=7;continue;case 5:an=p;ao=$clone(e[0],AH).cloneBytes($clone(q,B.Value));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=$clone(ao,B.Value);$r=c[0].Set(an,ap);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=c[0].Set(p,$clone(q,B.Value));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:case 1:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(c,e));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=d.GetUnknown();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(p.$length>0){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:q=c[0].GetUnknown();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=d.GetUnknown();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$convertSliceType(s,BW);$r=c[0].SetUnknown($appendSlice(r,t));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 13:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.mergeMessage,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.mergeMessage=function(c,d){return this.$val.mergeMessage(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.mergeList=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=0;i=d.Len();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=g;k=h;case 2:if(!(j>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.mergeList,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.mergeList=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.mergeList(c,d,e);};AH.ptr.prototype.mergeMap=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];e=[e];f=[f];f[0]=this;$r=d.Range((function(c,e,f){return function $b(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=e[0].Message();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}j=e[0].Kind();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((j===12)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:k=c[0].NewValue();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,B.Value);m=$clone(l,B.Value).Message();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=$clone(h,B.Value).Message();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$r=$clone(f[0],AH).mergeMessage(n,p);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c[0].Set($clone(g,B.MapKey),$clone(l,B.Value));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 3:q=$clone(g,B.MapKey);r=$clone(f[0],AH).cloneBytes($clone(h,B.Value));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,B.Value);$r=c[0].Set(q,s);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=c[0].Set($clone(g,B.MapKey),$clone(h,B.Value));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};})(c,e,f));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.mergeMap,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.mergeMap=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.mergeMap(c,d,e);};AH.ptr.prototype.cloneBytes=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=new BW([]);f=$clone(c,B.Value).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=B.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(e,g));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.cloneBytes,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.cloneBytes=function(c){return this.$val.cloneBytes(c);};AV.ptr.prototype.marshalSingular=function(c,d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=d.Kind();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(h===(8)){$s=3;continue;}if(h===(14)){$s=4;continue;}if(h===(5)){$s=5;continue;}if(h===(17)){$s=6;continue;}if(h===(13)){$s=7;continue;}if(h===(3)){$s=8;continue;}if(h===(18)){$s=9;continue;}if(h===(4)){$s=10;continue;}if(h===(15)){$s=11;continue;}if(h===(7)){$s=12;continue;}if(h===(2)){$s=13;continue;}if(h===(16)){$s=14;continue;}if(h===(6)){$s=15;continue;}if(h===(1)){$s=16;continue;}if(h===(9)){$s=17;continue;}if(h===(12)){$s=18;continue;}if(h===(11)){$s=19;continue;}if(h===(10)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 3:i=c;j=$clone(e,B.Value).Bool();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=A.EncodeBool(j);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=A.AppendVarint(i,l);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=m;$s=22;continue;case 4:n=c;o=$clone(e,B.Value).Enum();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=(new $Uint64(0,o));q=A.AppendVarint(n,p);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=q;$s=22;continue;case 5:r=c;t=$clone(e,B.Value).Int();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=(new $Uint64(0,(((s=t,s.$low+((s.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))));v=A.AppendVarint(r,u);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=v;$s=22;continue;case 6:w=c;y=$clone(e,B.Value).Int();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=A.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,(((x=y,x.$low+((x.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;ab=A.AppendVarint(w,aa);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=ab;$s=22;continue;case 7:ac=c;ad=$clone(e,B.Value).Uint();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=(new $Uint64(0,((ad.$low>>>0))));af=A.AppendVarint(ac,ae);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=af;$s=22;continue;case 8:ag=c;ai=$clone(e,B.Value).Int();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=((ah=ai,new $Uint64(ah.$high,ah.$low)));ak=A.AppendVarint(ag,aj);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=ak;$s=22;continue;case 9:al=c;am=$clone(e,B.Value).Int();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=A.EncodeZigZag(am);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=an;ap=A.AppendVarint(al,ao);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=ap;$s=22;continue;case 10:aq=c;ar=$clone(e,B.Value).Uint();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar;at=A.AppendVarint(aq,as);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=at;$s=22;continue;case 11:au=c;av=$clone(e,B.Value).Int();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=((av.$low>>>0));ax=A.AppendFixed32(au,aw);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=ax;$s=22;continue;case 12:ay=c;az=$clone(e,B.Value).Uint();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=((az.$low>>>0));bb=A.AppendFixed32(ay,ba);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=bb;$s=22;continue;case 13:bc=c;bd=$clone(e,B.Value).Float();$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=K.Float32bits(($fround(bd)));$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=be;bg=A.AppendFixed32(bc,bf);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=bg;$s=22;continue;case 14:bh=c;bj=$clone(e,B.Value).Int();$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=((bi=bj,new $Uint64(bi.$high,bi.$low)));bl=A.AppendFixed64(bh,bk);$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=bl;$s=22;continue;case 15:bm=c;bn=$clone(e,B.Value).Uint();$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bo=bn;bp=A.AppendFixed64(bm,bo);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=bp;$s=22;continue;case 16:bq=c;br=$clone(e,B.Value).Float();$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=K.Float64bits(br);$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt=bs;bu=A.AppendFixed64(bq,bt);$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=bu;$s=22;continue;case 17:bw=N.EnforceUTF8(d);$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;bw=bw.$blk();}if(bw&&bw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bw)){bv=false;$s=58;continue s;}bx=$clone(e,B.Value).String();$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;bx=bx.$blk();}if(bx&&bx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}by=M.ValidString(bx);$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;by=by.$blk();}if(by&&by.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bv=!by;case 58:if(bv){$s=56;continue;}$s=57;continue;case 56:bz=d.FullName();$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;bz=bz.$blk();}if(bz&&bz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ca=F.InvalidUTF8((bz));$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cb=[c,ca];$s=64;case 64:return cb;case 57:cc=c;cd=$clone(e,B.Value).String();$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;cd=cd.$blk();}if(cd&&cd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce=cd;cf=A.AppendString(cc,ce);$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;cf=cf.$blk();}if(cf&&cf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=cf;$s=22;continue;case 18:cg=c;ch=$clone(e,B.Value).Bytes();$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;ch=ch.$blk();}if(ch&&ch.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ci=ch;cj=A.AppendBytes(cg,ci);$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;cj=cj.$blk();}if(cj&&cj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=cj;$s=22;continue;case 19:ck=0;cl=$ifaceNil;cm=AZ(c);c=cm[0];ck=cm[1];co=c;cp=$clone(e,B.Value).Message();$s=69;case 69:if($c){$c=false;cp=cp.$blk();}if(cp&&cp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cq=cp;cr=$clone(f,AV).marshalMessage(co,cq);$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;cr=cr.$blk();}if(cr&&cr.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cn=cr;c=cn[0];cl=cn[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cl,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c,cl];}c=BA(c,ck);$s=22;continue;case 20:cs=$ifaceNil;cu=c;cv=$clone(e,B.Value).Message();$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;cv=cv.$blk();}if(cv&&cv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cw=cv;cx=$clone(f,AV).marshalMessage(cu,cw);$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;cx=cx.$blk();}if(cx&&cx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ct=cx;c=ct[0];cs=ct[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cs,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c,cs];}cy=c;cz=d.Number();$s=73;case 73:if($c){$c=false;cz=cz.$blk();}if(cz&&cz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}da=A.EncodeTag(cz,4);$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;da=da.$blk();}if(da&&da.$blk!==undefined){break s;}db=da;dc=A.AppendVarint(cy,db);$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;dc=dc.$blk();}if(dc&&dc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=dc;$s=22;continue;case 21:dd=d.Kind();$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;dd=dd.$blk();}if(dd&&dd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}de=new B.Kind(dd);df=F.New("invalid kind %v",new BK([de]));$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;df=df.$blk();}if(df&&df.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dg=[c,df];$s=78;case 78:return dg;case 22:case 1:$s=-1;return[c,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.marshalSingular,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.marshalSingular=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.marshalSingular(c,d,e);};AV.ptr.prototype.Marshal=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[BW.nil,$ifaceNil];}f=BW.nil;g=c.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=$clone(d,AV).marshal(f,h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=i;j=$clone(e[0],BY);k=e[1];if((j.Buf.$length===0)&&$interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=AX(c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.Buf=l;case 4:$s=-1;return[j.Buf,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.Marshal,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.Marshal=function(c){return this.$val.Marshal(c);};AX=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){d=true;$s=3;continue s;}e=c.ProtoReflect();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e.IsValid();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=!f;case 3:if(d){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return BW.nil;case 2:$s=-1;return new BW(BB);}return;}var $f={$blk:AX,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AV.ptr.prototype.MarshalAppend=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[c,$ifaceNil];}g=c;h=d.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=$clone(e,AV).marshal(g,i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=j;k=$clone(f[0],BY);l=f[1];$s=-1;return[k.Buf,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.MarshalAppend,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.MarshalAppend=function(c,d){return this.$val.MarshalAppend(c,d);};AV.ptr.prototype.MarshalState=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=$clone(d,AV).marshal(c.Buf,c.Message);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.MarshalState,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.MarshalState=function(c){return this.$val.MarshalState(c);};AV.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(c,d){var{aa,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=new BY.ptr(new O.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),BW.nil);f=$ifaceNil;g=this;h=g.AllowPartial;g.AllowPartial=true;i=AB(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!(j===CK.nil)&&!(j.Marshal===$throwNilPointerError)&&!(g.Deterministic&&(k=(l=j.Flags,new $Uint64(l.$high&0,(l.$low&1)>>>0)),(k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:m=new BX.ptr(new O.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),d,c,0);if(g.Deterministic){m.Flags=(m.Flags|(1))>>>0;}if(g.UseCachedSize){m.Flags=(m.Flags|(2))>>>0;}if(!(j.Size===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:n=j.Size(new BT.ptr(new O.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),d,m.Flags));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,BU);if(c.$capacity<(c.$length+o.Size>>0)){m.Buf=$makeSlice(BW,c.$length,AY(c.$capacity,c.$length+o.Size>>0));$copySlice(m.Buf,c);}m.Flags=(m.Flags|(2))>>>0;case 6:q=j.Marshal($clone(m,BX));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;BY.copy(e,p[0]);f=p[1];$s=4;continue;case 3:s=$clone(g,AV).marshalMessageSlow(c,d);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;e.Buf=r[0];f=r[1];case 4:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){t=$clone(e,BY);u=f;BY.copy(e,t);f=u;$s=-1;return[e,f];}if(h){v=$clone(e,BY);w=$ifaceNil;BY.copy(e,v);f=w;$s=-1;return[e,f];}x=$clone(e,BY);z=BH(d);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;BY.copy(e,x);f=y;aa=[e,f];$s=11;case 11:return aa;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,aa,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.marshal=function(c,d){return this.$val.marshal(c,d);};AV.ptr.prototype.marshalMessage=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=$clone(e,AV).marshal(c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=$clone(f[0],BY);i=f[1];$s=-1;return[h.Buf,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.marshalMessage,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.marshalMessage=function(c,d){return this.$val.marshalMessage(c,d);};AY=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=0;if(d>($imul(c,2))){e=d;}else if(c<1024){e=$imul(c,2);}else{e=c;while(true){if(!(0>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))>>0;}if(e<=0){e=d;}}e=e;return e;};AV.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSlow=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];e=[e];f=[f];f[0]=this;g=d.Descriptor();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=C.IsMessageSet(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=$clone(f[0],AV).marshalMessageSet(c[0],d);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=6;case 6:return j;case 2:k=H.AnyFieldOrder;if(f[0].Deterministic){k=H.LegacyFieldOrder;}e[0]=$ifaceNil;$r=H.RangeFields(d,k,(function(c,e,f){return function $b(l,m){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=$clone(f[0],AV).marshalField(c[0],l,$clone(m,B.Value));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;c[0]=n[0];e[0]=n[1];$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual(e[0],$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};})(c,e,f));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c[0],e[0]];}l=c[0];m=d.GetUnknown();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$convertSliceType(m,BW);c[0]=$appendSlice(l,n);$s=-1;return[c[0],$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSlow,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.marshalMessageSlow=function(c,d){return this.$val.marshalMessageSlow(c,d);};AV.ptr.prototype.marshalField=function(c,d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=d.IsList();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g){$s=2;continue;}h=d.IsMap();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:i=c;j=d;k=$clone(e,B.Value).List();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=$clone(f,AV).marshalList(i,j,l);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=10;case 10:return n;case 3:o=c;p=d;q=$clone(e,B.Value).Map();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=$clone(f,AV).marshalMap(o,p,r);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=13;case 13:return t;case 4:u=c;v=d.Number();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=d.Kind();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=(y=AU[B.Kind.keyFor(x)],y!==undefined?y.v:0);aa=A.AppendTag(u,w,z);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=aa;ab=$clone(f,AV).marshalSingular(c,d,$clone(e,B.Value));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$s=18;case 18:return ac;case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return[BW.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.marshalField,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.marshalField=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.marshalField(c,d,e);};AV.ptr.prototype.marshalList=function(c,d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=d.IsPacked();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(h)){g=false;$s=3;continue s;}i=e.Len();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i>0;case 3:if(g){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=c;k=d.Number();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=A.AppendTag(j,l,2);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=m;n=AZ(c);o=n[0];p=n[1];q=0;s=e.Len();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=q;u=r;case 9:if(!(t>0;$s=9;continue;case 10:o=BA(o,p);$s=-1;return[o,$ifaceNil];case 2:ac=d.Kind();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;ae=0;ag=e.Len();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;ah=ae;ai=af;case 15:if(!(ah>0;$s=15;continue;case 16:$s=-1;return[c,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.marshalList,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.marshalList=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.marshalList(c,d,e);};AV.ptr.prototype.marshalMap=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];h[0]=this;j=d[0].MapKey();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g[0]=j;k=d[0].MapValue();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=k;l=H.AnyKeyOrder;if(h[0].Deterministic){l=H.GenericKeyOrder;}f[0]=$ifaceNil;$r=H.RangeEntries(e,l,(function(c,d,f,g,h,i){return function $b(m,n){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=c[0];p=d[0].Number();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=A.AppendTag(o,q,2);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c[0]=r;s=0;t=AZ(c[0]);c[0]=t[0];s=t[1];v=$clone(h[0],AV).marshalField(c[0],g[0],$clone($clone(m,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;c[0]=u[0];f[0]=u[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}x=$clone(h[0],AV).marshalField(c[0],i[0],$clone(n,B.Value));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;c[0]=w[0];f[0]=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}c[0]=BA(c[0],s);$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};})(c,d,f,g,h,i));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[c[0],f[0]];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.marshalMap,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.marshalMap=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.marshalMap(c,d,e);};AZ=function(c){var c,d;d=c.$length;c=$appendSlice(c,$substring("\x00\x00\x00\x00",0,1));return[c,d];};BA=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g;e=(c.$length-d>>0)-1>>0;f=A.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,e)));if(!((f===1))){g=0;while(true){if(!(g<(f-1>>0))){break;}c=$append(c,0);g=g+(1)>>0;}$copySlice($subslice(c,(d+f>>0)),$subslice(c,(d+1>>0)));c=$subslice(c,0,((d+f>>0)+e>>0));}A.AppendVarint($subslice(c,0,d),(new $Uint64(0,e)));return c;};BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalScalar=function(c,d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=new B.Value.ptr(CO.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",BW.nil,$ifaceNil);g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;j=e.Kind();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(k===(8)){$s=3;continue;}if(k===(14)){$s=4;continue;}if(k===(5)){$s=5;continue;}if(k===(17)){$s=6;continue;}if(k===(13)){$s=7;continue;}if(k===(3)){$s=8;continue;}if(k===(18)){$s=9;continue;}if(k===(4)){$s=10;continue;}if(k===(15)){$s=11;continue;}if(k===(7)){$s=12;continue;}if(k===(2)){$s=13;continue;}if(k===(16)){$s=14;continue;}if(k===(6)){$s=15;continue;}if(k===(1)){$s=16;continue;}if(k===(9)){$s=17;continue;}if(k===(12)){$s=18;continue;}if(k===(11)){$s=19;continue;}if(k===(10)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 3:if(!((d===0))){l=$clone(f,B.Value);m=0;n=BE;B.Value.copy(f,l);g=m;h=n;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}o=A.ConsumeVarint(c);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(f,B.Value);s=0;t=BF;B.Value.copy(f,r);g=s;h=t;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}u=$clone(B.ValueOfBool(A.DecodeBool(p)),B.Value);v=q;w=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,u);g=v;h=w;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 4:if(!((d===0))){x=$clone(f,B.Value);y=0;z=BE;B.Value.copy(f,x);g=y;h=z;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}aa=A.ConsumeVarint(c);ab=aa[0];ac=aa[1];if(ac<0){ad=$clone(f,B.Value);ae=0;af=BF;B.Value.copy(f,ad);g=ae;h=af;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}ag=$clone(B.ValueOfEnum(((ab.$low>>0))),B.Value);ah=ac;ai=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,ag);g=ah;h=ai;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 5:if(!((d===0))){aj=$clone(f,B.Value);ak=0;al=BE;B.Value.copy(f,aj);g=ak;h=al;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}am=A.ConsumeVarint(c);an=am[0];ao=am[1];if(ao<0){ap=$clone(f,B.Value);aq=0;ar=BF;B.Value.copy(f,ap);g=aq;h=ar;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}as=$clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((an.$low>>0))),B.Value);at=ao;au=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,as);g=at;h=au;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 6:if(!((d===0))){av=$clone(f,B.Value);aw=0;ax=BE;B.Value.copy(f,av);g=aw;h=ax;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}ay=A.ConsumeVarint(c);az=ay[0];ba=ay[1];if(ba<0){bb=$clone(f,B.Value);bc=0;bd=BF;B.Value.copy(f,bb);g=bc;h=bd;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}be=$clone(B.ValueOfInt32((((bf=A.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(az.$high&0,(az.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),bf.$low+((bf.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))),B.Value);bg=ba;bh=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,be);g=bg;h=bh;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 7:if(!((d===0))){bi=$clone(f,B.Value);bj=0;bk=BE;B.Value.copy(f,bi);g=bj;h=bk;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}bl=A.ConsumeVarint(c);bm=bl[0];bn=bl[1];if(bn<0){bo=$clone(f,B.Value);bp=0;bq=BF;B.Value.copy(f,bo);g=bp;h=bq;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}br=$clone(B.ValueOfUint32(((bm.$low>>>0))),B.Value);bs=bn;bt=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,br);g=bs;h=bt;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 8:if(!((d===0))){bu=$clone(f,B.Value);bv=0;bw=BE;B.Value.copy(f,bu);g=bv;h=bw;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}bx=A.ConsumeVarint(c);by=bx[0];bz=bx[1];if(bz<0){ca=$clone(f,B.Value);cb=0;cc=BF;B.Value.copy(f,ca);g=cb;h=cc;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}cd=$clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(by.$high,by.$low))),B.Value);ce=bz;cf=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,cd);g=ce;h=cf;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 9:if(!((d===0))){cg=$clone(f,B.Value);ch=0;ci=BE;B.Value.copy(f,cg);g=ch;h=ci;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}cj=A.ConsumeVarint(c);ck=cj[0];cl=cj[1];if(cl<0){cm=$clone(f,B.Value);cn=0;co=BF;B.Value.copy(f,cm);g=cn;h=co;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}cp=$clone(B.ValueOfInt64(A.DecodeZigZag(ck)),B.Value);cq=cl;cr=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,cp);g=cq;h=cr;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 10:if(!((d===0))){cs=$clone(f,B.Value);ct=0;cu=BE;B.Value.copy(f,cs);g=ct;h=cu;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}cv=A.ConsumeVarint(c);cw=cv[0];cx=cv[1];if(cx<0){cy=$clone(f,B.Value);cz=0;da=BF;B.Value.copy(f,cy);g=cz;h=da;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}db=$clone(B.ValueOfUint64(cw),B.Value);dc=cx;dd=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,db);g=dc;h=dd;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 11:if(!((d===5))){de=$clone(f,B.Value);df=0;dg=BE;B.Value.copy(f,de);g=df;h=dg;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}dh=A.ConsumeFixed32(c);di=dh[0];dj=dh[1];if(dj<0){dk=$clone(f,B.Value);dl=0;dm=BF;B.Value.copy(f,dk);g=dl;h=dm;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}dn=$clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((di>>0))),B.Value);dp=dj;dq=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,dn);g=dp;h=dq;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 12:if(!((d===5))){dr=$clone(f,B.Value);ds=0;dt=BE;B.Value.copy(f,dr);g=ds;h=dt;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}du=A.ConsumeFixed32(c);dv=du[0];dw=du[1];if(dw<0){dx=$clone(f,B.Value);dy=0;dz=BF;B.Value.copy(f,dx);g=dy;h=dz;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}ea=$clone(B.ValueOfUint32((dv)),B.Value);eb=dw;ec=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,ea);g=eb;h=ec;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 13:if(!((d===5))){ed=$clone(f,B.Value);ee=0;ef=BE;B.Value.copy(f,ed);g=ee;h=ef;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}eg=A.ConsumeFixed32(c);eh=eg[0];ei=eg[1];if(ei<0){ej=$clone(f,B.Value);ek=0;el=BF;B.Value.copy(f,ej);g=ek;h=el;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}em=$clone(B.ValueOfFloat32(K.Float32frombits((eh))),B.Value);en=ei;eo=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,em);g=en;h=eo;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 14:if(!((d===1))){ep=$clone(f,B.Value);eq=0;er=BE;B.Value.copy(f,ep);g=eq;h=er;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}es=A.ConsumeFixed64(c);et=es[0];eu=es[1];if(eu<0){ev=$clone(f,B.Value);ew=0;ex=BF;B.Value.copy(f,ev);g=ew;h=ex;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}ey=$clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(et.$high,et.$low))),B.Value);ez=eu;fa=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,ey);g=ez;h=fa;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 15:if(!((d===1))){fb=$clone(f,B.Value);fc=0;fd=BE;B.Value.copy(f,fb);g=fc;h=fd;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}fe=A.ConsumeFixed64(c);ff=fe[0];fg=fe[1];if(fg<0){fh=$clone(f,B.Value);fi=0;fj=BF;B.Value.copy(f,fh);g=fi;h=fj;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}fk=$clone(B.ValueOfUint64(ff),B.Value);fl=fg;fm=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,fk);g=fl;h=fm;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 16:if(!((d===1))){fn=$clone(f,B.Value);fo=0;fp=BE;B.Value.copy(f,fn);g=fo;h=fp;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}fq=A.ConsumeFixed64(c);fr=fq[0];fs=fq[1];if(fs<0){ft=$clone(f,B.Value);fu=0;fv=BF;B.Value.copy(f,ft);g=fu;h=fv;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}fw=$clone(B.ValueOfFloat64(K.Float64frombits(fr)),B.Value);fx=fs;fy=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,fw);g=fx;h=fy;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 17:if(!((d===2))){fz=$clone(f,B.Value);ga=0;gb=BE;B.Value.copy(f,fz);g=ga;h=gb;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}gc=A.ConsumeBytes(c);gd=gc[0];ge=gc[1];if(ge<0){gf=$clone(f,B.Value);gg=0;gh=BF;B.Value.copy(f,gf);g=gg;h=gh;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}gi=N.EnforceUTF8(e);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;gi=gi.$blk();}if(gi&&gi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(gi&&!M.Valid(gd)){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:gj=new B.Value.ptr(CO.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",BW.nil,$ifaceNil);gk=0;gm=e.FullName();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;gm=gm.$blk();}if(gm&&gm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}gn=F.InvalidUTF8((gm));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;gn=gn.$blk();}if(gn&&gn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}gl=gn;B.Value.copy(f,gj);g=gk;h=gl;go=[f,g,h];$s=28;case 28:return go;case 24:gp=$clone(B.ValueOfString(($bytesToString(gd))),B.Value);gq=ge;gr=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,gp);g=gq;h=gr;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 18:if(!((d===2))){gs=$clone(f,B.Value);gt=0;gu=BE;B.Value.copy(f,gs);g=gt;h=gu;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}gv=A.ConsumeBytes(c);gw=gv[0];gx=gv[1];if(gx<0){gy=$clone(f,B.Value);gz=0;ha=BF;B.Value.copy(f,gy);g=gz;h=ha;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}hb=$clone(B.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(new BW(BB),gw)),B.Value);hc=gx;hd=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,hb);g=hc;h=hd;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 19:if(!((d===2))){he=$clone(f,B.Value);hf=0;hg=BE;B.Value.copy(f,he);g=hf;h=hg;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}hh=A.ConsumeBytes(c);hi=hh[0];hj=hh[1];if(hj<0){hk=$clone(f,B.Value);hl=0;hm=BF;B.Value.copy(f,hk);g=hl;h=hm;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}hn=$clone(B.ValueOfBytes(hi),B.Value);ho=hj;hp=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,hn);g=ho;h=hp;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 20:if(!((d===3))){hq=$clone(f,B.Value);hr=0;hs=BE;B.Value.copy(f,hq);g=hr;h=hs;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}hu=e.Number();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;hu=hu.$blk();}if(hu&&hu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}hv=A.ConsumeGroup(hu,c);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;hv=hv.$blk();}if(hv&&hv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ht=hv;hw=ht[0];hx=ht[1];if(hx<0){hy=$clone(f,B.Value);hz=0;ia=BF;B.Value.copy(f,hy);g=hz;h=ia;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}ib=$clone(B.ValueOfBytes(hw),B.Value);ic=hx;id=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(f,ib);g=ic;h=id;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 21:ie=$clone(f,B.Value);ig=0;ih=BE;B.Value.copy(f,ie);g=ig;h=ih;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 22:case 1:$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalScalar,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.unmarshalScalar=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.unmarshalScalar(c,d,e);};BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalList=function(c,d,e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,nf,ng,nh,ni,nj,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;j=f.Kind();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(k===(8)){$s=3;continue;}if(k===(14)){$s=4;continue;}if(k===(5)){$s=5;continue;}if(k===(17)){$s=6;continue;}if(k===(13)){$s=7;continue;}if(k===(3)){$s=8;continue;}if(k===(18)){$s=9;continue;}if(k===(4)){$s=10;continue;}if(k===(15)){$s=11;continue;}if(k===(7)){$s=12;continue;}if(k===(2)){$s=13;continue;}if(k===(16)){$s=14;continue;}if(k===(6)){$s=15;continue;}if(k===(1)){$s=16;continue;}if(k===(9)){$s=17;continue;}if(k===(12)){$s=18;continue;}if(k===(11)){$s=19;continue;}if(k===(10)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 3:if(d===2){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:l=A.ConsumeBytes(c);m=l[0];n=l[1];if(n<0){o=0;p=BF;g=o;h=p;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 25:if(!(m.$length>0)){$s=26;continue;}q=A.ConsumeVarint(m);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=0;u=BF;g=t;h=u;$s=-1;return[g,h];}m=$subslice(m,s);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfBool(A.DecodeBool(r)),B.Value));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=25;continue;case 26:v=n;w=$ifaceNil;g=v;h=w;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 24:if(!((d===0))){x=0;y=BE;g=x;h=y;$s=-1;return[g,h];}z=A.ConsumeVarint(c);aa=z[0];ab=z[1];if(ab<0){ac=0;ad=BF;g=ac;h=ad;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfBool(A.DecodeBool(aa)),B.Value));$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ab;af=$ifaceNil;g=ae;h=af;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 4:if(d===2){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:ag=A.ConsumeBytes(c);ah=ag[0];ai=ag[1];if(ai<0){aj=0;ak=BF;g=aj;h=ak;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 31:if(!(ah.$length>0)){$s=32;continue;}al=A.ConsumeVarint(ah);am=al[0];an=al[1];if(an<0){ao=0;ap=BF;g=ao;h=ap;$s=-1;return[g,h];}ah=$subslice(ah,an);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfEnum(((am.$low>>0))),B.Value));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=31;continue;case 32:aq=ai;ar=$ifaceNil;g=aq;h=ar;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 30:if(!((d===0))){as=0;at=BE;g=as;h=at;$s=-1;return[g,h];}au=A.ConsumeVarint(c);av=au[0];aw=au[1];if(aw<0){ax=0;ay=BF;g=ax;h=ay;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfEnum(((av.$low>>0))),B.Value));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=aw;ba=$ifaceNil;g=az;h=ba;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 5:if(d===2){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:bb=A.ConsumeBytes(c);bc=bb[0];bd=bb[1];if(bd<0){be=0;bf=BF;g=be;h=bf;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 37:if(!(bc.$length>0)){$s=38;continue;}bg=A.ConsumeVarint(bc);bh=bg[0];bi=bg[1];if(bi<0){bj=0;bk=BF;g=bj;h=bk;$s=-1;return[g,h];}bc=$subslice(bc,bi);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((bh.$low>>0))),B.Value));$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=37;continue;case 38:bl=bd;bm=$ifaceNil;g=bl;h=bm;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 36:if(!((d===0))){bn=0;bo=BE;g=bn;h=bo;$s=-1;return[g,h];}bp=A.ConsumeVarint(c);bq=bp[0];br=bp[1];if(br<0){bs=0;bt=BF;g=bs;h=bt;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((bq.$low>>0))),B.Value));$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=br;bv=$ifaceNil;g=bu;h=bv;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 6:if(d===2){$s=41;continue;}$s=42;continue;case 41:bw=A.ConsumeBytes(c);bx=bw[0];by=bw[1];if(by<0){bz=0;ca=BF;g=bz;h=ca;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 43:if(!(bx.$length>0)){$s=44;continue;}cb=A.ConsumeVarint(bx);cc=cb[0];cd=cb[1];if(cd<0){ce=0;cf=BF;g=ce;h=cf;$s=-1;return[g,h];}bx=$subslice(bx,cd);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32((((cg=A.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(cc.$high&0,(cc.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),cg.$low+((cg.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))),B.Value));$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=43;continue;case 44:ch=by;ci=$ifaceNil;g=ch;h=ci;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 42:if(!((d===0))){cj=0;ck=BE;g=cj;h=ck;$s=-1;return[g,h];}cl=A.ConsumeVarint(c);cm=cl[0];cn=cl[1];if(cn<0){co=0;cp=BF;g=co;h=cp;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32((((cq=A.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(cm.$high&0,(cm.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),cq.$low+((cq.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))),B.Value));$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cr=cn;cs=$ifaceNil;g=cr;h=cs;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 7:if(d===2){$s=47;continue;}$s=48;continue;case 47:ct=A.ConsumeBytes(c);cu=ct[0];cv=ct[1];if(cv<0){cw=0;cx=BF;g=cw;h=cx;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 49:if(!(cu.$length>0)){$s=50;continue;}cy=A.ConsumeVarint(cu);cz=cy[0];da=cy[1];if(da<0){db=0;dc=BF;g=db;h=dc;$s=-1;return[g,h];}cu=$subslice(cu,da);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint32(((cz.$low>>>0))),B.Value));$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=49;continue;case 50:dd=cv;de=$ifaceNil;g=dd;h=de;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 48:if(!((d===0))){df=0;dg=BE;g=df;h=dg;$s=-1;return[g,h];}dh=A.ConsumeVarint(c);di=dh[0];dj=dh[1];if(dj<0){dk=0;dl=BF;g=dk;h=dl;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint32(((di.$low>>>0))),B.Value));$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dm=dj;dn=$ifaceNil;g=dm;h=dn;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 8:if(d===2){$s=53;continue;}$s=54;continue;case 53:dp=A.ConsumeBytes(c);dq=dp[0];dr=dp[1];if(dr<0){ds=0;dt=BF;g=ds;h=dt;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 55:if(!(dq.$length>0)){$s=56;continue;}du=A.ConsumeVarint(dq);dv=du[0];dw=du[1];if(dw<0){dx=0;dy=BF;g=dx;h=dy;$s=-1;return[g,h];}dq=$subslice(dq,dw);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(dv.$high,dv.$low))),B.Value));$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=55;continue;case 56:dz=dr;ea=$ifaceNil;g=dz;h=ea;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 54:if(!((d===0))){eb=0;ec=BE;g=eb;h=ec;$s=-1;return[g,h];}ed=A.ConsumeVarint(c);ee=ed[0];ef=ed[1];if(ef<0){eg=0;eh=BF;g=eg;h=eh;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(ee.$high,ee.$low))),B.Value));$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ei=ef;ej=$ifaceNil;g=ei;h=ej;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 9:if(d===2){$s=59;continue;}$s=60;continue;case 59:ek=A.ConsumeBytes(c);el=ek[0];em=ek[1];if(em<0){en=0;eo=BF;g=en;h=eo;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 61:if(!(el.$length>0)){$s=62;continue;}ep=A.ConsumeVarint(el);eq=ep[0];er=ep[1];if(er<0){es=0;et=BF;g=es;h=et;$s=-1;return[g,h];}el=$subslice(el,er);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64(A.DecodeZigZag(eq)),B.Value));$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=61;continue;case 62:eu=em;ev=$ifaceNil;g=eu;h=ev;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 60:if(!((d===0))){ew=0;ex=BE;g=ew;h=ex;$s=-1;return[g,h];}ey=A.ConsumeVarint(c);ez=ey[0];fa=ey[1];if(fa<0){fb=0;fc=BF;g=fb;h=fc;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64(A.DecodeZigZag(ez)),B.Value));$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}fd=fa;fe=$ifaceNil;g=fd;h=fe;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 10:if(d===2){$s=65;continue;}$s=66;continue;case 65:ff=A.ConsumeBytes(c);fg=ff[0];fh=ff[1];if(fh<0){fi=0;fj=BF;g=fi;h=fj;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 67:if(!(fg.$length>0)){$s=68;continue;}fk=A.ConsumeVarint(fg);fl=fk[0];fm=fk[1];if(fm<0){fn=0;fo=BF;g=fn;h=fo;$s=-1;return[g,h];}fg=$subslice(fg,fm);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint64(fl),B.Value));$s=69;case 69:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=67;continue;case 68:fp=fh;fq=$ifaceNil;g=fp;h=fq;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 66:if(!((d===0))){fr=0;fs=BE;g=fr;h=fs;$s=-1;return[g,h];}ft=A.ConsumeVarint(c);fu=ft[0];fv=ft[1];if(fv<0){fw=0;fx=BF;g=fw;h=fx;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint64(fu),B.Value));$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}fy=fv;fz=$ifaceNil;g=fy;h=fz;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 11:if(d===2){$s=71;continue;}$s=72;continue;case 71:ga=A.ConsumeBytes(c);gb=ga[0];gc=ga[1];if(gc<0){gd=0;ge=BF;g=gd;h=ge;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 73:if(!(gb.$length>0)){$s=74;continue;}gf=A.ConsumeFixed32(gb);gg=gf[0];gh=gf[1];if(gh<0){gi=0;gj=BF;g=gi;h=gj;$s=-1;return[g,h];}gb=$subslice(gb,gh);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((gg>>0))),B.Value));$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=73;continue;case 74:gk=gc;gl=$ifaceNil;g=gk;h=gl;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 72:if(!((d===5))){gm=0;gn=BE;g=gm;h=gn;$s=-1;return[g,h];}go=A.ConsumeFixed32(c);gp=go[0];gq=go[1];if(gq<0){gr=0;gs=BF;g=gr;h=gs;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((gp>>0))),B.Value));$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}gt=gq;gu=$ifaceNil;g=gt;h=gu;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 12:if(d===2){$s=77;continue;}$s=78;continue;case 77:gv=A.ConsumeBytes(c);gw=gv[0];gx=gv[1];if(gx<0){gy=0;gz=BF;g=gy;h=gz;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 79:if(!(gw.$length>0)){$s=80;continue;}ha=A.ConsumeFixed32(gw);hb=ha[0];hc=ha[1];if(hc<0){hd=0;he=BF;g=hd;h=he;$s=-1;return[g,h];}gw=$subslice(gw,hc);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint32((hb)),B.Value));$s=81;case 81:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=79;continue;case 80:hf=gx;hg=$ifaceNil;g=hf;h=hg;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 78:if(!((d===5))){hh=0;hi=BE;g=hh;h=hi;$s=-1;return[g,h];}hj=A.ConsumeFixed32(c);hk=hj[0];hl=hj[1];if(hl<0){hm=0;hn=BF;g=hm;h=hn;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint32((hk)),B.Value));$s=82;case 82:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ho=hl;hp=$ifaceNil;g=ho;h=hp;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 13:if(d===2){$s=83;continue;}$s=84;continue;case 83:hq=A.ConsumeBytes(c);hr=hq[0];hs=hq[1];if(hs<0){ht=0;hu=BF;g=ht;h=hu;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 85:if(!(hr.$length>0)){$s=86;continue;}hv=A.ConsumeFixed32(hr);hw=hv[0];hx=hv[1];if(hx<0){hy=0;hz=BF;g=hy;h=hz;$s=-1;return[g,h];}hr=$subslice(hr,hx);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfFloat32(K.Float32frombits((hw))),B.Value));$s=87;case 87:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=85;continue;case 86:ia=hs;ib=$ifaceNil;g=ia;h=ib;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 84:if(!((d===5))){ic=0;id=BE;g=ic;h=id;$s=-1;return[g,h];}ie=A.ConsumeFixed32(c);ig=ie[0];ih=ie[1];if(ih<0){ii=0;ij=BF;g=ii;h=ij;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfFloat32(K.Float32frombits((ig))),B.Value));$s=88;case 88:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ik=ih;il=$ifaceNil;g=ik;h=il;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 14:if(d===2){$s=89;continue;}$s=90;continue;case 89:im=A.ConsumeBytes(c);io=im[0];ip=im[1];if(ip<0){iq=0;ir=BF;g=iq;h=ir;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 91:if(!(io.$length>0)){$s=92;continue;}is=A.ConsumeFixed64(io);it=is[0];iu=is[1];if(iu<0){iv=0;iw=BF;g=iv;h=iw;$s=-1;return[g,h];}io=$subslice(io,iu);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(it.$high,it.$low))),B.Value));$s=93;case 93:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=91;continue;case 92:ix=ip;iy=$ifaceNil;g=ix;h=iy;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 90:if(!((d===1))){iz=0;ja=BE;g=iz;h=ja;$s=-1;return[g,h];}jb=A.ConsumeFixed64(c);jc=jb[0];jd=jb[1];if(jd<0){je=0;jf=BF;g=je;h=jf;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(jc.$high,jc.$low))),B.Value));$s=94;case 94:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}jg=jd;jh=$ifaceNil;g=jg;h=jh;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 15:if(d===2){$s=95;continue;}$s=96;continue;case 95:ji=A.ConsumeBytes(c);jj=ji[0];jk=ji[1];if(jk<0){jl=0;jm=BF;g=jl;h=jm;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 97:if(!(jj.$length>0)){$s=98;continue;}jn=A.ConsumeFixed64(jj);jo=jn[0];jp=jn[1];if(jp<0){jq=0;jr=BF;g=jq;h=jr;$s=-1;return[g,h];}jj=$subslice(jj,jp);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint64(jo),B.Value));$s=99;case 99:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=97;continue;case 98:js=jk;jt=$ifaceNil;g=js;h=jt;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 96:if(!((d===1))){ju=0;jv=BE;g=ju;h=jv;$s=-1;return[g,h];}jw=A.ConsumeFixed64(c);jx=jw[0];jy=jw[1];if(jy<0){jz=0;ka=BF;g=jz;h=ka;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint64(jx),B.Value));$s=100;case 100:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}kb=jy;kc=$ifaceNil;g=kb;h=kc;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 16:if(d===2){$s=101;continue;}$s=102;continue;case 101:kd=A.ConsumeBytes(c);ke=kd[0];kf=kd[1];if(kf<0){kg=0;kh=BF;g=kg;h=kh;$s=-1;return[g,h];}case 103:if(!(ke.$length>0)){$s=104;continue;}ki=A.ConsumeFixed64(ke);kj=ki[0];kk=ki[1];if(kk<0){kl=0;km=BF;g=kl;h=km;$s=-1;return[g,h];}ke=$subslice(ke,kk);$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfFloat64(K.Float64frombits(kj)),B.Value));$s=105;case 105:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=103;continue;case 104:kn=kf;ko=$ifaceNil;g=kn;h=ko;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 102:if(!((d===1))){kp=0;kq=BE;g=kp;h=kq;$s=-1;return[g,h];}kr=A.ConsumeFixed64(c);ks=kr[0];kt=kr[1];if(kt<0){ku=0;kv=BF;g=ku;h=kv;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfFloat64(K.Float64frombits(ks)),B.Value));$s=106;case 106:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}kw=kt;kx=$ifaceNil;g=kw;h=kx;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 17:if(!((d===2))){ky=0;kz=BE;g=ky;h=kz;$s=-1;return[g,h];}la=A.ConsumeBytes(c);lb=la[0];lc=la[1];if(lc<0){ld=0;le=BF;g=ld;h=le;$s=-1;return[g,h];}lf=N.EnforceUTF8(f);$s=109;case 109:if($c){$c=false;lf=lf.$blk();}if(lf&&lf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(lf&&!M.Valid(lb)){$s=107;continue;}$s=108;continue;case 107:lg=0;li=f.FullName();$s=110;case 110:if($c){$c=false;li=li.$blk();}if(li&&li.$blk!==undefined){break s;}lj=F.InvalidUTF8((li));$s=111;case 111:if($c){$c=false;lj=lj.$blk();}if(lj&&lj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}lh=lj;g=lg;h=lh;lk=[g,h];$s=112;case 112:return lk;case 108:$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfString(($bytesToString(lb))),B.Value));$s=113;case 113:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ll=lc;lm=$ifaceNil;g=ll;h=lm;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 18:if(!((d===2))){ln=0;lo=BE;g=ln;h=lo;$s=-1;return[g,h];}lp=A.ConsumeBytes(c);lq=lp[0];lr=lp[1];if(lr<0){ls=0;lt=BF;g=ls;h=lt;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(B.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(new BW(BB),lq)),B.Value));$s=114;case 114:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}lu=lr;lv=$ifaceNil;g=lu;h=lv;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 19:if(!((d===2))){lw=0;lx=BE;g=lw;h=lx;$s=-1;return[g,h];}ly=A.ConsumeBytes(c);lz=ly[0];ma=ly[1];if(ma<0){mb=0;mc=BF;g=mb;h=mc;$s=-1;return[g,h];}md=e.NewElement();$s=115;case 115:if($c){$c=false;md=md.$blk();}if(md&&md.$blk!==undefined){break s;}me=$clone(md,B.Value);mf=lz;mg=$clone(me,B.Value).Message();$s=116;case 116:if($c){$c=false;mg=mg.$blk();}if(mg&&mg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}mh=mg;mi=$clone(i,BC).unmarshalMessage(mf,mh);$s=117;case 117:if($c){$c=false;mi=mi.$blk();}if(mi&&mi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}mj=mi;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(mj,$ifaceNil))){mk=0;ml=mj;g=mk;h=ml;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(me,B.Value));$s=118;case 118:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}mm=ma;mn=$ifaceNil;g=mm;h=mn;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 20:if(!((d===3))){mo=0;mp=BE;g=mo;h=mp;$s=-1;return[g,h];}mr=f.Number();$s=119;case 119:if($c){$c=false;mr=mr.$blk();}if(mr&&mr.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ms=A.ConsumeGroup(mr,c);$s=120;case 120:if($c){$c=false;ms=ms.$blk();}if(ms&&ms.$blk!==undefined){break s;}mq=ms;mt=mq[0];mu=mq[1];if(mu<0){mv=0;mw=BF;g=mv;h=mw;$s=-1;return[g,h];}mx=e.NewElement();$s=121;case 121:if($c){$c=false;mx=mx.$blk();}if(mx&&mx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}my=$clone(mx,B.Value);mz=mt;na=$clone(my,B.Value).Message();$s=122;case 122:if($c){$c=false;na=na.$blk();}if(na&&na.$blk!==undefined){break s;}nb=na;nc=$clone(i,BC).unmarshalMessage(mz,nb);$s=123;case 123:if($c){$c=false;nc=nc.$blk();}if(nc&&nc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}nd=nc;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(nd,$ifaceNil))){ne=0;nf=nd;g=ne;h=nf;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$r=e.Append($clone(my,B.Value));$s=124;case 124:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ng=mu;nh=$ifaceNil;g=ng;h=nh;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 21:ni=0;nj=BE;g=ni;h=nj;$s=-1;return[g,h];case 22:case 1:$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalList,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,nf,ng,nh,ni,nj,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.unmarshalList=function(c,d,e,f){return this.$val.unmarshalList(c,d,e,f);};BC.ptr.prototype.Unmarshal=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(e.RecursionLimit===0){e.RecursionLimit=10000;}g=c;h=d.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=$clone(e,BC).unmarshal(g,i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=j;k=f[1];$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.Unmarshal,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.Unmarshal=function(c,d){return this.$val.Unmarshal(c,d);};BC.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalState=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(d.RecursionLimit===0){d.RecursionLimit=10000;}e=$clone(d,BC).unmarshal(c.Buf,c.Message);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalState,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.UnmarshalState=function(c){return this.$val.UnmarshalState(c);};BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=new CC.ptr(new O.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),0);f=$ifaceNil;g=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.Resolver,$ifaceNil)){g.Resolver=I.GlobalTypes;}if(!g.Merge){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=d.Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Z(h);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:i=g.AllowPartial;g.Merge=true;g.AllowPartial=true;j=AB(d);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!(k===CK.nil)&&!(k.Unmarshal===$throwNilPointerError)&&!(g.DiscardUnknown&&(l=(m=k.Flags,new $Uint64(m.$high&0,(m.$low&2)>>>0)),(l.$high===0&&l.$low===0)))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:n=new CB.ptr(new O.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),d,c,0,g.Resolver,g.RecursionLimit);if(g.DiscardUnknown){n.Flags=(n.Flags|(1))>>>0;}p=k.Unmarshal($clone(n,CB));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;CC.copy(e,o[0]);f=o[1];$s=8;continue;case 7:g.RecursionLimit=g.RecursionLimit-(1)>>0;if(g.RecursionLimit<0){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:q=$clone(e,CC);s=F.New("exceeded max recursion depth",new BK([]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;CC.copy(e,q);f=r;t=[e,f];$s=13;case 13:return t;case 11:u=$clone(g,BC).unmarshalMessageSlow(c,d);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=u;case 8:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){v=$clone(e,CC);w=f;CC.copy(e,v);f=w;$s=-1;return[e,f];}if(i||(!((((e.Flags&1)>>>0)===0)))){x=$clone(e,CC);y=$ifaceNil;CC.copy(e,x);f=y;$s=-1;return[e,f];}z=$clone(e,CC);ab=BH(d);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;CC.copy(e,z);f=aa;ac=[e,f];$s=16;case 16:return ac;}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshal,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.unmarshal=function(c,d){return this.$val.unmarshal(c,d);};BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessage=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=$clone(e,BC).unmarshal(c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[1];$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessage,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.unmarshalMessage=function(c,d){return this.$val.unmarshalMessage(c,d);};BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSlow=function(c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=d.Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=C.IsMessageSet(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=$clone(e,BC).unmarshalMessageSet(c,d);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=6;case 6:return j;case 3:k=g.Fields();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;case 8:if(!(c.$length>0)){$s=9;continue;}m=A.ConsumeTag(c);n=m[0];o=m[1];p=m[2];if(p<0){$s=-1;return BF;}if(n>536870911){$s=-1;return BF;}q=l.ByNumber(n);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){s=false;$s=13;continue s;}t=g.ExtensionRanges();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.Has(n);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=u;case 13:if(s){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:w=g.FullName();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=e.Resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(w,n);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=x;y=v[0];z=v[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(z,I.NotFound))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:aa=g.FullName();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=new B.FullName(aa);ac=new A.Number(n);ad=z;ae=F.New("%v: unable to resolve extension %v: %v",new BK([ab,ac,ad]));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;$s=22;case 22:return af;case 19:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil))){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:ag=y.TypeDescriptor();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=ag;case 24:case 12:ah=$ifaceNil;if($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil)){$s=26;continue;}if(false){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 26:ah=BE;$s=28;continue;case 27:aj=r.IsWeak();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(aj)){ai=false;$s=31;continue s;}ak=r.Message();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak.IsPlaceholder();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=al;case 31:if(ai){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:ah=BE;case 30:case 28:am=0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=36;continue;}an=r.IsList();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(an){$s=37;continue;}ao=r.IsMap();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ao){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 36:$s=40;continue;case 37:aq=$subslice(c,p);ar=o;as=d.Mutable(r);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=$clone(as,B.Value).List();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at;av=r;aw=$clone(e,BC).unmarshalList(aq,ar,au,av);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=aw;am=ap[0];ah=ap[1];$s=40;continue;case 38:ay=$subslice(c,p);az=o;ba=d.Mutable(r);$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=$clone(ba,B.Value).Map();$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;bd=r;be=$clone(e,BC).unmarshalMap(ay,az,bc,bd);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=be;am=ax[0];ah=ax[1];$s=40;continue;case 39:bg=$clone(e,BC).unmarshalSingular($subslice(c,p),o,d,r);$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=bg;am=bf[0];ah=bf[1];case 40:case 35:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=50;continue;}$s=51;continue;case 50:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,BE))){$s=-1;return ah;}am=A.ConsumeFieldValue(n,o,$subslice(c,p));if(am<0){$s=-1;return BF;}if(!e.DiscardUnknown){$s=52;continue;}$s=53;continue;case 52:bh=d.GetUnknown();$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.SetUnknown($appendSlice(bh,$subslice(c,0,(p+am>>0))));$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 53:case 51:c=$subslice(c,(p+am>>0));$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSlow,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.unmarshalMessageSlow=function(c,d){return this.$val.unmarshalMessageSlow(c,d);};BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSingular=function(c,d,e,f){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;k=$clone(i,BC).unmarshalScalar(c,d,f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=$clone(j[0],B.Value);g=j[1];h=j[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){m=0;n=h;g=m;h=n;$s=-1;return[g,h];}o=f.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if((p===(10))||(p===(11))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:q=e.Mutable(f);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,B.Value).Message();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=$clone(l,B.Value).Bytes();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(i,BC).unmarshalMessage(t,s);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){w=g;x=v;g=w;h=x;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=e.Set(f,$clone(l,B.Value));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:case 2:y=g;z=$ifaceNil;g=y;h=z;$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSingular,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.unmarshalSingular=function(c,d,e,f){return this.$val.unmarshalSingular(c,d,e,f);};BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMap=function(c,d,e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;if(!((d===2))){j=0;k=BE;g=j;h=k;$s=-1;return[g,h];}l=A.ConsumeBytes(c);c=l[0];g=l[1];if(g<0){m=0;n=BF;g=m;h=n;$s=-1;return[g,h];}o=f.MapKey();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=f.MapValue();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=new B.Value.ptr(CO.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",BW.nil,$ifaceNil);t=new B.Value.ptr(CO.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",BW.nil,$ifaceNil);u=false;v=false;w=r.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;if((x===(10))||(x===(11))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:y=e.NewValue();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}B.Value.copy(t,y);case 6:case 3:case 8:if(!(c.$length>0)){$s=9;continue;}z=A.ConsumeTag(c);aa=z[0];ab=z[1];ac=z[2];if(ac<0){ad=0;ae=BF;g=ad;h=ae;$s=-1;return[g,h];}if(aa>536870911){af=0;ag=BF;g=af;h=ag;$s=-1;return[g,h];}c=$subslice(c,ac);h=BE;ah=aa;if(ah===(1)){$s=11;continue;}if(ah===(2)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 11:aj=$clone(i,BC).unmarshalScalar(c,ab,p);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;B.Value.copy(s,ai[0]);ac=ai[1];h=ai[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}u=true;$s=13;continue;case 12:ak=new B.Value.ptr(CO.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",BW.nil,$ifaceNil);am=$clone(i,BC).unmarshalScalar(c,ab,r);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=am;B.Value.copy(ak,al[0]);ac=al[1];h=al[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}an=r.Kind();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=an;if((ao===(10))||(ao===(11))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:ap=$clone(ak,B.Value).Bytes();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap;ar=$clone(t,B.Value).Message();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar;at=$clone(i,BC).unmarshalMessage(aq,as);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(au,$ifaceNil))){av=0;aw=au;g=av;h=aw;$s=-1;return[g,h];}$s=20;continue;case 19:B.Value.copy(t,ak);case 20:case 16:v=true;case 13:case 10:if($interfaceIsEqual(h,BE)){ac=A.ConsumeFieldValue(aa,ab,c);if(ac<0){ax=0;ay=BF;g=ax;h=ay;$s=-1;return[g,h];}}else if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){az=0;ba=h;g=az;h=ba;$s=-1;return[g,h];}c=$subslice(c,ac);$s=8;continue;case 9:if(!u){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:bb=p.Default();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}B.Value.copy(s,bb);case 25:if(!v){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:bc=r.Kind();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;if((bd===(10))||(bd===(11))){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:$s=33;continue;case 32:be=r.Default();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}B.Value.copy(t,be);case 33:case 29:case 28:bf=$clone(s,B.Value).MapKey();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.Set($clone(bf,B.MapKey),$clone(t,B.Value));$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=g;bh=$ifaceNil;g=bg;h=bh;$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMap,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.unmarshalMap=function(c,d,e,f){return this.$val.unmarshalMap(c,d,e,f);};BG=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}d=c.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=BH(d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=3;case 3:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BG,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$pkg.CheckInitialized=BG;BH=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=AB(c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!(e===CK.nil)&&!(e.CheckInitialized===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=e.CheckInitialized(new CG.ptr(new O.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),c));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[1];$s=-1;return h;case 3:i=BI(c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=6;case 6:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BI=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=c.Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=f.Fields();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=0;k=f.RequiredNumbers();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=i;m=j;case 4:n=m.Len();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(l>0;$s=4;continue;case 5:d[0]=$ifaceNil;$r=c.Range((function(d){return function $b(v,w){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{v,w});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:x=v.IsList();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(x){$s=2;continue;}y=v.IsMap();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(y){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:z=v.Message();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return true;case 9:aa=0;ac=$clone(w,B.Value).List();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;ad=aa;ae=ab;case 12:af=ae.Len();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ad>0;$s=12;continue;case 13:$s=5;continue;case 3:aj=v.MapValue();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj.Message();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(ak,$ifaceNil)){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:$s=-1;return true;case 19:al=$clone(w,B.Value).Map();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=al.Range((function(d){return function $b(am,an){var{am,an,ao,ap,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{am,an});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ao=$clone(an,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=BH(ao);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d[0]=ap;$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual(d[0],$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,am,an,ao,ap,$s};return $f;};})(d));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:am=v.Message();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil)){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:$s=-1;return true;case 25:an=$clone(w,B.Value).Message();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break 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a;a=this.$val;return new AG(a);};$ptrType(AG).prototype.ParentFile=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).ParentFile();};AG.prototype.Parent=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return $ifaceNil;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Parent=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Parent();};AG.prototype.Index=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return 0;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Index=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Index();};AG.prototype.Syntax=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return 0;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Syntax=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Syntax();};AG.prototype.Name=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return"";};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Name=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Name();};AG.prototype.FullName=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return"";};$ptrType(AG).prototype.FullName=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).FullName();};AG.prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return true;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).IsPlaceholder();};AG.prototype.Options=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return A.File;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Options=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Options();};AG.prototype.Path=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return(a);};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Path=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Path();};AG.prototype.Package=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return"";};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Package=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Package();};AG.prototype.Imports=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return Y;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Imports=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Imports();};AG.prototype.Messages=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return Z;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Messages=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Messages();};AG.prototype.Enums=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return AC;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Enums=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Enums();};AG.prototype.Extensions=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return AE;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Extensions=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Extensions();};AG.prototype.Services=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return AF;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Services=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Services();};AG.prototype.SourceLocations=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return X;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.SourceLocations=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).SourceLocations();};AG.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this.$val;return;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).ProtoType(a);};AG.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this.$val;return;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).ProtoInternal(a);};AH.prototype.ParentFile=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return $ifaceNil;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.ParentFile=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).ParentFile();};AH.prototype.Parent=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return $ifaceNil;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.Parent=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).Parent();};AH.prototype.Index=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return 0;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.Index=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).Index();};AH.prototype.Syntax=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return 0;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.Syntax=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).Syntax();};AH.prototype.Name=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return new C.FullName((a)).Name();};$ptrType(AH).prototype.Name=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).Name();};AH.prototype.FullName=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return(a);};$ptrType(AH).prototype.FullName=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).FullName();};AH.prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return true;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).IsPlaceholder();};AH.prototype.Options=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return A.Enum;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.Options=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).Options();};AH.prototype.Values=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return AD;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.Values=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).Values();};AH.prototype.ReservedNames=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return T;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.ReservedNames=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).ReservedNames();};AH.prototype.ReservedRanges=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return U;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.ReservedRanges=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).ReservedRanges();};AH.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this.$val;return;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return new AH(this.$get()).ProtoType(a);};AH.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this.$val;return;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return new AH(this.$get()).ProtoInternal(a);};AI.prototype.ParentFile=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return $ifaceNil;};$ptrType(AI).prototype.ParentFile=function(){return new AI(this.$get()).ParentFile();};AI.prototype.Parent=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return $ifaceNil;};$ptrType(AI).prototype.Parent=function(){return new AI(this.$get()).Parent();};AI.prototype.Index=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return 0;};$ptrType(AI).prototype.Index=function(){return new AI(this.$get()).Index();};AI.prototype.Syntax=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return 0;};$ptrType(AI).prototype.Syntax=function(){return new AI(this.$get()).Syntax();};AI.prototype.Name=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return new C.FullName((a)).Name();};$ptrType(AI).prototype.Name=function(){return new AI(this.$get()).Name();};AI.prototype.FullName=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return(a);};$ptrType(AI).prototype.FullName=function(){return new AI(this.$get()).FullName();};AI.prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return true;};$ptrType(AI).prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){return new AI(this.$get()).IsPlaceholder();};AI.prototype.Options=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return A.EnumValue;};$ptrType(AI).prototype.Options=function(){return new AI(this.$get()).Options();};AI.prototype.Number=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return 0;};$ptrType(AI).prototype.Number=function(){return new AI(this.$get()).Number();};AI.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this.$val;return;};$ptrType(AI).prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return new AI(this.$get()).ProtoType(a);};AI.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this.$val;return;};$ptrType(AI).prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return new AI(this.$get()).ProtoInternal(a);};AJ.prototype.ParentFile=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return $ifaceNil;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.ParentFile=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).ParentFile();};AJ.prototype.Parent=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return $ifaceNil;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.Parent=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).Parent();};AJ.prototype.Index=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return 0;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.Index=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).Index();};AJ.prototype.Syntax=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return 0;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.Syntax=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).Syntax();};AJ.prototype.Name=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return new C.FullName((a)).Name();};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.Name=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).Name();};AJ.prototype.FullName=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return(a);};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.FullName=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).FullName();};AJ.prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return true;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).IsPlaceholder();};AJ.prototype.Options=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return A.Message;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.Options=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).Options();};AJ.prototype.IsMapEntry=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return false;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.IsMapEntry=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).IsMapEntry();};AJ.prototype.Fields=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return AA;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.Fields=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).Fields();};AJ.prototype.Oneofs=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return AB;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.Oneofs=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).Oneofs();};AJ.prototype.ReservedNames=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return T;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.ReservedNames=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).ReservedNames();};AJ.prototype.ReservedRanges=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return V;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.ReservedRanges=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).ReservedRanges();};AJ.prototype.RequiredNumbers=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return W;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.RequiredNumbers=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).RequiredNumbers();};AJ.prototype.ExtensionRanges=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return V;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.ExtensionRanges=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).ExtensionRanges();};AJ.prototype.ExtensionRangeOptions=function(a){var a,b;b=this.$val;$panic(new $String("index out of range"));};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.ExtensionRangeOptions=function(a){return new AJ(this.$get()).ExtensionRangeOptions(a);};AJ.prototype.Messages=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return Z;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.Messages=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).Messages();};AJ.prototype.Enums=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return AC;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.Enums=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).Enums();};AJ.prototype.Extensions=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return AE;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.Extensions=function(){return new AJ(this.$get()).Extensions();};AJ.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this.$val;return;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return new AJ(this.$get()).ProtoType(a);};AJ.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this.$val;return;};$ptrType(AJ).prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return new AJ(this.$get()).ProtoInternal(a);};AK.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AK.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AK.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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this.$val.Format(a,b);};AK.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AK.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AK.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;if(a[0].List.$length>0){a[0].byName=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));c=a[0].List;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]));h=(i=a[0].byName[C.Name.keyFor(g.Base.Name())],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:[DN.nil,false]);j=h[1];if(!j){k=g.Base.Name();(a[0].byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.Name.keyFor(k)]={k:k,v:g};}d++;}}};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AK.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AK.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};AL.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AL.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AL.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AL.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AL.ptr.prototype.ByName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byName[C.Name.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DO.nil);if(!(e===DO.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.ByName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.ByName=function(a){return this.$val.ByName(a);};AL.ptr.prototype.ByNumber=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byNum[C.EnumNumber.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DO.nil);if(!(e===DO.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.ByNumber,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.ByNumber=function(a){return this.$val.ByNumber(a);};AL.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AL.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AL.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AL.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;if(a[0].List.$length>0){a[0].byName=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));a[0].byNum=(c=a[0].List.$length,((c<0||c>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));d=a[0].List;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+f]));i=(j=a[0].byName[C.Name.keyFor(h.Base.Name())],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:[DO.nil,false]);k=i[1];if(!k){l=h.Base.Name();(a[0].byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.Name.keyFor(l)]={k:l,v:h};}m=(n=a[0].byNum[C.EnumNumber.keyFor(h.Number())],n!==undefined?[n.v,true]:[DO.nil,false]);o=m[1];if(!o){p=h.Number();(a[0].byNum||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.EnumNumber.keyFor(p)]={k:p,v:h};}e++;}}};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};AM.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AM.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AM.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AM.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AM.ptr.prototype.ByName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byName[C.Name.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DP.nil);if(!(e===DP.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AM.ptr.prototype.ByName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AM.prototype.ByName=function(a){return this.$val.ByName(a);};AM.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AM.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AM.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AM.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AM.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AM.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;if(a[0].List.$length>0){a[0].byName=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));c=a[0].List;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]));h=(i=a[0].byName[C.Name.keyFor(g.Base.Name())],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:[DP.nil,false]);j=h[1];if(!j){k=g.Base.Name();(a[0].byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.Name.keyFor(k)]={k:k,v:g};}d++;}}};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AM.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AM.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};AN.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AN.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AN.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AN.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AN.ptr.prototype.ByName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byName[C.Name.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DQ.nil);if(!(e===DQ.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN.ptr.prototype.ByName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AN.prototype.ByName=function(a){return this.$val.ByName(a);};AN.ptr.prototype.ByJSONName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byJSON[$String.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DQ.nil);if(!(e===DQ.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN.ptr.prototype.ByJSONName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AN.prototype.ByJSONName=function(a){return this.$val.ByJSONName(a);};AN.ptr.prototype.ByTextName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byText[$String.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DQ.nil);if(!(e===DQ.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN.ptr.prototype.ByTextName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AN.prototype.ByTextName=function(a){return this.$val.ByTextName(a);};AN.ptr.prototype.ByNumber=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byNum[J.Number.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DQ.nil);if(!(e===DQ.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN.ptr.prototype.ByNumber,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AN.prototype.ByNumber=function(a){return this.$val.ByNumber(a);};AN.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AN.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AN.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AN.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AN.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function $b(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(a[0].List.$length>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:a[0].byName=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));a[0].byJSON=(c=a[0].List.$length,((c<0||c>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));a[0].byText=(d=a[0].List.$length,((d<0||d>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));a[0].byNum=(e=a[0].List.$length,((e<0||e>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));f=a[0].List;g=0;case 3:if(!(g=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+h]));k=(l=a[0].byName[C.Name.keyFor(j.Base.Name())],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:[DQ.nil,false]);m=k[1];if(!m){n=j.Base.Name();(a[0].byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.Name.keyFor(n)]={k:n,v:j};}p=j.JSONName();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=(q=a[0].byJSON[$String.keyFor(p)],q!==undefined?[q.v,true]:[DQ.nil,false]);r=o[1];if(!r){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:t=j.JSONName();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;(a[0].byJSON||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(s)]={k:s,v:j};case 7:v=j.TextName();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=(w=a[0].byText[$String.keyFor(v)],w!==undefined?[w.v,true]:[DQ.nil,false]);x=u[1];if(!x){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:z=j.TextName();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;(a[0].byText||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(y)]={k:y,v:j};case 11:aa=(ab=a[0].byNum[J.Number.keyFor(j.Number())],ab!==undefined?[ab.v,true]:[DQ.nil,false]);ac=aa[1];if(!ac){ad=j.Number();(a[0].byNum||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[J.Number.keyFor(ad)]={k:ad,v:j};}g++;$s=3;continue;case 4:case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AN.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AN.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};AO.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AO.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AO.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AO.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AO.ptr.prototype.ByName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byName[C.Name.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DR.nil);if(!(e===DR.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO.ptr.prototype.ByName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AO.prototype.ByName=function(a){return this.$val.ByName(a);};AO.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AO.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AO.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AO.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AO.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;if(a[0].List.$length>0){a[0].byName=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));c=a[0].List;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]));h=(i=a[0].byName[C.Name.keyFor(g.Base.Name())],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:[DR.nil,false]);j=h[1];if(!j){k=g.Base.Name();(a[0].byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.Name.keyFor(k)]={k:k,v:g};}d++;}}};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AO.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AO.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};AP.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AP.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AP.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AP.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AP.ptr.prototype.ByName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byName[C.Name.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DS.nil);if(!(e===DS.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.ByName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.ByName=function(a){return this.$val.ByName(a);};AP.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AP.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AP.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AP.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;if(a[0].List.$length>0){a[0].byName=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));c=a[0].List;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]));h=(i=a[0].byName[C.Name.keyFor(g.Base.Name())],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:[DS.nil,false]);j=h[1];if(!j){k=g.Base.Name();(a[0].byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.Name.keyFor(k)]={k:k,v:g};}d++;}}};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AQ.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AQ.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AQ.ptr.prototype.ByName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byName[C.Name.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DT.nil);if(!(e===DT.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.ByName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.ByName=function(a){return this.$val.ByName(a);};AQ.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AQ.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AQ.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AQ.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;if(a[0].List.$length>0){a[0].byName=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));c=a[0].List;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]));h=(i=a[0].byName[C.Name.keyFor(g.Base.Name())],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:[DT.nil,false]);j=h[1];if(!j){k=g.Base.Name();(a[0].byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.Name.keyFor(k)]={k:k,v:g};}d++;}}};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};AR.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AR.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AR.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AR.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AR.ptr.prototype.ByName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byName[C.Name.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:DU.nil);if(!(e===DU.nil)){$s=-1;return e;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.ByName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.ByName=function(a){return this.$val.ByName(a);};AR.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AR.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AR.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AR.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;if(a[0].List.$length>0){a[0].byName=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));c=a[0].List;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]));h=(i=a[0].byName[C.Name.keyFor(g.Base.Name())],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:[DU.nil,false]);j=h[1];if(!j){k=g.Base.Name();(a[0].byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.Name.keyFor(k)]={k:k,v:g};}d++;}}};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};$ptrType(AS).prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.$get().$length;};$ptrType(AS).prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.$get(),((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};$ptrType(AS).prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(AS).prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AS).prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AT.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AT.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AT.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AT.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AT.ptr.prototype.Has=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.has[C.Name.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:0)>0;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Has,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Has=function(a){return this.$val.Has(a);};AT.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AT.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AT.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AT.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g;if(a[0].List.$length>0){a[0].has=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));c=a[0].List;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);f=e;(a[0].has||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.Name.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:(g=a[0].has[C.Name.keyFor(e)],g!==undefined?g.v:0)+1>>0};d++;}}};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};AT.ptr.prototype.CheckValid=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c.has;d=0;e=$keys(b);case 2:if(!(d1){$s=5;continue;}if(false&&!new C.Name(g).IsValid()){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:i=K.New("duplicate name: %q",new DK([new C.Name(g)]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=9;case 9:return j;case 6:k=K.New("invalid name: %q",new DK([new C.Name(g)]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=11;case 11:return l;case 7:case 4:d++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.CheckValid,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.CheckValid=function(){return this.$val.CheckValid();};AU.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AU.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AU.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AU.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AU.ptr.prototype.Has=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c.sorted;case 2:if(!(d.$length>0)){$s=3;continue;}f=(e=d.$length/2,(e===e&&e!==1/0&&e!==-1/0)?e>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));g=$clone(($clone(((f<0||f>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f]),AV)),AV);if(anew AV($clone(g,AV)).End()){d=$subslice(d,(f+1>>0));}else{$s=-1;return true;}$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:AU.ptr.prototype.Has,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AU.prototype.Has=function(a){return this.$val.Has(a);};AU.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AU.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AU.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AU.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AU.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AU.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a[0].sorted=$appendSlice(a[0].sorted,a[0].List);$r=H.Slice(a[0].sorted,(function(a){return function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;return(d=a[0].sorted,((b<0||b>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+b]))[0]<(e=a[0].sorted,((c<0||c>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+c]))[0];};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AU.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AU.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};AU.ptr.prototype.CheckValid=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=CW.zero();d=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d.sorted;e=0;case 2:if(!(e=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+e]),CW);h=$clone(($clone(g,AV)),AV);if(!(new AV($clone(h,AV)).Start()<=new AV($clone(h,AV)).End())){$s=5;continue;}if(!(new AV($clone(b,AV)).End()0){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:i=K.New("invalid range: %v",new DK([new AV(h)]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=9;case 9:return j;case 6:k=K.New("overlapping ranges: %v with %v",new DK([new AV(b),new AV(h)]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=11;case 11:return l;case 7:case 4:AV.copy(b,h);e++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AU.ptr.prototype.CheckValid,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AU.prototype.CheckValid=function(){return this.$val.CheckValid();};AV.prototype.Start=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return a[0];};$ptrType(AV).prototype.Start=function(){return new AV(this.$get()).Start();};AV.prototype.End=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return a[1];};$ptrType(AV).prototype.End=function(){return new AV(this.$get()).End();};AV.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this.$val;if(new AV($clone(a,AV)).Start()===new AV($clone(a,AV)).End()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:b=D.Sprintf("%d",new DK([new C.EnumNumber(new AV($clone(a,AV)).Start())]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=4;case 4:return c;case 2:d=D.Sprintf("%d to %d",new DK([new C.EnumNumber(new AV($clone(a,AV)).Start()),new C.EnumNumber(new AV($clone(a,AV)).End())]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=6;case 6:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AV).prototype.String=function(){return new AV(this.$get()).String();};AW.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AW.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AW.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AW.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AW.ptr.prototype.Has=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c.sorted;case 2:if(!(d.$length>0)){$s=3;continue;}f=(e=d.$length/2,(e===e&&e!==1/0&&e!==-1/0)?e>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));g=$clone(($clone(((f<0||f>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f]),AY)),AY);if(anew AY($clone(g,AY)).End()){d=$subslice(d,(f+1>>0));}else{$s=-1;return true;}$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW.ptr.prototype.Has,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AW.prototype.Has=function(a){return this.$val.Has(a);};AW.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AW.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AW.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AW.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};AW.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a[0].sorted=$appendSlice(a[0].sorted,a[0].List);$r=H.Slice(a[0].sorted,(function(a){return function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;return(d=a[0].sorted,((b<0||b>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+b]))[0]<(e=a[0].sorted,((c<0||c>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+c]))[0];};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:AW.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};AW.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};AW.ptr.prototype.CheckValid=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=CY.zero();e=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e.sorted;f=0;case 2:if(!(f=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f]),CY);i=$clone(($clone(h,AY)),AY);if(!AX(new AY($clone(i,AY)).Start(),a)){$s=5;continue;}if(!AX(new AY($clone(i,AY)).End(),a)){$s=6;continue;}if(!(new AY($clone(i,AY)).Start()<=new AY($clone(i,AY)).End())){$s=7;continue;}if(!(new AY($clone(c,AY)).End()0){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 5:j=K.New("invalid field number: %d",new DK([new J.Number(new AY($clone(i,AY)).Start())]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=11;case 11:return k;case 6:l=K.New("invalid field number: %d",new DK([new J.Number(new AY($clone(i,AY)).End())]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=13;case 13:return m;case 7:n=K.New("invalid range: %v",new DK([new AY(i)]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=15;case 15:return o;case 8:p=K.New("overlapping ranges: %v with %v",new DK([new AY(c),new AY(i)]));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=17;case 17:return q;case 9:case 4:AY.copy(c,i);f++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW.ptr.prototype.CheckValid,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};AW.prototype.CheckValid=function(a){return this.$val.CheckValid(a);};AX=function(a,b){var a,b;return 1<=a&&(a<=536870911||b);};AW.ptr.prototype.CheckOverlap=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c.sorted;e=a.lazyInit();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e.sorted;g=0;h=0;i=g;j=h;case 3:if(!(i=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+i]),AY)),AY);l=$clone(($clone(((j<0||j>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+j]),AY)),AY);if(!(new AY($clone(k,AY)).End()>0;}else{j=j+(1)>>0;}$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW.ptr.prototype.CheckOverlap,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AW.prototype.CheckOverlap=function(a){return this.$val.CheckOverlap(a);};AY.prototype.Start=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return a[0];};$ptrType(AY).prototype.Start=function(){return new AY(this.$get()).Start();};AY.prototype.End=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return a[1]-1>>0;};$ptrType(AY).prototype.End=function(){return new AY(this.$get()).End();};AY.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this.$val;if(new AY($clone(a,AY)).Start()===new AY($clone(a,AY)).End()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:b=D.Sprintf("%d",new DK([new J.Number(new AY($clone(a,AY)).Start())]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=4;case 4:return c;case 2:d=D.Sprintf("%d to %d",new DK([new J.Number(new AY($clone(a,AY)).Start()),new J.Number(new AY($clone(a,AY)).End())]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=6;case 6:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AY.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AY).prototype.String=function(){return new AY(this.$get()).String();};AZ.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};AZ.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};AZ.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};AZ.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};AZ.ptr.prototype.Has=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];b[0]=this;$r=b[0].once.Do((function(b){return function(){var c,d,e,f,g;if(b[0].List.$length>0){b[0].has=(c=b[0].List.$length,((c<0||c>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));d=b[0].List;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);g=f;(b[0].has||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[J.Number.keyFor(g)]={k:g,v:new DV.ptr()};e++;}}};})(b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=(d=b[0].has[J.Number.keyFor(a)],d!==undefined?[d.v,true]:[new DV.ptr(),false]);e=c[1];$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.Has,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.Has=function(a){return this.$val.Has(a);};AZ.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};AZ.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};AZ.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};BA.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};BA.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};BA.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;return(c=b.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};BA.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};BA.ptr.prototype.ByName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byName[C.Name.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:$ifaceNil);$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BA.ptr.prototype.ByName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BA.prototype.ByName=function(a){return this.$val.ByName(a);};BA.ptr.prototype.ByJSONName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byJSON[$String.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:$ifaceNil);$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BA.ptr.prototype.ByJSONName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BA.prototype.ByJSONName=function(a){return this.$val.ByJSONName(a);};BA.ptr.prototype.ByTextName=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byText[$String.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:$ifaceNil);$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BA.ptr.prototype.ByTextName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BA.prototype.ByTextName=function(a){return this.$val.ByTextName(a);};BA.ptr.prototype.ByNumber=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.byNum[J.Number.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:$ifaceNil);$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BA.ptr.prototype.ByNumber,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BA.prototype.ByNumber=function(a){return this.$val.ByNumber(a);};BA.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatList(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BA.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BA.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};BA.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};BA.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};BA.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function $b(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(a[0].List.$length>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:a[0].byName=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));a[0].byJSON=(c=a[0].List.$length,((c<0||c>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));a[0].byText=(d=a[0].List.$length,((d<0||d>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));a[0].byNum=(e=a[0].List.$length,((e<0||e>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));f=a[0].List;g=0;case 3:if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);j=h.Name();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;(a[0].byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[C.Name.keyFor(i)]={k:i,v:h};l=h.JSONName();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;(a[0].byJSON||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(k)]={k:k,v:h};n=h.TextName();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;(a[0].byText||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(m)]={k:m,v:h};p=h.Number();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;(a[0].byNum||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[J.Number.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:h};g++;$s=3;continue;case 4:case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:BA.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};BA.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};BB.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.List.$length;};BB.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};BB.ptr.prototype.Get=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.List,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.Get=function(a){return this.$val.Get(a);};BB.ptr.prototype.byKey=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;e=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=(d=e.byPath[BC.keyFor(a)],d!==undefined?[d.v,true]:[0,false]);f=c[0];g=c[1];if(g){$s=-1;return(h=b.List,((f<0||f>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+f]));}$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.byKey,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.byKey=function(a){return this.$val.byKey(a);};BB.ptr.prototype.ByPath=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=BD(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=b.byKey($clone(c,BC));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=3;case 3:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.ByPath,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.ByPath=function(a){return this.$val.ByPath(a);};BB.ptr.prototype.ByDescriptor=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.File,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(a,$ifaceNil)))){c=false;$s=3;continue s;}d=a.ParentFile();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=!($interfaceIsEqual(b.File,d));case 3:if(c){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);case 2:e=DX.zero();f=$subslice(new DY(e),0,0);case 5:g=a;if($assertType(g,C.FileDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=7;continue;}if($assertType(g,C.MessageDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=8;continue;}if($assertType(g,C.FieldDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=9;continue;}if($assertType(g,C.OneofDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=10;continue;}if($assertType(g,C.EnumDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=11;continue;}if($assertType(g,C.EnumValueDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=12;continue;}if($assertType(g,C.ServiceDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=13;continue;}if($assertType(g,C.MethodDescriptor,true)[1]){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 7:h=0;i=f.$length-1>>0;j=h;k=i;while(true){if(!(j=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+k]);m=((j<0||j>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+j]);((j<0||j>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+j]=l);((k<0||k>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+k]=m);n=j+1>>0;o=k-1>>0;j=n;k=o;}p=BD($convertSliceType(f,C.SourcePath));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=b.byKey($clone(p,BC));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=19;case 19:return r;case 8:s=a.Index();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=$append(f,((s>>0)));t=a.Parent();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=t;u=a;if($assertType(u,C.FileDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,4);}else if($assertType(u,C.MessageDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,3);}else{$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);}$s=16;continue;case 9:v=$assertType(a,C.FieldDescriptor).IsExtension();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=a.Index();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=$append(f,((x>>0)));y=a.Parent();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=y;if(w){z=a;if($assertType(z,C.FileDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,7);}else if($assertType(z,C.MessageDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,6);}else{$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);}}else{aa=a;if($assertType(aa,C.MessageDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,2);}else{$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);}}$s=16;continue;case 10:ab=a.Index();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=$append(f,((ab>>0)));ac=a.Parent();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=ac;ad=a;if($assertType(ad,C.MessageDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,8);}else{$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);}$s=16;continue;case 11:ae=a.Index();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=$append(f,((ae>>0)));af=a.Parent();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=af;ag=a;if($assertType(ag,C.FileDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,5);}else if($assertType(ag,C.MessageDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,4);}else{$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);}$s=16;continue;case 12:ah=a.Index();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=$append(f,((ah>>0)));ai=a.Parent();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=ai;aj=a;if($assertType(aj,C.EnumDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,2);}else{$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);}$s=16;continue;case 13:ak=a.Index();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=$append(f,((ak>>0)));al=a.Parent();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=al;am=a;if($assertType(am,C.FileDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,6);}else{$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);}$s=16;continue;case 14:an=a.Index();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=$append(f,((an>>0)));ao=a.Parent();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=ao;ap=a;if($assertType(ap,C.ServiceDescriptor,true)[1]){f=$append(f,2);}else{$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);}$s=16;continue;case 15:$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);case 16:$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return new C.SourceLocation.ptr(C.SourcePath.nil,0,0,0,0,DW.nil,"","",0);}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.ByDescriptor,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.ByDescriptor=function(a){return this.$val.ByDescriptor(a);};BB.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];a[0]=this;$r=a[0].once.Do((function(a){return function $b(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(a[0].List.$length>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=(b=a[0].List.$length,((b<0||b>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));d=a[0].List;e=0;case 3:if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]),C.SourceLocation);h=BD(g.Path);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,BC);j=$clone(i,BC);(c||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[BC.keyFor(j)]={k:j,v:$append((k=c[BC.keyFor(i)],k!==undefined?k.v:DZ.nil),f)};e++;$s=3;continue;case 4:a[0].byPath=(l=a[0].List.$length,((l<0||l>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));m=c;n=0;o=$keys(m);while(true){if(!(n>0))){break;}(u=a[0].List,v=((s<0||s>=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]),((v<0||v>=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+v])).Next=(t=s+1>>0,((t<0||t>=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+t]));s=s+(1)>>0;}(w=a[0].List,x=(y=r.$length-1>>0,((y<0||y>=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+y])),((x<0||x>=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+x])).Next=0;z=$clone(q,BC);(a[0].byPath||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[BC.keyFor(z)]={k:z,v:(0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0])};n++;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return a[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};BB.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};BB.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};BD=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=new BC.ptr(EA.zero(),"");if(a.$length<16){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=a;d=0;case 3:if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(f<0||255<=f){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:g=a.String();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BC.copy(b,new BC.ptr(EA.zero(),g));h=b;$s=8;case 8:return h;case 6:(i=b.arr,((e<0||e>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[e]=((f<<24>>>24))));d++;$s=3;continue;case 4:b.arr[15]=((a.$length<<24>>>24));BC.copy(b,b);$s=-1;return b;case 2:j=a.String();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BC.copy(b,new BC.ptr(EA.zero(),j));k=b;$s=10;case 10:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:BD,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BP.ptr.prototype.lazyRawInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;$r=a.unmarshalFull(a.fileRaw.builder.RawDescriptor);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=a.resolveMessages();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=a.resolveExtensions();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=a.resolveServices();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.lazyRawInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.lazyRawInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyRawInit();};BP.ptr.prototype.resolveMessages=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=0;c=a.fileRaw.allMessages;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]));h=g.L2.Fields.List;i=0;case 3:if(!(i=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+j]));if(l.L1.IsWeak){i++;$s=3;continue;}m=l.L1.Kind;if(m===(14)){$s=6;continue;}if((m===(11))||(m===(10))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 6:n=a.resolveEnumDependency(l.L1.Enum,0,b);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.L1.Enum=n;b=b+(1)>>0;$s=8;continue;case 7:o=a.resolveMessageDependency(l.L1.Message,0,b);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.L1.Message=o;b=b+(1)>>0;case 8:case 5:p=$clone(l.L1.Default.val,C.Value);if($clone(p,C.Value).IsValid()){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:q=$clone(p,C.Value).Bytes();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=CQ(q,l.L1.Kind,a,l.L1.Enum);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}CR.copy(l.L1.Default,r);case 12:i++;$s=3;continue;case 4:d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.resolveMessages,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.resolveMessages=function(){return this.$val.resolveMessages();};BP.ptr.prototype.resolveExtensions=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=0;c=a.fileRaw.allExtensions;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]));h=g.L1.Kind;if(h===(14)){$s=4;continue;}if((h===(11))||(h===(10))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:i=a.resolveEnumDependency(g.L2.Enum,2,b);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.L2.Enum=i;b=b+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;case 5:j=a.resolveMessageDependency(g.L2.Message,2,b);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.L2.Message=j;b=b+(1)>>0;case 6:case 3:k=$clone(g.L2.Default.val,C.Value);if($clone(k,C.Value).IsValid()){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:l=$clone(k,C.Value).Bytes();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=CQ(l,g.L1.Kind,a,g.L2.Enum);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}CR.copy(g.L2.Default,m);case 10:d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.resolveExtensions,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.resolveExtensions=function(){return this.$val.resolveExtensions();};BP.ptr.prototype.resolveServices=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=0;c=a.fileRaw.allServices;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]));h=g.L2.Methods.List;i=0;case 3:if(!(i=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+j]));m=a.resolveMessageDependency(l.L1.Input,3,b);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.L1.Input=m;n=a.resolveMessageDependency(l.L1.Output,4,b);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.L1.Output=n;b=b+(1)>>0;i++;$s=3;continue;case 4:d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.resolveServices,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.resolveServices=function(){return this.$val.resolveServices();};BP.ptr.prototype.resolveEnumDependency=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.fileRaw.builder.FileRegistry;f=$assertType(e,CT,true);g=f[0];h=f[1];if(h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=g.FindEnumByIndex(b,c,d.fileRaw.allEnums,d.fileRaw.allMessages);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}case 2:k=d.fileRaw.allEnums;l=0;case 4:if(!(l=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+m]));p=a.FullName();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(o.Base.L0.FullName===p){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return o;case 7:l++;$s=4;continue;case 5:r=a.FullName();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=e.FindDescriptorByName(r);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=s;t=q[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return $assertType(t,C.EnumDescriptor);}$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.resolveEnumDependency,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.resolveEnumDependency=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.resolveEnumDependency(a,b,c);};BP.ptr.prototype.resolveMessageDependency=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.fileRaw.builder.FileRegistry;f=$assertType(e,CT,true);g=f[0];h=f[1];if(h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=g.FindMessageByIndex(b,c,d.fileRaw.allEnums,d.fileRaw.allMessages);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}case 2:k=d.fileRaw.allMessages;l=0;case 4:if(!(l=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+m]));p=a.FullName();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(o.Base.L0.FullName===p){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return o;case 7:l++;$s=4;continue;case 5:r=a.FullName();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=e.FindDescriptorByName(r);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=s;t=q[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return $assertType(t,C.MessageDescriptor);}$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.resolveMessageDependency,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.resolveMessageDependency=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.resolveMessageDependency(a,b,c);};BP.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=this;c=BL();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$deferred.push([BM,[d]]);e=0;f=0;g=0;h=0;i=e;j=f;k=g;l=h;m=DL.nil;b.L2=new BR.ptr($throwNilPointerError,AS.nil,new BB.ptr(DB.nil,$ifaceNil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false));case 2:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=3;continue;}n=J.ConsumeTag(a);o=n[0];p=n[1];q=n[2];a=$subslice(a,q);r=p;if(r===(0)){$s=5;continue;}if(r===(2)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:s=J.ConsumeVarint(a);t=s[0];u=s[1];a=$subslice(a,u);v=o;if(v===(10)){(w=b.L2.Imports,(($flatten64(t)<0||$flatten64(t)>=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+$flatten64(t)])).IsPublic=true;}else if(v===(11)){(x=b.L2.Imports,(($flatten64(t)<0||$flatten64(t)>=x.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x.$array[x.$offset+$flatten64(t)])).IsWeak=true;}$s=8;continue;case 6:y=J.ConsumeBytes(a);z=y[0];aa=y[1];a=$subslice(a,aa);ab=o;if(ab===(3)){$s=10;continue;}if(ab===(5)){$s=11;continue;}if(ab===(4)){$s=12;continue;}if(ab===(7)){$s=13;continue;}if(ab===(6)){$s=14;continue;}if(ab===(8)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 10:ac=d.MakeString(z);ae=b.fileRaw.builder.FileRegistry.FindFileByPath(ac);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;af=ad[0];if($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil)){af=new AG((ac));}b.L2.Imports=$append(b.L2.Imports,new C.FileImport.ptr(af,false,false));$s=16;continue;case 11:$r=(ag=b.L1.Enums.List,((i<0||i>=ag.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ag.$array[ag.$offset+i])).unmarshalFull(z,d);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=i+(1)>>0;$s=16;continue;case 12:$r=(ah=b.L1.Messages.List,((j<0||j>=ah.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+j])).unmarshalFull(z,d);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=j+(1)>>0;$s=16;continue;case 13:(ai=b.L1.Extensions.List,((k<0||k>=ai.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai.$array[ai.$offset+k])).unmarshalFull(z,d);k=k+(1)>>0;$s=16;continue;case 14:$r=(aj=b.L1.Services.List,((l<0||l>=aj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aj.$array[aj.$offset+l])).unmarshalFull(z,d);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=l+(1)>>0;$s=16;continue;case 15:m=BH(m,z);case 16:case 9:$s=8;continue;case 7:ak=J.ConsumeFieldValue(o,p,a);a=$subslice(a,ak);case 8:case 4:$s=2;continue;case 3:b.L2.Options=b.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((A.File$ptr||(A.File$ptr=new EB(function(){return A.File;},function($v){A.File=$v;}))),m);$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BP.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a){return this.$val.unmarshalFull(a);};BS.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=EC.nil;e=DL.nil;if(!c.L1.eagerValues){c.L2=new BU.ptr($throwNilPointerError,new AL.ptr(DH.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false,false),new AT.ptr(CV.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AU.ptr(CX.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),CX.nil));}while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}f=J.ConsumeTag(a);g=f[0];h=f[1];i=f[2];a=$subslice(a,i);j=h;if(j===(2)){k=J.ConsumeBytes(a);l=k[0];m=k[1];a=$subslice(a,m);n=g;if(n===(2)){d=$append(d,l);}else if(n===(5)){c.L2.ReservedNames.List=$append(c.L2.ReservedNames.List,(b.MakeString(l)));}else if(n===(4)){c.L2.ReservedRanges.List=$append(c.L2.ReservedRanges.List,BE(l));}else if(n===(3)){e=BH(e,l);}}else{o=J.ConsumeFieldValue(g,h,a);a=$subslice(a,o);}}if(!c.L1.eagerValues&&d.$length>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c.L2.Values.List=$makeSlice(DH,d.$length);p=d;q=0;case 3:if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);$r=(t=c.L2.Values.List,((r<0||r>=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+r])).unmarshalFull(s,b,c.Base.L0.ParentFile,c,r);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q++;$s=3;continue;case 4:case 2:c.L2.Options=c.Base.L0.ParentFile.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((A.Enum$ptr||(A.Enum$ptr=new EB(function(){return A.Enum;},function($v){A.Enum=$v;}))),e);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b){return this.$val.unmarshalFull(a,b);};BE=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;b=CW.zero();while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}c=J.ConsumeTag(a);d=c[0];e=c[1];f=c[2];a=$subslice(a,f);g=e;if(g===(0)){h=J.ConsumeVarint(a);i=h[0];j=h[1];a=$subslice(a,j);k=d;if(k===(1)){b[0]=((i.$low>>0));}else if(k===(2)){b[1]=((i.$low>>0));}}else{l=J.ConsumeFieldValue(d,e,a);a=$subslice(a,l);}}CW.copy(b,b);return b;};BV.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;f.Base.L0.ParentFile=c;f.Base.L0.Parent=d;f.Base.L0.Index=e;g=DL.nil;case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}h=J.ConsumeTag(a);i=h[0];j=h[1];k=h[2];a=$subslice(a,k);l=j;if(l===(0)){$s=4;continue;}if(l===(2)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:m=J.ConsumeVarint(a);n=m[0];o=m[1];a=$subslice(a,o);p=i;if(p===(2)){f.L1.Number=((n.$low>>0));}$s=7;continue;case 5:q=J.ConsumeBytes(a);r=q[0];s=q[1];a=$subslice(a,s);t=i;if(t===(1)){$s=9;continue;}if(t===(3)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 9:u=b;v=d.Parent();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v.FullName();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;y=r;z=BO(u,x,y);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.Base.L0.FullName=z;$s=11;continue;case 10:g=BH(g,r);case 11:case 8:$s=7;continue;case 6:aa=J.ConsumeFieldValue(i,j,a);a=$subslice(a,aa);case 7:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:f.L1.Options=c.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((A.EnumValue$ptr||(A.EnumValue$ptr=new EB(function(){return A.EnumValue;},function($v){A.EnumValue=$v;}))),g);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull,$c:true,$r,a,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b,c,d,e){return this.$val.unmarshalFull(a,b,c,d,e);};BX.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=EC.nil;e=EC.nil;f=d;g=e;h=0;i=0;j=0;k=h;l=i;m=j;n=DL.nil;c.L2=new BZ.ptr($throwNilPointerError,new AN.ptr(DE.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false,false,false,false),new AO.ptr(DF.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AT.ptr(CV.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AW.ptr(CZ.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),CZ.nil),new AZ.ptr(DA.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AW.ptr(CZ.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),CZ.nil),EE.nil);case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}o=J.ConsumeTag(a);p=o[0];q=o[1];r=o[2];a=$subslice(a,r);s=q;if(s===(2)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:t=J.ConsumeBytes(a);u=t[0];v=t[1];a=$subslice(a,v);w=p;if(w===(2)){$s=8;continue;}if(w===(8)){$s=9;continue;}if(w===(10)){$s=10;continue;}if(w===(9)){$s=11;continue;}if(w===(5)){$s=12;continue;}if(w===(4)){$s=13;continue;}if(w===(3)){$s=14;continue;}if(w===(6)){$s=15;continue;}if(w===(7)){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 8:f=$append(f,u);$s=17;continue;case 9:g=$append(g,u);$s=17;continue;case 10:c.L2.ReservedNames.List=$append(c.L2.ReservedNames.List,(b.MakeString(u)));$s=17;continue;case 11:c.L2.ReservedRanges.List=$append(c.L2.ReservedRanges.List,BF(u));$s=17;continue;case 12:x=BG(u);y=$clone(x[0],CY);z=x[1];aa=c.Base.L0.ParentFile.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((A.ExtensionRange$ptr||(A.ExtensionRange$ptr=new EB(function(){return A.ExtensionRange;},function($v){A.ExtensionRange=$v;}))),z);c.L2.ExtensionRanges.List=$append(c.L2.ExtensionRanges.List,y);c.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions=$append(c.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions,aa);$s=17;continue;case 13:$r=(ab=c.L1.Enums.List,((k<0||k>=ab.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ab.$array[ab.$offset+k])).unmarshalFull(u,b);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=k+(1)>>0;$s=17;continue;case 14:$r=(ac=c.L1.Messages.List,((l<0||l>=ac.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+l])).unmarshalFull(u,b);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=l+(1)>>0;$s=17;continue;case 15:(ad=c.L1.Extensions.List,((m<0||m>=ad.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+m])).unmarshalFull(u,b);m=m+(1)>>0;$s=17;continue;case 16:c.unmarshalOptions(u);n=BH(n,u);case 17:case 7:$s=6;continue;case 5:ae=J.ConsumeFieldValue(p,q,a);a=$subslice(a,ae);case 6:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:if(f.$length>0||g.$length>0){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:c.L2.Fields.List=$makeSlice(DE,f.$length);c.L2.Oneofs.List=$makeSlice(DF,g.$length);af=f;ag=0;case 22:if(!(ag=af.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):af.$array[af.$offset+ag]);ak=(aj=c.L2.Fields.List,((ah<0||ah>=aj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aj.$array[aj.$offset+ah]));$r=ak.unmarshalFull(ai,b,c.Base.L0.ParentFile,c,ah);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ak.L1.Cardinality===2){c.L2.RequiredNumbers.List=$append(c.L2.RequiredNumbers.List,ak.L1.Number);}ag++;$s=22;continue;case 23:al=g;am=0;case 25:if(!(am=al.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):al.$array[al.$offset+am]);aq=(ap=c.L2.Oneofs.List,((an<0||an>=ap.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ap.$array[ap.$offset+an]));$r=aq.unmarshalFull(ao,b,c.Base.L0.ParentFile,c,an);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am++;$s=25;continue;case 26:case 21:c.L2.Options=c.Base.L0.ParentFile.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((A.Message$ptr||(A.Message$ptr=new EB(function(){return A.Message;},function($v){A.Message=$v;}))),n);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b){return this.$val.unmarshalFull(a,b);};BX.ptr.prototype.unmarshalOptions=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;b=this;while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}c=J.ConsumeTag(a);d=c[0];e=c[1];f=c[2];a=$subslice(a,f);g=e;if(g===(0)){h=J.ConsumeVarint(a);i=h[0];j=h[1];a=$subslice(a,j);k=d;if(k===(7)){b.L1.IsMapEntry=J.DecodeBool(i);}else if(k===(1)){b.L1.IsMessageSet=J.DecodeBool(i);}}else{l=J.ConsumeFieldValue(d,e,a);a=$subslice(a,l);}}};BX.prototype.unmarshalOptions=function(a){return this.$val.unmarshalOptions(a);};BF=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;b=CY.zero();while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}c=J.ConsumeTag(a);d=c[0];e=c[1];f=c[2];a=$subslice(a,f);g=e;if(g===(0)){h=J.ConsumeVarint(a);i=h[0];j=h[1];a=$subslice(a,j);k=d;if(k===(1)){b[0]=((i.$low>>0));}else if(k===(2)){b[1]=((i.$low>>0));}}else{l=J.ConsumeFieldValue(d,e,a);a=$subslice(a,l);}}CY.copy(b,b);return b;};BG=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;b=CY.zero();c=DL.nil;while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}d=J.ConsumeTag(a);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=d[2];a=$subslice(a,g);h=f;if(h===(0)){i=J.ConsumeVarint(a);j=i[0];k=i[1];a=$subslice(a,k);l=e;if(l===(1)){b[0]=((j.$low>>0));}else if(l===(2)){b[1]=((j.$low>>0));}}else if(h===(2)){m=J.ConsumeBytes(a);n=m[0];o=m[1];a=$subslice(a,o);p=e;if(p===(3)){c=BH(c,n);}}else{q=J.ConsumeFieldValue(e,f,a);a=$subslice(a,q);}}r=$clone(b,CY);s=c;CY.copy(b,r);c=s;return[b,c];};CA.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;f.Base.L0.ParentFile=c;f.Base.L0.Parent=d;f.Base.L0.Index=e;g=DL.nil;h=DL.nil;case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}i=J.ConsumeTag(a);j=i[0];k=i[1];l=i[2];a=$subslice(a,l);m=k;if(m===(0)){$s=4;continue;}if(m===(2)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:n=J.ConsumeVarint(a);o=n[0];p=n[1];a=$subslice(a,p);q=j;if(q===(3)){f.L1.Number=((o.$low>>0));}else if(q===(4)){f.L1.Cardinality=((o.$low<<24>>24));}else if(q===(5)){f.L1.Kind=((o.$low<<24>>24));}else if(q===(9)){s=(r=$assertType(d,DP).L2.Oneofs.List,(($flatten64(o)<0||$flatten64(o)>=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+$flatten64(o)]));s.L1.Fields.List=$append(s.L1.Fields.List,f);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f.L1.ContainingOneof,$ifaceNil))){$panic(new $String("oneof type already set"));}f.L1.ContainingOneof=s;}else if(q===(17)){f.L1.IsProto3Optional=J.DecodeBool(o);}$s=7;continue;case 5:t=J.ConsumeBytes(a);u=t[0];v=t[1];a=$subslice(a,v);w=j;if(w===(1)){$s=9;continue;}if(w===(10)){$s=10;continue;}if(w===(7)){$s=11;continue;}if(w===(6)){$s=12;continue;}if(w===(8)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 9:x=b;y=d.FullName();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;aa=u;ab=BO(x,z,aa);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.Base.L0.FullName=ab;$s=14;continue;case 10:f.L1.StringName.InitJSON(b.MakeString(u));$s=14;continue;case 11:C.Value.copy(f.L1.Default.val,C.ValueOfBytes(u));$s=14;continue;case 12:g=u;$s=14;continue;case 13:f.unmarshalOptions(u);h=BH(h,u);case 14:case 8:$s=7;continue;case 6:ac=J.ConsumeFieldValue(j,k,a);a=$subslice(a,ac);case 7:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!(g===DL.nil)){ad=BN(b,g);ae=f.L1.Kind;if(ae===(14)){f.L1.Enum=new AH((ad));}else if((ae===(11))||(ae===(10))){f.L1.Message=new AJ((ad));}}f.L1.Options=c.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((A.Field$ptr||(A.Field$ptr=new EB(function(){return A.Field;},function($v){A.Field=$v;}))),h);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b,c,d,e){return this.$val.unmarshalFull(a,b,c,d,e);};CA.ptr.prototype.unmarshalOptions=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;b=this;while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}c=J.ConsumeTag(a);d=c[0];e=c[1];f=c[2];a=$subslice(a,f);g=e;if(g===(0)){h=J.ConsumeVarint(a);i=h[0];j=h[1];a=$subslice(a,j);k=d;if(k===(2)){b.L1.HasPacked=true;b.L1.IsPacked=J.DecodeBool(i);}else if(k===(10)){b.L1.IsWeak=J.DecodeBool(i);}else if(k===(13)){b.L1.HasEnforceUTF8=true;b.L1.EnforceUTF8=J.DecodeBool(i);}}else{l=J.ConsumeFieldValue(d,e,a);a=$subslice(a,l);}}};CA.prototype.unmarshalOptions=function(a){return this.$val.unmarshalOptions(a);};CC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;f.Base.L0.ParentFile=c;f.Base.L0.Parent=d;f.Base.L0.Index=e;g=DL.nil;case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}h=J.ConsumeTag(a);i=h[0];j=h[1];k=h[2];a=$subslice(a,k);l=j;if(l===(2)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:m=J.ConsumeBytes(a);n=m[0];o=m[1];a=$subslice(a,o);p=i;if(p===(1)){$s=8;continue;}if(p===(2)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 8:q=b;r=d.FullName();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=n;u=BO(q,s,t);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.Base.L0.FullName=u;$s=10;continue;case 9:g=BH(g,n);case 10:case 7:$s=6;continue;case 5:v=J.ConsumeFieldValue(i,j,a);a=$subslice(a,v);case 6:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:f.L1.Options=c.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((A.Oneof$ptr||(A.Oneof$ptr=new EB(function(){return A.Oneof;},function($v){A.Oneof=$v;}))),g);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CC.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};CC.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b,c,d,e){return this.$val.unmarshalFull(a,b,c,d,e);};CE.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u;c=this;d=DL.nil;e=DL.nil;c.L2=new CG.ptr($throwNilPointerError,new CO.ptr(false,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),"",""),false,false,new CR.ptr(false,new C.Value.ptr(EG.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",DL.nil,$ifaceNil),$ifaceNil,DL.nil),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil);while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}f=J.ConsumeTag(a);g=f[0];h=f[1];i=f[2];a=$subslice(a,i);j=h;if(j===(0)){k=J.ConsumeVarint(a);l=k[0];m=k[1];a=$subslice(a,m);n=g;if(n===(17)){c.L2.IsProto3Optional=J.DecodeBool(l);}}else if(j===(2)){o=J.ConsumeBytes(a);p=o[0];q=o[1];a=$subslice(a,q);r=g;if(r===(10)){c.L2.StringName.InitJSON(b.MakeString(p));}else if(r===(7)){C.Value.copy(c.L2.Default.val,C.ValueOfBytes(p));}else if(r===(6)){d=p;}else if(r===(8)){c.unmarshalOptions(p);e=BH(e,p);}}else{s=J.ConsumeFieldValue(g,h,a);a=$subslice(a,s);}}if(!(d===DL.nil)){t=BN(b,d);u=c.L1.Kind;if(u===(14)){c.L2.Enum=new AH((t));}else if((u===(11))||(u===(10))){c.L2.Message=new AJ((t));}}c.L2.Options=c.Base.L0.ParentFile.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((A.Field$ptr||(A.Field$ptr=new EB(function(){return A.Field;},function($v){A.Field=$v;}))),e);};CE.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b){return this.$val.unmarshalFull(a,b);};CE.ptr.prototype.unmarshalOptions=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;b=this;while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}c=J.ConsumeTag(a);d=c[0];e=c[1];f=c[2];a=$subslice(a,f);g=e;if(g===(0)){h=J.ConsumeVarint(a);i=h[0];j=h[1];a=$subslice(a,j);k=d;if(k===(2)){b.L2.IsPacked=J.DecodeBool(i);}}else{l=J.ConsumeFieldValue(d,e,a);a=$subslice(a,l);}}};CE.prototype.unmarshalOptions=function(a){return this.$val.unmarshalOptions(a);};CH.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=EC.nil;e=DL.nil;c.L2=new CJ.ptr($throwNilPointerError,new AR.ptr(EH.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false));while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}f=J.ConsumeTag(a);g=f[0];h=f[1];i=f[2];a=$subslice(a,i);j=h;if(j===(2)){k=J.ConsumeBytes(a);l=k[0];m=k[1];a=$subslice(a,m);n=g;if(n===(2)){d=$append(d,l);}else if(n===(3)){e=BH(e,l);}}else{o=J.ConsumeFieldValue(g,h,a);a=$subslice(a,o);}}if(d.$length>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c.L2.Methods.List=$makeSlice(EH,d.$length);p=d;q=0;case 3:if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);$r=(t=c.L2.Methods.List,((r<0||r>=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+r])).unmarshalFull(s,b,c.Base.L0.ParentFile,c,r);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q++;$s=3;continue;case 4:case 2:c.L2.Options=c.Base.L0.ParentFile.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((A.Service$ptr||(A.Service$ptr=new EB(function(){return A.Service;},function($v){A.Service=$v;}))),e);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b){return this.$val.unmarshalFull(a,b);};CK.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;f.Base.L0.ParentFile=c;f.Base.L0.Parent=d;f.Base.L0.Index=e;g=DL.nil;case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}h=J.ConsumeTag(a);i=h[0];j=h[1];k=h[2];a=$subslice(a,k);l=j;if(l===(0)){$s=4;continue;}if(l===(2)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:m=J.ConsumeVarint(a);n=m[0];o=m[1];a=$subslice(a,o);p=i;if(p===(5)){f.L1.IsStreamingClient=J.DecodeBool(n);}else if(p===(6)){f.L1.IsStreamingServer=J.DecodeBool(n);}$s=7;continue;case 5:q=J.ConsumeBytes(a);r=q[0];s=q[1];a=$subslice(a,s);t=i;if(t===(1)){$s=9;continue;}if(t===(2)){$s=10;continue;}if(t===(3)){$s=11;continue;}if(t===(4)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 9:u=b;v=d.FullName();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=r;y=BO(u,w,x);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.Base.L0.FullName=y;$s=13;continue;case 10:f.L1.Input=new AJ((BN(b,r)));$s=13;continue;case 11:f.L1.Output=new AJ((BN(b,r)));$s=13;continue;case 12:g=BH(g,r);case 13:case 8:$s=7;continue;case 6:z=J.ConsumeFieldValue(i,j,a);a=$subslice(a,z);case 7:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:f.L1.Options=c.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((A.Method$ptr||(A.Method$ptr=new EB(function(){return A.Method;},function($v){A.Method=$v;}))),g);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.unmarshalFull=function(a,b,c,d,e){return this.$val.unmarshalFull(a,b,c,d,e);};BH=function(a,b){var a,b;if(a===DL.nil){a=new DL([]);}return $appendSlice(a,b);};CS.ptr.prototype.optionsUnmarshaler=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=this;if(b===DL.nil){return $throwNilPointerError;}d=$ifaceNil;e=new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0));return(function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=e.Do((function $b(){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(a.$get(),$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("Descriptor.Options called without importing the descriptor package"));}f=L.TypeOf(a.$get()).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=L.New(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone(g,L.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=$assertType(h,C.ProtoMessage);i=$clone((new N.UnmarshalOptions.ptr(new B.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),false,true,false,c.TypeResolver,0)),N.UnmarshalOptions).Unmarshal(b,d);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$panic(j);}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;}));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;});};CS.prototype.optionsUnmarshaler=function(a,b){return this.$val.optionsUnmarshaler(a,b);};BJ=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=new BP.ptr(new BI.ptr($clone(a,CS),DG.nil,DD.nil,DI.nil,DJ.nil),new BQ.ptr(0,"","",new AK.ptr(DG.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AM.ptr(DD.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AP.ptr(DI.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AQ.ptr(DJ.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false)),0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0),DM.nil);b.initDecls(a.NumEnums,a.NumMessages,a.NumExtensions,a.NumServices);$r=b.unmarshalSeed(a.RawDescriptor);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.fileRaw.allExtensions;d=0;case 2:if(!(d=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]));h=b.resolveMessageDependency(g.L1.Extendee,1,((e>>0)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.L1.Extendee=h;d++;$s=2;continue;case 3:b.checkDecls();$s=-1;return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:BJ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BP.ptr.prototype.initDecls=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e;e=this;e.fileRaw.allEnums=$makeSlice(DG,0,a);e.fileRaw.allMessages=$makeSlice(DD,0,b);e.fileRaw.allExtensions=$makeSlice(DI,0,c);e.fileRaw.allServices=$makeSlice(DJ,0,d);};BP.prototype.initDecls=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.initDecls(a,b,c,d);};BP.ptr.prototype.allocEnums=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=b.fileRaw.allEnums.$length;d=$subslice(b.fileRaw.allEnums,c,(c+a>>0));b.fileRaw.allEnums=$subslice(b.fileRaw.allEnums,0,(c+a>>0));return d;};BP.prototype.allocEnums=function(a){return this.$val.allocEnums(a);};BP.ptr.prototype.allocMessages=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=b.fileRaw.allMessages.$length;d=$subslice(b.fileRaw.allMessages,c,(c+a>>0));b.fileRaw.allMessages=$subslice(b.fileRaw.allMessages,0,(c+a>>0));return d;};BP.prototype.allocMessages=function(a){return this.$val.allocMessages(a);};BP.ptr.prototype.allocExtensions=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=b.fileRaw.allExtensions.$length;d=$subslice(b.fileRaw.allExtensions,c,(c+a>>0));b.fileRaw.allExtensions=$subslice(b.fileRaw.allExtensions,0,(c+a>>0));return d;};BP.prototype.allocExtensions=function(a){return this.$val.allocExtensions(a);};BP.ptr.prototype.allocServices=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=b.fileRaw.allServices.$length;d=$subslice(b.fileRaw.allServices,c,(c+a>>0));b.fileRaw.allServices=$subslice(b.fileRaw.allServices,0,(c+a>>0));return d;};BP.prototype.allocServices=function(a){return this.$val.allocServices(a);};BP.ptr.prototype.checkDecls=function(){var a;a=this;if(!((a.fileRaw.allEnums.$length===a.fileRaw.allEnums.$capacity))){}else if(!((a.fileRaw.allMessages.$length===a.fileRaw.allMessages.$capacity))){}else if(!((a.fileRaw.allExtensions.$length===a.fileRaw.allExtensions.$capacity))){}else if(!((a.fileRaw.allServices.$length===a.fileRaw.allServices.$capacity))){}else{return;}$panic(new $String("mismatching cardinality"));};BP.prototype.checkDecls=function(){return this.$val.checkDecls();};BP.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=this;c=BL();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$deferred.push([BM,[d]]);e=0;f=0;g=0;h=0;i=0;j=f;k=g;l=h;m=i;n=0;o=0;p=0;q=0;r=n;s=o;t=p;u=q;v=a;while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}w=J.ConsumeTag(a);x=w[0];y=w[1];z=w[2];a=$subslice(a,z);aa=y;if(aa===(2)){ab=J.ConsumeBytes(a);ac=ab[0];ad=ab[1];a=$subslice(a,ad);ae=x;if(ae===(12)){af=($bytesToString(ac));if(af===("proto2")){b.L1.Syntax=2;}else if(af===("proto3")){b.L1.Syntax=3;}else{$panic(new $String("invalid syntax"));}}else if(ae===(1)){b.L1.Path=d.MakeString(ac);}else if(ae===(2)){b.L1.Package=(d.MakeString(ac));}else if(ae===(5)){if(!((e===5))){if(j>0){$panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field"));}r=((v.$length-a.$length>>0)-z>>0)-ad>>0;}j=j+(1)>>0;}else if(ae===(4)){if(!((e===4))){if(k>0){$panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field"));}s=((v.$length-a.$length>>0)-z>>0)-ad>>0;}k=k+(1)>>0;}else if(ae===(7)){if(!((e===7))){if(l>0){$panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field"));}t=((v.$length-a.$length>>0)-z>>0)-ad>>0;}l=l+(1)>>0;}else if(ae===(6)){if(!((e===6))){if(m>0){$panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field"));}u=((v.$length-a.$length>>0)-z>>0)-ad>>0;}m=m+(1)>>0;}e=x;}else{ag=J.ConsumeFieldValue(x,y,a);a=$subslice(a,ag);e=-1;}}if(b.L1.Syntax===0){b.L1.Syntax=2;}if(j>0){b.L1.Enums.List=b.allocEnums(j);}if(k>0){b.L1.Messages.List=b.allocMessages(k);}if(l>0){b.L1.Extensions.List=b.allocExtensions(l);}if(m>0){b.L1.Services.List=b.allocServices(m);}if(j>0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:ah=$subslice(v,r);ai=b.L1.Enums.List;aj=0;case 4:if(!(aj=aq.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aq.$array[aq.$offset+ak])).unmarshalSeed(ao,d,b,b,ak);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=$subslice(ah,(am+ap>>0));aj++;$s=4;continue;case 5:case 3:if(k>0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:ar=$subslice(v,s);as=b.L1.Messages.List;at=0;case 9:if(!(at=ba.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ba.$array[ba.$offset+au])).unmarshalSeed(ay,d,b,b,au);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=$subslice(ar,(aw+az>>0));at++;$s=9;continue;case 10:case 8:if(l>0){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:bb=$subslice(v,t);bc=b.L1.Extensions.List;bd=0;case 14:if(!(bd=bk.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bk.$array[bk.$offset+be])).unmarshalSeed(bi,d,b,b,be);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=$subslice(bb,(bg+bj>>0));bd++;$s=14;continue;case 15:case 13:if(m>0){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:bl=$subslice(v,u);bm=b.L1.Services.List;bn=0;case 19:if(!(bn=bu.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bu.$array[bu.$offset+bo])).unmarshalSeed(bs,d,b,b,bo);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=$subslice(bl,(bq+bt>>0));bn++;$s=19;continue;case 20:case 18:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BP.prototype.unmarshalSeed=function(a){return this.$val.unmarshalSeed(a);};BS.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;f.Base.L0.ParentFile=c;f.Base.L0.Parent=d;f.Base.L0.Index=e;g=0;h=a;case 1:if(!(h.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}i=J.ConsumeTag(h);j=i[0];k=i[1];l=i[2];h=$subslice(h,l);m=k;if(m===(2)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:n=J.ConsumeBytes(h);o=n[0];p=n[1];h=$subslice(h,p);q=j;if(q===(1)){$s=8;continue;}if(q===(2)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 8:r=b;s=d.FullName();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=o;v=BO(r,t,u);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.Base.L0.FullName=v;$s=10;continue;case 9:g=g+(1)>>0;case 10:case 7:$s=6;continue;case 5:w=J.ConsumeFieldValue(j,k,h);h=$subslice(h,w);case 6:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,c))){$s=-1;return;}f.L1.eagerValues=true;f.L2=new BU.ptr($throwNilPointerError,new AL.ptr(DH.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false,false),new AT.ptr(CV.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AU.ptr(CX.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),CX.nil));f.L2.Values.List=$makeSlice(DH,g);x=0;case 13:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=14;continue;}y=J.ConsumeTag(a);z=y[0];aa=y[1];ab=y[2];a=$subslice(a,ab);ac=aa;if(ac===(2)){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:ad=J.ConsumeBytes(a);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];a=$subslice(a,af);ag=z;if(ag===(2)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:$r=(ah=f.L2.Values.List,((x<0||x>=ah.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+x])).unmarshalFull(ae,b,c,f,x);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=x+(1)>>0;case 21:case 19:$s=18;continue;case 17:ai=J.ConsumeFieldValue(z,aa,a);a=$subslice(a,ai);case 18:case 15:$s=13;continue;case 14:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.unmarshalSeed=function(a,b,c,d,e){return this.$val.unmarshalSeed(a,b,c,d,e);};BX.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;f.Base.L0.ParentFile=c;f.Base.L0.Parent=d;f.Base.L0.Index=e;g=0;h=0;i=0;j=0;k=h;l=i;m=j;n=0;o=0;p=0;q=n;r=o;s=p;t=a;case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}u=J.ConsumeTag(a);v=u[0];w=u[1];x=u[2];a=$subslice(a,x);y=w;if(y===(2)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:z=J.ConsumeBytes(a);aa=z[0];ab=z[1];a=$subslice(a,ab);ac=v;if(ac===(1)){$s=8;continue;}if(ac===(4)){$s=9;continue;}if(ac===(3)){$s=10;continue;}if(ac===(6)){$s=11;continue;}if(ac===(7)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 8:ad=b;ae=d.FullName();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;ag=aa;ah=BO(ad,af,ag);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.Base.L0.FullName=ah;$s=13;continue;case 9:if(!((g===4))){if(k>0){$panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field"));}q=((t.$length-a.$length>>0)-x>>0)-ab>>0;}k=k+(1)>>0;$s=13;continue;case 10:if(!((g===3))){if(l>0){$panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field"));}r=((t.$length-a.$length>>0)-x>>0)-ab>>0;}l=l+(1)>>0;$s=13;continue;case 11:if(!((g===6))){if(m>0){$panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field"));}s=((t.$length-a.$length>>0)-x>>0)-ab>>0;}m=m+(1)>>0;$s=13;continue;case 12:f.unmarshalSeedOptions(aa);case 13:case 7:g=v;$s=6;continue;case 5:ai=J.ConsumeFieldValue(v,w,a);a=$subslice(a,ai);g=-1;case 6:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:if(k>0){f.L1.Enums.List=c.allocEnums(k);}if(l>0){f.L1.Messages.List=c.allocMessages(l);}if(m>0){f.L1.Extensions.List=c.allocExtensions(m);}if(k>0){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:aj=$subslice(t,q);ak=f.L1.Enums.List;al=0;case 18:if(!(al=as.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):as.$array[as.$offset+am])).unmarshalSeed(aq,b,c,f,am);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=$subslice(aj,(ao+ar>>0));al++;$s=18;continue;case 19:case 17:if(l>0){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:at=$subslice(t,r);au=f.L1.Messages.List;av=0;case 23:if(!(av=bc.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bc.$array[bc.$offset+aw])).unmarshalSeed(ba,b,c,f,aw);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=$subslice(at,(ay+bb>>0));av++;$s=23;continue;case 24:case 22:if(m>0){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:bd=$subslice(t,s);be=f.L1.Extensions.List;bf=0;case 28:if(!(bf=bm.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bm.$array[bm.$offset+bg])).unmarshalSeed(bk,b,c,f,bg);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=$subslice(bd,(bi+bl>>0));bf++;$s=28;continue;case 29:case 27:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.unmarshalSeed=function(a,b,c,d,e){return this.$val.unmarshalSeed(a,b,c,d,e);};BX.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeedOptions=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;b=this;while(true){if(!(a.$length>0)){break;}c=J.ConsumeTag(a);d=c[0];e=c[1];f=c[2];a=$subslice(a,f);g=e;if(g===(0)){h=J.ConsumeVarint(a);i=h[0];j=h[1];a=$subslice(a,j);k=d;if(k===(7)){b.L1.IsMapEntry=J.DecodeBool(i);}else if(k===(1)){b.L1.IsMessageSet=J.DecodeBool(i);}}else{l=J.ConsumeFieldValue(d,e,a);a=$subslice(a,l);}}};BX.prototype.unmarshalSeedOptions=function(a){return this.$val.unmarshalSeedOptions(a);};CE.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;f.Base.L0.ParentFile=c;f.Base.L0.Parent=d;f.Base.L0.Index=e;case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}g=J.ConsumeTag(a);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=g[2];a=$subslice(a,j);k=i;if(k===(0)){$s=4;continue;}if(k===(2)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:l=J.ConsumeVarint(a);m=l[0];n=l[1];a=$subslice(a,n);o=h;if(o===(3)){f.L1.Number=((m.$low>>0));}else if(o===(4)){f.L1.Cardinality=((m.$low<<24>>24));}else if(o===(5)){f.L1.Kind=((m.$low<<24>>24));}$s=7;continue;case 5:p=J.ConsumeBytes(a);q=p[0];r=p[1];a=$subslice(a,r);s=h;if(s===(1)){$s=9;continue;}if(s===(2)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 9:t=b;u=d.FullName();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=q;x=BO(t,v,w);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.Base.L0.FullName=x;$s=11;continue;case 10:f.L1.Extendee=new AJ((BN(b,q)));case 11:case 8:$s=7;continue;case 6:y=J.ConsumeFieldValue(h,i,a);a=$subslice(a,y);case 7:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.unmarshalSeed=function(a,b,c,d,e){return this.$val.unmarshalSeed(a,b,c,d,e);};CH.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;f.Base.L0.ParentFile=c;f.Base.L0.Parent=d;f.Base.L0.Index=e;case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}g=J.ConsumeTag(a);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=g[2];a=$subslice(a,j);k=i;if(k===(2)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:l=J.ConsumeBytes(a);m=l[0];n=l[1];a=$subslice(a,n);o=h;if(o===(1)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:p=b;q=d.FullName();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=m;t=BO(p,r,s);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.Base.L0.FullName=t;case 9:case 7:$s=6;continue;case 5:u=J.ConsumeFieldValue(h,i,a);a=$subslice(a,u);case 6:case 3:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.unmarshalSeed=function(a,b,c,d,e){return this.$val.unmarshalSeed(a,b,c,d,e);};BL=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=BK.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=$assertType(a,EI);$s=2;case 2:return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:BL,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};BM=function(a){var a;BK.Put(a);};BN=function(a,b){var a,b;if((b.$length===0)||!(((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])===46))){$panic(new $String("name reference must be fully qualified"));}return(a.MakeString($subslice(b,1)));};BO=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c;return a.AppendFullName(b,(M.UnsafeString(c)));};BP.ptr.prototype.ParentFile=function(){var a;a=this;return a;};BP.prototype.ParentFile=function(){return this.$val.ParentFile();};BP.ptr.prototype.Parent=function(){var a;a=this;return $ifaceNil;};BP.prototype.Parent=function(){return this.$val.Parent();};BP.ptr.prototype.Index=function(){var a;a=this;return 0;};BP.prototype.Index=function(){return this.$val.Index();};BP.ptr.prototype.Syntax=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Syntax;};BP.prototype.Syntax=function(){return this.$val.Syntax();};BP.ptr.prototype.Name=function(){var a;a=this;return new C.FullName(a.L1.Package).Name();};BP.prototype.Name=function(){return this.$val.Name();};BP.ptr.prototype.FullName=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Package;};BP.prototype.FullName=function(){return this.$val.FullName();};BP.ptr.prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){var a;a=this;return false;};BP.prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){return this.$val.IsPlaceholder();};BP.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Options;if(!(c===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:d=c();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=5;case 5:return e;case 3:$s=-1;return A.File;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.Options,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};BP.ptr.prototype.Path=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Path;};BP.prototype.Path=function(){return this.$val.Path();};BP.ptr.prototype.Package=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Package;};BP.prototype.Package=function(){return this.$val.Package();};BP.ptr.prototype.Imports=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=(b=c,(b.$ptr_Imports||(b.$ptr_Imports=new DC(function(){return this.$target.Imports;},function($v){this.$target.Imports=$v;},b))));$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.Imports,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.Imports=function(){return this.$val.Imports();};BP.ptr.prototype.Enums=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Enums;};BP.prototype.Enums=function(){return this.$val.Enums();};BP.ptr.prototype.Messages=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Messages;};BP.prototype.Messages=function(){return this.$val.Messages();};BP.ptr.prototype.Extensions=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Extensions;};BP.prototype.Extensions=function(){return this.$val.Extensions();};BP.ptr.prototype.Services=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Services;};BP.prototype.Services=function(){return this.$val.Services();};BP.ptr.prototype.SourceLocations=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Locations;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.SourceLocations,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.SourceLocations=function(){return this.$val.SourceLocations();};BP.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatDesc(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};BP.ptr.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};BP.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoType(a);};BP.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};BP.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};BP.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(P.LoadUint32((a.$ptr_once||(a.$ptr_once=new EJ(function(){return this.$target.once;},function($v){this.$target.once=$v;},a))))===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=a.lazyInitOnce();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return a.L2;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};BP.ptr.prototype.lazyInitOnce=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;$r=a.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(a.L2===DM.nil){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=a.lazyRawInit();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:P.StoreUint32((a.$ptr_once||(a.$ptr_once=new EJ(function(){return this.$target.once;},function($v){this.$target.once=$v;},a))),1);$r=a.mu.Unlock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP.ptr.prototype.lazyInitOnce,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};BP.prototype.lazyInitOnce=function(){return this.$val.lazyInitOnce();};BP.ptr.prototype.GoPackagePath=function(){var a;a=this;return a.fileRaw.builder.GoPackagePath;};BP.prototype.GoPackagePath=function(){return this.$val.GoPackagePath();};BS.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Options;if(!(c===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:d=c();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=5;case 5:return e;case 3:$s=-1;return A.Enum;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.Options,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};BS.ptr.prototype.Values=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(a.L1.eagerValues){$s=-1;return a.L2.Values;}b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Values;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.Values,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.Values=function(){return this.$val.Values();};BS.ptr.prototype.ReservedNames=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.ReservedNames;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.ReservedNames,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.ReservedNames=function(){return this.$val.ReservedNames();};BS.ptr.prototype.ReservedRanges=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.ReservedRanges;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.ReservedRanges,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.ReservedRanges=function(){return this.$val.ReservedRanges();};BS.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatDesc(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};BS.ptr.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};BS.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoType(a);};BS.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.Base.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b;$s=-1;return a.L2;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};BV.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.L1.Options;if(!(b===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=b();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=4;case 4:return d;case 2:$s=-1;return A.EnumValue;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.Options,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};BV.ptr.prototype.Number=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Number;};BV.prototype.Number=function(){return this.$val.Number();};BV.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatDesc(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};BV.ptr.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};BV.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoType(a);};BX.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Options;if(!(c===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:d=c();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=5;case 5:return e;case 3:$s=-1;return A.Message;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.Options,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};BX.ptr.prototype.IsMapEntry=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.IsMapEntry;};BX.prototype.IsMapEntry=function(){return this.$val.IsMapEntry();};BX.ptr.prototype.Fields=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Fields;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.Fields,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.Fields=function(){return this.$val.Fields();};BX.ptr.prototype.Oneofs=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Oneofs;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.Oneofs,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.Oneofs=function(){return this.$val.Oneofs();};BX.ptr.prototype.ReservedNames=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.ReservedNames;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.ReservedNames,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.ReservedNames=function(){return this.$val.ReservedNames();};BX.ptr.prototype.ReservedRanges=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.ReservedRanges;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.ReservedRanges,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.ReservedRanges=function(){return this.$val.ReservedRanges();};BX.ptr.prototype.RequiredNumbers=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.RequiredNumbers;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.RequiredNumbers,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.RequiredNumbers=function(){return this.$val.RequiredNumbers();};BX.ptr.prototype.ExtensionRanges=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.ExtensionRanges;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.ExtensionRanges,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.ExtensionRanges=function(){return this.$val.ExtensionRanges();};BX.ptr.prototype.ExtensionRangeOptions=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(c=d.ExtensionRangeOptions,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));if(!(e===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:f=e();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=5;case 5:return g;case 3:$s=-1;return A.ExtensionRange;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.ExtensionRangeOptions,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.ExtensionRangeOptions=function(a){return this.$val.ExtensionRangeOptions(a);};BX.ptr.prototype.Enums=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Enums;};BX.prototype.Enums=function(){return this.$val.Enums();};BX.ptr.prototype.Messages=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Messages;};BX.prototype.Messages=function(){return this.$val.Messages();};BX.ptr.prototype.Extensions=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Extensions;};BX.prototype.Extensions=function(){return this.$val.Extensions();};BX.ptr.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};BX.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoType(a);};BX.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatDesc(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};BX.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.Base.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b;$s=-1;return a.L2;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};BX.ptr.prototype.IsMessageSet=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.IsMessageSet;};BX.prototype.IsMessageSet=function(){return this.$val.IsMessageSet();};CA.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.L1.Options;if(!(b===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=b();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=4;case 4:return d;case 2:$s=-1;return A.Field;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.Options,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};CA.ptr.prototype.Number=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Number;};CA.prototype.Number=function(){return this.$val.Number();};CA.ptr.prototype.Cardinality=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Cardinality;};CA.prototype.Cardinality=function(){return this.$val.Cardinality();};CA.ptr.prototype.Kind=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Kind;};CA.prototype.Kind=function(){return this.$val.Kind();};CA.ptr.prototype.HasJSONName=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.StringName.hasJSON;};CA.prototype.HasJSONName=function(){return this.$val.HasJSONName();};CA.ptr.prototype.JSONName=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.L1.StringName.getJSON(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.JSONName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.JSONName=function(){return this.$val.JSONName();};CA.ptr.prototype.TextName=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.L1.StringName.getText(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.TextName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.TextName=function(){return this.$val.TextName();};CA.ptr.prototype.HasPresence=function(){var a;a=this;return!((a.L1.Cardinality===3))&&((a.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax===2)||!($interfaceIsEqual(a.L1.Message,$ifaceNil))||!($interfaceIsEqual(a.L1.ContainingOneof,$ifaceNil)));};CA.prototype.HasPresence=function(){return this.$val.HasPresence();};CA.ptr.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword=function(){var a;a=this;return((a.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax===2)&&(a.L1.Cardinality===1)&&$interfaceIsEqual(a.L1.ContainingOneof,$ifaceNil))||a.L1.IsProto3Optional;};CA.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword=function(){return this.$val.HasOptionalKeyword();};CA.ptr.prototype.IsPacked=function(){var a,b;a=this;if(!a.L1.HasPacked&&!((a.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax===2))&&(a.L1.Cardinality===3)){b=a.L1.Kind;if((b===(9))||(b===(12))||(b===(11))||(b===(10))){}else{return true;}}return a.L1.IsPacked;};CA.prototype.IsPacked=function(){return this.$val.IsPacked();};CA.ptr.prototype.IsExtension=function(){var a;a=this;return false;};CA.prototype.IsExtension=function(){return this.$val.IsExtension();};CA.ptr.prototype.IsWeak=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.IsWeak;};CA.prototype.IsWeak=function(){return this.$val.IsWeak();};CA.ptr.prototype.IsList=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(!(a.Cardinality()===3)){b=false;$s=1;continue s;}c=a.IsMap();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=!c;case 1:d=b;$s=3;case 3:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.IsList,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.IsList=function(){return this.$val.IsList();};CA.ptr.prototype.IsMap=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=a.Message();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)))){b=false;$s=1;continue s;}d=a.Message();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d.IsMapEntry();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=e;case 1:f=b;$s=5;case 5:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.IsMap,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.IsMap=function(){return this.$val.IsMap();};CA.ptr.prototype.MapKey=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.IsMap();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!b){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:c=a.Message();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c.Fields();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d.ByNumber(1);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=7;case 7:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.MapKey,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.MapKey=function(){return this.$val.MapKey();};CA.ptr.prototype.MapValue=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.IsMap();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!b){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:c=a.Message();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c.Fields();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d.ByNumber(2);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=7;case 7:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.MapValue,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.MapValue=function(){return this.$val.MapValue();};CA.ptr.prototype.HasDefault=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Default.has;};CA.prototype.HasDefault=function(){return this.$val.HasDefault();};CA.ptr.prototype.Default=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.L1.Default.get(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.Default,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.Default=function(){return this.$val.Default();};CA.ptr.prototype.DefaultEnumValue=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Default.enum$2;};CA.prototype.DefaultEnumValue=function(){return this.$val.DefaultEnumValue();};CA.ptr.prototype.ContainingOneof=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.ContainingOneof;};CA.prototype.ContainingOneof=function(){return this.$val.ContainingOneof();};CA.ptr.prototype.ContainingMessage=function(){var a;a=this;return $assertType(a.Base.L0.Parent,C.MessageDescriptor);};CA.prototype.ContainingMessage=function(){return this.$val.ContainingMessage();};CA.ptr.prototype.Enum=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Enum;};CA.prototype.Enum=function(){return this.$val.Enum();};CA.ptr.prototype.Message=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(a.L1.IsWeak){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=a.L1.Message.FullName();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=S.GlobalFiles.FindDescriptorByName(c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=d;e=b[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return $assertType(e,C.MessageDescriptor);}case 2:$s=-1;return a.L1.Message;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.Message,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.Message=function(){return this.$val.Message();};CA.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatDesc(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CA.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};CA.ptr.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};CA.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoType(a);};CA.ptr.prototype.EnforceUTF8=function(){var a;a=this;if(a.L1.HasEnforceUTF8){return a.L1.EnforceUTF8;}return a.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax===3;};CA.prototype.EnforceUTF8=function(){return this.$val.EnforceUTF8();};CC.ptr.prototype.IsSynthetic=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(!((a.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax===3)&&(a.L1.Fields.List.$length===1))){b=false;$s=1;continue s;}d=(c=a.L1.Fields.List,(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])).HasOptionalKeyword();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=d;case 1:e=b;$s=3;case 3:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:CC.ptr.prototype.IsSynthetic,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};CC.prototype.IsSynthetic=function(){return this.$val.IsSynthetic();};CC.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.L1.Options;if(!(b===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=b();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=4;case 4:return d;case 2:$s=-1;return A.Oneof;}return;}var $f={$blk:CC.ptr.prototype.Options,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};CC.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};CC.ptr.prototype.Fields=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Fields;};CC.prototype.Fields=function(){return this.$val.Fields();};CC.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatDesc(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CC.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CC.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};CC.ptr.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};CC.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoType(a);};CE.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Options;if(!(c===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:d=c();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=5;case 5:return e;case 3:$s=-1;return A.Field;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.Options,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};CE.ptr.prototype.Number=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Number;};CE.prototype.Number=function(){return this.$val.Number();};CE.ptr.prototype.Cardinality=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Cardinality;};CE.prototype.Cardinality=function(){return this.$val.Cardinality();};CE.ptr.prototype.Kind=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Kind;};CE.prototype.Kind=function(){return this.$val.Kind();};CE.ptr.prototype.HasJSONName=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.StringName.hasJSON;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.HasJSONName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.HasJSONName=function(){return this.$val.HasJSONName();};CE.ptr.prototype.JSONName=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.StringName.getJSON(a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=3;case 3:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.JSONName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.JSONName=function(){return this.$val.JSONName();};CE.ptr.prototype.TextName=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.StringName.getText(a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=3;case 3:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.TextName,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.TextName=function(){return this.$val.TextName();};CE.ptr.prototype.HasPresence=function(){var a;a=this;return!((a.L1.Cardinality===3));};CE.prototype.HasPresence=function(){return this.$val.HasPresence();};CE.ptr.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if((a.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax===2)&&(a.L1.Cardinality===1)){b=true;$s=1;continue s;}c=a.lazyInit();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c.IsProto3Optional;case 1:d=b;$s=3;case 3:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword=function(){return this.$val.HasOptionalKeyword();};CE.ptr.prototype.IsPacked=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.IsPacked;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.IsPacked,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.IsPacked=function(){return this.$val.IsPacked();};CE.ptr.prototype.IsExtension=function(){var a;a=this;return true;};CE.prototype.IsExtension=function(){return this.$val.IsExtension();};CE.ptr.prototype.IsWeak=function(){var a;a=this;return false;};CE.prototype.IsWeak=function(){return this.$val.IsWeak();};CE.ptr.prototype.IsList=function(){var a;a=this;return a.Cardinality()===3;};CE.prototype.IsList=function(){return this.$val.IsList();};CE.ptr.prototype.IsMap=function(){var a;a=this;return false;};CE.prototype.IsMap=function(){return this.$val.IsMap();};CE.ptr.prototype.MapKey=function(){var a;a=this;return $ifaceNil;};CE.prototype.MapKey=function(){return this.$val.MapKey();};CE.ptr.prototype.MapValue=function(){var a;a=this;return $ifaceNil;};CE.prototype.MapValue=function(){return this.$val.MapValue();};CE.ptr.prototype.HasDefault=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Default.has;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.HasDefault,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.HasDefault=function(){return this.$val.HasDefault();};CE.ptr.prototype.Default=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Default.get(a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=3;case 3:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.Default,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.Default=function(){return this.$val.Default();};CE.ptr.prototype.DefaultEnumValue=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Default.enum$2;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.DefaultEnumValue,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.DefaultEnumValue=function(){return this.$val.DefaultEnumValue();};CE.ptr.prototype.ContainingOneof=function(){var a;a=this;return $ifaceNil;};CE.prototype.ContainingOneof=function(){return this.$val.ContainingOneof();};CE.ptr.prototype.ContainingMessage=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Extendee;};CE.prototype.ContainingMessage=function(){return this.$val.ContainingMessage();};CE.ptr.prototype.Enum=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Enum;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.Enum,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.Enum=function(){return this.$val.Enum();};CE.ptr.prototype.Message=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Message;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.Message,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.Message=function(){return this.$val.Message();};CE.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatDesc(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};CE.ptr.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};CE.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoType(a);};CE.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};CE.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};CE.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.Base.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b;$s=-1;return a.L2;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};CH.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Options;if(!(c===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:d=c();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=5;case 5:return e;case 3:$s=-1;return A.Service;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.Options,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};CH.ptr.prototype.Methods=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.Methods;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.Methods,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.Methods=function(){return this.$val.Methods();};CH.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatDesc(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};CH.ptr.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};CH.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoType(a);};CH.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};CH.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};CH.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.Base.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b;$s=-1;return a.L2;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};CK.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.L1.Options;if(!(b===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=b();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=4;case 4:return d;case 2:$s=-1;return A.Method;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.Options,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};CK.ptr.prototype.Input=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Input;};CK.prototype.Input=function(){return this.$val.Input();};CK.ptr.prototype.Output=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.Output;};CK.prototype.Output=function(){return this.$val.Output();};CK.ptr.prototype.IsStreamingClient=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.IsStreamingClient;};CK.prototype.IsStreamingClient=function(){return this.$val.IsStreamingClient();};CK.ptr.prototype.IsStreamingServer=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L1.IsStreamingServer;};CK.prototype.IsStreamingServer=function(){return this.$val.IsStreamingServer();};CK.ptr.prototype.Format=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=F.FormatDesc(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.Format=function(a,b){return this.$val.Format(a,b);};CK.ptr.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};CK.prototype.ProtoType=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoType(a);};CK.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};CK.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};CM.ptr.prototype.Name=function(){var a;a=this;return new C.FullName(a.L0.FullName).Name();};CM.prototype.Name=function(){return this.$val.Name();};CM.ptr.prototype.FullName=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L0.FullName;};CM.prototype.FullName=function(){return this.$val.FullName();};CM.ptr.prototype.ParentFile=function(){var a;a=this;if(a.L0.ParentFile===$pkg.SurrogateProto2||a.L0.ParentFile===$pkg.SurrogateProto3){return $ifaceNil;}return a.L0.ParentFile;};CM.prototype.ParentFile=function(){return this.$val.ParentFile();};CM.ptr.prototype.Parent=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L0.Parent;};CM.prototype.Parent=function(){return this.$val.Parent();};CM.ptr.prototype.Index=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L0.Index;};CM.prototype.Index=function(){return this.$val.Index();};CM.ptr.prototype.Syntax=function(){var a;a=this;return a.L0.ParentFile.Syntax();};CM.prototype.Syntax=function(){return this.$val.Syntax();};CM.ptr.prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){var a;a=this;return false;};CM.prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){return this.$val.IsPlaceholder();};CM.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){var a,b;b=this;};CM.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(a){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(a);};CO.ptr.prototype.InitJSON=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.hasJSON=true;b.nameJSON=a;};CO.prototype.InitJSON=function(a){return this.$val.InitJSON(a);};CO.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];b=[b];b[0]=this;$r=b[0].once.Do((function(a,b){return function $b(){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=a[0].IsExtension();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(c){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d="";e=R.IsMessageSetExtension(a[0]);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:f=a[0].FullName();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=new C.FullName(f).Parent();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=("["+g+"]");$s=7;continue;case 6:h=a[0].FullName();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=("["+h+"]");case 7:b[0].nameJSON=d;b[0].nameText=d;$s=3;continue;case 2:if(!b[0].hasJSON){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:i=a[0].Name();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=M.JSONCamelCase((i));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b[0].nameJSON=j;case 13:k=a[0].Name();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b[0].nameText=(k);l=a[0].Kind();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(l===10){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:m=a[0].Message();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.Name();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b[0].nameText=(n);case 18:case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};})(a,b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return b[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:CO.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};CO.prototype.lazyInit=function(a){return this.$val.lazyInit(a);};CO.ptr.prototype.getJSON=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.lazyInit(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c.nameJSON;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:CO.ptr.prototype.getJSON,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};CO.prototype.getJSON=function(a){return this.$val.getJSON(a);};CO.ptr.prototype.getText=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.lazyInit(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c.nameText;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:CO.ptr.prototype.getText,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};CO.prototype.getText=function(a){return this.$val.getText(a);};CP=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=new CR.ptr($clone(a,C.Value).IsValid(),$clone(a,C.Value),b,DL.nil);e=$clone(a,C.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=$assertType(e,DL,true);f=d[0];g=d[1];if(g){c.bytes=$appendSlice((DL.nil),f);}$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:CP,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};$pkg.DefaultValue=CP;CQ=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=$ifaceNil;if(b===14){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=$assertType(d,DN,true);g=f[0];h=f[1];if(h&&g.Base.L0.ParentFile===c){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:e=g.L2.Values;$s=5;continue;case 4:i=d.Values();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=i;case 5:j=d.IsPlaceholder();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j&&new C.Name(($bytesToString(a))).IsValid()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:k=$clone(C.ValueOfEnum(0),C.Value);l=d.FullName();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=new C.FullName(l).Parent();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=new C.FullName(m).Append(($bytesToString(a)));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=(n);p=CP($clone(k,C.Value),new AI(o));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=14;case 14:return q;case 8:case 2:s=Q.Unmarshal(($bytesToString(a)),b,e,1);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=$clone(r[0],C.Value);u=r[1];v=r[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$panic(v);}w=CP($clone(t,C.Value),u);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=17;case 17:return x;}return;}var $f={$blk:CQ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};CR.ptr.prototype.get=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.has){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=a.Cardinality();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(c===3){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return new C.Value.ptr(EG.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",DL.nil,$ifaceNil);case 4:d=a.Kind();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(e===(8)){$s=8;continue;}if((e===(5))||(e===(17))||(e===(15))){$s=9;continue;}if((e===(3))||(e===(18))||(e===(16))){$s=10;continue;}if((e===(13))||(e===(7))){$s=11;continue;}if((e===(4))||(e===(6))){$s=12;continue;}if(e===(2)){$s=13;continue;}if(e===(1)){$s=14;continue;}if(e===(9)){$s=15;continue;}if(e===(12)){$s=16;continue;}if(e===(14)){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return C.ValueOfBool(false);case 9:$s=-1;return C.ValueOfInt32(0);case 10:$s=-1;return C.ValueOfInt64(new $Int64(0,0));case 11:$s=-1;return C.ValueOfUint32(0);case 12:$s=-1;return C.ValueOfUint64(new $Uint64(0,0));case 13:$s=-1;return C.ValueOfFloat32(0);case 14:$s=-1;return C.ValueOfFloat64(0);case 15:$s=-1;return C.ValueOfString("");case 16:$s=-1;return C.ValueOfBytes(DL.nil);case 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AU.ptr(CX.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),CX.nil);V=new AW.ptr(CZ.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),CZ.nil);W=new AZ.ptr(DA.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false);X=new BB.ptr(DB.nil,$ifaceNil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false);Y=$newDataPointer(AS.nil,DC);Z=new AM.ptr(DD.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false);AA=new AN.ptr(DE.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false,false,false,false);AB=new AO.ptr(DF.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false);AC=new AK.ptr(DG.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false);AD=new AL.ptr(DH.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false,false);AE=new AP.ptr(DI.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false);AF=new AQ.ptr(DJ.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false);BK=new E.Pool.ptr(DK.nil,(function(){return new M.Builder.ptr();}));$pkg.SurrogateProto2=new BP.ptr(new BI.ptr(new CS.ptr("",DL.nil,0,0,0,0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil),DG.nil,DD.nil,DI.nil,DJ.nil),new BQ.ptr(2,"","",new AK.ptr(DG.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AM.ptr(DD.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AP.ptr(DI.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AQ.ptr(DJ.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false)),0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new BR.ptr($throwNilPointerError,AS.nil,new BB.ptr(DB.nil,$ifaceNil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false)));$pkg.SurrogateProto3=new BP.ptr(new BI.ptr(new CS.ptr("",DL.nil,0,0,0,0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil),DG.nil,DD.nil,DI.nil,DJ.nil),new BQ.ptr(3,"","",new AK.ptr(DG.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AM.ptr(DD.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AP.ptr(DI.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new AQ.ptr(DJ.nil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false)),0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new BR.ptr($throwNilPointerError,AS.nil,new BB.ptr(DB.nil,$ifaceNil,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false)));}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["hash/crc32"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D,N,Q,AN,AO,AQ,AR,AS,R,U,W,AP,Y,Z,AA,AB,E,F,G,K,L,M,O,P,AC,AJ,AL;A=$packages["errors"];B=$packages["hash"];C=$packages["sync"];D=$packages["sync/atomic"];N=$pkg.slicing8Table=$newType(8192,$kindArray,"crc32.slicing8Table",true,"hash/crc32",false,null);Q=$pkg.Table=$newType(1024,$kindArray,"crc32.Table",true,"hash/crc32",true,null);AN=$ptrType(Q);AO=$ptrType(N);AQ=$arrayType($Uint32,256);AR=$arrayType(Q,8);AS=$ptrType($Uint32);E=function(){return false;};F=function(){$panic(new $String("not available"));};G=function(a,b){var a,b;$panic(new $String("not available"));};K=function(a){var a,b;b=AQ.zero();L(a,b);return b;};L=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f;c=0;while(true){if(!(c<256)){break;}d=((c>>>0));e=0;while(true){if(!(e<8)){break;}if(((d&1)>>>0)===1){d=(((d>>>1>>>0))^a)>>>0;}else{d=(f=(1),f<32?(d>>>f):0)>>>0;}e=e+(1)>>0;}b.nilCheck,((c<0||c>=b.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b[c]=d);c=c+(1)>>0;}};M=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;a=~a>>>0;d=c;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);a=((g=b,h=(((a<<24>>>24))^f)<<24>>>24,((h<0||h>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[h]))^((a>>>8>>>0)))>>>0;e++;}return~a>>>0;};O=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;b=AR.zero();L(a,b[0]);c=0;while(true){if(!(c<256)){break;}e=(d=b[0],((c<0||c>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[c]));f=1;while(true){if(!(f<8)){break;}e=((g=b[0],h=(e&255)>>>0,((h<0||h>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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out of range"),undefined):r[s])))>>>0;c=$subslice(c,8);}a=~a>>>0;}if(c.$length===0){return a;}return M(a,b[0],c);};AC=function(){Z=E();if(Z){F();AA=G;}else{Y=O(3988292384);AA=(function(a,b){var a,b;return P(a,Y,b);});}};AJ=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((D.LoadUint32((AP||(AP=new AS(function(){return W;},function($v){W=$v;}))))===0))&&b===R){$s=2;continue;}if(b===$pkg.IEEETable){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:d=U(a,c);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=7;case 7:return e;case 3:$r=AB.Do(AC);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=AA(a,c);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=10;case 10:return g;case 4:$s=-1;return M(a,b,c);case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:AJ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Update=AJ;AL=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=AB.Do(AC);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=AA(0,a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=3;case 3:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AL,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ChecksumIEEE=AL;N.init(Q,8);Q.init($Uint32,256);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}R=AN.nil;U=$throwNilPointerError;W=0;Y=AO.nil;Z=false;AA=$throwNilPointerError;AB=new C.Once.ptr(0,new C.Mutex.ptr(0,0));$pkg.IEEETable=K(3988292384);}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["compress/gzip"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,G,A,H,B,C,D,E,F,N,O,S,T,W,X,Y,L,M,P;G=$packages["bufio"];A=$packages["compress/flate"];H=$packages["encoding/binary"];B=$packages["errors"];C=$packages["fmt"];D=$packages["hash/crc32"];E=$packages["io"];F=$packages["time"];N=$pkg.Header=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"gzip.Header",true,"compress/gzip",true,function(Comment_,Extra_,ModTime_,Name_,OS_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Comment="";this.Extra=S.nil;this.ModTime=new F.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),T.nil);this.Name="";this.OS=0;return;}this.Comment=Comment_;this.Extra=Extra_;this.ModTime=ModTime_;this.Name=Name_;this.OS=OS_;});O=$pkg.Reader=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"gzip.Reader",true,"compress/gzip",true,function(Header_,r_,decompressor_,digest_,size_,buf_,err_,multistream_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Header=new N.ptr("",S.nil,new F.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),T.nil),"",0);this.r=$ifaceNil;this.decompressor=$ifaceNil;this.digest=0;this.size=0;this.buf=W.zero();this.err=$ifaceNil;this.multistream=false;return;}this.Header=Header_;this.r=r_;this.decompressor=decompressor_;this.digest=digest_;this.size=size_;this.buf=buf_;this.err=err_;this.multistream=multistream_;});S=$sliceType($Uint8);T=$ptrType(F.Location);W=$arrayType($Uint8,512);X=$ptrType(O);Y=$sliceType($Int32);M=function(a){var a;if($interfaceIsEqual(a,E.EOF)){return E.ErrUnexpectedEOF;}return a;};P=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=new O.ptr(new N.ptr("",S.nil,new F.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),T.nil),"",0),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,0,0,W.zero(),$ifaceNil,false);c=b.Reset(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[X.nil,d];}$s=-1;return[b,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:P,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewReader=P;O.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;O.copy(b,new O.ptr(new N.ptr("",S.nil,new F.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),T.nil),"",0),$ifaceNil,b.decompressor,0,0,W.zero(),$ifaceNil,true));c=$assertType(a,A.Reader,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(e){b.r=d;}else{b.r=G.NewReader(a);}g=b.readHeader();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;N.copy(b.Header,f[0]);b.err=f[1];$s=-1;return b.err;}return;}var $f={$blk:O.ptr.prototype.Reset,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};O.prototype.Reset=function(a){return this.$val.Reset(a);};O.ptr.prototype.Multistream=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.multistream=a;};O.prototype.Multistream=function(a){return this.$val.Multistream(a);};O.ptr.prototype.readString=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$ifaceNil;c=false;d=0;case 1:if(d>=512){$s=-1;return["",$pkg.ErrHeader];}f=a.r.ReadByte();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;(g=a.buf,((d<0||d>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[d]=e[0]));b=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return["",b];}if((h=a.buf,((d<0||d>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[d]))>127){c=true;}if((i=a.buf,((d<0||d>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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N.ptr("",S.nil,new F.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),T.nil),"",0);b=$ifaceNil;c=this;e=E.ReadFull(c.r,$subslice(new S(c.buf),0,10));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;b=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil))){f=$clone(a,N);g=b;N.copy(a,f);b=g;$s=-1;return[a,b];}if(!((c.buf[0]===31))||!((c.buf[1]===139))||!((c.buf[2]===8))){h=$clone(a,N);i=$pkg.ErrHeader;N.copy(a,h);b=i;$s=-1;return[a,b];}j=c.buf[3];k=(new $Int64(0,$clone(L,H.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(new S(c.buf),4,8))));if((k.$high>0||(k.$high===0&&k.$low>0))){F.Time.copy(a.ModTime,F.Unix(k,new $Int64(0,0)));}a.OS=c.buf[9];l=D.ChecksumIEEE($subslice(new S(c.buf),0,10));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.digest=l;if(!((((j&4)>>>0)===0))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:n=E.ReadFull(c.r,$subslice(new S(c.buf),0,2));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;b=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil))){o=$clone(a,N);p=M(b);N.copy(a,o);b=p;$s=-1;return[a,b];}q=D.Update(c.digest,D.IEEETable,$subslice(new S(c.buf),0,2));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.digest=q;r=$makeSlice(S,$clone(L,H.littleEndian).Uint16($subslice(new S(c.buf),0,2)));t=E.ReadFull(c.r,r);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;b=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil))){u=$clone(a,N);v=M(b);N.copy(a,u);b=v;$s=-1;return[a,b];}w=D.Update(c.digest,D.IEEETable,r);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.digest=w;a.Extra=r;case 4:x="";if(!((((j&8)>>>0)===0))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:z=c.readString();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;x=y[0];b=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil))){aa=$clone(a,N);ab=b;N.copy(a,aa);b=ab;$s=-1;return[a,b];}a.Name=x;case 10:if(!((((j&16)>>>0)===0))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:ad=c.readString();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;x=ac[0];b=ac[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil))){ae=$clone(a,N);af=b;N.copy(a,ae);b=af;$s=-1;return[a,b];}a.Comment=x;case 13:if(!((((j&2)>>>0)===0))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:ah=E.ReadFull(c.r,$subslice(new S(c.buf),0,2));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=ah;b=ag[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil))){ai=$clone(a,N);aj=M(b);N.copy(a,ai);b=aj;$s=-1;return[a,b];}ak=$clone(L,H.littleEndian).Uint16($subslice(new S(c.buf),0,2));if(!((ak===((c.digest<<16>>>16))))){al=$clone(a,N);am=$pkg.ErrHeader;N.copy(a,al);b=am;$s=-1;return[a,b];}case 16:c.digest=0;if($interfaceIsEqual(c.decompressor,$ifaceNil)){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:an=A.NewReader(c.r);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.decompressor=an;$s=20;continue;case 19:ao=$assertType(c.decompressor,A.Resetter).Reset(c.r,S.nil);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao;case 20:ap=$clone(a,N);aq=$ifaceNil;N.copy(a,ap);b=aq;$s=-1;return[a,b];}return;}var $f={$blk:O.ptr.prototype.readHeader,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};O.prototype.readHeader=function(){return this.$val.readHeader();};O.ptr.prototype.Read=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){e=0;f=d.err;b=e;c=f;$s=-1;return[b,c];}case 1:if(!(b===0)){$s=2;continue;}h=d.decompressor.Read(a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;b=g[0];d.err=g[1];i=D.Update(d.digest,D.IEEETable,$subslice(a,0,b));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.digest=i;d.size=d.size+(((b>>>0)))>>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,E.EOF))){j=b;k=d.err;b=j;c=k;$s=-1;return[b,c];}m=E.ReadFull(d.r,$subslice(new S(d.buf),0,8));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){d.err=M(n);o=b;p=d.err;b=o;c=p;$s=-1;return[b,c];}q=$clone(L,H.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(new S(d.buf),0,4));r=$clone(L,H.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(new S(d.buf),4,8));if(!((q===d.digest))||!((r===d.size))){d.err=$pkg.ErrChecksum;s=b;t=d.err;b=s;c=t;$s=-1;return[b,c];}u=0;v=0;d.digest=u;d.size=v;if(!d.multistream){w=b;x=E.EOF;b=w;c=x;$s=-1;return[b,c];}d.err=$ifaceNil;z=d.readHeader();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;d.err=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){aa=b;ab=d.err;b=aa;c=ab;$s=-1;return[b,c];}$s=1;continue;case 2:ac=b;ad=$ifaceNil;b=ac;c=ad;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:O.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};O.prototype.Read=function(a){return this.$val.Read(a);};O.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.decompressor.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:O.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};O.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};X.methods=[{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([E.Reader],[$error],false)},{prop:"Multistream",name:"Multistream",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Bool],[],false)},{prop:"readString",name:"readString",pkg:"compress/gzip",typ:$funcType([],[$String,$error],false)},{prop:"readHeader",name:"readHeader",pkg:"compress/gzip",typ:$funcType([],[N,$error],false)},{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([S],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Close",name:"Close",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)}];N.init("",[{prop:"Comment",name:"Comment",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"Extra",name:"Extra",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:S,tag:""},{prop:"ModTime",name:"ModTime",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:F.Time,tag:""},{prop:"Name",name:"Name",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"OS",name:"OS",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Uint8,tag:""}]);O.init("compress/gzip",[{prop:"Header",name:"Header",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:N,tag:""},{prop:"r",name:"r",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:A.Reader,tag:""},{prop:"decompressor",name:"decompressor",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:E.ReadCloser,tag:""},{prop:"digest",name:"digest",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"size",name:"size",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"buf",name:"buf",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:W,tag:""},{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""},{prop:"multistream",name:"multistream",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=G.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=H.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$pkg.ErrChecksum=B.New("gzip: invalid checksum");$pkg.ErrHeader=B.New("gzip: invalid 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$pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D,F,H,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,V,E,G,J,K;A=$packages["encoding/binary"];B=$packages["io"];C=$packages["strconv"];D=$pkg.Encoding=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"base64.Encoding",true,"encoding/base64",true,function(encode_,decodeMap_,padChar_,strict_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.encode=N.zero();this.decodeMap=O.zero();this.padChar=0;this.strict=false;return;}this.encode=encode_;this.decodeMap=decodeMap_;this.padChar=padChar_;this.strict=strict_;});F=$pkg.encoder=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"base64.encoder",true,"encoding/base64",false,function(err_,enc_,w_,buf_,nbuf_,out_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.err=$ifaceNil;this.enc=Q.nil;this.w=$ifaceNil;this.buf=R.zero();this.nbuf=0;this.out=S.zero();return;}this.err=err_;this.enc=enc_;this.w=w_;this.buf=buf_;this.nbuf=nbuf_;this.out=out_;});H=$pkg.CorruptInputError=$newType(8,$kindInt64,"base64.CorruptInputError",true,"encoding/base64",true,null);N=$arrayType($Uint8,64);O=$arrayType($Uint8,256);P=$sliceType($Uint8);Q=$ptrType(D);R=$arrayType($Uint8,3);S=$arrayType($Uint8,1024);T=$arrayType($Uint8,4);V=$ptrType(F);E=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;if(!((a.length===64))){$panic(new $String("encoding alphabet is not 64-bytes long"));}b=0;while(true){if(!(b>0;}c=new D.ptr(N.zero(),O.zero(),0,false);c.padChar=61;$copyString(new P(c.encode),a);d=0;while(true){if(!(d<256)){break;}(e=c.decodeMap,((d<0||d>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[d]=255));d=d+(1)>>0;}f=0;while(true){if(!(f=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[h]=((f<<24>>>24))));f=f+(1)>>0;}return c;};$pkg.NewEncoding=E;D.ptr.prototype.WithPadding=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;if((a===13)||(a===10)||a>255){$panic(new $String("invalid padding"));}c=0;while(true){if(!(c<64)){break;}if((((d=b.encode,((c<0||c>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[c]))>>0))===a){$panic(new $String("padding contained in alphabet"));}c=c+(1)>>0;}b.padChar=a;return b;};D.prototype.WithPadding=function(a){return this.$val.WithPadding(a);};D.ptr.prototype.Strict=function(){var a;a=this;a.strict=true;return a;};D.prototype.Strict=function(){return this.$val.Strict();};D.ptr.prototype.Encode=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=this;if(b.$length===0){return;}$unused(c.encode);d=0;e=0;f=d;g=e;i=$imul(((h=b.$length/3,(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))),3);while(true){if(!(g>0,((j<0||j>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+j]))>>>0))<<16>>>0)|((((k=g+1>>0,((k<0||k>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+k]))>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|(((l=g+2>>0,((l<0||l>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+l]))>>>0)))>>>0;(p=f+0>>0,((p<0||p>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+p]=(n=c.encode,o=((m>>>18>>>0)&63)>>>0,((o<0||o>=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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this.$val.Close();};G=function(a,b){var a,b;return new F.ptr($ifaceNil,a,b,R.zero(),0,S.zero());};$pkg.NewEncoder=G;D.ptr.prototype.EncodedLen=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;if(b.padChar===-1){return(c=((($imul(a,8))+5>>0))/6,(c===c&&c!==1/0&&c!==-1/0)?c>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));}return $imul((d=((a+2>>0))/3,(d===d&&d!==1/0&&d!==-1/0)?d>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),4);};D.prototype.EncodedLen=function(a){return this.$val.EncodedLen(a);};H.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this;return"illegal base64 data at input byte "+C.FormatInt((new $Int64(a.$high,a.$low)),10);};$ptrType(H).prototype.Error=function(){return this.$get().Error();};D.ptr.prototype.decodeQuantum=function(a,b,c){var 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this.$val.DisallowUnknownFields();};T.ptr.prototype.Decode=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return e.err;}f=e.tokenPrepareForDecode();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return g;}if(!e.tokenValueAllowed()){$s=-1;return new AD.ptr("not at beginning of value",e.InputOffset());}i=e.readValue();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return k;}e.d.init($subslice(e.buf,e.scanp,(e.scanp+j>>0)));e.scanp=e.scanp+(j)>>0;l=e.d.unmarshal(d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;e.tokenValueEnd();$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.Decode,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.Decode=function(d){return this.$val.Decode(d);};T.ptr.prototype.Buffered=function(){var d;d=this;return C.NewReader($subslice(d.buf,d.scanp));};T.prototype.Buffered=function(){return this.$val.Buffered();};T.ptr.prototype.readValue=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;d.scan.reset();e=d.scanp;f=$ifaceNil;case 1:if(!(e>=0)){$s=2;continue;}case 3:if(!(e=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+e]));d.scan.bytes=(i=d.scan.bytes,j=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(i.$high+j.$high,i.$low+j.$low));k=d.scan.step(d.scan,h);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(l===(10)){d.scan.bytes=(m=d.scan.bytes,n=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(m.$high-n.$high,m.$low-n.$low));$s=2;continue s;}else if((l===(5))||(l===(8))){if(AN(d.scan,32)===10){e=e+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue s;}}else if(l===(11)){d.err=d.scan.err;$s=-1;return[0,d.scan.err];}case 5:e=e+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:if($interfaceIsEqual(f,E.EOF)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:o=d.scan.step(d.scan,32);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(o===10){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$s=2;continue s;case 12:if(V(d.buf)){f=E.ErrUnexpectedEOF;}case 10:d.err=f;$s=-1;return[0,f];case 8:p=e-d.scanp>>0;q=d.refill();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=q;e=d.scanp+p>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[e-d.scanp>>0,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.readValue,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.readValue=function(){return this.$val.readValue();};T.ptr.prototype.refill=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(d.scanp>0){d.scanned=(e=d.scanned,f=(new $Int64(0,d.scanp)),new $Int64(e.$high+f.$high,e.$low+f.$low));g=$copySlice(d.buf,$subslice(d.buf,d.scanp));d.buf=$subslice(d.buf,0,g);d.scanp=0;}if((d.buf.$capacity-d.buf.$length>>0)<512){h=$makeSlice(FA,d.buf.$length,(($imul(2,d.buf.$capacity))+512>>0));$copySlice(h,d.buf);d.buf=h;}j=d.r.Read($subslice(d.buf,d.buf.$length,d.buf.$capacity));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];d.buf=$subslice(d.buf,0,(d.buf.$length+k>>0));$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.refill,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.refill=function(){return this.$val.refill();};V=function(d){var d,e,f,g;e=d;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);if(!AI(g)){return true;}f++;}return false;};X=function(d){var d;return new W.ptr(d,$ifaceNil,true,FD.nil,"","");};$pkg.NewEncoder=X;W.ptr.prototype.Encode=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return e.err;}f=CI();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=g.marshal(d,new CL.ptr(false,e.escapeHTML));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i;}j=g.Buffer.WriteByte(10);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=g.Buffer.Bytes();if(!(e.indentPrefix==="")||!(e.indentValue==="")){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if(e.indentBuf===FD.nil){e.indentBuf=new C.Buffer.ptr(FA.nil,0,0);}e.indentBuf.Reset();l=BS(e.indentBuf,k,e.indentPrefix,e.indentValue);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return 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this.$val.tokenValueAllowed();};T.ptr.prototype.tokenValueEnd=function(){var d,e;d=this;e=d.tokenState;if((e===(1))||(e===(2))){d.tokenState=3;}else if(e===(7)){d.tokenState=8;}};T.prototype.tokenValueEnd=function(){return this.$val.tokenValueEnd();};AA.prototype.String=function(){var d;d=this.$val;return($encodeRune(d));};$ptrType(AA).prototype.String=function(){return new AA(this.$get()).String();};T.ptr.prototype.Token=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;case 1:e=[e];f=[f];h=d.peek();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,j];}k=i;if(k===(91)){$s=5;continue;}if(k===(93)){$s=6;continue;}if(k===(123)){$s=7;continue;}if(k===(125)){$s=8;continue;}if(k===(58)){$s=9;continue;}if(k===(44)){$s=10;continue;}if(k===(34)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 5:if(!d.tokenValueAllowed()){$s=-1;return d.tokenError(i);}d.scanp=d.scanp+(1)>>0;d.tokenStack=$append(d.tokenStack,d.tokenState);d.tokenState=1;$s=-1;return[new AA(91),$ifaceNil];case 6:if(!((d.tokenState===1))&&!((d.tokenState===3))){$s=-1;return d.tokenError(i);}d.scanp=d.scanp+(1)>>0;d.tokenState=(l=d.tokenStack,m=d.tokenStack.$length-1>>0,((m<0||m>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]));d.tokenStack=$subslice(d.tokenStack,0,(d.tokenStack.$length-1>>0));d.tokenValueEnd();$s=-1;return[new AA(93),$ifaceNil];case 7:if(!d.tokenValueAllowed()){$s=-1;return d.tokenError(i);}d.scanp=d.scanp+(1)>>0;d.tokenStack=$append(d.tokenStack,d.tokenState);d.tokenState=4;$s=-1;return[new AA(123),$ifaceNil];case 8:if(!((d.tokenState===4))&&!((d.tokenState===8))){$s=-1;return d.tokenError(i);}d.scanp=d.scanp+(1)>>0;d.tokenState=(n=d.tokenStack,o=d.tokenStack.$length-1>>0,((o<0||o>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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d.tokenError(i);}f[0]=$ifaceNil;s=d.Decode((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new FF(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,t];}$s=-1;return[f[0],$ifaceNil];case 12:if(!d.tokenValueAllowed()){$s=-1;return d.tokenError(i);}f[0]=$ifaceNil;u=d.Decode((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new FF(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,t];}$s=-1;return[f[0],$ifaceNil];case 13:case 4:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.Token,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.Token=function(){return this.$val.Token();};T.ptr.prototype.tokenError=function(d){var d,e,f,g;e=this;f="";g=e.tokenState;if(g===(0)){f=" looking for beginning of value";}else if((g===(1))||(g===(2))||(g===(7))){f=" looking for beginning of value";}else if(g===(3)){f=" after array element";}else if(g===(5)){f=" looking for beginning of object key string";}else if(g===(6)){f=" after object key";}else if(g===(8)){f=" after object key:value pair";}return[$ifaceNil,new AD.ptr("invalid character "+BO(d)+f,e.InputOffset())];};T.prototype.tokenError=function(d){return this.$val.tokenError(d);};T.ptr.prototype.More=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;f=d.peek();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)&&!((g===93))&&!((g===125));}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.More,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.More=function(){return this.$val.More();};T.ptr.prototype.peek=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=$ifaceNil;case 1:f=d.scanp;while(true){if(!(f=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+f]));if(AI(h)){f=f+(1)>>0;continue;}d.scanp=f;$s=-1;return[h,$ifaceNil];}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,e];}i=d.refill();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=i;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.peek,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.peek=function(){return this.$val.peek();};T.ptr.prototype.InputOffset=function(){var d,e,f;d=this;return(e=d.scanned,f=(new $Int64(0,d.scanp)),new $Int64(e.$high+f.$high,e.$low+f.$low));};T.prototype.InputOffset=function(){return this.$val.InputOffset();};AC=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e.reset();f=d;g=0;case 1:if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);e.bytes=(i=e.bytes,j=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(i.$high+j.$high,i.$low+j.$low));k=e.step(e,h);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k===11){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return e.err;case 4:g++;$s=1;continue;case 2:l=e.eof();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(l===11){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return e.err;case 7:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AC,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AD.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var d;d=this;return d.msg;};AD.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};AG=function(){var{d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=AF.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=$assertType(d,FG);e.bytes=new $Int64(0,0);e.reset();$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG,$c:true,$r,d,e,$s};return $f;};AH=function(d){var d;if(d.parseState.$length>1024){d.parseState=EX.nil;}AF.Put(d);};AE.ptr.prototype.reset=function(){var d;d=this;d.step=AK;d.parseState=$subslice(d.parseState,0,0);d.err=$ifaceNil;d.endTop=false;};AE.prototype.reset=function(){return this.$val.reset();};AE.ptr.prototype.eof=function(){var{d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return 11;}if(d.endTop){$s=-1;return 10;}e=d.step(d,32);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;if(d.endTop){$s=-1;return 10;}if($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil)){d.err=new AD.ptr("unexpected end of JSON input",d.bytes);}$s=-1;return 11;}return;}var $f={$blk:AE.ptr.prototype.eof,$c:true,$r,d,e,$s};return $f;};AE.prototype.eof=function(){return this.$val.eof();};AE.ptr.prototype.pushParseState=function(d,e,f){var d,e,f,g;g=this;g.parseState=$append(g.parseState,e);if(g.parseState.$length<=10000){return f;}return g.error(d,"exceeded max depth");};AE.prototype.pushParseState=function(d,e,f){return this.$val.pushParseState(d,e,f);};AE.ptr.prototype.popParseState=function(){var d,e;d=this;e=d.parseState.$length-1>>0;d.parseState=$subslice(d.parseState,0,e);if(e===0){d.step=AO;d.endTop=true;}else{d.step=AN;}};AE.prototype.popParseState=function(){return this.$val.popParseState();};AI=function(d){var d;return d<=32&&((d===32)||(d===9)||(d===13)||(d===10));};AJ=function(d,e){var d,e;if(AI(e)){return 9;}if(e===93){return AN(d,e);}return AK(d,e);};AK=function(d,e){var d,e,f;if(AI(e)){return 9;}f=e;if(f===(123)){d.step=AL;return d.pushParseState(e,0,2);}else if(f===(91)){d.step=AJ;return d.pushParseState(e,2,6);}else if(f===(34)){d.step=AP;return 1;}else if(f===(45)){d.step=AV;return 1;}else if(f===(48)){d.step=AX;return 1;}else if(f===(116)){d.step=BD;return 1;}else if(f===(102)){d.step=BG;return 1;}else if(f===(110)){d.step=BK;return 1;}if(49<=e&&e<=57){d.step=AW;return 1;}return d.error(e,"looking for beginning of value");};AL=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h;if(AI(e)){return 9;}if(e===125){f=d.parseState.$length;(g=d.parseState,h=f-1>>0,((h<0||h>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]=1));return AN(d,e);}return AM(d,e);};AM=function(d,e){var d,e;if(AI(e)){return 9;}if(e===34){d.step=AP;return 1;}return d.error(e,"looking for beginning of object key string");};AN=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;f=d.parseState.$length;if(f===0){d.step=AO;d.endTop=true;return AO(d,e);}if(AI(e)){d.step=AN;return 9;}i=(g=d.parseState,h=f-1>>0,((h<0||h>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]));j=i;if(j===(0)){if(e===58){(k=d.parseState,l=f-1>>0,((l<0||l>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]=1));d.step=AK;return 3;}return d.error(e,"after object key");}else if(j===(1)){if(e===44){(m=d.parseState,n=f-1>>0,((n<0||n>=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]=0));d.step=AM;return 4;}if(e===125){d.popParseState();return 5;}return d.error(e,"after object key:value pair");}else if(j===(2)){if(e===44){d.step=AK;return 7;}if(e===93){d.popParseState();return 8;}return d.error(e,"after array element");}return d.error(e,"");};AO=function(d,e){var d,e;if(!AI(e)){d.error(e,"after top-level value");}return 10;};AP=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===34){d.step=AN;return 0;}if(e===92){d.step=AQ;return 0;}if(e<32){return d.error(e,"in string literal");}return 0;};AQ=function(d,e){var d,e,f;f=e;if((f===(98))||(f===(102))||(f===(110))||(f===(114))||(f===(116))||(f===(92))||(f===(47))||(f===(34))){d.step=AP;return 0;}else if(f===(117)){d.step=AR;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in string escape code");};AR=function(d,e){var d,e;if(48<=e&&e<=57||97<=e&&e<=102||65<=e&&e<=70){d.step=AS;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in \\u hexadecimal character escape");};AS=function(d,e){var d,e;if(48<=e&&e<=57||97<=e&&e<=102||65<=e&&e<=70){d.step=AT;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in \\u hexadecimal character escape");};AT=function(d,e){var d,e;if(48<=e&&e<=57||97<=e&&e<=102||65<=e&&e<=70){d.step=AU;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in \\u hexadecimal character escape");};AU=function(d,e){var d,e;if(48<=e&&e<=57||97<=e&&e<=102||65<=e&&e<=70){d.step=AP;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in \\u hexadecimal character escape");};AV=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===48){d.step=AX;return 0;}if(49<=e&&e<=57){d.step=AW;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in numeric literal");};AW=function(d,e){var d,e;if(48<=e&&e<=57){d.step=AW;return 0;}return AX(d,e);};AX=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===46){d.step=AY;return 0;}if((e===101)||(e===69)){d.step=BA;return 0;}return AN(d,e);};AY=function(d,e){var d,e;if(48<=e&&e<=57){d.step=AZ;return 0;}return d.error(e,"after decimal point in numeric literal");};AZ=function(d,e){var d,e;if(48<=e&&e<=57){return 0;}if((e===101)||(e===69)){d.step=BA;return 0;}return AN(d,e);};BA=function(d,e){var d,e;if((e===43)||(e===45)){d.step=BB;return 0;}return BB(d,e);};BB=function(d,e){var d,e;if(48<=e&&e<=57){d.step=BC;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in exponent of numeric literal");};BC=function(d,e){var d,e;if(48<=e&&e<=57){return 0;}return AN(d,e);};BD=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===114){d.step=BE;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in literal true (expecting 'r')");};BE=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===117){d.step=BF;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in literal true (expecting 'u')");};BF=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===101){d.step=AN;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in literal true (expecting 'e')");};BG=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===97){d.step=BH;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in literal false (expecting 'a')");};BH=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===108){d.step=BI;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in literal false (expecting 'l')");};BI=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===115){d.step=BJ;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in literal false (expecting 's')");};BJ=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===101){d.step=AN;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in literal false (expecting 'e')");};BK=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===117){d.step=BL;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in literal null (expecting 'u')");};BL=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===108){d.step=BM;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in literal null (expecting 'l')");};BM=function(d,e){var d,e;if(e===108){d.step=AN;return 0;}return d.error(e,"in literal null (expecting 'l')");};BN=function(d,e){var d,e;return 11;};AE.ptr.prototype.error=function(d,e){var d,e,f;f=this;f.step=BN;f.err=new AD.ptr("invalid character "+BO(d)+" "+e,f.bytes);return 11;};AE.prototype.error=function(d,e){return this.$val.error(d,e);};BO=function(d){var d,e;if(d===39){return"'\\''";}if(d===34){return"'\"'";}e=F.Quote(($encodeRune(d)));return"'"+$substring(e,1,(e.length-1>>0))+"'";};BQ=function(d,e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=d.Len();h=AG();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$deferred.push([AH,[i]]);j=0;k=e;l=0;case 2:if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);if(f&&((n===60)||(n===62)||(n===38))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if(j>>4<<24>>>24)));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=d.WriteByte(CF.charCodeAt(((n&15)>>>0)));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;j=m+1>>0;case 5:if(f&&(n===226)&&(m+2>>0)>0,((s<0||s>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+s]))===128)&&((((t=m+2>>0,((t<0||t>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+t]))&~1)<<24>>>24)===168)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:if(j>0,((w<0||w>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+w]))&15)>>>0)));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;j=m+3>>0;case 13:y=i.step(i,n);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;if(z>=9){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:if(z===11){$s=3;continue;}if(j>0;case 21:l++;$s=2;continue;case 3:ab=i.eof();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ab===11){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:d.Truncate(g);ac=i.err;$s=28;case 28:return ac;case 26:if(j>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BR,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BS=function(d,e,f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f,g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=d.Len();i=AG();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$deferred.push([AH,[j]]);k=false;l=0;m=e;n=0;case 2:if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);j.bytes=(p=j.bytes,q=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(p.$high+q.$high,p.$low+q.$low));r=j.step(j,o);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;if(s===9){n++;$s=2;continue;}if(s===11){$s=3;continue;}if(k&&!((s===5))&&!((s===8))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=false;l=l+(1)>>0;$r=BR(d,f,g,l);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:if(s===0){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:t=d.WriteByte(o);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;n++;$s=2;continue;case 9:u=o;if((u===(123))||(u===(91))){$s=12;continue;}if(u===(44)){$s=13;continue;}if(u===(58)){$s=14;continue;}if((u===(125))||(u===(93))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 12:k=true;v=d.WriteByte(o);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;$s=17;continue;case 13:w=d.WriteByte(o);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;$r=BR(d,f,g,l);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=17;continue;case 14:x=d.WriteByte(o);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;y=d.WriteByte(32);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;$s=17;continue;case 15:if(k){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:k=false;$s=25;continue;case 24:l=l-(1)>>0;$r=BR(d,f,g,l);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 25:z=d.WriteByte(o);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;$s=17;continue;case 16:aa=d.WriteByte(o);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa;case 17:case 11:n++;$s=2;continue;case 3:ab=j.eof();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ab===11){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:d.Truncate(h);ac=j.err;$s=32;case 32:return ac;case 30:ad=$ifaceNil;$s=33;case 33:return ad;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BS,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};$pkg.Indent=BS;BT=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;e=false;f=false;g=d;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(i>=128){return C.EqualFold;}j=(i&223)>>>0;if(j<65||j>90){e=true;}else if((j===75)||(j===83)){f=true;}h++;}if(f){return BU;}if(e){return BV;}return BW;};BU=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(e.$length===0){return false;}i=(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]);if(i<128){if(!((h===i))){j=(h&223)>>>0;if(65<=j&&j<=90){if(!((j===((i&223)>>>0)))){return false;}}else{return false;}}e=$subslice(e,1);g++;continue;}k=B.DecodeRune(e);l=k[0];m=k[1];n=h;if((n===(115))||(n===(83))){if(!((l===383))){return false;}}else if((n===(107))||(n===(75))){if(!((l===8490))){return false;}}else{return false;}e=$subslice(e,m);g++;}if(e.$length>0){return false;}return true;};BV=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;if(!((d.$length===e.$length))){return false;}f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);j=((h<0||h>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+h]);if(i===j){g++;continue;}if((97<=i&&i<=122)||(65<=i&&i<=90)){if(!((((i&223)>>>0)===((j&223)>>>0)))){return false;}}else{return false;}g++;}return true;};BW=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i;if(!((d.$length===e.$length))){return false;}f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(!((((i&223)>>>0)===((((h<0||h>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+h])&223)>>>0)))){return false;}g++;}return true;};BZ=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=0;g=e;h=0;case 1:if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if((j===60)||(j===62)||(j===38)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:if(f>>4<<24>>>24)));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=d.WriteByte(CF.charCodeAt(((j&15)>>>0)));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;f=i+1>>0;case 4:if((j===226)&&(i+2>>0)>0,((o<0||o>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+o]))===128)&&((((p=i+2>>0,((p<0||p>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+p]))&~1)<<24>>>24)===168)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:if(f>0,((s<0||s>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+s]))&15)>>>0)));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;f=i+3>>0;case 12:h++;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(f0){$panic(new $String("ptrEncoder.encode should have emptied ptrSeen via defers"));}f.ptrLevel=0;$s=-1;return f;}$s=-1;return new CG.ptr(new C.Buffer.ptr(FA.nil,0,0),FI.zero(),0,{});}return;}var $f={$blk:CI,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};CG.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=[f];f[0]=$ifaceNil;g=this;$deferred.push([(function(f){return function(){var h,i,j,k;h=$recover();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){i=$assertType(h,CJ,true);j=$clone(i[0],CJ);k=i[1];if(k){f[0]=j.error;}else{$panic(h);}}};})(f),[]]);h=L.ValueOf(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.reflectValue($clone(h,L.Value),$clone(e,CL));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f[0]=$ifaceNil;i=f[0];$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return f[0];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:CG.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};CG.prototype.marshal=function(d,e){return this.$val.marshal(d,e);};CG.ptr.prototype.error=function(d){var d,e,f;e=this;$panic((f=new CJ.ptr(d),new f.constructor.elem(f)));};CG.prototype.error=function(d){return this.$val.error(d);};CK=function(d){var d,e,f,g;e=$clone(d,L.Value).Kind();if((e===(17))||(e===(21))||(e===(23))||(e===(24))){return $clone(d,L.Value).Len()===0;}else if(e===(1)){return!$clone(d,L.Value).Bool();}else if((e===(2))||(e===(3))||(e===(4))||(e===(5))||(e===(6))){return(f=$clone(d,L.Value).Int(),(f.$high===0&&f.$low===0));}else if((e===(7))||(e===(8))||(e===(9))||(e===(10))||(e===(11))||(e===(12))){return(g=$clone(d,L.Value).Uint(),(g.$high===0&&g.$low===0));}else if((e===(13))||(e===(14))){return $clone(d,L.Value).Float()===0;}else if((e===(20))||(e===(22))){return $clone(d,L.Value).IsNil();}return false;};CG.ptr.prototype.reflectValue=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=CO($clone(d,L.Value));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g(f,$clone(d,L.Value),$clone(e,CL));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CG.ptr.prototype.reflectValue,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};CG.prototype.reflectValue=function(d,e){return this.$val.reflectValue(d,e);};CO=function(d){var{d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!$clone(d,L.Value).IsValid()){$s=-1;return CT;}e=CP($clone(d,L.Value).Type());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:CO,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};CP=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=[f];g=CN.Load(d);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(i){$s=-1;return $assertType(h,CM);}f[0]=new G.WaitGroup.ptr(0);e[0]=$throwNilPointerError;f[0].Add(1);j=CN.LoadOrStore(d,new CM(((function(e,f){return function $b(k,l,m){var{k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k,l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f[0].Wait();$r=e[0](k,$clone(l,L.Value),$clone(m,CL));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};})(e,f))));k=j[0];l=j[1];if(l){$s=-1;return $assertType(k,CM);}m=CS(d,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=m;f[0].Done();CN.Store(d,new CM(e[0]));$s=-1;return e[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:CP,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CS=function(d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=d.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!((g===22))&&e)){f=false;$s=3;continue s;}h=L.PointerTo(d).Implements(CQ);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=h;case 3:if(f){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=CV;j=CS(d,false);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=DV(i,k);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=8;case 8:return m;case 2:n=d.Implements(CQ);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(n){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return CU;case 10:p=d.Kind();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!((p===22))&&e)){o=false;$s=14;continue s;}q=L.PointerTo(d).Implements(CR);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=q;case 14:if(o){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:r=CX;s=CS(d,false);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=DV(r,t);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=19;case 19:return v;case 13:w=d.Implements(CR);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(w){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:$s=-1;return CW;case 21:x=d.Kind();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if(y===(1)){$s=25;continue;}if((y===(2))||(y===(3))||(y===(4))||(y===(5))||(y===(6))){$s=26;continue;}if((y===(7))||(y===(8))||(y===(9))||(y===(10))||(y===(11))||(y===(12))){$s=27;continue;}if(y===(13)){$s=28;continue;}if(y===(14)){$s=29;continue;}if(y===(24)){$s=30;continue;}if(y===(20)){$s=31;continue;}if(y===(25)){$s=32;continue;}if(y===(21)){$s=33;continue;}if(y===(23)){$s=34;continue;}if(y===(17)){$s=35;continue;}if(y===(22)){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 25:$s=-1;return CY;case 26:$s=-1;return CZ;case 27:$s=-1;return DA;case 28:$s=-1;return DC;case 29:$s=-1;return DD;case 30:$s=-1;return DE;case 31:$s=-1;return DG;case 32:z=DK(d);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;$s=40;case 40:return aa;case 33:ab=DM(d);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$s=42;case 42:return ac;case 34:ad=DP(d);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;$s=44;case 44:return ae;case 35:af=DR(d);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;$s=46;case 46:return ag;case 36:ah=DT(d);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;$s=48;case 48:return ai;case 37:$s=-1;return DH;case 38:case 23:$s=-1;return $throwNilPointerError;}return;}var $f={$blk:CS,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CT=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CT,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};CU=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(($clone(e,L.Value).Kind()===22)&&$clone(e,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return;case 2:i=$clone(e,L.Value).Interface();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,CA,true);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!k){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return;case 6:n=j.MarshalJSON();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:q=BQ(d.Buffer,o,f.escapeHTML);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;case 10:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){d.error(new CE.ptr($clone(e,L.Value).Type(),p,"MarshalJSON"));}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CU,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};CV=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$clone(e,L.Value).Addr();if($clone(g,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=-1;return;case 2:i=$clone(g,L.Value).Interface();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$assertType(i,CA);l=j.MarshalJSON();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:o=BQ(d.Buffer,m,f.escapeHTML);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;case 7:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){d.error(new CE.ptr($clone(e,L.Value).Type(),n,"MarshalJSON"));}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CV,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};CW=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(($clone(e,L.Value).Kind()===22)&&$clone(e,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return;case 2:i=$clone(e,L.Value).Interface();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,H.TextMarshaler,true);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!k){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return;case 6:n=j.MarshalText();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){d.error(new CE.ptr($clone(e,L.Value).Type(),p,"MarshalText"));}$r=d.stringBytes(o,f.escapeHTML);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CW,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};CX=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$clone(e,L.Value).Addr();if($clone(g,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=-1;return;case 2:i=$clone(g,L.Value).Interface();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$assertType(i,H.TextMarshaler);l=j.MarshalText();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){d.error(new CE.ptr($clone(e,L.Value).Type(),n,"MarshalText"));}$r=d.stringBytes(m,f.escapeHTML);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CX,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};CY=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(f.quoted){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;case 2:if($clone(e,L.Value).Bool()){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:h=d.Buffer.WriteString("true");$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=6;continue;case 5:i=d.Buffer.WriteString("false");$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;case 6:if(f.quoted){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:j=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;case 10:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CY,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};CZ=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=F.AppendInt($subslice(new FA(d.scratch),0,0),$clone(e,L.Value).Int(),10);if(f.quoted){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;case 2:i=d.Buffer.Write(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;if(f.quoted){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CZ,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};DA=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=F.AppendUint($subslice(new FA(d.scratch),0,0),$clone(e,L.Value).Uint(),10);if(f.quoted){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;case 2:i=d.Buffer.Write(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;if(f.quoted){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DA,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};DB.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this.$val;h=$clone(e,L.Value).Float();if(K.IsInf(h,0)||K.IsNaN(h)){d.error(new CC.ptr($clone(e,L.Value),F.FormatFloat(h,103,-1,((g>>0)))));}i=$subslice(new FA(d.scratch),0,0);j=K.Abs(h);k=102;if(!((j===0))){if((g===64)&&(j<1e-06||j>=1e+21)||(g===32)&&(($fround(j))<9.999999974752427e-07||($fround(j))>=1.0000000200408773e+21)){k=101;}}i=F.AppendFloat(i,h,k,-1,((g>>0)));if(k===101){l=i.$length;if(l>=4&&((m=l-4>>0,((m<0||m>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+m]))===101)&&((n=l-3>>0,((n<0||n>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+n]))===45)&&((o=l-2>>0,((o<0||o>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+o]))===48)){(q=l-2>>0,((q<0||q>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+q]=(p=l-1>>0,((p<0||p>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+p]))));i=$subslice(i,0,(l-1>>0));}}if(f.quoted){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:r=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;case 2:s=d.Buffer.Write(i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;if(f.quoted){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:t=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DB.prototype.encode,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(DB).prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){return new DB(this.$get()).encode(d,e,f);};DE=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual($clone(e,L.Value).Type(),ER)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=$clone(e,L.Value).String();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(h===""){h="0";}if(!DF(h)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:i=J.Errorf("json: invalid number literal %q",new EV([new $String(h)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.error(i);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:if(f.quoted){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:j=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;case 9:k=d.Buffer.WriteString(h);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;if(f.quoted){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:l=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;case 13:$s=-1;return;case 2:if(f.quoted){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:m=CI();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=$clone(e,L.Value).String();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=n.string(o,f.escapeHTML);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.stringBytes(n.Buffer.Bytes(),false);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}CH.Put(n);$s=17;continue;case 16:p=$clone(e,L.Value).String();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.string(p,f.escapeHTML);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 17:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DE,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};DF=function(d){var d;if(d===""){return false;}if(d.charCodeAt(0)===45){d=$substring(d,1);if(d===""){return false;}}if((d.charCodeAt(0)===48)){d=$substring(d,1);}else if(49<=d.charCodeAt(0)&&d.charCodeAt(0)<=57){d=$substring(d,1);while(true){if(!(d.length>0&&48<=d.charCodeAt(0)&&d.charCodeAt(0)<=57)){break;}d=$substring(d,1);}}else{return false;}if(d.length>=2&&(d.charCodeAt(0)===46)&&48<=d.charCodeAt(1)&&d.charCodeAt(1)<=57){d=$substring(d,2);while(true){if(!(d.length>0&&48<=d.charCodeAt(0)&&d.charCodeAt(0)<=57)){break;}d=$substring(d,1);}}if(d.length>=2&&((d.charCodeAt(0)===101)||(d.charCodeAt(0)===69))){d=$substring(d,1);if((d.charCodeAt(0)===43)||(d.charCodeAt(0)===45)){d=$substring(d,1);if(d===""){return false;}}while(true){if(!(d.length>0&&48<=d.charCodeAt(0)&&d.charCodeAt(0)<=57)){break;}d=$substring(d,1);}}return d==="";};DG=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(e,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return;case 2:h=$clone(e,L.Value).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.reflectValue($clone(h,L.Value),$clone(f,CL));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DG,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};DH=function(d,e,f){var d,e,f;d.error(new CB.ptr($clone(e,L.Value).Type()));};DI.ptr.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=123;i=g.fields.list;j=0;case 1:if(!(j=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+k]));n=e;o=m.index;p=0;case 3:if(!(p=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]);if($clone(n,L.Value).Kind()===22){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if($clone(n,L.Value).IsNil()){j++;$s=1;continue s;}r=$clone(n,L.Value).Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=r;case 6:s=$clone(n,L.Value).Field(q);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=s;p++;$s=3;continue;case 4:if(m.omitEmpty&&CK($clone(n,L.Value))){j++;$s=1;continue;}t=d.Buffer.WriteByte(h);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;h=44;if(f.escapeHTML){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:u=d.Buffer.WriteString(m.nameEscHTML);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;$s=12;continue;case 11:v=d.Buffer.WriteString(m.nameNonEsc);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;case 12:f.quoted=m.quoted;$r=m.encoder(d,$clone(n,L.Value),$clone(f,CL));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j++;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(h===123){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:w=d.Buffer.WriteString("{}");$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;$s=18;continue;case 17:x=d.Buffer.WriteByte(125);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;case 18:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DI.ptr.prototype.encode,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};DI.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){return this.$val.encode(d,e,f);};DK=function(d){var{d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=EE(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=new DI.ptr($clone(e,DJ));$s=-1;return $methodVal($clone(f,DI),"encode");}return;}var $f={$blk:DK,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};DL.ptr.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=[g];h=this;if($clone(e,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=4;case 4:return;case 2:d.ptrLevel=d.ptrLevel+(1)>>>0;if(d.ptrLevel>1000){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=$clone(e,L.Value).Pointer();k=(l=d.ptrSeen[$emptyInterface.keyFor(new $Uintptr(j))],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:[new FK.ptr(),false]);m=k[1];if(m){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:n=J.Sprintf("encountered a cycle via %s",new EV([$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.error(new CC.ptr($clone(e,L.Value),n));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:o=new $Uintptr(j);(d.ptrSeen||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:new FK.ptr()};$deferred.push([function(p,q){delete p[$emptyInterface.keyFor(q)];},[d.ptrSeen,new $Uintptr(j)]]);case 6:r=d.Buffer.WriteByte(123);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;g[0]=$makeSlice(FL,$clone(e,L.Value).Len());s=$clone(e,L.Value).MapRange();t=0;case 12:u=s.Next();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(u)){$s=13;continue;}v=s.Key();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}((t<0||t>=g[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+t]).k=v;w=s.Value();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}((t<0||t>=g[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+t]).v=w;x=((t<0||t>=g[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+t]).resolve();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:z=$clone(e,L.Value).Type().String();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=new $String(z);ab=y.Error();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=new $String(ab);ad=J.Errorf("json: encoding error for type %q: %q",new EV([aa,ac]));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.error(ad);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 19:t=t+(1)>>0;$s=12;continue;case 13:$r=M.Slice(g[0],(function(g){return function(ae,af){var ae,af;return((ae<0||ae>=g[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+ae]).ks<((af<0||af>=g[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+af]).ks;};})(g));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=g[0];af=0;case 25:if(!(af=ae.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ae.$array[ae.$offset+af]),DY);if(ag>0){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:ai=d.Buffer.WriteByte(44);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai;case 28:$r=d.string(ah.ks,f.escapeHTML);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=d.Buffer.WriteByte(58);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;$r=h.elemEnc(d,$clone(ah.v,L.Value),$clone(f,CL));$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af++;$s=25;continue;case 26:ak=d.Buffer.WriteByte(125);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak;d.ptrLevel=d.ptrLevel-(1)>>>0;$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DL.ptr.prototype.encode,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DL.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){return this.$val.encode(d,e,f);};DM=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=d.Key();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if((g===(24))||(g===(2))||(g===(3))||(g===(4))||(g===(5))||(g===(6))||(g===(7))||(g===(8))||(g===(9))||(g===(10))||(g===(11))||(g===(12))){$s=4;continue;}h=d.Key();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.Implements(CR);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!i){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:$s=6;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return DH;case 6:case 1:j=d.Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=CP(j);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=new DL.ptr(k);$s=-1;return $methodVal($clone(l,DL),"encode");}return;}var $f={$blk:DM,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};DN=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(e,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return;case 2:h=$clone(e,L.Value).Bytes();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=I.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(i.$length);if(k<=64){$s=6;continue;}if(k<=1024){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 6:l=$subslice(new FA(d.scratch),0,k);I.StdEncoding.Encode(l,i);m=d.Buffer.Write(l);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;$s=9;continue;case 7:n=$makeSlice(FA,k);I.StdEncoding.Encode(n,i);o=d.Buffer.Write(n);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;$s=9;continue;case 8:p=I.NewEncoder(I.StdEncoding,d);q=p.Write(i);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=p.Close();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;case 9:s=d.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DN,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};DO.ptr.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;if($clone(e,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=4;case 4:return;case 2:d.ptrLevel=d.ptrLevel+(1)>>>0;if(d.ptrLevel>1000){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:i=new FM.ptr($clone(e,L.Value).Pointer(),$clone(e,L.Value).Len());j=(k=d.ptrSeen[$emptyInterface.keyFor(new i.constructor.elem(i))],k!==undefined?[k.v,true]:[new FK.ptr(),false]);l=j[1];if(l){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:m=J.Sprintf("encountered a cycle via %s",new EV([$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.error(new CC.ptr($clone(e,L.Value),m));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:n=new i.constructor.elem(i);(d.ptrSeen||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(n)]={k:n,v:new FK.ptr()};$deferred.push([function(o,p){delete o[$emptyInterface.keyFor(p)];},[d.ptrSeen,new i.constructor.elem(i)]]);case 6:$r=g.arrayEnc(d,$clone(e,L.Value),$clone(f,CL));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.ptrLevel=d.ptrLevel-(1)>>>0;$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DO.ptr.prototype.encode,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DO.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){return this.$val.encode(d,e,f);};DP=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=d.Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(f===8){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=d.Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=L.PointerTo(g);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;k=i.Implements(CQ);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!k)){j=false;$s=9;continue s;}l=i.Implements(CR);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=!l;case 9:if(j){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$s=-1;return DN;case 8:case 2:m=DR(d);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=new DO.ptr(m);$s=-1;return $methodVal($clone(n,DO),"encode");}return;}var $f={$blk:DP,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};DQ.ptr.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=d.Buffer.WriteByte(91);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;i=$clone(e,L.Value).Len();j=0;case 2:if(!(j0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:k=d.Buffer.WriteByte(44);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 5:l=d;m=$clone(e,L.Value).Index(j);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,L.Value);o=$clone(f,CL);$r=g.elemEnc(l,n,o);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=j+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:p=d.Buffer.WriteByte(93);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.encode,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};DQ.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){return this.$val.encode(d,e,f);};DR=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=d.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=CP(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=new DQ.ptr(f);$s=-1;return $methodVal($clone(g,DQ),"encode");}return;}var $f={$blk:DR,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DS.ptr.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;if($clone(e,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=d.Buffer.WriteString("null");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=4;case 4:return;case 2:d.ptrLevel=d.ptrLevel+(1)>>>0;if(d.ptrLevel>1000){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:i=$clone(e,L.Value).Interface();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=(l=d.ptrSeen[$emptyInterface.keyFor(j)],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:[new FK.ptr(),false]);m=k[1];if(m){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:n=J.Sprintf("encountered a cycle via %s",new EV([$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.error(new CC.ptr($clone(e,L.Value),n));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 9:o=j;(d.ptrSeen||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:new FK.ptr()};$deferred.push([function(p,q){delete p[$emptyInterface.keyFor(q)];},[d.ptrSeen,j]]);case 6:r=d;s=$clone(e,L.Value).Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,L.Value);u=$clone(f,CL);$r=g.elemEnc(r,t,u);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.ptrLevel=d.ptrLevel-(1)>>>0;$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DS.ptr.prototype.encode,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DS.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){return this.$val.encode(d,e,f);};DT=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=d.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=CP(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=new DS.ptr(f);$s=-1;return $methodVal($clone(g,DS),"encode");}return;}var $f={$blk:DT,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DU.ptr.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if($clone(e,L.Value).CanAddr()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.canAddrEnc(d,$clone(e,L.Value),$clone(f,CL));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=g.elseEnc(d,$clone(e,L.Value),$clone(f,CL));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DU.ptr.prototype.encode,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DU.prototype.encode=function(d,e,f){return this.$val.encode(d,e,f);};DV=function(d,e){var d,e,f;f=new DU.ptr(d,e);return $methodVal($clone(f,DU),"encode");};DW=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h;if(d===""){return false;}e=d;f=0;while(true){if(!(f?@[]^_{|}~ ",h)){}else if(!N.IsLetter(h)&&!N.IsDigit(h)){return false;}f+=g[1];}return true;};DX=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=e;g=0;case 1:if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);i=d.Kind();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i===22){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:j=d.Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=j;case 4:k=d.Field(h);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=k.Type;g++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:DX,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};DY.ptr.prototype.resolve=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if($clone(d.k,L.Value).Kind()===24){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=$clone(d.k,L.Value).String();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.ks=e;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:g=$clone(d.k,L.Value).Interface();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=$assertType(g,H.TextMarshaler,true);h=f[0];i=f[1];if(i){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if(($clone(d.k,L.Value).Kind()===22)&&$clone(d.k,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}k=h.MarshalText();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];d.ks=($bytesToString(l));$s=-1;return m;case 6:n=$clone(d.k,L.Value).Kind();if((n===(2))||(n===(3))||(n===(4))||(n===(5))||(n===(6))){d.ks=F.FormatInt($clone(d.k,L.Value).Int(),10);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}else if((n===(7))||(n===(8))||(n===(9))||(n===(10))||(n===(11))||(n===(12))){d.ks=F.FormatUint($clone(d.k,L.Value).Uint(),10);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}$panic(new $String("unexpected map key type"));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DY.ptr.prototype.resolve,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};DY.prototype.resolve=function(){return this.$val.resolve();};CG.ptr.prototype.string=function(d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.Buffer.WriteByte(34);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;h=0;i=0;case 2:if(!(i=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[j])||(!e&&((j<0||j>=R.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):R[j]))){i=i+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;}if(h>>4<<24>>>24)));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;t=f.Buffer.WriteByte(CF.charCodeAt(((j&15)>>>0)));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;case 16:case 10:i=i+(1)>>0;h=i;$s=2;continue;case 5:u=B.DecodeRuneInString($substring(d,i));v=u[0];w=u[1];if((v===65533)&&(w===1)){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:if(h>0;h=i;$s=2;continue;case 25:if((v===8232)||(v===8233)){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:if(h>0;h=i;$s=2;continue;case 31:i=i+(w)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:if(h=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+i]);if(j<128){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if(((j<0||j>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[j])||(!e&&((j<0||j>=R.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):R[j]))){i=i+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;}if(h>>4<<24>>>24)));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;t=f.Buffer.WriteByte(CF.charCodeAt(((j&15)>>>0)));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;case 16:case 10:i=i+(1)>>0;h=i;$s=2;continue;case 5:u=B.DecodeRune($subslice(d,i));v=u[0];w=u[1];if((v===65533)&&(w===1)){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:if(h>0;h=i;$s=2;continue;case 25:if((v===8232)||(v===8233)){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:if(h>0;h=i;$s=2;continue;case 31:i=i+(w)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:if(h=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]),DZ);h=$clone(((d<0||d>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+d]),DZ);DZ.copy(((d<0||d>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+d]),g);DZ.copy(((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]),h);};$ptrType(EA).prototype.Swap=function(d,e){return this.$get().Swap(d,e);};EA.prototype.Less=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;f=this;g=((d<0||d>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+d]).index;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(i>=((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]).index.$length){return false;}if(!((j===(k=((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]).index,((i<0||i>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+i]))))){return j<(l=((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]).index,((i<0||i>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+i]));}h++;}return((d<0||d>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+d]).index.$length<((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]).index.$length;};$ptrType(EA).prototype.Less=function(d,e){return this.$get().Less(d,e);};EB=function(d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=[f];g=new FJ([]);h=new FJ([new DZ.ptr("",FA.nil,$throwNilPointerError,"","",false,EX.nil,d,false,false,$throwNilPointerError)]);i=false;j=false;k=i;l=j;m=$makeMap(L.Type.keyFor,[]);e[0]=FJ.nil;f[0]=new C.Buffer.ptr(FA.nil,0,0);case 1:if(!(h.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}n=h;o=$subslice(g,0,0);g=n;h=o;p=l;q=$makeMap(L.Type.keyFor,[]);k=p;l=q;r=g;s=0;case 3:if(!(s=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]),DZ);if((u=m[L.Type.keyFor(t.typ)],u!==undefined?u.v:false)){s++;$s=3;continue;}v=t.typ;(m||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[L.Type.keyFor(v)]={k:v,v:true};w=0;case 5:x=t.typ.NumField();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(w>0;$s=5;continue;case 17:$s=11;continue;case 10:w=w+(1)>>0;$s=5;continue;case 11:af=new L.StructTag(z.Tag).Get("json");if(af==="-"){w=w+(1)>>0;$s=5;continue;}ag=Q(af);ah=ag[0];ai=ag[1];if(!DW(ah)){ah="";}aj=$makeSlice(EX,(t.index.$length+1>>0));$copySlice(aj,t.index);(ak=t.index.$length,((ak<0||ak>=aj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aj.$array[aj.$offset+ak]=w));al=z.Type;an=al.Name();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(an==="")){am=false;$s=22;continue s;}ao=al.Kind();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=ao===22;case 22:if(am){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:ap=al.Elem();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ap;case 21:aq=false;if(new P(ai).Contains("string")){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:ar=al.Kind();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar;if((as===(1))||(as===(2))||(as===(3))||(as===(4))||(as===(5))||(as===(6))||(as===(7))||(as===(8))||(as===(9))||(as===(10))||(as===(11))||(as===(12))||(as===(13))||(as===(14))||(as===(24))){aq=true;}case 28:case 27:if(!(ah==="")||!z.Anonymous){at=true;$s=32;continue s;}au=al.Kind();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=!((au===25));case 32:if(at){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:av=!(ah==="");if(ah===""){ah=z.Name;}aw=new DZ.ptr(ah,FA.nil,$throwNilPointerError,"","",av,aj,al,new P(ai).Contains("omitempty"),aq,$throwNilPointerError);aw.nameBytes=(new FA($stringToBytes(aw.name)));aw.equalFold=BT(aw.nameBytes);f[0].Reset();ax=f[0].WriteString("\"");$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax;$r=BZ(f[0],aw.nameBytes);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=f[0].WriteString("\":");$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay;aw.nameEscHTML=f[0].String();aw.nameNonEsc="\""+aw.name+"\":";e[0]=$append(e[0],aw);if((az=k[L.Type.keyFor(t.typ)],az!==undefined?az.v:0)>1){e[0]=$append(e[0],(ba=e[0].$length-1>>0,((ba<0||ba>=e[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[0].$array[e[0].$offset+ba])));}w=w+(1)>>0;$s=5;continue;case 31:bb=al;(l||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[L.Type.keyFor(bb)]={k:bb,v:(bc=l[L.Type.keyFor(al)],bc!==undefined?bc.v:0)+(1)>>0};if((bd=l[L.Type.keyFor(al)],bd!==undefined?bd.v:0)===1){$s=37;continue;}$s=38;continue;case 37:be=al.Name();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$append(h,new DZ.ptr(be,FA.nil,$throwNilPointerError,"","",false,aj,al,false,false,$throwNilPointerError));case 38:w=w+(1)>>0;$s=5;continue;case 6:s++;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=1;continue;case 2:$r=M.Slice(e[0],(function(e,f){return function(bf,bg){var bf,bg,bh;bh=e[0];if(!(((bf<0||bf>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bf]).name===((bg<0||bg>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bg]).name)){return((bf<0||bf>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bf]).name<((bg<0||bg>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bg]).name;}if(!((((bf<0||bf>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bf]).index.$length===((bg<0||bg>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bg]).index.$length))){return((bf<0||bf>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bf]).index.$length<((bg<0||bg>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bg]).index.$length;}if(!(((bf<0||bf>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bf]).tag===((bg<0||bg>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bg]).tag)){return((bf<0||bf>=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bf]).tag;}return($convertSliceType(bh,EA)).Less(bf,bg);};})(e,f));$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=$subslice(e[0],0,0);bg=0;bh=0;bi=bg;bj=bh;while(true){if(!(bj=e[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[0].$array[e[0].$offset+bj]),DZ);bl=bk.name;bi=1;while(true){if(!((bj+bi>>0)>0,((bm<0||bm>=e[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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range"),undefined):bz.$array[bz.$offset+ca]),DZ);cd=cc.name;(by||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(cd)]={k:cd,v:cb};ca++;}$s=-1;return new DJ.ptr(e[0],by);}return;}var $f={$blk:EB,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};EC=function(d){var d;if(d.$length>1&&((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]).index.$length===(1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1]).index.$length)&&(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]).tag===(1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1]).tag){return[new DZ.ptr("",FA.nil,$throwNilPointerError,"","",false,EX.nil,$ifaceNil,false,false,$throwNilPointerError),false];}return[(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]),true];};EE=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=ED.Load(d);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(g){$s=-1;return $assertType(f,DJ);}i=d;k=EB(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=(j=k,new j.constructor.elem(j));m=ED.LoadOrStore(i,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=m;n=h[0];$s=-1;return $assertType(n,DJ);}return;}var $f={$blk:EE,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};EF=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=new EM.ptr(FA.nil,0,0,new AE.ptr($throwNilPointerError,false,EX.nil,$ifaceNil,new $Int64(0,0)),FC.nil,$ifaceNil,false,false);g=AC(d,f.scan);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return h;}f.init(d);i=f.unmarshal(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:EF,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Unmarshal=EF;EH.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(!(d.Struct==="")||!(d.Field==="")){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=d.Type.String();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f="json: cannot unmarshal "+d.Value+" into Go struct field "+d.Struct+"."+d.Field+" of type "+e;$s=4;case 4:return f;case 2:g=d.Type.String();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h="json: cannot unmarshal "+d.Value+" into Go value of type "+g;$s=6;case 6:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:EH.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};EH.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};EJ.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(d.Type,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return"json: Unmarshal(nil)";}e=d.Type.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((e===22))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=d.Type.String();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g="json: Unmarshal(non-pointer "+f+")";$s=5;case 5:return g;case 2:h=d.Type.String();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i="json: Unmarshal(nil "+h+")";$s=7;case 7:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:EJ.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};EJ.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};EM.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=L.ValueOf(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!(($clone(g,L.Value).Kind()===22))||$clone(g,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return new EJ.ptr(L.TypeOf(d));}e.scan.reset();$r=e.scanWhile(9);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=e.value($clone(g,L.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:j=e.addErrorContext(i);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=7;case 7:return k;case 5:$s=-1;return e.savedError;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.unmarshal,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.unmarshal=function(d){return this.$val.unmarshal(d);};EK.prototype.String=function(){var d;d=this.$val;return(d);};$ptrType(EK).prototype.String=function(){return new EK(this.$get()).String();};EK.prototype.Float64=function(){var d;d=this.$val;return F.ParseFloat((d),64);};$ptrType(EK).prototype.Float64=function(){return new EK(this.$get()).Float64();};EK.prototype.Int64=function(){var d;d=this.$val;return F.ParseInt((d),10,64);};$ptrType(EK).prototype.Int64=function(){return new EK(this.$get()).Int64();};EM.ptr.prototype.readIndex=function(){var d;d=this;return d.off-1>>0;};EM.prototype.readIndex=function(){return this.$val.readIndex();};EM.ptr.prototype.init=function(d){var d,e;e=this;e.data=d;e.off=0;e.savedError=$ifaceNil;if(!(e.errorContext===FC.nil)){e.errorContext.Struct=$ifaceNil;e.errorContext.FieldStack=$subslice(e.errorContext.FieldStack,0,0);}return e;};EM.prototype.init=function(d){return this.$val.init(d);};EM.ptr.prototype.saveError=function(d){var{d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(e.savedError,$ifaceNil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=e.addErrorContext(d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.savedError=f;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.saveError,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.saveError=function(d){return this.$val.saveError(d);};EM.ptr.prototype.addErrorContext=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(!(e.errorContext===FC.nil)&&(!($interfaceIsEqual(e.errorContext.Struct,$ifaceNil))||e.errorContext.FieldStack.$length>0)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=d;if($assertType(f,FN,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=f.$val;h=e.errorContext.Struct.Name();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.Struct=h;g.Field=A.Join(e.errorContext.FieldStack,".");case 4:case 2:$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.addErrorContext,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.addErrorContext=function(d){return this.$val.addErrorContext(d);};EM.ptr.prototype.skip=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.scan;f=d.data;g=d.off;h=e;i=f;j=g;k=h.parseState.$length;case 1:l=h.step(h,((j<0||j>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;j=j+(1)>>0;if(h.parseState.$length=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f])));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.opcode=g;d.off=d.off+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 2:h=d.scan.eof();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.opcode=h;d.off=d.data.$length+1>>0;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.scanNext,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.scanNext=function(){return this.$val.scanNext();};EM.ptr.prototype.scanWhile=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.scan;g=e.data;h=e.off;i=f;j=g;k=h;case 1:if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;k=k+(1)>>0;if(!((m===d))){e.opcode=m;e.off=k;$s=-1;return;}$s=1;continue;case 2:e.off=j.$length+1>>0;n=e.scan.eof();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.opcode=n;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.scanWhile,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.scanWhile=function(d){return this.$val.scanWhile(d);};EM.ptr.prototype.rescanLiteral=function(){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;d=this;e=d.data;f=d.off;g=e;h=f;Switch:switch(0){default:j=(i=h-1>>0,((i<0||i>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+i]));if(j===(34)){while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(k===(92)){h=h+(1)>>0;}else if(k===(34)){h=h+(1)>>0;break Switch;}h=h+(1)>>0;}}else if((j===(48))||(j===(49))||(j===(50))||(j===(51))||(j===(52))||(j===(53))||(j===(54))||(j===(55))||(j===(56))||(j===(57))||(j===(45))){while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if((l===(48))||(l===(49))||(l===(50))||(l===(51))||(l===(52))||(l===(53))||(l===(54))||(l===(55))||(l===(56))||(l===(57))||(l===(46))||(l===(101))||(l===(69))||(l===(43))||(l===(45))){}else{break Switch;}h=h+(1)>>0;}}else if(j===(116)){h=h+(3)>>0;}else if(j===(102)){h=h+(4)>>0;}else if(j===(110)){h=h+(3)>>0;}}if(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]));}else{d.opcode=10;}d.off=h+1>>0;};EM.prototype.rescanLiteral=function(){return this.$val.rescanLiteral();};EM.ptr.prototype.value=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.opcode;if(f===(6)){$s=2;continue;}if(f===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(f===(1)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:if($clone(d,L.Value).IsValid()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:g=e.array($clone(d,L.Value));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return h;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=e.skip();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 9:$r=e.scanNext();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=6;continue;case 3:if($clone(d,L.Value).IsValid()){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:i=e.object($clone(d,L.Value));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}$s=15;continue;case 14:$r=e.skip();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 15:$r=e.scanNext();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=6;continue;case 4:k=e.readIndex();e.rescanLiteral();if($clone(d,L.Value).IsValid()){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:l=e.literalStore($subslice(e.data,k,e.readIndex()),$clone(d,L.Value),false);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}case 20:$s=6;continue;case 5:$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.value,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.value=function(d){return this.$val.value(d);};EM.ptr.prototype.valueQuoted=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.opcode;if((e===(6))||(e===(2))){$s=2;continue;}if(e===(1)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:$r=d.skip();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.scanNext();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 3:f=d.literalInterface();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=g;if(h===$ifaceNil||$assertType(h,$String,true)[1]){$s=-1;return g;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return(i=new EN.ptr(),new i.constructor.elem(i));}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.valueQuoted,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.valueQuoted=function(){return this.$val.valueQuoted();};EO=function(d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=d;g=false;if(!(!(($clone(d,L.Value).Kind()===22)))){h=false;$s=3;continue s;}i=$clone(d,L.Value).Type().Name();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=!(i==="");case 3:if(h&&$clone(d,L.Value).CanAddr()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=true;d=$clone(d,L.Value).Addr();case 2:case 5:if(($clone(d,L.Value).Kind()===20)&&!$clone(d,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:j=$clone(d,L.Value).Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!(($clone(k,L.Value).Kind()===22)&&!$clone(k,L.Value).IsNil())){l=false;$s=12;continue s;}if(!e){m=true;$s=13;continue s;}n=$clone(k,L.Value).Elem();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,L.Value).Kind();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=o===22;case 13:l=m;case 12:if(l){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:g=false;d=k;$s=5;continue;case 11:case 8:if(!(($clone(d,L.Value).Kind()===22))){$s=6;continue;}if(e&&$clone(d,L.Value).CanSet()){$s=6;continue;}q=$clone(d,L.Value).Elem();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,L.Value).Kind();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(r===20)){p=false;$s=18;continue s;}s=$clone(d,L.Value).Elem();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,L.Value).Elem();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$equal(t,d,L.Value);case 18:if(p){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:u=$clone(d,L.Value).Elem();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=u;$s=6;continue;case 17:if($clone(d,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:v=$clone(d,L.Value).Type().Elem();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=L.New(v);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(d,L.Value).Set($clone(w,L.Value));$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 25:x=$clone(d,L.Value).Type().NumMethod();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(x>0&&$clone(d,L.Value).CanInterface()){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:z=$clone(d,L.Value).Interface();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$assertType(z,EG,true);aa=y[0];ab=y[1];if(ab){$s=-1;return[aa,$ifaceNil,new L.Value.ptr(FO.nil,0,0)];}if(!e){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:ad=$clone(d,L.Value).Interface();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=$assertType(ad,H.TextUnmarshaler,true);ae=ac[0];af=ac[1];if(af){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,ae,new L.Value.ptr(FO.nil,0,0)];}case 34:case 30:if(g){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:d=f;g=false;$s=38;continue;case 37:ag=$clone(d,L.Value).Elem();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=ag;case 38:$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:EO,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};EM.ptr.prototype.array=function(d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=EO($clone(d,L.Value),false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];j=f[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=e.readIndex();$r=e.skip();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=h.UnmarshalJSON($subslice(e.data,k,e.off));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=6;case 6:return m;case 3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=e.saveError(new EH.ptr("array",$clone(d,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,e.off)),"",""));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.skip();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 8:d=j;n=$clone(d,L.Value).Kind();if(n===(20)){$s=12;continue;}if((n===(17))||(n===(23))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 12:if($clone(d,L.Value).NumMethod()===0){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:o=e.arrayInterface();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=L.ValueOf(p);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(d,L.Value).Set($clone(q,L.Value));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 17:$r=e.saveError(new EH.ptr("array",$clone(d,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,e.off)),"",""));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.skip();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 13:$s=11;continue;$s=15;continue;case 14:$r=e.saveError(new EH.ptr("array",$clone(d,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,e.off)),"",""));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.skip();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 15:case 11:r=0;case 25:$r=e.scanWhile(9);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e.opcode===8){$s=26;continue;}if($clone(d,L.Value).Kind()===23){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:if(r>=$clone(d,L.Value).Cap()){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:t=$clone(d,L.Value).Cap()+(s=$clone(d,L.Value).Cap()/2,(s===s&&s!==1/0&&s!==-1/0)?s>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0;if(t<4){t=4;}u=L.MakeSlice($clone(d,L.Value).Type(),$clone(d,L.Value).Len(),t);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=L.Copy($clone(v,L.Value),$clone(d,L.Value));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;$r=$clone(d,L.Value).Set($clone(v,L.Value));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 31:if(r>=$clone(d,L.Value).Len()){$clone(d,L.Value).SetLen(r+1>>0);}case 29:if(r<$clone(d,L.Value).Len()){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:x=$clone(d,L.Value).Index(r);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=e.value($clone(x,L.Value));$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return z;}$s=37;continue;case 36:aa=e.value(new L.Value.ptr(FO.nil,0,0));$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ab;}case 37:r=r+(1)>>0;if(e.opcode===9){$s=41;continue;}$s=42;continue;case 41:$r=e.scanWhile(9);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 42:if(e.opcode===8){$s=26;continue;}if(!((e.opcode===7))){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}$s=25;continue;case 26:if(r<$clone(d,L.Value).Len()){$s=44;continue;}$s=45;continue;case 44:if($clone(d,L.Value).Kind()===17){$s=46;continue;}$s=47;continue;case 46:ac=$clone(d,L.Value).Type().Elem();$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=L.Zero(ac);$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;case 51:if(!(r<$clone(d,L.Value).Len())){$s=52;continue;}af=$clone(d,L.Value).Index(r);$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(af,L.Value).Set($clone(ae,L.Value));$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=r+(1)>>0;$s=51;continue;case 52:$s=48;continue;case 47:$clone(d,L.Value).SetLen(r);case 48:case 45:if((r===0)&&($clone(d,L.Value).Kind()===23)){$s=55;continue;}$s=56;continue;case 55:ag=L.MakeSlice($clone(d,L.Value).Type(),0,0);$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(d,L.Value).Set($clone(ag,L.Value));$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 56:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.array,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.array=function(d){return this.$val.array(d);};EM.ptr.prototype.object=function(d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=EO($clone(d,L.Value),false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];j=f[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=e.readIndex();$r=e.skip();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=h.UnmarshalJSON($subslice(e.data,k,e.off));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=6;case 6:return m;case 3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=e.saveError(new EH.ptr("object",$clone(d,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,e.off)),"",""));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.skip();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 8:d=j;n=$clone(d,L.Value).Type();if(($clone(d,L.Value).Kind()===20)&&($clone(d,L.Value).NumMethod()===0)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:o=e.objectInterface();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=L.ValueOf(new FP(p));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(d,L.Value).Set($clone(q,L.Value));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 12:r=new DJ.ptr(FJ.nil,false);s=$clone(d,L.Value).Kind();if(s===(21)){$s=17;continue;}if(s===(25)){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 17:t=n.Key();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.Kind();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if((v===(24))||(v===(2))||(v===(3))||(v===(4))||(v===(5))||(v===(6))||(v===(7))||(v===(8))||(v===(9))||(v===(10))||(v===(11))||(v===(12))){$s=24;continue;}w=n.Key();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=L.PointerTo(w);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x.Implements(EQ);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!y){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 24:$s=26;continue;case 25:$r=e.saveError(new EH.ptr("object",n,(new $Int64(0,e.off)),"",""));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.skip();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 26:case 21:if($clone(d,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:z=L.MakeMap(n);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(d,L.Value).Set($clone(z,L.Value));$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 33:$s=20;continue;case 18:aa=EE(n);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}DJ.copy(r,aa);$s=20;continue;case 19:$r=e.saveError(new EH.ptr("object",n,(new $Int64(0,e.off)),"",""));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.skip();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 20:case 16:ab=new L.Value.ptr(FO.nil,0,0);ac=new EL.ptr($ifaceNil,FQ.nil);if(!(e.errorContext===FC.nil)){EL.copy(ac,e.errorContext);}case 39:$r=e.scanWhile(9);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e.opcode===5){$s=40;continue;}if(!((e.opcode===1))){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}ad=e.readIndex();e.rescanLiteral();ae=$subslice(e.data,ad,e.readIndex());af=EU(ae);ag=af[0];ah=af[1];if(!ah){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}ai=new L.Value.ptr(FO.nil,0,0);aj=false;if($clone(d,L.Value).Kind()===21){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:ak=n.Elem();$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak;if(!$clone(ab,L.Value).IsValid()){$s=46;continue;}$s=47;continue;case 46:am=$clone(L.New(al),L.Value).Elem();$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=am;$s=48;continue;case 47:an=L.Zero(al);$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(ab,L.Value).Set($clone(an,L.Value));$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 48:ai=ab;$s=44;continue;case 43:ao=FR.nil;ap=(aq=r.nameIndex[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString(ag)))],aq!==undefined?[aq.v,true]:[0,false]);ar=ap[0];as=ap[1];if(as){$s=52;continue;}$s=53;continue;case 52:ao=(at=r.list,((ar<0||ar>=at.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):at.$array[at.$offset+ar]));$s=54;continue;case 53:au=r.list;av=0;case 55:if(!(av=ax.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ax.$array[ax.$offset+aw]));az=ay.equalFold(ay.nameBytes,ag);$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(az){$s=57;continue;}$s=58;continue;case 57:ao=ay;$s=56;continue;case 58:av++;$s=55;continue;case 56:case 54:if(!(ao===FR.nil)){$s=60;continue;}if(e.disallowUnknownFields){$s=61;continue;}$s=62;continue;case 60:ai=d;aj=ao.quoted;ba=ao.index;bb=0;case 63:if(!(bb=ba.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ba.$array[ba.$offset+bb]);if($clone(ai,L.Value).Kind()===22){$s=65;continue;}$s=66;continue;case 65:if($clone(ai,L.Value).IsNil()){$s=67;continue;}$s=68;continue;case 67:if(!$clone(ai,L.Value).CanSet()){$s=69;continue;}$s=70;continue;case 69:bd=$clone(ai,L.Value).Type().Elem();$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bd;bf=J.Errorf("json: cannot set embedded pointer to unexported struct: %v",new EV([be]));$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.saveError(bf);$s=73;case 73:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=new L.Value.ptr(FO.nil,0,0);aj=false;$s=64;continue;case 70:bg=$clone(ai,L.Value).Type().Elem();$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=L.New(bg);$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(ai,L.Value).Set($clone(bh,L.Value));$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 68:bi=$clone(ai,L.Value).Elem();$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=bi;case 66:bj=$clone(ai,L.Value).Field(bc);$s=78;case 78:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=bj;bb++;$s=63;continue;case 64:if(e.errorContext===FC.nil){e.errorContext=new EL.ptr($ifaceNil,FQ.nil);}e.errorContext.FieldStack=$append(e.errorContext.FieldStack,ao.name);e.errorContext.Struct=n;$s=62;continue;case 61:bk=J.Errorf("json: unknown field %q",new EV([ag]));$s=79;case 79:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.saveError(bk);$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 62:case 44:if(e.opcode===9){$s=81;continue;}$s=82;continue;case 81:$r=e.scanWhile(9);$s=83;case 83:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 82:if(!((e.opcode===3))){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}$r=e.scanWhile(9);$s=84;case 84:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(aj){$s=85;continue;}$s=86;continue;case 85:bm=e.valueQuoted();$s=88;case 88:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=bm;if(bl===$ifaceNil){$s=89;continue;}if($assertType(bl,$String,true)[1]){$s=90;continue;}$s=91;continue;case 89:bn=bl;bq=e.literalStore(EP,$clone(ai,L.Value),false);$s=93;case 93:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}br=bq;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(br,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return br;}$s=92;continue;case 90:bo=bl.$val;bs=e.literalStore((new FA($stringToBytes(bo))),$clone(ai,L.Value),true);$s=94;case 94:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt=bs;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bt,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bt;}$s=92;continue;case 91:bp=bl;bu=J.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal unquoted value into %v",new EV([$clone(ai,L.Value).Type()]));$s=95;case 95:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.saveError(bu);$s=96;case 96:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 92:$s=87;continue;case 86:bv=e.value($clone(ai,L.Value));$s=97;case 97:if($c){$c=false;bv=bv.$blk();}if(bv&&bv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bw=bv;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bw,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bw;}case 87:if($clone(d,L.Value).Kind()===21){$s=98;continue;}$s=99;continue;case 98:bx=n.Key();$s=100;case 100:if($c){$c=false;bx=bx.$blk();}if(bx&&bx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}by=bx;bz=new L.Value.ptr(FO.nil,0,0);ca=L.PointerTo(by).Implements(EQ);$s=106;case 106:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ca){$s=102;continue;}cb=by.Kind();$s=107;case 107:if($c){$c=false;cb=cb.$blk();}if(cb&&cb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((cb===24)){$s=103;continue;}$s=104;continue;case 102:bz=L.New(by);cc=e.literalStore(ae,$clone(bz,L.Value),true);$s=108;case 108:if($c){$c=false;cc=cc.$blk();}if(cc&&cc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cd=cc;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cd,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return cd;}ce=$clone(bz,L.Value).Elem();$s=109;case 109:if($c){$c=false;ce=ce.$blk();}if(ce&&ce.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bz=ce;$s=105;continue;case 103:cf=L.ValueOf(ag);$s=110;case 110:if($c){$c=false;cf=cf.$blk();}if(cf&&cf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cg=$clone(cf,L.Value).Convert(by);$s=111;case 111:if($c){$c=false;cg=cg.$blk();}if(cg&&cg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bz=cg;$s=105;continue;case 104:ch=by.Kind();$s=113;case 113:if($c){$c=false;ch=ch.$blk();}if(ch&&ch.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ci=ch;if((ci===(2))||(ci===(3))||(ci===(4))||(ci===(5))||(ci===(6))){$s=114;continue;}if((ci===(7))||(ci===(8))||(ci===(9))||(ci===(10))||(ci===(11))||(ci===(12))){$s=115;continue;}$s=116;continue;case 114:cj=($bytesToString(ag));ck=F.ParseInt(cj,10,64);cl=ck[0];cm=ck[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cm,$ifaceNil))){cn=true;$s=120;continue s;}co=L.Zero(by);$s=121;case 121:if($c){$c=false;co=co.$blk();}if(co&&co.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cp=$clone(co,L.Value).OverflowInt(cl);$s=122;case 122:if($c){$c=false;cp=cp.$blk();}if(cp&&cp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cn=cp;case 120:if(cn){$s=118;continue;}$s=119;continue;case 118:$r=e.saveError(new EH.ptr("number "+cj,by,(new $Int64(0,(ad+1>>0))),"",""));$s=123;case 123:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=112;continue;case 119:cq=L.ValueOf(cl);$s=124;case 124:if($c){$c=false;cq=cq.$blk();}if(cq&&cq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cr=$clone(cq,L.Value).Convert(by);$s=125;case 125:if($c){$c=false;cr=cr.$blk();}if(cr&&cr.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bz=cr;$s=117;continue;case 115:cs=($bytesToString(ag));ct=F.ParseUint(cs,10,64);cu=ct[0];cv=ct[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cv,$ifaceNil))){cw=true;$s=128;continue s;}cx=L.Zero(by);$s=129;case 129:if($c){$c=false;cx=cx.$blk();}if(cx&&cx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cy=$clone(cx,L.Value).OverflowUint(cu);$s=130;case 130:if($c){$c=false;cy=cy.$blk();}if(cy&&cy.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cw=cy;case 128:if(cw){$s=126;continue;}$s=127;continue;case 126:$r=e.saveError(new EH.ptr("number "+cs,by,(new $Int64(0,(ad+1>>0))),"",""));$s=131;case 131:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=112;continue;case 127:cz=L.ValueOf(cu);$s=132;case 132:if($c){$c=false;cz=cz.$blk();}if(cz&&cz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}da=$clone(cz,L.Value).Convert(by);$s=133;case 133:if($c){$c=false;da=da.$blk();}if(da&&da.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bz=da;$s=117;continue;case 116:$panic(new $String("json: Unexpected key type"));case 117:case 112:case 105:case 101:if($clone(bz,L.Value).IsValid()){$s=134;continue;}$s=135;continue;case 134:$r=$clone(d,L.Value).SetMapIndex($clone(bz,L.Value),$clone(ai,L.Value));$s=136;case 136:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 135:case 99:if(e.opcode===9){$s=137;continue;}$s=138;continue;case 137:$r=e.scanWhile(9);$s=139;case 139:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 138:if(!(e.errorContext===FC.nil)){e.errorContext.FieldStack=$subslice(e.errorContext.FieldStack,0,ac.FieldStack.$length);e.errorContext.Struct=ac.Struct;}if(e.opcode===5){$s=40;continue;}if(!((e.opcode===4))){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}$s=39;continue;case 40:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.object,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.object=function(d){return this.$val.object(d);};EM.ptr.prototype.convertNumber=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h;e=this;if(e.useNumber){return[new EK((d)),$ifaceNil];}f=F.ParseFloat(d,64);g=f[0];h=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){return[$ifaceNil,new EH.ptr("number "+d,L.TypeOf(new $Float64(0)),(new $Int64(0,e.off)),"","")];}return[new $Float64(g),$ifaceNil];};EM.prototype.convertNumber=function(d){return this.$val.convertNumber(d);};EM.ptr.prototype.literalStore=function(d,e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(d.$length===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=J.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v",new EV([d,$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.saveError(h);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:i=(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===110;k=EO($clone(e,L.Value),i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];n=j[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:o=l.UnmarshalJSON(d);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=9;case 9:return p;case 7:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:if(!(((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===34))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:if(f){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:q=J.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v",new EV([d,$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.saveError(q);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 15:r="number";s=(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]);if(s===(110)){r="null";}else if((s===(116))||(s===(102))){r="bool";}$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr(r,$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 13:t=EU(d);u=t[0];v=t[1];if(!v){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:if(f){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:w=J.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v",new EV([d,$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=24;case 24:return x;case 22:$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));case 20:y=m.UnmarshalText(u);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=26;case 26:return z;case 11:e=n;aa=(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]);ab=aa;if(ab===(110)){$s=28;continue;}if((ab===(116))||(ab===(102))){$s=29;continue;}if(ab===(34)){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 28:if(f&&!(($bytesToString(d))==="null")){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:ac=J.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v",new EV([d,$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.saveError(ac);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=27;continue;case 34:ad=$clone(e,L.Value).Kind();if((ad===(20))||(ad===(22))||(ad===(21))||(ad===(23))){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 38:ae=L.Zero($clone(e,L.Value).Type());$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(e,L.Value).Set($clone(ae,L.Value));$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 39:case 37:$s=32;continue;case 29:af=(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===116;if(f&&!(($bytesToString(d))==="true")&&!(($bytesToString(d))==="false")){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:ag=J.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v",new EV([d,$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.saveError(ag);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=27;continue;case 43:ah=$clone(e,L.Value).Kind();if(ah===(1)){$s=47;continue;}if(ah===(20)){$s=48;continue;}if(f){$s=49;continue;}$s=50;continue;case 47:$clone(e,L.Value).SetBool(af);$s=51;continue;case 48:if($clone(e,L.Value).NumMethod()===0){$s=52;continue;}$s=53;continue;case 52:ai=L.ValueOf(new $Bool(af));$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(e,L.Value).Set($clone(ai,L.Value));$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=54;continue;case 53:$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr("bool",$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 54:$s=51;continue;case 49:aj=J.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v",new EV([d,$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.saveError(aj);$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=51;continue;case 50:$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr("bool",$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 51:case 46:$s=32;continue;case 30:ak=EU(d);al=ak[0];am=ak[1];if(!am){$s=61;continue;}$s=62;continue;case 61:if(f){$s=63;continue;}$s=64;continue;case 63:an=J.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v",new EV([d,$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=an;$s=66;case 66:return ao;case 64:$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));case 62:ap=$clone(e,L.Value).Kind();if(ap===(23)){$s=68;continue;}if(ap===(24)){$s=69;continue;}if(ap===(20)){$s=70;continue;}$s=71;continue;case 68:aq=$clone(e,L.Value).Type().Elem();$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq.Kind();$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((ar===8))){$s=73;continue;}$s=74;continue;case 73:$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr("string",$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=67;continue;case 74:as=$makeSlice(FA,I.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(al.$length));at=I.StdEncoding.Decode(as,al);au=at[0];av=at[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(av,$ifaceNil))){$s=78;continue;}$s=79;continue;case 78:$r=g.saveError(av);$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=67;continue;case 79:$r=$clone(e,L.Value).SetBytes($subslice(as,0,au));$s=81;case 81:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=72;continue;case 69:if($interfaceIsEqual($clone(e,L.Value).Type(),ER)&&!DF(($bytesToString(al)))){$s=82;continue;}$s=83;continue;case 82:aw=J.Errorf("json: invalid number literal, trying to unmarshal %q into Number",new EV([d]));$s=84;case 84:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=aw;$s=85;case 85:return ax;case 83:$clone(e,L.Value).SetString(($bytesToString(al)));$s=72;continue;case 70:if($clone(e,L.Value).NumMethod()===0){$s=86;continue;}$s=87;continue;case 86:ay=L.ValueOf(new $String(($bytesToString(al))));$s=89;case 89:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(e,L.Value).Set($clone(ay,L.Value));$s=90;case 90:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=88;continue;case 87:$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr("string",$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=91;case 91:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 88:$s=72;continue;case 71:$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr("string",$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=92;case 92:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 72:case 67:$s=32;continue;case 31:if(!((aa===45))&&(aa<48||aa>57)){$s=93;continue;}$s=94;continue;case 93:if(f){$s=95;continue;}$s=96;continue;case 95:az=J.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v",new EV([d,$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=97;case 97:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=98;case 98:return ba;case 96:$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));case 94:bb=($bytesToString(d));bc=$clone(e,L.Value).Kind();if(bc===(20)){$s=100;continue;}if((bc===(2))||(bc===(3))||(bc===(4))||(bc===(5))||(bc===(6))){$s=101;continue;}if((bc===(7))||(bc===(8))||(bc===(9))||(bc===(10))||(bc===(11))||(bc===(12))){$s=102;continue;}if((bc===(13))||(bc===(14))){$s=103;continue;}$s=104;continue;case 100:bd=g.convertNumber(bb);be=bd[0];bf=bd[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bf,$ifaceNil))){$s=106;continue;}$s=107;continue;case 106:$r=g.saveError(bf);$s=108;case 108:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=99;continue;case 107:if(!(($clone(e,L.Value).NumMethod()===0))){$s=109;continue;}$s=110;continue;case 109:$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr("number",$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=111;case 111:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=99;continue;case 110:bg=L.ValueOf(be);$s=112;case 112:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(e,L.Value).Set($clone(bg,L.Value));$s=113;case 113:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=105;continue;case 101:bh=F.ParseInt(bb,10,64);bi=bh[0];bj=bh[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bj,$ifaceNil))||$clone(e,L.Value).OverflowInt(bi)){$s=114;continue;}$s=115;continue;case 114:$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr("number "+bb,$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=116;case 116:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=99;continue;case 115:$clone(e,L.Value).SetInt(bi);$s=105;continue;case 102:bk=F.ParseUint(bb,10,64);bl=bk[0];bm=bk[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bm,$ifaceNil))||$clone(e,L.Value).OverflowUint(bl)){$s=117;continue;}$s=118;continue;case 117:$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr("number "+bb,$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=119;case 119:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=99;continue;case 118:$clone(e,L.Value).SetUint(bl);$s=105;continue;case 103:bo=bb;bp=$clone(e,L.Value).Type().Bits();$s=120;case 120:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=bp;br=F.ParseFloat(bo,bq);$s=121;case 121:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=br;bs=bn[0];bt=bn[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bt,$ifaceNil))||$clone(e,L.Value).OverflowFloat(bs)){$s=122;continue;}$s=123;continue;case 122:$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr("number "+bb,$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=124;case 124:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=99;continue;case 123:$clone(e,L.Value).SetFloat(bs);$s=105;continue;case 104:if(($clone(e,L.Value).Kind()===24)&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(e,L.Value).Type(),ER)){$clone(e,L.Value).SetString(bb);$s=99;continue;}if(f){$s=125;continue;}$s=126;continue;case 125:bu=J.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v",new EV([d,$clone(e,L.Value).Type()]));$s=127;case 127:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bv=bu;$s=128;case 128:return bv;case 126:$r=g.saveError(new EH.ptr("number",$clone(e,L.Value).Type(),(new $Int64(0,g.readIndex())),"",""));$s=129;case 129:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 105:case 99:case 32:case 27:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.literalStore,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.literalStore=function(d,e,f){return this.$val.literalStore(d,e,f);};EM.ptr.prototype.valueInterface=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=$ifaceNil;e=this;f=e.opcode;if(f===(6)){$s=2;continue;}if(f===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(f===(1)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:g=e.arrayInterface();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=g;$r=e.scanNext();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=6;continue;case 3:h=e.objectInterface();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=new FP(h);$r=e.scanNext();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=6;continue;case 4:i=e.literalInterface();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=i;$s=6;continue;case 5:$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.valueInterface,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.valueInterface=function(){return this.$val.valueInterface();};EM.ptr.prototype.arrayInterface=function(){var{d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=$makeSlice(EV,0);case 1:$r=d.scanWhile(9);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(d.opcode===8){$s=2;continue;}f=d.valueInterface();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=$append(e,f);if(d.opcode===9){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=d.scanWhile(9);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:if(d.opcode===8){$s=2;continue;}if(!((d.opcode===7))){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.arrayInterface,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.arrayInterface=function(){return this.$val.arrayInterface();};EM.ptr.prototype.objectInterface=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e={};case 1:$r=d.scanWhile(9);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(d.opcode===5){$s=2;continue;}if(!((d.opcode===1))){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}f=d.readIndex();d.rescanLiteral();g=$subslice(d.data,f,d.readIndex());h=ET(g);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(!j){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}if(d.opcode===9){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=d.scanWhile(9);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:if(!((d.opcode===3))){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}$r=d.scanWhile(9);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=d.valueInterface();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=i;(e||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(k)]={k:k,v:l};if(d.opcode===9){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=d.scanWhile(9);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:if(d.opcode===5){$s=2;continue;}if(!((d.opcode===4))){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.objectInterface,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.objectInterface=function(){return this.$val.objectInterface();};EM.ptr.prototype.literalInterface=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.readIndex();d.rescanLiteral();f=$subslice(d.data,e,d.readIndex());g=(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]);h=g;if(h===(110)){$s=2;continue;}if((h===(116))||(h===(102))){$s=3;continue;}if(h===(34)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:$s=-1;return new $Bool((g===116));case 4:i=ET(f);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(!k){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}$s=-1;return new $String(j);case 5:if(!((g===45))&&(g<48||g>57)){$panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?"));}l=d.convertNumber(($bytesToString(f)));m=l[0];n=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=d.saveError(n);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:$s=-1;return m;case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM.ptr.prototype.literalInterface,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.literalInterface=function(){return this.$val.literalInterface();};ES=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h;if(d.$length<6||!(((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===92))||!(((1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1])===117))){return-1;}e=0;f=$subslice(d,2,6);g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(48<=h&&h<=57){h=h-48<<24>>>24;}else if(97<=h&&h<=102){h=(h-97<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24;}else if(65<=h&&h<=70){h=(h-65<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24;}else{return-1;}e=($imul(e,16))+((h>>0))>>0;g++;}return e;};ET=function(d){var d,e,f,g;e="";f=false;g=EU(d);d=g[0];f=g[1];e=($bytesToString(d));return[e,f];};EU=function(d){var aa,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;e=FA.nil;f=false;if(d.$length<2||!(((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===34))||!(((g=d.$length-1>>0,((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]))===34))){return[e,f];}d=$subslice(d,1,(d.$length-1>>0));h=0;while(true){if(!(h=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+h]);if((i===92)||(i===34)||i<32){break;}if(i<128){h=h+(1)>>0;continue;}j=B.DecodeRune($subslice(d,h));k=j[0];l=j[1];if((k===65533)&&(l===1)){break;}h=h+(l)>>0;}if(h===d.$length){m=d;n=true;e=m;f=n;return[e,f];}o=$makeSlice(FA,(d.$length+8>>0));p=$copySlice(o,$subslice(d,0,h));while(true){if(!(h=(o.$length-8>>0)){q=$makeSlice(FA,($imul(((o.$length+4>>0)),2)));$copySlice(q,$subslice(o,0,p));o=q;}r=((h<0||h>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+h]);if((r===92)){h=h+(1)>>0;if(h>=d.$length){return[e,f];}switch(0){default:s=((h<0||h>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+h]);if((s===(34))||(s===(92))||(s===(47))||(s===(39))){((p<0||p>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d.IsValid();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=!e;case 3:if(c){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return"";case 2:b.allowInvalidUTF8=true;b.AllowPartial=true;b.EmitUnknown=true;g=$clone(b,S).Marshal(a);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];$s=-1;return($bytesToString(h));}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Format=function(a){return this.$val.Format(a);};S.ptr.prototype.Marshal=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=$clone(b,S).marshal(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Marshal,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Marshal=function(a){return this.$val.Marshal(a);};S.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[123,125]);if(b.Multiline&&b.Indent===""){b.Indent=" ";}if($interfaceIsEqual(b.Resolver,$ifaceNil)){b.Resolver=O.GlobalTypes;}e=F.NewEncoder(b.Indent,$clone(c,X),b.EmitASCII);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[Y.nil,g];}if($interfaceIsEqual(a,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[new Y([]),$ifaceNil];}h=new T.ptr(f,$clone(b,S));i=a.ProtoReflect();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(h,T).marshalMessage(i,false);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[Y.nil,g];}k=h.Encoder.Bytes();if(b.Indent.length>0&&k.$length>0){k=$append(k,10);}if(b.AllowPartial){$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}l=M.CheckInitialized(a);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=[k,l];$s=5;case 5:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.marshal=function(a){return this.$val.marshal(a);};T.ptr.prototype.marshalMessage=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=[c];d=[d];c[0]=this;e=a.Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(!(true)){g=false;$s=4;continue s;}h=E.IsMessageSet(f);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;case 4:if(g){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=G.New("no support for proto1 MessageSets",new Z([]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=7;case 7:return j;case 3:if(b){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=c[0].Encoder.StartMessage();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(c[0].Encoder,"EndMessage"),[]]);case 9:k=f.FullName();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k==="google.protobuf.Any"){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:l=$clone(c[0],T).marshalAny(a);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(l){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:m=$ifaceNil;$s=17;case 17:return m;case 15:case 12:d[0]=$ifaceNil;$r=J.RangeFields(a,J.IndexNameFieldOrder,(function(c,d){return function $b(n,o){var{n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:p=n.TextName();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(c[0],T).marshalField(p,$clone(o,N.Value),n);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d[0]=q;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};})(c,d));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:n=d[0];$s=21;case 21:return n;case 20:if(c[0].opts.EmitUnknown){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:o=a.GetUnknown();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(c[0],T).marshalUnknown($convertSliceType(o,Y));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 23:p=$ifaceNil;$s=26;case 26:return p;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.marshalMessage,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};T.prototype.marshalMessage=function(a,b){return this.$val.marshalMessage(a,b);};T.ptr.prototype.marshalField=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=c.IsList();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e){$s=2;continue;}f=c.IsMap();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(f){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:g=a;h=$clone(b,N.Value).List();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=c;k=$clone(d,T).marshalList(g,i,j);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=10;case 10:return l;case 3:m=a;n=$clone(b,N.Value).Map();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=c;q=$clone(d,T).marshalMap(m,o,p);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=13;case 13:return r;case 4:$r=d.Encoder.WriteName(a);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(d,T).marshalSingular($clone(b,N.Value),c);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=16;case 16:return t;case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.marshalField,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.marshalField=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.marshalField(a,b,c);};T.ptr.prototype.marshalSingular=function(a,b){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=b.Kind();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;f=e;if(f===(8)){$s=3;continue;}if(f===(9)){$s=4;continue;}if((f===(5))||(f===(3))||(f===(17))||(f===(18))||(f===(15))||(f===(16))){$s=5;continue;}if((f===(13))||(f===(4))||(f===(7))||(f===(6))){$s=6;continue;}if(f===(2)){$s=7;continue;}if(f===(1)){$s=8;continue;}if(f===(12)){$s=9;continue;}if(f===(14)){$s=10;continue;}if((f===(11))||(f===(10))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 3:g=$clone(a,N.Value).Bool();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.Encoder.WriteBool(g);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=13;continue;case 4:h=$clone(a,N.Value).String();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!(!c.opts.allowInvalidUTF8)){j=false;$s=19;continue s;}k=L.EnforceUTF8(b);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;case 19:if(j&&!C.ValidString(i)){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:l=b.FullName();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=G.InvalidUTF8((l));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=23;case 23:return n;case 18:$r=c.Encoder.WriteString(i);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=13;continue;case 5:o=$clone(a,N.Value).Int();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.Encoder.WriteInt(o);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=13;continue;case 6:p=$clone(a,N.Value).Uint();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.Encoder.WriteUint(p);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=13;continue;case 7:q=$clone(a,N.Value).Float();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.Encoder.WriteFloat(q,32);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=13;continue;case 8:r=$clone(a,N.Value).Float();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.Encoder.WriteFloat(r,64);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=13;continue;case 9:s=$clone(a,N.Value).Bytes();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.Encoder.WriteString(($bytesToString(s)));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=13;continue;case 10:t=$clone(a,N.Value).Enum();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=b.Enum();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v.Values();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w.ByNumber(u);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil))){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 39:z=y.Name();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.Encoder.WriteLiteral((z));$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=41;continue;case 40:$r=c.Encoder.WriteInt((new $Int64(0,u)));$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 41:$s=13;continue;case 11:aa=$clone(a,N.Value).Message();$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$clone(c,T).marshalMessage(aa,true);$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$s=47;case 47:return ac;case 12:ad=b.FullName();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=new N.FullName(ad);af=new N.Kind(e);ag=A.Sprintf("%v has unknown kind: %v",new Z([ae,af]));$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(ag));case 13:case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.marshalSingular,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.marshalSingular=function(a,b){return this.$val.marshalSingular(a,b);};T.ptr.prototype.marshalList=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=b.Len();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=0;case 2:if(!(g>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.marshalList,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.marshalList=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.marshalList(a,b,c);};T.ptr.prototype.marshalMap=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];c=[c];d=[d];e=[e];d[0]=this;e[0]=$ifaceNil;$r=J.RangeEntries(b,J.GenericKeyOrder,(function(a,c,d,e){return function $b(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$r=d[0].Encoder.WriteName(a[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d[0].Encoder.StartMessage();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(d[0].Encoder,"EndMessage"),[]]);$r=d[0].Encoder.WriteName("key");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone($clone(f,N.MapKey).Value(),N.Value);i=c[0].MapKey();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=$clone(d[0],T).marshalSingular(h,j);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:l=false;$s=8;case 8:return l;case 7:$r=d[0].Encoder.WriteName("value");$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$clone(g,N.Value);n=c[0].MapValue();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=$clone(d[0],T).marshalSingular(m,o);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=p;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:q=false;$s=14;case 14:return q;case 13:r=true;$s=15;case 15:return r;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};})(a,c,d,e));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return e[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.marshalMap,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.marshalMap=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.marshalMap(a,b,c);};T.ptr.prototype.marshalUnknown=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}c=D.ConsumeTag(a);d=c[0];e=c[1];f=c[2];a=$subslice(a,f);$r=b.Encoder.WriteName(B.FormatInt((new $Int64(0,d)),10));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=e;if(g===(0)){$s=5;continue;}if(g===(5)){$s=6;continue;}if(g===(1)){$s=7;continue;}if(g===(2)){$s=8;continue;}if(g===(3)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 5:h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=D.ConsumeVarint(a);h=i[0];f=i[1];$r=b.Encoder.WriteUint(h);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=11;continue;case 6:j=0;k=D.ConsumeFixed32(a);j=k[0];f=k[1];$r=b.Encoder.WriteLiteral("0x"+B.FormatUint((new $Uint64(0,j)),16));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=11;continue;case 7:l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=D.ConsumeFixed64(a);l=m[0];f=m[1];$r=b.Encoder.WriteLiteral("0x"+B.FormatUint(l,16));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=11;continue;case 8:n=Y.nil;o=D.ConsumeBytes(a);n=o[0];f=o[1];$r=b.Encoder.WriteString(($bytesToString(n)));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=11;continue;case 9:$r=b.Encoder.StartMessage();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=Y.nil;q=D.ConsumeGroup(d,a);p=q[0];f=q[1];$r=$clone(b,T).marshalUnknown(p);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=b.Encoder.EndMessage();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=11;continue;case 10:r=A.Sprintf("prototext: error parsing unknown field wire type: %v",new Z([new D.Type(e)]));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(r));case 11:case 4:a=$subslice(a,f);$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.marshalUnknown,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.marshalUnknown=function(a){return this.$val.marshalUnknown(a);};T.ptr.prototype.marshalAny=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=a.Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c.Fields();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;f=e.ByNumber(1);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=a.Get(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,N.Value).String();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;l=b.opts.Resolver.FindMessageByURL(j);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}o=m.New();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.Interface();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=e.ByNumber(2);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=a.Get(s);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,N.Value);v=$clone(u,N.Value).Bytes();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=new M.UnmarshalOptions.ptr(new K.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),false,true,false,b.opts.Resolver,0).Unmarshal(v,q);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=w;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}x=$clone(b.Encoder.Snapshot(),F.encoderState);$r=b.Encoder.WriteName("["+j+"]");$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=q.ProtoReflect();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$clone(b,T).marshalMessage(y,true);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=z;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){b.Encoder.Reset($clone(x,F.encoderState));$s=-1;return false;}$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:T.ptr.prototype.marshalAny,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};T.prototype.marshalAny=function(a){return this.$val.marshalAny(a);};S.methods=[{prop:"Format",name:"Format",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([N.ProtoMessage],[$String],false)},{prop:"Marshal",name:"Marshal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([N.ProtoMessage],[Y,$error],false)},{prop:"marshal",name:"marshal",pkg:"google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext",typ:$funcType([N.ProtoMessage],[Y,$error],false)}];T.methods=[{prop:"marshalMessage",name:"marshalMessage",pkg:"google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext",typ:$funcType([N.Message,$Bool],[$error],false)},{prop:"marshalField",name:"marshalField",pkg:"google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext",typ:$funcType([$String,N.Value,N.FieldDescriptor],[$error],false)},{prop:"marshalSingular",name:"marshalSingular",pkg:"google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext",typ:$funcType([N.Value,N.FieldDescriptor],[$error],false)},{prop:"marshalList",name:"marshalList",pkg:"google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext",typ:$funcType([$String,N.List,N.FieldDescriptor],[$error],false)},{prop:"marshalMap",name:"marshalMap",pkg:"google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext",typ:$funcType([$String,N.Map,N.FieldDescriptor],[$error],false)},{prop:"marshalUnknown",name:"marshalUnknown",pkg:"google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext",typ:$funcType([Y],[],false)},{prop:"marshalAny",name:"marshalAny",pkg:"google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext",typ:$funcType([N.Message],[$Bool],false)}];S.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext",[{prop:"NoUnkeyedLiterals",name:"NoUnkeyedLiterals",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:K.NoUnkeyedLiterals,tag:""},{prop:"Multiline",name:"Multiline",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"Indent",name:"Indent",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"EmitASCII",name:"EmitASCII",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"allowInvalidUTF8",name:"allowInvalidUTF8",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"AllowPartial",name:"AllowPartial",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"EmitUnknown",name:"EmitUnknown",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"Resolver",name:"Resolver",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AC,tag:""}]);T.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext",[{prop:"Encoder",name:"Encoder",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:AD,tag:""},{prop:"opts",name:"opts",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:S,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=L.$init();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=M.$init();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=N.$init();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=O.$init();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/tag"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,D,E,F,G,A,B,C,K,L,M,N,O,H,I,J;D=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval"];E=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc"];F=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs"];G=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"];A=$packages["reflect"];B=$packages["strconv"];C=$packages["strings"];K=$ptrType(E.File);L=$funcType([],[],false);M=$arrayType(L,0);N=$sliceType($Uint8);O=$sliceType($String);I=function(a,b,c){var{a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=new E.Field.ptr(new E.Base.ptr(new E.BaseL0.ptr("",K.nil,$ifaceNil,0)),new E.FieldL1.ptr($throwNilPointerError,0,0,0,new E.stringName.ptr(false,new $packages["sync"].Once.ptr(0,new $packages["sync"].Mutex.ptr(0,0)),"",""),false,false,false,false,false,false,new E.defaultValue.ptr(false,new G.Value.ptr(M.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",N.nil,$ifaceNil),$ifaceNil,N.nil),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil));d.Base.L0.ParentFile=E.SurrogateProto2;case 1:if(!(a.length>0)){$s=2;continue;}e=C.IndexByte(a,44);if(e<0){e=a.length;}f=$substring(a,0,e);if(C.HasPrefix(f,"name=")){$s=4;continue;}if(C.Trim(f,"0123456789")===""){$s=5;continue;}if(f==="opt"){$s=6;continue;}if(f==="req"){$s=7;continue;}if(f==="rep"){$s=8;continue;}if(f==="varint"){$s=9;continue;}if(f==="zigzag32"){$s=10;continue;}if(f==="zigzag64"){$s=11;continue;}if(f==="fixed32"){$s=12;continue;}if(f==="fixed64"){$s=13;continue;}if(f==="bytes"){$s=14;continue;}if(f==="group"){$s=15;continue;}if(C.HasPrefix(f,"enum=")){$s=16;continue;}if(C.HasPrefix(f,"json=")){$s=17;continue;}if(f==="packed"){$s=18;continue;}if(C.HasPrefix(f,"weak=")){$s=19;continue;}if(C.HasPrefix(f,"def=")){$s=20;continue;}if(f==="proto3"){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 4:d.Base.L0.FullName=($substring(f,5));$s=22;continue;case 5:g=B.ParseUint(f,10,32);h=g[0];d.L1.Number=((h.$low>>0));$s=22;continue;case 6:d.L1.Cardinality=1;$s=22;continue;case 7:d.L1.Cardinality=2;$s=22;continue;case 8:d.L1.Cardinality=3;$s=22;continue;case 9:i=b.Kind();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(j===(1)){d.L1.Kind=8;}else if(j===(5)){d.L1.Kind=5;}else if(j===(6)){d.L1.Kind=3;}else if(j===(10)){d.L1.Kind=13;}else if(j===(11)){d.L1.Kind=4;}case 23:$s=22;continue;case 10:k=b.Kind();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k===5){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:d.L1.Kind=17;case 26:$s=22;continue;case 11:l=b.Kind();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(l===6){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:d.L1.Kind=18;case 29:$s=22;continue;case 12:m=b.Kind();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(n===(5)){d.L1.Kind=15;}else if(n===(10)){d.L1.Kind=7;}else if(n===(13)){d.L1.Kind=2;}case 31:$s=22;continue;case 13:o=b.Kind();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(p===(6)){d.L1.Kind=16;}else if(p===(11)){d.L1.Kind=6;}else if(p===(14)){d.L1.Kind=1;}case 33:$s=22;continue;case 14:q=b.Kind();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((q===24)){$s=36;continue;}s=b.Kind();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(s===23)){r=false;$s=41;continue s;}t=b.Elem();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$interfaceIsEqual(t,H);case 41:if(r){$s=37;continue;}$s=38;continue;case 36:d.L1.Kind=9;$s=39;continue;case 37:d.L1.Kind=12;$s=39;continue;case 38:d.L1.Kind=11;case 39:case 35:$s=22;continue;case 15:d.L1.Kind=10;$s=22;continue;case 16:d.L1.Kind=14;$s=22;continue;case 17:u=$substring(f,5);if(!(u===F.JSONCamelCase((new G.FullName(d.Base.L0.FullName).Name())))){d.L1.StringName.InitJSON(u);}$s=22;continue;case 18:d.L1.HasPacked=true;d.L1.IsPacked=true;$s=22;continue;case 19:d.L1.IsWeak=true;d.L1.Message=new E.PlaceholderMessage((($substring(f,5))));$s=22;continue;case 20:v=$substring(a,4);w=a.length;f=v;e=w;y=D.Unmarshal(f,d.L1.Kind,c,2);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=$clone(x[0],G.Value);aa=x[1];ab=E.DefaultValue($clone(z,G.Value),aa);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}E.defaultValue.copy(d.L1.Default,ab);$s=22;continue;case 21:d.Base.L0.ParentFile=E.SurrogateProto3;case 22:case 3:a=C.TrimPrefix($substring(a,e),",");$s=1;continue;case 2:if(d.L1.Kind===10){$s=46;continue;}$s=47;continue;case 46:ac=C.ToLower((d.Base.L0.FullName));$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.Base.L0.FullName=(ac);case 47:$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:I,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Unmarshal=I;J=function(a,b){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=O.nil;d=a.Kind();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if((e===(8))||(e===(14))||(e===(5))||(e===(13))||(e===(3))||(e===(4))){c=$append(c,"varint");}else if(e===(17)){c=$append(c,"zigzag32");}else if(e===(18)){c=$append(c,"zigzag64");}else if((e===(15))||(e===(7))||(e===(2))){c=$append(c,"fixed32");}else if((e===(16))||(e===(6))||(e===(1))){c=$append(c,"fixed64");}else if((e===(9))||(e===(12))||(e===(11))){c=$append(c,"bytes");}else if(e===(10)){c=$append(c,"group");}case 1:f=a.Number();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=B.Itoa(((f>>0)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break 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this.$val.ClearWeak(f,g);};ADK.ptr.prototype.GetWeak=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=(j=f[$Int32.keyFor(((g>>0)))],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:[$ifaceNil,false]);k=i[0];l=i[1];if(l){$s=-1;return k;}n=C.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];if($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=A.Sprintf("message %v for weak field is not linked in",new AEN([new B.FullName(h)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(p));case 3:q=o.Zero();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q.Interface();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=7;case 7:return s;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.GetWeak,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.GetWeak=function(f,g,h){return this.$val.GetWeak(f,g,h);};ADK.ptr.prototype.SetWeak=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=C.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];if($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:m=A.Sprintf("message %v for weak field is not linked in",new AEN([new B.FullName(h)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(m));case 5:n=i.ProtoReflect();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.Type();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,o))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:p=i;q=l.Zero();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q.Interface();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=A.Sprintf("invalid message type for weak field: got %T, want %T",new AEN([p,s]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(t));case 8:case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){u=true;$s=16;continue s;}v=i.ProtoReflect();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v.IsValid();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=!w;case 16:if(u){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:delete f.$get()[$Int32.keyFor(((g>>0)))];$s=-1;return;case 15:if(f.$get()===false){f.$set({});}x=((g>>0));(f.$get()||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int32.keyFor(x)]={k:x,v:i};$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.SetWeak,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.SetWeak=function(f,g,h,i){return this.$val.SetWeak(f,g,h,i);};AI.prototype.String=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this.$val;g=f;if(g===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(g===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(g===(3)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return"ValidationUnknown";case 3:$s=-1;return"ValidationInvalid";case 4:$s=-1;return"ValidationValid";case 5:h=A.Sprintf("ValidationStatus(%d)",new AEN([new $Int(((f>>0)))]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=8;case 8:return i;case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:AI.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AI).prototype.String=function(){return new AI(this.$get()).String();};AM=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=new AK.ptr(AEO.nil,0,0,0,new $Uint64(0,0));l=h.ContainingOneof();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil)))){k=false;$s=5;continue s;}m=h.ContainingOneof();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.IsSynthetic();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=!n;case 5:if(k){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:o=h.Kind();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(p===(11)){$s=11;continue;}if(p===(10)){$s=12;continue;}if(p===(9)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 11:j.typ=1;r=h.Number();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=(s=g.oneofWrappersByNumber[H.Number.keyFor(r)],s!==undefined?[s.v,true]:[$ifaceNil,false]);t=q[0];u=q[1];if(u){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:v=t.Field(0);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=BU(v.Type);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.mi=w;case 17:$s=14;continue;case 12:j.typ=2;y=h.Number();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=(z=g.oneofWrappersByNumber[H.Number.keyFor(y)],z!==undefined?[z.v,true]:[$ifaceNil,false]);aa=x[0];ab=x[1];if(ab){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:ac=aa.Field(0);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=BU(ac.Type);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.mi=ad;case 22:$s=14;continue;case 13:ae=L.EnforceUTF8(h);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ae){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:j.typ=11;case 26:case 14:case 9:$s=4;continue;case 3:af=AN(h,i);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AK.copy(j,af);case 4:case 1:ag=h.Cardinality();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ag===2){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:if(f.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields<255){f.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields=f.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields+(1)<<24>>>24;j.requiredBit=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),((f.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields-1<<24>>>24)));}case 30:$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:AM,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AN=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=new AK.ptr(AEO.nil,0,0,0,new $Uint64(0,0));i=f.IsList();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i){$s=2;continue;}j=f.IsMap();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:k=f.Kind();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(l===(11)){$s=10;continue;}if(l===(10)){$s=11;continue;}if(l===(9)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 10:h.typ=1;m=g.Kind();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(m===23){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:n=g.Elem();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=BU(n);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.mi=o;case 16:$s=14;continue;case 11:h.typ=2;p=g.Kind();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(p===23){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:q=g.Elem();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=BU(q);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.mi=r;case 21:$s=14;continue;case 12:h.typ=10;s=L.EnforceUTF8(f);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(s){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:h.typ=11;case 26:$s=14;continue;case 13:t=f.Kind();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=(u=AAX[B.Kind.keyFor(t)],u!==undefined?u.v:0);if(v===(0)){h.typ=4;}else if(v===(5)){h.typ=5;}else if(v===(1)){h.typ=6;}case 28:case 14:case 8:$s=5;continue;case 3:h.typ=3;w=f.MapKey();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w.Kind();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if(y===(9)){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:z=L.EnforceUTF8(f);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(z){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:h.keyType=11;case 36:case 34:case 30:aa=f.MapValue();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa.Kind();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;if(ac===(11)){$s=41;continue;}if(ac===(9)){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 41:h.valType=1;ad=g.Kind();$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ad===21){$s=44;continue;}$s=45;continue;case 44:ae=g.Elem();$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=BU(ae);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.mi=af;case 45:$s=43;continue;case 42:ag=L.EnforceUTF8(f);$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ag){$s=49;continue;}$s=50;continue;case 49:h.valType=11;case 50:case 43:case 38:$s=5;continue;case 4:ah=f.Kind();$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;if(ai===(11)){$s=54;continue;}if(ai===(10)){$s=55;continue;}if(ai===(9)){$s=56;continue;}$s=57;continue;case 54:h.typ=1;aj=f.IsWeak();$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!aj){$s=59;continue;}$s=60;continue;case 59:ak=BU(g);$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.mi=ak;case 60:$s=58;continue;case 55:h.typ=2;al=BU(g);$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.mi=al;$s=58;continue;case 56:h.typ=10;am=L.EnforceUTF8(f);$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(am){$s=64;continue;}$s=65;continue;case 64:h.typ=11;case 65:$s=58;continue;case 57:an=f.Kind();$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=(ao=AAX[B.Kind.keyFor(an)],ao!==undefined?ao.v:0);if(ap===(0)){h.typ=7;}else if(ap===(5)){h.typ=8;}else if(ap===(1)){h.typ=9;}else if(ap===(2)){h.typ=10;}case 67:case 58:case 52:case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.ptr.prototype.validate=function(f,g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=new FX.ptr(0,false);j=0;k=this;$r=k.init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$makeSlice(AEQ,0,16);l=$append(l,new AEP.ptr(1,0,0,0,k,ADP.nil,new $Uint64(0,0)));if(g>0){(0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0]).typ=2;(0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0]).endGroup=g;}m=true;n=f.$length;case 2:if(!(l.$length>0)){$s=3;continue;}p=(o=l.$length-1>>0,((o<0||o>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+o]));case 4:if(!(f.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}q=new $Uint64(0,0);if((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){q=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));f=$subslice(f,1);}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){q=(r=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),s=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(r.$high+s.$high,r.$low+s.$low));f=$subslice(f,2);}else{t=0;u=H.ConsumeVarint(f);q=u[0];t=u[1];if(t<0){v=$clone(i,FX);w=2;FX.copy(i,v);j=w;$s=-1;return[i,j];}f=$subslice(f,t);}x=0;y=$shiftRightUint64(q,3);if((y.$high<0||(y.$high===0&&y.$low<1))||(y.$high>0||(y.$high===0&&y.$low>536870911))){z=$clone(i,FX);aa=2;FX.copy(i,z);j=aa;$s=-1;return[i,j];}else{x=((y.$low>>0));}ab=((new $Uint64(q.$high&0,(q.$low&7)>>>0).$low<<24>>24));if(ab===4){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:if(p.endGroup===x){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$s=10;continue;case 9:ac=$clone(i,FX);ad=2;FX.copy(i,ac);j=ad;$s=-1;return[i,j];case 7:ae=new AK.ptr(AEO.nil,0,0,0,new $Uint64(0,0));if((p.typ===3)){$s=12;continue;}if(false&&p.mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 12:af=x;if(af===(1)){ae.typ=p.keyType;}else if(af===(2)){ae.typ=p.valType;ae.mi=p.mi;ae.requiredBit=new $Uint64(0,1);}$s=15;continue;case 13:ag=x;if(ag===(1)){ae.typ=12;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ah=AER.nil;if(((x>>0))=ai.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai.$array[ai.$offset+x]));}else{ah=(aj=p.mi.coderMessageInfo.coderFields[H.Number.keyFor(x)],aj!==undefined?aj.v:AER.nil);}if(!(ah===AER.nil)){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:AK.copy(ae,ah.validation);if((ae.typ===1)&&ae.mi===AEO.nil){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:ak=p.mi.Desc.Fields();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak.ByNumber(x);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;if($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil)){an=true;$s=24;continue s;}ao=am.IsWeak();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=!ao;case 24:if(an){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:$s=11;continue;case 23:ap=am.Message();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap.FullName();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;at=C.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(ar);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=at;au=as[0];av=as[1];aw=av;if($interfaceIsEqual(aw,$ifaceNil)){ax=$assertType(au,AEO,true);ae.mi=ax[0];}else if($interfaceIsEqual(aw,(C.NotFound))){ae.typ=10;}else{ay=$clone(i,FX);az=1;FX.copy(i,ay);j=az;$s=-1;return[i,j];}case 19:$s=11;continue;case 17:bb=p.mi.Desc.FullName();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=h.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(bb,x);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=bc;bd=ba[0];be=ba[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(be,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(be,C.NotFound))){bf=$clone(i,FX);bg=1;FX.copy(i,bf);j=bg;$s=-1;return[i,j];}if($interfaceIsEqual(be,$ifaceNil)){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:bh=ADA(bd);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AK.copy(ae,bh.validation);case 32:case 15:case 11:if(!((bi=ae.requiredBit,(bi.$high===0&&bi.$low===0)))){bj=false;bk=ae.typ;if(bk===(7)){bj=ab===0;}else if(bk===(8)){bj=ab===5;}else if(bk===(9)){bj=ab===1;}else if((bk===(10))||(bk===(11))||(bk===(1))){bj=ab===2;}else if(bk===(2)){bj=ab===3;}if(bj){p.requiredMask=(bl=p.requiredMask,bm=ae.requiredBit,new $Uint64(bl.$high|bm.$high,(bl.$low|bm.$low)>>>0));}}bn=ab;if(bn===(0)){$s=35;continue;}if(bn===(2)){$s=36;continue;}if(bn===(5)){$s=37;continue;}if(bn===(1)){$s=38;continue;}if(bn===(3)){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 35:if(f.$length>=10){if((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){f=$subslice(f,1);}else if((1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){f=$subslice(f,2);}else if((2>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+2])<128){f=$subslice(f,3);}else if((3>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+3])<128){f=$subslice(f,4);}else if((4>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+4])<128){f=$subslice(f,5);}else if((5>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+5])<128){f=$subslice(f,6);}else if((6>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+6])<128){f=$subslice(f,7);}else if((7>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+7])<128){f=$subslice(f,8);}else if((8>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+8])<128){f=$subslice(f,9);}else if((9>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+9])<128&&(9>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+9])<2){f=$subslice(f,10);}else{bo=$clone(i,FX);bp=2;FX.copy(i,bo);j=bp;$s=-1;return[i,j];}}else{if(f.$length>0&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){f=$subslice(f,1);}else if(f.$length>1&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){f=$subslice(f,2);}else if(f.$length>2&&(2>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+2])<128){f=$subslice(f,3);}else if(f.$length>3&&(3>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+3])<128){f=$subslice(f,4);}else if(f.$length>4&&(4>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+4])<128){f=$subslice(f,5);}else if(f.$length>5&&(5>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+5])<128){f=$subslice(f,6);}else if(f.$length>6&&(6>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+6])<128){f=$subslice(f,7);}else if(f.$length>7&&(7>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+7])<128){f=$subslice(f,8);}else if(f.$length>8&&(8>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+8])<128){f=$subslice(f,9);}else if(f.$length>9&&(9>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+9])<2){f=$subslice(f,10);}else{bq=$clone(i,FX);br=2;FX.copy(i,bq);j=br;$s=-1;return[i,j];}}$s=2;continue s;$s=41;continue;case 36:bs=new $Uint64(0,0);if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){bs=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));f=$subslice(f,1);}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){bs=(bt=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),bu=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(bt.$high+bu.$high,bt.$low+bu.$low));f=$subslice(f,2);}else{bv=0;bw=H.ConsumeVarint(f);bs=bw[0];bv=bw[1];if(bv<0){bx=$clone(i,FX);by=2;FX.copy(i,bx);j=by;$s=-1;return[i,j];}f=$subslice(f,bv);}if((bz=(new $Uint64(0,f.$length)),(bs.$high>bz.$high||(bs.$high===bz.$high&&bs.$low>bz.$low)))){ca=$clone(i,FX);cb=2;FX.copy(i,ca);j=cb;$s=-1;return[i,j];}cc=$subslice(f,0,$flatten64(bs));f=$subslice(f,$flatten64(bs));cd=ae.typ;if(cd===(1)){$s=43;continue;}if(cd===(3)){$s=44;continue;}if(cd===(4)){$s=45;continue;}if(cd===(5)){$s=46;continue;}if(cd===(6)){$s=47;continue;}if(cd===(11)){$s=48;continue;}$s=49;continue;case 43:if(ae.mi===AEO.nil){ce=$clone(i,FX);cf=1;FX.copy(i,ce);j=cf;$s=-1;return[i,j];}$r=ae.mi.init();$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ae.mi===AEO.nil)){$s=51;continue;}$s=52;continue;case 51:$r=ae.mi.init();$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 52:l=$append(l,new AEP.ptr(ae.typ,ae.keyType,ae.valType,0,ae.mi,f,new $Uint64(0,0)));f=cc;$s=2;continue s;$s=49;continue;case 44:if(!(ae.mi===AEO.nil)){$s=54;continue;}$s=55;continue;case 54:$r=ae.mi.init();$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 55:l=$append(l,new AEP.ptr(ae.typ,ae.keyType,ae.valType,0,ae.mi,f,new $Uint64(0,0)));f=cc;$s=2;continue s;$s=49;continue;case 45:while(true){if(!(cc.$length>0)){break;}cg=H.ConsumeVarint(cc);ch=cg[1];if(ch<0){ci=$clone(i,FX);cj=2;FX.copy(i,ci);j=cj;$s=-1;return[i,j];}cc=$subslice(cc,ch);}$s=49;continue;case 46:if(!(((ck=cc.$length%4,ck===ck?ck:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))){cl=$clone(i,FX);cm=2;FX.copy(i,cl);j=cm;$s=-1;return[i,j];}$s=49;continue;case 47:if(!(((cn=cc.$length%8,cn===cn?cn:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))){co=$clone(i,FX);cp=2;FX.copy(i,co);j=cp;$s=-1;return[i,j];}$s=49;continue;case 48:if(!G.Valid(cc)){cq=$clone(i,FX);cr=2;FX.copy(i,cq);j=cr;$s=-1;return[i,j];}case 49:case 42:$s=41;continue;case 37:if(f.$length<4){cs=$clone(i,FX);ct=2;FX.copy(i,cs);j=ct;$s=-1;return[i,j];}f=$subslice(f,4);$s=41;continue;case 38:if(f.$length<8){cu=$clone(i,FX);cv=2;FX.copy(i,cu);j=cv;$s=-1;return[i,j];}f=$subslice(f,8);$s=41;continue;case 39:if((ae.typ===2)){$s=58;continue;}if(false&&(ae.typ===12)){$s=59;continue;}$s=60;continue;case 58:if(ae.mi===AEO.nil){cw=$clone(i,FX);cx=1;FX.copy(i,cw);j=cx;$s=-1;return[i,j];}$r=ae.mi.init();$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$append(l,new AEP.ptr(2,0,0,x,ae.mi,ADP.nil,new $Uint64(0,0)));$s=2;continue s;$s=61;continue;case 59:cz=I.ConsumeFieldValue(f,false);$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;cz=cz.$blk();}if(cz&&cz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cy=cz;da=cy[0];db=cy[1];dc=cy[2];dd=cy[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(dd,$ifaceNil))){de=$clone(i,FX);df=2;FX.copy(i,de);j=df;$s=-1;return[i,j];}dh=p.mi.Desc.FullName();$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;dh=dh.$blk();}if(dh&&dh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}di=h.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(dh,da);$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;di=di.$blk();}if(di&&di.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dg=di;dj=dg[0];dd=dg[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(dd,C.NotFound)){$s=67;continue;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(dd,$ifaceNil))){$s=68;continue;}$s=69;continue;case 67:f=$subslice(f,dc);$s=70;continue;case 68:dk=$clone(i,FX);dl=1;FX.copy(i,dk);j=dl;$s=-1;return[i,j];case 69:dm=ADA(dj);$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;dm=dm.$blk();}if(dm&&dm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dn=$clone(dm.validation,AK);if(!(dn.mi===AEO.nil)){$s=72;continue;}$s=73;continue;case 72:$r=dn.mi.init();$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 73:l=$append(l,new AEP.ptr(dn.typ,0,0,0,dn.mi,$subslice(f,dc),new $Uint64(0,0)));f=db;$s=2;continue s;case 70:case 66:$s=61;continue;case 60:dp=H.ConsumeFieldValue(x,ab,f);if(dp<0){dq=$clone(i,FX);dr=2;FX.copy(i,dq);j=dr;$s=-1;return[i,j];}f=$subslice(f,dp);case 61:case 57:$s=41;continue;case 40:ds=$clone(i,FX);dt=2;FX.copy(i,ds);j=dt;$s=-1;return[i,j];case 41:case 34:$s=4;continue;case 5:if(!((p.endGroup===0))){du=$clone(i,FX);dv=2;FX.copy(i,du);j=dv;$s=-1;return[i,j];}if(!((f.$length===0))){dw=$clone(i,FX);dx=2;FX.copy(i,dw);j=dx;$s=-1;return[i,j];}f=p.tail;case 10:dy=0;dz=p.typ;if((dz===(1))||(dz===(2))){dy=((p.mi.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields>>0));}else if(dz===(3)){if(!(p.mi===AEO.nil)&&p.mi.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields>0){dy=1;}}if(dy>0&&!((E.OnesCount64(p.requiredMask)===dy))){m=false;}l=$subslice(l,0,(l.$length-1>>0));$s=2;continue;case 3:i.n=n-f.$length>>0;if(m){i.initialized=true;}ea=$clone(i,FX);eb=3;FX.copy(i,ea);j=eb;$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.validate,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.validate=function(f,g,h){return this.$val.validate(f,g,h);};AQ=function(f,g){var f,g,h,i;if(!((f.Index.$length===1))){$panic(new $String("embedded structs are not supported"));}if(f.PkgPath===""){return new AP.ptr((h=f.Index,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])),$throwNilPointerError);}if(g===$throwNilPointerError){$panic(new $String("exporter must be provided for unexported field"));}return new AP.ptr((i=f.Index,(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0])),g);};AP.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var f;f=this;return f.index>=0;};AP.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};AV=function(f){var f;return new AT.ptr($clone(f,F.Value));};AW=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=F.ValueOf(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=new AT.ptr($clone(g,F.Value));$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.ptr.prototype.IsNil=function(){var f;f=this;return $clone(f.v,F.Value).IsNil();};AT.prototype.IsNil=function(){return this.$val.IsNil();};AT.ptr.prototype.Apply=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!(f.export$1===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=f.export$1(h,f.index);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=F.ValueOf(i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if($clone(k,F.Value).IsValid()){$s=-1;return new AT.ptr($clone(k,F.Value));}case 2:l=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$clone(l,F.Value).Field(f.index);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,F.Value).Addr();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=new AT.ptr($clone(n,F.Value));$s=9;case 9:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Apply,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Apply=function(f){return this.$val.Apply(f);};AT.ptr.prototype.AsValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Type().Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,f))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([i,f]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(j));case 3:$s=-1;return g.v;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.AsValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.AsValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.AsValueOf(f);};AT.ptr.prototype.AsIfaceOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g,AT).AsValueOf(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,F.Value).Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.AsIfaceOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.AsIfaceOf=function(f){return this.$val.AsIfaceOf(f);};AT.ptr.prototype.Bool=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AET);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Bool,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Bool=function(){return this.$val.Bool();};AT.ptr.prototype.BoolPtr=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AEU);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.BoolPtr,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.BoolPtr=function(){return this.$val.BoolPtr();};AT.ptr.prototype.BoolSlice=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AEW);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.BoolSlice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.BoolSlice=function(){return this.$val.BoolSlice();};AT.ptr.prototype.Int32=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AEX);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Int32,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Int32=function(){return this.$val.Int32();};AT.ptr.prototype.Int32Ptr=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AEY);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Int32Ptr,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Int32Ptr=function(){return this.$val.Int32Ptr();};AT.ptr.prototype.Int32Slice=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFA);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Int32Slice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Int32Slice=function(){return this.$val.Int32Slice();};AT.ptr.prototype.Int64=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFB);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Int64,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Int64=function(){return this.$val.Int64();};AT.ptr.prototype.Int64Ptr=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFC);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Int64Ptr,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Int64Ptr=function(){return this.$val.Int64Ptr();};AT.ptr.prototype.Int64Slice=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFE);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Int64Slice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Int64Slice=function(){return this.$val.Int64Slice();};AT.ptr.prototype.Uint32=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFF);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Uint32,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Uint32=function(){return this.$val.Uint32();};AT.ptr.prototype.Uint32Ptr=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFG);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Uint32Ptr,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Uint32Ptr=function(){return this.$val.Uint32Ptr();};AT.ptr.prototype.Uint32Slice=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFI);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Uint32Slice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Uint32Slice=function(){return this.$val.Uint32Slice();};AT.ptr.prototype.Uint64=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFJ);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Uint64,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Uint64=function(){return this.$val.Uint64();};AT.ptr.prototype.Uint64Ptr=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFK);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Uint64Ptr,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Uint64Ptr=function(){return this.$val.Uint64Ptr();};AT.ptr.prototype.Uint64Slice=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFM);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Uint64Slice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Uint64Slice=function(){return this.$val.Uint64Slice();};AT.ptr.prototype.Float32=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFN);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Float32,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Float32=function(){return this.$val.Float32();};AT.ptr.prototype.Float32Ptr=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFO);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Float32Ptr,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Float32Ptr=function(){return this.$val.Float32Ptr();};AT.ptr.prototype.Float32Slice=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFQ);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Float32Slice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Float32Slice=function(){return this.$val.Float32Slice();};AT.ptr.prototype.Float64=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFR);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Float64,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Float64=function(){return this.$val.Float64();};AT.ptr.prototype.Float64Ptr=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFS);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Float64Ptr,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Float64Ptr=function(){return this.$val.Float64Ptr();};AT.ptr.prototype.Float64Slice=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFU);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Float64Slice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Float64Slice=function(){return this.$val.Float64Slice();};AT.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFV);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};AT.ptr.prototype.StringPtr=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFW);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.StringPtr,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.StringPtr=function(){return this.$val.StringPtr();};AT.ptr.prototype.StringSlice=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFY);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.StringSlice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.StringSlice=function(){return this.$val.StringSlice();};AT.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,ADU);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Bytes,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};AT.ptr.prototype.BytesPtr=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AFZ);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.BytesPtr,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.BytesPtr=function(){return this.$val.BytesPtr();};AT.ptr.prototype.BytesSlice=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AGB);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.BytesSlice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.BytesSlice=function(){return this.$val.BytesSlice();};AT.ptr.prototype.WeakFields=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=((g=$assertType(h,AGD),new AGC(function(){return g.$get();},function($v){g.$set($v);},g.$target)));$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.WeakFields,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.WeakFields=function(){return this.$val.WeakFields();};AT.ptr.prototype.Extensions=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,AGE);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Extensions,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Extensions=function(){return this.$val.Extensions();};AT.ptr.prototype.Elem=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=new AT.ptr($clone(g,F.Value));$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.Elem,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.Elem=function(){return this.$val.Elem();};AT.ptr.prototype.PointerSlice=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if($clone(f.v,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return AGF.nil;}g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone(g,F.Value).Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=$makeSlice(AGF,i);k=0;case 3:if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]),new AT.ptr($clone(m,F.Value)));k=k+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.PointerSlice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.PointerSlice=function(){return this.$val.PointerSlice();};AT.ptr.prototype.AppendPointerSlice=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=F.Append($clone(i,F.Value),new AGG([$clone(f.v,F.Value)]));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(i,F.Value).Set($clone(j,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.AppendPointerSlice,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.AppendPointerSlice=function(f){return this.$val.AppendPointerSlice(f);};AT.ptr.prototype.SetPointer=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(h,F.Value).Set($clone(f.v,F.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.SetPointer,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.SetPointer=function(f){return this.$val.SetPointer(f);};ADK.ptr.prototype.MessageStateOf=function(f){var f;$panic(new $String("not supported"));};ADK.prototype.MessageStateOf=function(f){return this.$val.MessageStateOf(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.pointer=function(){var f;f=this;$panic(new $String("not supported"));};BO.prototype.pointer=function(){return this.$val.pointer();};BO.ptr.prototype.messageInfo=function(){var f;f=this;$panic(new $String("not supported"));};BO.prototype.messageInfo=function(){return this.$val.messageInfo();};BO.ptr.prototype.LoadMessageInfo=function(){var f;f=this;$panic(new $String("not supported"));};BO.prototype.LoadMessageInfo=function(){return this.$val.LoadMessageInfo();};BO.ptr.prototype.StoreMessageInfo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;$panic(new $String("not supported"));};BO.prototype.StoreMessageInfo=function(f){return this.$val.StoreMessageInfo(f);};AX.ptr.prototype.Init=function(f){var{f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];g[0]=this;$r=g[0].once.Do((function(f,g){return function $b(){var{h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=F.Zero(f[0].GoReflectType);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,F.Value).Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=AW(i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AT.copy(g[0].m.p,j);g[0].m.mi=f[0];$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};})(f,g));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return g[0].m;}return;}var $f={$blk:AX.ptr.prototype.Init,$c:true,$r,f,g,$s};return $f;};AX.prototype.Init=function(f){return this.$val.Init(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var f;f=this;return f.messageInfo().Desc;};BO.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};BO.ptr.prototype.Type=function(){var f;f=this;return f.messageInfo();};BO.prototype.Type=function(){return this.$val.Type();};BO.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.messageInfo().New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};BO.ptr.prototype.Interface=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.protoUnwrap();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,B.ProtoMessage);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.Interface,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.Interface=function(){return this.$val.Interface();};BO.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.messageInfo().GoReflectType.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone(f.pointer(),AT).AsIfaceOf(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){return this.$val.protoUnwrap();};BO.ptr.prototype.ProtoMethods=function(){var{f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f.messageInfo().coderMessageInfo.methods;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.ProtoMethods,$c:true,$r,f,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.ProtoMethods=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMethods();};BO.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageInfo=function(){var f;f=this;return f.messageInfo();};BO.prototype.ProtoMessageInfo=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMessageInfo();};BO.ptr.prototype.Range=function(f){var{aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos;i=0;case 2:if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);k=j;if($assertType(k,AGH,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}if($assertType(k,AGI,true)[1]){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:l=k.$val;n=l.has($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(n){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:o=l.fieldDesc;p=l.get($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,B.Value);r=f(o,q);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!r){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$s=-1;return;case 11:case 8:$s=6;continue;case 5:m=k.$val;s=m.which($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(t>0){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:v=(u=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.fields[H.Number.keyFor(t)],u!==undefined?u.v:AGH.nil);w=v.fieldDesc;x=v.get($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,B.Value);z=f(w,y);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!z){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:$s=-1;return;case 18:case 16:case 6:i++;$s=2;continue;case 3:aa=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aa.Range(f);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.Range,$c:true,$r,aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.Range=function(f){return this.$val.Range(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.Has=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=j.has($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;case 4:n=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.Has(k);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=10;case 10:return p;case 5:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.Has,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.Has=function(f){return this.$val.Has(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.Clear=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=j.clear($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:l=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=l.Clear(k);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.Clear,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.Clear=function(f){return this.$val.Clear(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.Get=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=j.get($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;case 4:n=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.Get(k);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=10;case 10:return p;case 5:$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.Get=function(f){return this.$val.Get(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.Set=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=h.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(!(k===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=k.set($clone(h.pointer(),AT),$clone(g,B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:m=h.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(h.pointer(),AT));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m.Set(l,$clone(g,B.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.Set=function(f,g){return this.$val.Set(f,g);};BO.ptr.prototype.Mutable=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=j.mutable($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;case 4:n=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.Mutable(k);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=10;case 10:return p;case 5:$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.Mutable,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.Mutable=function(f){return this.$val.Mutable(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.NewField=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=j.newField();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;case 4:n=k.New();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=9;case 9:return o;case 5:$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.NewField,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.NewField=function(f){return this.$val.NewField(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=f.Name();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=(i=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.oneofs[B.Name.keyFor(h)],i!==undefined?i.v:AGI.nil);if(!(j===AGI.nil)&&$interfaceIsEqual(j.oneofDesc,f)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:k=f.Fields();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=j.which($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=k.ByNumber(l);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=8;case 8:return n;case 4:o=f.FullName();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=g.Descriptor().FullName();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("invalid oneof descriptor "+(o)+" for message "+(p)));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.WhichOneof=function(f){return this.$val.WhichOneof(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.GetUnknown=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.getUnknown($clone(f.pointer(),AT));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=3;case 3:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.GetUnknown,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.GetUnknown=function(){return this.$val.GetUnknown();};BO.ptr.prototype.SetUnknown=function(f){var{f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.setUnknown($clone(g.pointer(),AT),f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.SetUnknown,$c:true,$r,f,g,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.SetUnknown=function(f){return this.$val.SetUnknown(f);};BO.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var f;f=this;return!$clone(f.pointer(),AT).IsNil();};BO.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};BQ.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var f;f=this;return f.messageInfo().Desc;};BQ.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};BQ.ptr.prototype.Type=function(){var f;f=this;return f.messageInfo();};BQ.prototype.Type=function(){return this.$val.Type();};BQ.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.messageInfo().New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};BQ.ptr.prototype.Interface=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=f.protoUnwrap();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=$assertType(h,B.ProtoMessage,true);i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){$s=-1;return i;}$s=-1;return($pointerOfStructConversion(f,ADS));}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.Interface,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.Interface=function(){return this.$val.Interface();};BQ.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.messageInfo().GoReflectType.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone(f.pointer(),AT).AsIfaceOf(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){return this.$val.protoUnwrap();};BQ.ptr.prototype.ProtoMethods=function(){var{f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f.messageInfo().coderMessageInfo.methods;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.ProtoMethods,$c:true,$r,f,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.ProtoMethods=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMethods();};BQ.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageInfo=function(){var f;f=this;return f.messageInfo();};BQ.prototype.ProtoMessageInfo=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMessageInfo();};BQ.ptr.prototype.Range=function(f){var{aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos;i=0;case 2:if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);k=j;if($assertType(k,AGH,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}if($assertType(k,AGI,true)[1]){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:l=k.$val;n=l.has($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(n){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:o=l.fieldDesc;p=l.get($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,B.Value);r=f(o,q);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!r){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$s=-1;return;case 11:case 8:$s=6;continue;case 5:m=k.$val;s=m.which($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(t>0){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:v=(u=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.fields[H.Number.keyFor(t)],u!==undefined?u.v:AGH.nil);w=v.fieldDesc;x=v.get($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,B.Value);z=f(w,y);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!z){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:$s=-1;return;case 18:case 16:case 6:i++;$s=2;continue;case 3:aa=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aa.Range(f);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.Range,$c:true,$r,aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.Range=function(f){return this.$val.Range(f);};BQ.ptr.prototype.Has=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=j.has($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;case 4:n=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.Has(k);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=10;case 10:return p;case 5:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.Has,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.Has=function(f){return this.$val.Has(f);};BQ.ptr.prototype.Clear=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=j.clear($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:l=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=l.Clear(k);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.Clear,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.Clear=function(f){return this.$val.Clear(f);};BQ.ptr.prototype.Get=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=j.get($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;case 4:n=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.Get(k);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=10;case 10:return p;case 5:$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.Get=function(f){return this.$val.Get(f);};BQ.ptr.prototype.Set=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=h.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(!(k===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=k.set($clone(h.pointer(),AT),$clone(g,B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:m=h.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(h.pointer(),AT));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m.Set(l,$clone(g,B.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.Set=function(f,g){return this.$val.Set(f,g);};BQ.ptr.prototype.Mutable=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=j.mutable($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;case 4:n=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.Mutable(k);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=10;case 10:return p;case 5:$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.Mutable,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.Mutable=function(f){return this.$val.Mutable(f);};BQ.ptr.prototype.NewField=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.messageInfo().checkField(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===AGH.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=j.newField();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;case 4:n=k.New();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=9;case 9:return o;case 5:$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.NewField,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.NewField=function(f){return this.$val.NewField(f);};BQ.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=f.Name();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=(i=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.oneofs[B.Name.keyFor(h)],i!==undefined?i.v:AGI.nil);if(!(j===AGI.nil)&&$interfaceIsEqual(j.oneofDesc,f)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:k=f.Fields();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=j.which($clone(g.pointer(),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=k.ByNumber(l);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=8;case 8:return n;case 4:o=f.FullName();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=g.Descriptor().FullName();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("invalid oneof descriptor "+(o)+" for message "+(p)));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.WhichOneof=function(f){return this.$val.WhichOneof(f);};BQ.ptr.prototype.GetUnknown=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.getUnknown($clone(f.pointer(),AT));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=3;case 3:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.GetUnknown,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.GetUnknown=function(){return this.$val.GetUnknown();};BQ.ptr.prototype.SetUnknown=function(f){var{f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.messageInfo().init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.setUnknown($clone(g.pointer(),AT),f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.SetUnknown,$c:true,$r,f,g,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.SetUnknown=function(f){return this.$val.SetUnknown(f);};BQ.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var f;f=this;return!$clone(f.pointer(),AT).IsNil();};BQ.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};AZ=function(f){var f;return new AY.ptr(f,(function(g){var g;return false;}),(function $b(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=f.FullName();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for "+(h)));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;}),(function $b(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=f.Default();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;}),(function $b(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=f.FullName();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for "+(i)));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;}),(function $b(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=f.FullName();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for "+(h)));$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;}),(function $b(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=f.FullName();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for "+(g)));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;}),(function $b(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=f.Default();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone(g,B.Value);if($clone(h,B.Value).IsValid()){$s=-1;return h;}i=f.FullName();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for "+(i)));$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;}));};BA=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=[l];m=g[0].Type;n=m.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((n===20))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:o=f[0].FullName();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=new B.FullName(o);q=m;r=A.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want interface kind",new AEN([p,q]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(r));case 2:s=i[0].Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((s===25))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:t=f[0].FullName();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=new B.FullName(t);v=i[0];w=A.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want struct kind",new AEN([u,v]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(w));case 7:x=F.PtrTo(i[0]).Implements(m);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!x){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:y=f[0].FullName();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=new B.FullName(y);aa=i[0];ab=m;ac=A.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: %v does not implement %v",new AEN([z,aa,ab]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(ac));case 12:ad=i[0].Field(0);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=GJ(ad.Type,f[0]);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j[0]=ae;af=f[0].Message();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l[0]=!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil));k[0]=$clone(AQ($clone(g[0],F.StructField),h),AP);$s=-1;return new AY.ptr(f[0],(function(f,g,i,j,k,l){return function $b(ag){var{ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ag});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(ag,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return false;}ah=$clone(ag,AT).Apply($clone(k[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=$clone(ah,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=$clone(ai,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;if($clone(ak,F.Value).IsNil()){am=true;$s=7;continue s;}an=$clone(ak,F.Value).Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=$clone(an,F.Value).Type();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao.Elem();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=!($interfaceIsEqual(ap,i[0]));case 7:if(am){al=true;$s=6;continue s;}aq=$clone(ak,F.Value).Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=$clone(aq,F.Value).IsNil();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ar;case 6:if(al){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return false;case 5:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l),(function(f,g,i,j,k,l){return function $b(ag){var{ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ag});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ah=$clone(ag,AT).Apply($clone(k[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=$clone(ah,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=$clone(ai,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;if($clone(ak,F.Value).IsNil()){al=true;$s=6;continue s;}am=$clone(ak,F.Value).Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=$clone(am,F.Value).Type();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=an.Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=!($interfaceIsEqual(ao,i[0]));case 6:if(al){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return;case 5:ap=F.Zero($clone(ak,F.Value).Type());$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(ak,F.Value).Set($clone(ap,F.Value));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l),(function(f,g,i,j,k,l){return function $b(ag){var{ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ag});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(ag,AT).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ah=j[0].Zero();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;$s=4;case 4:return ai;case 2:aj=$clone(ag,AT).Apply($clone(k[0],AP));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=$clone(aj,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=$clone(ak,F.Value).Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;if($clone(am,F.Value).IsNil()){ao=true;$s=11;continue s;}ap=$clone(am,F.Value).Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=$clone(ap,F.Value).Type();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq.Elem();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=!($interfaceIsEqual(ar,i[0]));case 11:if(ao){an=true;$s=10;continue s;}as=$clone(am,F.Value).Elem();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=$clone(as,F.Value).IsNil();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=at;case 10:if(an){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:au=j[0].Zero();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=au;$s=18;case 18:return av;case 9:aw=$clone(am,F.Value).Elem();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=$clone(aw,F.Value).Elem();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=$clone(ax,F.Value).Field(0);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=ay;az=j[0].PBValueOf($clone(am,F.Value));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=23;case 23:return ba;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l),(function(f,g,i,j,k,l){return function $b(ag,ah){var{ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ag,ah});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ai=$clone(ag,AT).Apply($clone(k[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=$clone(ai,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=$clone(aj,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak;if($clone(al,F.Value).IsNil()){an=true;$s=7;continue s;}ao=$clone(al,F.Value).Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=$clone(ao,F.Value).Type();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap.Elem();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=!($interfaceIsEqual(aq,i[0]));case 7:if(an){am=true;$s=6;continue s;}ar=$clone(al,F.Value).Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=$clone(ar,F.Value).IsNil();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=as;case 6:if(am){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=$clone(al,F.Value).Set($clone(F.New(i[0]),F.Value));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:at=$clone(al,F.Value).Elem();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=$clone(at,F.Value).Elem();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=$clone(au,F.Value).Field(0);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=av;aw=j[0].GoValueOf($clone(ah,B.Value));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(al,F.Value).Set($clone(aw,F.Value));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l),(function(f,g,i,j,k,l){return function $b(ag){var{ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ag});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!l[0]){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ah=f[0].FullName();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=new B.FullName(ah);aj=A.Sprintf("field %v with invalid Mutable call on field with non-composite type",new AEN([ai]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(aj));case 2:ak=$clone(ag,AT).Apply($clone(k[0],AP));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=$clone(ak,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=$clone(al,F.Value).Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;if($clone(an,F.Value).IsNil()){ap=true;$s=11;continue s;}aq=$clone(an,F.Value).Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=$clone(aq,F.Value).Type();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar.Elem();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=!($interfaceIsEqual(as,i[0]));case 11:if(ap){ao=true;$s=10;continue s;}at=$clone(an,F.Value).Elem();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=$clone(at,F.Value).IsNil();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=au;case 10:if(ao){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=$clone(an,F.Value).Set($clone(F.New(i[0]),F.Value));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 9:av=$clone(an,F.Value).Elem();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=$clone(av,F.Value).Elem();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=$clone(aw,F.Value).Field(0);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ax;if(($clone(an,F.Value).Kind()===22)&&$clone(an,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:ay=j[0].New();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=$clone(ay,B.Value).Message();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=B.ValueOfMessage(az);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=j[0].GoValueOf($clone(ba,B.Value));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(an,F.Value).Set($clone(bb,F.Value));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 22:bc=j[0].PBValueOf($clone(an,F.Value));$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;$s=29;case 29:return bd;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l),(function(f,g,i,j,k,l){return function $b(){var{ag,ah,ai,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ag=j[0].New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=$clone(ag,B.Value).Message();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;$s=3;case 3:return ai;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ag,ah,ai,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l),(function(f,g,i,j,k,l){return function $b(){var{ag,ah,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ag=j[0].New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;$s=2;case 2:return ah;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ag,ah,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l));}return;}var $f={$blk:BA,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BB=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];i=[i];j=[j];k=g[0].Type;l=k.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((l===21))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=f[0].FullName();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=new B.FullName(m);o=k;p=A.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want map kind",new AEN([n,o]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(p));case 2:q=GJ(k,f[0]);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=q;j[0]=$clone(AQ($clone(g[0],F.StructField),h),AP);$s=-1;return new AY.ptr(f[0],(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(r){var{r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(r,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return false;}s=$clone(r,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=-1;return $clone(v,F.Value).Len()>0;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(r){var{r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:s=$clone(r,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=F.Zero($clone(v,F.Value).Type());$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(v,F.Value).Set($clone(w,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(r){var{aa,ab,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(r,AT).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:s=i[0].Zero();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=4;case 4:return t;case 2:u=$clone(r,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=$clone(v,F.Value).Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;if($clone(x,F.Value).Len()===0){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:y=i[0].Zero();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=11;case 11:return z;case 9:aa=i[0].PBValueOf($clone(x,F.Value));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;$s=13;case 13:return ab;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(r,s){var{aa,ab,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r,s});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:t=$clone(r,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=i[0].GoValueOf($clone(s,B.Value));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if($clone(y,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:z=f[0].FullName();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=new B.FullName(z);ab=A.Sprintf("map field %v cannot be set with read-only value",new AEN([aa]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(ab));case 6:$r=$clone(w,F.Value).Set($clone(y,F.Value));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(r){var{r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:s=$clone(r,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if($clone(v,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:w=F.MakeMap(g[0].Type);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(v,F.Value).Set($clone(w,F.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:x=i[0].PBValueOf($clone(v,F.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=9;case 9:return y;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),$throwNilPointerError,(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(){var{r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:r=i[0].New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=2;case 2:return s;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,r,s,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j));}return;}var $f={$blk:BB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BC=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];i=[i];j=[j];k=g[0].Type;l=k.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((l===23))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=f[0].FullName();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=new B.FullName(m);o=k;p=A.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want slice kind",new AEN([n,o]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(p));case 2:q=GJ(F.PtrTo(k),f[0]);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=q;j[0]=$clone(AQ($clone(g[0],F.StructField),h),AP);$s=-1;return new AY.ptr(f[0],(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(r){var{r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(r,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return false;}s=$clone(r,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=-1;return $clone(v,F.Value).Len()>0;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(r){var{r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:s=$clone(r,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=F.Zero($clone(v,F.Value).Type());$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(v,F.Value).Set($clone(w,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(r){var{aa,ab,ac,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(r,AT).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:s=i[0].Zero();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=4;case 4:return t;case 2:u=$clone(r,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=$clone(w,F.Value).Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,F.Value).Len();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(y===0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:z=i[0].Zero();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;$s=12;case 12:return aa;case 8:ab=i[0].PBValueOf($clone(w,F.Value));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$s=14;case 14:return ac;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(r,s){var{aa,ab,ac,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r,s});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:t=$clone(r,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=i[0].GoValueOf($clone(s,B.Value));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if($clone(y,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:z=f[0].FullName();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=new B.FullName(z);ab=A.Sprintf("list field %v cannot be set with read-only value",new AEN([aa]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(ab));case 6:ac=$clone(y,F.Value).Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(w,F.Value).Set($clone(ac,F.Value));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(r){var{r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:s=$clone(r,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=i[0].PBValueOf($clone(u,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;$s=4;case 4:return w;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),$throwNilPointerError,(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(){var{r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:r=i[0].New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=2;case 2:return s;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,r,s,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j));}return;}var $f={$blk:BC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BF=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=[l];m=[m];k[0]=g[0].Type;n=f[0].HasPresence();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m[0]=n;p=k[0].Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(p===23)){o=false;$s=2;continue s;}q=k[0].Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q.Kind();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=r===8;case 2:l[0]=o;if(m[0]){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:t=k[0].Kind();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!((t===22)))){s=false;$s=10;continue s;}u=k[0].Kind();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=!((u===23));case 10:if(s){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:m[0]=false;case 9:v=k[0].Kind();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(v===22){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:w=k[0].Elem();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0]=w;case 14:case 7:x=GJ(k[0],f[0]);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=x;j[0]=$clone(AQ($clone(g[0],F.StructField),h),AP);$s=-1;return new AY.ptr(f[0],(function(f,g,i,j,k,l,m){return function $b(y){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{y});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(y,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return false;}z=$clone(y,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=$clone(z,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$clone(aa,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;if(m[0]){$s=-1;return!$clone(ac,F.Value).IsNil();}ad=$clone(ac,F.Value).Kind();if(ad===(1)){$s=5;continue;}if((ad===(5))||(ad===(6))){$s=6;continue;}if((ad===(10))||(ad===(11))){$s=7;continue;}if((ad===(13))||(ad===(14))){$s=8;continue;}if((ad===(24))||(ad===(23))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return $clone(ac,F.Value).Bool();case 6:$s=-1;return!((ae=$clone(ac,F.Value).Int(),(ae.$high===0&&ae.$low===0)));case 7:$s=-1;return!((af=$clone(ac,F.Value).Uint(),(af.$high===0&&af.$low===0)));case 8:$s=-1;return!(($clone(ac,F.Value).Float()===0))||D.Signbit($clone(ac,F.Value).Float());case 9:$s=-1;return $clone(ac,F.Value).Len()>0;case 10:ag=f[0].FullName();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=new B.FullName(ag);ai=$clone(ac,F.Value).Type();aj=A.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: %v",new AEN([ah,ai]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(aj));case 11:case 4:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l,m),(function(f,g,i,j,k,l,m){return function $b(y){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{y});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:z=$clone(y,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=$clone(z,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$clone(aa,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;ad=F.Zero($clone(ac,F.Value).Type());$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(ac,F.Value).Set($clone(ad,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l,m),(function(f,g,i,j,k,l,m){return function $b(y){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{y});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(y,AT).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:z=i[0].Zero();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;$s=4;case 4:return aa;case 2:ab=$clone(y,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=$clone(ab,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=$clone(ac,F.Value).Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;if(m[0]){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:if($clone(ae,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:af=i[0].Zero();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;$s=13;case 13:return ag;case 11:if($clone(ae,F.Value).Kind()===22){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ah=$clone(ae,F.Value).Elem();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ah;case 15:case 9:ai=i[0].PBValueOf($clone(ae,F.Value));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai;$s=18;case 18:return aj;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l,m),(function(f,g,i,j,k,l,m){return function $b(y,z){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{y,z});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aa=$clone(y,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$clone(aa,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=$clone(ab,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;if(m[0]&&($clone(ad,F.Value).Kind()===22)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if($clone(ad,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=$clone(ad,F.Value).Set($clone(F.New(k[0]),F.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:ae=$clone(ad,F.Value).Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;case 5:af=i[0].GoValueOf($clone(z,B.Value));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(ad,F.Value).Set($clone(af,F.Value));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(l[0]&&($clone(ad,F.Value).Len()===0)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:if(m[0]){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:$r=$clone(ad,F.Value).Set($clone(BE,F.Value));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=16;continue;case 15:$r=$clone(ad,F.Value).Set($clone(BD,F.Value));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 16:case 13:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l,m),$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,(function(f,g,i,j,k,l,m){return function $b(){var{y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:y=i[0].New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=2;case 2:return z;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l,m));}return;}var $f={$blk:BF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};BG=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];if(true){$panic(new $String("no support for proto1 weak fields"));}k[0]=new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0));i[0]=$ifaceNil;h[0]=(function(f,g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k[0].Do((function(f,g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=f[0].Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.FullName();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;p=C.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(n);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;i[0]=o[0];if($interfaceIsEqual(i[0],$ifaceNil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:q=new B.FullName(n);r=f[0].FullName();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=new B.FullName(r);t=A.Sprintf("weak message %v for field %v is not linked in",new AEN([q,s]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(t));case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j,k));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j,k);l=f[0].Number();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j[0]=l;$s=-1;return new AY.ptr(f[0],(function(f,g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(m,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return false;}o=$clone(m,AT).Apply($clone(g[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,AT).WeakFields();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p.get(j[0]);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=q;r=n[1];$s=-1;return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j,k),(function(f,g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(m){var{m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=$clone(m,AT).Apply($clone(g[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,AT).WeakFields();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=o.clear(j[0]);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j,k),(function(f,g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(m){var{aa,ab,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=h[0]();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($clone(m,AT).IsNil()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=i[0].Zero();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=B.ValueOfMessage(n);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=6;case 6:return p;case 3:r=$clone(m,AT).Apply($clone(g[0],AP));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,AT).WeakFields();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s.get(j[0]);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=t;u=q[0];v=q[1];if(!v){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:w=i[0].Zero();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=B.ValueOfMessage(w);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=14;case 14:return y;case 11:z=u.ProtoReflect();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=B.ValueOfMessage(z);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;$s=17;case 17:return ab;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j,k),(function(f,g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(m,n){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=h[0]();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,B.Value).Message();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=p.Descriptor();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=i[0].Descriptor();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,r))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:t=p.Descriptor();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.FullName();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=u;w=i[0].Descriptor();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w.FullName();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=x;y=s;z=v;if(!(y===z)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:aa=f[0].FullName();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=new B.FullName(aa);ac=new B.FullName(y);ad=new B.FullName(z);ae=A.Sprintf("field %v has mismatching message descriptor: got %v, want %v",new AEN([ab,ac,ad]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(ae));case 12:af=f[0].FullName();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=new B.FullName(af);ah=p.Descriptor();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah.FullName();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=new B.FullName(ai);ak=A.Sprintf("field %v has mismatching message descriptor: %v",new AEN([ag,aj]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(ak));case 4:al=$clone(m,AT).Apply($clone(g[0],AP));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=$clone(al,AT).WeakFields();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=j[0];ao=p.Interface();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;$r=am.set(an,ap);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j,k),(function(f,g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=h[0]();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,AT).Apply($clone(g[0],AP));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,AT).WeakFields();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=p.get(j[0]);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(!s){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:t=i[0].New();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.Interface();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=u;p.set(j[0],r);case 5:v=r.ProtoReflect();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=B.ValueOfMessage(v);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=10;case 10:return x;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j,k),(function(f,g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(){var{m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=h[0]();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=i[0].New();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=3;case 3:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j,k),(function(f,g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(){var{m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=h[0]();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=i[0].New();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=B.ValueOfMessage(m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=4;case 4:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j,k));}return;}var $f={$blk:BG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BH=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];i=[i];j=[j];k=g[0].Type;l=GJ(k,f[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=l;j[0]=$clone(AQ($clone(g[0],F.StructField),h),AP);$s=-1;return new AY.ptr(f[0],(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(m,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return false;}n=$clone(m,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=g[0].Type.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((r===22))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:s=BK($clone(q,F.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=!s;$s=8;case 8:return t;case 5:$s=-1;return!$clone(q,F.Value).IsNil();}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=$clone(m,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=F.Zero($clone(q,F.Value).Type());$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(q,F.Value).Set($clone(r,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(m,AT).IsNil()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=i[0].Zero();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=4;case 4:return o;case 2:p=$clone(m,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,F.Value).Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=i[0].PBValueOf($clone(s,F.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=9;case 9:return u;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(m,n){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=$clone(m,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=i[0].GoValueOf($clone(n,B.Value));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(r,F.Value).Set($clone(s,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=g[0].Type.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((t===22)&&$clone(r,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:u=f[0].FullName();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=new B.FullName(u);w=A.Sprintf("field %v has invalid nil pointer",new AEN([v]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(w));case 7:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(m){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=$clone(m,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,AT).AsValueOf(g[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=g[0].Type.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((r===22)&&$clone(q,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:s=i[0].New();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=i[0].GoValueOf($clone(s,B.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(q,F.Value).Set($clone(t,F.Value));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:u=i[0].PBValueOf($clone(q,F.Value));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=11;case 11:return v;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(){var{m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=i[0].New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,B.Value).Message();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=3;case 3:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j),(function(f,g,i,j){return function $b(){var{m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=i[0].New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=2;case 2:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j));}return;}var $f={$blk:BH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BJ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=[l];m=new BI.ptr(f[0],$throwNilPointerError);n=f[0].IsSynthetic();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(n){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:o=f[0].Fields();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.Get(0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p.Number();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0]=$clone((r=g[0].fieldsByNumber[H.Number.keyFor(q)],r!==undefined?r.v:new F.StructField.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,"",0,AGL.nil,false)),F.StructField);i[0]=$clone(AQ($clone(k[0],F.StructField),h),AP);m.which=(function(f,g,i,j,k,l){return function $b(s){var{aa,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{s});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(s,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return 0;}t=$clone(s,AT).Apply($clone(i[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,AT).AsValueOf(k[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if($clone(w,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return 0;}x=f[0].Fields();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x.Get(0);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y.Number();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;$s=7;case 7:return aa;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l);$s=3;continue;case 2:s=f[0].Name();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l[0]=$clone((t=g[0].oneofsByName[B.Name.keyFor(s)],t!==undefined?t.v:new F.StructField.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,"",0,AGL.nil,false)),F.StructField);j[0]=$clone(AQ($clone(l[0],F.StructField),h),AP);m.which=(function(f,g,i,j,k,l){return function $b(u){var{aa,ab,ac,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{u});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(u,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return 0;}v=$clone(u,AT).Apply($clone(j[0],AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=$clone(v,AT).AsValueOf(l[0].Type);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=$clone(w,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if($clone(y,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return 0;}z=$clone(y,F.Value).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;if($clone(y,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return 0;}aa=$clone(y,F.Value).Type().Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=(ab=g[0].oneofWrappersByType[F.Type.keyFor(aa)],ab!==undefined?ab.v:0);$s=6;case 6:return ac;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,i,j,k,l);case 3:$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:BJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};BK=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$clone(f,F.Value).Kind();if(g===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if((g===(2))||(g===(3))||(g===(4))||(g===(5))||(g===(6))){$s=3;continue;}if((g===(7))||(g===(8))||(g===(9))||(g===(10))||(g===(11))||(g===(12))){$s=4;continue;}if((g===(13))||(g===(14))){$s=5;continue;}if((g===(15))||(g===(16))){$s=6;continue;}if(g===(17)){$s=7;continue;}if((g===(18))||(g===(19))||(g===(20))||(g===(21))||(g===(22))||(g===(23))||(g===(26))){$s=8;continue;}if(g===(24)){$s=9;continue;}if(g===(25)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return!$clone(f,F.Value).Bool();case 3:$s=-1;return(h=$clone(f,F.Value).Int(),(h.$high===0&&h.$low===0));case 4:$s=-1;return(i=$clone(f,F.Value).Uint(),(i.$high===0&&i.$low===0));case 5:$s=-1;return(j=D.Float64bits($clone(f,F.Value).Float()),(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0));case 6:k=$clone(f,F.Value).Complex();$s=-1;return(l=D.Float64bits(k.$real),(l.$high===0&&l.$low===0))&&(m=D.Float64bits(k.$imag),(m.$high===0&&m.$low===0));case 7:n=0;case 13:if(!(n<$clone(f,F.Value).Len())){$s=14;continue;}o=$clone(f,F.Value).Index(n);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=BK($clone(o,F.Value));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!p){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:$s=-1;return false;case 16:n=n+(1)>>0;$s=13;continue;case 14:$s=-1;return true;case 8:$s=-1;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsNil();case 9:$s=-1;return $clone(f,F.Value).Len()===0;case 10:q=0;case 19:if(!(q<$clone(f,F.Value).NumField())){$s=20;continue;}r=$clone(f,F.Value).Field(q);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=BK($clone(r,F.Value));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!s){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:$s=-1;return false;case 22:q=q+(1)>>0;$s=19;continue;case 20:$s=-1;return true;case 11:$panic(new F.ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.IsZero",$clone(f,F.Value).Kind()));case 12:case 1:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:BK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};BS.ptr.prototype.makeReflectFuncs=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.makeKnownFieldsFunc($clone(g,CG));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.makeUnknownFieldsFunc(f,$clone(g,CG));h.makeExtensionFieldsFunc(f,$clone(g,CG));$r=h.makeFieldTypes($clone(g,CG));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.makeReflectFuncs,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.makeReflectFuncs=function(f,g){return this.$val.makeReflectFuncs(f,g);};BS.ptr.prototype.makeKnownFieldsFunc=function(f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;g.reflectMessageInfo.fields=$makeMap(H.Number.keyFor,[]);h=g.Desc;i=h.Fields();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=0;case 2:l=j.Len();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(k>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:g.reflectMessageInfo.oneofs=$makeMap(B.Name.keyFor,[]);as=0;case 36:at=h.Oneofs();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at.Len();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(as>0;$s=36;continue;case 37:bb=j.Len();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.reflectMessageInfo.denseFields=$makeSlice(AGM,($imul(bb,2)));bc=0;case 45:bd=j.Len();$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bc>0))=bj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bj.$array[bj.$offset+bk]=(bi=g.reflectMessageInfo.fields[H.Number.keyFor(bh)],bi!==undefined?bi.v:AGH.nil)));case 50:bc=bc+(1)>>0;$s=45;continue;case 46:bm=0;case 54:bn=j.Len();$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bm>0;$s=61;continue;case 60:by=bp.Number();$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;by=by.$blk();}if(by&&by.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos=$append(g.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos,(bz=g.reflectMessageInfo.fields[H.Number.keyFor(by)],bz!==undefined?bz.v:AGH.nil));bm=bm+(1)>>0;case 61:$s=54;continue;case 55:if(g.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos.$length>1&&O.Bool()){ca=O.Intn(g.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos.$length-1>>0);cb=(cc=g.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos,cd=ca+1>>0,((cd<0||cd>=cc.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cc.$array[cc.$offset+cd]));ce=(cf=g.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos,((ca<0||ca>=cf.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cf.$array[cf.$offset+ca]));(cg=g.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos,((ca<0||ca>=cg.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cg.$array[cg.$offset+ca]=cb));(ch=g.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos,ci=ca+1>>0,((ci<0||ci>=ch.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ch.$array[ch.$offset+ci]=ce));}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.makeKnownFieldsFunc,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.makeKnownFieldsFunc=function(f){return this.$val.makeKnownFieldsFunc(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.makeUnknownFieldsFunc=function(f,g){var f,g,h;h=this;if($clone(g.unknownOffset,AP).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual(g.unknownType,CD)){h.reflectMessageInfo.getUnknown=(function $b(i){var{i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(i,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return B.RawFields.nil;}j=$clone(i,AT).Apply($clone(h.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,AT).Bytes();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$convertSliceType(k.$get(),B.RawFields);$s=3;case 3:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;});h.reflectMessageInfo.setUnknown=(function $b(i,j){var{i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(i,AT).IsNil()){$panic(new $String("invalid SetUnknown on nil Message"));}k=$clone(i,AT).Apply($clone(h.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,AT).Bytes();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.$set($convertSliceType(j,ADP));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;});}else if($clone(g.unknownOffset,AP).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual(g.unknownType,CE)){h.reflectMessageInfo.getUnknown=(function $b(i){var{i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(i,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return B.RawFields.nil;}j=$clone(i,AT).Apply($clone(h.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,AT).BytesPtr();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(l.$get()===ADU.nil){$s=-1;return B.RawFields.nil;}$s=-1;return $convertSliceType(l.$get().$get(),B.RawFields);}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;});h.reflectMessageInfo.setUnknown=(function $b(i,j){var{i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(i,AT).IsNil()){$panic(new $String("invalid SetUnknown on nil Message"));}k=$clone(i,AT).Apply($clone(h.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,AT).BytesPtr();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m.$get()===ADU.nil){m.$set($newDataPointer(ADP.nil,ADU));}m.$get().$set($convertSliceType(j,ADP));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;});}else{h.reflectMessageInfo.getUnknown=(function(i){var i;return B.RawFields.nil;});h.reflectMessageInfo.setUnknown=(function(i,j){var i,j;if($clone(i,AT).IsNil()){$panic(new $String("invalid SetUnknown on nil Message"));}});}};BS.prototype.makeUnknownFieldsFunc=function(f,g){return this.$val.makeUnknownFieldsFunc(f,g);};BS.ptr.prototype.makeExtensionFieldsFunc=function(f,g){var f,g,h;h=this;if($clone(g.extensionOffset,AP).IsValid()){h.reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap=(function $b(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(i,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return(AGN.nil);}j=$clone(i,AT).Apply($clone(g.extensionOffset,AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,AT).AsValueOf(CF);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;n=$clone(l,F.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=((m=$assertType(n,AGE),new AGN(function(){return m.$get();},function($v){m.$set($v);},m.$target)));$s=4;case 4:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;});}else{h.reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap=(function(i){var i;return(AGN.nil);});}};BS.prototype.makeExtensionFieldsFunc=function(f,g){return this.$val.makeExtensionFieldsFunc(f,g);};BS.ptr.prototype.makeFieldTypes=function(f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.Desc;i=h.Fields();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=0;case 2:l=j.Len();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(k>0;$s=2;continue;$s=22;continue;case 17:ag=o.Enum();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ag,$ifaceNil))){af=true;$s=29;continue s;}ah=o.Message();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil));case 29:if(af){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:ai=o.Number();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=(aj=f.oneofWrappersByNumber[H.Number.keyFor(ai)],aj!==undefined?aj.v:$ifaceNil).Field(0);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=ak.Type;case 28:$s=22;continue;case 18:am=o.MapValue();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am.Enum();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))){al=true;$s=36;continue s;}ao=o.MapValue();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao.Message();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=!($interfaceIsEqual(ap,$ifaceNil));case 36:if(al){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:aq=r.Type.Elem();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=aq;case 35:ar=o.MapValue();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar.Message();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=!($interfaceIsEqual(as,$ifaceNil));$s=22;continue;case 19:au=o.Enum();$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(au,$ifaceNil))){at=true;$s=46;continue s;}av=o.Message();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=!($interfaceIsEqual(av,$ifaceNil));case 46:if(at){$s=44;continue;}$s=45;continue;case 44:aw=r.Type.Elem();$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=aw;case 45:ax=o.Message();$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=!($interfaceIsEqual(ax,$ifaceNil));$s=22;continue;case 20:m=r.Type;az=o.HasPresence();$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(az)){ay=false;$s=53;continue s;}ba=m.Kind();$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ba===22;case 53:if(ay){$s=51;continue;}$s=52;continue;case 51:bb=m.Elem();$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=bb;case 52:$s=22;continue;case 21:m=r.Type;bc=o.IsWeak();$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bc){$s=57;continue;}$s=58;continue;case 57:m=$ifaceNil;case 58:aa=true;case 22:case 15:if(!(aa&&!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)))){bd=false;$s=62;continue s;}be=m.Kind();$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=!((be===22));case 62:if(bd){$s=60;continue;}$s=61;continue;case 60:m=F.PtrTo(m);case 61:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=64;continue;}$s=65;continue;case 64:if(g.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes===false){g.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes={};}bg=o.Number();$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=F.Zero(m);$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=$clone(bh,F.Value).Interface();$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=bg;(g.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[H.Number.keyFor(bf)]={k:bf,v:bi};case 65:k=k+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.makeFieldTypes,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.makeFieldTypes=function(f){return this.$val.makeFieldTypes(f);};$ptrType(BM).prototype.Range=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!(g===AGN.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=g.$get();i=0;j=$keys(h);case 3:if(!(i>0)))],m!==undefined?[m.v,true]:[new ADE.ptr($ifaceNil,new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil),AGO.nil),false]);n=$clone(k[0],ADE);g=k[1];if(!g){g=false;$s=-1;return g;}o=j.IsList();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(o){$s=4;continue;}p=j.IsMap();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(p){$s=5;continue;}q=j.Message();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 4:r=n.Value();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,B.Value).List();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s.Len();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=t>0;u=g;$s=14;case 14:return u;case 5:v=n.Value();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=$clone(v,B.Value).Map();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w.Len();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=x>0;y=g;$s=18;case 18:return y;case 6:z=n.Value();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=$clone(z,B.Value).Message();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa.IsValid();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=ab;ac=g;$s=22;case 22:return ac;case 7:case 3:g=true;$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BM).prototype.Has,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BM).prototype.Clear=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=f.TypeDescriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.Number();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}delete g.$get()[$Int32.keyFor(((i>>0)))];$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BM).prototype.Clear,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BM).prototype.Get=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=f.TypeDescriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!(g===AGN.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=i.Number();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=(l=(g.$get())[$Int32.keyFor(((k>>0)))],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:[new ADE.ptr($ifaceNil,new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil),AGO.nil),false]);m=$clone(j[0],ADE);n=j[1];if(n){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:o=m.Value();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=8;case 8:return p;case 6:case 3:q=f.Zero();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=10;case 10:return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BM).prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BM).prototype.Set=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=f.TypeDescriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=true;l=f.IsValidValue($clone(g,B.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!l){$s=3;continue;}m=j.IsList();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(m){$s=4;continue;}n=j.IsMap();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(n){$s=5;continue;}o=j.Message();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 3:k=false;$s=7;continue;case 4:p=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p.IsValid();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=q;$s=7;continue;case 5:r=$clone(g,B.Value).Map();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r.IsValid();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=s;$s=7;continue;case 6:t=$clone(g,B.Value).Message();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.IsValid();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=u;case 7:case 2:if(!k){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:v=f.TypeDescriptor();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v.FullName();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=new B.FullName(w);y=A.Sprintf("%v: assigning invalid value",new AEN([x]));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(y));case 19:if(h.$get()===false){h.$set({});}z=new ADE.ptr($ifaceNil,new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil),AGO.nil);z.Set(f,$clone(g,B.Value));ab=j.Number();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=((ab>>0));(h.$get()||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int32.keyFor(aa)]={k:aa,v:$clone(z,ADE)};$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BM).prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BM).prototype.Mutable=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=f.TypeDescriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;m=i.Kind();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!((m===11)))){l=false;$s=6;continue s;}n=i.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=!((n===10));case 6:if(!(l)){k=false;$s=5;continue s;}o=i.IsList();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=!o;case 5:if(!(k)){j=false;$s=4;continue s;}p=i.IsMap();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=!p;case 4:if(j){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$panic(new $String("invalid Mutable on field with non-composite type"));case 3:r=i.Number();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=(s=(g.$get())[$Int32.keyFor(((r>>0)))],s!==undefined?[s.v,true]:[new ADE.ptr($ifaceNil,new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil),AGO.nil),false]);t=$clone(q[0],ADE);u=q[1];if(u){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:v=t.Value();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;$s=15;case 15:return w;case 13:x=f.New();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,B.Value);$r=g.Set(f,$clone(y,B.Value));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return y;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(BM).prototype.Mutable,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};BS.ptr.prototype.MessageOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(F.TypeOf(f),g.GoReflectType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("type mismatch: got %T, want %v",new AEN([f,g.GoReflectType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:i=AW(f);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,AT);if($clone(j,AT).IsNil()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=g.reflectMessageInfo.nilMessage.Init(g);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=8;case 8:return l;case 6:$s=-1;return new BQ.ptr($clone(j,AT),g);}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.MessageOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.MessageOf=function(f){return this.$val.MessageOf(f);};BQ.ptr.prototype.pointer=function(){var f;f=this;return f.p;};BQ.prototype.pointer=function(){return this.$val.pointer();};BQ.ptr.prototype.messageInfo=function(){var f;f=this;return f.mi;};BQ.prototype.messageInfo=function(){return this.$val.messageInfo();};BR.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=f.protoUnwrap();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=$assertType(h,AGP,true);i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=i.Reset();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 3:k=f.protoUnwrap();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=F.ValueOf(k);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(($clone(m,F.Value).Kind()===22)&&!$clone(m,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:n=$clone(m,F.Value).Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(m,F.Value).Type().Elem();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=F.Zero(o);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(n,F.Value).Set($clone(p,F.Value));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BR.ptr.prototype.Reset,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BR.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};BR.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){var f;f=this;return($pointerOfStructConversion(f,ADR));};BR.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){return this.$val.ProtoReflect();};BR.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone(f.p,AT).AsIfaceOf(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BR.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BR.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){return this.$val.protoUnwrap();};BS.ptr.prototype.checkField=function(f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=AGH.nil;i=f.Number();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(0>0))=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+j]));}else{h=(l=g.reflectMessageInfo.fields[H.Number.keyFor(j)],l!==undefined?l.v:AGH.nil);}if(!(h===AGH.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h.fieldDesc,f))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:n=f.FullName();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;p=h.fieldDesc.FullName();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=m;r=o;if(!(q===r)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:s=A.Sprintf("mismatching field: got %v, want %v",new AEN([new B.FullName(q),new B.FullName(r)]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(s));case 9:t=f.FullName();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=new B.FullName(t);v=A.Sprintf("mismatching field: %v",new AEN([u]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(v));case 5:$s=-1;return[h,$ifaceNil];case 3:w=f.IsExtension();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(w){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:y=f.ContainingMessage();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y.FullName();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=z;ab=g.Desc.FullName();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=x;ad=aa;if(!(ac===ad)){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:ae=f.FullName();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=new B.FullName(ae);ag=new B.FullName(ac);ah=new B.FullName(ad);ai=A.Sprintf("extension %v has mismatching containing message: got %v, want %v",new AEN([af,ag,ah]));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(ai));case 20:aj=g.Desc.ExtensionRanges();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=f.Number();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=aj.Has(ak);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!al){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:am=f.FullName();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=new B.FullName(am);ao=g.Desc.FullName();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=new B.FullName(ao);aq=A.Sprintf("extension %v extends %v outside the extension range",new AEN([an,ap]));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(aq));case 24:ar=$assertType(f,B.ExtensionTypeDescriptor,true);as=ar[0];at=ar[1];if(!at){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:au=f.FullName();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=new B.FullName(au);aw=A.Sprintf("extension %v does not implement protoreflect.ExtensionTypeDescriptor",new AEN([av]));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(aw));case 32:ax=as.Type();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=[AGH.nil,ax];$s=36;case 36:return ay;case 14:az=f.FullName();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=new B.FullName(az);bb=A.Sprintf("field %v is invalid",new AEN([ba]));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(bb));$s=-1;return[AGH.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.checkField,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.checkField=function(f){return this.$val.checkField(f);};BU=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=F.Zero(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,F.Value).Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=$assertType(i,B.ProtoMessage,true);j=g[0];k=g[1];if(!k){$s=-1;return AEO.nil;}m=j.ProtoReflect();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$assertType(m,AGQ,true);n=l[0];k=l[1];if(!k){$s=-1;return AEO.nil;}o=n.ProtoMessageInfo();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=5;case 5:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:BU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BS.ptr.prototype.init=function(){var{f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if(S.LoadUint32((f.$ptr_initDone||(f.$ptr_initDone=new AFF(function(){return this.$target.initDone;},function($v){this.$target.initDone=$v;},f))))===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=f.initOnce();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.init,$c:true,$r,f,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.init=function(){return this.$val.init();};BS.ptr.prototype.initOnce=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;$r=f.initMu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.initMu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(f.initDone===1){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:g=f.GoReflectType;i=g.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!((i===22)))){h=false;$s=7;continue s;}j=g.Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.Kind();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=!((k===25));case 7:if(h){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=A.Sprintf("got %v, want *struct kind",new AEN([g]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(l));case 6:m=g.Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=m;n=f.makeStructInfo(g);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,CG);$r=f.makeReflectFuncs(g,$clone(o,CG));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=f.makeCoderMethods(g,$clone(o,CG));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}S.StoreUint32((f.$ptr_initDone||(f.$ptr_initDone=new AFF(function(){return this.$target.initDone;},function($v){this.$target.initDone=$v;},f))),1);$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.initOnce,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BS.prototype.initOnce=function(){return this.$val.initOnce();};BS.ptr.prototype.getPointer=function(f){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;g=new AT.ptr(new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0));h=false;i=this;j=f;if($assertType(j,ADQ,true)[1]){k=j.$val;m=$clone(k.pointer(),AT);n=k.messageInfo()===i;AT.copy(g,m);h=n;return[g,h];}else if($assertType(j,ADR,true)[1]){l=j.$val;o=$clone(l.pointer(),AT);p=l.messageInfo()===i;AT.copy(g,o);h=p;return[g,h];}q=new AT.ptr(new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0));r=false;AT.copy(g,q);h=r;return[g,h];};BS.prototype.getPointer=function(f){return this.$val.getPointer(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.makeStructInfo=function(f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=new CG.ptr($clone(AR,AP),$ifaceNil,$clone(AR,AP),$ifaceNil,$clone(AR,AP),$ifaceNil,$clone(AR,AP),$ifaceNil,$makeMap(H.Number.keyFor,[]),$makeMap(B.Name.keyFor,[]),$makeMap(F.Type.keyFor,[]),$makeMap(H.Number.keyFor,[]));i=0;case 1:j=f.NumField();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(i=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);if(p.length>0&&R.Trim(p,"0123456789")===""){q=Q.ParseUint(p,10,64);r=q[0];s=((r.$low>>0));(h.fieldsByNumber||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[H.Number.keyFor(s)]={k:s,v:$clone(l,F.StructField)};i=i+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue s;}o++;}t=new F.StructTag(l.Tag).Get("protobuf_oneof");if(t.length>0){u=(t);(h.oneofsByName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[B.Name.keyFor(u)]={k:u,v:$clone(l,F.StructField)};i=i+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue s;}}case 4:i=i+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:v=g.OneofWrappers;w=new AFX(["XXX_OneofFuncs","XXX_OneofWrappers"]);x=0;case 6:if(!(x=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+x]);aa=F.PtrTo(f).MethodByName(y);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;ab=$clone(z[0],F.Method);ac=z[1];if(ac){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:ae=ab.Type.In(0);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=F.Zero(ae);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=$clone(ab.Func,F.Value).Call(new AGG([$clone(af,F.Value)]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ag;ah=0;case 14:if(!(ah=ad.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+ah]);ak=$clone(ai,F.Value).Interface();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=$assertType(ak,AEN,true);al=aj[0];am=aj[1];if(am){v=al;}ah++;$s=14;continue;case 15:case 10:x++;$s=6;continue;case 7:an=v;ao=0;case 17:if(!(ao=an.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):an.$array[an.$offset+ao]);aq=F.TypeOf(ap).Elem();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;as=ar.Field(0);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=$clone(as,F.StructField);au=R.Split(new F.StructTag(at.Tag).Get("protobuf"),",");av=0;while(true){if(!(av=au.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):au.$array[au.$offset+av]);if(aw.length>0&&R.Trim(aw,"0123456789")===""){ax=Q.ParseUint(aw,10,64);ay=ax[0];az=ar;(h.oneofWrappersByType||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[F.Type.keyFor(az)]={k:az,v:((ay.$low>>0))};ba=((ay.$low>>0));(h.oneofWrappersByNumber||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[H.Number.keyFor(ba)]={k:ba,v:ar};break;}av++;}ao++;$s=17;continue;case 18:$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.makeStructInfo,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.makeStructInfo=function(f){return this.$val.makeStructInfo(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.GoReflectType.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=F.New(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,F.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=$assertType(j,B.ProtoMessage,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(m){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:n=l.ProtoReflect();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=7;case 7:return o;case 5:p=f.MessageOf(j);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=9;case 9:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};BS.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=F.Zero(f.GoReflectType);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone(g,F.Value).Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=f.MessageOf(h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=4;case 4:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.Zero,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};BS.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var f;f=this;return f.Desc;};BS.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};BS.ptr.prototype.Enum=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.Desc.Fields();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.Get(f);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=j.Number();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=new ADK.ptr().EnumTypeOf((l=g.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes[H.Number.keyFor(k)],l!==undefined?l.v:$ifaceNil));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=6;case 6:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.Enum,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.Enum=function(f){return this.$val.Enum(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.Message=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.Desc.Fields();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.Get(f);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=j.IsWeak();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k){$s=5;continue;}l=j.IsMap();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(l){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:n=j.Message();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.FullName();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=C.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(o);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=p;q=m[0];$s=-1;return q;case 6:s=j.Message();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=j.Number();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=(r=new CH.ptr(s,(u=g.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes[H.Number.keyFor(t)],u!==undefined?u.v:$ifaceNil)),new r.constructor.elem(r));$s=16;case 16:return v;case 7:w=j.Number();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=new ADK.ptr().MessageTypeOf((x=g.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes[H.Number.keyFor(w)],x!==undefined?x.v:$ifaceNil));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=19;case 19:return z;case 8:case 4:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.Message,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.Message=function(f){return this.$val.Message(f);};CH.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};CH.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};CH.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};CH.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};CH.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var f;f=this;return f.desc;};CH.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};CH.ptr.prototype.Enum=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.desc.Fields();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.Get(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=j.Enum();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 4:l=new ADK.ptr().EnumTypeOf(g.valType);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.Enum,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.Enum=function(f){return this.$val.Enum(f);};CH.ptr.prototype.Message=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.desc.Fields();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.Get(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=j.Message();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 4:l=new ADK.ptr().MessageTypeOf(g.valType);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.Message,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.Message=function(f){return this.$val.Message(f);};CI=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(f,AT).Bool();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.$set(j.$get());$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};CJ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(!(k===false)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=$clone(f,AT).Bool();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.$set(k);case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};CK=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=[j];k=$clone(g,AT).BoolPtr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.$get();if(!(l===AET.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j[0]=l.$get();m=$clone(f,AT).BoolPtr();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m.$set((j.$ptr||(j.$ptr=new AET(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},j))));case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CL=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,AT).BoolSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=$clone(g,AT).BoolSlice();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;k.$set($appendSlice(k.$get(),m.$get()));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CM=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(f,AT).Int32();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.$set(j.$get());$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};CN=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(!((k===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=$clone(f,AT).Int32();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.$set(k);case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};CO=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=[j];k=$clone(g,AT).Int32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.$get();if(!(l===AEX.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j[0]=l.$get();m=$clone(f,AT).Int32Ptr();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m.$set((j.$ptr||(j.$ptr=new AEX(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},j))));case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CP=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=$clone(g,AT).Int32Slice();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;k.$set($appendSlice(k.$get(),m.$get()));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CQ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(f,AT).Uint32();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.$set(j.$get());$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};CR=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(!((k===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=$clone(f,AT).Uint32();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.$set(k);case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};CS=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=[j];k=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.$get();if(!(l===AFF.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j[0]=l.$get();m=$clone(f,AT).Uint32Ptr();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m.$set((j.$ptr||(j.$ptr=new AFF(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},j))));case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CT=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;k.$set($appendSlice(k.$get(),m.$get()));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CU=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(f,AT).Int64();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.$set(j.$get());$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};CV=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(!((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=$clone(f,AT).Int64();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.$set(k);case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};CW=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=[j];k=$clone(g,AT).Int64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.$get();if(!(l===AFB.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j[0]=l.$get();m=$clone(f,AT).Int64Ptr();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m.$set((j.$ptr||(j.$ptr=new AFB(function(){return 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$f;};CZ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(!((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=$clone(f,AT).Uint64();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.$set(k);case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};DA=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=[j];k=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.$get();if(!(l===AFJ.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j[0]=l.$get();m=$clone(f,AT).Uint64Ptr();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m.$set((j.$ptr||(j.$ptr=new AFJ(function(){return 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$f={$blk:DG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};DH=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(!((k===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=$clone(f,AT).Float64();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.$set(k);case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};DI=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=[j];k=$clone(g,AT).Float64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.$get();if(!(l===AFR.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j[0]=l.$get();m=$clone(f,AT).Float64Ptr();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m.$set((j.$ptr||(j.$ptr=new AFR(function(){return 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$f={$blk:DK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};DL=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(!(k==="")){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=$clone(f,AT).String();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.$set(k);case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};DM=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=[j];k=$clone(g,AT).StringPtr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.$get();if(!(l===AFV.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j[0]=l.$get();m=$clone(f,AT).StringPtr();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m.$set((j.$ptr||(j.$ptr=new AFV(function(){return 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this.$val.Merge(f,g);};BS.ptr.prototype.merge=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.getPointer(f.Destination);i=$clone(h[0],AT);j=h[1];if(!j){$s=-1;return new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),0);}k=g.getPointer(f.Source);l=$clone(k[0],AT);j=k[1];if(!j){$s=-1;return new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),0);}$r=g.mergePointer($clone(i,AT),$clone(l,AT),new DO.ptr());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),1);}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.merge,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.merge=function(f){return this.$val.merge(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.mergePointer=function(f,g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($clone(f,AT).IsNil()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=A.Sprintf("invalid value: merging into nil message",new AEN([]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(j));case 3:if($clone(g,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return;}k=i.coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields;l=0;case 5:if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);if(m.funcs.merge===$throwNilPointerError){l++;$s=5;continue;}n=$clone(g,AT).Apply($clone(m.offset,AP));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,AT);if(!(m.isPointer)){p=false;$s=10;continue s;}q=$clone(o,AT).Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,AT).IsNil();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=r;case 10:if(p){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:l++;$s=5;continue;case 9:s=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(m.offset,AP));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m.funcs.merge($clone(s,AT),$clone(o,AT),m,$clone(h,DO));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l++;$s=5;continue;case 6:if($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:t=$clone(g,AT).Apply($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,AT).Extensions();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=$clone(w,AT).Extensions();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if(y.$get()===false){y.$set({});}z=v.$get();aa=0;ab=$keys(z);case 21:if(!(aa0){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:av=i.mutableUnknownBytes($clone(f,AT));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=av;aw.$set($appendSlice(aw.$get(),au.$get()));case 36:case 33:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.mergePointer,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.mergePointer=function(f,g,h){return this.$val.mergePointer(f,g,h);};DP=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;return g;};DQ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=new ADP(AAW);j=$clone(g,B.Value).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=B.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(i,k));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=3;case 3:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};DR=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=0;o=l.Len();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=m;q=n;case 4:if(!(p>0;$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:DR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};DS=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=0;o=l.Len();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=m;q=n;case 4:if(!(p>0;$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:DS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};DT=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=0;o=l.Len();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=m;q=n;case 4:if(!(p>0;$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:DT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};DU=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=$clone(g,B.Value).Message();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.Interface();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$r=$clone(h,DO).Merge(k,n);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:DU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};DV=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(h.mi===AEO.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=$clone(f,AT).Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,AT).IsNil();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:l=h.mi.GoReflectType.Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=F.New(l);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=AV($clone(m,F.Value));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(f,AT).SetPointer($clone(n,AT));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:o=$clone(f,AT).Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,AT);q=$clone(g,AT).Elem();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,AT);s=$clone(i,DO);$r=h.mi.mergePointer(p,r,s);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=3;continue;case 2:t=$clone(f,AT).AsValueOf(h.ft);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,F.Value).Elem();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=$clone(g,AT).AsValueOf(h.ft);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=$clone(w,F.Value).Elem();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if($clone(v,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:z=h.ft.Elem();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=F.New(z);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(v,F.Value).Set($clone(aa,F.Value));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 20:ab=ACX($clone(v,F.Value));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;ad=ACX($clone(y,F.Value));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;$r=$clone(i,DO).Merge(ac,ae);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DW=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$clone(g,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=0;case 2:if(!(l=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+l]),AT);n=h.ft.Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=F.New(o);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!(h.mi===AEO.nil)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=h.mi.mergePointer($clone(AV($clone(q,F.Value)),AT),$clone(m,AT),$clone(i,DO));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=9;continue;case 8:r=ACX($clone(q,F.Value));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=h.ft.Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.Elem();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(m,AT).AsValueOf(u);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=ACX($clone(v,F.Value));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$r=$clone(i,DO).Merge(s,x);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 9:$r=$clone(f,AT).AppendPointerSlice($clone(AV($clone(q,F.Value)),AT));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};DX=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=new ADP(AAW);k=$clone(g,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.$get();m=$clone(f,AT).Bytes();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m.$set($appendSlice(j,l));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};DY=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length>0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=$clone(f,AT).Bytes();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.$set($appendSlice(new ADP(AAW),k));case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};DZ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,AT).BytesSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;m=$clone(g,AT).BytesSlice();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m.$get();n=0;case 3:if(!(n=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+n]);k.$set($append(k.$get(),$appendSlice(new ADP(AAW),o)));n++;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};EA=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$clone(f,F.Value).Type();i=g.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((i===22))){h=true;$s=3;continue s;}j=g.Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=!((k===25));case 3:if(h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return(l=new EW.ptr($clone(f,F.Value)),new l.constructor.elem(l));case 2:m=ED(g,"");$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=$clone(f,F.Value).Interface();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=n.MessageOf(o);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=10;case 10:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:EA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};EB=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=f.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((i===22))){h=true;$s=3;continue s;}j=f.Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=!((k===25));case 3:if(h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return(l=new EV.ptr(f),new l.constructor.elem(l));case 2:m=ED(f,g);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=8;case 8:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:EB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};ED=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=EC.Load(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(k){$s=-1;return $assertType(j,AEO);}l=EG(f,g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=new BS.ptr(f,l,$throwNilPointerError,AEN.nil,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,new BL.ptr(false,false,false,AGM.nil,AEN.nil,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,new AX.ptr(new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),new BQ.ptr(new AT.ptr(new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0)),AEO.nil))),new IV.ptr(new AEL.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),new $Uint64(0,0),$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError),AGR.nil,AGR.nil,false,new AP.ptr(0,$throwNilPointerError),new AP.ptr(0,$throwNilPointerError),false,new AP.ptr(0,$throwNilPointerError),false,false,0));n=false;o=false;p=n;q=o;r=F.Zero(f);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,F.Value).Interface();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=$assertType(t,EO,true);p=u[1];if(p){m.coderMessageInfo.methods.Marshal=ES;m.coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags=(v=m.coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags,w=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(v.$high|w.$high,(v.$low|w.$low)>>>0));}x=$assertType(t,EP,true);q=x[1];if(q){m.coderMessageInfo.methods.Unmarshal=ET;}y=$assertType(t,EQ,true);z=y[1];if(z||(p&&q)){m.coderMessageInfo.methods.Merge=EU;}ab=EC.LoadOrStore(f,m);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=aa[0];ad=aa[1];if(ad){$s=-1;return $assertType(ac,AEO);}$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:ED,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};EF=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=EG(f,"");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:EF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$pkg.LegacyLoadMessageDesc=EF;EG=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];j=EE.Load(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(l){$s=-1;return $assertType(k,B.MessageDescriptor);}m=F.Zero(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,F.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=$assertType(o,B.ProtoMessage,true);q=p[1];if(q){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:r=A.Sprintf("%v already implements proto.Message",new AEN([f]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(r));case 5:s=$assertType(o,EY,true);h[0]=s[0];t=s[1];if(!t){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:u=EJ(f,g);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=10;case 10:return v;case 8:x=(function(h){return function $b(){var{x,y,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$deferred.push([(function(h){return function(){$recover();};})(h),[]]);x=h[0].Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=2;case 2:return y;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[ADP.nil,AGL.nil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,x,y,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};})(h)();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=w[0];z=w[1];if(y===ADP.nil){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:aa=EJ(f,g);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;$s=15;case 15:return ab;case 13:ac=f.Elem();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac.Kind();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ad===25){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:ae=f.Elem();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae.NumField();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;if(ag>0){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:ah=false;ai=0;case 24:if(!(ai>0;$s=24;continue;case 25:if(!ah){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:am=EJ(f,g);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;$s=31;case 31:return an;case 29:case 23:case 17:ao=FA(y);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao.Messages();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap.Get((0>=z.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z.$array[z.$offset+0]));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;as=$subslice(z,1);at=0;case 35:if(!(at=as.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):as.$array[as.$offset+at]);av=ar.Messages();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=av.Get(au);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aw;at++;$s=35;continue;case 36:if(!(!(g===""))){ax=false;$s=41;continue s;}ay=ar.FullName();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=!(ay===g);case 41:if(ax){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 39:az=ar.FullName();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=new B.FullName(az);bb=new B.FullName(g);bc=A.Sprintf("mismatching message name: got %v, want %v",new AEN([ba,bb]));$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(bc));case 40:be=EE.LoadOrStore(f,ar);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=be;bf=bd[0];bg=bd[1];if(bg){$s=-1;return $assertType(bf,B.MessageDescriptor);}$s=-1;return ar;}return;}var $f={$blk:EG,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};EJ=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$r=EH.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(EH,"Unlock"),[]]);if(EI===false){EI={};}h=EK(f,g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:EJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};EK=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=(i=EI[F.Type.keyFor(f)],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:[$ifaceNil,false]);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(k){$s=-1;return j;}l=new X.Message.ptr(new X.Base.ptr(new X.BaseL0.ptr("",AGS.nil,$ifaceNil,0)),new X.MessageL1.ptr(new X.Enums.ptr(AGT.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.Messages.ptr(AGU.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.Extensions.ptr(AGV.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),false,false),new X.MessageL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError,new X.Fields.ptr(AGX.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false,false,false,false),new X.Oneofs.ptr(AGY.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.Names.ptr(AGZ.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.FieldRanges.ptr(AHB.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),AHB.nil),new X.FieldNumbers.ptr(AHC.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.FieldRanges.ptr(AHB.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),AHB.nil),AHE.nil));m=EL(f,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.Base.L0.FullName=m;l.Base.L0.ParentFile=X.SurrogateProto2;n=f;(EI||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[F.Type.keyFor(n)]={k:n,v:l};p=f.Kind();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((p===22))){o=true;$s=4;continue s;}q=f.Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q.Kind();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=!((r===25));case 4:if(o){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return l;case 3:s=0;case 8:t=f.Elem();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.NumField();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(s=ab.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ab.$array[ab.$offset+ac]);if(ad==="proto3"){l.Base.L0.ParentFile=X.SurrogateProto3;}ac++;}case 15:s=s+(1)>>0;$s=8;continue;case 9:ae=AHF.nil;af=new AFX(["XXX_OneofFuncs","XXX_OneofWrappers"]);ag=0;case 18:if(!(ag=af.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):af.$array[af.$offset+ag]);aj=f.MethodByName(ah);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;ak=$clone(ai[0],F.Method);al=ai[1];if(al){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:an=ak.Type.In(0);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=F.Zero(an);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=$clone(ak.Func,F.Value).Call(new AGG([$clone(ao,F.Value)]));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=ap;aq=0;case 26:if(!(aq=am.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):am.$array[am.$offset+aq]);at=$clone(ar,F.Value).Interface();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=$assertType(at,AEN,true);au=as[0];av=as[1];if(av){aw=au;ax=0;while(true){if(!(ax=aw.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aw.$array[aw.$offset+ax]);ae=$append(ae,F.TypeOf(ay));ax++;}}aq++;$s=26;continue;case 27:case 22:ag++;$s=18;continue;case 19:ba=f.MethodByName("ExtensionRangeArray");$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ba;bb=$clone(az[0],F.Method);bc=az[1];if(bc){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:be=bb.Type.In(0);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=F.Zero(be);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=$clone(bb.Func,F.Value).Call(new AGG([$clone(bf,F.Value)]));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=(bd=bg,(0>=bd.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bd.$array[bd.$offset+0]));bi=0;case 35:if(!(bi<$clone(bh,F.Value).Len())){$s=36;continue;}bj=$clone(bh,F.Value).Index(bi);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=bj;bm=$clone(bk,F.Value).FieldByName("Start");$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=$clone(bm,F.Value).Int();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=$clone(bk,F.Value).FieldByName("End");$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}br=$clone(bq,F.Value).Int();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.L2.ExtensionRanges.List=$append(l.L2.ExtensionRanges.List,$toNativeArray($kindInt32,[(((bl=bn,bl.$low+((bl.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)),(((bo=(bp=br,new $Int64(bp.$high+0,bp.$low+1)),bo.$low+((bo.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))]));l.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions=$append(l.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions,$throwNilPointerError);bi=bi+(1)>>0;$s=35;continue;case 36:case 31:bs=0;case 42:bt=f.Elem();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=bt.NumField();$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bs=cd.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cd.$array[cd.$offset+cc]));ce.Base.L0.FullName=new B.FullName(l.Base.FullName()).Append((cb));ce.Base.L0.ParentFile=l.Base.L0.ParentFile;ce.Base.L0.Parent=l;ce.Base.L0.Index=cc;cf=ae;cg=0;case 53:if(!(cg=cf.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cf.$array[cf.$offset+cg]);ci=ch.Implements(bx.Type);$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;ci=ci.$blk();}if(ci&&ci.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ci){$s=55;continue;}$s=56;continue;case 55:cj=ch.Elem();$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;cj=cj.$blk();}if(cj&&cj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ck=cj.Field(0);$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;ck=ck.$blk();}if(ck&&ck.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cl=$clone(ck,F.StructField);cm=new F.StructTag(cl.Tag).Get("protobuf");if(!(cm==="")){$s=60;continue;}$s=61;continue;case 60:$r=EM(l,cl.Type,cm,"","");$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cp=(cn=l.L2.Fields.List,co=l.L2.Fields.List.$length-1>>0,((co<0||co>=cn.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cn.$array[cn.$offset+co]));cp.L1.ContainingOneof=ce;ce.L1.Fields.List=$append(ce.L1.Fields.List,cp);case 61:case 56:cg++;$s=53;continue;case 54:case 52:bs=bs+(1)>>0;$s=42;continue;case 43:$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:EK,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};EL=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];if(new B.FullName(g[0]).IsValid()){$s=-1;return g[0];}$r=(function(f,g){return function $b(){var{h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$deferred.push([(function(f,g){return function(){$recover();};})(f,g),[]]);i=F.Zero(f[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(j,AHH,true);k=h[0];l=h[1];if(l){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:m=k.XXX_MessageName();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g[0]=(m);case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};})(f,g)();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(new B.FullName(g[0]).IsValid()){$s=-1;return g[0];}h=f[0].Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h===22){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=f[0].Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f[0]=i;case 3:j=FN(f[0]);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=7;case 7:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:EL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};EM=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=[k];l=g;n=l.Kind();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(n===22)){m=false;$s=1;continue s;}o=l.Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=!((p===25));case 1:q=m;s=l.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(s===23)){r=false;$s=5;continue s;}t=l.Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=!((u===8));case 5:v=r;if(q||v){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:w=l.Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=w;case 10:y=V.Unmarshal(h,l,(x=new EN.ptr($ifaceNil),new x.constructor.elem(x)));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0]=$assertType(y,AHI);z=f.L2.Fields.List.$length;f.L2.Fields.List=$append(f.L2.Fields.List,k[0]);k[0]=(aa=f.L2.Fields.List,((z<0||z>=aa.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa.$array[aa.$offset+z]));k[0].Base.L0.FullName=new B.FullName(f.Base.FullName()).Append(k[0].Base.Name());k[0].Base.L0.ParentFile=f.Base.L0.ParentFile;k[0].Base.L0.Parent=f;k[0].Base.L0.Index=z;if(k[0].L1.IsWeak||k[0].L1.HasPacked){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:k[0].L1.Options=(function(k){return function $b(){var{ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ab=U.Field.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab.New();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;if(k[0].L1.IsWeak){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:ae=ad.Descriptor();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae.Fields();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af.ByName("weak");$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=ad.Set(ag,$clone(B.ValueOfBool(true),B.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:if(k[0].L1.HasPacked){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:ah=ad.Descriptor();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah.Fields();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai.ByName("packed");$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=ad.Set(aj,$clone(B.ValueOfBool(k[0].L1.IsPacked),B.Value));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:ak=ad.Interface();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak;$s=16;case 16:return al;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,$s};return $f;};})(k);case 14:if($interfaceIsEqual(k[0].Enum(),$ifaceNil)&&(k[0].Kind()===14)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:ac=F.Zero(l);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=$clone(ac,F.Value).Interface();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ad;if($assertType(ab,B.Enum,true)[1]){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:ae=ab;ag=ae.Descriptor();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0].L1.Enum=ag;$s=21;continue;case 20:af=ab;ah=FK(l);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0].L1.Enum=ah;case 21:case 16:ai=k[0].Message();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil)&&((k[0].Kind()===11)||(k[0].Kind()===10))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:ak=F.Zero(l);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=$clone(ak,F.Value).Interface();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=al;if($assertType(aj,B.ProtoMessage,true)[1]){$s=29;continue;}if($assertType(aj,EY,true)[1]){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 29:am=aj;ap=am.ProtoReflect();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap.Descriptor();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0].L1.Message=aq;$s=32;continue;case 30:an=aj;ar=EF(l);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0].L1.Message=ar;$s=32;continue;case 31:ao=aj;as=l.Kind();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(as===21){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:at=f.L1.Messages.List.$length;f.L1.Messages.List=$append(f.L1.Messages.List,new X.Message.ptr(new X.Base.ptr(new X.BaseL0.ptr("",AGS.nil,$ifaceNil,0)),new X.MessageL1.ptr(new X.Enums.ptr(AGT.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.Messages.ptr(AGU.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.Extensions.ptr(AGV.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),false,false),new X.MessageL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError,new X.Fields.ptr(AGX.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false,false,false,false),new X.Oneofs.ptr(AGY.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.Names.ptr(AGZ.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.FieldRanges.ptr(AHB.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),AHB.nil),new X.FieldNumbers.ptr(AHC.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.FieldRanges.ptr(AHB.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),AHB.nil),AHE.nil)));av=(au=f.L1.Messages.List,((at<0||at>=au.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):au.$array[au.$offset+at]));av.Base.L0.FullName=new B.FullName(f.Base.FullName()).Append((L.MapEntryName((k[0].Base.Name()))));av.Base.L0.ParentFile=f.Base.L0.ParentFile;av.Base.L0.Parent=f;av.Base.L0.Index=at;av.L1.IsMapEntry=true;av.L2.Options=(function(k){return function $b(){var{aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aw=U.Message.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=aw.New();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;az=ay.Descriptor();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az.Fields();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=ba.ByName("map_entry");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=ay.Set(bb,$clone(B.ValueOfBool(true),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=ay.Interface();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;$s=8;case 8:return bd;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,$s};return $f;};})(k);aw=av;ax=l.Key();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;az=i;$r=EM(aw,ay,az,"","");$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=av;bb=l.Elem();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;bd=j;$r=EM(ba,bc,bd,"","");$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0].L1.Message=av;$s=32;continue;case 37:be=EK(l,"");$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0].L1.Message=be;case 32:case 25:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:EM,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};EN.ptr.prototype.ByNumber=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=A.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_%d",new AEN([new B.EnumNumber(f)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=new X.PlaceholderEnumValue(((g)));$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:EN.ptr.prototype.ByNumber,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};EN.prototype.ByNumber=function(f){return this.$val.ByNumber(f);};ES=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$assertType(f.Message,GH).protoUnwrap();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=$assertType(h,EO,true);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(!k){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=W.New("%T does not implement Marshal",new AEN([h]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=[new AEA.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),ADP.nil),l];$s=5;case 5:return m;case 3:o=j.Marshal();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];if(!(f.Buf===ADP.nil)){p=$appendSlice(f.Buf,p);}$s=-1;return[new AEA.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),p),q];}return;}var $f={$blk:ES,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};ET=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$assertType(f.Message,GH).protoUnwrap();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=$assertType(h,EP,true);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(!k){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=W.New("%T does not implement Unmarshal",new AEN([h]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=[new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),0),l];$s=5;case 5:return m;case 3:n=j.Unmarshal(f.Buf);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=[new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),0),n];$s=7;case 7:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:ET,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};EU=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$assertType(f.Destination,GH).protoUnwrap();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=$assertType(h,EQ,true);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(k){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=new ADK.ptr().ProtoMessageV1Of(f.Source);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=j.Merge(l);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),1);case 3:m=$assertType(f.Source,GH).protoUnwrap();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=$assertType(n,EO,true);p=o[0];k=o[1];if(!k){$s=-1;return new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),0);}q=$assertType(f.Destination,GH).protoUnwrap();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=q;r=$assertType(h,EP,true);s=r[0];k=r[1];if(!k){$s=-1;return new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),0);}t=f.Source.IsValid();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!t){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),1);case 9:v=p.Marshal();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[0];x=u[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),0);}y=s.Unmarshal(w);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),0);}$s=-1;return new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),1);}return;}var $f={$blk:EU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};EV.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.t.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g===22){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=f.t.Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=F.New(i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=(h=new EW.ptr($clone(j,F.Value)),new h.constructor.elem(h));$s=6;case 6:return k;case 2:m=F.Zero(f.t);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=(l=new EW.ptr($clone(m,F.Value)),new l.constructor.elem(l));$s=8;case 8:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:EV.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};EV.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};EV.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=F.Zero(f.t);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=(g=new EW.ptr($clone(h,F.Value)),new g.constructor.elem(g));$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:EV.ptr.prototype.Zero,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};EV.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};EV.ptr.prototype.GoType=function(){var f;f=this;return f.t;};EV.prototype.GoType=function(){return this.$val.GoType();};EV.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=EF(f.t);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:EV.ptr.prototype.Descriptor,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};EV.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};EW.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=$assertType(h,AGP,true);i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=i.Reset();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 3:if(($clone(f.v,F.Value).Kind()===22)&&!$clone(f.v,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Type().Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=F.Zero(l);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(k,F.Value).Set($clone(m,F.Value));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.ptr.prototype.Reset,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};EW.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};EW.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){var f;f=this;return new f.constructor.elem(f);};EW.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){return this.$val.ProtoReflect();};EW.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=EF($clone(f.v,F.Value).Type());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.ptr.prototype.Descriptor,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};EW.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};EW.ptr.prototype.Type=function(){var f,g;f=this;return(g=new EV.ptr($clone(f.v,F.Value).Type()),new g.constructor.elem(g));};EW.prototype.Type=function(){return this.$val.Type();};EW.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Type().Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g===22){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Type().Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=F.New(i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=(h=new EW.ptr($clone(j,F.Value)),new h.constructor.elem(h));$s=6;case 6:return k;case 2:m=F.Zero($clone(f.v,F.Value).Type());$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=(l=new EW.ptr($clone(m,F.Value)),new l.constructor.elem(l));$s=8;case 8:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};EW.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};EW.ptr.prototype.Interface=function(){var f;f=this;return new f.constructor.elem(f);};EW.prototype.Interface=function(){return this.$val.Interface();};EW.ptr.prototype.Range=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return;};EW.prototype.Range=function(f){return this.$val.Range(f);};EW.ptr.prototype.Has=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return false;};EW.prototype.Has=function(f){return this.$val.Has(f);};EW.ptr.prototype.Clear=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g,EW).Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.FullName();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("invalid Message.Clear on "+(i)));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.ptr.prototype.Clear,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};EW.prototype.Clear=function(f){return this.$val.Clear(f);};EW.ptr.prototype.Get=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=f.Default();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,B.Value).IsValid();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=f.Default();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=6;case 6:return k;case 2:l=$clone(g,EW).Descriptor();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.FullName();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("invalid Message.Get on "+(m)));$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.ptr.prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};EW.prototype.Get=function(f){return this.$val.Get(f);};EW.ptr.prototype.Set=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=$clone(h,EW).Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.FullName();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("invalid Message.Set on "+(j)));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.ptr.prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};EW.prototype.Set=function(f,g){return this.$val.Set(f,g);};EW.ptr.prototype.Mutable=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g,EW).Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.FullName();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("invalid Message.Mutable on "+(i)));$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.ptr.prototype.Mutable,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};EW.prototype.Mutable=function(f){return this.$val.Mutable(f);};EW.ptr.prototype.NewField=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g,EW).Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.FullName();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("invalid Message.NewField on "+(i)));$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.ptr.prototype.NewField,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};EW.prototype.NewField=function(f){return this.$val.NewField(f);};EW.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g,EW).Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.FullName();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("invalid Message.WhichOneof descriptor on "+(i)));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};EW.prototype.WhichOneof=function(f){return this.$val.WhichOneof(f);};EW.ptr.prototype.GetUnknown=function(){var f;f=this;return B.RawFields.nil;};EW.prototype.GetUnknown=function(){return this.$val.GetUnknown();};EW.ptr.prototype.SetUnknown=function(f){var f,g;g=this;};EW.prototype.SetUnknown=function(f){return this.$val.SetUnknown(f);};EW.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var f;f=this;if($clone(f.v,F.Value).Kind()===22){return!$clone(f.v,F.Value).IsNil();}return false;};EW.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};EW.ptr.prototype.ProtoMethods=function(){var f;f=this;return ER;};EW.prototype.ProtoMethods=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMethods();};EW.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};EW.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){return this.$val.protoUnwrap();};FA=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=EZ.Load($indexPtr(f.$array,f.$offset+0,AHJ));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){$s=-1;return $assertType(i,B.FileDescriptor);}l=Z.NewReader(Y.NewReader(f));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$panic(n);}p=AA.ReadAll(m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];n=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$panic(n);}s=new X.Builder.ptr("",q,0,0,0,0,$ifaceNil,(r=new FB.ptr(C.GlobalFiles),new r.constructor.elem(r))).Build();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s.File;v=EZ.LoadOrStore($indexPtr(f.$array,f.$offset+0,AHJ),t);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[0];x=u[1];if(x){$s=-1;return $assertType(w,B.FileDescriptor);}$s=-1;return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:FA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};FB.ptr.prototype.FindFileByPath=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.reg.FindFileByPath(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.FindFileByPath,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};FB.prototype.FindFileByPath=function(f){return this.$val.FindFileByPath(f);};FB.ptr.prototype.FindDescriptorByName=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.reg.FindDescriptorByName(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.FindDescriptorByName,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};FB.prototype.FindDescriptorByName=function(f){return this.$val.FindDescriptorByName(f);};FB.ptr.prototype.RegisterFile=function(f){var f;return $ifaceNil;};FB.prototype.RegisterFile=function(f){return this.$val.RegisterFile(f);};FO.ptr.prototype.initToLegacy=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.desc,FQ);h=$ifaceNil;i=g.ExtensionDescriptor.ContainingMessage();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.FullName();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;m=C.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:o=n.New();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.Interface();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=F.TypeOf(q);s=$assertType(q,GH,true);t=s[0];u=s[1];if(u){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:v=t.protoUnwrap();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=F.TypeOf(v);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=w;case 9:x=F.Zero(r);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,F.Value).Interface();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;aa=$assertType(z,M.MessageV1,true);ab=aa[0];ac=aa[1];if(ac){h=ab;}case 5:ad=f.goType;ae=ad.Kind();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;if((af===(1))||(af===(5))||(af===(6))||(af===(10))||(af===(11))||(af===(13))||(af===(14))||(af===(24))){ad=F.PtrTo(ad);}case 14:ag="";ah=g.ExtensionDescriptor.Kind();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ah===14){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:ai=g.ExtensionDescriptor.Enum();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=FD(ai);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=aj;case 17:ak="";al=g.ExtensionDescriptor.ParentFile();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil))){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:an=am.Path();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=an;case 23:ao=g.ExtensionDescriptor.FullName();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;aq=I.IsMessageSetExtension(new g.constructor.elem(g));$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(aq){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:ap=new B.FullName(ap).Parent();case 27:f.ExtendedType=h;ar=F.Zero(ad);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=$clone(ar,F.Value).Interface();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.ExtensionType=as;at=g.ExtensionDescriptor.Number();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.Field=((at>>0));f.Name=(ap);au=V.Marshal(new g.constructor.elem(g),ag);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.Tag=au;f.Filename=ak;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.initToLegacy,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.initToLegacy=function(){return this.$val.initToLegacy();};FO.ptr.prototype.initFromLegacy=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(f.ExtendedType,$ifaceNil)||$interfaceIsEqual(f.ExtensionType,$ifaceNil)){g=new FC.ptr((f.Name),((f.Field>>0)));FQ.copy(f.desc,new FQ.ptr(new g.constructor.elem(g),f));$s=-1;return;}h=$ifaceNil;i=$ifaceNil;j=F.TypeOf(f.ExtensionType);l=j.Kind();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(l===22)){k=false;$s=1;continue s;}m=j.Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=!((n===25));case 1:o=k;q=j.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(q===23)){p=false;$s=5;continue s;}r=j.Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=!((s===8));case 5:t=p;if(o||t){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:u=j.Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=u;case 10:w=F.Zero(j);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=$clone(w,F.Value).Interface();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=x;if($assertType(v,B.Enum,true)[1]){$s=14;continue;}if($assertType(v,EX,true)[1]){$s=15;continue;}if($assertType(v,B.ProtoMessage,true)[1]){$s=16;continue;}if($assertType(v,EY,true)[1]){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 14:y=v;ac=y.Descriptor();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=ac;$s=18;continue;case 15:z=v;ad=FK(j);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=ad;$s=18;continue;case 16:aa=v;ae=aa.ProtoReflect();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae.Descriptor();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=af;$s=18;continue;case 17:ab=v;ag=EF(j);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=ag;case 18:ah=$ifaceNil;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:ai=h.Values();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;case 25:aj=V.Unmarshal(f.Tag,j,ah);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=$assertType(aj,AHI);al=new X.Extension.ptr(new X.Base.ptr(new X.BaseL0.ptr("",AGS.nil,$ifaceNil,0)),new X.ExtensionL1.ptr(0,$ifaceNil,0,0),new X.ExtensionL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError,new X.stringName.ptr(false,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),"",""),false,false,new X.defaultValue.ptr(false,new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil),$ifaceNil,ADP.nil),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil));al.Base.L0.ParentFile=X.SurrogateProto2;al.Base.L0.FullName=(f.Name);al.L1.Number=((f.Field>>0));al.L1.Cardinality=ak.L1.Cardinality;al.L1.Kind=ak.L1.Kind;al.L2.IsPacked=ak.L1.IsPacked;X.defaultValue.copy(al.L2.Default,ak.L1.Default);am=new ADK.ptr().MessageDescriptorOf(f.ExtendedType);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al.L1.Extendee=am;al.L2.Enum=h;al.L2.Message=i;ao=I.IsMessageSet(al.L1.Extendee);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ao)){an=false;$s=31;continue s;}ap=i.FullName();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ap===al.Base.L0.FullName;case 31:if(an){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:al.Base.L0.FullName=new B.FullName(al.Base.L0.FullName).Append("message_set_extension");case 30:aq=F.TypeOf(f.ExtensionType);if(o){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:ar=aq.Elem();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ar;case 35:f.goType=aq;FQ.copy(f.desc,new FQ.ptr(al,f));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.initFromLegacy,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.initFromLegacy=function(){return this.$val.initFromLegacy();};FC.ptr.prototype.ParentFile=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};FC.prototype.ParentFile=function(){return this.$val.ParentFile();};FC.ptr.prototype.Parent=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};FC.prototype.Parent=function(){return this.$val.Parent();};FC.ptr.prototype.Index=function(){var f;f=this;return 0;};FC.prototype.Index=function(){return this.$val.Index();};FC.ptr.prototype.Syntax=function(){var f;f=this;return 0;};FC.prototype.Syntax=function(){return this.$val.Syntax();};FC.ptr.prototype.Name=function(){var f;f=this;return new B.FullName(f.name).Name();};FC.prototype.Name=function(){return this.$val.Name();};FC.ptr.prototype.FullName=function(){var f;f=this;return f.name;};FC.prototype.FullName=function(){return this.$val.FullName();};FC.ptr.prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){var f;f=this;return true;};FC.prototype.IsPlaceholder=function(){return this.$val.IsPlaceholder();};FC.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var f;f=this;return U.Field;};FC.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};FC.ptr.prototype.Number=function(){var f;f=this;return f.number;};FC.prototype.Number=function(){return this.$val.Number();};FC.ptr.prototype.Cardinality=function(){var f;f=this;return 0;};FC.prototype.Cardinality=function(){return this.$val.Cardinality();};FC.ptr.prototype.Kind=function(){var f;f=this;return 0;};FC.prototype.Kind=function(){return this.$val.Kind();};FC.ptr.prototype.HasJSONName=function(){var f;f=this;return false;};FC.prototype.HasJSONName=function(){return this.$val.HasJSONName();};FC.ptr.prototype.JSONName=function(){var f;f=this;return"["+(f.name)+"]";};FC.prototype.JSONName=function(){return this.$val.JSONName();};FC.ptr.prototype.TextName=function(){var f;f=this;return"["+(f.name)+"]";};FC.prototype.TextName=function(){return this.$val.TextName();};FC.ptr.prototype.HasPresence=function(){var f;f=this;return false;};FC.prototype.HasPresence=function(){return this.$val.HasPresence();};FC.ptr.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword=function(){var f;f=this;return false;};FC.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword=function(){return this.$val.HasOptionalKeyword();};FC.ptr.prototype.IsExtension=function(){var f;f=this;return true;};FC.prototype.IsExtension=function(){return this.$val.IsExtension();};FC.ptr.prototype.IsWeak=function(){var f;f=this;return false;};FC.prototype.IsWeak=function(){return this.$val.IsWeak();};FC.ptr.prototype.IsPacked=function(){var f;f=this;return false;};FC.prototype.IsPacked=function(){return this.$val.IsPacked();};FC.ptr.prototype.IsList=function(){var f;f=this;return false;};FC.prototype.IsList=function(){return this.$val.IsList();};FC.ptr.prototype.IsMap=function(){var f;f=this;return false;};FC.prototype.IsMap=function(){return this.$val.IsMap();};FC.ptr.prototype.MapKey=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};FC.prototype.MapKey=function(){return this.$val.MapKey();};FC.ptr.prototype.MapValue=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};FC.prototype.MapValue=function(){return this.$val.MapValue();};FC.ptr.prototype.HasDefault=function(){var f;f=this;return false;};FC.prototype.HasDefault=function(){return this.$val.HasDefault();};FC.ptr.prototype.Default=function(){var f;f=this;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);};FC.prototype.Default=function(){return this.$val.Default();};FC.ptr.prototype.DefaultEnumValue=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};FC.prototype.DefaultEnumValue=function(){return this.$val.DefaultEnumValue();};FC.ptr.prototype.ContainingOneof=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};FC.prototype.ContainingOneof=function(){return this.$val.ContainingOneof();};FC.ptr.prototype.ContainingMessage=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};FC.prototype.ContainingMessage=function(){return this.$val.ContainingMessage();};FC.ptr.prototype.Enum=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};FC.prototype.Enum=function(){return this.$val.Enum();};FC.ptr.prototype.Message=function(){var f;f=this;return $ifaceNil;};FC.prototype.Message=function(){return this.$val.Message();};FC.ptr.prototype.ProtoType=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return;};FC.prototype.ProtoType=function(f){return this.$val.ProtoType(f);};FC.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return;};FC.prototype.ProtoInternal=function(f){return this.$val.ProtoInternal(f);};ADK.ptr.prototype.LegacyEnumName=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=FD(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.LegacyEnumName,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.LegacyEnumName=function(f){return this.$val.LegacyEnumName(f);};ADK.ptr.prototype.LegacyMessageTypeOf=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=$clone((new ADK.ptr()),ADK).protoMessageV2Of(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=i.ProtoReflect();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.Type();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=6;case 6:return l;case 3:m=EB(F.TypeOf(f),g);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=8;case 8:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.LegacyMessageTypeOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.LegacyMessageTypeOf=function(f,g){return this.$val.LegacyMessageTypeOf(f,g);};ADK.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSONEnum=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=[i];if((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===34){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h[0]="";j=AC.Unmarshal(g,(h.$ptr||(h.$ptr=new AHL(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},h))));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=f.FullName();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=new B.FullName(l);n=g;o=W.New("invalid input for enum %v: %s",new AEN([m,n]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=[0,o];$s=9;case 9:return p;case 6:q=f.Values();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q.ByName(h[0]);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;if($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:t=f.FullName();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=new B.FullName(t);v=new B.Name(h[0]);w=W.New("invalid value for enum %v: %s",new AEN([u,v]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=[0,w];$s=16;case 16:return x;case 13:y=s.Number();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=[y,$ifaceNil];$s=18;case 18:return z;case 2:i[0]=0;aa=AC.Unmarshal(g,(i.$ptr||(i.$ptr=new AHM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},i))));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:ac=f.FullName();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=new B.FullName(ac);ae=g;af=W.New("invalid input for enum %v: %s",new AEN([ad,ae]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=[0,af];$s=24;case 24:return ag;case 21:$s=-1;return[i[0],$ifaceNil];case 3:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSONEnum,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.UnmarshalJSONEnum=function(f,g){return this.$val.UnmarshalJSONEnum(f,g);};ADK.ptr.prototype.CompressGZIP=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=ADP.nil;h=$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[31,139,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,255]);i=AHN.zero();k=1+(j=f.$length/65535,(j===j&&j!==1/0&&j!==-1/0)?j>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0;l=AHO.zero();m=$subslice(new ADP(l),0,4);n=AD.ChecksumIEEE(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$r=$clone(AB.LittleEndian,AB.littleEndian).PutUint32(m,o);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$clone(AB.LittleEndian,AB.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new ADP(l),4,8),((f.$length>>>0)));g=$makeSlice(ADP,0,(((10+($imul(5,k))>>0)+f.$length>>0)+8>>0));g=$appendSlice(g,new ADP(h));while(true){if(!(i[0]===0)){break;}p=65535;if(p>f.$length){i[0]=1;p=f.$length;}$clone(AB.LittleEndian,AB.littleEndian).PutUint16($subslice(new ADP(i),1,3),((p<<16>>>16)));$clone(AB.LittleEndian,AB.littleEndian).PutUint16($subslice(new ADP(i),3,5),~((p<<16>>>16))<<16>>>16);g=$appendSlice(g,new ADP(i));g=$appendSlice(g,$subslice(f,0,p));f=$subslice(f,p);}g=$appendSlice(g,new ADP(l));g=g;$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.CompressGZIP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.CompressGZIP=function(f){return this.$val.CompressGZIP(f);};FD=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g="";h=f.FullName();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=(h);j=f.ParentFile();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=k.Package();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=(l);i=R.TrimPrefix(i,g+".");case 4:if(g===""){$s=-1;return L.GoCamelCase(i);}$s=-1;return g+"."+L.GoCamelCase(i);}return;}var $f={$blk:FD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};FE=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=FG($clone(f,F.Value).Type());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;j=h.New((((i=$clone(f,F.Value).Int(),i.$low+((i.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:FE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};FG=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=FF.Load(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){$s=-1;return $assertType(i,B.EnumType);}k=$ifaceNil;l=FK(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;k=new FH.ptr(m,f,new N.Map.ptr(new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0));o=FF.LoadOrStore(f,k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];if(q){$s=-1;return $assertType(p,B.EnumType);}$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:FG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};FH.ptr.prototype.New=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=g.m.Load(new B.EnumNumber(f));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(k){$s=-1;return $assertType(j,B.Enum);}l=new FI.ptr(f,g,g.goType);$r=g.m.Store(new B.EnumNumber(f),l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:FH.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};FH.prototype.New=function(f){return this.$val.New(f);};FH.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var f;f=this;return f.desc;};FH.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};FI.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.pbTyp.Descriptor();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:FI.ptr.prototype.Descriptor,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};FI.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};FI.ptr.prototype.Type=function(){var f;f=this;return f.pbTyp;};FI.prototype.Type=function(){return this.$val.Type();};FI.ptr.prototype.Number=function(){var f;f=this;return f.num;};FI.prototype.Number=function(){return this.$val.Number();};FI.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){var f;f=this;return f;};FI.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){return this.$val.ProtoReflect();};FI.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(F.New(f.goTyp),F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$clone(h,F.Value).SetInt((new $Int64(0,f.num)));i=$clone(h,F.Value).Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:FI.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};FI.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){return this.$val.protoUnwrap();};FK=function(f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=FJ.Load(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){$s=-1;return $assertType(i,B.EnumDescriptor);}k=F.Zero(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,F.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=$assertType(m,B.Enum,true);o=n[1];if(o){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:p=A.Sprintf("%v already implements proto.Enum",new AEN([f]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(p));case 5:q=$assertType(m,EX,true);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(!s){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:t=FM(f);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=10;case 10:return u;case 8:w=r.EnumDescriptor();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;x=v[0];y=v[1];z=$ifaceNil;if(y.$length===1){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:aa=FA(x);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa.Enums();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab.Get((0>=y.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+0]));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=ac;$s=14;continue;case 13:ad=FA(x);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad.Messages();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae.Get((0>=y.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+0]));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;ah=$subslice(y,1,(y.$length-1>>0));ai=0;case 21:if(!(ai=ah.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+ai]);ak=ag.Messages();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak.Get(aj);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=al;ai++;$s=21;continue;case 22:am=ag.Enums();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=am.Get((an=y.$length-1>>0,((an<0||an>=y.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+an])));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=ao;case 14:aq=FJ.LoadOrStore(f,z);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=aq;ar=ap[0];as=ap[1];if(as){$s=-1;return $assertType(ar,B.EnumDescriptor);}$s=-1;return z;}return;}var $f={$blk:FK,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.LegacyLoadEnumDesc=FK;FM=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=FL.Load(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){$s=-1;return $assertType(i,B.EnumDescriptor);}k=new X.Enum.ptr(new X.Base.ptr(new X.BaseL0.ptr("",AGS.nil,$ifaceNil,0)),new X.EnumL1.ptr(false),new X.EnumL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError,new X.EnumValues.ptr(AHQ.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false,false),new X.Names.ptr(AGZ.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),false),new X.EnumRanges.ptr(AHS.nil,new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),AHS.nil)));l=FN(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.Base.L0.FullName=l;k.Base.L0.ParentFile=X.SurrogateProto3;k.L2.Values.List=$append(k.L2.Values.List,new X.EnumValue.ptr(new X.Base.ptr(new X.BaseL0.ptr("",AGS.nil,$ifaceNil,0)),new X.EnumValueL1.ptr($throwNilPointerError,0)));n=(m=k.L2.Values.List,(0>=m.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+0]));n.Base.L0.FullName=k.Base.L0.FullName+"_UNKNOWN";n.Base.L0.ParentFile=k.Base.L0.ParentFile;n.Base.L0.Parent=k;p=FL.LoadOrStore(f,k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];if(r){$s=-1;return $assertType(q,B.EnumDescriptor);}$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:FM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};FN=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=(function(g){var g;if((g===47)){return 46;}else if((97<=g&&g<=122)||(65<=g&&g<=90)||(48<=g&&g<=57)){return g;}else{return 95;}});h=g;i=f.PkgPath();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=R.Map(h,j);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=g;n=f.Name();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=R.Map(m,o);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(q===""){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:r=F.ValueOf(f);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,F.Value).Pointer();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=new $Uintptr(s);u=A.Sprintf("UnknownX%X",new AEN([t]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=u;case 6:v=$append(R.Split(l,"."),q);w=v;x=0;while(true){if(!(x=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+x]);if(z===""||(48<=z.charCodeAt(0)&&z.charCodeAt(0)<=57)){((y<0||y>=v.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+y]="x"+z);}x++;}$s=-1;return(R.Join(v,"."));}return;}var $f={$blk:FN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.AberrantDeriveFullName=FN;FP=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;f.goType=h;FQ.copy(f.desc,new FQ.ptr(g,f));f.init=1;};$pkg.InitExtensionInfo=FP;FO.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.New();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};FO.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.Zero();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.Zero,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};FO.ptr.prototype.ValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=F.ValueOf(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=h.PBValueOf($clone(i,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.ValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.ValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.ValueOf(f);};FO.ptr.prototype.InterfaceOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.GoValueOf($clone(f,B.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.InterfaceOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.InterfaceOf=function(f){return this.$val.InterfaceOf(f);};FO.ptr.prototype.IsValidValue=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.IsValidPB($clone(f,B.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.IsValidValue,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.IsValidValue=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidValue(f);};FO.ptr.prototype.IsValidInterface=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.lazyInit();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=F.ValueOf(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=h.IsValidGo($clone(i,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.IsValidInterface,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.IsValidInterface=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidInterface(f);};FO.ptr.prototype.TypeDescriptor=function(){var{f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if(S.LoadUint32((f.$ptr_init||(f.$ptr_init=new AFF(function(){return this.$target.init;},function($v){this.$target.init=$v;},f))))<1){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=f.lazyInitSlow();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return f.desc;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.TypeDescriptor,$c:true,$r,f,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.TypeDescriptor=function(){return this.$val.TypeDescriptor();};FO.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if(S.LoadUint32((f.$ptr_init||(f.$ptr_init=new AFF(function(){return this.$target.init;},function($v){this.$target.init=$v;},f))))<2){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=f.lazyInitSlow();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return f.conv;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,f,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};FO.ptr.prototype.lazyInitSlow=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;$r=f.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(f.init===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:$deferred.push([S.StoreUint32,[(f.$ptr_init||(f.$ptr_init=new AFF(function(){return this.$target.init;},function($v){this.$target.init=$v;},f))),2]]);if($interfaceIsEqual(f.desc.ExtensionDescriptor,$ifaceNil)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=f.initFromLegacy();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:g=f.desc.ExtensionDescriptor.IsPlaceholder();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!g){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:if($interfaceIsEqual(f.ExtensionType,$ifaceNil)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$r=f.initToLegacy();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 12:h=GJ(f.goType,f.desc.ExtensionDescriptor);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.conv=h;i=ADC(f.desc.ExtensionDescriptor);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.info=i;j=AN(f.desc.ExtensionDescriptor,f.goType);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AK.copy(f.info.validation,j);case 9:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.lazyInitSlow,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FO.prototype.lazyInitSlow=function(){return this.$val.lazyInitSlow();};FQ.ptr.prototype.Type=function(){var f;f=this;return f.xi;};FQ.prototype.Type=function(){return this.$val.Type();};FQ.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var f;f=this;return f.ExtensionDescriptor;};FQ.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};FR.ptr.prototype.New=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=F.ValueOf(new B.EnumNumber(f));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,F.Value).Convert(g.GoReflectType);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$assertType(j,B.Enum);$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:FR.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};FR.prototype.New=function(f){return this.$val.New(f);};FR.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var f;f=this;return f.Desc;};FR.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};FS.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var f;f=this;return new T.MarshalOptions.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),true,$clone(f,FS).Deterministic(),$clone(f,FS).UseCachedSize());};FS.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};FS.ptr.prototype.Deterministic=function(){var f;f=this;return!((((f.flags&1)>>>0)===0));};FS.prototype.Deterministic=function(){return this.$val.Deterministic();};FS.ptr.prototype.UseCachedSize=function(){var f;f=this;return!((((f.flags&2)>>>0)===0));};FS.prototype.UseCachedSize=function(){return this.$val.UseCachedSize();};BS.ptr.prototype.size=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=new AT.ptr(new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0));i=$assertType(f.Message,ADQ,true);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(k){AT.copy(h,j.pointer());}else{AT.copy(h,$assertType(f.Message,ADR).pointer());}l=g.sizePointer($clone(h,AT),new FS.ptr(f.Flags));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=-1;return new ADX.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),m);}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.size,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.size=function(f){return this.$val.size(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.sizePointer=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=this;$r=i.init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($clone(f,AT).IsNil()){h=0;$s=-1;return h;}if($clone(g,FS).UseCachedSize()&&$clone(i.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset,AP));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,AT).Int32();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=S.LoadInt32(k);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m>=0){h=((m>>0));$s=-1;return h;}case 3:n=i.sizePointerSlow($clone(f,AT),$clone(g,FS));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=n;o=h;$s=8;case 8:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.sizePointer,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.sizePointer=function(f,g){return this.$val.sizePointer(f,g);};BS.ptr.prototype.sizePointerSlow=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=this;if(false&&i.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=IR(i,$clone(f,AT),$clone(g,FS));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=j;if($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:k=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset,AP));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,AT).Int32();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=S.StoreInt32(l,((h>>0)));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:h=h;$s=-1;return h;case 2:if($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:m=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,AT).Extensions();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=i.sizeExtensions(o,$clone(g,FS));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=h+(p)>>0;case 10:q=i.coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields;r=0;case 14:if(!(r=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r]);if(s.funcs.size===$throwNilPointerError){r++;$s=14;continue;}t=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(s.offset,AP));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,AT);if(!(s.isPointer)){v=false;$s=19;continue s;}w=$clone(u,AT).Elem();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=$clone(w,AT).IsNil();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=x;case 19:if(v){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:r++;$s=14;continue;case 18:y=s.funcs.size($clone(u,AT),s,$clone(g,FS));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=h+(y)>>0;r++;$s=14;continue;case 15:if($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:z=i.getUnknownBytes($clone(f,AT));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;if(!(aa===ADU.nil)){h=h+(aa.$get().$length)>>0;}case 24:if($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:if(h>2147483647){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:ab=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset,AP));$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=$clone(ab,AT).Int32();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=S.StoreInt32(ac,-1);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=30;continue;case 29:ad=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset,AP));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=$clone(ad,AT).Int32();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=S.StoreInt32(ae,((h>>0)));$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 30:case 27:h=h;$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.sizePointerSlow,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.sizePointerSlow=function(f,g){return this.$val.sizePointerSlow(f,g);};BS.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=new AEA.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),ADP.nil);h=$ifaceNil;i=this;j=new AT.ptr(new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0));k=$assertType(f.Message,ADQ,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(m){AT.copy(j,l.pointer());}else{AT.copy(j,$assertType(f.Message,ADR).pointer());}o=i.marshalAppendPointer(f.Buf,$clone(j,AT),new FS.ptr(f.Flags));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];h=n[1];q=new AEA.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),p);r=h;AEA.copy(g,q);h=r;$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.marshal=function(f){return this.$val.marshal(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.marshalAppendPointer=function(f,g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($clone(g,AT).IsNil()){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}if(false&&i.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=IS(i,f,$clone(g,AT),$clone(h,FS));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=5;case 5:return k;case 3:l=$ifaceNil;if($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:m=$clone(g,AT).Apply($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,AT).Extensions();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;q=i.appendExtensions(f,o,$clone(h,FS));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;f=p[0];l=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[f,l];}case 7:r=i.coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields;s=0;case 11:if(!(s=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]);if(t.funcs.marshal===$throwNilPointerError){s++;$s=11;continue;}u=$clone(g,AT).Apply($clone(t.offset,AP));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,AT);if(!(t.isPointer)){w=false;$s=16;continue s;}x=$clone(v,AT).Elem();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,AT).IsNil();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=y;case 16:if(w){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:s++;$s=11;continue;case 15:aa=t.funcs.marshal(f,$clone(v,AT),t,$clone(h,FS));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;f=z[0];l=z[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[f,l];}s++;$s=11;continue;case 12:if($clone(i.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP).IsValid()&&!i.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:ab=i.getUnknownBytes($clone(g,AT));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;if(!(ac===ADU.nil)){f=$appendSlice(f,ac.$get());}case 21:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.marshalAppendPointer,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.marshalAppendPointer=function(f,g,h){return this.$val.marshalAppendPointer(f,g,h);};BS.ptr.prototype.sizeExtensions=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=this;if(f===AGE.nil){h=0;$s=-1;return h;}j=f.$get();k=0;l=$keys(j);case 1:if(!(k>0;k++;$s=1;continue;case 2:h=h;$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.sizeExtensions,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.sizeExtensions=function(f,g){return this.$val.sizeExtensions(f,g);};BS.ptr.prototype.appendExtensions=function(f,g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(g===AGE.nil){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}j=$keys(g.$get()).length;if(j===(0)){$s=2;continue;}if(j===(1)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];case 3:k=$ifaceNil;l=g.$get();m=0;n=$keys(l);case 6:if(!(m>0)));ab++;}$r=AE.Ints(z);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=$ifaceNil;ag=z;ah=0;case 12:if(!(ah=ag.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ag.$array[ag.$offset+ah]);ak=$clone((aj=(g.$get())[$Int32.keyFor(((ai>>0)))],aj!==undefined?aj.v:new ADE.ptr($ifaceNil,new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil),AGO.nil)),ADE);al=ADA($clone(ak,ADE).Type());$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;ao=f;ap=ak.Value();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=$clone(ap,B.Value);ar=am.wiretag;as=$clone(h,FS);at=am.funcs.marshal(ao,aq,ar,as);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=at;f=an[0];af=an[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[f,af];}ah++;$s=12;continue;case 13:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return[ADP.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.appendExtensions,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.appendExtensions=function(f,g,h){return this.$val.appendExtensions(f,g,h);};FV.ptr.prototype.Options=function(){var f;f=this;return new T.UnmarshalOptions.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),true,true,$clone(f,FV).DiscardUnknown(),f.resolver,0);};FV.prototype.Options=function(){return this.$val.Options();};FV.ptr.prototype.DiscardUnknown=function(){var f;f=this;return!((((f.flags&1)>>>0)===0));};FV.prototype.DiscardUnknown=function(){return this.$val.DiscardUnknown();};FV.ptr.prototype.IsDefault=function(){var f;f=this;return(f.flags===0)&&$interfaceIsEqual(f.resolver,C.GlobalTypes);};FV.prototype.IsDefault=function(){return this.$val.IsDefault();};BS.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=new AT.ptr(new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0));i=$assertType(f.Message,ADQ,true);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(k){AT.copy(h,j.pointer());}else{AT.copy(h,$assertType(f.Message,ADR).pointer());}m=g.unmarshalPointer(f.Buf,$clone(h,AT),0,new FV.ptr(f.Flags,f.Resolver,f.Depth));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=$clone(l[0],FX);o=l[1];p=0;if(n.initialized){p=(p|(1))>>>0;}$s=-1;return[new AEE.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),p),o];}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.unmarshal,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.unmarshal=function(f){return this.$val.unmarshal(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.unmarshalPointer=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=new FX.ptr(0,false);k=$ifaceNil;l=this;$r=l.init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i.depth=i.depth-(1)>>0;if(i.depth<0){m=$clone(j,FX);n=FU;FX.copy(j,m);k=n;$s=-1;return[j,k];}if(false&&l.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=IU(l,f,$clone(g,AT),$clone(i,FV));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;FX.copy(j,o[0]);k=o[1];q=[j,k];$s=5;case 5:return q;case 3:r=true;s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=AGE.nil;u=f.$length;case 6:if(!(f.$length>0)){$s=7;continue;}v=new $Uint64(0,0);if((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){v=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));f=$subslice(f,1);}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){v=(w=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),x=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(w.$high+x.$high,w.$low+x.$low));f=$subslice(f,2);}else{y=0;z=H.ConsumeVarint(f);v=z[0];y=z[1];if(y<0){aa=$clone(j,FX);ab=FT;FX.copy(j,aa);k=ab;$s=-1;return[j,k];}f=$subslice(f,y);}ac=0;ad=$shiftRightUint64(v,3);if((ad.$high<0||(ad.$high===0&&ad.$low<1))||(ad.$high>0||(ad.$high===0&&ad.$low>536870911))){ae=$clone(j,FX);af=FT;FX.copy(j,ae);k=af;$s=-1;return[j,k];}else{ac=((ad.$low>>0));}ag=((new $Uint64(v.$high&0,(v.$low&7)>>>0).$low<<24>>24));if(ag===4){if(!((ac===h))){ah=$clone(j,FX);ai=FT;FX.copy(j,ah);k=ai;$s=-1;return[j,k];}h=0;$s=7;continue;}aj=AER.nil;if(((ac>>0))=ak.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ak.$array[ak.$offset+ac]));}else{aj=(al=l.coderMessageInfo.coderFields[H.Number.keyFor(ac)],al!==undefined?al.v:AER.nil);}am=0;an=FY;if(!(aj===AER.nil)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:if(aj.funcs.unmarshal===$throwNilPointerError){$s=8;continue;}ao=new FX.ptr(0,false);aq=f;ar=$clone(g,AT).Apply($clone(aj.offset,AP));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=$clone(ar,AT);at=ag;au=aj;av=$clone(i,FV);aw=aj.funcs.unmarshal(aq,as,at,au,av);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=aw;FX.copy(ao,ap[0]);an=ap[1];am=ao.n;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}s=(ax=aj.validation.requiredBit,new $Uint64(s.$high|ax.$high,(s.$low|ax.$low)>>>0));if(!(aj.funcs.isInit===$throwNilPointerError)&&!ao.initialized){r=false;}$s=11;continue;case 10:if(t===AGE.nil&&$clone(l.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ay=$clone(g,AT).Apply($clone(l.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=$clone(ay,AT).Extensions();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=az;if(t.$get()===false){t.$set({});}case 15:if(t===AGE.nil){$s=8;continue;}ba=new FX.ptr(0,false);bc=l.unmarshalExtension(f,ac,ag,t.$get(),$clone(i,FV));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=bc;FX.copy(ba,bb[0]);an=bb[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}am=ba.n;if(!ba.initialized){r=false;}case 11:case 8:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,FY))){bd=$clone(j,FX);be=an;FX.copy(j,bd);k=be;$s=-1;return[j,k];}am=H.ConsumeFieldValue(ac,ag,f);if(am<0){bf=$clone(j,FX);bg=FT;FX.copy(j,bf);k=bg;$s=-1;return[j,k];}if(!$clone(i,FV).DiscardUnknown()&&$clone(l.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:bh=l.mutableUnknownBytes($clone(g,AT));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bh;bi.$set(H.AppendTag(bi.$get(),ac,ag));bi.$set($appendSlice(bi.$get(),$subslice(f,0,am)));case 22:case 20:f=$subslice(f,am);$s=6;continue;case 7:if(!((h===0))){bj=$clone(j,FX);bk=FT;FX.copy(j,bj);k=bk;$s=-1;return[j,k];}if(l.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields>0&&!((E.OnesCount64(s)===((l.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields>>0))))){r=false;}if(r){j.initialized=true;}j.n=u-f.$length>>0;bl=$clone(j,FX);bm=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(j,bl);k=bm;$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.unmarshalPointer,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.unmarshalPointer=function(f,g,h,i){return this.$val.unmarshalPointer(f,g,h,i);};BS.ptr.prototype.unmarshalExtension=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=this;o=$clone((n=i[$Int32.keyFor(((g>>0)))],n!==undefined?n.v:new ADE.ptr($ifaceNil,new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil),AGO.nil)),ADE);p=$clone(o,ADE).Type();if($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:q=$ifaceNil;s=m.Desc.FullName();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=j.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(s,g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=t;p=r[0];q=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if($interfaceIsEqual(q,C.NotFound)){u=$clone(k,FX);v=FY;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}w=$clone(k,FX);y=m.Desc.FullName();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=new B.FullName(y);aa=new H.Number(g);ab=q;ac=W.New("%v: unable to resolve extension %v: %v",new AEN([z,aa,ab]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=ac;FX.copy(k,w);l=x;ad=[k,l];$s=9;case 9:return ad;case 6:case 2:ae=ADA(p);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;if(af.funcs.unmarshal===$throwNilPointerError){ag=$clone(k,FX);ah=FY;FX.copy(k,ag);l=ah;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(false){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:if($clone(j,FV).IsDefault()&&o.canLazy(p)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:aj=FZ(f,af,g,h,$clone(j,FV));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;ak=$clone(ai[0],FX);al=ai[1];am=al;if(am===(3)){if(ak.initialized){o.appendLazyBytes(p,af,g,h,$subslice(f,0,ak.n));an=((g>>0));(i||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int32.keyFor(an)]={k:an,v:$clone(o,ADE)};ao=$clone(ak,FX);ap=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ao);l=ap;$s=-1;return[k,l];}}else if(am===(2)){aq=$clone(ak,FX);ar=FT;FX.copy(k,aq);l=ar;$s=-1;return[k,l];}else if(am===(1)){}case 14:case 12:as=o.Value();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=$clone(as,B.Value);if(!$clone(at,B.Value).IsValid()&&af.unmarshalNeedsValue){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:au=p.New();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}B.Value.copy(at,au);case 18:aw=af.funcs.unmarshal(f,$clone(at,B.Value),g,h,$clone(j,FV));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=aw;ax=$clone(av[0],B.Value);k=$clone(av[1],FX);l=av[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){ay=$clone(k,FX);az=l;FX.copy(k,ay);l=az;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(af.funcs.isInit===$throwNilPointerError){k.initialized=true;}o.Set(p,$clone(ax,B.Value));ba=((g>>0));(i||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int32.keyFor(ba)]={k:ba,v:$clone(o,ADE)};bb=$clone(k,FX);bc=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,bb);l=bc;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.unmarshalExtension,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.unmarshalExtension=function(f,g,h,i,j){return this.$val.unmarshalExtension(f,g,h,i,j);};FZ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=0;if(g.validation.mi===AEO.nil){m=$clone(k,FX);n=1;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}$r=g.validation.mi.init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=g.validation.typ;if(o===(1)){$s=3;continue;}if(o===(2)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:if(!((i===2))){p=$clone(k,FX);q=1;FX.copy(k,p);l=q;$s=-1;return[k,l];}r=H.ConsumeBytes(f);s=r[0];t=r[1];if(t<0){u=$clone(k,FX);v=1;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}x=g.validation.mi.validate(s,0,$clone(j,FV));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=$clone(w[0],FX);z=w[1];y.n=t;aa=$clone(y,FX);ab=z;FX.copy(k,aa);l=ab;$s=-1;return[k,l];case 4:if(!((i===3))){ac=$clone(k,FX);ad=1;FX.copy(k,ac);l=ad;$s=-1;return[k,l];}af=g.validation.mi.validate(f,h,$clone(j,FV));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;ag=$clone(ae[0],FX);ah=ae[1];ai=$clone(ag,FX);aj=ah;FX.copy(k,ai);l=aj;$s=-1;return[k,l];case 5:ak=$clone(k,FX);al=1;FX.copy(k,ak);l=al;$s=-1;return[k,l];case 6:case 2:$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:FZ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};GB=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=f.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((h===21))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=f;j=g.FullName();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=new B.FullName(j);l=A.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v",new AEN([i,k]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(l));case 2:m=f.Key();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=g.MapKey();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=HD(n,p);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=f.Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=g.MapValue();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=HD(s,u);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=new GA.ptr(f,q,v);$s=12;case 12:return w;}return;}var $f={$blk:GB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};GA.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfMap(new GC.ptr($clone(f,F.Value),g.keyConv,g.valConv));}return;}var $f={$blk:GA.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};GA.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};GA.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Map();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$assertType(h,AHT).v;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:GA.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};GA.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};GA.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,AHT,true);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!k){$s=-1;return false;}$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual($clone(j.v,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);}return;}var $f={$blk:GA.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};GA.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};GA.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};GA.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};GA.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=F.MakeMap(f.goType);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=f.PBValueOf($clone(g,F.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:GA.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};GA.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};GA.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=F.Zero(f.goType);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=f.PBValueOf($clone(g,F.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:GA.ptr.prototype.Zero,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};GA.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};GC.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var f;f=this;return $clone(f.v,F.Value).Len();};GC.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};GC.ptr.prototype.Has=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone($clone(f,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=$clone(g.v,F.Value).MapIndex($clone(i,F.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=-1;return $clone(k,F.Value).IsValid();}return;}var $f={$blk:GC.ptr.prototype.Has,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};GC.prototype.Has=function(f){return this.$val.Has(f);};GC.ptr.prototype.Get=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone($clone(f,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=$clone(g.v,F.Value).MapIndex($clone(i,F.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!$clone(k,F.Value).IsValid()){$s=-1;return new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);}l=g.valConv.PBValueOf($clone(k,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=4;case 4:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:GC.ptr.prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};GC.prototype.Get=function(f){return this.$val.Get(f);};GC.ptr.prototype.Set=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone($clone(f,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=h.valConv.GoValueOf($clone(g,B.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$r=$clone(h.v,F.Value).SetMapIndex($clone(j,F.Value),$clone(l,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GC.ptr.prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};GC.prototype.Set=function(f,g){return this.$val.Set(f,g);};GC.ptr.prototype.Clear=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone($clone(f,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$r=$clone(g.v,F.Value).SetMapIndex($clone(i,F.Value),new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GC.ptr.prototype.Clear,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};GC.prototype.Clear=function(f){return this.$val.Clear(f);};GC.ptr.prototype.Mutable=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$assertType(g.valConv,AHU,true);i=h[1];if(!i){$panic(new $String("invalid Mutable on map with non-message value type"));}j=g.Get($clone(f,B.MapKey));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,B.Value);if(!$clone(k,B.Value).IsValid()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=g.NewValue();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}B.Value.copy(k,l);$r=g.Set($clone(f,B.MapKey),$clone(k,B.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:GC.ptr.prototype.Mutable,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};GC.prototype.Mutable=function(f){return this.$val.Mutable(f);};GC.ptr.prototype.Range=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=IX($clone(g.v,F.Value));case 1:i=h.Next();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(i)){$s=2;continue;}j=h.Key();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=g.keyConv.PBValueOf($clone(j,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,B.Value).MapKey();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$clone(l,B.MapKey);n=h.Value();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=g.valConv.PBValueOf($clone(n,F.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,B.Value);q=f($clone(m,B.MapKey),$clone(p,B.Value));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!q){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return;case 10:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GC.ptr.prototype.Range,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};GC.prototype.Range=function(f){return this.$val.Range(f);};GC.ptr.prototype.NewValue=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.valConv.New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:GC.ptr.prototype.NewValue,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};GC.prototype.NewValue=function(){return this.$val.NewValue();};GC.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var f;f=this;return!$clone(f.v,F.Value).IsNil();};GC.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};GC.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:GC.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};GC.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){return this.$val.protoUnwrap();};GD=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=f.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(i===22)){h=false;$s=5;continue s;}j=f.Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=k===23;case 5:if(h){$s=2;continue;}l=f.Kind();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((l===23)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:m=f.Elem();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=HD(n,g);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=new GF.ptr(f,o);$s=13;case 13:return p;case 3:q=f.Elem();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=HD(q,g);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=new GE.ptr(f,r);$s=16;case 16:return s;case 4:case 1:t=f;u=g.FullName();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=new B.FullName(u);w=A.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v",new AEN([t,v]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(w));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:GD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};GE.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:i=F.New(g.goType);j=$clone(i,F.Value).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(j,F.Value).Set($clone(f,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return B.ValueOfList(new GG.ptr($clone(i,F.Value),g.c));}return;}var $f={$blk:GE.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};GE.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};GE.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$assertType(h,AHV).v;if($clone(i,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=F.Zero(g.goType);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=5;case 5:return k;case 3:l=$clone(i,F.Value).Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:GE.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};GE.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};GE.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,AHV,true);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!k){$s=-1;return false;}l=$clone(j.v,F.Value).Type().Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$interfaceIsEqual(l,g.goType);$s=3;case 3:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:GE.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};GE.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};GE.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};GE.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};GE.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return B.ValueOfList(new GG.ptr($clone(F.New(f.goType),F.Value),f.c));};GE.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};GE.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=F.Zero(F.PtrTo(f.goType));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=B.ValueOfList(new GG.ptr($clone(g,F.Value),f.c));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:GE.ptr.prototype.Zero,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};GE.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};GF.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfList(new GG.ptr($clone(f,F.Value),g.c));}return;}var $f={$blk:GF.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};GF.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};GF.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$assertType(h,AHV).v;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:GF.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};GF.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};GF.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,AHV,true);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!k){$s=-1;return false;}$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual($clone(j.v,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);}return;}var $f={$blk:GF.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};GF.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};GF.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};GF.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};GF.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.goType.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=F.New(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=f.PBValueOf($clone(h,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=4;case 4:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:GF.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};GF.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};GF.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=F.Zero(f.goType);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=f.PBValueOf($clone(g,F.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:GF.ptr.prototype.Zero,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};GF.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};GG.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if($clone(f.v,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return 0;}g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone(g,F.Value).Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:GG.ptr.prototype.Len,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};GG.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};GG.ptr.prototype.Get=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,F.Value).Index(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=g.conv.PBValueOf($clone(i,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:GG.ptr.prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};GG.prototype.Get=function(f){return this.$val.Get(f);};GG.ptr.prototype.Set=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=$clone(h.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Index(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=h.conv.GoValueOf($clone(g,B.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(j,F.Value).Set($clone(k,F.Value));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GG.ptr.prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};GG.prototype.Set=function(f,g){return this.$val.Set(f,g);};GG.ptr.prototype.Append=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value);k=g.conv.GoValueOf($clone(f,B.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,F.Value);m=F.Append(j,new AGG([l]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(h,F.Value).Set($clone(m,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GG.ptr.prototype.Append,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};GG.prototype.Append=function(f){return this.$val.Append(f);};GG.ptr.prototype.AppendMutable=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$assertType(f.conv,AHU,true);h=g[1];if(!h){$panic(new $String("invalid AppendMutable on list with non-message type"));}i=f.NewElement();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,B.Value);$r=f.Append($clone(j,B.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:GG.ptr.prototype.AppendMutable,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};GG.prototype.AppendMutable=function(){return this.$val.AppendMutable();};GG.ptr.prototype.Truncate=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Slice(0,f);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(h,F.Value).Set($clone(j,F.Value));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GG.ptr.prototype.Truncate,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};GG.prototype.Truncate=function(f){return this.$val.Truncate(f);};GG.ptr.prototype.NewElement=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.conv.New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:GG.ptr.prototype.NewElement,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};GG.prototype.NewElement=function(){return this.$val.NewElement();};GG.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var f;f=this;return!$clone(f.v,F.Value).IsNil();};GG.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};GG.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:GG.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};GG.prototype.protoUnwrap=function(){return this.$val.protoUnwrap();};GJ=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=g.IsList();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h){$s=2;continue;}i=g.IsMap();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:j=GD(f,g);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=9;case 9:return k;case 3:l=GB(f,g);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=11;case 11:return m;case 4:n=HD(f,g);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=13;case 13:return o;case 5:case 1:p=f;q=g.FullName();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=new B.FullName(q);s=A.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v",new AEN([p,r]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(s));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:GJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewConverter=GJ;HD=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=(function $b(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=h.Cardinality();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j===3){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return i;case 2:k=h.Default();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=5;case 5:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;});i=g.Kind();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(j===(8)){$s=3;continue;}if((j===(5))||(j===(17))||(j===(15))){$s=4;continue;}if((j===(3))||(j===(18))||(j===(16))){$s=5;continue;}if((j===(13))||(j===(7))){$s=6;continue;}if((j===(4))||(j===(6))){$s=7;continue;}if(j===(2)){$s=8;continue;}if(j===(1)){$s=9;continue;}if(j===(9)){$s=10;continue;}if(j===(12)){$s=11;continue;}if(j===(14)){$s=12;continue;}if((j===(11))||(j===(10))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 3:k=f.Kind();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k===1){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:l=h(g,$clone(GU,B.Value));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=new HE.ptr(f,$clone(l,B.Value));$s=19;case 19:return m;case 16:$s=14;continue;case 4:n=f.Kind();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(n===5){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:o=h(g,$clone(GV,B.Value));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=new HF.ptr(f,$clone(o,B.Value));$s=24;case 24:return p;case 21:$s=14;continue;case 5:q=f.Kind();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(q===6){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:r=h(g,$clone(GW,B.Value));$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=new HG.ptr(f,$clone(r,B.Value));$s=29;case 29:return s;case 26:$s=14;continue;case 6:t=f.Kind();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(t===10){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:u=h(g,$clone(GX,B.Value));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=new HH.ptr(f,$clone(u,B.Value));$s=34;case 34:return v;case 31:$s=14;continue;case 7:w=f.Kind();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(w===11){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:x=h(g,$clone(GY,B.Value));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=new HI.ptr(f,$clone(x,B.Value));$s=39;case 39:return y;case 36:$s=14;continue;case 8:z=f.Kind();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(z===13){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:aa=h(g,$clone(GZ,B.Value));$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=new HJ.ptr(f,$clone(aa,B.Value));$s=44;case 44:return ab;case 41:$s=14;continue;case 9:ac=f.Kind();$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ac===14){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:ad=h(g,$clone(HA,B.Value));$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=new HK.ptr(f,$clone(ad,B.Value));$s=49;case 49:return ae;case 46:$s=14;continue;case 10:ag=f.Kind();$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ag===24){af=true;$s=52;continue s;}ai=f.Kind();$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ai===23)){ah=false;$s=54;continue s;}aj=f.Elem();$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=$interfaceIsEqual(aj,GT);case 54:af=ah;case 52:if(af){$s=50;continue;}$s=51;continue;case 50:ak=h(g,$clone(HB,B.Value));$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=new HL.ptr(f,$clone(ak,B.Value));$s=58;case 58:return al;case 51:$s=14;continue;case 11:an=f.Kind();$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(an===24){am=true;$s=61;continue s;}ap=f.Kind();$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ap===23)){ao=false;$s=63;continue s;}aq=f.Elem();$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=$interfaceIsEqual(aq,GT);case 63:am=ao;case 61:if(am){$s=59;continue;}$s=60;continue;case 59:ar=h(g,$clone(HC,B.Value));$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=new HM.ptr(f,$clone(ar,B.Value));$s=67;case 67:return as;case 60:$s=14;continue;case 12:at=f.Kind();$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(at===5){$s=68;continue;}$s=69;continue;case 68:au=HO(f,g);$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=au;$s=72;case 72:return av;case 69:$s=14;continue;case 13:$s=-1;return HQ(f);case 14:case 1:aw=f;ax=g.FullName();$s=73;case 73:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=new B.FullName(ax);az=A.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v",new AEN([aw,ay]));$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(az));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:HD,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HE.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfBool($clone(f,F.Value).Bool());}return;}var $f={$blk:HE.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HE.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HE.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=F.ValueOf(new $Bool(h));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Convert(g.goType);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:HE.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HE.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HE.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,$Bool,true);j=h[1];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HE.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HE.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HE.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HE.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HE.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HE.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HE.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HE.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HF.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfInt32((((i=$clone(f,F.Value).Int(),i.$low+((i.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));}return;}var $f={$blk:HF.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};HF.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HF.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=F.ValueOf(new $Int32((((h=i,h.$low+((h.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,F.Value).Convert(g.goType);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=4;case 4:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:HF.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};HF.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HF.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,$Int32,true);j=h[1];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HF.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HF.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HF.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HF.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HF.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HF.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HF.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HF.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HG.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfInt64(($clone(f,F.Value).Int()));}return;}var $f={$blk:HG.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HG.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HG.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=F.ValueOf((h));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Convert(g.goType);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:HG.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HG.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HG.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,$Int64,true);j=h[1];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HG.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HG.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HG.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HG.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HG.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HG.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HG.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HG.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HH.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfUint32((($clone(f,F.Value).Uint().$low>>>0)));}return;}var $f={$blk:HH.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HH.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HH.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Uint();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=F.ValueOf(new $Uint32(((h.$low>>>0))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Convert(g.goType);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:HH.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HH.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HH.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,$Uint32,true);j=h[1];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HH.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HH.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HH.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HH.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HH.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HH.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HH.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HH.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HI.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfUint64(($clone(f,F.Value).Uint()));}return;}var $f={$blk:HI.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HI.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HI.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Uint();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=F.ValueOf((h));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Convert(g.goType);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:HI.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HI.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HI.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,$Uint64,true);j=h[1];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HI.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HI.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HI.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HI.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HI.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HI.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HI.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HI.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HJ.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfFloat32(($fround($clone(f,F.Value).Float())));}return;}var $f={$blk:HJ.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HJ.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HJ.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Float();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=F.ValueOf(new $Float32(($fround(h))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Convert(g.goType);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:HJ.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HJ.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HJ.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,$Float32,true);j=h[1];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HJ.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HJ.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HJ.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HJ.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HJ.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HJ.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HJ.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HJ.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HK.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfFloat64(($clone(f,F.Value).Float()));}return;}var $f={$blk:HK.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HK.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HK.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Float();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=F.ValueOf(new $Float64((h)));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Convert(g.goType);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:HK.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HK.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HK.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,$Float64,true);j=h[1];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HK.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HK.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HK.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HK.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HK.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HK.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HK.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HK.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HL.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:i=$clone(f,F.Value).Convert(GR);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).String();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=B.ValueOfString(j);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=7;case 7:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:HL.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};HL.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HL.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$assertType(h,$String);j=g.goType.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((j===23)&&i===""){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=F.Zero(g.goType);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=6;case 6:return l;case 3:m=F.ValueOf(new $String(i));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,F.Value).Convert(g.goType);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=9;case 9:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:HL.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};HL.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HL.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,$String,true);j=h[1];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HL.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HL.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HL.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HL.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HL.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HL.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HL.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HL.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HM.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:i=g.goType.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((i===24)&&($clone(f,F.Value).Len()===0)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfBytes(ADP.nil);case 5:j=$clone(f,F.Value).Convert(GS);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,F.Value).Bytes();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=B.ValueOfBytes(k);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=10;case 10:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:HM.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};HM.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HM.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=F.ValueOf(h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Convert(g.goType);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:HM.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HM.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HM.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,ADP,true);j=h[1];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HM.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HM.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HM.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HM.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HM.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HM.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HM.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HM.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HO=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);i=g.Cardinality();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i===3){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=g.Enum();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.Values();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.Get(0);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.Number();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=B.ValueOfEnum(m);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}B.Value.copy(h,n);$s=3;continue;case 2:o=g.Default();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}B.Value.copy(h,o);case 3:$s=-1;return new HN.ptr(f,$clone(h,B.Value));}return;}var $f={$blk:HO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};HN.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return B.ValueOfEnum((((i=$clone(f,F.Value).Int(),i.$low+((i.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));}return;}var $f={$blk:HN.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};HN.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HN.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Enum();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=F.ValueOf(new B.EnumNumber(h));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,F.Value).Convert(g.goType);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:HN.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HN.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HN.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=$clone(f,B.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,B.EnumNumber,true);j=h[1];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HN.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HN.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HN.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HN.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HN.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HN.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HN.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var f;f=this;return f.def;};HN.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HQ=function(f){var f;return new HP.ptr(f);};HP.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:i=g.isNonPointer();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if($clone(f,F.Value).CanAddr()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:f=$clone(f,F.Value).Addr();$s=9;continue;case 8:j=F.Zero(F.PtrTo($clone(f,F.Value).Type()));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=j;case 9:case 5:l=$clone(f,F.Value).Interface();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$assertType(l,B.ProtoMessage,true);m=k[0];n=k[1];if(n){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:o=m.ProtoReflect();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=B.ValueOfMessage(o);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=16;case 16:return q;case 13:r=EA($clone(f,F.Value));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=B.ValueOfMessage(r);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=19;case 19:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:HP.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};HP.prototype.PBValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.PBValueOf(f);};HP.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0);k=$assertType(i,GH,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(m){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=l.protoUnwrap();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=F.ValueOf(n);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=o;$s=4;continue;case 3:p=i.Interface();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=F.ValueOf(p);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=q;case 4:r=g.isNonPointer();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(r){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(j,F.Value).Type(),F.PtrTo(g.goType)))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:s=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(j,F.Value).Type(),F.PtrTo(g.goType)]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(s));case 13:if(!$clone(j,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:t=$clone(j,F.Value).Elem();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=t;$s=17;continue;case 16:u=$clone(j,F.Value).Type().Elem();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=F.Zero(u);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=v;case 17:case 10:if(!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(j,F.Value).Type(),g.goType))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:w=A.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v",new AEN([$clone(j,F.Value).Type(),g.goType]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(w));case 22:$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HP.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};HP.prototype.GoValueOf=function(f){return this.$val.GoValueOf(f);};HP.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(f,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0);k=$assertType(i,GH,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(m){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=l.protoUnwrap();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=F.ValueOf(n);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=o;$s=4;continue;case 3:p=i.Interface();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=F.ValueOf(p);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=q;case 4:r=g.isNonPointer();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(r){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual($clone(j,F.Value).Type(),F.PtrTo(g.goType));case 10:$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual($clone(j,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);}return;}var $f={$blk:HP.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};HP.prototype.IsValidPB=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidPB(f);};HP.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){var f,g;g=this;return $clone(f,F.Value).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual($clone(f,F.Value).Type(),g.goType);};HP.prototype.IsValidGo=function(f){return this.$val.IsValidGo(f);};HP.ptr.prototype.New=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.isNonPointer();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=$clone(F.New(f.goType),F.Value).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=f.PBValueOf($clone(h,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=6;case 6:return j;case 2:k=f.goType.Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=F.New(k);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=f.PBValueOf($clone(l,F.Value));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=10;case 10:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:HP.ptr.prototype.New,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};HP.prototype.New=function(){return this.$val.New();};HP.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=F.Zero(f.goType);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=f.PBValueOf($clone(g,F.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:HP.ptr.prototype.Zero,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};HP.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};HP.ptr.prototype.isNonPointer=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.goType.Kind();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=!((g===22));$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:HP.ptr.prototype.isNonPointer,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HP.prototype.isNonPointer=function(){return this.$val.isNonPointer();};HT=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=f.IsMap();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h){$s=2;continue;}j=f.Cardinality();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(j===3)){i=false;$s=12;continue s;}k=f.IsPacked();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=!k;case 12:if(i){$s=3;continue;}m=f.Cardinality();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(m===3)){l=false;$s=15;continue s;}n=f.IsPacked();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=n;case 15:if(l){$s=4;continue;}o=f.Kind();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((o===11)){$s=5;continue;}p=f.Kind();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((p===10)){$s=6;continue;}r=f.Syntax();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(r===3)){q=false;$s=20;continue s;}s=f.ContainingOneof();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil);case 20:if(q){$s=7;continue;}t=g.Kind();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((t===22)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 2:u=IZ(f,g);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=25;case 25:return v;case 3:w=g.Kind();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((w===23))){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:$s=1;continue;case 27:x=g.Elem();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;z=f.Kind();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;if(aa===(8)){$s=32;continue;}if(aa===(14)){$s=33;continue;}if(aa===(5)){$s=34;continue;}if(aa===(17)){$s=35;continue;}if(aa===(13)){$s=36;continue;}if(aa===(3)){$s=37;continue;}if(aa===(18)){$s=38;continue;}if(aa===(4)){$s=39;continue;}if(aa===(15)){$s=40;continue;}if(aa===(7)){$s=41;continue;}if(aa===(2)){$s=42;continue;}if(aa===(16)){$s=43;continue;}if(aa===(6)){$s=44;continue;}if(aa===(1)){$s=45;continue;}if(aa===(9)){$s=46;continue;}if(aa===(12)){$s=47;continue;}if(aa===(11)){$s=48;continue;}if(aa===(10)){$s=49;continue;}$s=50;continue;case 32:ab=y.Kind();$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ab===1){$s=51;continue;}$s=52;continue;case 51:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,JY];case 52:$s=50;continue;case 33:ac=y.Kind();$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ac===5){$s=54;continue;}$s=55;continue;case 54:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,IN];case 55:$s=50;continue;case 34:ad=y.Kind();$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ad===5){$s=57;continue;}$s=58;continue;case 57:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,LM];case 58:$s=50;continue;case 35:ae=y.Kind();$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ae===5){$s=60;continue;}$s=61;continue;case 60:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,MP];case 61:$s=50;continue;case 36:af=y.Kind();$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(af===10){$s=63;continue;}$s=64;continue;case 63:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,NS];case 64:$s=50;continue;case 37:ag=y.Kind();$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ag===6){$s=66;continue;}$s=67;continue;case 66:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,OV];case 67:$s=50;continue;case 38:ah=y.Kind();$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ah===6){$s=69;continue;}$s=70;continue;case 69:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,PY];case 70:$s=50;continue;case 39:ai=y.Kind();$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ai===11){$s=72;continue;}$s=73;continue;case 72:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,RB];case 73:$s=50;continue;case 40:aj=y.Kind();$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(aj===5){$s=75;continue;}$s=76;continue;case 75:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,SE];case 76:$s=50;continue;case 41:ak=y.Kind();$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ak===10){$s=78;continue;}$s=79;continue;case 78:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,TH];case 79:$s=50;continue;case 42:al=y.Kind();$s=83;case 83:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(al===13){$s=81;continue;}$s=82;continue;case 81:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,UK];case 82:$s=50;continue;case 43:am=y.Kind();$s=86;case 86:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(am===6){$s=84;continue;}$s=85;continue;case 84:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,VN];case 85:$s=50;continue;case 44:an=y.Kind();$s=89;case 89:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(an===11){$s=87;continue;}$s=88;continue;case 87:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,WQ];case 88:$s=50;continue;case 45:ao=y.Kind();$s=92;case 92:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ao===14){$s=90;continue;}$s=91;continue;case 90:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,XT];case 91:$s=50;continue;case 46:aq=y.Kind();$s=96;case 96:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(aq===24)){ap=false;$s=95;continue s;}ar=L.EnforceUTF8(f);$s=97;case 97:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ar;case 95:if(ap){$s=93;continue;}$s=94;continue;case 93:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,ZH];case 94:as=y.Kind();$s=100;case 100:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(as===24){$s=98;continue;}$s=99;continue;case 98:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,ZE];case 99:av=y.Kind();$s=105;case 105:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(av===23)){au=false;$s=104;continue s;}aw=y.Elem();$s=106;case 106:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=aw.Kind();$s=107;case 107:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=ax===8;case 104:if(!(au)){at=false;$s=103;continue s;}ay=L.EnforceUTF8(f);$s=108;case 108:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=ay;case 103:if(at){$s=101;continue;}$s=102;continue;case 101:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,AAN];case 102:ba=y.Kind();$s=112;case 112:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ba===23)){az=false;$s=111;continue s;}bb=y.Elem();$s=113;case 113:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb.Kind();$s=114;case 114:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=bc===8;case 111:if(az){$s=109;continue;}$s=110;continue;case 109:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,AAK];case 110:$s=50;continue;case 47:bd=y.Kind();$s=117;case 117:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bd===24){$s=115;continue;}$s=116;continue;case 115:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,ZE];case 116:bf=y.Kind();$s=121;case 121:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(bf===23)){be=false;$s=120;continue s;}bg=y.Elem();$s=122;case 122:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bg.Kind();$s=123;case 123:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bh===8;case 120:if(be){$s=118;continue;}$s=119;continue;case 118:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,AAK];case 119:$s=50;continue;case 48:bi=BU(y);$s=124;case 124:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=ABY(f,y);$s=125;case 125:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=[bi,bj];$s=126;case 126:return bk;case 49:bl=BU(y);$s=127;case 127:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm=ACQ(f,y);$s=128;case 128:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=[bl,bm];$s=129;case 129:return bn;case 50:case 30:$s=10;continue;case 4:bo=g.Kind();$s=132;case 132:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((bo===23))){$s=130;continue;}$s=131;continue;case 130:$s=1;continue;case 131:bp=g.Elem();$s=133;case 133:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=bp;br=f.Kind();$s=135;case 135:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=br;if(bs===(8)){$s=136;continue;}if(bs===(14)){$s=137;continue;}if(bs===(5)){$s=138;continue;}if(bs===(17)){$s=139;continue;}if(bs===(13)){$s=140;continue;}if(bs===(3)){$s=141;continue;}if(bs===(18)){$s=142;continue;}if(bs===(4)){$s=143;continue;}if(bs===(15)){$s=144;continue;}if(bs===(7)){$s=145;continue;}if(bs===(2)){$s=146;continue;}if(bs===(16)){$s=147;continue;}if(bs===(6)){$s=148;continue;}if(bs===(1)){$s=149;continue;}$s=150;continue;case 136:bt=bq.Kind();$s=153;case 153:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bt===1){$s=151;continue;}$s=152;continue;case 151:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,KB];case 152:$s=150;continue;case 137:bu=bq.Kind();$s=156;case 156:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bu===5){$s=154;continue;}$s=155;continue;case 154:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,IQ];case 155:$s=150;continue;case 138:bv=bq.Kind();$s=159;case 159:if($c){$c=false;bv=bv.$blk();}if(bv&&bv.$blk!==undefined){break 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428:if($c){$c=false;fl=fl.$blk();}if(fl&&fl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(fl===24)){fk=false;$s=427;continue s;}fm=L.EnforceUTF8(f);$s=429;case 429:if($c){$c=false;fm=fm.$blk();}if(fm&&fm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}fk=fm;case 427:if(fk){$s=425;continue;}$s=426;continue;case 425:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,YO];case 426:fn=g.Kind();$s=432;case 432:if($c){$c=false;fn=fn.$blk();}if(fn&&fn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(fn===24){$s=430;continue;}$s=431;continue;case 430:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,YL];case 431:fq=g.Kind();$s=437;case 437:if($c){$c=false;fq=fq.$blk();}if(fq&&fq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(fq===23)){fp=false;$s=436;continue s;}fr=g.Elem();$s=438;case 438:if($c){$c=false;fr=fr.$blk();}if(fr&&fr.$blk!==undefined){break s;}fs=fr.Kind();$s=439;case 439:if($c){$c=false;fs=fs.$blk();}if(fs&&fs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}fp=fs===8;case 436:if(!(fp)){fo=false;$s=435;continue s;}ft=L.EnforceUTF8(f);$s=440;case 440:if($c){$c=false;ft=ft.$blk();}if(ft&&ft.$blk!==undefined){break s;}fo=ft;case 435:if(fo){$s=433;continue;}$s=434;continue;case 433:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,ZZ];case 434:fv=g.Kind();$s=444;case 444:if($c){$c=false;fv=fv.$blk();}if(fv&&fv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(fv===23)){fu=false;$s=443;continue s;}fw=g.Elem();$s=445;case 445:if($c){$c=false;fw=fw.$blk();}if(fw&&fw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}fx=fw.Kind();$s=446;case 446:if($c){$c=false;fx=fx.$blk();}if(fx&&fx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}fu=fx===8;case 443:if(fu){$s=441;continue;}$s=442;continue;case 441:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,ZW];case 442:$s=382;continue;case 381:fy=g.Kind();$s=449;case 449:if($c){$c=false;fy=fy.$blk();}if(fy&&fy.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(fy===24){$s=447;continue;}$s=448;continue;case 447:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,YL];case 448:ga=g.Kind();$s=453;case 453:if($c){$c=false;ga=ga.$blk();}if(ga&&ga.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ga===23)){fz=false;$s=452;continue s;}gb=g.Elem();$s=454;case 454:if($c){$c=false;gb=gb.$blk();}if(gb&&gb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}gc=gb.Kind();$s=455;case 455:if($c){$c=false;gc=gc.$blk();}if(gc&&gc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}fz=gc===8;case 452:if(fz){$s=450;continue;}$s=451;continue;case 450:$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,ZW];case 451:case 382:case 364:case 10:case 1:gd=f.FullName();$s=456;case 456:if($c){$c=false;gd=gd.$blk();}if(gd&&gd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ge=new B.FullName(gd);gf=f.Cardinality();$s=457;case 457:if($c){$c=false;gf=gf.$blk();}if(gf&&gf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}gg=new B.Cardinality(gf);gh=f.Kind();$s=458;case 458:if($c){$c=false;gh=gh.$blk();}if(gh&&gh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}gi=new B.Kind(gh);gj=g;gk=A.Sprintf("invalid type: no encoder for %v %v %v/%v",new AEN([ge,gg,gi,gj]));$s=459;case 459:if($c){$c=false;gk=gk.$blk();}if(gk&&gk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(gk));$s=-1;return[AEO.nil,new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError)];}return;}var $f={$blk:HT,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HU=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=f.Cardinality();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(h===3)){g=false;$s=6;continue s;}i=f.IsPacked();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=!i;case 6:if(g){$s=2;continue;}k=f.Cardinality();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(k===3)){j=false;$s=9;continue s;}l=f.IsPacked();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=l;case 9:if(j){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:m=f.Kind();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(n===(8)){$s=-1;return KJ;}else if(n===(14)){$s=-1;return KU;}else if(n===(5)){$s=-1;return LX;}else if(n===(17)){$s=-1;return NA;}else if(n===(13)){$s=-1;return OD;}else if(n===(3)){$s=-1;return PG;}else if(n===(18)){$s=-1;return QJ;}else if(n===(4)){$s=-1;return RM;}else if(n===(15)){$s=-1;return SP;}else if(n===(7)){$s=-1;return TS;}else if(n===(2)){$s=-1;return UV;}else if(n===(16)){$s=-1;return VY;}else if(n===(6)){$s=-1;return XB;}else if(n===(1)){$s=-1;return YE;}else if(n===(9)){$s=-1;return ZS;}else if(n===(12)){$s=-1;return AAV;}else if(n===(11)){$s=-1;return ACL;}else if(n===(10)){$s=-1;return ACP;}case 12:$s=5;continue;case 3:o=f.Kind();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(p===(8)){$s=-1;return KM;}else if(p===(14)){$s=-1;return KX;}else if(p===(5)){$s=-1;return MA;}else if(p===(17)){$s=-1;return ND;}else if(p===(13)){$s=-1;return OG;}else if(p===(3)){$s=-1;return PJ;}else if(p===(18)){$s=-1;return QM;}else if(p===(4)){$s=-1;return RP;}else if(p===(15)){$s=-1;return SS;}else if(p===(7)){$s=-1;return TV;}else if(p===(2)){$s=-1;return UY;}else if(p===(16)){$s=-1;return WB;}else if(p===(6)){$s=-1;return XE;}else if(p===(1)){$s=-1;return YH;}case 14:$s=5;continue;case 4:q=f.Kind();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;if(r===(8)){$s=18;continue;}if(r===(14)){$s=19;continue;}if(r===(5)){$s=20;continue;}if(r===(17)){$s=21;continue;}if(r===(13)){$s=22;continue;}if(r===(3)){$s=23;continue;}if(r===(18)){$s=24;continue;}if(r===(4)){$s=25;continue;}if(r===(15)){$s=26;continue;}if(r===(7)){$s=27;continue;}if(r===(2)){$s=28;continue;}if(r===(16)){$s=29;continue;}if(r===(6)){$s=30;continue;}if(r===(1)){$s=31;continue;}if(r===(9)){$s=32;continue;}if(r===(12)){$s=33;continue;}if(r===(11)){$s=34;continue;}if(r===(10)){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 18:$s=-1;return KF;case 19:$s=-1;return KQ;case 20:$s=-1;return LT;case 21:$s=-1;return MW;case 22:$s=-1;return NZ;case 23:$s=-1;return PC;case 24:$s=-1;return QF;case 25:$s=-1;return RI;case 26:$s=-1;return SL;case 27:$s=-1;return TO;case 28:$s=-1;return UR;case 29:$s=-1;return VU;case 30:$s=-1;return WX;case 31:$s=-1;return YA;case 32:s=L.EnforceUTF8(f);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(s){$s=37;continue;}$s=38;continue;case 37:$s=-1;return ZO;case 38:$s=-1;return ZL;case 33:$s=-1;return AAR;case 34:$s=-1;return ABM;case 35:$s=-1;return ABQ;case 36:case 16:case 5:case 1:t=f.FullName();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=new B.FullName(t);v=f.Cardinality();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=new B.Cardinality(v);x=f.Kind();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=new B.Kind(x);z=A.Sprintf("invalid field: no encoder for %v %v %v",new AEN([u,w,y]));$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(z));$s=-1;return new HS.ptr($throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError);}return;}var $f={$blk:HU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HV=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,F.Value).Int();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(l.$high,l.$low)))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:HV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};HW=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,F.Value).Int();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(l.$high,l.$low)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:HW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};HX=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeVarint(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(t,F.Value).SetInt((new $Int64(p.$high,p.$low)));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.n=q;u=$clone(k,FX);v=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:HX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};HY=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(j,F.Value).Set($clone(k,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};IA=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;k=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,F.Value).Int();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((j=l,(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=0;$s=-1;return i;case 2:m=HV($clone(f,AT),g,$clone(h,FS));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=m;n=i;$s=6;case 6:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:IA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};IB=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,F.Value).Int();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((j=l,(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];case 2:m=HW(f,$clone(g,AT),h,$clone(i,FS));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=6;case 6:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:IB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};IC=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,F.Value).Int();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((j=l,(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0)))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(m,F.Value).Set($clone(n,F.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:IC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};IE=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=HV(new AT.ptr($clone(j,F.Value)),g,$clone(h,FS));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=k;l=i;$s=3;case 3:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:IE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};IF=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=f;k=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=new AT.ptr($clone(k,F.Value));m=h;n=$clone(i,FS);o=HW(j,l,m,n);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=3;case 3:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:IF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};IG=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,F.Value).IsNil();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(p){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:q=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,F.Value).Type();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s.Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=F.New(t);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(q,F.Value).Set($clone(u,F.Value));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:w=f;x=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=new AT.ptr($clone(x,F.Value));z=h;aa=i;ab=$clone(j,FV);ac=HX(w,y,z,aa,ab);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=ac;FX.copy(k,v[0]);l=v[1];ad=[k,l];$s=13;case 13:return ad;}return;}var $f={$blk:IG,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};IH=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,F.Value).IsNil();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!k){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Type().Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=F.New(m);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=$clone(o,F.Value).Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,F.Value).Elem();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(p,F.Value).Set($clone(r,F.Value));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(s,F.Value).Set($clone(o,F.Value));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:IH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};IJ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;m=$clone(k,F.Value).Len();n=l;o=m;case 2:if(!(n>0))>>0;n=n+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:IJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};IK=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;m=$clone(k,F.Value).Len();n=l;o=m;case 2:if(!(n>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:IK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};IL=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}case 4:if(!(p.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}t=H.ConsumeVarint(p);u=t[0];v=t[1];if(v<0){w=$clone(k,FX);x=FT;FX.copy(k,w);l=x;$s=-1;return[k,l];}y=$clone(n,F.Value).Type().Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=F.New(y);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=$clone(z,F.Value).Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;$clone(ab,F.Value).SetInt((new $Int64(u.$high,u.$low)));ac=F.Append($clone(n,F.Value),new AGG([$clone(ab,F.Value)]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(n,F.Value).Set($clone(ac,F.Value));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$subslice(p,v);$s=4;continue;case 5:k.n=q;ad=$clone(k,FX);ae=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ad);l=ae;$s=-1;return[k,l];case 3:if(!((h===0))){af=$clone(k,FX);ag=FY;FX.copy(k,af);l=ag;$s=-1;return[k,l];}ah=H.ConsumeVarint(f);ai=ah[0];aj=ah[1];if(aj<0){ak=$clone(k,FX);al=FT;FX.copy(k,ak);l=al;$s=-1;return[k,l];}am=$clone(n,F.Value).Type().Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=F.New(am);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=$clone(an,F.Value).Elem();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;$clone(ap,F.Value).SetInt((new $Int64(ai.$high,ai.$low)));aq=F.Append($clone(n,F.Value),new AGG([$clone(ap,F.Value)]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(n,F.Value).Set($clone(aq,F.Value));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.n=aj;ar=$clone(k,FX);as=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ar);l=as;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:IL,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};IM=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,F.Value);m=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,F.Value);o=F.AppendSlice(l,n);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(j,F.Value).Set($clone(o,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:IM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};IO=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=$clone(k,F.Value).Len();if(l===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}m=0;n=0;case 2:if(!(n>0;n=n+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(m)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:IO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};IP=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g.v,F.Value).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=$clone(k,F.Value).Len();if(l===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);m=0;n=0;case 2:if(!(n>0;n=n+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,m)));s=0;case 7:if(!(s>0;$s=7;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:IP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};IR=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;if(true){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}j=$clone(g,AT).Apply($clone(f.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,AT).Extensions();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.$get();m=l;n=0;o=$keys(m);case 3:if(!(n>0;v=q.Value();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=s.funcs.size($clone(v,B.Value),H.SizeTag(3),$clone(h,FS));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=i+(w)>>0;n++;$s=3;continue;case 4:x=f.getUnknownBytes($clone(g,AT));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if(!(y===ADU.nil)){i=i+(I.SizeUnknown(y.$get()))>>0;}i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:IR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};IS=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(true){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=W.New("no support for message_set_wire_format",new AEN([]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=[g,j];$s=4;case 4:return k;case 2:l=$clone(h,AT).Apply($clone(f.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$clone(l,AT).Extensions();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.$get();o=$keys(n).length;if(o===(0)){$s=8;continue;}if(o===(1)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 8:$s=11;continue;case 9:p=n;q=0;r=$keys(p);case 12:if(!(q>0)));z++;}$r=AE.Ints(x);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=x;ae=0;case 16:if(!(ae=ad.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+ae]);ag=$ifaceNil;aj=IT(f,g,$clone((ai=n[$Int32.keyFor(((af>>0)))],ai!==undefined?ai.v:new ADE.ptr($ifaceNil,new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil),AGO.nil)),ADE),$clone(i,FS));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=aj;g=ah[0];ag=ah[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ag,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[g,ag];}ae++;$s=16;continue;case 17:case 11:case 7:ak=f.getUnknownBytes($clone(h,AT));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak;if(!(al===ADU.nil)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:am=$ifaceNil;ao=I.AppendUnknown(g,al.$get());$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ao;g=an[0];am=an[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[g,am];}case 21:$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:IS,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};IT=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=ADA($clone(h,ADE).Type());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=H.DecodeTag(k.wiretag);m=l[0];g=I.AppendFieldStart(g,m);o=g;p=h.Value();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,B.Value);r=H.EncodeTag(3,2);s=$clone(i,FS);t=k.funcs.marshal(o,q,r,s);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=t;g=n[0];u=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[g,u];}g=I.AppendFieldEnd(g);$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:IT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};IU=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(true){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=$clone(l,FX);p=W.New("no support for message_set_wire_format",new AEN([]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;FX.copy(l,n);m=o;q=[l,m];$s=4;case 4:return q;case 2:r=$clone(h[0],AT).Apply($clone(f[0].coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,AT).Extensions();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(t.$get()===false){t.$set({});}j[0]=t.$get();k[0]=true;u=I.Unmarshal(g,true,(function(f,h,i,j,k){return function $b(u,v){var{aa,ab,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{u,v});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:x=f[0].unmarshalExtension(v,u,2,j[0],$clone(i[0],FV));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=$clone(w[0],FX);z=w[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(z,FY)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:aa=f[0].mutableUnknownBytes($clone(h[0],AT));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;ab.$set(H.AppendTag(ab.$get(),u,2));ab.$set($appendSlice(ab.$get(),v));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:if(!y.initialized){k[0]=false;}$s=-1;return z;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(f,h,i,j,k));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=u;l.n=g.$length;l.initialized=k[0];v=$clone(l,FX);w=m;FX.copy(l,v);m=w;$s=-1;return[l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:IU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};BS.ptr.prototype.makeCoderMethods=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=[i];i[0]=this;AP.copy(i[0].coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset,AR);AP.copy(i[0].coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AR);AP.copy(i[0].coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AR);if($clone(g.sizecacheOffset,AP).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual(g.sizecacheType,CB)){AP.copy(i[0].coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset,g.sizecacheOffset);}if($clone(g.unknownOffset,AP).IsValid()&&($interfaceIsEqual(g.unknownType,CD)||$interfaceIsEqual(g.unknownType,CE))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:AP.copy(i[0].coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,g.unknownOffset);j=g.unknownType.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0].coderMessageInfo.unknownPtrKind=j===22;case 2:if($clone(g.extensionOffset,AP).IsValid()&&$interfaceIsEqual(g.extensionType,CF)){AP.copy(i[0].coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,g.extensionOffset);}i[0].coderMessageInfo.coderFields={};k=i[0].Desc.Fields();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=k;l=h[0].Len();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$makeSlice(AHW,l);n=0;case 6:o=h[0].Len();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);au=p[0].Number();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=AM(i[0],$clone(g,CG),p[0],ac);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=p[0].Cardinality();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ax===3){aw=true;$s=38;continue s;}ay=p[0].HasPresence();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ay;case 38:az=p[0].Cardinality();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}IW.copy(at,new IW.ptr($clone(ao,HR),ap,ac,$clone(av,AK),au,$clone(an,AP),ad,H.SizeVarint(ad),aw,az===2));i[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields=$append(i[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields,at);ba=at.num;(i[0].coderMessageInfo.coderFields||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[H.Number.keyFor(ba)]={k:ba,v:at};n=n+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;case 7:bb=0;bd=i[0].Desc.Oneofs();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bd;be=bb;bf=bc;case 43:bg=bf.Len();$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(be>0;$s=43;continue;case 44:bk=I.IsMessageSet(i[0].Desc);$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bk){$s=51;continue;}$s=52;continue;case 51:if(!$clone(i[0].coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=54;continue;}$s=55;continue;case 54:bl=i[0].Desc.FullName();$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm=new B.FullName(bl);bn=A.Sprintf("%v: MessageSet with no extensions field",new AEN([bm]));$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(bn));case 55:if(!$clone(i[0].coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=58;continue;}$s=59;continue;case 58:bo=i[0].Desc.FullName();$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=new B.FullName(bo);bq=A.Sprintf("%v: MessageSet with no unknown field",new AEN([bp]));$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(bq));case 59:i[0].coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet=true;case 52:$r=AE.Slice(i[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields,(function(h,i){return function(br,bs){var br,bs,bt,bu;return(bt=i[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields,((br<0||br>=bt.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bt.$array[bt.$offset+br])).num<(bu=i[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields,((bs<0||bs>=bu.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bu.$array[bu.$offset+bs])).num;};})(h,i));$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}br=0;bs=i[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields;bt=0;while(true){if(!(bt=bs.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bs.$array[bs.$offset+bt]);if(bu.num>=16&&bu.num>=($imul(2,br))){break;}br=bu.num;bt++;}i[0].coderMessageInfo.denseCoderFields=$makeSlice(AGR,(br+1>>0));bv=i[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields;bw=0;while(true){if(!(bw=bv.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bv.$array[bv.$offset+bw]);if(((bx.num>>0))>=i[0].coderMessageInfo.denseCoderFields.$length){break;}(by=i[0].coderMessageInfo.denseCoderFields,bz=bx.num,((bz<0||bz>=by.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):by.$array[by.$offset+bz]=bx));bw++;}ca=i[0].Desc.Oneofs();$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cb=ca.Len();$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;cb=cb.$blk();}if(cb&&cb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(cb>0){$s=63;continue;}$s=64;continue;case 63:$r=AE.Slice(i[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields,(function(h,i){return function $b(cc,cd){var{cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{cc,cd});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:cf=h[0].ByNumber((ce=i[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields,((cc<0||cc>=ce.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ce.$array[ce.$offset+cc])).num);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;cf=cf.$blk();}if(cf&&cf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cg=cf;ci=h[0].ByNumber((ch=i[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields,((cd<0||cd>=ch.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ch.$array[ch.$offset+cd])).num);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ci=ci.$blk();}if(ci&&ci.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cj=ci;ck=AF.LegacyFieldOrder(cg,cj);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ck=ck.$blk();}if(ck&&ck.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cl=ck;$s=4;case 4:return cl;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,$s};return $f;};})(h,i));$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 64:cc=ADI(i[0].Desc);$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;cc=cc.$blk();}if(cc&&cc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0].coderMessageInfo.needsInitCheck=cc;if(i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Marshal===$throwNilPointerError&&i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Size===$throwNilPointerError){i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags=(cd=i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags,ce=new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(cd.$high|ce.$high,(cd.$low|ce.$low)>>>0));i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Marshal=$methodVal(i[0],"marshal");i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Size=$methodVal(i[0],"size");}if(i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Unmarshal===$throwNilPointerError){i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags=(cf=i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags,cg=new $Uint64(0,2),new $Uint64(cf.$high|cg.$high,(cf.$low|cg.$low)>>>0));i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Unmarshal=$methodVal(i[0],"unmarshal");}if(i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.CheckInitialized===$throwNilPointerError){i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.CheckInitialized=$methodVal(i[0],"checkInitialized");}if(i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Merge===$throwNilPointerError){i[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Merge=$methodVal(i[0],"merge");}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.makeCoderMethods,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.makeCoderMethods=function(f,g){return this.$val.makeCoderMethods(f,g);};BS.ptr.prototype.getUnknownBytes=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(g.coderMessageInfo.unknownPtrKind){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(g.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,AT).BytesPtr();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.$get();$s=6;case 6:return j;case 2:k=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(g.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,AT).Bytes();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=9;case 9:return m;case 3:$s=-1;return ADU.nil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.getUnknownBytes,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.getUnknownBytes=function(f){return this.$val.getUnknownBytes(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.mutableUnknownBytes=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(g.coderMessageInfo.unknownPtrKind){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(g.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,AT).BytesPtr();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(j.$get()===ADU.nil){j.$set($newDataPointer(ADP.nil,ADU));}$s=-1;return j.$get();case 2:k=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(g.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset,AP));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,AT).Bytes();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=8;case 8:return m;case 3:$s=-1;return ADU.nil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.mutableUnknownBytes,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.mutableUnknownBytes=function(f){return this.$val.mutableUnknownBytes(f);};IX=function(f){var f;return $clone(f,F.Value).MapRange();};IZ=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];i=AEO.nil;j=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError);k=f.MapKey();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=f.MapValue();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=l.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=(p=AAX[B.Kind.keyFor(o)],p!==undefined?p.v:0);r=H.EncodeTag(1,q);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=n.Kind();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=(u=AAX[B.Kind.keyFor(t)],u!==undefined?u.v:0);w=H.EncodeTag(2,v);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;y=HU(l);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$clone(y,HS);aa=HU(n);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$clone(aa,HS);ac=GB(g[0],f);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;ae=l.Default();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=l.Kind();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=new IY.ptr(g[0],s,x,$clone(z,HS),$clone(ab,HS),$clone(ae,B.Value),af,ad);ag=n.Kind();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ag===11){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:ah=g[0].Elem();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=BU(ah);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=ai;case 13:HR.copy(j,new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,(function(g,h){return function $b(aj,ak,al){var{aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aj,ak,al});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:am=$clone(aj,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=$clone(am,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=JA($clone(an,F.Value),h[0],ak,$clone(al,FS));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;$s=4;case 4:return ap;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),(function(g,h){return function $b(aj,ak,al,am){var{aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aj,ak,al,am});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:an=aj;ao=$clone(ak,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=$clone(ao,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=$clone(ap,F.Value);ar=h[0];as=al;at=$clone(am,FS);au=JE(an,aq,ar,as,at);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=au;$s=4;case 4:return av;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),(function(g,h){return function $b(aj,ak,al,am,an){var{aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{aj,ak,al,am,an});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ao=$clone(ak,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;aq=$clone(ap,F.Value).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=$clone(aq,F.Value).IsNil();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ar){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:as=$clone(ap,F.Value).Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=F.MakeMap(h[0].goType);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(as,F.Value).Set($clone(at,F.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:if(am.mi===AEO.nil){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:au=aj;av=$clone(ap,F.Value).Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=$clone(av,F.Value);ax=al;ay=h[0];az=am;ba=$clone(an,FV);bb=JB(au,aw,ax,ay,az,ba);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;$s=14;case 14:return bc;case 10:bd=aj;be=$clone(ap,F.Value).Elem();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=$clone(be,F.Value);bg=al;bh=h[0];bi=am;bj=$clone(an,FV);bk=JC(bd,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=bk;$s=17;case 17:return bl;case 11:$s=-1;return[new FX.ptr(0,false),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError));aj=n.Kind();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;if(ak===(11)){j.merge=JJ;}else if(ak===(12)){j.merge=JI;}else{j.merge=JH;}case 17:if(!(ab.isInit===$throwNilPointerError)){j.isInit=(function(g,h){return function $b(al,am){var{al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{al,am});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:an=$clone(al,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=$clone(an,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=JG($clone(ao,F.Value),h[0],am);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap;$s=4;case 4:return aq;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,$s};return $f;};})(g,h);}al=i;am=$clone(j,HR);i=al;HR.copy(j,am);$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:IZ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};JA=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(f,F.Value).Len()===0){$s=-1;return 0;}j=0;k=IX($clone(f,F.Value));case 1:l=k.Next();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(l)){$s=2;continue;}m=k.Key();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=g.conv.keyConv.PBValueOf($clone(m,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,B.Value).MapKey();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,B.MapKey);q=g.keyFuncs.size($clone($clone(p,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value),1,$clone(i,FS));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=0;t=k.Value();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=g.conv.valConv.PBValueOf($clone(t,F.Value));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,B.Value);if(h.mi===AEO.nil){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:w=g.valFuncs.size($clone(v,B.Value),1,$clone(i,FS));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=w;$s=12;continue;case 11:x=k.Value();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=AV($clone(x,F.Value));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$clone(y,AT);s=s+(1)>>0;aa=h.mi.sizePointer($clone(z,AT),$clone(i,FS));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=H.SizeBytes(aa);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=s+(ab)>>0;case 12:j=j+((h.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(r+s>>0)>>0))>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:JA,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};JB=function(f,g,h,i,j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){n=$clone(l,FX);o=FY;FX.copy(l,n);m=o;$s=-1;return[l,m];}p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);f=p[0];q=p[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(l,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(l,r);m=s;$s=-1;return[l,m];}t=$clone(i.keyZero,B.Value);u=i.conv.valConv.New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,B.Value);case 2:if(!(f.$length>0)){$s=3;continue;}w=H.ConsumeTag(f);x=w[0];y=w[1];z=w[2];if(z<0){aa=$clone(l,FX);ab=FT;FX.copy(l,aa);m=ab;$s=-1;return[l,m];}if(x>536870911){ac=$clone(l,FX);ad=FT;FX.copy(l,ac);m=ad;$s=-1;return[l,m];}f=$subslice(f,z);ae=FY;af=x;if(af===(1)){$s=5;continue;}if(af===(2)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:ag=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ah=new FX.ptr(0,false);aj=i.keyFuncs.unmarshal(f,$clone(t,B.Value),x,y,$clone(k,FV));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;B.Value.copy(ag,ai[0]);FX.copy(ah,ai[1]);ae=ai[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ae,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}B.Value.copy(t,ag);z=ah.n;$s=7;continue;case 6:ak=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);al=new FX.ptr(0,false);an=i.valFuncs.unmarshal(f,$clone(v,B.Value),x,y,$clone(k,FV));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=an;B.Value.copy(ak,am[0]);FX.copy(al,am[1]);ae=am[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ae,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}B.Value.copy(v,ak);z=al.n;case 7:case 4:if($interfaceIsEqual(ae,FY)){z=H.ConsumeFieldValue(x,y,f);if(z<0){ao=$clone(l,FX);ap=FT;FX.copy(l,ao);m=ap;$s=-1;return[l,m];}}else if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ae,$ifaceNil))){aq=$clone(l,FX);ar=ae;FX.copy(l,aq);m=ar;$s=-1;return[l,m];}f=$subslice(f,z);$s=2;continue;case 3:as=i.conv.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone(t,B.Value));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=$clone(as,F.Value);au=i.conv.valConv.GoValueOf($clone(v,B.Value));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=$clone(au,F.Value);$r=$clone(g,F.Value).SetMapIndex(at,av);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=q;aw=$clone(l,FX);ax=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(l,aw);m=ax;$s=-1;return[l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:JB,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};JC=function(f,g,h,i,j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){n=$clone(l,FX);o=FY;FX.copy(l,n);m=o;$s=-1;return[l,m];}p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);f=p[0];q=p[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(l,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(l,r);m=s;$s=-1;return[l,m];}t=$clone(i.keyZero,B.Value);u=j.mi.GoReflectType.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=F.New(u);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;case 3:if(!(f.$length>0)){$s=4;continue;}x=H.ConsumeTag(f);y=x[0];z=x[1];aa=x[2];if(aa<0){ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=FT;FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;$s=-1;return[l,m];}if(y>536870911){ad=$clone(l,FX);ae=FT;FX.copy(l,ad);m=ae;$s=-1;return[l,m];}f=$subslice(f,aa);af=FY;ag=y;if(ag===(1)){$s=6;continue;}if(ag===(2)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 6:ah=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ai=new FX.ptr(0,false);ak=i.keyFuncs.unmarshal(f,$clone(t,B.Value),y,z,$clone(k,FV));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;B.Value.copy(ah,aj[0]);FX.copy(ai,aj[1]);af=aj[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}B.Value.copy(t,ah);aa=ai.n;$s=8;continue;case 7:if(!((z===2))){$s=5;continue;}al=ADP.nil;am=H.ConsumeBytes(f);al=am[0];aa=am[1];if(aa<0){an=$clone(l,FX);ao=FT;FX.copy(l,an);m=ao;$s=-1;return[l,m];}ap=new FX.ptr(0,false);ar=j.mi.unmarshalPointer(al,$clone(AV($clone(w,F.Value)),AT),0,$clone(k,FV));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ar;FX.copy(ap,aq[0]);af=aq[1];if(ap.initialized){l.initialized=true;}case 8:case 5:if($interfaceIsEqual(af,FY)){aa=H.ConsumeFieldValue(y,z,f);if(aa<0){as=$clone(l,FX);at=FT;FX.copy(l,as);m=at;$s=-1;return[l,m];}}else if(!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil))){au=$clone(l,FX);av=af;FX.copy(l,au);m=av;$s=-1;return[l,m];}f=$subslice(f,aa);$s=3;continue;case 4:aw=i.conv.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone(t,B.Value));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(g,F.Value).SetMapIndex($clone(aw,F.Value),$clone(w,F.Value));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=q;ax=$clone(l,FX);ay=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(l,ax);m=ay;$s=-1;return[l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:JC,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};JD=function(f,g,h,i,j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(j.mi===AEO.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=i.conv.keyConv.PBValueOf($clone(g,F.Value));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$clone(l,B.Value).MapKey();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,B.MapKey);o=i.conv.valConv.PBValueOf($clone(h,F.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,B.Value);q=0;r=i.keyFuncs.size($clone($clone(n,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value),1,$clone(k,FS));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=q+(r)>>0;s=i.valFuncs.size($clone(p,B.Value),1,$clone(k,FS));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=q+(s)>>0;f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,q)));u=i.keyFuncs.marshal(f,$clone($clone(n,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value),i.keyWiretag,$clone(k,FS));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;v=t[0];w=t[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[ADP.nil,w];}x=i.valFuncs.marshal(v,$clone(p,B.Value),i.valWiretag,$clone(k,FS));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=11;case 11:return y;case 2:z=i.conv.keyConv.PBValueOf($clone(g,F.Value));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=$clone(z,B.Value).MapKey();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$clone(aa,B.MapKey);ac=$clone(AV($clone(h,F.Value)),AT);ad=j.mi.sizePointer($clone(ac,AT),$clone(k,FS));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;af=0;ag=i.keyFuncs.size($clone($clone(ab,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value),1,$clone(k,FS));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=af+(ag)>>0;af=af+((1+H.SizeBytes(ae)>>0))>>0;f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,af)));ai=i.keyFuncs.marshal(f,$clone($clone(ab,B.MapKey).Value(),B.Value),i.keyWiretag,$clone(k,FS));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;aj=ah[0];ak=ah[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ak,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[ADP.nil,ak];}aj=H.AppendVarint(aj,i.valWiretag);aj=H.AppendVarint(aj,(new $Uint64(0,ae)));al=j.mi.marshalAppendPointer(aj,$clone(ac,AT),$clone(k,FS));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;$s=18;case 18:return am;case 3:$s=-1;return[ADP.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:JD,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};JE=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($clone(g,F.Value).Len()===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}if($clone(j,FS).Deterministic()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=JF(f,$clone(g,F.Value),h,i,$clone(j,FS));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=4;case 4:return l;case 2:m=IX($clone(g,F.Value));case 5:n=m.Next();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(n)){$s=6;continue;}o=$ifaceNil;f=H.AppendVarint(f,i.wiretag);q=f;r=m.Key();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,F.Value);t=m.Value();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,F.Value);v=h;w=i;x=$clone(j,FS);y=JD(q,s,u,v,w,x);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=y;f=p[0];o=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[f,o];}$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:JE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};JF=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=[k];l=$clone(g,F.Value).MapKeys();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0]=l;$r=AE.Slice(k[0],(function(k){return function $b(m,n){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=$clone(((m<0||m>=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+m]),F.Value).Kind();if(o===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if((o===(2))||(o===(3))||(o===(4))||(o===(5))||(o===(6))){$s=3;continue;}if((o===(7))||(o===(8))||(o===(9))||(o===(10))||(o===(11))||(o===(12))){$s=4;continue;}if((o===(13))||(o===(14))){$s=5;continue;}if(o===(24)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return!$clone(((m<0||m>=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+m]),F.Value).Bool()&&$clone(((n<0||n>=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+n]),F.Value).Bool();case 3:$s=-1;return(p=$clone(((m<0||m>=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+m]),F.Value).Int(),q=$clone(((n<0||n>=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+n]),F.Value).Int(),(p.$high=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+m]),F.Value).Uint(),s=$clone(((n<0||n>=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+n]),F.Value).Uint(),(r.$high=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+m]),F.Value).Float()<$clone(((n<0||n>=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+n]),F.Value).Float();case 6:t=$clone(((m<0||m>=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+m]),F.Value).String();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(((n<0||n>=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+n]),F.Value).String();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=t=k[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[0].$array[k[0].$offset+m]),F.Value).Kind()).String()));case 8:case 1:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};})(k));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=k[0];n=0;case 3:if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);p=$ifaceNil;f=H.AppendVarint(f,i.wiretag);r=f;s=$clone(o,F.Value);t=$clone(g,F.Value).MapIndex($clone(o,F.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,F.Value);v=h;w=i;x=$clone(j,FS);y=JD(r,s,u,v,w,x);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=y;f=q[0];p=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[f,p];}n++;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:JF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};JG=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=h.mi;if(!(i===AEO.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i.init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!i.coderMessageInfo.needsInitCheck){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}j=IX($clone(f,F.Value));case 5:k=j.Next();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(k)){$s=6;continue;}l=j.Value();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=AV($clone(l,F.Value));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,AT);o=i.checkInitializedPointer($clone(n,AT));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=3;continue;case 2:q=IX($clone(f,F.Value));case 11:r=q.Next();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(r)){$s=12;continue;}s=q.Value();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=g.conv.valConv.PBValueOf($clone(s,F.Value));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,B.Value);v=g.valFuncs.isInit($clone(u,B.Value));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return w;}$s=11;continue;case 12:case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:JG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};JH=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,AT).AsValueOf(h.ft);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=$clone(g,AT).AsValueOf(h.ft);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,F.Value).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if($clone(o,F.Value).Len()===0){$s=-1;return;}if($clone(l,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:p=F.MakeMap(h.ft);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(l,F.Value).Set($clone(p,F.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:q=IX($clone(o,F.Value));case 9:r=q.Next();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(r)){$s=10;continue;}s=q.Key();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,F.Value);u=q.Value();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,F.Value);$r=$clone(l,F.Value).SetMapIndex(t,v);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=9;continue;case 10:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:JH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};JI=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,AT).AsValueOf(h.ft);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=$clone(g,AT).AsValueOf(h.ft);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,F.Value).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if($clone(o,F.Value).Len()===0){$s=-1;return;}if($clone(l,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:p=F.MakeMap(h.ft);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(l,F.Value).Set($clone(p,F.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:q=IX($clone(o,F.Value));case 9:r=q.Next();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(r)){$s=10;continue;}s=q.Key();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,F.Value);u=new ADP(AAW);v=q.Value();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=$clone(v,F.Value).Bytes();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;y=F.ValueOf($appendSlice(u,x));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$clone(y,F.Value);$r=$clone(l,F.Value).SetMapIndex(t,z);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=9;continue;case 10:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:JI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};JJ=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,AT).AsValueOf(h.ft);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=$clone(g,AT).AsValueOf(h.ft);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,F.Value).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if($clone(o,F.Value).Len()===0){$s=-1;return;}if($clone(l,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:p=F.MakeMap(h.ft);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(l,F.Value).Set($clone(p,F.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:q=IX($clone(o,F.Value));case 9:r=q.Next();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(r)){$s=10;continue;}s=h.ft.Elem();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s.Elem();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=F.New(t);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if(!(h.mi===AEO.nil)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:w=$clone(AV($clone(v,F.Value)),AT);x=q.Value();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=AV($clone(x,F.Value));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$clone(y,AT);aa=$clone(i,DO);$r=h.mi.mergePointer(w,z,aa);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=17;continue;case 16:ab=ACX($clone(v,F.Value));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;ad=q.Value();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ACX($clone(ad,F.Value));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;$r=$clone(i,DO).Merge(ac,af);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 17:ag=q.Key();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(l,F.Value).SetMapIndex($clone(ag,F.Value),$clone(v,F.Value));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=9;continue;case 10:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:JJ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};JK=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeBool(k))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};JL=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeBool(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:JL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};JM=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v.$set(H.DecodeBool(o));k.n=p;w=$clone(k,FX);x=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,w);l=x;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:JM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};JO=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===false){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeBool(k))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};JP=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===false){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeBool(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:JP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};JR=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).BoolPtr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeBool(k))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};JS=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).BoolPtr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeBool(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:JS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};JT=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).BoolPtr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(w.$get()===AET.nil){w.$set($newDataPointer(false,AET));}w.$get().$set(H.DecodeBool(o));k.n=p;x=$clone(k,FX);y=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:JT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};JV=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).BoolSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);i=i+((g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeBool(n))>>0))>>0;m++;}i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};JW=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).BoolSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeBool(n));m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:JW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};JX=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).BoolSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){u=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));v=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){u=(w=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),x=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(w.$high+x.$high,w.$low+x.$low));v=2;}else{y=H.ConsumeVarint(q);u=y[0];v=y[1];}if(v<0){z=$clone(k,FX);aa=FT;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,H.DecodeBool(u));q=$subslice(q,v);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===0))){ad=$clone(k,FX);ae=FY;FX.copy(k,ad);l=ae;$s=-1;return[k,l];}af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){af=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ag=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){af=(ah=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),ai=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(ah.$high+ai.$high,ah.$low+ai.$low));ag=2;}else{aj=H.ConsumeVarint(f);af=aj[0];ag=aj[1];}if(ag<0){ak=$clone(k,FX);al=FT;FX.copy(k,ak);l=al;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),H.DecodeBool(af)));k.n=ag;am=$clone(k,FX);an=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,am);l=an;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:JX,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};JZ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).BoolSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeBool(o)))>>0;n++;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};KA=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).BoolSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeBool(o)))>>0;n++;}f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));p=k;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeBool(r));q++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};KC=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=H.EncodeBool(i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=H.SizeVarint(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=g+k>>0;$s=4;case 4:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:KC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};KD=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Bool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=H.EncodeBool(k);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=H.AppendVarint(j,m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=n;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};KE=function(f,g,h,i,j){var aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===0))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){q=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));r=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){q=(s=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),t=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low));r=2;}else{u=H.ConsumeVarint(f);q=u[0];r=u[1];}if(r<0){v=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);w=$clone(l,FX);x=FT;B.Value.copy(k,v);FX.copy(l,w);m=x;return[k,l,m];}l.n=r;y=$clone(B.ValueOfBool(H.DecodeBool(q)),B.Value);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;return[k,l,m];};KG=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:KG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};KH=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};KI=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){v=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));w=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){v=(x=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),y=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(x.$high+y.$high,x.$low+y.$low));w=2;}else{z=H.ConsumeVarint(q);v=z[0];w=z[1];}if(w<0){aa=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=FT;B.Value.copy(k,aa);FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfBool(H.DecodeBool(v)),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,w);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ad=$clone(g,B.Value);ae=$clone(l,FX);af=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ad);FX.copy(l,ae);m=af;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===0))){ag=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ah=$clone(l,FX);ai=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ag);FX.copy(l,ah);m=ai;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){aj=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ak=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){aj=(al=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),am=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(al.$high+am.$high,al.$low+am.$low));ak=2;}else{an=H.ConsumeVarint(f);aj=an[0];ak=an[1];}if(ak<0){ao=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ap=$clone(l,FX);aq=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ao);FX.copy(l,ap);m=aq;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfBool(H.DecodeBool(aj)),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=ak;ar=$clone(g,B.Value);as=$clone(l,FX);at=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ar);FX.copy(l,as);m=at;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:KI,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};KK=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=0;o=0;p=m;q=o;r=p;case 3:if(!(q>0;q=q+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:KK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};KL=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=0;o=0;case 3:if(!(o>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));u=0;case 9:if(!(u>0;$s=9;continue;case 10:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KL,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};KN=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).Enum();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,i)));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=g+j>>0;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:KN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};KO=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Enum();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=(new $Uint64(0,k));m=H.AppendVarint(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=m;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};KP=function(f,g,h,i,j){var aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===0))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){q=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));r=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){q=(s=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$f={$blk:KR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};KS=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};KT=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){v=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));w=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){v=(x=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),y=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(x.$high+y.$high,x.$low+y.$low));w=2;}else{z=H.ConsumeVarint(q);v=z[0];w=z[1];}if(w<0){aa=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=FT;B.Value.copy(k,aa);FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfEnum(((v.$low>>0))),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,w);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ad=$clone(g,B.Value);ae=$clone(l,FX);af=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ad);FX.copy(l,ae);m=af;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===0))){ag=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ah=$clone(l,FX);ai=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ag);FX.copy(l,ah);m=ai;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){aj=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ak=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){aj=(al=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),am=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(al.$high+am.$high,al.$low+am.$low));ak=2;}else{an=H.ConsumeVarint(f);aj=an[0];ak=an[1];}if(ak<0){ao=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ap=$clone(l,FX);aq=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ao);FX.copy(l,ap);m=aq;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfEnum(((aj.$low>>0))),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=ak;ar=$clone(g,B.Value);as=$clone(l,FX);at=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ar);FX.copy(l,as);m=at;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:KT,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};KV=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=0;o=0;p=m;q=o;r=p;case 3:if(!(q>0;q=q+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:KV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};KW=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=0;o=0;case 3:if(!(o>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));t=0;case 8:if(!(t>0;$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};KY=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,k)))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:KY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};KZ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,k)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LA=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v.$set(((o.$low>>0)));k.n=p;w=$clone(k,FX);x=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,w);l=x;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:LA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};LC=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,k)))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:LC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LD=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,k)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:LD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LF=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,k)))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:LF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LG=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,k)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:LG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LH=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Int32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(w.$get()===AEX.nil){w.$set($newDataPointer(0,AEX));}w.$get().$set(((o.$low>>0)));k.n=p;x=$clone(k,FX);y=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:LH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};LJ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);i=i+((g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,n)))>>0))>>0;m++;}i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:LJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};LK=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:LK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};LL=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){u=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));v=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){u=(w=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),x=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(w.$high+x.$high,w.$low+x.$low));v=2;}else{y=H.ConsumeVarint(q);u=y[0];v=y[1];}if(v<0){z=$clone(k,FX);aa=FT;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,((u.$low>>0)));q=$subslice(q,v);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===0))){ad=$clone(k,FX);ae=FY;FX.copy(k,ad);l=ae;$s=-1;return[k,l];}af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){af=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ag=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){af=(ah=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),ai=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(ah.$high+ai.$high,ah.$low+ai.$low));ag=2;}else{aj=H.ConsumeVarint(f);af=aj[0];ag=aj[1];}if(ag<0){ak=$clone(k,FX);al=FT;FX.copy(k,ak);l=al;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),((af.$low>>0))));k.n=ag;am=$clone(k,FX);an=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,am);l=an;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:LL,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};LN=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,o))))>>0;n++;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:LN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};LO=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,o))))>>0;n++;}f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));p=k;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,r)));q++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:LO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};LQ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,(((i=j,i.$low+((i.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=g+k>>0;$s=3;case 3:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:LQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};LR=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;l=$clone(g,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=(new $Uint64(0,(((k=l,k.$low+((k.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))));n=H.AppendVarint(j,m);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=n;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:LR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};LS=function(f,g,h,i,j){var aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===0))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){q=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));r=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){q=(s=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),t=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low));r=2;}else{u=H.ConsumeVarint(f);q=u[0];r=u[1];}if(r<0){v=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);w=$clone(l,FX);x=FT;B.Value.copy(k,v);FX.copy(l,w);m=x;return[k,l,m];}l.n=r;y=$clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((q.$low>>0))),B.Value);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;return[k,l,m];};LU=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=i+((g+u>>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:LU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};LV=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>31)*4294967296))>>0))));w=H.AppendVarint(s,v);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=w;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:LV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};LW=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){v=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));w=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){v=(x=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),y=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(x.$high+y.$high,x.$low+y.$low));w=2;}else{z=H.ConsumeVarint(q);v=z[0];w=z[1];}if(w<0){aa=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=FT;B.Value.copy(k,aa);FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((v.$low>>0))),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,w);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ad=$clone(g,B.Value);ae=$clone(l,FX);af=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ad);FX.copy(l,ae);m=af;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===0))){ag=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ah=$clone(l,FX);ai=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ag);FX.copy(l,ah);m=ai;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){aj=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ak=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){aj=(al=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),am=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(al.$high+am.$high,al.$low+am.$low));ak=2;}else{an=H.ConsumeVarint(f);aj=an[0];ak=an[1];}if(ak<0){ao=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ap=$clone(l,FX);aq=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ao);FX.copy(l,ap);m=aq;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((aj.$low>>0))),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=ak;ar=$clone(g,B.Value);as=$clone(l,FX);at=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ar);FX.copy(l,as);m=at;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:LW,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};LY=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=0;o=0;p=m;q=o;r=p;case 3:if(!(q>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=n+(w)>>0;q=q+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:LY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};LZ=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=0;o=0;case 3:if(!(o>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=n+(t)>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));u=0;case 8:if(!(u>31)*4294967296))>>0))));ab=H.AppendVarint(x,aa);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=ab;u=u+(1)>>0;$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:LZ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};MB=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,k))))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MC=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,k))));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:MC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MD=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,k))))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MG=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,k))));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:MG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MI=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,k))))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MJ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,k))));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:MJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MK=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Int32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(w.$get()===AEX.nil){w.$set($newDataPointer(0,AEX));}w.$get().$set((((x=H.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(o.$high&0,(o.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),x.$low+((x.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));k.n=p;y=$clone(k,FX);z=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,y);l=z;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:MK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};MM=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);i=i+((g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,n))))>>0))>>0;m++;}i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};MN=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,n))));m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:MN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};MO=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){u=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));v=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){u=(w=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),x=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(w.$high+x.$high,w.$low+x.$low));v=2;}else{y=H.ConsumeVarint(q);u=y[0];v=y[1];}if(v<0){z=$clone(k,FX);aa=FT;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,(((ab=H.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(u.$high&0,(u.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),ab.$low+((ab.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));q=$subslice(q,v);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;ac=$clone(k,FX);ad=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ac);l=ad;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===0))){ae=$clone(k,FX);af=FY;FX.copy(k,ae);l=af;$s=-1;return[k,l];}ag=new $Uint64(0,0);ah=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){ag=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ah=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){ag=(ai=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),aj=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(ai.$high+aj.$high,ai.$low+aj.$low));ah=2;}else{ak=H.ConsumeVarint(f);ag=ak[0];ah=ak[1];}if(ah<0){al=$clone(k,FX);am=FT;FX.copy(k,al);l=am;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),(((an=H.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(ag.$high&0,(ag.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),an.$low+((an.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))));k.n=ah;ao=$clone(k,FX);ap=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ao);l=ap;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:MO,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};MQ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,o)))))>>0;n++;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};MR=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,o)))))>>0;n++;}f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));p=k;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,r))));q++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:MR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};MT=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,(((i=j,i.$low+((i.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=H.SizeVarint(k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=g+l>>0;$s=4;case 4:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:MT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};MU=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;l=$clone(g,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=H.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0,(((k=l,k.$low+((k.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=H.AppendVarint(j,n);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=o;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:MU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};MV=function(f,g,h,i,j){var aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===0))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){q=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));r=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){q=(s=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),t=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low));r=2;}else{u=H.ConsumeVarint(f);q=u[0];r=u[1];}if(r<0){v=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);w=$clone(l,FX);x=FT;B.Value.copy(k,v);FX.copy(l,w);m=x;return[k,l,m];}l.n=r;y=$clone(B.ValueOfInt32((((z=H.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(q.$high&0,(q.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),z.$low+((z.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))),B.Value);aa=$clone(l,FX);ab=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,aa);m=ab;return[k,l,m];};MX=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=H.SizeVarint(u);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=i+((g+v>>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};MY=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=H.AppendVarint(s,w);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=x;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:MY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};MZ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){v=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));w=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){v=(x=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),y=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(x.$high+y.$high,x.$low+y.$low));w=2;}else{z=H.ConsumeVarint(q);v=z[0];w=z[1];}if(w<0){aa=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=FT;B.Value.copy(k,aa);FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32((((ad=H.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v.$high&0,(v.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),ad.$low+((ad.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,w);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ae=$clone(g,B.Value);af=$clone(l,FX);ag=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ae);FX.copy(l,af);m=ag;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===0))){ah=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ai=$clone(l,FX);aj=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ah);FX.copy(l,ai);m=aj;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}ak=new $Uint64(0,0);al=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){ak=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));al=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){ak=(am=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),an=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(am.$high+an.$high,am.$low+an.$low));al=2;}else{ao=H.ConsumeVarint(f);ak=ao[0];al=ao[1];}if(al<0){ap=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);aq=$clone(l,FX);ar=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ap);FX.copy(l,aq);m=ar;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32((((as=H.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(ak.$high&0,(ak.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),as.$low+((as.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=al;at=$clone(g,B.Value);au=$clone(l,FX);av=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,at);FX.copy(l,au);m=av;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:MZ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};NB=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=0;o=0;p=m;q=o;r=p;case 3:if(!(q>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=H.SizeVarint(w);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=n+(x)>>0;q=q+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:NB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};NC=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=0;o=0;case 3:if(!(o>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=H.SizeVarint(t);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=n+(u)>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));v=0;case 9:if(!(v>31)*4294967296))>>0)))));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;ad=H.AppendVarint(y,ac);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=ad;v=v+(1)>>0;$s=9;continue;case 10:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NC,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};NE=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,k)))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:NE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};NF=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,k)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};NG=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v.$set(((o.$low>>>0)));k.n=p;w=$clone(k,FX);x=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,w);l=x;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:NG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};NI=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,k)))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:NI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};NJ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,k)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};NL=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,k)))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:NL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};NM=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,k)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};NN=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(w.$get()===AFF.nil){w.$set($newDataPointer(0,AFF));}w.$get().$set(((o.$low>>>0)));k.n=p;x=$clone(k,FX);y=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:NN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};NP=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);i=i+((g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,n)))>>0))>>0;m++;}i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:NP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};NQ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};NR=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){u=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));v=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){u=(w=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),x=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(w.$high+x.$high,w.$low+x.$low));v=2;}else{y=H.ConsumeVarint(q);u=y[0];v=y[1];}if(v<0){z=$clone(k,FX);aa=FT;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,((u.$low>>>0)));q=$subslice(q,v);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===0))){ad=$clone(k,FX);ae=FY;FX.copy(k,ad);l=ae;$s=-1;return[k,l];}af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){af=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ag=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){af=(ah=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),ai=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(ah.$high+ai.$high,ah.$low+ai.$low));ag=2;}else{aj=H.ConsumeVarint(f);af=aj[0];ag=aj[1];}if(ag<0){ak=$clone(k,FX);al=FT;FX.copy(k,ak);l=al;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),((af.$low>>>0))));k.n=ag;am=$clone(k,FX);an=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,am);l=an;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:NR,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};NT=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,o))))>>0;n++;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:NT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};NU=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,o))))>>0;n++;}f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));p=k;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,r)));q++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};NW=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).Uint();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0,((i.$low>>>0)))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=g+j>>0;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:NW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};NX=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Uint();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=(new $Uint64(0,((k.$low>>>0))));m=H.AppendVarint(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=m;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};NY=function(f,g,h,i,j){var aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===0))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){q=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));r=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){q=(s=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),t=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low));r=2;}else{u=H.ConsumeVarint(f);q=u[0];r=u[1];}if(r<0){v=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);w=$clone(l,FX);x=FT;B.Value.copy(k,v);FX.copy(l,w);m=x;return[k,l,m];}l.n=r;y=$clone(B.ValueOfUint32(((q.$low>>>0))),B.Value);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;return[k,l,m];};OA=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>>0)))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=i+((g+t>>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:OA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};OB=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>>0))));v=H.AppendVarint(s,u);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=v;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:OB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};OC=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){v=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));w=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){v=(x=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),y=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(x.$high+y.$high,x.$low+y.$low));w=2;}else{z=H.ConsumeVarint(q);v=z[0];w=z[1];}if(w<0){aa=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=FT;B.Value.copy(k,aa);FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint32(((v.$low>>>0))),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,w);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ad=$clone(g,B.Value);ae=$clone(l,FX);af=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ad);FX.copy(l,ae);m=af;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===0))){ag=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ah=$clone(l,FX);ai=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ag);FX.copy(l,ah);m=ai;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){aj=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ak=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){aj=(al=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),am=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(al.$high+am.$high,al.$low+am.$low));ak=2;}else{an=H.ConsumeVarint(f);aj=an[0];ak=an[1];}if(ak<0){ao=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ap=$clone(l,FX);aq=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ao);FX.copy(l,ap);m=aq;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint32(((aj.$low>>>0))),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=ak;ar=$clone(g,B.Value);as=$clone(l,FX);at=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ar);FX.copy(l,as);m=at;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:OC,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};OE=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=0;o=0;p=m;q=o;r=p;case 3:if(!(q>>0)))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=n+(v)>>0;q=q+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:OE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};OF=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=0;o=0;case 3:if(!(o>>0)))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=n+(s)>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));t=0;case 8:if(!(t>>0))));z=H.AppendVarint(w,y);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=z;t=t+(1)>>0;$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:OF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};OH=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:OH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};OI=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:OI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};OJ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v.$set((new $Int64(o.$high,o.$low)));k.n=p;w=$clone(k,FX);x=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,w);l=x;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:OJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};OL=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:OL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};OM=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:OM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};OO=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:OO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};OP=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:OP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};OQ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Int64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(w.$get()===AFB.nil){w.$set($newDataPointer(new $Int64(0,0),AFB));}w.$get().$set((new $Int64(o.$high,o.$low)));k.n=p;x=$clone(k,FX);y=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:OQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};OS=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);i=i+((g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low)))>>0))>>0;m++;}i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:OS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};OT=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low)));m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:OT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};OU=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){u=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));v=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){u=(w=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(o.$high,o.$low))))>>0;n++;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:OW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};OX=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(o.$high,o.$low))))>>0;n++;}f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));p=k;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low)));q++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:OX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};OZ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=H.SizeVarint(((i=j,new $Uint64(i.$high,i.$low))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=g+k>>0;$s=3;case 3:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:OZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};PA=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;l=$clone(g,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=((k=l,new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)));n=H.AppendVarint(j,m);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=n;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:PA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};PB=function(f,g,h,i,j){var aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===0))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){q=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));r=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){q=(s=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),t=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low));r=2;}else{u=H.ConsumeVarint(f);q=u[0];r=u[1];}if(r<0){v=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);w=$clone(l,FX);x=FT;B.Value.copy(k,v);FX.copy(l,w);m=x;return[k,l,m];}l.n=r;y=$clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(q.$high,q.$low))),B.Value);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;return[k,l,m];};PD=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:PD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};PE=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:PE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};PF=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){v=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));w=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){v=(x=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),y=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(x.$high+y.$high,x.$low+y.$low));w=2;}else{z=H.ConsumeVarint(q);v=z[0];w=z[1];}if(w<0){aa=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=FT;B.Value.copy(k,aa);FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v.$high,v.$low))),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,w);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ad=$clone(g,B.Value);ae=$clone(l,FX);af=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ad);FX.copy(l,ae);m=af;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===0))){ag=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ah=$clone(l,FX);ai=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ag);FX.copy(l,ah);m=ai;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){aj=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ak=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){aj=(al=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),am=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(al.$high+am.$high,al.$low+am.$low));ak=2;}else{an=H.ConsumeVarint(f);aj=an[0];ak=an[1];}if(ak<0){ao=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ap=$clone(l,FX);aq=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ao);FX.copy(l,ap);m=aq;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(aj.$high,aj.$low))),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=ak;ar=$clone(g,B.Value);as=$clone(l,FX);at=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ar);FX.copy(l,as);m=at;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:PF,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};PH=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=0;o=0;p=m;q=o;r=p;case 3:if(!(q>0;q=q+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:PH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};PI=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=0;o=0;case 3:if(!(o>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));u=0;case 8:if(!(u>0;$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:PI,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};PK=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag(k))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:PK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};PL=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeZigZag(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:PL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};PM=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v.$set(H.DecodeZigZag(o));k.n=p;w=$clone(k,FX);x=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,w);l=x;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:PM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};PO=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag(k))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:PO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};PP=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeZigZag(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:PP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};PR=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag(k))>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:PR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};PS=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeZigZag(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:PS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};PT=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Int64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(w.$get()===AFB.nil){w.$set($newDataPointer(new $Int64(0,0),AFB));}w.$get().$set(H.DecodeZigZag(o));k.n=p;x=$clone(k,FX);y=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:PT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};PV=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);i=i+((g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag(n))>>0))>>0;m++;}i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:PV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};PW=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeZigZag(n));m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:PW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};PX=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){u=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));v=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){u=(w=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),x=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(w.$high+x.$high,w.$low+x.$low));v=2;}else{y=H.ConsumeVarint(q);u=y[0];v=y[1];}if(v<0){z=$clone(k,FX);aa=FT;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,H.DecodeZigZag(u));q=$subslice(q,v);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===0))){ad=$clone(k,FX);ae=FY;FX.copy(k,ad);l=ae;$s=-1;return[k,l];}af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){af=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ag=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){af=(ah=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),ai=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(ah.$high+ai.$high,ah.$low+ai.$low));ag=2;}else{aj=H.ConsumeVarint(f);af=aj[0];ag=aj[1];}if(ag<0){ak=$clone(k,FX);al=FT;FX.copy(k,ak);l=al;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),H.DecodeZigZag(af)));k.n=ag;am=$clone(k,FX);an=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,am);l=an;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:PX,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};PZ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag(o)))>>0;n++;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:PZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};QA=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint(H.EncodeZigZag(o)))>>0;n++;}f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));p=k;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,H.EncodeZigZag(r));q++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};QC=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=H.EncodeZigZag(i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=H.SizeVarint(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=g+k>>0;$s=4;case 4:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:QC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};QD=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=H.EncodeZigZag(k);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=H.AppendVarint(j,m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=n;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};QE=function(f,g,h,i,j){var aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===0))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){q=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));r=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){q=(s=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),t=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low));r=2;}else{u=H.ConsumeVarint(f);q=u[0];r=u[1];}if(r<0){v=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);w=$clone(l,FX);x=FT;B.Value.copy(k,v);FX.copy(l,w);m=x;return[k,l,m];}l.n=r;y=$clone(B.ValueOfInt64(H.DecodeZigZag(q)),B.Value);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;return[k,l,m];};QG=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:QG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};QH=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};QI=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){v=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));w=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){v=(x=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),y=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(x.$high+y.$high,x.$low+y.$low));w=2;}else{z=H.ConsumeVarint(q);v=z[0];w=z[1];}if(w<0){aa=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=FT;B.Value.copy(k,aa);FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64(H.DecodeZigZag(v)),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,w);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ad=$clone(g,B.Value);ae=$clone(l,FX);af=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ad);FX.copy(l,ae);m=af;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===0))){ag=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ah=$clone(l,FX);ai=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ag);FX.copy(l,ah);m=ai;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){aj=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ak=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){aj=(al=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),am=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(al.$high+am.$high,al.$low+am.$low));ak=2;}else{an=H.ConsumeVarint(f);aj=an[0];ak=an[1];}if(ak<0){ao=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ap=$clone(l,FX);aq=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ao);FX.copy(l,ap);m=aq;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64(H.DecodeZigZag(aj)),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=ak;ar=$clone(g,B.Value);as=$clone(l,FX);at=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ar);FX.copy(l,as);m=at;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:QI,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};QK=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=0;o=0;p=m;q=o;r=p;case 3:if(!(q>0;q=q+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:QK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};QL=function(f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=0;o=0;case 3:if(!(o>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));u=0;case 9:if(!(u>0;$s=9;continue;case 10:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QL,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};QN=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(k)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:QN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};QO=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};QP=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Uint64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v.$set(o);k.n=p;w=$clone(k,FX);x=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,w);l=x;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:QP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};QR=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(k)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:QR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};QS=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};QU=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(k)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:QU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};QV=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};QW=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===0))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){o=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));p=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){o=(q=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(q.$high+r.$high,q.$low+r.$low));p=2;}else{s=H.ConsumeVarint(f);o=s[0];p=s[1];}if(p<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}v=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(w.$get()===AFJ.nil){w.$set($newDataPointer(new $Uint64(0,0),AFJ));}w.$get().$set(o);k.n=p;x=$clone(k,FX);y=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:QW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};QY=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);i=i+((g.tagsize+H.SizeVarint(n)>>0))>>0;m++;}i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:QY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};QZ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendVarint(f,n);m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};RA=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){u=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));v=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){u=(w=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),x=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(w.$high+x.$high,w.$low+x.$low));v=2;}else{y=H.ConsumeVarint(q);u=y[0];v=y[1];}if(v<0){z=$clone(k,FX);aa=FT;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,u);q=$subslice(q,v);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===0))){ad=$clone(k,FX);ae=FY;FX.copy(k,ad);l=ae;$s=-1;return[k,l];}af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){af=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ag=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){af=(ah=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),ai=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(ah.$high+ai.$high,ah.$low+ai.$low));ag=2;}else{aj=H.ConsumeVarint(f);af=aj[0];ag=aj[1];}if(ag<0){ak=$clone(k,FX);al=FT;FX.copy(k,ak);l=al;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),af));k.n=ag;am=$clone(k,FX);an=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,am);l=an;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:RA,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};RC=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint(o))>>0;n++;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:RC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};RD=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=0;m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=l+(H.SizeVarint(o))>>0;n++;}f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));p=k;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,r);q++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:RD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};RF=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).Uint();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=H.SizeVarint(i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=g+j>>0;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:RF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};RG=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Uint();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=H.AppendVarint(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=m;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:RG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};RH=function(f,g,h,i,j){var aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===0))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){q=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));r=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){q=(s=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),t=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low));r=2;}else{u=H.ConsumeVarint(f);q=u[0];r=u[1];}if(r<0){v=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);w=$clone(l,FX);x=FT;B.Value.copy(k,v);FX.copy(l,w);m=x;return[k,l,m];}l.n=r;y=$clone(B.ValueOfUint64(q),B.Value);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;return[k,l,m];};RJ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:RJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};RK=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:RK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};RL=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=0;if(q.$length>=1&&(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<128){v=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])));w=1;}else if(q.$length>=2&&(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<128){v=(x=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),y=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(x.$high+y.$high,x.$low+y.$low));w=2;}else{z=H.ConsumeVarint(q);v=z[0];w=z[1];}if(w<0){aa=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=FT;B.Value.copy(k,aa);FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint64(v),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,w);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ad=$clone(g,B.Value);ae=$clone(l,FX);af=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ad);FX.copy(l,ae);m=af;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===0))){ag=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ah=$clone(l,FX);ai=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ag);FX.copy(l,ah);m=ai;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=0;if(f.$length>=1&&(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])<128){aj=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));ak=1;}else if(f.$length>=2&&(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])<128){aj=(al=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),am=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(al.$high+am.$high,al.$low+am.$low));ak=2;}else{an=H.ConsumeVarint(f);aj=an[0];ak=an[1];}if(ak<0){ao=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ap=$clone(l,FX);aq=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ao);FX.copy(l,ap);m=aq;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint64(aj),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=ak;ar=$clone(g,B.Value);as=$clone(l,FX);at=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ar);FX.copy(l,as);m=at;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:RL,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};RN=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=0;o=0;p=m;q=o;r=p;case 3:if(!(q>0;q=q+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:RN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};RO=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=0;o=0;case 3:if(!(o>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));t=0;case 8:if(!(t>0;$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:RO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};RQ=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;return i;};RR=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,((k>>>0)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:RR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};RS=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===5))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.$set(((p>>0)));k.n=q;u=$clone(k,FX);v=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:RS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};RU=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:RU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};RV=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,((k>>>0)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:RV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};RX=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;return i;};RY=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,((k>>>0)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:RY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};RZ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===5))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Int32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(u.$get()===AEX.nil){u.$set($newDataPointer(0,AEX));}u.$get().$set(((p>>0)));k.n=q;v=$clone(k,FX);w=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,v);l=w;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:RZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};SB=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=$imul(k.$length,((g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:SB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};SC=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,((n>>>0)));m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};SD=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=H.ConsumeFixed32(q);v=u[0];w=u[1];if(w<0){x=$clone(k,FX);y=FT;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,((v>>0)));q=$subslice(q,w);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;z=$clone(k,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===5))){ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=FY;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}ad=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];if(af<0){ag=$clone(k,FX);ah=FT;FX.copy(k,ag);l=ah;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),((ae>>0))));k.n=af;ai=$clone(k,FX);aj=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ai);l=aj;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:SD,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};SF=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed32());i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:SF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};SG=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed32());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,((o>>>0)));n++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};SI=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;return g+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;};SJ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=((k.$low>>>0));m=H.AppendFixed32(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=m;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};SK=function(f,g,h,i,j){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===5))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);u=$clone(l,FX);v=FT;B.Value.copy(k,t);FX.copy(l,u);m=v;return[k,l,m];}l.n=s;w=$clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((r>>0))),B.Value);x=$clone(l,FX);y=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,w);FX.copy(l,x);m=y;return[k,l,m];};SM=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$imul(l,((g+H.SizeFixed32()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:SM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};SN=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>>0));v=H.AppendFixed32(s,u);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=v;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};SO=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=H.ConsumeFixed32(q);w=v[0];x=v[1];if(x<0){y=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=FT;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((w>>0))),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,x);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ab=$clone(g,B.Value);ac=$clone(l,FX);ad=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ab);FX.copy(l,ac);m=ad;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===5))){ae=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);af=$clone(l,FX);ag=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ae);FX.copy(l,af);m=ag;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}ah=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);ai=ah[0];aj=ah[1];if(aj<0){ak=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);al=$clone(l,FX);am=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ak);FX.copy(l,al);m=am;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt32(((ai>>0))),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=aj;an=$clone(g,B.Value);ao=$clone(l,FX);ap=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,an);FX.copy(l,ao);m=ap;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:SO,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};SQ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed32());i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:SQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};SR=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed32());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));o=0;case 3:if(!(o>>0));u=H.AppendFixed32(r,t);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=u;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};ST=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;return i;};SU=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};SV=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===5))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.$set(p);k.n=q;u=$clone(k,FX);v=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:SV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};SX=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:SX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};SY=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};TA=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;return i;};TB=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:TB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};TC=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===5))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(u.$get()===AFF.nil){u.$set($newDataPointer(0,AFF));}u.$get().$set(p);k.n=q;v=$clone(k,FX);w=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,v);l=w;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:TC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};TE=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=$imul(k.$length,((g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:TE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};TF=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,n);m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:TF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};TG=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=H.ConsumeFixed32(q);v=u[0];w=u[1];if(w<0){x=$clone(k,FX);y=FT;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,v);q=$subslice(q,w);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;z=$clone(k,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===5))){ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=FY;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}ad=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];if(af<0){ag=$clone(k,FX);ah=FT;FX.copy(k,ag);l=ah;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),ae));k.n=af;ai=$clone(k,FX);aj=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ai);l=aj;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:TG,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};TI=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed32());i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:TI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};TJ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed32());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,o);n++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:TJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};TL=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;return g+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;};TM=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Uint();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=((k.$low>>>0));m=H.AppendFixed32(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=m;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:TM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};TN=function(f,g,h,i,j){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===5))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);u=$clone(l,FX);v=FT;B.Value.copy(k,t);FX.copy(l,u);m=v;return[k,l,m];}l.n=s;w=$clone(B.ValueOfUint32((r)),B.Value);x=$clone(l,FX);y=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,w);FX.copy(l,x);m=y;return[k,l,m];};TP=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$imul(l,((g+H.SizeFixed32()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:TP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};TQ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>>0));v=H.AppendFixed32(s,u);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=v;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:TQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};TR=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=H.ConsumeFixed32(q);w=v[0];x=v[1];if(x<0){y=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=FT;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint32((w)),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,x);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ab=$clone(g,B.Value);ac=$clone(l,FX);ad=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ab);FX.copy(l,ac);m=ad;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===5))){ae=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);af=$clone(l,FX);ag=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ae);FX.copy(l,af);m=ag;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}ah=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);ai=ah[0];aj=ah[1];if(aj<0){ak=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);al=$clone(l,FX);am=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ak);FX.copy(l,al);m=am;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint32((ai)),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=aj;an=$clone(g,B.Value);ao=$clone(l,FX);ap=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,an);FX.copy(l,ao);m=ap;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:TR,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};TT=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed32());i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:TT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};TU=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed32());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));o=0;case 3:if(!(o>>0));u=H.AppendFixed32(r,t);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=u;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:TU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};TW=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;return i;};TX=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,D.Float32bits(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:TX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};TY=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===5))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Float32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.$set(D.Float32frombits(p));k.n=q;u=$clone(k,FX);v=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:TY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};UA=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Float32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k===0)&&!D.Signbit((k))){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:UA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};UB=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k===0)&&!D.Signbit((k))){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,D.Float32bits(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:UB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};UD=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;return i;};UE=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,D.Float32bits(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:UE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};UF=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===5))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Float32Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(u.$get()===AFN.nil){u.$set($newDataPointer(0,AFN));}u.$get().$set(D.Float32frombits(p));k.n=q;v=$clone(k,FX);w=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,v);l=w;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:UF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};UH=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Float32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=$imul(k.$length,((g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed32()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:UH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};UI=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,D.Float32bits(n));m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:UI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};UJ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Float32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=H.ConsumeFixed32(q);v=u[0];w=u[1];if(w<0){x=$clone(k,FX);y=FT;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,D.Float32frombits(v));q=$subslice(q,w);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;z=$clone(k,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===5))){ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=FY;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}ad=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];if(af<0){ag=$clone(k,FX);ah=FT;FX.copy(k,ag);l=ah;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),D.Float32frombits(ae)));k.n=af;ai=$clone(k,FX);aj=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ai);l=aj;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:UJ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};UL=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Float32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed32());i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:UL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};UM=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float32Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed32());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);f=H.AppendFixed32(f,D.Float32bits(o));n++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:UM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};UO=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;return g+H.SizeFixed32()>>0;};UP=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Float();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=D.Float32bits(($fround(k)));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=H.AppendFixed32(j,m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=n;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:UP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};UQ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===5))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);u=$clone(l,FX);v=FT;B.Value.copy(k,t);FX.copy(l,u);m=v;return[k,l,m];}l.n=s;w=$clone(B.ValueOfFloat32(D.Float32frombits((r))),B.Value);x=$clone(l,FX);y=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,w);FX.copy(l,x);m=y;return[k,l,m];};US=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$imul(l,((g+H.SizeFixed32()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:US,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};UT=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:UT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};UU=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=H.ConsumeFixed32(q);w=v[0];x=v[1];if(x<0){y=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=FT;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfFloat32(D.Float32frombits((w))),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,x);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ab=$clone(g,B.Value);ac=$clone(l,FX);ad=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ab);FX.copy(l,ac);m=ad;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===5))){ae=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);af=$clone(l,FX);ag=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ae);FX.copy(l,af);m=ag;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}ah=H.ConsumeFixed32(f);ai=ah[0];aj=ah[1];if(aj<0){ak=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);al=$clone(l,FX);am=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ak);FX.copy(l,al);m=am;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfFloat32(D.Float32frombits((ai))),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=aj;an=$clone(g,B.Value);ao=$clone(l,FX);ap=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,an);FX.copy(l,ao);m=ap;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:UU,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};UW=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed32());i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:UW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};UX=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed32());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));o=0;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:UX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};UZ=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;return i;};VA=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,(new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:VA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};VB=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===1))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.$set((new $Int64(p.$high,p.$low)));k.n=q;u=$clone(k,FX);v=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:VB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};VD=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:VD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};VE=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,(new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:VE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};VG=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;return i;};VH=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,(new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:VH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};VI=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===1))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Int64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(u.$get()===AFB.nil){u.$set($newDataPointer(new $Int64(0,0),AFB));}u.$get().$set((new $Int64(p.$high,p.$low)));k.n=q;v=$clone(k,FX);w=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,v);l=w;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:VI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};VK=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=$imul(k.$length,((g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:VK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};VL=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,(new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low)));m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:VL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};VM=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=H.ConsumeFixed64(q);v=u[0];w=u[1];if(w<0){x=$clone(k,FX);y=FT;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,(new $Int64(v.$high,v.$low)));q=$subslice(q,w);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;z=$clone(k,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===1))){ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=FY;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}ad=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];if(af<0){ag=$clone(k,FX);ah=FT;FX.copy(k,ag);l=ah;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),(new $Int64(ae.$high,ae.$low))));k.n=af;ai=$clone(k,FX);aj=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ai);l=aj;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:VM,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};VO=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed64());i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:VO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};VP=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Int64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed64());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,(new $Uint64(o.$high,o.$low)));n++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:VP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};VR=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;return g+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;};VS=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;l=$clone(g,B.Value).Int();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=((k=l,new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)));n=H.AppendFixed64(j,m);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=n;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:VS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};VT=function(f,g,h,i,j){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===1))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);u=$clone(l,FX);v=FT;B.Value.copy(k,t);FX.copy(l,u);m=v;return[k,l,m];}l.n=s;w=$clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(r.$high,r.$low))),B.Value);x=$clone(l,FX);y=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,w);FX.copy(l,x);m=y;return[k,l,m];};VV=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$imul(l,((g+H.SizeFixed64()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:VV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};VW=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:VW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};VX=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=H.ConsumeFixed64(q);w=v[0];x=v[1];if(x<0){y=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=FT;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(w.$high,w.$low))),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,x);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ab=$clone(g,B.Value);ac=$clone(l,FX);ad=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ab);FX.copy(l,ac);m=ad;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===1))){ae=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);af=$clone(l,FX);ag=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ae);FX.copy(l,af);m=ag;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}ah=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);ai=ah[0];aj=ah[1];if(aj<0){ak=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);al=$clone(l,FX);am=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ak);FX.copy(l,al);m=am;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(ai.$high,ai.$low))),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=aj;an=$clone(g,B.Value);ao=$clone(l,FX);ap=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,an);FX.copy(l,ao);m=ap;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:VX,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};VZ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed64());i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:VZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};WA=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed64());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));o=0;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:WA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};WC=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;return i;};WD=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:WD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};WE=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===1))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Uint64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.$set(p);k.n=q;u=$clone(k,FX);v=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:WE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};WG=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:WG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};WH=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:WH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};WJ=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;return i;};WK=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:WK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};WL=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===1))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(u.$get()===AFJ.nil){u.$set($newDataPointer(new $Uint64(0,0),AFJ));}u.$get().$set(p);k.n=q;v=$clone(k,FX);w=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,v);l=w;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:WL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};WN=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=$imul(k.$length,((g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:WN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};WO=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,n);m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:WO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};WP=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=H.ConsumeFixed64(q);v=u[0];w=u[1];if(w<0){x=$clone(k,FX);y=FT;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,v);q=$subslice(q,w);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;z=$clone(k,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===1))){ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=FY;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}ad=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];if(af<0){ag=$clone(k,FX);ah=FT;FX.copy(k,ag);l=ah;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),ae));k.n=af;ai=$clone(k,FX);aj=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ai);l=aj;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:WP,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};WR=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Uint64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed64());i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:WR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};WS=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Uint64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed64());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,o);n++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:WS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};WU=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;return g+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;};WV=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Uint();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=H.AppendFixed64(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=m;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:WV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};WW=function(f,g,h,i,j){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===1))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);u=$clone(l,FX);v=FT;B.Value.copy(k,t);FX.copy(l,u);m=v;return[k,l,m];}l.n=s;w=$clone(B.ValueOfUint64(r),B.Value);x=$clone(l,FX);y=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,w);FX.copy(l,x);m=y;return[k,l,m];};WY=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$imul(l,((g+H.SizeFixed64()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:WY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};WZ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:WZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};XA=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=H.ConsumeFixed64(q);w=v[0];x=v[1];if(x<0){y=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=FT;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint64(w),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,x);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ab=$clone(g,B.Value);ac=$clone(l,FX);ad=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ab);FX.copy(l,ac);m=ad;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===1))){ae=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);af=$clone(l,FX);ag=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ae);FX.copy(l,af);m=ag;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}ah=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);ai=ah[0];aj=ah[1];if(aj<0){ak=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);al=$clone(l,FX);am=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ak);FX.copy(l,al);m=am;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfUint64(ai),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=aj;an=$clone(g,B.Value);ao=$clone(l,FX);ap=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,an);FX.copy(l,ao);m=ap;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:XA,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};XC=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed64());i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:XC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};XD=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed64());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));o=0;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:XD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};XF=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;return i;};XG=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,D.Float64bits(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:XG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};XH=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===1))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Float64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.$set(D.Float64frombits(p));k.n=q;u=$clone(k,FX);v=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:XH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};XJ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Float64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k===0)&&!D.Signbit((k))){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:XJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};XK=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if((k===0)&&!D.Signbit((k))){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,D.Float64bits(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:XK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};XM=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h,i;i=0;i=g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;return i;};XN=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,D.Float64bits(k));$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:XN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};XO=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===1))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Float64Ptr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(u.$get()===AFR.nil){u.$set($newDataPointer(0,AFR));}u.$get().$set(D.Float64frombits(p));k.n=q;v=$clone(k,FX);w=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,v);l=w;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:XO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};XQ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Float64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=$imul(k.$length,((g.tagsize+H.SizeFixed64()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:XQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};XR=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,D.Float64bits(n));m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:XR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};XS=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).Float64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(h===2){o=n.$get();p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=$clone(k,FX);t=FT;FX.copy(k,s);l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];}while(true){if(!(q.$length>0)){break;}u=H.ConsumeFixed64(q);v=u[0];w=u[1];if(w<0){x=$clone(k,FX);y=FT;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$append(o,D.Float64frombits(v));q=$subslice(q,w);}n.$set(o);k.n=r;z=$clone(k,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,z);l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!((h===1))){ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=FY;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}ad=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];if(af<0){ag=$clone(k,FX);ah=FT;FX.copy(k,ag);l=ah;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),D.Float64frombits(ae)));k.n=af;ai=$clone(k,FX);aj=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ai);l=aj;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:XS,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};XU=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Float64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed64());i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(l)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:XU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};XV=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Float64Slice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);l=$imul(k.$length,H.SizeFixed64());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,l)));m=k;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);f=H.AppendFixed64(f,D.Float64bits(o));n++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:XV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};XX=function(f,g,h){var f,g,h;return g+H.SizeFixed64()>>0;};XY=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Float();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=D.Float64bits(k);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=H.AppendFixed64(j,m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=n;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:XY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};XZ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===1))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);u=$clone(l,FX);v=FT;B.Value.copy(k,t);FX.copy(l,u);m=v;return[k,l,m];}l.n=s;w=$clone(B.ValueOfFloat64(D.Float64frombits(r)),B.Value);x=$clone(l,FX);y=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,w);FX.copy(l,x);m=y;return[k,l,m];};YB=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$imul(l,((g+H.SizeFixed64()>>0)));i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:YB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};YC=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:YC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};YD=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(i===2){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=H.ConsumeBytes(f);q=p[0];r=p[1];if(r<0){s=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);t=$clone(l,FX);u=FT;B.Value.copy(k,s);FX.copy(l,t);m=u;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}case 4:if(!(q.$length>0)){$s=5;continue;}v=H.ConsumeFixed64(q);w=v[0];x=v[1];if(x<0){y=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=FT;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfFloat64(D.Float64frombits(w)),B.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$subslice(q,x);$s=4;continue;case 5:l.n=r;ab=$clone(g,B.Value);ac=$clone(l,FX);ad=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ab);FX.copy(l,ac);m=ad;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];case 3:if(!((i===1))){ae=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);af=$clone(l,FX);ag=FY;B.Value.copy(k,ae);FX.copy(l,af);m=ag;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}ah=H.ConsumeFixed64(f);ai=ah[0];aj=ah[1];if(aj<0){ak=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);al=$clone(l,FX);am=FT;B.Value.copy(k,ak);FX.copy(l,al);m=am;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfFloat64(D.Float64frombits(ai)),B.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=aj;an=$clone(g,B.Value);ao=$clone(l,FX);ap=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,an);FX.copy(l,ao);m=ap;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:YD,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};YF=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed64());i=g+H.SizeBytes(n)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:YF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};YG=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(m===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);n=$imul(m,H.SizeFixed64());f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,n)));o=0;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:YG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};YI=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(k.length)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:YI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};YJ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendString(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:YJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};YK=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.$set(($bytesToString(p)));k.n=q;u=$clone(k,FX);v=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:YK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};YM=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendString(f,k);if(!G.ValidString(k)){$s=-1;return[f,(l=new AAY.ptr(),new l.constructor.elem(l))];}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:YM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};YN=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!G.Valid(p)){t=$clone(k,FX);u=(v=new AAY.ptr(),new v.constructor.elem(v));FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}w=$clone(g,AT).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w.$set(($bytesToString(p)));k.n=q;x=$clone(k,FX);y=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:YN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};YP=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(k.length)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:YP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};YQ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendString(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:YQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};YS=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendString(f,k);if(!G.ValidString(k)){$s=-1;return[f,(l=new AAY.ptr(),new l.constructor.elem(l))];}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:YS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};YU=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).StringPtr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(k.length)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:YU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};YV=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).StringPtr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendString(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:YV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};YW=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).StringPtr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(u.$get()===AFV.nil){u.$set($newDataPointer("",AFV));}u.$get().$set(($bytesToString(p)));k.n=q;v=$clone(k,FX);w=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,v);l=w;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:YW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};YY=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).StringPtr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get().$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendString(f,k);if(!G.ValidString(k)){$s=-1;return[f,(l=new AAY.ptr(),new l.constructor.elem(l))];}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:YY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};YZ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!G.Valid(p)){t=$clone(k,FX);u=(v=new AAY.ptr(),new v.constructor.elem(v));FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}w=$clone(g,AT).StringPtr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;if(x.$get()===AFV.nil){x.$set($newDataPointer("",AFV));}x.$get().$set(($bytesToString(p)));k.n=q;y=$clone(k,FX);z=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,y);l=z;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:YZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ZB=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).StringSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);i=i+((g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(n.length)>>0))>>0;m++;}i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:ZB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};ZC=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).StringSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendString(f,n);m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};ZD=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).StringSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!((h===2))){o=$clone(k,FX);p=FY;FX.copy(k,o);l=p;$s=-1;return[k,l];}q=H.ConsumeBytes(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),($bytesToString(r))));k.n=s;v=$clone(k,FX);w=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,v);l=w;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};ZF=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).StringSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendString(f,n);if(!G.ValidString(n)){$s=-1;return[f,(o=new AAY.ptr(),new o.constructor.elem(o))];}m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};ZG=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!G.Valid(p)){t=$clone(k,FX);u=(v=new AAY.ptr(),new v.constructor.elem(v));FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}w=$clone(g,AT).StringSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;x.$set($append(x.$get(),($bytesToString(p))));k.n=q;y=$clone(k,FX);z=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,y);l=z;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ZI=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=H.SizeBytes(i.length);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=g+j>>0;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:ZI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};ZJ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=H.AppendString(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=m;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};ZK=function(f,g,h,i,j){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===2))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=H.ConsumeBytes(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);u=$clone(l,FX);v=FT;B.Value.copy(k,t);FX.copy(l,u);m=v;return[k,l,m];}l.n=s;w=$clone(B.ValueOfString(($bytesToString(r))),B.Value);x=$clone(l,FX);y=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,w);FX.copy(l,x);m=y;return[k,l,m];};ZM=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=H.AppendString(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=m;n=$clone(g,B.Value).String();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=G.ValidString(n);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!o){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[f,(p=new AAY.ptr(),new p.constructor.elem(p))];case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};ZN=function(f,g,h,i,j){var aa,ab,ac,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===2))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=H.ConsumeBytes(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);u=$clone(l,FX);v=FT;B.Value.copy(k,t);FX.copy(l,u);m=v;return[k,l,m];}if(!G.Valid(r)){w=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);x=$clone(l,FX);y=(z=new AAY.ptr(),new z.constructor.elem(z));B.Value.copy(k,w);FX.copy(l,x);m=y;return[k,l,m];}l.n=s;aa=$clone(B.ValueOfString(($bytesToString(r))),B.Value);ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,aa);FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;return[k,l,m];};ZP=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:ZP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};ZQ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};ZR=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(!((i===2))){p=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);q=$clone(l,FX);r=FY;B.Value.copy(k,p);FX.copy(l,q);m=r;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}s=H.ConsumeBytes(f);t=s[0];u=s[1];if(u<0){v=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);w=$clone(l,FX);x=FT;B.Value.copy(k,v);FX.copy(l,w);m=x;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfString(($bytesToString(t))),B.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=u;y=$clone(g,B.Value);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZR,$c:true,$r,aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ZT=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(k.$length)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:ZT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};ZU=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendBytes(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};ZV=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.$set($appendSlice(new ADP(AAW),p));k.n=q;u=$clone(k,FX);v=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};ZX=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendBytes(f,k);if(!G.Valid(k)){$s=-1;return[f,(l=new AAY.ptr(),new l.constructor.elem(l))];}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};ZY=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!G.Valid(p)){t=$clone(k,FX);u=(v=new AAY.ptr(),new v.constructor.elem(v));FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}w=$clone(g,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w.$set($appendSlice(new ADP(AAW),p));k.n=q;x=$clone(k,FX);y=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:ZY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};AAA=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){i=0;$s=-1;return i;}i=g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(k.$length)>>0;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AAA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};AAB=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendBytes(f,k);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};AAC=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.$set($appendSlice((ADP.nil),p));k.n=q;u=$clone(k,FX);v=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,u);l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};AAE=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();if(k.$length===0){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendBytes(f,k);if(!G.Valid(k)){$s=-1;return[f,(l=new AAY.ptr(),new l.constructor.elem(l))];}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AAF=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!G.Valid(p)){t=$clone(k,FX);u=(v=new AAY.ptr(),new v.constructor.elem(v));FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}w=$clone(g,AT).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w.$set($appendSlice((ADP.nil),p));k.n=q;x=$clone(k,FX);y=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,x);l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};AAH=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,AT).BytesSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);i=i+((g.tagsize+H.SizeBytes(n.$length)>>0))>>0;m++;}i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AAH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AAI=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).BytesSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendBytes(f,n);m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AAJ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;m=$clone(g,AT).BytesSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!((h===2))){o=$clone(k,FX);p=FY;FX.copy(k,o);l=p;$s=-1;return[k,l];}q=H.ConsumeBytes(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=$clone(k,FX);u=FT;FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}n.$set($append(n.$get(),$appendSlice(new ADP(AAW),r)));k.n=s;v=$clone(k,FX);w=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,v);l=w;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};AAL=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).BytesSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.$get();l=k;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);f=H.AppendBytes(f,n);if(!G.Valid(n)){$s=-1;return[f,(o=new AAY.ptr(),new o.constructor.elem(o))];}m++;}$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AAM=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}if(!G.Valid(p)){t=$clone(k,FX);u=(v=new AAY.ptr(),new v.constructor.elem(v));FX.copy(k,t);l=u;$s=-1;return[k,l];}w=$clone(g,AT).BytesSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;x.$set($append(x.$get(),$appendSlice(new ADP(AAW),p)));k.n=q;y=$clone(k,FX);z=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,y);l=z;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AAO=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=H.SizeBytes(i.$length);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=g+j>>0;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:AAO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};AAP=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=$clone(g,B.Value).Bytes();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=H.AppendBytes(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=m;$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AAQ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===2))){n=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);o=$clone(l,FX);p=FY;B.Value.copy(k,n);FX.copy(l,o);m=p;return[k,l,m];}q=H.ConsumeBytes(f);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s<0){t=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);u=$clone(l,FX);v=FT;B.Value.copy(k,t);FX.copy(l,u);m=v;return[k,l,m];}l.n=s;w=$clone(B.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(new ADP(AAW),r)),B.Value);x=$clone(l,FX);y=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,w);FX.copy(l,x);m=y;return[k,l,m];};AAS=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=i;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AAS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};AAT=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;n=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};AAU=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(!((i===2))){p=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);q=$clone(l,FX);r=FY;B.Value.copy(k,p);FX.copy(l,q);m=r;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}s=H.ConsumeBytes(f);t=s[0];u=s[1];if(u<0){v=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);w=$clone(l,FX);x=FT;B.Value.copy(k,v);FX.copy(l,w);m=x;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(B.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(new ADP(AAW),t)),B.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=u;y=$clone(g,B.Value);z=$clone(l,FX);aa=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,y);FX.copy(l,z);m=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:AAU,$c:true,$r,aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AAY.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){return"string field contains invalid UTF-8";};AAY.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};AAY.ptr.prototype.InvalidUTF8=function(){return true;};AAY.prototype.InvalidUTF8=function(){return this.$val.InvalidUTF8();};AAY.ptr.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return W.Error;};AAY.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};BS.ptr.prototype.initOneofFieldCoders=function(f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];k=this;l=f.Name();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone((m=g.oneofsByName[B.Name.keyFor(l)],m!==undefined?m.v:new F.StructField.ptr("","",$ifaceNil,"",0,AGL.nil,false)),F.StructField);h[0]=n.Type;j[0]={};o=false;p=f.Fields();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=0;t=q.Len();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=r;v=s;case 4:if(!(u>0;$s=4;continue;case 5:i[0]=(function(h,i,j){return function $b(ak){var{ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ak});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:al=$clone(ak,AT).AsValueOf(h[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=$clone(al,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;if($clone(an,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return[new AT.ptr(new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0)),AER.nil];}ao=$clone(an,F.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ao;if($clone(an,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return[new AT.ptr(new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0)),AER.nil];}ap=$clone(AV($clone(an,F.Value)),AT).Apply($clone(AS,AP));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=$clone(an,F.Value).Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=$clone(aq,F.Value).Type();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=[ap,(as=j[0][F.Type.keyFor(ar)],as!==undefined?as.v:AER.nil)];$s=7;case 7:return at;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,$s};return $f;};})(h,i,j);ak=f.Fields();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak.Get(0);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al.Number();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=(an=k.coderMessageInfo.coderFields[H.Number.keyFor(am)],an!==undefined?an.v:AER.nil);ao.funcs.size=(function(h,i,j){return function $b(ap,aq,ar){var{ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ap,aq,ar});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:at=i[0]($clone(ap,AT));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=at;ap=$clone(as[0],AT);au=as[1];if(au===AER.nil||au.funcs.size===$throwNilPointerError){$s=-1;return 0;}av=au.funcs.size($clone(ap,AT),au,$clone(ar,FS));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=av;$s=3;case 3:return aw;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,$s};return $f;};})(h,i,j);ao.funcs.marshal=(function(h,i,j){return function $b(ap,aq,ar,as){var{ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ap,aq,ar,as});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:au=i[0]($clone(aq,AT));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=au;aq=$clone(at[0],AT);av=at[1];if(av===AER.nil||av.funcs.marshal===$throwNilPointerError){$s=-1;return[ap,$ifaceNil];}aw=av.funcs.marshal(ap,$clone(aq,AT),av,$clone(as,FS));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=aw;$s=3;case 3:return ax;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,$s};return $f;};})(h,i,j);ao.funcs.merge=(function(h,i,j){return function $b(ap,aq,ar,as){var{ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ap,aq,ar,as});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:au=i[0]($clone(aq,AT));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=au;av=$clone(at[0],AT);aw=at[1];if(aw===AER.nil||aw.funcs.merge===$throwNilPointerError){$s=-1;return;}ay=i[0]($clone(ap,AT));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=ay;az=$clone(ax[0],AT);ba=ax[1];if(!(ba===aw)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:bb=$clone(ap,AT).AsValueOf(h[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=$clone(bb,F.Value).Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=$clone(aq,AT).AsValueOf(h[0]);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=$clone(bd,F.Value).Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=$clone(be,F.Value).Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=$clone(bf,F.Value).Elem();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=$clone(bg,F.Value).Type();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=F.New(bh);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(bc,F.Value).Set($clone(bi,F.Value));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=$clone(ap,AT).AsValueOf(h[0]);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=$clone(bj,F.Value).Elem();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=$clone(bk,F.Value).Elem();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm=AV($clone(bl,F.Value));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=$clone(bm,AT).Apply($clone(AS,AP));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AT.copy(az,bn);case 4:$r=aw.funcs.merge($clone(az,AT),$clone(av,AT),aw,$clone(as,DO));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,$s};return $f;};})(h,i,j);if(o){ao.funcs.isInit=(function(h,i,j){return function $b(ap,aq){var{ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ap,aq});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:as=i[0]($clone(ap,AT));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=as;ap=$clone(ar[0],AT);at=ar[1];if(at===AER.nil||at.funcs.isInit===$throwNilPointerError){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}au=at.funcs.isInit($clone(ap,AT),at);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=au;$s=3;case 3:return av;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,$s};return $f;};})(h,i,j);}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.initOneofFieldCoders,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.initOneofFieldCoders=function(f,g){return this.$val.initOneofFieldCoders(f,g);};AAZ=function(f){var f,g,h,i;g=new N.Once.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0));h=$ifaceNil;i=(function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=g.Do((function $b(){var{i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=f.Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.FullName();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;m=C.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;h=l[0];$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;}));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;});return new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,(function $b(j,k,l){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=$clone(j,AT).WeakFields();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.get(k.num);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=o;p=m[0];q=m[1];if(!q){$s=-1;return 0;}$r=i();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:r=f.Message();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r.FullName();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=new B.FullName(s);u=A.Sprintf("weak message %v is not linked in",new AEN([t]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(u));case 5:v=ABF(p,k.tagsize,$clone(l,FS));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;$s=10;case 10:return w;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;}),(function $b(j,k,l,m){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k,l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=$clone(k,AT).WeakFields();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.get(l.num);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=p;q=n[0];r=n[1];if(!r){$s=-1;return[j,$ifaceNil];}$r=i();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:s=f.Message();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s.FullName();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=new B.FullName(t);v=A.Sprintf("weak message %v is not linked in",new AEN([u]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(v));case 5:w=ABG(j,q,l.wiretag,$clone(m,FS));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=10;case 10:return x;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;}),(function $b(j,k,l,m,n){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k,l,m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=$clone(k,AT).WeakFields();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=p.get(m.num);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(!s){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=i();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[new FX.ptr(0,false),FY];}t=h.New();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.Interface();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=u;p.set(m.num,r);case 3:v=ABH(j,r,l,$clone(n,FV));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;$s=8;case 8:return w;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;}),(function $b(j,k){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=$clone(j,AT).WeakFields();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.get(k.num);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=n;o=l[0];p=l[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}q=T.CheckInitialized(o);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=4;case 4:return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;}),(function $b(j,k,l,m){var{aa,ab,ac,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k,l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=$clone(k,AT).WeakFields();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.get(l.num);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=p;q=n[0];r=n[1];if(!r){$s=-1;return;}t=$clone(j,AT).WeakFields();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.get(l.num);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=u;v=s[0];r=s[1];if(!r){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=i();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:w=f.Message();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w.FullName();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=new B.FullName(x);z=A.Sprintf("weak message %v is not linked in",new AEN([y]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(z));case 9:aa=h.New();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa.Interface();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=ab;ac=$clone(j,AT).WeakFields();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=ac.set(l.num,v);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:$r=$clone(m,DO).Merge(v,q);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;}));};ABA=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=BU(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!(i===AEO.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,ABB,ABC,ABD,$throwNilPointerError,DV);k=ADI(i.Desc);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j.isInit=ABE;case 6:$s=-1;return j;case 3:$s=-1;return new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,(function(g){return function $b(l,m,n){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=$clone(l,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=ACX($clone(p,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=ABF(r,m.tagsize,$clone(n,FS));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=5;case 5:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};})(g),(function(g){return function $b(l,m,n,o){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m,n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:p=$clone(m,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=ACX($clone(q,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=ABG(l,s,n.wiretag,$clone(o,FS));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=5;case 5:return u;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};})(g),(function(g){return function $b(l,m,n,o,p){var{aa,ab,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m,n,o,p});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:q=$clone(m,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;if($clone(s,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:t=g[0].Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=F.New(t);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(s,F.Value).Set($clone(u,F.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:v=l;w=ACX($clone(s,F.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;y=n;z=$clone(p,FV);aa=ABH(v,x,y,z);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;$s=10;case 10:return ab;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(g),(function(g){return function $b(l,m){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=$clone(l,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=ACX($clone(o,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=T.CheckInitialized(q);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=5;case 5:return s;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};})(g),DV);case 4:$s=-1;return new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError);}return;}var $f={$blk:ABA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};ABB=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,AT).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=g.mi.sizePointer($clone(i,AT),$clone(h,FS));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=H.SizeBytes(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k+g.tagsize>>0;$s=4;case 4:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};ABC=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);j=f;k=$clone(g,AT).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=h.mi.sizePointer($clone(k,AT),$clone(i,FS));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=(new $Uint64(0,l));n=H.AppendVarint(j,m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=n;o=f;p=$clone(g,AT).Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,AT);r=$clone(i,FS);s=h.mi.marshalAppendPointer(o,q,r);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=6;case 6:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};ABD=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=$clone(g,AT).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone(t,AT).IsNil();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(u){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:v=i.mi.GoReflectType.Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=F.New(v);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=AV($clone(w,F.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(g,AT).SetPointer($clone(x,AT));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:z=p;aa=$clone(g,AT).Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$clone(aa,AT);ac=$clone(j,FV);ad=i.mi.unmarshalPointer(z,ab,0,ac);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=ad;ae=$clone(y[0],FX);l=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){af=$clone(k,FX);ag=l;FX.copy(k,af);l=ag;$s=-1;return[k,l];}k.n=q;k.initialized=ae.initialized;ah=$clone(k,FX);ai=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ah);l=ai;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:ABD,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ABE=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=$clone(f,AT).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.mi.checkInitializedPointer($clone(h,AT));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};ABF=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=T.Size(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=H.SizeBytes(i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j+g>>0;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABF,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};ABG=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);j=f;k=T.Size(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=(new $Uint64(0,k));m=H.AppendVarint(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=m;n=$clone($clone(i,FS).Options(),T.MarshalOptions).MarshalAppend(f,g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=4;case 4:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};ABH=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=new FX.ptr(0,false);k=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){l=$clone(j,FX);m=FY;FX.copy(j,l);k=m;$s=-1;return[j,k];}n=H.ConsumeBytes(f);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(p<0){q=$clone(j,FX);r=FT;FX.copy(j,q);k=r;$s=-1;return[j,k];}t=g.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone($clone(i,FV).Options(),T.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new AED.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),t,o,0,$ifaceNil,0));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=u;v=$clone(s[0],AEE);k=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){w=$clone(j,FX);x=k;FX.copy(j,w);k=x;$s=-1;return[j,k];}j.n=p;j.initialized=!((((v.Flags&1)>>>0)===0));y=$clone(j,FX);z=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(j,y);k=z;$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:ABH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ABI=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=ABF(k,g,$clone(h,FS));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=4;case 4:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};ABJ=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=ABG(f,l,h,$clone(i,FS));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=4;case 4:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABJ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};ABK=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$clone(g,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;o=ABH(f,m,i,$clone(j,FV));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=$clone(n[0],FX);q=n[1];$s=-1;return[g,p,q];}return;}var $f={$blk:ABK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};ABL=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$clone(f,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=T.CheckInitialized(i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABL,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};ABN=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=ABV(k,g,$clone(h,FS));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=4;case 4:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};ABO=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=ABW(f,l,h,$clone(i,FS));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=4;case 4:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABO,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};ABP=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$clone(g,B.Value).Message();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.Interface();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;o=ABX(f,m,h,i,$clone(j,FV));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=$clone(n[0],FX);q=n[1];$s=-1;return[g,p,q];}return;}var $f={$blk:ABP,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};ABR=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];i=f.Number();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=i;j=BU(g[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!(k===AEO.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,ABS,ABT,ABU,$throwNilPointerError,DV);m=ADI(k.Desc);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(m){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:l.isInit=ABE;case 7:$s=-1;return l;case 4:$s=-1;return new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,(function(g,h){return function $b(n,o,p){var{n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{n,o,p});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:q=$clone(n,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=ACX($clone(r,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=ABV(t,o.tagsize,$clone(p,FS));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=5;case 5:return v;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),(function(g,h){return function $b(n,o,p,q){var{n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{n,o,p,q});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:r=$clone(o,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=ACX($clone(s,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=ABW(n,u,p.wiretag,$clone(q,FS));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;$s=5;case 5:return w;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),(function(g,h){return function $b(n,o,p,q,r){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{n,o,p,q,r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:s=$clone(o,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if($clone(u,F.Value).IsNil()){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:v=g[0].Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=F.New(v);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(u,F.Value).Set($clone(w,F.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:x=n;y=ACX($clone(u,F.Value));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;aa=h[0];ab=p;ac=$clone(r,FV);ad=ABX(x,z,aa,ab,ac);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;$s=10;case 10:return ae;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),(function(g,h){return function $b(n,o){var{n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:p=$clone(n,AT).AsValueOf(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,F.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=ACX($clone(q,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=T.CheckInitialized(s);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=5;case 5:return u;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),DV);case 5:$s=-1;return new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError);}return;}var $f={$blk:ABR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};ABS=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,AT).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=g.mi.sizePointer($clone(i,AT),$clone(h,FS));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=($imul(2,g.tagsize))+j>>0;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};ABT=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);k=f;l=$clone(g,AT).Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$clone(l,AT);n=$clone(i,FS);o=h.mi.marshalAppendPointer(k,m,n);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=o;f=j[0];p=j[1];f=H.AppendVarint(f,(q=h.wiretag,new $Uint64(q.$high+0,q.$low+1)));$s=-1;return[f,p];}return;}var $f={$blk:ABT,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};ABU=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===3))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=$clone(g,AT).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,AT).IsNil();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(p){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:q=i.mi.GoReflectType.Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=F.New(q);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=AV($clone(r,F.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(g,AT).SetPointer($clone(s,AT));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:u=f;v=$clone(g,AT).Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=$clone(v,AT);x=i.num;y=$clone(j,FV);z=i.mi.unmarshalPointer(u,w,x,y);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=z;FX.copy(k,t[0]);l=t[1];aa=[k,l];$s=11;case 11:return aa;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABU,$c:true,$r,aa,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ABV=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=T.Size(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=($imul(2,g))+i>>0;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};ABW=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);k=$clone($clone(i,FS).Options(),T.MarshalOptions).MarshalAppend(f,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;f=j[0];l=j[1];f=H.AppendVarint(f,new $Uint64(h.$high+0,h.$low+1));$s=-1;return[f,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:ABW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};ABX=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===3))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeGroup(h,f);f=o[0];p=o[1];if(p<0){q=$clone(k,FX);r=FT;FX.copy(k,q);l=r;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=g.ProtoReflect();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$clone($clone(j,FV).Options(),T.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new AED.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),t,f,0,$ifaceNil,0));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=u;v=$clone(s[0],AEE);l=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){w=$clone(k,FX);x=l;FX.copy(k,w);l=x;$s=-1;return[k,l];}k.n=p;k.initialized=!((((v.Flags&1)>>>0)===0));y=$clone(k,FX);z=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,y);l=z;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:ABX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ABY=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=BU(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!(i===AEO.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,ABZ,ACA,ACB,$throwNilPointerError,DW);k=ADI(i.Desc);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:j.isInit=ACC;case 5:$s=-1;return j;case 3:$s=-1;return new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,(function(g){return function $b(l,m,n){var{l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=ACD($clone(l,AT),g[0],m.tagsize,$clone(n,FS));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=2;case 2:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};})(g),(function(g){return function $b(l,m,n,o){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m,n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:p=ACE(l,$clone(m,AT),n.wiretag,g[0],$clone(o,FS));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=2;case 2:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};})(g),(function(g){return function $b(l,m,n,o,p){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m,n,o,p});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:q=ACF(l,$clone(m,AT),g[0],n,$clone(p,FV));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=2;case 2:return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};})(g),(function(g){return function $b(l,m){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=ACG($clone(l,AT),g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};})(g),DW);}return;}var $f={$blk:ABY,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};ABZ=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=0;l=j;m=0;case 2:if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]),AT);o=g.mi.sizePointer($clone(n,AT),$clone(h,FS));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=H.SizeBytes(o);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=k+((p+g.tagsize>>0))>>0;m++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:ABZ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};ACA=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=$ifaceNil;m=k;n=0;case 2:if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]),AT);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);p=h.mi.sizePointer($clone(o,AT),$clone(i,FS));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,q)));s=h.mi.marshalAppendPointer(f,$clone(o,AT),$clone(i,FS));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;f=r[0];l=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[f,l];}n++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};ACB=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((h===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=i.mi.GoReflectType.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=F.New(t);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,F.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=AW(w);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,AT);aa=i.mi.unmarshalPointer(p,$clone(y,AT),0,$clone(j,FV));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;ab=$clone(z[0],FX);l=z[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){ac=$clone(k,FX);ad=l;FX.copy(k,ac);l=ad;$s=-1;return[k,l];}$r=$clone(g,AT).AppendPointerSlice($clone(y,AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.n=q;k.initialized=ab.initialized;ae=$clone(k,FX);af=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ae);l=af;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACB,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ACC=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=$clone(f,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=i;k=0;case 2:if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]),AT);m=g.mi.checkInitializedPointer($clone(l,AT));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}k++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:ACC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};ACD=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;m=k;n=0;case 2:if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]),AT);p=g.Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(o,AT).AsValueOf(p);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=ACX($clone(q,F.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=T.Size(s);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=H.SizeBytes(t);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=l+((u+h>>0))>>0;n++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:ACD,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};ACE=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$clone(g,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=$ifaceNil;n=l;o=0;case 2:if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]),AT);q=i.Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(p,AT).AsValueOf(q);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=ACX($clone(r,F.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);u=T.Size(t);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;f=H.AppendVarint(f,(new $Uint64(0,v)));x=$clone($clone(j,FS).Options(),T.MarshalOptions).MarshalAppend(f,t);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;f=w[0];m=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[f,m];}o++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACE,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};ACF=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new FX.ptr(0,false);l=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===2))){m=$clone(k,FX);n=FY;FX.copy(k,m);l=n;$s=-1;return[k,l];}o=H.ConsumeBytes(f);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(k,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(k,r);l=s;$s=-1;return[k,l];}t=h.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=F.New(t);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;x=ACX($clone(v,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x.ProtoReflect();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$clone($clone(j,FV).Options(),T.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new AED.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),y,p,0,$ifaceNil,0));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=z;aa=$clone(w[0],AEE);l=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){ab=$clone(k,FX);ac=l;FX.copy(k,ab);l=ac;$s=-1;return[k,l];}$r=$clone(g,AT).AppendPointerSlice($clone(AV($clone(v,F.Value)),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.n=q;k.initialized=!((((aa.Flags&1)>>>0)===0));ad=$clone(k,FX);ae=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(k,ad);l=ae;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACF,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ACG=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=$clone(f,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=i;k=0;case 2:if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]),AT);m=g.Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(l,AT).AsValueOf(m);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=ACX($clone(n,F.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=T.CheckInitialized(p);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return r;}k++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:ACG,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};ACH=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=0;l=0;n=j.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:ACH,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};ACI=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=$clone($clone(i,FS).Options(),T.MarshalOptions);m=0;o=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=m;q=n;case 3:if(!(p>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACI,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ACJ=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(!((i===2))){p=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);q=$clone(l,FX);r=FY;B.Value.copy(k,p);FX.copy(l,q);m=r;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}s=H.ConsumeBytes(f);t=s[0];u=s[1];if(u<0){v=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);w=$clone(l,FX);x=FT;B.Value.copy(k,v);FX.copy(l,w);m=x;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}y=o.NewElement();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$clone(y,B.Value);ab=$clone(z,B.Value).Message();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=$clone($clone(j,FV).Options(),T.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new AED.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),ab,t,0,$ifaceNil,0));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ac;ad=$clone(aa[0],AEE);m=aa[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){ae=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);af=$clone(l,FX);ag=m;B.Value.copy(k,ae);FX.copy(l,af);m=ag;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(z,B.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=u;l.initialized=!((((ad.Flags&1)>>>0)===0));ah=$clone(g,B.Value);ai=$clone(l,FX);aj=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ah);FX.copy(l,ai);m=aj;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACJ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ACK=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=0;k=h.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=i;m=j;case 3:if(!(l>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:ACK,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};ACM=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=0;l=0;n=j.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=l;p=m;case 3:if(!(o>0))>>0;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:ACM,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};ACN=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=$clone($clone(i,FS).Options(),T.MarshalOptions);m=0;o=k.Len();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=m;q=n;case 3:if(!(p>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACN,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};ACO=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;n=$clone(g,B.Value).List();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(!((i===3))){p=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);q=$clone(l,FX);r=FY;B.Value.copy(k,p);FX.copy(l,q);m=r;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}s=H.ConsumeGroup(h,f);f=s[0];t=s[1];if(t<0){u=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);v=$clone(l,FX);w=FT;B.Value.copy(k,u);FX.copy(l,v);m=w;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}x=o.NewElement();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,B.Value);aa=$clone(y,B.Value).Message();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$clone($clone(j,FV).Options(),T.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new AED.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),aa,f,0,$ifaceNil,0));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=ab;ac=$clone(z[0],AEE);m=z[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){ad=new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil);ae=$clone(l,FX);af=m;B.Value.copy(k,ad);FX.copy(l,ae);m=af;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}$r=o.Append($clone(y,B.Value));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=t;l.initialized=!((((ac.Flags&1)>>>0)===0));ag=$clone(g,B.Value);ah=$clone(l,FX);ai=$ifaceNil;B.Value.copy(k,ag);FX.copy(l,ah);m=ai;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACO,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ACQ=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];i=f.Number();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=i;j=BU(g[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!(k===AEO.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,ACU,ACV,ACW,$throwNilPointerError,DW);m=ADI(k.Desc);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(m){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l.isInit=ACC;case 6:$s=-1;return l;case 4:$s=-1;return new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,(function(g,h){return function $b(n,o,p){var{n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{n,o,p});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:q=ACR($clone(n,AT),g[0],o.tagsize,$clone(p,FS));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=2;case 2:return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),(function(g,h){return function $b(n,o,p,q){var{n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{n,o,p,q});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:r=ACS(n,$clone(o,AT),p.wiretag,g[0],$clone(q,FS));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=2;case 2:return s;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),(function(g,h){return function $b(n,o,p,q,r){var{n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{n,o,p,q,r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:s=ACT(n,$clone(o,AT),h[0],p,g[0],$clone(r,FV));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=2;case 2:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),(function(g,h){return function $b(n,o){var{n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{n,o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:p=ACG($clone(n,AT),g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=2;case 2:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),DW);}return;}var $f={$blk:ACQ,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};ACR=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(f,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;m=k;n=0;case 2:if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]),AT);p=g.Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(o,AT).AsValueOf(p);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=ACX($clone(q,F.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=T.Size(s);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=l+((($imul(2,h))+t>>0))>>0;n++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:ACR,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};ACS=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$clone(g,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=$ifaceNil;n=l;o=0;case 2:if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]),AT);q=i.Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(p,AT).AsValueOf(q);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=ACX($clone(r,F.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;f=H.AppendVarint(f,h);v=$clone($clone(j,FS).Options(),T.MarshalOptions).MarshalAppend(f,t);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;f=u[0];m=u[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[f,m];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,new $Uint64(h.$high+0,h.$low+1));o++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACS,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};ACT=function(f,g,h,i,j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=new FX.ptr(0,false);m=$ifaceNil;if(!((i===3))){n=$clone(l,FX);o=FY;FX.copy(l,n);m=o;$s=-1;return[l,m];}p=H.ConsumeGroup(h,f);f=p[0];q=p[1];if(q<0){r=$clone(l,FX);s=FT;FX.copy(l,r);m=s;$s=-1;return[l,m];}t=j.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=F.New(t);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;x=ACX($clone(v,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x.ProtoReflect();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$clone($clone(k,FV).Options(),T.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new AED.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),y,f,0,$ifaceNil,0));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=z;aa=$clone(w[0],AEE);m=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){ab=$clone(l,FX);ac=m;FX.copy(l,ab);m=ac;$s=-1;return[l,m];}$r=$clone(g,AT).AppendPointerSlice($clone(AV($clone(v,F.Value)),AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.n=q;l.initialized=!((((aa.Flags&1)>>>0)===0));ad=$clone(l,FX);ae=$ifaceNil;FX.copy(l,ad);m=ae;$s=-1;return[l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACT,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ACU=function(f,g,h){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(f,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=0;l=j;m=0;case 2:if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]),AT);o=g.mi.sizePointer($clone(n,AT),$clone(h,FS));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=k+((($imul(2,g.tagsize))+o>>0))>>0;m++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:ACU,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};ACV=function(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$clone(g,AT).PointerSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=$ifaceNil;m=k;n=0;case 2:if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]),AT);f=H.AppendVarint(f,h.wiretag);q=h.mi.marshalAppendPointer(f,$clone(o,AT),$clone(i,FS));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;f=p[0];l=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[f,l];}f=H.AppendVarint(f,(r=h.wiretag,new $Uint64(r.$high+0,r.$low+1)));n++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACV,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};ACW=function(f,g,h,i,j){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((h===3))){$s=-1;return[new FX.ptr(0,false),FY];}k=i.mi.GoReflectType.Elem();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=F.New(k);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$clone(l,F.Value).Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=AW(n);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,AT);r=i.mi.unmarshalPointer(f,$clone(p,AT),i.num,$clone(j,FV));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=$clone(q[0],FX);t=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[s,t];}$r=$clone(g,AT).AppendPointerSlice($clone(p,AT));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[s,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ACW,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};ACX=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=$clone(f,F.Value).Interface();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=$assertType(h,B.ProtoMessage,true);i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){$s=-1;return i;}k=EA($clone(f,F.Value));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.Interface();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=4;case 4:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:ACX,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};ADA=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$assertType(f,AHY,true);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(i){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=h.lazyInit();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return h.info;case 2:k=ADB(f);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=5;case 5:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADA,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};ADB=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=ACZ.Load(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){$s=-1;return $assertType(i,AHZ);}k=f.TypeDescriptor();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=ADC(k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;o=EC.LoadOrStore(f,m);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];if(q){$s=-1;return $assertType(p,AHZ);}$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADB,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};ADC=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=f.IsPacked();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=f.Number();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=f.Kind();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=(l=AAX[B.Kind.keyFor(k)],l!==undefined?l.v:0);n=H.EncodeTag(j,m);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=n;$s=3;continue;case 2:o=f.Number();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=H.EncodeTag(o,2);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=p;case 3:q=HU(f);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=new ACY.ptr(g,H.SizeVarint(g),false,$clone(q,HS),new AK.ptr(AEO.nil,0,0,0,new $Uint64(0,0)));s=f.Kind();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if((t===(11))||(t===(10))||(t===(14))){$s=13;continue;}u=f.Cardinality();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(u===3){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 13:r.unmarshalNeedsValue=true;$s=15;continue;case 14:r.unmarshalNeedsValue=true;case 15:case 11:$s=-1;return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADC,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};ADE.ptr.prototype.appendLazyBytes=function(f,g,h,i,j){var f,g,h,i,j,k;k=this;if(k.lazy===AGO.nil){k.lazy=new ADD.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),g,new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil),ADP.nil,$throwNilPointerError);}k.typ=f;k.lazy.xi=g;k.lazy.b=H.AppendTag(k.lazy.b,h,i);k.lazy.b=$appendSlice(k.lazy.b,j);};ADE.prototype.appendLazyBytes=function(f,g,h,i,j){return this.$val.appendLazyBytes(f,g,h,i,j);};ADE.ptr.prototype.canLazy=function(f){var f,g,h;g=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.typ,$ifaceNil)){return true;}if($interfaceIsEqual(g.typ,f)&&!(g.lazy===AGO.nil)&&(S.LoadUint32((h=g.lazy,(h.$ptr_atomicOnce||(h.$ptr_atomicOnce=new AFF(function(){return this.$target.atomicOnce;},function($v){this.$target.atomicOnce=$v;},h)))))===0)){return true;}return false;};ADE.prototype.canLazy=function(f){return this.$val.canLazy(f);};ADE.ptr.prototype.lazyInit=function(){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;$r=f.lazy.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.lazy.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(S.LoadUint32((g=f.lazy,(g.$ptr_atomicOnce||(g.$ptr_atomicOnce=new AFF(function(){return this.$target.atomicOnce;},function($v){this.$target.atomicOnce=$v;},g)))))===1){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:if(!(f.lazy.xi===AHZ.nil)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:h=f.lazy.b;i=f.typ.New();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,B.Value);case 9:if(!(h.$length>0)){$s=10;continue;}k=new $Uint64(0,0);if((0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])<128){$s=11;continue;}if(h.$length>=2&&(1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1])<128){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 11:k=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])));h=$subslice(h,1);$s=14;continue;case 12:k=(l=(new $Uint64(0,(((0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])&127)>>>0))),m=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1]))),7),new $Uint64(l.$high+m.$high,l.$low+m.$low));h=$subslice(h,2);$s=14;continue;case 13:n=0;o=H.ConsumeVarint(h);k=o[0];n=o[1];if(n<0){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:p=W.New("bad tag in lazy extension decoding",new AEN([]));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(p);case 16:h=$subslice(h,n);case 14:q=(($shiftRightUint64(k,3).$low>>0));r=((new $Uint64(k.$high&0,(k.$low&7)>>>0).$low<<24>>24));s=new FX.ptr(0,false);t=$ifaceNil;v=f.lazy.xi.funcs.unmarshal(h,$clone(j,B.Value),q,r,$clone(FW,FV));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;B.Value.copy(j,u[0]);FX.copy(s,u[1]);t=u[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:w=W.New("decode failure in lazy extension decoding: %v",new AEN([t]));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(w);case 20:h=$subslice(h,s.n);$s=9;continue;case 10:B.Value.copy(f.lazy.value,j);$s=7;continue;case 6:x=f.lazy.fn();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}B.Value.copy(f.lazy.value,x);case 7:f.lazy.xi=AHZ.nil;f.lazy.fn=$throwNilPointerError;f.lazy.b=ADP.nil;S.StoreUint32((y=f.lazy,(y.$ptr_atomicOnce||(y.$ptr_atomicOnce=new AFF(function(){return this.$target.atomicOnce;},function($v){this.$target.atomicOnce=$v;},y)))),1);$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:ADE.ptr.prototype.lazyInit,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};ADE.prototype.lazyInit=function(){return this.$val.lazyInit();};ADE.ptr.prototype.Set=function(f,g){var f,g,h;h=this;h.typ=f;B.Value.copy(h.value,g);h.lazy=AGO.nil;};ADE.prototype.Set=function(f,g){return this.$val.Set(f,g);};ADE.ptr.prototype.SetLazy=function(f,g){var f,g,h;h=this;h.typ=f;h.lazy=new ADD.ptr(0,new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),AHZ.nil,new B.Value.ptr(AGK.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),"",ADP.nil,$ifaceNil),ADP.nil,g);};ADE.prototype.SetLazy=function(f,g){return this.$val.SetLazy(f,g);};ADE.ptr.prototype.Value=function(){var{f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if(!(f.lazy===AGO.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(S.LoadUint32((g=f.lazy,(g.$ptr_atomicOnce||(g.$ptr_atomicOnce=new AFF(function(){return this.$target.atomicOnce;},function($v){this.$target.atomicOnce=$v;},g)))))===0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=f.lazyInit();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:$s=-1;return f.lazy.value;case 2:$s=-1;return f.value;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADE.ptr.prototype.Value,$c:true,$r,f,g,$s};return $f;};ADE.prototype.Value=function(){return this.$val.Value();};ADE.ptr.prototype.Type=function(){var f;f=this;return f.typ;};ADE.prototype.Type=function(){return this.$val.Type();};ADE.ptr.prototype.IsSet=function(){var f;f=this;return!($interfaceIsEqual(f.typ,$ifaceNil));};ADE.prototype.IsSet=function(){return this.$val.IsSet();};BS.ptr.prototype.checkInitialized=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=new AT.ptr(new F.Value.ptr(AES.nil,0,0));i=$assertType(f.Message,ADQ,true);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(k){AT.copy(h,j.pointer());}else{AT.copy(h,$assertType(f.Message,ADR).pointer());}l=g.checkInitializedPointer($clone(h,AT));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=[new AEJ.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr()),l];$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.checkInitialized,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.checkInitialized=function(f){return this.$val.checkInitialized(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.checkInitializedPointer=function(f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!g.coderMessageInfo.needsInitCheck){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if($clone(f,AT).IsNil()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=g.coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields;i=0;case 4:if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if(j.isRequired){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:k=g.Desc.Fields();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.ByNumber(j.num);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.FullName();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=W.RequiredNotSet((m));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=12;case 12:return o;case 7:i++;$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:if($clone(g.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP).IsValid()){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:p=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(g.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset,AP));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,AT).Extensions();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=g.isInitExtensions(r);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return t;}case 14:u=g.coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields;v=0;case 18:if(!(v=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+v]);if(!w.isRequired&&w.funcs.isInit===$throwNilPointerError){v++;$s=18;continue;}x=$clone(f,AT).Apply($clone(w.offset,AP));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,AT);if(!(w.isPointer)){z=false;$s=23;continue s;}aa=$clone(y,AT).Elem();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$clone(aa,AT).IsNil();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=ab;case 23:if(z){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:if(w.isRequired){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:ac=g.Desc.Fields();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac.ByNumber(w.num);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad.FullName();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=W.RequiredNotSet((ae));$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;$s=32;case 32:return ag;case 27:v++;$s=18;continue;case 22:if(w.funcs.isInit===$throwNilPointerError){v++;$s=18;continue;}ah=w.funcs.isInit($clone(y,AT),w);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ai;}v++;$s=18;continue;case 19:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.checkInitializedPointer,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.checkInitializedPointer=function(f){return this.$val.checkInitializedPointer(f);};BS.ptr.prototype.isInitExtensions=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(f===AGE.nil){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}h=f.$get();i=0;j=$keys(h);case 1:if(!(i0){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:g[0]=true;s=g[0];$s=10;case 10:return s;case 7:t=f[0].ExtensionRanges();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.Len();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(u>0){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:g[0]=true;v=g[0];$s=15;case 15:return v;case 12:w=0;case 16:x=f[0].Fields();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x.Len();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(w>0;$s=16;continue;case 17:g[0]=false;aj=g[0];$s=32;case 32:return aj;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return g[0];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:ADJ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};ADK.ptr.prototype.NewError=function(f,g){var{f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=W.New(f,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.NewError,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.NewError=function(f,g){return this.$val.NewError(f,g);};ADK.ptr.prototype.EnumOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=f;if(g===$ifaceNil){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(g,B.Enum,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:h=g;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:i=g;$s=-1;return i;case 3:j=g;k=F.ValueOf(j);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=FE($clone(k,F.Value));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;case 4:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.EnumOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.EnumOf=function(f){return this.$val.EnumOf(f);};ADK.ptr.prototype.EnumDescriptorOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=f;if(g===$ifaceNil){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(g,B.Enum,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:h=g;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:i=g;k=i.Descriptor();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=6;case 6:return l;case 3:j=g;m=FK(F.TypeOf(j));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=8;case 8:return n;case 4:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.EnumDescriptorOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.EnumDescriptorOf=function(f){return this.$val.EnumDescriptorOf(f);};ADK.ptr.prototype.EnumTypeOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 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5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=(k);$s=6;case 6:return l;case 4:$s=-1;return Q.Itoa(((g>>0)));}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.EnumStringOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.EnumStringOf=function(f,g){return this.$val.EnumStringOf(f,g);};ADN.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var{f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=T.Reset(f.m);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADN.ptr.prototype.Reset,$c:true,$r,f,$s};return $f;};ADN.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};ADN.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=new ADK.ptr().MessageStringOf(f.m);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADN.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};ADN.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};ADN.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){var f;f=this;};ADN.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMessage();};ADK.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageV1Of=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=f;if(g===$ifaceNil){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(g,M.MessageV1,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}if($assertType(g,GH,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}if($assertType(g,B.ProtoMessage,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 1:h=g;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:i=g;$s=-1;return i;case 3:j=g;m=j.protoUnwrap();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=new ADK.ptr().ProtoMessageV1Of(m);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=9;case 9:return o;case 4:k=g;$s=-1;return(p=new ADN.ptr(k),new p.constructor.elem(p));case 5:l=g;q=A.Sprintf("message %T is neither a v1 or v2 Message",new AEN([f]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(q));case 6:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageV1Of,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.ProtoMessageV1Of=function(f){return this.$val.ProtoMessageV1Of(f);};ADK.ptr.prototype.protoMessageV2Of=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=f;if(g===$ifaceNil){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(g,B.ProtoMessage,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}if($assertType(g,ADN,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}if($assertType(g,M.MessageV1,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 1:h=g;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:i=g;$s=-1;return i;case 3:j=$clone(g.$val,ADN);$s=-1;return j.m;case 4:k=g;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 5:l=g;m=A.Sprintf("message %T is neither a v1 or v2 Message",new AEN([f]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(m));case 6:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.protoMessageV2Of,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.protoMessageV2Of=function(f){return this.$val.protoMessageV2Of(f);};ADK.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageV2Of=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}g=$clone((new ADK.ptr()),ADK).protoMessageV2Of(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return h;}i=F.ValueOf(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=EA($clone(i,F.Value));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.Interface();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=5;case 5:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageV2Of,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.ProtoMessageV2Of=function(f){return this.$val.ProtoMessageV2Of(f);};ADK.ptr.prototype.MessageOf=function(f){var{f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}g=$clone((new ADK.ptr()),ADK).protoMessageV2Of(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=h.ProtoReflect();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=5;case 5:return j;case 3:k=F.ValueOf(f);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=EA($clone(k,F.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=8;case 8:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:ADK.ptr.prototype.MessageOf,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};ADK.prototype.MessageOf=function(f){return 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10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=V.$init();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=W.$init();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=X.$init();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=J.$init();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=K.$init();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AF.$init();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=P.$init();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=L.$init();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=T.$init();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=M.$init();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AD.$init();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AA.$init();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AE.$init();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Q.$init();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=R.$init();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=N.$init();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=S.$init();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=G.$init();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}EC=new N.Map.ptr(new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);EE=new N.Map.ptr(new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);EH=new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0);EI=false;EZ=new N.Map.ptr(new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);FF=new N.Map.ptr(new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);FJ=new N.Map.ptr(new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);FL=new N.Map.ptr(new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);AAW=ADO.zero();ACZ=new N.Map.ptr(new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);ADG=new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0);ADH=new N.Map.ptr(new N.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);AR=new AP.ptr(-1,$throwNilPointerError);AS=new AP.ptr(0,$throwNilPointerError);a=F.ValueOf((ADP.nil));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BD=a;b=F.ValueOf(new ADP([]));$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BE=b;CB=F.TypeOf(new $Int32(0));CC=F.TypeOf(new ADT((false)));CD=F.TypeOf((ADP.nil));CE=F.TypeOf((ADU.nil));CF=F.TypeOf(new ADV((false)));ER=new AEL.ptr(new P.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),new $Uint64(0,1),$throwNilPointerError,ES,ET,EU,$throwNilPointerError);c=W.New("cannot parse invalid wire-format data",new AEN([]));$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}FT=c;d=W.New("exceeded maximum recursion depth",new AEN([]));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}FU=d;FW=new FV.ptr(0,C.GlobalTypes,10000);e=W.New("unknown",new AEN([]));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break 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HR.ptr(AEO.nil,JK,JL,JM,$throwNilPointerError,CI);JQ=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,JO,JP,JM,$throwNilPointerError,CJ);JU=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,JR,JS,JT,$throwNilPointerError,CK);JY=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,JV,JW,JX,$throwNilPointerError,CL);KB=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,JZ,KA,JX,$throwNilPointerError,CL);KF=new HS.ptr(KC,KD,KE,$throwNilPointerError,DP);KJ=new HS.ptr(KG,KH,KI,$throwNilPointerError,DR);KM=new HS.ptr(KK,KL,KI,$throwNilPointerError,DR);KQ=new HS.ptr(KN,KO,KP,$throwNilPointerError,DP);KU=new HS.ptr(KR,KS,KT,$throwNilPointerError,DR);KX=new HS.ptr(KV,KW,KT,$throwNilPointerError,DR);LB=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,KY,KZ,LA,$throwNilPointerError,CM);LE=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,LC,LD,LA,$throwNilPointerError,CN);LI=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,LF,LG,LH,$throwNilPointerError,CO);LM=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,LJ,LK,LL,$throwNilPointerError,CP);LP=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,LN,LO,LL,$throwNilPointerError,CP);LT=new HS.ptr(LQ,LR,LS,$throwNilPointerError,DP);LX=new HS.ptr(LU,LV,LW,$throwNilPointerError,DR);MA=new HS.ptr(LY,LZ,LW,$throwNilPointerError,DR);ME=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,MB,MC,MD,$throwNilPointerError,CM);MH=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,MF,MG,MD,$throwNilPointerError,CN);ML=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,MI,MJ,MK,$throwNilPointerError,CO);MP=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,MM,MN,MO,$throwNilPointerError,CP);MS=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,MQ,MR,MO,$throwNilPointerError,CP);MW=new HS.ptr(MT,MU,MV,$throwNilPointerError,DP);NA=new HS.ptr(MX,MY,MZ,$throwNilPointerError,DR);ND=new HS.ptr(NB,NC,MZ,$throwNilPointerError,DR);NH=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,NE,NF,NG,$throwNilPointerError,CQ);NK=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,NI,NJ,NG,$throwNilPointerError,CR);NO=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,NL,NM,NN,$throwNilPointerError,CS);NS=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,NP,NQ,NR,$throwNilPointerError,CT);NV=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,NT,NU,NR,$throwNilPointerError,CT);NZ=new HS.ptr(NW,NX,NY,$throwNilPointerError,DP);OD=new HS.ptr(OA,OB,OC,$throwNilPointerError,DR);OG=new HS.ptr(OE,OF,OC,$throwNilPointerError,DR);OK=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,OH,OI,OJ,$throwNilPointerError,CU);ON=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,OL,OM,OJ,$throwNilPointerError,CV);OR=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,OO,OP,OQ,$throwNilPointerError,CW);OV=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,OS,OT,OU,$throwNilPointerError,CX);OY=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,OW,OX,OU,$throwNilPointerError,CX);PC=new HS.ptr(OZ,PA,PB,$throwNilPointerError,DP);PG=new HS.ptr(PD,PE,PF,$throwNilPointerError,DR);PJ=new HS.ptr(PH,PI,PF,$throwNilPointerError,DR);PN=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,PK,PL,PM,$throwNilPointerError,CU);PQ=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,PO,PP,PM,$throwNilPointerError,CV);PU=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,PR,PS,PT,$throwNilPointerError,CW);PY=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,PV,PW,PX,$throwNilPointerError,CX);QB=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,PZ,QA,PX,$throwNilPointerError,CX);QF=new HS.ptr(QC,QD,QE,$throwNilPointerError,DP);QJ=new HS.ptr(QG,QH,QI,$throwNilPointerError,DR);QM=new HS.ptr(QK,QL,QI,$throwNilPointerError,DR);QQ=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,QN,QO,QP,$throwNilPointerError,CY);QT=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,QR,QS,QP,$throwNilPointerError,CZ);QX=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,QU,QV,QW,$throwNilPointerError,DA);RB=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,QY,QZ,RA,$throwNilPointerError,DB);RE=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,RC,RD,RA,$throwNilPointerError,DB);RI=new HS.ptr(RF,RG,RH,$throwNilPointerError,DP);RM=new HS.ptr(RJ,RK,RL,$throwNilPointerError,DR);RP=new HS.ptr(RN,RO,RL,$throwNilPointerError,DR);RT=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,RQ,RR,RS,$throwNilPointerError,CM);RW=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,RU,RV,RS,$throwNilPointerError,CN);SA=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,RX,RY,RZ,$throwNilPointerError,CO);SE=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,SB,SC,SD,$throwNilPointerError,CP);SH=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,SF,SG,SD,$throwNilPointerError,CP);SL=new HS.ptr(SI,SJ,SK,$throwNilPointerError,DP);SP=new HS.ptr(SM,SN,SO,$throwNilPointerError,DR);SS=new HS.ptr(SQ,SR,SO,$throwNilPointerError,DR);SW=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,ST,SU,SV,$throwNilPointerError,CQ);SZ=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,SX,SY,SV,$throwNilPointerError,CR);TD=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,TA,TB,TC,$throwNilPointerError,CS);TH=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,TE,TF,TG,$throwNilPointerError,CT);TK=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,TI,TJ,TG,$throwNilPointerError,CT);TO=new HS.ptr(TL,TM,TN,$throwNilPointerError,DP);TS=new HS.ptr(TP,TQ,TR,$throwNilPointerError,DR);TV=new HS.ptr(TT,TU,TR,$throwNilPointerError,DR);TZ=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,TW,TX,TY,$throwNilPointerError,DC);UC=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,UA,UB,TY,$throwNilPointerError,DD);UG=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,UD,UE,UF,$throwNilPointerError,DE);UK=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,UH,UI,UJ,$throwNilPointerError,DF);UN=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,UL,UM,UJ,$throwNilPointerError,DF);UR=new HS.ptr(UO,UP,UQ,$throwNilPointerError,DP);UV=new HS.ptr(US,UT,UU,$throwNilPointerError,DR);UY=new HS.ptr(UW,UX,UU,$throwNilPointerError,DR);VC=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,UZ,VA,VB,$throwNilPointerError,CU);VF=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,VD,VE,VB,$throwNilPointerError,CV);VJ=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,VG,VH,VI,$throwNilPointerError,CW);VN=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,VK,VL,VM,$throwNilPointerError,CX);VQ=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,VO,VP,VM,$throwNilPointerError,CX);VU=new HS.ptr(VR,VS,VT,$throwNilPointerError,DP);VY=new HS.ptr(VV,VW,VX,$throwNilPointerError,DR);WB=new HS.ptr(VZ,WA,VX,$throwNilPointerError,DR);WF=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,WC,WD,WE,$throwNilPointerError,CY);WI=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,WG,WH,WE,$throwNilPointerError,CZ);WM=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,WJ,WK,WL,$throwNilPointerError,DA);WQ=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,WN,WO,WP,$throwNilPointerError,DB);WT=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,WR,WS,WP,$throwNilPointerError,DB);WX=new HS.ptr(WU,WV,WW,$throwNilPointerError,DP);XB=new HS.ptr(WY,WZ,XA,$throwNilPointerError,DR);XE=new HS.ptr(XC,XD,XA,$throwNilPointerError,DR);XI=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,XF,XG,XH,$throwNilPointerError,DG);XL=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,XJ,XK,XH,$throwNilPointerError,DH);XP=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,XM,XN,XO,$throwNilPointerError,DI);XT=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,XQ,XR,XS,$throwNilPointerError,DJ);XW=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,XU,XV,XS,$throwNilPointerError,DJ);YA=new HS.ptr(XX,XY,XZ,$throwNilPointerError,DP);YE=new HS.ptr(YB,YC,YD,$throwNilPointerError,DR);YH=new HS.ptr(YF,YG,YD,$throwNilPointerError,DR);YL=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,YI,YJ,YK,$throwNilPointerError,DK);YO=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,YI,YM,YN,$throwNilPointerError,DK);YR=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,YP,YQ,YK,$throwNilPointerError,DL);YT=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,YP,YS,YN,$throwNilPointerError,DL);YX=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,YU,YV,YW,$throwNilPointerError,DM);ZA=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,YU,YY,YZ,$throwNilPointerError,DM);ZE=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,ZB,ZC,ZD,$throwNilPointerError,DN);ZH=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,ZB,ZF,ZG,$throwNilPointerError,DN);ZL=new HS.ptr(ZI,ZJ,ZK,$throwNilPointerError,DP);ZO=new HS.ptr(ZI,ZM,ZN,$throwNilPointerError,DP);ZS=new HS.ptr(ZP,ZQ,ZR,$throwNilPointerError,DR);ZW=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,ZT,ZU,ZV,$throwNilPointerError,DX);ZZ=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,ZT,ZX,ZY,$throwNilPointerError,DX);AAD=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,AAA,AAB,AAC,$throwNilPointerError,DY);AAG=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,AAA,AAE,AAF,$throwNilPointerError,DY);AAK=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,AAH,AAI,AAJ,$throwNilPointerError,DZ);AAN=new HR.ptr(AEO.nil,AAH,AAL,AAM,$throwNilPointerError,DZ);AAR=new HS.ptr(AAO,AAP,AAQ,$throwNilPointerError,DQ);AAV=new HS.ptr(AAS,AAT,AAU,$throwNilPointerError,DS);AAX=$makeMap(B.Kind.keyFor,[{k:8,v:0},{k:14,v:0},{k:5,v:0},{k:17,v:0},{k:13,v:0},{k:3,v:0},{k:18,v:0},{k:4,v:0},{k:15,v:5},{k:7,v:5},{k:2,v:5},{k:16,v:1},{k:6,v:1},{k:1,v:1},{k:9,v:2},{k:12,v:2},{k:11,v:2},{k:10,v:3}]);ABM=new HS.ptr(ABI,ABJ,ABK,ABL,DU);ABQ=new HS.ptr(ABN,ABO,ABP,ABL,DU);ACL=new HS.ptr(ACH,ACI,ACJ,ACK,DT);ACP=new HS.ptr(ACM,ACN,ACO,ACK,DT);}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,C,D,E,F,A,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,I;B=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts"];C=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc"];D=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"];E=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"];F=$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry"];A=$packages["reflect"];G=$pkg.Builder=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"filetype.Builder",true,"google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype",true,function(File_,GoTypes_,DependencyIndexes_,EnumInfos_,MessageInfos_,ExtensionInfos_,TypeRegistry_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.File=new C.Builder.ptr("",M.nil,0,0,0,0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil);this.GoTypes=N.nil;this.DependencyIndexes=O.nil;this.EnumInfos=P.nil;this.MessageInfos=Q.nil;this.ExtensionInfos=R.nil;this.TypeRegistry=$ifaceNil;return;}this.File=File_;this.GoTypes=GoTypes_;this.DependencyIndexes=DependencyIndexes_;this.EnumInfos=EnumInfos_;this.MessageInfos=MessageInfos_;this.ExtensionInfos=ExtensionInfos_;this.TypeRegistry=TypeRegistry_;});H=$pkg.Out=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"filetype.Out",true,"google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype",true,function(File_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.File=$ifaceNil;return;}this.File=File_;});J=$pkg.depIdxs=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"filetype.depIdxs",true,"google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype",false,null);K=$pkg.resolverByIndex=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"filetype.resolverByIndex",true,"google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype",false,function(goTypes_,depIdxs_,fileRegistry_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.goTypes=N.nil;this.depIdxs=J.nil;this.fileRegistry=$ifaceNil;return;}this.goTypes=goTypes_;this.depIdxs=depIdxs_;this.fileRegistry=fileRegistry_;});L=$pkg.fileRegistry=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"filetype.fileRegistry",true,"google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype",false,null);M=$sliceType($Uint8);N=$sliceType($emptyInterface);O=$sliceType($Int32);P=$sliceType(D.EnumInfo);Q=$sliceType(D.MessageInfo);R=$sliceType(D.ExtensionInfo);S=$interfaceType([{prop:"RegisterEnum",name:"RegisterEnum",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([E.EnumType],[$error],false)},{prop:"RegisterExtension",name:"RegisterExtension",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([E.ExtensionType],[$error],false)},{prop:"RegisterMessage",name:"RegisterMessage",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([E.MessageType],[$error],false)}]);T=$sliceType(C.Enum);U=$sliceType(C.Message);V=$ptrType(K);G.ptr.prototype.Build=function(){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=new H.ptr($ifaceNil);b=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(b.File.FileRegistry,$ifaceNil)){b.File.FileRegistry=F.GlobalFiles;}b.File.FileRegistry=new K.ptr(b.GoTypes,$convertSliceType(b.DependencyIndexes,J),b.File.FileRegistry);if($interfaceIsEqual(b.TypeRegistry,$ifaceNil)){b.TypeRegistry=F.GlobalTypes;}c=$clone(b.File,C.Builder).Build();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=$clone(c,C.Out);a.File=d.File;e=$subslice(b.GoTypes,0,d.Enums.$length);if(!((b.EnumInfos.$length===d.Enums.$length))){$panic(new $String("mismatching enum lengths"));}if(d.Enums.$length>0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:f=d.Enums;g=0;case 4:if(!(g=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+h])),new D.EnumInfo.ptr(A.TypeOf(((h<0||h>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+h])),(i=d.Enums,((h<0||h>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+ac])).Base.Name();if(ae===("FileOptions")){B.File=$assertType(((ac<0||ac>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+ac]),E.ProtoMessage);}else if(ae===("EnumOptions")){B.Enum=$assertType(((ac<0||ac>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+ac]),E.ProtoMessage);}else if(ae===("EnumValueOptions")){B.EnumValue=$assertType(((ac<0||ac>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+ac]),E.ProtoMessage);}else if(ae===("MessageOptions")){B.Message=$assertType(((ac<0||ac>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+ac]),E.ProtoMessage);}else if(ae===("FieldOptions")){B.Field=$assertType(((ac<0||ac>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+ac]),E.ProtoMessage);}else 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$f;};K.prototype.FindEnumByIndex=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.FindEnumByIndex(a,b,c,d);};K.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByIndex=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=((e.depIdxs.Get(a,b)>>0));if(f<(c.$length+d.$length>>0)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return(g=f-c.$length>>0,((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]));case 2:i=new D.Export.ptr().MessageDescriptorOf((h=e.goTypes,((f<0||f>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+f])));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=5;case 5:return j;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByIndex,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.FindMessageByIndex=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.FindMessageByIndex(a,b,c,d);};G.methods=[{prop:"Build",name:"Build",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[H],false)}];J.methods=[{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int32,$Int32],[$Int32],false)}];V.methods=[{prop:"FindEnumByIndex",name:"FindEnumByIndex",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int32,$Int32,T,U],[E.EnumDescriptor],false)},{prop:"FindMessageByIndex",name:"FindMessageByIndex",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int32,$Int32,T,U],[E.MessageDescriptor],false)}];G.init("",[{prop:"File",name:"File",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:C.Builder,tag:""},{prop:"GoTypes",name:"GoTypes",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:N,tag:""},{prop:"DependencyIndexes",name:"DependencyIndexes",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:O,tag:""},{prop:"EnumInfos",name:"EnumInfos",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:P,tag:""},{prop:"MessageInfos",name:"MessageInfos",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:Q,tag:""},{prop:"ExtensionInfos",name:"ExtensionInfos",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:R,tag:""},{prop:"TypeRegistry",name:"TypeRegistry",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:S,tag:""}]);H.init("",[{prop:"File",name:"File",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:E.FileDescriptor,tag:""}]);J.init($Int32);K.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype",[{prop:"goTypes",name:"goTypes",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:N,tag:""},{prop:"depIdxs",name:"depIdxs",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:J,tag:""},{prop:"fileRegistry",name:"fileRegistry",embedded:true,exported:false,typ:L,tag:""}]);L.init([{prop:"FindDescriptorByName",name:"FindDescriptorByName",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([E.FullName],[E.Descriptor,$error],false)},{prop:"FindFileByPath",name:"FindFileByPath",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[E.FileDescriptor,$error],false)},{prop:"RegisterFile",name:"RegisterFile",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([E.FileDescriptor],[$error],false)}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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range"),undefined):ak.$array[ak.$offset+aj])).Name,false);ai++;}j.pushElement($clone(t.Name,N));k=new t.constructor.elem(t);}else if($assertType(s,R,true)[1]){i[0]=$clone(s.$val,R);j.translate(i[0].Name,true);if(!j.popElement(i[0])){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,j.err];}k=new i[0].constructor.elem(i[0]);}$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Token,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Token=function(){return this.$val.Token();};Z.ptr.prototype.translate=function(i,j){var i,j,k,l,m,n,o;k=this;if(i.Space==="xmlns"){return;}else if(i.Space===""&&!j){return;}else if(i.Space==="xml"){i.Space="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";}else if(i.Space===""&&i.Local==="xmlns"){return;}l=(m=k.ns[$String.keyFor(i.Space)],m!==undefined?[m.v,true]:["",false]);n=l[0];o=l[1];if(o){i.Space=n;}else if(i.Space===""){i.Space=k.DefaultSpace;}};Z.prototype.translate=function(i,j){return this.$val.translate(i,j);};Z.ptr.prototype.switchToReader=function(i){var i,j,k,l,m;j=this;k=$assertType(i,E.ByteReader,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(m){j.r=l;}else{j.r=A.NewReader(i);}};Z.prototype.switchToReader=function(i){return this.$val.switchToReader(i);};Z.ptr.prototype.push=function(i){var i,j,k;j=this;k=j.free;if(!(k===DG.nil)){j.free=k.next;}else{k=new AC.ptr(DG.nil,0,new N.ptr("",""),false);}k.next=j.stk;k.kind=i;j.stk=k;return k;};Z.prototype.push=function(i){return this.$val.push(i);};Z.ptr.prototype.pop=function(){var i,j;i=this;j=i.stk;if(!(j===DG.nil)){i.stk=j.next;j.next=i.free;i.free=j;}return j;};Z.prototype.pop=function(){return this.$val.pop();};Z.ptr.prototype.pushEOF=function(){var i,j,k;i=this;j=i.stk;while(true){if(!(!((j.kind===0)))){break;}j=j.next;}while(true){if(!(!(j.next===DG.nil)&&(j.next.kind===1))){break;}j=j.next;}k=i.free;if(!(k===DG.nil)){i.free=k.next;}else{k=new AC.ptr(DG.nil,0,new N.ptr("",""),false);}k.kind=2;k.next=j.next;j.next=k;};Z.prototype.pushEOF=function(){return this.$val.pushEOF();};Z.ptr.prototype.popEOF=function(){var i;i=this;if(i.stk===DG.nil||!((i.stk.kind===2))){return false;}i.pop();return true;};Z.prototype.popEOF=function(){return this.$val.popEOF();};Z.ptr.prototype.pushElement=function(i){var i,j,k;j=this;k=j.push(0);N.copy(k.name,i);};Z.prototype.pushElement=function(i){return this.$val.pushElement(i);};Z.ptr.prototype.pushNs=function(i,j,k){var i,j,k,l,m;l=this;m=l.push(1);m.name.Local=i;m.name.Space=j;m.ok=k;};Z.prototype.pushNs=function(i,j,k){return this.$val.pushNs(i,j,k);};Z.ptr.prototype.syntaxError=function(i){var i,j;j=this;return new M.ptr(i,j.line);};Z.prototype.syntaxError=function(i){return this.$val.syntaxError(i);};Z.ptr.prototype.popElement=function(i){var i,j,k,l,m,n;j=this;k=j.pop();l=$clone(i.Name,N);if(k===DG.nil||!((k.kind===0))){j.err=j.syntaxError("unexpected end element ");return false;}else if(!(k.name.Local===l.Local)){if(!j.Strict){j.needClose=true;N.copy(j.toClose,i.Name);N.copy(i.Name,k.name);return true;}j.err=j.syntaxError("element <"+k.name.Local+"> closed by ");return false;}else if(!(k.name.Space===l.Space)){j.err=j.syntaxError("element <"+k.name.Local+"> in space "+k.name.Space+"closed by in space "+l.Space);return false;}while(true){if(!(!(j.stk===DG.nil)&&!((j.stk.kind===0))&&!((j.stk.kind===2)))){break;}m=j.pop();if(m.ok){n=m.name.Local;(j.ns||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(n)]={k:n,v:m.name.Space};}else{delete j.ns[$String.keyFor(m.name.Local)];}}return true;};Z.prototype.popElement=function(i){return this.$val.popElement(i);};Z.ptr.prototype.autoClose=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(j.stk===DG.nil||!((j.stk.kind===0))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,false];}k=G.ToLower(j.stk.name.Local);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=j.AutoClose;n=0;case 2:if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);p=G.ToLower(o);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(p===l){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:q=$assertType(i,R,true);r=$clone(q[0],R);s=q[1];if(!s||!(r.Name.Local===l)){$s=-1;return[(t=new R.ptr($clone(j.stk.name,N)),new t.constructor.elem(t)),true];}$s=3;continue;case 5:n++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,false];}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.autoClose,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.autoClose=function(i){return this.$val.autoClose(i);};Z.ptr.prototype.RawToken=function(){var{i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(i.unmarshalDepth>0){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,AD];}j=i.rawToken();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.RawToken,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.RawToken=function(){return this.$val.RawToken();};Z.ptr.prototype.rawToken=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i.t,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=i.t.Token();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;case 2:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}if(i.needClose){i.needClose=false;$s=-1;return[(l=new R.ptr($clone(i.toClose,N)),new l.constructor.elem(l)),$ifaceNil];}n=i.getc();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}if(!((o===60))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:i.ungetc(o);q=i.text(-1,false);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;if(r===CX.nil){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}$s=-1;return[($convertSliceType(r,S)),$ifaceNil];case 7:t=i.mustgetc();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;o=s[0];p=s[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}u=o;if(u===(47)){$s=11;continue;}if(u===(63)){$s=12;continue;}if(u===(33)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 11:v=new N.ptr("","");x=i.nsname();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;N.copy(v,w[0]);p=w[1];if(!p){if($interfaceIsEqual(i.err,$ifaceNil)){i.err=i.syntaxError("expected element name after ");$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}$s=-1;return[(aa=new R.ptr($clone(v,N)),new aa.constructor.elem(aa)),$ifaceNil];case 12:ab="";ad=i.name();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;ab=ac[0];p=ac[1];if(!p){if($interfaceIsEqual(i.err,$ifaceNil)){i.err=i.syntaxError("expected target name after >0));if(ab==="xml"){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:aj=($bytesToString(ai));ak=BD("version",aj);if(!(ak==="")&&!(ak==="1.0")){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:al=D.Errorf("xml: unsupported version %q; only version 1.0 is supported",new DI([new $String(ak)]));$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i.err=al;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];case 27:am=BD("encoding",aj);if(!(am==="")&&!(am==="utf-8")&&!(am==="UTF-8")&&!G.EqualFold(am,"utf-8")){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:if(i.CharsetReader===$throwNilPointerError){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:an=D.Errorf("xml: encoding %q declared but Decoder.CharsetReader is nil",new DI([new $String(am)]));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i.err=an;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];case 32:ap=i.CharsetReader(am,$assertType(i.r,E.Reader));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=ap;aq=ao[0];ar=ao[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ar,$ifaceNil))){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:as=D.Errorf("xml: opening charset %q: %v",new DI([new $String(am),ar]));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i.err=as;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];case 36:if($interfaceIsEqual(aq,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("CharsetReader returned a nil Reader for charset "+am));}i.switchToReader(aq);case 30:case 25:$s=-1;return[(at=new V.ptr(ab,ai),new at.constructor.elem(at)),$ifaceNil];case 13:av=i.mustgetc();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=av;o=au[0];p=au[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}aw=o;if(aw===(45)){$s=40;continue;}if(aw===(91)){$s=41;continue;}$s=42;continue;case 40:ay=i.mustgetc();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=ay;o=ax[0];p=ax[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}if(!((o===45))){i.err=i.syntaxError("invalid sequence >0));$s=-1;return[($convertSliceType(bi,U)),$ifaceNil];case 41:bj=0;case 48:if(!(bj<6)){$s=49;continue;}bl=i.mustgetc();$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=bl;o=bk[0];p=bk[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}if(!((o==="CDATA[".charCodeAt(bj)))){i.err=i.syntaxError("invalid >0;$s=48;continue;case 49:bm=i.text(-1,true);$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=bm;if(bn===CX.nil){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}$s=-1;return[($convertSliceType(bn,S)),$ifaceNil];case 42:case 39:i.buf.Reset();bo=i.buf.WriteByte(o);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bo;bp=0;bq=0;case 53:bs=i.mustgetc();$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}br=bs;o=br[0];p=br[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}if((bp===0)&&(o===62)&&(bq===0)){$s=54;continue;}case 56:bt=i.buf.WriteByte(o);$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt;if((o===bp)){$s=59;continue;}if(!((bp===0))){$s=60;continue;}if((o===39)||(o===34)){$s=61;continue;}if((o===62)&&(bp===0)){$s=62;continue;}if((o===60)&&(bp===0)){$s=63;continue;}$s=64;continue;case 59:bp=0;$s=64;continue;case 60:$s=64;continue;case 61:bp=o;$s=64;continue;case 62:bq=bq-(1)>>0;$s=64;continue;case 63:bu="!--";bv=0;case 65:if(!(bv>0;$s=70;continue;case 71:bq=bq+(1)>>0;$s=56;continue;case 69:bv=bv+(1)>>0;$s=65;continue;case 66:i.buf.Truncate(i.buf.Len()-1>>0);ca=0;cb=0;cc=ca;cd=cb;case 73:cf=i.mustgetc();$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;cf=cf.$blk();}if(cf&&cf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce=cf;o=ce[0];p=ce[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}if((cc===45)&&(cd===45)&&(o===62)){$s=74;continue;}cg=cd;ch=o;cc=cg;cd=ch;$s=73;continue;case 74:ci=i.buf.WriteByte(32);$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;ci=ci.$blk();}if(ci&&ci.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ci;case 64:case 58:$s=53;continue;case 54:$s=-1;return[($convertSliceType(i.buf.Bytes(),W)),$ifaceNil];case 14:case 10:i.ungetc(o);cj=new N.ptr("","");ck=false;cl=DE.nil;cn=i.nsname();$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;cn=cn.$blk();}if(cn&&cn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cm=cn;N.copy(cj,cm[0]);p=cm[1];if(!p){if($interfaceIsEqual(i.err,$ifaceNil)){i.err=i.syntaxError("expected element name after <");}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}cl=new DE([]);case 78:$r=i.space();$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cp=i.mustgetc();$s=81;case 81:if($c){$c=false;cp=cp.$blk();}if(cp&&cp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}co=cp;o=co[0];p=co[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}if(o===47){$s=82;continue;}$s=83;continue;case 82:ck=true;cr=i.mustgetc();$s=84;case 84:if($c){$c=false;cr=cr.$blk();}if(cr&&cr.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cq=cr;o=cq[0];p=cq[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}if(!((o===62))){i.err=i.syntaxError("expected /> in element");$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}$s=79;continue;case 83:if(o===62){$s=79;continue;}i.ungetc(o);cs=new O.ptr(new N.ptr("",""),"");cu=i.nsname();$s=85;case 85:if($c){$c=false;cu=cu.$blk();}if(cu&&cu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ct=cu;N.copy(cs.Name,ct[0]);p=ct[1];if(!p){if($interfaceIsEqual(i.err,$ifaceNil)){i.err=i.syntaxError("expected attribute name in element");}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}$r=i.space();$s=86;case 86:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cw=i.mustgetc();$s=87;case 87:if($c){$c=false;cw=cw.$blk();}if(cw&&cw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cv=cw;o=cv[0];p=cv[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}if(!((o===61))){$s=88;continue;}$s=89;continue;case 88:if(i.Strict){i.err=i.syntaxError("attribute name without = in element");$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}i.ungetc(o);cs.Value=cs.Name.Local;$s=90;continue;case 89:$r=i.space();$s=91;case 91:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cx=i.attrval();$s=92;case 92:if($c){$c=false;cx=cx.$blk();}if(cx&&cx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cy=cx;if(cy===CX.nil){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i.err];}cs.Value=($bytesToString(cy));case 90:cl=$append(cl,cs);$s=78;continue;case 79:if(ck){i.needClose=true;N.copy(i.toClose,cj);}$s=-1;return[(cz=new Q.ptr($clone(cj,N),cl),new cz.constructor.elem(cz)),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.rawToken,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.rawToken=function(){return this.$val.rawToken();};Z.ptr.prototype.attrval=function(){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;k=i.mustgetc();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!m){$s=-1;return CX.nil;}if((l===34)||(l===39)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=i.text(((l>>0)),false);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=5;case 5:return o;case 3:if(i.Strict){i.err=i.syntaxError("unquoted or missing attribute value in element");$s=-1;return CX.nil;}i.ungetc(l);i.buf.Reset();case 6:q=i.mustgetc();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;l=p[0];m=p[1];if(!m){$s=-1;return CX.nil;}if(97<=l&&l<=122||65<=l&&l<=90||48<=l&&l<=57||(l===95)||(l===58)||(l===45)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:r=i.buf.WriteByte(l);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;$s=11;continue;case 10:i.ungetc(l);$s=7;continue;case 11:$s=6;continue;case 7:$s=-1;return i.buf.Bytes();}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.attrval,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.attrval=function(){return this.$val.attrval();};Z.ptr.prototype.space=function(){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;case 1:k=i.getc();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!m){$s=-1;return;}n=l;if((n===(32))||(n===(13))||(n===(10))||(n===(9))){}else{i.ungetc(l);$s=-1;return;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.space,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.space=function(){return this.$val.space();};Z.ptr.prototype.getc=function(){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=false;k=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k.err,$ifaceNil))){l=0;m=false;i=l;j=m;$s=-1;return[i,j];}if(k.nextByte>=0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=((k.nextByte<<24>>>24));k.nextByte=-1;$s=3;continue;case 2:o=k.r.ReadByte();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;i=n[0];k.err=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k.err,$ifaceNil))){p=0;q=false;i=p;j=q;$s=-1;return[i,j];}if(!(k.saved===DF.nil)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:r=k.saved.WriteByte(i);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;case 6:case 3:if(i===10){k.line=k.line+(1)>>0;}k.offset=(s=k.offset,t=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low));u=i;v=true;i=u;j=v;$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.getc,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.getc=function(){return this.$val.getc();};Z.ptr.prototype.InputOffset=function(){var i;i=this;return i.offset;};Z.prototype.InputOffset=function(){return this.$val.InputOffset();};Z.ptr.prototype.savedOffset=function(){var i,j;i=this;j=i.saved.Len();if(i.nextByte>=0){j=j-(1)>>0;}return j;};Z.prototype.savedOffset=function(){return this.$val.savedOffset();};Z.ptr.prototype.mustgetc=function(){var{i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=0;j=false;k=this;m=k.getc();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;i=l[0];j=l[1];if(!j){if($interfaceIsEqual(k.err,E.EOF)){k.err=k.syntaxError("unexpected EOF");}}$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.mustgetc,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.mustgetc=function(){return this.$val.mustgetc();};Z.ptr.prototype.ungetc=function(i){var i,j,k,l;j=this;if(i===10){j.line=j.line-(1)>>0;}j.nextByte=((i>>0));j.offset=(k=j.offset,l=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(k.$high-l.$high,k.$low-l.$low));};Z.prototype.ungetc=function(i){return this.$val.ungetc(i);};Z.ptr.prototype.text=function(i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=0;m=0;n=l;o=m;p=0;k.buf.Reset();case 1:r=k.getc();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];t=q[1];if(!t){if(j){if($interfaceIsEqual(k.err,E.EOF)){k.err=k.syntaxError("unexpected EOF in CDATA section");}$s=-1;return CX.nil;}$s=2;continue s;}if((n===93)&&(o===93)&&(s===62)){if(j){p=2;$s=2;continue s;}k.err=k.syntaxError("unescaped ]]> not in 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15:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;ah=k.mustgetc();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=ah;s=ag[0];w=ag[1];if(!w){$s=-1;return CX.nil;}case 14:ai=k.buf.Len();case 17:if(!(48<=s&&s<=57||(ae===16)&&97<=s&&s<=102||(ae===16)&&65<=s&&s<=70)){$s=18;continue;}aj=k.buf.WriteByte(s);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;al=k.mustgetc();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=al;s=ak[0];w=ak[1];if(!w){$s=-1;return CX.nil;}$s=17;continue;case 18:if(!((s===59))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:k.ungetc(s);$s=23;continue;case 22:am=($bytesToString($subslice(k.buf.Bytes(),ai)));an=k.buf.WriteByte(59);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an;ao=F.ParseUint(am,ae,64);ap=ao[0];aq=ao[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(aq,$ifaceNil)&&(ap.$high<0||(ap.$high===0&&ap.$low<=1114111))){x=($encodeRune(((ap.$low>>0))));y=true;}case 23:$s=10;continue;case 9:k.ungetc(s);ar=k.readName();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!ar){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return CX.nil;}case 26:at=k.mustgetc();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=at;s=as[0];w=as[1];if(!w){$s=-1;return CX.nil;}if(!((s===59))){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:k.ungetc(s);$s=31;continue;case 30:au=$subslice(k.buf.Bytes(),(u+1>>0));av=k.buf.WriteByte(59);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av;if(AH(au)){aw=($bytesToString(au));ax=(ay=AE[$String.keyFor(aw)],ay!==undefined?[ay.v,true]:[0,false]);az=ax[0];ba=ax[1];if(ba){x=($encodeRune(az));y=true;}else if(!(k.Entity===false)){bb=(bc=k.Entity[$String.keyFor(aw)],bc!==undefined?[bc.v,true]:["",false]);x=bb[0];y=bb[1];}}case 31:case 10:if(y){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:k.buf.Truncate(u);bd=k.buf.Write((new CX($stringToBytes(x))));$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd;be=0;bf=0;n=be;o=bf;$s=1;continue s;case 34:if(!k.Strict){bg=0;bh=0;n=bg;o=bh;$s=1;continue s;}bi=($bytesToString($subslice(k.buf.Bytes(),u)));if(!((bi.charCodeAt((bi.length-1>>0))===59))){bi=bi+(" (no semicolon)");}k.err=k.syntaxError("invalid character entity "+bi);$s=-1;return CX.nil;case 5:if(s===13){$s=36;continue;}if((o===13)&&(s===10)){$s=37;continue;}$s=38;continue;case 36:bj=k.buf.WriteByte(10);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj;$s=39;continue;case 37:$s=39;continue;case 38:bk=k.buf.WriteByte(s);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk;case 39:bl=o;bm=s;n=bl;o=bm;$s=1;continue;case 2:bn=k.buf.Bytes();bn=$subslice(bn,0,(bn.$length-p>>0));bo=bn;case 42:if(!(bo.$length>0)){$s=43;continue;}bp=I.DecodeRune(bo);bq=bp[0];br=bp[1];if((bq===65533)&&(br===1)){k.err=k.syntaxError("invalid UTF-8");$s=-1;return CX.nil;}bo=$subslice(bo,br);if(!AF(bq)){$s=44;continue;}$s=45;continue;case 44:bs=D.Sprintf("illegal character code %U",new DI([new $Int32(bq)]));$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt=k.syntaxError(bs);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.err=bt;$s=-1;return CX.nil;case 45:$s=42;continue;case 43:$s=-1;return bn;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.text,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.text=function(i,j){return this.$val.text(i,j);};AF=function(i){var i,j;j=false;j=(i===9)||(i===10)||(i===13)||i>=32&&i<=55295||i>=57344&&i<=65533||i>=65536&&i<=1114111;return j;};Z.ptr.prototype.nsname=function(){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=new N.ptr("","");j=false;k=this;m=k.name();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];j=l[1];if(!j){$s=-1;return[i,j];}if(G.Count(n,":")>1){i.Local=n;}else{o=G.Cut(n,":");p=o[0];q=o[1];r=o[2];if(!r||p===""||q===""){i.Local=n;}else{i.Space=p;i.Local=q;}}s=$clone(i,N);t=true;N.copy(i,s);j=t;$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.nsname,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.nsname=function(){return this.$val.nsname();};Z.ptr.prototype.name=function(){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i="";j=false;k=this;k.buf.Reset();l=k.readName();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!l){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m="";n=false;i=m;j=n;$s=-1;return[i,j];case 2:o=k.buf.Bytes();if(!AH(o)){k.err=k.syntaxError("invalid XML name: "+($bytesToString(o)));p="";q=false;i=p;j=q;$s=-1;return[i,j];}r=($bytesToString(o));s=true;i=r;j=s;$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.name,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.name=function(){return this.$val.name();};Z.ptr.prototype.readName=function(){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=false;j=this;k=0;m=j.mustgetc();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;k=l[0];i=l[1];if(!i){$s=-1;return i;}if(k<128&&!AG(k)){j.ungetc(k);i=false;$s=-1;return i;}n=j.buf.WriteByte(k);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;case 3:p=j.mustgetc();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;k=o[0];i=o[1];if(!i){$s=-1;return i;}if(k<128&&!AG(k)){j.ungetc(k);$s=4;continue;}q=j.buf.WriteByte(k);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;$s=3;continue;case 4:i=true;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.readName,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.readName=function(){return this.$val.readName();};AG=function(i){var i;return 65<=i&&i<=90||97<=i&&i<=122||48<=i&&i<=57||(i===95)||(i===58)||(i===46)||(i===45);};AH=function(i){var i,j,k,l,m;if(i.$length===0){return false;}j=I.DecodeRune(i);k=j[0];l=j[1];if((k===65533)&&(l===1)){return false;}if(!H.Is(AJ,k)){return false;}while(true){if(!(l>0;switch(0){default:r=p;if(r===(34)){l=AN;}else if(r===(39)){l=AO;}else if(r===(38)){l=AP;}else if(r===(60)){l=AQ;}else if(r===(62)){l=AR;}else if(r===(9)){l=AS;}else if(r===(10)){if(!k){$s=1;continue;}l=AT;}else if(r===(13)){l=AU;}else{if(!AF(p)||((p===65533)&&(q===1))){l=AV;break;}$s=1;continue;}}t=i.Write($subslice(j,m,(n-q>>0)));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return u;}w=i.Write(l);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;x=v[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return x;}m=n;$s=1;continue;case 2:z=i.Write($subslice(j,m));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;aa=y[1];$s=-1;return aa;}return;}var $f={$blk:AX,$c:true,$r,aa,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.ptr.prototype.EscapeString=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=CX.nil;l=0;m=0;case 1:if(!(m>0;switch(0){default:q=o;if(q===(34)){k=AN;}else if(q===(39)){k=AO;}else if(q===(38)){k=AP;}else if(q===(60)){k=AQ;}else if(q===(62)){k=AR;}else if(q===(9)){k=AS;}else if(q===(10)){k=AT;}else if(q===(13)){k=AU;}else{if(!AF(o)||((o===65533)&&(p===1))){k=AV;break;}$s=1;continue;}}r=j.Writer.WriteString($substring(i,l,(m-p>>0)));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;s=j.Writer.Write(k);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;l=m;$s=1;continue;case 2:t=j.Writer.WriteString($substring(i,l));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.EscapeString,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.EscapeString=function(i){return this.$val.EscapeString(i);};BC=function(i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(j.$length===0){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}l=i.Write(AZ);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}case 2:n=B.Cut(j,BA);o=n[0];p=n[1];q=n[2];if(!q){$s=3;continue;}s=i.Write(o);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return t;}v=i.Write(BB);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return w;}j=p;$s=2;continue;case 3:y=i.Write(j);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=x[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return z;}ab=i.Write(BA);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=aa[1];$s=-1;return ac;}return;}var $f={$blk:BC,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BD=function(i,j){var i,j,k,l,m,n,o;i=i+"=";k=G.Cut(j,i);l=k[1];if(l===""){return"";}if(!((l.charCodeAt(0)===39))&&!((l.charCodeAt(0)===34))){return"";}m=G.Cut($substring(l,1),$substring(l,0,1));n=m[0];o=m[2];if(!o){return"";}return n;};BJ=function(i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=BH.Load(i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(m){$s=-1;return[$assertType(l,DJ),$ifaceNil];}n=new BE.ptr(DK.nil,DL.nil);o=i.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((o===25)&&!($interfaceIsEqual(i,BI))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=i.NumField();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=0;case 6:if(!(r>0;$s=6;continue;}if(s[0].Anonymous){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:v=s[0].Type;w=v.Kind();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(w===22){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:x=v.Elem();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=x;case 12:y=v.Kind();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(y===25){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:aa=BJ(v);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;ab=z[0];ac=z[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[DJ.nil,ac];}if(n.xmlname===DK.nil){n.xmlname=ab.xmlname;}ad=ab.fields;ae=0;case 19:if(!(ae=ad.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+ae]),BF);t[0].idx=$appendSlice(new DM([r]),t[0].idx);af=BN(i,n,t[0]);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ag,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[DJ.nil,ag];}ae++;$s=19;continue;case 20:r=r+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;case 16:case 10:ai=BK(i,s[0]);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;aj=ah[0];ak=ah[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ak,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[DJ.nil,ak];}if(s[0].Name==="XMLName"){n.xmlname=aj;r=r+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;}al=BN(i,n,aj);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[DJ.nil,am];}r=r+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;case 7:case 3:ao=BH.LoadOrStore(i,n);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ao;ap=an[0];$s=-1;return[$assertType(ap,DJ),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BJ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BK=function(i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new BF.ptr(j.Index,"","",0,CW.nil);l=new J.StructTag(j.Tag).Get("xml");m=G.Cut(l," ");n=m[0];o=m[1];p=m[2];if(p){q=n;r=o;k.xmlns=q;l=r;}s=G.Split(l,",");if(s.$length===1){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k.flags=1;$s=3;continue;case 2:l=(0>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+0]);t=$subslice(s,1);u=0;while(true){if(!(u=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+u]);w=v;if(w===("attr")){k.flags=k.flags|(2);}else if(w===("cdata")){k.flags=k.flags|(4);}else if(w===("chardata")){k.flags=k.flags|(8);}else if(w===("innerxml")){k.flags=k.flags|(16);}else if(w===("comment")){k.flags=k.flags|(32);}else if(w===("any")){k.flags=k.flags|(64);}else if(w===("omitempty")){k.flags=k.flags|(128);}u++;}x=true;y=k.flags&127;z=y;if(z===(0)){k.flags=k.flags|(1);}else if((z===(2))||(z===(4))||(z===(8))||(z===(16))||(z===(32))||(z===(64))||(z===(66))){if(j.Name==="XMLName"||!(l==="")&&!((y===2))){x=false;}}else{x=false;}if((k.flags&127)===64){k.flags=k.flags|(1);}if(!(((k.flags&128)===0))&&((k.flags&3)===0)){x=false;}if(!x){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:aa=D.Errorf("xml: invalid tag in field %s of type %s: %q",new DI([new $String(j.Name),i,new $String(new J.StructTag(j.Tag).Get("xml"))]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=[DK.nil,aa];$s=7;case 7:return ab;case 5:case 3:if(!(k.xmlns==="")&&l===""){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:ac=D.Errorf("xml: namespace without name in field %s of type %s: %q",new DI([new $String(j.Name),i,new $String(new J.StructTag(j.Tag).Get("xml"))]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=[DK.nil,ac];$s=11;case 11:return ad;case 9:if(j.Name==="XMLName"){k.name=l;$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}if(l===""){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:ae=BL(j.Type);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;if(!(af===DK.nil)){ag=af.xmlns;ah=af.name;k.xmlns=ag;k.name=ah;}else{k.name=j.Name;}$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];case 13:ai=G.Split(l,">");if((0>=ai.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai.$array[ai.$offset+0])===""){(0>=ai.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai.$array[ai.$offset+0]=j.Name);}if((aj=ai.$length-1>>0,((aj<0||aj>=ai.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai.$array[ai.$offset+aj]))===""){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:ak=D.Errorf("xml: trailing '>' in field %s of type %s",new DI([new $String(j.Name),i]));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=[DK.nil,ak];$s=18;case 18:return al;case 16:k.name=(am=ai.$length-1>>0,((am<0||am>=ai.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai.$array[ai.$offset+am]));if(ai.$length>1){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:if(((k.flags&1))===0){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:an=D.Errorf("xml: %s chain not valid with %s flag",new DI([new $String(l),new $String(G.Join($subslice(s,1),","))]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=[DK.nil,an];$s=24;case 24:return ao;case 22:k.parents=$subslice(ai,0,(ai.$length-1>>0));case 20:if(!(((k.flags&1)===0))){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:ap=j.Type;aq=BL(ap);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;if(!(ar===DK.nil)&&!(ar.name===k.name)){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:as=D.Errorf("xml: name %q in tag of %s.%s conflicts with name %q in %s.XMLName",new DI([new $String(k.name),i,new $String(j.Name),new $String(ar.name),ap]));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=[DK.nil,as];$s=31;case 31:return at;case 29:case 26:$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BK,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BL=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=DK.nil;case 1:k=i.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(k===22)){$s=2;continue;}l=i.Elem();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=l;$s=1;continue;case 2:m=i.Kind();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((m===25))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=DK.nil;$s=-1;return j;case 6:n=0;p=i.NumField();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=n;r=o;case 9:if(!(q>0;$s=9;continue;}v=BK(i,s[0]);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[0];x=u[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil)&&!(w.name==="")){j=w;$s=-1;return j;}$s=10;continue;case 10:j=DK.nil;$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:BL,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};BM=function(i,j){var i,j;if(i<=j){return i;}return j;};BN=function(i,j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=DM.nil;m=j.fields;n=0;Loop:while(true){if(!(n=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+o]));if(!(((q.flags&127)===(k.flags&127)))){n++;continue;}if(!(q.xmlns==="")&&!(k.xmlns==="")&&!(q.xmlns===k.xmlns)){n++;continue;}r=BM(k.parents.$length,q.parents.$length);s=0;while(true){if(!(s=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+s]))===(u=k.parents,((s<0||s>=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+s])))){n++;continue Loop;}s=s+(1)>>0;}if(q.parents.$length>k.parents.$length){if((v=q.parents,w=k.parents.$length,((w<0||w>=v.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+w]))===k.name){l=$append(l,o);}}else if(q.parents.$length=x.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x.$array[x.$offset+y]))===q.name){l=$append(l,o);}}else{if(k.name===q.name){l=$append(l,o);}}n++;}if(l===DM.nil){j.fields=$append(j.fields,k);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}z=l;aa=0;while(true){if(!(aa=z.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z.$array[z.$offset+aa]);if((ac=j.fields,((ab<0||ab>=ac.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+ab])).idx.$length=ad.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+ae]);ah=(ag=j.fields,((af<0||af>=ag.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ag.$array[ag.$offset+af]));if(ah.idx.$length===k.idx.$length){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:ai=i.FieldByIndex(ah.idx);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=$clone(ai,J.StructField);ak=i.FieldByIndex(k.idx);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=$clone(ak,J.StructField);$s=-1;return new BO.ptr(i,aj.Name,new J.StructTag(aj.Tag).Get("xml"),al.Name,new J.StructTag(al.Tag).Get("xml"));case 4:ae++;$s=1;continue;case 2:am=l.$length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(am>=0)){break;}an=((am<0||am>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+am]);$copySlice($subslice(j.fields,an),$subslice(j.fields,(an+1>>0)));j.fields=$subslice(j.fields,0,(j.fields.$length-1>>0));am=am-(1)>>0;}j.fields=$append(j.fields,k);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BO.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=D.Sprintf("%s field %q with tag %q conflicts with field %q with tag %q",new DI([i.Struct,new $String(i.Field1),new $String(i.Tag1),new $String(i.Field2),new $String(i.Tag2)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BO.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};BF.ptr.prototype.value=function(i,j){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=k.idx;m=0;case 1:if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);if(n>0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:p=$clone(i,J.Value).Type();r=p.Kind();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(r===22)){q=false;$s=7;continue s;}s=p.Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s.Kind();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=t===25;case 7:if(q){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if($clone(i,J.Value).IsNil()){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:if(!j){$s=-1;return new J.Value.ptr(DN.nil,0,0);}u=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Elem();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=J.New(u);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(i,J.Value).Set($clone(v,J.Value));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 12:w=$clone(i,J.Value).Elem();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=w;case 6:case 4:x=$clone(i,J.Value).Field(o);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=x;m++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.value,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.value=function(i,j){return this.$val.value(i,j);};Z.ptr.prototype.Decode=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=j.DecodeElement(i,DO.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Decode,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Decode=function(i){return this.$val.Decode(i);};Z.ptr.prototype.DecodeElement=function(i,j){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=J.ValueOf(i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!(($clone(m,J.Value).Kind()===22))){$s=-1;return C.New("non-pointer passed to Unmarshal");}n=$clone(m,J.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=k.unmarshal($clone(n,J.Value),j,0);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=4;case 4:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.DecodeElement,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.DecodeElement=function(i,j){return this.$val.DecodeElement(i,j);};BQ.prototype.Error=function(){var i;i=this.$val;return(i);};$ptrType(BQ).prototype.Error=function(){return new BQ(this.$get()).Error();};BT=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=J.TypeOf(i);k=j.Name();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(k==="")){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=j.String();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=5;case 5:return m;case 2:n=j.String();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o="("+n+")";$s=7;case 7:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:BT,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};Z.ptr.prototype.unmarshalInterface=function(i,j){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;k.pushEOF();k.unmarshalDepth=k.unmarshalDepth+(1)>>0;l=i.UnmarshalXML(k,$clone(j,Q));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;k.unmarshalDepth=k.unmarshalDepth-(1)>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){k.popEOF();$s=-1;return m;}if(!k.popEOF()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=BT(i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=new $String(n);p=new $String(j.Name.Local);q=D.Errorf("xml: %s.UnmarshalXML did not consume entire <%s> element",new DI([o,p]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=6;case 6:return r;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.unmarshalInterface,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.unmarshalInterface=function(i,j){return this.$val.unmarshalInterface(i,j);};Z.ptr.prototype.unmarshalTextInterface=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=CX.nil;l=1;case 1:if(!(l>0)){$s=2;continue;}n=j.Token();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}q=o;if($assertType(q,S,true)[1]){r=q.$val;if(l===1){k=$appendSlice(k,$convertSliceType(r,CX));}}else if($assertType(q,Q,true)[1]){s=$clone(q.$val,Q);l=l+(1)>>0;}else if($assertType(q,R,true)[1]){t=$clone(q.$val,R);l=l-(1)>>0;}$s=1;continue;case 2:u=i.UnmarshalText(k);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=5;case 5:return v;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.unmarshalTextInterface,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.unmarshalTextInterface=function(i){return this.$val.unmarshalTextInterface(i);};Z.ptr.prototype.unmarshalAttr=function(i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;if($clone(i,J.Value).Kind()===22){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if($clone(i,J.Value).IsNil()){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=J.New(l);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(i,J.Value).Set($clone(m,J.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:n=$clone(i,J.Value).Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=n;case 2:if(!($clone(i,J.Value).CanInterface())){o=false;$s=11;continue s;}p=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Implements(BW);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;case 11:if(o){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:q=$clone(i,J.Value).Interface();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$assertType(q,BS).UnmarshalXMLAttr($clone(j,O));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=15;case 15:return s;case 10:if($clone(i,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:t=$clone(i,J.Value).Addr();if(!($clone(t,J.Value).CanInterface())){u=false;$s=20;continue s;}v=$clone(t,J.Value).Type().Implements(BW);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;case 20:if(u){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:w=$clone(t,J.Value).Interface();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=$assertType(w,BS).UnmarshalXMLAttr($clone(j,O));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=24;case 24:return y;case 19:case 17:if(!($clone(i,J.Value).CanInterface())){z=false;$s=27;continue s;}aa=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Implements(BX);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;case 27:if(z){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:ab=$clone(i,J.Value).Interface();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=$assertType(ab,L.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText((new CX($stringToBytes(j.Value))));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;$s=31;case 31:return ad;case 26:if($clone(i,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:ae=$clone(i,J.Value).Addr();if(!($clone(ae,J.Value).CanInterface())){af=false;$s=36;continue s;}ag=$clone(ae,J.Value).Type().Implements(BX);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;case 36:if(af){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:ah=$clone(ae,J.Value).Interface();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=$assertType(ah,L.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText((new CX($stringToBytes(j.Value))));$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai;$s=40;case 40:return aj;case 35:case 33:al=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Kind();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(al===23)){ak=false;$s=43;continue s;}am=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Elem();$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am.Kind();$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=!((an===8));case 43:if(ak){$s=41;continue;}$s=42;continue;case 41:ao=$clone(i,J.Value).Len();ap=$clone(i,J.Value);aq=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Elem();$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=J.Zero(aq);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=$clone(ar,J.Value);at=J.Append(ap,new DP([as]));$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(i,J.Value).Set($clone(at,J.Value));$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=$clone(i,J.Value).Index(ao);$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=k.unmarshalAttr($clone(au,J.Value),$clone(j,O));$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=av;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aw,$ifaceNil))){$clone(i,J.Value).SetLen(ao);$s=-1;return aw;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 42:if($interfaceIsEqual($clone(i,J.Value).Type(),BU)){$s=53;continue;}$s=54;continue;case 53:ax=J.ValueOf(new j.constructor.elem(j));$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(i,J.Value).Set($clone(ax,J.Value));$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 54:ay=BZ($clone(i,J.Value),(new CX($stringToBytes(j.Value))));$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=58;case 58:return az;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.unmarshalAttr,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.unmarshalAttr=function(i,j){return this.$val.unmarshalAttr(i,j);};Z.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(i,j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,fa,fb,fc,fd,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;if(k>=10000){$s=-1;return BY;}if(j===DO.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:case 3:m=[m];o=l.Token();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return q;}r=$assertType(p,Q,true);m[0]=$clone(r[0],Q);s=r[1];if(s){j=m[0];$s=4;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 4:case 2:if(($clone(i,J.Value).Kind()===20)&&!$clone(i,J.Value).IsNil()){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:t=$clone(i,J.Value).Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(($clone(u,J.Value).Kind()===22)&&!$clone(u,J.Value).IsNil()){i=u;}case 7:if($clone(i,J.Value).Kind()===22){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:if($clone(i,J.Value).IsNil()){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:v=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Elem();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=J.New(v);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(i,J.Value).Set($clone(w,J.Value));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 12:x=$clone(i,J.Value).Elem();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=x;case 10:if(!($clone(i,J.Value).CanInterface())){y=false;$s=19;continue s;}z=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Implements(BV);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;case 19:if(y){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:aa=$clone(i,J.Value).Interface();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=l.unmarshalInterface($assertType(aa,BR),j);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$s=23;case 23:return ac;case 18:if($clone(i,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:ad=$clone(i,J.Value).Addr();if(!($clone(ad,J.Value).CanInterface())){ae=false;$s=28;continue s;}af=$clone(ad,J.Value).Type().Implements(BV);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;case 28:if(ae){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:ag=$clone(ad,J.Value).Interface();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=l.unmarshalInterface($assertType(ag,BR),j);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;$s=32;case 32:return ai;case 27:case 25:if(!($clone(i,J.Value).CanInterface())){aj=false;$s=35;continue s;}ak=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Implements(BX);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;case 35:if(aj){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:al=$clone(i,J.Value).Interface();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=l.unmarshalTextInterface($assertType(al,L.TextUnmarshaler));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;$s=39;case 39:return an;case 34:if($clone(i,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:ao=$clone(i,J.Value).Addr();if(!($clone(ao,J.Value).CanInterface())){ap=false;$s=44;continue s;}aq=$clone(ao,J.Value).Type().Implements(BX);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=aq;case 44:if(ap){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:ar=$clone(ao,J.Value).Interface();$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=l.unmarshalTextInterface($assertType(ar,L.TextUnmarshaler));$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=as;$s=48;case 48:return at;case 43:case 41:au=CX.nil;av=new J.Value.ptr(DN.nil,0,0);aw=CX.nil;ax=new J.Value.ptr(DN.nil,0,0);ay=new J.Value.ptr(DN.nil,0,0);az=0;ba=CX.nil;bb=new J.Value.ptr(DN.nil,0,0);bc=new J.Value.ptr(DN.nil,0,0);bd=DJ.nil;be=$ifaceNil;bf=i;bg=$clone(bf,J.Value).Kind();if(bg===(20)){$s=50;continue;}if(bg===(23)){$s=51;continue;}if((bg===(1))||(bg===(13))||(bg===(14))||(bg===(2))||(bg===(3))||(bg===(4))||(bg===(5))||(bg===(6))||(bg===(7))||(bg===(8))||(bg===(9))||(bg===(10))||(bg===(11))||(bg===(12))||(bg===(24))){$s=52;continue;}if(bg===(25)){$s=53;continue;}$s=54;continue;case 50:bh=l.Skip();$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bh;$s=57;case 57:return bi;case 51:bj=$clone(bf,J.Value).Type();bk=bj.Elem();$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=bk.Kind();$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bl===8){$s=58;continue;}$s=59;continue;case 58:av=bf;$s=49;continue;case 59:bm=$clone(bf,J.Value).Len();bn=$clone(i,J.Value);bo=$clone(bf,J.Value).Type().Elem();$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=J.Zero(bo);$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=$clone(bp,J.Value);br=J.Append(bn,new DP([bq]));$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(bf,J.Value).Set($clone(br,J.Value));$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=$clone(bf,J.Value).Index(bm);$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt=l.unmarshal($clone(bs,J.Value),j,k+1>>0);$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=bt;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bu,$ifaceNil))){$clone(bf,J.Value).SetLen(bm);$s=-1;return bu;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 52:av=bf;$s=55;continue;case 53:bv=$clone(bf,J.Value).Type();if($interfaceIsEqual(bv,BI)){$s=68;continue;}$s=69;continue;case 68:bx=J.ValueOf((bw=j.Name,new bw.constructor.elem(bw)));$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;bx=bx.$blk();}if(bx&&bx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(bf,J.Value).Set($clone(bx,J.Value));$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=49;continue;case 69:bc=bf;bz=BJ(bv);$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;bz=bz.$blk();}if(bz&&bz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}by=bz;bd=by[0];be=by[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(be,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return be;}if(!(bd.xmlname===DK.nil)){$s=73;continue;}$s=74;continue;case 73:ca=bd.xmlname;if(!(ca.name==="")&&!(ca.name===j.Name.Local)){$s=-1;return new BQ(("expected element type <"+ca.name+"> but have <"+j.Name.Local+">"));}if(!(ca.xmlns==="")&&!(ca.xmlns===j.Name.Space)){cb="expected element <"+ca.name+"> in name space "+ca.xmlns+" but have ";if(j.Name.Space===""){cb=cb+("no name space");}else{cb=cb+(j.Name.Space);}$s=-1;return new BQ((cb));}cc=ca.value($clone(bc,J.Value),true);$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;cc=cc.$blk();}if(cc&&cc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cd=cc;cf=$clone(cd,J.Value).Interface();$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;cf=cf.$blk();}if(cf&&cf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce=$assertType(cf,N,true);cg=ce[1];if(cg){$s=77;continue;}$s=78;continue;case 77:ci=J.ValueOf((ch=j.Name,new ch.constructor.elem(ch)));$s=79;case 79:if($c){$c=false;ci=ci.$blk();}if(ci&&ci.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(cd,J.Value).Set($clone(ci,J.Value));$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 78:case 74:cj=j.Attr;ck=0;case 81:if(!(ck=cj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cj.$array[cj.$offset+ck]),O);cm=false;cn=-1;co=bd.fields;cp=0;case 83:if(!(cp=cr.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cr.$array[cr.$offset+cq]));ct=cs.flags&127;if(ct===(2)){$s=86;continue;}if(ct===(66)){$s=87;continue;}$s=88;continue;case 86:cu=cs.value($clone(bc,J.Value),true);$s=89;case 89:if($c){$c=false;cu=cu.$blk();}if(cu&&cu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cv=cu;if(cl.Name.Local===cs.name&&(cs.xmlns===""||cs.xmlns===cl.Name.Space)){$s=90;continue;}$s=91;continue;case 90:cw=l.unmarshalAttr($clone(cv,J.Value),$clone(cl,O));$s=92;case 92:if($c){$c=false;cw=cw.$blk();}if(cw&&cw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cx=cw;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cx,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return cx;}cm=true;case 91:$s=88;continue;case 87:if(cn===-1){cn=cq;}case 88:case 85:cp++;$s=83;continue;case 84:if(!cm&&cn>=0){$s=93;continue;}$s=94;continue;case 93:cz=(cy=bd.fields,((cn<0||cn>=cy.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cy.$array[cy.$offset+cn]));da=cz.value($clone(bc,J.Value),true);$s=95;case 95:if($c){$c=false;da=da.$blk();}if(da&&da.$blk!==undefined){break s;}db=da;dc=l.unmarshalAttr($clone(db,J.Value),$clone(cl,O));$s=96;case 96:if($c){$c=false;dc=dc.$blk();}if(dc&&dc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dd=dc;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(dd,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return dd;}case 94:ck++;$s=81;continue;case 82:de=bd.fields;df=0;case 97:if(!(df=dh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):dh.$array[dh.$offset+dg]));dj=di.flags&127;if((dj===(4))||(dj===(8))){$s=100;continue;}if(dj===(32)){$s=101;continue;}if((dj===(64))||(dj===(65))){$s=102;continue;}if(dj===(16)){$s=103;continue;}$s=104;continue;case 100:if(!$clone(av,J.Value).IsValid()){$s=105;continue;}$s=106;continue;case 105:dk=di.value($clone(bc,J.Value),true);$s=107;case 107:if($c){$c=false;dk=dk.$blk();}if(dk&&dk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=dk;case 106:$s=104;continue;case 101:if(!$clone(ax,J.Value).IsValid()){$s=108;continue;}$s=109;continue;case 108:dl=di.value($clone(bc,J.Value),true);$s=110;case 110:if($c){$c=false;dl=dl.$blk();}if(dl&&dl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=dl;case 109:$s=104;continue;case 102:if(!$clone(bb,J.Value).IsValid()){$s=111;continue;}$s=112;continue;case 111:dm=di.value($clone(bc,J.Value),true);$s=113;case 113:if($c){$c=false;dm=dm.$blk();}if(dm&&dm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=dm;case 112:$s=104;continue;case 103:if(!$clone(ay,J.Value).IsValid()){$s=114;continue;}$s=115;continue;case 114:dn=di.value($clone(bc,J.Value),true);$s=116;case 116:if($c){$c=false;dn=dn.$blk();}if(dn&&dn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=dn;if(l.saved===DF.nil){az=0;l.saved=new B.Buffer.ptr(CX.nil,0,0);}else{az=l.savedOffset();}case 115:case 104:case 99:df++;$s=97;continue;case 98:$s=55;continue;case 54:dp=$clone(bf,J.Value).Type().String();$s=117;case 117:if($c){$c=false;dp=dp.$blk();}if(dp&&dp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dq=C.New("unknown type "+dp);$s=118;case 118:if($c){$c=false;dq=dq.$blk();}if(dq&&dq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dr=dq;$s=119;case 119:return dr;case 55:case 49:case 120:ds=[ds];dt=0;if($clone(ay,J.Value).IsValid()){dt=l.savedOffset();}dv=l.Token();$s=122;case 122:if($c){$c=false;dv=dv.$blk();}if(dv&&dv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}du=dv;dw=du[0];dx=du[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(dx,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return dx;}dy=dw;if($assertType(dy,Q,true)[1]){$s=123;continue;}if($assertType(dy,R,true)[1]){$s=124;continue;}if($assertType(dy,S,true)[1]){$s=125;continue;}if($assertType(dy,U,true)[1]){$s=126;continue;}$s=127;continue;case 123:ds[0]=$clone(dy.$val,Q);ec=false;if($clone(bc,J.Value).IsValid()){$s=128;continue;}$s=129;continue;case 128:ee=l.unmarshalPath(bd,$clone(bc,J.Value),CW.nil,ds[0],k);$s=130;case 130:if($c){$c=false;ee=ee.$blk();}if(ee&&ee.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ed=ee;ec=ed[0];dx=ed[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(dx,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return dx;}if(!ec&&$clone(bb,J.Value).IsValid()){$s=131;continue;}$s=132;continue;case 131:ec=true;ef=l.unmarshal($clone(bb,J.Value),ds[0],k+1>>0);$s=133;case 133:if($c){$c=false;ef=ef.$blk();}if(ef&&ef.$blk!==undefined){break s;}eg=ef;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(eg,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return eg;}case 132:case 129:if(!ec){$s=134;continue;}$s=135;continue;case 134:eh=l.Skip();$s=136;case 136:if($c){$c=false;eh=eh.$blk();}if(eh&&eh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ei=eh;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ei,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ei;}case 135:$s=127;continue;case 124:dz=$clone(dy.$val,R);if($clone(ay,J.Value).IsValid()){ba=$subslice(l.saved.Bytes(),az,dt);if(az===0){l.saved=DF.nil;}}$s=121;continue s;$s=127;continue;case 125:ea=dy.$val;if($clone(av,J.Value).IsValid()){au=$appendSlice(au,$convertSliceType(ea,CX));}$s=127;continue;case 126:eb=dy.$val;if($clone(ax,J.Value).IsValid()){aw=$appendSlice(aw,$convertSliceType(eb,CX));}case 127:$s=120;continue;case 121:if(!($clone(av,J.Value).IsValid()&&$clone(av,J.Value).CanInterface())){ej=false;$s=139;continue s;}ek=$clone(av,J.Value).Type().Implements(BX);$s=140;case 140:if($c){$c=false;ek=ek.$blk();}if(ek&&ek.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ej=ek;case 139:if(ej){$s=137;continue;}$s=138;continue;case 137:el=$clone(av,J.Value).Interface();$s=141;case 141:if($c){$c=false;el=el.$blk();}if(el&&el.$blk!==undefined){break s;}em=$assertType(el,L.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText(au);$s=142;case 142:if($c){$c=false;em=em.$blk();}if(em&&em.$blk!==undefined){break s;}en=em;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(en,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return en;}av=new J.Value.ptr(DN.nil,0,0);case 138:if($clone(av,J.Value).IsValid()&&$clone(av,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=143;continue;}$s=144;continue;case 143:eo=$clone(av,J.Value).Addr();if(!($clone(eo,J.Value).CanInterface())){ep=false;$s=147;continue s;}eq=$clone(eo,J.Value).Type().Implements(BX);$s=148;case 148:if($c){$c=false;eq=eq.$blk();}if(eq&&eq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ep=eq;case 147:if(ep){$s=145;continue;}$s=146;continue;case 145:er=$clone(eo,J.Value).Interface();$s=149;case 149:if($c){$c=false;er=er.$blk();}if(er&&er.$blk!==undefined){break s;}es=$assertType(er,L.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText(au);$s=150;case 150:if($c){$c=false;es=es.$blk();}if(es&&es.$blk!==undefined){break s;}et=es;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(et,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return et;}av=new J.Value.ptr(DN.nil,0,0);case 146:case 144:eu=BZ($clone(av,J.Value),au);$s=151;case 151:if($c){$c=false;eu=eu.$blk();}if(eu&&eu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ev=eu;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ev,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ev;}ew=ax;ex=$clone(ew,J.Value).Kind();if(ex===(24)){$s=153;continue;}if(ex===(23)){$s=154;continue;}$s=155;continue;case 153:$clone(ew,J.Value).SetString(($bytesToString(aw)));$s=155;continue;case 154:ey=J.ValueOf(aw);$s=156;case 156:if($c){$c=false;ey=ey.$blk();}if(ey&&ey.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(ew,J.Value).Set($clone(ey,J.Value));$s=157;case 157:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 155:case 152:ez=ay;fa=$clone(ez,J.Value).Kind();if(fa===(24)){$s=159;continue;}if(fa===(23)){$s=160;continue;}$s=161;continue;case 159:$clone(ez,J.Value).SetString(($bytesToString(ba)));$s=161;continue;case 160:fb=$clone(ez,J.Value).Type().Elem();$s=164;case 164:if($c){$c=false;fb=fb.$blk();}if(fb&&fb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}fc=fb.Kind();$s=165;case 165:if($c){$c=false;fc=fc.$blk();}if(fc&&fc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(fc===8){$s=162;continue;}$s=163;continue;case 162:fd=J.ValueOf(ba);$s=166;case 166:if($c){$c=false;fd=fd.$blk();}if(fd&&fd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(ez,J.Value).Set($clone(fd,J.Value));$s=167;case 167:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 163:case 161:case 158:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.unmarshal,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,fa,fb,fc,fd,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.unmarshal=function(i,j,k){return this.$val.unmarshal(i,j,k);};BZ=function(i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$ifaceNil;l=i;if($clone(i,J.Value).Kind()===22){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if($clone(i,J.Value).IsNil()){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:m=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=J.New(m);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(i,J.Value).Set($clone(n,J.Value));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:o=$clone(i,J.Value).Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=o;case 2:p=$clone(i,J.Value).Kind();if(p===(0)){$s=10;continue;}if((p===(2))||(p===(3))||(p===(4))||(p===(5))||(p===(6))){$s=11;continue;}if((p===(7))||(p===(8))||(p===(9))||(p===(10))||(p===(11))||(p===(12))){$s=12;continue;}if((p===(13))||(p===(14))){$s=13;continue;}if(p===(1)){$s=14;continue;}if(p===(24)){$s=15;continue;}if(p===(23)){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 10:$s=18;continue;case 11:if(j.$length===0){$clone(i,J.Value).SetInt(new $Int64(0,0));k=$ifaceNil;$s=-1;return k;}r=G.TrimSpace(($bytesToString(j)));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Bits();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=F.ParseInt(s,10,u);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=v;w=q[0];x=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){k=x;$s=-1;return k;}$clone(i,J.Value).SetInt(w);$s=18;continue;case 12:if(j.$length===0){$clone(i,J.Value).SetUint(new $Uint64(0,0));k=$ifaceNil;$s=-1;return k;}z=G.TrimSpace(($bytesToString(j)));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;ab=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Bits();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;ad=F.ParseUint(aa,10,ac);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=ad;ae=y[0];af=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil))){k=af;$s=-1;return k;}$clone(i,J.Value).SetUint(ae);$s=18;continue;case 13:if(j.$length===0){$clone(i,J.Value).SetFloat(0);k=$ifaceNil;$s=-1;return k;}ah=G.TrimSpace(($bytesToString(j)));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;aj=$clone(i,J.Value).Type().Bits();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;al=F.ParseFloat(ai,ak);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=al;am=ag[0];an=ag[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))){k=an;$s=-1;return k;}$clone(i,J.Value).SetFloat(am);$s=18;continue;case 14:if(j.$length===0){$clone(i,J.Value).SetBool(false);k=$ifaceNil;$s=-1;return k;}ap=G.TrimSpace(($bytesToString(j)));$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=F.ParseBool(ap);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=aq;ar=ao[0];as=ao[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(as,$ifaceNil))){k=as;$s=-1;return k;}$clone(i,J.Value).SetBool(ar);$s=18;continue;case 15:$clone(i,J.Value).SetString(($bytesToString(j)));$s=18;continue;case 16:if(j.$length===0){j=new CX([]);}$r=$clone(i,J.Value).SetBytes(j);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=18;continue;case 17:at=$clone(l,J.Value).Type().String();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=C.New("cannot unmarshal into "+at);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=au;av=k;$s=33;case 33:return av;case 18:case 9:k=$ifaceNil;$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:BZ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};Z.ptr.prototype.unmarshalPath=function(i,j,k,l,m){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j,k,l,m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=false;o=$ifaceNil;p=this;q=false;r=i.fields;s=0;case 1:if(!(s=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+t]));if(((v.flags&1)===0)||v.parents.$length=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+y])===(z=v.parents,((y<0||y>=z.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z.$array[z.$offset+y])))){s++;$s=1;continue s;}x++;}if((v.parents.$length===k.$length)&&v.name===l.Name.Local){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:aa=true;ac=v.value($clone(j,J.Value),true);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=p.unmarshal($clone(ac,J.Value),l,m+1>>0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ad;n=aa;o=ab;ae=[n,o];$s=7;case 7:return ae;case 4:if(v.parents.$length>k.$length&&(af=v.parents,ag=k.$length,((ag<0||ag>=af.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):af.$array[af.$offset+ag]))===l.Name.Local){q=true;k=$subslice(v.parents,0,(k.$length+1>>0));$s=2;continue;}s++;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!q){ah=false;ai=$ifaceNil;n=ah;o=ai;$s=-1;return[n,o];}case 8:aj=[aj];ak=$ifaceNil;am=p.Token();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=am;ak=al[0];o=al[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){an=true;ao=o;n=an;o=ao;$s=-1;return[n,o];}ap=ak;if($assertType(ap,Q,true)[1]){$s=11;continue;}if($assertType(ap,R,true)[1]){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 11:aj[0]=$clone(ap.$val,Q);as=p.unmarshalPath(i,$clone(j,J.Value),k,aj[0],m);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=as;at=ar[0];au=ar[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(au,$ifaceNil))){av=true;aw=au;n=av;o=aw;$s=-1;return[n,o];}if(!at){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:ax=p.Skip();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ay,$ifaceNil))){az=true;ba=ay;n=az;o=ba;$s=-1;return[n,o];}case 16:$s=13;continue;case 12:aq=$clone(ap.$val,R);bb=true;bc=$ifaceNil;n=bb;o=bc;$s=-1;return[n,o];case 13:$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return[n,o];}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.unmarshalPath,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.unmarshalPath=function(i,j,k,l,m){return this.$val.unmarshalPath(i,j,k,l,m);};Z.ptr.prototype.Skip=function(){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=new $Int64(0,0);case 1:l=i.Token();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}o=m;if($assertType(o,Q,true)[1]){j=(p=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(j.$high+p.$high,j.$low+p.$low));}else if($assertType(o,R,true)[1]){if((j.$high===0&&j.$low===0)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}j=(q=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(j.$high-q.$high,j.$low-q.$low));}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Skip,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Skip=function(){return this.$val.Skip();};CE.ptr.prototype.Indent=function(i,j){var i,j,k;k=this;k.p.prefix=i;k.p.indent=j;};CE.prototype.Indent=function(i,j){return this.$val.Indent(i,j);};CE.ptr.prototype.Encode=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=J.ValueOf(i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=j.p.marshalValue($clone(k,J.Value),DK.nil,DO.nil);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}n=j.p.Writer.Flush();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=4;case 4:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.Encode,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.Encode=function(i){return this.$val.Encode(i);};CE.ptr.prototype.EncodeElement=function(i,j){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=[j];k=this;l=J.ValueOf(i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=k.p.marshalValue($clone(l,J.Value),DK.nil,j[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}o=k.p.Writer.Flush();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=4;case 4:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.EncodeElement,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.EncodeElement=function(i,j){return this.$val.EncodeElement(i,j);};CE.ptr.prototype.EncodeToken=function(i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=[j];k=this;l=k.p;m=i;if($assertType(m,Q,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(m,R,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}if($assertType(m,S,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}if($assertType(m,U,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}if($assertType(m,V,true)[1]){$s=5;continue;}if($assertType(m,W,true)[1]){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 1:j[0]=$clone(m.$val,Q);t=l.writeStart(j[0]);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return u;}$s=8;continue;case 2:n=$clone(m.$val,R);v=l.writeEnd($clone(n.Name,N));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return w;}$s=8;continue;case 3:o=m.$val;x=AX(l,$convertSliceType(o,CX),false);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;$s=8;continue;case 4:p=m.$val;if(B.Contains($convertSliceType(p,CX),CH)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:y=D.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of Comment containing --> marker",new DI([]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=15;case 15:return z;case 13:aa=l.Writer.WriteString("");$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac;ad=l.cachedWriteError();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;$s=20;case 20:return ae;case 5:q=$clone(m.$val,V);if(q.Target==="xml"&&!((l.Writer.Buffered()===0))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:af=D.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of ProcInst xml target only valid for xml declaration, first token encoded",new DI([]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;$s=24;case 24:return ag;case 22:if(!AI(q.Target)){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:ah=D.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of ProcInst with invalid Target",new DI([]));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;$s=28;case 28:return ai;case 26:if(B.Contains(q.Inst,CI)){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:aj=D.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of ProcInst containing ?> marker",new DI([]));$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;$s=32;case 32:return ak;case 30:al=l.Writer.WriteString("0){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:an=l.Writer.WriteByte(32);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an;ao=l.Writer.Write(q.Inst);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao;case 36:ap=l.Writer.WriteString("?>");$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;$s=8;continue;case 6:r=m.$val;if(!CJ(r)){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:aq=D.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of Directive containing wrong < or > markers",new DI([]));$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;$s=43;case 43:return ar;case 41:as=l.Writer.WriteString("");$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au;$s=8;continue;case 7:s=m;av=D.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of invalid token type",new DI([]));$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=av;$s=48;case 48:return aw;case 8:ax=l.cachedWriteError();$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ax;$s=50;case 50:return ay;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.EncodeToken,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.EncodeToken=function(i){return this.$val.EncodeToken(i);};CJ=function(i){var i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;j=0;k=0;l=false;m=i;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);if(l){if(p===62){q=(1+o>>0)-CH.$length>>0;if(q>=0&&B.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(i,q,(o+1>>0)),CX),CH)){l=false;}}}else if(!((k===0))){if(p===k){k=0;}}else if((p===39)||(p===34)){k=p;}else if((p===60)){if((o+CG.$length>>0)>0)),CX),CG)){l=true;}else{j=j+(1)>>0;}}else if((p===62)){if(j===0){return false;}j=j-(1)>>0;}n++;}return(j===0)&&(k===0)&&!l;};CE.ptr.prototype.Flush=function(){var{i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.p.Writer.Flush();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE.ptr.prototype.Flush,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};CE.prototype.Flush=function(){return this.$val.Flush();};CK.ptr.prototype.createAttrPrefix=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;l=(k=j.attrPrefix[$String.keyFor(i)],k!==undefined?k.v:"");if(!(l==="")){$s=-1;return l;}if(i==="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"){$s=-1;return"xml";}if(j.attrPrefix===false){j.attrPrefix={};j.attrNS={};}m=G.TrimRight(i,"/");n=G.LastIndex(m,"/");if(n>=0){m=$substring(m,(n+1>>0));}if(m===""||!AH((new CX($stringToBytes(m))))||G.Contains(m,":")){m="_";}if(m.length>=3&&G.EqualFold($substring(m,0,3),"xml")){m="_"+m;}if(!((o=j.attrNS[$String.keyFor(m)],o!==undefined?o.v:"")==="")){j.seq=j.seq+(1)>>0;while(true){p=m+"_"+F.Itoa(j.seq);if((q=j.attrNS[$String.keyFor(p)],q!==undefined?q.v:"")===""){m=p;break;}j.seq=j.seq+(1)>>0;}}r=i;(j.attrPrefix||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(r)]={k:r,v:m};s=m;(j.attrNS||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(s)]={k:s,v:i};t=j.Writer.WriteString("xmlns:");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;u=j.Writer.WriteString(m);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;v=j.Writer.WriteString("=\"");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;w=AW(j,(new CX($stringToBytes(i))));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;x=j.Writer.WriteString("\" ");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;j.prefixes=$append(j.prefixes,m);$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.createAttrPrefix,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.createAttrPrefix=function(i){return this.$val.createAttrPrefix(i);};CK.ptr.prototype.deleteAttrPrefix=function(i){var i,j,k;j=this;delete j.attrPrefix[$String.keyFor((k=j.attrNS[$String.keyFor(i)],k!==undefined?k.v:""))];delete j.attrNS[$String.keyFor(i)];};CK.prototype.deleteAttrPrefix=function(i){return this.$val.deleteAttrPrefix(i);};CK.ptr.prototype.markPrefix=function(){var i;i=this;i.prefixes=$append(i.prefixes,"");};CK.prototype.markPrefix=function(){return this.$val.markPrefix();};CK.ptr.prototype.popPrefix=function(){var i,j,k,l;i=this;while(true){if(!(i.prefixes.$length>0)){break;}l=(j=i.prefixes,k=i.prefixes.$length-1>>0,((k<0||k>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]));i.prefixes=$subslice(i.prefixes,0,(i.prefixes.$length-1>>0));if(l===""){break;}i.deleteAttrPrefix(l);}};CK.prototype.popPrefix=function(){return this.$val.popPrefix();};CK.ptr.prototype.marshalValue=function(i,j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=[l];m=this;if(!(k===DO.nil)&&k.Name.Local===""){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=D.Errorf("xml: EncodeElement of StartElement with missing name",new DI([]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=4;case 4:return o;case 2:if(!$clone(i,J.Value).IsValid()){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(!(j===DK.nil)&&!(((j.flags&128)===0))&&CT($clone(i,J.Value))){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}case 5:if(!(($clone(i,J.Value).Kind()===20)||($clone(i,J.Value).Kind()===22))){$s=6;continue;}if($clone(i,J.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}p=$clone(i,J.Value).Elem();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=p;$s=5;continue;case 6:q=$clone(i,J.Value).Kind();r=$clone(i,J.Value).Type();if(!($clone(i,J.Value).CanInterface())){s=false;$s=10;continue s;}t=r.Implements(CL);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;case 10:if(s){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:u=$clone(i,J.Value).Interface();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$assertType(u,CB);w=CO(r,j,k);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=$clone(w,Q);y=m.marshalInterface(v,x);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=15;case 15:return z;case 9:if($clone(i,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:aa=$clone(i,J.Value).Addr();if(!($clone(aa,J.Value).CanInterface())){ab=false;$s=20;continue s;}ac=$clone(aa,J.Value).Type().Implements(CL);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;case 20:if(ab){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:ad=$clone(aa,J.Value).Interface();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=$assertType(ad,CB);af=CO($clone(aa,J.Value).Type(),j,k);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=$clone(af,Q);ah=m.marshalInterface(ae,ag);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;$s=25;case 25:return ai;case 19:case 17:if(!($clone(i,J.Value).CanInterface())){aj=false;$s=28;continue s;}ak=r.Implements(CN);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;case 28:if(aj){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:al=$clone(i,J.Value).Interface();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=$assertType(al,L.TextMarshaler);an=CO(r,j,k);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=$clone(an,Q);ap=m.marshalTextInterface(am,ao);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap;$s=33;case 33:return aq;case 27:if($clone(i,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:ar=$clone(i,J.Value).Addr();if(!($clone(ar,J.Value).CanInterface())){as=false;$s=38;continue s;}at=$clone(ar,J.Value).Type().Implements(CN);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=at;case 38:if(as){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:au=$clone(ar,J.Value).Interface();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=$assertType(au,L.TextMarshaler);aw=CO($clone(ar,J.Value).Type(),j,k);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=$clone(aw,Q);ay=m.marshalTextInterface(av,ax);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=43;case 43:return az;case 37:case 35:if(!((q===23)||(q===17))){ba=false;$s=46;continue s;}bb=r.Elem();$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb.Kind();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=!((bc===8));case 46:if(ba){$s=44;continue;}$s=45;continue;case 44:bd=0;be=$clone(i,J.Value).Len();bf=bd;bg=be;case 49:if(!(bf>0;$s=49;continue;case 50:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 45:bl=BJ(r);$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=bl;bm=bk[0];bn=bk[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bn,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bn;}l[0]=new Q.ptr(new N.ptr("",""),DE.nil);if(!(k===DO.nil)){$s=54;continue;}if(!(bm.xmlname===DK.nil)){$s=55;continue;}$s=56;continue;case 54:N.copy(l[0].Name,k.Name);l[0].Attr=$appendSlice(l[0].Attr,k.Attr);$s=56;continue;case 55:bo=bm.xmlname;if(!(bo.name==="")){$s=57;continue;}$s=58;continue;case 57:bp=bo.xmlns;bq=bo.name;l[0].Name.Space=bp;l[0].Name.Local=bq;$s=59;continue;case 58:br=bo.value($clone(i,J.Value),false);$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=br;bu=$clone(bs,J.Value).Interface();$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt=$assertType(bu,N,true);bv=$clone(bt[0],N);bw=bt[1];if(bw&&!(bv.Local==="")){N.copy(l[0].Name,bv);}case 59:case 56:if(l[0].Name.Local===""&&!(j===DK.nil)){bx=j.xmlns;by=j.name;l[0].Name.Space=bx;l[0].Name.Local=by;}if(l[0].Name.Local===""){$s=62;continue;}$s=63;continue;case 62:bz=r.Name();$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;bz=bz.$blk();}if(bz&&bz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ca=bz;cb=G.IndexByte(ca,91);if(cb>=0){ca=$substring(ca,0,cb);}if(ca===""){$s=-1;return new CS.ptr(r);}l[0].Name.Local=ca;case 63:cc=bm.fields;cd=0;case 65:if(!(cd=cf.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):cf.$array[cf.$offset+ce]));if((cg.flags&2)===0){cd++;$s=65;continue;}ch=cg.value($clone(i,J.Value),false);$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;ch=ch.$blk();}if(ch&&ch.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ci=ch;if(!(((cg.flags&128)===0))&&(!$clone(ci,J.Value).IsValid()||CT($clone(ci,J.Value)))){cd++;$s=65;continue;}if(($clone(ci,J.Value).Kind()===20)&&$clone(ci,J.Value).IsNil()){cd++;$s=65;continue;}cj=new N.ptr(cg.xmlns,cg.name);ck=m.marshalAttr(l[0],$clone(cj,N),$clone(ci,J.Value));$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;ck=ck.$blk();}if(ck&&ck.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cl=ck;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cl,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return cl;}cd++;$s=65;continue;case 66:cm=m.writeStart(l[0]);$s=69;case 69:if($c){$c=false;cm=cm.$blk();}if(cm&&cm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cn=cm;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cn,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return cn;}if($clone(i,J.Value).Kind()===25){$s=70;continue;}$s=71;continue;case 70:co=m.marshalStruct(bm,$clone(i,J.Value));$s=73;case 73:if($c){$c=false;co=co.$blk();}if(co&&co.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=co;$s=72;continue;case 71:cq=m.marshalSimple(r,$clone(i,J.Value));$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;cq=cq.$blk();}if(cq&&cq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cp=cq;cr=cp[0];cs=cp[1];ct=cp[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ct,$ifaceNil))){$s=75;continue;}if(!(cs===CX.nil)){$s=76;continue;}$s=77;continue;case 75:bn=ct;$s=78;continue;case 76:cu=AW(m,cs);$s=79;case 79:if($c){$c=false;cu=cu.$blk();}if(cu&&cu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cu;$s=78;continue;case 77:$r=m.EscapeString(cr);$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 78:case 72:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bn,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bn;}cv=m.writeEnd($clone(l[0].Name,N));$s=81;case 81:if($c){$c=false;cv=cv.$blk();}if(cv&&cv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cw=cv;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cw,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return cw;}cx=m.cachedWriteError();$s=82;case 82:if($c){$c=false;cx=cx.$blk();}if(cx&&cx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cy=cx;$s=83;case 83:return cy;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.marshalValue,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.marshalValue=function(i,j,k){return this.$val.marshalValue(i,j,k);};CK.ptr.prototype.marshalAttr=function(i,j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=this;if(!($clone(k,J.Value).CanInterface())){m=false;$s=3;continue s;}n=$clone(k,J.Value).Type().Implements(CM);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;case 3:if(m){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:p=$clone(k,J.Value).Interface();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$assertType(p,CC).MarshalXMLAttr($clone(j,N));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=q;r=$clone(o[0],O);s=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return s;}if(!(r.Name.Local==="")){i.Attr=$append(i.Attr,r);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:if($clone(k,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:t=$clone(k,J.Value).Addr();if(!($clone(t,J.Value).CanInterface())){u=false;$s=11;continue s;}v=$clone(t,J.Value).Type().Implements(CM);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;case 11:if(u){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:x=$clone(t,J.Value).Interface();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$assertType(x,CC).MarshalXMLAttr($clone(j,N));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=y;z=$clone(w[0],O);aa=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return aa;}if(!(z.Name.Local==="")){i.Attr=$append(i.Attr,z);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 10:case 8:if(!($clone(k,J.Value).CanInterface())){ab=false;$s=17;continue s;}ac=$clone(k,J.Value).Type().Implements(CN);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;case 17:if(ab){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:ae=$clone(k,J.Value).Interface();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=$assertType(ae,L.TextMarshaler).MarshalText();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=af;ag=ad[0];ah=ad[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ah;}i.Attr=$append(i.Attr,new O.ptr($clone(j,N),($bytesToString(ag))));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 16:if($clone(k,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:ai=$clone(k,J.Value).Addr();if(!($clone(ai,J.Value).CanInterface())){aj=false;$s=25;continue s;}ak=$clone(ai,J.Value).Type().Implements(CN);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;case 25:if(aj){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:am=$clone(ai,J.Value).Interface();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=$assertType(am,L.TextMarshaler).MarshalText();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=an;ao=al[0];ap=al[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ap,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ap;}i.Attr=$append(i.Attr,new O.ptr($clone(j,N),($bytesToString(ao))));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 24:case 22:aq=$clone(k,J.Value).Kind();if((aq===(22))||(aq===(20))){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:if($clone(k,J.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}ar=$clone(k,J.Value).Elem();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=ar;case 31:case 29:if(!($clone(k,J.Value).Kind()===23)){as=false;$s=35;continue s;}at=$clone(k,J.Value).Type().Elem();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at.Kind();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=!((au===8));case 35:if(as){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:av=$clone(k,J.Value).Len();aw=0;case 38:if(!(aw>0;$s=38;continue;case 39:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 34:if($interfaceIsEqual($clone(k,J.Value).Type(),BU)){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:bd=$clone(k,J.Value).Interface();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i.Attr=$append(i.Attr,$assertType(bd,O));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 43:bf=l.marshalSimple($clone(k,J.Value).Type(),$clone(k,J.Value));$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bf;bg=be[0];bh=be[1];bi=be[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bi,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bi;}if(!(bh===CX.nil)){bg=($bytesToString(bh));}i.Attr=$append(i.Attr,new O.ptr($clone(j,N),bg));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.marshalAttr,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.marshalAttr=function(i,j,k){return this.$val.marshalAttr(i,j,k);};CO=function(i,j,k){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=new Q.ptr(new N.ptr("",""),DE.nil);if(!(k===DO.nil)){$s=1;continue;}if(!(j===DK.nil)&&!(j.name==="")){$s=2;continue;}m=i.Name();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(m==="")){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 1:N.copy(l.Name,k.Name);l.Attr=$appendSlice(l.Attr,k.Attr);$s=5;continue;case 2:l.Name.Local=j.name;l.Name.Space=j.xmlns;$s=5;continue;case 3:n=i.Name();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.Name.Local=n;$s=5;continue;case 4:o=i.Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.Name();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.Name.Local=p;case 5:$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:CO,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};CK.ptr.prototype.marshalInterface=function(i,j){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;k.tags=$append(k.tags,new N.ptr("",""));l=k.tags.$length;m=i.MarshalXML(k.encoder,$clone(j,Q));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}if(k.tags.$length>l){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:o=BT(i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=new $String(o);s=new $String((q=k.tags,r=k.tags.$length-1>>0,((r<0||r>=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r])).Local);t=D.Errorf("xml: %s.MarshalXML wrote invalid XML: <%s> not closed",new DI([p,s]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=6;case 6:return u;case 3:k.tags=$subslice(k.tags,0,(l-1>>0));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.marshalInterface,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.marshalInterface=function(i,j){return this.$val.marshalInterface(i,j);};CK.ptr.prototype.marshalTextInterface=function(i,j){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=[j];k=this;l=k.writeStart(j[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}o=i.MarshalText();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return q;}r=AW(k,p);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;s=k.writeEnd($clone(j[0].Name,N));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=5;case 5:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.marshalTextInterface,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.marshalTextInterface=function(i,j){return this.$val.marshalTextInterface(i,j);};CK.ptr.prototype.writeStart=function(i){var{aa,ab,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(i.Name.Local===""){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=D.Errorf("xml: start tag with no name",new DI([]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=4;case 4:return l;case 2:j.tags=$append(j.tags,i.Name);j.markPrefix();$r=j.writeIndent(1);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=j.Writer.WriteByte(60);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=j.Writer.WriteString(i.Name.Local);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;if(!(i.Name.Space==="")){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:o=j.Writer.WriteString(" xmlns=\"");$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;$r=j.EscapeString(i.Name.Space);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=j.Writer.WriteByte(34);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;case 9:q=i.Attr;r=0;case 13:if(!(r=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r]),O);t=$clone(s.Name,N);if(t.Local===""){r++;$s=13;continue;}u=j.Writer.WriteByte(32);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;if(!(t.Space==="")){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:v=j.createAttrPrefix(t.Space);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=j.Writer.WriteString(v);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;x=j.Writer.WriteByte(58);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;case 17:y=j.Writer.WriteString(t.Local);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;z=j.Writer.WriteString("=\"");$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;$r=j.EscapeString(s.Value);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=j.Writer.WriteByte(34);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa;r++;$s=13;continue;case 14:ab=j.Writer.WriteByte(62);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.writeStart,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.writeStart=function(i){return this.$val.writeStart(i);};CK.ptr.prototype.writeEnd=function(i){var{aa,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(i.Local===""){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=D.Errorf("xml: end tag with no name",new DI([]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=4;case 4:return l;case 2:if((j.tags.$length===0)||(m=j.tags,n=j.tags.$length-1>>0,((n<0||n>=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n])).Local===""){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:o=D.Errorf("xml: end tag without start tag",new DI([new $String(i.Local)]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=8;case 8:return p;case 6:s=$clone((q=j.tags,r=j.tags.$length-1>>0,((r<0||r>=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r])),N);if(!($equal(s,i,N))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:if(!(s.Local===i.Local)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:t=D.Errorf("xml: end tag does not match start tag <%s>",new DI([new $String(i.Local),new $String(s.Local)]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=14;case 14:return u;case 12:v=D.Errorf("xml: end tag in namespace %s does not match start tag <%s> in namespace %s",new DI([new $String(i.Local),new $String(i.Space),new $String(s.Local),new $String(s.Space)]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;$s=16;case 16:return w;case 10:j.tags=$subslice(j.tags,0,(j.tags.$length-1>>0));$r=j.writeIndent(-1);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=j.Writer.WriteByte(60);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;y=j.Writer.WriteByte(47);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;z=j.Writer.WriteString(i.Local);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;aa=j.Writer.WriteByte(62);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa;j.popPrefix();$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.writeEnd,$c:true,$r,aa,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.writeEnd=function(i){return this.$val.writeEnd(i);};CK.ptr.prototype.marshalSimple=function(i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=$clone(j,J.Value).Kind();if((l===(2))||(l===(3))||(l===(4))||(l===(5))||(l===(6))){$s=2;continue;}if((l===(7))||(l===(8))||(l===(9))||(l===(10))||(l===(11))||(l===(12))){$s=3;continue;}if((l===(13))||(l===(14))){$s=4;continue;}if(l===(24)){$s=5;continue;}if(l===(1)){$s=6;continue;}if(l===(17)){$s=7;continue;}if(l===(23)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[F.FormatInt($clone(j,J.Value).Int(),10),CX.nil,$ifaceNil];case 3:$s=-1;return[F.FormatUint($clone(j,J.Value).Uint(),10),CX.nil,$ifaceNil];case 4:m=$clone(j,J.Value).Float();n=$clone(j,J.Value).Type().Bits();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=F.FormatFloat(m,103,-1,o);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=[p,CX.nil,$ifaceNil];$s=12;case 12:return q;case 5:r=$clone(j,J.Value).String();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=[r,CX.nil,$ifaceNil];$s=14;case 14:return s;case 6:$s=-1;return[F.FormatBool($clone(j,J.Value).Bool()),CX.nil,$ifaceNil];case 7:t=i.Elem();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t.Kind();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((u===8))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:$s=1;continue;case 16:v=CX.nil;if($clone(j,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:w=$clone(j,J.Value).Slice(0,$clone(j,J.Value).Len());$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=$clone(w,J.Value).Bytes();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=x;$s=21;continue;case 20:v=$makeSlice(CX,$clone(j,J.Value).Len());y=J.ValueOf(v);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=J.Copy($clone(y,J.Value),$clone(j,J.Value));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;case 21:$s=-1;return["",v,$ifaceNil];case 8:aa=i.Elem();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa.Kind();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((ab===8))){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:$s=1;continue;case 27:ac=$clone(j,J.Value).Bytes();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=["",ac,$ifaceNil];$s=31;case 31:return ad;case 9:case 1:$s=-1;return["",CX.nil,new CS.ptr(i)];}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.marshalSimple,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.marshalSimple=function(i,j){return this.$val.marshalSimple(i,j);};CQ=function(i){var{i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:case 1:if(!(($clone(i,J.Value).Kind()===20)||($clone(i,J.Value).Kind()===22))){$s=2;continue;}if($clone(i,J.Value).IsNil()){$s=-1;return i;}j=$clone(i,J.Value).Elem();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:CQ,$c:true,$r,i,j,$s};return $f;};CK.ptr.prototype.marshalStruct=function(i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=new CR.ptr(k,CW.nil);m=i.fields;n=0;case 1:if(!(n=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+o]));if(!(((q.flags&2)===0))){n++;$s=1;continue;}r=q.value($clone(j,J.Value),false);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;if(!$clone(s,J.Value).IsValid()){n++;$s=1;continue;}t=q.flags&127;if((t===(4))||(t===(8))){$s=5;continue;}if(t===(32)){$s=6;continue;}if(t===(16)){$s=7;continue;}if((t===(1))||(t===(65))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 5:u=AW;if((q.flags&127)===4){u=BC;}v=l.trim(q.parents);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return w;}if(!($clone(s,J.Value).CanInterface())){x=false;$s=13;continue s;}y=$clone(s,J.Value).Type().Implements(CN);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;case 13:if(x){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:aa=$clone(s,J.Value).Interface();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$assertType(aa,L.TextMarshaler).MarshalText();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=ab;ac=z[0];ad=z[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ad,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ad;}ae=u(k,ac);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return af;}n++;$s=1;continue;case 12:if($clone(s,J.Value).CanAddr()){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:ag=$clone(s,J.Value).Addr();if(!($clone(ag,J.Value).CanInterface())){ah=false;$s=22;continue s;}ai=$clone(ag,J.Value).Type().Implements(CN);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;case 22:if(ah){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:ak=$clone(ag,J.Value).Interface();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=$assertType(ak,L.TextMarshaler).MarshalText();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=al;am=aj[0];an=aj[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return an;}ao=u(k,am);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ap,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ap;}n++;$s=1;continue;case 21:case 19:aq=DU.zero();ar=CQ($clone(s,J.Value));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=ar;as=$clone(s,J.Value).Kind();if((as===(2))||(as===(3))||(as===(4))||(as===(5))||(as===(6))){$s=29;continue;}if((as===(7))||(as===(8))||(as===(9))||(as===(10))||(as===(11))||(as===(12))){$s=30;continue;}if((as===(13))||(as===(14))){$s=31;continue;}if(as===(1)){$s=32;continue;}if(as===(24)){$s=33;continue;}if(as===(23)){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 29:at=u(k,F.AppendInt($subslice(new CX(aq),0,0),$clone(s,J.Value).Int(),10));$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(au,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return au;}$s=35;continue;case 30:av=u(k,F.AppendUint($subslice(new CX(aq),0,0),$clone(s,J.Value).Uint(),10));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=av;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aw,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return aw;}$s=35;continue;case 31:ax=k;ay=$subslice(new CX(aq),0,0);az=$clone(s,J.Value).Float();ba=$clone(s,J.Value).Type().Bits();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=ba;bc=F.AppendFloat(ay,az,103,-1,bb);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;be=u(ax,bd);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=be;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bf,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bf;}$s=35;continue;case 32:bg=u(k,F.AppendBool($subslice(new CX(aq),0,0),$clone(s,J.Value).Bool()));$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bg;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bh,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bh;}$s=35;continue;case 33:bi=k;bj=$clone(s,J.Value).String();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=(new CX($stringToBytes(bj)));bl=u(bi,bk);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm=bl;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bm,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bm;}$s=35;continue;case 34:bo=$clone(s,J.Value).Interface();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=$assertType(bo,CX,true);bp=bn[0];bq=bn[1];if(bq){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:br=u(k,bp);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=br;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bs,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bs;}case 46:case 35:case 28:n++;$s=1;continue;$s=9;continue;case 6:bt=l.trim(q.parents);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=bt;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bu,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bu;}bv=CQ($clone(s,J.Value));$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;bv=bv.$blk();}if(bv&&bv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=bv;bw=$clone(s,J.Value).Kind();if(bw===24){bx=true;$s=52;continue s;}if(!(bw===23)){by=false;$s=53;continue s;}bz=$clone(s,J.Value).Type().Elem();$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;bz=bz.$blk();}if(bz&&bz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ca=bz.Kind();$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}by=ca===8;case 53:bx=by;case 52:if(!(bx)){$s=50;continue;}$s=51;continue;case 50:cb=D.Errorf("xml: bad type for comment field of %s",new DI([$clone(j,J.Value).Type()]));$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;cb=cb.$blk();}if(cb&&cb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cc=cb;$s=57;case 57:return cc;case 51:if($clone(s,J.Value).Len()===0){n++;$s=1;continue;}$r=k.writeIndent(0);$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cd=k.Writer.WriteString("");$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;cr=cr.$blk();}if(cr&&cr.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cr;n++;$s=1;continue;$s=9;continue;case 7:cs=CQ($clone(s,J.Value));$s=81;case 81:if($c){$c=false;cs=cs.$blk();}if(cs&&cs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=cs;ct=$clone(s,J.Value).Interface();$s=82;case 82:if($c){$c=false;ct=ct.$blk();}if(ct&&ct.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cu=ct;cv=cu;if($assertType(cv,CX,true)[1]){$s=83;continue;}if($assertType(cv,$String,true)[1]){$s=84;continue;}$s=85;continue;case 83:cw=cv.$val;cy=k.Writer.Write(cw);$s=86;case 86:if($c){$c=false;cy=cy.$blk();}if(cy&&cy.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cy;n++;$s=1;continue;$s=85;continue;case 84:cx=cv.$val;cz=k.Writer.WriteString(cx);$s=87;case 87:if($c){$c=false;cz=cz.$blk();}if(cz&&cz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cz;n++;$s=1;continue;case 85:$s=9;continue;case 8:da=l.trim(q.parents);$s=88;case 88:if($c){$c=false;da=da.$blk();}if(da&&da.$blk!==undefined){break s;}db=da;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(db,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return db;}if(q.parents.$length>l.stack.$length){$s=89;continue;}$s=90;continue;case 89:if(!(($clone(s,J.Value).Kind()===22))&&!(($clone(s,J.Value).Kind()===20))||!$clone(s,J.Value).IsNil()){$s=91;continue;}$s=92;continue;case 91:dc=l.push($subslice(q.parents,l.stack.$length));$s=93;case 93:if($c){$c=false;dc=dc.$blk();}if(dc&&dc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dd=dc;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(dd,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return dd;}case 92:case 90:case 9:case 4:de=k.marshalValue($clone(s,J.Value),q,DO.nil);$s=94;case 94:if($c){$c=false;de=de.$blk();}if(de&&de.$blk!==undefined){break s;}df=de;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(df,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return df;}n++;$s=1;continue;case 2:dg=l.trim(CW.nil);$s=95;case 95:if($c){$c=false;dg=dg.$blk();}if(dg&&dg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dg;dh=k.cachedWriteError();$s=96;case 96:if($c){$c=false;dh=dh.$blk();}if(dh&&dh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}di=dh;$s=97;case 97:return di;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.marshalStruct,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.marshalStruct=function(i,j){return this.$val.marshalStruct(i,j);};CK.ptr.prototype.cachedWriteError=function(){var{i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;k=i.Writer.Write(CX.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.cachedWriteError,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.cachedWriteError=function(){return this.$val.cachedWriteError();};CK.ptr.prototype.writeIndent=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if((j.prefix.length===0)&&(j.indent.length===0)){$s=-1;return;}if(i<0){j.depth=j.depth-(1)>>0;if(j.indentedIn){j.indentedIn=false;$s=-1;return;}j.indentedIn=false;}if(j.putNewline){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=j.Writer.WriteByte(10);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;$s=3;continue;case 2:j.putNewline=true;case 3:if(j.prefix.length>0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=j.Writer.WriteString(j.prefix);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;case 6:if(j.indent.length>0){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:m=0;case 10:if(!(m>0;$s=10;continue;case 11:case 9:if(i>0){j.depth=j.depth+(1)>>0;j.indentedIn=true;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.writeIndent,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.writeIndent=function(i){return this.$val.writeIndent(i);};CR.ptr.prototype.trim=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+k])===(l=j.stack,((k<0||k>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+k])))){break;}k=k+(1)>>0;}m=j.stack.$length-1>>0;case 1:if(!(m>=k)){$s=2;continue;}o=j.p.writeEnd(new N.ptr("",(n=j.stack,((m<0||m>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+m]))));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}m=m-(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:j.stack=$subslice(j.stack,0,k);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CR.ptr.prototype.trim,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};CR.prototype.trim=function(i){return this.$val.trim(i);};CR.ptr.prototype.push=function(i){var{i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=0;case 1:if(!(k=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+k])),DE.nil));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}k=k+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:j.stack=$appendSlice(j.stack,i);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CR.ptr.prototype.push,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CR.prototype.push=function(i){return this.$val.push(i);};CS.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.Type.String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k="xml: unsupported type: "+j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:CS.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};CS.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};CT=function(i){var i,j,k,l;j=$clone(i,J.Value).Kind();if((j===(17))||(j===(21))||(j===(23))||(j===(24))){return $clone(i,J.Value).Len()===0;}else if(j===(1)){return!$clone(i,J.Value).Bool();}else if((j===(2))||(j===(3))||(j===(4))||(j===(5))||(j===(6))){return(k=$clone(i,J.Value).Int(),(k.$high===0&&k.$low===0));}else if((j===(7))||(j===(8))||(j===(9))||(j===(10))||(j===(11))||(j===(12))){return(l=$clone(i,J.Value).Uint(),(l.$high===0&&l.$low===0));}else 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H.Range16.ptr(8150,8155,1),new H.Range16.ptr(8160,8172,1),new H.Range16.ptr(8178,8180,1),new H.Range16.ptr(8182,8188,1),new H.Range16.ptr(8486,8486,1),new H.Range16.ptr(8490,8491,1),new H.Range16.ptr(8494,8494,1),new H.Range16.ptr(8576,8578,1),new H.Range16.ptr(12295,12295,1),new H.Range16.ptr(12321,12329,1),new H.Range16.ptr(12353,12436,1),new H.Range16.ptr(12449,12538,1),new H.Range16.ptr(12549,12588,1),new H.Range16.ptr(19968,40869,1),new H.Range16.ptr(44032,55203,1)]),CV.nil,0);AK=new H.RangeTable.ptr(new CU([new H.Range16.ptr(45,46,1),new H.Range16.ptr(48,57,1),new H.Range16.ptr(183,183,1),new H.Range16.ptr(720,721,1),new H.Range16.ptr(768,837,1),new H.Range16.ptr(864,865,1),new H.Range16.ptr(903,903,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1155,1158,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1425,1441,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1443,1465,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1467,1469,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1471,1471,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1473,1474,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1476,1600,124),new H.Range16.ptr(1611,1618,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1632,1641,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1648,1648,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1750,1756,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1757,1759,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1760,1764,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1767,1768,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1770,1773,1),new H.Range16.ptr(1776,1785,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2305,2307,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2364,2364,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2366,2380,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2381,2381,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2385,2388,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2402,2403,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2406,2415,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2433,2435,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2492,2492,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2494,2495,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2496,2500,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2503,2504,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2507,2509,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2519,2519,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2530,2531,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2534,2543,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2562,2620,58),new H.Range16.ptr(2622,2623,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2624,2626,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2631,2632,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2635,2637,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2662,2671,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2672,2673,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2689,2691,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2748,2748,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2750,2757,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2759,2761,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2763,2765,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2790,2799,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2817,2819,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2876,2876,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2878,2883,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2887,2888,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2891,2893,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2902,2903,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2918,2927,1),new H.Range16.ptr(2946,2947,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3006,3010,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3014,3016,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3018,3021,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3031,3031,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3047,3055,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3073,3075,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3134,3140,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3142,3144,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3146,3149,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3157,3158,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3174,3183,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3202,3203,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3262,3268,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3270,3272,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3274,3277,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3285,3286,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3302,3311,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3330,3331,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3390,3395,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3398,3400,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3402,3405,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3415,3415,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3430,3439,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3633,3633,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3636,3642,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3654,3654,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3655,3662,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3664,3673,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3761,3761,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3764,3769,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3771,3772,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3782,3782,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3784,3789,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3792,3801,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3864,3865,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3872,3881,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3893,3897,2),new H.Range16.ptr(3902,3903,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3953,3972,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3974,3979,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3984,3989,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3991,3991,1),new H.Range16.ptr(3993,4013,1),new H.Range16.ptr(4017,4023,1),new H.Range16.ptr(4025,4025,1),new H.Range16.ptr(8400,8412,1),new H.Range16.ptr(8417,12293,3876),new H.Range16.ptr(12330,12335,1),new H.Range16.ptr(12337,12341,1),new H.Range16.ptr(12441,12442,1),new H.Range16.ptr(12445,12446,1),new H.Range16.ptr(12540,12542,1)]),CV.nil,0);AN=(new CX($stringToBytes(""")));AO=(new CX($stringToBytes("'")));AP=(new CX($stringToBytes("&")));AQ=(new CX($stringToBytes("<")));AR=(new CX($stringToBytes(">")));AS=(new CX($stringToBytes(" ")));AT=(new CX($stringToBytes(" ")));AU=(new CX($stringToBytes(" ")));AV=(new CX($stringToBytes("\xEF\xBF\xBD")));AZ=(new CX($stringToBytes("")));BB=(new CX($stringToBytes("]]]]>")));BI=J.TypeOf((a=new N.ptr("",""),new a.constructor.elem(a)));BU=J.TypeOf((b=new O.ptr(new N.ptr("",""),""),new b.constructor.elem(b)));c=J.TypeOf((CY.nil)).Elem();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BV=c;d=J.TypeOf((CZ.nil)).Elem();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BW=d;e=J.TypeOf((DA.nil)).Elem();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BX=e;BY=C.New("exceeded max depth");CG=(new CX($stringToBytes("")));CI=(new CX($stringToBytes("?>")));f=J.TypeOf((DB.nil)).Elem();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}CL=f;g=J.TypeOf((DC.nil)).Elem();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}CM=g;h=J.TypeOf((DD.nil)).Elem();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}CN=h;CP=(new CX($stringToBytes("--")));}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["github.com/kvartborg/vector"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D,E,R,S,T,U,M,P,Q;A=$packages["errors"];B=$packages["fmt"];C=$packages["math"];D=$pkg.Vector=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"vector.Vector",true,"github.com/kvartborg/vector",true,null);E=$pkg.Axis=$newType(4,$kindInt,"vector.Axis",true,"github.com/kvartborg/vector",true,null);R=$sliceType($Float64);S=$sliceType($emptyInterface);T=$sliceType(D);U=$sliceType(E);D.prototype.Clone=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=$makeSlice(D,a.$length);$copySlice(b,a);return b;};$ptrType(D).prototype.Clone=function(){return this.$get().Clone();};D.prototype.Add=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=b.$length;d=a;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f]).$length>c){P($convertSliceType(b,R),1,$convertSliceType(b,R),$convertSliceType($subslice(((f<0||f>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f]),0,c),R));}else{P($convertSliceType(b,R),1,$convertSliceType(b,R),$convertSliceType(((f<0||f>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f]),R));}e++;}return b;};$ptrType(D).prototype.Add=function(a){return this.$get().Add(a);};D.prototype.Sub=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=b.$length;d=a;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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false;}d++;}return true;};$ptrType(D).prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$get().Equal(a);};D.prototype.Magnitude=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=this;b=0;c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);b=b+(e*e);d++;}return C.Sqrt(b);};$ptrType(D).prototype.Magnitude=function(){return this.$get().Magnitude();};D.prototype.Unit=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=this;b=a.Magnitude();if(b<1e-08){return a;}c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]=((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e])/b);d++;}return a;};$ptrType(D).prototype.Unit=function(){return this.$get().Unit();};M=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;c=0;d=a.$length;e=b.$length;f=c;g=d;h=e;if(g>h){b=$appendSlice(b,$convertSliceType($makeSlice(D,(g-h>>0)),R));}if(g>0)),R));}i=a;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+k])*((k<0||k>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+k]));j++;}return f;};$pkg.Dot=M;D.prototype.Dot=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return M(b,a);};$ptrType(D).prototype.Dot=function(a){return this.$get().Dot(a);};D.prototype.Cross=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(!((b.$length===3))||!((a.$length===3))){return[D.nil,$pkg.ErrNot3Dimensional];}return[new D([(1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])*(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2])-(2>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+2])*(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]),(2>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+2])*(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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if(p===(2)){(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]=j*n-k*o);(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]=j*o+k*n);}if(g>3){return $subslice(c,0,3);}return c;};$ptrType(D).prototype.Rotate=function(a,b){return this.$get().Rotate(a,b);};D.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a="";b=this;if(b===D.nil){a="[]";$s=-1;return a;}c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e])<1e-08&&((e<0||e>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e])>0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:a=a+("0 ");$s=5;continue;case 4:f=B.Sprint(new S([new $Float64(((e<0||e>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]))]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=a+(f+" ");case 5:d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:a="["+$substring(a,0,(a.length-1>>0))+"]";$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(D).prototype.String=function(){return this.$get().String();};D.prototype.X=function(){var a;a=this;if(a.$length<1){return 0;}return(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]);};$ptrType(D).prototype.X=function(){return this.$get().X();};D.prototype.Y=function(){var a;a=this;if(a.$length<2){return 0;}return(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]);};$ptrType(D).prototype.Y=function(){return this.$get().Y();};D.prototype.Z=function(){var a;a=this;if(a.$length<3){return 0;}return(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]);};$ptrType(D).prototype.Z=function(){return this.$get().Z();};P=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=d.$length;f=c;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(h===e){return;}((h<0||h>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+h]=b*i+((h<0||h>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+h]));g++;}};Q=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f;d=c;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f]=((f<0||f>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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a,b,c,d,e,f,g;e=new D.ptr(Y.nil,c,d);e.Resize((f=a/c,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),(g=b/d,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));return e;};$pkg.NewSpace=E;D.ptr.prototype.Add=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=a;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);e.Space=b;$r=e.Update();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.Add,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.Add=function(a){return this.$val.Add(a);};D.ptr.prototype.Remove=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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W.nil;};D.prototype.Cell=function(a,b){return this.$val.Cell(a,b);};D.ptr.prototype.CheckCells=function(a,b,c,d,e){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;f=this;g=a;while(true){if(!(g<(a+c>>0))){break;}h=b;while(true){if(!(h<(b+d>>0))){break;}i=f.Cell(g,h);if(!(i===W.nil)){if(e.$length>0){if(i.ContainsTags(e)){j=i.Objects;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);if(l.HasTags(e)){return l;}k++;}}}else if(i.Occupied()){return(m=i.Objects,(0>=m.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+0]));}}h=h+(1)>>0;}g=g+(1)>>0;}return AA.nil;};D.prototype.CheckCells=function(a,b,c,d,e){return this.$val.CheckCells(a,b,c,d,e);};D.ptr.prototype.UnregisterAllObjects=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;a=this;b=0;while(true){if(!(b=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+b])).$length)){break;}g=(e=(f=a.Cells,((b<0||b>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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B.Vector([m+((o=e.CellWidth/2,(o===o&&o!==1/0&&o!==-1/0)?o>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))),n+((p=e.CellHeight/2,(p===p&&p!==1/0&&p!==-1/0)?p>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))]);r=false;while(true){if(!(!(g===W.nil))){break;}if(g===h){f=$append(f,g);break;}f=$append(f,g);if(r){(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]=(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])+((1>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+1])));}else{(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0]=(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])+((0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0])));}s=e.WorldToSpace((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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AC([a.Start])).Unit();};G.prototype.Vector=function(){return this.$val.Vector();};G.ptr.prototype.IntersectionPointsLine=function(a){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=this;k=((c=b.End,(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]))-(d=b.Start,(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])))*((e=a.End,(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1]))-(f=a.Start,(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])))-((g=a.End,(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]))-(h=a.Start,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])))*((i=b.End,(1>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+1]))-(j=b.Start,(1>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out 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range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+1])]));}o=(-i-A.Sqrt(k))/(2*h);if(o>=0&&o<=1){c=$append(c,new B.Vector([(r=b.Start,(0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0]))+o*(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]),(s=b.Start,(1>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+1]))+o*(1>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+1])]));}}return c;};G.prototype.IntersectionPointsCircle=function(a){return this.$val.IntersectionPointsCircle(a);};J=function(a){var a,b;b=new I.ptr(new AC([]),0,0,true);b.AddPoints(a);return b;};$pkg.NewConvexPolygon=J;I.ptr.prototype.Clone=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f;a=this;b=new AC([]);c=a.Points;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);b=$append(b,e.Clone());d++;}f=J(AD.nil);f.X=a.X;f.Y=a.Y;f.AddPointsVec(b);f.Closed=a.Closed;return f;};I.prototype.Clone=function(){return this.$val.Clone();};I.ptr.prototype.AddPointsVec=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.Points=$appendSlice(b.Points,a);};I.prototype.AddPointsVec=function(a){return this.$val.AddPointsVec(a);};I.ptr.prototype.AddPoints=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=0;while(true){if(!(c=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+c]),(d=c+1>>0,((d<0||d>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+d]))]));c=c+(2)>>0;}};I.prototype.AddPoints=function(a){return this.$val.AddPoints(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Lines=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;a=this;b=new AF([]);c=a.Transformed();d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);f=(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]);g=e;h=f;if(d<(c.$length-1>>0)){h=(i=d+1>>0,((i<0||i>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+i]));}else if(!a.Closed){break;}j=H((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]),(1>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+1]),(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]),(1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1]));b=$append(b,j);d=d+(1)>>0;}return b;};I.prototype.Lines=function(){return this.$val.Lines();};I.ptr.prototype.Transformed=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=this;b=new AC([]);c=a.Points;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);b=$append(b,new B.Vector([(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])+a.X,(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1])+a.Y]));d++;}return b;};I.prototype.Transformed=function(){return this.$val.Transformed();};I.ptr.prototype.Bounds=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;a=this;b=a.Transformed();e=new B.Vector([(c=(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])),(d=(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]),(1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1]))]);f=e.Clone();g=0;while(true){if(!(g=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+g]);if((0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])<(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])){(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]=(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]));}else if((0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])>(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])){(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]=(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]));}if((1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1])<(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1])){(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1]=(1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1]));}else if((1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1])>(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1])){(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]=(1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1]));}g=g+(1)>>0;}return[e,f];};I.prototype.Bounds=function(){return this.$val.Bounds();};I.ptr.prototype.Position=function(){var a;a=this;return[a.X,a.Y];};I.prototype.Position=function(){return this.$val.Position();};I.ptr.prototype.SetPosition=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.X=a;c.Y=b;};I.prototype.SetPosition=function(a,b){return this.$val.SetPosition(a,b);};I.ptr.prototype.SetPositionVec=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.X=a.X();b.Y=a.Y();};I.prototype.SetPositionVec=function(a){return this.$val.SetPositionVec(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Move=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.X=c.X+(a);c.Y=c.Y+(b);};I.prototype.Move=function(a,b){return this.$val.Move(a,b);};I.ptr.prototype.MoveVec=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.X=b.X+(a.X());b.Y=b.Y+(a.Y());};I.prototype.MoveVec=function(a){return this.$val.MoveVec(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Center=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=this;b=new B.Vector([0,0]);c=a.Transformed();d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);b.Add(new AC([e]));d++;}(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]=(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])/((a.Transformed().$length)));(1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1]=(1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])/((a.Transformed().$length)));return b;};I.prototype.Center=function(){return this.$val.Center();};I.ptr.prototype.Project=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;b=this;a=a.Unit();c=b.Transformed();f=a.Dot(new B.Vector([(d=(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]),(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])),(e=(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]),(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1]))]));g=f;h=1;while(true){if(!(h=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+h]),(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0])),(j=((h<0||h>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+h]),(1>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+1]))]));if(kg){g=k;}h=h+(1)>>0;}return new P.ptr(f,g);};I.prototype.Project=function(a){return this.$val.Project(a);};I.ptr.prototype.SATAxes=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=this;b=new AC([]);c=a.Lines();d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);b=$append(b,e.Normal());d++;}return b;};I.prototype.SATAxes=function(){return this.$val.SATAxes();};I.ptr.prototype.PointInside=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=this;c=H((0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]),(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]),(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0])+9.99999999999e+11,(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]));d=0;e=b.Lines();f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);if(!(g.IntersectionPointsLine(c)===B.Vector.nil)){d=d+(1)>>0;}f++;}return d===1;};I.prototype.PointInside=function(a){return this.$val.PointInside(a);};L=function(){return new K.ptr(new AC([]),new B.Vector([0,0]),new B.Vector([0,0]));};$pkg.NewContactSet=L;K.ptr.prototype.LeftmostPoint=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=this;b=B.Vector.nil;c=a.Points;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(b===B.Vector.nil||(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])<(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])){b=e;}d++;}return b;};K.prototype.LeftmostPoint=function(){return this.$val.LeftmostPoint();};K.ptr.prototype.RightmostPoint=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=this;b=B.Vector.nil;c=a.Points;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(b===B.Vector.nil||(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])>(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])){b=e;}d++;}return b;};K.prototype.RightmostPoint=function(){return this.$val.RightmostPoint();};K.ptr.prototype.TopmostPoint=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=this;b=B.Vector.nil;c=a.Points;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(b===B.Vector.nil||(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1])<(1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])){b=e;}d++;}return b;};K.prototype.TopmostPoint=function(){return this.$val.TopmostPoint();};K.ptr.prototype.BottommostPoint=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=this;b=B.Vector.nil;c=a.Points;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(b===B.Vector.nil||(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1])>(1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])){b=e;}d++;}return b;};K.prototype.BottommostPoint=function(){return this.$val.BottommostPoint();};I.ptr.prototype.Intersection=function(a,b,c){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=L();f=d.X;g=d.Y;d.X=d.X+(a);d.Y=d.Y+(b);h=$assertType(c,AG,true);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(j){k=d.Lines();l=0;while(true){if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);e.Points=$appendSlice(e.Points,m.IntersectionPointsCircle(i));l++;}}else{n=$assertType(c,AH,true);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(p){q=d.Lines();r=0;while(true){if(!(r=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r]);t=o.Lines();u=0;while(true){if(!(u=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+u]);w=s.IntersectionPointsLine(v);if(!(w===B.Vector.nil)){e.Points=$append(e.Points,w);}u++;}r++;}}}if(e.Points.$length>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:x=e.Points;y=0;while(true){if(!(y=x.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x.$array[x.$offset+y]);e.Center=e.Center.Add(new AC([z]));y++;}(ab=e.Center,(0>=ab.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ab.$array[ab.$offset+0]=(aa=e.Center,(0>=aa.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa.$array[aa.$offset+0]))/((e.Points.$length))));(ad=e.Center,(1>=ad.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+1]=(ac=e.Center,(1>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+1]))/((e.Points.$length))));ae=d.calculateMTV(e,c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;if(!(af===B.Vector.nil)){e.MTV=af;}$s=3;continue;case 2:e=AI.nil;case 3:if(!(e===AI.nil)&&(!((a===0))||!((b===0)))){ag=new B.Vector([a,b]).Magnitude();ah=e.MTV.Magnitude();e.MTV=e.MTV.Unit().Scale(ah-ag);}d.X=f;d.Y=g;$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.Intersection,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.Intersection=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.Intersection(a,b,c);};I.ptr.prototype.calculateMTV=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];e=this;f=new B.Vector([0,0]);g=new B.Vector([1.7976931348623157e+308,0]);h=b;if($assertType(h,AH,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(h,AG,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:i=h.$val;k=e.SATAxes();l=0;while(true){if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);if(!$clone(e.Project(m),P).Overlapping($clone(i.Project(m),P))){$s=-1;return B.Vector.nil;}n=$clone(e.Project(m),P).Overlap($clone(i.Project(m),P));if(g.Magnitude()>n){g=m.Scale(n);}l++;}o=i.SATAxes();p=0;while(true){if(!(p=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]);if(!$clone(e.Project(q),P).Overlapping($clone(i.Project(q),P))){$s=-1;return B.Vector.nil;}r=$clone(e.Project(q),P).Overlap($clone(i.Project(q),P));if(g.Magnitude()>r){g=q.Scale(r);}p++;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=h.$val;d[0]=$appendSlice(new AC([]),e.Transformed());d[0]=$append(d[0],a.Center);c[0]=new B.Vector([j.X,j.Y]);$r=C.Slice(d[0],(function(c,d){return function(s,t){var s,t;return((s<0||s>=d[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[0].$array[d[0].$offset+s]).Sub(new AC([c[0]])).Magnitude()<((t<0||t>=d[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[0].$array[d[0].$offset+t]).Sub(new AC([c[0]])).Magnitude();};})(c,d));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=new B.Vector([(0>=c[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[0].$array[c[0].$offset+0])-(s=(0>=d[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[0].$array[d[0].$offset+0]),(0>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+0])),(1>=c[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[0].$array[c[0].$offset+1])-(t=(0>=d[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[0].$array[d[0].$offset+0]),(1>=t.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+1]))]);g=g.Unit().Scale(g.Magnitude()-j.Radius);case 3:(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]=(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]));(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]=(1>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+1]));$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.calculateMTV,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.calculateMTV=function(a,b){return this.$val.calculateMTV(a,b);};I.ptr.prototype.ContainedBy=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;b=this;c=a;if($assertType(c,AH,true)[1]){d=c.$val;e=b.SATAxes();f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);if(!$clone(b.Project(g),P).IsInside($clone(d.Project(g),P))){return false;}f++;}h=d.SATAxes();i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if(!$clone(b.Project(j),P).IsInside($clone(d.Project(j),P))){return false;}i++;}}return true;};I.prototype.ContainedBy=function(a){return this.$val.ContainedBy(a);};I.ptr.prototype.FlipH=function(){var a,b,c,d;a=this;b=a.Points;c=0;while(true){if(!(c=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]);(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]=-(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]));c++;}a.ReverseVertexOrder();};I.prototype.FlipH=function(){return this.$val.FlipH();};I.ptr.prototype.FlipV=function(){var a,b,c,d;a=this;b=a.Points;c=0;while(true){if(!(c=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]);(1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1]=-(1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1]));c++;}a.ReverseVertexOrder();};I.prototype.FlipV=function(){return this.$val.FlipV();};I.ptr.prototype.ReverseVertexOrder=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=this;c=new AC([(b=a.Points,(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]))]);d=a.Points.$length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(d>=1)){break;}c=$append(c,(e=a.Points,((d<0||d>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+d])));d=d-(1)>>0;}a.Points=c;};I.prototype.ReverseVertexOrder=function(){return this.$val.ReverseVertexOrder();};M=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d;return J(new AD([a,b,a+c,b,a+c,b+d,a,b+d]));};$pkg.NewRectangle=M;O=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d;d=new N.ptr(a,b,c);return d;};$pkg.NewCircle=O;N.ptr.prototype.Clone=function(){var a;a=this;return O(a.X,a.Y,a.Radius);};N.prototype.Clone=function(){return this.$val.Clone();};N.ptr.prototype.Bounds=function(){var a;a=this;return[new B.Vector([a.X-a.Radius,a.Y-a.Radius]),new B.Vector([a.X+a.Radius,a.Y+a.Radius])];};N.prototype.Bounds=function(){return this.$val.Bounds();};N.ptr.prototype.Intersection=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=AI.nil;f=d.X;g=d.Y;d.X=d.X+(a);d.Y=d.Y+(b);h=c;if($assertType(h,AH,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(h,AG,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:i=h.$val;k=i.Intersection(-a,-b,d);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=k;if(!(e===AI.nil)){e.MTV=e.MTV.Scale(-1);}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=h.$val;e=L();e.Points=d.IntersectionPointsCircle(j);if(e.Points.$length===0){$s=-1;return AI.nil;}e.MTV=new B.Vector([d.X-j.X,d.Y-j.Y]);l=e.MTV.Magnitude();e.MTV=e.MTV.Unit().Scale(d.Radius+j.Radius-l);m=e.Points;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);e.Center=e.Center.Add(new AC([o]));n++;}(q=e.Center,(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0]=(p=e.Center,(0>=p.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+0]))/((e.Points.$length))));(s=e.Center,(1>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+1]=(r=e.Center,(1>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+1]))/((e.Points.$length))));case 3:d.X=f;d.Y=g;$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.Intersection,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.Intersection=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.Intersection(a,b,c);};N.ptr.prototype.Move=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.X=c.X+(a);c.Y=c.Y+(b);};N.prototype.Move=function(a,b){return this.$val.Move(a,b);};N.ptr.prototype.MoveVec=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.X=b.X+(a.X());b.Y=b.Y+(a.Y());};N.prototype.MoveVec=function(a){return this.$val.MoveVec(a);};N.ptr.prototype.SetPosition=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.X=a;c.Y=b;};N.prototype.SetPosition=function(a,b){return this.$val.SetPosition(a,b);};N.ptr.prototype.SetPositionVec=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.X=a.X();b.Y=a.Y();};N.prototype.SetPositionVec=function(a){return this.$val.SetPositionVec(a);};N.ptr.prototype.Position=function(){var a;a=this;return[a.X,a.Y];};N.prototype.Position=function(){return this.$val.Position();};N.ptr.prototype.PointInside=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return a.Sub(new AC([new B.Vector([b.X,b.Y])])).Magnitude()<=b.Radius;};N.prototype.PointInside=function(a){return this.$val.PointInside(a);};N.ptr.prototype.IntersectionPointsCircle=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=this;c=A.Sqrt(A.Pow(a.X-b.X,2)+A.Pow(a.Y-b.Y,2));if(c>b.Radius+a.Radius||c0;};P.prototype.Overlapping=function(a){return this.$val.Overlapping(a);};P.ptr.prototype.Overlap=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return A.Min(b.Max,a.Max)-A.Max(b.Min,a.Min);};P.prototype.Overlap=function(a){return this.$val.Overlap(a);};P.ptr.prototype.IsInside=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return b.Min>=a.Min&&b.Max<=a.Max;};P.prototype.IsInside=function(a){return this.$val.IsInside(a);};R=function(a,b,c,d,e){var a,b,c,d,e,f;f=new Q.ptr($ifaceNil,Z.nil,a,b,c,d,X.nil,$ifaceNil,$makeMap(AA.keyFor,[]),new AJ([]));if(e.$length>0){f.AddTags(e);}return f;};$pkg.NewObject=R;Q.ptr.prototype.Clone=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=R(a.X,a.Y,a.W,a.H,a.Tags());b.Data=a.Data;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(a.Shape,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=a.Shape.Clone();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=b.SetShape(c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:d=a.ignoreList;e=0;f=$keys(d);while(true){if(!(e>0;}h=h+(1)>>0;}}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(a.Shape,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=a.Shape.SetPosition(a.X,a.Y);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Update,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Update=function(){return this.$val.Update();};Q.ptr.prototype.AddTags=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.tags=$appendSlice(b.tags,a);};Q.prototype.AddTags=function(a){return this.$val.AddTags(a);};Q.ptr.prototype.RemoveTags=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;b=this;c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);f=b.tags;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(i===e){b.tags=$appendSlice($subslice(b.tags,0,h),$subslice(b.tags,(h+1>>0)));break;}g++;}d++;}};Q.prototype.RemoveTags=function(a){return this.$val.RemoveTags(a);};Q.ptr.prototype.HasTags=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);f=b.tags;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(h===e){return true;}g++;}d++;}return false;};Q.prototype.HasTags=function(a){return this.$val.HasTags(a);};Q.ptr.prototype.Tags=function(){var a;a=this;return $appendSlice(new AJ([]),a.tags);};Q.prototype.Tags=function(){return this.$val.Tags();};Q.ptr.prototype.SetShape=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.Shape,a))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:b.Shape=a;$r=b.Update();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.SetShape,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.SetShape=function(a){return this.$val.SetShape(a);};Q.ptr.prototype.BoundsToSpace=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=this;d=c.Space.WorldToSpace(c.X+a,c.Y+b);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=c.Space.WorldToSpace(c.X+c.W+a-1,c.Y+c.H+b-1);h=g[0];i=g[1];return[e,f,h,i];};Q.prototype.BoundsToSpace=function(a,b){return this.$val.BoundsToSpace(a,b);};Q.ptr.prototype.SharesCells=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b.TouchingCells;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(e.Contains(a)){return true;}d++;}return false;};Q.prototype.SharesCells=function(a){return this.$val.SharesCells(a);};Q.ptr.prototype.SharesCellsTags=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b.TouchingCells;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(e.ContainsTags(a)){return true;}d++;}return false;};Q.prototype.SharesCellsTags=function(a){return this.$val.SharesCellsTags(a);};Q.ptr.prototype.Center=function(){var a;a=this;return[a.X+(a.W/2),a.Y+(a.H/2)];};Q.prototype.Center=function(){return this.$val.Center();};Q.ptr.prototype.SetCenter=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.X=a-(c.W/2);c.Y=b-(c.H/2);};Q.prototype.SetCenter=function(a,b){return this.$val.SetCenter(a,b);};Q.ptr.prototype.CellPosition=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.Center();return a.Space.WorldToSpace(b[0],b[1]);};Q.prototype.CellPosition=function(){return this.$val.CellPosition();};Q.ptr.prototype.SetRight=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.X=a-b.W;};Q.prototype.SetRight=function(a){return this.$val.SetRight(a);};Q.ptr.prototype.SetBottom=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.Y=a-b.H;};Q.prototype.SetBottom=function(a){return this.$val.SetBottom(a);};Q.ptr.prototype.Bottom=function(){var a;a=this;return a.Y+a.H;};Q.prototype.Bottom=function(){return this.$val.Bottom();};Q.ptr.prototype.Right=function(){var a;a=this;return a.X+a.W;};Q.prototype.Right=function(){return this.$val.Right();};Q.ptr.prototype.SetBounds=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.X=(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]);c.Y=(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]);c.W=(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])-c.X;c.H=(1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])-c.Y;};Q.prototype.SetBounds=function(a,b){return this.$val.SetBounds(a,b);};Q.ptr.prototype.Check=function(a,b,c){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];h=this;if(h.Space===Z.nil){$s=-1;return AK.nil;}d[0]=T();d[0].checkingObject=h;if(a<0){a=A.Min(a,-1);}else if(a>0){a=A.Max(a,1);}if(b<0){b=A.Min(b,-1);}else if(b>0){b=A.Max(b,1);}d[0].dx=a;d[0].dy=b;i=h.BoundsToSpace(a,b);j=i[0];k=i[1];l=i[2];m=i[3];n=$makeMap(AA.keyFor,[]);o=$makeMap(W.keyFor,[]);p=k;while(true){if(!(p<=m)){break;}q=j;while(true){if(!(q<=l)){break;}r=h.Space.Cell(q,p);if(!(r===W.nil)){s=r.Objects;t=0;while(true){if(!(t=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+t]);w=(v=h.ignoreList[AA.keyFor(u)],v!==undefined?v.v:false);if(u===h||w){t++;continue;}x=(y=n[AA.keyFor(u)],y!==undefined?[y.v,true]:[false,false]);z=x[1];if(((c.$length===0)||u.HasTags(c))&&!z){d[0].Objects=$append(d[0].Objects,u);aa=u;(n||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[AA.keyFor(aa)]={k:aa,v:true};ab=(ac=o[W.keyFor(r)],ac!==undefined?[ac.v,true]:[false,false]);ad=ab[1];if(!ad){d[0].Cells=$append(d[0].Cells,r);ae=r;(o||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[W.keyFor(ae)]={k:ae,v:true};}t++;continue;}t++;}}q=q+(1)>>0;}p=p+(1)>>0;}if(d[0].Objects.$length===0){$s=-1;return AK.nil;}af=d[0].checkingObject.Center();ag=af[0];ah=af[1];g[0]=new B.Vector([ag,ah]);$r=C.Slice(d[0].Objects,(function(d,e,f,g){return function(ai,aj){var ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar;ak=(al=d[0].Objects,((ai<0||ai>=al.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):al.$array[al.$offset+ai])).Center();am=ak[0];an=ak[1];ao=(ap=d[0].Objects,((aj<0||aj>=ap.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ap.$array[ap.$offset+aj])).Center();aq=ao[0];ar=ao[1];return new B.Vector([am,an]).Sub(new AC([g[0]])).Magnitude()=ak.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ak.$array[ak.$offset+ai])).X,f[0]))+((al=f[0]/2,(al===al&&al!==1/0&&al!==-1/0)?al>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))>>0)),((($imul((am=d[0].Cells,((ai<0||ai>=am.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):am.$array[am.$offset+ai])).Y,e[0]))+((an=e[0]/2,(an===an&&an!==1/0&&an!==-1/0)?an>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))>>0))]).Sub(new AC([g[0]])).Magnitude()=ao.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ao.$array[ao.$offset+aj])).X,f[0]))+((ap=f[0]/2,(ap===ap&&ap!==1/0&&ap!==-1/0)?ap>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))>>0)),((($imul((aq=d[0].Cells,((aj<0||aj>=aq.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aq.$array[aq.$offset+aj])).Y,e[0]))+((ar=e[0]/2,(ar===ar&&ar!==1/0&&ar!==-1/0)?ar>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))>>0))]).Sub(new AC([g[0]])).Magnitude();};})(d,e,f,g));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return d[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Check,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Check=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.Check(a,b,c);};Q.ptr.prototype.Overlaps=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return a.X<=b.X+b.W&&a.X+a.W>=b.X&&a.Y<=b.Y+b.H&&a.Y+a.H>=b.Y;};Q.prototype.Overlaps=function(a){return this.$val.Overlaps(a);};Q.ptr.prototype.AddToIgnoreList=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=a;(b.ignoreList||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[AA.keyFor(c)]={k:c,v:true};};Q.prototype.AddToIgnoreList=function(a){return this.$val.AddToIgnoreList(a);};Q.ptr.prototype.RemoveFromIgnoreList=function(a){var a,b;b=this;delete b.ignoreList[AA.keyFor(a)];};Q.prototype.RemoveFromIgnoreList=function(a){return this.$val.RemoveFromIgnoreList(a);};T=function(){return new S.ptr(AA.nil,0,0,new AB([]),X.nil);};$pkg.NewCollision=T;S.ptr.prototype.HasTags=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b.Objects;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(e===b.checkingObject){d++;continue;}if(e.HasTags(a)){return true;}d++;}return false;};S.prototype.HasTags=function(a){return this.$val.HasTags(a);};S.ptr.prototype.ObjectsByTags=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=new AB([]);d=b.Objects;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);if(f===b.checkingObject){e++;continue;}if(f.HasTags(a)){c=$append(c,f);}e++;}return c;};S.prototype.ObjectsByTags=function(a){return this.$val.ObjectsByTags(a);};S.ptr.prototype.ContactWithObject=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=new B.Vector([0,0]);if(b.dx<0){(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]=a.X+a.W-b.checkingObject.X);}else if(b.dx>0){(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]=a.X-b.checkingObject.W-b.checkingObject.X);}if(b.dy<0){(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]=a.Y+a.H-b.checkingObject.Y);}else if(b.dy>0){(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]=a.Y-b.checkingObject.H-b.checkingObject.Y);}return c;};S.prototype.ContactWithObject=function(a){return this.$val.ContactWithObject(a);};S.ptr.prototype.ContactWithCell=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this;c=new B.Vector([0,0]);d=(($imul(a.X,b.checkingObject.Space.CellWidth)));e=(($imul(a.Y,b.checkingObject.Space.CellHeight)));if(b.dx<0){(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]=d+(b.checkingObject.Space.CellWidth)-b.checkingObject.X);}else if(b.dx>0){(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]=d-b.checkingObject.W-b.checkingObject.X);}if(b.dy<0){(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]=e+(b.checkingObject.Space.CellHeight)-b.checkingObject.Y);}else if(b.dy>0){(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]=e-b.checkingObject.H-b.checkingObject.Y);}return c;};S.prototype.ContactWithCell=function(a){return this.$val.ContactWithCell(a);};S.ptr.prototype.SlideAgainstCell=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u;c=this;d=c.checkingObject.Space;f=(e=c.Cells,(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]));g=d.SpaceToWorld(f.X,f.Y);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=(d.CellWidth)/2;k=(d.CellHeight)/2;h=h+(j);i=i+(k);l=c.checkingObject.Center();m=l[0];n=l[1];o=m-h;p=n-i;q=d.Cell(f.X-1>>0,f.Y);r=d.Cell(f.X+1>>0,f.Y);s=d.Cell(f.X,f.Y-1>>0);t=d.Cell(f.X,f.Y+1>>0);u=new B.Vector([0,0]);if(!((c.dy===0))){if(o>0&&(r===W.nil||!r.ContainsTags(b))){(0>=u.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+0]=h+j-c.checkingObject.X);}else if(o<0&&(q===W.nil||!q.ContainsTags(b))){(0>=u.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+0]=h-j-(c.checkingObject.X+c.checkingObject.W));}else{return B.Vector.nil;}}if(!((c.dx===0))){if(p>0&&(t===W.nil||!t.ContainsTags(b))){(1>=u.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+1]=i+k-c.checkingObject.Y);}else if(p<0&&(s===W.nil||!s.ContainsTags(b))){(1>=u.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+1]=i-k-(c.checkingObject.Y+c.checkingObject.H));}else{return B.Vector.nil;}}return u;};S.prototype.SlideAgainstCell=function(a,b){return this.$val.SlideAgainstCell(a,b);};V=function(a,b){var a,b;return new U.ptr(a,b,new AB([]));};U.ptr.prototype.register=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(!b.Contains(a)){b.Objects=$append(b.Objects,a);}};U.prototype.register=function(a){return this.$val.register(a);};U.ptr.prototype.unregister=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;b=this;c=b.Objects;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(f===a){(i=b.Objects,((e<0||e>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+e]=(g=b.Objects,h=b.Objects.$length-1>>0,((h<0||h>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]))));b.Objects=$subslice(b.Objects,0,(b.Objects.$length-1>>0));break;}d++;}};U.prototype.unregister=function(a){return this.$val.unregister(a);};U.ptr.prototype.Contains=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b.Objects;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(e===a){return true;}d++;}return false;};U.prototype.Contains=function(a){return this.$val.Contains(a);};U.ptr.prototype.ContainsTags=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b.Objects;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(e.HasTags(a)){return true;}d++;}return false;};U.prototype.ContainsTags=function(a){return this.$val.ContainsTags(a);};U.ptr.prototype.Occupied=function(){var a;a=this;return a.Objects.$length>0;};U.prototype.Occupied=function(){return 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b;b=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(b.output,$ifaceNil)){return D.Stderr;}return b.output;};AH.prototype.Output=function(){return this.$val.Output();};AH.ptr.prototype.Name=function(){var b;b=this;return b.name;};AH.prototype.Name=function(){return this.$val.Name();};AH.ptr.prototype.ErrorHandling=function(){var b;b=this;return b.errorHandling;};AH.prototype.ErrorHandling=function(){return this.$val.ErrorHandling();};AH.ptr.prototype.SetOutput=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.output=b;};AH.prototype.SetOutput=function(b){return this.$val.SetOutput(b);};AH.ptr.prototype.VisitAll=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;e=AJ(c.formal);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=0;case 2:if(!(f=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f]);$r=b(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.VisitAll,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.VisitAll=function(b){return this.$val.VisitAll(b);};AH.ptr.prototype.Visit=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;e=AJ(c.actual);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=0;case 2:if(!(f=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f]);$r=b(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Visit,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Visit=function(b){return this.$val.Visit(b);};AH.ptr.prototype.Lookup=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;return(d=c.formal[$String.keyFor(b)],d!==undefined?d.v:CD.nil);};AH.prototype.Lookup=function(b){return this.$val.Lookup(b);};AH.ptr.prototype.Set=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=(f=d.formal[$String.keyFor(b)],f!==undefined?[f.v,true]:[CD.nil,false]);g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=B.Errorf("no such flag -%v",new BS([new $String(b)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=4;case 4:return j;case 2:k=g.Value.Set(c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return l;}if(d.actual===false){d.actual={};}m=b;(d.actual||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(m)]={k:m,v:g};$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Set=function(b,c){return this.$val.Set(b,c);};AO=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=E.TypeOf(b.Value);e=new E.Value.ptr(CF.nil,0,0);f=d.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(f===22){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=d.Elem();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=E.New(g);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=h;$s=3;continue;case 2:i=E.Zero(d);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=i;case 3:j=$clone(e,E.Value).Interface();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$assertType(j,AE).String();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=c===k;$s=10;case 10:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AP=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c="";d="";d=b.Usage;e=0;while(true){if(!(e>0;while(true){if(!(f>0),f);d=$substring(d,0,e)+c+$substring(d,(f+1>>0));g=c;h=d;c=g;d=h;return[c,d];}f=f+(1)>>0;}break;}e=e+(1)>>0;}c="value";i=b.Value;if($assertType(i,O,true)[1]){c="";}else if($assertType(i,CB,true)[1]){c="duration";}else if($assertType(i,CA,true)[1]){c="float";}else if($assertType(i,BV,true)[1]||$assertType(i,BW,true)[1]){c="int";}else if($assertType(i,BZ,true)[1]){c="string";}else if($assertType(i,BX,true)[1]||$assertType(i,BY,true)[1]){c="uint";}return[c,d];};$pkg.UnquoteUsage=AP;AH.ptr.prototype.PrintDefaults=function(){var{b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];b[0]=this;$r=b[0].VisitAll((function(b){return function $b(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];d[0]=new H.Builder.ptr(CG.nil,CH.nil);e=B.Fprintf(d[0]," -%s",new BS([new $String(c.Name)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;f=AP(c);g=f[0];h=f[1];if(g.length>0){d[0].WriteString(" ");d[0].WriteString(g);}if(d[0].Len()<=4){d[0].WriteString("\t");}else{d[0].WriteString("\n \t");}d[0].WriteString(H.ReplaceAll(h,"\n","\n \t"));i=AO(c,c.DefValue);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!i){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=$assertType(c.Value,BZ,true);k=j[1];if(k){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=B.Fprintf(d[0]," (default %q)",new BS([new $String(c.DefValue)]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=7;continue;case 6:m=B.Fprintf(d[0]," (default %v)",new BS([new $String(c.DefValue)]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;case 7:case 3:n=B.Fprint(b[0].Output(),new BS([new $String(d[0].String()),new $String("\n")]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};})(b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.PrintDefaults,$c:true,$r,b,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.PrintDefaults=function(){return this.$val.PrintDefaults();};AQ=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=$pkg.CommandLine.PrintDefaults();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};$pkg.PrintDefaults=AQ;AH.ptr.prototype.defaultUsage=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.name===""){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=B.Fprintf(b.Output(),"Usage:\n",new BS([]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c;$s=3;continue;case 2:d=B.Fprintf(b.Output(),"Usage of %s:\n",new BS([new $String(b.name)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d;case 3:$r=b.PrintDefaults();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.defaultUsage,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.defaultUsage=function(){return this.$val.defaultUsage();};AH.ptr.prototype.NFlag=function(){var b;b=this;return $keys(b.actual).length;};AH.prototype.NFlag=function(){return this.$val.NFlag();};AH.ptr.prototype.Arg=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;if(b<0||b>=c.args.$length){return"";}return(d=c.args,((b<0||b>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+b]));};AH.prototype.Arg=function(b){return this.$val.Arg(b);};AH.ptr.prototype.NArg=function(){var b;b=this;return b.args.$length;};AH.prototype.NArg=function(){return this.$val.NArg();};AH.ptr.prototype.Args=function(){var b;b=this;return b.args;};AH.prototype.Args=function(){return this.$val.Args();};AH.ptr.prototype.BoolVar=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.Var(N(d,b),c,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.BoolVar,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.BoolVar=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.BoolVar(b,c,d,e);};AH.ptr.prototype.Bool=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=$newDataPointer(false,CI);$r=e.BoolVar(f,b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Bool,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Bool=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Bool(b,c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.IntVar=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.Var(Q(d,b),c,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.IntVar,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.IntVar=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.IntVar(b,c,d,e);};AH.ptr.prototype.Int=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=$newDataPointer(0,CJ);$r=e.IntVar(f,b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Int,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Int=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Int(b,c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.Int64Var=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.Var(S(d,b),c,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Int64Var,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Int64Var=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.Int64Var(b,c,d,e);};AH.ptr.prototype.Int64=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=$newDataPointer(new $Int64(0,0),CK);$r=e.Int64Var(f,b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Int64,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Int64=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Int64(b,c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.UintVar=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.Var(U(d,b),c,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.UintVar,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.UintVar=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.UintVar(b,c,d,e);};AH.ptr.prototype.Uint=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=$newDataPointer(0,CL);$r=e.UintVar(f,b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Uint,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Uint=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Uint(b,c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.Uint64Var=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.Var(W(d,b),c,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Uint64Var,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Uint64Var=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.Uint64Var(b,c,d,e);};AH.ptr.prototype.Uint64=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=$newDataPointer(new $Uint64(0,0),CM);$r=e.Uint64Var(f,b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Uint64,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Uint64=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Uint64(b,c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.StringVar=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.Var(Y(d,b),c,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.StringVar,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.StringVar=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.StringVar(b,c,d,e);};AH.ptr.prototype.String=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=$newDataPointer("",CN);$r=e.StringVar(f,b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.String=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.String(b,c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.Float64Var=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.Var(AA(d,b),c,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Float64Var,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Float64Var=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.Float64Var(b,c,d,e);};AH.ptr.prototype.Float64=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=$newDataPointer(0,CO);$r=e.Float64Var(f,b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Float64,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Float64=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Float64(b,c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.DurationVar=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;$r=f.Var(AC(d,b),c,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.DurationVar,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.DurationVar=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.DurationVar(b,c,d,e);};AH.ptr.prototype.Duration=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=$newDataPointer(new I.Duration(0,0),CC);$r=e.DurationVar(f,b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Duration,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Duration=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Duration(b,c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.Func=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;$r=e.Var(new AD((d)),b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Func,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Func=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Func(b,c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.Var=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(H.HasPrefix(c,"-")){$s=1;continue;}if(H.Contains(c,"=")){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:f=e.sprintf("flag %q begins with -",new BS([new $String(c)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(f));$s=3;continue;case 2:g=e.sprintf("flag %q contains =",new BS([new $String(c)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(g));case 3:h=b.String();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=new AI.ptr(c,d,b,h);j=(k=e.formal[$String.keyFor(c)],k!==undefined?[k.v,true]:[CD.nil,false]);l=j[1];if(l){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:m="";if(e.name===""){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:n=e.sprintf("flag redefined: %s",new BS([new $String(c)]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;$s=11;continue;case 10:o=e.sprintf("%s flag redefined: %s",new BS([new $String(e.name),new $String(c)]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=o;case 11:$panic(new $String(m));case 8:if(e.formal===false){e.formal={};}p=c;(e.formal||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(p)]={k:p,v:i};$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.Var,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.Var=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Var(b,c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.sprintf=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=B.Sprintf(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=B.Fprintln(d.Output(),new BS([new $String(f)]));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.sprintf,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.sprintf=function(b,c){return this.$val.sprintf(b,c);};AH.ptr.prototype.failf=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.sprintf(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$r=d.usage();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return A.New(f);}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.failf,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.failf=function(b,c){return this.$val.failf(b,c);};AH.ptr.prototype.usage=function(){var{b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.Usage===$throwNilPointerError){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=b.defaultUsage();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=b.Usage();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.usage,$c:true,$r,b,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.usage=function(){return this.$val.usage();};AH.ptr.prototype.parseOne=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.args.$length===0){$s=-1;return[false,$ifaceNil];}d=(c=b.args,(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$String(f),al]));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=[false,am];$s=38;case 38:return an;case 36:case 14:if(b.actual===false){b.actual={};}ao=f;(b.actual||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(ao)]={k:ao,v:o};$s=-1;return[true,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.parseOne,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.parseOne=function(){return this.$val.parseOne();};AH.ptr.prototype.Parse=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;c.parsed=true;c.args=b;case 1:e=c.parseOne();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break 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0:$r=$pkg.Usage();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};BR=function(b,c){var b,c,d;d=new AH.ptr($throwNilPointerError,b,false,false,false,CP.nil,c,$ifaceNil);d.Usage=$methodVal(d,"defaultUsage");return d;};$pkg.NewFlagSet=BR;AH.ptr.prototype.Init=function(b,c){var b,c,d;d=this;d.name=b;d.errorHandling=c;};AH.prototype.Init=function(b,c){return this.$val.Init(b,c);};BU.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"IsBoolFlag",name:"IsBoolFlag",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)}];BV.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];BW.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];BX.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];BY.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];BZ.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];CA.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];CB.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];AD.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];CS.methods=[{prop:"Output",name:"Output",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[C.Writer],false)},{prop:"Name",name:"Name",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"ErrorHandling",name:"ErrorHandling",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AG],false)},{prop:"SetOutput",name:"SetOutput",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([C.Writer],[],false)},{prop:"VisitAll",name:"VisitAll",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CQ],[],false)},{prop:"Visit",name:"Visit",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CQ],[],false)},{prop:"Lookup",name:"Lookup",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[CD],false)},{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"PrintDefaults",name:"PrintDefaults",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"defaultUsage",name:"defaultUsage",pkg:"flag",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"NFlag",name:"NFlag",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Arg",name:"Arg",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[$String],false)},{prop:"NArg",name:"NArg",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Args",name:"Args",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[CP],false)},{prop:"BoolVar",name:"BoolVar",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CI,$String,$Bool,$String],[],false)},{prop:"Bool",name:"Bool",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$Bool,$String],[CI],false)},{prop:"IntVar",name:"IntVar",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CJ,$String,$Int,$String],[],false)},{prop:"Int",name:"Int",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$Int,$String],[CJ],false)},{prop:"Int64Var",name:"Int64Var",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CK,$String,$Int64,$String],[],false)},{prop:"Int64",name:"Int64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$Int64,$String],[CK],false)},{prop:"UintVar",name:"UintVar",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CL,$String,$Uint,$String],[],false)},{prop:"Uint",name:"Uint",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$Uint,$String],[CL],false)},{prop:"Uint64Var",name:"Uint64Var",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CM,$String,$Uint64,$String],[],false)},{prop:"Uint64",name:"Uint64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$Uint64,$String],[CM],false)},{prop:"StringVar",name:"StringVar",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CN,$String,$String,$String],[],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$String,$String],[CN],false)},{prop:"Float64Var",name:"Float64Var",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CO,$String,$Float64,$String],[],false)},{prop:"Float64",name:"Float64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$Float64,$String],[CO],false)},{prop:"DurationVar",name:"DurationVar",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CC,$String,I.Duration,$String],[],false)},{prop:"Duration",name:"Duration",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,I.Duration,$String],[CC],false)},{prop:"Func",name:"Func",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$String,CR],[],false)},{prop:"Var",name:"Var",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AE,$String,$String],[],false)},{prop:"sprintf",name:"sprintf",pkg:"flag",typ:$funcType([$String,BS],[$String],true)},{prop:"failf",name:"failf",pkg:"flag",typ:$funcType([$String,BS],[$error],true)},{prop:"usage",name:"usage",pkg:"flag",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"parseOne",name:"parseOne",pkg:"flag",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool,$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$Uint64(~c.$high,~c.$low>>>0)));};L.prototype.Sub=function(a){return this.$val.Sub(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Inc=function(){var a;a=this;return a.Add(new $Uint64(0,1));};L.prototype.Inc=function(){return this.$val.Inc();};L.ptr.prototype.Dec=function(){var a;a=this;return a.Sub(new $Uint64(0,1));};L.prototype.Dec=function(){return this.$val.Dec();};L.ptr.prototype.CAS=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;return B.CompareAndSwapUint64((c.$ptr_v||(c.$ptr_v=new Z(function(){return this.$target.v;},function($v){this.$target.v=$v;},c))),a,b);};L.prototype.CAS=function(a,b){return this.$val.CAS(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.Store=function(a){var a,b;b=this;B.StoreUint64((b.$ptr_v||(b.$ptr_v=new Z(function(){return this.$target.v;},function($v){this.$target.v=$v;},b))),a);};L.prototype.Store=function(a){return this.$val.Store(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Swap=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return B.SwapUint64((b.$ptr_v||(b.$ptr_v=new Z(function(){return 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this.$val.Format(a,b);};O.ptr.prototype.writeSingleline=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=true;d=b.errors;e=0;case 1:if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);if(c){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:c=false;$s=5;continue;case 4:g=a.Write(G);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;case 5:h=a;i=f.Error();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=C.WriteString(h,j);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;e++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:O.ptr.prototype.writeSingleline,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};O.prototype.writeSingleline=function(a){return 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F.Bool.ptr(0),e);};U=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;if($interfaceIsEqual(a,$ifaceNil)){return b;}else if($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil)){return a;}c=$assertType(b,X,true);d=c[1];if(!d){e=$assertType(a,X,true);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(g&&!f.copyNeeded.Swap(true)){h=$append(f.errors,b);return new O.ptr(new F.Bool.ptr(0),h);}else if(!g){return new O.ptr(new F.Bool.ptr(0),new Y([a,b]));}}i=$toNativeArray($kindInterface,[a,b]);return S($subslice(new 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BS.ptr(false,0,"",0),"");this.ErrorOutput=$ifaceNil;this.dirty=false;this.should=0;this.cores=DJ.nil;return;}this.Entry=Entry_;this.ErrorOutput=ErrorOutput_;this.dirty=dirty_;this.should=should_;this.cores=cores_;});BW=$pkg.LevelEncoder=$newType(4,$kindFunc,"zapcore.LevelEncoder",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,null);CB=$pkg.TimeEncoder=$newType(4,$kindFunc,"zapcore.TimeEncoder",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,null);CG=$pkg.DurationEncoder=$newType(4,$kindFunc,"zapcore.DurationEncoder",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,null);CK=$pkg.CallerEncoder=$newType(4,$kindFunc,"zapcore.CallerEncoder",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,null);CN=$pkg.NameEncoder=$newType(4,$kindFunc,"zapcore.NameEncoder",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,null);CP=$pkg.EncoderConfig=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"zapcore.EncoderConfig",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,function(MessageKey_,LevelKey_,TimeKey_,NameKey_,CallerKey_,StacktraceKey_,LineEnding_,EncodeLevel_,EncodeTime_,EncodeDuration_,EncodeCaller_,EncodeName_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.MessageKey="";this.LevelKey="";this.TimeKey="";this.NameKey="";this.CallerKey="";this.StacktraceKey="";this.LineEnding="";this.EncodeLevel=$throwNilPointerError;this.EncodeTime=$throwNilPointerError;this.EncodeDuration=$throwNilPointerError;this.EncodeCaller=$throwNilPointerError;this.EncodeName=$throwNilPointerError;return;}this.MessageKey=MessageKey_;this.LevelKey=LevelKey_;this.TimeKey=TimeKey_;this.NameKey=NameKey_;this.CallerKey=CallerKey_;this.StacktraceKey=StacktraceKey_;this.LineEnding=LineEnding_;this.EncodeLevel=EncodeLevel_;this.EncodeTime=EncodeTime_;this.EncodeDuration=EncodeDuration_;this.EncodeCaller=EncodeCaller_;this.EncodeName=EncodeName_;});CQ=$pkg.ObjectEncoder=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"zapcore.ObjectEncoder",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,null);CR=$pkg.ArrayEncoder=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"zapcore.ArrayEncoder",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,null);CS=$pkg.PrimitiveArrayEncoder=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,null);CT=$pkg.Encoder=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"zapcore.Encoder",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,null);CU=$pkg.Core=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"zapcore.Core",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",true,null);CV=$pkg.nopCore=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"zapcore.nopCore",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",false,function(){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){return;}});CY=$pkg.ioCore=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"zapcore.ioCore",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",false,function(LevelEnabler_,enc_,out_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.LevelEnabler=$ifaceNil;this.enc=$ifaceNil;this.out=$ifaceNil;return;}this.LevelEnabler=LevelEnabler_;this.enc=enc_;this.out=out_;});DC=$pkg.consoleEncoder=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"zapcore.consoleEncoder",true,"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore",false,function(jsonEncoder_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.jsonEncoder=DS.nil;return;}this.jsonEncoder=jsonEncoder_;});DE=$sliceType($emptyInterface);DF=$ptrType(CP);DG=$ptrType(N.Buffer);DH=$ptrType(K.Encoder);DI=$ptrType(D.Location);DJ=$sliceType(CU);DK=$ptrType(U);DL=$sliceType(S);DM=$arrayType(AB,4096);DN=$arrayType(DM,7);DO=$ptrType(AC);DP=$mapType($String,$emptyInterface);DQ=$sliceType($Uint8);DR=$ptrType(AU);DS=$ptrType(AZ);DV=$ptrType(BV);DW=$ptrType(BM);DX=$ptrType(AJ);DY=$sliceType(BF);DZ=$ptrType(AB);EA=$ptrType(AF);EB=$ptrType(AH);ED=$sliceType($error);EE=$ptrType(BW);EF=$ptrType(CB);EG=$ptrType(CG);EH=$ptrType(CK);EI=$ptrType(CN);EJ=$ptrType(CY);T=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g;d=c;if($assertType(d,S,true)[1]){e=d;return e;}else{f=d;return(g=new W.ptr(f),new g.constructor.elem(g));}};$pkg.AddSync=T;V=function(c){var c,d,e;d=$assertType(c,DK,true);e=d[1];if(e){return c;}return new U.ptr(new B.Mutex.ptr(0,0),c);};$pkg.Lock=V;U.ptr.prototype.Write=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;$r=d.Mutex.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=d.ws.Write(c);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];$r=d.Mutex.Unlock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Write=function(c){return this.$val.Write(c);};U.ptr.prototype.Sync=function(){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.Mutex.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c.ws.Sync();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$r=c.Mutex.Unlock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:U.ptr.prototype.Sync,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};U.prototype.Sync=function(){return this.$val.Sync();};W.ptr.prototype.Sync=function(){var c;c=this;return $ifaceNil;};W.prototype.Sync=function(){return this.$val.Sync();};Y=function(c){var c;if(c.$length===1){return(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]);}return($convertSliceType($appendSlice((DL.nil),c),X));};$pkg.NewMultiWriteSyncer=Y;X.prototype.Write=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=$ifaceNil;f=0;g=d;h=0;case 1:if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);k=i.Write(c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];e=C.Append(e,m);if((f===0)&&!((l===0))){f=l;}else if(l=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);h=d;i=g.Sync();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=C.Append(h,j);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=k;f++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:X.prototype.Sync,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(X).prototype.Sync=function(){return this.$get().Sync();};AD=function(){return DN.zero();};AC.prototype.get=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;e=this.$val;f=c- -1<<24>>24;h=(g=AE(d)%4096,g===g?g:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));return(i=(j=e,((f<0||f>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[f])),((h<0||h>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=new AF.ptr(e,d.counts,d.tick,d.first,d.thereafter);$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF.ptr.prototype.With,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AF.prototype.With=function(c){return this.$val.With(c);};AF.ptr.prototype.Check=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.Core.Enabled(c.Level);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!f){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return d;case 2:g=new DO(e.counts).get(c.Level,c.Message);h=g.IncCheckReset($clone(c.Time,D.Time),e.tick);if((i=e.first,(h.$high>i.$high||(h.$high===i.$high&&h.$low>i.$low)))&&!((j=$div64(((k=e.first,new $Uint64(h.$high-k.$high,h.$low-k.$low))),e.thereafter,true),(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0)))){$s=-1;return d;}l=e.Core.Check($clone(c,BT),d);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=5;case 5:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF.ptr.prototype.Check,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AF.prototype.Check=function(c,d){return this.$val.Check(c,d);};AI=function(){var c;c={};return new AH.ptr(c,c);};$pkg.NewMapObjectEncoder=AI;AH.ptr.prototype.AddArray=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=new AJ.ptr($makeSlice(DE,0));g=d.MarshalLogArray(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(i)]={k:i,v:f.elems};$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.AddArray,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.AddArray=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddArray(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddObject=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=AI();g=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(g)]={k:g,v:new DP(f.Fields)};h=d.MarshalLogObject(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.AddObject,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.AddObject=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddObject(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddBinary=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:d};};AH.prototype.AddBinary=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddBinary(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddByteString=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $String(($bytesToString(d)))};};AH.prototype.AddByteString=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddByteString(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddBool=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Bool(d)};};AH.prototype.AddBool=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddBool(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddDuration=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:d};};AH.prototype.AddDuration=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddDuration(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddComplex128=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:d};};AH.prototype.AddComplex128=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddComplex128(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddComplex64=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:d};};AH.prototype.AddComplex64=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddComplex64(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddFloat64=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Float64(d)};};AH.prototype.AddFloat64=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddFloat64(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddFloat32=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Float32(d)};};AH.prototype.AddFloat32=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddFloat32(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddInt=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Int(d)};};AH.prototype.AddInt=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddInt(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddInt64=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:d};};AH.prototype.AddInt64=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddInt64(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddInt32=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Int32(d)};};AH.prototype.AddInt32=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddInt32(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddInt16=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Int16(d)};};AH.prototype.AddInt16=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddInt16(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddInt8=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Int8(d)};};AH.prototype.AddInt8=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddInt8(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddString=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $String(d)};};AH.prototype.AddString=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddString(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddTime=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new d.constructor.elem(d)};};AH.prototype.AddTime=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddTime(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddUint=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Uint(d)};};AH.prototype.AddUint=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUint(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddUint64=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:d};};AH.prototype.AddUint64=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUint64(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddUint32=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Uint32(d)};};AH.prototype.AddUint32=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUint32(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddUint16=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Uint16(d)};};AH.prototype.AddUint16=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUint16(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddUint8=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Uint8(d)};};AH.prototype.AddUint8=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUint8(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddUintptr=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new $Uintptr(d)};};AH.prototype.AddUintptr=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUintptr(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddReflected=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f;e=this;f=c;(e.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:d};return $ifaceNil;};AH.prototype.AddReflected=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddReflected(c,d);};AH.ptr.prototype.OpenNamespace=function(c){var c,d,e,f;d=this;e={};f=c;(d.cur||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(f)]={k:f,v:new DP(e)};d.cur=e;};AH.prototype.OpenNamespace=function(c){return this.$val.OpenNamespace(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendArray=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=new AJ.ptr(DE.nil);f=c.MarshalLogArray(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;d.elems=$append(d.elems,e.elems);$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendArray,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AJ.prototype.AppendArray=function(c){return this.$val.AppendArray(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendObject=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=AI();f=c.MarshalLogObject(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new DP(e.Fields));$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendObject,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AJ.prototype.AppendObject=function(c){return this.$val.AppendObject(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendReflected=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,c);return $ifaceNil;};AJ.prototype.AppendReflected=function(c){return this.$val.AppendReflected(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendBool=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Bool(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendBool=function(c){return this.$val.AppendBool(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendByteString=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,c);};AJ.prototype.AppendByteString=function(c){return this.$val.AppendByteString(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendComplex128=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,c);};AJ.prototype.AppendComplex128=function(c){return this.$val.AppendComplex128(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendComplex64=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,c);};AJ.prototype.AppendComplex64=function(c){return this.$val.AppendComplex64(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendDuration=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,c);};AJ.prototype.AppendDuration=function(c){return this.$val.AppendDuration(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendFloat64=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Float64(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendFloat64=function(c){return this.$val.AppendFloat64(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendFloat32=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Float32(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendFloat32=function(c){return this.$val.AppendFloat32(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendInt=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Int(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendInt=function(c){return this.$val.AppendInt(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendInt64=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,c);};AJ.prototype.AppendInt64=function(c){return this.$val.AppendInt64(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendInt32=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Int32(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendInt32=function(c){return this.$val.AppendInt32(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendInt16=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Int16(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendInt16=function(c){return this.$val.AppendInt16(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendInt8=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Int8(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendInt8=function(c){return this.$val.AppendInt8(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendString=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $String(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendString=function(c){return this.$val.AppendString(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendTime=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new c.constructor.elem(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendTime=function(c){return this.$val.AppendTime(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendUint=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Uint(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendUint=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUint(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendUint64=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,c);};AJ.prototype.AppendUint64=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUint64(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendUint32=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Uint32(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendUint32=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUint32(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendUint16=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Uint16(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendUint16=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUint16(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendUint8=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Uint8(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendUint8=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUint8(c);};AJ.ptr.prototype.AppendUintptr=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.elems=$append(d.elems,new $Uintptr(c));};AJ.prototype.AppendUintptr=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUintptr(c);};AS=function(){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=AO;d=0;e=$keys(c);case 1:if(!(d=d;};$ptrType(AU).prototype.Enabled=function(c){return new AU(this.$get()).Enabled(c);};AX=function(){var{c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=AW.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=$assertType(c,DS);$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AX,$c:true,$r,c,d,$s};return $f;};AY=function(c){var c;if(!(c.reflectBuf===DG.nil)){c.reflectBuf.Free();}c.EncoderConfig=DF.nil;c.buf=DG.nil;c.spaced=false;c.openNamespaces=0;c.reflectBuf=DG.nil;c.reflectEnc=DH.nil;AW.Put(c);};BA=function(c){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=BB($clone(c,CP),false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BA,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewJSONEncoder=BA;BB=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];e=O.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=new AZ.ptr(c[0],e,d,0,DG.nil,DH.nil);$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BB,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddArray=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;e.addKey(c);f=e.AppendArray(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.AddArray,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.AddArray=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddArray(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddObject=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;e.addKey(c);f=e.AppendObject(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.AddObject,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.AddObject=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddObject(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddBinary=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddString(c,J.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(d));};AZ.prototype.AddBinary=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddBinary(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddByteString=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.addKey(c);e.AppendByteString(d);};AZ.prototype.AddByteString=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddByteString(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddBool=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.addKey(c);e.AppendBool(d);};AZ.prototype.AddBool=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddBool(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddComplex128=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.addKey(c);e.AppendComplex128(d);};AZ.prototype.AddComplex128=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddComplex128(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddDuration=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;e.addKey(c);$r=e.AppendDuration(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.AddDuration,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.AddDuration=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddDuration(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddFloat64=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.addKey(c);e.AppendFloat64(d);};AZ.prototype.AddFloat64=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddFloat64(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddInt64=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.addKey(c);e.AppendInt64(d);};AZ.prototype.AddInt64=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddInt64(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.resetReflectBuf=function(){var{c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(c.reflectBuf===DG.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=O.Get();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.reflectBuf=d;c.reflectEnc=K.NewEncoder(c.reflectBuf);$s=3;continue;case 2:c.reflectBuf.Reset();case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.resetReflectBuf,$c:true,$r,c,d,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.resetReflectBuf=function(){return this.$val.resetReflectBuf();};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddReflected=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;$r=e.resetReflectBuf();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e.reflectEnc.Encode(d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return g;}e.reflectBuf.TrimNewline();e.addKey(c);h=e.buf.Write(e.reflectBuf.Bytes());g=h[1];$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.AddReflected,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.AddReflected=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddReflected(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.OpenNamespace=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.addKey(c);d.buf.AppendByte(123);d.openNamespaces=d.openNamespaces+(1)>>0;};AZ.prototype.OpenNamespace=function(c){return this.$val.OpenNamespace(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddString=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.addKey(c);e.AppendString(d);};AZ.prototype.AddString=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddString(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddTime=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;e.addKey(c);$r=e.AppendTime($clone(d,D.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.AddTime,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.AddTime=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddTime(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddUint64=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.addKey(c);e.AppendUint64(d);};AZ.prototype.AddUint64=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUint64(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendArray=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;d.addElementSeparator();d.buf.AppendByte(91);e=c.MarshalLogArray(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;d.buf.AppendByte(93);$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendArray,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.AppendArray=function(c){return this.$val.AppendArray(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendObject=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;d.addElementSeparator();d.buf.AppendByte(123);e=c.MarshalLogObject(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;d.buf.AppendByte(125);$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendObject,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.AppendObject=function(c){return this.$val.AppendObject(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendBool=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.addElementSeparator();d.buf.AppendBool(c);};AZ.prototype.AppendBool=function(c){return this.$val.AppendBool(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendByteString=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.addElementSeparator();d.buf.AppendByte(34);d.safeAddByteString(c);d.buf.AppendByte(34);};AZ.prototype.AppendByteString=function(c){return this.$val.AppendByteString(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendComplex128=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h;d=this;d.addElementSeparator();e=(c.$real);f=(c.$imag);g=e;h=f;d.buf.AppendByte(34);d.buf.AppendFloat(g,64);d.buf.AppendByte(43);d.buf.AppendFloat(h,64);d.buf.AppendByte(105);d.buf.AppendByte(34);};AZ.prototype.AppendComplex128=function(c){return this.$val.AppendComplex128(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendDuration=function(c){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.buf.Len();$r=d.EncoderConfig.EncodeDuration(c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e===d.buf.Len()){d.AppendInt64((new $Int64(c.$high,c.$low)));}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendDuration,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.AppendDuration=function(c){return this.$val.AppendDuration(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendInt64=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.addElementSeparator();d.buf.AppendInt(c);};AZ.prototype.AppendInt64=function(c){return this.$val.AppendInt64(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendReflected=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;$r=d.resetReflectBuf();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d.reflectEnc.Encode(c);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return f;}d.reflectBuf.TrimNewline();d.addElementSeparator();g=d.buf.Write(d.reflectBuf.Bytes());f=g[1];$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendReflected,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.AppendReflected=function(c){return this.$val.AppendReflected(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendString=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.addElementSeparator();d.buf.AppendByte(34);d.safeAddString(c);d.buf.AppendByte(34);};AZ.prototype.AppendString=function(c){return this.$val.AppendString(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendTime=function(c){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.buf.Len();$r=d.EncoderConfig.EncodeTime($clone(c,D.Time),d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e===d.buf.Len()){d.AppendInt64($clone(c,D.Time).UnixNano());}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendTime,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.AppendTime=function(c){return this.$val.AppendTime(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendUint64=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.addElementSeparator();d.buf.AppendUint(c);};AZ.prototype.AppendUint64=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUint64(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddComplex64=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddComplex128(c,(new $Complex128(d.$real,d.$imag)));};AZ.prototype.AddComplex64=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddComplex64(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddFloat32=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddFloat64(c,(d));};AZ.prototype.AddFloat32=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddFloat32(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddInt=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddInt64(c,(new $Int64(0,d)));};AZ.prototype.AddInt=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddInt(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddInt32=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddInt64(c,(new $Int64(0,d)));};AZ.prototype.AddInt32=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddInt32(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddInt16=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddInt64(c,(new $Int64(0,d)));};AZ.prototype.AddInt16=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddInt16(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddInt8=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddInt64(c,(new $Int64(0,d)));};AZ.prototype.AddInt8=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddInt8(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddUint=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddUint64(c,(new $Uint64(0,d)));};AZ.prototype.AddUint=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUint(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddUint32=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddUint64(c,(new $Uint64(0,d)));};AZ.prototype.AddUint32=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUint32(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddUint16=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddUint64(c,(new $Uint64(0,d)));};AZ.prototype.AddUint16=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUint16(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddUint8=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddUint64(c,(new $Uint64(0,d)));};AZ.prototype.AddUint8=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUint8(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AddUintptr=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.AddUint64(c,(new $Uint64(0,d.constructor===Number?d:1)));};AZ.prototype.AddUintptr=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddUintptr(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendComplex64=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.AppendComplex128((new $Complex128(c.$real,c.$imag)));};AZ.prototype.AppendComplex64=function(c){return this.$val.AppendComplex64(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendFloat64=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.appendFloat(c,64);};AZ.prototype.AppendFloat64=function(c){return this.$val.AppendFloat64(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendFloat32=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.appendFloat((c),32);};AZ.prototype.AppendFloat32=function(c){return this.$val.AppendFloat32(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendInt=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.AppendInt64((new $Int64(0,c)));};AZ.prototype.AppendInt=function(c){return this.$val.AppendInt(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendInt32=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.AppendInt64((new $Int64(0,c)));};AZ.prototype.AppendInt32=function(c){return this.$val.AppendInt32(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendInt16=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.AppendInt64((new $Int64(0,c)));};AZ.prototype.AppendInt16=function(c){return this.$val.AppendInt16(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendInt8=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.AppendInt64((new $Int64(0,c)));};AZ.prototype.AppendInt8=function(c){return this.$val.AppendInt8(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendUint=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.AppendUint64((new $Uint64(0,c)));};AZ.prototype.AppendUint=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUint(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendUint32=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.AppendUint64((new $Uint64(0,c)));};AZ.prototype.AppendUint32=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUint32(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendUint16=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.AppendUint64((new $Uint64(0,c)));};AZ.prototype.AppendUint16=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUint16(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendUint8=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.AppendUint64((new $Uint64(0,c)));};AZ.prototype.AppendUint8=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUint8(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.AppendUintptr=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.AppendUint64((new $Uint64(0,c.constructor===Number?c:1)));};AZ.prototype.AppendUintptr=function(c){return this.$val.AppendUintptr(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.Clone=function(){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.clone();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;e.buf.Write(c.buf.Bytes());$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.Clone,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.Clone=function(){return this.$val.Clone();};AZ.ptr.prototype.clone=function(){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=AX();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;e.EncoderConfig=c.EncoderConfig;e.spaced=c.spaced;e.openNamespaces=c.openNamespaces;f=O.Get();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.buf=f;$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.clone,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.clone=function(){return this.$val.clone();};AZ.ptr.prototype.EncodeEntry=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.clone();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;g.buf.AppendByte(123);if(!(g.EncoderConfig.LevelKey==="")){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g.addKey(g.EncoderConfig.LevelKey);h=g.buf.Len();$r=g.EncoderConfig.EncodeLevel(c.Level,g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h===g.buf.Len()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:i=new AU(c.Level).String();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.AppendString(i);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:case 3:if(!(g.EncoderConfig.TimeKey==="")){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=g.AddTime(g.EncoderConfig.TimeKey,$clone(c.Time,D.Time));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:if(!(c.LoggerName==="")&&!(g.EncoderConfig.NameKey==="")){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:g.addKey(g.EncoderConfig.NameKey);j=g.buf.Len();k=g.EncoderConfig.EncodeName;if(k===$throwNilPointerError){k=CO;}$r=k(c.LoggerName,g);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j===g.buf.Len()){g.AppendString(c.LoggerName);}case 13:if(c.Caller.Defined&&!(g.EncoderConfig.CallerKey==="")){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:g.addKey(g.EncoderConfig.CallerKey);l=g.buf.Len();$r=g.EncoderConfig.EncodeCaller($clone(c.Caller,BS),g);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(l===g.buf.Len()){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:m=$clone(c.Caller,BS).String();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.AppendString(m);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 19:case 16:if(!(g.EncoderConfig.MessageKey==="")){g.addKey(e.EncoderConfig.MessageKey);g.AppendString(c.Message);}if(e.buf.Len()>0){g.addElementSeparator();g.buf.Write(e.buf.Bytes());}$r=BG(g,d);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.closeOpenNamespaces();if(!(c.Stack==="")&&!(g.EncoderConfig.StacktraceKey==="")){g.AddString(g.EncoderConfig.StacktraceKey,c.Stack);}g.buf.AppendByte(125);if(!(g.EncoderConfig.LineEnding==="")){g.buf.AppendString(g.EncoderConfig.LineEnding);}else{g.buf.AppendString("\n");}n=g.buf;AY(g);$s=-1;return[n,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ.ptr.prototype.EncodeEntry,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AZ.prototype.EncodeEntry=function(c,d){return this.$val.EncodeEntry(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.closeOpenNamespaces=function(){var c,d;c=this;d=0;while(true){if(!(d>0;}};AZ.prototype.closeOpenNamespaces=function(){return this.$val.closeOpenNamespaces();};AZ.ptr.prototype.addKey=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.addElementSeparator();d.buf.AppendByte(34);d.safeAddString(c);d.buf.AppendByte(34);d.buf.AppendByte(58);if(d.spaced){d.buf.AppendByte(32);}};AZ.prototype.addKey=function(c){return this.$val.addKey(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.addElementSeparator=function(){var c,d,e,f;c=this;d=c.buf.Len()-1>>0;if(d<0){return;}f=(e=c.buf.Bytes(),((d<0||d>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+d]));if((f===(123))||(f===(91))||(f===(58))||(f===(44))||(f===(32))){return;}else{c.buf.AppendByte(44);if(c.spaced){c.buf.AppendByte(32);}}};AZ.prototype.addElementSeparator=function(){return this.$val.addElementSeparator();};AZ.ptr.prototype.appendFloat=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;e.addElementSeparator();if(L.IsNaN(c)){e.buf.AppendString("\"NaN\"");}else if(L.IsInf(c,1)){e.buf.AppendString("\"+Inf\"");}else if(L.IsInf(c,-1)){e.buf.AppendString("\"-Inf\"");}else{e.buf.AppendFloat(c,d);}};AZ.prototype.appendFloat=function(c,d){return this.$val.appendFloat(c,d);};AZ.ptr.prototype.safeAddString=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h;d=this;e=0;while(true){if(!(e>0;continue;}f=M.DecodeRuneInString($substring(c,e));g=f[0];h=f[1];if(d.tryAddRuneError(g,h)){e=e+(1)>>0;continue;}d.buf.AppendString($substring(c,e,(e+h>>0)));e=e+(h)>>0;}};AZ.prototype.safeAddString=function(c){return this.$val.safeAddString(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.safeAddByteString=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h;d=this;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+e]))){e=e+(1)>>0;continue;}f=M.DecodeRune($subslice(c,e));g=f[0];h=f[1];if(d.tryAddRuneError(g,h)){e=e+(1)>>0;continue;}d.buf.Write($subslice(c,e,(e+h>>0)));e=e+(h)>>0;}};AZ.prototype.safeAddByteString=function(c){return this.$val.safeAddByteString(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.tryAddRuneSelf=function(c){var c,d,e;d=this;if(c>=128){return false;}if(32<=c&&!((c===92))&&!((c===34))){d.buf.AppendByte(c);return true;}e=c;if((e===(92))||(e===(34))){d.buf.AppendByte(92);d.buf.AppendByte(c);}else if(e===(10)){d.buf.AppendByte(92);d.buf.AppendByte(110);}else if(e===(13)){d.buf.AppendByte(92);d.buf.AppendByte(114);}else if(e===(9)){d.buf.AppendByte(92);d.buf.AppendByte(116);}else{d.buf.AppendString("\\u00");d.buf.AppendByte("0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((c>>>4<<24>>>24)));d.buf.AppendByte("0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((c&15)>>>0)));}return true;};AZ.prototype.tryAddRuneSelf=function(c){return this.$val.tryAddRuneSelf(c);};AZ.ptr.prototype.tryAddRuneError=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;if((c===65533)&&(d===1)){e.buf.AppendString("\\ufffd");return true;}return false;};AZ.prototype.tryAddRuneError=function(c,d){return this.$val.tryAddRuneError(c,d);};BF.ptr.prototype.AddTo=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=$ifaceNil;f=d.Type;if(f===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(f===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(f===(3)){$s=4;continue;}if(f===(4)){$s=5;continue;}if(f===(5)){$s=6;continue;}if(f===(6)){$s=7;continue;}if(f===(7)){$s=8;continue;}if(f===(8)){$s=9;continue;}if(f===(9)){$s=10;continue;}if(f===(10)){$s=11;continue;}if(f===(11)){$s=12;continue;}if(f===(12)){$s=13;continue;}if(f===(13)){$s=14;continue;}if(f===(14)){$s=15;continue;}if(f===(15)){$s=16;continue;}if(f===(16)){$s=17;continue;}if(f===(17)){$s=18;continue;}if(f===(18)){$s=19;continue;}if(f===(19)){$s=20;continue;}if(f===(20)){$s=21;continue;}if(f===(21)){$s=22;continue;}if(f===(22)){$s=23;continue;}if(f===(23)){$s=24;continue;}if(f===(24)){$s=25;continue;}if(f===(25)){$s=26;continue;}if(f===(26)){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 2:g=c.AddArray(d.Key,$assertType(d.Interface,AM));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=g;$s=29;continue;case 3:h=c.AddObject(d.Key,$assertType(d.Interface,AK));$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=h;$s=29;continue;case 4:$r=c.AddBinary(d.Key,$assertType(d.Interface,DQ));$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 5:$r=c.AddBool(d.Key,(i=d.Integer,(i.$high===0&&i.$low===1)));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 6:$r=c.AddByteString(d.Key,$assertType(d.Interface,DQ));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 7:$r=c.AddComplex128(d.Key,$assertType(d.Interface,$Complex128));$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 8:$r=c.AddComplex64(d.Key,$assertType(d.Interface,$Complex64));$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 9:$r=c.AddDuration(d.Key,((j=d.Integer,new D.Duration(j.$high,j.$low))));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 10:$r=c.AddFloat64(d.Key,L.Float64frombits(((k=d.Integer,new $Uint64(k.$high,k.$low)))));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 11:$r=c.AddFloat32(d.Key,L.Float32frombits(((d.Integer.$low>>>0))));$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 12:$r=c.AddInt64(d.Key,d.Integer);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 13:$r=c.AddInt32(d.Key,(((l=d.Integer,l.$low+((l.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 14:$r=c.AddInt16(d.Key,(((m=d.Integer,m.$low+((m.$high>>31)*4294967296))<<16>>16)));$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 15:$r=c.AddInt8(d.Key,(((n=d.Integer,n.$low+((n.$high>>31)*4294967296))<<24>>24)));$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 16:$r=c.AddString(d.Key,d.String);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 17:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.Interface,$ifaceNil))){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:$r=c.AddTime(d.Key,$clone($clone(D.Unix(new $Int64(0,0),d.Integer),D.Time).In($assertType(d.Interface,DI)),D.Time));$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=47;continue;case 46:$r=c.AddTime(d.Key,$clone(D.Unix(new $Int64(0,0),d.Integer),D.Time));$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 47:$s=29;continue;case 18:$r=c.AddUint64(d.Key,((o=d.Integer,new $Uint64(o.$high,o.$low))));$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 19:$r=c.AddUint32(d.Key,((d.Integer.$low>>>0)));$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 20:$r=c.AddUint16(d.Key,((d.Integer.$low<<16>>>16)));$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 21:$r=c.AddUint8(d.Key,((d.Integer.$low<<24>>>24)));$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 22:$r=c.AddUintptr(d.Key,((d.Integer.$low>>>0)));$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 23:p=c.AddReflected(d.Key,d.Interface);$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=p;$s=29;continue;case 24:$r=c.OpenNamespace(d.Key);$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 25:q=d.Key;r=$assertType(d.Interface,I.Stringer).String();$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$r=c.AddString(q,s);$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=29;continue;case 26:t=BH(d.Key,$assertType(d.Interface,$error),c);$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;$s=29;continue;case 27:$s=1;continue;$s=29;continue;case 28:u=I.Sprintf("unknown field type: %v",new DE([new d.constructor.elem(d)]));$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(u));case 29:case 1:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=61;continue;}$s=62;continue;case 61:v=I.Sprintf("%sError",new DE([new $String(d.Key)]));$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=e.Error();$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$r=c.AddString(w,y);$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 62:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.AddTo,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.AddTo=function(c){return this.$val.AddTo(c);};BF.ptr.prototype.Equals=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(!((d.Type===c.Type))){$s=-1;return false;}if(!(d.Key===c.Key)){$s=-1;return false;}e=d.Type;if((e===(3))||(e===(5))){$s=2;continue;}if((e===(1))||(e===(2))||(e===(25))||(e===(22))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return G.Equal($assertType(d.Interface,DQ),$assertType(c.Interface,DQ));case 3:f=P.DeepEqual(d.Interface,c.Interface);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=7;case 7:return g;case 4:$s=-1;return $equal(d,c,BF);case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Equals,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Equals=function(c){return this.$val.Equals(c);};BG=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=d;f=0;case 1:if(!(f=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]),BF).AddTo(c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BG,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};BH=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=d.Error();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$r=e.AddString(c,g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=d;if($assertType(h,BI,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}if($assertType(h,I.Formatter,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:i=h;k=c+"Causes";l=i.Errors();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=($convertSliceType(l,BK));n=e.AddArray(k,m);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=8;case 8:return o;case 4:j=h;p=I.Sprintf("%+v",new DE([j]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!(q===g)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$r=e.AddString(c+"Verbose",q);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 11:case 5:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BK.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d;f=0;case 1:if(!(f=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]),$ifaceNil)){f++;$s=1;continue;}h=BN(((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=c.AppendObject(i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;i.Free();f++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BK.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(BK).prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(c){return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(c);};BN=function(c){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=BL.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=$assertType(d,DW);e.err=c;$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BM.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=c.AppendObject(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BM.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BM.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(c){return this.$val.MarshalLogArray(c);};BM.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=BH("error",d.err,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BM.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BM.prototype.MarshalLogObject=function(c){return this.$val.MarshalLogObject(c);};BM.ptr.prototype.Free=function(){var c;c=this;c.err=$ifaceNil;BL.Put(c);};BM.prototype.Free=function(){return this.$val.Free();};BP=function(){var{c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=BO.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=$assertType(c,DV);d.reset();$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP,$c:true,$r,c,d,$s};return $f;};BQ=function(c){var c;if(c===DV.nil){return;}BO.Put(c);};BR=function(c,d,e,f){var c,d,e,f;if(!f){return new BS.ptr(false,0,"",0);}return new BS.ptr(true,c,d,e);};$pkg.NewEntryCaller=BR;BS.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=$clone(c,BS).FullPath();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};BS.ptr.prototype.FullPath=function(){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.Defined){$s=-1;return"undefined";}d=O.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;e.AppendString(c.File);e.AppendByte(58);e.AppendInt((new $Int64(0,c.Line)));f=e.String();e.Free();$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.FullPath,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.FullPath=function(){return this.$val.FullPath();};BS.ptr.prototype.TrimmedPath=function(){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.Defined){$s=-1;return"undefined";}d=Q.LastIndexByte(c.File,47);if(d===-1){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=$clone(c,BS).FullPath();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=4;case 4:return f;case 2:d=Q.LastIndexByte($substring(c.File,0,d),47);if(d===-1){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:g=$clone(c,BS).FullPath();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=8;case 8:return h;case 6:i=O.Get();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;j.AppendString($substring(c.File,(d+1>>0)));j.AppendByte(58);j.AppendInt((new $Int64(0,c.Line)));k=j.String();j.Free();$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.TrimmedPath,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.TrimmedPath=function(){return this.$val.TrimmedPath();};BV.ptr.prototype.reset=function(){var c,d,e,f,g;c=this;BT.copy(c.Entry,new BT.ptr(0,new D.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),DI.nil),"","",new BS.ptr(false,0,"",0),""));c.ErrorOutput=$ifaceNil;c.dirty=false;c.should=0;d=c.cores;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+f]=$ifaceNil));e++;}c.cores=$subslice(c.cores,0,0);};BV.prototype.reset=function(){return this.$val.reset();};BV.ptr.prototype.Write=function(c){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(d===DV.nil){$s=-1;return;}if(d.dirty){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.ErrorOutput,$ifaceNil))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:e=d.ErrorOutput;g=D.Now();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=(f=g,new f.constructor.elem(f));j=(i=d.Entry,new i.constructor.elem(i));k=I.Fprintf(e,"%v Unsafe CheckedEntry re-use near Entry %+v.\n",new DE([h,j]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=d.ErrorOutput.Sync();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;case 4:$s=-1;return;case 2:d.dirty=true;m=$ifaceNil;n=d.cores;o=0;case 8:if(!(o=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+p])).Write($clone(d.Entry,BT),c);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=C.Append(q,t);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=u;o++;$s=8;continue;case 9:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.ErrorOutput,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:v=d.ErrorOutput;x=D.Now();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=(w=x,new w.constructor.elem(w));z=m;aa=I.Fprintf(v,"%v write error: %v\n",new DE([y,z]));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa;ab=d.ErrorOutput.Sync();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;case 15:case 13:ac=d.should;ad=d.Entry.Message;ae=ac;af=ad;BQ(d);ag=ae;if(ag===(1)){$s=20;continue;}if(ag===(2)){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 20:$panic(new $String(af));$s=22;continue;case 21:$r=R.Exit();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 22:case 19:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.Write=function(c){return this.$val.Write(c);};BV.ptr.prototype.AddCore=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(e===DV.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=BP();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;BT.copy(e.Entry,c);case 2:e.cores=$append(e.cores,d);$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.AddCore,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.AddCore=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddCore(c,d);};BV.ptr.prototype.Should=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(e===DV.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=BP();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;BT.copy(e.Entry,c);case 2:e.should=d;$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.Should,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.Should=function(c,d){return this.$val.Should(c,d);};BX=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=new AU(c).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.AppendString(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.LowercaseLevelEncoder=BX;BY=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=(f=AQ[AU.keyFor(c)],f!==undefined?[f.v,true]:["",false]);g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=new AU(c).String();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=new F.Color(AP).Add(i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=j;case 2:$r=d.AppendString(g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.LowercaseColorLevelEncoder=BY;BZ=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=new AU(c).CapitalString();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.AppendString(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BZ,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.CapitalLevelEncoder=BZ;CA=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=(f=AR[AU.keyFor(c)],f!==undefined?[f.v,true]:["",false]);g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=new AU(c).CapitalString();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=new F.Color(AP).Add(i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=j;case 2:$r=d.AppendString(g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CA,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.CapitalColorLevelEncoder=CA;$ptrType(BW).prototype.UnmarshalText=function(c){var c,d,e;d=this;e=($bytesToString(c));if(e===("capital")){d.$set(BZ);}else if(e===("capitalColor")){d.$set(CA);}else if(e===("color")){d.$set(BY);}else{d.$set(BX);}return $ifaceNil;};CC=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=$clone(c,D.Time).UnixNano();f=($flatten64(e))/1e+09;$r=d.AppendFloat64(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CC,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$pkg.EpochTimeEncoder=CC;CD=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=$clone(c,D.Time).UnixNano();f=($flatten64(e))/1e+06;$r=d.AppendFloat64(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CD,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$pkg.EpochMillisTimeEncoder=CD;CE=function(c,d){var{c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=d.AppendInt64($clone(c,D.Time).UnixNano());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE,$c:true,$r,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.EpochNanosTimeEncoder=CE;CF=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=$clone(c,D.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z0700");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.AppendString(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CF,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ISO8601TimeEncoder=CF;$ptrType(CB).prototype.UnmarshalText=function(c){var c,d,e;d=this;e=($bytesToString(c));if(e===("iso8601")||e===("ISO8601")){d.$set(CF);}else if(e===("millis")){d.$set(CD);}else if(e===("nanos")){d.$set(CE);}else{d.$set(CC);}return $ifaceNil;};CH=function(c,d){var{c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=d.AppendFloat64(($flatten64(c))/1e+09);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH,$c:true,$r,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.SecondsDurationEncoder=CH;CI=function(c,d){var{c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=d.AppendInt64((new $Int64(c.$high,c.$low)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CI,$c:true,$r,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NanosDurationEncoder=CI;CJ=function(c,d){var{c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=d.AppendString(c.String());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CJ,$c:true,$r,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.StringDurationEncoder=CJ;$ptrType(CG).prototype.UnmarshalText=function(c){var c,d,e;d=this;e=($bytesToString(c));if(e===("string")){d.$set(CJ);}else if(e===("nanos")){d.$set(CI);}else{d.$set(CH);}return $ifaceNil;};CL=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=$clone(c,BS).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.AppendString(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CL,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.FullCallerEncoder=CL;CM=function(c,d){var{c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=$clone(c,BS).TrimmedPath();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.AppendString(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CM,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ShortCallerEncoder=CM;$ptrType(CK).prototype.UnmarshalText=function(c){var c,d,e;d=this;e=($bytesToString(c));if(e===("full")){d.$set(CL);}else{d.$set(CM);}return $ifaceNil;};CO=function(c,d){var{c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=d.AppendString(c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CO,$c:true,$r,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.FullNameEncoder=CO;$ptrType(CN).prototype.UnmarshalText=function(c){var c,d,e;d=this;e=($bytesToString(c));if(e===("full")){d.$set(CO);}else{d.$set(CO);}return $ifaceNil;};CW=function(){var c;return(c=new CV.ptr(),new c.constructor.elem(c));};$pkg.NewNopCore=CW;CV.ptr.prototype.Enabled=function(c){var c;return false;};CV.prototype.Enabled=function(c){return this.$val.Enabled(c);};CV.ptr.prototype.With=function(c){var c,d;d=this;return new d.constructor.elem(d);};CV.prototype.With=function(c){return this.$val.With(c);};CV.ptr.prototype.Check=function(c,d){var c,d;return d;};CV.prototype.Check=function(c,d){return this.$val.Check(c,d);};CV.ptr.prototype.Write=function(c,d){var c,d;return $ifaceNil;};CV.prototype.Write=function(c,d){return this.$val.Write(c,d);};CV.ptr.prototype.Sync=function(){return $ifaceNil;};CV.prototype.Sync=function(){return this.$val.Sync();};CX=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e;return new CY.ptr(e,c,d);};$pkg.NewCore=CX;CY.ptr.prototype.With=function(c){var{c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.clone();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$r=BG(f.enc,c);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:CY.ptr.prototype.With,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};CY.prototype.With=function(c){return 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3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];m=l;$s=4;case 4:return m;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Output,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Output=function(a,b){return this.$val.Output(a,b);};H.ptr.prototype.Printf=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!((F.LoadInt32((c.$ptr_isDiscard||(c.$ptr_isDiscard=new AD(function(){return this.$target.isDiscard;},function($v){this.$target.isDiscard=$v;},c))))===0))){$s=-1;return;}d=A.Sprintf(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;f=c.Output(2,e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Printf,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return 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this.$target.isDiscard;},function($v){this.$target.isDiscard=$v;},b))))===0))){$s=-1;return;}c=A.Sprintln(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=b.Output(2,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Println,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.Println=function(a){return this.$val.Println(a);};H.ptr.prototype.Fatal=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=A.Sprint(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=b.Output(2,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;$r=C.Exit(1);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Fatal,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.Fatal=function(a){return this.$val.Fatal(a);};H.ptr.prototype.Fatalf=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=A.Sprintf(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;f=c.Output(2,e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f;$r=C.Exit(1);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Fatalf,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.Fatalf=function(a,b){return this.$val.Fatalf(a,b);};H.ptr.prototype.Fatalln=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=A.Sprintln(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=b.Output(2,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;$r=C.Exit(1);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Fatalln,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.Fatalln=function(a){return this.$val.Fatalln(a);};H.ptr.prototype.Panic=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=A.Sprint(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=b.Output(2,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;$panic(new $String(d));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Panic,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.Panic=function(a){return this.$val.Panic(a);};H.ptr.prototype.Panicf=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=A.Sprintf(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;f=c.Output(2,e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f;$panic(new $String(e));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Panicf,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.Panicf=function(a,b){return this.$val.Panicf(a,b);};H.ptr.prototype.Panicln=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=A.Sprintln(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=b.Output(2,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;$panic(new $String(d));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Panicln,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.Panicln=function(a){return this.$val.Panicln(a);};H.ptr.prototype.Flags=function(){var{a,b,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);a=this;a.mu.Lock();$deferred.push([$methodVal(a.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);b=a.flag;$s=1;case 1:return b;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return 0;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Flags,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Flags=function(){return this.$val.Flags();};H.ptr.prototype.SetFlags=function(a){var a,b,$deferred;var $err=null;try{$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=this;b.mu.Lock();$deferred.push([$methodVal(b.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);b.flag=a;}catch(err){$err=err;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);}};H.prototype.SetFlags=function(a){return this.$val.SetFlags(a);};H.ptr.prototype.Prefix=function(){var{a,b,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);a=this;a.mu.Lock();$deferred.push([$methodVal(a.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);b=a.prefix;$s=1;case 1:return b;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return"";}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Prefix,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Prefix=function(){return this.$val.Prefix();};H.ptr.prototype.SetPrefix=function(a){var a,b,$deferred;var $err=null;try{$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=this;b.mu.Lock();$deferred.push([$methodVal(b.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);b.prefix=a;}catch(err){$err=err;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);}};H.prototype.SetPrefix=function(a){return this.$val.SetPrefix(a);};H.ptr.prototype.Writer=function(){var{a,b,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);a=this;a.mu.Lock();$deferred.push([$methodVal(a.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);b=a.out;$s=1;case 1:return b;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Writer,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};H.prototype.Writer=function(){return this.$val.Writer();};T=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((F.LoadInt32((J.$ptr_isDiscard||(J.$ptr_isDiscard=new AD(function(){return this.$target.isDiscard;},function($v){this.$target.isDiscard=$v;},J))))===0))){$s=-1;return;}c=A.Sprintf(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=J.Output(2,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:T,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Printf=T;W=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=A.Sprintf(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=J.Output(2,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;$r=C.Exit(1);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:W,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Fatalf=W;AH.methods=[{prop:"SetOutput",name:"SetOutput",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([B.Writer],[],false)},{prop:"formatHeader",name:"formatHeader",pkg:"log",typ:$funcType([AF,G.Time,$String,$Int],[],false)},{prop:"Output",name:"Output",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"Printf",name:"Printf",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,AG],[],true)},{prop:"Print",name:"Print",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AG],[],true)},{prop:"Println",name:"Println",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AG],[],true)},{prop:"Fatal",name:"Fatal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AG],[],true)},{prop:"Fatalf",name:"Fatalf",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,AG],[],true)},{prop:"Fatalln",name:"Fatalln",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AG],[],true)},{prop:"Panic",name:"Panic",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AG],[],true)},{prop:"Panicf",name:"Panicf",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,AG],[],true)},{prop:"Panicln",name:"Panicln",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AG],[],true)},{prop:"Flags",name:"Flags",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"SetFlags",name:"SetFlags",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[],false)},{prop:"Prefix",name:"Prefix",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"SetPrefix",name:"SetPrefix",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[],false)},{prop:"Writer",name:"Writer",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[B.Writer],false)}];H.init("log",[{prop:"mu",name:"mu",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:E.Mutex,tag:""},{prop:"prefix",name:"prefix",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"flag",name:"flag",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"out",name:"out",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:B.Writer,tag:""},{prop:"buf",name:"buf",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AC,tag:""},{prop:"isDiscard",name:"isDiscard",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int32,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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$pkg={},$init,A,B,D,E,C;A=$pkg.Element=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"list.Element",true,"container/list",true,function(next_,prev_,list_,Value_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.next=E.nil;this.prev=E.nil;this.list=D.nil;this.Value=$ifaceNil;return;}this.next=next_;this.prev=prev_;this.list=list_;this.Value=Value_;});B=$pkg.List=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"list.List",true,"container/list",true,function(root_,len_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.root=new A.ptr(E.nil,E.nil,D.nil,$ifaceNil);this.len=0;return;}this.root=root_;this.len=len_;});D=$ptrType(B);E=$ptrType(A);A.ptr.prototype.Next=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.next;if(!(a.list===D.nil)&&!(b===a.list.root)){return b;}return E.nil;};A.prototype.Next=function(){return this.$val.Next();};A.ptr.prototype.Prev=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.prev;if(!(a.list===D.nil)&&!(b===a.list.root)){return b;}return E.nil;};A.prototype.Prev=function(){return this.$val.Prev();};B.ptr.prototype.Init=function(){var 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this.$val.insert(a,b);};B.ptr.prototype.insertValue=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;return c.insert(new A.ptr(E.nil,E.nil,D.nil,a),b);};B.prototype.insertValue=function(a,b){return this.$val.insertValue(a,b);};B.ptr.prototype.remove=function(a){var a,b;b=this;a.prev.next=a.next;a.next.prev=a.prev;a.next=E.nil;a.prev=E.nil;a.list=D.nil;b.len=b.len-(1)>>0;};B.prototype.remove=function(a){return this.$val.remove(a);};B.ptr.prototype.move=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(a===b){return;}a.prev.next=a.next;a.next.prev=a.prev;a.prev=b;a.next=b.next;a.prev.next=a;a.next.prev=a;};B.prototype.move=function(a,b){return this.$val.move(a,b);};B.ptr.prototype.Remove=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(a.list===b){b.remove(a);}return a.Value;};B.prototype.Remove=function(a){return this.$val.Remove(a);};B.ptr.prototype.PushFront=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.lazyInit();return b.insertValue(a,b.root);};B.prototype.PushFront=function(a){return this.$val.PushFront(a);};B.ptr.prototype.PushBack=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.lazyInit();return b.insertValue(a,b.root.prev);};B.prototype.PushBack=function(a){return this.$val.PushBack(a);};B.ptr.prototype.InsertBefore=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(!(b.list===c)){return E.nil;}return c.insertValue(a,b.prev);};B.prototype.InsertBefore=function(a,b){return this.$val.InsertBefore(a,b);};B.ptr.prototype.InsertAfter=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(!(b.list===c)){return E.nil;}return c.insertValue(a,b);};B.prototype.InsertAfter=function(a,b){return this.$val.InsertAfter(a,b);};B.ptr.prototype.MoveToFront=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(!(a.list===b)||b.root.next===a){return;}b.move(a,b.root);};B.prototype.MoveToFront=function(a){return this.$val.MoveToFront(a);};B.ptr.prototype.MoveToBack=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(!(a.list===b)||b.root.prev===a){return;}b.move(a,b.root.prev);};B.prototype.MoveToBack=function(a){return this.$val.MoveToBack(a);};B.ptr.prototype.MoveBefore=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(!(a.list===c)||a===b||!(b.list===c)){return;}c.move(a,b.prev);};B.prototype.MoveBefore=function(a,b){return this.$val.MoveBefore(a,b);};B.ptr.prototype.MoveAfter=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(!(a.list===c)||a===b||!(b.list===c)){return;}c.move(a,b);};B.prototype.MoveAfter=function(a,b){return this.$val.MoveAfter(a,b);};B.ptr.prototype.PushBackList=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;b.lazyInit();c=a.Len();d=a.Front();e=c;f=d;while(true){if(!(e>0)){break;}b.insertValue(f.Value,b.root.prev);g=e-1>>0;h=f.Next();e=g;f=h;}};B.prototype.PushBackList=function(a){return this.$val.PushBackList(a);};B.ptr.prototype.PushFrontList=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;b.lazyInit();c=a.Len();d=a.Back();e=c;f=d;while(true){if(!(e>0)){break;}b.insertValue(f.Value,b.root);g=e-1>>0;h=f.Prev();e=g;f=h;}};B.prototype.PushFrontList=function(a){return 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4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(b.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);c=b.done.Load();if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){c=new AP(new $Chan(AK,0));b.done.Store(c);}e=$assertType(c,AP);$s=5;case 5:return e;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $chanNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:X.ptr.prototype.Done,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};X.prototype.Done=function(){return this.$val.Done();};X.ptr.prototype.Err=function(){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.err;$r=b.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:X.ptr.prototype.Err,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};X.prototype.Err=function(){return 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1:d=b;if($assertType(d,AR,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}if($assertType(d,AN,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}if($assertType(d,AS,true)[1]){$s=5;continue;}if($assertType(d,AJ,true)[1]){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 3:e=d.$val;if($interfaceIsEqual(c,e.key)){$s=-1;return e.val;}b=e.Context;$s=8;continue;case 4:f=d.$val;if($interfaceIsEqual(c,(AI||(AI=new AO(function(){return R;},function($v){R=$v;}))))){$s=-1;return b;}b=f.Context;$s=8;continue;case 5:g=d.$val;if($interfaceIsEqual(c,(AI||(AI=new AO(function(){return R;},function($v){R=$v;}))))){$s=-1;return g.cancelCtx;}b=g.cancelCtx.Context;$s=8;continue;case 6:h=d.$val;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 7:i=d;j=b.Value(c);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=10;case 10:return k;case 8:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};G.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"Timeout",name:"Timeout",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Temporary",name:"Temporary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)}];AJ.methods=[{prop:"Deadline",name:"Deadline",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[E.Time,$Bool],false)},{prop:"Done",name:"Done",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AT],false)},{prop:"Err",name:"Err",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Value",name:"Value",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$emptyInterface],[$emptyInterface],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];AN.methods=[{prop:"Value",name:"Value",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$emptyInterface],[$emptyInterface],false)},{prop:"Done",name:"Done",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AT],false)},{prop:"Err",name:"Err",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"cancel",name:"cancel",pkg:"context",typ:$funcType([$Bool,$error],[],false)}];AS.methods=[{prop:"Deadline",name:"Deadline",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[E.Time,$Bool],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"cancel",name:"cancel",pkg:"context",typ:$funcType([$Bool,$error],[],false)}];AR.methods=[{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"Value",name:"Value",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$emptyInterface],[$emptyInterface],false)}];F.init([{prop:"Deadline",name:"Deadline",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[E.Time,$Bool],false)},{prop:"Done",name:"Done",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AT],false)},{prop:"Err",name:"Err",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Value",name:"Value",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$emptyInterface],[$emptyInterface],false)}]);G.init("",[]);M.init([],[],false);U.init([{prop:"Done",name:"Done",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AT],false)},{prop:"cancel",name:"cancel",pkg:"context",typ:$funcType([$Bool,$error],[],false)}]);X.init("context",[{prop:"Context",name:"Context",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:F,tag:""},{prop:"mu",name:"mu",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:C.Mutex,tag:""},{prop:"done",name:"done",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:D.Value,tag:""},{prop:"children",name:"children",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AU,tag:""},{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""}]);Y.init([{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}]);AB.init("context",[{prop:"cancelCtx",name:"cancelCtx",embedded:true,exported:false,typ:X,tag:""},{prop:"timer",name:"timer",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AQ,tag:""},{prop:"deadline",name:"deadline",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:E.Time,tag:""}]);AE.init("context",[{prop:"Context",name:"Context",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:F,tag:""},{prop:"key",name:"key",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$emptyInterface,tag:""},{prop:"val",name:"val",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$emptyInterface,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}P=0;R=0;$pkg.Canceled=A.New("context canceled");$pkg.DeadlineExceeded=(a=new G.ptr(),new a.constructor.elem(a));I=$newDataPointer(0,AJ);J=$newDataPointer(0,AJ);V=new $Chan(AK,0);W();}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["math/rand"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,A,F,H,I,K,AE,AM,AN,AO,AQ,AR,AS,AT,AU,AV,E,N,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,G,J,L,M,W,X,AF;B=$packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync"];A=$packages["math"];F=$pkg.rngSource=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rand.rngSource",true,"math/rand",false,function(tap_,feed_,vec_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.tap=0;this.feed=0;this.vec=AQ.zero();return;}this.tap=tap_;this.feed=feed_;this.vec=vec_;});H=$pkg.Source=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"rand.Source",true,"math/rand",true,null);I=$pkg.Source64=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"rand.Source64",true,"math/rand",true,null);K=$pkg.Rand=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rand.Rand",true,"math/rand",true,function(src_,s64_,readVal_,readPos_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.src=$ifaceNil;this.s64=$ifaceNil;this.readVal=new $Int64(0,0);this.readPos=0;return;}this.src=src_;this.s64=s64_;this.readVal=readVal_;this.readPos=readPos_;});AE=$pkg.lockedSource=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rand.lockedSource",true,"math/rand",false,function(lk_,src_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.lk=new B.Mutex.ptr(false);this.src=AM.nil;return;}this.lk=lk_;this.src=src_;});AM=$ptrType(F);AN=$ptrType(AE);AO=$ptrType(K);AQ=$arrayType($Int64,607);AR=$ptrType($Int8);AS=$sliceType($Int);AT=$ptrType($Int64);AU=$funcType([$Int,$Int],[],false);AV=$sliceType($Uint8);G=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;c=(b=a/44488,(b===b&&b!==1/0&&b!==-1/0)?b>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));e=(d=a%44488,d===d?d:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));a=($imul(48271,e))-($imul(3399,c))>>0;if(a<0){a=a+(2147483647)>>0;}return a;};F.ptr.prototype.Seed=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;b=this;b.tap=0;b.feed=334;a=$div64(a,new $Int64(0,2147483647),true);if((a.$high<0||(a.$high===0&&a.$low<0))){a=(c=new $Int64(0,2147483647),new $Int64(a.$high+c.$high,a.$low+c.$low));}if((a.$high===0&&a.$low===0)){a=new $Int64(0,89482311);}d=(((a.$low+((a.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));e=-20;while(true){if(!(e<607)){break;}d=G(d);if(e>=0){f=new $Int64(0,0);f=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,d)),40);d=G(d);f=(g=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,d)),20),new $Int64(f.$high^g.$high,(f.$low^g.$low)>>>0));d=G(d);f=(h=(new $Int64(0,d)),new $Int64(f.$high^h.$high,(f.$low^h.$low)>>>0));f=(i=((e<0||e>=E.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):E[e]),new $Int64(f.$high^i.$high,(f.$low^i.$low)>>>0));(j=b.vec,((e<0||e>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[e]=f));}e=e+(1)>>0;}};F.prototype.Seed=function(a){return this.$val.Seed(a);};F.ptr.prototype.Int63=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;return((b=(c=a.Uint64(),new $Uint64(c.$high&2147483647,(c.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Int64(b.$high,b.$low)));};F.prototype.Int63=function(){return this.$val.Int63();};F.ptr.prototype.Uint64=function(){var 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AR(function(){return this.$target.readPos;},function($v){this.$target.readPos=$v;},b))));$s=-1;return;}$r=b.src.Seed(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b.readPos=0;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Seed,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Seed=function(a){return this.$val.Seed(a);};K.ptr.prototype.Int63=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.src.Int63();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Int63,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Int63=function(){return this.$val.Int63();};K.ptr.prototype.Uint32=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.Int63();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=(($shiftRightInt64(b,31).$low>>>0));$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Uint32,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Uint32=function(){return this.$val.Uint32();};K.ptr.prototype.Uint64=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(a.s64,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:b=a.s64.Uint64();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=4;case 4:return c;case 2:f=a.Int63();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=a.Int63();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=(d=$shiftRightUint64(((e=f,new $Uint64(e.$high,e.$low))),31),g=$shiftLeft64(((h=i,new $Uint64(h.$high,h.$low))),32),new $Uint64(d.$high|g.$high,(d.$low|g.$low)>>>0));$s=7;case 7:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Uint64,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Uint64=function(){return this.$val.Uint64();};K.ptr.prototype.Int31=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=a.Int63();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=(((b=$shiftRightInt64(c,32),b.$low+((b.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Int31,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Int31=function(){return this.$val.Int31();};K.ptr.prototype.Int=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.Int63();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=((b.$low>>>0));$s=-1;return((((c<<1>>>0)>>>1>>>0)>>0));}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Int,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Int=function(){return this.$val.Int();};K.ptr.prototype.Int63n=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 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$f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Int63n,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Int63n=function(a){return this.$val.Int63n(a);};K.ptr.prototype.Int31n=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(a<=0){$panic(new $String("invalid argument to Int31n"));}if((a&((a-1>>0)))===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=b.Int31();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c&((a-1>>0));$s=4;case 4:return d;case 2:f=(((2147483647-(e=2147483648%((a>>>0)),e===e?e:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>>0)>>0));g=b.Int31();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;case 6:if(!(h>f)){$s=7;continue;}i=b.Int31();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;$s=6;continue;case 7:$s=-1;return(j=h%a,j===j?j:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Int31n,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Int31n=function(a){return this.$val.Int31n(a);};K.ptr.prototype.int31n=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.Uint32();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,d)),(new $Uint64(0,a)));f=((e.$low>>>0));if(f<((a>>>0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=(g=((-a>>>0))%((a>>>0)),g===g?g:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));case 4:if(!(f>>0));$s=4;continue;case 5:case 3:$s=-1;return(($shiftRightUint64(e,32).$low>>0));}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.int31n,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.int31n=function(a){return this.$val.int31n(a);};K.ptr.prototype.Intn=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(a<=0){$panic(new $String("invalid argument to 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this.$val.Float64();};K.ptr.prototype.Float32=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;case 1:b=a.Float64();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=($fround(b));if(c===1){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=1;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Float32,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Float32=function(){return this.$val.Float32();};K.ptr.prototype.Perm=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=$makeSlice(AS,a);d=0;case 1:if(!(d>0);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;((d<0||d>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]=((f<0||f>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f]));((f<0||f>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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this.$target.readVal;},function($v){this.$target.readVal=$v;},d))),(d.$ptr_readPos||(d.$ptr_readPos=new AR(function(){return this.$target.readPos;},function($v){this.$target.readPos=$v;},d))));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;b=k[0];c=k[1];m=[b,c];$s=6;case 6:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Read=function(a){return this.$val.Read(a);};M=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=d.$get();h=c.$get();i=$assertType(b,AM,true);j=i[0];e=0;case 1:if(!(e=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]=((h.$low<<24>>>24)));h=$shiftRightInt64(h,(8));g=g-(1)<<24>>24;e=e+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:d.$set(g);c.$set(h);$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:M,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};W=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=N.Intn(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:W,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Intn=W;X=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=N.Float64();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=a;$s=2;case 2:return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:X,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Float64=X;AE.ptr.prototype.Int63=function(){var a,b;a=new $Int64(0,0);b=this;b.lk.Lock();a=b.src.Int63();b.lk.Unlock();return a;};AE.prototype.Int63=function(){return this.$val.Int63();};AE.ptr.prototype.Uint64=function(){var a,b;a=new $Uint64(0,0);b=this;b.lk.Lock();a=b.src.Uint64();b.lk.Unlock();return a;};AE.prototype.Uint64=function(){return this.$val.Uint64();};AE.ptr.prototype.Seed=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.lk.Lock();b.src.Seed(a);b.lk.Unlock();};AE.prototype.Seed=function(a){return this.$val.Seed(a);};AE.ptr.prototype.seedPos=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.lk.Lock();c.src.Seed(a);b.$set(0);c.lk.Unlock();};AE.prototype.seedPos=function(a,b){return this.$val.seedPos(a,b);};AE.ptr.prototype.read=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=0;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;f.lk.Lock();h=M(a,f.src,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;d=g[0];e=g[1];f.lk.Unlock();$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:AE.ptr.prototype.read,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AE.prototype.read=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.read(a,b,c);};AF=function(a){var a;if(a<0){return((-a>>>0));}return((a>>>0));};K.ptr.prototype.NormFloat64=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;case 1:b=a.Uint32();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=((b>>0));d=c&127;e=(c)*(((d<0||d>=AH.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AH[d]));if(AF(c)<((d<0||d>=AG.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AG[d])){$s=-1;return e;}if(d===0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:case 6:f=a.Float64();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=A.Log(f);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=-g*0.29047645161474317;h=a.Float64();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=A.Log(h);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=-i;if(j+j>=e*e){$s=7;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 7:if(c>0){$s=-1;return 3.442619855899+e;}$s=-1;return-3.442619855899-e;case 5:k=a.Float64();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($fround(((d<0||d>=AI.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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e;}if(d===0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:f=a.Float64();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=A.Log(f);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=7.69711747013105-g;$s=8;case 8:return h;case 5:i=a.Float64();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($fround(((d<0||d>=AL.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AL[d])+$fround(($fround(i))*($fround((j=d-1>>>0,((j<0||j>=AL.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AL[j]))-((d<0||d>=AL.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AL[d])))))<($fround(A.Exp(-e)))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return e;case 10:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.ExpFloat64,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.ExpFloat64=function(){return this.$val.ExpFloat64();};AM.methods=[{prop:"Seed",name:"Seed",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int64],[],false)},{prop:"Int63",name:"Int63",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int64],false)},{prop:"Uint64",name:"Uint64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Uint64],false)}];AO.methods=[{prop:"Seed",name:"Seed",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int64],[],false)},{prop:"Int63",name:"Int63",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int64],false)},{prop:"Uint32",name:"Uint32",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Uint32],false)},{prop:"Uint64",name:"Uint64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Uint64],false)},{prop:"Int31",name:"Int31",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int32],false)},{prop:"Int",name:"Int",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Int63n",name:"Int63n",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int64],[$Int64],false)},{prop:"Int31n",name:"Int31n",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int32],[$Int32],false)},{prop:"int31n",name:"int31n",pkg:"math/rand",typ:$funcType([$Int32],[$Int32],false)},{prop:"Intn",name:"Intn",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Float64",name:"Float64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Float64],false)},{prop:"Float32",name:"Float32",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Float32],false)},{prop:"Perm",name:"Perm",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[AS],false)},{prop:"Shuffle",name:"Shuffle",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,AU],[],false)},{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"NormFloat64",name:"NormFloat64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Float64],false)},{prop:"ExpFloat64",name:"ExpFloat64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Float64],false)}];AN.methods=[{prop:"Int63",name:"Int63",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int64],false)},{prop:"Uint64",name:"Uint64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Uint64],false)},{prop:"Seed",name:"Seed",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int64],[],false)},{prop:"seedPos",name:"seedPos",pkg:"math/rand",typ:$funcType([$Int64,AR],[],false)},{prop:"read",name:"read",pkg:"math/rand",typ:$funcType([AV,AT,AR],[$Int,$error],false)}];F.init("math/rand",[{prop:"tap",name:"tap",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"feed",name:"feed",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"vec",name:"vec",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AQ,tag:""}]);H.init([{prop:"Int63",name:"Int63",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int64],false)},{prop:"Seed",name:"Seed",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int64],[],false)}]);I.init([{prop:"Int63",name:"Int63",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int64],false)},{prop:"Seed",name:"Seed",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int64],[],false)},{prop:"Uint64",name:"Uint64",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Uint64],false)}]);K.init("math/rand",[{prop:"src",name:"src",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:H,tag:""},{prop:"s64",name:"s64",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:I,tag:""},{prop:"readVal",name:"readVal",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"readPos",name:"readPos",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int8,tag:""}]);AE.init("math/rand",[{prop:"lk",name:"lk",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:B.Mutex,tag:""},{prop:"src",name:"src",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AM,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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$Int64(-1191421458,2991674471),new $Int64(-208666741,2224662036),new $Int64(-173659161,977097250),new $Int64(1351320195,726419512),new $Int64(-183459897,1747974366),new $Int64(-753095183,1556430604),new $Int64(-1049492215,1080776742),new $Int64(-385846958,280794874),new $Int64(117767733,919835643),new $Int64(-967009426,3434019658),new $Int64(-1951414480,2461941785),new $Int64(133215641,3615001066),new $Int64(417204809,3103414427),new $Int64(790056561,3380809712),new $Int64(-1267681408,2724693469),new $Int64(547796833,598827710),new $Int64(-1846559452,3452273442),new $Int64(-75778224,649274915),new $Int64(-801301329,2585724112),new $Int64(-1510934263,3165579553),new $Int64(1185578221,2635894283),new $Int64(-52910178,2053289721),new $Int64(985976581,3169337108),new $Int64(1170569632,144717764),new $Int64(1079216270,1383666384),new $Int64(-124804942,681540375),new $Int64(1375448925,537050586),new $Int64(-1964768344,315246468),new $Int64(226402871,849323088),new $Int64(-885062465,45543944),new $Int64(-946445250,2319052083),new $Int64(-40708194,3613090841),new $Int64(560472520,2992171180),new $Int64(-381863169,2068244785),new $Int64(917538188,4239862634),new $Int64(-1369555809,3892253031),new $Int64(720683925,958186149),new $Int64(-423297785,1877702262),new $Int64(1357886971,837674867),new $Int64(1837048883,1507589294),new $Int64(1905518400,873336795),new $Int64(-1879761037,2764496274),new $Int64(-1806480530,4196182374),new $Int64(-1066765755,550964545),new $Int64(818747069,420611474),new $Int64(-1924830376,204265180),new $Int64(1549974541,1787046383),new $Int64(1215581865,3102292318),new $Int64(418321538,1552199393),new $Int64(1243493047,980542004),new $Int64(267284263,3293718720),new $Int64(1179528763,3771917473),new $Int64(599484404,2195808264),new $Int64(252818753,3894702887),new $Int64(-1367475956,2099949527),new $Int64(1424094358,338442522),new $Int64(490737398,637158004),new $Int64(-1727621530,281976339),new $Int64(574970164,3619802330),new $Int64(-431930823,3084554784),new $Int64(-1264611183,4129772886),new $Int64(-2104399043,1680378557),new $Int64(-1621962591,3339087776),new $Int64(1680500332,4220317857),new $Int64(-1935828963,2959322499),new $Int64(1675600481,1488354890),new $Int64(-834863562,3958162143),new $Int64(-1226511573,2773705983),new $Int64(1876039582,225908689),new $Int64(-1183735113,908216283),new $Int64(-605696219,3574646075),new $Int64(-1827723091,1936937569),new $Int64(1519770881,75492235),new $Int64(816689472,1935193178),new $Int64(2142521206,2018250883),new $Int64(455141620,3943126022),new $Int64(-601399488,3066544345),new $Int64(1932392669,2793082663),new $Int64(-1239009361,3297036421),new $Int64(1640597065,2206987825),new $Int64(-553246738,807894872),new $Int64(-1781325307,766252117),new $Int64(2060649606,3833114345),new $Int64(845619743,1255067973),new $Int64(1201145605,741697208),new $Int64(-1476242608,2810093753),new $Int64(1109032642,4229340371),new $Int64(1462188720,1361684224),new $Int64(-1159399429,1906263026),new $Int64(475781207,3904421704),new $Int64(-623537128,1769075545),new $Int64(1062308525,2621599764),new $Int64(1279509432,3431891480),new $Int64(-1742751146,1871896503),new $Int64(128756421,1412808876),new $Int64(1605404688,952876175),new $Int64(-230443691,1824438899),new $Int64(1662295856,1005035476),new $Int64(-156574141,527508597),new $Int64(1288873303,3066806859),new $Int64(565995893,3244940914),new $Int64(-889746188,209092916),new $Int64(-247669406,1242699167),new $Int64(-713830396,456723774),new $Int64(1776978905,1001252870),new $Int64(1468772157,2026725874),new $Int64(857254202,2137562569),new $Int64(765939740,3183366709),new $Int64(1533887628,2612072960),new $Int64(56977098,1727148468),new $Int64(-1197583895,3803658212),new $Int64(1883670356,479946959),new $Int64(685713571,1562982345),new $Int64(-1946242443,1766109365),new $Int64(700596547,3257093788),new $Int64(-184714929,2365720207),new $Int64(93384808,3742754173),new $Int64(-458385235,2878193673),new $Int64(1096135042,2174002182),new $Int64(-834260953,3573511231),new $Int64(-754572527,1760299077),new $Int64(-1375627191,2260779833),new $Int64(-866019274,1452805722),new $Int64(-1229671918,2940011802),new $Int64(1890251082,1886183802),new $Int64(893897673,2514369088),new $Int64(1644345561,3924317791),new $Int64(-1974867432,500935732),new $Int64(1403501753,676580929),new $Int64(-1565912283,1184984890),new $Int64(-691968413,1271474274),new $Int64(-1828754738,3163791473),new $Int64(2051027584,2842487377),new $Int64(1511537551,2170968612),new $Int64(573262976,3535856740),new $Int64(-2053227187,1488599718),new $Int64(-1180531831,3408913763),new $Int64(-2086531912,2501050084),new $Int64(-875130448,1639124157),new $Int64(-2009482504,4088176393),new $Int64(1574896563,3989947576),new $Int64(-165243708,3414355209),new $Int64(-792329287,2275136352),new $Int64(-2057774345,2151835223),new $Int64(-931144933,1654534827),new $Int64(-679921451,377892833),new $Int64(-482716010,660204544),new $Int64(85706799,390828249),new $Int64(-1422172693,3402783878),new $Int64(-1468634160,3717936603),new $Int64(1113532086,2211058823),new $Int64(1564224320,2692150867),new $Int64(1952770442,1928910388),new $Int64(788716862,3931011137),new $Int64(1083670504,1112701047),new $Int64(-68150572,2452299106),new $Int64(-896164822,2337204777),new $Int64(1774877857,273889282),new $Int64(1798719843,1462008793),new $Int64(2138834788,1554494002),new $Int64(-1194967131,182675323),new $Int64(-1598554764,1882802136),new $Int64(589279648,3700220025),new $Int64(381039426,3083431543),new $Int64(-851859191,3622207527),new $Int64(338126939,432729309),new $Int64(-1667470126,2391914317),new $Int64(-1849558151,235747924),new $Int64(2120733629,3088823825),new $Int64(-745079795,2314658321),new $Int64(1165929723,2957634338),new $Int64(501323675,4117056981),new $Int64(1564699815,1482500298),new $Int64(-740826490,840489337),new $Int64(799522364,3483178565),new $Int64(532129761,2074004656),new $Int64(724246478,3643392642),new $Int64(-665153481,1583624461),new $Int64(-885822954,287473085),new $Int64(1667835381,3136843981),new $Int64(1138806821,1266970974),new $Int64(135185781,1998688839),new $Int64(392094735,1492900209),new $Int64(1031326774,1538112737),new $Int64(-2070568842,2207265429),new $Int64(-1886797613,963263315),new $Int64(1671145500,2295892134),new $Int64(1068469660,2002560897),new $Int64(-356250305,1369254035),new $Int64(33436120,3353312708),new $Int64(57507843,947771099),new $Int64(-1945755145,1747061399),new $Int64(1507240140,2047354631),new $Int64(720000810,4165367136),new $Int64(479265078,3388864963),new $Int64(-952181250,286492130),new $Int64(2045622690,2795735007),new $Int64(-715730566,3703961339),new $Int64(-148436487,1797825479),new $Int64(1429039600,1116589674),new $Int64(-1665420098,2593309206),new $Int64(1329049334,3404995677),new $Int64(-750579440,3453462936),new $Int64(1014767077,3016498634),new $Int64(75698599,1650371545),new $Int64(1592007860,212344364),new $Int64(1127766888,3843932156),new $Int64(-748019856,3573129983),new $Int64(-890581831,665897820),new $Int64(1071492673,1675628772),new $Int64(243225682,2831752928),new $Int64(2120298836,1486294219),new $Int64(-1954407413,268782709),new $Int64(-1002123503,4186179080),new $Int64(624342951,1613720397),new $Int64(857179861,2703686015),new $Int64(-911618704,2205342611),new $Int64(-672703993,1411666394),new $Int64(-1528454899,677744900),new $Int64(-1876628533,4172867247),new $Int64(135494707,2163418403),new $Int64(849547544,2841526879),new $Int64(-1117516959,1082141470),new $Int64(-1770111792,4046134367),new $Int64(51415528,2142943655),new $Int64(-249824333,3124627521),new $Int64(998228909,219992939),new $Int64(-1078790951,1756846531),new $Int64(1283749206,1225118210),new $Int64(-525858006,1647770243),new $Int64(-2035959705,444807907),new $Int64(2036369448,3952076173),new $Int64(53201823,1461839639),new $Int64(315761893,3699250910),new $Int64(702974850,1373688981),new $Int64(734022261,147523747),new $Int64(-2047330906,1211276581),new $Int64(1294440951,2548832680),new $Int64(1144696256,1995631888),new $Int64(-1992983070,2011457303),new $Int64(-1351022674,3057425772),new $Int64(667839456,81484597),new $Int64(-1681980888,3646681560),new $Int64(-1372462725,635548515),new $Int64(602489502,2508044581),new $Int64(-1794220117,1014917157),new $Int64(719992433,3214891315),new $Int64(-1294799037,959582252),new $Int64(226415134,3347040449),new $Int64(-362868096,4102971975),new $Int64(397887437,4078022210),new $Int64(-536803826,2851767182),new $Int64(-1398321012,1540160644),new $Int64(-1549098876,1057290595),new $Int64(-112592988,3907769253),new $Int64(579300318,4248952684),new $Int64(-1054576049,132554364),new $Int64(-1085862414,1029351092),new $Int64(697840928,2583007416),new $Int64(298619124,1486185789),new $Int64(55905697,2871589073),new $Int64(2017643612,723203291),new $Int64(146250550,2494333952),new $Int64(-1082993397,2230939180),new $Int64(-1804568072,3943232912),new $Int64(1768732449,2181367922),new $Int64(-729261111,2889274791),new $Int64(1824032949,2046728161),new $Int64(1653899792,1376052477),new $Int64(1022327048,381236993),new $Int64(-1113097690,3188942166),new $Int64(-74480109,350070824),new $Int64(144881592,61758415),new $Int64(-741824226,3492950336),new $Int64(-2030042720,3093818430),new $Int64(-453590535,2962480613),new $Int64(-1912050708,3154871160),new $Int64(-1636478569,3228564679),new $Int64(610731502,888276216),new $Int64(-946702974,3574998604),new $Int64(-1277068380,1967526716),new $Int64(-1556147941,1554691298),new $Int64(-1573024234,339944798),new $Int64(1223764147,1154515356),new $Int64(1825645307,967516237),new $Int64(1546195135,596588202),new $Int64(-1867600880,3764362170),new $Int64(-1655392592,266611402),new $Int64(-393255880,2047856075),new $Int64(-1000726433,21444105),new $Int64(-949424754,3065563181),new $Int64(-232418803,1140663212),new $Int64(633187674,2323741028),new $Int64(2126290159,3103873707),new $Int64(1008658319,2766828349),new $Int64(-485587503,1970872996),new $Int64(1628585413,3766615585),new $Int64(-595148528,2036813414),new $Int64(-1994877121,3105536507),new $Int64(13954645,3396176938),new $Int64(-721402003,1377154485),new $Int64(-61839181,3807014186),new $Int64(543009040,3710110597),new $Int64(-1751425519,916420443),new $Int64(734556788,2103831255),new $Int64(-1766161494,717331943),new $Int64(-1574598896,3550505941),new $Int64(45939673,378749927),new $Int64(-1997615719,611017331),new $Int64(592130075,758907650),new $Int64(1012992349,154266815),new $Int64(-1040454942,1407468696),new $Int64(-1678191250,970098704),new $Int64(-285057486,1971660656),new $Int64(998365243,3332747885),new $Int64(1947089649,1935189867),new $Int64(1510248801,203520055),new $Int64(-1305165746,3916463034),new $Int64(-388598655,3474113316),new $Int64(1036101639,316544223),new $Int64(-1773744891,1650844677),new $Int64(-907191419,4267565603),new $Int64(-1070275024,2501167616),new $Int64(-1520651863,3929401789),new $Int64(-2091360852,337170252),new $Int64(-960502090,2061966842),new $Int64(-304190848,2508461464),new $Int64(-1941471116,2791377107),new $Int64(1240791848,1227227588),new $Int64(1813978778,1709681848),new $Int64(1153692192,3768820575),new $Int64(-1002297449,2887126398),new $Int64(-1447111334,296561685),new $Int64(700300844,3729960077),new $Int64(-1572311344,372833036),new $Int64(2078875613,2409779288),new $Int64(1829161290,555274064),new $Int64(-1105595719,4239804901),new $Int64(1839403216,3723486978),new $Int64(-1649093095,2145871984),new $Int64(-1582765715,3565480803),new $Int64(-1568653827,2197313814),new $Int64(974785092,3613674566),new $Int64(438638731,3042093666),new $Int64(-96556264,3324034321),new $Int64(869420878,3708873369),new $Int64(946682149,1698090092),new $Int64(1618900382,4213940712),new $Int64(-1843479747,2087477361),new $Int64(-1766167800,2407950639),new $Int64(-1296225558,3942568569),new $Int64(-1223900450,4088074412),new $Int64(723260036,2964773675),new $Int64(-673921829,1539178386),new $Int64(1062961552,2694849566),new $Int64(460977733,2120273838),new $Int64(-1604570740,2484608657),new $Int64(880846449,2956190677),new $Int64(1970902366,4223313749),new $Int64(662161910,3502682327),new $Int64(705634754,4133891139),new $Int64(-1031359300,1166449596),new $Int64(1038247601,3362705993),new $Int64(93734798,3892921029),new $Int64(1876124043,786869787),new $Int64(1057490746,1046342263),new $Int64(242763728,493777327),new $Int64(-853573201,3304827646),new $Int64(616460742,125356352),new $Int64(499300063,74094113),new $Int64(-795586925,2500816079),new $Int64(-490248444,514015239),new $Int64(1377565129,543520454),new $Int64(-2039776725,3614531153),new $Int64(2056746300,2356753985),new $Int64(1390062617,2018141668),new $Int64(131272971,2087974891),new $Int64(-1502927041,3166972343),new $Int64(372256200,1517638666),new $Int64(-935275664,173466846),new $Int64(-695774461,4241513471),new $Int64(-1413550842,2783126920),new $Int64(1972004134,4167264826),new $Int64(29260506,3907395640),new $Int64(-910901561,1539634186),new $Int64(-595957298,178241987),new $Int64(-113277636,182168164),new $Int64(-1102530459,2386154934),new $Int64(1379126408,4077374341),new $Int64(-2114679722,1732699140),new $Int64(-421057745,1041306002),new $Int64(1860414813,2068001749),new $Int64(1005320202,3208962910),new $Int64(844054010,697710380),new $Int64(-1509359403,2228431183),new $Int64(-810313977,3554678728),new $Int64(-750989047,173470263),new $Int64(-85886265,3848297795),new $Int64(-926936977,246236185),new $Int64(-1984190461,2066374846),new $Int64(1771673660,312890749),new $Int64(703378057,3573310289),new $Int64(-598851901,143166754),new $Int64(613554316,2081511079),new $Int64(1197802104,486038032),new $Int64(-1906483789,2982218564),new $Int64(364901986,1000939191),new $Int64(1902782651,2750454885),new $Int64(-671844857,3375313137),new $Int64(-1643868040,881302957),new $Int64(-1508784745,2514186393),new $Int64(-1703622845,360024739),new $Int64(1399671872,292500025),new $Int64(1381210821,2276300752),new $Int64(521803381,4069087683),new $Int64(-1938982667,1637778212),new $Int64(720490469,1676670893),new $Int64(1067262482,3855174429),new $Int64(2114075974,2067248671),new $Int64(-89426259,2884561259),new $Int64(-805741095,2456511185),new $Int64(983726246,561175414),new $Int64(-1719489563,432588903),new $Int64(885133709,4059399550),new $Int64(-93096266,1075014784),new $Int64(-1733832628,2728058415),new $Int64(1839142064,1299703678),new $Int64(1262333188,2347583393),new $Int64(1285481956,2468164145),new $Int64(-1158354011,1140014346),new $Int64(2033889184,1936972070),new $Int64(-1737578993,3870530098),new $Int64(-484494257,1717789158),new $Int64(-232997156,1153452491),new $Int64(-990424416,3948827651),new $Int64(-1357145630,2101413152),new $Int64(1495744672,3854091229),new $Int64(83644069,4215565463),new $Int64(-1385277313,1202710438),new $Int64(-564909037,2072216740),new $Int64(705690639,2066751068),new $Int64(-2113583312,173902580),new $Int64(-741983806,142459001),new $Int64(172391592,1889151926),new $Int64(-498943125,3034199774),new $Int64(1618587731,516490102),new $Int64(93114264,3692577783),new $Int64(-2078821353,2953948865),new $Int64(-320938673,4041040923),new $Int64(-1942517976,592046130),new $Int64(-705643640,384297211),new $Int64(-2051649464,265863924),new $Int64(2101717619,1333136237),new $Int64(1499611781,1406273556),new $Int64(1074670496,426305476),new $Int64(125704633,2750898176),new $Int64(488068495,1633944332),new $Int64(2037723464,3236349343),new $Int64(-1703423246,4013676611),new $Int64(1718532237,2265047407),new $Int64(1433593806,875071080),new $Int64(-343047503,1418843655),new $Int64(2009228711,451657300),new $Int64(1229446621,1866374663),new $Int64(1653472867,1551455622),new $Int64(577191481,3560962459),new $Int64(1669204077,3347903778),new $Int64(-298327194,2675874918),new $Int64(-1831355577,2762991672),new $Int64(530492383,3689068477),new $Int64(844089962,4071997905),new $Int64(1508155730,1381702441),new $Int64(2089931018,2373284878),new $Int64(-864267462,2143983064),new $Int64(308739063,1938207195),new $Int64(1754949306,1188152253),new $Int64(1272345009,615870490),new $Int64(742653194,2662252621),new $Int64(1477718295,3839976789),new $Int64(-2091334213,306752547),new $Int64(-1426688067,2162363077),new $Int64(-57052633,2767224719),new $Int64(-1471624099,2628837712),new $Int64(1678405918,2967771969),new $Int64(1694285728,499792248),new $Int64(-1744131281,4285253508),new $Int64(962357072,2856511070),new $Int64(679471692,2526409716),new $Int64(-1793706473,1240875658),new $Int64(-914893422,2577342868),new $Int64(-1001298215,4136853496),new $Int64(-1477114974,2403540137),new $Int64(1372824515,1371410668),new $Int64(-176562048,371758825),new $Int64(-441063112,1528834084),new $Int64(-71688630,1504757260),new $Int64(-1461820072,699052551),new $Int64(-505543539,3347789870),new $Int64(1951619734,3430604759),new $Int64(2119672219,1935601723),new $Int64(966789690,834676166)]);N=L(new AE.ptr(new B.Mutex.ptr(false),$assertType(J(new 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$f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["math/big"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,K,D,E,F,B,G,A,J,I,C,H,AE,AH,BG,BH,DN,DR,DS,DT,DW,DX,DY,DZ,EA,EB,EC,ED,EE,AB,AC,AD,AF,AI,AJ,AP,AX,AY,BB,BI,X,Y,Z,AA,AG,AM,AN,AO,AQ,AR,AS,AT,AU,AV,AW,AZ,BA,BC,BD,BE,BF,BJ,BL,BM,BN,BO,BP,CO,CP,CQ,CR,CS,CT,CU,CV,CW,CX,CY,CZ,DA,DB,DC,DD,DE,DF,DG,DH,DI,DJ,DK,DL;K=$packages["bytes"];D=$packages["encoding/binary"];E=$packages["errors"];F=$packages["fmt"];B=$packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync"];G=$packages["io"];A=$packages["math"];J=$packages["math/bits"];I=$packages["math/rand"];C=$packages["strconv"];H=$packages["strings"];AE=$pkg.divisor=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"big.divisor",true,"math/big",false,function(bbb_,nbits_,ndigits_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.bbb=AH.nil;this.nbits=0;this.ndigits=0;return;}this.bbb=bbb_;this.nbits=nbits_;this.ndigits=ndigits_;});AH=$pkg.nat=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"big.nat",true,"math/big",false,null);BG=$pkg.byteReader=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"big.byteReader",true,"math/big",false,function(ScanState_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.ScanState=$ifaceNil;return;}this.ScanState=ScanState_;});BH=$pkg.Int=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"big.Int",true,"math/big",true,function(neg_,abs_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.neg=false;this.abs=AH.nil;return;}this.neg=neg_;this.abs=abs_;});DN=$pkg.Word=$newType(4,$kindUintptr,"big.Word",true,"math/big",true,null);DR=$arrayType(AE,64);DS=$structType("math/big",[{prop:"Mutex",name:"Mutex",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:B.Mutex,tag:""},{prop:"table",name:"table",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:DR,tag:""}]);DT=$sliceType($emptyInterface);DW=$sliceType($Uint8);DX=$ptrType(BH);DY=$sliceType(DN);DZ=$ptrType(AH);EA=$sliceType(DZ);EB=$sliceType(AE);EC=$ptrType(DN);ED=$arrayType(AH,16);EE=$ptrType(I.Rand);BH.ptr.prototype.ProbablyPrime=function(b){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b<0){$panic(new $String("negative n for ProbablyPrime"));}if(c.neg||(c.abs.$length===0)){$s=-1;return false;}e=(d=c.abs,(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]));if((c.abs.$length===1)&&e<64){$s=-1;return!((f=(g=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),e),new $Uint64(673221152&g.$high,(2693408940&g.$low)>>>0)),(f.$high===0&&f.$low===0)));}if(((e&1)>>>0)===0){$s=-1;return false;}h=0;i=0;j=h;k=i;l=32;if(l===(32)){j=((c.abs.modW(4127218095)>>>0));k=((c.abs.modW(3948078067)>>>0));}else if(l===(64)){m=c.abs.modW(820596253);j=(((n=m%4127218095,n===n?n:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>>0));k=(((o=m%3948078067,o===o?o:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>>0));}else{$panic(new $String("math/big: invalid word size"));}if(((p=j%3,p===p?p:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((q=j%5,q===q?q:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((r=j%7,r===r?r:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((s=j%11,s===s?s:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((t=j%13,t===t?t:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((u=j%17,u===u?u:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((v=j%19,v===v?v:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((w=j%23,w===w?w:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((x=j%37,x===x?x:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((y=k%29,y===y?y:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((z=k%31,z===z?z:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((aa=k%41,aa===aa?aa:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((ab=k%43,ab===ab?ab:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((ac=k%47,ac===ac?ac:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)||((ad=k%53,ad===ad?ad:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)){$s=-1;return false;}af=c.abs.probablyPrimeMillerRabin(b+1>>0,true);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(af)){ae=false;$s=1;continue s;}ag=c.abs.probablyPrimeLucas();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ag;case 1:ah=ae;$s=4;case 4:return ah;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.ProbablyPrime,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.ProbablyPrime=function(b){return this.$val.ProbablyPrime(b);};AH.prototype.probablyPrimeMillerRabin=function(b,c){var{aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=(AH.nil).sub(d,AI);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=f.trailingZeroBits();h=(AH.nil).shr(f,g);i=(AH.nil).sub(f,AJ);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;l=I.New(I.NewSource(((k=(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]),new $Int64(0,k.constructor===Number?k:1)))));m=AH.nil;n=AH.nil;o=AH.nil;p=m;q=n;r=o;s=j.bitLen();t=0;case 3:if(!(t>0))&&c){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:p=p.set(AJ);$s=7;continue;case 6:u=p.random(l,j,s);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=u;v=p.add(p,AJ);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=v;case 7:w=q.expNN(p,h,d);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=w;if((q.cmp(AI)===0)||(q.cmp(f)===0)){t=t+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;}x=1;case 11:if(!(x>0;$s=3;continue s;}if(q.cmp(AI)===0){$s=-1;return false;}x=x+(1)>>>0;$s=11;continue;case 12:$s=-1;return false;case 4:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.probablyPrimeMillerRabin,$c:true,$r,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.probablyPrimeMillerRabin=function(b,c){return this.$get().probablyPrimeMillerRabin(b,c);};AH.prototype.probablyPrimeLucas=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if((b.$length===0)||(b.cmp(AI)===0)){$s=-1;return false;}if((((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])&1)>>>0)===0){$s=-1;return b.cmp(AJ)===0;}c=3;d=new AH([1]);e=(AH.nil);f=new BH.ptr(false,d);g=new BH.ptr(false,b);case 1:if(c>10000){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:h=g.String();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("math/big: internal error: cannot find (D/n) = -1 for "+h));case 4:(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]=(($imul(c,c)>>>0)-4>>>0));i=BP(f,g);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(j===-1){$s=2;continue;}if(j===0){$s=-1;return(b.$length===1)&&((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])===(c+2>>>0));}if(c===40){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:k=e.sqrt(b);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=k;l=e.sqr(e);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=l;if(e.cmp(b)===0){$s=-1;return false;}case 8:c=c+(1)>>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:m=(AH.nil).add(b,AI);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=((n.trailingZeroBits()>>0));n=n.shr(n,((o>>>0)));p=(AH.nil).sub(b,AJ);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=(AH.nil).setWord(c);s=(AH.nil).setWord(2);t=(AH.nil).setWord(c);u=(AH.nil);v=(n.bitLen());case 13:if(!(v>=0)){$s=14;continue;}if(!((n.bit(((v>>>0)))===0))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:w=e.mul(s,t);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=w;x=e.add(e,b);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=x;y=e.sub(e,r);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=y;aa=u.div(s,e,b);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;u=z[0];s=z[1];ab=e.sqr(t);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=ab;ac=e.add(e,q);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=ac;ae=u.div(t,e,b);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;u=ad[0];t=ad[1];$s=17;continue;case 16:af=e.mul(s,t);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=af;ag=e.add(e,b);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=ag;ah=e.sub(e,r);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=ah;aj=u.div(t,e,b);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;u=ai[0];t=ai[1];ak=e.sqr(s);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=ak;al=e.add(e,q);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=al;an=u.div(s,e,b);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=an;u=am[0];s=am[1];case 17:v=v-(1)>>0;$s=13;continue;case 14:if((s.cmp(AJ)===0)||(s.cmp(q)===0)){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:ao=e.mul(s,r);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;aq=u.shl(t,1);if(ap.cmp(aq)<0){ar=aq;as=ap;ap=ar;aq=as;}at=ap.sub(ap,aq);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=at;au=t;t=AH.nil;$unused(t);aw=aq.div(au,ap,b);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=aw;aq=av[0];au=av[1];if(au.$length===0){$s=-1;return true;}case 33:ax=0;case 37:if(!(ax<(o-1>>0))){$s=38;continue;}if(s.$length===0){$s=-1;return true;}if((s.$length===1)&&((0>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+0])===2)){$s=-1;return false;}ay=e.sqr(s);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=ay;az=e.sub(e,AJ);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=az;bb=u.div(s,e,b);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=bb;u=ba[0];s=ba[1];ax=ax+(1)>>0;$s=37;continue;case 38:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.probablyPrimeLucas,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.probablyPrimeLucas=function(){return this.$get().probablyPrimeLucas();};AH.prototype.div=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=AH.nil;f=AH.nil;g=this;if(d.$length===0){$panic(new $String("division by zero"));}if(c.cmp(d)<0){e=$subslice(g,0,0);f=b.set(c);$s=-1;return[e,f];}if(d.$length===1){h=0;i=g.divW(c,(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]));e=i[0];h=i[1];f=b.setWord(h);$s=-1;return[e,f];}k=g.divLarge(b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;e=j[0];f=j[1];$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.div,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.div=function(b,c,d){return this.$get().div(b,c,d);};AH.prototype.divW=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=AH.nil;e=0;f=this;g=b.$length;if((c===0)){$panic(new $String("division by zero"));}else if((c===1)){d=f.set(b);return[d,e];}else if((g===0)){d=$subslice(f,0,0);return[d,e];}f=f.make(g);e=X($convertSliceType(f,DY),0,$convertSliceType(b,DY),c);d=f.norm();return[d,e];};$ptrType(AH).prototype.divW=function(b,c){return this.$get().divW(b,c);};AH.prototype.modW=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=0;d=this;e=AH.nil;e=e.make(d.$length);c=X($convertSliceType(e,DY),0,$convertSliceType(d,DY),b);return c;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.modW=function(b){return this.$get().modW(b);};X=function(b,c,d,e){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;f=0;f=c;if(d.$length===1){g=J.Div(((f>>>0)),(((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])>>>0)),((e>>>0)));h=g[0];i=g[1];(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]=((h>>>0)));f=((i>>>0));return f;}j=DL(e);k=b.$length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(k>=0)){break;}l=DK(f,((k<0||k>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+k]),e,j);((k<0||k>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+k]=l[0]);f=l[1];k=k-(1)>>0;}f=f;return f;};AH.prototype.divLarge=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=AH.nil;f=AH.nil;g=this;h=d.$length;i=c.$length-h>>0;k=CZ((j=h-1>>0,((j<0||j>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+j])));l=AZ(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=m.$get();CT($convertSliceType(n,DY),$convertSliceType(d,DY),k);b=b.make(c.$length+1>>0);(o=c.$length,((o<0||o>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+o]=CT($convertSliceType($subslice(b,0,c.$length),DY),$convertSliceType(c,DY),k)));if(AR(g,b)){g=AH.nil;}e=g.make(i+1>>0);if(h<100){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=e.divBasic(b,n);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=e.divRecursive(b,n);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:BA(m);e=e.norm();CU($convertSliceType(b,DY),$convertSliceType(b,DY),k);f=b.norm();p=e;q=f;e=p;f=q;$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.divLarge,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.divLarge=function(b,c,d){return this.$get().divLarge(b,c,d);};AH.prototype.divBasic=function(b,c){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=c.$length;f=b.$length-e>>0;g=AZ(e+1>>0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=h.$get();k=(j=e-1>>0,((j<0||j>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+j]));l=DL(k);m=f;while(true){if(!(m>=0)){break;}n=4294967295;o=0;if((m+e>>0)>0,((p<0||p>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+p]));}if(!((o===k))){q=0;r=DK(o,(s=(m+e>>0)-1>>0,((s<0||s>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+s])),k,l);n=r[0];q=r[1];u=(t=e-2>>0,((t<0||t>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+t]));v=CO(n,u);w=v[0];x=v[1];z=(y=(m+e>>0)-2>>0,((y<0||y>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+y]));while(true){if(!(Y(w,x,q,z))){break;}n=n-(1)>>>0;aa=q;q=q+(k)>>>0;if(q=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+e]=CV($convertSliceType($subslice(i,0,e),DY),$convertSliceType(c,DY),n,0));ac=i.$length;if((m+ac>>0)>b.$length&&(((e<0||e>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+e])===0)){ac=ac-(1)>>0;}ad=CQ($convertSliceType($subslice(b,m,(m+ac>>0)),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,m),DY),$convertSliceType(i,DY));if(!((ad===0))){ae=CP($convertSliceType($subslice(b,m,(m+e>>0)),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,m),DY),$convertSliceType(c,DY));if(e>0;((af<0||af>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+af]=(((af<0||af>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+af])+(ae)>>>0));}n=n-(1)>>>0;}if((m===f)&&(f===d.$length)&&(n===0)){m=m-(1)>>0;continue;}((m<0||m>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+m]=n);m=m-(1)>>0;}BA(h);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.divBasic,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.divBasic=function(b,c){return this.$get().divBasic(b,c);};Y=function(b,c,d,e){var b,c,d,e;return b>d||(b===d)&&c>e;};AH.prototype.divRecursive=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=$imul(2,J.Len(((c.$length>>>0))));f=AZ($imul(3,c.$length));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=$makeSlice(EA,e);d.clear();$r=d.divRecursiveStep(b,c,0,g,h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);if(!(k===DZ.nil)){BA(k);}j++;}BA(g);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.divRecursive,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.divRecursive=function(b,c){return this.$get().divRecursive(b,c);};AH.prototype.divRecursiveStep=function(b,c,d,e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;b=b.norm();c=c.norm();if(b.$length===0){g.clear();$s=-1;return;}h=c.$length;if(h<100){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.divBasic(b,c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 2:i=b.$length-h>>0;if(i<0){$s=-1;return;}k=(j=h/2,(j===j&&j!==1/0&&j!==-1/0)?j>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(((d<0||d>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+d])===DZ.nil){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:l=AZ(h);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}((d<0||d>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+d]=l);$s=6;continue;case 5:((d<0||d>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+d]).$set(((d<0||d>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+d]).make(k+1>>0));case 6:m=i;case 8:if(!(m>k)){$s=9;continue;}n=(k-1>>0);o=$subslice(b,(m-k>>0));p=((d<0||d>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+d]).$get();p.clear();$r=p.divRecursiveStep($subslice(o,n,(k+h>>0)),$subslice(c,n),d+1>>0,e,f);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=p.norm();q=e.make($imul(3,h));q.clear();r=q.mul(p,$subslice(c,0,n));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=0;case 12:if(!(s<2)){$s=13;continue;}t=q.cmp(o.norm());if(t<=0){$s=13;continue;}u=CS($convertSliceType(p,DY),$convertSliceType(p,DY),1);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;v=CQ($convertSliceType($subslice(q,0,n),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(q,0,n),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(c,0,n),DY));if(q.$length>n){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:w=CS($convertSliceType($subslice(q,n),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(q,n),DY),v);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;case 16:$r=AS($subslice(o,n),$subslice(c,n),0);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=s+(1)>>0;$s=12;continue;case 13:if(q.cmp(o.norm())>0){$panic(new $String("impossible"));}x=CQ($convertSliceType($subslice(o,0,q.$length),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(o,0,q.$length),DY),$convertSliceType(q,DY));if(x>0){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:y=CS($convertSliceType($subslice(o,q.$length),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(o,q.$length),DY),x);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;case 20:$r=AS(g,p,m-k>>0);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=m-(k)>>0;$s=8;continue;case 9:z=k-1>>0;aa=((d<0||d>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+d]).$get();aa.clear();$r=aa.divRecursiveStep($subslice(b,z).norm(),$subslice(c,z),d+1>>0,e,f);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=aa.norm();ab=e.make($imul(3,h));ab.clear();ac=ab.mul(aa,$subslice(c,0,z));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;ad=0;case 25:if(!(ad<2)){$s=26;continue;}ae=ab.cmp(b.norm());if(ae>0){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:af=CS($convertSliceType(aa,DY),$convertSliceType(aa,DY),1);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;ag=CQ($convertSliceType($subslice(ab,0,z),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(ab,0,z),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(c,0,z),DY));if(ab.$length>z){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:ah=CS($convertSliceType($subslice(ab,z),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(ab,z),DY),ag);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah;case 31:$r=AS($subslice(b,z),$subslice(c,z),0);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 28:ad=ad+(1)>>0;$s=25;continue;case 26:if(ab.cmp(b.norm())>0){$panic(new $String("impossible"));}ai=CQ($convertSliceType($subslice(b,0,ab.$length),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,0,ab.$length),DY),$convertSliceType(ab,DY));if(ai>0){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:aj=CS($convertSliceType($subslice(b,ab.$length),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,ab.$length),DY),ai);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;case 35:if(ai>0){$panic(new $String("impossible"));}$r=AS(g,aa.norm(),0);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.divRecursiveStep,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.divRecursiveStep=function(b,c,d,e,f){return this.$get().divRecursiveStep(b,c,d,e,f);};Z=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;c=0;d=0;e=b;f=1;c=e;d=f;h=(g=4294967295/b,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));while(true){if(!(c<=h)){break;}c=$imul(c,(b))>>>0;d=d+(1)>>0;}return[c,d];};AA=function(b,c){var b,c,d;d=0;d=1;while(true){if(!(c>0)){break;}if(!(((c&1)===0))){d=$imul(d,(b))>>>0;}b=$imul(b,(b))>>>0;c=(c>>$min((1),31))>>0;}return d;};AH.prototype.scan=function(b,c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=AH.nil;f=0;g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;j=(c===0)||!d&&2<=c&&c<=62||d&&((c===2)||(c===8)||(c===10)||(c===16));if(!j){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=F.Sprintf("invalid number base %d",new DT([new $Int(c)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(k));case 2:l=46;m=false;o=b.ReadByte();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];h=n[1];q=c;r=0;f=q;s=r;if(c===0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:f=10;if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)&&(p===48)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:l=48;g=1;u=b.ReadByte();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;p=t[0];h=t[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:v=p;if((v===(98))||(v===(66))){w=2;x=98;f=w;s=x;}else if((v===(111))||(v===(79))){y=8;z=111;f=y;s=z;}else if((v===(120))||(v===(88))){aa=16;ab=120;f=aa;s=ab;}else if(!d){ac=8;ad=48;f=ac;s=ad;}if(!((s===0))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:g=0;if(!((s===48))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:af=b.ReadByte();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;p=ae[0];h=ae[1];case 15:case 13:case 11:case 8:case 6:i=$subslice(i,0,0);ag=((f>>>0));ah=Z(ag);ai=ah[0];aj=ah[1];ak=0;al=0;am=-1;case 17:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}if((p===46)&&d){$s=19;continue;}if((p===95)&&(c===0)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 19:d=false;if(l===95){m=true;}l=46;am=g;$s=22;continue;case 20:if(!((l===48))){m=true;}l=95;$s=22;continue;case 21:an=0;if(48<=p&&p<=57){an=(((p-48<<24>>>24)>>>0));}else if(97<=p&&p<=122){an=((((p-97<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24)>>>0));}else if(65<=p&&p<=90){if(f<=36){an=((((p-65<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24)>>>0));}else{an=((((p-65<<24>>>24)+36<<24>>>24)>>>0));}}else{an=63;}if(an>=ag){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:ao=b.UnreadByte();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao;$s=18;continue;case 24:l=48;g=g+(1)>>0;ak=($imul(ak,ag)>>>0)+an>>>0;al=al+(1)>>0;if(al===aj){i=i.mulAddWW(i,ai,ak);ak=0;al=0;}case 22:aq=b.ReadByte();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=aq;p=ap[0];h=ap[1];$s=17;continue;case 18:if($interfaceIsEqual(h,G.EOF)){h=$ifaceNil;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)&&(m||(l===95))){h=AC;}if(g===0){if(s===48){ar=$subslice(i,0,0);as=10;at=1;au=h;e=ar;f=as;g=at;h=au;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];}h=AB;}if(al>0){i=i.mulAddWW(i,AA(ag,al),ak);}e=i.norm();if(am>=0){g=am-g>>0;}$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.scan,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.scan=function(b,c,d){return this.$get().scan(b,c,d);};AH.prototype.utoa=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.itoa(false,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.utoa,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.utoa=function(b){return this.$get().utoa(b);};AH.prototype.itoa=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(c<2||c>62){$panic(new $String("invalid base"));}if(d.$length===0){$s=-1;return(new DW($stringToBytes("0")));}e=(((d.bitLen())/A.Log2((c))>>0))+1>>0;if(b){e=e+(1)>>0;}f=$makeSlice(DW,e);g=((c>>>0));if(g===((g&(-g>>>0))>>>0)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=((J.TrailingZeros(((g>>>0)))>>>0));j=((((i=h,i<32?(1<>>0)-1>>>0));k=(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]);l=32;m=1;while(true){if(!(m=h)){break;}e=e-(1)>>0;((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".charCodeAt(((k&j)>>>0)));k=(n=(h),n<32?(k>>>n):0)>>>0;l=l-(h)>>>0;}if(l===0){k=((m<0||m>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+m]);l=32;}else{k=(k|(((o=l,o<32?(((m<0||m>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+m])<>>0)))>>>0;e=e-(1)>>0;((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".charCodeAt(((k&j)>>>0)));k=(p=((h-l>>>0)),p<32?(((m<0||m>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+m])>>>p):0)>>>0;l=32-((h-l>>>0))>>>0;}m=m+(1)>>0;}while(true){if(!(!((k===0)))){break;}e=e-(1)>>0;((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".charCodeAt(((k&j)>>>0)));k=(q=(h),q<32?(k>>>q):0)>>>0;}$s=3;continue;case 2:r=Z(g);s=r[0];t=r[1];u=AG(d.$length,g,t,s);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=(AH.nil).set(d);$r=w.convertWords(f,g,t,s,v);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=0;while(true){if(!(((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e])===48)){break;}e=e+(1)>>0;}case 3:if(b){e=e-(1)>>0;((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]=45);}$s=-1;return $subslice(f,e);}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.itoa,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.itoa=function(b,c){return this.$get().itoa(b,c);};AH.prototype.convertWords=function(b,c,d,e,f){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!(f===EB.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=AH.nil;i=f.$length-1>>0;case 3:if(!(g.$length>AD)){$s=4;continue;}j=g.bitLen();k=j>>1>>0;while(true){if(!(i>0&&(l=i-1>>0,((l<0||l>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+l])).nbits>k)){break;}i=i-(1)>>0;}if(((i<0||i>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+i]).nbits>=j&&((i<0||i>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+i]).bbb.cmp(g)>=0){i=i-(1)>>0;if(i<0){$panic(new $String("internal inconsistency"));}}n=g.div(h,g,((i<0||i>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+i]).bbb);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;g=m[0];h=m[1];o=b.$length-((i<0||i>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+i]).ndigits>>0;$r=h.convertWords($subslice(b,o),c,d,e,$subslice(f,0,i));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=$subslice(b,0,o);$s=3;continue;case 4:case 2:p=b.$length;q=0;if(c===10){while(true){if(!(g.$length>0)){break;}r=g.divW(g,e);g=r[0];q=r[1];s=0;while(true){if(!(s0)){break;}p=p-(1)>>0;u=(t=q/10,(t===t&&t!==1/0&&t!==-1/0)?t>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));((p<0||p>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+p]=(48+(((q-($imul(u,10)>>>0)>>>0)<<24>>>24))<<24>>>24));q=u;s=s+(1)>>0;}}}else{while(true){if(!(g.$length>0)){break;}v=g.divW(g,e);g=v[0];q=v[1];w=0;while(true){if(!(w0)){break;}p=p-(1)>>0;((p<0||p>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+p]="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".charCodeAt((x=q%c,x===x?x:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))));q=(y=q/(c),(y===y&&y!==1/0&&y!==-1/0)?y>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));w=w+(1)>>0;}}}while(true){if(!(p>0)){break;}p=p-(1)>>0;((p<0||p>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+p]=48);}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.convertWords,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.convertWords=function(b,c,d,e,f){return this.$get().convertWords(b,c,d,e,f);};AH.prototype.expWW=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.expNN((AH.nil).setWord(b),(AH.nil).setWord(c),AH.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.expWW,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.expWW=function(b,c){return this.$get().expWW(b,c);};AG=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if((AD===0)||b<=AD){$s=-1;return EB.nil;}f=1;g=AD;while(true){if(!(g<(b>>1>>0)&&f<64)){break;}f=f+(1)>>0;g=(h=(1),h<32?(g<>0;}i=EB.nil;if(c===10){AF.Mutex.Lock();i=$subslice(new EB(AF.table),0,f);}else{i=$makeSlice(EB,f);}if((j=f-1>>0,((j<0||j>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j])).ndigits===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=AH.nil;l=0;case 3:if(!(l=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+l]).ndigits===0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if(l===0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:m=(AH.nil).expWW(e,((AD>>>0)));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]).bbb=m;(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]).ndigits=$imul(d,AD);$s=9;continue;case 8:o=(AH.nil).sqr((n=l-1>>0,((n<0||n>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+n])).bbb);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}((l<0||l>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+l]).bbb=o;((l<0||l>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+l]).ndigits=$imul(2,(p=l-1>>0,((p<0||p>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+p])).ndigits);case 9:k=(AH.nil).set(((l<0||l>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+l]).bbb);while(true){if(!(CV($convertSliceType(k,DY),$convertSliceType(k,DY),c,0)===0)){break;}((l<0||l>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+l]).bbb=((l<0||l>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+l]).bbb.set(k);((l<0||l>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+l]).ndigits=((l<0||l>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+l]).ndigits+(1)>>0;}((l<0||l>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+l]).nbits=((l<0||l>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+l]).bbb.bitLen();case 6:l=l+(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:case 2:if(c===10){AF.Mutex.Unlock();}$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.clear=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]=0);d++;}};$ptrType(AH).prototype.clear=function(){return this.$get().clear();};AH.prototype.norm=function(){var b,c,d;b=this;c=b.$length;while(true){if(!(c>0&&((d=c-1>>0,((d<0||d>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+d]))===0))){break;}c=c-(1)>>0;}return $subslice(b,0,c);};$ptrType(AH).prototype.norm=function(){return this.$get().norm();};AH.prototype.make=function(b){var b,c;c=this;if(b<=c.$capacity){return $subslice(c,0,b);}if(b===1){return $makeSlice(AH,1);}return $makeSlice(AH,b,(b+4>>0));};$ptrType(AH).prototype.make=function(b){return this.$get().make(b);};AH.prototype.setWord=function(b){var b,c;c=this;if(b===0){return $subslice(c,0,0);}c=c.make(1);(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]=b);return c;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.setWord=function(b){return this.$get().setWord(b);};AH.prototype.setUint64=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;d=((b.$low>>>0));if((e=(new $Uint64(0,d.constructor===Number?d:1)),(e.$high===b.$high&&e.$low===b.$low))){return c.setWord(d);}c=c.make(2);(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]=(($shiftRightUint64(b,32).$low>>>0)));(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]=((b.$low>>>0)));return c;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.setUint64=function(b){return this.$get().setUint64(b);};AH.prototype.set=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c=c.make(b.$length);$copySlice(c,b);return c;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.set=function(b){return this.$get().set(b);};AH.prototype.add=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=b.$length;f=c.$length;if(e>0);i=CP($convertSliceType($subslice(d,0,f),DY),$convertSliceType(b,DY),$convertSliceType(c,DY));if(e>f){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:j=CR($convertSliceType($subslice(d,f,e),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,f),DY),i);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;case 9:((e<0||e>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]=i);$s=-1;return d.norm();}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.add,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.add=function(b,c){return this.$get().add(b,c);};AH.prototype.sub=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=b.$length;f=c.$length;if(ef){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=CS($convertSliceType($subslice(d,f),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,f),DY),g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;case 2:if(!((g===0))){$panic(new $String("underflow"));}$s=-1;return d.norm();}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.sub,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.sub=function(b,c){return this.$get().sub(b,c);};AH.prototype.cmp=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=0;d=this;e=d.$length;f=b.$length;if(!((e===f))||(e===0)){if(ef){c=1;}return c;}g=e-1>>0;while(true){if(!(g>0&&(((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g])===((g<0||g>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+g])))){break;}g=g-(1)>>0;}if(((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g])<((g<0||g>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+g])){c=-1;}else if(((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g])>((g<0||g>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+g])){c=1;}return c;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.cmp=function(b){return this.$get().cmp(b);};AH.prototype.mulAddWW=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f;e=this;f=b.$length;if((f===0)||(c===0)){return e.setWord(d);}e=e.make(f+1>>0);((f<0||f>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]=CV($convertSliceType($subslice(e,0,f),DY),$convertSliceType(b,DY),c,d));return e.norm();};$ptrType(AH).prototype.mulAddWW=function(b,c,d){return this.$get().mulAddWW(b,c,d);};AM=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;$subslice(b,0,(c.$length+d.$length>>0)).clear();e=d;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);if(!((h===0))){(i=c.$length+g>>0,((i<0||i>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+i]=CW($convertSliceType($subslice(b,g,(g+c.$length>>0)),DY),$convertSliceType(c,DY),h)));}f++;}};AH.prototype.montgomery=function(b,c,d,e,f){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;g=this;if(!((b.$length===f))||!((c.$length===f))||!((d.$length===f))){$panic(new $String("math/big: mismatched montgomery number lengths"));}g=g.make($imul(f,2));g.clear();h=0;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+i]);k=CW($convertSliceType($subslice(g,i,(f+i>>0)),DY),$convertSliceType(b,DY),j);l=$imul(((i<0||i>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+i]),e)>>>0;m=CW($convertSliceType($subslice(g,i,(f+i>>0)),DY),$convertSliceType(d,DY),l);n=h+k>>>0;o=n+m>>>0;(p=f+i>>0,((p<0||p>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+p]=o));if(n>0;}if(!((h===0))){CQ($convertSliceType($subslice(g,0,f),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(g,f),DY),$convertSliceType(d,DY));}else{$copySlice($subslice(g,0,f),$subslice(g,f));}return $subslice(g,0,f);};$ptrType(AH).prototype.montgomery=function(b,c,d,e,f){return this.$get().montgomery(b,c,d,e,f);};AN=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=CP($convertSliceType($subslice(b,0,d),DY),$convertSliceType(b,DY),$convertSliceType(c,DY));if(!((e===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=CR($convertSliceType($subslice(b,d,(d+(d>>1>>0)>>0)),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,d),DY),e);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AO=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=CQ($convertSliceType($subslice(b,0,d),DY),$convertSliceType(b,DY),$convertSliceType(c,DY));if(!((e===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=CS($convertSliceType($subslice(b,d,(d+(d>>1>>0)>>0)),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,d),DY),e);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AQ=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=d.$length;if(!(((e&1)===0))||e>1>>0;g=$subslice(c,f);h=$subslice(c,0,f);i=g;j=h;k=$subslice(d,f);l=$subslice(d,0,f);m=k;n=l;$r=AQ(b,j,n);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AQ($subslice(b,e),i,m);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=1;p=$subslice(b,($imul(2,e)),(($imul(2,e))+f>>0));if(!((CQ($convertSliceType(p,DY),$convertSliceType(i,DY),$convertSliceType(j,DY))===0))){o=-o;CQ($convertSliceType(p,DY),$convertSliceType(j,DY),$convertSliceType(i,DY));}q=$subslice(b,(($imul(2,e))+f>>0),($imul(3,e)));if(!((CQ($convertSliceType(q,DY),$convertSliceType(n,DY),$convertSliceType(m,DY))===0))){o=-o;CQ($convertSliceType(q,DY),$convertSliceType(m,DY),$convertSliceType(n,DY));}r=$subslice(b,($imul(e,3)));$r=AQ(r,p,q);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$subslice(b,($imul(e,4)));$copySlice(s,$subslice(b,0,($imul(e,2))));$r=AN($subslice(b,f),s,e);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AN($subslice(b,f),$subslice(s,e),e);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(o>0){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=AN($subslice(b,f),r,e);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=AO($subslice(b,f),r,e);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};AR=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;return b.$capacity>0&&c.$capacity>0&&(d=$subslice(b,0,b.$capacity),$indexPtr(d.$array,d.$offset+(b.$capacity-1>>0),EC))===(e=$subslice(c,0,c.$capacity),$indexPtr(e.$array,e.$offset+(c.$capacity-1>>0),EC));};AS=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=c.$length;if(e>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=CP($convertSliceType($subslice(b,d,(d+e>>0)),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,d),DY),$convertSliceType(c,DY));if(!((f===0))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=d+e>>0;if(gc){return b;}return c;};AU=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;d=0;while(true){if(!(b>c)){break;}b=(b>>$min((1),31))>>0;d=d+(1)>>>0;}return(e=d,e<32?(b<>0;};AH.prototype.mul=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=b.$length;f=c.$length;if(e=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]),0);case 5:case 1:if(AR(d,b)||AR(d,c)){d=AH.nil;}if(f>0);AM(d,b,c);$s=-1;return d.norm();}i=AU(f,AP);j=$subslice(b,0,i);k=$subslice(c,0,i);d=d.make(AT($imul(6,i),e+f>>0));$r=AQ(d,j,k);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=$subslice(d,0,(e+f>>0));$subslice(d,($imul(2,i))).clear();if(ii){t=$subslice(t,0,i);}t=t.norm();u=n.mul(t,r);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=u;$r=AS(d,n,s);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=n.mul(t,p);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=v;$r=AS(d,n,s+i>>0);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=s+(i)>>0;$s=14;continue;case 15:BA(m);case 10:$s=-1;return d.norm();}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.mul,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.mul=function(b,c){return this.$get().mul(b,c);};AV=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=c.$length;e=AZ($imul(2,d));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=f.$get();g.clear();h=CO((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]),(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]));(1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1]=h[0]);(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]=h[1]);i=1;while(true){if(!(i=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+i]);k=CO(j,j);(l=($imul(2,i))+1>>0,((l<0||l>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+l]=k[0]));(m=$imul(2,i),((m<0||m>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+m]=k[1]));(n=$imul(2,i),((n<0||n>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+n]=CW($convertSliceType($subslice(g,i,($imul(2,i))),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(c,0,i),DY),j)));i=i+(1)>>0;}(o=($imul(2,d))-1>>0,((o<0||o>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+o]=CT($convertSliceType($subslice(g,1,(($imul(2,d))-1>>0)),DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(g,1,(($imul(2,d))-1>>0)),DY),1)));CP($convertSliceType(b,DY),$convertSliceType(b,DY),$convertSliceType(g,DY));BA(f);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AW=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=c.$length;if(!(((d&1)===0))||d>1>>0;f=$subslice(c,e);g=$subslice(c,0,e);h=f;i=g;$r=AW(b,i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AW($subslice(b,d),h);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$subslice(b,($imul(2,d)),(($imul(2,d))+e>>0));if(!((CQ($convertSliceType(j,DY),$convertSliceType(h,DY),$convertSliceType(i,DY))===0))){CQ($convertSliceType(j,DY),$convertSliceType(i,DY),$convertSliceType(h,DY));}k=$subslice(b,($imul(d,3)));$r=AW(k,j);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$subslice(b,($imul(d,4)));$copySlice(l,$subslice(b,0,($imul(d,2))));$r=AN($subslice(b,e),l,d);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AN($subslice(b,e),$subslice(l,d),d);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AO($subslice(b,e),k,d);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.sqr=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=b.$length;if((d===0)){$s=-1;return $subslice(c,0,0);}else if((d===1)){e=(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]);c=c.make(2);f=CO(e,e);(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]=f[0]);(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]=f[1]);$s=-1;return c.norm();}if(AR(c,b)){c=AH.nil;}if(dc.$high||(b.$high===c.$high&&b.$low>c.$low))){$s=3;continue;}if((b.$high===c.$high&&b.$low===c.$low)){$s=4;continue;}if((e=new $Uint64(b.$high+0,b.$low+1),(e.$high===c.$high&&e.$low===c.$low))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return d.setUint64(new $Uint64(0,0));case 3:$s=-1;return d.setUint64(new $Uint64(0,1));case 4:$s=-1;return d.setUint64(b);case 5:f=d.mul((AH.nil).setUint64(b),(AH.nil).setUint64(c));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=8;case 8:return g;case 6:case 1:h=$div64((new $Uint64(b.$high+c.$high,b.$low+c.$low)),new $Uint64(0,2),false);i=(AH.nil).mulRange(b,h);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=(AH.nil).mulRange(new $Uint64(h.$high+0,h.$low+1),c);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=d.mul(j,l);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=12;case 12:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.mulRange,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.mulRange=function(b,c){return this.$get().mulRange(b,c);};AZ=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=DZ.nil;d=BB.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){c=$assertType(e,DZ);}if(c===DZ.nil){c=$newDataPointer(AH.nil,DZ);}c.$set(c.make(b));$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BA=function(b){var b;BB.Put(b);};AH.prototype.bitLen=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=b.$length-1>>0;if(c>=0){return($imul(c,32))+J.Len(((((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c])>>>0)))>>0;}return 0;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.bitLen=function(){return this.$get().bitLen();};AH.prototype.trailingZeroBits=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(b.$length===0){return 0;}c=0;while(true){if(!(((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c])===0)){break;}c=c+(1)>>>0;}return(c*32>>>0)+((J.TrailingZeros(((((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c])>>>0)))>>>0))>>>0;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.trailingZeroBits=function(){return this.$get().trailingZeroBits();};BC=function(b,c){var b,c;return(b.$length===c.$length)&&b.$length>0&&$indexPtr(b.$array,b.$offset+0,EC)===$indexPtr(c.$array,c.$offset+0,EC);};AH.prototype.shl=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;d=this;if(c===0){if(BC(d,b)){return d;}if(!AR(d,b)){return d.set(b);}}e=b.$length;if(e===0){return $subslice(d,0,0);}g=e+(((f=c/32,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0))>>0;d=d.make(g+1>>0);((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]=CT($convertSliceType($subslice(d,(g-e>>0),g),DY),$convertSliceType(b,DY),(h=c%32,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))));$subslice(d,0,(g-e>>0)).clear();return d.norm();};$ptrType(AH).prototype.shl=function(b,c){return this.$get().shl(b,c);};AH.prototype.shr=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;d=this;if(c===0){if(BC(d,b)){return d;}if(!AR(d,b)){return d.set(b);}}e=b.$length;g=e-(((f=c/32,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0))>>0;if(g<=0){return $subslice(d,0,0);}d=d.make(g);CU($convertSliceType(d,DY),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,(e-g>>0)),DY),(h=c%32,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));return d.norm();};$ptrType(AH).prototype.shr=function(b,c){return this.$get().shr(b,c);};AH.prototype.setBit=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;e=this;g=(((f=c/32,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0));j=(h=((i=c%32,i===i?i:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))),h<32?(1<>>0;k=b.$length;l=d;if(l===(0)){e=e.make(k);$copySlice(e,b);if(g>=k){return e;}((g<0||g>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+g]=((((g<0||g>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+g])&~(j))>>>0));return e.norm();}else if(l===(1)){if(g>=k){e=e.make(g+1>>0);$subslice(e,k).clear();}else{e=e.make(k);}$copySlice(e,b);((g<0||g>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+g]=((((g<0||g>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+g])|(j))>>>0));return e;}$panic(new $String("set bit is not 0 or 1"));};$ptrType(AH).prototype.setBit=function(b,c,d){return this.$get().setBit(b,c,d);};AH.prototype.bit=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=this;e=(d=b/32,(d===d&&d!==1/0&&d!==-1/0)?d>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(e>=((c.$length>>>0))){return 0;}return((((((f=((g=b%32,g===g?g:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))),f<32?(((e<0||e>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+e])>>>f):0)>>>0)&1)>>>0)>>>0));};$ptrType(AH).prototype.bit=function(b){return this.$get().bit(b);};AH.prototype.and=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=this;e=b.$length;f=c.$length;if(e>f){e=f;}d=d.make(e);g=0;while(true){if(!(g=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]=((((g<0||g>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+g])&((g<0||g>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+g]))>>>0));g=g+(1)>>0;}return d.norm();};$ptrType(AH).prototype.and=function(b,c){return this.$get().and(b,c);};AH.prototype.andNot=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=this;e=b.$length;f=c.$length;if(f>e){f=e;}d=d.make(e);g=0;while(true){if(!(g=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]=((((g<0||g>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+g])&~((g<0||g>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+g]))>>>0));g=g+(1)>>0;}$copySlice($subslice(d,f,e),$subslice(b,f,e));return d.norm();};$ptrType(AH).prototype.andNot=function(b,c){return this.$get().andNot(b,c);};AH.prototype.or=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;d=this;e=b.$length;f=c.$length;g=b;if(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+j]=((((j<0||j>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+j])|((j<0||j>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+j]))>>>0));j=j+(1)>>0;}$copySlice($subslice(d,f,e),$subslice(g,f,e));return d.norm();};$ptrType(AH).prototype.or=function(b,c){return this.$get().or(b,c);};AH.prototype.xor=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;d=this;e=b.$length;f=c.$length;g=b;if(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+j]=((((j<0||j>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+j])^((j<0||j>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+j]))>>>0));j=j+(1)>>0;}$copySlice($subslice(d,f,e),$subslice(g,f,e));return d.norm();};$ptrType(AH).prototype.xor=function(b,c){return this.$get().xor(b,c);};AH.prototype.random=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(AR(e,c)){e=AH.nil;}e=e.make(c.$length);g=(((f=d%32,f===f?f:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>>0));if(g===0){g=32;}i=(((((h=g,h<32?(1<>>0))-1>>>0));case 1:j=32;if(j===(32)){$s=4;continue;}if(j===(64)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:k=e;l=0;case 8:if(!(l=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+m]=((n>>>0)));l++;$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=7;continue;case 5:o=e;p=0;case 11:if(!(p=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+q]=((((r>>>0))|0)>>>0));p++;$s=11;continue;case 12:$s=7;continue;case 6:$panic(new $String("unknown word size"));case 7:case 3:s=c.$length-1>>0;((s<0||s>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+s]=((((s<0||s>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+s])&(i))>>>0));if(e.cmp(c)<0){$s=2;continue;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return e.norm();}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.random,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.random=function(b,c,d){return this.$get().random(b,c,d);};AH.prototype.expNN=function(b,c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(AR(e,b)||AR(e,c)){e=AH.nil;}if((d.$length===1)&&((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===1)){$s=-1;return e.setWord(0);}if(c.$length===0){$s=-1;return e.setWord(1);}if((c.$length===1)&&((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])===1)&&!((d.$length===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=(AH.nil).div(e,b,d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;e=f[1];$s=-1;return e;case 2:if(!((d.$length===0))){e=e.make(d.$length);}e=e.set(b);if(b.cmp(AI)>0&&c.$length>1&&d.$length>0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if((((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])&1)>>>0)===1){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:h=e.expNNMontgomery(b,c,d);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=9;case 9:return i;case 7:j=e.expNNWindowed(b,c,d);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=11;case 11:return k;case 5:m=(l=c.$length-1>>0,((l<0||l>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+l]));n=CZ(m)+1>>>0;m=(o=(n),o<32?(m<>>0;p=AH.nil;q=32-((n>>0))>>0;r=AH.nil;s=AH.nil;t=r;u=s;v=0;case 12:if(!(v>>0)===0))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:z=t.mul(e,b);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=z;aa=e;ab=t;t=aa;e=ab;case 16:if(!((d.$length===0))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:ad=t.div(u,e,d);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;t=ac[0];u=ac[1];ae=p;af=e;ag=t;ah=u;t=ae;u=af;p=ag;e=ah;case 19:m=(ai=(1),ai<32?(m<>>0;v=v+(1)>>0;$s=12;continue;case 13:aj=c.$length-2>>0;case 21:if(!(aj>=0)){$s=22;continue;}m=((aj<0||aj>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+aj]);ak=0;case 23:if(!(ak<32)){$s=24;continue;}al=t.sqr(e);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=al;am=e;an=t;t=am;e=an;if(!((((m&2147483648)>>>0)===0))){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:ao=t.mul(e,b);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=ao;ap=e;aq=t;t=ap;e=aq;case 27:if(!((d.$length===0))){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:as=t.div(u,e,d);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=as;t=ar[0];u=ar[1];at=p;au=e;av=t;aw=u;t=at;u=au;p=av;e=aw;case 30:m=(ax=(1),ax<32?(m<>>0;ak=ak+(1)>>0;$s=23;continue;case 24:aj=aj-(1)>>0;$s=21;continue;case 22:$s=-1;return e.norm();}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.expNN,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.expNN=function(b,c,d){return this.$get().expNN(b,c,d);};AH.prototype.expNNWindowed=function(b,c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=AH.nil;g=AH.nil;h=f;i=g;j=ED.zero();j[0]=AI;j[1]=b;k=2;case 1:if(!(k<16)){$s=2;continue;}l=$indexPtr(j,(m=k/2,(m===m&&m!==1/0&&m!==-1/0)?m>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),DZ);n=$indexPtr(j,k,DZ);o=$indexPtr(j,(k+1>>0),DZ);p=l;q=n;r=o;s=q.sqr(p.$get());$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q.$set(s);u=h.div(i,q.$get(),d);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;h=t[0];i=t[1];v=i;w=q.$get();q.$set(v);i=w;x=r.mul(q.$get(),b);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r.$set(x);z=h.div(i,r.$get(),d);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;h=y[0];i=y[1];aa=i;ab=r.$get();r.$set(aa);i=ab;k=k+(2)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:e=e.setWord(1);ac=c.$length-1>>0;case 7:if(!(ac>=0)){$s=8;continue;}ad=((ac<0||ac>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+ac]);ae=0;case 9:if(!(ae<32)){$s=10;continue;}if(!((ac===(c.$length-1>>0)))||!((ae===0))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:af=h.sqr(e);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=af;ag=e;ah=h;h=ag;e=ah;aj=h.div(i,e,d);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;h=ai[0];i=ai[1];ak=i;al=e;e=ak;i=al;am=h.sqr(e);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=am;an=e;ao=h;h=an;e=ao;aq=h.div(i,e,d);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=aq;h=ap[0];i=ap[1];ar=i;as=e;e=ar;i=as;at=h.sqr(e);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=at;au=e;av=h;h=au;e=av;ax=h.div(i,e,d);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ax;h=aw[0];i=aw[1];ay=i;az=e;e=ay;i=az;ba=h.sqr(e);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=ba;bb=e;bc=h;h=bb;e=bc;be=h.div(i,e,d);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=be;h=bd[0];i=bd[1];bf=i;bg=e;e=bf;i=bg;case 12:bi=h.mul(e,(bh=ad>>>28>>>0,((bh<0||bh>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[bh])));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=bi;bj=e;bk=h;h=bj;e=bk;bm=h.div(i,e,d);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=bm;h=bl[0];i=bl[1];bn=i;bo=e;e=bn;i=bo;ad=(bp=(4),bp<32?(ad<>>0;ae=ae+(4)>>0;$s=9;continue;case 10:ac=ac-(1)>>0;$s=7;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return e.norm();}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.expNNWindowed,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.expNNWindowed=function(b,c,d){return this.$get().expNNWindowed(b,c,d);};AH.prototype.expNNMontgomery=function(b,c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=d.$length;if(b.$length>f){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=(AH.nil).div(AH.nil,b,d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;b=g[1];case 2:if(b.$length=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])>>>0;k=(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])-1>>>0;l=1;while(true){if(!(l<32)){break;}k=$imul(k,(k))>>>0;j=$imul(j,(((k+1>>>0))))>>>0;l=(m=(1),m<32?(l<>0;}j=-j>>>0;n=(AH.nil).setWord(1);o=(AH.nil).shl(n,((($imul(($imul(2,f)),32))>>>0)));q=(AH.nil).div(n,o,d);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;n=p[1];if(n.$length=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0]=1);s=ED.zero();s[0]=s[0].montgomery(r,n,d,j,f);s[1]=s[1].montgomery(b,n,d,j,f);t=2;while(true){if(!(t<16)){break;}((t<0||t>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[t]=((t<0||t>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[t]).montgomery((u=t-1>>0,((u<0||u>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[u])),s[1],d,j,f));t=t+(1)>>0;}e=e.make(f);$copySlice(e,s[0]);o=o.make(f);v=c.$length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(v>=0)){break;}w=((v<0||v>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+v]);x=0;while(true){if(!(x<32)){break;}if(!((v===(c.$length-1>>0)))||!((x===0))){o=o.montgomery(e,e,d,j,f);e=e.montgomery(o,o,d,j,f);o=o.montgomery(e,e,d,j,f);e=e.montgomery(o,o,d,j,f);}o=o.montgomery(e,(y=w>>>28>>>0,((y<0||y>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[y])),d,j,f);z=o;aa=e;e=z;o=aa;w=(ab=(4),ab<32?(w<>>0;x=x+(4)>>0;}v=v-(1)>>0;}o=o.montgomery(e,r,d,j,f);if(o.cmp(d)>=0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:ac=o.sub(o,d);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=ac;if(o.cmp(d)>=0){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:ae=(AH.nil).div(AH.nil,o,d);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;o=ad[1];case 9:case 6:$s=-1;return o.norm();}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.expNNMontgomery,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.expNNMontgomery=function(b,c,d){return this.$get().expNNMontgomery(b,c,d);};AH.prototype.bytes=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=0;d=this;c=b.$length;e=d;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);h=0;while(true){if(!(h<4)){break;}c=c-(1)>>0;if(c>=0){((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]=((g<<24>>>24)));}else if(!((((g<<24>>>24))===0))){$panic(new $String("math/big: buffer too small to fit value"));}g=(i=(8),i<32?(g>>>i):0)>>>0;h=h+(1)>>0;}f++;}if(c<0){c=0;}while(true){if(!(c=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c])===0))){break;}c=c+(1)>>0;}return c;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.bytes=function(b){return this.$get().bytes(b);};BD=function(b){var b;if(false){return(($clone(D.BigEndian,D.bigEndian).Uint64(b).$low>>>0));}return(($clone(D.BigEndian,D.bigEndian).Uint32(b)>>>0));};AH.prototype.setBytes=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;c=this;c=c.make((d=(((b.$length+4>>0)-1>>0))/4,(d===d&&d!==1/0&&d!==-1/0)?d>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));e=b.$length;f=0;while(true){if(!(e>=4)){break;}((f<0||f>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f]=BD($subslice(b,(e-4>>0),e)));e=e-(4)>>0;f=f+(1)>>0;}if(e>0){g=0;h=0;while(true){if(!(e>0)){break;}g=(g|(((i=h,i<32?((((j=e-1>>0,((j<0||j>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+j]))>>>0))<>>0)))>>>0;e=e-(1)>>0;h=h+(8)>>>0;}(k=c.$length-1>>0,((k<0||k>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+k]=g));}return c.norm();};$ptrType(AH).prototype.setBytes=function(b){return this.$get().setBytes(b);};AH.prototype.sqrt=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b.cmp(AI)<=0){$s=-1;return c.set(b);}if(AR(c,b)){c=AH.nil;}d=AH.nil;e=AH.nil;f=d;g=e;f=c;f=f.setUint64(new $Uint64(0,1));f=f.shl(f,(h=(((b.bitLen()+1>>0)>>>0))/2,(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));i=0;case 1:k=g.div(AH.nil,b,f);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;g=j[0];l=g.add(g,f);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=l;g=g.shr(g,1);if(g.cmp(f)>=0){if((i&1)===0){$s=-1;return f;}$s=-1;return c.set(f);}m=g;n=f;f=m;g=n;i=i+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return AH.nil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.prototype.sqrt,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.sqrt=function(b){return this.$get().sqrt(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.GobEncode=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;if(b===DX.nil){return[DW.nil,$ifaceNil];}c=$makeSlice(DW,(1+($imul(b.abs.$length,4))>>0));d=b.abs.bytes(c)-1>>0;e=2;if(b.neg){e=(e|(1))>>>0;}((d<0||d>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]=e);return[$subslice(c,d),$ifaceNil];};BH.prototype.GobEncode=function(){return this.$val.GobEncode();};BH.ptr.prototype.GobDecode=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b.$length===0){BH.copy(c,new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}d=(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]);if(!(((d>>>1<<24>>>24)===1))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=F.Errorf("Int.GobDecode: encoding version %d not supported",new DT([new $Uint8((d>>>1<<24>>>24))]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=4;case 4:return f;case 2:c.neg=!((((d&1)>>>0)===0));c.abs=c.abs.setBytes($subslice(b,1));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.GobDecode,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.GobDecode=function(b){return this.$val.GobDecode(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.MarshalText=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=DW.nil;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;if(d===DX.nil){e=(new DW($stringToBytes("")));f=$ifaceNil;b=e;c=f;$s=-1;return[b,c];}h=d.abs.itoa(d.neg,10);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=$ifaceNil;b=g;c=i;j=[b,c];$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.MarshalText,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.MarshalText=function(){return this.$val.MarshalText();};BH.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;e=c.setFromScanner(K.NewReader(b),0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[1];if(!f){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=F.Errorf("math/big: cannot unmarshal %q into a *big.Int",new DT([b]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=5;case 5:return h;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(b){return this.$val.UnmarshalText(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.MarshalJSON=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.MarshalText();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.MarshalJSON,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.MarshalJSON=function(){return this.$val.MarshalJSON();};BH.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSON=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(($bytesToString(b))==="null"){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}d=c.UnmarshalText(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSON,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.UnmarshalJSON=function(b){return this.$val.UnmarshalJSON(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.Text=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(c===DX.nil){$s=-1;return"";}d=c.abs.itoa(c.neg,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=($bytesToString(d));$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Text,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Text=function(b){return this.$val.Text(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.Append=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(d===DX.nil){$s=-1;return $appendSlice(b,"");}e=b;f=d.abs.itoa(d.neg,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=$appendSlice(e,g);$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Append,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Append=function(b,c){return this.$val.Append(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.Text(10);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};BE=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(c.length>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=(new DW($stringToBytes(c)));case 3:if(!(d>0)){$s=4;continue;}f=b.Write(e);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f;d=d-(1)>>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BE,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BH.ptr.prototype.Format=function(b,c){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=0;f=c;if(f===(98)){$s=2;continue;}if((f===(111))||(f===(79))){$s=3;continue;}if((f===(100))||(f===(115))||(f===(118))){$s=4;continue;}if((f===(120))||(f===(88))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:e=2;$s=7;continue;case 3:e=8;$s=7;continue;case 4:e=10;$s=7;continue;case 5:e=16;$s=7;continue;case 6:g=b;h=new $Int32(c);i=d.String();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=new $String(i);k=F.Fprintf(g,"%%!%c(big.Int=%s)",new DT([h,j]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;$s=-1;return;case 7:case 1:if(d===DX.nil){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:l=F.Fprint(b,new DT([new $String("")]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return;case 11:m="";if(d.neg){$s=14;continue;}n=b.Flag(43);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(n){$s=15;continue;}o=b.Flag(32);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(o){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 14:m="-";$s=17;continue;case 15:m="+";$s=17;continue;case 16:m=" ";case 17:case 13:p="";q=b.Flag(35);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(q){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:r=c;if(r===(98)){p="0b";}else if(r===(111)){p="0";}else if(r===(120)){p="0x";}else if(r===(88)){p="0X";}case 21:if(c===79){p="0o";}s=d.abs.utoa(e);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(c===88){u=t;v=0;while(true){if(!(v=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+v]);if(97<=x&&x<=122){((w<0||w>=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+w]=(65+((x-97<<24>>>24))<<24>>>24));}v++;}}y=0;z=0;aa=0;ac=b.Precision();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;ad=ab[0];ae=ab[1];if(ae){if(t.$length>0;}else if((t.$length===1)&&((0>=t.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+0])===48)&&(ad===0)){$s=-1;return;}}af=((m.length+p.length>>0)+z>>0)+t.$length>>0;ah=b.Width();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=ah;ai=ag[0];aj=ag[1];if(aj&&af>0;al=b.Flag(45);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(al){$s=29;continue;}am=b.Flag(48);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(am&&!ae){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 29:aa=ak;$s=32;continue;case 30:z=ak;$s=32;continue;case 31:y=ak;case 32:case 28:case 27:$r=BE(b," ",y);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=BE(b,m,1);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=BE(b,p,1);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=BE(b,"0",z);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=b.Write(t);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an;$r=BE(b," ",aa);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Format,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Format=function(b,c){return this.$val.Format(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.scan=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;f=BF(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[DX.nil,0,h];}j=d.abs.scan(b,c,false);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;d.abs=i[0];c=i[1];h=i[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[DX.nil,c,h];}d.neg=d.abs.$length>0&&g;$s=-1;return[d,c,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.scan,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.scan=function(b,c){return this.$val.scan(b,c);};BF=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=false;d=$ifaceNil;e=0;g=b.ReadByte();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;e=f[0];d=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){h=false;i=d;c=h;d=i;$s=-1;return[c,d];}j=e;if(j===(45)){$s=3;continue;}if(j===(43)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:c=true;$s=6;continue;case 4:$s=6;continue;case 5:k=b.UnreadByte();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 6:case 2:$s=-1;return[c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:BF,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BG.ptr.prototype.ReadByte=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.ScanState.ReadRune();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];g=c[2];if(!((f===1))&&$interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=F.Errorf("invalid rune %#U",new DT([new $Int32(e)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;case 3:$s=-1;return[((e<<24>>>24)),g];}return;}var $f={$blk:BG.ptr.prototype.ReadByte,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BG.prototype.ReadByte=function(){return this.$val.ReadByte();};BG.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.ScanState.UnreadRune();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BG.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BG.prototype.UnreadByte=function(){return this.$val.UnreadByte();};BH.ptr.prototype.Scan=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;$r=b.SkipSpace();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=0;f=c;if(f===(98)){e=2;}else if(f===(111)){e=8;}else if(f===(100)){e=10;}else if((f===(120))||(f===(88))){e=16;}else if((f===(115))||(f===(118))){}else{$s=-1;return E.New("Int.Scan: invalid verb");}i=d.scan((h=new BG.ptr(b),new h.constructor.elem(h)),e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i;j=g[2];$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Scan,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Scan=function(b,c){return this.$val.Scan(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Sign=function(){var b;b=this;if(b.abs.$length===0){return 0;}if(b.neg){return-1;}return 1;};BH.prototype.Sign=function(){return this.$val.Sign();};BH.ptr.prototype.SetInt64=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;d=false;if((b.$high<0||(b.$high===0&&b.$low<0))){d=true;b=new $Int64(-b.$high,-b.$low);}c.abs=c.abs.setUint64((new $Uint64(b.$high,b.$low)));c.neg=d;return c;};BH.prototype.SetInt64=function(b){return this.$val.SetInt64(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.SetUint64=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.abs=c.abs.setUint64(b);c.neg=false;return c;};BH.prototype.SetUint64=function(b){return this.$val.SetUint64(b);};BJ=function(b){var b;return new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).SetInt64(b);};$pkg.NewInt=BJ;BH.ptr.prototype.Set=function(b){var b,c;c=this;if(!(c===b)){c.abs=c.abs.set(b.abs);c.neg=b.neg;}return c;};BH.prototype.Set=function(b){return this.$val.Set(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.Bits=function(){var b;b=this;return $convertSliceType(b.abs,DY);};BH.prototype.Bits=function(){return this.$val.Bits();};BH.ptr.prototype.SetBits=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.abs=($convertSliceType(b,AH)).norm();c.neg=false;return c;};BH.prototype.SetBits=function(b){return this.$val.SetBits(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.Abs=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.Set(b);c.neg=false;return c;};BH.prototype.Abs=function(b){return this.$val.Abs(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.Neg=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.Set(b);c.neg=c.abs.$length>0&&!c.neg;return c;};BH.prototype.Neg=function(b){return this.$val.Neg(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.Add=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=b.neg;if(b.neg===c.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=d.abs.add(b.abs,c.abs);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=f;$s=3;continue;case 2:if(b.abs.cmp(c.abs)>=0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:g=d.abs.sub(b.abs,c.abs);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=g;$s=7;continue;case 6:e=!e;h=d.abs.sub(c.abs,b.abs);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=h;case 7:case 3:d.neg=d.abs.$length>0&&e;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Add,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Add=function(b,c){return this.$val.Add(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Sub=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=b.neg;if(!(b.neg===c.neg)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=d.abs.add(b.abs,c.abs);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=f;$s=3;continue;case 2:if(b.abs.cmp(c.abs)>=0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:g=d.abs.sub(b.abs,c.abs);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=g;$s=7;continue;case 6:e=!e;h=d.abs.sub(c.abs,b.abs);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=h;case 7:case 3:d.neg=d.abs.$length>0&&e;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Sub,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Sub=function(b,c){return this.$val.Sub(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Mul=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(b===c){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=d.abs.sqr(b.abs);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=e;d.neg=false;$s=-1;return d;case 2:f=d.abs.mul(b.abs,c.abs);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=f;d.neg=d.abs.$length>0&&!(b.neg===c.neg);$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Mul,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Mul=function(b,c){return this.$val.Mul(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.MulRange=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if((b.$high>c.$high||(b.$high===c.$high&&b.$low>c.$low))){$s=-1;return d.SetInt64(new $Int64(0,1));}else if((b.$high<0||(b.$high===0&&b.$low<=0))&&(c.$high>0||(c.$high===0&&c.$low>=0))){$s=-1;return d.SetInt64(new $Int64(0,0));}e=false;if((b.$high<0||(b.$high===0&&b.$low<0))){e=(f=(g=new $Int64(c.$high-b.$high,c.$low-b.$low),new $Int64(g.$high&0,(g.$low&1)>>>0)),(f.$high===0&&f.$low===0));h=new $Int64(-c.$high,-c.$low);i=new $Int64(-b.$high,-b.$low);b=h;c=i;}j=d.abs.mulRange((new $Uint64(b.$high,b.$low)),(new $Uint64(c.$high,c.$low)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=j;d.neg=e;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.MulRange,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.MulRange=function(b,c){return this.$val.MulRange(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Binomial=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=this;if((g=$div64(b,new $Int64(0,2),false),(g.$high0&&!(b.neg===c.neg);$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Quo,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Quo=function(b,c){return this.$val.Quo(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Rem=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;f=(AH.nil).div(d.abs,b.abs,c.abs);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;d.abs=e[1];d.neg=d.abs.$length>0&&b.neg;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Rem,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Rem=function(b,c){return this.$val.Rem(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.QuoRem=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=e.abs.div(d.abs,b.abs,c.abs);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;e.abs=f[0];d.abs=f[1];h=e.abs.$length>0&&!(b.neg===c.neg);i=d.abs.$length>0&&b.neg;e.neg=h;d.neg=i;$s=-1;return[e,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.QuoRem,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.QuoRem=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.QuoRem(b,c,d);};BH.ptr.prototype.Div=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=this;f=c.neg;d[0]=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);g=e.QuoRem(b,c,d[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;if(d[0].neg){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:if(f){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:h=e.Add(e,BI);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=6;continue;case 5:i=e.Sub(e,BI);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;case 6:case 3:$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Div,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Div=function(b,c){return this.$val.Div(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Mod=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=c;if(d===c||AR(d.abs,c.abs)){e=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).Set(c);}f=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);g=f.QuoRem(b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;if(d.neg){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:if(e.neg){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:h=d.Sub(d,e);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=6;continue;case 5:i=d.Add(d,e);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;case 6:case 3:$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Mod,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Mod=function(b,c){return this.$val.Mod(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.DivMod=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=c;if(e===c||AR(e.abs,c.abs)){f=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).Set(c);}g=e.QuoRem(b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;if(d.neg){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:if(f.neg){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:h=e.Add(e,BI);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;i=d.Sub(d,f);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=6;continue;case 5:j=e.Sub(e,BI);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=d.Add(d,f);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 6:case 3:$s=-1;return[e,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.DivMod,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.DivMod=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.DivMod(b,c,d);};BH.ptr.prototype.Cmp=function(b){var b,c,d;c=0;d=this;if(d===b){}else if(d.neg===b.neg){c=d.abs.cmp(b.abs);if(d.neg){c=-c;}}else if(d.neg){c=-1;}else{c=1;}return c;};BH.prototype.Cmp=function(b){return this.$val.Cmp(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.CmpAbs=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return c.abs.cmp(b.abs);};BH.prototype.CmpAbs=function(b){return this.$val.CmpAbs(b);};BL=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f;if(b.$length===0){return new $Uint64(0,0);}d=((c=(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]),new $Uint64(0,c.constructor===Number?c:1)));if(true&&b.$length>1){return(e=$shiftLeft64(((f=(1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1]),new $Uint64(0,f.constructor===Number?f:1))),32),new $Uint64(e.$high|d.$high,(e.$low|d.$low)>>>0));}return d;};BH.ptr.prototype.Int64=function(){var b,c,d;b=this;d=((c=BL(b.abs),new $Int64(c.$high,c.$low)));if(b.neg){d=new $Int64(-d.$high,-d.$low);}return d;};BH.prototype.Int64=function(){return this.$val.Int64();};BH.ptr.prototype.Uint64=function(){var b;b=this;return BL(b.abs);};BH.prototype.Uint64=function(){return this.$val.Uint64();};BH.ptr.prototype.IsInt64=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;if(b.abs.$length<=2){d=((c=BL(b.abs),new $Int64(c.$high,c.$low)));return(d.$high>0||(d.$high===0&&d.$low>=0))||b.neg&&(e=new $Int64(-d.$high,-d.$low),(d.$high===e.$high&&d.$low===e.$low));}return false;};BH.prototype.IsInt64=function(){return this.$val.IsInt64();};BH.ptr.prototype.IsUint64=function(){var b;b=this;return!b.neg&&b.abs.$length<=2;};BH.prototype.IsUint64=function(){return this.$val.IsUint64();};BH.ptr.prototype.SetString=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.setFromScanner(H.NewReader(b),c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.SetString,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.SetString=function(b,c){return this.$val.SetString(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.setFromScanner=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;f=d.scan(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[DX.nil,false];}i=b.ReadByte();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,G.EOF))){$s=-1;return[DX.nil,false];}$s=-1;return[d,true];}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.setFromScanner,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.setFromScanner=function(b,c){return this.$val.setFromScanner(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.abs=c.abs.setBytes(b);c.neg=false;return c;};BH.prototype.SetBytes=function(b){return this.$val.SetBytes(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=$makeSlice(DW,($imul(b.abs.$length,4)));return $subslice(c,b.abs.bytes(c));};BH.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};BH.ptr.prototype.FillBytes=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f;c=this;d=b;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]=0);e++;}c.abs.bytes(b);return b;};BH.prototype.FillBytes=function(b){return this.$val.FillBytes(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.BitLen=function(){var b;b=this;return b.abs.bitLen();};BH.prototype.BitLen=function(){return this.$val.BitLen();};BH.ptr.prototype.TrailingZeroBits=function(){var b;b=this;return b.abs.trailingZeroBits();};BH.prototype.TrailingZeroBits=function(){return this.$val.TrailingZeroBits();};BH.ptr.prototype.Exp=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=b.abs;if(c.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(d===DX.nil||(d.abs.$length===0)){$s=-1;return e.SetInt64(new $Int64(0,1));}g=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).ModInverse(b,d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(h===DX.nil){$s=-1;return DX.nil;}f=h.abs;case 2:i=c.abs;j=AH.nil;if(!(d===DX.nil)){j=d.abs;}k=e.abs.expNN(f,i,j);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.abs=k;e.neg=e.abs.$length>0&&b.neg&&i.$length>0&&((((0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0])&1)>>>0)===1);if(e.neg&&j.$length>0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=e.abs.sub(j,e.abs);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.abs=l;e.neg=false;case 6:$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Exp,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Exp=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Exp(b,c,d);};BH.ptr.prototype.GCD=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if((d.abs.$length===0)||(e.abs.$length===0)){g=d.abs.$length;h=e.abs.$length;i=d.neg;j=e.neg;k=g;l=h;m=i;n=j;if(k===0){f.Set(e);}else{f.Set(d);}f.neg=false;if(!(b===DX.nil)){if(k===0){b.SetUint64(new $Uint64(0,0));}else{b.SetUint64(new $Uint64(0,1));b.neg=m;}}if(!(c===DX.nil)){if(l===0){c.SetUint64(new $Uint64(0,0));}else{c.SetUint64(new $Uint64(0,1));c.neg=n;}}$s=-1;return f;}o=f.lehmerGCD(b,c,d,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=2;case 2:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.GCD,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.GCD=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.GCD(b,c,d,e);};BM=function(b,c){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=0;e=0;f=0;g=0;h=false;i=0;j=0;k=0;l=0;m=i;n=j;o=k;p=l;q=c.abs.$length;r=b.abs.$length;u=CZ((s=b.abs,t=r-1>>0,((t<0||t>=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+t])));m=(((v=u,v<32?((w=b.abs,x=r-1>>0,((x<0||x>=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+x]))<>>0)|((y=((32-u>>>0)),y<32?((z=b.abs,aa=r-2>>0,((aa<0||aa>=z.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z.$array[z.$offset+aa]))>>>y):0)>>>0))>>>0;if((r===q)){n=(((ab=u,ab<32?((ac=c.abs,ad=r-1>>0,((ad<0||ad>=ac.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+ad]))<>>0)|((ae=((32-u>>>0)),ae<32?((af=c.abs,ag=r-2>>0,((ag<0||ag>=af.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):af.$array[af.$offset+ag]))>>>ae):0)>>>0))>>>0;}else if((r===(q+1>>0))){n=(ah=((32-u>>>0)),ah<32?((ai=c.abs,aj=r-2>>0,((aj<0||aj>=ai.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai.$array[ai.$offset+aj]))>>>ah):0)>>>0;}else{n=0;}h=false;ak=0;al=1;am=0;d=ak;e=al;o=am;an=0;ao=0;ap=1;f=an;g=ao;p=ap;while(true){if(!(n>=p&&(m-n>>>0)>=(g+p>>>0))){break;}aq=(ar=m/n,(ar===ar&&ar!==1/0&&ar!==-1/0)?ar>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));as=(at=m%n,at===at?at:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));au=aq;av=as;aw=n;ax=av;m=aw;n=ax;ay=e;az=o;ba=e+($imul(au,o)>>>0)>>>0;d=ay;e=az;o=ba;bb=g;bc=p;bd=g+($imul(au,p)>>>0)>>>0;f=bb;g=bc;p=bd;h=!h;}return[d,e,f,g,h];};BN=function(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g.abs=g.abs.setWord(h);f.abs=f.abs.setWord(j);g.neg=!l;f.neg=l;m=g.Mul(b,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=f.Mul(c,f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;e.abs=e.abs.setWord(i);d.abs=d.abs.setWord(k);e.neg=l;d.neg=!l;o=e.Mul(b,e);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;p=d.Mul(c,d);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;q=b.Add(g,f);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=c.Add(e,d);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};BO=function(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=f.QuoRem(b,c,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;f=k[0];g=k[1];m=$clone(c,BH);n=$clone(g,BH);o=$clone(b,BH);BH.copy(b,m);BH.copy(c,n);BH.copy(g,o);if(j){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i.Set(e);p=h.Mul(e,f);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;q=e.Sub(d,h);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;d.Set(i);case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BH.ptr.prototype.lehmerGCD=function(b,c,d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=DX.nil;h=DX.nil;i=DX.nil;j=DX.nil;k=g;l=h;m=i;n=j;k=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).Abs(d);l=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).Abs(e);o=!(b===DX.nil)||!(c===DX.nil);if(o){m=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).SetInt64(new $Int64(0,1));n=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);}p=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);q=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);r=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);s=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);if(k.abs.cmp(l.abs)<0){t=l;u=k;k=t;l=u;v=m;w=n;n=v;m=w;}case 1:if(!(l.abs.$length>1)){$s=2;continue;}x=BM(k,l);y=x[0];z=x[1];aa=x[2];ab=x[3];ac=x[4];if(!((aa===0))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=BN(k,l,p,q,r,s,y,z,aa,ab,ac);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(o){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=BN(m,n,p,q,r,s,y,z,aa,ab,ac);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=BO(k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,o);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:$s=1;continue;case 2:if(l.abs.$length>0){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:if(k.abs.$length>1){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$r=BO(k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,o);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 14:if(l.abs.$length>0){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:ad=(ae=k.abs,(0>=ae.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ae.$array[ae.$offset+0]));af=(ag=l.abs,(0>=ag.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ag.$array[ag.$offset+0]));ah=ad;ai=af;if(o){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:aj=0;ak=0;al=0;am=0;an=aj;ao=ak;ap=al;aq=am;ar=1;as=0;an=ar;ao=as;at=0;au=1;ap=at;aq=au;av=true;while(true){if(!(!((ai===0)))){break;}aw=(ax=ah/ai,(ax===ax&&ax!==1/0&&ax!==-1/0)?ax>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));ay=(az=ah%ai,az===az?az:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));ba=aw;bb=ay;bc=ai;bd=bb;ah=bc;ai=bd;be=ao;bf=an+($imul(ba,ao)>>>0)>>>0;an=be;ao=bf;bg=aq;bh=ap+($imul(ba,aq)>>>0)>>>0;ap=bg;aq=bh;av=!av;}s.abs=s.abs.setWord(an);r.abs=r.abs.setWord(ap);s.neg=!av;r.neg=av;bi=s.Mul(m,s);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi;bj=r.Mul(n,r);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj;bk=m.Add(s,r);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk;$s=20;continue;case 19:while(true){if(!(!((ai===0)))){break;}bl=ai;bm=(bn=ah%ai,bn===bn?bn:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));ah=bl;ai=bm;}case 20:(bo=k.abs,(0>=bo.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bo.$array[bo.$offset+0]=ah));case 17:case 12:bp=d.neg;if(!(c===DX.nil)){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:if(c===e){l.Set(e);}else{l=e;}bq=c.Mul(d,m);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq;if(bp){c.neg=!c.neg;}br=c.Sub(k,c);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}br;bs=c.Div(c,l);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs;case 25:if(!(b===DX.nil)){BH.copy(b,m);if(bp){b.neg=!b.neg;}}BH.copy(f,k);$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.lehmerGCD,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.lehmerGCD=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.lehmerGCD(b,c,d,e);};BH.ptr.prototype.Rand=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;d.neg=false;if(c.neg||(c.abs.$length===0)){d.abs=AH.nil;$s=-1;return d;}e=d.abs.random(b,c.abs,c.abs.bitLen());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=e;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Rand,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Rand=function(b,c){return this.$val.Rand(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.ModInverse=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=this;if(c.neg){f=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);c=f.Neg(c);}if(b.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);h=g.Mod(b,c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=h;case 2:i=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);j=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);k=$clone(i,BH);d[0]=$clone(j,BH);l=k.GCD(d[0],DX.nil,b,c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;if(!((k.Cmp(BI)===0))){$s=-1;return DX.nil;}if(d[0].neg){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:m=e.Add(d[0],c);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;$s=7;continue;case 6:e.Set(d[0]);case 7:$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.ModInverse,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.ModInverse=function(b,c){return this.$val.ModInverse(b,c);};BP=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];if((c.abs.$length===0)||((((g=c.abs,(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]))&1)>>>0)===0)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=F.Sprintf("big: invalid 2nd argument to Int.Jacobi: need odd integer but got %s",new DT([c]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:i=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);j=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);k=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);d[0]=$clone(i,BH);e[0]=$clone(j,BH);f[0]=$clone(k,BH);d[0].Set(b);e[0].Set(c);l=1;if(e[0].neg){if(d[0].neg){l=-1;}e[0].neg=false;}case 4:if(e[0].Cmp(BI)===0){$s=-1;return l;}if(d[0].abs.$length===0){$s=-1;return 0;}m=d[0].Mod(d[0],e[0]);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;if(d[0].abs.$length===0){$s=-1;return 0;}n=d[0].abs.trailingZeroBits();if(!((((n&1)>>>0)===0))){p=((o=e[0].abs,(0>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0]))&7)>>>0;if((p===3)||(p===5)){l=-l;}}q=f[0].Rsh(d[0],n);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;if(((((r=e[0].abs,(0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0]))&3)>>>0)===3)&&((((s=f[0].abs,(0>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+0]))&3)>>>0)===3)){l=-l;}d[0].Set(e[0]);e[0].Set(f[0]);$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:BP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Jacobi=BP;BH.ptr.prototype.modSqrt3Mod4Prime=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).Add(c,BI);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=f.Rsh(f,2);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;h=d.Exp(b,f,c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.modSqrt3Mod4Prime,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.modSqrt3Mod4Prime=function(b,c){return this.$val.modSqrt3Mod4Prime(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.modSqrt5Mod8Prime=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).Rsh(c,3);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).Lsh(b,1);h=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).Exp(g,f,c);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).Mul(i,i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Mod(k,c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;m=k.Mul(k,g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=k.Mod(k,c);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=k.Sub(k,BI);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;p=k.Mul(k,b);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;q=k.Mod(k,c);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=k.Mul(k,i);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;s=d.Mod(k,c);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.modSqrt5Mod8Prime,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.modSqrt5Mod8Prime=function(b,c){return this.$val.modSqrt5Mod8Prime(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.modSqrtTonelliShanks=function(b,c){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];j=this;g[0]=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);k=g[0].Sub(c,BI);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=g[0].abs.trailingZeroBits();m=g[0].Rsh(g[0],l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;f[0]=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);f[0].SetInt64(new $Int64(0,2));case 3:n=BP(f[0],c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!((n===-1)))){$s=4;continue;}o=f[0].Add(f[0],BI);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;$s=3;continue;case 4:p=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);q=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);r=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);s=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil);i[0]=$clone(p,BH);d[0]=$clone(q,BH);e[0]=$clone(r,BH);h[0]=$clone(s,BH);t=i[0].Add(g[0],BI);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;u=i[0].Rsh(i[0],1);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;v=i[0].Exp(b,i[0],c);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;w=d[0].Exp(b,g[0],c);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;x=e[0].Exp(f[0],g[0],c);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;y=l;case 12:z=0;h[0].Set(d[0]);case 14:if(!(!((h[0].Cmp(BI)===0)))){$s=15;continue;}aa=h[0].Mul(h[0],h[0]);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa.Mod(h[0],c);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;z=z+(1)>>>0;$s=14;continue;case 15:if(z===0){$s=-1;return j.Set(i[0]);}ac=h[0].SetInt64(new $Int64(0,0)).SetBit(h[0],((((y-z>>>0)-1>>>0)>>0)),1);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac.Exp(e[0],h[0],c);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad;ae=e[0].Mul(h[0],h[0]);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae.Mod(e[0],c);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;ag=i[0].Mul(i[0],h[0]);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag.Mod(i[0],c);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah;ai=d[0].Mul(d[0],e[0]);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai.Mod(d[0],c);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;y=z;$s=12;continue;case 13:$s=-1;return DX.nil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.modSqrtTonelliShanks,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.modSqrtTonelliShanks=function(b,c){return this.$val.modSqrtTonelliShanks(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.ModSqrt=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=BP(b,c);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(f===(-1)){$s=-1;return DX.nil;}else if(f===(0)){$s=-1;return d.SetInt64(new $Int64(0,0));}else if(f===(1)){$s=1;continue;}case 1:if(b.neg||b.Cmp(c)>=0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=new BH.ptr(false,AH.nil).Mod(b,c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=g;case 4:if(((h=(i=c.abs,(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]))%4,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===3)){$s=7;continue;}if(((j=(k=c.abs,(0>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+0]))%8,j===j?j:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===5)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 7:l=d.modSqrt3Mod4Prime(b,c);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=12;case 12:return m;case 8:n=d.modSqrt5Mod8Prime(b,c);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=14;case 14:return o;case 9:p=d.modSqrtTonelliShanks(b,c);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=16;case 16:return q;case 10:case 6:$s=-1;return DX.nil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.ModSqrt,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.ModSqrt=function(b,c){return this.$val.ModSqrt(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Lsh=function(b,c){var b,c,d;d=this;d.abs=d.abs.shl(b.abs,c);d.neg=b.neg;return d;};BH.prototype.Lsh=function(b,c){return this.$val.Lsh(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Rsh=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(b.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=d.abs.sub(b.abs,AI);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;f=f.shr(f,c);g=f.add(f,AI);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=g;d.neg=true;$s=-1;return d;case 2:d.abs=d.abs.shr(b.abs,c);d.neg=false;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Rsh,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Rsh=function(b,c){return this.$val.Rsh(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Bit=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b===0){if(c.abs.$length>0){$s=-1;return(((((d=c.abs,(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]))&1)>>>0)>>>0));}$s=-1;return 0;}if(b<0){$panic(new $String("negative bit index"));}if(c.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=(AH.nil).sub(c.abs,AI);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=-1;return(f.bit(((b>>>0)))^1)>>>0;case 2:$s=-1;return c.abs.bit(((b>>>0)));}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Bit,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Bit=function(b){return this.$val.Bit(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.SetBit=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(c<0){$panic(new $String("negative bit index"));}if(b.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=e.abs.sub(b.abs,AI);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;g=g.setBit(g,((c>>>0)),(d^1)>>>0);h=g.add(g,AI);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.abs=h;e.neg=e.abs.$length>0;$s=-1;return e;case 2:e.abs=e.abs.setBit(b.abs,((c>>>0)),d);e.neg=false;$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.SetBit,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.SetBit=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.SetBit(b,c,d);};BH.ptr.prototype.And=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(b.neg===c.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(b.neg){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:e=(AH.nil).sub(b.abs,AI);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=(AH.nil).sub(c.abs,AI);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=d.abs.add(d.abs.or(f,h),AI);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=i;d.neg=true;$s=-1;return d;case 4:d.abs=d.abs.and(b.abs,c.abs);d.neg=false;$s=-1;return d;case 2:if(b.neg){j=c;k=b;b=j;c=k;}l=(AH.nil).sub(c.abs,AI);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;d.abs=d.abs.andNot(b.abs,m);d.neg=false;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.And,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.And=function(b,c){return this.$val.And(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.AndNot=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(b.neg===c.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(b.neg){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:e=(AH.nil).sub(b.abs,AI);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=(AH.nil).sub(c.abs,AI);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;d.abs=d.abs.andNot(h,f);d.neg=false;$s=-1;return d;case 4:d.abs=d.abs.andNot(b.abs,c.abs);d.neg=false;$s=-1;return d;case 2:if(b.neg){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:i=(AH.nil).sub(b.abs,AI);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=d.abs.add(d.abs.or(j,c.abs),AI);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=k;d.neg=true;$s=-1;return d;case 8:l=(AH.nil).sub(c.abs,AI);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;d.abs=d.abs.and(b.abs,m);d.neg=false;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.AndNot,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.AndNot=function(b,c){return this.$val.AndNot(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Or=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(b.neg===c.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(b.neg){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:e=(AH.nil).sub(b.abs,AI);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=(AH.nil).sub(c.abs,AI);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=d.abs.add(d.abs.and(f,h),AI);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=i;d.neg=true;$s=-1;return d;case 4:d.abs=d.abs.or(b.abs,c.abs);d.neg=false;$s=-1;return d;case 2:if(b.neg){j=c;k=b;b=j;c=k;}l=(AH.nil).sub(c.abs,AI);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=d.abs.add(d.abs.andNot(m,b.abs),AI);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=n;d.neg=true;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Or,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Or=function(b,c){return this.$val.Or(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Xor=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(b.neg===c.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(b.neg){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:e=(AH.nil).sub(b.abs,AI);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=(AH.nil).sub(c.abs,AI);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;d.abs=d.abs.xor(f,h);d.neg=false;$s=-1;return d;case 4:d.abs=d.abs.xor(b.abs,c.abs);d.neg=false;$s=-1;return d;case 2:if(b.neg){i=c;j=b;b=i;c=j;}k=(AH.nil).sub(c.abs,AI);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=d.abs.add(d.abs.xor(b.abs,l),AI);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.abs=m;d.neg=true;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Xor,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Xor=function(b,c){return this.$val.Xor(b,c);};BH.ptr.prototype.Not=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b.neg){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=c.abs.sub(b.abs,AI);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.abs=d;c.neg=false;$s=-1;return c;case 2:e=c.abs.add(b.abs,AI);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.abs=e;c.neg=true;$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Not,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Not=function(b){return this.$val.Not(b);};BH.ptr.prototype.Sqrt=function(b){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b.neg){$panic(new $String("square root of negative number"));}c.neg=false;d=c.abs.sqrt(b.abs);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.abs=d;$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH.ptr.prototype.Sqrt,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BH.prototype.Sqrt=function(b){return this.$val.Sqrt(b);};CO=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f;d=0;e=0;f=CX(b,c);d=f[0];e=f[1];return[d,e];};CP=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e;e=0;e=DA(b,c,d);return e;};CQ=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e;e=0;e=DB(b,c,d);return e;};CR=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=DC;if(b.$length>32){f=DD;}g=f(b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=g;h=e;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:CR,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};CS=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=DE;if(b.$length>32){f=DF;}g=f(b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=g;h=e;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:CS,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};CT=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e;e=0;e=DG(b,c,d);return e;};CU=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e;e=0;e=DH(b,c,d);return e;};CV=function(b,c,d,e){var b,c,d,e,f;f=0;f=DI(b,c,d,e);return f;};CW=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e;e=0;e=DJ(b,c,d);return e;};CX=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;d=0;e=0;f=J.Mul(((b>>>0)),((c>>>0)));g=f[0];h=f[1];i=((g>>>0));j=((h>>>0));d=i;e=j;return[d,e];};CY=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;e=0;f=0;g=J.Mul(((b>>>0)),((c>>>0)));h=g[0];i=g[1];j=0;k=J.Add(i,((d>>>0)),0);i=k[0];j=k[1];l=(((h+j>>>0)>>>0));m=((i>>>0));e=l;f=m;return[e,f];};CZ=function(b){var b;return((J.LeadingZeros(((b>>>0)))>>>0));};DA=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=0;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f])>>>0)),((((f<0||f>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f])>>>0)),((e>>>0)));h=g[0];i=g[1];((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]=((h>>>0)));e=((i>>>0));f=f+(1)>>0;}return e;};DB=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=0;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f])>>>0)),((((f<0||f>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f])>>>0)),((e>>>0)));h=g[0];i=g[1];((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]=((h>>>0)));e=((i>>>0));f=f+(1)>>0;}return e;};DC=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=0;e=d;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f])>>>0)),((e>>>0)),0);h=g[0];i=g[1];((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]=((h>>>0)));e=((i>>>0));f=f+(1)>>0;}return e;};DD=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=0;e=d;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f])>>>0)),((e>>>0)),0);h=g[0];i=g[1];((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]=((h>>>0)));e=((i>>>0));f=f+(1)>>0;}return e;};DE=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=0;e=d;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f])>>>0)),((e>>>0)),0);h=g[0];i=g[1];((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]=((h>>>0)));e=((i>>>0));f=f+(1)>>0;}return e;};DF=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=0;e=d;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f])>>>0)),((e>>>0)),0);h=g[0];i=g[1];((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]=((h>>>0)));e=((i>>>0));f=f+(1)>>0;}return e;};DG=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;e=0;if(d===0){$copySlice(b,c);return e;}if(b.$length===0){return e;}d=(d&(31))>>>0;f=32-d>>>0;f=(f&(31))>>>0;e=(g=f,g<32?((h=b.$length-1>>0,((h<0||h>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+h]))>>>g):0)>>>0;i=b.$length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(i>0)){break;}((i<0||i>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+i]=((((j=d,j<32?(((i<0||i>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+i])<>>0)|((k=f,k<32?((l=i-1>>0,((l<0||l>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+l]))>>>k):0)>>>0))>>>0));i=i-(1)>>0;}(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]=((m=d,m<32?((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])<>>0));return e;};DH=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;e=0;if(d===0){$copySlice(b,c);return e;}if(b.$length===0){return e;}if(!((c.$length===b.$length))){$panic(new $String("len(x) != len(z)"));}d=(d&(31))>>>0;f=32-d>>>0;f=(f&(31))>>>0;e=(g=f,g<32?((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])<>>0;h=1;while(true){if(!(h>0,((l<0||l>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+l]=((((i=d,i<32?((j=h-1>>0,((j<0||j>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+j]))>>>i):0)>>>0)|((k=f,k<32?(((h<0||h>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+h])<>>0))>>>0)));h=h+(1)>>0;}(o=b.$length-1>>0,((o<0||o>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+o]=((m=d,m<32?((n=b.$length-1>>0,((n<0||n>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+n]))>>>m):0)>>>0)));return e;};DI=function(b,c,d,e){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;f=0;f=e;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+g]),d,f);f=h[0];((g<0||g>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+g]=h[1]);g=g+(1)>>0;}return f;};DJ=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;e=0;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f]),d,((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]));h=g[0];i=g[1];j=J.Add(((i>>>0)),((e>>>0)),0);k=j[0];l=j[1];m=((l>>>0));n=((k>>>0));e=m;((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]=n);e=e+(h)>>>0;f=f+(1)>>0;}return e;};DK=function(b,c,d,e){var 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$f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}E=new N([0,16,16,20,28,32,48,64,36,20,28,32,48,64,28,32,32,32,48,64]);F=$makeSlice(P,20);}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["crypto/internal/subtle"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,D,B,C;A=$packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"];D=$ptrType($Uint8);B=function(b,c){var b,c;if((b.$length===0)||(c.$length===0)||$indexPtr(b.$array,b.$offset+0,D)===$indexPtr(c.$array,c.$offset+0,D)){return false;}return C(b,c);};$pkg.InexactOverlap=B;C=function(b,c){var b,c;return b.$length>0&&c.$length>0&&b.$array===c.$array&&($parseInt(b.$offset)>>0)<=((($parseInt(c.$offset)>>0)+c.$length>>0)-1>>0)&&($parseInt(c.$offset)>>0)<=((($parseInt(b.$offset)>>0)+b.$length>>0)-1>>0);};$pkg.AnyOverlap=C;$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["crypto/subtle"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D,E,F;A=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;if(!((a.$length===b.$length))){return 0;}c=0;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+d])^((d<0||d>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+d]))<<24>>>24)))>>>0;d=d+(1)>>0;}return C(c,0);};$pkg.ConstantTimeCompare=A;B=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c;return((~((a-1>>0))>>0)&b)|(((a-1>>0))&c);};$pkg.ConstantTimeSelect=B;C=function(a,b){var a,b;return(((((((((a^b)<<24>>>24)>>>0))-1>>>0))>>>31>>>0)>>0));};$pkg.ConstantTimeByteEq=C;D=function(a,b){var a,b,c;return(($shiftRightUint64(((c=(new $Uint64(0,((((a^b)>>0)>>>0)))),new $Uint64(c.$high-0,c.$low-1))),63).$low>>0));};$pkg.ConstantTimeEq=D;E=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f;if(!((b.$length===c.$length))){$panic(new $String("subtle: slices have different lengths"));}d=(((a-1>>0)<<24>>>24));e=(((~((a-1>>0))>>0)<<24>>>24));f=0;while(true){if(!(f=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]=((((((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f])&d)>>>0)|((((f<0||f>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f])&e)>>>0))>>>0));f=f+(1)>>0;}};$pkg.ConstantTimeCopy=E;F=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=((a>>0));d=((b>>0));return((((((((c-d>>0)-1>>0))>>31>>0))&1)>>0));};$pkg.ConstantTimeLessOrEq=F;$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["crypto/cipher"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,D,E,F,C,A,N,P,Q,R,S,AE,AF,AH,AI,AJ,AP,AR,AS,AU,AV,AX,AY,AZ,BA,BB,BC,BE,BF,BG,BH,X,AB,G,H,I,J,K,T,W,Y,Z,AA,AC,AD,AG,AK,AQ,AT,AW;B=$packages["crypto/internal/subtle"];D=$packages["crypto/subtle"];E=$packages["encoding/binary"];F=$packages["errors"];C=$packages["io"];A=$packages["runtime"];N=$pkg.StreamReader=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"cipher.StreamReader",true,"crypto/cipher",true,function(S_,R_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.S=$ifaceNil;this.R=$ifaceNil;return;}this.S=S_;this.R=R_;});P=$pkg.AEAD=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"cipher.AEAD",true,"crypto/cipher",true,null);Q=$pkg.gcmAble=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"cipher.gcmAble",true,"crypto/cipher",false,null);R=$pkg.gcmFieldElement=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"cipher.gcmFieldElement",true,"crypto/cipher",false,function(low_,high_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.low=new $Uint64(0,0);this.high=new $Uint64(0,0);return;}this.low=low_;this.high=high_;});S=$pkg.gcm=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"cipher.gcm",true,"crypto/cipher",false,function(cipher_,nonceSize_,tagSize_,productTable_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.cipher=$ifaceNil;this.nonceSize=0;this.tagSize=0;this.productTable=BA.zero();return;}this.cipher=cipher_;this.nonceSize=nonceSize_;this.tagSize=tagSize_;this.productTable=productTable_;});AE=$pkg.ctr=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"cipher.ctr",true,"crypto/cipher",false,function(b_,ctr_,out_,outUsed_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.b=$ifaceNil;this.ctr=AY.nil;this.out=AY.nil;this.outUsed=0;return;}this.b=b_;this.ctr=ctr_;this.out=out_;this.outUsed=outUsed_;});AF=$pkg.ctrAble=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"cipher.ctrAble",true,"crypto/cipher",false,null);AH=$pkg.Block=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"cipher.Block",true,"crypto/cipher",true,null);AI=$pkg.Stream=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"cipher.Stream",true,"crypto/cipher",true,null);AJ=$pkg.BlockMode=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"cipher.BlockMode",true,"crypto/cipher",true,null);AP=$pkg.cbc=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"cipher.cbc",true,"crypto/cipher",false,function(b_,blockSize_,iv_,tmp_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.b=$ifaceNil;this.blockSize=0;this.iv=AY.nil;this.tmp=AY.nil;return;}this.b=b_;this.blockSize=blockSize_;this.iv=iv_;this.tmp=tmp_;});AR=$pkg.cbcEncrypter=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"cipher.cbcEncrypter",true,"crypto/cipher",false,function(b_,blockSize_,iv_,tmp_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.b=$ifaceNil;this.blockSize=0;this.iv=AY.nil;this.tmp=AY.nil;return;}this.b=b_;this.blockSize=blockSize_;this.iv=iv_;this.tmp=tmp_;});AS=$pkg.cbcEncAble=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"cipher.cbcEncAble",true,"crypto/cipher",false,null);AU=$pkg.cbcDecrypter=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"cipher.cbcDecrypter",true,"crypto/cipher",false,function(b_,blockSize_,iv_,tmp_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.b=$ifaceNil;this.blockSize=0;this.iv=AY.nil;this.tmp=AY.nil;return;}this.b=b_;this.blockSize=blockSize_;this.iv=iv_;this.tmp=tmp_;});AV=$pkg.cbcDecAble=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"cipher.cbcDecAble",true,"crypto/cipher",false,null);AX=$sliceType($Uint16);AY=$sliceType($Uint8);AZ=$arrayType($Uint8,16);BA=$arrayType(R,16);BB=$ptrType(AR);BC=$ptrType(AU);BE=$ptrType(R);BF=$ptrType(AZ);BG=$ptrType(S);BH=$ptrType(AE);G=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d;d=b.$length;if(c.$length>0,((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e])));g=(f=d/4,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(g>0){h=a;i=b;j=c;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+k]=((((k<0||k>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+k])^((k<0||k>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]))>>>0));k=k+(1)>>0;}}m=(d-(l=d%4,l===l?l:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0);while(true){if(!(m=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+m]=((((m<0||m>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+m])^((m<0||m>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+m]))<<24>>>24));m=m+(1)>>0;}};I=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]=((((e<0||e>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e])^((e<0||e>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+e]))<<24>>>24));e=e+(1)>>0;}};J=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;d=a;e=b;f=c;h=(g=c.$length/4,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));i=0;while(true){if(!(i=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+i]=((((i<0||i>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+i])^((i<0||i>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+i]))>>>0));i=i+(1)>>0;}};K=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c;if(false){J(a,b,c);}else{I(a,b,c,c.$length);}};N.ptr.prototype.Read=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;f=d.R.Read(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;b=e[0];c=e[1];$r=d.S.XORKeyStream($subslice(a,0,b),$subslice(a,0,b));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.Read=function(a){return this.$val.Read(a);};T=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=W(a,12,16);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:T,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewGCM=T;W=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];if(c<12||c>16){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,F.New("cipher: incorrect tag size given to GCM")];}if(b<=0){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,F.New("cipher: the nonce can't have zero length, or the security of the key will be immediately compromised")];}e=$assertType(a,Q,true);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(g){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=f.NewGCM(b,c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=4;case 4:return i;case 2:j=a.BlockSize();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((j===16))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,F.New("cipher: NewGCM requires 128-bit block cipher")];case 6:k=AZ.zero();$r=a.Encrypt(new AY(k),new AY(k));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=new S.ptr(a,b,c,BA.zero());d[0]=new R.ptr($clone(E.BigEndian,E.bigEndian).Uint64($subslice(new AY(k),0,8)),$clone(E.BigEndian,E.bigEndian).Uint64($subslice(new AY(k),8)));R.copy((m=l.productTable,n=Y(1),((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n])),d[0]);o=2;while(true){if(!(o<16)){break;}R.copy((s=l.productTable,t=Y(o),((t<0||t>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[t])),AA((p=l.productTable,q=Y((r=o/2,(r===r&&r!==1/0&&r!==-1/0)?r>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))),((q<0||q>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[q]))));R.copy((w=l.productTable,x=Y(o+1>>0),((x<0||x>=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[x])),Z((u=l.productTable,v=Y(o),((v<0||v>=u.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u[v])),d[0]));o=o+(2)>>0;}$s=-1;return[l,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:W,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};S.ptr.prototype.NonceSize=function(){var a;a=this;return a.nonceSize;};S.prototype.NonceSize=function(){return this.$val.NonceSize();};S.ptr.prototype.Overhead=function(){var a;a=this;return a.tagSize;};S.prototype.Overhead=function(){return this.$val.Overhead();};S.ptr.prototype.Seal=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=[f];g=this;if(!((b.$length===g.nonceSize))){$panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: incorrect nonce length given to GCM"));}j=g.cipher.BlockSize();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((h=(new $Uint64(0,c.$length)),i=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,4294967294),(new $Uint64(0,j))),(h.$high>i.$high||(h.$high===i.$high&&h.$low>i.$low)))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: message too large for GCM"));case 2:k=AD(a,c.$length+g.tagSize>>0);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(B.InexactOverlap(m,c)){$panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: invalid buffer overlap"));}n=AZ.zero();o=AZ.zero();e[0]=$clone(n,AZ);f[0]=$clone(o,AZ);g.deriveCounter(e[0],b);$r=g.cipher.Encrypt(new AY(f[0]),new AY(e[0]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AC(e[0]);$r=g.counterCrypt(m,c,e[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=AZ.zero();g.auth(new AY(p),$subslice(m,0,c.$length),d,f[0]);$copySlice($subslice(m,c.$length),new AY(p));$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Seal,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Seal=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.Seal(a,b,c,d);};S.ptr.prototype.Open=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=[f];g=this;if(!((b.$length===g.nonceSize))){$panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: incorrect nonce length given to GCM"));}if(g.tagSize<12){$panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: incorrect GCM tag size"));}if(c.$lengthi.$high||(h.$high===i.$high&&h.$low>i.$low)))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return[AY.nil,X];case 2:m=$subslice(c,(c.$length-g.tagSize>>0));c=$subslice(c,0,(c.$length-g.tagSize>>0));n=AZ.zero();o=AZ.zero();e[0]=$clone(n,AZ);f[0]=$clone(o,AZ);g.deriveCounter(e[0],b);$r=g.cipher.Encrypt(new AY(f[0]),new AY(e[0]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AC(e[0]);p=AZ.zero();g.auth(new AY(p),c,d,f[0]);q=AD(a,c.$length);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(B.InexactOverlap(s,c)){$panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: invalid buffer overlap"));}if(!((D.ConstantTimeCompare($subslice(new AY(p),0,g.tagSize),m)===1))){t=s;u=0;while(true){if(!(u=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+v]=0);u++;}$s=-1;return[AY.nil,X];}$r=g.counterCrypt(s,c,e[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[r,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Open,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Open=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.Open(a,b,c,d);};Y=function(a){var a;a=((((a<<2>>0))&12))|((((a>>2>>0))&3));a=((((a<<1>>0))&10))|((((a>>1>>0))&5));return a;};Z=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f;return new R.ptr((c=a.low,d=b.low,new $Uint64(c.$high^d.$high,(c.$low^d.$low)>>>0)),(e=a.high,f=b.high,new $Uint64(e.$high^f.$high,(e.$low^f.$low)>>>0)));};AA=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;b=new R.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));e=(c=(d=a.high,new $Uint64(d.$high&0,(d.$low&1)>>>0)),(c.$high===0&&c.$low===1));b.high=$shiftRightUint64(a.high,1);b.high=(f=b.high,g=$shiftLeft64(a.low,63),new $Uint64(f.$high|g.$high,(f.$low|g.$low)>>>0));b.low=$shiftRightUint64(a.low,1);if(e){b.low=(h=b.low,i=new $Uint64(3774873600,0),new $Uint64(h.$high^i.$high,(h.$low^i.$low)>>>0));}return b;};S.ptr.prototype.mul=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;b=this;c=new R.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));d=0;while(true){if(!(d<2)){break;}e=a.high;if(d===1){e=a.low;}f=0;while(true){if(!(f<64)){break;}h=(g=c.high,new $Uint64(g.$high&0,(g.$low&15)>>>0));c.high=$shiftRightUint64(c.high,(4));c.high=(i=c.high,j=$shiftLeft64(c.low,60),new $Uint64(i.$high|j.$high,(i.$low|j.$low)>>>0));c.low=$shiftRightUint64(c.low,(4));c.low=(k=c.low,l=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(($flatten64(h)<0||$flatten64(h)>=AB.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AB.$array[AB.$offset+$flatten64(h)]))),48),new $Uint64(k.$high^l.$high,(k.$low^l.$low)>>>0));o=(m=b.productTable,n=new $Uint64(e.$high&0,(e.$low&15)>>>0),(($flatten64(n)<0||$flatten64(n)>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[$flatten64(n)]));c.low=(p=c.low,q=o.low,new $Uint64(p.$high^q.$high,(p.$low^q.$low)>>>0));c.high=(r=c.high,s=o.high,new $Uint64(r.$high^s.$high,(r.$low^s.$low)>>>0));e=$shiftRightUint64(e,(4));f=f+(4)>>0;}d=d+(1)>>0;}R.copy(a,c);};S.prototype.mul=function(a){return this.$val.mul(a);};S.ptr.prototype.updateBlocks=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;c=this;while(true){if(!(b.$length>0)){break;}a.low=(d=a.low,e=$clone(E.BigEndian,E.bigEndian).Uint64(b),new $Uint64(d.$high^e.$high,(d.$low^e.$low)>>>0));a.high=(f=a.high,g=$clone(E.BigEndian,E.bigEndian).Uint64($subslice(b,8)),new $Uint64(f.$high^g.$high,(f.$low^g.$low)>>>0));c.mul(a);b=$subslice(b,16);}};S.prototype.updateBlocks=function(a,b){return this.$val.updateBlocks(a,b);};S.ptr.prototype.update=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=this;d=((b.$length>>4>>0))<<4>>0;c.updateBlocks(a,$subslice(b,0,d));if(!((b.$length===d))){e=AZ.zero();$copySlice(new AY(e),$subslice(b,d));c.updateBlocks(a,new AY(e));}};S.prototype.update=function(a,b){return this.$val.update(a,b);};AC=function(a){var a,b;b=$subslice(new AY(a),12);$clone(E.BigEndian,E.bigEndian).PutUint32(b,$clone(E.BigEndian,E.bigEndian).Uint32(b)+1>>>0);};AD=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=AY.nil;d=AY.nil;e=a.$length+b>>0;if(a.$capacity>=e){c=$subslice(a,0,e);}else{c=$makeSlice(AY,e);$copySlice(c,a);}d=$subslice(c,a.$length);return[c,d];};S.ptr.prototype.counterCrypt=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=AZ.zero();case 1:if(!(b.$length>=16)){$s=2;continue;}$r=d.cipher.Encrypt(new AY(e),new AY(c));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AC(c);K(a,b,new AY(e));a=$subslice(a,16);b=$subslice(b,16);$s=1;continue;case 2:if(b.$length>0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=d.cipher.Encrypt(new AY(e),new AY(c));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AC(c);G(a,b,new AY(e));case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.counterCrypt,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.counterCrypt=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.counterCrypt(a,b,c);};S.ptr.prototype.deriveCounter=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f;c=this;if(b.$length===12){$copySlice(new AY(a),b);a.nilCheck,a[15]=1;}else{d=new R.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));c.update(d,b);d.high=(e=d.high,f=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b.$length)),new $Uint64(0,8)),new $Uint64(e.$high^f.$high,(e.$low^f.$low)>>>0));c.mul(d);$clone(E.BigEndian,E.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new AY(a),0,8),d.low);$clone(E.BigEndian,E.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new AY(a),8),d.high);}};S.prototype.deriveCounter=function(a,b){return this.$val.deriveCounter(a,b);};S.ptr.prototype.auth=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;e=this;f=new R.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));e.update(f,c);e.update(f,b);f.low=(g=f.low,h=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,c.$length)),new $Uint64(0,8)),new $Uint64(g.$high^h.$high,(g.$low^h.$low)>>>0));f.high=(i=f.high,j=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b.$length)),new $Uint64(0,8)),new $Uint64(i.$high^j.$high,(i.$low^j.$low)>>>0));e.mul(f);$clone(E.BigEndian,E.bigEndian).PutUint64(a,f.low);$clone(E.BigEndian,E.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(a,8),f.high);K(a,a,new AY(d));};S.prototype.auth=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.auth(a,b,c,d);};AG=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=$assertType(a,AF,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(e){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=d.NewCTR(b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=4;case 4:return g;case 2:h=a.BlockSize();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((b.$length===h))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$panic(new $String("cipher.NewCTR: IV length must equal block size"));case 6:i=512;j=a.BlockSize();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i>0;$copySlice(a.out,$subslice(a.out,a.outUsed));a.out=$subslice(a.out,0,a.out.$capacity);c=a.b.BlockSize();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;case 2:if(!(b<=(a.out.$length-d>>0))){$s=3;continue;}$r=a.b.Encrypt($subslice(a.out,b),a.ctr);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=b+(d)>>0;e=a.ctr.$length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(e>=0)){break;}(g=a.ctr,((e<0||e>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+e]=((f=a.ctr,((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e]))+(1)<<24>>>24)));if(!(((h=a.ctr,((e<0||e>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+e]))===0))){break;}e=e-(1)>>0;}$s=2;continue;case 3:a.out=$subslice(a.out,0,b);a.outUsed=0;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AE.ptr.prototype.refill,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AE.prototype.refill=function(){return this.$val.refill();};AE.ptr.prototype.XORKeyStream=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(a.$length0)){$s=2;continue;}d=c.b.BlockSize();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(c.outUsed>=(c.out.$length-d>>0)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=c.refill();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:e=G(a,b,$subslice(c.out,c.outUsed));a=$subslice(a,e);b=$subslice(b,e);c.outUsed=c.outUsed+(e)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AE.ptr.prototype.XORKeyStream,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AE.prototype.XORKeyStream=function(a,b){return this.$val.XORKeyStream(a,b);};AK=function(a){var a,b;b=$makeSlice(AY,a.$length);$copySlice(b,a);return b;};AQ=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=a.BlockSize();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=a.BlockSize();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=new AP.ptr(a,c,AK(b),$makeSlice(AY,d));$s=3;case 3:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AT=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=a.BlockSize();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((b.$length===c))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("cipher.NewCBCEncrypter: IV length must equal block size"));case 2:d=$assertType(a,AS,true);e=d[0];f=d[1];if(f){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:g=e.NewCBCEncrypter(b);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=7;case 7:return h;case 5:i=AQ(a,b);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=($pointerOfStructConversion(i,BB));$s=9;case 9:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewCBCEncrypter=AT;AR.ptr.prototype.BlockSize=function(){var a;a=this;return a.blockSize;};AR.prototype.BlockSize=function(){return this.$val.BlockSize();};AR.ptr.prototype.CryptBlocks=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!(((d=b.$length%c.blockSize,d===d?d:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))){$panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: input not full blocks"));}if(a.$length0)){$s=2;continue;}G($subslice(a,0,c.blockSize),$subslice(b,0,c.blockSize),e);$r=c.b.Encrypt($subslice(a,0,c.blockSize),$subslice(a,0,c.blockSize));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=$subslice(a,0,c.blockSize);b=$subslice(b,c.blockSize);a=$subslice(a,c.blockSize);$s=1;continue;case 2:$copySlice(c.iv,e);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.CryptBlocks,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.CryptBlocks=function(a,b){return this.$val.CryptBlocks(a,b);};AR.ptr.prototype.SetIV=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(!((a.$length===b.iv.$length))){$panic(new $String("cipher: incorrect length IV"));}$copySlice(b.iv,a);};AR.prototype.SetIV=function(a){return this.$val.SetIV(a);};AW=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=a.BlockSize();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((b.$length===c))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("cipher.NewCBCDecrypter: IV length must equal block size"));case 2:d=$assertType(a,AV,true);e=d[0];f=d[1];if(f){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:g=e.NewCBCDecrypter(b);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=7;case 7:return h;case 5:i=AQ(a,b);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=($pointerOfStructConversion(i,BC));$s=9;case 9:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewCBCDecrypter=AW;AU.ptr.prototype.BlockSize=function(){var a;a=this;return a.blockSize;};AU.prototype.BlockSize=function(){return this.$val.BlockSize();};AU.ptr.prototype.CryptBlocks=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!(((d=b.$length%c.blockSize,d===d?d:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))){$panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: input not full blocks"));}if(a.$length>0;g=f-c.blockSize>>0;$copySlice(c.tmp,$subslice(b,f,e));case 1:if(!(f>0)){$s=2;continue;}$r=c.b.Decrypt($subslice(a,f,e),$subslice(b,f,e));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}G($subslice(a,f,e),$subslice(a,f,e),$subslice(b,g,f));e=f;f=g;g=g-(c.blockSize)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$r=c.b.Decrypt($subslice(a,f,e),$subslice(b,f,e));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}G($subslice(a,f,e),$subslice(a,f,e),c.iv);h=c.tmp;i=c.iv;c.iv=h;c.tmp=i;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AU.ptr.prototype.CryptBlocks,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AU.prototype.CryptBlocks=function(a,b){return this.$val.CryptBlocks(a,b);};AU.ptr.prototype.SetIV=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(!((a.$length===b.iv.$length))){$panic(new $String("cipher: incorrect length IV"));}$copySlice(b.iv,a);};AU.prototype.SetIV=function(a){return this.$val.SetIV(a);};N.methods=[{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY],[$Int,$error],false)}];BG.methods=[{prop:"NonceSize",name:"NonceSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Overhead",name:"Overhead",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Seal",name:"Seal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY,AY,AY],[AY],false)},{prop:"Open",name:"Open",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY,AY,AY],[AY,$error],false)},{prop:"mul",name:"mul",pkg:"crypto/cipher",typ:$funcType([BE],[],false)},{prop:"updateBlocks",name:"updateBlocks",pkg:"crypto/cipher",typ:$funcType([BE,AY],[],false)},{prop:"update",name:"update",pkg:"crypto/cipher",typ:$funcType([BE,AY],[],false)},{prop:"counterCrypt",name:"counterCrypt",pkg:"crypto/cipher",typ:$funcType([AY,AY,BF],[],false)},{prop:"deriveCounter",name:"deriveCounter",pkg:"crypto/cipher",typ:$funcType([BF,AY],[],false)},{prop:"auth",name:"auth",pkg:"crypto/cipher",typ:$funcType([AY,AY,AY,BF],[],false)}];BH.methods=[{prop:"refill",name:"refill",pkg:"crypto/cipher",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"XORKeyStream",name:"XORKeyStream",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY],[],false)}];BB.methods=[{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"CryptBlocks",name:"CryptBlocks",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY],[],false)},{prop:"SetIV",name:"SetIV",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY],[],false)}];BC.methods=[{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"CryptBlocks",name:"CryptBlocks",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY],[],false)},{prop:"SetIV",name:"SetIV",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY],[],false)}];N.init("",[{prop:"S",name:"S",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AI,tag:""},{prop:"R",name:"R",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:C.Reader,tag:""}]);P.init([{prop:"NonceSize",name:"NonceSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Open",name:"Open",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY,AY,AY],[AY,$error],false)},{prop:"Overhead",name:"Overhead",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Seal",name:"Seal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY,AY,AY],[AY],false)}]);Q.init([{prop:"NewGCM",name:"NewGCM",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int,$Int],[P,$error],false)}]);R.init("crypto/cipher",[{prop:"low",name:"low",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""},{prop:"high",name:"high",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""}]);S.init("crypto/cipher",[{prop:"cipher",name:"cipher",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AH,tag:""},{prop:"nonceSize",name:"nonceSize",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"tagSize",name:"tagSize",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"productTable",name:"productTable",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:BA,tag:""}]);AE.init("crypto/cipher",[{prop:"b",name:"b",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AH,tag:""},{prop:"ctr",name:"ctr",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AY,tag:""},{prop:"out",name:"out",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AY,tag:""},{prop:"outUsed",name:"outUsed",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""}]);AF.init([{prop:"NewCTR",name:"NewCTR",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY],[AI],false)}]);AH.init([{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Decrypt",name:"Decrypt",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY],[],false)},{prop:"Encrypt",name:"Encrypt",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY],[],false)}]);AI.init([{prop:"XORKeyStream",name:"XORKeyStream",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY],[],false)}]);AJ.init([{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"CryptBlocks",name:"CryptBlocks",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY,AY],[],false)}]);AP.init("crypto/cipher",[{prop:"b",name:"b",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AH,tag:""},{prop:"blockSize",name:"blockSize",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"iv",name:"iv",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AY,tag:""},{prop:"tmp",name:"tmp",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AY,tag:""}]);AR.init("crypto/cipher",[{prop:"b",name:"b",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AH,tag:""},{prop:"blockSize",name:"blockSize",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"iv",name:"iv",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AY,tag:""},{prop:"tmp",name:"tmp",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AY,tag:""}]);AS.init([{prop:"NewCBCEncrypter",name:"NewCBCEncrypter",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY],[AJ],false)}]);AU.init("crypto/cipher",[{prop:"b",name:"b",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AH,tag:""},{prop:"blockSize",name:"blockSize",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"iv",name:"iv",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AY,tag:""},{prop:"tmp",name:"tmp",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AY,tag:""}]);AV.init([{prop:"NewCBCDecrypter",name:"NewCBCDecrypter",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AY],[AJ],false)}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=B.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}X=F.New("cipher: message authentication failed");AB=new AX([0,7200,14400,9312,28800,27808,18624,21728,57600,64800,55616,50528,37248,36256,43456,46560]);}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["crypto/aes"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,D,C,V,W,AE,AF,AG,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,X,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,AD;A=$packages["crypto/cipher"];B=$packages["crypto/internal/subtle"];D=$packages["encoding/binary"];C=$packages["strconv"];V=$pkg.aesCipher=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"aes.aesCipher",true,"crypto/aes",false,function(enc_,dec_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.enc=AE.nil;this.dec=AE.nil;return;}this.enc=enc_;this.dec=dec_;});W=$pkg.KeySizeError=$newType(4,$kindInt,"aes.KeySizeError",true,"crypto/aes",true,null);AE=$sliceType($Uint32);AF=$sliceType($Uint8);AG=$ptrType(V);T=function(a){var a;return Y(a);};W.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return"crypto/aes: invalid key size "+C.Itoa(((a>>0)));};$ptrType(W).prototype.Error=function(){return new W(this.$get()).Error();};X=function(a){var a,b,c;b=a.$length;switch(0){default:c=b;if((c===(16))||(c===(24))||(c===(32))){break;}else{return[$ifaceNil,new W(((b>>0)))];}}return T(a);};$pkg.NewCipher=X;Y=function(a){var a,b,c;b=a.$length+28>>0;c=new V.ptr($makeSlice(AE,b),$makeSlice(AE,b));AD(a,c.enc,c.dec);return[c,$ifaceNil];};V.ptr.prototype.BlockSize=function(){var a;a=this;return 16;};V.prototype.BlockSize=function(){return this.$val.BlockSize();};V.ptr.prototype.Encrypt=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(b.$length<16){$panic(new $String("crypto/aes: input not full block"));}if(a.$length<16){$panic(new $String("crypto/aes: output not full block"));}if(B.InexactOverlap($subslice(a,0,16),$subslice(b,0,16))){$panic(new $String("crypto/aes: invalid buffer overlap"));}Z(c.enc,a,b);};V.prototype.Encrypt=function(a,b){return this.$val.Encrypt(a,b);};V.ptr.prototype.Decrypt=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(b.$length<16){$panic(new $String("crypto/aes: input not full block"));}if(a.$length<16){$panic(new $String("crypto/aes: output not full block"));}if(B.InexactOverlap($subslice(a,0,16),$subslice(b,0,16))){$panic(new $String("crypto/aes: invalid buffer overlap"));}AA(c.dec,a,b);};V.prototype.Decrypt=function(a,b){return this.$val.Decrypt(a,b);};Z=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;$unused((15>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+15]));d=$clone(D.BigEndian,D.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,0,4));e=$clone(D.BigEndian,D.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,4,8));f=$clone(D.BigEndian,D.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,8,12));g=$clone(D.BigEndian,D.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,12,16));d=(d^((0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0])))>>>0;e=(e^((1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1])))>>>0;f=(f^((2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2])))>>>0;g=(g^((3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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a;return((a<<8>>>0)|(a>>>24>>>0))>>>0;};AD=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=0;f=(e=a.$length/4,(e===e&&e!==1/0&&e!==-1/0)?e>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));d=0;while(true){if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+d]=$clone(D.BigEndian,D.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(a,($imul(4,d)))));d=d+(1)>>0;}while(true){if(!(d>0,((g<0||g>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+g]));if((i=d%f,i===i?i:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0){h=(AB(AC(h))^(((((k=(l=d/f,(l===l&&l!==1/0&&l!==-1/0)?l>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))-1>>0,((k<0||k>=I.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):I[k]))>>>0))<<24>>>0)))>>>0;}else if(f>6&&((j=d%f,j===j?j:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===4)){h=AB(h);}((d<0||d>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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O.ptr(AI.zero());return;}this.cipher1=cipher1_;this.cipher2=cipher2_;this.cipher3=cipher3_;});AE=$arrayType($Uint32,64);AF=$arrayType(AE,8);AG=$arrayType($Uint8,16);AH=$arrayType(AG,4);AI=$arrayType($Uint64,16);AJ=$sliceType($Uint64);AK=$sliceType($Uint8);AL=$sliceType($Uint32);AM=$ptrType(O);AN=$ptrType(Q);N.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return"crypto/des: invalid key size "+D.Itoa(((a>>0)));};$ptrType(N).prototype.Error=function(){return new N(this.$get()).Error();};O.ptr.prototype.BlockSize=function(){var a;a=this;return 8;};O.prototype.BlockSize=function(){return this.$val.BlockSize();};O.ptr.prototype.Encrypt=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(b.$length<8){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: input not full block"));}if(a.$length<8){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: output not full block"));}if(B.InexactOverlap($subslice(a,0,8),$subslice(b,0,8))){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap"));}T(new AJ(c.subkeys),a,b);};O.prototype.Encrypt=function(a,b){return this.$val.Encrypt(a,b);};O.ptr.prototype.Decrypt=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(b.$length<8){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: input not full block"));}if(a.$length<8){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: output not full block"));}if(B.InexactOverlap($subslice(a,0,8),$subslice(b,0,8))){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap"));}U(new AJ(c.subkeys),a,b);};O.prototype.Decrypt=function(a,b){return this.$val.Decrypt(a,b);};R=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((a.$length===24))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new N(((a.$length>>0)))];}b=new Q.ptr(new O.ptr(AI.zero()),new O.ptr(AI.zero()),new O.ptr(AI.zero()));$r=b.cipher1.generateSubkeys($subslice(a,0,8));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=b.cipher2.generateSubkeys($subslice(a,8,16));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=b.cipher3.generateSubkeys($subslice(a,16));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[b,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:R,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewTripleDESCipher=R;Q.ptr.prototype.BlockSize=function(){var a;a=this;return 8;};Q.prototype.BlockSize=function(){return this.$val.BlockSize();};Q.ptr.prototype.Encrypt=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=this;if(b.$length<8){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: input not full block"));}if(a.$length<8){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: output not full block"));}if(B.InexactOverlap($subslice(a,0,8),$subslice(b,0,8))){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap"));}d=$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).Uint64(b);d=AA(d);e=(($shiftRightUint64(d,32).$low>>>0));f=((d.$low>>>0));g=e;h=f;g=(((g<<1>>>0))|((g>>>31>>>0)))>>>0;h=(((h<<1>>>0))|((h>>>31>>>0)))>>>0;i=0;while(true){if(!(i<8)){break;}j=V(g,h,(k=c.cipher1.subkeys,l=$imul(2,i),((l<0||l>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[l])),(m=c.cipher1.subkeys,n=($imul(2,i))+1>>0,((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n])));g=j[0];h=j[1];i=i+(1)>>0;}o=0;while(true){if(!(o<8)){break;}p=V(h,g,(q=c.cipher2.subkeys,r=15-($imul(2,o))>>0,((r<0||r>=q.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q[r])),(s=c.cipher2.subkeys,t=15-((($imul(2,o))+1>>0))>>0,((t<0||t>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[t])));h=p[0];g=p[1];o=o+(1)>>0;}u=0;while(true){if(!(u<8)){break;}v=V(g,h,(w=c.cipher3.subkeys,x=$imul(2,u),((x<0||x>=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[x])),(y=c.cipher3.subkeys,z=($imul(2,u))+1>>0,((z<0||z>=y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y[z])));g=v[0];h=v[1];u=u+(1)>>0;}g=(((g<<31>>>0))|((g>>>1>>>0)))>>>0;h=(((h<<31>>>0))|((h>>>1>>>0)))>>>0;ac=(aa=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,h)),32),ab=(new $Uint64(0,g)),new $Uint64(aa.$high|ab.$high,(aa.$low|ab.$low)>>>0));$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64(a,AB(ac));};Q.prototype.Encrypt=function(a,b){return this.$val.Encrypt(a,b);};Q.ptr.prototype.Decrypt=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=this;if(b.$length<8){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: input not full block"));}if(a.$length<8){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: output not full block"));}if(B.InexactOverlap($subslice(a,0,8),$subslice(b,0,8))){$panic(new $String("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap"));}d=$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).Uint64(b);d=AA(d);e=(($shiftRightUint64(d,32).$low>>>0));f=((d.$low>>>0));g=e;h=f;g=(((g<<1>>>0))|((g>>>31>>>0)))>>>0;h=(((h<<1>>>0))|((h>>>31>>>0)))>>>0;i=0;while(true){if(!(i<8)){break;}j=V(g,h,(k=c.cipher3.subkeys,l=15-($imul(2,i))>>0,((l<0||l>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[l])),(m=c.cipher3.subkeys,n=15-((($imul(2,i))+1>>0))>>0,((n<0||n>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[n])));g=j[0];h=j[1];i=i+(1)>>0;}o=0;while(true){if(!(o<8)){break;}p=V(h,g,(q=c.cipher2.subkeys,r=$imul(2,o),((r<0||r>=q.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q[r])),(s=c.cipher2.subkeys,t=($imul(2,o))+1>>0,((t<0||t>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[t])));h=p[0];g=p[1];o=o+(1)>>0;}u=0;while(true){if(!(u<8)){break;}v=V(g,h,(w=c.cipher1.subkeys,x=15-($imul(2,u))>>0,((x<0||x>=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[x])),(y=c.cipher1.subkeys,z=15-((($imul(2,u))+1>>0))>>0,((z<0||z>=y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y[z])));g=v[0];h=v[1];u=u+(1)>>0;}g=(((g<<31>>>0))|((g>>>1>>>0)))>>>0;h=(((h<<31>>>0))|((h>>>1>>>0)))>>>0;ac=(aa=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,h)),32),ab=(new $Uint64(0,g)),new $Uint64(aa.$high|ab.$high,(aa.$low|ab.$low)>>>0));$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64(a,AB(ac));};Q.prototype.Decrypt=function(a,b){return this.$val.Decrypt(a,b);};S=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;e=$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).Uint64(c);e=AA(e);f=(($shiftRightUint64(e,32).$low>>>0));g=((e.$low>>>0));h=f;i=g;h=(((h<<1>>>0))|((h>>>31>>>0)))>>>0;i=(((i<<1>>>0))|((i>>>31>>>0)))>>>0;if(d){j=0;while(true){if(!(j<8)){break;}k=V(h,i,(l=15-($imul(2,j))>>0,((l<0||l>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+l])),(m=15-((($imul(2,j))+1>>0))>>0,((m<0||m>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+m])));h=k[0];i=k[1];j=j+(1)>>0;}}else{n=0;while(true){if(!(n<8)){break;}o=V(h,i,(p=$imul(2,n),((p<0||p>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+p])),(q=($imul(2,n))+1>>0,((q<0||q>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+q])));h=o[0];i=o[1];n=n+(1)>>0;}}h=(((h<<31>>>0))|((h>>>1>>>0)))>>>0;i=(((i<<31>>>0))|((i>>>1>>>0)))>>>0;t=(r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,i)),32),s=(new $Uint64(0,h)),new $Uint64(r.$high|s.$high,(r.$low|s.$low)>>>0));$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64(b,AB(t));};T=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c;S(a,b,c,false);};U=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c;S(a,b,c,true);};V=function(a,b,c,d){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;e=0;f=0;g=0;g=(b^(($shiftRightUint64(c,32).$low>>>0)))>>>0;a=(a^((((((((h=W[7],i=(g&63)>>>0,((i<0||i>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[i]))^(j=W[5],k=(((g>>>8>>>0))&63)>>>0,((k<0||k>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[k])))>>>0)^(l=W[3],m=(((g>>>16>>>0))&63)>>>0,((m<0||m>=l.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l[m])))>>>0)^(n=W[1],o=(((g>>>24>>>0))&63)>>>0,((o<0||o>=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n[o])))>>>0)))>>>0;g=((((((b<<28>>>0))|((b>>>4>>>0)))>>>0))^((c.$low>>>0)))>>>0;a=(a^((((((((p=W[6],q=((g)&63)>>>0,((q<0||q>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[q]))^(r=W[4],s=(((g>>>8>>>0))&63)>>>0,((s<0||s>=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[s])))>>>0)^(t=W[2],u=(((g>>>16>>>0))&63)>>>0,((u<0||u>=t.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t[u])))>>>0)^(v=W[0],w=(((g>>>24>>>0))&63)>>>0,((w<0||w>=v.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v[w])))>>>0)))>>>0;g=(a^(($shiftRightUint64(d,32).$low>>>0)))>>>0;b=(b^((((((((x=W[7],y=(g&63)>>>0,((y<0||y>=x.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x[y]))^(z=W[5],aa=(((g>>>8>>>0))&63)>>>0,((aa<0||aa>=z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z[aa])))>>>0)^(ab=W[3],ac=(((g>>>16>>>0))&63)>>>0,((ac<0||ac>=ab.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ab[ac])))>>>0)^(ad=W[1],ae=(((g>>>24>>>0))&63)>>>0,((ae<0||ae>=ad.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad[ae])))>>>0)))>>>0;g=((((((a<<28>>>0))|((a>>>4>>>0)))>>>0))^((d.$low>>>0)))>>>0;b=(b^((((((((af=W[6],ag=((g)&63)>>>0,((ag<0||ag>=af.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):af[ag]))^(ah=W[4],ai=(((g>>>8>>>0))&63)>>>0,((ai<0||ai>=ah.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah[ai])))>>>0)^(aj=W[2],ak=(((g>>>16>>>0))&63)>>>0,((ak<0||ak>=aj.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aj[ak])))>>>0)^(al=W[0],am=(((g>>>24>>>0))&63)>>>0,((am<0||am>=al.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):al[am])))>>>0)))>>>0;an=a;ao=b;e=an;f=ao;return[e,f];};Y=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;c=new $Uint64(0,0);d=b;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);i=(h=$shiftRightUint64(a,g),new $Uint64(h.$high&0,(h.$low&1)>>>0));c=(j=$shiftLeft64(i,(((((b.$length-1>>0))-f>>0)>>>0))),new $Uint64(c.$high|j.$high,(c.$low|j.$low)>>>0));e++;}return c;};Z=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;a=L;b=0;while(true){if(!(b<8)){break;}c=b;d=0;while(true){if(!(d<4)){break;}e=0;while(true){if(!(e<16)){break;}h=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(f=(g=((c<0||c>=L.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):L[c]),((d<0||d>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[d])),((e<0||e>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[e])))),((4*((7-((c>>>0))>>>0))>>>0)));h=Y(h,new AK(I));i=(((((((d&2))<<4>>0))|(d&1))<<24>>>24));j=(((e<<1>>0)<<24>>>24));k=(i|j)>>>0;h=(l=$shiftLeft64(h,1),m=$shiftRightUint64(h,31),new $Uint64(l.$high|m.$high,(l.$low|m.$low)>>>0));(n=((c<0||c>=W.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):W[c]),((k<0||k>=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n[k]=((h.$low>>>0))));e=e+(1)>>0;}d=d+(1)>>0;}b++;}};AA=function(a){var a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=$shiftRightUint64(a,48);c=$shiftLeft64(a,48);a=(d=(e=(f=new $Uint64(b.$high^c.$high,(b.$low^c.$low)>>>0),g=$shiftLeft64(b,48),new $Uint64(f.$high^g.$high,(f.$low^g.$low)>>>0)),h=$shiftRightUint64(c,48),new $Uint64(e.$high^h.$high,(e.$low^h.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(a.$high^d.$high,(a.$low^d.$low)>>>0));b=(i=$shiftRightUint64(a,32),new $Uint64(i.$high&0,(i.$low&16711935)>>>0));c=new $Uint64(a.$high&0,(a.$low&4278255360)>>>0);a=(j=(k=(l=(m=$shiftLeft64(b,32),new $Uint64(m.$high^c.$high,(m.$low^c.$low)>>>0)),n=$shiftLeft64(b,8),new $Uint64(l.$high^n.$high,(l.$low^n.$low)>>>0)),o=$shiftLeft64(c,24),new $Uint64(k.$high^o.$high,(k.$low^o.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(a.$high^j.$high,(a.$low^j.$low)>>>0));b=new $Uint64(a.$high&252641280,(a.$low&252641280)>>>0);c=new $Uint64(a.$high&61680,(a.$low&61680)>>>0);a=(p=(q=(r=new $Uint64(b.$high^c.$high,(b.$low^c.$low)>>>0),s=$shiftRightUint64(b,12),new $Uint64(r.$high^s.$high,(r.$low^s.$low)>>>0)),t=$shiftLeft64(c,12),new $Uint64(q.$high^t.$high,(q.$low^t.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(a.$high^p.$high,(a.$low^p.$low)>>>0));b=new $Uint64(a.$high&855651072,(a.$low&855651072)>>>0);c=new $Uint64(a.$high&13369548,(a.$low&13369548)>>>0);a=(u=(v=(w=new $Uint64(b.$high^c.$high,(b.$low^c.$low)>>>0),x=$shiftRightUint64(b,6),new $Uint64(w.$high^x.$high,(w.$low^x.$low)>>>0)),y=$shiftLeft64(c,6),new $Uint64(v.$high^y.$high,(v.$low^y.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(a.$high^u.$high,(a.$low^u.$low)>>>0));b=new $Uint64(a.$high&2863311530,(a.$low&1431655765)>>>0);a=(z=(aa=(ab=$shiftRightUint64(b,33),new $Uint64(b.$high^ab.$high,(b.$low^ab.$low)>>>0)),ac=$shiftLeft64(b,33),new $Uint64(aa.$high^ac.$high,(aa.$low^ac.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(a.$high^z.$high,(a.$low^z.$low)>>>0));return a;};AB=function(a){var a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=new $Uint64(a.$high&2863311530,(a.$low&1431655765)>>>0);a=(c=(d=(e=$shiftRightUint64(b,33),new $Uint64(b.$high^e.$high,(b.$low^e.$low)>>>0)),f=$shiftLeft64(b,33),new $Uint64(d.$high^f.$high,(d.$low^f.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(a.$high^c.$high,(a.$low^c.$low)>>>0));b=new $Uint64(a.$high&855651072,(a.$low&855651072)>>>0);g=new $Uint64(a.$high&13369548,(a.$low&13369548)>>>0);a=(h=(i=(j=new $Uint64(b.$high^g.$high,(b.$low^g.$low)>>>0),k=$shiftRightUint64(b,6),new $Uint64(j.$high^k.$high,(j.$low^k.$low)>>>0)),l=$shiftLeft64(g,6),new $Uint64(i.$high^l.$high,(i.$low^l.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(a.$high^h.$high,(a.$low^h.$low)>>>0));b=new $Uint64(a.$high&252641280,(a.$low&252641280)>>>0);g=new $Uint64(a.$high&61680,(a.$low&61680)>>>0);a=(m=(n=(o=new $Uint64(b.$high^g.$high,(b.$low^g.$low)>>>0),p=$shiftRightUint64(b,12),new $Uint64(o.$high^p.$high,(o.$low^p.$low)>>>0)),q=$shiftLeft64(g,12),new $Uint64(n.$high^q.$high,(n.$low^q.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(a.$high^m.$high,(a.$low^m.$low)>>>0));b=(r=$shiftRightUint64(a,32),new $Uint64(r.$high&0,(r.$low&16711935)>>>0));g=new $Uint64(a.$high&0,(a.$low&4278255360)>>>0);a=(s=(t=(u=(v=$shiftLeft64(b,32),new $Uint64(v.$high^g.$high,(v.$low^g.$low)>>>0)),w=$shiftLeft64(b,8),new $Uint64(u.$high^w.$high,(u.$low^w.$low)>>>0)),x=$shiftLeft64(g,24),new $Uint64(t.$high^x.$high,(t.$low^x.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(a.$high^s.$high,(a.$low^s.$low)>>>0));b=$shiftRightUint64(a,48);g=$shiftLeft64(a,48);a=(y=(z=(aa=new $Uint64(b.$high^g.$high,(b.$low^g.$low)>>>0),ab=$shiftLeft64(b,48),new $Uint64(aa.$high^ab.$high,(aa.$low^ab.$low)>>>0)),ac=$shiftRightUint64(g,48),new $Uint64(z.$high^ac.$high,(z.$low^ac.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(a.$high^y.$high,(a.$low^y.$low)>>>0));return a;};AC=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=AL.nil;b=$makeSlice(AL,16);c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d<16)){break;}f=(((e=((4+((d<0||d>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):M[d])<<24>>>24)),e<32?(c<>>0))>>>4>>>0;h=(g=((32-((d<0||d>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):M[d])<<24>>>24)),g<32?(((c<<4>>>0))>>>g):0)>>>0;((d<0||d>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+d]=((f|h)>>>0));c=((d<0||d>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+d]);d=d+(1)>>0;}return b;};O.ptr.prototype.generateSubkeys=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=X.Do(Z);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).Uint64(a);d=Y(c,new AK(J));e=AC((($shiftRightUint64(d,28).$low>>>0)));f=AC((($shiftLeft64(d,4).$low>>>0))>>>4>>>0);g=0;while(true){if(!(g<16)){break;}j=(h=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,((g<0||g>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+g]))),28),i=(new $Uint64(0,((g<0||g>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]))),new $Uint64(h.$high|i.$high,(h.$low|i.$low)>>>0));(k=b.subkeys,((g<0||g>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[g]=AD(Y(j,new AK(K)))));g=g+(1)>>0;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:O.ptr.prototype.generateSubkeys,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};O.prototype.generateSubkeys=function(a){return this.$val.generateSubkeys(a);};AD=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x;b=new $Uint64(0,0);b=(c=(d=(e=(f=(g=(h=(i=$shiftLeft64(((j=$shiftRightUint64(a,6),new $Uint64(j.$high&0,(j.$low&255)>>>0))),0),k=$shiftLeft64(((l=$shiftRightUint64(a,18),new $Uint64(l.$high&0,(l.$low&255)>>>0))),8),new $Uint64(i.$high|k.$high,(i.$low|k.$low)>>>0)),m=$shiftLeft64(((n=$shiftRightUint64(a,30),new $Uint64(n.$high&0,(n.$low&255)>>>0))),16),new $Uint64(h.$high|m.$high,(h.$low|m.$low)>>>0)),o=$shiftLeft64(((p=$shiftRightUint64(a,42),new $Uint64(p.$high&0,(p.$low&255)>>>0))),24),new $Uint64(g.$high|o.$high,(g.$low|o.$low)>>>0)),q=$shiftLeft64(((r=$shiftRightUint64(a,0),new $Uint64(r.$high&0,(r.$low&255)>>>0))),32),new $Uint64(f.$high|q.$high,(f.$low|q.$low)>>>0)),s=$shiftLeft64(((t=$shiftRightUint64(a,12),new $Uint64(t.$high&0,(t.$low&255)>>>0))),40),new $Uint64(e.$high|s.$high,(e.$low|s.$low)>>>0)),u=$shiftLeft64(((v=$shiftRightUint64(a,24),new $Uint64(v.$high&0,(v.$low&255)>>>0))),48),new $Uint64(d.$high|u.$high,(d.$low|u.$low)>>>0)),w=$shiftLeft64(((x=$shiftRightUint64(a,36),new $Uint64(x.$high&0,(x.$low&255)>>>0))),56),new $Uint64(c.$high|w.$high,(c.$low|w.$low)>>>0));return b;};N.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];AM.methods=[{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encrypt",name:"Encrypt",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AK,AK],[],false)},{prop:"Decrypt",name:"Decrypt",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AK,AK],[],false)},{prop:"generateSubkeys",name:"generateSubkeys",pkg:"crypto/des",typ:$funcType([AK],[],false)}];AN.methods=[{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encrypt",name:"Encrypt",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AK,AK],[],false)},{prop:"Decrypt",name:"Decrypt",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AK,AK],[],false)}];O.init("crypto/des",[{prop:"subkeys",name:"subkeys",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AI,tag:""}]);Q.init("crypto/des",[{prop:"cipher1",name:"cipher1",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:O,tag:""},{prop:"cipher2",name:"cipher2",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:O,tag:""},{prop:"cipher3",name:"cipher3",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:O,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}W=AF.zero();X=new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0));I=$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[16,25,12,11,3,20,4,15,31,17,9,6,27,14,1,22,30,24,8,18,0,5,29,23,13,19,2,26,10,21,28,7]);J=$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[7,15,23,31,39,47,55,63,6,14,22,30,38,46,54,62,5,13,21,29,37,45,53,61,4,12,20,28,1,9,17,25,33,41,49,57,2,10,18,26,34,42,50,58,3,11,19,27,35,43,51,59,36,44,52,60]);K=$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[42,39,45,32,55,51,53,28,41,50,35,46,33,37,44,52,30,48,40,49,29,36,43,54,15,4,25,19,9,1,26,16,5,11,23,8,12,7,17,0,22,3,10,14,6,20,27,24]);L=$toNativeArray($kindArray,[$toNativeArray($kindArray,[$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[14,4,13,1,2,15,11,8,3,10,6,12,5,9,0,7]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[0,15,7,4,14,2,13,1,10,6,12,11,9,5,3,8]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[4,1,14,8,13,6,2,11,15,12,9,7,3,10,5,0]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[15,12,8,2,4,9,1,7,5,11,3,14,10,0,6,13])]),$toNativeArray($kindArray,[$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[15,1,8,14,6,11,3,4,9,7,2,13,12,0,5,10]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[3,13,4,7,15,2,8,14,12,0,1,10,6,9,11,5]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[0,14,7,11,10,4,13,1,5,8,12,6,9,3,2,15]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[13,8,10,1,3,15,4,2,11,6,7,12,0,5,14,9])]),$toNativeArray($kindArray,[$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[10,0,9,14,6,3,15,5,1,13,12,7,11,4,2,8]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[13,7,0,9,3,4,6,10,2,8,5,14,12,11,15,1]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[13,6,4,9,8,15,3,0,11,1,2,12,5,10,14,7]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[1,10,13,0,6,9,8,7,4,15,14,3,11,5,2,12])]),$toNativeArray($kindArray,[$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[7,13,14,3,0,6,9,10,1,2,8,5,11,12,4,15]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[13,8,11,5,6,15,0,3,4,7,2,12,1,10,14,9]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[10,6,9,0,12,11,7,13,15,1,3,14,5,2,8,4]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[3,15,0,6,10,1,13,8,9,4,5,11,12,7,2,14])]),$toNativeArray($kindArray,[$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[2,12,4,1,7,10,11,6,8,5,3,15,13,0,14,9]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[14,11,2,12,4,7,13,1,5,0,15,10,3,9,8,6]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[4,2,1,11,10,13,7,8,15,9,12,5,6,3,0,14]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[11,8,12,7,1,14,2,13,6,15,0,9,10,4,5,3])]),$toNativeArray($kindArray,[$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[12,1,10,15,9,2,6,8,0,13,3,4,14,7,5,11]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[10,15,4,2,7,12,9,5,6,1,13,14,0,11,3,8]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[9,14,15,5,2,8,12,3,7,0,4,10,1,13,11,6]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[4,3,2,12,9,5,15,10,11,14,1,7,6,0,8,13])]),$toNativeArray($kindArray,[$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[4,11,2,14,15,0,8,13,3,12,9,7,5,10,6,1]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[13,0,11,7,4,9,1,10,14,3,5,12,2,15,8,6]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[1,4,11,13,12,3,7,14,10,15,6,8,0,5,9,2]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[6,11,13,8,1,4,10,7,9,5,0,15,14,2,3,12])]),$toNativeArray($kindArray,[$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[13,2,8,4,6,15,11,1,10,9,3,14,5,0,12,7]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[1,15,13,8,10,3,7,4,12,5,6,11,0,14,9,2]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[7,11,4,1,9,12,14,2,0,6,10,13,15,3,5,8]),$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[2,1,14,7,4,10,8,13,15,12,9,0,3,5,6,11])])]);M=$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1]);}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,C,A,D,F,S,X,Z,AM,AR,AT,BG,BL,BM,BN,BO,BP,BQ,BR,BS,BT,BU,BV,BW,BX,BY,U,V,AO,AP,BI,BJ,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,W,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AQ,AV,AW,AX,AY,AZ,BA,BB,BC,BD,BE,BF,BK;B=$packages["crypto/subtle"];C=$packages["errors"];A=$packages["math/bits"];D=$pkg.p521Uint1=$newType(8,$kindUint64,"fiat.p521Uint1",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat",false,null);F=$pkg.p521MontgomeryDomainFieldElement=$newType(72,$kindArray,"fiat.p521MontgomeryDomainFieldElement",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat",false,null);S=$pkg.P521Element=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"fiat.P521Element",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat",true,function(x_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.x=BL.zero();return;}this.x=x_;});X=$pkg.p384Uint1=$newType(8,$kindUint64,"fiat.p384Uint1",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat",false,null);Z=$pkg.p384MontgomeryDomainFieldElement=$newType(48,$kindArray,"fiat.p384MontgomeryDomainFieldElement",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat",false,null);AM=$pkg.P384Element=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"fiat.P384Element",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat",true,function(x_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.x=BM.zero();return;}this.x=x_;});AR=$pkg.p224Uint1=$newType(8,$kindUint64,"fiat.p224Uint1",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat",false,null);AT=$pkg.p224MontgomeryDomainFieldElement=$newType(32,$kindArray,"fiat.p224MontgomeryDomainFieldElement",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat",false,null);BG=$pkg.P224Element=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"fiat.P224Element",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat",true,function(x_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.x=BN.zero();return;}this.x=x_;});BL=$arrayType($Uint64,9);BM=$arrayType($Uint64,6);BN=$arrayType($Uint64,4);BO=$ptrType($Uint64);BP=$arrayType($Uint8,66);BQ=$sliceType($Uint8);BR=$ptrType(S);BS=$arrayType($Uint8,48);BT=$ptrType(AM);BU=$arrayType($Uint8,28);BV=$ptrType(BG);BW=$ptrType(BP);BX=$ptrType(BS);BY=$ptrType(BU);S.ptr.prototype.Invert=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;b=this;c=new S.ptr(BL.zero()).Set(b);d=new S.ptr(BL.zero());c.Square(a);c.Mul(a,c);d.Square(c);e=1;while(true){if(!(e<2)){break;}d.Square(d);e=e+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);d.Square(c);f=1;while(true){if(!(f<4)){break;}d.Square(d);f=f+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);d.Square(c);g=1;while(true){if(!(g<8)){break;}d.Square(d);g=g+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);d.Square(c);h=1;while(true){if(!(h<16)){break;}d.Square(d);h=h+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);d.Square(c);i=1;while(true){if(!(i<32)){break;}d.Square(d);i=i+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);d.Square(c);d.Mul(a,d);j=0;while(true){if(!(j<64)){break;}d.Square(d);j=j+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);d.Square(c);d.Mul(a,d);k=0;while(true){if(!(k<129)){break;}d.Square(d);k=k+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);d.Square(c);d.Mul(a,d);l=0;while(true){if(!(l<259)){break;}d.Square(d);l=l+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);m=0;while(true){if(!(m<2)){break;}c.Square(c);m=m+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(a,c);return b.Set(c);};S.prototype.Invert=function(a){return this.$val.Invert(a);};H=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=$mul64((new $Uint64(b.$high,b.$low)),new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));i=(f=new $Uint64(e.$high&d.$high,(e.$low&d.$low)>>>0),g=(h=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),new $Uint64(h.$high&c.$high,(h.$low&c.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(f.$high|g.$high,(f.$low|g.$low)>>>0));a.$set(i);};I=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz,ab,aba,abb,abc,abd,abe,abf,abg,abh,abi,abj,abk,abl,abm,abn,abo,abp,abq,abr,abs,abt,abu,abv,abw,abx,aby,abz,ac,aca,acb,acc,acd,ace,acf,acg,ach,aci,acj,ack,acl,acm,acn,aco,acp,acq,acr,acs,act,acu,acv,acw,acx,acy,acz,ad,ada,adb,adc,add,ade,adf,adg,adh,adi,adj,adk,adl,adm,adn,ado,adp,adq,adr,ads,adt,adu,adv,adw,adx,ady,adz,ae,aea,aeb,aec,aed,aee,aef,aeg,aeh,aei,aej,aek,ael,aem,aen,aeo,aep,aeq,aer,aes,aet,aeu,aev,aew,aex,aey,aez,af,afa,afb,afc,afd,afe,aff,afg,afh,afi,afj,afk,afl,afm,afn,afo,afp,afq,afr,afs,aft,afu,afv,afw,afx,afy,afz,ag,aga,agb,agc,agd,age,agf,agg,agh,agi,agj,agk,agl,agm,agn,ago,agp,agq,agr,ags,agt,agu,agv,agw,agx,agy,agz,ah,aha,ahb,ahc,ahd,ahe,ahf,ahg,ahh,ahi,ahj,ahk,ahl,ahm,ahn,aho,ahp,ahq,ahr,ahs,aht,ahu,ahv,ahw,ahx,ahy,ahz,ai,aia,aib,aic,aid,aie,aif,aig,aih,aii,aij,aik,ail,aim,ain,aio,aip,aiq,air,ais,ait,aiu,aiv,aiw,aix,aiy,aiz,aj,aja,ajb,ajc,ajd,aje,ajf,ajg,ajh,aji,ajj,ajk,ajl,ajm,ajn,ajo,ajp,ajq,ajr,ajs,ajt,aju,ajv,ajw,ajx,ajy,ajz,ak,aka,akb,akc,akd,ake,akf,akg,akh,aki,akj,akk,akl,akm,akn,ako,akp,akq,akr,aks,akt,aku,akv,akw,akx,aky,akz,al,ala,alb,alc,ald,ale,alf,alg,alh,ali,alj,alk,all,alm,aln,alo,alp,alq,alr,als,alt,alu,alv,alw,alx,aly,alz,am,ama,amb,amc,amd,ame,amf,amg,amh,ami,amj,amk,aml,amm,amn,amo,amp,amq,amr,ams,amt,amu,amv,amw,amx,amy,amz,an,ana,anb,anc,and,ane,anf,ang,anh,ani,anj,ank,anl,anm,ann,ano,anp,anq,anr,ans,ant,anu,anv,anw,anx,any,anz,ao,aoa,aob,aoc,aod,aoe,aof,aog,aoh,aoi,aoj,aok,aol,aom,aon,aoo,aop,aoq,aor,aos,aot,aou,aov,aow,aox,aoy,aoz,ap,apa,apb,apc,apd,ape,apf,apg,aph,api,apj,apk,apl,apm,apn,apo,app,apq,apr,aps,apt,apu,apv,apw,apx,apy,apz,aq,aqa,aqb,aqc,aqd,aqe,aqf,aqg,aqh,aqi,aqj,aqk,aql,aqm,aqn,aqo,aqp,aqq,aqr,aqs,aqt,aqu,aqv,aqw,aqx,aqy,aqz,ar,ara,arb,arc,ard,are,arf,arg,arh,ari,arj,ark,arl,arm,arn,aro,arp,arq,arr,ars,art,aru,arv,arw,arx,ary,arz,as,asa,asb,asc,asd,ase,asf,asg,ash,asi,asj,ask,asl,asm,asn,aso,asp,asq,asr,ass,ast,asu,asv,asw,asx,asy,asz,at,ata,atb,atc,atd,ate,atf,atg,ath,ati,atj,atk,atl,atm,atn,ato,atp,atq,atr,ats,att,atu,atv,atw,atx,aty,atz,au,aua,aub,auc,aud,aue,auf,aug,auh,aui,auj,auk,aul,aum,aun,auo,aup,auq,aur,aus,aut,auu,auv,auw,aux,auy,auz,av,ava,avb,avc,avd,ave,avf,avg,avh,avi,avj,avk,avl,avm,avn,avo,avp,avq,avr,avs,avt,avu,avv,avw,avx,avy,avz,aw,awa,awb,awc,awd,awe,awf,awg,awh,awi,awj,awk,awl,awm,awn,awo,awp,awq,awr,aws,awt,awu,awv,aww,awx,awy,awz,ax,axa,axb,axc,axd,axe,axf,axg,axh,axi,axj,axk,axl,axm,axn,axo,axp,axq,axr,axs,axt,axu,axv,axw,axx,axy,axz,ay,aya,ayb,ayc,ayd,aye,ayf,ayg,ayh,ayi,ayj,ayk,ayl,aym,ayn,ayo,ayp,ayq,ayr,ays,ayt,ayu,ayv,ayw,ayx,ayy,ayz,az,aza,azb,azc,azd,aze,azf,azg,azh,azi,azj,azk,azl,azm,azn,azo,azp,azq,azr,azs,azt,azu,azv,azw,azx,azy,azz,b,ba,baa,bab,bac,bad,bae,baf,bag,bah,bai,baj,bak,bal,bam,ban,bao,bap,baq,bar,bas,bat,bau,bav,baw,bax,bay,baz,bb,bba,bbb,bbc,bbd,bbe,bbf,bbg,bbh,bbi,bbj,bbk,bbl,bbm,bbn,bbo,bbp,bbq,bbr,bbs,bbt,bbu,bbv,bbw,bbx,bby,bbz,bc,bca,bcb,bcc,bcd,bce,bcf,bcg,bch,bci,bcj,bck,bcl,bcm,bcn,bco,bcp,bcq,bcr,bcs,bct,bcu,bcv,bcw,bcx,bcy,bcz,bd,bda,bdb,bdc,bdd,bde,bdf,bdg,bdh,bdi,bdj,bdk,bdl,bdm,bdn,bdo,bdp,bdq,bdr,bds,bdt,bdu,bdv,bdw,bdx,bdy,bdz,be,bea,beb,bec,bed,bee,bef,beg,beh,bei,bej,bek,bel,bem,ben,beo,bep,beq,ber,bes,bet,beu,bev,bew,bex,bey,bez,bf,bfa,bfb,bfc,bfd,bfe,bff,bfg,bfh,bfi,bfj,bfk,bfl,bfm,bfn,bfo,bfp,bfq,bfr,bfs,bft,bfu,bfv,bfw,bfx,bfy,bfz,bg,bga,bgb,bgc,bgd,bge,bgf,bgg,bgh,bgi,bgj,bgk,bgl,bgm,bgn,bgo,bgp,bgq,bgr,bgs,bgt,bgu,bgv,bgw,bgx,bgy,bgz,bh,bha,bhb,bhc,bhd,bhe,bhf,bhg,bhh,bhi,bhj,bhk,bhl,bhm,bhn,bho,bhp,bhq,bhr,bhs,bht,bhu,bhv,bhw,bhx,bhy,bhz,bi,bia,bib,bic,bid,bie,bif,big,bih,bii,bij,bik,bil,bim,bin,bio,bip,biq,bir,bis,bit,biu,biv,biw,bix,biy,biz,bj,bja,bjb,bjc,bjd,bje,bjf,bjg,bjh,bji,bjj,bjk,bjl,bjm,bjn,bjo,bjp,bjq,bjr,bjs,bjt,bju,bjv,bjw,bjx,bjy,bjz,bk,bka,bkb,bkc,bkd,bke,bkf,bkg,bkh,bki,bkj,bkk,bkl,bkm,bkn,bko,bkp,bkq,bkr,bks,bkt,bku,bkv,bkw,bkx,bky,bkz,bl,bla,blb,blc,bld,ble,blf,blg,blh,bli,blj,blk,bll,blm,bln,blo,blp,blq,blr,bls,blt,blu,blv,blw,blx,bly,blz,bm,bma,bmb,bmc,bmd,bme,bmf,bmg,bmh,bmi,bmj,bmk,bml,bmm,bmn,bmo,bmp,bmq,bmr,bms,bmt,bmu,bmv,bmw,bmx,bmy,bmz,bn,bna,bnb,bnc,bnd,bne,bnf,bng,bnh,bni,bnj,bnk,bnl,bnm,bnn,bno,bnp,bnq,bnr,bns,bnt,bnu,bnv,bnw,bnx,bny,bnz,bo,boa,bob,boc,bod,boe,bof,bog,boh,boi,boj,bok,bol,bom,bon,boo,bop,boq,bor,bos,bot,bou,bov,bow,box,boy,boz,bp,bpa,bpb,bpc,bpd,bpe,bpf,bpg,bph,bpi,bpj,bpk,bpl,bpm,bpn,bpo,bpp,bpq,bpr,bps,bpt,bpu,bpv,bpw,bpx,bpy,bpz,bq,bqa,bqb,bqc,bqd,bqe,bqf,bqg,bqh,bqi,bqj,bqk,bql,bqm,bqn,bqo,bqp,bqq,bqr,bqs,bqt,bqu,bqv,bqw,bqx,bqy,bqz,br,bra,brb,brc,brd,bre,brf,brg,brh,bri,brj,brk,brl,brm,brn,bro,brp,brq,brr,brs,brt,bru,brv,brw,brx,bry,brz,bs,bsa,bsb,bsc,bsd,bse,bsf,bsg,bsh,bsi,bsj,bsk,bsl,bsm,bsn,bso,bsp,bsq,bsr,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,nf,ng,nh,ni,nj,nk,nl,nm,nn,no,np,nq,nr,ns,nt,nu,nv,nw,nx,ny,nz,o,oa,ob,oc,od,oe,of,og,oh,oi,oj,ok,ol,om,on,oo,op,oq,or,os,ot,ou,ov,ow,ox,oy,oz,p,pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph,pi,pj,pk,pl,pm,pn,po,pp,pq,pr,ps,pt,pu,pv,pw,px,py,pz,q,qa,qb,qc,qd,qe,qf,qg,qh,qi,qj,qk,ql,qm,qn,qo,qp,qq,qr,qs,qt,qu,qv,qw,qx,qy,qz,r,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf,rg,rh,ri,rj,rk,rl,rm,rn,ro,rp,rq,rr,rs,rt,ru,rv,rw,rx,ry,rz,s,sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sn,so,sp,sq,sr,ss,st,su,sv,sw,sx,sy,sz,t,ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf,tg,th,ti,tj,tk,tl,tm,tn,to,tp,tq,tr,ts,tt,tu,tv,tw,tx,ty,tz,u,ua,ub,uc,ud,ue,uf,ug,uh,ui,uj,uk,ul,um,un,uo,up,uq,ur,us,ut,uu,uv,uw,ux,uy,uz,v,va,vb,vc,vd,ve,vf,vg,vh,vi,vj,vk,vl,vm,vn,vo,vp,vq,vr,vs,vt,vu,vv,vw,vx,vy,vz,w,wa,wb,wc,wd,we,wf,wg,wh,wi,wj,wk,wl,wm,wn,wo,wp,wq,wr,ws,wt,wu,wv,ww,wx,wy,wz,x,xa,xb,xc,xd,xe,xf,xg,xh,xi,xj,xk,xl,xm,xn,xo,xp,xq,xr,xs,xt,xu,xv,xw,xx,xy,xz,y,ya,yb,yc,yd,ye,yf,yg,yh,yi,yj,yk,yl,ym,yn,yo,yp,yq,yr,ys,yt,yu,yv,yw,yx,yy,yz,z,za,zb,zc,zd,ze,zf,zg,zh,zi,zj,zk,zl,zm,zn,zo,zp,zq,zr,zs,zt,zu,zv,zw,zx,zy,zz;d=b[1];e=b[2];f=b[3];g=b[4];h=b[5];i=b[6];j=b[7];k=b[8];l=b[0];m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=new $Uint64(0,0);o=A.Mul64(l,c[8]);n=o[0];m=o[1];p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=A.Mul64(l,c[7]);q=r[0];p=r[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=A.Mul64(l,c[6]);t=u[0];s=u[1];v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=A.Mul64(l,c[5]);w=x[0];v=x[1];y=new $Uint64(0,0);z=new $Uint64(0,0);aa=A.Mul64(l,c[4]);z=aa[0];y=aa[1];ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=new $Uint64(0,0);ad=A.Mul64(l,c[3]);ac=ad[0];ab=ad[1];ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=A.Mul64(l,c[2]);af=ag[0];ae=ag[1];ah=new $Uint64(0,0);ai=new $Uint64(0,0);aj=A.Mul64(l,c[1]);ai=aj[0];ah=aj[1];ak=new $Uint64(0,0);al=new $Uint64(0,0);am=A.Mul64(l,c[0]);al=am[0];ak=am[1];an=new $Uint64(0,0);ao=new $Uint64(0,0);ap=A.Add64(al,ah,new $Uint64(0,0));an=ap[0];ao=ap[1];aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=new $Uint64(0,0);as=A.Add64(ai,ae,((at=(new D(ao.$high,ao.$low)),new $Uint64(at.$high,at.$low))));aq=as[0];ar=as[1];au=new $Uint64(0,0);av=new $Uint64(0,0);aw=A.Add64(af,ab,((ax=(new D(ar.$high,ar.$low)),new $Uint64(ax.$high,ax.$low))));au=aw[0];av=aw[1];ay=new $Uint64(0,0);az=new $Uint64(0,0);ba=A.Add64(ac,y,((bb=(new D(av.$high,av.$low)),new $Uint64(bb.$high,bb.$low))));ay=ba[0];az=ba[1];bc=new $Uint64(0,0);bd=new $Uint64(0,0);be=A.Add64(z,v,((bf=(new D(az.$high,az.$low)),new $Uint64(bf.$high,bf.$low))));bc=be[0];bd=be[1];bg=new $Uint64(0,0);bh=new $Uint64(0,0);bi=A.Add64(w,s,((bj=(new D(bd.$high,bd.$low)),new $Uint64(bj.$high,bj.$low))));bg=bi[0];bh=bi[1];bk=new $Uint64(0,0);bl=new $Uint64(0,0);bm=A.Add64(t,p,((bn=(new D(bh.$high,bh.$low)),new $Uint64(bn.$high,bn.$low))));bk=bm[0];bl=bm[1];bo=new $Uint64(0,0);bp=new $Uint64(0,0);bq=A.Add64(q,m,((br=(new D(bl.$high,bl.$low)),new $Uint64(br.$high,br.$low))));bo=bq[0];bp=bq[1];bu=(bs=((bt=(new D(bp.$high,bp.$low)),new $Uint64(bt.$high,bt.$low))),new $Uint64(bs.$high+n.$high,bs.$low+n.$low));bv=new $Uint64(0,0);bw=new $Uint64(0,0);bx=A.Mul64(ak,new $Uint64(0,511));bw=bx[0];bv=bx[1];by=new $Uint64(0,0);bz=new $Uint64(0,0);ca=A.Mul64(ak,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bz=ca[0];by=ca[1];cb=new $Uint64(0,0);cc=new $Uint64(0,0);cd=A.Mul64(ak,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));cc=cd[0];cb=cd[1];ce=new $Uint64(0,0);cf=new $Uint64(0,0);cg=A.Mul64(ak,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));cf=cg[0];ce=cg[1];ch=new $Uint64(0,0);ci=new $Uint64(0,0);cj=A.Mul64(ak,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ci=cj[0];ch=cj[1];ck=new $Uint64(0,0);cl=new $Uint64(0,0);cm=A.Mul64(ak,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));cl=cm[0];ck=cm[1];cn=new $Uint64(0,0);co=new $Uint64(0,0);cp=A.Mul64(ak,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));co=cp[0];cn=cp[1];cq=new $Uint64(0,0);cr=new $Uint64(0,0);cs=A.Mul64(ak,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));cr=cs[0];cq=cs[1];ct=new $Uint64(0,0);cu=new $Uint64(0,0);cv=A.Mul64(ak,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));cu=cv[0];ct=cv[1];cw=new $Uint64(0,0);cx=new $Uint64(0,0);cy=A.Add64(cu,cq,new $Uint64(0,0));cw=cy[0];cx=cy[1];cz=new $Uint64(0,0);da=new $Uint64(0,0);db=A.Add64(cr,cn,((dc=(new D(cx.$high,cx.$low)),new $Uint64(dc.$high,dc.$low))));cz=db[0];da=db[1];dd=new $Uint64(0,0);de=new $Uint64(0,0);df=A.Add64(co,ck,((dg=(new D(da.$high,da.$low)),new $Uint64(dg.$high,dg.$low))));dd=df[0];de=df[1];dh=new $Uint64(0,0);di=new $Uint64(0,0);dj=A.Add64(cl,ch,((dk=(new D(de.$high,de.$low)),new $Uint64(dk.$high,dk.$low))));dh=dj[0];di=dj[1];dl=new $Uint64(0,0);dm=new $Uint64(0,0);dn=A.Add64(ci,ce,((dp=(new D(di.$high,di.$low)),new $Uint64(dp.$high,dp.$low))));dl=dn[0];dm=dn[1];dq=new $Uint64(0,0);dr=new $Uint64(0,0);ds=A.Add64(cf,cb,((dt=(new D(dm.$high,dm.$low)),new $Uint64(dt.$high,dt.$low))));dq=ds[0];dr=ds[1];du=new $Uint64(0,0);dv=new $Uint64(0,0);dw=A.Add64(cc,by,((dx=(new D(dr.$high,dr.$low)),new $Uint64(dx.$high,dx.$low))));du=dw[0];dv=dw[1];dy=new $Uint64(0,0);dz=new $Uint64(0,0);ea=A.Add64(bz,bv,((eb=(new D(dv.$high,dv.$low)),new $Uint64(eb.$high,eb.$low))));dy=ea[0];dz=ea[1];ee=(ec=((ed=(new D(dz.$high,dz.$low)),new $Uint64(ed.$high,ed.$low))),new $Uint64(ec.$high+bw.$high,ec.$low+bw.$low));ef=new $Uint64(0,0);eg=A.Add64(ak,ct,new $Uint64(0,0));ef=eg[1];eh=new $Uint64(0,0);ei=new $Uint64(0,0);ej=A.Add64(an,cw,((ek=(new D(ef.$high,ef.$low)),new $Uint64(ek.$high,ek.$low))));eh=ej[0];ei=ej[1];el=new $Uint64(0,0);em=new $Uint64(0,0);en=A.Add64(aq,cz,((eo=(new D(ei.$high,ei.$low)),new $Uint64(eo.$high,eo.$low))));el=en[0];em=en[1];ep=new $Uint64(0,0);eq=new $Uint64(0,0);er=A.Add64(au,dd,((es=(new D(em.$high,em.$low)),new $Uint64(es.$high,es.$low))));ep=er[0];eq=er[1];et=new $Uint64(0,0);eu=new $Uint64(0,0);ev=A.Add64(ay,dh,((ew=(new D(eq.$high,eq.$low)),new $Uint64(ew.$high,ew.$low))));et=ev[0];eu=ev[1];ex=new $Uint64(0,0);ey=new $Uint64(0,0);ez=A.Add64(bc,dl,((fa=(new D(eu.$high,eu.$low)),new $Uint64(fa.$high,fa.$low))));ex=ez[0];ey=ez[1];fb=new $Uint64(0,0);fc=new $Uint64(0,0);fd=A.Add64(bg,dq,((fe=(new D(ey.$high,ey.$low)),new $Uint64(fe.$high,fe.$low))));fb=fd[0];fc=fd[1];ff=new $Uint64(0,0);fg=new $Uint64(0,0);fh=A.Add64(bk,du,((fi=(new D(fc.$high,fc.$low)),new $Uint64(fi.$high,fi.$low))));ff=fh[0];fg=fh[1];fj=new $Uint64(0,0);fk=new $Uint64(0,0);fl=A.Add64(bo,dy,((fm=(new D(fg.$high,fg.$low)),new $Uint64(fm.$high,fm.$low))));fj=fl[0];fk=fl[1];fn=new $Uint64(0,0);fo=new $Uint64(0,0);fp=A.Add64(bu,ee,((fq=(new D(fk.$high,fk.$low)),new $Uint64(fq.$high,fq.$low))));fn=fp[0];fo=fp[1];fr=new $Uint64(0,0);fs=new $Uint64(0,0);ft=A.Mul64(d,c[8]);fs=ft[0];fr=ft[1];fu=new $Uint64(0,0);fv=new $Uint64(0,0);fw=A.Mul64(d,c[7]);fv=fw[0];fu=fw[1];fx=new $Uint64(0,0);fy=new $Uint64(0,0);fz=A.Mul64(d,c[6]);fy=fz[0];fx=fz[1];ga=new $Uint64(0,0);gb=new $Uint64(0,0);gc=A.Mul64(d,c[5]);gb=gc[0];ga=gc[1];gd=new $Uint64(0,0);ge=new $Uint64(0,0);gf=A.Mul64(d,c[4]);ge=gf[0];gd=gf[1];gg=new $Uint64(0,0);gh=new $Uint64(0,0);gi=A.Mul64(d,c[3]);gh=gi[0];gg=gi[1];gj=new $Uint64(0,0);gk=new $Uint64(0,0);gl=A.Mul64(d,c[2]);gk=gl[0];gj=gl[1];gm=new $Uint64(0,0);gn=new $Uint64(0,0);go=A.Mul64(d,c[1]);gn=go[0];gm=go[1];gp=new $Uint64(0,0);gq=new $Uint64(0,0);gr=A.Mul64(d,c[0]);gq=gr[0];gp=gr[1];gs=new $Uint64(0,0);gt=new $Uint64(0,0);gu=A.Add64(gq,gm,new $Uint64(0,0));gs=gu[0];gt=gu[1];gv=new $Uint64(0,0);gw=new $Uint64(0,0);gx=A.Add64(gn,gj,((gy=(new D(gt.$high,gt.$low)),new $Uint64(gy.$high,gy.$low))));gv=gx[0];gw=gx[1];gz=new $Uint64(0,0);ha=new $Uint64(0,0);hb=A.Add64(gk,gg,((hc=(new D(gw.$high,gw.$low)),new $Uint64(hc.$high,hc.$low))));gz=hb[0];ha=hb[1];hd=new $Uint64(0,0);he=new $Uint64(0,0);hf=A.Add64(gh,gd,((hg=(new D(ha.$high,ha.$low)),new $Uint64(hg.$high,hg.$low))));hd=hf[0];he=hf[1];hh=new $Uint64(0,0);hi=new $Uint64(0,0);hj=A.Add64(ge,ga,((hk=(new D(he.$high,he.$low)),new $Uint64(hk.$high,hk.$low))));hh=hj[0];hi=hj[1];hl=new $Uint64(0,0);hm=new $Uint64(0,0);hn=A.Add64(gb,fx,((ho=(new D(hi.$high,hi.$low)),new $Uint64(ho.$high,ho.$low))));hl=hn[0];hm=hn[1];hp=new $Uint64(0,0);hq=new $Uint64(0,0);hr=A.Add64(fy,fu,((hs=(new D(hm.$high,hm.$low)),new $Uint64(hs.$high,hs.$low))));hp=hr[0];hq=hr[1];ht=new $Uint64(0,0);hu=new $Uint64(0,0);hv=A.Add64(fv,fr,((hw=(new D(hq.$high,hq.$low)),new $Uint64(hw.$high,hw.$low))));ht=hv[0];hu=hv[1];hz=(hx=((hy=(new D(hu.$high,hu.$low)),new $Uint64(hy.$high,hy.$low))),new $Uint64(hx.$high+fs.$high,hx.$low+fs.$low));ia=new $Uint64(0,0);ib=new $Uint64(0,0);ic=A.Add64(eh,gp,new $Uint64(0,0));ia=ic[0];ib=ic[1];id=new $Uint64(0,0);ie=new $Uint64(0,0);ig=A.Add64(el,gs,((ih=(new D(ib.$high,ib.$low)),new $Uint64(ih.$high,ih.$low))));id=ig[0];ie=ig[1];ii=new $Uint64(0,0);ij=new $Uint64(0,0);ik=A.Add64(ep,gv,((il=(new D(ie.$high,ie.$low)),new $Uint64(il.$high,il.$low))));ii=ik[0];ij=ik[1];im=new $Uint64(0,0);io=new $Uint64(0,0);ip=A.Add64(et,gz,((iq=(new D(ij.$high,ij.$low)),new $Uint64(iq.$high,iq.$low))));im=ip[0];io=ip[1];ir=new $Uint64(0,0);is=new $Uint64(0,0);it=A.Add64(ex,hd,((iu=(new D(io.$high,io.$low)),new $Uint64(iu.$high,iu.$low))));ir=it[0];is=it[1];iv=new $Uint64(0,0);iw=new $Uint64(0,0);ix=A.Add64(fb,hh,((iy=(new D(is.$high,is.$low)),new $Uint64(iy.$high,iy.$low))));iv=ix[0];iw=ix[1];iz=new $Uint64(0,0);ja=new $Uint64(0,0);jb=A.Add64(ff,hl,((jc=(new D(iw.$high,iw.$low)),new $Uint64(jc.$high,jc.$low))));iz=jb[0];ja=jb[1];jd=new $Uint64(0,0);je=new $Uint64(0,0);jf=A.Add64(fj,hp,((jg=(new D(ja.$high,ja.$low)),new $Uint64(jg.$high,jg.$low))));jd=jf[0];je=jf[1];jh=new $Uint64(0,0);ji=new $Uint64(0,0);jj=A.Add64(fn,ht,((jk=(new D(je.$high,je.$low)),new $Uint64(jk.$high,jk.$low))));jh=jj[0];ji=jj[1];jl=new $Uint64(0,0);jm=new $Uint64(0,0);jn=A.Add64(((jo=(new D(fo.$high,fo.$low)),new $Uint64(jo.$high,jo.$low))),hz,((jp=(new D(ji.$high,ji.$low)),new $Uint64(jp.$high,jp.$low))));jl=jn[0];jm=jn[1];jq=new $Uint64(0,0);jr=new $Uint64(0,0);js=A.Mul64(ia,new $Uint64(0,511));jr=js[0];jq=js[1];jt=new $Uint64(0,0);ju=new $Uint64(0,0);jv=A.Mul64(ia,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ju=jv[0];jt=jv[1];jw=new $Uint64(0,0);jx=new $Uint64(0,0);jy=A.Mul64(ia,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jx=jy[0];jw=jy[1];jz=new $Uint64(0,0);ka=new $Uint64(0,0);kb=A.Mul64(ia,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ka=kb[0];jz=kb[1];kc=new $Uint64(0,0);kd=new $Uint64(0,0);ke=A.Mul64(ia,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kd=ke[0];kc=ke[1];kf=new $Uint64(0,0);kg=new $Uint64(0,0);kh=A.Mul64(ia,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kg=kh[0];kf=kh[1];ki=new $Uint64(0,0);kj=new $Uint64(0,0);kk=A.Mul64(ia,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kj=kk[0];ki=kk[1];kl=new $Uint64(0,0);km=new $Uint64(0,0);kn=A.Mul64(ia,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));km=kn[0];kl=kn[1];ko=new $Uint64(0,0);kp=new $Uint64(0,0);kq=A.Mul64(ia,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kp=kq[0];ko=kq[1];kr=new $Uint64(0,0);ks=new $Uint64(0,0);kt=A.Add64(kp,kl,new $Uint64(0,0));kr=kt[0];ks=kt[1];ku=new $Uint64(0,0);kv=new $Uint64(0,0);kw=A.Add64(km,ki,((kx=(new D(ks.$high,ks.$low)),new $Uint64(kx.$high,kx.$low))));ku=kw[0];kv=kw[1];ky=new $Uint64(0,0);kz=new $Uint64(0,0);la=A.Add64(kj,kf,((lb=(new D(kv.$high,kv.$low)),new $Uint64(lb.$high,lb.$low))));ky=la[0];kz=la[1];lc=new $Uint64(0,0);ld=new $Uint64(0,0);le=A.Add64(kg,kc,((lf=(new D(kz.$high,kz.$low)),new $Uint64(lf.$high,lf.$low))));lc=le[0];ld=le[1];lg=new $Uint64(0,0);lh=new $Uint64(0,0);li=A.Add64(kd,jz,((lj=(new D(ld.$high,ld.$low)),new $Uint64(lj.$high,lj.$low))));lg=li[0];lh=li[1];lk=new $Uint64(0,0);ll=new $Uint64(0,0);lm=A.Add64(ka,jw,((ln=(new D(lh.$high,lh.$low)),new $Uint64(ln.$high,ln.$low))));lk=lm[0];ll=lm[1];lo=new $Uint64(0,0);lp=new $Uint64(0,0);lq=A.Add64(jx,jt,((lr=(new D(ll.$high,ll.$low)),new $Uint64(lr.$high,lr.$low))));lo=lq[0];lp=lq[1];ls=new $Uint64(0,0);lt=new $Uint64(0,0);lu=A.Add64(ju,jq,((lv=(new D(lp.$high,lp.$low)),new $Uint64(lv.$high,lv.$low))));ls=lu[0];lt=lu[1];ly=(lw=((lx=(new D(lt.$high,lt.$low)),new $Uint64(lx.$high,lx.$low))),new $Uint64(lw.$high+jr.$high,lw.$low+jr.$low));lz=new $Uint64(0,0);ma=A.Add64(ia,ko,new $Uint64(0,0));lz=ma[1];mb=new $Uint64(0,0);mc=new $Uint64(0,0);md=A.Add64(id,kr,((me=(new D(lz.$high,lz.$low)),new $Uint64(me.$high,me.$low))));mb=md[0];mc=md[1];mf=new $Uint64(0,0);mg=new $Uint64(0,0);mh=A.Add64(ii,ku,((mi=(new D(mc.$high,mc.$low)),new $Uint64(mi.$high,mi.$low))));mf=mh[0];mg=mh[1];mj=new $Uint64(0,0);mk=new $Uint64(0,0);ml=A.Add64(im,ky,((mm=(new D(mg.$high,mg.$low)),new $Uint64(mm.$high,mm.$low))));mj=ml[0];mk=ml[1];mn=new $Uint64(0,0);mo=new $Uint64(0,0);mp=A.Add64(ir,lc,((mq=(new D(mk.$high,mk.$low)),new $Uint64(mq.$high,mq.$low))));mn=mp[0];mo=mp[1];mr=new $Uint64(0,0);ms=new $Uint64(0,0);mt=A.Add64(iv,lg,((mu=(new D(mo.$high,mo.$low)),new $Uint64(mu.$high,mu.$low))));mr=mt[0];ms=mt[1];mv=new $Uint64(0,0);mw=new $Uint64(0,0);mx=A.Add64(iz,lk,((my=(new D(ms.$high,ms.$low)),new $Uint64(my.$high,my.$low))));mv=mx[0];mw=mx[1];mz=new $Uint64(0,0);na=new $Uint64(0,0);nb=A.Add64(jd,lo,((nc=(new D(mw.$high,mw.$low)),new $Uint64(nc.$high,nc.$low))));mz=nb[0];na=nb[1];nd=new $Uint64(0,0);ne=new $Uint64(0,0);nf=A.Add64(jh,ls,((ng=(new D(na.$high,na.$low)),new $Uint64(ng.$high,ng.$low))));nd=nf[0];ne=nf[1];nh=new $Uint64(0,0);ni=new $Uint64(0,0);nj=A.Add64(jl,ly,((nk=(new D(ne.$high,ne.$low)),new $Uint64(nk.$high,nk.$low))));nh=nj[0];ni=nj[1];np=(nl=((nm=(new D(ni.$high,ni.$low)),new $Uint64(nm.$high,nm.$low))),nn=((no=(new D(jm.$high,jm.$low)),new $Uint64(no.$high,no.$low))),new $Uint64(nl.$high+nn.$high,nl.$low+nn.$low));nq=new $Uint64(0,0);nr=new $Uint64(0,0);ns=A.Mul64(e,c[8]);nr=ns[0];nq=ns[1];nt=new $Uint64(0,0);nu=new $Uint64(0,0);nv=A.Mul64(e,c[7]);nu=nv[0];nt=nv[1];nw=new $Uint64(0,0);nx=new $Uint64(0,0);ny=A.Mul64(e,c[6]);nx=ny[0];nw=ny[1];nz=new $Uint64(0,0);oa=new $Uint64(0,0);ob=A.Mul64(e,c[5]);oa=ob[0];nz=ob[1];oc=new $Uint64(0,0);od=new $Uint64(0,0);oe=A.Mul64(e,c[4]);od=oe[0];oc=oe[1];of=new $Uint64(0,0);og=new $Uint64(0,0);oh=A.Mul64(e,c[3]);og=oh[0];of=oh[1];oi=new $Uint64(0,0);oj=new $Uint64(0,0);ok=A.Mul64(e,c[2]);oj=ok[0];oi=ok[1];ol=new $Uint64(0,0);om=new $Uint64(0,0);on=A.Mul64(e,c[1]);om=on[0];ol=on[1];oo=new $Uint64(0,0);op=new $Uint64(0,0);oq=A.Mul64(e,c[0]);op=oq[0];oo=oq[1];or=new $Uint64(0,0);os=new $Uint64(0,0);ot=A.Add64(op,ol,new $Uint64(0,0));or=ot[0];os=ot[1];ou=new $Uint64(0,0);ov=new $Uint64(0,0);ow=A.Add64(om,oi,((ox=(new D(os.$high,os.$low)),new $Uint64(ox.$high,ox.$low))));ou=ow[0];ov=ow[1];oy=new $Uint64(0,0);oz=new $Uint64(0,0);pa=A.Add64(oj,of,((pb=(new D(ov.$high,ov.$low)),new $Uint64(pb.$high,pb.$low))));oy=pa[0];oz=pa[1];pc=new $Uint64(0,0);pd=new $Uint64(0,0);pe=A.Add64(og,oc,((pf=(new D(oz.$high,oz.$low)),new $Uint64(pf.$high,pf.$low))));pc=pe[0];pd=pe[1];pg=new $Uint64(0,0);ph=new $Uint64(0,0);pi=A.Add64(od,nz,((pj=(new D(pd.$high,pd.$low)),new $Uint64(pj.$high,pj.$low))));pg=pi[0];ph=pi[1];pk=new $Uint64(0,0);pl=new $Uint64(0,0);pm=A.Add64(oa,nw,((pn=(new D(ph.$high,ph.$low)),new $Uint64(pn.$high,pn.$low))));pk=pm[0];pl=pm[1];po=new $Uint64(0,0);pp=new $Uint64(0,0);pq=A.Add64(nx,nt,((pr=(new D(pl.$high,pl.$low)),new $Uint64(pr.$high,pr.$low))));po=pq[0];pp=pq[1];ps=new $Uint64(0,0);pt=new $Uint64(0,0);pu=A.Add64(nu,nq,((pv=(new D(pp.$high,pp.$low)),new $Uint64(pv.$high,pv.$low))));ps=pu[0];pt=pu[1];py=(pw=((px=(new D(pt.$high,pt.$low)),new $Uint64(px.$high,px.$low))),new $Uint64(pw.$high+nr.$high,pw.$low+nr.$low));pz=new $Uint64(0,0);qa=new $Uint64(0,0);qb=A.Add64(mb,oo,new $Uint64(0,0));pz=qb[0];qa=qb[1];qc=new $Uint64(0,0);qd=new $Uint64(0,0);qe=A.Add64(mf,or,((qf=(new D(qa.$high,qa.$low)),new $Uint64(qf.$high,qf.$low))));qc=qe[0];qd=qe[1];qg=new $Uint64(0,0);qh=new $Uint64(0,0);qi=A.Add64(mj,ou,((qj=(new D(qd.$high,qd.$low)),new $Uint64(qj.$high,qj.$low))));qg=qi[0];qh=qi[1];qk=new $Uint64(0,0);ql=new $Uint64(0,0);qm=A.Add64(mn,oy,((qn=(new D(qh.$high,qh.$low)),new $Uint64(qn.$high,qn.$low))));qk=qm[0];ql=qm[1];qo=new $Uint64(0,0);qp=new $Uint64(0,0);qq=A.Add64(mr,pc,((qr=(new D(ql.$high,ql.$low)),new $Uint64(qr.$high,qr.$low))));qo=qq[0];qp=qq[1];qs=new $Uint64(0,0);qt=new $Uint64(0,0);qu=A.Add64(mv,pg,((qv=(new D(qp.$high,qp.$low)),new $Uint64(qv.$high,qv.$low))));qs=qu[0];qt=qu[1];qw=new $Uint64(0,0);qx=new $Uint64(0,0);qy=A.Add64(mz,pk,((qz=(new D(qt.$high,qt.$low)),new $Uint64(qz.$high,qz.$low))));qw=qy[0];qx=qy[1];ra=new $Uint64(0,0);rb=new $Uint64(0,0);rc=A.Add64(nd,po,((rd=(new D(qx.$high,qx.$low)),new $Uint64(rd.$high,rd.$low))));ra=rc[0];rb=rc[1];re=new $Uint64(0,0);rf=new $Uint64(0,0);rg=A.Add64(nh,ps,((rh=(new D(rb.$high,rb.$low)),new $Uint64(rh.$high,rh.$low))));re=rg[0];rf=rg[1];ri=new $Uint64(0,0);rj=new $Uint64(0,0);rk=A.Add64(np,py,((rl=(new D(rf.$high,rf.$low)),new $Uint64(rl.$high,rl.$low))));ri=rk[0];rj=rk[1];rm=new $Uint64(0,0);rn=new $Uint64(0,0);ro=A.Mul64(pz,new $Uint64(0,511));rn=ro[0];rm=ro[1];rp=new $Uint64(0,0);rq=new $Uint64(0,0);rr=A.Mul64(pz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rq=rr[0];rp=rr[1];rs=new $Uint64(0,0);rt=new $Uint64(0,0);ru=A.Mul64(pz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rt=ru[0];rs=ru[1];rv=new $Uint64(0,0);rw=new $Uint64(0,0);rx=A.Mul64(pz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rw=rx[0];rv=rx[1];ry=new $Uint64(0,0);rz=new $Uint64(0,0);sa=A.Mul64(pz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rz=sa[0];ry=sa[1];sb=new $Uint64(0,0);sc=new $Uint64(0,0);sd=A.Mul64(pz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));sc=sd[0];sb=sd[1];se=new $Uint64(0,0);sf=new $Uint64(0,0);sg=A.Mul64(pz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));sf=sg[0];se=sg[1];sh=new $Uint64(0,0);si=new $Uint64(0,0);sj=A.Mul64(pz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));si=sj[0];sh=sj[1];sk=new $Uint64(0,0);sl=new $Uint64(0,0);sm=A.Mul64(pz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));sl=sm[0];sk=sm[1];sn=new $Uint64(0,0);so=new $Uint64(0,0);sp=A.Add64(sl,sh,new $Uint64(0,0));sn=sp[0];so=sp[1];sq=new $Uint64(0,0);sr=new $Uint64(0,0);ss=A.Add64(si,se,((st=(new D(so.$high,so.$low)),new $Uint64(st.$high,st.$low))));sq=ss[0];sr=ss[1];su=new $Uint64(0,0);sv=new $Uint64(0,0);sw=A.Add64(sf,sb,((sx=(new D(sr.$high,sr.$low)),new $Uint64(sx.$high,sx.$low))));su=sw[0];sv=sw[1];sy=new $Uint64(0,0);sz=new $Uint64(0,0);ta=A.Add64(sc,ry,((tb=(new D(sv.$high,sv.$low)),new $Uint64(tb.$high,tb.$low))));sy=ta[0];sz=ta[1];tc=new $Uint64(0,0);td=new $Uint64(0,0);te=A.Add64(rz,rv,((tf=(new D(sz.$high,sz.$low)),new $Uint64(tf.$high,tf.$low))));tc=te[0];td=te[1];tg=new $Uint64(0,0);th=new $Uint64(0,0);ti=A.Add64(rw,rs,((tj=(new D(td.$high,td.$low)),new $Uint64(tj.$high,tj.$low))));tg=ti[0];th=ti[1];tk=new $Uint64(0,0);tl=new $Uint64(0,0);tm=A.Add64(rt,rp,((tn=(new D(th.$high,th.$low)),new $Uint64(tn.$high,tn.$low))));tk=tm[0];tl=tm[1];to=new $Uint64(0,0);tp=new $Uint64(0,0);tq=A.Add64(rq,rm,((tr=(new D(tl.$high,tl.$low)),new $Uint64(tr.$high,tr.$low))));to=tq[0];tp=tq[1];tu=(ts=((tt=(new D(tp.$high,tp.$low)),new $Uint64(tt.$high,tt.$low))),new $Uint64(ts.$high+rn.$high,ts.$low+rn.$low));tv=new $Uint64(0,0);tw=A.Add64(pz,sk,new $Uint64(0,0));tv=tw[1];tx=new $Uint64(0,0);ty=new $Uint64(0,0);tz=A.Add64(qc,sn,((ua=(new D(tv.$high,tv.$low)),new $Uint64(ua.$high,ua.$low))));tx=tz[0];ty=tz[1];ub=new $Uint64(0,0);uc=new $Uint64(0,0);ud=A.Add64(qg,sq,((ue=(new D(ty.$high,ty.$low)),new $Uint64(ue.$high,ue.$low))));ub=ud[0];uc=ud[1];uf=new $Uint64(0,0);ug=new $Uint64(0,0);uh=A.Add64(qk,su,((ui=(new D(uc.$high,uc.$low)),new $Uint64(ui.$high,ui.$low))));uf=uh[0];ug=uh[1];uj=new $Uint64(0,0);uk=new $Uint64(0,0);ul=A.Add64(qo,sy,((um=(new D(ug.$high,ug.$low)),new $Uint64(um.$high,um.$low))));uj=ul[0];uk=ul[1];un=new $Uint64(0,0);uo=new $Uint64(0,0);up=A.Add64(qs,tc,((uq=(new D(uk.$high,uk.$low)),new $Uint64(uq.$high,uq.$low))));un=up[0];uo=up[1];ur=new $Uint64(0,0);us=new $Uint64(0,0);ut=A.Add64(qw,tg,((uu=(new D(uo.$high,uo.$low)),new $Uint64(uu.$high,uu.$low))));ur=ut[0];us=ut[1];uv=new $Uint64(0,0);uw=new $Uint64(0,0);ux=A.Add64(ra,tk,((uy=(new D(us.$high,us.$low)),new $Uint64(uy.$high,uy.$low))));uv=ux[0];uw=ux[1];uz=new $Uint64(0,0);va=new $Uint64(0,0);vb=A.Add64(re,to,((vc=(new D(uw.$high,uw.$low)),new $Uint64(vc.$high,vc.$low))));uz=vb[0];va=vb[1];vd=new $Uint64(0,0);ve=new $Uint64(0,0);vf=A.Add64(ri,tu,((vg=(new D(va.$high,va.$low)),new $Uint64(vg.$high,vg.$low))));vd=vf[0];ve=vf[1];vl=(vh=((vi=(new D(ve.$high,ve.$low)),new $Uint64(vi.$high,vi.$low))),vj=((vk=(new D(rj.$high,rj.$low)),new $Uint64(vk.$high,vk.$low))),new $Uint64(vh.$high+vj.$high,vh.$low+vj.$low));vm=new $Uint64(0,0);vn=new $Uint64(0,0);vo=A.Mul64(f,c[8]);vn=vo[0];vm=vo[1];vp=new $Uint64(0,0);vq=new $Uint64(0,0);vr=A.Mul64(f,c[7]);vq=vr[0];vp=vr[1];vs=new $Uint64(0,0);vt=new $Uint64(0,0);vu=A.Mul64(f,c[6]);vt=vu[0];vs=vu[1];vv=new $Uint64(0,0);vw=new $Uint64(0,0);vx=A.Mul64(f,c[5]);vw=vx[0];vv=vx[1];vy=new $Uint64(0,0);vz=new $Uint64(0,0);wa=A.Mul64(f,c[4]);vz=wa[0];vy=wa[1];wb=new $Uint64(0,0);wc=new $Uint64(0,0);wd=A.Mul64(f,c[3]);wc=wd[0];wb=wd[1];we=new $Uint64(0,0);wf=new $Uint64(0,0);wg=A.Mul64(f,c[2]);wf=wg[0];we=wg[1];wh=new $Uint64(0,0);wi=new $Uint64(0,0);wj=A.Mul64(f,c[1]);wi=wj[0];wh=wj[1];wk=new $Uint64(0,0);wl=new $Uint64(0,0);wm=A.Mul64(f,c[0]);wl=wm[0];wk=wm[1];wn=new $Uint64(0,0);wo=new $Uint64(0,0);wp=A.Add64(wl,wh,new $Uint64(0,0));wn=wp[0];wo=wp[1];wq=new $Uint64(0,0);wr=new $Uint64(0,0);ws=A.Add64(wi,we,((wt=(new D(wo.$high,wo.$low)),new $Uint64(wt.$high,wt.$low))));wq=ws[0];wr=ws[1];wu=new $Uint64(0,0);wv=new $Uint64(0,0);ww=A.Add64(wf,wb,((wx=(new D(wr.$high,wr.$low)),new $Uint64(wx.$high,wx.$low))));wu=ww[0];wv=ww[1];wy=new $Uint64(0,0);wz=new $Uint64(0,0);xa=A.Add64(wc,vy,((xb=(new D(wv.$high,wv.$low)),new $Uint64(xb.$high,xb.$low))));wy=xa[0];wz=xa[1];xc=new $Uint64(0,0);xd=new $Uint64(0,0);xe=A.Add64(vz,vv,((xf=(new D(wz.$high,wz.$low)),new $Uint64(xf.$high,xf.$low))));xc=xe[0];xd=xe[1];xg=new $Uint64(0,0);xh=new $Uint64(0,0);xi=A.Add64(vw,vs,((xj=(new D(xd.$high,xd.$low)),new $Uint64(xj.$high,xj.$low))));xg=xi[0];xh=xi[1];xk=new $Uint64(0,0);xl=new $Uint64(0,0);xm=A.Add64(vt,vp,((xn=(new 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$Uint64(0,0);yp=new $Uint64(0,0);yq=A.Add64(ur,xc,((yr=(new D(yl.$high,yl.$low)),new $Uint64(yr.$high,yr.$low))));yo=yq[0];yp=yq[1];ys=new $Uint64(0,0);yt=new $Uint64(0,0);yu=A.Add64(uv,xg,((yv=(new D(yp.$high,yp.$low)),new $Uint64(yv.$high,yv.$low))));ys=yu[0];yt=yu[1];yw=new $Uint64(0,0);yx=new $Uint64(0,0);yy=A.Add64(uz,xk,((yz=(new D(yt.$high,yt.$low)),new $Uint64(yz.$high,yz.$low))));yw=yy[0];yx=yy[1];za=new $Uint64(0,0);zb=new $Uint64(0,0);zc=A.Add64(vd,xo,((zd=(new D(yx.$high,yx.$low)),new $Uint64(zd.$high,zd.$low))));za=zc[0];zb=zc[1];ze=new $Uint64(0,0);zf=new $Uint64(0,0);zg=A.Add64(vl,xu,((zh=(new D(zb.$high,zb.$low)),new $Uint64(zh.$high,zh.$low))));ze=zg[0];zf=zg[1];zi=new $Uint64(0,0);zj=new $Uint64(0,0);zk=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(0,511));zj=zk[0];zi=zk[1];zl=new $Uint64(0,0);zm=new $Uint64(0,0);zn=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zm=zn[0];zl=zn[1];zo=new $Uint64(0,0);zp=new $Uint64(0,0);zq=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zp=zq[0];zo=zq[1];zr=new $Uint64(0,0);zs=new $Uint64(0,0);zt=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zs=zt[0];zr=zt[1];zu=new $Uint64(0,0);zv=new $Uint64(0,0);zw=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zv=zw[0];zu=zw[1];zx=new $Uint64(0,0);zy=new $Uint64(0,0);zz=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zy=zz[0];zx=zz[1];aaa=new $Uint64(0,0);aab=new $Uint64(0,0);aac=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aab=aac[0];aaa=aac[1];aad=new $Uint64(0,0);aae=new $Uint64(0,0);aaf=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aae=aaf[0];aad=aaf[1];aag=new $Uint64(0,0);aah=new $Uint64(0,0);aai=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aah=aai[0];aag=aai[1];aaj=new $Uint64(0,0);aak=new $Uint64(0,0);aal=A.Add64(aah,aad,new $Uint64(0,0));aaj=aal[0];aak=aal[1];aam=new $Uint64(0,0);aan=new $Uint64(0,0);aao=A.Add64(aae,aaa,((aap=(new D(aak.$high,aak.$low)),new $Uint64(aap.$high,aap.$low))));aam=aao[0];aan=aao[1];aaq=new $Uint64(0,0);aar=new $Uint64(0,0);aas=A.Add64(aab,zx,((aat=(new D(aan.$high,aan.$low)),new $Uint64(aat.$high,aat.$low))));aaq=aas[0];aar=aas[1];aau=new $Uint64(0,0);aav=new $Uint64(0,0);aaw=A.Add64(zy,zu,((aax=(new D(aar.$high,aar.$low)),new $Uint64(aax.$high,aax.$low))));aau=aaw[0];aav=aaw[1];aay=new $Uint64(0,0);aaz=new $Uint64(0,0);aba=A.Add64(zv,zr,((abb=(new D(aav.$high,aav.$low)),new $Uint64(abb.$high,abb.$low))));aay=aba[0];aaz=aba[1];abc=new $Uint64(0,0);abd=new $Uint64(0,0);abe=A.Add64(zs,zo,((abf=(new D(aaz.$high,aaz.$low)),new $Uint64(abf.$high,abf.$low))));abc=abe[0];abd=abe[1];abg=new $Uint64(0,0);abh=new $Uint64(0,0);abi=A.Add64(zp,zl,((abj=(new D(abd.$high,abd.$low)),new $Uint64(abj.$high,abj.$low))));abg=abi[0];abh=abi[1];abk=new $Uint64(0,0);abl=new $Uint64(0,0);abm=A.Add64(zm,zi,((abn=(new D(abh.$high,abh.$low)),new $Uint64(abn.$high,abn.$low))));abk=abm[0];abl=abm[1];abq=(abo=((abp=(new D(abl.$high,abl.$low)),new $Uint64(abp.$high,abp.$low))),new $Uint64(abo.$high+zj.$high,abo.$low+zj.$low));abr=new $Uint64(0,0);abs=A.Add64(xv,aag,new $Uint64(0,0));abr=abs[1];abt=new $Uint64(0,0);abu=new $Uint64(0,0);abv=A.Add64(xy,aaj,((abw=(new D(abr.$high,abr.$low)),new $Uint64(abw.$high,abw.$low))));abt=abv[0];abu=abv[1];abx=new $Uint64(0,0);aby=new $Uint64(0,0);abz=A.Add64(yc,aam,((aca=(new D(abu.$high,abu.$low)),new $Uint64(aca.$high,aca.$low))));abx=abz[0];aby=abz[1];acb=new $Uint64(0,0);acc=new $Uint64(0,0);acd=A.Add64(yg,aaq,((ace=(new D(aby.$high,aby.$low)),new $Uint64(ace.$high,ace.$low))));acb=acd[0];acc=acd[1];acf=new $Uint64(0,0);acg=new $Uint64(0,0);ach=A.Add64(yk,aau,((aci=(new D(acc.$high,acc.$low)),new $Uint64(aci.$high,aci.$low))));acf=ach[0];acg=ach[1];acj=new $Uint64(0,0);ack=new $Uint64(0,0);acl=A.Add64(yo,aay,((acm=(new D(acg.$high,acg.$low)),new $Uint64(acm.$high,acm.$low))));acj=acl[0];ack=acl[1];acn=new $Uint64(0,0);aco=new $Uint64(0,0);acp=A.Add64(ys,abc,((acq=(new D(ack.$high,ack.$low)),new $Uint64(acq.$high,acq.$low))));acn=acp[0];aco=acp[1];acr=new $Uint64(0,0);acs=new $Uint64(0,0);act=A.Add64(yw,abg,((acu=(new D(aco.$high,aco.$low)),new $Uint64(acu.$high,acu.$low))));acr=act[0];acs=act[1];acv=new $Uint64(0,0);acw=new $Uint64(0,0);acx=A.Add64(za,abk,((acy=(new D(acs.$high,acs.$low)),new $Uint64(acy.$high,acy.$low))));acv=acx[0];acw=acx[1];acz=new $Uint64(0,0);ada=new $Uint64(0,0);adb=A.Add64(ze,abq,((adc=(new D(acw.$high,acw.$low)),new $Uint64(adc.$high,adc.$low))));acz=adb[0];ada=adb[1];adh=(add=((ade=(new D(ada.$high,ada.$low)),new $Uint64(ade.$high,ade.$low))),adf=((adg=(new D(zf.$high,zf.$low)),new $Uint64(adg.$high,adg.$low))),new $Uint64(add.$high+adf.$high,add.$low+adf.$low));adi=new $Uint64(0,0);adj=new $Uint64(0,0);adk=A.Mul64(g,c[8]);adj=adk[0];adi=adk[1];adl=new $Uint64(0,0);adm=new $Uint64(0,0);adn=A.Mul64(g,c[7]);adm=adn[0];adl=adn[1];ado=new $Uint64(0,0);adp=new $Uint64(0,0);adq=A.Mul64(g,c[6]);adp=adq[0];ado=adq[1];adr=new $Uint64(0,0);ads=new $Uint64(0,0);adt=A.Mul64(g,c[5]);ads=adt[0];adr=adt[1];adu=new $Uint64(0,0);adv=new $Uint64(0,0);adw=A.Mul64(g,c[4]);adv=adw[0];adu=adw[1];adx=new $Uint64(0,0);ady=new $Uint64(0,0);adz=A.Mul64(g,c[3]);ady=adz[0];adx=adz[1];aea=new $Uint64(0,0);aeb=new $Uint64(0,0);aec=A.Mul64(g,c[2]);aeb=aec[0];aea=aec[1];aed=new $Uint64(0,0);aee=new $Uint64(0,0);aef=A.Mul64(g,c[1]);aee=aef[0];aed=aef[1];aeg=new $Uint64(0,0);aeh=new $Uint64(0,0);aei=A.Mul64(g,c[0]);aeh=aei[0];aeg=aei[1];aej=new $Uint64(0,0);aek=new $Uint64(0,0);ael=A.Add64(aeh,aed,new $Uint64(0,0));aej=ael[0];aek=ael[1];aem=new $Uint64(0,0);aen=new $Uint64(0,0);aeo=A.Add64(aee,aea,((aep=(new D(aek.$high,aek.$low)),new $Uint64(aep.$high,aep.$low))));aem=aeo[0];aen=aeo[1];aeq=new $Uint64(0,0);aer=new $Uint64(0,0);aes=A.Add64(aeb,adx,((aet=(new D(aen.$high,aen.$low)),new $Uint64(aet.$high,aet.$low))));aeq=aes[0];aer=aes[1];aeu=new $Uint64(0,0);aev=new $Uint64(0,0);aew=A.Add64(ady,adu,((aex=(new D(aer.$high,aer.$low)),new 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$Uint64(afx.$high,afx.$low))));afu=afw[0];afv=afw[1];afy=new $Uint64(0,0);afz=new $Uint64(0,0);aga=A.Add64(acb,aem,((agb=(new D(afv.$high,afv.$low)),new $Uint64(agb.$high,agb.$low))));afy=aga[0];afz=aga[1];agc=new $Uint64(0,0);agd=new $Uint64(0,0);age=A.Add64(acf,aeq,((agf=(new D(afz.$high,afz.$low)),new $Uint64(agf.$high,agf.$low))));agc=age[0];agd=age[1];agg=new $Uint64(0,0);agh=new $Uint64(0,0);agi=A.Add64(acj,aeu,((agj=(new D(agd.$high,agd.$low)),new $Uint64(agj.$high,agj.$low))));agg=agi[0];agh=agi[1];agk=new $Uint64(0,0);agl=new $Uint64(0,0);agm=A.Add64(acn,aey,((agn=(new D(agh.$high,agh.$low)),new $Uint64(agn.$high,agn.$low))));agk=agm[0];agl=agm[1];ago=new $Uint64(0,0);agp=new $Uint64(0,0);agq=A.Add64(acr,afc,((agr=(new D(agl.$high,agl.$low)),new $Uint64(agr.$high,agr.$low))));ago=agq[0];agp=agq[1];ags=new $Uint64(0,0);agt=new $Uint64(0,0);agu=A.Add64(acv,afg,((agv=(new D(agp.$high,agp.$low)),new $Uint64(agv.$high,agv.$low))));ags=agu[0];agt=agu[1];agw=new $Uint64(0,0);agx=new $Uint64(0,0);agy=A.Add64(acz,afk,((agz=(new D(agt.$high,agt.$low)),new $Uint64(agz.$high,agz.$low))));agw=agy[0];agx=agy[1];aha=new $Uint64(0,0);ahb=new $Uint64(0,0);ahc=A.Add64(adh,afq,((ahd=(new D(agx.$high,agx.$low)),new $Uint64(ahd.$high,ahd.$low))));aha=ahc[0];ahb=ahc[1];ahe=new $Uint64(0,0);ahf=new $Uint64(0,0);ahg=A.Mul64(afr,new $Uint64(0,511));ahf=ahg[0];ahe=ahg[1];ahh=new $Uint64(0,0);ahi=new $Uint64(0,0);ahj=A.Mul64(afr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahi=ahj[0];ahh=ahj[1];ahk=new $Uint64(0,0);ahl=new $Uint64(0,0);ahm=A.Mul64(afr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahl=ahm[0];ahk=ahm[1];ahn=new $Uint64(0,0);aho=new $Uint64(0,0);ahp=A.Mul64(afr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aho=ahp[0];ahn=ahp[1];ahq=new $Uint64(0,0);ahr=new $Uint64(0,0);ahs=A.Mul64(afr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahr=ahs[0];ahq=ahs[1];aht=new $Uint64(0,0);ahu=new $Uint64(0,0);ahv=A.Mul64(afr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahu=ahv[0];aht=ahv[1];ahw=new $Uint64(0,0);ahx=new $Uint64(0,0);ahy=A.Mul64(afr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahx=ahy[0];ahw=ahy[1];ahz=new $Uint64(0,0);aia=new $Uint64(0,0);aib=A.Mul64(afr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aia=aib[0];ahz=aib[1];aic=new $Uint64(0,0);aid=new $Uint64(0,0);aie=A.Mul64(afr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aid=aie[0];aic=aie[1];aif=new $Uint64(0,0);aig=new $Uint64(0,0);aih=A.Add64(aid,ahz,new $Uint64(0,0));aif=aih[0];aig=aih[1];aii=new $Uint64(0,0);aij=new $Uint64(0,0);aik=A.Add64(aia,ahw,((ail=(new D(aig.$high,aig.$low)),new $Uint64(ail.$high,ail.$low))));aii=aik[0];aij=aik[1];aim=new $Uint64(0,0);ain=new $Uint64(0,0);aio=A.Add64(ahx,aht,((aip=(new D(aij.$high,aij.$low)),new $Uint64(aip.$high,aip.$low))));aim=aio[0];ain=aio[1];aiq=new $Uint64(0,0);air=new $Uint64(0,0);ais=A.Add64(ahu,ahq,((ait=(new D(ain.$high,ain.$low)),new $Uint64(ait.$high,ait.$low))));aiq=ais[0];air=ais[1];aiu=new $Uint64(0,0);aiv=new $Uint64(0,0);aiw=A.Add64(ahr,ahn,((aix=(new D(air.$high,air.$low)),new $Uint64(aix.$high,aix.$low))));aiu=aiw[0];aiv=aiw[1];aiy=new $Uint64(0,0);aiz=new $Uint64(0,0);aja=A.Add64(aho,ahk,((ajb=(new D(aiv.$high,aiv.$low)),new $Uint64(ajb.$high,ajb.$low))));aiy=aja[0];aiz=aja[1];ajc=new $Uint64(0,0);ajd=new $Uint64(0,0);aje=A.Add64(ahl,ahh,((ajf=(new D(aiz.$high,aiz.$low)),new $Uint64(ajf.$high,ajf.$low))));ajc=aje[0];ajd=aje[1];ajg=new $Uint64(0,0);ajh=new $Uint64(0,0);aji=A.Add64(ahi,ahe,((ajj=(new D(ajd.$high,ajd.$low)),new $Uint64(ajj.$high,ajj.$low))));ajg=aji[0];ajh=aji[1];ajm=(ajk=((ajl=(new D(ajh.$high,ajh.$low)),new $Uint64(ajl.$high,ajl.$low))),new $Uint64(ajk.$high+ahf.$high,ajk.$low+ahf.$low));ajn=new $Uint64(0,0);ajo=A.Add64(afr,aic,new $Uint64(0,0));ajn=ajo[1];ajp=new $Uint64(0,0);ajq=new $Uint64(0,0);ajr=A.Add64(afu,aif,((ajs=(new D(ajn.$high,ajn.$low)),new $Uint64(ajs.$high,ajs.$low))));ajp=ajr[0];ajq=ajr[1];ajt=new $Uint64(0,0);aju=new $Uint64(0,0);ajv=A.Add64(afy,aii,((ajw=(new D(ajq.$high,ajq.$low)),new $Uint64(ajw.$high,ajw.$low))));ajt=ajv[0];aju=ajv[1];ajx=new $Uint64(0,0);ajy=new $Uint64(0,0);ajz=A.Add64(agc,aim,((aka=(new D(aju.$high,aju.$low)),new $Uint64(aka.$high,aka.$low))));ajx=ajz[0];ajy=ajz[1];akb=new $Uint64(0,0);akc=new $Uint64(0,0);akd=A.Add64(agg,aiq,((ake=(new D(ajy.$high,ajy.$low)),new $Uint64(ake.$high,ake.$low))));akb=akd[0];akc=akd[1];akf=new $Uint64(0,0);akg=new $Uint64(0,0);akh=A.Add64(agk,aiu,((aki=(new D(akc.$high,akc.$low)),new $Uint64(aki.$high,aki.$low))));akf=akh[0];akg=akh[1];akj=new $Uint64(0,0);akk=new $Uint64(0,0);akl=A.Add64(ago,aiy,((akm=(new D(akg.$high,akg.$low)),new $Uint64(akm.$high,akm.$low))));akj=akl[0];akk=akl[1];akn=new $Uint64(0,0);ako=new $Uint64(0,0);akp=A.Add64(ags,ajc,((akq=(new D(akk.$high,akk.$low)),new $Uint64(akq.$high,akq.$low))));akn=akp[0];ako=akp[1];akr=new $Uint64(0,0);aks=new $Uint64(0,0);akt=A.Add64(agw,ajg,((aku=(new D(ako.$high,ako.$low)),new $Uint64(aku.$high,aku.$low))));akr=akt[0];aks=akt[1];akv=new $Uint64(0,0);akw=new $Uint64(0,0);akx=A.Add64(aha,ajm,((aky=(new D(aks.$high,aks.$low)),new $Uint64(aky.$high,aky.$low))));akv=akx[0];akw=akx[1];ald=(akz=((ala=(new D(akw.$high,akw.$low)),new $Uint64(ala.$high,ala.$low))),alb=((alc=(new D(ahb.$high,ahb.$low)),new $Uint64(alc.$high,alc.$low))),new $Uint64(akz.$high+alb.$high,akz.$low+alb.$low));ale=new $Uint64(0,0);alf=new $Uint64(0,0);alg=A.Mul64(h,c[8]);alf=alg[0];ale=alg[1];alh=new $Uint64(0,0);ali=new $Uint64(0,0);alj=A.Mul64(h,c[7]);ali=alj[0];alh=alj[1];alk=new $Uint64(0,0);all=new $Uint64(0,0);alm=A.Mul64(h,c[6]);all=alm[0];alk=alm[1];aln=new $Uint64(0,0);alo=new $Uint64(0,0);alp=A.Mul64(h,c[5]);alo=alp[0];aln=alp[1];alq=new $Uint64(0,0);alr=new $Uint64(0,0);als=A.Mul64(h,c[4]);alr=als[0];alq=als[1];alt=new $Uint64(0,0);alu=new $Uint64(0,0);alv=A.Mul64(h,c[3]);alu=alv[0];alt=alv[1];alw=new $Uint64(0,0);alx=new $Uint64(0,0);aly=A.Mul64(h,c[2]);alx=aly[0];alw=aly[1];alz=new $Uint64(0,0);ama=new $Uint64(0,0);amb=A.Mul64(h,c[1]);ama=amb[0];alz=amb[1];amc=new $Uint64(0,0);amd=new $Uint64(0,0);ame=A.Mul64(h,c[0]);amd=ame[0];amc=ame[1];amf=new $Uint64(0,0);amg=new $Uint64(0,0);amh=A.Add64(amd,alz,new $Uint64(0,0));amf=amh[0];amg=amh[1];ami=new $Uint64(0,0);amj=new $Uint64(0,0);amk=A.Add64(ama,alw,((aml=(new D(amg.$high,amg.$low)),new $Uint64(aml.$high,aml.$low))));ami=amk[0];amj=amk[1];amm=new $Uint64(0,0);amn=new $Uint64(0,0);amo=A.Add64(alx,alt,((amp=(new D(amj.$high,amj.$low)),new $Uint64(amp.$high,amp.$low))));amm=amo[0];amn=amo[1];amq=new $Uint64(0,0);amr=new $Uint64(0,0);ams=A.Add64(alu,alq,((amt=(new D(amn.$high,amn.$low)),new $Uint64(amt.$high,amt.$low))));amq=ams[0];amr=ams[1];amu=new $Uint64(0,0);amv=new $Uint64(0,0);amw=A.Add64(alr,aln,((amx=(new D(amr.$high,amr.$low)),new $Uint64(amx.$high,amx.$low))));amu=amw[0];amv=amw[1];amy=new $Uint64(0,0);amz=new $Uint64(0,0);ana=A.Add64(alo,alk,((anb=(new D(amv.$high,amv.$low)),new $Uint64(anb.$high,anb.$low))));amy=ana[0];amz=ana[1];anc=new $Uint64(0,0);and=new $Uint64(0,0);ane=A.Add64(all,alh,((anf=(new D(amz.$high,amz.$low)),new $Uint64(anf.$high,anf.$low))));anc=ane[0];and=ane[1];ang=new $Uint64(0,0);anh=new $Uint64(0,0);ani=A.Add64(ali,ale,((anj=(new D(and.$high,and.$low)),new $Uint64(anj.$high,anj.$low))));ang=ani[0];anh=ani[1];anm=(ank=((anl=(new D(anh.$high,anh.$low)),new $Uint64(anl.$high,anl.$low))),new $Uint64(ank.$high+alf.$high,ank.$low+alf.$low));ann=new $Uint64(0,0);ano=new $Uint64(0,0);anp=A.Add64(ajp,amc,new $Uint64(0,0));ann=anp[0];ano=anp[1];anq=new $Uint64(0,0);anr=new $Uint64(0,0);ans=A.Add64(ajt,amf,((ant=(new D(ano.$high,ano.$low)),new $Uint64(ant.$high,ant.$low))));anq=ans[0];anr=ans[1];anu=new $Uint64(0,0);anv=new $Uint64(0,0);anw=A.Add64(ajx,ami,((anx=(new D(anr.$high,anr.$low)),new $Uint64(anx.$high,anx.$low))));anu=anw[0];anv=anw[1];any=new $Uint64(0,0);anz=new $Uint64(0,0);aoa=A.Add64(akb,amm,((aob=(new D(anv.$high,anv.$low)),new $Uint64(aob.$high,aob.$low))));any=aoa[0];anz=aoa[1];aoc=new $Uint64(0,0);aod=new $Uint64(0,0);aoe=A.Add64(akf,amq,((aof=(new D(anz.$high,anz.$low)),new $Uint64(aof.$high,aof.$low))));aoc=aoe[0];aod=aoe[1];aog=new $Uint64(0,0);aoh=new $Uint64(0,0);aoi=A.Add64(akj,amu,((aoj=(new D(aod.$high,aod.$low)),new $Uint64(aoj.$high,aoj.$low))));aog=aoi[0];aoh=aoi[1];aok=new $Uint64(0,0);aol=new $Uint64(0,0);aom=A.Add64(akn,amy,((aon=(new D(aoh.$high,aoh.$low)),new $Uint64(aon.$high,aon.$low))));aok=aom[0];aol=aom[1];aoo=new $Uint64(0,0);aop=new $Uint64(0,0);aoq=A.Add64(akr,anc,((aor=(new D(aol.$high,aol.$low)),new $Uint64(aor.$high,aor.$low))));aoo=aoq[0];aop=aoq[1];aos=new $Uint64(0,0);aot=new $Uint64(0,0);aou=A.Add64(akv,ang,((aov=(new D(aop.$high,aop.$low)),new $Uint64(aov.$high,aov.$low))));aos=aou[0];aot=aou[1];aow=new $Uint64(0,0);aox=new $Uint64(0,0);aoy=A.Add64(ald,anm,((aoz=(new D(aot.$high,aot.$low)),new $Uint64(aoz.$high,aoz.$low))));aow=aoy[0];aox=aoy[1];apa=new $Uint64(0,0);apb=new $Uint64(0,0);apc=A.Mul64(ann,new $Uint64(0,511));apb=apc[0];apa=apc[1];apd=new $Uint64(0,0);ape=new $Uint64(0,0);apf=A.Mul64(ann,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ape=apf[0];apd=apf[1];apg=new $Uint64(0,0);aph=new $Uint64(0,0);api=A.Mul64(ann,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aph=api[0];apg=api[1];apj=new $Uint64(0,0);apk=new $Uint64(0,0);apl=A.Mul64(ann,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apk=apl[0];apj=apl[1];apm=new $Uint64(0,0);apn=new $Uint64(0,0);apo=A.Mul64(ann,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apn=apo[0];apm=apo[1];app=new $Uint64(0,0);apq=new $Uint64(0,0);apr=A.Mul64(ann,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apq=apr[0];app=apr[1];aps=new $Uint64(0,0);apt=new $Uint64(0,0);apu=A.Mul64(ann,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apt=apu[0];aps=apu[1];apv=new $Uint64(0,0);apw=new $Uint64(0,0);apx=A.Mul64(ann,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apw=apx[0];apv=apx[1];apy=new $Uint64(0,0);apz=new $Uint64(0,0);aqa=A.Mul64(ann,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apz=aqa[0];apy=aqa[1];aqb=new $Uint64(0,0);aqc=new $Uint64(0,0);aqd=A.Add64(apz,apv,new $Uint64(0,0));aqb=aqd[0];aqc=aqd[1];aqe=new $Uint64(0,0);aqf=new $Uint64(0,0);aqg=A.Add64(apw,aps,((aqh=(new D(aqc.$high,aqc.$low)),new $Uint64(aqh.$high,aqh.$low))));aqe=aqg[0];aqf=aqg[1];aqi=new $Uint64(0,0);aqj=new $Uint64(0,0);aqk=A.Add64(apt,app,((aql=(new D(aqf.$high,aqf.$low)),new $Uint64(aql.$high,aql.$low))));aqi=aqk[0];aqj=aqk[1];aqm=new $Uint64(0,0);aqn=new $Uint64(0,0);aqo=A.Add64(apq,apm,((aqp=(new D(aqj.$high,aqj.$low)),new $Uint64(aqp.$high,aqp.$low))));aqm=aqo[0];aqn=aqo[1];aqq=new $Uint64(0,0);aqr=new $Uint64(0,0);aqs=A.Add64(apn,apj,((aqt=(new D(aqn.$high,aqn.$low)),new $Uint64(aqt.$high,aqt.$low))));aqq=aqs[0];aqr=aqs[1];aqu=new $Uint64(0,0);aqv=new $Uint64(0,0);aqw=A.Add64(apk,apg,((aqx=(new D(aqr.$high,aqr.$low)),new $Uint64(aqx.$high,aqx.$low))));aqu=aqw[0];aqv=aqw[1];aqy=new $Uint64(0,0);aqz=new $Uint64(0,0);ara=A.Add64(aph,apd,((arb=(new D(aqv.$high,aqv.$low)),new $Uint64(arb.$high,arb.$low))));aqy=ara[0];aqz=ara[1];arc=new $Uint64(0,0);ard=new $Uint64(0,0);are=A.Add64(ape,apa,((arf=(new D(aqz.$high,aqz.$low)),new $Uint64(arf.$high,arf.$low))));arc=are[0];ard=are[1];ari=(arg=((arh=(new D(ard.$high,ard.$low)),new $Uint64(arh.$high,arh.$low))),new $Uint64(arg.$high+apb.$high,arg.$low+apb.$low));arj=new $Uint64(0,0);ark=A.Add64(ann,apy,new $Uint64(0,0));arj=ark[1];arl=new $Uint64(0,0);arm=new $Uint64(0,0);arn=A.Add64(anq,aqb,((aro=(new D(arj.$high,arj.$low)),new $Uint64(aro.$high,aro.$low))));arl=arn[0];arm=arn[1];arp=new $Uint64(0,0);arq=new $Uint64(0,0);arr=A.Add64(anu,aqe,((ars=(new D(arm.$high,arm.$low)),new $Uint64(ars.$high,ars.$low))));arp=arr[0];arq=arr[1];art=new $Uint64(0,0);aru=new $Uint64(0,0);arv=A.Add64(any,aqi,((arw=(new D(arq.$high,arq.$low)),new $Uint64(arw.$high,arw.$low))));art=arv[0];aru=arv[1];arx=new $Uint64(0,0);ary=new $Uint64(0,0);arz=A.Add64(aoc,aqm,((asa=(new D(aru.$high,aru.$low)),new $Uint64(asa.$high,asa.$low))));arx=arz[0];ary=arz[1];asb=new $Uint64(0,0);asc=new $Uint64(0,0);asd=A.Add64(aog,aqq,((ase=(new D(ary.$high,ary.$low)),new $Uint64(ase.$high,ase.$low))));asb=asd[0];asc=asd[1];asf=new $Uint64(0,0);asg=new $Uint64(0,0);ash=A.Add64(aok,aqu,((asi=(new D(asc.$high,asc.$low)),new $Uint64(asi.$high,asi.$low))));asf=ash[0];asg=ash[1];asj=new $Uint64(0,0);ask=new $Uint64(0,0);asl=A.Add64(aoo,aqy,((asm=(new D(asg.$high,asg.$low)),new $Uint64(asm.$high,asm.$low))));asj=asl[0];ask=asl[1];asn=new $Uint64(0,0);aso=new $Uint64(0,0);asp=A.Add64(aos,arc,((asq=(new D(ask.$high,ask.$low)),new $Uint64(asq.$high,asq.$low))));asn=asp[0];aso=asp[1];asr=new $Uint64(0,0);ass=new $Uint64(0,0);ast=A.Add64(aow,ari,((asu=(new D(aso.$high,aso.$low)),new $Uint64(asu.$high,asu.$low))));asr=ast[0];ass=ast[1];asz=(asv=((asw=(new D(ass.$high,ass.$low)),new $Uint64(asw.$high,asw.$low))),asx=((asy=(new D(aox.$high,aox.$low)),new $Uint64(asy.$high,asy.$low))),new $Uint64(asv.$high+asx.$high,asv.$low+asx.$low));ata=new $Uint64(0,0);atb=new $Uint64(0,0);atc=A.Mul64(i,c[8]);atb=atc[0];ata=atc[1];atd=new $Uint64(0,0);ate=new $Uint64(0,0);atf=A.Mul64(i,c[7]);ate=atf[0];atd=atf[1];atg=new $Uint64(0,0);ath=new $Uint64(0,0);ati=A.Mul64(i,c[6]);ath=ati[0];atg=ati[1];atj=new $Uint64(0,0);atk=new $Uint64(0,0);atl=A.Mul64(i,c[5]);atk=atl[0];atj=atl[1];atm=new $Uint64(0,0);atn=new $Uint64(0,0);ato=A.Mul64(i,c[4]);atn=ato[0];atm=ato[1];atp=new $Uint64(0,0);atq=new $Uint64(0,0);atr=A.Mul64(i,c[3]);atq=atr[0];atp=atr[1];ats=new $Uint64(0,0);att=new $Uint64(0,0);atu=A.Mul64(i,c[2]);att=atu[0];ats=atu[1];atv=new $Uint64(0,0);atw=new $Uint64(0,0);atx=A.Mul64(i,c[1]);atw=atx[0];atv=atx[1];aty=new $Uint64(0,0);atz=new $Uint64(0,0);aua=A.Mul64(i,c[0]);atz=aua[0];aty=aua[1];aub=new $Uint64(0,0);auc=new $Uint64(0,0);aud=A.Add64(atz,atv,new $Uint64(0,0));aub=aud[0];auc=aud[1];aue=new $Uint64(0,0);auf=new $Uint64(0,0);aug=A.Add64(atw,ats,((auh=(new D(auc.$high,auc.$low)),new $Uint64(auh.$high,auh.$low))));aue=aug[0];auf=aug[1];aui=new $Uint64(0,0);auj=new $Uint64(0,0);auk=A.Add64(att,atp,((aul=(new D(auf.$high,auf.$low)),new $Uint64(aul.$high,aul.$low))));aui=auk[0];auj=auk[1];aum=new $Uint64(0,0);aun=new $Uint64(0,0);auo=A.Add64(atq,atm,((aup=(new D(auj.$high,auj.$low)),new $Uint64(aup.$high,aup.$low))));aum=auo[0];aun=auo[1];auq=new $Uint64(0,0);aur=new $Uint64(0,0);aus=A.Add64(atn,atj,((aut=(new D(aun.$high,aun.$low)),new $Uint64(aut.$high,aut.$low))));auq=aus[0];aur=aus[1];auu=new $Uint64(0,0);auv=new $Uint64(0,0);auw=A.Add64(atk,atg,((aux=(new D(aur.$high,aur.$low)),new $Uint64(aux.$high,aux.$low))));auu=auw[0];auv=auw[1];auy=new $Uint64(0,0);auz=new $Uint64(0,0);ava=A.Add64(ath,atd,((avb=(new D(auv.$high,auv.$low)),new $Uint64(avb.$high,avb.$low))));auy=ava[0];auz=ava[1];avc=new $Uint64(0,0);avd=new $Uint64(0,0);ave=A.Add64(ate,ata,((avf=(new D(auz.$high,auz.$low)),new $Uint64(avf.$high,avf.$low))));avc=ave[0];avd=ave[1];avi=(avg=((avh=(new D(avd.$high,avd.$low)),new $Uint64(avh.$high,avh.$low))),new $Uint64(avg.$high+atb.$high,avg.$low+atb.$low));avj=new $Uint64(0,0);avk=new $Uint64(0,0);avl=A.Add64(arl,aty,new $Uint64(0,0));avj=avl[0];avk=avl[1];avm=new $Uint64(0,0);avn=new $Uint64(0,0);avo=A.Add64(arp,aub,((avp=(new D(avk.$high,avk.$low)),new $Uint64(avp.$high,avp.$low))));avm=avo[0];avn=avo[1];avq=new $Uint64(0,0);avr=new $Uint64(0,0);avs=A.Add64(art,aue,((avt=(new D(avn.$high,avn.$low)),new $Uint64(avt.$high,avt.$low))));avq=avs[0];avr=avs[1];avu=new $Uint64(0,0);avv=new $Uint64(0,0);avw=A.Add64(arx,aui,((avx=(new D(avr.$high,avr.$low)),new $Uint64(avx.$high,avx.$low))));avu=avw[0];avv=avw[1];avy=new $Uint64(0,0);avz=new $Uint64(0,0);awa=A.Add64(asb,aum,((awb=(new D(avv.$high,avv.$low)),new $Uint64(awb.$high,awb.$low))));avy=awa[0];avz=awa[1];awc=new $Uint64(0,0);awd=new $Uint64(0,0);awe=A.Add64(asf,auq,((awf=(new D(avz.$high,avz.$low)),new $Uint64(awf.$high,awf.$low))));awc=awe[0];awd=awe[1];awg=new $Uint64(0,0);awh=new $Uint64(0,0);awi=A.Add64(asj,auu,((awj=(new D(awd.$high,awd.$low)),new $Uint64(awj.$high,awj.$low))));awg=awi[0];awh=awi[1];awk=new $Uint64(0,0);awl=new $Uint64(0,0);awm=A.Add64(asn,auy,((awn=(new D(awh.$high,awh.$low)),new $Uint64(awn.$high,awn.$low))));awk=awm[0];awl=awm[1];awo=new $Uint64(0,0);awp=new $Uint64(0,0);awq=A.Add64(asr,avc,((awr=(new D(awl.$high,awl.$low)),new $Uint64(awr.$high,awr.$low))));awo=awq[0];awp=awq[1];aws=new $Uint64(0,0);awt=new $Uint64(0,0);awu=A.Add64(asz,avi,((awv=(new D(awp.$high,awp.$low)),new $Uint64(awv.$high,awv.$low))));aws=awu[0];awt=awu[1];aww=new $Uint64(0,0);awx=new $Uint64(0,0);awy=A.Mul64(avj,new $Uint64(0,511));awx=awy[0];aww=awy[1];awz=new $Uint64(0,0);axa=new $Uint64(0,0);axb=A.Mul64(avj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axa=axb[0];awz=axb[1];axc=new $Uint64(0,0);axd=new $Uint64(0,0);axe=A.Mul64(avj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axd=axe[0];axc=axe[1];axf=new $Uint64(0,0);axg=new $Uint64(0,0);axh=A.Mul64(avj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axg=axh[0];axf=axh[1];axi=new $Uint64(0,0);axj=new $Uint64(0,0);axk=A.Mul64(avj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axj=axk[0];axi=axk[1];axl=new $Uint64(0,0);axm=new $Uint64(0,0);axn=A.Mul64(avj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axm=axn[0];axl=axn[1];axo=new $Uint64(0,0);axp=new $Uint64(0,0);axq=A.Mul64(avj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axp=axq[0];axo=axq[1];axr=new $Uint64(0,0);axs=new $Uint64(0,0);axt=A.Mul64(avj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axs=axt[0];axr=axt[1];axu=new $Uint64(0,0);axv=new $Uint64(0,0);axw=A.Mul64(avj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axv=axw[0];axu=axw[1];axx=new $Uint64(0,0);axy=new $Uint64(0,0);axz=A.Add64(axv,axr,new $Uint64(0,0));axx=axz[0];axy=axz[1];aya=new $Uint64(0,0);ayb=new $Uint64(0,0);ayc=A.Add64(axs,axo,((ayd=(new D(axy.$high,axy.$low)),new $Uint64(ayd.$high,ayd.$low))));aya=ayc[0];ayb=ayc[1];aye=new $Uint64(0,0);ayf=new $Uint64(0,0);ayg=A.Add64(axp,axl,((ayh=(new D(ayb.$high,ayb.$low)),new $Uint64(ayh.$high,ayh.$low))));aye=ayg[0];ayf=ayg[1];ayi=new $Uint64(0,0);ayj=new $Uint64(0,0);ayk=A.Add64(axm,axi,((ayl=(new D(ayf.$high,ayf.$low)),new $Uint64(ayl.$high,ayl.$low))));ayi=ayk[0];ayj=ayk[1];aym=new $Uint64(0,0);ayn=new $Uint64(0,0);ayo=A.Add64(axj,axf,((ayp=(new D(ayj.$high,ayj.$low)),new $Uint64(ayp.$high,ayp.$low))));aym=ayo[0];ayn=ayo[1];ayq=new $Uint64(0,0);ayr=new $Uint64(0,0);ays=A.Add64(axg,axc,((ayt=(new D(ayn.$high,ayn.$low)),new $Uint64(ayt.$high,ayt.$low))));ayq=ays[0];ayr=ays[1];ayu=new $Uint64(0,0);ayv=new $Uint64(0,0);ayw=A.Add64(axd,awz,((ayx=(new D(ayr.$high,ayr.$low)),new $Uint64(ayx.$high,ayx.$low))));ayu=ayw[0];ayv=ayw[1];ayy=new $Uint64(0,0);ayz=new $Uint64(0,0);aza=A.Add64(axa,aww,((azb=(new D(ayv.$high,ayv.$low)),new $Uint64(azb.$high,azb.$low))));ayy=aza[0];ayz=aza[1];aze=(azc=((azd=(new D(ayz.$high,ayz.$low)),new $Uint64(azd.$high,azd.$low))),new $Uint64(azc.$high+awx.$high,azc.$low+awx.$low));azf=new $Uint64(0,0);azg=A.Add64(avj,axu,new $Uint64(0,0));azf=azg[1];azh=new $Uint64(0,0);azi=new $Uint64(0,0);azj=A.Add64(avm,axx,((azk=(new D(azf.$high,azf.$low)),new $Uint64(azk.$high,azk.$low))));azh=azj[0];azi=azj[1];azl=new $Uint64(0,0);azm=new $Uint64(0,0);azn=A.Add64(avq,aya,((azo=(new D(azi.$high,azi.$low)),new $Uint64(azo.$high,azo.$low))));azl=azn[0];azm=azn[1];azp=new $Uint64(0,0);azq=new $Uint64(0,0);azr=A.Add64(avu,aye,((azs=(new D(azm.$high,azm.$low)),new $Uint64(azs.$high,azs.$low))));azp=azr[0];azq=azr[1];azt=new $Uint64(0,0);azu=new $Uint64(0,0);azv=A.Add64(avy,ayi,((azw=(new D(azq.$high,azq.$low)),new $Uint64(azw.$high,azw.$low))));azt=azv[0];azu=azv[1];azx=new $Uint64(0,0);azy=new $Uint64(0,0);azz=A.Add64(awc,aym,((baa=(new D(azu.$high,azu.$low)),new $Uint64(baa.$high,baa.$low))));azx=azz[0];azy=azz[1];bab=new $Uint64(0,0);bac=new $Uint64(0,0);bad=A.Add64(awg,ayq,((bae=(new D(azy.$high,azy.$low)),new $Uint64(bae.$high,bae.$low))));bab=bad[0];bac=bad[1];baf=new $Uint64(0,0);bag=new $Uint64(0,0);bah=A.Add64(awk,ayu,((bai=(new D(bac.$high,bac.$low)),new $Uint64(bai.$high,bai.$low))));baf=bah[0];bag=bah[1];baj=new $Uint64(0,0);bak=new $Uint64(0,0);bal=A.Add64(awo,ayy,((bam=(new D(bag.$high,bag.$low)),new $Uint64(bam.$high,bam.$low))));baj=bal[0];bak=bal[1];ban=new $Uint64(0,0);bao=new $Uint64(0,0);bap=A.Add64(aws,aze,((baq=(new D(bak.$high,bak.$low)),new $Uint64(baq.$high,baq.$low))));ban=bap[0];bao=bap[1];bav=(bar=((bas=(new D(bao.$high,bao.$low)),new $Uint64(bas.$high,bas.$low))),bat=((bau=(new D(awt.$high,awt.$low)),new $Uint64(bau.$high,bau.$low))),new $Uint64(bar.$high+bat.$high,bar.$low+bat.$low));baw=new $Uint64(0,0);bax=new $Uint64(0,0);bay=A.Mul64(j,c[8]);bax=bay[0];baw=bay[1];baz=new $Uint64(0,0);bba=new $Uint64(0,0);bbb=A.Mul64(j,c[7]);bba=bbb[0];baz=bbb[1];bbc=new $Uint64(0,0);bbd=new $Uint64(0,0);bbe=A.Mul64(j,c[6]);bbd=bbe[0];bbc=bbe[1];bbf=new $Uint64(0,0);bbg=new $Uint64(0,0);bbh=A.Mul64(j,c[5]);bbg=bbh[0];bbf=bbh[1];bbi=new $Uint64(0,0);bbj=new $Uint64(0,0);bbk=A.Mul64(j,c[4]);bbj=bbk[0];bbi=bbk[1];bbl=new $Uint64(0,0);bbm=new $Uint64(0,0);bbn=A.Mul64(j,c[3]);bbm=bbn[0];bbl=bbn[1];bbo=new $Uint64(0,0);bbp=new $Uint64(0,0);bbq=A.Mul64(j,c[2]);bbp=bbq[0];bbo=bbq[1];bbr=new $Uint64(0,0);bbs=new $Uint64(0,0);bbt=A.Mul64(j,c[1]);bbs=bbt[0];bbr=bbt[1];bbu=new $Uint64(0,0);bbv=new $Uint64(0,0);bbw=A.Mul64(j,c[0]);bbv=bbw[0];bbu=bbw[1];bbx=new $Uint64(0,0);bby=new $Uint64(0,0);bbz=A.Add64(bbv,bbr,new $Uint64(0,0));bbx=bbz[0];bby=bbz[1];bca=new $Uint64(0,0);bcb=new $Uint64(0,0);bcc=A.Add64(bbs,bbo,((bcd=(new D(bby.$high,bby.$low)),new $Uint64(bcd.$high,bcd.$low))));bca=bcc[0];bcb=bcc[1];bce=new $Uint64(0,0);bcf=new $Uint64(0,0);bcg=A.Add64(bbp,bbl,((bch=(new D(bcb.$high,bcb.$low)),new $Uint64(bch.$high,bch.$low))));bce=bcg[0];bcf=bcg[1];bci=new $Uint64(0,0);bcj=new $Uint64(0,0);bck=A.Add64(bbm,bbi,((bcl=(new D(bcf.$high,bcf.$low)),new $Uint64(bcl.$high,bcl.$low))));bci=bck[0];bcj=bck[1];bcm=new $Uint64(0,0);bcn=new $Uint64(0,0);bco=A.Add64(bbj,bbf,((bcp=(new D(bcj.$high,bcj.$low)),new $Uint64(bcp.$high,bcp.$low))));bcm=bco[0];bcn=bco[1];bcq=new $Uint64(0,0);bcr=new $Uint64(0,0);bcs=A.Add64(bbg,bbc,((bct=(new D(bcn.$high,bcn.$low)),new $Uint64(bct.$high,bct.$low))));bcq=bcs[0];bcr=bcs[1];bcu=new $Uint64(0,0);bcv=new $Uint64(0,0);bcw=A.Add64(bbd,baz,((bcx=(new D(bcr.$high,bcr.$low)),new $Uint64(bcx.$high,bcx.$low))));bcu=bcw[0];bcv=bcw[1];bcy=new $Uint64(0,0);bcz=new $Uint64(0,0);bda=A.Add64(bba,baw,((bdb=(new D(bcv.$high,bcv.$low)),new $Uint64(bdb.$high,bdb.$low))));bcy=bda[0];bcz=bda[1];bde=(bdc=((bdd=(new D(bcz.$high,bcz.$low)),new $Uint64(bdd.$high,bdd.$low))),new $Uint64(bdc.$high+bax.$high,bdc.$low+bax.$low));bdf=new $Uint64(0,0);bdg=new $Uint64(0,0);bdh=A.Add64(azh,bbu,new $Uint64(0,0));bdf=bdh[0];bdg=bdh[1];bdi=new $Uint64(0,0);bdj=new $Uint64(0,0);bdk=A.Add64(azl,bbx,((bdl=(new D(bdg.$high,bdg.$low)),new $Uint64(bdl.$high,bdl.$low))));bdi=bdk[0];bdj=bdk[1];bdm=new $Uint64(0,0);bdn=new $Uint64(0,0);bdo=A.Add64(azp,bca,((bdp=(new D(bdj.$high,bdj.$low)),new $Uint64(bdp.$high,bdp.$low))));bdm=bdo[0];bdn=bdo[1];bdq=new $Uint64(0,0);bdr=new $Uint64(0,0);bds=A.Add64(azt,bce,((bdt=(new D(bdn.$high,bdn.$low)),new $Uint64(bdt.$high,bdt.$low))));bdq=bds[0];bdr=bds[1];bdu=new $Uint64(0,0);bdv=new $Uint64(0,0);bdw=A.Add64(azx,bci,((bdx=(new D(bdr.$high,bdr.$low)),new $Uint64(bdx.$high,bdx.$low))));bdu=bdw[0];bdv=bdw[1];bdy=new $Uint64(0,0);bdz=new $Uint64(0,0);bea=A.Add64(bab,bcm,((beb=(new D(bdv.$high,bdv.$low)),new $Uint64(beb.$high,beb.$low))));bdy=bea[0];bdz=bea[1];bec=new $Uint64(0,0);bed=new $Uint64(0,0);bee=A.Add64(baf,bcq,((bef=(new D(bdz.$high,bdz.$low)),new $Uint64(bef.$high,bef.$low))));bec=bee[0];bed=bee[1];beg=new $Uint64(0,0);beh=new $Uint64(0,0);bei=A.Add64(baj,bcu,((bej=(new D(bed.$high,bed.$low)),new $Uint64(bej.$high,bej.$low))));beg=bei[0];beh=bei[1];bek=new $Uint64(0,0);bel=new $Uint64(0,0);bem=A.Add64(ban,bcy,((ben=(new D(beh.$high,beh.$low)),new $Uint64(ben.$high,ben.$low))));bek=bem[0];bel=bem[1];beo=new $Uint64(0,0);bep=new $Uint64(0,0);beq=A.Add64(bav,bde,((ber=(new D(bel.$high,bel.$low)),new $Uint64(ber.$high,ber.$low))));beo=beq[0];bep=beq[1];bes=new $Uint64(0,0);bet=new $Uint64(0,0);beu=A.Mul64(bdf,new $Uint64(0,511));bet=beu[0];bes=beu[1];bev=new $Uint64(0,0);bew=new $Uint64(0,0);bex=A.Mul64(bdf,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bew=bex[0];bev=bex[1];bey=new $Uint64(0,0);bez=new $Uint64(0,0);bfa=A.Mul64(bdf,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bez=bfa[0];bey=bfa[1];bfb=new $Uint64(0,0);bfc=new $Uint64(0,0);bfd=A.Mul64(bdf,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfc=bfd[0];bfb=bfd[1];bfe=new $Uint64(0,0);bff=new $Uint64(0,0);bfg=A.Mul64(bdf,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bff=bfg[0];bfe=bfg[1];bfh=new $Uint64(0,0);bfi=new $Uint64(0,0);bfj=A.Mul64(bdf,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfi=bfj[0];bfh=bfj[1];bfk=new $Uint64(0,0);bfl=new $Uint64(0,0);bfm=A.Mul64(bdf,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfl=bfm[0];bfk=bfm[1];bfn=new $Uint64(0,0);bfo=new $Uint64(0,0);bfp=A.Mul64(bdf,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfo=bfp[0];bfn=bfp[1];bfq=new $Uint64(0,0);bfr=new $Uint64(0,0);bfs=A.Mul64(bdf,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfr=bfs[0];bfq=bfs[1];bft=new $Uint64(0,0);bfu=new $Uint64(0,0);bfv=A.Add64(bfr,bfn,new $Uint64(0,0));bft=bfv[0];bfu=bfv[1];bfw=new $Uint64(0,0);bfx=new $Uint64(0,0);bfy=A.Add64(bfo,bfk,((bfz=(new D(bfu.$high,bfu.$low)),new $Uint64(bfz.$high,bfz.$low))));bfw=bfy[0];bfx=bfy[1];bga=new $Uint64(0,0);bgb=new $Uint64(0,0);bgc=A.Add64(bfl,bfh,((bgd=(new D(bfx.$high,bfx.$low)),new $Uint64(bgd.$high,bgd.$low))));bga=bgc[0];bgb=bgc[1];bge=new $Uint64(0,0);bgf=new $Uint64(0,0);bgg=A.Add64(bfi,bfe,((bgh=(new D(bgb.$high,bgb.$low)),new $Uint64(bgh.$high,bgh.$low))));bge=bgg[0];bgf=bgg[1];bgi=new $Uint64(0,0);bgj=new $Uint64(0,0);bgk=A.Add64(bff,bfb,((bgl=(new D(bgf.$high,bgf.$low)),new $Uint64(bgl.$high,bgl.$low))));bgi=bgk[0];bgj=bgk[1];bgm=new $Uint64(0,0);bgn=new $Uint64(0,0);bgo=A.Add64(bfc,bey,((bgp=(new D(bgj.$high,bgj.$low)),new $Uint64(bgp.$high,bgp.$low))));bgm=bgo[0];bgn=bgo[1];bgq=new $Uint64(0,0);bgr=new $Uint64(0,0);bgs=A.Add64(bez,bev,((bgt=(new D(bgn.$high,bgn.$low)),new $Uint64(bgt.$high,bgt.$low))));bgq=bgs[0];bgr=bgs[1];bgu=new $Uint64(0,0);bgv=new $Uint64(0,0);bgw=A.Add64(bew,bes,((bgx=(new D(bgr.$high,bgr.$low)),new $Uint64(bgx.$high,bgx.$low))));bgu=bgw[0];bgv=bgw[1];bha=(bgy=((bgz=(new D(bgv.$high,bgv.$low)),new $Uint64(bgz.$high,bgz.$low))),new $Uint64(bgy.$high+bet.$high,bgy.$low+bet.$low));bhb=new $Uint64(0,0);bhc=A.Add64(bdf,bfq,new $Uint64(0,0));bhb=bhc[1];bhd=new $Uint64(0,0);bhe=new $Uint64(0,0);bhf=A.Add64(bdi,bft,((bhg=(new D(bhb.$high,bhb.$low)),new $Uint64(bhg.$high,bhg.$low))));bhd=bhf[0];bhe=bhf[1];bhh=new $Uint64(0,0);bhi=new $Uint64(0,0);bhj=A.Add64(bdm,bfw,((bhk=(new D(bhe.$high,bhe.$low)),new $Uint64(bhk.$high,bhk.$low))));bhh=bhj[0];bhi=bhj[1];bhl=new $Uint64(0,0);bhm=new $Uint64(0,0);bhn=A.Add64(bdq,bga,((bho=(new D(bhi.$high,bhi.$low)),new $Uint64(bho.$high,bho.$low))));bhl=bhn[0];bhm=bhn[1];bhp=new $Uint64(0,0);bhq=new $Uint64(0,0);bhr=A.Add64(bdu,bge,((bhs=(new D(bhm.$high,bhm.$low)),new $Uint64(bhs.$high,bhs.$low))));bhp=bhr[0];bhq=bhr[1];bht=new $Uint64(0,0);bhu=new $Uint64(0,0);bhv=A.Add64(bdy,bgi,((bhw=(new D(bhq.$high,bhq.$low)),new $Uint64(bhw.$high,bhw.$low))));bht=bhv[0];bhu=bhv[1];bhx=new $Uint64(0,0);bhy=new $Uint64(0,0);bhz=A.Add64(bec,bgm,((bia=(new D(bhu.$high,bhu.$low)),new $Uint64(bia.$high,bia.$low))));bhx=bhz[0];bhy=bhz[1];bib=new $Uint64(0,0);bic=new $Uint64(0,0);bid=A.Add64(beg,bgq,((bie=(new D(bhy.$high,bhy.$low)),new $Uint64(bie.$high,bie.$low))));bib=bid[0];bic=bid[1];bif=new $Uint64(0,0);big=new $Uint64(0,0);bih=A.Add64(bek,bgu,((bii=(new D(bic.$high,bic.$low)),new $Uint64(bii.$high,bii.$low))));bif=bih[0];big=bih[1];bij=new $Uint64(0,0);bik=new $Uint64(0,0);bil=A.Add64(beo,bha,((bim=(new D(big.$high,big.$low)),new $Uint64(bim.$high,bim.$low))));bij=bil[0];bik=bil[1];bir=(bin=((bio=(new D(bik.$high,bik.$low)),new $Uint64(bio.$high,bio.$low))),bip=((biq=(new D(bep.$high,bep.$low)),new $Uint64(biq.$high,biq.$low))),new $Uint64(bin.$high+bip.$high,bin.$low+bip.$low));bis=new $Uint64(0,0);bit=new $Uint64(0,0);biu=A.Mul64(k,c[8]);bit=biu[0];bis=biu[1];biv=new $Uint64(0,0);biw=new $Uint64(0,0);bix=A.Mul64(k,c[7]);biw=bix[0];biv=bix[1];biy=new $Uint64(0,0);biz=new $Uint64(0,0);bja=A.Mul64(k,c[6]);biz=bja[0];biy=bja[1];bjb=new $Uint64(0,0);bjc=new $Uint64(0,0);bjd=A.Mul64(k,c[5]);bjc=bjd[0];bjb=bjd[1];bje=new $Uint64(0,0);bjf=new $Uint64(0,0);bjg=A.Mul64(k,c[4]);bjf=bjg[0];bje=bjg[1];bjh=new $Uint64(0,0);bji=new $Uint64(0,0);bjj=A.Mul64(k,c[3]);bji=bjj[0];bjh=bjj[1];bjk=new $Uint64(0,0);bjl=new $Uint64(0,0);bjm=A.Mul64(k,c[2]);bjl=bjm[0];bjk=bjm[1];bjn=new $Uint64(0,0);bjo=new $Uint64(0,0);bjp=A.Mul64(k,c[1]);bjo=bjp[0];bjn=bjp[1];bjq=new $Uint64(0,0);bjr=new $Uint64(0,0);bjs=A.Mul64(k,c[0]);bjr=bjs[0];bjq=bjs[1];bjt=new $Uint64(0,0);bju=new $Uint64(0,0);bjv=A.Add64(bjr,bjn,new $Uint64(0,0));bjt=bjv[0];bju=bjv[1];bjw=new $Uint64(0,0);bjx=new $Uint64(0,0);bjy=A.Add64(bjo,bjk,((bjz=(new D(bju.$high,bju.$low)),new $Uint64(bjz.$high,bjz.$low))));bjw=bjy[0];bjx=bjy[1];bka=new $Uint64(0,0);bkb=new $Uint64(0,0);bkc=A.Add64(bjl,bjh,((bkd=(new D(bjx.$high,bjx.$low)),new $Uint64(bkd.$high,bkd.$low))));bka=bkc[0];bkb=bkc[1];bke=new $Uint64(0,0);bkf=new $Uint64(0,0);bkg=A.Add64(bji,bje,((bkh=(new D(bkb.$high,bkb.$low)),new $Uint64(bkh.$high,bkh.$low))));bke=bkg[0];bkf=bkg[1];bki=new $Uint64(0,0);bkj=new $Uint64(0,0);bkk=A.Add64(bjf,bjb,((bkl=(new D(bkf.$high,bkf.$low)),new $Uint64(bkl.$high,bkl.$low))));bki=bkk[0];bkj=bkk[1];bkm=new $Uint64(0,0);bkn=new $Uint64(0,0);bko=A.Add64(bjc,biy,((bkp=(new D(bkj.$high,bkj.$low)),new $Uint64(bkp.$high,bkp.$low))));bkm=bko[0];bkn=bko[1];bkq=new $Uint64(0,0);bkr=new $Uint64(0,0);bks=A.Add64(biz,biv,((bkt=(new D(bkn.$high,bkn.$low)),new $Uint64(bkt.$high,bkt.$low))));bkq=bks[0];bkr=bks[1];bku=new $Uint64(0,0);bkv=new $Uint64(0,0);bkw=A.Add64(biw,bis,((bkx=(new D(bkr.$high,bkr.$low)),new $Uint64(bkx.$high,bkx.$low))));bku=bkw[0];bkv=bkw[1];bla=(bky=((bkz=(new D(bkv.$high,bkv.$low)),new $Uint64(bkz.$high,bkz.$low))),new $Uint64(bky.$high+bit.$high,bky.$low+bit.$low));blb=new $Uint64(0,0);blc=new $Uint64(0,0);bld=A.Add64(bhd,bjq,new $Uint64(0,0));blb=bld[0];blc=bld[1];ble=new $Uint64(0,0);blf=new $Uint64(0,0);blg=A.Add64(bhh,bjt,((blh=(new D(blc.$high,blc.$low)),new $Uint64(blh.$high,blh.$low))));ble=blg[0];blf=blg[1];bli=new $Uint64(0,0);blj=new $Uint64(0,0);blk=A.Add64(bhl,bjw,((bll=(new D(blf.$high,blf.$low)),new $Uint64(bll.$high,bll.$low))));bli=blk[0];blj=blk[1];blm=new $Uint64(0,0);bln=new $Uint64(0,0);blo=A.Add64(bhp,bka,((blp=(new D(blj.$high,blj.$low)),new $Uint64(blp.$high,blp.$low))));blm=blo[0];bln=blo[1];blq=new $Uint64(0,0);blr=new $Uint64(0,0);bls=A.Add64(bht,bke,((blt=(new D(bln.$high,bln.$low)),new $Uint64(blt.$high,blt.$low))));blq=bls[0];blr=bls[1];blu=new $Uint64(0,0);blv=new $Uint64(0,0);blw=A.Add64(bhx,bki,((blx=(new D(blr.$high,blr.$low)),new $Uint64(blx.$high,blx.$low))));blu=blw[0];blv=blw[1];bly=new $Uint64(0,0);blz=new $Uint64(0,0);bma=A.Add64(bib,bkm,((bmb=(new D(blv.$high,blv.$low)),new $Uint64(bmb.$high,bmb.$low))));bly=bma[0];blz=bma[1];bmc=new $Uint64(0,0);bmd=new $Uint64(0,0);bme=A.Add64(bif,bkq,((bmf=(new D(blz.$high,blz.$low)),new $Uint64(bmf.$high,bmf.$low))));bmc=bme[0];bmd=bme[1];bmg=new $Uint64(0,0);bmh=new $Uint64(0,0);bmi=A.Add64(bij,bku,((bmj=(new D(bmd.$high,bmd.$low)),new $Uint64(bmj.$high,bmj.$low))));bmg=bmi[0];bmh=bmi[1];bmk=new $Uint64(0,0);bml=new $Uint64(0,0);bmm=A.Add64(bir,bla,((bmn=(new D(bmh.$high,bmh.$low)),new $Uint64(bmn.$high,bmn.$low))));bmk=bmm[0];bml=bmm[1];bmo=new $Uint64(0,0);bmp=new $Uint64(0,0);bmq=A.Mul64(blb,new $Uint64(0,511));bmp=bmq[0];bmo=bmq[1];bmr=new $Uint64(0,0);bms=new $Uint64(0,0);bmt=A.Mul64(blb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bms=bmt[0];bmr=bmt[1];bmu=new $Uint64(0,0);bmv=new $Uint64(0,0);bmw=A.Mul64(blb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bmv=bmw[0];bmu=bmw[1];bmx=new $Uint64(0,0);bmy=new $Uint64(0,0);bmz=A.Mul64(blb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bmy=bmz[0];bmx=bmz[1];bna=new $Uint64(0,0);bnb=new $Uint64(0,0);bnc=A.Mul64(blb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bnb=bnc[0];bna=bnc[1];bnd=new $Uint64(0,0);bne=new $Uint64(0,0);bnf=A.Mul64(blb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bne=bnf[0];bnd=bnf[1];bng=new $Uint64(0,0);bnh=new $Uint64(0,0);bni=A.Mul64(blb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bnh=bni[0];bng=bni[1];bnj=new $Uint64(0,0);bnk=new $Uint64(0,0);bnl=A.Mul64(blb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bnk=bnl[0];bnj=bnl[1];bnm=new $Uint64(0,0);bnn=new $Uint64(0,0);bno=A.Mul64(blb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bnn=bno[0];bnm=bno[1];bnp=new $Uint64(0,0);bnq=new $Uint64(0,0);bnr=A.Add64(bnn,bnj,new $Uint64(0,0));bnp=bnr[0];bnq=bnr[1];bns=new $Uint64(0,0);bnt=new $Uint64(0,0);bnu=A.Add64(bnk,bng,((bnv=(new D(bnq.$high,bnq.$low)),new $Uint64(bnv.$high,bnv.$low))));bns=bnu[0];bnt=bnu[1];bnw=new $Uint64(0,0);bnx=new $Uint64(0,0);bny=A.Add64(bnh,bnd,((bnz=(new D(bnt.$high,bnt.$low)),new $Uint64(bnz.$high,bnz.$low))));bnw=bny[0];bnx=bny[1];boa=new $Uint64(0,0);bob=new $Uint64(0,0);boc=A.Add64(bne,bna,((bod=(new D(bnx.$high,bnx.$low)),new $Uint64(bod.$high,bod.$low))));boa=boc[0];bob=boc[1];boe=new $Uint64(0,0);bof=new $Uint64(0,0);bog=A.Add64(bnb,bmx,((boh=(new D(bob.$high,bob.$low)),new $Uint64(boh.$high,boh.$low))));boe=bog[0];bof=bog[1];boi=new $Uint64(0,0);boj=new $Uint64(0,0);bok=A.Add64(bmy,bmu,((bol=(new D(bof.$high,bof.$low)),new $Uint64(bol.$high,bol.$low))));boi=bok[0];boj=bok[1];bom=new $Uint64(0,0);bon=new $Uint64(0,0);boo=A.Add64(bmv,bmr,((bop=(new D(boj.$high,boj.$low)),new $Uint64(bop.$high,bop.$low))));bom=boo[0];bon=boo[1];boq=new $Uint64(0,0);bor=new $Uint64(0,0);bos=A.Add64(bms,bmo,((bot=(new D(bon.$high,bon.$low)),new $Uint64(bot.$high,bot.$low))));boq=bos[0];bor=bos[1];bow=(bou=((bov=(new D(bor.$high,bor.$low)),new $Uint64(bov.$high,bov.$low))),new $Uint64(bou.$high+bmp.$high,bou.$low+bmp.$low));box=new $Uint64(0,0);boy=A.Add64(blb,bnm,new $Uint64(0,0));box=boy[1];boz=new $Uint64(0,0);bpa=new $Uint64(0,0);bpb=A.Add64(ble,bnp,((bpc=(new D(box.$high,box.$low)),new $Uint64(bpc.$high,bpc.$low))));boz=bpb[0];bpa=bpb[1];bpd=new $Uint64(0,0);bpe=new $Uint64(0,0);bpf=A.Add64(bli,bns,((bpg=(new D(bpa.$high,bpa.$low)),new $Uint64(bpg.$high,bpg.$low))));bpd=bpf[0];bpe=bpf[1];bph=new $Uint64(0,0);bpi=new $Uint64(0,0);bpj=A.Add64(blm,bnw,((bpk=(new D(bpe.$high,bpe.$low)),new $Uint64(bpk.$high,bpk.$low))));bph=bpj[0];bpi=bpj[1];bpl=new $Uint64(0,0);bpm=new $Uint64(0,0);bpn=A.Add64(blq,boa,((bpo=(new D(bpi.$high,bpi.$low)),new $Uint64(bpo.$high,bpo.$low))));bpl=bpn[0];bpm=bpn[1];bpp=new $Uint64(0,0);bpq=new $Uint64(0,0);bpr=A.Add64(blu,boe,((bps=(new D(bpm.$high,bpm.$low)),new $Uint64(bps.$high,bps.$low))));bpp=bpr[0];bpq=bpr[1];bpt=new $Uint64(0,0);bpu=new $Uint64(0,0);bpv=A.Add64(bly,boi,((bpw=(new D(bpq.$high,bpq.$low)),new $Uint64(bpw.$high,bpw.$low))));bpt=bpv[0];bpu=bpv[1];bpx=new $Uint64(0,0);bpy=new $Uint64(0,0);bpz=A.Add64(bmc,bom,((bqa=(new D(bpu.$high,bpu.$low)),new $Uint64(bqa.$high,bqa.$low))));bpx=bpz[0];bpy=bpz[1];bqb=new $Uint64(0,0);bqc=new $Uint64(0,0);bqd=A.Add64(bmg,boq,((bqe=(new D(bpy.$high,bpy.$low)),new $Uint64(bqe.$high,bqe.$low))));bqb=bqd[0];bqc=bqd[1];bqf=new $Uint64(0,0);bqg=new $Uint64(0,0);bqh=A.Add64(bmk,bow,((bqi=(new D(bqc.$high,bqc.$low)),new $Uint64(bqi.$high,bqi.$low))));bqf=bqh[0];bqg=bqh[1];bqn=(bqj=((bqk=(new D(bqg.$high,bqg.$low)),new $Uint64(bqk.$high,bqk.$low))),bql=((bqm=(new D(bml.$high,bml.$low)),new $Uint64(bqm.$high,bqm.$low))),new $Uint64(bqj.$high+bql.$high,bqj.$low+bql.$low));bqo=new $Uint64(0,0);bqp=new $Uint64(0,0);bqq=A.Sub64(boz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),new $Uint64(0,0));bqo=bqq[0];bqp=bqq[1];bqr=new $Uint64(0,0);bqs=new $Uint64(0,0);bqt=A.Sub64(bpd,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((bqu=(new D(bqp.$high,bqp.$low)),new $Uint64(bqu.$high,bqu.$low))));bqr=bqt[0];bqs=bqt[1];bqv=new $Uint64(0,0);bqw=new $Uint64(0,0);bqx=A.Sub64(bph,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((bqy=(new D(bqs.$high,bqs.$low)),new $Uint64(bqy.$high,bqy.$low))));bqv=bqx[0];bqw=bqx[1];bqz=new $Uint64(0,0);bra=new $Uint64(0,0);brb=A.Sub64(bpl,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((brc=(new D(bqw.$high,bqw.$low)),new $Uint64(brc.$high,brc.$low))));bqz=brb[0];bra=brb[1];brd=new $Uint64(0,0);bre=new $Uint64(0,0);brf=A.Sub64(bpp,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((brg=(new D(bra.$high,bra.$low)),new $Uint64(brg.$high,brg.$low))));brd=brf[0];bre=brf[1];brh=new $Uint64(0,0);bri=new $Uint64(0,0);brj=A.Sub64(bpt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((brk=(new D(bre.$high,bre.$low)),new $Uint64(brk.$high,brk.$low))));brh=brj[0];bri=brj[1];brl=new $Uint64(0,0);brm=new $Uint64(0,0);brn=A.Sub64(bpx,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((bro=(new D(bri.$high,bri.$low)),new $Uint64(bro.$high,bro.$low))));brl=brn[0];brm=brn[1];brp=new $Uint64(0,0);brq=new $Uint64(0,0);brr=A.Sub64(bqb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((brs=(new D(brm.$high,brm.$low)),new $Uint64(brs.$high,brs.$low))));brp=brr[0];brq=brr[1];brt=new $Uint64(0,0);bru=new $Uint64(0,0);brv=A.Sub64(bqf,new $Uint64(0,511),((brw=(new D(brq.$high,brq.$low)),new $Uint64(brw.$high,brw.$low))));brt=brv[0];bru=brv[1];brx=new $Uint64(0,0);bry=A.Sub64(bqn,new $Uint64(0,0),((brz=(new D(bru.$high,bru.$low)),new $Uint64(brz.$high,brz.$low))));brx=bry[1];bsa=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsb||(bsb=new BO(function(){return bsa;},function($v){bsa=$v;}))),(new D(brx.$high,brx.$low)),bqo,boz);bsc=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsd||(bsd=new BO(function(){return bsc;},function($v){bsc=$v;}))),(new D(brx.$high,brx.$low)),bqr,bpd);bse=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsf||(bsf=new BO(function(){return bse;},function($v){bse=$v;}))),(new D(brx.$high,brx.$low)),bqv,bph);bsg=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsh||(bsh=new BO(function(){return bsg;},function($v){bsg=$v;}))),(new D(brx.$high,brx.$low)),bqz,bpl);bsi=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsj||(bsj=new BO(function(){return bsi;},function($v){bsi=$v;}))),(new D(brx.$high,brx.$low)),brd,bpp);bsk=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsl||(bsl=new BO(function(){return bsk;},function($v){bsk=$v;}))),(new D(brx.$high,brx.$low)),brh,bpt);bsm=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsn||(bsn=new BO(function(){return bsm;},function($v){bsm=$v;}))),(new D(brx.$high,brx.$low)),brl,bpx);bso=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsp||(bsp=new BO(function(){return bso;},function($v){bso=$v;}))),(new D(brx.$high,brx.$low)),brp,bqb);bsq=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsr||(bsr=new BO(function(){return bsq;},function($v){bsq=$v;}))),(new D(brx.$high,brx.$low)),brt,bqf);a.nilCheck,a[0]=bsa;a.nilCheck,a[1]=bsc;a.nilCheck,a[2]=bse;a.nilCheck,a[3]=bsg;a.nilCheck,a[4]=bsi;a.nilCheck,a[5]=bsk;a.nilCheck,a[6]=bsm;a.nilCheck,a[7]=bso;a.nilCheck,a[8]=bsq;};J=function(a,b){var a,aa,aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz,ab,aba,abb,abc,abd,abe,abf,abg,abh,abi,abj,abk,abl,abm,abn,abo,abp,abq,abr,abs,abt,abu,abv,abw,abx,aby,abz,ac,aca,acb,acc,acd,ace,acf,acg,ach,aci,acj,ack,acl,acm,acn,aco,acp,acq,acr,acs,act,acu,acv,acw,acx,acy,acz,ad,ada,adb,adc,add,ade,adf,adg,adh,adi,adj,adk,adl,adm,adn,ado,adp,adq,adr,ads,adt,adu,adv,adw,adx,ady,adz,ae,aea,aeb,aec,aed,aee,aef,aeg,aeh,aei,aej,aek,ael,aem,aen,aeo,aep,aeq,aer,aes,aet,aeu,aev,aew,aex,aey,aez,af,afa,afb,afc,afd,afe,aff,afg,afh,afi,afj,afk,afl,afm,afn,afo,afp,afq,afr,afs,aft,afu,afv,afw,afx,afy,afz,ag,aga,agb,agc,agd,age,agf,agg,agh,agi,agj,agk,agl,agm,agn,ago,agp,agq,agr,ags,agt,agu,agv,agw,agx,agy,agz,ah,aha,ahb,ahc,ahd,ahe,ahf,ahg,ahh,ahi,ahj,ahk,ahl,ahm,ahn,aho,ahp,ahq,ahr,ahs,aht,ahu,ahv,ahw,ahx,ahy,ahz,ai,aia,aib,aic,aid,aie,aif,aig,aih,aii,aij,aik,ail,aim,ain,aio,aip,aiq,air,ais,ait,aiu,aiv,aiw,aix,aiy,aiz,aj,aja,ajb,ajc,ajd,aje,ajf,ajg,ajh,aji,ajj,ajk,ajl,ajm,ajn,ajo,ajp,ajq,ajr,ajs,ajt,aju,ajv,ajw,ajx,ajy,ajz,ak,aka,akb,akc,akd,ake,akf,akg,akh,aki,akj,akk,akl,akm,akn,ako,akp,akq,akr,aks,akt,aku,akv,akw,akx,aky,akz,al,ala,alb,alc,ald,ale,alf,alg,alh,ali,alj,alk,all,alm,aln,alo,alp,alq,alr,als,alt,alu,alv,alw,alx,aly,alz,am,ama,amb,amc,amd,ame,amf,amg,amh,ami,amj,amk,aml,amm,amn,amo,amp,amq,amr,ams,amt,amu,amv,amw,amx,amy,amz,an,ana,anb,anc,and,ane,anf,ang,anh,ani,anj,ank,anl,anm,ann,ano,anp,anq,anr,ans,ant,anu,anv,anw,anx,any,anz,ao,aoa,aob,aoc,aod,aoe,aof,aog,aoh,aoi,aoj,aok,aol,aom,aon,aoo,aop,aoq,aor,aos,aot,aou,aov,aow,aox,aoy,aoz,ap,apa,apb,apc,apd,ape,apf,apg,aph,api,apj,apk,apl,apm,apn,apo,app,apq,apr,aps,apt,apu,apv,apw,apx,apy,apz,aq,aqa,aqb,aqc,aqd,aqe,aqf,aqg,aqh,aqi,aqj,aqk,aql,aqm,aqn,aqo,aqp,aqq,aqr,aqs,aqt,aqu,aqv,aqw,aqx,aqy,aqz,ar,ara,arb,arc,ard,are,arf,arg,arh,ari,arj,ark,arl,arm,arn,aro,arp,arq,arr,ars,art,aru,arv,arw,arx,ary,arz,as,asa,asb,asc,asd,ase,asf,asg,ash,asi,asj,ask,asl,asm,asn,aso,asp,asq,asr,ass,ast,asu,asv,asw,asx,asy,asz,at,ata,atb,atc,atd,ate,atf,atg,ath,ati,atj,atk,atl,atm,atn,ato,atp,atq,atr,ats,att,atu,atv,atw,atx,aty,atz,au,aua,aub,auc,aud,aue,auf,aug,auh,aui,auj,auk,aul,aum,aun,auo,aup,auq,aur,aus,aut,auu,auv,auw,aux,auy,auz,av,ava,avb,avc,avd,ave,avf,avg,avh,avi,avj,avk,avl,avm,avn,avo,avp,avq,avr,avs,avt,avu,avv,avw,avx,avy,avz,aw,awa,awb,awc,awd,awe,awf,awg,awh,awi,awj,awk,awl,awm,awn,awo,awp,awq,awr,aws,awt,awu,awv,aww,awx,awy,awz,ax,axa,axb,axc,axd,axe,axf,axg,axh,axi,axj,axk,axl,axm,axn,axo,axp,axq,axr,axs,axt,axu,axv,axw,axx,axy,axz,ay,aya,ayb,ayc,ayd,aye,ayf,ayg,ayh,ayi,ayj,ayk,ayl,aym,ayn,ayo,ayp,ayq,ayr,ays,ayt,ayu,ayv,ayw,ayx,ayy,ayz,az,aza,azb,azc,azd,aze,azf,azg,azh,azi,azj,azk,azl,azm,azn,azo,azp,azq,azr,azs,azt,azu,azv,azw,azx,azy,azz,b,ba,baa,bab,bac,bad,bae,baf,bag,bah,bai,baj,bak,bal,bam,ban,bao,bap,baq,bar,bas,bat,bau,bav,baw,bax,bay,baz,bb,bba,bbb,bbc,bbd,bbe,bbf,bbg,bbh,bbi,bbj,bbk,bbl,bbm,bbn,bbo,bbp,bbq,bbr,bbs,bbt,bbu,bbv,bbw,bbx,bby,bbz,bc,bca,bcb,bcc,bcd,bce,bcf,bcg,bch,bci,bcj,bck,bcl,bcm,bcn,bco,bcp,bcq,bcr,bcs,bct,bcu,bcv,bcw,bcx,bcy,bcz,bd,bda,bdb,bdc,bdd,bde,bdf,bdg,bdh,bdi,bdj,bdk,bdl,bdm,bdn,bdo,bdp,bdq,bdr,bds,bdt,bdu,bdv,bdw,bdx,bdy,bdz,be,bea,beb,bec,bed,bee,bef,beg,beh,bei,bej,bek,bel,bem,ben,beo,bep,beq,ber,bes,bet,beu,bev,bew,bex,bey,bez,bf,bfa,bfb,bfc,bfd,bfe,bff,bfg,bfh,bfi,bfj,bfk,bfl,bfm,bfn,bfo,bfp,bfq,bfr,bfs,bft,bfu,bfv,bfw,bfx,bfy,bfz,bg,bga,bgb,bgc,bgd,bge,bgf,bgg,bgh,bgi,bgj,bgk,bgl,bgm,bgn,bgo,bgp,bgq,bgr,bgs,bgt,bgu,bgv,bgw,bgx,bgy,bgz,bh,bha,bhb,bhc,bhd,bhe,bhf,bhg,bhh,bhi,bhj,bhk,bhl,bhm,bhn,bho,bhp,bhq,bhr,bhs,bht,bhu,bhv,bhw,bhx,bhy,bhz,bi,bia,bib,bic,bid,bie,bif,big,bih,bii,bij,bik,bil,bim,bin,bio,bip,biq,bir,bis,bit,biu,biv,biw,bix,biy,biz,bj,bja,bjb,bjc,bjd,bje,bjf,bjg,bjh,bji,bjj,bjk,bjl,bjm,bjn,bjo,bjp,bjq,bjr,bjs,bjt,bju,bjv,bjw,bjx,bjy,bjz,bk,bka,bkb,bkc,bkd,bke,bkf,bkg,bkh,bki,bkj,bkk,bkl,bkm,bkn,bko,bkp,bkq,bkr,bks,bkt,bku,bkv,bkw,bkx,bky,bkz,bl,bla,blb,blc,bld,ble,blf,blg,blh,bli,blj,blk,bll,blm,bln,blo,blp,blq,blr,bls,blt,blu,blv,blw,blx,bly,blz,bm,bma,bmb,bmc,bmd,bme,bmf,bmg,bmh,bmi,bmj,bmk,bml,bmm,bmn,bmo,bmp,bmq,bmr,bms,bmt,bmu,bmv,bmw,bmx,bmy,bmz,bn,bna,bnb,bnc,bnd,bne,bnf,bng,bnh,bni,bnj,bnk,bnl,bnm,bnn,bno,bnp,bnq,bnr,bns,bnt,bnu,bnv,bnw,bnx,bny,bnz,bo,boa,bob,boc,bod,boe,bof,bog,boh,boi,boj,bok,bol,bom,bon,boo,bop,boq,bor,bos,bot,bou,bov,bow,box,boy,boz,bp,bpa,bpb,bpc,bpd,bpe,bpf,bpg,bph,bpi,bpj,bpk,bpl,bpm,bpn,bpo,bpp,bpq,bpr,bps,bpt,bpu,bpv,bpw,bpx,bpy,bpz,bq,bqa,bqb,bqc,bqd,bqe,bqf,bqg,bqh,bqi,bqj,bqk,bql,bqm,bqn,bqo,bqp,bqq,bqr,bqs,bqt,bqu,bqv,bqw,bqx,bqy,bqz,br,bra,brb,brc,brd,bre,brf,brg,brh,bri,brj,brk,brl,brm,brn,bro,brp,brq,brr,brs,brt,bru,brv,brw,brx,bry,brz,bs,bsa,bsb,bsc,bsd,bse,bsf,bsg,bsh,bsi,bsj,bsk,bsl,bsm,bsn,bso,bsp,bsq,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,nf,ng,nh,ni,nj,nk,nl,nm,nn,no,np,nq,nr,ns,nt,nu,nv,nw,nx,ny,nz,o,oa,ob,oc,od,oe,of,og,oh,oi,oj,ok,ol,om,on,oo,op,oq,or,os,ot,ou,ov,ow,ox,oy,oz,p,pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph,pi,pj,pk,pl,pm,pn,po,pp,pq,pr,ps,pt,pu,pv,pw,px,py,pz,q,qa,qb,qc,qd,qe,qf,qg,qh,qi,qj,qk,ql,qm,qn,qo,qp,qq,qr,qs,qt,qu,qv,qw,qx,qy,qz,r,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf,rg,rh,ri,rj,rk,rl,rm,rn,ro,rp,rq,rr,rs,rt,ru,rv,rw,rx,ry,rz,s,sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sn,so,sp,sq,sr,ss,st,su,sv,sw,sx,sy,sz,t,ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf,tg,th,ti,tj,tk,tl,tm,tn,to,tp,tq,tr,ts,tt,tu,tv,tw,tx,ty,tz,u,ua,ub,uc,ud,ue,uf,ug,uh,ui,uj,uk,ul,um,un,uo,up,uq,ur,us,ut,uu,uv,uw,ux,uy,uz,v,va,vb,vc,vd,ve,vf,vg,vh,vi,vj,vk,vl,vm,vn,vo,vp,vq,vr,vs,vt,vu,vv,vw,vx,vy,vz,w,wa,wb,wc,wd,we,wf,wg,wh,wi,wj,wk,wl,wm,wn,wo,wp,wq,wr,ws,wt,wu,wv,ww,wx,wy,wz,x,xa,xb,xc,xd,xe,xf,xg,xh,xi,xj,xk,xl,xm,xn,xo,xp,xq,xr,xs,xt,xu,xv,xw,xx,xy,xz,y,ya,yb,yc,yd,ye,yf,yg,yh,yi,yj,yk,yl,ym,yn,yo,yp,yq,yr,ys,yt,yu,yv,yw,yx,yy,yz,z,za,zb,zc,zd,ze,zf,zg,zh,zi,zj,zk,zl,zm,zn,zo,zp,zq,zr,zs,zt,zu,zv,zw,zx,zy,zz;c=b[1];d=b[2];e=b[3];f=b[4];g=b[5];h=b[6];i=b[7];j=b[8];k=b[0];l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=A.Mul64(k,b[8]);m=n[0];l=n[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Mul64(k,b[7]);p=q[0];o=q[1];r=new $Uint64(0,0);s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=A.Mul64(k,b[6]);s=t[0];r=t[1];u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=A.Mul64(k,b[5]);v=w[0];u=w[1];x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=new $Uint64(0,0);z=A.Mul64(k,b[4]);y=z[0];x=z[1];aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=A.Mul64(k,b[3]);ab=ac[0];aa=ac[1];ad=new $Uint64(0,0);ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=A.Mul64(k,b[2]);ae=af[0];ad=af[1];ag=new $Uint64(0,0);ah=new $Uint64(0,0);ai=A.Mul64(k,b[1]);ah=ai[0];ag=ai[1];aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=new $Uint64(0,0);al=A.Mul64(k,b[0]);ak=al[0];aj=al[1];am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=new $Uint64(0,0);ao=A.Add64(ak,ag,new $Uint64(0,0));am=ao[0];an=ao[1];ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=A.Add64(ah,ad,((as=(new D(an.$high,an.$low)),new $Uint64(as.$high,as.$low))));ap=ar[0];aq=ar[1];at=new $Uint64(0,0);au=new $Uint64(0,0);av=A.Add64(ae,aa,((aw=(new D(aq.$high,aq.$low)),new $Uint64(aw.$high,aw.$low))));at=av[0];au=av[1];ax=new $Uint64(0,0);ay=new $Uint64(0,0);az=A.Add64(ab,x,((ba=(new D(au.$high,au.$low)),new $Uint64(ba.$high,ba.$low))));ax=az[0];ay=az[1];bb=new $Uint64(0,0);bc=new $Uint64(0,0);bd=A.Add64(y,u,((be=(new D(ay.$high,ay.$low)),new $Uint64(be.$high,be.$low))));bb=bd[0];bc=bd[1];bf=new $Uint64(0,0);bg=new $Uint64(0,0);bh=A.Add64(v,r,((bi=(new D(bc.$high,bc.$low)),new $Uint64(bi.$high,bi.$low))));bf=bh[0];bg=bh[1];bj=new $Uint64(0,0);bk=new $Uint64(0,0);bl=A.Add64(s,o,((bm=(new D(bg.$high,bg.$low)),new $Uint64(bm.$high,bm.$low))));bj=bl[0];bk=bl[1];bn=new $Uint64(0,0);bo=new $Uint64(0,0);bp=A.Add64(p,l,((bq=(new D(bk.$high,bk.$low)),new $Uint64(bq.$high,bq.$low))));bn=bp[0];bo=bp[1];bt=(br=((bs=(new D(bo.$high,bo.$low)),new $Uint64(bs.$high,bs.$low))),new $Uint64(br.$high+m.$high,br.$low+m.$low));bu=new $Uint64(0,0);bv=new $Uint64(0,0);bw=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(0,511));bv=bw[0];bu=bw[1];bx=new $Uint64(0,0);by=new $Uint64(0,0);bz=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));by=bz[0];bx=bz[1];ca=new $Uint64(0,0);cb=new $Uint64(0,0);cc=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));cb=cc[0];ca=cc[1];cd=new $Uint64(0,0);ce=new $Uint64(0,0);cf=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ce=cf[0];cd=cf[1];cg=new $Uint64(0,0);ch=new $Uint64(0,0);ci=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ch=ci[0];cg=ci[1];cj=new $Uint64(0,0);ck=new $Uint64(0,0);cl=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ck=cl[0];cj=cl[1];cm=new $Uint64(0,0);cn=new $Uint64(0,0);co=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));cn=co[0];cm=co[1];cp=new $Uint64(0,0);cq=new $Uint64(0,0);cr=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));cq=cr[0];cp=cr[1];cs=new $Uint64(0,0);ct=new $Uint64(0,0);cu=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ct=cu[0];cs=cu[1];cv=new $Uint64(0,0);cw=new $Uint64(0,0);cx=A.Add64(ct,cp,new $Uint64(0,0));cv=cx[0];cw=cx[1];cy=new $Uint64(0,0);cz=new $Uint64(0,0);da=A.Add64(cq,cm,((db=(new D(cw.$high,cw.$low)),new $Uint64(db.$high,db.$low))));cy=da[0];cz=da[1];dc=new $Uint64(0,0);dd=new $Uint64(0,0);de=A.Add64(cn,cj,((df=(new D(cz.$high,cz.$low)),new $Uint64(df.$high,df.$low))));dc=de[0];dd=de[1];dg=new $Uint64(0,0);dh=new $Uint64(0,0);di=A.Add64(ck,cg,((dj=(new D(dd.$high,dd.$low)),new $Uint64(dj.$high,dj.$low))));dg=di[0];dh=di[1];dk=new $Uint64(0,0);dl=new $Uint64(0,0);dm=A.Add64(ch,cd,((dn=(new D(dh.$high,dh.$low)),new $Uint64(dn.$high,dn.$low))));dk=dm[0];dl=dm[1];dp=new $Uint64(0,0);dq=new $Uint64(0,0);dr=A.Add64(ce,ca,((ds=(new D(dl.$high,dl.$low)),new $Uint64(ds.$high,ds.$low))));dp=dr[0];dq=dr[1];dt=new $Uint64(0,0);du=new $Uint64(0,0);dv=A.Add64(cb,bx,((dw=(new D(dq.$high,dq.$low)),new $Uint64(dw.$high,dw.$low))));dt=dv[0];du=dv[1];dx=new $Uint64(0,0);dy=new $Uint64(0,0);dz=A.Add64(by,bu,((ea=(new D(du.$high,du.$low)),new $Uint64(ea.$high,ea.$low))));dx=dz[0];dy=dz[1];ed=(eb=((ec=(new D(dy.$high,dy.$low)),new $Uint64(ec.$high,ec.$low))),new $Uint64(eb.$high+bv.$high,eb.$low+bv.$low));ee=new $Uint64(0,0);ef=A.Add64(aj,cs,new $Uint64(0,0));ee=ef[1];eg=new $Uint64(0,0);eh=new $Uint64(0,0);ei=A.Add64(am,cv,((ej=(new D(ee.$high,ee.$low)),new $Uint64(ej.$high,ej.$low))));eg=ei[0];eh=ei[1];ek=new $Uint64(0,0);el=new $Uint64(0,0);em=A.Add64(ap,cy,((en=(new D(eh.$high,eh.$low)),new $Uint64(en.$high,en.$low))));ek=em[0];el=em[1];eo=new $Uint64(0,0);ep=new $Uint64(0,0);eq=A.Add64(at,dc,((er=(new D(el.$high,el.$low)),new $Uint64(er.$high,er.$low))));eo=eq[0];ep=eq[1];es=new $Uint64(0,0);et=new $Uint64(0,0);eu=A.Add64(ax,dg,((ev=(new D(ep.$high,ep.$low)),new $Uint64(ev.$high,ev.$low))));es=eu[0];et=eu[1];ew=new $Uint64(0,0);ex=new $Uint64(0,0);ey=A.Add64(bb,dk,((ez=(new D(et.$high,et.$low)),new $Uint64(ez.$high,ez.$low))));ew=ey[0];ex=ey[1];fa=new $Uint64(0,0);fb=new $Uint64(0,0);fc=A.Add64(bf,dp,((fd=(new D(ex.$high,ex.$low)),new $Uint64(fd.$high,fd.$low))));fa=fc[0];fb=fc[1];fe=new $Uint64(0,0);ff=new $Uint64(0,0);fg=A.Add64(bj,dt,((fh=(new D(fb.$high,fb.$low)),new $Uint64(fh.$high,fh.$low))));fe=fg[0];ff=fg[1];fi=new $Uint64(0,0);fj=new $Uint64(0,0);fk=A.Add64(bn,dx,((fl=(new D(ff.$high,ff.$low)),new $Uint64(fl.$high,fl.$low))));fi=fk[0];fj=fk[1];fm=new $Uint64(0,0);fn=new $Uint64(0,0);fo=A.Add64(bt,ed,((fp=(new D(fj.$high,fj.$low)),new $Uint64(fp.$high,fp.$low))));fm=fo[0];fn=fo[1];fq=new $Uint64(0,0);fr=new $Uint64(0,0);fs=A.Mul64(c,b[8]);fr=fs[0];fq=fs[1];ft=new $Uint64(0,0);fu=new $Uint64(0,0);fv=A.Mul64(c,b[7]);fu=fv[0];ft=fv[1];fw=new $Uint64(0,0);fx=new $Uint64(0,0);fy=A.Mul64(c,b[6]);fx=fy[0];fw=fy[1];fz=new $Uint64(0,0);ga=new $Uint64(0,0);gb=A.Mul64(c,b[5]);ga=gb[0];fz=gb[1];gc=new $Uint64(0,0);gd=new $Uint64(0,0);ge=A.Mul64(c,b[4]);gd=ge[0];gc=ge[1];gf=new $Uint64(0,0);gg=new $Uint64(0,0);gh=A.Mul64(c,b[3]);gg=gh[0];gf=gh[1];gi=new $Uint64(0,0);gj=new $Uint64(0,0);gk=A.Mul64(c,b[2]);gj=gk[0];gi=gk[1];gl=new $Uint64(0,0);gm=new $Uint64(0,0);gn=A.Mul64(c,b[1]);gm=gn[0];gl=gn[1];go=new $Uint64(0,0);gp=new $Uint64(0,0);gq=A.Mul64(c,b[0]);gp=gq[0];go=gq[1];gr=new $Uint64(0,0);gs=new $Uint64(0,0);gt=A.Add64(gp,gl,new $Uint64(0,0));gr=gt[0];gs=gt[1];gu=new $Uint64(0,0);gv=new $Uint64(0,0);gw=A.Add64(gm,gi,((gx=(new D(gs.$high,gs.$low)),new $Uint64(gx.$high,gx.$low))));gu=gw[0];gv=gw[1];gy=new $Uint64(0,0);gz=new $Uint64(0,0);ha=A.Add64(gj,gf,((hb=(new D(gv.$high,gv.$low)),new $Uint64(hb.$high,hb.$low))));gy=ha[0];gz=ha[1];hc=new $Uint64(0,0);hd=new $Uint64(0,0);he=A.Add64(gg,gc,((hf=(new D(gz.$high,gz.$low)),new $Uint64(hf.$high,hf.$low))));hc=he[0];hd=he[1];hg=new $Uint64(0,0);hh=new $Uint64(0,0);hi=A.Add64(gd,fz,((hj=(new D(hd.$high,hd.$low)),new $Uint64(hj.$high,hj.$low))));hg=hi[0];hh=hi[1];hk=new $Uint64(0,0);hl=new $Uint64(0,0);hm=A.Add64(ga,fw,((hn=(new D(hh.$high,hh.$low)),new $Uint64(hn.$high,hn.$low))));hk=hm[0];hl=hm[1];ho=new $Uint64(0,0);hp=new $Uint64(0,0);hq=A.Add64(fx,ft,((hr=(new D(hl.$high,hl.$low)),new $Uint64(hr.$high,hr.$low))));ho=hq[0];hp=hq[1];hs=new $Uint64(0,0);ht=new $Uint64(0,0);hu=A.Add64(fu,fq,((hv=(new D(hp.$high,hp.$low)),new $Uint64(hv.$high,hv.$low))));hs=hu[0];ht=hu[1];hy=(hw=((hx=(new D(ht.$high,ht.$low)),new $Uint64(hx.$high,hx.$low))),new $Uint64(hw.$high+fr.$high,hw.$low+fr.$low));hz=new $Uint64(0,0);ia=new $Uint64(0,0);ib=A.Add64(eg,go,new $Uint64(0,0));hz=ib[0];ia=ib[1];ic=new $Uint64(0,0);id=new $Uint64(0,0);ie=A.Add64(ek,gr,((ig=(new D(ia.$high,ia.$low)),new $Uint64(ig.$high,ig.$low))));ic=ie[0];id=ie[1];ih=new $Uint64(0,0);ii=new $Uint64(0,0);ij=A.Add64(eo,gu,((ik=(new D(id.$high,id.$low)),new $Uint64(ik.$high,ik.$low))));ih=ij[0];ii=ij[1];il=new $Uint64(0,0);im=new $Uint64(0,0);io=A.Add64(es,gy,((ip=(new D(ii.$high,ii.$low)),new $Uint64(ip.$high,ip.$low))));il=io[0];im=io[1];iq=new $Uint64(0,0);ir=new $Uint64(0,0);is=A.Add64(ew,hc,((it=(new D(im.$high,im.$low)),new $Uint64(it.$high,it.$low))));iq=is[0];ir=is[1];iu=new $Uint64(0,0);iv=new $Uint64(0,0);iw=A.Add64(fa,hg,((ix=(new D(ir.$high,ir.$low)),new $Uint64(ix.$high,ix.$low))));iu=iw[0];iv=iw[1];iy=new $Uint64(0,0);iz=new $Uint64(0,0);ja=A.Add64(fe,hk,((jb=(new D(iv.$high,iv.$low)),new $Uint64(jb.$high,jb.$low))));iy=ja[0];iz=ja[1];jc=new $Uint64(0,0);jd=new $Uint64(0,0);je=A.Add64(fi,ho,((jf=(new D(iz.$high,iz.$low)),new $Uint64(jf.$high,jf.$low))));jc=je[0];jd=je[1];jg=new $Uint64(0,0);jh=new $Uint64(0,0);ji=A.Add64(fm,hs,((jj=(new D(jd.$high,jd.$low)),new $Uint64(jj.$high,jj.$low))));jg=ji[0];jh=ji[1];jk=new $Uint64(0,0);jl=new $Uint64(0,0);jm=A.Add64(((jn=(new D(fn.$high,fn.$low)),new $Uint64(jn.$high,jn.$low))),hy,((jo=(new D(jh.$high,jh.$low)),new $Uint64(jo.$high,jo.$low))));jk=jm[0];jl=jm[1];jp=new $Uint64(0,0);jq=new $Uint64(0,0);jr=A.Mul64(hz,new $Uint64(0,511));jq=jr[0];jp=jr[1];js=new $Uint64(0,0);jt=new $Uint64(0,0);ju=A.Mul64(hz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jt=ju[0];js=ju[1];jv=new $Uint64(0,0);jw=new $Uint64(0,0);jx=A.Mul64(hz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jw=jx[0];jv=jx[1];jy=new $Uint64(0,0);jz=new $Uint64(0,0);ka=A.Mul64(hz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jz=ka[0];jy=ka[1];kb=new $Uint64(0,0);kc=new $Uint64(0,0);kd=A.Mul64(hz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kc=kd[0];kb=kd[1];ke=new $Uint64(0,0);kf=new $Uint64(0,0);kg=A.Mul64(hz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kf=kg[0];ke=kg[1];kh=new $Uint64(0,0);ki=new $Uint64(0,0);kj=A.Mul64(hz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ki=kj[0];kh=kj[1];kk=new $Uint64(0,0);kl=new $Uint64(0,0);km=A.Mul64(hz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kl=km[0];kk=km[1];kn=new $Uint64(0,0);ko=new $Uint64(0,0);kp=A.Mul64(hz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ko=kp[0];kn=kp[1];kq=new $Uint64(0,0);kr=new $Uint64(0,0);ks=A.Add64(ko,kk,new $Uint64(0,0));kq=ks[0];kr=ks[1];kt=new $Uint64(0,0);ku=new $Uint64(0,0);kv=A.Add64(kl,kh,((kw=(new D(kr.$high,kr.$low)),new $Uint64(kw.$high,kw.$low))));kt=kv[0];ku=kv[1];kx=new $Uint64(0,0);ky=new $Uint64(0,0);kz=A.Add64(ki,ke,((la=(new D(ku.$high,ku.$low)),new $Uint64(la.$high,la.$low))));kx=kz[0];ky=kz[1];lb=new $Uint64(0,0);lc=new $Uint64(0,0);ld=A.Add64(kf,kb,((le=(new D(ky.$high,ky.$low)),new $Uint64(le.$high,le.$low))));lb=ld[0];lc=ld[1];lf=new $Uint64(0,0);lg=new $Uint64(0,0);lh=A.Add64(kc,jy,((li=(new D(lc.$high,lc.$low)),new $Uint64(li.$high,li.$low))));lf=lh[0];lg=lh[1];lj=new $Uint64(0,0);lk=new $Uint64(0,0);ll=A.Add64(jz,jv,((lm=(new D(lg.$high,lg.$low)),new $Uint64(lm.$high,lm.$low))));lj=ll[0];lk=ll[1];ln=new $Uint64(0,0);lo=new $Uint64(0,0);lp=A.Add64(jw,js,((lq=(new D(lk.$high,lk.$low)),new $Uint64(lq.$high,lq.$low))));ln=lp[0];lo=lp[1];lr=new $Uint64(0,0);ls=new $Uint64(0,0);lt=A.Add64(jt,jp,((lu=(new D(lo.$high,lo.$low)),new $Uint64(lu.$high,lu.$low))));lr=lt[0];ls=lt[1];lx=(lv=((lw=(new D(ls.$high,ls.$low)),new $Uint64(lw.$high,lw.$low))),new $Uint64(lv.$high+jq.$high,lv.$low+jq.$low));ly=new $Uint64(0,0);lz=A.Add64(hz,kn,new $Uint64(0,0));ly=lz[1];ma=new $Uint64(0,0);mb=new $Uint64(0,0);mc=A.Add64(ic,kq,((md=(new D(ly.$high,ly.$low)),new $Uint64(md.$high,md.$low))));ma=mc[0];mb=mc[1];me=new $Uint64(0,0);mf=new $Uint64(0,0);mg=A.Add64(ih,kt,((mh=(new D(mb.$high,mb.$low)),new $Uint64(mh.$high,mh.$low))));me=mg[0];mf=mg[1];mi=new $Uint64(0,0);mj=new $Uint64(0,0);mk=A.Add64(il,kx,((ml=(new D(mf.$high,mf.$low)),new $Uint64(ml.$high,ml.$low))));mi=mk[0];mj=mk[1];mm=new $Uint64(0,0);mn=new $Uint64(0,0);mo=A.Add64(iq,lb,((mp=(new D(mj.$high,mj.$low)),new $Uint64(mp.$high,mp.$low))));mm=mo[0];mn=mo[1];mq=new $Uint64(0,0);mr=new $Uint64(0,0);ms=A.Add64(iu,lf,((mt=(new D(mn.$high,mn.$low)),new $Uint64(mt.$high,mt.$low))));mq=ms[0];mr=ms[1];mu=new $Uint64(0,0);mv=new $Uint64(0,0);mw=A.Add64(iy,lj,((mx=(new D(mr.$high,mr.$low)),new $Uint64(mx.$high,mx.$low))));mu=mw[0];mv=mw[1];my=new $Uint64(0,0);mz=new $Uint64(0,0);na=A.Add64(jc,ln,((nb=(new D(mv.$high,mv.$low)),new $Uint64(nb.$high,nb.$low))));my=na[0];mz=na[1];nc=new $Uint64(0,0);nd=new $Uint64(0,0);ne=A.Add64(jg,lr,((nf=(new D(mz.$high,mz.$low)),new $Uint64(nf.$high,nf.$low))));nc=ne[0];nd=ne[1];ng=new $Uint64(0,0);nh=new $Uint64(0,0);ni=A.Add64(jk,lx,((nj=(new D(nd.$high,nd.$low)),new $Uint64(nj.$high,nj.$low))));ng=ni[0];nh=ni[1];no=(nk=((nl=(new D(nh.$high,nh.$low)),new $Uint64(nl.$high,nl.$low))),nm=((nn=(new D(jl.$high,jl.$low)),new $Uint64(nn.$high,nn.$low))),new $Uint64(nk.$high+nm.$high,nk.$low+nm.$low));np=new $Uint64(0,0);nq=new $Uint64(0,0);nr=A.Mul64(d,b[8]);nq=nr[0];np=nr[1];ns=new $Uint64(0,0);nt=new $Uint64(0,0);nu=A.Mul64(d,b[7]);nt=nu[0];ns=nu[1];nv=new $Uint64(0,0);nw=new $Uint64(0,0);nx=A.Mul64(d,b[6]);nw=nx[0];nv=nx[1];ny=new $Uint64(0,0);nz=new $Uint64(0,0);oa=A.Mul64(d,b[5]);nz=oa[0];ny=oa[1];ob=new $Uint64(0,0);oc=new $Uint64(0,0);od=A.Mul64(d,b[4]);oc=od[0];ob=od[1];oe=new $Uint64(0,0);of=new $Uint64(0,0);og=A.Mul64(d,b[3]);of=og[0];oe=og[1];oh=new $Uint64(0,0);oi=new $Uint64(0,0);oj=A.Mul64(d,b[2]);oi=oj[0];oh=oj[1];ok=new $Uint64(0,0);ol=new $Uint64(0,0);om=A.Mul64(d,b[1]);ol=om[0];ok=om[1];on=new $Uint64(0,0);oo=new $Uint64(0,0);op=A.Mul64(d,b[0]);oo=op[0];on=op[1];oq=new $Uint64(0,0);or=new $Uint64(0,0);os=A.Add64(oo,ok,new $Uint64(0,0));oq=os[0];or=os[1];ot=new $Uint64(0,0);ou=new $Uint64(0,0);ov=A.Add64(ol,oh,((ow=(new D(or.$high,or.$low)),new $Uint64(ow.$high,ow.$low))));ot=ov[0];ou=ov[1];ox=new $Uint64(0,0);oy=new $Uint64(0,0);oz=A.Add64(oi,oe,((pa=(new D(ou.$high,ou.$low)),new $Uint64(pa.$high,pa.$low))));ox=oz[0];oy=oz[1];pb=new $Uint64(0,0);pc=new $Uint64(0,0);pd=A.Add64(of,ob,((pe=(new D(oy.$high,oy.$low)),new $Uint64(pe.$high,pe.$low))));pb=pd[0];pc=pd[1];pf=new $Uint64(0,0);pg=new $Uint64(0,0);ph=A.Add64(oc,ny,((pi=(new D(pc.$high,pc.$low)),new $Uint64(pi.$high,pi.$low))));pf=ph[0];pg=ph[1];pj=new $Uint64(0,0);pk=new $Uint64(0,0);pl=A.Add64(nz,nv,((pm=(new D(pg.$high,pg.$low)),new $Uint64(pm.$high,pm.$low))));pj=pl[0];pk=pl[1];pn=new $Uint64(0,0);po=new $Uint64(0,0);pp=A.Add64(nw,ns,((pq=(new D(pk.$high,pk.$low)),new $Uint64(pq.$high,pq.$low))));pn=pp[0];po=pp[1];pr=new $Uint64(0,0);ps=new $Uint64(0,0);pt=A.Add64(nt,np,((pu=(new D(po.$high,po.$low)),new $Uint64(pu.$high,pu.$low))));pr=pt[0];ps=pt[1];px=(pv=((pw=(new D(ps.$high,ps.$low)),new $Uint64(pw.$high,pw.$low))),new $Uint64(pv.$high+nq.$high,pv.$low+nq.$low));py=new $Uint64(0,0);pz=new $Uint64(0,0);qa=A.Add64(ma,on,new $Uint64(0,0));py=qa[0];pz=qa[1];qb=new $Uint64(0,0);qc=new $Uint64(0,0);qd=A.Add64(me,oq,((qe=(new D(pz.$high,pz.$low)),new $Uint64(qe.$high,qe.$low))));qb=qd[0];qc=qd[1];qf=new $Uint64(0,0);qg=new $Uint64(0,0);qh=A.Add64(mi,ot,((qi=(new D(qc.$high,qc.$low)),new $Uint64(qi.$high,qi.$low))));qf=qh[0];qg=qh[1];qj=new $Uint64(0,0);qk=new $Uint64(0,0);ql=A.Add64(mm,ox,((qm=(new D(qg.$high,qg.$low)),new $Uint64(qm.$high,qm.$low))));qj=ql[0];qk=ql[1];qn=new $Uint64(0,0);qo=new $Uint64(0,0);qp=A.Add64(mq,pb,((qq=(new D(qk.$high,qk.$low)),new $Uint64(qq.$high,qq.$low))));qn=qp[0];qo=qp[1];qr=new $Uint64(0,0);qs=new $Uint64(0,0);qt=A.Add64(mu,pf,((qu=(new D(qo.$high,qo.$low)),new $Uint64(qu.$high,qu.$low))));qr=qt[0];qs=qt[1];qv=new $Uint64(0,0);qw=new $Uint64(0,0);qx=A.Add64(my,pj,((qy=(new D(qs.$high,qs.$low)),new $Uint64(qy.$high,qy.$low))));qv=qx[0];qw=qx[1];qz=new $Uint64(0,0);ra=new $Uint64(0,0);rb=A.Add64(nc,pn,((rc=(new D(qw.$high,qw.$low)),new $Uint64(rc.$high,rc.$low))));qz=rb[0];ra=rb[1];rd=new $Uint64(0,0);re=new $Uint64(0,0);rf=A.Add64(ng,pr,((rg=(new D(ra.$high,ra.$low)),new $Uint64(rg.$high,rg.$low))));rd=rf[0];re=rf[1];rh=new $Uint64(0,0);ri=new $Uint64(0,0);rj=A.Add64(no,px,((rk=(new D(re.$high,re.$low)),new $Uint64(rk.$high,rk.$low))));rh=rj[0];ri=rj[1];rl=new $Uint64(0,0);rm=new $Uint64(0,0);rn=A.Mul64(py,new $Uint64(0,511));rm=rn[0];rl=rn[1];ro=new $Uint64(0,0);rp=new $Uint64(0,0);rq=A.Mul64(py,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rp=rq[0];ro=rq[1];rr=new $Uint64(0,0);rs=new $Uint64(0,0);rt=A.Mul64(py,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rs=rt[0];rr=rt[1];ru=new $Uint64(0,0);rv=new $Uint64(0,0);rw=A.Mul64(py,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rv=rw[0];ru=rw[1];rx=new $Uint64(0,0);ry=new $Uint64(0,0);rz=A.Mul64(py,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ry=rz[0];rx=rz[1];sa=new $Uint64(0,0);sb=new $Uint64(0,0);sc=A.Mul64(py,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));sb=sc[0];sa=sc[1];sd=new $Uint64(0,0);se=new $Uint64(0,0);sf=A.Mul64(py,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));se=sf[0];sd=sf[1];sg=new $Uint64(0,0);sh=new $Uint64(0,0);si=A.Mul64(py,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));sh=si[0];sg=si[1];sj=new $Uint64(0,0);sk=new $Uint64(0,0);sl=A.Mul64(py,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));sk=sl[0];sj=sl[1];sm=new $Uint64(0,0);sn=new $Uint64(0,0);so=A.Add64(sk,sg,new $Uint64(0,0));sm=so[0];sn=so[1];sp=new $Uint64(0,0);sq=new $Uint64(0,0);sr=A.Add64(sh,sd,((ss=(new D(sn.$high,sn.$low)),new $Uint64(ss.$high,ss.$low))));sp=sr[0];sq=sr[1];st=new $Uint64(0,0);su=new $Uint64(0,0);sv=A.Add64(se,sa,((sw=(new D(sq.$high,sq.$low)),new $Uint64(sw.$high,sw.$low))));st=sv[0];su=sv[1];sx=new $Uint64(0,0);sy=new $Uint64(0,0);sz=A.Add64(sb,rx,((ta=(new D(su.$high,su.$low)),new $Uint64(ta.$high,ta.$low))));sx=sz[0];sy=sz[1];tb=new $Uint64(0,0);tc=new $Uint64(0,0);td=A.Add64(ry,ru,((te=(new D(sy.$high,sy.$low)),new $Uint64(te.$high,te.$low))));tb=td[0];tc=td[1];tf=new $Uint64(0,0);tg=new $Uint64(0,0);th=A.Add64(rv,rr,((ti=(new D(tc.$high,tc.$low)),new $Uint64(ti.$high,ti.$low))));tf=th[0];tg=th[1];tj=new $Uint64(0,0);tk=new $Uint64(0,0);tl=A.Add64(rs,ro,((tm=(new D(tg.$high,tg.$low)),new $Uint64(tm.$high,tm.$low))));tj=tl[0];tk=tl[1];tn=new $Uint64(0,0);to=new $Uint64(0,0);tp=A.Add64(rp,rl,((tq=(new D(tk.$high,tk.$low)),new $Uint64(tq.$high,tq.$low))));tn=tp[0];to=tp[1];tt=(tr=((ts=(new D(to.$high,to.$low)),new $Uint64(ts.$high,ts.$low))),new $Uint64(tr.$high+rm.$high,tr.$low+rm.$low));tu=new $Uint64(0,0);tv=A.Add64(py,sj,new $Uint64(0,0));tu=tv[1];tw=new $Uint64(0,0);tx=new $Uint64(0,0);ty=A.Add64(qb,sm,((tz=(new D(tu.$high,tu.$low)),new $Uint64(tz.$high,tz.$low))));tw=ty[0];tx=ty[1];ua=new $Uint64(0,0);ub=new $Uint64(0,0);uc=A.Add64(qf,sp,((ud=(new D(tx.$high,tx.$low)),new $Uint64(ud.$high,ud.$low))));ua=uc[0];ub=uc[1];ue=new $Uint64(0,0);uf=new $Uint64(0,0);ug=A.Add64(qj,st,((uh=(new D(ub.$high,ub.$low)),new $Uint64(uh.$high,uh.$low))));ue=ug[0];uf=ug[1];ui=new $Uint64(0,0);uj=new $Uint64(0,0);uk=A.Add64(qn,sx,((ul=(new D(uf.$high,uf.$low)),new $Uint64(ul.$high,ul.$low))));ui=uk[0];uj=uk[1];um=new $Uint64(0,0);un=new $Uint64(0,0);uo=A.Add64(qr,tb,((up=(new D(uj.$high,uj.$low)),new $Uint64(up.$high,up.$low))));um=uo[0];un=uo[1];uq=new $Uint64(0,0);ur=new $Uint64(0,0);us=A.Add64(qv,tf,((ut=(new D(un.$high,un.$low)),new $Uint64(ut.$high,ut.$low))));uq=us[0];ur=us[1];uu=new $Uint64(0,0);uv=new $Uint64(0,0);uw=A.Add64(qz,tj,((ux=(new D(ur.$high,ur.$low)),new $Uint64(ux.$high,ux.$low))));uu=uw[0];uv=uw[1];uy=new $Uint64(0,0);uz=new $Uint64(0,0);va=A.Add64(rd,tn,((vb=(new D(uv.$high,uv.$low)),new $Uint64(vb.$high,vb.$low))));uy=va[0];uz=va[1];vc=new $Uint64(0,0);vd=new $Uint64(0,0);ve=A.Add64(rh,tt,((vf=(new D(uz.$high,uz.$low)),new $Uint64(vf.$high,vf.$low))));vc=ve[0];vd=ve[1];vk=(vg=((vh=(new D(vd.$high,vd.$low)),new $Uint64(vh.$high,vh.$low))),vi=((vj=(new D(ri.$high,ri.$low)),new $Uint64(vj.$high,vj.$low))),new $Uint64(vg.$high+vi.$high,vg.$low+vi.$low));vl=new $Uint64(0,0);vm=new $Uint64(0,0);vn=A.Mul64(e,b[8]);vm=vn[0];vl=vn[1];vo=new $Uint64(0,0);vp=new $Uint64(0,0);vq=A.Mul64(e,b[7]);vp=vq[0];vo=vq[1];vr=new $Uint64(0,0);vs=new $Uint64(0,0);vt=A.Mul64(e,b[6]);vs=vt[0];vr=vt[1];vu=new $Uint64(0,0);vv=new $Uint64(0,0);vw=A.Mul64(e,b[5]);vv=vw[0];vu=vw[1];vx=new $Uint64(0,0);vy=new $Uint64(0,0);vz=A.Mul64(e,b[4]);vy=vz[0];vx=vz[1];wa=new $Uint64(0,0);wb=new $Uint64(0,0);wc=A.Mul64(e,b[3]);wb=wc[0];wa=wc[1];wd=new $Uint64(0,0);we=new $Uint64(0,0);wf=A.Mul64(e,b[2]);we=wf[0];wd=wf[1];wg=new $Uint64(0,0);wh=new $Uint64(0,0);wi=A.Mul64(e,b[1]);wh=wi[0];wg=wi[1];wj=new $Uint64(0,0);wk=new $Uint64(0,0);wl=A.Mul64(e,b[0]);wk=wl[0];wj=wl[1];wm=new $Uint64(0,0);wn=new $Uint64(0,0);wo=A.Add64(wk,wg,new $Uint64(0,0));wm=wo[0];wn=wo[1];wp=new $Uint64(0,0);wq=new $Uint64(0,0);wr=A.Add64(wh,wd,((ws=(new D(wn.$high,wn.$low)),new $Uint64(ws.$high,ws.$low))));wp=wr[0];wq=wr[1];wt=new $Uint64(0,0);wu=new $Uint64(0,0);wv=A.Add64(we,wa,((ww=(new D(wq.$high,wq.$low)),new $Uint64(ww.$high,ww.$low))));wt=wv[0];wu=wv[1];wx=new $Uint64(0,0);wy=new $Uint64(0,0);wz=A.Add64(wb,vx,((xa=(new D(wu.$high,wu.$low)),new $Uint64(xa.$high,xa.$low))));wx=wz[0];wy=wz[1];xb=new $Uint64(0,0);xc=new $Uint64(0,0);xd=A.Add64(vy,vu,((xe=(new D(wy.$high,wy.$low)),new $Uint64(xe.$high,xe.$low))));xb=xd[0];xc=xd[1];xf=new $Uint64(0,0);xg=new $Uint64(0,0);xh=A.Add64(vv,vr,((xi=(new D(xc.$high,xc.$low)),new $Uint64(xi.$high,xi.$low))));xf=xh[0];xg=xh[1];xj=new $Uint64(0,0);xk=new $Uint64(0,0);xl=A.Add64(vs,vo,((xm=(new D(xg.$high,xg.$low)),new $Uint64(xm.$high,xm.$low))));xj=xl[0];xk=xl[1];xn=new $Uint64(0,0);xo=new $Uint64(0,0);xp=A.Add64(vp,vl,((xq=(new D(xk.$high,xk.$low)),new $Uint64(xq.$high,xq.$low))));xn=xp[0];xo=xp[1];xt=(xr=((xs=(new D(xo.$high,xo.$low)),new $Uint64(xs.$high,xs.$low))),new $Uint64(xr.$high+vm.$high,xr.$low+vm.$low));xu=new $Uint64(0,0);xv=new $Uint64(0,0);xw=A.Add64(tw,wj,new $Uint64(0,0));xu=xw[0];xv=xw[1];xx=new $Uint64(0,0);xy=new $Uint64(0,0);xz=A.Add64(ua,wm,((ya=(new D(xv.$high,xv.$low)),new $Uint64(ya.$high,ya.$low))));xx=xz[0];xy=xz[1];yb=new $Uint64(0,0);yc=new $Uint64(0,0);yd=A.Add64(ue,wp,((ye=(new D(xy.$high,xy.$low)),new $Uint64(ye.$high,ye.$low))));yb=yd[0];yc=yd[1];yf=new $Uint64(0,0);yg=new $Uint64(0,0);yh=A.Add64(ui,wt,((yi=(new D(yc.$high,yc.$low)),new $Uint64(yi.$high,yi.$low))));yf=yh[0];yg=yh[1];yj=new $Uint64(0,0);yk=new $Uint64(0,0);yl=A.Add64(um,wx,((ym=(new D(yg.$high,yg.$low)),new $Uint64(ym.$high,ym.$low))));yj=yl[0];yk=yl[1];yn=new $Uint64(0,0);yo=new $Uint64(0,0);yp=A.Add64(uq,xb,((yq=(new D(yk.$high,yk.$low)),new $Uint64(yq.$high,yq.$low))));yn=yp[0];yo=yp[1];yr=new $Uint64(0,0);ys=new $Uint64(0,0);yt=A.Add64(uu,xf,((yu=(new D(yo.$high,yo.$low)),new $Uint64(yu.$high,yu.$low))));yr=yt[0];ys=yt[1];yv=new $Uint64(0,0);yw=new $Uint64(0,0);yx=A.Add64(uy,xj,((yy=(new D(ys.$high,ys.$low)),new $Uint64(yy.$high,yy.$low))));yv=yx[0];yw=yx[1];yz=new $Uint64(0,0);za=new $Uint64(0,0);zb=A.Add64(vc,xn,((zc=(new D(yw.$high,yw.$low)),new $Uint64(zc.$high,zc.$low))));yz=zb[0];za=zb[1];zd=new $Uint64(0,0);ze=new $Uint64(0,0);zf=A.Add64(vk,xt,((zg=(new D(za.$high,za.$low)),new $Uint64(zg.$high,zg.$low))));zd=zf[0];ze=zf[1];zh=new $Uint64(0,0);zi=new $Uint64(0,0);zj=A.Mul64(xu,new $Uint64(0,511));zi=zj[0];zh=zj[1];zk=new $Uint64(0,0);zl=new $Uint64(0,0);zm=A.Mul64(xu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zl=zm[0];zk=zm[1];zn=new $Uint64(0,0);zo=new $Uint64(0,0);zp=A.Mul64(xu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zo=zp[0];zn=zp[1];zq=new $Uint64(0,0);zr=new $Uint64(0,0);zs=A.Mul64(xu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zr=zs[0];zq=zs[1];zt=new $Uint64(0,0);zu=new $Uint64(0,0);zv=A.Mul64(xu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zu=zv[0];zt=zv[1];zw=new $Uint64(0,0);zx=new $Uint64(0,0);zy=A.Mul64(xu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zx=zy[0];zw=zy[1];zz=new $Uint64(0,0);aaa=new $Uint64(0,0);aab=A.Mul64(xu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aaa=aab[0];zz=aab[1];aac=new $Uint64(0,0);aad=new $Uint64(0,0);aae=A.Mul64(xu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aad=aae[0];aac=aae[1];aaf=new $Uint64(0,0);aag=new $Uint64(0,0);aah=A.Mul64(xu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aag=aah[0];aaf=aah[1];aai=new $Uint64(0,0);aaj=new $Uint64(0,0);aak=A.Add64(aag,aac,new $Uint64(0,0));aai=aak[0];aaj=aak[1];aal=new $Uint64(0,0);aam=new $Uint64(0,0);aan=A.Add64(aad,zz,((aao=(new D(aaj.$high,aaj.$low)),new $Uint64(aao.$high,aao.$low))));aal=aan[0];aam=aan[1];aap=new $Uint64(0,0);aaq=new $Uint64(0,0);aar=A.Add64(aaa,zw,((aas=(new D(aam.$high,aam.$low)),new $Uint64(aas.$high,aas.$low))));aap=aar[0];aaq=aar[1];aat=new $Uint64(0,0);aau=new $Uint64(0,0);aav=A.Add64(zx,zt,((aaw=(new D(aaq.$high,aaq.$low)),new $Uint64(aaw.$high,aaw.$low))));aat=aav[0];aau=aav[1];aax=new $Uint64(0,0);aay=new $Uint64(0,0);aaz=A.Add64(zu,zq,((aba=(new D(aau.$high,aau.$low)),new $Uint64(aba.$high,aba.$low))));aax=aaz[0];aay=aaz[1];abb=new $Uint64(0,0);abc=new $Uint64(0,0);abd=A.Add64(zr,zn,((abe=(new D(aay.$high,aay.$low)),new $Uint64(abe.$high,abe.$low))));abb=abd[0];abc=abd[1];abf=new $Uint64(0,0);abg=new $Uint64(0,0);abh=A.Add64(zo,zk,((abi=(new D(abc.$high,abc.$low)),new $Uint64(abi.$high,abi.$low))));abf=abh[0];abg=abh[1];abj=new $Uint64(0,0);abk=new $Uint64(0,0);abl=A.Add64(zl,zh,((abm=(new D(abg.$high,abg.$low)),new $Uint64(abm.$high,abm.$low))));abj=abl[0];abk=abl[1];abp=(abn=((abo=(new D(abk.$high,abk.$low)),new $Uint64(abo.$high,abo.$low))),new $Uint64(abn.$high+zi.$high,abn.$low+zi.$low));abq=new $Uint64(0,0);abr=A.Add64(xu,aaf,new $Uint64(0,0));abq=abr[1];abs=new $Uint64(0,0);abt=new $Uint64(0,0);abu=A.Add64(xx,aai,((abv=(new D(abq.$high,abq.$low)),new $Uint64(abv.$high,abv.$low))));abs=abu[0];abt=abu[1];abw=new $Uint64(0,0);abx=new $Uint64(0,0);aby=A.Add64(yb,aal,((abz=(new D(abt.$high,abt.$low)),new $Uint64(abz.$high,abz.$low))));abw=aby[0];abx=aby[1];aca=new $Uint64(0,0);acb=new $Uint64(0,0);acc=A.Add64(yf,aap,((acd=(new D(abx.$high,abx.$low)),new $Uint64(acd.$high,acd.$low))));aca=acc[0];acb=acc[1];ace=new $Uint64(0,0);acf=new $Uint64(0,0);acg=A.Add64(yj,aat,((ach=(new D(acb.$high,acb.$low)),new $Uint64(ach.$high,ach.$low))));ace=acg[0];acf=acg[1];aci=new $Uint64(0,0);acj=new $Uint64(0,0);ack=A.Add64(yn,aax,((acl=(new D(acf.$high,acf.$low)),new $Uint64(acl.$high,acl.$low))));aci=ack[0];acj=ack[1];acm=new $Uint64(0,0);acn=new $Uint64(0,0);aco=A.Add64(yr,abb,((acp=(new D(acj.$high,acj.$low)),new $Uint64(acp.$high,acp.$low))));acm=aco[0];acn=aco[1];acq=new $Uint64(0,0);acr=new $Uint64(0,0);acs=A.Add64(yv,abf,((act=(new D(acn.$high,acn.$low)),new $Uint64(act.$high,act.$low))));acq=acs[0];acr=acs[1];acu=new $Uint64(0,0);acv=new $Uint64(0,0);acw=A.Add64(yz,abj,((acx=(new D(acr.$high,acr.$low)),new $Uint64(acx.$high,acx.$low))));acu=acw[0];acv=acw[1];acy=new $Uint64(0,0);acz=new $Uint64(0,0);ada=A.Add64(zd,abp,((adb=(new D(acv.$high,acv.$low)),new $Uint64(adb.$high,adb.$low))));acy=ada[0];acz=ada[1];adg=(adc=((add=(new D(acz.$high,acz.$low)),new $Uint64(add.$high,add.$low))),ade=((adf=(new D(ze.$high,ze.$low)),new $Uint64(adf.$high,adf.$low))),new $Uint64(adc.$high+ade.$high,adc.$low+ade.$low));adh=new $Uint64(0,0);adi=new $Uint64(0,0);adj=A.Mul64(f,b[8]);adi=adj[0];adh=adj[1];adk=new $Uint64(0,0);adl=new $Uint64(0,0);adm=A.Mul64(f,b[7]);adl=adm[0];adk=adm[1];adn=new $Uint64(0,0);ado=new $Uint64(0,0);adp=A.Mul64(f,b[6]);ado=adp[0];adn=adp[1];adq=new $Uint64(0,0);adr=new $Uint64(0,0);ads=A.Mul64(f,b[5]);adr=ads[0];adq=ads[1];adt=new $Uint64(0,0);adu=new $Uint64(0,0);adv=A.Mul64(f,b[4]);adu=adv[0];adt=adv[1];adw=new $Uint64(0,0);adx=new $Uint64(0,0);ady=A.Mul64(f,b[3]);adx=ady[0];adw=ady[1];adz=new $Uint64(0,0);aea=new $Uint64(0,0);aeb=A.Mul64(f,b[2]);aea=aeb[0];adz=aeb[1];aec=new $Uint64(0,0);aed=new $Uint64(0,0);aee=A.Mul64(f,b[1]);aed=aee[0];aec=aee[1];aef=new $Uint64(0,0);aeg=new $Uint64(0,0);aeh=A.Mul64(f,b[0]);aeg=aeh[0];aef=aeh[1];aei=new $Uint64(0,0);aej=new $Uint64(0,0);aek=A.Add64(aeg,aec,new $Uint64(0,0));aei=aek[0];aej=aek[1];ael=new $Uint64(0,0);aem=new $Uint64(0,0);aen=A.Add64(aed,adz,((aeo=(new D(aej.$high,aej.$low)),new $Uint64(aeo.$high,aeo.$low))));ael=aen[0];aem=aen[1];aep=new $Uint64(0,0);aeq=new $Uint64(0,0);aer=A.Add64(aea,adw,((aes=(new D(aem.$high,aem.$low)),new $Uint64(aes.$high,aes.$low))));aep=aer[0];aeq=aer[1];aet=new $Uint64(0,0);aeu=new $Uint64(0,0);aev=A.Add64(adx,adt,((aew=(new D(aeq.$high,aeq.$low)),new $Uint64(aew.$high,aew.$low))));aet=aev[0];aeu=aev[1];aex=new $Uint64(0,0);aey=new $Uint64(0,0);aez=A.Add64(adu,adq,((afa=(new D(aeu.$high,aeu.$low)),new $Uint64(afa.$high,afa.$low))));aex=aez[0];aey=aez[1];afb=new $Uint64(0,0);afc=new $Uint64(0,0);afd=A.Add64(adr,adn,((afe=(new D(aey.$high,aey.$low)),new $Uint64(afe.$high,afe.$low))));afb=afd[0];afc=afd[1];aff=new $Uint64(0,0);afg=new $Uint64(0,0);afh=A.Add64(ado,adk,((afi=(new D(afc.$high,afc.$low)),new $Uint64(afi.$high,afi.$low))));aff=afh[0];afg=afh[1];afj=new $Uint64(0,0);afk=new $Uint64(0,0);afl=A.Add64(adl,adh,((afm=(new D(afg.$high,afg.$low)),new $Uint64(afm.$high,afm.$low))));afj=afl[0];afk=afl[1];afp=(afn=((afo=(new D(afk.$high,afk.$low)),new $Uint64(afo.$high,afo.$low))),new $Uint64(afn.$high+adi.$high,afn.$low+adi.$low));afq=new $Uint64(0,0);afr=new $Uint64(0,0);afs=A.Add64(abs,aef,new $Uint64(0,0));afq=afs[0];afr=afs[1];aft=new $Uint64(0,0);afu=new $Uint64(0,0);afv=A.Add64(abw,aei,((afw=(new D(afr.$high,afr.$low)),new $Uint64(afw.$high,afw.$low))));aft=afv[0];afu=afv[1];afx=new $Uint64(0,0);afy=new $Uint64(0,0);afz=A.Add64(aca,ael,((aga=(new D(afu.$high,afu.$low)),new $Uint64(aga.$high,aga.$low))));afx=afz[0];afy=afz[1];agb=new $Uint64(0,0);agc=new $Uint64(0,0);agd=A.Add64(ace,aep,((age=(new D(afy.$high,afy.$low)),new $Uint64(age.$high,age.$low))));agb=agd[0];agc=agd[1];agf=new $Uint64(0,0);agg=new $Uint64(0,0);agh=A.Add64(aci,aet,((agi=(new D(agc.$high,agc.$low)),new $Uint64(agi.$high,agi.$low))));agf=agh[0];agg=agh[1];agj=new $Uint64(0,0);agk=new $Uint64(0,0);agl=A.Add64(acm,aex,((agm=(new D(agg.$high,agg.$low)),new $Uint64(agm.$high,agm.$low))));agj=agl[0];agk=agl[1];agn=new $Uint64(0,0);ago=new $Uint64(0,0);agp=A.Add64(acq,afb,((agq=(new D(agk.$high,agk.$low)),new $Uint64(agq.$high,agq.$low))));agn=agp[0];ago=agp[1];agr=new $Uint64(0,0);ags=new $Uint64(0,0);agt=A.Add64(acu,aff,((agu=(new D(ago.$high,ago.$low)),new $Uint64(agu.$high,agu.$low))));agr=agt[0];ags=agt[1];agv=new $Uint64(0,0);agw=new $Uint64(0,0);agx=A.Add64(acy,afj,((agy=(new D(ags.$high,ags.$low)),new $Uint64(agy.$high,agy.$low))));agv=agx[0];agw=agx[1];agz=new $Uint64(0,0);aha=new $Uint64(0,0);ahb=A.Add64(adg,afp,((ahc=(new D(agw.$high,agw.$low)),new $Uint64(ahc.$high,ahc.$low))));agz=ahb[0];aha=ahb[1];ahd=new $Uint64(0,0);ahe=new $Uint64(0,0);ahf=A.Mul64(afq,new $Uint64(0,511));ahe=ahf[0];ahd=ahf[1];ahg=new $Uint64(0,0);ahh=new $Uint64(0,0);ahi=A.Mul64(afq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahh=ahi[0];ahg=ahi[1];ahj=new $Uint64(0,0);ahk=new $Uint64(0,0);ahl=A.Mul64(afq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahk=ahl[0];ahj=ahl[1];ahm=new $Uint64(0,0);ahn=new $Uint64(0,0);aho=A.Mul64(afq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahn=aho[0];ahm=aho[1];ahp=new $Uint64(0,0);ahq=new $Uint64(0,0);ahr=A.Mul64(afq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahq=ahr[0];ahp=ahr[1];ahs=new $Uint64(0,0);aht=new $Uint64(0,0);ahu=A.Mul64(afq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aht=ahu[0];ahs=ahu[1];ahv=new $Uint64(0,0);ahw=new $Uint64(0,0);ahx=A.Mul64(afq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahw=ahx[0];ahv=ahx[1];ahy=new $Uint64(0,0);ahz=new $Uint64(0,0);aia=A.Mul64(afq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ahz=aia[0];ahy=aia[1];aib=new $Uint64(0,0);aic=new $Uint64(0,0);aid=A.Mul64(afq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aic=aid[0];aib=aid[1];aie=new $Uint64(0,0);aif=new $Uint64(0,0);aig=A.Add64(aic,ahy,new $Uint64(0,0));aie=aig[0];aif=aig[1];aih=new $Uint64(0,0);aii=new $Uint64(0,0);aij=A.Add64(ahz,ahv,((aik=(new D(aif.$high,aif.$low)),new $Uint64(aik.$high,aik.$low))));aih=aij[0];aii=aij[1];ail=new $Uint64(0,0);aim=new $Uint64(0,0);ain=A.Add64(ahw,ahs,((aio=(new D(aii.$high,aii.$low)),new $Uint64(aio.$high,aio.$low))));ail=ain[0];aim=ain[1];aip=new $Uint64(0,0);aiq=new $Uint64(0,0);air=A.Add64(aht,ahp,((ais=(new D(aim.$high,aim.$low)),new $Uint64(ais.$high,ais.$low))));aip=air[0];aiq=air[1];ait=new $Uint64(0,0);aiu=new $Uint64(0,0);aiv=A.Add64(ahq,ahm,((aiw=(new D(aiq.$high,aiq.$low)),new $Uint64(aiw.$high,aiw.$low))));ait=aiv[0];aiu=aiv[1];aix=new $Uint64(0,0);aiy=new $Uint64(0,0);aiz=A.Add64(ahn,ahj,((aja=(new D(aiu.$high,aiu.$low)),new $Uint64(aja.$high,aja.$low))));aix=aiz[0];aiy=aiz[1];ajb=new $Uint64(0,0);ajc=new $Uint64(0,0);ajd=A.Add64(ahk,ahg,((aje=(new D(aiy.$high,aiy.$low)),new $Uint64(aje.$high,aje.$low))));ajb=ajd[0];ajc=ajd[1];ajf=new $Uint64(0,0);ajg=new $Uint64(0,0);ajh=A.Add64(ahh,ahd,((aji=(new D(ajc.$high,ajc.$low)),new $Uint64(aji.$high,aji.$low))));ajf=ajh[0];ajg=ajh[1];ajl=(ajj=((ajk=(new D(ajg.$high,ajg.$low)),new $Uint64(ajk.$high,ajk.$low))),new $Uint64(ajj.$high+ahe.$high,ajj.$low+ahe.$low));ajm=new $Uint64(0,0);ajn=A.Add64(afq,aib,new $Uint64(0,0));ajm=ajn[1];ajo=new $Uint64(0,0);ajp=new $Uint64(0,0);ajq=A.Add64(aft,aie,((ajr=(new D(ajm.$high,ajm.$low)),new $Uint64(ajr.$high,ajr.$low))));ajo=ajq[0];ajp=ajq[1];ajs=new $Uint64(0,0);ajt=new $Uint64(0,0);aju=A.Add64(afx,aih,((ajv=(new D(ajp.$high,ajp.$low)),new $Uint64(ajv.$high,ajv.$low))));ajs=aju[0];ajt=aju[1];ajw=new $Uint64(0,0);ajx=new $Uint64(0,0);ajy=A.Add64(agb,ail,((ajz=(new D(ajt.$high,ajt.$low)),new $Uint64(ajz.$high,ajz.$low))));ajw=ajy[0];ajx=ajy[1];aka=new $Uint64(0,0);akb=new $Uint64(0,0);akc=A.Add64(agf,aip,((akd=(new D(ajx.$high,ajx.$low)),new $Uint64(akd.$high,akd.$low))));aka=akc[0];akb=akc[1];ake=new $Uint64(0,0);akf=new $Uint64(0,0);akg=A.Add64(agj,ait,((akh=(new D(akb.$high,akb.$low)),new $Uint64(akh.$high,akh.$low))));ake=akg[0];akf=akg[1];aki=new $Uint64(0,0);akj=new $Uint64(0,0);akk=A.Add64(agn,aix,((akl=(new D(akf.$high,akf.$low)),new $Uint64(akl.$high,akl.$low))));aki=akk[0];akj=akk[1];akm=new $Uint64(0,0);akn=new $Uint64(0,0);ako=A.Add64(agr,ajb,((akp=(new D(akj.$high,akj.$low)),new $Uint64(akp.$high,akp.$low))));akm=ako[0];akn=ako[1];akq=new $Uint64(0,0);akr=new $Uint64(0,0);aks=A.Add64(agv,ajf,((akt=(new D(akn.$high,akn.$low)),new $Uint64(akt.$high,akt.$low))));akq=aks[0];akr=aks[1];aku=new $Uint64(0,0);akv=new $Uint64(0,0);akw=A.Add64(agz,ajl,((akx=(new D(akr.$high,akr.$low)),new $Uint64(akx.$high,akx.$low))));aku=akw[0];akv=akw[1];alc=(aky=((akz=(new D(akv.$high,akv.$low)),new $Uint64(akz.$high,akz.$low))),ala=((alb=(new D(aha.$high,aha.$low)),new $Uint64(alb.$high,alb.$low))),new $Uint64(aky.$high+ala.$high,aky.$low+ala.$low));ald=new $Uint64(0,0);ale=new $Uint64(0,0);alf=A.Mul64(g,b[8]);ale=alf[0];ald=alf[1];alg=new $Uint64(0,0);alh=new $Uint64(0,0);ali=A.Mul64(g,b[7]);alh=ali[0];alg=ali[1];alj=new $Uint64(0,0);alk=new $Uint64(0,0);all=A.Mul64(g,b[6]);alk=all[0];alj=all[1];alm=new $Uint64(0,0);aln=new $Uint64(0,0);alo=A.Mul64(g,b[5]);aln=alo[0];alm=alo[1];alp=new $Uint64(0,0);alq=new $Uint64(0,0);alr=A.Mul64(g,b[4]);alq=alr[0];alp=alr[1];als=new $Uint64(0,0);alt=new $Uint64(0,0);alu=A.Mul64(g,b[3]);alt=alu[0];als=alu[1];alv=new $Uint64(0,0);alw=new $Uint64(0,0);alx=A.Mul64(g,b[2]);alw=alx[0];alv=alx[1];aly=new $Uint64(0,0);alz=new $Uint64(0,0);ama=A.Mul64(g,b[1]);alz=ama[0];aly=ama[1];amb=new $Uint64(0,0);amc=new $Uint64(0,0);amd=A.Mul64(g,b[0]);amc=amd[0];amb=amd[1];ame=new $Uint64(0,0);amf=new $Uint64(0,0);amg=A.Add64(amc,aly,new $Uint64(0,0));ame=amg[0];amf=amg[1];amh=new $Uint64(0,0);ami=new $Uint64(0,0);amj=A.Add64(alz,alv,((amk=(new D(amf.$high,amf.$low)),new $Uint64(amk.$high,amk.$low))));amh=amj[0];ami=amj[1];aml=new $Uint64(0,0);amm=new $Uint64(0,0);amn=A.Add64(alw,als,((amo=(new D(ami.$high,ami.$low)),new $Uint64(amo.$high,amo.$low))));aml=amn[0];amm=amn[1];amp=new $Uint64(0,0);amq=new $Uint64(0,0);amr=A.Add64(alt,alp,((ams=(new D(amm.$high,amm.$low)),new $Uint64(ams.$high,ams.$low))));amp=amr[0];amq=amr[1];amt=new $Uint64(0,0);amu=new $Uint64(0,0);amv=A.Add64(alq,alm,((amw=(new D(amq.$high,amq.$low)),new $Uint64(amw.$high,amw.$low))));amt=amv[0];amu=amv[1];amx=new $Uint64(0,0);amy=new $Uint64(0,0);amz=A.Add64(aln,alj,((ana=(new D(amu.$high,amu.$low)),new $Uint64(ana.$high,ana.$low))));amx=amz[0];amy=amz[1];anb=new $Uint64(0,0);anc=new $Uint64(0,0);and=A.Add64(alk,alg,((ane=(new D(amy.$high,amy.$low)),new $Uint64(ane.$high,ane.$low))));anb=and[0];anc=and[1];anf=new $Uint64(0,0);ang=new $Uint64(0,0);anh=A.Add64(alh,ald,((ani=(new D(anc.$high,anc.$low)),new $Uint64(ani.$high,ani.$low))));anf=anh[0];ang=anh[1];anl=(anj=((ank=(new D(ang.$high,ang.$low)),new $Uint64(ank.$high,ank.$low))),new $Uint64(anj.$high+ale.$high,anj.$low+ale.$low));anm=new $Uint64(0,0);ann=new $Uint64(0,0);ano=A.Add64(ajo,amb,new $Uint64(0,0));anm=ano[0];ann=ano[1];anp=new $Uint64(0,0);anq=new $Uint64(0,0);anr=A.Add64(ajs,ame,((ans=(new D(ann.$high,ann.$low)),new $Uint64(ans.$high,ans.$low))));anp=anr[0];anq=anr[1];ant=new $Uint64(0,0);anu=new $Uint64(0,0);anv=A.Add64(ajw,amh,((anw=(new D(anq.$high,anq.$low)),new $Uint64(anw.$high,anw.$low))));ant=anv[0];anu=anv[1];anx=new $Uint64(0,0);any=new $Uint64(0,0);anz=A.Add64(aka,aml,((aoa=(new D(anu.$high,anu.$low)),new $Uint64(aoa.$high,aoa.$low))));anx=anz[0];any=anz[1];aob=new $Uint64(0,0);aoc=new $Uint64(0,0);aod=A.Add64(ake,amp,((aoe=(new D(any.$high,any.$low)),new $Uint64(aoe.$high,aoe.$low))));aob=aod[0];aoc=aod[1];aof=new $Uint64(0,0);aog=new $Uint64(0,0);aoh=A.Add64(aki,amt,((aoi=(new D(aoc.$high,aoc.$low)),new $Uint64(aoi.$high,aoi.$low))));aof=aoh[0];aog=aoh[1];aoj=new $Uint64(0,0);aok=new $Uint64(0,0);aol=A.Add64(akm,amx,((aom=(new D(aog.$high,aog.$low)),new $Uint64(aom.$high,aom.$low))));aoj=aol[0];aok=aol[1];aon=new $Uint64(0,0);aoo=new $Uint64(0,0);aop=A.Add64(akq,anb,((aoq=(new D(aok.$high,aok.$low)),new $Uint64(aoq.$high,aoq.$low))));aon=aop[0];aoo=aop[1];aor=new $Uint64(0,0);aos=new $Uint64(0,0);aot=A.Add64(aku,anf,((aou=(new D(aoo.$high,aoo.$low)),new $Uint64(aou.$high,aou.$low))));aor=aot[0];aos=aot[1];aov=new $Uint64(0,0);aow=new $Uint64(0,0);aox=A.Add64(alc,anl,((aoy=(new D(aos.$high,aos.$low)),new $Uint64(aoy.$high,aoy.$low))));aov=aox[0];aow=aox[1];aoz=new $Uint64(0,0);apa=new $Uint64(0,0);apb=A.Mul64(anm,new $Uint64(0,511));apa=apb[0];aoz=apb[1];apc=new $Uint64(0,0);apd=new $Uint64(0,0);ape=A.Mul64(anm,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apd=ape[0];apc=ape[1];apf=new $Uint64(0,0);apg=new $Uint64(0,0);aph=A.Mul64(anm,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apg=aph[0];apf=aph[1];api=new $Uint64(0,0);apj=new $Uint64(0,0);apk=A.Mul64(anm,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apj=apk[0];api=apk[1];apl=new $Uint64(0,0);apm=new $Uint64(0,0);apn=A.Mul64(anm,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apm=apn[0];apl=apn[1];apo=new $Uint64(0,0);app=new $Uint64(0,0);apq=A.Mul64(anm,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));app=apq[0];apo=apq[1];apr=new $Uint64(0,0);aps=new $Uint64(0,0);apt=A.Mul64(anm,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aps=apt[0];apr=apt[1];apu=new $Uint64(0,0);apv=new $Uint64(0,0);apw=A.Mul64(anm,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apv=apw[0];apu=apw[1];apx=new $Uint64(0,0);apy=new $Uint64(0,0);apz=A.Mul64(anm,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));apy=apz[0];apx=apz[1];aqa=new $Uint64(0,0);aqb=new $Uint64(0,0);aqc=A.Add64(apy,apu,new $Uint64(0,0));aqa=aqc[0];aqb=aqc[1];aqd=new $Uint64(0,0);aqe=new $Uint64(0,0);aqf=A.Add64(apv,apr,((aqg=(new D(aqb.$high,aqb.$low)),new $Uint64(aqg.$high,aqg.$low))));aqd=aqf[0];aqe=aqf[1];aqh=new $Uint64(0,0);aqi=new $Uint64(0,0);aqj=A.Add64(aps,apo,((aqk=(new D(aqe.$high,aqe.$low)),new $Uint64(aqk.$high,aqk.$low))));aqh=aqj[0];aqi=aqj[1];aql=new $Uint64(0,0);aqm=new $Uint64(0,0);aqn=A.Add64(app,apl,((aqo=(new D(aqi.$high,aqi.$low)),new $Uint64(aqo.$high,aqo.$low))));aql=aqn[0];aqm=aqn[1];aqp=new $Uint64(0,0);aqq=new $Uint64(0,0);aqr=A.Add64(apm,api,((aqs=(new D(aqm.$high,aqm.$low)),new $Uint64(aqs.$high,aqs.$low))));aqp=aqr[0];aqq=aqr[1];aqt=new $Uint64(0,0);aqu=new $Uint64(0,0);aqv=A.Add64(apj,apf,((aqw=(new D(aqq.$high,aqq.$low)),new $Uint64(aqw.$high,aqw.$low))));aqt=aqv[0];aqu=aqv[1];aqx=new $Uint64(0,0);aqy=new $Uint64(0,0);aqz=A.Add64(apg,apc,((ara=(new D(aqu.$high,aqu.$low)),new $Uint64(ara.$high,ara.$low))));aqx=aqz[0];aqy=aqz[1];arb=new $Uint64(0,0);arc=new $Uint64(0,0);ard=A.Add64(apd,aoz,((are=(new D(aqy.$high,aqy.$low)),new $Uint64(are.$high,are.$low))));arb=ard[0];arc=ard[1];arh=(arf=((arg=(new D(arc.$high,arc.$low)),new $Uint64(arg.$high,arg.$low))),new $Uint64(arf.$high+apa.$high,arf.$low+apa.$low));ari=new $Uint64(0,0);arj=A.Add64(anm,apx,new $Uint64(0,0));ari=arj[1];ark=new $Uint64(0,0);arl=new $Uint64(0,0);arm=A.Add64(anp,aqa,((arn=(new D(ari.$high,ari.$low)),new $Uint64(arn.$high,arn.$low))));ark=arm[0];arl=arm[1];aro=new $Uint64(0,0);arp=new $Uint64(0,0);arq=A.Add64(ant,aqd,((arr=(new D(arl.$high,arl.$low)),new $Uint64(arr.$high,arr.$low))));aro=arq[0];arp=arq[1];ars=new $Uint64(0,0);art=new $Uint64(0,0);aru=A.Add64(anx,aqh,((arv=(new D(arp.$high,arp.$low)),new $Uint64(arv.$high,arv.$low))));ars=aru[0];art=aru[1];arw=new $Uint64(0,0);arx=new $Uint64(0,0);ary=A.Add64(aob,aql,((arz=(new D(art.$high,art.$low)),new $Uint64(arz.$high,arz.$low))));arw=ary[0];arx=ary[1];asa=new $Uint64(0,0);asb=new $Uint64(0,0);asc=A.Add64(aof,aqp,((asd=(new D(arx.$high,arx.$low)),new $Uint64(asd.$high,asd.$low))));asa=asc[0];asb=asc[1];ase=new $Uint64(0,0);asf=new $Uint64(0,0);asg=A.Add64(aoj,aqt,((ash=(new D(asb.$high,asb.$low)),new $Uint64(ash.$high,ash.$low))));ase=asg[0];asf=asg[1];asi=new $Uint64(0,0);asj=new $Uint64(0,0);ask=A.Add64(aon,aqx,((asl=(new D(asf.$high,asf.$low)),new $Uint64(asl.$high,asl.$low))));asi=ask[0];asj=ask[1];asm=new $Uint64(0,0);asn=new $Uint64(0,0);aso=A.Add64(aor,arb,((asp=(new D(asj.$high,asj.$low)),new $Uint64(asp.$high,asp.$low))));asm=aso[0];asn=aso[1];asq=new $Uint64(0,0);asr=new $Uint64(0,0);ass=A.Add64(aov,arh,((ast=(new D(asn.$high,asn.$low)),new $Uint64(ast.$high,ast.$low))));asq=ass[0];asr=ass[1];asy=(asu=((asv=(new D(asr.$high,asr.$low)),new $Uint64(asv.$high,asv.$low))),asw=((asx=(new D(aow.$high,aow.$low)),new $Uint64(asx.$high,asx.$low))),new $Uint64(asu.$high+asw.$high,asu.$low+asw.$low));asz=new $Uint64(0,0);ata=new $Uint64(0,0);atb=A.Mul64(h,b[8]);ata=atb[0];asz=atb[1];atc=new $Uint64(0,0);atd=new $Uint64(0,0);ate=A.Mul64(h,b[7]);atd=ate[0];atc=ate[1];atf=new $Uint64(0,0);atg=new $Uint64(0,0);ath=A.Mul64(h,b[6]);atg=ath[0];atf=ath[1];ati=new $Uint64(0,0);atj=new $Uint64(0,0);atk=A.Mul64(h,b[5]);atj=atk[0];ati=atk[1];atl=new $Uint64(0,0);atm=new $Uint64(0,0);atn=A.Mul64(h,b[4]);atm=atn[0];atl=atn[1];ato=new $Uint64(0,0);atp=new $Uint64(0,0);atq=A.Mul64(h,b[3]);atp=atq[0];ato=atq[1];atr=new $Uint64(0,0);ats=new $Uint64(0,0);att=A.Mul64(h,b[2]);ats=att[0];atr=att[1];atu=new $Uint64(0,0);atv=new $Uint64(0,0);atw=A.Mul64(h,b[1]);atv=atw[0];atu=atw[1];atx=new $Uint64(0,0);aty=new $Uint64(0,0);atz=A.Mul64(h,b[0]);aty=atz[0];atx=atz[1];aua=new $Uint64(0,0);aub=new $Uint64(0,0);auc=A.Add64(aty,atu,new $Uint64(0,0));aua=auc[0];aub=auc[1];aud=new $Uint64(0,0);aue=new $Uint64(0,0);auf=A.Add64(atv,atr,((aug=(new D(aub.$high,aub.$low)),new $Uint64(aug.$high,aug.$low))));aud=auf[0];aue=auf[1];auh=new $Uint64(0,0);aui=new $Uint64(0,0);auj=A.Add64(ats,ato,((auk=(new D(aue.$high,aue.$low)),new $Uint64(auk.$high,auk.$low))));auh=auj[0];aui=auj[1];aul=new $Uint64(0,0);aum=new $Uint64(0,0);aun=A.Add64(atp,atl,((auo=(new D(aui.$high,aui.$low)),new $Uint64(auo.$high,auo.$low))));aul=aun[0];aum=aun[1];aup=new $Uint64(0,0);auq=new $Uint64(0,0);aur=A.Add64(atm,ati,((aus=(new D(aum.$high,aum.$low)),new $Uint64(aus.$high,aus.$low))));aup=aur[0];auq=aur[1];aut=new $Uint64(0,0);auu=new $Uint64(0,0);auv=A.Add64(atj,atf,((auw=(new D(auq.$high,auq.$low)),new $Uint64(auw.$high,auw.$low))));aut=auv[0];auu=auv[1];aux=new $Uint64(0,0);auy=new $Uint64(0,0);auz=A.Add64(atg,atc,((ava=(new D(auu.$high,auu.$low)),new $Uint64(ava.$high,ava.$low))));aux=auz[0];auy=auz[1];avb=new $Uint64(0,0);avc=new $Uint64(0,0);avd=A.Add64(atd,asz,((ave=(new D(auy.$high,auy.$low)),new $Uint64(ave.$high,ave.$low))));avb=avd[0];avc=avd[1];avh=(avf=((avg=(new D(avc.$high,avc.$low)),new $Uint64(avg.$high,avg.$low))),new $Uint64(avf.$high+ata.$high,avf.$low+ata.$low));avi=new $Uint64(0,0);avj=new $Uint64(0,0);avk=A.Add64(ark,atx,new $Uint64(0,0));avi=avk[0];avj=avk[1];avl=new $Uint64(0,0);avm=new $Uint64(0,0);avn=A.Add64(aro,aua,((avo=(new D(avj.$high,avj.$low)),new $Uint64(avo.$high,avo.$low))));avl=avn[0];avm=avn[1];avp=new $Uint64(0,0);avq=new $Uint64(0,0);avr=A.Add64(ars,aud,((avs=(new D(avm.$high,avm.$low)),new $Uint64(avs.$high,avs.$low))));avp=avr[0];avq=avr[1];avt=new $Uint64(0,0);avu=new $Uint64(0,0);avv=A.Add64(arw,auh,((avw=(new D(avq.$high,avq.$low)),new $Uint64(avw.$high,avw.$low))));avt=avv[0];avu=avv[1];avx=new $Uint64(0,0);avy=new $Uint64(0,0);avz=A.Add64(asa,aul,((awa=(new D(avu.$high,avu.$low)),new $Uint64(awa.$high,awa.$low))));avx=avz[0];avy=avz[1];awb=new $Uint64(0,0);awc=new $Uint64(0,0);awd=A.Add64(ase,aup,((awe=(new D(avy.$high,avy.$low)),new $Uint64(awe.$high,awe.$low))));awb=awd[0];awc=awd[1];awf=new $Uint64(0,0);awg=new $Uint64(0,0);awh=A.Add64(asi,aut,((awi=(new D(awc.$high,awc.$low)),new $Uint64(awi.$high,awi.$low))));awf=awh[0];awg=awh[1];awj=new $Uint64(0,0);awk=new $Uint64(0,0);awl=A.Add64(asm,aux,((awm=(new D(awg.$high,awg.$low)),new $Uint64(awm.$high,awm.$low))));awj=awl[0];awk=awl[1];awn=new $Uint64(0,0);awo=new $Uint64(0,0);awp=A.Add64(asq,avb,((awq=(new D(awk.$high,awk.$low)),new $Uint64(awq.$high,awq.$low))));awn=awp[0];awo=awp[1];awr=new $Uint64(0,0);aws=new $Uint64(0,0);awt=A.Add64(asy,avh,((awu=(new D(awo.$high,awo.$low)),new $Uint64(awu.$high,awu.$low))));awr=awt[0];aws=awt[1];awv=new $Uint64(0,0);aww=new $Uint64(0,0);awx=A.Mul64(avi,new $Uint64(0,511));aww=awx[0];awv=awx[1];awy=new $Uint64(0,0);awz=new $Uint64(0,0);axa=A.Mul64(avi,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));awz=axa[0];awy=axa[1];axb=new $Uint64(0,0);axc=new $Uint64(0,0);axd=A.Mul64(avi,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axc=axd[0];axb=axd[1];axe=new $Uint64(0,0);axf=new $Uint64(0,0);axg=A.Mul64(avi,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axf=axg[0];axe=axg[1];axh=new $Uint64(0,0);axi=new $Uint64(0,0);axj=A.Mul64(avi,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axi=axj[0];axh=axj[1];axk=new $Uint64(0,0);axl=new $Uint64(0,0);axm=A.Mul64(avi,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axl=axm[0];axk=axm[1];axn=new $Uint64(0,0);axo=new $Uint64(0,0);axp=A.Mul64(avi,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axo=axp[0];axn=axp[1];axq=new $Uint64(0,0);axr=new $Uint64(0,0);axs=A.Mul64(avi,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axr=axs[0];axq=axs[1];axt=new $Uint64(0,0);axu=new $Uint64(0,0);axv=A.Mul64(avi,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));axu=axv[0];axt=axv[1];axw=new $Uint64(0,0);axx=new $Uint64(0,0);axy=A.Add64(axu,axq,new $Uint64(0,0));axw=axy[0];axx=axy[1];axz=new $Uint64(0,0);aya=new $Uint64(0,0);ayb=A.Add64(axr,axn,((ayc=(new D(axx.$high,axx.$low)),new $Uint64(ayc.$high,ayc.$low))));axz=ayb[0];aya=ayb[1];ayd=new $Uint64(0,0);aye=new $Uint64(0,0);ayf=A.Add64(axo,axk,((ayg=(new D(aya.$high,aya.$low)),new $Uint64(ayg.$high,ayg.$low))));ayd=ayf[0];aye=ayf[1];ayh=new $Uint64(0,0);ayi=new $Uint64(0,0);ayj=A.Add64(axl,axh,((ayk=(new D(aye.$high,aye.$low)),new $Uint64(ayk.$high,ayk.$low))));ayh=ayj[0];ayi=ayj[1];ayl=new $Uint64(0,0);aym=new $Uint64(0,0);ayn=A.Add64(axi,axe,((ayo=(new D(ayi.$high,ayi.$low)),new $Uint64(ayo.$high,ayo.$low))));ayl=ayn[0];aym=ayn[1];ayp=new $Uint64(0,0);ayq=new $Uint64(0,0);ayr=A.Add64(axf,axb,((ays=(new D(aym.$high,aym.$low)),new $Uint64(ays.$high,ays.$low))));ayp=ayr[0];ayq=ayr[1];ayt=new $Uint64(0,0);ayu=new $Uint64(0,0);ayv=A.Add64(axc,awy,((ayw=(new D(ayq.$high,ayq.$low)),new $Uint64(ayw.$high,ayw.$low))));ayt=ayv[0];ayu=ayv[1];ayx=new $Uint64(0,0);ayy=new $Uint64(0,0);ayz=A.Add64(awz,awv,((aza=(new D(ayu.$high,ayu.$low)),new $Uint64(aza.$high,aza.$low))));ayx=ayz[0];ayy=ayz[1];azd=(azb=((azc=(new D(ayy.$high,ayy.$low)),new $Uint64(azc.$high,azc.$low))),new $Uint64(azb.$high+aww.$high,azb.$low+aww.$low));aze=new $Uint64(0,0);azf=A.Add64(avi,axt,new $Uint64(0,0));aze=azf[1];azg=new $Uint64(0,0);azh=new $Uint64(0,0);azi=A.Add64(avl,axw,((azj=(new D(aze.$high,aze.$low)),new $Uint64(azj.$high,azj.$low))));azg=azi[0];azh=azi[1];azk=new $Uint64(0,0);azl=new $Uint64(0,0);azm=A.Add64(avp,axz,((azn=(new D(azh.$high,azh.$low)),new $Uint64(azn.$high,azn.$low))));azk=azm[0];azl=azm[1];azo=new $Uint64(0,0);azp=new $Uint64(0,0);azq=A.Add64(avt,ayd,((azr=(new D(azl.$high,azl.$low)),new $Uint64(azr.$high,azr.$low))));azo=azq[0];azp=azq[1];azs=new $Uint64(0,0);azt=new $Uint64(0,0);azu=A.Add64(avx,ayh,((azv=(new D(azp.$high,azp.$low)),new $Uint64(azv.$high,azv.$low))));azs=azu[0];azt=azu[1];azw=new $Uint64(0,0);azx=new $Uint64(0,0);azy=A.Add64(awb,ayl,((azz=(new D(azt.$high,azt.$low)),new $Uint64(azz.$high,azz.$low))));azw=azy[0];azx=azy[1];baa=new $Uint64(0,0);bab=new $Uint64(0,0);bac=A.Add64(awf,ayp,((bad=(new D(azx.$high,azx.$low)),new $Uint64(bad.$high,bad.$low))));baa=bac[0];bab=bac[1];bae=new $Uint64(0,0);baf=new $Uint64(0,0);bag=A.Add64(awj,ayt,((bah=(new D(bab.$high,bab.$low)),new $Uint64(bah.$high,bah.$low))));bae=bag[0];baf=bag[1];bai=new $Uint64(0,0);baj=new $Uint64(0,0);bak=A.Add64(awn,ayx,((bal=(new D(baf.$high,baf.$low)),new $Uint64(bal.$high,bal.$low))));bai=bak[0];baj=bak[1];bam=new $Uint64(0,0);ban=new $Uint64(0,0);bao=A.Add64(awr,azd,((bap=(new D(baj.$high,baj.$low)),new $Uint64(bap.$high,bap.$low))));bam=bao[0];ban=bao[1];bau=(baq=((bar=(new D(ban.$high,ban.$low)),new $Uint64(bar.$high,bar.$low))),bas=((bat=(new D(aws.$high,aws.$low)),new $Uint64(bat.$high,bat.$low))),new $Uint64(baq.$high+bas.$high,baq.$low+bas.$low));bav=new $Uint64(0,0);baw=new $Uint64(0,0);bax=A.Mul64(i,b[8]);baw=bax[0];bav=bax[1];bay=new $Uint64(0,0);baz=new $Uint64(0,0);bba=A.Mul64(i,b[7]);baz=bba[0];bay=bba[1];bbb=new $Uint64(0,0);bbc=new $Uint64(0,0);bbd=A.Mul64(i,b[6]);bbc=bbd[0];bbb=bbd[1];bbe=new $Uint64(0,0);bbf=new $Uint64(0,0);bbg=A.Mul64(i,b[5]);bbf=bbg[0];bbe=bbg[1];bbh=new $Uint64(0,0);bbi=new $Uint64(0,0);bbj=A.Mul64(i,b[4]);bbi=bbj[0];bbh=bbj[1];bbk=new $Uint64(0,0);bbl=new $Uint64(0,0);bbm=A.Mul64(i,b[3]);bbl=bbm[0];bbk=bbm[1];bbn=new $Uint64(0,0);bbo=new $Uint64(0,0);bbp=A.Mul64(i,b[2]);bbo=bbp[0];bbn=bbp[1];bbq=new $Uint64(0,0);bbr=new $Uint64(0,0);bbs=A.Mul64(i,b[1]);bbr=bbs[0];bbq=bbs[1];bbt=new $Uint64(0,0);bbu=new $Uint64(0,0);bbv=A.Mul64(i,b[0]);bbu=bbv[0];bbt=bbv[1];bbw=new $Uint64(0,0);bbx=new $Uint64(0,0);bby=A.Add64(bbu,bbq,new $Uint64(0,0));bbw=bby[0];bbx=bby[1];bbz=new $Uint64(0,0);bca=new $Uint64(0,0);bcb=A.Add64(bbr,bbn,((bcc=(new D(bbx.$high,bbx.$low)),new $Uint64(bcc.$high,bcc.$low))));bbz=bcb[0];bca=bcb[1];bcd=new $Uint64(0,0);bce=new $Uint64(0,0);bcf=A.Add64(bbo,bbk,((bcg=(new D(bca.$high,bca.$low)),new $Uint64(bcg.$high,bcg.$low))));bcd=bcf[0];bce=bcf[1];bch=new $Uint64(0,0);bci=new $Uint64(0,0);bcj=A.Add64(bbl,bbh,((bck=(new D(bce.$high,bce.$low)),new $Uint64(bck.$high,bck.$low))));bch=bcj[0];bci=bcj[1];bcl=new $Uint64(0,0);bcm=new $Uint64(0,0);bcn=A.Add64(bbi,bbe,((bco=(new D(bci.$high,bci.$low)),new $Uint64(bco.$high,bco.$low))));bcl=bcn[0];bcm=bcn[1];bcp=new $Uint64(0,0);bcq=new $Uint64(0,0);bcr=A.Add64(bbf,bbb,((bcs=(new D(bcm.$high,bcm.$low)),new $Uint64(bcs.$high,bcs.$low))));bcp=bcr[0];bcq=bcr[1];bct=new $Uint64(0,0);bcu=new $Uint64(0,0);bcv=A.Add64(bbc,bay,((bcw=(new D(bcq.$high,bcq.$low)),new $Uint64(bcw.$high,bcw.$low))));bct=bcv[0];bcu=bcv[1];bcx=new $Uint64(0,0);bcy=new $Uint64(0,0);bcz=A.Add64(baz,bav,((bda=(new D(bcu.$high,bcu.$low)),new $Uint64(bda.$high,bda.$low))));bcx=bcz[0];bcy=bcz[1];bdd=(bdb=((bdc=(new D(bcy.$high,bcy.$low)),new $Uint64(bdc.$high,bdc.$low))),new $Uint64(bdb.$high+baw.$high,bdb.$low+baw.$low));bde=new $Uint64(0,0);bdf=new $Uint64(0,0);bdg=A.Add64(azg,bbt,new $Uint64(0,0));bde=bdg[0];bdf=bdg[1];bdh=new $Uint64(0,0);bdi=new $Uint64(0,0);bdj=A.Add64(azk,bbw,((bdk=(new D(bdf.$high,bdf.$low)),new $Uint64(bdk.$high,bdk.$low))));bdh=bdj[0];bdi=bdj[1];bdl=new $Uint64(0,0);bdm=new $Uint64(0,0);bdn=A.Add64(azo,bbz,((bdo=(new D(bdi.$high,bdi.$low)),new $Uint64(bdo.$high,bdo.$low))));bdl=bdn[0];bdm=bdn[1];bdp=new $Uint64(0,0);bdq=new $Uint64(0,0);bdr=A.Add64(azs,bcd,((bds=(new D(bdm.$high,bdm.$low)),new $Uint64(bds.$high,bds.$low))));bdp=bdr[0];bdq=bdr[1];bdt=new $Uint64(0,0);bdu=new $Uint64(0,0);bdv=A.Add64(azw,bch,((bdw=(new D(bdq.$high,bdq.$low)),new $Uint64(bdw.$high,bdw.$low))));bdt=bdv[0];bdu=bdv[1];bdx=new $Uint64(0,0);bdy=new $Uint64(0,0);bdz=A.Add64(baa,bcl,((bea=(new D(bdu.$high,bdu.$low)),new $Uint64(bea.$high,bea.$low))));bdx=bdz[0];bdy=bdz[1];beb=new $Uint64(0,0);bec=new $Uint64(0,0);bed=A.Add64(bae,bcp,((bee=(new D(bdy.$high,bdy.$low)),new $Uint64(bee.$high,bee.$low))));beb=bed[0];bec=bed[1];bef=new $Uint64(0,0);beg=new $Uint64(0,0);beh=A.Add64(bai,bct,((bei=(new D(bec.$high,bec.$low)),new $Uint64(bei.$high,bei.$low))));bef=beh[0];beg=beh[1];bej=new $Uint64(0,0);bek=new $Uint64(0,0);bel=A.Add64(bam,bcx,((bem=(new D(beg.$high,beg.$low)),new $Uint64(bem.$high,bem.$low))));bej=bel[0];bek=bel[1];ben=new $Uint64(0,0);beo=new $Uint64(0,0);bep=A.Add64(bau,bdd,((beq=(new D(bek.$high,bek.$low)),new $Uint64(beq.$high,beq.$low))));ben=bep[0];beo=bep[1];ber=new $Uint64(0,0);bes=new $Uint64(0,0);bet=A.Mul64(bde,new $Uint64(0,511));bes=bet[0];ber=bet[1];beu=new $Uint64(0,0);bev=new $Uint64(0,0);bew=A.Mul64(bde,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bev=bew[0];beu=bew[1];bex=new $Uint64(0,0);bey=new $Uint64(0,0);bez=A.Mul64(bde,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bey=bez[0];bex=bez[1];bfa=new $Uint64(0,0);bfb=new $Uint64(0,0);bfc=A.Mul64(bde,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfb=bfc[0];bfa=bfc[1];bfd=new $Uint64(0,0);bfe=new $Uint64(0,0);bff=A.Mul64(bde,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfe=bff[0];bfd=bff[1];bfg=new $Uint64(0,0);bfh=new $Uint64(0,0);bfi=A.Mul64(bde,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfh=bfi[0];bfg=bfi[1];bfj=new $Uint64(0,0);bfk=new $Uint64(0,0);bfl=A.Mul64(bde,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfk=bfl[0];bfj=bfl[1];bfm=new $Uint64(0,0);bfn=new $Uint64(0,0);bfo=A.Mul64(bde,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfn=bfo[0];bfm=bfo[1];bfp=new $Uint64(0,0);bfq=new $Uint64(0,0);bfr=A.Mul64(bde,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bfq=bfr[0];bfp=bfr[1];bfs=new $Uint64(0,0);bft=new $Uint64(0,0);bfu=A.Add64(bfq,bfm,new $Uint64(0,0));bfs=bfu[0];bft=bfu[1];bfv=new $Uint64(0,0);bfw=new $Uint64(0,0);bfx=A.Add64(bfn,bfj,((bfy=(new D(bft.$high,bft.$low)),new $Uint64(bfy.$high,bfy.$low))));bfv=bfx[0];bfw=bfx[1];bfz=new $Uint64(0,0);bga=new $Uint64(0,0);bgb=A.Add64(bfk,bfg,((bgc=(new D(bfw.$high,bfw.$low)),new $Uint64(bgc.$high,bgc.$low))));bfz=bgb[0];bga=bgb[1];bgd=new $Uint64(0,0);bge=new $Uint64(0,0);bgf=A.Add64(bfh,bfd,((bgg=(new D(bga.$high,bga.$low)),new $Uint64(bgg.$high,bgg.$low))));bgd=bgf[0];bge=bgf[1];bgh=new $Uint64(0,0);bgi=new $Uint64(0,0);bgj=A.Add64(bfe,bfa,((bgk=(new D(bge.$high,bge.$low)),new $Uint64(bgk.$high,bgk.$low))));bgh=bgj[0];bgi=bgj[1];bgl=new $Uint64(0,0);bgm=new $Uint64(0,0);bgn=A.Add64(bfb,bex,((bgo=(new D(bgi.$high,bgi.$low)),new $Uint64(bgo.$high,bgo.$low))));bgl=bgn[0];bgm=bgn[1];bgp=new $Uint64(0,0);bgq=new $Uint64(0,0);bgr=A.Add64(bey,beu,((bgs=(new D(bgm.$high,bgm.$low)),new $Uint64(bgs.$high,bgs.$low))));bgp=bgr[0];bgq=bgr[1];bgt=new $Uint64(0,0);bgu=new $Uint64(0,0);bgv=A.Add64(bev,ber,((bgw=(new D(bgq.$high,bgq.$low)),new $Uint64(bgw.$high,bgw.$low))));bgt=bgv[0];bgu=bgv[1];bgz=(bgx=((bgy=(new D(bgu.$high,bgu.$low)),new $Uint64(bgy.$high,bgy.$low))),new $Uint64(bgx.$high+bes.$high,bgx.$low+bes.$low));bha=new $Uint64(0,0);bhb=A.Add64(bde,bfp,new $Uint64(0,0));bha=bhb[1];bhc=new $Uint64(0,0);bhd=new $Uint64(0,0);bhe=A.Add64(bdh,bfs,((bhf=(new D(bha.$high,bha.$low)),new $Uint64(bhf.$high,bhf.$low))));bhc=bhe[0];bhd=bhe[1];bhg=new $Uint64(0,0);bhh=new $Uint64(0,0);bhi=A.Add64(bdl,bfv,((bhj=(new D(bhd.$high,bhd.$low)),new $Uint64(bhj.$high,bhj.$low))));bhg=bhi[0];bhh=bhi[1];bhk=new $Uint64(0,0);bhl=new $Uint64(0,0);bhm=A.Add64(bdp,bfz,((bhn=(new D(bhh.$high,bhh.$low)),new $Uint64(bhn.$high,bhn.$low))));bhk=bhm[0];bhl=bhm[1];bho=new $Uint64(0,0);bhp=new $Uint64(0,0);bhq=A.Add64(bdt,bgd,((bhr=(new D(bhl.$high,bhl.$low)),new $Uint64(bhr.$high,bhr.$low))));bho=bhq[0];bhp=bhq[1];bhs=new $Uint64(0,0);bht=new $Uint64(0,0);bhu=A.Add64(bdx,bgh,((bhv=(new D(bhp.$high,bhp.$low)),new $Uint64(bhv.$high,bhv.$low))));bhs=bhu[0];bht=bhu[1];bhw=new $Uint64(0,0);bhx=new $Uint64(0,0);bhy=A.Add64(beb,bgl,((bhz=(new D(bht.$high,bht.$low)),new $Uint64(bhz.$high,bhz.$low))));bhw=bhy[0];bhx=bhy[1];bia=new $Uint64(0,0);bib=new $Uint64(0,0);bic=A.Add64(bef,bgp,((bid=(new D(bhx.$high,bhx.$low)),new $Uint64(bid.$high,bid.$low))));bia=bic[0];bib=bic[1];bie=new $Uint64(0,0);bif=new $Uint64(0,0);big=A.Add64(bej,bgt,((bih=(new D(bib.$high,bib.$low)),new $Uint64(bih.$high,bih.$low))));bie=big[0];bif=big[1];bii=new $Uint64(0,0);bij=new $Uint64(0,0);bik=A.Add64(ben,bgz,((bil=(new D(bif.$high,bif.$low)),new $Uint64(bil.$high,bil.$low))));bii=bik[0];bij=bik[1];biq=(bim=((bin=(new D(bij.$high,bij.$low)),new $Uint64(bin.$high,bin.$low))),bio=((bip=(new D(beo.$high,beo.$low)),new $Uint64(bip.$high,bip.$low))),new $Uint64(bim.$high+bio.$high,bim.$low+bio.$low));bir=new $Uint64(0,0);bis=new $Uint64(0,0);bit=A.Mul64(j,b[8]);bis=bit[0];bir=bit[1];biu=new $Uint64(0,0);biv=new $Uint64(0,0);biw=A.Mul64(j,b[7]);biv=biw[0];biu=biw[1];bix=new $Uint64(0,0);biy=new $Uint64(0,0);biz=A.Mul64(j,b[6]);biy=biz[0];bix=biz[1];bja=new $Uint64(0,0);bjb=new $Uint64(0,0);bjc=A.Mul64(j,b[5]);bjb=bjc[0];bja=bjc[1];bjd=new $Uint64(0,0);bje=new $Uint64(0,0);bjf=A.Mul64(j,b[4]);bje=bjf[0];bjd=bjf[1];bjg=new $Uint64(0,0);bjh=new $Uint64(0,0);bji=A.Mul64(j,b[3]);bjh=bji[0];bjg=bji[1];bjj=new $Uint64(0,0);bjk=new $Uint64(0,0);bjl=A.Mul64(j,b[2]);bjk=bjl[0];bjj=bjl[1];bjm=new $Uint64(0,0);bjn=new $Uint64(0,0);bjo=A.Mul64(j,b[1]);bjn=bjo[0];bjm=bjo[1];bjp=new $Uint64(0,0);bjq=new $Uint64(0,0);bjr=A.Mul64(j,b[0]);bjq=bjr[0];bjp=bjr[1];bjs=new $Uint64(0,0);bjt=new $Uint64(0,0);bju=A.Add64(bjq,bjm,new $Uint64(0,0));bjs=bju[0];bjt=bju[1];bjv=new $Uint64(0,0);bjw=new $Uint64(0,0);bjx=A.Add64(bjn,bjj,((bjy=(new D(bjt.$high,bjt.$low)),new $Uint64(bjy.$high,bjy.$low))));bjv=bjx[0];bjw=bjx[1];bjz=new $Uint64(0,0);bka=new $Uint64(0,0);bkb=A.Add64(bjk,bjg,((bkc=(new D(bjw.$high,bjw.$low)),new $Uint64(bkc.$high,bkc.$low))));bjz=bkb[0];bka=bkb[1];bkd=new $Uint64(0,0);bke=new $Uint64(0,0);bkf=A.Add64(bjh,bjd,((bkg=(new D(bka.$high,bka.$low)),new $Uint64(bkg.$high,bkg.$low))));bkd=bkf[0];bke=bkf[1];bkh=new $Uint64(0,0);bki=new $Uint64(0,0);bkj=A.Add64(bje,bja,((bkk=(new D(bke.$high,bke.$low)),new $Uint64(bkk.$high,bkk.$low))));bkh=bkj[0];bki=bkj[1];bkl=new $Uint64(0,0);bkm=new $Uint64(0,0);bkn=A.Add64(bjb,bix,((bko=(new D(bki.$high,bki.$low)),new $Uint64(bko.$high,bko.$low))));bkl=bkn[0];bkm=bkn[1];bkp=new $Uint64(0,0);bkq=new $Uint64(0,0);bkr=A.Add64(biy,biu,((bks=(new D(bkm.$high,bkm.$low)),new $Uint64(bks.$high,bks.$low))));bkp=bkr[0];bkq=bkr[1];bkt=new $Uint64(0,0);bku=new $Uint64(0,0);bkv=A.Add64(biv,bir,((bkw=(new D(bkq.$high,bkq.$low)),new $Uint64(bkw.$high,bkw.$low))));bkt=bkv[0];bku=bkv[1];bkz=(bkx=((bky=(new D(bku.$high,bku.$low)),new $Uint64(bky.$high,bky.$low))),new $Uint64(bkx.$high+bis.$high,bkx.$low+bis.$low));bla=new $Uint64(0,0);blb=new $Uint64(0,0);blc=A.Add64(bhc,bjp,new $Uint64(0,0));bla=blc[0];blb=blc[1];bld=new $Uint64(0,0);ble=new $Uint64(0,0);blf=A.Add64(bhg,bjs,((blg=(new D(blb.$high,blb.$low)),new $Uint64(blg.$high,blg.$low))));bld=blf[0];ble=blf[1];blh=new $Uint64(0,0);bli=new $Uint64(0,0);blj=A.Add64(bhk,bjv,((blk=(new D(ble.$high,ble.$low)),new $Uint64(blk.$high,blk.$low))));blh=blj[0];bli=blj[1];bll=new $Uint64(0,0);blm=new $Uint64(0,0);bln=A.Add64(bho,bjz,((blo=(new D(bli.$high,bli.$low)),new $Uint64(blo.$high,blo.$low))));bll=bln[0];blm=bln[1];blp=new $Uint64(0,0);blq=new $Uint64(0,0);blr=A.Add64(bhs,bkd,((bls=(new D(blm.$high,blm.$low)),new $Uint64(bls.$high,bls.$low))));blp=blr[0];blq=blr[1];blt=new $Uint64(0,0);blu=new $Uint64(0,0);blv=A.Add64(bhw,bkh,((blw=(new D(blq.$high,blq.$low)),new $Uint64(blw.$high,blw.$low))));blt=blv[0];blu=blv[1];blx=new $Uint64(0,0);bly=new $Uint64(0,0);blz=A.Add64(bia,bkl,((bma=(new D(blu.$high,blu.$low)),new $Uint64(bma.$high,bma.$low))));blx=blz[0];bly=blz[1];bmb=new $Uint64(0,0);bmc=new $Uint64(0,0);bmd=A.Add64(bie,bkp,((bme=(new D(bly.$high,bly.$low)),new $Uint64(bme.$high,bme.$low))));bmb=bmd[0];bmc=bmd[1];bmf=new $Uint64(0,0);bmg=new $Uint64(0,0);bmh=A.Add64(bii,bkt,((bmi=(new D(bmc.$high,bmc.$low)),new $Uint64(bmi.$high,bmi.$low))));bmf=bmh[0];bmg=bmh[1];bmj=new $Uint64(0,0);bmk=new $Uint64(0,0);bml=A.Add64(biq,bkz,((bmm=(new D(bmg.$high,bmg.$low)),new $Uint64(bmm.$high,bmm.$low))));bmj=bml[0];bmk=bml[1];bmn=new $Uint64(0,0);bmo=new $Uint64(0,0);bmp=A.Mul64(bla,new $Uint64(0,511));bmo=bmp[0];bmn=bmp[1];bmq=new $Uint64(0,0);bmr=new $Uint64(0,0);bms=A.Mul64(bla,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bmr=bms[0];bmq=bms[1];bmt=new $Uint64(0,0);bmu=new $Uint64(0,0);bmv=A.Mul64(bla,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bmu=bmv[0];bmt=bmv[1];bmw=new $Uint64(0,0);bmx=new $Uint64(0,0);bmy=A.Mul64(bla,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bmx=bmy[0];bmw=bmy[1];bmz=new $Uint64(0,0);bna=new $Uint64(0,0);bnb=A.Mul64(bla,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bna=bnb[0];bmz=bnb[1];bnc=new $Uint64(0,0);bnd=new $Uint64(0,0);bne=A.Mul64(bla,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bnd=bne[0];bnc=bne[1];bnf=new $Uint64(0,0);bng=new $Uint64(0,0);bnh=A.Mul64(bla,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bng=bnh[0];bnf=bnh[1];bni=new $Uint64(0,0);bnj=new $Uint64(0,0);bnk=A.Mul64(bla,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bnj=bnk[0];bni=bnk[1];bnl=new $Uint64(0,0);bnm=new $Uint64(0,0);bnn=A.Mul64(bla,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bnm=bnn[0];bnl=bnn[1];bno=new $Uint64(0,0);bnp=new $Uint64(0,0);bnq=A.Add64(bnm,bni,new $Uint64(0,0));bno=bnq[0];bnp=bnq[1];bnr=new $Uint64(0,0);bns=new $Uint64(0,0);bnt=A.Add64(bnj,bnf,((bnu=(new D(bnp.$high,bnp.$low)),new $Uint64(bnu.$high,bnu.$low))));bnr=bnt[0];bns=bnt[1];bnv=new $Uint64(0,0);bnw=new $Uint64(0,0);bnx=A.Add64(bng,bnc,((bny=(new D(bns.$high,bns.$low)),new $Uint64(bny.$high,bny.$low))));bnv=bnx[0];bnw=bnx[1];bnz=new $Uint64(0,0);boa=new $Uint64(0,0);bob=A.Add64(bnd,bmz,((boc=(new D(bnw.$high,bnw.$low)),new $Uint64(boc.$high,boc.$low))));bnz=bob[0];boa=bob[1];bod=new $Uint64(0,0);boe=new $Uint64(0,0);bof=A.Add64(bna,bmw,((bog=(new D(boa.$high,boa.$low)),new $Uint64(bog.$high,bog.$low))));bod=bof[0];boe=bof[1];boh=new $Uint64(0,0);boi=new $Uint64(0,0);boj=A.Add64(bmx,bmt,((bok=(new D(boe.$high,boe.$low)),new $Uint64(bok.$high,bok.$low))));boh=boj[0];boi=boj[1];bol=new $Uint64(0,0);bom=new $Uint64(0,0);bon=A.Add64(bmu,bmq,((boo=(new D(boi.$high,boi.$low)),new $Uint64(boo.$high,boo.$low))));bol=bon[0];bom=bon[1];bop=new $Uint64(0,0);boq=new $Uint64(0,0);bor=A.Add64(bmr,bmn,((bos=(new D(bom.$high,bom.$low)),new $Uint64(bos.$high,bos.$low))));bop=bor[0];boq=bor[1];bov=(bot=((bou=(new D(boq.$high,boq.$low)),new $Uint64(bou.$high,bou.$low))),new $Uint64(bot.$high+bmo.$high,bot.$low+bmo.$low));bow=new $Uint64(0,0);box=A.Add64(bla,bnl,new $Uint64(0,0));bow=box[1];boy=new $Uint64(0,0);boz=new $Uint64(0,0);bpa=A.Add64(bld,bno,((bpb=(new D(bow.$high,bow.$low)),new $Uint64(bpb.$high,bpb.$low))));boy=bpa[0];boz=bpa[1];bpc=new $Uint64(0,0);bpd=new $Uint64(0,0);bpe=A.Add64(blh,bnr,((bpf=(new D(boz.$high,boz.$low)),new $Uint64(bpf.$high,bpf.$low))));bpc=bpe[0];bpd=bpe[1];bpg=new $Uint64(0,0);bph=new $Uint64(0,0);bpi=A.Add64(bll,bnv,((bpj=(new D(bpd.$high,bpd.$low)),new $Uint64(bpj.$high,bpj.$low))));bpg=bpi[0];bph=bpi[1];bpk=new $Uint64(0,0);bpl=new $Uint64(0,0);bpm=A.Add64(blp,bnz,((bpn=(new D(bph.$high,bph.$low)),new $Uint64(bpn.$high,bpn.$low))));bpk=bpm[0];bpl=bpm[1];bpo=new $Uint64(0,0);bpp=new $Uint64(0,0);bpq=A.Add64(blt,bod,((bpr=(new D(bpl.$high,bpl.$low)),new $Uint64(bpr.$high,bpr.$low))));bpo=bpq[0];bpp=bpq[1];bps=new $Uint64(0,0);bpt=new $Uint64(0,0);bpu=A.Add64(blx,boh,((bpv=(new D(bpp.$high,bpp.$low)),new $Uint64(bpv.$high,bpv.$low))));bps=bpu[0];bpt=bpu[1];bpw=new $Uint64(0,0);bpx=new $Uint64(0,0);bpy=A.Add64(bmb,bol,((bpz=(new D(bpt.$high,bpt.$low)),new $Uint64(bpz.$high,bpz.$low))));bpw=bpy[0];bpx=bpy[1];bqa=new $Uint64(0,0);bqb=new $Uint64(0,0);bqc=A.Add64(bmf,bop,((bqd=(new D(bpx.$high,bpx.$low)),new $Uint64(bqd.$high,bqd.$low))));bqa=bqc[0];bqb=bqc[1];bqe=new $Uint64(0,0);bqf=new $Uint64(0,0);bqg=A.Add64(bmj,bov,((bqh=(new D(bqb.$high,bqb.$low)),new $Uint64(bqh.$high,bqh.$low))));bqe=bqg[0];bqf=bqg[1];bqm=(bqi=((bqj=(new D(bqf.$high,bqf.$low)),new $Uint64(bqj.$high,bqj.$low))),bqk=((bql=(new D(bmk.$high,bmk.$low)),new $Uint64(bql.$high,bql.$low))),new $Uint64(bqi.$high+bqk.$high,bqi.$low+bqk.$low));bqn=new $Uint64(0,0);bqo=new $Uint64(0,0);bqp=A.Sub64(boy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),new $Uint64(0,0));bqn=bqp[0];bqo=bqp[1];bqq=new $Uint64(0,0);bqr=new $Uint64(0,0);bqs=A.Sub64(bpc,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((bqt=(new D(bqo.$high,bqo.$low)),new $Uint64(bqt.$high,bqt.$low))));bqq=bqs[0];bqr=bqs[1];bqu=new $Uint64(0,0);bqv=new $Uint64(0,0);bqw=A.Sub64(bpg,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((bqx=(new D(bqr.$high,bqr.$low)),new $Uint64(bqx.$high,bqx.$low))));bqu=bqw[0];bqv=bqw[1];bqy=new $Uint64(0,0);bqz=new $Uint64(0,0);bra=A.Sub64(bpk,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((brb=(new D(bqv.$high,bqv.$low)),new $Uint64(brb.$high,brb.$low))));bqy=bra[0];bqz=bra[1];brc=new $Uint64(0,0);brd=new $Uint64(0,0);bre=A.Sub64(bpo,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((brf=(new D(bqz.$high,bqz.$low)),new $Uint64(brf.$high,brf.$low))));brc=bre[0];brd=bre[1];brg=new $Uint64(0,0);brh=new $Uint64(0,0);bri=A.Sub64(bps,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((brj=(new D(brd.$high,brd.$low)),new $Uint64(brj.$high,brj.$low))));brg=bri[0];brh=bri[1];brk=new $Uint64(0,0);brl=new $Uint64(0,0);brm=A.Sub64(bpw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((brn=(new D(brh.$high,brh.$low)),new $Uint64(brn.$high,brn.$low))));brk=brm[0];brl=brm[1];bro=new $Uint64(0,0);brp=new $Uint64(0,0);brq=A.Sub64(bqa,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((brr=(new D(brl.$high,brl.$low)),new $Uint64(brr.$high,brr.$low))));bro=brq[0];brp=brq[1];brs=new $Uint64(0,0);brt=new $Uint64(0,0);bru=A.Sub64(bqe,new $Uint64(0,511),((brv=(new D(brp.$high,brp.$low)),new $Uint64(brv.$high,brv.$low))));brs=bru[0];brt=bru[1];brw=new $Uint64(0,0);brx=A.Sub64(bqm,new $Uint64(0,0),((bry=(new D(brt.$high,brt.$low)),new $Uint64(bry.$high,bry.$low))));brw=brx[1];brz=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsa||(bsa=new BO(function(){return brz;},function($v){brz=$v;}))),(new D(brw.$high,brw.$low)),bqn,boy);bsb=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsc||(bsc=new BO(function(){return bsb;},function($v){bsb=$v;}))),(new D(brw.$high,brw.$low)),bqq,bpc);bsd=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bse||(bse=new BO(function(){return bsd;},function($v){bsd=$v;}))),(new D(brw.$high,brw.$low)),bqu,bpg);bsf=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsg||(bsg=new BO(function(){return bsf;},function($v){bsf=$v;}))),(new D(brw.$high,brw.$low)),bqy,bpk);bsh=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsi||(bsi=new BO(function(){return bsh;},function($v){bsh=$v;}))),(new D(brw.$high,brw.$low)),brc,bpo);bsj=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsk||(bsk=new BO(function(){return bsj;},function($v){bsj=$v;}))),(new D(brw.$high,brw.$low)),brg,bps);bsl=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsm||(bsm=new BO(function(){return bsl;},function($v){bsl=$v;}))),(new D(brw.$high,brw.$low)),brk,bpw);bsn=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bso||(bso=new BO(function(){return bsn;},function($v){bsn=$v;}))),(new D(brw.$high,brw.$low)),bro,bqa);bsp=new $Uint64(0,0);H((bsq||(bsq=new BO(function(){return bsp;},function($v){bsp=$v;}))),(new D(brw.$high,brw.$low)),brs,bqe);a.nilCheck,a[0]=brz;a.nilCheck,a[1]=bsb;a.nilCheck,a[2]=bsd;a.nilCheck,a[3]=bsf;a.nilCheck,a[4]=bsh;a.nilCheck,a[5]=bsj;a.nilCheck,a[6]=bsl;a.nilCheck,a[7]=bsn;a.nilCheck,a[8]=bsp;};K=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=A.Add64(b[0],c[0],new $Uint64(0,0));d=f[0];e=f[1];g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=A.Add64(b[1],c[1],((j=(new D(e.$high,e.$low)),new $Uint64(j.$high,j.$low))));g=i[0];h=i[1];k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=A.Add64(b[2],c[2],((n=(new D(h.$high,h.$low)),new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low))));k=m[0];l=m[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Add64(b[3],c[3],((r=(new D(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low))));o=q[0];p=q[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=A.Add64(b[4],c[4],((v=(new D(p.$high,p.$low)),new $Uint64(v.$high,v.$low))));s=u[0];t=u[1];w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=A.Add64(b[5],c[5],((z=(new D(t.$high,t.$low)),new $Uint64(z.$high,z.$low))));w=y[0];x=y[1];aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=A.Add64(b[6],c[6],((ad=(new D(x.$high,x.$low)),new $Uint64(ad.$high,ad.$low))));aa=ac[0];ab=ac[1];ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=A.Add64(b[7],c[7],((ah=(new D(ab.$high,ab.$low)),new $Uint64(ah.$high,ah.$low))));ae=ag[0];af=ag[1];ai=new $Uint64(0,0);aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=A.Add64(b[8],c[8],((al=(new D(af.$high,af.$low)),new $Uint64(al.$high,al.$low))));ai=ak[0];aj=ak[1];am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=new $Uint64(0,0);ao=A.Sub64(d,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),new $Uint64(0,0));am=ao[0];an=ao[1];ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=A.Sub64(g,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((as=(new D(an.$high,an.$low)),new $Uint64(as.$high,as.$low))));ap=ar[0];aq=ar[1];at=new $Uint64(0,0);au=new $Uint64(0,0);av=A.Sub64(k,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((aw=(new D(aq.$high,aq.$low)),new $Uint64(aw.$high,aw.$low))));at=av[0];au=av[1];ax=new $Uint64(0,0);ay=new $Uint64(0,0);az=A.Sub64(o,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((ba=(new D(au.$high,au.$low)),new $Uint64(ba.$high,ba.$low))));ax=az[0];ay=az[1];bb=new $Uint64(0,0);bc=new $Uint64(0,0);bd=A.Sub64(s,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((be=(new D(ay.$high,ay.$low)),new $Uint64(be.$high,be.$low))));bb=bd[0];bc=bd[1];bf=new $Uint64(0,0);bg=new $Uint64(0,0);bh=A.Sub64(w,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((bi=(new D(bc.$high,bc.$low)),new $Uint64(bi.$high,bi.$low))));bf=bh[0];bg=bh[1];bj=new $Uint64(0,0);bk=new $Uint64(0,0);bl=A.Sub64(aa,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((bm=(new D(bg.$high,bg.$low)),new $Uint64(bm.$high,bm.$low))));bj=bl[0];bk=bl[1];bn=new $Uint64(0,0);bo=new $Uint64(0,0);bp=A.Sub64(ae,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((bq=(new D(bk.$high,bk.$low)),new $Uint64(bq.$high,bq.$low))));bn=bp[0];bo=bp[1];br=new $Uint64(0,0);bs=new $Uint64(0,0);bt=A.Sub64(ai,new $Uint64(0,511),((bu=(new D(bo.$high,bo.$low)),new $Uint64(bu.$high,bu.$low))));br=bt[0];bs=bt[1];bv=new $Uint64(0,0);bw=A.Sub64(((bx=(new D(aj.$high,aj.$low)),new $Uint64(bx.$high,bx.$low))),new $Uint64(0,0),((by=(new D(bs.$high,bs.$low)),new $Uint64(by.$high,by.$low))));bv=bw[1];bz=new $Uint64(0,0);H((ca||(ca=new BO(function(){return bz;},function($v){bz=$v;}))),(new D(bv.$high,bv.$low)),am,d);cb=new $Uint64(0,0);H((cc||(cc=new BO(function(){return cb;},function($v){cb=$v;}))),(new D(bv.$high,bv.$low)),ap,g);cd=new $Uint64(0,0);H((ce||(ce=new BO(function(){return cd;},function($v){cd=$v;}))),(new D(bv.$high,bv.$low)),at,k);cf=new $Uint64(0,0);H((cg||(cg=new BO(function(){return cf;},function($v){cf=$v;}))),(new D(bv.$high,bv.$low)),ax,o);ch=new $Uint64(0,0);H((ci||(ci=new BO(function(){return ch;},function($v){ch=$v;}))),(new D(bv.$high,bv.$low)),bb,s);cj=new $Uint64(0,0);H((ck||(ck=new BO(function(){return cj;},function($v){cj=$v;}))),(new D(bv.$high,bv.$low)),bf,w);cl=new $Uint64(0,0);H((cm||(cm=new BO(function(){return cl;},function($v){cl=$v;}))),(new D(bv.$high,bv.$low)),bj,aa);cn=new $Uint64(0,0);H((co||(co=new BO(function(){return cn;},function($v){cn=$v;}))),(new D(bv.$high,bv.$low)),bn,ae);cp=new $Uint64(0,0);H((cq||(cq=new BO(function(){return cp;},function($v){cp=$v;}))),(new D(bv.$high,bv.$low)),br,ai);a.nilCheck,a[0]=bz;a.nilCheck,a[1]=cb;a.nilCheck,a[2]=cd;a.nilCheck,a[3]=cf;a.nilCheck,a[4]=ch;a.nilCheck,a[5]=cj;a.nilCheck,a[6]=cl;a.nilCheck,a[7]=cn;a.nilCheck,a[8]=cp;};L=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=A.Sub64(b[0],c[0],new $Uint64(0,0));d=f[0];e=f[1];g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=A.Sub64(b[1],c[1],((j=(new D(e.$high,e.$low)),new $Uint64(j.$high,j.$low))));g=i[0];h=i[1];k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=A.Sub64(b[2],c[2],((n=(new D(h.$high,h.$low)),new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low))));k=m[0];l=m[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Sub64(b[3],c[3],((r=(new D(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low))));o=q[0];p=q[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=A.Sub64(b[4],c[4],((v=(new D(p.$high,p.$low)),new $Uint64(v.$high,v.$low))));s=u[0];t=u[1];w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=A.Sub64(b[5],c[5],((z=(new D(t.$high,t.$low)),new $Uint64(z.$high,z.$low))));w=y[0];x=y[1];aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=A.Sub64(b[6],c[6],((ad=(new D(x.$high,x.$low)),new $Uint64(ad.$high,ad.$low))));aa=ac[0];ab=ac[1];ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=A.Sub64(b[7],c[7],((ah=(new D(ab.$high,ab.$low)),new $Uint64(ah.$high,ah.$low))));ae=ag[0];af=ag[1];ai=new $Uint64(0,0);aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=A.Sub64(b[8],c[8],((al=(new D(af.$high,af.$low)),new $Uint64(al.$high,al.$low))));ai=ak[0];aj=ak[1];am=new $Uint64(0,0);H((an||(an=new BO(function(){return am;},function($v){am=$v;}))),(new D(aj.$high,aj.$low)),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ao=new $Uint64(0,0);ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=A.Add64(d,am,new $Uint64(0,0));ao=aq[0];ap=aq[1];ar=new $Uint64(0,0);as=new $Uint64(0,0);at=A.Add64(g,am,((au=(new D(ap.$high,ap.$low)),new $Uint64(au.$high,au.$low))));ar=at[0];as=at[1];av=new $Uint64(0,0);aw=new $Uint64(0,0);ax=A.Add64(k,am,((ay=(new D(as.$high,as.$low)),new $Uint64(ay.$high,ay.$low))));av=ax[0];aw=ax[1];az=new $Uint64(0,0);ba=new $Uint64(0,0);bb=A.Add64(o,am,((bc=(new D(aw.$high,aw.$low)),new $Uint64(bc.$high,bc.$low))));az=bb[0];ba=bb[1];bd=new $Uint64(0,0);be=new $Uint64(0,0);bf=A.Add64(s,am,((bg=(new D(ba.$high,ba.$low)),new $Uint64(bg.$high,bg.$low))));bd=bf[0];be=bf[1];bh=new $Uint64(0,0);bi=new $Uint64(0,0);bj=A.Add64(w,am,((bk=(new D(be.$high,be.$low)),new $Uint64(bk.$high,bk.$low))));bh=bj[0];bi=bj[1];bl=new $Uint64(0,0);bm=new $Uint64(0,0);bn=A.Add64(aa,am,((bo=(new D(bi.$high,bi.$low)),new $Uint64(bo.$high,bo.$low))));bl=bn[0];bm=bn[1];bp=new $Uint64(0,0);bq=new $Uint64(0,0);br=A.Add64(ae,am,((bs=(new D(bm.$high,bm.$low)),new $Uint64(bs.$high,bs.$low))));bp=br[0];bq=br[1];bt=new $Uint64(0,0);bu=A.Add64(ai,new $Uint64(am.$high&0,(am.$low&511)>>>0),((bv=(new D(bq.$high,bq.$low)),new $Uint64(bv.$high,bv.$low))));bt=bu[0];a.nilCheck,a[0]=ao;a.nilCheck,a[1]=ar;a.nilCheck,a[2]=av;a.nilCheck,a[3]=az;a.nilCheck,a[4]=bd;a.nilCheck,a[5]=bh;a.nilCheck,a[6]=bl;a.nilCheck,a[7]=bp;a.nilCheck,a[8]=bt;};M=function(a){var a;a.nilCheck,a[0]=new $Uint64(8388608,0);a.nilCheck,a[1]=new $Uint64(0,0);a.nilCheck,a[2]=new $Uint64(0,0);a.nilCheck,a[3]=new $Uint64(0,0);a.nilCheck,a[4]=new $Uint64(0,0);a.nilCheck,a[5]=new $Uint64(0,0);a.nilCheck,a[6]=new $Uint64(0,0);a.nilCheck,a[7]=new $Uint64(0,0);a.nilCheck,a[8]=new $Uint64(0,0);};N=function(a,b){var a,aa,aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz,ab,aba,abb,abc,abd,abe,abf,abg,abh,abi,abj,abk,abl,abm,abn,abo,abp,abq,abr,abs,abt,abu,abv,abw,abx,aby,abz,ac,aca,acb,acc,acd,ace,acf,acg,ach,aci,acj,ack,acl,acm,acn,aco,acp,acq,acr,acs,act,acu,acv,acw,acx,acy,acz,ad,ada,adb,adc,add,ade,adf,adg,adh,adi,adj,adk,adl,adm,adn,ado,adp,adq,adr,ads,adt,adu,adv,adw,adx,ady,adz,ae,aea,aeb,aec,aed,aee,aef,aeg,aeh,aei,aej,aek,ael,aem,aen,aeo,aep,aeq,aer,aes,aet,aeu,aev,aew,aex,aey,aez,af,afa,afb,afc,afd,afe,aff,afg,afh,afi,afj,afk,afl,afm,afn,afo,afp,afq,afr,afs,aft,afu,afv,afw,afx,afy,afz,ag,aga,agb,agc,agd,age,agf,agg,agh,agi,agj,agk,agl,agm,agn,ago,agp,agq,agr,ags,agt,agu,agv,agw,agx,agy,agz,ah,aha,ahb,ahc,ahd,ahe,ahf,ahg,ahh,ahi,ahj,ahk,ahl,ahm,ahn,aho,ahp,ahq,ahr,ahs,aht,ahu,ahv,ahw,ahx,ahy,ahz,ai,aia,aib,aic,aid,aie,aif,aig,aih,aii,aij,aik,ail,aim,ain,aio,aip,aiq,air,ais,ait,aiu,aiv,aiw,aix,aiy,aiz,aj,aja,ajb,ajc,ajd,aje,ajf,ajg,ajh,aji,ajj,ajk,ajl,ajm,ajn,ajo,ajp,ajq,ajr,ajs,ajt,aju,ajv,ajw,ajx,ajy,ajz,ak,aka,akb,akc,akd,ake,akf,akg,akh,aki,akj,akk,akl,akm,akn,ako,akp,akq,akr,aks,akt,aku,akv,akw,akx,aky,akz,al,ala,alb,alc,ald,ale,alf,alg,alh,ali,alj,alk,all,alm,aln,alo,alp,alq,alr,als,alt,alu,alv,alw,alx,aly,alz,am,ama,amb,amc,amd,ame,amf,amg,amh,ami,amj,amk,aml,amm,amn,amo,amp,amq,amr,ams,amt,amu,amv,amw,amx,amy,amz,an,ana,anb,anc,and,ane,anf,ang,anh,ani,anj,ank,anl,anm,ann,ano,anp,anq,anr,ans,ant,anu,anv,anw,anx,any,anz,ao,aoa,aob,aoc,aod,aoe,aof,aog,aoh,aoi,aoj,aok,aol,aom,aon,aoo,aop,aoq,aor,aos,aot,aou,aov,aow,aox,aoy,aoz,ap,apa,apb,apc,apd,ape,apf,apg,aph,api,apj,apk,apl,apm,apn,apo,app,apq,apr,aps,apt,apu,apv,apw,apx,apy,apz,aq,aqa,aqb,aqc,aqd,aqe,aqf,aqg,aqh,aqi,aqj,aqk,aql,aqm,aqn,aqo,aqp,aqq,aqr,aqs,aqt,aqu,aqv,aqw,aqx,aqy,aqz,ar,ara,arb,arc,ard,are,arf,arg,arh,ari,arj,ark,arl,arm,arn,aro,arp,arq,arr,ars,art,aru,arv,arw,arx,ary,arz,as,asa,asb,asc,asd,ase,asf,asg,ash,asi,asj,ask,asl,asm,asn,aso,asp,asq,asr,ass,ast,asu,asv,asw,asx,asy,asz,at,ata,atb,atc,atd,ate,atf,atg,ath,ati,atj,atk,atl,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,nf,ng,nh,ni,nj,nk,nl,nm,nn,no,np,nq,nr,ns,nt,nu,nv,nw,nx,ny,nz,o,oa,ob,oc,od,oe,of,og,oh,oi,oj,ok,ol,om,on,oo,op,oq,or,os,ot,ou,ov,ow,ox,oy,oz,p,pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph,pi,pj,pk,pl,pm,pn,po,pp,pq,pr,ps,pt,pu,pv,pw,px,py,pz,q,qa,qb,qc,qd,qe,qf,qg,qh,qi,qj,qk,ql,qm,qn,qo,qp,qq,qr,qs,qt,qu,qv,qw,qx,qy,qz,r,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf,rg,rh,ri,rj,rk,rl,rm,rn,ro,rp,rq,rr,rs,rt,ru,rv,rw,rx,ry,rz,s,sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sn,so,sp,sq,sr,ss,st,su,sv,sw,sx,sy,sz,t,ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf,tg,th,ti,tj,tk,tl,tm,tn,to,tp,tq,tr,ts,tt,tu,tv,tw,tx,ty,tz,u,ua,ub,uc,ud,ue,uf,ug,uh,ui,uj,uk,ul,um,un,uo,up,uq,ur,us,ut,uu,uv,uw,ux,uy,uz,v,va,vb,vc,vd,ve,vf,vg,vh,vi,vj,vk,vl,vm,vn,vo,vp,vq,vr,vs,vt,vu,vv,vw,vx,vy,vz,w,wa,wb,wc,wd,we,wf,wg,wh,wi,wj,wk,wl,wm,wn,wo,wp,wq,wr,ws,wt,wu,wv,ww,wx,wy,wz,x,xa,xb,xc,xd,xe,xf,xg,xh,xi,xj,xk,xl,xm,xn,xo,xp,xq,xr,xs,xt,xu,xv,xw,xx,xy,xz,y,ya,yb,yc,yd,ye,yf,yg,yh,yi,yj,yk,yl,ym,yn,yo,yp,yq,yr,ys,yt,yu,yv,yw,yx,yy,yz,z,za,zb,zc,zd,ze,zf,zg,zh,zi,zj,zk,zl,zm,zn,zo,zp,zq,zr,zs,zt,zu,zv,zw,zx,zy,zz;c=b[0];d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(0,511));e=f[0];d=f[1];g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));h=i[0];g=i[1];j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));k=l[0];j=l[1];m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=new $Uint64(0,0);o=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));n=o[0];m=o[1];p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));q=r[0];p=r[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));t=u[0];s=u[1];v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));w=x[0];v=x[1];y=new $Uint64(0,0);z=new $Uint64(0,0);aa=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));z=aa[0];y=aa[1];ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=new $Uint64(0,0);ad=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ac=ad[0];ab=ad[1];ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=A.Add64(ac,y,new $Uint64(0,0));ae=ag[0];af=ag[1];ah=new $Uint64(0,0);ai=new $Uint64(0,0);aj=A.Add64(z,v,((ak=(new D(af.$high,af.$low)),new $Uint64(ak.$high,ak.$low))));ah=aj[0];ai=aj[1];al=new $Uint64(0,0);am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=A.Add64(w,s,((ao=(new D(ai.$high,ai.$low)),new $Uint64(ao.$high,ao.$low))));al=an[0];am=an[1];ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=A.Add64(t,p,((as=(new D(am.$high,am.$low)),new $Uint64(as.$high,as.$low))));ap=ar[0];aq=ar[1];at=new $Uint64(0,0);au=new $Uint64(0,0);av=A.Add64(q,m,((aw=(new D(aq.$high,aq.$low)),new $Uint64(aw.$high,aw.$low))));at=av[0];au=av[1];ax=new $Uint64(0,0);ay=new $Uint64(0,0);az=A.Add64(n,j,((ba=(new D(au.$high,au.$low)),new $Uint64(ba.$high,ba.$low))));ax=az[0];ay=az[1];bb=new $Uint64(0,0);bc=new $Uint64(0,0);bd=A.Add64(k,g,((be=(new D(ay.$high,ay.$low)),new $Uint64(be.$high,be.$low))));bb=bd[0];bc=bd[1];bf=new $Uint64(0,0);bg=new $Uint64(0,0);bh=A.Add64(h,d,((bi=(new D(bc.$high,bc.$low)),new $Uint64(bi.$high,bi.$low))));bf=bh[0];bg=bh[1];bj=new $Uint64(0,0);bk=A.Add64(c,ab,new $Uint64(0,0));bj=bk[1];bl=new $Uint64(0,0);bm=new $Uint64(0,0);bn=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),ae,((bo=(new D(bj.$high,bj.$low)),new $Uint64(bo.$high,bo.$low))));bl=bn[0];bm=bn[1];bp=new $Uint64(0,0);bq=new $Uint64(0,0);br=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),ah,((bs=(new D(bm.$high,bm.$low)),new $Uint64(bs.$high,bs.$low))));bp=br[0];bq=br[1];bt=new $Uint64(0,0);bu=new $Uint64(0,0);bv=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),al,((bw=(new D(bq.$high,bq.$low)),new $Uint64(bw.$high,bw.$low))));bt=bv[0];bu=bv[1];bx=new $Uint64(0,0);by=new $Uint64(0,0);bz=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),ap,((ca=(new D(bu.$high,bu.$low)),new $Uint64(ca.$high,ca.$low))));bx=bz[0];by=bz[1];cb=new $Uint64(0,0);cc=new $Uint64(0,0);cd=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),at,((ce=(new D(by.$high,by.$low)),new $Uint64(ce.$high,ce.$low))));cb=cd[0];cc=cd[1];cf=new $Uint64(0,0);cg=new $Uint64(0,0);ch=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),ax,((ci=(new D(cc.$high,cc.$low)),new $Uint64(ci.$high,ci.$low))));cf=ch[0];cg=ch[1];cj=new $Uint64(0,0);ck=new $Uint64(0,0);cl=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),bb,((cm=(new D(cg.$high,cg.$low)),new $Uint64(cm.$high,cm.$low))));cj=cl[0];ck=cl[1];cn=new $Uint64(0,0);co=new $Uint64(0,0);cp=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),bf,((cq=(new D(ck.$high,ck.$low)),new $Uint64(cq.$high,cq.$low))));cn=cp[0];co=cp[1];cr=new $Uint64(0,0);cs=new $Uint64(0,0);ct=A.Add64(bl,b[1],new $Uint64(0,0));cr=ct[0];cs=ct[1];cu=new $Uint64(0,0);cv=new $Uint64(0,0);cw=A.Add64(bp,new $Uint64(0,0),((cx=(new D(cs.$high,cs.$low)),new $Uint64(cx.$high,cx.$low))));cu=cw[0];cv=cw[1];cy=new $Uint64(0,0);cz=new $Uint64(0,0);da=A.Add64(bt,new $Uint64(0,0),((db=(new D(cv.$high,cv.$low)),new $Uint64(db.$high,db.$low))));cy=da[0];cz=da[1];dc=new $Uint64(0,0);dd=new $Uint64(0,0);de=A.Add64(bx,new $Uint64(0,0),((df=(new D(cz.$high,cz.$low)),new $Uint64(df.$high,df.$low))));dc=de[0];dd=de[1];dg=new $Uint64(0,0);dh=new $Uint64(0,0);di=A.Add64(cb,new $Uint64(0,0),((dj=(new D(dd.$high,dd.$low)),new $Uint64(dj.$high,dj.$low))));dg=di[0];dh=di[1];dk=new $Uint64(0,0);dl=new $Uint64(0,0);dm=A.Add64(cf,new $Uint64(0,0),((dn=(new D(dh.$high,dh.$low)),new $Uint64(dn.$high,dn.$low))));dk=dm[0];dl=dm[1];dp=new $Uint64(0,0);dq=new $Uint64(0,0);dr=A.Add64(cj,new $Uint64(0,0),((ds=(new D(dl.$high,dl.$low)),new $Uint64(ds.$high,ds.$low))));dp=dr[0];dq=dr[1];dt=new $Uint64(0,0);du=new $Uint64(0,0);dv=A.Add64(cn,new $Uint64(0,0),((dw=(new D(dq.$high,dq.$low)),new $Uint64(dw.$high,dw.$low))));dt=dv[0];du=dv[1];dx=new $Uint64(0,0);dy=new $Uint64(0,0);dz=A.Mul64(cr,new $Uint64(0,511));dy=dz[0];dx=dz[1];ea=new $Uint64(0,0);eb=new $Uint64(0,0);ec=A.Mul64(cr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));eb=ec[0];ea=ec[1];ed=new $Uint64(0,0);ee=new $Uint64(0,0);ef=A.Mul64(cr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ee=ef[0];ed=ef[1];eg=new $Uint64(0,0);eh=new $Uint64(0,0);ei=A.Mul64(cr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));eh=ei[0];eg=ei[1];ej=new $Uint64(0,0);ek=new $Uint64(0,0);el=A.Mul64(cr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ek=el[0];ej=el[1];em=new $Uint64(0,0);en=new $Uint64(0,0);eo=A.Mul64(cr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));en=eo[0];em=eo[1];ep=new $Uint64(0,0);eq=new $Uint64(0,0);er=A.Mul64(cr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));eq=er[0];ep=er[1];es=new $Uint64(0,0);et=new $Uint64(0,0);eu=A.Mul64(cr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));et=eu[0];es=eu[1];ev=new $Uint64(0,0);ew=new $Uint64(0,0);ex=A.Mul64(cr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ew=ex[0];ev=ex[1];ey=new $Uint64(0,0);ez=new $Uint64(0,0);fa=A.Add64(ew,es,new $Uint64(0,0));ey=fa[0];ez=fa[1];fb=new $Uint64(0,0);fc=new $Uint64(0,0);fd=A.Add64(et,ep,((fe=(new D(ez.$high,ez.$low)),new $Uint64(fe.$high,fe.$low))));fb=fd[0];fc=fd[1];ff=new $Uint64(0,0);fg=new $Uint64(0,0);fh=A.Add64(eq,em,((fi=(new D(fc.$high,fc.$low)),new $Uint64(fi.$high,fi.$low))));ff=fh[0];fg=fh[1];fj=new $Uint64(0,0);fk=new $Uint64(0,0);fl=A.Add64(en,ej,((fm=(new D(fg.$high,fg.$low)),new $Uint64(fm.$high,fm.$low))));fj=fl[0];fk=fl[1];fn=new $Uint64(0,0);fo=new $Uint64(0,0);fp=A.Add64(ek,eg,((fq=(new D(fk.$high,fk.$low)),new $Uint64(fq.$high,fq.$low))));fn=fp[0];fo=fp[1];fr=new $Uint64(0,0);fs=new $Uint64(0,0);ft=A.Add64(eh,ed,((fu=(new D(fo.$high,fo.$low)),new $Uint64(fu.$high,fu.$low))));fr=ft[0];fs=ft[1];fv=new $Uint64(0,0);fw=new $Uint64(0,0);fx=A.Add64(ee,ea,((fy=(new D(fs.$high,fs.$low)),new $Uint64(fy.$high,fy.$low))));fv=fx[0];fw=fx[1];fz=new $Uint64(0,0);ga=new $Uint64(0,0);gb=A.Add64(eb,dx,((gc=(new D(fw.$high,fw.$low)),new $Uint64(gc.$high,gc.$low))));fz=gb[0];ga=gb[1];gd=new $Uint64(0,0);ge=A.Add64(cr,ev,new $Uint64(0,0));gd=ge[1];gf=new $Uint64(0,0);gg=new $Uint64(0,0);gh=A.Add64(cu,ey,((gi=(new D(gd.$high,gd.$low)),new $Uint64(gi.$high,gi.$low))));gf=gh[0];gg=gh[1];gj=new $Uint64(0,0);gk=new $Uint64(0,0);gl=A.Add64(cy,fb,((gm=(new D(gg.$high,gg.$low)),new $Uint64(gm.$high,gm.$low))));gj=gl[0];gk=gl[1];gn=new $Uint64(0,0);go=new $Uint64(0,0);gp=A.Add64(dc,ff,((gq=(new D(gk.$high,gk.$low)),new $Uint64(gq.$high,gq.$low))));gn=gp[0];go=gp[1];gr=new $Uint64(0,0);gs=new $Uint64(0,0);gt=A.Add64(dg,fj,((gu=(new D(go.$high,go.$low)),new $Uint64(gu.$high,gu.$low))));gr=gt[0];gs=gt[1];gv=new $Uint64(0,0);gw=new $Uint64(0,0);gx=A.Add64(dk,fn,((gy=(new D(gs.$high,gs.$low)),new $Uint64(gy.$high,gy.$low))));gv=gx[0];gw=gx[1];gz=new $Uint64(0,0);ha=new $Uint64(0,0);hb=A.Add64(dp,fr,((hc=(new D(gw.$high,gw.$low)),new $Uint64(hc.$high,hc.$low))));gz=hb[0];ha=hb[1];hd=new $Uint64(0,0);he=new $Uint64(0,0);hf=A.Add64(dt,fv,((hg=(new D(ha.$high,ha.$low)),new $Uint64(hg.$high,hg.$low))));hd=hf[0];he=hf[1];hh=new $Uint64(0,0);hi=new $Uint64(0,0);hj=A.Add64((hk=((hl=(new D(du.$high,du.$low)),new $Uint64(hl.$high,hl.$low))),hm=(hn=((ho=(new D(co.$high,co.$low)),new $Uint64(ho.$high,ho.$low))),hp=(hq=((hr=(new D(bg.$high,bg.$low)),new $Uint64(hr.$high,hr.$low))),new $Uint64(hq.$high+e.$high,hq.$low+e.$low)),new $Uint64(hn.$high+hp.$high,hn.$low+hp.$low)),new $Uint64(hk.$high+hm.$high,hk.$low+hm.$low)),fz,((hs=(new D(he.$high,he.$low)),new $Uint64(hs.$high,hs.$low))));hh=hj[0];hi=hj[1];ht=new $Uint64(0,0);hu=new $Uint64(0,0);hv=A.Add64(gf,b[2],new $Uint64(0,0));ht=hv[0];hu=hv[1];hw=new $Uint64(0,0);hx=new $Uint64(0,0);hy=A.Add64(gj,new $Uint64(0,0),((hz=(new D(hu.$high,hu.$low)),new $Uint64(hz.$high,hz.$low))));hw=hy[0];hx=hy[1];ia=new $Uint64(0,0);ib=new $Uint64(0,0);ic=A.Add64(gn,new $Uint64(0,0),((id=(new D(hx.$high,hx.$low)),new $Uint64(id.$high,id.$low))));ia=ic[0];ib=ic[1];ie=new $Uint64(0,0);ig=new $Uint64(0,0);ih=A.Add64(gr,new $Uint64(0,0),((ii=(new D(ib.$high,ib.$low)),new $Uint64(ii.$high,ii.$low))));ie=ih[0];ig=ih[1];ij=new $Uint64(0,0);ik=new $Uint64(0,0);il=A.Add64(gv,new $Uint64(0,0),((im=(new D(ig.$high,ig.$low)),new $Uint64(im.$high,im.$low))));ij=il[0];ik=il[1];io=new $Uint64(0,0);ip=new $Uint64(0,0);iq=A.Add64(gz,new $Uint64(0,0),((ir=(new D(ik.$high,ik.$low)),new $Uint64(ir.$high,ir.$low))));io=iq[0];ip=iq[1];is=new $Uint64(0,0);it=new $Uint64(0,0);iu=A.Add64(hd,new $Uint64(0,0),((iv=(new 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$Uint64(0,0);jx=A.Mul64(ht,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jw=jx[0];jv=jx[1];jy=new $Uint64(0,0);jz=new $Uint64(0,0);ka=A.Mul64(ht,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jz=ka[0];jy=ka[1];kb=new $Uint64(0,0);kc=new $Uint64(0,0);kd=A.Add64(jz,jv,new $Uint64(0,0));kb=kd[0];kc=kd[1];ke=new $Uint64(0,0);kf=new $Uint64(0,0);kg=A.Add64(jw,js,((kh=(new D(kc.$high,kc.$low)),new $Uint64(kh.$high,kh.$low))));ke=kg[0];kf=kg[1];ki=new $Uint64(0,0);kj=new $Uint64(0,0);kk=A.Add64(jt,jp,((kl=(new D(kf.$high,kf.$low)),new $Uint64(kl.$high,kl.$low))));ki=kk[0];kj=kk[1];km=new $Uint64(0,0);kn=new $Uint64(0,0);ko=A.Add64(jq,jm,((kp=(new D(kj.$high,kj.$low)),new $Uint64(kp.$high,kp.$low))));km=ko[0];kn=ko[1];kq=new $Uint64(0,0);kr=new $Uint64(0,0);ks=A.Add64(jn,jj,((kt=(new D(kn.$high,kn.$low)),new $Uint64(kt.$high,kt.$low))));kq=ks[0];kr=ks[1];ku=new $Uint64(0,0);kv=new $Uint64(0,0);kw=A.Add64(jk,jg,((kx=(new D(kr.$high,kr.$low)),new $Uint64(kx.$high,kx.$low))));ku=kw[0];kv=kw[1];ky=new $Uint64(0,0);kz=new $Uint64(0,0);la=A.Add64(jh,jd,((lb=(new D(kv.$high,kv.$low)),new $Uint64(lb.$high,lb.$low))));ky=la[0];kz=la[1];lc=new $Uint64(0,0);ld=new $Uint64(0,0);le=A.Add64(je,ja,((lf=(new D(kz.$high,kz.$low)),new $Uint64(lf.$high,lf.$low))));lc=le[0];ld=le[1];lg=new $Uint64(0,0);lh=A.Add64(ht,jy,new $Uint64(0,0));lg=lh[1];li=new $Uint64(0,0);lj=new $Uint64(0,0);lk=A.Add64(hw,kb,((ll=(new D(lg.$high,lg.$low)),new $Uint64(ll.$high,ll.$low))));li=lk[0];lj=lk[1];lm=new $Uint64(0,0);ln=new $Uint64(0,0);lo=A.Add64(ia,ke,((lp=(new D(lj.$high,lj.$low)),new $Uint64(lp.$high,lp.$low))));lm=lo[0];ln=lo[1];lq=new $Uint64(0,0);lr=new $Uint64(0,0);ls=A.Add64(ie,ki,((lt=(new D(ln.$high,ln.$low)),new $Uint64(lt.$high,lt.$low))));lq=ls[0];lr=ls[1];lu=new $Uint64(0,0);lv=new $Uint64(0,0);lw=A.Add64(ij,km,((lx=(new D(lr.$high,lr.$low)),new $Uint64(lx.$high,lx.$low))));lu=lw[0];lv=lw[1];ly=new $Uint64(0,0);lz=new $Uint64(0,0);ma=A.Add64(io,kq,((mb=(new D(lv.$high,lv.$low)),new $Uint64(mb.$high,mb.$low))));ly=ma[0];lz=ma[1];mc=new $Uint64(0,0);md=new $Uint64(0,0);me=A.Add64(is,ku,((mf=(new D(lz.$high,lz.$low)),new $Uint64(mf.$high,mf.$low))));mc=me[0];md=me[1];mg=new $Uint64(0,0);mh=new $Uint64(0,0);mi=A.Add64(iw,ky,((mj=(new D(md.$high,md.$low)),new $Uint64(mj.$high,mj.$low))));mg=mi[0];mh=mi[1];mk=new $Uint64(0,0);ml=new $Uint64(0,0);mm=A.Add64((mn=((mo=(new D(ix.$high,ix.$low)),new $Uint64(mo.$high,mo.$low))),mp=(mq=((mr=(new D(hi.$high,hi.$low)),new $Uint64(mr.$high,mr.$low))),ms=(mt=((mu=(new D(ga.$high,ga.$low)),new $Uint64(mu.$high,mu.$low))),new $Uint64(mt.$high+dy.$high,mt.$low+dy.$low)),new $Uint64(mq.$high+ms.$high,mq.$low+ms.$low)),new $Uint64(mn.$high+mp.$high,mn.$low+mp.$low)),lc,((mv=(new D(mh.$high,mh.$low)),new $Uint64(mv.$high,mv.$low))));mk=mm[0];ml=mm[1];mw=new $Uint64(0,0);mx=new $Uint64(0,0);my=A.Add64(li,b[3],new $Uint64(0,0));mw=my[0];mx=my[1];mz=new $Uint64(0,0);na=new $Uint64(0,0);nb=A.Add64(lm,new $Uint64(0,0),((nc=(new 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$Uint64(0,0);oc=new $Uint64(0,0);od=A.Mul64(mw,new $Uint64(0,511));oc=od[0];ob=od[1];oe=new $Uint64(0,0);of=new $Uint64(0,0);og=A.Mul64(mw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));of=og[0];oe=og[1];oh=new $Uint64(0,0);oi=new $Uint64(0,0);oj=A.Mul64(mw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));oi=oj[0];oh=oj[1];ok=new $Uint64(0,0);ol=new $Uint64(0,0);om=A.Mul64(mw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ol=om[0];ok=om[1];on=new $Uint64(0,0);oo=new $Uint64(0,0);op=A.Mul64(mw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));oo=op[0];on=op[1];oq=new $Uint64(0,0);or=new $Uint64(0,0);os=A.Mul64(mw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));or=os[0];oq=os[1];ot=new $Uint64(0,0);ou=new $Uint64(0,0);ov=A.Mul64(mw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ou=ov[0];ot=ov[1];ow=new $Uint64(0,0);ox=new $Uint64(0,0);oy=A.Mul64(mw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ox=oy[0];ow=oy[1];oz=new $Uint64(0,0);pa=new $Uint64(0,0);pb=A.Mul64(mw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));pa=pb[0];oz=pb[1];pc=new $Uint64(0,0);pd=new $Uint64(0,0);pe=A.Add64(pa,ow,new $Uint64(0,0));pc=pe[0];pd=pe[1];pf=new $Uint64(0,0);pg=new $Uint64(0,0);ph=A.Add64(ox,ot,((pi=(new D(pd.$high,pd.$low)),new $Uint64(pi.$high,pi.$low))));pf=ph[0];pg=ph[1];pj=new $Uint64(0,0);pk=new $Uint64(0,0);pl=A.Add64(ou,oq,((pm=(new D(pg.$high,pg.$low)),new $Uint64(pm.$high,pm.$low))));pj=pl[0];pk=pl[1];pn=new $Uint64(0,0);po=new $Uint64(0,0);pp=A.Add64(or,on,((pq=(new D(pk.$high,pk.$low)),new $Uint64(pq.$high,pq.$low))));pn=pp[0];po=pp[1];pr=new $Uint64(0,0);ps=new $Uint64(0,0);pt=A.Add64(oo,ok,((pu=(new D(po.$high,po.$low)),new $Uint64(pu.$high,pu.$low))));pr=pt[0];ps=pt[1];pv=new $Uint64(0,0);pw=new $Uint64(0,0);px=A.Add64(ol,oh,((py=(new D(ps.$high,ps.$low)),new $Uint64(py.$high,py.$low))));pv=px[0];pw=px[1];pz=new $Uint64(0,0);qa=new $Uint64(0,0);qb=A.Add64(oi,oe,((qc=(new D(pw.$high,pw.$low)),new $Uint64(qc.$high,qc.$low))));pz=qb[0];qa=qb[1];qd=new $Uint64(0,0);qe=new $Uint64(0,0);qf=A.Add64(of,ob,((qg=(new D(qa.$high,qa.$low)),new $Uint64(qg.$high,qg.$low))));qd=qf[0];qe=qf[1];qh=new $Uint64(0,0);qi=A.Add64(mw,oz,new $Uint64(0,0));qh=qi[1];qj=new $Uint64(0,0);qk=new $Uint64(0,0);ql=A.Add64(mz,pc,((qm=(new D(qh.$high,qh.$low)),new $Uint64(qm.$high,qm.$low))));qj=ql[0];qk=ql[1];qn=new $Uint64(0,0);qo=new $Uint64(0,0);qp=A.Add64(nd,pf,((qq=(new D(qk.$high,qk.$low)),new $Uint64(qq.$high,qq.$low))));qn=qp[0];qo=qp[1];qr=new $Uint64(0,0);qs=new $Uint64(0,0);qt=A.Add64(nh,pj,((qu=(new D(qo.$high,qo.$low)),new $Uint64(qu.$high,qu.$low))));qr=qt[0];qs=qt[1];qv=new $Uint64(0,0);qw=new $Uint64(0,0);qx=A.Add64(nl,pn,((qy=(new D(qs.$high,qs.$low)),new $Uint64(qy.$high,qy.$low))));qv=qx[0];qw=qx[1];qz=new $Uint64(0,0);ra=new $Uint64(0,0);rb=A.Add64(np,pr,((rc=(new D(qw.$high,qw.$low)),new $Uint64(rc.$high,rc.$low))));qz=rb[0];ra=rb[1];rd=new $Uint64(0,0);re=new $Uint64(0,0);rf=A.Add64(nt,pv,((rg=(new D(ra.$high,ra.$low)),new $Uint64(rg.$high,rg.$low))));rd=rf[0];re=rf[1];rh=new $Uint64(0,0);ri=new $Uint64(0,0);rj=A.Add64(nx,pz,((rk=(new D(re.$high,re.$low)),new $Uint64(rk.$high,rk.$low))));rh=rj[0];ri=rj[1];rl=new $Uint64(0,0);rm=new $Uint64(0,0);rn=A.Add64((ro=((rp=(new D(ny.$high,ny.$low)),new $Uint64(rp.$high,rp.$low))),rq=(rr=((rs=(new D(ml.$high,ml.$low)),new $Uint64(rs.$high,rs.$low))),rt=(ru=((rv=(new D(ld.$high,ld.$low)),new $Uint64(rv.$high,rv.$low))),new $Uint64(ru.$high+jb.$high,ru.$low+jb.$low)),new $Uint64(rr.$high+rt.$high,rr.$low+rt.$low)),new $Uint64(ro.$high+rq.$high,ro.$low+rq.$low)),qd,((rw=(new D(ri.$high,ri.$low)),new $Uint64(rw.$high,rw.$low))));rl=rn[0];rm=rn[1];rx=new $Uint64(0,0);ry=new $Uint64(0,0);rz=A.Add64(qj,b[4],new $Uint64(0,0));rx=rz[0];ry=rz[1];sa=new $Uint64(0,0);sb=new $Uint64(0,0);sc=A.Add64(qn,new $Uint64(0,0),((sd=(new D(ry.$high,ry.$low)),new $Uint64(sd.$high,sd.$low))));sa=sc[0];sb=sc[1];se=new $Uint64(0,0);sf=new $Uint64(0,0);sg=A.Add64(qr,new $Uint64(0,0),((sh=(new D(sb.$high,sb.$low)),new 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$Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tg=th[0];tf=th[1];ti=new $Uint64(0,0);tj=new $Uint64(0,0);tk=A.Mul64(rx,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tj=tk[0];ti=tk[1];tl=new $Uint64(0,0);tm=new $Uint64(0,0);tn=A.Mul64(rx,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tm=tn[0];tl=tn[1];to=new $Uint64(0,0);tp=new $Uint64(0,0);tq=A.Mul64(rx,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tp=tq[0];to=tq[1];tr=new $Uint64(0,0);ts=new $Uint64(0,0);tt=A.Mul64(rx,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ts=tt[0];tr=tt[1];tu=new $Uint64(0,0);tv=new $Uint64(0,0);tw=A.Mul64(rx,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tv=tw[0];tu=tw[1];tx=new $Uint64(0,0);ty=new $Uint64(0,0);tz=A.Mul64(rx,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ty=tz[0];tx=tz[1];ua=new $Uint64(0,0);ub=new $Uint64(0,0);uc=A.Mul64(rx,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ub=uc[0];ua=uc[1];ud=new $Uint64(0,0);ue=new $Uint64(0,0);uf=A.Add64(ub,tx,new $Uint64(0,0));ud=uf[0];ue=uf[1];ug=new $Uint64(0,0);uh=new $Uint64(0,0);ui=A.Add64(ty,tu,((uj=(new D(ue.$high,ue.$low)),new $Uint64(uj.$high,uj.$low))));ug=ui[0];uh=ui[1];uk=new $Uint64(0,0);ul=new $Uint64(0,0);um=A.Add64(tv,tr,((un=(new D(uh.$high,uh.$low)),new $Uint64(un.$high,un.$low))));uk=um[0];ul=um[1];uo=new $Uint64(0,0);up=new $Uint64(0,0);uq=A.Add64(ts,to,((ur=(new D(ul.$high,ul.$low)),new $Uint64(ur.$high,ur.$low))));uo=uq[0];up=uq[1];us=new $Uint64(0,0);ut=new $Uint64(0,0);uu=A.Add64(tp,tl,((uv=(new D(up.$high,up.$low)),new $Uint64(uv.$high,uv.$low))));us=uu[0];ut=uu[1];uw=new $Uint64(0,0);ux=new $Uint64(0,0);uy=A.Add64(tm,ti,((uz=(new D(ut.$high,ut.$low)),new $Uint64(uz.$high,uz.$low))));uw=uy[0];ux=uy[1];va=new $Uint64(0,0);vb=new $Uint64(0,0);vc=A.Add64(tj,tf,((vd=(new D(ux.$high,ux.$low)),new $Uint64(vd.$high,vd.$low))));va=vc[0];vb=vc[1];ve=new $Uint64(0,0);vf=new $Uint64(0,0);vg=A.Add64(tg,tc,((vh=(new D(vb.$high,vb.$low)),new $Uint64(vh.$high,vh.$low))));ve=vg[0];vf=vg[1];vi=new $Uint64(0,0);vj=A.Add64(rx,ua,new $Uint64(0,0));vi=vj[1];vk=new $Uint64(0,0);vl=new $Uint64(0,0);vm=A.Add64(sa,ud,((vn=(new D(vi.$high,vi.$low)),new $Uint64(vn.$high,vn.$low))));vk=vm[0];vl=vm[1];vo=new $Uint64(0,0);vp=new $Uint64(0,0);vq=A.Add64(se,ug,((vr=(new D(vl.$high,vl.$low)),new $Uint64(vr.$high,vr.$low))));vo=vq[0];vp=vq[1];vs=new $Uint64(0,0);vt=new $Uint64(0,0);vu=A.Add64(si,uk,((vv=(new D(vp.$high,vp.$low)),new $Uint64(vv.$high,vv.$low))));vs=vu[0];vt=vu[1];vw=new $Uint64(0,0);vx=new $Uint64(0,0);vy=A.Add64(sm,uo,((vz=(new D(vt.$high,vt.$low)),new $Uint64(vz.$high,vz.$low))));vw=vy[0];vx=vy[1];wa=new $Uint64(0,0);wb=new $Uint64(0,0);wc=A.Add64(sq,us,((wd=(new D(vx.$high,vx.$low)),new $Uint64(wd.$high,wd.$low))));wa=wc[0];wb=wc[1];we=new $Uint64(0,0);wf=new $Uint64(0,0);wg=A.Add64(su,uw,((wh=(new D(wb.$high,wb.$low)),new $Uint64(wh.$high,wh.$low))));we=wg[0];wf=wg[1];wi=new $Uint64(0,0);wj=new $Uint64(0,0);wk=A.Add64(sy,va,((wl=(new D(wf.$high,wf.$low)),new $Uint64(wl.$high,wl.$low))));wi=wk[0];wj=wk[1];wm=new $Uint64(0,0);wn=new 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$Uint64(xm.$high,xm.$low))));xj=xl[0];xk=xl[1];xn=new $Uint64(0,0);xo=new $Uint64(0,0);xp=A.Add64(wa,new $Uint64(0,0),((xq=(new D(xk.$high,xk.$low)),new $Uint64(xq.$high,xq.$low))));xn=xp[0];xo=xp[1];xr=new $Uint64(0,0);xs=new $Uint64(0,0);xt=A.Add64(we,new $Uint64(0,0),((xu=(new D(xo.$high,xo.$low)),new $Uint64(xu.$high,xu.$low))));xr=xt[0];xs=xt[1];xv=new $Uint64(0,0);xw=new $Uint64(0,0);xx=A.Add64(wi,new $Uint64(0,0),((xy=(new D(xs.$high,xs.$low)),new $Uint64(xy.$high,xy.$low))));xv=xx[0];xw=xx[1];xz=new $Uint64(0,0);ya=new $Uint64(0,0);yb=A.Add64(wm,new $Uint64(0,0),((yc=(new D(xw.$high,xw.$low)),new $Uint64(yc.$high,yc.$low))));xz=yb[0];ya=yb[1];yd=new $Uint64(0,0);ye=new $Uint64(0,0);yf=A.Mul64(wy,new $Uint64(0,511));ye=yf[0];yd=yf[1];yg=new $Uint64(0,0);yh=new $Uint64(0,0);yi=A.Mul64(wy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));yh=yi[0];yg=yi[1];yj=new $Uint64(0,0);yk=new $Uint64(0,0);yl=A.Mul64(wy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));yk=yl[0];yj=yl[1];ym=new $Uint64(0,0);yn=new $Uint64(0,0);yo=A.Mul64(wy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));yn=yo[0];ym=yo[1];yp=new $Uint64(0,0);yq=new $Uint64(0,0);yr=A.Mul64(wy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));yq=yr[0];yp=yr[1];ys=new $Uint64(0,0);yt=new $Uint64(0,0);yu=A.Mul64(wy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));yt=yu[0];ys=yu[1];yv=new $Uint64(0,0);yw=new $Uint64(0,0);yx=A.Mul64(wy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));yw=yx[0];yv=yx[1];yy=new $Uint64(0,0);yz=new $Uint64(0,0);za=A.Mul64(wy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));yz=za[0];yy=za[1];zb=new $Uint64(0,0);zc=new $Uint64(0,0);zd=A.Mul64(wy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zc=zd[0];zb=zd[1];ze=new $Uint64(0,0);zf=new $Uint64(0,0);zg=A.Add64(zc,yy,new $Uint64(0,0));ze=zg[0];zf=zg[1];zh=new $Uint64(0,0);zi=new $Uint64(0,0);zj=A.Add64(yz,yv,((zk=(new D(zf.$high,zf.$low)),new $Uint64(zk.$high,zk.$low))));zh=zj[0];zi=zj[1];zl=new $Uint64(0,0);zm=new $Uint64(0,0);zn=A.Add64(yw,ys,((zo=(new D(zi.$high,zi.$low)),new $Uint64(zo.$high,zo.$low))));zl=zn[0];zm=zn[1];zp=new $Uint64(0,0);zq=new $Uint64(0,0);zr=A.Add64(yt,yp,((zs=(new D(zm.$high,zm.$low)),new $Uint64(zs.$high,zs.$low))));zp=zr[0];zq=zr[1];zt=new $Uint64(0,0);zu=new $Uint64(0,0);zv=A.Add64(yq,ym,((zw=(new D(zq.$high,zq.$low)),new $Uint64(zw.$high,zw.$low))));zt=zv[0];zu=zv[1];zx=new $Uint64(0,0);zy=new $Uint64(0,0);zz=A.Add64(yn,yj,((aaa=(new D(zu.$high,zu.$low)),new $Uint64(aaa.$high,aaa.$low))));zx=zz[0];zy=zz[1];aab=new $Uint64(0,0);aac=new $Uint64(0,0);aad=A.Add64(yk,yg,((aae=(new D(zy.$high,zy.$low)),new $Uint64(aae.$high,aae.$low))));aab=aad[0];aac=aad[1];aaf=new $Uint64(0,0);aag=new $Uint64(0,0);aah=A.Add64(yh,yd,((aai=(new D(aac.$high,aac.$low)),new $Uint64(aai.$high,aai.$low))));aaf=aah[0];aag=aah[1];aaj=new $Uint64(0,0);aak=A.Add64(wy,zb,new $Uint64(0,0));aaj=aak[1];aal=new $Uint64(0,0);aam=new $Uint64(0,0);aan=A.Add64(xb,ze,((aao=(new D(aaj.$high,aaj.$low)),new $Uint64(aao.$high,aao.$low))));aal=aan[0];aam=aan[1];aap=new $Uint64(0,0);aaq=new $Uint64(0,0);aar=A.Add64(xf,zh,((aas=(new D(aam.$high,aam.$low)),new $Uint64(aas.$high,aas.$low))));aap=aar[0];aaq=aar[1];aat=new $Uint64(0,0);aau=new $Uint64(0,0);aav=A.Add64(xj,zl,((aaw=(new D(aaq.$high,aaq.$low)),new $Uint64(aaw.$high,aaw.$low))));aat=aav[0];aau=aav[1];aax=new $Uint64(0,0);aay=new $Uint64(0,0);aaz=A.Add64(xn,zp,((aba=(new D(aau.$high,aau.$low)),new $Uint64(aba.$high,aba.$low))));aax=aaz[0];aay=aaz[1];abb=new $Uint64(0,0);abc=new $Uint64(0,0);abd=A.Add64(xr,zt,((abe=(new D(aay.$high,aay.$low)),new $Uint64(abe.$high,abe.$low))));abb=abd[0];abc=abd[1];abf=new $Uint64(0,0);abg=new $Uint64(0,0);abh=A.Add64(xv,zx,((abi=(new D(abc.$high,abc.$low)),new $Uint64(abi.$high,abi.$low))));abf=abh[0];abg=abh[1];abj=new $Uint64(0,0);abk=new $Uint64(0,0);abl=A.Add64(xz,aab,((abm=(new D(abg.$high,abg.$low)),new $Uint64(abm.$high,abm.$low))));abj=abl[0];abk=abl[1];abn=new $Uint64(0,0);abo=new $Uint64(0,0);abp=A.Add64((abq=((abr=(new D(ya.$high,ya.$low)),new 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$Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));adl=adm[0];adk=adm[1];adn=new $Uint64(0,0);ado=new $Uint64(0,0);adp=A.Mul64(abz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ado=adp[0];adn=adp[1];adq=new $Uint64(0,0);adr=new $Uint64(0,0);ads=A.Mul64(abz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));adr=ads[0];adq=ads[1];adt=new $Uint64(0,0);adu=new $Uint64(0,0);adv=A.Mul64(abz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));adu=adv[0];adt=adv[1];adw=new $Uint64(0,0);adx=new $Uint64(0,0);ady=A.Mul64(abz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));adx=ady[0];adw=ady[1];adz=new $Uint64(0,0);aea=new $Uint64(0,0);aeb=A.Mul64(abz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aea=aeb[0];adz=aeb[1];aec=new $Uint64(0,0);aed=new $Uint64(0,0);aee=A.Mul64(abz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aed=aee[0];aec=aee[1];aef=new $Uint64(0,0);aeg=new $Uint64(0,0);aeh=A.Add64(aed,adz,new $Uint64(0,0));aef=aeh[0];aeg=aeh[1];aei=new $Uint64(0,0);aej=new $Uint64(0,0);aek=A.Add64(aea,adw,((ael=(new D(aeg.$high,aeg.$low)),new $Uint64(ael.$high,ael.$low))));aei=aek[0];aej=aek[1];aem=new $Uint64(0,0);aen=new $Uint64(0,0);aeo=A.Add64(adx,adt,((aep=(new D(aej.$high,aej.$low)),new $Uint64(aep.$high,aep.$low))));aem=aeo[0];aen=aeo[1];aeq=new $Uint64(0,0);aer=new $Uint64(0,0);aes=A.Add64(adu,adq,((aet=(new D(aen.$high,aen.$low)),new $Uint64(aet.$high,aet.$low))));aeq=aes[0];aer=aes[1];aeu=new $Uint64(0,0);aev=new $Uint64(0,0);aew=A.Add64(adr,adn,((aex=(new D(aer.$high,aer.$low)),new $Uint64(aex.$high,aex.$low))));aeu=aew[0];aev=aew[1];aey=new $Uint64(0,0);aez=new $Uint64(0,0);afa=A.Add64(ado,adk,((afb=(new D(aev.$high,aev.$low)),new $Uint64(afb.$high,afb.$low))));aey=afa[0];aez=afa[1];afc=new $Uint64(0,0);afd=new $Uint64(0,0);afe=A.Add64(adl,adh,((aff=(new D(aez.$high,aez.$low)),new $Uint64(aff.$high,aff.$low))));afc=afe[0];afd=afe[1];afg=new $Uint64(0,0);afh=new $Uint64(0,0);afi=A.Add64(adi,ade,((afj=(new D(afd.$high,afd.$low)),new $Uint64(afj.$high,afj.$low))));afg=afi[0];afh=afi[1];afk=new $Uint64(0,0);afl=A.Add64(abz,aec,new $Uint64(0,0));afk=afl[1];afm=new $Uint64(0,0);afn=new $Uint64(0,0);afo=A.Add64(acc,aef,((afp=(new D(afk.$high,afk.$low)),new $Uint64(afp.$high,afp.$low))));afm=afo[0];afn=afo[1];afq=new $Uint64(0,0);afr=new $Uint64(0,0);afs=A.Add64(acg,aei,((aft=(new D(afn.$high,afn.$low)),new $Uint64(aft.$high,aft.$low))));afq=afs[0];afr=afs[1];afu=new $Uint64(0,0);afv=new $Uint64(0,0);afw=A.Add64(ack,aem,((afx=(new D(afr.$high,afr.$low)),new $Uint64(afx.$high,afx.$low))));afu=afw[0];afv=afw[1];afy=new $Uint64(0,0);afz=new $Uint64(0,0);aga=A.Add64(aco,aeq,((agb=(new D(afv.$high,afv.$low)),new $Uint64(agb.$high,agb.$low))));afy=aga[0];afz=aga[1];agc=new $Uint64(0,0);agd=new $Uint64(0,0);age=A.Add64(acs,aeu,((agf=(new D(afz.$high,afz.$low)),new $Uint64(agf.$high,agf.$low))));agc=age[0];agd=age[1];agg=new $Uint64(0,0);agh=new $Uint64(0,0);agi=A.Add64(acw,aey,((agj=(new D(agd.$high,agd.$low)),new $Uint64(agj.$high,agj.$low))));agg=agi[0];agh=agi[1];agk=new $Uint64(0,0);agl=new $Uint64(0,0);agm=A.Add64(ada,afc,((agn=(new D(agh.$high,agh.$low)),new $Uint64(agn.$high,agn.$low))));agk=agm[0];agl=agm[1];ago=new $Uint64(0,0);agp=new $Uint64(0,0);agq=A.Add64((agr=((ags=(new D(adb.$high,adb.$low)),new $Uint64(ags.$high,ags.$low))),agt=(agu=((agv=(new D(abo.$high,abo.$low)),new $Uint64(agv.$high,agv.$low))),agw=(agx=((agy=(new D(aag.$high,aag.$low)),new $Uint64(agy.$high,agy.$low))),new $Uint64(agx.$high+ye.$high,agx.$low+ye.$low)),new $Uint64(agu.$high+agw.$high,agu.$low+agw.$low)),new $Uint64(agr.$high+agt.$high,agr.$low+agt.$low)),afg,((agz=(new D(agl.$high,agl.$low)),new $Uint64(agz.$high,agz.$low))));ago=agq[0];agp=agq[1];aha=new $Uint64(0,0);ahb=new $Uint64(0,0);ahc=A.Add64(afm,b[7],new $Uint64(0,0));aha=ahc[0];ahb=ahc[1];ahd=new $Uint64(0,0);ahe=new $Uint64(0,0);ahf=A.Add64(afq,new $Uint64(0,0),((ahg=(new D(ahb.$high,ahb.$low)),new $Uint64(ahg.$high,ahg.$low))));ahd=ahf[0];ahe=ahf[1];ahh=new $Uint64(0,0);ahi=new $Uint64(0,0);ahj=A.Add64(afu,new $Uint64(0,0),((ahk=(new D(ahe.$high,ahe.$low)),new $Uint64(ahk.$high,ahk.$low))));ahh=ahj[0];ahi=ahj[1];ahl=new $Uint64(0,0);ahm=new $Uint64(0,0);ahn=A.Add64(afy,new $Uint64(0,0),((aho=(new D(ahi.$high,ahi.$low)),new $Uint64(aho.$high,aho.$low))));ahl=ahn[0];ahm=ahn[1];ahp=new $Uint64(0,0);ahq=new $Uint64(0,0);ahr=A.Add64(agc,new $Uint64(0,0),((ahs=(new D(ahm.$high,ahm.$low)),new $Uint64(ahs.$high,ahs.$low))));ahp=ahr[0];ahq=ahr[1];aht=new $Uint64(0,0);ahu=new $Uint64(0,0);ahv=A.Add64(agg,new $Uint64(0,0),((ahw=(new D(ahq.$high,ahq.$low)),new $Uint64(ahw.$high,ahw.$low))));aht=ahv[0];ahu=ahv[1];ahx=new $Uint64(0,0);ahy=new $Uint64(0,0);ahz=A.Add64(agk,new $Uint64(0,0),((aia=(new D(ahu.$high,ahu.$low)),new $Uint64(aia.$high,aia.$low))));ahx=ahz[0];ahy=ahz[1];aib=new $Uint64(0,0);aic=new $Uint64(0,0);aid=A.Add64(ago,new $Uint64(0,0),((aie=(new D(ahy.$high,ahy.$low)),new $Uint64(aie.$high,aie.$low))));aib=aid[0];aic=aid[1];aif=new $Uint64(0,0);aig=new $Uint64(0,0);aih=A.Mul64(aha,new $Uint64(0,511));aig=aih[0];aif=aih[1];aii=new $Uint64(0,0);aij=new $Uint64(0,0);aik=A.Mul64(aha,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aij=aik[0];aii=aik[1];ail=new $Uint64(0,0);aim=new $Uint64(0,0);ain=A.Mul64(aha,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aim=ain[0];ail=ain[1];aio=new $Uint64(0,0);aip=new $Uint64(0,0);aiq=A.Mul64(aha,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aip=aiq[0];aio=aiq[1];air=new $Uint64(0,0);ais=new $Uint64(0,0);ait=A.Mul64(aha,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ais=ait[0];air=ait[1];aiu=new $Uint64(0,0);aiv=new $Uint64(0,0);aiw=A.Mul64(aha,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aiv=aiw[0];aiu=aiw[1];aix=new $Uint64(0,0);aiy=new $Uint64(0,0);aiz=A.Mul64(aha,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aiy=aiz[0];aix=aiz[1];aja=new $Uint64(0,0);ajb=new $Uint64(0,0);ajc=A.Mul64(aha,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ajb=ajc[0];aja=ajc[1];ajd=new $Uint64(0,0);aje=new $Uint64(0,0);ajf=A.Mul64(aha,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aje=ajf[0];ajd=ajf[1];ajg=new $Uint64(0,0);ajh=new $Uint64(0,0);aji=A.Add64(aje,aja,new $Uint64(0,0));ajg=aji[0];ajh=aji[1];ajj=new $Uint64(0,0);ajk=new $Uint64(0,0);ajl=A.Add64(ajb,aix,((ajm=(new D(ajh.$high,ajh.$low)),new $Uint64(ajm.$high,ajm.$low))));ajj=ajl[0];ajk=ajl[1];ajn=new $Uint64(0,0);ajo=new $Uint64(0,0);ajp=A.Add64(aiy,aiu,((ajq=(new D(ajk.$high,ajk.$low)),new $Uint64(ajq.$high,ajq.$low))));ajn=ajp[0];ajo=ajp[1];ajr=new $Uint64(0,0);ajs=new $Uint64(0,0);ajt=A.Add64(aiv,air,((aju=(new D(ajo.$high,ajo.$low)),new $Uint64(aju.$high,aju.$low))));ajr=ajt[0];ajs=ajt[1];ajv=new $Uint64(0,0);ajw=new $Uint64(0,0);ajx=A.Add64(ais,aio,((ajy=(new D(ajs.$high,ajs.$low)),new $Uint64(ajy.$high,ajy.$low))));ajv=ajx[0];ajw=ajx[1];ajz=new $Uint64(0,0);aka=new $Uint64(0,0);akb=A.Add64(aip,ail,((akc=(new D(ajw.$high,ajw.$low)),new $Uint64(akc.$high,akc.$low))));ajz=akb[0];aka=akb[1];akd=new $Uint64(0,0);ake=new $Uint64(0,0);akf=A.Add64(aim,aii,((akg=(new 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$Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));anz=aoa[0];any=aoa[1];aob=new $Uint64(0,0);aoc=new $Uint64(0,0);aod=A.Mul64(amb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aoc=aod[0];aob=aod[1];aoe=new $Uint64(0,0);aof=new $Uint64(0,0);aog=A.Mul64(amb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aof=aog[0];aoe=aog[1];aoh=new $Uint64(0,0);aoi=new $Uint64(0,0);aoj=A.Add64(aof,aob,new $Uint64(0,0));aoh=aoj[0];aoi=aoj[1];aok=new $Uint64(0,0);aol=new $Uint64(0,0);aom=A.Add64(aoc,any,((aon=(new D(aoi.$high,aoi.$low)),new $Uint64(aon.$high,aon.$low))));aok=aom[0];aol=aom[1];aoo=new $Uint64(0,0);aop=new $Uint64(0,0);aoq=A.Add64(anz,anv,((aor=(new D(aol.$high,aol.$low)),new $Uint64(aor.$high,aor.$low))));aoo=aoq[0];aop=aoq[1];aos=new $Uint64(0,0);aot=new $Uint64(0,0);aou=A.Add64(anw,ans,((aov=(new D(aop.$high,aop.$low)),new $Uint64(aov.$high,aov.$low))));aos=aou[0];aot=aou[1];aow=new $Uint64(0,0);aox=new $Uint64(0,0);aoy=A.Add64(ant,anp,((aoz=(new D(aot.$high,aot.$low)),new 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$Uint64(aqz.$high+aig.$high,aqz.$low+aig.$low)),new $Uint64(aqw.$high+aqy.$high,aqw.$low+aqy.$low)),new $Uint64(aqt.$high+aqv.$high,aqt.$low+aqv.$low)),api,((arb=(new D(aqn.$high,aqn.$low)),new $Uint64(arb.$high,arb.$low))));aqq=aqs[0];aqr=aqs[1];arh=(arc=((ard=(new D(aqr.$high,aqr.$low)),new $Uint64(ard.$high,ard.$low))),are=(arf=((arg=(new D(apj.$high,apj.$low)),new $Uint64(arg.$high,arg.$low))),new $Uint64(arf.$high+anh.$high,arf.$low+anh.$low)),new $Uint64(arc.$high+are.$high,arc.$low+are.$low));ari=new $Uint64(0,0);arj=new $Uint64(0,0);ark=A.Sub64(apo,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),new $Uint64(0,0));ari=ark[0];arj=ark[1];arl=new $Uint64(0,0);arm=new $Uint64(0,0);arn=A.Sub64(aps,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((aro=(new D(arj.$high,arj.$low)),new $Uint64(aro.$high,aro.$low))));arl=arn[0];arm=arn[1];arp=new $Uint64(0,0);arq=new $Uint64(0,0);arr=A.Sub64(apw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((ars=(new D(arm.$high,arm.$low)),new 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$Uint64(0,0);aso=new $Uint64(0,0);asp=A.Sub64(arh,new $Uint64(0,511),((asq=(new D(ask.$high,ask.$low)),new $Uint64(asq.$high,asq.$low))));asn=asp[0];aso=asp[1];asr=new $Uint64(0,0);ass=A.Sub64(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),((ast=(new D(aso.$high,aso.$low)),new $Uint64(ast.$high,ast.$low))));asr=ass[1];asu=new $Uint64(0,0);H((asv||(asv=new BO(function(){return asu;},function($v){asu=$v;}))),(new D(asr.$high,asr.$low)),ari,apo);asw=new $Uint64(0,0);H((asx||(asx=new BO(function(){return asw;},function($v){asw=$v;}))),(new D(asr.$high,asr.$low)),arl,aps);asy=new $Uint64(0,0);H((asz||(asz=new BO(function(){return asy;},function($v){asy=$v;}))),(new D(asr.$high,asr.$low)),arp,apw);ata=new $Uint64(0,0);H((atb||(atb=new BO(function(){return ata;},function($v){ata=$v;}))),(new D(asr.$high,asr.$low)),art,aqa);atc=new $Uint64(0,0);H((atd||(atd=new BO(function(){return atc;},function($v){atc=$v;}))),(new D(asr.$high,asr.$low)),arx,aqe);ate=new $Uint64(0,0);H((atf||(atf=new BO(function(){return 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a,aa,aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz,ab,aba,abb,abc,abd,abe,abf,abg,abh,abi,abj,abk,abl,abm,abn,abo,abp,abq,abr,abs,abt,abu,abv,abw,abx,aby,abz,ac,aca,acb,acc,acd,ace,acf,acg,ach,aci,acj,ack,acl,acm,acn,aco,acp,acq,acr,acs,act,acu,acv,acw,acx,acy,acz,ad,ada,adb,adc,add,ade,adf,adg,adh,adi,adj,adk,adl,adm,adn,ado,adp,adq,adr,ads,adt,adu,adv,adw,adx,ady,adz,ae,aea,aeb,aec,aed,aee,aef,aeg,aeh,aei,aej,aek,ael,aem,aen,aeo,aep,aeq,aer,aes,aet,aeu,aev,aew,aex,aey,aez,af,afa,afb,afc,afd,afe,aff,afg,afh,afi,afj,afk,afl,afm,afn,afo,afp,afq,afr,afs,aft,afu,afv,afw,afx,afy,afz,ag,aga,agb,agc,agd,age,agf,agg,agh,agi,agj,agk,agl,agm,agn,ago,agp,agq,agr,ags,agt,agu,agv,agw,agx,agy,agz,ah,aha,ahb,ahc,ahd,ahe,ahf,ahg,ahh,ahi,ahj,ahk,ahl,ahm,ahn,aho,ahp,ahq,ahr,ahs,aht,ahu,ahv,ahw,ahx,ahy,ahz,ai,aia,aib,aic,aid,aie,aif,aig,aih,aii,aij,aik,ail,aim,ain,aio,aip,aiq,air,ais,ait,aiu,aiv,aiw,aix,aiy,aiz,aj,aja,ajb,ajc,ajd,aje,ajf,ajg,ajh,aji,ajj,ajk,ajl,ajm,ajn,ajo,ajp,ajq,ajr,ajs,ajt,aju,ajv,ajw,ajx,ajy,ajz,ak,aka,akb,akc,akd,ake,akf,akg,akh,aki,akj,akk,akl,akm,akn,ako,akp,akq,akr,aks,akt,aku,akv,akw,akx,aky,akz,al,ala,alb,alc,ald,ale,alf,alg,alh,ali,alj,alk,all,alm,aln,alo,alp,alq,alr,als,alt,alu,alv,alw,alx,aly,alz,am,ama,amb,amc,amd,ame,amf,amg,amh,ami,amj,amk,aml,amm,amn,amo,amp,amq,amr,ams,amt,amu,amv,amw,amx,amy,amz,an,ana,anb,anc,and,ane,anf,ang,anh,ani,anj,ank,anl,anm,ann,ano,anp,anq,anr,ans,ant,anu,anv,anw,anx,any,anz,ao,aoa,aob,aoc,aod,aoe,aof,aog,aoh,aoi,aoj,aok,aol,aom,aon,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,nf,ng,nh,ni,nj,nk,nl,nm,nn,no,np,nq,nr,ns,nt,nu,nv,nw,nx,ny,nz,o,oa,ob,oc,od,oe,of,og,oh,oi,oj,ok,ol,om,on,oo,op,oq,or,os,ot,ou,ov,ow,ox,oy,oz,p,pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph,pi,pj,pk,pl,pm,pn,po,pp,pq,pr,ps,pt,pu,pv,pw,px,py,pz,q,qa,qb,qc,qd,qe,qf,qg,qh,qi,qj,qk,ql,qm,qn,qo,qp,qq,qr,qs,qt,qu,qv,qw,qx,qy,qz,r,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf,rg,rh,ri,rj,rk,rl,rm,rn,ro,rp,rq,rr,rs,rt,ru,rv,rw,rx,ry,rz,s,sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sn,so,sp,sq,sr,ss,st,su,sv,sw,sx,sy,sz,t,ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf,tg,th,ti,tj,tk,tl,tm,tn,to,tp,tq,tr,ts,tt,tu,tv,tw,tx,ty,tz,u,ua,ub,uc,ud,ue,uf,ug,uh,ui,uj,uk,ul,um,un,uo,up,uq,ur,us,ut,uu,uv,uw,ux,uy,uz,v,va,vb,vc,vd,ve,vf,vg,vh,vi,vj,vk,vl,vm,vn,vo,vp,vq,vr,vs,vt,vu,vv,vw,vx,vy,vz,w,wa,wb,wc,wd,we,wf,wg,wh,wi,wj,wk,wl,wm,wn,wo,wp,wq,wr,ws,wt,wu,wv,ww,wx,wy,wz,x,xa,xb,xc,xd,xe,xf,xg,xh,xi,xj,xk,xl,xm,xn,xo,xp,xq,xr,xs,xt,xu,xv,xw,xx,xy,xz,y,ya,yb,yc,yd,ye,yf,yg,yh,yi,yj,yk,yl,ym,yn,yo,yp,yq,yr,ys,yt,yu,yv,yw,yx,yy,yz,z,za,zb,zc,zd,ze,zf,zg,zh,zi,zj,zk,zl,zm,zn,zo,zp,zq,zr,zs,zt,zu,zv,zw,zx,zy,zz;c=new $Uint64(0,0);d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=A.Mul64(b[0],new $Uint64(16384,0));d=e[0];c=e[1];f=new $Uint64(0,0);g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=A.Mul64(b[1],new $Uint64(16384,0));g=h[0];f=h[1];i=new $Uint64(0,0);j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=A.Add64(d,f,new $Uint64(0,0));i=k[0];j=k[1];l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(0,511));m=n[0];l=n[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));p=q[0];o=q[1];r=new $Uint64(0,0);s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));s=t[0];r=t[1];u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));v=w[0];u=w[1];x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=new $Uint64(0,0);z=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));y=z[0];x=z[1];aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ab=ac[0];aa=ac[1];ad=new $Uint64(0,0);ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ae=af[0];ad=af[1];ag=new $Uint64(0,0);ah=new $Uint64(0,0);ai=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ah=ai[0];ag=ai[1];aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=new $Uint64(0,0);al=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ak=al[0];aj=al[1];am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=new $Uint64(0,0);ao=A.Add64(ak,ag,new $Uint64(0,0));am=ao[0];an=ao[1];ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=A.Add64(ah,ad,((as=(new D(an.$high,an.$low)),new $Uint64(as.$high,as.$low))));ap=ar[0];aq=ar[1];at=new $Uint64(0,0);au=new $Uint64(0,0);av=A.Add64(ae,aa,((aw=(new D(aq.$high,aq.$low)),new $Uint64(aw.$high,aw.$low))));at=av[0];au=av[1];ax=new $Uint64(0,0);ay=new $Uint64(0,0);az=A.Add64(ab,x,((ba=(new D(au.$high,au.$low)),new $Uint64(ba.$high,ba.$low))));ax=az[0];ay=az[1];bb=new $Uint64(0,0);bc=new $Uint64(0,0);bd=A.Add64(y,u,((be=(new D(ay.$high,ay.$low)),new $Uint64(be.$high,be.$low))));bb=bd[0];bc=bd[1];bf=new $Uint64(0,0);bg=new $Uint64(0,0);bh=A.Add64(v,r,((bi=(new D(bc.$high,bc.$low)),new $Uint64(bi.$high,bi.$low))));bf=bh[0];bg=bh[1];bj=new $Uint64(0,0);bk=new $Uint64(0,0);bl=A.Add64(s,o,((bm=(new D(bg.$high,bg.$low)),new $Uint64(bm.$high,bm.$low))));bj=bl[0];bk=bl[1];bn=new $Uint64(0,0);bo=new $Uint64(0,0);bp=A.Add64(p,l,((bq=(new D(bk.$high,bk.$low)),new $Uint64(bq.$high,bq.$low))));bn=bp[0];bo=bp[1];br=new $Uint64(0,0);bs=A.Add64(c,aj,new $Uint64(0,0));br=bs[1];bt=new $Uint64(0,0);bu=new $Uint64(0,0);bv=A.Add64(i,am,((bw=(new D(br.$high,br.$low)),new $Uint64(bw.$high,bw.$low))));bt=bv[0];bu=bv[1];bx=new $Uint64(0,0);by=new $Uint64(0,0);bz=A.Add64((ca=((cb=(new D(j.$high,j.$low)),new $Uint64(cb.$high,cb.$low))),new $Uint64(ca.$high+g.$high,ca.$low+g.$low)),ap,((cc=(new D(bu.$high,bu.$low)),new $Uint64(cc.$high,cc.$low))));bx=bz[0];by=bz[1];cd=new $Uint64(0,0);ce=new $Uint64(0,0);cf=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),at,((cg=(new D(by.$high,by.$low)),new $Uint64(cg.$high,cg.$low))));cd=cf[0];ce=cf[1];ch=new $Uint64(0,0);ci=new $Uint64(0,0);cj=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),ax,((ck=(new D(ce.$high,ce.$low)),new $Uint64(ck.$high,ck.$low))));ch=cj[0];ci=cj[1];cl=new $Uint64(0,0);cm=new $Uint64(0,0);cn=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),bb,((co=(new D(ci.$high,ci.$low)),new $Uint64(co.$high,co.$low))));cl=cn[0];cm=cn[1];cp=new $Uint64(0,0);cq=new $Uint64(0,0);cr=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),bf,((cs=(new D(cm.$high,cm.$low)),new $Uint64(cs.$high,cs.$low))));cp=cr[0];cq=cr[1];ct=new $Uint64(0,0);cu=new $Uint64(0,0);cv=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),bj,((cw=(new D(cq.$high,cq.$low)),new $Uint64(cw.$high,cw.$low))));ct=cv[0];cu=cv[1];cx=new $Uint64(0,0);cy=new $Uint64(0,0);cz=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),bn,((da=(new D(cu.$high,cu.$low)),new $Uint64(da.$high,da.$low))));cx=cz[0];cy=cz[1];db=new $Uint64(0,0);dc=new $Uint64(0,0);dd=A.Mul64(b[2],new $Uint64(16384,0));dc=dd[0];db=dd[1];de=new $Uint64(0,0);df=new $Uint64(0,0);dg=A.Add64(bx,db,new $Uint64(0,0));de=dg[0];df=dg[1];dh=new $Uint64(0,0);di=new $Uint64(0,0);dj=A.Add64(cd,dc,((dk=(new D(df.$high,df.$low)),new $Uint64(dk.$high,dk.$low))));dh=dj[0];di=dj[1];dl=new $Uint64(0,0);dm=new $Uint64(0,0);dn=A.Add64(ch,new $Uint64(0,0),((dp=(new D(di.$high,di.$low)),new $Uint64(dp.$high,dp.$low))));dl=dn[0];dm=dn[1];dq=new $Uint64(0,0);dr=new $Uint64(0,0);ds=A.Add64(cl,new $Uint64(0,0),((dt=(new D(dm.$high,dm.$low)),new $Uint64(dt.$high,dt.$low))));dq=ds[0];dr=ds[1];du=new $Uint64(0,0);dv=new $Uint64(0,0);dw=A.Add64(cp,new $Uint64(0,0),((dx=(new D(dr.$high,dr.$low)),new $Uint64(dx.$high,dx.$low))));du=dw[0];dv=dw[1];dy=new $Uint64(0,0);dz=new $Uint64(0,0);ea=A.Add64(ct,new $Uint64(0,0),((eb=(new D(dv.$high,dv.$low)),new $Uint64(eb.$high,eb.$low))));dy=ea[0];dz=ea[1];ec=new $Uint64(0,0);ed=new $Uint64(0,0);ee=A.Add64(cx,new $Uint64(0,0),((ef=(new D(dz.$high,dz.$low)),new $Uint64(ef.$high,ef.$low))));ec=ee[0];ed=ee[1];eg=new $Uint64(0,0);eh=new $Uint64(0,0);ei=A.Mul64(bt,new $Uint64(0,511));eh=ei[0];eg=ei[1];ej=new $Uint64(0,0);ek=new $Uint64(0,0);el=A.Mul64(bt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ek=el[0];ej=el[1];em=new $Uint64(0,0);en=new $Uint64(0,0);eo=A.Mul64(bt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));en=eo[0];em=eo[1];ep=new $Uint64(0,0);eq=new $Uint64(0,0);er=A.Mul64(bt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));eq=er[0];ep=er[1];es=new $Uint64(0,0);et=new $Uint64(0,0);eu=A.Mul64(bt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));et=eu[0];es=eu[1];ev=new $Uint64(0,0);ew=new $Uint64(0,0);ex=A.Mul64(bt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ew=ex[0];ev=ex[1];ey=new $Uint64(0,0);ez=new $Uint64(0,0);fa=A.Mul64(bt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ez=fa[0];ey=fa[1];fb=new $Uint64(0,0);fc=new $Uint64(0,0);fd=A.Mul64(bt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));fc=fd[0];fb=fd[1];fe=new $Uint64(0,0);ff=new $Uint64(0,0);fg=A.Mul64(bt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ff=fg[0];fe=fg[1];fh=new $Uint64(0,0);fi=new $Uint64(0,0);fj=A.Add64(ff,fb,new $Uint64(0,0));fh=fj[0];fi=fj[1];fk=new $Uint64(0,0);fl=new $Uint64(0,0);fm=A.Add64(fc,ey,((fn=(new D(fi.$high,fi.$low)),new $Uint64(fn.$high,fn.$low))));fk=fm[0];fl=fm[1];fo=new $Uint64(0,0);fp=new $Uint64(0,0);fq=A.Add64(ez,ev,((fr=(new D(fl.$high,fl.$low)),new $Uint64(fr.$high,fr.$low))));fo=fq[0];fp=fq[1];fs=new $Uint64(0,0);ft=new $Uint64(0,0);fu=A.Add64(ew,es,((fv=(new D(fp.$high,fp.$low)),new $Uint64(fv.$high,fv.$low))));fs=fu[0];ft=fu[1];fw=new $Uint64(0,0);fx=new $Uint64(0,0);fy=A.Add64(et,ep,((fz=(new D(ft.$high,ft.$low)),new $Uint64(fz.$high,fz.$low))));fw=fy[0];fx=fy[1];ga=new $Uint64(0,0);gb=new $Uint64(0,0);gc=A.Add64(eq,em,((gd=(new D(fx.$high,fx.$low)),new $Uint64(gd.$high,gd.$low))));ga=gc[0];gb=gc[1];ge=new $Uint64(0,0);gf=new $Uint64(0,0);gg=A.Add64(en,ej,((gh=(new D(gb.$high,gb.$low)),new $Uint64(gh.$high,gh.$low))));ge=gg[0];gf=gg[1];gi=new $Uint64(0,0);gj=new $Uint64(0,0);gk=A.Add64(ek,eg,((gl=(new D(gf.$high,gf.$low)),new $Uint64(gl.$high,gl.$low))));gi=gk[0];gj=gk[1];gm=new $Uint64(0,0);gn=A.Add64(bt,fe,new $Uint64(0,0));gm=gn[1];go=new $Uint64(0,0);gp=new $Uint64(0,0);gq=A.Add64(de,fh,((gr=(new D(gm.$high,gm.$low)),new $Uint64(gr.$high,gr.$low))));go=gq[0];gp=gq[1];gs=new $Uint64(0,0);gt=new $Uint64(0,0);gu=A.Add64(dh,fk,((gv=(new D(gp.$high,gp.$low)),new $Uint64(gv.$high,gv.$low))));gs=gu[0];gt=gu[1];gw=new $Uint64(0,0);gx=new $Uint64(0,0);gy=A.Add64(dl,fo,((gz=(new D(gt.$high,gt.$low)),new $Uint64(gz.$high,gz.$low))));gw=gy[0];gx=gy[1];ha=new $Uint64(0,0);hb=new $Uint64(0,0);hc=A.Add64(dq,fs,((hd=(new D(gx.$high,gx.$low)),new $Uint64(hd.$high,hd.$low))));ha=hc[0];hb=hc[1];he=new $Uint64(0,0);hf=new $Uint64(0,0);hg=A.Add64(du,fw,((hh=(new D(hb.$high,hb.$low)),new $Uint64(hh.$high,hh.$low))));he=hg[0];hf=hg[1];hi=new $Uint64(0,0);hj=new $Uint64(0,0);hk=A.Add64(dy,ga,((hl=(new D(hf.$high,hf.$low)),new $Uint64(hl.$high,hl.$low))));hi=hk[0];hj=hk[1];hm=new $Uint64(0,0);hn=new $Uint64(0,0);ho=A.Add64(ec,ge,((hp=(new D(hj.$high,hj.$low)),new $Uint64(hp.$high,hp.$low))));hm=ho[0];hn=ho[1];hq=new $Uint64(0,0);hr=new $Uint64(0,0);hs=A.Add64((ht=((hu=(new D(ed.$high,ed.$low)),new $Uint64(hu.$high,hu.$low))),hv=(hw=((hx=(new D(cy.$high,cy.$low)),new $Uint64(hx.$high,hx.$low))),hy=(hz=((ia=(new D(bo.$high,bo.$low)),new $Uint64(ia.$high,ia.$low))),new $Uint64(hz.$high+m.$high,hz.$low+m.$low)),new $Uint64(hw.$high+hy.$high,hw.$low+hy.$low)),new $Uint64(ht.$high+hv.$high,ht.$low+hv.$low)),gi,((ib=(new D(hn.$high,hn.$low)),new $Uint64(ib.$high,ib.$low))));hq=hs[0];hr=hs[1];ic=new $Uint64(0,0);id=new $Uint64(0,0);ie=A.Mul64(b[3],new $Uint64(16384,0));id=ie[0];ic=ie[1];ig=new $Uint64(0,0);ih=new $Uint64(0,0);ii=A.Add64(gs,ic,new $Uint64(0,0));ig=ii[0];ih=ii[1];ij=new $Uint64(0,0);ik=new $Uint64(0,0);il=A.Add64(gw,id,((im=(new D(ih.$high,ih.$low)),new $Uint64(im.$high,im.$low))));ij=il[0];ik=il[1];io=new $Uint64(0,0);ip=new $Uint64(0,0);iq=A.Add64(ha,new $Uint64(0,0),((ir=(new D(ik.$high,ik.$low)),new $Uint64(ir.$high,ir.$low))));io=iq[0];ip=iq[1];is=new $Uint64(0,0);it=new $Uint64(0,0);iu=A.Add64(he,new $Uint64(0,0),((iv=(new D(ip.$high,ip.$low)),new $Uint64(iv.$high,iv.$low))));is=iu[0];it=iu[1];iw=new $Uint64(0,0);ix=new $Uint64(0,0);iy=A.Add64(hi,new $Uint64(0,0),((iz=(new D(it.$high,it.$low)),new $Uint64(iz.$high,iz.$low))));iw=iy[0];ix=iy[1];ja=new $Uint64(0,0);jb=new $Uint64(0,0);jc=A.Add64(hm,new $Uint64(0,0),((jd=(new D(ix.$high,ix.$low)),new $Uint64(jd.$high,jd.$low))));ja=jc[0];jb=jc[1];je=new $Uint64(0,0);jf=new $Uint64(0,0);jg=A.Add64(hq,new $Uint64(0,0),((jh=(new D(jb.$high,jb.$low)),new $Uint64(jh.$high,jh.$low))));je=jg[0];jf=jg[1];ji=new $Uint64(0,0);jj=new $Uint64(0,0);jk=A.Mul64(go,new $Uint64(0,511));jj=jk[0];ji=jk[1];jl=new $Uint64(0,0);jm=new $Uint64(0,0);jn=A.Mul64(go,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jm=jn[0];jl=jn[1];jo=new $Uint64(0,0);jp=new $Uint64(0,0);jq=A.Mul64(go,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jp=jq[0];jo=jq[1];jr=new $Uint64(0,0);js=new $Uint64(0,0);jt=A.Mul64(go,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));js=jt[0];jr=jt[1];ju=new $Uint64(0,0);jv=new $Uint64(0,0);jw=A.Mul64(go,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jv=jw[0];ju=jw[1];jx=new $Uint64(0,0);jy=new $Uint64(0,0);jz=A.Mul64(go,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jy=jz[0];jx=jz[1];ka=new $Uint64(0,0);kb=new $Uint64(0,0);kc=A.Mul64(go,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kb=kc[0];ka=kc[1];kd=new $Uint64(0,0);ke=new $Uint64(0,0);kf=A.Mul64(go,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ke=kf[0];kd=kf[1];kg=new $Uint64(0,0);kh=new $Uint64(0,0);ki=A.Mul64(go,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kh=ki[0];kg=ki[1];kj=new $Uint64(0,0);kk=new $Uint64(0,0);kl=A.Add64(kh,kd,new $Uint64(0,0));kj=kl[0];kk=kl[1];km=new $Uint64(0,0);kn=new $Uint64(0,0);ko=A.Add64(ke,ka,((kp=(new D(kk.$high,kk.$low)),new $Uint64(kp.$high,kp.$low))));km=ko[0];kn=ko[1];kq=new $Uint64(0,0);kr=new $Uint64(0,0);ks=A.Add64(kb,jx,((kt=(new D(kn.$high,kn.$low)),new $Uint64(kt.$high,kt.$low))));kq=ks[0];kr=ks[1];ku=new $Uint64(0,0);kv=new $Uint64(0,0);kw=A.Add64(jy,ju,((kx=(new D(kr.$high,kr.$low)),new $Uint64(kx.$high,kx.$low))));ku=kw[0];kv=kw[1];ky=new $Uint64(0,0);kz=new $Uint64(0,0);la=A.Add64(jv,jr,((lb=(new D(kv.$high,kv.$low)),new $Uint64(lb.$high,lb.$low))));ky=la[0];kz=la[1];lc=new $Uint64(0,0);ld=new $Uint64(0,0);le=A.Add64(js,jo,((lf=(new D(kz.$high,kz.$low)),new $Uint64(lf.$high,lf.$low))));lc=le[0];ld=le[1];lg=new $Uint64(0,0);lh=new $Uint64(0,0);li=A.Add64(jp,jl,((lj=(new D(ld.$high,ld.$low)),new $Uint64(lj.$high,lj.$low))));lg=li[0];lh=li[1];lk=new $Uint64(0,0);ll=new $Uint64(0,0);lm=A.Add64(jm,ji,((ln=(new D(lh.$high,lh.$low)),new $Uint64(ln.$high,ln.$low))));lk=lm[0];ll=lm[1];lo=new $Uint64(0,0);lp=A.Add64(go,kg,new $Uint64(0,0));lo=lp[1];lq=new $Uint64(0,0);lr=new $Uint64(0,0);ls=A.Add64(ig,kj,((lt=(new D(lo.$high,lo.$low)),new $Uint64(lt.$high,lt.$low))));lq=ls[0];lr=ls[1];lu=new $Uint64(0,0);lv=new $Uint64(0,0);lw=A.Add64(ij,km,((lx=(new D(lr.$high,lr.$low)),new $Uint64(lx.$high,lx.$low))));lu=lw[0];lv=lw[1];ly=new $Uint64(0,0);lz=new $Uint64(0,0);ma=A.Add64(io,kq,((mb=(new D(lv.$high,lv.$low)),new $Uint64(mb.$high,mb.$low))));ly=ma[0];lz=ma[1];mc=new $Uint64(0,0);md=new $Uint64(0,0);me=A.Add64(is,ku,((mf=(new D(lz.$high,lz.$low)),new $Uint64(mf.$high,mf.$low))));mc=me[0];md=me[1];mg=new $Uint64(0,0);mh=new $Uint64(0,0);mi=A.Add64(iw,ky,((mj=(new D(md.$high,md.$low)),new $Uint64(mj.$high,mj.$low))));mg=mi[0];mh=mi[1];mk=new $Uint64(0,0);ml=new $Uint64(0,0);mm=A.Add64(ja,lc,((mn=(new D(mh.$high,mh.$low)),new $Uint64(mn.$high,mn.$low))));mk=mm[0];ml=mm[1];mo=new $Uint64(0,0);mp=new $Uint64(0,0);mq=A.Add64(je,lg,((mr=(new D(ml.$high,ml.$low)),new $Uint64(mr.$high,mr.$low))));mo=mq[0];mp=mq[1];ms=new $Uint64(0,0);mt=new $Uint64(0,0);mu=A.Add64((mv=((mw=(new D(jf.$high,jf.$low)),new $Uint64(mw.$high,mw.$low))),mx=(my=((mz=(new D(hr.$high,hr.$low)),new $Uint64(mz.$high,mz.$low))),na=(nb=((nc=(new D(gj.$high,gj.$low)),new $Uint64(nc.$high,nc.$low))),new $Uint64(nb.$high+eh.$high,nb.$low+eh.$low)),new $Uint64(my.$high+na.$high,my.$low+na.$low)),new $Uint64(mv.$high+mx.$high,mv.$low+mx.$low)),lk,((nd=(new D(mp.$high,mp.$low)),new $Uint64(nd.$high,nd.$low))));ms=mu[0];mt=mu[1];ne=new $Uint64(0,0);nf=new $Uint64(0,0);ng=A.Mul64(b[4],new $Uint64(16384,0));nf=ng[0];ne=ng[1];nh=new $Uint64(0,0);ni=new $Uint64(0,0);nj=A.Add64(lu,ne,new $Uint64(0,0));nh=nj[0];ni=nj[1];nk=new $Uint64(0,0);nl=new $Uint64(0,0);nm=A.Add64(ly,nf,((nn=(new D(ni.$high,ni.$low)),new $Uint64(nn.$high,nn.$low))));nk=nm[0];nl=nm[1];no=new $Uint64(0,0);np=new $Uint64(0,0);nq=A.Add64(mc,new $Uint64(0,0),((nr=(new D(nl.$high,nl.$low)),new $Uint64(nr.$high,nr.$low))));no=nq[0];np=nq[1];ns=new $Uint64(0,0);nt=new $Uint64(0,0);nu=A.Add64(mg,new $Uint64(0,0),((nv=(new D(np.$high,np.$low)),new $Uint64(nv.$high,nv.$low))));ns=nu[0];nt=nu[1];nw=new $Uint64(0,0);nx=new $Uint64(0,0);ny=A.Add64(mk,new $Uint64(0,0),((nz=(new D(nt.$high,nt.$low)),new $Uint64(nz.$high,nz.$low))));nw=ny[0];nx=ny[1];oa=new $Uint64(0,0);ob=new $Uint64(0,0);oc=A.Add64(mo,new $Uint64(0,0),((od=(new 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$Uint64(0,0);pf=A.Mul64(lq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));pe=pf[0];pd=pf[1];pg=new $Uint64(0,0);ph=new $Uint64(0,0);pi=A.Mul64(lq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ph=pi[0];pg=pi[1];pj=new $Uint64(0,0);pk=new $Uint64(0,0);pl=A.Add64(ph,pd,new $Uint64(0,0));pj=pl[0];pk=pl[1];pm=new $Uint64(0,0);pn=new $Uint64(0,0);po=A.Add64(pe,pa,((pp=(new D(pk.$high,pk.$low)),new $Uint64(pp.$high,pp.$low))));pm=po[0];pn=po[1];pq=new $Uint64(0,0);pr=new $Uint64(0,0);ps=A.Add64(pb,ox,((pt=(new D(pn.$high,pn.$low)),new $Uint64(pt.$high,pt.$low))));pq=ps[0];pr=ps[1];pu=new $Uint64(0,0);pv=new $Uint64(0,0);pw=A.Add64(oy,ou,((px=(new D(pr.$high,pr.$low)),new $Uint64(px.$high,px.$low))));pu=pw[0];pv=pw[1];py=new $Uint64(0,0);pz=new $Uint64(0,0);qa=A.Add64(ov,or,((qb=(new D(pv.$high,pv.$low)),new $Uint64(qb.$high,qb.$low))));py=qa[0];pz=qa[1];qc=new $Uint64(0,0);qd=new $Uint64(0,0);qe=A.Add64(os,oo,((qf=(new D(pz.$high,pz.$low)),new $Uint64(qf.$high,qf.$low))));qc=qe[0];qd=qe[1];qg=new $Uint64(0,0);qh=new $Uint64(0,0);qi=A.Add64(op,ol,((qj=(new D(qd.$high,qd.$low)),new $Uint64(qj.$high,qj.$low))));qg=qi[0];qh=qi[1];qk=new $Uint64(0,0);ql=new $Uint64(0,0);qm=A.Add64(om,oi,((qn=(new D(qh.$high,qh.$low)),new $Uint64(qn.$high,qn.$low))));qk=qm[0];ql=qm[1];qo=new $Uint64(0,0);qp=A.Add64(lq,pg,new $Uint64(0,0));qo=qp[1];qq=new $Uint64(0,0);qr=new $Uint64(0,0);qs=A.Add64(nh,pj,((qt=(new D(qo.$high,qo.$low)),new $Uint64(qt.$high,qt.$low))));qq=qs[0];qr=qs[1];qu=new $Uint64(0,0);qv=new $Uint64(0,0);qw=A.Add64(nk,pm,((qx=(new D(qr.$high,qr.$low)),new $Uint64(qx.$high,qx.$low))));qu=qw[0];qv=qw[1];qy=new $Uint64(0,0);qz=new $Uint64(0,0);ra=A.Add64(no,pq,((rb=(new D(qv.$high,qv.$low)),new $Uint64(rb.$high,rb.$low))));qy=ra[0];qz=ra[1];rc=new $Uint64(0,0);rd=new $Uint64(0,0);re=A.Add64(ns,pu,((rf=(new D(qz.$high,qz.$low)),new $Uint64(rf.$high,rf.$low))));rc=re[0];rd=re[1];rg=new $Uint64(0,0);rh=new $Uint64(0,0);ri=A.Add64(nw,py,((rj=(new D(rd.$high,rd.$low)),new $Uint64(rj.$high,rj.$low))));rg=ri[0];rh=ri[1];rk=new $Uint64(0,0);rl=new $Uint64(0,0);rm=A.Add64(oa,qc,((rn=(new D(rh.$high,rh.$low)),new $Uint64(rn.$high,rn.$low))));rk=rm[0];rl=rm[1];ro=new $Uint64(0,0);rp=new $Uint64(0,0);rq=A.Add64(oe,qg,((rr=(new D(rl.$high,rl.$low)),new $Uint64(rr.$high,rr.$low))));ro=rq[0];rp=rq[1];rs=new $Uint64(0,0);rt=new $Uint64(0,0);ru=A.Add64((rv=((rw=(new D(of.$high,of.$low)),new $Uint64(rw.$high,rw.$low))),rx=(ry=((rz=(new D(mt.$high,mt.$low)),new $Uint64(rz.$high,rz.$low))),sa=(sb=((sc=(new D(ll.$high,ll.$low)),new $Uint64(sc.$high,sc.$low))),new $Uint64(sb.$high+jj.$high,sb.$low+jj.$low)),new $Uint64(ry.$high+sa.$high,ry.$low+sa.$low)),new $Uint64(rv.$high+rx.$high,rv.$low+rx.$low)),qk,((sd=(new D(rp.$high,rp.$low)),new $Uint64(sd.$high,sd.$low))));rs=ru[0];rt=ru[1];se=new $Uint64(0,0);sf=new $Uint64(0,0);sg=A.Mul64(b[5],new $Uint64(16384,0));sf=sg[0];se=sg[1];sh=new $Uint64(0,0);si=new $Uint64(0,0);sj=A.Add64(qu,se,new $Uint64(0,0));sh=sj[0];si=sj[1];sk=new $Uint64(0,0);sl=new $Uint64(0,0);sm=A.Add64(qy,sf,((sn=(new D(si.$high,si.$low)),new $Uint64(sn.$high,sn.$low))));sk=sm[0];sl=sm[1];so=new $Uint64(0,0);sp=new $Uint64(0,0);sq=A.Add64(rc,new $Uint64(0,0),((sr=(new D(sl.$high,sl.$low)),new $Uint64(sr.$high,sr.$low))));so=sq[0];sp=sq[1];ss=new $Uint64(0,0);st=new $Uint64(0,0);su=A.Add64(rg,new $Uint64(0,0),((sv=(new D(sp.$high,sp.$low)),new $Uint64(sv.$high,sv.$low))));ss=su[0];st=su[1];sw=new $Uint64(0,0);sx=new $Uint64(0,0);sy=A.Add64(rk,new $Uint64(0,0),((sz=(new D(st.$high,st.$low)),new $Uint64(sz.$high,sz.$low))));sw=sy[0];sx=sy[1];ta=new $Uint64(0,0);tb=new $Uint64(0,0);tc=A.Add64(ro,new $Uint64(0,0),((td=(new D(sx.$high,sx.$low)),new $Uint64(td.$high,td.$low))));ta=tc[0];tb=tc[1];te=new $Uint64(0,0);tf=new $Uint64(0,0);tg=A.Add64(rs,new $Uint64(0,0),((th=(new D(tb.$high,tb.$low)),new $Uint64(th.$high,th.$low))));te=tg[0];tf=tg[1];ti=new $Uint64(0,0);tj=new $Uint64(0,0);tk=A.Mul64(qq,new $Uint64(0,511));tj=tk[0];ti=tk[1];tl=new $Uint64(0,0);tm=new $Uint64(0,0);tn=A.Mul64(qq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tm=tn[0];tl=tn[1];to=new $Uint64(0,0);tp=new $Uint64(0,0);tq=A.Mul64(qq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tp=tq[0];to=tq[1];tr=new $Uint64(0,0);ts=new $Uint64(0,0);tt=A.Mul64(qq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ts=tt[0];tr=tt[1];tu=new $Uint64(0,0);tv=new $Uint64(0,0);tw=A.Mul64(qq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tv=tw[0];tu=tw[1];tx=new $Uint64(0,0);ty=new $Uint64(0,0);tz=A.Mul64(qq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ty=tz[0];tx=tz[1];ua=new $Uint64(0,0);ub=new $Uint64(0,0);uc=A.Mul64(qq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ub=uc[0];ua=uc[1];ud=new $Uint64(0,0);ue=new $Uint64(0,0);uf=A.Mul64(qq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ue=uf[0];ud=uf[1];ug=new $Uint64(0,0);uh=new $Uint64(0,0);ui=A.Mul64(qq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));uh=ui[0];ug=ui[1];uj=new $Uint64(0,0);uk=new $Uint64(0,0);ul=A.Add64(uh,ud,new $Uint64(0,0));uj=ul[0];uk=ul[1];um=new $Uint64(0,0);un=new $Uint64(0,0);uo=A.Add64(ue,ua,((up=(new D(uk.$high,uk.$low)),new $Uint64(up.$high,up.$low))));um=uo[0];un=uo[1];uq=new $Uint64(0,0);ur=new $Uint64(0,0);us=A.Add64(ub,tx,((ut=(new D(un.$high,un.$low)),new $Uint64(ut.$high,ut.$low))));uq=us[0];ur=us[1];uu=new $Uint64(0,0);uv=new $Uint64(0,0);uw=A.Add64(ty,tu,((ux=(new D(ur.$high,ur.$low)),new $Uint64(ux.$high,ux.$low))));uu=uw[0];uv=uw[1];uy=new $Uint64(0,0);uz=new $Uint64(0,0);va=A.Add64(tv,tr,((vb=(new D(uv.$high,uv.$low)),new $Uint64(vb.$high,vb.$low))));uy=va[0];uz=va[1];vc=new $Uint64(0,0);vd=new $Uint64(0,0);ve=A.Add64(ts,to,((vf=(new D(uz.$high,uz.$low)),new $Uint64(vf.$high,vf.$low))));vc=ve[0];vd=ve[1];vg=new $Uint64(0,0);vh=new $Uint64(0,0);vi=A.Add64(tp,tl,((vj=(new D(vd.$high,vd.$low)),new $Uint64(vj.$high,vj.$low))));vg=vi[0];vh=vi[1];vk=new $Uint64(0,0);vl=new $Uint64(0,0);vm=A.Add64(tm,ti,((vn=(new D(vh.$high,vh.$low)),new $Uint64(vn.$high,vn.$low))));vk=vm[0];vl=vm[1];vo=new $Uint64(0,0);vp=A.Add64(qq,ug,new $Uint64(0,0));vo=vp[1];vq=new $Uint64(0,0);vr=new $Uint64(0,0);vs=A.Add64(sh,uj,((vt=(new D(vo.$high,vo.$low)),new $Uint64(vt.$high,vt.$low))));vq=vs[0];vr=vs[1];vu=new $Uint64(0,0);vv=new $Uint64(0,0);vw=A.Add64(sk,um,((vx=(new D(vr.$high,vr.$low)),new $Uint64(vx.$high,vx.$low))));vu=vw[0];vv=vw[1];vy=new $Uint64(0,0);vz=new $Uint64(0,0);wa=A.Add64(so,uq,((wb=(new D(vv.$high,vv.$low)),new $Uint64(wb.$high,wb.$low))));vy=wa[0];vz=wa[1];wc=new $Uint64(0,0);wd=new $Uint64(0,0);we=A.Add64(ss,uu,((wf=(new D(vz.$high,vz.$low)),new $Uint64(wf.$high,wf.$low))));wc=we[0];wd=we[1];wg=new $Uint64(0,0);wh=new $Uint64(0,0);wi=A.Add64(sw,uy,((wj=(new D(wd.$high,wd.$low)),new $Uint64(wj.$high,wj.$low))));wg=wi[0];wh=wi[1];wk=new $Uint64(0,0);wl=new $Uint64(0,0);wm=A.Add64(ta,vc,((wn=(new D(wh.$high,wh.$low)),new $Uint64(wn.$high,wn.$low))));wk=wm[0];wl=wm[1];wo=new $Uint64(0,0);wp=new $Uint64(0,0);wq=A.Add64(te,vg,((wr=(new D(wl.$high,wl.$low)),new 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$Uint64(0,0);yt=A.Mul64(vq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ys=yt[0];yr=yt[1];yu=new $Uint64(0,0);yv=new $Uint64(0,0);yw=A.Mul64(vq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));yv=yw[0];yu=yw[1];yx=new $Uint64(0,0);yy=new $Uint64(0,0);yz=A.Mul64(vq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));yy=yz[0];yx=yz[1];za=new $Uint64(0,0);zb=new $Uint64(0,0);zc=A.Mul64(vq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zb=zc[0];za=zc[1];zd=new $Uint64(0,0);ze=new $Uint64(0,0);zf=A.Mul64(vq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ze=zf[0];zd=zf[1];zg=new $Uint64(0,0);zh=new $Uint64(0,0);zi=A.Mul64(vq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));zh=zi[0];zg=zi[1];zj=new $Uint64(0,0);zk=new $Uint64(0,0);zl=A.Add64(zh,zd,new $Uint64(0,0));zj=zl[0];zk=zl[1];zm=new $Uint64(0,0);zn=new $Uint64(0,0);zo=A.Add64(ze,za,((zp=(new D(zk.$high,zk.$low)),new $Uint64(zp.$high,zp.$low))));zm=zo[0];zn=zo[1];zq=new $Uint64(0,0);zr=new $Uint64(0,0);zs=A.Add64(zb,yx,((zt=(new D(zn.$high,zn.$low)),new $Uint64(zt.$high,zt.$low))));zq=zs[0];zr=zs[1];zu=new $Uint64(0,0);zv=new $Uint64(0,0);zw=A.Add64(yy,yu,((zx=(new D(zr.$high,zr.$low)),new $Uint64(zx.$high,zx.$low))));zu=zw[0];zv=zw[1];zy=new $Uint64(0,0);zz=new $Uint64(0,0);aaa=A.Add64(yv,yr,((aab=(new D(zv.$high,zv.$low)),new $Uint64(aab.$high,aab.$low))));zy=aaa[0];zz=aaa[1];aac=new $Uint64(0,0);aad=new $Uint64(0,0);aae=A.Add64(ys,yo,((aaf=(new D(zz.$high,zz.$low)),new $Uint64(aaf.$high,aaf.$low))));aac=aae[0];aad=aae[1];aag=new $Uint64(0,0);aah=new $Uint64(0,0);aai=A.Add64(yp,yl,((aaj=(new D(aad.$high,aad.$low)),new $Uint64(aaj.$high,aaj.$low))));aag=aai[0];aah=aai[1];aak=new $Uint64(0,0);aal=new $Uint64(0,0);aam=A.Add64(ym,yi,((aan=(new D(aah.$high,aah.$low)),new $Uint64(aan.$high,aan.$low))));aak=aam[0];aal=aam[1];aao=new $Uint64(0,0);aap=A.Add64(vq,zg,new $Uint64(0,0));aao=aap[1];aaq=new $Uint64(0,0);aar=new $Uint64(0,0);aas=A.Add64(xh,zj,((aat=(new D(aao.$high,aao.$low)),new $Uint64(aat.$high,aat.$low))));aaq=aas[0];aar=aas[1];aau=new $Uint64(0,0);aav=new $Uint64(0,0);aaw=A.Add64(xk,zm,((aax=(new D(aar.$high,aar.$low)),new $Uint64(aax.$high,aax.$low))));aau=aaw[0];aav=aaw[1];aay=new $Uint64(0,0);aaz=new $Uint64(0,0);aba=A.Add64(xo,zq,((abb=(new D(aav.$high,aav.$low)),new $Uint64(abb.$high,abb.$low))));aay=aba[0];aaz=aba[1];abc=new $Uint64(0,0);abd=new $Uint64(0,0);abe=A.Add64(xs,zu,((abf=(new D(aaz.$high,aaz.$low)),new $Uint64(abf.$high,abf.$low))));abc=abe[0];abd=abe[1];abg=new $Uint64(0,0);abh=new $Uint64(0,0);abi=A.Add64(xw,zy,((abj=(new D(abd.$high,abd.$low)),new $Uint64(abj.$high,abj.$low))));abg=abi[0];abh=abi[1];abk=new $Uint64(0,0);abl=new $Uint64(0,0);abm=A.Add64(ya,aac,((abn=(new D(abh.$high,abh.$low)),new $Uint64(abn.$high,abn.$low))));abk=abm[0];abl=abm[1];abo=new $Uint64(0,0);abp=new $Uint64(0,0);abq=A.Add64(ye,aag,((abr=(new D(abl.$high,abl.$low)),new $Uint64(abr.$high,abr.$low))));abo=abq[0];abp=abq[1];abs=new $Uint64(0,0);abt=new $Uint64(0,0);abu=A.Add64((abv=((abw=(new D(yf.$high,yf.$low)),new 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$Uint64(0,0);acu=A.Add64(abg,new $Uint64(0,0),((acv=(new D(acp.$high,acp.$low)),new $Uint64(acv.$high,acv.$low))));acs=acu[0];act=acu[1];acw=new $Uint64(0,0);acx=new $Uint64(0,0);acy=A.Add64(abk,new $Uint64(0,0),((acz=(new D(act.$high,act.$low)),new $Uint64(acz.$high,acz.$low))));acw=acy[0];acx=acy[1];ada=new $Uint64(0,0);adb=new $Uint64(0,0);adc=A.Add64(abo,new $Uint64(0,0),((add=(new D(acx.$high,acx.$low)),new $Uint64(add.$high,add.$low))));ada=adc[0];adb=adc[1];ade=new $Uint64(0,0);adf=new $Uint64(0,0);adg=A.Add64(abs,new $Uint64(0,0),((adh=(new D(adb.$high,adb.$low)),new $Uint64(adh.$high,adh.$low))));ade=adg[0];adf=adg[1];adi=new $Uint64(0,0);adj=new $Uint64(0,0);adk=A.Mul64(aaq,new $Uint64(0,511));adj=adk[0];adi=adk[1];adl=new $Uint64(0,0);adm=new $Uint64(0,0);adn=A.Mul64(aaq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));adm=adn[0];adl=adn[1];ado=new $Uint64(0,0);adp=new $Uint64(0,0);adq=A.Mul64(aaq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));adp=adq[0];ado=adq[1];adr=new $Uint64(0,0);ads=new $Uint64(0,0);adt=A.Mul64(aaq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ads=adt[0];adr=adt[1];adu=new $Uint64(0,0);adv=new $Uint64(0,0);adw=A.Mul64(aaq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));adv=adw[0];adu=adw[1];adx=new $Uint64(0,0);ady=new $Uint64(0,0);adz=A.Mul64(aaq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ady=adz[0];adx=adz[1];aea=new $Uint64(0,0);aeb=new $Uint64(0,0);aec=A.Mul64(aaq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aeb=aec[0];aea=aec[1];aed=new $Uint64(0,0);aee=new $Uint64(0,0);aef=A.Mul64(aaq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aee=aef[0];aed=aef[1];aeg=new $Uint64(0,0);aeh=new $Uint64(0,0);aei=A.Mul64(aaq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aeh=aei[0];aeg=aei[1];aej=new $Uint64(0,0);aek=new $Uint64(0,0);ael=A.Add64(aeh,aed,new $Uint64(0,0));aej=ael[0];aek=ael[1];aem=new $Uint64(0,0);aen=new $Uint64(0,0);aeo=A.Add64(aee,aea,((aep=(new D(aek.$high,aek.$low)),new $Uint64(aep.$high,aep.$low))));aem=aeo[0];aen=aeo[1];aeq=new $Uint64(0,0);aer=new $Uint64(0,0);aes=A.Add64(aeb,adx,((aet=(new D(aen.$high,aen.$low)),new $Uint64(aet.$high,aet.$low))));aeq=aes[0];aer=aes[1];aeu=new $Uint64(0,0);aev=new $Uint64(0,0);aew=A.Add64(ady,adu,((aex=(new D(aer.$high,aer.$low)),new $Uint64(aex.$high,aex.$low))));aeu=aew[0];aev=aew[1];aey=new $Uint64(0,0);aez=new $Uint64(0,0);afa=A.Add64(adv,adr,((afb=(new D(aev.$high,aev.$low)),new $Uint64(afb.$high,afb.$low))));aey=afa[0];aez=afa[1];afc=new $Uint64(0,0);afd=new $Uint64(0,0);afe=A.Add64(ads,ado,((aff=(new D(aez.$high,aez.$low)),new $Uint64(aff.$high,aff.$low))));afc=afe[0];afd=afe[1];afg=new $Uint64(0,0);afh=new $Uint64(0,0);afi=A.Add64(adp,adl,((afj=(new D(afd.$high,afd.$low)),new $Uint64(afj.$high,afj.$low))));afg=afi[0];afh=afi[1];afk=new $Uint64(0,0);afl=new $Uint64(0,0);afm=A.Add64(adm,adi,((afn=(new D(afh.$high,afh.$low)),new $Uint64(afn.$high,afn.$low))));afk=afm[0];afl=afm[1];afo=new $Uint64(0,0);afp=A.Add64(aaq,aeg,new $Uint64(0,0));afo=afp[1];afq=new $Uint64(0,0);afr=new $Uint64(0,0);afs=A.Add64(ach,aej,((aft=(new D(afo.$high,afo.$low)),new $Uint64(aft.$high,aft.$low))));afq=afs[0];afr=afs[1];afu=new $Uint64(0,0);afv=new $Uint64(0,0);afw=A.Add64(ack,aem,((afx=(new D(afr.$high,afr.$low)),new $Uint64(afx.$high,afx.$low))));afu=afw[0];afv=afw[1];afy=new $Uint64(0,0);afz=new $Uint64(0,0);aga=A.Add64(aco,aeq,((agb=(new D(afv.$high,afv.$low)),new $Uint64(agb.$high,agb.$low))));afy=aga[0];afz=aga[1];agc=new $Uint64(0,0);agd=new $Uint64(0,0);age=A.Add64(acs,aeu,((agf=(new D(afz.$high,afz.$low)),new $Uint64(agf.$high,agf.$low))));agc=age[0];agd=age[1];agg=new $Uint64(0,0);agh=new $Uint64(0,0);agi=A.Add64(acw,aey,((agj=(new D(agd.$high,agd.$low)),new $Uint64(agj.$high,agj.$low))));agg=agi[0];agh=agi[1];agk=new $Uint64(0,0);agl=new $Uint64(0,0);agm=A.Add64(ada,afc,((agn=(new D(agh.$high,agh.$low)),new $Uint64(agn.$high,agn.$low))));agk=agm[0];agl=agm[1];ago=new $Uint64(0,0);agp=new $Uint64(0,0);agq=A.Add64(ade,afg,((agr=(new D(agl.$high,agl.$low)),new $Uint64(agr.$high,agr.$low))));ago=agq[0];agp=agq[1];ags=new $Uint64(0,0);agt=new $Uint64(0,0);agu=A.Add64((agv=((agw=(new D(adf.$high,adf.$low)),new $Uint64(agw.$high,agw.$low))),agx=(agy=((agz=(new D(abt.$high,abt.$low)),new $Uint64(agz.$high,agz.$low))),aha=(ahb=((ahc=(new D(aal.$high,aal.$low)),new $Uint64(ahc.$high,ahc.$low))),new $Uint64(ahb.$high+yj.$high,ahb.$low+yj.$low)),new $Uint64(agy.$high+aha.$high,agy.$low+aha.$low)),new $Uint64(agv.$high+agx.$high,agv.$low+agx.$low)),afk,((ahd=(new D(agp.$high,agp.$low)),new $Uint64(ahd.$high,ahd.$low))));ags=agu[0];agt=agu[1];ahe=new $Uint64(0,0);ahf=new $Uint64(0,0);ahg=A.Mul64(b[8],new $Uint64(16384,0));ahf=ahg[0];ahe=ahg[1];ahh=new $Uint64(0,0);ahi=new $Uint64(0,0);ahj=A.Add64(afu,ahe,new $Uint64(0,0));ahh=ahj[0];ahi=ahj[1];ahk=new $Uint64(0,0);ahl=new $Uint64(0,0);ahm=A.Add64(afy,ahf,((ahn=(new D(ahi.$high,ahi.$low)),new $Uint64(ahn.$high,ahn.$low))));ahk=ahm[0];ahl=ahm[1];aho=new $Uint64(0,0);ahp=new 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$Uint64(ame.$high+amg.$high,ame.$low+amg.$low));amk=new $Uint64(0,0);aml=new $Uint64(0,0);amm=A.Sub64(akq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),new $Uint64(0,0));amk=amm[0];aml=amm[1];amn=new $Uint64(0,0);amo=new $Uint64(0,0);amp=A.Sub64(aku,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((amq=(new D(aml.$high,aml.$low)),new $Uint64(amq.$high,amq.$low))));amn=amp[0];amo=amp[1];amr=new $Uint64(0,0);ams=new $Uint64(0,0);amt=A.Sub64(aky,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((amu=(new D(amo.$high,amo.$low)),new $Uint64(amu.$high,amu.$low))));amr=amt[0];ams=amt[1];amv=new $Uint64(0,0);amw=new $Uint64(0,0);amx=A.Sub64(alc,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((amy=(new D(ams.$high,ams.$low)),new $Uint64(amy.$high,amy.$low))));amv=amx[0];amw=amx[1];amz=new $Uint64(0,0);ana=new $Uint64(0,0);anb=A.Sub64(alg,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((anc=(new D(amw.$high,amw.$low)),new $Uint64(anc.$high,anc.$low))));amz=anb[0];ana=anb[1];and=new $Uint64(0,0);ane=new $Uint64(0,0);anf=A.Sub64(alk,new 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D(ant.$high,ant.$low)),anp,amj);a.nilCheck,a[0]=anw;a.nilCheck,a[1]=any;a.nilCheck,a[2]=aoa;a.nilCheck,a[3]=aoc;a.nilCheck,a[4]=aoe;a.nilCheck,a[5]=aog;a.nilCheck,a[6]=aoi;a.nilCheck,a[7]=aok;a.nilCheck,a[8]=aom;};P=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v;e=new $Uint64(0,0);H((f||(f=new BO(function(){return e;},function($v){e=$v;}))),b,c[0],d[0]);g=new $Uint64(0,0);H((h||(h=new BO(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$v;}))),b,c[1],d[1]);i=new $Uint64(0,0);H((j||(j=new BO(function(){return i;},function($v){i=$v;}))),b,c[2],d[2]);k=new $Uint64(0,0);H((l||(l=new BO(function(){return k;},function($v){k=$v;}))),b,c[3],d[3]);m=new $Uint64(0,0);H((n||(n=new BO(function(){return m;},function($v){m=$v;}))),b,c[4],d[4]);o=new $Uint64(0,0);H((p||(p=new BO(function(){return o;},function($v){o=$v;}))),b,c[5],d[5]);q=new $Uint64(0,0);H((r||(r=new BO(function(){return q;},function($v){q=$v;}))),b,c[6],d[6]);s=new $Uint64(0,0);H((t||(t=new BO(function(){return 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a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=b[8];d=b[7];e=b[6];f=b[5];g=b[4];h=b[3];i=b[2];j=b[1];k=b[0];l=((((k.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);m=$shiftRightUint64(k,8);n=((((m.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);o=$shiftRightUint64(m,8);p=((((o.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);q=$shiftRightUint64(o,8);r=((((q.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);s=$shiftRightUint64(q,8);t=((((s.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);u=$shiftRightUint64(s,8);v=((((u.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);w=$shiftRightUint64(u,8);x=((((w.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);y=((($shiftRightUint64(w,8)).$low<<24>>>24));z=((((j.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);aa=$shiftRightUint64(j,8);ab=((((aa.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ac=$shiftRightUint64(aa,8);ad=((((ac.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ae=$shiftRightUint64(ac,8);af=((((ae.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ag=$shiftRightUint64(ae,8);ah=((((ag.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ai=$shiftRightUint64(ag,8);aj=((((ai.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ak=$shiftRightUint64(ai,8);al=((((ak.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);am=((($shiftRightUint64(ak,8)).$low<<24>>>24));an=((((i.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ao=$shiftRightUint64(i,8);ap=((((ao.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);aq=$shiftRightUint64(ao,8);ar=((((aq.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);as=$shiftRightUint64(aq,8);at=((((as.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);au=$shiftRightUint64(as,8);av=((((au.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);aw=$shiftRightUint64(au,8);ax=((((aw.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ay=$shiftRightUint64(aw,8);az=((((ay.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ba=((($shiftRightUint64(ay,8)).$low<<24>>>24));bb=((((h.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bc=$shiftRightUint64(h,8);bd=((((bc.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);be=$shiftRightUint64(bc,8);bf=((((be.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bg=$shiftRightUint64(be,8);bh=((((bg.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bi=$shiftRightUint64(bg,8);bj=((((bi.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bk=$shiftRightUint64(bi,8);bl=((((bk.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bm=$shiftRightUint64(bk,8);bn=((((bm.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bo=((($shiftRightUint64(bm,8)).$low<<24>>>24));bp=((((g.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bq=$shiftRightUint64(g,8);br=((((bq.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bs=$shiftRightUint64(bq,8);bt=((((bs.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bu=$shiftRightUint64(bs,8);bv=((((bu.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bw=$shiftRightUint64(bu,8);bx=((((bw.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);by=$shiftRightUint64(bw,8);bz=((((by.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ca=$shiftRightUint64(by,8);cb=((((ca.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cc=((($shiftRightUint64(ca,8)).$low<<24>>>24));cd=((((f.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ce=$shiftRightUint64(f,8);cf=((((ce.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cg=$shiftRightUint64(ce,8);ch=((((cg.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ci=$shiftRightUint64(cg,8);cj=((((ci.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ck=$shiftRightUint64(ci,8);cl=((((ck.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cm=$shiftRightUint64(ck,8);cn=((((cm.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);co=$shiftRightUint64(cm,8);cp=((((co.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cq=((($shiftRightUint64(co,8)).$low<<24>>>24));cr=((((e.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cs=$shiftRightUint64(e,8);ct=((((cs.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cu=$shiftRightUint64(cs,8);cv=((((cu.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cw=$shiftRightUint64(cu,8);cx=((((cw.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cy=$shiftRightUint64(cw,8);cz=((((cy.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);da=$shiftRightUint64(cy,8);db=((((da.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);dc=$shiftRightUint64(da,8);dd=((((dc.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);de=((($shiftRightUint64(dc,8)).$low<<24>>>24));df=((((d.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);dg=$shiftRightUint64(d,8);dh=((((dg.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);di=$shiftRightUint64(dg,8);dj=((((di.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);dk=$shiftRightUint64(di,8);dl=((((dk.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);dm=$shiftRightUint64(dk,8);dn=((((dm.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);dp=$shiftRightUint64(dm,8);dq=((((dp.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);dr=$shiftRightUint64(dp,8);ds=((((dr.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);dt=((($shiftRightUint64(dr,8)).$low<<24>>>24));du=((((c.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);dw=((dv=$shiftRightUint64(c,8),new D(dv.$high,dv.$low)));a.nilCheck,a[0]=l;a.nilCheck,a[1]=n;a.nilCheck,a[2]=p;a.nilCheck,a[3]=r;a.nilCheck,a[4]=t;a.nilCheck,a[5]=v;a.nilCheck,a[6]=x;a.nilCheck,a[7]=y;a.nilCheck,a[8]=z;a.nilCheck,a[9]=ab;a.nilCheck,a[10]=ad;a.nilCheck,a[11]=af;a.nilCheck,a[12]=ah;a.nilCheck,a[13]=aj;a.nilCheck,a[14]=al;a.nilCheck,a[15]=am;a.nilCheck,a[16]=an;a.nilCheck,a[17]=ap;a.nilCheck,a[18]=ar;a.nilCheck,a[19]=at;a.nilCheck,a[20]=av;a.nilCheck,a[21]=ax;a.nilCheck,a[22]=az;a.nilCheck,a[23]=ba;a.nilCheck,a[24]=bb;a.nilCheck,a[25]=bd;a.nilCheck,a[26]=bf;a.nilCheck,a[27]=bh;a.nilCheck,a[28]=bj;a.nilCheck,a[29]=bl;a.nilCheck,a[30]=bn;a.nilCheck,a[31]=bo;a.nilCheck,a[32]=bp;a.nilCheck,a[33]=br;a.nilCheck,a[34]=bt;a.nilCheck,a[35]=bv;a.nilCheck,a[36]=bx;a.nilCheck,a[37]=bz;a.nilCheck,a[38]=cb;a.nilCheck,a[39]=cc;a.nilCheck,a[40]=cd;a.nilCheck,a[41]=cf;a.nilCheck,a[42]=ch;a.nilCheck,a[43]=cj;a.nilCheck,a[44]=cl;a.nilCheck,a[45]=cn;a.nilCheck,a[46]=cp;a.nilCheck,a[47]=cq;a.nilCheck,a[48]=cr;a.nilCheck,a[49]=ct;a.nilCheck,a[50]=cv;a.nilCheck,a[51]=cx;a.nilCheck,a[52]=cz;a.nilCheck,a[53]=db;a.nilCheck,a[54]=dd;a.nilCheck,a[55]=de;a.nilCheck,a[56]=df;a.nilCheck,a[57]=dh;a.nilCheck,a[58]=dj;a.nilCheck,a[59]=dl;a.nilCheck,a[60]=dn;a.nilCheck,a[61]=dq;a.nilCheck,a[62]=ds;a.nilCheck,a[63]=dt;a.nilCheck,a[64]=du;a.nilCheck,a[65]=((dw.$low<<24>>>24));};R=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=$shiftLeft64(((c=(new D(0,b[65])),new $Uint64(c.$high,c.$low))),8);e=b[64];f=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[63])),56);g=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[62])),48);h=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[61])),40);i=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[60])),32);j=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[59])),24);k=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[58])),16);l=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[57])),8);m=b[56];n=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[55])),56);o=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[54])),48);p=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[53])),40);q=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[52])),32);r=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[51])),24);s=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[50])),16);t=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[49])),8);u=b[48];v=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[47])),56);w=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[46])),48);x=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[45])),40);y=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[44])),32);z=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[43])),24);aa=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[42])),16);ab=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[41])),8);ac=b[40];ad=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[39])),56);ae=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[38])),48);af=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[37])),40);ag=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[36])),32);ah=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[35])),24);ai=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[34])),16);aj=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[33])),8);ak=b[32];al=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[31])),56);am=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[30])),48);an=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[29])),40);ao=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[28])),32);ap=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[27])),24);aq=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[26])),16);ar=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[25])),8);as=b[24];at=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[23])),56);au=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[22])),48);av=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[21])),40);aw=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[20])),32);ax=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[19])),24);ay=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[18])),16);az=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[17])),8);ba=b[16];bb=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[15])),56);bc=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[14])),48);bd=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[13])),40);be=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[12])),32);bf=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[11])),24);bg=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[10])),16);bh=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[9])),8);bi=b[8];bj=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),56);bk=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),48);bl=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),40);bm=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),32);bn=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),24);bo=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),16);bp=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),8);bq=b[0];bs=(br=(new $Uint64(0,bq)),new $Uint64(bp.$high+br.$high,bp.$low+br.$low));bt=new $Uint64(bo.$high+bs.$high,bo.$low+bs.$low);bu=new $Uint64(bn.$high+bt.$high,bn.$low+bt.$low);bv=new $Uint64(bm.$high+bu.$high,bm.$low+bu.$low);bw=new $Uint64(bl.$high+bv.$high,bl.$low+bv.$low);bx=new $Uint64(bk.$high+bw.$high,bk.$low+bw.$low);by=new $Uint64(bj.$high+bx.$high,bj.$low+bx.$low);ca=(bz=(new $Uint64(0,bi)),new $Uint64(bh.$high+bz.$high,bh.$low+bz.$low));cb=new $Uint64(bg.$high+ca.$high,bg.$low+ca.$low);cc=new $Uint64(bf.$high+cb.$high,bf.$low+cb.$low);cd=new $Uint64(be.$high+cc.$high,be.$low+cc.$low);ce=new $Uint64(bd.$high+cd.$high,bd.$low+cd.$low);cf=new $Uint64(bc.$high+ce.$high,bc.$low+ce.$low);cg=new $Uint64(bb.$high+cf.$high,bb.$low+cf.$low);ci=(ch=(new $Uint64(0,ba)),new $Uint64(az.$high+ch.$high,az.$low+ch.$low));cj=new $Uint64(ay.$high+ci.$high,ay.$low+ci.$low);ck=new $Uint64(ax.$high+cj.$high,ax.$low+cj.$low);cl=new $Uint64(aw.$high+ck.$high,aw.$low+ck.$low);cm=new $Uint64(av.$high+cl.$high,av.$low+cl.$low);cn=new $Uint64(au.$high+cm.$high,au.$low+cm.$low);co=new $Uint64(at.$high+cn.$high,at.$low+cn.$low);cq=(cp=(new $Uint64(0,as)),new $Uint64(ar.$high+cp.$high,ar.$low+cp.$low));cr=new $Uint64(aq.$high+cq.$high,aq.$low+cq.$low);cs=new $Uint64(ap.$high+cr.$high,ap.$low+cr.$low);ct=new $Uint64(ao.$high+cs.$high,ao.$low+cs.$low);cu=new $Uint64(an.$high+ct.$high,an.$low+ct.$low);cv=new $Uint64(am.$high+cu.$high,am.$low+cu.$low);cw=new $Uint64(al.$high+cv.$high,al.$low+cv.$low);cy=(cx=(new $Uint64(0,ak)),new $Uint64(aj.$high+cx.$high,aj.$low+cx.$low));cz=new $Uint64(ai.$high+cy.$high,ai.$low+cy.$low);da=new $Uint64(ah.$high+cz.$high,ah.$low+cz.$low);db=new $Uint64(ag.$high+da.$high,ag.$low+da.$low);dc=new $Uint64(af.$high+db.$high,af.$low+db.$low);dd=new $Uint64(ae.$high+dc.$high,ae.$low+dc.$low);de=new $Uint64(ad.$high+dd.$high,ad.$low+dd.$low);dg=(df=(new $Uint64(0,ac)),new $Uint64(ab.$high+df.$high,ab.$low+df.$low));dh=new $Uint64(aa.$high+dg.$high,aa.$low+dg.$low);di=new $Uint64(z.$high+dh.$high,z.$low+dh.$low);dj=new $Uint64(y.$high+di.$high,y.$low+di.$low);dk=new $Uint64(x.$high+dj.$high,x.$low+dj.$low);dl=new $Uint64(w.$high+dk.$high,w.$low+dk.$low);dm=new $Uint64(v.$high+dl.$high,v.$low+dl.$low);dp=(dn=(new $Uint64(0,u)),new $Uint64(t.$high+dn.$high,t.$low+dn.$low));dq=new $Uint64(s.$high+dp.$high,s.$low+dp.$low);dr=new $Uint64(r.$high+dq.$high,r.$low+dq.$low);ds=new $Uint64(q.$high+dr.$high,q.$low+dr.$low);dt=new $Uint64(p.$high+ds.$high,p.$low+ds.$low);du=new $Uint64(o.$high+dt.$high,o.$low+dt.$low);dv=new $Uint64(n.$high+du.$high,n.$low+du.$low);dx=(dw=(new $Uint64(0,m)),new $Uint64(l.$high+dw.$high,l.$low+dw.$low));dy=new $Uint64(k.$high+dx.$high,k.$low+dx.$low);dz=new $Uint64(j.$high+dy.$high,j.$low+dy.$low);ea=new $Uint64(i.$high+dz.$high,i.$low+dz.$low);eb=new $Uint64(h.$high+ea.$high,h.$low+ea.$low);ec=new $Uint64(g.$high+eb.$high,g.$low+eb.$low);ed=new $Uint64(f.$high+ec.$high,f.$low+ec.$low);ef=(ee=(new $Uint64(0,e)),new $Uint64(d.$high+ee.$high,d.$low+ee.$low));a.nilCheck,a[0]=by;a.nilCheck,a[1]=cg;a.nilCheck,a[2]=co;a.nilCheck,a[3]=cw;a.nilCheck,a[4]=de;a.nilCheck,a[5]=dm;a.nilCheck,a[6]=dv;a.nilCheck,a[7]=ed;a.nilCheck,a[8]=ef;};S.ptr.prototype.One=function(){var a;a=this;M(a.x);return a;};S.prototype.One=function(){return this.$val.One();};S.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=b.Bytes();d=a.Bytes();return B.ConstantTimeCompare(c,d);};S.prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$val.Equal(a);};S.ptr.prototype.IsZero=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.Bytes();return B.ConstantTimeCompare(b,U);};S.prototype.IsZero=function(){return this.$val.IsZero();};S.ptr.prototype.Set=function(a){var a,b;b=this;F.copy(b.x,a.x);return b;};S.prototype.Set=function(a){return this.$val.Set(a);};S.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=BP.zero();return a.bytes(b);};S.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};S.ptr.prototype.bytes=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=BL.zero();N(c,b.x);Q(a,(c));W(new BQ(a));return new BQ(a);};S.prototype.bytes=function(a){return this.$val.bytes(a);};S.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=this;if(!((a.$length===66))){return[BR.nil,C.New("invalid P521Element encoding")];}c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e])<((e<0||e>=V.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+e])){break;}if(((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e])>((e<0||e>=V.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+e])){return[BR.nil,C.New("invalid P521Element encoding")];}d++;}f=BP.zero();$copySlice(new BQ(f),a);W(new BQ(f));g=BL.zero();R((g),f);O(b.x,g);return[b,$ifaceNil];};S.prototype.SetBytes=function(a){return this.$val.SetBytes(a);};S.ptr.prototype.Add=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;K(c.x,a.x,b.x);return c;};S.prototype.Add=function(a,b){return this.$val.Add(a,b);};S.ptr.prototype.Sub=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;L(c.x,a.x,b.x);return c;};S.prototype.Sub=function(a,b){return this.$val.Sub(a,b);};S.ptr.prototype.Mul=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;I(c.x,a.x,b.x);return c;};S.prototype.Mul=function(a,b){return this.$val.Mul(a,b);};S.ptr.prototype.Square=function(a){var a,b;b=this;J(b.x,a.x);return b;};S.prototype.Square=function(a){return this.$val.Square(a);};S.ptr.prototype.Select=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d;d=this;P((d.x),(new D(0,c)),(b.x),(a.x));return d;};S.prototype.Select=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.Select(a,b,c);};W=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=0;while(true){if(!(b<(c=a.$length/2,(c===c&&c!==1/0&&c!==-1/0)?c>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))){break;}d=(e=(a.$length-1>>0)-b>>0,((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]));f=((b<0||b>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]);((b<0||b>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]=d);(g=(a.$length-1>>0)-b>>0,((g<0||g>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+g]=f));b=b+(1)>>0;}};AM.ptr.prototype.Invert=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;b=this;c=new AM.ptr(BM.zero()).Set(b);d=new AM.ptr(BM.zero());e=new AM.ptr(BM.zero());f=new AM.ptr(BM.zero());g=new AM.ptr(BM.zero());c.Square(a);c.Mul(a,c);c.Square(c);e.Mul(a,c);c.Square(e);h=1;while(true){if(!(h<3)){break;}c.Square(c);h=h+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(e,c);d.Square(c);i=1;while(true){if(!(i<6)){break;}d.Square(d);i=i+(1)>>0;}d.Mul(c,d);f.Square(d);j=1;while(true){if(!(j<12)){break;}f.Square(f);j=j+(1)>>0;}d.Mul(d,f);k=0;while(true){if(!(k<6)){break;}d.Square(d);k=k+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);d.Square(c);f.Mul(a,d);d.Square(f);d.Mul(a,d);g.Square(d);l=1;while(true){if(!(l<31)){break;}g.Square(g);l=l+(1)>>0;}f.Mul(f,g);g.Square(f);m=1;while(true){if(!(m<63)){break;}g.Square(g);m=m+(1)>>0;}f.Mul(f,g);g.Square(f);n=1;while(true){if(!(n<126)){break;}g.Square(g);n=n+(1)>>0;}f.Mul(f,g);o=0;while(true){if(!(o<3)){break;}f.Square(f);o=o+(1)>>0;}e.Mul(e,f);p=0;while(true){if(!(p<33)){break;}e.Square(e);p=p+(1)>>0;}d.Mul(d,e);q=0;while(true){if(!(q<94)){break;}d.Square(d);q=q+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);r=0;while(true){if(!(r<2)){break;}c.Square(c);r=r+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(a,c);return b.Set(c);};AM.prototype.Invert=function(a){return this.$val.Invert(a);};AB=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=$mul64((new $Uint64(b.$high,b.$low)),new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));i=(f=new $Uint64(e.$high&d.$high,(e.$low&d.$low)>>>0),g=(h=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),new $Uint64(h.$high&c.$high,(h.$low&c.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(f.$high|g.$high,(f.$low|g.$low)>>>0));a.$set(i);};AC=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz,ab,aba,abb,abc,abd,abe,abf,abg,abh,abi,abj,abk,abl,abm,abn,abo,abp,abq,abr,abs,abt,abu,abv,abw,abx,aby,abz,ac,aca,acb,acc,acd,ace,acf,acg,ach,aci,acj,ack,acl,acm,acn,aco,acp,acq,acr,acs,act,acu,acv,acw,acx,acy,acz,ad,ada,adb,adc,add,ade,adf,adg,adh,adi,adj,adk,adl,adm,adn,ado,adp,adq,adr,ads,adt,adu,adv,adw,adx,ady,adz,ae,aea,aeb,aec,aed,aee,aef,aeg,aeh,aei,aej,aek,ael,aem,aen,aeo,aep,aeq,aer,aes,aet,aeu,aev,aew,aex,aey,aez,af,afa,afb,afc,afd,afe,aff,afg,afh,afi,afj,afk,afl,afm,afn,afo,afp,afq,afr,afs,aft,afu,afv,afw,afx,afy,afz,ag,aga,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,nf,ng,nh,ni,nj,nk,nl,nm,nn,no,np,nq,nr,ns,nt,nu,nv,nw,nx,ny,nz,o,oa,ob,oc,od,oe,of,og,oh,oi,oj,ok,ol,om,on,oo,op,oq,or,os,ot,ou,ov,ow,ox,oy,oz,p,pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph,pi,pj,pk,pl,pm,pn,po,pp,pq,pr,ps,pt,pu,pv,pw,px,py,pz,q,qa,qb,qc,qd,qe,qf,qg,qh,qi,qj,qk,ql,qm,qn,qo,qp,qq,qr,qs,qt,qu,qv,qw,qx,qy,qz,r,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf,rg,rh,ri,rj,rk,rl,rm,rn,ro,rp,rq,rr,rs,rt,ru,rv,rw,rx,ry,rz,s,sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sn,so,sp,sq,sr,ss,st,su,sv,sw,sx,sy,sz,t,ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf,tg,th,ti,tj,tk,tl,tm,tn,to,tp,tq,tr,ts,tt,tu,tv,tw,tx,ty,tz,u,ua,ub,uc,ud,ue,uf,ug,uh,ui,uj,uk,ul,um,un,uo,up,uq,ur,us,ut,uu,uv,uw,ux,uy,uz,v,va,vb,vc,vd,ve,vf,vg,vh,vi,vj,vk,vl,vm,vn,vo,vp,vq,vr,vs,vt,vu,vv,vw,vx,vy,vz,w,wa,wb,wc,wd,we,wf,wg,wh,wi,wj,wk,wl,wm,wn,wo,wp,wq,wr,ws,wt,wu,wv,ww,wx,wy,wz,x,xa,xb,xc,xd,xe,xf,xg,xh,xi,xj,xk,xl,xm,xn,xo,xp,xq,xr,xs,xt,xu,xv,xw,xx,xy,xz,y,ya,yb,yc,yd,ye,yf,yg,yh,yi,yj,yk,yl,ym,yn,yo,yp,yq,yr,ys,yt,yu,yv,yw,yx,yy,yz,z,za,zb,zc,zd,ze,zf,zg,zh,zi,zj,zk,zl,zm,zn,zo,zp,zq,zr,zs,zt,zu,zv,zw,zx,zy,zz;d=b[1];e=b[2];f=b[3];g=b[4];h=b[5];i=b[0];j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=A.Mul64(i,c[5]);k=l[0];j=l[1];m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=new $Uint64(0,0);o=A.Mul64(i,c[4]);n=o[0];m=o[1];p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=A.Mul64(i,c[3]);q=r[0];p=r[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=A.Mul64(i,c[2]);t=u[0];s=u[1];v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=A.Mul64(i,c[1]);w=x[0];v=x[1];y=new $Uint64(0,0);z=new $Uint64(0,0);aa=A.Mul64(i,c[0]);z=aa[0];y=aa[1];ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=new $Uint64(0,0);ad=A.Add64(z,v,new $Uint64(0,0));ab=ad[0];ac=ad[1];ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=A.Add64(w,s,((ah=(new X(ac.$high,ac.$low)),new $Uint64(ah.$high,ah.$low))));ae=ag[0];af=ag[1];ai=new $Uint64(0,0);aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=A.Add64(t,p,((al=(new X(af.$high,af.$low)),new $Uint64(al.$high,al.$low))));ai=ak[0];aj=ak[1];am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=new $Uint64(0,0);ao=A.Add64(q,m,((ap=(new X(aj.$high,aj.$low)),new $Uint64(ap.$high,ap.$low))));am=ao[0];an=ao[1];aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=new $Uint64(0,0);as=A.Add64(n,j,((at=(new X(an.$high,an.$low)),new $Uint64(at.$high,at.$low))));aq=as[0];ar=as[1];aw=(au=((av=(new X(ar.$high,ar.$low)),new $Uint64(av.$high,av.$low))),new $Uint64(au.$high+k.$high,au.$low+k.$low));ax=new $Uint64(0,0);ay=A.Mul64(y,new $Uint64(1,1));ax=ay[1];az=new $Uint64(0,0);ba=new $Uint64(0,0);bb=A.Mul64(ax,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ba=bb[0];az=bb[1];bc=new $Uint64(0,0);bd=new $Uint64(0,0);be=A.Mul64(ax,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bd=be[0];bc=be[1];bf=new $Uint64(0,0);bg=new $Uint64(0,0);bh=A.Mul64(ax,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bg=bh[0];bf=bh[1];bi=new $Uint64(0,0);bj=new $Uint64(0,0);bk=A.Mul64(ax,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));bj=bk[0];bi=bk[1];bl=new $Uint64(0,0);bm=new $Uint64(0,0);bn=A.Mul64(ax,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));bm=bn[0];bl=bn[1];bo=new $Uint64(0,0);bp=new $Uint64(0,0);bq=A.Mul64(ax,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));bp=bq[0];bo=bq[1];br=new $Uint64(0,0);bs=new $Uint64(0,0);bt=A.Add64(bp,bl,new $Uint64(0,0));br=bt[0];bs=bt[1];bu=new $Uint64(0,0);bv=new $Uint64(0,0);bw=A.Add64(bm,bi,((bx=(new X(bs.$high,bs.$low)),new $Uint64(bx.$high,bx.$low))));bu=bw[0];bv=bw[1];by=new $Uint64(0,0);bz=new $Uint64(0,0);ca=A.Add64(bj,bf,((cb=(new X(bv.$high,bv.$low)),new $Uint64(cb.$high,cb.$low))));by=ca[0];bz=ca[1];cc=new $Uint64(0,0);cd=new $Uint64(0,0);ce=A.Add64(bg,bc,((cf=(new X(bz.$high,bz.$low)),new $Uint64(cf.$high,cf.$low))));cc=ce[0];cd=ce[1];cg=new $Uint64(0,0);ch=new $Uint64(0,0);ci=A.Add64(bd,az,((cj=(new X(cd.$high,cd.$low)),new $Uint64(cj.$high,cj.$low))));cg=ci[0];ch=ci[1];cm=(ck=((cl=(new X(ch.$high,ch.$low)),new $Uint64(cl.$high,cl.$low))),new $Uint64(ck.$high+ba.$high,ck.$low+ba.$low));cn=new $Uint64(0,0);co=A.Add64(y,bo,new $Uint64(0,0));cn=co[1];cp=new $Uint64(0,0);cq=new $Uint64(0,0);cr=A.Add64(ab,br,((cs=(new X(cn.$high,cn.$low)),new $Uint64(cs.$high,cs.$low))));cp=cr[0];cq=cr[1];ct=new $Uint64(0,0);cu=new $Uint64(0,0);cv=A.Add64(ae,bu,((cw=(new X(cq.$high,cq.$low)),new $Uint64(cw.$high,cw.$low))));ct=cv[0];cu=cv[1];cx=new $Uint64(0,0);cy=new $Uint64(0,0);cz=A.Add64(ai,by,((da=(new X(cu.$high,cu.$low)),new $Uint64(da.$high,da.$low))));cx=cz[0];cy=cz[1];db=new $Uint64(0,0);dc=new $Uint64(0,0);dd=A.Add64(am,cc,((de=(new X(cy.$high,cy.$low)),new $Uint64(de.$high,de.$low))));db=dd[0];dc=dd[1];df=new $Uint64(0,0);dg=new $Uint64(0,0);dh=A.Add64(aq,cg,((di=(new X(dc.$high,dc.$low)),new $Uint64(di.$high,di.$low))));df=dh[0];dg=dh[1];dj=new $Uint64(0,0);dk=new $Uint64(0,0);dl=A.Add64(aw,cm,((dm=(new X(dg.$high,dg.$low)),new $Uint64(dm.$high,dm.$low))));dj=dl[0];dk=dl[1];dn=new $Uint64(0,0);dp=new $Uint64(0,0);dq=A.Mul64(d,c[5]);dp=dq[0];dn=dq[1];dr=new $Uint64(0,0);ds=new $Uint64(0,0);dt=A.Mul64(d,c[4]);ds=dt[0];dr=dt[1];du=new $Uint64(0,0);dv=new $Uint64(0,0);dw=A.Mul64(d,c[3]);dv=dw[0];du=dw[1];dx=new $Uint64(0,0);dy=new $Uint64(0,0);dz=A.Mul64(d,c[2]);dy=dz[0];dx=dz[1];ea=new $Uint64(0,0);eb=new $Uint64(0,0);ec=A.Mul64(d,c[1]);eb=ec[0];ea=ec[1];ed=new $Uint64(0,0);ee=new $Uint64(0,0);ef=A.Mul64(d,c[0]);ee=ef[0];ed=ef[1];eg=new $Uint64(0,0);eh=new $Uint64(0,0);ei=A.Add64(ee,ea,new $Uint64(0,0));eg=ei[0];eh=ei[1];ej=new $Uint64(0,0);ek=new $Uint64(0,0);el=A.Add64(eb,dx,((em=(new X(eh.$high,eh.$low)),new $Uint64(em.$high,em.$low))));ej=el[0];ek=el[1];en=new $Uint64(0,0);eo=new $Uint64(0,0);ep=A.Add64(dy,du,((eq=(new X(ek.$high,ek.$low)),new $Uint64(eq.$high,eq.$low))));en=ep[0];eo=ep[1];er=new $Uint64(0,0);es=new $Uint64(0,0);et=A.Add64(dv,dr,((eu=(new X(eo.$high,eo.$low)),new $Uint64(eu.$high,eu.$low))));er=et[0];es=et[1];ev=new $Uint64(0,0);ew=new $Uint64(0,0);ex=A.Add64(ds,dn,((ey=(new X(es.$high,es.$low)),new $Uint64(ey.$high,ey.$low))));ev=ex[0];ew=ex[1];fb=(ez=((fa=(new X(ew.$high,ew.$low)),new $Uint64(fa.$high,fa.$low))),new $Uint64(ez.$high+dp.$high,ez.$low+dp.$low));fc=new $Uint64(0,0);fd=new $Uint64(0,0);fe=A.Add64(cp,ed,new $Uint64(0,0));fc=fe[0];fd=fe[1];ff=new $Uint64(0,0);fg=new $Uint64(0,0);fh=A.Add64(ct,eg,((fi=(new X(fd.$high,fd.$low)),new $Uint64(fi.$high,fi.$low))));ff=fh[0];fg=fh[1];fj=new $Uint64(0,0);fk=new $Uint64(0,0);fl=A.Add64(cx,ej,((fm=(new X(fg.$high,fg.$low)),new $Uint64(fm.$high,fm.$low))));fj=fl[0];fk=fl[1];fn=new $Uint64(0,0);fo=new $Uint64(0,0);fp=A.Add64(db,en,((fq=(new X(fk.$high,fk.$low)),new $Uint64(fq.$high,fq.$low))));fn=fp[0];fo=fp[1];fr=new $Uint64(0,0);fs=new $Uint64(0,0);ft=A.Add64(df,er,((fu=(new X(fo.$high,fo.$low)),new $Uint64(fu.$high,fu.$low))));fr=ft[0];fs=ft[1];fv=new $Uint64(0,0);fw=new $Uint64(0,0);fx=A.Add64(dj,ev,((fy=(new X(fs.$high,fs.$low)),new $Uint64(fy.$high,fy.$low))));fv=fx[0];fw=fx[1];fz=new $Uint64(0,0);ga=new $Uint64(0,0);gb=A.Add64(((gc=(new X(dk.$high,dk.$low)),new $Uint64(gc.$high,gc.$low))),fb,((gd=(new X(fw.$high,fw.$low)),new $Uint64(gd.$high,gd.$low))));fz=gb[0];ga=gb[1];ge=new $Uint64(0,0);gf=A.Mul64(fc,new $Uint64(1,1));ge=gf[1];gg=new $Uint64(0,0);gh=new $Uint64(0,0);gi=A.Mul64(ge,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gh=gi[0];gg=gi[1];gj=new $Uint64(0,0);gk=new $Uint64(0,0);gl=A.Mul64(ge,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gk=gl[0];gj=gl[1];gm=new $Uint64(0,0);gn=new $Uint64(0,0);go=A.Mul64(ge,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gn=go[0];gm=go[1];gp=new $Uint64(0,0);gq=new $Uint64(0,0);gr=A.Mul64(ge,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));gq=gr[0];gp=gr[1];gs=new $Uint64(0,0);gt=new $Uint64(0,0);gu=A.Mul64(ge,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));gt=gu[0];gs=gu[1];gv=new $Uint64(0,0);gw=new $Uint64(0,0);gx=A.Mul64(ge,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));gw=gx[0];gv=gx[1];gy=new $Uint64(0,0);gz=new $Uint64(0,0);ha=A.Add64(gw,gs,new $Uint64(0,0));gy=ha[0];gz=ha[1];hb=new $Uint64(0,0);hc=new $Uint64(0,0);hd=A.Add64(gt,gp,((he=(new X(gz.$high,gz.$low)),new $Uint64(he.$high,he.$low))));hb=hd[0];hc=hd[1];hf=new $Uint64(0,0);hg=new $Uint64(0,0);hh=A.Add64(gq,gm,((hi=(new X(hc.$high,hc.$low)),new $Uint64(hi.$high,hi.$low))));hf=hh[0];hg=hh[1];hj=new $Uint64(0,0);hk=new $Uint64(0,0);hl=A.Add64(gn,gj,((hm=(new X(hg.$high,hg.$low)),new $Uint64(hm.$high,hm.$low))));hj=hl[0];hk=hl[1];hn=new $Uint64(0,0);ho=new $Uint64(0,0);hp=A.Add64(gk,gg,((hq=(new X(hk.$high,hk.$low)),new $Uint64(hq.$high,hq.$low))));hn=hp[0];ho=hp[1];ht=(hr=((hs=(new X(ho.$high,ho.$low)),new $Uint64(hs.$high,hs.$low))),new $Uint64(hr.$high+gh.$high,hr.$low+gh.$low));hu=new $Uint64(0,0);hv=A.Add64(fc,gv,new $Uint64(0,0));hu=hv[1];hw=new $Uint64(0,0);hx=new $Uint64(0,0);hy=A.Add64(ff,gy,((hz=(new X(hu.$high,hu.$low)),new $Uint64(hz.$high,hz.$low))));hw=hy[0];hx=hy[1];ia=new $Uint64(0,0);ib=new $Uint64(0,0);ic=A.Add64(fj,hb,((id=(new X(hx.$high,hx.$low)),new $Uint64(id.$high,id.$low))));ia=ic[0];ib=ic[1];ie=new $Uint64(0,0);ig=new $Uint64(0,0);ih=A.Add64(fn,hf,((ii=(new X(ib.$high,ib.$low)),new $Uint64(ii.$high,ii.$low))));ie=ih[0];ig=ih[1];ij=new $Uint64(0,0);ik=new $Uint64(0,0);il=A.Add64(fr,hj,((im=(new X(ig.$high,ig.$low)),new $Uint64(im.$high,im.$low))));ij=il[0];ik=il[1];io=new $Uint64(0,0);ip=new $Uint64(0,0);iq=A.Add64(fv,hn,((ir=(new X(ik.$high,ik.$low)),new $Uint64(ir.$high,ir.$low))));io=iq[0];ip=iq[1];is=new $Uint64(0,0);it=new $Uint64(0,0);iu=A.Add64(fz,ht,((iv=(new X(ip.$high,ip.$low)),new $Uint64(iv.$high,iv.$low))));is=iu[0];it=iu[1];ja=(iw=((ix=(new X(it.$high,it.$low)),new $Uint64(ix.$high,ix.$low))),iy=((iz=(new X(ga.$high,ga.$low)),new $Uint64(iz.$high,iz.$low))),new $Uint64(iw.$high+iy.$high,iw.$low+iy.$low));jb=new $Uint64(0,0);jc=new $Uint64(0,0);jd=A.Mul64(e,c[5]);jc=jd[0];jb=jd[1];je=new $Uint64(0,0);jf=new $Uint64(0,0);jg=A.Mul64(e,c[4]);jf=jg[0];je=jg[1];jh=new $Uint64(0,0);ji=new $Uint64(0,0);jj=A.Mul64(e,c[3]);ji=jj[0];jh=jj[1];jk=new $Uint64(0,0);jl=new $Uint64(0,0);jm=A.Mul64(e,c[2]);jl=jm[0];jk=jm[1];jn=new $Uint64(0,0);jo=new $Uint64(0,0);jp=A.Mul64(e,c[1]);jo=jp[0];jn=jp[1];jq=new $Uint64(0,0);jr=new $Uint64(0,0);js=A.Mul64(e,c[0]);jr=js[0];jq=js[1];jt=new $Uint64(0,0);ju=new $Uint64(0,0);jv=A.Add64(jr,jn,new $Uint64(0,0));jt=jv[0];ju=jv[1];jw=new $Uint64(0,0);jx=new $Uint64(0,0);jy=A.Add64(jo,jk,((jz=(new X(ju.$high,ju.$low)),new $Uint64(jz.$high,jz.$low))));jw=jy[0];jx=jy[1];ka=new $Uint64(0,0);kb=new $Uint64(0,0);kc=A.Add64(jl,jh,((kd=(new X(jx.$high,jx.$low)),new $Uint64(kd.$high,kd.$low))));ka=kc[0];kb=kc[1];ke=new $Uint64(0,0);kf=new $Uint64(0,0);kg=A.Add64(ji,je,((kh=(new X(kb.$high,kb.$low)),new $Uint64(kh.$high,kh.$low))));ke=kg[0];kf=kg[1];ki=new $Uint64(0,0);kj=new $Uint64(0,0);kk=A.Add64(jf,jb,((kl=(new X(kf.$high,kf.$low)),new $Uint64(kl.$high,kl.$low))));ki=kk[0];kj=kk[1];ko=(km=((kn=(new X(kj.$high,kj.$low)),new $Uint64(kn.$high,kn.$low))),new $Uint64(km.$high+jc.$high,km.$low+jc.$low));kp=new $Uint64(0,0);kq=new $Uint64(0,0);kr=A.Add64(hw,jq,new $Uint64(0,0));kp=kr[0];kq=kr[1];ks=new $Uint64(0,0);kt=new $Uint64(0,0);ku=A.Add64(ia,jt,((kv=(new X(kq.$high,kq.$low)),new $Uint64(kv.$high,kv.$low))));ks=ku[0];kt=ku[1];kw=new $Uint64(0,0);kx=new $Uint64(0,0);ky=A.Add64(ie,jw,((kz=(new X(kt.$high,kt.$low)),new $Uint64(kz.$high,kz.$low))));kw=ky[0];kx=ky[1];la=new $Uint64(0,0);lb=new $Uint64(0,0);lc=A.Add64(ij,ka,((ld=(new X(kx.$high,kx.$low)),new $Uint64(ld.$high,ld.$low))));la=lc[0];lb=lc[1];le=new $Uint64(0,0);lf=new $Uint64(0,0);lg=A.Add64(io,ke,((lh=(new X(lb.$high,lb.$low)),new $Uint64(lh.$high,lh.$low))));le=lg[0];lf=lg[1];li=new $Uint64(0,0);lj=new $Uint64(0,0);lk=A.Add64(is,ki,((ll=(new X(lf.$high,lf.$low)),new $Uint64(ll.$high,ll.$low))));li=lk[0];lj=lk[1];lm=new $Uint64(0,0);ln=new $Uint64(0,0);lo=A.Add64(ja,ko,((lp=(new X(lj.$high,lj.$low)),new $Uint64(lp.$high,lp.$low))));lm=lo[0];ln=lo[1];lq=new $Uint64(0,0);lr=A.Mul64(kp,new $Uint64(1,1));lq=lr[1];ls=new $Uint64(0,0);lt=new $Uint64(0,0);lu=A.Mul64(lq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));lt=lu[0];ls=lu[1];lv=new $Uint64(0,0);lw=new $Uint64(0,0);lx=A.Mul64(lq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));lw=lx[0];lv=lx[1];ly=new $Uint64(0,0);lz=new $Uint64(0,0);ma=A.Mul64(lq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));lz=ma[0];ly=ma[1];mb=new $Uint64(0,0);mc=new $Uint64(0,0);md=A.Mul64(lq,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));mc=md[0];mb=md[1];me=new $Uint64(0,0);mf=new $Uint64(0,0);mg=A.Mul64(lq,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));mf=mg[0];me=mg[1];mh=new $Uint64(0,0);mi=new $Uint64(0,0);mj=A.Mul64(lq,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));mi=mj[0];mh=mj[1];mk=new $Uint64(0,0);ml=new $Uint64(0,0);mm=A.Add64(mi,me,new $Uint64(0,0));mk=mm[0];ml=mm[1];mn=new $Uint64(0,0);mo=new $Uint64(0,0);mp=A.Add64(mf,mb,((mq=(new X(ml.$high,ml.$low)),new $Uint64(mq.$high,mq.$low))));mn=mp[0];mo=mp[1];mr=new $Uint64(0,0);ms=new $Uint64(0,0);mt=A.Add64(mc,ly,((mu=(new X(mo.$high,mo.$low)),new $Uint64(mu.$high,mu.$low))));mr=mt[0];ms=mt[1];mv=new $Uint64(0,0);mw=new $Uint64(0,0);mx=A.Add64(lz,lv,((my=(new X(ms.$high,ms.$low)),new $Uint64(my.$high,my.$low))));mv=mx[0];mw=mx[1];mz=new $Uint64(0,0);na=new $Uint64(0,0);nb=A.Add64(lw,ls,((nc=(new X(mw.$high,mw.$low)),new $Uint64(nc.$high,nc.$low))));mz=nb[0];na=nb[1];nf=(nd=((ne=(new X(na.$high,na.$low)),new $Uint64(ne.$high,ne.$low))),new $Uint64(nd.$high+lt.$high,nd.$low+lt.$low));ng=new $Uint64(0,0);nh=A.Add64(kp,mh,new $Uint64(0,0));ng=nh[1];ni=new $Uint64(0,0);nj=new $Uint64(0,0);nk=A.Add64(ks,mk,((nl=(new X(ng.$high,ng.$low)),new $Uint64(nl.$high,nl.$low))));ni=nk[0];nj=nk[1];nm=new $Uint64(0,0);nn=new $Uint64(0,0);no=A.Add64(kw,mn,((np=(new X(nj.$high,nj.$low)),new $Uint64(np.$high,np.$low))));nm=no[0];nn=no[1];nq=new $Uint64(0,0);nr=new $Uint64(0,0);ns=A.Add64(la,mr,((nt=(new X(nn.$high,nn.$low)),new $Uint64(nt.$high,nt.$low))));nq=ns[0];nr=ns[1];nu=new $Uint64(0,0);nv=new $Uint64(0,0);nw=A.Add64(le,mv,((nx=(new X(nr.$high,nr.$low)),new $Uint64(nx.$high,nx.$low))));nu=nw[0];nv=nw[1];ny=new $Uint64(0,0);nz=new $Uint64(0,0);oa=A.Add64(li,mz,((ob=(new X(nv.$high,nv.$low)),new $Uint64(ob.$high,ob.$low))));ny=oa[0];nz=oa[1];oc=new $Uint64(0,0);od=new $Uint64(0,0);oe=A.Add64(lm,nf,((of=(new 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$Uint64(0,0);pm=A.Add64(ov,or,((pn=(new X(ph.$high,ph.$low)),new $Uint64(pn.$high,pn.$low))));pk=pm[0];pl=pm[1];po=new $Uint64(0,0);pp=new $Uint64(0,0);pq=A.Add64(os,oo,((pr=(new X(pl.$high,pl.$low)),new $Uint64(pr.$high,pr.$low))));po=pq[0];pp=pq[1];ps=new $Uint64(0,0);pt=new $Uint64(0,0);pu=A.Add64(op,ol,((pv=(new X(pp.$high,pp.$low)),new $Uint64(pv.$high,pv.$low))));ps=pu[0];pt=pu[1];py=(pw=((px=(new X(pt.$high,pt.$low)),new $Uint64(px.$high,px.$low))),new $Uint64(pw.$high+om.$high,pw.$low+om.$low));pz=new $Uint64(0,0);qa=new $Uint64(0,0);qb=A.Add64(ni,pa,new $Uint64(0,0));pz=qb[0];qa=qb[1];qc=new $Uint64(0,0);qd=new $Uint64(0,0);qe=A.Add64(nm,pd,((qf=(new X(qa.$high,qa.$low)),new $Uint64(qf.$high,qf.$low))));qc=qe[0];qd=qe[1];qg=new $Uint64(0,0);qh=new $Uint64(0,0);qi=A.Add64(nq,pg,((qj=(new X(qd.$high,qd.$low)),new $Uint64(qj.$high,qj.$low))));qg=qi[0];qh=qi[1];qk=new $Uint64(0,0);ql=new $Uint64(0,0);qm=A.Add64(nu,pk,((qn=(new X(qh.$high,qh.$low)),new $Uint64(qn.$high,qn.$low))));qk=qm[0];ql=qm[1];qo=new $Uint64(0,0);qp=new $Uint64(0,0);qq=A.Add64(ny,po,((qr=(new X(ql.$high,ql.$low)),new $Uint64(qr.$high,qr.$low))));qo=qq[0];qp=qq[1];qs=new $Uint64(0,0);qt=new $Uint64(0,0);qu=A.Add64(oc,ps,((qv=(new X(qp.$high,qp.$low)),new $Uint64(qv.$high,qv.$low))));qs=qu[0];qt=qu[1];qw=new $Uint64(0,0);qx=new $Uint64(0,0);qy=A.Add64(ok,py,((qz=(new X(qt.$high,qt.$low)),new $Uint64(qz.$high,qz.$low))));qw=qy[0];qx=qy[1];ra=new $Uint64(0,0);rb=A.Mul64(pz,new $Uint64(1,1));ra=rb[1];rc=new $Uint64(0,0);rd=new $Uint64(0,0);re=A.Mul64(ra,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rd=re[0];rc=re[1];rf=new $Uint64(0,0);rg=new $Uint64(0,0);rh=A.Mul64(ra,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rg=rh[0];rf=rh[1];ri=new $Uint64(0,0);rj=new $Uint64(0,0);rk=A.Mul64(ra,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rj=rk[0];ri=rk[1];rl=new $Uint64(0,0);rm=new $Uint64(0,0);rn=A.Mul64(ra,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));rm=rn[0];rl=rn[1];ro=new $Uint64(0,0);rp=new $Uint64(0,0);rq=A.Mul64(ra,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));rp=rq[0];ro=rq[1];rr=new $Uint64(0,0);rs=new $Uint64(0,0);rt=A.Mul64(ra,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));rs=rt[0];rr=rt[1];ru=new $Uint64(0,0);rv=new $Uint64(0,0);rw=A.Add64(rs,ro,new $Uint64(0,0));ru=rw[0];rv=rw[1];rx=new $Uint64(0,0);ry=new $Uint64(0,0);rz=A.Add64(rp,rl,((sa=(new X(rv.$high,rv.$low)),new $Uint64(sa.$high,sa.$low))));rx=rz[0];ry=rz[1];sb=new $Uint64(0,0);sc=new $Uint64(0,0);sd=A.Add64(rm,ri,((se=(new X(ry.$high,ry.$low)),new $Uint64(se.$high,se.$low))));sb=sd[0];sc=sd[1];sf=new $Uint64(0,0);sg=new $Uint64(0,0);sh=A.Add64(rj,rf,((si=(new X(sc.$high,sc.$low)),new $Uint64(si.$high,si.$low))));sf=sh[0];sg=sh[1];sj=new $Uint64(0,0);sk=new $Uint64(0,0);sl=A.Add64(rg,rc,((sm=(new X(sg.$high,sg.$low)),new $Uint64(sm.$high,sm.$low))));sj=sl[0];sk=sl[1];sp=(sn=((so=(new X(sk.$high,sk.$low)),new $Uint64(so.$high,so.$low))),new $Uint64(sn.$high+rd.$high,sn.$low+rd.$low));sq=new $Uint64(0,0);sr=A.Add64(pz,rr,new $Uint64(0,0));sq=sr[1];ss=new $Uint64(0,0);st=new $Uint64(0,0);su=A.Add64(qc,ru,((sv=(new X(sq.$high,sq.$low)),new $Uint64(sv.$high,sv.$low))));ss=su[0];st=su[1];sw=new $Uint64(0,0);sx=new $Uint64(0,0);sy=A.Add64(qg,rx,((sz=(new X(st.$high,st.$low)),new $Uint64(sz.$high,sz.$low))));sw=sy[0];sx=sy[1];ta=new $Uint64(0,0);tb=new $Uint64(0,0);tc=A.Add64(qk,sb,((td=(new X(sx.$high,sx.$low)),new $Uint64(td.$high,td.$low))));ta=tc[0];tb=tc[1];te=new $Uint64(0,0);tf=new $Uint64(0,0);tg=A.Add64(qo,sf,((th=(new X(tb.$high,tb.$low)),new $Uint64(th.$high,th.$low))));te=tg[0];tf=tg[1];ti=new $Uint64(0,0);tj=new $Uint64(0,0);tk=A.Add64(qs,sj,((tl=(new X(tf.$high,tf.$low)),new $Uint64(tl.$high,tl.$low))));ti=tk[0];tj=tk[1];tm=new $Uint64(0,0);tn=new $Uint64(0,0);to=A.Add64(qw,sp,((tp=(new X(tj.$high,tj.$low)),new $Uint64(tp.$high,tp.$low))));tm=to[0];tn=to[1];tu=(tq=((tr=(new X(tn.$high,tn.$low)),new $Uint64(tr.$high,tr.$low))),ts=((tt=(new X(qx.$high,qx.$low)),new $Uint64(tt.$high,tt.$low))),new $Uint64(tq.$high+ts.$high,tq.$low+ts.$low));tv=new $Uint64(0,0);tw=new $Uint64(0,0);tx=A.Mul64(g,c[5]);tw=tx[0];tv=tx[1];ty=new $Uint64(0,0);tz=new $Uint64(0,0);ua=A.Mul64(g,c[4]);tz=ua[0];ty=ua[1];ub=new $Uint64(0,0);uc=new $Uint64(0,0);ud=A.Mul64(g,c[3]);uc=ud[0];ub=ud[1];ue=new $Uint64(0,0);uf=new $Uint64(0,0);ug=A.Mul64(g,c[2]);uf=ug[0];ue=ug[1];uh=new $Uint64(0,0);ui=new $Uint64(0,0);uj=A.Mul64(g,c[1]);ui=uj[0];uh=uj[1];uk=new $Uint64(0,0);ul=new $Uint64(0,0);um=A.Mul64(g,c[0]);ul=um[0];uk=um[1];un=new $Uint64(0,0);uo=new $Uint64(0,0);up=A.Add64(ul,uh,new $Uint64(0,0));un=up[0];uo=up[1];uq=new $Uint64(0,0);ur=new $Uint64(0,0);us=A.Add64(ui,ue,((ut=(new X(uo.$high,uo.$low)),new $Uint64(ut.$high,ut.$low))));uq=us[0];ur=us[1];uu=new $Uint64(0,0);uv=new $Uint64(0,0);uw=A.Add64(uf,ub,((ux=(new X(ur.$high,ur.$low)),new $Uint64(ux.$high,ux.$low))));uu=uw[0];uv=uw[1];uy=new $Uint64(0,0);uz=new $Uint64(0,0);va=A.Add64(uc,ty,((vb=(new X(uv.$high,uv.$low)),new $Uint64(vb.$high,vb.$low))));uy=va[0];uz=va[1];vc=new $Uint64(0,0);vd=new $Uint64(0,0);ve=A.Add64(tz,tv,((vf=(new X(uz.$high,uz.$low)),new $Uint64(vf.$high,vf.$low))));vc=ve[0];vd=ve[1];vi=(vg=((vh=(new X(vd.$high,vd.$low)),new $Uint64(vh.$high,vh.$low))),new $Uint64(vg.$high+tw.$high,vg.$low+tw.$low));vj=new $Uint64(0,0);vk=new $Uint64(0,0);vl=A.Add64(ss,uk,new $Uint64(0,0));vj=vl[0];vk=vl[1];vm=new $Uint64(0,0);vn=new $Uint64(0,0);vo=A.Add64(sw,un,((vp=(new X(vk.$high,vk.$low)),new $Uint64(vp.$high,vp.$low))));vm=vo[0];vn=vo[1];vq=new $Uint64(0,0);vr=new $Uint64(0,0);vs=A.Add64(ta,uq,((vt=(new X(vn.$high,vn.$low)),new $Uint64(vt.$high,vt.$low))));vq=vs[0];vr=vs[1];vu=new $Uint64(0,0);vv=new $Uint64(0,0);vw=A.Add64(te,uu,((vx=(new X(vr.$high,vr.$low)),new $Uint64(vx.$high,vx.$low))));vu=vw[0];vv=vw[1];vy=new $Uint64(0,0);vz=new $Uint64(0,0);wa=A.Add64(ti,uy,((wb=(new X(vv.$high,vv.$low)),new $Uint64(wb.$high,wb.$low))));vy=wa[0];vz=wa[1];wc=new $Uint64(0,0);wd=new $Uint64(0,0);we=A.Add64(tm,vc,((wf=(new X(vz.$high,vz.$low)),new $Uint64(wf.$high,wf.$low))));wc=we[0];wd=we[1];wg=new $Uint64(0,0);wh=new $Uint64(0,0);wi=A.Add64(tu,vi,((wj=(new X(wd.$high,wd.$low)),new $Uint64(wj.$high,wj.$low))));wg=wi[0];wh=wi[1];wk=new $Uint64(0,0);wl=A.Mul64(vj,new $Uint64(1,1));wk=wl[1];wm=new $Uint64(0,0);wn=new $Uint64(0,0);wo=A.Mul64(wk,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));wn=wo[0];wm=wo[1];wp=new $Uint64(0,0);wq=new $Uint64(0,0);wr=A.Mul64(wk,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));wq=wr[0];wp=wr[1];ws=new $Uint64(0,0);wt=new $Uint64(0,0);wu=A.Mul64(wk,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));wt=wu[0];ws=wu[1];wv=new $Uint64(0,0);ww=new $Uint64(0,0);wx=A.Mul64(wk,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));ww=wx[0];wv=wx[1];wy=new $Uint64(0,0);wz=new $Uint64(0,0);xa=A.Mul64(wk,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));wz=xa[0];wy=xa[1];xb=new $Uint64(0,0);xc=new $Uint64(0,0);xd=A.Mul64(wk,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));xc=xd[0];xb=xd[1];xe=new $Uint64(0,0);xf=new $Uint64(0,0);xg=A.Add64(xc,wy,new $Uint64(0,0));xe=xg[0];xf=xg[1];xh=new $Uint64(0,0);xi=new $Uint64(0,0);xj=A.Add64(wz,wv,((xk=(new X(xf.$high,xf.$low)),new $Uint64(xk.$high,xk.$low))));xh=xj[0];xi=xj[1];xl=new $Uint64(0,0);xm=new $Uint64(0,0);xn=A.Add64(ww,ws,((xo=(new X(xi.$high,xi.$low)),new $Uint64(xo.$high,xo.$low))));xl=xn[0];xm=xn[1];xp=new $Uint64(0,0);xq=new $Uint64(0,0);xr=A.Add64(wt,wp,((xs=(new X(xm.$high,xm.$low)),new $Uint64(xs.$high,xs.$low))));xp=xr[0];xq=xr[1];xt=new $Uint64(0,0);xu=new $Uint64(0,0);xv=A.Add64(wq,wm,((xw=(new X(xq.$high,xq.$low)),new $Uint64(xw.$high,xw.$low))));xt=xv[0];xu=xv[1];xz=(xx=((xy=(new X(xu.$high,xu.$low)),new $Uint64(xy.$high,xy.$low))),new $Uint64(xx.$high+wn.$high,xx.$low+wn.$low));ya=new $Uint64(0,0);yb=A.Add64(vj,xb,new $Uint64(0,0));ya=yb[1];yc=new $Uint64(0,0);yd=new $Uint64(0,0);ye=A.Add64(vm,xe,((yf=(new X(ya.$high,ya.$low)),new $Uint64(yf.$high,yf.$low))));yc=ye[0];yd=ye[1];yg=new $Uint64(0,0);yh=new $Uint64(0,0);yi=A.Add64(vq,xh,((yj=(new X(yd.$high,yd.$low)),new $Uint64(yj.$high,yj.$low))));yg=yi[0];yh=yi[1];yk=new $Uint64(0,0);yl=new $Uint64(0,0);ym=A.Add64(vu,xl,((yn=(new X(yh.$high,yh.$low)),new $Uint64(yn.$high,yn.$low))));yk=ym[0];yl=ym[1];yo=new $Uint64(0,0);yp=new $Uint64(0,0);yq=A.Add64(vy,xp,((yr=(new X(yl.$high,yl.$low)),new $Uint64(yr.$high,yr.$low))));yo=yq[0];yp=yq[1];ys=new $Uint64(0,0);yt=new $Uint64(0,0);yu=A.Add64(wc,xt,((yv=(new X(yp.$high,yp.$low)),new $Uint64(yv.$high,yv.$low))));ys=yu[0];yt=yu[1];yw=new $Uint64(0,0);yx=new $Uint64(0,0);yy=A.Add64(wg,xz,((yz=(new X(yt.$high,yt.$low)),new $Uint64(yz.$high,yz.$low))));yw=yy[0];yx=yy[1];ze=(za=((zb=(new X(yx.$high,yx.$low)),new $Uint64(zb.$high,zb.$low))),zc=((zd=(new X(wh.$high,wh.$low)),new $Uint64(zd.$high,zd.$low))),new $Uint64(za.$high+zc.$high,za.$low+zc.$low));zf=new $Uint64(0,0);zg=new $Uint64(0,0);zh=A.Mul64(h,c[5]);zg=zh[0];zf=zh[1];zi=new $Uint64(0,0);zj=new $Uint64(0,0);zk=A.Mul64(h,c[4]);zj=zk[0];zi=zk[1];zl=new $Uint64(0,0);zm=new $Uint64(0,0);zn=A.Mul64(h,c[3]);zm=zn[0];zl=zn[1];zo=new $Uint64(0,0);zp=new $Uint64(0,0);zq=A.Mul64(h,c[2]);zp=zq[0];zo=zq[1];zr=new $Uint64(0,0);zs=new $Uint64(0,0);zt=A.Mul64(h,c[1]);zs=zt[0];zr=zt[1];zu=new $Uint64(0,0);zv=new $Uint64(0,0);zw=A.Mul64(h,c[0]);zv=zw[0];zu=zw[1];zx=new $Uint64(0,0);zy=new $Uint64(0,0);zz=A.Add64(zv,zr,new $Uint64(0,0));zx=zz[0];zy=zz[1];aaa=new $Uint64(0,0);aab=new $Uint64(0,0);aac=A.Add64(zs,zo,((aad=(new X(zy.$high,zy.$low)),new $Uint64(aad.$high,aad.$low))));aaa=aac[0];aab=aac[1];aae=new $Uint64(0,0);aaf=new $Uint64(0,0);aag=A.Add64(zp,zl,((aah=(new X(aab.$high,aab.$low)),new $Uint64(aah.$high,aah.$low))));aae=aag[0];aaf=aag[1];aai=new $Uint64(0,0);aaj=new $Uint64(0,0);aak=A.Add64(zm,zi,((aal=(new X(aaf.$high,aaf.$low)),new $Uint64(aal.$high,aal.$low))));aai=aak[0];aaj=aak[1];aam=new $Uint64(0,0);aan=new $Uint64(0,0);aao=A.Add64(zj,zf,((aap=(new X(aaj.$high,aaj.$low)),new $Uint64(aap.$high,aap.$low))));aam=aao[0];aan=aao[1];aas=(aaq=((aar=(new X(aan.$high,aan.$low)),new $Uint64(aar.$high,aar.$low))),new $Uint64(aaq.$high+zg.$high,aaq.$low+zg.$low));aat=new $Uint64(0,0);aau=new $Uint64(0,0);aav=A.Add64(yc,zu,new $Uint64(0,0));aat=aav[0];aau=aav[1];aaw=new $Uint64(0,0);aax=new $Uint64(0,0);aay=A.Add64(yg,zx,((aaz=(new X(aau.$high,aau.$low)),new $Uint64(aaz.$high,aaz.$low))));aaw=aay[0];aax=aay[1];aba=new $Uint64(0,0);abb=new $Uint64(0,0);abc=A.Add64(yk,aaa,((abd=(new X(aax.$high,aax.$low)),new $Uint64(abd.$high,abd.$low))));aba=abc[0];abb=abc[1];abe=new $Uint64(0,0);abf=new $Uint64(0,0);abg=A.Add64(yo,aae,((abh=(new X(abb.$high,abb.$low)),new $Uint64(abh.$high,abh.$low))));abe=abg[0];abf=abg[1];abi=new $Uint64(0,0);abj=new $Uint64(0,0);abk=A.Add64(ys,aai,((abl=(new X(abf.$high,abf.$low)),new $Uint64(abl.$high,abl.$low))));abi=abk[0];abj=abk[1];abm=new $Uint64(0,0);abn=new $Uint64(0,0);abo=A.Add64(yw,aam,((abp=(new X(abj.$high,abj.$low)),new $Uint64(abp.$high,abp.$low))));abm=abo[0];abn=abo[1];abq=new $Uint64(0,0);abr=new $Uint64(0,0);abs=A.Add64(ze,aas,((abt=(new X(abn.$high,abn.$low)),new $Uint64(abt.$high,abt.$low))));abq=abs[0];abr=abs[1];abu=new $Uint64(0,0);abv=A.Mul64(aat,new $Uint64(1,1));abu=abv[1];abw=new $Uint64(0,0);abx=new $Uint64(0,0);aby=A.Mul64(abu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));abx=aby[0];abw=aby[1];abz=new $Uint64(0,0);aca=new $Uint64(0,0);acb=A.Mul64(abu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aca=acb[0];abz=acb[1];acc=new $Uint64(0,0);acd=new $Uint64(0,0);ace=A.Mul64(abu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));acd=ace[0];acc=ace[1];acf=new $Uint64(0,0);acg=new $Uint64(0,0);ach=A.Mul64(abu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));acg=ach[0];acf=ach[1];aci=new $Uint64(0,0);acj=new $Uint64(0,0);ack=A.Mul64(abu,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));acj=ack[0];aci=ack[1];acl=new $Uint64(0,0);acm=new $Uint64(0,0);acn=A.Mul64(abu,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));acm=acn[0];acl=acn[1];aco=new $Uint64(0,0);acp=new $Uint64(0,0);acq=A.Add64(acm,aci,new $Uint64(0,0));aco=acq[0];acp=acq[1];acr=new $Uint64(0,0);acs=new $Uint64(0,0);act=A.Add64(acj,acf,((acu=(new X(acp.$high,acp.$low)),new $Uint64(acu.$high,acu.$low))));acr=act[0];acs=act[1];acv=new $Uint64(0,0);acw=new $Uint64(0,0);acx=A.Add64(acg,acc,((acy=(new X(acs.$high,acs.$low)),new $Uint64(acy.$high,acy.$low))));acv=acx[0];acw=acx[1];acz=new $Uint64(0,0);ada=new $Uint64(0,0);adb=A.Add64(acd,abz,((adc=(new X(acw.$high,acw.$low)),new $Uint64(adc.$high,adc.$low))));acz=adb[0];ada=adb[1];add=new $Uint64(0,0);ade=new $Uint64(0,0);adf=A.Add64(aca,abw,((adg=(new X(ada.$high,ada.$low)),new $Uint64(adg.$high,adg.$low))));add=adf[0];ade=adf[1];adj=(adh=((adi=(new X(ade.$high,ade.$low)),new $Uint64(adi.$high,adi.$low))),new $Uint64(adh.$high+abx.$high,adh.$low+abx.$low));adk=new $Uint64(0,0);adl=A.Add64(aat,acl,new $Uint64(0,0));adk=adl[1];adm=new $Uint64(0,0);adn=new $Uint64(0,0);ado=A.Add64(aaw,aco,((adp=(new X(adk.$high,adk.$low)),new $Uint64(adp.$high,adp.$low))));adm=ado[0];adn=ado[1];adq=new $Uint64(0,0);adr=new $Uint64(0,0);ads=A.Add64(aba,acr,((adt=(new X(adn.$high,adn.$low)),new $Uint64(adt.$high,adt.$low))));adq=ads[0];adr=ads[1];adu=new $Uint64(0,0);adv=new $Uint64(0,0);adw=A.Add64(abe,acv,((adx=(new X(adr.$high,adr.$low)),new $Uint64(adx.$high,adx.$low))));adu=adw[0];adv=adw[1];ady=new $Uint64(0,0);adz=new $Uint64(0,0);aea=A.Add64(abi,acz,((aeb=(new X(adv.$high,adv.$low)),new $Uint64(aeb.$high,aeb.$low))));ady=aea[0];adz=aea[1];aec=new $Uint64(0,0);aed=new $Uint64(0,0);aee=A.Add64(abm,add,((aef=(new X(adz.$high,adz.$low)),new $Uint64(aef.$high,aef.$low))));aec=aee[0];aed=aee[1];aeg=new $Uint64(0,0);aeh=new $Uint64(0,0);aei=A.Add64(abq,adj,((aej=(new X(aed.$high,aed.$low)),new $Uint64(aej.$high,aej.$low))));aeg=aei[0];aeh=aei[1];aeo=(aek=((ael=(new X(aeh.$high,aeh.$low)),new $Uint64(ael.$high,ael.$low))),aem=((aen=(new X(abr.$high,abr.$low)),new $Uint64(aen.$high,aen.$low))),new $Uint64(aek.$high+aem.$high,aek.$low+aem.$low));aep=new $Uint64(0,0);aeq=new $Uint64(0,0);aer=A.Sub64(adm,new $Uint64(0,4294967295),new $Uint64(0,0));aep=aer[0];aeq=aer[1];aes=new $Uint64(0,0);aet=new $Uint64(0,0);aeu=A.Sub64(adq,new $Uint64(4294967295,0),((aev=(new X(aeq.$high,aeq.$low)),new $Uint64(aev.$high,aev.$low))));aes=aeu[0];aet=aeu[1];aew=new $Uint64(0,0);aex=new $Uint64(0,0);aey=A.Sub64(adu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294),((aez=(new X(aet.$high,aet.$low)),new $Uint64(aez.$high,aez.$low))));aew=aey[0];aex=aey[1];afa=new $Uint64(0,0);afb=new $Uint64(0,0);afc=A.Sub64(ady,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((afd=(new X(aex.$high,aex.$low)),new $Uint64(afd.$high,afd.$low))));afa=afc[0];afb=afc[1];afe=new $Uint64(0,0);aff=new $Uint64(0,0);afg=A.Sub64(aec,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((afh=(new X(afb.$high,afb.$low)),new $Uint64(afh.$high,afh.$low))));afe=afg[0];aff=afg[1];afi=new $Uint64(0,0);afj=new $Uint64(0,0);afk=A.Sub64(aeg,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((afl=(new X(aff.$high,aff.$low)),new $Uint64(afl.$high,afl.$low))));afi=afk[0];afj=afk[1];afm=new $Uint64(0,0);afn=A.Sub64(aeo,new $Uint64(0,0),((afo=(new X(afj.$high,afj.$low)),new $Uint64(afo.$high,afo.$low))));afm=afn[1];afp=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((afq||(afq=new BO(function(){return afp;},function($v){afp=$v;}))),(new X(afm.$high,afm.$low)),aep,adm);afr=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((afs||(afs=new BO(function(){return afr;},function($v){afr=$v;}))),(new X(afm.$high,afm.$low)),aes,adq);aft=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((afu||(afu=new BO(function(){return aft;},function($v){aft=$v;}))),(new X(afm.$high,afm.$low)),aew,adu);afv=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((afw||(afw=new BO(function(){return afv;},function($v){afv=$v;}))),(new X(afm.$high,afm.$low)),afa,ady);afx=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((afy||(afy=new BO(function(){return afx;},function($v){afx=$v;}))),(new X(afm.$high,afm.$low)),afe,aec);afz=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((aga||(aga=new BO(function(){return afz;},function($v){afz=$v;}))),(new X(afm.$high,afm.$low)),afi,aeg);a.nilCheck,a[0]=afp;a.nilCheck,a[1]=afr;a.nilCheck,a[2]=aft;a.nilCheck,a[3]=afv;a.nilCheck,a[4]=afx;a.nilCheck,a[5]=afz;};AD=function(a,b){var a,aa,aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz,ab,aba,abb,abc,abd,abe,abf,abg,abh,abi,abj,abk,abl,abm,abn,abo,abp,abq,abr,abs,abt,abu,abv,abw,abx,aby,abz,ac,aca,acb,acc,acd,ace,acf,acg,ach,aci,acj,ack,acl,acm,acn,aco,acp,acq,acr,acs,act,acu,acv,acw,acx,acy,acz,ad,ada,adb,adc,add,ade,adf,adg,adh,adi,adj,adk,adl,adm,adn,ado,adp,adq,adr,ads,adt,adu,adv,adw,adx,ady,adz,ae,aea,aeb,aec,aed,aee,aef,aeg,aeh,aei,aej,aek,ael,aem,aen,aeo,aep,aeq,aer,aes,aet,aeu,aev,aew,aex,aey,aez,af,afa,afb,afc,afd,afe,aff,afg,afh,afi,afj,afk,afl,afm,afn,afo,afp,afq,afr,afs,aft,afu,afv,afw,afx,afy,afz,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,nf,ng,nh,ni,nj,nk,nl,nm,nn,no,np,nq,nr,ns,nt,nu,nv,nw,nx,ny,nz,o,oa,ob,oc,od,oe,of,og,oh,oi,oj,ok,ol,om,on,oo,op,oq,or,os,ot,ou,ov,ow,ox,oy,oz,p,pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph,pi,pj,pk,pl,pm,pn,po,pp,pq,pr,ps,pt,pu,pv,pw,px,py,pz,q,qa,qb,qc,qd,qe,qf,qg,qh,qi,qj,qk,ql,qm,qn,qo,qp,qq,qr,qs,qt,qu,qv,qw,qx,qy,qz,r,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf,rg,rh,ri,rj,rk,rl,rm,rn,ro,rp,rq,rr,rs,rt,ru,rv,rw,rx,ry,rz,s,sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sn,so,sp,sq,sr,ss,st,su,sv,sw,sx,sy,sz,t,ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf,tg,th,ti,tj,tk,tl,tm,tn,to,tp,tq,tr,ts,tt,tu,tv,tw,tx,ty,tz,u,ua,ub,uc,ud,ue,uf,ug,uh,ui,uj,uk,ul,um,un,uo,up,uq,ur,us,ut,uu,uv,uw,ux,uy,uz,v,va,vb,vc,vd,ve,vf,vg,vh,vi,vj,vk,vl,vm,vn,vo,vp,vq,vr,vs,vt,vu,vv,vw,vx,vy,vz,w,wa,wb,wc,wd,we,wf,wg,wh,wi,wj,wk,wl,wm,wn,wo,wp,wq,wr,ws,wt,wu,wv,ww,wx,wy,wz,x,xa,xb,xc,xd,xe,xf,xg,xh,xi,xj,xk,xl,xm,xn,xo,xp,xq,xr,xs,xt,xu,xv,xw,xx,xy,xz,y,ya,yb,yc,yd,ye,yf,yg,yh,yi,yj,yk,yl,ym,yn,yo,yp,yq,yr,ys,yt,yu,yv,yw,yx,yy,yz,z,za,zb,zc,zd,ze,zf,zg,zh,zi,zj,zk,zl,zm,zn,zo,zp,zq,zr,zs,zt,zu,zv,zw,zx,zy,zz;c=b[1];d=b[2];e=b[3];f=b[4];g=b[5];h=b[0];i=new $Uint64(0,0);j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=A.Mul64(h,b[5]);j=k[0];i=k[1];l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=A.Mul64(h,b[4]);m=n[0];l=n[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Mul64(h,b[3]);p=q[0];o=q[1];r=new $Uint64(0,0);s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=A.Mul64(h,b[2]);s=t[0];r=t[1];u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=A.Mul64(h,b[1]);v=w[0];u=w[1];x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=new $Uint64(0,0);z=A.Mul64(h,b[0]);y=z[0];x=z[1];aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=A.Add64(y,u,new $Uint64(0,0));aa=ac[0];ab=ac[1];ad=new $Uint64(0,0);ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=A.Add64(v,r,((ag=(new X(ab.$high,ab.$low)),new $Uint64(ag.$high,ag.$low))));ad=af[0];ae=af[1];ah=new $Uint64(0,0);ai=new $Uint64(0,0);aj=A.Add64(s,o,((ak=(new X(ae.$high,ae.$low)),new $Uint64(ak.$high,ak.$low))));ah=aj[0];ai=aj[1];al=new $Uint64(0,0);am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=A.Add64(p,l,((ao=(new X(ai.$high,ai.$low)),new $Uint64(ao.$high,ao.$low))));al=an[0];am=an[1];ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=A.Add64(m,i,((as=(new X(am.$high,am.$low)),new $Uint64(as.$high,as.$low))));ap=ar[0];aq=ar[1];av=(at=((au=(new X(aq.$high,aq.$low)),new $Uint64(au.$high,au.$low))),new $Uint64(at.$high+j.$high,at.$low+j.$low));aw=new $Uint64(0,0);ax=A.Mul64(x,new $Uint64(1,1));aw=ax[1];ay=new $Uint64(0,0);az=new $Uint64(0,0);ba=A.Mul64(aw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));az=ba[0];ay=ba[1];bb=new $Uint64(0,0);bc=new $Uint64(0,0);bd=A.Mul64(aw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bc=bd[0];bb=bd[1];be=new $Uint64(0,0);bf=new $Uint64(0,0);bg=A.Mul64(aw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));bf=bg[0];be=bg[1];bh=new $Uint64(0,0);bi=new $Uint64(0,0);bj=A.Mul64(aw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));bi=bj[0];bh=bj[1];bk=new $Uint64(0,0);bl=new $Uint64(0,0);bm=A.Mul64(aw,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));bl=bm[0];bk=bm[1];bn=new $Uint64(0,0);bo=new $Uint64(0,0);bp=A.Mul64(aw,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));bo=bp[0];bn=bp[1];bq=new $Uint64(0,0);br=new $Uint64(0,0);bs=A.Add64(bo,bk,new $Uint64(0,0));bq=bs[0];br=bs[1];bt=new $Uint64(0,0);bu=new $Uint64(0,0);bv=A.Add64(bl,bh,((bw=(new X(br.$high,br.$low)),new $Uint64(bw.$high,bw.$low))));bt=bv[0];bu=bv[1];bx=new $Uint64(0,0);by=new $Uint64(0,0);bz=A.Add64(bi,be,((ca=(new X(bu.$high,bu.$low)),new $Uint64(ca.$high,ca.$low))));bx=bz[0];by=bz[1];cb=new $Uint64(0,0);cc=new $Uint64(0,0);cd=A.Add64(bf,bb,((ce=(new X(by.$high,by.$low)),new $Uint64(ce.$high,ce.$low))));cb=cd[0];cc=cd[1];cf=new $Uint64(0,0);cg=new $Uint64(0,0);ch=A.Add64(bc,ay,((ci=(new X(cc.$high,cc.$low)),new $Uint64(ci.$high,ci.$low))));cf=ch[0];cg=ch[1];cl=(cj=((ck=(new X(cg.$high,cg.$low)),new $Uint64(ck.$high,ck.$low))),new $Uint64(cj.$high+az.$high,cj.$low+az.$low));cm=new $Uint64(0,0);cn=A.Add64(x,bn,new $Uint64(0,0));cm=cn[1];co=new $Uint64(0,0);cp=new $Uint64(0,0);cq=A.Add64(aa,bq,((cr=(new X(cm.$high,cm.$low)),new $Uint64(cr.$high,cr.$low))));co=cq[0];cp=cq[1];cs=new $Uint64(0,0);ct=new $Uint64(0,0);cu=A.Add64(ad,bt,((cv=(new X(cp.$high,cp.$low)),new $Uint64(cv.$high,cv.$low))));cs=cu[0];ct=cu[1];cw=new $Uint64(0,0);cx=new $Uint64(0,0);cy=A.Add64(ah,bx,((cz=(new X(ct.$high,ct.$low)),new $Uint64(cz.$high,cz.$low))));cw=cy[0];cx=cy[1];da=new $Uint64(0,0);db=new $Uint64(0,0);dc=A.Add64(al,cb,((dd=(new X(cx.$high,cx.$low)),new $Uint64(dd.$high,dd.$low))));da=dc[0];db=dc[1];de=new $Uint64(0,0);df=new $Uint64(0,0);dg=A.Add64(ap,cf,((dh=(new X(db.$high,db.$low)),new $Uint64(dh.$high,dh.$low))));de=dg[0];df=dg[1];di=new $Uint64(0,0);dj=new $Uint64(0,0);dk=A.Add64(av,cl,((dl=(new X(df.$high,df.$low)),new $Uint64(dl.$high,dl.$low))));di=dk[0];dj=dk[1];dm=new $Uint64(0,0);dn=new $Uint64(0,0);dp=A.Mul64(c,b[5]);dn=dp[0];dm=dp[1];dq=new $Uint64(0,0);dr=new $Uint64(0,0);ds=A.Mul64(c,b[4]);dr=ds[0];dq=ds[1];dt=new $Uint64(0,0);du=new $Uint64(0,0);dv=A.Mul64(c,b[3]);du=dv[0];dt=dv[1];dw=new $Uint64(0,0);dx=new $Uint64(0,0);dy=A.Mul64(c,b[2]);dx=dy[0];dw=dy[1];dz=new $Uint64(0,0);ea=new $Uint64(0,0);eb=A.Mul64(c,b[1]);ea=eb[0];dz=eb[1];ec=new $Uint64(0,0);ed=new $Uint64(0,0);ee=A.Mul64(c,b[0]);ed=ee[0];ec=ee[1];ef=new $Uint64(0,0);eg=new $Uint64(0,0);eh=A.Add64(ed,dz,new $Uint64(0,0));ef=eh[0];eg=eh[1];ei=new $Uint64(0,0);ej=new $Uint64(0,0);ek=A.Add64(ea,dw,((el=(new X(eg.$high,eg.$low)),new $Uint64(el.$high,el.$low))));ei=ek[0];ej=ek[1];em=new $Uint64(0,0);en=new $Uint64(0,0);eo=A.Add64(dx,dt,((ep=(new X(ej.$high,ej.$low)),new $Uint64(ep.$high,ep.$low))));em=eo[0];en=eo[1];eq=new $Uint64(0,0);er=new $Uint64(0,0);es=A.Add64(du,dq,((et=(new X(en.$high,en.$low)),new $Uint64(et.$high,et.$low))));eq=es[0];er=es[1];eu=new $Uint64(0,0);ev=new $Uint64(0,0);ew=A.Add64(dr,dm,((ex=(new X(er.$high,er.$low)),new $Uint64(ex.$high,ex.$low))));eu=ew[0];ev=ew[1];fa=(ey=((ez=(new X(ev.$high,ev.$low)),new $Uint64(ez.$high,ez.$low))),new $Uint64(ey.$high+dn.$high,ey.$low+dn.$low));fb=new $Uint64(0,0);fc=new $Uint64(0,0);fd=A.Add64(co,ec,new $Uint64(0,0));fb=fd[0];fc=fd[1];fe=new $Uint64(0,0);ff=new $Uint64(0,0);fg=A.Add64(cs,ef,((fh=(new X(fc.$high,fc.$low)),new $Uint64(fh.$high,fh.$low))));fe=fg[0];ff=fg[1];fi=new $Uint64(0,0);fj=new $Uint64(0,0);fk=A.Add64(cw,ei,((fl=(new X(ff.$high,ff.$low)),new $Uint64(fl.$high,fl.$low))));fi=fk[0];fj=fk[1];fm=new $Uint64(0,0);fn=new $Uint64(0,0);fo=A.Add64(da,em,((fp=(new X(fj.$high,fj.$low)),new $Uint64(fp.$high,fp.$low))));fm=fo[0];fn=fo[1];fq=new $Uint64(0,0);fr=new $Uint64(0,0);fs=A.Add64(de,eq,((ft=(new X(fn.$high,fn.$low)),new $Uint64(ft.$high,ft.$low))));fq=fs[0];fr=fs[1];fu=new $Uint64(0,0);fv=new $Uint64(0,0);fw=A.Add64(di,eu,((fx=(new X(fr.$high,fr.$low)),new $Uint64(fx.$high,fx.$low))));fu=fw[0];fv=fw[1];fy=new $Uint64(0,0);fz=new $Uint64(0,0);ga=A.Add64(((gb=(new X(dj.$high,dj.$low)),new $Uint64(gb.$high,gb.$low))),fa,((gc=(new X(fv.$high,fv.$low)),new $Uint64(gc.$high,gc.$low))));fy=ga[0];fz=ga[1];gd=new $Uint64(0,0);ge=A.Mul64(fb,new $Uint64(1,1));gd=ge[1];gf=new $Uint64(0,0);gg=new $Uint64(0,0);gh=A.Mul64(gd,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gg=gh[0];gf=gh[1];gi=new $Uint64(0,0);gj=new $Uint64(0,0);gk=A.Mul64(gd,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gj=gk[0];gi=gk[1];gl=new $Uint64(0,0);gm=new $Uint64(0,0);gn=A.Mul64(gd,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gm=gn[0];gl=gn[1];go=new $Uint64(0,0);gp=new $Uint64(0,0);gq=A.Mul64(gd,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));gp=gq[0];go=gq[1];gr=new $Uint64(0,0);gs=new $Uint64(0,0);gt=A.Mul64(gd,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));gs=gt[0];gr=gt[1];gu=new $Uint64(0,0);gv=new $Uint64(0,0);gw=A.Mul64(gd,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));gv=gw[0];gu=gw[1];gx=new $Uint64(0,0);gy=new $Uint64(0,0);gz=A.Add64(gv,gr,new $Uint64(0,0));gx=gz[0];gy=gz[1];ha=new $Uint64(0,0);hb=new $Uint64(0,0);hc=A.Add64(gs,go,((hd=(new X(gy.$high,gy.$low)),new $Uint64(hd.$high,hd.$low))));ha=hc[0];hb=hc[1];he=new $Uint64(0,0);hf=new $Uint64(0,0);hg=A.Add64(gp,gl,((hh=(new X(hb.$high,hb.$low)),new $Uint64(hh.$high,hh.$low))));he=hg[0];hf=hg[1];hi=new $Uint64(0,0);hj=new $Uint64(0,0);hk=A.Add64(gm,gi,((hl=(new X(hf.$high,hf.$low)),new $Uint64(hl.$high,hl.$low))));hi=hk[0];hj=hk[1];hm=new $Uint64(0,0);hn=new $Uint64(0,0);ho=A.Add64(gj,gf,((hp=(new X(hj.$high,hj.$low)),new $Uint64(hp.$high,hp.$low))));hm=ho[0];hn=ho[1];hs=(hq=((hr=(new X(hn.$high,hn.$low)),new $Uint64(hr.$high,hr.$low))),new $Uint64(hq.$high+gg.$high,hq.$low+gg.$low));ht=new $Uint64(0,0);hu=A.Add64(fb,gu,new $Uint64(0,0));ht=hu[1];hv=new $Uint64(0,0);hw=new $Uint64(0,0);hx=A.Add64(fe,gx,((hy=(new X(ht.$high,ht.$low)),new $Uint64(hy.$high,hy.$low))));hv=hx[0];hw=hx[1];hz=new $Uint64(0,0);ia=new $Uint64(0,0);ib=A.Add64(fi,ha,((ic=(new X(hw.$high,hw.$low)),new $Uint64(ic.$high,ic.$low))));hz=ib[0];ia=ib[1];id=new $Uint64(0,0);ie=new $Uint64(0,0);ig=A.Add64(fm,he,((ih=(new X(ia.$high,ia.$low)),new $Uint64(ih.$high,ih.$low))));id=ig[0];ie=ig[1];ii=new $Uint64(0,0);ij=new $Uint64(0,0);ik=A.Add64(fq,hi,((il=(new X(ie.$high,ie.$low)),new $Uint64(il.$high,il.$low))));ii=ik[0];ij=ik[1];im=new $Uint64(0,0);io=new $Uint64(0,0);ip=A.Add64(fu,hm,((iq=(new X(ij.$high,ij.$low)),new $Uint64(iq.$high,iq.$low))));im=ip[0];io=ip[1];ir=new $Uint64(0,0);is=new $Uint64(0,0);it=A.Add64(fy,hs,((iu=(new X(io.$high,io.$low)),new $Uint64(iu.$high,iu.$low))));ir=it[0];is=it[1];iz=(iv=((iw=(new X(is.$high,is.$low)),new $Uint64(iw.$high,iw.$low))),ix=((iy=(new X(fz.$high,fz.$low)),new $Uint64(iy.$high,iy.$low))),new $Uint64(iv.$high+ix.$high,iv.$low+ix.$low));ja=new $Uint64(0,0);jb=new $Uint64(0,0);jc=A.Mul64(d,b[5]);jb=jc[0];ja=jc[1];jd=new $Uint64(0,0);je=new $Uint64(0,0);jf=A.Mul64(d,b[4]);je=jf[0];jd=jf[1];jg=new $Uint64(0,0);jh=new $Uint64(0,0);ji=A.Mul64(d,b[3]);jh=ji[0];jg=ji[1];jj=new $Uint64(0,0);jk=new $Uint64(0,0);jl=A.Mul64(d,b[2]);jk=jl[0];jj=jl[1];jm=new $Uint64(0,0);jn=new $Uint64(0,0);jo=A.Mul64(d,b[1]);jn=jo[0];jm=jo[1];jp=new $Uint64(0,0);jq=new $Uint64(0,0);jr=A.Mul64(d,b[0]);jq=jr[0];jp=jr[1];js=new $Uint64(0,0);jt=new $Uint64(0,0);ju=A.Add64(jq,jm,new $Uint64(0,0));js=ju[0];jt=ju[1];jv=new $Uint64(0,0);jw=new $Uint64(0,0);jx=A.Add64(jn,jj,((jy=(new X(jt.$high,jt.$low)),new $Uint64(jy.$high,jy.$low))));jv=jx[0];jw=jx[1];jz=new $Uint64(0,0);ka=new $Uint64(0,0);kb=A.Add64(jk,jg,((kc=(new X(jw.$high,jw.$low)),new $Uint64(kc.$high,kc.$low))));jz=kb[0];ka=kb[1];kd=new $Uint64(0,0);ke=new $Uint64(0,0);kf=A.Add64(jh,jd,((kg=(new X(ka.$high,ka.$low)),new $Uint64(kg.$high,kg.$low))));kd=kf[0];ke=kf[1];kh=new $Uint64(0,0);ki=new $Uint64(0,0);kj=A.Add64(je,ja,((kk=(new X(ke.$high,ke.$low)),new $Uint64(kk.$high,kk.$low))));kh=kj[0];ki=kj[1];kn=(kl=((km=(new X(ki.$high,ki.$low)),new $Uint64(km.$high,km.$low))),new $Uint64(kl.$high+jb.$high,kl.$low+jb.$low));ko=new $Uint64(0,0);kp=new $Uint64(0,0);kq=A.Add64(hv,jp,new $Uint64(0,0));ko=kq[0];kp=kq[1];kr=new $Uint64(0,0);ks=new $Uint64(0,0);kt=A.Add64(hz,js,((ku=(new X(kp.$high,kp.$low)),new $Uint64(ku.$high,ku.$low))));kr=kt[0];ks=kt[1];kv=new $Uint64(0,0);kw=new $Uint64(0,0);kx=A.Add64(id,jv,((ky=(new X(ks.$high,ks.$low)),new $Uint64(ky.$high,ky.$low))));kv=kx[0];kw=kx[1];kz=new $Uint64(0,0);la=new $Uint64(0,0);lb=A.Add64(ii,jz,((lc=(new X(kw.$high,kw.$low)),new $Uint64(lc.$high,lc.$low))));kz=lb[0];la=lb[1];ld=new $Uint64(0,0);le=new $Uint64(0,0);lf=A.Add64(im,kd,((lg=(new X(la.$high,la.$low)),new $Uint64(lg.$high,lg.$low))));ld=lf[0];le=lf[1];lh=new $Uint64(0,0);li=new $Uint64(0,0);lj=A.Add64(ir,kh,((lk=(new X(le.$high,le.$low)),new $Uint64(lk.$high,lk.$low))));lh=lj[0];li=lj[1];ll=new $Uint64(0,0);lm=new $Uint64(0,0);ln=A.Add64(iz,kn,((lo=(new X(li.$high,li.$low)),new $Uint64(lo.$high,lo.$low))));ll=ln[0];lm=ln[1];lp=new $Uint64(0,0);lq=A.Mul64(ko,new $Uint64(1,1));lp=lq[1];lr=new $Uint64(0,0);ls=new $Uint64(0,0);lt=A.Mul64(lp,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ls=lt[0];lr=lt[1];lu=new $Uint64(0,0);lv=new $Uint64(0,0);lw=A.Mul64(lp,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));lv=lw[0];lu=lw[1];lx=new $Uint64(0,0);ly=new $Uint64(0,0);lz=A.Mul64(lp,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ly=lz[0];lx=lz[1];ma=new $Uint64(0,0);mb=new $Uint64(0,0);mc=A.Mul64(lp,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));mb=mc[0];ma=mc[1];md=new $Uint64(0,0);me=new $Uint64(0,0);mf=A.Mul64(lp,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));me=mf[0];md=mf[1];mg=new $Uint64(0,0);mh=new $Uint64(0,0);mi=A.Mul64(lp,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));mh=mi[0];mg=mi[1];mj=new $Uint64(0,0);mk=new $Uint64(0,0);ml=A.Add64(mh,md,new $Uint64(0,0));mj=ml[0];mk=ml[1];mm=new $Uint64(0,0);mn=new $Uint64(0,0);mo=A.Add64(me,ma,((mp=(new X(mk.$high,mk.$low)),new $Uint64(mp.$high,mp.$low))));mm=mo[0];mn=mo[1];mq=new $Uint64(0,0);mr=new $Uint64(0,0);ms=A.Add64(mb,lx,((mt=(new X(mn.$high,mn.$low)),new $Uint64(mt.$high,mt.$low))));mq=ms[0];mr=ms[1];mu=new $Uint64(0,0);mv=new $Uint64(0,0);mw=A.Add64(ly,lu,((mx=(new X(mr.$high,mr.$low)),new $Uint64(mx.$high,mx.$low))));mu=mw[0];mv=mw[1];my=new $Uint64(0,0);mz=new $Uint64(0,0);na=A.Add64(lv,lr,((nb=(new X(mv.$high,mv.$low)),new $Uint64(nb.$high,nb.$low))));my=na[0];mz=na[1];ne=(nc=((nd=(new X(mz.$high,mz.$low)),new $Uint64(nd.$high,nd.$low))),new $Uint64(nc.$high+ls.$high,nc.$low+ls.$low));nf=new $Uint64(0,0);ng=A.Add64(ko,mg,new $Uint64(0,0));nf=ng[1];nh=new $Uint64(0,0);ni=new $Uint64(0,0);nj=A.Add64(kr,mj,((nk=(new X(nf.$high,nf.$low)),new $Uint64(nk.$high,nk.$low))));nh=nj[0];ni=nj[1];nl=new $Uint64(0,0);nm=new $Uint64(0,0);nn=A.Add64(kv,mm,((no=(new X(ni.$high,ni.$low)),new $Uint64(no.$high,no.$low))));nl=nn[0];nm=nn[1];np=new $Uint64(0,0);nq=new $Uint64(0,0);nr=A.Add64(kz,mq,((ns=(new X(nm.$high,nm.$low)),new $Uint64(ns.$high,ns.$low))));np=nr[0];nq=nr[1];nt=new $Uint64(0,0);nu=new $Uint64(0,0);nv=A.Add64(ld,mu,((nw=(new X(nq.$high,nq.$low)),new $Uint64(nw.$high,nw.$low))));nt=nv[0];nu=nv[1];nx=new $Uint64(0,0);ny=new $Uint64(0,0);nz=A.Add64(lh,my,((oa=(new X(nu.$high,nu.$low)),new $Uint64(oa.$high,oa.$low))));nx=nz[0];ny=nz[1];ob=new $Uint64(0,0);oc=new $Uint64(0,0);od=A.Add64(ll,ne,((oe=(new X(ny.$high,ny.$low)),new $Uint64(oe.$high,oe.$low))));ob=od[0];oc=od[1];oj=(of=((og=(new X(oc.$high,oc.$low)),new $Uint64(og.$high,og.$low))),oh=((oi=(new X(lm.$high,lm.$low)),new $Uint64(oi.$high,oi.$low))),new $Uint64(of.$high+oh.$high,of.$low+oh.$low));ok=new $Uint64(0,0);ol=new $Uint64(0,0);om=A.Mul64(e,b[5]);ol=om[0];ok=om[1];on=new $Uint64(0,0);oo=new $Uint64(0,0);op=A.Mul64(e,b[4]);oo=op[0];on=op[1];oq=new $Uint64(0,0);or=new $Uint64(0,0);os=A.Mul64(e,b[3]);or=os[0];oq=os[1];ot=new $Uint64(0,0);ou=new $Uint64(0,0);ov=A.Mul64(e,b[2]);ou=ov[0];ot=ov[1];ow=new $Uint64(0,0);ox=new $Uint64(0,0);oy=A.Mul64(e,b[1]);ox=oy[0];ow=oy[1];oz=new $Uint64(0,0);pa=new $Uint64(0,0);pb=A.Mul64(e,b[0]);pa=pb[0];oz=pb[1];pc=new $Uint64(0,0);pd=new $Uint64(0,0);pe=A.Add64(pa,ow,new $Uint64(0,0));pc=pe[0];pd=pe[1];pf=new $Uint64(0,0);pg=new $Uint64(0,0);ph=A.Add64(ox,ot,((pi=(new X(pd.$high,pd.$low)),new $Uint64(pi.$high,pi.$low))));pf=ph[0];pg=ph[1];pj=new $Uint64(0,0);pk=new $Uint64(0,0);pl=A.Add64(ou,oq,((pm=(new X(pg.$high,pg.$low)),new $Uint64(pm.$high,pm.$low))));pj=pl[0];pk=pl[1];pn=new $Uint64(0,0);po=new $Uint64(0,0);pp=A.Add64(or,on,((pq=(new X(pk.$high,pk.$low)),new $Uint64(pq.$high,pq.$low))));pn=pp[0];po=pp[1];pr=new $Uint64(0,0);ps=new $Uint64(0,0);pt=A.Add64(oo,ok,((pu=(new X(po.$high,po.$low)),new $Uint64(pu.$high,pu.$low))));pr=pt[0];ps=pt[1];px=(pv=((pw=(new X(ps.$high,ps.$low)),new $Uint64(pw.$high,pw.$low))),new $Uint64(pv.$high+ol.$high,pv.$low+ol.$low));py=new $Uint64(0,0);pz=new $Uint64(0,0);qa=A.Add64(nh,oz,new $Uint64(0,0));py=qa[0];pz=qa[1];qb=new $Uint64(0,0);qc=new $Uint64(0,0);qd=A.Add64(nl,pc,((qe=(new X(pz.$high,pz.$low)),new $Uint64(qe.$high,qe.$low))));qb=qd[0];qc=qd[1];qf=new $Uint64(0,0);qg=new $Uint64(0,0);qh=A.Add64(np,pf,((qi=(new X(qc.$high,qc.$low)),new $Uint64(qi.$high,qi.$low))));qf=qh[0];qg=qh[1];qj=new $Uint64(0,0);qk=new $Uint64(0,0);ql=A.Add64(nt,pj,((qm=(new X(qg.$high,qg.$low)),new 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$Uint64(0,0);rp=A.Mul64(qz,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));ro=rp[0];rn=rp[1];rq=new $Uint64(0,0);rr=new $Uint64(0,0);rs=A.Mul64(qz,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));rr=rs[0];rq=rs[1];rt=new $Uint64(0,0);ru=new $Uint64(0,0);rv=A.Add64(rr,rn,new $Uint64(0,0));rt=rv[0];ru=rv[1];rw=new $Uint64(0,0);rx=new $Uint64(0,0);ry=A.Add64(ro,rk,((rz=(new X(ru.$high,ru.$low)),new $Uint64(rz.$high,rz.$low))));rw=ry[0];rx=ry[1];sa=new $Uint64(0,0);sb=new $Uint64(0,0);sc=A.Add64(rl,rh,((sd=(new X(rx.$high,rx.$low)),new $Uint64(sd.$high,sd.$low))));sa=sc[0];sb=sc[1];se=new $Uint64(0,0);sf=new $Uint64(0,0);sg=A.Add64(ri,re,((sh=(new X(sb.$high,sb.$low)),new $Uint64(sh.$high,sh.$low))));se=sg[0];sf=sg[1];si=new $Uint64(0,0);sj=new $Uint64(0,0);sk=A.Add64(rf,rb,((sl=(new X(sf.$high,sf.$low)),new $Uint64(sl.$high,sl.$low))));si=sk[0];sj=sk[1];so=(sm=((sn=(new X(sj.$high,sj.$low)),new $Uint64(sn.$high,sn.$low))),new $Uint64(sm.$high+rc.$high,sm.$low+rc.$low));sp=new $Uint64(0,0);sq=A.Add64(py,rq,new $Uint64(0,0));sp=sq[1];sr=new $Uint64(0,0);ss=new $Uint64(0,0);st=A.Add64(qb,rt,((su=(new X(sp.$high,sp.$low)),new $Uint64(su.$high,su.$low))));sr=st[0];ss=st[1];sv=new $Uint64(0,0);sw=new $Uint64(0,0);sx=A.Add64(qf,rw,((sy=(new X(ss.$high,ss.$low)),new $Uint64(sy.$high,sy.$low))));sv=sx[0];sw=sx[1];sz=new $Uint64(0,0);ta=new $Uint64(0,0);tb=A.Add64(qj,sa,((tc=(new X(sw.$high,sw.$low)),new $Uint64(tc.$high,tc.$low))));sz=tb[0];ta=tb[1];td=new $Uint64(0,0);te=new $Uint64(0,0);tf=A.Add64(qn,se,((tg=(new X(ta.$high,ta.$low)),new $Uint64(tg.$high,tg.$low))));td=tf[0];te=tf[1];th=new $Uint64(0,0);ti=new $Uint64(0,0);tj=A.Add64(qr,si,((tk=(new X(te.$high,te.$low)),new $Uint64(tk.$high,tk.$low))));th=tj[0];ti=tj[1];tl=new $Uint64(0,0);tm=new $Uint64(0,0);tn=A.Add64(qv,so,((to=(new X(ti.$high,ti.$low)),new $Uint64(to.$high,to.$low))));tl=tn[0];tm=tn[1];tt=(tp=((tq=(new X(tm.$high,tm.$low)),new $Uint64(tq.$high,tq.$low))),tr=((ts=(new X(qw.$high,qw.$low)),new $Uint64(ts.$high,ts.$low))),new $Uint64(tp.$high+tr.$high,tp.$low+tr.$low));tu=new $Uint64(0,0);tv=new $Uint64(0,0);tw=A.Mul64(f,b[5]);tv=tw[0];tu=tw[1];tx=new $Uint64(0,0);ty=new $Uint64(0,0);tz=A.Mul64(f,b[4]);ty=tz[0];tx=tz[1];ua=new $Uint64(0,0);ub=new $Uint64(0,0);uc=A.Mul64(f,b[3]);ub=uc[0];ua=uc[1];ud=new $Uint64(0,0);ue=new $Uint64(0,0);uf=A.Mul64(f,b[2]);ue=uf[0];ud=uf[1];ug=new $Uint64(0,0);uh=new $Uint64(0,0);ui=A.Mul64(f,b[1]);uh=ui[0];ug=ui[1];uj=new $Uint64(0,0);uk=new $Uint64(0,0);ul=A.Mul64(f,b[0]);uk=ul[0];uj=ul[1];um=new $Uint64(0,0);un=new $Uint64(0,0);uo=A.Add64(uk,ug,new $Uint64(0,0));um=uo[0];un=uo[1];up=new $Uint64(0,0);uq=new $Uint64(0,0);ur=A.Add64(uh,ud,((us=(new X(un.$high,un.$low)),new $Uint64(us.$high,us.$low))));up=ur[0];uq=ur[1];ut=new $Uint64(0,0);uu=new $Uint64(0,0);uv=A.Add64(ue,ua,((uw=(new X(uq.$high,uq.$low)),new $Uint64(uw.$high,uw.$low))));ut=uv[0];uu=uv[1];ux=new $Uint64(0,0);uy=new $Uint64(0,0);uz=A.Add64(ub,tx,((va=(new X(uu.$high,uu.$low)),new $Uint64(va.$high,va.$low))));ux=uz[0];uy=uz[1];vb=new $Uint64(0,0);vc=new $Uint64(0,0);vd=A.Add64(ty,tu,((ve=(new X(uy.$high,uy.$low)),new $Uint64(ve.$high,ve.$low))));vb=vd[0];vc=vd[1];vh=(vf=((vg=(new X(vc.$high,vc.$low)),new $Uint64(vg.$high,vg.$low))),new $Uint64(vf.$high+tv.$high,vf.$low+tv.$low));vi=new $Uint64(0,0);vj=new $Uint64(0,0);vk=A.Add64(sr,uj,new $Uint64(0,0));vi=vk[0];vj=vk[1];vl=new $Uint64(0,0);vm=new $Uint64(0,0);vn=A.Add64(sv,um,((vo=(new X(vj.$high,vj.$low)),new $Uint64(vo.$high,vo.$low))));vl=vn[0];vm=vn[1];vp=new $Uint64(0,0);vq=new $Uint64(0,0);vr=A.Add64(sz,up,((vs=(new X(vm.$high,vm.$low)),new $Uint64(vs.$high,vs.$low))));vp=vr[0];vq=vr[1];vt=new $Uint64(0,0);vu=new $Uint64(0,0);vv=A.Add64(td,ut,((vw=(new X(vq.$high,vq.$low)),new $Uint64(vw.$high,vw.$low))));vt=vv[0];vu=vv[1];vx=new $Uint64(0,0);vy=new $Uint64(0,0);vz=A.Add64(th,ux,((wa=(new X(vu.$high,vu.$low)),new $Uint64(wa.$high,wa.$low))));vx=vz[0];vy=vz[1];wb=new $Uint64(0,0);wc=new $Uint64(0,0);wd=A.Add64(tl,vb,((we=(new X(vy.$high,vy.$low)),new $Uint64(we.$high,we.$low))));wb=wd[0];wc=wd[1];wf=new $Uint64(0,0);wg=new $Uint64(0,0);wh=A.Add64(tt,vh,((wi=(new X(wc.$high,wc.$low)),new $Uint64(wi.$high,wi.$low))));wf=wh[0];wg=wh[1];wj=new $Uint64(0,0);wk=A.Mul64(vi,new $Uint64(1,1));wj=wk[1];wl=new $Uint64(0,0);wm=new $Uint64(0,0);wn=A.Mul64(wj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));wm=wn[0];wl=wn[1];wo=new $Uint64(0,0);wp=new $Uint64(0,0);wq=A.Mul64(wj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));wp=wq[0];wo=wq[1];wr=new $Uint64(0,0);ws=new $Uint64(0,0);wt=A.Mul64(wj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ws=wt[0];wr=wt[1];wu=new $Uint64(0,0);wv=new $Uint64(0,0);ww=A.Mul64(wj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));wv=ww[0];wu=ww[1];wx=new $Uint64(0,0);wy=new $Uint64(0,0);wz=A.Mul64(wj,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));wy=wz[0];wx=wz[1];xa=new $Uint64(0,0);xb=new $Uint64(0,0);xc=A.Mul64(wj,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));xb=xc[0];xa=xc[1];xd=new $Uint64(0,0);xe=new $Uint64(0,0);xf=A.Add64(xb,wx,new $Uint64(0,0));xd=xf[0];xe=xf[1];xg=new $Uint64(0,0);xh=new $Uint64(0,0);xi=A.Add64(wy,wu,((xj=(new X(xe.$high,xe.$low)),new $Uint64(xj.$high,xj.$low))));xg=xi[0];xh=xi[1];xk=new $Uint64(0,0);xl=new $Uint64(0,0);xm=A.Add64(wv,wr,((xn=(new X(xh.$high,xh.$low)),new $Uint64(xn.$high,xn.$low))));xk=xm[0];xl=xm[1];xo=new $Uint64(0,0);xp=new $Uint64(0,0);xq=A.Add64(ws,wo,((xr=(new X(xl.$high,xl.$low)),new $Uint64(xr.$high,xr.$low))));xo=xq[0];xp=xq[1];xs=new $Uint64(0,0);xt=new $Uint64(0,0);xu=A.Add64(wp,wl,((xv=(new X(xp.$high,xp.$low)),new $Uint64(xv.$high,xv.$low))));xs=xu[0];xt=xu[1];xy=(xw=((xx=(new X(xt.$high,xt.$low)),new $Uint64(xx.$high,xx.$low))),new $Uint64(xw.$high+wm.$high,xw.$low+wm.$low));xz=new $Uint64(0,0);ya=A.Add64(vi,xa,new $Uint64(0,0));xz=ya[1];yb=new $Uint64(0,0);yc=new $Uint64(0,0);yd=A.Add64(vl,xd,((ye=(new X(xz.$high,xz.$low)),new $Uint64(ye.$high,ye.$low))));yb=yd[0];yc=yd[1];yf=new $Uint64(0,0);yg=new $Uint64(0,0);yh=A.Add64(vp,xg,((yi=(new X(yc.$high,yc.$low)),new $Uint64(yi.$high,yi.$low))));yf=yh[0];yg=yh[1];yj=new $Uint64(0,0);yk=new $Uint64(0,0);yl=A.Add64(vt,xk,((ym=(new X(yg.$high,yg.$low)),new $Uint64(ym.$high,ym.$low))));yj=yl[0];yk=yl[1];yn=new $Uint64(0,0);yo=new $Uint64(0,0);yp=A.Add64(vx,xo,((yq=(new X(yk.$high,yk.$low)),new $Uint64(yq.$high,yq.$low))));yn=yp[0];yo=yp[1];yr=new $Uint64(0,0);ys=new $Uint64(0,0);yt=A.Add64(wb,xs,((yu=(new X(yo.$high,yo.$low)),new $Uint64(yu.$high,yu.$low))));yr=yt[0];ys=yt[1];yv=new $Uint64(0,0);yw=new $Uint64(0,0);yx=A.Add64(wf,xy,((yy=(new X(ys.$high,ys.$low)),new $Uint64(yy.$high,yy.$low))));yv=yx[0];yw=yx[1];zd=(yz=((za=(new X(yw.$high,yw.$low)),new $Uint64(za.$high,za.$low))),zb=((zc=(new X(wg.$high,wg.$low)),new $Uint64(zc.$high,zc.$low))),new $Uint64(yz.$high+zb.$high,yz.$low+zb.$low));ze=new $Uint64(0,0);zf=new $Uint64(0,0);zg=A.Mul64(g,b[5]);zf=zg[0];ze=zg[1];zh=new $Uint64(0,0);zi=new $Uint64(0,0);zj=A.Mul64(g,b[4]);zi=zj[0];zh=zj[1];zk=new $Uint64(0,0);zl=new $Uint64(0,0);zm=A.Mul64(g,b[3]);zl=zm[0];zk=zm[1];zn=new $Uint64(0,0);zo=new $Uint64(0,0);zp=A.Mul64(g,b[2]);zo=zp[0];zn=zp[1];zq=new $Uint64(0,0);zr=new $Uint64(0,0);zs=A.Mul64(g,b[1]);zr=zs[0];zq=zs[1];zt=new $Uint64(0,0);zu=new $Uint64(0,0);zv=A.Mul64(g,b[0]);zu=zv[0];zt=zv[1];zw=new $Uint64(0,0);zx=new $Uint64(0,0);zy=A.Add64(zu,zq,new $Uint64(0,0));zw=zy[0];zx=zy[1];zz=new $Uint64(0,0);aaa=new $Uint64(0,0);aab=A.Add64(zr,zn,((aac=(new X(zx.$high,zx.$low)),new $Uint64(aac.$high,aac.$low))));zz=aab[0];aaa=aab[1];aad=new $Uint64(0,0);aae=new $Uint64(0,0);aaf=A.Add64(zo,zk,((aag=(new X(aaa.$high,aaa.$low)),new $Uint64(aag.$high,aag.$low))));aad=aaf[0];aae=aaf[1];aah=new $Uint64(0,0);aai=new $Uint64(0,0);aaj=A.Add64(zl,zh,((aak=(new X(aae.$high,aae.$low)),new $Uint64(aak.$high,aak.$low))));aah=aaj[0];aai=aaj[1];aal=new $Uint64(0,0);aam=new $Uint64(0,0);aan=A.Add64(zi,ze,((aao=(new X(aai.$high,aai.$low)),new $Uint64(aao.$high,aao.$low))));aal=aan[0];aam=aan[1];aar=(aap=((aaq=(new X(aam.$high,aam.$low)),new $Uint64(aaq.$high,aaq.$low))),new $Uint64(aap.$high+zf.$high,aap.$low+zf.$low));aas=new $Uint64(0,0);aat=new $Uint64(0,0);aau=A.Add64(yb,zt,new $Uint64(0,0));aas=aau[0];aat=aau[1];aav=new $Uint64(0,0);aaw=new $Uint64(0,0);aax=A.Add64(yf,zw,((aay=(new X(aat.$high,aat.$low)),new $Uint64(aay.$high,aay.$low))));aav=aax[0];aaw=aax[1];aaz=new $Uint64(0,0);aba=new $Uint64(0,0);abb=A.Add64(yj,zz,((abc=(new X(aaw.$high,aaw.$low)),new $Uint64(abc.$high,abc.$low))));aaz=abb[0];aba=abb[1];abd=new $Uint64(0,0);abe=new $Uint64(0,0);abf=A.Add64(yn,aad,((abg=(new X(aba.$high,aba.$low)),new $Uint64(abg.$high,abg.$low))));abd=abf[0];abe=abf[1];abh=new $Uint64(0,0);abi=new $Uint64(0,0);abj=A.Add64(yr,aah,((abk=(new X(abe.$high,abe.$low)),new $Uint64(abk.$high,abk.$low))));abh=abj[0];abi=abj[1];abl=new $Uint64(0,0);abm=new $Uint64(0,0);abn=A.Add64(yv,aal,((abo=(new X(abi.$high,abi.$low)),new 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$Uint64(0,0);acp=A.Add64(acl,ach,new $Uint64(0,0));acn=acp[0];aco=acp[1];acq=new $Uint64(0,0);acr=new $Uint64(0,0);acs=A.Add64(aci,ace,((act=(new X(aco.$high,aco.$low)),new $Uint64(act.$high,act.$low))));acq=acs[0];acr=acs[1];acu=new $Uint64(0,0);acv=new $Uint64(0,0);acw=A.Add64(acf,acb,((acx=(new X(acr.$high,acr.$low)),new $Uint64(acx.$high,acx.$low))));acu=acw[0];acv=acw[1];acy=new $Uint64(0,0);acz=new $Uint64(0,0);ada=A.Add64(acc,aby,((adb=(new X(acv.$high,acv.$low)),new $Uint64(adb.$high,adb.$low))));acy=ada[0];acz=ada[1];adc=new $Uint64(0,0);add=new $Uint64(0,0);ade=A.Add64(abz,abv,((adf=(new X(acz.$high,acz.$low)),new $Uint64(adf.$high,adf.$low))));adc=ade[0];add=ade[1];adi=(adg=((adh=(new X(add.$high,add.$low)),new $Uint64(adh.$high,adh.$low))),new $Uint64(adg.$high+abw.$high,adg.$low+abw.$low));adj=new $Uint64(0,0);adk=A.Add64(aas,ack,new $Uint64(0,0));adj=adk[1];adl=new $Uint64(0,0);adm=new $Uint64(0,0);adn=A.Add64(aav,acn,((ado=(new X(adj.$high,adj.$low)),new $Uint64(ado.$high,ado.$low))));adl=adn[0];adm=adn[1];adp=new $Uint64(0,0);adq=new $Uint64(0,0);adr=A.Add64(aaz,acq,((ads=(new X(adm.$high,adm.$low)),new $Uint64(ads.$high,ads.$low))));adp=adr[0];adq=adr[1];adt=new $Uint64(0,0);adu=new $Uint64(0,0);adv=A.Add64(abd,acu,((adw=(new X(adq.$high,adq.$low)),new $Uint64(adw.$high,adw.$low))));adt=adv[0];adu=adv[1];adx=new $Uint64(0,0);ady=new $Uint64(0,0);adz=A.Add64(abh,acy,((aea=(new X(adu.$high,adu.$low)),new $Uint64(aea.$high,aea.$low))));adx=adz[0];ady=adz[1];aeb=new $Uint64(0,0);aec=new $Uint64(0,0);aed=A.Add64(abl,adc,((aee=(new X(ady.$high,ady.$low)),new $Uint64(aee.$high,aee.$low))));aeb=aed[0];aec=aed[1];aef=new $Uint64(0,0);aeg=new $Uint64(0,0);aeh=A.Add64(abp,adi,((aei=(new X(aec.$high,aec.$low)),new $Uint64(aei.$high,aei.$low))));aef=aeh[0];aeg=aeh[1];aen=(aej=((aek=(new X(aeg.$high,aeg.$low)),new $Uint64(aek.$high,aek.$low))),ael=((aem=(new X(abq.$high,abq.$low)),new $Uint64(aem.$high,aem.$low))),new $Uint64(aej.$high+ael.$high,aej.$low+ael.$low));aeo=new $Uint64(0,0);aep=new $Uint64(0,0);aeq=A.Sub64(adl,new $Uint64(0,4294967295),new $Uint64(0,0));aeo=aeq[0];aep=aeq[1];aer=new $Uint64(0,0);aes=new $Uint64(0,0);aet=A.Sub64(adp,new $Uint64(4294967295,0),((aeu=(new X(aep.$high,aep.$low)),new $Uint64(aeu.$high,aeu.$low))));aer=aet[0];aes=aet[1];aev=new $Uint64(0,0);aew=new $Uint64(0,0);aex=A.Sub64(adt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294),((aey=(new X(aes.$high,aes.$low)),new $Uint64(aey.$high,aey.$low))));aev=aex[0];aew=aex[1];aez=new $Uint64(0,0);afa=new $Uint64(0,0);afb=A.Sub64(adx,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((afc=(new X(aew.$high,aew.$low)),new $Uint64(afc.$high,afc.$low))));aez=afb[0];afa=afb[1];afd=new $Uint64(0,0);afe=new $Uint64(0,0);aff=A.Sub64(aeb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((afg=(new X(afa.$high,afa.$low)),new $Uint64(afg.$high,afg.$low))));afd=aff[0];afe=aff[1];afh=new $Uint64(0,0);afi=new $Uint64(0,0);afj=A.Sub64(aef,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((afk=(new X(afe.$high,afe.$low)),new $Uint64(afk.$high,afk.$low))));afh=afj[0];afi=afj[1];afl=new $Uint64(0,0);afm=A.Sub64(aen,new $Uint64(0,0),((afn=(new X(afi.$high,afi.$low)),new $Uint64(afn.$high,afn.$low))));afl=afm[1];afo=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((afp||(afp=new BO(function(){return afo;},function($v){afo=$v;}))),(new X(afl.$high,afl.$low)),aeo,adl);afq=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((afr||(afr=new BO(function(){return afq;},function($v){afq=$v;}))),(new X(afl.$high,afl.$low)),aer,adp);afs=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((aft||(aft=new BO(function(){return afs;},function($v){afs=$v;}))),(new X(afl.$high,afl.$low)),aev,adt);afu=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((afv||(afv=new BO(function(){return afu;},function($v){afu=$v;}))),(new X(afl.$high,afl.$low)),aez,adx);afw=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((afx||(afx=new BO(function(){return afw;},function($v){afw=$v;}))),(new X(afl.$high,afl.$low)),afd,aeb);afy=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((afz||(afz=new BO(function(){return afy;},function($v){afy=$v;}))),(new X(afl.$high,afl.$low)),afh,aef);a.nilCheck,a[0]=afo;a.nilCheck,a[1]=afq;a.nilCheck,a[2]=afs;a.nilCheck,a[3]=afu;a.nilCheck,a[4]=afw;a.nilCheck,a[5]=afy;};AE=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=A.Add64(b[0],c[0],new $Uint64(0,0));d=f[0];e=f[1];g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=A.Add64(b[1],c[1],((j=(new X(e.$high,e.$low)),new $Uint64(j.$high,j.$low))));g=i[0];h=i[1];k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=A.Add64(b[2],c[2],((n=(new X(h.$high,h.$low)),new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low))));k=m[0];l=m[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Add64(b[3],c[3],((r=(new X(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low))));o=q[0];p=q[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=A.Add64(b[4],c[4],((v=(new X(p.$high,p.$low)),new $Uint64(v.$high,v.$low))));s=u[0];t=u[1];w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=A.Add64(b[5],c[5],((z=(new X(t.$high,t.$low)),new $Uint64(z.$high,z.$low))));w=y[0];x=y[1];aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=A.Sub64(d,new $Uint64(0,4294967295),new $Uint64(0,0));aa=ac[0];ab=ac[1];ad=new $Uint64(0,0);ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=A.Sub64(g,new $Uint64(4294967295,0),((ag=(new X(ab.$high,ab.$low)),new $Uint64(ag.$high,ag.$low))));ad=af[0];ae=af[1];ah=new $Uint64(0,0);ai=new $Uint64(0,0);aj=A.Sub64(k,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294),((ak=(new X(ae.$high,ae.$low)),new $Uint64(ak.$high,ak.$low))));ah=aj[0];ai=aj[1];al=new $Uint64(0,0);am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=A.Sub64(o,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((ao=(new X(ai.$high,ai.$low)),new $Uint64(ao.$high,ao.$low))));al=an[0];am=an[1];ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=A.Sub64(s,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((as=(new X(am.$high,am.$low)),new $Uint64(as.$high,as.$low))));ap=ar[0];aq=ar[1];at=new $Uint64(0,0);au=new $Uint64(0,0);av=A.Sub64(w,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((aw=(new X(aq.$high,aq.$low)),new $Uint64(aw.$high,aw.$low))));at=av[0];au=av[1];ax=new $Uint64(0,0);ay=A.Sub64(((az=(new X(x.$high,x.$low)),new $Uint64(az.$high,az.$low))),new $Uint64(0,0),((ba=(new X(au.$high,au.$low)),new $Uint64(ba.$high,ba.$low))));ax=ay[1];bb=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((bc||(bc=new BO(function(){return bb;},function($v){bb=$v;}))),(new X(ax.$high,ax.$low)),aa,d);bd=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((be||(be=new BO(function(){return bd;},function($v){bd=$v;}))),(new X(ax.$high,ax.$low)),ad,g);bf=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((bg||(bg=new BO(function(){return bf;},function($v){bf=$v;}))),(new X(ax.$high,ax.$low)),ah,k);bh=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((bi||(bi=new BO(function(){return bh;},function($v){bh=$v;}))),(new X(ax.$high,ax.$low)),al,o);bj=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((bk||(bk=new BO(function(){return bj;},function($v){bj=$v;}))),(new X(ax.$high,ax.$low)),ap,s);bl=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((bm||(bm=new BO(function(){return bl;},function($v){bl=$v;}))),(new X(ax.$high,ax.$low)),at,w);a.nilCheck,a[0]=bb;a.nilCheck,a[1]=bd;a.nilCheck,a[2]=bf;a.nilCheck,a[3]=bh;a.nilCheck,a[4]=bj;a.nilCheck,a[5]=bl;};AF=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=A.Sub64(b[0],c[0],new $Uint64(0,0));d=f[0];e=f[1];g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=A.Sub64(b[1],c[1],((j=(new X(e.$high,e.$low)),new $Uint64(j.$high,j.$low))));g=i[0];h=i[1];k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=A.Sub64(b[2],c[2],((n=(new X(h.$high,h.$low)),new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low))));k=m[0];l=m[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Sub64(b[3],c[3],((r=(new X(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low))));o=q[0];p=q[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=A.Sub64(b[4],c[4],((v=(new X(p.$high,p.$low)),new $Uint64(v.$high,v.$low))));s=u[0];t=u[1];w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=A.Sub64(b[5],c[5],((z=(new X(t.$high,t.$low)),new $Uint64(z.$high,z.$low))));w=y[0];x=y[1];aa=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((ab||(ab=new BO(function(){return aa;},function($v){aa=$v;}))),(new X(x.$high,x.$low)),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ac=new $Uint64(0,0);ad=new $Uint64(0,0);ae=A.Add64(d,new $Uint64(aa.$high&0,(aa.$low&4294967295)>>>0),new $Uint64(0,0));ac=ae[0];ad=ae[1];af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=new $Uint64(0,0);ah=A.Add64(g,new $Uint64(aa.$high&4294967295,(aa.$low&0)>>>0),((ai=(new X(ad.$high,ad.$low)),new $Uint64(ai.$high,ai.$low))));af=ah[0];ag=ah[1];aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=new $Uint64(0,0);al=A.Add64(k,new $Uint64(aa.$high&4294967295,(aa.$low&4294967294)>>>0),((am=(new X(ag.$high,ag.$low)),new $Uint64(am.$high,am.$low))));aj=al[0];ak=al[1];an=new $Uint64(0,0);ao=new $Uint64(0,0);ap=A.Add64(o,aa,((aq=(new X(ak.$high,ak.$low)),new $Uint64(aq.$high,aq.$low))));an=ap[0];ao=ap[1];ar=new $Uint64(0,0);as=new $Uint64(0,0);at=A.Add64(s,aa,((au=(new X(ao.$high,ao.$low)),new $Uint64(au.$high,au.$low))));ar=at[0];as=at[1];av=new $Uint64(0,0);aw=A.Add64(w,aa,((ax=(new X(as.$high,as.$low)),new $Uint64(ax.$high,ax.$low))));av=aw[0];a.nilCheck,a[0]=ac;a.nilCheck,a[1]=af;a.nilCheck,a[2]=aj;a.nilCheck,a[3]=an;a.nilCheck,a[4]=ar;a.nilCheck,a[5]=av;};AG=function(a){var a;a.nilCheck,a[0]=new $Uint64(4294967295,1);a.nilCheck,a[1]=new $Uint64(0,4294967295);a.nilCheck,a[2]=new $Uint64(0,1);a.nilCheck,a[3]=new $Uint64(0,0);a.nilCheck,a[4]=new $Uint64(0,0);a.nilCheck,a[5]=new $Uint64(0,0);};AH=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,nf,ng,nh,ni,nj,nk,nl,nm,nn,no,np,nq,nr,ns,nt,nu,nv,nw,nx,ny,nz,o,oa,ob,oc,od,oe,of,og,oh,oi,oj,ok,ol,om,on,oo,op,oq,or,os,ot,ou,ov,ow,ox,oy,oz,p,pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph,pi,pj,pk,pl,pm,pn,po,pp,pq,pr,ps,pt,pu,pv,pw,px,py,pz,q,qa,qb,qc,qd,qe,qf,qg,qh,qi,qj,qk,ql,qm,qn,qo,qp,qq,qr,qs,qt,qu,qv,qw,qx,qy,qz,r,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf,rg,rh,ri,rj,rk,rl,rm,rn,ro,rp,rq,rr,rs,rt,ru,rv,rw,rx,ry,rz,s,sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sn,so,sp,sq,sr,ss,st,su,sv,sw,sx,sy,sz,t,ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf,tg,th,ti,tj,tk,tl,tm,tn,to,tp,tq,tr,ts,tt,tu,tv,tw,tx,ty,tz,u,ua,ub,uc,ud,ue,uf,ug,uh,ui,uj,uk,ul,um,un,uo,up,uq,ur,us,ut,uu,uv,uw,ux,uy,uz,v,va,vb,vc,vd,ve,vf,vg,vh,vi,vj,w,x,y,z;c=b[0];d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(1,1));d=e[1];f=new $Uint64(0,0);g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));g=h[0];f=h[1];i=new $Uint64(0,0);j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));j=k[0];i=k[1];l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));m=n[0];l=n[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));p=q[0];o=q[1];r=new $Uint64(0,0);s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));s=t[0];r=t[1];u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));v=w[0];u=w[1];x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=new $Uint64(0,0);z=A.Add64(v,r,new $Uint64(0,0));x=z[0];y=z[1];aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=A.Add64(s,o,((ad=(new X(y.$high,y.$low)),new $Uint64(ad.$high,ad.$low))));aa=ac[0];ab=ac[1];ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=A.Add64(p,l,((ah=(new X(ab.$high,ab.$low)),new $Uint64(ah.$high,ah.$low))));ae=ag[0];af=ag[1];ai=new $Uint64(0,0);aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=A.Add64(m,i,((al=(new X(af.$high,af.$low)),new $Uint64(al.$high,al.$low))));ai=ak[0];aj=ak[1];am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=new $Uint64(0,0);ao=A.Add64(j,f,((ap=(new X(aj.$high,aj.$low)),new $Uint64(ap.$high,ap.$low))));am=ao[0];an=ao[1];aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=A.Add64(c,u,new $Uint64(0,0));aq=ar[1];as=new $Uint64(0,0);at=new $Uint64(0,0);au=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),x,((av=(new X(aq.$high,aq.$low)),new $Uint64(av.$high,av.$low))));as=au[0];at=au[1];aw=new $Uint64(0,0);ax=new $Uint64(0,0);ay=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),aa,((az=(new X(at.$high,at.$low)),new $Uint64(az.$high,az.$low))));aw=ay[0];ax=ay[1];ba=new $Uint64(0,0);bb=new $Uint64(0,0);bc=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),ae,((bd=(new X(ax.$high,ax.$low)),new $Uint64(bd.$high,bd.$low))));ba=bc[0];bb=bc[1];be=new $Uint64(0,0);bf=new $Uint64(0,0);bg=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),ai,((bh=(new X(bb.$high,bb.$low)),new $Uint64(bh.$high,bh.$low))));be=bg[0];bf=bg[1];bi=new $Uint64(0,0);bj=new $Uint64(0,0);bk=A.Add64(new 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$Uint64(0,0));dj=dl[0];dk=dl[1];dm=new $Uint64(0,0);dn=new $Uint64(0,0);dp=A.Add64(de,da,((dq=(new X(dk.$high,dk.$low)),new $Uint64(dq.$high,dq.$low))));dm=dp[0];dn=dp[1];dr=new $Uint64(0,0);ds=new $Uint64(0,0);dt=A.Add64(db,cx,((du=(new X(dn.$high,dn.$low)),new $Uint64(du.$high,du.$low))));dr=dt[0];ds=dt[1];dv=new $Uint64(0,0);dw=new $Uint64(0,0);dx=A.Add64(cy,cu,((dy=(new X(ds.$high,ds.$low)),new $Uint64(dy.$high,dy.$low))));dv=dx[0];dw=dx[1];dz=new $Uint64(0,0);ea=new $Uint64(0,0);eb=A.Add64(cv,cr,((ec=(new X(dw.$high,dw.$low)),new $Uint64(ec.$high,ec.$low))));dz=eb[0];ea=eb[1];ed=new $Uint64(0,0);ee=A.Add64(bs,dg,new $Uint64(0,0));ed=ee[1];ef=new $Uint64(0,0);eg=new $Uint64(0,0);eh=A.Add64(bv,dj,((ei=(new X(ed.$high,ed.$low)),new $Uint64(ei.$high,ei.$low))));ef=eh[0];eg=eh[1];ej=new $Uint64(0,0);ek=new $Uint64(0,0);el=A.Add64(bz,dm,((em=(new X(eg.$high,eg.$low)),new $Uint64(em.$high,em.$low))));ej=el[0];ek=el[1];en=new $Uint64(0,0);eo=new $Uint64(0,0);ep=A.Add64(cd,dr,((eq=(new X(ek.$high,ek.$low)),new $Uint64(eq.$high,eq.$low))));en=ep[0];eo=ep[1];er=new $Uint64(0,0);es=new $Uint64(0,0);et=A.Add64(ch,dv,((eu=(new X(eo.$high,eo.$low)),new $Uint64(eu.$high,eu.$low))));er=et[0];es=et[1];ev=new $Uint64(0,0);ew=new $Uint64(0,0);ex=A.Add64(cl,dz,((ey=(new X(es.$high,es.$low)),new $Uint64(ey.$high,ey.$low))));ev=ex[0];ew=ex[1];ez=new $Uint64(0,0);fa=new $Uint64(0,0);fb=A.Add64((fc=((fd=(new X(cm.$high,cm.$low)),new $Uint64(fd.$high,fd.$low))),fe=((ff=(new X(bn.$high,bn.$low)),new $Uint64(ff.$high,ff.$low))),new $Uint64(fc.$high+fe.$high,fc.$low+fe.$low)),(fg=((fh=(new X(ea.$high,ea.$low)),new $Uint64(fh.$high,fh.$low))),new $Uint64(fg.$high+cs.$high,fg.$low+cs.$low)),((fi=(new X(ew.$high,ew.$low)),new $Uint64(fi.$high,fi.$low))));ez=fb[0];fa=fb[1];fj=new $Uint64(0,0);fk=new $Uint64(0,0);fl=A.Add64(ef,b[2],new $Uint64(0,0));fj=fl[0];fk=fl[1];fm=new $Uint64(0,0);fn=new $Uint64(0,0);fo=A.Add64(ej,new $Uint64(0,0),((fp=(new X(fk.$high,fk.$low)),new $Uint64(fp.$high,fp.$low))));fm=fo[0];fn=fo[1];fq=new $Uint64(0,0);fr=new $Uint64(0,0);fs=A.Add64(en,new $Uint64(0,0),((ft=(new X(fn.$high,fn.$low)),new $Uint64(ft.$high,ft.$low))));fq=fs[0];fr=fs[1];fu=new $Uint64(0,0);fv=new $Uint64(0,0);fw=A.Add64(er,new $Uint64(0,0),((fx=(new X(fr.$high,fr.$low)),new $Uint64(fx.$high,fx.$low))));fu=fw[0];fv=fw[1];fy=new $Uint64(0,0);fz=new $Uint64(0,0);ga=A.Add64(ev,new $Uint64(0,0),((gb=(new X(fv.$high,fv.$low)),new $Uint64(gb.$high,gb.$low))));fy=ga[0];fz=ga[1];gc=new $Uint64(0,0);gd=new $Uint64(0,0);ge=A.Add64(ez,new $Uint64(0,0),((gf=(new X(fz.$high,fz.$low)),new $Uint64(gf.$high,gf.$low))));gc=ge[0];gd=ge[1];gg=new $Uint64(0,0);gh=A.Mul64(fj,new $Uint64(1,1));gg=gh[1];gi=new $Uint64(0,0);gj=new $Uint64(0,0);gk=A.Mul64(gg,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gj=gk[0];gi=gk[1];gl=new $Uint64(0,0);gm=new $Uint64(0,0);gn=A.Mul64(gg,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gm=gn[0];gl=gn[1];go=new $Uint64(0,0);gp=new $Uint64(0,0);gq=A.Mul64(gg,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gp=gq[0];go=gq[1];gr=new $Uint64(0,0);gs=new $Uint64(0,0);gt=A.Mul64(gg,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));gs=gt[0];gr=gt[1];gu=new $Uint64(0,0);gv=new $Uint64(0,0);gw=A.Mul64(gg,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));gv=gw[0];gu=gw[1];gx=new $Uint64(0,0);gy=new $Uint64(0,0);gz=A.Mul64(gg,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));gy=gz[0];gx=gz[1];ha=new $Uint64(0,0);hb=new $Uint64(0,0);hc=A.Add64(gy,gu,new $Uint64(0,0));ha=hc[0];hb=hc[1];hd=new $Uint64(0,0);he=new $Uint64(0,0);hf=A.Add64(gv,gr,((hg=(new X(hb.$high,hb.$low)),new $Uint64(hg.$high,hg.$low))));hd=hf[0];he=hf[1];hh=new $Uint64(0,0);hi=new $Uint64(0,0);hj=A.Add64(gs,go,((hk=(new X(he.$high,he.$low)),new $Uint64(hk.$high,hk.$low))));hh=hj[0];hi=hj[1];hl=new $Uint64(0,0);hm=new $Uint64(0,0);hn=A.Add64(gp,gl,((ho=(new X(hi.$high,hi.$low)),new $Uint64(ho.$high,ho.$low))));hl=hn[0];hm=hn[1];hp=new $Uint64(0,0);hq=new $Uint64(0,0);hr=A.Add64(gm,gi,((hs=(new X(hm.$high,hm.$low)),new $Uint64(hs.$high,hs.$low))));hp=hr[0];hq=hr[1];ht=new $Uint64(0,0);hu=A.Add64(fj,gx,new $Uint64(0,0));ht=hu[1];hv=new $Uint64(0,0);hw=new $Uint64(0,0);hx=A.Add64(fm,ha,((hy=(new X(ht.$high,ht.$low)),new $Uint64(hy.$high,hy.$low))));hv=hx[0];hw=hx[1];hz=new $Uint64(0,0);ia=new $Uint64(0,0);ib=A.Add64(fq,hd,((ic=(new X(hw.$high,hw.$low)),new $Uint64(ic.$high,ic.$low))));hz=ib[0];ia=ib[1];id=new $Uint64(0,0);ie=new $Uint64(0,0);ig=A.Add64(fu,hh,((ih=(new X(ia.$high,ia.$low)),new $Uint64(ih.$high,ih.$low))));id=ig[0];ie=ig[1];ii=new $Uint64(0,0);ij=new $Uint64(0,0);ik=A.Add64(fy,hl,((il=(new X(ie.$high,ie.$low)),new $Uint64(il.$high,il.$low))));ii=ik[0];ij=ik[1];im=new $Uint64(0,0);io=new $Uint64(0,0);ip=A.Add64(gc,hp,((iq=(new X(ij.$high,ij.$low)),new $Uint64(iq.$high,iq.$low))));im=ip[0];io=ip[1];ir=new $Uint64(0,0);is=new $Uint64(0,0);it=A.Add64((iu=((iv=(new X(gd.$high,gd.$low)),new $Uint64(iv.$high,iv.$low))),iw=((ix=(new X(fa.$high,fa.$low)),new $Uint64(ix.$high,ix.$low))),new $Uint64(iu.$high+iw.$high,iu.$low+iw.$low)),(iy=((iz=(new X(hq.$high,hq.$low)),new $Uint64(iz.$high,iz.$low))),new $Uint64(iy.$high+gj.$high,iy.$low+gj.$low)),((ja=(new X(io.$high,io.$low)),new $Uint64(ja.$high,ja.$low))));ir=it[0];is=it[1];jb=new $Uint64(0,0);jc=new $Uint64(0,0);jd=A.Add64(hv,b[3],new $Uint64(0,0));jb=jd[0];jc=jd[1];je=new $Uint64(0,0);jf=new $Uint64(0,0);jg=A.Add64(hz,new $Uint64(0,0),((jh=(new X(jc.$high,jc.$low)),new $Uint64(jh.$high,jh.$low))));je=jg[0];jf=jg[1];ji=new $Uint64(0,0);jj=new $Uint64(0,0);jk=A.Add64(id,new $Uint64(0,0),((jl=(new X(jf.$high,jf.$low)),new $Uint64(jl.$high,jl.$low))));ji=jk[0];jj=jk[1];jm=new $Uint64(0,0);jn=new $Uint64(0,0);jo=A.Add64(ii,new $Uint64(0,0),((jp=(new X(jj.$high,jj.$low)),new $Uint64(jp.$high,jp.$low))));jm=jo[0];jn=jo[1];jq=new $Uint64(0,0);jr=new $Uint64(0,0);js=A.Add64(im,new $Uint64(0,0),((jt=(new X(jn.$high,jn.$low)),new $Uint64(jt.$high,jt.$low))));jq=js[0];jr=js[1];ju=new $Uint64(0,0);jv=new $Uint64(0,0);jw=A.Add64(ir,new $Uint64(0,0),((jx=(new X(jr.$high,jr.$low)),new $Uint64(jx.$high,jx.$low))));ju=jw[0];jv=jw[1];jy=new $Uint64(0,0);jz=A.Mul64(jb,new $Uint64(1,1));jy=jz[1];ka=new $Uint64(0,0);kb=new $Uint64(0,0);kc=A.Mul64(jy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kb=kc[0];ka=kc[1];kd=new $Uint64(0,0);ke=new $Uint64(0,0);kf=A.Mul64(jy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ke=kf[0];kd=kf[1];kg=new $Uint64(0,0);kh=new $Uint64(0,0);ki=A.Mul64(jy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kh=ki[0];kg=ki[1];kj=new $Uint64(0,0);kk=new $Uint64(0,0);kl=A.Mul64(jy,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));kk=kl[0];kj=kl[1];km=new $Uint64(0,0);kn=new $Uint64(0,0);ko=A.Mul64(jy,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));kn=ko[0];km=ko[1];kp=new $Uint64(0,0);kq=new $Uint64(0,0);kr=A.Mul64(jy,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));kq=kr[0];kp=kr[1];ks=new $Uint64(0,0);kt=new $Uint64(0,0);ku=A.Add64(kq,km,new $Uint64(0,0));ks=ku[0];kt=ku[1];kv=new $Uint64(0,0);kw=new $Uint64(0,0);kx=A.Add64(kn,kj,((ky=(new X(kt.$high,kt.$low)),new $Uint64(ky.$high,ky.$low))));kv=kx[0];kw=kx[1];kz=new $Uint64(0,0);la=new $Uint64(0,0);lb=A.Add64(kk,kg,((lc=(new X(kw.$high,kw.$low)),new $Uint64(lc.$high,lc.$low))));kz=lb[0];la=lb[1];ld=new $Uint64(0,0);le=new $Uint64(0,0);lf=A.Add64(kh,kd,((lg=(new X(la.$high,la.$low)),new $Uint64(lg.$high,lg.$low))));ld=lf[0];le=lf[1];lh=new $Uint64(0,0);li=new $Uint64(0,0);lj=A.Add64(ke,ka,((lk=(new X(le.$high,le.$low)),new $Uint64(lk.$high,lk.$low))));lh=lj[0];li=lj[1];ll=new $Uint64(0,0);lm=A.Add64(jb,kp,new $Uint64(0,0));ll=lm[1];ln=new $Uint64(0,0);lo=new $Uint64(0,0);lp=A.Add64(je,ks,((lq=(new X(ll.$high,ll.$low)),new $Uint64(lq.$high,lq.$low))));ln=lp[0];lo=lp[1];lr=new $Uint64(0,0);ls=new $Uint64(0,0);lt=A.Add64(ji,kv,((lu=(new X(lo.$high,lo.$low)),new $Uint64(lu.$high,lu.$low))));lr=lt[0];ls=lt[1];lv=new $Uint64(0,0);lw=new $Uint64(0,0);lx=A.Add64(jm,kz,((ly=(new X(ls.$high,ls.$low)),new $Uint64(ly.$high,ly.$low))));lv=lx[0];lw=lx[1];lz=new $Uint64(0,0);ma=new $Uint64(0,0);mb=A.Add64(jq,ld,((mc=(new X(lw.$high,lw.$low)),new $Uint64(mc.$high,mc.$low))));lz=mb[0];ma=mb[1];md=new $Uint64(0,0);me=new $Uint64(0,0);mf=A.Add64(ju,lh,((mg=(new X(ma.$high,ma.$low)),new $Uint64(mg.$high,mg.$low))));md=mf[0];me=mf[1];mh=new $Uint64(0,0);mi=new $Uint64(0,0);mj=A.Add64((mk=((ml=(new X(jv.$high,jv.$low)),new $Uint64(ml.$high,ml.$low))),mm=((mn=(new X(is.$high,is.$low)),new $Uint64(mn.$high,mn.$low))),new $Uint64(mk.$high+mm.$high,mk.$low+mm.$low)),(mo=((mp=(new X(li.$high,li.$low)),new $Uint64(mp.$high,mp.$low))),new $Uint64(mo.$high+kb.$high,mo.$low+kb.$low)),((mq=(new X(me.$high,me.$low)),new $Uint64(mq.$high,mq.$low))));mh=mj[0];mi=mj[1];mr=new $Uint64(0,0);ms=new $Uint64(0,0);mt=A.Add64(ln,b[4],new $Uint64(0,0));mr=mt[0];ms=mt[1];mu=new $Uint64(0,0);mv=new $Uint64(0,0);mw=A.Add64(lr,new $Uint64(0,0),((mx=(new X(ms.$high,ms.$low)),new $Uint64(mx.$high,mx.$low))));mu=mw[0];mv=mw[1];my=new $Uint64(0,0);mz=new $Uint64(0,0);na=A.Add64(lv,new $Uint64(0,0),((nb=(new X(mv.$high,mv.$low)),new $Uint64(nb.$high,nb.$low))));my=na[0];mz=na[1];nc=new $Uint64(0,0);nd=new $Uint64(0,0);ne=A.Add64(lz,new $Uint64(0,0),((nf=(new X(mz.$high,mz.$low)),new $Uint64(nf.$high,nf.$low))));nc=ne[0];nd=ne[1];ng=new $Uint64(0,0);nh=new $Uint64(0,0);ni=A.Add64(md,new $Uint64(0,0),((nj=(new X(nd.$high,nd.$low)),new $Uint64(nj.$high,nj.$low))));ng=ni[0];nh=ni[1];nk=new $Uint64(0,0);nl=new $Uint64(0,0);nm=A.Add64(mh,new $Uint64(0,0),((nn=(new X(nh.$high,nh.$low)),new $Uint64(nn.$high,nn.$low))));nk=nm[0];nl=nm[1];no=new $Uint64(0,0);np=A.Mul64(mr,new $Uint64(1,1));no=np[1];nq=new $Uint64(0,0);nr=new $Uint64(0,0);ns=A.Mul64(no,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));nr=ns[0];nq=ns[1];nt=new $Uint64(0,0);nu=new $Uint64(0,0);nv=A.Mul64(no,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));nu=nv[0];nt=nv[1];nw=new $Uint64(0,0);nx=new $Uint64(0,0);ny=A.Mul64(no,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));nx=ny[0];nw=ny[1];nz=new $Uint64(0,0);oa=new $Uint64(0,0);ob=A.Mul64(no,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));oa=ob[0];nz=ob[1];oc=new $Uint64(0,0);od=new $Uint64(0,0);oe=A.Mul64(no,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));od=oe[0];oc=oe[1];of=new $Uint64(0,0);og=new $Uint64(0,0);oh=A.Mul64(no,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));og=oh[0];of=oh[1];oi=new $Uint64(0,0);oj=new $Uint64(0,0);ok=A.Add64(og,oc,new $Uint64(0,0));oi=ok[0];oj=ok[1];ol=new $Uint64(0,0);om=new $Uint64(0,0);on=A.Add64(od,nz,((oo=(new X(oj.$high,oj.$low)),new $Uint64(oo.$high,oo.$low))));ol=on[0];om=on[1];op=new $Uint64(0,0);oq=new $Uint64(0,0);or=A.Add64(oa,nw,((os=(new X(om.$high,om.$low)),new $Uint64(os.$high,os.$low))));op=or[0];oq=or[1];ot=new $Uint64(0,0);ou=new $Uint64(0,0);ov=A.Add64(nx,nt,((ow=(new X(oq.$high,oq.$low)),new $Uint64(ow.$high,ow.$low))));ot=ov[0];ou=ov[1];ox=new $Uint64(0,0);oy=new $Uint64(0,0);oz=A.Add64(nu,nq,((pa=(new X(ou.$high,ou.$low)),new $Uint64(pa.$high,pa.$low))));ox=oz[0];oy=oz[1];pb=new $Uint64(0,0);pc=A.Add64(mr,of,new $Uint64(0,0));pb=pc[1];pd=new $Uint64(0,0);pe=new $Uint64(0,0);pf=A.Add64(mu,oi,((pg=(new X(pb.$high,pb.$low)),new $Uint64(pg.$high,pg.$low))));pd=pf[0];pe=pf[1];ph=new $Uint64(0,0);pi=new $Uint64(0,0);pj=A.Add64(my,ol,((pk=(new X(pe.$high,pe.$low)),new $Uint64(pk.$high,pk.$low))));ph=pj[0];pi=pj[1];pl=new $Uint64(0,0);pm=new $Uint64(0,0);pn=A.Add64(nc,op,((po=(new X(pi.$high,pi.$low)),new $Uint64(po.$high,po.$low))));pl=pn[0];pm=pn[1];pp=new $Uint64(0,0);pq=new $Uint64(0,0);pr=A.Add64(ng,ot,((ps=(new X(pm.$high,pm.$low)),new $Uint64(ps.$high,ps.$low))));pp=pr[0];pq=pr[1];pt=new $Uint64(0,0);pu=new $Uint64(0,0);pv=A.Add64(nk,ox,((pw=(new X(pq.$high,pq.$low)),new $Uint64(pw.$high,pw.$low))));pt=pv[0];pu=pv[1];px=new $Uint64(0,0);py=new $Uint64(0,0);pz=A.Add64((qa=((qb=(new X(nl.$high,nl.$low)),new $Uint64(qb.$high,qb.$low))),qc=((qd=(new X(mi.$high,mi.$low)),new $Uint64(qd.$high,qd.$low))),new $Uint64(qa.$high+qc.$high,qa.$low+qc.$low)),(qe=((qf=(new X(oy.$high,oy.$low)),new $Uint64(qf.$high,qf.$low))),new $Uint64(qe.$high+nr.$high,qe.$low+nr.$low)),((qg=(new X(pu.$high,pu.$low)),new $Uint64(qg.$high,qg.$low))));px=pz[0];py=pz[1];qh=new $Uint64(0,0);qi=new $Uint64(0,0);qj=A.Add64(pd,b[5],new $Uint64(0,0));qh=qj[0];qi=qj[1];qk=new $Uint64(0,0);ql=new $Uint64(0,0);qm=A.Add64(ph,new $Uint64(0,0),((qn=(new X(qi.$high,qi.$low)),new $Uint64(qn.$high,qn.$low))));qk=qm[0];ql=qm[1];qo=new $Uint64(0,0);qp=new $Uint64(0,0);qq=A.Add64(pl,new $Uint64(0,0),((qr=(new X(ql.$high,ql.$low)),new $Uint64(qr.$high,qr.$low))));qo=qq[0];qp=qq[1];qs=new $Uint64(0,0);qt=new $Uint64(0,0);qu=A.Add64(pp,new $Uint64(0,0),((qv=(new X(qp.$high,qp.$low)),new $Uint64(qv.$high,qv.$low))));qs=qu[0];qt=qu[1];qw=new $Uint64(0,0);qx=new $Uint64(0,0);qy=A.Add64(pt,new $Uint64(0,0),((qz=(new X(qt.$high,qt.$low)),new $Uint64(qz.$high,qz.$low))));qw=qy[0];qx=qy[1];ra=new $Uint64(0,0);rb=new $Uint64(0,0);rc=A.Add64(px,new $Uint64(0,0),((rd=(new X(qx.$high,qx.$low)),new $Uint64(rd.$high,rd.$low))));ra=rc[0];rb=rc[1];re=new $Uint64(0,0);rf=A.Mul64(qh,new $Uint64(1,1));re=rf[1];rg=new $Uint64(0,0);rh=new $Uint64(0,0);ri=A.Mul64(re,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rh=ri[0];rg=ri[1];rj=new $Uint64(0,0);rk=new $Uint64(0,0);rl=A.Mul64(re,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rk=rl[0];rj=rl[1];rm=new $Uint64(0,0);rn=new $Uint64(0,0);ro=A.Mul64(re,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));rn=ro[0];rm=ro[1];rp=new $Uint64(0,0);rq=new $Uint64(0,0);rr=A.Mul64(re,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));rq=rr[0];rp=rr[1];rs=new $Uint64(0,0);rt=new $Uint64(0,0);ru=A.Mul64(re,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));rt=ru[0];rs=ru[1];rv=new $Uint64(0,0);rw=new $Uint64(0,0);rx=A.Mul64(re,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));rw=rx[0];rv=rx[1];ry=new $Uint64(0,0);rz=new $Uint64(0,0);sa=A.Add64(rw,rs,new $Uint64(0,0));ry=sa[0];rz=sa[1];sb=new $Uint64(0,0);sc=new $Uint64(0,0);sd=A.Add64(rt,rp,((se=(new X(rz.$high,rz.$low)),new $Uint64(se.$high,se.$low))));sb=sd[0];sc=sd[1];sf=new $Uint64(0,0);sg=new $Uint64(0,0);sh=A.Add64(rq,rm,((si=(new X(sc.$high,sc.$low)),new $Uint64(si.$high,si.$low))));sf=sh[0];sg=sh[1];sj=new $Uint64(0,0);sk=new $Uint64(0,0);sl=A.Add64(rn,rj,((sm=(new X(sg.$high,sg.$low)),new $Uint64(sm.$high,sm.$low))));sj=sl[0];sk=sl[1];sn=new $Uint64(0,0);so=new $Uint64(0,0);sp=A.Add64(rk,rg,((sq=(new X(sk.$high,sk.$low)),new $Uint64(sq.$high,sq.$low))));sn=sp[0];so=sp[1];sr=new $Uint64(0,0);ss=A.Add64(qh,rv,new $Uint64(0,0));sr=ss[1];st=new $Uint64(0,0);su=new $Uint64(0,0);sv=A.Add64(qk,ry,((sw=(new X(sr.$high,sr.$low)),new $Uint64(sw.$high,sw.$low))));st=sv[0];su=sv[1];sx=new $Uint64(0,0);sy=new $Uint64(0,0);sz=A.Add64(qo,sb,((ta=(new X(su.$high,su.$low)),new $Uint64(ta.$high,ta.$low))));sx=sz[0];sy=sz[1];tb=new $Uint64(0,0);tc=new $Uint64(0,0);td=A.Add64(qs,sf,((te=(new X(sy.$high,sy.$low)),new $Uint64(te.$high,te.$low))));tb=td[0];tc=td[1];tf=new $Uint64(0,0);tg=new $Uint64(0,0);th=A.Add64(qw,sj,((ti=(new X(tc.$high,tc.$low)),new $Uint64(ti.$high,ti.$low))));tf=th[0];tg=th[1];tj=new $Uint64(0,0);tk=new $Uint64(0,0);tl=A.Add64(ra,sn,((tm=(new X(tg.$high,tg.$low)),new $Uint64(tm.$high,tm.$low))));tj=tl[0];tk=tl[1];tn=new $Uint64(0,0);to=new $Uint64(0,0);tp=A.Add64((tq=((tr=(new X(rb.$high,rb.$low)),new $Uint64(tr.$high,tr.$low))),ts=((tt=(new X(py.$high,py.$low)),new $Uint64(tt.$high,tt.$low))),new $Uint64(tq.$high+ts.$high,tq.$low+ts.$low)),(tu=((tv=(new X(so.$high,so.$low)),new $Uint64(tv.$high,tv.$low))),new $Uint64(tu.$high+rh.$high,tu.$low+rh.$low)),((tw=(new X(tk.$high,tk.$low)),new $Uint64(tw.$high,tw.$low))));tn=tp[0];to=tp[1];tx=new $Uint64(0,0);ty=new $Uint64(0,0);tz=A.Sub64(st,new $Uint64(0,4294967295),new $Uint64(0,0));tx=tz[0];ty=tz[1];ua=new $Uint64(0,0);ub=new $Uint64(0,0);uc=A.Sub64(sx,new $Uint64(4294967295,0),((ud=(new X(ty.$high,ty.$low)),new $Uint64(ud.$high,ud.$low))));ua=uc[0];ub=uc[1];ue=new $Uint64(0,0);uf=new $Uint64(0,0);ug=A.Sub64(tb,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294),((uh=(new X(ub.$high,ub.$low)),new $Uint64(uh.$high,uh.$low))));ue=ug[0];uf=ug[1];ui=new $Uint64(0,0);uj=new $Uint64(0,0);uk=A.Sub64(tf,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((ul=(new X(uf.$high,uf.$low)),new $Uint64(ul.$high,ul.$low))));ui=uk[0];uj=uk[1];um=new $Uint64(0,0);un=new $Uint64(0,0);uo=A.Sub64(tj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((up=(new X(uj.$high,uj.$low)),new $Uint64(up.$high,up.$low))));um=uo[0];un=uo[1];uq=new $Uint64(0,0);ur=new $Uint64(0,0);us=A.Sub64(tn,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((ut=(new X(un.$high,un.$low)),new $Uint64(ut.$high,ut.$low))));uq=us[0];ur=us[1];uu=new $Uint64(0,0);uv=A.Sub64(((uw=(new X(to.$high,to.$low)),new $Uint64(uw.$high,uw.$low))),new $Uint64(0,0),((ux=(new X(ur.$high,ur.$low)),new $Uint64(ux.$high,ux.$low))));uu=uv[1];uy=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((uz||(uz=new BO(function(){return uy;},function($v){uy=$v;}))),(new X(uu.$high,uu.$low)),tx,st);va=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((vb||(vb=new BO(function(){return va;},function($v){va=$v;}))),(new X(uu.$high,uu.$low)),ua,sx);vc=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((vd||(vd=new BO(function(){return 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a,aa,aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz,ab,aba,abb,abc,abd,abe,abf,abg,abh,abi,abj,abk,abl,abm,abn,abo,abp,abq,abr,abs,abt,abu,abv,abw,abx,aby,abz,ac,aca,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,nf,ng,nh,ni,nj,nk,nl,nm,nn,no,np,nq,nr,ns,nt,nu,nv,nw,nx,ny,nz,o,oa,ob,oc,od,oe,of,og,oh,oi,oj,ok,ol,om,on,oo,op,oq,or,os,ot,ou,ov,ow,ox,oy,oz,p,pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph,pi,pj,pk,pl,pm,pn,po,pp,pq,pr,ps,pt,pu,pv,pw,px,py,pz,q,qa,qb,qc,qd,qe,qf,qg,qh,qi,qj,qk,ql,qm,qn,qo,qp,qq,qr,qs,qt,qu,qv,qw,qx,qy,qz,r,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf,rg,rh,ri,rj,rk,rl,rm,rn,ro,rp,rq,rr,rs,rt,ru,rv,rw,rx,ry,rz,s,sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sn,so,sp,sq,sr,ss,st,su,sv,sw,sx,sy,sz,t,ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf,tg,th,ti,tj,tk,tl,tm,tn,to,tp,tq,tr,ts,tt,tu,tv,tw,tx,ty,tz,u,ua,ub,uc,ud,ue,uf,ug,uh,ui,uj,uk,ul,um,un,uo,up,uq,ur,us,ut,uu,uv,uw,ux,uy,uz,v,va,vb,vc,vd,ve,vf,vg,vh,vi,vj,vk,vl,vm,vn,vo,vp,vq,vr,vs,vt,vu,vv,vw,vx,vy,vz,w,wa,wb,wc,wd,we,wf,wg,wh,wi,wj,wk,wl,wm,wn,wo,wp,wq,wr,ws,wt,wu,wv,ww,wx,wy,wz,x,xa,xb,xc,xd,xe,xf,xg,xh,xi,xj,xk,xl,xm,xn,xo,xp,xq,xr,xs,xt,xu,xv,xw,xx,xy,xz,y,ya,yb,yc,yd,ye,yf,yg,yh,yi,yj,yk,yl,ym,yn,yo,yp,yq,yr,ys,yt,yu,yv,yw,yx,yy,yz,z,za,zb,zc,zd,ze,zf,zg,zh,zi,zj,zk,zl,zm,zn,zo,zp,zq,zr,zs,zt,zu,zv,zw,zx,zy,zz;c=b[1];d=b[2];e=b[3];f=b[4];g=b[5];h=b[0];i=new $Uint64(0,0);j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=A.Mul64(h,new $Uint64(2,0));j=k[0];i=k[1];l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=A.Mul64(h,new $Uint64(4294967294,0));m=n[0];l=n[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Mul64(h,new $Uint64(2,0));p=q[0];o=q[1];r=new $Uint64(0,0);s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=A.Mul64(h,new $Uint64(4294967294,1));s=t[0];r=t[1];u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=A.Add64(s,o,new $Uint64(0,0));u=w[0];v=w[1];x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=new $Uint64(0,0);z=A.Add64(p,l,((aa=(new X(v.$high,v.$low)),new $Uint64(aa.$high,aa.$low))));x=z[0];y=z[1];ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=new $Uint64(0,0);ad=A.Add64(m,i,((ae=(new X(y.$high,y.$low)),new $Uint64(ae.$high,ae.$low))));ab=ad[0];ac=ad[1];af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=new $Uint64(0,0);ah=A.Add64(j,h,((ai=(new X(ac.$high,ac.$low)),new $Uint64(ai.$high,ai.$low))));af=ah[0];ag=ah[1];aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=A.Mul64(r,new $Uint64(1,1));aj=ak[1];al=new $Uint64(0,0);am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));am=an[0];al=an[1];ao=new $Uint64(0,0);ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ap=aq[0];ao=aq[1];ar=new $Uint64(0,0);as=new $Uint64(0,0);at=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));as=at[0];ar=at[1];au=new $Uint64(0,0);av=new $Uint64(0,0);aw=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));av=aw[0];au=aw[1];ax=new $Uint64(0,0);ay=new $Uint64(0,0);az=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));ay=az[0];ax=az[1];ba=new $Uint64(0,0);bb=new $Uint64(0,0);bc=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));bb=bc[0];ba=bc[1];bd=new $Uint64(0,0);be=new $Uint64(0,0);bf=A.Add64(bb,ax,new $Uint64(0,0));bd=bf[0];be=bf[1];bg=new $Uint64(0,0);bh=new $Uint64(0,0);bi=A.Add64(ay,au,((bj=(new X(be.$high,be.$low)),new $Uint64(bj.$high,bj.$low))));bg=bi[0];bh=bi[1];bk=new $Uint64(0,0);bl=new $Uint64(0,0);bm=A.Add64(av,ar,((bn=(new X(bh.$high,bh.$low)),new $Uint64(bn.$high,bn.$low))));bk=bm[0];bl=bm[1];bo=new $Uint64(0,0);bp=new $Uint64(0,0);bq=A.Add64(as,ao,((br=(new X(bl.$high,bl.$low)),new $Uint64(br.$high,br.$low))));bo=bq[0];bp=bq[1];bs=new $Uint64(0,0);bt=new $Uint64(0,0);bu=A.Add64(ap,al,((bv=(new X(bp.$high,bp.$low)),new $Uint64(bv.$high,bv.$low))));bs=bu[0];bt=bu[1];bw=new $Uint64(0,0);bx=A.Add64(r,ba,new $Uint64(0,0));bw=bx[1];by=new $Uint64(0,0);bz=new $Uint64(0,0);ca=A.Add64(u,bd,((cb=(new X(bw.$high,bw.$low)),new $Uint64(cb.$high,cb.$low))));by=ca[0];bz=ca[1];cc=new $Uint64(0,0);cd=new $Uint64(0,0);ce=A.Add64(x,bg,((cf=(new X(bz.$high,bz.$low)),new $Uint64(cf.$high,cf.$low))));cc=ce[0];cd=ce[1];cg=new $Uint64(0,0);ch=new $Uint64(0,0);ci=A.Add64(ab,bk,((cj=(new X(cd.$high,cd.$low)),new $Uint64(cj.$high,cj.$low))));cg=ci[0];ch=ci[1];ck=new $Uint64(0,0);cl=new $Uint64(0,0);cm=A.Add64(af,bo,((cn=(new X(ch.$high,ch.$low)),new $Uint64(cn.$high,cn.$low))));ck=cm[0];cl=cm[1];co=new $Uint64(0,0);cp=new $Uint64(0,0);cq=A.Add64(((cr=(new X(ag.$high,ag.$low)),new $Uint64(cr.$high,cr.$low))),bs,((cs=(new X(cl.$high,cl.$low)),new $Uint64(cs.$high,cs.$low))));co=cq[0];cp=cq[1];ct=new $Uint64(0,0);cu=new $Uint64(0,0);cv=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),(cw=((cx=(new X(bt.$high,bt.$low)),new $Uint64(cx.$high,cx.$low))),new $Uint64(cw.$high+am.$high,cw.$low+am.$low)),((cy=(new X(cp.$high,cp.$low)),new $Uint64(cy.$high,cy.$low))));ct=cv[0];cu=cv[1];cz=new $Uint64(0,0);da=new $Uint64(0,0);db=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(2,0));da=db[0];cz=db[1];dc=new $Uint64(0,0);dd=new $Uint64(0,0);de=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967294,0));dd=de[0];dc=de[1];df=new $Uint64(0,0);dg=new $Uint64(0,0);dh=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(2,0));dg=dh[0];df=dh[1];di=new $Uint64(0,0);dj=new $Uint64(0,0);dk=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967294,1));dj=dk[0];di=dk[1];dl=new $Uint64(0,0);dm=new $Uint64(0,0);dn=A.Add64(dj,df,new $Uint64(0,0));dl=dn[0];dm=dn[1];dp=new $Uint64(0,0);dq=new $Uint64(0,0);dr=A.Add64(dg,dc,((ds=(new X(dm.$high,dm.$low)),new $Uint64(ds.$high,ds.$low))));dp=dr[0];dq=dr[1];dt=new $Uint64(0,0);du=new $Uint64(0,0);dv=A.Add64(dd,cz,((dw=(new X(dq.$high,dq.$low)),new $Uint64(dw.$high,dw.$low))));dt=dv[0];du=dv[1];dx=new $Uint64(0,0);dy=new $Uint64(0,0);dz=A.Add64(da,c,((ea=(new X(du.$high,du.$low)),new $Uint64(ea.$high,ea.$low))));dx=dz[0];dy=dz[1];eb=new $Uint64(0,0);ec=new $Uint64(0,0);ed=A.Add64(by,di,new $Uint64(0,0));eb=ed[0];ec=ed[1];ee=new $Uint64(0,0);ef=new $Uint64(0,0);eg=A.Add64(cc,dl,((eh=(new X(ec.$high,ec.$low)),new $Uint64(eh.$high,eh.$low))));ee=eg[0];ef=eg[1];ei=new $Uint64(0,0);ej=new $Uint64(0,0);ek=A.Add64(cg,dp,((el=(new X(ef.$high,ef.$low)),new $Uint64(el.$high,el.$low))));ei=ek[0];ej=ek[1];em=new $Uint64(0,0);en=new $Uint64(0,0);eo=A.Add64(ck,dt,((ep=(new X(ej.$high,ej.$low)),new $Uint64(ep.$high,ep.$low))));em=eo[0];en=eo[1];eq=new $Uint64(0,0);er=new $Uint64(0,0);es=A.Add64(co,dx,((et=(new X(en.$high,en.$low)),new $Uint64(et.$high,et.$low))));eq=es[0];er=es[1];eu=new $Uint64(0,0);ev=new $Uint64(0,0);ew=A.Add64(ct,((ex=(new X(dy.$high,dy.$low)),new $Uint64(ex.$high,ex.$low))),((ey=(new X(er.$high,er.$low)),new $Uint64(ey.$high,ey.$low))));eu=ew[0];ev=ew[1];ez=new $Uint64(0,0);fa=A.Mul64(eb,new $Uint64(1,1));ez=fa[1];fb=new $Uint64(0,0);fc=new $Uint64(0,0);fd=A.Mul64(ez,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));fc=fd[0];fb=fd[1];fe=new $Uint64(0,0);ff=new $Uint64(0,0);fg=A.Mul64(ez,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ff=fg[0];fe=fg[1];fh=new $Uint64(0,0);fi=new $Uint64(0,0);fj=A.Mul64(ez,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));fi=fj[0];fh=fj[1];fk=new $Uint64(0,0);fl=new $Uint64(0,0);fm=A.Mul64(ez,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));fl=fm[0];fk=fm[1];fn=new $Uint64(0,0);fo=new $Uint64(0,0);fp=A.Mul64(ez,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));fo=fp[0];fn=fp[1];fq=new $Uint64(0,0);fr=new $Uint64(0,0);fs=A.Mul64(ez,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));fr=fs[0];fq=fs[1];ft=new $Uint64(0,0);fu=new $Uint64(0,0);fv=A.Add64(fr,fn,new $Uint64(0,0));ft=fv[0];fu=fv[1];fw=new $Uint64(0,0);fx=new $Uint64(0,0);fy=A.Add64(fo,fk,((fz=(new X(fu.$high,fu.$low)),new $Uint64(fz.$high,fz.$low))));fw=fy[0];fx=fy[1];ga=new $Uint64(0,0);gb=new $Uint64(0,0);gc=A.Add64(fl,fh,((gd=(new X(fx.$high,fx.$low)),new $Uint64(gd.$high,gd.$low))));ga=gc[0];gb=gc[1];ge=new $Uint64(0,0);gf=new $Uint64(0,0);gg=A.Add64(fi,fe,((gh=(new X(gb.$high,gb.$low)),new $Uint64(gh.$high,gh.$low))));ge=gg[0];gf=gg[1];gi=new $Uint64(0,0);gj=new $Uint64(0,0);gk=A.Add64(ff,fb,((gl=(new X(gf.$high,gf.$low)),new $Uint64(gl.$high,gl.$low))));gi=gk[0];gj=gk[1];gm=new $Uint64(0,0);gn=A.Add64(eb,fq,new $Uint64(0,0));gm=gn[1];go=new $Uint64(0,0);gp=new $Uint64(0,0);gq=A.Add64(ee,ft,((gr=(new X(gm.$high,gm.$low)),new $Uint64(gr.$high,gr.$low))));go=gq[0];gp=gq[1];gs=new $Uint64(0,0);gt=new $Uint64(0,0);gu=A.Add64(ei,fw,((gv=(new X(gp.$high,gp.$low)),new $Uint64(gv.$high,gv.$low))));gs=gu[0];gt=gu[1];gw=new $Uint64(0,0);gx=new $Uint64(0,0);gy=A.Add64(em,ga,((gz=(new X(gt.$high,gt.$low)),new $Uint64(gz.$high,gz.$low))));gw=gy[0];gx=gy[1];ha=new $Uint64(0,0);hb=new $Uint64(0,0);hc=A.Add64(eq,ge,((hd=(new X(gx.$high,gx.$low)),new $Uint64(hd.$high,hd.$low))));ha=hc[0];hb=hc[1];he=new $Uint64(0,0);hf=new $Uint64(0,0);hg=A.Add64(eu,gi,((hh=(new X(hb.$high,hb.$low)),new $Uint64(hh.$high,hh.$low))));he=hg[0];hf=hg[1];hi=new $Uint64(0,0);hj=new $Uint64(0,0);hk=A.Add64((hl=((hm=(new X(ev.$high,ev.$low)),new $Uint64(hm.$high,hm.$low))),hn=((ho=(new X(cu.$high,cu.$low)),new $Uint64(ho.$high,ho.$low))),new $Uint64(hl.$high+hn.$high,hl.$low+hn.$low)),(hp=((hq=(new X(gj.$high,gj.$low)),new $Uint64(hq.$high,hq.$low))),new $Uint64(hp.$high+fc.$high,hp.$low+fc.$low)),((hr=(new X(hf.$high,hf.$low)),new $Uint64(hr.$high,hr.$low))));hi=hk[0];hj=hk[1];hs=new $Uint64(0,0);ht=new $Uint64(0,0);hu=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(2,0));ht=hu[0];hs=hu[1];hv=new $Uint64(0,0);hw=new $Uint64(0,0);hx=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967294,0));hw=hx[0];hv=hx[1];hy=new $Uint64(0,0);hz=new $Uint64(0,0);ia=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(2,0));hz=ia[0];hy=ia[1];ib=new $Uint64(0,0);ic=new $Uint64(0,0);id=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967294,1));ic=id[0];ib=id[1];ie=new $Uint64(0,0);ig=new $Uint64(0,0);ih=A.Add64(ic,hy,new $Uint64(0,0));ie=ih[0];ig=ih[1];ii=new $Uint64(0,0);ij=new $Uint64(0,0);ik=A.Add64(hz,hv,((il=(new X(ig.$high,ig.$low)),new $Uint64(il.$high,il.$low))));ii=ik[0];ij=ik[1];im=new $Uint64(0,0);io=new $Uint64(0,0);ip=A.Add64(hw,hs,((iq=(new X(ij.$high,ij.$low)),new $Uint64(iq.$high,iq.$low))));im=ip[0];io=ip[1];ir=new $Uint64(0,0);is=new $Uint64(0,0);it=A.Add64(ht,d,((iu=(new X(io.$high,io.$low)),new $Uint64(iu.$high,iu.$low))));ir=it[0];is=it[1];iv=new $Uint64(0,0);iw=new $Uint64(0,0);ix=A.Add64(go,ib,new $Uint64(0,0));iv=ix[0];iw=ix[1];iy=new $Uint64(0,0);iz=new $Uint64(0,0);ja=A.Add64(gs,ie,((jb=(new X(iw.$high,iw.$low)),new $Uint64(jb.$high,jb.$low))));iy=ja[0];iz=ja[1];jc=new $Uint64(0,0);jd=new $Uint64(0,0);je=A.Add64(gw,ii,((jf=(new X(iz.$high,iz.$low)),new $Uint64(jf.$high,jf.$low))));jc=je[0];jd=je[1];jg=new $Uint64(0,0);jh=new 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$Uint64(4294967295,0));ki=kj[0];kh=kj[1];kk=new $Uint64(0,0);kl=new $Uint64(0,0);km=A.Mul64(jt,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));kl=km[0];kk=km[1];kn=new $Uint64(0,0);ko=new $Uint64(0,0);kp=A.Add64(kl,kh,new $Uint64(0,0));kn=kp[0];ko=kp[1];kq=new $Uint64(0,0);kr=new $Uint64(0,0);ks=A.Add64(ki,ke,((kt=(new X(ko.$high,ko.$low)),new $Uint64(kt.$high,kt.$low))));kq=ks[0];kr=ks[1];ku=new $Uint64(0,0);kv=new $Uint64(0,0);kw=A.Add64(kf,kb,((kx=(new X(kr.$high,kr.$low)),new $Uint64(kx.$high,kx.$low))));ku=kw[0];kv=kw[1];ky=new $Uint64(0,0);kz=new $Uint64(0,0);la=A.Add64(kc,jy,((lb=(new X(kv.$high,kv.$low)),new $Uint64(lb.$high,lb.$low))));ky=la[0];kz=la[1];lc=new $Uint64(0,0);ld=new $Uint64(0,0);le=A.Add64(jz,jv,((lf=(new X(kz.$high,kz.$low)),new $Uint64(lf.$high,lf.$low))));lc=le[0];ld=le[1];lg=new $Uint64(0,0);lh=A.Add64(iv,kk,new $Uint64(0,0));lg=lh[1];li=new $Uint64(0,0);lj=new $Uint64(0,0);lk=A.Add64(iy,kn,((ll=(new X(lg.$high,lg.$low)),new $Uint64(ll.$high,ll.$low))));li=lk[0];lj=lk[1];lm=new $Uint64(0,0);ln=new $Uint64(0,0);lo=A.Add64(jc,kq,((lp=(new X(lj.$high,lj.$low)),new $Uint64(lp.$high,lp.$low))));lm=lo[0];ln=lo[1];lq=new $Uint64(0,0);lr=new $Uint64(0,0);ls=A.Add64(jg,ku,((lt=(new X(ln.$high,ln.$low)),new $Uint64(lt.$high,lt.$low))));lq=ls[0];lr=ls[1];lu=new $Uint64(0,0);lv=new $Uint64(0,0);lw=A.Add64(jk,ky,((lx=(new X(lr.$high,lr.$low)),new $Uint64(lx.$high,lx.$low))));lu=lw[0];lv=lw[1];ly=new $Uint64(0,0);lz=new $Uint64(0,0);ma=A.Add64(jo,lc,((mb=(new X(lv.$high,lv.$low)),new $Uint64(mb.$high,mb.$low))));ly=ma[0];lz=ma[1];mc=new $Uint64(0,0);md=new $Uint64(0,0);me=A.Add64((mf=((mg=(new X(jp.$high,jp.$low)),new $Uint64(mg.$high,mg.$low))),mh=((mi=(new X(hj.$high,hj.$low)),new $Uint64(mi.$high,mi.$low))),new $Uint64(mf.$high+mh.$high,mf.$low+mh.$low)),(mj=((mk=(new X(ld.$high,ld.$low)),new $Uint64(mk.$high,mk.$low))),new $Uint64(mj.$high+jw.$high,mj.$low+jw.$low)),((ml=(new X(lz.$high,lz.$low)),new $Uint64(ml.$high,ml.$low))));mc=me[0];md=me[1];mm=new $Uint64(0,0);mn=new $Uint64(0,0);mo=A.Mul64(e,new $Uint64(2,0));mn=mo[0];mm=mo[1];mp=new $Uint64(0,0);mq=new $Uint64(0,0);mr=A.Mul64(e,new $Uint64(4294967294,0));mq=mr[0];mp=mr[1];ms=new $Uint64(0,0);mt=new $Uint64(0,0);mu=A.Mul64(e,new $Uint64(2,0));mt=mu[0];ms=mu[1];mv=new $Uint64(0,0);mw=new $Uint64(0,0);mx=A.Mul64(e,new $Uint64(4294967294,1));mw=mx[0];mv=mx[1];my=new $Uint64(0,0);mz=new $Uint64(0,0);na=A.Add64(mw,ms,new $Uint64(0,0));my=na[0];mz=na[1];nb=new $Uint64(0,0);nc=new $Uint64(0,0);nd=A.Add64(mt,mp,((ne=(new X(mz.$high,mz.$low)),new $Uint64(ne.$high,ne.$low))));nb=nd[0];nc=nd[1];nf=new $Uint64(0,0);ng=new $Uint64(0,0);nh=A.Add64(mq,mm,((ni=(new X(nc.$high,nc.$low)),new $Uint64(ni.$high,ni.$low))));nf=nh[0];ng=nh[1];nj=new $Uint64(0,0);nk=new $Uint64(0,0);nl=A.Add64(mn,e,((nm=(new X(ng.$high,ng.$low)),new $Uint64(nm.$high,nm.$low))));nj=nl[0];nk=nl[1];nn=new $Uint64(0,0);no=new $Uint64(0,0);np=A.Add64(li,mv,new $Uint64(0,0));nn=np[0];no=np[1];nq=new $Uint64(0,0);nr=new 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$Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));or=os[0];oq=os[1];ot=new $Uint64(0,0);ou=new $Uint64(0,0);ov=A.Mul64(ol,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ou=ov[0];ot=ov[1];ow=new $Uint64(0,0);ox=new $Uint64(0,0);oy=A.Mul64(ol,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));ox=oy[0];ow=oy[1];oz=new $Uint64(0,0);pa=new $Uint64(0,0);pb=A.Mul64(ol,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));pa=pb[0];oz=pb[1];pc=new $Uint64(0,0);pd=new $Uint64(0,0);pe=A.Mul64(ol,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));pd=pe[0];pc=pe[1];pf=new $Uint64(0,0);pg=new $Uint64(0,0);ph=A.Add64(pd,oz,new $Uint64(0,0));pf=ph[0];pg=ph[1];pi=new $Uint64(0,0);pj=new $Uint64(0,0);pk=A.Add64(pa,ow,((pl=(new X(pg.$high,pg.$low)),new $Uint64(pl.$high,pl.$low))));pi=pk[0];pj=pk[1];pm=new $Uint64(0,0);pn=new $Uint64(0,0);po=A.Add64(ox,ot,((pp=(new X(pj.$high,pj.$low)),new $Uint64(pp.$high,pp.$low))));pm=po[0];pn=po[1];pq=new $Uint64(0,0);pr=new $Uint64(0,0);ps=A.Add64(ou,oq,((pt=(new X(pn.$high,pn.$low)),new $Uint64(pt.$high,pt.$low))));pq=ps[0];pr=ps[1];pu=new $Uint64(0,0);pv=new $Uint64(0,0);pw=A.Add64(or,on,((px=(new X(pr.$high,pr.$low)),new $Uint64(px.$high,px.$low))));pu=pw[0];pv=pw[1];py=new $Uint64(0,0);pz=A.Add64(nn,pc,new $Uint64(0,0));py=pz[1];qa=new $Uint64(0,0);qb=new $Uint64(0,0);qc=A.Add64(nq,pf,((qd=(new X(py.$high,py.$low)),new $Uint64(qd.$high,qd.$low))));qa=qc[0];qb=qc[1];qe=new $Uint64(0,0);qf=new $Uint64(0,0);qg=A.Add64(nu,pi,((qh=(new X(qb.$high,qb.$low)),new $Uint64(qh.$high,qh.$low))));qe=qg[0];qf=qg[1];qi=new $Uint64(0,0);qj=new $Uint64(0,0);qk=A.Add64(ny,pm,((ql=(new X(qf.$high,qf.$low)),new $Uint64(ql.$high,ql.$low))));qi=qk[0];qj=qk[1];qm=new $Uint64(0,0);qn=new $Uint64(0,0);qo=A.Add64(oc,pq,((qp=(new X(qj.$high,qj.$low)),new $Uint64(qp.$high,qp.$low))));qm=qo[0];qn=qo[1];qq=new $Uint64(0,0);qr=new $Uint64(0,0);qs=A.Add64(og,pu,((qt=(new X(qn.$high,qn.$low)),new $Uint64(qt.$high,qt.$low))));qq=qs[0];qr=qs[1];qu=new $Uint64(0,0);qv=new $Uint64(0,0);qw=A.Add64((qx=((qy=(new X(oh.$high,oh.$low)),new $Uint64(qy.$high,qy.$low))),qz=((ra=(new X(md.$high,md.$low)),new $Uint64(ra.$high,ra.$low))),new $Uint64(qx.$high+qz.$high,qx.$low+qz.$low)),(rb=((rc=(new X(pv.$high,pv.$low)),new $Uint64(rc.$high,rc.$low))),new $Uint64(rb.$high+oo.$high,rb.$low+oo.$low)),((rd=(new X(qr.$high,qr.$low)),new $Uint64(rd.$high,rd.$low))));qu=qw[0];qv=qw[1];re=new $Uint64(0,0);rf=new $Uint64(0,0);rg=A.Mul64(f,new $Uint64(2,0));rf=rg[0];re=rg[1];rh=new $Uint64(0,0);ri=new $Uint64(0,0);rj=A.Mul64(f,new $Uint64(4294967294,0));ri=rj[0];rh=rj[1];rk=new $Uint64(0,0);rl=new $Uint64(0,0);rm=A.Mul64(f,new $Uint64(2,0));rl=rm[0];rk=rm[1];rn=new $Uint64(0,0);ro=new $Uint64(0,0);rp=A.Mul64(f,new $Uint64(4294967294,1));ro=rp[0];rn=rp[1];rq=new $Uint64(0,0);rr=new $Uint64(0,0);rs=A.Add64(ro,rk,new $Uint64(0,0));rq=rs[0];rr=rs[1];rt=new $Uint64(0,0);ru=new $Uint64(0,0);rv=A.Add64(rl,rh,((rw=(new X(rr.$high,rr.$low)),new $Uint64(rw.$high,rw.$low))));rt=rv[0];ru=rv[1];rx=new $Uint64(0,0);ry=new $Uint64(0,0);rz=A.Add64(ri,re,((sa=(new X(ru.$high,ru.$low)),new $Uint64(sa.$high,sa.$low))));rx=rz[0];ry=rz[1];sb=new $Uint64(0,0);sc=new $Uint64(0,0);sd=A.Add64(rf,f,((se=(new X(ry.$high,ry.$low)),new $Uint64(se.$high,se.$low))));sb=sd[0];sc=sd[1];sf=new $Uint64(0,0);sg=new $Uint64(0,0);sh=A.Add64(qa,rn,new $Uint64(0,0));sf=sh[0];sg=sh[1];si=new $Uint64(0,0);sj=new $Uint64(0,0);sk=A.Add64(qe,rq,((sl=(new X(sg.$high,sg.$low)),new $Uint64(sl.$high,sl.$low))));si=sk[0];sj=sk[1];sm=new $Uint64(0,0);sn=new $Uint64(0,0);so=A.Add64(qi,rt,((sp=(new X(sj.$high,sj.$low)),new $Uint64(sp.$high,sp.$low))));sm=so[0];sn=so[1];sq=new $Uint64(0,0);sr=new $Uint64(0,0);ss=A.Add64(qm,rx,((st=(new X(sn.$high,sn.$low)),new $Uint64(st.$high,st.$low))));sq=ss[0];sr=ss[1];su=new $Uint64(0,0);sv=new $Uint64(0,0);sw=A.Add64(qq,sb,((sx=(new X(sr.$high,sr.$low)),new $Uint64(sx.$high,sx.$low))));su=sw[0];sv=sw[1];sy=new $Uint64(0,0);sz=new $Uint64(0,0);ta=A.Add64(qu,((tb=(new X(sc.$high,sc.$low)),new $Uint64(tb.$high,tb.$low))),((tc=(new X(sv.$high,sv.$low)),new $Uint64(tc.$high,tc.$low))));sy=ta[0];sz=ta[1];td=new $Uint64(0,0);te=A.Mul64(sf,new $Uint64(1,1));td=te[1];tf=new $Uint64(0,0);tg=new $Uint64(0,0);th=A.Mul64(td,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tg=th[0];tf=th[1];ti=new $Uint64(0,0);tj=new $Uint64(0,0);tk=A.Mul64(td,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tj=tk[0];ti=tk[1];tl=new $Uint64(0,0);tm=new $Uint64(0,0);tn=A.Mul64(td,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));tm=tn[0];tl=tn[1];to=new $Uint64(0,0);tp=new $Uint64(0,0);tq=A.Mul64(td,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));tp=tq[0];to=tq[1];tr=new $Uint64(0,0);ts=new $Uint64(0,0);tt=A.Mul64(td,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));ts=tt[0];tr=tt[1];tu=new $Uint64(0,0);tv=new $Uint64(0,0);tw=A.Mul64(td,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));tv=tw[0];tu=tw[1];tx=new $Uint64(0,0);ty=new $Uint64(0,0);tz=A.Add64(tv,tr,new $Uint64(0,0));tx=tz[0];ty=tz[1];ua=new $Uint64(0,0);ub=new $Uint64(0,0);uc=A.Add64(ts,to,((ud=(new X(ty.$high,ty.$low)),new 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$Uint64(0,0);vg=A.Add64(su,ui,((vh=(new X(vb.$high,vb.$low)),new $Uint64(vh.$high,vh.$low))));ve=vg[0];vf=vg[1];vi=new $Uint64(0,0);vj=new $Uint64(0,0);vk=A.Add64(sy,um,((vl=(new X(vf.$high,vf.$low)),new $Uint64(vl.$high,vl.$low))));vi=vk[0];vj=vk[1];vm=new $Uint64(0,0);vn=new $Uint64(0,0);vo=A.Add64((vp=((vq=(new X(sz.$high,sz.$low)),new $Uint64(vq.$high,vq.$low))),vr=((vs=(new X(qv.$high,qv.$low)),new $Uint64(vs.$high,vs.$low))),new $Uint64(vp.$high+vr.$high,vp.$low+vr.$low)),(vt=((vu=(new X(un.$high,un.$low)),new $Uint64(vu.$high,vu.$low))),new $Uint64(vt.$high+tg.$high,vt.$low+tg.$low)),((vv=(new X(vj.$high,vj.$low)),new $Uint64(vv.$high,vv.$low))));vm=vo[0];vn=vo[1];vw=new $Uint64(0,0);vx=new $Uint64(0,0);vy=A.Mul64(g,new $Uint64(2,0));vx=vy[0];vw=vy[1];vz=new $Uint64(0,0);wa=new $Uint64(0,0);wb=A.Mul64(g,new $Uint64(4294967294,0));wa=wb[0];vz=wb[1];wc=new $Uint64(0,0);wd=new $Uint64(0,0);we=A.Mul64(g,new $Uint64(2,0));wd=we[0];wc=we[1];wf=new $Uint64(0,0);wg=new $Uint64(0,0);wh=A.Mul64(g,new $Uint64(4294967294,1));wg=wh[0];wf=wh[1];wi=new $Uint64(0,0);wj=new $Uint64(0,0);wk=A.Add64(wg,wc,new $Uint64(0,0));wi=wk[0];wj=wk[1];wl=new $Uint64(0,0);wm=new $Uint64(0,0);wn=A.Add64(wd,vz,((wo=(new X(wj.$high,wj.$low)),new $Uint64(wo.$high,wo.$low))));wl=wn[0];wm=wn[1];wp=new $Uint64(0,0);wq=new $Uint64(0,0);wr=A.Add64(wa,vw,((ws=(new X(wm.$high,wm.$low)),new $Uint64(ws.$high,ws.$low))));wp=wr[0];wq=wr[1];wt=new $Uint64(0,0);wu=new $Uint64(0,0);wv=A.Add64(vx,g,((ww=(new X(wq.$high,wq.$low)),new $Uint64(ww.$high,ww.$low))));wt=wv[0];wu=wv[1];wx=new $Uint64(0,0);wy=new $Uint64(0,0);wz=A.Add64(us,wf,new $Uint64(0,0));wx=wz[0];wy=wz[1];xa=new $Uint64(0,0);xb=new $Uint64(0,0);xc=A.Add64(uw,wi,((xd=(new X(wy.$high,wy.$low)),new $Uint64(xd.$high,xd.$low))));xa=xc[0];xb=xc[1];xe=new $Uint64(0,0);xf=new $Uint64(0,0);xg=A.Add64(va,wl,((xh=(new X(xb.$high,xb.$low)),new $Uint64(xh.$high,xh.$low))));xe=xg[0];xf=xg[1];xi=new $Uint64(0,0);xj=new $Uint64(0,0);xk=A.Add64(ve,wp,((xl=(new X(xf.$high,xf.$low)),new $Uint64(xl.$high,xl.$low))));xi=xk[0];xj=xk[1];xm=new $Uint64(0,0);xn=new $Uint64(0,0);xo=A.Add64(vi,wt,((xp=(new X(xj.$high,xj.$low)),new $Uint64(xp.$high,xp.$low))));xm=xo[0];xn=xo[1];xq=new $Uint64(0,0);xr=new $Uint64(0,0);xs=A.Add64(vm,((xt=(new X(wu.$high,wu.$low)),new $Uint64(xt.$high,xt.$low))),((xu=(new X(xn.$high,xn.$low)),new $Uint64(xu.$high,xu.$low))));xq=xs[0];xr=xs[1];xv=new $Uint64(0,0);xw=A.Mul64(wx,new $Uint64(1,1));xv=xw[1];xx=new $Uint64(0,0);xy=new $Uint64(0,0);xz=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));xy=xz[0];xx=xz[1];ya=new $Uint64(0,0);yb=new $Uint64(0,0);yc=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));yb=yc[0];ya=yc[1];yd=new $Uint64(0,0);ye=new $Uint64(0,0);yf=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ye=yf[0];yd=yf[1];yg=new $Uint64(0,0);yh=new $Uint64(0,0);yi=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294));yh=yi[0];yg=yi[1];yj=new $Uint64(0,0);yk=new $Uint64(0,0);yl=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));yk=yl[0];yj=yl[1];ym=new $Uint64(0,0);yn=new $Uint64(0,0);yo=A.Mul64(xv,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));yn=yo[0];ym=yo[1];yp=new $Uint64(0,0);yq=new $Uint64(0,0);yr=A.Add64(yn,yj,new $Uint64(0,0));yp=yr[0];yq=yr[1];ys=new $Uint64(0,0);yt=new $Uint64(0,0);yu=A.Add64(yk,yg,((yv=(new X(yq.$high,yq.$low)),new $Uint64(yv.$high,yv.$low))));ys=yu[0];yt=yu[1];yw=new $Uint64(0,0);yx=new $Uint64(0,0);yy=A.Add64(yh,yd,((yz=(new X(yt.$high,yt.$low)),new $Uint64(yz.$high,yz.$low))));yw=yy[0];yx=yy[1];za=new $Uint64(0,0);zb=new $Uint64(0,0);zc=A.Add64(ye,ya,((zd=(new X(yx.$high,yx.$low)),new $Uint64(zd.$high,zd.$low))));za=zc[0];zb=zc[1];ze=new $Uint64(0,0);zf=new $Uint64(0,0);zg=A.Add64(yb,xx,((zh=(new X(zb.$high,zb.$low)),new $Uint64(zh.$high,zh.$low))));ze=zg[0];zf=zg[1];zi=new $Uint64(0,0);zj=A.Add64(wx,ym,new $Uint64(0,0));zi=zj[1];zk=new $Uint64(0,0);zl=new $Uint64(0,0);zm=A.Add64(xa,yp,((zn=(new X(zi.$high,zi.$low)),new $Uint64(zn.$high,zn.$low))));zk=zm[0];zl=zm[1];zo=new $Uint64(0,0);zp=new $Uint64(0,0);zq=A.Add64(xe,ys,((zr=(new X(zl.$high,zl.$low)),new $Uint64(zr.$high,zr.$low))));zo=zq[0];zp=zq[1];zs=new $Uint64(0,0);zt=new $Uint64(0,0);zu=A.Add64(xi,yw,((zv=(new X(zp.$high,zp.$low)),new $Uint64(zv.$high,zv.$low))));zs=zu[0];zt=zu[1];zw=new $Uint64(0,0);zx=new $Uint64(0,0);zy=A.Add64(xm,za,((zz=(new X(zt.$high,zt.$low)),new $Uint64(zz.$high,zz.$low))));zw=zy[0];zx=zy[1];aaa=new $Uint64(0,0);aab=new $Uint64(0,0);aac=A.Add64(xq,ze,((aad=(new X(zx.$high,zx.$low)),new $Uint64(aad.$high,aad.$low))));aaa=aac[0];aab=aac[1];aae=new $Uint64(0,0);aaf=new $Uint64(0,0);aag=A.Add64((aah=((aai=(new X(xr.$high,xr.$low)),new $Uint64(aai.$high,aai.$low))),aaj=((aak=(new X(vn.$high,vn.$low)),new $Uint64(aak.$high,aak.$low))),new $Uint64(aah.$high+aaj.$high,aah.$low+aaj.$low)),(aal=((aam=(new X(zf.$high,zf.$low)),new $Uint64(aam.$high,aam.$low))),new $Uint64(aal.$high+xy.$high,aal.$low+xy.$low)),((aan=(new X(aab.$high,aab.$low)),new $Uint64(aan.$high,aan.$low))));aae=aag[0];aaf=aag[1];aao=new $Uint64(0,0);aap=new $Uint64(0,0);aaq=A.Sub64(zk,new $Uint64(0,4294967295),new $Uint64(0,0));aao=aaq[0];aap=aaq[1];aar=new $Uint64(0,0);aas=new $Uint64(0,0);aat=A.Sub64(zo,new $Uint64(4294967295,0),((aau=(new X(aap.$high,aap.$low)),new $Uint64(aau.$high,aau.$low))));aar=aat[0];aas=aat[1];aav=new $Uint64(0,0);aaw=new $Uint64(0,0);aax=A.Sub64(zs,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967294),((aay=(new X(aas.$high,aas.$low)),new $Uint64(aay.$high,aay.$low))));aav=aax[0];aaw=aax[1];aaz=new $Uint64(0,0);aba=new $Uint64(0,0);abb=A.Sub64(zw,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((abc=(new X(aaw.$high,aaw.$low)),new $Uint64(abc.$high,abc.$low))));aaz=abb[0];aba=abb[1];abd=new $Uint64(0,0);abe=new $Uint64(0,0);abf=A.Sub64(aaa,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((abg=(new X(aba.$high,aba.$low)),new $Uint64(abg.$high,abg.$low))));abd=abf[0];abe=abf[1];abh=new $Uint64(0,0);abi=new $Uint64(0,0);abj=A.Sub64(aae,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((abk=(new X(abe.$high,abe.$low)),new $Uint64(abk.$high,abk.$low))));abh=abj[0];abi=abj[1];abl=new $Uint64(0,0);abm=A.Sub64(((abn=(new X(aaf.$high,aaf.$low)),new $Uint64(abn.$high,abn.$low))),new $Uint64(0,0),((abo=(new X(abi.$high,abi.$low)),new $Uint64(abo.$high,abo.$low))));abl=abm[1];abp=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((abq||(abq=new BO(function(){return abp;},function($v){abp=$v;}))),(new X(abl.$high,abl.$low)),aao,zk);abr=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((abs||(abs=new BO(function(){return abr;},function($v){abr=$v;}))),(new X(abl.$high,abl.$low)),aar,zo);abt=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((abu||(abu=new BO(function(){return abt;},function($v){abt=$v;}))),(new X(abl.$high,abl.$low)),aav,zs);abv=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((abw||(abw=new BO(function(){return abv;},function($v){abv=$v;}))),(new X(abl.$high,abl.$low)),aaz,zw);abx=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((aby||(aby=new BO(function(){return abx;},function($v){abx=$v;}))),(new X(abl.$high,abl.$low)),abd,aaa);abz=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((aca||(aca=new BO(function(){return abz;},function($v){abz=$v;}))),(new X(abl.$high,abl.$low)),abh,aae);a.nilCheck,a[0]=abp;a.nilCheck,a[1]=abr;a.nilCheck,a[2]=abt;a.nilCheck,a[3]=abv;a.nilCheck,a[4]=abx;a.nilCheck,a[5]=abz;};AJ=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;e=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((f||(f=new BO(function(){return e;},function($v){e=$v;}))),b,c[0],d[0]);g=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((h||(h=new BO(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$v;}))),b,c[1],d[1]);i=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((j||(j=new BO(function(){return i;},function($v){i=$v;}))),b,c[2],d[2]);k=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((l||(l=new BO(function(){return k;},function($v){k=$v;}))),b,c[3],d[3]);m=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((n||(n=new BO(function(){return m;},function($v){m=$v;}))),b,c[4],d[4]);o=new $Uint64(0,0);AB((p||(p=new BO(function(){return o;},function($v){o=$v;}))),b,c[5],d[5]);a.nilCheck,a[0]=e;a.nilCheck,a[1]=g;a.nilCheck,a[2]=i;a.nilCheck,a[3]=k;a.nilCheck,a[4]=m;a.nilCheck,a[5]=o;};AK=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=b[5];d=b[4];e=b[3];f=b[2];g=b[1];h=b[0];i=((((h.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);j=$shiftRightUint64(h,8);k=((((j.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);l=$shiftRightUint64(j,8);m=((((l.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);n=$shiftRightUint64(l,8);o=((((n.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);p=$shiftRightUint64(n,8);q=((((p.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);r=$shiftRightUint64(p,8);s=((((r.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);t=$shiftRightUint64(r,8);u=((((t.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);v=((($shiftRightUint64(t,8)).$low<<24>>>24));w=((((g.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);x=$shiftRightUint64(g,8);y=((((x.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);z=$shiftRightUint64(x,8);aa=((((z.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ab=$shiftRightUint64(z,8);ac=((((ab.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ad=$shiftRightUint64(ab,8);ae=((((ad.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);af=$shiftRightUint64(ad,8);ag=((((af.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ah=$shiftRightUint64(af,8);ai=((((ah.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);aj=((($shiftRightUint64(ah,8)).$low<<24>>>24));ak=((((f.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);al=$shiftRightUint64(f,8);am=((((al.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);an=$shiftRightUint64(al,8);ao=((((an.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ap=$shiftRightUint64(an,8);aq=((((ap.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ar=$shiftRightUint64(ap,8);as=((((ar.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);at=$shiftRightUint64(ar,8);au=((((at.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);av=$shiftRightUint64(at,8);aw=((((av.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ax=((($shiftRightUint64(av,8)).$low<<24>>>24));ay=((((e.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);az=$shiftRightUint64(e,8);ba=((((az.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bb=$shiftRightUint64(az,8);bc=((((bb.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bd=$shiftRightUint64(bb,8);be=((((bd.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bf=$shiftRightUint64(bd,8);bg=((((bf.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bh=$shiftRightUint64(bf,8);bi=((((bh.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bj=$shiftRightUint64(bh,8);bk=((((bj.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bl=((($shiftRightUint64(bj,8)).$low<<24>>>24));bm=((((d.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bn=$shiftRightUint64(d,8);bo=((((bn.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bp=$shiftRightUint64(bn,8);bq=((((bp.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);br=$shiftRightUint64(bp,8);bs=((((br.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bt=$shiftRightUint64(br,8);bu=((((bt.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bv=$shiftRightUint64(bt,8);bw=((((bv.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bx=$shiftRightUint64(bv,8);by=((((bx.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);bz=((($shiftRightUint64(bx,8)).$low<<24>>>24));ca=((((c.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cb=$shiftRightUint64(c,8);cc=((((cb.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cd=$shiftRightUint64(cb,8);ce=((((cd.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cf=$shiftRightUint64(cd,8);cg=((((cf.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);ch=$shiftRightUint64(cf,8);ci=((((ch.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cj=$shiftRightUint64(ch,8);ck=((((cj.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cl=$shiftRightUint64(cj,8);cm=((((cl.$low<<24>>>24))&255)>>>0);cn=((($shiftRightUint64(cl,8)).$low<<24>>>24));a.nilCheck,a[0]=i;a.nilCheck,a[1]=k;a.nilCheck,a[2]=m;a.nilCheck,a[3]=o;a.nilCheck,a[4]=q;a.nilCheck,a[5]=s;a.nilCheck,a[6]=u;a.nilCheck,a[7]=v;a.nilCheck,a[8]=w;a.nilCheck,a[9]=y;a.nilCheck,a[10]=aa;a.nilCheck,a[11]=ac;a.nilCheck,a[12]=ae;a.nilCheck,a[13]=ag;a.nilCheck,a[14]=ai;a.nilCheck,a[15]=aj;a.nilCheck,a[16]=ak;a.nilCheck,a[17]=am;a.nilCheck,a[18]=ao;a.nilCheck,a[19]=aq;a.nilCheck,a[20]=as;a.nilCheck,a[21]=au;a.nilCheck,a[22]=aw;a.nilCheck,a[23]=ax;a.nilCheck,a[24]=ay;a.nilCheck,a[25]=ba;a.nilCheck,a[26]=bc;a.nilCheck,a[27]=be;a.nilCheck,a[28]=bg;a.nilCheck,a[29]=bi;a.nilCheck,a[30]=bk;a.nilCheck,a[31]=bl;a.nilCheck,a[32]=bm;a.nilCheck,a[33]=bo;a.nilCheck,a[34]=bq;a.nilCheck,a[35]=bs;a.nilCheck,a[36]=bu;a.nilCheck,a[37]=bw;a.nilCheck,a[38]=by;a.nilCheck,a[39]=bz;a.nilCheck,a[40]=ca;a.nilCheck,a[41]=cc;a.nilCheck,a[42]=ce;a.nilCheck,a[43]=cg;a.nilCheck,a[44]=ci;a.nilCheck,a[45]=ck;a.nilCheck,a[46]=cm;a.nilCheck,a[47]=cn;};AL=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[47])),56);d=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[46])),48);e=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[45])),40);f=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[44])),32);g=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[43])),24);h=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[42])),16);i=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[41])),8);j=b[40];k=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[39])),56);l=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[38])),48);m=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[37])),40);n=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[36])),32);o=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[35])),24);p=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[34])),16);q=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[33])),8);r=b[32];s=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[31])),56);t=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[30])),48);u=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[29])),40);v=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[28])),32);w=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[27])),24);x=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[26])),16);y=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[25])),8);z=b[24];aa=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[23])),56);ab=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[22])),48);ac=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[21])),40);ad=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[20])),32);ae=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[19])),24);af=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[18])),16);ag=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[17])),8);ah=b[16];ai=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[15])),56);aj=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[14])),48);ak=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[13])),40);al=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[12])),32);am=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[11])),24);an=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[10])),16);ao=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[9])),8);ap=b[8];aq=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),56);ar=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),48);as=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),40);at=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),32);au=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),24);av=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),16);aw=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),8);ax=b[0];az=(ay=(new $Uint64(0,ax)),new $Uint64(aw.$high+ay.$high,aw.$low+ay.$low));ba=new $Uint64(av.$high+az.$high,av.$low+az.$low);bb=new $Uint64(au.$high+ba.$high,au.$low+ba.$low);bc=new $Uint64(at.$high+bb.$high,at.$low+bb.$low);bd=new $Uint64(as.$high+bc.$high,as.$low+bc.$low);be=new $Uint64(ar.$high+bd.$high,ar.$low+bd.$low);bf=new $Uint64(aq.$high+be.$high,aq.$low+be.$low);bh=(bg=(new $Uint64(0,ap)),new $Uint64(ao.$high+bg.$high,ao.$low+bg.$low));bi=new $Uint64(an.$high+bh.$high,an.$low+bh.$low);bj=new $Uint64(am.$high+bi.$high,am.$low+bi.$low);bk=new $Uint64(al.$high+bj.$high,al.$low+bj.$low);bl=new $Uint64(ak.$high+bk.$high,ak.$low+bk.$low);bm=new $Uint64(aj.$high+bl.$high,aj.$low+bl.$low);bn=new $Uint64(ai.$high+bm.$high,ai.$low+bm.$low);bp=(bo=(new $Uint64(0,ah)),new $Uint64(ag.$high+bo.$high,ag.$low+bo.$low));bq=new $Uint64(af.$high+bp.$high,af.$low+bp.$low);br=new $Uint64(ae.$high+bq.$high,ae.$low+bq.$low);bs=new $Uint64(ad.$high+br.$high,ad.$low+br.$low);bt=new $Uint64(ac.$high+bs.$high,ac.$low+bs.$low);bu=new $Uint64(ab.$high+bt.$high,ab.$low+bt.$low);bv=new $Uint64(aa.$high+bu.$high,aa.$low+bu.$low);bx=(bw=(new $Uint64(0,z)),new $Uint64(y.$high+bw.$high,y.$low+bw.$low));by=new $Uint64(x.$high+bx.$high,x.$low+bx.$low);bz=new $Uint64(w.$high+by.$high,w.$low+by.$low);ca=new $Uint64(v.$high+bz.$high,v.$low+bz.$low);cb=new $Uint64(u.$high+ca.$high,u.$low+ca.$low);cc=new $Uint64(t.$high+cb.$high,t.$low+cb.$low);cd=new $Uint64(s.$high+cc.$high,s.$low+cc.$low);cf=(ce=(new $Uint64(0,r)),new $Uint64(q.$high+ce.$high,q.$low+ce.$low));cg=new $Uint64(p.$high+cf.$high,p.$low+cf.$low);ch=new $Uint64(o.$high+cg.$high,o.$low+cg.$low);ci=new $Uint64(n.$high+ch.$high,n.$low+ch.$low);cj=new $Uint64(m.$high+ci.$high,m.$low+ci.$low);ck=new $Uint64(l.$high+cj.$high,l.$low+cj.$low);cl=new $Uint64(k.$high+ck.$high,k.$low+ck.$low);cn=(cm=(new $Uint64(0,j)),new $Uint64(i.$high+cm.$high,i.$low+cm.$low));co=new $Uint64(h.$high+cn.$high,h.$low+cn.$low);cp=new $Uint64(g.$high+co.$high,g.$low+co.$low);cq=new $Uint64(f.$high+cp.$high,f.$low+cp.$low);cr=new $Uint64(e.$high+cq.$high,e.$low+cq.$low);cs=new $Uint64(d.$high+cr.$high,d.$low+cr.$low);ct=new $Uint64(c.$high+cs.$high,c.$low+cs.$low);a.nilCheck,a[0]=bf;a.nilCheck,a[1]=bn;a.nilCheck,a[2]=bv;a.nilCheck,a[3]=cd;a.nilCheck,a[4]=cl;a.nilCheck,a[5]=ct;};AM.ptr.prototype.One=function(){var a;a=this;AG(a.x);return a;};AM.prototype.One=function(){return this.$val.One();};AM.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=b.Bytes();d=a.Bytes();return B.ConstantTimeCompare(c,d);};AM.prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$val.Equal(a);};AM.ptr.prototype.IsZero=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.Bytes();return B.ConstantTimeCompare(b,AO);};AM.prototype.IsZero=function(){return this.$val.IsZero();};AM.ptr.prototype.Set=function(a){var a,b;b=this;Z.copy(b.x,a.x);return b;};AM.prototype.Set=function(a){return this.$val.Set(a);};AM.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=BS.zero();return a.bytes(b);};AM.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};AM.ptr.prototype.bytes=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=BM.zero();AH(c,b.x);AK(a,(c));AQ(new BQ(a));return new BQ(a);};AM.prototype.bytes=function(a){return this.$val.bytes(a);};AM.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=this;if(!((a.$length===48))){return[BT.nil,C.New("invalid P384Element encoding")];}c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e])<((e<0||e>=AP.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AP.$array[AP.$offset+e])){break;}if(((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e])>((e<0||e>=AP.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AP.$array[AP.$offset+e])){return[BT.nil,C.New("invalid P384Element encoding")];}d++;}f=BS.zero();$copySlice(new BQ(f),a);AQ(new BQ(f));g=BM.zero();AL((g),f);AI(b.x,g);return[b,$ifaceNil];};AM.prototype.SetBytes=function(a){return this.$val.SetBytes(a);};AM.ptr.prototype.Add=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;AE(c.x,a.x,b.x);return c;};AM.prototype.Add=function(a,b){return this.$val.Add(a,b);};AM.ptr.prototype.Sub=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;AF(c.x,a.x,b.x);return c;};AM.prototype.Sub=function(a,b){return this.$val.Sub(a,b);};AM.ptr.prototype.Mul=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;AC(c.x,a.x,b.x);return c;};AM.prototype.Mul=function(a,b){return this.$val.Mul(a,b);};AM.ptr.prototype.Square=function(a){var a,b;b=this;AD(b.x,a.x);return b;};AM.prototype.Square=function(a){return this.$val.Square(a);};AM.ptr.prototype.Select=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d;d=this;AJ((d.x),(new X(0,c)),(b.x),(a.x));return d;};AM.prototype.Select=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.Select(a,b,c);};AQ=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=0;while(true){if(!(b<(c=a.$length/2,(c===c&&c!==1/0&&c!==-1/0)?c>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))){break;}d=(e=(a.$length-1>>0)-b>>0,((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]));f=((b<0||b>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]);((b<0||b>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]=d);(g=(a.$length-1>>0)-b>>0,((g<0||g>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+g]=f));b=b+(1)>>0;}};BG.ptr.prototype.Invert=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;b=this;c=new BG.ptr(BN.zero()).Set(b);d=new BG.ptr(BN.zero());e=new BG.ptr(BN.zero());f=new BG.ptr(BN.zero());c.Square(a);d.Mul(a,c);c.Square(d);c.Mul(a,c);e.Square(c);g=1;while(true){if(!(g<3)){break;}e.Square(e);g=g+(1)>>0;}e.Mul(c,e);f.Square(e);h=1;while(true){if(!(h<6)){break;}f.Square(f);h=h+(1)>>0;}e.Mul(e,f);i=0;while(true){if(!(i<2)){break;}e.Square(e);i=i+(1)>>0;}d.Mul(d,e);e.Square(d);j=1;while(true){if(!(j<3)){break;}e.Square(e);j=j+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,e);e.Square(c);k=1;while(true){if(!(k<14)){break;}e.Square(e);k=k+(1)>>0;}d.Mul(d,e);e.Square(d);l=1;while(true){if(!(l<17)){break;}e.Square(e);l=l+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,e);e.Square(c);m=1;while(true){if(!(m<48)){break;}e.Square(e);m=m+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,e);e.Square(c);n=1;while(true){if(!(n<31)){break;}e.Square(e);n=n+(1)>>0;}d.Mul(d,e);o=0;while(true){if(!(o<97)){break;}d.Square(d);o=o+(1)>>0;}c.Mul(c,d);return b.Set(c);};BG.prototype.Invert=function(a){return this.$val.Invert(a);};AV=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=$mul64((new $Uint64(b.$high,b.$low)),new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));i=(f=new $Uint64(e.$high&d.$high,(e.$low&d.$low)>>>0),g=(h=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),new $Uint64(h.$high&c.$high,(h.$low&c.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(f.$high|g.$high,(f.$low|g.$low)>>>0));a.$set(i);};AW=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,ne,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=b[1];e=b[2];f=b[3];g=b[0];h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=new $Uint64(0,0);j=A.Mul64(g,c[3]);i=j[0];h=j[1];k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=A.Mul64(g,c[2]);l=m[0];k=m[1];n=new $Uint64(0,0);o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=A.Mul64(g,c[1]);o=p[0];n=p[1];q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=new $Uint64(0,0);s=A.Mul64(g,c[0]);r=s[0];q=s[1];t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=A.Add64(r,n,new $Uint64(0,0));t=v[0];u=v[1];w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=A.Add64(o,k,((z=(new AR(u.$high,u.$low)),new $Uint64(z.$high,z.$low))));w=y[0];x=y[1];aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=A.Add64(l,h,((ad=(new AR(x.$high,x.$low)),new $Uint64(ad.$high,ad.$low))));aa=ac[0];ab=ac[1];ag=(ae=((af=(new AR(ab.$high,ab.$low)),new $Uint64(af.$high,af.$low))),new $Uint64(ae.$high+i.$high,ae.$low+i.$low));ah=new $Uint64(0,0);ai=A.Mul64(q,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ah=ai[1];aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=new $Uint64(0,0);al=A.Mul64(ah,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));ak=al[0];aj=al[1];am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=new $Uint64(0,0);ao=A.Mul64(ah,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));an=ao[0];am=ao[1];ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=A.Mul64(ah,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));aq=ar[0];ap=ar[1];as=new $Uint64(0,0);at=new $Uint64(0,0);au=A.Add64(aq,am,new $Uint64(0,0));as=au[0];at=au[1];av=new $Uint64(0,0);aw=new $Uint64(0,0);ax=A.Add64(an,aj,((ay=(new AR(at.$high,at.$low)),new $Uint64(ay.$high,ay.$low))));av=ax[0];aw=ax[1];bb=(az=((ba=(new AR(aw.$high,aw.$low)),new $Uint64(ba.$high,ba.$low))),new $Uint64(az.$high+ak.$high,az.$low+ak.$low));bc=new $Uint64(0,0);bd=A.Add64(q,ah,new $Uint64(0,0));bc=bd[1];be=new $Uint64(0,0);bf=new $Uint64(0,0);bg=A.Add64(t,ap,((bh=(new AR(bc.$high,bc.$low)),new $Uint64(bh.$high,bh.$low))));be=bg[0];bf=bg[1];bi=new $Uint64(0,0);bj=new $Uint64(0,0);bk=A.Add64(w,as,((bl=(new AR(bf.$high,bf.$low)),new $Uint64(bl.$high,bl.$low))));bi=bk[0];bj=bk[1];bm=new $Uint64(0,0);bn=new $Uint64(0,0);bo=A.Add64(aa,av,((bp=(new AR(bj.$high,bj.$low)),new $Uint64(bp.$high,bp.$low))));bm=bo[0];bn=bo[1];bq=new $Uint64(0,0);br=new $Uint64(0,0);bs=A.Add64(ag,bb,((bt=(new AR(bn.$high,bn.$low)),new $Uint64(bt.$high,bt.$low))));bq=bs[0];br=bs[1];bu=new $Uint64(0,0);bv=new $Uint64(0,0);bw=A.Mul64(d,c[3]);bv=bw[0];bu=bw[1];bx=new $Uint64(0,0);by=new $Uint64(0,0);bz=A.Mul64(d,c[2]);by=bz[0];bx=bz[1];ca=new $Uint64(0,0);cb=new $Uint64(0,0);cc=A.Mul64(d,c[1]);cb=cc[0];ca=cc[1];cd=new $Uint64(0,0);ce=new $Uint64(0,0);cf=A.Mul64(d,c[0]);ce=cf[0];cd=cf[1];cg=new $Uint64(0,0);ch=new $Uint64(0,0);ci=A.Add64(ce,ca,new $Uint64(0,0));cg=ci[0];ch=ci[1];cj=new $Uint64(0,0);ck=new $Uint64(0,0);cl=A.Add64(cb,bx,((cm=(new AR(ch.$high,ch.$low)),new $Uint64(cm.$high,cm.$low))));cj=cl[0];ck=cl[1];cn=new $Uint64(0,0);co=new $Uint64(0,0);cp=A.Add64(by,bu,((cq=(new AR(ck.$high,ck.$low)),new $Uint64(cq.$high,cq.$low))));cn=cp[0];co=cp[1];ct=(cr=((cs=(new AR(co.$high,co.$low)),new $Uint64(cs.$high,cs.$low))),new $Uint64(cr.$high+bv.$high,cr.$low+bv.$low));cu=new $Uint64(0,0);cv=new $Uint64(0,0);cw=A.Add64(be,cd,new $Uint64(0,0));cu=cw[0];cv=cw[1];cx=new $Uint64(0,0);cy=new $Uint64(0,0);cz=A.Add64(bi,cg,((da=(new AR(cv.$high,cv.$low)),new $Uint64(da.$high,da.$low))));cx=cz[0];cy=cz[1];db=new $Uint64(0,0);dc=new $Uint64(0,0);dd=A.Add64(bm,cj,((de=(new AR(cy.$high,cy.$low)),new $Uint64(de.$high,de.$low))));db=dd[0];dc=dd[1];df=new $Uint64(0,0);dg=new $Uint64(0,0);dh=A.Add64(bq,cn,((di=(new AR(dc.$high,dc.$low)),new $Uint64(di.$high,di.$low))));df=dh[0];dg=dh[1];dj=new $Uint64(0,0);dk=new $Uint64(0,0);dl=A.Add64(((dm=(new AR(br.$high,br.$low)),new $Uint64(dm.$high,dm.$low))),ct,((dn=(new AR(dg.$high,dg.$low)),new $Uint64(dn.$high,dn.$low))));dj=dl[0];dk=dl[1];dp=new $Uint64(0,0);dq=A.Mul64(cu,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));dp=dq[1];dr=new $Uint64(0,0);ds=new $Uint64(0,0);dt=A.Mul64(dp,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));ds=dt[0];dr=dt[1];du=new $Uint64(0,0);dv=new $Uint64(0,0);dw=A.Mul64(dp,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));dv=dw[0];du=dw[1];dx=new $Uint64(0,0);dy=new $Uint64(0,0);dz=A.Mul64(dp,new 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$Uint64(fb.$high,fb.$low))));ey=fa[0];ez=fa[1];fg=(fc=((fd=(new AR(ez.$high,ez.$low)),new $Uint64(fd.$high,fd.$low))),fe=((ff=(new AR(dk.$high,dk.$low)),new $Uint64(ff.$high,ff.$low))),new $Uint64(fc.$high+fe.$high,fc.$low+fe.$low));fh=new $Uint64(0,0);fi=new $Uint64(0,0);fj=A.Mul64(e,c[3]);fi=fj[0];fh=fj[1];fk=new $Uint64(0,0);fl=new $Uint64(0,0);fm=A.Mul64(e,c[2]);fl=fm[0];fk=fm[1];fn=new $Uint64(0,0);fo=new $Uint64(0,0);fp=A.Mul64(e,c[1]);fo=fp[0];fn=fp[1];fq=new $Uint64(0,0);fr=new $Uint64(0,0);fs=A.Mul64(e,c[0]);fr=fs[0];fq=fs[1];ft=new $Uint64(0,0);fu=new $Uint64(0,0);fv=A.Add64(fr,fn,new $Uint64(0,0));ft=fv[0];fu=fv[1];fw=new $Uint64(0,0);fx=new $Uint64(0,0);fy=A.Add64(fo,fk,((fz=(new AR(fu.$high,fu.$low)),new $Uint64(fz.$high,fz.$low))));fw=fy[0];fx=fy[1];ga=new $Uint64(0,0);gb=new $Uint64(0,0);gc=A.Add64(fl,fh,((gd=(new AR(fx.$high,fx.$low)),new $Uint64(gd.$high,gd.$low))));ga=gc[0];gb=gc[1];gg=(ge=((gf=(new AR(gb.$high,gb.$low)),new $Uint64(gf.$high,gf.$low))),new 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AR(ih.$high,ih.$low)),new $Uint64(io.$high,io.$low))));ik=im[0];il=im[1];it=(ip=((iq=(new AR(il.$high,il.$low)),new $Uint64(iq.$high,iq.$low))),ir=((is=(new AR(gx.$high,gx.$low)),new $Uint64(is.$high,is.$low))),new $Uint64(ip.$high+ir.$high,ip.$low+ir.$low));iu=new $Uint64(0,0);iv=new $Uint64(0,0);iw=A.Mul64(f,c[3]);iv=iw[0];iu=iw[1];ix=new $Uint64(0,0);iy=new $Uint64(0,0);iz=A.Mul64(f,c[2]);iy=iz[0];ix=iz[1];ja=new $Uint64(0,0);jb=new $Uint64(0,0);jc=A.Mul64(f,c[1]);jb=jc[0];ja=jc[1];jd=new $Uint64(0,0);je=new $Uint64(0,0);jf=A.Mul64(f,c[0]);je=jf[0];jd=jf[1];jg=new $Uint64(0,0);jh=new $Uint64(0,0);ji=A.Add64(je,ja,new $Uint64(0,0));jg=ji[0];jh=ji[1];jj=new $Uint64(0,0);jk=new $Uint64(0,0);jl=A.Add64(jb,ix,((jm=(new AR(jh.$high,jh.$low)),new $Uint64(jm.$high,jm.$low))));jj=jl[0];jk=jl[1];jn=new $Uint64(0,0);jo=new $Uint64(0,0);jp=A.Add64(iy,iu,((jq=(new AR(jk.$high,jk.$low)),new $Uint64(jq.$high,jq.$low))));jn=jp[0];jo=jp[1];jt=(jr=((js=(new AR(jo.$high,jo.$low)),new $Uint64(js.$high,js.$low))),new $Uint64(jr.$high+iv.$high,jr.$low+iv.$low));ju=new $Uint64(0,0);jv=new $Uint64(0,0);jw=A.Add64(hx,jd,new $Uint64(0,0));ju=jw[0];jv=jw[1];jx=new $Uint64(0,0);jy=new $Uint64(0,0);jz=A.Add64(ib,jg,((ka=(new AR(jv.$high,jv.$low)),new $Uint64(ka.$high,ka.$low))));jx=jz[0];jy=jz[1];kb=new $Uint64(0,0);kc=new $Uint64(0,0);kd=A.Add64(ig,jj,((ke=(new AR(jy.$high,jy.$low)),new $Uint64(ke.$high,ke.$low))));kb=kd[0];kc=kd[1];kf=new $Uint64(0,0);kg=new $Uint64(0,0);kh=A.Add64(ik,jn,((ki=(new AR(kc.$high,kc.$low)),new $Uint64(ki.$high,ki.$low))));kf=kh[0];kg=kh[1];kj=new $Uint64(0,0);kk=new $Uint64(0,0);kl=A.Add64(it,jt,((km=(new AR(kg.$high,kg.$low)),new $Uint64(km.$high,km.$low))));kj=kl[0];kk=kl[1];kn=new $Uint64(0,0);ko=A.Mul64(ju,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kn=ko[1];kp=new $Uint64(0,0);kq=new $Uint64(0,0);kr=A.Mul64(kn,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));kq=kr[0];kp=kr[1];ks=new $Uint64(0,0);kt=new $Uint64(0,0);ku=A.Mul64(kn,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));kt=ku[0];ks=ku[1];kv=new $Uint64(0,0);kw=new $Uint64(0,0);kx=A.Mul64(kn,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));kw=kx[0];kv=kx[1];ky=new $Uint64(0,0);kz=new $Uint64(0,0);la=A.Add64(kw,ks,new $Uint64(0,0));ky=la[0];kz=la[1];lb=new $Uint64(0,0);lc=new $Uint64(0,0);ld=A.Add64(kt,kp,((le=(new AR(kz.$high,kz.$low)),new $Uint64(le.$high,le.$low))));lb=ld[0];lc=ld[1];lh=(lf=((lg=(new AR(lc.$high,lc.$low)),new $Uint64(lg.$high,lg.$low))),new $Uint64(lf.$high+kq.$high,lf.$low+kq.$low));li=new $Uint64(0,0);lj=A.Add64(ju,kn,new $Uint64(0,0));li=lj[1];lk=new $Uint64(0,0);ll=new $Uint64(0,0);lm=A.Add64(jx,kv,((ln=(new AR(li.$high,li.$low)),new $Uint64(ln.$high,ln.$low))));lk=lm[0];ll=lm[1];lo=new $Uint64(0,0);lp=new $Uint64(0,0);lq=A.Add64(kb,ky,((lr=(new AR(ll.$high,ll.$low)),new $Uint64(lr.$high,lr.$low))));lo=lq[0];lp=lq[1];ls=new $Uint64(0,0);lt=new $Uint64(0,0);lu=A.Add64(kf,lb,((lv=(new AR(lp.$high,lp.$low)),new $Uint64(lv.$high,lv.$low))));ls=lu[0];lt=lu[1];lw=new $Uint64(0,0);lx=new $Uint64(0,0);ly=A.Add64(kj,lh,((lz=(new AR(lt.$high,lt.$low)),new $Uint64(lz.$high,lz.$low))));lw=ly[0];lx=ly[1];me=(ma=((mb=(new AR(lx.$high,lx.$low)),new $Uint64(mb.$high,mb.$low))),mc=((md=(new AR(kk.$high,kk.$low)),new $Uint64(md.$high,md.$low))),new $Uint64(ma.$high+mc.$high,ma.$low+mc.$low));mf=new $Uint64(0,0);mg=new $Uint64(0,0);mh=A.Sub64(lk,new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(0,0));mf=mh[0];mg=mh[1];mi=new $Uint64(0,0);mj=new $Uint64(0,0);mk=A.Sub64(lo,new $Uint64(4294967295,0),((ml=(new AR(mg.$high,mg.$low)),new $Uint64(ml.$high,ml.$low))));mi=mk[0];mj=mk[1];mm=new $Uint64(0,0);mn=new $Uint64(0,0);mo=A.Sub64(ls,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((mp=(new AR(mj.$high,mj.$low)),new $Uint64(mp.$high,mp.$low))));mm=mo[0];mn=mo[1];mq=new $Uint64(0,0);mr=new $Uint64(0,0);ms=A.Sub64(lw,new $Uint64(0,4294967295),((mt=(new AR(mn.$high,mn.$low)),new $Uint64(mt.$high,mt.$low))));mq=ms[0];mr=ms[1];mu=new $Uint64(0,0);mv=A.Sub64(me,new $Uint64(0,0),((mw=(new AR(mr.$high,mr.$low)),new $Uint64(mw.$high,mw.$low))));mu=mv[1];mx=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((my||(my=new BO(function(){return mx;},function($v){mx=$v;}))),(new AR(mu.$high,mu.$low)),mf,lk);mz=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((na||(na=new BO(function(){return mz;},function($v){mz=$v;}))),(new AR(mu.$high,mu.$low)),mi,lo);nb=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((nc||(nc=new BO(function(){return nb;},function($v){nb=$v;}))),(new AR(mu.$high,mu.$low)),mm,ls);nd=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((ne||(ne=new BO(function(){return nd;},function($v){nd=$v;}))),(new AR(mu.$high,mu.$low)),mq,lw);a.nilCheck,a[0]=mx;a.nilCheck,a[1]=mz;a.nilCheck,a[2]=nb;a.nilCheck,a[3]=nd;};AX=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,mi,mj,mk,ml,mm,mn,mo,mp,mq,mr,ms,mt,mu,mv,mw,mx,my,mz,n,na,nb,nc,nd,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=b[1];d=b[2];e=b[3];f=b[0];g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=A.Mul64(f,b[3]);h=i[0];g=i[1];j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=A.Mul64(f,b[2]);k=l[0];j=l[1];m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=new $Uint64(0,0);o=A.Mul64(f,b[1]);n=o[0];m=o[1];p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=A.Mul64(f,b[0]);q=r[0];p=r[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=A.Add64(q,m,new $Uint64(0,0));s=u[0];t=u[1];v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=A.Add64(n,j,((y=(new AR(t.$high,t.$low)),new $Uint64(y.$high,y.$low))));v=x[0];w=x[1];z=new $Uint64(0,0);aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=A.Add64(k,g,((ac=(new AR(w.$high,w.$low)),new $Uint64(ac.$high,ac.$low))));z=ab[0];aa=ab[1];af=(ad=((ae=(new AR(aa.$high,aa.$low)),new $Uint64(ae.$high,ae.$low))),new $Uint64(ad.$high+h.$high,ad.$low+h.$low));ag=new $Uint64(0,0);ah=A.Mul64(p,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ag=ah[1];ai=new $Uint64(0,0);aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=A.Mul64(ag,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));aj=ak[0];ai=ak[1];al=new $Uint64(0,0);am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=A.Mul64(ag,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));am=an[0];al=an[1];ao=new $Uint64(0,0);ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=A.Mul64(ag,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));ap=aq[0];ao=aq[1];ar=new $Uint64(0,0);as=new $Uint64(0,0);at=A.Add64(ap,al,new $Uint64(0,0));ar=at[0];as=at[1];au=new $Uint64(0,0);av=new $Uint64(0,0);aw=A.Add64(am,ai,((ax=(new AR(as.$high,as.$low)),new $Uint64(ax.$high,ax.$low))));au=aw[0];av=aw[1];ba=(ay=((az=(new AR(av.$high,av.$low)),new $Uint64(az.$high,az.$low))),new $Uint64(ay.$high+aj.$high,ay.$low+aj.$low));bb=new $Uint64(0,0);bc=A.Add64(p,ag,new $Uint64(0,0));bb=bc[1];bd=new $Uint64(0,0);be=new $Uint64(0,0);bf=A.Add64(s,ao,((bg=(new AR(bb.$high,bb.$low)),new $Uint64(bg.$high,bg.$low))));bd=bf[0];be=bf[1];bh=new $Uint64(0,0);bi=new $Uint64(0,0);bj=A.Add64(v,ar,((bk=(new AR(be.$high,be.$low)),new $Uint64(bk.$high,bk.$low))));bh=bj[0];bi=bj[1];bl=new $Uint64(0,0);bm=new $Uint64(0,0);bn=A.Add64(z,au,((bo=(new AR(bi.$high,bi.$low)),new $Uint64(bo.$high,bo.$low))));bl=bn[0];bm=bn[1];bp=new $Uint64(0,0);bq=new $Uint64(0,0);br=A.Add64(af,ba,((bs=(new AR(bm.$high,bm.$low)),new $Uint64(bs.$high,bs.$low))));bp=br[0];bq=br[1];bt=new $Uint64(0,0);bu=new $Uint64(0,0);bv=A.Mul64(c,b[3]);bu=bv[0];bt=bv[1];bw=new $Uint64(0,0);bx=new $Uint64(0,0);by=A.Mul64(c,b[2]);bx=by[0];bw=by[1];bz=new $Uint64(0,0);ca=new $Uint64(0,0);cb=A.Mul64(c,b[1]);ca=cb[0];bz=cb[1];cc=new $Uint64(0,0);cd=new $Uint64(0,0);ce=A.Mul64(c,b[0]);cd=ce[0];cc=ce[1];cf=new $Uint64(0,0);cg=new $Uint64(0,0);ch=A.Add64(cd,bz,new $Uint64(0,0));cf=ch[0];cg=ch[1];ci=new $Uint64(0,0);cj=new $Uint64(0,0);ck=A.Add64(ca,bw,((cl=(new AR(cg.$high,cg.$low)),new $Uint64(cl.$high,cl.$low))));ci=ck[0];cj=ck[1];cm=new $Uint64(0,0);cn=new $Uint64(0,0);co=A.Add64(bx,bt,((cp=(new AR(cj.$high,cj.$low)),new $Uint64(cp.$high,cp.$low))));cm=co[0];cn=co[1];cs=(cq=((cr=(new AR(cn.$high,cn.$low)),new $Uint64(cr.$high,cr.$low))),new $Uint64(cq.$high+bu.$high,cq.$low+bu.$low));ct=new $Uint64(0,0);cu=new $Uint64(0,0);cv=A.Add64(bd,cc,new $Uint64(0,0));ct=cv[0];cu=cv[1];cw=new $Uint64(0,0);cx=new $Uint64(0,0);cy=A.Add64(bh,cf,((cz=(new AR(cu.$high,cu.$low)),new $Uint64(cz.$high,cz.$low))));cw=cy[0];cx=cy[1];da=new $Uint64(0,0);db=new $Uint64(0,0);dc=A.Add64(bl,ci,((dd=(new AR(cx.$high,cx.$low)),new $Uint64(dd.$high,dd.$low))));da=dc[0];db=dc[1];de=new $Uint64(0,0);df=new $Uint64(0,0);dg=A.Add64(bp,cm,((dh=(new AR(db.$high,db.$low)),new $Uint64(dh.$high,dh.$low))));de=dg[0];df=dg[1];di=new $Uint64(0,0);dj=new $Uint64(0,0);dk=A.Add64(((dl=(new AR(bq.$high,bq.$low)),new $Uint64(dl.$high,dl.$low))),cs,((dm=(new AR(df.$high,df.$low)),new $Uint64(dm.$high,dm.$low))));di=dk[0];dj=dk[1];dn=new $Uint64(0,0);dp=A.Mul64(ct,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));dn=dp[1];dq=new $Uint64(0,0);dr=new $Uint64(0,0);ds=A.Mul64(dn,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));dr=ds[0];dq=ds[1];dt=new $Uint64(0,0);du=new $Uint64(0,0);dv=A.Mul64(dn,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));du=dv[0];dt=dv[1];dw=new $Uint64(0,0);dx=new $Uint64(0,0);dy=A.Mul64(dn,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));dx=dy[0];dw=dy[1];dz=new $Uint64(0,0);ea=new $Uint64(0,0);eb=A.Add64(dx,dt,new $Uint64(0,0));dz=eb[0];ea=eb[1];ec=new $Uint64(0,0);ed=new $Uint64(0,0);ee=A.Add64(du,dq,((ef=(new AR(ea.$high,ea.$low)),new $Uint64(ef.$high,ef.$low))));ec=ee[0];ed=ee[1];ei=(eg=((eh=(new AR(ed.$high,ed.$low)),new $Uint64(eh.$high,eh.$low))),new $Uint64(eg.$high+dr.$high,eg.$low+dr.$low));ej=new $Uint64(0,0);ek=A.Add64(ct,dn,new $Uint64(0,0));ej=ek[1];el=new $Uint64(0,0);em=new $Uint64(0,0);en=A.Add64(cw,dw,((eo=(new AR(ej.$high,ej.$low)),new $Uint64(eo.$high,eo.$low))));el=en[0];em=en[1];ep=new $Uint64(0,0);eq=new $Uint64(0,0);er=A.Add64(da,dz,((es=(new AR(em.$high,em.$low)),new $Uint64(es.$high,es.$low))));ep=er[0];eq=er[1];et=new $Uint64(0,0);eu=new $Uint64(0,0);ev=A.Add64(de,ec,((ew=(new AR(eq.$high,eq.$low)),new $Uint64(ew.$high,ew.$low))));et=ev[0];eu=ev[1];ex=new $Uint64(0,0);ey=new $Uint64(0,0);ez=A.Add64(di,ei,((fa=(new AR(eu.$high,eu.$low)),new $Uint64(fa.$high,fa.$low))));ex=ez[0];ey=ez[1];ff=(fb=((fc=(new AR(ey.$high,ey.$low)),new $Uint64(fc.$high,fc.$low))),fd=((fe=(new AR(dj.$high,dj.$low)),new $Uint64(fe.$high,fe.$low))),new $Uint64(fb.$high+fd.$high,fb.$low+fd.$low));fg=new $Uint64(0,0);fh=new $Uint64(0,0);fi=A.Mul64(d,b[3]);fh=fi[0];fg=fi[1];fj=new $Uint64(0,0);fk=new $Uint64(0,0);fl=A.Mul64(d,b[2]);fk=fl[0];fj=fl[1];fm=new $Uint64(0,0);fn=new $Uint64(0,0);fo=A.Mul64(d,b[1]);fn=fo[0];fm=fo[1];fp=new $Uint64(0,0);fq=new $Uint64(0,0);fr=A.Mul64(d,b[0]);fq=fr[0];fp=fr[1];fs=new $Uint64(0,0);ft=new $Uint64(0,0);fu=A.Add64(fq,fm,new $Uint64(0,0));fs=fu[0];ft=fu[1];fv=new $Uint64(0,0);fw=new $Uint64(0,0);fx=A.Add64(fn,fj,((fy=(new AR(ft.$high,ft.$low)),new $Uint64(fy.$high,fy.$low))));fv=fx[0];fw=fx[1];fz=new $Uint64(0,0);ga=new $Uint64(0,0);gb=A.Add64(fk,fg,((gc=(new AR(fw.$high,fw.$low)),new $Uint64(gc.$high,gc.$low))));fz=gb[0];ga=gb[1];gf=(gd=((ge=(new AR(ga.$high,ga.$low)),new $Uint64(ge.$high,ge.$low))),new $Uint64(gd.$high+fh.$high,gd.$low+fh.$low));gg=new $Uint64(0,0);gh=new $Uint64(0,0);gi=A.Add64(el,fp,new $Uint64(0,0));gg=gi[0];gh=gi[1];gj=new $Uint64(0,0);gk=new $Uint64(0,0);gl=A.Add64(ep,fs,((gm=(new AR(gh.$high,gh.$low)),new $Uint64(gm.$high,gm.$low))));gj=gl[0];gk=gl[1];gn=new $Uint64(0,0);go=new $Uint64(0,0);gp=A.Add64(et,fv,((gq=(new AR(gk.$high,gk.$low)),new $Uint64(gq.$high,gq.$low))));gn=gp[0];go=gp[1];gr=new $Uint64(0,0);gs=new $Uint64(0,0);gt=A.Add64(ex,fz,((gu=(new AR(go.$high,go.$low)),new $Uint64(gu.$high,gu.$low))));gr=gt[0];gs=gt[1];gv=new $Uint64(0,0);gw=new $Uint64(0,0);gx=A.Add64(ff,gf,((gy=(new AR(gs.$high,gs.$low)),new $Uint64(gy.$high,gy.$low))));gv=gx[0];gw=gx[1];gz=new $Uint64(0,0);ha=A.Mul64(gg,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gz=ha[1];hb=new $Uint64(0,0);hc=new $Uint64(0,0);hd=A.Mul64(gz,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));hc=hd[0];hb=hd[1];he=new $Uint64(0,0);hf=new $Uint64(0,0);hg=A.Mul64(gz,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));hf=hg[0];he=hg[1];hh=new $Uint64(0,0);hi=new $Uint64(0,0);hj=A.Mul64(gz,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));hi=hj[0];hh=hj[1];hk=new $Uint64(0,0);hl=new $Uint64(0,0);hm=A.Add64(hi,he,new $Uint64(0,0));hk=hm[0];hl=hm[1];hn=new $Uint64(0,0);ho=new $Uint64(0,0);hp=A.Add64(hf,hb,((hq=(new AR(hl.$high,hl.$low)),new $Uint64(hq.$high,hq.$low))));hn=hp[0];ho=hp[1];ht=(hr=((hs=(new AR(ho.$high,ho.$low)),new $Uint64(hs.$high,hs.$low))),new $Uint64(hr.$high+hc.$high,hr.$low+hc.$low));hu=new $Uint64(0,0);hv=A.Add64(gg,gz,new $Uint64(0,0));hu=hv[1];hw=new $Uint64(0,0);hx=new $Uint64(0,0);hy=A.Add64(gj,hh,((hz=(new AR(hu.$high,hu.$low)),new $Uint64(hz.$high,hz.$low))));hw=hy[0];hx=hy[1];ia=new $Uint64(0,0);ib=new $Uint64(0,0);ic=A.Add64(gn,hk,((id=(new AR(hx.$high,hx.$low)),new $Uint64(id.$high,id.$low))));ia=ic[0];ib=ic[1];ie=new $Uint64(0,0);ig=new $Uint64(0,0);ih=A.Add64(gr,hn,((ii=(new AR(ib.$high,ib.$low)),new $Uint64(ii.$high,ii.$low))));ie=ih[0];ig=ih[1];ij=new $Uint64(0,0);ik=new $Uint64(0,0);il=A.Add64(gv,ht,((im=(new AR(ig.$high,ig.$low)),new $Uint64(im.$high,im.$low))));ij=il[0];ik=il[1];is=(io=((ip=(new AR(ik.$high,ik.$low)),new $Uint64(ip.$high,ip.$low))),iq=((ir=(new AR(gw.$high,gw.$low)),new $Uint64(ir.$high,ir.$low))),new $Uint64(io.$high+iq.$high,io.$low+iq.$low));it=new $Uint64(0,0);iu=new $Uint64(0,0);iv=A.Mul64(e,b[3]);iu=iv[0];it=iv[1];iw=new $Uint64(0,0);ix=new $Uint64(0,0);iy=A.Mul64(e,b[2]);ix=iy[0];iw=iy[1];iz=new $Uint64(0,0);ja=new $Uint64(0,0);jb=A.Mul64(e,b[1]);ja=jb[0];iz=jb[1];jc=new $Uint64(0,0);jd=new $Uint64(0,0);je=A.Mul64(e,b[0]);jd=je[0];jc=je[1];jf=new $Uint64(0,0);jg=new $Uint64(0,0);jh=A.Add64(jd,iz,new $Uint64(0,0));jf=jh[0];jg=jh[1];ji=new $Uint64(0,0);jj=new $Uint64(0,0);jk=A.Add64(ja,iw,((jl=(new AR(jg.$high,jg.$low)),new $Uint64(jl.$high,jl.$low))));ji=jk[0];jj=jk[1];jm=new $Uint64(0,0);jn=new $Uint64(0,0);jo=A.Add64(ix,it,((jp=(new AR(jj.$high,jj.$low)),new $Uint64(jp.$high,jp.$low))));jm=jo[0];jn=jo[1];js=(jq=((jr=(new AR(jn.$high,jn.$low)),new $Uint64(jr.$high,jr.$low))),new $Uint64(jq.$high+iu.$high,jq.$low+iu.$low));jt=new $Uint64(0,0);ju=new $Uint64(0,0);jv=A.Add64(hw,jc,new $Uint64(0,0));jt=jv[0];ju=jv[1];jw=new $Uint64(0,0);jx=new $Uint64(0,0);jy=A.Add64(ia,jf,((jz=(new AR(ju.$high,ju.$low)),new $Uint64(jz.$high,jz.$low))));jw=jy[0];jx=jy[1];ka=new $Uint64(0,0);kb=new $Uint64(0,0);kc=A.Add64(ie,ji,((kd=(new AR(jx.$high,jx.$low)),new $Uint64(kd.$high,kd.$low))));ka=kc[0];kb=kc[1];ke=new $Uint64(0,0);kf=new $Uint64(0,0);kg=A.Add64(ij,jm,((kh=(new AR(kb.$high,kb.$low)),new $Uint64(kh.$high,kh.$low))));ke=kg[0];kf=kg[1];ki=new $Uint64(0,0);kj=new $Uint64(0,0);kk=A.Add64(is,js,((kl=(new AR(kf.$high,kf.$low)),new $Uint64(kl.$high,kl.$low))));ki=kk[0];kj=kk[1];km=new $Uint64(0,0);kn=A.Mul64(jt,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));km=kn[1];ko=new $Uint64(0,0);kp=new $Uint64(0,0);kq=A.Mul64(km,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));kp=kq[0];ko=kq[1];kr=new $Uint64(0,0);ks=new $Uint64(0,0);kt=A.Mul64(km,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ks=kt[0];kr=kt[1];ku=new $Uint64(0,0);kv=new $Uint64(0,0);kw=A.Mul64(km,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));kv=kw[0];ku=kw[1];kx=new $Uint64(0,0);ky=new $Uint64(0,0);kz=A.Add64(kv,kr,new $Uint64(0,0));kx=kz[0];ky=kz[1];la=new $Uint64(0,0);lb=new $Uint64(0,0);lc=A.Add64(ks,ko,((ld=(new AR(ky.$high,ky.$low)),new $Uint64(ld.$high,ld.$low))));la=lc[0];lb=lc[1];lg=(le=((lf=(new AR(lb.$high,lb.$low)),new $Uint64(lf.$high,lf.$low))),new $Uint64(le.$high+kp.$high,le.$low+kp.$low));lh=new $Uint64(0,0);li=A.Add64(jt,km,new $Uint64(0,0));lh=li[1];lj=new $Uint64(0,0);lk=new $Uint64(0,0);ll=A.Add64(jw,ku,((lm=(new AR(lh.$high,lh.$low)),new $Uint64(lm.$high,lm.$low))));lj=ll[0];lk=ll[1];ln=new $Uint64(0,0);lo=new $Uint64(0,0);lp=A.Add64(ka,kx,((lq=(new AR(lk.$high,lk.$low)),new $Uint64(lq.$high,lq.$low))));ln=lp[0];lo=lp[1];lr=new $Uint64(0,0);ls=new $Uint64(0,0);lt=A.Add64(ke,la,((lu=(new AR(lo.$high,lo.$low)),new $Uint64(lu.$high,lu.$low))));lr=lt[0];ls=lt[1];lv=new $Uint64(0,0);lw=new $Uint64(0,0);lx=A.Add64(ki,lg,((ly=(new AR(ls.$high,ls.$low)),new $Uint64(ly.$high,ly.$low))));lv=lx[0];lw=lx[1];md=(lz=((ma=(new AR(lw.$high,lw.$low)),new $Uint64(ma.$high,ma.$low))),mb=((mc=(new AR(kj.$high,kj.$low)),new $Uint64(mc.$high,mc.$low))),new $Uint64(lz.$high+mb.$high,lz.$low+mb.$low));me=new $Uint64(0,0);mf=new $Uint64(0,0);mg=A.Sub64(lj,new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(0,0));me=mg[0];mf=mg[1];mh=new $Uint64(0,0);mi=new $Uint64(0,0);mj=A.Sub64(ln,new $Uint64(4294967295,0),((mk=(new AR(mf.$high,mf.$low)),new $Uint64(mk.$high,mk.$low))));mh=mj[0];mi=mj[1];ml=new $Uint64(0,0);mm=new $Uint64(0,0);mn=A.Sub64(lr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((mo=(new AR(mi.$high,mi.$low)),new $Uint64(mo.$high,mo.$low))));ml=mn[0];mm=mn[1];mp=new $Uint64(0,0);mq=new $Uint64(0,0);mr=A.Sub64(lv,new $Uint64(0,4294967295),((ms=(new AR(mm.$high,mm.$low)),new $Uint64(ms.$high,ms.$low))));mp=mr[0];mq=mr[1];mt=new $Uint64(0,0);mu=A.Sub64(md,new $Uint64(0,0),((mv=(new AR(mq.$high,mq.$low)),new $Uint64(mv.$high,mv.$low))));mt=mu[1];mw=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((mx||(mx=new BO(function(){return mw;},function($v){mw=$v;}))),(new AR(mt.$high,mt.$low)),me,lj);my=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((mz||(mz=new BO(function(){return my;},function($v){my=$v;}))),(new AR(mt.$high,mt.$low)),mh,ln);na=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((nb||(nb=new BO(function(){return na;},function($v){na=$v;}))),(new AR(mt.$high,mt.$low)),ml,lr);nc=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((nd||(nd=new BO(function(){return nc;},function($v){nc=$v;}))),(new AR(mt.$high,mt.$low)),mp,lv);a.nilCheck,a[0]=mw;a.nilCheck,a[1]=my;a.nilCheck,a[2]=na;a.nilCheck,a[3]=nc;};AY=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=A.Add64(b[0],c[0],new $Uint64(0,0));d=f[0];e=f[1];g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=A.Add64(b[1],c[1],((j=(new AR(e.$high,e.$low)),new $Uint64(j.$high,j.$low))));g=i[0];h=i[1];k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=A.Add64(b[2],c[2],((n=(new AR(h.$high,h.$low)),new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low))));k=m[0];l=m[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Add64(b[3],c[3],((r=(new AR(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low))));o=q[0];p=q[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=A.Sub64(d,new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(0,0));s=u[0];t=u[1];v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=A.Sub64(g,new $Uint64(4294967295,0),((y=(new AR(t.$high,t.$low)),new $Uint64(y.$high,y.$low))));v=x[0];w=x[1];z=new $Uint64(0,0);aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=A.Sub64(k,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((ac=(new AR(w.$high,w.$low)),new $Uint64(ac.$high,ac.$low))));z=ab[0];aa=ab[1];ad=new $Uint64(0,0);ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=A.Sub64(o,new $Uint64(0,4294967295),((ag=(new AR(aa.$high,aa.$low)),new $Uint64(ag.$high,ag.$low))));ad=af[0];ae=af[1];ah=new $Uint64(0,0);ai=A.Sub64(((aj=(new AR(p.$high,p.$low)),new $Uint64(aj.$high,aj.$low))),new $Uint64(0,0),((ak=(new AR(ae.$high,ae.$low)),new $Uint64(ak.$high,ak.$low))));ah=ai[1];al=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((am||(am=new BO(function(){return al;},function($v){al=$v;}))),(new AR(ah.$high,ah.$low)),s,d);an=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((ao||(ao=new BO(function(){return an;},function($v){an=$v;}))),(new AR(ah.$high,ah.$low)),v,g);ap=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((aq||(aq=new BO(function(){return ap;},function($v){ap=$v;}))),(new AR(ah.$high,ah.$low)),z,k);ar=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((as||(as=new BO(function(){return ar;},function($v){ar=$v;}))),(new AR(ah.$high,ah.$low)),ad,o);a.nilCheck,a[0]=al;a.nilCheck,a[1]=an;a.nilCheck,a[2]=ap;a.nilCheck,a[3]=ar;};AZ=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=A.Sub64(b[0],c[0],new $Uint64(0,0));d=f[0];e=f[1];g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=A.Sub64(b[1],c[1],((j=(new AR(e.$high,e.$low)),new $Uint64(j.$high,j.$low))));g=i[0];h=i[1];k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=A.Sub64(b[2],c[2],((n=(new AR(h.$high,h.$low)),new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low))));k=m[0];l=m[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Sub64(b[3],c[3],((r=(new AR(l.$high,l.$low)),new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low))));o=q[0];p=q[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((t||(t=new BO(function(){return s;},function($v){s=$v;}))),(new AR(p.$high,p.$low)),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));u=new $Uint64(0,0);v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=A.Add64(d,((x=(y=(new AR(s.$high,s.$low)),new AR(y.$high&0,(y.$low&1)>>>0)),new $Uint64(x.$high,x.$low))),new $Uint64(0,0));u=w[0];v=w[1];z=new $Uint64(0,0);aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=A.Add64(g,new $Uint64(s.$high&4294967295,(s.$low&0)>>>0),((ac=(new AR(v.$high,v.$low)),new $Uint64(ac.$high,ac.$low))));z=ab[0];aa=ab[1];ad=new $Uint64(0,0);ae=new $Uint64(0,0);af=A.Add64(k,s,((ag=(new AR(aa.$high,aa.$low)),new $Uint64(ag.$high,ag.$low))));ad=af[0];ae=af[1];ah=new $Uint64(0,0);ai=A.Add64(o,new $Uint64(s.$high&0,(s.$low&4294967295)>>>0),((aj=(new AR(ae.$high,ae.$low)),new $Uint64(aj.$high,aj.$low))));ah=ai[0];a.nilCheck,a[0]=u;a.nilCheck,a[1]=z;a.nilCheck,a[2]=ad;a.nilCheck,a[3]=ah;};BA=function(a){var a;a.nilCheck,a[0]=new $Uint64(4294967295,0);a.nilCheck,a[1]=new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295);a.nilCheck,a[2]=new $Uint64(0,0);a.nilCheck,a[3]=new $Uint64(0,0);};BB=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=b[0];d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));d=e[1];f=new $Uint64(0,0);g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));g=h[0];f=h[1];i=new $Uint64(0,0);j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));j=k[0];i=k[1];l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));m=n[0];l=n[1];o=new $Uint64(0,0);p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=A.Add64(m,i,new $Uint64(0,0));o=q[0];p=q[1];r=new $Uint64(0,0);s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=A.Add64(j,f,((u=(new AR(p.$high,p.$low)),new $Uint64(u.$high,u.$low))));r=t[0];s=t[1];v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=A.Add64(c,d,new $Uint64(0,0));v=w[1];x=new $Uint64(0,0);y=new $Uint64(0,0);z=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),l,((aa=(new AR(v.$high,v.$low)),new $Uint64(aa.$high,aa.$low))));x=z[0];y=z[1];ab=new $Uint64(0,0);ac=new $Uint64(0,0);ad=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),o,((ae=(new AR(y.$high,y.$low)),new $Uint64(ae.$high,ae.$low))));ab=ad[0];ac=ad[1];af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=new $Uint64(0,0);ah=A.Add64(new $Uint64(0,0),r,((ai=(new AR(ac.$high,ac.$low)),new $Uint64(ai.$high,ai.$low))));af=ah[0];ag=ah[1];aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=new $Uint64(0,0);al=A.Add64(x,b[1],new $Uint64(0,0));aj=al[0];ak=al[1];am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=new $Uint64(0,0);ao=A.Add64(ab,new $Uint64(0,0),((ap=(new AR(ak.$high,ak.$low)),new $Uint64(ap.$high,ap.$low))));am=ao[0];an=ao[1];aq=new $Uint64(0,0);ar=new $Uint64(0,0);as=A.Add64(af,new $Uint64(0,0),((at=(new AR(an.$high,an.$low)),new $Uint64(at.$high,at.$low))));aq=as[0];ar=as[1];au=new $Uint64(0,0);av=A.Mul64(aj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));au=av[1];aw=new $Uint64(0,0);ax=new $Uint64(0,0);ay=A.Mul64(au,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));ax=ay[0];aw=ay[1];az=new $Uint64(0,0);ba=new $Uint64(0,0);bb=A.Mul64(au,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ba=bb[0];az=bb[1];bc=new $Uint64(0,0);bd=new $Uint64(0,0);be=A.Mul64(au,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));bd=be[0];bc=be[1];bf=new $Uint64(0,0);bg=new $Uint64(0,0);bh=A.Add64(bd,az,new $Uint64(0,0));bf=bh[0];bg=bh[1];bi=new $Uint64(0,0);bj=new $Uint64(0,0);bk=A.Add64(ba,aw,((bl=(new 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$Uint64(0,0));dl=dm[1];dn=new $Uint64(0,0);dp=new $Uint64(0,0);dq=A.Add64(cl,db,((dr=(new AR(dl.$high,dl.$low)),new $Uint64(dr.$high,dr.$low))));dn=dq[0];dp=dq[1];ds=new $Uint64(0,0);dt=new $Uint64(0,0);du=A.Add64(cp,de,((dv=(new AR(dp.$high,dp.$low)),new $Uint64(dv.$high,dv.$low))));ds=du[0];dt=du[1];dw=new $Uint64(0,0);dx=new $Uint64(0,0);dy=A.Add64((dz=((ea=(new AR(cq.$high,cq.$low)),new $Uint64(ea.$high,ea.$low))),eb=(ec=((ed=(new AR(bx.$high,bx.$low)),new $Uint64(ed.$high,ed.$low))),ee=(ef=((eg=(new AR(bj.$high,bj.$low)),new $Uint64(eg.$high,eg.$low))),new $Uint64(ef.$high+ax.$high,ef.$low+ax.$low)),new $Uint64(ec.$high+ee.$high,ec.$low+ee.$low)),new $Uint64(dz.$high+eb.$high,dz.$low+eb.$low)),dh,((eh=(new AR(dt.$high,dt.$low)),new $Uint64(eh.$high,eh.$low))));dw=dy[0];dx=dy[1];ei=new $Uint64(0,0);ej=new $Uint64(0,0);ek=A.Add64(dn,b[3],new $Uint64(0,0));ei=ek[0];ej=ek[1];el=new $Uint64(0,0);em=new $Uint64(0,0);en=A.Add64(ds,new $Uint64(0,0),((eo=(new AR(ej.$high,ej.$low)),new 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$Uint64(fq.$high,fq.$low))));fn=fp[0];fo=fp[1];fr=new $Uint64(0,0);fs=new $Uint64(0,0);ft=A.Add64(ep,fe,((fu=(new AR(fo.$high,fo.$low)),new $Uint64(fu.$high,fu.$low))));fr=ft[0];fs=ft[1];fv=new $Uint64(0,0);fw=new $Uint64(0,0);fx=A.Add64((fy=((fz=(new AR(eq.$high,eq.$low)),new $Uint64(fz.$high,fz.$low))),ga=(gb=((gc=(new AR(dx.$high,dx.$low)),new $Uint64(gc.$high,gc.$low))),gd=(ge=((gf=(new AR(di.$high,di.$low)),new $Uint64(gf.$high,gf.$low))),new $Uint64(ge.$high+cw.$high,ge.$low+cw.$low)),new $Uint64(gb.$high+gd.$high,gb.$low+gd.$low)),new $Uint64(fy.$high+ga.$high,fy.$low+ga.$low)),fh,((gg=(new AR(fs.$high,fs.$low)),new $Uint64(gg.$high,gg.$low))));fv=fx[0];fw=fx[1];gm=(gh=((gi=(new AR(fw.$high,fw.$low)),new $Uint64(gi.$high,gi.$low))),gj=(gk=((gl=(new AR(fi.$high,fi.$low)),new $Uint64(gl.$high,gl.$low))),new $Uint64(gk.$high+ew.$high,gk.$low+ew.$low)),new $Uint64(gh.$high+gj.$high,gh.$low+gj.$low));gn=new $Uint64(0,0);go=new $Uint64(0,0);gp=A.Sub64(fn,new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(0,0));gn=gp[0];go=gp[1];gq=new $Uint64(0,0);gr=new $Uint64(0,0);gs=A.Sub64(fr,new $Uint64(4294967295,0),((gt=(new AR(go.$high,go.$low)),new $Uint64(gt.$high,gt.$low))));gq=gs[0];gr=gs[1];gu=new $Uint64(0,0);gv=new $Uint64(0,0);gw=A.Sub64(fv,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((gx=(new AR(gr.$high,gr.$low)),new $Uint64(gx.$high,gx.$low))));gu=gw[0];gv=gw[1];gy=new $Uint64(0,0);gz=new $Uint64(0,0);ha=A.Sub64(gm,new $Uint64(0,4294967295),((hb=(new AR(gv.$high,gv.$low)),new $Uint64(hb.$high,hb.$low))));gy=ha[0];gz=ha[1];hc=new $Uint64(0,0);hd=A.Sub64(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),((he=(new AR(gz.$high,gz.$low)),new $Uint64(he.$high,he.$low))));hc=hd[1];hf=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((hg||(hg=new BO(function(){return hf;},function($v){hf=$v;}))),(new AR(hc.$high,hc.$low)),gn,fn);hh=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((hi||(hi=new BO(function(){return hh;},function($v){hh=$v;}))),(new AR(hc.$high,hc.$low)),gq,fr);hj=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((hk||(hk=new BO(function(){return hj;},function($v){hj=$v;}))),(new AR(hc.$high,hc.$low)),gu,fv);hl=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((hm||(hm=new BO(function(){return hl;},function($v){hl=$v;}))),(new AR(hc.$high,hc.$low)),gy,gm);a.nilCheck,a[0]=hf;a.nilCheck,a[1]=hh;a.nilCheck,a[2]=hj;a.nilCheck,a[3]=hl;};BC=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,ir,is,it,iu,iv,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,ja,jb,jc,jd,je,jf,jg,jh,ji,jj,jk,jl,jm,jn,jo,jp,jq,jr,js,jt,ju,jv,jw,jx,jy,jz,k,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,kp,kq,kr,ks,kt,ku,kv,kw,kx,ky,kz,l,la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf,lg,lh,li,lj,lk,ll,lm,ln,lo,lp,lq,lr,ls,lt,lu,lv,lw,lx,ly,lz,m,ma,mb,mc,md,me,mf,mg,mh,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=b[1];d=b[2];e=b[3];f=b[0];g=new $Uint64(0,0);h=new $Uint64(0,0);i=A.Mul64(f,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));h=i[0];g=i[1];j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=new $Uint64(0,0);l=A.Mul64(f,new $Uint64(4294967294,0));k=l[0];j=l[1];m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=new $Uint64(0,0);o=A.Mul64(f,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));n=o[0];m=o[1];p=new $Uint64(0,0);q=new $Uint64(0,0);r=A.Mul64(f,new $Uint64(4294967295,1));q=r[0];p=r[1];s=new $Uint64(0,0);t=new $Uint64(0,0);u=A.Add64(q,m,new $Uint64(0,0));s=u[0];t=u[1];v=new $Uint64(0,0);w=new $Uint64(0,0);x=A.Add64(n,j,((y=(new AR(t.$high,t.$low)),new $Uint64(y.$high,y.$low))));v=x[0];w=x[1];z=new $Uint64(0,0);aa=new $Uint64(0,0);ab=A.Add64(k,g,((ac=(new AR(w.$high,w.$low)),new $Uint64(ac.$high,ac.$low))));z=ab[0];aa=ab[1];ad=new $Uint64(0,0);ae=A.Mul64(p,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));ad=ae[1];af=new $Uint64(0,0);ag=new $Uint64(0,0);ah=A.Mul64(ad,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));ag=ah[0];af=ah[1];ai=new $Uint64(0,0);aj=new $Uint64(0,0);ak=A.Mul64(ad,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));aj=ak[0];ai=ak[1];al=new $Uint64(0,0);am=new $Uint64(0,0);an=A.Mul64(ad,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));am=an[0];al=an[1];ao=new $Uint64(0,0);ap=new $Uint64(0,0);aq=A.Add64(am,ai,new $Uint64(0,0));ao=aq[0];ap=aq[1];ar=new $Uint64(0,0);as=new $Uint64(0,0);at=A.Add64(aj,af,((au=(new AR(ap.$high,ap.$low)),new $Uint64(au.$high,au.$low))));ar=at[0];as=at[1];av=new $Uint64(0,0);aw=A.Add64(p,ad,new $Uint64(0,0));av=aw[1];ax=new $Uint64(0,0);ay=new $Uint64(0,0);az=A.Add64(s,al,((ba=(new AR(av.$high,av.$low)),new $Uint64(ba.$high,ba.$low))));ax=az[0];ay=az[1];bb=new $Uint64(0,0);bc=new $Uint64(0,0);bd=A.Add64(v,ao,((be=(new AR(ay.$high,ay.$low)),new $Uint64(be.$high,be.$low))));bb=bd[0];bc=bd[1];bf=new $Uint64(0,0);bg=new $Uint64(0,0);bh=A.Add64(z,ar,((bi=(new AR(bc.$high,bc.$low)),new $Uint64(bi.$high,bi.$low))));bf=bh[0];bg=bh[1];bj=new $Uint64(0,0);bk=new $Uint64(0,0);bl=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));bk=bl[0];bj=bl[1];bm=new $Uint64(0,0);bn=new $Uint64(0,0);bo=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967294,0));bn=bo[0];bm=bo[1];bp=new $Uint64(0,0);bq=new $Uint64(0,0);br=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));bq=br[0];bp=br[1];bs=new $Uint64(0,0);bt=new $Uint64(0,0);bu=A.Mul64(c,new $Uint64(4294967295,1));bt=bu[0];bs=bu[1];bv=new $Uint64(0,0);bw=new $Uint64(0,0);bx=A.Add64(bt,bp,new $Uint64(0,0));bv=bx[0];bw=bx[1];by=new $Uint64(0,0);bz=new $Uint64(0,0);ca=A.Add64(bq,bm,((cb=(new AR(bw.$high,bw.$low)),new $Uint64(cb.$high,cb.$low))));by=ca[0];bz=ca[1];cc=new $Uint64(0,0);cd=new $Uint64(0,0);ce=A.Add64(bn,bj,((cf=(new AR(bz.$high,bz.$low)),new $Uint64(cf.$high,cf.$low))));cc=ce[0];cd=ce[1];cg=new $Uint64(0,0);ch=new $Uint64(0,0);ci=A.Add64(ax,bs,new $Uint64(0,0));cg=ci[0];ch=ci[1];cj=new $Uint64(0,0);ck=new $Uint64(0,0);cl=A.Add64(bb,bv,((cm=(new AR(ch.$high,ch.$low)),new $Uint64(cm.$high,cm.$low))));cj=cl[0];ck=cl[1];cn=new $Uint64(0,0);co=new $Uint64(0,0);cp=A.Add64(bf,by,((cq=(new AR(ck.$high,ck.$low)),new $Uint64(cq.$high,cq.$low))));cn=cp[0];co=cp[1];cr=new $Uint64(0,0);cs=new $Uint64(0,0);ct=A.Add64((cu=(cv=((cw=(new AR(bg.$high,bg.$low)),new $Uint64(cw.$high,cw.$low))),cx=(cy=((cz=(new AR(aa.$high,aa.$low)),new $Uint64(cz.$high,cz.$low))),new $Uint64(cy.$high+h.$high,cy.$low+h.$low)),new $Uint64(cv.$high+cx.$high,cv.$low+cx.$low)),da=(db=((dc=(new AR(as.$high,as.$low)),new $Uint64(dc.$high,dc.$low))),new $Uint64(db.$high+ag.$high,db.$low+ag.$low)),new $Uint64(cu.$high+da.$high,cu.$low+da.$low)),cc,((dd=(new AR(co.$high,co.$low)),new $Uint64(dd.$high,dd.$low))));cr=ct[0];cs=ct[1];de=new $Uint64(0,0);df=A.Mul64(cg,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));de=df[1];dg=new $Uint64(0,0);dh=new $Uint64(0,0);di=A.Mul64(de,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));dh=di[0];dg=di[1];dj=new $Uint64(0,0);dk=new $Uint64(0,0);dl=A.Mul64(de,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));dk=dl[0];dj=dl[1];dm=new $Uint64(0,0);dn=new $Uint64(0,0);dp=A.Mul64(de,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));dn=dp[0];dm=dp[1];dq=new $Uint64(0,0);dr=new $Uint64(0,0);ds=A.Add64(dn,dj,new $Uint64(0,0));dq=ds[0];dr=ds[1];dt=new $Uint64(0,0);du=new $Uint64(0,0);dv=A.Add64(dk,dg,((dw=(new AR(dr.$high,dr.$low)),new $Uint64(dw.$high,dw.$low))));dt=dv[0];du=dv[1];dx=new $Uint64(0,0);dy=A.Add64(cg,de,new $Uint64(0,0));dx=dy[1];dz=new $Uint64(0,0);ea=new $Uint64(0,0);eb=A.Add64(cj,dm,((ec=(new AR(dx.$high,dx.$low)),new $Uint64(ec.$high,ec.$low))));dz=eb[0];ea=eb[1];ed=new $Uint64(0,0);ee=new $Uint64(0,0);ef=A.Add64(cn,dq,((eg=(new AR(ea.$high,ea.$low)),new $Uint64(eg.$high,eg.$low))));ed=ef[0];ee=ef[1];eh=new $Uint64(0,0);ei=new $Uint64(0,0);ej=A.Add64(cr,dt,((ek=(new AR(ee.$high,ee.$low)),new $Uint64(ek.$high,ek.$low))));eh=ej[0];ei=ej[1];el=new $Uint64(0,0);em=new $Uint64(0,0);en=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));em=en[0];el=en[1];eo=new $Uint64(0,0);ep=new $Uint64(0,0);eq=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967294,0));ep=eq[0];eo=eq[1];er=new $Uint64(0,0);es=new $Uint64(0,0);et=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));es=et[0];er=et[1];eu=new $Uint64(0,0);ev=new $Uint64(0,0);ew=A.Mul64(d,new $Uint64(4294967295,1));ev=ew[0];eu=ew[1];ex=new $Uint64(0,0);ey=new $Uint64(0,0);ez=A.Add64(ev,er,new $Uint64(0,0));ex=ez[0];ey=ez[1];fa=new $Uint64(0,0);fb=new $Uint64(0,0);fc=A.Add64(es,eo,((fd=(new AR(ey.$high,ey.$low)),new $Uint64(fd.$high,fd.$low))));fa=fc[0];fb=fc[1];fe=new $Uint64(0,0);ff=new $Uint64(0,0);fg=A.Add64(ep,el,((fh=(new AR(fb.$high,fb.$low)),new $Uint64(fh.$high,fh.$low))));fe=fg[0];ff=fg[1];fi=new $Uint64(0,0);fj=new $Uint64(0,0);fk=A.Add64(dz,eu,new $Uint64(0,0));fi=fk[0];fj=fk[1];fl=new $Uint64(0,0);fm=new $Uint64(0,0);fn=A.Add64(ed,ex,((fo=(new AR(fj.$high,fj.$low)),new $Uint64(fo.$high,fo.$low))));fl=fn[0];fm=fn[1];fp=new $Uint64(0,0);fq=new $Uint64(0,0);fr=A.Add64(eh,fa,((fs=(new AR(fm.$high,fm.$low)),new $Uint64(fs.$high,fs.$low))));fp=fr[0];fq=fr[1];ft=new $Uint64(0,0);fu=new $Uint64(0,0);fv=A.Add64((fw=(fx=((fy=(new AR(ei.$high,ei.$low)),new $Uint64(fy.$high,fy.$low))),fz=(ga=((gb=(new AR(cs.$high,cs.$low)),new $Uint64(gb.$high,gb.$low))),gc=(gd=((ge=(new AR(cd.$high,cd.$low)),new $Uint64(ge.$high,ge.$low))),new $Uint64(gd.$high+bk.$high,gd.$low+bk.$low)),new $Uint64(ga.$high+gc.$high,ga.$low+gc.$low)),new $Uint64(fx.$high+fz.$high,fx.$low+fz.$low)),gf=(gg=((gh=(new AR(du.$high,du.$low)),new $Uint64(gh.$high,gh.$low))),new $Uint64(gg.$high+dh.$high,gg.$low+dh.$low)),new $Uint64(fw.$high+gf.$high,fw.$low+gf.$low)),fe,((gi=(new AR(fq.$high,fq.$low)),new $Uint64(gi.$high,gi.$low))));ft=fv[0];fu=fv[1];gj=new $Uint64(0,0);gk=A.Mul64(fi,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gj=gk[1];gl=new $Uint64(0,0);gm=new $Uint64(0,0);gn=A.Mul64(gj,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));gm=gn[0];gl=gn[1];go=new $Uint64(0,0);gp=new $Uint64(0,0);gq=A.Mul64(gj,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));gp=gq[0];go=gq[1];gr=new $Uint64(0,0);gs=new $Uint64(0,0);gt=A.Mul64(gj,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));gs=gt[0];gr=gt[1];gu=new $Uint64(0,0);gv=new $Uint64(0,0);gw=A.Add64(gs,go,new $Uint64(0,0));gu=gw[0];gv=gw[1];gx=new $Uint64(0,0);gy=new $Uint64(0,0);gz=A.Add64(gp,gl,((ha=(new AR(gv.$high,gv.$low)),new $Uint64(ha.$high,ha.$low))));gx=gz[0];gy=gz[1];hb=new $Uint64(0,0);hc=A.Add64(fi,gj,new $Uint64(0,0));hb=hc[1];hd=new $Uint64(0,0);he=new $Uint64(0,0);hf=A.Add64(fl,gr,((hg=(new AR(hb.$high,hb.$low)),new $Uint64(hg.$high,hg.$low))));hd=hf[0];he=hf[1];hh=new $Uint64(0,0);hi=new $Uint64(0,0);hj=A.Add64(fp,gu,((hk=(new AR(he.$high,he.$low)),new $Uint64(hk.$high,hk.$low))));hh=hj[0];hi=hj[1];hl=new $Uint64(0,0);hm=new $Uint64(0,0);hn=A.Add64(ft,gx,((ho=(new AR(hi.$high,hi.$low)),new $Uint64(ho.$high,ho.$low))));hl=hn[0];hm=hn[1];hp=new $Uint64(0,0);hq=new $Uint64(0,0);hr=A.Mul64(e,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));hq=hr[0];hp=hr[1];hs=new $Uint64(0,0);ht=new $Uint64(0,0);hu=A.Mul64(e,new $Uint64(4294967294,0));ht=hu[0];hs=hu[1];hv=new $Uint64(0,0);hw=new $Uint64(0,0);hx=A.Mul64(e,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));hw=hx[0];hv=hx[1];hy=new $Uint64(0,0);hz=new $Uint64(0,0);ia=A.Mul64(e,new $Uint64(4294967295,1));hz=ia[0];hy=ia[1];ib=new 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$Uint64(jk.$high,jk.$low))),new $Uint64(jj.$high+em.$high,jj.$low+em.$low)),new $Uint64(jg.$high+ji.$high,jg.$low+ji.$low)),new $Uint64(jd.$high+jf.$high,jd.$low+jf.$low)),jl=(jm=((jn=(new AR(gy.$high,gy.$low)),new $Uint64(jn.$high,jn.$low))),new $Uint64(jm.$high+gm.$high,jm.$low+gm.$low)),new $Uint64(jc.$high+jl.$high,jc.$low+jl.$low)),ij,((jo=(new AR(iw.$high,iw.$low)),new $Uint64(jo.$high,jo.$low))));iz=jb[0];ja=jb[1];jp=new $Uint64(0,0);jq=A.Mul64(io,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jp=jq[1];jr=new $Uint64(0,0);js=new $Uint64(0,0);jt=A.Mul64(jp,new $Uint64(0,4294967295));js=jt[0];jr=jt[1];ju=new $Uint64(0,0);jv=new $Uint64(0,0);jw=A.Mul64(jp,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295));jv=jw[0];ju=jw[1];jx=new $Uint64(0,0);jy=new $Uint64(0,0);jz=A.Mul64(jp,new $Uint64(4294967295,0));jy=jz[0];jx=jz[1];ka=new $Uint64(0,0);kb=new $Uint64(0,0);kc=A.Add64(jy,ju,new $Uint64(0,0));ka=kc[0];kb=kc[1];kd=new $Uint64(0,0);ke=new $Uint64(0,0);kf=A.Add64(jv,jr,((kg=(new AR(kb.$high,kb.$low)),new 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$Uint64(lf.$high+js.$high,lf.$low+js.$low)),new $Uint64(kv.$high+le.$high,kv.$low+le.$low));li=new $Uint64(0,0);lj=new $Uint64(0,0);lk=A.Sub64(kj,new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(0,0));li=lk[0];lj=lk[1];ll=new $Uint64(0,0);lm=new $Uint64(0,0);ln=A.Sub64(kn,new $Uint64(4294967295,0),((lo=(new AR(lj.$high,lj.$low)),new $Uint64(lo.$high,lo.$low))));ll=ln[0];lm=ln[1];lp=new $Uint64(0,0);lq=new $Uint64(0,0);lr=A.Sub64(kr,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),((ls=(new AR(lm.$high,lm.$low)),new $Uint64(ls.$high,ls.$low))));lp=lr[0];lq=lr[1];lt=new $Uint64(0,0);lu=new $Uint64(0,0);lv=A.Sub64(lh,new $Uint64(0,4294967295),((lw=(new AR(lq.$high,lq.$low)),new $Uint64(lw.$high,lw.$low))));lt=lv[0];lu=lv[1];lx=new $Uint64(0,0);ly=A.Sub64(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),((lz=(new AR(lu.$high,lu.$low)),new $Uint64(lz.$high,lz.$low))));lx=ly[1];ma=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((mb||(mb=new BO(function(){return ma;},function($v){ma=$v;}))),(new AR(lx.$high,lx.$low)),li,kj);mc=new $Uint64(0,0);AV((md||(md=new 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$Uint64(l.$high+av.$high,l.$low+av.$low);ax=new $Uint64(k.$high+aw.$high,k.$low+aw.$low);ay=new $Uint64(j.$high+ax.$high,j.$low+ax.$low);az=new $Uint64(i.$high+ay.$high,i.$low+ay.$low);ba=new $Uint64(h.$high+az.$high,h.$low+az.$low);bb=new $Uint64(g.$high+ba.$high,g.$low+ba.$low);bd=(bc=(new $Uint64(0,f)),new $Uint64(e.$high+bc.$high,e.$low+bc.$low));be=new $Uint64(d.$high+bd.$high,d.$low+bd.$low);bf=new $Uint64(c.$high+be.$high,c.$low+be.$low);a.nilCheck,a[0]=al;a.nilCheck,a[1]=at;a.nilCheck,a[2]=bb;a.nilCheck,a[3]=bf;};BG.ptr.prototype.One=function(){var a;a=this;BA(a.x);return a;};BG.prototype.One=function(){return this.$val.One();};BG.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=b.Bytes();d=a.Bytes();return B.ConstantTimeCompare(c,d);};BG.prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$val.Equal(a);};BG.ptr.prototype.IsZero=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.Bytes();return B.ConstantTimeCompare(b,BI);};BG.prototype.IsZero=function(){return this.$val.IsZero();};BG.ptr.prototype.Set=function(a){var a,b;b=this;AT.copy(b.x,a.x);return b;};BG.prototype.Set=function(a){return this.$val.Set(a);};BG.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=BU.zero();return a.bytes(b);};BG.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};BG.ptr.prototype.bytes=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=BN.zero();BB(c,b.x);BE(a,(c));BK(new BQ(a));return new BQ(a);};BG.prototype.bytes=function(a){return this.$val.bytes(a);};BG.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=this;if(!((a.$length===28))){return[BV.nil,C.New("invalid P224Element encoding")];}c=a;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e])<((e<0||e>=BJ.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BJ.$array[BJ.$offset+e])){break;}if(((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e])>((e<0||e>=BJ.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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this.$val.Select(a,b,c);};BK=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=0;while(true){if(!(b<(c=a.$length/2,(c===c&&c!==1/0&&c!==-1/0)?c>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))){break;}d=(e=(a.$length-1>>0)-b>>0,((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]));f=((b<0||b>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]);((b<0||b>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]=d);(g=(a.$length-1>>0)-b>>0,((g<0||g>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$pkg={},$init,A,B,C,F,L,R,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,D,E,J,K,P,Q,a,b,c,d,e,f,G,H,I,M,N,O,S,T,U;A=$packages["crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat"];B=$packages["crypto/subtle"];C=$packages["errors"];F=$pkg.P521Point=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"nistec.P521Point",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec",true,function(x_,y_,z_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.x=Z.nil;this.y=Z.nil;this.z=Z.nil;return;}this.x=x_;this.y=y_;this.z=z_;});L=$pkg.P384Point=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"nistec.P384Point",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec",true,function(x_,y_,z_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.x=AC.nil;this.y=AC.nil;this.z=AC.nil;return;}this.x=x_;this.y=y_;this.z=z_;});R=$pkg.P224Point=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"nistec.P224Point",true,"crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec",true,function(x_,y_,z_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.x=AE.nil;this.y=AE.nil;this.z=AE.nil;return;}this.x=x_;this.y=y_;this.z=z_;});V=$arrayType($Uint64,9);W=$sliceType($Uint8);X=$arrayType($Uint64,6);Y=$arrayType($Uint64,4);Z=$ptrType(A.P521Element);AA=$ptrType(F);AB=$arrayType($Uint8,133);AC=$ptrType(A.P384Element);AD=$ptrType(L);AE=$ptrType(A.P224Element);AF=$ptrType(R);AG=$ptrType(AB);G=function(){return new F.ptr(new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()),new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).One(),new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()));};$pkg.NewP521Point=G;H=function(){return(new F.ptr(new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()),new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()),new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()))).Set(E);};$pkg.NewP521Generator=H;F.ptr.prototype.Set=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.x.Set(g.x);h.y.Set(g.y);h.z.Set(g.z);return h;};F.prototype.Set=function(g){return this.$val.Set(g);};F.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;h=this;if((g.$length===1)&&((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===0)){return[h.Set(G()),$ifaceNil];}else if((g.$length===133)&&((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===4)){i=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(g,1,67));j=i[0];k=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){return[AA.nil,k];}l=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(g,67));m=l[0];k=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){return[AA.nil,k];}n=I(j,m);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){return[AA.nil,n];}h.x.Set(j);h.y.Set(m);h.z.One();return[h,$ifaceNil];}else if((g.$length===67)&&((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===0)){return[AA.nil,C.New("unimplemented")];}else{return[AA.nil,C.New("invalid P521 point encoding")];}};F.prototype.SetBytes=function(g){return this.$val.SetBytes(g);};I=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;i=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Square(g);i.Mul(i,g);j=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Add(g,g);j.Add(j,g);i.Sub(i,j);i.Add(i,D);k=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Square(h);if(!((i.Equal(k)===1))){return C.New("P521 point not on curve");}return $ifaceNil;};F.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=AB.zero();return g.bytes(h);};F.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};F.ptr.prototype.bytes=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l;h=this;if(h.z.IsZero()===1){return $append($subslice(new W(g),0,0),0);}i=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Invert(h.z);j=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Mul(h.x,i);k=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Mul(h.y,i);l=$append($subslice(new W(g),0,0),4);l=$appendSlice(l,j.Bytes());l=$appendSlice(l,k.Bytes());return l;};F.prototype.bytes=function(g){return this.$val.bytes(g);};F.ptr.prototype.Add=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;i=this;j=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Mul(g.x,h.x);k=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Mul(g.y,h.y);l=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Mul(g.z,h.z);m=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Add(g.x,g.y);n=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Add(h.x,h.y);m.Mul(m,n);n.Add(j,k);m.Sub(m,n);n.Add(g.y,g.z);o=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Add(h.y,h.z);n.Mul(n,o);o.Add(k,l);n.Sub(n,o);o.Add(g.x,g.z);p=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Add(h.x,h.z);o.Mul(o,p);p.Add(j,l);p.Sub(o,p);q=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Mul(D,l);o.Sub(p,q);q.Add(o,o);o.Add(o,q);q.Sub(k,o);o.Add(k,o);p.Mul(D,p);k.Add(l,l);l.Add(k,l);p.Sub(p,l);p.Sub(p,j);k.Add(p,p);p.Add(k,p);k.Add(j,j);j.Add(k,j);j.Sub(j,l);k.Mul(n,p);l.Mul(j,p);p.Mul(o,q);p.Add(p,l);o.Mul(m,o);o.Sub(o,k);q.Mul(n,q);k.Mul(m,j);q.Add(q,k);i.x.Set(o);i.y.Set(p);i.z.Set(q);return i;};F.prototype.Add=function(g,h){return this.$val.Add(g,h);};F.ptr.prototype.Double=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;h=this;i=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Square(g.x);j=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Square(g.y);k=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Square(g.z);l=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Mul(g.x,g.y);l.Add(l,l);m=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Mul(g.x,g.z);m.Add(m,m);n=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Mul(D,k);n.Sub(n,m);o=new A.P521Element.ptr(V.zero()).Add(n,n);n.Add(o,n);o.Sub(j,n);n.Add(j,n);n.Mul(o,n);o.Mul(o,l);l.Add(k,k);k.Add(k,l);m.Mul(D,m);m.Sub(m,k);m.Sub(m,i);l.Add(m,m);m.Add(m,l);l.Add(i,i);i.Add(l,i);i.Sub(i,k);i.Mul(i,m);n.Add(n,i);i.Mul(g.y,g.z);i.Add(i,i);m.Mul(i,m);o.Sub(o,m);m.Mul(i,j);m.Add(m,m);m.Add(m,m);h.x.Set(o);h.y.Set(n);h.z.Set(m);return h;};F.prototype.Double=function(g){return this.$val.Double(g);};F.ptr.prototype.Select=function(g,h,i){var g,h,i,j;j=this;j.x.Select(g.x,h.x,i);j.y.Select(g.y,h.y,i);j.z.Select(g.z,h.z,i);return j;};F.prototype.Select=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.Select(g,h,i);};F.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;i=this;j=$toNativeArray($kindPtr,[G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G(),G()]);k=1;while(true){if(!(k<16)){break;}((k<0||k>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[k]).Add((l=k-1>>0,((l<0||l>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[l])),g);k=k+(1)>>0;}m=G();i.Set(G());n=h;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);q=0;while(true){if(!(q<16)){break;}r=B.ConstantTimeByteEq(p>>>4<<24>>>24,q);m.Select(((q<0||q>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[q]),m,r);q=q+(1)<<24>>>24;}i.Add(i,m);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);s=0;while(true){if(!(s<16)){break;}t=B.ConstantTimeByteEq((p&15)>>>0,s);m.Select(((s<0||s>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[s]),m,t);s=s+(1)<<24>>>24;}i.Add(i,m);o++;}return i;};F.prototype.ScalarMult=function(g,h){return this.$val.ScalarMult(g,h);};M=function(){return new L.ptr(new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()),new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).One(),new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()));};$pkg.NewP384Point=M;N=function(){return(new L.ptr(new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()),new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()),new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()))).Set(K);};$pkg.NewP384Generator=N;L.ptr.prototype.Set=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.x.Set(g.x);h.y.Set(g.y);h.z.Set(g.z);return h;};L.prototype.Set=function(g){return this.$val.Set(g);};L.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;h=this;if((g.$length===1)&&((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===0)){return[h.Set(M()),$ifaceNil];}else if((g.$length===97)&&((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===4)){i=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(g,1,49));j=i[0];k=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){return[AD.nil,k];}l=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(g,49));m=l[0];k=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){return[AD.nil,k];}n=O(j,m);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){return[AD.nil,n];}h.x.Set(j);h.y.Set(m);h.z.One();return[h,$ifaceNil];}else if((g.$length===49)&&((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===0)){return[AD.nil,C.New("unimplemented")];}else{return[AD.nil,C.New("invalid P384 point encoding")];}};L.prototype.SetBytes=function(g){return this.$val.SetBytes(g);};O=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;i=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Square(g);i.Mul(i,g);j=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Add(g,g);j.Add(j,g);i.Sub(i,j);i.Add(i,J);k=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Square(h);if(!((i.Equal(k)===1))){return C.New("P384 point not on curve");}return $ifaceNil;};L.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=AB.zero();return g.bytes(h);};L.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};L.ptr.prototype.bytes=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l;h=this;if(h.z.IsZero()===1){return $append($subslice(new W(g),0,0),0);}i=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Invert(h.z);j=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Mul(h.x,i);k=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Mul(h.y,i);l=$append($subslice(new W(g),0,0),4);l=$appendSlice(l,j.Bytes());l=$appendSlice(l,k.Bytes());return l;};L.prototype.bytes=function(g){return this.$val.bytes(g);};L.ptr.prototype.Add=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;i=this;j=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Mul(g.x,h.x);k=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Mul(g.y,h.y);l=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Mul(g.z,h.z);m=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Add(g.x,g.y);n=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Add(h.x,h.y);m.Mul(m,n);n.Add(j,k);m.Sub(m,n);n.Add(g.y,g.z);o=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Add(h.y,h.z);n.Mul(n,o);o.Add(k,l);n.Sub(n,o);o.Add(g.x,g.z);p=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Add(h.x,h.z);o.Mul(o,p);p.Add(j,l);p.Sub(o,p);q=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Mul(J,l);o.Sub(p,q);q.Add(o,o);o.Add(o,q);q.Sub(k,o);o.Add(k,o);p.Mul(J,p);k.Add(l,l);l.Add(k,l);p.Sub(p,l);p.Sub(p,j);k.Add(p,p);p.Add(k,p);k.Add(j,j);j.Add(k,j);j.Sub(j,l);k.Mul(n,p);l.Mul(j,p);p.Mul(o,q);p.Add(p,l);o.Mul(m,o);o.Sub(o,k);q.Mul(n,q);k.Mul(m,j);q.Add(q,k);i.x.Set(o);i.y.Set(p);i.z.Set(q);return i;};L.prototype.Add=function(g,h){return this.$val.Add(g,h);};L.ptr.prototype.Double=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;h=this;i=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Square(g.x);j=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Square(g.y);k=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Square(g.z);l=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Mul(g.x,g.y);l.Add(l,l);m=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Mul(g.x,g.z);m.Add(m,m);n=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Mul(J,k);n.Sub(n,m);o=new A.P384Element.ptr(X.zero()).Add(n,n);n.Add(o,n);o.Sub(j,n);n.Add(j,n);n.Mul(o,n);o.Mul(o,l);l.Add(k,k);k.Add(k,l);m.Mul(J,m);m.Sub(m,k);m.Sub(m,i);l.Add(m,m);m.Add(m,l);l.Add(i,i);i.Add(l,i);i.Sub(i,k);i.Mul(i,m);n.Add(n,i);i.Mul(g.y,g.z);i.Add(i,i);m.Mul(i,m);o.Sub(o,m);m.Mul(i,j);m.Add(m,m);m.Add(m,m);h.x.Set(o);h.y.Set(n);h.z.Set(m);return h;};L.prototype.Double=function(g){return this.$val.Double(g);};L.ptr.prototype.Select=function(g,h,i){var g,h,i,j;j=this;j.x.Select(g.x,h.x,i);j.y.Select(g.y,h.y,i);j.z.Select(g.z,h.z,i);return j;};L.prototype.Select=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.Select(g,h,i);};L.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;i=this;j=$toNativeArray($kindPtr,[M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M(),M()]);k=1;while(true){if(!(k<16)){break;}((k<0||k>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[k]).Add((l=k-1>>0,((l<0||l>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[l])),g);k=k+(1)>>0;}m=M();i.Set(M());n=h;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);q=0;while(true){if(!(q<16)){break;}r=B.ConstantTimeByteEq(p>>>4<<24>>>24,q);m.Select(((q<0||q>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[q]),m,r);q=q+(1)<<24>>>24;}i.Add(i,m);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);s=0;while(true){if(!(s<16)){break;}t=B.ConstantTimeByteEq((p&15)>>>0,s);m.Select(((s<0||s>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[s]),m,t);s=s+(1)<<24>>>24;}i.Add(i,m);o++;}return i;};L.prototype.ScalarMult=function(g,h){return this.$val.ScalarMult(g,h);};S=function(){return new R.ptr(new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()),new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).One(),new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()));};$pkg.NewP224Point=S;T=function(){return(new R.ptr(new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()),new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()),new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()))).Set(Q);};$pkg.NewP224Generator=T;R.ptr.prototype.Set=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.x.Set(g.x);h.y.Set(g.y);h.z.Set(g.z);return h;};R.prototype.Set=function(g){return this.$val.Set(g);};R.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;h=this;if((g.$length===1)&&((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===0)){return[h.Set(S()),$ifaceNil];}else if((g.$length===57)&&((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===4)){i=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(g,1,29));j=i[0];k=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){return[AF.nil,k];}l=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(g,29));m=l[0];k=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){return[AF.nil,k];}n=U(j,m);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){return[AF.nil,n];}h.x.Set(j);h.y.Set(m);h.z.One();return[h,$ifaceNil];}else if((g.$length===29)&&((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===0)){return[AF.nil,C.New("unimplemented")];}else{return[AF.nil,C.New("invalid P224 point encoding")];}};R.prototype.SetBytes=function(g){return this.$val.SetBytes(g);};U=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;i=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Square(g);i.Mul(i,g);j=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Add(g,g);j.Add(j,g);i.Sub(i,j);i.Add(i,P);k=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Square(h);if(!((i.Equal(k)===1))){return C.New("P224 point not on curve");}return $ifaceNil;};R.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=AB.zero();return g.bytes(h);};R.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};R.ptr.prototype.bytes=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l;h=this;if(h.z.IsZero()===1){return $append($subslice(new W(g),0,0),0);}i=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Invert(h.z);j=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Mul(h.x,i);k=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Mul(h.y,i);l=$append($subslice(new W(g),0,0),4);l=$appendSlice(l,j.Bytes());l=$appendSlice(l,k.Bytes());return l;};R.prototype.bytes=function(g){return this.$val.bytes(g);};R.ptr.prototype.Add=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;i=this;j=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Mul(g.x,h.x);k=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Mul(g.y,h.y);l=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Mul(g.z,h.z);m=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Add(g.x,g.y);n=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Add(h.x,h.y);m.Mul(m,n);n.Add(j,k);m.Sub(m,n);n.Add(g.y,g.z);o=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Add(h.y,h.z);n.Mul(n,o);o.Add(k,l);n.Sub(n,o);o.Add(g.x,g.z);p=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Add(h.x,h.z);o.Mul(o,p);p.Add(j,l);p.Sub(o,p);q=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Mul(P,l);o.Sub(p,q);q.Add(o,o);o.Add(o,q);q.Sub(k,o);o.Add(k,o);p.Mul(P,p);k.Add(l,l);l.Add(k,l);p.Sub(p,l);p.Sub(p,j);k.Add(p,p);p.Add(k,p);k.Add(j,j);j.Add(k,j);j.Sub(j,l);k.Mul(n,p);l.Mul(j,p);p.Mul(o,q);p.Add(p,l);o.Mul(m,o);o.Sub(o,k);q.Mul(n,q);k.Mul(m,j);q.Add(q,k);i.x.Set(o);i.y.Set(p);i.z.Set(q);return i;};R.prototype.Add=function(g,h){return this.$val.Add(g,h);};R.ptr.prototype.Double=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;h=this;i=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Square(g.x);j=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Square(g.y);k=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Square(g.z);l=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Mul(g.x,g.y);l.Add(l,l);m=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Mul(g.x,g.z);m.Add(m,m);n=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Mul(P,k);n.Sub(n,m);o=new A.P224Element.ptr(Y.zero()).Add(n,n);n.Add(o,n);o.Sub(j,n);n.Add(j,n);n.Mul(o,n);o.Mul(o,l);l.Add(k,k);k.Add(k,l);m.Mul(P,m);m.Sub(m,k);m.Sub(m,i);l.Add(m,m);m.Add(m,l);l.Add(i,i);i.Add(l,i);i.Sub(i,k);i.Mul(i,m);n.Add(n,i);i.Mul(g.y,g.z);i.Add(i,i);m.Mul(i,m);o.Sub(o,m);m.Mul(i,j);m.Add(m,m);m.Add(m,m);h.x.Set(o);h.y.Set(n);h.z.Set(m);return h;};R.prototype.Double=function(g){return this.$val.Double(g);};R.ptr.prototype.Select=function(g,h,i){var g,h,i,j;j=this;j.x.Select(g.x,h.x,i);j.y.Select(g.y,h.y,i);j.z.Select(g.z,h.z,i);return j;};R.prototype.Select=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.Select(g,h,i);};R.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;i=this;j=$toNativeArray($kindPtr,[S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S(),S()]);k=1;while(true){if(!(k<16)){break;}((k<0||k>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[k]).Add((l=k-1>>0,((l<0||l>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[l])),g);k=k+(1)>>0;}m=S();i.Set(S());n=h;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);q=0;while(true){if(!(q<16)){break;}r=B.ConstantTimeByteEq(p>>>4<<24>>>24,q);m.Select(((q<0||q>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[q]),m,r);q=q+(1)<<24>>>24;}i.Add(i,m);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);i.Double(i);s=0;while(true){if(!(s<16)){break;}t=B.ConstantTimeByteEq((p&15)>>>0,s);m.Select(((s<0||s>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[s]),m,t);s=s+(1)<<24>>>24;}i.Add(i,m);o++;}return i;};R.prototype.ScalarMult=function(g,h){return this.$val.ScalarMult(g,h);};AA.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA],[AA],false)},{prop:"SetBytes",name:"SetBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([W],[AA,$error],false)},{prop:"Bytes",name:"Bytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[W],false)},{prop:"bytes",name:"bytes",pkg:"crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec",typ:$funcType([AG],[W],false)},{prop:"Add",name:"Add",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA,AA],[AA],false)},{prop:"Double",name:"Double",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA],[AA],false)},{prop:"Select",name:"Select",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA,AA,$Int],[AA],false)},{prop:"ScalarMult",name:"ScalarMult",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA,W],[AA],false)}];AD.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AD],[AD],false)},{prop:"SetBytes",name:"SetBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([W],[AD,$error],false)},{prop:"Bytes",name:"Bytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[W],false)},{prop:"bytes",name:"bytes",pkg:"crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec",typ:$funcType([AG],[W],false)},{prop:"Add",name:"Add",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AD,AD],[AD],false)},{prop:"Double",name:"Double",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AD],[AD],false)},{prop:"Select",name:"Select",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AD,AD,$Int],[AD],false)},{prop:"ScalarMult",name:"ScalarMult",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AD,W],[AD],false)}];AF.methods=[{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AF],[AF],false)},{prop:"SetBytes",name:"SetBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([W],[AF,$error],false)},{prop:"Bytes",name:"Bytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[W],false)},{prop:"bytes",name:"bytes",pkg:"crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec",typ:$funcType([AG],[W],false)},{prop:"Add",name:"Add",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AF,AF],[AF],false)},{prop:"Double",name:"Double",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AF],[AF],false)},{prop:"Select",name:"Select",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AF,AF,$Int],[AF],false)},{prop:"ScalarMult",name:"ScalarMult",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AF,W],[AF],false)}];F.init("crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec",[{prop:"x",name:"x",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""},{prop:"y",name:"y",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""},{prop:"z",name:"z",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""}]);L.init("crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec",[{prop:"x",name:"x",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AC,tag:""},{prop:"y",name:"y",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AC,tag:""},{prop:"z",name:"z",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AC,tag:""}]);R.init("crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec",[{prop:"x",name:"x",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AE,tag:""},{prop:"y",name:"y",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AE,tag:""},{prop:"z",name:"z",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AE,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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0:a=L("6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397656052122559640661454554977296311391480858037121987999716643812574028291115057151");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=L("6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397655394245057746333217197532963996371363321113864768612440380340372808892707005449");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=M("0051953eb9618e1c9a1f929a21a0b68540eea2da725b99b315f3b8b489918ef109e156193951ec7e937b1652c0bd3bb1bf073573df883d2c34f1ef451fd46b503f00");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=M("00c6858e06b70404e9cd9e3ecb662395b4429c648139053fb521f828af606b4d3dbaa14b5e77efe75928fe1dc127a2ffa8de3348b3c1856a429bf97e7e31c2e5bd66");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break 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this.$val.IsOnCurve(a,b);};I=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=CF.nil;d=false;if((a.Sign()===0)&&(b.Sign()===0)){e=A.NewP521Point();f=true;c=e;d=f;$s=-1;return[c,d];}if(a.Sign()<0||b.Sign()<0){g=CF.nil;h=false;c=g;d=h;$s=-1;return[c,d];}if(a.BitLen()>521||b.BitLen()>521){i=CF.nil;j=false;c=i;d=j;$s=-1;return[c,d];}l=CA();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=BR(l,a,b);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=A.NewP521Point().SetBytes(m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=n;c=k[0];o=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){p=CF.nil;q=false;c=p;d=q;$s=-1;return[c,d];}r=c;s=true;c=r;d=s;$s=-1;return[c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:I,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};J=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=CC.nil;c=CC.nil;d=a.Bytes();if((d.$length===1)&&((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===0)){e=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);f=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);b=e;c=f;$s=-1;return[b,c];}h=CA();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=BT(h,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i;b=g[0];c=g[1];if(b===CC.nil){$panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: internal error: Unmarshal rejected a valid point encoding"));}j=b;k=c;b=j;c=k;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:J,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};K=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=CC.nil;b=CC.nil;d=CA();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=BQ(d,B.Reader);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=e;a=c[1];b=c[2];f=c[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: failed to generate random point"));}g=a;h=b;a=g;b=h;$s=-1;return[a,b];}return;}var $f={$blk:K,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};F.ptr.prototype.Add=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=I(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!h){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=K();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=5;case 5:return j;case 3:l=I(c,d);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];h=k[1];if(!h){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:n=K();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=10;case 10:return o;case 8:p=J(g.Add(g,m));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=12;case 12:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:F.ptr.prototype.Add,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};F.prototype.Add=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.Add(a,b,c,d);};F.ptr.prototype.Double=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=I(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!f){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=K();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=5;case 5:return h;case 3:i=J(e.Double(e));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=7;case 7:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:F.ptr.prototype.Double,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};F.prototype.Double=function(a,b){return this.$val.Double(a,b);};F.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=I(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(!g){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=K();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=5;case 5:return i;case 3:j=J(f.ScalarMult(f,c));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=7;case 7:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:F.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};F.prototype.ScalarMult=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.ScalarMult(a,b,c);};F.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=A.NewP521Generator();c=J(b.ScalarMult(b,a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:F.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};F.prototype.ScalarBaseMult=function(a){return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(a);};L=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetString(a,10);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!e){$panic(new $String("invalid encoding"));}$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:L,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};M=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetString(a,16);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!e){$panic(new $String("invalid encoding"));}$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:M,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};P=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=L("39402006196394479212279040100143613805079739270465446667948293404245721771496870329047266088258938001861606973112319");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=L("39402006196394479212279040100143613805079739270465446667946905279627659399113263569398956308152294913554433653942643");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=M("b3312fa7e23ee7e4988e056be3f82d19181d9c6efe8141120314088f5013875ac656398d8a2ed19d2a85c8edd3ec2aef");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=M("aa87ca22be8b05378eb1c71ef320ad746e1d3b628ba79b9859f741e082542a385502f25dbf55296c3a545e3872760ab7");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=M("3617de4a96262c6f5d9e98bf9292dc29f8f41dbd289a147ce9da3113b5f0b8c00a60b1ce1d7e819d7a431d7c90ea0e5f");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}O.params=new BN.ptr(a,b,c,d,e,384,"P-384");$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:P,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};N.ptr.prototype.Params=function(){var a;a=this;return a.params;};N.prototype.Params=function(){return this.$val.Params();};N.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if((a.Sign()===0)&&(b.Sign()===0)){$s=-1;return false;}e=Q(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[1];$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.IsOnCurve=function(a,b){return this.$val.IsOnCurve(a,b);};Q=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=CG.nil;d=false;if((a.Sign()===0)&&(b.Sign()===0)){e=A.NewP384Point();f=true;c=e;d=f;$s=-1;return[c,d];}if(a.Sign()<0||b.Sign()<0){g=CG.nil;h=false;c=g;d=h;$s=-1;return[c,d];}if(a.BitLen()>384||b.BitLen()>384){i=CG.nil;j=false;c=i;d=j;$s=-1;return[c,d];}l=BZ();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=BR(l,a,b);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=A.NewP384Point().SetBytes(m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=n;c=k[0];o=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){p=CG.nil;q=false;c=p;d=q;$s=-1;return[c,d];}r=c;s=true;c=r;d=s;$s=-1;return[c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:Q,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};R=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=CC.nil;c=CC.nil;d=a.Bytes();if((d.$length===1)&&((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===0)){e=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);f=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);b=e;c=f;$s=-1;return[b,c];}h=BZ();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=BT(h,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i;b=g[0];c=g[1];if(b===CC.nil){$panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: internal error: Unmarshal rejected a valid point encoding"));}j=b;k=c;b=j;c=k;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:R,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};S=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=CC.nil;b=CC.nil;d=BZ();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=BQ(d,B.Reader);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=e;a=c[1];b=c[2];f=c[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: failed to generate random point"));}g=a;h=b;a=g;b=h;$s=-1;return[a,b];}return;}var $f={$blk:S,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};N.ptr.prototype.Add=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=Q(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!h){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=S();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=5;case 5:return j;case 3:l=Q(c,d);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];h=k[1];if(!h){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:n=S();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=10;case 10:return o;case 8:p=R(g.Add(g,m));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=12;case 12:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.Add,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.Add=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.Add(a,b,c,d);};N.ptr.prototype.Double=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=Q(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!f){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=S();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=5;case 5:return h;case 3:i=R(e.Double(e));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=7;case 7:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.Double,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.Double=function(a,b){return this.$val.Double(a,b);};N.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=Q(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(!g){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=S();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=5;case 5:return i;case 3:j=R(f.ScalarMult(f,c));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=7;case 7:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.ScalarMult=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.ScalarMult(a,b,c);};N.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=A.NewP384Generator();c=R(b.ScalarMult(b,a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.ScalarBaseMult=function(a){return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(a);};U=function(){V.copy(T,new V.ptr(W));};Y=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:W=new BN.ptr(CC.nil,CC.nil,CC.nil,CC.nil,CC.nil,0,"P-256");b=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetString("115792089210356248762697446949407573530086143415290314195533631308867097853951",10);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=b;W.P=a[0];d=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetString("115792089210356248762697446949407573529996955224135760342422259061068512044369",10);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;W.N=c[0];f=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetString("5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b",16);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;W.B=e[0];h=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetString("6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296",16);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;W.Gx=g[0];j=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetString("4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5",16);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;W.Gy=i[0];W.BitSize=256;l=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetString("7fffffff00000001fffffffe8000000100000000ffffffff0000000180000000",16);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;X=k[0];U();$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};V.ptr.prototype.Params=function(){var a;a=this;return a.CurveParams;};V.prototype.Params=function(){return this.$val.Params();};Z=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetBytes(b);d=CE.nil;if(c.Cmp(W.N)>=0||b.$length>32){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=c.Mod(c,W.N);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;d=c.Bytes();$s=3;continue;case 2:d=b;case 3:f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);(j=d.$length-((1+h>>0))>>0,a.nilCheck,((j<0||j>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[j]=i));g++;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};V.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=[c];d=[d];e=[e];f=CC.nil;g=CC.nil;b[0]=CH.zero();$r=Z(b[0],a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=CI.zero();i=CI.zero();j=CI.zero();c[0]=$clone(h,CI);d[0]=$clone(i,CI);e[0]=$clone(j,CI);AZ(c[0],d[0],e[0],b[0]);l=BB(c[0],d[0],e[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;f=k[0];g=k[1];m=[f,g];$s=3;case 3:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:V.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};V.prototype.ScalarBaseMult=function(a){return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(a);};V.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];j=CC.nil;k=CC.nil;f[0]=CH.zero();$r=Z(f[0],c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=CI.zero();m=CI.zero();n=CI.zero();o=CI.zero();p=CI.zero();d[0]=$clone(l,CI);e[0]=$clone(m,CI);g[0]=$clone(n,CI);h[0]=$clone(o,CI);i[0]=$clone(p,CI);$r=BD(d[0],a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=BD(e[0],b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BC(g[0],h[0],i[0],d[0],e[0],f[0]);r=BB(g[0],h[0],i[0]);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;j=q[0];k=q[1];s=[j,k];$s=5;case 5:return s;}return;}var $f={$blk:V.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};V.prototype.ScalarMult=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.ScalarMult(a,b,c);};AF=function(a){var a;return((((a-1>>>0))>>>31>>>0))-1>>>0;};AG=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=AF(b);a[0]=(a[0]+((b<<1>>>0))>>>0);a[3]=(a[3]+(((268435456&c)>>>0))>>>0);a[3]=(a[3]-((b<<11>>>0))>>>0);a[4]=(a[4]+(((536870911&c)>>>0))>>>0);a[5]=(a[5]+(((268435455&c)>>>0))>>>0);a[6]=(a[6]+(((536870911&c)>>>0))>>>0);a[6]=(a[6]-((b<<22>>>0))>>>0);a[7]=(a[7]-(((1&c)>>>0))>>>0);a[7]=(a[7]+((b<<25>>>0))>>>0);};AH=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;d=0;e=0;while(true){a.nilCheck,((e<0||e>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[e]=((f=b,((e<0||e>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[e]))+(g=c,((e<0||e>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[e]))>>>0));(i=a,((e<0||e>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[e]=((h=a,((e<0||e>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[e]))+(d)>>>0)));d=(j=a,((e<0||e>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[e]))>>>29>>>0;(l=a,((e<0||e>=l.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l[e]=(((k=a,((e<0||e>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[e]))&(536870911))>>>0)));e=e+(1)>>0;if(e===9){break;}a.nilCheck,((e<0||e>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[e]=((m=b,((e<0||e>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[e]))+(n=c,((e<0||e>=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n[e]))>>>0));(p=a,((e<0||e>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[e]=((o=a,((e<0||e>=o.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o[e]))+(d)>>>0)));d=(q=a,((e<0||e>=q.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q[e]))>>>28>>>0;(s=a,((e<0||e>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[e]=(((r=a,((e<0||e>=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[e]))&(268435455))>>>0)));e=e+(1)>>0;}AG(a,d);};AJ=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w;d=0;e=0;while(true){a.nilCheck,((e<0||e>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[e]=((f=b,((e<0||e>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[e]))-(g=c,((e<0||e>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[e]))>>>0));(i=a,((e<0||e>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[e]=((h=a,((e<0||e>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[e]))+(((e<0||e>=AI.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AI[e]))>>>0)));(k=a,((e<0||e>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[e]=((j=a,((e<0||e>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out 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range"),undefined):ba[at]))>>>29>>>0;(bc=a,((at<0||at>=bc.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bc[at]=(((bb=a,((at<0||at>=bb.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bb[at]))&(536870911))>>>0)));at=at+(1)>>0;a.nilCheck,((at<0||at>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[at]=((bd=at+9>>0,((bd<0||bd>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[bd]))>>>1>>>0));(bf=a,((at<0||at>=bf.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bf[at]=((be=a,((at<0||at>=be.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):be[at]))+(g)>>>0)));g=(bg=a,((at<0||at>=bg.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bg[at]))>>>28>>>0;(bi=a,((at<0||at>=bi.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bi[at]=(((bh=a,((at<0||at>=bh.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$Uint64(0,b[3])),2))),new $Uint64(i.$high+j.$high,i.$low+j.$low)),k=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),(new $Uint64(0,b[2]))),new $Uint64(h.$high+k.$high,h.$low+k.$low));c[5]=(l=(m=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),1))),n=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),1))),new $Uint64(m.$high+n.$high,m.$low+n.$low)),o=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),1))),new $Uint64(l.$high+o.$high,l.$low+o.$low));c[6]=(p=(q=(r=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),1))),s=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),2))),new $Uint64(r.$high+s.$high,r.$low+s.$low)),t=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),1))),new $Uint64(q.$high+t.$high,q.$low+t.$low)),u=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),1))),new $Uint64(p.$high+u.$high,p.$low+u.$low));c[7]=(v=(w=(x=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),1))),y=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),1))),new $Uint64(x.$high+y.$high,x.$low+y.$low)),z=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),1))),new $Uint64(w.$high+z.$high,w.$low+z.$low)),aa=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),1))),new $Uint64(v.$high+aa.$high,v.$low+aa.$low));c[8]=(ab=(ac=(ad=(ae=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),1))),af=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),2))),new $Uint64(ae.$high+af.$high,ae.$low+af.$low)),ag=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),1))),new $Uint64(ad.$high+ag.$high,ad.$low+ag.$low)),ah=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),2))),new $Uint64(ac.$high+ah.$high,ac.$low+ah.$low)),ai=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),(new $Uint64(0,b[4]))),new $Uint64(ab.$high+ai.$high,ab.$low+ai.$low));c[9]=(aj=(ak=(al=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),1))),am=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),1))),new $Uint64(al.$high+am.$high,al.$low+am.$low)),an=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),1))),new $Uint64(ak.$high+an.$high,ak.$low+an.$low)),ao=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),1))),new $Uint64(aj.$high+ao.$high,aj.$low+ao.$low));c[10]=(ap=(aq=(ar=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),1))),as=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),2))),new $Uint64(ar.$high+as.$high,ar.$low+as.$low)),at=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),1))),new $Uint64(aq.$high+at.$high,aq.$low+at.$low)),au=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),1))),new $Uint64(ap.$high+au.$high,ap.$low+au.$low));c[11]=(av=(aw=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),1))),ax=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),1))),new $Uint64(aw.$high+ax.$high,aw.$low+ax.$low)),ay=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),1))),new $Uint64(av.$high+ay.$high,av.$low+ay.$low));c[12]=(az=(ba=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),1))),bb=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),2))),new $Uint64(ba.$high+bb.$high,ba.$low+bb.$low)),bc=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),(new $Uint64(0,b[6]))),new $Uint64(az.$high+bc.$high,az.$low+bc.$low));c[13]=(bd=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),1))),be=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),1))),new $Uint64(bd.$high+be.$high,bd.$low+be.$low));c[14]=(bf=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),1))),bg=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),1))),new $Uint64(bf.$high+bg.$high,bf.$low+bg.$low));c[15]=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),1)));c[16]=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),(new $Uint64(0,b[8])));AK(a,$clone(c,CK));};AM=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=CK.zero();d[0]=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),(new $Uint64(0,c[0])));d[1]=(e=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[1])),0))),f=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[0])),0))),new $Uint64(e.$high+f.$high,e.$low+f.$low));d[2]=(g=(h=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[2])),0))),i=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[1])),1))),new $Uint64(h.$high+i.$high,h.$low+i.$low)),j=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[0])),0))),new $Uint64(g.$high+j.$high,g.$low+j.$low));d[3]=(k=(l=(m=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[3])),0))),n=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[2])),0))),new $Uint64(m.$high+n.$high,m.$low+n.$low)),o=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[1])),0))),new $Uint64(l.$high+o.$high,l.$low+o.$low)),p=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[0])),0))),new $Uint64(k.$high+p.$high,k.$low+p.$low));d[4]=(q=(r=(s=(t=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[4])),0))),u=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[3])),1))),new $Uint64(t.$high+u.$high,t.$low+u.$low)),v=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[2])),0))),new $Uint64(s.$high+v.$high,s.$low+v.$low)),w=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[1])),1))),new $Uint64(r.$high+w.$high,r.$low+w.$low)),x=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[0])),0))),new $Uint64(q.$high+x.$high,q.$low+x.$low));d[5]=(y=(z=(aa=(ab=(ac=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[5])),0))),ad=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[4])),0))),new $Uint64(ac.$high+ad.$high,ac.$low+ad.$low)),ae=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[3])),0))),new $Uint64(ab.$high+ae.$high,ab.$low+ae.$low)),af=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[2])),0))),new $Uint64(aa.$high+af.$high,aa.$low+af.$low)),ag=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[1])),0))),new $Uint64(z.$high+ag.$high,z.$low+ag.$low)),ah=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[0])),0))),new $Uint64(y.$high+ah.$high,y.$low+ah.$low));d[6]=(ai=(aj=(ak=(al=(am=(an=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[6])),0))),ao=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[5])),1))),new $Uint64(an.$high+ao.$high,an.$low+ao.$low)),ap=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[4])),0))),new $Uint64(am.$high+ap.$high,am.$low+ap.$low)),aq=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[3])),1))),new $Uint64(al.$high+aq.$high,al.$low+aq.$low)),ar=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[2])),0))),new $Uint64(ak.$high+ar.$high,ak.$low+ar.$low)),as=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[1])),1))),new $Uint64(aj.$high+as.$high,aj.$low+as.$low)),at=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[0])),0))),new $Uint64(ai.$high+at.$high,ai.$low+at.$low));d[7]=(au=(av=(aw=(ax=(ay=(az=(ba=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[7])),0))),bb=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[6])),0))),new $Uint64(ba.$high+bb.$high,ba.$low+bb.$low)),bc=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[5])),0))),new $Uint64(az.$high+bc.$high,az.$low+bc.$low)),bd=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[4])),0))),new $Uint64(ay.$high+bd.$high,ay.$low+bd.$low)),be=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[3])),0))),new $Uint64(ax.$high+be.$high,ax.$low+be.$low)),bf=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[2])),0))),new $Uint64(aw.$high+bf.$high,aw.$low+bf.$low)),bg=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[1])),0))),new $Uint64(av.$high+bg.$high,av.$low+bg.$low)),bh=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[0])),0))),new $Uint64(au.$high+bh.$high,au.$low+bh.$low));d[8]=(bi=(bj=(bk=(bl=(bm=(bn=(bo=(bp=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[8])),0))),bq=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[7])),1))),new $Uint64(bp.$high+bq.$high,bp.$low+bq.$low)),br=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[6])),0))),new $Uint64(bo.$high+br.$high,bo.$low+br.$low)),bs=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[5])),1))),new $Uint64(bn.$high+bs.$high,bn.$low+bs.$low)),bt=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[4])),0))),new $Uint64(bm.$high+bt.$high,bm.$low+bt.$low)),bu=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[3])),1))),new $Uint64(bl.$high+bu.$high,bl.$low+bu.$low)),bv=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[2])),0))),new $Uint64(bk.$high+bv.$high,bk.$low+bv.$low)),bw=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[1])),1))),new $Uint64(bj.$high+bw.$high,bj.$low+bw.$low)),bx=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[0])),0))),new $Uint64(bi.$high+bx.$high,bi.$low+bx.$low));d[9]=(by=(bz=(ca=(cb=(cc=(cd=(ce=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[8])),0))),cf=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[7])),0))),new $Uint64(ce.$high+cf.$high,ce.$low+cf.$low)),cg=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[6])),0))),new $Uint64(cd.$high+cg.$high,cd.$low+cg.$low)),ch=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[5])),0))),new $Uint64(cc.$high+ch.$high,cc.$low+ch.$low)),ci=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[4])),0))),new $Uint64(cb.$high+ci.$high,cb.$low+ci.$low)),cj=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[3])),0))),new $Uint64(ca.$high+cj.$high,ca.$low+cj.$low)),ck=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[2])),0))),new $Uint64(bz.$high+ck.$high,bz.$low+ck.$low)),cl=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[1])),0))),new $Uint64(by.$high+cl.$high,by.$low+cl.$low));d[10]=(cm=(cn=(co=(cp=(cq=(cr=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[8])),0))),cs=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[7])),1))),new $Uint64(cr.$high+cs.$high,cr.$low+cs.$low)),ct=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[6])),0))),new $Uint64(cq.$high+ct.$high,cq.$low+ct.$low)),cu=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[5])),1))),new $Uint64(cp.$high+cu.$high,cp.$low+cu.$low)),cv=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[4])),0))),new $Uint64(co.$high+cv.$high,co.$low+cv.$low)),cw=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[3])),1))),new $Uint64(cn.$high+cw.$high,cn.$low+cw.$low)),cx=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[2])),0))),new $Uint64(cm.$high+cx.$high,cm.$low+cx.$low));d[11]=(cy=(cz=(da=(db=(dc=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[3])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[8])),0))),dd=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[7])),0))),new $Uint64(dc.$high+dd.$high,dc.$low+dd.$low)),de=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[6])),0))),new $Uint64(db.$high+de.$high,db.$low+de.$low)),df=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[5])),0))),new $Uint64(da.$high+df.$high,da.$low+df.$low)),dg=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[4])),0))),new $Uint64(cz.$high+dg.$high,cz.$low+dg.$low)),dh=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[3])),0))),new $Uint64(cy.$high+dh.$high,cy.$low+dh.$low));d[12]=(di=(dj=(dk=(dl=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[4])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[8])),0))),dm=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[7])),1))),new $Uint64(dl.$high+dm.$high,dl.$low+dm.$low)),dn=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[6])),0))),new $Uint64(dk.$high+dn.$high,dk.$low+dn.$low)),dp=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[5])),1))),new $Uint64(dj.$high+dp.$high,dj.$low+dp.$low)),dq=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[4])),0))),new $Uint64(di.$high+dq.$high,di.$low+dq.$low));d[13]=(dr=(ds=(dt=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[5])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[8])),0))),du=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[7])),0))),new $Uint64(dt.$high+du.$high,dt.$low+du.$low)),dv=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[6])),0))),new $Uint64(ds.$high+dv.$high,ds.$low+dv.$low)),dw=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[5])),0))),new $Uint64(dr.$high+dw.$high,dr.$low+dw.$low));d[14]=(dx=(dy=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[6])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[8])),0))),dz=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[7])),1))),new $Uint64(dy.$high+dz.$high,dy.$low+dz.$low)),ea=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[6])),0))),new $Uint64(dx.$high+ea.$high,dx.$low+ea.$low));d[15]=(eb=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[7])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[8])),0))),ec=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[7])),0))),new $Uint64(eb.$high+ec.$high,eb.$low+ec.$low));d[16]=$mul64((new $Uint64(0,b[8])),($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,c[8])),0)));AK(a,$clone(d,CK));};AN=function(a,b){var a,b;CI.copy(a,b);};AO=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;c=CI.zero();d=CI.zero();e=$clone(c,CI);f=$clone(d,CI);g=CI.zero();h=CI.zero();i=CI.zero();j=CI.zero();k=CI.zero();l=CI.zero();m=$clone(g,CI);n=$clone(h,CI);o=$clone(i,CI);p=$clone(j,CI);q=$clone(k,CI);r=$clone(l,CI);AL(e,b);AM(e,b,e);AN(m,e);AL(e,e);AL(e,e);AM(e,e,m);AN(n,e);AL(e,e);AL(e,e);AL(e,e);AL(e,e);AM(e,e,n);AN(o,e);s=0;while(true){if(!(s<8)){break;}AL(e,e);s=s+(1)>>0;}AM(e,e,o);AN(p,e);t=0;while(true){if(!(t<16)){break;}AL(e,e);t=t+(1)>>0;}AM(e,e,p);AN(q,e);u=0;while(true){if(!(u<32)){break;}AL(e,e);u=u+(1)>>0;}AN(r,e);AM(e,e,b);v=0;while(true){if(!(v<192)){break;}AL(e,e);v=v+(1)>>0;}AM(f,r,q);w=0;while(true){if(!(w<16)){break;}AL(f,f);w=w+(1)>>0;}AM(f,f,p);x=0;while(true){if(!(x<8)){break;}AL(f,f);x=x+(1)>>0;}AM(f,f,o);y=0;while(true){if(!(y<4)){break;}AL(f,f);y=y+(1)>>0;}AM(f,f,n);AL(f,f);AL(f,f);AM(f,f,m);AL(f,f);AL(f,f);AM(f,f,b);AM(a,f,e);};AP=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;b=0;c=0;while(true){(e=a,((c<0||c>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[c]=($imul((d=a,((c<0||c>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[c])),(3))>>>0)));(g=a,((c<0||c>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[c]=((f=a,((c<0||c>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[c]))+(b)>>>0)));b=(h=a,((c<0||c>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[c]))>>>29>>>0;(j=a,((c<0||c>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[c]=(((i=a,((c<0||c>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[c]))&(536870911))>>>0)));c=c+(1)>>0;if(c===9){break;}(l=a,((c<0||c>=l.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l[c]=($imul((k=a,((c<0||c>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[c])),(3))>>>0)));(n=a,((c<0||c>=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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range"),undefined):k[f]))&(536870911))>>>0)));(n=a,((f<0||f>=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n[f]=((m=a,((f<0||f>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[f]))+(d)>>>0)));d=e+(((o=a,((f<0||f>=o.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o[f]))>>>29>>>0))>>>0;(q=a,((f<0||f>=q.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q[f]=(((p=a,((f<0||f>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[f]))&(536870911))>>>0)));f=f+(1)>>0;if(f===9){break;}e=(r=a,((f<0||f>=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[f]))>>>26>>>0;(u=a,((f<0||f>=u.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u[f]=((s=(2),s<32?((t=a,((f<0||f>=t.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t[f]))<>>0)));(w=a,((f<0||f>=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[f]=(((v=a,((f<0||f>=v.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v[f]))&(268435455))>>>0)));(y=a,((f<0||f>=y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y[f]=((x=a,((f<0||f>=x.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x[f]))+(d)>>>0)));d=e+(((z=a,((f<0||f>=z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z[f]))>>>28>>>0))>>>0;(ab=a,((f<0||f>=ab.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ab[f]=(((aa=a,((f<0||f>=aa.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa[f]))&(268435455))>>>0)));f=f+(1)>>0;}AG(a,d);};AR=function(a){var a,aa,ab,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=0;c=0;d=b;e=c;f=0;while(true){e=(g=a,((f<0||f>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[f]))>>>26>>>0;(j=a,((f<0||f>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[f]=((h=(3),h<32?((i=a,((f<0||f>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[f]))<>>0)));(l=a,((f<0||f>=l.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l[f]=(((k=a,((f<0||f>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[f]))&(536870911))>>>0)));(n=a,((f<0||f>=n.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n[f]=((m=a,((f<0||f>=m.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m[f]))+(d)>>>0)));d=e+(((o=a,((f<0||f>=o.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o[f]))>>>29>>>0))>>>0;(q=a,((f<0||f>=q.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q[f]=(((p=a,((f<0||f>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[f]))&(536870911))>>>0)));f=f+(1)>>0;if(f===9){break;}e=(r=a,((f<0||f>=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[f]))>>>25>>>0;(u=a,((f<0||f>=u.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u[f]=((s=(3),s<32?((t=a,((f<0||f>=t.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t[f]))<>>0)));(w=a,((f<0||f>=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[f]=(((v=a,((f<0||f>=v.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v[f]))&(268435455))>>>0)));(y=a,((f<0||f>=y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y[f]=((x=a,((f<0||f>=x.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x[f]))+(d)>>>0)));d=e+(((z=a,((f<0||f>=z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z[f]))>>>28>>>0))>>>0;(ab=a,((f<0||f>=ab.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ab[f]=(((aa=a,((f<0||f>=aa.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa[f]))&(268435455))>>>0)));f=f+(1)>>0;}AG(a,d);};AS=function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;g=CI.zero();h=CI.zero();i=CI.zero();j=CI.zero();k=CI.zero();l=CI.zero();m=$clone(g,CI);n=$clone(h,CI);o=$clone(i,CI);p=$clone(j,CI);q=$clone(k,CI);r=$clone(l,CI);AL(m,f);AL(n,e);AM(p,d,n);AH(q,d,m);AJ(r,d,m);AM(o,q,r);AP(o);AH(q,e,f);AL(q,q);AJ(q,q,n);AJ(c,q,m);AQ(p);AL(a,o);AJ(a,a,p);AJ(a,a,p);AJ(q,p,a);AM(q,o,q);AL(r,n);AR(r);AJ(b,q,r);};AT=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;i=CI.zero();j=CI.zero();k=CI.zero();l=CI.zero();m=CI.zero();n=CI.zero();o=CI.zero();p=CI.zero();q=CI.zero();r=CI.zero();s=CI.zero();t=$clone(i,CI);u=$clone(j,CI);v=$clone(k,CI);w=$clone(l,CI);x=$clone(m,CI);y=$clone(n,CI);z=$clone(o,CI);aa=$clone(p,CI);ab=$clone(q,CI);ac=$clone(r,CI);ad=$clone(s,CI);AL(t,f);AH(ad,f,f);AM(w,g,t);AM(u,f,t);AM(v,h,u);AJ(x,w,d);AH(y,x,x);AL(y,y);AM(z,x,y);AJ(aa,v,e);AH(aa,aa,aa);AM(ac,d,y);AM(c,ad,x);AL(ab,aa);AJ(a,ab,z);AJ(a,a,ac);AJ(a,a,ac);AJ(ad,ac,a);AM(b,ad,aa);AM(ad,e,z);AJ(b,b,ad);AJ(b,b,ad);};AU=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;j=CI.zero();k=CI.zero();l=CI.zero();m=CI.zero();n=CI.zero();o=CI.zero();p=CI.zero();q=CI.zero();r=CI.zero();s=CI.zero();t=CI.zero();u=CI.zero();v=CI.zero();w=CI.zero();x=CI.zero();y=$clone(j,CI);z=$clone(k,CI);aa=$clone(l,CI);ab=$clone(m,CI);ac=$clone(n,CI);ad=$clone(o,CI);ae=$clone(p,CI);af=$clone(q,CI);ag=$clone(r,CI);ah=$clone(s,CI);ai=$clone(t,CI);aj=$clone(u,CI);ak=$clone(v,CI);al=$clone(w,CI);am=$clone(x,CI);AL(y,f);AL(aa,i);AM(ae,d,aa);AH(am,f,i);AL(am,am);AJ(am,am,y);AJ(am,am,aa);AM(ab,i,aa);AM(ac,e,ab);AM(af,g,y);AM(z,f,y);AM(ad,h,z);AJ(ag,af,ae);AH(ah,ag,ag);AL(ah,ah);AM(ai,ag,ah);AJ(aj,ad,ac);AH(aj,aj,aj);AM(al,ae,ah);AM(c,am,ag);AL(ak,aj);AJ(a,ak,ai);AJ(a,a,al);AJ(a,a,al);AJ(am,al,a);AM(b,am,aj);AM(am,ac,ai);AJ(b,b,am);AJ(b,b,am);};AV=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;d=0;while(true){if(!(d<9)){break;}g=(c&((((e=b,((d<0||d>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[d]))^(f=a,((d<0||d>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[d])))>>>0)))>>>0;(i=a,((d<0||d>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[d]=(((h=a,((d<0||d>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[d]))^(g))>>>0)));d=d+(1)>>0;}};AW=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v;e=a;f=0;while(true){if(!(f<9)){break;}g=f;a.nilCheck,((g<0||g>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[g]=0);f++;}h=b;i=0;while(true){if(!(i<9)){break;}j=i;b.nilCheck,((j<0||j>=b.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b[j]=0);i++;}k=1;while(true){if(!(k<16)){break;}l=(k^d)>>>0;l=(l|((l>>>2>>>0)))>>>0;l=(l|((l>>>1>>>0)))>>>0;l=(l&(1))>>>0;l=l-(1)>>>0;m=a;n=0;while(true){if(!(n<9)){break;}o=n;(q=a,((o<0||o>=q.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q[o]=(((p=a,((o<0||o>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[o]))|((((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])&l)>>>0)))>>>0)));c=$subslice(c,1);n++;}r=b;s=0;while(true){if(!(s<9)){break;}t=s;(v=b,((t<0||t>=v.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v[t]=(((u=b,((t<0||t>=u.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u[t]))|((((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])&l)>>>0)))>>>0)));c=$subslice(c,1);s++;}k=k+(1)>>>0;}};AX=function(a,b,c,d,e){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;f=a;g=0;while(true){if(!(g<9)){break;}h=g;a.nilCheck,((h<0||h>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[h]=0);g++;}i=b;j=0;while(true){if(!(j<9)){break;}k=j;b.nilCheck,((k<0||k>=b.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b[k]=0);j++;}l=c;m=0;while(true){if(!(m<9)){break;}n=m;c.nilCheck,((n<0||n>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[n]=0);m++;}o=1;while(true){if(!(o<16)){break;}p=(o^e)>>>0;p=(p|((p>>>2>>>0)))>>>0;p=(p|((p>>>1>>>0)))>>>0;p=(p&(1))>>>0;p=p-(1)>>>0;q=a;r=0;while(true){if(!(r<9)){break;}s=r;(w=a,((s<0||s>=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[s]=(((t=a,((s<0||s>=t.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t[s]))|((((u=(v=d,((o<0||o>=v.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v[o]))[0],((s<0||s>=u.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u[s]))&p)>>>0)))>>>0)));r++;}x=b;y=0;while(true){if(!(y<9)){break;}z=y;(ad=b,((z<0||z>=ad.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad[z]=(((aa=b,((z<0||z>=aa.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa[z]))|((((ab=(ac=d,((o<0||o>=ac.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac[o]))[1],((z<0||z>=ab.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ab[z]))&p)>>>0)))>>>0)));y++;}ae=c;af=0;while(true){if(!(af<9)){break;}ag=af;(ak=c,((ag<0||ag>=ak.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ak[ag]=(((ah=c,((ag<0||ag>=ah.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah[ag]))|((((ai=(aj=d,((o<0||o>=aj.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aj[o]))[2],((ag<0||ag>=ai.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai[ag]))&p)>>>0)))>>>0)));af++;}o=o+(1)>>>0;}};AY=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;return(((((((c=(((b&7)>>>0)),c<32?(((d=a,e=b>>>3>>>0,((e<0||e>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[e])))>>>c):0)<<24>>>24))&1)>>>0)>>>0));};AZ=function(a,b,c,d){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;e=4294967295;f=0;g=0;h=0;i=f;j=g;k=h;l=CI.zero();m=CI.zero();n=CI.zero();o=CI.zero();p=CI.zero();q=$clone(l,CI);r=$clone(m,CI);s=$clone(n,CI);t=$clone(o,CI);u=$clone(p,CI);v=a;w=0;while(true){if(!(w<9)){break;}x=w;a.nilCheck,((x<0||x>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[x]=0);w++;}y=b;z=0;while(true){if(!(z<9)){break;}aa=z;b.nilCheck,((aa<0||aa>=b.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b[aa]=0);z++;}ab=c;ac=0;while(true){if(!(ac<9)){break;}ad=ac;c.nilCheck,((ad<0||ad>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[ad]=0);ac++;}ae=0;while(true){if(!(ae<32)){break;}if(!((ae===0))){AS(a,b,c,a,b,c);}k=0;af=0;while(true){if(!(af<=32)){break;}ag=AY(d,(31-ae>>>0)+af>>>0);ah=AY(d,(95-ae>>>0)+af>>>0);ai=AY(d,(159-ae>>>0)+af>>>0);aj=AY(d,(223-ae>>>0)+af>>>0);ak=(((((ag|((ah<<1>>>0)))>>>0)|((ai<<2>>>0)))>>>0)|((aj<<3>>>0)))>>>0;AW(q,r,$subslice(new CL(AE),k),ak);k=k+(270)>>>0;AT(s,t,u,a,b,c,q,r);AV(a,q,e);AV(b,r,e);AV(c,AA,e);i=AF(ak);j=(i&(~e>>>0))>>>0;AV(a,s,j);AV(b,t,j);AV(c,u,j);e=(e&~(i))>>>0;af=af+(32)>>>0;}ae=ae+(1)>>>0;}};BA=function(a,b,c,d,e){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;f=CI.zero();g=CI.zero();h=$clone(f,CI);i=$clone(g,CI);AO(h,e);AL(i,h);AM(a,c,i);AM(h,h,i);AM(b,d,h);};BB=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=CC.nil;g=CC.nil;h=CI.zero();i=CI.zero();d[0]=$clone(h,CI);e[0]=$clone(i,CI);BA(d[0],e[0],a,b,c);k=BE(d[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;m=BE(e[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;f=j;g=l;n=[f,g];$s=3;case 3:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:BB,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};BC=function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;g=CI.zero();h=CI.zero();i=CI.zero();j=CI.zero();k=CI.zero();l=CI.zero();m=$clone(g,CI);n=$clone(h,CI);o=$clone(i,CI);p=$clone(j,CI);q=$clone(k,CI);r=$clone(l,CI);s=CN.zero();t=0;u=0;v=0;w=0;x=t;y=u;z=v;aa=w;CI.copy(s[1][0],d);CI.copy(s[1][1],e);CI.copy(s[1][2],AA);ab=2;while(true){if(!(ab<16)){break;}AS(((ab<0||ab>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ab])[0],((ab<0||ab>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ab])[1],((ab<0||ab>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ab])[2],(ac=(ad=ab/2,(ad===ad&&ad!==1/0&&ad!==-1/0)?ad>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),((ac<0||ac>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ac]))[0],(ae=(af=ab/2,(af===af&&af!==1/0&&af!==-1/0)?af>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),((ae<0||ae>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ae]))[1],(ag=(ah=ab/2,(ah===ah&&ah!==1/0&&ah!==-1/0)?ah>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),((ag<0||ag>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ag]))[2]);AT((ai=ab+1>>0,((ai<0||ai>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ai]))[0],(aj=ab+1>>0,((aj<0||aj>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[aj]))[1],(ak=ab+1>>0,((ak<0||ak>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ak]))[2],((ab<0||ab>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ab])[0],((ab<0||ab>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ab])[1],((ab<0||ab>=s.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s[ab])[2],d,e);ab=ab+(2)>>0;}al=a;am=0;while(true){if(!(am<9)){break;}an=am;a.nilCheck,((an<0||an>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[an]=0);am++;}ao=b;ap=0;while(true){if(!(ap<9)){break;}aq=ap;b.nilCheck,((aq<0||aq>=b.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b[aq]=0);ap++;}ar=c;as=0;while(true){if(!(as<9)){break;}at=as;c.nilCheck,((at<0||at>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[at]=0);as++;}x=4294967295;au=0;while(true){if(!(au<64)){break;}if(!((au===0))){AS(a,b,c,a,b,c);AS(a,b,c,a,b,c);AS(a,b,c,a,b,c);AS(a,b,c,a,b,c);}y=(((av=f,aw=31-(ax=au/2,(ax===ax&&ax!==1/0&&ax!==-1/0)?ax>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0,((aw<0||aw>=av.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):av[aw]))>>>0));if(((au&1))===1){y=(y&(15))>>>0;}else{y=(ay=(4),ay<32?(y>>>ay):0)>>>0;}AX(m,n,o,s,y);AU(p,q,r,a,b,c,m,n,o);AV(a,m,x);AV(b,n,x);AV(c,o,x);z=AF(y);aa=(z&(~x>>>0))>>>0;AV(a,p,aa);AV(b,q,aa);AV(c,r,aa);x=(x&~(z))>>>0;au=au+(1)>>0;}};BD=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Lsh(b,257);d=c.Mod(c,W.P);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d;e=0;case 2:if(!(e<9)){$s=3;continue;}f=c.Bits();if(f.$length>0){a.nilCheck,((e<0||e>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[e]=(((((0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])>>>0))&536870911)>>>0));}else{a.nilCheck,((e<0||e>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[e]=0);}g=c.Rsh(c,29);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;e=e+(1)>>0;if(e===9){$s=3;continue;}h=c.Bits();if(h.$length>0){a.nilCheck,((e<0||e>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[e]=(((((0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])>>>0))&268435455)>>>0));}else{a.nilCheck,((e<0||e>=a.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a[e]=0);}i=c.Rsh(c,28);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;e=e+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BD,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BE=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);c=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);d=b;e=c;d.SetInt64((new $Int64(0,a[8])));f=7;case 1:if(!(f>=0)){$s=2;continue;}if(((f&1))===0){d.Lsh(d,29);}else{d.Lsh(d,28);}e.SetInt64((new $Int64(0,(g=a,((f<0||f>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[f])))));h=d.Add(d,e);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;f=f-(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:i=d.Mul(d,X);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=d.Mod(d,W.P);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BE,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BH=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=L("26959946667150639794667015087019630673557916260026308143510066298881");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=L("26959946667150639794667015087019625940457807714424391721682722368061");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=M("b4050a850c04b3abf54132565044b0b7d7bfd8ba270b39432355ffb4");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=M("b70e0cbd6bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c21122343280d6115c1d21");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=M("bd376388b5f723fb4c22dfe6cd4375a05a07476444d5819985007e34");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BG.params=new BN.ptr(a,b,c,d,e,224,"P-224");$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BH,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BF.ptr.prototype.Params=function(){var a;a=this;return a.params;};BF.prototype.Params=function(){return this.$val.Params();};BF.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if((a.Sign()===0)&&(b.Sign()===0)){$s=-1;return false;}e=BI(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[1];$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.IsOnCurve=function(a,b){return this.$val.IsOnCurve(a,b);};BI=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=CO.nil;d=false;if((a.Sign()===0)&&(b.Sign()===0)){e=A.NewP224Point();f=true;c=e;d=f;$s=-1;return[c,d];}if(a.Sign()<0||b.Sign()<0){g=CO.nil;h=false;c=g;d=h;$s=-1;return[c,d];}if(a.BitLen()>224||b.BitLen()>224){i=CO.nil;j=false;c=i;d=j;$s=-1;return[c,d];}l=BX();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=BR(l,a,b);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=A.NewP224Point().SetBytes(m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=n;c=k[0];o=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){p=CO.nil;q=false;c=p;d=q;$s=-1;return[c,d];}r=c;s=true;c=r;d=s;$s=-1;return[c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:BI,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};BJ=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=CC.nil;c=CC.nil;d=a.Bytes();if((d.$length===1)&&((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===0)){e=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);f=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);b=e;c=f;$s=-1;return[b,c];}h=BX();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=BT(h,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i;b=g[0];c=g[1];if(b===CC.nil){$panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: internal error: Unmarshal rejected a valid point encoding"));}j=b;k=c;b=j;c=k;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:BJ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BK=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=CC.nil;b=CC.nil;d=BX();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=BQ(d,B.Reader);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=e;a=c[1];b=c[2];f=c[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: failed to generate random point"));}g=a;h=b;a=g;b=h;$s=-1;return[a,b];}return;}var $f={$blk:BK,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};BF.ptr.prototype.Add=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=BI(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!h){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=BK();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=5;case 5:return j;case 3:l=BI(c,d);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];h=k[1];if(!h){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:n=BK();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=10;case 10:return o;case 8:p=BJ(g.Add(g,m));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=12;case 12:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Add,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Add=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.Add(a,b,c,d);};BF.ptr.prototype.Double=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=BI(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!f){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=BK();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=5;case 5:return h;case 3:i=BJ(e.Double(e));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=7;case 7:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Double,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Double=function(a,b){return this.$val.Double(a,b);};BF.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=BI(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(!g){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=BK();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=5;case 5:return i;case 3:j=BJ(f.ScalarMult(f,c));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=7;case 7:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.ScalarMult=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.ScalarMult(a,b,c);};BF.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=A.NewP224Generator();c=BJ(b.ScalarMult(b,a));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.ScalarBaseMult=function(a){return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(a);};BM=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);f=e.Params();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(a===f){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[e,true];case 4:d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,false];}return;}var $f={$blk:BM,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BN.ptr.prototype.Params=function(){var a;a=this;return a;};BN.prototype.Params=function(){return this.$val.Params();};BN.ptr.prototype.polynomial=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(a,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=d.Mul(d,a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;f=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Lsh(a,1);g=f.Add(f,a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;h=d.Sub(d,f);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;i=d.Add(d,b.B);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=d.Mod(d,b.P);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN.ptr.prototype.polynomial,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BN.prototype.polynomial=function(a){return this.$val.polynomial(a);};BN.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;e=BM(c,new CP([new BG.constructor.elem(BG),new O.constructor.elem(O),new G.constructor.elem(G)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(g){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=f.IsOnCurve(a,b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=5;case 5:return i;case 3:if(a.Sign()<0||a.Cmp(c.P)>=0||b.Sign()<0||b.Cmp(c.P)>=0){$s=-1;return false;}j=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(b,b);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=k.Mod(k,c.P);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;m=c.polynomial(a);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.Cmp(k);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n===0;$s=10;case 10:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};BN.prototype.IsOnCurve=function(a,b){return this.$val.IsOnCurve(a,b);};BO=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);if(!((a.Sign()===0))||!((b.Sign()===0))){c.SetInt64(new $Int64(0,1));}return c;};BN.ptr.prototype.affineFromJacobian=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=CC.nil;e=CC.nil;f=this;if(c.Sign()===0){g=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);h=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);d=g;e=h;$s=-1;return[d,e];}i=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).ModInverse(c,f.P);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(j,j);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(a,l);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=m;n=d.Mod(d,f.P);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=l.Mul(l,j);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;p=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(b,l);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=p;q=e.Mod(e,f.P);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:BN.ptr.prototype.affineFromJacobian,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BN.prototype.affineFromJacobian=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.affineFromJacobian(a,b,c);};BN.ptr.prototype.Add=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=BM(e,new CP([new BG.constructor.elem(BG),new O.constructor.elem(O),new G.constructor.elem(G)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(i){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=h.Add(a,b,c,d);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=5;case 5:return k;case 3:l=BO(a,b);m=BO(c,d);o=e.addJacobian(a,b,l,c,d,m);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=e.affineFromJacobian(n[0],n[1],n[2]);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=8;case 8:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN.ptr.prototype.Add,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BN.prototype.Add=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.Add(a,b,c,d);};BN.ptr.prototype.addJacobian=function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);i=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);j=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);k=h;l=i;m=j;if(c.Sign()===0){k.Set(d);l.Set(e);m.Set(f);$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}if(f.Sign()===0){k.Set(a);l.Set(b);m.Set(c);$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}n=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(c,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=o.Mod(o,g.P);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;q=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(f,f);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=r.Mod(r,g.P);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;t=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(a,r);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=u.Mod(u,g.P);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;w=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(d,o);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;y=x.Mod(x,g.P);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;z=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Sub(x,u);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;ab=aa.Sign()===0;if(aa.Sign()===-1){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:ac=aa.Add(aa,g.P);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac;case 11:ad=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Lsh(aa,1);ae=ad.Mul(ad,ad);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;af=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(aa,ad);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;ah=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(b,f);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;aj=ai.Mul(ai,r);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;ak=ai.Mod(ai,g.P);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak;al=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(e,c);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;an=am.Mul(am,o);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an;ao=am.Mod(am,g.P);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao;ap=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Sub(am,ai);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap;if(aq.Sign()===-1){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:ar=aq.Add(aq,g.P);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar;case 23:as=aq.Sign()===0;if(ab&&as){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:at=g.doubleJacobian(a,b,c);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at;$s=28;case 28:return au;case 26:aq.Lsh(aq,1);av=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(u,ad);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=av;k.Set(aq);ax=k.Mul(k,k);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax;ay=k.Sub(k,ag);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay;az=k.Sub(k,aw);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az;ba=k.Sub(k,aw);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba;bb=k.Mod(k,g.P);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb;l.Set(aq);bc=aw.Sub(aw,k);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc;bd=l.Mul(l,aw);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd;be=ai.Mul(ai,ag);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be;ai.Lsh(ai,1);bf=l.Sub(l,ai);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf;bg=l.Mod(l,g.P);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg;bh=m.Add(c,f);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh;bi=m.Mul(m,m);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi;bj=m.Sub(m,o);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj;bk=m.Sub(m,r);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk;bl=m.Mul(m,aa);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl;bm=m.Mod(m,g.P);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm;$s=-1;return[k,l,m];}return;}var $f={$blk:BN.ptr.prototype.addJacobian,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BN.prototype.addJacobian=function(a,b,c,d,e,f){return this.$val.addJacobian(a,b,c,d,e,f);};BN.ptr.prototype.Double=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;e=BM(c,new CP([new BG.constructor.elem(BG),new O.constructor.elem(O),new G.constructor.elem(G)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(g){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=f.Double(a,b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=5;case 5:return i;case 3:j=BO(a,b);l=c.doubleJacobian(a,b,j);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=c.affineFromJacobian(k[0],k[1],k[2]);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=8;case 8:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN.ptr.prototype.Double,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};BN.prototype.Double=function(a,b){return this.$val.Double(a,b);};BN.ptr.prototype.doubleJacobian=function(a,b,c){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(c,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=f.Mod(f,d.P);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;h=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(b,b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=i.Mod(i,d.P);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Sub(a,f);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(l.Sign()===-1){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:m=l.Add(l,d.P);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;case 7:n=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Add(a,f);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=l.Mul(l,o);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;o.Set(l);l.Lsh(l,1);q=l.Add(l,o);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=o.Mul(a,i);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(l,l);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Lsh(s,3);w=v.Mod(v,d.P);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;x=u.Sub(u,v);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;if(u.Sign()===-1){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:y=u.Add(u,d.P);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;case 17:z=u.Mod(u,d.P);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;aa=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Add(b,c);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;ac=ab.Mul(ab,ab);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac;ad=ab.Sub(ab,i);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad;if(ab.Sign()===-1){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:ae=ab.Add(ab,d.P);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;case 24:af=ab.Sub(ab,f);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;if(ab.Sign()===-1){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:ag=ab.Add(ab,d.P);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag;case 28:ah=ab.Mod(ab,d.P);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah;s.Lsh(s,2);ai=s.Sub(s,u);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai;if(s.Sign()===-1){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:aj=s.Add(s,d.P);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;case 33:ak=l.Mul(l,s);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak;am=i.Mul(i,i);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am;i.Lsh(i,3);an=i.Mod(i,d.P);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an;ao=al.Sub(al,i);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao;if(al.Sign()===-1){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 39:ap=al.Add(al,d.P);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;case 40:aq=al.Mod(al,d.P);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq;$s=-1;return[u,al,ab];}return;}var $f={$blk:BN.ptr.prototype.doubleJacobian,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BN.prototype.doubleJacobian=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.doubleJacobian(a,b,c);};BN.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult=function(a,b,c){var{a,aa,ab,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;f=BM(d,new CP([new BG.constructor.elem(BG),new T.constructor.elem(T),new O.constructor.elem(O),new G.constructor.elem(G)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(h){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=g.ScalarMult(a,b,c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=5;case 5:return j;case 3:k=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetInt64(new $Int64(0,1));l=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);m=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);n=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);o=l;p=m;q=n;r=c;s=0;case 6:if(!(s=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]);u=0;case 8:if(!(u<8)){$s=9;continue;}w=d.doubleJacobian(o,p,q);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;o=v[0];p=v[1];q=v[2];if(((t&128)>>>0)===128){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:y=d.addJacobian(a,b,k,o,p,q);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;o=x[0];p=x[1];q=x[2];case 12:t=(z=(1),z<32?(t<>>24;u=u+(1)>>0;$s=8;continue;case 9:s++;$s=6;continue;case 7:aa=d.affineFromJacobian(o,p,q);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;$s=15;case 15:return ab;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BN.prototype.ScalarMult=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.ScalarMult(a,b,c);};BN.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=BM(b,new CP([new BG.constructor.elem(BG),new T.constructor.elem(T),new O.constructor.elem(O),new G.constructor.elem(G)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(f){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=e.ScalarBaseMult(a);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=5;case 5:return h;case 3:i=b.ScalarMult(b.Gx,b.Gy,a);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=7;case 7:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:BN.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BN.prototype.ScalarBaseMult=function(a){return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(a);};BQ=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=CE.nil;d=CC.nil;e=CC.nil;f=$ifaceNil;g=a.Params();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.N;i=h.BitLen();k=(j=((i+7>>0))/8,(j===j&&j!==1/0&&j!==-1/0)?j>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));c=$makeSlice(CE,k);case 2:if(!(d===CC.nil)){$s=3;continue;}m=D.ReadFull(b,c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;f=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c,d,e,f];}(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]=(((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])&((n=(o=i%8,o===o?o:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),((n<0||n>=BP.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BP.$array[BP.$offset+n]))))>>>0));(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]=(((1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$f;};$pkg.Marshal=BR;BT=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=CC.nil;d=CC.nil;f=a.Params();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=(e=((f.BitSize+7>>0))/8,(e===e&&e!==1/0&&e!==-1/0)?e>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(!((b.$length===(1+($imul(2,g))>>0)))){h=CC.nil;i=CC.nil;c=h;d=i;$s=-1;return[c,d];}if(!(((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])===4))){j=CC.nil;k=CC.nil;c=j;d=k;$s=-1;return[c,d];}l=a.Params();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.P;c=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetBytes($subslice(b,1,(1+g>>0)));d=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetBytes($subslice(b,(1+g>>0)));if(c.Cmp(m)>=0||d.Cmp(m)>=0){n=CC.nil;o=CC.nil;c=n;d=o;$s=-1;return[c,d];}p=a.IsOnCurve(c,d);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!p){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:q=CC.nil;r=CC.nil;c=q;d=r;$s=-1;return[c,d];case 4:$s=-1;return[c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:BT,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Unmarshal=BT;BW=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=BH();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Y();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=P();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=H();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BW,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};BX=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=BV.Do(BW);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return new BG.constructor.elem(BG);}return;}var $f={$blk:BX,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};$pkg.P224=BX;BY=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=BV.Do(BW);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return new T.constructor.elem(T);}return;}var $f={$blk:BY,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};$pkg.P256=BY;BZ=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=BV.Do(BW);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return new O.constructor.elem(O);}return;}var $f={$blk:BZ,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};$pkg.P384=BZ;CA=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=BV.Do(BW);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return new G.constructor.elem(G);}return;}var $f={$blk:CA,$c:true,$r,$s};return 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$Uint64(ch.$high^ci.$high,(ch.$low^ci.$low)>>>0)),cj=A.RotateLeft64(bx,-41),new $Uint64(cg.$high^cj.$high,(cg.$low^cj.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(ca.$high+cf.$high,ca.$low+cf.$low)),ck=(cl=new $Uint64(bx.$high&by.$high,(bx.$low&by.$low)>>>0),cm=(cn=new $Uint64(~bx.$high,~bx.$low>>>0),new $Uint64(cn.$high&bz.$high,(cn.$low&bz.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(cl.$high^cm.$high,(cl.$low^cm.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(ce.$high+ck.$high,ce.$low+ck.$low)),co=((cb<0||cb>=G.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):G.$array[G.$offset+cb]),new $Uint64(cd.$high+co.$high,cd.$low+co.$low)),cp=((cb<0||cb>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[cb]),new $Uint64(cc.$high+cp.$high,cc.$low+cp.$low));db=(cr=(cs=(ct=A.RotateLeft64(bt,-28),cu=A.RotateLeft64(bt,-34),new $Uint64(ct.$high^cu.$high,(ct.$low^cu.$low)>>>0)),cv=A.RotateLeft64(bt,-39),new $Uint64(cs.$high^cv.$high,(cs.$low^cv.$low)>>>0)),cw=(cx=(cy=new $Uint64(bt.$high&bu.$high,(bt.$low&bu.$low)>>>0),cz=new 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$Uint64(s.$high+dj.$high,s.$low+dj.$low));b=$subslice(b,128);}dk=l;dl=m;dm=n;dn=o;dp=p;dq=q;dr=r;ds=s;a.h[0]=dk;a.h[1]=dl;a.h[2]=dm;a.h[3]=dn;a.h[4]=dp;a.h[5]=dq;a.h[6]=dr;a.h[7]=ds;};I=function(){B.RegisterHash(6,P);B.RegisterHash(7,M);B.RegisterHash(14,N);B.RegisterHash(15,O);};J.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.function$4;if(b===(6)){a.h[0]=new $Uint64(3418070365,3238371032);a.h[1]=new $Uint64(1654270250,914150663);a.h[2]=new $Uint64(2438529370,812702999);a.h[3]=new $Uint64(355462360,4144912697);a.h[4]=new $Uint64(1731405415,4290775857);a.h[5]=new $Uint64(2394180231,1750603025);a.h[6]=new $Uint64(3675008525,1694076839);a.h[7]=new $Uint64(1203062813,3204075428);}else if(b===(14)){a.h[0]=new $Uint64(2352822216,424955298);a.h[1]=new $Uint64(1944164710,2312950998);a.h[2]=new $Uint64(502970286,855612546);a.h[3]=new $Uint64(1738396948,1479516111);a.h[4]=new $Uint64(258812777,2077511080);a.h[5]=new $Uint64(2011393907,79989058);a.h[6]=new $Uint64(1067287976,1780299464);a.h[7]=new $Uint64(286451373,2446758561);}else if(b===(15)){a.h[0]=new $Uint64(573645204,4230739756);a.h[1]=new $Uint64(2673172387,3360449730);a.h[2]=new $Uint64(596883563,1867755857);a.h[3]=new $Uint64(2520282905,1497426621);a.h[4]=new $Uint64(2519219938,2827943907);a.h[5]=new $Uint64(3193839141,1401305490);a.h[6]=new $Uint64(721525244,746961066);a.h[7]=new $Uint64(246885852,2177182882);}else{a.h[0]=new $Uint64(1779033703,4089235720);a.h[1]=new $Uint64(3144134277,2227873595);a.h[2]=new $Uint64(1013904242,4271175723);a.h[3]=new $Uint64(2773480762,1595750129);a.h[4]=new $Uint64(1359893119,2917565137);a.h[5]=new $Uint64(2600822924,725511199);a.h[6]=new $Uint64(528734635,4215389547);a.h[7]=new $Uint64(1541459225,327033209);}a.nx=0;a.len=new $Uint64(0,0);};J.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};J.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;b=$makeSlice(W,0,204);c=a.function$4;if(c===(6)){b=$appendSlice(b,"sha\x04");}else 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D.New("crypto/sha512: invalid hash state identifier");}if(!((a.$length===204))){return D.New("crypto/sha512: invalid hash state size");}a=$subslice(a,4);c=L(a);a=c[0];b.h[0]=c[1];d=L(a);a=d[0];b.h[1]=d[1];e=L(a);a=e[0];b.h[2]=e[1];f=L(a);a=f[0];b.h[3]=f[1];g=L(a);a=g[0];b.h[4]=g[1];h=L(a);a=h[0];b.h[5]=h[1];i=L(a);a=i[0];b.h[6]=i[1];j=L(a);a=j[0];b.h[7]=j[1];a=$subslice(a,$copySlice(new W(b.x),a));k=L(a);a=k[0];b.len=k[1];b.nx=(($div64(b.len,new $Uint64(0,128),true).$low>>0));return $ifaceNil;};J.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(a){return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(a);};K=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=X.zero();$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64(new W(c),b);return $appendSlice(a,new W(c));};L=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;$unused((7>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+7]));p=(b=(c=(d=(e=(f=(g=(h=(new $Uint64(0,(7>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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a;a=this;return 128;};J.prototype.BlockSize=function(){return this.$val.BlockSize();};J.ptr.prototype.Write=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;b=a.$length;d.len=(e=d.len,f=(new $Uint64(0,b)),new $Uint64(e.$high+f.$high,e.$low+f.$low));if(d.nx>0){g=$copySlice($subslice(new W(d.x),d.nx),a);d.nx=d.nx+(g)>>0;if(d.nx===128){F(d,new W(d.x));d.nx=0;}a=$subslice(a,g);}if(a.$length>=128){h=(a.$length&~127)>>0;F(d,$subslice(a,0,h));a=$subslice(a,h);}if(a.$length>0){d.nx=$copySlice(new W(d.x),a);}return[b,c];};J.prototype.Write=function(a){return this.$val.Write(a);};J.ptr.prototype.Sum=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this;c=new J.ptr(Y.zero(),Z.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),0);J.copy(c,b);d=$clone(c.checkSum(),AA);e=c.function$4;if(e===(6)){return $appendSlice(a,$subslice(new W(d),0,48));}else if(e===(14)){return $appendSlice(a,$subslice(new W(d),0,28));}else if(e===(15)){return $appendSlice(a,$subslice(new W(d),0,32));}else{return $appendSlice(a,new W(d));}};J.prototype.Sum=function(a){return this.$val.Sum(a);};J.ptr.prototype.checkSum=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;a=this;b=a.len;c=Z.zero();c[0]=128;if((d=$div64(b,new $Uint64(0,128),true),(d.$high<0||(d.$high===0&&d.$low<112)))){a.Write($subslice(new W(c),0,$flatten64((e=$div64(b,new $Uint64(0,128),true),new $Uint64(0-e.$high,112-e.$low)))));}else{a.Write($subslice(new W(c),0,$flatten64((f=$div64(b,new $Uint64(0,128),true),new $Uint64(0-f.$high,240-f.$low)))));}b=$shiftLeft64(b,(3));$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new W(c),0),new $Uint64(0,0));$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new W(c),8),b);a.Write($subslice(new W(c),0,16));if(!((a.nx===0))){$panic(new $String("d.nx != 0"));}g=AA.zero();$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new W(g),0),a.h[0]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new W(g),8),a.h[1]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new W(g),16),a.h[2]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new W(g),24),a.h[3]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new W(g),32),a.h[4]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new W(g),40),a.h[5]);if(!((a.function$4===6))){$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new W(g),48),a.h[6]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new W(g),56),a.h[7]);}return g;};J.prototype.checkSum=function(){return this.$val.checkSum();};Q=function(a){var a,b;b=new J.ptr(Y.zero(),Z.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),7);b.Reset();b.Write(a);return b.checkSum();};$pkg.Sum512=Q;AH.methods=[{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"MarshalBinary",name:"MarshalBinary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[W,$error],false)},{prop:"UnmarshalBinary",name:"UnmarshalBinary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([W],[$error],false)},{prop:"Size",name:"Size",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([W],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Sum",name:"Sum",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([W],[W],false)},{prop:"checkSum",name:"checkSum",pkg:"crypto/sha512",typ:$funcType([],[AA],false)}];J.init("crypto/sha512",[{prop:"h",name:"h",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Y,tag:""},{prop:"x",name:"x",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""},{prop:"nx",name:"nx",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"len",name:"len",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""},{prop:"function$4",name:"function",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:B.Hash,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.prototype.Encode,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(S).prototype.Encode=function(d){return this.$get().Encode(d);};T.prototype.Len=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=0;f=d;g=0;case 1:if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);i=h.Len();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=e+(i)>>0;g++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:T.prototype.Len,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(T).prototype.Len=function(){return this.$get().Len();};T.prototype.Encode=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=this;e[0]=$makeSlice(CW,f.$length);g=f;h=0;case 1:if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);k=j.Len();$s=3;case 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1;}e=0;f=d;while(true){if(!((f.$high>0||(f.$high===0&&f.$low>0)))){break;}e=e+(1)>>0;f=$shiftRightInt64(f,(7));}return e;};X=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h;f=W(e);g=f-1>>0;while(true){if(!(g>=0)){break;}h=(($shiftRightInt64(e,((($imul(g,7))>>>0))).$low<<24>>>24));h=(h&(127))>>>0;if(!((g===0))){h=(h|(128))>>>0;}d=$append(d,h);g=g-(1)>>0;}return d;};Y=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(d===CX.nil){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,(e=new BA.ptr("empty integer"),new e.constructor.elem(e))];}if(d.Sign()<0){$s=1;continue;}if(d.Sign()===0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:f=new D.Int.ptr(false,D.nat.nil).Neg(d);g=f.Sub(f,BG);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;h=f.Bytes();i=h;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+k]=((((k<0||k>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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this.$get().Encode(d);};AE=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;e=$ifaceNil;f=$ifaceNil;if(d.$length<2||(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])>2||((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])<2&&(1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1])>=40)){g=$ifaceNil;h=(i=new BA.ptr("invalid object identifier"),new i.constructor.elem(i));e=g;f=h;return[e,f];}j=($convertSliceType(d,AD));k=$ifaceNil;e=j;f=k;return[e,f];};AF=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;e=$ifaceNil;f=$ifaceNil;g=0;while(true){if(!(g>0;}k=new R((d));l=$ifaceNil;e=k;f=l;return[e,f];};AG=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;e=$ifaceNil;f=$ifaceNil;g=0;while(true){if(!(g127){h=$ifaceNil;i=(j=new BA.ptr("IA5String contains invalid character"),new j.constructor.elem(j));e=h;f=i;return[e,f];}g=g+(1)>>0;}k=new R((d));l=$ifaceNil;e=k;f=l;return[e,f];};AH=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;e=$ifaceNil;f=$ifaceNil;g=0;while(true){if(!(g>0;}k=new R((d));l=$ifaceNil;e=k;f=l;return[e,f];};AI=function(d){var d;return new R((d));};AJ=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h;return $append(d,(((48+(f=((g=e/10,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))%10,f===f?f:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((48+(h=e%10,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)));};AK=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;f=CZ.zero();g=f;h=0;while(true){if(!(h<4)){break;}i=h;(k=3-i>>0,((k<0||k>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[k]=(48+(((j=e%10,j===j?j:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))<<24>>>24)));e=(l=e/(10),(l===l&&l!==1/0&&l!==-1/0)?l>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));h++;}return $appendSlice(d,new CU(f));};AL=function(d){var{d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=$clone(d,G.Time).Year();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=-1;return f<1950||f>=2050;}return;}var $f={$blk:AL,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AM=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=$ifaceNil;f=$ifaceNil;g=$makeSlice(CU,0,18);i=AO(g,$clone(d,G.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;g=h[0];f=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){j=$ifaceNil;k=f;e=j;f=k;$s=-1;return[e,f];}l=($convertSliceType(g,Q));m=$ifaceNil;e=l;f=m;$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:AM,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AN=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=$ifaceNil;f=$ifaceNil;g=$makeSlice(CU,0,20);i=AP(g,$clone(d,G.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;g=h[0];f=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){j=$ifaceNil;k=f;e=j;f=k;$s=-1;return[e,f];}l=($convertSliceType(g,Q));m=$ifaceNil;e=l;f=m;$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:AN,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AO=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=CU.nil;g=$ifaceNil;h=$clone(e,G.Time).Year();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(1950<=i&&i<2000){d=AJ(d,i-1900>>0);}else if(2000<=i&&i<2050){d=AJ(d,i-2000>>0);}else{j=CU.nil;k=(l=new BA.ptr("cannot represent time as UTCTime"),new l.constructor.elem(l));f=j;g=k;$s=-1;return[f,g];}n=AQ(d,$clone(e,G.Time));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=$ifaceNil;f=m;g=o;p=[f,g];$s=3;case 3:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AP=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=CU.nil;g=$ifaceNil;h=$clone(e,G.Time).Year();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(i<0||i>9999){j=CU.nil;k=(l=new BA.ptr("cannot represent time as GeneralizedTime"),new l.constructor.elem(l));f=j;g=k;$s=-1;return[f,g];}d=AK(d,i);n=AQ(d,$clone(e,G.Time));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=$ifaceNil;f=m;g=o;p=[f,g];$s=3;case 3:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AQ=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$clone(e,G.Time).Date();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[1];i=f[2];d=AJ(d,((h>>0)));d=AJ(d,i);k=$clone(e,G.Time).Clock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];n=j[2];d=AJ(d,l);d=AJ(d,m);d=AJ(d,n);p=$clone(e,G.Time).Zone();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[1];if(((r=q/60,(r===r&&r!==1/0&&r!==-1/0)?r>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0)){$s=-1;return $append(d,90);}else if(q>0){d=$append(d,43);}else if(q<0){d=$append(d,45);}t=(s=q/60,(s===s&&s!==1/0&&s!==-1/0)?s>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(t<0){t=-t;}d=AJ(d,(u=t/60,(u===u&&u!==1/0&&u!==-1/0)?u>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));d=AJ(d,(v=t%60,v===v?v:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};AR=function(d){var d,e,f,g;e=CD(d,0);f=e[1];g=e[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){return d;}return $subslice(d,f);};AS=function(d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=$ifaceNil;g=$ifaceNil;h=$clone(d,E.Value).Type();if($interfaceIsEqual(h,(CI))){$s=2;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,(CJ))){$s=3;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,(CF))){$s=4;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,(CG))){$s=5;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,(CM))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 2:i=(Q.nil);j=$ifaceNil;f=i;g=j;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 3:k=$clone(d,E.Value).Interface();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone($assertType(k,G.Time),G.Time);if(e.timeType===24){m=true;$s=11;continue s;}n=AL($clone(l,G.Time));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;case 11:if(m){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:p=AN($clone(l,G.Time));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;f=o[0];g=o[1];q=[f,g];$s=14;case 14:return q;case 10:s=AM($clone(l,G.Time));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;f=r[0];g=r[1];t=[f,g];$s=16;case 16:return t;case 4:w=$clone(d,E.Value).Interface();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=(v=($clone($assertType(w,BI),AC)),new v.constructor.elem(v));x=$ifaceNil;f=u;g=x;y=[f,g];$s=18;case 18:return y;case 5:aa=$clone(d,E.Value).Interface();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=AE($convertSliceType($assertType(aa,BK),DA));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=ab;f=z[0];g=z[1];ac=[f,g];$s=21;case 21:return ac;case 6:ae=$clone(d,E.Value).Interface();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=Y($assertType(ae,CX));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=af;f=ad[0];g=ad[1];ag=[f,g];$s=24;case 24:return ag;case 7:case 1:ah=d;ai=$clone(ah,E.Value).Kind();if(ai===(1)){$s=26;continue;}if((ai===(2))||(ai===(3))||(ai===(4))||(ai===(5))||(ai===(6))){$s=27;continue;}if(ai===(25)){$s=28;continue;}if(ai===(23)){$s=29;continue;}if(ai===(24)){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 26:if($clone(ah,E.Value).Bool()){aj=N;ak=$ifaceNil;f=aj;g=ak;$s=-1;return[f,g];}al=M;am=$ifaceNil;f=al;g=am;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 27:an=((ao=$clone(ah,E.Value).Int(),new V(ao.$high,ao.$low)));ap=$ifaceNil;f=an;g=ap;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 28:aq=$clone(ah,E.Value).Type();ar=0;case 32:as=aq.NumField();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ar>0;$s=32;continue;case 33:ay=0;az=aq.NumField();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;if(ba===0){bb=(Q.nil);bc=$ifaceNil;f=bb;g=bc;$s=-1;return[f,g];}bd=aq.Field(0);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(bd.Type,CL)){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:be=$clone(ah,E.Value).Field(0);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=be;if($clone(bf,E.Value).Len()>0){$s=44;continue;}$s=45;continue;case 44:bg=$clone(bf,E.Value).Bytes();$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bg;bi=($convertSliceType(AR(bh),Q));bj=$ifaceNil;f=bi;g=bj;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 45:ay=1;case 41:bk=ba-ay>>0;bl=bk;if(bl===(0)){$s=48;continue;}if(bl===(1)){$s=49;continue;}$s=50;continue;case 48:bm=(Q.nil);bn=$ifaceNil;f=bm;g=bn;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 49:bp=$clone(ah,E.Value).Field(ay);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=$clone(bp,E.Value);br=aq.Field(ay);$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=new E.StructTag(br.Tag).Get("asn1");$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt=AY(bs);$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=$clone(bt,AX);bv=AT(bq,bu);$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;bv=bv.$blk();}if(bv&&bv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bo=bv;f=bo[0];g=bo[1];bw=[f,g];$s=57;case 57:return bw;case 50:bx=$makeSlice(CY,bk);by=0;case 58:if(!(by>0);$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cb=$clone(ca,E.Value);cc=aq.Field(by+ay>>0);$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;cc=cc.$blk();}if(cc&&cc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cd=new E.StructTag(cc.Tag).Get("asn1");$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;cd=cd.$blk();}if(cd&&cd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce=AY(cd);$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;ce=ce.$blk();}if(ce&&ce.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cf=$clone(ce,AX);cg=AT(cb,cf);$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;cg=cg.$blk();}if(cg&&cg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bz=cg;((by<0||by>=bx.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bx.$array[bx.$offset+by]=bz[0]);g=bz[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){ch=$ifaceNil;ci=g;f=ch;g=ci;$s=-1;return[f,g];}by=by+(1)>>0;$s=58;continue;case 59:cj=($convertSliceType(bx,S));ck=$ifaceNil;f=cj;g=ck;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 51:case 47:$s=31;continue;case 29:cl=$clone(ah,E.Value).Type();cm=cl.Elem();$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;cm=cm.$blk();}if(cm&&cm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cn=cm.Kind();$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;cn=cn.$blk();}if(cn&&cn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(cn===8){$s=65;continue;}$s=66;continue;case 65:cp=$clone(ah,E.Value).Bytes();$s=69;case 69:if($c){$c=false;cp=cp.$blk();}if(cp&&cp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}co=($convertSliceType(cp,Q));cq=$ifaceNil;f=co;g=cq;cr=[f,g];$s=70;case 70:return cr;case 66:cs=new AX.ptr(false,false,false,false,DB.nil,DC.nil,0,0,false,false);ct=$clone(ah,E.Value).Len();cu=ct;if(cu===(0)){$s=72;continue;}if(cu===(1)){$s=73;continue;}$s=74;continue;case 72:cv=(Q.nil);cw=$ifaceNil;f=cv;g=cw;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 73:cy=$clone(ah,E.Value).Index(0);$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;cy=cy.$blk();}if(cy&&cy.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cz=AT($clone(cy,E.Value),$clone(cs,AX));$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;cz=cz.$blk();}if(cz&&cz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cx=cz;f=cx[0];g=cx[1];da=[f,g];$s=78;case 78:return da;case 74:db=$makeSlice(CY,ct);dc=0;case 79:if(!(dc=db.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):db.$array[db.$offset+dc]=dd[0]);g=dd[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){dg=$ifaceNil;dh=g;f=dg;g=dh;$s=-1;return[f,g];}dc=dc+(1)>>0;$s=79;continue;case 80:if(e.set){di=($convertSliceType(db,T));dj=$ifaceNil;f=di;g=dj;$s=-1;return[f,g];}dk=($convertSliceType(db,S));dl=$ifaceNil;f=dk;g=dl;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 75:case 71:$s=31;continue;case 30:dm=e.stringType;if(dm===(22)){$s=84;continue;}if(dm===(19)){$s=85;continue;}if(dm===(18)){$s=86;continue;}$s=87;continue;case 84:dp=$clone(ah,E.Value).String();$s=89;case 89:if($c){$c=false;dp=dp.$blk();}if(dp&&dp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dq=AG(dp);$s=90;case 90:if($c){$c=false;dq=dq.$blk();}if(dq&&dq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dn=dq;f=dn[0];g=dn[1];dr=[f,g];$s=91;case 91:return dr;case 85:dt=$clone(ah,E.Value).String();$s=92;case 92:if($c){$c=false;dt=dt.$blk();}if(dt&&dt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}du=AF(dt);$s=93;case 93:if($c){$c=false;du=du.$blk();}if(du&&du.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ds=du;f=ds[0];g=ds[1];dv=[f,g];$s=94;case 94:return dv;case 86:dx=$clone(ah,E.Value).String();$s=95;case 95:if($c){$c=false;dx=dx.$blk();}if(dx&&dx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dy=AH(dx);$s=96;case 96:if($c){$c=false;dy=dy.$blk();}if(dy&&dy.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dw=dy;f=dw[0];g=dw[1];dz=[f,g];$s=97;case 97:return dz;case 87:eb=$clone(ah,E.Value).String();$s=98;case 98:if($c){$c=false;eb=eb.$blk();}if(eb&&eb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ec=AI(eb);$s=99;case 99:if($c){$c=false;ec=ec.$blk();}if(ec&&ec.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ea=ec;ed=$ifaceNil;f=ea;g=ed;ee=[f,g];$s=100;case 100:return ee;case 88:case 83:case 31:case 25:ef=$ifaceNil;eg=(eh=new BA.ptr("unknown Go type"),new eh.constructor.elem(eh));f=ef;g=eg;$s=-1;return[f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:AS,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AT=function(d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=$ifaceNil;g=$ifaceNil;if(!$clone(d,E.Value).IsValid()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=$ifaceNil;j=C.Errorf("asn1: cannot marshal nil value",new DD([]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;f=h;g=i;k=[f,g];$s=4;case 4:return k;case 2:if(!($clone(d,E.Value).Kind()===20)){l=false;$s=7;continue s;}m=$clone(d,E.Value).Type().NumMethod();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m===0;case 7:if(l){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:o=$clone(d,E.Value).Elem();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=AT($clone(o,E.Value),$clone(e,AX));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=p;f=n[0];g=n[1];q=[f,g];$s=11;case 11:return q;case 6:if(($clone(d,E.Value).Kind()===23)&&($clone(d,E.Value).Len()===0)&&e.omitEmpty){r=(Q.nil);s=$ifaceNil;f=r;g=s;$s=-1;return[f,g];}if(e.optional&&!(e.defaultValue===DB.nil)&&CP($clone(d,E.Value).Kind())){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:t=$clone(E.New($clone(d,E.Value).Type()),E.Value).Elem();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$clone(u,E.Value).SetInt(e.defaultValue.$get());v=$clone(d,E.Value).Interface();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=$clone(u,E.Value).Interface();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;z=E.DeepEqual(w,y);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(z){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:aa=(Q.nil);ab=$ifaceNil;f=aa;g=ab;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 16:case 13:if(e.optional&&e.defaultValue===DB.nil){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:ac=$clone(d,E.Value).Interface();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;ae=E.Zero($clone(d,E.Value).Type());$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=$clone(ae,E.Value).Interface();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;ah=E.DeepEqual(ad,ag);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ah){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:ai=(Q.nil);aj=$ifaceNil;f=ai;g=aj;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 23:case 21:if($interfaceIsEqual($clone(d,E.Value).Type(),CK)){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:ak=$clone(d,E.Value).Interface();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=$clone($assertType(ak,CB),CB);if(!((al.FullBytes.$length===0))){am=($convertSliceType(al.FullBytes,Q));an=$ifaceNil;f=am;g=an;$s=-1;return[f,g];}ao=new U.ptr(DE.zero(),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil);ao.tag=($convertSliceType(AB($subslice(new CU(ao.scratch),0,0),new AW.ptr(al.Class,al.Tag,al.Bytes.$length,al.IsCompound)),Q));ao.body=($convertSliceType(al.Bytes,Q));ap=ao;aq=$ifaceNil;f=ap;g=aq;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 29:as=AZ($clone(d,E.Value).Type());$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=as;at=ar[0];au=ar[1];av=ar[2];aw=ar[3];if(!aw||at){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:ax=$ifaceNil;ba=C.Sprintf("unknown Go type: %v",new DD([$clone(d,E.Value).Type()]));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=(az=new BA.ptr(ba),new az.constructor.elem(az));f=ax;g=ay;bb=[f,g];$s=35;case 35:return bb;case 33:if(!((e.timeType===0))&&!((au===23))){bc=$ifaceNil;bd=(be=new BA.ptr("explicit time type given to non-time member"),new be.constructor.elem(be));f=bc;g=bd;$s=-1;return[f,g];}if(!((e.stringType===0))&&!((au===19))){bf=$ifaceNil;bg=(bh=new BA.ptr("explicit string type given to non-string member"),new bh.constructor.elem(bh));f=bf;g=bg;$s=-1;return[f,g];}bi=au;if(bi===(19)){$s=37;continue;}if(bi===(23)){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 37:if(e.stringType===0){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:bk=$clone(d,E.Value).String();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=bk;bl=0;case 44:if(!(bl=128||!BW(((bn<<24>>>24)),false,false)){$s=46;continue;}$s=47;continue;case 46:bo=$clone(d,E.Value).String();$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=H.ValidString(bo);$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!bp){$s=48;continue;}$s=49;continue;case 48:bq=$ifaceNil;br=B.New("asn1: string not valid UTF-8");f=bq;g=br;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 49:au=12;$s=45;continue;case 47:bl+=bm[1];$s=44;continue;case 45:$s=42;continue;case 41:au=e.stringType;case 42:$s=39;continue;case 38:if(e.timeType===24){bs=true;$s=54;continue s;}bt=$clone(d,E.Value).Interface();$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=AL($clone($assertType(bt,G.Time),G.Time));$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=bu;case 54:if(bs){$s=52;continue;}$s=53;continue;case 52:au=24;case 53:case 39:case 36:if(e.set){if(!((au===16))){bv=$ifaceNil;bw=(bx=new BA.ptr("non sequence tagged as set"),new bx.constructor.elem(bx));f=bv;g=bw;$s=-1;return[f,g];}au=17;}if((au===17)&&!e.set){e.set=true;}by=new U.ptr(DE.zero(),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil);ca=AS($clone(d,E.Value),$clone(e,AX));$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bz=ca;by.body=bz[0];g=bz[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){cb=$ifaceNil;cc=g;f=cb;g=cc;$s=-1;return[f,g];}cd=by.body.Len();$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;cd=cd.$blk();}if(cd&&cd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce=cd;cf=0;if(!(e.tag===DC.nil)){$s=59;continue;}$s=60;continue;case 59:if(e.application){cf=1;}else if(e.private$3){cf=3;}else{cf=2;}if(e.explicit){$s=61;continue;}$s=62;continue;case 61:by.tag=($convertSliceType(AB($subslice(new CU(by.scratch),0,0),new AW.ptr(0,au,ce,av)),Q));cg=new U.ptr(DE.zero(),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil);cg.body=by;ch=$subslice(new CU(cg.scratch),0,0);ci=by.tag.Len();$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;ci=ci.$blk();}if(ci&&ci.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cj=new AW.ptr(cf,e.tag.$get(),ce+ci>>0,true);ck=AB(ch,cj);$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;ck=ck.$blk();}if(ck&&ck.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cg.tag=($convertSliceType(ck,Q));cl=cg;cm=$ifaceNil;f=cl;g=cm;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 62:au=e.tag.$get();case 60:by.tag=($convertSliceType(AB($subslice(new CU(by.scratch),0,0),new AW.ptr(cf,au,ce,av)),Q));cn=by;co=$ifaceNil;f=cn;g=co;$s=-1;return[f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:AT,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AU=function(d){var{d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=AV(d,"");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:AU,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Marshal=AU;AV=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=E.ValueOf(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=AT($clone(g,E.Value),$clone(AY(e),AX));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=h;i=f[0];j=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[CU.nil,j];}k=i.Len();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$makeSlice(CU,k);$r=i.Encode(l);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[l,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AV,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$pkg.MarshalWithParams=AV;AY=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;e=new AX.ptr(false,false,false,false,DB.nil,DC.nil,0,0,false,false);f="";while(true){if(!(d.length>0)){break;}g=J.Cut(d,",");f=g[0];d=g[1];if(f==="optional"){e.optional=true;}else if(f==="explicit"){e.explicit=true;if(e.tag===DC.nil){e.tag=$newDataPointer(0,DC);}}else if(f==="generalized"){e.timeType=24;}else if(f==="utc"){e.timeType=23;}else if(f==="ia5"){e.stringType=22;}else if(f==="printable"){e.stringType=19;}else if(f==="numeric"){e.stringType=18;}else if(f==="utf8"){e.stringType=12;}else if(J.HasPrefix(f,"default:")){h=I.ParseInt($substring(f,8),10,64);i=h[0];j=h[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil)){e.defaultValue=$newDataPointer(new $Int64(0,0),DB);e.defaultValue.$set(i);}}else if(J.HasPrefix(f,"tag:")){k=I.Atoi($substring(f,4));l=k[0];m=k[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)){e.tag=$newDataPointer(0,DC);e.tag.$set(l);}}else if(f==="set"){e.set=true;}else if(f==="application"){e.application=true;if(e.tag===DC.nil){e.tag=$newDataPointer(0,DC);}}else if(f==="private"){e.private$3=true;if(e.tag===DC.nil){e.tag=$newDataPointer(0,DC);}}else if(f==="omitempty"){e.omitEmpty=true;}}return e;};AZ=function(d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=false;f=0;g=false;h=false;i=d;if($interfaceIsEqual(i,(CK))){j=true;k=-1;l=false;m=true;e=j;f=k;g=l;h=m;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];}else if($interfaceIsEqual(i,(CG))){n=false;o=6;p=false;q=true;e=n;f=o;g=p;h=q;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];}else if($interfaceIsEqual(i,(CF))){r=false;s=3;t=false;u=true;e=r;f=s;g=t;h=u;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];}else if($interfaceIsEqual(i,(CJ))){v=false;w=23;x=false;y=true;e=v;f=w;g=x;h=y;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];}else if($interfaceIsEqual(i,(CH))){z=false;aa=10;ab=false;ac=true;e=z;f=aa;g=ab;h=ac;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];}else if($interfaceIsEqual(i,(CM))){ad=false;ae=2;af=false;ag=true;e=ad;f=ae;g=af;h=ag;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];}ah=d.Kind();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;if(ai===(1)){$s=3;continue;}if((ai===(2))||(ai===(3))||(ai===(4))||(ai===(5))||(ai===(6))){$s=4;continue;}if(ai===(25)){$s=5;continue;}if(ai===(23)){$s=6;continue;}if(ai===(24)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 3:aj=false;ak=1;al=false;am=true;e=aj;f=ak;g=al;h=am;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];case 4:an=false;ao=2;ap=false;aq=true;e=an;f=ao;g=ap;h=aq;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];case 5:ar=false;as=16;at=true;au=true;e=ar;f=as;g=at;h=au;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];case 6:av=d.Elem();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=av.Kind();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(aw===8){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:ax=false;ay=4;az=false;ba=true;e=ax;f=ay;g=az;h=ba;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];case 10:bb=d.Name();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=J.HasSuffix(bb,"SET");$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bc){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:bd=false;be=17;bf=true;bg=true;e=bd;f=be;g=bf;h=bg;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];case 14:bh=false;bi=16;bj=true;bk=true;e=bh;f=bi;g=bj;h=bk;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];case 7:bl=false;bm=19;bn=false;bo=true;e=bl;f=bm;g=bn;h=bo;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];case 8:case 1:bp=false;bq=0;br=false;bs=false;e=bp;f=bq;g=br;h=bs;$s=-1;return[e,f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BA.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var d;d=this;return"asn1: structure error: "+d.Msg;};BA.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};BB.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var d;d=this;return"asn1: syntax error: "+d.Msg;};BB.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};BC=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i;e=false;f=$ifaceNil;if(!((d.$length===1))){f=(g=new BB.ptr("invalid boolean"),new g.constructor.elem(g));return[e,f];}h=(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]);if(h===(0)){e=false;}else if(h===(255)){e=true;}else{f=(i=new BB.ptr("invalid boolean"),new i.constructor.elem(i));}return[e,f];};BD=function(d){var d,e,f;if(d.$length===0){return(e=new BA.ptr("empty integer"),new e.constructor.elem(e));}if(d.$length===1){return $ifaceNil;}if((((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===0)&&((((1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1])&128)>>>0)===0))||(((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===255)&&((((1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1])&128)>>>0)===128))){return(f=new BA.ptr("integer not minimally-encoded"),new f.constructor.elem(f));}return $ifaceNil;};BE=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i;e=new $Int64(0,0);f=$ifaceNil;f=BD(d);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){return[e,f];}if(d.$length>8){f=(g=new BA.ptr("integer too large"),new g.constructor.elem(g));return[e,f];}h=0;while(true){if(!(h=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+h]))),new $Int64(e.$high|i.$high,(e.$low|i.$low)>>>0));h=h+(1)>>0;}e=$shiftLeft64(e,((64-(((d.$length<<24>>>24))*8<<24>>>24)<<24>>>24)));e=$shiftRightInt64(e,((64-(((d.$length<<24>>>24))*8<<24>>>24)<<24>>>24)));return[e,f];};BF=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;e=BD(d);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){return[0,e];}f=BE(d);g=f[0];h=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){return[0,h];}if(!((i=(new $Int64(0,(((g.$low+((g.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)))),(g.$high===i.$high&&g.$low===i.$low)))){return[0,(j=new BA.ptr("integer too large"),new j.constructor.elem(j))];}return[(((g.$low+((g.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)),$ifaceNil];};BH=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=BD(d);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[CX.nil,e];}f=new D.Int.ptr(false,D.nat.nil);if(d.$length>0&&((((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])&128)>>>0)===128)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=$makeSlice(CU,d.$length);h=g;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+j]=(~((j<0||j>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+j])<<24>>>24));i++;}f.SetBytes(g);k=f.Add(f,BG);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;f.Neg(f);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];case 2:f.SetBytes(d);$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BH,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BI.ptr.prototype.At=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;e=this;if(d<0||d>=e.BitLength){return 0;}g=(f=d/8,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));i=7-(((h=d%8,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>>0))>>>0;return((((j=i,j<32?((k=e.Bytes,((g<0||g>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+g]))>>>j):0)<<24>>>24)>>0))&1;};BI.prototype.At=function(d){return this.$val.At(d);};BI.ptr.prototype.RightAlign=function(){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;d=this;f=(((8-((e=d.BitLength%8,e===e?e:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))>>0)>>>0));if((f===8)||(d.Bytes.$length===0)){return d.Bytes;}g=$makeSlice(CU,d.Bytes.$length);(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]=((h=f,h<32?((i=d.Bytes,(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]))>>>h):0)<<24>>>24));j=1;while(true){if(!(j=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+j]=((k=((8-f>>>0)),k<32?((l=d.Bytes,m=j-1>>0,((m<0||m>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]))<>>24));((j<0||j>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+j]=((((j<0||j>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+j])|(((n=f,n<32?((o=d.Bytes,((j<0||j>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+j]))>>>n):0)<<24>>>24)))>>>0));j=j+(1)>>0;}return g;};BI.prototype.RightAlign=function(){return this.$val.RightAlign();};BJ=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;e=new BI.ptr(CU.nil,0);f=$ifaceNil;if(d.$length===0){f=(g=new BB.ptr("zero length BIT STRING"),new g.constructor.elem(g));return[e,f];}h=(((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])>>0));if(h>7||(d.$length===1)&&h>0||!(((((i=d.$length-1>>0,((i<0||i>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+i]))&(((((j=(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]),j<32?(1<>>24))-1<<24>>>24)))>>>0)===0))){f=(k=new BB.ptr("invalid padding bits in BIT STRING"),new k.constructor.elem(k));return[e,f];}e.BitLength=($imul(((d.$length-1>>0)),8))-h>>0;e.Bytes=$subslice(d,1);return[e,f];};BK.prototype.Equal=function(d){var d,e,f;e=this;if(!((e.$length===d.$length))){return false;}f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f])===((f<0||f>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f])))){return false;}f=f+(1)>>0;}return true;};$ptrType(BK).prototype.Equal=function(d){return this.$get().Equal(d);};BK.prototype.String=function(){var d,e,f,g,h,i;d=this;e="";f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(h>0){e=e+(".");}e=e+(I.Itoa(i));g++;}return e;};$ptrType(BK).prototype.String=function(){return this.$get().String();};BL=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;e=BK.nil;f=$ifaceNil;if(d.$length===0){f=(g=new BB.ptr("zero length OBJECT IDENTIFIER"),new g.constructor.elem(g));return[e,f];}e=$convertSliceType($makeSlice(DA,(d.$length+1>>0)),BK);h=BO(d,0);i=h[0];j=h[1];f=h[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){return[e,f];}if(i<80){(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]=(k=i/40,(k===k&&k!==1/0&&k!==-1/0)?k>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1]=(l=i%40,l===l?l:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));}else{(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]=2);(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1]=(i-80>>0));}m=2;while(true){if(!(j=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+m]=i);m=m+(1)>>0;}e=$subslice(e,0,m);return[e,f];};BO=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;f=0;g=0;h=$ifaceNil;g=e;i=new $Int64(0,0);j=0;while(true){if(!(g=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]);if((j===0)&&(l===128)){h=(m=new BB.ptr("integer is not minimally encoded"),new m.constructor.elem(m));return[f,g,h];}i=(n=(new $Int64(0,((l&127)>>>0))),new $Int64(i.$high|n.$high,(i.$low|n.$low)>>>0));g=g+(1)>>0;if(((l&128)>>>0)===0){f=(((i.$low+((i.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));if((i.$high>0||(i.$high===0&&i.$low>2147483647))){h=(o=new BA.ptr("base 128 integer too large"),new o.constructor.elem(o));}return[f,g,h];}j=j+(1)>>0;}h=(p=new BB.ptr("truncated base 128 integer"),new p.constructor.elem(p));return[f,g,h];};BP=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=new G.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),CV.nil);f=$ifaceNil;g=($bytesToString(d));h="0601021504Z0700";j=G.Parse(h,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;G.Time.copy(e,i[0]);f=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h="060102150405Z0700";l=G.Parse(h,g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;G.Time.copy(e,k[0]);f=k[1];case 3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[e,f];}m=$clone(e,G.Time).Format(h);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!(n===g)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:o=C.Errorf("asn1: time did not serialize back to the original value and may be invalid: given %q, but serialized as %q",new DD([new $String(g),new $String(n)]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=o;$s=-1;return[e,f];case 7:p=$clone(e,G.Time).Year();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(p>=2050){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:q=$clone(e,G.Time).AddDate(-100,0,0);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}G.Time.copy(e,q);case 10:$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:BP,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BQ=function(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=new G.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),CV.nil);f=$ifaceNil;g=($bytesToString(d));i=G.Parse("20060102150405Z0700",g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;G.Time.copy(e,h[0]);f=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[e,f];}j=$clone(e,G.Time).Format("20060102150405Z0700");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!(k===g)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=C.Errorf("asn1: time did not serialize back to the original value and may be invalid: given %q, but serialized as %q",new DD([new $String(g),new $String(k)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=l;case 4:$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BR=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;e="";f=$ifaceNil;g=d;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(!BS(i)){j="";k=(l=new BB.ptr("NumericString contains invalid character"),new l.constructor.elem(l));e=j;f=k;return[e,f];}h++;}m=($bytesToString(d));n=$ifaceNil;e=m;f=n;return[e,f];};BS=function(d){var d;return 48<=d&&d<=57||(d===32);};BT=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;e="";f=$ifaceNil;g=d;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(!BW(i,true,true)){f=(j=new BB.ptr("PrintableString contains invalid character"),new j.constructor.elem(j));return[e,f];}h++;}e=($bytesToString(d));return[e,f];};BW=function(d,e,f){var d,e,f;return 97<=d&&d<=122||65<=d&&d<=90||48<=d&&d<=57||39<=d&&d<=41||43<=d&&d<=47||(d===32)||(d===58)||(d===61)||(d===63)||((e)&&(d===42))||((f)&&(d===38));};BX=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;e="";f=$ifaceNil;g=d;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(i>=128){f=(j=new BB.ptr("IA5String contains invalid character"),new j.constructor.elem(j));return[e,f];}h++;}e=($bytesToString(d));return[e,f];};BY=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h;e="";f=$ifaceNil;g=($bytesToString(d));h=$ifaceNil;e=g;f=h;return[e,f];};BZ=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;e="";f=$ifaceNil;if(!H.Valid(d)){g="";h=B.New("asn1: invalid UTF-8 string");e=g;f=h;return[e,f];}i=($bytesToString(d));j=$ifaceNil;e=i;f=j;return[e,f];};CA=function(d){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;if(!(((e=d.$length%2,e===e?e:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))){return["",B.New("pkcs12: odd-length BMP string")];}f=d.$length;if(f>=2&&((g=f-1>>0,((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]))===0)&&((h=f-2>>0,((h<0||h>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+h]))===0)){d=$subslice(d,0,(f-2>>0));}j=$makeSlice(DF,0,(i=d.$length/2,(i===i&&i!==1/0&&i!==-1/0)?i>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));while(true){if(!(d.$length>0)){break;}j=$append(j,((((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])<<16>>>16))<<8<<16>>>16)+(((1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1])<<16>>>16))<<16>>>16);d=$subslice(d,2);}return[($runesToString(L.Decode(j))),$ifaceNil];};CD=function(d,e){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;f=new AW.ptr(0,0,0,false);g=0;h=$ifaceNil;g=e;if(g>=d.$length){h=B.New("asn1: internal error in parseTagAndLength");return[f,g,h];}i=((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]);g=g+(1)>>0;f.class$0=(((i>>>6<<24>>>24)>>0));f.isCompound=((i&32)>>>0)===32;f.tag=((((i&31)>>>0)>>0));if(f.tag===31){j=BO(d,g);f.tag=j[0];g=j[1];h=j[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){return[f,g,h];}if(f.tag<31){h=(k=new BB.ptr("non-minimal tag"),new k.constructor.elem(k));return[f,g,h];}}if(g>=d.$length){h=(l=new BB.ptr("truncated tag or length"),new l.constructor.elem(l));return[f,g,h];}i=((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]);g=g+(1)>>0;if(((i&128)>>>0)===0){f.length=((((i&127)>>>0)>>0));}else{m=((((i&127)>>>0)>>0));if(m===0){h=(n=new BB.ptr("indefinite length found (not DER)"),new n.constructor.elem(n));return[f,g,h];}f.length=0;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=d.$length){h=(p=new BB.ptr("truncated tag or length"),new p.constructor.elem(p));return[f,g,h];}i=((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g]);g=g+(1)>>0;if(f.length>=8388608){h=(q=new BA.ptr("length too large"),new q.constructor.elem(q));return[f,g,h];}f.length=(r=(8),r<32?(f.length<>0;f.length=f.length|(((i>>0)));if(f.length===0){h=(s=new BA.ptr("superfluous leading zeros in length"),new s.constructor.elem(s));return[f,g,h];}o=o+(1)>>0;}if(f.length<128){h=(t=new BA.ptr("non-minimal length"),new t.constructor.elem(t));return[f,g,h];}}return[f,g,h];};CE=function(d,e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=new E.Value.ptr(DG.nil,0,0);h=$ifaceNil;j=AZ(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];m=i[2];n=i[3];if(!n){h=(o=new BA.ptr("unknown Go type for slice"),new o.constructor.elem(o));$s=-1;return[g,h];}p=0;q=0;while(true){if(!(q>0;p=p+(1)>>0;}w=E.MakeSlice(e,p,p);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=w;x=new AX.ptr(false,false,false,false,DB.nil,DC.nil,0,0,false,false);y=0;z=0;case 3:if(!(z>0;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:CE,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CN=function(d,e,f){var d,e,f;return(d+e>>0)>0)>f;};CO=function(d,e,f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;h=f;j=$clone(d,E.Value).Type();if(h===e.$length){if(!CQ($clone(d,E.Value),$clone(g,AX))){i=(k=new BB.ptr("sequence truncated"),new k.constructor.elem(k));}$s=-1;return[h,i];}l=j;n=l.Kind();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(n===20)){m=false;$s=3;continue s;}o=l.NumMethod();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=o===0;case 3:if(m){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:p=new AW.ptr(0,0,0,false);q=CD(e,h);AW.copy(p,q[0]);h=q[1];i=q[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[h,i];}if(CN(h,p.length,e.$length)){i=(r=new BB.ptr("data truncated"),new r.constructor.elem(r));$s=-1;return[h,i];}s=$ifaceNil;if(!p.isCompound&&(p.class$0===0)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:t=$subslice(e,h,(h+p.length>>0));u=p.tag;if(u===(19)){$s=9;continue;}if(u===(18)){$s=10;continue;}if(u===(22)){$s=11;continue;}if(u===(20)){$s=12;continue;}if(u===(12)){$s=13;continue;}if(u===(2)){$s=14;continue;}if(u===(3)){$s=15;continue;}if(u===(6)){$s=16;continue;}if(u===(23)){$s=17;continue;}if(u===(24)){$s=18;continue;}if(u===(4)){$s=19;continue;}if(u===(30)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 9:v=BT(t);s=new $String(v[0]);i=v[1];$s=21;continue;case 10:w=BR(t);s=new $String(w[0]);i=w[1];$s=21;continue;case 11:x=BX(t);s=new $String(x[0]);i=x[1];$s=21;continue;case 12:y=BY(t);s=new $String(y[0]);i=y[1];$s=21;continue;case 13:z=BZ(t);s=new $String(z[0]);i=z[1];$s=21;continue;case 14:aa=BE(t);s=aa[0];i=aa[1];$s=21;continue;case 15:ab=BJ(t);s=new ab[0].constructor.elem(ab[0]);i=ab[1];$s=21;continue;case 16:ac=BL(t);s=ac[0];i=ac[1];$s=21;continue;case 17:ae=BP(t);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;s=new ad[0].constructor.elem(ad[0]);i=ad[1];$s=21;continue;case 18:ag=BQ(t);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;s=new af[0].constructor.elem(af[0]);i=af[1];$s=21;continue;case 19:s=t;$s=21;continue;case 20:ah=CA(t);s=new $String(ah[0]);i=ah[1];case 21:case 8:case 7:h=h+(p.length)>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[h,i];}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:ai=E.ValueOf(s);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(d,E.Value).Set($clone(ai,E.Value));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 25:$s=-1;return[h,i];case 2:aj=CD(e,h);ak=$clone(aj[0],AW);h=aj[1];i=aj[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[h,i];}if(g.explicit){al=2;if(g.application){al=1;}if(h===e.$length){i=(am=new BA.ptr("explicit tag has no child"),new am.constructor.elem(am));$s=-1;return[h,i];}if((ak.class$0===al)&&(ak.tag===g.tag.$get())&&((ak.length===0)||ak.isCompound)){if($interfaceIsEqual(j,CK)){}else if(ak.length>0){an=CD(e,h);AW.copy(ak,an[0]);h=an[1];i=an[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[h,i];}}else{if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,CI))){i=(ao=new BA.ptr("zero length explicit tag was not an asn1.Flag"),new ao.constructor.elem(ao));$s=-1;return[h,i];}$clone(d,E.Value).SetBool(true);$s=-1;return[h,i];}}else{ap=CQ($clone(d,E.Value),$clone(g,AX));if(ap){h=f;}else{i=(aq=new BA.ptr("explicitly tagged member didn't match"),new aq.constructor.elem(aq));}$s=-1;return[h,i];}}as=AZ(j);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=as;at=ar[0];au=ar[1];av=ar[2];aw=ar[3];if(!aw){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:ay=C.Sprintf("unknown Go type: %v",new DD([j]));$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=(ax=new BA.ptr(ay),new ax.constructor.elem(ax));$s=-1;return[h,i];case 30:if(au===19){if(ak.class$0===0){az=ak.tag;if((az===(22))||(az===(27))||(az===(20))||(az===(12))||(az===(18))||(az===(30))){au=ak.tag;}}else if(!((g.stringType===0))){au=g.stringType;}}if((au===23)&&(ak.tag===24)&&(ak.class$0===0)){au=24;}if(g.set){au=17;}ba=at;bb=0;bc=au;if(!g.explicit&&!(g.tag===DC.nil)){bb=2;bc=g.tag.$get();ba=false;}if(!g.explicit&&g.application&&!(g.tag===DC.nil)){bb=1;bc=g.tag.$get();ba=false;}if(!g.explicit&&g.private$3&&!(g.tag===DC.nil)){bb=3;bc=g.tag.$get();ba=false;}if(!ba&&(!((ak.class$0===bb))||!((ak.tag===bc)))||(!at&&!(ak.isCompound===av))){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:bd=CQ($clone(d,E.Value),$clone(g,AX));if(bd){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:h=f;$s=36;continue;case 35:bf=new $Int(bc);bg=new ak.constructor.elem(ak);bh=new g.constructor.elem(g);bi=j.Name();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=new $String(bi);bk=new $Int(h);bl=C.Sprintf("tags don't match (%d vs %+v) %+v %s @%d",new DD([bf,bg,bh,bj,bk]));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=(be=new BA.ptr(bl),new be.constructor.elem(be));case 36:$s=-1;return[h,i];case 33:if(CN(h,ak.length,e.$length)){i=(bm=new BB.ptr("data truncated"),new bm.constructor.elem(bm));$s=-1;return[h,i];}bn=$subslice(e,h,(h+ak.length>>0));h=h+(ak.length)>>0;bp=$clone($clone(d,E.Value).Addr(),E.Value).Interface();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bo=bp;if($assertType(bo,DH,true)[1]){$s=40;continue;}if($assertType(bo,DI,true)[1]){$s=41;continue;}if($assertType(bo,DJ,true)[1]){$s=42;continue;}if($assertType(bo,DK,true)[1]){$s=43;continue;}if($assertType(bo,DL,true)[1]){$s=44;continue;}if($assertType(bo,DM,true)[1]){$s=45;continue;}if($assertType(bo,DN,true)[1]){$s=46;continue;}$s=47;continue;case 40:bq=bo.$val;CB.copy(bq,new CB.ptr(ak.class$0,ak.tag,ak.isCompound,bn,$subslice(e,f,h)));$s=-1;return[h,i];case 41:br=bo.$val;bx=BL(bn);br.$set(bx[0]);i=bx[1];$s=-1;return[h,i];case 42:bs=bo.$val;by=BJ(bn);BI.copy(bs,by[0]);i=by[1];$s=-1;return[h,i];case 43:bt=bo.$val;if(au===23){$s=48;continue;}$s=49;continue;case 48:ca=BP(bn);$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bz=ca;G.Time.copy(bt,bz[0]);i=bz[1];$s=-1;return[h,i];case 49:cc=BQ(bn);$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;cc=cc.$blk();}if(cc&&cc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cb=cc;G.Time.copy(bt,cb[0]);i=cb[1];$s=-1;return[h,i];case 44:bu=bo.$val;cd=BF(bn);ce=cd[0];cf=cd[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(cf,$ifaceNil)){bu.$set(((ce>>0)));}i=cf;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 45:bv=bo.$val;bv.$set(true);$s=-1;return[h,i];case 46:bw=bo.$val;ch=BH(bn);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;ch=ch.$blk();}if(ch&&ch.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cg=ch;ci=cg[0];cj=cg[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(cj,$ifaceNil)){bw.$set(ci);}i=cj;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 47:ck=d;cl=$clone(ck,E.Value).Kind();if(cl===(1)){$s=54;continue;}if((cl===(2))||(cl===(5))||(cl===(6))){$s=55;continue;}if(cl===(25)){$s=56;continue;}if(cl===(23)){$s=57;continue;}if(cl===(24)){$s=58;continue;}$s=59;continue;case 54:cm=BC(bn);cn=cm[0];co=cm[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(co,$ifaceNil)){$clone(ck,E.Value).SetBool(cn);}i=co;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 55:cp=$clone(ck,E.Value).Type().Size();$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;cp=cp.$blk();}if(cp&&cp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(cp===4){$s=60;continue;}$s=61;continue;case 60:cq=BF(bn);cr=cq[0];cs=cq[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(cs,$ifaceNil)){$clone(ck,E.Value).SetInt((new $Int64(0,cr)));}i=cs;$s=62;continue;case 61:ct=BE(bn);cu=ct[0];cv=ct[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(cv,$ifaceNil)){$clone(ck,E.Value).SetInt(cu);}i=cv;case 62:$s=-1;return[h,i];case 56:cw=j;cx=0;case 64:cy=cw.NumField();$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;cy=cy.$blk();}if(cy&&cy.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(cx>0;$s=64;continue;case 65:dd=cw.NumField();$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;dd=dd.$blk();}if(dd&&dd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(dd>0)){dc=false;$s=73;continue s;}de=cw.Field(0);$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;de=de.$blk();}if(de&&de.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dc=$interfaceIsEqual(de.Type,CL);case 73:if(dc){$s=71;continue;}$s=72;continue;case 71:df=$subslice(e,f,h);dg=$clone(ck,E.Value).Field(0);$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;dg=dg.$blk();}if(dg&&dg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dh=E.ValueOf(($convertSliceType(df,CC)));$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;dh=dh.$blk();}if(dh&&dh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(dg,E.Value).Set($clone(dh,E.Value));$s=78;case 78:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 72:di=0;dj=0;case 79:dk=cw.NumField();$s=81;case 81:if($c){$c=false;dk=dk.$blk();}if(dk&&dk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(dj>0;$s=79;continue;}dp=$clone(ck,E.Value).Field(dj);$s=83;case 83:if($c){$c=false;dp=dp.$blk();}if(dp&&dp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dq=CO($clone(dp,E.Value),bn,di,$clone(AY(new E.StructTag(dm.Tag).Get("asn1")),AX));$s=84;case 84:if($c){$c=false;dq=dq.$blk();}if(dq&&dq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dn=dq;di=dn[0];i=dn[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[h,i];}dj=dj+(1)>>0;$s=79;continue;case 80:$s=-1;return[h,i];case 57:dr=j;ds=dr.Elem();$s=87;case 87:if($c){$c=false;ds=ds.$blk();}if(ds&&ds.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dt=ds.Kind();$s=88;case 88:if($c){$c=false;dt=dt.$blk();}if(dt&&dt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(dt===8){$s=85;continue;}$s=86;continue;case 85:du=E.MakeSlice(dr,bn.$length,bn.$length);$s=89;case 89:if($c){$c=false;du=du.$blk();}if(du&&du.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(ck,E.Value).Set($clone(du,E.Value));$s=90;case 90:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dv=$clone(ck,E.Value);dw=E.ValueOf(bn);$s=91;case 91:if($c){$c=false;dw=dw.$blk();}if(dw&&dw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dx=$clone(dw,E.Value);dy=E.Copy(dv,dx);$s=92;case 92:if($c){$c=false;dy=dy.$blk();}if(dy&&dy.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dy;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 86:ea=bn;eb=dr;ec=dr.Elem();$s=93;case 93:if($c){$c=false;ec=ec.$blk();}if(ec&&ec.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ed=ec;ee=CE(ea,eb,ed);$s=94;case 94:if($c){$c=false;ee=ee.$blk();}if(ee&&ee.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dz=ee;ef=dz[0];eg=dz[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(eg,$ifaceNil)){$s=95;continue;}$s=96;continue;case 95:$r=$clone(ck,E.Value).Set($clone(ef,E.Value));$s=97;case 97:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 96:i=eg;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 58:eh="";ei=au;if(ei===(19)){$s=99;continue;}if(ei===(18)){$s=100;continue;}if(ei===(22)){$s=101;continue;}if(ei===(20)){$s=102;continue;}if(ei===(12)){$s=103;continue;}if(ei===(27)){$s=104;continue;}if(ei===(30)){$s=105;continue;}$s=106;continue;case 99:ej=BT(bn);eh=ej[0];i=ej[1];$s=107;continue;case 100:ek=BR(bn);eh=ek[0];i=ek[1];$s=107;continue;case 101:el=BX(bn);eh=el[0];i=el[1];$s=107;continue;case 102:em=BY(bn);eh=em[0];i=em[1];$s=107;continue;case 103:en=BZ(bn);eh=en[0];i=en[1];$s=107;continue;case 104:eo=BY(bn);eh=eo[0];i=eo[1];$s=107;continue;case 105:ep=CA(bn);eh=ep[0];i=ep[1];$s=107;continue;case 106:er=C.Sprintf("internal error: unknown string type %d",new DD([new $Int(au)]));$s=108;case 108:if($c){$c=false;er=er.$blk();}if(er&&er.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=(eq=new BB.ptr(er),new eq.constructor.elem(eq));case 107:case 98:if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){$clone(ck,E.Value).SetString(eh);}$s=-1;return[h,i];case 59:case 53:et=$clone(d,E.Value).Type().String();$s=109;case 109:if($c){$c=false;et=et.$blk();}if(et&&et.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=(es=new BA.ptr("unsupported: "+et),new es.constructor.elem(es));$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:CO,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CP=function(d){var d,e;e=d;if((e===(2))||(e===(3))||(e===(4))||(e===(5))||(e===(6))){return true;}return false;};CQ=function(d,e){var d,e,f;f=false;if(!e.optional){return f;}f=true;if(e.defaultValue===DB.nil){return f;}if(CP($clone(d,E.Value).Kind())){$clone(d,E.Value).SetInt(e.defaultValue.$get());}return f;};CR=function(d,e){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=CU.nil;g=$ifaceNil;i=CT(d,e,"");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;f=h[0];g=h[1];j=[f,g];$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:CR,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Unmarshal=CR;CS.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(d.Type,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return"asn1: Unmarshal recipient value is nil";}e=d.Type.Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((e===22))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=d.Type.String();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g="asn1: Unmarshal recipient value is non-pointer "+f;$s=5;case 5:return g;case 2:h=d.Type.String();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i="asn1: Unmarshal recipient value is nil "+h;$s=7;case 7:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:CS.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};CS.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};CT=function(d,e,f){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=CU.nil;h=$ifaceNil;i=E.ValueOf(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!(($clone(j,E.Value).Kind()===22))||$clone(j,E.Value).IsNil()){k=CU.nil;l=new CS.ptr(E.TypeOf(e));g=k;h=l;$s=-1;return[g,h];}n=$clone(j,E.Value).Elem();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=CO($clone(n,E.Value),d,0,$clone(AY(f),AX));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=o;p=m[0];h=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){q=CU.nil;r=h;g=q;h=r;$s=-1;return[g,h];}s=$subslice(d,p);t=$ifaceNil;g=s;h=t;$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:CT,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};$pkg.UnmarshalWithParams=CT;P.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encode",name:"Encode",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CU],[],false)}];Q.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encode",name:"Encode",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CU],[],false)}];R.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encode",name:"Encode",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CU],[],false)}];S.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encode",name:"Encode",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CU],[],false)}];T.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encode",name:"Encode",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CU],[],false)}];DO.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encode",name:"Encode",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CU],[],false)}];V.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encode",name:"Encode",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CU],[],false)}];AC.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encode",name:"Encode",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CU],[],false)}];AD.methods=[{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Encode",name:"Encode",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CU],[],false)}];BA.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];BB.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];BI.methods=[{prop:"At",name:"At",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[$Int],false)},{prop:"RightAlign",name:"RightAlign",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[CU],false)}];BK.methods=[{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BK],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];DP.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];O.init([{prop:"Encode",name:"Encode",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([CU],[],false)},{prop:"Len",name:"Len",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)}]);Q.init($Uint8);S.init(O);T.init(O);U.init("encoding/asn1",[{prop:"scratch",name:"scratch",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:DE,tag:""},{prop:"tag",name:"tag",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:O,tag:""},{prop:"body",name:"body",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:O,tag:""}]);AC.init("",[{prop:"Bytes",name:"Bytes",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:CU,tag:""},{prop:"BitLength",name:"BitLength",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""}]);AD.init($Int);AW.init("encoding/asn1",[{prop:"class$0",name:"class",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"tag",name:"tag",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"length",name:"length",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"isCompound",name:"isCompound",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);AX.init("encoding/asn1",[{prop:"optional",name:"optional",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"explicit",name:"explicit",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"application",name:"application",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"private$3",name:"private",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"defaultValue",name:"defaultValue",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:DB,tag:""},{prop:"tag",name:"tag",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:DC,tag:""},{prop:"stringType",name:"stringType",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"timeType",name:"timeType",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"set",name:"set",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"omitEmpty",name:"omitEmpty",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);BA.init("",[{prop:"Msg",name:"Msg",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""}]);BB.init("",[{prop:"Msg",name:"Msg",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""}]);BI.init("",[{prop:"Bytes",name:"Bytes",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:CU,tag:""},{prop:"BitLength",name:"BitLength",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""}]);BK.init($Int);CB.init("",[{prop:"Class",name:"Class",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"Tag",name:"Tag",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"IsCompound",name:"IsCompound",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"Bytes",name:"Bytes",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:CU,tag:""},{prop:"FullBytes",name:"FullBytes",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:CU,tag:""}]);CC.init($Uint8);CS.init("",[{prop:"Type",name:"Type",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:E.Type,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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$pkg={},$init,A;A=$pkg.Tag=$newType(1,$kindUint8,"asn1.Tag",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte/asn1",true,null);A.prototype.Constructed=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return(a|32)>>>0;};$ptrType(A).prototype.Constructed=function(){return new A(this.$get()).Constructed();};A.prototype.ContextSpecific=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return(a|128)>>>0;};$ptrType(A).prototype.ContextSpecific=function(){return new A(this.$get()).ContextSpecific();};A.methods=[{prop:"Constructed",name:"Constructed",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[A],false)},{prop:"ContextSpecific",name:"ContextSpecific",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[A],false)}];$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,C,A,B,D,E,F,G,H,I,L,M,N,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,P,R,a,K,O,Q,S,T;C=$packages["encoding/asn1"];A=$packages["errors"];B=$packages["fmt"];D=$packages["math/big"];E=$packages["reflect"];F=$packages["time"];G=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte/asn1"];H=$pkg.String=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"cryptobyte.String",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte",true,null);I=$pkg.Builder=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"cryptobyte.Builder",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte",true,function(err_,result_,fixedSize_,child_,offset_,pendingLenLen_,pendingIsASN1_,inContinuation_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.err=$ifaceNil;this.result=V.nil;this.fixedSize=false;this.child=W.nil;this.offset=0;this.pendingLenLen=0;this.pendingIsASN1=false;this.inContinuation=X.nil;return;}this.err=err_;this.result=result_;this.fixedSize=fixedSize_;this.child=child_;this.offset=offset_;this.pendingLenLen=pendingLenLen_;this.pendingIsASN1=pendingIsASN1_;this.inContinuation=inContinuation_;});L=$pkg.BuilderContinuation=$newType(4,$kindFunc,"cryptobyte.BuilderContinuation",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte",true,null);M=$pkg.BuildError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"cryptobyte.BuildError",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte",true,function(Err_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Err=$ifaceNil;return;}this.Err=Err_;});N=$pkg.MarshalingValue=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"cryptobyte.MarshalingValue",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte",true,null);U=$ptrType(D.Int);V=$sliceType($Uint8);W=$ptrType(I);X=$ptrType($Bool);Y=$sliceType($emptyInterface);Z=$ptrType($Uint8);AA=$ptrType(H);AB=$ptrType($Int64);AC=$ptrType($Uint64);AD=$sliceType($Int);AE=$ptrType($Int);AF=$ptrType(G.Tag);AG=$ptrType($Uint32);AH=$ptrType(V);AI=$ptrType($Uint16);AJ=$ptrType(C.ObjectIdentifier);AK=$ptrType(F.Time);AL=$ptrType(C.BitString);$ptrType(H).prototype.read=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;if(c.$get().$length=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])));return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadUint16=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;d=c.read(2);if(d===V.nil){return false;}b.$set((((((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])<<16>>>16))<<8<<16>>>16)|(((1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1])<<16>>>16)))>>>0);return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadUint24=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;d=c.read(3);if(d===V.nil){return false;}b.$set((((((((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])>>>0))<<16>>>0)|((((1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1])>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|(((2>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+2])>>>0)))>>>0);return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadUint32=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;d=c.read(4);if(d===V.nil){return false;}b.$set((((((((((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])>>>0))<<24>>>0)|((((1>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+1])>>>0))<<16>>>0))>>>0)|((((2>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+2])>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|(((3>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+3])>>>0)))>>>0);return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.readUnsigned=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;d=this;e=d.read(c);if(e===V.nil){return false;}f=0;g=0;while(true){if(!(g>>0;f=(f|(((((g<0||g>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+g])>>>0))))>>>0;g=g+(1)>>0;}b.$set(f);return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.readLengthPrefixed=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;d=this;e=d.read(b);if(e===V.nil){return false;}f=0;g=e;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);f=f<<8>>>0;f=(f|((i>>>0)))>>>0;h++;}j=d.read(((f>>0)));if(j===V.nil){return false;}c.$set($convertSliceType(j,H));return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadUint8LengthPrefixed=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return c.readLengthPrefixed(1,b);};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return c.readLengthPrefixed(2,b);};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadUint24LengthPrefixed=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return c.readLengthPrefixed(3,b);};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadBytes=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;d=this;e=d.read(c);if(e===V.nil){return false;}b.$set(e);return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.CopyBytes=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;d=b.$length;e=c.read(d);if(e===V.nil){return false;}return $copySlice(b,e)===d;};H.prototype.Empty=function(){var b;b=this;return b.$length===0;};$ptrType(H).prototype.Empty=function(){return this.$get().Empty();};K=function(b){var b;return new I.ptr($ifaceNil,b,true,W.nil,0,0,false,X.nil);};$pkg.NewFixedBuilder=K;I.ptr.prototype.SetError=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.err=b;};I.prototype.SetError=function(b){return this.$val.SetError(b);};I.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var b;b=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err,$ifaceNil))){return[V.nil,b.err];}return[$subslice(b.result,b.offset),$ifaceNil];};I.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};I.ptr.prototype.BytesOrPanic=function(){var b;b=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err,$ifaceNil))){$panic(b.err);}return $subslice(b.result,b.offset);};I.prototype.BytesOrPanic=function(){return this.$val.BytesOrPanic();};I.ptr.prototype.AddUint8=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.add(new V([(b)]));};I.prototype.AddUint8=function(b){return this.$val.AddUint8(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddUint16=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.add(new V([(((b>>>8<<16>>>16)<<24>>>24)),((b<<24>>>24))]));};I.prototype.AddUint16=function(b){return 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this.$val.AddUint8LengthPrefixed(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddUint16LengthPrefixed=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.addLengthPrefixed(2,false,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddUint16LengthPrefixed,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddUint16LengthPrefixed=function(b){return this.$val.AddUint16LengthPrefixed(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddUint24LengthPrefixed=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.addLengthPrefixed(3,false,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddUint24LengthPrefixed,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddUint24LengthPrefixed=function(b){return this.$val.AddUint24LengthPrefixed(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddUint32LengthPrefixed=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.addLengthPrefixed(4,false,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddUint32LengthPrefixed,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddUint32LengthPrefixed=function(b){return this.$val.AddUint32LengthPrefixed(b);};I.ptr.prototype.callContinuation=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=[d];d[0]=this;if(!d[0].inContinuation.$get()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d[0].inContinuation.$set(true);$deferred.push([(function(d){return function(){var 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I.ptr($ifaceNil,e.result,e.fixedSize,W.nil,f,b,c,e.inContinuation);$r=e.callContinuation(d,e.child);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e.flushChild();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(e.child===W.nil)){$panic(new $String("cryptobyte: internal error"));}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.addLengthPrefixed,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.addLengthPrefixed=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.addLengthPrefixed(b,c,d);};I.ptr.prototype.flushChild=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.child===W.nil){$s=-1;return;}$r=b.child.flushChild();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.child;b.child=W.nil;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c.err,$ifaceNil))){b.err=c.err;$s=-1;return;}d=(c.result.$length-c.pendingLenLen>>0)-c.offset>>0;if(d<0){$panic(new $String("cryptobyte: internal error"));}if(c.pendingIsASN1){if(!((c.pendingLenLen===1))){$panic(new $String("cryptobyte: internal error"));}e=0;f=0;g=e;h=f;if((i=(new $Int64(0,d)),(i.$high>0||(i.$high===0&&i.$low>4294967294)))){b.err=A.New("pending ASN.1 child too long");$s=-1;return;}else if(d>16777215){g=5;h=132;}else if(d>65535){g=4;h=131;}else if(d>255){g=3;h=130;}else if(d>127){g=2;h=129;}else{g=1;h=((d<<24>>>24));d=0;}(j=c.result,k=c.offset,((k<0||k>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]=h));l=(((g-1<<24>>>24)>>0));if(!((l===0))){c.add($makeSlice(V,l));m=c.offset+c.pendingLenLen>>0;$copySlice($subslice(c.result,(m+l>>0)),$subslice(c.result,m));}c.offset=c.offset+(1)>>0;c.pendingLenLen=l;}n=d;o=c.pendingLenLen-1>>0;while(true){if(!(o>=0)){break;}(p=c.result,q=c.offset+o>>0,((q<0||q>=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]=((n<<24>>>24))));n=(n>>$min((8),31))>>0;o=o-(1)>>0;}if(!((n===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:r=B.Errorf("cryptobyte: pending child length %d exceeds %d-byte length prefix",new Y([new $Int(d),new $Int(c.pendingLenLen)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b.err=r;$s=-1;return;case 3:if(b.fixedSize&&!((s=b.result,$indexPtr(s.$array,s.$offset+0,Z))===(t=c.result,$indexPtr(t.$array,t.$offset+0,Z)))){$panic(new $String("cryptobyte: BuilderContinuation reallocated a fixed-size buffer"));}b.result=c.result;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.flushChild,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.flushChild=function(){return this.$val.flushChild();};I.ptr.prototype.add=function(b){var b,c;c=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c.err,$ifaceNil))){return;}if(!(c.child===W.nil)){$panic(new $String("cryptobyte: attempted write while child is pending"));}if((c.result.$length+b.$length>>0)>0)>c.result.$capacity){c.err=A.New("cryptobyte: Builder is exceeding its fixed-size buffer");return;}c.result=$appendSlice(c.result,b);};I.prototype.add=function(b){return this.$val.add(b);};I.ptr.prototype.Unwrite=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c.err,$ifaceNil))){return;}if(!(c.child===W.nil)){$panic(new $String("cryptobyte: attempted unwrite while child is pending"));}d=(c.result.$length-c.pendingLenLen>>0)-c.offset>>0;if(d<0){$panic(new $String("cryptobyte: internal error"));}if(b>d){$panic(new $String("cryptobyte: attempted to unwrite more than was written"));}c.result=$subslice(c.result,0,(c.result.$length-b>>0));};I.prototype.Unwrite=function(b){return this.$val.Unwrite(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddValue=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=b.Marshal(c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){c.err=e;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddValue,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddValue=function(b){return this.$val.AddValue(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Int64=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.addASN1Signed(2,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Int64,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1Int64=function(b){return this.$val.AddASN1Int64(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Int64WithTag=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;$r=d.addASN1Signed(c,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Int64WithTag,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1Int64WithTag=function(b,c){return this.$val.AddASN1Int64WithTag(b,c);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Enum=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.addASN1Signed(10,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Enum,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1Enum=function(b){return this.$val.AddASN1Enum(b);};I.ptr.prototype.addASN1Signed=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=this;$r=d.AddASN1(b,(function(c){return function(e){var e,f,g,h,i;f=1;g=c[0];while(true){if(!((g.$high>0||(g.$high===0&&g.$low>=128))||(g.$high<-1||(g.$high===-1&&g.$low<4294967168)))){break;}f=f+(1)>>0;g=$shiftRightInt64(g,(8));}while(true){if(!(f>0)){break;}i=(h=$shiftRightInt64(c[0],((($imul(((f-1>>0)),8))>>>0))),new $Int64(h.$high&0,(h.$low&255)>>>0));e.AddUint8(((i.$low<<24>>>24)));f=f-(1)>>0;}};})(c));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.addASN1Signed,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.addASN1Signed=function(b,c){return this.$val.addASN1Signed(b,c);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Uint64=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=this;$r=c.AddASN1(2,(function(b){return function(d){var d,e,f,g,h;e=1;f=b[0];while(true){if(!((f.$high>0||(f.$high===0&&f.$low>=128)))){break;}e=e+(1)>>0;f=$shiftRightUint64(f,(8));}while(true){if(!(e>0)){break;}h=(g=$shiftRightUint64(b[0],((($imul(((e-1>>0)),8))>>>0))),new $Uint64(g.$high&0,(g.$low&255)>>>0));d.AddUint8(((h.$low<<24>>>24)));e=e-(1)>>0;}};})(b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Uint64,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1Uint64=function(b){return this.$val.AddASN1Uint64(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1BigInt=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return;}$r=c.AddASN1(2,(function(b){return function $b(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(b[0].Sign()<0){$s=1;continue;}if(b[0].Sign()===0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:e=new D.Int.ptr(false,D.nat.nil).Neg(b[0]);f=e.Sub(e,R);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f;g=e.Bytes();h=g;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+j]=((((j<0||j>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+j])^(255))<<24>>>24));i++;}if((g.$length===0)||((((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])&128)>>>0)===0)){d.add(new V([255]));}d.add(g);$s=4;continue;case 2:d.add(new V([0]));$s=4;continue;case 3:k=b[0].Bytes();if(!(((((0>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+0])&128)>>>0)===0))){d.add(new V([0]));}d.add(k);case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};})(b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1BigInt,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1BigInt=function(b){return this.$val.AddASN1BigInt(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1OctetString=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=this;$r=c.AddASN1(4,(function(b){return function(d){var d;d.AddBytes(b[0]);};})(b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1OctetString,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1OctetString=function(b){return this.$val.AddASN1OctetString(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1GeneralizedTime=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=this;e=$clone(b[0],F.Time).Year();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e<0){d=true;$s=3;continue s;}f=$clone(b[0],F.Time).Year();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=f>9999;case 3:if(d){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=B.Errorf("cryptobyte: cannot represent %v as a GeneralizedTime",new Y([new b[0].constructor.elem(b[0])]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.err=g;$s=-1;return;case 2:$r=c.AddASN1(24,(function(b){return function $b(h){var{h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$clone(b[0],F.Time).Format("20060102150405Z0700");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.AddBytes((new V($stringToBytes(i))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,i,$s};return $f;};})(b));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1GeneralizedTime,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1GeneralizedTime=function(b){return this.$val.AddASN1GeneralizedTime(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1UTCTime=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=[c];c[0]=this;$r=c[0].AddASN1(23,(function(b,c){return function $b(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=$clone(b[0],F.Time).Year();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(f<1950){e=true;$s=3;continue s;}g=$clone(b[0],F.Time).Year();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=g>=2050;case 3:if(e){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=B.Errorf("cryptobyte: cannot represent %v as a UTCTime",new Y([new b[0].constructor.elem(b[0])]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c[0].err=h;$s=-1;return;case 2:i=$clone(b[0],F.Time).Format("060102150405Z0700");$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=d.AddBytes((new V($stringToBytes(i))));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};})(b,c));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1UTCTime,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1UTCTime=function(b){return this.$val.AddASN1UTCTime(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1BitString=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=this;$r=c.AddASN1(3,(function(b){return function(d){var d;d.AddUint8(0);d.AddBytes(b[0]);};})(b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1BitString,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1BitString=function(b){return this.$val.AddASN1BitString(b);};I.ptr.prototype.addBase128Int=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=this;d=0;if((b.$high===0&&b.$low===0)){d=1;}else{e=b;while(true){if(!((e.$high>0||(e.$high===0&&e.$low>0)))){break;}d=d+(1)>>0;e=$shiftRightInt64(e,(7));}}f=d-1>>0;while(true){if(!(f>=0)){break;}g=(($shiftRightInt64(b,((($imul(f,7))>>>0))).$low<<24>>>24));g=(g&(127))>>>0;if(!((f===0))){g=(g|(128))>>>0;}c.add(new V([g]));f=f-(1)>>0;}};I.prototype.addBase128Int=function(b){return this.$val.addBase128Int(b);};O=function(b){var b,c,d,e;if(b.$length<2){return false;}if((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])>2||((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])<=1&&(1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])>=40)){return false;}c=b;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(e<0){return false;}d++;}return true;};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1ObjectIdentifier=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=this;$r=c.AddASN1(6,(function(b){return function $b(d){var{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!O(b[0])){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=B.Errorf("cryptobyte: invalid OID: %v",new Y([b[0]]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.err=e;$s=-1;return;case 2:d.addBase128Int((f=$mul64((new $Int64(0,(0>=b[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b[0].$array[b[0].$offset+0]))),new $Int64(0,40)),g=(new $Int64(0,(1>=b[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b[0].$array[b[0].$offset+1]))),new $Int64(f.$high+g.$high,f.$low+g.$low)));h=$subslice(b[0],2);i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);d.addBase128Int((new $Int64(0,j)));i++;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};})(b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1ObjectIdentifier,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1ObjectIdentifier=function(b){return this.$val.AddASN1ObjectIdentifier(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Boolean=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=this;$r=c.AddASN1(1,(function(b){return function(d){var d;if(b[0]){d.AddUint8(255);}else{d.AddUint8(0);}};})(b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Boolean,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1Boolean=function(b){return this.$val.AddASN1Boolean(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1NULL=function(){var b;b=this;b.add(new V([5,0]));};I.prototype.AddASN1NULL=function(){return this.$val.AddASN1NULL();};I.ptr.prototype.MarshalASN1=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return;}e=C.Marshal(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){c.err=g;$s=-1;return;}c.AddBytes(f);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.MarshalASN1,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.MarshalASN1=function(b){return this.$val.MarshalASN1(b);};I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return;}if(((b&31)>>>0)===31){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=B.Errorf("cryptobyte: high-tag number identifier octects not supported: 0x%x",new Y([new G.Tag(b)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.err=e;$s=-1;return;case 2:d.AddUint8(((b<<24>>>24)));$r=d.addLengthPrefixed(1,true,c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.AddASN1,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.AddASN1=function(b,c){return this.$val.AddASN1(b,c);};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1Boolean=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f;c=this;d=H.nil;if(!c.ReadASN1((e||(e=new AA(function(){return d;},function($v){d=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))),1)||!((d.$length===1))){return false;}f=(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]);if(f===(0)){b.$set(false);}else if(f===(255)){b.$set(true);}else{return false;}return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1Integer=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];e=this;f=E.TypeOf(b).Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((f===22))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("out is not a pointer"));case 2:g=E.ValueOf(b);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone(g,E.Value).Elem();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,E.Value).Kind();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if((j===(2))||(j===(3))||(j===(4))||(j===(5))||(j===(6))){$s=8;continue;}if((j===(7))||(j===(8))||(j===(9))||(j===(10))||(j===(11))){$s=9;continue;}if(j===(25)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 8:c[0]=new $Int64(0,0);if(!e.readASN1Int64((c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new AB(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))))){k=true;$s=14;continue s;}l=E.ValueOf(b);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$clone(l,E.Value).Elem();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,E.Value).OverflowInt(c[0]);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=n;case 14:if(k){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:$s=-1;return false;case 13:o=E.ValueOf(b);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,E.Value).Elem();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(p,E.Value).SetInt(c[0]);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return true;case 9:d[0]=new $Uint64(0,0);if(!e.readASN1Uint64((d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new AC(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))))){q=true;$s=23;continue s;}r=E.ValueOf(b);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,E.Value).Elem();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,E.Value).OverflowUint(d[0]);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=t;case 23:if(q){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:$s=-1;return false;case 22:u=E.ValueOf(b);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,E.Value).Elem();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(v,E.Value).SetUint(d[0]);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return true;case 10:w=E.TypeOf(b).Elem();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(w,P)){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:x=e.readASN1BigInt($assertType(b,U));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=34;case 34:return y;case 31:case 11:case 4:$panic(new $String("out does not point to an integer type"));$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1Integer,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};Q=function(b){var b;if(b.$length===0){return false;}if(b.$length===1){return true;}if(((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])===0)&&((((1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])&128)>>>0)===0)||((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])===255)&&((((1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])&128)>>>0)===128)){return false;}return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.readASN1BigInt=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=this;c[0]=H.nil;if(!d.ReadASN1((c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new AA(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))),2)||!Q($convertSliceType(c[0],V))){$s=-1;return false;}if((((0>=c[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[0].$array[c[0].$offset+0])&128)>>>0)===128){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=$makeSlice(V,c[0].$length);f=c[0];g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);((h<0||h>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+h]=(~i<<24>>>24));g++;}b.SetBytes(e);j=b.Add(b,R);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;b.Neg(b);$s=3;continue;case 2:b.SetBytes($convertSliceType(c[0],V));case 3:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(H).prototype.readASN1BigInt,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(H).prototype.readASN1Int64=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;d=H.nil;if(!c.ReadASN1((e||(e=new AA(function(){return d;},function($v){d=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))),2)||!Q($convertSliceType(d,V))||!S(b,$convertSliceType(d,V))){return false;}return true;};S=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=c.$length;if(d>8){return false;}e=0;while(true){if(!(e=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+e]))),new $Int64(f.$high|g.$high,(f.$low|g.$low)>>>0)));e=e+(1)>>0;}b.$set($shiftLeft64(b.$get(),((64-(((d<<24>>>24))*8<<24>>>24)<<24>>>24))));b.$set($shiftRightInt64(b.$get(),((64-(((d<<24>>>24))*8<<24>>>24)<<24>>>24))));return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.readASN1Uint64=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;d=H.nil;if(!c.ReadASN1((e||(e=new AA(function(){return d;},function($v){d=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))),2)||!Q($convertSliceType(d,V))||!T(b,$convertSliceType(d,V))){return false;}return true;};T=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=c.$length;if(d>9||(d===9)&&!(((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])===0))){return false;}if(!(((((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])&128)>>>0)===0))){return false;}e=0;while(true){if(!(e=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+e]))),new $Uint64(f.$high|g.$high,(f.$low|g.$low)>>>0)));e=e+(1)>>0;}return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1Int64WithTag=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f;d=this;e=H.nil;return d.ReadASN1((f||(f=new AA(function(){return e;},function($v){e=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))),c)&&Q($convertSliceType(e,V))&&S(b,$convertSliceType(e,V));};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1Enum=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;c=this;d=H.nil;e=new $Int64(0,0);if(!c.ReadASN1((f||(f=new AA(function(){return d;},function($v){d=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))),10)||!Q($convertSliceType(d,V))||!S((g||(g=new AB(function(){return e;},function($v){e=$v;}))),$convertSliceType(d,V))){return false;}if(!((h=(new $Int64(0,(((e.$low+((e.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)))),(h.$high===e.$high&&h.$low===e.$low)))){return false;}b.$set((((e.$low+((e.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.readBase128Int=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;c=this;d=0;e=0;while(true){if(!(c.$get().$length>0)){break;}if(e===5){return false;}if(d>=16777216){return false;}d=(f=(7),f<32?(d<>0;h=(g=c.read(1),(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]));d=d|(((((h&127)>>>0)>>0)));if(((h&128)>>>0)===0){b.$set(d);return true;}e=e+(1)>>0;}return false;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;c=this;d=H.nil;if(!c.ReadASN1((e||(e=new AA(function(){return d;},function($v){d=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))),6)||(d.$length===0)){return false;}f=$makeSlice(AD,(d.$length+1>>0));g=0;if(!(e||(e=new AA(function(){return d;},function($v){d=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))).readBase128Int((h||(h=new AE(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$v;}))))){return false;}if(g<80){(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]=(i=g/40,(i===i&&i!==1/0&&i!==-1/0)?i>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]=(j=g%40,j===j?j:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));}else{(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]=2);(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]=(g-80>>0));}k=2;while(true){if(!(d.$length>0)){break;}if(!(e||(e=new AA(function(){return d;},function($v){d=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))).readBase128Int((h||(h=new AE(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$v;}))))){return false;}((k<0||k>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+k]=g);k=k+(1)>>0;}b.$set($convertSliceType($subslice(f,0,k),C.ObjectIdentifier));return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1GeneralizedTime=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=this;c[0]=H.nil;if(!d.ReadASN1((c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new AA(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))),24)){$s=-1;return false;}e=($bytesToString(c[0]));g=F.Parse("20060102150405Z0700",e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=$clone(f[0],F.Time);i=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}j=$clone(h,F.Time).Format("20060102150405Z0700");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!(k===e)){$s=-1;return false;}F.Time.copy(b,h);$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1GeneralizedTime,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1UTCTime=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=this;c[0]=H.nil;if(!d.ReadASN1((c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new AA(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))),23)){$s=-1;return false;}e=($bytesToString(c[0]));f="060102150405Z0700";g=$ifaceNil;i=F.Parse(f,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=$clone(h[0],F.Time);g=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:f="0601021504Z0700";l=F.Parse(f,e);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;F.Time.copy(j,k[0]);g=k[1];case 3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}m=$clone(j,F.Time).Format(f);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!(n===e)){$s=-1;return false;}o=$clone(j,F.Time).Year();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(o>=2050){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:p=$clone(j,F.Time).AddDate(-100,0,0);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}F.Time.copy(j,p);case 7:F.Time.copy(b,j);$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1UTCTime,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1BitString=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=this;d=H.nil;if(!c.ReadASN1((e||(e=new AA(function(){return d;},function($v){d=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))),3)||(d.$length===0)||!(((f=($imul(d.$length,8))/8,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===d.$length))){return false;}g=((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]));d=$subslice(d,1);if(g>7||(d.$length===0)&&!((g===0))||d.$length>0&&!(((((h=d.$length-1>>0,((h<0||h>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadASN1Element=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f;d=this;e=0;if(!d.ReadAnyASN1Element(b,(f||(f=new AF(function(){return e;},function($v){e=$v;}))))||!((e===c))){return false;}return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadAnyASN1=function(b,c){var b,c,d;d=this;return d.readASN1(b,c,true);};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadAnyASN1Element=function(b,c){var b,c,d;d=this;return d.readASN1(b,c,false);};H.prototype.PeekASN1Tag=function(b){var b,c;c=this;if(c.$length===0){return false;}return(((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])<<24>>>24))===b;};$ptrType(H).prototype.PeekASN1Tag=function(b){return this.$get().PeekASN1Tag(b);};$ptrType(H).prototype.SkipASN1=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;d=H.nil;return c.ReadASN1((e||(e=new AA(function(){return d;},function($v){d=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))),b);};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadOptionalASN1=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f;e=this;f=e.PeekASN1Tag(d);if(!(c===X.nil)){c.$set(f);}if(f&&!e.ReadASN1(b,d)){return false;}return true;};$ptrType(H).prototype.SkipOptionalASN1=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;if(!c.PeekASN1Tag(b)){return true;}d=H.nil;return c.ReadASN1((e||(e=new AA(function(){return d;},function($v){d=$convertSliceType($v,H);}))),b);};$ptrType(H).prototype.ReadOptionalASN1Integer=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=[f];g=this;h=E.TypeOf(b).Kind();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((h===22))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("out is not a pointer"));case 2:f[0]=false;e[0]=H.nil;if(!g.ReadOptionalASN1((e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new AA(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))),(f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new X(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))),c)){$s=-1;return false;}if(!f[0]){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:i=E.ValueOf(b);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,E.Value).Elem();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,E.Value).Kind();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if((l===(2))||(l===(3))||(l===(4))||(l===(5))||(l===(6))||(l===(7))||(l===(8))||(l===(9))||(l===(10))||(l===(11))){$s=10;continue;}if(l===(25)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 10:m=E.ValueOf(b);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,E.Value).Elem();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=E.ValueOf(d);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(n,E.Value).Set($clone(o,E.Value));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=13;continue;case 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1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;h=$makeSlice(AI,((g=f.BitSize/8,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+8>>0));j=I.ReadFull(b,h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;d=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c,d];}c=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetBytes(h);k=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Sub(f.N,R);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=c.Mod(c,l);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=c.Add(c,R);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;$s=-1;return[c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:S,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};U=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=b.Params();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c.N.BitLen();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;g=(f=((e+7>>0))/8,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(a.$length>g){a=$subslice(a,0,g);}h=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetBytes(a);i=($imul(a.$length,8))-e>>0;if(i>0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:j=h.Rsh(h,((i>>>0)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;case 4:$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:U,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};V=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=C.NewInt(new $Int64(0,2));d=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Sub(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;f=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Exp(a,e,b);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=3;case 3:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:V,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};X=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=AF.nil;f=AF.nil;g=$ifaceNil;$r=F.MaybeReadByte(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$makeSlice(AI,32);j=I.ReadFull(a,h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;g=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}k=G.New();l=k.Write(b.D.Bytes());$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;m=k.Write(h);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=k.Write(c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=k.Sum(AI.nil);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$subslice(o,0,32);q=E.NewCipher(p);r=q[0];g=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){s=AF.nil;t=AF.nil;u=g;e=s;f=t;g=u;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}v=A.NewCTR(r,(new AI($stringToBytes("IV for ECDSA CTR"))));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d[0]=new A.StreamReader.ptr(v,AE);w=b.PublicKey.Curve;y=L(b,d[0],w,c);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;e=x[0];f=x[1];g=x[2];z=[e,f,g];$s=9;case 9:return z;}return;}var $f={$blk:X,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Sign=X;Y=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=AF.nil;f=AF.nil;g=$ifaceNil;h=c.Params();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.N;if(i.Sign()===0){j=AF.nil;k=AF.nil;l=W;e=j;f=k;g=l;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}m=AF.nil;n=AF.nil;o=m;p=n;case 2:case 4:s=S(c,(r=b,new r.constructor.elem(r)));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=s;o=q[0];g=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){e=AF.nil;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}t=$assertType(a.PublicKey.Curve,N,true);u=t[0];v=t[1];if(v){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:w=u.Inverse(o);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=w;$s=9;continue;case 8:x=V(o,i);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=x;case 9:z=a.PublicKey.Curve.ScalarBaseMult(o.Bytes());$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;e=y[0];aa=e.Mod(e,i);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa;if(!((e.Sign()===0))){$s=5;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 5:ab=U(d,c);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;ad=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).Mul(a.D,e);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=ad;ae=f.Add(f,ac);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;af=f.Mul(f,p);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;ag=f.Mod(f,i);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag;if(!((f.Sign()===0))){$s=3;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:Y,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AA=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=a.Curve;f=e.Params();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f.N;if(c.Sign()<=0||d.Sign()<=0){$s=-1;return false;}if(c.Cmp(g)>=0||d.Cmp(g)>=0){$s=-1;return false;}h=M(a,e,b,c,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AA,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Verify=AA;AB=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=U(c,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=AF.nil;i=b.Params();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.N;k=$assertType(b,N,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(m){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:n=l.Inverse(e);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=n;$s=5;continue;case 4:o=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).ModInverse(e,j);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=o;case 5:p=g.Mul(g,h);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=q.Mod(q,j);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;s=h.Mul(d,h);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=t.Mod(t,j);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;v=AF.nil;w=AF.nil;x=v;y=w;z=$assertType(b,O,true);aa=z[0];ab=z[1];if(ab){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:ad=aa.CombinedMult(a.X,a.Y,q.Bytes(),t.Bytes());$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;x=ac[0];y=ac[1];$s=14;continue;case 13:af=b.ScalarBaseMult(q.Bytes());$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;ag=ae[0];ah=ae[1];aj=b.ScalarMult(a.X,a.Y,t.Bytes());$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;ak=ai[0];al=ai[1];an=b.Add(ag,ah,ak,al);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=an;x=am[0];y=am[1];case 14:if((x.Sign()===0)&&(y.Sign()===0)){$s=-1;return false;}ao=x.Mod(x,j);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao;$s=-1;return x.Cmp(d)===0;}return;}var $f={$blk:AB,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AC=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);f=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil);g=e;h=f;d[0]=J.String.nil;i=($convertSliceType(c,J.String));if(!(l||(l=new AL(function(){return i;},function($v){i=$convertSliceType($v,J.String);}))).ReadASN1((d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new AL(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))),48)||!i.Empty()){k=true;$s=4;continue s;}m=(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new AL(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1Integer(g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=!m;case 4:if(k){j=true;$s=3;continue s;}n=(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new AL(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1Integer(h);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=!n;case 3:if(j||!d[0].Empty()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return false;case 2:o=AA(a,b,g,h);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=8;case 8:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:AC,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};$pkg.VerifyASN1=AC;AD.ptr.prototype.Read=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;e=a;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+g]=0);f++;}h=a.$length;i=$ifaceNil;b=h;c=i;return[b,c];};AD.prototype.Read=function(a){return this.$val.Read(a);};AG.methods=[{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([D.PublicKey],[$Bool],false)}];AH.methods=[{prop:"Public",name:"Public",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[D.PublicKey],false)},{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([D.PrivateKey],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Sign",name:"Sign",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([I.Reader,AI,D.SignerOpts],[AI,$error],false)}];AM.methods=[{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AI],[$Int,$error],false)}];N.init([{prop:"Inverse",name:"Inverse",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AF],[AF],false)}]);O.init([{prop:"CombinedMult",name:"CombinedMult",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AF,AF,AI,AI],[AF,AF],false)}]);P.init("",[{prop:"Curve",name:"Curve",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:B.Curve,tag:""},{prop:"X",name:"X",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AF,tag:""},{prop:"Y",name:"Y",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AF,tag:""}]);Q.init("",[{prop:"PublicKey",name:"PublicKey",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:P,tag:""},{prop:"D",name:"D",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AF,tag:""}]);AD.init("",[{prop:"Reader",name:"Reader",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:I.Reader,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=D.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=G.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=H.$init();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=I.$init();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=J.$init();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=K.$init();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}R=new C.Int.ptr(false,C.nat.nil).SetInt64(new $Int64(0,1));W=H.New("zero parameter");AE=new AD.ptr($ifaceNil);}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,C,A,D,L,R,S,T,U,V,M,N,Q,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,O,P;B=$packages["crypto/subtle"];C=$packages["encoding/binary"];A=$packages["math/bits"];D=$pkg.uint128=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"field.uint128",true,"crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field",false,function(lo_,hi_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.lo=new $Uint64(0,0);this.hi=new $Uint64(0,0);return;}this.lo=lo_;this.hi=hi_;});L=$pkg.Element=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"field.Element",true,"crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field",true,function(l0_,l1_,l2_,l3_,l4_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.l0=new $Uint64(0,0);this.l1=new $Uint64(0,0);this.l2=new $Uint64(0,0);this.l3=new $Uint64(0,0);this.l4=new $Uint64(0,0);return;}this.l0=l0_;this.l1=l1_;this.l2=l2_;this.l3=l3_;this.l4=l4_;});R=$arrayType($Uint8,32);S=$arrayType($Uint8,8);T=$sliceType($Uint8);U=$ptrType(L);V=$ptrType(R);E=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=A.Mul64(a,b);d=c[0];e=c[1];return new D.ptr(e,d);};F=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;d=A.Mul64(b,c);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=A.Add64(f,a.lo,new $Uint64(0,0));f=g[0];h=g[1];i=A.Add64(e,a.hi,h);e=i[0];return new D.ptr(f,e);};G=function(a){var a,b,c;return(b=$shiftLeft64(a.hi,13),c=$shiftRightUint64(a.lo,51),new $Uint64(b.$high|c.$high,(b.$low|c.$low)>>>0));};H=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=b.l0;e=b.l1;f=b.l2;g=b.l3;h=b.l4;i=c.l0;j=c.l1;k=c.l2;l=c.l3;m=c.l4;n=$mul64(e,new $Uint64(0,19));o=$mul64(f,new $Uint64(0,19));p=$mul64(g,new $Uint64(0,19));q=$mul64(h,new $Uint64(0,19));r=$clone(E(d,i),D);D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),n,m));D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),o,l));D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),p,k));D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),q,j));s=$clone(E(d,j),D);D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),e,i));D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),o,m));D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),p,l));D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),q,k));t=$clone(E(d,k),D);D.copy(t,F($clone(t,D),e,j));D.copy(t,F($clone(t,D),f,i));D.copy(t,F($clone(t,D),p,m));D.copy(t,F($clone(t,D),q,l));u=$clone(E(d,l),D);D.copy(u,F($clone(u,D),e,k));D.copy(u,F($clone(u,D),f,j));D.copy(u,F($clone(u,D),g,i));D.copy(u,F($clone(u,D),q,m));v=$clone(E(d,m),D);D.copy(v,F($clone(v,D),e,l));D.copy(v,F($clone(v,D),f,k));D.copy(v,F($clone(v,D),g,j));D.copy(v,F($clone(v,D),h,i));w=G($clone(r,D));x=G($clone(s,D));y=G($clone(t,D));z=G($clone(u,D));aa=G($clone(v,D));ae=(ab=(ac=r.lo,new $Uint64(ac.$high&524287,(ac.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),ad=$mul64(aa,new $Uint64(0,19)),new $Uint64(ab.$high+ad.$high,ab.$low+ad.$low));ah=(af=(ag=s.lo,new $Uint64(ag.$high&524287,(ag.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(af.$high+w.$high,af.$low+w.$low));ak=(ai=(aj=t.lo,new $Uint64(aj.$high&524287,(aj.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(ai.$high+x.$high,ai.$low+x.$low));an=(al=(am=u.lo,new $Uint64(am.$high&524287,(am.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(al.$high+y.$high,al.$low+y.$low));aq=(ao=(ap=v.lo,new $Uint64(ap.$high&524287,(ap.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(ao.$high+z.$high,ao.$low+z.$low));L.copy(a,new L.ptr(ae,ah,ak,an,aq));a.carryPropagate();};I=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=b.l0;d=b.l1;e=b.l2;f=b.l3;g=b.l4;h=$mul64(c,new $Uint64(0,2));i=$mul64(d,new $Uint64(0,2));j=$mul64(d,new $Uint64(0,38));k=$mul64(e,new $Uint64(0,38));l=$mul64(f,new $Uint64(0,38));m=$mul64(f,new $Uint64(0,19));n=$mul64(g,new $Uint64(0,19));o=$clone(E(c,c),D);D.copy(o,F($clone(o,D),j,g));D.copy(o,F($clone(o,D),k,f));p=$clone(E(h,d),D);D.copy(p,F($clone(p,D),k,g));D.copy(p,F($clone(p,D),m,f));q=$clone(E(h,e),D);D.copy(q,F($clone(q,D),d,d));D.copy(q,F($clone(q,D),l,g));r=$clone(E(h,f),D);D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),i,e));D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),n,g));s=$clone(E(h,g),D);D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),i,f));D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),e,e));t=G($clone(o,D));u=G($clone(p,D));v=G($clone(q,D));w=G($clone(r,D));x=G($clone(s,D));ab=(y=(z=o.lo,new $Uint64(z.$high&524287,(z.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),aa=$mul64(x,new $Uint64(0,19)),new $Uint64(y.$high+aa.$high,y.$low+aa.$low));ae=(ac=(ad=p.lo,new $Uint64(ad.$high&524287,(ad.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(ac.$high+t.$high,ac.$low+t.$low));ah=(af=(ag=q.lo,new $Uint64(ag.$high&524287,(ag.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(af.$high+u.$high,af.$low+u.$low));ak=(ai=(aj=r.lo,new $Uint64(aj.$high&524287,(aj.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(ai.$high+v.$high,ai.$low+v.$low));an=(al=(am=s.lo,new $Uint64(am.$high&524287,(am.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(al.$high+w.$high,al.$low+w.$low));L.copy(a,new L.ptr(ab,ae,ah,ak,an));a.carryPropagate();};L.ptr.prototype.carryPropagateGeneric=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;a=this;b=$shiftRightUint64(a.l0,51);c=$shiftRightUint64(a.l1,51);d=$shiftRightUint64(a.l2,51);e=$shiftRightUint64(a.l3,51);f=$shiftRightUint64(a.l4,51);a.l0=(g=(h=a.l0,new $Uint64(h.$high&524287,(h.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),i=$mul64(f,new $Uint64(0,19)),new $Uint64(g.$high+i.$high,g.$low+i.$low));a.l1=(j=(k=a.l1,new $Uint64(k.$high&524287,(k.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(j.$high+b.$high,j.$low+b.$low));a.l2=(l=(m=a.l2,new $Uint64(m.$high&524287,(m.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(l.$high+c.$high,l.$low+c.$low));a.l3=(n=(o=a.l3,new $Uint64(o.$high&524287,(o.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(n.$high+d.$high,n.$low+d.$low));a.l4=(p=(q=a.l4,new $Uint64(q.$high&524287,(q.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(p.$high+e.$high,p.$low+e.$low));return a;};L.prototype.carryPropagateGeneric=function(){return this.$val.carryPropagateGeneric();};L.ptr.prototype.carryPropagate=function(){var a;a=this;return a.carryPropagateGeneric();};L.prototype.carryPropagate=function(){return this.$val.carryPropagate();};J=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c;H(a,b,c);};K=function(a,b){var a,b;I(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var a;a=this;L.copy(a,M);return a;};L.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};L.ptr.prototype.One=function(){var a;a=this;L.copy(a,N);return a;};L.prototype.One=function(){return this.$val.One();};L.ptr.prototype.reduce=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v;a=this;a.carryPropagate();c=$shiftRightUint64(((b=a.l0,new $Uint64(b.$high+0,b.$low+19))),51);c=$shiftRightUint64(((d=a.l1,new $Uint64(d.$high+c.$high,d.$low+c.$low))),51);c=$shiftRightUint64(((e=a.l2,new $Uint64(e.$high+c.$high,e.$low+c.$low))),51);c=$shiftRightUint64(((f=a.l3,new $Uint64(f.$high+c.$high,f.$low+c.$low))),51);c=$shiftRightUint64(((g=a.l4,new $Uint64(g.$high+c.$high,g.$low+c.$low))),51);a.l0=(h=a.l0,i=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,19),c),new $Uint64(h.$high+i.$high,h.$low+i.$low));a.l1=(j=a.l1,k=$shiftRightUint64(a.l0,51),new $Uint64(j.$high+k.$high,j.$low+k.$low));a.l0=(l=a.l0,new $Uint64(l.$high&524287,(l.$low&4294967295)>>>0));a.l2=(m=a.l2,n=$shiftRightUint64(a.l1,51),new $Uint64(m.$high+n.$high,m.$low+n.$low));a.l1=(o=a.l1,new $Uint64(o.$high&524287,(o.$low&4294967295)>>>0));a.l3=(p=a.l3,q=$shiftRightUint64(a.l2,51),new $Uint64(p.$high+q.$high,p.$low+q.$low));a.l2=(r=a.l2,new $Uint64(r.$high&524287,(r.$low&4294967295)>>>0));a.l4=(s=a.l4,t=$shiftRightUint64(a.l3,51),new $Uint64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low));a.l3=(u=a.l3,new $Uint64(u.$high&524287,(u.$low&4294967295)>>>0));a.l4=(v=a.l4,new $Uint64(v.$high&524287,(v.$low&4294967295)>>>0));return a;};L.prototype.reduce=function(){return this.$val.reduce();};L.ptr.prototype.Add=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;c=this;c.l0=(d=a.l0,e=b.l0,new $Uint64(d.$high+e.$high,d.$low+e.$low));c.l1=(f=a.l1,g=b.l1,new $Uint64(f.$high+g.$high,f.$low+g.$low));c.l2=(h=a.l2,i=b.l2,new $Uint64(h.$high+i.$high,h.$low+i.$low));c.l3=(j=a.l3,k=b.l3,new $Uint64(j.$high+k.$high,j.$low+k.$low));c.l4=(l=a.l4,m=b.l4,new $Uint64(l.$high+m.$high,l.$low+m.$low));return c.carryPropagateGeneric();};L.prototype.Add=function(a,b){return this.$val.Add(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.Subtract=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;c=this;c.l0=(d=(e=a.l0,new $Uint64(e.$high+1048575,e.$low+4294967258)),f=b.l0,new $Uint64(d.$high-f.$high,d.$low-f.$low));c.l1=(g=(h=a.l1,new $Uint64(h.$high+1048575,h.$low+4294967294)),i=b.l1,new $Uint64(g.$high-i.$high,g.$low-i.$low));c.l2=(j=(k=a.l2,new $Uint64(k.$high+1048575,k.$low+4294967294)),l=b.l2,new $Uint64(j.$high-l.$high,j.$low-l.$low));c.l3=(m=(n=a.l3,new $Uint64(n.$high+1048575,n.$low+4294967294)),o=b.l3,new $Uint64(m.$high-o.$high,m.$low-o.$low));c.l4=(p=(q=a.l4,new $Uint64(q.$high+1048575,q.$low+4294967294)),r=b.l4,new $Uint64(p.$high-r.$high,p.$low-r.$low));return c.carryPropagate();};L.prototype.Subtract=function(a,b){return this.$val.Subtract(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.Negate=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return b.Subtract(M,a);};L.prototype.Negate=function(a){return this.$val.Negate(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Invert=function(a){var a,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=this;c=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));d=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));e=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));f=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));i=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));j=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));k=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));l=$clone(c,L);m=$clone(d,L);n=$clone(e,L);o=$clone(f,L);p=$clone(g,L);q=$clone(h,L);r=$clone(i,L);s=$clone(j,L);t=$clone(k,L);l.Square(a);t.Square(l);t.Square(t);m.Multiply(t,a);n.Multiply(m,l);t.Square(n);o.Multiply(t,m);t.Square(o);u=0;while(true){if(!(u<4)){break;}t.Square(t);u=u+(1)>>0;}p.Multiply(t,o);t.Square(p);v=0;while(true){if(!(v<9)){break;}t.Square(t);v=v+(1)>>0;}q.Multiply(t,p);t.Square(q);w=0;while(true){if(!(w<19)){break;}t.Square(t);w=w+(1)>>0;}t.Multiply(t,q);t.Square(t);x=0;while(true){if(!(x<9)){break;}t.Square(t);x=x+(1)>>0;}r.Multiply(t,p);t.Square(r);y=0;while(true){if(!(y<49)){break;}t.Square(t);y=y+(1)>>0;}s.Multiply(t,r);t.Square(s);z=0;while(true){if(!(z<99)){break;}t.Square(t);z=z+(1)>>0;}t.Multiply(t,s);t.Square(t);aa=0;while(true){if(!(aa<49)){break;}t.Square(t);aa=aa+(1)>>0;}t.Multiply(t,r);t.Square(t);t.Square(t);t.Square(t);t.Square(t);t.Square(t);return b.Multiply(t,n);};L.prototype.Invert=function(a){return this.$val.Invert(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Set=function(a){var a,b;b=this;L.copy(b,a);return b;};L.prototype.Set=function(a){return this.$val.Set(a);};L.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;b=this;if(!((a.$length===32))){$panic(new $String("edwards25519: invalid field element input size"));}b.l0=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,0,8));b.l0=(c=b.l0,d=new $Uint64(524287,4294967295),new $Uint64(c.$high&d.$high,(c.$low&d.$low)>>>0));b.l1=$shiftRightUint64($clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,6,14)),3);b.l1=(e=b.l1,f=new $Uint64(524287,4294967295),new $Uint64(e.$high&f.$high,(e.$low&f.$low)>>>0));b.l2=$shiftRightUint64($clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,12,20)),6);b.l2=(g=b.l2,h=new $Uint64(524287,4294967295),new $Uint64(g.$high&h.$high,(g.$low&h.$low)>>>0));b.l3=$shiftRightUint64($clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,19,27)),1);b.l3=(i=b.l3,j=new $Uint64(524287,4294967295),new $Uint64(i.$high&j.$high,(i.$low&j.$low)>>>0));b.l4=$shiftRightUint64($clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,24,32)),12);b.l4=(k=b.l4,l=new $Uint64(524287,4294967295),new $Uint64(k.$high&l.$high,(k.$low&l.$low)>>>0));return b;};L.prototype.SetBytes=function(a){return this.$val.SetBytes(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=R.zero();return a.bytes(b);};L.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};L.ptr.prototype.bytes=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;b=this;c=$clone(b,L);c.reduce();d=S.zero();e=$toNativeArray($kindUint64,[c.l0,c.l1,c.l2,c.l3,c.l4]);f=0;while(true){if(!(f<5)){break;}g=f;h=((f<0||f>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[f]);i=$imul(g,51);$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).PutUint64(new T(d),$shiftLeft64(h,(((j=i%8,j===j?j:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>>0))));k=d;l=0;while(true){if(!(l<8)){break;}m=l;n=((l<0||l>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[l]);p=(o=i/8,(o===o&&o!==1/0&&o!==-1/0)?o>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+m>>0;if(p>=32){break;}(r=a,((p<0||p>=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[p]=(((q=a,((p<0||p>=q.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q[p]))|(n))>>>0)));l++;}f++;}return new T(a);};L.prototype.bytes=function(a){return this.$val.bytes(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=a.Bytes();d=b.Bytes();e=c;f=d;return B.ConstantTimeCompare(e,f);};L.prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$val.Equal(a);};O=function(a){var a,b,c;return(b=(c=(new $Uint64(0,a)),new $Uint64(c.$high-0,c.$low-1)),new $Uint64(~b.$high,~b.$low>>>0));};L.ptr.prototype.Select=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=this;e=O(c);d.l0=(f=(g=a.l0,new $Uint64(e.$high&g.$high,(e.$low&g.$low)>>>0)),h=(i=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),j=b.l0,new $Uint64(i.$high&j.$high,(i.$low&j.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(f.$high|h.$high,(f.$low|h.$low)>>>0));d.l1=(k=(l=a.l1,new $Uint64(e.$high&l.$high,(e.$low&l.$low)>>>0)),m=(n=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),o=b.l1,new $Uint64(n.$high&o.$high,(n.$low&o.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(k.$high|m.$high,(k.$low|m.$low)>>>0));d.l2=(p=(q=a.l2,new $Uint64(e.$high&q.$high,(e.$low&q.$low)>>>0)),r=(s=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),t=b.l2,new $Uint64(s.$high&t.$high,(s.$low&t.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(p.$high|r.$high,(p.$low|r.$low)>>>0));d.l3=(u=(v=a.l3,new $Uint64(e.$high&v.$high,(e.$low&v.$low)>>>0)),w=(x=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),y=b.l3,new $Uint64(x.$high&y.$high,(x.$low&y.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(u.$high|w.$high,(u.$low|w.$low)>>>0));d.l4=(z=(aa=a.l4,new $Uint64(e.$high&aa.$high,(e.$low&aa.$low)>>>0)),ab=(ac=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),ad=b.l4,new $Uint64(ac.$high&ad.$high,(ac.$low&ad.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(z.$high|ab.$high,(z.$low|ab.$low)>>>0));return d;};L.prototype.Select=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.Select(a,b,c);};L.ptr.prototype.Swap=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=this;d=O(b);h=(e=(f=c.l0,g=a.l0,new $Uint64(f.$high^g.$high,(f.$low^g.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high&e.$high,(d.$low&e.$low)>>>0));c.l0=(i=c.l0,j=h,new $Uint64(i.$high^j.$high,(i.$low^j.$low)>>>0));a.l0=(k=a.l0,l=h,new $Uint64(k.$high^l.$high,(k.$low^l.$low)>>>0));h=(m=(n=c.l1,o=a.l1,new $Uint64(n.$high^o.$high,(n.$low^o.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high&m.$high,(d.$low&m.$low)>>>0));c.l1=(p=c.l1,q=h,new $Uint64(p.$high^q.$high,(p.$low^q.$low)>>>0));a.l1=(r=a.l1,s=h,new $Uint64(r.$high^s.$high,(r.$low^s.$low)>>>0));h=(t=(u=c.l2,v=a.l2,new $Uint64(u.$high^v.$high,(u.$low^v.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high&t.$high,(d.$low&t.$low)>>>0));c.l2=(w=c.l2,x=h,new $Uint64(w.$high^x.$high,(w.$low^x.$low)>>>0));a.l2=(y=a.l2,z=h,new $Uint64(y.$high^z.$high,(y.$low^z.$low)>>>0));h=(aa=(ab=c.l3,ac=a.l3,new $Uint64(ab.$high^ac.$high,(ab.$low^ac.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high&aa.$high,(d.$low&aa.$low)>>>0));c.l3=(ad=c.l3,ae=h,new $Uint64(ad.$high^ae.$high,(ad.$low^ae.$low)>>>0));a.l3=(af=a.l3,ag=h,new $Uint64(af.$high^ag.$high,(af.$low^ag.$low)>>>0));h=(ah=(ai=c.l4,aj=a.l4,new $Uint64(ai.$high^aj.$high,(ai.$low^aj.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high&ah.$high,(d.$low&ah.$low)>>>0));c.l4=(ak=c.l4,al=h,new $Uint64(ak.$high^al.$high,(ak.$low^al.$low)>>>0));a.l4=(am=a.l4,an=h,new $Uint64(am.$high^an.$high,(am.$low^an.$low)>>>0));};L.prototype.Swap=function(a,b){return this.$val.Swap(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.IsNegative=function(){var a,b;a=this;return(((((b=a.Bytes(),(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]))&1)>>>0)>>0));};L.prototype.IsNegative=function(){return this.$val.IsNegative();};L.ptr.prototype.Absolute=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return b.Select(new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)).Negate(a),a,a.IsNegative());};L.prototype.Absolute=function(a){return this.$val.Absolute(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Multiply=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;J(c,a,b);return c;};L.prototype.Multiply=function(a,b){return this.$val.Multiply(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.Square=function(a){var a,b;b=this;K(b,a);return b;};L.prototype.Square=function(a){return this.$val.Square(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Mult32=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;c=this;d=P(a.l0,b);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=P(a.l1,b);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=P(a.l2,b);k=j[0];l=j[1];m=P(a.l3,b);n=m[0];o=m[1];p=P(a.l4,b);q=p[0];r=p[1];c.l0=(s=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,19),r),new $Uint64(e.$high+s.$high,e.$low+s.$low));c.l1=new $Uint64(h.$high+f.$high,h.$low+f.$low);c.l2=new $Uint64(k.$high+i.$high,k.$low+i.$low);c.l3=new $Uint64(n.$high+l.$high,n.$low+l.$low);c.l4=new $Uint64(q.$high+o.$high,q.$low+o.$low);return c;};L.prototype.Mult32=function(a,b){return this.$val.Mult32(a,b);};P=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=new 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$Uint64(0,0)));g=0;while(true){if(!(g<7)){break;}(h=d.points,i=g+1>>0,((i<0||i>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[i])).FromP3(e.fromP1xP1(f.Add(c,(j=d.points,((g<0||g>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[g])))));g=g+(1)>>0;}};F.prototype.FromP3=function(c){return this.$val.FromP3(c);};G.ptr.prototype.FromP3=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;d=this;d.points[0].FromP3(c);e=new Z.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),AT.zero());f=new X.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new 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$Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),AT.zero());e.Add(c,c);f=new Z.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),AT.zero());g=new X.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));h=0;while(true){if(!(h<7)){break;}(i=d.points,j=h+1>>0,((j<0||j>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[j])).FromP3(f.fromP1xP1(g.Add(e,(k=d.points,((h<0||h>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[h])))));h=h+(1)>>0;}};H.prototype.FromP3=function(c){return this.$val.FromP3(c);};I.ptr.prototype.FromP3=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;d=this;d.points[0].FromP3(c);e=new Z.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),AT.zero());e.Add(c,c);f=new Z.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),AT.zero());g=new X.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));h=0;while(true){if(!(h<63)){break;}(i=d.points,j=h+1>>0,((j<0||j>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));j=new Y.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));d.Set(AF());k=1;while(true){if(!(k<64)){break;}(l=f,m=(n=k/2,(n===n&&n!==1/0&&n!==-1/0)?n>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),((m<0||m>=l.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));i=new X.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));j=new Y.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));f.SelectInto(h,g[63]);e.Set(AF());i.Add(e,h);k=62;while(true){if(!(k>=0)){break;}j.FromP1xP1(i);i.Double(j);j.FromP1xP1(i);i.Double(j);j.FromP1xP1(i);i.Double(j);j.FromP1xP1(i);i.Double(j);e.fromP1xP1(i);f.SelectInto(h,((k<0||k>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[k]));i.Add(e,h);k=k-(1)>>0;}e.fromP1xP1(i);return e;};Z.prototype.ScalarMult=function(c,d){return this.$val.ScalarMult(c,d);};L=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=M.initOnce.Do((function(){M.table.FromP3(AH());}));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return M.table;}return;}var $f={$blk:L,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};Z.ptr.prototype.VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult=function(c,d,e){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;AB(new AW([d]));g=L();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=new H.ptr(AX.zero());i.FromP3(d);j=$clone(c.nonAdjacentForm(5),AY);k=$clone(e.nonAdjacentForm(8),AY);l=255;m=l;while(true){if(!(m>=0)){break;}if(!((((m<0||m>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[m])===0))||!((((m<0||m>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[m])===0))){break;}m=m-(1)>>0;}n=new AC.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));o=new AD.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));p=new X.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));q=new Y.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)));q.Zero();while(true){if(!(l>=0)){break;}p.Double(q);if(((l<0||l>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[l])>0){f.fromP1xP1(p);i.SelectInto(n,((l<0||l>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[l]));p.Add(f,n);}else if(((l<0||l>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[l])<0){f.fromP1xP1(p);i.SelectInto(n,-((l<0||l>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[l]));p.Sub(f,n);}if(((l<0||l>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[l])>0){f.fromP1xP1(p);h.SelectInto(o,((l<0||l>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[l]));p.AddAffine(f,o);}else if(((l<0||l>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[l])<0){f.fromP1xP1(p);h.SelectInto(o,-((l<0||l>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[l]));p.SubAffine(f,o);}q.FromP1xP1(p);l=l-(1)>>0;}f.fromP2(q);$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult(c,d,e);};R=function(){return new N.ptr(AZ.zero());};$pkg.NewScalar=R;N.ptr.prototype.MultiplyAdd=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f;f=this;V(f.s,c.s,d.s,e.s);return f;};N.prototype.MultiplyAdd=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.MultiplyAdd(c,d,e);};N.ptr.prototype.Add=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;V(e.s,P.s,c.s,d.s);return e;};N.prototype.Add=function(c,d){return this.$val.Add(c,d);};N.ptr.prototype.Subtract=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;V(e.s,Q.s,d.s,c.s);return e;};N.prototype.Subtract=function(c,d){return this.$val.Subtract(c,d);};N.ptr.prototype.Negate=function(c){var c,d;d=this;V(d.s,Q.s,c.s,O.s);return d;};N.prototype.Negate=function(c){return this.$val.Negate(c);};N.ptr.prototype.Multiply=function(c,d){var c,d,e;e=this;V(e.s,c.s,d.s,O.s);return e;};N.prototype.Multiply=function(c,d){return this.$val.Multiply(c,d);};N.ptr.prototype.Set=function(c){var c,d;d=this;N.copy(d,c);return d;};N.prototype.Set=function(c){return this.$val.Set(c);};N.ptr.prototype.SetUniformBytes=function(c){var c,d,e;d=this;if(!((c.$length===64))){$panic(new $String("edwards25519: invalid SetUniformBytes input length"));}e=BA.zero();$copySlice(new AR(e),c);W(d.s,e);return d;};N.prototype.SetUniformBytes=function(c){return this.$val.SetUniformBytes(c);};N.ptr.prototype.SetCanonicalBytes=function(c){var c,d,e;d=this;if(!((c.$length===32))){return[BB.nil,D.New("invalid scalar length")];}e=new N.ptr(AZ.zero());$copySlice(new AR(e.s),c);if(!S(e)){return[BB.nil,D.New("invalid scalar encoding")];}AZ.copy(d.s,e.s);return[d,$ifaceNil];};N.prototype.SetCanonicalBytes=function(c){return this.$val.SetCanonicalBytes(c);};S=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h;d=31;while(true){if(!(d>=0)){break;}if((e=c.s,((d<0||d>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[d]))>(f=Q.s,((d<0||d>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[d]))){return false;}else if((g=c.s,((d<0||d>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[d]))<(h=Q.s,((d<0||d>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[d]))){return true;}d=d-(1)>>0;}return true;};N.ptr.prototype.SetBytesWithClamping=function(c){var c,d,e;d=this;if(!((c.$length===32))){$panic(new $String("edwards25519: invalid SetBytesWithClamping input length"));}e=BA.zero();$copySlice(new AR(e),c);e[0]=((e[0]&(248))>>>0);e[31]=((e[31]&(63))>>>0);e[31]=((e[31]|(64))>>>0);W(d.s,e);return d;};N.prototype.SetBytesWithClamping=function(c){return this.$val.SetBytesWithClamping(c);};N.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var c,d;c=this;d=$makeSlice(AR,32);$copySlice(d,new AR(c.s));return d;};N.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};N.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(c){var c,d;d=this;return A.ConstantTimeCompare(new AR(d.s),new AR(c.s));};N.prototype.Equal=function(c){return this.$val.Equal(c);};T=function(c){var c,d,e,f;d=(new $Int64(0,(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])));d=(e=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]))),8),new $Int64(d.$high|e.$high,(d.$low|e.$low)>>>0));d=(f=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(2>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+2]))),16),new $Int64(d.$high|f.$high,(d.$low|f.$low)>>>0));return d;};U=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g;d=(new $Int64(0,(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])));d=(e=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1]))),8),new $Int64(d.$high|e.$high,(d.$low|e.$low)>>>0));d=(f=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(2>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+2]))),16),new $Int64(d.$high|f.$high,(d.$low|f.$low)>>>0));d=(g=$shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0,(3>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+3]))),24),new $Int64(d.$high|g.$high,(d.$low|g.$low)>>>0));return d;};V=function(c,d,e,f){var 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AR(d)),new $Int64(0&g.$high,(2097151&g.$low)>>>0));j=(i=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),2)),5),new $Int64(0&i.$high,(2097151&i.$low)>>>0));l=(k=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),5)),2),new $Int64(0&k.$high,(2097151&k.$low)>>>0));n=(m=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),7)),7),new $Int64(0&m.$high,(2097151&m.$low)>>>0));p=(o=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),10)),4),new $Int64(0&o.$high,(2097151&o.$low)>>>0));r=(q=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),13)),1),new $Int64(0&q.$high,(2097151&q.$low)>>>0));t=(s=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),15)),6),new $Int64(0&s.$high,(2097151&s.$low)>>>0));v=(u=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),18)),3),new $Int64(0&u.$high,(2097151&u.$low)>>>0));x=(w=T($subslice(new AR(d),21)),new $Int64(0&w.$high,(2097151&w.$low)>>>0));z=(y=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),23)),5),new $Int64(0&y.$high,(2097151&y.$low)>>>0));ab=(aa=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),26)),2),new $Int64(0&aa.$high,(2097151&aa.$low)>>>0));ac=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),28)),7);ae=(ad=T(new AR(e)),new $Int64(0&ad.$high,(2097151&ad.$low)>>>0));ag=(af=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(e),2)),5),new $Int64(0&af.$high,(2097151&af.$low)>>>0));ai=(ah=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(e),5)),2),new $Int64(0&ah.$high,(2097151&ah.$low)>>>0));ak=(aj=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(e),7)),7),new $Int64(0&aj.$high,(2097151&aj.$low)>>>0));am=(al=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(e),10)),4),new $Int64(0&al.$high,(2097151&al.$low)>>>0));ao=(an=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(e),13)),1),new $Int64(0&an.$high,(2097151&an.$low)>>>0));aq=(ap=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(e),15)),6),new $Int64(0&ap.$high,(2097151&ap.$low)>>>0));as=(ar=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(e),18)),3),new $Int64(0&ar.$high,(2097151&ar.$low)>>>0));au=(at=T($subslice(new AR(e),21)),new $Int64(0&at.$high,(2097151&at.$low)>>>0));aw=(av=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(e),23)),5),new $Int64(0&av.$high,(2097151&av.$low)>>>0));ay=(ax=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(e),26)),2),new $Int64(0&ax.$high,(2097151&ax.$low)>>>0));az=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(e),28)),7);bb=(ba=T(new AR(f)),new $Int64(0&ba.$high,(2097151&ba.$low)>>>0));bd=(bc=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(f),2)),5),new $Int64(0&bc.$high,(2097151&bc.$low)>>>0));bf=(be=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(f),5)),2),new $Int64(0&be.$high,(2097151&be.$low)>>>0));bh=(bg=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(f),7)),7),new $Int64(0&bg.$high,(2097151&bg.$low)>>>0));bj=(bi=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(f),10)),4),new $Int64(0&bi.$high,(2097151&bi.$low)>>>0));bl=(bk=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(f),13)),1),new $Int64(0&bk.$high,(2097151&bk.$low)>>>0));bn=(bm=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(f),15)),6),new $Int64(0&bm.$high,(2097151&bm.$low)>>>0));bp=(bo=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(f),18)),3),new $Int64(0&bo.$high,(2097151&bo.$low)>>>0));br=(bq=T($subslice(new AR(f),21)),new $Int64(0&bq.$high,(2097151&bq.$low)>>>0));bt=(bs=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(f),23)),5),new $Int64(0&bs.$high,(2097151&bs.$low)>>>0));bv=(bu=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(f),26)),2),new $Int64(0&bu.$high,(2097151&bu.$low)>>>0));bw=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(f),28)),7);bx=BC.zero();bz=(by=$mul64(h,ae),new $Int64(bb.$high+by.$high,bb.$low+by.$low));cd=(ca=(cb=$mul64(h,ag),new $Int64(bd.$high+cb.$high,bd.$low+cb.$low)),cc=$mul64(j,ae),new $Int64(ca.$high+cc.$high,ca.$low+cc.$low));cj=(ce=(cf=(cg=$mul64(h,ai),new $Int64(bf.$high+cg.$high,bf.$low+cg.$low)),ch=$mul64(j,ag),new $Int64(cf.$high+ch.$high,cf.$low+ch.$low)),ci=$mul64(l,ae),new $Int64(ce.$high+ci.$high,ce.$low+ci.$low));cr=(ck=(cl=(cm=(cn=$mul64(h,ak),new $Int64(bh.$high+cn.$high,bh.$low+cn.$low)),co=$mul64(j,ai),new $Int64(cm.$high+co.$high,cm.$low+co.$low)),cp=$mul64(l,ag),new $Int64(cl.$high+cp.$high,cl.$low+cp.$low)),cq=$mul64(n,ae),new $Int64(ck.$high+cq.$high,ck.$low+cq.$low));db=(cs=(ct=(cu=(cv=(cw=$mul64(h,am),new $Int64(bj.$high+cw.$high,bj.$low+cw.$low)),cx=$mul64(j,ak),new $Int64(cv.$high+cx.$high,cv.$low+cx.$low)),cy=$mul64(l,ai),new $Int64(cu.$high+cy.$high,cu.$low+cy.$low)),cz=$mul64(n,ag),new $Int64(ct.$high+cz.$high,ct.$low+cz.$low)),da=$mul64(p,ae),new $Int64(cs.$high+da.$high,cs.$low+da.$low));dn=(dc=(dd=(de=(df=(dg=(dh=$mul64(h,ao),new $Int64(bl.$high+dh.$high,bl.$low+dh.$low)),di=$mul64(j,am),new $Int64(dg.$high+di.$high,dg.$low+di.$low)),dj=$mul64(l,ak),new $Int64(df.$high+dj.$high,df.$low+dj.$low)),dk=$mul64(n,ai),new $Int64(de.$high+dk.$high,de.$low+dk.$low)),dl=$mul64(p,ag),new $Int64(dd.$high+dl.$high,dd.$low+dl.$low)),dm=$mul64(r,ae),new $Int64(dc.$high+dm.$high,dc.$low+dm.$low));ec=(dp=(dq=(dr=(ds=(dt=(du=(dv=$mul64(h,aq),new $Int64(bn.$high+dv.$high,bn.$low+dv.$low)),dw=$mul64(j,ao),new $Int64(du.$high+dw.$high,du.$low+dw.$low)),dx=$mul64(l,am),new $Int64(dt.$high+dx.$high,dt.$low+dx.$low)),dy=$mul64(n,ak),new $Int64(ds.$high+dy.$high,ds.$low+dy.$low)),dz=$mul64(p,ai),new $Int64(dr.$high+dz.$high,dr.$low+dz.$low)),ea=$mul64(r,ag),new $Int64(dq.$high+ea.$high,dq.$low+ea.$low)),eb=$mul64(t,ae),new $Int64(dp.$high+eb.$high,dp.$low+eb.$low));es=(ed=(ee=(ef=(eg=(eh=(ei=(ej=(ek=$mul64(h,as),new $Int64(bp.$high+ek.$high,bp.$low+ek.$low)),el=$mul64(j,aq),new $Int64(ej.$high+el.$high,ej.$low+el.$low)),em=$mul64(l,ao),new $Int64(ei.$high+em.$high,ei.$low+em.$low)),en=$mul64(n,am),new $Int64(eh.$high+en.$high,eh.$low+en.$low)),eo=$mul64(p,ak),new $Int64(eg.$high+eo.$high,eg.$low+eo.$low)),ep=$mul64(r,ai),new $Int64(ef.$high+ep.$high,ef.$low+ep.$low)),eq=$mul64(t,ag),new $Int64(ee.$high+eq.$high,ee.$low+eq.$low)),er=$mul64(v,ae),new $Int64(ed.$high+er.$high,ed.$low+er.$low));fk=(et=(eu=(ev=(ew=(ex=(ey=(ez=(fa=(fb=$mul64(h,au),new $Int64(br.$high+fb.$high,br.$low+fb.$low)),fc=$mul64(j,as),new $Int64(fa.$high+fc.$high,fa.$low+fc.$low)),fd=$mul64(l,aq),new $Int64(ez.$high+fd.$high,ez.$low+fd.$low)),fe=$mul64(n,ao),new $Int64(ey.$high+fe.$high,ey.$low+fe.$low)),ff=$mul64(p,am),new $Int64(ex.$high+ff.$high,ex.$low+ff.$low)),fg=$mul64(r,ak),new $Int64(ew.$high+fg.$high,ew.$low+fg.$low)),fh=$mul64(t,ai),new $Int64(ev.$high+fh.$high,ev.$low+fh.$low)),fi=$mul64(v,ag),new $Int64(eu.$high+fi.$high,eu.$low+fi.$low)),fj=$mul64(x,ae),new $Int64(et.$high+fj.$high,et.$low+fj.$low));ge=(fl=(fm=(fn=(fo=(fp=(fq=(fr=(fs=(ft=(fu=$mul64(h,aw),new $Int64(bt.$high+fu.$high,bt.$low+fu.$low)),fv=$mul64(j,au),new $Int64(ft.$high+fv.$high,ft.$low+fv.$low)),fw=$mul64(l,as),new $Int64(fs.$high+fw.$high,fs.$low+fw.$low)),fx=$mul64(n,aq),new $Int64(fr.$high+fx.$high,fr.$low+fx.$low)),fy=$mul64(p,ao),new $Int64(fq.$high+fy.$high,fq.$low+fy.$low)),fz=$mul64(r,am),new $Int64(fp.$high+fz.$high,fp.$low+fz.$low)),ga=$mul64(t,ak),new $Int64(fo.$high+ga.$high,fo.$low+ga.$low)),gb=$mul64(v,ai),new $Int64(fn.$high+gb.$high,fn.$low+gb.$low)),gc=$mul64(x,ag),new $Int64(fm.$high+gc.$high,fm.$low+gc.$low)),gd=$mul64(z,ae),new $Int64(fl.$high+gd.$high,fl.$low+gd.$low));ha=(gf=(gg=(gh=(gi=(gj=(gk=(gl=(gm=(gn=(go=(gp=$mul64(h,ay),new $Int64(bv.$high+gp.$high,bv.$low+gp.$low)),gq=$mul64(j,aw),new $Int64(go.$high+gq.$high,go.$low+gq.$low)),gr=$mul64(l,au),new $Int64(gn.$high+gr.$high,gn.$low+gr.$low)),gs=$mul64(n,as),new $Int64(gm.$high+gs.$high,gm.$low+gs.$low)),gt=$mul64(p,aq),new $Int64(gl.$high+gt.$high,gl.$low+gt.$low)),gu=$mul64(r,ao),new $Int64(gk.$high+gu.$high,gk.$low+gu.$low)),gv=$mul64(t,am),new $Int64(gj.$high+gv.$high,gj.$low+gv.$low)),gw=$mul64(v,ak),new $Int64(gi.$high+gw.$high,gi.$low+gw.$low)),gx=$mul64(x,ai),new $Int64(gh.$high+gx.$high,gh.$low+gx.$low)),gy=$mul64(z,ag),new $Int64(gg.$high+gy.$high,gg.$low+gy.$low)),gz=$mul64(ab,ae),new $Int64(gf.$high+gz.$high,gf.$low+gz.$low));hy=(hb=(hc=(hd=(he=(hf=(hg=(hh=(hi=(hj=(hk=(hl=(hm=$mul64(h,az),new $Int64(bw.$high+hm.$high,bw.$low+hm.$low)),hn=$mul64(j,ay),new $Int64(hl.$high+hn.$high,hl.$low+hn.$low)),ho=$mul64(l,aw),new $Int64(hk.$high+ho.$high,hk.$low+ho.$low)),hp=$mul64(n,au),new $Int64(hj.$high+hp.$high,hj.$low+hp.$low)),hq=$mul64(p,as),new $Int64(hi.$high+hq.$high,hi.$low+hq.$low)),hr=$mul64(r,aq),new $Int64(hh.$high+hr.$high,hh.$low+hr.$low)),hs=$mul64(t,ao),new $Int64(hg.$high+hs.$high,hg.$low+hs.$low)),ht=$mul64(v,am),new $Int64(hf.$high+ht.$high,hf.$low+ht.$low)),hu=$mul64(x,ak),new $Int64(he.$high+hu.$high,he.$low+hu.$low)),hv=$mul64(z,ai),new $Int64(hd.$high+hv.$high,hd.$low+hv.$low)),hw=$mul64(ab,ag),new $Int64(hc.$high+hw.$high,hc.$low+hw.$low)),hx=$mul64(ac,ae),new $Int64(hb.$high+hx.$high,hb.$low+hx.$low));iv=(hz=(ia=(ib=(ic=(id=(ie=(ig=(ih=(ii=(ij=$mul64(j,az),ik=$mul64(l,ay),new $Int64(ij.$high+ik.$high,ij.$low+ik.$low)),il=$mul64(n,aw),new $Int64(ii.$high+il.$high,ii.$low+il.$low)),im=$mul64(p,au),new $Int64(ih.$high+im.$high,ih.$low+im.$low)),io=$mul64(r,as),new $Int64(ig.$high+io.$high,ig.$low+io.$low)),ip=$mul64(t,aq),new $Int64(ie.$high+ip.$high,ie.$low+ip.$low)),iq=$mul64(v,ao),new $Int64(id.$high+iq.$high,id.$low+iq.$low)),ir=$mul64(x,am),new $Int64(ic.$high+ir.$high,ic.$low+ir.$low)),is=$mul64(z,ak),new $Int64(ib.$high+is.$high,ib.$low+is.$low)),it=$mul64(ab,ai),new $Int64(ia.$high+it.$high,ia.$low+it.$low)),iu=$mul64(ac,ag),new $Int64(hz.$high+iu.$high,hz.$low+iu.$low));jo=(iw=(ix=(iy=(iz=(ja=(jb=(jc=(jd=(je=$mul64(l,az),jf=$mul64(n,ay),new $Int64(je.$high+jf.$high,je.$low+jf.$low)),jg=$mul64(p,aw),new $Int64(jd.$high+jg.$high,jd.$low+jg.$low)),jh=$mul64(r,au),new $Int64(jc.$high+jh.$high,jc.$low+jh.$low)),ji=$mul64(t,as),new $Int64(jb.$high+ji.$high,jb.$low+ji.$low)),jj=$mul64(v,aq),new $Int64(ja.$high+jj.$high,ja.$low+jj.$low)),jk=$mul64(x,ao),new $Int64(iz.$high+jk.$high,iz.$low+jk.$low)),jl=$mul64(z,am),new $Int64(iy.$high+jl.$high,iy.$low+jl.$low)),jm=$mul64(ab,ak),new $Int64(ix.$high+jm.$high,ix.$low+jm.$low)),jn=$mul64(ac,ai),new $Int64(iw.$high+jn.$high,iw.$low+jn.$low));kf=(jp=(jq=(jr=(js=(jt=(ju=(jv=(jw=$mul64(n,az),jx=$mul64(p,ay),new $Int64(jw.$high+jx.$high,jw.$low+jx.$low)),jy=$mul64(r,aw),new $Int64(jv.$high+jy.$high,jv.$low+jy.$low)),jz=$mul64(t,au),new $Int64(ju.$high+jz.$high,ju.$low+jz.$low)),ka=$mul64(v,as),new $Int64(jt.$high+ka.$high,jt.$low+ka.$low)),kb=$mul64(x,aq),new $Int64(js.$high+kb.$high,js.$low+kb.$low)),kc=$mul64(z,ao),new $Int64(jr.$high+kc.$high,jr.$low+kc.$low)),kd=$mul64(ab,am),new $Int64(jq.$high+kd.$high,jq.$low+kd.$low)),ke=$mul64(ac,ak),new $Int64(jp.$high+ke.$high,jp.$low+ke.$low));ku=(kg=(kh=(ki=(kj=(kk=(kl=(km=$mul64(p,az),kn=$mul64(r,ay),new $Int64(km.$high+kn.$high,km.$low+kn.$low)),ko=$mul64(t,aw),new $Int64(kl.$high+ko.$high,kl.$low+ko.$low)),kp=$mul64(v,au),new $Int64(kk.$high+kp.$high,kk.$low+kp.$low)),kq=$mul64(x,as),new $Int64(kj.$high+kq.$high,kj.$low+kq.$low)),kr=$mul64(z,aq),new $Int64(ki.$high+kr.$high,ki.$low+kr.$low)),ks=$mul64(ab,ao),new $Int64(kh.$high+ks.$high,kh.$low+ks.$low)),kt=$mul64(ac,am),new $Int64(kg.$high+kt.$high,kg.$low+kt.$low));lh=(kv=(kw=(kx=(ky=(kz=(la=$mul64(r,az),lb=$mul64(t,ay),new $Int64(la.$high+lb.$high,la.$low+lb.$low)),lc=$mul64(v,aw),new $Int64(kz.$high+lc.$high,kz.$low+lc.$low)),ld=$mul64(x,au),new $Int64(ky.$high+ld.$high,ky.$low+ld.$low)),le=$mul64(z,as),new $Int64(kx.$high+le.$high,kx.$low+le.$low)),lf=$mul64(ab,aq),new $Int64(kw.$high+lf.$high,kw.$low+lf.$low)),lg=$mul64(ac,ao),new $Int64(kv.$high+lg.$high,kv.$low+lg.$low));ls=(li=(lj=(lk=(ll=(lm=$mul64(t,az),ln=$mul64(v,ay),new $Int64(lm.$high+ln.$high,lm.$low+ln.$low)),lo=$mul64(x,aw),new $Int64(ll.$high+lo.$high,ll.$low+lo.$low)),lp=$mul64(z,au),new $Int64(lk.$high+lp.$high,lk.$low+lp.$low)),lq=$mul64(ab,as),new $Int64(lj.$high+lq.$high,lj.$low+lq.$low)),lr=$mul64(ac,aq),new $Int64(li.$high+lr.$high,li.$low+lr.$low));mb=(lt=(lu=(lv=(lw=$mul64(v,az),lx=$mul64(x,ay),new $Int64(lw.$high+lx.$high,lw.$low+lx.$low)),ly=$mul64(z,aw),new $Int64(lv.$high+ly.$high,lv.$low+ly.$low)),lz=$mul64(ab,au),new $Int64(lu.$high+lz.$high,lu.$low+lz.$low)),ma=$mul64(ac,as),new $Int64(lt.$high+ma.$high,lt.$low+ma.$low));mi=(mc=(md=(me=$mul64(x,az),mf=$mul64(z,ay),new $Int64(me.$high+mf.$high,me.$low+mf.$low)),mg=$mul64(ab,aw),new $Int64(md.$high+mg.$high,md.$low+mg.$low)),mh=$mul64(ac,au),new $Int64(mc.$high+mh.$high,mc.$low+mh.$low));mn=(mj=(mk=$mul64(z,az),ml=$mul64(ab,ay),new $Int64(mk.$high+ml.$high,mk.$low+ml.$low)),mm=$mul64(ac,aw),new $Int64(mj.$high+mm.$high,mj.$low+mm.$low));mq=(mo=$mul64(ab,az),mp=$mul64(ac,ay),new $Int64(mo.$high+mp.$high,mo.$low+mp.$low));mr=$mul64(ac,az);ms=new $Int64(0,0);bx[0]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(bz.$high+0,bz.$low+1048576)),21);cd=(mt=bx[0],new $Int64(cd.$high+mt.$high,cd.$low+mt.$low));bz=(mu=$shiftLeft64(bx[0],21),new $Int64(bz.$high-mu.$high,bz.$low-mu.$low));bx[2]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(cj.$high+0,cj.$low+1048576)),21);cr=(mv=bx[2],new $Int64(cr.$high+mv.$high,cr.$low+mv.$low));cj=(mw=$shiftLeft64(bx[2],21),new $Int64(cj.$high-mw.$high,cj.$low-mw.$low));bx[4]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(db.$high+0,db.$low+1048576)),21);dn=(mx=bx[4],new $Int64(dn.$high+mx.$high,dn.$low+mx.$low));db=(my=$shiftLeft64(bx[4],21),new $Int64(db.$high-my.$high,db.$low-my.$low));bx[6]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ec.$high+0,ec.$low+1048576)),21);es=(mz=bx[6],new $Int64(es.$high+mz.$high,es.$low+mz.$low));ec=(na=$shiftLeft64(bx[6],21),new $Int64(ec.$high-na.$high,ec.$low-na.$low));bx[8]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(fk.$high+0,fk.$low+1048576)),21);ge=(nb=bx[8],new $Int64(ge.$high+nb.$high,ge.$low+nb.$low));fk=(nc=$shiftLeft64(bx[8],21),new $Int64(fk.$high-nc.$high,fk.$low-nc.$low));bx[10]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ha.$high+0,ha.$low+1048576)),21);hy=(nd=bx[10],new $Int64(hy.$high+nd.$high,hy.$low+nd.$low));ha=(ne=$shiftLeft64(bx[10],21),new $Int64(ha.$high-ne.$high,ha.$low-ne.$low));bx[12]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(iv.$high+0,iv.$low+1048576)),21);jo=(nf=bx[12],new $Int64(jo.$high+nf.$high,jo.$low+nf.$low));iv=(ng=$shiftLeft64(bx[12],21),new $Int64(iv.$high-ng.$high,iv.$low-ng.$low));bx[14]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(kf.$high+0,kf.$low+1048576)),21);ku=(nh=bx[14],new $Int64(ku.$high+nh.$high,ku.$low+nh.$low));kf=(ni=$shiftLeft64(bx[14],21),new $Int64(kf.$high-ni.$high,kf.$low-ni.$low));bx[16]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(lh.$high+0,lh.$low+1048576)),21);ls=(nj=bx[16],new $Int64(ls.$high+nj.$high,ls.$low+nj.$low));lh=(nk=$shiftLeft64(bx[16],21),new $Int64(lh.$high-nk.$high,lh.$low-nk.$low));bx[18]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(mb.$high+0,mb.$low+1048576)),21);mi=(nl=bx[18],new $Int64(mi.$high+nl.$high,mi.$low+nl.$low));mb=(nm=$shiftLeft64(bx[18],21),new $Int64(mb.$high-nm.$high,mb.$low-nm.$low));bx[20]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(mn.$high+0,mn.$low+1048576)),21);mq=(nn=bx[20],new $Int64(mq.$high+nn.$high,mq.$low+nn.$low));mn=(no=$shiftLeft64(bx[20],21),new $Int64(mn.$high-no.$high,mn.$low-no.$low));bx[22]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(mr.$high+0,mr.$low+1048576)),21);ms=(np=bx[22],new $Int64(ms.$high+np.$high,ms.$low+np.$low));mr=(nq=$shiftLeft64(bx[22],21),new $Int64(mr.$high-nq.$high,mr.$low-nq.$low));bx[1]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(cd.$high+0,cd.$low+1048576)),21);cj=(nr=bx[1],new $Int64(cj.$high+nr.$high,cj.$low+nr.$low));cd=(ns=$shiftLeft64(bx[1],21),new $Int64(cd.$high-ns.$high,cd.$low-ns.$low));bx[3]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(cr.$high+0,cr.$low+1048576)),21);db=(nt=bx[3],new $Int64(db.$high+nt.$high,db.$low+nt.$low));cr=(nu=$shiftLeft64(bx[3],21),new $Int64(cr.$high-nu.$high,cr.$low-nu.$low));bx[5]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(dn.$high+0,dn.$low+1048576)),21);ec=(nv=bx[5],new $Int64(ec.$high+nv.$high,ec.$low+nv.$low));dn=(nw=$shiftLeft64(bx[5],21),new $Int64(dn.$high-nw.$high,dn.$low-nw.$low));bx[7]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(es.$high+0,es.$low+1048576)),21);fk=(nx=bx[7],new $Int64(fk.$high+nx.$high,fk.$low+nx.$low));es=(ny=$shiftLeft64(bx[7],21),new $Int64(es.$high-ny.$high,es.$low-ny.$low));bx[9]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ge.$high+0,ge.$low+1048576)),21);ha=(nz=bx[9],new $Int64(ha.$high+nz.$high,ha.$low+nz.$low));ge=(oa=$shiftLeft64(bx[9],21),new $Int64(ge.$high-oa.$high,ge.$low-oa.$low));bx[11]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(hy.$high+0,hy.$low+1048576)),21);iv=(ob=bx[11],new $Int64(iv.$high+ob.$high,iv.$low+ob.$low));hy=(oc=$shiftLeft64(bx[11],21),new $Int64(hy.$high-oc.$high,hy.$low-oc.$low));bx[13]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(jo.$high+0,jo.$low+1048576)),21);kf=(od=bx[13],new $Int64(kf.$high+od.$high,kf.$low+od.$low));jo=(oe=$shiftLeft64(bx[13],21),new $Int64(jo.$high-oe.$high,jo.$low-oe.$low));bx[15]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ku.$high+0,ku.$low+1048576)),21);lh=(of=bx[15],new $Int64(lh.$high+of.$high,lh.$low+of.$low));ku=(og=$shiftLeft64(bx[15],21),new $Int64(ku.$high-og.$high,ku.$low-og.$low));bx[17]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ls.$high+0,ls.$low+1048576)),21);mb=(oh=bx[17],new $Int64(mb.$high+oh.$high,mb.$low+oh.$low));ls=(oi=$shiftLeft64(bx[17],21),new $Int64(ls.$high-oi.$high,ls.$low-oi.$low));bx[19]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(mi.$high+0,mi.$low+1048576)),21);mn=(oj=bx[19],new $Int64(mn.$high+oj.$high,mn.$low+oj.$low));mi=(ok=$shiftLeft64(bx[19],21),new $Int64(mi.$high-ok.$high,mi.$low-ok.$low));bx[21]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(mq.$high+0,mq.$low+1048576)),21);mr=(ol=bx[21],new $Int64(mr.$high+ol.$high,mr.$low+ol.$low));mq=(om=$shiftLeft64(bx[21],21),new $Int64(mq.$high-om.$high,mq.$low-om.$low));hy=(on=$mul64(ms,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(hy.$high+on.$high,hy.$low+on.$low));iv=(oo=$mul64(ms,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(iv.$high+oo.$high,iv.$low+oo.$low));jo=(op=$mul64(ms,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(jo.$high+op.$high,jo.$low+op.$low));kf=(oq=$mul64(ms,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(kf.$high-oq.$high,kf.$low-oq.$low));ku=(or=$mul64(ms,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(ku.$high+or.$high,ku.$low+or.$low));lh=(os=$mul64(ms,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(lh.$high-os.$high,lh.$low-os.$low));ms=new $Int64(0,0);ha=(ot=$mul64(mr,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(ha.$high+ot.$high,ha.$low+ot.$low));hy=(ou=$mul64(mr,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(hy.$high+ou.$high,hy.$low+ou.$low));iv=(ov=$mul64(mr,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(iv.$high+ov.$high,iv.$low+ov.$low));jo=(ow=$mul64(mr,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(jo.$high-ow.$high,jo.$low-ow.$low));kf=(ox=$mul64(mr,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(kf.$high+ox.$high,kf.$low+ox.$low));ku=(oy=$mul64(mr,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(ku.$high-oy.$high,ku.$low-oy.$low));mr=new $Int64(0,0);ge=(oz=$mul64(mq,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(ge.$high+oz.$high,ge.$low+oz.$low));ha=(pa=$mul64(mq,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(ha.$high+pa.$high,ha.$low+pa.$low));hy=(pb=$mul64(mq,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(hy.$high+pb.$high,hy.$low+pb.$low));iv=(pc=$mul64(mq,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(iv.$high-pc.$high,iv.$low-pc.$low));jo=(pd=$mul64(mq,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(jo.$high+pd.$high,jo.$low+pd.$low));kf=(pe=$mul64(mq,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(kf.$high-pe.$high,kf.$low-pe.$low));mq=new $Int64(0,0);fk=(pf=$mul64(mn,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(fk.$high+pf.$high,fk.$low+pf.$low));ge=(pg=$mul64(mn,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(ge.$high+pg.$high,ge.$low+pg.$low));ha=(ph=$mul64(mn,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(ha.$high+ph.$high,ha.$low+ph.$low));hy=(pi=$mul64(mn,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(hy.$high-pi.$high,hy.$low-pi.$low));iv=(pj=$mul64(mn,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(iv.$high+pj.$high,iv.$low+pj.$low));jo=(pk=$mul64(mn,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(jo.$high-pk.$high,jo.$low-pk.$low));mn=new $Int64(0,0);es=(pl=$mul64(mi,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(es.$high+pl.$high,es.$low+pl.$low));fk=(pm=$mul64(mi,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(fk.$high+pm.$high,fk.$low+pm.$low));ge=(pn=$mul64(mi,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(ge.$high+pn.$high,ge.$low+pn.$low));ha=(po=$mul64(mi,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(ha.$high-po.$high,ha.$low-po.$low));hy=(pp=$mul64(mi,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(hy.$high+pp.$high,hy.$low+pp.$low));iv=(pq=$mul64(mi,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(iv.$high-pq.$high,iv.$low-pq.$low));mi=new $Int64(0,0);ec=(pr=$mul64(mb,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(ec.$high+pr.$high,ec.$low+pr.$low));es=(ps=$mul64(mb,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(es.$high+ps.$high,es.$low+ps.$low));fk=(pt=$mul64(mb,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(fk.$high+pt.$high,fk.$low+pt.$low));ge=(pu=$mul64(mb,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(ge.$high-pu.$high,ge.$low-pu.$low));ha=(pv=$mul64(mb,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(ha.$high+pv.$high,ha.$low+pv.$low));hy=(pw=$mul64(mb,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(hy.$high-pw.$high,hy.$low-pw.$low));mb=new $Int64(0,0);bx[6]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ec.$high+0,ec.$low+1048576)),21);es=(px=bx[6],new $Int64(es.$high+px.$high,es.$low+px.$low));ec=(py=$shiftLeft64(bx[6],21),new $Int64(ec.$high-py.$high,ec.$low-py.$low));bx[8]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(fk.$high+0,fk.$low+1048576)),21);ge=(pz=bx[8],new $Int64(ge.$high+pz.$high,ge.$low+pz.$low));fk=(qa=$shiftLeft64(bx[8],21),new $Int64(fk.$high-qa.$high,fk.$low-qa.$low));bx[10]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ha.$high+0,ha.$low+1048576)),21);hy=(qb=bx[10],new $Int64(hy.$high+qb.$high,hy.$low+qb.$low));ha=(qc=$shiftLeft64(bx[10],21),new $Int64(ha.$high-qc.$high,ha.$low-qc.$low));bx[12]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(iv.$high+0,iv.$low+1048576)),21);jo=(qd=bx[12],new $Int64(jo.$high+qd.$high,jo.$low+qd.$low));iv=(qe=$shiftLeft64(bx[12],21),new $Int64(iv.$high-qe.$high,iv.$low-qe.$low));bx[14]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(kf.$high+0,kf.$low+1048576)),21);ku=(qf=bx[14],new $Int64(ku.$high+qf.$high,ku.$low+qf.$low));kf=(qg=$shiftLeft64(bx[14],21),new $Int64(kf.$high-qg.$high,kf.$low-qg.$low));bx[16]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(lh.$high+0,lh.$low+1048576)),21);ls=(qh=bx[16],new $Int64(ls.$high+qh.$high,ls.$low+qh.$low));lh=(qi=$shiftLeft64(bx[16],21),new $Int64(lh.$high-qi.$high,lh.$low-qi.$low));bx[7]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(es.$high+0,es.$low+1048576)),21);fk=(qj=bx[7],new $Int64(fk.$high+qj.$high,fk.$low+qj.$low));es=(qk=$shiftLeft64(bx[7],21),new $Int64(es.$high-qk.$high,es.$low-qk.$low));bx[9]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ge.$high+0,ge.$low+1048576)),21);ha=(ql=bx[9],new $Int64(ha.$high+ql.$high,ha.$low+ql.$low));ge=(qm=$shiftLeft64(bx[9],21),new $Int64(ge.$high-qm.$high,ge.$low-qm.$low));bx[11]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(hy.$high+0,hy.$low+1048576)),21);iv=(qn=bx[11],new $Int64(iv.$high+qn.$high,iv.$low+qn.$low));hy=(qo=$shiftLeft64(bx[11],21),new $Int64(hy.$high-qo.$high,hy.$low-qo.$low));bx[13]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(jo.$high+0,jo.$low+1048576)),21);kf=(qp=bx[13],new $Int64(kf.$high+qp.$high,kf.$low+qp.$low));jo=(qq=$shiftLeft64(bx[13],21),new $Int64(jo.$high-qq.$high,jo.$low-qq.$low));bx[15]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ku.$high+0,ku.$low+1048576)),21);lh=(qr=bx[15],new $Int64(lh.$high+qr.$high,lh.$low+qr.$low));ku=(qs=$shiftLeft64(bx[15],21),new $Int64(ku.$high-qs.$high,ku.$low-qs.$low));dn=(qt=$mul64(ls,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(dn.$high+qt.$high,dn.$low+qt.$low));ec=(qu=$mul64(ls,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(ec.$high+qu.$high,ec.$low+qu.$low));es=(qv=$mul64(ls,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(es.$high+qv.$high,es.$low+qv.$low));fk=(qw=$mul64(ls,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(fk.$high-qw.$high,fk.$low-qw.$low));ge=(qx=$mul64(ls,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(ge.$high+qx.$high,ge.$low+qx.$low));ha=(qy=$mul64(ls,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(ha.$high-qy.$high,ha.$low-qy.$low));ls=new $Int64(0,0);db=(qz=$mul64(lh,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(db.$high+qz.$high,db.$low+qz.$low));dn=(ra=$mul64(lh,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(dn.$high+ra.$high,dn.$low+ra.$low));ec=(rb=$mul64(lh,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(ec.$high+rb.$high,ec.$low+rb.$low));es=(rc=$mul64(lh,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(es.$high-rc.$high,es.$low-rc.$low));fk=(rd=$mul64(lh,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(fk.$high+rd.$high,fk.$low+rd.$low));ge=(re=$mul64(lh,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(ge.$high-re.$high,ge.$low-re.$low));lh=new $Int64(0,0);cr=(rf=$mul64(ku,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(cr.$high+rf.$high,cr.$low+rf.$low));db=(rg=$mul64(ku,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(db.$high+rg.$high,db.$low+rg.$low));dn=(rh=$mul64(ku,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(dn.$high+rh.$high,dn.$low+rh.$low));ec=(ri=$mul64(ku,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(ec.$high-ri.$high,ec.$low-ri.$low));es=(rj=$mul64(ku,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(es.$high+rj.$high,es.$low+rj.$low));fk=(rk=$mul64(ku,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(fk.$high-rk.$high,fk.$low-rk.$low));ku=new $Int64(0,0);cj=(rl=$mul64(kf,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(cj.$high+rl.$high,cj.$low+rl.$low));cr=(rm=$mul64(kf,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(cr.$high+rm.$high,cr.$low+rm.$low));db=(rn=$mul64(kf,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(db.$high+rn.$high,db.$low+rn.$low));dn=(ro=$mul64(kf,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(dn.$high-ro.$high,dn.$low-ro.$low));ec=(rp=$mul64(kf,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(ec.$high+rp.$high,ec.$low+rp.$low));es=(rq=$mul64(kf,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(es.$high-rq.$high,es.$low-rq.$low));kf=new $Int64(0,0);cd=(rr=$mul64(jo,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(cd.$high+rr.$high,cd.$low+rr.$low));cj=(rs=$mul64(jo,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(cj.$high+rs.$high,cj.$low+rs.$low));cr=(rt=$mul64(jo,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(cr.$high+rt.$high,cr.$low+rt.$low));db=(ru=$mul64(jo,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(db.$high-ru.$high,db.$low-ru.$low));dn=(rv=$mul64(jo,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(dn.$high+rv.$high,dn.$low+rv.$low));ec=(rw=$mul64(jo,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(ec.$high-rw.$high,ec.$low-rw.$low));jo=new $Int64(0,0);bz=(rx=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(bz.$high+rx.$high,bz.$low+rx.$low));cd=(ry=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(cd.$high+ry.$high,cd.$low+ry.$low));cj=(rz=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(cj.$high+rz.$high,cj.$low+rz.$low));cr=(sa=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(cr.$high-sa.$high,cr.$low-sa.$low));db=(sb=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(db.$high+sb.$high,db.$low+sb.$low));dn=(sc=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(dn.$high-sc.$high,dn.$low-sc.$low));iv=new $Int64(0,0);bx[0]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(bz.$high+0,bz.$low+1048576)),21);cd=(sd=bx[0],new $Int64(cd.$high+sd.$high,cd.$low+sd.$low));bz=(se=$shiftLeft64(bx[0],21),new $Int64(bz.$high-se.$high,bz.$low-se.$low));bx[2]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(cj.$high+0,cj.$low+1048576)),21);cr=(sf=bx[2],new $Int64(cr.$high+sf.$high,cr.$low+sf.$low));cj=(sg=$shiftLeft64(bx[2],21),new $Int64(cj.$high-sg.$high,cj.$low-sg.$low));bx[4]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(db.$high+0,db.$low+1048576)),21);dn=(sh=bx[4],new $Int64(dn.$high+sh.$high,dn.$low+sh.$low));db=(si=$shiftLeft64(bx[4],21),new $Int64(db.$high-si.$high,db.$low-si.$low));bx[6]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ec.$high+0,ec.$low+1048576)),21);es=(sj=bx[6],new $Int64(es.$high+sj.$high,es.$low+sj.$low));ec=(sk=$shiftLeft64(bx[6],21),new $Int64(ec.$high-sk.$high,ec.$low-sk.$low));bx[8]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(fk.$high+0,fk.$low+1048576)),21);ge=(sl=bx[8],new $Int64(ge.$high+sl.$high,ge.$low+sl.$low));fk=(sm=$shiftLeft64(bx[8],21),new $Int64(fk.$high-sm.$high,fk.$low-sm.$low));bx[10]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ha.$high+0,ha.$low+1048576)),21);hy=(sn=bx[10],new $Int64(hy.$high+sn.$high,hy.$low+sn.$low));ha=(so=$shiftLeft64(bx[10],21),new $Int64(ha.$high-so.$high,ha.$low-so.$low));bx[1]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(cd.$high+0,cd.$low+1048576)),21);cj=(sp=bx[1],new $Int64(cj.$high+sp.$high,cj.$low+sp.$low));cd=(sq=$shiftLeft64(bx[1],21),new $Int64(cd.$high-sq.$high,cd.$low-sq.$low));bx[3]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(cr.$high+0,cr.$low+1048576)),21);db=(sr=bx[3],new $Int64(db.$high+sr.$high,db.$low+sr.$low));cr=(ss=$shiftLeft64(bx[3],21),new $Int64(cr.$high-ss.$high,cr.$low-ss.$low));bx[5]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(dn.$high+0,dn.$low+1048576)),21);ec=(st=bx[5],new $Int64(ec.$high+st.$high,ec.$low+st.$low));dn=(su=$shiftLeft64(bx[5],21),new $Int64(dn.$high-su.$high,dn.$low-su.$low));bx[7]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(es.$high+0,es.$low+1048576)),21);fk=(sv=bx[7],new $Int64(fk.$high+sv.$high,fk.$low+sv.$low));es=(sw=$shiftLeft64(bx[7],21),new $Int64(es.$high-sw.$high,es.$low-sw.$low));bx[9]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ge.$high+0,ge.$low+1048576)),21);ha=(sx=bx[9],new $Int64(ha.$high+sx.$high,ha.$low+sx.$low));ge=(sy=$shiftLeft64(bx[9],21),new $Int64(ge.$high-sy.$high,ge.$low-sy.$low));bx[11]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(hy.$high+0,hy.$low+1048576)),21);iv=(sz=bx[11],new $Int64(iv.$high+sz.$high,iv.$low+sz.$low));hy=(ta=$shiftLeft64(bx[11],21),new $Int64(hy.$high-ta.$high,hy.$low-ta.$low));bz=(tb=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(bz.$high+tb.$high,bz.$low+tb.$low));cd=(tc=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(cd.$high+tc.$high,cd.$low+tc.$low));cj=(td=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(cj.$high+td.$high,cj.$low+td.$low));cr=(te=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(cr.$high-te.$high,cr.$low-te.$low));db=(tf=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(db.$high+tf.$high,db.$low+tf.$low));dn=(tg=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(dn.$high-tg.$high,dn.$low-tg.$low));iv=new $Int64(0,0);bx[0]=$shiftRightInt64(bz,21);cd=(th=bx[0],new $Int64(cd.$high+th.$high,cd.$low+th.$low));bz=(ti=$shiftLeft64(bx[0],21),new $Int64(bz.$high-ti.$high,bz.$low-ti.$low));bx[1]=$shiftRightInt64(cd,21);cj=(tj=bx[1],new $Int64(cj.$high+tj.$high,cj.$low+tj.$low));cd=(tk=$shiftLeft64(bx[1],21),new $Int64(cd.$high-tk.$high,cd.$low-tk.$low));bx[2]=$shiftRightInt64(cj,21);cr=(tl=bx[2],new $Int64(cr.$high+tl.$high,cr.$low+tl.$low));cj=(tm=$shiftLeft64(bx[2],21),new $Int64(cj.$high-tm.$high,cj.$low-tm.$low));bx[3]=$shiftRightInt64(cr,21);db=(tn=bx[3],new $Int64(db.$high+tn.$high,db.$low+tn.$low));cr=(to=$shiftLeft64(bx[3],21),new $Int64(cr.$high-to.$high,cr.$low-to.$low));bx[4]=$shiftRightInt64(db,21);dn=(tp=bx[4],new $Int64(dn.$high+tp.$high,dn.$low+tp.$low));db=(tq=$shiftLeft64(bx[4],21),new $Int64(db.$high-tq.$high,db.$low-tq.$low));bx[5]=$shiftRightInt64(dn,21);ec=(tr=bx[5],new $Int64(ec.$high+tr.$high,ec.$low+tr.$low));dn=(ts=$shiftLeft64(bx[5],21),new $Int64(dn.$high-ts.$high,dn.$low-ts.$low));bx[6]=$shiftRightInt64(ec,21);es=(tt=bx[6],new $Int64(es.$high+tt.$high,es.$low+tt.$low));ec=(tu=$shiftLeft64(bx[6],21),new $Int64(ec.$high-tu.$high,ec.$low-tu.$low));bx[7]=$shiftRightInt64(es,21);fk=(tv=bx[7],new $Int64(fk.$high+tv.$high,fk.$low+tv.$low));es=(tw=$shiftLeft64(bx[7],21),new $Int64(es.$high-tw.$high,es.$low-tw.$low));bx[8]=$shiftRightInt64(fk,21);ge=(tx=bx[8],new $Int64(ge.$high+tx.$high,ge.$low+tx.$low));fk=(ty=$shiftLeft64(bx[8],21),new $Int64(fk.$high-ty.$high,fk.$low-ty.$low));bx[9]=$shiftRightInt64(ge,21);ha=(tz=bx[9],new $Int64(ha.$high+tz.$high,ha.$low+tz.$low));ge=(ua=$shiftLeft64(bx[9],21),new $Int64(ge.$high-ua.$high,ge.$low-ua.$low));bx[10]=$shiftRightInt64(ha,21);hy=(ub=bx[10],new $Int64(hy.$high+ub.$high,hy.$low+ub.$low));ha=(uc=$shiftLeft64(bx[10],21),new $Int64(ha.$high-uc.$high,ha.$low-uc.$low));bx[11]=$shiftRightInt64(hy,21);iv=(ud=bx[11],new $Int64(iv.$high+ud.$high,iv.$low+ud.$low));hy=(ue=$shiftLeft64(bx[11],21),new $Int64(hy.$high-ue.$high,hy.$low-ue.$low));bz=(uf=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(bz.$high+uf.$high,bz.$low+uf.$low));cd=(ug=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(cd.$high+ug.$high,cd.$low+ug.$low));cj=(uh=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(cj.$high+uh.$high,cj.$low+uh.$low));cr=(ui=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(cr.$high-ui.$high,cr.$low-ui.$low));db=(uj=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(db.$high+uj.$high,db.$low+uj.$low));dn=(uk=$mul64(iv,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(dn.$high-uk.$high,dn.$low-uk.$low));iv=new $Int64(0,0);bx[0]=$shiftRightInt64(bz,21);cd=(ul=bx[0],new $Int64(cd.$high+ul.$high,cd.$low+ul.$low));bz=(um=$shiftLeft64(bx[0],21),new $Int64(bz.$high-um.$high,bz.$low-um.$low));bx[1]=$shiftRightInt64(cd,21);cj=(un=bx[1],new $Int64(cj.$high+un.$high,cj.$low+un.$low));cd=(uo=$shiftLeft64(bx[1],21),new $Int64(cd.$high-uo.$high,cd.$low-uo.$low));bx[2]=$shiftRightInt64(cj,21);cr=(up=bx[2],new $Int64(cr.$high+up.$high,cr.$low+up.$low));cj=(uq=$shiftLeft64(bx[2],21),new $Int64(cj.$high-uq.$high,cj.$low-uq.$low));bx[3]=$shiftRightInt64(cr,21);db=(ur=bx[3],new $Int64(db.$high+ur.$high,db.$low+ur.$low));cr=(us=$shiftLeft64(bx[3],21),new $Int64(cr.$high-us.$high,cr.$low-us.$low));bx[4]=$shiftRightInt64(db,21);dn=(ut=bx[4],new $Int64(dn.$high+ut.$high,dn.$low+ut.$low));db=(uu=$shiftLeft64(bx[4],21),new $Int64(db.$high-uu.$high,db.$low-uu.$low));bx[5]=$shiftRightInt64(dn,21);ec=(uv=bx[5],new $Int64(ec.$high+uv.$high,ec.$low+uv.$low));dn=(uw=$shiftLeft64(bx[5],21),new $Int64(dn.$high-uw.$high,dn.$low-uw.$low));bx[6]=$shiftRightInt64(ec,21);es=(ux=bx[6],new $Int64(es.$high+ux.$high,es.$low+ux.$low));ec=(uy=$shiftLeft64(bx[6],21),new $Int64(ec.$high-uy.$high,ec.$low-uy.$low));bx[7]=$shiftRightInt64(es,21);fk=(uz=bx[7],new $Int64(fk.$high+uz.$high,fk.$low+uz.$low));es=(va=$shiftLeft64(bx[7],21),new $Int64(es.$high-va.$high,es.$low-va.$low));bx[8]=$shiftRightInt64(fk,21);ge=(vb=bx[8],new $Int64(ge.$high+vb.$high,ge.$low+vb.$low));fk=(vc=$shiftLeft64(bx[8],21),new $Int64(fk.$high-vc.$high,fk.$low-vc.$low));bx[9]=$shiftRightInt64(ge,21);ha=(vd=bx[9],new $Int64(ha.$high+vd.$high,ha.$low+vd.$low));ge=(ve=$shiftLeft64(bx[9],21),new $Int64(ge.$high-ve.$high,ge.$low-ve.$low));bx[10]=$shiftRightInt64(ha,21);hy=(vf=bx[10],new $Int64(hy.$high+vf.$high,hy.$low+vf.$low));ha=(vg=$shiftLeft64(bx[10],21),new $Int64(ha.$high-vg.$high,ha.$low-vg.$low));c.nilCheck,c[0]=(($shiftRightInt64(bz,0).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[1]=(($shiftRightInt64(bz,8).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[2]=(((vh=$shiftRightInt64(bz,16),vi=$shiftLeft64(cd,5),new $Int64(vh.$high|vi.$high,(vh.$low|vi.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[3]=(($shiftRightInt64(cd,3).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[4]=(($shiftRightInt64(cd,11).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[5]=(((vj=$shiftRightInt64(cd,19),vk=$shiftLeft64(cj,2),new $Int64(vj.$high|vk.$high,(vj.$low|vk.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[6]=(($shiftRightInt64(cj,6).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[7]=(((vl=$shiftRightInt64(cj,14),vm=$shiftLeft64(cr,7),new $Int64(vl.$high|vm.$high,(vl.$low|vm.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[8]=(($shiftRightInt64(cr,1).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[9]=(($shiftRightInt64(cr,9).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[10]=(((vn=$shiftRightInt64(cr,17),vo=$shiftLeft64(db,4),new $Int64(vn.$high|vo.$high,(vn.$low|vo.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[11]=(($shiftRightInt64(db,4).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[12]=(($shiftRightInt64(db,12).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[13]=(((vp=$shiftRightInt64(db,20),vq=$shiftLeft64(dn,1),new $Int64(vp.$high|vq.$high,(vp.$low|vq.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[14]=(($shiftRightInt64(dn,7).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[15]=(((vr=$shiftRightInt64(dn,15),vs=$shiftLeft64(ec,6),new $Int64(vr.$high|vs.$high,(vr.$low|vs.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[16]=(($shiftRightInt64(ec,2).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[17]=(($shiftRightInt64(ec,10).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[18]=(((vt=$shiftRightInt64(ec,18),vu=$shiftLeft64(es,3),new $Int64(vt.$high|vu.$high,(vt.$low|vu.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[19]=(($shiftRightInt64(es,5).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[20]=(($shiftRightInt64(es,13).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[21]=(($shiftRightInt64(fk,0).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[22]=(($shiftRightInt64(fk,8).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[23]=(((vv=$shiftRightInt64(fk,16),vw=$shiftLeft64(ge,5),new $Int64(vv.$high|vw.$high,(vv.$low|vw.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[24]=(($shiftRightInt64(ge,3).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[25]=(($shiftRightInt64(ge,11).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[26]=(((vx=$shiftRightInt64(ge,19),vy=$shiftLeft64(ha,2),new $Int64(vx.$high|vy.$high,(vx.$low|vy.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[27]=(($shiftRightInt64(ha,6).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[28]=(((vz=$shiftRightInt64(ha,14),wa=$shiftLeft64(hy,7),new $Int64(vz.$high|wa.$high,(vz.$low|wa.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[29]=(($shiftRightInt64(hy,1).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[30]=(($shiftRightInt64(hy,9).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[31]=(($shiftRightInt64(hy,17).$low<<24>>>24));};W=function(c,d){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,d,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,e,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,eu,ev,ew,ex,ey,ez,f,fa,fb,fc,fd,fe,ff,fg,fh,fi,fj,fk,fl,fm,fn,fo,fp,fq,fr,fs,ft,fu,fv,fw,fx,fy,fz,g,ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,gg,gh,gi,gj,gk,gl,gm,gn,go,gp,gq,gr,gs,gt,gu,gv,gw,gx,gy,gz,h,ha,hb,hc,hd,he,hf,hg,hh,hi,hj,hk,hl,hm,hn,ho,hp,hq,hr,hs,ht,hu,hv,hw,hx,hy,hz,i,ia,ib,ic,id,ie,ig,ih,ii,ij,ik,il,im,io,ip,iq,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;f=(e=T(new AR(d)),new $Int64(0&e.$high,(2097151&e.$low)>>>0));h=(g=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),2)),5),new $Int64(0&g.$high,(2097151&g.$low)>>>0));j=(i=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),5)),2),new $Int64(0&i.$high,(2097151&i.$low)>>>0));l=(k=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),7)),7),new $Int64(0&k.$high,(2097151&k.$low)>>>0));n=(m=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),10)),4),new $Int64(0&m.$high,(2097151&m.$low)>>>0));p=(o=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),13)),1),new $Int64(0&o.$high,(2097151&o.$low)>>>0));r=(q=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),15)),6),new $Int64(0&q.$high,(2097151&q.$low)>>>0));t=(s=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),18)),3),new $Int64(0&s.$high,(2097151&s.$low)>>>0));v=(u=T($subslice(new AR(d),21)),new $Int64(0&u.$high,(2097151&u.$low)>>>0));x=(w=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),23)),5),new $Int64(0&w.$high,(2097151&w.$low)>>>0));z=(y=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),26)),2),new $Int64(0&y.$high,(2097151&y.$low)>>>0));ab=(aa=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),28)),7),new $Int64(0&aa.$high,(2097151&aa.$low)>>>0));ad=(ac=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),31)),4),new $Int64(0&ac.$high,(2097151&ac.$low)>>>0));af=(ae=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),34)),1),new $Int64(0&ae.$high,(2097151&ae.$low)>>>0));ah=(ag=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),36)),6),new $Int64(0&ag.$high,(2097151&ag.$low)>>>0));aj=(ai=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),39)),3),new $Int64(0&ai.$high,(2097151&ai.$low)>>>0));al=(ak=T($subslice(new AR(d),42)),new $Int64(0&ak.$high,(2097151&ak.$low)>>>0));an=(am=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),44)),5),new $Int64(0&am.$high,(2097151&am.$low)>>>0));ap=(ao=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),47)),2),new $Int64(0&ao.$high,(2097151&ao.$low)>>>0));ar=(aq=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),49)),7),new $Int64(0&aq.$high,(2097151&aq.$low)>>>0));at=(as=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),52)),4),new $Int64(0&as.$high,(2097151&as.$low)>>>0));av=(au=$shiftRightInt64(T($subslice(new AR(d),55)),1),new $Int64(0&au.$high,(2097151&au.$low)>>>0));ax=(aw=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),57)),6),new $Int64(0&aw.$high,(2097151&aw.$low)>>>0));ay=$shiftRightInt64(U($subslice(new AR(d),60)),3);ab=(az=$mul64(ay,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(ab.$high+az.$high,ab.$low+az.$low));ad=(ba=$mul64(ay,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(ad.$high+ba.$high,ad.$low+ba.$low));af=(bb=$mul64(ay,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(af.$high+bb.$high,af.$low+bb.$low));ah=(bc=$mul64(ay,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(ah.$high-bc.$high,ah.$low-bc.$low));aj=(bd=$mul64(ay,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(aj.$high+bd.$high,aj.$low+bd.$low));al=(be=$mul64(ay,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(al.$high-be.$high,al.$low-be.$low));ay=new $Int64(0,0);z=(bf=$mul64(ax,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(z.$high+bf.$high,z.$low+bf.$low));ab=(bg=$mul64(ax,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(ab.$high+bg.$high,ab.$low+bg.$low));ad=(bh=$mul64(ax,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(ad.$high+bh.$high,ad.$low+bh.$low));af=(bi=$mul64(ax,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(af.$high-bi.$high,af.$low-bi.$low));ah=(bj=$mul64(ax,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(ah.$high+bj.$high,ah.$low+bj.$low));aj=(bk=$mul64(ax,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(aj.$high-bk.$high,aj.$low-bk.$low));ax=new $Int64(0,0);x=(bl=$mul64(av,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(x.$high+bl.$high,x.$low+bl.$low));z=(bm=$mul64(av,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(z.$high+bm.$high,z.$low+bm.$low));ab=(bn=$mul64(av,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(ab.$high+bn.$high,ab.$low+bn.$low));ad=(bo=$mul64(av,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(ad.$high-bo.$high,ad.$low-bo.$low));af=(bp=$mul64(av,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(af.$high+bp.$high,af.$low+bp.$low));ah=(bq=$mul64(av,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(ah.$high-bq.$high,ah.$low-bq.$low));av=new $Int64(0,0);v=(br=$mul64(at,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(v.$high+br.$high,v.$low+br.$low));x=(bs=$mul64(at,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(x.$high+bs.$high,x.$low+bs.$low));z=(bt=$mul64(at,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(z.$high+bt.$high,z.$low+bt.$low));ab=(bu=$mul64(at,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(ab.$high-bu.$high,ab.$low-bu.$low));ad=(bv=$mul64(at,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(ad.$high+bv.$high,ad.$low+bv.$low));af=(bw=$mul64(at,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(af.$high-bw.$high,af.$low-bw.$low));at=new $Int64(0,0);t=(bx=$mul64(ar,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(t.$high+bx.$high,t.$low+bx.$low));v=(by=$mul64(ar,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(v.$high+by.$high,v.$low+by.$low));x=(bz=$mul64(ar,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(x.$high+bz.$high,x.$low+bz.$low));z=(ca=$mul64(ar,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(z.$high-ca.$high,z.$low-ca.$low));ab=(cb=$mul64(ar,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(ab.$high+cb.$high,ab.$low+cb.$low));ad=(cc=$mul64(ar,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(ad.$high-cc.$high,ad.$low-cc.$low));ar=new $Int64(0,0);r=(cd=$mul64(ap,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(r.$high+cd.$high,r.$low+cd.$low));t=(ce=$mul64(ap,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(t.$high+ce.$high,t.$low+ce.$low));v=(cf=$mul64(ap,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(v.$high+cf.$high,v.$low+cf.$low));x=(cg=$mul64(ap,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(x.$high-cg.$high,x.$low-cg.$low));z=(ch=$mul64(ap,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(z.$high+ch.$high,z.$low+ch.$low));ab=(ci=$mul64(ap,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(ab.$high-ci.$high,ab.$low-ci.$low));ap=new $Int64(0,0);cj=BD.zero();cj[6]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(r.$high+0,r.$low+1048576)),21);t=(ck=cj[6],new $Int64(t.$high+ck.$high,t.$low+ck.$low));r=(cl=$shiftLeft64(cj[6],21),new $Int64(r.$high-cl.$high,r.$low-cl.$low));cj[8]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(v.$high+0,v.$low+1048576)),21);x=(cm=cj[8],new $Int64(x.$high+cm.$high,x.$low+cm.$low));v=(cn=$shiftLeft64(cj[8],21),new $Int64(v.$high-cn.$high,v.$low-cn.$low));cj[10]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(z.$high+0,z.$low+1048576)),21);ab=(co=cj[10],new $Int64(ab.$high+co.$high,ab.$low+co.$low));z=(cp=$shiftLeft64(cj[10],21),new $Int64(z.$high-cp.$high,z.$low-cp.$low));cj[12]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ad.$high+0,ad.$low+1048576)),21);af=(cq=cj[12],new $Int64(af.$high+cq.$high,af.$low+cq.$low));ad=(cr=$shiftLeft64(cj[12],21),new $Int64(ad.$high-cr.$high,ad.$low-cr.$low));cj[14]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ah.$high+0,ah.$low+1048576)),21);aj=(cs=cj[14],new $Int64(aj.$high+cs.$high,aj.$low+cs.$low));ah=(ct=$shiftLeft64(cj[14],21),new $Int64(ah.$high-ct.$high,ah.$low-ct.$low));cj[16]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(al.$high+0,al.$low+1048576)),21);an=(cu=cj[16],new $Int64(an.$high+cu.$high,an.$low+cu.$low));al=(cv=$shiftLeft64(cj[16],21),new $Int64(al.$high-cv.$high,al.$low-cv.$low));cj[7]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(t.$high+0,t.$low+1048576)),21);v=(cw=cj[7],new $Int64(v.$high+cw.$high,v.$low+cw.$low));t=(cx=$shiftLeft64(cj[7],21),new $Int64(t.$high-cx.$high,t.$low-cx.$low));cj[9]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(x.$high+0,x.$low+1048576)),21);z=(cy=cj[9],new $Int64(z.$high+cy.$high,z.$low+cy.$low));x=(cz=$shiftLeft64(cj[9],21),new $Int64(x.$high-cz.$high,x.$low-cz.$low));cj[11]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ab.$high+0,ab.$low+1048576)),21);ad=(da=cj[11],new $Int64(ad.$high+da.$high,ad.$low+da.$low));ab=(db=$shiftLeft64(cj[11],21),new $Int64(ab.$high-db.$high,ab.$low-db.$low));cj[13]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(af.$high+0,af.$low+1048576)),21);ah=(dc=cj[13],new $Int64(ah.$high+dc.$high,ah.$low+dc.$low));af=(dd=$shiftLeft64(cj[13],21),new $Int64(af.$high-dd.$high,af.$low-dd.$low));cj[15]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(aj.$high+0,aj.$low+1048576)),21);al=(de=cj[15],new $Int64(al.$high+de.$high,al.$low+de.$low));aj=(df=$shiftLeft64(cj[15],21),new $Int64(aj.$high-df.$high,aj.$low-df.$low));p=(dg=$mul64(an,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(p.$high+dg.$high,p.$low+dg.$low));r=(dh=$mul64(an,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(r.$high+dh.$high,r.$low+dh.$low));t=(di=$mul64(an,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(t.$high+di.$high,t.$low+di.$low));v=(dj=$mul64(an,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(v.$high-dj.$high,v.$low-dj.$low));x=(dk=$mul64(an,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(x.$high+dk.$high,x.$low+dk.$low));z=(dl=$mul64(an,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(z.$high-dl.$high,z.$low-dl.$low));an=new $Int64(0,0);n=(dm=$mul64(al,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(n.$high+dm.$high,n.$low+dm.$low));p=(dn=$mul64(al,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(p.$high+dn.$high,p.$low+dn.$low));r=(dp=$mul64(al,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(r.$high+dp.$high,r.$low+dp.$low));t=(dq=$mul64(al,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(t.$high-dq.$high,t.$low-dq.$low));v=(dr=$mul64(al,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(v.$high+dr.$high,v.$low+dr.$low));x=(ds=$mul64(al,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(x.$high-ds.$high,x.$low-ds.$low));al=new $Int64(0,0);l=(dt=$mul64(aj,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(l.$high+dt.$high,l.$low+dt.$low));n=(du=$mul64(aj,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(n.$high+du.$high,n.$low+du.$low));p=(dv=$mul64(aj,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(p.$high+dv.$high,p.$low+dv.$low));r=(dw=$mul64(aj,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(r.$high-dw.$high,r.$low-dw.$low));t=(dx=$mul64(aj,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(t.$high+dx.$high,t.$low+dx.$low));v=(dy=$mul64(aj,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(v.$high-dy.$high,v.$low-dy.$low));aj=new $Int64(0,0);j=(dz=$mul64(ah,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(j.$high+dz.$high,j.$low+dz.$low));l=(ea=$mul64(ah,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(l.$high+ea.$high,l.$low+ea.$low));n=(eb=$mul64(ah,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(n.$high+eb.$high,n.$low+eb.$low));p=(ec=$mul64(ah,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(p.$high-ec.$high,p.$low-ec.$low));r=(ed=$mul64(ah,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(r.$high+ed.$high,r.$low+ed.$low));t=(ee=$mul64(ah,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(t.$high-ee.$high,t.$low-ee.$low));ah=new $Int64(0,0);h=(ef=$mul64(af,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(h.$high+ef.$high,h.$low+ef.$low));j=(eg=$mul64(af,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(j.$high+eg.$high,j.$low+eg.$low));l=(eh=$mul64(af,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(l.$high+eh.$high,l.$low+eh.$low));n=(ei=$mul64(af,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(n.$high-ei.$high,n.$low-ei.$low));p=(ej=$mul64(af,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(p.$high+ej.$high,p.$low+ej.$low));r=(ek=$mul64(af,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(r.$high-ek.$high,r.$low-ek.$low));af=new $Int64(0,0);f=(el=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(f.$high+el.$high,f.$low+el.$low));h=(em=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(h.$high+em.$high,h.$low+em.$low));j=(en=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(j.$high+en.$high,j.$low+en.$low));l=(eo=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(l.$high-eo.$high,l.$low-eo.$low));n=(ep=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(n.$high+ep.$high,n.$low+ep.$low));p=(eq=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(p.$high-eq.$high,p.$low-eq.$low));ad=new $Int64(0,0);cj[0]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(f.$high+0,f.$low+1048576)),21);h=(er=cj[0],new $Int64(h.$high+er.$high,h.$low+er.$low));f=(es=$shiftLeft64(cj[0],21),new $Int64(f.$high-es.$high,f.$low-es.$low));cj[2]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(j.$high+0,j.$low+1048576)),21);l=(et=cj[2],new $Int64(l.$high+et.$high,l.$low+et.$low));j=(eu=$shiftLeft64(cj[2],21),new $Int64(j.$high-eu.$high,j.$low-eu.$low));cj[4]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(n.$high+0,n.$low+1048576)),21);p=(ev=cj[4],new $Int64(p.$high+ev.$high,p.$low+ev.$low));n=(ew=$shiftLeft64(cj[4],21),new $Int64(n.$high-ew.$high,n.$low-ew.$low));cj[6]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(r.$high+0,r.$low+1048576)),21);t=(ex=cj[6],new $Int64(t.$high+ex.$high,t.$low+ex.$low));r=(ey=$shiftLeft64(cj[6],21),new $Int64(r.$high-ey.$high,r.$low-ey.$low));cj[8]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(v.$high+0,v.$low+1048576)),21);x=(ez=cj[8],new $Int64(x.$high+ez.$high,x.$low+ez.$low));v=(fa=$shiftLeft64(cj[8],21),new $Int64(v.$high-fa.$high,v.$low-fa.$low));cj[10]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(z.$high+0,z.$low+1048576)),21);ab=(fb=cj[10],new $Int64(ab.$high+fb.$high,ab.$low+fb.$low));z=(fc=$shiftLeft64(cj[10],21),new $Int64(z.$high-fc.$high,z.$low-fc.$low));cj[1]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(h.$high+0,h.$low+1048576)),21);j=(fd=cj[1],new $Int64(j.$high+fd.$high,j.$low+fd.$low));h=(fe=$shiftLeft64(cj[1],21),new $Int64(h.$high-fe.$high,h.$low-fe.$low));cj[3]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(l.$high+0,l.$low+1048576)),21);n=(ff=cj[3],new $Int64(n.$high+ff.$high,n.$low+ff.$low));l=(fg=$shiftLeft64(cj[3],21),new $Int64(l.$high-fg.$high,l.$low-fg.$low));cj[5]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(p.$high+0,p.$low+1048576)),21);r=(fh=cj[5],new $Int64(r.$high+fh.$high,r.$low+fh.$low));p=(fi=$shiftLeft64(cj[5],21),new $Int64(p.$high-fi.$high,p.$low-fi.$low));cj[7]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(t.$high+0,t.$low+1048576)),21);v=(fj=cj[7],new $Int64(v.$high+fj.$high,v.$low+fj.$low));t=(fk=$shiftLeft64(cj[7],21),new $Int64(t.$high-fk.$high,t.$low-fk.$low));cj[9]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(x.$high+0,x.$low+1048576)),21);z=(fl=cj[9],new $Int64(z.$high+fl.$high,z.$low+fl.$low));x=(fm=$shiftLeft64(cj[9],21),new $Int64(x.$high-fm.$high,x.$low-fm.$low));cj[11]=$shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(ab.$high+0,ab.$low+1048576)),21);ad=(fn=cj[11],new $Int64(ad.$high+fn.$high,ad.$low+fn.$low));ab=(fo=$shiftLeft64(cj[11],21),new $Int64(ab.$high-fo.$high,ab.$low-fo.$low));f=(fp=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(f.$high+fp.$high,f.$low+fp.$low));h=(fq=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(h.$high+fq.$high,h.$low+fq.$low));j=(fr=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(j.$high+fr.$high,j.$low+fr.$low));l=(fs=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(l.$high-fs.$high,l.$low-fs.$low));n=(ft=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(n.$high+ft.$high,n.$low+ft.$low));p=(fu=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(p.$high-fu.$high,p.$low-fu.$low));ad=new $Int64(0,0);cj[0]=$shiftRightInt64(f,21);h=(fv=cj[0],new $Int64(h.$high+fv.$high,h.$low+fv.$low));f=(fw=$shiftLeft64(cj[0],21),new $Int64(f.$high-fw.$high,f.$low-fw.$low));cj[1]=$shiftRightInt64(h,21);j=(fx=cj[1],new $Int64(j.$high+fx.$high,j.$low+fx.$low));h=(fy=$shiftLeft64(cj[1],21),new $Int64(h.$high-fy.$high,h.$low-fy.$low));cj[2]=$shiftRightInt64(j,21);l=(fz=cj[2],new $Int64(l.$high+fz.$high,l.$low+fz.$low));j=(ga=$shiftLeft64(cj[2],21),new $Int64(j.$high-ga.$high,j.$low-ga.$low));cj[3]=$shiftRightInt64(l,21);n=(gb=cj[3],new $Int64(n.$high+gb.$high,n.$low+gb.$low));l=(gc=$shiftLeft64(cj[3],21),new $Int64(l.$high-gc.$high,l.$low-gc.$low));cj[4]=$shiftRightInt64(n,21);p=(gd=cj[4],new $Int64(p.$high+gd.$high,p.$low+gd.$low));n=(ge=$shiftLeft64(cj[4],21),new $Int64(n.$high-ge.$high,n.$low-ge.$low));cj[5]=$shiftRightInt64(p,21);r=(gf=cj[5],new $Int64(r.$high+gf.$high,r.$low+gf.$low));p=(gg=$shiftLeft64(cj[5],21),new $Int64(p.$high-gg.$high,p.$low-gg.$low));cj[6]=$shiftRightInt64(r,21);t=(gh=cj[6],new $Int64(t.$high+gh.$high,t.$low+gh.$low));r=(gi=$shiftLeft64(cj[6],21),new $Int64(r.$high-gi.$high,r.$low-gi.$low));cj[7]=$shiftRightInt64(t,21);v=(gj=cj[7],new $Int64(v.$high+gj.$high,v.$low+gj.$low));t=(gk=$shiftLeft64(cj[7],21),new $Int64(t.$high-gk.$high,t.$low-gk.$low));cj[8]=$shiftRightInt64(v,21);x=(gl=cj[8],new $Int64(x.$high+gl.$high,x.$low+gl.$low));v=(gm=$shiftLeft64(cj[8],21),new $Int64(v.$high-gm.$high,v.$low-gm.$low));cj[9]=$shiftRightInt64(x,21);z=(gn=cj[9],new $Int64(z.$high+gn.$high,z.$low+gn.$low));x=(go=$shiftLeft64(cj[9],21),new $Int64(x.$high-go.$high,x.$low-go.$low));cj[10]=$shiftRightInt64(z,21);ab=(gp=cj[10],new $Int64(ab.$high+gp.$high,ab.$low+gp.$low));z=(gq=$shiftLeft64(cj[10],21),new $Int64(z.$high-gq.$high,z.$low-gq.$low));cj[11]=$shiftRightInt64(ab,21);ad=(gr=cj[11],new $Int64(ad.$high+gr.$high,ad.$low+gr.$low));ab=(gs=$shiftLeft64(cj[11],21),new $Int64(ab.$high-gs.$high,ab.$low-gs.$low));f=(gt=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,666643)),new $Int64(f.$high+gt.$high,f.$low+gt.$low));h=(gu=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,470296)),new $Int64(h.$high+gu.$high,h.$low+gu.$low));j=(gv=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,654183)),new $Int64(j.$high+gv.$high,j.$low+gv.$low));l=(gw=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,997805)),new $Int64(l.$high-gw.$high,l.$low-gw.$low));n=(gx=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,136657)),new $Int64(n.$high+gx.$high,n.$low+gx.$low));p=(gy=$mul64(ad,new $Int64(0,683901)),new $Int64(p.$high-gy.$high,p.$low-gy.$low));ad=new $Int64(0,0);cj[0]=$shiftRightInt64(f,21);h=(gz=cj[0],new $Int64(h.$high+gz.$high,h.$low+gz.$low));f=(ha=$shiftLeft64(cj[0],21),new $Int64(f.$high-ha.$high,f.$low-ha.$low));cj[1]=$shiftRightInt64(h,21);j=(hb=cj[1],new $Int64(j.$high+hb.$high,j.$low+hb.$low));h=(hc=$shiftLeft64(cj[1],21),new $Int64(h.$high-hc.$high,h.$low-hc.$low));cj[2]=$shiftRightInt64(j,21);l=(hd=cj[2],new $Int64(l.$high+hd.$high,l.$low+hd.$low));j=(he=$shiftLeft64(cj[2],21),new $Int64(j.$high-he.$high,j.$low-he.$low));cj[3]=$shiftRightInt64(l,21);n=(hf=cj[3],new $Int64(n.$high+hf.$high,n.$low+hf.$low));l=(hg=$shiftLeft64(cj[3],21),new $Int64(l.$high-hg.$high,l.$low-hg.$low));cj[4]=$shiftRightInt64(n,21);p=(hh=cj[4],new $Int64(p.$high+hh.$high,p.$low+hh.$low));n=(hi=$shiftLeft64(cj[4],21),new $Int64(n.$high-hi.$high,n.$low-hi.$low));cj[5]=$shiftRightInt64(p,21);r=(hj=cj[5],new $Int64(r.$high+hj.$high,r.$low+hj.$low));p=(hk=$shiftLeft64(cj[5],21),new $Int64(p.$high-hk.$high,p.$low-hk.$low));cj[6]=$shiftRightInt64(r,21);t=(hl=cj[6],new $Int64(t.$high+hl.$high,t.$low+hl.$low));r=(hm=$shiftLeft64(cj[6],21),new $Int64(r.$high-hm.$high,r.$low-hm.$low));cj[7]=$shiftRightInt64(t,21);v=(hn=cj[7],new $Int64(v.$high+hn.$high,v.$low+hn.$low));t=(ho=$shiftLeft64(cj[7],21),new $Int64(t.$high-ho.$high,t.$low-ho.$low));cj[8]=$shiftRightInt64(v,21);x=(hp=cj[8],new $Int64(x.$high+hp.$high,x.$low+hp.$low));v=(hq=$shiftLeft64(cj[8],21),new $Int64(v.$high-hq.$high,v.$low-hq.$low));cj[9]=$shiftRightInt64(x,21);z=(hr=cj[9],new $Int64(z.$high+hr.$high,z.$low+hr.$low));x=(hs=$shiftLeft64(cj[9],21),new $Int64(x.$high-hs.$high,x.$low-hs.$low));cj[10]=$shiftRightInt64(z,21);ab=(ht=cj[10],new $Int64(ab.$high+ht.$high,ab.$low+ht.$low));z=(hu=$shiftLeft64(cj[10],21),new $Int64(z.$high-hu.$high,z.$low-hu.$low));c.nilCheck,c[0]=(($shiftRightInt64(f,0).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[1]=(($shiftRightInt64(f,8).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[2]=(((hv=$shiftRightInt64(f,16),hw=$shiftLeft64(h,5),new $Int64(hv.$high|hw.$high,(hv.$low|hw.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[3]=(($shiftRightInt64(h,3).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[4]=(($shiftRightInt64(h,11).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[5]=(((hx=$shiftRightInt64(h,19),hy=$shiftLeft64(j,2),new $Int64(hx.$high|hy.$high,(hx.$low|hy.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[6]=(($shiftRightInt64(j,6).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[7]=(((hz=$shiftRightInt64(j,14),ia=$shiftLeft64(l,7),new $Int64(hz.$high|ia.$high,(hz.$low|ia.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[8]=(($shiftRightInt64(l,1).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[9]=(($shiftRightInt64(l,9).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[10]=(((ib=$shiftRightInt64(l,17),ic=$shiftLeft64(n,4),new $Int64(ib.$high|ic.$high,(ib.$low|ic.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[11]=(($shiftRightInt64(n,4).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[12]=(($shiftRightInt64(n,12).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[13]=(((id=$shiftRightInt64(n,20),ie=$shiftLeft64(p,1),new $Int64(id.$high|ie.$high,(id.$low|ie.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[14]=(($shiftRightInt64(p,7).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[15]=(((ig=$shiftRightInt64(p,15),ih=$shiftLeft64(r,6),new $Int64(ig.$high|ih.$high,(ig.$low|ih.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[16]=(($shiftRightInt64(r,2).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[17]=(($shiftRightInt64(r,10).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[18]=(((ii=$shiftRightInt64(r,18),ij=$shiftLeft64(t,3),new $Int64(ii.$high|ij.$high,(ii.$low|ij.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[19]=(($shiftRightInt64(t,5).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[20]=(($shiftRightInt64(t,13).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[21]=(($shiftRightInt64(v,0).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[22]=(($shiftRightInt64(v,8).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[23]=(((ik=$shiftRightInt64(v,16),il=$shiftLeft64(x,5),new $Int64(ik.$high|il.$high,(ik.$low|il.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[24]=(($shiftRightInt64(x,3).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[25]=(($shiftRightInt64(x,11).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[26]=(((im=$shiftRightInt64(x,19),io=$shiftLeft64(z,2),new $Int64(im.$high|io.$high,(im.$low|io.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[27]=(($shiftRightInt64(z,6).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[28]=(((ip=$shiftRightInt64(z,14),iq=$shiftLeft64(ab,7),new $Int64(ip.$high|iq.$high,(ip.$low|iq.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[29]=(($shiftRightInt64(ab,1).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[30]=(($shiftRightInt64(ab,9).$low<<24>>>24));c.nilCheck,c[31]=(($shiftRightInt64(ab,17).$low<<24>>>24));};N.ptr.prototype.nonAdjacentForm=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w;d=this;if(d.s[31]>127){$panic(new $String("scalar has high bit set illegally"));}if(c<2){$panic(new $String("w must be at least 2 by the definition of NAF"));}else if(c>8){$panic(new $String("NAF digits must fit in int8"));}e=AY.zero();f=BE.zero();g=0;while(true){if(!(g<4)){break;}((g<0||g>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[g]=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new AR(d.s),($imul(g,8)))));g=g+(1)>>0;}h=($shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),c));i=(new $Uint64(h.$high-0,h.$low-1));j=0;k=new $Uint64(0,0);while(true){if(!(j<256)){break;}m=(l=j/64,(l===l&&l!==1/0&&l!==-1/0)?l>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));o=(n=j%64,n===n?n:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));p=new $Uint64(0,0);if(o<(64-c>>>0)){p=$shiftRightUint64(((m<0||m>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[m]),o);}else{p=(q=$shiftRightUint64(((m<0||m>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[m]),o),r=$shiftLeft64((s=1+m>>>0,((s<0||s>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[s])),((64-o>>>0))),new $Uint64(q.$high|r.$high,(q.$low|r.$low)>>>0));}u=(t=new $Uint64(p.$high&i.$high,(p.$low&i.$low)>>>0),new $Uint64(k.$high+t.$high,k.$low+t.$low));if((v=new $Uint64(u.$high&0,(u.$low&1)>>>0),(v.$high===0&&v.$low===0))){j=j+(1)>>>0;continue;}if((w=$div64(h,new $Uint64(0,2),false),(u.$high=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[j]=((u.$low<<24>>24)));}else{k=new $Uint64(0,1);((j<0||j>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[j]=(((u.$low<<24>>24))-((h.$low<<24>>24))<<24>>24));}j=j+(c)>>>0;}return e;};N.prototype.nonAdjacentForm=function(c){return this.$val.nonAdjacentForm(c);};N.ptr.prototype.signedRadix16=function(){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;c=this;if(c.s[31]>127){$panic(new $String("scalar has high bit set illegally"));}d=AU.zero();e=0;while(true){if(!(e<32)){break;}(g=$imul(2,e),((g<0||g>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[g]=(((((f=c.s,((e<0||e>=f.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f[e]))&15)>>>0)<<24>>24))));(i=($imul(2,e))+1>>0,((i<0||i>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[i]=(((((((h=c.s,((e<0||e>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[e]))>>>4<<24>>>24))&15)>>>0)<<24>>24))));e=e+(1)>>0;}j=0;while(true){if(!(j<63)){break;}k=((((j<0||j>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[j])+8<<24>>24))>>4<<24>>24;((j<0||j>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[j]=(((j<0||j>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[j])-((k<<4<<24>>24))<<24>>24));l=j+1>>0;((l<0||l>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[l]=(((l<0||l>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[l])+(k)<<24>>24));j=j+(1)>>0;}return d;};N.prototype.signedRadix16=function(){return this.$val.signedRadix16();};AB=function(c){var c,d,e,f;d=c;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);if($equal(f.x,(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0))),E.Element)&&$equal(f.y,(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0))),E.Element)){$panic(new $String("edwards25519: use of uninitialized Point"));}e++;}};Y.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var c;c=this;c.X.Zero();c.Y.One();c.Z.One();return c;};Y.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};AF=function(){return new Z.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),AT.zero()).Set(AE);};$pkg.NewIdentityPoint=AF;AH=function(){return new Z.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),AT.zero()).Set(AG);};$pkg.NewGeneratorPoint=AH;AC.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var c;c=this;c.YplusX.One();c.YminusX.One();c.Z.One();c.T2d.Zero();return c;};AC.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};AD.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var c;c=this;c.YplusX.One();c.YminusX.One();c.T2d.Zero();return c;};AD.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};Z.ptr.prototype.Set=function(c){var c,d;d=this;Z.copy(d,c);return d;};Z.prototype.Set=function(c){return this.$val.Set(c);};Z.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var c,d;c=this;d=AZ.zero();return c.bytes(d);};Z.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};Z.ptr.prototype.bytes=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;d=this;AB(new AW([d]));e=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));f=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=$clone(e,E.Element);i=$clone(f,E.Element);j=$clone(g,E.Element);h.Invert(d.z);i.Multiply(d.x,h);j.Multiply(d.y,h);k=AJ(c,j);(31>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+31]=(((31>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+31])|((((i.IsNegative()<<7>>0)<<24>>>24))))>>>0));return k;};Z.prototype.bytes=function(c){return this.$val.bytes(c);};Z.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;d=this;if(!((c.$length===32))){return[AV.nil,D.New("edwards25519: invalid point encoding length")];}e=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)).SetBytes(c);f=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)).Square(e);g=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)).Subtract(f,AI);h=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)).Multiply(f,AK);h=h.Add(h,AI);i=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)).SqrtRatio(g,h);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(k===0){return[AV.nil,D.New("edwards25519: invalid point encoding")];}l=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)).Negate(j);j=j.Select(l,j,((((31>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+31])>>>7<<24>>>24)>>0)));d.x.Set(j);d.y.Set(e);d.z.One();d.t.Multiply(j,e);return[d,$ifaceNil];};Z.prototype.SetBytes=function(c){return this.$val.SetBytes(c);};AJ=function(c,d){var c,d;$copySlice(new AR(c),d.Bytes());return new AR(c);};Y.ptr.prototype.FromP1xP1=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.X.Multiply(c.X,c.T);d.Y.Multiply(c.Y,c.Z);d.Z.Multiply(c.Z,c.T);return d;};Y.prototype.FromP1xP1=function(c){return this.$val.FromP1xP1(c);};Y.ptr.prototype.FromP3=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.X.Set(c.x);d.Y.Set(c.y);d.Z.Set(c.z);return d;};Y.prototype.FromP3=function(c){return this.$val.FromP3(c);};Z.ptr.prototype.fromP1xP1=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.x.Multiply(c.X,c.T);d.y.Multiply(c.Y,c.Z);d.z.Multiply(c.Z,c.T);d.t.Multiply(c.X,c.Y);return d;};Z.prototype.fromP1xP1=function(c){return this.$val.fromP1xP1(c);};Z.ptr.prototype.fromP2=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.x.Multiply(c.X,c.Z);d.y.Multiply(c.Y,c.Z);d.z.Square(c.Z);d.t.Multiply(c.X,c.Y);return d;};Z.prototype.fromP2=function(c){return this.$val.fromP2(c);};AC.ptr.prototype.FromP3=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.YplusX.Add(c.y,c.x);d.YminusX.Subtract(c.y,c.x);d.Z.Set(c.z);d.T2d.Multiply(c.t,AL);return d;};AC.prototype.FromP3=function(c){return this.$val.FromP3(c);};AD.ptr.prototype.FromP3=function(c){var c,d,e;d=this;d.YplusX.Add(c.y,c.x);d.YminusX.Subtract(c.y,c.x);d.T2d.Multiply(c.t,AL);e=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));e.Invert(c.z);d.YplusX.Multiply(d.YplusX,e);d.YminusX.Multiply(d.YminusX,e);d.T2d.Multiply(d.T2d,e);return d;};AD.prototype.FromP3=function(c){return this.$val.FromP3(c);};Z.ptr.prototype.Add=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g;e=this;AB(new AW([c,d]));f=new AC.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0))).FromP3(d);g=new X.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0))).Add(c,f);return e.fromP1xP1(g);};Z.prototype.Add=function(c,d){return this.$val.Add(c,d);};Z.ptr.prototype.Subtract=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g;e=this;AB(new AW([c,d]));f=new AC.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0))).FromP3(d);g=new X.ptr(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0))).Sub(c,f);return e.fromP1xP1(g);};Z.prototype.Subtract=function(c,d){return this.$val.Subtract(c,d);};X.ptr.prototype.Add=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;e=this;f=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));i=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));j=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));k=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));l=$clone(f,E.Element);m=$clone(g,E.Element);n=$clone(h,E.Element);o=$clone(i,E.Element);p=$clone(j,E.Element);q=$clone(k,E.Element);l.Add(c.y,c.x);m.Subtract(c.y,c.x);n.Multiply(l,d.YplusX);o.Multiply(m,d.YminusX);p.Multiply(c.t,d.T2d);q.Multiply(c.z,d.Z);q.Add(q,q);e.X.Subtract(n,o);e.Y.Add(n,o);e.Z.Add(q,p);e.T.Subtract(q,p);return e;};X.prototype.Add=function(c,d){return this.$val.Add(c,d);};X.ptr.prototype.Sub=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;e=this;f=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));i=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));j=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));k=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));l=$clone(f,E.Element);m=$clone(g,E.Element);n=$clone(h,E.Element);o=$clone(i,E.Element);p=$clone(j,E.Element);q=$clone(k,E.Element);l.Add(c.y,c.x);m.Subtract(c.y,c.x);n.Multiply(l,d.YminusX);o.Multiply(m,d.YplusX);p.Multiply(c.t,d.T2d);q.Multiply(c.z,d.Z);q.Add(q,q);e.X.Subtract(n,o);e.Y.Add(n,o);e.Z.Subtract(q,p);e.T.Add(q,p);return e;};X.prototype.Sub=function(c,d){return this.$val.Sub(c,d);};X.ptr.prototype.AddAffine=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;e=this;f=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));i=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));j=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));k=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));l=$clone(f,E.Element);m=$clone(g,E.Element);n=$clone(h,E.Element);o=$clone(i,E.Element);p=$clone(j,E.Element);q=$clone(k,E.Element);l.Add(c.y,c.x);m.Subtract(c.y,c.x);n.Multiply(l,d.YplusX);o.Multiply(m,d.YminusX);p.Multiply(c.t,d.T2d);q.Add(c.z,c.z);e.X.Subtract(n,o);e.Y.Add(n,o);e.Z.Add(q,p);e.T.Subtract(q,p);return e;};X.prototype.AddAffine=function(c,d){return this.$val.AddAffine(c,d);};X.ptr.prototype.SubAffine=function(c,d){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;e=this;f=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));i=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));j=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));k=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));l=$clone(f,E.Element);m=$clone(g,E.Element);n=$clone(h,E.Element);o=$clone(i,E.Element);p=$clone(j,E.Element);q=$clone(k,E.Element);l.Add(c.y,c.x);m.Subtract(c.y,c.x);n.Multiply(l,d.YminusX);o.Multiply(m,d.YplusX);p.Multiply(c.t,d.T2d);q.Add(c.z,c.z);e.X.Subtract(n,o);e.Y.Add(n,o);e.Z.Subtract(q,p);e.T.Add(q,p);return e;};X.prototype.SubAffine=function(c,d){return this.$val.SubAffine(c,d);};X.ptr.prototype.Double=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;d=this;e=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));f=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));i=$clone(e,E.Element);j=$clone(f,E.Element);k=$clone(g,E.Element);l=$clone(h,E.Element);i.Square(c.X);j.Square(c.Y);k.Square(c.Z);k.Add(k,k);l.Add(c.X,c.Y);l.Square(l);d.Y.Add(j,i);d.Z.Subtract(j,i);d.X.Subtract(l,d.Y);d.T.Subtract(k,d.Z);return d;};X.prototype.Double=function(c){return this.$val.Double(c);};Z.ptr.prototype.Negate=function(c){var c,d;d=this;AB(new AW([c]));d.x.Negate(c.x);d.y.Set(c.y);d.z.Set(c.z);d.t.Negate(c.t);return d;};Z.prototype.Negate=function(c){return this.$val.Negate(c);};Z.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(c){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;d=this;AB(new AW([d,c]));e=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));f=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));i=$clone(e,E.Element);j=$clone(f,E.Element);k=$clone(g,E.Element);l=$clone(h,E.Element);i.Multiply(d.x,c.z);j.Multiply(c.x,d.z);k.Multiply(d.y,c.z);l.Multiply(c.y,d.z);return i.Equal(j)&k.Equal(l);};Z.prototype.Equal=function(c){return this.$val.Equal(c);};AC.ptr.prototype.Select=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f;f=this;f.YplusX.Select(c.YplusX,d.YplusX,e);f.YminusX.Select(c.YminusX,d.YminusX,e);f.Z.Select(c.Z,d.Z,e);f.T2d.Select(c.T2d,d.T2d,e);return f;};AC.prototype.Select=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.Select(c,d,e);};AD.ptr.prototype.Select=function(c,d,e){var c,d,e,f;f=this;f.YplusX.Select(c.YplusX,d.YplusX,e);f.YminusX.Select(c.YminusX,d.YminusX,e);f.T2d.Select(c.T2d,d.T2d,e);return f;};AD.prototype.Select=function(c,d,e){return this.$val.Select(c,d,e);};AC.ptr.prototype.CondNeg=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.YplusX.Swap(d.YminusX,c);d.T2d.Select(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)).Negate(d.T2d),d.T2d,c);return d;};AC.prototype.CondNeg=function(c){return this.$val.CondNeg(c);};AD.ptr.prototype.CondNeg=function(c){var c,d;d=this;d.YplusX.Swap(d.YminusX,c);d.T2d.Select(new E.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)).Negate(d.T2d),d.T2d,c);return d;};AD.prototype.CondNeg=function(c){return this.$val.CondNeg(c);};BG.methods=[{prop:"FromP3",name:"FromP3",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[],false)},{prop:"SelectInto",name:"SelectInto",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF,$Int8],[],false)}];BI.methods=[{prop:"FromP3",name:"FromP3",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[],false)},{prop:"SelectInto",name:"SelectInto",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BH,$Int8],[],false)}];BJ.methods=[{prop:"FromP3",name:"FromP3",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[],false)},{prop:"SelectInto",name:"SelectInto",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF,$Int8],[],false)}];BK.methods=[{prop:"FromP3",name:"FromP3",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[],false)},{prop:"SelectInto",name:"SelectInto",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BH,$Int8],[],false)}];BB.methods=[{prop:"MultiplyAdd",name:"MultiplyAdd",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BB,BB,BB],[BB],false)},{prop:"Add",name:"Add",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BB,BB],[BB],false)},{prop:"Subtract",name:"Subtract",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BB,BB],[BB],false)},{prop:"Negate",name:"Negate",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BB],[BB],false)},{prop:"Multiply",name:"Multiply",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BB,BB],[BB],false)},{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BB],[BB],false)},{prop:"SetUniformBytes",name:"SetUniformBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AR],[BB],false)},{prop:"SetCanonicalBytes",name:"SetCanonicalBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AR],[BB,$error],false)},{prop:"SetBytesWithClamping",name:"SetBytesWithClamping",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AR],[BB],false)},{prop:"Bytes",name:"Bytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AR],false)},{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BB],[$Int],false)},{prop:"nonAdjacentForm",name:"nonAdjacentForm",pkg:"crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519",typ:$funcType([$Uint],[AY],false)},{prop:"signedRadix16",name:"signedRadix16",pkg:"crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519",typ:$funcType([],[AU],false)}];BL.methods=[{prop:"Add",name:"Add",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV,BF],[BL],false)},{prop:"Sub",name:"Sub",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV,BF],[BL],false)},{prop:"AddAffine",name:"AddAffine",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV,BH],[BL],false)},{prop:"SubAffine",name:"SubAffine",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV,BH],[BL],false)},{prop:"Double",name:"Double",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BM],[BL],false)}];BM.methods=[{prop:"Zero",name:"Zero",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[BM],false)},{prop:"FromP1xP1",name:"FromP1xP1",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BL],[BM],false)},{prop:"FromP3",name:"FromP3",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[BM],false)}];AV.methods=[{prop:"ScalarBaseMult",name:"ScalarBaseMult",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BB],[AV],false)},{prop:"ScalarMult",name:"ScalarMult",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BB,AV],[AV],false)},{prop:"VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult",name:"VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BB,AV,BB],[AV],false)},{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[AV],false)},{prop:"Bytes",name:"Bytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AR],false)},{prop:"bytes",name:"bytes",pkg:"crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519",typ:$funcType([BN],[AR],false)},{prop:"SetBytes",name:"SetBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AR],[AV,$error],false)},{prop:"fromP1xP1",name:"fromP1xP1",pkg:"crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519",typ:$funcType([BL],[AV],false)},{prop:"fromP2",name:"fromP2",pkg:"crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519",typ:$funcType([BM],[AV],false)},{prop:"Add",name:"Add",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV,AV],[AV],false)},{prop:"Subtract",name:"Subtract",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV,AV],[AV],false)},{prop:"Negate",name:"Negate",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[AV],false)},{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[$Int],false)}];BF.methods=[{prop:"Zero",name:"Zero",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[BF],false)},{prop:"FromP3",name:"FromP3",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[BF],false)},{prop:"Select",name:"Select",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BF,BF,$Int],[BF],false)},{prop:"CondNeg",name:"CondNeg",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[BF],false)}];BH.methods=[{prop:"Zero",name:"Zero",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[BH],false)},{prop:"FromP3",name:"FromP3",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AV],[BH],false)},{prop:"Select",name:"Select",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([BH,BH,$Int],[BH],false)},{prop:"CondNeg",name:"CondNeg",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[BH],false)}];F.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519",[{prop:"points",name:"points",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AX,tag:""}]);G.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519",[{prop:"points",name:"points",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AM,tag:""}]);H.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519",[{prop:"points",name:"points",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AX,tag:""}]);I.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519",[{prop:"points",name:"points",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AP,tag:""}]);N.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519",[{prop:"s",name:"s",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AZ,tag:""}]);X.init("",[{prop:"X",name:"X",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:E.Element,tag:""},{prop:"Y",name:"Y",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:E.Element,tag:""},{prop:"Z",name:"Z",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:E.Element,tag:""},{prop:"T",name:"T",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:E.Element,tag:""}]);Y.init("",[{prop:"X",name:"X",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:E.Element,tag:""},{prop:"Y",name: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this.$get().Public();};J.prototype.Equal=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this;c=$assertType(a,J,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!e){return false;}return A.Equal($convertSliceType(b,Q),$convertSliceType(d,Q));};$ptrType(J).prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$get().Equal(a);};J.prototype.Seed=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=$makeSlice(Q,32);$copySlice(b,$subslice(a,0,32));return b;};$ptrType(J).prototype.Seed=function(){return this.$get().Seed();};J.prototype.Sign=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=Q.nil;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;g=c.HashFunc();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((g===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=Q.nil;i=F.New("ed25519: cannot sign hashed message");d=h;e=i;$s=-1;return[d,e];case 2:k=N(f,b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=$ifaceNil;d=j;e=l;m=[d,e];$s=5;case 5:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:J.prototype.Sign,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(J).prototype.Sign=function(a,b,c){return this.$get().Sign(a,b,c);};L=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=$makeSlice(Q,64);$r=M(b,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $convertSliceType(b,J);}return;}var $f={$blk:L,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewKeyFromSeed=L;M=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=b.$length;if(!((c===32))){$panic(new $String("ed25519: bad seed length: "+H.Itoa(c)));}d=$clone(E.Sum512(b),R);e=C.NewScalar().SetBytesWithClamping($subslice(new Q(d),0,32));f=(new C.Point.ptr(new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new 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$f={$blk:N,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Sign=N;O=function(a,b,c){var{a,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=b.$length;if(!((d===64))){$panic(new $String("ed25519: bad private key length: "+H.Itoa(d)));}e=$subslice(b,0,32);f=$subslice(b,32);g=e;h=f;i=$clone(E.Sum512(g),R);j=C.NewScalar().SetBytesWithClamping($subslice(new Q(i),0,32));k=$subslice(new Q(i),32);l=E.New();m=l.Write(k);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=l.Write(c);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=$makeSlice(Q,0,64);p=l.Sum(o);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=C.NewScalar().SetUniformBytes(o);r=(new C.Point.ptr(new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new 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$Uint64(0,0)),new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),T.zero())).SetBytes($convertSliceType(a,Q));f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}h=E.New();i=h.Write($subslice(c,0,32));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=h.Write($convertSliceType(a,Q));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=h.Write(b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=$makeSlice(Q,0,64);m=h.Sum(l);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=C.NewScalar().SetUniformBytes(l);o=C.NewScalar().SetCanonicalBytes($subslice(c,32));p=o[0];g=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}q=(new C.Point.ptr(new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),T.zero())).Negate(f);r=(new C.Point.ptr(new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),T.zero())).VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult(n,q,p);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=-1;return A.Equal($subslice(c,0,32),s.Bytes());}return;}var $f={$blk:P,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Verify=P;I.methods=[{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([B.PublicKey],[$Bool],false)}];J.methods=[{prop:"Public",name:"Public",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[B.PublicKey],false)},{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([B.PrivateKey],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Seed",name:"Seed",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[Q],false)},{prop:"Sign",name:"Sign",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([G.Reader,Q,B.SignerOpts],[Q,$error],false)}];I.init($Uint8);J.init($Uint8);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break 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$pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D,G,H,E,F;A=$packages["crypto/subtle"];B=$packages["hash"];C=$pkg.marshalable=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"hmac.marshalable",true,"crypto/hmac",false,null);D=$pkg.hmac=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"hmac.hmac",true,"crypto/hmac",false,function(opad_,ipad_,outer_,inner_,marshaled_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.opad=G.nil;this.ipad=G.nil;this.outer=$ifaceNil;this.inner=$ifaceNil;this.marshaled=false;return;}this.opad=opad_;this.ipad=ipad_;this.outer=outer_;this.inner=inner_;this.marshaled=marshaled_;});G=$sliceType($Uint8);H=$ptrType(D);D.ptr.prototype.Sum=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=a.$length;d=b.inner.Sum(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=d;if(b.marshaled){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:e=$assertType(b.outer,C).UnmarshalBinary(b.opad);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break 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$f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.Write=function(a){return this.$val.Write(a);};D.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.outer.Size();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.Size,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};D.ptr.prototype.BlockSize=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.inner.BlockSize();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.BlockSize,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.BlockSize=function(){return this.$val.BlockSize();};D.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(a.marshaled){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:b=$assertType(a.inner,C).UnmarshalBinary(a.ipad);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$panic(c);}$s=-1;return;case 2:$r=a.inner.Reset();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=a.inner.Write(a.ipad);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d;e=$assertType(a.inner,C,true);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!g){$s=-1;return;}h=$assertType(a.outer,C,true);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(!j){$s=-1;return;}l=f.MarshalBinary();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return;}$r=a.outer.Reset();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=a.outer.Write(a.opad);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;q=i.MarshalBinary();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];n=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return;}a.ipad=m;a.opad=r;a.marshaled=true;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:D.ptr.prototype.Reset,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};D.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};E=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];c[0]=new D.ptr(G.nil,G.nil,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,false);e=a();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c[0].outer=e;f=a();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c[0].inner=f;d[0]=true;$r=(function(c,d){return function(){var $deferred;var $err=null;try{$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$deferred.push([(function(c,d){return function(){$unused($recover());};})(c,d),[]]);if($interfaceIsEqual(c[0].outer,c[0].inner)){d[0]=false;}}catch(err){$err=err;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);}};})(c,d)();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!d[0]){$panic(new $String("crypto/hmac: hash generation function does not produce unique values"));}g=c[0].inner.BlockSize();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;c[0].ipad=$makeSlice(G,h);c[0].opad=$makeSlice(G,h);if(b.$length>h){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:i=c[0].outer.Write(b);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=c[0].outer.Sum(G.nil);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=j;case 6:$copySlice(c[0].ipad,b);$copySlice(c[0].opad,b);k=c[0].ipad;l=0;while(true){if(!(l=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+m]=(((n=c[0].ipad,((m<0||m>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+m]))^(54))<<24>>>24)));l++;}p=c[0].opad;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+r]=(((s=c[0].opad,((r<0||r>=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+r]))^(92))<<24>>>24)));q++;}u=c[0].inner.Write(c[0].ipad);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;$s=-1;return c[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:E,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};$pkg.New=E;F=function(a,b){var a,b;return A.ConstantTimeCompare(a,b)===1;};$pkg.Equal=F;H.methods=[{prop:"Sum",name:"Sum",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([G],[G],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([G],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Size",name:"Size",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)}];C.init([{prop:"MarshalBinary",name:"MarshalBinary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[G,$error],false)},{prop:"UnmarshalBinary",name:"UnmarshalBinary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([G],[$error],false)}]);D.init("crypto/hmac",[{prop:"opad",name:"opad",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:G,tag:""},{prop:"ipad",name:"ipad",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:G,tag:""},{prop:"outer",name:"outer",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:B.Hash,tag:""},{prop:"inner",name:"inner",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:B.Hash,tag:""},{prop:"marshaled",name:"marshaled",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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a;a=this;a.s[0]=1732584193;a.s[1]=4023233417;a.s[2]=2562383102;a.s[3]=271733878;a.nx=0;a.len=new $Uint64(0,0);};I.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};I.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=$makeSlice(P,0,92);b=$appendSlice(b,"md5\x01");b=K(b,a.s[0]);b=K(b,a.s[1]);b=K(b,a.s[2]);b=K(b,a.s[3]);b=$appendSlice(b,$subslice(new P(a.x),0,a.nx));b=$subslice(b,0,((b.$length+64>>0)-a.nx>>0));b=J(b,a.len);return[b,$ifaceNil];};I.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){return this.$val.MarshalBinary();};I.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=this;if(a.$length<4||!(($bytesToString($subslice(a,0,4)))==="md5\x01")){return D.New("crypto/md5: invalid hash state identifier");}if(!((a.$length===92))){return D.New("crypto/md5: invalid hash state size");}a=$subslice(a,4);c=M(a);a=c[0];b.s[0]=c[1];d=M(a);a=d[0];b.s[1]=d[1];e=M(a);a=e[0];b.s[2]=e[1];f=M(a);a=f[0];b.s[3]=f[1];a=$subslice(a,$copySlice(new P(b.x),a));g=L(a);a=g[0];b.len=g[1];b.nx=(($div64(b.len,new $Uint64(0,64),true).$low>>0));return $ifaceNil;};I.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(a){return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(a);};J=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=Q.zero();$clone(A.BigEndian,A.bigEndian).PutUint64(new P(c),b);return $appendSlice(a,new P(c));};K=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=R.zero();$clone(A.BigEndian,A.bigEndian).PutUint32(new P(c),b);return $appendSlice(a,new P(c));};L=function(a){var a;return[$subslice(a,8),$clone(A.BigEndian,A.bigEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,0,8))];};M=function(a){var a;return[$subslice(a,4),$clone(A.BigEndian,A.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(a,0,4))];};N=function(){var a;a=new I.ptr(S.zero(),T.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0));a.Reset();return a;};$pkg.New=N;I.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var a;a=this;return 16;};I.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};I.ptr.prototype.BlockSize=function(){var a;a=this;return 64;};I.prototype.BlockSize=function(){return this.$val.BlockSize();};I.ptr.prototype.Write=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;b=a.$length;d.len=(e=d.len,f=(new $Uint64(0,b)),new $Uint64(e.$high+f.$high,e.$low+f.$low));if(d.nx>0){g=$copySlice($subslice(new P(d.x),d.nx),a);d.nx=d.nx+(g)>>0;if(d.nx===64){if(false){F(d,new P(d.x));}else{G(d,new P(d.x));}d.nx=0;}a=$subslice(a,g);}if(a.$length>=64){h=(a.$length&~63)>>0;if(false){F(d,$subslice(a,0,h));}else{G(d,$subslice(a,0,h));}a=$subslice(a,h);}if(a.$length>0){d.nx=$copySlice(new P(d.x),a);}return[b,c];};I.prototype.Write=function(a){return this.$val.Write(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Sum=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=$clone(b,I);d=$clone(c.checkSum(),U);return $appendSlice(a,new P(d));};I.prototype.Sum=function(a){return this.$val.Sum(a);};I.ptr.prototype.checkSum=function(){var 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this.$val.checkSum();};V.methods=[{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"MarshalBinary",name:"MarshalBinary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[P,$error],false)},{prop:"UnmarshalBinary",name:"UnmarshalBinary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([P],[$error],false)},{prop:"Size",name:"Size",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([P],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Sum",name:"Sum",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([P],[P],false)},{prop:"checkSum",name:"checkSum",pkg:"crypto/md5",typ:$funcType([],[U],false)}];I.init("crypto/md5",[{prop:"s",name:"s",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:S,tag:""},{prop:"x",name:"x",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:T,tag:""},{prop:"nx",name:"nx",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"len",name:"len",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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$pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D,F,G,H,E;A=$packages["crypto/internal/subtle"];B=$packages["strconv"];C=$pkg.Cipher=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rc4.Cipher",true,"crypto/rc4",true,function(s_,i_,j_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.s=G.zero();this.i=0;this.j=0;return;}this.s=s_;this.i=i_;this.j=j_;});D=$pkg.KeySizeError=$newType(4,$kindInt,"rc4.KeySizeError",true,"crypto/rc4",true,null);F=$ptrType(C);G=$arrayType($Uint32,256);H=$sliceType($Uint8);D.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return"crypto/rc4: invalid key size "+B.Itoa(((a>>0)));};$ptrType(D).prototype.Error=function(){return new D(this.$get()).Error();};E=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;b=a.$length;if(b<1||b>256){return[F.nil,new D(((b>>0)))];}c=new C.ptr(G.zero(),0,0);d=0;while(true){if(!(d<256)){break;}(e=c.s,((d<0||d>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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range"),undefined):s[f]=q));(t=c.s,((g<0||g>=t.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t[g]=r));((k<0||k>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+k]=((l^(((u=c.s,v=(((n+p>>>0)<<24>>>24)),((v<0||v>=u.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u[v]))<<24>>>24)))<<24>>>24));j++;}w=f;x=g;c.i=w;c.j=x;};C.prototype.XORKeyStream=function(a,b){return this.$val.XORKeyStream(a,b);};F.methods=[{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"XORKeyStream",name:"XORKeyStream",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([H,H],[],false)}];D.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];C.init("crypto/rc4",[{prop:"s",name:"s",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:G,tag:""},{prop:"i",name:"i",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint8,tag:""},{prop:"j",name:"j",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint8,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["crypto/rsa"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,J,A,I,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,M,N,S,T,U,AH,AK,AU,AV,AW,AX,AY,AZ,BA,BB,BC,BD,BE,K,L,O,P,Q,AQ,R,X,Y,Z,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AI,AJ,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AR,AS,AT;J=$packages["bytes"];A=$packages["crypto"];I=$packages["crypto/internal/randutil"];B=$packages["crypto/rand"];C=$packages["crypto/subtle"];D=$packages["errors"];E=$packages["hash"];F=$packages["io"];G=$packages["math"];H=$packages["math/big"];M=$pkg.PublicKey=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rsa.PublicKey",true,"crypto/rsa",true,function(N_,E_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.N=AW.nil;this.E=0;return;}this.N=N_;this.E=E_;});N=$pkg.OAEPOptions=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rsa.OAEPOptions",true,"crypto/rsa",true,function(Hash_,Label_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Hash=0;this.Label=AU.nil;return;}this.Hash=Hash_;this.Label=Label_;});S=$pkg.PrivateKey=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rsa.PrivateKey",true,"crypto/rsa",true,function(PublicKey_,D_,Primes_,Precomputed_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.PublicKey=new M.ptr(AW.nil,0);this.D=AW.nil;this.Primes=BB.nil;this.Precomputed=new T.ptr(AW.nil,AW.nil,AW.nil,BC.nil);return;}this.PublicKey=PublicKey_;this.D=D_;this.Primes=Primes_;this.Precomputed=Precomputed_;});T=$pkg.PrecomputedValues=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rsa.PrecomputedValues",true,"crypto/rsa",true,function(Dp_,Dq_,Qinv_,CRTValues_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Dp=AW.nil;this.Dq=AW.nil;this.Qinv=AW.nil;this.CRTValues=BC.nil;return;}this.Dp=Dp_;this.Dq=Dq_;this.Qinv=Qinv_;this.CRTValues=CRTValues_;});U=$pkg.CRTValue=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rsa.CRTValue",true,"crypto/rsa",true,function(Exp_,Coeff_,R_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Exp=AW.nil;this.Coeff=AW.nil;this.R=AW.nil;return;}this.Exp=Exp_;this.Coeff=Coeff_;this.R=R_;});AH=$pkg.PSSOptions=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rsa.PSSOptions",true,"crypto/rsa",true,function(SaltLength_,Hash_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.SaltLength=0;this.Hash=0;return;}this.SaltLength=SaltLength_;this.Hash=Hash_;});AK=$pkg.PKCS1v15DecryptOptions=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"rsa.PKCS1v15DecryptOptions",true,"crypto/rsa",true,function(SessionKeyLen_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.SessionKeyLen=0;return;}this.SessionKeyLen=SessionKeyLen_;});AU=$sliceType($Uint8);AV=$ptrType(M);AW=$ptrType(H.Int);AX=$ptrType(S);AY=$ptrType(AH);AZ=$ptrType(N);BA=$ptrType(AK);BB=$sliceType(AW);BC=$sliceType(U);BD=$arrayType($Uint8,4);BE=$arrayType($Uint8,8);M.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var a,b;a=this;return(b=((a.N.BitLen()+7>>0))/8,(b===b&&b!==1/0&&b!==-1/0)?b>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));};M.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};M.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this;c=$assertType(a,AV,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!e){return false;}return(b.N.Cmp(d.N)===0)&&(b.E===d.E);};M.prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$val.Equal(a);};R=function(a){var a;if(a.N===AW.nil){return O;}if(a.E<2){return P;}if(a.E>2147483647){return Q;}return $ifaceNil;};S.ptr.prototype.Public=function(){var a;a=this;return a.PublicKey;};S.prototype.Public=function(){return this.$val.Public();};S.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;b=this;c=$assertType(a,AX,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!e){return false;}if(!b.PublicKey.Equal(d.PublicKey)||!((b.D.Cmp(d.D)===0))){return false;}if(!((b.Primes.$length===d.Primes.$length))){return false;}f=b.Primes;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+h])).Cmp((j=d.Primes,((h<0||h>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+h])))===0))){return false;}g++;}return true;};S.prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$val.Equal(a);};S.ptr.prototype.Sign=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=$assertType(c,AY,true);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(g){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=AI(a,d,f.Hash,b,f);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=4;case 4:return i;case 2:j=a;k=d;l=c.HashFunc();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=b;o=AR(j,k,m,n);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=7;case 7:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Sign,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Sign=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.Sign(a,b,c);};S.ptr.prototype.Decrypt=function(a,b,c){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=AU.nil;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=AM(a,f,b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;d=g[0];e=g[1];i=[d,e];$s=4;case 4:return i;case 2:j=c;if($assertType(j,AZ,true)[1]){$s=5;continue;}if($assertType(j,BA,true)[1]){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:k=j.$val;o=new A.Hash(k.Hash).New();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=AD(o,a,f,b,k.Label);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=p;d=n[0];e=n[1];q=[d,e];$s=11;case 11:return q;case 6:l=j.$val;r=l.SessionKeyLen;if(r>0){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:d=$makeSlice(AU,r);t=F.ReadFull(a,d);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){v=AU.nil;w=u;d=v;e=w;$s=-1;return[d,e];}x=AN(a,f,b,d);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil))){z=AU.nil;aa=y;d=z;e=aa;$s=-1;return[d,e];}ab=d;ac=$ifaceNil;d=ab;e=ac;$s=-1;return[d,e];case 13:ae=AM(a,f,b);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;d=ad[0];e=ad[1];af=[d,e];$s=18;case 18:return af;case 14:$s=8;continue;case 7:m=j;ag=AU.nil;ah=D.New("crypto/rsa: invalid options for Decrypt");d=ag;e=ah;$s=-1;return[d,e];case 8:$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Decrypt,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Decrypt=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.Decrypt(a,b,c);};S.ptr.prototype.Validate=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=R(a.PublicKey);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return b;}c=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Set(L);d=a.Primes;e=0;case 1:if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);if(f.Cmp(L)<=0){$s=-1;return D.New("crypto/rsa: invalid prime value");}g=c.Mul(c,f);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;e++;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!((c.Cmp(a.PublicKey.N)===0))){$s=-1;return D.New("crypto/rsa: invalid modulus");}h=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil);i=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).SetInt64((new $Int64(0,a.PublicKey.E)));j=i.Mul(i,a.D);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=a.Primes;l=0;case 5:if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);n=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Sub(m,L);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=h.Mod(i,o);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;if(!((h.Cmp(L)===0))){$s=-1;return D.New("crypto/rsa: invalid exponents");}l++;$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Validate,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Validate=function(){return this.$val.Validate();};X=function(a){var a;a[3]=(a[3]+(1)<<24>>>24);if(!((a[3]===0))){return;}a[2]=(a[2]+(1)<<24>>>24);if(!((a[2]===0))){return;}a[1]=(a[1]+(1)<<24>>>24);if(!((a[1]===0))){return;}a[0]=(a[0]+(1)<<24>>>24);};Y=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];d[0]=BD.zero();e=AU.nil;f=0;case 1:if(!(f=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f]=((((f<0||f>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f])^(((j<0||j>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+j])))<<24>>>24));f=f+(1)>>0;j=j+(1)>>0;}X(d[0]);$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};Z=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=H.NewInt((new $Int64(0,b.E)));e=a.Exp(c,d,b.N);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};S.ptr.prototype.Precompute=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(!(a.Precomputed.Dp===AW.nil)){$s=-1;return;}c=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Sub((b=a.Primes,(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])),L);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a.Precomputed.Dp=c;d=a.Precomputed.Dp.Mod(a.D,a.Precomputed.Dp);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d;f=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Sub((e=a.Primes,(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1])),L);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a.Precomputed.Dq=f;g=a.Precomputed.Dq.Mod(a.D,a.Precomputed.Dq);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;j=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).ModInverse((h=a.Primes,(1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1])),(i=a.Primes,(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0])));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a.Precomputed.Qinv=j;m=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Mul((k=a.Primes,(0>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+0])),(l=a.Primes,(1>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+1])));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;a.Precomputed.CRTValues=$makeSlice(BC,(a.Primes.$length-2>>0));o=2;case 7:if(!(o=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+o]));t=(r=a.Precomputed.CRTValues,s=o-2>>0,((s<0||s>=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]));u=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Sub(q,L);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.Exp=u;v=t.Exp.Mod(a.D,t.Exp);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;t.R=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Set(n);w=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).ModInverse(n,q);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t.Coeff=w;x=n.Mul(n,q);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;o=o+(1)>>0;$s=7;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Precompute,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Precompute=function(){return this.$val.Precompute();};AB=function(a,b,c){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=AW.nil;e=$ifaceNil;if(c.Cmp(b.PublicKey.N)>0){e=$pkg.ErrDecryption;$s=-1;return[d,e];}if(b.PublicKey.N.Sign()===0){f=AW.nil;g=$pkg.ErrDecryption;d=f;e=g;$s=-1;return[d,e];}h=AW.nil;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(a,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=I.MaybeReadByte(a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=AW.nil;h=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil);case 4:k=B.Int(a,b.PublicKey.N);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;i=j[0];e=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[d,e];}if(i.Cmp(K)===0){i=L;}l=h.ModInverse(i,b.PublicKey.N);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!(m===AW.nil)){$s=5;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 5:n=H.NewInt((new $Int64(0,b.PublicKey.E)));o=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Exp(i,n,b.PublicKey.N);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Set(c);r=q.Mul(q,p);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;s=q.Mod(q,b.PublicKey.N);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;c=q;case 2:if(b.Precomputed.Dp===AW.nil){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:t=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Exp(c,b.D,b.PublicKey.N);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=t;$s=13;continue;case 12:v=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Exp(c,b.Precomputed.Dp,(u=b.Primes,(0>=u.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+0])));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=v;x=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).Exp(c,b.Precomputed.Dq,(w=b.Primes,(1>=w.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+1])));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;z=d.Sub(d,y);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;if(d.Sign()<0){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:ab=d.Add(d,(aa=b.Primes,(0>=aa.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa.$array[aa.$offset+0])));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;case 19:ac=d.Mul(d,b.Precomputed.Qinv);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac;ae=d.Mod(d,(ad=b.Primes,(0>=ad.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+0])));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;ag=d.Mul(d,(af=b.Primes,(1>=af.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):af.$array[af.$offset+1])));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag;ah=d.Add(d,y);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah;ai=b.Precomputed.CRTValues;aj=0;case 25:if(!(aj=ai.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai.$array[ai.$offset+aj]),U);ao=(am=b.Primes,an=2+ak>>0,((an<0||an>=am.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):am.$array[am.$offset+an]));ap=y.Exp(c,al.Exp,ao);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;aq=y.Sub(y,d);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq;ar=y.Mul(y,al.Coeff);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar;as=y.Mod(y,ao);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as;if(y.Sign()<0){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:at=y.Add(y,ao);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at;case 32:au=y.Mul(y,al.R);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au;av=d.Add(d,y);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av;aj++;$s=25;continue;case 26:case 13:if(!(h===AW.nil)){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:aw=d.Mul(d,h);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw;ax=d.Mod(d,b.PublicKey.N);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax;case 37:$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:AB,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AC=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=AW.nil;e=$ifaceNil;g=AB(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;d=f[0];e=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){h=AW.nil;i=e;d=h;e=i;$s=-1;return[d,e];}j=Z(new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil),b.PublicKey,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!((c.Cmp(k)===0))){l=AW.nil;m=D.New("rsa: internal error");d=l;e=m;$s=-1;return[d,e];}n=d;o=$ifaceNil;d=n;e=o;$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:AC,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AD=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=R(c.PublicKey);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,f];}g=c.PublicKey.Size();if(d.$length>g){h=true;$s=3;continue s;}i=a.Size();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g<(($imul(i,2))+2>>0);case 3:if(h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return[AU.nil,$pkg.ErrDecryption];case 2:j=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).SetBytes(d);l=AB(b,c,j);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,n];}o=a.Write(e);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;p=a.Sum(AU.nil);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$r=a.Reset();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=m.FillBytes($makeSlice(AU,g));s=C.ConstantTimeByteEq((0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0]),0);t=a.Size();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$subslice(r,1,(t+1>>0));v=a.Size();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=$subslice(r,(v+1>>0));$r=Y(u,a,w);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Y(w,a,u);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=a.Size();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$subslice(w,0,x);z=C.ConstantTimeCompare(q,y);aa=0;ab=0;ac=0;ad=aa;ae=ab;af=ac;ad=1;ag=a.Size();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=$subslice(w,ag);ai=0;while(true){if(!(ai=ah.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+ai]),0);ak=C.ConstantTimeByteEq(((ai<0||ai>=ah.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+ai]),1);ae=C.ConstantTimeSelect(ad&ak,ai,ae);ad=C.ConstantTimeSelect(ak,0,ad);af=C.ConstantTimeSelect((ad&~aj)>>0,1,af);ai=ai+(1)>>0;}if(!(((((((s&z)&~af)>>0)&~ad)>>0)===1))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,$pkg.ErrDecryption];}$s=-1;return[$subslice(ah,(ae+1>>0)),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AD,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.DecryptOAEP=AD;AE=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=d.Size();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=c.$length;i=(h=((b+7>>0))/8,(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(!((a.$length===f))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,D.New("crypto/rsa: input must be hashed with given hash")];}if(i<((f+g>>0)+2>>0)){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,D.New("crypto/rsa: key size too small for PSS signature")];}j=$makeSlice(AU,i);k=((i-g>>0)-f>>0)-2>>0;l=$subslice(j,0,((k+1>>0)+g>>0));m=$subslice(j,((k+1>>0)+g>>0),(i-1>>0));n=BE.zero();o=d.Write(new AU(n));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;p=d.Write(a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;q=d.Write(c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=d.Sum($subslice(m,0,0));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=r;$r=d.Reset();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}((k<0||k>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+k]=1);$copySlice($subslice(l,(k+1>>0)),c);$r=Y(l,d,m);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0]=(((0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0])&(((s=((($imul(8,i))-b>>0)),s<32?(255>>>s):0)<<24>>>24)))>>>0));(t=i-1>>0,((t<0||t>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+t]=188));$s=-1;return[j,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AE,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};AF=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=e.Size();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(d===-1){d=g;}i=(h=((c+7>>0))/8,(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(!((i===b.$length))){$s=-1;return D.New("rsa: internal error: inconsistent length");}if(!((g===a.$length))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}if(i<((g+d>>0)+2>>0)){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}if(!(((j=i-1>>0,((j<0||j>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+j]))===188))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}k=$subslice(b,0,((i-g>>0)-1>>0));l=$subslice(b,((i-g>>0)-1>>0),(i-1>>0));n=(m=((($imul(8,i))-c>>0)),m<32?(255>>>m):0)<<24>>>24;if(!(((((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])&(~n<<24>>>24))>>>0)===0))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}$r=Y(k,e,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(0>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+0]=(((0>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+0])&(n))>>>0));if(d===0){o=J.IndexByte(k,1);if(o<0){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}d=(k.$length-o>>0)-1>>0;}p=((i-g>>0)-d>>0)-2>>0;q=$subslice(k,0,p);r=0;while(true){if(!(r=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r]);if(!((s===0))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}r++;}if(!((((p<0||p>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+p])===1))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}t=$subslice(k,(k.$length-d>>0));u=BE.zero();v=e.Write(new AU(u));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;w=e.Write(a);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;x=e.Write(t);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;y=e.Sum(AU.nil);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;if(!J.Equal(z,l)){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AG=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=b.PublicKey.N.BitLen()-1>>0;h=d;i=f;j=e;k=new A.Hash(c).New();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=AE(h,i,j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=m;n=g[0];o=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,o];}p=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).SetBytes(n);r=AC(a,b,p);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];o=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,o];}t=$makeSlice(AU,b.PublicKey.Size());$s=-1;return[s.FillBytes(t),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AG,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};AH.ptr.prototype.HashFunc=function(){var a;a=this;return a.Hash;};AH.prototype.HashFunc=function(){return this.$val.HashFunc();};AH.ptr.prototype.saltLength=function(){var a;a=this;if(a===AY.nil){return 0;}return a.SaltLength;};AH.prototype.saltLength=function(){return this.$val.saltLength();};AI=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(e===AY.nil)&&!((e.Hash===0))){c=e.Hash;}f=e.saltLength();g=f;if(g===(0)){f=((h=(((b.PublicKey.N.BitLen()-1>>0)+7>>0))/8,(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))-2>>0)-new A.Hash(c).Size()>>0;}else if(g===(-1)){f=new A.Hash(c).Size();}i=$makeSlice(AU,f);k=F.ReadFull(a,i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,l];}m=AG(a,b,c,d,i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=3;case 3:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AI,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$pkg.SignPSS=AI;AJ=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((d.$length===a.Size()))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}f=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).SetBytes(d);g=Z(new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil),a,f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=a.N.BitLen()-1>>0;k=(j=((i+7>>0))/8,(j===j&&j!==1/0&&j!==-1/0)?j>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(h.BitLen()>($imul(k,8))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}l=h.FillBytes($makeSlice(AU,k));m=c;n=l;o=i;p=e.saltLength();q=new A.Hash(b).New();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=AF(m,n,o,p,r);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=4;case 4:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:AJ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};$pkg.VerifyPSS=AJ;AL=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=I.MaybeReadByte(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=R(b);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,d];}e=b.Size();if(c.$length>(e-11>>0)){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,$pkg.ErrMessageTooLong];}f=$makeSlice(AU,e);(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]=2);g=$subslice(f,2,((f.$length-c.$length>>0)-1>>0));h=$subslice(f,(f.$length-c.$length>>0));i=g;j=h;k=AP(i,a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,l];}(m=(f.$length-c.$length>>0)-1>>0,((m<0||m>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+m]=0));$copySlice(j,c);n=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).SetBytes(f);o=Z(new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil),b,n);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=-1;return[p.FillBytes(f),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};$pkg.EncryptPKCS1v15=AL;AM=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=R(b.PublicKey);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,d];}f=AO(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];i=e[2];j=e[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,j];}if(g===0){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,$pkg.ErrDecryption];}$s=-1;return[$subslice(h,i),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AM,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.DecryptPKCS1v15=AM;AN=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=R(b.PublicKey);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return e;}f=b.PublicKey.Size();if((f-(((d.$length+3>>0)+8>>0))>>0)<0){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrDecryption;}h=AO(a,b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];k=g[2];l=g[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return l;}if(!((j.$length===f))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrDecryption;}i=i&(C.ConstantTimeEq((((j.$length-k>>0)>>0)),((d.$length>>0))));C.ConstantTimeCopy(i,d,$subslice(j,(j.$length-d.$length>>0)));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$pkg.DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey=AN;AO=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=0;e=AU.nil;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=b.PublicKey.Size();if(h<11){g=$pkg.ErrDecryption;$s=-1;return[d,e,f,g];}i=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).SetBytes(c);k=AB(a,b,i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];g=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[d,e,f,g];}e=l.FillBytes($makeSlice(AU,h));m=C.ConstantTimeByteEq((0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]),0);n=C.ConstantTimeByteEq((1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1]),2);o=1;p=2;while(true){if(!(p=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+p]),0);f=C.ConstantTimeSelect(o&q,p,f);o=C.ConstantTimeSelect(q,0,o);p=p+(1)>>0;}r=C.ConstantTimeLessOrEq(10,f);d=((m&n)&(((~o>>0)&1)))&r;f=C.ConstantTimeSelect(d,f+1>>0,0);s=d;t=e;u=f;v=$ifaceNil;d=s;e=t;f=u;g=v;$s=-1;return[d,e,f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:AO,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};AP=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=$ifaceNil;e=F.ReadFull(b,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;c=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return c;}f=0;case 2:if(!(f=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f])===0)){$s=5;continue;}h=F.ReadFull(b,$subslice(a,f,(f+1>>0)));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;c=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return c;}((f<0||f>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f]=((((f<0||f>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f])^(66))<<24>>>24));$s=4;continue;case 5:f=f+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AR=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=AT(c,d.$length);f=e[0];g=e[1];h=e[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,h];}i=g.$length+f>>0;j=b.PublicKey.Size();if(j<(i+11>>0)){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,$pkg.ErrMessageTooLong];}k=$makeSlice(AU,j);(1>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+1]=1);l=2;while(true){if(!(l<((j-i>>0)-1>>0))){break;}((l<0||l>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]=255);l=l+(1)>>0;}$copySlice($subslice(k,(j-i>>0),(j-f>>0)),g);$copySlice($subslice(k,(j-f>>0),j),d);m=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).SetBytes(k);o=AC(a,b,m);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];h=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AU.nil,h];}$s=-1;return[p.FillBytes(k),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AR,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};$pkg.SignPKCS1v15=AR;AS=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=AT(b,c.$length);f=e[0];g=e[1];h=e[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return h;}i=g.$length+f>>0;j=a.Size();if(j<(i+11>>0)){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}if(!((j===d.$length))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}k=new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil).SetBytes(d);l=Z(new H.Int.ptr(false,H.nat.nil),a,k);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=m.FillBytes($makeSlice(AU,j));o=C.ConstantTimeByteEq((0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0]),0);o=o&(C.ConstantTimeByteEq((1>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+1]),1));o=o&(C.ConstantTimeCompare($subslice(n,(j-f>>0),j),c));o=o&(C.ConstantTimeCompare($subslice(n,(j-i>>0),(j-f>>0)),g));o=o&(C.ConstantTimeByteEq((p=(j-i>>0)-1>>0,((p<0||p>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+p])),0));q=2;while(true){if(!(q<((j-i>>0)-1>>0))){break;}o=o&(C.ConstantTimeByteEq(((q<0||q>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+q]),255));q=q+(1)>>0;}if(!((o===1))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrVerification;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AS,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};$pkg.VerifyPKCS1v15=AS;AT=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;c=0;d=AU.nil;e=$ifaceNil;if(a===0){f=b;g=AU.nil;h=$ifaceNil;c=f;d=g;e=h;return[c,d,e];}c=new A.Hash(a).Size();if(!((b===c))){i=0;j=AU.nil;k=D.New("crypto/rsa: input must be hashed message");c=i;d=j;e=k;return[c,d,e];}l=(m=AQ[A.Hash.keyFor(a)],m!==undefined?[m.v,true]:[AU.nil,false]);d=l[0];n=l[1];if(!n){o=0;p=AU.nil;q=D.New("crypto/rsa: unsupported hash function");c=o;d=p;e=q;return[c,d,e];}return[c,d,e];};AV.methods=[{prop:"Size",name:"Size",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([A.PublicKey],[$Bool],false)}];AX.methods=[{prop:"Public",name:"Public",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[A.PublicKey],false)},{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([A.PrivateKey],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Sign",name:"Sign",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([F.Reader,AU,A.SignerOpts],[AU,$error],false)},{prop:"Decrypt",name:"Decrypt",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([F.Reader,AU,A.DecrypterOpts],[AU,$error],false)},{prop:"Validate",name:"Validate",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Precompute",name:"Precompute",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)}];AY.methods=[{prop:"HashFunc",name:"HashFunc",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[A.Hash],false)},{prop:"saltLength",name:"saltLength",pkg:"crypto/rsa",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)}];M.init("",[{prop:"N",name:"N",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AW,tag:""},{prop:"E",name:"E",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""}]);N.init("",[{prop:"Hash",name:"Hash",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:A.Hash,tag:""},{prop:"Label",name:"Label",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AU,tag:""}]);S.init("",[{prop:"PublicKey",name:"PublicKey",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:M,tag:""},{prop:"D",name:"D",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AW,tag:""},{prop:"Primes",name:"Primes",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:BB,tag:""},{prop:"Precomputed",name:"Precomputed",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:T,tag:""}]);T.init("",[{prop:"Dp",name:"Dp",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AW,tag:""},{prop:"Dq",name:"Dq",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AW,tag:""},{prop:"Qinv",name:"Qinv",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AW,tag:""},{prop:"CRTValues",name:"CRTValues",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:BC,tag:""}]);U.init("",[{prop:"Exp",name:"Exp",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AW,tag:""},{prop:"Coeff",name:"Coeff",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AW,tag:""},{prop:"R",name:"R",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AW,tag:""}]);AH.init("",[{prop:"SaltLength",name:"SaltLength",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"Hash",name:"Hash",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:A.Hash,tag:""}]);AK.init("",[{prop:"SessionKeyLen",name:"SessionKeyLen",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=J.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=I.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=G.$init();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=H.$init();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}K=H.NewInt(new $Int64(0,0));L=H.NewInt(new $Int64(0,1));O=D.New("crypto/rsa: missing public modulus");P=D.New("crypto/rsa: public exponent too small");Q=D.New("crypto/rsa: public exponent too large");$pkg.ErrMessageTooLong=D.New("crypto/rsa: message too long for RSA public key size");$pkg.ErrDecryption=D.New("crypto/rsa: decryption error");$pkg.ErrVerification=D.New("crypto/rsa: verification error");AQ=$makeMap(A.Hash.keyFor,[{k:2,v:new AU([48,32,48,12,6,8,42,134,72,134,247,13,2,5,5,0,4,16])},{k:3,v:new AU([48,33,48,9,6,5,43,14,3,2,26,5,0,4,20])},{k:4,v:new AU([48,45,48,13,6,9,96,134,72,1,101,3,4,2,4,5,0,4,28])},{k:5,v:new AU([48,49,48,13,6,9,96,134,72,1,101,3,4,2,1,5,0,4,32])},{k:6,v:new AU([48,65,48,13,6,9,96,134,72,1,101,3,4,2,2,5,0,4,48])},{k:7,v:new AU([48,81,48,13,6,9,96,134,72,1,101,3,4,2,3,5,0,4,64])},{k:8,v:new AU([])},{k:9,v:new AU([48,32,48,8,6,6,40,207,6,3,0,49,4,20])}]);}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["crypto/sha1"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,C,D,E,A,I,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N;B=$packages["crypto"];C=$packages["encoding/binary"];D=$packages["errors"];E=$packages["hash"];A=$packages["math/bits"];I=$pkg.digest=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"sha1.digest",true,"crypto/sha1",false,function(h_,x_,nx_,len_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.h=T.zero();this.x=U.zero();this.nx=0;this.len=new $Uint64(0,0);return;}this.h=h_;this.x=x_;this.nx=nx_;this.len=len_;});P=$arrayType($Uint32,16);Q=$sliceType($Uint8);R=$arrayType($Uint8,8);S=$arrayType($Uint8,4);T=$arrayType($Uint32,5);U=$arrayType($Uint8,64);V=$arrayType($Uint8,20);W=$ptrType(I);F=function(a,b){var a,b;G(a,b);};G=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,c,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=P.zero();d=a.h[0];e=a.h[1];f=a.h[2];g=a.h[3];h=a.h[4];i=d;j=e;k=f;l=g;m=h;while(true){if(!(b.$length>=64)){break;}n=0;while(true){if(!(n<16)){break;}o=$imul(n,4);((n<0||n>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[n]=(((((((((((o<0||o>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+o])>>>0))<<24>>>0)|((((p=o+1>>0,((p<0||p>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+p]))>>>0))<<16>>>0))>>>0)|((((q=o+2>>0,((q<0||q>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+q]))>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|(((r=o+3>>0,((r<0||r>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;if(a.$length<4||!(($bytesToString($subslice(a,0,4)))==="sha\x01")){return D.New("crypto/sha1: invalid hash state identifier");}if(!((a.$length===96))){return D.New("crypto/sha1: invalid hash state size");}a=$subslice(a,4);c=M(a);a=c[0];b.h[0]=c[1];d=M(a);a=d[0];b.h[1]=d[1];e=M(a);a=e[0];b.h[2]=e[1];f=M(a);a=f[0];b.h[3]=f[1];g=M(a);a=g[0];b.h[4]=g[1];a=$subslice(a,$copySlice(new Q(b.x),a));h=L(a);a=h[0];b.len=h[1];b.nx=(($div64(b.len,new $Uint64(0,64),true).$low>>0));return $ifaceNil;};I.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(a){return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(a);};J=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=R.zero();$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64(new Q(c),b);return $appendSlice(a,new Q(c));};K=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=S.zero();$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32(new Q(c),b);return $appendSlice(a,new Q(c));};L=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;$unused((7>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+7]));p=(b=(c=(d=(e=(f=(g=(h=(new $Uint64(0,(7>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+7]))),i=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(6>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+6]))),8),new $Uint64(h.$high|i.$high,(h.$low|i.$low)>>>0)),j=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(5>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+5]))),16),new $Uint64(g.$high|j.$high,(g.$low|j.$low)>>>0)),k=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(4>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+4]))),24),new $Uint64(f.$high|k.$high,(f.$low|k.$low)>>>0)),l=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]))),32),new $Uint64(e.$high|l.$high,(e.$low|l.$low)>>>0)),m=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]))),40),new $Uint64(d.$high|m.$high,(d.$low|m.$low)>>>0)),n=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]))),48),new $Uint64(c.$high|n.$high,(c.$low|n.$low)>>>0)),o=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]))),56),new $Uint64(b.$high|o.$high,(b.$low|o.$low)>>>0));return[$subslice(a,8),p];};M=function(a){var a,b;$unused((3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]));b=((((((((3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3])>>>0))|((((2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2])>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|((((1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1])>>>0))<<16>>>0))>>>0)|((((0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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Q(d.x));d.nx=0;}a=$subslice(a,g);}if(a.$length>=64){h=(a.$length&~63)>>0;F(d,$subslice(a,0,h));a=$subslice(a,h);}if(a.$length>0){d.nx=$copySlice(new Q(d.x),a);}return[b,c];};I.prototype.Write=function(a){return this.$val.Write(a);};I.ptr.prototype.Sum=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=$clone(b,I);d=$clone(c.checkSum(),V);return $appendSlice(a,new Q(d));};I.prototype.Sum=function(a){return this.$val.Sum(a);};I.ptr.prototype.checkSum=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;a=this;b=a.len;c=U.zero();c[0]=128;if((d=$div64(b,new $Uint64(0,64),true),(d.$high<0||(d.$high===0&&d.$low<56)))){a.Write($subslice(new Q(c),0,$flatten64((e=$div64(b,new $Uint64(0,64),true),new $Uint64(0-e.$high,56-e.$low)))));}else{a.Write($subslice(new Q(c),0,$flatten64((f=$div64(b,new $Uint64(0,64),true),new $Uint64(0-f.$high,120-f.$low)))));}b=$shiftLeft64(b,(3));$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64(new Q(c),b);a.Write($subslice(new Q(c),0,8));if(!((a.nx===0))){$panic(new $String("d.nx != 0"));}g=V.zero();$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new Q(g),0),a.h[0]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new Q(g),4),a.h[1]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new Q(g),8),a.h[2]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new Q(g),12),a.h[3]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new Q(g),16),a.h[4]);return g;};I.prototype.checkSum=function(){return this.$val.checkSum();};I.ptr.prototype.ConstantTimeSum=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;c=$clone(b,I);d=$clone(c.constSum(),V);return $appendSlice(a,new Q(d));};I.prototype.ConstantTimeSum=function(a){return this.$val.ConstantTimeSum(a);};I.ptr.prototype.constSum=function(){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;a=this;b=R.zero();c=$shiftLeft64(a.len,3);d=0;while(true){if(!(d<8)){break;}((d<0||d>=b.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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Q(a.x));ac=a.h;ad=0;while(true){if(!(ad<5)){break;}ae=ad;af=((ad<0||ad>=ac.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac[ad]);ag=$imul(ae,4);((ag<0||ag>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[ag]=((((ag<0||ag>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[ag])|((((~g<<24>>>24)&(((af>>>24>>>0)<<24>>>24)))>>>0)))>>>0));ah=($imul(ae,4))+1>>0;((ah<0||ah>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[ah]=((((ah<0||ah>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[ah])|((((~g<<24>>>24)&(((af>>>16>>>0)<<24>>>24)))>>>0)))>>>0));ai=($imul(ae,4))+2>>0;((ai<0||ai>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[ai]=((((ai<0||ai>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[ai])|((((~g<<24>>>24)&(((af>>>8>>>0)<<24>>>24)))>>>0)))>>>0));aj=($imul(ae,4))+3>>0;((aj<0||aj>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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this.$val.constSum();};W.methods=[{prop:"MarshalBinary",name:"MarshalBinary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[Q,$error],false)},{prop:"UnmarshalBinary",name:"UnmarshalBinary",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([Q],[$error],false)},{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"Size",name:"Size",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"BlockSize",name:"BlockSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([Q],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Sum",name:"Sum",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([Q],[Q],false)},{prop:"checkSum",name:"checkSum",pkg:"crypto/sha1",typ:$funcType([],[V],false)},{prop:"ConstantTimeSum",name:"ConstantTimeSum",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([Q],[Q],false)},{prop:"constSum",name:"constSum",pkg:"crypto/sha1",typ:$funcType([],[V],false)}];I.init("crypto/sha1",[{prop:"h",name:"h",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:T,tag:""},{prop:"x",name:"x",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:U,tag:""},{prop:"nx",name:"nx",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"len",name:"len",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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$pkg={},$init,B,C,D,E,A,J,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,G,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,O,P,R;B=$packages["crypto"];C=$packages["encoding/binary"];D=$packages["errors"];E=$packages["hash"];A=$packages["math/bits"];J=$pkg.digest=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"sha256.digest",true,"crypto/sha256",false,function(h_,x_,nx_,len_,is224_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.h=X.zero();this.x=Y.zero();this.nx=0;this.len=new $Uint64(0,0);this.is224=false;return;}this.h=h_;this.x=x_;this.nx=nx_;this.len=len_;this.is224=is224_;});S=$sliceType($Uint32);T=$arrayType($Uint32,64);U=$sliceType($Uint8);V=$arrayType($Uint8,8);W=$arrayType($Uint8,4);X=$arrayType($Uint32,8);Y=$arrayType($Uint8,64);Z=$arrayType($Uint8,32);AA=$arrayType($Uint8,28);AB=$ptrType(AA);AC=$ptrType(J);F=function(a,b){var a,b;H(a,b);};H=function(a,b){var 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U(a.x),0,a.nx));b=$subslice(b,0,((b.$length+64>>0)-(a.nx)>>0));b=K(b,a.len);return[b,$ifaceNil];};J.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){return this.$val.MarshalBinary();};J.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;b=this;if(a.$length<4||(b.is224&&!(($bytesToString($subslice(a,0,4)))==="sha\x02"))||(!b.is224&&!(($bytesToString($subslice(a,0,4)))==="sha\x03"))){return D.New("crypto/sha256: invalid hash state identifier");}if(!((a.$length===108))){return D.New("crypto/sha256: invalid hash state size");}a=$subslice(a,4);c=N(a);a=c[0];b.h[0]=c[1];d=N(a);a=d[0];b.h[1]=d[1];e=N(a);a=e[0];b.h[2]=e[1];f=N(a);a=f[0];b.h[3]=f[1];g=N(a);a=g[0];b.h[4]=g[1];h=N(a);a=h[0];b.h[5]=h[1];i=N(a);a=i[0];b.h[6]=i[1];j=N(a);a=j[0];b.h[7]=j[1];a=$subslice(a,$copySlice(new U(b.x),a));k=M(a);a=k[0];b.len=k[1];b.nx=(($div64(b.len,new $Uint64(0,64),true).$low>>0));return $ifaceNil;};J.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(a){return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(a);};K=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=V.zero();$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64(new U(c),b);return $appendSlice(a,new U(c));};L=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=W.zero();$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32(new U(c),b);return $appendSlice(a,new U(c));};M=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;$unused((7>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+7]));p=(b=(c=(d=(e=(f=(g=(h=(new $Uint64(0,(7>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+7]))),i=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(6>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+6]))),8),new $Uint64(h.$high|i.$high,(h.$low|i.$low)>>>0)),j=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(5>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+5]))),16),new $Uint64(g.$high|j.$high,(g.$low|j.$low)>>>0)),k=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(4>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+4]))),24),new $Uint64(f.$high|k.$high,(f.$low|k.$low)>>>0)),l=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]))),32),new $Uint64(e.$high|l.$high,(e.$low|l.$low)>>>0)),m=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]))),40),new $Uint64(d.$high|m.$high,(d.$low|m.$low)>>>0)),n=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]))),48),new $Uint64(c.$high|n.$high,(c.$low|n.$low)>>>0)),o=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]))),56),new $Uint64(b.$high|o.$high,(b.$low|o.$low)>>>0));return[$subslice(a,8),p];};N=function(a){var a,b;$unused((3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]));b=((((((((3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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U(d),0,28));}return $appendSlice(a,new U(d));};J.prototype.Sum=function(a){return this.$val.Sum(a);};J.ptr.prototype.checkSum=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;a=this;b=a.len;c=Y.zero();c[0]=128;if((d=$div64(b,new $Uint64(0,64),true),(d.$high<0||(d.$high===0&&d.$low<56)))){a.Write($subslice(new U(c),0,$flatten64((e=$div64(b,new $Uint64(0,64),true),new $Uint64(0-e.$high,56-e.$low)))));}else{a.Write($subslice(new U(c),0,$flatten64((f=$div64(b,new $Uint64(0,64),true),new $Uint64(0-f.$high,120-f.$low)))));}b=$shiftLeft64(b,(3));$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint64(new U(c),b);a.Write($subslice(new U(c),0,8));if(!((a.nx===0))){$panic(new $String("d.nx != 0"));}g=Z.zero();$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new U(g),0),a.h[0]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new U(g),4),a.h[1]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new U(g),8),a.h[2]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new U(g),12),a.h[3]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new U(g),16),a.h[4]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new U(g),20),a.h[5]);$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new U(g),24),a.h[6]);if(!a.is224){$clone(C.BigEndian,C.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new U(g),28),a.h[7]);}return g;};J.prototype.checkSum=function(){return this.$val.checkSum();};R=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=new J.ptr(X.zero(),Y.zero(),0,new $Uint64(0,0),false);b.is224=true;b.Reset();b.Write(a);c=$clone(b.checkSum(),Z);d=($sliceToGoArray(new U(c),AB));return 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a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;c=0;while(true){if(!(c<((a.length-b.length>>0)-1>>0))){break;}if(c>0&&!((a.charCodeAt((c-1>>0))===44))){c=c+(1)>>0;continue;}d=$substring(a,(c+b.length>>0));if(!((d.charCodeAt(0)===61))||!($substring(a,c,(c+b.length>>0))===b)){c=c+(1)>>0;continue;}e=$substring(d,1);f=e;g=0;while(true){if(!(g>0;$r=f.mu.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=i.wg.Wait();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=i.val;l=i.err;m=true;c=k;d=l;e=m;$s=-1;return[c,d,e];case 3:n=new B.ptr(new A.WaitGroup.ptr(0,$chanNil,new $Uint64(0,0),0),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,0,G.nil);n.wg.Add(1);o=a;(f.m||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:n};$r=f.mu.Unlock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=f.doCall(n,a,b);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=n.val;q=n.err;r=n.dups>0;c=p;d=q;e=r;$s=-1;return[c,d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:C.ptr.prototype.Do,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};C.prototype.Do=function(a,b){return this.$val.Do(a,b);};C.ptr.prototype.DoChan=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=new $Chan(D,1);$r=c.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(c.m===false){c.m={};}e=(f=c.m[$String.keyFor(a)],f!==undefined?[f.v,true]:[E.nil,false]);g=e[0];h=e[1];if(h){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g.dups=g.dups+(1)>>0;g.chans=$append(g.chans,d);$r=c.mu.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[d,false];case 3:i=new B.ptr(new A.WaitGroup.ptr(0,$chanNil,new $Uint64(0,0),0),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,0,new G([d]));i.wg.Add(1);j=a;(c.m||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(j)]={k:j,v:i};$r=c.mu.Unlock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$go($methodVal(c,"doCall"),[i,a,b]);$s=-1;return[d,true];}return;}var $f={$blk:C.ptr.prototype.DoChan,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};C.prototype.DoChan=function(a,b){return this.$val.DoChan(a,b);};C.ptr.prototype.doCall=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;f=c();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;a.val=e[0];a.err=e[1];a.wg.Done();$r=d.mu.Lock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}delete d.m[$String.keyFor(b)];g=a.chans;h=0;case 3:if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);$r=$send(i,$clone(new D.ptr(a.val,a.err,a.dups>0),D));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h++;$s=3;continue;case 4:$r=d.mu.Unlock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:C.ptr.prototype.doCall,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};C.prototype.doCall=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.doCall(a,b,c);};C.ptr.prototype.ForgetUnshared=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=this;$r=b.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(b.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);c=(d=b.m[$String.keyFor(a)],d!==undefined?[d.v,true]:[E.nil,false]);e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!f){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=true;$s=4;case 4:return g;case 3:if(e.dups===0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:delete b.m[$String.keyFor(a)];h=true;$s=7;case 7:return h;case 6:i=false;$s=8;case 8:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:C.ptr.prototype.ForgetUnshared,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};C.prototype.ForgetUnshared=function(a){return this.$val.ForgetUnshared(a);};J.methods=[{prop:"Do",name:"Do",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,H],[$emptyInterface,$error,$Bool],false)},{prop:"DoChan",name:"DoChan",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,H],[I,$Bool],false)},{prop:"doCall",name:"doCall",pkg:"internal/singleflight",typ:$funcType([E,$String,H],[],false)},{prop:"ForgetUnshared",name:"ForgetUnshared",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$Bool],false)}];B.init("internal/singleflight",[{prop:"wg",name:"wg",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:A.WaitGroup,tag:""},{prop:"val",name:"val",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$emptyInterface,tag:""},{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""},{prop:"dups",name:"dups",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"chans",name:"chans",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:G,tag:""}]);C.init("internal/singleflight",[{prop:"mu",name:"mu",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:A.Mutex,tag:""},{prop:"m",name:"m",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:K,tag:""}]);D.init("",[{prop:"Val",name:"Val",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$emptyInterface,tag:""},{prop:"Err",name:"Err",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$error,tag:""},{prop:"Shared",name:"Shared",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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D.ptr(R.zero(),c.cmpVal,false);};E.prototype.Value=function(){return this.$val.Value();};J=function(){var{c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=A.Get("intern");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(c==="leaky"){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return $makeMap(E.keyFor,[]);case 2:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:J,$c:true,$r,c,$s};return $f;};S.methods=[{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$emptyInterface],false)}];E.methods=[{prop:"Value",name:"Value",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[S],false)}];D.init("internal/intern",[{prop:"_$0",name:"_",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:R,tag:""},{prop:"cmpVal",name:"cmpVal",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$emptyInterface,tag:""},{prop:"resurrected",name:"resurrected",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);E.init("internal/intern",[{prop:"s",name:"s",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"cmpVal",name:"cmpVal",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$emptyInterface,tag:""},{prop:"isString",name:"isString",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=J();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}I=b;}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["net/netip"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,E,F,G,C,A,D,H,S,Z,AF,AP,AU,AV,AW,AX,AY,AZ,BA,BB,BC,BD,BE,BF,AQ,AR,AS,I,L,M,N,O,P,Q,T,U,V,W,X,Y,AA,AB,AC,AE,AG,AH,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO;B=$packages["errors"];E=$packages["internal/bytealg"];F=$packages["internal/intern"];G=$packages["internal/itoa"];C=$packages["math"];A=$packages["math/bits"];D=$packages["strconv"];H=$pkg.uint128=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"netip.uint128",true,"net/netip",false,function(hi_,lo_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.hi=new $Uint64(0,0);this.lo=new $Uint64(0,0);return;}this.hi=hi_;this.lo=lo_;});S=$pkg.parseAddrError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"netip.parseAddrError",true,"net/netip",false,function(in$0_,msg_,at_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.in$0="";this.msg="";this.at="";return;}this.in$0=in$0_;this.msg=msg_;this.at=at_;});Z=$pkg.AddrPort=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"netip.AddrPort",true,"net/netip",true,function(ip_,port_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.ip=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");this.port=0;return;}this.ip=ip_;this.port=port_;});AF=$pkg.Prefix=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"netip.Prefix",true,"net/netip",true,function(ip_,bits_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.ip=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");this.bits=0;return;}this.ip=ip_;this.bits=bits_;});AP=$pkg.Addr=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"netip.Addr",true,"net/netip",true,function(addr_,z_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.addr=new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new 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this.$val.and(b);};H.ptr.prototype.xor=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=this;return new H.ptr((d=c.hi,e=b.hi,new $Uint64(d.$high^e.$high,(d.$low^e.$low)>>>0)),(f=c.lo,g=b.lo,new $Uint64(f.$high^g.$high,(f.$low^g.$low)>>>0)));};H.prototype.xor=function(b){return this.$val.xor(b);};H.ptr.prototype.subOne=function(){var b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=A.Sub64(b.lo,new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(0,0));d=c[0];e=c[1];return new H.ptr((f=b.hi,new $Uint64(f.$high-e.$high,f.$low-e.$low)),d);};H.prototype.subOne=function(){return this.$val.subOne();};H.ptr.prototype.addOne=function(){var b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=A.Add64(b.lo,new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(0,0));d=c[0];e=c[1];return new H.ptr((f=b.hi,new $Uint64(f.$high+e.$high,f.$low+e.$low)),d);};H.prototype.addOne=function(){return this.$val.addOne();};H.ptr.prototype.halves=function(){var b;b=this;return $toNativeArray($kindPtr,[(b.$ptr_hi||(b.$ptr_hi=new AW(function(){return this.$target.hi;},function($v){this.$target.hi=$v;},b))),(b.$ptr_lo||(b.$ptr_lo=new AW(function(){return this.$target.lo;},function($v){this.$target.lo=$v;},b)))]);};H.prototype.halves=function(){return this.$val.halves();};L=function(){return new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),AS);};$pkg.IPv6Unspecified=L;M=function(){return N(AX.zero());};$pkg.IPv4Unspecified=M;N=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;return new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),(c=(d=(e=(f=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[0])),24),new $Uint64(65535|f.$high,(0|f.$low)>>>0)),g=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[1])),16),new $Uint64(e.$high|g.$high,(e.$low|g.$low)>>>0)),h=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,b[2])),8),new $Uint64(d.$high|h.$high,(d.$low|h.$low)>>>0)),i=(new $Uint64(0,b[3])),new $Uint64(c.$high|i.$high,(c.$low|i.$low)>>>0))),AR);};$pkg.AddrFrom4=N;O=function(b){var b;return new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(AK($subslice(new AY(b),0,8)),AK($subslice(new AY(b),8))),AS);};$pkg.AddrFrom16=O;P=function(b){var b;return new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(AK($subslice(b,0,8)),AK($subslice(b,8))),AS);};Q=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;case 1:if(!(c>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(h=new S.ptr(b,"unable to parse IP",""),new h.constructor.elem(h))];}return;}var $f={$blk:Q,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ParseAddr=Q;S.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=D.Quote;if(!(b.at==="")){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=c(b.in$0);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=c(b.at);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f="ParseAddr("+d+"): "+b.msg+" (at "+e+")";$s=5;case 5:return f;case 2:g=c(b.in$0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h="ParseAddr("+g+"): "+b.msg;$s=7;case 7:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};T=function(b){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");d=$ifaceNil;e=AX.zero();f=0;g=0;h=f;i=g;j=0;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=48&&b.charCodeAt(k)<=57){if((j===1)&&(h===0)){l=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");m=(n=new S.ptr(b,"IPv4 field has octet with leading zero",""),new n.constructor.elem(n));AP.copy(c,l);d=m;return[c,d];}h=(($imul(h,10))+((b.charCodeAt(k)>>0))>>0)-48>>0;j=j+(1)>>0;if(h>255){o=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");p=(q=new S.ptr(b,"IPv4 field has value >255",""),new q.constructor.elem(q));AP.copy(c,o);d=p;return[c,d];}}else if(b.charCodeAt(k)===46){if((k===0)||(k===(b.length-1>>0))||(b.charCodeAt((k-1>>0))===46)){r=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");s=(t=new S.ptr(b,"IPv4 field must have at least one digit",$substring(b,k)),new t.constructor.elem(t));AP.copy(c,r);d=s;return[c,d];}if(i===3){u=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");v=(w=new S.ptr(b,"IPv4 address too long",""),new w.constructor.elem(w));AP.copy(c,u);d=v;return[c,d];}((i<0||i>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[i]=((h<<24>>>24)));i=i+(1)>>0;h=0;j=0;}else{x=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");y=(z=new S.ptr(b,"unexpected character",$substring(b,k)),new z.constructor.elem(z));AP.copy(c,x);d=y;return[c,d];}k=k+(1)>>0;}if(i<3){aa=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");ab=(ac=new S.ptr(b,"IPv4 address too short",""),new ac.constructor.elem(ac));AP.copy(c,aa);d=ab;return[c,d];}e[3]=((h<<24>>>24));ad=$clone(N($clone(e,AX)),AP);ae=$ifaceNil;AP.copy(c,ad);d=ae;return[c,d];};U=function(b){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=b;d="";e=E.IndexByteString(c,37);if(!((e===-1))){f=$substring(c,0,e);g=$substring(c,(e+1>>0));c=f;d=g;if(d===""){$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(h=new S.ptr(b,"zone must be a non-empty string",""),new h.constructor.elem(h))];}}i=AZ.zero();j=-1;if(c.length>=2&&(c.charCodeAt(0)===58)&&(c.charCodeAt(1)===58)){j=0;c=$substring(c,2);if(c.length===0){$s=-1;return[$clone(L(),AP).WithZone(d),$ifaceNil];}}e=0;case 1:if(!(e<16)){$s=2;continue;}k=0;l=0;while(true){if(!(k=48&&m<=57){l=((l<<4>>>0))+(((m-48<<24>>>24)>>>0))>>>0;}else if(m>=97&&m<=102){l=((l<<4>>>0))+((((m-97<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24)>>>0))>>>0;}else if(m>=65&&m<=70){l=((l<<4>>>0))+((((m-65<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24)>>>0))>>>0;}else{break;}if(l>65535){$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(n=new S.ptr(b,"IPv6 field has value >=2^16",c),new n.constructor.elem(n))];}k=k+(1)>>0;}if(k===0){$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(o=new S.ptr(b,"each colon-separated field must have at least one digit",c),new o.constructor.elem(o))];}if(k>0)>16){$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(q=new S.ptr(b,"too many hex fields to fit an embedded IPv4 at the end of the address",c),new q.constructor.elem(q))];}r=T(c);s=$clone(r[0],AP);t=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:v=t.Error();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(u=new S.ptr(b,v,c),new u.constructor.elem(u))];$s=8;case 8:return w;case 6:((e<0||e>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[e]=$clone(s,AP).v4(0));(x=e+1>>0,((x<0||x>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[x]=$clone(s,AP).v4(1)));(y=e+2>>0,((y<0||y>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[y]=$clone(s,AP).v4(2)));(z=e+3>>0,((z<0||z>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[z]=$clone(s,AP).v4(3)));c="";e=e+(4)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 4:((e<0||e>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[e]=(((l>>>8>>>0)<<24>>>24)));(aa=e+1>>0,((aa<0||aa>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[aa]=((l<<24>>>24))));e=e+(2)>>0;c=$substring(c,k);if(c.length===0){$s=2;continue;}if(!((c.charCodeAt(0)===58))){$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(ab=new S.ptr(b,"unexpected character, want colon",c),new ab.constructor.elem(ab))];}else if(c.length===1){$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(ac=new S.ptr(b,"colon must be followed by more characters",c),new ac.constructor.elem(ac))];}c=$substring(c,1);if(c.charCodeAt(0)===58){if(j>=0){$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(ad=new S.ptr(b,"multiple :: in address",c),new ad.constructor.elem(ad))];}j=e;c=$substring(c,1);if(c.length===0){$s=2;continue;}}$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!((c.length===0))){$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(ae=new S.ptr(b,"trailing garbage after address",c),new ae.constructor.elem(ae))];}if(e<16){if(j<0){$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(af=new S.ptr(b,"address string too short",""),new af.constructor.elem(af))];}ag=16-e>>0;ah=e-1>>0;while(true){if(!(ah>=j)){break;}(ai=ah+ag>>0,((ai<0||ai>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[ai]=((ah<0||ah>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[ah])));ah=ah-(1)>>0;}aj=(j+ag>>0)-1>>0;while(true){if(!(aj>=j)){break;}((aj<0||aj>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[aj]=0);aj=aj-(1)>>0;}}else if(j>=0){$s=-1;return[new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),(ak=new S.ptr(b,"the :: must expand to at least one field of zeros",""),new ak.constructor.elem(ak))];}$s=-1;return[$clone(O($clone(i,AZ)),AP).WithZone(d),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:U,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};V=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;c=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");d=false;e=b.$length;if(e===(4)){f=$clone(N($clone(($sliceToGoArray(b,BA)),AX)),AP);g=true;AP.copy(c,f);d=g;return[c,d];}else if(e===(16)){h=$clone(P(b),AP);i=true;AP.copy(c,h);d=i;return[c,d];}j=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");k=false;AP.copy(c,j);d=k;return[c,d];};$pkg.AddrFromSlice=V;AP.ptr.prototype.v4=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return(($shiftRightUint64(c.addr.lo,((((3-b<<24>>>24))*8<<24>>>24))).$low<<24>>>24));};AP.prototype.v4=function(b){return this.$val.v4(b);};AP.ptr.prototype.v6=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;c=this;return(($shiftRightUint64(((d=c.addr.halves(),e=(f=((g=b/8,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))%2,f===f?f:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),((e<0||e>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[e]))).$get(),((((7-(h=b%8,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))*8<<24>>>24))).$low<<24>>>24));};AP.prototype.v6=function(b){return this.$val.v6(b);};AP.ptr.prototype.v6u16=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;c=this;return(($shiftRightUint64(((d=c.addr.halves(),e=(f=((g=b/4,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))%2,f===f?f:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),((e<0||e>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[e]))).$get(),((((3-(h=b%4,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<24>>>24))*16<<24>>>24))).$low<<16>>>16));};AP.prototype.v6u16=function(b){return this.$val.v6u16(b);};AP.ptr.prototype.isZero=function(){var b;b=this;return b.z===AQ;};AP.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.$val.isZero();};AP.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var b;b=this;return!(b.z===AQ);};AP.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};AP.ptr.prototype.BitLen=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=b.z;if(c===(AQ)){return 0;}else if(c===(AR)){return 32;}return 128;};AP.prototype.BitLen=function(){return this.$val.BitLen();};AP.ptr.prototype.Compare=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;c=this;d=$clone(c,AP).BitLen();e=$clone(b,AP).BitLen();f=d;g=e;if(fg){return 1;}h=c.addr.hi;i=b.addr.hi;j=h;k=i;if((j.$highk.$high||(j.$high===k.$high&&j.$low>k.$low))){return 1;}l=c.addr.lo;m=b.addr.lo;n=l;o=m;if((n.$higho.$high||(n.$high===o.$high&&n.$low>o.$low))){return 1;}if($clone(c,AP).Is6()){p=$clone(c,AP).Zone();q=$clone(b,AP).Zone();r=p;s=q;if(rs){return 1;}}return 0;};AP.prototype.Compare=function(b){return this.$val.Compare(b);};AP.ptr.prototype.Less=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return $clone(c,AP).Compare($clone(b,AP))===-1;};AP.prototype.Less=function(b){return this.$val.Less(b);};AP.ptr.prototype.Is4=function(){var b;b=this;return b.z===AR;};AP.prototype.Is4=function(){return this.$val.Is4();};AP.ptr.prototype.Is4In6=function(){var b,c,d;b=this;return $clone(b,AP).Is6()&&(c=b.addr.hi,(c.$high===0&&c.$low===0))&&(d=$shiftRightUint64(b.addr.lo,32),(d.$high===0&&d.$low===65535));};AP.prototype.Is4In6=function(){return this.$val.Is4In6();};AP.ptr.prototype.Is6=function(){var b;b=this;return!(b.z===AQ)&&!(b.z===AR);};AP.prototype.Is6=function(){return this.$val.Is6();};AP.ptr.prototype.Unmap=function(){var b;b=this;if($clone(b,AP).Is4In6()){b.z=AR;}return b;};AP.prototype.Unmap=function(){return this.$val.Unmap();};AP.ptr.prototype.withoutZone=function(){var b;b=this;if(!$clone(b,AP).Is6()){return b;}b.z=AS;return b;};AP.prototype.withoutZone=function(){return this.$val.withoutZone();};AP.ptr.prototype.hasZone=function(){var b;b=this;return!(b.z===AQ)&&!(b.z===AR)&&!(b.z===AS);};AP.prototype.hasZone=function(){return this.$val.hasZone();};AP.ptr.prototype.IsLinkLocalUnicast=function(){var b;b=this;if($clone(b,AP).Is4()){return($clone(b,AP).v4(0)===169)&&($clone(b,AP).v4(1)===254);}if($clone(b,AP).Is6()){return(($clone(b,AP).v6u16(0)&65472)>>>0)===65152;}return false;};AP.prototype.IsLinkLocalUnicast=function(){return this.$val.IsLinkLocalUnicast();};AP.ptr.prototype.IsLoopback=function(){var b,c,d;b=this;if($clone(b,AP).Is4()){return $clone(b,AP).v4(0)===127;}if($clone(b,AP).Is6()){return(c=b.addr.hi,(c.$high===0&&c.$low===0))&&(d=b.addr.lo,(d.$high===0&&d.$low===1));}return false;};AP.prototype.IsLoopback=function(){return this.$val.IsLoopback();};AP.ptr.prototype.IsMulticast=function(){var b,c;b=this;if($clone(b,AP).Is4()){return(($clone(b,AP).v4(0)&240)>>>0)===224;}if($clone(b,AP).Is6()){return(c=$shiftRightUint64(b.addr.hi,56),(c.$high===0&&c.$low===255));}return false;};AP.prototype.IsMulticast=function(){return this.$val.IsMulticast();};AP.ptr.prototype.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast=function(){var b;b=this;if($clone(b,AP).Is6()){return(($clone(b,AP).v6u16(0)&65295)>>>0)===65281;}return false;};AP.prototype.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast=function(){return this.$val.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast();};AP.ptr.prototype.IsLinkLocalMulticast=function(){var b;b=this;if($clone(b,AP).Is4()){return($clone(b,AP).v4(0)===224)&&($clone(b,AP).v4(1)===0)&&($clone(b,AP).v4(2)===0);}if($clone(b,AP).Is6()){return(($clone(b,AP).v6u16(0)&65295)>>>0)===65282;}return false;};AP.prototype.IsLinkLocalMulticast=function(){return this.$val.IsLinkLocalMulticast();};AP.ptr.prototype.IsGlobalUnicast=function(){var b;b=this;if(b.z===AQ){return false;}if($clone(b,AP).Is4()&&($equal(b,M(),AP)||$equal(b,N($toNativeArray($kindUint8,[255,255,255,255])),AP))){return false;}return!($equal(b,L(),AP))&&!$clone(b,AP).IsLoopback()&&!$clone(b,AP).IsMulticast()&&!$clone(b,AP).IsLinkLocalUnicast();};AP.prototype.IsGlobalUnicast=function(){return this.$val.IsGlobalUnicast();};AP.ptr.prototype.IsPrivate=function(){var b;b=this;if($clone(b,AP).Is4()){return($clone(b,AP).v4(0)===10)||(($clone(b,AP).v4(0)===172)&&((($clone(b,AP).v4(1)&240)>>>0)===16))||(($clone(b,AP).v4(0)===192)&&($clone(b,AP).v4(1)===168));}if($clone(b,AP).Is6()){return(($clone(b,AP).v6(0)&254)>>>0)===252;}return false;};AP.prototype.IsPrivate=function(){return this.$val.IsPrivate();};AP.ptr.prototype.IsUnspecified=function(){var b;b=this;return $equal(b,M(),AP)||$equal(b,L(),AP);};AP.prototype.IsUnspecified=function(){return this.$val.IsUnspecified();};AP.ptr.prototype.Prefix=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;if(b<0){return[new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),B.New("negative Prefix bits")];}d=b;e=c.z;if(e===(AQ)){return[new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),$ifaceNil];}else if(e===(AR)){if(b>32){return[new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),B.New("prefix length "+G.Itoa(b)+" too large for IPv4")];}d=d+(96)>>0;}else if(b>128){return[new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),B.New("prefix length "+G.Itoa(b)+" too large for IPv6")];}H.copy(c.addr,$clone(c.addr,H).and($clone(I(d),H)));return[AG($clone(c,AP),b),$ifaceNil];};AP.prototype.Prefix=function(b){return this.$val.Prefix(b);};AP.ptr.prototype.As16=function(){var b,c;b=AZ.zero();c=this;AL($subslice(new AY(b),0,8),c.addr.hi);AL($subslice(new AY(b),8),c.addr.lo);AZ.copy(b,b);return b;};AP.prototype.As16=function(){return this.$val.As16();};AP.ptr.prototype.As4=function(){var b,c;b=AX.zero();c=this;if(c.z===AR||$clone(c,AP).Is4In6()){AM(new AY(b),((c.addr.lo.$low>>>0)));AX.copy(b,b);return b;}if(c.z===AQ){$panic(new $String("As4 called on IP zero value"));}$panic(new $String("As4 called on IPv6 address"));};AP.prototype.As4=function(){return this.$val.As4();};AP.ptr.prototype.AsSlice=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b.z;if(c===(AQ)){return AY.nil;}else if(c===(AR)){d=AX.zero();AM(new AY(d),((b.addr.lo.$low>>>0)));return new AY(d);}else{e=AZ.zero();AL($subslice(new AY(e),0,8),b.addr.hi);AL($subslice(new AY(e),8),b.addr.lo);return new AY(e);}};AP.prototype.AsSlice=function(){return this.$val.AsSlice();};AP.ptr.prototype.Next=function(){var b;b=this;H.copy(b.addr,$clone(b.addr,H).addOne());if($clone(b,AP).Is4()){if(((b.addr.lo.$low>>>0))===0){return new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");}}else{if($clone(b.addr,H).isZero()){return new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");}}return b;};AP.prototype.Next=function(){return this.$val.Next();};AP.ptr.prototype.Prev=function(){var b;b=this;if($clone(b,AP).Is4()){if(((b.addr.lo.$low>>>0))===0){return new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");}}else if($clone(b.addr,H).isZero()){return new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");}H.copy(b.addr,$clone(b.addr,H).subOne());return b;};AP.prototype.Prev=function(){return this.$val.Prev();};AP.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var b,c,d;b=this;c=b.z;if(c===(AQ)){return"invalid IP";}else if(c===(AR)){return $clone(b,AP).string4();}else{if($clone(b,AP).Is4In6()){d=$clone(b,AP).Zone();if(!(d==="")){return"::ffff:"+$clone($clone(b,AP).Unmap(),AP).String()+"%"+d;}else{return"::ffff:"+$clone($clone(b,AP).Unmap(),AP).String();}}return $clone(b,AP).string6();}};AP.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};AP.ptr.prototype.AppendTo=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;d=c.z;if(d===(AQ)){return b;}else if(d===(AR)){return $clone(c,AP).appendTo4(b);}else{if($clone(c,AP).Is4In6()){b=$appendSlice(b,"::ffff:");b=$clone($clone(c,AP).Unmap(),AP).appendTo4(b);e=$clone(c,AP).Zone();if(!(e==="")){b=$append(b,37);b=$appendSlice(b,e);}return b;}return $clone(c,AP).appendTo6(b);}};AP.prototype.AppendTo=function(b){return this.$val.AppendTo(b);};W=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;if(c>=100){b=$append(b,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((d=c/100,(d===d&&d!==1/0&&d!==-1/0)?d>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))));}if(c>=10){b=$append(b,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((e=(f=c/10,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))%10,e===e?e:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))));}return $append(b,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((g=c%10,g===g?g:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))));};X=function(b,c){var b,c;if(c>=4096){b=$append(b,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((c>>>12<<16>>>16)));}if(c>=256){b=$append(b,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((c>>>8<<16>>>16)&15)>>>0)));}if(c>=16){b=$append(b,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((c>>>4<<16>>>16)&15)>>>0)));}return $append(b,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((c&15)>>>0)));};Y=function(b,c){var b,c;return $append(b,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((c>>>12<<16>>>16)),"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((c>>>8<<16>>>16)&15)>>>0)),"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((c>>>4<<16>>>16)&15)>>>0)),"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((c&15)>>>0)));};AP.ptr.prototype.string4=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=$makeSlice(AY,0,15);c=$clone(b,AP).appendTo4(c);return($bytesToString(c));};AP.prototype.string4=function(){return this.$val.string4();};AP.ptr.prototype.appendTo4=function(b){var b,c;c=this;b=W(b,$clone(c,AP).v4(0));b=$append(b,46);b=W(b,$clone(c,AP).v4(1));b=$append(b,46);b=W(b,$clone(c,AP).v4(2));b=$append(b,46);b=W(b,$clone(c,AP).v4(3));return b;};AP.prototype.appendTo4=function(b){return this.$val.appendTo4(b);};AP.ptr.prototype.string6=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=$makeSlice(AY,0,46);c=$clone(b,AP).appendTo6(c);return($bytesToString(c));};AP.prototype.string6=function(){return this.$val.string6();};AP.ptr.prototype.appendTo6=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;c=this;d=255;e=255;f=d;g=e;h=0;while(true){if(!(h<8)){break;}i=h;while(true){if(!(i<8&&($clone(c,AP).v6u16(i)===0))){break;}i=i+(1)<<24>>>24;}j=i-h<<24>>>24;if(j>=2&&j>(g-f<<24>>>24)){k=h;l=i;f=k;g=l;}h=h+(1)<<24>>>24;}m=0;while(true){if(!(m<8)){break;}if(m===f){b=$append(b,58,58);m=g;if(m>=8){break;}}else if(m>0){b=$append(b,58);}b=X(b,$clone(c,AP).v6u16(m));m=m+(1)<<24>>>24;}if(!(c.z===AS)){b=$append(b,37);b=$appendSlice(b,$clone(c,AP).Zone());}return b;};AP.prototype.appendTo6=function(b){return this.$val.appendTo6(b);};AP.ptr.prototype.StringExpanded=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b.z;if(c===(AQ)||c===(AR)){return $clone(b,AP).String();}d=$makeSlice(AY,0,39);e=0;while(true){if(!(e<8)){break;}if(e>0){d=$append(d,58);}d=Y(d,$clone(b,AP).v6u16(e));e=e+(1)<<24>>>24;}if(!(b.z===AS)){d=$append(d,37);d=$appendSlice(d,$clone(b,AP).Zone());}return($bytesToString(d));};AP.prototype.StringExpanded=function(){return this.$val.StringExpanded();};AP.ptr.prototype.MarshalText=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;c=b.z;if(c===(AQ)){return[(new AY($stringToBytes(""))),$ifaceNil];}else if(c===(AR)){d=15;e=$makeSlice(AY,0,d);return[$clone(b,AP).appendTo4(e),$ifaceNil];}else{f=46;g=$makeSlice(AY,0,f);if($clone(b,AP).Is4In6()){g=$appendSlice(g,"::ffff:");g=$clone($clone(b,AP).Unmap(),AP).appendTo4(g);h=$clone(b,AP).Zone();if(!(h==="")){g=$append(g,37);g=$appendSlice(g,h);}return[g,$ifaceNil];}return[$clone(b,AP).appendTo6(g),$ifaceNil];}};AP.prototype.MarshalText=function(){return this.$val.MarshalText();};AP.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b.$length===0){AP.copy(c,new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}d=$ifaceNil;f=Q(($bytesToString(b)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;AP.copy(c,e[0]);d=e[1];$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AP.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(b){return this.$val.UnmarshalText(b);};AP.ptr.prototype.marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f;c=this;d=AY.nil;e=c.z;if(e===(AQ)){d=$makeSlice(AY,b);}else if(e===(AR)){d=$makeSlice(AY,(4+b>>0));AM(d,((c.addr.lo.$low>>>0)));}else{f=$clone(c,AP).Zone();d=$makeSlice(AY,((16+f.length>>0)+b>>0));AL($subslice(d,0,8),c.addr.hi);AL($subslice(d,8),c.addr.lo);$copyString($subslice(d,16),f);}return d;};AP.prototype.marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes=function(b){return this.$val.marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes(b);};AP.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){var b;b=this;return[$clone(b,AP).marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes(0),$ifaceNil];};AP.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){return this.$val.MarshalBinary();};AP.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;d=b.$length;if((d===0)){AP.copy(c,new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""));return $ifaceNil;}else if((d===4)){AP.copy(c,N($clone(($sliceToGoArray(b,BA)),AX)));return $ifaceNil;}else if((d===16)){AP.copy(c,P(b));return $ifaceNil;}else if(d>16){AP.copy(c,$clone(P($subslice(b,0,16)),AP).WithZone(($bytesToString($subslice(b,16)))));return $ifaceNil;}return B.New("unexpected slice size");};AP.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(b){return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(b);};AA=function(b,c){var b,c;return new Z.ptr($clone(b,AP),c);};$pkg.AddrPortFrom=AA;Z.ptr.prototype.Addr=function(){var b;b=this;return b.ip;};Z.prototype.Addr=function(){return this.$val.Addr();};Z.ptr.prototype.Port=function(){var b;b=this;return b.port;};Z.prototype.Port=function(){return this.$val.Port();};AB=function(b){var aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c="";d="";e=false;f=$ifaceNil;g=AJ(b,58);if(g===-1){h="";i="";j=false;k=B.New("not an ip:port");c=h;d=i;e=j;f=k;return[c,d,e,f];}l=$substring(b,0,g);m=$substring(b,(g+1>>0));c=l;d=m;if(c.length===0){n="";o="";p=false;q=B.New("no IP");c=n;d=o;e=p;f=q;return[c,d,e,f];}if(d.length===0){r="";s="";t=false;u=B.New("no port");c=r;d=s;e=t;f=u;return[c,d,e,f];}if(c.charCodeAt(0)===91){if(c.length<2||!((c.charCodeAt((c.length-1>>0))===93))){v="";w="";x=false;y=B.New("missing ]");c=v;d=w;e=x;f=y;return[c,d,e,f];}c=$substring(c,1,(c.length-1>>0));e=true;}z=c;aa=d;ab=e;ac=$ifaceNil;c=z;d=aa;e=ab;f=ac;return[c,d,e,f];};AC=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=new Z.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);d=AB(b);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=d[2];h=d[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c,h];}i=D.ParseUint(f,10,16);j=i[0];h=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c,B.New("invalid port "+D.Quote(f)+" parsing "+D.Quote(b))];}c.port=((j.$low<<16>>>16));l=Q(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;AP.copy(c.ip,k[0]);h=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new Z.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),h];}if(g&&$clone(c.ip,AP).Is4()){$s=-1;return[new Z.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),B.New("invalid ip:port "+D.Quote(b)+", square brackets can only be used with IPv6 addresses")];}else if(!g&&$clone(c.ip,AP).Is6()){$s=-1;return[new Z.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),B.New("invalid ip:port "+D.Quote(b)+", IPv6 addresses must be surrounded by square brackets")];}$s=-1;return[c,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AC,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ParseAddrPort=AC;Z.ptr.prototype.isZero=function(){var b;b=this;return $equal(b,new Z.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),Z);};Z.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.$val.isZero();};Z.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var b;b=this;return $clone(b.ip,AP).IsValid();};Z.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};Z.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;c=b.ip.z;if(c===(AQ)){return"invalid AddrPort";}else if(c===(AR)){d=$clone($clone(b.ip,AP).As4(),AX);e=$makeSlice(AY,0,21);f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g<4)){break;}h=g;e=D.AppendUint(e,(new $Uint64(0,((h<0||h>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[h]))),10);e=$append(e,"...:".charCodeAt(h));g++;}e=D.AppendUint(e,(new $Uint64(0,b.port)),10);return($bytesToString(e));}else{return AE($clone(b.ip,AP).String(),G.Itoa(((b.port>>0))));}};Z.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};AE=function(b,c){var b,c;if(E.IndexByteString(b,58)>=0){return"["+b+"]:"+c;}return b+":"+c;};Z.ptr.prototype.AppendTo=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;d=c.ip.z;if(d===(AQ)){return b;}else if(d===(AR)){b=$clone(c.ip,AP).appendTo4(b);}else{if($clone(c.ip,AP).Is4In6()){b=$appendSlice(b,"[::ffff:");b=$clone($clone(c.ip,AP).Unmap(),AP).appendTo4(b);e=$clone(c.ip,AP).Zone();if(!(e==="")){b=$append(b,37);b=$appendSlice(b,e);}}else{b=$append(b,91);b=$clone(c.ip,AP).appendTo6(b);}b=$append(b,93);}b=$append(b,58);b=D.AppendInt(b,(new $Int64(0,c.port)),10);return b;};Z.prototype.AppendTo=function(b){return this.$val.AppendTo(b);};Z.ptr.prototype.MarshalText=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;c=0;d=b.ip.z;if(d===(AQ)){}else if(d===(AR)){c=21;}else{c=54;}e=$makeSlice(AY,0,c);e=$clone(b,Z).AppendTo(e);return[e,$ifaceNil];};Z.prototype.MarshalText=function(){return this.$val.MarshalText();};Z.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b.$length===0){Z.copy(c,new Z.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}d=$ifaceNil;f=AC(($bytesToString(b)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;Z.copy(c,e[0]);d=e[1];$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(b){return this.$val.UnmarshalText(b);};Z.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=$clone($clone(b,Z).Addr(),AP).marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes(2);AO($subslice(c,(c.$length-2>>0)),$clone(b,Z).Port());return[c,$ifaceNil];};Z.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){return this.$val.MarshalBinary();};Z.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;if(b.$length<2){return B.New("unexpected slice size");}d=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");e=d.UnmarshalBinary($subslice(b,0,(b.$length-2>>0)));if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){return e;}Z.copy(c,AA($clone(d,AP),AN($subslice(b,(b.$length-2>>0)))));return $ifaceNil;};Z.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(b){return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(b);};AG=function(b,c){var b,c,d;if(c<0||c>$clone(b,AP).BitLen()){c=-1;}d=((c<<16>>16));return new AF.ptr($clone($clone(b,AP).withoutZone(),AP),d);};$pkg.PrefixFrom=AG;AF.ptr.prototype.Addr=function(){var b;b=this;return b.ip;};AF.prototype.Addr=function(){return this.$val.Addr();};AF.ptr.prototype.Bits=function(){var b;b=this;return((b.bits>>0));};AF.prototype.Bits=function(){return this.$val.Bits();};AF.ptr.prototype.IsValid=function(){var b;b=this;return!$clone(b.ip,AP).isZero()&&b.bits>=0&&((b.bits>>0))<=$clone(b.ip,AP).BitLen();};AF.prototype.IsValid=function(){return this.$val.IsValid();};AF.ptr.prototype.isZero=function(){var b;b=this;return $equal(b,new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),AF);};AF.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.$val.isZero();};AF.ptr.prototype.IsSingleIP=function(){var b;b=this;return!((b.bits===0))&&(((b.bits>>0))===$clone(b.ip,AP).BitLen());};AF.prototype.IsSingleIP=function(){return this.$val.IsSingleIP();};AH=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=AJ(b,47);if(c<0){$s=-1;return[new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),B.New("netip.ParsePrefix("+D.Quote(b)+"): no '/'")];}e=Q($substring(b,0,c));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=$clone(d[0],AP);g=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=g.Error();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=B.New("netip.ParsePrefix("+D.Quote(b)+"): "+h);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=[new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),i];$s=6;case 6:return j;case 3:k=$substring(b,(c+1>>0));l=D.Atoi(k);m=l[0];g=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),B.New("netip.ParsePrefix("+D.Quote(b)+": bad bits after slash: "+D.Quote(k))];}n=32;if($clone(f,AP).Is6()){n=128;}if(m<0||m>n){$s=-1;return[new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0),B.New("netip.ParsePrefix("+D.Quote(b)+": prefix length out of range")];}$s=-1;return[AG($clone(f,AP),m),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AH,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ParsePrefix=AH;AF.ptr.prototype.Masked=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;c=$clone(b.ip,AP).Prefix(((b.bits>>0)));d=$clone(c[0],AF);e=c[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil)){return d;}return new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);};AF.prototype.Masked=function(){return this.$val.Masked();};AF.ptr.prototype.Contains=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=this;if(!$clone(c,AF).IsValid()||$clone(b,AP).hasZone()){return false;}d=$clone(c.ip,AP).BitLen();e=$clone(b,AP).BitLen();f=d;g=e;if((f===0)||(g===0)||!((f===g))){return false;}if($clone(b,AP).Is4()){return(($shiftRightUint64(((h=b.addr.lo,i=c.ip.addr.lo,new $Uint64(h.$high^i.$high,(h.$low^i.$low)>>>0))),((((32-c.bits<<16>>16))&63))).$low>>>0))===0;}else{return $clone($clone($clone(b.addr,H).xor($clone(c.ip.addr,H)),H).and($clone(I(((c.bits>>0))),H)),H).isZero();}};AF.prototype.Contains=function(b){return this.$val.Contains(b);};AF.ptr.prototype.Overlaps=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=this;if(!$clone(c,AF).IsValid()||!$clone(b,AF).IsValid()){return false;}if($equal(c,b,AF)){return true;}if(!($clone(c.ip,AP).Is4()===$clone(b.ip,AP).Is4())){return false;}d=0;if(c.bits>0)));AF.copy(c,f[0]);e=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){return false;}g=$clone(b.ip,AP).Prefix(((d>>0)));AF.copy(b,g[0]);e=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){return false;}return $equal(c.ip,b.ip,AP);};AF.prototype.Overlaps=function(b){return this.$val.Overlaps(b);};AF.ptr.prototype.AppendTo=function(b){var b,c;c=this;if($clone(c,AF).isZero()){return b;}if(!$clone(c,AF).IsValid()){return $appendSlice(b,"invalid Prefix");}if(c.ip.z===AR){b=$clone(c.ip,AP).appendTo4(b);}else{if($clone(c.ip,AP).Is4In6()){b=$appendSlice(b,"::ffff:");b=$clone($clone(c.ip,AP).Unmap(),AP).appendTo4(b);}else{b=$clone(c.ip,AP).appendTo6(b);}}b=$append(b,47);b=W(b,((c.bits<<24>>>24)));return b;};AF.prototype.AppendTo=function(b){return this.$val.AppendTo(b);};AF.ptr.prototype.MarshalText=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;c=0;d=b.ip.z;if(d===(AQ)){}else if(d===(AR)){c=18;}else{c=50;}e=$makeSlice(AY,0,c);e=$clone(b,AF).AppendTo(e);return[e,$ifaceNil];};AF.prototype.MarshalText=function(){return this.$val.MarshalText();};AF.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b.$length===0){AF.copy(c,new AF.ptr(new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0));$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}d=$ifaceNil;f=AH(($bytesToString(b)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;AF.copy(c,e[0]);d=e[1];$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AF.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(b){return this.$val.UnmarshalText(b);};AF.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){var b,c,d;b=this;c=$clone($clone($clone(b,AF).Addr(),AP).withoutZone(),AP).marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes(1);(d=c.$length-1>>0,((d<0||d>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]=(($clone(b,AF).Bits()<<24>>>24))));return[c,$ifaceNil];};AF.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){return this.$val.MarshalBinary();};AF.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f;c=this;if(b.$length<1){return B.New("unexpected slice size");}d=new AP.ptr(new H.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new 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4:$s=-1;return[LG.nil,B.New("unknown mode: "+f)];case 5:case 1:p=DO(b,c,1,h,0,false,d,e,g);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LG.nil,r];}$s=-1;return[q,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:R,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};V=function(b){var b,c;c=b;if(c===(1)){return"unix";}else if(c===(2)){return"unixgram";}else if(c===(4)){return"unixpacket";}else{$panic(new $String("sotypeToNet unknown socket type"));}};W.ptr.prototype.family=function(){var b;b=this;return 1;};W.prototype.family=function(){return this.$val.family();};W.ptr.prototype.sockaddr=function(b){var b,c;c=this;if(c===LI.nil){return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}return[new D.SockaddrUnix.ptr(c.Name),$ifaceNil];};W.prototype.sockaddr=function(b){return this.$val.sockaddr(b);};W.ptr.prototype.toLocal=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return c;};W.prototype.toLocal=function(b){return this.$val.toLocal(b);};Y.ptr.prototype.readFrom=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;c=this;d=LI.nil;e=c.conn.fd.readFrom(b);f=e[0];g=e[1];h=e[2];i=g;if($assertType(i,LH,true)[1]){j=i.$val;if(!(j.Name==="")){d=new W.ptr(j.Name,V(c.conn.fd.sotype));}}return[f,d,h];};Y.prototype.readFrom=function(b){return this.$val.readFrom(b);};Y.ptr.prototype.readMsg=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;d=0;e=0;f=0;g=LI.nil;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;j=$ifaceNil;k=i.conn.fd.readMsg(b,c,0);d=k[0];e=k[1];f=k[2];j=k[3];h=k[4];if(true&&$interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)&&e>0){Q($subslice(c,0,e));}l=j;if($assertType(l,LH,true)[1]){m=l.$val;if(!(m.Name==="")){g=new W.ptr(m.Name,V(i.conn.fd.sotype));}}return[d,e,f,g,h];};Y.prototype.readMsg=function(b,c){return this.$val.readMsg(b,c);};Y.ptr.prototype.writeTo=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;d=this;if(d.conn.fd.isConnected){return[0,$pkg.ErrWriteToConnected];}if(c===LI.nil){return[0,ED];}if(!(c.Net===V(d.conn.fd.sotype))){return[0,new D.Errno(97)];}e=new D.SockaddrUnix.ptr(c.Name);return d.conn.fd.writeTo(b,e);};Y.prototype.writeTo=function(b,c){return this.$val.writeTo(b,c);};Y.ptr.prototype.writeMsg=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;e=0;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;if((h.conn.fd.sotype===2)&&h.conn.fd.isConnected){i=0;j=0;k=$pkg.ErrWriteToConnected;e=i;f=j;g=k;return[e,f,g];}l=$ifaceNil;if(!(d===LI.nil)){if(!(d.Net===V(h.conn.fd.sotype))){m=0;n=0;o=new D.Errno(97);e=m;f=n;g=o;return[e,f,g];}l=new D.SockaddrUnix.ptr(d.Name);}p=h.conn.fd.writeMsg(b,c,l);e=p[0];f=p[1];g=p[2];return[e,f,g];};Y.prototype.writeMsg=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.writeMsg(b,c,d);};KL.ptr.prototype.dialUnix=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=R(b,e.network,c,d,"dial",e.Dialer.Control);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LJ.nil,i];}$s=-1;return[Z(h),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KL.ptr.prototype.dialUnix,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};KL.prototype.dialUnix=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.dialUnix(b,c,d);};AB.ptr.prototype.accept=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.fd.accept();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LJ.nil,f];}$s=-1;return[Z(e),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AB.ptr.prototype.accept,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AB.prototype.accept=function(){return this.$val.accept();};AB.ptr.prototype.close=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];b[0]=this;$r=b[0].unlinkOnce.Do((function(b){return function $b(){var{c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((b[0].path.charCodeAt(0)===64))&&b[0].unlink){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=D.Unlink(b[0].path);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,c,$s};return $f;};})(b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b[0].fd.Close();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=3;case 3:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AB.ptr.prototype.close,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AB.prototype.close=function(){return this.$val.close();};AB.ptr.prototype.file=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b.fd.dup();d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){return[LK.nil,e];}return[d,$ifaceNil];};AB.prototype.file=function(){return this.$val.file();};AB.ptr.prototype.SetUnlinkOnClose=function(b){var b,c;c=this;c.unlink=b;};AB.prototype.SetUnlinkOnClose=function(b){return this.$val.SetUnlinkOnClose(b);};KN.ptr.prototype.listenUnix=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;f=R(b,d.network,c,$ifaceNil,"listen",d.ListenConfig.Control);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LL.nil,h];}i=g.laddr.String();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=[new AB.ptr(g,i,true,new E.Once.ptr(0,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0))),$ifaceNil];$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:KN.ptr.prototype.listenUnix,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};KN.prototype.listenUnix=function(b,c){return this.$val.listenUnix(b,c);};KN.ptr.prototype.listenUnixgram=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;f=R(b,d.network,c,$ifaceNil,"listen",d.ListenConfig.Control);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LJ.nil,h];}$s=-1;return[Z(g),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KN.ptr.prototype.listenUnixgram,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};KN.prototype.listenUnixgram=function(b,c){return this.$val.listenUnixgram(b,c);};W.ptr.prototype.Network=function(){var b;b=this;return b.Net;};W.prototype.Network=function(){return this.$val.Network();};W.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===LI.nil){return"";}return b.Name;};W.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};W.ptr.prototype.isWildcard=function(){var b;b=this;return b===LI.nil||b.Name==="";};W.prototype.isWildcard=function(){return this.$val.isWildcard();};W.ptr.prototype.opAddr=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===LI.nil){return $ifaceNil;}return b;};W.prototype.opAddr=function(){return this.$val.opAddr();};X=function(b,c){var b,c,d;d=b;if(d===("unix")||d===("unixgram")||d===("unixpacket")){return[new W.ptr(c,b),$ifaceNil];}else{return[LI.nil,new EO((b))];}};$pkg.ResolveUnixAddr=X;Y.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(!b.conn.ok()){return[$ifaceNil,new D.Errno(22)];}c=BW(b.conn.fd);return[c[0],c[1]];};Y.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){return this.$val.SyscallConn();};Y.ptr.prototype.CloseRead=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}c=b.conn.fd.closeRead();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("close",b.conn.fd.net,b.conn.fd.laddr,b.conn.fd.raddr,d);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.CloseRead,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.CloseRead=function(){return this.$val.CloseRead();};Y.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}c=b.conn.fd.closeWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("close",b.conn.fd.net,b.conn.fd.laddr,b.conn.fd.raddr,d);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:Y.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};Y.prototype.CloseWrite=function(){return this.$val.CloseWrite();};Y.ptr.prototype.ReadFromUnix=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=this;if(!c.conn.ok()){return[0,LI.nil,new D.Errno(22)];}d=c.readFrom(b);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=d[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){g=new EG.ptr("read",c.conn.fd.net,c.conn.fd.laddr,c.conn.fd.raddr,g);}return[e,f,g];};Y.prototype.ReadFromUnix=function(b){return this.$val.ReadFromUnix(b);};Y.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=this;if(!c.conn.ok()){return[0,$ifaceNil,new D.Errno(22)];}d=c.readFrom(b);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=d[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){g=new EG.ptr("read",c.conn.fd.net,c.conn.fd.laddr,c.conn.fd.raddr,g);}if(f===LI.nil){return[e,$ifaceNil,g];}return[e,f,g];};Y.prototype.ReadFrom=function(b){return this.$val.ReadFrom(b);};Y.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgUnix=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;d=0;e=0;f=0;g=LI.nil;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;if(!i.conn.ok()){j=0;k=0;l=0;m=LI.nil;n=new D.Errno(22);d=j;e=k;f=l;g=m;h=n;return[d,e,f,g,h];}o=i.readMsg(b,c);d=o[0];e=o[1];f=o[2];g=o[3];h=o[4];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){h=new EG.ptr("read",i.conn.fd.net,i.conn.fd.laddr,i.conn.fd.raddr,h);}return[d,e,f,g,h];};Y.prototype.ReadMsgUnix=function(b,c){return this.$val.ReadMsgUnix(b,c);};Y.ptr.prototype.WriteToUnix=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=this;if(!d.conn.ok()){return[0,new D.Errno(22)];}e=d.writeTo(b,c);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){g=new EG.ptr("write",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,c.opAddr(),g);}return[f,g];};Y.prototype.WriteToUnix=function(b,c){return this.$val.WriteToUnix(b,c);};Y.ptr.prototype.WriteTo=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;d=this;if(!d.conn.ok()){return[0,new D.Errno(22)];}e=$assertType(c,LI,true);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!g){return[0,new EG.ptr("write",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,c,new D.Errno(22))];}h=d.writeTo(b,f);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){j=new EG.ptr("write",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,f.opAddr(),j);}return[i,j];};Y.prototype.WriteTo=function(b,c){return this.$val.WriteTo(b,c);};Y.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgUnix=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;e=0;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;if(!h.conn.ok()){i=0;j=0;k=new D.Errno(22);e=i;f=j;g=k;return[e,f,g];}l=h.writeMsg(b,c,d);e=l[0];f=l[1];g=l[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){g=new EG.ptr("write",h.conn.fd.net,h.conn.fd.laddr,d.opAddr(),g);}return[e,f,g];};Y.prototype.WriteMsgUnix=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.WriteMsgUnix(b,c,d);};Z=function(b){var b;return new Y.ptr(new DW.ptr(b));};AB.ptr.prototype.ok=function(){var b;b=this;return!(b===LL.nil)&&!(b.fd===LG.nil);};AB.prototype.ok=function(){return this.$val.ok();};AB.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(!b.ok()){return[$ifaceNil,new D.Errno(22)];}c=BY(b.fd);return[c[0],c[1]];};AB.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){return this.$val.SyscallConn();};AB.ptr.prototype.AcceptUnix=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.ok()){$s=-1;return[LJ.nil,new D.Errno(22)];}d=b.accept();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LJ.nil,new EG.ptr("accept",b.fd.net,$ifaceNil,b.fd.laddr,f)];}$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AB.ptr.prototype.AcceptUnix,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AB.prototype.AcceptUnix=function(){return this.$val.AcceptUnix();};AB.ptr.prototype.Accept=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.ok()){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new D.Errno(22)];}d=b.accept();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new EG.ptr("accept",b.fd.net,$ifaceNil,b.fd.laddr,f)];}$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AB.ptr.prototype.Accept,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};AB.prototype.Accept=function(){return this.$val.Accept();};AB.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}c=b.close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("close",b.fd.net,$ifaceNil,b.fd.laddr,d);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AB.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AB.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};AB.ptr.prototype.Addr=function(){var b;b=this;return b.fd.laddr;};AB.prototype.Addr=function(){return this.$val.Addr();};AB.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}d=c.fd.pfd.SetDeadline($clone(b,F.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("set",c.fd.net,$ifaceNil,c.fd.laddr,e);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AB.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AB.prototype.SetDeadline=function(b){return this.$val.SetDeadline(b);};AB.ptr.prototype.File=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g;b=LK.nil;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;if(!d.ok()){e=LK.nil;f=new D.Errno(22);b=e;c=f;return[b,c];}g=d.file();b=g[0];c=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){c=new EG.ptr("file",d.fd.net,$ifaceNil,d.fd.laddr,c);}return[b,c];};AB.prototype.File=function(){return this.$val.File();};AH.ptr.prototype.family=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===LP.nil||b.IP.$length<=4){return 2;}if(!(b.IP.To4()===HH.nil)){return 2;}return 3;};AH.prototype.family=function(){return this.$val.family();};AH.ptr.prototype.sockaddr=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(c===LP.nil){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}d=GH(b,c.IP,c.Port,c.Zone);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AH.ptr.prototype.sockaddr,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AH.prototype.sockaddr=function(b){return this.$val.sockaddr(b);};AH.ptr.prototype.toLocal=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return new AH.ptr(GY(b),c.Port,c.Zone);};AH.prototype.toLocal=function(b){return this.$val.toLocal(b);};AL.ptr.prototype.readFrom=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=this;g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=f.conn.fd.family;if(i===(2)){$s=2;continue;}if(i===(3)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:d[0]=new D.SockaddrInet4.ptr(0,LQ.zero());j=f.conn.fd.readFromInet4(b,d[0]);g=j[0];h=j[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){k=$clone(d[0].Addr,LQ);AH.copy(c,new AH.ptr($convertSliceType(new LF(k),HH),d[0].Port,""));}$s=4;continue;case 3:e[0]=new D.SockaddrInet6.ptr(0,0,LR.zero());l=f.conn.fd.readFromInet6(b,e[0]);g=l[0];h=l[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:m=$clone(e[0].Addr,LR);n=IV.name(((e[0].ZoneId>>0)));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AH.copy(c,new AH.ptr($convertSliceType(new LF(m),HH),e[0].Port,n));case 6:case 4:case 1:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){c=LP.nil;}$s=-1;return[g,c,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.readFrom,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.readFrom=function(b,c){return this.$val.readFrom(b,c);};AL.ptr.prototype.readFromAddrPort=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];e=0;f=new G.AddrPort.ptr(new G.Addr.ptr(new G.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);g=$ifaceNil;h=this;i=new G.Addr.ptr(new G.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),"");j=0;k=h.conn.fd.family;if(k===(2)){$s=2;continue;}if(k===(3)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:c[0]=new D.SockaddrInet4.ptr(0,LQ.zero());l=h.conn.fd.readFromInet4(b,c[0]);e=l[0];g=l[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){G.Addr.copy(i,G.AddrFrom4($clone(c[0].Addr,LQ)));j=c[0].Port;}$s=4;continue;case 3:d[0]=new D.SockaddrInet6.ptr(0,0,LR.zero());m=h.conn.fd.readFromInet6(b,d[0]);e=m[0];g=m[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:n=IV.name(((d[0].ZoneId>>0)));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(G.AddrFrom16($clone(d[0].Addr,LR)),G.Addr).WithZone(n);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}G.Addr.copy(i,o);j=d[0].Port;case 6:case 4:case 1:if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){G.AddrPort.copy(f,G.AddrPortFrom($clone(i,G.Addr),((j<<16>>>16))));}p=e;q=$clone(f,G.AddrPort);r=g;e=p;G.AddrPort.copy(f,q);g=r;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.readFromAddrPort,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.readFromAddrPort=function(b){return this.$val.readFromAddrPort(b);};AL.ptr.prototype.readMsg=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=0;g=0;h=0;i=new G.AddrPort.ptr(new G.Addr.ptr(new G.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);j=$ifaceNil;k=this;l=k.conn.fd.family;if(l===(2)){$s=2;continue;}if(l===(3)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:d[0]=new D.SockaddrInet4.ptr(0,LQ.zero());m=k.conn.fd.readMsgInet4(b,c,0,d[0]);f=m[0];g=m[1];h=m[2];j=m[3];n=$clone(G.AddrFrom4($clone(d[0].Addr,LQ)),G.Addr);G.AddrPort.copy(i,G.AddrPortFrom($clone(n,G.Addr),((d[0].Port<<16>>>16))));$s=4;continue;case 3:e[0]=new D.SockaddrInet6.ptr(0,0,LR.zero());o=k.conn.fd.readMsgInet6(b,c,0,e[0]);f=o[0];g=o[1];h=o[2];j=o[3];p=IV.name(((e[0].ZoneId>>0)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(G.AddrFrom16($clone(e[0].Addr,LR)),G.Addr).WithZone(p);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,G.Addr);G.AddrPort.copy(i,G.AddrPortFrom($clone(r,G.Addr),((e[0].Port<<16>>>16))));case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.readMsg,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.readMsg=function(b,c){return this.$val.readMsg(b,c);};AL.ptr.prototype.writeTo=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=this;if(f.conn.fd.isConnected){$s=-1;return[0,$pkg.ErrWriteToConnected];}if(c===LP.nil){$s=-1;return[0,ED];}g=f.conn.fd.family;if(g===(2)){$s=2;continue;}if(g===(3)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:h=GF(c.IP,c.Port);d[0]=$clone(h[0],D.SockaddrInet4);i=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,i];}$s=-1;return f.conn.fd.writeToInet4(b,d[0]);case 3:k=GG(c.IP,c.Port,c.Zone);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;e[0]=$clone(j[0],D.SockaddrInet6);l=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,l];}$s=-1;return f.conn.fd.writeToInet6(b,e[0]);case 4:$s=-1;return[0,new EN.ptr("invalid address family",c.IP.String())];case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.writeTo,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.writeTo=function(b,c){return this.$val.writeTo(b,c);};AL.ptr.prototype.writeToAddrPort=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=this;if(f.conn.fd.isConnected){$s=-1;return[0,$pkg.ErrWriteToConnected];}if(!$clone(c,G.AddrPort).IsValid()){$s=-1;return[0,ED];}g=f.conn.fd.family;if(g===(2)){$s=2;continue;}if(g===(3)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:h=GI($clone(c,G.AddrPort));d[0]=$clone(h[0],D.SockaddrInet4);i=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,i];}$s=-1;return f.conn.fd.writeToInet4(b,d[0]);case 3:k=GJ($clone(c,G.AddrPort));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;e[0]=$clone(j[0],D.SockaddrInet6);l=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,l];}$s=-1;return f.conn.fd.writeToInet6(b,e[0]);case 4:$s=-1;return[0,new EN.ptr("invalid address family",$clone($clone(c,G.AddrPort).Addr(),G.Addr).String())];case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.writeToAddrPort,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.writeToAddrPort=function(b,c){return this.$val.writeToAddrPort(b,c);};AL.ptr.prototype.writeMsg=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;if(h.conn.fd.isConnected&&!(d===LP.nil)){i=0;j=0;k=$pkg.ErrWriteToConnected;e=i;f=j;g=k;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}if(!h.conn.fd.isConnected&&d===LP.nil){l=0;m=0;n=ED;e=l;f=m;g=n;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}p=d.sockaddr(h.conn.fd.family);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];g=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){r=0;s=0;t=g;e=r;f=s;g=t;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}u=h.conn.fd.writeMsg(b,c,q);e=u[0];f=u[1];g=u[2];$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.writeMsg,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.writeMsg=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.writeMsg(b,c,d);};AL.ptr.prototype.writeMsgAddrPort=function(b,c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=[f];g=0;h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(j.conn.fd.isConnected&&$clone(d,G.AddrPort).IsValid()){k=0;l=0;m=$pkg.ErrWriteToConnected;g=k;h=l;i=m;$s=-1;return[g,h,i];}if(!j.conn.fd.isConnected&&!$clone(d,G.AddrPort).IsValid()){n=0;o=0;p=ED;g=n;h=o;i=p;$s=-1;return[g,h,i];}q=j.conn.fd.family;if(q===(2)){$s=2;continue;}if(q===(3)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:r=GI($clone(d,G.AddrPort));e[0]=$clone(r[0],D.SockaddrInet4);s=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){t=0;u=0;v=s;g=t;h=u;i=v;$s=-1;return[g,h,i];}w=j.conn.fd.writeMsgInet4(b,c,e[0]);g=w[0];h=w[1];i=w[2];$s=-1;return[g,h,i];case 3:y=GJ($clone(d,G.AddrPort));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;f[0]=$clone(x[0],D.SockaddrInet6);z=x[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){aa=0;ab=0;ac=z;g=aa;h=ab;i=ac;$s=-1;return[g,h,i];}ad=j.conn.fd.writeMsgInet6(b,c,f[0]);g=ad[0];h=ad[1];i=ad[2];$s=-1;return[g,h,i];case 4:ae=0;af=0;ag=new EN.ptr("invalid address family",$clone($clone(d,G.AddrPort).Addr(),G.Addr).String());g=ae;h=af;i=ag;$s=-1;return[g,h,i];case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return[g,h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.writeMsgAddrPort,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.writeMsgAddrPort=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.writeMsgAddrPort(b,c,d);};KL.ptr.prototype.dialUDP=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=GE(b,e.network,c,d,2,0,"dial",e.Dialer.Control);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LS.nil,i];}$s=-1;return[AM(h),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KL.ptr.prototype.dialUDP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};KL.prototype.dialUDP=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.dialUDP(b,c,d);};KN.ptr.prototype.listenUDP=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;f=GE(b,d.network,c,$ifaceNil,2,0,"listen",d.ListenConfig.Control);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LS.nil,h];}$s=-1;return[AM(g),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KN.ptr.prototype.listenUDP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};KN.prototype.listenUDP=function(b,c){return this.$val.listenUDP(b,c);};AH.ptr.prototype.AddrPort=function(){var b,c,d;b=this;if(b===LP.nil){return new G.AddrPort.ptr(new G.Addr.ptr(new G.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);}c=G.AddrFromSlice($convertSliceType(b.IP,LF));d=$clone(c[0],G.Addr);G.Addr.copy(d,$clone(d,G.Addr).WithZone(b.Zone));return G.AddrPortFrom($clone(d,G.Addr),((b.Port<<16>>>16)));};AH.prototype.AddrPort=function(){return this.$val.AddrPort();};AH.ptr.prototype.Network=function(){var b;b=this;return"udp";};AH.prototype.Network=function(){return this.$val.Network();};AH.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(b===LP.nil){return"";}c=HV(b.IP);if(!(b.Zone==="")){return GX(c+"%"+b.Zone,H.Itoa(b.Port));}return GX(c,H.Itoa(b.Port));};AH.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};AH.ptr.prototype.isWildcard=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===LP.nil||b.IP===HH.nil){return true;}return b.IP.IsUnspecified();};AH.prototype.isWildcard=function(){return this.$val.isWildcard();};AH.ptr.prototype.opAddr=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===LP.nil){return $ifaceNil;}return b;};AH.prototype.opAddr=function(){return this.$val.opAddr();};AJ=function(b){var b;return new AH.ptr($convertSliceType($clone($clone(b,G.AddrPort).Addr(),G.Addr).AsSlice(),HH),(($clone(b,G.AddrPort).Port()>>0)),$clone($clone(b,G.AddrPort).Addr(),G.Addr).Zone());};$pkg.UDPAddrFromAddrPort=AJ;AK.ptr.prototype.Network=function(){return"udp";};AK.prototype.Network=function(){return this.$val.Network();};AL.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(!b.conn.ok()){return[$ifaceNil,new D.Errno(22)];}c=BW(b.conn.fd);return[c[0],c[1]];};AL.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){return this.$val.SyscallConn();};AL.ptr.prototype.ReadFromUDP=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;d=LP.nil;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;h=f.readFromUDP(b,new AH.ptr(HH.nil,0,""));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;c=g[0];d=g[1];e=g[2];i=[c,d,e];$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.ReadFromUDP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.ReadFromUDP=function(b){return this.$val.ReadFromUDP(b);};AL.ptr.prototype.readFromUDP=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(!d.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return[0,LP.nil,new D.Errno(22)];}f=d.readFrom(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];c=e[1];h=e[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){h=new EG.ptr("read",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,d.conn.fd.raddr,h);}$s=-1;return[g,c,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.readFromUDP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.readFromUDP=function(b,c){return this.$val.readFromUDP(b,c);};AL.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;e=c.readFromUDP(b,new AH.ptr(HH.nil,0,""));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];h=d[2];if(g===LP.nil){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil,h];}$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.ReadFrom=function(b){return this.$val.ReadFrom(b);};AL.ptr.prototype.ReadFromUDPAddrPort=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;d=new G.AddrPort.ptr(new G.Addr.ptr(new G.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);e=$ifaceNil;f=this;if(!f.conn.ok()){g=0;h=new G.AddrPort.ptr(new G.Addr.ptr(new G.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);i=new D.Errno(22);c=g;G.AddrPort.copy(d,h);e=i;$s=-1;return[c,d,e];}k=f.readFromAddrPort(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;c=j[0];G.AddrPort.copy(d,j[1]);e=j[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){e=new EG.ptr("read",f.conn.fd.net,f.conn.fd.laddr,f.conn.fd.raddr,e);}l=c;m=$clone(d,G.AddrPort);n=e;c=l;G.AddrPort.copy(d,m);e=n;$s=-1;return[c,d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.ReadFromUDPAddrPort,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.ReadFromUDPAddrPort=function(b){return this.$val.ReadFromUDPAddrPort(b);};AL.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgUDP=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=0;e=0;f=0;g=LP.nil;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;j=new G.AddrPort.ptr(new G.Addr.ptr(new G.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);l=i.ReadMsgUDPAddrPort(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;d=k[0];e=k[1];f=k[2];G.AddrPort.copy(j,k[3]);h=k[4];if($clone(j,G.AddrPort).IsValid()){g=AJ($clone(j,G.AddrPort));}$s=-1;return[d,e,f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgUDP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.ReadMsgUDP=function(b,c){return this.$val.ReadMsgUDP(b,c);};AL.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgUDPAddrPort=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=0;e=0;f=0;g=new G.AddrPort.ptr(new G.Addr.ptr(new G.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);h=$ifaceNil;i=this;if(!i.conn.ok()){j=0;k=0;l=0;m=new G.AddrPort.ptr(new G.Addr.ptr(new G.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);n=new D.Errno(22);d=j;e=k;f=l;G.AddrPort.copy(g,m);h=n;$s=-1;return[d,e,f,g,h];}p=i.readMsg(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;d=o[0];e=o[1];f=o[2];G.AddrPort.copy(g,o[3]);h=o[4];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){h=new EG.ptr("read",i.conn.fd.net,i.conn.fd.laddr,i.conn.fd.raddr,h);}$s=-1;return[d,e,f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgUDPAddrPort,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.ReadMsgUDPAddrPort=function(b,c){return this.$val.ReadMsgUDPAddrPort(b,c);};AL.ptr.prototype.WriteToUDP=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(!d.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return[0,new D.Errno(22)];}f=d.writeTo(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){h=new EG.ptr("write",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,c.opAddr(),h);}$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.WriteToUDP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.WriteToUDP=function(b,c){return this.$val.WriteToUDP(b,c);};AL.ptr.prototype.WriteToUDPAddrPort=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(!d.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return[0,new D.Errno(22)];}f=d.writeToAddrPort(b,$clone(c,G.AddrPort));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){h=new EG.ptr("write",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,(i=new AK.ptr($clone(c,G.AddrPort)),new i.constructor.elem(i)),h);}$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.WriteToUDPAddrPort,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.WriteToUDPAddrPort=function(b,c){return this.$val.WriteToUDPAddrPort(b,c);};AL.ptr.prototype.WriteTo=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(!d.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return[0,new D.Errno(22)];}e=$assertType(c,LP,true);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!g){$s=-1;return[0,new EG.ptr("write",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,c,new D.Errno(22))];}i=d.writeTo(b,f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){k=new EG.ptr("write",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,f.opAddr(),k);}$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.WriteTo,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.WriteTo=function(b,c){return this.$val.WriteTo(b,c);};AL.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgUDP=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;if(!h.conn.ok()){i=0;j=0;k=new D.Errno(22);e=i;f=j;g=k;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}m=h.writeMsg(b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;e=l[0];f=l[1];g=l[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){g=new EG.ptr("write",h.conn.fd.net,h.conn.fd.laddr,d.opAddr(),g);}$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgUDP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.WriteMsgUDP=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.WriteMsgUDP(b,c,d);};AL.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgUDPAddrPort=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;if(!h.conn.ok()){i=0;j=0;k=new D.Errno(22);e=i;f=j;g=k;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}m=h.writeMsgAddrPort(b,c,$clone(d,G.AddrPort));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;e=l[0];f=l[1];g=l[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){g=new EG.ptr("write",h.conn.fd.net,h.conn.fd.laddr,(n=new AK.ptr($clone(d,G.AddrPort)),new n.constructor.elem(n)),g);}$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgUDPAddrPort,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AL.prototype.WriteMsgUDPAddrPort=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.WriteMsgUDPAddrPort(b,c,d);};AM=function(b){var b;return new AL.ptr(new DW.ptr(b));};AQ=function(b,c){var b,c;return new D.Errno(92);};AR=function(b,c){var b,c;return new D.Errno(92);};AV.ptr.prototype.family=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===LU.nil||b.IP.$length<=4){return 2;}if(!(b.IP.To4()===HH.nil)){return 2;}return 3;};AV.prototype.family=function(){return this.$val.family();};AV.ptr.prototype.sockaddr=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(c===LU.nil){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}d=GH(b,c.IP,c.Port,c.Zone);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV.ptr.prototype.sockaddr,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AV.prototype.sockaddr=function(b){return this.$val.sockaddr(b);};AV.ptr.prototype.toLocal=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return new AV.ptr(GY(b),c.Port,c.Zone);};AV.prototype.toLocal=function(b){return this.$val.toLocal(b);};AY.ptr.prototype.readFrom=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=BE(c.conn.fd,b);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=d[2];if(g){$s=-1;return[e,f];}h=BU(c.conn.fd,b);i=h[0];j=h[1];k=h[2];if(k){$s=-1;return[i,j];}l=EX(c,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:AY.ptr.prototype.readFrom,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AY.prototype.readFrom=function(b){return this.$val.readFrom(b);};KL.ptr.prototype.dialTCP=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(!(JH===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=JH(b,e.network,c,d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=4;case 4:return g;case 2:h=e.doDialTCP(b,c,d);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=6;case 6:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:KL.ptr.prototype.dialTCP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};KL.prototype.dialTCP=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.dialTCP(b,c,d);};KL.ptr.prototype.doDialTCP=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=GE(b,e.network,c,d,1,0,"dial",e.Dialer.Control);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];j=0;case 2:if(!(j<2&&(c===LU.nil||(c.Port===0))&&(AT(h,i)||AU(i)))){$s=3;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:k=h.Close();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 5:m=GE(b,e.network,c,d,1,0,"dial",e.Dialer.Control);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;h=l[0];i=l[1];j=j+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LV.nil,i];}$s=-1;return[AZ(h),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KL.ptr.prototype.doDialTCP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};KL.prototype.doDialTCP=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.doDialTCP(b,c,d);};AT=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){return false;}if($interfaceIsEqual(b.laddr,$ifaceNil)||$interfaceIsEqual(b.raddr,$ifaceNil)){return true;}d=$assertType(b.laddr,LU);e=$assertType(b.raddr,LU);return(d.Port===e.Port)&&d.IP.Equal(e.IP);};AU=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;c=$assertType(b,LW,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(e){b=d.Err;}f=$assertType(b,LX,true);g=f[0];h=f[1];if(h){b=g.Err;}return $interfaceIsEqual(b,new D.Errno(99));};BB.ptr.prototype.ok=function(){var b;b=this;return!(b===LY.nil)&&!(b.fd===LG.nil);};BB.prototype.ok=function(){return this.$val.ok();};BB.ptr.prototype.accept=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=b.fd.accept();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LV.nil,f];}g=AZ(e);if((h=b.lc.KeepAlive,(h.$high>0||(h.$high===0&&h.$low>=0)))){BQ(e,true);i=b.lc.KeepAlive;if((j=b.lc.KeepAlive,(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0))){i=new F.Duration(3,2115098112);}AR(e,i);}$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.accept,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.accept=function(){return this.$val.accept();};BB.ptr.prototype.close=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.fd.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.close,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.close=function(){return this.$val.close();};BB.ptr.prototype.file=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b.fd.dup();d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){return[LK.nil,e];}return[d,$ifaceNil];};BB.prototype.file=function(){return this.$val.file();};KN.ptr.prototype.listenTCP=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;f=GE(b,d.network,c,$ifaceNil,1,0,"listen",d.ListenConfig.Control);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LY.nil,h];}$s=-1;return[new BB.ptr(g,$clone(d.ListenConfig,KM)),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KN.ptr.prototype.listenTCP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};KN.prototype.listenTCP=function(b,c){return this.$val.listenTCP(b,c);};AV.ptr.prototype.AddrPort=function(){var b,c,d;b=this;if(b===LU.nil){return new G.AddrPort.ptr(new G.Addr.ptr(new G.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)),""),0);}c=G.AddrFromSlice($convertSliceType(b.IP,LF));d=$clone(c[0],G.Addr);G.Addr.copy(d,$clone(d,G.Addr).WithZone(b.Zone));return G.AddrPortFrom($clone(d,G.Addr),((b.Port<<16>>>16)));};AV.prototype.AddrPort=function(){return this.$val.AddrPort();};AV.ptr.prototype.Network=function(){var b;b=this;return"tcp";};AV.prototype.Network=function(){return this.$val.Network();};AV.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(b===LU.nil){return"";}c=HV(b.IP);if(!(b.Zone==="")){return GX(c+"%"+b.Zone,H.Itoa(b.Port));}return GX(c,H.Itoa(b.Port));};AV.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};AV.ptr.prototype.isWildcard=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===LU.nil||b.IP===HH.nil){return true;}return b.IP.IsUnspecified();};AV.prototype.isWildcard=function(){return this.$val.isWildcard();};AV.ptr.prototype.opAddr=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===LU.nil){return $ifaceNil;}return b;};AV.prototype.opAddr=function(){return this.$val.opAddr();};AY.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(!b.conn.ok()){return[$ifaceNil,new D.Errno(22)];}c=BW(b.conn.fd);return[c[0],c[1]];};AY.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){return this.$val.SyscallConn();};AY.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return[new $Int64(0,0),new D.Errno(22)];}e=c.readFrom(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(g,I.EOF))){g=new EG.ptr("readfrom",c.conn.fd.net,c.conn.fd.laddr,c.conn.fd.raddr,g);}$s=-1;return[f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:AY.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AY.prototype.ReadFrom=function(b){return this.$val.ReadFrom(b);};AY.ptr.prototype.CloseRead=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}c=b.conn.fd.closeRead();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("close",b.conn.fd.net,b.conn.fd.laddr,b.conn.fd.raddr,d);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AY.ptr.prototype.CloseRead,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AY.prototype.CloseRead=function(){return this.$val.CloseRead();};AY.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}c=b.conn.fd.closeWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("close",b.conn.fd.net,b.conn.fd.laddr,b.conn.fd.raddr,d);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AY.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AY.prototype.CloseWrite=function(){return this.$val.CloseWrite();};AY.ptr.prototype.SetLinger=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;if(!c.conn.ok()){return new D.Errno(22);}d=BR(c.conn.fd,b);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){return new EG.ptr("set",c.conn.fd.net,c.conn.fd.laddr,c.conn.fd.raddr,d);}return $ifaceNil;};AY.prototype.SetLinger=function(b){return this.$val.SetLinger(b);};AY.ptr.prototype.SetKeepAlive=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;if(!c.conn.ok()){return new D.Errno(22);}d=BQ(c.conn.fd,b);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){return new EG.ptr("set",c.conn.fd.net,c.conn.fd.laddr,c.conn.fd.raddr,d);}return $ifaceNil;};AY.prototype.SetKeepAlive=function(b){return this.$val.SetKeepAlive(b);};AY.ptr.prototype.SetKeepAlivePeriod=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;if(!c.conn.ok()){return new D.Errno(22);}d=AR(c.conn.fd,b);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){return new EG.ptr("set",c.conn.fd.net,c.conn.fd.laddr,c.conn.fd.raddr,d);}return $ifaceNil;};AY.prototype.SetKeepAlivePeriod=function(b){return this.$val.SetKeepAlivePeriod(b);};AY.ptr.prototype.SetNoDelay=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;if(!c.conn.ok()){return new D.Errno(22);}d=AQ(c.conn.fd,b);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){return new EG.ptr("set",c.conn.fd.net,c.conn.fd.laddr,c.conn.fd.raddr,d);}return $ifaceNil;};AY.prototype.SetNoDelay=function(b){return this.$val.SetNoDelay(b);};AZ=function(b){var b,c;c=new AY.ptr(new DW.ptr(b));AQ(c.conn.fd,true);return c;};BB.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(!b.ok()){return[$ifaceNil,new D.Errno(22)];}c=BY(b.fd);return[c[0],c[1]];};BB.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){return this.$val.SyscallConn();};BB.ptr.prototype.AcceptTCP=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.ok()){$s=-1;return[LV.nil,new D.Errno(22)];}d=b.accept();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[LV.nil,new EG.ptr("accept",b.fd.net,$ifaceNil,b.fd.laddr,f)];}$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.AcceptTCP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.AcceptTCP=function(){return this.$val.AcceptTCP();};BB.ptr.prototype.Accept=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.ok()){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new D.Errno(22)];}d=b.accept();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new EG.ptr("accept",b.fd.net,$ifaceNil,b.fd.laddr,f)];}$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.Accept,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.Accept=function(){return this.$val.Accept();};BB.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}c=b.close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("close",b.fd.net,$ifaceNil,b.fd.laddr,d);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};BB.ptr.prototype.Addr=function(){var b;b=this;return b.fd.laddr;};BB.prototype.Addr=function(){return this.$val.Addr();};BB.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}d=c.fd.pfd.SetDeadline($clone(b,F.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("set",c.fd.net,$ifaceNil,c.fd.laddr,e);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BB.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BB.prototype.SetDeadline=function(b){return this.$val.SetDeadline(b);};BB.ptr.prototype.File=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;b=LK.nil;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;if(!d.ok()){e=LK.nil;f=new D.Errno(22);b=e;c=f;return[b,c];}g=d.file();b=g[0];c=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){h=LK.nil;i=new EG.ptr("file",d.fd.net,$ifaceNil,d.fd.laddr,c);b=h;c=i;return[b,c];}return[b,c];};BB.prototype.File=function(){return this.$val.File();};BE=function(b,c){var b,c;return[new $Int64(0,0),$ifaceNil,false];};BO=function(b,c){var b,c;return new D.Errno(92);};BP=function(b,c){var b,c;return new D.Errno(92);};BQ=function(b,c){var b,c;return new D.Errno(92);};BR=function(b,c){var b,c;return new D.Errno(92);};BU=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;d=new $Int64(0,0);e=$ifaceNil;f=false;g=new $Int64(0,0);h=$ifaceNil;i=false;d=g;e=h;f=i;return[d,e,f];};BV.ptr.prototype.ok=function(){var b;b=this;return!(b===LZ.nil)&&!(b.fd===LG.nil);};BV.prototype.ok=function(){return this.$val.ok();};BV.ptr.prototype.Control=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}d=c.fd.pfd.RawControl(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;J.KeepAlive(c.fd);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){e=new EG.ptr("raw-control",c.fd.net,$ifaceNil,c.fd.laddr,e);}$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.Control,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.Control=function(b){return this.$val.Control(b);};BV.ptr.prototype.Read=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}d=c.fd.pfd.RawRead(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;J.KeepAlive(c.fd);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){e=new EG.ptr("raw-read",c.fd.net,c.fd.laddr,c.fd.raddr,e);}$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.Read=function(b){return this.$val.Read(b);};BV.ptr.prototype.Write=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}d=c.fd.pfd.RawWrite(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;J.KeepAlive(c.fd);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){e=new EG.ptr("raw-write",c.fd.net,c.fd.laddr,c.fd.raddr,e);}$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.Write=function(b){return this.$val.Write(b);};BW=function(b){var b;return[new BV.ptr(b),$ifaceNil];};BX.ptr.prototype.Read=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return new D.Errno(22);};BX.prototype.Read=function(b){return this.$val.Read(b);};BX.ptr.prototype.Write=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return new D.Errno(22);};BX.prototype.Write=function(b){return this.$val.Write(b);};BY=function(b){var b;return[new BX.ptr(new BV.ptr(b)),$ifaceNil];};CA=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=CK("/etc/services");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"close"),[]]);g=d.readLine();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];case 6:if(!(i)){$s=7;continue;}j=K.IndexByteString(h,35);if(j>=0){h=$substring(h,0,j);}k=CO(h);if(k.$length<2){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:m=d.readLine();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;h=l[0];i=l[1];$s=6;continue;case 9:n=(1>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+1]);o=CP(n);p=o[0];q=o[1];r=o[2];if(!r||p<=0||q>=n.length||!((n.charCodeAt(q)===47))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:t=d.readLine();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;h=s[0];i=s[1];$s=6;continue;case 12:u=$substring(n,(q+1>>0));v=(w=FJ[$String.keyFor(u)],w!==undefined?[w.v,true]:[false,false]);x=v[0];y=v[1];if(!y){x={};z=u;(FJ||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(z)]={k:z,v:x};}aa=0;while(true){if(!(aa=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+aa]);(x||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(ab)]={k:ab,v:p};}aa=aa+(1)>>0;}ad=d.readLine();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;h=ac[0];i=ac[1];$s=6;continue;case 7:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:CA,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};CB=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=0;e=$ifaceNil;$r=BZ.Do(CA);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=FM(b,c);d=f[0];e=f[1];$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:CB,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};CC=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;c=0;d=false;if(b===""){e=0;f=false;c=e;d=f;return[c,d];}g=false;if(b.charCodeAt(0)===43){b=$substring(b,1);}else if(b.charCodeAt(0)===45){g=true;b=$substring(b,1);}h=0;i=b;j=0;while(true){if(!(j>0;}else{m=0;n=true;c=m;d=n;return[c,d];}if(h>=1073741824){h=4294967295;break;}h=$imul(h,(10))>>>0;o=h+((l>>>0))>>>0;if(o4294967295){h=4294967295;break;}h=o;j+=k[1];}if(!g&&h>=1073741824){c=1073741823;}else if(g&&h>1073741824){c=1073741824;}else{c=((h>>0));}if(g){c=-c;}p=c;q=false;c=p;d=q;return[c,d];};CJ.ptr.prototype.close=function(){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.file.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CJ.ptr.prototype.close,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};CJ.prototype.close=function(){return this.$val.close();};CJ.ptr.prototype.getLineFromData=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g;b="";c=false;d=this;e=d.data;f=0;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f])===10){b=($bytesToString($subslice(e,0,f)));c=true;f=f+(1)>>0;g=e.$length-f>>0;$copySlice($subslice(e,0),$subslice(e,f));d.data=$subslice(e,0,g);return[b,c];}f=f+(1)>>0;}if(d.atEOF&&d.data.$length>0){b=($bytesToString(e));d.data=$subslice(d.data,0,0);c=true;}return[b,c];};CJ.prototype.getLineFromData=function(){return this.$val.getLineFromData();};CJ.ptr.prototype.readLine=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b="";c=false;d=this;e=d.getLineFromData();b=e[0];c=e[1];if(c){$s=-1;return[b,c];}if(d.data.$length=0){d.data=$subslice(d.data,0,(f+i>>0));}if($interfaceIsEqual(j,I.EOF)||$interfaceIsEqual(j,I.ErrUnexpectedEOF)){d.atEOF=true;}case 2:k=d.getLineFromData();b=k[0];c=k[1];$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:CJ.ptr.prototype.readLine,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};CJ.prototype.readLine=function(){return this.$val.readLine();};CK=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=C.Open(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[MC.nil,f];}$s=-1;return[new CJ.ptr(e,$makeSlice(LF,0,65536),false),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:CK,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};CM=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;d=0;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=0){d=d+(1)>>0;}e=e+(1)>>0;}return d;};CN=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=$makeSlice(LA,(1+CM(b,c)>>0));e=0;f=0;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=0){if(f=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]=$substring(b,f,g));e=e+(1)>>0;}f=g+1>>0;}g=g+(1)>>0;}if(f=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]=$substring(b,f));e=e+(1)>>0;}return $subslice(d,0,e);};CO=function(b){var b;return CN(b," \r\t\n");};CP=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;c=0;d=0;e=false;c=0;d=0;while(true){if(!(d>>24)>>0))>>0;if(c>=16777215){f=16777215;g=d;h=false;c=f;d=g;e=h;return[c,d,e];}d=d+(1)>>0;}if(d===0){i=0;j=0;k=false;c=i;d=j;e=k;return[c,d,e];}l=c;m=d;n=true;c=l;d=m;e=n;return[c,d,e];};CQ=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;c=0;d=0;e=false;c=0;d=0;while(true){if(!(d>>24)>>0)))>>0;}else if(97<=b.charCodeAt(d)&&b.charCodeAt(d)<=102){c=$imul(c,(16));c=c+(((((b.charCodeAt(d)-97<<24>>>24)>>0))+10>>0))>>0;}else if(65<=b.charCodeAt(d)&&b.charCodeAt(d)<=70){c=$imul(c,(16));c=c+(((((b.charCodeAt(d)-65<<24>>>24)>>0))+10>>0))>>0;}else{break;}if(c>=16777215){f=0;g=d;h=false;c=f;d=g;e=h;return[c,d,e];}d=d+(1)>>0;}if(d===0){i=0;j=d;k=false;c=i;d=j;e=k;return[c,d,e];}l=c;m=d;n=true;c=l;d=m;e=n;return[c,d,e];};CS=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f;if(c===0){return $append(b,48);}d=7;while(true){if(!(d>=0)){break;}f=(e=((($imul(d,4))>>>0)),e<32?(c>>>e):0)>>>0;if(f>0){b=$append(b,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((f&15)>>>0)));}d=d-(1)>>0;}return b;};CU=function(b,c){var b,c,d;d=b.length;d=d-(1)>>0;while(true){if(!(d>=0)){break;}if(b.charCodeAt(d)===c){break;}d=d-(1)>>0;}return d;};CW=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f;c=b;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(65<=f&&f<=90){((e<0||e>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]=(((e<0||e>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e])+(32)<<24>>>24));}d++;}};DM=function(){var{b,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$r=DK.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(DK,"Unlock"),[]]);DL=DL+(1)>>0;b=DL;$s=2;case 2:return b;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return 0;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DM,$c:true,$r,b,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DO=function(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=new DN.ptr(MD.nil,MD.nil,$chanNil,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,d,e,c,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,new L.FD.ptr(new L.fdMutex.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),0,0),0,new L.pollDesc.ptr(ME.nil,false),MG.nil,0,0,false,false,false),false);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))&&$interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=$assertType(h,LU);m=DM();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.laddr=new AV.ptr(l.IP,m,l.Zone);k.listener=true;k.incoming=new $Chan(LG,1024);$r=DI.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$assertType(k.laddr,LU).String();(DJ||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(n)]={k:n,v:k};$r=DI.Unlock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];case 2:o=DM();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.laddr=new AV.ptr(HK(127,0,0,1),o,"");k.raddr=i;k.r=DP(65536);k.w=DP(65536);p=new DN.ptr(MD.nil,MD.nil,$chanNil,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,k.family,e,c,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,new L.FD.ptr(new L.fdMutex.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),0,0),0,new L.pollDesc.ptr(ME.nil,false),MG.nil,0,0,false,false,false),false);p.laddr=k.raddr;p.raddr=k.laddr;p.r=k.w;p.w=k.r;$r=DI.Lock();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=(r=DJ[$String.keyFor($assertType(k.raddr,LU).String())],r!==undefined?[r.v,true]:[LG.nil,false]);s=q[0];t=q[1];if(!t){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=DI.Unlock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[LG.nil,new D.Errno(111)];case 9:$r=$send(s.incoming,p);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=DI.Unlock();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DO,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};DN.ptr.prototype.Read=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;d=$ifaceNil;e=this;g=e.r.Read(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;c=f[0];d=f[1];h=[c,d];$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:DN.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};DN.prototype.Read=function(b){return this.$val.Read(b);};DN.ptr.prototype.Write=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;d=$ifaceNil;e=this;g=e.w.Write(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;c=f[0];d=f[1];h=[c,d];$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:DN.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};DN.prototype.Write=function(b){return this.$val.Write(b);};DN.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.closedMu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(b.closed){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=b.closedMu.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:b.closed=true;$r=b.closedMu.Unlock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(b.listener){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=DI.Lock();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b.laddr.String();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}delete DJ[$String.keyFor(c)];$close(b.incoming);b.listener=false;$r=DI.Unlock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 7:$r=b.r.Close();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=b.w.Close();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DN.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};DN.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};DN.ptr.prototype.closeRead=function(){var{b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.r.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DN.ptr.prototype.closeRead,$c:true,$r,b,$s};return $f;};DN.prototype.closeRead=function(){return this.$val.closeRead();};DN.ptr.prototype.closeWrite=function(){var{b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.w.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DN.ptr.prototype.closeWrite,$c:true,$r,b,$s};return $f;};DN.prototype.closeWrite=function(){return this.$val.closeWrite();};DN.ptr.prototype.accept=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=$recv(b.incoming);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!f){$s=-1;return[LG.nil,new D.Errno(22)];}$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DN.ptr.prototype.accept,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};DN.prototype.accept=function(){return this.$val.accept();};DN.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.r.SetReadDeadline($clone(b,F.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=c.w.SetWriteDeadline($clone(b,F.Time));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DN.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};DN.prototype.SetDeadline=function(b){return this.$val.SetDeadline(b);};DN.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.r.SetReadDeadline($clone(b,F.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DN.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};DN.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(b){return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(b);};DN.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.w.SetWriteDeadline($clone(b,F.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DN.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};DN.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(b){return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(b);};DP=function(b){var b,c;c=new DQ.ptr(b,new E.Mutex.ptr(0,0),LF.nil,false,new E.Cond.ptr(new E.noCopy.ptr(),$ifaceNil,new E.notifyList.ptr(0,0,0,0,0),0,0,$chanNil),new E.Cond.ptr(new E.noCopy.ptr(),$ifaceNil,new E.notifyList.ptr(0,0,0,0,0),0,0,$chanNil),new F.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),KZ.nil),new F.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),KZ.nil));c.rCond.L=c.mu;c.wCond.L=c.mu;return c;};DQ.ptr.prototype.Read=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;$r=c.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);case 2:if(c.closed&&(c.buf.$length===0)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:d=[0,I.EOF];$s=6;case 6:return d;case 5:if(!$clone(c.rDeadline,F.Time).IsZero()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:e=F.Until($clone(c.rDeadline,F.Time));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if((f.$high<0||(f.$high===0&&f.$low<=0))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:g=[0,new D.Errno(11)];$s=12;case 12:return g;case 11:h=F.AfterFunc(f,$methodVal(c.rCond,"Broadcast"));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;case 8:if(c.buf.$length>0){$s=3;continue;}$r=c.rCond.Wait();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=2;continue;case 3:i=$copySlice(b,c.buf);c.buf=$subslice(c.buf,i);$r=c.wCond.Broadcast();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=[i,$ifaceNil];$s=16;case 16:return j;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DQ.prototype.Read=function(b){return this.$val.Read(b);};DQ.ptr.prototype.Write=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;$r=c.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);case 2:if(c.closed){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:d=[0,new D.Errno(107)];$s=6;case 6:return d;case 5:if(!$clone(c.wDeadline,F.Time).IsZero()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:e=F.Until($clone(c.wDeadline,F.Time));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if((f.$high<0||(f.$high===0&&f.$low<=0))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:g=[0,new D.Errno(11)];$s=12;case 12:return g;case 11:h=F.AfterFunc(f,$methodVal(c.wCond,"Broadcast"));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;case 8:if(c.buf.$length<=c.softLimit){$s=3;continue;}$r=c.wCond.Wait();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=2;continue;case 3:c.buf=$appendSlice(c.buf,b);$r=c.rCond.Broadcast();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=[b.$length,$ifaceNil];$s=16;case 16:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DQ.prototype.Write=function(b){return this.$val.Write(b);};DQ.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{b,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=this;$r=b.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(b.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);b.closed=true;$r=b.rCond.Broadcast();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=b.wCond.Broadcast();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,b,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DQ.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};DQ.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;$r=c.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);F.Time.copy(c.rDeadline,b);$r=c.rCond.Broadcast();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DQ.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(b){return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(b);};DQ.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(b){var{b,c,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=this;$r=c.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);F.Time.copy(c.wDeadline,b);$r=c.wCond.Broadcast();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DQ.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(b){return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(b);};DR=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d;return[0,new D.Errno(38)];};DN.ptr.prototype.readFrom=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=0;d=$ifaceNil;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=new D.Errno(38);c=g;d=h;e=i;return[c,d,e];};DN.prototype.readFrom=function(b){return this.$val.readFrom(b);};DN.ptr.prototype.readFromInet4=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;d=0;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;g=0;h=new D.Errno(38);d=g;e=h;return[d,e];};DN.prototype.readFromInet4=function(b,c){return this.$val.readFromInet4(b,c);};DN.ptr.prototype.readFromInet6=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;d=0;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;g=0;h=new D.Errno(38);d=g;e=h;return[d,e];};DN.prototype.readFromInet6=function(b,c){return this.$val.readFromInet6(b,c);};DN.ptr.prototype.readMsg=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;e=0;f=0;g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=0;l=0;m=0;n=$ifaceNil;o=new D.Errno(38);e=k;f=l;g=m;h=n;i=o;return[e,f,g,h,i];};DN.prototype.readMsg=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.readMsg(b,c,d);};DN.ptr.prototype.readMsgInet4=function(b,c,d,e){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;f=0;g=0;h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=0;l=0;m=0;n=new D.Errno(38);f=k;g=l;h=m;i=n;return[f,g,h,i];};DN.prototype.readMsgInet4=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.readMsgInet4(b,c,d,e);};DN.ptr.prototype.readMsgInet6=function(b,c,d,e){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;f=0;g=0;h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=0;l=0;m=0;n=new D.Errno(38);f=k;g=l;h=m;i=n;return[f,g,h,i];};DN.prototype.readMsgInet6=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.readMsgInet6(b,c,d,e);};DN.ptr.prototype.writeMsgInet4=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;e=0;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;i=0;j=0;k=new D.Errno(38);e=i;f=j;g=k;return[e,f,g];};DN.prototype.writeMsgInet4=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.writeMsgInet4(b,c,d);};DN.ptr.prototype.writeMsgInet6=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;e=0;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;i=0;j=0;k=new D.Errno(38);e=i;f=j;g=k;return[e,f,g];};DN.prototype.writeMsgInet6=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.writeMsgInet6(b,c,d);};DN.ptr.prototype.writeTo=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;d=0;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;g=0;h=new D.Errno(38);d=g;e=h;return[d,e];};DN.prototype.writeTo=function(b,c){return this.$val.writeTo(b,c);};DN.ptr.prototype.writeToInet4=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;d=0;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;g=0;h=new D.Errno(38);d=g;e=h;return[d,e];};DN.prototype.writeToInet4=function(b,c){return this.$val.writeToInet4(b,c);};DN.ptr.prototype.writeToInet6=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;d=0;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;g=0;h=new D.Errno(38);d=g;e=h;return[d,e];};DN.prototype.writeToInet6=function(b,c){return this.$val.writeToInet6(b,c);};DN.ptr.prototype.writeMsg=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;e=0;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;i=0;j=0;k=new D.Errno(38);e=i;f=j;g=k;return[e,f,g];};DN.prototype.writeMsg=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.writeMsg(b,c,d);};DN.ptr.prototype.dup=function(){var b,c,d,e,f;b=LK.nil;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;e=LK.nil;f=new D.Errno(38);b=e;c=f;return[b,c];};DN.prototype.dup=function(){return this.$val.dup();};DW.ptr.prototype.ok=function(){var b;b=this;return!(b===MH.nil)&&!(b.fd===LG.nil);};DW.prototype.ok=function(){return this.$val.ok();};DW.ptr.prototype.Read=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.ok()){$s=-1;return[0,new D.Errno(22)];}e=c.fd.Read(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(g,I.EOF))){g=new EG.ptr("read",c.fd.net,c.fd.laddr,c.fd.raddr,g);}$s=-1;return[f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:DW.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DW.prototype.Read=function(b){return this.$val.Read(b);};DW.ptr.prototype.Write=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.ok()){$s=-1;return[0,new D.Errno(22)];}e=c.fd.Write(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){g=new EG.ptr("write",c.fd.net,c.fd.laddr,c.fd.raddr,g);}$s=-1;return[f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:DW.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DW.prototype.Write=function(b){return this.$val.Write(b);};DW.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!b.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}c=b.fd.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){d=new EG.ptr("close",b.fd.net,b.fd.laddr,b.fd.raddr,d);}$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:DW.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};DW.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};DW.ptr.prototype.LocalAddr=function(){var b;b=this;if(!b.ok()){return $ifaceNil;}return b.fd.laddr;};DW.prototype.LocalAddr=function(){return this.$val.LocalAddr();};DW.ptr.prototype.RemoteAddr=function(){var b;b=this;if(!b.ok()){return $ifaceNil;}return b.fd.raddr;};DW.prototype.RemoteAddr=function(){return this.$val.RemoteAddr();};DW.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}d=c.fd.SetDeadline($clone(b,F.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("set",c.fd.net,$ifaceNil,c.fd.laddr,e);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DW.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};DW.prototype.SetDeadline=function(b){return this.$val.SetDeadline(b);};DW.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}d=c.fd.SetReadDeadline($clone(b,F.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("set",c.fd.net,$ifaceNil,c.fd.laddr,e);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DW.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};DW.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(b){return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(b);};DW.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.ok()){$s=-1;return new D.Errno(22);}d=c.fd.SetWriteDeadline($clone(b,F.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return new EG.ptr("set",c.fd.net,$ifaceNil,c.fd.laddr,e);}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DW.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};DW.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(b){return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(b);};DW.ptr.prototype.SetReadBuffer=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;if(!c.ok()){return new D.Errno(22);}d=BO(c.fd,b);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){return new EG.ptr("set",c.fd.net,$ifaceNil,c.fd.laddr,d);}return $ifaceNil;};DW.prototype.SetReadBuffer=function(b){return this.$val.SetReadBuffer(b);};DW.ptr.prototype.SetWriteBuffer=function(b){var b,c,d;c=this;if(!c.ok()){return new D.Errno(22);}d=BP(c.fd,b);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){return new EG.ptr("set",c.fd.net,$ifaceNil,c.fd.laddr,d);}return $ifaceNil;};DW.prototype.SetWriteBuffer=function(b){return this.$val.SetWriteBuffer(b);};DW.ptr.prototype.File=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=LK.nil;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;e=d.fd.dup();b=e[0];c=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){c=new EG.ptr("file",d.fd.net,d.fd.laddr,d.fd.raddr,c);}return[b,c];};DW.prototype.File=function(){return this.$val.File();};EF=function(b){var b,c;c=b;if($interfaceIsEqual(c,(A.Canceled))){return EE;}else if($interfaceIsEqual(c,(A.DeadlineExceeded))){return EQ;}else{return b;}};EG.ptr.prototype.Unwrap=function(){var b;b=this;return b.Err;};EG.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};EG.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b===LW.nil){$s=-1;return"";}c=b.Op;if(!(b.Net==="")){c=c+(" "+b.Net);}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.Source,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=b.Source.String();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=c+(" "+d);case 2:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.Addr,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.Source,$ifaceNil))){c=c+("->");}else{c=c+(" ");}e=b.Addr.String();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=c+(e);case 5:f=b.Err.Error();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=c+(": "+f);$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:EG.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};EG.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};EG.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=$assertType(b.Err,LX,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(e){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=$assertType(d.Err,EK,true);g=f[0];h=f[1];if(!(h)){i=false;$s=3;continue s;}j=g.Timeout();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;case 3:k=i;$s=5;case 5:return k;case 2:l=$assertType(b.Err,EK,true);m=l[0];n=l[1];if(!(n)){o=false;$s=6;continue s;}p=m.Timeout();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;case 6:q=o;$s=8;case 8:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:EG.ptr.prototype.Timeout,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};EG.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};EG.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.Op==="accept"&&JS(b.Err)){$s=-1;return true;}c=$assertType(b.Err,LX,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(e){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=$assertType(d.Err,EL,true);g=f[0];h=f[1];if(!(h)){i=false;$s=3;continue s;}j=g.Temporary();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;case 3:k=i;$s=5;case 5:return k;case 2:l=$assertType(b.Err,EL,true);m=l[0];n=l[1];if(!(n)){o=false;$s=6;continue s;}p=m.Temporary();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;case 6:q=o;$s=8;case 8:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:EG.ptr.prototype.Temporary,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};EG.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};EM.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var b;b=this;return"invalid "+b.Type+": "+b.Text;};EM.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};EM.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var b;b=this;return false;};EM.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};EM.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var b;b=this;return false;};EM.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};EN.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(b===MI.nil){return"";}c=b.Err;if(!(b.Addr==="")){c="address "+b.Addr+": "+c;}return c;};EN.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};EN.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var b;b=this;return false;};EN.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};EN.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var b;b=this;return false;};EN.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};EO.prototype.Error=function(){var b;b=this.$val;return"unknown network "+(b);};$ptrType(EO).prototype.Error=function(){return new EO(this.$get()).Error();};EO.prototype.Timeout=function(){var b;b=this.$val;return false;};$ptrType(EO).prototype.Timeout=function(){return new EO(this.$get()).Timeout();};EO.prototype.Temporary=function(){var b;b=this.$val;return false;};$ptrType(EO).prototype.Temporary=function(){return new EO(this.$get()).Temporary();};ER.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var b;b=this;return"i/o timeout";};ER.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};ER.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var b;b=this;return true;};ER.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};ER.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var b;b=this;return true;};ER.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};EU.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(b===MJ.nil){return"";}c="lookup "+b.Name;if(!(b.Server==="")){c=c+(" on "+b.Server);}c=c+(": "+b.Err);return c;};EU.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};EU.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var b;b=this;return b.IsTimeout;};EU.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};EU.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var b;b=this;return b.IsTimeout||b.IsTemporary;};EU.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};EX=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=new $Int64(0,0);e=$ifaceNil;h=I.Copy((g=new EW.ptr(b),new g.constructor.elem(g)),c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=h;d=f[0];e=f[1];i=[d,e];$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:EX,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};FE.prototype.String=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g;b=this;if(b.$length===0){return"";}c=$makeSlice(LF,0,(($imul(b.$length,3))-1>>0));d=b;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);if(f>0){c=$append(c,58);}c=$append(c,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((g>>>4<<24>>>24)));c=$append(c,"0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((g&15)>>>0)));e++;}return($bytesToString(c));};$ptrType(FE).prototype.String=function(){return this.$get().String();};FG=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f;d=0;e=$ifaceNil;f=FL(c);d=f[0];e=f[1];return[d,e];};FO.ptr.prototype.lookupHost=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=LA.nil;e=$ifaceNil;f=LA.nil;g=new D.Errno(92);d=f;e=g;return[d,e];};FO.prototype.lookupHost=function(b,c){return this.$val.lookupHost(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.lookupIP=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;e=MK.nil;f=$ifaceNil;g=MK.nil;h=new D.Errno(92);e=g;f=h;return[e,f];};FO.prototype.lookupIP=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.lookupIP(b,c,d);};FO.ptr.prototype.lookupPort=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=$ifaceNil;h=CB(c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;e=g[0];f=g[1];i=[e,f];$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.lookupPort,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.lookupPort=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.lookupPort(b,c,d);};FO.ptr.prototype.lookupCNAME=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d="";e=$ifaceNil;f="";g=new D.Errno(92);d=f;e=g;return[d,e];};FO.prototype.lookupCNAME=function(b,c){return this.$val.lookupCNAME(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.lookupSRV=function(b,c,d,e){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;f="";g=MM.nil;h=$ifaceNil;i="";j=MM.nil;k=new D.Errno(92);f=i;g=j;h=k;return[f,g,h];};FO.prototype.lookupSRV=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.lookupSRV(b,c,d,e);};FO.ptr.prototype.lookupMX=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=MO.nil;e=$ifaceNil;f=MO.nil;g=new D.Errno(92);d=f;e=g;return[d,e];};FO.prototype.lookupMX=function(b,c){return this.$val.lookupMX(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.lookupNS=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=MQ.nil;e=$ifaceNil;f=MQ.nil;g=new D.Errno(92);d=f;e=g;return[d,e];};FO.prototype.lookupNS=function(b,c){return this.$val.lookupNS(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.lookupTXT=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=LA.nil;e=$ifaceNil;f=LA.nil;g=new D.Errno(92);d=f;e=g;return[d,e];};FO.prototype.lookupTXT=function(b,c){return this.$val.lookupTXT(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.lookupAddr=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=LA.nil;e=$ifaceNil;f=LA.nil;g=new D.Errno(92);d=f;e=g;return[d,e];};FO.prototype.lookupAddr=function(b,c){return this.$val.lookupAddr(b,c);};FL=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;c=MR.zero();d=$copyString(new LF(c),b);CW($subslice(new LF(c),0,d));e=(f=FI[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString($subslice(new LF(c),0,d))))],f!==undefined?[f.v,true]:[0,false]);g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!h||!((d===b.length))){return[0,new EN.ptr("unknown IP protocol specified",b)];}return[g,$ifaceNil];};FM=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;d=0;e=$ifaceNil;f=b;if(f===("tcp4")||f===("tcp6")){b="tcp";}else if(f===("udp4")||f===("udp6")){b="udp";}g=(h=FJ[$String.keyFor(b)],h!==undefined?[h.v,true]:[false,false]);i=g[0];j=g[1];if(j){k=MR.zero();l=$copyString(new LF(k),c);CW($subslice(new LF(k),0,l));m=(n=i[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString($subslice(new LF(k),0,l))))],n!==undefined?[n.v,true]:[0,false]);o=m[0];p=m[1];if(p&&(l===c.length)){q=o;r=$ifaceNil;d=q;e=r;return[d,e];}}s=0;t=new EN.ptr("unknown port",b+"/"+c);d=s;e=t;return[d,e];};FO.ptr.prototype.getLookupGroup=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===LM.nil){return $pkg.DefaultResolver.lookupGroup;}return b.lookupGroup;};FO.prototype.getLookupGroup=function(){return this.$val.getLookupGroup();};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupHost=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=LA.nil;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;if(c===""){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=LA.nil;i=ET.Error();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=new EU.ptr(i,c,"",false,false,true);d=g;e=h;j=[d,e];$s=4;case 4:return j;case 2:k=IC(c);l=k[0];if(!(l===HH.nil)){m=new LA([c]);n=$ifaceNil;d=m;e=n;$s=-1;return[d,e];}o=f.lookupHost(b,c);d=o[0];e=o[1];$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.LookupHost,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.LookupHost=function(b,c){return this.$val.LookupHost(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupIPAddr=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.lookupIPAddr(b,"ip",c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.LookupIPAddr,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.LookupIPAddr=function(b,c){return this.$val.LookupIPAddr(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupIP=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=KI(b,c,false);g=f[0];h=f[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[MS.nil,h];}i=g;if(i===("ip")||i===("ip4")||i===("ip6")){}else{$s=-1;return[MS.nil,new EO((c))];}k=e.internetAddrList(b,g,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];h=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[MS.nil,h];}m=$makeSlice(MS,0,l.$length);n=l;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);m=$append(m,$assertType(p,MT).IP);o++;}$s=-1;return[m,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.LookupIP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.LookupIP=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.LookupIP(b,c,d);};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupNetIP=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=e.LookupIP(b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[MU.nil,i];}j=$makeSlice(MU,0,h.$length);k=h;l=0;while(true){if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);n=G.AddrFromSlice($convertSliceType(m,LF));o=$clone(n[0],G.Addr);p=n[1];if(p){j=$append(j,o);}l++;}$s=-1;return[j,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.LookupNetIP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.LookupNetIP=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.LookupNetIP(b,c,d);};FR.ptr.prototype.Value=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;e=c.lookupValues.Done();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=$select([[e],[]]);if(d[0]===0){$s=2;continue;}if(d[0]===1){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:f=c.lookupValues.Value(b);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=6;case 6:return g;case 4:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:FR.ptr.prototype.Value,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};FR.prototype.Value=function(b){return this.$val.Value(b);};FS=function(b){var b;return new FR.ptr(A.Background(),b);};FO.ptr.prototype.lookupIPAddr=function(b,c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=this;if(d[0]===""){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=ET.Error();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=[MK.nil,new EU.ptr(j,d[0],"",false,false,true)];$s=4;case 4:return k;case 2:l=IC(d[0]);m=l[0];n=l[1];if(!(m===HH.nil)){$s=-1;return[new MK([new HB.ptr(m,n)]),$ifaceNil];}q=b.Value((p=new M.TraceKey.ptr(),new p.constructor.elem(p)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$assertType(q,MV,true);r=o[0];if(!(r===MV.nil)&&!(r.DNSStart===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=r.DNSStart(d[0]);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:h[0]=$methodVal(i,"lookupIP");u=b.Value((t=new M.LookupIPAltResolverKey.ptr(),new t.constructor.elem(t)));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$assertType(u,MW,true);v=s[0];if(!(v===$throwNilPointerError)){h[0]=v;}x=A.WithCancel(FS(b));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;g[0]=w[0];f[0]=w[1];y=c[0]+"\x00"+d[0];FK.Add(1);aa=i.getLookupGroup().DoChan(y,(function(c,d,e,f,g,h){return function $b(){var{aa,ab,ac,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$deferred.push([$methodVal(FK,"Done"),[]]);aa=JJ(g[0],h[0],c[0],d[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;ac=[ab[0],ab[1]];$s=2;case 2:return ac;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};})(c,d,e,f,g,h));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;e[0]=z[0];ab=z[1];if(!ab){FK.Done();}ad=b.Done();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=$select([[ad],[e[0]]]);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ae;if(ac[0]===0){$s=14;continue;}if(ac[0]===1){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 14:af=i.getLookupGroup().ForgetUnshared(y);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(af){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:$r=f[0]();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=19;continue;case 18:$go((function(c,d,e,f,g,h){return function $b(){var{ag,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ag=$recv(e[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag[0];$r=f[0]();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ag,$s};return $f;};})(c,d,e,f,g,h),[]);case 19:ag=b.Err();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;ai=EF(ah).Error();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=new EU.ptr(ai,d[0],"",$interfaceIsEqual(ah,A.DeadlineExceeded),false,false);if(!(r===MV.nil)&&!(r.DNSDone===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:$r=r.DNSDone(MX.nil,false,aj);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 25:$s=-1;return[MK.nil,aj];case 15:ak=$clone(ac[1][0],N.Result);$r=f[0]();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak.Err;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(al,$ifaceNil))){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:am=$assertType(al,MJ,true);an=am[1];if(!an){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:ao=false;if($interfaceIsEqual(al,A.DeadlineExceeded)){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:ao=true;$s=34;continue;case 33:ap=$assertType(al,EK,true);aq=ap[0];ar=ap[1];if(ar){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:as=aq.Timeout();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=as;case 36:case 34:at=al.Error();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=new EU.ptr(at,d[0],"",ao,false,false);case 31:case 29:if(!(r===MV.nil)&&!(r.DNSDone===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 39:au=$assertType(ak.Val,MK,true);av=au[0];$r=r.DNSDone(FU(av),ak.Shared,al);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 40:$s=-1;return FT(ak.Val,al,ak.Shared);case 16:$s=-1;return[MK.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.lookupIPAddr,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.lookupIPAddr=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.lookupIPAddr(b,c,d);};FT=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){return[MK.nil,c];}e=$assertType(b,MK);if(d){f=$makeSlice(MK,e.$length);$copySlice(f,e);e=f;}return[e,$ifaceNil];};FU=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=$makeSlice(MX,b.$length);d=b;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]),HB);((f<0||f>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f]=new g.constructor.elem(g));e++;}return c;};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupPort=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;h=CC(d);e=h[0];i=h[1];if(i){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=c;if(j===("tcp")||j===("tcp4")||j===("tcp6")||j===("udp")||j===("udp4")||j===("udp6")){}else if(j===("")){c="ip";}else{k=0;l=new EN.ptr("unknown network",c);e=k;f=l;$s=-1;return[e,f];}n=g.lookupPort(b,c,d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;e=m[0];f=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){o=0;p=f;e=o;f=p;$s=-1;return[e,f];}case 2:if(0>e||e>65535){q=0;r=new EN.ptr("invalid port",d);e=q;f=r;$s=-1;return[e,f];}s=e;t=$ifaceNil;e=s;f=t;$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.LookupPort,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.LookupPort=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.LookupPort(b,c,d);};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupCNAME=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g;d=this;e=d.lookupCNAME(b,c);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){return["",g];}if(!JY(f)){return["",new EU.ptr(GC,c,"",false,false,false)];}return[f,$ifaceNil];};FO.prototype.LookupCNAME=function(b,c){return this.$val.LookupCNAME(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupSRV=function(b,c,d,e){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;f=this;g=f.lookupSRV(b,c,d,e);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=g[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){return["",MM.nil,j];}if(!(h==="")&&!JY(h)){return["",MM.nil,new EU.ptr("SRV header name is invalid",e,"",false,false,false)];}k=$makeSlice(MM,0,i.$length);l=i;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);if(n===ML.nil){m++;continue;}if(!JY(n.Target)){m++;continue;}k=$append(k,n);m++;}if(!((i.$length===k.$length))){return[h,k,new EU.ptr(GC,e,"",false,false,false)];}return[h,k,$ifaceNil];};FO.prototype.LookupSRV=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.LookupSRV(b,c,d,e);};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupMX=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;d=this;e=d.lookupMX(b,c);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){return[MO.nil,g];}h=$makeSlice(MO,0,f.$length);i=f;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);if(k===MN.nil){j++;continue;}if(!JY(k.Host)){j++;continue;}h=$append(h,k);j++;}if(!((f.$length===h.$length))){return[h,new EU.ptr(GC,c,"",false,false,false)];}return[h,$ifaceNil];};FO.prototype.LookupMX=function(b,c){return this.$val.LookupMX(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupNS=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;d=this;e=d.lookupNS(b,c);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){return[MQ.nil,g];}h=$makeSlice(MQ,0,f.$length);i=f;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);if(k===MP.nil){j++;continue;}if(!JY(k.Host)){j++;continue;}h=$append(h,k);j++;}if(!((f.$length===h.$length))){return[h,new EU.ptr(GC,c,"",false,false,false)];}return[h,$ifaceNil];};FO.prototype.LookupNS=function(b,c){return this.$val.LookupNS(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupTXT=function(b,c){var b,c,d;d=this;return d.lookupTXT(b,c);};FO.prototype.LookupTXT=function(b,c){return this.$val.LookupTXT(b,c);};FO.ptr.prototype.LookupAddr=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;d=this;e=d.lookupAddr(b,c);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){return[LA.nil,g];}h=$makeSlice(LA,0,f.$length);i=f;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);if(JY(k)){h=$append(h,k);}j++;}if(!((f.$length===h.$length))){return[h,new EU.ptr(GC,c,"",false,false,false)];}return[h,$ifaceNil];};FO.prototype.LookupAddr=function(b,c){return this.$val.LookupAddr(b,c);};GK.ptr.prototype.probe=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=this;c=DR(2,1,6);d=c[0];e=c[1];f=e;if($interfaceIsEqual(f,new D.Errno((97)))||$interfaceIsEqual(f,new D.Errno((93)))){$s=2;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:$s=4;continue;case 3:g=L.CloseFunc(d);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;b.ipv4Enabled=true;case 4:case 1:h=new MZ([new MY.ptr(new AV.ptr(IB("::1"),0,""),1),new MY.ptr(new AV.ptr(HK(127,0,0,1),0,""),0)]);i="js";if(i===("dragonfly")||i===("openbsd")){h=$subslice(h,0,1);}j=h;k=0;case 6:if(!(k=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+l]).value);q=((l<0||l>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+l]).laddr.sockaddr(3);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];o=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){k++;$s=6;continue;}s=D.Bind(n,r);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){k++;$s=6;continue;}if(l===0){b.ipv6Enabled=true;}else{b.ipv4MappedIPv6Enabled=true;}k++;$s=6;continue;case 7:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:GK.ptr.prototype.probe,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};GK.prototype.probe=function(){return this.$val.probe();};GD=function(b,c,d,e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=0;g=false;h=b.charCodeAt((b.length-1>>0));if(h===(52)){i=2;j=false;f=i;g=j;$s=-1;return[f,g];}else if(h===(54)){k=3;l=true;f=k;g=l;$s=-1;return[f,g];}if(!(e==="listen")){m=false;$s=3;continue s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){n=true;$s=4;continue s;}o=c.isWildcard();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;case 4:m=n;case 3:if(m){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:q=GO();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(q){p=true;$s=8;continue s;}r=GM();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=!r;case 8:if(p){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:s=3;t=false;f=s;g=t;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 7:if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){u=2;v=false;f=u;g=v;$s=-1;return[f,g];}x=c.family();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=false;f=w;g=y;z=[f,g];$s=12;case 12:return z;case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)){ab=true;$s=16;continue s;}ac=c.family();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac===2;case 16:if(!(ab)){aa=false;$s=15;continue s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)){ad=true;$s=18;continue s;}ae=d.family();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae===2;case 18:aa=ad;case 15:if(aa){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:af=2;ag=false;f=af;g=ag;$s=-1;return[f,g];case 14:ah=3;ai=false;f=ah;g=ai;$s=-1;return[f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:GD,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};GE=function(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=LG.nil;k=$ifaceNil;if(!(false&&h==="dial")){l=false;$s=3;continue s;}m=e.isWildcard();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;case 3:if(l){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=e.toLocal(c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=n;case 2:p=GD(c,d,e,h);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];t=DO(b,c,q,f,g,r,d,e,i);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;j=s[0];k=s[1];u=[j,k];$s=8;case 8:return u;}return;}var $f={$blk:GE,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};GF=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;if(b.$length===0){b=$pkg.IPv4zero;}d=b.To4();if(d===HH.nil){return[new D.SockaddrInet4.ptr(0,LQ.zero()),new EN.ptr("non-IPv4 address",b.String())];}e=new D.SockaddrInet4.ptr(c,LQ.zero());$copySlice(new LF(e.Addr),d);return[e,$ifaceNil];};GG=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if((b.$length===0)||b.Equal($pkg.IPv4zero)){b=$pkg.IPv6zero;}e=b.To16();if(e===HH.nil){$s=-1;return[new D.SockaddrInet6.ptr(0,0,LR.zero()),new EN.ptr("non-IPv6 address",b.String())];}f=IV.index(d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=new D.SockaddrInet6.ptr(c,((f>>>0)),LR.zero());$copySlice(new LF(g.Addr),e);$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:GG,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};GH=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];h=b;if(h===(2)){$s=2;continue;}if(h===(3)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:i=GF(c,d);f[0]=$clone(i[0],D.SockaddrInet4);j=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,j];}$s=-1;return[f[0],$ifaceNil];case 3:l=GG(c,d,e);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;g[0]=$clone(k[0],D.SockaddrInet6);m=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,m];}$s=-1;return[g[0],$ifaceNil];case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new EN.ptr("invalid address family",c.String())];}return;}var $f={$blk:GH,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};GI=function(b){var b,c,d;c=$clone($clone(b,G.AddrPort).Addr(),G.Addr);if(!$clone(c,G.Addr).Is4()){return[new D.SockaddrInet4.ptr(0,LQ.zero()),new EN.ptr("non-IPv4 address",$clone(c,G.Addr).String())];}d=new D.SockaddrInet4.ptr((($clone(b,G.AddrPort).Port()>>0)),$clone($clone(c,G.Addr).As4(),LQ));return[d,$ifaceNil];};GJ=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=$clone($clone(b,G.AddrPort).Addr(),G.Addr);if(!$clone(c,G.Addr).IsValid()){$s=-1;return[new D.SockaddrInet6.ptr(0,0,LR.zero()),new EN.ptr("non-IPv6 address",$clone(c,G.Addr).String())];}d=IV.index($clone(c,G.Addr).Zone());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=new D.SockaddrInet6.ptr((($clone(b,G.AddrPort).Port()>>0)),((d>>>0)),$clone($clone(c,G.Addr).As16(),LR));$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:GJ,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};GM=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=GL.Once.Do($methodVal(GL,"probe"));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return GL.ipv4Enabled;}return;}var $f={$blk:GM,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};GO=function(){var{b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b="js";if(b===("dragonfly")||b===("openbsd")){$s=-1;return false;}$r=GL.Once.Do($methodVal(GL,"probe"));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return GL.ipv4MappedIPv6Enabled;}return;}var $f={$blk:GO,$c:true,$r,b,$s};return $f;};GQ=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f;c=b;if($assertType(c,LU,true)[1]){d=c.$val;return!(d.IP.To4()===HH.nil);}else if($assertType(c,LP,true)[1]){e=c.$val;return!(e.IP.To4()===HH.nil);}else if($assertType(c,MT,true)[1]){f=c.$val;return!(f.IP.To4()===HH.nil);}return false;};GP.prototype.first=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c;e=0;case 1:if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);g=b(f);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return f;case 4:e++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]);}return;}var $f={$blk:GP.prototype.first,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(GP).prototype.first=function(b){return this.$get().first(b);};GP.prototype.partition=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=GP.nil;d=GP.nil;e=this;f=false;g=e;h=0;case 1:if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);k=b(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if((i===0)||l===f){f=l;c=$append(c,j);}else{d=$append(d,j);}h++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:GP.prototype.partition,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(GP).prototype.partition=function(b){return this.$get().partition(b);};GS=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=GP.nil;g=c;h=0;case 1:if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]),HB);if(b===$throwNilPointerError){j=true;$s=5;continue s;}k=b($clone(i,HB));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;case 5:if(j){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=d($clone(i,HB));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=$append(f,l);case 4:h++;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(f.$length===0){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:m=EC.Error();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=[GP.nil,new EN.ptr(m,e)];$s=11;case 11:return n;case 9:$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:GS,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};GT=function(b){var b;return!(b.IP.To4()===HH.nil);};GU=function(b){var b;return(b.IP.$length===16)&&b.IP.To4()===HH.nil;};GV=function(b){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c="";d="";e=$ifaceNil;f=(function(f,g){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;h="";i="";j=$ifaceNil;k="";l="";m=new EN.ptr(g,f);h=k;i=l;j=m;return[h,i,j];});g=0;h=0;i=g;j=h;k=CU(b,58);if(k<0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=f(b,"missing port in address");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;c=l[0];d=l[1];e=l[2];n=[c,d,e];$s=4;case 4:return n;case 2:if(b.charCodeAt(0)===91){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:o=K.IndexByteString(b,93);if(o<0){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:q=f(b,"missing ']' in address");$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;c=p[0];d=p[1];e=p[2];r=[c,d,e];$s=11;case 11:return r;case 9:s=o+1>>0;if(s===(b.length)){$s=13;continue;}if(s===(k)){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 13:u=f(b,"missing port in address");$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;c=t[0];d=t[1];e=t[2];v=[c,d,e];$s=18;case 18:return v;case 14:$s=16;continue;case 15:if(b.charCodeAt((o+1>>0))===58){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:x=f(b,"too many colons in address");$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;c=w[0];d=w[1];e=w[2];y=[c,d,e];$s=22;case 22:return y;case 20:aa=f(b,"missing port in address");$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;c=z[0];d=z[1];e=z[2];ab=[c,d,e];$s=24;case 24:return ab;case 16:case 12:c=$substring(b,1,o);ac=1;ad=o+1>>0;i=ac;j=ad;$s=7;continue;case 6:c=$substring(b,0,k);if(K.IndexByteString(c,58)>=0){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:af=f(b,"too many colons in address");$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;c=ae[0];d=ae[1];e=ae[2];ag=[c,d,e];$s=28;case 28:return ag;case 26:case 7:if(K.IndexByteString($substring(b,i),91)>=0){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:ai=f(b,"unexpected '[' in address");$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;c=ah[0];d=ah[1];e=ah[2];aj=[c,d,e];$s=32;case 32:return aj;case 30:if(K.IndexByteString($substring(b,j),93)>=0){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:al=f(b,"unexpected ']' in address");$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=al;c=ak[0];d=ak[1];e=ak[2];am=[c,d,e];$s=36;case 36:return am;case 34:d=$substring(b,(k+1>>0));an=c;ao=d;ap=$ifaceNil;c=an;d=ao;e=ap;$s=-1;return[c,d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:GV,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.SplitHostPort=GV;GW=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c="";d="";e=CU(b,37);if(e>0){f=$substring(b,0,e);g=$substring(b,(e+1>>0));c=f;d=g;}else{c=b;}return[c,d];};GX=function(b,c){var b,c;if(K.IndexByteString(b,58)>=0){return"["+b+"]:"+c;}return b+":"+c;};$pkg.JoinHostPort=GX;FO.ptr.prototype.internetAddrList=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];e=[e];f=this;g=$ifaceNil;h="";i="";j=h;k=i;e[0]=0;l=c[0];if(l===("tcp")||l===("tcp4")||l===("tcp6")||l===("udp")||l===("udp4")||l===("udp6")){$s=2;continue;}if(l===("ip")||l===("ip4")||l===("ip6")){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:if(!(d==="")){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:n=GV(d);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;j=m[0];k=m[1];g=m[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[GP.nil,g];}p=f.LookupPort(b,c[0],k);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;e[0]=o[0];g=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[GP.nil,g];}case 7:$s=5;continue;case 3:if(!(d==="")){j=d;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[GP.nil,new EO((c[0]))];case 5:case 1:q=(function(c,e){return function(q){var q,r;r=c[0];if(r===("tcp")||r===("tcp4")||r===("tcp6")){return new AV.ptr(q.IP,e[0],q.Zone);}else if(r===("udp")||r===("udp4")||r===("udp6")){return new AH.ptr(q.IP,e[0],q.Zone);}else if(r===("ip")||r===("ip4")||r===("ip6")){return new HB.ptr(q.IP,q.Zone);}else{$panic(new $String("unexpected network: "+c[0]));}};})(c,e);if(j===""){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:r=q(new HB.ptr(HH.nil,""));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=[new GP([r]),$ifaceNil];$s=13;case 13:return s;case 11:u=f.lookupIPAddr(b,c[0],j);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;v=t[0];g=t[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[GP.nil,g];}if((v.$length===1)&&(0>=v.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+0]).IP.Equal($pkg.IPv6unspecified)){v=$append(v,new HB.ptr($pkg.IPv4zero,""));}w=$throwNilPointerError;if(!(c[0]==="")&&(c[0].charCodeAt((c[0].length-1>>0))===52)){w=GT;}if(!(c[0]==="")&&(c[0].charCodeAt((c[0].length-1>>0))===54)){w=GU;}x=GS(w,v,q,j);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=16;case 16:return y;}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.internetAddrList,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.internetAddrList=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.internetAddrList(b,c,d);};GY=function(b){var b;if(!(b==="")&&(b.charCodeAt((b.length-1>>0))===54)){return $pkg.IPv6loopback;}return new HH([127,0,0,1]);};HB.ptr.prototype.family=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===MT.nil||b.IP.$length<=4){return 2;}if(!(b.IP.To4()===HH.nil)){return 2;}return 3;};HB.prototype.family=function(){return this.$val.family();};HB.ptr.prototype.sockaddr=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(c===MT.nil){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}d=GH(b,c.IP,0,c.Zone);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:HB.ptr.prototype.sockaddr,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};HB.prototype.sockaddr=function(b){return this.$val.sockaddr(b);};HB.ptr.prototype.toLocal=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return new HB.ptr(GY(b),c.Zone);};HB.prototype.toLocal=function(b){return this.$val.toLocal(b);};HD.ptr.prototype.readFrom=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=MT.nil;e=c.conn.fd.readFrom(b);f=e[0];g=e[1];h=e[2];i=g;if($assertType(i,LN,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(i,LO,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:j=i.$val;d=new HB.ptr($convertSliceType($subslice(new LF(j.Addr),0),HH),"");f=HA(f,b);$s=3;continue;case 2:k=i.$val;l=IV.name(((k.ZoneId>>0)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=new HB.ptr($convertSliceType($subslice(new LF(k.Addr),0),HH),l);case 3:$s=-1;return[f,d,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:HD.ptr.prototype.readFrom,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};HD.prototype.readFrom=function(b){return this.$val.readFrom(b);};HA=function(b,c){var b,c,d;if(c.$length<20){return b;}d=(((((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])&15)>>>0)>>0))<<2>>0;if(20>d||d>c.$length){return b;}if(!((((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])>>>4<<24>>>24)===4))){return b;}$copySlice(c,$subslice(c,d));return b-d>>0;};HD.ptr.prototype.readMsg=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=0;e=0;f=0;g=MT.nil;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;j=$ifaceNil;k=i.conn.fd.readMsg(b,c,0);d=k[0];e=k[1];f=k[2];j=k[3];h=k[4];l=j;if($assertType(l,LN,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(l,LO,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:m=l.$val;g=new HB.ptr($convertSliceType($subslice(new LF(m.Addr),0),HH),"");$s=3;continue;case 2:n=l.$val;o=IV.name(((n.ZoneId>>0)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=new HB.ptr($convertSliceType($subslice(new LF(n.Addr),0),HH),o);case 3:$s=-1;return[d,e,f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:HD.ptr.prototype.readMsg,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};HD.prototype.readMsg=function(b,c){return this.$val.readMsg(b,c);};HD.ptr.prototype.writeTo=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(d.conn.fd.isConnected){$s=-1;return[0,$pkg.ErrWriteToConnected];}if(c===MT.nil){$s=-1;return[0,ED];}f=c.sockaddr(d.conn.fd.family);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,h];}$s=-1;return d.conn.fd.writeTo(b,g);}return;}var $f={$blk:HD.ptr.prototype.writeTo,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HD.prototype.writeTo=function(b,c){return this.$val.writeTo(b,c);};HD.ptr.prototype.writeMsg=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;if(h.conn.fd.isConnected){i=0;j=0;k=$pkg.ErrWriteToConnected;e=i;f=j;g=k;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}if(d===MT.nil){l=0;m=0;n=ED;e=l;f=m;g=n;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}p=d.sockaddr(h.conn.fd.family);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];g=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){r=0;s=0;t=g;e=r;f=s;g=t;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}u=h.conn.fd.writeMsg(b,c,q);e=u[0];f=u[1];g=u[2];$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:HD.ptr.prototype.writeMsg,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};HD.prototype.writeMsg=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.writeMsg(b,c,d);};KL.ptr.prototype.dialIP=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=KI(b,e.network,true);g=f[0];h=f[1];i=f[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[NA.nil,i];}j=g;if(j===("ip")||j===("ip4")||j===("ip6")){}else{$s=-1;return[NA.nil,new EO((e.network))];}l=GE(b,g,c,d,3,h,"dial",e.Dialer.Control);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];i=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[NA.nil,i];}$s=-1;return[HE(m),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KL.ptr.prototype.dialIP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};KL.prototype.dialIP=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.dialIP(b,c,d);};KN.ptr.prototype.listenIP=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=KI(b,d.network,true);f=e[0];g=e[1];h=e[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[NA.nil,h];}i=f;if(i===("ip")||i===("ip4")||i===("ip6")){}else{$s=-1;return[NA.nil,new EO((d.network))];}k=GE(b,f,c,$ifaceNil,3,g,"listen",d.ListenConfig.Control);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];h=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[NA.nil,h];}$s=-1;return[HE(l),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KN.ptr.prototype.listenIP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};KN.prototype.listenIP=function(b,c){return this.$val.listenIP(b,c);};HB.ptr.prototype.Network=function(){var b;b=this;return"ip";};HB.prototype.Network=function(){return this.$val.Network();};HB.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(b===MT.nil){return"";}c=HV(b.IP);if(!(b.Zone==="")){return c+"%"+b.Zone;}return c;};HB.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};HB.ptr.prototype.isWildcard=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===MT.nil||b.IP===HH.nil){return true;}return b.IP.IsUnspecified();};HB.prototype.isWildcard=function(){return this.$val.isWildcard();};HB.ptr.prototype.opAddr=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===MT.nil){return $ifaceNil;}return b;};HB.prototype.opAddr=function(){return this.$val.opAddr();};HD.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){var b,c;b=this;if(!b.conn.ok()){return[$ifaceNil,new D.Errno(22)];}c=BW(b.conn.fd);return[c[0],c[1]];};HD.prototype.SyscallConn=function(){return this.$val.SyscallConn();};HD.ptr.prototype.ReadFromIP=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return[0,MT.nil,new D.Errno(22)];}e=c.readFrom(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];h=d[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){h=new EG.ptr("read",c.conn.fd.net,c.conn.fd.laddr,c.conn.fd.raddr,h);}$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:HD.ptr.prototype.ReadFromIP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HD.prototype.ReadFromIP=function(b){return this.$val.ReadFromIP(b);};HD.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(!c.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil,new D.Errno(22)];}e=c.readFrom(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];h=d[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){h=new EG.ptr("read",c.conn.fd.net,c.conn.fd.laddr,c.conn.fd.raddr,h);}if(g===MT.nil){$s=-1;return[f,$ifaceNil,h];}$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:HD.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HD.prototype.ReadFrom=function(b){return this.$val.ReadFrom(b);};HD.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgIP=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=0;e=0;f=0;g=MT.nil;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;if(!i.conn.ok()){j=0;k=0;l=0;m=MT.nil;n=new D.Errno(22);d=j;e=k;f=l;g=m;h=n;$s=-1;return[d,e,f,g,h];}p=i.readMsg(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;d=o[0];e=o[1];f=o[2];g=o[3];h=o[4];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){h=new EG.ptr("read",i.conn.fd.net,i.conn.fd.laddr,i.conn.fd.raddr,h);}$s=-1;return[d,e,f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:HD.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgIP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};HD.prototype.ReadMsgIP=function(b,c){return this.$val.ReadMsgIP(b,c);};HD.ptr.prototype.WriteToIP=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(!d.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return[0,new D.Errno(22)];}f=d.writeTo(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){h=new EG.ptr("write",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,c.opAddr(),h);}$s=-1;return[g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:HD.ptr.prototype.WriteToIP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HD.prototype.WriteToIP=function(b,c){return this.$val.WriteToIP(b,c);};HD.ptr.prototype.WriteTo=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;if(!d.conn.ok()){$s=-1;return[0,new D.Errno(22)];}e=$assertType(c,MT,true);f=e[0];g=e[1];if(!g){$s=-1;return[0,new EG.ptr("write",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,c,new D.Errno(22))];}i=d.writeTo(b,f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){k=new EG.ptr("write",d.conn.fd.net,d.conn.fd.laddr,f.opAddr(),k);}$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:HD.ptr.prototype.WriteTo,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HD.prototype.WriteTo=function(b,c){return this.$val.WriteTo(b,c);};HD.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgIP=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=0;f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;if(!h.conn.ok()){i=0;j=0;k=new D.Errno(22);e=i;f=j;g=k;$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}m=h.writeMsg(b,c,d);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;e=l[0];f=l[1];g=l[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){g=new EG.ptr("write",h.conn.fd.net,h.conn.fd.laddr,d.opAddr(),g);}$s=-1;return[e,f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:HD.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgIP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};HD.prototype.WriteMsgIP=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.WriteMsgIP(b,c,d);};HE=function(b){var b;return new HD.ptr(new DW.ptr(b));};HK=function(b,c,d,e){var b,c,d,e,f;f=$makeSlice(HH,16);$copySlice(f,HL);(12>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+12]=b);(13>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+13]=c);(14>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+14]=d);(15>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+15]=e);return f;};$pkg.IPv4=HK;HM=function(b,c,d,e){var b,c,d,e,f;f=$makeSlice(HI,4);(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]=b);(1>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+1]=c);(2>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+2]=d);(3>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+3]=e);return f;};$pkg.IPv4Mask=HM;HN=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;if(!((c===32))&&!((c===128))){return HI.nil;}if(b<0||b>c){return HI.nil;}e=(d=c/8,(d===d&&d!==1/0&&d!==-1/0)?d>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));f=$makeSlice(HI,e);g=((b>>>0));h=0;while(true){if(!(h=8){((h<0||h>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+h]=255);g=g-(8)>>>0;h=h+(1)>>0;continue;}((h<0||h>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+h]=(~(((i=g,i<32?(255>>>i):0)<<24>>>24))<<24>>>24));g=0;h=h+(1)>>0;}return f;};$pkg.CIDRMask=HN;HH.prototype.IsUnspecified=function(){var b;b=this;return b.Equal($pkg.IPv4zero)||b.Equal($pkg.IPv6unspecified);};$ptrType(HH).prototype.IsUnspecified=function(){return this.$get().IsUnspecified();};HH.prototype.IsLoopback=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=b.To4();if(!(c===HH.nil)){return(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])===127;}return b.Equal($pkg.IPv6loopback);};$ptrType(HH).prototype.IsLoopback=function(){return this.$get().IsLoopback();};HH.prototype.IsPrivate=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=b.To4();if(!(c===HH.nil)){return((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])===10)||(((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])===172)&&((((1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1])&240)>>>0)===16))||(((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])===192)&&((1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1])===168));}return(b.$length===16)&&((((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])&254)>>>0)===252);};$ptrType(HH).prototype.IsPrivate=function(){return this.$get().IsPrivate();};HH.prototype.IsMulticast=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=b.To4();if(!(c===HH.nil)){return(((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])&240)>>>0)===224;}return(b.$length===16)&&((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])===255);};$ptrType(HH).prototype.IsMulticast=function(){return this.$get().IsMulticast();};HH.prototype.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast=function(){var b;b=this;return(b.$length===16)&&((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])===255)&&((((1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])&15)>>>0)===1);};$ptrType(HH).prototype.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast=function(){return this.$get().IsInterfaceLocalMulticast();};HH.prototype.IsLinkLocalMulticast=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=b.To4();if(!(c===HH.nil)){return((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])===224)&&((1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1])===0)&&((2>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+2])===0);}return(b.$length===16)&&((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])===255)&&((((1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])&15)>>>0)===2);};$ptrType(HH).prototype.IsLinkLocalMulticast=function(){return this.$get().IsLinkLocalMulticast();};HH.prototype.IsLinkLocalUnicast=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=b.To4();if(!(c===HH.nil)){return((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])===169)&&((1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1])===254);}return(b.$length===16)&&((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])===254)&&((((1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])&192)>>>0)===128);};$ptrType(HH).prototype.IsLinkLocalUnicast=function(){return this.$get().IsLinkLocalUnicast();};HH.prototype.IsGlobalUnicast=function(){var b;b=this;return((b.$length===4)||(b.$length===16))&&!b.Equal($pkg.IPv4bcast)&&!b.IsUnspecified()&&!b.IsLoopback()&&!b.IsMulticast()&&!b.IsLinkLocalUnicast();};$ptrType(HH).prototype.IsGlobalUnicast=function(){return this.$get().IsGlobalUnicast();};HO=function(b){var b,c;c=0;while(true){if(!(c=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c])===0))){return false;}c=c+(1)>>0;}return true;};HH.prototype.To4=function(){var b;b=this;if(b.$length===4){return b;}if((b.$length===16)&&HO($subslice(b,0,10))&&((10>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+10])===255)&&((11>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+11])===255)){return $subslice(b,12,16);}return HH.nil;};$ptrType(HH).prototype.To4=function(){return this.$get().To4();};HH.prototype.To16=function(){var b;b=this;if(b.$length===4){return HK((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]),(1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1]),(2>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+2]),(3>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+3]));}if(b.$length===16){return b;}return HH.nil;};$ptrType(HH).prototype.To16=function(){return this.$get().To16();};HH.prototype.DefaultMask=function(){var b;b=this;b=b.To4();if(b===HH.nil){return HI.nil;}if((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])<128){return HP;}else if((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])<192){return HQ;}else{return HR;}};$ptrType(HH).prototype.DefaultMask=function(){return this.$get().DefaultMask();};HS=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=b;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]);if(!((e===255))){return false;}d++;}return true;};HH.prototype.Mask=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f;c=this;if((b.$length===16)&&(c.$length===4)&&HS($convertSliceType($subslice(b,0,12),LF))){b=$subslice(b,12);}if((b.$length===4)&&(c.$length===16)&&K.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(c,0,12),LF),HL)){c=$subslice(c,12);}d=c.$length;if(!((d===b.$length))){return HH.nil;}e=$makeSlice(HH,d);f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]=((((f<0||f>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f])&((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]))>>>0));f=f+(1)>>0;}return e;};$ptrType(HH).prototype.Mask=function(b){return this.$get().Mask(b);};HT=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;if(d<10){((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]=(d+48<<24>>>24));return 1;}else if(d<100){(f=c+1>>0,((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]=((e=d%10,e===e?e:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+48<<24>>>24)));((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]=((g=d/10,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+48<<24>>>24));return 2;}(i=c+2>>0,((i<0||i>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+i]=((h=d%10,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+48<<24>>>24)));(l=c+1>>0,((l<0||l>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+l]=((j=((k=d/10,(k===k&&k!==1/0&&k!==-1/0)?k>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))%10,j===j?j:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+48<<24>>>24)));((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]=46);f=f+(1)>>0;f=f+(HT(e,f,(3>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+3])))>>0;return($bytesToString($subslice(e,0,f)));}if(!((c.$length===16))){return"?"+HU($convertSliceType(b,LF));}g=-1;h=-1;i=0;while(true){if(!(i<16)){break;}j=i;while(true){if(!(j<16&&(((j<0||j>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+j])===0)&&((k=j+1>>0,((k<0||k>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+k]))===0))){break;}j=j+(2)>>0;}if(j>i&&(j-i>>0)>(h-g>>0)){g=i;h=j;i=j;}i=i+(2)>>0;}if((h-g>>0)<=2){g=-1;h=-1;}l=$makeSlice(LF,0,39);m=0;while(true){if(!(m<16)){break;}if(m===g){l=$append(l,58,58);m=h;if(m>=16){break;}}else if(m>0){l=$append(l,58);}l=CS(l,(((((((m<0||m>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+m])>>>0))<<8>>>0))|(((n=m+1>>0,((n<0||n>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+n]))>>>0)))>>>0);m=m+(2)>>0;}return($bytesToString(l));};$ptrType(HH).prototype.String=function(){return this.$get().String();};HU=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;c=$makeSlice(LF,($imul(b.$length,2)));d=b;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);h="0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((g>>>4<<24>>>24));i="0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((g&15)>>>0));(j=$imul(f,2),((j<0||j>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+j]=h));(k=($imul(f,2))+1>>0,((k<0||k>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+k]=i));e++;}return($bytesToString(c));};HV=function(b){var b;if(b.$length===0){return"";}return b.String();};HH.prototype.MarshalText=function(){var b;b=this;if(b.$length===0){return[(new LF($stringToBytes(""))),$ifaceNil];}if(!((b.$length===4))&&!((b.$length===16))){return[LF.nil,new EN.ptr("invalid IP address",HU($convertSliceType(b,LF)))];}return[(new LF($stringToBytes(b.String()))),$ifaceNil];};$ptrType(HH).prototype.MarshalText=function(){return this.$get().MarshalText();};$ptrType(HH).prototype.UnmarshalText=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=this;if(b.$length===0){c.$set(HH.nil);return $ifaceNil;}d=($bytesToString(b));e=IB(d);if(e===HH.nil){return new EM.ptr("IP address",d);}c.$set(e);return $ifaceNil;};HH.prototype.Equal=function(b){var b,c;c=this;if(c.$length===b.$length){return K.Equal($convertSliceType(c,LF),$convertSliceType(b,LF));}if((c.$length===4)&&(b.$length===16)){return K.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(b,0,12),LF),HL)&&K.Equal($convertSliceType(c,LF),$convertSliceType($subslice(b,12),LF));}if((c.$length===16)&&(b.$length===4)){return K.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(c,0,12),LF),HL)&&K.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(c,12),LF),$convertSliceType(b,LF));}return false;};$ptrType(HH).prototype.Equal=function(b){return this.$get().Equal(b);};HH.prototype.matchAddrFamily=function(b){var b,c;c=this;return!(c.To4()===HH.nil)&&!(b.To4()===HH.nil)||!(c.To16()===HH.nil)&&c.To4()===HH.nil&&!(b.To16()===HH.nil)&&b.To4()===HH.nil;};$ptrType(HH).prototype.matchAddrFamily=function(b){return this.$get().matchAddrFamily(b);};HW=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;c=0;d=b;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);if(g===255){c=c+(8)>>0;e++;continue;}while(true){if(!(!((((g&128)>>>0)===0)))){break;}c=c+(1)>>0;g=(h=(1),h<32?(g<>>24;}if(!((g===0))){return-1;}f=f+(1)>>0;while(true){if(!(f=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f])===0))){return-1;}f=f+(1)>>0;}break;}return c;};HI.prototype.Size=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=0;c=0;d=this;e=HW(d);f=$imul(d.$length,8);b=e;c=f;if(b===-1){g=0;h=0;b=g;c=h;return[b,c];}return[b,c];};$ptrType(HI).prototype.Size=function(){return this.$get().Size();};HI.prototype.String=function(){var b;b=this;if(b.$length===0){return"";}return HU($convertSliceType(b,LF));};$ptrType(HI).prototype.String=function(){return this.$get().String();};HX=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;c=HH.nil;d=HI.nil;c=b.IP.To4();if(c===HH.nil){c=b.IP;if(!((c.$length===16))){e=HH.nil;f=HI.nil;c=e;d=f;return[c,d];}}d=b.Mask;g=d.$length;if(g===(4)){if(!((c.$length===4))){h=HH.nil;i=HI.nil;c=h;d=i;return[c,d];}}else if(g===(16)){if(c.$length===4){d=$subslice(d,12);}}else{j=HH.nil;k=HI.nil;c=j;d=k;return[c,d];}return[c,d];};HJ.ptr.prototype.Contains=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=this;d=HX(c);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=b.To4();if(!(g===HH.nil)){b=g;}h=b.$length;if(!((h===e.$length))){return false;}i=0;while(true){if(!(i=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+i])&((i<0||i>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+i]))>>>0)===((((i<0||i>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+i])&((i<0||i>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+i]))>>>0)))){return false;}i=i+(1)>>0;}return true;};HJ.prototype.Contains=function(b){return this.$val.Contains(b);};HJ.ptr.prototype.Network=function(){var b;b=this;return"ip+net";};HJ.prototype.Network=function(){return this.$val.Network();};HJ.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var b,c,d,e,f;b=this;if(b===NB.nil){return"";}c=HX(b);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(d===HH.nil||e===HI.nil){return"";}f=HW(e);if(f===-1){return d.String()+"/"+e.String();}return d.String()+"/"+H.Uitoa(((f>>>0)));};HJ.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};HY=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;c=LQ.zero();d=0;while(true){if(!(d<4)){break;}if(b.length===0){return HH.nil;}if(d>0){if(!((b.charCodeAt(0)===46))){return HH.nil;}b=$substring(b,1);}e=CP(b);f=e[0];g=e[1];h=e[2];if(!h||f>255){return HH.nil;}if(g>1&&(b.charCodeAt(0)===48)){return HH.nil;}b=$substring(b,g);((d<0||d>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[d]=((f<<24>>>24)));d=d+(1)>>0;}if(!((b.length===0))){return HH.nil;}return HK(c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3]);};HZ=function(b){var b,c,d;c=GW(b);b=c[0];d=c[1];return[IA(b),d];};IA=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;c=HH.nil;c=$makeSlice(HH,16);d=-1;if(b.length>=2&&(b.charCodeAt(0)===58)&&(b.charCodeAt(1)===58)){d=0;b=$substring(b,2);if(b.length===0){c=c;return c;}}e=0;while(true){if(!(e<16)){break;}f=CQ(b);g=f[0];h=f[1];i=f[2];if(!i||g>65535){c=HH.nil;return c;}if(h>0)>16){c=HH.nil;return c;}j=HY(b);if(j===HH.nil){c=HH.nil;return c;}((e<0||e>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+e]=(12>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+12]));(k=e+1>>0,((k<0||k>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+k]=(13>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+13])));(l=e+2>>0,((l<0||l>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+l]=(14>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+14])));(m=e+3>>0,((m<0||m>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+m]=(15>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+15])));b="";e=e+(4)>>0;break;}((e<0||e>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+e]=(((g>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));(n=e+1>>0,((n<0||n>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+n]=((g<<24>>>24))));e=e+(2)>>0;b=$substring(b,h);if(b.length===0){break;}if(!((b.charCodeAt(0)===58))||(b.length===1)){c=HH.nil;return c;}b=$substring(b,1);if(b.charCodeAt(0)===58){if(d>=0){c=HH.nil;return c;}d=e;b=$substring(b,1);if(b.length===0){break;}}}if(!((b.length===0))){c=HH.nil;return c;}if(e<16){if(d<0){c=HH.nil;return c;}o=16-e>>0;p=e-1>>0;while(true){if(!(p>=d)){break;}(q=p+o>>0,((q<0||q>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+q]=((p<0||p>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+p])));p=p-(1)>>0;}r=(d+o>>0)-1>>0;while(true){if(!(r>=d)){break;}((r<0||r>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+r]=0);r=r-(1)>>0;}}else if(d>=0){c=HH.nil;return c;}c=c;return c;};IB=function(b){var b,c,d;c=0;while(true){if(!(c>0;}return HH.nil;};$pkg.ParseIP=IB;IC=function(b){var b,c,d;c=0;while(true){if(!(c>0;}return[HH.nil,""];};ID=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;c=K.IndexByteString(b,47);if(c<0){return[HH.nil,NB.nil,new EM.ptr("CIDR address",b)];}d=$substring(b,0,c);e=$substring(b,(c+1>>0));f=d;g=e;h=4;i=HY(f);if(i===HH.nil){h=16;i=IA(f);}j=CP(g);k=j[0];c=j[1];l=j[2];if(i===HH.nil||!l||!((c===g.length))||k<0||k>($imul(8,h))){return[HH.nil,NB.nil,new EM.ptr("CIDR address",b)];}m=HN(k,$imul(8,h));return[i,new HJ.ptr(i.Mask(m),m),$ifaceNil];};$pkg.ParseCIDR=ID;IE=function(b){var b;return[NC.nil,$ifaceNil];};IF=function(b){var b;return[ND.nil,$ifaceNil];};IG=function(b){var b;return[ND.nil,$ifaceNil];};IN.prototype.String=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this.$val;c="";d=IO;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);if(!((((b&(((h=((f>>>0)),h<32?(1<>>0)))>>>0)===0))){if(!(c==="")){c=c+("|");}c=c+(g);}e++;}if(c===""){c="0";}return c;};$ptrType(IN).prototype.String=function(){return new IN(this.$get()).String();};IM.ptr.prototype.Addrs=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;if(b===LT.nil){return[ND.nil,new EG.ptr("route","ip+net",$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,IH)];}c=IF(b);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){e=new EG.ptr("route","ip+net",$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,e);}return[d,e];};IM.prototype.Addrs=function(){return this.$val.Addrs();};IM.ptr.prototype.MulticastAddrs=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;if(b===LT.nil){return[ND.nil,new EG.ptr("route","ip+net",$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,IH)];}c=IG(b);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){e=new EG.ptr("route","ip+net",$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,e);}return[d,e];};IM.prototype.MulticastAddrs=function(){return this.$val.MulticastAddrs();};IU.ptr.prototype.update=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=false;e=this;$r=e.RWMutex.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(e.RWMutex,"Unlock"),[]]);f=F.Now();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=$clone(f,F.Time);if(!c&&$clone(e.lastFetched,F.Time).After($clone($clone(g,F.Time).Add(new F.Duration(-14,129542144)),F.Time))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:d=false;h=d;$s=5;case 5:return h;case 4:F.Time.copy(e.lastFetched,g);if(b.$length===0){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:i=$ifaceNil;j=IE(0);b=j[0];i=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:d=false;k=d;$s=10;case 10:return k;case 9:case 7:e.toIndex=(l=b.$length,((l<0||l>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));e.toName=(m=b.$length,((m<0||m>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));n=b;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]),IM);q=p.Name;(e.toIndex||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(q)]={k:q,v:p.Index};r=(s=e.toName[$Int.keyFor(p.Index)],s!==undefined?[s.v,true]:["",false]);t=r[1];if(!t){u=p.Index;(e.toName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int.keyFor(u)]={k:u,v:p.Name};}o++;}d=true;v=d;$s=11;case 11:return v;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return d;}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:IU.ptr.prototype.update,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};IU.prototype.update=function(b,c){return this.$val.update(b,c);};IU.ptr.prototype.name=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b===0){$s=-1;return"";}d=IV.update(NC.nil,false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$r=IV.RWMutex.RLock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=(g=IV.toName[$Int.keyFor(b)],g!==undefined?[g.v,true]:["",false]);h=f[0];i=f[1];$r=IV.RWMutex.RUnlock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!i&&!e){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:j=IV.update(NC.nil,true);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$r=IV.RWMutex.RLock();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=(l=IV.toName[$Int.keyFor(b)],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:["",false]);h=k[0];i=k[1];$r=IV.RWMutex.RUnlock();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:if(!i){h=H.Uitoa(((b>>>0)));}$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:IU.ptr.prototype.name,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};IU.prototype.name=function(b){return this.$val.name(b);};IU.ptr.prototype.index=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(b===""){$s=-1;return 0;}d=IV.update(NC.nil,false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$r=IV.RWMutex.RLock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=(g=IV.toIndex[$String.keyFor(b)],g!==undefined?[g.v,true]:[0,false]);h=f[0];i=f[1];$r=IV.RWMutex.RUnlock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!i&&!e){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:j=IV.update(NC.nil,true);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$r=IV.RWMutex.RLock();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=(l=IV.toIndex[$String.keyFor(b)],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:[0,false]);h=k[0];i=k[1];$r=IV.RWMutex.RUnlock();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:if(!i){m=CP(b);h=m[0];}$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:IU.ptr.prototype.index,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};IU.prototype.index=function(b){return this.$val.index(b);};JS=function(b){var b,c,d,e;c=$assertType(b,D.Errno,true);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(e){return(d===104)||(d===103);}return false;};JY=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;if(b==="."){return true;}c=b.length;if((c===0)||c>254||(c===254)&&!((b.charCodeAt((c-1>>0))===46))){return false;}d=46;e=false;f=0;g=0;while(true){if(!(g>0;}else if(48<=h&&h<=57){f=f+(1)>>0;}else if((h===45)){if(d===46){return false;}f=f+(1)>>0;e=true;}else if((h===46)){if((d===46)||(d===45)){return false;}if(f>63||(f===0)){return false;}f=0;}else{return false;}d=h;g=g+(1)>>0;}if((d===45)||f>63){return false;}return e;};KF.ptr.prototype.dualStack=function(){var b,c;b=this;return(c=b.FallbackDelay,(c.$high>0||(c.$high===0&&c.$low>=0)));};KF.prototype.dualStack=function(){return this.$val.dualStack();};KG=function(b,c){var b,c;if($clone(b,F.Time).IsZero()){return c;}if($clone(c,F.Time).IsZero()||$clone(b,F.Time).Before($clone(c,F.Time))){return b;}return c;};KF.ptr.prototype.deadline=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=new F.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),KZ.nil);e=this;if(!((f=e.Timeout,(f.$high===0&&f.$low===0)))){F.Time.copy(d,$clone(c,F.Time).Add(e.Timeout));}h=b.Deadline();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=$clone(g[0],F.Time);j=g[1];if(j){F.Time.copy(d,KG($clone(d,F.Time),$clone(i,F.Time)));}F.Time.copy(d,KG($clone(d,F.Time),$clone(e.Deadline,F.Time)));$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:KF.ptr.prototype.deadline,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};KF.prototype.deadline=function(b,c){return this.$val.deadline(b,c);};KF.ptr.prototype.resolver=function(){var b;b=this;if(!(b.Resolver===LM.nil)){return b.Resolver;}return $pkg.DefaultResolver;};KF.prototype.resolver=function(){return this.$val.resolver();};KH=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f;if($clone(c,F.Time).IsZero()){return[c,$ifaceNil];}e=$clone(c,F.Time).Sub($clone(b,F.Time));if((e.$high<0||(e.$high===0&&e.$low<=0))){return[new F.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),KZ.nil),EQ];}f=$div64(e,(new F.Duration(0,d)),false);if((f.$high<0||(f.$high===0&&f.$low<2000000000))){if((e.$high<0||(e.$high===0&&e.$low<2000000000))){f=e;}else{f=new F.Duration(0,2000000000);}}return[$clone(b,F.Time).Add(f),$ifaceNil];};KF.ptr.prototype.fallbackDelay=function(){var b,c;b=this;if((c=b.FallbackDelay,(c.$high>0||(c.$high===0&&c.$low>0)))){return b.FallbackDelay;}else{return new F.Duration(0,300000000);}};KF.prototype.fallbackDelay=function(){return this.$val.fallbackDelay();};KI=function(b,c,d){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;e="";f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=CU(c,58);if(h<0){i=c;if(i===("tcp")||i===("tcp4")||i===("tcp6")){}else if(i===("udp")||i===("udp4")||i===("udp6")){}else if(i===("ip")||i===("ip4")||i===("ip6")){if(d){j="";k=0;l=new EO((c));e=j;f=k;g=l;return[e,f,g];}}else if(i===("unix")||i===("unixgram")||i===("unixpacket")){}else{m="";n=0;o=new EO((c));e=m;f=n;g=o;return[e,f,g];}p=c;q=0;r=$ifaceNil;e=p;f=q;g=r;return[e,f,g];}e=$substring(c,0,h);s=e;if(s===("ip")||s===("ip4")||s===("ip6")){t=$substring(c,(h+1>>0));u=CP(t);v=u[0];w=u[1];x=u[2];if(!x||!((w===t.length))){y=FG(b,t);v=y[0];g=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){z="";aa=0;ab=g;e=z;f=aa;g=ab;return[e,f,g];}}ac=e;ad=v;ae=$ifaceNil;e=ac;f=ad;g=ae;return[e,f,g];}af="";ag=0;ah=new EO((c));e=af;f=ag;g=ah;return[e,f,g];};FO.ptr.prototype.resolveAddrList=function(b,c,d,e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=KI(b,d,true);i=h[0];j=h[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[GP.nil,j];}if(c==="dial"&&e===""){$s=-1;return[GP.nil,ED];}k=i;if(k===("unix")||k===("unixgram")||k===("unixpacket")){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=X(i,e);m=l[0];n=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[GP.nil,n];}if(!(c==="dial"&&!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)))){o=false;$s=6;continue s;}p=f.Network();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=!(m.Network()===p);case 6:if(o){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:q=f.String();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=[GP.nil,new EN.ptr("mismatched local address type",q)];$s=9;case 9:return r;case 5:$s=-1;return[new GP([m]),$ifaceNil];case 3:case 1:t=g.internetAddrList(b,i,e);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[0];j=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))||!(c==="dial")||$interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[u,j];}v=LU.nil;w=LP.nil;x=MT.nil;y=false;z=f;if($assertType(z,LU,true)[1]){aa=z.$val;v=aa;y=v.isWildcard();}else if($assertType(z,LP,true)[1]){ab=z.$val;w=ab;y=w.isWildcard();}else if($assertType(z,MT,true)[1]){ac=z.$val;x=ac;y=x.isWildcard();}ad=$subslice(u,0,0);ae=u;af=0;case 11:if(!(af=ae.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ae.$array[ae.$offset+af]);ah=ag.Network();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=f.Network();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(ah===ai)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:aj=f.String();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=[GP.nil,new EN.ptr("mismatched local address type",aj)];$s=18;case 18:return ak;case 14:al=ag;if($assertType(al,LU,true)[1]){am=al.$val;if(!y&&!am.isWildcard()&&!am.IP.matchAddrFamily(v.IP)){af++;$s=11;continue;}ad=$append(ad,am);}else if($assertType(al,LP,true)[1]){an=al.$val;if(!y&&!an.isWildcard()&&!an.IP.matchAddrFamily(w.IP)){af++;$s=11;continue;}ad=$append(ad,an);}else if($assertType(al,MT,true)[1]){ao=al.$val;if(!y&&!ao.isWildcard()&&!ao.IP.matchAddrFamily(x.IP)){af++;$s=11;continue;}ad=$append(ad,ao);}af++;$s=11;continue;case 12:if(ad.$length===0){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:ap=EC.Error();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=f.String();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=[GP.nil,new EN.ptr(ap,aq)];$s=23;case 23:return ar;case 20:$s=-1;return[ad,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:FO.ptr.prototype.resolveAddrList,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};FO.prototype.resolveAddrList=function(b,c,d,e,f){return this.$val.resolveAddrList(b,c,d,e,f);};KJ=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=new KF.ptr(new F.Duration(0,0),new F.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),KZ.nil),$ifaceNil,false,new F.Duration(0,0),new F.Duration(0,0),LM.nil,$chanNil,$throwNilPointerError);e=d.Dial(b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:KJ,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Dial=KJ;KF.ptr.prototype.Dial=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=d.DialContext(A.Background(),b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:KF.ptr.prototype.Dial,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};KF.prototype.Dial=function(b,c){return this.$val.Dial(b,c);};KF.ptr.prototype.DialContext=function(b,c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("nil context"));}j=b;k=F.Now();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k,F.Time);m=i.deadline(j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,F.Time);if(!$clone(n,F.Time).IsZero()){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:p=b.Deadline();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=$clone(o[0],F.Time);r=o[1];if(!r||$clone(n,F.Time).Before($clone(q,F.Time))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:t=A.WithDeadline(b,$clone(n,F.Time));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[0];v=s[1];$deferred.push([v,[]]);b=u;case 7:case 4:f[0]=i.Cancel;if(!(f[0]===$chanNil)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:x=A.WithCancel(b);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;h[0]=w[0];e[0]=w[1];$deferred.push([e[0],[]]);$go((function(e,f,g,h){return function $b(){var{aa,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:z=h[0].Done();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=$select([[f[0]],[z]]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=aa;if(y[0]===0){$s=3;continue;}if(y[0]===1){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:$r=e[0]();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(e,f,g,h),[]);b=h[0];case 10:y=b;ab=b.Value((aa=new M.TraceKey.ptr(),new aa.constructor.elem(aa)));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$assertType(ab,MV,true);ac=z[0];if(!(ac===MV.nil)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:g[0]=$clone(ac,M.Trace);g[0].ConnectStart=$throwNilPointerError;g[0].ConnectDone=$throwNilPointerError;ae=A.WithValue(y,(ad=new M.TraceKey.ptr(),new ad.constructor.elem(ad)),g[0]);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=ae;case 14:ag=i.resolver().resolveAddrList(y,"dial",c,d,i.LocalAddr);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;ah=af[0];ai=af[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:aj=[$ifaceNil,new EG.ptr("dial",c,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,ai)];$s=19;case 19:return aj;case 18:ak=new KL.ptr($clone(i,KF),c,d);al=GP.nil;am=GP.nil;an=al;ao=am;if(i.dualStack()&&c==="tcp"){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:aq=ah.partition(GQ);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=aq;an=ap[0];ao=ap[1];$s=22;continue;case 21:an=ah;case 22:ar=$ifaceNil;if(ao.$length>0){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:at=ak.dialParallel(b,an,ao);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=at;ar=as[0];ai=as[1];$s=26;continue;case 25:av=ak.dialSerial(b,an);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=av;ar=au[0];ai=au[1];case 26:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:aw=[$ifaceNil,ai];$s=31;case 31:return aw;case 30:ax=$assertType(ar,LV,true);ay=ax[0];az=ax[1];if(az&&(ba=i.KeepAlive,(ba.$high>0||(ba.$high===0&&ba.$low>=0)))){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:BQ(ay.conn.fd,true);bb=i.KeepAlive;if((bc=i.KeepAlive,(bc.$high===0&&bc.$low===0))){bb=new F.Duration(3,2115098112);}AR(ay.conn.fd,bb);$r=JK(bb);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 33:bd=[ar,$ifaceNil];$s=35;case 35:return bd;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:KF.ptr.prototype.DialContext,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};KF.prototype.DialContext=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.DialContext(b,c,d);};KL.ptr.prototype.dialParallel=function(b,c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=[c];d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];g[0]=this;if(d[0].$length===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=g[0].dialSerial(b,c[0]);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=4;case 4:return i;case 2:f[0]=new $Chan(MB,0);$deferred.push([function(j){$close(j);},[f[0]]]);e[0]=new $Chan(NE,0);k=(function(c,d,e,f,g){return function $b(k,l){var{k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=c[0];if(!l){m=d[0];}o=g[0].dialSerial(k,m);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];s=$select([[e[0],new NE.ptr(p,q,l,true)],[f[0]]]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;if(r[0]===0){$s=3;continue;}if(r[0]===1){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:$s=5;continue;case 4:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:t=p.Close();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;case 7:case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};})(c,d,e,f,g);l=new NE.ptr($ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,false,false);m=new NE.ptr($ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,false,false);n=$clone(l,NE);o=$clone(m,NE);q=A.WithCancel(b);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];s=p[1];$deferred.push([s,[]]);$go(k,[r,true]);t=F.NewTimer(g[0].Dialer.fallbackDelay());$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$deferred.push([$methodVal(u,"Stop"),[]]);case 7:w=$select([[u.C],[e[0]]]);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;if(v[0]===0){$s=10;continue;}if(v[0]===1){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 10:y=A.WithCancel(b);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=x[0];aa=x[1];$deferred.push([aa,[]]);$go(k,[z,false]);$s=12;continue;case 11:ab=$clone(v[1][0],NE);if($interfaceIsEqual(ab.error,$ifaceNil)){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ac=[ab.Conn,$ifaceNil];$s=16;case 16:return ac;case 15:if(ab.primary){NE.copy(n,ab);}else{NE.copy(o,ab);}if(n.done&&o.done){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:ad=[$ifaceNil,n.error];$s=19;case 19:return ad;case 18:if(ab.primary&&u.Stop()){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:ae=u.Reset(new F.Duration(0,0));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;case 21:case 12:$s=7;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:KL.ptr.prototype.dialParallel,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};KL.prototype.dialParallel=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.dialParallel(b,c,d);};KL.ptr.prototype.dialSerial=function(b,c){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=this;e=$ifaceNil;f=c;g=0;case 1:if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);k=b.Done();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$select([[k],[]]);if(j[0]===0){$s=4;continue;}if(j[0]===1){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:l=b.Err();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=EF(l);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=[$ifaceNil,new EG.ptr("dial",d.network,d.Dialer.LocalAddr,i,m)];$s=9;case 9:return n;case 5:case 6:o=b;q=b.Deadline();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=$clone(p[0],F.Time);s=p[1];if(s){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:u=F.Now();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=KH($clone(u,F.Time),$clone(r,F.Time),c.$length-h>>0);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=v;w=$clone(t[0],F.Time);x=t[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil)){e=new EG.ptr("dial",d.network,d.Dialer.LocalAddr,i,x);}$s=2;continue;}if($clone(w,F.Time).Before($clone(r,F.Time))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:y=$throwNilPointerError;aa=A.WithDeadline(b,$clone(w,F.Time));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;o=z[0];y=z[1];$deferred.push([y,[]]);case 16:case 12:ac=d.dialSingle(o,i);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;ad=ab[0];ae=ab[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(ae,$ifaceNil)){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:af=[ad,$ifaceNil];$s=21;case 21:return af;case 20:if($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil)){e=ae;}g++;$s=1;continue;case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil)){e=new EG.ptr("dial",d.network,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,ED);}ag=[$ifaceNil,e];$s=22;case 22:return ag;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:KL.ptr.prototype.dialSerial,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};KL.prototype.dialSerial=function(b,c){return this.$val.dialSerial(b,c);};KL.ptr.prototype.dialSingle=function(b,c){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];h=$ifaceNil;d[0]=$ifaceNil;f[0]=this;k=b.Value((j=new M.TraceKey.ptr(),new j.constructor.elem(j)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$assertType(k,MV,true);g[0]=i[0];if(!(g[0]===MV.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=c.String();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0]=l;if(!(g[0].ConnectStart===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=g[0].ConnectStart(f[0].network,e[0]);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:if(!(g[0].ConnectDone===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$deferred.push([(function(d,e,f,g){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=g[0].ConnectDone(f[0].network,e[0],d[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(d,e,f,g),[]]);case 9:case 3:m=f[0].Dialer.LocalAddr;n=c;if($assertType(n,LU,true)[1]){$s=10;continue;}if($assertType(n,LP,true)[1]){$s=11;continue;}if($assertType(n,MT,true)[1]){$s=12;continue;}if($assertType(n,LI,true)[1]){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 10:o=n.$val;t=$assertType(m,LU,true);u=t[0];w=f[0].dialTCP(b,u,o);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;h=v[0];d[0]=v[1];$s=15;continue;case 11:p=n.$val;x=$assertType(m,LP,true);y=x[0];aa=f[0].dialUDP(b,y,p);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;h=z[0];d[0]=z[1];$s=15;continue;case 12:q=n.$val;ab=$assertType(m,MT,true);ac=ab[0];ae=f[0].dialIP(b,ac,q);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;h=ad[0];d[0]=ad[1];$s=15;continue;case 13:r=n.$val;af=$assertType(m,LI,true);ag=af[0];ai=f[0].dialUnix(b,ag,r);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;h=ah[0];d[0]=ah[1];$s=15;continue;case 14:s=n;aj=$ifaceNil;ak=new EG.ptr("dial",f[0].network,m,s,new EN.ptr("unexpected address type",f[0].address));h=aj;d[0]=ak;al=[h,d[0]];$s=20;case 20:return al;case 15:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:am=$ifaceNil;an=new EG.ptr("dial",f[0].network,m,c,d[0]);h=am;d[0]=an;ao=[h,d[0]];$s=23;case 23:return ao;case 22:ap=h;aq=$ifaceNil;h=ap;d[0]=aq;ar=[h,d[0]];$s=24;case 24:return ar;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[h,d[0]];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:KL.ptr.prototype.dialSingle,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};KL.prototype.dialSingle=function(b,c){return this.$val.dialSingle(b,c);};KM.ptr.prototype.Listen=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=$pkg.DefaultResolver.resolveAddrList(b,"listen",c,d,$ifaceNil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new EG.ptr("listen",c,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,i)];}j=new KN.ptr($clone(e,KM),c,d);k=$ifaceNil;l=h.first(GQ);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=m;if($assertType(n,LU,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}if($assertType(n,LI,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:o=n.$val;s=j.listenTCP(b,o);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;k=r[0];i=r[1];$s=6;continue;case 4:p=n.$val;u=j.listenUnix(b,p);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;k=t[0];i=t[1];$s=6;continue;case 5:q=n;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new EG.ptr("listen",j.network,$ifaceNil,q,new EN.ptr("unexpected address type",d))];case 6:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new EG.ptr("listen",j.network,$ifaceNil,m,i)];}$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KM.ptr.prototype.Listen,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};KM.prototype.Listen=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.Listen(b,c,d);};KM.ptr.prototype.ListenPacket=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=$pkg.DefaultResolver.resolveAddrList(b,"listen",c,d,$ifaceNil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new EG.ptr("listen",c,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,i)];}j=new KN.ptr($clone(e,KM),c,d);k=$ifaceNil;l=h.first(GQ);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=m;if($assertType(n,LP,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}if($assertType(n,MT,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}if($assertType(n,LI,true)[1]){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 3:o=n.$val;t=j.listenUDP(b,o);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;k=s[0];i=s[1];$s=7;continue;case 4:p=n.$val;v=j.listenIP(b,p);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;k=u[0];i=u[1];$s=7;continue;case 5:q=n.$val;x=j.listenUnixgram(b,q);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;k=w[0];i=w[1];$s=7;continue;case 6:r=n;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new EG.ptr("listen",j.network,$ifaceNil,r,new EN.ptr("unexpected address type",d))];case 7:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new EG.ptr("listen",j.network,$ifaceNil,m,i)];}$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:KM.ptr.prototype.ListenPacket,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};KM.prototype.ListenPacket=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.ListenPacket(b,c,d);};KO=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=new KM.ptr($throwNilPointerError,new F.Duration(0,0));e=d.Listen(A.Background(),b,c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:KO,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return 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a;a=this;return a.Err;};F.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};F.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=B.Sprintf("%s %q: %s",new AL([new $String(a.Op),new $String(a.URL),a.Err]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:F.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};F.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};F.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$assertType(a.Err,AM,true);c=b[0];d=b[1];if(!(d)){e=false;$s=1;continue s;}f=c.Timeout();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;case 1:g=e;$s=3;case 3:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:F.ptr.prototype.Timeout,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};F.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};F.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$assertType(a.Err,AN,true);c=b[0];d=b[1];if(!(d)){e=false;$s=1;continue s;}f=c.Temporary();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;case 1:g=e;$s=3;case 3:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:F.ptr.prototype.Temporary,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};F.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};G=function(a){var a;if(48<=a&&a<=57){return true;}else if(97<=a&&a<=102){return true;}else if(65<=a&&a<=70){return true;}return false;};H=function(a){var a;if(48<=a&&a<=57){return a-48<<24>>>24;}else if(97<=a&&a<=102){return(a-97<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24;}else if(65<=a&&a<=70){return(a-65<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24;}return 0;};J.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return"invalid URL escape "+D.Quote((a));};$ptrType(J).prototype.Error=function(){return new J(this.$get()).Error();};K.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return"invalid character "+D.Quote((a))+" in host name";};$ptrType(K).prototype.Error=function(){return new K(this.$get()).Error();};L=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f;if(97<=a&&a<=122||65<=a&&a<=90||48<=a&&a<=57){return false;}if((b===3)||(b===4)){c=a;if((c===(33))||(c===(36))||(c===(38))||(c===(39))||(c===(40))||(c===(41))||(c===(42))||(c===(43))||(c===(44))||(c===(59))||(c===(61))||(c===(58))||(c===(91))||(c===(93))||(c===(60))||(c===(62))||(c===(34))){return false;}}d=a;if((d===(45))||(d===(95))||(d===(46))||(d===(126))){return false;}else if((d===(36))||(d===(38))||(d===(43))||(d===(44))||(d===(47))||(d===(58))||(d===(59))||(d===(61))||(d===(63))||(d===(64))){e=b;if(e===(1)){return a===63;}else if(e===(2)){return(a===47)||(a===59)||(a===44)||(a===63);}else if(e===(5)){return(a===64)||(a===47)||(a===63)||(a===58);}else if(e===(6)){return true;}else if(e===(7)){return false;}}if(b===7){f=a;if((f===(33))||(f===(40))||(f===(41))||(f===(42))){return false;}}return true;};M=function(a){var a;return O(a,6);};$pkg.QueryUnescape=M;O=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;c=0;d=false;e=0;while(true){if(!(e>0;if((e+2>>0)>=a.length||!G(a.charCodeAt((e+1>>0)))||!G(a.charCodeAt((e+2>>0)))){a=$substring(a,e);if(a.length>3){a=$substring(a,0,3);}return["",new J((a))];}if((b===3)&&H(a.charCodeAt((e+1>>0)))<8&&!($substring(a,e,(e+3>>0))==="%25")){return["",new J(($substring(a,e,(e+3>>0))))];}if(b===4){g=((H(a.charCodeAt((e+1>>0)))<<4<<24>>>24)|H(a.charCodeAt((e+2>>0))))>>>0;if(!($substring(a,e,(e+3>>0))==="%25")&&!((g===32))&&L(g,3)){return["",new J(($substring(a,e,(e+3>>0))))];}}e=e+(3)>>0;}else if(f===(43)){d=b===6;e=e+(1)>>0;}else{if(((b===3)||(b===4))&&a.charCodeAt(e)<128&&L(a.charCodeAt(e),b)){return["",new K(($substring(a,e,(e+1>>0))))];}e=e+(1)>>0;}}if((c===0)&&!d){return[a,$ifaceNil];}h=new E.Builder.ptr(AO.nil,AP.nil);h.Grow(a.length-($imul(2,c))>>0);i=0;while(true){if(!(i>0)))<<4<<24>>>24)|H(a.charCodeAt((i+2>>0))))>>>0);i=i+(2)>>0;}else if(j===(43)){if(b===6){h.WriteByte(32);}else{h.WriteByte(43);}}else{h.WriteByte(a.charCodeAt(i));}i=i+(1)>>0;}return[h.String(),$ifaceNil];};P=function(a){var a;return R(a,6);};$pkg.QueryEscape=P;R=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;c=0;d=0;e=c;f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g>0;}else{f=f+(1)>>0;}}g=g+(1)>>0;}if((e===0)&&(f===0)){return a;}i=AQ.zero();j=AP.nil;k=a.length+($imul(2,f))>>0;if(k<=64){j=$subslice(new AP(i),0,k);}else{j=$makeSlice(AP,k);}if(f===0){$copyString(j,a);l=0;while(true){if(!(l=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+l]=43);}l=l+(1)>>0;}return($bytesToString(j));}m=0;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+m]=43);m=m+(1)>>0;}else if(L(o,b)){((m<0||m>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+m]=37);(p=m+1>>0,((p<0||p>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+p]="0123456789ABCDEF".charCodeAt((o>>>4<<24>>>24))));(q=m+2>>0,((q<0||q>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+q]="0123456789ABCDEF".charCodeAt(((o&15)>>>0))));m=m+(3)>>0;}else{((m<0||m>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+m]=a.charCodeAt(n));m=m+(1)>>0;}n=n+(1)>>0;}return($bytesToString(j));};T=function(a){var a;return new V.ptr(a,"",false);};$pkg.User=T;U=function(a,b){var a,b;return new V.ptr(a,b,true);};$pkg.UserPassword=U;V.ptr.prototype.Username=function(){var a;a=this;if(a===AR.nil){return"";}return a.username;};V.prototype.Username=function(){return this.$val.Username();};V.ptr.prototype.Password=function(){var a;a=this;if(a===AR.nil){return["",false];}return[a.password,a.passwordSet];};V.prototype.Password=function(){return this.$val.Password();};V.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var a,b;a=this;if(a===AR.nil){return"";}b=R(a.username,5);if(a.passwordSet){b=b+(":"+R(a.password,5));}return b;};V.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};W=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u;b="";c="";d=$ifaceNil;e=0;while(true){if(!(e>0));o=$ifaceNil;b=m;c=n;d=o;return[b,c,d];}else{p="";q=a;r=$ifaceNil;b=p;c=q;d=r;return[b,c,d];}e=e+(1)>>0;}s="";t=a;u=$ifaceNil;b=s;c=t;d=u;return[b,c,d];};X=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=E.Cut(a,"#");c=b[0];d=b[1];f=Z(c,false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,new F.ptr("parse",c,h)];}if(d===""){$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}h=g.setFragment(d);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,new F.ptr("parse",a,h)];}$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:X,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Parse=X;Y=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=Z(a,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,new F.ptr("parse",a,e)];}$s=-1;return[d,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:Y,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ParseRequestURI=Y;Z=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c="";d=$ifaceNil;if(AK(a)){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,A.New("net/url: invalid control character in URL")];}if(a===""&&b){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,A.New("empty url")];}e=new S.ptr("","",AR.nil,"","","",false,"","","");if(a==="*"){e.Path="*";$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}f=W(a);e.Scheme=f[0];c=f[1];d=f[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,d];}g=E.ToLower(e.Scheme);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.Scheme=g;if(E.HasSuffix(c,"?")&&(E.Count(c,"?")===1)){e.ForceQuery=true;c=$substring(c,0,(c.length-1>>0));}else{h=E.Cut(c,"?");c=h[0];e.RawQuery=h[1];}if(!E.HasPrefix(c,"/")){if(!(e.Scheme==="")){e.Opaque=c;$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}if(b){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,A.New("invalid URI for request")];}i=E.Cut(c,"/");j=i[0];if(E.Contains(j,":")){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,A.New("first path segment in URL cannot contain colon")];}}if((!(e.Scheme==="")||!b&&!E.HasPrefix(c,"///"))&&E.HasPrefix(c,"//")){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k="";l=$substring(c,2);m="";k=l;c=m;n=E.Index(k,"/");if(n>=0){o=$substring(k,0,n);p=$substring(k,n);k=o;c=p;}r=AA(k);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;e.User=q[0];e.Host=q[1];d=q[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,d];}case 3:s=e.setPath(c);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,s];}$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:Z,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};AA=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=AR.nil;c="";d=$ifaceNil;e=E.LastIndex(a,"@");if(e<0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=AB(a);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;c=f[0];d=f[1];$s=3;continue;case 2:i=AB($substring(a,(e+1>>0)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;c=h[0];d=h[1];case 3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){j=AR.nil;k="";l=d;b=j;c=k;d=l;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}if(e<0){m=AR.nil;n=c;o=$ifaceNil;b=m;c=n;d=o;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}p=$substring(a,0,e);if(!AJ(p)){q=AR.nil;r="";s=A.New("net/url: invalid userinfo");b=q;c=r;d=s;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}if(!E.Contains(p,":")){t=O(p,5);p=t[0];d=t[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){u=AR.nil;v="";w=d;b=u;c=v;d=w;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}b=T(p);}else{x=E.Cut(p,":");y=x[0];z=x[1];aa=O(y,5);y=aa[0];d=aa[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){ab=AR.nil;ac="";ad=d;b=ab;c=ac;d=ad;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}ae=O(z,5);z=ae[0];d=ae[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){af=AR.nil;ag="";ah=d;b=af;c=ag;d=ah;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}b=U(y,z);}ai=b;aj=c;ak=$ifaceNil;b=ai;c=aj;d=ak;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:AA,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AB=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(E.HasPrefix(a,"[")){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:b=E.LastIndex(a,"]");if(b<0){$s=-1;return["",A.New("missing ']' in host")];}c=$substring(a,(b+1>>0));if(!AD(c)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:d=B.Errorf("invalid port %q after host",new AL([new $String(c)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=["",d];$s=7;case 7:return e;case 5:f=E.Index($substring(a,0,b),"%25");if(f>=0){g=O($substring(a,0,f),3);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return["",i];}j=O($substring(a,f,b),4);k=j[0];i=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return["",i];}l=O($substring(a,b),3);m=l[0];i=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return["",i];}$s=-1;return[h+k+m,$ifaceNil];}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=E.LastIndex(a,":");if(!((n===-1))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:o=$substring(a,n);if(!AD(o)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:p=B.Errorf("invalid port %q after host",new AL([new $String(o)]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=["",p];$s=13;case 13:return q;case 11:case 9:case 3:r=$ifaceNil;s=O(a,3);a=s[0];r=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return["",r];}$s=-1;return[a,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AB,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};S.ptr.prototype.setPath=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=O(a,1);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){return e;}b.Path=d;f=R(d,1);if(a===f){b.RawPath="";}else{b.RawPath=a;}return $ifaceNil;};S.prototype.setPath=function(a){return this.$val.setPath(a);};S.ptr.prototype.EscapedPath=function(){var a,b,c,d;a=this;if(!(a.RawPath==="")&&AC(a.RawPath,1)){b=O(a.RawPath,1);c=b[0];d=b[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)&&c===a.Path){return a.RawPath;}}if(a.Path==="*"){return"*";}return R(a.Path,1);};S.prototype.EscapedPath=function(){return this.$val.EscapedPath();};AC=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=0;while(true){if(!(c>0;}return true;};S.ptr.prototype.setFragment=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=O(a,7);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){return e;}b.Fragment=d;f=R(d,7);if(a===f){b.RawFragment="";}else{b.RawFragment=a;}return $ifaceNil;};S.prototype.setFragment=function(a){return this.$val.setFragment(a);};S.ptr.prototype.EscapedFragment=function(){var a,b,c,d;a=this;if(!(a.RawFragment==="")&&AC(a.RawFragment,7)){b=O(a.RawFragment,7);c=b[0];d=b[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)&&c===a.Fragment){return a.RawFragment;}}return R(a.Fragment,7);};S.prototype.EscapedFragment=function(){return this.$val.EscapedFragment();};AD=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;if(a===""){return true;}if(!((a.charCodeAt(0)===58))){return false;}b=$substring(a,1);c=0;while(true){if(!(c57){return false;}c+=d[1];}return true;};S.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;a=this;b=new E.Builder.ptr(AO.nil,AP.nil);if(!(a.Scheme==="")){b.WriteString(a.Scheme);b.WriteByte(58);}if(!(a.Opaque==="")){b.WriteString(a.Opaque);}else{if(!(a.Scheme==="")||!(a.Host==="")||!(a.User===AR.nil)){if(!(a.Host==="")||!(a.Path==="")||!(a.User===AR.nil)){b.WriteString("//");}c=a.User;if(!(c===AR.nil)){b.WriteString(c.String());b.WriteByte(64);}d=a.Host;if(!(d==="")){b.WriteString(R(d,3));}}e=a.EscapedPath();if(!(e==="")&&!((e.charCodeAt(0)===47))&&!(a.Host==="")){b.WriteByte(47);}if(b.Len()===0){f=E.Cut(e,"/");g=f[0];if(E.Contains(g,":")){b.WriteString("./");}}b.WriteString(e);}if(a.ForceQuery||!(a.RawQuery==="")){b.WriteByte(63);b.WriteString(a.RawQuery);}if(!(a.Fragment==="")){b.WriteByte(35);b.WriteString(a.EscapedFragment());}return b.String();};S.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};S.ptr.prototype.Redacted=function(){var a,b,c,d;a=this;if(a===AS.nil){return"";}b=$clone(a,S);c=b.User.Password();d=c[1];if(d){b.User=U(b.User.Username(),"xxxxx");}return b.String();};S.prototype.Redacted=function(){return this.$val.Redacted();};AE.prototype.Get=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this.$val;if(b===false){return"";}d=(c=b[$String.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:AT.nil);if(d.$length===0){return"";}return(0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0]);};$ptrType(AE).prototype.Get=function(a){return new AE(this.$get()).Get(a);};AE.prototype.Set=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=this.$val;d=a;(c||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(d)]={k:d,v:new AT([b])};};$ptrType(AE).prototype.Set=function(a,b){return new AE(this.$get()).Set(a,b);};AE.prototype.Add=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=this.$val;d=a;(c||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(d)]={k:d,v:$append((e=c[$String.keyFor(a)],e!==undefined?e.v:AT.nil),b)};};$ptrType(AE).prototype.Add=function(a,b){return new AE(this.$get()).Add(a,b);};AE.prototype.Del=function(a){var a,b;b=this.$val;delete b[$String.keyFor(a)];};$ptrType(AE).prototype.Del=function(a){return new AE(this.$get()).Del(a);};AE.prototype.Has=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this.$val;c=(d=b[$String.keyFor(a)],d!==undefined?[d.v,true]:[AT.nil,false]);e=c[1];return e;};$ptrType(AE).prototype.Has=function(a){return new AE(this.$get()).Has(a);};AF=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b={};c=AG(b,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=-1;return[b,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:AF,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ParseQuery=AF;AG=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=$ifaceNil;case 1:if(!(!(b===""))){$s=2;continue;}d="";e=E.Cut(b,"&");d=e[0];b=e[1];if(E.Contains(d,";")){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:f=B.Errorf("invalid semicolon separator in query",new AL([]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break 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E.Builder.ptr(AO.nil,AP.nil);g=true;h=c;f.WriteByte(47);i=true;while(true){if(!(i)){break;}j=E.Cut(h,"/");e=j[0];h=j[1];i=j[2];if(e==="."){g=false;continue;}if(e===".."){k=$substring(f.String(),1);l=E.LastIndexByte(k,47);f.Reset();f.WriteByte(47);if(l===-1){g=true;}else{f.WriteString($substring(k,0,l));}}else{if(!g){f.WriteByte(47);}f.WriteString(e);g=false;}}if(e==="."||e===".."){f.WriteByte(47);}m=f.String();if(m.length>1&&(m.charCodeAt(1)===47)){m=$substring(m,1);}return m;};S.ptr.prototype.IsAbs=function(){var a;a=this;return!(a.Scheme==="");};S.prototype.IsAbs=function(){return this.$val.IsAbs();};S.ptr.prototype.Parse=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=X(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AS.nil,f];}$s=-1;return[b.ResolveReference(e),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Parse,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Parse=function(a){return this.$val.Parse(a);};S.ptr.prototype.ResolveReference=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=$clone(a,S);if(a.Scheme===""){c.Scheme=b.Scheme;}if(!(a.Scheme==="")||!(a.Host==="")||!(a.User===AR.nil)){c.setPath(AH(a.EscapedPath(),""));return c;}if(!(a.Opaque==="")){c.User=AR.nil;c.Host="";c.Path="";return c;}if(a.Path===""&&!a.ForceQuery&&a.RawQuery===""){c.RawQuery=b.RawQuery;if(a.Fragment===""){c.Fragment=b.Fragment;c.RawFragment=b.RawFragment;}}c.Host=b.Host;c.User=b.User;c.setPath(AH(b.EscapedPath(),a.EscapedPath()));return c;};S.prototype.ResolveReference=function(a){return this.$val.ResolveReference(a);};S.ptr.prototype.Query=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=AF(a.RawQuery);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:S.ptr.prototype.Query,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};S.prototype.Query=function(){return this.$val.Query();};S.ptr.prototype.RequestURI=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.Opaque;if(b===""){b=a.EscapedPath();if(b===""){b="/";}}else{if(E.HasPrefix(b,"//")){b=a.Scheme+":"+b;}}if(a.ForceQuery||!(a.RawQuery==="")){b=b+("?"+a.RawQuery);}return b;};S.prototype.RequestURI=function(){return this.$val.RequestURI();};S.ptr.prototype.Hostname=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;b=AI(a.Host);c=b[0];return c;};S.prototype.Hostname=function(){return this.$val.Hostname();};S.ptr.prototype.Port=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;b=AI(a.Host);c=b[1];return c;};S.prototype.Port=function(){return this.$val.Port();};AI=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b="";c="";b=a;d=E.LastIndexByte(b,58);if(!((d===-1))&&AD($substring(b,d))){e=$substring(b,0,d);f=$substring(b,(d+1>>0));b=e;c=f;}if(E.HasPrefix(b,"[")&&E.HasSuffix(b,"]")){b=$substring(b,1,(b.length-1>>0));}return[b,c];};S.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary=function(){var 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R.ptr(a,BA.nil,0,b,c);g=0;h=0;i=g;j=h;if(d){f.append(47);k=1;l=1;i=k;j=l;}while(true){if(!(i>0;}else if((a.charCodeAt(i)===46)&&((i+1>>0)===e)){i=i+(1)>>0;}else if((a.charCodeAt(i)===46)&&C.IsPathSeparator(a.charCodeAt((i+1>>0)))){i=i+(1)>>0;while(true){if(!(i>0;}if((f.w===0)&&L($substring(a,i))>0){f.append(46);}}else if((a.charCodeAt(i)===46)&&(a.charCodeAt((i+1>>0))===46)&&(((i+2>>0)===e)||C.IsPathSeparator(a.charCodeAt((i+2>>0))))){i=i+(2)>>0;if(f.w>j){f.w=f.w-(1)>>0;while(true){if(!(f.w>j&&!C.IsPathSeparator(f.index(f.w)))){break;}f.w=f.w-(1)>>0;}}else if(!d){if(f.w>0){f.append(47);}f.append(46);f.append(46);j=f.w;}}else{if(d&&!((f.w===1))||!d&&!((f.w===0))){f.append(47);}while(true){if(!(i>0;}}}if(f.w===0){f.append(46);}return U(f.string());};$pkg.Clean=S;U=function(a){var a;if(true){return a;}return F.ReplaceAll(a,"/","/");};$pkg.FromSlash=U;X=function(a){var a;return P(a);};$pkg.Join=X;AM=function(a){var 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$Int64(0,0),JF.nil);this.KeyUsage=0;this.Extensions=IV.nil;this.ExtraExtensions=IV.nil;this.UnhandledCriticalExtensions=JB.nil;this.ExtKeyUsage=KB.nil;this.UnknownExtKeyUsage=JB.nil;this.BasicConstraintsValid=false;this.IsCA=false;this.MaxPathLen=0;this.MaxPathLenZero=false;this.SubjectKeyId=IJ.nil;this.AuthorityKeyId=IJ.nil;this.OCSPServer=IN.nil;this.IssuingCertificateURL=IN.nil;this.DNSNames=IN.nil;this.EmailAddresses=IN.nil;this.IPAddresses=JS.nil;this.URIs=JU.nil;this.PermittedDNSDomainsCritical=false;this.PermittedDNSDomains=IN.nil;this.ExcludedDNSDomains=IN.nil;this.PermittedIPRanges=KO.nil;this.ExcludedIPRanges=KO.nil;this.PermittedEmailAddresses=IN.nil;this.ExcludedEmailAddresses=IN.nil;this.PermittedURIDomains=IN.nil;this.ExcludedURIDomains=IN.nil;this.CRLDistributionPoints=IN.nil;this.PolicyIdentifiers=JB.nil;return;}this.Raw=Raw_;this.RawTBSCertificate=RawTBSCertificate_;this.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo=RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo_;this.RawSubject=RawSubject_;this.RawIssuer=RawIssuer_;this.Signature=Signature_;this.SignatureAlgorithm=SignatureAlgorithm_;this.PublicKeyAlgorithm=PublicKeyAlgorithm_;this.PublicKey=PublicKey_;this.Version=Version_;this.SerialNumber=SerialNumber_;this.Issuer=Issuer_;this.Subject=Subject_;this.NotBefore=NotBefore_;this.NotAfter=NotAfter_;this.KeyUsage=KeyUsage_;this.Extensions=Extensions_;this.ExtraExtensions=ExtraExtensions_;this.UnhandledCriticalExtensions=UnhandledCriticalExtensions_;this.ExtKeyUsage=ExtKeyUsage_;this.UnknownExtKeyUsage=UnknownExtKeyUsage_;this.BasicConstraintsValid=BasicConstraintsValid_;this.IsCA=IsCA_;this.MaxPathLen=MaxPathLen_;this.MaxPathLenZero=MaxPathLenZero_;this.SubjectKeyId=SubjectKeyId_;this.AuthorityKeyId=AuthorityKeyId_;this.OCSPServer=OCSPServer_;this.IssuingCertificateURL=IssuingCertificateURL_;this.DNSNames=DNSNames_;this.EmailAddresses=EmailAddresses_;this.IPAddresses=IPAddresses_;this.URIs=URIs_;this.PermittedDNSDomainsCritical=PermittedDNSDomainsCritical_;this.PermittedDNSDomains=PermittedDNSDomains_;this.ExcludedDNSDomains=ExcludedDNSDomains_;this.PermittedIPRanges=PermittedIPRanges_;this.ExcludedIPRanges=ExcludedIPRanges_;this.PermittedEmailAddresses=PermittedEmailAddresses_;this.ExcludedEmailAddresses=ExcludedEmailAddresses_;this.PermittedURIDomains=PermittedURIDomains_;this.ExcludedURIDomains=ExcludedURIDomains_;this.CRLDistributionPoints=CRLDistributionPoints_;this.PolicyIdentifiers=PolicyIdentifiers_;});DD=$pkg.InsecureAlgorithmError=$newType(4,$kindInt,"x509.InsecureAlgorithmError",true,"crypto/x509",true,null);DE=$pkg.ConstraintViolationError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"x509.ConstraintViolationError",true,"crypto/x509",true,function(){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){return;}});DH=$pkg.UnhandledCriticalExtension=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"x509.UnhandledCriticalExtension",true,"crypto/x509",true,function(){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){return;}});FF=$pkg.InvalidReason=$newType(4,$kindInt,"x509.InvalidReason",true,"crypto/x509",true,null);FG=$pkg.CertificateInvalidError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"x509.CertificateInvalidError",true,"crypto/x509",true,function(Cert_,Reason_,Detail_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Cert=IT.nil;this.Reason=0;this.Detail="";return;}this.Cert=Cert_;this.Reason=Reason_;this.Detail=Detail_;});FH=$pkg.HostnameError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"x509.HostnameError",true,"crypto/x509",true,function(Certificate_,Host_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Certificate=IT.nil;this.Host="";return;}this.Certificate=Certificate_;this.Host=Host_;});FI=$pkg.UnknownAuthorityError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"x509.UnknownAuthorityError",true,"crypto/x509",true,function(Cert_,hintErr_,hintCert_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Cert=IT.nil;this.hintErr=$ifaceNil;this.hintCert=IT.nil;return;}this.Cert=Cert_;this.hintErr=hintErr_;this.hintCert=hintCert_;});FJ=$pkg.SystemRootsError=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"x509.SystemRootsError",true,"crypto/x509",true,function(Err_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Err=$ifaceNil;return;}this.Err=Err_;});FL=$pkg.VerifyOptions=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"x509.VerifyOptions",true,"crypto/x509",true,function(DNSName_,Intermediates_,Roots_,CurrentTime_,KeyUsages_,MaxConstraintComparisions_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.DNSName="";this.Intermediates=IG.nil;this.Roots=IG.nil;this.CurrentTime=new 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0:if(b.Equal(CC)){$s=2;continue;}if(b.Equal(CD)){$s=3;continue;}if(b.Equal(CE)){$s=4;continue;}if(b.Equal(CF)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:c=E.P224();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=8;case 8:return d;case 3:e=E.P256();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=10;case 10:return f;case 4:g=E.P384();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=12;case 12:return h;case 5:i=E.P521();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=14;case 14:return j;case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CG,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};CZ=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=0;d=false;e=CY;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]),IK);if(b.Equal(g.oid)){h=g.extKeyUsage;i=true;c=h;d=i;return[c,d];}f++;}return[c,d];};DD.prototype.Error=function(){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;c="";if((((b>>0))===3)||(((b>>0))===9)){c=" (temporarily override with GODEBUG=x509sha1=1)";}d=L.Sprintf("x509: cannot verify signature: insecure algorithm %v",new IS([new AX(((b>>0)))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d+c;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:DD.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(DD).prototype.Error=function(){return new DD(this.$get()).Error();};DE.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){return"x509: invalid signature: parent certificate cannot sign this kind of certificate";};DE.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};DB.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(b){var b,c;c=this;if(c===IT.nil||b===IT.nil){return c===b;}return A.Equal(c.Raw,b.Raw);};DB.prototype.Equal=function(b){return this.$val.Equal(b);};DB.ptr.prototype.hasSANExtension=function(){var b;b=this;return EC($convertSliceType(DU,I.ObjectIdentifier),b.Extensions);};DB.prototype.hasSANExtension=function(){return this.$val.hasSANExtension();};DB.ptr.prototype.CheckSignatureFrom=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if((b.Version===3)&&!b.BasicConstraintsValid||b.BasicConstraintsValid&&!b.IsCA){$s=-1;return(d=new DE.ptr(),new d.constructor.elem(d));}if(!((b.KeyUsage===0))&&((b.KeyUsage&32)===0)){$s=-1;return(e=new DE.ptr(),new e.constructor.elem(e));}if(b.PublicKeyAlgorithm===0){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm;}f=DG(c.SignatureAlgorithm,c.RawTBSCertificate,c.Signature,b.PublicKey,DC);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DB.ptr.prototype.CheckSignatureFrom,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DB.prototype.CheckSignatureFrom=function(b){return this.$val.CheckSignatureFrom(b);};DB.ptr.prototype.CheckSignature=function(b,c,d){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=DG(b,c,d,e.PublicKey,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DB.ptr.prototype.CheckSignature,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DB.prototype.CheckSignature=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.CheckSignature(b,c,d);};DB.ptr.prototype.hasNameConstraints=function(){var b;b=this;return EC($convertSliceType(DW,I.ObjectIdentifier),b.Extensions);};DB.prototype.hasNameConstraints=function(){return this.$val.hasNameConstraints();};DB.ptr.prototype.getSANExtension=function(){var b,c,d,e;b=this;c=b.Extensions;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+d]),H.Extension);if(e.Id.Equal($convertSliceType(DU,I.ObjectIdentifier))){return e.Value;}d++;}return IJ.nil;};DB.prototype.getSANExtension=function(){return this.$val.getSANExtension();};DF=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=L.Errorf("x509: signature algorithm specifies an %s public key, but have public key of type %T",new IS([new $String(new AY(b).String()),c]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:DF,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};DG=function(b,c,d,e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$ifaceNil;h=0;i=0;j=BT;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]),IH);if(l.algo===b){h=l.hash;i=l.pubKeyAlgo;}k++;}m=h;if(m===(0)){$s=2;continue;}if(m===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(m===(3)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:if(!((i===4))){g=$pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm;$s=-1;return g;}$s=6;continue;case 3:g=new DD(((b>>0)));$s=-1;return g;case 4:if(!f){g=new DD(((b>>0)));$s=-1;return g;}if(!new B.Hash(h).Available()){g=$pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm;$s=-1;return g;}n=new B.Hash(h).New();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=o.Write(c);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;q=o.Sum(IJ.nil);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=q;$s=6;continue;case 5:if(!new B.Hash(h).Available()){g=$pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm;$s=-1;return g;}r=new B.Hash(h).New();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=r;s=o.Write(c);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;t=o.Sum(IJ.nil);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=t;case 6:case 1:u=e;if($assertType(u,IQ,true)[1]){$s=13;continue;}if($assertType(u,IR,true)[1]){$s=14;continue;}if($assertType(u,D.PublicKey,true)[1]){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 13:v=u.$val;if(!((i===1))){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:y=DF(i,v);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=y;z=g;$s=20;case 20:return z;case 18:if(new AX(b).isRSAPSS()){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:aa=F.VerifyPSS(v,h,c,d,new F.PSSOptions.ptr(-1,0));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=aa;ab=g;$s=25;case 25:return ab;case 22:ac=F.VerifyPKCS1v15(v,h,c,d);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=ac;ad=g;$s=27;case 27:return ad;case 23:$s=16;continue;case 14:w=u.$val;if(!((i===3))){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:ae=DF(i,w);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=ae;af=g;$s=31;case 31:return af;case 29:ag=C.VerifyASN1(w,c,d);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!ag){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:g=K.New("x509: ECDSA verification failure");$s=-1;return g;case 33:$s=-1;return g;case 15:x=u.$val;if(!((i===4))){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:ah=DF(i,x);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=ah;ai=g;$s=38;case 38:return ai;case 36:aj=D.Verify(x,c,d);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!aj){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 39:g=K.New("x509: Ed25519 verification failure");$s=-1;return g;case 40:$s=-1;return g;case 16:g=$pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm;$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DG,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DB.ptr.prototype.CheckCRLSignature=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=BW($clone(b.SignatureAlgorithm,H.AlgorithmIdentifier));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;f=c.CheckSignature(e,$convertSliceType(b.TBSCertList.Raw,IJ),$clone(b.SignatureValue,I.BitString).RightAlign());$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=3;case 3:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DB.ptr.prototype.CheckCRLSignature,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DB.prototype.CheckCRLSignature=function(b){return this.$val.CheckCRLSignature(b);};DH.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var b;b=this;return"x509: unhandled critical extension";};DH.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};EC=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f;d=c;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]),H.Extension);if(f.Id.Equal(b)){return true;}e++;}return false;};EE=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d127){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=L.Errorf("x509: %q cannot be encoded as an IA5String",new IS([new $String(b)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=6;case 6:return h;case 4:d+=e[1];$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EE,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};EM=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=0;e=new H.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,new I.RawValue.ptr(0,0,false,IJ.nil,IJ.nil));f=$ifaceNil;g=0;h=b;if($assertType(h,IQ,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(h,IR,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}if($assertType(h,D.PublicKey,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 1:i=h.$val;g=1;d=5;e.Algorithm=BD;I.RawValue.copy(e.Parameters,I.NullRawValue);$s=5;continue;case 2:j=h.$val;g=3;m=j.Curve;o=E.P224();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(m,(o))){n=true;$s=12;continue s;}p=E.P256();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$interfaceIsEqual(m,(p));case 12:if(n){$s=7;continue;}q=E.P384();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(m,(q))){$s=8;continue;}r=E.P521();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(m,(r))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 7:d=5;e.Algorithm=BK;$s=11;continue;case 8:d=6;e.Algorithm=BL;$s=11;continue;case 9:d=7;e.Algorithm=BM;$s=11;continue;case 10:f=K.New("x509: unknown elliptic curve");case 11:case 6:$s=5;continue;case 3:k=h.$val;g=4;e.Algorithm=BN;$s=5;continue;case 4:l=h;f=K.New("x509: only RSA, ECDSA and Ed25519 keys supported");case 5:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[d,e,f];}if(c===0){$s=-1;return[d,e,f];}s=false;t=BT;u=0;while(true){if(!(u=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+u]),IH);if(v.algo===c){if(!((v.pubKeyAlgo===g))){f=K.New("x509: requested SignatureAlgorithm does not match private key type");$s=-1;return[d,e,f];}w=v.oid;x=v.hash;e.Algorithm=w;d=x;if((d===0)&&!((g===4))){f=K.New("x509: cannot sign with hash function requested");$s=-1;return[d,e,f];}if(new AX(c).isRSAPSS()){I.RawValue.copy(e.Parameters,(y=BU[B.Hash.keyFor(d)],y!==undefined?y.v:new I.RawValue.ptr(0,0,false,IJ.nil,IJ.nil)));}s=true;break;}u++;}if(!s){f=K.New("x509: unknown SignatureAlgorithm");}$s=-1;return[d,e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:EM,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};DB.ptr.prototype.CreateCRL=function(b,c,d,e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=IJ.nil;h=$ifaceNil;i=this;j=$assertType(c,B.Signer,true);k=j[0];l=j[1];if(!l){m=IJ.nil;n=K.New("x509: certificate private key does not implement crypto.Signer");g=m;h=n;$s=-1;return[g,h];}p=k.Public();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=EM(p,0);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=q;r=o[0];s=$clone(o[1],H.AlgorithmIdentifier);h=o[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){t=IJ.nil;u=h;g=t;h=u;$s=-1;return[g,h];}v=$makeSlice(JH,d.$length);w=d;x=0;while(true){if(!(x=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+x]),H.RevokedCertificate);S.Time.copy(z.RevocationTime,$clone(z.RevocationTime,S.Time).UTC());H.RevokedCertificate.copy(((y<0||y>=v.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+y]),z);x++;}aa=new H.TBSCertificateList.ptr(I.RawContent.nil,1,$clone(s,H.AlgorithmIdentifier),$clone(i.Subject,H.Name).ToRDNSequence(),$clone($clone(e,S.Time).UTC(),S.Time),$clone($clone(f,S.Time).UTC(),S.Time),v,IV.nil);if(i.SubjectKeyId.$length>0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:ab=new H.Extension.ptr(I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,false,IJ.nil);ab.Id=$convertSliceType(DS,I.ObjectIdentifier);ae=I.Marshal((ad=new AW.ptr(i.SubjectKeyId),new ad.constructor.elem(ad)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ae;ab.Value=ac[0];h=ac[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[g,h];}aa.Extensions=$append(aa.Extensions,ab);case 4:ag=I.Marshal(new aa.constructor.elem(aa));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;ah=af[0];h=af[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[g,h];}ai=ah;if(!((r===0))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:aj=new B.Hash(r).New();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;al=ak.Write(ai);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al;am=ak.Sum(IJ.nil);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=am;case 8:an=IJ.nil;ap=k.Sign(b,ai,new B.Hash(r));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=ap;an=ao[0];h=ao[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[g,h];}as=I.Marshal((ar=new H.CertificateList.ptr($clone(aa,H.TBSCertificateList),$clone(s,H.AlgorithmIdentifier),new I.BitString.ptr(an,$imul(an.$length,8))),new ar.constructor.elem(ar)));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=as;g=aq[0];h=aq[1];at=[g,h];$s=14;case 14:return at;}return;}var $f={$blk:DB.ptr.prototype.CreateCRL,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DB.prototype.CreateCRL=function(b,c,d,e,f){return this.$val.CreateCRL(b,c,d,e,f);};FG.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var b,c;b=this;c=b.Reason;if(c===(0)){return"x509: certificate is not authorized to sign other certificates";}else if(c===(1)){return"x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: "+b.Detail;}else if(c===(2)){return"x509: a root or intermediate certificate is not authorized to sign for this name: "+b.Detail;}else if(c===(9)){return"x509: a root or intermediate certificate is not authorized for an extended key usage: "+b.Detail;}else if(c===(3)){return"x509: too many intermediates for path length constraint";}else if(c===(4)){return"x509: certificate specifies an incompatible key usage";}else if(c===(5)){return"x509: issuer name does not match subject from issuing certificate";}else if(c===(6)){return"x509: issuer has name constraints but leaf doesn't have a SAN extension";}else if(c===(7)){return"x509: issuer has name constraints but leaf contains unknown or unconstrained name: "+b.Detail;}return"x509: unknown error";};FG.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};FH.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;c=b.Certificate;if(!c.hasSANExtension()&&FY(c.Subject.CommonName,b.Host)){return"x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs instead";}d="";e=P.ParseIP(b.Host);if(!(e===P.IP.nil)){if(c.IPAddresses.$length===0){return"x509: cannot validate certificate for "+b.Host+" because it doesn't contain any IP SANs";}f=c.IPAddresses;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(d.length>0){d=d+(", ");}d=d+(h.String());g++;}}else{d=AA.Join(c.DNSNames,", ");}if(d.length===0){return"x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match "+b.Host;}return"x509: certificate is valid for "+d+", not "+b.Host;};FH.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};FI.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c="x509: certificate signed by unknown authority";if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.hintErr,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=b.hintCert.Subject.CommonName;if(d.length===0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:if(b.hintCert.Subject.Organization.$length>0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:d=(e=b.hintCert.Subject.Organization,(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]));$s=7;continue;case 6:f=b.hintCert.SerialNumber.String();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d="serial:"+f;case 7:case 4:g=L.Sprintf(" (possibly because of %q while trying to verify candidate authority certificate %q)",new IS([b.hintErr,new $String(d)]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=c+(g);case 2:$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:FI.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};FI.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};FJ.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c="x509: failed to load system roots and no roots provided";if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.Err,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=b.Err.Error();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=c+"; "+d;$s=4;case 4:return e;case 2:$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:FJ.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};FJ.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};FJ.ptr.prototype.Unwrap=function(){var b;b=this;return b.Err;};FJ.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};FN=function(b){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=new FM.ptr("","");d=false;if(b.length===0){e=$clone(c,FM);f=false;FM.copy(c,e);d=f;return[c,d];}h=$makeSlice(IJ,0,(g=b.length/2,(g===g&&g!==1/0&&g!==-1/0)?g>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));if(b.charCodeAt(0)===34){b=$substring(b,1);QuotedString:while(true){if(b.length===0){i=$clone(c,FM);j=false;FM.copy(c,i);d=j;return[c,d];}k=b.charCodeAt(0);b=$substring(b,1);if((k===34)){break QuotedString;}else if((k===92)){if(b.length===0){l=$clone(c,FM);m=false;FM.copy(c,l);d=m;return[c,d];}if((b.charCodeAt(0)===11)||(b.charCodeAt(0)===12)||(1<=b.charCodeAt(0)&&b.charCodeAt(0)<=9)||(14<=b.charCodeAt(0)&&b.charCodeAt(0)<=127)){h=$append(h,b.charCodeAt(0));b=$substring(b,1);}else{n=$clone(c,FM);o=false;FM.copy(c,n);d=o;return[c,d];}}else if((k===11)||(k===12)||(k===32)||(k===33)||(k===127)||(1<=k&&k<=8)||(14<=k&&k<=31)||(35<=k&&k<=91)||(93<=k&&k<=126)){h=$append(h,k);}else{p=$clone(c,FM);q=false;FM.copy(c,p);d=q;return[c,d];}}}else{NextChar:while(true){if(!(b.length>0)){break;}r=b.charCodeAt(0);if((r===92)){b=$substring(b,1);if(b.length===0){s=$clone(c,FM);t=false;FM.copy(c,s);d=t;return[c,d];}h=$append(h,b.charCodeAt(0));b=$substring(b,1);}else if((48<=r&&r<=57)||(97<=r&&r<=122)||(65<=r&&r<=90)||(r===33)||(r===35)||(r===36)||(r===37)||(r===38)||(r===39)||(r===42)||(r===43)||(r===45)||(r===47)||(r===61)||(r===63)||(r===94)||(r===95)||(r===96)||(r===123)||(r===124)||(r===125)||(r===126)||(r===46)){h=$append(h,b.charCodeAt(0));b=$substring(b,1);}else{break NextChar;}}if(h.$length===0){u=$clone(c,FM);v=false;FM.copy(c,u);d=v;return[c,d];}w=new IJ([46,46]);if(((0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])===46)||((x=h.$length-1>>0,((x<0||x>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+x]))===46)||A.Contains(h,w)){y=$clone(c,FM);z=false;FM.copy(c,y);d=z;return[c,d];}}if((b.length===0)||!((b.charCodeAt(0)===64))){aa=$clone(c,FM);ab=false;FM.copy(c,aa);d=ab;return[c,d];}b=$substring(b,1);ac=FO(b);ad=ac[1];if(!ad){ae=$clone(c,FM);af=false;FM.copy(c,ae);d=af;return[c,d];}c.local=($bytesToString(h));c.domain=b;ag=$clone(c,FM);ah=true;FM.copy(c,ag);d=ah;return[c,d];};FO=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;c=IN.nil;d=false;while(true){if(!(b.length>0)){break;}e=AA.LastIndexByte(b,46);if(e===-1){c=$append(c,b);b="";}else{c=$append(c,$substring(b,(e+1>>0)));b=$substring(b,0,e);}}if(c.$length>0&&((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]).length===0)){f=IN.nil;g=false;c=f;d=g;return[c,d];}h=c;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if(j.length===0){k=IN.nil;l=false;c=k;d=l;return[c,d];}m=j;n=0;while(true){if(!(n126){q=IN.nil;r=false;c=q;d=r;return[c,d];}n+=o[1];}i++;}s=c;t=true;c=s;d=t;return[c,d];};FP=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(AA.Contains(c,"@")){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=FN(c);e=$clone(d[0],FM);f=d[1];if(!f){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=L.Errorf("x509: internal error: cannot parse constraint %q",new IS([new $String(c)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=[false,g];$s=6;case 6:return h;case 4:$s=-1;return[b.local===e.local&&AA.EqualFold(b.domain,e.domain),$ifaceNil];case 2:i=FS(b.domain,c);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=8;case 8:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};FQ=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=b.Host;if(d.length===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=L.Errorf("URI with empty host (%q) cannot be matched against constraints",new IS([new $String(b.String())]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=[false,e];$s=4;case 4:return f;case 2:if(AA.Contains(d,":")&&!AA.HasSuffix(d,"]")){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:g=$ifaceNil;i=P.SplitHostPort(b.Host);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;d=h[0];g=h[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[false,g];}case 6:if(AA.HasPrefix(d,"[")&&AA.HasSuffix(d,"]")||!(P.ParseIP(d)===P.IP.nil)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:j=L.Errorf("URI with IP (%q) cannot be matched against constraints",new IS([new $String(b.String())]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=[false,j];$s=11;case 11:return k;case 9:l=FS(d,c);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=13;case 13:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:FQ,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};FR=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;if(!((b.$length===c.IP.$length))){return[false,$ifaceNil];}d=b;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+f]));if(!((((((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f])&h)>>>0)===(((i=c.IP,((f<0||f>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+f]))&h)>>>0)))){return[false,$ifaceNil];}e++;}return[true,$ifaceNil];};FS=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(c.length===0){$s=-1;return[true,$ifaceNil];}d=FO(b);e=d[0];f=d[1];if(!f){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=L.Errorf("x509: internal error: cannot parse domain %q",new IS([new $String(b)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=[false,g];$s=4;case 4:return h;case 2:i=false;if(c.charCodeAt(0)===46){i=true;c=$substring(c,1);}j=FO(c);k=j[0];f=j[1];if(!f){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=L.Errorf("x509: internal error: cannot parse domain %q",new IS([new $String(c)]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=[false,l];$s=8;case 8:return m;case 6:if(e.$length=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);if(!AA.EqualFold(q,((p<0||p>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+p]))){$s=-1;return[false,$ifaceNil];}o++;}$s=-1;return[true,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:FS,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};DB.ptr.prototype.checkNameConstraints=function(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=Y.ValueOf(i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;b.$set(b.$get()+($clone(l,Y.Value).Len())>>0);if(b.$get()>c){$s=-1;return(m=new FG.ptr(j,8,""),new m.constructor.elem(m));}n=0;case 2:if(!(n<$clone(l,Y.Value).Len())){$s=3;continue;}o=$clone(l,Y.Value).Index(n);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,Y.Value).Interface();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;s=g(f,q);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=r[0];u=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:w=u.Error();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=(v=new FG.ptr(j,2,w),new v.constructor.elem(v));$s=10;case 10:return x;case 8:if(t){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:z=L.Sprintf("%s %q is excluded by constraint %q",new IS([new $String(d),new $String(e),q]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=(y=new FG.ptr(j,2,z),new y.constructor.elem(y));$s=14;case 14:return aa;case 12:n=n+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:ab=Y.ValueOf(h);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;b.$set(b.$get()+($clone(ac,Y.Value).Len())>>0);if(b.$get()>c){$s=-1;return(ad=new FG.ptr(j,8,""),new ad.constructor.elem(ad));}ae=true;af=0;case 16:if(!(af<$clone(ac,Y.Value).Len())){$s=17;continue;}ag=$clone(ac,Y.Value).Index(af);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=$clone(ag,Y.Value).Interface();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;aj=$ifaceNil;al=g(f,ai);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=al;ae=ak[0];aj=ak[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aj,$ifaceNil))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:an=aj.Error();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=(am=new FG.ptr(j,2,an),new am.constructor.elem(am));$s=24;case 24:return ao;case 22:if(ae){$s=17;continue;}af=af+(1)>>0;$s=16;continue;case 17:if(!ae){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:aq=L.Sprintf("%s %q is not permitted by any constraint",new IS([new $String(d),new $String(e)]));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=(ap=new FG.ptr(j,2,aq),new ap.constructor.elem(ap));$s=28;case 28:return ar;case 26:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DB.ptr.prototype.checkNameConstraints,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DB.prototype.checkNameConstraints=function(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){return this.$val.checkNameConstraints(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i);};DB.ptr.prototype.isValid=function(b,c,d){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];e[0]=this;if(e[0].UnhandledCriticalExtensions.$length>0){$s=-1;return(h=new DH.ptr(),new h.constructor.elem(h));}if(c.$length>0){j=(i=c.$length-1>>0,((i<0||i>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+i]));if(!A.Equal(j.RawIssuer,e[0].RawSubject)){$s=-1;return(k=new FG.ptr(e[0],5,""),new k.constructor.elem(k));}}l=$clone(d.CurrentTime,S.Time);if($clone(l,S.Time).IsZero()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=S.Now();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}S.Time.copy(l,m);case 2:if($clone(l,S.Time).Before($clone(e[0].NotBefore,S.Time))){$s=4;continue;}if($clone(l,S.Time).After($clone(e[0].NotAfter,S.Time))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:o=$clone(l,S.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00");$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=new $String(o);q=$clone(e[0].NotBefore,S.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00");$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=new $String(q);s=L.Sprintf("current time %s is before %s",new IS([p,r]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=(n=new FG.ptr(e[0],1,s),new n.constructor.elem(n));$s=10;case 10:return t;case 5:v=$clone(l,S.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00");$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=new $String(v);x=$clone(e[0].NotAfter,S.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00");$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=new $String(x);z=L.Sprintf("current time %s is after %s",new IS([w,y]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=(u=new FG.ptr(e[0],1,z),new u.constructor.elem(u));$s=14;case 14:return aa;case 6:g[0]=d.MaxConstraintComparisions;if(g[0]===0){g[0]=250000;}f[0]=0;ab=IT.nil;if((b===1)||(b===2)){if(c.$length===0){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: internal error: empty chain when appending CA cert");}ab=(0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0]);}if(((b===1)||(b===2))&&e[0].hasNameConstraints()&&ab.hasSANExtension()){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:ac=HR($convertSliceType(ab.getSANExtension(),W.String),(function(e,f,g){return function $b(ac,ad){var{ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ac,ad});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ae=ac;if(ae===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(ae===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(ae===(6)){$s=4;continue;}if(ae===(7)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:af=($bytesToString(ad));ag=FN(af);ah=$clone(ag[0],FM);ai=ag[1];if(!ai){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:aj=L.Errorf("x509: cannot parse rfc822Name %q",new IS([new ah.constructor.elem(ah)]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;$s=10;case 10:return ak;case 8:al=e[0].checkNameConstraints((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new JX(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))),g[0],"email address",af,new ah.constructor.elem(ah),(function(e,f,g){return function $b(al,am){var{al,am,an,ao,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{al,am});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:an=FP($clone($assertType(al,FM),FM),$assertType(am,$String));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=an;$s=2;case 2:return ao;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,al,am,an,ao,$s};return $f;};})(e,f,g),e[0].PermittedEmailAddresses,e[0].ExcludedEmailAddresses);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return am;}$s=6;continue;case 3:an=($bytesToString(ad));ao=FO(an);ap=ao[1];if(!ap){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:aq=L.Errorf("x509: cannot parse dnsName %q",new IS([new $String(an)]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;$s=15;case 15:return ar;case 13:as=e[0].checkNameConstraints((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new JX(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))),g[0],"DNS name",an,new $String(an),(function(e,f,g){return function $b(as,at){var{as,at,au,av,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{as,at});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:au=FS($assertType(as,$String),$assertType(at,$String));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=au;$s=2;case 2:return av;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,as,at,au,av,$s};return $f;};})(e,f,g),e[0].PermittedDNSDomains,e[0].ExcludedDNSDomains);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=as;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(at,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return at;}$s=6;continue;case 4:au=($bytesToString(ad));aw=Q.Parse(au);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=aw;ax=av[0];ay=av[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ay,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:az=L.Errorf("x509: internal error: URI SAN %q failed to parse",new IS([new $String(au)]));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=21;case 21:return ba;case 19:bb=e[0].checkNameConstraints((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new JX(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))),g[0],"URI",au,ax,(function(e,f,g){return function $b(bb,bc){var{bb,bc,bd,be,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{bb,bc});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:bd=FQ($assertType(bb,JT),$assertType(bc,$String));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bd;$s=2;case 2:return be;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,bb,bc,bd,be,$s};return $f;};})(e,f,g),e[0].PermittedURIDomains,e[0].ExcludedURIDomains);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bc,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bc;}$s=6;continue;case 5:bd=($convertSliceType(ad,P.IP));be=bd.$length;if(!((be===4))&&!((be===16))){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:bf=L.Errorf("x509: internal error: IP SAN %x failed to parse",new IS([ad]));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=bf;$s=26;case 26:return bg;case 24:bh=e[0].checkNameConstraints((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new JX(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))),g[0],"IP address",bd.String(),bd,(function(e,f,g){return function(bh,bi){var bh,bi;return FR($assertType(bh,P.IP),$assertType(bi,JY));};})(e,f,g),e[0].PermittedIPRanges,e[0].ExcludedIPRanges);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bh;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bi,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bi;}case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,$s};return $f;};})(e,f,g));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ad,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ad;}case 16:if((b===1)&&(!e[0].BasicConstraintsValid||!e[0].IsCA)){$s=-1;return(ae=new FG.ptr(e[0],0,""),new ae.constructor.elem(ae));}if(e[0].BasicConstraintsValid&&e[0].MaxPathLen>=0){af=c.$length-1>>0;if(af>e[0].MaxPathLen){$s=-1;return(ag=new FG.ptr(e[0],3,""),new ag.constructor.elem(ag));}}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DB.ptr.prototype.isValid,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DB.prototype.isValid=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.isValid(b,c,d);};DB.ptr.prototype.Verify=function(b){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=KA.nil;d=$ifaceNil;e=this;if(e.Raw.$length===0){f=KA.nil;g=FK;c=f;d=g;$s=-1;return[c,d];}h=0;case 1:if(!(h>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(false){if(b[0].Roots===IG.nil){s=e.systemVerify(b[0]);c=s[0];d=s[1];$s=-1;return[c,d];}if(!(b[0].Roots===IG.nil)&&b[0].Roots.systemPool){t=e.systemVerify(b[0]);u=t[0];v=t[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil)||(b[0].Roots.len()===0)){w=u;x=v;c=w;d=x;$s=-1;return[c,d];}}}if(b[0].Roots===IG.nil){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:y=GO();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b[0].Roots=y;if(b[0].Roots===IG.nil){z=KA.nil;aa=(ab=new FJ.ptr(GN),new ab.constructor.elem(ab));c=z;d=aa;$s=-1;return[c,d];}case 9:ac=e.isValid(0,JZ.nil,b[0]);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=ac;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c,d];}if(b[0].DNSName.length>0){d=e.VerifyHostname(b[0].DNSName);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c,d];}}ad=KA.nil;if(b[0].Roots.contains(e)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:ad=$append(ad,new JZ([e]));$s=14;continue;case 13:af=e.buildChains(false,new JZ([e]),JX.nil,b[0]);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;ad=ae[0];d=ae[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){ag=KA.nil;ah=d;c=ag;d=ah;$s=-1;return[c,d];}case 14:ai=b[0].KeyUsages;if(ai.$length===0){ai=new KB([1]);}aj=ai;ak=0;while(true){if(!(ak=aj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aj.$array[aj.$offset+ak]);if(al===0){am=ad;an=$ifaceNil;c=am;d=an;$s=-1;return[c,d];}ak++;}ao=ad;ap=0;while(true){if(!(ap=ao.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ao.$array[ao.$offset+ap]);if(GA(aq,ai)){c=$append(c,aq);}ap++;}if(c.$length===0){ar=KA.nil;as=(at=new FG.ptr(e,4,""),new at.constructor.elem(at));c=ar;d=as;$s=-1;return[c,d];}au=c;av=$ifaceNil;c=au;d=av;$s=-1;return[c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:DB.ptr.prototype.Verify,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DB.prototype.Verify=function(b){return this.$val.Verify(b);};FT=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e;d=$makeSlice(JZ,(b.$length+1>>0));$copySlice(d,b);(e=b.$length,((e<0||e>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]=c));return d;};DB.ptr.prototype.buildChains=function(b,c,d,e){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=[c];d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];g[0]=KA.nil;h[0]=$ifaceNil;f[0]=this;j[0]=$ifaceNil;i[0]=IT.nil;k=(function(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){return function $b(k,l){var{k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=c[0];n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);if(o.Equal(l)){$s=-1;return;}n++;}if(d[0]===JX.nil){d[0]=$newDataPointer(0,JX);}d[0].$set(d[0].$get()+(1)>>0);if(d[0].$get()>100){h[0]=K.New("x509: signature check attempts limit reached while verifying certificate chain");$s=-1;return;}p=f[0].CheckSignatureFrom(l);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(j[0],$ifaceNil)){j[0]=q;i[0]=l;}$s=-1;return;}r=l.isValid(k,c[0],e[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=r;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return;}s=k;if(s===(2)){$s=4;continue;}if(s===(1)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:g[0]=$append(g[0],FT(c[0],l));$s=6;continue;case 5:if(b[0]===false){b[0]={};}t=(u=b[0][IT.keyFor(l)],u!==undefined?[u.v,true]:[KA.nil,false]);v=t[0];w=t[1];if(!w){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:y=l.buildChains(b[0],FT(c[0],l),d[0],e[0]);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;v=x[0];h[0]=x[1];z=l;(b[0]||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[IT.keyFor(z)]={k:z,v:v};case 8:g[0]=$appendSlice(g[0],v);case 6:case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);m=e[0].Roots.findPotentialParents(f[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=0;case 2:if(!(n=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+n]);$r=k(2,o);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n++;$s=2;continue;case 3:q=e[0].Intermediates.findPotentialParents(f[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=0;case 6:if(!(r=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+r]);$r=k(1,s);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r++;$s=6;continue;case 7:if(g[0].$length>0){h[0]=$ifaceNil;}if((g[0].$length===0)&&$interfaceIsEqual(h[0],$ifaceNil)){h[0]=(t=new FI.ptr(f[0],j[0],i[0]),new t.constructor.elem(t));}$s=-1;return[g[0],h[0]];}return;}var $f={$blk:DB.ptr.prototype.buildChains,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};DB.prototype.buildChains=function(b,c,d,e){return this.$val.buildChains(b,c,d,e);};FU=function(b){var b;return FW(b,true);};FV=function(b){var b;return FW(b,false);};FW=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;if(!c){b=AA.TrimSuffix(b,".");}if(b.length===0){return false;}d=AA.Split(b,".");e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);if(g===""){return false;}if(c&&(f===0)&&g==="*"){e++;continue;}h=g;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if((h===0)&&i==="*"){g++;continue;}if(!(i===((h<0||h>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+h]))){return false;}g++;}return true;};FZ=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;c=true;d=b;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);if(65<=l&&l<=90){((k<0||k>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+k]=(((k<0||k>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+k])+(32)<<24>>>24));}j++;}return($bytesToString(h));};DB.ptr.prototype.VerifyHostname=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;c=this;d=b;if(b.length>=3&&(b.charCodeAt(0)===91)&&(b.charCodeAt((b.length-1>>0))===93)){d=$substring(b,1,(b.length-1>>0));}e=P.ParseIP(d);if(!(e===P.IP.nil)){f=c.IPAddresses;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(e.Equal(h)){return $ifaceNil;}g++;}return(i=new FH.ptr(c,d),new i.constructor.elem(i));}j=FZ(b);k=FV(j);l=c.DNSNames;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);if(k&&FU(n)){if(FY(n,j)){return $ifaceNil;}}else{if(FX(n,j)){return $ifaceNil;}}m++;}return(o=new FH.ptr(c,b),new o.constructor.elem(o));};DB.prototype.VerifyHostname=function(b){return this.$val.VerifyHostname(b);};GA=function(b,c){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;d=$makeSlice(KB,c.$length);$copySlice(d,c);if(b.$length===0){return false;}e=d.$length;f=b.$length-1>>0;NextCert:while(true){if(!(f>=0)){break;}g=((f<0||f>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]);if((g.ExtKeyUsage.$length===0)&&(g.UnknownExtKeyUsage.$length===0)){f=f-(1)>>0;continue;}h=g.ExtKeyUsage;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if(j===0){f=f-(1)>>0;continue NextCert;}i++;}k=d;l=0;NextRequestedUsage:while(true){if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);if(n===-1){l++;continue;}o=g.ExtKeyUsage;p=0;while(true){if(!(p=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]);if(n===q){l++;continue NextRequestedUsage;}p++;}((m<0||m>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+m]=-1);e=e-(1)>>0;if(e===0){return false;}l++;}f=f-(1)>>0;}return true;};GC=function(b){var{b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=GF(KC.nil,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:GC,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ParseECPrivateKey=GC;GF=function(b,c){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=KD.nil;f=$ifaceNil;d[0]=new GB.ptr(0,IJ.nil,I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,new I.BitString.ptr(IJ.nil,0));h=I.Unmarshal(c,d[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=I.Unmarshal(c,new GQ.ptr(0,new H.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,new I.RawValue.ptr(0,0,false,IJ.nil,IJ.nil)),IJ.nil));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil)){m=KD.nil;n=K.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS8PrivateKey instead for this key format)");e=m;f=n;$s=-1;return[e,f];}p=I.Unmarshal(c,new GT.ptr(0,IP.nil,0,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,KE.nil));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil)){r=KD.nil;s=K.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS1PrivateKey instead for this key format)");e=r;f=s;$s=-1;return[e,f];}t=KD.nil;v=i.Error();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=K.New("x509: failed to parse EC private key: "+v);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=w;e=t;f=u;x=[e,f];$s=8;case 8:return x;case 3:if(!((d[0].Version===1))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:y=KD.nil;aa=L.Errorf("x509: unknown EC private key version %d",new IS([new $Int(d[0].Version)]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;e=y;f=z;ab=[e,f];$s=12;case 12:return ab;case 10:ac=$ifaceNil;if(!(b===KC.nil)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:ad=CG(b.$get());$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;$s=15;continue;case 14:ae=CG(d[0].NamedCurveOID);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ae;case 15:if($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil)){af=KD.nil;ag=K.New("x509: unknown elliptic curve");e=af;f=ag;$s=-1;return[e,f];}ah=new O.Int.ptr(false,O.nat.nil).SetBytes(d[0].PrivateKey);ai=ac.Params();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai.N;if(ah.Cmp(aj)>=0){ak=KD.nil;al=K.New("x509: invalid elliptic curve private key value");e=ak;f=al;$s=-1;return[e,f];}am=new C.PrivateKey.ptr(new C.PublicKey.ptr($ifaceNil,IP.nil,IP.nil),IP.nil);am.PublicKey.Curve=ac;am.D=ah;ao=$makeSlice(IJ,(an=((aj.BitLen()+7>>0))/8,(an===an&&an!==1/0&&an!==-1/0)?an>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));while(true){if(!(d[0].PrivateKey.$length>ao.$length)){break;}if(!(((ap=d[0].PrivateKey,(0>=ap.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ap.$array[ap.$offset+0]))===0))){aq=KD.nil;ar=K.New("x509: invalid private key length");e=aq;f=ar;$s=-1;return[e,f];}d[0].PrivateKey=$subslice(d[0].PrivateKey,1);}$copySlice($subslice(ao,(ao.$length-d[0].PrivateKey.$length>>0)),d[0].PrivateKey);at=ac.ScalarBaseMult(ao);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=at;am.PublicKey.X=as[0];am.PublicKey.Y=as[1];au=am;av=$ifaceNil;e=au;f=av;$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:GF,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DB.ptr.prototype.systemVerify=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=KA.nil;d=$ifaceNil;e=this;f=KA.nil;g=$ifaceNil;c=f;d=g;return[c,d];};DB.prototype.systemVerify=function(b){return this.$val.systemVerify(b);};GG=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=IE();c=GJ;d=AD.Getenv("SSL_CERT_FILE");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!(e==="")){c=new IN([e]);}f=$ifaceNil;g=c;h=0;case 2:if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);k=AD.ReadFile(i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:n=b.AppendCertsFromPEM(l);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;$s=3;continue;case 6:if($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)&&!AD.IsNotExist(m)){f=m;}h++;$s=2;continue;case 3:o=GK;p=AD.Getenv("SSL_CERT_DIR");$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!(q==="")){o=AA.Split(q,":");}r=o;s=0;case 9:if(!(s=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]);v=GH(t);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[0];x=u[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)&&!AD.IsNotExist(x)){f=x;}s++;$s=9;continue;}y=w;z=0;case 12:if(!(z=y.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+z]);ac=aa.Name();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=AD.ReadFile(t+"/"+ac);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ad;ae=ab[0];af=ab[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil)){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:ag=b.AppendCertsFromPEM(ae);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag;case 17:z++;$s=12;continue;case 13:s++;$s=9;continue;case 10:if(b.len()>0||$interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[b,$ifaceNil];}$s=-1;return[IG.nil,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:GG,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};GH=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=AD.ReadDir(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[KF.nil,f];}g=$subslice(e,0,0);h=e;i=0;case 2:if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);k=GI(j,b);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!k){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:g=$append(g,j);case 5:i++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:GH,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};GI=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=b.Type();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(((d&134217728)>>>0)===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return false;case 2:f=c;g=b.Name();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;i=AE.Join(new IN([f,h]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=AD.Readlink(i);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=j;k=e[0];l=e[1];$s=-1;return $interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil)&&!AA.Contains(k,"/");}return;}var $f={$blk:GI,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};GO=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=GL.Do(GP);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return GM;}return;}var $f={$blk:GO,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};GP=function(){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=GG();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;GM=b[0];GN=b[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(GN,$ifaceNil))){GM=IG.nil;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GP,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;};GR=function(b){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];e=$ifaceNil;f=$ifaceNil;d[0]=new GQ.ptr(0,new H.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,new I.RawValue.ptr(0,0,false,IJ.nil,IJ.nil)),IJ.nil);h=I.Unmarshal(b,d[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=I.Unmarshal(b,new GB.ptr(0,IJ.nil,I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,new I.BitString.ptr(IJ.nil,0)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil)){m=$ifaceNil;n=K.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParseECPrivateKey instead for this key format)");e=m;f=n;$s=-1;return[e,f];}p=I.Unmarshal(b,new GT.ptr(0,IP.nil,0,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,KE.nil));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil)){r=$ifaceNil;s=K.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS1PrivateKey instead for this key format)");e=r;f=s;$s=-1;return[e,f];}t=$ifaceNil;u=i;e=t;f=u;$s=-1;return[e,f];case 3:if(d[0].Algo.Algorithm.Equal(BX)){$s=7;continue;}if(d[0].Algo.Algorithm.Equal(BZ)){$s=8;continue;}if(d[0].Algo.Algorithm.Equal(CA)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 7:w=GW(d[0].PrivateKey);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;e=v[0];f=v[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:x=$ifaceNil;z=f.Error();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=K.New("x509: failed to parse RSA private key embedded in PKCS#8: "+z);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=aa;e=x;f=y;ab=[e,f];$s=17;case 17:return ab;case 14:ac=e;ad=$ifaceNil;e=ac;f=ad;$s=-1;return[e,f];case 8:ae=d[0].Algo.Parameters.FullBytes;af=$newDataPointer(I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,KC);ah=I.Unmarshal(ae,af);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=ah;ai=ag[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){af=KC.nil;}ak=GF(af,d[0].PrivateKey);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;e=aj[0];f=aj[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:al=$ifaceNil;an=f.Error();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=K.New("x509: failed to parse EC private key embedded in PKCS#8: "+an);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=ao;e=al;f=am;ap=[e,f];$s=24;case 24:return ap;case 21:aq=e;ar=$ifaceNil;e=aq;f=ar;$s=-1;return[e,f];case 9:as=d[0].Algo.Parameters.FullBytes.$length;if(!((as===0))){at=$ifaceNil;au=K.New("x509: invalid Ed25519 private key parameters");e=at;f=au;$s=-1;return[e,f];}c[0]=IJ.nil;aw=I.Unmarshal(d[0].PrivateKey,(c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new KG(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=aw;ax=av[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ax,$ifaceNil))){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:ay=$ifaceNil;ba=L.Errorf("x509: invalid Ed25519 private key: %v",new IS([ax]));$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ba;e=ay;f=az;bb=[e,f];$s=29;case 29:return bb;case 27:bc=c[0].$length;if(!((bc===32))){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:bd=$ifaceNil;bf=L.Errorf("x509: invalid Ed25519 private key length: %d",new IS([new $Int(bc)]));$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bf;e=bd;f=be;bg=[e,f];$s=33;case 33:return bg;case 31:bi=D.NewKeyFromSeed(c[0]);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bi;bj=$ifaceNil;e=bh;f=bj;bk=[e,f];$s=35;case 35:return bk;case 10:bl=$ifaceNil;bn=L.Errorf("x509: PKCS#8 wrapping contained private key with unknown algorithm: %v",new IS([d[0].Algo.Algorithm]));$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm=bn;e=bl;f=bm;bo=[e,f];$s=37;case 37:return bo;case 11:case 6:$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:GR,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey=GR;GW=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];c[0]=new GT.ptr(0,IP.nil,0,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,KE.nil);e=I.Unmarshal(b,c[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=d[0];g=d[1];if(f.$length>0){$s=-1;return[KH.nil,(h=new I.SyntaxError.ptr("trailing data"),new h.constructor.elem(h))];}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=I.Unmarshal(b,new GB.ptr(0,IJ.nil,I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,new I.BitString.ptr(IJ.nil,0)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[KH.nil,K.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParseECPrivateKey instead for this key format)")];}m=I.Unmarshal(b,new GQ.ptr(0,new H.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,new I.RawValue.ptr(0,0,false,IJ.nil,IJ.nil)),IJ.nil));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[KH.nil,K.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS8PrivateKey instead for this key format)")];}$s=-1;return[KH.nil,g];case 3:if(c[0].Version>1){$s=-1;return[KH.nil,K.New("x509: unsupported private key version")];}if(c[0].N.Sign()<=0||c[0].D.Sign()<=0||c[0].P.Sign()<=0||c[0].Q.Sign()<=0){$s=-1;return[KH.nil,K.New("x509: private key contains zero or negative value")];}o=new F.PrivateKey.ptr(new F.PublicKey.ptr(IP.nil,0),IP.nil,KI.nil,new F.PrecomputedValues.ptr(IP.nil,IP.nil,IP.nil,KJ.nil));F.PublicKey.copy(o.PublicKey,new F.PublicKey.ptr(c[0].N,c[0].E));o.D=c[0].D;o.Primes=$makeSlice(KI,(2+c[0].AdditionalPrimes.$length>>0));(p=o.Primes,(0>=p.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+0]=c[0].P));(q=o.Primes,(1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1]=c[0].Q));r=c[0].AdditionalPrimes;s=0;while(true){if(!(s=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]),GU);if(u.Prime.Sign()<=0){$s=-1;return[KH.nil,K.New("x509: private key contains zero or negative prime")];}(v=o.Primes,w=t+2>>0,((w<0||w>=v.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+w]=u.Prime));s++;}x=o.Validate();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=x;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[KH.nil,g];}$r=o.Precompute();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[o,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:GW,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey=GW;HI=function(b){var b;return 97<=b&&b<=122||65<=b&&b<=90||48<=b&&b<=57||39<=b&&b<=41||43<=b&&b<=47||(b===32)||(b===58)||(b===61)||(b===63)||(b===42)||(b===38);};HJ=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=b;if(d===(20)){$s=2;continue;}if(d===(19)){$s=3;continue;}if(d===(12)){$s=4;continue;}if(d===(30)){$s=5;continue;}if(d===(22)){$s=6;continue;}if(d===(18)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[($bytesToString(c)),$ifaceNil];case 3:e=c;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);if(!HI(g)){$s=-1;return["",K.New("invalid PrintableString")];}f++;}$s=-1;return[($bytesToString(c)),$ifaceNil];case 4:if(!AB.Valid(c)){$s=-1;return["",K.New("invalid UTF-8 string")];}$s=-1;return[($bytesToString(c)),$ifaceNil];case 5:if(!(((h=c.$length%2,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))){$s=-1;return["",K.New("invalid BMPString")];}i=c.$length;if(i>=2&&((j=i-1>>0,((j<0||j>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+j]))===0)&&((k=i-2>>0,((k<0||k>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+k]))===0)){c=$subslice(c,0,(i-2>>0));}m=$makeSlice(KL,0,(l=c.$length/2,(l===l&&l!==1/0&&l!==-1/0)?l>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));while(true){if(!(c.$length>0)){break;}m=$append(m,((((0>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+0])<<16>>>16))<<8<<16>>>16)+(((1>=c.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+1])<<16>>>16))<<16>>>16);c=$subslice(c,2);}$s=-1;return[($runesToString(AM.Decode(m))),$ifaceNil];case 6:n=($bytesToString(c));o=EE(n);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return["",K.New("invalid IA5String")];case 10:$s=-1;return[n,$ifaceNil];case 7:p=c;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);if(!(48<=r&&r<=57||(r===32))){$s=-1;return["",K.New("invalid NumericString")];}q++;}$s=-1;return[($bytesToString(c)),$ifaceNil];case 8:case 1:s=L.Errorf("unsupported string type: %v",new IS([new X.Tag(b)]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=["",s];$s=13;case 13:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:HJ,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};HK=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=[c];if(!(b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))).ReadASN1((b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))),48)){$s=-1;return[JV.nil,K.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence")];}c[0]=H.RDNSequence.nil;case 1:if(!(!b[0].Empty())){$s=2;continue;}d=[d];e=H.RelativeDistinguishedNameSET.nil;d[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))).ReadASN1((d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))),49)){$s=-1;return[JV.nil,K.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence")];}case 3:if(!(!d[0].Empty())){$s=4;continue;}f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];f[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))),48)){$s=-1;return[JV.nil,K.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute")];}i=new H.AttributeTypeAndValue.ptr(I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,$ifaceNil);if(!(f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((i.$ptr_Type||(i.$ptr_Type=new KC(function(){return this.$target.Type;},function($v){this.$target.Type=$v;},i))))){$s=-1;return[JV.nil,K.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute type")];}g[0]=W.String.nil;h[0]=0;if(!(f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))).ReadAnyASN1((g.$ptr||(g.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},g))),(h.$ptr||(h.$ptr=new KN(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},h))))){$s=-1;return[JV.nil,K.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute value")];}j=$ifaceNil;l=HJ(h[0],$convertSliceType(g[0],IJ));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;i.Value=new $String(k[0]);j=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:m=L.Errorf("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute value: %s",new IS([j]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=[JV.nil,m];$s=9;case 9:return n;case 7:e=$append(e,i);$s=3;continue;case 4:c[0]=$append(c[0],e);$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[(c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new JV(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:HK,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};HL=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;c=new H.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,new I.RawValue.ptr(0,0,false,IJ.nil,IJ.nil));if(!(d||(d=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((c.$ptr_Algorithm||(c.$ptr_Algorithm=new KC(function(){return this.$target.Algorithm;},function($v){this.$target.Algorithm=$v;},c))))){return[c,K.New("x509: malformed OID")];}if(b.Empty()){return[c,$ifaceNil];}e=W.String.nil;f=0;if(!(d||(d=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadAnyASN1Element((g||(g=new KM(function(){return e;},function($v){e=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))),(h||(h=new KN(function(){return f;},function($v){f=$v;}))))){return[c,K.New("x509: malformed parameters")];}c.Parameters.Tag=((f>>0));c.Parameters.FullBytes=$convertSliceType(e,IJ);return[c,$ifaceNil];};HM=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=(function(b){return function $b(){var{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];c[0]=new S.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JF.nil);if(b[0].PeekASN1Tag(23)){$s=2;continue;}if(b[0].PeekASN1Tag(24)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:d[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))).ReadASN1((d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))),23)){$s=-1;return[c[0],K.New("x509: malformed UTCTime")];}e=($bytesToString(d[0]));f="0601021504Z0700";g=$ifaceNil;i=S.Parse(f,e);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;S.Time.copy(c[0],h[0]);g=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:f="060102150405Z0700";k=S.Parse(f,e);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;S.Time.copy(c[0],j[0]);g=j[1];case 8:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[c[0],g];}l=$clone(c[0],S.Time).Format(f);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!(m===e)){$s=-1;return[c[0],K.New("x509: malformed UTCTime")];}n=$clone(c[0],S.Time).Year();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(n>=2050){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:o=$clone(c[0],S.Time).AddDate(-100,0,0);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}S.Time.copy(c[0],o);case 12:$s=5;continue;case 3:p=(b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))).ReadASN1GeneralizedTime(c[0]);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!p){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:$s=-1;return[c[0],K.New("x509: malformed GeneralizedTime")];case 16:$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[c[0],K.New("x509: unsupported time format")];case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return[c[0],$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};})(b);e=c();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=$clone(d[0],S.Time);g=d[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new S.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JF.nil),new S.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JF.nil),g];}i=c();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=$clone(h[0],S.Time);g=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new S.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JF.nil),new S.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JF.nil),g];}$s=-1;return[f,j,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:HM,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HN=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f;c=new H.Extension.ptr(I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,false,IJ.nil);if(!(d||(d=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((c.$ptr_Id||(c.$ptr_Id=new KC(function(){return this.$target.Id;},function($v){this.$target.Id=$v;},c))))){return[c,K.New("x509: malformed extension OID field")];}if(b.PeekASN1Tag(1)){if(!(d||(d=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1Boolean((c.$ptr_Critical||(c.$ptr_Critical=new IY(function(){return this.$target.Critical;},function($v){this.$target.Critical=$v;},c))))){return[c,K.New("x509: malformed extension critical field")];}}e=W.String.nil;if(!(d||(d=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1((f||(f=new KM(function(){return e;},function($v){e=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))),4)){return[c,K.New("x509: malformed extension value field")];}c.Value=$convertSliceType(e,IJ);return[c,$ifaceNil];};HO=function(b,c){var{aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];d[0]=($convertSliceType($clone(c.PublicKey,I.BitString).RightAlign(),W.String));f=b;if(f===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(f===(3)){$s=3;continue;}if(f===(4)){$s=4;continue;}if(f===(2)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:if(!A.Equal(c.Algorithm.Parameters.FullBytes,I.NullBytes)){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: RSA key missing NULL parameters")];}g=new GV.ptr(new O.Int.ptr(false,O.nat.nil),0);if(!(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1((d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))),48)){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: invalid RSA public key")];}h=(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1Integer(g.N);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!h){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: invalid RSA modulus")];case 9:i=(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1Integer((g.$ptr_E||(g.$ptr_E=new JX(function(){return this.$target.E;},function($v){this.$target.E=$v;},g))));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!i){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: invalid RSA public exponent")];case 12:if(g.N.Sign()<=0){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: RSA modulus is not a positive number")];}if(g.E<=0){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: RSA public exponent is not a positive number")];}j=new F.PublicKey.ptr(g.N,g.E);$s=-1;return[j,$ifaceNil];case 3:k=($convertSliceType(c.Algorithm.Parameters.FullBytes,W.String));l=$newDataPointer(I.ObjectIdentifier.nil,KC);if(!(m||(m=new KM(function(){return k;},function($v){k=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier(l)){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: invalid ECDSA parameters")];}n=CG(l.$get());$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: unsupported elliptic curve")];}q=E.Unmarshal(o,$convertSliceType(d[0],IJ));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];s=p[1];if(r===IP.nil){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: failed to unmarshal elliptic curve point")];}t=new C.PublicKey.ptr(o,r,s);$s=-1;return[t,$ifaceNil];case 4:if(!((c.Algorithm.Parameters.FullBytes.$length===0))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: Ed25519 key encoded with illegal parameters")];}if(!((d[0].$length===32))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: wrong Ed25519 public key size")];}$s=-1;return[($convertSliceType(d[0],D.PublicKey)),$ifaceNil];case 5:u=new O.Int.ptr(false,O.nat.nil);v=(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1Integer(u);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!v){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: invalid DSA public key")];case 17:w=new AL.PublicKey.ptr(new AL.Parameters.ptr(new O.Int.ptr(false,O.nat.nil),new O.Int.ptr(false,O.nat.nil),new O.Int.ptr(false,O.nat.nil)),u);e[0]=($convertSliceType(c.Algorithm.Parameters.FullBytes,W.String));if(!(e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))).ReadASN1((e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))),48)){z=true;$s=23;continue s;}aa=(e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))).ReadASN1Integer(w.Parameters.P);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=!aa;case 23:if(z){y=true;$s=22;continue s;}ab=(e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))).ReadASN1Integer(w.Parameters.Q);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=!ab;case 22:if(y){x=true;$s=21;continue s;}ac=(e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))).ReadASN1Integer(w.Parameters.G);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=!ac;case 21:if(x){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: invalid DSA parameters")];case 20:if(w.Y.Sign()<=0||w.Parameters.P.Sign()<=0||w.Parameters.Q.Sign()<=0||w.Parameters.G.Sign()<=0){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,K.New("x509: zero or negative DSA parameter")];}$s=-1;return[w,$ifaceNil];case 6:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];case 7:case 1:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:HO,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HP=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=new I.BitString.ptr(IJ.nil,0);if(!(d||(d=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1BitString(c)){return[0,K.New("x509: invalid key usage")];}e=0;f=0;while(true){if(!(f<9)){break;}if(!(($clone(c,I.BitString).At(f)===0))){e=e|(((g=((f>>>0)),g<32?(1<>0));}f=f+(1)>>0;}return[((e>>0)),$ifaceNil];};HQ=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=[c];d=[d];c[0]=false;if(!(b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))).ReadASN1((b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))),48)){$s=-1;return[false,0,K.New("x509: invalid basic constraints a")];}if(b[0].PeekASN1Tag(1)){if(!(b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))).ReadASN1Boolean((c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new IY(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))))){$s=-1;return[false,0,K.New("x509: invalid basic constraints b")];}}d[0]=-1;if(!b[0].Empty()&&b[0].PeekASN1Tag(2)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=(b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))).ReadASN1Integer((d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new JX(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!e){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[false,0,K.New("x509: invalid basic constraints c")];case 4:case 2:$s=-1;return[c[0],d[0],$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:HQ,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};HR=function(b,c){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];if(!(b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))).ReadASN1((b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))),48)){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid subject alternative names");}case 1:if(!(!b[0].Empty())){$s=2;continue;}d=[d];e=[e];d[0]=W.String.nil;e[0]=0;if(!(b.$ptr||(b.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},b))).ReadAnyASN1((d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))),(e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new KN(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))))){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid subject alternative name");}f=c(((((e[0]^128)<<24>>>24)>>0)),$convertSliceType(d[0],IJ));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return g;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};HS=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];c[0]=IN.nil;d[0]=IN.nil;e[0]=JS.nil;f[0]=JU.nil;g=$ifaceNil;h=HR(b,(function(c,d,e,f){return function $b(h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=h;if(j===(1)){$s=2;continue;}if(j===(2)){$s=3;continue;}if(j===(6)){$s=4;continue;}if(j===(7)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:k=($bytesToString(i));l=EE(k);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: SAN rfc822Name is malformed");}d[0]=$append(d[0],k);$s=6;continue;case 3:n=($bytesToString(i));o=EE(n);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: SAN dNSName is malformed");}c[0]=$append(c[0],(n));$s=6;continue;case 4:q=($bytesToString(i));r=EE(q);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: SAN uniformResourceIdentifier is malformed");}u=Q.Parse(q);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;v=t[0];w=t[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:x=L.Errorf("x509: cannot parse URI %q: %s",new IS([new $String(q),w]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=14;case 14:return y;case 12:if(v.Host.length>0){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:z=FO(v.Host);aa=z[1];if(!aa){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:ab=L.Errorf("x509: cannot parse URI %q: invalid domain",new IS([new $String(q)]));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$s=20;case 20:return ac;case 18:case 16:f[0]=$append(f[0],v);$s=6;continue;case 5:ad=i.$length;if((ad===(4))||(ad===(16))){e[0]=$append(e[0],$convertSliceType(i,P.IP));}else{$s=-1;return K.New("x509: cannot parse IP address of length "+R.Itoa(i.$length));}case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(c,d,e,f));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;$s=-1;return[c[0],d[0],e[0],f[0],g];}return;}var $f={$blk:HS,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HT=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=KB.nil;d=JB.nil;if(!(e||(e=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1((e||(e=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))),48)){return[KB.nil,JB.nil,K.New("x509: invalid extended key usages")];}while(true){if(!(!b.Empty())){break;}f=[f];f[0]=I.ObjectIdentifier.nil;if(!(e||(e=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new KC(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))))){return[KB.nil,JB.nil,K.New("x509: invalid extended key usages")];}g=CZ(f[0]);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(i){c=$append(c,h);}else{d=$append(d,f[0]);}}return[c,d,$ifaceNil];};HU=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f;c=JB.nil;if(!(d||(d=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1((d||(d=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))),48)){return[JB.nil,K.New("x509: invalid certificate policies")];}while(true){if(!(!b.Empty())){break;}e=[e];f=[f];e[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(d||(d=new KM(function(){return b;},function($v){b=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1((e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))),48)){return[JB.nil,K.New("x509: invalid certificate policies")];}f[0]=I.ObjectIdentifier.nil;if(!(e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new KC(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))))){return[JB.nil,K.New("x509: invalid certificate policies")];}c=$append(c,f[0]);}return[c,$ifaceNil];};HV=function(b){var b,c,d,e,f,g;c=false;d=b;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);if(c){if(!((f===0))){return false;}e++;continue;}g=f;if((g===(0))||(g===(128))||(g===(192))||(g===(224))||(g===(240))||(g===(248))||(g===(252))||(g===(254))){c=true;}else if(g===(255)){}else{return false;}e++;}return true;};HW=function(b,c){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];i[0]=false;j=$ifaceNil;k=($convertSliceType(c.Value,W.String));l=W.String.nil;m=W.String.nil;n=W.String.nil;h[0]=l;g[0]=m;d[0]=n;o=false;p=false;f[0]=o;e[0]=p;if(!(q||(q=new KM(function(){return k;},function($v){k=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1((h.$ptr||(h.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},h))),48)||!k.Empty()||!(h.$ptr||(h.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},h))).ReadOptionalASN1((g.$ptr||(g.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},g))),(f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new IY(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))),new X.Tag(new X.Tag(0).ContextSpecific()).Constructed())||!(h.$ptr||(h.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},h))).ReadOptionalASN1((d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))),(e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new IY(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))),new X.Tag(new X.Tag(1).ContextSpecific()).Constructed())||!h[0].Empty()){r=false;s=K.New("x509: invalid NameConstraints extension");i[0]=r;j=s;$s=-1;return[i[0],j];}if(!f[0]&&!e[0]||(g[0].$length===0)&&(d[0].$length===0)){t=false;u=K.New("x509: empty name constraints extension");i[0]=t;j=u;$s=-1;return[i[0],j];}v=(function(d,e,f,g,h,i){return function $b(v){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{v});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:w=IN.nil;x=KO.nil;y=IN.nil;z=IN.nil;aa=$ifaceNil;case 1:if(!(!v.Empty())){$s=2;continue;}ab=[ab];ac=[ac];ad=[ad];ae=W.String.nil;af=W.String.nil;ab[0]=ae;ad[0]=af;ac[0]=0;if(!(ag||(ag=new KM(function(){return v;},function($v){v=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1((ab.$ptr||(ab.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},ab))),48)||!(ab.$ptr||(ab.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},ab))).ReadAnyASN1((ad.$ptr||(ad.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},ad))),(ac.$ptr||(ac.$ptr=new KN(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},ac))))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:ah=IN.nil;ai=KO.nil;aj=IN.nil;ak=IN.nil;am=L.Errorf("x509: invalid NameConstraints extension",new IS([]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=am;w=ah;x=ai;y=aj;z=ak;aa=al;an=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=6;case 6:return an;case 4:ao=new X.Tag(2).ContextSpecific();ap=new X.Tag(1).ContextSpecific();aq=new X.Tag(7).ContextSpecific();ar=new X.Tag(6).ContextSpecific();as=ac[0];if(as===(ao)){$s=8;continue;}if(as===(aq)){$s=9;continue;}if(as===(ap)){$s=10;continue;}if(as===(ar)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 8:at=($bytesToString(ad[0]));au=EE(at);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=au;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(av,$ifaceNil))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:aw=IN.nil;ax=KO.nil;ay=IN.nil;az=IN.nil;bb=av.Error();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=K.New("x509: invalid constraint value: "+bb);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=bc;w=aw;x=ax;y=ay;z=az;aa=ba;bd=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=19;case 19:return bd;case 16:be=at;if(be.length>0&&(be.charCodeAt(0)===46)){be=$substring(be,1);}bf=FO(be);bg=bf[1];if(!bg){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:bh=IN.nil;bi=KO.nil;bj=IN.nil;bk=IN.nil;bm=L.Errorf("x509: failed to parse dnsName constraint %q",new IS([new $String(at)]));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=bm;w=bh;x=bi;y=bj;z=bk;aa=bl;bn=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=23;case 23:return bn;case 21:w=$append(w,at);$s=13;continue;case 9:bo=ad[0].$length;bp=IJ.nil;bq=IJ.nil;br=bp;bs=bq;bt=bo;if(bt===(8)){$s=25;continue;}if(bt===(32)){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 25:br=$convertSliceType($subslice(ad[0],0,4),IJ);bs=$convertSliceType($subslice(ad[0],4),IJ);$s=28;continue;case 26:br=$convertSliceType($subslice(ad[0],0,16),IJ);bs=$convertSliceType($subslice(ad[0],16),IJ);$s=28;continue;case 27:bu=IN.nil;bv=KO.nil;bw=IN.nil;bx=IN.nil;bz=L.Errorf("x509: IP constraint contained value of length %d",new IS([new $Int(bo)]));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;bz=bz.$blk();}if(bz&&bz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}by=bz;w=bu;x=bv;y=bw;z=bx;aa=by;ca=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=30;case 30:return ca;case 28:case 24:if(!HV(bs)){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:cb=IN.nil;cc=KO.nil;cd=IN.nil;ce=IN.nil;cg=L.Errorf("x509: IP constraint contained invalid mask %x",new IS([bs]));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;cg=cg.$blk();}if(cg&&cg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cf=cg;w=cb;x=cc;y=cd;z=ce;aa=cf;ch=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=34;case 34:return ch;case 32:x=$append(x,new P.IPNet.ptr(($convertSliceType(br,P.IP)),($convertSliceType(bs,P.IPMask))));$s=13;continue;case 10:ci=($bytesToString(ad[0]));cj=EE(ci);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;cj=cj.$blk();}if(cj&&cj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ck=cj;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ck,$ifaceNil))){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:cl=IN.nil;cm=KO.nil;cn=IN.nil;co=IN.nil;cq=ck.Error();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;cq=cq.$blk();}if(cq&&cq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cr=K.New("x509: invalid constraint value: "+cq);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;cr=cr.$blk();}if(cr&&cr.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cp=cr;w=cl;x=cm;y=cn;z=co;aa=cp;cs=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=40;case 40:return cs;case 37:if(AA.Contains(ci,"@")){$s=41;continue;}$s=42;continue;case 41:ct=FN(ci);cu=ct[1];if(!cu){$s=44;continue;}$s=45;continue;case 44:cv=IN.nil;cw=KO.nil;cx=IN.nil;cy=IN.nil;da=L.Errorf("x509: failed to parse rfc822Name constraint %q",new IS([new $String(ci)]));$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;da=da.$blk();}if(da&&da.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cz=da;w=cv;x=cw;y=cx;z=cy;aa=cz;db=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=47;case 47:return db;case 45:$s=43;continue;case 42:dc=ci;if(dc.length>0&&(dc.charCodeAt(0)===46)){dc=$substring(dc,1);}dd=FO(dc);de=dd[1];if(!de){$s=48;continue;}$s=49;continue;case 48:df=IN.nil;dg=KO.nil;dh=IN.nil;di=IN.nil;dk=L.Errorf("x509: failed to parse rfc822Name constraint %q",new IS([new $String(ci)]));$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;dk=dk.$blk();}if(dk&&dk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dj=dk;w=df;x=dg;y=dh;z=di;aa=dj;dl=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=51;case 51:return dl;case 49:case 43:y=$append(y,ci);$s=13;continue;case 11:dm=($bytesToString(ad[0]));dn=EE(dm);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;dn=dn.$blk();}if(dn&&dn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dp=dn;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(dp,$ifaceNil))){$s=53;continue;}$s=54;continue;case 53:dq=IN.nil;dr=KO.nil;ds=IN.nil;dt=IN.nil;dv=dp.Error();$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;dv=dv.$blk();}if(dv&&dv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dw=K.New("x509: invalid constraint value: "+dv);$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;dw=dw.$blk();}if(dw&&dw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}du=dw;w=dq;x=dr;y=ds;z=dt;aa=du;dx=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=57;case 57:return dx;case 54:if(!(P.ParseIP(dm)===P.IP.nil)){$s=58;continue;}$s=59;continue;case 58:dy=IN.nil;dz=KO.nil;ea=IN.nil;eb=IN.nil;ed=L.Errorf("x509: failed to parse URI constraint %q: cannot be IP address",new IS([new $String(dm)]));$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;ed=ed.$blk();}if(ed&&ed.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ec=ed;w=dy;x=dz;y=ea;z=eb;aa=ec;ee=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=61;case 61:return ee;case 59:ef=dm;if(ef.length>0&&(ef.charCodeAt(0)===46)){ef=$substring(ef,1);}eg=FO(ef);eh=eg[1];if(!eh){$s=62;continue;}$s=63;continue;case 62:ei=IN.nil;ej=KO.nil;ek=IN.nil;el=IN.nil;en=L.Errorf("x509: failed to parse URI constraint %q",new IS([new $String(dm)]));$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;en=en.$blk();}if(en&&en.$blk!==undefined){break s;}em=en;w=ei;x=ej;y=ek;z=el;aa=em;eo=[w,x,y,z,aa];$s=65;case 65:return eo;case 63:z=$append(z,dm);$s=13;continue;case 12:i[0]=true;case 13:case 7:$s=1;continue;case 2:ep=w;eq=x;er=y;es=z;et=$ifaceNil;w=ep;x=eq;y=er;z=es;aa=et;$s=-1;return[w,x,y,z,aa];}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,ep,eq,er,es,et,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(d,e,f,g,h,i);x=v(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;b.PermittedDNSDomains=w[0];b.PermittedIPRanges=w[1];b.PermittedEmailAddresses=w[2];b.PermittedURIDomains=w[3];j=w[4];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){y=false;z=j;i[0]=y;j=z;$s=-1;return[i[0],j];}ab=v(d[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;b.ExcludedDNSDomains=aa[0];b.ExcludedIPRanges=aa[1];b.ExcludedEmailAddresses=aa[2];b.ExcludedURIDomains=aa[3];j=aa[4];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){ac=false;ad=j;i[0]=ac;j=ad;$s=-1;return[i[0],j];}b.PermittedDNSDomainsCritical=c.Critical;ae=i[0];af=$ifaceNil;i[0]=ae;j=af;$s=-1;return[i[0],j];}return;}var $f={$blk:HW,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HX=function(b){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=$ifaceNil;d=b.Extensions;e=0;case 1:if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]),H.Extension);k=false;if((j.Id.$length===4)&&((l=j.Id,(0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0]))===2)&&((m=j.Id,(1>=m.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+1]))===5)&&((n=j.Id,(2>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+2]))===29)){$s=3;continue;}if(j.Id.Equal($convertSliceType(DY,I.ObjectIdentifier))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:p=(o=j.Id,(3>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+3]));if(p===(15)){$s=8;continue;}if(p===(19)){$s=9;continue;}if(p===(17)){$s=10;continue;}if(p===(30)){$s=11;continue;}if(p===(31)){$s=12;continue;}if(p===(35)){$s=13;continue;}if(p===(37)){$s=14;continue;}if(p===(14)){$s=15;continue;}if(p===(32)){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 8:q=HP($convertSliceType(j.Value,W.String));b.KeyUsage=q[0];c=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return c;}$s=18;continue;case 9:s=HQ($convertSliceType(j.Value,W.String));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;b.IsCA=r[0];b.MaxPathLen=r[1];c=r[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return c;}b.BasicConstraintsValid=true;b.MaxPathLenZero=b.MaxPathLen===0;$s=18;continue;case 10:u=HS($convertSliceType(j.Value,W.String));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;b.DNSNames=t[0];b.EmailAddresses=t[1];b.IPAddresses=t[2];b.URIs=t[3];c=t[4];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return c;}if((b.DNSNames.$length===0)&&(b.EmailAddresses.$length===0)&&(b.IPAddresses.$length===0)&&(b.URIs.$length===0)){k=true;}$s=18;continue;case 11:w=HW(b,$clone(j,H.Extension));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;k=v[0];c=v[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return c;}$s=18;continue;case 12:h[0]=($convertSliceType(j.Value,W.String));if(!(h.$ptr||(h.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},h))).ReadASN1((h.$ptr||(h.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},h))),48)){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution points");}while(true){if(!(!h[0].Empty())){break;}x=[x];y=[y];z=[z];x[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(h.$ptr||(h.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},h))).ReadASN1((x.$ptr||(x.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},x))),48)){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point");}y[0]=W.String.nil;z[0]=false;if(!(x.$ptr||(x.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},x))).ReadOptionalASN1((y.$ptr||(y.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},y))),(z.$ptr||(z.$ptr=new IY(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},z))),new X.Tag(new X.Tag(0).Constructed()).ContextSpecific())){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point");}if(!z[0]){continue;}if(!(y.$ptr||(y.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},y))).ReadASN1((y.$ptr||(y.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},y))),new X.Tag(new X.Tag(0).Constructed()).ContextSpecific())){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point");}while(true){if(!(!y[0].Empty())){break;}aa=[aa];if(!y[0].PeekASN1Tag(new X.Tag(6).ContextSpecific())){break;}aa[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(y.$ptr||(y.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},y))).ReadASN1((aa.$ptr||(aa.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},aa))),new X.Tag(6).ContextSpecific())){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point");}b.CRLDistributionPoints=$append(b.CRLDistributionPoints,($bytesToString(aa[0])));}}$s=18;continue;case 13:ab=($convertSliceType(j.Value,W.String));f[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(ac||(ac=new KM(function(){return ab;},function($v){ab=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))),48)){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid authority key identifier");}if(f[0].PeekASN1Tag(new X.Tag(0).ContextSpecific())){if(!(f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))).ReadASN1((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))),new X.Tag(0).ContextSpecific())){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid authority key identifier");}b.AuthorityKeyId=$convertSliceType(f[0],IJ);}$s=18;continue;case 14:ad=HT($convertSliceType(j.Value,W.String));b.ExtKeyUsage=ad[0];b.UnknownExtKeyUsage=ad[1];c=ad[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return c;}$s=18;continue;case 15:ae=($convertSliceType(j.Value,W.String));g[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(af||(af=new KM(function(){return ae;},function($v){ae=$convertSliceType($v,W.String);}))).ReadASN1((g.$ptr||(g.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},g))),4)){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid subject key identifier");}b.SubjectKeyId=$convertSliceType(g[0],IJ);$s=18;continue;case 16:ag=HU($convertSliceType(j.Value,W.String));b.PolicyIdentifiers=ag[0];c=ag[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return c;}$s=18;continue;case 17:k=true;case 18:case 7:$s=6;continue;case 4:i[0]=($convertSliceType(j.Value,W.String));if(!(i.$ptr||(i.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},i))).ReadASN1((i.$ptr||(i.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},i))),48)){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid authority info access");}while(true){if(!(!i[0].Empty())){break;}ah=[ah];ai=[ai];ah[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(i.$ptr||(i.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},i))).ReadASN1((ah.$ptr||(ah.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},ah))),48)){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid authority info access");}ai[0]=I.ObjectIdentifier.nil;if(!(ah.$ptr||(ah.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},ah))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((ai.$ptr||(ai.$ptr=new KC(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},ai))))){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid authority info access");}if(!ah[0].PeekASN1Tag(new X.Tag(6).ContextSpecific())){continue;}if(!(ah.$ptr||(ah.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},ah))).ReadASN1((ah.$ptr||(ah.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},ah))),new X.Tag(6).ContextSpecific())){$s=-1;return K.New("x509: invalid authority info access");}if(ai[0].Equal(EA)){b.OCSPServer=$append(b.OCSPServer,($bytesToString(ah[0])));}else if(ai[0].Equal(EB)){b.IssuingCertificateURL=$append(b.IssuingCertificateURL,($bytesToString(ah[0])));}}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=true;case 6:if(j.Critical&&k){b.UnhandledCriticalExtensions=$append(b.UnhandledCriticalExtensions,j.Id);}e++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:HX,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HY=function(b){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];d=[d];e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=[l];m=[m];n=[n];o=[o];p=new DB.ptr(IJ.nil,IJ.nil,IJ.nil,IJ.nil,IJ.nil,IJ.nil,0,0,$ifaceNil,0,IP.nil,new H.Name.ptr(IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,"","",JL.nil,JL.nil),new H.Name.ptr(IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,"","",JL.nil,JL.nil),new S.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JF.nil),new S.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JF.nil),0,IV.nil,IV.nil,JB.nil,KB.nil,JB.nil,false,false,0,false,IJ.nil,IJ.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,JS.nil,JU.nil,false,IN.nil,IN.nil,KO.nil,KO.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,IN.nil,JB.nil);d[0]=($convertSliceType(b,W.String));if(!(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1Element((d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed certificate")];}p.Raw=$convertSliceType(d[0],IJ);if(!(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1((d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed certificate")];}n[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1Element((n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed tbs certificate")];}p.RawTBSCertificate=$convertSliceType(n[0],IJ);if(!(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).ReadASN1((n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed tbs certificate")];}q=(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).ReadOptionalASN1Integer((p.$ptr_Version||(p.$ptr_Version=new JX(function(){return this.$target.Version;},function($v){this.$target.Version=$v;},p))),new X.Tag(new X.Tag(0).Constructed()).ContextSpecific(),new $Int(0));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!q){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed version")];case 2:if(p.Version<0){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed version")];}p.Version=p.Version+(1)>>0;if(p.Version>3){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: invalid version")];}r=new O.Int.ptr(false,O.nat.nil);s=(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).ReadASN1Integer(r);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!s){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed serial number")];case 5:p.SerialNumber=r;i[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).ReadASN1((i.$ptr||(i.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},i))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed signature algorithm identifier")];}f[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1((f.$ptr||(f.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},f))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed algorithm identifier")];}if(!A.Equal($convertSliceType(f[0],IJ),$convertSliceType(i[0],IJ))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: inner and outer signature algorithm identifiers don't match")];}t=HL(i[0]);u=$clone(t[0],H.AlgorithmIdentifier);v=t[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,v];}w=BW($clone(u,H.AlgorithmIdentifier));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p.SignatureAlgorithm=w;e[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).ReadASN1Element((e.$ptr||(e.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},e))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed issuer")];}p.RawIssuer=$convertSliceType(e[0],IJ);y=HK(e[0]);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=x[0];v=x[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,v];}p.Issuer.FillFromRDNSequence(z);o[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).ReadASN1((o.$ptr||(o.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},o))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed validity")];}ab=HM(o[0]);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;S.Time.copy(p.NotBefore,aa[0]);S.Time.copy(p.NotAfter,aa[1]);v=aa[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,v];}m[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).ReadASN1Element((m.$ptr||(m.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},m))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed issuer")];}p.RawSubject=$convertSliceType(m[0],IJ);ad=HK(m[0]);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;ae=ac[0];v=ac[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,v];}p.Subject.FillFromRDNSequence(ae);l[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).ReadASN1Element((l.$ptr||(l.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},l))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed spki")];}p.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo=$convertSliceType(l[0],IJ);if(!(l.$ptr||(l.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},l))).ReadASN1((l.$ptr||(l.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},l))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed spki")];}g[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(l.$ptr||(l.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},l))).ReadASN1((g.$ptr||(g.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},g))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed public key algorithm identifier")];}af=HL(g[0]);ag=$clone(af[0],H.AlgorithmIdentifier);v=af[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,v];}p.PublicKeyAlgorithm=CB(ag.Algorithm);k[0]=new I.BitString.ptr(IJ.nil,0);if(!(l.$ptr||(l.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},l))).ReadASN1BitString(k[0])){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed subjectPublicKey")];}ai=HO(p.PublicKeyAlgorithm,new AV.ptr(I.RawContent.nil,$clone(ag,H.AlgorithmIdentifier),$clone(k[0],I.BitString)));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;p.PublicKey=ah[0];v=ah[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,v];}if(p.Version>1){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:if(!(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).SkipOptionalASN1(new X.Tag(1).ContextSpecific())){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed issuerUniqueID")];}if(!(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).SkipOptionalASN1(new X.Tag(2).ContextSpecific())){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed subjectUniqueID")];}if(p.Version===3){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:c[0]=W.String.nil;h[0]=false;if(!(n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))).ReadOptionalASN1((c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))),(h.$ptr||(h.$ptr=new IY(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},h))),new X.Tag(new X.Tag(3).Constructed()).ContextSpecific())){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed extensions")];}if(h[0]){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:if(!(c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))).ReadASN1((c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed extensions")];}while(true){if(!(!c[0].Empty())){break;}aj=[aj];aj[0]=W.String.nil;if(!(c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c))).ReadASN1((aj.$ptr||(aj.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},aj))),48)){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed extension")];}ak=HN(aj[0]);al=$clone(ak[0],H.Extension);am=ak[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,am];}p.Extensions=$append(p.Extensions,al);}an=HX(p);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=an;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,v];}case 17:case 15:case 13:j[0]=new I.BitString.ptr(IJ.nil,0);if(!(d.$ptr||(d.$ptr=new KM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},d))).ReadASN1BitString(j[0])){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: malformed signature")];}p.Signature=$clone(j[0],I.BitString).RightAlign();$s=-1;return[p,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:HY,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HZ=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=HY(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,f];}if(!((b.$length===e.Raw.$length))){$s=-1;return[IT.nil,K.New("x509: trailing data")];}$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:HZ,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ParseCertificate=HZ;IE=function(){return new IC.ptr({},KP.nil,{},false);};$pkg.NewCertPool=IE;IC.ptr.prototype.len=function(){var b;b=this;if(b===IG.nil){return 0;}return b.lazyCerts.$length;};IC.prototype.len=function(){return this.$val.len();};IC.ptr.prototype.cert=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;e=(d=c.lazyCerts,((b<0||b>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+b])).getCert();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:IC.ptr.prototype.cert,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};IC.prototype.cert=function(b){return this.$val.cert(b);};IC.ptr.prototype.findPotentialParents=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;if(c===IG.nil){$s=-1;return JZ.nil;}d=JZ.nil;e=JZ.nil;f=JZ.nil;g=d;h=e;i=f;j=(k=c.byName[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString(b.RawIssuer)))],k!==undefined?k.v:IM.nil);l=0;case 1:if(!(l=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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false;}return(d=c.haveSum[IB.keyFor(U.Sum224(b.Raw))],d!==undefined?d.v:false);};IC.prototype.contains=function(b){return this.$val.contains(b);};IC.ptr.prototype.AddCert=function(b){var b,c;c=this;if(b===IT.nil){$panic(new $String("adding nil Certificate to CertPool"));}c.addCertFunc($clone(U.Sum224(b.Raw),IB),($bytesToString(b.RawSubject)),(function(){return[b,$ifaceNil];}));};IC.prototype.AddCert=function(b){return this.$val.AddCert(b);};IC.ptr.prototype.addCertFunc=function(b,c,d){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;e=this;if(d===$throwNilPointerError){$panic(new $String("getCert can't be nil"));}if((f=e.haveSum[IB.keyFor(b)],f!==undefined?f.v:false)){return;}g=$clone(b,IB);(e.haveSum||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[IB.keyFor(g)]={k:g,v:true};e.lazyCerts=$append(e.lazyCerts,new ID.ptr((new IJ($stringToBytes(c))),d));h=c;(e.byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(h)]={k:h,v:$append((i=e.byName[$String.keyFor(c)],i!==undefined?i.v:IM.nil),e.lazyCerts.$length-1>>0)};};IC.prototype.addCertFunc=function(b,c,d){return this.$val.addCertFunc(b,c,d);};IC.ptr.prototype.AppendCertsFromPEM=function(b){var{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=false;d=this;case 1:if(!(b.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}e=[e];f=[f];g=JG.nil;i=J.Decode(b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;g=h[0];b=h[1];if(g===JG.nil){$s=2;continue;}if(!(g.Type==="CERTIFICATE")||!(($keys(g.Headers).length===0))){$s=1;continue;}e[0]=g.Bytes;k=HZ(e[0]);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}f[0]=new KQ.ptr(new AF.Once.ptr(0,new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),IT.nil);d.addCertFunc($clone(U.Sum224(l.Raw),IB),($bytesToString(l.RawSubject)),(function(e,f){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=f[0].Once.Do((function(e,f){return function $b(){var{n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=HZ(e[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;f[0].v=n[0];e[0]=IJ.nil;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,n,o,$s};return $f;};})(e,f));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[f[0].v,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(e,f));c=true;$s=1;continue;case 2:c=c;$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:IC.ptr.prototype.AppendCertsFromPEM,$c:true,$r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};IC.prototype.AppendCertsFromPEM=function(b){return this.$val.AppendCertsFromPEM(b);};IC.ptr.prototype.Subjects=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g;b=this;c=$makeSlice(KR,b.len());d=b.lazyCerts;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]),ID);((f<0||f>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f]=g.rawSubject);e++;}return c;};IC.prototype.Subjects=function(){return this.$val.Subjects();};AX.methods=[{prop:"isRSAPSS",name:"isRSAPSS",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];AY.methods=[{prop:"String",name:"String",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];IT.methods=[{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([IT],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"hasSANExtension",name:"hasSANExtension",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"CheckSignatureFrom",name:"CheckSignatureFrom",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([IT],[$error],false)},{prop:"CheckSignature",name:"CheckSignature",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AX,IJ,IJ],[$error],false)},{prop:"hasNameConstraints",name:"hasNameConstraints",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"getSANExtension",name:"getSANExtension",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([],[IJ],false)},{prop:"CheckCRLSignature",name:"CheckCRLSignature",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([JI],[$error],false)},{prop:"CreateCRL",name:"CreateCRL",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([N.Reader,$emptyInterface,JH,S.Time,S.Time],[IJ,$error],false)},{prop:"checkNameConstraints",name:"checkNameConstraints",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([JX,$Int,$String,$String,$emptyInterface,KS,$emptyInterface,$emptyInterface],[$error],false)},{prop:"isValid",name:"isValid",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([$Int,JZ,KT],[$error],false)},{prop:"Verify",name:"Verify",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([FL],[KA,$error],false)},{prop:"buildChains",name:"buildChains",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([KU,JZ,JX,KT],[KA,$error],false)},{prop:"VerifyHostname",name:"VerifyHostname",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$error],false)},{prop:"systemVerify",name:"systemVerify",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([KT],[KA,$error],false)}];DD.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];DE.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];DH.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];FG.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];FH.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];FI.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];FJ.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"Unwrap",name:"Unwrap",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)}];IG.methods=[{prop:"len",name:"len",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"cert",name:"cert",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([$Int],[IT,$error],false)},{prop:"copy",name:"copy",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([],[IG],false)},{prop:"findPotentialParents",name:"findPotentialParents",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([IT],[JZ],false)},{prop:"contains",name:"contains",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([IT],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"AddCert",name:"AddCert",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([IT],[],false)},{prop:"addCertFunc",name:"addCertFunc",pkg:"crypto/x509",typ:$funcType([IB,$String,KW],[],false)},{prop:"AppendCertsFromPEM",name:"AppendCertsFromPEM",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([IJ],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Subjects",name:"Subjects",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[KR],false)}];AV.init("",[{prop:"Raw",name:"Raw",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:I.RawContent,tag:""},{prop:"Algorithm",name:"Algorithm",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:H.AlgorithmIdentifier,tag:""},{prop:"PublicKey",name:"PublicKey",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:I.BitString,tag:""}]);AW.init("",[{prop:"Id",name:"Id",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:IJ,tag:"asn1:\"optional,tag:0\""}]);BV.init("",[{prop:"Hash",name:"Hash",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:H.AlgorithmIdentifier,tag:"asn1:\"explicit,tag:0\""},{prop:"MGF",name:"MGF",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:H.AlgorithmIdentifier,tag:"asn1:\"explicit,tag:1\""},{prop:"SaltLength",name:"SaltLength",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:"asn1:\"explicit,tag:2\""},{prop:"TrailerField",name:"TrailerField",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:"asn1:\"optional,explicit,tag:3,default:1\""}]);DB.init("",[{prop:"Raw",name:"Raw",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:IJ,tag:""},{prop:"RawTBSCertificate",name:"RawTBSCertificate",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:IJ,tag:""},{prop:"RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo",name:"RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:IJ,tag:""},{prop:"RawSubject",name:"RawSubject",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:IJ,tag:""},{prop:"RawIssuer",name:"RawIssuer",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:IJ,tag:""},{prop:"Signature",name:"Signature",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:IJ,tag:""},{prop:"SignatureAlgorithm",name:"SignatureAlgorithm",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AX,tag:""},{prop:"PublicKeyAlgorithm",name:"PublicKeyAlgorithm",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AY,tag:""},{prop:"PublicKey",name:"PublicKey",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$emptyInterface,tag:""},{prop:"Version",name:"Version",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"SerialNumber",name:"SerialNumber",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:IP,tag:""},{prop:"Issuer",name:"Issuer",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:H.Name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10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=G.$init();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=U.$init();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=V.$init();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=H.$init();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=I.$init();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AK.$init();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=J.$init();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=K.$init();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=L.$init();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=M.$init();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=N.$init();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AC.$init();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=O.$init();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=P.$init();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Q.$init();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AD.$init();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AE.$init();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Y.$init();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Z.$init();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=R.$init();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AA.$init();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AF.$init();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=S.$init();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=T.$init();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AM.$init();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AB.$init();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=W.$init();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=X.$init();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}GL=new AF.Once.ptr(0,new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0));GM=IG.nil;GN=$ifaceNil;AZ=$toNativeArray($kindString,["","RSA","DSA","ECDSA","Ed25519"]);BA=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,113549,1,1,2]);BB=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,113549,1,1,4]);BC=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,113549,1,1,5]);BD=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,113549,1,1,11]);BE=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,113549,1,1,12]);BF=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,113549,1,1,13]);BG=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,113549,1,1,10]);BH=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,10040,4,3]);BI=new I.ObjectIdentifier([2,16,840,1,101,3,4,3,2]);BJ=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,10045,4,1]);BK=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,10045,4,3,2]);BL=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,10045,4,3,3]);BM=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,10045,4,3,4]);BN=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,101,112]);BO=new I.ObjectIdentifier([2,16,840,1,101,3,4,2,1]);BP=new I.ObjectIdentifier([2,16,840,1,101,3,4,2,2]);BQ=new I.ObjectIdentifier([2,16,840,1,101,3,4,2,3]);BR=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,113549,1,1,8]);BS=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,14,3,2,29]);BT=new II([new IH.ptr(1,"MD2-RSA",BA,1,0),new IH.ptr(2,"MD5-RSA",BB,1,2),new IH.ptr(3,"SHA1-RSA",BC,1,3),new IH.ptr(3,"SHA1-RSA",BS,1,3),new IH.ptr(4,"SHA256-RSA",BD,1,5),new IH.ptr(5,"SHA384-RSA",BE,1,6),new IH.ptr(6,"SHA512-RSA",BF,1,7),new IH.ptr(13,"SHA256-RSAPSS",BG,1,5),new IH.ptr(14,"SHA384-RSAPSS",BG,1,6),new IH.ptr(15,"SHA512-RSAPSS",BG,1,7),new IH.ptr(7,"DSA-SHA1",BH,2,3),new IH.ptr(8,"DSA-SHA256",BI,2,5),new IH.ptr(9,"ECDSA-SHA1",BJ,3,3),new IH.ptr(10,"ECDSA-SHA256",BK,3,5),new IH.ptr(11,"ECDSA-SHA384",BL,3,6),new IH.ptr(12,"ECDSA-SHA512",BM,3,7),new IH.ptr(16,"Ed25519",BN,4,0)]);BU=$makeMap(B.Hash.keyFor,[{k:5,v:new I.RawValue.ptr(0,0,false,IJ.nil,new IJ([48,52,160,15,48,13,6,9,96,134,72,1,101,3,4,2,1,5,0,161,28,48,26,6,9,42,134,72,134,247,13,1,1,8,48,13,6,9,96,134,72,1,101,3,4,2,1,5,0,162,3,2,1,32]))},{k:6,v:new I.RawValue.ptr(0,0,false,IJ.nil,new IJ([48,52,160,15,48,13,6,9,96,134,72,1,101,3,4,2,2,5,0,161,28,48,26,6,9,42,134,72,134,247,13,1,1,8,48,13,6,9,96,134,72,1,101,3,4,2,2,5,0,162,3,2,1,48]))},{k:7,v:new I.RawValue.ptr(0,0,false,IJ.nil,new IJ([48,52,160,15,48,13,6,9,96,134,72,1,101,3,4,2,3,5,0,161,28,48,26,6,9,42,134,72,134,247,13,1,1,8,48,13,6,9,96,134,72,1,101,3,4,2,3,5,0,162,3,2,1,64]))}]);BX=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,113549,1,1,1]);BY=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,10040,4,1]);BZ=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,10045,2,1]);CA=BN;CC=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,132,0,33]);CD=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,2,840,10045,3,1,7]);CE=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,132,0,34]);CF=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,132,0,35]);CJ=new I.ObjectIdentifier([2,5,29,37,0]);CK=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,3,1]);CL=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,3,2]);CM=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,3,3]);CN=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,3,4]);CO=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,3,5]);CP=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,3,6]);CQ=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,3,7]);CR=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,3,8]);CS=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,3,9]);CT=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,4,1,311,10,3,3]);CU=new I.ObjectIdentifier([2,16,840,1,113730,4,1]);CV=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,4,1,311,2,1,22]);CW=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,4,1,311,61,1,1]);CY=new IL([new IK.ptr(0,CJ),new IK.ptr(1,CK),new IK.ptr(2,CL),new IK.ptr(3,CM),new IK.ptr(4,CN),new IK.ptr(5,CO),new IK.ptr(6,CP),new IK.ptr(7,CQ),new IK.ptr(8,CR),new IK.ptr(9,CS),new IK.ptr(10,CT),new IK.ptr(11,CU),new IK.ptr(12,CV),new IK.ptr(13,CW)]);$pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm=K.New("x509: cannot verify signature: algorithm unimplemented");a=M.Get("x509sha1");$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}DC=a==="1";DS=new IM([2,5,29,35]);DU=new IM([2,5,29,17]);DW=new IM([2,5,29,30]);DY=new IM([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,1,1]);EA=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,48,1]);EB=new I.ObjectIdentifier([1,3,6,1,5,5,7,48,2]);FK=K.New("x509: missing ASN.1 contents; use ParseCertificate");GJ=new IN([]);GK=new IN([]);$pkg.IncorrectPasswordError=K.New("x509: decryption password incorrect");}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,A,E,C,D;B=$packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"];A=$packages["reflect"];E=$ptrType($Uint8);C=function(b,c){var b,c;if((b.$length===0)||(c.$length===0)||$indexPtr(b.$array,b.$offset+0,E)===$indexPtr(c.$array,c.$offset+0,E)){return false;}return D(b,c);};$pkg.InexactOverlap=C;D=function(b,c){var b,c;return b.$length>0&&c.$length>0&&b.$array===c.$array&&($parseInt(b.$offset)>>0)<=((($parseInt(c.$offset)>>0)+c.$length>>0)-1>>0)&&($parseInt(c.$offset)>>0)<=((($parseInt(b.$offset)>>0)+b.$length>>0)-1>>0);};$pkg.AnyOverlap=D;$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=B.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,C,D,E,A,F,H,N,O,P,Q,R,G,I,J,K,L,M;B=$packages["crypto/cipher"];C=$packages["encoding/binary"];D=$packages["errors"];E=$packages["math/bits"];A=$packages["runtime"];F=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle"];H=$pkg.Cipher=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"chacha20.Cipher",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20",true,function(key_,counter_,nonce_,buf_,len_,overflow_,precompDone_,p1_,p5_,p9_,p13_,p2_,p6_,p10_,p14_,p3_,p7_,p11_,p15_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.key=O.zero();this.counter=0;this.nonce=P.zero();this.buf=Q.zero();this.len=0;this.overflow=false;this.precompDone=false;this.p1=0;this.p5=0;this.p9=0;this.p13=0;this.p2=0;this.p6=0;this.p10=0;this.p14=0;this.p3=0;this.p7=0;this.p11=0;this.p15=0;return;}this.key=key_;this.counter=counter_;this.nonce=nonce_;this.buf=buf_;this.len=len_;this.overflow=overflow_;this.precompDone=precompDone_;this.p1=p1_;this.p5=p5_;this.p9=p9_;this.p13=p13_;this.p2=p2_;this.p6=p6_;this.p10=p10_;this.p14=p14_;this.p3=p3_;this.p7=p7_;this.p11=p11_;this.p15=p15_;});N=$ptrType(H);O=$arrayType($Uint32,8);P=$arrayType($Uint32,3);Q=$arrayType($Uint8,64);R=$sliceType($Uint8);G=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;$unused((3>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+3]));$unused((3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]));if(false){g=(((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])>>>0));g=(g|(((((1>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+1])>>>0))<<8>>>0)))>>>0;g=(g|(((((2>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+2])>>>0))<<16>>>0)))>>>0;g=(g|(((((3>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+3])>>>0))<<24>>>0)))>>>0;g=(g^((c+d>>>0)))>>>0;(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]=((g<<24>>>24)));(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]=(((g>>>8>>>0)<<24>>>24)));(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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size")];}f=$subslice(b,0,32);g=$subslice(c,0,12);b=f;c=g;O.copy(a.key,$toNativeArray($kindUint32,[$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,0,4)),$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,4,8)),$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,8,12)),$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,12,16)),$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,16,20)),$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,20,24)),$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,24,28)),$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,28,32))]));P.copy(a.nonce,$toNativeArray($kindUint32,[$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,0,4)),$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,4,8)),$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,8,12))]));return[a,$ifaceNil];};K=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d;a=a+(b)>>>0;d=(d^(a))>>>0;d=E.RotateLeft32(d,16);c=c+(d)>>>0;b=(b^(c))>>>0;b=E.RotateLeft32(b,12);a=a+(b)>>>0;d=(d^(a))>>>0;d=E.RotateLeft32(d,8);c=c+(d)>>>0;b=(b^(c))>>>0;b=E.RotateLeft32(b,7);return[a,b,c,d];};H.ptr.prototype.SetCounter=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;d=b.counter-(c=((b.len>>>0))/64,(c===c&&c!==1/0&&c!==-1/0)?c>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>>0;if(b.overflow||a>>0)>>0)),64);}else{b.counter=a;b.len=0;}};H.prototype.SetCounter=function(a){return this.$val.SetCounter(a);};H.ptr.prototype.XORKeyStream=function(a,b){var a,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=this;if(b.$length===0){return;}if(a.$length>0));if(b.$length>0,((e<0||e>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e])));f=d;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);((h<0||h>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+h]=((((h<0||h>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+h])^i)<<24>>>24));g++;}c.len=c.len-(d.$length)>>0;j=$subslice(a,d.$length);k=$subslice(b,d.$length);a=j;b=k;}if(b.$length===0){return;}n=$div64(((l=(m=(new $Uint64(0,b.$length)),new $Uint64(m.$high+0,m.$low+64)),new $Uint64(l.$high-0,l.$low-1))),new $Uint64(0,64),false);if(c.overflow||(o=(p=(new $Uint64(0,c.counter)),new $Uint64(p.$high+n.$high,p.$low+n.$low)),(o.$high>1||(o.$high===1&&o.$low>0)))){$panic(new $String("chacha20: counter overflow"));}else if((q=(r=(new $Uint64(0,c.counter)),new $Uint64(r.$high+n.$high,r.$low+n.$low)),(q.$high===1&&q.$low===0))){c.overflow=true;}t=b.$length-(s=b.$length%64,s===s?s:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0;if(t>0){c.xorKeyStreamBlocks($subslice(a,0,t),$subslice(b,0,t));}u=$subslice(a,t);v=$subslice(b,t);a=u;b=v;if((w=(x=(new $Uint64(0,c.counter)),new $Uint64(x.$high+0,x.$low+1)),(w.$high>1||(w.$high===1&&w.$low>0)))){Q.copy(c.buf,Q.zero());z=(y=(((b.$length+64>>0)-1>>0))/64,(y===y&&y!==1/0&&y!==-1/0)?y>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));aa=$subslice(new R(c.buf),(64-($imul(z,64))>>0));$copySlice(aa,b);c.xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric(aa,aa);c.len=aa.$length-$copySlice(a,aa)>>0;return;}if(b.$length>0){Q.copy(c.buf,Q.zero());$copySlice(new R(c.buf),b);c.xorKeyStreamBlocks(new R(c.buf),new R(c.buf));c.len=64-$copySlice(a,new R(c.buf))>>0;}};H.prototype.XORKeyStream=function(a,b){return this.$val.XORKeyStream(a,b);};H.ptr.prototype.xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=this;if(!((a.$length===b.$length))||!(((d=a.$length%64,d===d?d:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))){$panic(new $String("chacha20: internal error: wrong dst and/or src length"));}e=1634760805;f=857760878;g=2036477234;h=1797285236;i=e;j=f;k=g;l=h;m=c.key[0];n=c.key[1];o=c.key[2];p=c.key[3];q=m;r=n;s=o;t=p;u=c.key[4];v=c.key[5];w=c.key[6];x=c.key[7];y=u;z=v;aa=w;ab=x;$unused(c.counter);ad=c.nonce[0];ae=c.nonce[1];af=c.nonce[2];ag=ad;ah=ae;ai=af;if(!c.precompDone){aj=K(j,r,z,ag);c.p1=aj[0];c.p5=aj[1];c.p9=aj[2];c.p13=aj[3];ak=K(k,s,aa,ah);c.p2=ak[0];c.p6=ak[1];c.p10=ak[2];c.p14=ak[3];al=K(l,t,ab,ai);c.p3=al[0];c.p7=al[1];c.p11=al[2];c.p15=al[3];c.precompDone=true;}while(true){if(!(b.$length>=64&&a.$length>=64)){break;}am=K(i,q,y,c.counter);an=am[0];ao=am[1];ap=am[2];aq=am[3];ar=K(an,c.p5,c.p10,c.p15);as=ar[0];at=ar[1];au=ar[2];av=ar[3];aw=K(c.p1,c.p6,c.p11,aq);ax=aw[0];ay=aw[1];az=aw[2];ba=aw[3];bb=K(c.p2,c.p7,ap,c.p13);bc=bb[0];bd=bb[1];be=bb[2];bf=bb[3];bg=K(c.p3,ao,c.p9,c.p14);bh=bg[0];bi=bg[1];bj=bg[2];bk=bg[3];bl=0;while(true){if(!(bl<9)){break;}bm=K(as,bi,be,ba);as=bm[0];bi=bm[1];be=bm[2];ba=bm[3];bn=K(ax,at,bj,bf);ax=bn[0];at=bn[1];bj=bn[2];bf=bn[3];bo=K(bc,ay,au,bk);bc=bo[0];ay=bo[1];au=bo[2];bk=bo[3];bp=K(bh,bd,az,av);bh=bp[0];bd=bp[1];az=bp[2];av=bp[3];bq=K(as,at,au,av);as=bq[0];at=bq[1];au=bq[2];av=bq[3];br=K(ax,ay,az,ba);ax=br[0];ay=br[1];az=br[2];ba=br[3];bs=K(bc,bd,be,bf);bc=bs[0];bd=bs[1];be=bs[2];bf=bs[3];bt=K(bh,bi,bj,bk);bh=bt[0];bi=bt[1];bj=bt[2];bk=bt[3];bl=bl+(1)>>0;}G($subslice(a,0,4),$subslice(b,0,4),as,i);G($subslice(a,4,8),$subslice(b,4,8),ax,j);G($subslice(a,8,12),$subslice(b,8,12),bc,k);G($subslice(a,12,16),$subslice(b,12,16),bh,l);G($subslice(a,16,20),$subslice(b,16,20),bi,q);G($subslice(a,20,24),$subslice(b,20,24),at,r);G($subslice(a,24,28),$subslice(b,24,28),ay,s);G($subslice(a,28,32),$subslice(b,28,32),bd,t);G($subslice(a,32,36),$subslice(b,32,36),be,y);G($subslice(a,36,40),$subslice(b,36,40),bj,z);G($subslice(a,40,44),$subslice(b,40,44),au,aa);G($subslice(a,44,48),$subslice(b,44,48),az,ab);G($subslice(a,48,52),$subslice(b,48,52),ba,c.counter);G($subslice(a,52,56),$subslice(b,52,56),bf,ag);G($subslice(a,56,60),$subslice(b,56,60),bk,ah);G($subslice(a,60,64),$subslice(b,60,64),av,ai);c.counter=c.counter+(1)>>>0;bu=$subslice(b,64);bv=$subslice(a,64);b=bu;a=bv;}};H.prototype.xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric=function(a,b){return this.$val.xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric(a,b);};L=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=$makeSlice(R,32);return M(c,a,b);};$pkg.HChaCha20=L;M=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;if(!((b.$length===32))){return[R.nil,D.New("chacha20: wrong HChaCha20 key size")];}if(!((c.$length===16))){return[R.nil,D.New("chacha20: wrong HChaCha20 nonce size")];}d=1634760805;e=857760878;f=2036477234;g=1797285236;h=d;i=e;j=f;k=g;l=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,0,4));m=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,4,8));n=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,8,12));o=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,12,16));p=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,16,20));q=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,20,24));r=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,24,28));s=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(b,28,32));t=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,0,4));u=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,4,8));v=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,8,12));w=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(c,12,16));x=0;while(true){if(!(x<10)){break;}y=K(h,l,p,t);h=y[0];l=y[1];p=y[2];t=y[3];z=K(i,m,q,u);i=z[0];m=z[1];q=z[2];u=z[3];aa=K(j,n,r,v);j=aa[0];n=aa[1];r=aa[2];v=aa[3];ab=K(k,o,s,w);k=ab[0];o=ab[1];s=ab[2];w=ab[3];ac=K(h,m,r,w);h=ac[0];m=ac[1];r=ac[2];w=ac[3];ad=K(i,n,s,t);i=ad[0];n=ad[1];s=ad[2];t=ad[3];ae=K(j,o,p,u);j=ae[0];o=ae[1];p=ae[2];u=ae[3];af=K(k,l,q,v);k=af[0];l=af[1];q=af[2];v=af[3];x=x+(1)>>0;}$unused((31>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+31]));$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(a,0,4),h);$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(a,4,8),i);$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(a,8,12),j);$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(a,12,16),k);$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(a,16,20),t);$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(a,20,24),u);$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(a,24,28),v);$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(a,28,32),w);return[a,$ifaceNil];};N.methods=[{prop:"xorKeyStreamBlocks",name:"xorKeyStreamBlocks",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20",typ:$funcType([R,R],[],false)},{prop:"SetCounter",name:"SetCounter",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Uint32],[],false)},{prop:"XORKeyStream",name:"XORKeyStream",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([R,R],[],false)},{prop:"xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric",name:"xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20",typ:$funcType([R,R],[],false)}];H.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20",[{prop:"key",name:"key",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:O,tag:""},{prop:"counter",name:"counter",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"nonce",name:"nonce",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:P,tag:""},{prop:"buf",name:"buf",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Q,tag:""},{prop:"len",name:"len",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"overflow",name:"overflow",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"precompDone",name:"precompDone",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"p1",name:"p1",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p5",name:"p5",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p9",name:"p9",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p13",name:"p13",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p2",name:"p2",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p6",name:"p6",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p10",name:"p10",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p14",name:"p14",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p3",name:"p3",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p7",name:"p7",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p11",name:"p11",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""},{prop:"p15",name:"p15",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint32,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=B.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,A,C,F,G,I,S,T,X,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,AD,H,J,K,L,M,N,O,R,U,V,W;B=$packages["crypto/subtle"];A=$packages["encoding/binary"];C=$packages["math/bits"];F=$pkg.macState=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"poly1305.macState",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305",false,function(h_,r_,s_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.h=X.zero();this.r=Y.zero();this.s=Y.zero();return;}this.h=h_;this.r=r_;this.s=s_;});G=$pkg.macGeneric=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"poly1305.macGeneric",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305",false,function(macState_,buffer_,offset_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.macState=new F.ptr(X.zero(),Y.zero(),Y.zero());this.buffer=Z.zero();this.offset=0;return;}this.macState=macState_;this.buffer=buffer_;this.offset=offset_;});I=$pkg.uint128=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"poly1305.uint128",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305",false,function(lo_,hi_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.lo=new $Uint64(0,0);this.hi=new $Uint64(0,0);return;}this.lo=lo_;this.hi=hi_;});S=$pkg.MAC=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"poly1305.MAC",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305",true,function(mac_,finalized_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.mac=new T.ptr(new G.ptr(new F.ptr(X.zero(),Y.zero(),Y.zero()),Z.zero(),0));this.finalized=false;return;}this.mac=mac_;this.finalized=finalized_;});T=$pkg.mac=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"poly1305.mac",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305",false,function(macGeneric_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.macGeneric=new G.ptr(new F.ptr(X.zero(),Y.zero(),Y.zero()),Z.zero(),0);return;}this.macGeneric=macGeneric_;});X=$arrayType($Uint64,3);Y=$arrayType($Uint64,2);Z=$arrayType($Uint8,16);AA=$sliceType($Uint8);AB=$ptrType(Z);AC=$ptrType(G);AD=$ptrType(S);G.ptr.prototype.Write=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=a.$length;if(b.offset>0){d=$copySlice($subslice(new AA(b.buffer),b.offset),a);if((b.offset+d>>0)<16){b.offset=b.offset+(d)>>0;return[c,$ifaceNil];}a=$subslice(a,d);b.offset=0;M(b.macState,new AA(b.buffer));}f=a.$length-((e=a.$length%16,e===e?e:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))>>0;if(f>0){M(b.macState,$subslice(a,0,f));a=$subslice(a,f);}if(a.$length>0){b.offset=b.offset+($copySlice($subslice(new AA(b.buffer),b.offset),a))>>0;}return[c,$ifaceNil];};G.prototype.Write=function(a){return this.$val.Write(a);};G.ptr.prototype.Sum=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=$clone(b.macState,F);if(b.offset>0){M(c,$subslice(new AA(b.buffer),0,b.offset));}O(a,c.h,c.s);};G.prototype.Sum=function(a){return this.$val.Sum(a);};H=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;b.r[0]=(c=$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new AA(a),0,8)),new $Uint64(c.$high&268435452,(c.$low&268435455)>>>0));b.r[1]=(d=$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new AA(a),8,16)),new $Uint64(d.$high&268435452,(d.$low&268435452)>>>0));b.s[0]=$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new AA(a),16,24));b.s[1]=$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new AA(a),24,32));};J=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=W(a,b);d=c[0];e=c[1];return new I.ptr(e,d);};K=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;c=U(a.lo,b.lo,new $Uint64(0,0));d=c[0];e=c[1];f=U(a.hi,b.hi,e);g=f[0];e=f[1];if(!((e.$high===0&&e.$low===0))){$panic(new $String("poly1305: unexpected overflow"));}return new I.ptr(d,g);};L=function(a){var a,b,c,d;a.lo=(b=$shiftRightUint64(a.lo,2),c=$shiftLeft64(((d=a.hi,new $Uint64(d.$high&0,(d.$low&3)>>>0))),62),new $Uint64(b.$high|c.$high,(b.$low|c.$low)>>>0));a.hi=$shiftRightUint64(a.hi,2);return a;};M=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=a.h[0];d=a.h[1];e=a.h[2];f=c;g=d;h=e;i=a.r[0];j=a.r[1];k=i;l=j;while(true){if(!(b.$length>0)){break;}m=new $Uint64(0,0);if(b.$length>=16){n=U(f,$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(b,0,8)),new $Uint64(0,0));f=n[0];m=n[1];o=U(g,$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(b,8,16)),m);g=o[0];m=o[1];h=(p=new $Uint64(m.$high+0,m.$low+1),new $Uint64(h.$high+p.$high,h.$low+p.$low));b=$subslice(b,16);}else{q=Z.zero();$copySlice(new AA(q),b);(r=b.$length,((r<0||r>=q.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q[r]=1));s=U(f,$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new AA(q),0,8)),new $Uint64(0,0));f=s[0];m=s[1];t=U(g,$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new AA(q),8,16)),m);g=t[0];m=t[1];h=(u=m,new $Uint64(h.$high+u.$high,h.$low+u.$low));b=AA.nil;}v=$clone(J(f,k),I);w=$clone(J(g,k),I);x=$clone(J(h,k),I);y=$clone(J(f,l),I);z=$clone(J(g,l),I);aa=$clone(J(h,l),I);if(!((ab=x.hi,(ab.$high===0&&ab.$low===0)))){$panic(new $String("poly1305: unexpected overflow"));}if(!((ac=aa.hi,(ac.$high===0&&ac.$low===0)))){$panic(new $String("poly1305: unexpected overflow"));}ad=$clone(v,I);ae=$clone(K($clone(w,I),$clone(y,I)),I);af=$clone(K($clone(x,I),$clone(z,I)),I);ag=$clone(aa,I);ah=ad.lo;ai=U(ae.lo,ad.hi,new $Uint64(0,0));aj=ai[0];m=ai[1];ak=U(af.lo,ae.hi,m);al=ak[0];m=ak[1];am=U(ag.lo,af.hi,m);an=am[0];ao=ah;ap=aj;aq=new $Uint64(al.$high&0,(al.$low&3)>>>0);f=ao;g=ap;h=aq;ar=new I.ptr(new $Uint64(al.$high&4294967295,(al.$low&4294967292)>>>0),an);as=U(f,ar.lo,new $Uint64(0,0));f=as[0];m=as[1];at=U(g,ar.hi,m);g=at[0];m=at[1];h=(au=m,new $Uint64(h.$high+au.$high,h.$low+au.$low));I.copy(ar,L($clone(ar,I)));av=U(f,ar.lo,new $Uint64(0,0));f=av[0];m=av[1];aw=U(g,ar.hi,m);g=aw[0];m=aw[1];h=(ax=m,new $Uint64(h.$high+ax.$high,h.$low+ax.$low));}ay=f;az=g;ba=h;a.h[0]=ay;a.h[1]=az;a.h[2]=ba;};N=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;return(d=(e=(f=new $Uint64(a.$high-0,a.$low-1),new $Uint64(~f.$high,~f.$low>>>0)),new $Uint64(e.$high&b.$high,(e.$low&b.$low)>>>0)),g=(h=new $Uint64(a.$high-0,a.$low-1),new $Uint64(h.$high&c.$high,(h.$low&c.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high|g.$high,(d.$low|g.$low)>>>0));};O=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;d=b[0];e=b[1];f=b[2];g=d;h=e;i=f;j=V(g,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967291),new $Uint64(0,0));k=j[0];l=j[1];m=V(h,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),l);n=m[0];l=m[1];o=V(i,new $Uint64(0,3),l);l=o[1];g=N(l,g,k);h=N(l,h,n);p=U(g,c[0],new $Uint64(0,0));g=p[0];q=p[1];r=U(h,c[1],q);h=r[0];$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new AA(a),0,8),g);$clone(A.LittleEndian,A.littleEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new AA(a),8,16),h);};R=function(a){var a,b;b=new S.ptr(new T.ptr(new G.ptr(new F.ptr(X.zero(),Y.zero(),Y.zero()),Z.zero(),0)),false);H(a,b.mac.macGeneric.macState);return b;};$pkg.New=R;S.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var a;a=this;return 16;};S.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};S.ptr.prototype.Write=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;if(d.finalized){$panic(new $String("poly1305: write to MAC after Sum or Verify"));}e=d.mac.macGeneric.Write(a);b=e[0];c=e[1];return[b,c];};S.prototype.Write=function(a){return this.$val.Write(a);};S.ptr.prototype.Sum=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=Z.zero();b.mac.macGeneric.Sum(c);b.finalized=true;return $appendSlice(a,new AA(c));};S.prototype.Sum=function(a){return this.$val.Sum(a);};S.ptr.prototype.Verify=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;c=Z.zero();b.mac.macGeneric.Sum(c);b.finalized=true;return B.ConstantTimeCompare(a,new AA(c))===1;};S.prototype.Verify=function(a){return this.$val.Verify(a);};U=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f;d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=C.Add64(a,b,c);d=f[0];e=f[1];return[d,e];};V=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f;d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=new $Uint64(0,0);f=C.Sub64(a,b,c);d=f[0];e=f[1];return[d,e];};W=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=new $Uint64(0,0);d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=C.Mul64(a,b);c=e[0];d=e[1];return[c,d];};AC.methods=[{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Sum",name:"Sum",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AB],[],false)}];AD.methods=[{prop:"Size",name:"Size",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Write",name:"Write",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Sum",name:"Sum",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA],[AA],false)},{prop:"Verify",name:"Verify",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AA],[$Bool],false)}];F.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305",[{prop:"h",name:"h",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:X,tag:""},{prop:"r",name:"r",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Y,tag:""},{prop:"s",name:"s",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Y,tag:""}]);G.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305",[{prop:"macState",name:"macState",embedded:true,exported:false,typ:F,tag:""},{prop:"buffer",name:"buffer",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""},{prop:"offset",name:"offset",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""}]);I.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305",[{prop:"lo",name:"lo",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""},{prop:"hi",name:"hi",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""}]);S.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305",[{prop:"mac",name:"mac",embedded:true,exported:false,typ:T,tag:""},{prop:"finalized",name:"finalized",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);T.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305",[{prop:"macGeneric",name:"macGeneric",embedded:true,exported:false,typ:G,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=B.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,D,B,C,E,F,K,O,P,Q,R,T,M,I,J,L,N;A=$packages["crypto/cipher"];D=$packages["encoding/binary"];B=$packages["errors"];C=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20"];E=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305"];F=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle"];K=$pkg.chacha20poly1305=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"chacha20poly1305.chacha20poly1305",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305",false,function(key_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.key=O.zero();return;}this.key=key_;});O=$arrayType($Uint8,32);P=$sliceType($Uint8);Q=$arrayType($Uint8,16);R=$arrayType($Uint8,8);T=$ptrType(K);K.ptr.prototype.seal=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e;e=this;return e.sealGeneric(a,b,c,d);};K.prototype.seal=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.seal(a,b,c,d);};K.ptr.prototype.open=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e;e=this;return e.openGeneric(a,b,c,d);};K.prototype.open=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.open(a,b,c,d);};I=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f;a.Write(b);d=(c=b.$length%16,c===c?c:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(!((d===0))){e=Q.zero();f=16-d>>0;a.Write($subslice(new P(e),0,f));}};J=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=R.zero();$clone(D.LittleEndian,D.littleEndian).PutUint64(new P(c),(new $Uint64(0,b)));a.Write(new P(c));};K.ptr.prototype.sealGeneric=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;e=this;f=N(a,c.$length+16>>0);g=f[0];h=f[1];i=$subslice(h,0,c.$length);j=$subslice(h,c.$length);k=i;l=j;if(F.InexactOverlap(h,c)){$panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: invalid buffer overlap"));}m=O.zero();n=C.NewUnauthenticatedCipher(new P(e.key),b);o=n[0];o.XORKeyStream(new P(m),new P(m));o.SetCounter(1);o.XORKeyStream(k,c);p=E.New(m);I(p,d);I(p,k);J(p,d.$length);J(p,c.$length);p.Sum($subslice(l,0,0));return g;};K.prototype.sealGeneric=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.sealGeneric(a,b,c,d);};K.ptr.prototype.openGeneric=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;e=this;f=$subslice(c,(c.$length-16>>0));c=$subslice(c,0,(c.$length-16>>0));g=O.zero();h=C.NewUnauthenticatedCipher(new P(e.key),b);i=h[0];i.XORKeyStream(new P(g),new P(g));i.SetCounter(1);j=E.New(g);I(j,d);I(j,c);J(j,d.$length);J(j,c.$length);k=N(a,c.$length);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(F.InexactOverlap(m,c)){$panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: invalid buffer overlap"));}if(!j.Verify(f)){n=m;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+p]=0);o++;}return[P.nil,M];}i.XORKeyStream(m,c);return[l,$ifaceNil];};K.prototype.openGeneric=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.openGeneric(a,b,c,d);};L=function(a){var a,b;if(!((a.$length===32))){return[$ifaceNil,B.New("chacha20poly1305: bad key length")];}b=new K.ptr(O.zero());$copySlice(new P(b.key),a);return[b,$ifaceNil];};$pkg.New=L;K.ptr.prototype.NonceSize=function(){var a;a=this;return 12;};K.prototype.NonceSize=function(){return this.$val.NonceSize();};K.ptr.prototype.Overhead=function(){var a;a=this;return 16;};K.prototype.Overhead=function(){return this.$val.Overhead();};K.ptr.prototype.Seal=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f;e=this;if(!((b.$length===12))){$panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: bad nonce length passed to Seal"));}if((f=(new $Uint64(0,c.$length)),(f.$high>63||(f.$high===63&&f.$low>4294967232)))){$panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: plaintext too large"));}return e.seal(a,b,c,d);};K.prototype.Seal=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.Seal(a,b,c,d);};K.ptr.prototype.Open=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d,e,f;e=this;if(!((b.$length===12))){$panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: bad nonce length passed to Open"));}if(c.$length<16){return[P.nil,M];}if((f=(new $Uint64(0,c.$length)),(f.$high>63||(f.$high===63&&f.$low>4294967248)))){$panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: ciphertext too large"));}return e.open(a,b,c,d);};K.prototype.Open=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.Open(a,b,c,d);};N=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=P.nil;d=P.nil;e=a.$length+b>>0;if(a.$capacity>=e){c=$subslice(a,0,e);}else{c=$makeSlice(P,e);$copySlice(c,a);}d=$subslice(c,a.$length);return[c,d];};T.methods=[{prop:"seal",name:"seal",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305",typ:$funcType([P,P,P,P],[P],false)},{prop:"open",name:"open",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305",typ:$funcType([P,P,P,P],[P,$error],false)},{prop:"sealGeneric",name:"sealGeneric",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305",typ:$funcType([P,P,P,P],[P],false)},{prop:"openGeneric",name:"openGeneric",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305",typ:$funcType([P,P,P,P],[P,$error],false)},{prop:"NonceSize",name:"NonceSize",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Overhead",name:"Overhead",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Seal",name:"Seal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([P,P,P,P],[P],false)},{prop:"Open",name:"Open",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([P,P,P,P],[P,$error],false)}];K.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305",[{prop:"key",name:"key",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:O,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}M=B.New("chacha20poly1305: message authentication failed");}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,C,A,D,L,R,S,T,U,V,M,N,Q,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,O,P;B=$packages["crypto/subtle"];C=$packages["encoding/binary"];A=$packages["math/bits"];D=$pkg.uint128=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"field.uint128",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field",false,function(lo_,hi_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.lo=new $Uint64(0,0);this.hi=new $Uint64(0,0);return;}this.lo=lo_;this.hi=hi_;});L=$pkg.Element=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"field.Element",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field",true,function(l0_,l1_,l2_,l3_,l4_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.l0=new $Uint64(0,0);this.l1=new $Uint64(0,0);this.l2=new $Uint64(0,0);this.l3=new $Uint64(0,0);this.l4=new $Uint64(0,0);return;}this.l0=l0_;this.l1=l1_;this.l2=l2_;this.l3=l3_;this.l4=l4_;});R=$arrayType($Uint8,32);S=$arrayType($Uint8,8);T=$sliceType($Uint8);U=$ptrType(L);V=$ptrType(R);E=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=A.Mul64(a,b);d=c[0];e=c[1];return new D.ptr(e,d);};F=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;d=A.Mul64(b,c);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=A.Add64(f,a.lo,new $Uint64(0,0));f=g[0];h=g[1];i=A.Add64(e,a.hi,h);e=i[0];return new D.ptr(f,e);};G=function(a){var a,b,c;return(b=$shiftLeft64(a.hi,13),c=$shiftRightUint64(a.lo,51),new $Uint64(b.$high|c.$high,(b.$low|c.$low)>>>0));};H=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=b.l0;e=b.l1;f=b.l2;g=b.l3;h=b.l4;i=c.l0;j=c.l1;k=c.l2;l=c.l3;m=c.l4;n=$mul64(e,new $Uint64(0,19));o=$mul64(f,new $Uint64(0,19));p=$mul64(g,new $Uint64(0,19));q=$mul64(h,new $Uint64(0,19));r=$clone(E(d,i),D);D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),n,m));D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),o,l));D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),p,k));D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),q,j));s=$clone(E(d,j),D);D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),e,i));D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),o,m));D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),p,l));D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),q,k));t=$clone(E(d,k),D);D.copy(t,F($clone(t,D),e,j));D.copy(t,F($clone(t,D),f,i));D.copy(t,F($clone(t,D),p,m));D.copy(t,F($clone(t,D),q,l));u=$clone(E(d,l),D);D.copy(u,F($clone(u,D),e,k));D.copy(u,F($clone(u,D),f,j));D.copy(u,F($clone(u,D),g,i));D.copy(u,F($clone(u,D),q,m));v=$clone(E(d,m),D);D.copy(v,F($clone(v,D),e,l));D.copy(v,F($clone(v,D),f,k));D.copy(v,F($clone(v,D),g,j));D.copy(v,F($clone(v,D),h,i));w=G($clone(r,D));x=G($clone(s,D));y=G($clone(t,D));z=G($clone(u,D));aa=G($clone(v,D));ae=(ab=(ac=r.lo,new $Uint64(ac.$high&524287,(ac.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),ad=$mul64(aa,new $Uint64(0,19)),new $Uint64(ab.$high+ad.$high,ab.$low+ad.$low));ah=(af=(ag=s.lo,new $Uint64(ag.$high&524287,(ag.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(af.$high+w.$high,af.$low+w.$low));ak=(ai=(aj=t.lo,new $Uint64(aj.$high&524287,(aj.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(ai.$high+x.$high,ai.$low+x.$low));an=(al=(am=u.lo,new $Uint64(am.$high&524287,(am.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(al.$high+y.$high,al.$low+y.$low));aq=(ao=(ap=v.lo,new $Uint64(ap.$high&524287,(ap.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(ao.$high+z.$high,ao.$low+z.$low));L.copy(a,new L.ptr(ae,ah,ak,an,aq));a.carryPropagate();};I=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=b.l0;d=b.l1;e=b.l2;f=b.l3;g=b.l4;h=$mul64(c,new $Uint64(0,2));i=$mul64(d,new $Uint64(0,2));j=$mul64(d,new $Uint64(0,38));k=$mul64(e,new $Uint64(0,38));l=$mul64(f,new $Uint64(0,38));m=$mul64(f,new $Uint64(0,19));n=$mul64(g,new $Uint64(0,19));o=$clone(E(c,c),D);D.copy(o,F($clone(o,D),j,g));D.copy(o,F($clone(o,D),k,f));p=$clone(E(h,d),D);D.copy(p,F($clone(p,D),k,g));D.copy(p,F($clone(p,D),m,f));q=$clone(E(h,e),D);D.copy(q,F($clone(q,D),d,d));D.copy(q,F($clone(q,D),l,g));r=$clone(E(h,f),D);D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),i,e));D.copy(r,F($clone(r,D),n,g));s=$clone(E(h,g),D);D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),i,f));D.copy(s,F($clone(s,D),e,e));t=G($clone(o,D));u=G($clone(p,D));v=G($clone(q,D));w=G($clone(r,D));x=G($clone(s,D));ab=(y=(z=o.lo,new $Uint64(z.$high&524287,(z.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),aa=$mul64(x,new $Uint64(0,19)),new $Uint64(y.$high+aa.$high,y.$low+aa.$low));ae=(ac=(ad=p.lo,new $Uint64(ad.$high&524287,(ad.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(ac.$high+t.$high,ac.$low+t.$low));ah=(af=(ag=q.lo,new $Uint64(ag.$high&524287,(ag.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(af.$high+u.$high,af.$low+u.$low));ak=(ai=(aj=r.lo,new $Uint64(aj.$high&524287,(aj.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(ai.$high+v.$high,ai.$low+v.$low));an=(al=(am=s.lo,new $Uint64(am.$high&524287,(am.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(al.$high+w.$high,al.$low+w.$low));L.copy(a,new L.ptr(ab,ae,ah,ak,an));a.carryPropagate();};L.ptr.prototype.carryPropagateGeneric=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;a=this;b=$shiftRightUint64(a.l0,51);c=$shiftRightUint64(a.l1,51);d=$shiftRightUint64(a.l2,51);e=$shiftRightUint64(a.l3,51);f=$shiftRightUint64(a.l4,51);a.l0=(g=(h=a.l0,new $Uint64(h.$high&524287,(h.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),i=$mul64(f,new $Uint64(0,19)),new $Uint64(g.$high+i.$high,g.$low+i.$low));a.l1=(j=(k=a.l1,new $Uint64(k.$high&524287,(k.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(j.$high+b.$high,j.$low+b.$low));a.l2=(l=(m=a.l2,new $Uint64(m.$high&524287,(m.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(l.$high+c.$high,l.$low+c.$low));a.l3=(n=(o=a.l3,new $Uint64(o.$high&524287,(o.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(n.$high+d.$high,n.$low+d.$low));a.l4=(p=(q=a.l4,new $Uint64(q.$high&524287,(q.$low&4294967295)>>>0)),new $Uint64(p.$high+e.$high,p.$low+e.$low));return a;};L.prototype.carryPropagateGeneric=function(){return this.$val.carryPropagateGeneric();};L.ptr.prototype.carryPropagate=function(){var a;a=this;return a.carryPropagateGeneric();};L.prototype.carryPropagate=function(){return this.$val.carryPropagate();};J=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c;H(a,b,c);};K=function(a,b){var a,b;I(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.Zero=function(){var a;a=this;L.copy(a,M);return a;};L.prototype.Zero=function(){return this.$val.Zero();};L.ptr.prototype.One=function(){var a;a=this;L.copy(a,N);return a;};L.prototype.One=function(){return this.$val.One();};L.ptr.prototype.reduce=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v;a=this;a.carryPropagate();c=$shiftRightUint64(((b=a.l0,new $Uint64(b.$high+0,b.$low+19))),51);c=$shiftRightUint64(((d=a.l1,new $Uint64(d.$high+c.$high,d.$low+c.$low))),51);c=$shiftRightUint64(((e=a.l2,new $Uint64(e.$high+c.$high,e.$low+c.$low))),51);c=$shiftRightUint64(((f=a.l3,new $Uint64(f.$high+c.$high,f.$low+c.$low))),51);c=$shiftRightUint64(((g=a.l4,new $Uint64(g.$high+c.$high,g.$low+c.$low))),51);a.l0=(h=a.l0,i=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,19),c),new $Uint64(h.$high+i.$high,h.$low+i.$low));a.l1=(j=a.l1,k=$shiftRightUint64(a.l0,51),new $Uint64(j.$high+k.$high,j.$low+k.$low));a.l0=(l=a.l0,new $Uint64(l.$high&524287,(l.$low&4294967295)>>>0));a.l2=(m=a.l2,n=$shiftRightUint64(a.l1,51),new $Uint64(m.$high+n.$high,m.$low+n.$low));a.l1=(o=a.l1,new $Uint64(o.$high&524287,(o.$low&4294967295)>>>0));a.l3=(p=a.l3,q=$shiftRightUint64(a.l2,51),new $Uint64(p.$high+q.$high,p.$low+q.$low));a.l2=(r=a.l2,new $Uint64(r.$high&524287,(r.$low&4294967295)>>>0));a.l4=(s=a.l4,t=$shiftRightUint64(a.l3,51),new $Uint64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low));a.l3=(u=a.l3,new $Uint64(u.$high&524287,(u.$low&4294967295)>>>0));a.l4=(v=a.l4,new $Uint64(v.$high&524287,(v.$low&4294967295)>>>0));return a;};L.prototype.reduce=function(){return this.$val.reduce();};L.ptr.prototype.Add=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;c=this;c.l0=(d=a.l0,e=b.l0,new $Uint64(d.$high+e.$high,d.$low+e.$low));c.l1=(f=a.l1,g=b.l1,new $Uint64(f.$high+g.$high,f.$low+g.$low));c.l2=(h=a.l2,i=b.l2,new $Uint64(h.$high+i.$high,h.$low+i.$low));c.l3=(j=a.l3,k=b.l3,new $Uint64(j.$high+k.$high,j.$low+k.$low));c.l4=(l=a.l4,m=b.l4,new $Uint64(l.$high+m.$high,l.$low+m.$low));return c.carryPropagateGeneric();};L.prototype.Add=function(a,b){return this.$val.Add(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.Subtract=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;c=this;c.l0=(d=(e=a.l0,new $Uint64(e.$high+1048575,e.$low+4294967258)),f=b.l0,new $Uint64(d.$high-f.$high,d.$low-f.$low));c.l1=(g=(h=a.l1,new $Uint64(h.$high+1048575,h.$low+4294967294)),i=b.l1,new $Uint64(g.$high-i.$high,g.$low-i.$low));c.l2=(j=(k=a.l2,new $Uint64(k.$high+1048575,k.$low+4294967294)),l=b.l2,new $Uint64(j.$high-l.$high,j.$low-l.$low));c.l3=(m=(n=a.l3,new $Uint64(n.$high+1048575,n.$low+4294967294)),o=b.l3,new $Uint64(m.$high-o.$high,m.$low-o.$low));c.l4=(p=(q=a.l4,new $Uint64(q.$high+1048575,q.$low+4294967294)),r=b.l4,new $Uint64(p.$high-r.$high,p.$low-r.$low));return c.carryPropagate();};L.prototype.Subtract=function(a,b){return this.$val.Subtract(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.Negate=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return b.Subtract(M,a);};L.prototype.Negate=function(a){return this.$val.Negate(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Invert=function(a){var a,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=this;c=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));d=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));e=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));f=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));i=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));j=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));k=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));l=$clone(c,L);m=$clone(d,L);n=$clone(e,L);o=$clone(f,L);p=$clone(g,L);q=$clone(h,L);r=$clone(i,L);s=$clone(j,L);t=$clone(k,L);l.Square(a);t.Square(l);t.Square(t);m.Multiply(t,a);n.Multiply(m,l);t.Square(n);o.Multiply(t,m);t.Square(o);u=0;while(true){if(!(u<4)){break;}t.Square(t);u=u+(1)>>0;}p.Multiply(t,o);t.Square(p);v=0;while(true){if(!(v<9)){break;}t.Square(t);v=v+(1)>>0;}q.Multiply(t,p);t.Square(q);w=0;while(true){if(!(w<19)){break;}t.Square(t);w=w+(1)>>0;}t.Multiply(t,q);t.Square(t);x=0;while(true){if(!(x<9)){break;}t.Square(t);x=x+(1)>>0;}r.Multiply(t,p);t.Square(r);y=0;while(true){if(!(y<49)){break;}t.Square(t);y=y+(1)>>0;}s.Multiply(t,r);t.Square(s);z=0;while(true){if(!(z<99)){break;}t.Square(t);z=z+(1)>>0;}t.Multiply(t,s);t.Square(t);aa=0;while(true){if(!(aa<49)){break;}t.Square(t);aa=aa+(1)>>0;}t.Multiply(t,r);t.Square(t);t.Square(t);t.Square(t);t.Square(t);t.Square(t);return b.Multiply(t,n);};L.prototype.Invert=function(a){return this.$val.Invert(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Set=function(a){var a,b;b=this;L.copy(b,a);return b;};L.prototype.Set=function(a){return this.$val.Set(a);};L.ptr.prototype.SetBytes=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;b=this;if(!((a.$length===32))){$panic(new $String("edwards25519: invalid field element input size"));}b.l0=$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,0,8));b.l0=(c=b.l0,d=new $Uint64(524287,4294967295),new $Uint64(c.$high&d.$high,(c.$low&d.$low)>>>0));b.l1=$shiftRightUint64($clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,6,14)),3);b.l1=(e=b.l1,f=new $Uint64(524287,4294967295),new $Uint64(e.$high&f.$high,(e.$low&f.$low)>>>0));b.l2=$shiftRightUint64($clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,12,20)),6);b.l2=(g=b.l2,h=new $Uint64(524287,4294967295),new $Uint64(g.$high&h.$high,(g.$low&h.$low)>>>0));b.l3=$shiftRightUint64($clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,19,27)),1);b.l3=(i=b.l3,j=new $Uint64(524287,4294967295),new $Uint64(i.$high&j.$high,(i.$low&j.$low)>>>0));b.l4=$shiftRightUint64($clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(a,24,32)),12);b.l4=(k=b.l4,l=new $Uint64(524287,4294967295),new $Uint64(k.$high&l.$high,(k.$low&l.$low)>>>0));return b;};L.prototype.SetBytes=function(a){return this.$val.SetBytes(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Bytes=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=R.zero();return a.bytes(b);};L.prototype.Bytes=function(){return this.$val.Bytes();};L.ptr.prototype.bytes=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;b=this;c=$clone(b,L);c.reduce();d=S.zero();e=$toNativeArray($kindUint64,[c.l0,c.l1,c.l2,c.l3,c.l4]);f=0;while(true){if(!(f<5)){break;}g=f;h=((f<0||f>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[f]);i=$imul(g,51);$clone(C.LittleEndian,C.littleEndian).PutUint64(new T(d),$shiftLeft64(h,(((j=i%8,j===j?j:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>>0))));k=d;l=0;while(true){if(!(l<8)){break;}m=l;n=((l<0||l>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[l]);p=(o=i/8,(o===o&&o!==1/0&&o!==-1/0)?o>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))+m>>0;if(p>=32){break;}(r=a,((p<0||p>=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[p]=(((q=a,((p<0||p>=q.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q[p]))|(n))>>>0)));l++;}f++;}return new T(a);};L.prototype.bytes=function(a){return this.$val.bytes(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Equal=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=a.Bytes();d=b.Bytes();e=c;f=d;return B.ConstantTimeCompare(e,f);};L.prototype.Equal=function(a){return this.$val.Equal(a);};O=function(a){var a,b,c;return(b=(c=(new $Uint64(0,a)),new $Uint64(c.$high-0,c.$low-1)),new $Uint64(~b.$high,~b.$low>>>0));};L.ptr.prototype.Select=function(a,b,c){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;d=this;e=O(c);d.l0=(f=(g=a.l0,new $Uint64(e.$high&g.$high,(e.$low&g.$low)>>>0)),h=(i=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),j=b.l0,new $Uint64(i.$high&j.$high,(i.$low&j.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(f.$high|h.$high,(f.$low|h.$low)>>>0));d.l1=(k=(l=a.l1,new $Uint64(e.$high&l.$high,(e.$low&l.$low)>>>0)),m=(n=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),o=b.l1,new $Uint64(n.$high&o.$high,(n.$low&o.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(k.$high|m.$high,(k.$low|m.$low)>>>0));d.l2=(p=(q=a.l2,new $Uint64(e.$high&q.$high,(e.$low&q.$low)>>>0)),r=(s=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),t=b.l2,new $Uint64(s.$high&t.$high,(s.$low&t.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(p.$high|r.$high,(p.$low|r.$low)>>>0));d.l3=(u=(v=a.l3,new $Uint64(e.$high&v.$high,(e.$low&v.$low)>>>0)),w=(x=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),y=b.l3,new $Uint64(x.$high&y.$high,(x.$low&y.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(u.$high|w.$high,(u.$low|w.$low)>>>0));d.l4=(z=(aa=a.l4,new $Uint64(e.$high&aa.$high,(e.$low&aa.$low)>>>0)),ab=(ac=new $Uint64(~e.$high,~e.$low>>>0),ad=b.l4,new $Uint64(ac.$high&ad.$high,(ac.$low&ad.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(z.$high|ab.$high,(z.$low|ab.$low)>>>0));return d;};L.prototype.Select=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.Select(a,b,c);};L.ptr.prototype.Swap=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=this;d=O(b);h=(e=(f=c.l0,g=a.l0,new $Uint64(f.$high^g.$high,(f.$low^g.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high&e.$high,(d.$low&e.$low)>>>0));c.l0=(i=c.l0,j=h,new $Uint64(i.$high^j.$high,(i.$low^j.$low)>>>0));a.l0=(k=a.l0,l=h,new $Uint64(k.$high^l.$high,(k.$low^l.$low)>>>0));h=(m=(n=c.l1,o=a.l1,new $Uint64(n.$high^o.$high,(n.$low^o.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high&m.$high,(d.$low&m.$low)>>>0));c.l1=(p=c.l1,q=h,new $Uint64(p.$high^q.$high,(p.$low^q.$low)>>>0));a.l1=(r=a.l1,s=h,new $Uint64(r.$high^s.$high,(r.$low^s.$low)>>>0));h=(t=(u=c.l2,v=a.l2,new $Uint64(u.$high^v.$high,(u.$low^v.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high&t.$high,(d.$low&t.$low)>>>0));c.l2=(w=c.l2,x=h,new $Uint64(w.$high^x.$high,(w.$low^x.$low)>>>0));a.l2=(y=a.l2,z=h,new $Uint64(y.$high^z.$high,(y.$low^z.$low)>>>0));h=(aa=(ab=c.l3,ac=a.l3,new $Uint64(ab.$high^ac.$high,(ab.$low^ac.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high&aa.$high,(d.$low&aa.$low)>>>0));c.l3=(ad=c.l3,ae=h,new $Uint64(ad.$high^ae.$high,(ad.$low^ae.$low)>>>0));a.l3=(af=a.l3,ag=h,new $Uint64(af.$high^ag.$high,(af.$low^ag.$low)>>>0));h=(ah=(ai=c.l4,aj=a.l4,new $Uint64(ai.$high^aj.$high,(ai.$low^aj.$low)>>>0)),new $Uint64(d.$high&ah.$high,(d.$low&ah.$low)>>>0));c.l4=(ak=c.l4,al=h,new $Uint64(ak.$high^al.$high,(ak.$low^al.$low)>>>0));a.l4=(am=a.l4,an=h,new $Uint64(am.$high^an.$high,(am.$low^an.$low)>>>0));};L.prototype.Swap=function(a,b){return this.$val.Swap(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.IsNegative=function(){var a,b;a=this;return(((((b=a.Bytes(),(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]))&1)>>>0)>>0));};L.prototype.IsNegative=function(){return this.$val.IsNegative();};L.ptr.prototype.Absolute=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return b.Select(new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0)).Negate(a),a,a.IsNegative());};L.prototype.Absolute=function(a){return this.$val.Absolute(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Multiply=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;J(c,a,b);return c;};L.prototype.Multiply=function(a,b){return this.$val.Multiply(a,b);};L.ptr.prototype.Square=function(a){var a,b;b=this;K(b,a);return b;};L.prototype.Square=function(a){return this.$val.Square(a);};L.ptr.prototype.Mult32=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;c=this;d=P(a.l0,b);e=d[0];f=d[1];g=P(a.l1,b);h=g[0];i=g[1];j=P(a.l2,b);k=j[0];l=j[1];m=P(a.l3,b);n=m[0];o=m[1];p=P(a.l4,b);q=p[0];r=p[1];c.l0=(s=$mul64(new $Uint64(0,19),r),new $Uint64(e.$high+s.$high,e.$low+s.$low));c.l1=new $Uint64(h.$high+f.$high,h.$low+f.$low);c.l2=new $Uint64(k.$high+i.$high,k.$low+i.$low);c.l3=new $Uint64(n.$high+l.$high,n.$low+l.$low);c.l4=new $Uint64(q.$high+o.$high,q.$low+o.$low);return c;};L.prototype.Mult32=function(a,b){return this.$val.Mult32(a,b);};P=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=new $Uint64(0,0);d=new $Uint64(0,0);e=A.Mul64(a,(new $Uint64(0,b)));f=e[0];g=e[1];c=new $Uint64(g.$high&524287,(g.$low&4294967295)>>>0);d=(h=$shiftLeft64(f,13),i=$shiftRightUint64(g,51),new $Uint64(h.$high|i.$high,(h.$low|i.$low)>>>0));return[c,d];};L.ptr.prototype.Pow22523=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;b=this;c=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));d=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));e=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));f=$clone(c,L);g=$clone(d,L);h=$clone(e,L);f.Square(a);g.Square(f);g.Square(g);g.Multiply(a,g);f.Multiply(f,g);f.Square(f);f.Multiply(g,f);g.Square(f);i=1;while(true){if(!(i<5)){break;}g.Square(g);i=i+(1)>>0;}f.Multiply(g,f);g.Square(f);j=1;while(true){if(!(j<10)){break;}g.Square(g);j=j+(1)>>0;}g.Multiply(g,f);h.Square(g);k=1;while(true){if(!(k<20)){break;}h.Square(h);k=k+(1)>>0;}g.Multiply(h,g);g.Square(g);l=1;while(true){if(!(l<10)){break;}g.Square(g);l=l+(1)>>0;}f.Multiply(g,f);g.Square(f);m=1;while(true){if(!(m<50)){break;}g.Square(g);m=m+(1)>>0;}g.Multiply(g,f);h.Square(g);n=1;while(true){if(!(n<100)){break;}h.Square(h);n=n+(1)>>0;}g.Multiply(h,g);g.Square(g);o=1;while(true){if(!(o<50)){break;}g.Square(g);o=o+(1)>>0;}f.Multiply(g,f);f.Square(f);f.Square(f);return b.Multiply(f,a);};L.prototype.Pow22523=function(a){return this.$val.Pow22523(a);};L.ptr.prototype.SqrtRatio=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;c=U.nil;d=0;e=this;f=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=$clone(f,L);i=$clone(g,L);j=h.Square(b);k=i.Multiply(a,i.Multiply(j,b));l=h.Multiply(k,h.Square(j));e.Multiply(k,e.Pow22523(l));m=h.Multiply(b,h.Square(e));n=i.Negate(a);o=m.Equal(a);p=m.Equal(n);q=m.Equal(n.Multiply(n,Q));r=i.Multiply(e,Q);e.Select(r,e,p|q);e.Absolute(e);s=e;t=o|p;c=s;d=t;return[c,d];};L.prototype.SqrtRatio=function(a,b){return this.$val.SqrtRatio(a,b);};U.methods=[{prop:"carryPropagateGeneric",name:"carryPropagateGeneric",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field",typ:$funcType([],[U],false)},{prop:"carryPropagate",name:"carryPropagate",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field",typ:$funcType([],[U],false)},{prop:"Zero",name:"Zero",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[U],false)},{prop:"One",name:"One",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[U],false)},{prop:"reduce",name:"reduce",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field",typ:$funcType([],[U],false)},{prop:"Add",name:"Add",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U,U],[U],false)},{prop:"Subtract",name:"Subtract",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U,U],[U],false)},{prop:"Negate",name:"Negate",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U],[U],false)},{prop:"Invert",name:"Invert",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U],[U],false)},{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U],[U],false)},{prop:"SetBytes",name:"SetBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([T],[U],false)},{prop:"Bytes",name:"Bytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[T],false)},{prop:"bytes",name:"bytes",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field",typ:$funcType([V],[T],false)},{prop:"Equal",name:"Equal",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Select",name:"Select",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U,U,$Int],[U],false)},{prop:"Swap",name:"Swap",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U,$Int],[],false)},{prop:"IsNegative",name:"IsNegative",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"Absolute",name:"Absolute",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U],[U],false)},{prop:"Multiply",name:"Multiply",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U,U],[U],false)},{prop:"Square",name:"Square",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U],[U],false)},{prop:"Mult32",name:"Mult32",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U,$Uint32],[U],false)},{prop:"Pow22523",name:"Pow22523",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U],[U],false)},{prop:"SqrtRatio",name:"SqrtRatio",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([U,U],[U,$Int],false)}];D.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field",[{prop:"lo",name:"lo",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""},{prop:"hi",name:"hi",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""}]);L.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field",[{prop:"l0",name:"l0",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""},{prop:"l1",name:"l1",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""},{prop:"l2",name:"l2",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""},{prop:"l3",name:"l3",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""},{prop:"l4",name:"l4",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint64,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=B.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}M=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));N=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(0,1),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));Q=new L.ptr(new $Uint64(400167,1242472624),new $Uint64(54693,4237236381),new $Uint64(520030,2629635168),new $Uint64(492949,2793426078),new $Uint64(178226,1208286237));}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,K,M,N,O,F,L,D,E,G,H,I,J;A=$packages["crypto/subtle"];B=$packages["fmt"];C=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field"];K=$sliceType($Uint8);M=$arrayType($Uint8,32);N=$sliceType($emptyInterface);O=$ptrType($Uint8);D=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x;d=M.zero();$copySlice(new K(d),new K(b));d[0]=((d[0]&(248))>>>0);d[31]=((d[31]&(127))>>>0);d[31]=((d[31]|(64))>>>0);e=new C.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));f=new C.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));g=new C.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));h=new C.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));i=new C.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));j=new C.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));k=new C.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0),new $Uint64(0,0));l=$clone(e,C.Element);m=$clone(f,C.Element);n=$clone(g,C.Element);o=$clone(h,C.Element);p=$clone(i,C.Element);q=$clone(j,C.Element);r=$clone(k,C.Element);l.SetBytes(new K(c));m.One();o.Set(l);p.One();s=0;t=254;while(true){if(!(t>=0)){break;}x=(u=(((t&7)>>>0)),u<32?((v=(w=t/8,(w===w&&w!==1/0&&w!==-1/0)?w>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")),((v<0||v>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[v]))>>>u):0)<<24>>>24;x=(x&(1))>>>0;s=(s^(((x>>0))))>>0;m.Swap(o,s);n.Swap(p,s);s=((x>>0));q.Subtract(o,p);r.Subtract(m,n);m.Add(m,n);n.Add(o,p);p.Multiply(q,m);n.Multiply(n,r);q.Square(r);r.Square(m);o.Add(p,n);n.Subtract(p,n);m.Multiply(r,q);r.Subtract(r,q);n.Square(n);p.Mult32(r,121666);o.Square(o);q.Add(q,p);p.Multiply(l,n);n.Multiply(r,q);t=t-(1)>>0;}m.Swap(o,s);n.Swap(p,s);n.Invert(n);m.Multiply(m,n);$copySlice(new K(a),m.Bytes());};$pkg.ScalarMult=D;E=function(a,b){var a,b;D(a,b,F);};$pkg.ScalarBaseMult=E;G=function(){$pkg.Basepoint=new K(F);};H=function(){if(!((A.ConstantTimeCompare($pkg.Basepoint,new K([9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]))===1))){$panic(new $String("curve25519: global Basepoint value was modified"));}};I=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=[c];c[0]=M.zero();d=J(c[0],a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:I,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.X25519=I;J=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];e[0]=M.zero();f=b.$length;if(!((f===32))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=B.Errorf("bad scalar length: %d, expected %d",new N([new $Int(f),new $Int(32)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=[K.nil,g];$s=4;case 4:return h;case 2:i=c.$length;if(!((i===32))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=B.Errorf("bad point length: %d, expected %d",new N([new $Int(i),new $Int(32)]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=[K.nil,j];$s=8;case 8:return k;case 6:$copySlice(new K(e[0]),b);if($indexPtr(c.$array,c.$offset+0,O)===$indexPtr($pkg.Basepoint.$array,$pkg.Basepoint.$offset+0,O)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:H();E(a,e[0]);$s=11;continue;case 10:l=M.zero();m=M.zero();d[0]=$clone(l,M);n=$clone(m,M);$copySlice(new K(d[0]),c);D(a,e[0],d[0]);if(A.ConstantTimeCompare(new K(a),new K(n))===1){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:o=B.Errorf("bad input point: low order point",new N([]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=[K.nil,o];$s=15;case 15:return p;case 13:case 11:$s=-1;return[new K(a),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:J,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$pkg.Basepoint=K.nil;F=$toNativeArray($kindUint8,[9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);G();}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D,F,I,J,E,G;A=$packages["crypto/hmac"];B=$packages["errors"];C=$packages["hash"];D=$packages["io"];F=$pkg.hkdf=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"hkdf.hkdf",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf",false,function(expander_,size_,info_,counter_,prev_,buf_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.expander=$ifaceNil;this.size=0;this.info=I.nil;this.counter=0;this.prev=I.nil;this.buf=I.nil;return;}this.expander=expander_;this.size=size_;this.info=info_;this.counter=counter_;this.prev=prev_;this.buf=buf_;});I=$sliceType($Uint8);J=$ptrType(F);E=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(c===I.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d=a();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d.Size();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=$makeSlice(I,e);case 2:f=A.New(a,c);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=g.Write(b);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;i=g.Sum(I.nil);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=8;case 8:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:E,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Extract=E;F.ptr.prototype.Read=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=a.$length;d=b.buf.$length+($imul(((((255-b.counter<<24>>>24)+1<<24>>>24)>>0)),b.size))>>0;if(d0)){$s=2;continue;}$r=b.expander.Reset();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break 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AE.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JC.nil);return;}this.keyName=keyName_;this.aesKey=aesKey_;this.hmacKey=hmacKey_;this.created=created_;});FK=$pkg.Certificate=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"tls.Certificate",true,"crypto/tls",true,function(Certificate_,PrivateKey_,SupportedSignatureAlgorithms_,OCSPStaple_,SignedCertificateTimestamps_,Leaf_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Certificate=IT.nil;this.PrivateKey=$ifaceNil;this.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms=IL.nil;this.OCSPStaple=II.nil;this.SignedCertificateTimestamps=IT.nil;this.Leaf=IU.nil;return;}this.Certificate=Certificate_;this.PrivateKey=PrivateKey_;this.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms=SupportedSignatureAlgorithms_;this.OCSPStaple=OCSPStaple_;this.SignedCertificateTimestamps=SignedCertificateTimestamps_;this.Leaf=Leaf_;});GA=$pkg.cipherSuite=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"tls.cipherSuite",true,"crypto/tls",false,function(id_,keyLen_,macLen_,ivLen_,ka_,flags_,cipher_,mac_,aead_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.id=0;this.keyLen=0;this.macLen=0;this.ivLen=0;this.ka=$throwNilPointerError;this.flags=0;this.cipher=$throwNilPointerError;this.mac=$throwNilPointerError;this.aead=$throwNilPointerError;return;}this.id=id_;this.keyLen=keyLen_;this.macLen=macLen_;this.ivLen=ivLen_;this.ka=ka_;this.flags=flags_;this.cipher=cipher_;this.mac=mac_;this.aead=aead_;});GD=$pkg.cipherSuiteTLS13=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"tls.cipherSuiteTLS13",true,"crypto/tls",false,function(id_,keyLen_,aead_,hash_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.id=0;this.keyLen=0;this.aead=$throwNilPointerError;this.hash=0;return;}this.id=id_;this.keyLen=keyLen_;this.aead=aead_;this.hash=hash_;});GY=$pkg.aead=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"tls.aead",true,"crypto/tls",false,null);GZ=$pkg.prefixNonceAEAD=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"tls.prefixNonceAEAD",true,"crypto/tls",false,function(nonce_,aead_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.nonce=IX.zero();this.aead=$ifaceNil;return;}this.nonce=nonce_;this.aead=aead_;});HA=$pkg.xorNonceAEAD=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"tls.xorNonceAEAD",true,"crypto/tls",false,function(nonceMask_,aead_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.nonceMask=IX.zero();this.aead=$ifaceNil;return;}this.nonceMask=nonceMask_;this.aead=aead_;});HE=$pkg.constantTimeHash=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"tls.constantTimeHash",true,"crypto/tls",false,null);HF=$pkg.cthWrapper=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"tls.cthWrapper",true,"crypto/tls",false,function(h_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.h=$ifaceNil;return;}this.h=h_;});HY=$pkg.alert=$newType(1,$kindUint8,"tls.alert",true,"crypto/tls",false,null);JV=$newType(8,$kindInterface,"tls.binaryMarshaler",true,"crypto/tls",false,null);IB=$sliceType(FK);IC=$ptrType(G.CertPool);ID=$sliceType($String);IE=$sliceType($Uint16);IF=$arrayType($Uint8,32);IG=$sliceType(EL);IH=$sliceType(FC);II=$sliceType($Uint8);IJ=$sliceType($emptyInterface);IK=$ptrType(II);IL=$sliceType(EX);IM=$ptrType(GD);IN=$sliceType(IM);IO=$ptrType(GA);IP=$sliceType(IO);IQ=$structType("crypto/tls",[{prop:"scheme",name:"scheme",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:EX,tag:""},{prop:"minModulusBytes",name:"minModulusBytes",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"maxVersion",name:"maxVersion",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint16,tag:""}]);IR=$sliceType(IQ);IS=$ptrType(FB);IT=$sliceType(II);IU=$ptrType(G.Certificate);IV=$sliceType(IU);IW=$sliceType(IV);IX=$arrayType($Uint8,12);IY=$arrayType($Uint8,8);IZ=$arrayType($Uint8,13);JA=$arrayType($Uint8,16);JB=$ptrType(DV);JC=$ptrType(AE.Location);JD=$ptrType(K.Resolver);JE=$ptrType(K.Dialer);JF=$ptrType(H.Block);JG=$ptrType(F.PublicKey);JH=$ptrType(D.PublicKey);JI=$ptrType(F.PrivateKey);JJ=$ptrType(D.PrivateKey);JK=$ptrType(T.Builder);JL=$ptrType($Bool);JM=$ptrType(T.String);JN=$ptrType($Uint16);JO=$ptrType($Uint64);JP=$ptrType($Uint8);JQ=$ptrType(Z.Int);JR=$ptrType(DG);JS=$ptrType(DJ);JT=$ptrType($Uint32);JU=$ptrType(EM);JW=$ptrType(CV);JX=$ptrType(DD);JY=$ptrType(DM);JZ=$ptrType(DK);KA=$ptrType(CW);KB=$ptrType(FK);KC=$ptrType(BC);KD=$ptrType(DL);KE=$ptrType(DC);KF=$sliceType(G.ExtKeyUsage);KG=$sliceType(EM);KH=$sliceType(EN);KI=$ptrType(EL);KJ=$ptrType(EX);KK=$ptrType(EV);KL=$ptrType(CX);KM=$ptrType(DB);KN=$ptrType(DH);KO=$ptrType(DI);KP=$arrayType($Uint8,24);KQ=$ptrType(DN);KR=$arrayType($Uint8,5);KS=$ptrType($Int32);KT=$ptrType(DO);KU=$ptrType(DA);KV=$ptrType(CZ);KW=$structType("",[]);KX=$arrayType($Uint8,64);LD=$ptrType(E.PrivateKey);LE=$ptrType(AR);LF=$ptrType(AY);LG=$ptrType(BD);LH=$ptrType(BR);LI=$funcType([II,II,II,II],[],false);LJ=$ptrType(BX);LK=$ptrType(BY);LL=$ptrType(CG);LM=$ptrType(CH);LN=$ptrType(CK);LO=$ptrType(CY);LP=$ptrType(DP);LQ=$ptrType(DQ);LR=$ptrType(EZ);LS=$funcType([B.Context],[$error],false);LT=$funcType([$String,II,$Int],[II,$error],false);LU=$ptrType(DW);LV=$ptrType(DX);LW=$ptrType(ED);LX=$ptrType(ES);LY=$ptrType(EY);LZ=$sliceType(IF);MA=$funcType([],[AE.Time],false);MB=$mapType($String,KB);MC=$funcType([LY],[KB,$error],false);MD=$funcType([LR],[KB,$error],false);ME=$funcType([LY],[IS,$error],false);MF=$funcType([IT,IW],[$error],false);MG=$funcType([ES],[$error],false);MJ=$funcType([$Uint16],[BZ],false);MK=$funcType([II,II,$Bool],[$emptyInterface],false);ML=$funcType([II],[X.Hash],false);MM=$funcType([II,II],[GY],false);MN=$ptrType(GZ);MO=$ptrType(HA);MP=$ptrType(HF);AP=function(e,f){var e,f,g;g=new DV.ptr(e,false,$throwNilPointerError,0,new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0),$ifaceNil,0,false,f,0,false,0,II.nil,IT.nil,IV.nil,IW.nil,"",false,$throwNilPointerError,II.nil,IH.nil,false,$ifaceNil,false,IX.zero(),IX.zero(),"",new DW.ptr(new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0),$ifaceNil,0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,IY.zero(),IZ.zero(),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,II.nil),new DW.ptr(new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0),$ifaceNil,0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,IY.zero(),IZ.zero(),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,II.nil),new A.Buffer.ptr(II.nil,0,0),new A.Reader.ptr(II.nil,new $Int64(0,0),0),new A.Buffer.ptr(II.nil,0,0),false,II.nil,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),0,0,JA.zero());g.handshakeFn=$methodVal(g,"serverHandshake");return g;};$pkg.Server=AP;AQ=function(e,f){var e,f,g;g=new DV.ptr(e,true,$throwNilPointerError,0,new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0),$ifaceNil,0,false,f,0,false,0,II.nil,IT.nil,IV.nil,IW.nil,"",false,$throwNilPointerError,II.nil,IH.nil,false,$ifaceNil,false,IX.zero(),IX.zero(),"",new DW.ptr(new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0),$ifaceNil,0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,IY.zero(),IZ.zero(),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,II.nil),new DW.ptr(new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0),$ifaceNil,0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,IY.zero(),IZ.zero(),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,II.nil),new A.Buffer.ptr(II.nil,0,0),new A.Reader.ptr(II.nil,new $Int64(0,0),0),new A.Buffer.ptr(II.nil,0,0),false,II.nil,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),0,0,JA.zero());g.handshakeFn=$methodVal(g,"clientHandshake");return g;};$pkg.Client=AQ;AR.ptr.prototype.Accept=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=e.Listener.Accept();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,i];}$s=-1;return[AP(h,e.config),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AR.ptr.prototype.Accept,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AR.prototype.Accept=function(){return this.$val.Accept();};AS=function(e,f){var e,f,g;g=new AR.ptr($ifaceNil,IS.nil);g.Listener=e;g.config=f;return g;};$pkg.NewListener=AS;AW=function(e,f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);if(!((j=f.Timeout,(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0)))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=$throwNilPointerError;m=B.WithTimeout(e,f.Timeout);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;e=l[0];k=l[1];$deferred.push([k,[]]);case 2:if(!$clone(f.Deadline,AE.Time).IsZero()){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:n=$throwNilPointerError;p=B.WithDeadline(e,$clone(f.Deadline,AE.Time));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;e=o[0];n=o[1];$deferred.push([n,[]]);case 5:r=f.DialContext(e,g,h);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];t=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:u=[JB.nil,t];$s=10;case 10:return u;case 9:v=M.LastIndex(h,":");if(v===-1){v=h.length;}w=$substring(h,0,v);if(i===IS.nil){i=FQ();}if(i.ServerName===""){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:x=i.Clone();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;y.ServerName=w;i=y;case 12:z=AQ(s,i);aa=z.HandshakeContext(e);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:ac=s.Close();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac;ad=[JB.nil,ab];$s=18;case 18:return ad;case 16:ae=[z,$ifaceNil];$s=19;case 19:return ae;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[JB.nil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AW,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AY.ptr.prototype.Dial=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.DialContext(B.Background(),e,f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:AY.ptr.prototype.Dial,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AY.prototype.Dial=function(e,f){return this.$val.Dial(e,f);};AY.ptr.prototype.netDialer=function(){var e;e=this;if(!(e.NetDialer===JE.nil)){return e.NetDialer;}return new K.Dialer.ptr(new AE.Duration(0,0),new AE.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JC.nil),$ifaceNil,false,new AE.Duration(0,0),new AE.Duration(0,0),JD.nil,$chanNil,$throwNilPointerError);};AY.prototype.netDialer=function(){return this.$val.netDialer();};AY.ptr.prototype.DialContext=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;j=AW(e,h.netDialer(),f,g,h.Config);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,l];}$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AY.ptr.prototype.DialContext,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AY.prototype.DialContext=function(e,f,g){return this.$val.DialContext(e,f,g);};AZ=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=L.ReadFile(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil),j];}l=L.ReadFile(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];j=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil),j];}n=BA(i,m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=4;case 4:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$pkg.LoadX509KeyPair=AZ;BA=function(e,f){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=(function(g){var g;return[new FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil),g];});h=new FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil);i=ID.nil;case 1:j=JF.nil;l=H.Decode(e);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;j=k[0];e=k[1];if(j===JF.nil){$s=2;continue;}if(j.Type==="CERTIFICATE"){h.Certificate=$append(h.Certificate,j.Bytes);}else{i=$append(i,j.Type);}$s=1;continue;case 2:if(h.Certificate.$length===0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if(i.$length===0){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:m=g(I.New("tls: failed to find any PEM data in certificate input"));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=9;case 9:return n;case 7:if((i.$length===1)&&M.HasSuffix((0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]),"PRIVATE KEY")){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:o=g(I.New("tls: failed to find certificate PEM data in certificate input, but did find a private key; PEM inputs may have been switched"));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=13;case 13:return p;case 11:q=J.Errorf("tls: failed to find \"CERTIFICATE\" PEM block in certificate input after skipping PEM blocks of the following types: %v",new IJ([i]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=g(q);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=16;case 16:return s;case 5:i=$subslice(i,0,0);t=JF.nil;case 17:v=H.Decode(f);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;t=u[0];f=u[1];if(t===JF.nil){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:if(i.$length===0){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:w=g(I.New("tls: failed to find any PEM data in key input"));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=25;case 25:return x;case 23:if((i.$length===1)&&(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0])==="CERTIFICATE"){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:y=g(I.New("tls: found a certificate rather than a key in the PEM for the private key"));$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=29;case 29:return z;case 27:aa=J.Errorf("tls: failed to find PEM block with type ending in \"PRIVATE KEY\" in key input after skipping PEM blocks of the following types: %v",new IJ([i]));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=g(aa);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$s=32;case 32:return ac;case 21:if(t.Type==="PRIVATE KEY"||M.HasSuffix(t.Type," PRIVATE KEY")){$s=18;continue;}i=$append(i,t.Type);$s=17;continue;case 18:af=G.ParseCertificate((ae=h.Certificate,(0>=ae.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ae.$array[ae.$offset+0])));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=af;ag=ad[0];ah=ad[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:ai=g(ah);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai;$s=37;case 37:return aj;case 35:al=BB(t.Bytes);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=al;h.PrivateKey=ak[0];ah=ak[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 39:am=g(ah);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;$s=42;case 42:return an;case 40:ao=ag.PublicKey;if($assertType(ao,JG,true)[1]){$s=43;continue;}if($assertType(ao,JH,true)[1]){$s=44;continue;}if($assertType(ao,E.PublicKey,true)[1]){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 43:ap=ao.$val;at=$assertType(h.PrivateKey,JI,true);au=at[0];av=at[1];if(!av){$s=48;continue;}$s=49;continue;case 48:aw=g(I.New("tls: private key type does not match public key type"));$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=aw;$s=51;case 51:return ax;case 49:if(!((ap.N.Cmp(au.PublicKey.N)===0))){$s=52;continue;}$s=53;continue;case 52:ay=g(I.New("tls: private key does not match public key"));$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=55;case 55:return az;case 53:$s=47;continue;case 44:aq=ao.$val;ba=$assertType(h.PrivateKey,JJ,true);bb=ba[0];bc=ba[1];if(!bc){$s=56;continue;}$s=57;continue;case 56:bd=g(I.New("tls: private key type does not match public key type"));$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bd;$s=59;case 59:return be;case 57:if(!((aq.X.Cmp(bb.PublicKey.X)===0))||!((aq.Y.Cmp(bb.PublicKey.Y)===0))){$s=60;continue;}$s=61;continue;case 60:bf=g(I.New("tls: private key does not match public key"));$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=bf;$s=63;case 63:return bg;case 61:$s=47;continue;case 45:ar=ao.$val;bh=$assertType(h.PrivateKey,E.PrivateKey,true);bi=bh[0];bj=bh[1];if(!bj){$s=64;continue;}$s=65;continue;case 64:bk=g(I.New("tls: private key type does not match public key type"));$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=bk;$s=67;case 67:return bl;case 65:if(!A.Equal($convertSliceType($assertType(bi.Public(),E.PublicKey),II),$convertSliceType(ar,II))){$s=68;continue;}$s=69;continue;case 68:bm=g(I.New("tls: private key does not match public key"));$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=bm;$s=71;case 71:return bn;case 69:$s=47;continue;case 46:as=ao;bo=g(I.New("tls: unknown public key algorithm"));$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=bo;$s=73;case 73:return bp;case 47:$s=-1;return[h,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BA,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.X509KeyPair=BA;BB=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=G.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[h,$ifaceNil];}k=G.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil)){n=l;if($assertType(n,JI,true)[1]||$assertType(n,JJ,true)[1]||$assertType(n,E.PrivateKey,true)[1]){o=n;$s=-1;return[o,$ifaceNil];}else{p=n;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,I.New("tls: found unknown private key type in PKCS#8 wrapping")];}}r=G.ParseECPrivateKey(e);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];t=q[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[s,$ifaceNil];}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,I.New("tls: failed to parse private key")];}return;}var $f={$blk:BB,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};BC.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var{e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=[f];f[0]=this;e[0]=new T.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil,II.nil,false,JK.nil,0,0,false,JL.nil);e[0].AddUint16(f[0].vers);e[0].AddUint16(f[0].cipherSuite);CQ(e[0],f[0].createdAt);$r=e[0].AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,f){return function(g){var g;g.AddBytes(f[0].masterSecret);};})(e,f));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=e[0].AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(e,f){return function $b(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=f[0].certificates;j=0;case 1:if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);$r=g.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(e,f,h){return function(k){var k;k.AddBytes(h[0]);};})(e,f,h));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};})(e,f));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return e[0].BytesOrPanic();}return;}var $f={$blk:BC.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,e,f,$s};return $f;};BC.prototype.marshal=function(){return this.$val.marshal();};BC.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;f=this;BC.copy(f,new BC.ptr(0,0,new $Uint64(0,0),II.nil,IT.nil,f.usedOldKey));g=($convertSliceType(e,T.String));i=(h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint16((f.$ptr_vers||(f.$ptr_vers=new JN(function(){return this.$target.vers;},function($v){this.$target.vers=$v;},f))))&&(h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint16((f.$ptr_cipherSuite||(f.$ptr_cipherSuite=new JN(function(){return this.$target.cipherSuite;},function($v){this.$target.cipherSuite=$v;},f))))&&CR((h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),(f.$ptr_createdAt||(f.$ptr_createdAt=new JO(function(){return this.$target.createdAt;},function($v){this.$target.createdAt=$v;},f))))&&CT((h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),(f.$ptr_masterSecret||(f.$ptr_masterSecret=new IK(function(){return this.$target.masterSecret;},function($v){this.$target.masterSecret=$v;},f))))&&!((f.masterSecret.$length===0));if(!i){return false;}j=T.String.nil;if(!(h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint24LengthPrefixed((k||(k=new JM(function(){return j;},function($v){j=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))))){return false;}while(true){if(!(!j.Empty())){break;}l=[l];l[0]=II.nil;if(!CU((k||(k=new JM(function(){return j;},function($v){j=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),(l.$ptr||(l.$ptr=new IK(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},l))))){return false;}f.certificates=$append(f.certificates,l[0]);}return g.Empty();};BC.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){return this.$val.unmarshal(e);};BD.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var{e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=[f];f[0]=this;e[0]=new T.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil,II.nil,false,JK.nil,0,0,false,JL.nil);e[0].AddUint16(772);e[0].AddUint8(0);e[0].AddUint16(f[0].cipherSuite);CQ(e[0],f[0].createdAt);$r=e[0].AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(e,f){return function(g){var g;g.AddBytes(f[0].resumptionSecret);};})(e,f));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=DE(e[0],$clone(f[0].certificate,FK));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return e[0].BytesOrPanic();}return;}var $f={$blk:BD.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,e,f,$s};return $f;};BD.prototype.marshal=function(){return this.$val.marshal();};BD.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;f=this;BD.copy(f,new BD.ptr(0,new $Uint64(0,0),II.nil,new FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil)));g=($convertSliceType(e,T.String));h=0;i=0;return(j||(j=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint16((k||(k=new JN(function(){return h;},function($v){h=$v;}))))&&(h===772)&&(j||(j=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint8((l||(l=new JP(function(){return i;},function($v){i=$v;}))))&&(i===0)&&(j||(j=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint16((f.$ptr_cipherSuite||(f.$ptr_cipherSuite=new JN(function(){return this.$target.cipherSuite;},function($v){this.$target.cipherSuite=$v;},f))))&&CR((j||(j=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),(f.$ptr_createdAt||(f.$ptr_createdAt=new JO(function(){return this.$target.createdAt;},function($v){this.$target.createdAt=$v;},f))))&&CS((j||(j=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),(f.$ptr_resumptionSecret||(f.$ptr_resumptionSecret=new IK(function(){return this.$target.resumptionSecret;},function($v){this.$target.resumptionSecret=$v;},f))))&&!((f.resumptionSecret.$length===0))&&DF((j||(j=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),f.certificate)&&g.Empty();};BD.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){return this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.encryptTicket=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if(f.ticketKeys.$length===0){$s=-1;return[II.nil,I.New("tls: internal error: session ticket keys unavailable")];}g=$makeSlice(II,((32+e.$length>>0)+32>>0));h=$subslice(g,0,16);i=$subslice(g,16,32);j=$subslice(g,(g.$length-32>>0));l=S.ReadFull(f.config.rand(),i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[II.nil,m];}o=$clone((n=f.ticketKeys,(0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0])),FC);$copySlice(h,new II(o.keyName));p=N.NewCipher(new II(o.aesKey));q=p[0];r=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:s=r.Error();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=I.New("tls: failed to create cipher while encrypting ticket: "+s);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=[II.nil,t];$s=6;case 6:return u;case 3:v=O.NewCTR(q,i);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=v.XORKeyStream($subslice(g,32),e);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=P.New(Q.New,new II(o.hmacKey));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;y=x.Write($subslice(g,0,(g.$length-32>>0)));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;z=x.Sum($subslice(j,0,0));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.encryptTicket,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.encryptTicket=function(e){return this.$val.encryptTicket(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.decryptTicket=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=II.nil;g=false;h=this;if(e.$length<64){i=II.nil;j=false;f=i;g=j;$s=-1;return[f,g];}k=$subslice(e,0,16);l=$subslice(e,16,32);m=$subslice(e,(e.$length-32>>0));n=$subslice(e,32,(e.$length-32>>0));o=-1;p=h.ticketKeys;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]),FC);if(A.Equal(k,new II(s.keyName))){o=r;break;}q++;}if(o===-1){t=II.nil;u=false;f=t;g=u;$s=-1;return[f,g];}w=(v=h.ticketKeys,((o<0||o>=v.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+o]));x=P.New(Q.New,new II(w.hmacKey));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;z=y.Write($subslice(e,0,(e.$length-32>>0)));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;aa=y.Sum(II.nil);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;if(!((R.ConstantTimeCompare(m,ab)===1))){ac=II.nil;ad=false;f=ac;g=ad;$s=-1;return[f,g];}ae=N.NewCipher(new II(w.aesKey));af=ae[0];ag=ae[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ag,$ifaceNil))){ah=II.nil;ai=false;f=ah;g=ai;$s=-1;return[f,g];}f=$makeSlice(II,n.$length);aj=O.NewCTR(af,l);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=aj.XORKeyStream(f,n);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=f;al=o>0;f=ak;g=al;$s=-1;return[f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.decryptTicket,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.decryptTicket=function(e){return this.$val.decryptTicket(e);};BE=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i;f=II.nil;g=II.nil;f=$subslice(e,0,(h=((e.$length+1>>0))/2,(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));g=$subslice(e,(i=e.$length/2,(i===i&&i!==1/0&&i!==-1/0)?i>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));return[f,g];};BF=function(e,f,g,h){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=P.New(h,f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=j.Write(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=j.Sum(II.nil);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=0;case 4:if(!(n>0;$r=j.Reset();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=j.Write(m);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;t=j.Sum(II.nil);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=t;$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};BG=function(e,f,g,h){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=V.New;j=U.New;k=$makeSlice(II,(g.$length+h.$length>>0));$copySlice(k,g);$copySlice($subslice(k,g.$length),h);l=BE(f);m=l[0];n=l[1];$r=BF(e,m,k,j);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$makeSlice(II,e.$length);$r=BF(o,n,k,i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);((r<0||r>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+r]=((((r<0||r>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+r])^(s))<<24>>>24));q++;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BG,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};BH=function(e){var e;return(function $b(f,g,h,i){var{f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$makeSlice(II,(h.$length+i.$length>>0));$copySlice(j,h);$copySlice($subslice(j,h.$length),i);$r=BF(f,g,j,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;});};BM=function(e,f){var e,f,g;g=e;if((g===(769))||(g===(770))){return[BG,0];}else if(g===(771)){if(!(((f.flags&8)===0))){return[BH(W.New384),6];}return[BH(Q.New),5];}else{$panic(new $String("unknown version"));}};BN=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h;g=BM(e,f);h=g[0];return h;};BO=function(e,f,g,h,i){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$makeSlice(II,0,(h.$length+i.$length>>0));j=$appendSlice(j,h);j=$appendSlice(j,i);k=$makeSlice(II,48);$r=BN(e,f)(k,g,BI,j);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:BO,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BP=function(e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=II.nil;n=II.nil;o=II.nil;p=II.nil;q=II.nil;r=II.nil;s=$makeSlice(II,0,(i.$length+h.$length>>0));s=$appendSlice(s,i);s=$appendSlice(s,h);t=(($imul(2,j))+($imul(2,k))>>0)+($imul(2,l))>>0;u=$makeSlice(II,t);$r=BN(e,f)(u,g,BJ,s);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$subslice(u,0,j);u=$subslice(u,j);n=$subslice(u,0,j);u=$subslice(u,j);o=$subslice(u,0,k);u=$subslice(u,k);p=$subslice(u,0,k);u=$subslice(u,k);q=$subslice(u,0,l);u=$subslice(u,l);r=$subslice(u,0,l);$s=-1;return[m,n,o,p,q,r];}return;}var $f={$blk:BP,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};BQ=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=II.nil;if(e>=771){g=new II([]);}h=BM(e,f);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(!((j===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=new C.Hash(j).New();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=new C.Hash(j).New();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=new BR.ptr(k,l,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,g,e,i);$s=5;case 5:return m;case 2:$s=-1;return new BR.ptr(V.New(),V.New(),U.New(),U.New(),g,e,i);}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BR.ptr.prototype.Write=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=0;g=$ifaceNil;h=this;i=h.client.Write(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=h.server.Write(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;if(h.version<771){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:k=h.clientMD5.Write(e);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=h.serverMD5.Write(e);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;case 4:if(!(h.buffer===II.nil)){h.buffer=$appendSlice(h.buffer,e);}m=e.$length;n=$ifaceNil;f=m;g=n;$s=-1;return[f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:BR.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};BR.prototype.Write=function(e){return this.$val.Write(e);};BR.ptr.prototype.Sum=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(e.version>=771){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=e.client.Sum(II.nil);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=4;case 4:return g;case 2:h=$makeSlice(II,0,36);i=e.clientMD5.Sum(h);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=e.client.Sum(h);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=7;case 7:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:BR.ptr.prototype.Sum,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};BR.prototype.Sum=function(){return this.$val.Sum();};BR.ptr.prototype.clientSum=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$makeSlice(II,12);h=g;i=e;j=BK;k=$clone(f,BR).Sum();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$r=f.prf(h,i,j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:BR.ptr.prototype.clientSum,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BR.prototype.clientSum=function(e){return this.$val.clientSum(e);};BR.ptr.prototype.serverSum=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$makeSlice(II,12);h=g;i=e;j=BL;k=$clone(f,BR).Sum();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$r=f.prf(h,i,j,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:BR.ptr.prototype.serverSum,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BR.prototype.serverSum=function(e){return this.$val.serverSum(e);};BR.ptr.prototype.hashForClientCertificate=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if((h.version>=771||(e===228))&&h.buffer===II.nil){$panic(new $String("tls: handshake hash for a client certificate requested after discarding the handshake buffer"));}if(e===228){$s=-1;return h.buffer;}if(h.version>=771){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=new C.Hash(f).New();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=j.Write(h.buffer);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=j.Sum(II.nil);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=6;case 6:return m;case 2:if(e===227){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:n=h.server.Sum(II.nil);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=10;case 10:return o;case 8:p=$clone(h,BR).Sum();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=12;case 12:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:BR.ptr.prototype.hashForClientCertificate,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};BR.prototype.hashForClientCertificate=function(e,f,g){return this.$val.hashForClientCertificate(e,f,g);};BR.ptr.prototype.discardHandshakeBuffer=function(){var e;e=this;e.buffer=II.nil;};BR.prototype.discardHandshakeBuffer=function(){return this.$val.discardHandshakeBuffer();};BS=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g;return[II.nil,I.New("crypto/tls: ExportKeyingMaterial is unavailable when renegotiation is enabled")];};BT=function(e,f,g,h,i){var e,f,g,h,i;return(function $b(j,k,l){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=j;if(m===("client finished")||m===("server finished")||m===("master secret")||m===("key expansion")){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=J.Errorf("crypto/tls: reserved ExportKeyingMaterial label: %s",new IJ([new $String(j)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=[II.nil,n];$s=5;case 5:return o;case 3:case 1:p=i.$length+h.$length>>0;if(!(k===II.nil)){p=p+((2+k.$length>>0))>>0;}q=$makeSlice(II,0,p);q=$appendSlice(q,h);q=$appendSlice(q,i);if(!(k===II.nil)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:if(k.$length>=65536){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:r=J.Errorf("crypto/tls: ExportKeyingMaterial context too long",new IJ([]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=[II.nil,r];$s=11;case 11:return s;case 9:q=$append(q,(((k.$length>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)),((k.$length<<24>>>24)));q=$appendSlice(q,k);case 7:t=$makeSlice(II,l);$r=BN(e,f)(t,g,(new II($stringToBytes(j))),q);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[t,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;});};GD.ptr.prototype.expandLabel=function(e,f,g,h){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];i=this;j=new T.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil,II.nil,false,JK.nil,0,0,false,JL.nil);j.AddUint16(((h<<16>>>16)));$r=j.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(f,g){return function(k){var k;k.AddBytes((new II($stringToBytes("tls13 "))));k.AddBytes((new II($stringToBytes(f[0]))));};})(f,g));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=j.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(f,g){return function(k){var k;k.AddBytes(g[0]);};})(f,g));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$makeSlice(II,h);m=AB.Expand($methodVal(new C.Hash(i.hash),"New"),e,j.BytesOrPanic());$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.Read(k);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=n;o=l[0];p=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))||!((o===h))){$panic(new $String("tls: HKDF-Expand-Label invocation failed unexpectedly"));}$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:GD.ptr.prototype.expandLabel,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};GD.prototype.expandLabel=function(e,f,g,h){return this.$val.expandLabel(e,f,g,h);};GD.ptr.prototype.deriveSecret=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=new C.Hash(h.hash).New();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i;case 2:j=e;k=f;l=g.Sum(II.nil);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=new C.Hash(h.hash).Size();o=h.expandLabel(j,k,m,n);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=6;case 6:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:GD.ptr.prototype.deriveSecret,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};GD.prototype.deriveSecret=function(e,f,g){return this.$val.deriveSecret(e,f,g);};GD.ptr.prototype.extract=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(e===II.nil){e=$makeSlice(II,new C.Hash(g.hash).Size());}h=AB.Extract($methodVal(new C.Hash(g.hash),"New"),e,f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:GD.ptr.prototype.extract,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};GD.prototype.extract=function(e,f){return this.$val.extract(e,f);};GD.ptr.prototype.nextTrafficSecret=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.expandLabel(e,"traffic upd",II.nil,new C.Hash(f.hash).Size());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:GD.ptr.prototype.nextTrafficSecret,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};GD.prototype.nextTrafficSecret=function(e){return this.$val.nextTrafficSecret(e);};GD.ptr.prototype.trafficKey=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=II.nil;g=II.nil;h=this;i=h.expandLabel(e,"key",II.nil,h.keyLen);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=i;j=h.expandLabel(e,"iv",II.nil,12);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=j;$s=-1;return[f,g];}return;}var $f={$blk:GD.ptr.prototype.trafficKey,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};GD.prototype.trafficKey=function(e){return this.$val.trafficKey(e);};GD.ptr.prototype.finishedHash=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.expandLabel(e,"finished",II.nil,new C.Hash(g.hash).Size());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=P.New($methodVal(new C.Hash(g.hash),"New"),i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=f.Sum(II.nil);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=k.Write(l);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=k.Sum(II.nil);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=6;case 6:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:GD.ptr.prototype.finishedHash,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};GD.prototype.finishedHash=function(e,f){return this.$val.finishedHash(e,f);};GD.ptr.prototype.exportKeyingMaterial=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];g[0]=this;i=g[0].deriveSecret(e,"exp master",f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=i;$s=-1;return(function(g,h){return function $b(j,k,l){var{j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j,k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=g[0].deriveSecret(h[0],j,$ifaceNil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=new C.Hash(g[0].hash).New();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=p.Write(k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=n;s=p.Sum(II.nil);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=l;v=g[0].expandLabel(r,"exporter",t,u);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=[v,$ifaceNil];$s=6;case 6:return w;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};})(g,h);}return;}var $f={$blk:GD.ptr.prototype.exportKeyingMaterial,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};GD.prototype.exportKeyingMaterial=function(e,f){return this.$val.exportKeyingMaterial(e,f);};BV=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(f===29){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=$makeSlice(II,32);i=S.ReadFull(e,g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,j];}l=AA.X25519(g,AA.Basepoint);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,n];}$s=-1;return[new BY.ptr(g,m),$ifaceNil];case 2:p=BW(f);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];if(!r){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,I.New("tls: internal error: unsupported curve")];}s=new BX.ptr(II.nil,JQ.nil,JQ.nil,f);t=$ifaceNil;v=Y.GenerateKey(q,e);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;s.privateKey=u[0];s.x=u[1];s.y=u[2];t=u[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,t];}$s=-1;return[s,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:BV,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};BW=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=e;if(f===(23)){$s=2;continue;}if(f===(24)){$s=3;continue;}if(f===(25)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:g=Y.P256();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=[g,true];$s=8;case 8:return h;case 3:i=Y.P384();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=[i,true];$s=10;case 10:return j;case 4:k=Y.P521();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=[k,true];$s=12;case 12:return l;case 5:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,false];case 6:case 1:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,false];}return;}var $f={$blk:BW,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};BX.ptr.prototype.CurveID=function(){var e;e=this;return e.curveID;};BX.prototype.CurveID=function(){return this.$val.CurveID();};BX.ptr.prototype.PublicKey=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;g=BW(e.curveID);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=Y.Marshal(h,e.x,e.y);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.PublicKey,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.PublicKey=function(){return this.$val.PublicKey();};BX.ptr.prototype.SharedKey=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=BW(f.curveID);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];k=Y.Unmarshal(i,e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(l===JQ.nil){$s=-1;return II.nil;}o=i.ScalarMult(l,m,f.privateKey);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];r=i.Params();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$makeSlice(II,(q=((r.BitSize+7>>0))/8,(q===q&&q!==1/0&&q!==-1/0)?q>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));$s=-1;return p.FillBytes(s);}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.SharedKey,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.SharedKey=function(e){return this.$val.SharedKey(e);};BY.ptr.prototype.CurveID=function(){var e;e=this;return 29;};BY.prototype.CurveID=function(){return this.$val.CurveID();};BY.ptr.prototype.PublicKey=function(){var e;e=this;return e.publicKey;};BY.prototype.PublicKey=function(){return this.$val.PublicKey();};BY.ptr.prototype.SharedKey=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=AA.X25519(f.privateKey,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return II.nil;}$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.SharedKey,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.SharedKey=function(e){return this.$val.SharedKey(e);};CC.ptr.prototype.generateServerKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h){var e,f,g,h,i;i=this;return[JR.nil,$ifaceNil];};CC.prototype.generateServerKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h){return this.$val.generateServerKeyExchange(e,f,g,h);};CC.ptr.prototype.processClientKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(g.ciphertext.$length<2){$s=-1;return[II.nil,CA];}l=((((j=g.ciphertext,(0>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+0]))>>0))<<8>>0)|(((k=g.ciphertext,(1>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+1]))>>0));if(!((l===(g.ciphertext.$length-2>>0)))){$s=-1;return[II.nil,CA];}m=$subslice(g.ciphertext,2);n=$assertType(f.PrivateKey,C.Decrypter,true);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(!p){$s=-1;return[II.nil,I.New("tls: certificate private key does not implement crypto.Decrypter")];}r=o.Decrypt(e.rand(),m,new F.PKCS1v15DecryptOptions.ptr(48));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];t=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[II.nil,t];}$s=-1;return[s,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:CC.ptr.prototype.processClientKeyExchange,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};CC.prototype.processClientKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h){return this.$val.processClientKeyExchange(e,f,g,h);};CC.ptr.prototype.processServerKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h,i){var e,f,g,h,i,j;j=this;return I.New("tls: unexpected ServerKeyExchange");};CC.prototype.processServerKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h,i){return this.$val.processServerKeyExchange(e,f,g,h,i);};CC.ptr.prototype.generateClientKeyExchange=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=$makeSlice(II,48);(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]=(((f.vers>>>8<<16>>>16)<<24>>>24)));(1>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+1]=((f.vers<<24>>>24)));k=S.ReadFull(e.rand(),$subslice(i,2));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[II.nil,JS.nil,l];}m=$assertType(g.PublicKey,JG,true);n=m[0];o=m[1];if(!o){$s=-1;return[II.nil,JS.nil,I.New("tls: server certificate contains incorrect key type for selected ciphersuite")];}q=F.EncryptPKCS1v15(e.rand(),n,i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];l=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[II.nil,JS.nil,l];}s=new DJ.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);s.ciphertext=$makeSlice(II,(r.$length+2>>0));(t=s.ciphertext,(0>=t.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+0]=(((r.$length>>8>>0)<<24>>>24))));(u=s.ciphertext,(1>=u.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+1]=((r.$length<<24>>>24))));$copySlice($subslice(s.ciphertext,2),r);$s=-1;return[i,s,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:CC.ptr.prototype.generateClientKeyExchange,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};CC.prototype.generateClientKeyExchange=function(e,f,g){return this.$val.generateClientKeyExchange(e,f,g);};CD=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=V.New();g=e;h=0;case 1:if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);j=f.Write(i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;h++;$s=1;continue;case 2:k=f.Sum(II.nil);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=5;case 5:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:CD,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};CE=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=$makeSlice(II,36);g=U.New();h=e;i=0;case 1:if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);k=g.Write(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;i++;$s=1;continue;case 2:l=g.Sum(II.nil);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$copySlice(f,l);m=CD(e);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$copySlice($subslice(f,16),m);$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:CE,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};CF=function(e,f,g,h){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(e===228){i=II.nil;j=h;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);i=$appendSlice(i,l);k++;}$s=-1;return i;}if(g>=771){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=new C.Hash(f).New();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=h;p=0;case 4:if(!(p=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]);r=n.Write(q);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;p++;$s=4;continue;case 5:s=n.Sum(II.nil);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=-1;return t;case 2:if(e===227){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:u=CD(h);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=11;case 11:return v;case 9:w=CE(h);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=13;case 13:return x;}return;}var $f={$blk:CF,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};CG.ptr.prototype.generateServerKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=0;k=g.supportedCurves;l=0;while(true){if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);if(e.supportsCurve(m)){j=m;break;}l++;}if(j===0){$s=-1;return[JR.nil,I.New("tls: no supported elliptic curves offered")];}o=BW(j);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[1];if(!((j===29))&&!p){$s=-1;return[JR.nil,I.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve")];}r=BV(e.rand(),j);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];t=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[JR.nil,t];}i.params=s;u=s.PublicKey();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=$makeSlice(II,(4+v.$length>>0));(0>=w.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+0]=3);(1>=w.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+1]=(((j>>>8<<16>>>16)<<24>>>24)));(2>=w.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+2]=((j<<24>>>24)));(3>=w.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+3]=((v.$length<<24>>>24)));$copySlice($subslice(w,4),v);x=$assertType(f.PrivateKey,C.Signer,true);y=x[0];z=x[1];if(!z){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:aa=J.Errorf("tls: certificate private key of type %T does not implement crypto.Signer",new IJ([f.PrivateKey]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=[JR.nil,aa];$s=7;case 7:return ab;case 5:ac=0;ad=0;ae=0;if(i.version>=771){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:ag=HW(i.version,f,g.supportedSignatureAlgorithms);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;ac=af[0];t=af[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[JR.nil,t];}ai=HS(ac);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;ad=ah[0];ae=ah[1];t=ah[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[JR.nil,t];}$s=10;continue;case 9:ak=y.Public();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=HT(ak);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=al;ad=aj[0];ae=aj[1];t=aj[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[JR.nil,t];}case 10:if(!(((ad===225)||(ad===226))===i.isRSA)){$s=-1;return[JR.nil,I.New("tls: certificate cannot be used with the selected cipher suite")];}am=CF(ad,ae,i.version,new IT([g.random,h.random,w]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;ao=(new C.Hash(ae));if(ad===226){ao=new F.PSSOptions.ptr(-1,ae);}aq=y.Sign(e.rand(),an,ao);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=aq;ar=ap[0];t=ap[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:as=t.Error();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=I.New("tls: failed to sign ECDHE parameters: "+as);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=[JR.nil,at];$s=21;case 21:return au;case 18:av=new DG.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);aw=0;if(i.version>=771){aw=2;}av.key=$makeSlice(II,(((w.$length+aw>>0)+2>>0)+ar.$length>>0));$copySlice(av.key,w);ax=$subslice(av.key,w.$length);if(i.version>=771){(0>=ax.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ax.$array[ax.$offset+0]=(((ac>>>8<<16>>>16)<<24>>>24)));(1>=ax.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ax.$array[ax.$offset+1]=((ac<<24>>>24)));ax=$subslice(ax,2);}(0>=ax.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ax.$array[ax.$offset+0]=(((ar.$length>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));(1>=ax.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ax.$array[ax.$offset+1]=((ar.$length<<24>>>24)));$copySlice($subslice(ax,2),ar);$s=-1;return[av,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:CG.ptr.prototype.generateServerKeyExchange,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CG.prototype.generateServerKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h){return this.$val.generateServerKeyExchange(e,f,g,h);};CG.ptr.prototype.processClientKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if((g.ciphertext.$length===0)||!(((((j=g.ciphertext,(0>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+0]))>>0))===(g.ciphertext.$length-1>>0)))){$s=-1;return[II.nil,CA];}k=i.params.SharedKey($subslice(g.ciphertext,1));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(l===II.nil){$s=-1;return[II.nil,CA];}$s=-1;return[l,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:CG.ptr.prototype.processClientKeyExchange,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};CG.prototype.processClientKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h){return this.$val.processClientKeyExchange(e,f,g,h);};CG.ptr.prototype.processServerKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(i.key.$length<4){$s=-1;return CB;}if(!(((k=i.key,(0>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+0]))===3))){$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server selected unsupported curve");}n=(((((l=i.key,(1>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+1]))<<16>>>16))<<8<<16>>>16)|(((m=i.key,(2>=m.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+2]))<<16>>>16)))>>>0;p=(((o=i.key,(3>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+3]))>>0));if((p+4>>0)>i.key.$length){$s=-1;return CB;}q=$subslice(i.key,0,(4+p>>0));r=$subslice(q,4);s=$subslice(i.key,(4+p>>0));if(s.$length<2){$s=-1;return CB;}u=BW(n);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;v=t[1];if(!((n===29))&&!v){$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server selected unsupported curve");}x=BV(e.rand(),n);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=w[0];z=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return z;}j.params=y;aa=y.SharedKey(r);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.preMasterSecret=aa;if(j.preMasterSecret===II.nil){$s=-1;return CB;}ab=y.PublicKey();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;j.ckx=new DJ.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);j.ckx.ciphertext=$makeSlice(II,(1+ac.$length>>0));(ad=j.ckx.ciphertext,(0>=ad.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+0]=((ac.$length<<24>>>24))));$copySlice($subslice(j.ckx.ciphertext,1),ac);ae=0;af=0;if(j.version>=771){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:ag=(((((0>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+0])<<16>>>16))<<8<<16>>>16)|(((1>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+1])<<16>>>16)))>>>0;s=$subslice(s,2);if(s.$length<2){$s=-1;return CB;}if(!FS(ag,f.supportedSignatureAlgorithms)){$s=-1;return I.New("tls: certificate used with invalid signature algorithm");}ai=HS(ag);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;ae=ah[0];af=ah[1];z=ah[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return z;}$s=7;continue;case 6:ak=HT(h.PublicKey);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;ae=aj[0];af=aj[1];z=aj[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return z;}case 7:if(!(((ae===225)||(ae===226))===j.isRSA)){$s=-1;return CB;}al=((((0>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+0])>>0))<<8>>0)|(((1>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+1])>>0));if(!(((al+2>>0)===s.$length))){$s=-1;return CB;}s=$subslice(s,2);am=CF(ae,af,j.version,new IT([f.random,g.random,q]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;ao=HP(ae,h.PublicKey,af,an,s);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ap,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:aq=ap.Error();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=I.New("tls: invalid signature by the server certificate: "+aq);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar;$s=16;case 16:return as;case 13:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CG.ptr.prototype.processServerKeyExchange,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CG.prototype.processServerKeyExchange=function(e,f,g,h,i){return this.$val.processServerKeyExchange(e,f,g,h,i);};CG.ptr.prototype.generateClientKeyExchange=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h;h=this;if(h.ckx===JS.nil){return[II.nil,JS.nil,I.New("tls: missing ServerKeyExchange message")];}return[h.preMasterSecret,h.ckx,$ifaceNil];};CG.prototype.generateClientKeyExchange=function(e,f,g){return this.$val.generateClientKeyExchange(e,f,g);};CH.ptr.prototype.handshake=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;g=e.processClientHello();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return h;}i=e.checkForResumption();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=e.pickCertificate();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return l;}f.buffering=true;m=e.sendServerParameters();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}o=e.sendServerCertificate();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}q=e.sendServerFinished();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return r;}t=f.flush();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return u;}v=e.readClientCertificate();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return w;}x=e.readClientFinished();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return y;}AD.StoreUint32((f.$ptr_handshakeStatus||(f.$ptr_handshakeStatus=new JT(function(){return this.$target.handshakeStatus;},function($v){this.$target.handshakeStatus=$v;},f))),1);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.handshake,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.handshake=function(){return this.$val.handshake();};CH.ptr.prototype.processClientHello=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;e.hello=new CW.ptr(II.nil,0,II.nil,II.nil,0,0,false,false,false,II.nil,"",IT.nil,0,new EM.ptr(0,II.nil),false,0,II.nil,II.nil,0);e.hello.vers=771;e.hello.supportedVersion=f.vers;if(e.clientHello.supportedVersions.$length===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=f.sendAlert(47);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client used the legacy version field to negotiate TLS 1.3");case 2:h=e.clientHello.cipherSuites;i=0;case 4:if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if(j===22016){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:if(f.vers=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0]))===0))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:m=f.sendAlert(47);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: TLS 1.3 client supports illegal compression methods");case 12:e.hello.random=$makeSlice(II,32);o=S.ReadFull(f.config.rand(),e.hello.random);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:q=f.sendAlert(80);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;$s=-1;return p;case 16:if(!((e.clientHello.secureRenegotiation.$length===0))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:r=f.sendAlert(40);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: initial handshake had non-empty renegotiation extension");case 19:if(e.clientHello.earlyData){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:s=f.sendAlert(110);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client sent unexpected early data");case 22:e.hello.sessionId=e.clientHello.sessionId;e.hello.compressionMethod=0;t=GK;if(!GP||!GS(e.clientHello.cipherSuites)){t=GL;}u=t;v=0;while(true){if(!(v=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+v]);e.suite=HN(e.clientHello.cipherSuites,w);if(!(e.suite===IM.nil)){break;}v++;}if(e.suite===IM.nil){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:x=f.sendAlert(40);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: no cipher suite supported by both client and server");case 25:f.cipherSuite=e.suite.id;e.hello.cipherSuite=e.suite.id;y=new C.Hash(e.suite.hash).New();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.transcript=y;z=0;aa=JU.nil;ab=f.config.curvePreferences();ac=0;GroupSelection:while(true){if(!(ac=ab.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ab.$array[ab.$offset+ac]);af=e.clientHello.keyShares;ag=0;while(true){if(!(ag=af.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):af.$array[af.$offset+ag]),EM);if(ad[0].group===ae){z=ad[0].group;aa=ad[0];break GroupSelection;}ag++;}if(!((z===0))){ac++;continue;}ah=e.clientHello.supportedCurves;ai=0;while(true){if(!(ai=ah.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+ai]);if(aj===ae){z=aj;break;}ai++;}ac++;}if(z===0){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:ak=f.sendAlert(40);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: no ECDHE curve supported by both client and server");case 29:if(aa===JU.nil){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:al=e.doHelloRetryRequest(z);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return am;}aa=(an=e.clientHello.keyShares,(0>=an.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):an.$array[an.$offset+0]));case 32:ap=BW(z);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=ap;aq=ao[1];if(!((z===29))&&!aq){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:ar=f.sendAlert(80);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve");case 36:at=BV(f.config.rand(),z);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=at;au=as[0];av=as[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(av,$ifaceNil))){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 39:aw=f.sendAlert(80);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw;$s=-1;return av;case 40:ax=au.PublicKey();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}EM.copy(e.hello.serverShare,new EM.ptr(z,ax));ay=au.SharedKey(aa.data);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.sharedKey=ay;if(e.sharedKey===II.nil){$s=44;continue;}$s=45;continue;case 44:az=f.sendAlert(47);$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: invalid client key share");case 45:f.serverName=e.clientHello.serverName;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.processClientHello,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.processClientHello=function(){return this.$val.processClientHello();};CH.ptr.prototype.checkForResumption=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;if(f.config.SessionTicketsDisabled){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}g=false;h=e.clientHello.pskModes;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if(j===1){g=true;break;}i++;}if(!g){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(!((e.clientHello.pskIdentities.$length===e.clientHello.pskBinders.$length))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=f.sendAlert(47);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: invalid or missing PSK binders");case 2:if(e.clientHello.pskIdentities.$length===0){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}l=e.clientHello.pskIdentities;m=0;case 4:if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]),EN);if(n>=5){$s=5;continue;}q=f.decryptTicket(o.label);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];if(r===II.nil){m++;$s=4;continue;}s=new BD.ptr(0,new $Uint64(0,0),II.nil,new FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil));t=s.unmarshal(r);if(!t){m++;$s=4;continue;}v=$clone(AE.Unix(((u=s.createdAt,new $Int64(u.$high,u.$low))),new $Int64(0,0)),AE.Time);x=f.config.time();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$clone(x,AE.Time).Sub($clone(v,AE.Time));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((w=y,(w.$high>140815||(w.$high===140815&&w.$low>4180213760)))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:m++;$s=4;continue;case 8:z=HO(s.cipherSuite);if(z===IM.nil||!((z.hash===e.suite.hash))){m++;$s=4;continue;}aa=!((s.certificate.Certificate.$length===0));ab=EU(f.config.ClientAuth);if(ab&&!aa){m++;$s=4;continue;}if(aa&&(f.config.ClientAuth===0)){m++;$s=4;continue;}ac=e.suite.expandLabel(s.resumptionSecret,"resumption",II.nil,new C.Hash(e.suite.hash).Size());$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;ae=e.suite.extract(ad,II.nil);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.earlySecret=ae;af=e.suite.deriveSecret(e.earlySecret,"res binder",$ifaceNil);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;ah=CI(e.transcript,e.suite.hash);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;if($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:aj=f.sendAlert(80);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: internal error: failed to clone hash");case 16:ak=e.clientHello.marshalWithoutBinders();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ai.Write(ak);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al;am=e.suite.finishedHash(ag,ai);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;if(!P.Equal((ao=e.clientHello.pskBinders,((n<0||n>=ao.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ao.$array[ao.$offset+n])),an)){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:ap=f.sendAlert(51);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: invalid PSK binder");case 22:f.didResume=true;aq=f.processCertsFromClient($clone(s.certificate,FK));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ar,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ar;}e.hello.selectedIdentityPresent=true;e.hello.selectedIdentity=((n<<16>>>16));e.usingPSK=true;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 5:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.checkForResumption,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.checkForResumption=function(){return this.$val.checkForResumption();};CI=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$assertType(e,JV,true);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(!i){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}k=h.MarshalBinary();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}n=new C.Hash(f).New();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=$assertType(o,JV,true);q=p[0];i=p[1];if(!i){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}r=q.UnmarshalBinary(l);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}$s=-1;return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:CI,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};CH.ptr.prototype.pickCertificate=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;if(e.usingPSK){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(e.clientHello.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=f.sendAlert(109);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=4;case 4:return h;case 2:j=f.config.getCertificate(CN(e.ctx,f,e.clientHello));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:if($interfaceIsEqual(l,FI)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:m=f.sendAlert(112);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;$s=10;continue;case 9:n=f.sendAlert(80);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;case 10:$s=-1;return l;case 7:p=HW(f.vers,k,e.clientHello.supportedSignatureAlgorithms);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;e.sigAlg=o[0];l=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:q=f.sendAlert(40);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;$s=-1;return l;case 15:e.cert=k;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.pickCertificate,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.pickCertificate=function(){return this.$val.pickCertificate();};CH.ptr.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec=function(){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(e.sentDummyCCS){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}e.sentDummyCCS=true;g=e.c.writeRecord(20,new II([1]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[1];$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec=function(){return this.$val.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec();};CH.ptr.prototype.doHelloRetryRequest=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.c;h=f.clientHello.marshal();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=f.transcript.Write(h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=f.transcript.Sum(II.nil);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$r=f.transcript.Reset();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=f.transcript.Write(new II([254,0,0,((k.$length<<24>>>24))]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;m=f.transcript.Write(k);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=new CW.ptr(II.nil,f.hello.vers,EQ,f.hello.sessionId,f.hello.cipherSuite,f.hello.compressionMethod,false,false,false,II.nil,"",IT.nil,f.hello.supportedVersion,new EM.ptr(0,II.nil),false,0,II.nil,II.nil,e);o=n.marshal();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=f.transcript.Write(o);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;r=n.marshal();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;t=g.writeRecord(22,s);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=t;u=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return u;}v=f.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return w;}y=g.readHandshake();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=x[0];aa=x[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return aa;}ab=$assertType(z,JW,true);ac=ab[0];ad=ab[1];if(!ad){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:ae=g.sendAlert(10);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;af=FR(ac,z);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;$s=17;case 17:return ag;case 14:if(!((ac.keyShares.$length===1))||!(((ah=ac.keyShares,(0>=ah.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+0])).group===e))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:ai=g.sendAlert(47);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client sent invalid key share in second ClientHello");case 19:if(ac.earlyData){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:aj=g.sendAlert(47);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client indicated early data in second ClientHello");case 22:if(CJ(ac,f.clientHello)){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:ak=g.sendAlert(47);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client illegally modified second ClientHello");case 25:f.clientHello=ac;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.doHelloRetryRequest,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.doHelloRetryRequest=function(e){return this.$val.doHelloRetryRequest(e);};CJ=function(e,f){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;if(!((e.supportedVersions.$length===f.supportedVersions.$length))||!((e.cipherSuites.$length===f.cipherSuites.$length))||!((e.supportedCurves.$length===f.supportedCurves.$length))||!((e.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length===f.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length))||!((e.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert.$length===f.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert.$length))||!((e.alpnProtocols.$length===f.alpnProtocols.$length))){return true;}g=e.supportedVersions;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+i]))===(k=f.supportedVersions,((i<0||i>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+i]))))){return true;}h++;}l=e.cipherSuites;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+n]))===(p=f.cipherSuites,((n<0||n>=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+n]))))){return true;}m++;}q=e.supportedCurves;r=0;while(true){if(!(r=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+s]))===(u=f.supportedCurves,((s<0||s>=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+s]))))){return true;}r++;}v=e.supportedSignatureAlgorithms;w=0;while(true){if(!(w=y.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+x]))===(z=f.supportedSignatureAlgorithms,((x<0||x>=z.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z.$array[z.$offset+x]))))){return true;}w++;}aa=e.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert;ab=0;while(true){if(!(ab=ad.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+ac]))===(ae=f.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert,((ac<0||ac>=ae.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ae.$array[ae.$offset+ac]))))){return true;}ab++;}af=e.alpnProtocols;ag=0;while(true){if(!(ag=ai.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai.$array[ai.$offset+ah]))===(aj=f.alpnProtocols,((ah<0||ah>=aj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aj.$array[aj.$offset+ah])))){return true;}ag++;}return!((e.vers===f.vers))||!A.Equal(e.random,f.random)||!A.Equal(e.sessionId,f.sessionId)||!A.Equal(e.compressionMethods,f.compressionMethods)||!(e.serverName===f.serverName)||!(e.ocspStapling===f.ocspStapling)||!A.Equal(e.supportedPoints,f.supportedPoints)||!(e.ticketSupported===f.ticketSupported)||!A.Equal(e.sessionTicket,f.sessionTicket)||!(e.secureRenegotiationSupported===f.secureRenegotiationSupported)||!A.Equal(e.secureRenegotiation,f.secureRenegotiation)||!(e.scts===f.scts)||!A.Equal(e.cookie,f.cookie)||!A.Equal(e.pskModes,f.pskModes);};CH.ptr.prototype.sendServerParameters=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;g=e.clientHello.marshal();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=e.transcript.Write(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;i=e.hello.marshal();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=e.transcript.Write(i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;l=e.hello.marshal();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=f.writeRecord(22,m);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=n;o=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return o;}p=e.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return q;}r=e.earlySecret;if(r===II.nil){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:s=e.suite.extract(II.nil,II.nil);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;case 9:t=e.sharedKey;u=e.suite.deriveSecret(r,"derived",$ifaceNil);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=e.suite.extract(t,v);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.handshakeSecret=w;x=e.suite.deriveSecret(e.handshakeSecret,"c hs traffic",e.transcript);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$r=f.in$27.setTrafficSecret(e.suite,y);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=e.suite.deriveSecret(e.handshakeSecret,"s hs traffic",e.transcript);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;$r=f.out.setTrafficSecret(e.suite,aa);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=f.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET",e.clientHello.random,y);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:ad=f.sendAlert(80);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad;$s=-1;return ac;case 19:ae=f.config.writeKeyLog("SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET",e.clientHello.random,aa);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ae;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:af=f.sendAlert(80);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;$s=-1;return ac;case 23:ag=new CX.ptr(II.nil,"");ai=CL(f.config.NextProtos,e.clientHello.alpnProtocols);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;aj=ah[0];ac=ah[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:ak=f.sendAlert(120);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak;$s=-1;return ac;case 27:ag.alpnProtocol=aj;f.clientProtocol=aj;al=ag.marshal();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=e.transcript.Write(al);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am;ao=ag.marshal();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;aq=f.writeRecord(22,ap);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=aq;ar=an[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ar,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ar;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.sendServerParameters,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.sendServerParameters=function(){return this.$val.sendServerParameters();};CH.ptr.prototype.requestClientCert=function(){var e;e=this;return e.c.config.ClientAuth>=1&&!e.usingPSK;};CH.prototype.requestClientCert=function(){return this.$val.requestClientCert();};CH.ptr.prototype.sendServerCertificate=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;if(e.usingPSK){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(e.requestClientCert()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=new DB.ptr(II.nil,false,false,IL.nil,IL.nil,IT.nil);g.ocspStapling=true;g.scts=true;g.supportedSignatureAlgorithms=EP;if(!(f.config.ClientCAs===IC.nil)){g.certificateAuthorities=f.config.ClientCAs.Subjects();}h=g.marshal();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=e.transcript.Write(h);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;k=g.marshal();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=f.writeRecord(22,l);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=m;n=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}case 2:o=new DD.ptr(II.nil,new FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil),false,false);FK.copy(o.certificate,e.cert);o.scts=e.clientHello.scts&&e.cert.SignedCertificateTimestamps.$length>0;o.ocspStapling=e.clientHello.ocspStapling&&e.cert.OCSPStaple.$length>0;p=o.marshal();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=e.transcript.Write(p);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;s=o.marshal();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=f.writeRecord(22,t);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=u;v=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return v;}w=new DM.ptr(II.nil,false,0,II.nil);w.hasSignatureAlgorithm=true;w.signatureAlgorithm=e.sigAlg;y=HS(e.sigAlg);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=x[0];aa=x[1];ab=x[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:ac=f.sendAlert(80);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;$s=15;case 15:return ad;case 13:ae=HR(aa,"TLS 1.3, server CertificateVerify\x00",e.transcript);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;ag=(new C.Hash(aa));if(z===226){ag=new F.PSSOptions.ptr(-1,aa);}ai=$assertType(e.cert.PrivateKey,C.Signer).Sign(f.config.rand(),af,ag);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;aj=ah[0];ab=ah[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:ak=$assertType(e.cert.PrivateKey,C.Signer).Public();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak;am=$assertType(al,JG,true);an=am[0];ao=am[1];if(ao&&(z===226)&&(ap=an.N.BitLen()/8,(ap===ap&&ap!==1/0&&ap!==-1/0)?ap>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<(($imul(new C.Hash(aa).Size(),2))+2>>0)){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:aq=f.sendAlert(40);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq;$s=23;continue;case 22:ar=f.sendAlert(80);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar;case 23:as=ab.Error();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=I.New("tls: failed to sign handshake: "+as);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at;$s=28;case 28:return au;case 19:w.signature=aj;av=w.marshal();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=e.transcript.Write(av);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw;ay=w.marshal();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;ba=f.writeRecord(22,az);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=ba;bb=ax[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bb,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bb;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.sendServerCertificate,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.sendServerCertificate=function(){return this.$val.sendServerCertificate();};CH.ptr.prototype.sendServerFinished=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;g=e.suite.finishedHash(f.out.trafficSecret,e.transcript);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=new DK.ptr(II.nil,g);i=h.marshal();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=e.transcript.Write(i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;l=h.marshal();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=f.writeRecord(22,m);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=n;o=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return o;}p=II.nil;q=e.suite.deriveSecret(e.handshakeSecret,"derived",$ifaceNil);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=e.suite.extract(p,r);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.masterSecret=s;t=e.suite.deriveSecret(e.masterSecret,"c ap traffic",e.transcript);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.trafficSecret=t;u=e.suite.deriveSecret(e.masterSecret,"s ap traffic",e.transcript);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$r=f.out.setTrafficSecret(e.suite,v);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=f.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0",e.clientHello.random,e.trafficSecret);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:y=f.sendAlert(80);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;$s=-1;return x;case 13:z=f.config.writeKeyLog("SERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0",e.clientHello.random,v);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=z;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:aa=f.sendAlert(80);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa;$s=-1;return x;case 17:ab=e.suite.exportKeyingMaterial(e.masterSecret,e.transcript);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.ekm=ab;if(!e.requestClientCert()){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:ac=e.sendSessionTickets();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ad,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ad;}case 21:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.sendServerFinished,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.sendServerFinished=function(){return this.$val.sendServerFinished();};CH.ptr.prototype.shouldSendSessionTickets=function(){var e,f,g,h;e=this;if(e.c.config.SessionTicketsDisabled){return false;}f=e.clientHello.pskModes;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(h===1){return true;}g++;}return false;};CH.prototype.shouldSendSessionTickets=function(){return this.$val.shouldSendSessionTickets();};CH.ptr.prototype.sendSessionTickets=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;g=e.suite.finishedHash(f.in$27.trafficSecret,e.transcript);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.clientFinished=g;h=new DK.ptr(II.nil,e.clientFinished);i=h.marshal();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=e.transcript.Write(i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;if(!e.shouldSendSessionTickets()){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}k=e.suite.deriveSecret(e.masterSecret,"res master",e.transcript);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=new DA.ptr(II.nil,0,0,II.nil,II.nil,0);n=IT.nil;o=f.peerCertificates;p=0;while(true){if(!(p=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]);n=$append(n,q.Raw);p++;}s=f.config.time();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,AE.Time).Unix();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=new BD.ptr(e.suite.id,((r=t,new $Uint64(r.$high,r.$low))),l,new FK.ptr(n,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,f.ocspResponse,f.scts,IU.nil));v=$ifaceNil;x=u.marshal();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=f.encryptTicket(x);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=y;m.label=w[0];v=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return v;}m.lifetime=604800;z=$makeSlice(II,4);ab=e.c.config.rand().Read(z);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;v=aa[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return v;}m.ageAdd=$clone(AC.LittleEndian,AC.littleEndian).Uint32(z);ad=m.marshal();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;af=f.writeRecord(22,ae);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=af;ag=ac[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ag,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ag;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.sendSessionTickets,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.sendSessionTickets=function(){return this.$val.sendSessionTickets();};CH.ptr.prototype.readClientCertificate=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;if(!e.requestClientCert()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(!(f.config.VerifyConnection===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=f.config.VerifyConnection($clone(f.connectionStateLocked(),ES));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:i=f.sendAlert(42);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return h;case 7:case 4:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:k=f.readHandshake();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}n=$assertType(l,JX,true);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(!p){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:q=f.sendAlert(10);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=FR(o,l);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=14;case 14:return s;case 11:t=o.marshal();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=e.transcript.Write(t);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;v=f.processCertsFromClient($clone(o.certificate,FK));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return w;}if(!(f.config.VerifyConnection===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:x=f.config.VerifyConnection($clone(f.connectionStateLocked(),ES));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:z=f.sendAlert(42);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;$s=-1;return y;case 22:case 19:if(!((o.certificate.Certificate.$length===0))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:ab=f.readHandshake();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;l=aa[0];m=aa[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}ac=$assertType(l,JY,true);ad=ac[0];ae=ac[1];if(!ae){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:af=f.sendAlert(10);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;ag=FR(ad,l);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;$s=31;case 31:return ah;case 28:if(!FS(ad.signatureAlgorithm,EP)){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:ai=f.sendAlert(47);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client certificate used with invalid signature algorithm");case 33:ak=HS(ad.signatureAlgorithm);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;al=aj[0];am=aj[1];an=aj[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:ao=f.sendAlert(80);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;$s=39;case 39:return ap;case 37:if((al===225)||(am===3)){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:aq=f.sendAlert(47);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client certificate used with invalid signature algorithm");case 41:ar=HR(am,"TLS 1.3, client CertificateVerify\x00",e.transcript);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar;au=HP(al,(at=f.peerCertificates,(0>=at.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):at.$array[at.$offset+0])).PublicKey,am,as,ad.signature);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=au;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(av,$ifaceNil))){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:aw=f.sendAlert(51);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw;ax=av.Error();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=I.New("tls: invalid signature by the client certificate: "+ax);$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=50;case 50:return az;case 46:ba=ad.marshal();$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=e.transcript.Write(ba);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb;case 25:bc=e.sendSessionTickets();$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bd,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bd;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.readClientCertificate,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.readClientCertificate=function(){return this.$val.readClientCertificate();};CH.ptr.prototype.readClientFinished=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;h=f.readHandshake();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=$assertType(i,JZ,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!m){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=f.sendAlert(10);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=FR(l,i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=6;case 6:return p;case 3:if(!P.Equal(e.clientFinished,l.verifyData)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:q=f.sendAlert(51);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: invalid client finished hash");case 8:$r=f.in$27.setTrafficSecret(e.suite,e.trafficSecret);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CH.ptr.prototype.readClientFinished,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};CH.prototype.readClientFinished=function(){return this.$val.readClientFinished();};DV.ptr.prototype.serverHandshake=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=f.readClientHello(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}if(f.vers===772){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=new CH.ptr(f,e,i,KA.nil,false,false,IM.nil,KB.nil,0,II.nil,II.nil,II.nil,II.nil,II.nil,$ifaceNil,II.nil);l=k.handshake();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=5;case 5:return m;case 3:n=new CK.ptr(f,e,i,KA.nil,IO.nil,false,false,false,false,KC.nil,new BR.ptr($ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,II.nil,0,$throwNilPointerError),II.nil,KB.nil);o=n.handshake();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=7;case 7:return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.serverHandshake,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.serverHandshake=function(e){return this.$val.serverHandshake(e);};CK.ptr.prototype.handshake=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;g=e.processClientHello();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return h;}f.buffering=true;i=e.checkForResumption();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:f.didResume=true;j=e.doResumeHandshake();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return k;}l=e.establishKeys();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}n=e.sendSessionTicket();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return o;}p=e.sendFinished(new II(f.serverFinished));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return q;}s=f.flush();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return t;}f.clientFinishedIsFirst=false;u=e.readFinished(II.nil);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return v;}$s=4;continue;case 3:w=e.pickCipherSuite();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return x;}y=e.doFullHandshake();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return z;}aa=e.establishKeys();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ab;}ac=e.readFinished(new II(f.clientFinished));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ad,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ad;}f.clientFinishedIsFirst=true;f.buffering=true;ae=e.sendSessionTicket();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return af;}ag=e.sendFinished(II.nil);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ah;}aj=f.flush();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;ak=ai[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ak,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ak;}case 4:f.ekm=BT(f.vers,e.suite,e.masterSecret,e.clientHello.random,e.hello.random);AD.StoreUint32((f.$ptr_handshakeStatus||(f.$ptr_handshakeStatus=new JT(function(){return this.$target.handshakeStatus;},function($v){this.$target.handshakeStatus=$v;},f))),1);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.handshake,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.handshake=function(){return this.$val.handshake();};DV.ptr.prototype.readClientHello=function(e){var{aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=f.readHandshake();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[JW.nil,j];}k=$assertType(i,JW,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!m){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=f.sendAlert(10);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=FR(l,i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=[JW.nil,o];$s=6;case 6:return p;case 3:q=IS.nil;r=f.config;if(!(f.config.GetConfigForClient===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:s=CN(e,f,l);u=f.config.GetConfigForClient(s);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;q=t[0];j=t[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}if(!(q===IS.nil)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 10:v=f.sendAlert(80);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;$s=-1;return[JW.nil,j];case 11:f.config=q;case 12:case 8:w=r.ticketKeys(q);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.ticketKeys=w;x=l.supportedVersions;if(l.supportedVersions.$length===0){x=FG(l.vers);}y=f.config.mutualVersion(false,x);f.vers=y[0];m=y[1];if(!m){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:z=f.sendAlert(70);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;aa=J.Errorf("tls: client offered only unsupported versions: %x",new IJ([x]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=[JW.nil,aa];$s=19;case 19:return ab;case 16:f.haveVers=true;f.in$27.version=f.vers;f.out.version=f.vers;$s=-1;return[l,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.readClientHello,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.readClientHello=function(e){return this.$val.readClientHello(e);};CK.ptr.prototype.processClientHello=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;e.hello=new CW.ptr(II.nil,0,II.nil,II.nil,0,0,false,false,false,II.nil,"",IT.nil,0,new EM.ptr(0,II.nil),false,0,II.nil,II.nil,0);e.hello.vers=f.vers;g=false;h=e.clientHello.compressionMethods;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if(j===0){g=true;break;}i++;}if(!g){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=f.sendAlert(40);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client does not support uncompressed connections");case 2:e.hello.random=$makeSlice(II,32);l=e.hello.random;m=f.config.maxSupportedVersion(false);if(m>=771&&f.vers0){f.serverName=e.clientHello.serverName;}t=CL(f.config.NextProtos,e.clientHello.alpnProtocols);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[0];p=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:v=f.sendAlert(120);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;$s=-1;return p;case 13:e.hello.alpnProtocol=u;f.clientProtocol=u;x=f.config.getCertificate(CN(e.ctx,f,e.clientHello));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;e.cert=w[0];p=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:if($interfaceIsEqual(p,FI)){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:y=f.sendAlert(112);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;$s=20;continue;case 19:z=f.sendAlert(80);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;case 20:$s=-1;return p;case 17:if(e.clientHello.scts){e.hello.scts=e.cert.SignedCertificateTimestamps;}e.ecdheOk=CM(f.config,e.clientHello.supportedCurves,e.clientHello.supportedPoints);if(e.ecdheOk&&e.clientHello.supportedPoints.$length>0){e.hello.supportedPoints=new II([0]);}aa=$assertType(e.cert.PrivateKey,C.Signer,true);ab=aa[0];ac=aa[1];if(ac){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:ae=ab.Public();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;if($assertType(ad,JH,true)[1]){$s=26;continue;}if($assertType(ad,E.PublicKey,true)[1]){$s=27;continue;}if($assertType(ad,JG,true)[1]){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 26:e.ecSignOk=true;$s=30;continue;case 27:e.ecSignOk=true;$s=30;continue;case 28:e.rsaSignOk=true;$s=30;continue;case 29:af=f.sendAlert(80);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;ag=ab.Public();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;ai=J.Errorf("tls: unsupported signing key type (%T)",new IJ([ah]));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai;$s=34;case 34:return aj;case 30:case 24:ak=$assertType(e.cert.PrivateKey,C.Decrypter,true);al=ak[0];am=ak[1];if(am){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:ao=al.Public();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ao;if($assertType(an,JG,true)[1]){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 38:e.rsaDecryptOk=true;$s=40;continue;case 39:ap=f.sendAlert(80);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;aq=al.Public();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;as=J.Errorf("tls: unsupported decryption key type (%T)",new IJ([ar]));$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=as;$s=44;case 44:return at;case 40:case 36:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.processClientHello,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.processClientHello=function(){return this.$val.processClientHello();};CL=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if((e.$length===0)||(f.$length===0)){$s=-1;return["",$ifaceNil];}g=false;h=e;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);k=f;l=0;while(true){if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);if(j===m){$s=-1;return[j,$ifaceNil];}if(j==="h2"&&m==="http/1.1"){g=true;}l++;}i++;}if(g){$s=-1;return["",$ifaceNil];}n=J.Errorf("tls: client requested unsupported application protocols (%s)",new IJ([f]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=["",n];$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:CL,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};CM=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;h=false;i=f;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);if(e.supportsCurve(k)){h=true;break;}j++;}l=false;m=g;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);if(o===0){l=true;break;}n++;}if(g.$length===0){l=true;}return h&&l;};CK.ptr.prototype.pickCipherSuite=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;g=GF;if(!GP||!GS(e.clientHello.cipherSuites)){g=GG;}h=f.config.cipherSuites();i=$makeSlice(IE,0,h.$length);j=g;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);m=h;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);if(o===l){i=$append(i,o);break;}n++;}k++;}p=GC(i,e.clientHello.cipherSuites,$methodVal(e,"cipherSuiteOk"));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.suite=p;if(e.suite===IO.nil){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:q=f.sendAlert(40);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: no cipher suite supported by both client and server");case 3:f.cipherSuite=e.suite.id;r=e.clientHello.cipherSuites;s=0;case 5:if(!(s=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]);if(t===22016){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:if(e.clientHello.vers140815||(n.$high===140815&&n.$low>4180213760)))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return false;case 3:if(!((f.vers===e.sessionState.vers))){$s=-1;return false;}q=false;r=e.clientHello.cipherSuites;s=0;while(true){if(!(s=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]);if(t===e.sessionState.cipherSuite){q=true;break;}s++;}if(!q){$s=-1;return false;}u=GC(new IE([e.sessionState.cipherSuite]),f.config.cipherSuites(),$methodVal(e,"cipherSuiteOk"));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.suite=u;if(e.suite===IO.nil){$s=-1;return false;}v=!((e.sessionState.certificates.$length===0));w=EU(f.config.ClientAuth);if(w&&!v){$s=-1;return false;}if(v&&(f.config.ClientAuth===0)){$s=-1;return false;}$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.checkForResumption,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.checkForResumption=function(){return this.$val.checkForResumption();};CK.ptr.prototype.doResumeHandshake=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;e.hello.cipherSuite=e.suite.id;f.cipherSuite=e.suite.id;e.hello.sessionId=e.clientHello.sessionId;e.hello.ticketSupported=e.sessionState.usedOldKey;g=BQ(f.vers,e.suite);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BR.copy(e.finishedHash,g);e.finishedHash.discardHandshakeBuffer();h=e.clientHello.marshal();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=e.finishedHash.Write(h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=e.hello.marshal();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=e.finishedHash.Write(j);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;m=e.hello.marshal();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=f.writeRecord(22,n);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=o;p=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}q=f.processCertsFromClient(new FK.ptr(e.sessionState.certificates,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return r;}if(!(f.config.VerifyConnection===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:s=f.config.VerifyConnection($clone(f.connectionStateLocked(),ES));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:u=f.sendAlert(42);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;$s=-1;return t;case 13:case 10:e.masterSecret=e.sessionState.masterSecret;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.doResumeHandshake,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.doResumeHandshake=function(){return this.$val.doResumeHandshake();};CK.ptr.prototype.doFullHandshake=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;if(e.clientHello.ocspStapling&&e.cert.OCSPStaple.$length>0){e.hello.ocspStapling=true;}e.hello.ticketSupported=e.clientHello.ticketSupported&&!f.config.SessionTicketsDisabled;e.hello.cipherSuite=e.suite.id;g=BQ(e.c.vers,e.suite);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BR.copy(e.finishedHash,g);if(f.config.ClientAuth===0){e.finishedHash.discardHandshakeBuffer();}h=e.clientHello.marshal();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=e.finishedHash.Write(h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=e.hello.marshal();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=e.finishedHash.Write(j);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;m=e.hello.marshal();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=f.writeRecord(22,n);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=o;p=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}q=new DC.ptr(II.nil,IT.nil);q.certificates=e.cert.Certificate;r=e.finishedHash.Write(q.marshal());$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;t=f.writeRecord(22,q.marshal());$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return u;}if(e.hello.ocspStapling){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:v=new DH.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);v.response=e.cert.OCSPStaple;w=v.marshal();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=e.finishedHash.Write(w);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;z=v.marshal();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;ab=f.writeRecord(22,aa);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=ab;ac=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ac;}case 11:ad=e.suite.ka(f.vers);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;ag=ae.generateServerKeyExchange(f.config,e.cert,e.clientHello,e.hello);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;ah=af[0];ai=af[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:aj=f.sendAlert(40);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;$s=-1;return ai;case 19:if(!(ah===JR.nil)){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:ak=e.finishedHash.Write(ah.marshal());$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak;am=f.writeRecord(22,ah.marshal());$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=am;an=al[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return an;}case 22:ao=KD.nil;if(f.config.ClientAuth>=1){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:ao=new DL.ptr(II.nil,false,II.nil,IL.nil,IT.nil);ao.certificateTypes=new II([1,64]);if(f.vers>=771){ao.hasSignatureAlgorithm=true;ao.supportedSignatureAlgorithms=EP;}if(!(f.config.ClientCAs===IC.nil)){ao.certificateAuthorities=f.config.ClientCAs.Subjects();}ap=e.finishedHash.Write(ao.marshal());$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;ar=f.writeRecord(22,ao.marshal());$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ar;as=aq[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(as,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return as;}case 26:at=new DI.ptr();au=e.finishedHash.Write(at.marshal());$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au;aw=f.writeRecord(22,at.marshal());$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=aw;ax=av[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ax,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ax;}az=f.flush();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=az;ba=ay[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ba,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ba;}bb=$ifaceNil;bd=f.readHandshake();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bd;be=bc[0];ai=bc[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ai;}if(f.config.ClientAuth>=1){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:bf=$assertType(be,KE,true);bg=bf[0];bh=bf[1];if(!bh){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:bi=f.sendAlert(10);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi;bj=FR(bg,be);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=bj;$s=39;case 39:return bk;case 36:bl=e.finishedHash.Write(bg.marshal());$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl;bm=f.processCertsFromClient(new FK.ptr(bg.certificates,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil));$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=bm;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bn,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bn;}if(!((bg.certificates.$length===0))){bb=(bo=f.peerCertificates,(0>=bo.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bo.$array[bo.$offset+0])).PublicKey;}bq=f.readHandshake();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=bq;be=bp[0];ai=bp[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ai;}case 34:if(!(f.config.VerifyConnection===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=43;continue;}$s=44;continue;case 43:br=f.config.VerifyConnection($clone(f.connectionStateLocked(),ES));$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=br;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bs,$ifaceNil))){$s=46;continue;}$s=47;continue;case 46:bt=f.sendAlert(42);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt;$s=-1;return bs;case 47:case 44:bu=$assertType(be,JS,true);bv=bu[0];bw=bu[1];if(!bw){$s=49;continue;}$s=50;continue;case 49:bx=f.sendAlert(10);$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;bx=bx.$blk();}if(bx&&bx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bx;by=FR(bv,be);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;by=by.$blk();}if(by&&by.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bz=by;$s=53;case 53:return bz;case 50:ca=e.finishedHash.Write(bv.marshal());$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ca;cc=ae.processClientKeyExchange(f.config,e.cert,bv,f.vers);$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;cc=cc.$blk();}if(cc&&cc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cb=cc;cd=cb[0];ai=cb[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=56;continue;}$s=57;continue;case 56:ce=f.sendAlert(40);$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;ce=ce.$blk();}if(ce&&ce.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce;$s=-1;return ai;case 57:cf=BO(f.vers,e.suite,cd,e.clientHello.random,e.hello.random);$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;cf=cf.$blk();}if(cf&&cf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.masterSecret=cf;cg=f.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_RANDOM",e.clientHello.random,e.masterSecret);$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;cg=cg.$blk();}if(cg&&cg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ch=cg;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ch,$ifaceNil))){$s=61;continue;}$s=62;continue;case 61:ci=f.sendAlert(80);$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;ci=ci.$blk();}if(ci&&ci.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ci;$s=-1;return ch;case 62:if(f.peerCertificates.$length>0){$s=64;continue;}$s=65;continue;case 64:ck=f.readHandshake();$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;ck=ck.$blk();}if(ck&&ck.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cj=ck;be=cj[0];ai=cj[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ai;}cl=$assertType(be,JY,true);cm=cl[0];cn=cl[1];if(!cn){$s=67;continue;}$s=68;continue;case 67:co=f.sendAlert(10);$s=69;case 69:if($c){$c=false;co=co.$blk();}if(co&&co.$blk!==undefined){break s;}co;cp=FR(cm,be);$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;cp=cp.$blk();}if(cp&&cp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cq=cp;$s=71;case 71:return cq;case 68:cr=0;cs=0;if(f.vers>=771){$s=72;continue;}$s=73;continue;case 72:if(!FS(cm.signatureAlgorithm,ao.supportedSignatureAlgorithms)){$s=75;continue;}$s=76;continue;case 75:ct=f.sendAlert(47);$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;ct=ct.$blk();}if(ct&&ct.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ct;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client certificate used with invalid signature algorithm");case 76:cv=HS(cm.signatureAlgorithm);$s=78;case 78:if($c){$c=false;cv=cv.$blk();}if(cv&&cv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cu=cv;cr=cu[0];cs=cu[1];ai=cu[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=79;continue;}$s=80;continue;case 79:cw=f.sendAlert(80);$s=81;case 81:if($c){$c=false;cw=cw.$blk();}if(cw&&cw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cx=cw;$s=82;case 82:return cx;case 80:$s=74;continue;case 73:cz=HT(bb);$s=83;case 83:if($c){$c=false;cz=cz.$blk();}if(cz&&cz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cy=cz;cr=cy[0];cs=cy[1];ai=cy[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=84;continue;}$s=85;continue;case 84:da=f.sendAlert(47);$s=86;case 86:if($c){$c=false;da=da.$blk();}if(da&&da.$blk!==undefined){break s;}da;$s=-1;return ai;case 85:case 74:db=$clone(e.finishedHash,BR).hashForClientCertificate(cr,cs,e.masterSecret);$s=87;case 87:if($c){$c=false;db=db.$blk();}if(db&&db.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dc=db;dd=HP(cr,bb,cs,dc,cm.signature);$s=88;case 88:if($c){$c=false;dd=dd.$blk();}if(dd&&dd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}de=dd;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(de,$ifaceNil))){$s=89;continue;}$s=90;continue;case 89:df=f.sendAlert(51);$s=91;case 91:if($c){$c=false;df=df.$blk();}if(df&&df.$blk!==undefined){break s;}df;dg=de.Error();$s=92;case 92:if($c){$c=false;dg=dg.$blk();}if(dg&&dg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dh=I.New("tls: invalid signature by the client certificate: "+dg);$s=93;case 93:if($c){$c=false;dh=dh.$blk();}if(dh&&dh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}di=dh;$s=94;case 94:return di;case 90:dj=cm.marshal();$s=95;case 95:if($c){$c=false;dj=dj.$blk();}if(dj&&dj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dk=e.finishedHash.Write(dj);$s=96;case 96:if($c){$c=false;dk=dk.$blk();}if(dk&&dk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dk;case 65:e.finishedHash.discardHandshakeBuffer();$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.doFullHandshake,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.doFullHandshake=function(){return this.$val.doFullHandshake();};CK.ptr.prototype.establishKeys=function(){var{aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;h=BP(f.vers,e.suite,e.masterSecret,e.clientHello.random,e.hello.random,e.suite.macLen,e.suite.keyLen,e.suite.ivLen);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];k=g[2];l=g[3];m=g[4];n=g[5];o=$ifaceNil;p=$ifaceNil;q=o;r=p;s=$ifaceNil;t=$ifaceNil;u=s;v=t;if(e.suite.aead===$throwNilPointerError){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:w=e.suite.cipher(k,m,true);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=w;x=e.suite.mac(i);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=x;y=e.suite.cipher(l,n,false);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=y;z=e.suite.mac(j);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=z;$s=4;continue;case 3:aa=e.suite.aead(k,m);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=aa;ab=e.suite.aead(l,n);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=ab;case 4:f.in$27.prepareCipherSpec(f.vers,q,u);f.out.prepareCipherSpec(f.vers,r,v);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.establishKeys,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.establishKeys=function(){return this.$val.establishKeys();};CK.ptr.prototype.readFinished=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.c;h=g.readChangeCipherSpec();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i;}k=g.readHandshake();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}n=$assertType(l,JZ,true);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(!p){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:q=g.sendAlert(10);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=FR(o,l);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=7;case 7:return s;case 4:t=$clone(f.finishedHash,BR).clientSum(f.masterSecret);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(!((u.$length===o.verifyData.$length))||!((R.ConstantTimeCompare(u,o.verifyData)===1))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:v=g.sendAlert(40);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client's Finished message is incorrect");case 10:w=o.marshal();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=f.finishedHash.Write(w);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;$copySlice(e,u);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.readFinished,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.readFinished=function(e){return this.$val.readFinished(e);};CK.ptr.prototype.sendSessionTicket=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(!e.hello.ticketSupported){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}f=e.c;g=new DN.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);i=f.config.time();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,AE.Time).Unix();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=((h=j,new $Uint64(h.$high,h.$low)));if(!(e.sessionState===KC.nil)){k=e.sessionState.createdAt;}l=IT.nil;m=f.peerCertificates;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l=$append(l,o.Raw);n++;}p=new BC.ptr(f.vers,e.suite.id,k,e.masterSecret,l,false);q=$ifaceNil;s=p.marshal();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=f.encryptTicket(s);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=t;g.ticket=r[0];q=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return q;}u=e.finishedHash.Write(g.marshal());$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;w=f.writeRecord(22,g.marshal());$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;x=v[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return x;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.sendSessionTicket,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.sendSessionTicket=function(){return this.$val.sendSessionTicket();};CK.ptr.prototype.sendFinished=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.c;i=g.writeRecord(20,new II([1]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=new DK.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);l=$clone(f.finishedHash,BR).serverSum(f.masterSecret);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.verifyData=l;m=k.marshal();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=f.finishedHash.Write(m);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;p=k.marshal();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=g.writeRecord(22,q);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=r;s=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return s;}$copySlice(e,k.verifyData);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:CK.ptr.prototype.sendFinished,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};CK.prototype.sendFinished=function(e){return this.$val.sendFinished(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.processCertsFromClient=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=e.Certificate;h=$makeSlice(IV,g.$length);i=$ifaceNil;j=g;k=0;case 1:if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);o=G.ParseCertificate(m);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;((l<0||l>=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+l]=n[0]);i=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:p=f.sendAlert(42);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;q=i.Error();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=I.New("tls: failed to parse client certificate: "+q);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=9;case 9:return s;case 5:k++;$s=1;continue;case 2:if((h.$length===0)&&EU(f.config.ClientAuth)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:t=f.sendAlert(42);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: client didn't provide a certificate");case 11:if(f.config.ClientAuth>=3&&h.$length>0){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:u=f.config.time();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=new G.VerifyOptions.ptr("",G.NewCertPool(),f.config.ClientCAs,$clone(u,AE.Time),new KF([2]),0);w=$subslice(h,1);x=0;while(true){if(!(x=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+x]);v.Intermediates.AddCert(y);x++;}aa=(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]).Verify($clone(v,G.VerifyOptions));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;ab=z[0];ac=z[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:ad=f.sendAlert(42);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad;ae=ac.Error();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=I.New("tls: failed to verify client certificate: "+ae);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;$s=22;case 22:return ag;case 18:f.verifiedChains=ab;case 14:f.peerCertificates=h;f.ocspResponse=e.OCSPStaple;f.scts=e.SignedCertificateTimestamps;if(h.$length>0){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:ah=(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]).PublicKey;if($assertType(ah,JH,true)[1]||$assertType(ah,JG,true)[1]||$assertType(ah,E.PublicKey,true)[1]){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:$s=27;continue;case 26:ai=f.sendAlert(43);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai;aj=J.Errorf("tls: client certificate contains an unsupported public key of type %T",new IJ([(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]).PublicKey]));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;$s=30;case 30:return ak;case 27:case 24:if(!(f.config.VerifyPeerCertificate===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:al=f.config.VerifyPeerCertificate(g,f.verifiedChains);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil))){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:an=f.sendAlert(42);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an;$s=-1;return am;case 35:case 32:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.processCertsFromClient,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.processCertsFromClient=function(e){return this.$val.processCertsFromClient(e);};CN=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h;h=g.supportedVersions;if(g.supportedVersions.$length===0){h=FG(g.vers);}return new EY.ptr(g.cipherSuites,g.serverName,g.supportedCurves,g.supportedPoints,g.supportedSignatureAlgorithms,g.alpnProtocols,h,f.conn,f.config,e);};CO.prototype.Marshal=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this.$val;g=f(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:CO.prototype.Marshal,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(CO).prototype.Marshal=function(e){return new CO(this.$get()).Marshal(e);};CP=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=[g];$r=e.AddValue(new CO(((function(f,g){return function $b(h){var{h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((f[0].$length===g[0]))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=J.Errorf("invalid value length: expected %d, got %d",new IJ([new $Int(g[0]),new $Int(f[0].$length)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=4;case 4:return j;case 2:h.AddBytes(f[0]);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};})(f,g))));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:CP,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};CQ=function(e,f){var e,f;e.AddUint32((($shiftRightUint64(f,32).$low>>>0)));e.AddUint32(((f.$low>>>0)));};CR=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;g=0;h=0;i=g;j=h;if(!e.ReadUint32((k||(k=new JT(function(){return i;},function($v){i=$v;}))))||!e.ReadUint32((l||(l=new JT(function(){return j;},function($v){j=$v;}))))){return false;}f.$set((m=$shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0,i)),32),n=(new $Uint64(0,j)),new $Uint64(m.$high|n.$high,(m.$low|n.$low)>>>0)));return true;};CS=function(e,f){var e,f,g;return e.ReadUint8LengthPrefixed(((g=f,new JM(function(){return $convertSliceType(g.$get(),T.String);},function($v){g.$set($convertSliceType($v,II));},g.$target))));};CT=function(e,f){var e,f,g;return e.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed(((g=f,new JM(function(){return $convertSliceType(g.$get(),T.String);},function($v){g.$set($convertSliceType($v,II));},g.$target))));};CU=function(e,f){var e,f,g;return e.ReadUint24LengthPrefixed(((g=f,new JM(function(){return $convertSliceType(g.$get(),T.String);},function($v){g.$set($convertSliceType($v,II));},g.$target))));};CV.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var{e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];e[0]=this;if(!(e[0].raw===II.nil)){$s=-1;return e[0].raw;}f=new T.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil,II.nil,false,JK.nil,0,0,false,JL.nil);f.AddUint8(1);$r=f.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(e){return function $b(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];g.AddUint16(e[0].vers);$r=CP(g,e[0].random,32);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(i){var i;i.AddBytes(e[0].sessionId);};})(e,h));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(i){var i,j,k,l;j=e[0].cipherSuites;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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II($stringToBytes(e[0].serverName))));};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(e[0].ocspStapling){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:j.AddUint16(5);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(k){var k;k.AddUint8(1);k.AddUint16(0);k.AddUint16(0);};})(e,h));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:if(e[0].supportedCurves.$length>0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:j.AddUint16(10);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(l){var l,m,n,o;m=e[0].supportedCurves;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l.AddUint16(((o<<16>>>16)));n++;}};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:if(e[0].supportedPoints.$length>0){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:j.AddUint16(11);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(l){var l;l.AddBytes(e[0].supportedPoints);};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 11:if(e[0].ticketSupported){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:j.AddUint16(35);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(k){var k;k.AddBytes(e[0].sessionTicket);};})(e,h));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 14:if(e[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length>0){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:j.AddUint16(13);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(l){var l,m,n,o;m=e[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithms;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l.AddUint16(((o<<16>>>16)));n++;}};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 17:if(e[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert.$length>0){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:j.AddUint16(50);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(l){var l,m,n,o;m=e[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l.AddUint16(((o<<16>>>16)));n++;}};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 20:if(e[0].secureRenegotiationSupported){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:j.AddUint16(65281);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(l){var l;l.AddBytes(e[0].secureRenegotiation);};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 23:if(e[0].alpnProtocols.$length>0){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:j.AddUint16(16);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(l){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=[m];n=e[0].alpnProtocols;o=0;case 1:if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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l,m,n,o;m=e[0].supportedVersions;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);l.AddUint16(o);n++;}};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 29:if(e[0].cookie.$length>0){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:j.AddUint16(44);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(l){var l;l.AddBytes(e[0].cookie);};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 32:if(e[0].keyShares.$length>0){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:j.AddUint16(51);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(l){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=[m];n=e[0].keyShares;o=0;case 1:if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]),EM);l.AddUint16(((m[0].group<<16>>>16)));$r=l.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h,m){return function(p){var p;p.AddBytes(m[0].data);};})(e,h,m));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 35:if(e[0].earlyData){j.AddUint16(42);j.AddUint16(0);}if(e[0].pskModes.$length>0){$s=37;continue;}$s=38;continue;case 37:j.AddUint16(45);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(l){var l;l.AddBytes(e[0].pskModes);};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 38:if(e[0].pskIdentities.$length>0){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:j.AddUint16(41);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(l){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=[m];n=e[0].pskIdentities;o=0;case 1:if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]),EN);$r=l.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h,m){return function(p){var p;p.AddBytes(m[0].label);};})(e,h,m));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.AddUint32(m[0].obfuscatedTicketAge);o++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=k.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(l){var{l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=[m];n=e[0].pskBinders;o=0;case 1:if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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e[0].raw;}return;}var $f={$blk:CV.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,e,f,$s};return $f;};CV.prototype.marshal=function(){return this.$val.marshal();};CV.ptr.prototype.marshalWithoutBinders=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=2;g=e.pskBinders;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);f=f+(1)>>0;f=f+(i.$length)>>0;h++;}j=e.marshal();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=-1;return $subslice(k,0,(k.$length-f>>0));}return;}var $f={$blk:CV.ptr.prototype.marshalWithoutBinders,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};CV.prototype.marshalWithoutBinders=function(){return this.$val.marshalWithoutBinders();};CV.ptr.prototype.updateBinders=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];f[0]=this;if(!((e.$length===f[0].pskBinders.$length))){$panic(new $String("tls: internal error: pskBinders length mismatch"));}g=f[0].pskBinders;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+i]).$length===(j=f[0].pskBinders,((i<0||i>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+i])).$length))){$panic(new $String("tls: internal error: pskBinders length mismatch"));}h++;}f[0].pskBinders=e;if(!(f[0].raw===II.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=f[0].marshalWithoutBinders();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.$length;m=T.NewFixedBuilder($subslice(f[0].raw,0,l));$r=m.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(f){return function $b(n){var{n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=[o];p=f[0].pskBinders;q=0;case 1:if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);$r=n.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(f,o){return function(r){var 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CV.ptr(e,0,II.nil,II.nil,IE.nil,II.nil,"",false,IG.nil,II.nil,false,II.nil,IL.nil,IL.nil,false,II.nil,ID.nil,false,IE.nil,II.nil,KG.nil,false,II.nil,KH.nil,IT.nil));g=($convertSliceType(e,T.String));if(!(h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).Skip(4)||!(h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint16((f.$ptr_vers||(f.$ptr_vers=new JN(function(){return this.$target.vers;},function($v){this.$target.vers=$v;},f))))||!(h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadBytes((f.$ptr_random||(f.$ptr_random=new IK(function(){return this.$target.random;},function($v){this.$target.random=$v;},f))),32)||!CS((h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),(f.$ptr_sessionId||(f.$ptr_sessionId=new IK(function(){return this.$target.sessionId;},function($v){this.$target.sessionId=$v;},f))))){return 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T.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil,II.nil,false,JK.nil,0,0,false,JL.nil);f.AddUint8(2);$r=f.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(e){return function $b(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];g.AddUint16(e[0].vers);$r=CP(g,e[0].random,32);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(i){var i;i.AddBytes(e[0].sessionId);};})(e,h));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.AddUint16(e[0].cipherSuite);g.AddUint8(e[0].compressionMethod);h[0]=false;i=$clone(g,T.Builder);$r=g.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(j){var{j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(e[0].ocspStapling){j.AddUint16(5);j.AddUint16(0);}if(e[0].ticketSupported){j.AddUint16(35);j.AddUint16(0);}if(e[0].secureRenegotiationSupported){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j.AddUint16(65281);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(l){var l;l.AddBytes(e[0].secureRenegotiation);};})(e,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,k,$s};return $f;};})(e,h));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(e[0].alpnProtocol.length>0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:j.AddUint16(16);$r=j.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(k){var{k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=k.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function $b(l){var{l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=l.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(e,h){return function(m){var m;m.AddBytes((new 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this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DB.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var{e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];e[0]=this;if(!(e[0].raw===II.nil)){$s=-1;return e[0].raw;}f=new T.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil,II.nil,false,JK.nil,0,0,false,JL.nil);f.AddUint8(13);$r=f.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(e){return function $b(g){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g.AddUint8(0);$r=g.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e){return function $b(h){var{h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(e[0].ocspStapling){h.AddUint16(5);h.AddUint16(0);}if(e[0].scts){h.AddUint16(18);h.AddUint16(0);}if(e[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h.AddUint16(13);$r=h.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e){return function $b(i){var{i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=i.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e){return function(j){var 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this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DD.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var{e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];e[0]=this;if(!(e[0].raw===II.nil)){$s=-1;return e[0].raw;}f=new T.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil,II.nil,false,JK.nil,0,0,false,JL.nil);f.AddUint8(11);$r=f.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(e){return function $b(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g.AddUint8(0);h=$clone(e[0].certificate,FK);if(!e[0].ocspStapling){h.OCSPStaple=II.nil;}if(!e[0].scts){h.SignedCertificateTimestamps=IT.nil;}$r=DE(g,$clone(h,FK));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};})(e));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0].raw=f.BytesOrPanic();$s=-1;return e[0].raw;}return;}var $f={$blk:DD.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,e,f,$s};return $f;};DD.prototype.marshal=function(){return this.$val.marshal();};DE=function(e,f){var{e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];$r=e.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(f){return function $b(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=[i];j=f[0].Certificate;k=0;case 1:if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);$r=g.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(f,h,i){return function(l){var l;l.AddBytes(h[0]);};})(f,h,i));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(f,h,i){return function $b(l){var{l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(i[0]>0){$s=-1;return;}if(!(f[0].OCSPStaple===II.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l.AddUint16(5);$r=l.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(f,h,i){return function $b(m){var{m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 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FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil),false,false));g=($convertSliceType(e,T.String));h=T.String.nil;if(!(i||(i=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).Skip(4)||!(i||(i=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint8LengthPrefixed((j||(j=new JM(function(){return h;},function($v){h=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))))||!h.Empty()||!DF((i||(i=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),f.certificate)||!g.Empty()){return false;}f.scts=!(f.certificate.SignedCertificateTimestamps===IT.nil);f.ocspStapling=!(f.certificate.OCSPStaple===II.nil);return true;};DD.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){return this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DF=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;g=T.String.nil;if(!e.ReadUint24LengthPrefixed((h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))))){return false;}while(true){if(!(!g.Empty())){break;}i=[i];j=[j];i[0]=II.nil;j[0]=T.String.nil;if(!CU((h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),(i.$ptr||(i.$ptr=new IK(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},i))))||!(h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((j.$ptr||(j.$ptr=new JM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},j))))){return false;}f.Certificate=$append(f.Certificate,i[0]);while(true){if(!(!j[0].Empty())){break;}k=[k];l=[l];m=[m];n=[n];l[0]=0;k[0]=T.String.nil;if(!(j.$ptr||(j.$ptr=new JM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},j))).ReadUint16((l.$ptr||(l.$ptr=new JN(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},l))))||!(j.$ptr||(j.$ptr=new JM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},j))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((k.$ptr||(k.$ptr=new JM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},k))))){return false;}if(f.Certificate.$length>1){continue;}o=l[0];if(o===(5)){n[0]=0;if(!(k.$ptr||(k.$ptr=new JM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},k))).ReadUint8((n.$ptr||(n.$ptr=new JP(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},n))))||!((n[0]===1))||!CU((k.$ptr||(k.$ptr=new JM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},k))),(f.$ptr_OCSPStaple||(f.$ptr_OCSPStaple=new IK(function(){return this.$target.OCSPStaple;},function($v){this.$target.OCSPStaple=$v;},f))))||(f.OCSPStaple.$length===0)){return false;}}else if(o===(18)){m[0]=T.String.nil;if(!(k.$ptr||(k.$ptr=new JM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},k))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((m.$ptr||(m.$ptr=new JM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},m))))||m[0].Empty()){return false;}while(true){if(!(!m[0].Empty())){break;}p=[p];p[0]=II.nil;if(!CT((m.$ptr||(m.$ptr=new JM(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},m))),(p.$ptr||(p.$ptr=new IK(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},p))))||(p[0].$length===0)){return false;}f.SignedCertificateTimestamps=$append(f.SignedCertificateTimestamps,p[0]);}}else{continue;}if(!k[0].Empty()){return false;}}}return true;};DG.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var e,f,g;e=this;if(!(e.raw===II.nil)){return e.raw;}f=e.key.$length;g=$makeSlice(II,(f+4>>0));(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]=12);(1>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+1]=(((f>>16>>0)<<24>>>24)));(2>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+2]=(((f>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));(3>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};})(e));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0].raw=f.BytesOrPanic();$s=-1;return e[0].raw;}return;}var $f={$blk:DH.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,e,f,$s};return $f;};DH.prototype.marshal=function(){return this.$val.marshal();};DH.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i,j;f=this;f.raw=e;g=($convertSliceType(e,T.String));h=0;if(!(i||(i=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).Skip(4)||!(i||(i=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint8((j||(j=new JP(function(){return h;},function($v){h=$v;}))))||!((h===1))||!CU((i||(i=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),(f.$ptr_response||(f.$ptr_response=new IK(function(){return this.$target.response;},function($v){this.$target.response=$v;},f))))||(f.response.$length===0)||!g.Empty()){return false;}return true;};DH.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){return this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DI.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var e,f;e=this;f=$makeSlice(II,4);(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0]=14);return f;};DI.prototype.marshal=function(){return this.$val.marshal();};DI.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){var e,f;f=this;return e.$length===4;};DI.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){return this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DJ.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var e,f,g;e=this;if(!(e.raw===II.nil)){return e.raw;}f=e.ciphertext.$length;g=$makeSlice(II,(f+4>>0));(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]=16);(1>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+1]=(((f>>16>>0)<<24>>>24)));(2>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+2]=(((f>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));(3>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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T.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil,II.nil,false,JK.nil,0,0,false,JL.nil);f.AddUint8(20);$r=f.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(e){return function(g){var g;g.AddBytes(e[0].verifyData);};})(e));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0].raw=f.BytesOrPanic();$s=-1;return e[0].raw;}return;}var $f={$blk:DK.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,e,f,$s};return $f;};DK.prototype.marshal=function(){return this.$val.marshal();};DK.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){var e,f,g,h;f=this;f.raw=e;g=($convertSliceType(e,T.String));return(h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).Skip(1)&&CU((h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),(f.$ptr_verifyData||(f.$ptr_verifyData=new IK(function(){return this.$target.verifyData;},function($v){this.$target.verifyData=$v;},f))))&&g.Empty();};DK.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){return this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DL.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var 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range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])<<16>>>16))<<8<<16>>>16)|(((1>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+1])<<16>>>16)))>>>0;q=$subslice(q,2);if(q.$length<((r>>0))){return false;}f.certificateAuthorities=$append(f.certificateAuthorities,$subslice(q,0,r));q=$subslice(q,r);}return e.$length===0;};DL.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){return this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DM.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=II.nil;e[0]=this;if(!(e[0].raw===II.nil)){f=e[0].raw;$s=-1;return f;}g=new T.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil,II.nil,false,JK.nil,0,0,false,JL.nil);g.AddUint8(15);$r=g.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(e){return function $b(h){var{h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(e[0].hasSignatureAlgorithm){h.AddUint16(((e[0].signatureAlgorithm<<16>>>16)));}$r=h.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(e){return function(i){var i;i.AddBytes(e[0].signature);};})(e));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,$s};return $f;};})(e));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e[0].raw=g.BytesOrPanic();f=e[0].raw;$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:DM.ptr.prototype.marshal,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DM.prototype.marshal=function(){return this.$val.marshal();};DM.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i;f=this;f.raw=e;g=($convertSliceType(e,T.String));if(!(h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).Skip(4)){return false;}if(f.hasSignatureAlgorithm){if(!(h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))).ReadUint16(((i=(f.$ptr_signatureAlgorithm||(f.$ptr_signatureAlgorithm=new KJ(function(){return this.$target.signatureAlgorithm;},function($v){this.$target.signatureAlgorithm=$v;},f))),new JN(function(){return(i.$get()<<16>>>16);},function($v){i.$set(($v<<16>>>16));},i.$target))))){return false;}}return CT((h||(h=new JM(function(){return g;},function($v){g=$convertSliceType($v,T.String);}))),(f.$ptr_signature||(f.$ptr_signature=new IK(function(){return this.$target.signature;},function($v){this.$target.signature=$v;},f))))&&g.Empty();};DM.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){return this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DN.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){var e,f,g,h;e=II.nil;f=this;if(!(f.raw===II.nil)){e=f.raw;return e;}g=f.ticket.$length;h=6+g>>0;e=$makeSlice(II,(4+h>>0));(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]=4);(1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1]=(((h>>16>>0)<<24>>>24)));(2>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+2]=(((h>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));(3>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+3]=((h<<24>>>24)));(8>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+8]=(((g>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));(9>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+9]=((g<<24>>>24)));$copySlice($subslice(e,10),f.ticket);f.raw=e;return e;};DN.prototype.marshal=function(){return this.$val.marshal();};DN.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){var e,f,g,h;f=this;f.raw=e;if(e.$length<10){return false;}g=(((((((1>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+1])>>>0))<<16>>>0)|((((2>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+2])>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|(((3>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+3])>>>0)))>>>0;if(!(((((e.$length>>>0))-4>>>0)===g))){return false;}h=((((8>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+8])>>0))<<8>>0)+(((9>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+9])>>0))>>0;if(!(((e.$length-10>>0)===h))){return false;}f.ticket=$subslice(e,10);return true;};DN.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){return this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DO.ptr.prototype.marshal=function(){return new II([0,0,0,0]);};DO.prototype.marshal=function(){return this.$val.marshal();};DO.ptr.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){var e;return e.$length===4;};DO.prototype.unmarshal=function(e){return this.$val.unmarshal(e);};DP.ptr.prototype.handshake=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;if(f.handshakes>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=f.sendAlert(70);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server selected TLS 1.3 in a renegotiation");case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(e.ecdheParams,$ifaceNil)||!((e.hello.keyShares.$length===1))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:h=f.sendAlert(80);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=7;case 7:return i;case 5:j=e.checkServerHelloOrHRR();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return k;}l=new C.Hash(e.suite.hash).New();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.transcript=l;m=e.hello.marshal();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=e.transcript.Write(m);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;if(A.Equal(e.serverHello.random,EQ)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:o=e.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}q=e.processHelloRetryRequest();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return r;}case 13:s=e.serverHello.marshal();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=e.transcript.Write(s);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;f.buffering=true;u=e.processServerHello();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return v;}w=e.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return x;}y=e.establishHandshakeKeys();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return z;}aa=e.readServerParameters();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ab;}ac=e.readServerCertificate();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ad,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ad;}ae=e.readServerFinished();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return af;}ag=e.sendClientCertificate();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ah;}ai=e.sendClientFinished();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aj,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return aj;}al=f.flush();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=al;am=ak[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return am;}AD.StoreUint32((f.$ptr_handshakeStatus||(f.$ptr_handshakeStatus=new JT(function(){return this.$target.handshakeStatus;},function($v){this.$target.handshakeStatus=$v;},f))),1);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.handshake,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.handshake=function(){return this.$val.handshake();};DP.ptr.prototype.checkServerHelloOrHRR=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;if(e.serverHello.supportedVersion===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=f.sendAlert(109);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server selected TLS 1.3 using the legacy version field");case 2:if(!((e.serverHello.supportedVersion===772))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:h=f.sendAlert(47);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server selected an invalid version after a HelloRetryRequest");case 5:if(!((e.serverHello.vers===771))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:i=f.sendAlert(47);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server sent an incorrect legacy version");case 8:if(e.serverHello.ocspStapling||e.serverHello.ticketSupported||e.serverHello.secureRenegotiationSupported||!((e.serverHello.secureRenegotiation.$length===0))||!((e.serverHello.alpnProtocol.length===0))||!((e.serverHello.scts.$length===0))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:j=f.sendAlert(110);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server sent a ServerHello extension forbidden in TLS 1.3");case 11:if(!A.Equal(e.hello.sessionId,e.serverHello.sessionId)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:k=f.sendAlert(47);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server did not echo the legacy session ID");case 14:if(!((e.serverHello.compressionMethod===0))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:l=f.sendAlert(47);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server selected unsupported compression format");case 17:m=HN(e.hello.cipherSuites,e.serverHello.cipherSuite);if(!(e.suite===IM.nil)&&!(m===e.suite)){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:n=f.sendAlert(47);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server changed cipher suite after a HelloRetryRequest");case 20:if(m===IM.nil){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:o=f.sendAlert(47);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server chose an unconfigured cipher suite");case 23:e.suite=m;f.cipherSuite=e.suite.id;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.checkServerHelloOrHRR,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.checkServerHelloOrHRR=function(){return this.$val.checkServerHelloOrHRR();};DP.ptr.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec=function(){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(e.sentDummyCCS){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}e.sentDummyCCS=true;g=e.c.writeRecord(20,new II([1]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[1];$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec=function(){return this.$val.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec();};DP.ptr.prototype.processHelloRetryRequest=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;g=e.transcript.Sum(II.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$r=e.transcript.Reset();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=e.transcript.Write(new II([254,0,0,((h.$length<<24>>>24))]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=e.transcript.Write(h);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=e.serverHello.marshal();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=e.transcript.Write(k);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;if((e.serverHello.selectedGroup===0)&&e.serverHello.cookie===II.nil){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:m=f.sendAlert(47);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server sent an unnecessary HelloRetryRequest message");case 8:if(!(e.serverHello.cookie===II.nil)){e.hello.cookie=e.serverHello.cookie;}if(!((e.serverHello.serverShare.group===0))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:n=f.sendAlert(50);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: received malformed key_share extension");case 11:o=e.serverHello.selectedGroup;if(!((o===0))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:p=false;q=e.hello.supportedCurves;r=0;while(true){if(!(r=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r]);if(s===o){p=true;break;}r++;}if(!p){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:t=f.sendAlert(47);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server selected unsupported group");case 16:u=e.ecdheParams.CurveID();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(u===o){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:v=f.sendAlert(47);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server sent an unnecessary HelloRetryRequest key_share");case 19:x=BW(o);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=w[1];if(!((o===29))&&!y){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:z=f.sendAlert(80);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve");case 24:ab=BV(f.config.rand(),o);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=aa[0];ad=aa[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ad,$ifaceNil))){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:ae=f.sendAlert(80);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;$s=-1;return ad;case 28:e.ecdheParams=ac;af=ac.PublicKey();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.hello.keyShares=new KG([new EM.ptr(o,af)]);case 14:e.hello.raw=II.nil;if(e.hello.pskIdentities.$length>0){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:ag=HO(e.session.cipherSuite);if(ag===IM.nil){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:ah=f.sendAlert(80);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;$s=36;case 36:return ai;case 34:if(ag.hash===e.suite.hash){$s=37;continue;}$s=38;continue;case 37:aj=f.config.time();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=$clone(aj,AE.Time).Sub($clone(e.session.receivedAt,AE.Time));$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=(($div64(ak,new AE.Duration(0,1000000),false).$low>>>0));(am=e.hello.pskIdentities,(0>=am.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):am.$array[am.$offset+0])).obfuscatedTicketAge=al+e.session.ageAdd>>>0;an=new C.Hash(e.suite.hash).New();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=an;ap=ao.Write(new II([254,0,0,((h.$length<<24>>>24))]));$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;aq=ao.Write(h);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq;ar=e.serverHello.marshal();$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ao.Write(ar);$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as;at=e.hello.marshalWithoutBinders();$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=ao.Write(at);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au;av=e.suite.finishedHash(e.binderKey,ao);$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=new IT([av]);$r=e.hello.updateBinders(aw);$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=39;continue;case 38:e.hello.pskIdentities=KH.nil;e.hello.pskBinders=IT.nil;case 39:case 32:ax=e.hello.marshal();$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=e.transcript.Write(ax);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay;ba=e.hello.marshal();$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=ba;bc=f.writeRecord(22,bb);$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=bc;bd=az[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bd,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bd;}bf=f.readHandshake();$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bf;bg=be[0];bh=be[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bh,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bh;}bi=$assertType(bg,KA,true);bj=bi[0];bk=bi[1];if(!bk){$s=56;continue;}$s=57;continue;case 56:bl=f.sendAlert(10);$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl;bm=FR(bj,bg);$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=bm;$s=60;case 60:return bn;case 57:e.serverHello=bj;bo=e.checkServerHelloOrHRR();$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=bo;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bp,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bp;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.processHelloRetryRequest,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.processHelloRetryRequest=function(){return this.$val.processHelloRetryRequest();};DP.ptr.prototype.processServerHello=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;if(A.Equal(e.serverHello.random,EQ)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=f.sendAlert(10);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server sent two HelloRetryRequest messages");case 2:if(!((e.serverHello.cookie.$length===0))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:h=f.sendAlert(110);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server sent a cookie in a normal ServerHello");case 5:if(!((e.serverHello.selectedGroup===0))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:i=f.sendAlert(50);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: malformed key_share extension");case 8:if(e.serverHello.serverShare.group===0){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:j=f.sendAlert(47);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server did not send a key share");case 11:k=e.ecdheParams.CurveID();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((e.serverHello.serverShare.group===k))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:l=f.sendAlert(47);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server selected unsupported group");case 14:if(!e.serverHello.selectedIdentityPresent){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(((e.serverHello.selectedIdentity>>0))>=e.hello.pskIdentities.$length){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:m=f.sendAlert(47);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server selected an invalid PSK");case 18:if(!((e.hello.pskIdentities.$length===1))||e.session===KK.nil){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:n=f.sendAlert(80);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=23;case 23:return o;case 21:p=HO(e.session.cipherSuite);if(p===IM.nil){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:q=f.sendAlert(80);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=27;case 27:return r;case 25:if(!((p.hash===e.suite.hash))){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:s=f.sendAlert(47);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server selected an invalid PSK and cipher suite pair");case 29:e.usingPSK=true;f.didResume=true;f.peerCertificates=e.session.serverCertificates;f.verifiedChains=e.session.verifiedChains;f.ocspResponse=e.session.ocspResponse;f.scts=e.session.scts;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.processServerHello,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.processServerHello=function(){return this.$val.processServerHello();};DP.ptr.prototype.establishHandshakeKeys=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;g=e.ecdheParams.SharedKey(e.serverHello.serverShare.data);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(h===II.nil){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=f.sendAlert(47);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: invalid server key share");case 3:j=e.earlySecret;if(!e.usingPSK){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=e.suite.extract(II.nil,II.nil);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;case 6:l=h;m=e.suite.deriveSecret(j,"derived",$ifaceNil);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=e.suite.extract(l,n);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=e.suite.deriveSecret(p,"c hs traffic",e.transcript);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$r=f.out.setTrafficSecret(e.suite,r);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=e.suite.deriveSecret(p,"s hs traffic",e.transcript);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$r=f.in$27.setTrafficSecret(e.suite,t);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=f.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET",e.hello.random,r);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:w=f.sendAlert(80);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;$s=-1;return v;case 16:x=f.config.writeKeyLog("SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET",e.hello.random,t);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=x;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:y=f.sendAlert(80);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;$s=-1;return v;case 20:z=II.nil;aa=e.suite.deriveSecret(p,"derived",$ifaceNil);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;ac=e.suite.extract(z,ab);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.masterSecret=ac;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.establishHandshakeKeys,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.establishHandshakeKeys=function(){return this.$val.establishHandshakeKeys();};DP.ptr.prototype.readServerParameters=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;h=f.readHandshake();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=$assertType(i,KL,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!m){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=f.sendAlert(10);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=FR(l,i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=6;case 6:return p;case 3:q=l.marshal();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=e.transcript.Write(q);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;s=DR(e.hello.alpnProtocols,l.alpnProtocol);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:t=f.sendAlert(110);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;$s=-1;return s;case 10:f.clientProtocol=l.alpnProtocol;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.readServerParameters,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.readServerParameters=function(){return this.$val.readServerParameters();};DP.ptr.prototype.readServerCertificate=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;if(e.usingPSK){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(!(f.config.VerifyConnection===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=f.config.VerifyConnection($clone(f.connectionStateLocked(),ES));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:i=f.sendAlert(42);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return h;case 7:case 4:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:k=f.readHandshake();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}n=$assertType(l,KM,true);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(p){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:q=o.marshal();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=e.transcript.Write(q);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;e.certReq=o;t=f.readHandshake();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;l=s[0];m=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}case 11:u=$assertType(l,JX,true);v=u[0];p=u[1];if(!p){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:w=f.sendAlert(10);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;x=FR(v,l);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=19;case 19:return y;case 16:if(v.certificate.Certificate.$length===0){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:z=f.sendAlert(50);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: received empty certificates message");case 21:aa=v.marshal();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=e.transcript.Write(aa);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;f.scts=v.certificate.SignedCertificateTimestamps;f.ocspResponse=v.certificate.OCSPStaple;ac=f.verifyServerCertificate(v.certificate.Certificate);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ad,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ad;}af=f.readHandshake();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;l=ae[0];m=ae[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}ag=$assertType(l,JY,true);ah=ag[0];p=ag[1];if(!p){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:ai=f.sendAlert(10);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai;aj=FR(ah,l);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;$s=31;case 31:return ak;case 28:if(!FS(ah.signatureAlgorithm,EP)){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:al=f.sendAlert(47);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: certificate used with invalid signature algorithm");case 33:an=HS(ah.signatureAlgorithm);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=an;ao=am[0];ap=am[1];m=am[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:aq=f.sendAlert(80);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;$s=39;case 39:return ar;case 37:if((ao===225)||(ap===3)){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:as=f.sendAlert(47);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: certificate used with invalid signature algorithm");case 41:at=HR(ap,"TLS 1.3, server CertificateVerify\x00",e.transcript);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at;aw=HP(ao,(av=f.peerCertificates,(0>=av.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):av.$array[av.$offset+0])).PublicKey,ap,au,ah.signature);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=aw;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ax,$ifaceNil))){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:ay=f.sendAlert(51);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay;az=ax.Error();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=I.New("tls: invalid signature by the server certificate: "+az);$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=ba;$s=50;case 50:return bb;case 46:bc=ah.marshal();$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=e.transcript.Write(bc);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.readServerCertificate,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.readServerCertificate=function(){return this.$val.readServerCertificate();};DP.ptr.prototype.readServerFinished=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;h=f.readHandshake();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=$assertType(i,JZ,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!m){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=f.sendAlert(10);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=FR(l,i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=6;case 6:return p;case 3:q=e.suite.finishedHash(f.in$27.trafficSecret,e.transcript);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;if(!P.Equal(r,l.verifyData)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:s=f.sendAlert(51);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: invalid server finished hash");case 9:t=l.marshal();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=e.transcript.Write(t);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;v=e.suite.deriveSecret(e.masterSecret,"c ap traffic",e.transcript);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.trafficSecret=v;w=e.suite.deriveSecret(e.masterSecret,"s ap traffic",e.transcript);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$r=f.in$27.setTrafficSecret(e.suite,x);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=f.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0",e.hello.random,e.trafficSecret);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=y;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:z=f.sendAlert(80);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;$s=-1;return j;case 18:aa=f.config.writeKeyLog("SERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0",e.hello.random,x);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=aa;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:ab=f.sendAlert(80);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;$s=-1;return j;case 22:ac=e.suite.exportKeyingMaterial(e.masterSecret,e.transcript);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.ekm=ac;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.readServerFinished,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.readServerFinished=function(){return this.$val.readServerFinished();};DP.ptr.prototype.sendClientCertificate=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;if(e.certReq===KM.nil){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}h=f.getClientCertificate(new EZ.ptr(e.certReq.certificateAuthorities,e.certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms,f.vers,e.ctx));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=new DD.ptr(II.nil,new FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil),false,false);FK.copy(k.certificate,i);k.scts=e.certReq.scts&&i.SignedCertificateTimestamps.$length>0;k.ocspStapling=e.certReq.ocspStapling&&i.OCSPStaple.$length>0;l=k.marshal();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=e.transcript.Write(l);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;o=k.marshal();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=f.writeRecord(22,p);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=q;r=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return r;}if(i.Certificate.$length===0){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}s=new DM.ptr(II.nil,false,0,II.nil);s.hasSignatureAlgorithm=true;u=HW(f.vers,i,e.certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;s.signatureAlgorithm=t[0];j=t[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:v=f.sendAlert(40);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;$s=-1;return j;case 8:x=HS(s.signatureAlgorithm);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=w[0];z=w[1];j=w[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:aa=f.sendAlert(80);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;$s=14;case 14:return ab;case 12:ac=HR(z,"TLS 1.3, client CertificateVerify\x00",e.transcript);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;ae=(new C.Hash(z));if(y===226){ae=new F.PSSOptions.ptr(-1,z);}ag=$assertType(i.PrivateKey,C.Signer).Sign(f.config.rand(),ad,ae);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;ah=af[0];j=af[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:ai=f.sendAlert(80);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai;aj=j.Error();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=I.New("tls: failed to sign handshake: "+aj);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=ak;$s=22;case 22:return al;case 18:s.signature=ah;am=s.marshal();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=e.transcript.Write(am);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an;ap=s.marshal();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ap;ar=f.writeRecord(22,aq);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=ar;as=ao[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(as,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return as;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.sendClientCertificate,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.sendClientCertificate=function(){return this.$val.sendClientCertificate();};DP.ptr.prototype.sendClientFinished=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;g=e.suite.finishedHash(f.out.trafficSecret,e.transcript);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=new DK.ptr(II.nil,g);i=h.marshal();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=e.transcript.Write(i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;l=h.marshal();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=f.writeRecord(22,m);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=n;o=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return o;}$r=f.out.setTrafficSecret(e.suite,e.trafficSecret);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!f.config.SessionTicketsDisabled&&!($interfaceIsEqual(f.config.ClientSessionCache,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:p=e.suite.deriveSecret(e.masterSecret,"res master",e.transcript);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.resumptionSecret=p;case 8:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DP.ptr.prototype.sendClientFinished,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};DP.prototype.sendClientFinished=function(){return this.$val.sendClientFinished();};DV.ptr.prototype.handleNewSessionTicket=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if(!f.isClient){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=f.sendAlert(10);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: received new session ticket from a client");case 2:if(f.config.SessionTicketsDisabled||$interfaceIsEqual(f.config.ClientSessionCache,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(e.lifetime===0){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}h=$mul64((new AE.Duration(0,e.lifetime)),new AE.Duration(0,1000000000));if((h.$high>140815||(h.$high===140815&&h.$low>4180213760))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:i=f.sendAlert(47);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: received a session ticket with invalid lifetime");case 5:j=HO(f.cipherSuite);if(j===IM.nil||f.resumptionSecret===II.nil){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:k=f.sendAlert(80);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=10;case 10:return l;case 8:m=f.config.time();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=f.config.time();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,AE.Time).Add(h);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=new EV.ptr(e.label,f.vers,f.cipherSuite,f.resumptionSecret,f.peerCertificates,f.verifiedChains,$clone(m,AE.Time),f.ocspResponse,f.scts,e.nonce,$clone(o,AE.Time),e.ageAdd);q=f.conn.RemoteAddr();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=DT(q,f.config);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$r=f.config.ClientSessionCache.Put(s,p);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.handleNewSessionTicket,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.handleNewSessionTicket=function(e){return this.$val.handleNewSessionTicket(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.makeClientHello=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.config;if((f.ServerName.length===0)&&!f.InsecureSkipVerify){$s=-1;return[JW.nil,$ifaceNil,I.New("tls: either ServerName or InsecureSkipVerify must be specified in the tls.Config")];}g=0;h=f.NextProtos;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);k=j.length;if((k===0)||k>255){$s=-1;return[JW.nil,$ifaceNil,I.New("tls: invalid NextProtos value")];}else{g=g+((1+k>>0))>>0;}i++;}if(g>65535){$s=-1;return[JW.nil,$ifaceNil,I.New("tls: NextProtos values too large")];}l=f.supportedVersions(true);if(l.$length===0){$s=-1;return[JW.nil,$ifaceNil,I.New("tls: no supported versions satisfy MinVersion and MaxVersion")];}m=f.maxSupportedVersion(true);if(m>771){m=771;}n=new CV.ptr(II.nil,m,$makeSlice(II,32),$makeSlice(II,32),IE.nil,new II([0]),DU(f.ServerName),true,f.curvePreferences(),new II([0]),false,II.nil,IL.nil,IL.nil,true,II.nil,f.NextProtos,true,l,II.nil,KG.nil,false,II.nil,KH.nil,IT.nil);if(e.handshakes>0){n.secureRenegotiation=new II(e.clientFinished);}o=GF;if(!GP){o=GG;}p=f.cipherSuites();n.cipherSuites=$makeSlice(IE,0,p.$length);q=o;r=0;while(true){if(!(r=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r]);t=HL(p,s);if(t===IO.nil){r++;continue;}if(n.vers<771&&!(((t.flags&4)===0))){r++;continue;}n.cipherSuites=$append(n.cipherSuites,s);r++;}v=S.ReadFull(f.rand(),n.random);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:x=w.Error();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=I.New("tls: short read from Rand: "+x);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=[JW.nil,$ifaceNil,y];$s=6;case 6:return z;case 3:ab=S.ReadFull(f.rand(),n.sessionId);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=aa[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:ad=ac.Error();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=I.New("tls: short read from Rand: "+ad);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=[JW.nil,$ifaceNil,ae];$s=12;case 12:return af;case 9:if(n.vers>=771){n.supportedSignatureAlgorithms=EP;}ag=$ifaceNil;if((ah=n.supportedVersions,(0>=ah.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+0]))===772){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:if(GP){n.cipherSuites=$appendSlice(n.cipherSuites,GK);}else{n.cipherSuites=$appendSlice(n.cipherSuites,GL);}aj=(ai=f.curvePreferences(),(0>=ai.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ai.$array[ai.$offset+0]));al=BW(aj);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=al;am=ak[1];if(!((aj===29))&&!am){$s=-1;return[JW.nil,$ifaceNil,I.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve")];}ao=BV(f.rand(),aj);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ao;ag=an[0];w=an[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[JW.nil,$ifaceNil,w];}ap=ag.PublicKey();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n.keyShares=new KG([new EM.ptr(aj,ap)]);case 14:$s=-1;return[n,ag,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.makeClientHello,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.makeClientHello=function(){return this.$val.makeClientHello();};DV.ptr.prototype.clientHandshake=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];h[0]=$ifaceNil;f[0]=this;if(f[0].config===IS.nil){f[0].config=FQ();}f[0].didResume=false;j=f[0].makeClientHello();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];h[0]=i[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h[0]=h[0];m=h[0];$s=4;case 4:return m;case 3:f[0].serverName=k.serverName;o=f[0].loadSession(k);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;g[0]=n[0];p=n[1];q=n[2];r=n[3];if(!(g[0]==="")&&!(p===KK.nil)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$deferred.push([(function(f,g,h){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=f[0].config.ClientSessionCache.Put(g[0],KK.nil);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h),[]]);case 7:t=k.marshal();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=f[0].writeRecord(22,u);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=v;w=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:h[0]=w;x=h[0];$s=12;case 12:return x;case 11:z=f[0].readHandshake();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;aa=y[0];h[0]=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:h[0]=h[0];ab=h[0];$s=16;case 16:return ab;case 15:ac=$assertType(aa,KA,true);ad=ac[0];ae=ac[1];if(!ae){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:af=f[0].sendAlert(10);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;ag=FR(ad,aa);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=ag;ah=h[0];$s=21;case 21:return ah;case 18:ai=f[0].pickTLSVersion(ad);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aj,$ifaceNil))){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:h[0]=aj;ak=h[0];$s=25;case 25:return ak;case 24:al=f[0].config.maxSupportedVersion(true);am=($bytesToString($subslice(ad.random,24)))==="DOWNGRD\x01";an=($bytesToString($subslice(ad.random,24)))==="DOWNGRD\x00";if((al===772)&&f[0].vers<=771&&(am||an)||(al===771)&&f[0].vers<=770&&an){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:ao=f[0].sendAlert(47);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao;h[0]=I.New("tls: downgrade attempt detected, possibly due to a MitM attack or a broken middlebox");ap=h[0];$s=29;case 29:return ap;case 27:if(f[0].vers===772){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:aq=new DP.ptr(f[0],e,ad,k,l,p,q,r,KM.nil,false,false,IM.nil,$ifaceNil,II.nil,II.nil);ar=aq.handshake();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=ar;as=h[0];$s=33;case 33:return as;case 31:at=new DQ.ptr(f[0],e,ad,k,IO.nil,new BR.ptr($ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,II.nil,0,$throwNilPointerError),II.nil,p);au=at.handshake();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=au;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(av,$ifaceNil))){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:h[0]=av;aw=h[0];$s=37;case 37:return aw;case 36:if(!(g[0]==="")&&!(at.session===KK.nil)&&!(p===at.session)){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 38:$r=f[0].config.ClientSessionCache.Put(g[0],at.session);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 39:h[0]=$ifaceNil;ax=h[0];$s=41;case 41:return ax;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return h[0];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.clientHandshake,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.clientHandshake=function(e){return this.$val.clientHandshake(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.loadSession=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f="";g=KK.nil;h=II.nil;i=II.nil;j=this;if(j.config.SessionTicketsDisabled||$interfaceIsEqual(j.config.ClientSessionCache,$ifaceNil)){k="";l=KK.nil;m=II.nil;n=II.nil;f=k;g=l;h=m;i=n;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}e.ticketSupported=true;if((o=e.supportedVersions,(0>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0]))===772){e.pskModes=new II([1]);}if(!((j.handshakes===0))){p="";q=KK.nil;r=II.nil;s=II.nil;f=p;g=q;h=r;i=s;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}t=j.conn.RemoteAddr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=DT(t,j.config);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=u;w=j.config.ClientSessionCache.Get(f);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;g=v[0];x=v[1];if(!x||g===KK.nil){y=f;z=KK.nil;aa=II.nil;ab=II.nil;f=y;g=z;h=aa;i=ab;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}ac=false;ad=e.supportedVersions;ae=0;while(true){if(!(ae=ad.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+ae]);if(af===g.vers){ac=true;break;}ae++;}if(!ac){ag=f;ah=KK.nil;ai=II.nil;aj=II.nil;f=ag;g=ah;h=ai;i=aj;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}if(!j.config.InsecureSkipVerify){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if(g.verifiedChains.$length===0){ak=f;al=KK.nil;am=II.nil;an=II.nil;f=ak;g=al;h=am;i=an;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}ap=(ao=g.serverCertificates,(0>=ao.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ao.$array[ao.$offset+0]));aq=j.config.time();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=$clone(aq,AE.Time).After($clone(ap.NotAfter,AE.Time));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ar){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=j.config.ClientSessionCache.Put(f,KK.nil);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=f;at=KK.nil;au=II.nil;av=II.nil;f=as;g=at;h=au;i=av;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];case 7:aw=ap.VerifyHostname(j.config.ServerName);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aw,$ifaceNil))){ax=f;ay=KK.nil;az=II.nil;ba=II.nil;f=ax;g=ay;h=az;i=ba;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}case 5:if(!((g.vers===772))){if(HL(e.cipherSuites,g.cipherSuite)===IO.nil){bb=f;bc=KK.nil;bd=II.nil;be=II.nil;f=bb;g=bc;h=bd;i=be;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}e.sessionTicket=g.sessionTicket;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}bf=j.config.time();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=$clone(bf,AE.Time).After($clone(g.useBy,AE.Time));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bg){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$r=j.config.ClientSessionCache.Put(f,KK.nil);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=f;bi=KK.nil;bj=II.nil;bk=II.nil;f=bh;g=bi;h=bj;i=bk;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];case 12:bl=HO(g.cipherSuite);if(bl===IM.nil){bm=f;bn=KK.nil;bo=II.nil;bp=II.nil;f=bm;g=bn;h=bo;i=bp;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}bq=false;br=e.cipherSuites;bs=0;while(true){if(!(bs=br.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):br.$array[br.$offset+bs]);bu=HO(bt);if(!(bu===IM.nil)&&(bu.hash===bl.hash)){bq=true;break;}bs++;}if(!bq){bv=f;bw=KK.nil;bx=II.nil;by=II.nil;f=bv;g=bw;h=bx;i=by;$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}bz=j.config.time();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;bz=bz.$blk();}if(bz&&bz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ca=$clone(bz,AE.Time).Sub($clone(g.receivedAt,AE.Time));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cb=(($div64(ca,new AE.Duration(0,1000000),false).$low>>>0));cc=new EN.ptr(g.sessionTicket,cb+g.ageAdd>>>0);e.pskIdentities=new KH([$clone(cc,EN)]);e.pskBinders=new IT([$makeSlice(II,new C.Hash(bl.hash).Size())]);cd=bl.expandLabel(g.masterSecret,"resumption",g.nonce,new C.Hash(bl.hash).Size());$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;cd=cd.$blk();}if(cd&&cd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce=cd;cf=bl.extract(ce,II.nil);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;cf=cf.$blk();}if(cf&&cf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=cf;cg=bl.deriveSecret(h,"res binder",$ifaceNil);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;cg=cg.$blk();}if(cg&&cg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=cg;ch=new C.Hash(bl.hash).New();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ch=ch.$blk();}if(ch&&ch.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ci=ch;cj=e.marshalWithoutBinders();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;cj=cj.$blk();}if(cj&&cj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ck=ci.Write(cj);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ck=ck.$blk();}if(ck&&ck.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ck;cl=bl.finishedHash(i,ci);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;cl=cl.$blk();}if(cl&&cl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cm=new IT([cl]);$r=e.updateBinders(cm);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[f,g,h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.loadSession,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.loadSession=function(e){return this.$val.loadSession(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.pickTLSVersion=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=e.vers;if(!((e.supportedVersion===0))){g=e.supportedVersion;}h=f.config.mutualVersion(true,new IE([g]));i=h[0];j=h[1];if(!j){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=f.sendAlert(70);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=J.Errorf("tls: server selected unsupported protocol version %x",new IJ([new $Uint16(g)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=5;case 5:return m;case 2:f.vers=i;f.haveVers=true;f.in$27.version=i;f.out.version=i;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.pickTLSVersion,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.pickTLSVersion=function(e){return this.$val.pickTLSVersion(e);};DQ.ptr.prototype.handshake=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;h=e.processServerHello();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=BQ(f.vers,e.suite);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BR.copy(e.finishedHash,k);if(i||((f.config.Certificates.$length===0)&&f.config.GetClientCertificate===$throwNilPointerError)){e.finishedHash.discardHandshakeBuffer();}l=e.hello.marshal();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=e.finishedHash.Write(l);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=e.serverHello.marshal();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=e.finishedHash.Write(n);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;f.buffering=true;f.didResume=i;if(i){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:p=e.establishKeys();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return q;}r=e.readSessionTicket();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return s;}t=e.readFinished(new II(f.serverFinished));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return u;}f.clientFinishedIsFirst=false;if(!(f.config.VerifyConnection===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:v=f.config.VerifyConnection($clone(f.connectionStateLocked(),ES));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:x=f.sendAlert(42);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;$s=-1;return w;case 17:case 14:y=e.sendFinished(new II(f.clientFinished));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return z;}ab=f.flush();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=aa[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ac;}$s=9;continue;case 8:ad=e.doFullHandshake();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ae,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ae;}af=e.establishKeys();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ag,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ag;}ah=e.sendFinished(new II(f.clientFinished));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ai;}ak=f.flush();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;al=aj[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(al,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return al;}f.clientFinishedIsFirst=true;am=e.readSessionTicket();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return an;}ao=e.readFinished(new II(f.serverFinished));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ap,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ap;}case 9:f.ekm=BT(f.vers,e.suite,e.masterSecret,e.hello.random,e.serverHello.random);AD.StoreUint32((f.$ptr_handshakeStatus||(f.$ptr_handshakeStatus=new JT(function(){return this.$target.handshakeStatus;},function($v){this.$target.handshakeStatus=$v;},f))),1);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.handshake,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DQ.prototype.handshake=function(){return this.$val.handshake();};DQ.ptr.prototype.pickCipherSuite=function(){var{e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;e.suite=HL(e.hello.cipherSuites,e.serverHello.cipherSuite);if(e.suite===IO.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=e.c.sendAlert(40);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server chose an unconfigured cipher suite");case 2:e.c.cipherSuite=e.suite.id;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.pickCipherSuite,$c:true,$r,e,f,$s};return $f;};DQ.prototype.pickCipherSuite=function(){return this.$val.pickCipherSuite();};DQ.ptr.prototype.doFullHandshake=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;h=f.readHandshake();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=$assertType(i,KE,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!m||(l.certificates.$length===0)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=f.sendAlert(10);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=FR(l,i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=6;case 6:return p;case 3:q=e.finishedHash.Write(l.marshal());$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;s=f.readHandshake();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;i=r[0];j=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}t=$assertType(i,KN,true);u=t[0];m=t[1];if(m){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:if(!e.serverHello.ocspStapling){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:v=f.sendAlert(10);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: received unexpected CertificateStatus message");case 12:w=u.marshal();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=e.finishedHash.Write(w);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;f.ocspResponse=u.response;z=f.readHandshake();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;i=y[0];j=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}case 10:if(f.handshakes===0){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:aa=f.verifyServerCertificate(l.certificates);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ab;}$s=19;continue;case 18:if(!A.Equal((ac=f.peerCertificates,(0>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+0])).Raw,(ad=l.certificates,(0>=ad.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+0])))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:ae=f.sendAlert(42);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server's identity changed during renegotiation");case 22:case 19:af=e.suite.ka(f.vers);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;ah=$assertType(i,JR,true);ai=ah[0];m=ah[1];if(m){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:aj=e.finishedHash.Write(ai.marshal());$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;al=ag.processServerKeyExchange(f.config,e.hello,e.serverHello,(ak=f.peerCertificates,(0>=ak.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ak.$array[ak.$offset+0])),ai);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=al;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:am=f.sendAlert(10);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am;$s=-1;return j;case 30:ao=f.readHandshake();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ao;i=an[0];j=an[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}case 26:ap=KB.nil;aq=false;ar=$assertType(i,KD,true);as=ar[0];m=ar[1];if(m){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:aq=true;at=e.finishedHash.Write(as.marshal());$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at;au=DS(e.ctx,f.vers,as);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=au;ax=f.getClientCertificate(av);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ax;ap=aw[0];j=aw[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 38:ay=f.sendAlert(80);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay;$s=-1;return j;case 39:ba=f.readHandshake();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ba;i=az[0];j=az[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}case 34:bb=$assertType(i,KO,true);bc=bb[0];m=bb[1];if(!m){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:bd=f.sendAlert(10);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd;be=FR(bc,i);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;be=be.$blk();}if(be&&be.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=be;$s=46;case 46:return bf;case 43:bg=e.finishedHash.Write(bc.marshal());$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg;if(aq){$s=48;continue;}$s=49;continue;case 48:l=new DC.ptr(II.nil,IT.nil);l.certificates=ap.Certificate;bh=e.finishedHash.Write(l.marshal());$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh;bj=f.writeRecord(22,l.marshal());$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bj;bk=bi[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bk,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bk;}case 49:bn=ag.generateClientKeyExchange(f.config,e.hello,(bm=f.peerCertificates,(0>=bm.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bm.$array[bm.$offset+0])));$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=bn;bo=bl[0];bp=bl[1];j=bl[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=53;continue;}$s=54;continue;case 53:bq=f.sendAlert(80);$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq;$s=-1;return j;case 54:if(!(bp===JS.nil)){$s=56;continue;}$s=57;continue;case 56:br=e.finishedHash.Write(bp.marshal());$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}br;bt=f.writeRecord(22,bp.marshal());$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=bt;bu=bs[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bu,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return bu;}case 57:if(!(ap===KB.nil)&&ap.Certificate.$length>0){$s=60;continue;}$s=61;continue;case 60:bv=new DM.ptr(II.nil,false,0,II.nil);bw=$assertType(ap.PrivateKey,C.Signer,true);bx=bw[0];by=bw[1];if(!by){$s=62;continue;}$s=63;continue;case 62:bz=f.sendAlert(80);$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;bz=bz.$blk();}if(bz&&bz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bz;ca=J.Errorf("tls: client certificate private key of type %T does not implement crypto.Signer",new IJ([ap.PrivateKey]));$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cb=ca;$s=66;case 66:return cb;case 63:cc=0;cd=0;if(f.vers>=771){$s=67;continue;}$s=68;continue;case 67:cf=HW(f.vers,ap,as.supportedSignatureAlgorithms);$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;cf=cf.$blk();}if(cf&&cf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce=cf;cg=ce[0];ch=ce[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ch,$ifaceNil))){$s=71;continue;}$s=72;continue;case 71:ci=f.sendAlert(47);$s=73;case 73:if($c){$c=false;ci=ci.$blk();}if(ci&&ci.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ci;$s=-1;return ch;case 72:ck=HS(cg);$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;ck=ck.$blk();}if(ck&&ck.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cj=ck;cc=cj[0];cd=cj[1];ch=cj[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ch,$ifaceNil))){$s=75;continue;}$s=76;continue;case 75:cl=f.sendAlert(80);$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;cl=cl.$blk();}if(cl&&cl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cm=cl;$s=78;case 78:return cm;case 76:bv.hasSignatureAlgorithm=true;bv.signatureAlgorithm=cg;$s=69;continue;case 68:co=bx.Public();$s=79;case 79:if($c){$c=false;co=co.$blk();}if(co&&co.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cp=HT(co);$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;cp=cp.$blk();}if(cp&&cp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cn=cp;cc=cn[0];cd=cn[1];j=cn[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=81;continue;}$s=82;continue;case 81:cq=f.sendAlert(47);$s=83;case 83:if($c){$c=false;cq=cq.$blk();}if(cq&&cq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cq;$s=-1;return j;case 82:case 69:cr=$clone(e.finishedHash,BR).hashForClientCertificate(cc,cd,e.masterSecret);$s=84;case 84:if($c){$c=false;cr=cr.$blk();}if(cr&&cr.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cs=cr;ct=(new C.Hash(cd));if(cc===226){ct=new F.PSSOptions.ptr(-1,cd);}cv=bx.Sign(f.config.rand(),cs,ct);$s=85;case 85:if($c){$c=false;cv=cv.$blk();}if(cv&&cv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cu=cv;bv.signature=cu[0];j=cu[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=86;continue;}$s=87;continue;case 86:cw=f.sendAlert(80);$s=88;case 88:if($c){$c=false;cw=cw.$blk();}if(cw&&cw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cw;$s=-1;return j;case 87:cx=bv.marshal();$s=89;case 89:if($c){$c=false;cx=cx.$blk();}if(cx&&cx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cy=e.finishedHash.Write(cx);$s=90;case 90:if($c){$c=false;cy=cy.$blk();}if(cy&&cy.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cy;da=bv.marshal();$s=91;case 91:if($c){$c=false;da=da.$blk();}if(da&&da.$blk!==undefined){break s;}db=da;dc=f.writeRecord(22,db);$s=92;case 92:if($c){$c=false;dc=dc.$blk();}if(dc&&dc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cz=dc;dd=cz[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(dd,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return dd;}case 61:de=BO(f.vers,e.suite,bo,e.hello.random,e.serverHello.random);$s=93;case 93:if($c){$c=false;de=de.$blk();}if(de&&de.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.masterSecret=de;df=f.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_RANDOM",e.hello.random,e.masterSecret);$s=94;case 94:if($c){$c=false;df=df.$blk();}if(df&&df.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dg=df;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(dg,$ifaceNil))){$s=95;continue;}$s=96;continue;case 95:dh=f.sendAlert(80);$s=97;case 97:if($c){$c=false;dh=dh.$blk();}if(dh&&dh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dh;di=dg.Error();$s=98;case 98:if($c){$c=false;di=di.$blk();}if(di&&di.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dj=I.New("tls: failed to write to key log: "+di);$s=99;case 99:if($c){$c=false;dj=dj.$blk();}if(dj&&dj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dk=dj;$s=100;case 100:return dk;case 96:e.finishedHash.discardHandshakeBuffer();$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.doFullHandshake,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DQ.prototype.doFullHandshake=function(){return this.$val.doFullHandshake();};DQ.ptr.prototype.establishKeys=function(){var{aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;h=BP(f.vers,e.suite,e.masterSecret,e.hello.random,e.serverHello.random,e.suite.macLen,e.suite.keyLen,e.suite.ivLen);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];k=g[2];l=g[3];m=g[4];n=g[5];o=$ifaceNil;p=$ifaceNil;q=o;r=p;s=$ifaceNil;t=$ifaceNil;u=s;v=t;if(!(e.suite.cipher===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:w=e.suite.cipher(k,m,false);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=w;x=e.suite.mac(i);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=x;y=e.suite.cipher(l,n,true);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=y;z=e.suite.mac(j);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=z;$s=4;continue;case 3:aa=e.suite.aead(k,m);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=aa;ab=e.suite.aead(l,n);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=ab;case 4:f.in$27.prepareCipherSpec(f.vers,r,v);f.out.prepareCipherSpec(f.vers,q,u);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.establishKeys,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DQ.prototype.establishKeys=function(){return this.$val.establishKeys();};DQ.ptr.prototype.serverResumedSession=function(){var e;e=this;return!(e.session===KK.nil)&&!(e.hello.sessionId===II.nil)&&A.Equal(e.serverHello.sessionId,e.hello.sessionId);};DQ.prototype.serverResumedSession=function(){return this.$val.serverResumedSession();};DQ.ptr.prototype.processServerHello=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.c;g=e.pickCipherSuite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[false,h];}if(!((e.serverHello.compressionMethod===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=f.sendAlert(10);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return[false,I.New("tls: server selected unsupported compression format")];case 3:if((f.handshakes===0)&&e.serverHello.secureRenegotiationSupported){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:f.secureRenegotiation=true;if(!((e.serverHello.secureRenegotiation.$length===0))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:j=f.sendAlert(40);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return[false,I.New("tls: initial handshake had non-empty renegotiation extension")];case 8:case 6:if(f.handshakes>0&&f.secureRenegotiation){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:k=KP.zero();$copySlice(new II(k),new II(f.clientFinished));$copySlice($subslice(new II(k),12),new II(f.serverFinished));if(!A.Equal(e.serverHello.secureRenegotiation,new II(k))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:l=f.sendAlert(40);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return[false,I.New("tls: incorrect renegotiation extension contents")];case 13:case 11:m=DR(e.hello.alpnProtocols,e.serverHello.alpnProtocol);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:n=f.sendAlert(110);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;$s=-1;return[false,m];case 16:f.clientProtocol=e.serverHello.alpnProtocol;f.scts=e.serverHello.scts;if(!e.serverResumedSession()){$s=-1;return[false,$ifaceNil];}if(!((e.session.vers===f.vers))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:o=f.sendAlert(40);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;$s=-1;return[false,I.New("tls: server resumed a session with a different version")];case 19:if(!((e.session.cipherSuite===e.suite.id))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:p=f.sendAlert(40);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;$s=-1;return[false,I.New("tls: server resumed a session with a different cipher suite")];case 22:e.masterSecret=e.session.masterSecret;f.peerCertificates=e.session.serverCertificates;f.verifiedChains=e.session.verifiedChains;f.ocspResponse=e.session.ocspResponse;if((f.scts.$length===0)&&!((e.session.scts.$length===0))){f.scts=e.session.scts;}$s=-1;return[true,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.processServerHello,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};DQ.prototype.processServerHello=function(){return this.$val.processServerHello();};DR=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i;if(f===""){return $ifaceNil;}if(e.$length===0){return I.New("tls: server advertised unrequested ALPN extension");}g=e;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(i===f){return $ifaceNil;}h++;}return I.New("tls: server selected unadvertised ALPN protocol");};DQ.ptr.prototype.readFinished=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.c;h=g.readChangeCipherSpec();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i;}k=g.readHandshake();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}n=$assertType(l,JZ,true);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(!p){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:q=g.sendAlert(10);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=FR(o,l);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=7;case 7:return s;case 4:t=$clone(f.finishedHash,BR).serverSum(f.masterSecret);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(!((u.$length===o.verifyData.$length))||!((R.ConstantTimeCompare(u,o.verifyData)===1))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:v=g.sendAlert(40);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;$s=-1;return I.New("tls: server's Finished message was incorrect");case 10:w=o.marshal();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=f.finishedHash.Write(w);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;$copySlice(e,u);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.readFinished,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};DQ.prototype.readFinished=function(e){return this.$val.readFinished(e);};DQ.ptr.prototype.readSessionTicket=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(!e.serverHello.ticketSupported){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}f=e.c;h=f.readHandshake();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=$assertType(i,KQ,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!m){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=f.sendAlert(10);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=FR(l,i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=6;case 6:return p;case 3:q=e.finishedHash.Write(l.marshal());$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=f.config.time();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.session=new EV.ptr(l.ticket,f.vers,e.suite.id,e.masterSecret,f.peerCertificates,f.verifiedChains,$clone(r,AE.Time),f.ocspResponse,f.scts,II.nil,new AE.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JC.nil),0);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.readSessionTicket,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};DQ.prototype.readSessionTicket=function(){return this.$val.readSessionTicket();};DQ.ptr.prototype.sendFinished=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.c;i=g.writeRecord(20,new II([1]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}k=new DK.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);l=$clone(f.finishedHash,BR).clientSum(f.masterSecret);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.verifyData=l;m=k.marshal();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=f.finishedHash.Write(m);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;p=k.marshal();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=g.writeRecord(22,q);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=r;s=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return s;}$copySlice(e,k.verifyData);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DQ.ptr.prototype.sendFinished,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};DQ.prototype.sendFinished=function(e){return this.$val.sendFinished(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.verifyServerCertificate=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=$makeSlice(IV,e.$length);h=e;i=0;case 1:if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);m=G.ParseCertificate(k);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:p=f.sendAlert(42);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;q=o.Error();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=I.New("tls: failed to parse certificate from server: "+q);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=9;case 9:return s;case 5:((j<0||j>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+j]=n);i++;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(!f.config.InsecureSkipVerify){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:t=f.config.time();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=new G.VerifyOptions.ptr(f.config.ServerName,G.NewCertPool(),f.config.RootCAs,$clone(t,AE.Time),KF.nil,0);v=$subslice(g,1);w=0;while(true){if(!(w=v.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+w]);u.Intermediates.AddCert(x);w++;}y=$ifaceNil;aa=(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]).Verify($clone(u,G.VerifyOptions));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;f.verifiedChains=z[0];y=z[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ab=f.sendAlert(42);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;$s=-1;return y;case 15:case 11:ac=(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]).PublicKey;if($assertType(ac,JG,true)[1]||$assertType(ac,JH,true)[1]||$assertType(ac,E.PublicKey,true)[1]){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:$s=19;continue;$s=19;continue;case 18:ad=f.sendAlert(43);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad;ae=J.Errorf("tls: server's certificate contains an unsupported type of public key: %T",new IJ([(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]).PublicKey]));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;$s=22;case 22:return af;case 19:f.peerCertificates=g;if(!(f.config.VerifyPeerCertificate===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:ag=f.config.VerifyPeerCertificate(e,f.verifiedChains);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:ai=f.sendAlert(42);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai;$s=-1;return ah;case 27:case 24:if(!(f.config.VerifyConnection===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:aj=f.config.VerifyConnection($clone(f.connectionStateLocked(),ES));$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ak,$ifaceNil))){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:al=f.sendAlert(42);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al;$s=-1;return ak;case 33:case 30:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.verifyServerCertificate,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.verifyServerCertificate=function(e){return this.$val.verifyServerCertificate(e);};DS=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=new EZ.ptr(g.certificateAuthorities,IL.nil,f,e);i=false;j=false;k=i;l=j;m=g.certificateTypes;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);p=o;if(p===(1)){k=true;}else if(p===(64)){l=true;}n++;}if(!g.hasSignatureAlgorithm){if(k&&l){h.SignatureSchemes=new IL([1027,1283,1539,1025,1281,1537,513]);}else if(k){h.SignatureSchemes=new IL([1025,1281,1537,513]);}else if(l){h.SignatureSchemes=new IL([1027,1283,1539]);}$s=-1;return h;}h.SignatureSchemes=$makeSlice(IL,0,g.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length);q=g.supportedSignatureAlgorithms;r=0;case 1:if(!(r=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r]);u=HS(s);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;v=t[0];w=t[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){r++;$s=1;continue;}x=v;if((x===(227))||(x===(228))){if(l){h.SignatureSchemes=$append(h.SignatureSchemes,s);}}else if((x===(226))||(x===(225))){if(k){h.SignatureSchemes=$append(h.SignatureSchemes,s);}}r++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:DS,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};DV.ptr.prototype.getClientCertificate=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=this;if(!(g.config.GetClientCertificate===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=g.config.GetClientCertificate(e);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=4;case 4:return i;case 2:j=g.config.Certificates;k=0;case 5:if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]),FK);l=e.SupportsCertificate(f[0]);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){k++;$s=5;continue;}$s=-1;return[f[0],$ifaceNil];case 6:$s=-1;return[new FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.getClientCertificate,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.getClientCertificate=function(e){return this.$val.getClientCertificate(e);};DT=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(f.ServerName.length>0){$s=-1;return f.ServerName;}g=e.String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:DT,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};DU=function(e){var e,f,g;f=e;if(f.length>0&&(f.charCodeAt(0)===91)&&(f.charCodeAt((f.length-1>>0))===93)){f=$substring(f,1,(f.length-1>>0));}g=M.LastIndex(f,"%");if(g>0){f=$substring(f,0,g);}if(!(K.ParseIP(f)===K.IP.nil)){return"";}while(true){if(!(e.length>0&&(e.charCodeAt((e.length-1>>0))===46))){break;}e=$substring(e,0,(e.length-1>>0));}return e;};DV.ptr.prototype.LocalAddr=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.conn.LocalAddr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.LocalAddr,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.LocalAddr=function(){return this.$val.LocalAddr();};DV.ptr.prototype.RemoteAddr=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.conn.RemoteAddr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.RemoteAddr,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.RemoteAddr=function(){return this.$val.RemoteAddr();};DV.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.conn.SetDeadline($clone(e,AE.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.SetDeadline=function(e){return this.$val.SetDeadline(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.conn.SetReadDeadline($clone(e,AE.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.SetReadDeadline=function(e){return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.conn.SetWriteDeadline($clone(e,AE.Time));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.SetWriteDeadline=function(e){return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.NetConn=function(){var e;e=this;return e.conn;};DV.prototype.NetConn=function(){return this.$val.NetConn();};DX.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.err.Error();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DX.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DX.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};DX.ptr.prototype.Unwrap=function(){var e;e=this;return e.err;};DX.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};DX.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.err.Timeout();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DX.ptr.prototype.Timeout,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DX.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};DX.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var e;e=this;return false;};DX.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};DW.ptr.prototype.setErrorLocked=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i;f=this;g=$assertType(e,K.Error,true);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(i){f.err=new DX.ptr(h);}else{f.err=e;}return f.err;};DW.prototype.setErrorLocked=function(e){return this.$val.setErrorLocked(e);};DW.ptr.prototype.prepareCipherSpec=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h;h=this;h.version=e;h.nextCipher=f;h.nextMac=g;};DW.prototype.prepareCipherSpec=function(e,f,g){return this.$val.prepareCipherSpec(e,f,g);};DW.ptr.prototype.changeCipherSpec=function(){var e,f,g,h,i;e=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(e.nextCipher,$ifaceNil)||(e.version===772)){return new HY(80);}e.cipher=e.nextCipher;e.mac=e.nextMac;e.nextCipher=$ifaceNil;e.nextMac=$ifaceNil;f=e.seq;g=0;while(true){if(!(g<8)){break;}h=g;(i=e.seq,((h<0||h>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[h]=0));g++;}return $ifaceNil;};DW.prototype.changeCipherSpec=function(){return this.$val.changeCipherSpec();};DW.ptr.prototype.setTrafficSecret=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;g.trafficSecret=f;i=e.trafficKey(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];l=e.aead(j,k);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.cipher=l;m=g.seq;n=0;while(true){if(!(n<8)){break;}o=n;(p=g.seq,((o<0||o>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[o]=0));n++;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DW.ptr.prototype.setTrafficSecret,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};DW.prototype.setTrafficSecret=function(e,f){return this.$val.setTrafficSecret(e,f);};DW.ptr.prototype.incSeq=function(){var e,f,g,h,i;e=this;f=7;while(true){if(!(f>=0)){break;}(h=e.seq,((f<0||f>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[f]=((g=e.seq,((f<0||f>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[f]))+(1)<<24>>>24)));if(!(((i=e.seq,((f<0||f>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[f]))===0))){return;}f=f-(1)>>0;}$panic(new $String("TLS: sequence number wraparound"));};DW.prototype.incSeq=function(){return this.$val.incSeq();};DW.ptr.prototype.explicitNonceLen=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(e.cipher,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return 0;}f=e.cipher;if($assertType(f,O.Stream,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(f,GY,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}if($assertType(f,EA,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 1:g=f;$s=-1;return 0;case 2:h=f;k=h.explicitNonceLen();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=7;case 7:return l;case 3:i=f;if(e.version>=770){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:m=i.BlockSize();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=11;case 11:return n;case 9:$s=-1;return 0;case 4:j=f;$panic(new $String("unknown cipher type"));case 5:$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:DW.ptr.prototype.explicitNonceLen,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};DW.prototype.explicitNonceLen=function(){return this.$val.explicitNonceLen();};DY=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;f=0;g=0;if(e.$length<1){h=0;i=0;f=h;g=i;return[f,g];}k=(j=e.$length-1>>0,((j<0||j>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+j]));l=(((e.$length-1>>0)>>>0))-((k>>>0))>>>0;g=((((((~l>>>0)>>0))>>31>>0)<<24>>>24));m=256;if(m>e.$length){m=e.$length;}n=0;while(true){if(!(n>>0))-((n>>>0))>>>0;p=((((((~o>>>0)>>0))>>31>>0)<<24>>>24));r=(q=(e.$length-1>>0)-n>>0,((q<0||q>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+q]));g=(g&~(((((p&k)>>>0)^((p&r)>>>0))<<24>>>24)))<<24>>>24;n=n+(1)>>0;}g=(g&((g<<4<<24>>>24)))>>>0;g=(g&((g<<2<<24>>>24)))>>>0;g=(g&((g<<1<<24>>>24)))>>>0;g=(((((g<<24>>24))>>7<<24>>24)<<24>>>24));k=(k&(g))>>>0;f=((k>>0))+1>>0;return[f,g];};DZ=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h;return e+(g=((f-(h=e%f,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0))%f,g===g?g:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0;};DW.ptr.prototype.decrypt=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=II.nil;h=(((0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0])<<24>>>24));i=$subslice(e,5);if((f.version===772)&&(h===20)){$s=-1;return[i,h,$ifaceNil];}j=255;k=0;l=f.explicitNonceLen();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f.cipher,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n=f.cipher;if($assertType(n,O.Stream,true)[1]){$s=5;continue;}if($assertType(n,GY,true)[1]){$s=6;continue;}if($assertType(n,EA,true)[1]){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 5:o=n;$r=o.XORKeyStream(i,i);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=9;continue;case 6:p=n;if(i.$length>0;t=$append(t,(((v>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)),((v<<24>>>24)));case 13:w=$ifaceNil;y=p.Open($subslice(i,0,0),s,i,t);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;g=x[0];w=x[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[II.nil,0,new HY(20)];}$s=9;continue;case 7:q=n;z=q.BlockSize();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;ab=f.mac.Size();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=DZ(ab+1>>0,aa);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=m+ac>>0;if(!(((ae=i.$length%aa,ae===ae?ae:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))||i.$length0){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:$r=q.SetIV($subslice(i,0,m));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$subslice(i,m);case 20:$r=q.CryptBlocks(i,i);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=DY(i);k=af[0];j=af[1];$s=9;continue;case 8:r=n;$panic(new $String("unknown cipher type"));case 9:if(f.version===772){if(!((h===23))){$s=-1;return[II.nil,0,new HY(10)];}if(g.$length>16385){$s=-1;return[II.nil,0,new HY(22)];}ag=g.$length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(ag>=0)){break;}if(!((((ag<0||ag>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+ag])===0))){h=((((ag<0||ag>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+ag])<<24>>>24));g=$subslice(g,0,ag);break;}if(ag===0){$s=-1;return[II.nil,0,new HY(10)];}ag=ag-(1)>>0;}}$s=4;continue;case 3:g=i;case 4:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f.mac,$ifaceNil))){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:ah=f.mac.Size();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;if(i.$length>0)-k>>0;aj=R.ConstantTimeSelect((((((aj>>>0))>>>31>>>0)>>0)),0,aj);(3>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+3]=(((aj>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));(4>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+4]=((aj<<24>>>24)));ak=$subslice(i,aj,(aj+ai>>0));al=HH(f.mac,$subslice(new II(f.scratchBuf),0,0),new II(f.seq),$subslice(e,0,5),$subslice(i,0,aj),$subslice(i,(aj+ai>>0)));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;an=R.ConstantTimeCompare(am,ak)&((j>>0));if(!((an===1))){$s=-1;return[II.nil,0,new HY(20)];}g=$subslice(i,0,aj);case 24:f.incSeq();$s=-1;return[g,h,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DW.ptr.prototype.decrypt,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DW.prototype.decrypt=function(e){return this.$val.decrypt(e);};EB=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i;g=II.nil;h=II.nil;i=e.$length+f>>0;if(e.$capacity>=i){g=$subslice(e,0,i);}else{g=$makeSlice(II,i);$copySlice(g,e);}h=$subslice(g,e.$length);return[g,h];};DW.ptr.prototype.encrypt=function(e,f,g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(h.cipher,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[$appendSlice(e,f),$ifaceNil];}i=II.nil;j=h.explicitNonceLen();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(k>0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=EB(e,k);e=l[0];i=l[1];m=$assertType(h.cipher,EA,true);n=m[1];if(!n&&k<16){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$copySlice(i,new II(h.seq));$s=6;continue;case 5:p=S.ReadFull(g,i);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[II.nil,q];}case 6:case 3:r=II.nil;s=h.cipher;if($assertType(s,O.Stream,true)[1]){$s=8;continue;}if($assertType(s,GY,true)[1]){$s=9;continue;}if($assertType(s,EA,true)[1]){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 8:t=s;x=HH(h.mac,$subslice(new II(h.scratchBuf),0,0),new II(h.seq),$subslice(e,0,5),f,II.nil);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;z=EB(e,f.$length+y.$length>>0);e=z[0];r=z[1];$r=t.XORKeyStream($subslice(r,0,f.$length),f);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=t.XORKeyStream($subslice(r,f.$length),y);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=12;continue;case 9:u=s;aa=i;if(aa.$length===0){aa=new II(h.seq);}if(h.version===772){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:e=$appendSlice(e,f);e=$append(e,(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]));(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]=23);ab=u.Overhead();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=(f.$length+1>>0)+ab>>0;(3>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+3]=(((ac>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));(4>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+4]=((ac<<24>>>24)));ad=u.Seal($subslice(e,0,5),aa,$subslice(e,5),$subslice(e,0,5));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=ad;$s=18;continue;case 17:ae=$appendSlice($subslice(new II(h.scratchBuf),0,0),new II(h.seq));ae=$appendSlice(ae,$subslice(e,0,5));af=u.Seal(e,aa,f,ae);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=af;case 18:$s=12;continue;case 10:v=s;ag=HH(h.mac,$subslice(new II(h.scratchBuf),0,0),new II(h.seq),$subslice(e,0,5),f,II.nil);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;ai=v.BlockSize();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai;ak=f.$length+ah.$length>>0;am=aj-(al=ak%aj,al===al?al:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0;an=EB(e,ak+am>>0);e=an[0];r=an[1];$copySlice(r,f);$copySlice($subslice(r,f.$length),ah);ao=ak;while(true){if(!(ao=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+ao]=(((am-1>>0)<<24>>>24)));ao=ao+(1)>>0;}if(i.$length>0){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:$r=v.SetIV(i);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 25:$r=v.CryptBlocks(r,r);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=12;continue;case 11:w=s;$panic(new $String("unknown cipher type"));case 12:ap=e.$length-5>>0;(3>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+3]=(((ap>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));(4>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+4]=((ap<<24>>>24)));h.incSeq();$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DW.ptr.prototype.encrypt,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DW.prototype.encrypt=function(e,f,g){return this.$val.encrypt(e,f,g);};EC.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var e;e=this;return"tls: "+e.Msg;};EC.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};DV.ptr.prototype.newRecordHeaderError=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h;g=new EC.ptr("",KR.zero(),$ifaceNil);h=this;g.Msg=f;g.Conn=e;$copySlice(new II(g.RecordHeader),h.rawInput.Bytes());EC.copy(g,g);return g;};DV.prototype.newRecordHeaderError=function(e,f){return this.$val.newRecordHeaderError(e,f);};DV.ptr.prototype.readRecord=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.readRecordOrCCS(false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.readRecord,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.readRecord=function(){return this.$val.readRecord();};DV.ptr.prototype.readChangeCipherSpec=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.readRecordOrCCS(true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.readChangeCipherSpec,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.readChangeCipherSpec=function(){return this.$val.readChangeCipherSpec();};DV.ptr.prototype.readRecordOrCCS=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f.in$27.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return f.in$27.err;}g=f.handshakeComplete();if(!((f.input.Len()===0))){$s=-1;return f.in$27.setErrorLocked(I.New("tls: internal error: attempted to read record with pending application data"));}f.input.Reset(II.nil);h=f.readFromUntil(f.conn,5);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(i,S.ErrUnexpectedEOF)&&(f.rawInput.Len()===0)){i=S.EOF;}j=$assertType(i,K.Error,true);k=j[0];l=j[1];if(!l){m=true;$s=6;continue s;}n=k.Temporary();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=!n;case 6:if(m){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:f.in$27.setErrorLocked(i);case 5:$s=-1;return i;case 3:o=$subslice(f.rawInput.Bytes(),0,5);p=(((0>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0])<<24>>>24));if(!g&&(p===128)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:q=f.sendAlert(70);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;$s=-1;return f.in$27.setErrorLocked((r=f.newRecordHeaderError($ifaceNil,"unsupported SSLv2 handshake received"),new r.constructor.elem(r)));case 9:s=(((((1>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+1])<<16>>>16))<<8<<16>>>16)|(((2>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+2])<<16>>>16)))>>>0;t=((((3>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+3])>>0))<<8>>0)|(((4>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+4])>>0));if(f.haveVers&&!((f.vers===772))&&!((s===f.vers))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:u=f.sendAlert(70);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;v=J.Sprintf("received record with version %x when expecting version %x",new IJ([new $Uint16(s),new $Uint16(f.vers)]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;$s=-1;return f.in$27.setErrorLocked((x=f.newRecordHeaderError($ifaceNil,w),new x.constructor.elem(x)));case 12:if(!f.haveVers){if((!((p===21))&&!((p===22)))||s>=4096){$s=-1;return f.in$27.setErrorLocked((y=f.newRecordHeaderError(f.conn,"first record does not look like a TLS handshake"),new y.constructor.elem(y)));}}if((f.vers===772)&&t>16640||t>18432){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:z=f.sendAlert(22);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;aa=J.Sprintf("oversized record received with length %d",new IJ([new $Int(t)]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;$s=-1;return f.in$27.setErrorLocked((ac=f.newRecordHeaderError($ifaceNil,ab),new ac.constructor.elem(ac)));case 16:ad=f.readFromUntil(f.conn,5+t>>0);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ae,$ifaceNil))){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:af=$assertType(ae,K.Error,true);ag=af[0];ah=af[1];if(!ah){ai=true;$s=24;continue s;}aj=ag.Temporary();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=!aj;case 24:if(ai){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:f.in$27.setErrorLocked(ae);case 23:$s=-1;return ae;case 21:ak=f.rawInput.Next(5+t>>0);am=f.in$27.decrypt(ak);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=am;an=al[0];p=al[1];ao=al[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ao,$ifaceNil))){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:ap=f.sendAlert($assertType(ao,HY));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(ap);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;$s=31;case 31:return ar;case 28:if(an.$length>16384){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:as=f.sendAlert(22);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(as);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=at;$s=36;case 36:return au;case 33:if($interfaceIsEqual(f.in$27.cipher,$ifaceNil)&&(p===23)){$s=37;continue;}$s=38;continue;case 37:av=f.sendAlert(10);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(av);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=aw;$s=41;case 41:return ax;case 38:if(!((p===21))&&!((p===20))&&an.$length>0){f.retryCount=0;}if((f.vers===772)&&!((p===22))&&f.hand.Len()>0){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:ay=f.sendAlert(10);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(ay);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=az;$s=46;case 46:return ba;case 43:bb=p;if(bb===(21)){$s=48;continue;}if(bb===(20)){$s=49;continue;}if(bb===(23)){$s=50;continue;}if(bb===(22)){$s=51;continue;}$s=52;continue;case 48:if(!((an.$length===2))){$s=54;continue;}$s=55;continue;case 54:bc=f.sendAlert(10);$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(bc);$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bd;$s=58;case 58:return be;case 55:if((((1>=an.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):an.$array[an.$offset+1])<<24>>>24))===0){$s=-1;return f.in$27.setErrorLocked(S.EOF);}if(f.vers===772){$s=-1;return f.in$27.setErrorLocked(new K.OpError.ptr("remote error","",$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,new HY((((1>=an.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):an.$array[an.$offset+1])<<24>>>24)))));}bf=(0>=an.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):an.$array[an.$offset+0]);if(bf===(1)){$s=60;continue;}if(bf===(2)){$s=61;continue;}$s=62;continue;case 60:bg=f.retryReadRecord(e);$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh=bg;$s=65;case 65:return bh;case 61:$s=-1;return f.in$27.setErrorLocked(new K.OpError.ptr("remote error","",$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,new HY((((1>=an.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):an.$array[an.$offset+1])<<24>>>24)))));case 62:bi=f.sendAlert(10);$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(bi);$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk=bj;$s=68;case 68:return bk;case 63:case 59:$s=53;continue;case 49:if(!((an.$length===1))||!(((0>=an.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):an.$array[an.$offset+0])===1))){$s=69;continue;}$s=70;continue;case 69:bl=f.sendAlert(50);$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(bl);$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=bm;$s=73;case 73:return bn;case 70:if(f.hand.Len()>0){$s=74;continue;}$s=75;continue;case 74:bo=f.sendAlert(10);$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(bo);$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=bp;$s=78;case 78:return bq;case 75:if(f.vers===772){$s=79;continue;}$s=80;continue;case 79:br=f.retryReadRecord(e);$s=81;case 81:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bs=br;$s=82;case 82:return bs;case 80:if(!e){$s=83;continue;}$s=84;continue;case 83:bt=f.sendAlert(10);$s=85;case 85:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(bt);$s=86;case 86:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bv=bu;$s=87;case 87:return bv;case 84:bw=f.in$27.changeCipherSpec();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bw,$ifaceNil))){$s=88;continue;}$s=89;continue;case 88:bx=f.sendAlert($assertType(bw,HY));$s=90;case 90:if($c){$c=false;bx=bx.$blk();}if(bx&&bx.$blk!==undefined){break s;}by=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(bx);$s=91;case 91:if($c){$c=false;by=by.$blk();}if(by&&by.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bz=by;$s=92;case 92:return bz;case 89:$s=53;continue;case 50:if(!g||e){$s=93;continue;}$s=94;continue;case 93:ca=f.sendAlert(10);$s=95;case 95:if($c){$c=false;ca=ca.$blk();}if(ca&&ca.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cb=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(ca);$s=96;case 96:if($c){$c=false;cb=cb.$blk();}if(cb&&cb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cc=cb;$s=97;case 97:return cc;case 94:if(an.$length===0){$s=98;continue;}$s=99;continue;case 98:cd=f.retryReadRecord(e);$s=100;case 100:if($c){$c=false;cd=cd.$blk();}if(cd&&cd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce=cd;$s=101;case 101:return ce;case 99:f.input.Reset(an);$s=53;continue;case 51:if((an.$length===0)||e){$s=102;continue;}$s=103;continue;case 102:cf=f.sendAlert(10);$s=104;case 104:if($c){$c=false;cf=cf.$blk();}if(cf&&cf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cg=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(cf);$s=105;case 105:if($c){$c=false;cg=cg.$blk();}if(cg&&cg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ch=cg;$s=106;case 106:return ch;case 103:ci=f.hand.Write(an);$s=107;case 107:if($c){$c=false;ci=ci.$blk();}if(ci&&ci.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ci;$s=53;continue;case 52:cj=f.sendAlert(10);$s=108;case 108:if($c){$c=false;cj=cj.$blk();}if(cj&&cj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ck=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(cj);$s=109;case 109:if($c){$c=false;ck=ck.$blk();}if(ck&&ck.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cl=ck;$s=110;case 110:return cl;case 53:case 47:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.readRecordOrCCS,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.readRecordOrCCS=function(e){return this.$val.readRecordOrCCS(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.retryReadRecord=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;f.retryCount=f.retryCount+(1)>>0;if(f.retryCount>16){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=f.sendAlert(10);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;$s=-1;return f.in$27.setErrorLocked(I.New("tls: too many ignored records"));case 2:h=f.readRecordOrCCS(e);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=5;case 5:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.retryReadRecord,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.retryReadRecord=function(e){return this.$val.retryReadRecord(e);};ED.ptr.prototype.Read=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if((g=f.N,(g.$high<0||(g.$high===0&&g.$low<=0)))){$s=-1;return[0,S.EOF];}i=f.R.Read(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];f.N=(l=f.N,m=(new $Int64(0,j)),new $Int64(l.$high-m.$high,l.$low-m.$low));if((n=f.N,(n.$high>0||(n.$high===0&&n.$low>0)))&&$interfaceIsEqual(k,S.EOF)){$s=-1;return[j,S.ErrUnexpectedEOF];}if((o=f.N,(o.$high<0||(o.$high===0&&o.$low<=0)))&&$interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[j,S.EOF];}$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:ED.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};ED.prototype.Read=function(e){return this.$val.Read(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.readFromUntil=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(g.rawInput.Len()>=f){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}h=f-g.rawInput.Len()>>0;$r=g.rawInput.Grow(h+512>>0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=g.rawInput.ReadFrom(new ED.ptr(e,(new $Int64(0,h))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[1];$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.readFromUntil,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.readFromUntil=function(e,f){return this.$val.readFromUntil(e,f);};DV.ptr.prototype.sendAlertLocked=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=e;if((g===(100))||(g===(0))){f.tmp[0]=1;}else{f.tmp[0]=2;}f.tmp[1]=((e<<24>>>24));i=f.writeRecordLocked(21,$subslice(new II(f.tmp),0,2));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[1];if(e===0){$s=-1;return j;}$s=-1;return f.out.setErrorLocked(new K.OpError.ptr("local error","",$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,new HY(e)));}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.sendAlertLocked,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.sendAlertLocked=function(e){return this.$val.sendAlertLocked(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.sendAlert=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;$r=f.out.Mutex.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.out.Mutex,"Unlock"),[]]);g=f.sendAlertLocked(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=3;case 3:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.sendAlert,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.sendAlert=function(e){return this.$val.sendAlert(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.maxPayloadSizeForWrite=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if(f.config.DynamicRecordSizingDisabled||!((e===23))){$s=-1;return 16384;}if((g=f.bytesSent,(g.$high>0||(g.$high===0&&g.$low>=131072)))){$s=-1;return 16384;}h=f.out.explicitNonceLen();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=1203-h>>0;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f.out.cipher,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=f.out.cipher;if($assertType(j,O.Stream,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}if($assertType(j,O.AEAD,true)[1]){$s=5;continue;}if($assertType(j,EA,true)[1]){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 4:k=j;o=f.out.mac.Size();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=i-(o)>>0;$s=8;continue;case 5:l=j;p=l.Overhead();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=i-(p)>>0;$s=8;continue;case 6:m=j;q=m.BlockSize();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;i=((i&(~((r-1>>0))>>0)))-1>>0;s=f.out.mac.Size();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=i-(s)>>0;$s=8;continue;case 7:n=j;$panic(new $String("unknown cipher type"));case 8:case 3:if(f.vers===772){i=i-(1)>>0;}t=f.packetsSent;f.packetsSent=(u=f.packetsSent,v=new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(u.$high+v.$high,u.$low+v.$low));if((t.$high>0||(t.$high===0&&t.$low>1000))){$s=-1;return 16384;}x=$imul(i,(((w=new $Int64(t.$high+0,t.$low+1),w.$low+((w.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));if(x>16384){x=16384;}$s=-1;return x;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.maxPayloadSizeForWrite,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.maxPayloadSizeForWrite=function(e){return this.$val.maxPayloadSizeForWrite(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.write=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if(f.buffering){f.sendBuf=$appendSlice(f.sendBuf,e);$s=-1;return[e.$length,$ifaceNil];}h=f.conn.Write(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];f.bytesSent=(k=f.bytesSent,l=(new $Int64(0,i)),new $Int64(k.$high+l.$high,k.$low+l.$low));$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.write,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.write=function(e){return this.$val.write(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.flush=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(e.sendBuf.$length===0){$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}g=e.conn.Write(e.sendBuf);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];e.bytesSent=(j=e.bytesSent,k=(new $Int64(0,h)),new $Int64(j.$high+k.$high,j.$low+k.$low));e.sendBuf=II.nil;e.buffering=false;$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.flush,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.flush=function(){return this.$val.flush();};DV.ptr.prototype.writeRecordLocked=function(e,f){var{aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=[g];h=[h];i=this;j=EE.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=$assertType(j,IK);g[0]=h[0].$get();$deferred.push([(function(g,h){return function(){h[0].$set(g[0]);EE.Put(h[0]);};})(g,h),[]]);k=0;case 2:if(!(f.$length>0)){$s=3;continue;}l=f.$length;m=i.maxPayloadSizeForWrite(e);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(l>n){l=n;}o=EB($subslice(g[0],0,0),5);g[0]=o[1];(0>=g[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+0]=((e<<24>>>24)));p=i.vers;if(p===0){p=769;}else if(p===772){p=771;}(1>=g[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+1]=(((p>>>8<<16>>>16)<<24>>>24)));(2>=g[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+2]=((p<<24>>>24)));(3>=g[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+3]=(((l>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)));(4>=g[0].$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+4]=((l<<24>>>24)));q=$ifaceNil;s=i.out.encrypt(g[0],$subslice(f,0,l),i.config.rand());$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;g[0]=r[0];q=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:t=[k,q];$s=8;case 8:return t;case 7:v=i.write(g[0]);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(w,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:x=[k,w];$s=12;case 12:return x;case 11:k=k+(l)>>0;f=$subslice(f,l);$s=2;continue;case 3:if((e===20)&&!((i.vers===772))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:y=i.out.changeCipherSpec();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:z=i.sendAlertLocked($assertType(y,HY));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=[k,z];$s=18;case 18:return aa;case 16:case 14:ab=[k,$ifaceNil];$s=19;case 19:return ab;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.writeRecordLocked,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.writeRecordLocked=function(e,f){return this.$val.writeRecordLocked(e,f);};DV.ptr.prototype.writeRecord=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.out.Mutex.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.out.Mutex,"Unlock"),[]]);h=g.writeRecordLocked(e,f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.writeRecord,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.writeRecord=function(e,f){return this.$val.writeRecord(e,f);};DV.ptr.prototype.readHandshake=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;case 1:if(!(e.hand.Len()<4)){$s=2;continue;}f=e.readRecord();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,g];}$s=1;continue;case 2:h=e.hand.Bytes();i=(((((1>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+1])>>0))<<16>>0)|((((2>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+2])>>0))<<8>>0))|(((3>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+3])>>0));if(i>65536){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:j=e.sendAlertLocked(80);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=J.Errorf("tls: handshake message of length %d bytes exceeds maximum of %d bytes",new IJ([new $Int(i),new $Int(65536)]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=e.in$27.setErrorLocked(k);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=[$ifaceNil,l];$s=9;case 9:return m;case 5:case 10:if(!(e.hand.Len()<(4+i>>0))){$s=11;continue;}n=e.readRecord();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,o];}$s=10;continue;case 11:h=e.hand.Next(4+i>>0);p=$ifaceNil;q=(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0]);if(q===(0)){$s=14;continue;}if(q===(1)){$s=15;continue;}if(q===(2)){$s=16;continue;}if(q===(4)){$s=17;continue;}if(q===(11)){$s=18;continue;}if(q===(13)){$s=19;continue;}if(q===(22)){$s=20;continue;}if(q===(12)){$s=21;continue;}if(q===(14)){$s=22;continue;}if(q===(16)){$s=23;continue;}if(q===(15)){$s=24;continue;}if(q===(20)){$s=25;continue;}if(q===(8)){$s=26;continue;}if(q===(5)){$s=27;continue;}if(q===(24)){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 14:p=new DO.ptr();$s=30;continue;case 15:p=new CV.ptr(II.nil,0,II.nil,II.nil,IE.nil,II.nil,"",false,IG.nil,II.nil,false,II.nil,IL.nil,IL.nil,false,II.nil,ID.nil,false,IE.nil,II.nil,KG.nil,false,II.nil,KH.nil,IT.nil);$s=30;continue;case 16:p=new CW.ptr(II.nil,0,II.nil,II.nil,0,0,false,false,false,II.nil,"",IT.nil,0,new EM.ptr(0,II.nil),false,0,II.nil,II.nil,0);$s=30;continue;case 17:if(e.vers===772){p=new DA.ptr(II.nil,0,0,II.nil,II.nil,0);}else{p=new DN.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);}$s=30;continue;case 18:if(e.vers===772){p=new DD.ptr(II.nil,new FK.ptr(IT.nil,$ifaceNil,IL.nil,II.nil,IT.nil,IU.nil),false,false);}else{p=new DC.ptr(II.nil,IT.nil);}$s=30;continue;case 19:if(e.vers===772){p=new DB.ptr(II.nil,false,false,IL.nil,IL.nil,IT.nil);}else{p=new DL.ptr(II.nil,e.vers>=771,II.nil,IL.nil,IT.nil);}$s=30;continue;case 20:p=new DH.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);$s=30;continue;case 21:p=new DG.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);$s=30;continue;case 22:p=new DI.ptr();$s=30;continue;case 23:p=new DJ.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);$s=30;continue;case 24:p=new DM.ptr(II.nil,e.vers>=771,0,II.nil);$s=30;continue;case 25:p=new DK.ptr(II.nil,II.nil);$s=30;continue;case 26:p=new CX.ptr(II.nil,"");$s=30;continue;case 27:p=new CY.ptr();$s=30;continue;case 28:p=new CZ.ptr(II.nil,false);$s=30;continue;case 29:r=e.sendAlert(10);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=e.in$27.setErrorLocked(r);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=[$ifaceNil,s];$s=33;case 33:return t;case 30:case 13:h=$appendSlice((II.nil),h);u=p.unmarshal(h);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!u){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:v=e.sendAlert(10);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=e.in$27.setErrorLocked(v);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=[$ifaceNil,w];$s=39;case 39:return x;case 35:$s=-1;return[p,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.readHandshake,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.readHandshake=function(){return this.$val.readHandshake();};DV.ptr.prototype.Write=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;case 1:g=AD.LoadInt32((f.$ptr_activeCall||(f.$ptr_activeCall=new KS(function(){return this.$target.activeCall;},function($v){this.$target.activeCall=$v;},f))));if(!(((g&1)===0))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:h=[0,K.ErrClosed];$s=5;case 5:return h;case 4:if(AD.CompareAndSwapInt32((f.$ptr_activeCall||(f.$ptr_activeCall=new KS(function(){return this.$target.activeCall;},function($v){this.$target.activeCall=$v;},f))),g,g+2>>0)){$s=2;continue;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$deferred.push([AD.AddInt32,[(f.$ptr_activeCall||(f.$ptr_activeCall=new KS(function(){return this.$target.activeCall;},function($v){this.$target.activeCall=$v;},f))),-2]]);i=f.Handshake();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:k=[0,j];$s=9;case 9:return k;case 8:$r=f.out.Mutex.Lock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.out.Mutex,"Unlock"),[]]);l=f.out.err;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:m=[0,l];$s=13;case 13:return m;case 12:if(!f.handshakeComplete()){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:n=[0,new HY(80)];$s=16;case 16:return n;case 15:if(f.closeNotifySent){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:o=[0,EF];$s=19;case 19:return o;case 18:p=0;if(e.$length>1&&(f.vers===769)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:q=$assertType(f.out.cipher,O.BlockMode,true);r=q[1];if(r){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:t=f.writeRecordLocked(23,$subslice(e,0,1));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[0];v=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:w=[u,f.out.setErrorLocked(v)];$s=27;case 27:return w;case 26:x=1;y=$subslice(e,1);p=x;e=y;case 23:case 21:aa=f.writeRecordLocked(23,e);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;ab=z[0];ac=z[1];ad=[ab+p>>0,f.out.setErrorLocked(ac)];$s=29;case 29:return ad;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.Write=function(e){return this.$val.Write(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.handleRenegotiation=function(){var{aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;if(e.vers===772){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=I.New("tls: internal error: unexpected renegotiation");$s=3;case 3:return f;case 2:h=e.readHandshake();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=j;$s=7;case 7:return k;case 6:l=$assertType(i,KT,true);m=l[0];n=l[1];if(!n){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:o=e.sendAlert(10);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;p=FR(m,i);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=12;case 12:return q;case 9:if(!e.isClient){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:r=e.sendAlert(100);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=16;case 16:return s;case 14:t=e.config.Renegotiation;if(t===(0)){$s=18;continue;}if(t===(1)){$s=19;continue;}if(t===(2)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 18:u=e.sendAlert(100);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=24;case 24:return v;case 19:if(e.handshakes>1){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:w=e.sendAlert(100);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=28;case 28:return x;case 26:$s=22;continue;case 20:$s=22;continue;case 21:y=e.sendAlert(80);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;z=I.New("tls: unknown Renegotiation value");$s=30;case 30:return z;case 22:case 17:$r=e.handshakeMutex.Lock();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(e.handshakeMutex,"Unlock"),[]]);AD.StoreUint32((e.$ptr_handshakeStatus||(e.$ptr_handshakeStatus=new JT(function(){return this.$target.handshakeStatus;},function($v){this.$target.handshakeStatus=$v;},e))),0);aa=e.clientHandshake(B.Background());$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.handshakeErr=aa;if($interfaceIsEqual(e.handshakeErr,$ifaceNil)){e.handshakes=e.handshakes+(1)>>0;}ab=e.handshakeErr;$s=33;case 33:return ab;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.handleRenegotiation,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.handleRenegotiation=function(){return this.$val.handleRenegotiation();};DV.ptr.prototype.handlePostHandshakeMessage=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(!((e.vers===772))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=e.handleRenegotiation();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=4;case 4:return g;case 2:i=e.readHandshake();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return k;}e.retryCount=e.retryCount+(1)>>0;if(e.retryCount>16){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:l=e.sendAlert(10);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return e.in$27.setErrorLocked(I.New("tls: too many non-advancing records"));case 7:m=j;if($assertType(m,KU,true)[1]){$s=9;continue;}if($assertType(m,KV,true)[1]){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 9:n=m.$val;q=e.handleNewSessionTicket(n);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=14;case 14:return r;case 10:o=m.$val;s=e.handleKeyUpdate(o);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=16;case 16:return t;case 11:p=m;u=e.sendAlert(10);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;v=J.Errorf("tls: received unexpected handshake message of type %T",new IJ([p]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;$s=19;case 19:return w;case 12:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.handlePostHandshakeMessage,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.handlePostHandshakeMessage=function(){return this.$val.handlePostHandshakeMessage();};DV.ptr.prototype.handleKeyUpdate=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;g=HO(f.cipherSuite);if(g===IM.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=f.sendAlert(80);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=f.in$27.setErrorLocked(h);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=5;case 5:return j;case 2:k=g.nextTrafficSecret(f.in$27.trafficSecret);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$r=f.in$27.setTrafficSecret(g,l);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e.updateRequested){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=f.out.Mutex.Lock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.out.Mutex,"Unlock"),[]]);m=new CZ.ptr(II.nil,false);o=m.marshal();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=f.writeRecordLocked(22,p);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=q;r=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:f.out.setErrorLocked(r);s=$ifaceNil;$s=15;case 15:return s;case 14:t=g.nextTrafficSecret(f.out.trafficSecret);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$r=f.out.setTrafficSecret(g,u);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 9:v=$ifaceNil;$s=18;case 18:return v;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.handleKeyUpdate,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.handleKeyUpdate=function(e){return this.$val.handleKeyUpdate(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.Read=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;g=f.Handshake();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=[0,h];$s=4;case 4:return i;case 3:if(e.$length===0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=[0,$ifaceNil];$s=7;case 7:return j;case 6:$r=f.in$27.Mutex.Lock();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.in$27.Mutex,"Unlock"),[]]);case 9:if(!(f.input.Len()===0)){$s=10;continue;}k=f.readRecord();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:m=[0,l];$s=14;case 14:return m;case 13:case 15:if(!(f.hand.Len()>0)){$s=16;continue;}n=f.handlePostHandshakeMessage();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:p=[0,o];$s=20;case 20:return p;case 19:$s=15;continue;case 16:$s=9;continue;case 10:q=f.input.Read(e);r=q[0];if(!((r===0))&&(f.input.Len()===0)&&f.rawInput.Len()>0&&((((s=f.rawInput.Bytes(),(0>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+0]))<<24>>>24))===21)){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:t=f.readRecord();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:v=[r,u];$s=26;case 26:return v;case 25:case 22:w=[r,$ifaceNil];$s=27;case 27:return w;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.Read=function(e){return this.$val.Read(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=0;while(true){f=AD.LoadInt32((e.$ptr_activeCall||(e.$ptr_activeCall=new KS(function(){return this.$target.activeCall;},function($v){this.$target.activeCall=$v;},e))));if(!(((f&1)===0))){$s=-1;return K.ErrClosed;}if(AD.CompareAndSwapInt32((e.$ptr_activeCall||(e.$ptr_activeCall=new KS(function(){return this.$target.activeCall;},function($v){this.$target.activeCall=$v;},e))),f,f|1)){break;}}if(!((f===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=e.conn.Close();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=4;case 4:return h;case 2:i=$ifaceNil;if(e.handshakeComplete()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=e.closeNotify();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:l=J.Errorf("tls: failed to send closeNotify alert (but connection was closed anyway): %w",new IJ([k]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=l;case 9:case 6:m=e.conn.Close();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};DV.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(!e.handshakeComplete()){$s=-1;return EG;}f=e.closeNotify();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.CloseWrite=function(){return this.$val.CloseWrite();};DV.ptr.prototype.closeNotify=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;$r=e.out.Mutex.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(e.out.Mutex,"Unlock"),[]]);if(!e.closeNotifySent){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:f=AE.Now();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=$clone(f,AE.Time).Add(new AE.Duration(1,705032704));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=e.SetWriteDeadline($clone(g,AE.Time));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;i=e.sendAlertLocked(0);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.closeNotifyErr=i;e.closeNotifySent=true;j=AE.Now();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=e.SetWriteDeadline($clone(j,AE.Time));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 3:l=e.closeNotifyErr;$s=10;case 10:return l;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.closeNotify,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.closeNotify=function(){return this.$val.closeNotify();};DV.ptr.prototype.Handshake=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.HandshakeContext(B.Background());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.Handshake,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.Handshake=function(){return this.$val.Handshake();};DV.ptr.prototype.HandshakeContext=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.handshakeContext(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.HandshakeContext,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.HandshakeContext=function(e){return this.$val.HandshakeContext(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.handshakeContext=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];j[0]=$ifaceNil;f[0]=this;if(f[0].handshakeComplete()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j[0]=$ifaceNil;k=j[0];$s=3;case 3:return k;case 2:m=B.WithCancel(e);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;h[0]=l[0];n=l[1];$deferred.push([n,[]]);o=e.Done();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(o===$chanNil)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:g[0]=new $Chan(KW,0);i[0]=new $Chan($error,1);$deferred.push([(function(f,g,h,i,j){return function $b(){var{p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$close(g[0]);p=$recv(i[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){j[0]=q;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,p,q,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j),[]]);$go((function(f,g,h,i,j){return function $b(){var{p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:q=h[0].Done();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$select([[q],[g[0]]]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=r;if(p[0]===0){$s=3;continue;}if(p[0]===1){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:s=f[0].conn.Close();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$unused(s);t=h[0].Err();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$send(i[0],t);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=$send(i[0],$ifaceNil);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};})(f,g,h,i,j),[]);case 6:$r=f[0].handshakeMutex.Lock();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f[0].handshakeMutex,"Unlock"),[]]);p=f[0].handshakeErr;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:j[0]=p;q=j[0];$s=11;case 11:return q;case 10:if(f[0].handshakeComplete()){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:j[0]=$ifaceNil;r=j[0];$s=14;case 14:return r;case 13:$r=f[0].in$27.Mutex.Lock();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f[0].in$27.Mutex,"Unlock"),[]]);s=f[0].handshakeFn(h[0]);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f[0].handshakeErr=s;if($interfaceIsEqual(f[0].handshakeErr,$ifaceNil)){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:f[0].handshakes=f[0].handshakes+(1)>>0;$s=19;continue;case 18:t=f[0].flush();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;case 19:if($interfaceIsEqual(f[0].handshakeErr,$ifaceNil)&&!f[0].handshakeComplete()){f[0].handshakeErr=I.New("tls: internal error: handshake should have had a result");}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f[0].handshakeErr,$ifaceNil))&&f[0].handshakeComplete()){$panic(new $String("tls: internal error: handshake returned an error but is marked successful"));}j[0]=f[0].handshakeErr;u=j[0];$s=21;case 21:return u;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return j[0];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.handshakeContext,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.handshakeContext=function(e){return this.$val.handshakeContext(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.ConnectionState=function(){var{e,f,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;$r=e.handshakeMutex.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(e.handshakeMutex,"Unlock"),[]]);f=e.connectionStateLocked();$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return new ES.ptr(0,false,false,0,"",false,"",IV.nil,IW.nil,IT.nil,II.nil,II.nil,$throwNilPointerError);}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.ConnectionState,$c:true,$r,e,f,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.ConnectionState=function(){return this.$val.ConnectionState();};DV.ptr.prototype.connectionStateLocked=function(){var e,f;e=this;f=new ES.ptr(0,false,false,0,"",false,"",IV.nil,IW.nil,IT.nil,II.nil,II.nil,$throwNilPointerError);f.HandshakeComplete=e.handshakeComplete();f.Version=e.vers;f.NegotiatedProtocol=e.clientProtocol;f.DidResume=e.didResume;f.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual=true;f.ServerName=e.serverName;f.CipherSuite=e.cipherSuite;f.PeerCertificates=e.peerCertificates;f.VerifiedChains=e.verifiedChains;f.SignedCertificateTimestamps=e.scts;f.OCSPResponse=e.ocspResponse;if(!e.didResume&&!((e.vers===772))){if(e.clientFinishedIsFirst){f.TLSUnique=new II(e.clientFinished);}else{f.TLSUnique=new II(e.serverFinished);}}if(!((e.config.Renegotiation===0))){f.ekm=BS;}else{f.ekm=e.ekm;}return f;};DV.prototype.connectionStateLocked=function(){return this.$val.connectionStateLocked();};DV.ptr.prototype.OCSPResponse=function(){var{e,f,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;$r=e.handshakeMutex.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(e.handshakeMutex,"Unlock"),[]]);f=e.ocspResponse;$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return II.nil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.OCSPResponse,$c:true,$r,e,f,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.OCSPResponse=function(){return this.$val.OCSPResponse();};DV.ptr.prototype.VerifyHostname=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;$r=f.handshakeMutex.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.handshakeMutex,"Unlock"),[]]);if(!f.isClient){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g=I.New("tls: VerifyHostname called on TLS server connection");$s=4;case 4:return g;case 3:if(!f.handshakeComplete()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:h=I.New("tls: handshake has not yet been performed");$s=7;case 7:return h;case 6:if(f.verifiedChains.$length===0){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:i=I.New("tls: handshake did not verify certificate chain");$s=10;case 10:return i;case 9:k=(j=f.peerCertificates,(0>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+0])).VerifyHostname(e);$s=11;case 11:return k;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.VerifyHostname,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.VerifyHostname=function(e){return this.$val.VerifyHostname(e);};DV.ptr.prototype.handshakeComplete=function(){var e;e=this;return AD.LoadUint32((e.$ptr_handshakeStatus||(e.$ptr_handshakeStatus=new JT(function(){return this.$target.handshakeStatus;},function($v){this.$target.handshakeStatus=$v;},e))))===1;};DV.prototype.handshakeComplete=function(){return this.$val.handshakeComplete();};EX.prototype.String=function(){var e,f;e=this.$val;if((e===513)){return"PKCS1WithSHA1";}else if((e===515)){return"ECDSAWithSHA1";}else if((e===1025)){return"PKCS1WithSHA256";}else if((e===1027)){return"ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256";}else if((e===1281)){return"PKCS1WithSHA384";}else if((e===1283)){return"ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384";}else if((e===1537)){return"PKCS1WithSHA512";}else if((e===1539)){return"ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512";}else if(2052<=e&&e<=2055){e=e-(2052)<<16>>>16;return $substring("PSSWithSHA256PSSWithSHA384PSSWithSHA512Ed25519",((e<0||e>=EH.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):EH[e]),(f=e+1<<16>>>16,((f<0||f>=EH.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):EH[f])));}else{return"SignatureScheme("+AG.FormatInt((new $Int64(0,e)),10)+")";}};$ptrType(EX).prototype.String=function(){return new EX(this.$get()).String();};EL.prototype.String=function(){var e,f;e=this.$val;if(23<=e&&e<=25){e=e-(23)<<16>>>16;return $substring("CurveP256CurveP384CurveP521",((e<0||e>=EI.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):EI[e]),(f=e+1<<16>>>16,((f<0||f>=EI.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):EI[f])));}else if((e===29)){return"X25519";}else{return"CurveID("+AG.FormatInt((new $Int64(0,e)),10)+")";}};$ptrType(EL).prototype.String=function(){return new EL(this.$get()).String();};ET.prototype.String=function(){var e,f;e=this.$val;if(e<0||e>=5){return"ClientAuthType("+AG.FormatInt((new $Int64(0,e)),10)+")";}return $substring("NoClientCertRequestClientCertRequireAnyClientCertVerifyClientCertIfGivenRequireAndVerifyClientCert",((e<0||e>=EJ.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):EJ[e]),(f=e+1>>0,((f<0||f>=EJ.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):EJ[f])));};$ptrType(ET).prototype.String=function(){return new ET(this.$get()).String();};ES.ptr.prototype.ExportKeyingMaterial=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.ekm(e,f,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:ES.ptr.prototype.ExportKeyingMaterial,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};ES.prototype.ExportKeyingMaterial=function(e,f,g){return this.$val.ExportKeyingMaterial(e,f,g);};EU=function(e){var e,f;f=e;if((f===(2))||(f===(4))){return true;}else{return false;}};EY.ptr.prototype.Context=function(){var e;e=this;return e.ctx;};EY.prototype.Context=function(){return this.$val.Context();};EZ.ptr.prototype.Context=function(){var e;e=this;return e.ctx;};EZ.prototype.Context=function(){return this.$val.Context();};FB.ptr.prototype.ticketKeyFromBytes=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=new FC.ptr(JA.zero(),JA.zero(),JA.zero(),new AE.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),JC.nil));g=this;h=$clone(W.Sum512(new II(e)),KX);$copySlice(new II(f.keyName),$subslice(new II(h),0,16));$copySlice(new II(f.aesKey),$subslice(new II(h),16,32));$copySlice(new II(f.hmacKey),$subslice(new II(h),32,48));i=g.time();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AE.Time.copy(f.created,i);FC.copy(f,f);$s=-1;return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.ticketKeyFromBytes,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};FB.prototype.ticketKeyFromBytes=function(e){return this.$val.ticketKeyFromBytes(e);};FB.ptr.prototype.Clone=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;if(e===IS.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=IS.nil;$s=3;case 3:return f;case 2:$r=e.mutex.RLock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(e.mutex,"RUnlock"),[]]);g=new FB.ptr(e.Rand,e.Time,e.Certificates,e.NameToCertificate,e.GetCertificate,e.GetClientCertificate,e.GetConfigForClient,e.VerifyPeerCertificate,e.VerifyConnection,e.RootCAs,e.NextProtos,e.ServerName,e.ClientAuth,e.ClientCAs,e.InsecureSkipVerify,e.CipherSuites,e.PreferServerCipherSuites,e.SessionTicketsDisabled,$clone(e.SessionTicketKey,IF),e.ClientSessionCache,e.MinVersion,e.MaxVersion,e.CurvePreferences,e.DynamicRecordSizingDisabled,e.Renegotiation,e.KeyLogWriter,new AF.RWMutex.ptr(new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,0,0,0),e.sessionTicketKeys,e.autoSessionTicketKeys);$s=5;case 5:return g;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return IS.nil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.Clone,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FB.prototype.Clone=function(){return this.$val.Clone();};FB.ptr.prototype.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);e=this;if(!($equal(e.SessionTicketKey,IF.zero(),IF))&&(A.HasPrefix(new II(e.SessionTicketKey),FD)||e.sessionTicketKeys.$length>0)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=3;case 3:return;case 2:$r=e.mutex.RUnlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(e.mutex,"RLock"),[]]);$r=e.mutex.Lock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(e.mutex,"Unlock"),[]]);if($equal(e.SessionTicketKey,IF.zero(),IF)){$s=6;continue;}if(!A.HasPrefix(new II(e.SessionTicketKey),FD)&&(e.sessionTicketKeys.$length===0)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 6:g=S.ReadFull(e.rand(),new II(e.SessionTicketKey));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:i=J.Sprintf("tls: unable to generate random session ticket key: %v",new IJ([h]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(i));case 11:$copySlice(new II(e.SessionTicketKey),FD);$s=8;continue;case 7:j=e.ticketKeyFromBytes($clone(e.SessionTicketKey,IF));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e.sessionTicketKeys=new IH([$clone(j,FC)]);case 8:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FB.prototype.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked=function(){return this.$val.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked();};FB.ptr.prototype.ticketKeys=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);f=this;if(!(e===IS.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=e.mutex.RLock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(e.SessionTicketsDisabled){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:g=IH.nil;$s=6;case 6:return g;case 5:$r=e.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((e.sessionTicketKeys.$length===0))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:h=e.sessionTicketKeys;$r=e.mutex.RUnlock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=11;case 11:return i;case 9:$r=e.mutex.RUnlock();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$r=f.mutex.RLock();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.mutex,"RUnlock"),[]]);if(f.SessionTicketsDisabled){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:j=IH.nil;$s=16;case 16:return j;case 15:$r=f.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((f.sessionTicketKeys.$length===0))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:k=f.sessionTicketKeys;$s=20;case 20:return k;case 19:if(!(f.autoSessionTicketKeys.$length>0)){l=false;$s=23;continue s;}n=f.time();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(n,AE.Time).Sub($clone((o=f.autoSessionTicketKeys,(0>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0])).created,AE.Time));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=(m=p,(m.$high<20116||(m.$high===20116&&m.$low<2437873664)));case 23:if(l){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:q=f.autoSessionTicketKeys;$s=26;case 26:return q;case 22:$r=f.mutex.RUnlock();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.mutex,"RLock"),[]]);$r=f.mutex.Lock();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(f.mutex,"Unlock"),[]]);if(f.autoSessionTicketKeys.$length===0){r=true;$s=31;continue s;}t=f.time();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(t,AE.Time).Sub($clone((u=f.autoSessionTicketKeys,(0>=u.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+0])).created,AE.Time));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=(s=v,(s.$high>20116||(s.$high===20116&&s.$low>=2437873664)));case 31:if(r){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:w=IF.zero();y=S.ReadFull(f.rand(),new II(w));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=x[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:aa=J.Sprintf("unable to generate random session ticket key: %v",new IJ([z]));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(aa));case 36:ab=$makeSlice(IH,0,(f.autoSessionTicketKeys.$length+1>>0));ac=f.ticketKeyFromBytes($clone(w,IF));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=$append(ab,ac);ad=f.autoSessionTicketKeys;ae=0;case 39:if(!(ae=ad.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+ae]),FC);ah=f.time();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=$clone(ah,AE.Time).Sub($clone(af.created,AE.Time));$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((ag=ai,(ag.$high<140815||(ag.$high===140815&&ag.$low<4180213760)))){$s=41;continue;}$s=42;continue;case 41:ab=$append(ab,af);case 42:ae++;$s=39;continue;case 40:f.autoSessionTicketKeys=ab;case 30:aj=f.autoSessionTicketKeys;$s=45;case 45:return aj;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return IH.nil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.ticketKeys,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FB.prototype.ticketKeys=function(e){return this.$val.ticketKeys(e);};FB.ptr.prototype.SetSessionTicketKeys=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;if(e.$length===0){$panic(new $String("tls: keys must have at least one key"));}g=$makeSlice(IH,e.$length);h=e;i=0;case 1:if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]),IF);l=f.ticketKeyFromBytes($clone(k,IF));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}FC.copy(((j<0||j>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+j]),l);i++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$r=f.mutex.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f.sessionTicketKeys=g;$r=f.mutex.Unlock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.SetSessionTicketKeys,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};FB.prototype.SetSessionTicketKeys=function(e){return this.$val.SetSessionTicketKeys(e);};FB.ptr.prototype.rand=function(){var e,f;e=this;f=e.Rand;if($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)){return AI.Reader;}return f;};FB.prototype.rand=function(){return this.$val.rand();};FB.ptr.prototype.time=function(){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.Time;if(f===$throwNilPointerError){f=AE.Now;}g=f();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.time,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};FB.prototype.time=function(){return this.$val.time();};FB.ptr.prototype.cipherSuites=function(){var e;e=this;if(!(e.CipherSuites===IE.nil)){return e.CipherSuites;}return GJ;};FB.prototype.cipherSuites=function(){return this.$val.cipherSuites();};FB.ptr.prototype.supportedVersions=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i,j;f=this;g=$makeSlice(IE,0,FE.$length);h=FE;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if((f===IS.nil||(f.MinVersion===0))&&!FF&&e&&j<771){i++;continue;}if(!(f===IS.nil)&&!((f.MinVersion===0))&&jf.MaxVersion){i++;continue;}g=$append(g,j);i++;}return g;};FB.prototype.supportedVersions=function(e){return this.$val.supportedVersions(e);};FB.ptr.prototype.maxSupportedVersion=function(e){var e,f,g;f=this;g=f.supportedVersions(e);if(g.$length===0){return 0;}return(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]);};FB.prototype.maxSupportedVersion=function(e){return this.$val.maxSupportedVersion(e);};FG=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i;f=$makeSlice(IE,0,FE.$length);g=FE;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(i>e){h++;continue;}f=$append(f,i);h++;}return f;};FB.ptr.prototype.curvePreferences=function(){var e;e=this;if(e===IS.nil||(e.CurvePreferences.$length===0)){return FH;}return e.CurvePreferences;};FB.prototype.curvePreferences=function(){return this.$val.curvePreferences();};FB.ptr.prototype.supportsCurve=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i;f=this;g=f.curvePreferences();h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(i===e){return true;}h++;}return false;};FB.prototype.supportsCurve=function(e){return this.$val.supportsCurve(e);};FB.ptr.prototype.mutualVersion=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;g=this;h=g.supportedVersions(e);i=f;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);l=h;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);if(n===k){return[n,true];}m++;}j++;}return[0,false];};FB.prototype.mutualVersion=function(e,f){return this.$val.mutualVersion(e,f);};FB.ptr.prototype.getCertificate=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=[f];g=this;if(!(g.GetCertificate===$throwNilPointerError)&&((g.Certificates.$length===0)||e.ServerName.length>0)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=g.GetCertificate(e);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!(j===KB.nil)||!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[j,k];}case 2:if(g.Certificates.$length===0){$s=-1;return[KB.nil,FI];}if(g.Certificates.$length===1){$s=-1;return[(l=g.Certificates,(0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0])),$ifaceNil];}if(!(g.NameToCertificate===false)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:m=M.ToLower(e.ServerName);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=(p=g.NameToCertificate[$String.keyFor(n)],p!==undefined?[p.v,true]:[KB.nil,false]);q=o[0];r=o[1];if(r){$s=-1;return[q,$ifaceNil];}if(n.length>0){s=M.Split(n,".");(0>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+0]="*");t=M.Join(s,".");u=(v=g.NameToCertificate[$String.keyFor(t)],v!==undefined?[v.v,true]:[KB.nil,false]);w=u[0];x=u[1];if(x){$s=-1;return[w,$ifaceNil];}}case 5:y=g.Certificates;z=0;case 7:if(!(z=y.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+z]),FK);aa=e.SupportsCertificate(f[0]);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;if($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return[f[0],$ifaceNil];}z++;$s=7;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return[(ac=g.Certificates,(0>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+0])),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.getCertificate,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};FB.prototype.getCertificate=function(e){return this.$val.getCertificate(e);};EY.ptr.prototype.SupportsCertificate=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=[e];f=[f];g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];f[0]=this;g[0]=f[0].config;if(g[0]===IS.nil){g[0]=new FB.ptr($ifaceNil,$throwNilPointerError,IB.nil,false,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,IC.nil,ID.nil,"",0,IC.nil,false,IE.nil,false,false,IF.zero(),$ifaceNil,0,0,IG.nil,false,0,$ifaceNil,new AF.RWMutex.ptr(new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,0,0,0),IH.nil,IH.nil);}j=g[0].mutualVersion(false,f[0].SupportedVersions);i[0]=j[0];k=j[1];if(!k){$s=-1;return I.New("no mutually supported protocol versions");}if(!(f[0].ServerName==="")){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=e[0].leaf();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:p=J.Errorf("failed to parse certificate: %w",new IJ([o]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=7;case 7:return q;case 5:r=n.VerifyHostname(f[0].ServerName);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:s=J.Errorf("certificate is not valid for requested server name: %w",new IJ([r]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=11;case 11:return t;case 9:case 2:u=(function(e,f,g,h,i){return function $b(u){var{aa,ab,ac,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{u});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(i[0]===772){$s=-1;return u;}v=$assertType(e[0].PrivateKey,C.Decrypter,true);w=v[0];x=v[1];if(x){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:z=w.Public();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$assertType(z,JG,true);aa=y[1];if(!aa){$s=-1;return u;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return u;case 3:ab=GC(f[0].CipherSuites,g[0].cipherSuites(),(function(e,f,g,h,i){return function(ab){var ab;if(!(((ab.flags&1)===0))){return false;}if(i[0]<771&&!(((ab.flags&4)===0))){return false;}return true;};})(e,f,g,h,i));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;if(ac===IO.nil){$s=-1;return u;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(e,f,g,h,i);if(f[0].SignatureSchemes.$length>0){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:w=HW(i[0],e[0],f[0].SignatureSchemes);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;x=v[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:y=u(x);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=18;case 18:return z;case 16:case 13:if(i[0]===772){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(!CM(g[0],f[0].SupportedCurves,f[0].SupportedPoints)){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:aa=u(I.New("client doesn't support ECDHE, can only use legacy RSA key exchange"));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;$s=22;case 22:return ab;case 20:h[0]=false;ac=$assertType(e[0].PrivateKey,C.Signer,true);ad=ac[0];ae=ac[1];if(ae){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:ag=ad.Public();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;if($assertType(af,JH,true)[1]){$s=27;continue;}if($assertType(af,E.PublicKey,true)[1]){$s=28;continue;}if($assertType(af,JG,true)[1]){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 27:ah=af.$val;al=0;am=ah.Curve;an=Y.P256();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(am,(an))){$s=33;continue;}ao=Y.P384();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(am,(ao))){$s=34;continue;}ap=Y.P521();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(am,(ap))){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 33:al=23;$s=37;continue;case 34:al=24;$s=37;continue;case 35:al=25;$s=37;continue;case 36:aq=HX(e[0]);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=u(aq);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar;$s=43;case 43:return as;case 37:case 32:at=false;au=f[0].SupportedCurves;av=0;while(true){if(!(av=au.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):au.$array[au.$offset+av]);if((aw===al)&&g[0].supportsCurve(aw)){at=true;break;}av++;}if(!at){$s=-1;return I.New("client doesn't support certificate curve");}h[0]=true;$s=31;continue;case 28:ai=af.$val;if(i[0]<771||(f[0].SignatureSchemes.$length===0)){$s=-1;return I.New("connection doesn't support Ed25519");}h[0]=true;$s=31;continue;case 29:aj=af.$val;$s=31;continue;case 30:ak=af;ax=HX(e[0]);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=u(ax);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;$s=46;case 46:return az;case 31:$s=25;continue;case 24:ba=HX(e[0]);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=u(ba);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=bb;$s=49;case 49:return bc;case 25:bd=GC(f[0].CipherSuites,g[0].cipherSuites(),(function(e,f,g,h,i){return function(bd){var bd;if((bd.flags&1)===0){return false;}if(!(((bd.flags&2)===0))){if(!h[0]){return false;}}else{if(h[0]){return false;}}if(i[0]<771&&!(((bd.flags&4)===0))){return false;}return true;};})(e,f,g,h,i));$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bd;if(be===IO.nil){$s=51;continue;}$s=52;continue;case 51:bf=u(I.New("client doesn't support any cipher suites compatible with the certificate"));$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=bf;$s=54;case 54:return bg;case 52:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EY.ptr.prototype.SupportsCertificate,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};EY.prototype.SupportsCertificate=function(e){return this.$val.SupportsCertificate(e);};EZ.ptr.prototype.SupportsCertificate=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;h=HW(f.Version,e,f.SignatureSchemes);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i;}if(f.AcceptableCAs.$length===0){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}j=e.Certificate;k=0;case 2:if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);n=e.Leaf;if(!((l===0))||n===IU.nil){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:o=$ifaceNil;q=G.ParseCertificate(m);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;n=p[0];o=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:r=J.Errorf("failed to parse certificate #%d in the chain: %w",new IJ([new $Int(l),o]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=10;case 10:return s;case 8:case 5:t=f.AcceptableCAs;u=0;while(true){if(!(u=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+u]);if(A.Equal(n.RawIssuer,v)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}u++;}k++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return I.New("chain is not signed by an acceptable CA");}return;}var $f={$blk:EZ.ptr.prototype.SupportsCertificate,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};EZ.prototype.SupportsCertificate=function(e){return this.$val.SupportsCertificate(e);};FB.ptr.prototype.BuildNameToCertificate=function(){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;e.NameToCertificate={};f=e.Certificates;g=0;case 1:if(!(g=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+h]));l=j.leaf();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){g++;$s=1;continue;}if(!(m.Subject.CommonName==="")&&(m.DNSNames.$length===0)){o=m.Subject.CommonName;(e.NameToCertificate||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:j};}p=m.DNSNames;q=0;while(true){if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);s=r;(e.NameToCertificate||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(s)]={k:s,v:j};q++;}g++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.BuildNameToCertificate,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};FB.prototype.BuildNameToCertificate=function(){return this.$val.BuildNameToCertificate();};FB.ptr.prototype.writeKeyLog=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(h.KeyLogWriter,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}i=J.Sprintf("%s %x %x\n",new IJ([new $String(e),f,g]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=(new II($stringToBytes(i)));$r=FJ.Lock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=h.KeyLogWriter.Write(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[1];$r=FJ.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:FB.ptr.prototype.writeKeyLog,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};FB.prototype.writeKeyLog=function(e,f,g){return this.$val.writeKeyLog(e,f,g);};FK.ptr.prototype.leaf=function(){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(!(e.Leaf===IU.nil)){$s=-1;return[e.Leaf,$ifaceNil];}g=G.ParseCertificate((f=e.Certificate,(0>=f.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+0])));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:FK.ptr.prototype.leaf,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};FK.prototype.leaf=function(){return this.$val.leaf();};FQ=function(){return FP;};FR=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=J.Errorf("tls: received unexpected handshake message of type %T when waiting for %T",new IJ([f,e]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:FR,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};FS=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i;g=f;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(i===e){return true;}h++;}return false;};GC=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=e;i=0;case 1:if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);k=HM(j);if(k===IO.nil){l=true;$s=5;continue s;}m=g(k);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=!m;case 5:if(l){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:i++;$s=1;continue;case 4:n=f;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);if(j===p){$s=-1;return k;}o++;}i++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return IO.nil;}return;}var $f={$blk:GC,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};GS=function(e){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;f=e;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);i=HM(h);if(!(i===IO.nil)){return(j=GQ[$Uint16.keyFor(h)],j!==undefined?j.v:false);}k=HO(h);if(!(k===IM.nil)){return(l=GQ[$Uint16.keyFor(h)],l!==undefined?l.v:false);}g++;}return false;};GT=function(e,f,g){var e,f,g,h,i;h=AL.NewCipher(e);i=h[0];return i;};GU=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=AK.NewTripleDESCipher(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];if(g){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=O.NewCBCDecrypter(j,f);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=5;case 5:return l;case 3:m=O.NewCBCEncrypter(j,f);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=7;case 7:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:GU,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};GV=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=N.NewCipher(e);i=h[0];if(g){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=O.NewCBCDecrypter(i,f);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;case 2:l=O.NewCBCEncrypter(i,f);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=6;case 6:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:GV,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};GW=function(e){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=P.New(HG(V.New),e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:GW,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};GX=function(e){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=P.New(Q.New,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:GX,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};GZ.ptr.prototype.NonceSize=function(){var e;e=this;return 8;};GZ.prototype.NonceSize=function(){return this.$val.NonceSize();};GZ.ptr.prototype.Overhead=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.aead.Overhead();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:GZ.ptr.prototype.Overhead,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};GZ.prototype.Overhead=function(){return this.$val.Overhead();};GZ.ptr.prototype.explicitNonceLen=function(){var e;e=this;return e.NonceSize();};GZ.prototype.explicitNonceLen=function(){return this.$val.explicitNonceLen();};GZ.ptr.prototype.Seal=function(e,f,g,h){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$copySlice($subslice(new II(i.nonce),4),f);j=i.aead.Seal(e,new II(i.nonce),g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:GZ.ptr.prototype.Seal,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};GZ.prototype.Seal=function(e,f,g,h){return this.$val.Seal(e,f,g,h);};GZ.ptr.prototype.Open=function(e,f,g,h){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$copySlice($subslice(new II(i.nonce),4),f);j=i.aead.Open(e,new II(i.nonce),g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:GZ.ptr.prototype.Open,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};GZ.prototype.Open=function(e,f,g,h){return this.$val.Open(e,f,g,h);};HA.ptr.prototype.NonceSize=function(){var e;e=this;return 8;};HA.prototype.NonceSize=function(){return this.$val.NonceSize();};HA.ptr.prototype.Overhead=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.aead.Overhead();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:HA.ptr.prototype.Overhead,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};HA.prototype.Overhead=function(){return this.$val.Overhead();};HA.ptr.prototype.explicitNonceLen=function(){var e;e=this;return 0;};HA.prototype.explicitNonceLen=function(){return this.$val.explicitNonceLen();};HA.ptr.prototype.Seal=function(e,f,g,h){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=f;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);n=4+l>>0;(p=i.nonceMask,((n<0||n>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[n]=(((o=i.nonceMask,((n<0||n>=o.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o[n]))^(m))<<24>>>24)));k++;}q=i.aead.Seal(e,new II(i.nonceMask),g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=f;t=0;while(true){if(!(t=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+t]);w=4+u>>0;(y=i.nonceMask,((w<0||w>=y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y[w]=(((x=i.nonceMask,((w<0||w>=x.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x[w]))^(v))<<24>>>24)));t++;}$s=-1;return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:HA.ptr.prototype.Seal,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};HA.prototype.Seal=function(e,f,g,h){return this.$val.Seal(e,f,g,h);};HA.ptr.prototype.Open=function(e,f,g,h){var{aa,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=f;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);n=4+l>>0;(p=i.nonceMask,((n<0||n>=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[n]=(((o=i.nonceMask,((n<0||n>=o.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o[n]))^(m))<<24>>>24)));k++;}r=i.aead.Open(e,new II(i.nonceMask),g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];t=q[1];u=f;v=0;while(true){if(!(v=u.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u.$array[u.$offset+v]);y=4+w>>0;(aa=i.nonceMask,((y<0||y>=aa.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa[y]=(((z=i.nonceMask,((y<0||y>=z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z[y]))^(x))<<24>>>24)));v++;}$s=-1;return[s,t];}return;}var $f={$blk:HA.ptr.prototype.Open,$c:true,$r,aa,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HA.prototype.Open=function(e,f,g,h){return this.$val.Open(e,f,g,h);};HB=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((f.$length===4))){$panic(new $String("tls: internal error: wrong nonce length"));}g=N.NewCipher(e);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$panic(i);}k=O.NewGCM(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];i=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$panic(i);}m=new GZ.ptr(IX.zero(),l);$copySlice(new II(m.nonce),f);$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:HB,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};HC=function(e,f){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((f.$length===12))){$panic(new $String("tls: internal error: wrong nonce length"));}g=N.NewCipher(e);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$panic(i);}k=O.NewGCM(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];i=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$panic(i);}m=new HA.ptr(IX.zero(),l);$copySlice(new II(m.nonceMask),f);$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:HC,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};HD=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i,j;if(!((f.$length===12))){$panic(new $String("tls: internal error: wrong nonce length"));}g=AO.New(e);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$panic(i);}j=new HA.ptr(IX.zero(),h);$copySlice(new II(j.nonceMask),f);return j;};HF.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.h.Size();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:HF.ptr.prototype.Size,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};HF.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};HF.ptr.prototype.BlockSize=function(){var{e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;f=e.h.BlockSize();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:HF.ptr.prototype.BlockSize,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};HF.prototype.BlockSize=function(){return this.$val.BlockSize();};HF.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var{e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;$r=e.h.Reset();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HF.ptr.prototype.Reset,$c:true,$r,e,$s};return $f;};HF.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};HF.ptr.prototype.Write=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.h.Write(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:HF.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HF.prototype.Write=function(e){return this.$val.Write(e);};HF.ptr.prototype.Sum=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=this;g=f.h.ConstantTimeSum(e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:HF.ptr.prototype.Sum,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};HF.prototype.Sum=function(e){return this.$val.Sum(e);};HG=function(e){var e;return(function $b(){var{f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=e();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=new HF.ptr($assertType(f,HE));$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,f,g,$s};return $f;});};HH=function(e,f,g,h,i,j){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=e.Reset();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=e.Write(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=e.Write(h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;m=e.Write(i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=e.Sum(f);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(!(j===II.nil)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:p=e.Write(j);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;case 7:$s=-1;return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:HH,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};HI=function(e){var e,f;return(f=new CC.ptr(),new f.constructor.elem(f));};HJ=function(e){var e;return new CG.ptr(e,false,$ifaceNil,JS.nil,II.nil);};HK=function(e){var e;return new CG.ptr(e,true,$ifaceNil,JS.nil,II.nil);};HL=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i;g=e;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(i===f){return HM(i);}h++;}return IO.nil;};HM=function(e){var e,f,g,h;f=GB;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(h.id===e){return h;}g++;}return IO.nil;};HN=function(e,f){var e,f,g,h,i;g=e;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h]);if(i===f){return HO(i);}h++;}return IM.nil;};HO=function(e){var e,f,g,h;f=GE;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(h.id===e){return h;}g++;}return IM.nil;};HP=function(e,f,g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=e;if(j===(227)){$s=2;continue;}if(j===(228)){$s=3;continue;}if(j===(225)){$s=4;continue;}if(j===(226)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:k=$assertType(f,JH,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!m){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:n=J.Errorf("expected an ECDSA public key, got %T",new IJ([f]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=11;case 11:return o;case 9:p=D.VerifyASN1(l,h,i);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!p){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:$s=-1;return I.New("ECDSA verification failure");case 13:$s=7;continue;case 3:q=$assertType(f,E.PublicKey,true);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(!s){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:t=J.Errorf("expected an Ed25519 public key, got %T",new IJ([f]));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=18;case 18:return u;case 16:v=E.Verify(r,h,i);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!v){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:$s=-1;return I.New("Ed25519 verification failure");case 20:$s=7;continue;case 4:w=$assertType(f,JG,true);x=w[0];y=w[1];if(!y){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:z=J.Errorf("expected an RSA public key, got %T",new IJ([f]));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;$s=25;case 25:return aa;case 23:ab=F.VerifyPKCS1v15(x,g,h,i);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ac;}$s=7;continue;case 5:ad=$assertType(f,JG,true);ae=ad[0];af=ad[1];if(!af){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:ag=J.Errorf("expected an RSA public key, got %T",new IJ([f]));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;$s=30;case 30:return ah;case 28:ai=new F.PSSOptions.ptr(-1,0);aj=F.VerifyPSS(ae,g,h,i,ai);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ak,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ak;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return I.New("internal error: unknown signature type");case 7:case 1:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:HP,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HR=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(e===EO){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=new A.Buffer.ptr(II.nil,0,0);i=h.Write(HQ);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=S.WriteString(h,f);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=g.Sum(II.nil);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=h.Write(k);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return h.Bytes();case 2:m=new C.Hash(e).New();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=n.Write(HQ);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;p=S.WriteString(n,f);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;q=g.Sum(II.nil);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=n.Write(q);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;s=n.Sum(II.nil);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=13;case 13:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};HS=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=0;g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=e;if((i===(513))||(i===(1025))||(i===(1281))||(i===(1537))){$s=2;continue;}if((i===(2052))||(i===(2053))||(i===(2054))){$s=3;continue;}if((i===(515))||(i===(1027))||(i===(1283))||(i===(1539))){$s=4;continue;}if(i===(2055)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 2:f=225;$s=7;continue;case 3:f=226;$s=7;continue;case 4:f=227;$s=7;continue;case 5:f=228;$s=7;continue;case 6:j=0;k=0;m=J.Errorf("unsupported signature algorithm: %v",new IJ([new EX(e)]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;f=j;g=k;h=l;n=[f,g,h];$s=9;case 9:return n;case 7:case 1:o=e;if((o===(513))||(o===(515))){$s=11;continue;}if((o===(1025))||(o===(2052))||(o===(1027))){$s=12;continue;}if((o===(1281))||(o===(2053))||(o===(1283))){$s=13;continue;}if((o===(1537))||(o===(2054))||(o===(1539))){$s=14;continue;}if(o===(2055)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 11:g=3;$s=17;continue;case 12:g=5;$s=17;continue;case 13:g=6;$s=17;continue;case 14:g=7;$s=17;continue;case 15:g=EO;$s=17;continue;case 16:p=0;q=0;s=J.Errorf("unsupported signature algorithm: %v",new IJ([new EX(e)]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;f=p;g=q;h=r;t=[f,g,h];$s=19;case 19:return t;case 17:case 10:u=f;v=g;w=$ifaceNil;f=u;g=v;h=w;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:HS,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};HT=function(e){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=0;g=0;h=$ifaceNil;i=e;if($assertType(i,JG,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(i,JH,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}if($assertType(i,E.PublicKey,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 1:j=225;k=8;l=$ifaceNil;f=j;g=k;h=l;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 2:m=227;n=3;o=$ifaceNil;f=m;g=n;h=o;$s=-1;return[f,g,h];case 3:p=0;q=0;s=J.Errorf("tls: Ed25519 public keys are not supported before TLS 1.2",new IJ([]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;f=p;g=q;h=r;t=[f,g,h];$s=7;case 7:return t;case 4:u=0;v=0;x=J.Errorf("tls: unsupported public key: %T",new IJ([e]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;f=u;g=v;h=w;y=[f,g,h];$s=9;case 9:return y;case 5:$s=-1;return[f,g,h];}return;}var $f={$blk:HT,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};HV=function(e,f){var{aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$assertType(f.PrivateKey,C.Signer,true);h=g[0];i=g[1];if(!i){$s=-1;return IL.nil;}j=IL.nil;l=h.Public();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;if($assertType(k,JH,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}if($assertType(k,JG,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}if($assertType(k,E.PublicKey,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:m=k.$val;if(!((e===772))){j=new IL([1027,1283,1539,515]);$s=6;continue;}q=m.Curve;r=Y.P256();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(q,(r))){$s=8;continue;}s=Y.P384();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(q,(s))){$s=9;continue;}t=Y.P521();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(q,(t))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 8:j=new IL([1027]);$s=12;continue;case 9:j=new IL([1283]);$s=12;continue;case 10:j=new IL([1539]);$s=12;continue;case 11:$s=-1;return IL.nil;case 12:case 7:$s=6;continue;case 3:n=k.$val;u=n.Size();j=$makeSlice(IL,0,HU.$length);v=HU;w=0;while(true){if(!(w=v.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+w]),IQ);if(u>=x.minModulusBytes&&e<=x.maxVersion){j=$append(j,x.scheme);}w++;}$s=6;continue;case 4:o=k.$val;j=new IL([2055]);$s=6;continue;case 5:p=k;$s=-1;return IL.nil;case 6:if(!(f.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms===IL.nil)){y=IL.nil;z=j;aa=0;while(true){if(!(aa=z.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z.$array[z.$offset+aa]);if(FS(ab,f.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms)){y=$append(y,ab);}aa++;}$s=-1;return y;}$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HV,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HW=function(e,f,g){var{e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e,f,g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=HV(e,f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(i.$length===0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=HX(f);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=[0,j];$s=5;case 5:return k;case 3:if((g.$length===0)&&(e===771)){g=new IL([513,515]);}l=g;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);if(FS(n,i)){$s=-1;return[n,$ifaceNil];}m++;}$s=-1;return[0,I.New("tls: peer doesn't support any of the certificate's signature algorithms")];}return;}var $f={$blk:HW,$c:true,$r,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};HX=function(e){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=e.PrivateKey;if($assertType(f,F.PrivateKey,true)[1]||$assertType(f,D.PrivateKey,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(f,LD,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:g=J.Errorf("tls: unsupported certificate: private key is %T, expected *%T",new IJ([e.PrivateKey,e.PrivateKey]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=5;case 5:return h;case 2:i=J.Errorf("tls: unsupported certificate: private key is *ed25519.PrivateKey, expected ed25519.PrivateKey",new IJ([]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=7;case 7:return j;case 3:k=$assertType(e.PrivateKey,C.Signer,true);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!m){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:n=J.Errorf("tls: certificate private key (%T) does not implement crypto.Signer",new IJ([e.PrivateKey]));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=11;case 11:return o;case 9:q=l.Public();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;if($assertType(p,JH,true)[1]){$s=13;continue;}if($assertType(p,JG,true)[1]){$s=14;continue;}if($assertType(p,E.PublicKey,true)[1]){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 13:r=p.$val;v=r.Curve;w=Y.P256();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(v,(w))){$s=19;continue;}x=Y.P384();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(v,(x))){$s=20;continue;}y=Y.P521();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break 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10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=P.$init();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=U.$init();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AI.$init();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AL.$init();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=V.$init();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Q.$init();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=W.$init();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=R.$init();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=G.$init();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AC.$init();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=H.$init();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=I.$init();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=J.$init();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=X.$init();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AM.$init();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AJ.$init();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=S.$init();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Z.$init();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=K.$init();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=L.$init();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AN.$init();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AG.$init();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=M.$init();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AF.$init();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AD.$init();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AE.$init();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AO.$init();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=T.$init();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AA.$init();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AB.$init();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ER=false;FJ=new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0);FP=new FB.ptr($ifaceNil,$throwNilPointerError,IB.nil,false,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,IC.nil,ID.nil,"",0,IC.nil,false,IE.nil,false,false,IF.zero(),$ifaceNil,0,0,IG.nil,false,0,$ifaceNil,new AF.RWMutex.ptr(new AF.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,0,0,0),IH.nil,IH.nil);BI=(new II($stringToBytes("master secret")));BJ=(new II($stringToBytes("key expansion")));BK=(new II($stringToBytes("client finished")));BL=(new II($stringToBytes("server finished")));CA=I.New("tls: invalid ClientKeyExchange message");CB=I.New("tls: invalid ServerKeyExchange message");EE=new AF.Pool.ptr(IJ.nil,(function(){return $newDataPointer(II.nil,IK);}));EF=I.New("tls: protocol is shutdown");EG=I.New("tls: CloseWrite called before handshake 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GD.ptr(4865,16,HC,5),new GD.ptr(4867,32,HD,5),new GD.ptr(4866,32,HC,6)]);GK=new IE([4865,4866,4867]);GL=new IE([4867,4865,4866]);GB=new IP([new GA.ptr(52392,32,0,12,HK,5,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,HD),new GA.ptr(52393,32,0,12,HJ,7,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,HD),new GA.ptr(49199,16,0,4,HK,5,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,HB),new GA.ptr(49195,16,0,4,HJ,7,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,HB),new GA.ptr(49200,32,0,4,HK,13,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,HB),new GA.ptr(49196,32,0,4,HJ,15,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,HB),new GA.ptr(49191,16,32,16,HK,5,GV,GX,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(49171,16,20,16,HK,1,GV,GW,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(49187,16,32,16,HJ,7,GV,GX,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(49161,16,20,16,HJ,3,GV,GW,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(49172,32,20,16,HK,1,GV,GW,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(49162,32,20,16,HJ,3,GV,GW,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(156,16,0,4,HI,4,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,HB),new GA.ptr(157,32,0,4,HI,12,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,HB),new GA.ptr(60,16,32,16,HI,4,GV,GX,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(47,16,20,16,HI,0,GV,GW,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(53,32,20,16,HI,0,GV,GW,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(49170,24,20,8,HK,1,GU,GW,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(10,24,20,8,HI,0,GU,GW,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(5,16,20,0,HI,0,GT,GW,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(49169,16,20,0,HK,1,GT,GW,$throwNilPointerError),new GA.ptr(49159,16,20,0,HJ,3,GT,GW,$throwNilPointerError)]);GF=new IE([49195,49199,49196,49200,52393,52392,49161,49171,49162,49172,156,157,47,53,49170,10,49187,49191,60,49159,49169,5]);GG=new IE([52393,52392,49195,49199,49196,49200,49161,49171,49162,49172,156,157,47,53,49170,10,49187,49191,60,49159,49169,5]);GI=GF.$length-GH.$length>>0;GJ=$subslice(GF,0,GI);HQ=new II([32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32]);HU=new IR([new IQ.ptr(2052,($imul(new C.Hash(5).Size(),2))+2>>0,772),new IQ.ptr(2053,($imul(new C.Hash(6).Size(),2))+2>>0,772),new IQ.ptr(2054,($imul(new C.Hash(7).Size(),2))+2>>0,772),new IQ.ptr(1025,(19+new C.Hash(5).Size()>>0)+11>>0,771),new IQ.ptr(1281,(19+new C.Hash(6).Size()>>0)+11>>0,771),new IQ.ptr(1537,(19+new C.Hash(7).Size()>>0)+11>>0,771),new IQ.ptr(513,(15+new C.Hash(3).Size()>>0)+11>>0,771)]);HZ=$makeMap(HY.keyFor,[{k:0,v:"close notify"},{k:10,v:"unexpected message"},{k:20,v:"bad record MAC"},{k:21,v:"decryption failed"},{k:22,v:"record overflow"},{k:30,v:"decompression failure"},{k:40,v:"handshake failure"},{k:42,v:"bad certificate"},{k:43,v:"unsupported certificate"},{k:44,v:"revoked certificate"},{k:45,v:"expired certificate"},{k:46,v:"unknown certificate"},{k:47,v:"illegal parameter"},{k:48,v:"unknown certificate authority"},{k:49,v:"access denied"},{k:50,v:"error decoding message"},{k:51,v:"error decrypting message"},{k:60,v:"export restriction"},{k:70,v:"protocol version not supported"},{k:71,v:"insufficient security level"},{k:80,v:"internal error"},{k:86,v:"inappropriate fallback"},{k:90,v:"user canceled"},{k:100,v:"no renegotiation"},{k:109,v:"missing extension"},{k:110,v:"unsupported extension"},{k:111,v:"certificate unobtainable"},{k:112,v:"unrecognized name"},{k:113,v:"bad certificate status response"},{k:114,v:"bad certificate hash value"},{k:115,v:"unknown PSK identity"},{k:116,v:"certificate required"},{k:120,v:"no application protocol"}]);}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["mime"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,I,J,G,D,K,B,E,C,F,H,L,BM,BO,BP,BQ,N,O,T,BJ,U,BK,V,W,BL,AC,AX,AZ,M,P,Q,R,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR,AS,AT,AU,AV,AY;A=$packages["bufio"];I=$packages["bytes"];J=$packages["encoding/base64"];G=$packages["errors"];D=$packages["fmt"];K=$packages["io"];B=$packages["os"];E=$packages["sort"];C=$packages["strings"];F=$packages["sync"];H=$packages["unicode"];L=$packages["unicode/utf8"];BM=$sliceType($String);BO=$sliceType($Uint8);BP=$sliceType($emptyInterface);BQ=$ptrType(C.Builder);M=function(){AC=R;};P=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=B.Open(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:f=e;$s=4;case 4:return f;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"Close"),[]]);g=A.NewScanner(d);case 5:h=g.Scan();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(h)){$s=6;continue;}i=C.Split(g.Text(),":");if(i.$length<3||(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]).length<1||(2>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+2]).length<2){$s=5;continue;}else if(((0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]).charCodeAt(0)===35)||!(((2>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+2]).charCodeAt(0)===42))){$s=5;continue;}j=$substring((2>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+2]),1);l=T.Load(new $String(j));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[1];if(m){$s=5;continue;}n=AH(j,(1>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+1]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;$s=5;continue;case 6:o=g.Err();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$panic(o);}p=$ifaceNil;$s=10;case 10:return p;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:P,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};Q=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c=B.Open(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:$deferred.push([$methodVal(d,"Close"),[]]);f=A.NewScanner(d);case 5:g=f.Scan();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(g)){$s=6;continue;}h=C.Fields(f.Text());$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(i.$length<=1||((0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]).charCodeAt(0)===35)){$s=5;continue;}j=(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0]);k=$subslice(i,1);l=0;case 9:if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);if(m.charCodeAt(0)===35){$s=10;continue;}n=AH("."+m,j);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;l++;$s=9;continue;case 10:$s=5;continue;case 6:o=f.Err();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$panic(o);}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:Q,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};R=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=N;b=0;case 1:if(!(b=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]);d=P(c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return;}b++;$s=1;continue;case 2:f=O;g=0;case 4:if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);$r=Q(h);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g++;$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:R,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AH=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);d=AK(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];g=c[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=g;$s=4;case 4:return h;case 3:if(C.HasPrefix(b,"text/")&&(i=f[$String.keyFor("charset")],i!==undefined?i.v:"")===""){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j="charset";(f||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(j)]={k:j,v:"utf-8"};k=AI(b,f);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=k;case 6:l=C.ToLower(a);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$r=T.Store(new $String(a),new $String(b));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=U.Store(new $String(m),new $String(b));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=V.Lock();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(V,"Unlock"),[]]);n=BM.nil;p=W.Load(new $String(e));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];if(r){n=$assertType(q,BM);}s=n;t=0;case 13:if(!(t=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+t]);if(u===m){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:v=$ifaceNil;$s=17;case 17:return v;case 16:t++;$s=13;continue;case 14:$r=W.Store(new $String(e),$append(n,m));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=$ifaceNil;$s=19;case 19:return w;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AH,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AI=function(a,b){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=new C.Builder.ptr(BQ.nil,BO.nil);d=C.Cut(a,"/");e=d[0];f=d[1];g=d[2];if(!g){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=AV(a);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!h){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return"";case 5:i=C.ToLower(a);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=c.WriteString(i);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=3;continue;case 2:l=AV(e);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!l){k=true;$s=11;continue s;}m=AV(f);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=!m;case 11:if(k){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return"";case 10:n=C.ToLower(e);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=c.WriteString(n);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;c.WriteByte(47);p=C.ToLower(f);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=c.WriteString(p);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;case 3:r=$makeSlice(BM,0,$keys(b).length);s=b;t=0;u=$keys(s);while(true){if(!(t=x.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x.$array[x.$offset+y]);ab=(aa=b[$String.keyFor(z)],aa!==undefined?aa.v:"");c.WriteByte(59);c.WriteByte(32);ac=AV(z);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!ac){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:$s=-1;return"";case 22:ad=C.ToLower(z);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=c.WriteString(ad);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;af=AY(ab);if(af){c.WriteByte(42);}c.WriteByte(61);if(af){c.WriteString("utf-8''");ag=0;ah=0;while(true){if(!(ah=127||(ai===42)||(ai===39)||(ai===37)||AT(((ai>>0)))){c.WriteString($substring(ab,ag,ah));ag=ah+1>>0;c.WriteByte(37);c.WriteByte("0123456789ABCDEF".charCodeAt((ai>>>4<<24>>>24)));c.WriteByte("0123456789ABCDEF".charCodeAt(((ai&15)>>>0)));}ah=ah+(1)>>0;}c.WriteString($substring(ab,ag));y++;$s=19;continue;}aj=AV(ab);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(aj){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:c.WriteString(ab);y++;$s=19;continue;case 27:c.WriteByte(34);ak=0;al=0;while(true){if(!(al>0;}c.WriteString($substring(ab,ak));c.WriteByte(34);y++;$s=19;continue;case 20:$s=-1;return c.String();}return;}var $f={$blk:AI,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.FormatMediaType=AI;AJ=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=AN(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(d===""){$s=-1;return G.New("mime: no media type");}if(e===""){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(!C.HasPrefix(e,"/")){$s=-1;return G.New("mime: expected slash after first token");}g=AN($substring(e,1));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];e=f[1];if(h===""){$s=-1;return G.New("mime: expected token after slash");}if(!(e==="")){$s=-1;return G.New("mime: unexpected content after media subtype");}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AJ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AK=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b="";c=false;d=$ifaceNil;e=C.Cut(a,";");f=e[0];g=C.ToLower(f);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=C.TrimSpace(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=h;i=AJ(b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){j="";k=false;l=d;b=j;c=k;d=l;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}c={};m=false;a=$substring(a,f.length);case 4:if(!(a.length>0)){$s=5;continue;}n=C.TrimLeftFunc(a,H.IsSpace);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=n;if(a.length===0){$s=5;continue;}p=AP(a);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];s=o[2];if(q===""){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:t=C.TrimSpace(s);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(t===";"){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$s=5;continue;case 11:u=b;v=false;w=$pkg.ErrInvalidMediaParameter;b=u;c=v;d=w;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];case 9:x=c;y=C.Cut(q,"*");z=y[0];aa=y[2];if(aa){if(m===false){m={};}ab=false;ac=(ad=m[$String.keyFor(z)],ad!==undefined?[ad.v,true]:[false,false]);x=ac[0];ab=ac[1];if(!ab){ae=z;(m||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(ae)]={k:ae,v:{}};x=(af=m[$String.keyFor(z)],af!==undefined?af.v:false);}}ag=(ah=x[$String.keyFor(q)],ah!==undefined?[ah.v,true]:["",false]);ai=ag[1];if(ai){aj="";ak=false;al=G.New("mime: duplicate parameter name");b=aj;c=ak;d=al;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}am=q;(x||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(am)]={k:am,v:r};a=s;$s=4;continue;case 5:an=new C.Builder.ptr(BQ.nil,BO.nil);ao=m;ap=0;aq=$keys(ao);case 13:if(!(ap>0;$s=18;continue;}bm=bh+"*";bn=(bo=at[$String.keyFor(bm)],bo!==undefined?[bo.v,true]:["",false]);bp=bn[0];bq=bn[1];if(!bq){$s=19;continue;}be=true;if(bf===0){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:bs=AL(bp);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}br=bs;bt=br[0];bu=br[1];if(bu){an.WriteString(bt);}$s=23;continue;case 22:bw=AQ(bp);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;bw=bw.$blk();}if(bw&&bw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bv=bw;bx=bv[0];an.WriteString(bx);case 23:bf=bf+(1)>>0;$s=18;continue;case 19:if(be){by=as;(c||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(by)]={k:by,v:an.String()};}ap++;$s=13;continue;case 14:$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:AK,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ParseMediaType=AK;AL=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=C.SplitN(a,"'",3);if(!((b.$length===3))){$s=-1;return["",false];}c=C.ToLower((0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(d.length===0){$s=-1;return["",false];}if(!(d==="us-ascii")&&!(d==="utf-8")){$s=-1;return["",false];}f=AQ((2>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+2]));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return["",false];}$s=-1;return[g,true];}return;}var $f={$blk:AL,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AM=function(a){var a;return!AU(a);};AN=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b="";c="";d=C.IndexFunc(a,AM);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(e===-1){f=a;g="";b=f;c=g;$s=-1;return[b,c];}if(e===0){h="";i=a;b=h;c=i;$s=-1;return[b,c];}j=$substring(a,0,e);k=$substring(a,e);b=j;c=k;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:AN,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};AO=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b="";c="";if(a===""){$s=-1;return[b,c];}if(!((a.charCodeAt(0)===34))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:e=AN(a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;b=d[0];c=d[1];f=[b,c];$s=4;case 4:return f;case 2:g=new C.Builder.ptr(BQ.nil,BO.nil);h=1;while(true){if(!(h>0));b=j;c=k;$s=-1;return[b,c];}if((i===92)&&(h+1>>0)>0))>>0)))){g.WriteByte(a.charCodeAt((h+1>>0)));h=h+(1)>>0;h=h+(1)>>0;continue;}if((i===13)||(i===10)){l="";m=a;b=l;c=m;$s=-1;return[b,c];}g.WriteByte(a.charCodeAt(h));h=h+(1)>>0;}n="";o=a;b=n;c=o;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:AO,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};AP=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b="";c="";d="";e=C.TrimLeftFunc(a,H.IsSpace);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;if(!C.HasPrefix(d,";")){f="";g="";h=a;b=f;c=g;d=h;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}d=$substring(d,1);i=C.TrimLeftFunc(d,H.IsSpace);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=i;k=AN(d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;b=j[0];d=j[1];l=C.ToLower(b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=l;if(b===""){m="";n="";o=a;b=m;c=n;d=o;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}p=C.TrimLeftFunc(d,H.IsSpace);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=p;if(!C.HasPrefix(d,"=")){q="";r="";s=a;b=q;c=r;d=s;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}d=$substring(d,1);t=C.TrimLeftFunc(d,H.IsSpace);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=t;v=AO(d);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;c=u[0];w=u[1];if(c===""&&w===d){x="";y="";z=a;b=x;c=y;d=z;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}d=w;aa=b;ab=c;ac=d;b=aa;c=ab;d=ac;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:AP,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AQ=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=0;case 1:if(!(c>0;$s=1;continue;}b=b+(1)>>0;if((c+2>>0)>=a.length||!AR(a.charCodeAt((c+1>>0)))||!AR(a.charCodeAt((c+2>>0)))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:a=$substring(a,c);if(a.length>3){a=$substring(a,0,3);}d=D.Errorf("mime: bogus characters after %%: %q",new BP([new $String(a)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=["",d];$s=6;case 6:return e;case 4:c=c+(3)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(b===0){$s=-1;return[a,$ifaceNil];}f=$makeSlice(BO,(a.length-($imul(2,b))>>0));g=0;h=0;while(true){if(!(h=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]=(((AS(a.charCodeAt((h+1>>0)))<<4<<24>>>24)|AS(a.charCodeAt((h+2>>0))))>>>0));g=g+(1)>>0;h=h+(3)>>0;}else{((g<0||g>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]=a.charCodeAt(h));g=g+(1)>>0;h=h+(1)>>0;}}$s=-1;return[($bytesToString(f)),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AR=function(a){var a;if(48<=a&&a<=57){return true;}else if(97<=a&&a<=102){return true;}else if(65<=a&&a<=70){return true;}return false;};AS=function(a){var a;if(48<=a&&a<=57){return a-48<<24>>>24;}else if(97<=a&&a<=102){return(a-97<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24;}else if(65<=a&&a<=70){return(a-65<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24;}return 0;};AT=function(a){var a;return C.ContainsRune("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?=",a);};AU=function(a){var a;return a>32&&a<127&&!AT(a);};AV=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(a===""){$s=-1;return false;}b=C.IndexFunc(a,AM);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b<0;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AV,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AY=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=a;c=0;while(true){if(!(c126)&&!((e===9))){return true;}c+=d[1];}return false;};$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=I.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=J.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=G.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=K.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=H.$init();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=L.$init();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}T=new F.Map.ptr(new F.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new $packages["sync/atomic"].Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);U=new F.Map.ptr(new F.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new $packages["sync/atomic"].Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);V=new F.Mutex.ptr(0,0);W=new F.Map.ptr(new F.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new $packages["sync/atomic"].Value.ptr($ifaceNil),false,0);AC=$throwNilPointerError;N=new BM(["/usr/local/share/mime/globs2","/usr/share/mime/globs2"]);O=new BM(["/etc/mime.types","/etc/apache2/mime.types","/etc/apache/mime.types","/etc/httpd/conf/mime.types"]);$pkg.ErrInvalidMediaParameter=G.New("mime: invalid media parameter");AX=G.New("mime: invalid RFC 2047 encoded-word");AZ=J.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(63);M();}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["mime/quotedprintable"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,B,C,D,A,H,P,R,S,U,M,N,O,I,J,K,L;B=$packages["bufio"];C=$packages["bytes"];D=$packages["fmt"];A=$packages["io"];H=$pkg.Reader=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"quotedprintable.Reader",true,"mime/quotedprintable",true,function(br_,rerr_,line_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.br=R.nil;this.rerr=$ifaceNil;this.line=P.nil;return;}this.br=br_;this.rerr=rerr_;this.line=line_;});P=$sliceType($Uint8);R=$ptrType(B.Reader);S=$sliceType($emptyInterface);U=$ptrType(H);I=function(a){var a;return new H.ptr(B.NewReader(a),$ifaceNil,P.nil);};$pkg.NewReader=I;J=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(a>=48&&a<=57){$s=-1;return[a-48<<24>>>24,$ifaceNil];}else if(a>=65&&a<=70){$s=-1;return[(a-65<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24,$ifaceNil];}else if(a>=97&&a<=102){$s=-1;return[(a-97<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24,$ifaceNil];}b=D.Errorf("quotedprintable: invalid hex byte 0x%02x",new S([new $Uint8(a)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=[0,b];$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:J,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};K=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;if(a.$length<2){d=0;e=A.ErrUnexpectedEOF;b=d;c=e;$s=-1;return[b,c];}f=0;g=0;h=f;i=g;k=J((0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;h=j[0];c=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){l=0;m=c;b=l;c=m;$s=-1;return[b,c];}o=J((1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;i=n[0];c=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){p=0;q=c;b=p;c=q;$s=-1;return[b,c];}r=((h<<4<<24>>>24)|i)>>>0;s=$ifaceNil;b=r;c=s;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:K,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};L=function(a){var a,b;b=a;if((b===(10))||(b===(13))||(b===(32))||(b===(9))){return true;}return false;};H.ptr.prototype.Read=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}if(d.line.$length===0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.rerr,$ifaceNil))){e=b;f=d.rerr;b=e;c=f;$s=-1;return[b,c];}h=d.br.ReadSlice(10);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;d.line=g[0];d.rerr=g[1];i=C.HasSuffix(d.line,N);j=C.HasSuffix(d.line,M);k=d.line;l=C.TrimRightFunc(k,L);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.line=l;if(C.HasSuffix(d.line,O)){$s=7;continue;}if(i){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 7:m=$subslice(k,d.line.$length);d.line=$subslice(d.line,0,(d.line.$length-1>>0));if(!C.HasPrefix(m,N)&&!C.HasPrefix(m,M)&&!((m.$length===0)&&d.line.$length>0&&$interfaceIsEqual(d.rerr,A.EOF))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:n=D.Errorf("quotedprintable: invalid bytes after =: %q",new S([m]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.rerr=n;case 11:$s=9;continue;case 8:if(j){d.line=$append(d.line,13,10);}else{d.line=$append(d.line,10);}case 9:$s=1;continue;case 4:p=(o=d.line,(0>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0]));if((p===61)){$s=14;continue;}if((p===9)||(p===13)||(p===10)){$s=15;continue;}if(p>=128){$s=16;continue;}if(p<32||p>126){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 14:r=K($subslice(d.line,1));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;p=q[0];c=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){if(d.line.$length>=2&&!(((s=d.line,(1>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+1]))===13))&&!(((t=d.line,(1>=t.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+1]))===10))){p=61;$s=13;continue;}u=b;v=c;b=u;c=v;$s=-1;return[b,c];}d.line=$subslice(d.line,2);$s=18;continue;case 15:$s=13;continue;$s=18;continue;case 16:$s=13;continue;$s=18;continue;case 17:w=b;y=D.Errorf("quotedprintable: invalid unescaped byte 0x%02x in body",new S([new $Uint8(p)]));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;b=w;c=x;z=[b,c];$s=21;case 21:return z;case 18:case 13:(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]=p);a=$subslice(a,1);d.line=$subslice(d.line,1);b=b+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:aa=b;ab=$ifaceNil;b=aa;c=ab;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:H.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};H.prototype.Read=function(a){return this.$val.Read(a);};U.methods=[{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([P],[$Int,$error],false)}];H.init("mime/quotedprintable",[{prop:"br",name:"br",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:R,tag:""},{prop:"rerr",name:"rerr",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""},{prop:"line",name:"line",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:P,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=B.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}M=(new P($stringToBytes("\r\n")));N=(new P($stringToBytes("\n")));O=(new P($stringToBytes("=")));}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["net/textproto"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,E,B,C,D,F,G,H,N,O,W,AA,AO,AP,AT,AU,AV,AX,AY,BA,BB,AB,AE,AI,AJ,AL,S,U,V,X,Y,Z,AC,AD,AF,AG,AH,AK;A=$packages["bufio"];E=$packages["bytes"];B=$packages["fmt"];C=$packages["io"];D=$packages["net"];F=$packages["strconv"];G=$packages["strings"];H=$packages["sync"];N=$pkg.Error=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"textproto.Error",true,"net/textproto",true,function(Code_,Msg_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Code=0;this.Msg="";return;}this.Code=Code_;this.Msg=Msg_;});O=$pkg.ProtocolError=$newType(8,$kindString,"textproto.ProtocolError",true,"net/textproto",true,null);W=$pkg.Reader=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"textproto.Reader",true,"net/textproto",true,function(R_,dot_,buf_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.R=AU.nil;this.dot=AV.nil;this.buf=AP.nil;return;}this.R=R_;this.dot=dot_;this.buf=buf_;});AA=$pkg.dotReader=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"textproto.dotReader",true,"net/textproto",false,function(r_,state_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.r=AX.nil;this.state=0;return;}this.r=r_;this.state=state_;});AO=$pkg.MIMEHeader=$newType(4,$kindMap,"textproto.MIMEHeader",true,"net/textproto",true,null);AP=$sliceType($Uint8);AT=$sliceType($emptyInterface);AU=$ptrType(A.Reader);AV=$ptrType(AA);AX=$ptrType(W);AY=$sliceType($String);BA=$ptrType(N);BB=$funcType([AP],[$error],false);N.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=B.Sprintf("%03d %s",new AT([new $Int(a.Code),new $String(a.Msg)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};O.prototype.Error=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return(a);};$ptrType(O).prototype.Error=function(){return new O(this.$get()).Error();};S=function(a){var a;while(true){if(!(a.length>0&&U(a.charCodeAt(0)))){break;}a=$substring(a,1);}while(true){if(!(a.length>0&&U(a.charCodeAt((a.length-1>>0))))){break;}a=$substring(a,0,(a.length-1>>0));}return a;};$pkg.TrimString=S;U=function(a){var a;return(a===32)||(a===9)||(a===10)||(a===13);};V=function(a){var a;a=(a|(32))>>>0;return 97<=a&&a<=122;};X=function(a){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=AJ.Do(AK);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return new W.ptr(a,AV.nil,AP.nil);}return;}var $f={$blk:X,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewReader=X;W.ptr.prototype.ReadLine=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=a.readLineSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];$s=-1;return[($bytesToString(d)),e];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.ReadLine,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.ReadLine=function(){return this.$val.ReadLine();};W.ptr.prototype.ReadLineBytes=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=a.readLineSlice();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!(d===AP.nil)){f=$makeSlice(AP,d.$length);$copySlice(f,d);d=f;}$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.ReadLineBytes,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.ReadLineBytes=function(){return this.$val.ReadLineBytes();};W.ptr.prototype.readLineSlice=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;$r=a.closeDot();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=AP.nil;case 2:d=a.R.ReadLine();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];g=c[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AP.nil,g];}if(b===AP.nil&&!f){$s=-1;return[e,$ifaceNil];}b=$appendSlice(b,e);if(!f){$s=3;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[b,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.readLineSlice,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.readLineSlice=function(){return this.$val.readLineSlice();};W.ptr.prototype.ReadContinuedLine=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=a.readContinuedLineSlice(AC);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];$s=-1;return[($bytesToString(d)),e];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.ReadContinuedLine,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.ReadContinuedLine=function(){return this.$val.ReadContinuedLine();};Y=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=0;while(true){if(!(b=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b])===32)||(((b<0||b>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b])===9)))){break;}b=b+(1)>>0;}c=a.$length;while(true){if(!(c>b&&(((d=c-1>>0,((d<0||d>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+d]))===32)||((e=c-1>>0,((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]))===9)))){break;}c=c-(1)>>0;}return $subslice(a,b,c);};W.ptr.prototype.ReadContinuedLineBytes=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=a.readContinuedLineSlice(AC);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!(d===AP.nil)){f=$makeSlice(AP,d.$length);$copySlice(f,d);d=f;}$s=-1;return[d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.ReadContinuedLineBytes,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.ReadContinuedLineBytes=function(){return this.$val.ReadContinuedLineBytes();};W.ptr.prototype.readContinuedLineSlice=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(a===$throwNilPointerError){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=B.Errorf("missing validateFirstLine func",new AT([]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=[AP.nil,c];$s=4;case 4:return d;case 2:f=b.readLineSlice();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AP.nil,h];}if(g.$length===0){$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}i=a(g);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AP.nil,j];}if(b.R.Buffered()>1){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:l=b.R.Peek(2);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];if(m.$length>0&&(V((0>=m.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+0]))||((0>=m.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+0])===10))||(m.$length===2)&&((0>=m.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+0])===13)&&((1>=m.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+1])===10)){$s=-1;return[Y(g),$ifaceNil];}case 8:b.buf=$appendSlice($subslice(b.buf,0,0),Y(g));case 10:n=b.skipSpace();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(n>0)){$s=11;continue;}p=b.readLineSlice();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=11;continue;}b.buf=$append(b.buf,32);b.buf=$appendSlice(b.buf,Y(q));$s=10;continue;case 11:$s=-1;return[b.buf,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.readContinuedLineSlice,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.readContinuedLineSlice=function(a){return this.$val.readContinuedLineSlice(a);};W.ptr.prototype.skipSpace=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=0;case 1:d=a.R.ReadByte();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}if(!((e===32))&&!((e===9))){a.R.UnreadByte();$s=2;continue;}b=b+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.skipSpace,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.skipSpace=function(){return this.$val.skipSpace();};W.ptr.prototype.readCodeLine=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=false;d="";e=$ifaceNil;f=this;h=f.ReadLine();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];e=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[b,c,d,e];}j=Z(i,a);b=j[0];c=j[1];d=j[2];e=j[3];$s=-1;return[b,c,d,e];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.readCodeLine,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.readCodeLine=function(a){return this.$val.readCodeLine(a);};Z=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;c=0;d=false;e="";f=$ifaceNil;if(a.length<4||!((a.charCodeAt(3)===32))&&!((a.charCodeAt(3)===45))){f=new O(("short response: "+a));return[c,d,e,f];}d=a.charCodeAt(3)===45;g=F.Atoi($substring(a,0,3));c=g[0];f=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))||c<100){f=new O(("invalid response code: "+a));return[c,d,e,f];}e=$substring(a,4);if(1<=b&&b<10&&!(((h=c/100,(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===b))||10<=b&&b<100&&!(((i=c/10,(i===i&&i!==1/0&&i!==-1/0)?i>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===b))||100<=b&&b<1000&&!((c===b))){f=new N.ptr(c,e);}return[c,d,e,f];};W.ptr.prototype.ReadCodeLine=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c="";d=$ifaceNil;e=this;g=e.readCodeLine(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;b=f[0];h=f[1];c=f[2];d=f[3];if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)&&h){d=new O(("unexpected multi-line response: "+c));}$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.ReadCodeLine,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.ReadCodeLine=function(a){return this.$val.ReadCodeLine(a);};W.ptr.prototype.ReadResponse=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c="";d=$ifaceNil;e=this;g=e.readCodeLine(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;b=f[0];h=f[1];c=f[2];d=f[3];i=h;case 2:if(!(h)){$s=3;continue;}k=e.ReadLine();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){n=0;o="";p=m;b=n;c=o;d=p;$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}q=0;r="";s=Z(l,0);q=s[0];h=s[1];r=s[2];m=s[3];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))||!((q===b))){c=c+("\n"+G.TrimRight(l,"\r\n"));h=true;$s=2;continue;}c=c+("\n"+r);$s=2;continue;case 3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))&&i&&!(c==="")){d=new N.ptr(b,c);}$s=-1;return[b,c,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.ReadResponse,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.ReadResponse=function(a){return this.$val.ReadResponse(a);};W.ptr.prototype.DotReader=function(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;$r=a.closeDot();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a.dot=new AA.ptr(a,0);$s=-1;return a.dot;}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.DotReader,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.DotReader=function(){return this.$val.DotReader();};AA.ptr.prototype.Read=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;e=d.r.R;case 1:if(!(b=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]=f);b=b+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil)&&(d.state===5)){c=C.EOF;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))&&d.r.dot===d){d.r.dot=AV.nil;}$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:AA.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AA.prototype.Read=function(a){return this.$val.Read(a);};W.ptr.prototype.closeDot=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(a.dot===AV.nil){$s=-1;return;}b=$makeSlice(AP,128);case 1:if(!(!(a.dot===AV.nil))){$s=2;continue;}c=a.dot.Read(b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.closeDot,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.closeDot=function(){return this.$val.closeDot();};W.ptr.prototype.ReadDotBytes=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.DotReader();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=C.ReadAll(b);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=3;case 3:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.ReadDotBytes,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.ReadDotBytes=function(){return this.$val.ReadDotBytes();};W.ptr.prototype.ReadDotLines=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=AY.nil;c=$ifaceNil;case 1:d="";f=a.ReadLine();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;d=e[0];c=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(c,C.EOF)){c=C.ErrUnexpectedEOF;}$s=2;continue;}if(d.length>0&&(d.charCodeAt(0)===46)){if(d.length===1){$s=2;continue;}d=$substring(d,1);}b=$append(b,d);$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.ReadDotLines,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.ReadDotLines=function(){return this.$val.ReadDotLines();};W.ptr.prototype.ReadMIMEHeader=function(){var{a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=AY.nil;c=a.upcomingHeaderNewlines();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;if(d>0){b=$makeSlice(AY,d);}e=((d<0||d>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{});g=a.R.Peek(1);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)&&(((0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])===32)||((0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])===9))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:k=a.readLineSlice();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[e,m];}$s=-1;return[e,new O(("malformed MIME header initial line: "+($bytesToString(l))))];case 4:case 6:o=a.readContinuedLineSlice(AD);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];if(p.$length===0){$s=-1;return[e,q];}r=E.Cut(p,AB);s=r[0];t=r[1];u=r[2];if(!u){$s=-1;return[e,new O(("malformed MIME header line: "+($bytesToString(p))))];}v=AH(s);if(v===""){$s=6;continue;}w=G.TrimLeft(($bytesToString(t))," \t");y=(x=e[$String.keyFor(v)],x!==undefined?x.v:AY.nil);if(y===AY.nil&&b.$length>0){z=$subslice(b,0,1,1);aa=$subslice(b,1);y=z;b=aa;(0>=y.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+0]=w);ab=v;(e||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(ab)]={k:ab,v:y};}else{ac=v;(e||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(ac)]={k:ac,v:$append(y,w)};}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[e,q];}$s=6;continue;case 7:$s=-1;return[false,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.ReadMIMEHeader,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.ReadMIMEHeader=function(){return this.$val.ReadMIMEHeader();};AC=function(a){var a;return $ifaceNil;};AD=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(E.IndexByte(a,58)<0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:b=B.Sprintf("malformed MIME header: missing colon: %q",new AT([a]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=new O((b));$s=4;case 4:return c;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AD,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};W.ptr.prototype.upcomingHeaderNewlines=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=0;b=this;c=b.R.Peek(1);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c;d=b.R.Buffered();if(d===0){$s=-1;return a;}f=b.R.Peek(d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];a=E.Count(g,AE);$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:W.ptr.prototype.upcomingHeaderNewlines,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};W.prototype.upcomingHeaderNewlines=function(){return this.$val.upcomingHeaderNewlines();};AF=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=AJ.Do(AK);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=true;c=0;while(true){if(!(c>0;}$s=-1;return a;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey=AF;AG=function(a){var a;return((a>>0))<127&&((a<0||a>=AL.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):AL[a]);};AH=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;b=a;c=0;while(true){if(!(c=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]);if(AG(d)){c++;continue;}return($bytesToString(a));}e=true;f=a;g=0;while(true){if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+g]);if(e&&97<=i&&i<=122){i=i-(32)<<24>>>24;}else 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map"))[$String.keyFor(d)]={k:d,v:c};b++;}};AO.prototype.Add=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this.$val;d=AF(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=d;e=a;(c||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(e)]={k:e,v:$append((f=c[$String.keyFor(a)],f!==undefined?f.v:AY.nil),b)};$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO.prototype.Add,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AO).prototype.Add=function(a,b){return new AO(this.$get()).Add(a,b);};AO.prototype.Set=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this.$val;e=AF(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;(c||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(d)]={k:d,v:new AY([b])};$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO.prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AO).prototype.Set=function(a,b){return new AO(this.$get()).Set(a,b);};AO.prototype.Get=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;if(b===false){$s=-1;return"";}c=AF(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(d=b[$String.keyFor(c)],d!==undefined?d.v:AY.nil);if(e.$length===0){$s=-1;return"";}$s=-1;return(0>=e.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+0]);}return;}var $f={$blk:AO.prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AO).prototype.Get=function(a){return new AO(this.$get()).Get(a);};AO.prototype.Values=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;if(b===false){$s=-1;return AY.nil;}c=AF(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=(d=b[$String.keyFor(c)],d!==undefined?d.v:AY.nil);$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO.prototype.Values,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AO).prototype.Values=function(a){return new AO(this.$get()).Values(a);};AO.prototype.Del=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;c=AF(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}delete b[$String.keyFor(c)];$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO.prototype.Del,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AO).prototype.Del=function(a){return new AO(this.$get()).Del(a);};BA.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];O.methods=[{prop:"Error",name:"Error",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)}];AX.methods=[{prop:"ReadLine",name:"ReadLine",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadLineBytes",name:"ReadLineBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AP,$error],false)},{prop:"readLineSlice",name:"readLineSlice",pkg:"net/textproto",typ:$funcType([],[AP,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadContinuedLine",name:"ReadContinuedLine",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadContinuedLineBytes",name:"ReadContinuedLineBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AP,$error],false)},{prop:"readContinuedLineSlice",name:"readContinuedLineSlice",pkg:"net/textproto",typ:$funcType([BB],[AP,$error],false)},{prop:"skipSpace",name:"skipSpace",pkg:"net/textproto",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)},{prop:"readCodeLine",name:"readCodeLine",pkg:"net/textproto",typ:$funcType([$Int],[$Int,$Bool,$String,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadCodeLine",name:"ReadCodeLine",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[$Int,$String,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadResponse",name:"ReadResponse",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int],[$Int,$String,$error],false)},{prop:"DotReader",name:"DotReader",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[C.Reader],false)},{prop:"closeDot",name:"closeDot",pkg:"net/textproto",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"ReadDotBytes",name:"ReadDotBytes",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AP,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadDotLines",name:"ReadDotLines",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AY,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadMIMEHeader",name:"ReadMIMEHeader",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AO,$error],false)},{prop:"upcomingHeaderNewlines",name:"upcomingHeaderNewlines",pkg:"net/textproto",typ:$funcType([],[$Int],false)}];AV.methods=[{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AP],[$Int,$error],false)}];AO.methods=[{prop:"Add",name:"Add",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$String],[],false)},{prop:"Set",name:"Set",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String,$String],[],false)},{prop:"Get",name:"Get",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[$String],false)},{prop:"Values",name:"Values",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[AY],false)},{prop:"Del",name:"Del",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$String],[],false)}];N.init("",[{prop:"Code",name:"Code",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"Msg",name:"Msg",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""}]);W.init("net/textproto",[{prop:"R",name:"R",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AU,tag:""},{prop:"dot",name:"dot",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AV,tag:""},{prop:"buf",name:"buf",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AP,tag:""}]);AA.init("net/textproto",[{prop:"r",name:"r",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AX,tag:""},{prop:"state",name:"state",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""}]);AO.init($String,AY);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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X.ptr(a,$ifaceNil),4096),AP.nil,0,$subslice(c,0,2),$subslice(c,0,(c.$length-2>>0)),$subslice(c,2),$subslice(c,2,(c.$length-2>>0)));};$pkg.NewReader=W;X.ptr.prototype.Read=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err,$ifaceNil))){e=0;f=d.err;b=e;c=f;$s=-1;return[b,c];}h=d.r.Read(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;b=g[0];d.err=g[1];i=b;j=d.err;b=i;c=j;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:X.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};X.prototype.Read=function(a){return this.$val.Read(a);};Y=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=new V.ptr({},a,"",false,$ifaceNil,0,new $Int64(0,0),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil);d=c.populateHeaders();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break 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0:a=this;b=a.nextPart(true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AC.ptr.prototype.NextRawPart,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AC.prototype.NextRawPart=function(){return this.$val.NextRawPart();};AC.ptr.prototype.nextPart=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!(b.currentPart===AP.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=b.currentPart.Close();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c;case 2:if(($bytesToString(b.dashBoundary))==="--"){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:d=D.Errorf("multipart: boundary is empty",new AM([]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=[AP.nil,d];$s=7;case 7:return e;case 5:f=false;case 8:h=b.bufReader.ReadSlice(10);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(j,E.EOF)&&b.isFinalBoundary(i)){$s=-1;return[AP.nil,E.EOF];}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:k=D.Errorf("multipart: NextPart: %v",new AM([j]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=[AP.nil,k];$s=14;case 14:return l;case 12:if(b.isBoundaryDelimiterLine(i)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:b.partsRead=b.partsRead+(1)>>0;n=Y(b,a);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AP.nil,p];}b.currentPart=o;$s=-1;return[o,$ifaceNil];case 16:if(b.isFinalBoundary(i)){$s=-1;return[AP.nil,E.EOF];}if(f){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:q=D.Errorf("multipart: expecting a new Part; got line %q",new AM([new $String(($bytesToString(i)))]));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=[AP.nil,q];$s=21;case 21:return r;case 19:if(b.partsRead===0){$s=8;continue;}if(A.Equal(i,b.nl)){f=true;$s=8;continue;}s=D.Errorf("multipart: unexpected line in Next(): %q",new AM([i]));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=[AP.nil,s];$s=23;case 23:return t;case 9:$s=-1;return[AP.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AC.ptr.prototype.nextPart,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};AC.prototype.nextPart=function(a){return this.$val.nextPart(a);};AC.ptr.prototype.isFinalBoundary=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;if(!A.HasPrefix(a,b.dashBoundaryDash)){return false;}c=$subslice(a,b.dashBoundaryDash.$length);c=AD(c);return(c.$length===0)||A.Equal(c,b.nl);};AC.prototype.isFinalBoundary=function(a){return this.$val.isFinalBoundary(a);};AC.ptr.prototype.isBoundaryDelimiterLine=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=false;c=this;if(!A.HasPrefix(a,c.dashBoundary)){b=false;return b;}d=$subslice(a,c.dashBoundary.$length);d=AD(d);if((c.partsRead===0)&&(d.$length===1)&&((0>=d.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+0])===10)){c.nl=$subslice(c.nl,1);c.nlDashBoundary=$subslice(c.nlDashBoundary,1);}b=A.Equal(d,c.nl);return b;};AC.prototype.isBoundaryDelimiterLine=function(a){return this.$val.isBoundaryDelimiterLine(a);};AD=function(a){var a;while(true){if(!(a.$length>0&&(((0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0])===32)||((0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0])===9)))){break;}a=$subslice(a,1);}return a;};AC.ptr.prototype.ReadForm=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.readForm(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AC.ptr.prototype.ReadForm,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AC.prototype.ReadForm=function(a){return this.$val.ReadForm(a);};AC.ptr.prototype.readForm=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=[b];c=[c];d=AR.nil;b[0]=$ifaceNil;e=this;c[0]=new AE.ptr({},{});$deferred.push([(function(b,c){return function $b(){var{f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=c[0].RemoveAll();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,f,$s};return $f;};})(b,c),[]]);f=new $Int64(a.$high+0,a.$low+10485760);if((f.$high<0||(f.$high===0&&f.$low<=0))){if((a.$high<0||(a.$high===0&&a.$low<0))){f=new $Int64(0,0);}else{f=new $Int64(2147483647,4294967295);}}case 1:g=[g];i=e.NextPart();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(k,E.EOF)){$s=2;continue;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:l=AR.nil;m=k;d=l;b[0]=m;n=[d,b[0]];$s=6;case 6:return n;case 5:o=j.FormName();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(p===""){$s=1;continue;}q=j.FileName();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;g[0]=new A.Buffer.ptr(AL.nil,0,0);if(r===""){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:t=E.CopyN(g[0],j,new $Int64(f.$high+0,f.$low+1));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[0];v=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(v,E.EOF))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:w=AR.nil;x=v;d=w;b[0]=x;y=[d,b[0]];$s=14;case 14:return y;case 13:f=(z=u,new $Int64(f.$high-z.$high,f.$low-z.$low));if((f.$high<0||(f.$high===0&&f.$low<0))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:aa=AR.nil;ab=$pkg.ErrMessageTooLarge;d=aa;b[0]=ab;ac=[d,b[0]];$s=17;case 17:return ac;case 16:ad=p;(c[0].Value||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(ad)]={k:ad,v:$append((ae=c[0].Value[$String.keyFor(p)],ae!==undefined?ae.v:AI.nil),g[0].String())};$s=1;continue;case 10:af=new AF.ptr(r,j.Header,new $Int64(0,0),AL.nil,"");ah=E.CopyN(g[0],j,new $Int64(a.$high+0,a.$low+1));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=ah;ai=ag[0];k=ag[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(k,E.EOF))){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:aj=AR.nil;ak=k;d=aj;b[0]=ak;al=[d,b[0]];$s=21;case 21:return al;case 20:if((ai.$high>a.$high||(ai.$high===a.$high&&ai.$low>a.$low))){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:an=N.CreateTemp("","multipart-");$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=an;ao=am[0];ap=am[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ap,$ifaceNil))){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:aq=AR.nil;ar=ap;d=aq;b[0]=ar;as=[d,b[0]];$s=28;case 28:return as;case 27:au=E.Copy(ao,E.MultiReader(new AS([g[0],j])));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=au;av=at[0];ap=at[1];aw=ao.Close();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=aw;if($interfaceIsEqual(ap,$ifaceNil)){ap=ax;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ap,$ifaceNil))){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:ay=N.Remove(ao.Name());$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay;az=AR.nil;ba=ap;d=az;b[0]=ba;bb=[d,b[0]];$s=34;case 34:return bb;case 32:af.tmpfile=ao.Name();af.Size=av;$s=24;continue;case 23:af.content=g[0].Bytes();af.Size=(new $Int64(0,af.content.$length));a=(bc=ai,new $Int64(a.$high-bc.$high,a.$low-bc.$low));f=(bd=ai,new $Int64(f.$high-bd.$high,f.$low-bd.$low));case 24:be=p;(c[0].File||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(be)]={k:be,v:$append((bf=c[0].File[$String.keyFor(p)],bf!==undefined?bf.v:AU.nil),af)};$s=1;continue;case 2:bg=c[0];bh=$ifaceNil;d=bg;b[0]=bh;bi=[d,b[0]];$s=35;case 35:return bi;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[d,b[0]];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AC.ptr.prototype.readForm,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,b,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AC.prototype.readForm=function(a){return this.$val.readForm(a);};AE.ptr.prototype.RemoveAll=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$ifaceNil;c=a.File;d=0;e=$keys(c);case 1:if(!(d=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if(!(j.tmpfile==="")){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=N.Remove(j.tmpfile);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))&&$interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil)){b=l;}case 6:i++;$s=3;continue;case 4:d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:AE.ptr.prototype.RemoveAll,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AE.prototype.RemoveAll=function(){return this.$val.RemoveAll();};AF.ptr.prototype.Open=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.content;if(!(b===AL.nil)){c=E.NewSectionReader(A.NewReader(b),new $Int64(0,0),(new $Int64(0,b.$length)));$s=-1;return[(d=new AH.ptr(c),new d.constructor.elem(d)),$ifaceNil];}e=N.Open(a.tmpfile);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;g=[f[0],f[1]];$s=2;case 2:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF.ptr.prototype.Open,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AF.prototype.Open=function(){return this.$val.Open();};AH.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var a;a=this;return $ifaceNil;};AH.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};AP.methods=[{prop:"FormName",name:"FormName",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"FileName",name:"FileName",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$String],false)},{prop:"parseContentDisposition",name:"parseContentDisposition",pkg:"mime/multipart",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"populateHeaders",name:"populateHeaders",pkg:"mime/multipart",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AL],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Close",name:"Close",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)}];AW.methods=[{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AL],[$Int,$error],false)}];Z.methods=[{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AL],[$Int,$error],false)}];AQ.methods=[{prop:"NextPart",name:"NextPart",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AP,$error],false)},{prop:"NextRawPart",name:"NextRawPart",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AP,$error],false)},{prop:"nextPart",name:"nextPart",pkg:"mime/multipart",typ:$funcType([$Bool],[AP,$error],false)},{prop:"isFinalBoundary",name:"isFinalBoundary",pkg:"mime/multipart",typ:$funcType([AL],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"isBoundaryDelimiterLine",name:"isBoundaryDelimiterLine",pkg:"mime/multipart",typ:$funcType([AL],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"ReadForm",name:"ReadForm",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int64],[AR,$error],false)},{prop:"readForm",name:"readForm",pkg:"mime/multipart",typ:$funcType([$Int64],[AR,$error],false)}];AR.methods=[{prop:"RemoveAll",name:"RemoveAll",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)}];AT.methods=[{prop:"Open",name:"Open",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AG,$error],false)}];AH.methods=[{prop:"Close",name:"Close",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)}];V.init("mime/multipart",[{prop:"Header",name:"Header",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:F.MIMEHeader,tag:""},{prop:"mr",name:"mr",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AQ,tag:""},{prop:"disposition",name:"disposition",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"dispositionParams",name:"dispositionParams",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AV,tag:""},{prop:"r",name:"r",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:E.Reader,tag:""},{prop:"n",name:"n",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"total",name:"total",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""},{prop:"readErr",name:"readErr",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""}]);X.init("mime/multipart",[{prop:"r",name:"r",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:E.Reader,tag:""},{prop:"err",name:"err",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$error,tag:""}]);Z.init("mime/multipart",[{prop:"p",name:"p",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AP,tag:""}]);AC.init("mime/multipart",[{prop:"bufReader",name:"bufReader",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AO,tag:""},{prop:"currentPart",name:"currentPart",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AP,tag:""},{prop:"partsRead",name:"partsRead",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Int,tag:""},{prop:"nl",name:"nl",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AL,tag:""},{prop:"nlDashBoundary",name:"nlDashBoundary",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AL,tag:""},{prop:"dashBoundaryDash",name:"dashBoundaryDash",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AL,tag:""},{prop:"dashBoundary",name:"dashBoundary",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AL,tag:""}]);AE.init("",[{prop:"Value",name:"Value",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AX,tag:""},{prop:"File",name:"File",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:AY,tag:""}]);AF.init("mime/multipart",[{prop:"Filename",name:"Filename",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"Header",name:"Header",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:F.MIMEHeader,tag:""},{prop:"Size",name:"Size",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Int64,tag:""},{prop:"content",name:"content",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AL,tag:""},{prop:"tmpfile",name:"tmpfile",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$String,tag:""}]);AG.init([{prop:"Close",name:"Close",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$error],false)},{prop:"Read",name:"Read",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AL],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"ReadAt",name:"ReadAt",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([AL,$Int64],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Seek",name:"Seek",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([$Int64,$Int],[$Int64,$error],false)}]);AH.init("",[{prop:"SectionReader",name:"SectionReader",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:AZ,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=I.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=M.$init();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=J.$init();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=K.$init();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=N.$init();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=L.$init();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=G.$init();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=H.$init();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}R=H.NewReplacer(new AI(["\\","\\\\","\"","\\\""]));U={};$pkg.ErrMessageTooLarge=C.New("multipart: message too large");}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["net/http/httptrace"]=(function(){var 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$pkg={},$init,F,D,B,C,E,A,G,J,N,BB,BC,BE,BT,L,M,O,P,K,Q,R,S;F=$packages["bytes"];D=$packages["container/list"];B=$packages["fmt"];C=$packages["log"];E=$packages["sort"];A=$packages["unicode/utf8"];G=$pkg.Class=$newType(4,$kindUint,"bidi.Class",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",true,null);J=$pkg.bidiTrie=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"bidi.bidiTrie",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",false,function(){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){return;}});N=$pkg.Properties=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"bidi.Properties",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",true,function(entry_,last_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.entry=0;this.last=0;return;}this.entry=entry_;this.last=last_;});BB=$arrayType($Uint8,4);BC=$sliceType($Uint8);BE=$sliceType(G);BT=$ptrType(J);K=function(a){var a;return new J.ptr();};J.ptr.prototype.lookupValue=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=this;return((d=(a<<6>>>0)+((b>>>0))>>>0,((d<0||d>=L.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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N.ptr(0,0);c=0;d=(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]);if(d<128){e=new N.ptr(((d<0||d>=L.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):L[d]),0);f=1;N.copy(b,e);c=f;return[b,c];}else if(d<194){g=new N.ptr(0,0);h=1;N.copy(b,g);c=h;return[b,c];}else if(d<224){if(a.$length<2){i=new N.ptr(0,0);j=0;N.copy(b,i);c=j;return[b,c];}k=((d<0||d>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):M[d]);l=(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]);if(l<128||192<=l){m=new N.ptr(0,0);n=1;N.copy(b,m);c=n;return[b,c];}o=new N.ptr(O.lookupValue(((k>>>0)),l),0);p=2;N.copy(b,o);c=p;return[b,c];}else if(d<240){if(a.$length<3){q=new N.ptr(0,0);r=0;N.copy(b,q);c=r;return[b,c];}s=((d<0||d>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):M[d]);t=(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]);if(t<128||192<=t){u=new N.ptr(0,0);v=1;N.copy(b,u);c=v;return[b,c];}w=(((s>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((t>>>0))>>>0;s=((w<0||w>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):M[w]);x=(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]);if(x<128||192<=x){y=new N.ptr(0,0);z=1;N.copy(b,y);c=z;return[b,c];}aa=new N.ptr(O.lookupValue(((s>>>0)),x),x);ab=3;N.copy(b,aa);c=ab;return[b,c];}else if(d<248){if(a.$length<4){ac=new N.ptr(0,0);ad=0;N.copy(b,ac);c=ad;return[b,c];}ae=((d<0||d>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):M[d]);af=(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]);if(af<128||192<=af){ag=new N.ptr(0,0);ah=1;N.copy(b,ag);c=ah;return[b,c];}ai=(((ae>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((af>>>0))>>>0;ae=((ai<0||ai>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):M[ai]);aj=(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]);if(aj<128||192<=aj){ak=new N.ptr(0,0);al=1;N.copy(b,ak);c=al;return[b,c];}ai=(((ae>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((aj>>>0))>>>0;ae=((ai<0||ai>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):M[ai]);am=(3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]);if(am<128||192<=am){an=new N.ptr(0,0);ao=1;N.copy(b,an);c=ao;return[b,c];}ap=new N.ptr(O.lookupValue(((ae>>>0)),am),0);aq=4;N.copy(b,ap);c=aq;return[b,c];}ar=new N.ptr(0,0);as=1;N.copy(b,ar);c=as;return[b,c];};$pkg.Lookup=R;S=function(a){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=new N.ptr(0,0);c=0;d=a.charCodeAt(0);if(d<128){e=new N.ptr(((d<0||d>=L.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):L[d]),0);f=1;N.copy(b,e);c=f;return[b,c];}else if(d<194){g=new N.ptr(0,0);h=1;N.copy(b,g);c=h;return[b,c];}else if(d<224){if(a.length<2){i=new N.ptr(0,0);j=0;N.copy(b,i);c=j;return[b,c];}k=((d<0||d>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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N.ptr(0,0);ah=1;N.copy(b,ag);c=ah;return[b,c];}ai=(((ae>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((af>>>0))>>>0;ae=((ai<0||ai>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):M[ai]);aj=a.charCodeAt(2);if(aj<128||192<=aj){ak=new N.ptr(0,0);al=1;N.copy(b,ak);c=al;return[b,c];}ai=(((ae>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((aj>>>0))>>>0;ae=((ai<0||ai>=M.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):M[ai]);am=a.charCodeAt(3);if(am<128||192<=am){an=new N.ptr(0,0);ao=1;N.copy(b,an);c=ao;return[b,c];}ap=new N.ptr(O.lookupValue(((ae>>>0)),am),0);aq=4;N.copy(b,ap);c=aq;return[b,c];}ar=new N.ptr(0,0);as=1;N.copy(b,ar);c=as;return[b,c];};$pkg.LookupString=S;G.methods=[{prop:"in$",name:"in",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",typ:$funcType([BE],[$Bool],true)}];BT.methods=[{prop:"lookup",name:"lookup",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",typ:$funcType([BC],[$Uint8,$Int],false)},{prop:"lookupUnsafe",name:"lookupUnsafe",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",typ:$funcType([BC],[$Uint8],false)},{prop:"lookupString",name:"lookupString",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",typ:$funcType([$String],[$Uint8,$Int],false)},{prop:"lookupStringUnsafe",name:"lookupStringUnsafe",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",typ:$funcType([$String],[$Uint8],false)},{prop:"lookupValue",name:"lookupValue",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",typ:$funcType([$Uint32,$Uint8],[$Uint8],false)}];N.methods=[{prop:"Class",name:"Class",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[G],false)},{prop:"IsBracket",name:"IsBracket",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"IsOpeningBracket",name:"IsOpeningBracket",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"reverseBracket",name:"reverseBracket",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",typ:$funcType([$Int32],[$Int32],false)}];J.init("",[]);N.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",[{prop:"entry",name:"entry",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint8,tag:""},{prop:"last",name:"last",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint8,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=F.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=A.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break 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$f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D,E,F,M,P,Q,R,S,G,N,I,K,O;A=$packages["errors"];B=$packages["unicode/utf8"];C=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform"];D=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi"];E=$pkg.ruleState=$newType(1,$kindUint8,"bidirule.ruleState",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule",false,null);F=$pkg.ruleTransition=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"bidirule.ruleTransition",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule",false,function(next_,mask_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.next=0;this.mask=0;return;}this.next=next_;this.mask=mask_;});M=$pkg.Transformer=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"bidirule.Transformer",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule",true,function(state_,hasRTL_,seen_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.state=0;this.hasRTL=false;this.seen=0;return;}this.state=state_;this.hasRTL=hasRTL_;this.seen=seen_;});P=$arrayType(D.Properties,128);Q=$arrayType(F,2);R=$sliceType($Uint8);S=$ptrType(M);M.ptr.prototype.isFinal=function(){var a;a=this;return(a.state===2)||(a.state===4)||(a.state===0);};M.prototype.isFinal=function(){return this.$val.isFinal();};I=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=0;while(true){if(!(b>0;continue;}f=$clone(d,D.Properties).Class();if((f===1)||(f===13)||(f===5)){return 1;}b=b+(e)>>0;}return 0;};$pkg.DirectionString=I;K=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=new M.ptr(0,false,0);c=b.advanceString(a);d=c[0];e=c[1];if(!e||d>>0)===0));};M.prototype.isRTL=function(){return this.$val.isRTL();};M.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var a;a=this;M.copy(a,new M.ptr(0,false,0));};M.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};M.ptr.prototype.Transform=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;d=0;e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=this;if(a.$length>0)));e=$clone(d[0],D.Properties);D.Properties.copy(((c<0||c>=N.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):N[c]),e);b++;}};M.ptr.prototype.advance=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x;b=0;c=false;d=this;e=new D.Properties.ptr(0,0);f=0;while(true){if(!(b=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b])<128){g=$clone((h=((b<0||b>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+b]),((h<0||h>=N.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):N[h])),D.Properties);i=1;D.Properties.copy(e,g);f=i;}else{j=D.Lookup($subslice(a,b));D.Properties.copy(e,j[0]);f=j[1];if(f<=1){if(f===1){k=b;l=false;b=k;c=l;return[b,c];}m=b;n=true;b=m;c=n;return[b,c];}}p=(((o=$clone(e,D.Properties).Class(),o<32?(1<>>16));d.seen=(d.seen|(p))>>>0;if(((d.seen&36)>>>0)===36){d.state=5;q=b;r=false;b=q;c=r;return[b,c];}t=$clone((s=d.state,((s<0||s>=G.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):G[s])),Q);if(!((((t[0].mask&p)>>>0)===0))){d.state=t[0].next;}else 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if(!((((t[1].mask&p)>>>0)===0))){d.state=t[1].next;}else{d.state=5;if(d.isRTL()){u=b;v=false;b=u;c=v;return[b,c];}}b=b+(f)>>0;}w=b;x=true;b=w;c=x;return[b,c];};M.prototype.advanceString=function(a){return this.$val.advanceString(a);};S.methods=[{prop:"isFinal",name:"isFinal",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"isRTL",name:"isRTL",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule",typ:$funcType([],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"Reset",name:"Reset",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[],false)},{prop:"Transform",name:"Transform",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([R,R,$Bool],[$Int,$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"Span",name:"Span",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([R,$Bool],[$Int,$error],false)},{prop:"advance",name:"advance",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule",typ:$funcType([R],[$Int,$Bool],false)},{prop:"advanceString",name:"advanceString",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule",typ:$funcType([$String],[$Int,$Bool],false)}];F.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule",[{prop:"next",name:"next",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:E,tag:""},{prop:"mask",name:"mask",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint16,tag:""}]);M.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule",[{prop:"state",name:"state",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:E,tag:""},{prop:"hasRTL",name:"hasRTL",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""},{prop:"seen",name:"seen",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Uint16,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;c=this;e=(d=c.offset,((a<0||a>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+a]));g=$clone((f=c.values,((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e])),G);h=e+1<<16>>>16;i=h+((g.lo<<16>>>16))<<16>>>16;while(true){if(!(h>>16))/2,(j===j&&j!==1/0&&j!==-1/0)?j>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<16>>>16;m=$clone((l=c.values,((k<0||k>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+k])),G);if(m.lo<=b&&b<=m.hi){return m.value+((((b-m.lo<<24>>>24)<<16>>>16))*g.value<<16>>>16)<<16>>>16;}if(b>>16;}}return 0;};H.prototype.lookup=function(a,b){return this.$val.lookup(a,b);};AG.prototype.Reset=function(){};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Reset=function(){return new AG(this.$get()).Reset();};AG.prototype.Transform=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=0;e=0;f=$ifaceNil;g=this.$val;h=b;i=c;j=a.$length;if(j=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+g]).quickSpan($clone(BF(h),BE),0,h.$length,i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];o=$copySlice(a,$subslice(h,0,m));if(!n){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:q=new AG(g).transform($subslice(a,o),$subslice(b,o),c);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;d=p[0];e=p[1];f=p[2];r=d+o>>0;s=e+o>>0;t=f;d=r;e=s;f=t;$s=-1;return[d,e,f];case 3:if($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)&&o=N.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]);if(ak<128||192<=ak){al=0;am=2;b=al;c=am;return[b,c];}aj=(((af>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((ak>>>0))>>>0;af=((aj<0||aj>=Z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):Z[aj]);an=(3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]);if(an<128||192<=an){ao=0;ap=3;b=ao;c=ap;return[b,c];}aq=d.lookupValue(((af>>>0)),an);ar=4;b=aq;c=ar;return[b,c];}as=0;at=1;b=as;c=at;return[b,c];};W.prototype.lookup=function(a){return this.$val.lookup(a);};W.ptr.prototype.lookupString=function(a){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=0;c=0;d=this;e=a.charCodeAt(0);if(e<128){f=((e<0||e>=Y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):Y[e]);g=1;b=f;c=g;return[b,c];}else if(e<194){h=0;i=1;b=h;c=i;return[b,c];}else if(e<224){if(a.length<2){j=0;k=0;b=j;c=k;return[b,c];}l=((e<0||e>=Z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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range"),undefined):Z[aj]);ak=a.charCodeAt(2);if(ak<128||192<=ak){al=0;am=2;b=al;c=am;return[b,c];}aj=(((af>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((ak>>>0))>>>0;af=((aj<0||aj>=Z.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):Z[aj]);an=a.charCodeAt(3);if(an<128||192<=an){ao=0;ap=3;b=ao;c=ap;return[b,c];}aq=d.lookupValue(((af>>>0)),an);ar=4;b=aq;c=ar;return[b,c];}as=0;at=1;b=as;c=at;return[b,c];};W.prototype.lookupString=function(a){return this.$val.lookupString(a);};X=function(a){var a;return new W.ptr();};W.ptr.prototype.lookupValue=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=this;if(a<92){return((d=(a<<6>>>0)+((b>>>0))>>>0,((d<0||d>=Y.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):Y[d])));}else{a=a-(92)>>>0;return(J.lookup(a,b));}};W.prototype.lookupValue=function(a,b){return this.$val.lookupValue(a,b);};AE.ptr.prototype.Write=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;case 1:if(!(a.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}e=a.$length;if(e>4000){e=4000;}BE.copy(d.rb.src,BF($subslice(a,0,e)));d.rb.nsrc=e;f=AK(d.rb,d.buf,0);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d.buf=f;a=$subslice(a,e);b=b+(e)>>0;g=AM(d.rb.f,d.buf);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(h===-1){h=0;}if(h>0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=d.w.Write($subslice(d.buf,0,h));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;c=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}k=$copySlice(d.buf,$subslice(d.buf,h));d.buf=$subslice(d.buf,0,k);case 6:$s=1;continue;case 2:l=b;m=c;b=l;c=m;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:AE.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AE.prototype.Write=function(a){return this.$val.Write(a);};AE.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(a.buf.$length>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=a.w.Write(a.buf);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return d;}case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AE.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AE.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};AG.prototype.Writer=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this.$val;c=new AE.ptr(new BT.ptr(CG.zero(),CH.zero(),0,0,0,new BJ.ptr(0,false,false,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError),new BE.ptr("",CI.nil),0,new BE.ptr("",CI.nil),CI.nil,$throwNilPointerError),a,CI.nil);c.rb.init(b,CI.nil);return c;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Writer=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).Writer(a);};AF.ptr.prototype.Read=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;case 1:if((b.lastBoundary-b.bufStart>>0)>0){c=$copySlice(a,$subslice(b.outbuf,b.bufStart,b.lastBoundary));b.bufStart=b.bufStart+(c)>>0;if((b.lastBoundary-b.bufStart>>0)>0){$s=-1;return[c,$ifaceNil];}$s=-1;return[c,b.err];}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[0,b.err];}d=$copySlice(b.outbuf,$subslice(b.outbuf,b.lastBoundary));b.outbuf=$subslice(b.outbuf,0,d);b.bufStart=0;f=b.r.Read(b.inbuf);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[0];h=e[1];BE.copy(b.rb.src,BF($subslice(b.inbuf,0,g)));i=g;j=h;b.rb.nsrc=i;b.err=j;if(g>0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:k=AK(b.rb,b.outbuf,0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b.outbuf=k;case 5:if($interfaceIsEqual(h,D.EOF)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:b.lastBoundary=b.outbuf.$length;$s=9;continue;case 8:l=AM(b.rb.f,b.outbuf);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b.lastBoundary=l;if(b.lastBoundary===-1){b.lastBoundary=0;}case 9:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[0,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AF.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AF.prototype.Read=function(a){return this.$val.Read(a);};AG.prototype.Reader=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this.$val;c=$makeSlice(CI,4000);d=new AF.ptr(new BT.ptr(CG.zero(),CH.zero(),0,0,0,new BJ.ptr(0,false,false,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError),new BE.ptr("",CI.nil),0,new BE.ptr("",CI.nil),CI.nil,$throwNilPointerError),a,c,CI.nil,0,0,$ifaceNil);d.rb.init(b,c);return d;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Reader=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).Reader(a);};AG.prototype.Bytes=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=this.$val;d=$clone(BF(a),BE);e=((c<0||c>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+c]);g=e.quickSpan($clone(d,BE),0,a.$length,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(i){$s=-1;return a;}j=$makeSlice(CI,h,a.$length);$copySlice(j,$subslice(a,0,h));b[0]=new BT.ptr(CG.zero(),CH.zero(),0,0,0,$clone(e,BJ),$clone(d,BE),a.$length,new BE.ptr("",CI.nil),j,BU);k=AL(b[0],h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=3;case 3:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.Bytes,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Bytes=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).Bytes(a);};AG.prototype.String=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=this.$val;d=$clone(BG(a),BE);e=((c<0||c>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+c]);g=e.quickSpan($clone(d,BE),0,a.length,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(i){$s=-1;return a;}j=$makeSlice(CI,h,a.length);$copyString(j,$substring(a,0,h));b[0]=new BT.ptr(CG.zero(),CH.zero(),0,0,0,$clone(e,BJ),$clone(d,BE),a.length,new BE.ptr("",CI.nil),j,BU);k=AL(b[0],h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=($bytesToString(k));$s=3;case 3:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.String=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).String(a);};AG.prototype.IsNormal=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=this.$val;d=$clone(BF(a),BE);e=((c<0||c>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+c]);g=e.quickSpan($clone(d,BE),0,a.$length,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if(i){$s=-1;return true;}b[0]=new BT.ptr(CG.zero(),CH.zero(),0,0,0,$clone(e,BJ),$clone(d,BE),a.$length,new BE.ptr("",CI.nil),CI.nil,$throwNilPointerError);b[0].setFlusher(CI.nil,AH);case 2:if(!(h=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[c])),BH);if(((e.size>>0))>b.$length){return false;}f=e.pos;g=f+e.size<<24>>>24;while(true){if(!(f=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0])===(h=a.byte$1,((f<0||f>=h.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h[f]))))){return false;}b=$subslice(b,1);f=f+(1)<<24>>>24;}c=c+(1)>>0;}return true;};AG.prototype.IsNormalString=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=[a];b=[b];c=[c];d=this.$val;e=$clone(BG(a[0]),BE);f=((d<0||d>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+d]);h=f.quickSpan($clone(e,BE),0,a[0].length,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;b[0]=g[0];i=g[1];if(i){$s=-1;return true;}c[0]=new BT.ptr(CG.zero(),CH.zero(),0,0,0,$clone(f,BJ),$clone(e,BE),a[0].length,new BE.ptr("",CI.nil),CI.nil,$throwNilPointerError);c[0].setFlusher(CI.nil,(function(a,b,c){return function(j){var j,k,l,m,n,o,p;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=l.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l[k])),BH);if((b[0]+((m.size>>0))>>0)>a[0].length){return false;}n=m.pos;o=n+m.size<<24>>>24;while(true){if(!(n=p.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p[n]))))){return false;}b[0]=b[0]+(1)>>0;n=n+(1)<<24>>>24;}k=k+(1)>>0;}return true;};})(a,b,c));case 2:if(!(b[0]>0))>>0;g=a.out.$length-f>>0;if(g>0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=$makeSlice(CI,0);h=$appendSlice(h,$subslice(a.out,(a.out.$length-g>>0)));a.out=$subslice(a.out,0,f);$r=AP(a);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=a.doFlush();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;a.out=$appendSlice(a.out,h);$s=-1;return false;case 3:j=$subslice(a.out,e);a.out=$subslice(a.out,0,e);$r=AP(a);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=(a.$ptr_ss||(a.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},a))).next($clone(d,BH));if(k===1){$s=7;continue;}if(k===2){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 7:l=a.doFlush();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;(a.$ptr_ss||(a.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},a))).first($clone(d,BH));$s=9;continue;case 8:m=a.doFlush();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;a.insertCGJ();a.ss=0;case 9:$r=a.insertUnsafe($clone(BF(j),BE),0,$clone(d,BH));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:AI,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AJ=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(a.nsrc===b){$s=-1;return b;}d=a.f.quickSpan($clone(a.src,BE),b,a.nsrc,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];a.out=a.src.appendSlice(a.out,b,e);$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AJ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AG.prototype.Append=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this.$val;d=new AG(c).doAppend(a,$clone(BF(b),BE),b.$length);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.Append,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Append=function(a,b){return new AG(this.$get()).Append(a,b);};AG.prototype.doAppend=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=[d];e=[e];f=this.$val;if(c===0){$s=-1;return a;}g=((f<0||f>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+f]);if(a.$length===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=g.quickSpan($clone(b,BE),0,c,true);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];a=b.appendSlice(a,0,j);if(j===c){$s=-1;return a;}d[0]=new BT.ptr(CG.zero(),CH.zero(),0,0,0,$clone(g,BJ),$clone(b,BE),c,new BE.ptr("",CI.nil),a,BU);k=AL(d[0],j);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=5;case 5:return l;case 2:e[0]=new BT.ptr(CG.zero(),CH.zero(),0,0,0,$clone(g,BJ),$clone(b,BE),c,new BE.ptr("",CI.nil),CI.nil,$throwNilPointerError);m=AK(e[0],a,0);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=7;case 7:return n;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.doAppend,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.doAppend=function(a,b,c){return new AG(this.$get()).doAppend(a,b,c);};AK=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a.setFlusher(b,BU);d=$clone(a.src,BE);e=a.nsrc;f=$clone(d,BE);g=e;h=b.$length>0;i=f.skipContinuationBytes(c);if(i>c){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:a.out=f.appendSlice(a.out,c,i);c=i;j=AI(a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=j;case 2:k=a.f;if(h){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:l=new BH.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0);if(c0){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:if(c===0){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$r=AP(a);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 12:n=AN(a,c,true);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=n;case 10:case 7:if(l.size===0){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:o=a.doFlush();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;$s=-1;return f.appendSlice(a.out,c,g);case 16:if(a.nrune>0){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:p=AL(a,c);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=21;case 21:return q;case 19:case 5:r=AJ(a,c);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=r;s=AL(a,c);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=24;case 24:return t;}return;}var $f={$blk:AK,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};AL=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=a.nsrc;case 1:if(!(b=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+b]).quickSpan($clone(BF(a),BE),0,a.$length,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.QuickSpan,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.QuickSpan=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).QuickSpan(a);};AG.prototype.Span=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=0;d=$ifaceNil;e=this.$val;g=((e<0||e>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+e]).quickSpan($clone(BF(a),BE),0,a.$length,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;c=f[0];h=f[1];if(c=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+e]).quickSpan($clone(BG(a),BE),0,a.length,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;c=f[0];h=f[1];if(c>0;h=0;i=0;$s=1;continue;}l=g.info($clone(a,BE),b);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=$clone(l,BH);if(m.size===0){if(d){n=e;o=true;e=n;f=o;$s=-1;return[e,f];}p=j;q=true;e=p;f=q;$s=-1;return[e,f];}s=(r||(r=new CJ(function(){return i;},function($v){i=$v;}))).next($clone(m,BH));if(s===(1)){j=b;}else if(s===(2)){t=j;u=false;e=t;f=u;$s=-1;return[e,f];}else if(s===(0)){if(h>m.ccc){v=j;w=false;e=v;f=w;$s=-1;return[e,f];}}if(g.composing){if(!$clone(m,BH).isYesC()){$s=2;continue;}}else{if(!$clone(m,BH).isYesD()){$s=2;continue;}}h=m.ccc;b=b+(((m.size>>0)))>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(b===e){if(!d){e=j;}x=e;y=true;e=x;f=y;$s=-1;return[e,f];}z=j;aa=false;e=z;f=aa;$s=-1;return[e,f];}return;}var $f={$blk:BJ.ptr.prototype.quickSpan,$c:true,$r,a,aa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BJ.prototype.quickSpan=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.quickSpan(a,b,c,d);};AG.prototype.QuickSpanString=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;d=((b<0||b>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+b]).quickSpan($clone(BG(a),BE),0,a.length,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.QuickSpanString,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.QuickSpanString=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).QuickSpanString(a);};AG.prototype.FirstBoundary=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;c=new AG(b).firstBoundary($clone(BF(a),BE),a.$length);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.FirstBoundary,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.FirstBoundary=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).FirstBoundary(a);};AG.prototype.firstBoundary=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this.$val;d=a.skipContinuationBytes(0);if(d>=b){$s=-1;return-1;}e=((c<0||c>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+c]);f=0;case 1:g=e.info($clone(a,BE),d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$clone(g,BH);if(h.size===0){$s=-1;return-1;}j=(i||(i=new CJ(function(){return f;},function($v){f=$v;}))).next($clone(h,BH));if(!((j===0))){$s=-1;return d;}d=d+(((h.size>>0)))>>0;if(d>=b){if(!$clone(h,BH).BoundaryAfter()&&!new BS(f).isMax()){$s=-1;return-1;}$s=-1;return b;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.firstBoundary,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.firstBoundary=function(a,b){return new AG(this.$get()).firstBoundary(a,b);};AG.prototype.FirstBoundaryInString=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;c=new AG(b).firstBoundary($clone(BG(a),BE),a.length);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.FirstBoundaryInString,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.FirstBoundaryInString=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).FirstBoundaryInString(a);};AG.prototype.NextBoundary=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this.$val;d=new AG(c).nextBoundary($clone(BF(a),BE),a.$length,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.NextBoundary,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.NextBoundary=function(a,b){return new AG(this.$get()).NextBoundary(a,b);};AG.prototype.NextBoundaryInString=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this.$val;d=new AG(c).nextBoundary($clone(BG(a),BE),a.length,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.NextBoundaryInString,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.NextBoundaryInString=function(a,b){return new AG(this.$get()).NextBoundaryInString(a,b);};AG.prototype.nextBoundary=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this.$val;if(b===0){if(c){$s=-1;return 0;}$s=-1;return-1;}e=((d<0||d>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+d]);f=e.info($clone(a,BE),0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=$clone(f,BH);if(g.size===0){if(c){$s=-1;return 1;}$s=-1;return-1;}h=0;(i||(i=new CJ(function(){return h;},function($v){h=$v;}))).first($clone(g,BH));j=((g.size>>0));case 2:if(!(j>0)))>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:if(!c&&!$clone(g,BH).BoundaryAfter()&&!new BS(h).isMax()){$s=-1;return-1;}$s=-1;return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.nextBoundary,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.nextBoundary=function(a,b,c){return new AG(this.$get()).nextBoundary(a,b,c);};AG.prototype.LastBoundary=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;c=AM(((b<0||b>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+b]),a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AG.prototype.LastBoundary,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AG).prototype.LastBoundary=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).LastBoundary(a);};AM=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=b.$length;e=AO(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;f=$clone(d[0],BH);g=d[1];if(g===-1){$s=-1;return-1;}if(f.size===0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:if(g===0){$s=-1;return-1;}c=g;i=AO(a,$subslice(b,0,c));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;BH.copy(f,h[0]);g=h[1];if(g===-1){$s=-1;return c;}case 3:if(!(((g+((f.size>>0))>>0)===c))){$s=-1;return c;}if($clone(f,BH).BoundaryAfter()){$s=-1;return c;}j=0;l=(k||(k=new CJ(function(){return j;},function($v){j=$v;}))).backwards($clone(f,BH));c=g;case 5:if(!(c>=0&&!((l===1)))){$s=6;continue;}n=AO(a,$subslice(b,0,c));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;BH.copy(f,m[0]);g=m[1];l=(k||(k=new CJ(function(){return j;},function($v){j=$v;}))).backwards($clone(f,BH));if(l===2){$s=6;continue;}if(!(((g+((f.size>>0))>>0)===c))){if(g===-1){$s=-1;return-1;}$s=-1;return c;}c=g;$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AM,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AN=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=a.f.info($clone(a.src,BE),b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=$clone(d,BH);if(e.size===0){$s=-1;return 0;}f=(a.$ptr_ss||(a.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},a))).next($clone(e,BH));if(f===1){$s=2;continue;}if(f===2){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:if(a.nrune>0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$s=7;continue;case 6:$s=4;continue;case 3:a.insertCGJ();$s=7;continue;case 4:g=a.insertFlush($clone(a.src,BE),b,$clone(e,BH));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(!((h===0))){$s=-1;return((h>>0));}case 9:b=b+(((e.size>>0)))>>0;if(b>=a.nsrc){if(!c&&!$clone(e,BH).BoundaryAfter()){$s=-1;return-2;}$s=10;continue;}i=a.f.info($clone(a.src,BE),b);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(e,i);if(e.size===0){if(!c){$s=-1;return-2;}$s=10;continue;}j=(a.$ptr_ss||(a.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},a))).next($clone(e,BH));if(j===1){$s=10;continue;}else if(j===2){a.insertCGJ();$s=10;continue;}k=a.insertFlush($clone(a.src,BE),b,$clone(e,BH));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!((l===0))){$s=-1;return((l>>0));}$s=9;continue;case 10:case 7:m=a.doFlush();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!m){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$s=-1;return-1;case 14:$s=-1;return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:AN,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AO=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=b.$length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(c>=0&&!A.RuneStart(((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c])))){break;}c=c-(1)>>0;}if(c<0){$s=-1;return[new BH.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0),-1];}d=a.info($clone(BF(b),BE),c);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=[d,c];$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AO,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AP=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=a.f;d=AO(b,a.out);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=$clone(c[0],BH);f=c[1];if(!((((e.size>>0))===(a.out.$length-f>>0)))){$s=-1;return;}if($clone(e,BH).BoundaryAfter()){$s=-1;return;}g=CK.zero();h=0;i=0;j=a.out.$length;case 2:BH.copy(((h<0||h>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[h]),e);l=(k||(k=new CJ(function(){return i;},function($v){i=$v;}))).backwards($clone(e,BH));if(l===2){$s=3;continue;}h=h+(1)>>0;j=j-(((e.size>>0)))>>0;if((l===1)||j<0){$s=3;continue;}n=AO(b,$subslice(a.out,0,j));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;BH.copy(e,m[0]);f=m[1];if(!((((e.size>>0))===(j-f>>0)))){$s=3;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 3:a.ss=i;o=CH.zero();p=$subslice(new CI(o),0,$copySlice(new CI(o),$subslice(a.out,j)));a.out=$subslice(a.out,0,j);h=h-(1)>>0;case 5:if(!(h>=0)){$s=6;continue;}BH.copy(e,((h<0||h>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[h]));$r=a.insertUnsafe($clone(BF(p),BE),0,$clone(e,BH));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$subslice(p,e.size);h=h-(1)>>0;$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AP,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AQ.ptr.prototype.Init=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;c.p=0;if(b.$length===0){c.setDone();c.rb.nsrc=0;$s=-1;return;}c.multiSeg=CI.nil;c.rb.init(a,b);c.next=c.rb.f.nextMain;c.asciiF=AS;d=c.rb.f.info($clone(c.rb.src,BE),c.p);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(c.info,d);(e=c.rb,(e.$ptr_ss||(e.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},e)))).first($clone(c.info,BH));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.Init,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.Init=function(a,b){return this.$val.Init(a,b);};AQ.ptr.prototype.InitString=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;c.p=0;if(b.length===0){c.setDone();c.rb.nsrc=0;$s=-1;return;}c.multiSeg=CI.nil;c.rb.initString(a,b);c.next=c.rb.f.nextMain;c.asciiF=AT;d=c.rb.f.info($clone(c.rb.src,BE),c.p);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(c.info,d);(e=c.rb,(e.$ptr_ss||(e.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},e)))).first($clone(c.info,BH));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.InitString,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.InitString=function(a,b){return this.$val.InitString(a,b);};AQ.ptr.prototype.Seek=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=new $Int64(0,0);e=b;if(e===(0)){$s=2;continue;}if(e===(1)){$s=3;continue;}if(e===(2)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:d=a;$s=6;continue;case 3:d=(f=(new $Int64(0,c.p)),new $Int64(f.$high+a.$high,f.$low+a.$low));$s=6;continue;case 4:d=(g=(new $Int64(0,c.rb.nsrc)),new $Int64(g.$high+a.$high,g.$low+a.$low));$s=6;continue;case 5:h=E.Errorf("norm: invalid whence",new CL([]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=[new $Int64(0,0),h];$s=8;case 8:return i;case 6:case 1:if((d.$high<0||(d.$high===0&&d.$low<0))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:j=E.Errorf("norm: negative position",new CL([]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=[new $Int64(0,0),j];$s=12;case 12:return k;case 10:if((((d.$low+((d.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))>=c.rb.nsrc){c.setDone();$s=-1;return[(new $Int64(0,c.p)),$ifaceNil];}c.p=(((d.$low+((d.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));c.multiSeg=CI.nil;c.next=c.rb.f.nextMain;l=c.rb.f.info($clone(c.rb.src,BE),c.p);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(c.info,l);(m=c.rb,(m.$ptr_ss||(m.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},m)))).first($clone(c.info,BH));$s=-1;return[d,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.Seek,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.Seek=function(a,b){return this.$val.Seek(a,b);};AQ.ptr.prototype.returnSlice=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;if(c.rb.src.bytes===CI.nil){return $subslice(new CI(c.buf),0,$copyString(new CI(c.buf),$substring(c.rb.src.str,a,b)));}return $subslice(c.rb.src.bytes,a,b);};AQ.prototype.returnSlice=function(a,b){return this.$val.returnSlice(a,b);};AQ.ptr.prototype.Pos=function(){var a;a=this;return a.p;};AQ.prototype.Pos=function(){return this.$val.Pos();};AQ.ptr.prototype.setDone=function(){var a;a=this;a.next=AV;a.p=a.rb.nsrc;};AQ.prototype.setDone=function(){return this.$val.setDone();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Done=function(){var a;a=this;return a.p>=a.rb.nsrc;};AQ.prototype.Done=function(){return this.$val.Done();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Next=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.next(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.Next,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.Next=function(){return this.$val.Next();};AS=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=a.p+1>>0;if(b>=a.rb.nsrc){c=a.p;a.setDone();$s=-1;return $subslice(a.rb.src.bytes,c,b);}if((d=a.rb.src.bytes,((b<0||b>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+b]))<128){e=a.p;a.p=b;$s=-1;return $subslice(a.rb.src.bytes,e,b);}f=a.rb.f.info($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(a.info,f);a.next=a.rb.f.nextMain;g=a.next(a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=3;case 3:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AS,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AT=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=a.p+1>>0;if(b>=a.rb.nsrc){a.buf[0]=a.rb.src.str.charCodeAt(a.p);a.setDone();$s=-1;return $subslice(new CI(a.buf),0,1);}if(a.rb.src.str.charCodeAt(b)<128){a.buf[0]=a.rb.src.str.charCodeAt(a.p);a.p=b;$s=-1;return $subslice(new CI(a.buf),0,1);}c=a.rb.f.info($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(a.info,c);a.next=a.rb.f.nextMain;d=a.next(a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=3;case 3:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AU=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=a.p;c=b+3>>0;if(c>=a.rb.nsrc){$s=1;continue;}if(a.rb.src.hangul(c)===0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:a.setDone();$s=3;continue;case 2:(d=a.rb,(d.$ptr_ss||(d.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},d)))).next($clone(a.info,BH));e=a.rb.f.info($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(a.info,e);a.next=a.rb.f.nextMain;f=a.next(a);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=6;case 6:return g;case 3:a.p=c;$s=-1;return $subslice(new CI(a.buf),0,CA(new CI(a.buf),a.rb.src.hangul(b)));}return;}var $f={$blk:AU,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AV=function(a){var a;return CI.nil;};AW=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=a.multiSeg;b=1;while(true){if(!(b=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+b])))){break;}b=b+(1)>>0;}case 1:if(!(b>0)))>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:a.next=a.rb.f.nextMain;f=a.next(a);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=5;case 5:return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};AX=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=a.multiSeg;case 1:if(!(b>0))>>0));$s=-1;return f;case 5:$r=a.rb.insertUnsafe(new BE.ptr("",c),b,$clone(e,BH));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=b+(((e.size>>0)))>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:a.multiSeg=CI.nil;a.next=BB;g=BC(a);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=10;case 10:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:AX,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AY=function(a){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=CI.nil;c=0;d=a.p;e=0;f=d;g=e;case 1:h=((a.info.size>>0));if(h<=1){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:a.rb.ss=0;i=a.p;a.p=a.p+(1)>>0;if(a.p>=a.rb.nsrc){a.setDone();b=a.returnSlice(i,a.p);$s=-1;return b;}else if(a.rb.src._byte(a.p)<128){a.next=a.asciiF;b=a.returnSlice(i,a.p);$s=-1;return b;}c=c+(1)>>0;$s=5;continue;case 4:j=$clone(a.info,BH).Decomposition();if(!(j===CI.nil)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:k=c+j.$length>>0;if(c>0){$s=9;continue;}if($clone(a.info,BH).multiSegment()){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 9:a.rb.src.copySlice($subslice(new CI(a.buf),g),f,a.p);if(k>128){b=$subslice(new CI(a.buf),0,c);$s=-1;return b;}$s=11;continue;case 10:if(a.multiSeg===CI.nil){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:a.multiSeg=j;a.next=AW;l=AW(a);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=l;m=b;$s=15;case 15:return m;case 13:j=a.multiSeg;a.multiSeg=CI.nil;k=j.$length;case 11:n=a.info.tccc;a.p=a.p+(h)>>0;if(a.p>=a.rb.nsrc){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:a.setDone();BH.copy(a.info,new BH.ptr(0,0,0,0,0,0,0));$s=18;continue;case 17:o=a.rb.f.info($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(a.info,o);case 18:q=(p=a.rb,(p.$ptr_ss||(p.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},p)))).next($clone(a.info,BH));if(q===(2)){a.next=BA;if(c>0){$copySlice($subslice(new CI(a.buf),c),j);b=$subslice(new CI(a.buf),0,k);$s=-1;return b;}b=j;$s=-1;return b;}else if(q===(1)){if(c>0){$copySlice($subslice(new CI(a.buf),c),j);b=$subslice(new CI(a.buf),0,k);$s=-1;return b;}b=j;$s=-1;return b;}$copySlice($subslice(new CI(a.buf),c),j);c=k;r=a.p;s=c;f=r;g=s;if(a.info.ccc>0;u=a.p;v=c;f=u;g=v;if(a.p>=a.rb.nsrc){a.setDone();$s=2;continue;}else if(!((a.rb.src.hangul(a.p)===0))){a.next=AU;b=$subslice(new CI(a.buf),0,c);$s=-1;return b;}}else{w=c+h>>0;if(w>128){$s=2;continue;}c=w;a.p=a.p+(h)>>0;}case 8:case 5:if(a.p>=a.rb.nsrc){a.setDone();$s=2;continue;}x=a.info.tccc;y=a.rb.f.info($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(a.info,y);aa=(z=a.rb,(z.$ptr_ss||(z.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},z)))).next($clone(a.info,BH));if(aa===1){$s=2;continue;}else if(aa===2){a.next=BA;$s=2;continue;}if(a.info.ccc>0)))>>0;if(a.p>=a.rb.nsrc){a.setDone();$s=2;continue;}b=a.rb.f.info($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(a.info,b);if(a.info.ccc===0){$s=2;continue;}d=(c=a.rb,(c.$ptr_ss||(c.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},c)))).next($clone(a.info,BH));if(d===2){a.next=BA;$s=2;continue;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $subslice(new CI(a.buf),0,a.rb.flushCopy(new CI(a.buf)));}return;}var $f={$blk:AZ,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BA=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a.rb.ss=0;a.rb.insertCGJ();a.next=AY;(b=a.rb,(b.$ptr_ss||(b.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},b)))).first($clone(a.info,BH));c=AZ(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=-1;return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BA,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BB=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=a.p;d=b;e=c;f=0;case 1:if(!$clone(a.info,BH).isYesC()){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$s=5;continue;case 4:f=a.info.tccc;g=((a.info.size>>0));if(g===0){g=1;}h=d+g>>0;if(h>128){$s=2;continue;}d=h;a.p=a.p+(g)>>0;if(a.p>=a.rb.nsrc){a.setDone();$s=2;continue;}else if(a.rb.src._byte(a.p)<128){a.rb.ss=0;a.next=a.asciiF;$s=2;continue;}i=a.rb.f.info($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(a.info,i);k=(j=a.rb,(j.$ptr_ss||(j.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},j)))).next($clone(a.info,BH));if(k===1){$s=2;continue;}else if(k===2){a.next=BD;$s=2;continue;}if(a.info.ccc>0)));a.next=AX;q=AX(a);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=15;case 15:return r;case 11:(s=a.rb,(s.$ptr_ss||(s.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},s)))).first($clone(a.info,BH));$r=a.rb.insertUnsafe($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p,$clone(a.info,BH));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=BC(a);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=18;case 18:return u;}return;}var $f={$blk:BB,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};BC=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:case 1:a.p=a.p+(((a.info.size>>0)))>>0;if(a.p>=a.rb.nsrc){a.setDone();$s=2;continue;}b=a.rb.f.info($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BH.copy(a.info,b);d=(c=a.rb,(c.$ptr_ss||(c.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},c)))).next($clone(a.info,BH));if(d===1){$s=2;continue;}else if(d===2){a.next=BD;$s=2;continue;}$r=a.rb.insertUnsafe($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p,$clone(a.info,BH));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$r=a.rb.compose();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=$subslice(new CI(a.buf),0,a.rb.flushCopy(new CI(a.buf)));$s=-1;return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BC,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BD=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a.rb.ss=0;a.rb.insertCGJ();a.next=BB;(b=a.rb,(b.$ptr_ss||(b.$ptr_ss=new CJ(function(){return this.$target.ss;},function($v){this.$target.ss=$v;},b)))).first($clone(a.info,BH));$r=a.rb.insertUnsafe($clone(a.rb.src,BE),a.p,$clone(a.info,BH));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=BC(a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=3;case 3:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:BD,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BF=function(a){var a;return new BE.ptr("",a);};BG=function(a){var a;return new BE.ptr(a,CI.nil);};BE.ptr.prototype.setBytes=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.str="";b.bytes=a;};BE.prototype.setBytes=function(a){return this.$val.setBytes(a);};BE.ptr.prototype.setString=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.str=a;b.bytes=CI.nil;};BE.prototype.setString=function(a){return this.$val.setString(a);};BE.ptr.prototype._byte=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;if(b.bytes===CI.nil){return b.str.charCodeAt(a);}return(c=b.bytes,((a<0||a>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]));};BE.prototype._byte=function(a){return this.$val._byte(a);};BE.ptr.prototype.skipASCII=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=this;if(c.bytes===CI.nil){while(true){if(!(a>0;}}else{while(true){if(!(a=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+a]))<128)){break;}a=a+(1)>>0;}}return a;};BE.prototype.skipASCII=function(a,b){return this.$val.skipASCII(a,b);};BE.ptr.prototype.skipContinuationBytes=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;if(b.bytes===CI.nil){while(true){if(!(a>0;}}else{while(true){if(!(a=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+a]))))){break;}a=a+(1)>>0;}}return a;};BE.prototype.skipContinuationBytes=function(a){return this.$val.skipContinuationBytes(a);};BE.ptr.prototype.appendSlice=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e;d=this;if(!(d.bytes===CI.nil)){return $appendSlice(a,$subslice(d.bytes,b,c));}e=b;while(true){if(!(e>0;}return a;};BE.prototype.appendSlice=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.appendSlice(a,b,c);};BE.ptr.prototype.copySlice=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d;d=this;if(d.bytes===CI.nil){return $copyString(a,$substring(d.str,b,c));}return $copySlice(a,$subslice(d.bytes,b,c));};BE.prototype.copySlice=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.copySlice(a,b,c);};BE.ptr.prototype.charinfoNFC=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(b.bytes===CI.nil){return K.lookupString($substring(b.str,a));}return K.lookup($subslice(b.bytes,a));};BE.prototype.charinfoNFC=function(a){return this.$val.charinfoNFC(a);};BE.ptr.prototype.charinfoNFKC=function(a){var a,b;b=this;if(b.bytes===CI.nil){return L.lookupString($substring(b.str,a));}return L.lookup($subslice(b.bytes,a));};BE.prototype.charinfoNFKC=function(a){return this.$val.charinfoNFKC(a);};BE.ptr.prototype.hangul=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=0;c=this;d=0;if(c.bytes===CI.nil){if(!BX($substring(c.str,a))){b=0;return b;}e=A.DecodeRuneInString($substring(c.str,a));b=e[0];d=e[1];}else{if(!BW($subslice(c.bytes,a))){b=0;return b;}f=A.DecodeRune($subslice(c.bytes,a));b=f[0];d=f[1];}if(!((d===3))){b=0;return b;}b=b;return b;};BE.prototype.hangul=function(a){return this.$val.hangul(a);};BH.ptr.prototype.BoundaryBefore=function(){var a;a=this;if((a.ccc===0)&&!$clone(a,BH).combinesBackward()){return true;}return false;};BH.prototype.BoundaryBefore=function(){return this.$val.BoundaryBefore();};BH.ptr.prototype.BoundaryAfter=function(){var a;a=this;return $clone(a,BH).isInert();};BH.prototype.BoundaryAfter=function(){return this.$val.BoundaryAfter();};BH.ptr.prototype.isYesC=function(){var a;a=this;return((a.flags&16)>>>0)===0;};BH.prototype.isYesC=function(){return this.$val.isYesC();};BH.ptr.prototype.isYesD=function(){var a;a=this;return((a.flags&4)>>>0)===0;};BH.prototype.isYesD=function(){return this.$val.isYesD();};BH.ptr.prototype.combinesBackward=function(){var a;a=this;return!((((a.flags&8)>>>0)===0));};BH.prototype.combinesBackward=function(){return this.$val.combinesBackward();};BH.ptr.prototype.hasDecomposition=function(){var a;a=this;return!((((a.flags&4)>>>0)===0));};BH.prototype.hasDecomposition=function(){return this.$val.hasDecomposition();};BH.ptr.prototype.isInert=function(){var a;a=this;return(((a.flags&63)>>>0)===0)&&(a.ccc===0);};BH.prototype.isInert=function(){return this.$val.isInert();};BH.ptr.prototype.multiSegment=function(){var a;a=this;return a.index>=6256&&a.index<12151;};BH.prototype.multiSegment=function(){return this.$val.multiSegment();};BH.ptr.prototype.nLeadingNonStarters=function(){var a;a=this;return a.nLead;};BH.prototype.nLeadingNonStarters=function(){return this.$val.nLeadingNonStarters();};BH.ptr.prototype.nTrailingNonStarters=function(){var a;a=this;return((((a.flags&3)>>>0)<<24>>>24));};BH.prototype.nTrailingNonStarters=function(){return this.$val.nTrailingNonStarters();};BH.ptr.prototype.Decomposition=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;if(a.index===0){return CI.nil;}b=a.index;c=(((b<0||b>=P.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):P[b])&63)>>>0;b=b+(1)<<16>>>16;return $subslice(new CI(P),b,(b+((c<<16>>>16))<<16>>>16));};BH.prototype.Decomposition=function(){return this.$val.Decomposition();};BH.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var a;a=this;return((a.size>>0));};BH.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};BH.ptr.prototype.CCC=function(){var a,b;a=this;if(a.index>=19087){return 0;}return(b=a.ccc,((b<0||b>=O.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):O[b]));};BH.prototype.CCC=function(){return this.$val.CCC();};BH.ptr.prototype.LeadCCC=function(){var a,b;a=this;return(b=a.ccc,((b<0||b>=O.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):O[b]));};BH.prototype.LeadCCC=function(){return this.$val.LeadCCC();};BH.ptr.prototype.TrailCCC=function(){var a,b;a=this;return(b=a.tccc,((b<0||b>=O.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):O[b]));};BH.prototype.TrailCCC=function(){return this.$val.TrailCCC();};BM=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;AC={};a=CM.zero();b=0;while(true){if(!(b<7528)){break;}$copyString(new 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,(b+8>>0)));c=$clone(F.BigEndian,F.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(new CI(a),0,4));d=$clone(F.BigEndian,F.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(new CI(a),4));e=c;(AC||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(e)]={k:e,v:((d>>0))};b=b+(8)>>0;}};BN=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=(((((a<<16>>>16))>>>0))<<16>>>0)+((((b<<16>>>16))>>>0))>>>0;if(AC===false){$panic(new $String("caller error"));}return(d=AC[$Uint32.keyFor(c)],d!==undefined?d.v:0);};BO=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=a.charinfoNFC(b);d=c[0];e=c[1];return BQ(d,e);};BP=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=a.charinfoNFKC(b);d=c[0];e=c[1];return BQ(d,e);};AG.prototype.Properties=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this.$val;if((b===0)||(b===1)){c=K.lookup(a);return BQ(c[0],c[1]);}d=L.lookup(a);return BQ(d[0],d[1]);};$ptrType(AG).prototype.Properties=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).Properties(a);};AG.prototype.PropertiesString=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this.$val;if((b===0)||(b===1)){c=K.lookupString(a);return BQ(c[0],c[1]);}d=L.lookupString(a);return BQ(d[0],d[1]);};$ptrType(AG).prototype.PropertiesString=function(a){return new AG(this.$get()).PropertiesString(a);};BQ=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;if(a===0){return new BH.ptr(0,((b<<24>>>24)),0,0,0,0,0);}else if(a>=32768){c=new BH.ptr(0,((b<<24>>>24)),((a<<24>>>24)),((a<<24>>>24)),0,(((a>>>8<<16>>>16)<<24>>>24)),0);if(c.ccc>0||$clone(c,BH).combinesBackward()){c.nLead=((((c.flags&3)>>>0)<<24>>>24));}return c;}d=((a<0||a>=P.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):P[a]);e=(((((((d&192)>>>0)<<24>>>24))>>>2<<24>>>24))|4)>>>0;f=new BH.ptr(0,((b<<24>>>24)),0,0,0,e,a);if(a>=11435){a=a+((((((d&63)>>>0)<<16>>>16))+1<<16>>>16))<<16>>>16;g=((a<0||a>=P.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):P[a]);f.tccc=g>>>2<<24>>>24;f.flags=(f.flags|(((((g&3)>>>0)<<24>>>24))))>>>0;if(a>=18885){f.nLead=(g&3)>>>0;if(a>=19126){f.flags=(f.flags&(3))>>>0;f.index=0;return f;}f.ccc=(h=a+1<<16>>>16,((h<0||h>=P.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):P[h]));}}return f;};$ptrType(BS).prototype.first=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.$set((($clone(a,BH).nTrailingNonStarters()<<24>>>24)));};$ptrType(BS).prototype.next=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;if(b.$get()>30){$panic(new $String("streamSafe was not reset"));}c=$clone(a,BH).nLeadingNonStarters();b.$set(b.$get()+(((c<<24>>>24)))<<24>>>24);if(b.$get()>30){b.$set(0);return 2;}if(c===0){b.$set((($clone(a,BH).nTrailingNonStarters()<<24>>>24)));return 1;}return 0;};$ptrType(BS).prototype.backwards=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;if(b.$get()>30){$panic(new $String("streamSafe was not reset"));}c=b.$get()+(($clone(a,BH).nTrailingNonStarters()<<24>>>24))<<24>>>24;if(c>30){return 2;}b.$set(c);if($clone(a,BH).nLeadingNonStarters()===0){return 1;}return 0;};BS.prototype.isMax=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return a===30;};$ptrType(BS).prototype.isMax=function(){return new BS(this.$get()).isMax();};BT.ptr.prototype.init=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;BJ.copy(c.f,((a<0||a>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+a]));c.src.setBytes(b);c.nsrc=b.$length;c.ss=0;};BT.prototype.init=function(a,b){return this.$val.init(a,b);};BT.ptr.prototype.initString=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;BJ.copy(c.f,((a<0||a>=BK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):BK.$array[BK.$offset+a]));c.src.setString(b);c.nsrc=b.length;c.ss=0;};BT.prototype.initString=function(a,b){return this.$val.initString(a,b);};BT.ptr.prototype.setFlusher=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=this;c.out=a;c.flushF=b;};BT.prototype.setFlusher=function(a,b){return this.$val.setFlusher(a,b);};BT.ptr.prototype.reset=function(){var a;a=this;a.nrune=0;a.nbyte=0;};BT.prototype.reset=function(){return this.$val.reset();};BT.ptr.prototype.doFlush=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(a.f.composing){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=a.compose();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:b=a.flushF(a);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;a.reset();$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BT.ptr.prototype.doFlush,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BT.prototype.doFlush=function(){return this.$val.doFlush();};BU=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=0;while(true){if(!(b=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[b])).pos;f=d+(e=a.rune,((b<0||b>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[b])).size<<24>>>24;a.out=$appendSlice(a.out,$subslice(new CI(a.byte$1),d,f));b=b+(1)>>0;}return true;};BT.ptr.prototype.flushCopy=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=0;d=0;while(true){if(!(d=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[d])),BH);c=c+($copySlice($subslice(a,c),$subslice(new CI(b.byte$1),f.pos,(f.pos+f.size<<24>>>24))))>>0;d=d+(1)>>0;}b.reset();return c;};BT.prototype.flushCopy=function(a){return this.$val.flushCopy(a);};BT.ptr.prototype.insertOrdered=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;c=b.nrune;d=new CN(b.rune);e=a.ccc;if(e>0){while(true){if(!(c>0)){break;}if((f=c-1>>0,((f<0||f>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+f])).ccc<=e){break;}BH.copy(((c<0||c>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+c]),(g=c-1>>0,((g<0||g>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+g])));c=c-(1)>>0;}}b.nrune=b.nrune+(1)>>0;h=(b.nbyte);b.nbyte=b.nbyte+(4)<<24>>>24;a.pos=h;BH.copy(((c<0||c>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+c]),a);};BT.prototype.insertOrdered=function(a){return this.$val.insertOrdered(a);};BT.ptr.prototype.insertFlush=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=a.hangul(b);if(!((e===0))){d.decomposeHangul(e);$s=-1;return 0;}if($clone(c,BH).hasDecomposition()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=d.insertDecomposed($clone(c,BH).Decomposition());$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=4;case 4:return g;case 2:d.insertSingle($clone(a,BE),b,$clone(c,BH));$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:BT.ptr.prototype.insertFlush,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};BT.prototype.insertFlush=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.insertFlush(a,b,c);};BT.ptr.prototype.insertUnsafe=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=this;e=a.hangul(b);if(!((e===0))){d.decomposeHangul(e);}if($clone(c,BH).hasDecomposition()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:f=d.insertDecomposed($clone(c,BH).Decomposition());$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f;$s=3;continue;case 2:d.insertSingle($clone(a,BE),b,$clone(c,BH));case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BT.ptr.prototype.insertUnsafe,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BT.prototype.insertUnsafe=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.insertUnsafe(a,b,c);};BT.ptr.prototype.insertDecomposed=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;b.tmpBytes.setBytes(a);c=0;case 1:if(!(c0)){f=false;$s=6;continue s;}g=b.doFlush();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=!g;case 6:if(f){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return-1;case 5:c=c+($copySlice($subslice(new CI(b.byte$1),b.nbyte),$subslice(a,c,(c+((e.size>>0))>>0))))>>0;b.insertOrdered($clone(e,BH));$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:BT.ptr.prototype.insertDecomposed,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};BT.prototype.insertDecomposed=function(a){return this.$val.insertDecomposed(a);};BT.ptr.prototype.insertSingle=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d;d=this;a.copySlice($subslice(new CI(d.byte$1),d.nbyte),b,b+((c.size>>0))>>0);d.insertOrdered($clone(c,BH));};BT.prototype.insertSingle=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.insertSingle(a,b,c);};BT.ptr.prototype.insertCGJ=function(){var a;a=this;a.insertSingle(new BE.ptr("\xCD\x8F",CI.nil),0,new BH.ptr(0,2,0,0,0,0,0));};BT.prototype.insertCGJ=function(){return this.$val.insertCGJ();};BT.ptr.prototype.appendRune=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;c=b.nbyte;d=A.EncodeRune($subslice(new CI(b.byte$1),c),(a));b.nbyte=b.nbyte+(4)<<24>>>24;BH.copy((e=b.rune,f=b.nrune,((f<0||f>=e.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e[f])),new BH.ptr(c,((d<<24>>>24)),0,0,0,0,0));b.nrune=b.nrune+(1)>>0;};BT.prototype.appendRune=function(a){return this.$val.appendRune(a);};BT.ptr.prototype.assignRune=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;c=this;e=(d=c.rune,((a<0||a>=d.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d[a])).pos;f=A.EncodeRune($subslice(new CI(c.byte$1),e),(b));BH.copy((g=c.rune,((a<0||a>=g.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[a])),new BH.ptr(e,((f<<24>>>24)),0,0,0,0,0));};BT.prototype.assignRune=function(a,b){return this.$val.assignRune(a,b);};BT.ptr.prototype.runeAt=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f;b=this;d=$clone((c=b.rune,((a<0||a>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[a])),BH);e=A.DecodeRune($subslice(new CI(b.byte$1),d.pos,(d.pos+d.size<<24>>>24)));f=e[0];return f;};BT.prototype.runeAt=function(a){return this.$val.runeAt(a);};BT.ptr.prototype.bytesAt=function(a){var a,b,c,d;b=this;d=$clone((c=b.rune,((a<0||a>=c.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c[a])),BH);return $subslice(new CI(b.byte$1),d.pos,(((d.pos>>0))+((d.size>>0))>>0));};BT.prototype.bytesAt=function(a){return this.$val.bytesAt(a);};BW=function(a){var a,b,c;if(a.$length<3){return false;}b=(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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zero"));b=(e=b/(28),(e===e&&e!==1/0&&e!==-1/0)?e>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));A.EncodeRune(a,4352+(f=b/21,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0);A.EncodeRune($subslice(a,3),4449+(g=b%21,g===g?g:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0);if(!((d===0))){A.EncodeRune($subslice(a,6),4519+d>>0);return 9;}return 6;};BT.ptr.prototype.decomposeHangul=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=this;a=a-(44032)>>0;d=(c=a%28,c===c?c:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));a=(e=a/(28),(e===e&&e!==1/0&&e!==-1/0)?e>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));b.appendRune(4352+(f=a/21,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0);b.appendRune(4449+(g=a%21,g===g?g:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0);if(!((d===0))){b.appendRune(4519+d>>0);}};BT.prototype.decomposeHangul=function(a){return this.$val.decomposeHangul(a);};BT.ptr.prototype.combineHangul=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;d=this;e=new CN(d.rune);f=d.nrune;while(true){if(!(b>0,((g<0||g>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+g])).ccc;i=((b<0||b>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+b]).ccc;if(h===0){a=c-1>>0;}if(!((a===(c-1>>0)))&&h>=i){BH.copy(((c<0||c>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+c]),((b<0||b>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+b]));c=c+(1)>>0;}else{j=d.runeAt(a);k=d.runeAt(b);if(4352<=j&&j<4371&&4449<=k&&k<4470){d.assignRune(a,(44032+($imul(((j-4352>>0)),588))>>0)+($imul(((k-4449>>0)),28))>>0);}else if(44032<=j&&j<55204&&4519>0))%28,l===l?l:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))===0)){d.assignRune(a,(j+k>>0)-4519>>0);}else{BH.copy(((c<0||c>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+c]),((b<0||b>=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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G.ptr(14448,166,166),new G.ptr(40960,167,167),new G.ptr(0,14,0),new G.ptr(14466,128,128),new G.ptr(40960,129,129),new G.ptr(14454,130,130),new G.ptr(40960,146,146),new G.ptr(14460,147,147),new G.ptr(40960,149,149),new G.ptr(33075,150,156),new G.ptr(33075,159,162),new G.ptr(33070,163,163),new G.ptr(33075,164,164),new G.ptr(33075,167,168),new G.ptr(33070,170,170),new G.ptr(33075,171,172),new G.ptr(33070,173,173),new G.ptr(0,12,0),new G.ptr(33056,145,145),new G.ptr(33075,176,176),new G.ptr(33070,177,177),new G.ptr(33075,178,179),new G.ptr(33070,180,180),new G.ptr(33075,181,182),new G.ptr(33070,183,185),new G.ptr(33075,186,186),new G.ptr(33070,187,188),new G.ptr(33075,189,189),new G.ptr(33070,190,190),new G.ptr(33075,191,191),new G.ptr(5,7,0),new G.ptr(33075,128,128),new G.ptr(33075,129,129),new G.ptr(33070,130,131),new G.ptr(33070,132,133),new G.ptr(33070,134,135),new G.ptr(33070,136,137),new G.ptr(33075,138,138),new G.ptr(0,4,0),new G.ptr(33075,171,177),new G.ptr(33070,178,178),new G.ptr(33075,179,179),new G.ptr(33070,189,189),new G.ptr(0,4,0),new G.ptr(33075,150,153),new G.ptr(33075,155,163),new G.ptr(33075,165,167),new G.ptr(33075,169,173),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,153,155),new G.ptr(0,7,0),new G.ptr(40960,168,168),new G.ptr(16111,169,169),new G.ptr(40960,176,176),new G.ptr(16119,177,177),new G.ptr(40960,179,179),new G.ptr(16127,180,180),new G.ptr(39171,188,188),new G.ptr(8,6,0),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(33075,145,145),new G.ptr(33070,146,146),new G.ptr(33075,147,147),new G.ptr(33075,148,148),new G.ptr(17715,152,159),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33027,188,188),new G.ptr(39168,190,190),new G.ptr(8,7,0),new G.ptr(40960,135,135),new G.ptr(11435,139,140),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,151,151),new G.ptr(17779,156,157),new G.ptr(17795,159,159),new G.ptr(33075,190,190),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(17835,179,179),new G.ptr(17843,182,182),new G.ptr(33027,188,188),new G.ptr(8,3,0),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(17803,153,155),new G.ptr(17827,158,158),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33027,188,188),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(0,8,0),new G.ptr(40960,135,135),new G.ptr(11459,136,136),new G.ptr(11451,139,139),new G.ptr(11467,140,140),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,150,151),new G.ptr(17851,156,156),new G.ptr(17859,157,157),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(40960,146,146),new G.ptr(11475,148,148),new G.ptr(39168,190,190),new G.ptr(0,6,0),new G.ptr(40960,134,135),new G.ptr(11483,138,138),new G.ptr(11499,139,139),new G.ptr(11491,140,140),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,151,151),new G.ptr(6145,4,0),new G.ptr(40960,134,134),new G.ptr(16135,136,136),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(33057,149,150),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33027,188,188),new G.ptr(40960,191,191),new G.ptr(0,9,0),new G.ptr(11507,128,128),new G.ptr(39168,130,130),new G.ptr(40960,134,134),new G.ptr(11515,135,135),new G.ptr(11523,136,136),new G.ptr(12135,138,138),new G.ptr(11759,139,139),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,149,150),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,187,188),new G.ptr(39168,190,190),new G.ptr(0,6,0),new G.ptr(40960,134,135),new G.ptr(11531,138,138),new G.ptr(11547,139,139),new G.ptr(11539,140,140),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,151,151),new G.ptr(27613,7,0),new G.ptr(39173,138,138),new G.ptr(39168,143,143),new G.ptr(40960,153,153),new G.ptr(16143,154,154),new G.ptr(12143,156,156),new G.ptr(11770,157,157),new G.ptr(11555,158,159),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33059,184,185),new G.ptr(33029,186,186),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33060,136,139),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33061,184,185),new G.ptr(33029,186,186),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33062,136,139),new G.ptr(0,4,0),new G.ptr(33070,152,153),new G.ptr(33070,181,181),new G.ptr(33070,183,183),new G.ptr(33068,185,185),new G.ptr(0,16,0),new G.ptr(9802,131,131),new G.ptr(9809,141,141),new G.ptr(9816,146,146),new G.ptr(9823,151,151),new G.ptr(9830,156,156),new G.ptr(9795,169,169),new G.ptr(33063,177,177),new G.ptr(33064,178,178),new G.ptr(19099,179,179),new G.ptr(33065,180,180),new G.ptr(19108,181,181),new G.ptr(17867,182,182),new G.ptr(33280,183,183),new G.ptr(17875,184,184),new G.ptr(33280,185,185),new G.ptr(33064,186,189),new G.ptr(0,11,0),new G.ptr(33064,128,128),new G.ptr(19117,129,129),new G.ptr(33075,130,131),new G.ptr(33029,132,132),new G.ptr(33075,134,135),new G.ptr(9844,147,147),new G.ptr(9851,157,157),new G.ptr(9858,162,162),new G.ptr(9865,167,167),new G.ptr(9872,172,172),new G.ptr(9837,185,185),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,134,134),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(40960,165,165),new G.ptr(11563,166,166),new G.ptr(39168,174,174),new G.ptr(33027,183,183),new G.ptr(33029,185,186),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,141,141),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(40960,128,146),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(47360,161,181),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(39168,168,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(39168,128,130),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,157,159),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,148,148),new G.ptr(33029,180,180),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,146,146),new G.ptr(33075,157,157),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33074,169,169),new G.ptr(4,2,0),new G.ptr(33071,185,186),new G.ptr(33070,187,187),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33075,151,151),new G.ptr(33070,152,152),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(33029,160,160),new G.ptr(33075,181,188),new G.ptr(33070,191,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(33075,176,180),new G.ptr(33070,181,186),new G.ptr(33075,187,188),new G.ptr(33070,189,189),new G.ptr(33070,191,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,128,128),new G.ptr(0,8,0),new G.ptr(11635,128,128),new G.ptr(11643,129,129),new G.ptr(40960,130,130),new G.ptr(11651,131,131),new G.ptr(33029,132,132),new G.ptr(33075,171,171),new G.ptr(33070,172,172),new G.ptr(33075,173,179),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,170,171),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33027,166,166),new G.ptr(33029,178,179),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33027,183,183),new G.ptr(0,10,0),new G.ptr(33075,144,146),new G.ptr(33025,148,148),new G.ptr(33070,149,153),new G.ptr(33075,154,155),new G.ptr(33070,156,159),new G.ptr(33075,160,160),new G.ptr(33025,162,168),new G.ptr(33070,173,173),new G.ptr(33075,180,180),new G.ptr(33075,184,185),new G.ptr(4,3,0),new G.ptr(1078,128,129),new G.ptr(33024,151,151),new G.ptr(33024,190,190),new G.ptr(0,13,0),new G.ptr(33075,144,145),new G.ptr(33025,146,147),new G.ptr(33075,148,151),new G.ptr(33025,152,154),new G.ptr(33075,155,156),new G.ptr(33075,161,161),new G.ptr(33025,165,166),new G.ptr(33075,167,167),new G.ptr(33070,168,168),new G.ptr(33075,169,169),new G.ptr(33025,170,171),new G.ptr(33070,172,175),new G.ptr(33075,176,176),new G.ptr(17042,2,0),new G.ptr(443,166,166),new G.ptr(87,170,171),new G.ptr(7,5,0),new G.ptr(40960,144,144),new G.ptr(40960,146,146),new G.ptr(40960,148,148),new G.ptr(15312,154,155),new G.ptr(15326,174,174),new G.ptr(14,5,0),new G.ptr(15333,141,142),new G.ptr(15340,143,143),new G.ptr(40960,144,144),new G.ptr(40960,146,146),new G.ptr(40960,148,148),new G.ptr(25585,10,0),new G.ptr(40960,131,131),new G.ptr(15354,132,132),new G.ptr(40960,136,136),new G.ptr(15361,137,137),new G.ptr(40960,139,139),new G.ptr(15368,140,140),new G.ptr(40960,163,163),new G.ptr(15375,164,165),new G.ptr(15382,166,166),new G.ptr(40960,188,188),new G.ptr(7,3,0),new G.ptr(15487,160,161),new G.ptr(15529,162,163),new G.ptr(15571,170,173),new G.ptr(4,1,0),new G.ptr(1166,169,170),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(17652,156,156),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,175,177),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,191,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,160,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(33069,170,170),new G.ptr(33074,171,171),new G.ptr(33076,172,172),new G.ptr(33071,173,173),new G.ptr(33072,174,175),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(19126,179,179),new G.ptr(19126,181,182),new G.ptr(19126,186,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(19126,143,163),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33024,174,190),new G.ptr(0,7,0),new G.ptr(33024,132,132),new G.ptr(33024,135,135),new G.ptr(33024,144,144),new G.ptr(33024,158,158),new G.ptr(33024,161,161),new G.ptr(33024,178,178),new G.ptr(33024,187,187),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(33024,128,128),new G.ptr(33024,139,139),new G.ptr(33024,142,142),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33075,175,175),new G.ptr(33075,180,189),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,158,159),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,176,177),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,134,134),new G.ptr(33029,172,172),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,132,132),new G.ptr(33075,160,177),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,171,173),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,147,147),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33027,179,179),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,128,128),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(33075,176,176),new G.ptr(33075,178,179),new G.ptr(33070,180,180),new G.ptr(33075,183,184),new G.ptr(33075,190,191),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33075,129,129),new G.ptr(33029,182,182),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,173,173),new G.ptr(0,6,0),new G.ptr(58624,128,128),new G.ptr(50688,129,155),new G.ptr(58624,156,156),new G.ptr(50688,157,183),new G.ptr(58624,184,184),new G.ptr(50688,185,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,147),new G.ptr(58624,148,148),new G.ptr(50688,149,175),new G.ptr(58624,176,176),new G.ptr(50688,177,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,139),new G.ptr(58624,140,140),new G.ptr(50688,141,167),new G.ptr(58624,168,168),new G.ptr(50688,169,191),new G.ptr(0,7,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,131),new G.ptr(58624,132,132),new G.ptr(50688,133,159),new G.ptr(58624,160,160),new G.ptr(50688,161,187),new G.ptr(58624,188,188),new G.ptr(50688,189,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,151),new G.ptr(58624,152,152),new G.ptr(50688,153,179),new G.ptr(58624,180,180),new G.ptr(50688,181,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,143),new G.ptr(58624,144,144),new G.ptr(50688,145,171),new G.ptr(58624,172,172),new G.ptr(50688,173,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,135),new G.ptr(58624,136,136),new G.ptr(50688,137,163),new G.ptr(58624,164,164),new G.ptr(50688,165,191),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,135),new G.ptr(58624,136,136),new G.ptr(50688,137,163),new G.ptr(6,13,0),new G.ptr(17319,157,157),new G.ptr(33046,158,158),new G.ptr(17433,159,159),new G.ptr(17415,170,171),new G.ptr(17675,172,172),new G.ptr(17683,173,173),new G.ptr(17247,174,177),new G.ptr(17277,178,180),new G.ptr(17301,181,182),new G.ptr(17313,184,184),new G.ptr(17325,185,187),new G.ptr(17349,188,188),new G.ptr(17355,190,190),new G.ptr(6,8,0),new G.ptr(17361,128,129),new G.ptr(17373,131,132),new G.ptr(17391,134,137),new G.ptr(17427,138,138),new G.ptr(17295,139,139),new G.ptr(17271,140,140),new G.ptr(17343,141,141),new G.ptr(17385,142,142),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33024,164,165),new G.ptr(33024,176,177),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33024,155,157),new G.ptr(33280,158,163),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33024,144,144),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33024,153,153),new G.ptr(33280,178,180),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33024,188,189),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(33075,160,166),new G.ptr(33070,167,173),new G.ptr(33075,174,175),new G.ptr(0,4,0),new G.ptr(33024,137,140),new G.ptr(33024,176,178),new G.ptr(33024,180,180),new G.ptr(33024,182,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33024,129,140),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33024,181,186),new G.ptr(0,4,0),new G.ptr(19126,158,159),new G.ptr(19126,163,163),new G.ptr(19126,165,166),new G.ptr(19126,170,175),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(19126,130,135),new G.ptr(19126,138,143),new G.ptr(19126,146,151),new G.ptr(19126,154,156),new G.ptr(33024,163,163),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,189,189),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,160,160),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,182,186),new G.ptr(45,5,0),new G.ptr(33070,141,141),new G.ptr(33075,143,143),new G.ptr(33075,184,184),new G.ptr(33025,185,186),new G.ptr(33029,191,191),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33075,165,165),new G.ptr(33070,166,166),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,164,167),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,171,172),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(33070,134,135),new G.ptr(33075,136,138),new G.ptr(33070,139,139),new G.ptr(33075,140,140),new G.ptr(33070,141,144),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,134,134),new G.ptr(33029,191,191),new G.ptr(6142,7,0),new G.ptr(40960,153,153),new G.ptr(16975,154,154),new G.ptr(40960,155,155),new G.ptr(16985,156,156),new G.ptr(40960,165,165),new G.ptr(16995,171,171),new G.ptr(33029,185,186),new G.ptr(0,6,0),new G.ptr(33075,128,130),new G.ptr(39168,167,167),new G.ptr(11659,174,174),new G.ptr(11669,175,175),new G.ptr(40960,177,178),new G.ptr(33029,179,180),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,128,128),new G.ptr(33027,138,138),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,181,181),new G.ptr(33027,182,182),new G.ptr(2,1,0),new G.ptr(33027,169,170),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33027,187,188),new G.ptr(39168,190,190),new G.ptr(0,7,0),new G.ptr(40960,135,135),new G.ptr(11679,139,139),new G.ptr(11689,140,140),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,151,151),new G.ptr(33075,166,172),new G.ptr(33075,176,180),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(33029,130,130),new G.ptr(33027,134,134),new G.ptr(33075,158,158),new G.ptr(27469,6,0),new G.ptr(39168,176,176),new G.ptr(40960,185,185),new G.ptr(39168,186,186),new G.ptr(11709,187,187),new G.ptr(11699,188,189),new G.ptr(11719,190,190),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,130,130),new G.ptr(33027,131,131),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(39168,175,175),new G.ptr(40960,184,185),new G.ptr(11729,186,186),new G.ptr(11739,187,187),new G.ptr(33029,191,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33027,128,128),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,182,182),new G.ptr(33027,183,183),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,171,171),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,185,185),new G.ptr(33027,186,186),new G.ptr(0,4,0),new G.ptr(39168,176,176),new G.ptr(40960,181,181),new G.ptr(11749,184,184),new G.ptr(33029,189,190),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33027,131,131),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,160,160),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,180,180),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,135,135),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,153,153),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33027,130,130),new 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G.ptr(8,7,0),new G.ptr(40960,135,135),new G.ptr(11435,139,140),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,151,151),new G.ptr(17779,156,157),new G.ptr(17795,159,159),new G.ptr(33075,190,190),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(17835,179,179),new G.ptr(17843,182,182),new G.ptr(33027,188,188),new G.ptr(8,3,0),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(17803,153,155),new G.ptr(17827,158,158),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33027,188,188),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(0,8,0),new G.ptr(40960,135,135),new G.ptr(11459,136,136),new G.ptr(11451,139,139),new G.ptr(11467,140,140),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,150,151),new G.ptr(17851,156,156),new G.ptr(17859,157,157),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(40960,146,146),new G.ptr(11475,148,148),new G.ptr(39168,190,190),new G.ptr(0,6,0),new G.ptr(40960,134,135),new G.ptr(11483,138,138),new G.ptr(11499,139,139),new G.ptr(11491,140,140),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,151,151),new G.ptr(6145,4,0),new G.ptr(40960,134,134),new G.ptr(16135,136,136),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(33057,149,150),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33027,188,188),new G.ptr(40960,191,191),new G.ptr(0,9,0),new G.ptr(11507,128,128),new G.ptr(39168,130,130),new G.ptr(40960,134,134),new G.ptr(11515,135,135),new G.ptr(11523,136,136),new G.ptr(12135,138,138),new G.ptr(11759,139,139),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,149,150),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,187,188),new G.ptr(39168,190,190),new G.ptr(0,6,0),new G.ptr(40960,134,135),new G.ptr(11531,138,138),new G.ptr(11547,139,139),new G.ptr(11539,140,140),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,151,151),new G.ptr(27613,7,0),new G.ptr(39173,138,138),new G.ptr(39168,143,143),new G.ptr(40960,153,153),new G.ptr(16143,154,154),new G.ptr(12143,156,156),new G.ptr(11770,157,157),new G.ptr(11555,158,159),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(9767,179,179),new G.ptr(33059,184,185),new G.ptr(33029,186,186),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33060,136,139),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(9788,179,179),new G.ptr(33061,184,185),new G.ptr(33029,186,186),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(33062,136,139),new G.ptr(9774,156,156),new G.ptr(9781,157,157),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(782,140,140),new G.ptr(33070,152,153),new G.ptr(33070,181,181),new G.ptr(33070,183,183),new G.ptr(33068,185,185),new G.ptr(0,16,0),new G.ptr(9802,131,131),new G.ptr(9809,141,141),new G.ptr(9816,146,146),new G.ptr(9823,151,151),new G.ptr(9830,156,156),new G.ptr(9795,169,169),new G.ptr(33063,177,177),new G.ptr(33064,178,178),new G.ptr(19099,179,179),new G.ptr(33065,180,180),new G.ptr(19108,181,181),new G.ptr(17867,182,182),new G.ptr(17931,183,183),new G.ptr(17875,184,184),new G.ptr(17942,185,185),new G.ptr(33064,186,189),new G.ptr(0,11,0),new G.ptr(33064,128,128),new G.ptr(19117,129,129),new G.ptr(33075,130,131),new G.ptr(33029,132,132),new G.ptr(33075,134,135),new G.ptr(9844,147,147),new G.ptr(9851,157,157),new G.ptr(9858,162,162),new G.ptr(9865,167,167),new G.ptr(9872,172,172),new G.ptr(9837,185,185),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,134,134),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(40960,165,165),new G.ptr(11563,166,166),new G.ptr(39168,174,174),new G.ptr(33027,183,183),new G.ptr(33029,185,186),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,141,141),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(786,188,188),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(40960,128,146),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(47360,161,181),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(39168,168,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(39168,128,130),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,157,159),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,148,148),new G.ptr(33029,180,180),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,146,146),new G.ptr(33075,157,157),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33074,169,169),new G.ptr(4,2,0),new G.ptr(33071,185,186),new G.ptr(33070,187,187),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33075,151,151),new G.ptr(33070,152,152),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(33029,160,160),new G.ptr(33075,181,188),new G.ptr(33070,191,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(33075,176,180),new G.ptr(33070,181,186),new G.ptr(33075,187,188),new G.ptr(33070,189,189),new G.ptr(33070,191,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,128,128),new G.ptr(0,8,0),new G.ptr(11635,128,128),new G.ptr(11643,129,129),new G.ptr(40960,130,130),new G.ptr(11651,131,131),new G.ptr(33029,132,132),new G.ptr(33075,171,171),new G.ptr(33070,172,172),new G.ptr(33075,173,179),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,170,171),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33027,166,166),new G.ptr(33029,178,179),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33027,183,183),new G.ptr(0,10,0),new G.ptr(33075,144,146),new G.ptr(33025,148,148),new G.ptr(33070,149,153),new G.ptr(33075,154,155),new G.ptr(33070,156,159),new G.ptr(33075,160,160),new G.ptr(33025,162,168),new G.ptr(33070,173,173),new G.ptr(33075,180,180),new G.ptr(33075,184,185),new G.ptr(2,10,0),new G.ptr(67,172,172),new G.ptr(209,173,173),new G.ptr(69,174,174),new G.ptr(73,176,177),new G.ptr(230,178,178),new G.ptr(79,179,186),new G.ptr(95,188,188),new G.ptr(239,189,189),new G.ptr(97,190,190),new G.ptr(101,191,191),new G.ptr(0,13,0),new G.ptr(1,128,138),new G.ptr(1086,145,145),new G.ptr(17074,151,151),new G.ptr(29,164,164),new G.ptr(6262,165,165),new G.ptr(7010,166,166),new G.ptr(1,175,175),new G.ptr(9879,179,179),new G.ptr(10251,180,180),new G.ptr(9886,182,182),new G.ptr(10261,183,183),new G.ptr(6256,188,188),new G.ptr(17024,190,190),new G.ptr(2,13,0),new G.ptr(6454,135,135),new G.ptr(6451,136,136),new G.ptr(6259,137,137),new G.ptr(10651,151,151),new G.ptr(1,159,159),new G.ptr(33,176,176),new G.ptr(147,177,177),new G.ptr(41,180,185),new G.ptr(23,186,186),new G.ptr(1130,187,187),new G.ptr(59,188,188),new G.ptr(17,189,190),new G.ptr(157,191,191),new G.ptr(2,15,0),new G.ptr(33,128,137),new G.ptr(23,138,138),new G.ptr(1130,139,139),new G.ptr(59,140,140),new G.ptr(17,141,142),new G.ptr(131,144,144),new G.ptr(139,145,145),new G.ptr(159,146,146),new G.ptr(177,147,147),new G.ptr(260,148,148),new G.ptr(145,149,149),new G.ptr(151,150,153),new G.ptr(161,154,154),new G.ptr(167,155,156),new G.ptr(6559,168,168),new G.ptr(0,13,0),new G.ptr(33075,144,145),new G.ptr(33025,146,147),new G.ptr(33075,148,151),new G.ptr(33025,152,154),new G.ptr(33075,155,156),new G.ptr(33075,161,161),new G.ptr(33025,165,166),new G.ptr(33075,167,167),new G.ptr(33070,168,168),new G.ptr(33075,169,169),new G.ptr(33025,170,171),new G.ptr(33070,172,175),new G.ptr(33075,176,176),new G.ptr(7,6,0),new G.ptr(8582,137,137),new G.ptr(40960,144,144),new G.ptr(40960,146,146),new G.ptr(40960,148,148),new G.ptr(15312,154,155),new G.ptr(15326,174,174),new G.ptr(14,5,0),new G.ptr(15333,141,142),new G.ptr(15340,143,143),new G.ptr(40960,144,144),new G.ptr(40960,146,146),new G.ptr(40960,148,148),new G.ptr(378,14,0),new G.ptr(40960,131,131),new G.ptr(15354,132,132),new G.ptr(40960,136,136),new G.ptr(15361,137,137),new G.ptr(40960,139,139),new G.ptr(15368,140,140),new G.ptr(40960,163,163),new G.ptr(15375,164,164),new G.ptr(40960,165,165),new G.ptr(15382,166,166),new G.ptr(9893,172,173),new G.ptr(9900,175,175),new G.ptr(10281,176,176),new G.ptr(40960,188,188),new G.ptr(7,3,0),new G.ptr(15487,160,161),new G.ptr(15529,162,163),new G.ptr(15571,170,173),new G.ptr(4,1,0),new G.ptr(1166,169,170),new G.ptr(2,3,0),new G.ptr(87,128,143),new G.ptr(131,144,169),new G.ptr(33,170,170),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(10664,140,140),new G.ptr(614,2,0),new G.ptr(7058,180,180),new G.ptr(6448,181,182),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(17652,156,156),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(149,188,188),new G.ptr(109,189,189),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,175,177),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(1154,175,175),new G.ptr(33029,191,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,160,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(3526,159,159),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(5682,179,179),new G.ptr(4,11,0),new G.ptr(5530,128,130),new G.ptr(5554,131,131),new G.ptr(5578,132,133),new G.ptr(5594,134,137),new G.ptr(5614,138,140),new G.ptr(5634,141,141),new G.ptr(5642,142,142),new G.ptr(5650,143,144),new G.ptr(5662,145,147),new G.ptr(5678,148,148),new G.ptr(5686,149,149),new G.ptr(4,9,0),new G.ptr(1,128,128),new G.ptr(33069,170,170),new G.ptr(33074,171,171),new G.ptr(33076,172,172),new G.ptr(33071,173,173),new G.ptr(33072,174,174),new G.ptr(33072,175,175),new G.ptr(1206,182,182),new G.ptr(2186,184,186),new G.ptr(6,9,0),new G.ptr(790,177,177),new G.ptr(794,178,178),new G.ptr(19026,179,179),new G.ptr(798,180,180),new G.ptr(19032,181,182),new G.ptr(802,183,183),new G.ptr(806,184,184),new G.ptr(810,185,185),new G.ptr(19044,186,191),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33075,175,175),new G.ptr(33075,180,189),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(530,156,156),new G.ptr(533,157,157),new G.ptr(33075,158,159),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,176,177),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(5694,176,176),new G.ptr(12,1,0),new G.ptr(215,184,185),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,134,134),new G.ptr(33029,172,172),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,132,132),new G.ptr(33075,160,177),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,171,173),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,147,147),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33027,179,179),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,128,128),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(33075,176,176),new G.ptr(33075,178,179),new G.ptr(33070,180,180),new G.ptr(33075,183,184),new G.ptr(33075,190,191),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33075,129,129),new G.ptr(33029,182,182),new G.ptr(8,4,0),new G.ptr(5690,156,157),new G.ptr(293,158,158),new G.ptr(5702,159,159),new G.ptr(350,169,169),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,173,173),new G.ptr(0,6,0),new G.ptr(58624,128,128),new G.ptr(50688,129,155),new G.ptr(58624,156,156),new G.ptr(50688,157,183),new G.ptr(58624,184,184),new G.ptr(50688,185,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,147),new G.ptr(58624,148,148),new G.ptr(50688,149,175),new G.ptr(58624,176,176),new G.ptr(50688,177,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,139),new G.ptr(58624,140,140),new G.ptr(50688,141,167),new G.ptr(58624,168,168),new G.ptr(50688,169,191),new G.ptr(0,7,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,131),new G.ptr(58624,132,132),new G.ptr(50688,133,159),new G.ptr(58624,160,160),new G.ptr(50688,161,187),new G.ptr(58624,188,188),new G.ptr(50688,189,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,151),new G.ptr(58624,152,152),new G.ptr(50688,153,179),new G.ptr(58624,180,180),new G.ptr(50688,181,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,143),new G.ptr(58624,144,144),new G.ptr(50688,145,171),new G.ptr(58624,172,172),new G.ptr(50688,173,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,135),new G.ptr(58624,136,136),new G.ptr(50688,137,163),new G.ptr(58624,164,164),new G.ptr(50688,165,191),new G.ptr(0,3,0),new G.ptr(50688,128,135),new G.ptr(58624,136,136),new G.ptr(50688,137,163),new G.ptr(2,1,0),new G.ptr(3,129,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,189,189),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,160,160),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,182,186),new G.ptr(45,5,0),new G.ptr(33070,141,141),new G.ptr(33075,143,143),new G.ptr(33075,184,184),new G.ptr(33025,185,186),new G.ptr(33029,191,191),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33075,165,165),new G.ptr(33070,166,166),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,164,167),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,171,172),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(33070,134,135),new G.ptr(33075,136,138),new G.ptr(33070,139,139),new G.ptr(33075,140,140),new G.ptr(33070,141,144),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,134,134),new G.ptr(33029,191,191),new G.ptr(6142,7,0),new G.ptr(40960,153,153),new G.ptr(16975,154,154),new G.ptr(40960,155,155),new G.ptr(16985,156,156),new G.ptr(40960,165,165),new G.ptr(16995,171,171),new G.ptr(33029,185,186),new G.ptr(0,6,0),new G.ptr(33075,128,130),new G.ptr(39168,167,167),new G.ptr(11659,174,174),new G.ptr(11669,175,175),new G.ptr(40960,177,178),new G.ptr(33029,179,180),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,128,128),new G.ptr(33027,138,138),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33029,181,181),new G.ptr(33027,182,182),new G.ptr(2,1,0),new G.ptr(33027,169,170),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33027,187,188),new G.ptr(39168,190,190),new G.ptr(0,7,0),new G.ptr(40960,135,135),new G.ptr(11679,139,139),new G.ptr(11689,140,140),new G.ptr(33029,141,141),new G.ptr(39168,151,151),new 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G.ptr(33029,180,180),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,135,135),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,153,153),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33027,130,130),new G.ptr(33029,132,133),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33029,151,151),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33025,176,180),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,176,182),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33026,176,177),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33025,158,158),new G.ptr(0,12,0),new G.ptr(17891,158,158),new G.ptr(17901,159,159),new G.ptr(17953,160,160),new G.ptr(17967,161,161),new G.ptr(17981,162,162),new G.ptr(17995,163,163),new G.ptr(18009,164,164),new G.ptr(33068,165,166),new G.ptr(33025,167,169),new G.ptr(33073,173,173),new G.ptr(33068,174,178),new G.ptr(33070,187,191),new G.ptr(0,9,0),new G.ptr(33070,128,130),new G.ptr(33075,133,137),new G.ptr(33070,138,139),new G.ptr(33075,170,173),new G.ptr(17911,187,187),new G.ptr(17921,188,188),new G.ptr(18023,189,189),new G.ptr(18051,190,190),new G.ptr(18037,191,191),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(18065,128,128),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,130,132),new G.ptr(2,3,0),new G.ptr(67,128,153),new G.ptr(131,154,179),new G.ptr(67,180,191),new G.ptr(2,4,0),new G.ptr(91,128,141),new G.ptr(131,142,148),new G.ptr(147,150,167),new G.ptr(67,168,191),new G.ptr(2,11,0),new G.ptr(115,128,129),new G.ptr(131,130,155),new G.ptr(67,156,156),new G.ptr(71,158,159),new G.ptr(79,162,162),new G.ptr(85,165,166),new G.ptr(93,169,172),new G.ptr(103,174,181),new G.ptr(131,182,185),new G.ptr(141,187,187),new G.ptr(145,189,191),new G.ptr(2,4,0),new G.ptr(151,128,131),new G.ptr(161,133,143),new G.ptr(67,144,169),new G.ptr(131,170,191),new G.ptr(2,8,0),new G.ptr(175,128,131),new G.ptr(67,132,133),new G.ptr(73,135,138),new G.ptr(85,141,148),new G.ptr(103,150,156),new G.ptr(131,158,183),new G.ptr(67,184,185),new G.ptr(73,187,190),new G.ptr(2,5,0),new G.ptr(83,128,132),new G.ptr(95,134,134),new G.ptr(103,138,144),new G.ptr(131,146,171),new G.ptr(67,172,191),new G.ptr(2,4,0),new G.ptr(107,128,133),new G.ptr(131,134,159),new G.ptr(67,160,185),new G.ptr(131,186,191),new G.ptr(2,3,0),new G.ptr(143,128,147),new G.ptr(67,148,173),new G.ptr(131,174,191),new G.ptr(2,4,0),new G.ptr(167,128,135),new G.ptr(67,136,161),new G.ptr(131,162,187),new G.ptr(67,188,191),new G.ptr(2,3,0),new G.ptr(75,128,149),new G.ptr(131,150,175),new G.ptr(67,176,191),new G.ptr(3,15,0),new G.ptr(443,128,128),new G.ptr(1122,129,129),new G.ptr(446,130,154),new G.ptr(1118,155,155),new G.ptr(458,156,156),new G.ptr(467,157,157),new G.ptr(473,158,158),new G.ptr(509,159,159),new G.ptr(494,160,160),new G.ptr(491,161,161),new G.ptr(374,162,178),new G.ptr(395,179,179),new G.ptr(425,180,186),new G.ptr(1122,187,187),new G.ptr(446,188,191),new G.ptr(3,13,0),new G.ptr(458,128,148),new G.ptr(1118,149,149),new G.ptr(458,150,150),new G.ptr(467,151,151),new G.ptr(473,152,152),new G.ptr(509,153,153),new G.ptr(494,154,154),new G.ptr(491,155,155),new G.ptr(374,156,172),new G.ptr(395,173,173),new G.ptr(425,174,180),new G.ptr(1122,181,181),new G.ptr(446,182,191),new G.ptr(3,13,0),new G.ptr(476,128,142),new G.ptr(1118,143,143),new G.ptr(458,144,144),new G.ptr(467,145,145),new G.ptr(473,146,146),new G.ptr(509,147,147),new G.ptr(494,148,148),new G.ptr(491,149,149),new G.ptr(374,150,166),new G.ptr(395,167,167),new G.ptr(425,168,174),new G.ptr(1122,175,175),new G.ptr(446,176,191),new G.ptr(3,13,0),new G.ptr(494,128,136),new G.ptr(1118,137,137),new G.ptr(458,138,138),new G.ptr(467,139,139),new G.ptr(473,140,140),new G.ptr(509,141,141),new G.ptr(494,142,142),new G.ptr(491,143,143),new G.ptr(374,144,160),new G.ptr(395,161,161),new G.ptr(425,162,168),new G.ptr(1122,169,169),new G.ptr(446,170,191),new G.ptr(0,5,0),new G.ptr(33075,128,134),new G.ptr(33075,136,152),new G.ptr(33075,155,161),new G.ptr(33075,163,164),new G.ptr(33075,166,170),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33075,172,175),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(33070,144,150),new G.ptr(0,2,0),new G.ptr(33075,132,137),new G.ptr(33027,138,138),new G.ptr(2,10,0),new G.ptr(99,128,137),new G.ptr(6484,138,138),new G.ptr(6535,139,139),new G.ptr(6562,140,140),new G.ptr(6568,141,141),new G.ptr(7110,142,142),new G.ptr(6580,143,143),new G.ptr(6526,170,170),new G.ptr(6529,171,171),new G.ptr(6532,172,172),new G.ptr(0,1,0),new G.ptr(6466,144,144),new G.ptr(40,9,0),new G.ptr(10351,128,128),new G.ptr(10291,129,129),new G.ptr(10301,130,130),new G.ptr(10321,131,132),new G.ptr(10331,133,134),new G.ptr(10311,135,135),new G.ptr(10341,136,136),new G.ptr(2930,144,144),new G.ptr(2282,145,145),new G.ptr(2,1,0),new G.ptr(33,176,185)]);J=new H.ptr(new CD(AB),AA);BK=new CF([new BJ.ptr(0,true,false,BO,BB),new BJ.ptr(1,false,false,BO,AY),new BJ.ptr(2,true,true,BP,BB),new BJ.ptr(3,false,true,BP,AY)]);}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,D,A,B,C,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,P,AP,AQ,AX,AY,BC,BE,BH,BI,BJ,BK,BL,BM,BN,BO,BP,BQ,BS,BT,BU,BV,BW,L,M,N,O,R,S,T,U,AT,AU,BF,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,BB,BD,BG;D=$packages["fmt"];A=$packages["math"];B=$packages["strings"];C=$packages["unicode/utf8"];E=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule"];F=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi"];G=$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm"];H=$pkg.info=$newType(2,$kindUint16,"idna.info",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna",false,null);I=$pkg.category=$newType(2,$kindUint16,"idna.category",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna",false,null);J=$pkg.valueRange=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"idna.valueRange",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna",false,function(value_,lo_,hi_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.value=0;this.lo=0;this.hi=0;return;}this.value=value_;this.lo=lo_;this.hi=hi_;});K=$pkg.sparseBlocks=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"idna.sparseBlocks",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna",false,function(values_,offset_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.values=BI.nil;this.offset=BH.nil;return;}this.values=values_;this.offset=offset_;});P=$pkg.idnaTrie=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"idna.idnaTrie",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna",false,function(){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){return;}});AP=$pkg.options=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"idna.options",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna",false,function(transitional_,useSTD3Rules_,checkHyphens_,checkJoiners_,verifyDNSLength_,removeLeadingDots_,trie_,fromPuny_,mapping_,bidirule_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.transitional=false;this.useSTD3Rules=false;this.checkHyphens=false;this.checkJoiners=false;this.verifyDNSLength=false;this.removeLeadingDots=false;this.trie=BJ.nil;this.fromPuny=$throwNilPointerError;this.mapping=$throwNilPointerError;this.bidirule=$throwNilPointerError;return;}this.transitional=transitional_;this.useSTD3Rules=useSTD3Rules_;this.checkHyphens=checkHyphens_;this.checkJoiners=checkJoiners_;this.verifyDNSLength=verifyDNSLength_;this.removeLeadingDots=removeLeadingDots_;this.trie=trie_;this.fromPuny=fromPuny_;this.mapping=mapping_;this.bidirule=bidirule_;});AQ=$pkg.Profile=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"idna.Profile",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna",true,function(options_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.options=new 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a;a=this.$val;return!((((a&3)>>>0)===0));};$ptrType(H).prototype.isMapped=function(){return new H(this.$get()).isMapped();};H.prototype.category=function(){var a,b;a=this.$val;b=(a&3)>>>0;if(!((b===0))){return((b<<16>>>16));}return((((a&248)>>>0)<<16>>>16));};$ptrType(H).prototype.category=function(){return new H(this.$get()).category();};H.prototype.joinType=function(){var a;a=this.$val;if(new H(a).isMapped()){return 0;}return(((a>>>8<<16>>>16))&7)>>>0;};$ptrType(H).prototype.joinType=function(){return new H(this.$get()).joinType();};H.prototype.isModifier=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return((a&4099)>>>0)===4096;};$ptrType(H).prototype.isModifier=function(){return new H(this.$get()).isModifier();};H.prototype.isViramaModifier=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return((a&6147)>>>0)===6144;};$ptrType(H).prototype.isViramaModifier=function(){return new H(this.$get()).isViramaModifier();};H.prototype.appendMapping=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;c=this.$val;d=(((c>>>3<<16>>>16)>>0));if(((c&4)>>>0)===0){e=$substring(N,d);return $appendSlice(a,$substring(e,1,(e.charCodeAt(0)+1<<24>>>24)));}a=$appendSlice(a,b);if(((c&57344)>>>0)===57344){f=a.$length-1>>0;((f<0||f>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f]=((((f<0||f>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+f])^(((d<<24>>>24))))<<24>>>24));}else{g=a.$length-((O.charCodeAt(d)>>0))>>0;while(true){if(!(g>0;((g<0||g>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+g]=((((g<0||g>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+g])^(O.charCodeAt(d)))<<24>>>24));g=g+(1)>>0;}}return a;};$ptrType(H).prototype.appendMapping=function(a,b){return new H(this.$get()).appendMapping(a,b);};K.ptr.prototype.lookup=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;c=this;e=(d=c.offset,((a<0||a>=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+a]));g=$clone((f=c.values,((e<0||e>=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):f.$array[f.$offset+e])),J);h=e+1<<16>>>16;i=h+((g.lo<<16>>>16))<<16>>>16;while(true){if(!(h>>16))/2,(j===j&&j!==1/0&&j!==-1/0)?j>>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))<<16>>>16;m=$clone((l=c.values,((k<0||k>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+k])),J);if(m.lo<=b&&b<=m.hi){return m.value+((((b-m.lo<<24>>>24)<<16>>>16))*g.value<<16>>>16)<<16>>>16;}if(b>>16;}}return 0;};K.prototype.lookup=function(a,b){return this.$val.lookup(a,b);};P.ptr.prototype.lookup=function(a){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=0;c=0;d=this;e=(0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0]);if(e<128){f=((e<0||e>=R.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):R[e]);g=1;b=f;c=g;return[b,c];}else if(e<194){h=0;i=1;b=h;c=i;return[b,c];}else if(e<224){if(a.$length<2){j=0;k=0;b=j;c=k;return[b,c];}l=((e<0||e>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[e]);m=(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]);if(m<128||192<=m){n=0;o=1;b=n;c=o;return[b,c];}p=d.lookupValue(((l>>>0)),m);q=2;b=p;c=q;return[b,c];}else if(e<240){if(a.$length<3){r=0;s=0;b=r;c=s;return[b,c];}t=((e<0||e>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[e]);u=(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]);if(u<128||192<=u){v=0;w=1;b=v;c=w;return[b,c];}x=(((t>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((u>>>0))>>>0;t=((x<0||x>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[x]);y=(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]);if(y<128||192<=y){z=0;aa=2;b=z;c=aa;return[b,c];}ab=d.lookupValue(((t>>>0)),y);ac=3;b=ab;c=ac;return[b,c];}else if(e<248){if(a.$length<4){ad=0;ae=0;b=ad;c=ae;return[b,c];}af=((e<0||e>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[e]);ag=(1>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+1]);if(ag<128||192<=ag){ah=0;ai=1;b=ah;c=ai;return[b,c];}aj=(((af>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((ag>>>0))>>>0;af=((aj<0||aj>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[aj]);ak=(2>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+2]);if(ak<128||192<=ak){al=0;am=2;b=al;c=am;return[b,c];}aj=(((af>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((ak>>>0))>>>0;af=((aj<0||aj>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[aj]);an=(3>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+3]);if(an<128||192<=an){ao=0;ap=3;b=ao;c=ap;return[b,c];}aq=d.lookupValue(((af>>>0)),an);ar=4;b=aq;c=ar;return[b,c];}as=0;at=1;b=as;c=at;return[b,c];};P.prototype.lookup=function(a){return this.$val.lookup(a);};P.ptr.prototype.lookupString=function(a){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;b=0;c=0;d=this;e=a.charCodeAt(0);if(e<128){f=((e<0||e>=R.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):R[e]);g=1;b=f;c=g;return[b,c];}else if(e<194){h=0;i=1;b=h;c=i;return[b,c];}else if(e<224){if(a.length<2){j=0;k=0;b=j;c=k;return[b,c];}l=((e<0||e>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[e]);m=a.charCodeAt(1);if(m<128||192<=m){n=0;o=1;b=n;c=o;return[b,c];}p=d.lookupValue(((l>>>0)),m);q=2;b=p;c=q;return[b,c];}else if(e<240){if(a.length<3){r=0;s=0;b=r;c=s;return[b,c];}t=((e<0||e>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[e]);u=a.charCodeAt(1);if(u<128||192<=u){v=0;w=1;b=v;c=w;return[b,c];}x=(((t>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((u>>>0))>>>0;t=((x<0||x>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[x]);y=a.charCodeAt(2);if(y<128||192<=y){z=0;aa=2;b=z;c=aa;return[b,c];}ab=d.lookupValue(((t>>>0)),y);ac=3;b=ab;c=ac;return[b,c];}else if(e<248){if(a.length<4){ad=0;ae=0;b=ad;c=ae;return[b,c];}af=((e<0||e>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[e]);ag=a.charCodeAt(1);if(ag<128||192<=ag){ah=0;ai=1;b=ah;c=ai;return[b,c];}aj=(((af>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((ag>>>0))>>>0;af=((aj<0||aj>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[aj]);ak=a.charCodeAt(2);if(ak<128||192<=ak){al=0;am=2;b=al;c=am;return[b,c];}aj=(((af>>>0))<<6>>>0)+((ak>>>0))>>>0;af=((aj<0||aj>=S.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):S[aj]);an=a.charCodeAt(3);if(an<128||192<=an){ao=0;ap=3;b=ao;c=ap;return[b,c];}aq=d.lookupValue(((af>>>0)),an);ar=4;b=aq;c=ar;return[b,c];}as=0;at=1;b=as;c=at;return[b,c];};P.prototype.lookupString=function(a){return this.$val.lookupString(a);};P.ptr.prototype.lookupValue=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=this;if(a<126){return((d=(a<<6>>>0)+((b>>>0))>>>0,((d<0||d>=R.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):R[d])));}else{a=a-(126)>>>0;return(L.lookup(a,b));}};P.prototype.lookupValue=function(a,b){return this.$val.lookupValue(a,b);};V=function(a){var a;return new AX.ptr(a,"A3");};W=function(a){var a,aa,ab,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;if(a===""){return["",$ifaceNil];}b=1+B.LastIndex(a,"-")>>0;if(b===1){return["",V(a)];}if(b===a.length){return[$substring(a,0,(a.length-1>>0)),$ifaceNil];}c=$makeSlice(BM,0,a.length);if(!((b===0))){d=$substring(a,0,(b-1>>0));e=0;while(true){if(!(e>0;w=Y(k,u,r);k=w[0];n=w[1];if(n){return["",V(a)];}x=s-m>>0;if(s<=m){x=1;}else if(s>=(m+26>>0)){x=26;}if(u>0);r=y[0];n=y[1];if(n){return["",V(a)];}s=s+(36)>>0;}if(c.$length>=1024){return["",V(a)];}z=(((c.$length+1>>0)>>0));m=AB(k-q>>0,z,q===0);l=l+((aa=k/z,(aa===aa&&aa!==1/0&&aa!==-1/0)?aa>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))>>0;k=(ab=k%(z),ab===ab?ab:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));if(l<0||l>1114111){return["",V(a)];}c=$append(c,0);$copySlice($subslice(c,(k+1>>0)),$subslice(c,k));((k<0||k>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+k]=l);k=k+(1)>>0;}return[($runesToString(c)),$ifaceNil];};X=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=$makeSlice(BN,a.length,((a.length+1>>0)+($imul(2,b.length))>>0));$copyString(c,a);d=0;e=128;f=72;g=d;h=e;i=f;j=0;k=0;l=j;m=k;n=b;o=0;while(true){if(!(o>0;c=$append(c,((q<<24>>>24)));}else{m=m+(1)>>0;}o+=p[1];}r=l;if(l>0){c=$append(c,45);}s=false;while(true){if(!(!((m===0)))){break;}t=2147483647;u=b;v=0;while(true){if(!(vx&&x>=h){t=x;}v+=w[1];}y=Y(g,t-h>>0,r+1>>0);g=y[0];s=y[1];if(s){return["",V(b)];}h=t;z=b;aa=0;while(true){if(!(aa>0;if(g<0){return["",V(b)];}aa+=ab[1];continue;}if(ac>h){aa+=ab[1];continue;}ad=g;ae=36;while(true){af=ae-i>>0;if(ae<=i){af=1;}else if(ae>=(i+26>>0)){af=26;}if(ad>0))%((36-af>>0)),ag===ag?ag:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0));ad=(ah=((ad-af>>0))/((36-af>>0)),(ah===ah&&ah!==1/0&&ah!==-1/0)?ah>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));ae=ae+(36)>>0;}c=$append(c,AA(ad));i=AB(g,r+1>>0,r===l);g=0;r=r+(1)>>0;m=m-(1)>>0;aa+=ab[1];}g=g+(1)>>0;h=h+(1)>>0;}return[($bytesToString(c)),$ifaceNil];};Y=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;d=0;e=false;f=$mul64((new $Int64(0,b)),(new $Int64(0,c)));if((g=(h=(new $Int64(0,a)),new $Int64(0-h.$high,2147483647-h.$low)),(f.$high>g.$high||(f.$high===g.$high&&f.$low>g.$low)))){i=0;j=true;d=i;e=j;return[d,e];}k=a+(((f.$low+((f.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0))>>0;l=false;d=k;e=l;return[d,e];};Z=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;b=0;c=false;if(48<=a&&a<=57){d=(((a-22<<24>>>24)>>0));e=true;b=d;c=e;return[b,c];}else if(65<=a&&a<=90){f=(((a-65<<24>>>24)>>0));g=true;b=f;c=g;return[b,c];}else if(97<=a&&a<=122){h=(((a-97<<24>>>24)>>0));i=true;b=h;c=i;return[b,c];}j=0;k=false;b=j;c=k;return[b,c];};AA=function(a){var a;if(0<=a&&a<26){return(((a+97>>0)<<24>>>24));}else if(26<=a&&a<36){return(((a+22>>0)<<24>>>24));}$panic(new $String("idna: internal error in punycode encoding"));};AB=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;if(c){a=(d=a/(700),(d===d&&d!==1/0&&d!==-1/0)?d>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));}else{a=(e=a/(2),(e===e&&e!==1/0&&e!==-1/0)?e>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));}a=a+((f=a/b,(f===f&&f!==1/0&&f!==-1/0)?f>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))>>0;g=0;while(true){if(!(a>455)){break;}a=(h=a/(35),(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));g=g+(36)>>0;}return g+(i=($imul(36,a))/((a+38>>0)),(i===i&&i!==1/0&&i!==-1/0)?i>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0;};AC=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=$pkg.Punycode.process(a,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AC,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ToASCII=AC;AQ.ptr.prototype.ToASCII=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.process(a,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.ToASCII,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.ToASCII=function(a){return this.$val.ToASCII(a);};AQ.ptr.prototype.ToUnicode=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=$clone(b,AQ);c.options.transitional=false;d=c.process(a,false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.ToUnicode,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.ToUnicode=function(a){return this.$val.ToUnicode(a);};AQ.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var a,b;a=this;b="";if(a.options.transitional){b="Transitional";}else{b="NonTransitional";}if(a.options.useSTD3Rules){b=b+(":UseSTD3Rules");}if(a.options.checkHyphens){b=b+(":CheckHyphens");}if(a.options.checkJoiners){b=b+(":CheckJoiners");}if(a.options.verifyDNSLength){b=b+(":VerifyDNSLength");}return b;};AQ.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};AX.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=D.Sprintf("idna: invalid label %q",new BO([new $String(a.label)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AX.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AX.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};AY.prototype.Error=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this.$val;b=D.Sprintf("idna: disallowed rune %U",new BO([new AY(a)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AY.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AY).prototype.Error=function(){return new AY(this.$get()).Error();};AQ.ptr.prototype.process=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=$ifaceNil;e=false;if(!(c.options.mapping===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g=c.options.mapping(c,a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;a=f[0];e=f[1];d=f[2];case 2:if(c.options.removeLeadingDots){while(true){if(!(a.length>0&&(a.charCodeAt(0)===46))){break;}a=$substring(a,1);}}if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)&&c.options.verifyDNSLength&&a===""){d=new AX.ptr(a,"A4");}h=new BC.ptr(a,BP.nil,0,0,0);case 4:if(!(!h.done())){$s=5;continue;}i=h.label();if(i===""){if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)&&c.options.verifyDNSLength){d=new AX.ptr(a,"A4");}h.next();$s=4;continue;}if(B.HasPrefix(i,"xn--")){$s=6;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 6:j=W($substring(i,4));k=j[0];l=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)){d=l;}h.next();$s=4;continue;}e=e||!((E.DirectionString(k)===0));h.set(k);if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)&&!(c.options.fromPuny===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:m=c.options.fromPuny(c,k);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=m;case 10:if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)){d=c.validateLabel(k);}$s=8;continue;case 7:d=c.validateLabel(i);case 8:h.next();$s=4;continue;case 5:if(e&&!(c.options.bidirule===$throwNilPointerError)&&$interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:h.reset();case 14:if(!(!h.done())){$s=15;continue;}n=c.options.bidirule(h.label());$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!n){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:d=new AX.ptr(a,"B");$s=15;continue;case 17:h.next();$s=14;continue;case 15:case 13:if(b){h.reset();while(true){if(!(!h.done())){break;}o=h.label();if(!BG(o)){p=X("xn--",o);q=p[0];r=p[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)){d=r;}o=q;h.set(q);}s=o.length;if(c.options.verifyDNSLength&&$interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)&&((s===0)||s>63)){d=new AX.ptr(o,"A4");}h.next();}}a=h.result();if(b&&c.options.verifyDNSLength&&$interfaceIsEqual(d,$ifaceNil)){t=a.length;if(t>0&&(a.charCodeAt((t-1>>0))===46)){t=t-(1)>>0;}if(a.length<1||t>253){d=new AX.ptr(a,"A4");}}$s=-1;return[a,d];}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.process,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.process=function(a,b){return this.$val.process(a,b);};H.prototype.isBidi=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=this.$val;if(!new H(b).isMapped()){return((b&6144)>>>0)===2048;}c=F.LookupString(a);d=$clone(c[0],F.Properties);e=$clone(d,F.Properties).Class();if((e===(1))||(e===(13))||(e===(5))){return true;}return false;};$ptrType(H).prototype.isBidi=function(a){return new H(this.$get()).isBidi(a);};BB=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c="";d=false;e=$ifaceNil;f=BN.nil;g=0;h=0;i=0;while(true){if(!(i>>16))))>>>0;d=d||new H(((k<<16>>>16))).isBidi($substring(b,i));m=i;i=i+(l)>>0;n=a.simplify(new H(((k<<16>>>16))).category());if(n===(8)){continue;}else if(n===(64)){if($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil)){o=C.DecodeRuneInString($substring(b,m));p=o[0];e=new AY(((p>>0)));}continue;}else if((n===(1))||(n===(3))){f=$appendSlice(f,$substring(b,g,m));f=new H(((k<<16>>>16))).appendMapping(f,$substring(b,m,i));}else if(n===(192)){f=$appendSlice(f,$substring(b,g,m));}else 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a.curStart>=a.orig.length;};BC.prototype.done=function(){return this.$val.done();};BC.ptr.prototype.result=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a.slice===BP.nil)){return B.Join(a.slice,".");}return a.orig;};BC.prototype.result=function(){return this.$val.result();};BC.ptr.prototype.label=function(){var a,b,c,d;a=this;if(!(a.slice===BP.nil)){return(b=a.slice,c=a.i,((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]));}d=B.IndexByte($substring(a.orig,a.curStart),46);a.curEnd=a.curStart+d>>0;if(d===-1){a.curEnd=a.orig.length;}return $substring(a.orig,a.curStart,a.curEnd);};BC.prototype.label=function(){return this.$val.label();};BC.ptr.prototype.next=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;a.i=a.i+(1)>>0;if(!(a.slice===BP.nil)){if(a.i>=a.slice.$length||(a.i===(a.slice.$length-1>>0))&&(b=a.slice,c=a.i,((c<0||c>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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J.ptr(57733,128,143),new J.ptr(1349,144,150),new J.ptr(64,151,152),new J.ptr(8,153,153),new J.ptr(24,154,159),new J.ptr(8,160,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(8,128,134),new J.ptr(1025,135,135),new J.ptr(8,136,136),new J.ptr(24,137,138),new J.ptr(64,139,140),new J.ptr(24,141,143),new J.ptr(64,144,144),new J.ptr(13064,145,189),new J.ptr(2072,190,190),new J.ptr(13064,191,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(2072,128,128),new J.ptr(13064,129,130),new J.ptr(2072,131,131),new J.ptr(13064,132,133),new J.ptr(2072,134,134),new J.ptr(13064,135,135),new J.ptr(64,136,143),new J.ptr(2056,144,170),new J.ptr(64,171,174),new J.ptr(2056,175,180),new J.ptr(64,181,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(2568,128,135),new J.ptr(3080,136,153),new J.ptr(2568,154,191),new J.ptr(0,14,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,138),new J.ptr(64,139,140),new J.ptr(3080,141,141),new J.ptr(2568,142,152),new J.ptr(3080,153,155),new J.ptr(2568,156,170),new J.ptr(3080,171,172),new J.ptr(2568,173,176),new J.ptr(3080,177,177),new J.ptr(2568,178,178),new J.ptr(3080,179,180),new J.ptr(2568,181,183),new J.ptr(3080,184,185),new J.ptr(2568,186,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,165),new J.ptr(13064,166,176),new J.ptr(2056,177,177),new J.ptr(64,178,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,137),new J.ptr(2568,138,170),new J.ptr(13064,171,179),new J.ptr(2056,180,181),new J.ptr(24,182,185),new J.ptr(2072,186,186),new J.ptr(64,187,188),new J.ptr(13064,189,189),new J.ptr(2072,190,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,149),new J.ptr(13064,150,153),new J.ptr(2056,154,154),new J.ptr(13064,155,163),new J.ptr(2056,164,164),new J.ptr(13064,165,167),new J.ptr(2056,168,168),new J.ptr(13064,169,173),new J.ptr(64,174,175),new J.ptr(2072,176,190),new J.ptr(64,191,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(64,128,159),new J.ptr(2568,160,169),new J.ptr(3080,170,172),new J.ptr(2056,173,173),new J.ptr(3080,174,174),new J.ptr(2568,175,176),new J.ptr(3080,177,178),new J.ptr(2568,179,180),new J.ptr(64,181,181),new J.ptr(2568,182,184),new J.ptr(3080,185,185),new J.ptr(2568,186,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(2568,128,135),new J.ptr(64,136,146),new J.ptr(13064,147,161),new J.ptr(2112,162,162),new J.ptr(13064,163,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,130),new J.ptr(12296,131,131),new J.ptr(8,132,185),new J.ptr(13064,186,186),new J.ptr(12296,187,187),new J.ptr(13064,188,188),new J.ptr(8,189,189),new J.ptr(12296,190,191),new J.ptr(0,15,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,128),new J.ptr(12296,129,130),new J.ptr(64,131,133),new J.ptr(12296,134,136),new J.ptr(64,137,137),new J.ptr(12296,138,140),new J.ptr(15112,141,141),new J.ptr(64,142,143),new J.ptr(8,144,144),new J.ptr(64,145,150),new J.ptr(12296,151,151),new J.ptr(64,152,165),new J.ptr(8,166,175),new J.ptr(24,176,186),new J.ptr(64,187,191),new J.ptr(0,13,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,128),new J.ptr(12296,129,131),new J.ptr(13064,132,132),new J.ptr(8,133,140),new J.ptr(64,141,141),new J.ptr(8,142,144),new J.ptr(64,145,145),new J.ptr(8,146,168),new J.ptr(64,169,169),new J.ptr(8,170,185),new J.ptr(64,186,188),new J.ptr(8,189,189),new J.ptr(13064,190,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,129),new J.ptr(12296,130,131),new J.ptr(8,132,140),new J.ptr(64,141,141),new J.ptr(8,142,144),new J.ptr(64,145,145),new J.ptr(8,146,186),new J.ptr(15112,187,188),new J.ptr(8,189,189),new J.ptr(12296,190,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(64,128,128),new J.ptr(13064,129,129),new J.ptr(12296,130,131),new J.ptr(64,132,132),new J.ptr(8,133,150),new J.ptr(64,151,153),new J.ptr(8,154,177),new J.ptr(64,178,178),new J.ptr(8,179,187),new J.ptr(64,188,188),new J.ptr(8,189,189),new J.ptr(64,190,191),new J.ptr(0,16,0),new J.ptr(8,128,134),new J.ptr(64,135,137),new J.ptr(15112,138,138),new J.ptr(64,139,142),new J.ptr(12296,143,145),new J.ptr(13064,146,148),new J.ptr(64,149,149),new J.ptr(13064,150,150),new J.ptr(64,151,151),new J.ptr(12296,152,159),new J.ptr(64,160,165),new J.ptr(8,166,175),new J.ptr(64,176,177),new J.ptr(12296,178,179),new J.ptr(24,180,180),new J.ptr(64,181,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(64,128,128),new J.ptr(8,129,176),new J.ptr(13064,177,177),new J.ptr(8,178,178),new J.ptr(2289,179,179),new J.ptr(13064,180,185),new J.ptr(15112,186,186),new J.ptr(64,187,190),new J.ptr(24,191,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(8,128,134),new J.ptr(13064,135,142),new J.ptr(24,143,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(24,154,155),new J.ptr(64,156,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(8,128,132),new J.ptr(64,133,133),new J.ptr(8,134,134),new J.ptr(64,135,135),new J.ptr(13064,136,141),new J.ptr(64,142,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,155),new J.ptr(2401,156,156),new J.ptr(2457,157,157),new J.ptr(8,158,159),new J.ptr(64,160,191),new J.ptr(0,16,0),new J.ptr(8,128,128),new J.ptr(24,129,138),new J.ptr(8,139,139),new J.ptr(57405,140,140),new J.ptr(24,141,151),new J.ptr(13064,152,153),new J.ptr(24,154,159),new J.ptr(8,160,169),new J.ptr(24,170,180),new J.ptr(13064,181,181),new J.ptr(24,182,182),new J.ptr(13064,183,183),new J.ptr(24,184,184),new J.ptr(13064,185,185),new J.ptr(24,186,189),new J.ptr(12296,190,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(24,128,133),new J.ptr(13064,134,134),new J.ptr(24,135,140),new J.ptr(64,141,141),new J.ptr(24,142,154),new J.ptr(64,155,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(8,128,170),new J.ptr(12296,171,172),new J.ptr(13064,173,176),new J.ptr(12296,177,177),new J.ptr(13064,178,183),new J.ptr(12296,184,184),new J.ptr(15112,185,186),new J.ptr(12296,187,188),new J.ptr(13064,189,190),new J.ptr(8,191,191),new J.ptr(0,14,0),new J.ptr(8,128,137),new J.ptr(24,138,143),new J.ptr(8,144,149),new J.ptr(12296,150,151),new J.ptr(13064,152,153),new J.ptr(8,154,157),new J.ptr(13064,158,160),new J.ptr(8,161,161),new J.ptr(12296,162,164),new J.ptr(8,165,166),new J.ptr(12296,167,173),new J.ptr(8,174,176),new J.ptr(13064,177,180),new J.ptr(8,181,191),new J.ptr(0,13,0),new J.ptr(8,128,129),new J.ptr(13064,130,130),new J.ptr(12296,131,132),new J.ptr(13064,133,134),new J.ptr(12296,135,140),new J.ptr(13064,141,141),new J.ptr(8,142,142),new J.ptr(12296,143,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(12296,154,156),new J.ptr(13064,157,157),new J.ptr(24,158,159),new J.ptr(64,160,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(64,128,134),new J.ptr(1373,135,135),new J.ptr(64,136,140),new J.ptr(1373,141,141),new J.ptr(64,142,143),new J.ptr(8,144,186),new J.ptr(24,187,187),new J.ptr(57605,188,188),new J.ptr(8,189,191),new J.ptr(0,1,0),new J.ptr(24,128,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(24,128,158),new J.ptr(64,159,160),new J.ptr(8216,161,181),new J.ptr(24,182,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(24,128,167),new J.ptr(8216,168,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8216,128,130),new J.ptr(24,131,191),new J.ptr(0,1,0),new J.ptr(8,128,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(8,128,136),new J.ptr(64,137,137),new J.ptr(8,138,141),new J.ptr(64,142,143),new J.ptr(8,144,150),new J.ptr(64,151,151),new J.ptr(8,152,152),new J.ptr(64,153,153),new J.ptr(8,154,157),new J.ptr(64,158,159),new J.ptr(8,160,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(8,128,136),new J.ptr(64,137,137),new J.ptr(8,138,141),new J.ptr(64,142,143),new J.ptr(8,144,176),new J.ptr(64,177,177),new J.ptr(8,178,181),new J.ptr(64,182,183),new J.ptr(8,184,190),new J.ptr(64,191,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(8,128,128),new J.ptr(64,129,129),new J.ptr(8,130,133),new J.ptr(64,134,135),new J.ptr(8,136,150),new J.ptr(64,151,151),new J.ptr(8,152,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(8,128,144),new J.ptr(64,145,145),new J.ptr(8,146,149),new J.ptr(64,150,151),new J.ptr(8,152,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(8,128,154),new J.ptr(64,155,156),new J.ptr(13064,157,159),new J.ptr(24,160,188),new J.ptr(64,189,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,143),new J.ptr(24,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,159),new J.ptr(8,160,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,181),new J.ptr(64,182,183),new J.ptr(57413,184,189),new J.ptr(64,190,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(24,128,128),new J.ptr(8,129,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(8,128,172),new J.ptr(24,173,174),new J.ptr(8,175,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(64,128,128),new J.ptr(8,129,154),new J.ptr(24,155,156),new J.ptr(64,157,159),new J.ptr(8,160,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,170),new J.ptr(24,171,176),new J.ptr(8,177,184),new J.ptr(64,185,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(8,128,140),new J.ptr(64,141,141),new J.ptr(8,142,145),new J.ptr(13064,146,147),new J.ptr(15112,148,148),new J.ptr(64,149,159),new J.ptr(8,160,177),new J.ptr(13064,178,179),new J.ptr(15112,180,180),new J.ptr(24,181,182),new J.ptr(64,183,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(8,128,145),new J.ptr(13064,146,147),new J.ptr(64,148,159),new J.ptr(8,160,172),new J.ptr(64,173,173),new J.ptr(8,174,176),new J.ptr(64,177,177),new J.ptr(13064,178,179),new J.ptr(64,180,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(8,128,179),new J.ptr(13120,180,181),new J.ptr(12296,182,182),new J.ptr(13064,183,189),new J.ptr(12296,190,191),new J.ptr(0,16,0),new J.ptr(12296,128,133),new J.ptr(13064,134,134),new J.ptr(12296,135,136),new J.ptr(13064,137,145),new J.ptr(15112,146,146),new J.ptr(13064,147,147),new J.ptr(24,148,150),new J.ptr(8,151,151),new J.ptr(24,152,155),new J.ptr(8,156,156),new J.ptr(13064,157,157),new J.ptr(64,158,159),new J.ptr(8,160,169),new J.ptr(64,170,175),new J.ptr(24,176,185),new J.ptr(64,186,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(24,128,133),new J.ptr(64,134,134),new J.ptr(536,135,135),new J.ptr(24,136,138),new J.ptr(13248,139,141),new J.ptr(64,142,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,159),new J.ptr(520,160,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(520,128,184),new J.ptr(64,185,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(8,128,132),new J.ptr(13064,133,134),new J.ptr(520,135,168),new J.ptr(13064,169,169),new J.ptr(520,170,170),new J.ptr(64,171,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,181),new J.ptr(64,182,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(8,128,158),new J.ptr(64,159,159),new J.ptr(13064,160,162),new J.ptr(12296,163,166),new J.ptr(13064,167,168),new J.ptr(12296,169,171),new J.ptr(64,172,175),new J.ptr(12296,176,177),new J.ptr(13064,178,178),new J.ptr(12296,179,184),new J.ptr(13064,185,187),new J.ptr(64,188,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(24,128,128),new J.ptr(64,129,131),new J.ptr(24,132,133),new J.ptr(8,134,173),new J.ptr(64,174,175),new J.ptr(8,176,180),new J.ptr(64,181,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(8,128,171),new J.ptr(64,172,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(8,128,137),new J.ptr(64,138,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(40,154,154),new J.ptr(64,155,157),new J.ptr(24,158,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(8,128,150),new J.ptr(13064,151,152),new J.ptr(12296,153,154),new J.ptr(13064,155,155),new J.ptr(64,156,157),new J.ptr(24,158,159),new J.ptr(8,160,191),new J.ptr(0,15,0),new J.ptr(8,128,148),new J.ptr(12296,149,149),new J.ptr(13064,150,150),new J.ptr(12296,151,151),new J.ptr(13064,152,158),new J.ptr(64,159,159),new J.ptr(15112,160,160),new J.ptr(12296,161,161),new J.ptr(13064,162,162),new J.ptr(12296,163,164),new J.ptr(13064,165,172),new J.ptr(12296,173,178),new J.ptr(13064,179,188),new J.ptr(64,189,190),new J.ptr(13064,191,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(8,128,137),new J.ptr(64,138,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,159),new J.ptr(24,160,166),new J.ptr(8,167,167),new J.ptr(24,168,173),new J.ptr(64,174,175),new J.ptr(13064,176,189),new J.ptr(13080,190,190),new J.ptr(13064,191,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,128),new J.ptr(64,129,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,131),new J.ptr(12296,132,132),new J.ptr(8,133,179),new J.ptr(13064,180,180),new J.ptr(12296,181,181),new J.ptr(13064,182,186),new J.ptr(12296,187,187),new J.ptr(13064,188,188),new J.ptr(12296,189,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(12296,128,129),new J.ptr(13064,130,130),new J.ptr(12296,131,131),new J.ptr(14344,132,132),new J.ptr(8,133,139),new J.ptr(64,140,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(24,154,170),new J.ptr(13064,171,179),new J.ptr(24,180,188),new J.ptr(64,189,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,129),new J.ptr(12296,130,130),new J.ptr(8,131,160),new J.ptr(12296,161,161),new J.ptr(13064,162,165),new J.ptr(12296,166,167),new J.ptr(13064,168,169),new J.ptr(14344,170,170),new J.ptr(15112,171,171),new J.ptr(13064,172,173),new J.ptr(8,174,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(8,128,165),new J.ptr(13064,166,166),new J.ptr(12296,167,167),new J.ptr(13064,168,169),new J.ptr(12296,170,172),new J.ptr(13064,173,173),new J.ptr(12296,174,174),new J.ptr(13064,175,177),new J.ptr(14344,178,179),new J.ptr(64,180,187),new J.ptr(24,188,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(8,128,163),new J.ptr(12296,164,171),new J.ptr(13064,172,179),new J.ptr(12296,180,181),new J.ptr(13064,182,183),new J.ptr(64,184,186),new J.ptr(24,187,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,137),new J.ptr(64,138,140),new J.ptr(8,141,189),new J.ptr(24,190,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(3625,128,128),new J.ptr(3649,129,129),new J.ptr(3673,130,130),new J.ptr(3697,131,131),new J.ptr(3721,132,133),new J.ptr(3745,134,134),new J.ptr(3769,135,135),new J.ptr(1405,136,136),new J.ptr(64,137,143),new J.ptr(1437,144,186),new J.ptr(64,187,188),new J.ptr(1437,189,191),new J.ptr(0,16,0),new J.ptr(24,128,135),new J.ptr(64,136,143),new J.ptr(13064,144,146),new J.ptr(24,147,147),new J.ptr(13064,148,160),new J.ptr(12296,161,161),new J.ptr(13064,162,168),new J.ptr(8,169,172),new J.ptr(13064,173,173),new J.ptr(8,174,179),new J.ptr(13064,180,180),new J.ptr(8,181,182),new J.ptr(12296,183,183),new J.ptr(13064,184,185),new J.ptr(8,186,186),new J.ptr(64,187,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,185),new J.ptr(64,186,186),new J.ptr(13064,187,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(8,128,135),new J.ptr(57413,136,143),new J.ptr(8,144,149),new J.ptr(64,150,151),new J.ptr(57413,152,157),new J.ptr(64,158,159),new J.ptr(8,160,167),new J.ptr(57413,168,175),new J.ptr(8,176,183),new J.ptr(57413,184,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(64,128,143),new J.ptr(13080,144,176),new J.ptr(64,177,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(24,128,130),new J.ptr(64,131,131),new J.ptr(8,132,132),new J.ptr(24,133,136),new J.ptr(9409,137,137),new J.ptr(24,138,139),new J.ptr(64,140,143),new J.ptr(24,144,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(24,128,171),new J.ptr(9457,172,172),new J.ptr(9513,173,173),new J.ptr(24,174,174),new J.ptr(9593,175,175),new J.ptr(9649,176,176),new J.ptr(24,177,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(24,128,159),new J.ptr(128,160,160),new J.ptr(24,161,173),new J.ptr(128,174,175),new J.ptr(24,176,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(24,128,168),new J.ptr(2525,169,169),new J.ptr(2557,170,170),new J.ptr(24,171,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(24,128,166),new J.ptr(64,167,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,139),new J.ptr(10433,140,140),new J.ptr(24,141,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(24,128,179),new J.ptr(3710,180,180),new J.ptr(10538,181,181),new J.ptr(3742,182,182),new J.ptr(24,183,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,155),new J.ptr(10561,156,156),new J.ptr(24,157,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,179),new J.ptr(64,180,181),new J.ptr(24,182,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,149),new J.ptr(64,150,150),new J.ptr(24,151,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(57733,128,143),new J.ptr(1013,144,159),new J.ptr(3773,160,174),new J.ptr(64,175,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(8,128,165),new J.ptr(64,166,166),new J.ptr(8,167,167),new J.ptr(64,168,172),new J.ptr(8,173,173),new J.ptr(64,174,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(8,128,167),new J.ptr(64,168,174),new J.ptr(57461,175,175),new J.ptr(24,176,176),new J.ptr(64,177,190),new J.ptr(15112,191,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(8,128,150),new J.ptr(64,151,159),new J.ptr(8,160,166),new J.ptr(64,167,167),new J.ptr(8,168,174),new J.ptr(64,175,175),new J.ptr(8,176,182),new J.ptr(64,183,183),new J.ptr(8,184,190),new J.ptr(64,191,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(8,128,134),new J.ptr(64,135,135),new J.ptr(8,136,142),new J.ptr(64,143,143),new J.ptr(8,144,150),new J.ptr(64,151,151),new J.ptr(8,152,158),new J.ptr(64,159,159),new J.ptr(13064,160,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,174),new J.ptr(8,175,175),new J.ptr(24,176,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(24,128,146),new J.ptr(64,147,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(24,128,153),new J.ptr(64,154,154),new J.ptr(24,155,158),new J.ptr(3829,159,159),new J.ptr(24,160,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,178),new J.ptr(3861,179,179),new J.ptr(64,180,191),new J.ptr(32,1,0),new J.ptr(3893,128,191),new J.ptr(32,2,0),new J.ptr(5941,128,143),new J.ptr(6421,144,191),new J.ptr(32,1,0),new J.ptr(7957,128,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(64,128,128),new J.ptr(8,129,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(8,128,150),new J.ptr(64,151,152),new J.ptr(13064,153,154),new J.ptr(10722,155,155),new J.ptr(10762,156,156),new J.ptr(8,157,158),new J.ptr(10801,159,159),new J.ptr(24,160,160),new J.ptr(8,161,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,190),new J.ptr(10857,191,191),new J.ptr(0,14,0),new J.ptr(64,128,132),new J.ptr(8,133,175),new J.ptr(64,176,176),new J.ptr(10805,177,177),new J.ptr(10837,178,178),new J.ptr(10869,179,179),new J.ptr(10901,180,180),new J.ptr(10869,181,181),new J.ptr(10933,182,182),new J.ptr(10965,183,183),new J.ptr(10997,184,185),new J.ptr(11029,186,187),new J.ptr(11061,188,189),new J.ptr(11029,190,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,163),new J.ptr(64,164,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(48,4,0),new J.ptr(10914,128,157),new J.ptr(12378,158,158),new J.ptr(64,159,159),new J.ptr(12450,160,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,188),new J.ptr(64,189,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(8,128,140),new J.ptr(64,141,143),new J.ptr(24,144,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(24,128,134),new J.ptr(64,135,143),new J.ptr(8,144,189),new J.ptr(24,190,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,140),new J.ptr(24,141,143),new J.ptr(8,144,171),new J.ptr(64,172,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(8,128,165),new J.ptr(24,166,175),new J.ptr(13064,176,177),new J.ptr(24,178,183),new J.ptr(64,184,191),new J.ptr(0,16,0),new J.ptr(64,128,129),new J.ptr(57357,130,130),new J.ptr(8,131,131),new J.ptr(1013,132,132),new J.ptr(4905,133,133),new J.ptr(17533,134,134),new J.ptr(57469,135,135),new J.ptr(8,136,136),new J.ptr(57373,137,137),new J.ptr(8,138,138),new J.ptr(64,139,180),new J.ptr(57373,181,181),new J.ptr(8,182,183),new J.ptr(8201,184,184),new J.ptr(28353,185,185),new J.ptr(8,186,191),new J.ptr(0,15,0),new J.ptr(8,128,129),new J.ptr(13064,130,130),new J.ptr(8,131,133),new J.ptr(15112,134,134),new J.ptr(8,135,138),new J.ptr(13064,139,139),new J.ptr(8,140,162),new J.ptr(12296,163,164),new J.ptr(13064,165,166),new J.ptr(12296,167,167),new J.ptr(24,168,171),new J.ptr(15112,172,172),new J.ptr(64,173,175),new J.ptr(24,176,185),new J.ptr(64,186,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(520,128,177),new J.ptr(264,178,178),new J.ptr(8,179,179),new J.ptr(24,180,183),new J.ptr(64,184,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(12296,128,129),new J.ptr(8,130,179),new J.ptr(12296,180,191),new J.ptr(0,14,0),new J.ptr(12296,128,131),new J.ptr(15112,132,132),new J.ptr(13064,133,133),new J.ptr(64,134,141),new J.ptr(24,142,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,159),new J.ptr(13064,160,177),new J.ptr(8,178,183),new J.ptr(24,184,186),new J.ptr(8,187,187),new J.ptr(24,188,188),new J.ptr(8,189,190),new J.ptr(13064,191,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,165),new J.ptr(13064,166,173),new J.ptr(24,174,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(8,128,134),new J.ptr(13064,135,145),new J.ptr(12296,146,146),new J.ptr(14344,147,147),new J.ptr(64,148,158),new J.ptr(24,159,188),new J.ptr(64,189,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,130),new J.ptr(12296,131,131),new J.ptr(8,132,178),new J.ptr(13064,179,179),new J.ptr(12296,180,181),new J.ptr(13064,182,185),new J.ptr(12296,186,187),new J.ptr(13064,188,189),new J.ptr(12296,190,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(14344,128,128),new J.ptr(24,129,141),new J.ptr(64,142,142),new J.ptr(8,143,153),new J.ptr(64,154,157),new J.ptr(24,158,159),new J.ptr(8,160,164),new J.ptr(13064,165,165),new J.ptr(8,166,190),new J.ptr(64,191,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(8,128,168),new J.ptr(13064,169,174),new J.ptr(12296,175,176),new J.ptr(13064,177,178),new J.ptr(12296,179,180),new J.ptr(13064,181,182),new J.ptr(64,183,191),new J.ptr(0,16,0),new J.ptr(8,128,130),new J.ptr(13064,131,131),new J.ptr(8,132,139),new J.ptr(13064,140,140),new J.ptr(12296,141,141),new J.ptr(64,142,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,155),new J.ptr(24,156,159),new J.ptr(8,160,182),new J.ptr(24,183,185),new J.ptr(8,186,186),new J.ptr(12296,187,187),new J.ptr(13064,188,188),new J.ptr(12296,189,189),new J.ptr(8,190,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(8,128,175),new J.ptr(13064,176,176),new J.ptr(8,177,177),new J.ptr(13064,178,180),new J.ptr(8,181,182),new J.ptr(13064,183,184),new J.ptr(8,185,189),new J.ptr(13064,190,191),new J.ptr(0,15,0),new J.ptr(8,128,128),new J.ptr(13064,129,129),new J.ptr(8,130,130),new J.ptr(64,131,154),new J.ptr(8,155,157),new J.ptr(24,158,159),new J.ptr(8,160,170),new J.ptr(12296,171,171),new J.ptr(13064,172,173),new J.ptr(12296,174,175),new J.ptr(24,176,177),new J.ptr(8,178,180),new J.ptr(12296,181,181),new J.ptr(15112,182,182),new J.ptr(64,183,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(64,128,128),new J.ptr(8,129,134),new J.ptr(64,135,136),new J.ptr(8,137,142),new J.ptr(64,143,144),new J.ptr(8,145,150),new J.ptr(64,151,159),new J.ptr(8,160,166),new J.ptr(64,167,167),new J.ptr(8,168,174),new J.ptr(64,175,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(8,128,154),new J.ptr(24,155,155),new J.ptr(17565,156,156),new J.ptr(17589,157,157),new J.ptr(10609,158,158),new J.ptr(57453,159,159),new J.ptr(8,160,168),new J.ptr(28377,169,169),new J.ptr(24,170,171),new J.ptr(64,172,175),new J.ptr(17613,176,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(17645,128,143),new J.ptr(17677,144,159),new J.ptr(17709,160,175),new J.ptr(17677,176,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(8,128,162),new J.ptr(12296,163,164),new J.ptr(13064,165,165),new J.ptr(12296,166,167),new J.ptr(13064,168,168),new J.ptr(12296,169,170),new J.ptr(24,171,171),new J.ptr(12296,172,172),new J.ptr(15112,173,173),new J.ptr(64,174,175),new J.ptr(8,176,185),new J.ptr(64,186,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(8,128,163),new J.ptr(64,164,175),new J.ptr(24,176,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(24,128,134),new J.ptr(64,135,138),new J.ptr(24,139,187),new J.ptr(64,188,191),new J.ptr(0,1,0),new J.ptr(64,128,191),new J.ptr(32,1,0),new J.ptr(17741,128,191),new J.ptr(32,3,0),new J.ptr(19789,128,148),new J.ptr(19213,149,149),new J.ptr(20461,150,191),new J.ptr(32,1,0),new J.ptr(21805,128,191),new J.ptr(32,3,0),new J.ptr(23853,128,132),new J.ptr(22157,133,133),new J.ptr(24013,134,191),new J.ptr(32,8,0),new J.ptr(27533,128,143),new J.ptr(27981,144,144),new J.ptr(28045,145,171),new J.ptr(28401,172,172),new J.ptr(28909,173,173),new J.ptr(64,174,174),new J.ptr(64,175,175),new J.ptr(28941,176,191),new J.ptr(32,5,0),new J.ptr(29453,128,173),new J.ptr(25965,174,174),new J.ptr(30925,175,181),new J.ptr(28557,182,182),new J.ptr(31149,183,191),new J.ptr(40,3,0),new J.ptr(31857,128,130),new J.ptr(31793,131,131),new J.ptr(31977,132,191),new J.ptr(56,15,0),new J.ptr(40449,128,131),new J.ptr(40617,132,133),new J.ptr(40673,134,135),new J.ptr(40729,136,143),new J.ptr(64,144,144),new J.ptr(64,145,145),new J.ptr(41177,146,151),new J.ptr(41457,152,156),new J.ptr(41681,157,179),new J.ptr(40337,180,180),new J.ptr(40449,181,181),new J.ptr(42969,182,187),new J.ptr(43193,188,188),new J.ptr(43081,189,189),new J.ptr(43305,190,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(8,128,139),new J.ptr(64,140,140),new J.ptr(8,141,166),new J.ptr(64,167,167),new J.ptr(8,168,186),new J.ptr(64,187,187),new J.ptr(8,188,189),new J.ptr(64,190,190),new J.ptr(8,191,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,141),new J.ptr(64,142,143),new J.ptr(8,144,157),new J.ptr(64,158,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,186),new J.ptr(64,187,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(24,128,130),new J.ptr(64,131,134),new J.ptr(24,135,179),new J.ptr(64,180,182),new J.ptr(24,183,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(24,128,142),new J.ptr(64,143,143),new J.ptr(24,144,156),new J.ptr(64,157,159),new J.ptr(24,160,160),new J.ptr(64,161,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(64,128,143),new J.ptr(24,144,188),new J.ptr(13064,189,189),new J.ptr(64,190,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(8,128,156),new J.ptr(64,157,159),new J.ptr(8,160,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(8,128,144),new J.ptr(64,145,159),new J.ptr(13064,160,160),new J.ptr(24,161,187),new J.ptr(64,188,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,159),new J.ptr(24,160,163),new J.ptr(64,164,172),new J.ptr(8,173,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(8,128,128),new J.ptr(24,129,129),new J.ptr(8,130,137),new J.ptr(24,138,138),new J.ptr(64,139,143),new J.ptr(8,144,181),new J.ptr(13064,182,186),new J.ptr(64,187,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,157),new J.ptr(64,158,158),new J.ptr(24,159,159),new J.ptr(8,160,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(8,128,131),new J.ptr(64,132,135),new J.ptr(8,136,143),new J.ptr(24,144,149),new J.ptr(64,150,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(57669,128,135),new J.ptr(57797,136,143),new J.ptr(57669,144,151),new J.ptr(35597,152,159),new J.ptr(35621,160,167),new J.ptr(8,168,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(8,128,157),new J.ptr(64,158,159),new J.ptr(8,160,169),new J.ptr(64,170,175),new J.ptr(35621,176,183),new J.ptr(35597,184,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(57669,128,135),new J.ptr(57797,136,143),new J.ptr(57669,144,147),new J.ptr(64,148,151),new J.ptr(8,152,187),new J.ptr(64,188,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(8,128,167),new J.ptr(64,168,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,163),new J.ptr(64,164,174),new J.ptr(24,175,175),new J.ptr(64,176,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,182),new J.ptr(64,183,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,149),new J.ptr(64,150,159),new J.ptr(8,160,167),new J.ptr(64,168,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,133),new J.ptr(64,134,135),new J.ptr(2056,136,136),new J.ptr(64,137,137),new J.ptr(2056,138,181),new J.ptr(64,182,182),new J.ptr(2056,183,184),new J.ptr(64,185,187),new J.ptr(2056,188,188),new J.ptr(64,189,190),new J.ptr(2056,191,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,149),new J.ptr(64,150,150),new J.ptr(2072,151,159),new J.ptr(2056,160,182),new J.ptr(2072,183,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,158),new J.ptr(64,159,166),new J.ptr(2072,167,175),new J.ptr(64,176,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(64,128,159),new J.ptr(2056,160,178),new J.ptr(64,179,179),new J.ptr(2056,180,181),new J.ptr(64,182,186),new J.ptr(2072,187,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,149),new J.ptr(2072,150,155),new J.ptr(64,156,158),new J.ptr(24,159,159),new J.ptr(2056,160,185),new J.ptr(64,186,190),new J.ptr(2072,191,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,183),new J.ptr(64,184,187),new J.ptr(2072,188,189),new J.ptr(2056,190,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(2072,128,143),new J.ptr(64,144,145),new J.ptr(2072,146,191),new J.ptr(0,15,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,128),new J.ptr(13064,129,131),new J.ptr(64,132,132),new J.ptr(13064,133,134),new J.ptr(64,135,139),new J.ptr(13064,140,143),new J.ptr(2056,144,147),new J.ptr(64,148,148),new J.ptr(2056,149,151),new J.ptr(64,152,152),new J.ptr(2056,153,181),new J.ptr(64,182,183),new J.ptr(13064,184,186),new J.ptr(64,187,190),new J.ptr(15112,191,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(2072,128,136),new J.ptr(64,137,143),new J.ptr(2072,144,152),new J.ptr(64,153,159),new J.ptr(2056,160,188),new J.ptr(2072,189,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,156),new J.ptr(2072,157,159),new J.ptr(64,160,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,181),new J.ptr(64,182,184),new J.ptr(24,185,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,149),new J.ptr(64,150,151),new J.ptr(2072,152,159),new J.ptr(2056,160,178),new J.ptr(64,179,183),new J.ptr(2072,184,191),new J.ptr(0,1,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,136),new J.ptr(64,137,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(989,128,178),new J.ptr(64,179,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,178),new J.ptr(64,179,185),new J.ptr(2072,186,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(2312,128,128),new J.ptr(2568,129,161),new J.ptr(3080,162,162),new J.ptr(2568,163,163),new J.ptr(13064,164,167),new J.ptr(64,168,175),new J.ptr(2056,176,185),new J.ptr(64,186,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(64,128,159),new J.ptr(2072,160,190),new J.ptr(64,191,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,169),new J.ptr(64,170,170),new J.ptr(13064,171,172),new J.ptr(2072,173,173),new J.ptr(64,174,175),new J.ptr(2056,176,177),new J.ptr(64,178,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,156),new J.ptr(2072,157,166),new J.ptr(2056,167,167),new J.ptr(64,168,175),new J.ptr(2568,176,178),new J.ptr(3080,179,179),new J.ptr(2568,180,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(2568,128,132),new J.ptr(2056,133,133),new J.ptr(13064,134,144),new J.ptr(2584,145,147),new J.ptr(3096,148,148),new J.ptr(2072,149,153),new J.ptr(64,154,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(64,128,175),new J.ptr(2568,176,176),new J.ptr(2056,177,177),new J.ptr(2568,178,179),new J.ptr(3080,180,182),new J.ptr(2056,183,183),new J.ptr(2568,184,184),new J.ptr(3080,185,186),new J.ptr(2568,187,188),new J.ptr(3080,189,189),new J.ptr(2568,190,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,128),new J.ptr(2568,129,129),new J.ptr(3080,130,131),new J.ptr(2568,132,132),new J.ptr(2072,133,136),new J.ptr(3096,137,137),new J.ptr(2584,138,138),new J.ptr(2328,139,139),new J.ptr(64,140,159),new J.ptr(2056,160,182),new J.ptr(64,183,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(12296,128,128),new J.ptr(13064,129,129),new J.ptr(12296,130,130),new J.ptr(8,131,183),new J.ptr(13064,184,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,133),new J.ptr(15112,134,134),new J.ptr(24,135,141),new J.ptr(64,142,145),new J.ptr(24,146,165),new J.ptr(8,166,175),new J.ptr(64,176,190),new J.ptr(15112,191,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,129),new J.ptr(12296,130,130),new J.ptr(8,131,175),new J.ptr(12296,176,178),new J.ptr(13064,179,182),new J.ptr(12296,183,184),new J.ptr(15112,185,185),new J.ptr(13064,186,186),new J.ptr(24,187,188),new J.ptr(64,189,189),new J.ptr(24,190,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(24,128,129),new J.ptr(64,130,143),new J.ptr(8,144,168),new J.ptr(64,169,175),new J.ptr(8,176,185),new J.ptr(64,186,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,130),new J.ptr(8,131,166),new J.ptr(13064,167,171),new J.ptr(12296,172,172),new J.ptr(13064,173,178),new J.ptr(15112,179,180),new J.ptr(64,181,181),new J.ptr(8,182,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(24,128,131),new J.ptr(8,132,132),new J.ptr(12296,133,134),new J.ptr(8,135,135),new J.ptr(64,136,143),new J.ptr(8,144,178),new J.ptr(13064,179,179),new J.ptr(24,180,181),new J.ptr(8,182,182),new J.ptr(64,183,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,129),new J.ptr(12296,130,130),new J.ptr(8,131,178),new J.ptr(12296,179,181),new J.ptr(13064,182,190),new J.ptr(12296,191,191),new J.ptr(0,14,0),new J.ptr(14344,128,128),new J.ptr(8,129,132),new J.ptr(24,133,136),new J.ptr(13064,137,140),new J.ptr(24,141,141),new J.ptr(12296,142,142),new J.ptr(13064,143,143),new J.ptr(8,144,154),new J.ptr(24,155,155),new J.ptr(8,156,156),new J.ptr(24,157,159),new J.ptr(64,160,160),new J.ptr(24,161,180),new J.ptr(64,181,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(8,128,145),new J.ptr(64,146,146),new J.ptr(8,147,171),new J.ptr(12296,172,174),new J.ptr(13064,175,177),new J.ptr(12296,178,179),new J.ptr(13064,180,180),new J.ptr(14344,181,181),new J.ptr(13064,182,183),new J.ptr(24,184,189),new J.ptr(13064,190,190),new J.ptr(64,191,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(8,128,134),new J.ptr(64,135,135),new J.ptr(8,136,136),new J.ptr(64,137,137),new J.ptr(8,138,141),new J.ptr(64,142,142),new J.ptr(8,143,157),new J.ptr(64,158,158),new J.ptr(8,159,168),new J.ptr(24,169,169),new J.ptr(64,170,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(8,128,158),new J.ptr(13064,159,159),new J.ptr(12296,160,162),new J.ptr(13064,163,169),new J.ptr(15112,170,170),new J.ptr(64,171,175),new J.ptr(8,176,185),new J.ptr(64,186,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(8,128,180),new J.ptr(12296,181,183),new J.ptr(13064,184,191),new J.ptr(0,14,0),new J.ptr(12296,128,129),new J.ptr(15112,130,130),new J.ptr(13064,131,132),new J.ptr(12296,133,133),new J.ptr(13064,134,134),new J.ptr(8,135,138),new J.ptr(24,139,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(24,154,155),new J.ptr(64,156,156),new J.ptr(24,157,157),new J.ptr(13064,158,158),new J.ptr(8,159,161),new J.ptr(64,162,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(8,128,175),new J.ptr(12296,176,178),new J.ptr(13064,179,184),new J.ptr(12296,185,185),new J.ptr(13064,186,186),new J.ptr(12296,187,190),new J.ptr(13064,191,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,128),new J.ptr(12296,129,129),new J.ptr(15112,130,130),new J.ptr(13064,131,131),new J.ptr(8,132,133),new J.ptr(24,134,134),new J.ptr(8,135,135),new J.ptr(64,136,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(8,128,174),new J.ptr(12296,175,177),new J.ptr(13064,178,181),new J.ptr(64,182,183),new J.ptr(12296,184,187),new J.ptr(13064,188,189),new J.ptr(12296,190,190),new J.ptr(15112,191,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,128),new J.ptr(24,129,151),new J.ptr(8,152,155),new J.ptr(13064,156,157),new J.ptr(64,158,191),new J.ptr(0,7,0),new J.ptr(8,128,175),new J.ptr(12296,176,178),new J.ptr(13064,179,186),new J.ptr(12296,187,188),new J.ptr(13064,189,189),new J.ptr(12296,190,190),new J.ptr(15112,191,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,128),new J.ptr(24,129,131),new J.ptr(8,132,132),new J.ptr(64,133,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,159),new J.ptr(24,160,172),new J.ptr(64,173,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(8,128,170),new J.ptr(13064,171,171),new J.ptr(12296,172,172),new J.ptr(13064,173,173),new J.ptr(12296,174,175),new J.ptr(13064,176,181),new J.ptr(14344,182,182),new J.ptr(13064,183,183),new J.ptr(8,184,184),new J.ptr(64,185,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,137),new J.ptr(64,138,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(8,128,154),new J.ptr(64,155,156),new J.ptr(13064,157,159),new J.ptr(12296,160,161),new J.ptr(13064,162,165),new J.ptr(12296,166,166),new J.ptr(13064,167,170),new J.ptr(15112,171,171),new J.ptr(64,172,175),new J.ptr(8,176,185),new J.ptr(24,186,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(8,128,171),new J.ptr(12296,172,174),new J.ptr(13064,175,183),new J.ptr(12296,184,184),new J.ptr(15112,185,185),new J.ptr(13064,186,186),new J.ptr(24,187,187),new J.ptr(64,188,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(64,128,159),new J.ptr(1181,160,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,169),new J.ptr(24,170,178),new J.ptr(64,179,190),new J.ptr(8,191,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(12296,128,128),new J.ptr(8,129,129),new J.ptr(12296,130,130),new J.ptr(13064,131,131),new J.ptr(24,132,134),new J.ptr(64,135,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(64,128,159),new J.ptr(8,160,167),new J.ptr(64,168,169),new J.ptr(8,170,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(8,128,144),new J.ptr(12296,145,147),new J.ptr(13064,148,151),new J.ptr(64,152,153),new J.ptr(13064,154,155),new J.ptr(12296,156,159),new J.ptr(15112,160,160),new J.ptr(8,161,161),new J.ptr(24,162,162),new J.ptr(8,163,163),new J.ptr(12296,164,164),new J.ptr(64,165,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(8,128,128),new J.ptr(13064,129,138),new J.ptr(8,139,178),new J.ptr(13064,179,179),new J.ptr(15112,180,180),new J.ptr(13064,181,184),new J.ptr(12296,185,185),new J.ptr(8,186,186),new J.ptr(13064,187,190),new J.ptr(24,191,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(24,128,134),new J.ptr(15112,135,135),new J.ptr(64,136,143),new J.ptr(8,144,144),new J.ptr(13064,145,150),new J.ptr(12296,151,152),new J.ptr(13064,153,155),new J.ptr(8,156,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(8,128,137),new J.ptr(13064,138,150),new J.ptr(12296,151,151),new J.ptr(13064,152,152),new J.ptr(15112,153,153),new J.ptr(24,154,156),new J.ptr(8,157,157),new J.ptr(24,158,162),new J.ptr(64,163,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,184),new J.ptr(64,185,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(8,128,136),new J.ptr(64,137,137),new J.ptr(8,138,174),new J.ptr(12296,175,175),new J.ptr(13064,176,182),new J.ptr(64,183,183),new J.ptr(13064,184,189),new J.ptr(12296,190,190),new J.ptr(15112,191,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(8,128,128),new J.ptr(24,129,133),new J.ptr(64,134,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(24,154,172),new J.ptr(64,173,175),new J.ptr(24,176,177),new J.ptr(8,178,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(8,128,143),new J.ptr(64,144,145),new J.ptr(13064,146,167),new J.ptr(64,168,168),new J.ptr(12296,169,169),new J.ptr(13064,170,176),new J.ptr(12296,177,177),new J.ptr(13064,178,179),new J.ptr(12296,180,180),new J.ptr(13064,181,182),new J.ptr(64,183,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(8,128,134),new J.ptr(64,135,135),new J.ptr(8,136,137),new J.ptr(64,138,138),new J.ptr(8,139,176),new J.ptr(13064,177,182),new J.ptr(64,183,185),new J.ptr(13064,186,186),new J.ptr(64,187,187),new J.ptr(13064,188,189),new J.ptr(64,190,190),new J.ptr(13064,191,191),new J.ptr(0,12,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,131),new J.ptr(15112,132,133),new J.ptr(8,134,134),new J.ptr(13064,135,135),new J.ptr(64,136,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,159),new J.ptr(8,160,165),new J.ptr(64,166,166),new J.ptr(8,167,168),new J.ptr(64,169,169),new J.ptr(8,170,191),new J.ptr(0,13,0),new J.ptr(8,128,137),new J.ptr(12296,138,142),new J.ptr(64,143,143),new J.ptr(13064,144,145),new J.ptr(64,146,146),new J.ptr(12296,147,148),new J.ptr(13064,149,149),new J.ptr(12296,150,150),new J.ptr(15112,151,151),new J.ptr(8,152,152),new J.ptr(64,153,159),new J.ptr(8,160,169),new J.ptr(64,170,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(64,128,159),new J.ptr(8,160,178),new J.ptr(13064,179,180),new J.ptr(12296,181,182),new J.ptr(24,183,184),new J.ptr(64,185,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(64,128,175),new J.ptr(8,176,176),new J.ptr(64,177,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,177),new J.ptr(64,178,190),new J.ptr(24,191,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,153),new J.ptr(64,154,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(24,128,174),new J.ptr(64,175,175),new J.ptr(24,176,180),new J.ptr(64,181,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,131),new J.ptr(64,132,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,174),new J.ptr(64,175,175),new J.ptr(832,176,184),new J.ptr(64,185,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,134),new J.ptr(64,135,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(8,128,158),new J.ptr(64,159,159),new J.ptr(8,160,169),new J.ptr(64,170,173),new J.ptr(24,174,175),new J.ptr(64,176,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(64,128,143),new J.ptr(8,144,173),new J.ptr(64,174,175),new J.ptr(13064,176,180),new J.ptr(24,181,181),new J.ptr(64,182,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(8,128,175),new J.ptr(13064,176,182),new J.ptr(24,183,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(8,128,131),new J.ptr(24,132,133),new J.ptr(64,134,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,154),new J.ptr(24,155,161),new J.ptr(64,162,162),new J.ptr(8,163,183),new J.ptr(64,184,188),new J.ptr(8,189,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,143),new J.ptr(64,144,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(57605,128,159),new J.ptr(8,160,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(24,128,154),new J.ptr(64,155,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(8,128,138),new J.ptr(64,139,142),new J.ptr(13064,143,143),new J.ptr(8,144,144),new J.ptr(12296,145,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(12296,128,135),new J.ptr(64,136,142),new J.ptr(13064,143,146),new J.ptr(8,147,159),new J.ptr(64,160,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(64,128,159),new J.ptr(8,160,161),new J.ptr(24,162,162),new J.ptr(8,163,163),new J.ptr(13064,164,164),new J.ptr(64,165,175),new J.ptr(12296,176,177),new J.ptr(64,178,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,183),new J.ptr(64,184,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,149),new J.ptr(64,150,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,136),new J.ptr(64,137,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,158),new J.ptr(64,159,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(64,128,143),new J.ptr(8,144,146),new J.ptr(64,147,163),new J.ptr(8,164,167),new J.ptr(64,168,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,187),new J.ptr(64,188,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(8,128,170),new J.ptr(64,171,175),new J.ptr(8,176,188),new J.ptr(64,189,191),new J.ptr(0,9,0),new J.ptr(8,128,136),new J.ptr(64,137,143),new J.ptr(8,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,155),new J.ptr(24,156,156),new J.ptr(13064,157,158),new J.ptr(24,159,159),new J.ptr(960,160,163),new J.ptr(64,164,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(24,128,181),new J.ptr(64,182,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,166),new J.ptr(64,167,168),new J.ptr(24,169,191),new J.ptr(0,14,0),new J.ptr(24,128,157),new J.ptr(46601,158,158),new J.ptr(46673,159,159),new J.ptr(46745,160,160),new J.ptr(46849,161,161),new J.ptr(46953,162,162),new J.ptr(47057,163,163),new J.ptr(47161,164,164),new J.ptr(12312,165,166),new J.ptr(13080,167,169),new J.ptr(24,170,172),new J.ptr(12312,173,178),new J.ptr(832,179,186),new J.ptr(13080,187,191),new J.ptr(0,11,0),new J.ptr(13080,128,130),new J.ptr(24,131,132),new J.ptr(13080,133,139),new J.ptr(24,140,169),new J.ptr(13080,170,173),new J.ptr(24,174,186),new J.ptr(47265,187,187),new J.ptr(47337,188,188),new J.ptr(47409,189,189),new J.ptr(47513,190,190),new J.ptr(47617,191,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(47721,128,128),new J.ptr(24,129,168),new J.ptr(64,169,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(24,128,129),new J.ptr(13080,130,132),new J.ptr(24,133,133),new J.ptr(64,134,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(64,128,159),new J.ptr(24,160,179),new J.ptr(64,180,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(24,128,150),new J.ptr(64,151,159),new J.ptr(24,160,184),new J.ptr(64,185,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,182),new J.ptr(24,183,186),new J.ptr(13064,187,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,172),new J.ptr(24,173,180),new J.ptr(13064,181,181),new J.ptr(24,182,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(24,128,131),new J.ptr(13064,132,132),new J.ptr(24,133,139),new J.ptr(64,140,154),new J.ptr(13064,155,159),new J.ptr(64,160,160),new J.ptr(13064,161,175),new J.ptr(64,176,191),new J.ptr(0,10,0),new J.ptr(13064,128,134),new J.ptr(64,135,135),new J.ptr(13064,136,152),new J.ptr(64,153,154),new J.ptr(13064,155,161),new J.ptr(64,162,162),new J.ptr(13064,163,164),new J.ptr(64,165,165),new J.ptr(13064,166,170),new J.ptr(64,171,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(8,128,172),new J.ptr(64,173,175),new J.ptr(13064,176,182),new J.ptr(8,183,189),new J.ptr(64,190,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(8,128,137),new J.ptr(64,138,141),new J.ptr(8,142,142),new J.ptr(24,143,143),new J.ptr(64,144,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(8,128,171),new J.ptr(13064,172,175),new J.ptr(8,176,185),new J.ptr(64,186,190),new J.ptr(24,191,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(2056,128,132),new J.ptr(64,133,134),new J.ptr(2072,135,143),new J.ptr(13064,144,150),new J.ptr(64,151,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(2568,128,131),new J.ptr(13064,132,138),new J.ptr(2824,139,139),new J.ptr(64,140,143),new J.ptr(2056,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,157),new J.ptr(2072,158,159),new J.ptr(64,160,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(64,128,176),new J.ptr(2072,177,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(2072,128,180),new J.ptr(64,181,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(64,128,128),new J.ptr(2072,129,189),new J.ptr(64,190,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(64,128,175),new J.ptr(24,176,177),new J.ptr(64,178,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,171),new J.ptr(64,172,175),new J.ptr(24,176,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(24,128,147),new J.ptr(64,148,159),new J.ptr(24,160,174),new J.ptr(64,175,176),new J.ptr(24,177,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(64,128,128),new J.ptr(24,129,143),new J.ptr(64,144,144),new J.ptr(24,145,181),new J.ptr(64,182,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(24,128,143),new J.ptr(49705,144,144),new J.ptr(24,145,173),new J.ptr(64,174,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(64,128,165),new J.ptr(24,166,191),new J.ptr(0,15,0),new J.ptr(51281,128,128),new J.ptr(51361,129,129),new J.ptr(51441,130,130),new J.ptr(51521,131,131),new J.ptr(51601,132,132),new J.ptr(51681,133,133),new J.ptr(51761,134,134),new J.ptr(51841,135,135),new J.ptr(51921,136,136),new J.ptr(64,137,143),new J.ptr(52001,144,144),new J.ptr(52033,145,145),new J.ptr(64,146,159),new J.ptr(24,160,165),new J.ptr(64,166,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(24,128,151),new J.ptr(64,152,159),new J.ptr(24,160,172),new J.ptr(64,173,175),new J.ptr(24,176,188),new J.ptr(64,189,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(24,128,179),new J.ptr(64,180,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(24,128,152),new J.ptr(64,153,159),new J.ptr(24,160,171),new J.ptr(64,172,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,139),new J.ptr(64,140,143),new J.ptr(24,144,191),new J.ptr(0,5,0),new J.ptr(24,128,135),new J.ptr(64,136,143),new J.ptr(24,144,153),new J.ptr(64,154,159),new J.ptr(24,160,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(24,128,135),new J.ptr(64,136,143),new J.ptr(24,144,173),new J.ptr(64,174,175),new J.ptr(24,176,177),new J.ptr(64,178,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,184),new J.ptr(64,185,185),new J.ptr(24,186,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,139),new J.ptr(64,140,140),new J.ptr(24,141,191),new J.ptr(0,8,0),new J.ptr(24,128,147),new J.ptr(64,148,159),new J.ptr(24,160,173),new J.ptr(64,174,175),new J.ptr(24,176,180),new J.ptr(64,181,183),new J.ptr(24,184,186),new J.ptr(64,187,191),new J.ptr(0,6,0),new J.ptr(24,128,134),new J.ptr(64,135,143),new J.ptr(24,144,168),new J.ptr(64,169,175),new J.ptr(24,176,182),new J.ptr(64,183,191),new J.ptr(0,4,0),new J.ptr(24,128,130),new J.ptr(64,131,143),new J.ptr(24,144,150),new J.ptr(64,151,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(24,128,146),new J.ptr(64,147,147),new J.ptr(24,148,191),new J.ptr(0,13,0),new J.ptr(24,128,138),new J.ptr(64,139,175),new J.ptr(8001,176,176),new J.ptr(201,177,177),new J.ptr(105,178,178),new J.ptr(121,179,179),new J.ptr(8017,180,180),new J.ptr(8033,181,181),new J.ptr(8049,182,182),new J.ptr(8065,183,183),new J.ptr(8081,184,184),new J.ptr(8097,185,185),new J.ptr(64,186,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,157),new J.ptr(64,158,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,180),new J.ptr(64,181,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(8,128,157),new J.ptr(64,158,159),new J.ptr(8,160,191),new J.ptr(0,3,0),new J.ptr(8,128,161),new J.ptr(64,162,175),new J.ptr(8,176,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(8,128,160),new J.ptr(64,161,191),new 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J.ptr(832,128,191),new J.ptr(0,1,0),new J.ptr(13248,128,191),new J.ptr(0,2,0),new J.ptr(13248,128,175),new J.ptr(64,176,191)]);L=new K.ptr(new BI(U),T);AT=new AQ.ptr(new AP.ptr(false,false,false,false,false,false,BJ.nil,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError));$pkg.Punycode=AT;BF=new BL([$toNativeArray($kindInt8,[0,2,2,0,0,5,5,1]),$toNativeArray($kindInt8,[0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0]),$toNativeArray($kindInt8,[0,2,2,2,0,5,4,3]),$toNativeArray($kindInt8,[0,2,2,2,0,0,0,0]),$toNativeArray($kindInt8,[0,5,2,4,0,5,5,4]),$toNativeArray($kindInt8,[5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5])]);AU=new AQ.ptr(new AP.ptr(false,true,true,true,false,false,M,BD,BB,E.ValidString));$pkg.Lookup=AU;}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts"]=(function(){var 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0:if(U(a)){$s=-1;return[a,$ifaceNil];}c=A.SplitHostPort(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];f=b[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){d=a;e="";}h=D.ToASCII(d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;d=g[0];f=g[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return["",f];}if(e===""){$s=-1;return[d,$ifaceNil];}$s=-1;return[A.JoinHostPort(d,e),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:V,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$pkg.PunycodeHostPort=V;W=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=E.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=b;if(B.HasPrefix(a,"If-")||(c=X[$String.keyFor(a)],c!==undefined?c.v:false)){$s=-1;return false;}$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:W,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ValidTrailerHeader=W;$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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0:a=L(new X(["HTTP_PROXY","http_proxy"]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=L(new X(["HTTPS_PROXY","https_proxy"]));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=L(new X(["NO_PROXY","no_proxy"]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=E.Getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=new I.ptr(a,b,c,!(d===""));$s=5;case 5:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:K,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.FromEnvironment=K;L=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=a;c=0;case 1:if(!(c=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]);e=E.Getenv(d);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(!(f==="")){$s=-1;return f;}c++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:L,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};I.ptr.prototype.ProxyFunc=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=new J.ptr($clone(a,I),Y.nil,Y.nil,Z.nil,Z.nil);$r=b.init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $methodVal(b,"proxyForURL");}return;}var $f={$blk:I.ptr.prototype.ProxyFunc,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};I.prototype.ProxyFunc=function(){return this.$val.ProxyFunc();};J.ptr.prototype.proxyForURL=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=Y.nil;if(a.Scheme==="https"){c=b.httpsProxy;}else if(a.Scheme==="http"){c=b.httpProxy;if(!(c===Y.nil)&&b.Config.CGI){$s=-1;return[Y.nil,A.New("refusing to use HTTP_PROXY value in CGI environment; see golang.org/s/cgihttpproxy")];}}if(c===Y.nil){$s=-1;return[Y.nil,$ifaceNil];}d=O(a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break 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3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=B.Errorf("invalid proxy address %q: %v",new AA([new $String(a),e]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=[Y.nil,j];$s=8;case 8:return k;case 6:$s=-1;return[d,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:M,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};J.ptr.prototype.useProxy=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(a.length===0){$s=-1;return true;}d=C.SplitHostPort(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];g=c[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}if(e==="localhost"){$s=-1;return false;}h=C.ParseIP(e);if(!(h===C.IP.nil)){if(h.IsLoopback()){$s=-1;return false;}}i=F.TrimSpace(e);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=F.ToLower(i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a=j;if(!(h===C.IP.nil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:k=b.ipMatchers;l=0;case 6:if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);n=m.match(a,f,h);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(n){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return false;case 9:l++;$s=6;continue;case 7:case 5:o=b.domainMatchers;p=0;case 11:if(!(p=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]);r=q.match(a,f,h);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(r){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$s=-1;return false;case 14:p++;$s=11;continue;case 12:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:J.ptr.prototype.useProxy,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};J.prototype.useProxy=function(a){return this.$val.useProxy(a);};J.ptr.prototype.init=function(){var{a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=M(a.Config.HTTPProxy);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil)){a.httpProxy=d;}g=M(a.Config.HTTPSProxy);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=g;h=f[0];i=f[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){a.httpsProxy=h;}j=F.Split(a.Config.NoProxy,",");k=0;case 3:if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);m=F.TrimSpace(l);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=F.ToLower(m);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=n;if(l.length===0){k++;$s=3;continue;}if(l==="*"){a.ipMatchers=new Z([(o=new T.ptr(),new o.constructor.elem(o))]);a.domainMatchers=new Z([(p=new T.ptr(),new p.constructor.elem(p))]);$s=-1;return;}q=C.ParseCIDR(l);r=q[1];s=q[2];if($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil)){a.ipMatchers=$append(a.ipMatchers,(t=new U.ptr(r),new t.constructor.elem(t)));k++;$s=3;continue;}v=C.SplitHostPort(l);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[0];x=u[1];y=u[2];if($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil)){if(w.length===0){k++;$s=3;continue;}if((w.charCodeAt(0)===91)&&(w.charCodeAt((w.length-1>>0))===93)){w=$substring(w,1,(w.length-1>>0));}}else{w=l;}z=C.ParseIP(w);if(!(z===C.IP.nil)){a.ipMatchers=$append(a.ipMatchers,(aa=new V.ptr(z,x),new aa.constructor.elem(aa)));k++;$s=3;continue;}if(w.length===0){k++;$s=3;continue;}if(F.HasPrefix(w,"*.")){w=$substring(w,1);}ab=false;if(!((w.charCodeAt(0)===46))){ab=true;w="."+w;}a.domainMatchers=$append(a.domainMatchers,(ac=new W.ptr(w,x,ab),new ac.constructor.elem(ac)));k++;$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:J.ptr.prototype.init,$c:true,$r,a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};J.prototype.init=function(){return this.$val.init();};O=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=a.Hostname();d=Q(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil)){b=e;}g=a.Port();if(g===""){g=(h=N[$String.keyFor(a.Scheme)],h!==undefined?h.v:"");}$s=-1;return C.JoinHostPort(b,g);}return;}var $f={$blk:O,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};Q=function(a){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(R(a)){$s=-1;return[a,$ifaceNil];}b=H.Lookup.ToASCII(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};R=function(a){var a,b;b=0;while(true){if(!(b=128){return false;}b=b+(1)>>0;}return true;};T.ptr.prototype.match=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d;d=this;return true;};T.prototype.match=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.match(a,b,c);};U.ptr.prototype.match=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d;d=this;return d.cidr.Contains(c);};U.prototype.match=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.match(a,b,c);};V.ptr.prototype.match=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d;d=this;if(d.ip.Equal(c)){return d.port===""||d.port===b;}return false;};V.prototype.match=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.match(a,b,c);};W.ptr.prototype.match=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d;d=this;if(F.HasSuffix(a,d.host)||(d.matchHost&&a===$substring(d.host,1))){return d.port===""||d.port===b;}return false;};W.prototype.match=function(a,b,c){return this.$val.match(a,b,c);};AD.methods=[{prop:"ProxyFunc",name:"ProxyFunc",pkg:"",typ:$funcType([],[AC],false)}];AE.methods=[{prop:"proxyForURL",name:"proxyForURL",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",typ:$funcType([Y],[Y,$error],false)},{prop:"useProxy",name:"useProxy",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",typ:$funcType([$String],[$Bool],false)},{prop:"init",name:"init",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",typ:$funcType([],[],false)}];T.methods=[{prop:"match",name:"match",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",typ:$funcType([$String,$String,C.IP],[$Bool],false)}];U.methods=[{prop:"match",name:"match",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",typ:$funcType([$String,$String,C.IP],[$Bool],false)}];V.methods=[{prop:"match",name:"match",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",typ:$funcType([$String,$String,C.IP],[$Bool],false)}];W.methods=[{prop:"match",name:"match",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",typ:$funcType([$String,$String,C.IP],[$Bool],false)}];I.init("",[{prop:"HTTPProxy",name:"HTTPProxy",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"HTTPSProxy",name:"HTTPSProxy",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"NoProxy",name:"NoProxy",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"CGI",name:"CGI",embedded:false,exported:true,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);J.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",[{prop:"Config",name:"Config",embedded:true,exported:true,typ:I,tag:""},{prop:"httpsProxy",name:"httpsProxy",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Y,tag:""},{prop:"httpProxy",name:"httpProxy",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Y,tag:""},{prop:"ipMatchers",name:"ipMatchers",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""},{prop:"domainMatchers",name:"domainMatchers",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:Z,tag:""}]);S.init([{prop:"match",name:"match",pkg:"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",typ:$funcType([$String,$String,C.IP],[$Bool],false)}]);T.init("",[]);U.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",[{prop:"cidr",name:"cidr",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:AB,tag:""}]);V.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",[{prop:"ip",name:"ip",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:C.IP,tag:""},{prop:"port",name:"port",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$String,tag:""}]);W.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy",[{prop:"host",name:"host",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"port",name:"port",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$String,tag:""},{prop:"matchHost",name:"matchHost",embedded:false,exported:false,typ:$Bool,tag:""}]);$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var 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AF.ptr(new F.ptr(AW.nil,new $Uint64(0,0),false,false),0,0,0);this.emit=$throwNilPointerError;this.emitEnabled=false;this.maxStrLen=0;this.buf=AV.nil;this.saveBuf=new B.Buffer.ptr(AV.nil,0,0);this.firstField=false;return;}this.dynTab=dynTab_;this.emit=emit_;this.emitEnabled=emitEnabled_;this.maxStrLen=maxStrLen_;this.buf=buf_;this.saveBuf=saveBuf_;this.firstField=firstField_;});AF=$pkg.dynamicTable=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"hpack.dynamicTable",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack",false,function(table_,size_,maxSize_,allowedMaxSize_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.table=new F.ptr(AW.nil,new $Uint64(0,0),false,false);this.size=0;this.maxSize=0;this.allowedMaxSize=0;return;}this.table=table_;this.size=size_;this.maxSize=maxSize_;this.allowedMaxSize=allowedMaxSize_;});AH=$pkg.indexType=$newType(4,$kindInt,"hpack.indexType",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack",false,null);AK=$pkg.Encoder=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"hpack.Encoder",true,"vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack",true,function(dynTab_,minSize_,maxSizeLimit_,tableSizeUpdate_,w_,buf_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.dynTab=new AF.ptr(new F.ptr(AW.nil,new $Uint64(0,0),false,false),0,0,0);this.minSize=0;this.maxSizeLimit=0;this.tableSizeUpdate=false;this.w=$ifaceNil;this.buf=AV.nil;return;}this.dynTab=dynTab_;this.minSize=minSize_;this.maxSizeLimit=maxSizeLimit_;this.tableSizeUpdate=tableSizeUpdate_;this.w=w_;this.buf=buf_;});AT=$ptrType(R);AU=$sliceType($emptyInterface);AV=$sliceType($Uint8);AW=$sliceType(AC);AX=$ptrType(B.Buffer);AY=$arrayType(AT,256);AZ=$ptrType(AY);BA=$funcType([],[],false);BB=$arrayType(BA,0);BC=$arrayType(R,256);BD=$ptrType(F);BE=$mapType($String,$Uint64);BF=$mapType(G,$Uint64);BG=$funcType([AC],[],false);BH=$ptrType(AD);BI=$ptrType(AF);BJ=$ptrType(AK);F.ptr.prototype.init=function(){var a;a=this;a.byName={};a.byNameValue={};};F.prototype.init=function(){return this.$val.init();};F.ptr.prototype.len=function(){var a;a=this;return a.ents.$length;};F.prototype.len=function(){return this.$val.len();};F.ptr.prototype.addEntry=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;b=this;f=(c=(d=(new $Uint64(0,b.len())),e=b.evictCount,new $Uint64(d.$high+e.$high,d.$low+e.$low)),new $Uint64(c.$high+0,c.$low+1));g=a.Name;(b.byName||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(g)]={k:g,v:f};h=new G.ptr(a.Name,a.Value);(b.byNameValue||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[G.keyFor(h)]={k:h,v:f};b.ents=$append(b.ents,a);};F.prototype.addEntry=function(a){return this.$val.addEntry(a);};F.ptr.prototype.evictOldest=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(a>b.len()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=A.Sprintf("evictOldest(%v) on table with %v entries",new AU([new $Int(a),new $Int(b.len())]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(c));case 2:d=0;while(true){if(!(d=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+d])),AC);j=(g=(h=b.evictCount,i=(new $Uint64(0,d)),new $Uint64(h.$high+i.$high,h.$low+i.$low)),new $Uint64(g.$high+0,g.$low+1));if((k=(l=b.byName[$String.keyFor(f.Name)],l!==undefined?l.v:new $Uint64(0,0)),(k.$high===j.$high&&k.$low===j.$low))){delete b.byName[$String.keyFor(f.Name)];}m=$clone(new G.ptr(f.Name,f.Value),G);if((n=(o=b.byNameValue[G.keyFor(m)],o!==undefined?o.v:new $Uint64(0,0)),(n.$high===j.$high&&n.$low===j.$low))){delete b.byNameValue[G.keyFor(m)];}d=d+(1)>>0;}$copySlice(b.ents,$subslice(b.ents,a));p=b.len()-a>>0;while(true){if(!(p=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+p])),new AC.ptr("","",false));p=p+(1)>>0;}b.ents=$subslice(b.ents,0,(b.len()-a>>0));if((r=(s=b.evictCount,t=(new $Uint64(0,a)),new $Uint64(s.$high+t.$high,s.$low+t.$low)),u=b.evictCount,(r.$high=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]),AC);a.addEntry($clone(d,AC));c++;}return a;};P=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=V();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;f=e;g=0;h=0;i=0;j=g;k=h;l=i;m=c;n=0;case 2:if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);j=((j<<8>>>0)|((o>>>0)))>>>0;k=k+(8)<<24>>>24;l=l+(8)<<24>>>24;case 4:if(!(k>=8)){$s=5;continue;}q=((((p=((k-8<<24>>>24)),p<32?(j>>>p):0)>>>0)<<24>>>24));f=(r=f.children,((q<0||q>=r.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r[q]));if(f===AT.nil){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrInvalidHuffman;}if(f.children===AZ.nil){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:if(!((b===0))&&(a.Len()===b)){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrStringLength;}s=a.WriteByte(f.sym);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;k=k-(f.codeLen)<<24>>>24;f=e;l=k;$s=8;continue;case 7:k=k-(8)<<24>>>24;case 8:$s=4;continue;case 5:n++;$s=2;continue;case 3:case 10:if(!(k>0)){$s=11;continue;}f=(t=f.children,u=((((v=((8-k<<24>>>24)),v<32?(j<>>0)<<24>>>24)),((u<0||u>=t.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t[u]));if(f===AT.nil){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrInvalidHuffman;}if(!(f.children===AZ.nil)||f.codeLen>k){$s=11;continue;}if(!((b===0))&&(a.Len()===b)){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrStringLength;}w=a.WriteByte(f.sym);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;k=k-(f.codeLen)<<24>>>24;f=e;l=k;$s=10;continue;case 11:if(l>7){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrInvalidHuffman;}y=((((x=k,x<32?(1<>>0)-1>>>0));if(!((((j&y)>>>0)===y))){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrInvalidHuffman;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:P,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};S=function(){return new R.ptr(BB.zero(),AY.zero(),0,0);};V=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=T.Do(W);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return U;}return;}var $f={$blk:V,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};W=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x;if(false){$panic(new $String("unexpected size"));}U=S();a=BC.zero();b=K;c=0;while(true){if(!(c<256)){break;}d=c;e=((c<0||c>=b.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b[c]);f=((d<0||d>=L.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):L[d]);g=U;while(true){if(!(f>8)){break;}f=f-(8)<<24>>>24;i=((((h=f,h<32?(e>>>h):0)>>>0)<<24>>>24));if((j=g.children,((i<0||i>=j.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j[i]))===AT.nil){(k=g.children,k.nilCheck,((i<0||i>=k.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k[i]=S()));}g=(l=g.children,((i<0||i>=l.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l[i]));}m=8-f<<24>>>24;n=((((((o=m,o<32?(e<>>0)<<24>>>24))>>0));p=(((q=m,q<32?(1<>0));r=n;s=p;(t=a,((d<0||d>=t.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t[d])).sym=((d<<24>>>24));(u=a,((d<0||d>=u.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):u[d])).codeLen=f;v=r;while(true){if(!(v<(r+s>>0))){break;}(x=g.children,x.nilCheck,((v<0||v>=x.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x[v]=(w=a,((d<0||d>=w.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w[d]))));v=v+(1)>>0;}c++;}};X=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;c=8;d=0;while(true){if(!(d>0;}if(c<8){f=1073741823;g=30;i=((((h=((g-c<<24>>>24)),h<32?(f>>>h):0)>>>0)<<24>>>24));j=a.$length-1>>0;((j<0||j>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+j]=((((j<0||j>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+j])|(i))>>>0));}return a;};$pkg.AppendHuffmanString=X;Y=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e;b=new $Uint64(0,0);c=0;while(true){if(!(c=L.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):L[e])))),new $Uint64(b.$high+d.$high,b.$low+d.$low));c=c+(1)>>0;}return $div64((new $Uint64(b.$high+0,b.$low+7)),new $Uint64(0,8),false);};$pkg.HuffmanEncodeLength=Y;Z=function(a,b,c){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;d=((c<0||c>=K.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):K[c]);e=((c<0||c>=L.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):L[c]);while(true){if(b>e){g=((((f=((b-e<<24>>>24)),f<32?(d<>>0)<<24>>>24));h=a.$length-1>>0;((h<0||h>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+h]=((((h<0||h>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+h])|(g))>>>0));b=b-(e)<<24>>>24;break;}j=((((i=((e-b<<24>>>24)),i<32?(d>>>i):0)>>>0)<<24>>>24));k=a.$length-1>>0;((k<0||k>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+k]=((((k<0||k>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+k])|(j))>>>0));e=e-(b)<<24>>>24;b=8;if(e===0){break;}a=$append(a,0);}return[a,b];};AA.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=A.Sprintf("decoding error: %v",new AU([a.Err]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AA.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AA.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};AB.prototype.Error=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this.$val;b=A.Sprintf("invalid indexed representation index %d",new AU([new $Int(((a>>0)))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AB.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AB).prototype.Error=function(){return new AB(this.$get()).Error();};AC.ptr.prototype.IsPseudo=function(){var a;a=this;return!((a.Name.length===0))&&(a.Name.charCodeAt(0)===58);};AC.prototype.IsPseudo=function(){return this.$val.IsPseudo();};AC.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b="";if(a.Sensitive){b=" (sensitive)";}c=A.Sprintf("header field %q = %q%s",new AU([new $String(a.Name),new $String(a.Value),new $String(b)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:AC.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};AC.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};AC.ptr.prototype.Size=function(){var a;a=this;return((((a.Name.length+a.Value.length>>0)+32>>0)>>>0));};AC.prototype.Size=function(){return this.$val.Size();};AE=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=new AD.ptr(new AF.ptr(new F.ptr(AW.nil,new $Uint64(0,0),false,false),0,0,0),b,true,0,AV.nil,new B.Buffer.ptr(AV.nil,0,0),true);c.dynTab.table.init();c.dynTab.allowedMaxSize=a;$r=c.dynTab.setMaxSize(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AE,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewDecoder=AE;AD.ptr.prototype.SetMaxStringLength=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.maxStrLen=a;};AD.prototype.SetMaxStringLength=function(a){return this.$val.SetMaxStringLength(a);};AD.ptr.prototype.SetEmitFunc=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.emit=a;};AD.prototype.SetEmitFunc=function(a){return this.$val.SetEmitFunc(a);};AD.ptr.prototype.SetEmitEnabled=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.emitEnabled=a;};AD.prototype.SetEmitEnabled=function(a){return this.$val.SetEmitEnabled(a);};AD.ptr.prototype.EmitEnabled=function(){var a;a=this;return a.emitEnabled;};AD.prototype.EmitEnabled=function(){return this.$val.EmitEnabled();};AD.ptr.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSize=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.dynTab.setMaxSize(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AD.ptr.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSize,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};AD.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSize=function(a){return this.$val.SetMaxDynamicTableSize(a);};AD.ptr.prototype.SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.dynTab.allowedMaxSize=a;};AD.prototype.SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize=function(a){return this.$val.SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize(a);};AF.ptr.prototype.setMaxSize=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;b.maxSize=a;$r=b.evict();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF.ptr.prototype.setMaxSize,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};AF.prototype.setMaxSize=function(a){return this.$val.setMaxSize(a);};AF.ptr.prototype.add=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;b.table.addEntry($clone(a,AC));b.size=b.size+($clone(a,AC).Size())>>>0;$r=b.evict();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF.ptr.prototype.add,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};AF.prototype.add=function(a){return this.$val.add(a);};AF.ptr.prototype.evict=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=0;while(true){if(!(a.size>a.maxSize&&b=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+b])),AC).Size())>>>0;b=b+(1)>>0;}$r=a.table.evictOldest(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AF.ptr.prototype.evict,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AF.prototype.evict=function(){return this.$val.evict();};AD.ptr.prototype.maxTableIndex=function(){var a;a=this;return a.dynTab.table.len()+H.len()>>0;};AD.prototype.maxTableIndex=function(){return this.$val.maxTableIndex();};AD.ptr.prototype.at=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;b=new AC.ptr("","",false);c=false;d=this;if((a.$high===0&&a.$low===0)){return[b,c];}if((e=(new $Uint64(0,H.len())),(a.$high=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+$flatten64(h)])),AC);i=true;AC.copy(b,f);c=i;return[b,c];}if((j=(new $Uint64(0,d.maxTableIndex())),(a.$high>j.$high||(a.$high===j.$high&&a.$low>j.$low)))){return[b,c];}k=$clone(d.dynTab.table,F);l=$clone((m=k.ents,n=k.len()-((((a.$low>>0))-H.len()>>0))>>0,((n<0||n>=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n])),AC);o=true;AC.copy(b,l);c=o;return[b,c];};AD.prototype.at=function(a){return this.$val.at(a);};AD.ptr.prototype.DecodeFull=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);b=[b];c=[c];d=[d];b[0]=this;c[0]=AW.nil;d[0]=b[0].emit;$deferred.push([(function(b,c,d){return function(){b[0].emit=d[0];};})(b,c,d),[]]);b[0].emit=(function(b,c,d){return function(e){var e;c[0]=$append(c[0],e);};})(b,c,d);f=b[0].Write(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=f;g=e[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=[AW.nil,g];$s=4;case 4:return h;case 3:i=b[0].Close();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=[AW.nil,i];$s=7;case 7:return j;case 6:k=[c[0],$ifaceNil];$s=8;case 8:return k;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[AW.nil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AD.ptr.prototype.DecodeFull,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AD.prototype.DecodeFull=function(a){return this.$val.DecodeFull(a);};AD.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var a,b;a=this;if(a.saveBuf.Len()>0){a.saveBuf.Reset();return(b=new AA.ptr(C.New("truncated headers")),new b.constructor.elem(b));}a.firstField=true;return $ifaceNil;};AD.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};AD.ptr.prototype.Write=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=0;c=$ifaceNil;d=this;if(a.$length===0){$s=-1;return[b,c];}if(d.saveBuf.Len()===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:d.buf=a;$s=3;continue;case 2:e=d.saveBuf.Write(a);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e;d.buf=d.saveBuf.Bytes();d.saveBuf.Reset();case 3:case 5:if(!(d.buf.$length>0)){$s=6;continue;}f=d.parseHeaderFieldRepr();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=f;if($interfaceIsEqual(c,AG)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:if(!((d.maxStrLen===0))&&(g=(new $Int64(0,d.buf.$length)),h=$mul64(new $Int64(0,2),((i=(new $Int64(0,d.maxStrLen)),new $Int64(i.$high+0,i.$low+8)))),(g.$high>h.$high||(g.$high===h.$high&&g.$low>h.$low)))){j=0;k=$pkg.ErrStringLength;b=j;c=k;$s=-1;return[b,c];}l=d.saveBuf.Write(d.buf);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;m=a.$length;n=$ifaceNil;b=m;c=n;$s=-1;return[b,c];case 9:d.firstField=false;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(c,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 6:o=a.$length;p=c;b=o;c=p;$s=-1;return[b,c];}return;}var $f={$blk:AD.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AD.prototype.Write=function(a){return this.$val.Write(a);};AH.prototype.indexed=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return a===0;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.indexed=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).indexed();};AH.prototype.sensitive=function(){var a;a=this.$val;return a===2;};$ptrType(AH).prototype.sensitive=function(){return new AH(this.$get()).sensitive();};AD.ptr.prototype.parseHeaderFieldRepr=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=(b=a.buf,(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+0]));if(!((((c&128)>>>0)===0))){$s=2;continue;}if((((c&192)>>>0)===64)){$s=3;continue;}if((((c&240)>>>0)===0)){$s=4;continue;}if((((c&240)>>>0)===16)){$s=5;continue;}if((((c&224)>>>0)===32)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 2:d=a.parseFieldIndexed();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=9;case 9:return e;case 3:f=a.parseFieldLiteral(6,0);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;$s=11;case 11:return g;case 4:h=a.parseFieldLiteral(4,1);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=13;case 13:return i;case 5:j=a.parseFieldLiteral(4,2);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=15;case 15:return k;case 6:l=a.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=17;case 17:return m;case 7:case 1:$s=-1;return(n=new AA.ptr(C.New("invalid encoding")),new n.constructor.elem(n));}return;}var $f={$blk:AD.ptr.prototype.parseHeaderFieldRepr,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};AD.prototype.parseHeaderFieldRepr=function(){return this.$val.parseHeaderFieldRepr();};AD.ptr.prototype.parseFieldIndexed=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.buf;c=AJ(7,b);d=c[0];b=c[1];e=c[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return e;}f=a.at(d);g=$clone(f[0],AC);h=f[1];if(!h){$s=-1;return(i=new AA.ptr(new AB(((d.$low>>0)))),new i.constructor.elem(i));}a.buf=b;j=a.callEmit(new AC.ptr(g.Name,g.Value,false));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:AD.ptr.prototype.parseFieldIndexed,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};AD.prototype.parseFieldIndexed=function(){return this.$val.parseFieldIndexed();};AD.ptr.prototype.parseFieldLiteral=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.buf;e=AJ(a,d);f=e[0];d=e[1];g=e[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return g;}h=new AC.ptr("","",false);i=c.emitEnabled||new AH(b).indexed();if((f.$high>0||(f.$high===0&&f.$low>0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=c.at(f);k=$clone(j[0],AC);l=j[1];if(!l){$s=-1;return(m=new AA.ptr(new AB(((f.$low>>0)))),new m.constructor.elem(m));}h.Name=k.Name;$s=3;continue;case 2:o=c.readString(d,i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;h.Name=n[0];d=n[1];g=n[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return g;}case 3:q=c.readString(d,i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;h.Value=p[0];d=p[1];g=p[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return g;}c.buf=d;if(new AH(b).indexed()){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=c.dynTab.add($clone(h,AC));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:h.Sensitive=new AH(b).sensitive();r=c.callEmit($clone(h,AC));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=10;case 10:return s;}return;}var $f={$blk:AD.ptr.prototype.parseFieldLiteral,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};AD.prototype.parseFieldLiteral=function(a,b){return this.$val.parseFieldLiteral(a,b);};AD.ptr.prototype.callEmit=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(!((b.maxStrLen===0))){if(a.Name.length>b.maxStrLen||a.Value.length>b.maxStrLen){$s=-1;return $pkg.ErrStringLength;}}if(b.emitEnabled){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=b.emit($clone(a,AC));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AD.ptr.prototype.callEmit,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};AD.prototype.callEmit=function(a){return this.$val.callEmit(a);};AD.ptr.prototype.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;if(!a.firstField&&a.dynTab.size>0){$s=-1;return(b=new AA.ptr(C.New("dynamic table size update MUST occur at the beginning of a header block")),new b.constructor.elem(b));}c=a.buf;d=AJ(5,c);e=d[0];c=d[1];f=d[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return f;}if((g=(new $Uint64(0,a.dynTab.allowedMaxSize)),(e.$high>g.$high||(e.$high===g.$high&&e.$low>g.$low)))){$s=-1;return(h=new AA.ptr(C.New("dynamic table size update too large")),new h.constructor.elem(h));}$r=a.dynTab.setMaxSize(((e.$low>>>0)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}a.buf=c;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AD.ptr.prototype.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};AD.prototype.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate=function(){return this.$val.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate();};AJ=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=new $Uint64(0,0);d=AV.nil;e=$ifaceNil;if(a<1||a>8){$panic(new $String("bad n"));}if(b.$length===0){f=new $Uint64(0,0);g=b;h=AG;c=f;d=g;e=h;return[c,d,e];}c=(new $Uint64(0,(0>=b.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$Uint64(0,0);ab=p;ac=AG;c=aa;d=ab;e=ac;return[c,d,e];};AD.ptr.prototype.readString=function(a,b){var{a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);c="";d=AV.nil;e=$ifaceNil;f=this;if(a.$length===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g="";h=a;i=AG;c=g;d=h;e=i;j=[c,d,e];$s=3;case 3:return j;case 2:k=!(((((0>=a.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+0])&128)>>>0)===0));l=AJ(7,a);m=l[0];a=l[1];e=l[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:n="";o=a;p=e;c=n;d=o;e=p;q=[c,d,e];$s=6;case 6:return q;case 5:if(!((f.maxStrLen===0))&&(r=(new $Uint64(0,f.maxStrLen)),(m.$high>r.$high||(m.$high===r.$high&&m.$low>r.$low)))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:s="";t=AV.nil;u=$pkg.ErrStringLength;c=s;d=t;e=u;v=[c,d,e];$s=9;case 9:return v;case 8:if((w=(new $Uint64(0,a.$length)),(w.$highb.maxSizeLimit){a=b.maxSizeLimit;}if(aa){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:b.tableSizeUpdate=true;$r=b.dynTab.setMaxSize(a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AK.ptr.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};AK.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit=function(a){return this.$val.SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit(a);};AK.ptr.prototype.shouldIndex=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return!a.Sensitive&&$clone(a,AC).Size()<=b.dynTab.maxSize;};AK.prototype.shouldIndex=function(a){return this.$val.shouldIndex(a);};AM=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=a.$length;a=AQ(a,7,b);((c<0||c>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+c]=((((c<0||c>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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$Uint64(c.$high-f.$high,c.$low-f.$low));while(true){if(!((c.$high>0||(c.$high===0&&c.$low>=128)))){break;}a=$append(a,(((g=new $Uint64(c.$high&0,(c.$low&127)>>>0),new $Uint64(0|g.$high,(128|g.$low)>>>0)).$low<<24>>>24)));c=$shiftRightUint64(c,(7));}return $append(a,((c.$low<<24>>>24)));};AR=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e;c=Y(b);if((d=(new $Uint64(0,b.length)),(c.$high=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]=((((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e])|(128))>>>0));}else{a=AQ(a,7,(new $Uint64(0,b.length)));a=$appendSlice(a,b);}return a;};AS=function(a,b){var a,b;if(b){return 16;}if(a){return 64;}return 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R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,g.Proxy,g.DialContext,g.Dial,g.DialTLSContext,g.DialTLS,ZI.nil,g.TLSHandshakeTimeout,g.DisableKeepAlives,g.DisableCompression,g.MaxIdleConns,g.MaxIdleConnsPerHost,g.MaxConnsPerHost,g.IdleConnTimeout,g.ResponseHeaderTimeout,g.ExpectContinueTimeout,false,new KP(g.ProxyConnectHeader).Clone(),g.GetProxyConnectHeader,g.MaxResponseHeaderBytes,g.WriteBufferSize,g.ReadBufferSize,new R.Once.ptr(0,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),$ifaceNil,false,g.ForceAttemptHTTP2);if(!(g.TLSClientConfig===ZI.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=g.TLSClientConfig.Clone();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.TLSClientConfig=i;case 3:if(!g.tlsNextProtoWasNil){j=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[]);k=g.TLSNextProto;l=0;m=$keys(k);while(true){if(!(l0||(ab.$high===0&&ab.$low>=4294967295))){z.MaxHeaderListSize=4294967295;}else{z.MaxHeaderListSize=((ab.$low>>>0));}}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults=function(){return this.$val.onceSetNextProtoDefaults();};AW=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=BF();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h(g.URL);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ProxyFromEnvironment=AW;AY.ptr.prototype.extraHeaders=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.extra===false){g.extra={};}return g.extra;};AY.prototype.extraHeaders=function(){return this.$val.extraHeaders();};AY.ptr.prototype.setError=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h.err,$ifaceNil)){h.err=g;}$r=h.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AY.ptr.prototype.setError,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};AY.prototype.setError=function(g){return this.$val.setError(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.useRegisteredProtocol=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(!(g.URL.Scheme==="https")){i=false;$s=3;continue s;}j=g.requiresHTTP1();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;case 3:if(i){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return false;case 2:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.useRegisteredProtocol,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.useRegisteredProtocol=function(g){return this.$val.useRegisteredProtocol(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.alternateRoundTripper=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.useRegisteredProtocol(g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!i){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:j=$assertType(h.altProto.Load(),AAE,true);k=j[0];$s=-1;return(l=k[$String.keyFor(g.URL.Scheme)],l!==undefined?l.v:$ifaceNil);}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.alternateRoundTripper,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.alternateRoundTripper=function(g){return this.$val.alternateRoundTripper(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.roundTrip=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.nextProtoOnce.Do($methodVal(h,"onceSetNextProtoDefaults"));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.Context();j=L.ContextClientTrace(i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(g.URL===AAF.nil){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=g.closeBody();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,G.New("http: nil Request.URL")];case 4:if(g.Header===false){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:m=g.closeBody();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,G.New("http: nil Request.Header")];case 7:n=g.URL.Scheme;o=n==="http"||n==="https";if(o){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:p=g.Header;q=0;r=$keys(p);case 11:if(!(q=y.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):y.$array[y.$offset+z]);if(!U.ValidHeaderFieldValue(aa)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:ab=g.closeBody();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;ac=H.Errorf("net/http: invalid header field value %q for key %v",new ZB([new $String(aa),new $String(t)]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=[AAG.nil,ac];$s=24;case 24:return ad;case 21:z++;$s=18;continue;case 19:q++;$s=11;continue;case 12:case 10:ae=g;af=new AU.ptr(ae);g=BB(g);ag=h.alternateRoundTripper(g);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:aj=ah.RoundTrip(g);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;ak=ai[0];al=ai[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(al,$pkg.ErrSkipAltProtocol))){$s=-1;return[ak,al];}am=$ifaceNil;ao=BC(g);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ao;g=an[0];am=an[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,am];}case 27:if(!o){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:ap=g.closeBody();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;aq=JC("unsupported protocol scheme",n);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=[AAG.nil,aq];$s=34;case 34:return ar;case 31:if(!(!(g.Method===""))){as=false;$s=37;continue s;}at=JN(g.Method);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=!at;case 37:if(as){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:au=g.closeBody();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au;av=H.Errorf("net/http: invalid method %q",new ZB([new $String(g.Method)]));$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=[AAG.nil,av];$s=41;case 41:return aw;case 36:if(g.URL.Host===""){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:ax=g.closeBody();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax;$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,G.New("http: no Host in request URL")];case 43:case 45:az=i.Done();$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=$select([[az],[]]);if(ay[0]===0){$s=48;continue;}if(ay[0]===1){$s=49;continue;}$s=50;continue;case 48:ba=g.closeBody();$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba;bb=i.Err();$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=[AAG.nil,bb];$s=53;case 53:return bc;case 49:case 50:bd=new AY.ptr(g,false,k,$clone(af,AU),new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),$ifaceNil);bf=h.connectMethodForRequest(bd);$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bf;bg=$clone(be[0],BW);bh=be[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bh,$ifaceNil))){$s=55;continue;}$s=56;continue;case 55:bi=g.closeBody();$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi;$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,bh];case 56:bk=h.getConn(bd,$clone(bg,BW));$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=bk;bl=bj[0];bh=bj[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bh,$ifaceNil))){$s=59;continue;}$s=60;continue;case 59:$r=h.setReqCanceler($clone(af,AU),$throwNilPointerError);$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm=g.closeBody();$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bm;$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,bh];case 60:bn=AAG.nil;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bl.alt,$ifaceNil))){$s=63;continue;}$s=64;continue;case 63:$r=h.setReqCanceler($clone(af,AU),$throwNilPointerError);$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=bl.alt.RoundTrip(g);$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bo=bp;bn=bo[0];bh=bo[1];$s=65;continue;case 64:br=bl.roundTrip(bd);$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=br;bn=bq[0];bh=bq[1];case 65:if($interfaceIsEqual(bh,$ifaceNil)){bn.Request=ae;$s=-1;return[bn,$ifaceNil];}if(SM(bh)){$s=69;continue;}bs=bl.shouldRetryRequest(g,bh);$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!bs){$s=70;continue;}$s=71;continue;case 69:bt=h.removeIdleConn(bl);$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bt){$s=73;continue;}$s=74;continue;case 73:$r=h.decConnsPerHost($clone(bl.cacheKey,BX));$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 74:$s=71;continue;case 70:bu=$assertType(bh,CD,true);bv=$clone(bu[0],CD);bw=bu[1];if(bw){bh=bv.error;}bx=$assertType(bh,BQ,true);by=$clone(bx[0],BQ);bz=bx[1];if(bz){bh=by.err;}$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,bh];case 71:$r=CO();$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cb=BC(g);$s=78;case 78:if($c){$c=false;cb=cb.$blk();}if(cb&&cb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ca=cb;g=ca[0];bh=ca[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bh,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,bh];}$s=45;continue;case 46:$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.roundTrip,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.roundTrip=function(g){return this.$val.roundTrip(g);};BA.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;h.didRead=true;i=h.ReadCloser.Read(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:BA.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BA.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};BA.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;g.didClose=true;h=g.ReadCloser.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BA.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BA.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};BB=function(g){var g,h;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,$ifaceNil)||$interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))){return g;}h=$clone(g,JE);h.Body=new BA.ptr(g.Body,false,false);return h;};BC=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=ZX.nil;j=$ifaceNil;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,$ifaceNil)||$interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))||(!$assertType(g.Body,AAI).didRead&&!$assertType(g.Body,AAI).didClose)){k=g;l=$ifaceNil;i=k;j=l;$s=-1;return[i,j];}if(!$assertType(g.Body,AAI).didClose){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=g.closeBody();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;case 2:if(g.GetBody===$throwNilPointerError){n=ZX.nil;o=AZ;i=n;j=o;$s=-1;return[i,j];}q=g.GetBody();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];j=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){s=ZX.nil;t=j;i=s;j=t;$s=-1;return[i,j];}h[0]=$clone(g,JE);h[0].Body=new BA.ptr(r,false,false);u=h[0];v=$ifaceNil;i=u;j=v;$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:BC,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};BY.ptr.prototype.shouldRetryRequest=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(SM(h)){$s=-1;return true;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,JH)){$s=-1;return false;}j=i.isReused();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!j){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return false;case 2:k=$assertType(h,CD,true);l=k[1];if(l){$s=-1;return(m=g.outgoingLength(),(m.$high===0&&m.$low===0))||!(g.GetBody===$throwNilPointerError);}if(!g.isReplayable()){$s=-1;return false;}n=$assertType(h,BQ,true);o=n[1];if(o){$s=-1;return true;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,BP)){$s=-1;return true;}$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.shouldRetryRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.shouldRetryRequest=function(g,h){return this.$val.shouldRetryRequest(g,h);};AT.ptr.prototype.RegisterProtocol=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=this;$r=i.altMu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.altMu,"Unlock"),[]]);j=$assertType(i.altProto.Load(),AAE,true);k=j[0];l=(m=k[$String.keyFor(g)],m!==undefined?[m.v,true]:[$ifaceNil,false]);n=l[1];if(n){$panic(new $String("protocol "+g+" already registered"));}o={};p=k;q=0;r=$keys(p);while(true){if(!(q=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);$r=p.close(BM);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o++;$s=6;continue;case 7:j++;$s=4;continue;case 5:q=g.h2transport;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=q.CloseIdleConnections();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.CloseIdleConnections,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.CloseIdleConnections=function(){return this.$val.CloseIdleConnections();};AT.ptr.prototype.CancelRequest=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.cancelRequest(new AU.ptr(g),CJ);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.CancelRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.CancelRequest=function(g){return this.$val.CancelRequest(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.cancelRequest=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=this;$r=i.reqMu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.reqMu,"Unlock"),[]]);k=(j=i.reqCanceler[AU.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?j.v:$throwNilPointerError);delete i.reqCanceler[AU.keyFor(g)];if(!(k===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=k(h);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:l=!(k===$throwNilPointerError);$s=5;case 5:return l;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.cancelRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.cancelRequest=function(g,h){return this.$val.cancelRequest(g,h);};BF=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=BD.Do((function $b(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=V.FromEnvironment();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.ProxyFunc();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BE=h;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;}));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return BE;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};AT.ptr.prototype.connectMethodForRequest=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=new BW.ptr(ZV.zero(),AAF.nil,"","",false);i=$ifaceNil;j=this;h.targetScheme=g.Request.URL.Scheme;k=CV(g.Request.URL);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.targetAddr=k;if(!(j.Proxy===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:m=j.Proxy(g.Request);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;h.proxyURL=l[0];i=l[1];case 3:n=g.Request.requiresHTTP1();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.onlyH1=n;o=$clone(h,BW);p=i;BW.copy(h,o);i=p;$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.connectMethodForRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.connectMethodForRequest=function(g){return this.$val.connectMethodForRequest(g);};BW.ptr.prototype.proxyAuth=function(){var g,h,i,j,k;g=this;if(g.proxyURL===AAF.nil){return"";}h=g.proxyURL.User;if(!(h===AAJ.nil)){i=h.Username();j=h.Password();k=j[0];return"Basic "+YJ(i,k);}return"";};BW.prototype.proxyAuth=function(){return this.$val.proxyAuth();};BQ.ptr.prototype.Unwrap=function(){var g;g=this;return g.err;};BQ.prototype.Unwrap=function(){return this.$val.Unwrap();};BQ.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=H.Sprintf("net/http: Transport failed to read from server: %v",new ZB([g.err]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BQ.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BQ.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};AT.ptr.prototype.putOrCloseIdleConn=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.tryPutIdleConn(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=g.close(j);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.putOrCloseIdleConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.putOrCloseIdleConn=function(g){return this.$val.putOrCloseIdleConn(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.maxIdleConnsPerHost=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=g.MaxIdleConnsPerHost;if(!((h===0))){return h;}return 2;};AT.prototype.maxIdleConnsPerHost=function(){return this.$val.maxIdleConnsPerHost();};AT.ptr.prototype.tryPutIdleConn=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;if(h.DisableKeepAlives||h.MaxIdleConnsPerHost<0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=BH;$s=3;case 3:return i;case 2:j=g.isBroken();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:k=BI;$s=7;case 7:return k;case 5:$r=g.markReused();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.idleMu.Lock();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.idleMu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.alt,$ifaceNil))&&!((l=h.idleLRU.m[AAK.keyFor(g)],l!==undefined?l.v:AAL.nil)===AAL.nil)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:m=$ifaceNil;$s=12;case 12:return m;case 11:n=$clone(g.cacheKey,BX);o=(p=h.idleConnWait[BX.keyFor(n)],p!==undefined?[p.v,true]:[new BT.ptr(AAN.nil,0,AAN.nil),false]);q=$clone(o[0],BT);r=o[1];if(r){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:s=false;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.alt,$ifaceNil)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:case 18:if(!(q.len()>0)){$s=19;continue;}t=q.popFront();u=t.tryDeliver(g,$ifaceNil);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(u){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:s=true;$s=19;continue;case 21:$s=18;continue;case 19:$s=17;continue;case 16:case 23:if(!(q.len()>0)){$s=24;continue;}v=q.popFront();w=v.tryDeliver(g,$ifaceNil);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;$s=23;continue;case 24:case 17:if(q.len()===0){delete h.idleConnWait[BX.keyFor(n)];}else{x=$clone(n,BX);(h.idleConnWait||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[BX.keyFor(x)]={k:x,v:$clone(q,BT)};}if(s){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:y=$ifaceNil;$s=28;case 28:return y;case 27:case 14:if(h.closeIdle){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:z=BJ;$s=31;case 31:return z;case 30:if(h.idleConn===false){h.idleConn={};}ab=(aa=h.idleConn[BX.keyFor(n)],aa!==undefined?aa.v:AAO.nil);if(ab.$length>=h.maxIdleConnsPerHost()){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:ac=BL;$s=34;case 34:return ac;case 33:ad=ab;ae=0;case 35:if(!(ae=ad.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ad.$array[ad.$offset+ae]);if(af===g){$s=37;continue;}$s=38;continue;case 37:$r=K.Fatalf("dup idle pconn %p in freelist",new ZB([g]));$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 38:ae++;$s=35;continue;case 36:ag=$clone(n,BX);(h.idleConn||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[BX.keyFor(ag)]={k:ag,v:$append(ab,g)};h.idleLRU.add(g);if(!((h.MaxIdleConns===0))&&h.idleLRU.len()>h.MaxIdleConns){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:ah=h.idleLRU.removeOldest();$r=ah.close(BK);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.removeIdleConnLocked(ah);case 41:if((ai=h.IdleConnTimeout,(ai.$high>0||(ai.$high===0&&ai.$low>0)))&&$interfaceIsEqual(g.alt,$ifaceNil)){$s=43;continue;}$s=44;continue;case 43:if(!(g.idleTimer===AAP.nil)){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:aj=g.idleTimer.Reset(h.IdleConnTimeout);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;$s=47;continue;case 46:ak=T.AfterFunc(h.IdleConnTimeout,$methodVal(g,"closeConnIfStillIdle"));$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.idleTimer=ak;case 47:case 44:al=T.Now();$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}T.Time.copy(g.idleAt,al);am=$ifaceNil;$s=51;case 51:return am;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.tryPutIdleConn,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.tryPutIdleConn=function(g){return this.$val.tryPutIdleConn(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.queueForIdleConn=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=false;i=this;if(i.DisableKeepAlives){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=false;j=h;$s=3;case 3:return j;case 2:$r=i.idleMu.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.idleMu,"Unlock"),[]]);i.closeIdle=false;if(g===AAM.nil){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:h=false;k=h;$s=7;case 7:return k;case 6:l=new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil);if((m=i.IdleConnTimeout,(m.$high>0||(m.$high===0&&m.$low>0)))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:n=T.Now();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(n,T.Time).Add((o=i.IdleConnTimeout,new T.Duration(-o.$high,-o.$low)));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}T.Time.copy(l,p);case 9:q=(r=i.idleConn[BX.keyFor(g.key)],r!==undefined?[r.v,true]:[AAO.nil,false]);s=q[0];t=q[1];if(t){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:u=false;v=false;case 14:if(!(s.$length>0&&!u)){$s=15;continue;}x=(w=s.$length-1>>0,((w<0||w>=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+w]));y=!$clone(l,T.Time).IsZero()&&$clone($clone(x.idleAt,T.Time).Round(new T.Duration(0,0)),T.Time).Before($clone(l,T.Time));if(y){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:$go($methodVal(x,"closeConnIfStillIdle"),[]);case 17:z=x.isBroken();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(z||y){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:s=$subslice(s,0,(s.$length-1>>0));$s=14;continue;case 19:aa=g.tryDeliver(x,$ifaceNil);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=aa;if(v){if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x.alt,$ifaceNil))){}else{i.idleLRU.remove(x);s=$subslice(s,0,(s.$length-1>>0));}}u=true;$s=14;continue;case 15:if(s.$length>0){ab=$clone(g.key,BX);(i.idleConn||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[BX.keyFor(ab)]={k:ab,v:s};}else{delete i.idleConn[BX.keyFor(g.key)];}if(u){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:h=v;ac=h;$s=24;case 24:return ac;case 23:case 13:if(i.idleConnWait===false){i.idleConnWait={};}ae=$clone((ad=i.idleConnWait[BX.keyFor(g.key)],ad!==undefined?ad.v:new BT.ptr(AAN.nil,0,AAN.nil)),BT);ae.cleanFront();ae.pushBack(g);af=$clone(g.key,BX);(i.idleConnWait||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[BX.keyFor(af)]={k:af,v:$clone(ae,BT)};h=false;ag=h;$s=25;case 25:return ag;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return h;}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.queueForIdleConn,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.queueForIdleConn=function(g){return this.$val.queueForIdleConn(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.removeIdleConn=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.idleMu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.idleMu,"Unlock"),[]]);i=h.removeIdleConnLocked(g);$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.removeIdleConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.removeIdleConn=function(g){return this.$val.removeIdleConn(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.removeIdleConnLocked=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;h=this;if(!(g.idleTimer===AAP.nil)){g.idleTimer.Stop();}h.idleLRU.remove(g);i=$clone(g.cacheKey,BX);k=(j=h.idleConn[BX.keyFor(i)],j!==undefined?j.v:AAO.nil);l=false;m=k.$length;if(m===(0)){}else if(m===(1)){if((0>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+0])===g){delete h.idleConn[BX.keyFor(i)];l=true;}}else{n=k;o=0;while(true){if(!(o=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]);if(!(q===g)){o++;continue;}$copySlice($subslice(k,p),$subslice(k,(p+1>>0)));r=$clone(i,BX);(h.idleConn||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[BX.keyFor(r)]={k:r,v:$subslice(k,0,(k.$length-1>>0))};l=true;break;}}return l;};AT.prototype.removeIdleConnLocked=function(g){return this.$val.removeIdleConnLocked(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.setReqCanceler=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=this;$r=i.reqMu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.reqMu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(i.reqCanceler===false){i.reqCanceler={};}if(!(h===$throwNilPointerError)){j=$clone(g,AU);(i.reqCanceler||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[AU.keyFor(j)]={k:j,v:h};}else{delete i.reqCanceler[AU.keyFor(g)];}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.setReqCanceler,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.setReqCanceler=function(g,h){return this.$val.setReqCanceler(g,h);};AT.ptr.prototype.replaceReqCanceler=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=this;$r=i.reqMu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.reqMu,"Unlock"),[]]);j=(k=i.reqCanceler[AU.keyFor(g)],k!==undefined?[k.v,true]:[$throwNilPointerError,false]);l=j[1];if(!l){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:m=false;$s=4;case 4:return m;case 3:if(!(h===$throwNilPointerError)){n=$clone(g,AU);(i.reqCanceler||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[AU.keyFor(n)]={k:n,v:h};}else{delete i.reqCanceler[AU.keyFor(g)];}o=true;$s=5;case 5:return o;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.replaceReqCanceler,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.replaceReqCanceler=function(g,h){return this.$val.replaceReqCanceler(g,h);};AT.ptr.prototype.dial=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(!(j.DialContext===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=j.DialContext(g,h,i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=4;case 4:return l;case 2:if(!(j.Dial===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:n=j.Dial(h,i);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil)&&$interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil)){p=G.New("net/http: Transport.Dial hook returned (nil, nil)");}$s=-1;return[o,p];case 6:q=BR.DialContext(g,h,i);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=9;case 9:return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.dial,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.dial=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.dial(g,h,i);};BS.ptr.prototype.waiting=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=$select([[g.ready],[]]);if(h[0]===0){return false;}else if(h[0]===1){return true;}};BS.prototype.waiting=function(){return this.$val.waiting();};BS.ptr.prototype.tryDeliver=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=this;$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(!(i.pc===AAK.nil)||!($interfaceIsEqual(i.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=false;$s=4;case 4:return j;case 3:i.pc=g;i.err=h;if(i.pc===AAK.nil&&$interfaceIsEqual(i.err,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("net/http: internal error: misuse of tryDeliver"));}$close(i.ready);k=true;$s=5;case 5:return k;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.tryDeliver,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BS.prototype.tryDeliver=function(g,h){return this.$val.tryDeliver(g,h);};BS.ptr.prototype.cancel=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i.pc===AAK.nil&&$interfaceIsEqual(i.err,$ifaceNil)){$close(i.ready);}j=i.pc;i.pc=AAK.nil;i.err=h;$r=i.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(j===AAK.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=g.putOrCloseIdleConn(j);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BS.ptr.prototype.cancel,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BS.prototype.cancel=function(g,h){return this.$val.cancel(g,h);};BT.ptr.prototype.len=function(){var g;g=this;return(g.head.$length-g.headPos>>0)+g.tail.$length>>0;};BT.prototype.len=function(){return this.$val.len();};BT.ptr.prototype.pushBack=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.tail=$append(h.tail,g);};BT.prototype.pushBack=function(g){return this.$val.pushBack(g);};BT.ptr.prototype.popFront=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;g=this;if(g.headPos>=g.head.$length){if(g.tail.$length===0){return AAM.nil;}h=g.tail;i=0;j=$subslice(g.head,0,0);g.head=h;g.headPos=i;g.tail=j;}m=(k=g.head,l=g.headPos,((l<0||l>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]));(n=g.head,o=g.headPos,((o<0||o>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+o]=AAM.nil));g.headPos=g.headPos+(1)>>0;return m;};BT.prototype.popFront=function(){return this.$val.popFront();};BT.ptr.prototype.peekFront=function(){var g,h,i,j;g=this;if(g.headPos=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]));}if(g.tail.$length>0){return(j=g.tail,(0>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+0]));}return AAM.nil;};BT.prototype.peekFront=function(){return this.$val.peekFront();};BT.ptr.prototype.cleanFront=function(){var g,h,i;g=false;h=this;while(true){i=h.peekFront();if(i===AAM.nil||i.waiting()){g=g;return g;}h.popFront();g=true;}};BT.prototype.cleanFront=function(){return this.$val.cleanFront();};AT.ptr.prototype.customDialTLS=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$ifaceNil;k=$ifaceNil;l=this;if(!(l.DialTLSContext===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=l.DialTLSContext(g,h,i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;j=m[0];k=m[1];$s=3;continue;case 2:p=l.DialTLS(h,i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;j=o[0];k=o[1];case 3:if($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil)&&$interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil)){k=G.New("net/http: Transport.DialTLS or DialTLSContext returned (nil, nil)");}$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.customDialTLS,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.customDialTLS=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.customDialTLS(g,h,i);};AT.ptr.prototype.getConn=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=[l];m=AAK.nil;j[0]=$ifaceNil;k[0]=this;n=g.Request;o=g.trace;p=n.Context();if(!(o===AAH.nil)&&!(o.GetConn===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:q=h.addr();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=o.GetConn(q);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:l[0]=new BS.ptr($clone(h,BW),$clone(h.key(),BX),p,new $Chan(AAQ,1),CP,CQ,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),AAK.nil,$ifaceNil);$deferred.push([(function(i,j,k,l){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=l[0].cancel(k[0],j[0]);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(i,j,k,l),[]]);r=k[0].queueForIdleConn(l[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;if(s){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:t=l[0].pc;if($interfaceIsEqual(t.alt,$ifaceNil)&&!(o===AAH.nil)&&!(o.GotConn===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:u=t.gotIdleConnTrace($clone(t.idleAt,T.Time));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=o.GotConn($clone(u,L.GotConnInfo));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 9:$r=k[0].setReqCanceler($clone(g.cancelKey,AU),(function(i,j,k,l){return function(v){var v;};})(i,j,k,l));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=t;w=$ifaceNil;m=v;j[0]=w;x=[m,j[0]];$s=13;case 13:return x;case 7:i[0]=new $Chan($error,1);$r=k[0].setReqCanceler($clone(g.cancelKey,AU),(function(i,j,k,l){return function $b(y){var{y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{y});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=$send(i[0],y);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,y,$s};return $f;};})(i,j,k,l));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=k[0].queueForDial(l[0]);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=n.Context().Done();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=$select([[l[0].ready],[n.Cancel],[z],[i[0]]]);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=aa;if(y[0]===0){$s=18;continue;}if(y[0]===1){$s=19;continue;}if(y[0]===2){$s=20;continue;}if(y[0]===3){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 18:if(!(l[0].pc===AAK.nil)&&$interfaceIsEqual(l[0].pc.alt,$ifaceNil)&&!(o===AAH.nil)&&!(o.GotConn===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:ab=l[0].pc.isReused();$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=o.GotConn(new L.GotConnInfo.ptr(l[0].pc.conn,ab,false,new T.Duration(0,0)));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 24:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0].err,$ifaceNil))){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:ad=n.Context().Done();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=$select([[n.Cancel],[ad],[i[0]],[]]);if(ac[0]===0){$s=30;continue;}if(ac[0]===1){$s=31;continue;}if(ac[0]===2){$s=32;continue;}if(ac[0]===3){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 30:ae=AAK.nil;af=CK;m=ae;j[0]=af;ag=[m,j[0]];$s=35;case 35:return ag;case 31:ah=AAK.nil;aj=n.Context().Err();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;m=ah;j[0]=ai;ak=[m,j[0]];$s=37;case 37:return ak;case 32:al=ac[1][0];if($interfaceIsEqual(al,CJ)){al=CK;}am=AAK.nil;an=al;m=am;j[0]=an;ao=[m,j[0]];$s=38;case 38:return ao;case 33:case 34:case 28:ap=l[0].pc;aq=l[0].err;m=ap;j[0]=aq;ar=[m,j[0]];$s=39;case 39:return ar;case 19:as=AAK.nil;at=CK;m=as;j[0]=at;au=[m,j[0]];$s=40;case 40:return au;case 20:av=AAK.nil;ax=n.Context().Err();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ax;m=av;j[0]=aw;ay=[m,j[0]];$s=42;case 42:return ay;case 21:az=y[1][0];if($interfaceIsEqual(az,CJ)){az=CK;}ba=AAK.nil;bb=az;m=ba;j[0]=bb;bc=[m,j[0]];$s=43;case 43:return bc;case 22:$s=-1;return[m,j[0]];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[m,j[0]];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.getConn,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.getConn=function(g,h){return this.$val.getConn(g,h);};AT.ptr.prototype.queueForDial=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=g.beforeDial();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h.MaxConnsPerHost<=0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$go($methodVal(h,"dialConnFor"),[g]);$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:$r=h.connsPerHostMu.Lock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.connsPerHostMu,"Unlock"),[]]);j=(i=h.connsPerHost[BX.keyFor(g.key)],i!==undefined?i.v:0);if(j>0};$go($methodVal(h,"dialConnFor"),[g]);$s=8;case 8:return;case 7:if(h.connsPerHostWait===false){h.connsPerHostWait={};}m=$clone((l=h.connsPerHostWait[BX.keyFor(g.key)],l!==undefined?l.v:new BT.ptr(AAN.nil,0,AAN.nil)),BT);m.cleanFront();m.pushBack(g);n=$clone(g.key,BX);(h.connsPerHostWait||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[BX.keyFor(n)]={k:n,v:$clone(m,BT)};$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.queueForDial,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.queueForDial=function(g){return this.$val.queueForDial(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.dialConnFor=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$deferred.push([g.afterDial,[]]);j=h.dialConn(g.ctx,$clone(g.cm,BW));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];m=g.tryDeliver(k,l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil)&&(!n||!($interfaceIsEqual(k.alt,$ifaceNil)))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=h.putOrCloseIdleConn(k);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=h.decConnsPerHost($clone(g.key,BX));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.dialConnFor,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.dialConnFor=function(g){return this.$val.dialConnFor(g);};AT.ptr.prototype.decConnsPerHost=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;if(h.MaxConnsPerHost<=0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=3;case 3:return;case 2:$r=h.connsPerHostMu.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.connsPerHostMu,"Unlock"),[]]);j=(i=h.connsPerHost[BX.keyFor(g)],i!==undefined?i.v:0);if(j===0){$panic(new $String("net/http: internal error: connCount underflow"));}l=$clone((k=h.connsPerHostWait[BX.keyFor(g)],k!==undefined?k.v:new BT.ptr(AAN.nil,0,AAN.nil)),BT);if(l.len()>0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:m=false;case 7:if(!(l.len()>0)){$s=8;continue;}n=l.popFront();if(n.waiting()){$go($methodVal(h,"dialConnFor"),[n]);m=true;$s=8;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 8:if(l.len()===0){delete h.connsPerHostWait[BX.keyFor(g)];}else{o=$clone(g,BX);(h.connsPerHostWait||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[BX.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:$clone(l,BT)};}if(m){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$s=11;case 11:return;case 10:case 6:j=j-(1)>>0;if(j===0){delete h.connsPerHost[BX.keyFor(g)];}else{p=$clone(g,BX);(h.connsPerHost||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[BX.keyFor(p)]={k:p,v:j};}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.decConnsPerHost,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.decConnsPerHost=function(g){return this.$val.decConnsPerHost(g);};BY.ptr.prototype.addTLS=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=[l];m=[m];n=this;o=DB(n.t.TLSClientConfig);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(p.ServerName===""){p.ServerName=h;}if(n.cacheKey.onlyH1){p.NextProtos=ZK.nil;}q=n.conn;m[0]=F.Client(q,p);k[0]=new $Chan($error,2);l[0]=AAP.nil;r=n.t.TLSHandshakeTimeout;if(!((r.$high===0&&r.$low===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:s=T.AfterFunc(r,(function(g,i,j,k,l,m){return function $b(){var{s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=$send(k[0],(s=new CZ.ptr(),new s.constructor.elem(s)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,s,$s};return $f;};})(g,i,j,k,l,m));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l[0]=s;case 3:$go((function(g,i,j,k,l,m){return function $b(){var{t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(i[0]===AAH.nil)&&!(i[0].TLSHandshakeStart===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i[0].TLSHandshakeStart();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:t=m[0].HandshakeContext(g[0]);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;if(!(l[0]===AAP.nil)){l[0].Stop();}$r=$send(k[0],u);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,t,u,$s};return $f;};})(g,i,j,k,l,m),[]);t=$recv(k[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:v=q.Close();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;if(!(i[0]===AAH.nil)&&!(i[0].TLSHandshakeDone===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=i[0].TLSHandshakeDone(new F.ConnectionState.ptr(0,false,false,0,"",false,"",AAS.nil,AAT.nil,ZO.nil,ZL.nil,ZL.nil,$throwNilPointerError),u);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:$s=-1;return u;case 7:w=m[0].ConnectionState();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j[0]=$clone(w,F.ConnectionState);if(!(i[0]===AAH.nil)&&!(i[0].TLSHandshakeDone===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$r=i[0].TLSHandshakeDone($clone(j[0],F.ConnectionState),$ifaceNil);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 14:n.tlsState=j[0];n.conn=m[0];$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.addTLS,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.addTLS=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.addTLS(g,h,i);};AT.ptr.prototype.dialConn=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=[l];m=[m];n=[n];o=[o];p=AAK.nil;q=$ifaceNil;r=this;p=new BY.ptr($ifaceNil,r,$clone(h[0].key(),BX),$ifaceNil,AAV.nil,AAW.nil,AAA.nil,new $Int64(0,0),new $Chan(CF,1),new $Chan(CG,1),new $Chan(AAQ,0),false,false,new $Int64(0,0),new $Chan($error,1),new $Chan(AAQ,0),new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil),AAP.nil,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,false,false,$throwNilPointerError);s=L.ContextClientTrace(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;u=(function(h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o){return function(u){var u;if(!(h[0].proxyURL===AAF.nil)){return new B.OpError.ptr("proxyconnect","tcp",$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,u);}return u;};})(h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o);if(h[0].scheme()==="https"&&r.hasCustomTLSDialer()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:v=$ifaceNil;x=g;y=h[0].addr();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;aa=r.customDialTLS(x,"tcp",z);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=aa;p.conn=w[0];v=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:ab=AAK.nil;ad=u(v);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;p=ab;q=ac;ae=[p,q];$s=10;case 10:return ae;case 8:af=$assertType(p.conn,AAX,true);ag=af[0];ah=af[1];if(ah){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:if(!(t===AAH.nil)&&!(t.TLSHandshakeStart===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$r=t.TLSHandshakeStart();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 14:ai=ag.HandshakeContext(g);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ai;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aj,$ifaceNil))){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:$go($methodVal(p.conn,"Close"),[]);if(!(t===AAH.nil)&&!(t.TLSHandshakeDone===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:$r=t.TLSHandshakeDone(new F.ConnectionState.ptr(0,false,false,0,"",false,"",AAS.nil,AAT.nil,ZO.nil,ZL.nil,ZL.nil,$throwNilPointerError),aj);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 20:ak=AAK.nil;al=aj;p=ak;q=al;am=[p,q];$s=22;case 22:return am;case 18:an=ag.ConnectionState();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0]=$clone(an,F.ConnectionState);if(!(t===AAH.nil)&&!(t.TLSHandshakeDone===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:$r=t.TLSHandshakeDone($clone(k[0],F.ConnectionState),$ifaceNil);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 25:p.tlsState=k[0];case 12:$s=4;continue;case 3:ap=g;aq=h[0].addr();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;as=r.dial(ap,"tcp",ar);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=as;at=ao[0];au=ao[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(au,$ifaceNil))){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:av=AAK.nil;ax=u(au);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ax;p=av;q=aw;ay=[p,q];$s=32;case 32:return ay;case 30:p.conn=at;if(h[0].scheme()==="https"){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:az="";bb=h[0].addr();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=B.SplitHostPort(bb);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=bc;az=ba[0];au=ba[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(au,$ifaceNil))){$s=37;continue;}$s=38;continue;case 37:bd=AAK.nil;bf=u(au);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bf;p=bd;q=be;bg=[p,q];$s=40;case 40:return bg;case 38:bh=p.addTLS(g,az,t);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=bh;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(au,$ifaceNil))){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:bi=AAK.nil;bk=u(au);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj=bk;p=bi;q=bj;bl=[p,q];$s=45;case 45:return bl;case 43:case 34:case 4:if(h[0].proxyURL===AAF.nil){$s=47;continue;}if(h[0].proxyURL.Scheme==="socks5"){$s=48;continue;}if(h[0].targetScheme==="http"){$s=49;continue;}if(h[0].targetScheme==="https"){$s=50;continue;}$s=51;continue;case 47:$s=51;continue;case 48:bm=p.conn;bn=bm.RemoteAddr();$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bo=bn.String();$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=bo;bq=ES("tcp",bp);$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}br=bq;bs=h[0].proxyURL.User;if(!(bs===AAJ.nil)){bt=new ET.ptr(bs.Username(),"");bu=bs.Password();bt.Password=bu[0];br.AuthMethods=new AAY([0,2]);br.Authenticate=$methodVal(bt,"Authenticate");}bw=br.DialWithConn(g,bm,"tcp",h[0].targetAddr);$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;bw=bw.$blk();}if(bw&&bw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bv=bw;bx=bv[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bx,$ifaceNil))){$s=56;continue;}$s=57;continue;case 56:by=bm.Close();$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;by=by.$blk();}if(by&&by.$blk!==undefined){break s;}by;bz=AAK.nil;ca=bx;p=bz;q=ca;cb=[p,q];$s=59;case 59:return cb;case 57:$s=51;continue;case 49:p.isProxy=true;n[0]=h[0].proxyAuth();if(!(n[0]==="")){p.mutateHeaderFunc=(function(h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o){return function $b(cc){var{cc,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{cc});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=new KP(cc).Set("Proxy-Authorization",n[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,cc,$s};return $f;};})(h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o);}$s=51;continue;case 50:i[0]=p.conn;cc=false;if(!(r.GetProxyConnectHeader===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=60;continue;}$s=61;continue;case 60:cd=$ifaceNil;cf=r.GetProxyConnectHeader(g,h[0].proxyURL,h[0].targetAddr);$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;cf=cf.$blk();}if(cf&&cf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ce=cf;cc=ce[0];cd=ce[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cd,$ifaceNil))){$s=64;continue;}$s=65;continue;case 64:cg=i[0].Close();$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;cg=cg.$blk();}if(cg&&cg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cg;ch=AAK.nil;ci=cd;p=ch;q=ci;cj=[p,q];$s=67;case 67:return cj;case 65:$s=62;continue;case 61:cc=r.ProxyConnectHeader;case 62:if(cc===false){cc={};}ck=h[0].proxyAuth();if(!(ck==="")){$s=68;continue;}$s=69;continue;case 68:cc=new KP(cc).Clone();$r=new KP(cc).Set("Proxy-Authorization",ck);$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 69:j[0]=new JE.ptr("CONNECT",new O.URL.ptr("",h[0].targetAddr,AAJ.nil,"","","",false,"","",""),"",0,0,cc,$ifaceNil,$throwNilPointerError,new $Int64(0,0),ZK.nil,false,h[0].targetAddr,false,false,AAZ.nil,false,"","",AAV.nil,$chanNil,AAG.nil,$ifaceNil);cl=g;cm=g.Done();$s=73;case 73:if($c){$c=false;cm=cm.$blk();}if(cm&&cm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(cm===$chanNil){$s=71;continue;}$s=72;continue;case 71:co=A.WithTimeout(g,new T.Duration(13,4165425152));$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;co=co.$blk();}if(co&&co.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cn=co;cp=cn[0];cq=cn[1];$deferred.push([cq,[]]);cl=cp;case 72:l[0]=new $Chan(AAQ,0);o[0]=AAG.nil;m[0]=$ifaceNil;$go((function(h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o){return function $b(){var{cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$deferred.push([function(cr){$close(cr);},[l[0]]]);cs=j[0].Write(i[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;cs=cs.$blk();}if(cs&&cs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m[0]=cs;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:ct=C.NewReader(i[0]);cv=IX(ct,j[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;cv=cv.$blk();}if(cv&&cv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cu=cv;o[0]=cu[0];m[0]=cu[1];$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};})(h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o),[]);cs=cl.Done();$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;cs=cs.$blk();}if(cs&&cs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ct=$select([[cs],[l[0]]]);$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;ct=ct.$blk();}if(ct&&ct.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cr=ct;if(cr[0]===0){$s=77;continue;}if(cr[0]===1){$s=78;continue;}$s=79;continue;case 77:cu=i[0].Close();$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;cu=cu.$blk();}if(cu&&cu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cu;cv=$recv(l[0]);$s=81;case 81:if($c){$c=false;cv=cv.$blk();}if(cv&&cv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cv[0];cw=AAK.nil;cy=cl.Err();$s=82;case 82:if($c){$c=false;cy=cy.$blk();}if(cy&&cy.$blk!==undefined){break s;}cx=cy;p=cw;q=cx;cz=[p,q];$s=83;case 83:return cz;case 78:case 79:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=84;continue;}$s=85;continue;case 84:da=i[0].Close();$s=86;case 86:if($c){$c=false;da=da.$blk();}if(da&&da.$blk!==undefined){break s;}da;db=AAK.nil;dc=m[0];p=db;q=dc;dd=[p,q];$s=87;case 87:return dd;case 85:if(!((o[0].StatusCode===200))){$s=88;continue;}$s=89;continue;case 88:de=Q.Cut(o[0].Status," ");df=de[1];dg=de[2];dh=i[0].Close();$s=90;case 90:if($c){$c=false;dh=dh.$blk();}if(dh&&dh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dh;if(!dg){$s=91;continue;}$s=92;continue;case 91:di=AAK.nil;dj=G.New("unknown status code");p=di;q=dj;dk=[p,q];$s=93;case 93:return dk;case 92:dl=AAK.nil;dm=G.New(df);p=dl;q=dm;dn=[p,q];$s=94;case 94:return dn;case 89:case 51:case 46:if(!(h[0].proxyURL===AAF.nil)&&h[0].targetScheme==="https"){$s=95;continue;}$s=96;continue;case 95:dp=p.addTLS(g,h[0].tlsHost(),t);$s=97;case 97:if($c){$c=false;dp=dp.$blk();}if(dp&&dp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}dq=dp;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(dq,$ifaceNil))){$s=98;continue;}$s=99;continue;case 98:dr=AAK.nil;ds=dq;p=dr;q=ds;dt=[p,q];$s=100;case 100:return dt;case 99:case 96:du=p.tlsState;if(!(du===AAV.nil)&&du.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual&&!(du.NegotiatedProtocol==="")){$s=101;continue;}$s=102;continue;case 101:dv=(dw=r.TLSNextProto[$String.keyFor(du.NegotiatedProtocol)],dw!==undefined?[dw.v,true]:[$throwNilPointerError,false]);dx=dv[0];dy=dv[1];if(dy){$s=103;continue;}$s=104;continue;case 103:dz=dx(h[0].targetAddr,$assertType(p.conn,AAX));$s=105;case 105:if($c){$c=false;dz=dz.$blk();}if(dz&&dz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ea=dz;eb=$assertType(ea,BU,true);ec=eb[0];ed=eb[1];if(ed){$s=106;continue;}$s=107;continue;case 106:ee=AAK.nil;eg=ec.RoundTripErr();$s=108;case 108:if($c){$c=false;eg=eg.$blk();}if(eg&&eg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ef=eg;p=ee;q=ef;eh=[p,q];$s=109;case 109:return eh;case 107:ei=new BY.ptr(ea,r,$clone(p.cacheKey,BX),$ifaceNil,AAV.nil,AAW.nil,AAA.nil,new $Int64(0,0),$chanNil,$chanNil,$chanNil,false,false,new $Int64(0,0),$chanNil,$chanNil,new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil),AAP.nil,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,false,false,$throwNilPointerError);ej=$ifaceNil;p=ei;q=ej;ek=[p,q];$s=110;case 110:return ek;case 104:case 102:p.br=C.NewReaderSize(p,r.readBufferSize());p.bw=C.NewWriterSize((el=new BV.ptr(p),new el.constructor.elem(el)),r.writeBufferSize());$go($methodVal(p,"readLoop"),[]);$go($methodVal(p,"writeLoop"),[]);em=p;en=$ifaceNil;p=em;q=en;eo=[p,q];$s=111;case 111:return eo;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[p,q];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.dialConn,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da,db,dc,dd,de,df,dg,dh,di,dj,dk,dl,dm,dn,dp,dq,dr,ds,dt,du,dv,dw,dx,dy,dz,ea,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,eh,ei,ej,ek,el,em,en,eo,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AT.prototype.dialConn=function(g,h){return this.$val.dialConn(g,h);};BV.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;l=j.pc.conn.Write(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;h=k[0];i=k[1];j.pc.nwrite=(m=j.pc.nwrite,n=(new $Int64(0,h)),new $Int64(m.$high+n.$high,m.$low+n.$low));$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};BV.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=new $Int64(0,0);i=$ifaceNil;j=this;l=J.Copy(j.pc.conn,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;h=k[0];i=k[1];j.pc.nwrite=(m=j.pc.nwrite,n=h,new $Int64(m.$high+n.$high,m.$low+n.$low));$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:BV.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};BV.prototype.ReadFrom=function(g){return this.$val.ReadFrom(g);};BW.ptr.prototype.key=function(){var g,h,i;g=this;h="";i=g.targetAddr;if(!(g.proxyURL===AAF.nil)){h=g.proxyURL.String();if((g.proxyURL.Scheme==="http"||g.proxyURL.Scheme==="https")&&g.targetScheme==="http"){i="";}}return new BX.ptr(h,g.targetScheme,i,g.onlyH1);};BW.prototype.key=function(){return this.$val.key();};BW.ptr.prototype.scheme=function(){var g;g=this;if(!(g.proxyURL===AAF.nil)){return g.proxyURL.Scheme;}return g.targetScheme;};BW.prototype.scheme=function(){return this.$val.scheme();};BW.ptr.prototype.addr=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!(g.proxyURL===AAF.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=CV(g.proxyURL);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=4;case 4:return i;case 2:$s=-1;return g.targetAddr;}return;}var $f={$blk:BW.ptr.prototype.addr,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BW.prototype.addr=function(){return this.$val.addr();};BW.ptr.prototype.tlsHost=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=g.targetAddr;if(KH(h)){h=$substring(h,0,Q.LastIndex(h,":"));}return h;};BW.prototype.tlsHost=function(){return this.$val.tlsHost();};BX.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h="";if(g.onlyH1){h=",h1";}i=H.Sprintf("%s|%s%s|%s",new ZB([new $String(g.proxy),new $String(g.scheme),new $String(h),new $String(g.addr)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:BX.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};BX.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};BY.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderResponseSize=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=g.t.MaxResponseHeaderBytes;if(!((h.$high===0&&h.$low===0))){return h;}return new $Int64(0,10485760);};BY.prototype.maxHeaderResponseSize=function(){return this.$val.maxHeaderResponseSize();};BY.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if((k=j.readLimit,(k.$high<0||(k.$high===0&&k.$low<=0)))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=0;n=H.Errorf("read limit of %d bytes exhausted",new ZB([j.maxHeaderResponseSize()]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;h=l;i=m;o=[h,i];$s=4;case 4:return o;case 2:if((p=(new $Int64(0,g.$length)),q=j.readLimit,(p.$high>q.$high||(p.$high===q.$high&&p.$low>q.$low)))){g=$subslice(g,0,$flatten64(j.readLimit));}s=j.conn.Read(g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;h=r[0];i=r[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(i,J.EOF)){j.sawEOF=true;}j.readLimit=(t=j.readLimit,u=(new $Int64(0,h)),new $Int64(t.$high-u.$high,t.$low-u.$low));$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};BY.ptr.prototype.isBroken=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=!($interfaceIsEqual(g.closed,$ifaceNil));$r=g.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.isBroken,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.isBroken=function(){return this.$val.isBroken();};BY.ptr.prototype.canceled=function(){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h=g.canceledErr;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.canceled,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BY.prototype.canceled=function(){return this.$val.canceled();};BY.ptr.prototype.isReused=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.reused;$r=g.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.isReused,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.isReused=function(){return this.$val.isReused();};BY.ptr.prototype.gotIdleConnTrace=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=new L.GotConnInfo.ptr($ifaceNil,false,false,new T.Duration(0,0));i=this;$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h.Reused=i.reused;h.Conn=i.conn;h.WasIdle=true;if(!$clone(g,T.Time).IsZero()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=T.Since($clone(g,T.Time));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.IdleTime=j;case 3:k=h;$s=5;case 5:return k;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return h;}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.gotIdleConnTrace,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BY.prototype.gotIdleConnTrace=function(g){return this.$val.gotIdleConnTrace(g);};BY.ptr.prototype.cancelRequest=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h.canceledErr=g;$r=h.closeLocked(CJ);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.cancelRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BY.prototype.cancelRequest=function(g){return this.$val.cancelRequest(g);};BY.ptr.prototype.closeConnIfStillIdle=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;h=g.t;$r=h.idleMu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.idleMu,"Unlock"),[]]);i=(j=h.idleLRU.m[AAK.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:[AAL.nil,false]);k=i[1];if(!k){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:h.removeIdleConnLocked(g);$r=g.close(BO);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.closeConnIfStillIdle,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BY.prototype.closeConnIfStillIdle=function(){return this.$val.closeConnIfStillIdle();};BY.ptr.prototype.mapRoundTripError=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}k=$recv(j.writeLoopDone);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0];l=j.canceled();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=g.err;$r=g.mu.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}if($interfaceIsEqual(i,BP)){$s=-1;return i;}o=$assertType(i,BQ,true);p=o[1];if(p){if((q=j.nwrite,(q.$high===h.$high&&q.$low===h.$low))){$s=-1;return(r=new CD.ptr(i),new r.constructor.elem(r));}$s=-1;return i;}s=j.isBroken();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(s){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if((t=j.nwrite,(t.$high===h.$high&&t.$low===h.$low))){$s=-1;return(u=new CD.ptr(i),new u.constructor.elem(u));}v=H.Errorf("net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: %v",new ZB([i]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;$s=9;case 9:return w;case 6:$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.mapRoundTripError,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.mapRoundTripError=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.mapRoundTripError(g,h,i);};BY.ptr.prototype.readLoop=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];i[0]=this;g[0]=BN;$deferred.push([(function(g,h,i){return function $b(){var{j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=i[0].close(g[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i[0].t.removeIdleConn(i[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i),[]]);j=(function(g,h,i){return function $b(j){var{j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=i[0].t.tryPutIdleConn(i[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g[0]=l;if(!(j===AAH.nil)&&!(j.PutIdleConn===$throwNilPointerError)&&!($interfaceIsEqual(l,BH))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=j.PutIdleConn(l);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:$s=-1;return false;case 3:if(!(j===AAH.nil)&&!(j.PutIdleConn===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=j.PutIdleConn($ifaceNil);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i);h[0]=new $Chan(AAQ,0);$deferred.push([function(k){$close(k);},[h[0]]]);$r=CR.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=CS;$r=CR.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=true;case 3:if(!(m)){$s=4;continue;}n=[n];i[0].readLimit=i[0].maxHeaderResponseSize();p=i[0].br.Peek(1);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[1];$r=i[0].mu.Lock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i[0].numExpectedResponses===0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=i[0].readLoopPeekFailLocked(q);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=i[0].mu.Unlock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=11;case 11:return;case 8:$r=i[0].mu.Unlock();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$recv(i[0].reqch);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r[0],CF);t=L.ContextClientTrace(s.req.Context());$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=AAG.nil;if($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:x=i[0].readResponse($clone(s,CF),u);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;v=w[0];q=w[1];$s=17;continue;case 16:q=(y=new BQ.ptr(q),new y.constructor.elem(y));g[0]=q;case 17:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:if((z=i[0].readLimit,(z.$high<0||(z.$high===0&&z.$low<=0)))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:aa=H.Errorf("net/http: server response headers exceeded %d bytes; aborted",new ZB([i[0].maxHeaderResponseSize()]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=aa;case 22:ac=$select([[s.ch,new CE.ptr(ZV.zero(),AAG.nil,q)],[s.callerGone]]);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;if(ab[0]===0){$s=25;continue;}if(ab[0]===1){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 25:$s=27;continue;case 26:$s=28;case 28:return;case 27:$s=29;case 29:return;case 20:i[0].readLimit=new $Int64(2147483647,4294967295);$r=i[0].mu.Lock();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0].numExpectedResponses=i[0].numExpectedResponses-(1)>>0;$r=i[0].mu.Unlock();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=v.bodyIsWritable();af=!(s.req.Method==="HEAD")&&!((ae=v.ContentLength,(ae.$high===0&&ae.$low===0)));if(v.Close||s.req.Close||v.StatusCode<=199||ad){m=false;}if(!af||ad){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:ag=i[0].t.replaceReqCanceler($clone(s.cancelKey,AU),$throwNilPointerError);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;if(!(m&&!i[0].sawEOF)){aj=false;$s=36;continue s;}ak=i[0].wroteRequest();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;case 36:if(!(aj&&ah)){ai=false;$s=35;continue s;}al=j(u);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=al;case 35:m=ai;if(ad){g[0]=BZ;}an=$select([[s.ch,new CE.ptr(ZV.zero(),v,$ifaceNil)],[s.callerGone]]);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=an;if(am[0]===0){$s=40;continue;}if(am[0]===1){$s=41;continue;}$s=42;continue;case 40:$s=42;continue;case 41:$s=43;case 43:return;case 42:$r=l();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=3;continue;case 33:n[0]=new $Chan($Bool,2);ao=new CW.ptr(v.Body,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,$ifaceNil,(function(g,h,i,n){return function $b(ao){var{ao,ap,aq,ar,as,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ao});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ap=$interfaceIsEqual(ao,J.EOF);$r=$send(n[0],ap);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ap){$s=2;continue;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ao,$ifaceNil))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:aq=$recv(h[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq[0];$s=4;continue;case 3:ar=i[0].canceled();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(as,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return as;}case 4:$s=-1;return ao;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i,n),(function(g,h,i,n){return function $b(){var{ao,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=$send(n[0],false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=$recv(h[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao[0];$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ao,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i,n));v.Body=ao;if(!(s.addedGzip)){ap=false;$s=47;continue s;}aq=new KP(v.Header).Get("Content-Encoding");$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=M.EqualFold(aq,"gzip");$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ar;case 47:if(ap){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:v.Body=new CY.ptr(ZV.zero(),ao,ABB.nil,$ifaceNil);$r=new KP(v.Header).Del("Content-Encoding");$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=new KP(v.Header).Del("Content-Length");$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v.ContentLength=new $Int64(-1,4294967295);v.Uncompressed=true;case 46:at=$select([[s.ch,new CE.ptr(ZV.zero(),v,$ifaceNil)],[s.callerGone]]);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=at;if(as[0]===0){$s=53;continue;}if(as[0]===1){$s=54;continue;}$s=55;continue;case 53:$s=55;continue;case 54:$s=56;case 56:return;case 55:av=s.req.Context().Done();$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=$select([[n[0]],[s.req.Cancel],[av],[i[0].closech]]);$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;aw=aw.$blk();}if(aw&&aw.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=aw;if(au[0]===0){$s=59;continue;}if(au[0]===1){$s=60;continue;}if(au[0]===2){$s=61;continue;}if(au[0]===3){$s=62;continue;}$s=63;continue;case 59:ax=au[1][0];ay=i[0].t.replaceReqCanceler($clone(s.cancelKey,AU),$throwNilPointerError);$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=ay;if(!(m&&ax&&!i[0].sawEOF)){bb=false;$s=66;continue s;}bc=i[0].wroteRequest();$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb=bc;case 66:if(!(bb&&az)){ba=false;$s=65;continue s;}bd=j(u);$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=bd;case 65:m=ba;if(ax){$s=69;continue;}$s=70;continue;case 69:$r=$send(h[0],$clone(new AAQ.ptr(),AAQ));$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 70:$s=63;continue;case 60:m=false;$r=i[0].t.CancelRequest(s.req);$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=63;continue;case 61:m=false;be=$clone(s.cancelKey,AU);bf=s.req.Context().Err();$s=73;case 73:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=bf;bh=i[0].t.cancelRequest(be,bg);$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bh;$s=63;continue;case 62:m=false;case 63:$r=l();$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=3;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.readLoop,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BY.prototype.readLoop=function(){return this.$val.readLoop();};BY.ptr.prototype.readLoopPeekFailLocked=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h.closed,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return;}i=h.br.Buffered();if(i>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=h.br.Peek(i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];if(CA(l)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=h.closeLocked(BP);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 5:$r=K.Printf("Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with %q; err=%v",new ZB([l,g]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(g,J.EOF)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=h.closeLocked(BP);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=11;continue;case 10:m=H.Errorf("readLoopPeekFailLocked: %v",new ZB([g]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.closeLocked(m);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 11:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.readLoopPeekFailLocked,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.readLoopPeekFailLocked=function(g){return this.$val.readLoopPeekFailLocked(g);};CA=function(g){var g;if(g.$length<12){return false;}if(!(($bytesToString($subslice(g,0,7)))==="HTTP/1.")){return false;}return($bytesToString($subslice(g,8,12)))===" 408";};BY.ptr.prototype.readResponse=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=AAG.nil;j=$ifaceNil;k=this;if(!(h===AAH.nil)&&!(h.GotFirstResponseByte===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=k.br.Peek(1);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil)&&(n.$length===1)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=h.GotFirstResponseByte();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:case 2:p=0;q=g.continueCh;case 7:s=IX(k.br,g.req);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;i=r[0];j=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[i,j];}t=i.StatusCode;if(!(q===$chanNil)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:if(t===100){$s=12;continue;}if(t>=200){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 12:if(!(h===AAH.nil)&&!(h.Got100Continue===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:$r=h.Got100Continue();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 16:$r=$send(q,$clone(new AAQ.ptr(),AAQ));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$chanNil;$s=14;continue;case 13:$close(q);q=$chanNil;case 14:case 11:u=100<=t&&t<=199;v=u&&!((t===101));if(v){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:p=p+(1)>>0;if(p>5){w=AAG.nil;x=G.New("net/http: too many 1xx informational responses");i=w;j=x;$s=-1;return[i,j];}k.readLimit=k.maxHeaderResponseSize();if(!(h===AAH.nil)&&!(h.Got1xxResponse===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:y=h.Got1xxResponse(t,(i.Header));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){aa=AAG.nil;ab=z;i=aa;j=ab;$s=-1;return[i,j];}case 22:$s=7;continue;case 20:$s=8;continue;case 8:ac=i.isProtocolSwitch();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ac){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:i.Body=CB(k.br,k.conn);case 25:i.TLS=k.tlsState;$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.readResponse,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.readResponse=function(g,h){return this.$val.readResponse(g,h);};BY.ptr.prototype.waitForContinue=function(g){var g,h;h=this;if(g===$chanNil){return $throwNilPointerError;}return(function $b(){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=T.NewTimer(h.t.ExpectContinueTimeout);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$deferred.push([$methodVal(j,"Stop"),[]]);l=$select([[g],[j.C],[h.closech]]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;if(k[0]===0){$s=3;continue;}if(k[0]===1){$s=4;continue;}if(k[0]===2){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 3:m=k[1];n=m[1];o=n;$s=7;case 7:return o;case 4:p=true;$s=8;case 8:return p;case 5:q=false;$s=9;case 9:return q;case 6:$s=-1;return false;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}});};BY.prototype.waitForContinue=function(g){return this.$val.waitForContinue(g);};CB=function(g,h){var g,h,i;i=new CC.ptr(ZV.zero(),AAW.nil,h);if(!((g.Buffered()===0))){i.br=g;}return i;};CC.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(!(j.br===AAW.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=j.br.Buffered();if(g.$length>k){g=$subslice(g,0,k);}m=j.br.Read(g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;h=l[0];i=l[1];if(j.br.Buffered()===0){j.br=AAW.nil;}n=h;o=i;h=n;i=o;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 2:q=j.ReadWriteCloser.Read(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;h=p[0];i=p[1];r=[h,i];$s=5;case 5:return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:CC.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};CC.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};BY.ptr.prototype.writeLoop=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$deferred.push([function(h){$close(h);},[g.writeLoopDone]]);case 1:j=$select([[g.writech],[g.closech]]);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;if(i[0]===0){$s=4;continue;}if(i[0]===1){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:k=$clone(i[1][0],CG);l=g.nwrite;m=k.req.Request.write(g.bw,g.isProxy,k.req.extra,g.waitForContinue(k.continueCh));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=$assertType(n,JI,true);p=$clone(o[0],JI);q=o[1];if(q){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:n=p.error;$r=k.req.setError(n);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 9:if($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:r=g.bw.Flush();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=r;case 12:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){if((s=g.nwrite,(s.$high===l.$high&&s.$low===l.$low))){n=(t=new CD.ptr(n),new t.constructor.elem(t));}}$r=$send(g.writeErrCh,n);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$send(k.ch,n);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:$r=g.close(n);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=19;case 19:return;case 17:$s=6;continue;case 5:$s=20;case 20:return;case 6:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.writeLoop,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BY.prototype.writeLoop=function(){return this.$val.writeLoop();};BY.ptr.prototype.wroteRequest=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;h=$select([[g.writeErrCh],[]]);if(h[0]===0){$s=1;continue;}if(h[0]===1){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:i=h[1][0];j=$interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil);$s=4;case 4:return j;case 2:k=T.NewTimer(new T.Duration(0,50000000));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$deferred.push([$methodVal(l,"Stop"),[]]);n=$select([[g.writeErrCh],[l.C]]);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;if(m[0]===0){$s=7;continue;}if(m[0]===1){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 7:o=m[1][0];p=$interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil);$s=10;case 10:return p;case 8:q=false;$s=11;case 11:return q;case 9:case 3:$s=-1;return false;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.wroteRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BY.prototype.wroteRequest=function(){return this.$val.wroteRequest();};CH.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var g;g=this;return g.err;};CH.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};CH.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var g;g=this;return g.timeout;};CH.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};CH.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var g;g=this;return true;};CH.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};CL=function(){};BY.ptr.prototype.roundTrip=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];j=AAG.nil;h[0]=$ifaceNil;i[0]=this;$r=CM();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=i[0].t.replaceReqCanceler($clone(g[0].cancelKey,AU),$methodVal(i[0],"cancelRequest"));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!k){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=i[0].t.putOrCloseIdleConn(i[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=AAG.nil;m=CJ;j=l;h[0]=m;n=[j,h[0]];$s=6;case 6:return n;case 3:$r=i[0].mu.Lock();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0].numExpectedResponses=i[0].numExpectedResponses+(1)>>0;o=i[0].mutateHeaderFunc;$r=i[0].mu.Unlock();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(o===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=o(g[0].extraHeaders());$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:p=false;if(!(!i[0].t.DisableCompression)){r=false;$s=15;continue s;}s=new KP(g[0].Request.Header).Get("Accept-Encoding");$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s==="";case 15:if(!(r)){q=false;$s=14;continue s;}t=new KP(g[0].Request.Header).Get("Range");$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=t==="";case 14:if(q&&!(g[0].Request.Method==="HEAD")){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:p=true;$r=new KP(g[0].extraHeaders()).Set("Accept-Encoding","gzip");$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 13:u=$chanNil;if(g[0].Request.ProtoAtLeast(1,1)&&!($interfaceIsEqual(g[0].Request.Body,$ifaceNil))&&g[0].Request.expectsContinue()){u=new $Chan(AAQ,1);}if(!(i[0].t.DisableKeepAlives&&!g[0].Request.wantsClose())){v=false;$s=21;continue s;}w=JA(g[0].Request.Header);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=!w;case 21:if(v){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:$r=new KP(g[0].extraHeaders()).Set("Connection","close");$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 20:x=new $Chan(AAQ,0);$deferred.push([function(y){$close(y);},[x]]);$deferred.push([(function(g,h,i){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i[0].t.setReqCanceler($clone(g[0].cancelKey,AU),$throwNilPointerError);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i),[]]);z=i[0].nwrite;aa=new $Chan($error,1);$r=$send(i[0].writech,$clone(new CG.ptr(g[0],aa,u),CG));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=new $Chan(CE,0);$r=$send(i[0].reqch,$clone(new CF.ptr(ZV.zero(),g[0].Request,$clone(g[0].cancelKey,AU),ab,p,u,x),CF));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=$chanNil;ad=g[0].Request.Cancel;ae=g[0].Request.Context().Done();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;ag=i[0].closech;ah=false;case 27:$r=CN();$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=$select([[aa],[ag],[ac],[ab],[ad],[af]]);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;if(ai[0]===0){$s=31;continue;}if(ai[0]===1){$s=32;continue;}if(ai[0]===2){$s=33;continue;}if(ai[0]===3){$s=34;continue;}if(ai[0]===4){$s=35;continue;}if(ai[0]===5){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 31:ak=ai[1][0];if(false){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 38:$r=g[0].logf("writeErrCh resv: %T/%#v",new ZB([ak,ak]));$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 39:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ak,$ifaceNil))){$s=41;continue;}$s=42;continue;case 41:al=H.Errorf("write error: %v",new ZB([ak]));$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=i[0].close(al);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=AAG.nil;ao=i[0].mapRoundTripError(g[0],z,ak);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ao;j=am;h[0]=an;ap=[j,h[0]];$s=46;case 46:return ap;case 42:aq=i[0].t.ResponseHeaderTimeout;if((aq.$high>0||(aq.$high===0&&aq.$low>0))){$s=47;continue;}$s=48;continue;case 47:if(false){$s=49;continue;}$s=50;continue;case 49:$r=g[0].logf("starting timer for %v",new ZB([aq]));$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 50:ar=T.NewTimer(aq);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=ar;$deferred.push([$methodVal(as,"Stop"),[]]);ac=as.C;case 48:$s=37;continue;case 32:ag=$chanNil;if(ah){at=true;$s=55;continue s;}au=i[0].t.replaceReqCanceler($clone(g[0].cancelKey,AU),$throwNilPointerError);$s=56;case 56:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=au;case 55:if(at){$s=53;continue;}$s=54;continue;case 53:if(false){$s=57;continue;}$s=58;continue;case 57:$r=g[0].logf("closech recv: %T %#v",new ZB([i[0].closed,i[0].closed]));$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 58:av=AAG.nil;ax=i[0].mapRoundTripError(g[0],z,i[0].closed);$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ax;j=av;h[0]=aw;ay=[j,h[0]];$s=61;case 61:return ay;case 54:$s=37;continue;case 33:if(false){$s=62;continue;}$s=63;continue;case 62:$r=g[0].logf("timeout waiting for response headers.",new ZB([]));$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 63:$r=i[0].close(CI);$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=AAG.nil;ba=CI;j=az;h[0]=ba;bb=[j,h[0]];$s=66;case 66:return bb;case 34:bc=$clone(ai[1][0],CE);if((bc.res===AAG.nil)===($interfaceIsEqual(bc.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=67;continue;}$s=68;continue;case 67:bd=H.Sprintf("internal error: exactly one of res or err should be set; nil=%v",new ZB([new $Bool(bc.res===AAG.nil)]));$s=69;case 69:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(bd));case 68:if(false){$s=70;continue;}$s=71;continue;case 70:$r=g[0].logf("resc recv: %p, %T/%#v",new ZB([bc.res,bc.err,bc.err]));$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 71:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bc.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=73;continue;}$s=74;continue;case 73:be=AAG.nil;bg=i[0].mapRoundTripError(g[0],z,bc.err);$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf=bg;j=be;h[0]=bf;bh=[j,h[0]];$s=76;case 76:return bh;case 74:bi=bc.res;bj=$ifaceNil;j=bi;h[0]=bj;bk=[j,h[0]];$s=77;case 77:return bk;case 35:bl=i[0].t.cancelRequest($clone(g[0].cancelKey,AU),CJ);$s=78;case 78:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=bl;ad=$chanNil;$s=37;continue;case 36:bm=$clone(g[0].cancelKey,AU);bn=g[0].Request.Context().Err();$s=79;case 79:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bo=bn;bp=i[0].t.cancelRequest(bm,bo);$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=bp;ad=$chanNil;af=$chanNil;case 37:$s=27;continue;case 28:$s=-1;return[j,h[0]];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[j,h[0]];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.roundTrip,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BY.prototype.roundTrip=function(g){return this.$val.roundTrip(g);};AY.ptr.prototype.logf=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;l=i.Request.Context().Value((k=new CT.ptr(),new k.constructor.elem(k)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$assertType(l,ABC,true);m=j[0];n=j[1];if(n){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:o=T.Now();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,T.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=m(p+": "+g,h);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AY.ptr.prototype.logf,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};AY.prototype.logf=function(g,h){return this.$val.logf(g,h);};BY.ptr.prototype.markReused=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.reused=true;$r=g.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.markReused,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.markReused=function(){return this.$val.markReused();};BY.ptr.prototype.close=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);$r=h.closeLocked(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.close,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};BY.prototype.close=function(g){return this.$val.close(g);};BY.ptr.prototype.closeLocked=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("nil error"));}h.broken=true;if($interfaceIsEqual(h.closed,$ifaceNil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h.closed=g;$r=h.t.decConnsPerHost($clone(h.cacheKey,BX));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($interfaceIsEqual(h.alt,$ifaceNil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,BZ))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:i=h.conn.Close();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;case 7:$close(h.closech);case 5:case 2:h.mutateHeaderFunc=$throwNilPointerError;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BY.ptr.prototype.closeLocked,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};BY.prototype.closeLocked=function(g){return this.$val.closeLocked(g);};CV=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=g.Hostname();j=JJ(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil)){h=k;}m=g.Port();if(m===""){m=(n=CU[$String.keyFor(g.Scheme)],n!==undefined?n.v:"");}$s=-1;return B.JoinHostPort(h,m);}return;}var $f={$blk:CV,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};CW.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;$r=j.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.closed;l=j.rerr;m=k;n=l;$r=j.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(m){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:o=0;p=CX;h=o;i=p;q=[h,i];$s=5;case 5:return q;case 4:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:r=0;s=n;h=r;i=s;t=[h,i];$s=8;case 8:return t;case 7:v=j.body.Read(g);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;h=u[0];i=u[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$r=j.mu.Lock();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(j.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if($interfaceIsEqual(j.rerr,$ifaceNil)){j.rerr=i;}w=j.condfn(i);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=w;case 11:x=[h,i];$s=14;case 14:return x;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[h,i];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:CW.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};CW.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};CW.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(g.closed){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=$ifaceNil;$s=4;case 4:return h;case 3:g.closed=true;if(!(g.earlyCloseFn===$throwNilPointerError)&&!($interfaceIsEqual(g.rerr,J.EOF))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:i=g.earlyCloseFn();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=8;case 8:return j;case 6:k=g.body.Close();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;m=g.condfn(l);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=11;case 11:return n;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:CW.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};CW.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};CW.ptr.prototype.condfn=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h.fn===$throwNilPointerError){$s=-1;return g;}i=h.fn(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i;h.fn=$throwNilPointerError;$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:CW.ptr.prototype.condfn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};CW.prototype.condfn=function(g){return this.$val.condfn(g);};CY.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(j.zr===ABB.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if($interfaceIsEqual(j.zerr,$ifaceNil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=D.NewReader(j.body);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;j.zr=k[0];j.zerr=k[1];case 4:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.zerr,$ifaceNil))){m=0;n=j.zerr;h=m;i=n;$s=-1;return[h,i];}case 2:$r=j.body.mu.Lock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j.body.closed){i=CX;}$r=j.body.mu.Unlock();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){o=0;p=i;h=o;i=p;$s=-1;return[h,i];}r=j.zr.Read(g);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;h=q[0];i=q[1];s=[h,i];$s=9;case 9:return s;}return;}var $f={$blk:CY.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};CY.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};CY.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.body.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:CY.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};CY.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};CZ.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){return true;};CZ.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};CZ.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){return true;};CZ.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};CZ.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){return"net/http: TLS handshake timeout";};CZ.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};DA.ptr.prototype.Lock=function(){};DA.prototype.Lock=function(){return this.$val.Lock();};DA.ptr.prototype.Unlock=function(){};DA.prototype.Unlock=function(){return this.$val.Unlock();};DB=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(g===ZI.nil){$s=-1;return new F.Config.ptr($ifaceNil,$throwNilPointerError,ABD.nil,false,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,ABE.nil,ZK.nil,"",0,ABE.nil,false,ABF.nil,false,false,ABG.zero(),$ifaceNil,0,0,ABH.nil,false,0,$ifaceNil,new R.RWMutex.ptr(new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,0,0,0),ABI.nil,ABI.nil);}h=g.Clone();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:DB,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};DC.ptr.prototype.add=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m;h=this;if(h.ll===ZH.nil){h.ll=E.New();h.m={};}i=h.ll.PushFront(g);j=(k=h.m[AAK.keyFor(g)],k!==undefined?[k.v,true]:[AAL.nil,false]);l=j[1];if(l){$panic(new $String("persistConn was already in LRU"));}m=g;(h.m||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[AAK.keyFor(m)]={k:m,v:i};};DC.prototype.add=function(g){return this.$val.add(g);};DC.ptr.prototype.removeOldest=function(){var g,h,i;g=this;h=g.ll.Back();i=$assertType(h.Value,AAK);g.ll.Remove(h);delete g.m[AAK.keyFor(i)];return i;};DC.prototype.removeOldest=function(){return this.$val.removeOldest();};DC.ptr.prototype.remove=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l;h=this;i=(j=h.m[AAK.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:[AAL.nil,false]);k=i[0];l=i[1];if(l){h.ll.Remove(k);delete h.m[AAK.keyFor(g)];}};DC.prototype.remove=function(g){return this.$val.remove(g);};DC.ptr.prototype.len=function(){var g;g=this;return $keys(g.m).length;};DC.prototype.len=function(){return this.$val.len();};DD.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l;h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=0;l=j.err;h=k;i=l;return[h,i];};DD.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};DE.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(j.done){k=0;l=J.EOF;h=k;i=l;return[h,i];}if(g.$length===0){m=0;n=$ifaceNil;h=m;i=n;return[h,i];}j.done=true;(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]=j.b);o=1;p=J.EOF;h=o;i=p;return[h,i];};DE.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};DG=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=ABJ.nil;i=$ifaceNil;h=new DF.ptr("",$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,false,new $Int64(0,0),false,ZK.nil,false,false,false,$ifaceNil,false,$chanNil);j=false;k=g;if($assertType(k,ZX,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(k,AAG,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:l=k.$val;if(!((n=l.ContentLength,(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0)))&&$interfaceIsEqual(l.Body,$ifaceNil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:o=ABJ.nil;q=H.Errorf("http: Request.ContentLength=%d with nil Body",new ZB([l.ContentLength]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;h=o;i=p;r=[h,i];$s=7;case 7:return r;case 5:h.Method=JG(l.Method,"GET");h.Close=l.Close;h.TransferEncoding=l.TransferEncoding;h.Header=l.Header;h.Trailer=l.Trailer;h.Body=l.Body;h.BodyCloser=l.Body;h.ContentLength=l.outgoingLength();if(!((t=h.ContentLength,(t.$high<0||(t.$high===0&&t.$low<0)))&&(h.TransferEncoding.$length===0))){s=false;$s=10;continue s;}u=h.shouldSendChunkedRequestBody();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=u;case 10:if(s){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:h.TransferEncoding=new ZK(["chunked"]);case 9:if(!(!((w=h.ContentLength,(w.$high===0&&w.$low===0))))){v=false;$s=14;continue s;}x=EF(h.Body);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=!x;case 14:if(v){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:h.FlushHeaders=true;case 13:j=true;$s=3;continue;case 2:m=k.$val;h.IsResponse=true;if(!(m.Request===ZX.nil)){h.Method=m.Request.Method;}h.Body=m.Body;h.BodyCloser=m.Body;h.ContentLength=m.ContentLength;h.Close=m.Close;h.TransferEncoding=m.TransferEncoding;h.Header=m.Header;h.Trailer=m.Trailer;j=m.ProtoAtLeast(1,1);h.ResponseToHEAD=DH(h.Method);case 3:if(h.ResponseToHEAD){h.Body=$ifaceNil;if(DO(h.TransferEncoding)){h.ContentLength=new $Int64(-1,4294967295);}}else{if(!j||$interfaceIsEqual(h.Body,$ifaceNil)){h.TransferEncoding=ZK.nil;}if(DO(h.TransferEncoding)){h.ContentLength=new $Int64(-1,4294967295);}else if($interfaceIsEqual(h.Body,$ifaceNil)){h.ContentLength=new $Int64(0,0);}}if(!DO(h.TransferEncoding)){h.Trailer=false;}y=h;z=$ifaceNil;h=y;i=z;$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:DG,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DF.ptr.prototype.shouldSendChunkedRequestBody=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if((h=g.ContentLength,(h.$high>0||(h.$high===0&&h.$low>=0)))||$interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return false;}if(g.Method==="CONNECT"){$s=-1;return false;}if(KB(g.Method)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.probeRequestBody();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return!($interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,$ifaceNil));case 2:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:DF.ptr.prototype.shouldSendChunkedRequestBody,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};DF.prototype.shouldSendChunkedRequestBody=function(){return this.$val.shouldSendChunkedRequestBody();};DF.ptr.prototype.probeRequestBody=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];g[0]=this;g[0].ByteReadCh=new $Chan(FS,1);$go((function(g){return function $b(h){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=ABK.zero();j=new FS.ptr(ZV.zero(),0,$ifaceNil,0);l=h.Read(new ZL(i));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;j.n=k[0];j.err=k[1];if(j.n===1){j.b=i[0];}$r=$send(g[0].ByteReadCh,$clone($clone(j,FS),FS));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$close(g[0].ByteReadCh);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};})(g),[g[0].Body]);h=T.NewTimer(new T.Duration(0,200000000));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;k=$select([[g[0].ByteReadCh],[i.C]]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;if(j[0]===0){l=$clone(j[1][0],FS);i.Stop();if((l.n===0)&&$interfaceIsEqual(l.err,J.EOF)){g[0].Body=$ifaceNil;g[0].ContentLength=new $Int64(0,0);}else if(l.n===1){if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l.err,$ifaceNil))){g[0].Body=J.MultiReader(new ABL([new DE.ptr(l.b,false),(m=new DD.ptr(l.err),new m.constructor.elem(m))]));}else{g[0].Body=J.MultiReader(new ABL([new DE.ptr(l.b,false),g[0].Body]));}}else if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l.err,$ifaceNil))){g[0].Body=(n=new DD.ptr(l.err),new n.constructor.elem(n));}}else if(j[0]===1){g[0].Body=J.MultiReader(new ABL([(o=new ED.ptr(g[0]),new o.constructor.elem(o)),g[0].Body]));g[0].FlushHeaders=true;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:DF.ptr.prototype.probeRequestBody,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};DF.prototype.probeRequestBody=function(){return this.$val.probeRequestBody();};DH=function(g){var g;return g==="HEAD";};DF.ptr.prototype.shouldSendContentLength=function(){var g,h,i,j;g=this;if(DO(g.TransferEncoding)){return false;}if((h=g.ContentLength,(h.$high>0||(h.$high===0&&h.$low>0)))){return true;}if((i=g.ContentLength,(i.$high<0||(i.$high===0&&i.$low<0)))){return false;}if(g.Method==="POST"||g.Method==="PUT"||g.Method==="PATCH"){return true;}if((j=g.ContentLength,(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0))&&DP(g.TransferEncoding)){if(g.Method==="GET"||g.Method==="HEAD"){return false;}return true;}return false;};DF.prototype.shouldSendContentLength=function(){return this.$val.shouldSendContentLength();};DF.ptr.prototype.writeHeader=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(i.Close&&!KY(new KP(i.Header).get("Connection"),"close")){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=J.WriteString(g,"Connection: close\r\n");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return l;}if(!(h===AAH.nil)&&!(h.WroteHeaderField===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=h.WroteHeaderField("Connection",new ZK(["close"]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:case 2:if(i.shouldSendContentLength()){$s=7;continue;}if(DO(i.TransferEncoding)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 7:n=J.WriteString(g,"Content-Length: ");$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return o;}q=J.WriteString(g,Z.FormatInt(i.ContentLength,10)+"\r\n");$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return r;}if(!(h===AAH.nil)&&!(h.WroteHeaderField===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:$r=h.WroteHeaderField("Content-Length",new ZK([Z.FormatInt(i.ContentLength,10)]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 13:$s=9;continue;case 8:t=J.WriteString(g,"Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n");$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(u,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return u;}if(!(h===AAH.nil)&&!(h.WroteHeaderField===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:$r=h.WroteHeaderField("Transfer-Encoding",new ZK(["chunked"]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 17:case 9:if(!(i.Trailer===false)){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:v=$makeSlice(ZK,0,$keys(i.Trailer).length);w=i.Trailer;x=0;y=$keys(w);case 21:if(!(x0){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:$r=Y.Strings(v);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=J.WriteString(g,"Trailer: "+Q.Join(v,",")+"\r\n");$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;ah=af[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ah,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ah;}if(!(h===AAH.nil)&&!(h.WroteHeaderField===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:$r=h.WroteHeaderField("Trailer",v);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 34:case 30:case 20:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DF.ptr.prototype.writeHeader,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DF.prototype.writeHeader=function(g,h){return this.$val.writeHeader(g,h);};DF.ptr.prototype.writeBody=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];i[0]=$ifaceNil;j[0]=this;k=new $Int64(0,0);h[0]=false;$deferred.push([(function(h,i,j){return function $b(){var{l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(h[0]||$interfaceIsEqual(j[0].BodyCloser,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return;}l=j[0].BodyCloser.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))&&$interfaceIsEqual(i[0],$ifaceNil)){i[0]=m;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,$s};return $f;};})(h,i,j),[]]);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j[0].Body,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=j[0].unwrapBody();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(DO(j[0].TransferEncoding)){$s=4;continue;}if((n=j[0].ContentLength,(n.$high===-1&&n.$low===4294967295))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 4:o=$assertType(g,AAA,true);p=o[0];q=o[1];if(q&&!j[0].IsResponse){g=new X.FlushAfterChunkWriter.ptr(p);}r=X.NewChunkedWriter(g);t=j[0].doBodyCopy(r,m);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;i[0]=s[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(i[0],$ifaceNil)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:u=r.Close();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=u;case 10:$s=7;continue;case 5:v=g;if(j[0].Method==="CONNECT"){v=(w=new EG.ptr(v),new w.constructor.elem(w));}y=j[0].doBodyCopy(v,m);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;k=x[0];i[0]=x[1];$s=7;continue;case 6:aa=j[0].doBodyCopy(g,J.LimitReader(m,j[0].ContentLength));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;k=z[0];i[0]=z[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:i[0]=i[0];ab=i[0];$s=16;case 16:return ab;case 15:ac=new $Int64(0,0);ae=j[0].doBodyCopy(J.Discard,m);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;ac=ad[0];i[0]=ad[1];k=(af=ac,new $Int64(k.$high+af.$high,k.$low+af.$low));case 7:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:i[0]=i[0];ag=i[0];$s=20;case 20:return ag;case 19:case 2:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j[0].BodyCloser,$ifaceNil))){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:h[0]=true;ah=j[0].BodyCloser.Close();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:i[0]=ai;aj=i[0];$s=26;case 26:return aj;case 25:case 22:if(!j[0].ResponseToHEAD&&!((ak=j[0].ContentLength,(ak.$high===-1&&ak.$low===4294967295)))&&!((al=j[0].ContentLength,(al.$high===k.$high&&al.$low===k.$low)))){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:am=H.Errorf("http: ContentLength=%d with Body length %d",new ZB([j[0].ContentLength,k]));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=am;an=i[0];$s=30;case 30:return an;case 28:if(DO(j[0].TransferEncoding)){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:if(!(j[0].Trailer===false)){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:ao=new KP(j[0].Trailer).Write(g);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ap,$ifaceNil))){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:i[0]=ap;aq=i[0];$s=38;case 38:return aq;case 37:case 34:as=J.WriteString(g,"\r\n");$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=as;i[0]=ar[1];case 32:i[0]=i[0];at=i[0];$s=40;case 40:return at;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return i[0];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DF.ptr.prototype.writeBody,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DF.prototype.writeBody=function(g){return this.$val.writeBody(g);};DF.ptr.prototype.doBodyCopy=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=new $Int64(0,0);j=$ifaceNil;k=this;m=J.Copy(g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;i=l[0];j=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(j,J.EOF))){k.bodyReadError=j;}$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:DF.ptr.prototype.doBodyCopy,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};DF.prototype.doBodyCopy=function(g,h){return this.$val.doBodyCopy(g,h);};DF.ptr.prototype.unwrapBody=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(P.TypeOf(g.Body),EE)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=P.ValueOf(g.Body);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,P.Value).Field(0);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,P.Value).Interface();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$assertType(j,J.Reader);$s=6;case 6:return k;case 2:l=$assertType(g.Body,AAI,true);m=l[0];n=l[1];if(n){m.didRead=true;$s=-1;return m.ReadCloser;}$s=-1;return g.Body;}return;}var $f={$blk:DF.ptr.prototype.unwrapBody,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};DF.prototype.unwrapBody=function(){return this.$val.unwrapBody();};DI.ptr.prototype.protoAtLeast=function(g,h){var g,h,i;i=this;return i.ProtoMajor>g||((i.ProtoMajor===g)&&i.ProtoMinor>=h);};DI.prototype.protoAtLeast=function(g,h){return this.$val.protoAtLeast(g,h);};DJ=function(g){var g;if(g>=100&&g<=199){return false;}else if((g===204)){return false;}else if((g===304)){return false;}return true;};DM=function(g){var g;if((g===304)){return DK;}else if(!DJ(g)){return DL;}return ZK.nil;};DN=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$ifaceNil;j=new DI.ptr(false,0,"GET",0,0,$ifaceNil,new $Int64(0,0),false,false,false);k=false;l=g;if($assertType(l,AAG,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(l,ZX,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:m=l.$val;j.Header=m.Header;j.StatusCode=m.StatusCode;j.ProtoMajor=m.ProtoMajor;j.ProtoMinor=m.ProtoMinor;p=DT(j.ProtoMajor,j.ProtoMinor,j.Header,true);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.Close=p;k=true;if(!(m.Request===ZX.nil)){j.RequestMethod=m.Request.Method;}$s=4;continue;case 2:n=l.$val;j.Header=n.Header;j.RequestMethod=n.Method;j.ProtoMajor=n.ProtoMajor;j.ProtoMinor=n.ProtoMinor;j.StatusCode=200;j.Close=n.Close;$s=4;continue;case 3:o=l;$panic(new $String("unexpected type"));case 4:if((j.ProtoMajor===0)&&(j.ProtoMinor===0)){q=1;r=1;j.ProtoMajor=q;j.ProtoMinor=r;}s=j.parseTransferEncoding();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){i=t;$s=-1;return i;}v=DS(k,j.StatusCode,j.RequestMethod,j.Header,j.Chunked);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[0];i=u[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){i=i;$s=-1;return i;}if(k&&j.RequestMethod==="HEAD"){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:y=EC(new KP(j.Header).get("Content-Length"));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=x[0];aa=x[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil))){i=aa;$s=-1;return i;}else{j.ContentLength=z;}$s=10;continue;case 9:j.ContentLength=w;case 10:ac=DU(j.Header,j.Chunked);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;j.Trailer=ab[0];i=ab[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){i=i;$s=-1;return i;}ad=g;if($assertType(ad,AAG,true)[1]){if((w.$high===-1&&w.$low===4294967295)&&!j.Chunked&&DJ(j.StatusCode)){j.Close=true;}}if(j.Chunked){if(DH(j.RequestMethod)||!DJ(j.StatusCode)){j.Body=new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody);}else{j.Body=new DV.ptr(X.NewChunkedReader(h),g,h,j.Close,false,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,false,$throwNilPointerError);}}else if((w.$high===0&&w.$low===0)){j.Body=new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody);}else if((w.$high>0||(w.$high===0&&w.$low>0))){j.Body=new DV.ptr(J.LimitReader(h,w),$ifaceNil,AAW.nil,j.Close,false,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,false,$throwNilPointerError);}else if(j.Close){j.Body=new DV.ptr(h,$ifaceNil,AAW.nil,j.Close,false,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,false,$throwNilPointerError);}else{j.Body=new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody);}ae=g;if($assertType(ae,ZX,true)[1]){af=ae.$val;af.Body=j.Body;af.ContentLength=j.ContentLength;if(j.Chunked){af.TransferEncoding=new ZK(["chunked"]);}af.Close=j.Close;af.Trailer=j.Trailer;}else if($assertType(ae,AAG,true)[1]){ag=ae.$val;ag.Body=j.Body;ag.ContentLength=j.ContentLength;if(j.Chunked){ag.TransferEncoding=new ZK(["chunked"]);}ag.Close=j.Close;ag.Trailer=j.Trailer;}i=$ifaceNil;$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:DN,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DO=function(g){var g;return g.$length>0&&(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])==="chunked";};DP=function(g){var g;return(g.$length===1)&&(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])==="identity";};DQ.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var g;g=this;return g.err;};DQ.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};DR=function(g){var g,h,i;h=$assertType(g,ABM,true);i=h[1];return i;};DI.ptr.prototype.parseTransferEncoding=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=(i=g.Header[$String.keyFor("Transfer-Encoding")],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(!k){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}delete g.Header[$String.keyFor("Transfer-Encoding")];if(!g.protoAtLeast(1,1)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(!((j.$length===1))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=H.Sprintf("too many transfer encodings: %q",new ZB([j]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=new DQ.ptr(l);$s=4;case 4:return m;case 2:if(!M.EqualFold((0>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+0]),"chunked")){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:n=H.Sprintf("unsupported transfer encoding: %q",new ZB([new $String((0>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+0]))]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=new DQ.ptr(n);$s=8;case 8:return o;case 6:delete g.Header[$String.keyFor("Content-Length")];g.Chunked=true;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DI.ptr.prototype.parseTransferEncoding,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};DI.prototype.parseTransferEncoding=function(){return this.$val.parseTransferEncoding();};DS=function(g,h,i,j,k){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:l=!g;n=(m=j[$String.keyFor("Content-Length")],m!==undefined?m.v:ZK.nil);if(n.$length>1){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:o=N.TrimString((0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0]));p=$subslice(n,1);q=0;case 3:if(!(q=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);if(!(o===N.TrimString(r))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:s=H.Errorf("http: message cannot contain multiple Content-Length headers; got %q",new ZB([n]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=[new $Int64(0,0),s];$s=8;case 8:return t;case 6:q++;$s=3;continue;case 4:$r=new KP(j).Del("Content-Length");$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=new KP(j).Add("Content-Length",o);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=(u=j[$String.keyFor("Content-Length")],u!==undefined?u.v:ZK.nil);case 2:if(DH(i)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:if(l&&n.$length>0&&!((n.$length===1)&&(0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0])==="0")){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:v=H.Errorf("http: method cannot contain a Content-Length; got %q",new ZB([n]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=[new $Int64(0,0),v];$s=16;case 16:return w;case 14:$s=-1;return[new $Int64(0,0),$ifaceNil];case 12:if((x=h/100,(x===x&&x!==1/0&&x!==-1/0)?x>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===1){$s=-1;return[new $Int64(0,0),$ifaceNil];}y=h;if((y===(204))||(y===(304))){$s=-1;return[new $Int64(0,0),$ifaceNil];}if(k){$s=-1;return[new $Int64(-1,4294967295),$ifaceNil];}z="";if(n.$length===1){z=N.TrimString((0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0]));}if(!(z==="")){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:ab=EC(z);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=aa[0];ad=aa[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ad,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new $Int64(-1,4294967295),ad];}$s=-1;return[ac,$ifaceNil];case 18:$r=new KP(j).Del("Content-Length");$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(l){$s=-1;return[new $Int64(0,0),$ifaceNil];}$s=-1;return[new $Int64(-1,4294967295),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DS,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DT=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(g<1){$s=-1;return true;}l=(k=i[$String.keyFor("Connection")],k!==undefined?k.v:ZK.nil);m=U.HeaderValuesContainsToken(l,"close");if((g===1)&&(h===0)){$s=-1;return m||!U.HeaderValuesContainsToken(l,"keep-alive");}if(m&&j){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=new KP(i).Del("Connection");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:DT,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};DU=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=[i];j=[j];k=(l=g[$String.keyFor("Trailer")],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!n){$s=-1;return[false,$ifaceNil];}if(!h){$s=-1;return[false,$ifaceNil];}$r=new KP(g).Del("Trailer");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j[0]={};i[0]=$ifaceNil;o=m;p=0;case 2:if(!(p=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]);$r=GN(q,(function(i,j){return function $b(r){var{r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:s=KX(r);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=r;if(t===("Transfer-Encoding")||t===("Trailer")||t===("Content-Length")){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:if($interfaceIsEqual(i[0],$ifaceNil)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:u=JC("bad trailer key",r);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=u;$s=-1;return;case 6:case 4:case 2:v=r;(j[0]||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(v)]={k:v,v:ZK.nil};$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};})(i,j));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p++;$s=2;continue;case 3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[false,i[0]];}if($keys(j[0]).length===0){$s=-1;return[false,$ifaceNil];}$s=-1;return[j[0],$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DU,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};DV.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;$r=j.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(j.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(j.closed){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=0;l=$pkg.ErrBodyReadAfterClose;h=k;i=l;m=[h,i];$s=4;case 4:return m;case 3:o=j.readLocked(g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;h=n[0];i=n[1];p=[h,i];$s=6;case 6:return p;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[h,i];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};DV.ptr.prototype.readLocked=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(j.sawEOF){k=0;l=J.EOF;h=k;i=l;$s=-1;return[h,i];}n=j.src.Read(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;h=m[0];i=m[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(i,J.EOF)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j.sawEOF=true;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.hdr,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:o=j.readTrailer();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){i=p;j.sawEOF=false;j.closed=true;}j.hdr=$ifaceNil;$s=6;continue;case 5:q=$assertType(j.src,ABN,true);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s&&(t=r.N,(t.$high>0||(t.$high===0&&t.$low>0)))){i=J.ErrUnexpectedEOF;}case 6:case 3:if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)&&h>0){u=$assertType(j.src,ABN,true);v=u[0];w=u[1];if(w&&(x=v.N,(x.$high===0&&x.$low===0))){i=J.EOF;j.sawEOF=true;}}if(j.sawEOF&&!(j.onHitEOF===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=j.onHitEOF();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 9:y=h;z=i;h=y;i=z;$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.readLocked,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.readLocked=function(g){return this.$val.readLocked(g);};DY=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=4;case 1:j=g.Peek(h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(W.HasSuffix(k,DX)){$s=-1;return true;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}h=h+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:DY,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};DV.ptr.prototype.readTrailer=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=g.r.Peek(2);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];if(W.Equal(j,DW)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=g.r.Discard(2);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:if(j.$length<2){$s=-1;return DZ;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return k;}m=DY(g.r);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!m){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return G.New("http: suspiciously long trailer after chunked body");case 6:o=N.NewReader(g.r);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.ReadMIMEHeader();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=p;q=n[0];k=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(k,J.EOF)){$s=-1;return DZ;}$s=-1;return k;}r=g.hdr;if($assertType(r,ZX,true)[1]){s=r.$val;EA((s.$ptr_Trailer||(s.$ptr_Trailer=new ABO(function(){return this.$target.Trailer;},function($v){this.$target.Trailer=$v;},s))),(q));}else if($assertType(r,AAG,true)[1]){t=r.$val;EA((t.$ptr_Trailer||(t.$ptr_Trailer=new ABO(function(){return this.$target.Trailer;},function($v){this.$target.Trailer=$v;},t))),(q));}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.readTrailer,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};DV.prototype.readTrailer=function(){return this.$val.readTrailer();};EA=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;if(g.$get()===false){g.$set(h);return;}i=h;j=0;k=$keys(i);while(true){if(!(j0||(m.$high===0&&m.$low>262144)))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:g.earlyClose=true;$s=13;continue;case 12:n=new $Int64(0,0);q=J.CopyN(J.Discard,(p=new EB.ptr(g),new p.constructor.elem(p)),new $Int64(0,262144));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=q;n=o[0];i=o[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(i,J.EOF)){i=$ifaceNil;}if((n.$high===0&&n.$low===262144)){g.earlyClose=true;}case 13:$s=10;continue;case 9:t=J.Copy(J.Discard,(s=new EB.ptr(g),new s.constructor.elem(s)));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=t;i=r[1];case 10:case 5:g.closed=true;u=i;$s=16;case 16:return u;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};DV.ptr.prototype.didEarlyClose=function(){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h=g.earlyClose;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.didEarlyClose,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.didEarlyClose=function(){return this.$val.didEarlyClose();};DV.ptr.prototype.bodyRemains=function(){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h=!g.sawEOF;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.bodyRemains,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.bodyRemains=function(){return this.$val.bodyRemains();};DV.ptr.prototype.registerOnHitEOF=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h.onHitEOF=g;$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DV.ptr.prototype.registerOnHitEOF,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DV.prototype.registerOnHitEOF=function(g){return this.$val.registerOnHitEOF(g);};EB.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(j.b.closed){k=0;l=$pkg.ErrBodyReadAfterClose;h=k;i=l;$s=-1;return[h,i];}n=j.b.readLocked(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;h=m[0];i=m[1];o=[h,i];$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:EB.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};EB.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};EC=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=N.TrimString(g);if(g===""){$s=-1;return[new $Int64(-1,4294967295),$ifaceNil];}h=Z.ParseUint(g,10,63);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=JC("bad Content-Length",g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=[new $Int64(0,0),k];$s=4;case 4:return l;case 2:$s=-1;return[(new $Int64(i.$high,i.$low)),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:EC,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};ED.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(g.$length===0){$s=-1;return[h,i];}k=$recv(j.tw.ByteReadCh);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$clone(k[0],FS);m=l.n;n=l.err;h=m;i=n;if(h===1){(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]=l.b);}if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){i=J.EOF;}$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:ED.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};ED.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};EF=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=g;if($assertType(h,ABP,true)[1]||$assertType(h,ABQ,true)[1]||$assertType(h,ABR,true)[1]){$s=-1;return true;}if($interfaceIsEqual(P.TypeOf(g),EE)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=P.ValueOf(g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$clone(i,P.Value).Field(0);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,P.Value).Interface();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=EF($assertType(k,J.Reader));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;case 2:n=$assertType(g,AAI,true);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(p){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:q=EF(o.ReadCloser);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=11;case 11:return r;case 9:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:EF,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};EG.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;l=j.w.Write(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;h=k[0];i=k[1];m=$assertType(j.w,AAA,true);n=m[0];o=m[1];if(h>0&&o){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:p=n.Flush();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))&&$interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){i=q;}case 3:$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:EG.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};EG.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};EI=function(g){var g,h;return(h=EH[$Int.keyFor(g)],h!==undefined?h.v:"");};$pkg.StatusText=EI;ER.ptr.prototype.connect=function(g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=[g];h=[h];j=[j];k=[k];l=[l];m=[m];n=$ifaceNil;k[0]=$ifaceNil;o=this;q=EL(i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];s=p[1];t=p[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:u=$ifaceNil;v=t;n=u;k[0]=v;w=[n,k[0]];$s=4;case 4:return w;case 3:y=g[0].Deadline();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=$clone(x[0],T.Time);aa=x[1];if(aa&&!$clone(z,T.Time).IsZero()){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:ab=h[0].SetDeadline($clone(z,T.Time));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;$deferred.push([$methodVal(h[0],"SetDeadline"),[$clone(EJ,T.Time)]]);case 7:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g[0],A.Background()))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:m[0]=new $Chan($error,1);l[0]=new $Chan(AAQ,0);$deferred.push([(function(g,h,j,k,l,m){return function $b(){var{ac,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$close(l[0]);if($interfaceIsEqual(k[0],$ifaceNil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:ac=$recv(m[0]);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0]=ac[0];case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ac,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,j,k,l,m),[]]);$go((function(g,h,j,k,l,m){return function $b(){var{ac,ad,ae,af,ag,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ad=g[0].Done();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=$select([[ad],[l[0]]]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ae;if(ac[0]===0){$s=3;continue;}if(ac[0]===1){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:af=h[0].SetDeadline($clone(EK,T.Time));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;ag=g[0].Err();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$send(m[0],ag);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=$send(m[0],$ifaceNil);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,j,k,l,m),[]);case 10:ac=$makeSlice(ZL,0,(6+r.length>>0));ac=$append(ac,5);if((o.AuthMethods.$length===0)||o.Authenticate===$throwNilPointerError){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:ac=$append(ac,1,0);$s=13;continue;case 12:ad=o.AuthMethods;if(ad.$length>255){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ae=$ifaceNil;af=G.New("too many authentication methods");n=ae;k[0]=af;ag=[n,k[0]];$s=16;case 16:return ag;case 15:ac=$append(ac,((ad.$length<<24>>>24)));ah=ad;ai=0;while(true){if(!(ai=ah.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+ai]);ac=$append(ac,((aj<<24>>>24)));ai++;}case 13:al=h[0].Write(ac);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=al;k[0]=ak[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:am=[n,k[0]];$s=20;case 20:return am;case 19:ao=J.ReadFull(h[0],$subslice(ac,0,2));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ao;k[0]=an[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:ap=[n,k[0]];$s=24;case 24:return ap;case 23:if(!(((0>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+0])===5))){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:aq=$ifaceNil;ar=G.New("unexpected protocol version "+Z.Itoa((((0>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+0])>>0))));n=aq;k[0]=ar;as=[n,k[0]];$s=27;case 27:return as;case 26:at=(((1>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+1])>>0));if(at===255){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:au=$ifaceNil;av=G.New("no acceptable authentication methods");n=au;k[0]=av;aw=[n,k[0]];$s=30;case 30:return aw;case 29:if(!(o.Authenticate===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:ax=o.Authenticate(g[0],h[0],at);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k[0]=ax;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:ay=[n,k[0]];$s=36;case 36:return ay;case 35:case 32:ac=$subslice(ac,0,0);ac=$append(ac,5,((o.cmd<<24>>>24)),0);az=B.ParseIP(r);if(!(az===B.IP.nil)){$s=37;continue;}$s=38;continue;case 37:ba=az.To4();if(!(ba===B.IP.nil)){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:ac=$append(ac,1);ac=$appendSlice(ac,$convertSliceType(ba,ZL));$s=42;continue;case 41:bb=az.To16();if(!(bb===B.IP.nil)){$s=43;continue;}$s=44;continue;case 43:ac=$append(ac,4);ac=$appendSlice(ac,$convertSliceType(bb,ZL));$s=45;continue;case 44:bc=$ifaceNil;bd=G.New("unknown address type");n=bc;k[0]=bd;be=[n,k[0]];$s=46;case 46:return be;case 45:case 42:$s=39;continue;case 38:if(r.length>255){$s=47;continue;}$s=48;continue;case 47:bf=$ifaceNil;bg=G.New("FQDN too long");n=bf;k[0]=bg;bh=[n,k[0]];$s=49;case 49:return bh;case 48:ac=$append(ac,3);ac=$append(ac,((r.length<<24>>>24)));ac=$appendSlice(ac,r);case 39:ac=$append(ac,(((s>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)),((s<<24>>>24)));bj=h[0].Write(ac);$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bj;k[0]=bi[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=51;continue;}$s=52;continue;case 51:bk=[n,k[0]];$s=53;case 53:return bk;case 52:bm=J.ReadFull(h[0],$subslice(ac,0,4));$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;bm=bm.$blk();}if(bm&&bm.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl=bm;k[0]=bl[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=55;continue;}$s=56;continue;case 55:bn=[n,k[0]];$s=57;case 57:return bn;case 56:if(!(((0>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+0])===5))){$s=58;continue;}$s=59;continue;case 58:bo=$ifaceNil;bp=G.New("unexpected protocol version "+Z.Itoa((((0>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+0])>>0))));n=bo;k[0]=bp;bq=[n,k[0]];$s=60;case 60:return bq;case 59:br=(((1>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+1])>>0));if(!((br===0))){$s=61;continue;}$s=62;continue;case 61:bs=$ifaceNil;bt=G.New("unknown error "+new EO(br).String());n=bs;k[0]=bt;bu=[n,k[0]];$s=63;case 63:return bu;case 62:if(!(((2>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+2])===0))){$s=64;continue;}$s=65;continue;case 64:bv=$ifaceNil;bw=G.New("non-zero reserved field");n=bv;k[0]=bw;bx=[n,k[0]];$s=66;case 66:return bx;case 65:by=2;j[0]=new EP.ptr("",B.IP.nil,0);bz=(3>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+3]);if(bz===(1)){$s=68;continue;}if(bz===(4)){$s=69;continue;}if(bz===(3)){$s=70;continue;}$s=71;continue;case 68:by=by+(4)>>0;j[0].IP=$makeSlice(B.IP,4);$s=72;continue;case 69:by=by+(16)>>0;j[0].IP=$makeSlice(B.IP,16);$s=72;continue;case 70:cb=J.ReadFull(h[0],$subslice(ac,0,1));$s=73;case 73:if($c){$c=false;cb=cb.$blk();}if(cb&&cb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ca=cb;cc=ca[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cc,$ifaceNil))){$s=74;continue;}$s=75;continue;case 74:cd=$ifaceNil;ce=cc;n=cd;k[0]=ce;cf=[n,k[0]];$s=76;case 76:return cf;case 75:by=by+((((0>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+0])>>0)))>>0;$s=72;continue;case 71:cg=$ifaceNil;ch=G.New("unknown address type "+Z.Itoa((((3>=ac.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+3])>>0))));n=cg;k[0]=ch;ci=[n,k[0]];$s=77;case 77:return ci;case 72:case 67:if(ac.$capacity>0))));}j[0].Port=((((cm=ac.$length-2>>0,((cm<0||cm>=ac.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+cm]))>>0))<<8>>0)|(((cn=ac.$length-1>>0,((cn<0||cn>=ac.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ac.$array[ac.$offset+cn]))>>0));co=j[0];cp=$ifaceNil;n=co;k[0]=cp;cq=[n,k[0]];$s=82;case 82:return cq;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[n,k[0]];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:ER.ptr.prototype.connect,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};ER.prototype.connect=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.connect(g,h,i);};EL=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=B.SplitHostPort(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];l=h[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return["",0,l];}m=Z.Atoi(k);n=m[0];l=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return["",0,l];}if(1>n||n>65535){$s=-1;return["",0,G.New("port number out of range "+k)];}$s=-1;return[j,n,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:EL,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};EM.prototype.String=function(){var g,h;g=this.$val;h=g;if(h===(1)){return"socks connect";}else if(h===(2)){return"socks bind";}else{return"socks "+Z.Itoa(((g>>0)));}};$ptrType(EM).prototype.String=function(){return new EM(this.$get()).String();};EO.prototype.String=function(){var g,h;g=this.$val;h=g;if(h===(0)){return"succeeded";}else if(h===(1)){return"general SOCKS server failure";}else if(h===(2)){return"connection not allowed by ruleset";}else if(h===(3)){return"network unreachable";}else if(h===(4)){return"host unreachable";}else if(h===(5)){return"connection refused";}else if(h===(6)){return"TTL expired";}else if(h===(7)){return"command not supported";}else if(h===(8)){return"address type not supported";}else{return"unknown code: "+Z.Itoa(((g>>0)));}};$ptrType(EO).prototype.String=function(){return new EO(this.$get()).String();};EP.ptr.prototype.Network=function(){var g;g=this;return"socks";};EP.prototype.Network=function(){return this.$val.Network();};EP.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var g,h;g=this;if(g===ABS.nil){return"";}h=Z.Itoa(g.Port);if(g.IP===B.IP.nil){return B.JoinHostPort(g.Name,h);}return B.JoinHostPort(g.IP.String(),h);};EP.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};EQ.ptr.prototype.BoundAddr=function(){var g;g=this;if(g===ABT.nil){return $ifaceNil;}return g.boundAddr;};EQ.prototype.BoundAddr=function(){return this.$val.BoundAddr();};ER.ptr.prototype.DialContext=function(g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=j.validateTarget(h,i);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=j.pathAddrs(i);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new B.OpError.ptr(new EM(j.cmd).String(),h,n,o,k)];case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:q=j.pathAddrs(i);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];s=p[1];$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new B.OpError.ptr(new EM(j.cmd).String(),h,r,s,G.New("nil context"))];case 5:t=$ifaceNil;u=$ifaceNil;if(!(j.ProxyDial===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:w=j.ProxyDial(g,j.proxyNetwork,j.proxyAddress);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;u=v[0];t=v[1];$s=9;continue;case 8:x=new B.Dialer.ptr(new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil),$ifaceNil,false,new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(0,0),ZA.nil,$chanNil,$throwNilPointerError);z=x.DialContext(g,j.proxyNetwork,j.proxyAddress);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;u=y[0];t=y[1];case 9:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:ab=j.pathAddrs(i);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=aa[0];ad=aa[1];$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new B.OpError.ptr(new EM(j.cmd).String(),h,ac,ad,t)];case 13:af=j.connect(g,u,i);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;ag=ae[0];t=ae[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:ah=u.Close();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah;aj=j.pathAddrs(i);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;ak=ai[0];al=ai[1];$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new B.OpError.ptr(new EM(j.cmd).String(),h,ak,al,t)];case 17:$s=-1;return[new EQ.ptr(u,ag),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ER.ptr.prototype.DialContext,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ER.prototype.DialContext=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.DialContext(g,h,i);};ER.ptr.prototype.DialWithConn=function(g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=k.validateTarget(i,j);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=k.pathAddrs(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new B.OpError.ptr(new EM(k.cmd).String(),i,o,p,l)];case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:r=k.pathAddrs(j);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];t=q[1];$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new B.OpError.ptr(new EM(k.cmd).String(),i,s,t,G.New("nil context"))];case 5:v=k.connect(g,h,j);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[0];x=u[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:z=k.pathAddrs(j);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;aa=y[0];ab=y[1];$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new B.OpError.ptr(new EM(k.cmd).String(),i,aa,ab,x)];case 9:$s=-1;return[w,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ER.ptr.prototype.DialWithConn,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ER.prototype.DialWithConn=function(g,h,i,j){return this.$val.DialWithConn(g,h,i,j);};ER.ptr.prototype.Dial=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.validateTarget(g,h);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=i.pathAddrs(h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new B.OpError.ptr(new EM(i.cmd).String(),g,m,n,j)];case 2:o=$ifaceNil;p=$ifaceNil;if(!(i.ProxyDial===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:r=i.ProxyDial(A.Background(),i.proxyNetwork,i.proxyAddress);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;p=q[0];o=q[1];$s=6;continue;case 5:t=B.Dial(i.proxyNetwork,i.proxyAddress);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;p=s[0];o=s[1];case 6:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:v=i.pathAddrs(h);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;w=u[0];x=u[1];$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new B.OpError.ptr(new EM(i.cmd).String(),g,w,x,o)];case 10:z=i.DialWithConn(A.Background(),p,g,h);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;aa=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:ab=p.Close();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,aa];case 14:$s=-1;return[p,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:ER.ptr.prototype.Dial,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};ER.prototype.Dial=function(g,h){return this.$val.Dial(g,h);};ER.ptr.prototype.validateTarget=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;i=this;j=g;if(j===("tcp")||j===("tcp6")||j===("tcp4")){}else{return G.New("network not implemented");}k=i.cmd;if((k===(1))||(k===(2))){}else{return G.New("command not implemented");}return $ifaceNil;};ER.prototype.validateTarget=function(g,h){return this.$val.validateTarget(g,h);};ER.ptr.prototype.pathAddrs=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=$ifaceNil;i=$ifaceNil;j=$ifaceNil;k=this;l=new ZK([k.proxyAddress,g]);m=0;case 1:if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);q=EL(o);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[0];s=p[1];t=p[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){u=$ifaceNil;v=$ifaceNil;w=t;h=u;i=v;j=w;$s=-1;return[h,i,j];}x=new EP.ptr("",B.IP.nil,s);x.IP=B.ParseIP(r);if(x.IP===B.IP.nil){x.Name=r;}if(n===0){h=x;}else{i=x;}m++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[h,i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:ER.ptr.prototype.pathAddrs,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};ER.prototype.pathAddrs=function(g){return this.$val.pathAddrs(g);};ES=function(g,h){var g,h;return new ER.ptr(1,g,h,$throwNilPointerError,AAY.nil,$throwNilPointerError);};ET.ptr.prototype.Authenticate=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=i;if(k===(0)){$s=2;continue;}if(k===(2)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:if((j.Username.length===0)||j.Username.length>255||(j.Password.length===0)||j.Password.length>255){$s=-1;return G.New("invalid username/password");}l=new ZL([1]);l=$append(l,((j.Username.length<<24>>>24)));l=$appendSlice(l,j.Username);l=$append(l,((j.Password.length<<24>>>24)));l=$appendSlice(l,j.Password);n=h.Write(l);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return o;}q=J.ReadFull(h,$subslice(l,0,2));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;r=p[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return r;}if(!(((0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0])===1))){$s=-1;return G.New("invalid username/password version");}if(!(((1>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+1])===0))){$s=-1;return G.New("username/password authentication failed");}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 4:case 1:$s=-1;return G.New("unsupported authentication method "+Z.Itoa(((i>>0))));}return;}var $f={$blk:ET.ptr.prototype.Authenticate,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};ET.prototype.Authenticate=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.Authenticate(g,h,i);};EU=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(g.$length>512){g=$subslice(g,0,512);}h=0;while(true){if(!(h=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+h])))){break;}h=h+(1)>>0;}i=EY;j=0;case 1:if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);l=k.match(g,h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!(m==="")){$s=-1;return m;}j++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return"application/octet-stream";}return;}var $f={$blk:EU,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};$pkg.DetectContentType=EU;EV=function(g){var g,h;h=g;if((h===(9))||(h===(10))||(h===(12))||(h===(13))||(h===(32))){return true;}return false;};EW=function(g){var g,h;h=g;if((h===(32))||(h===(62))){return true;}return false;};EZ.ptr.prototype.match=function(g,h){var g,h,i;i=this;if(W.HasPrefix(g,i.sig)){return i.ct;}return"";};EZ.prototype.match=function(g,h){return this.$val.match(g,h);};FA.ptr.prototype.match=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;i=this;if(i.skipWS){g=$subslice(g,h);}if(!((i.pat.$length===i.mask.$length))){return"";}if(g.$length=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);o=(((l<0||l>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+l])&(n=i.mask,((l<0||l>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+l])))>>>0;if(!((o===m))){return"";}k++;}return i.ct;};FA.prototype.match=function(g,h){return this.$val.match(g,h);};FB.prototype.match=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;i=this;g=$subslice(g,h);if(g.$length<(i.$length+1>>0)){return"";}j=i;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);n=((l<0||l>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+l]);if(65<=m&&m<=90){n=(n&(223))>>>0;}if(!((m===n))){return"";}k++;}if(!EW((o=i.$length,((o<0||o>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+o])))){return"";}return"text/html; charset=utf-8";};$ptrType(FB).prototype.match=function(g,h){return this.$get().match(g,h);};FE.ptr.prototype.match=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;if(g.$length<12){return"";}i=(($clone(AA.BigEndian,AA.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(g,0,4))>>0));if(g.$length>0;continue;}if(W.Equal($subslice(g,k,(k+3>>0)),FD)){return"video/mp4";}k=k+(4)>>0;}return"";};FE.prototype.match=function(g,h){return this.$val.match(g,h);};FF.ptr.prototype.match=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;i=$subslice(g,h);j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);if((k<=8)||((k===11))||(14<=k&&k<=26)||(28<=k&&k<=31)){return"";}j++;}return"text/plain; charset=utf-8";};FF.prototype.match=function(g,h){return this.$val.match(g,h);};FL.ptr.prototype.hijacked=function(){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h=g.hijackedv;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FL.ptr.prototype.hijacked,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FL.prototype.hijacked=function(){return this.$val.hijacked();};FL.ptr.prototype.hijackLocked=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$ifaceNil;h=ABU.nil;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(j.hijackedv){k=$ifaceNil;l=ABU.nil;m=$pkg.ErrHijacked;g=k;h=l;i=m;$s=-1;return[g,h,i];}$r=j.r.abortPendingRead();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.hijackedv=true;g=j.rwc;n=g.SetDeadline(new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;h=C.NewReadWriter(j.bufr,C.NewWriter(g));if(j.r.hasByte){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:p=j.bufr.Peek(j.bufr.Buffered()+1>>0);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:r=$ifaceNil;s=ABU.nil;u=H.Errorf("unexpected Peek failure reading buffered byte: %v",new ZB([q]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;g=r;h=s;i=t;v=[g,h,i];$s=9;case 9:return v;case 7:case 4:$r=j.setState(g,3,true);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[g,h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:FL.ptr.prototype.hijackLocked,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};FL.prototype.hijackLocked=function(){return this.$val.hijackLocked();};FM.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(!j.wroteHeader){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=j.writeHeader(g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(j.res.req.Method==="HEAD"){k=g.$length;l=$ifaceNil;h=k;i=l;$s=-1;return[h,i];}if(j.chunking){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:n=H.Fprintf(j.res.conn.bufw,"%x\r\n",new ZB([new $Int(g.$length)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;i=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:o=j.res.conn.rwc.Close();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 8:case 5:q=j.res.conn.bufw.Write(g);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;h=p[0];i=p[1];if(j.chunking&&$interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:s=j.res.conn.bufw.Write(FN);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;i=r[1];case 12:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:t=j.res.conn.rwc.Close();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;case 15:$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:FM.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};FM.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};FM.ptr.prototype.flush=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!g.wroteHeader){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.writeHeader(ZL.nil);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:h=g.res.conn.bufw.Flush();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FM.ptr.prototype.flush,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};FM.prototype.flush=function(){return this.$val.flush();};FM.ptr.prototype.close=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!g.wroteHeader){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.writeHeader(ZL.nil);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(g.chunking){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:h=g.res.conn.bufw;i=h.WriteString("0\r\n");$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=g.res.finalTrailers();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!(k===false)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:l=new KP(k).Write(h);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;case 9:m=h.WriteString("\r\n");$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FM.ptr.prototype.close,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};FM.prototype.close=function(){return this.$val.close();};FP.ptr.prototype.finalTrailers=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=false;i=g.handlerHeader;j=0;k=$keys(i);while(true){if(!(j=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);if(h===false){h={};}s=(t=g.handlerHeader[$String.keyFor(r)],t!==undefined?t.v:ZK.nil);u=0;case 3:if(!(u=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+u]);$r=new KP(h).Add(r,v);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u++;$s=3;continue;case 4:q++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.finalTrailers,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.finalTrailers=function(){return this.$val.finalTrailers();};$ptrType(FQ).prototype.isSet=function(){var g,h;g=this;return!((S.LoadInt32(((h=g,new ABV(function(){return(h.$get()>>0);},function($v){h.$set(($v>>0));},h.$target))))===0));};$ptrType(FQ).prototype.setTrue=function(){var g,h;g=this;S.StoreInt32(((h=g,new ABV(function(){return(h.$get()>>0);},function($v){h.$set(($v>>0));},h.$target))),1);};$ptrType(FQ).prototype.setFalse=function(){var g,h;g=this;S.StoreInt32(((h=g,new ABV(function(){return(h.$get()>>0);},function($v){h.$set(($v>>0));},h.$target))),0);};FP.ptr.prototype.declareTrailer=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=KX(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i;j=U.ValidTrailerHeader(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!j){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;case 3:h.trailers=$append(h.trailers,g);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.declareTrailer,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.declareTrailer=function(g){return this.$val.declareTrailer(g);};FP.ptr.prototype.requestTooLarge=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;g.closeAfterReply=true;g.requestBodyLimitHit=true;if(!g.wroteHeader){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=new KP(g.Header()).Set("Connection","close");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.requestTooLarge,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.requestTooLarge=function(){return this.$val.requestTooLarge();};FP.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=new $Int64(0,0);i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=FX.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$assertType(k,ZN);m=l.$get();$deferred.push([$methodVal(FX,"Put"),[l]]);n=$assertType(j.conn.rwc,J.ReaderFrom,true);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(!p){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:s=J.CopyBuffer((r=new FR.ptr(j),new r.constructor.elem(r)),g,m);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=s;h=q[0];i=q[1];t=[h,i];$s=5;case 5:return t;case 3:if(!j.cw.wroteHeader){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:w=J.CopyBuffer((v=new FR.ptr(j),new v.constructor.elem(v)),J.LimitReader(g,new $Int64(0,512)),m);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=w;x=u[0];y=u[1];h=(z=x,new $Int64(h.$high+z.$high,h.$low+z.$low));if(!($interfaceIsEqual(y,$ifaceNil))||(x.$high<0||(x.$high===0&&x.$low<512))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:aa=h;ab=y;h=aa;i=ab;ac=[h,i];$s=11;case 11:return ac;case 10:case 7:ad=j.w.Flush();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad;$r=j.cw.flush();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!j.cw.chunking&&j.bodyAllowed()){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:af=o.ReadFrom(g);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;ag=ae[0];ah=ae[1];h=(ai=ag,new $Int64(h.$high+ai.$high,h.$low+ai.$low));j.written=(aj=j.written,ak=ag,new $Int64(aj.$high+ak.$high,aj.$low+ak.$low));al=h;am=ah;h=al;i=am;an=[h,i];$s=17;case 17:return an;case 15:aq=J.CopyBuffer((ap=new FR.ptr(j),new ap.constructor.elem(ap)),g,m);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=aq;ar=ao[0];i=ao[1];h=(as=ar,new $Int64(h.$high+as.$high,h.$low+as.$low));at=h;au=i;h=at;i=au;av=[h,i];$s=19;case 19:return av;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[h,i];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FP.prototype.ReadFrom=function(g){return this.$val.ReadFrom(g);};HR.ptr.prototype.newConn=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=new FL.ptr(h,$throwNilPointerError,g,"",AAV.nil,$ifaceNil,ABX.nil,AAW.nil,AAA.nil,"",new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),new ABY.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0)),new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false);if(false){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=IK("server",i.rwc);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i.rwc=j;case 2:$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.newConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};HR.prototype.newConn=function(g){return this.$val.newConn(g);};FT.ptr.prototype.lock=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g.cond===ABZ.nil){g.cond=R.NewCond(g.mu);}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FT.ptr.prototype.lock,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};FT.prototype.lock=function(){return this.$val.lock();};FT.ptr.prototype.unlock=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.mu.Unlock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FT.ptr.prototype.unlock,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};FT.prototype.unlock=function(){return this.$val.unlock();};FT.ptr.prototype.startBackgroundRead=function(){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g,"unlock"),[]]);if(g.inRead){$panic(new $String("invalid concurrent Body.Read call"));}if(g.hasByte){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:g.inRead=true;h=g.conn.rwc.SetReadDeadline(new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$go($methodVal(g,"backgroundRead"),[]);$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FT.ptr.prototype.startBackgroundRead,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FT.prototype.startBackgroundRead=function(){return this.$val.startBackgroundRead();};FT.ptr.prototype.backgroundRead=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=g.conn.rwc.Read(new ZL(g.byteBuf));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[1];$r=g.lock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j===1){g.hasByte=true;}l=$assertType(k,B.Error,true);m=l[0];n=l[1];if(!(n&&g.aborted)){o=false;$s=6;continue s;}p=m.Timeout();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;case 6:if(o){$s=3;continue;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=g.handleReadError(k);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:g.aborted=false;g.inRead=false;$r=g.unlock();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.cond.Broadcast();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FT.ptr.prototype.backgroundRead,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};FT.prototype.backgroundRead=function(){return this.$val.backgroundRead();};FT.ptr.prototype.abortPendingRead=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g,"unlock"),[]]);if(!g.inRead){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:g.aborted=true;h=g.conn.rwc.SetReadDeadline($clone(KE,T.Time));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;case 6:if(!(g.inRead)){$s=7;continue;}$r=g.cond.Wait();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=6;continue;case 7:i=g.conn.rwc.SetReadDeadline(new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FT.ptr.prototype.abortPendingRead,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FT.prototype.abortPendingRead=function(){return this.$val.abortPendingRead();};FT.ptr.prototype.setReadLimit=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.remain=g;};FT.prototype.setReadLimit=function(g){return this.$val.setReadLimit(g);};FT.ptr.prototype.setInfiniteReadLimit=function(){var g;g=this;g.remain=new $Int64(2147483647,4294967295);};FT.prototype.setInfiniteReadLimit=function(){return this.$val.setInfiniteReadLimit();};FT.ptr.prototype.hitReadLimit=function(){var g,h;g=this;return(h=g.remain,(h.$high<0||(h.$high===0&&h.$low<=0)));};FT.prototype.hitReadLimit=function(){return this.$val.hitReadLimit();};FT.ptr.prototype.handleReadError=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.conn.cancelCtx();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.closeNotify();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FT.ptr.prototype.handleReadError,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};FT.prototype.handleReadError=function(g){return this.$val.handleReadError(g);};FT.ptr.prototype.closeNotify=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$assertType(g.conn.curReq.Load(),ACA,true);i=h[0];if(!(i===ACA.nil)&&S.CompareAndSwapInt32((i.$ptr_didCloseNotify||(i.$ptr_didCloseNotify=new ABV(function(){return this.$target.didCloseNotify;},function($v){this.$target.didCloseNotify=$v;},i))),0,1)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=$send(i.closeNotifyCh,true);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FT.ptr.prototype.closeNotify,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};FT.prototype.closeNotify=function(){return this.$val.closeNotify();};FT.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;$r=j.lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j.inRead){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=j.unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.conn.hijacked();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$panic(new $String("invalid Body.Read call. After hijacked, the original Request must not be used"));case 6:$panic(new $String("invalid concurrent Body.Read call"));case 3:if(j.hitReadLimit()){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=j.unlock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=0;m=J.EOF;h=l;i=m;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 9:if(g.$length===0){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$r=j.unlock();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=0;o=$ifaceNil;h=n;i=o;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 12:if((p=(new $Int64(0,g.$length)),q=j.remain,(p.$high>q.$high||(p.$high===q.$high&&p.$low>q.$low)))){g=$subslice(g,0,$flatten64(j.remain));}if(j.hasByte){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]=j.byteBuf[0]);j.hasByte=false;$r=j.unlock();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=1;s=$ifaceNil;h=r;i=s;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 15:j.inRead=true;$r=j.unlock();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=j.conn.rwc.Read(g);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;h=t[0];i=t[1];$r=j.lock();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.inRead=false;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:$r=j.handleReadError(i);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 21:j.remain=(v=j.remain,w=(new $Int64(0,h)),new $Int64(v.$high-w.$high,v.$low-w.$low));$r=j.unlock();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=j.cond.Broadcast();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=h;y=i;h=x;i=y;$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:FT.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};FT.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};FY=function(g){var g,h;h=g;if(h===(2048)){return FV;}else if(h===(4096)){return FW;}return ACB.nil;};FZ=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=FU.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){j=$assertType(i,AAW);j.Reset(g);$s=-1;return j;}$s=-1;return C.NewReader(g);}return;}var $f={$blk:FZ,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};GA=function(g){var g;g.Reset($ifaceNil);FU.Put(g);};GB=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=FY(h);if(!(i===ACB.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=i.Get();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){l=$assertType(k,AAA);l.Reset(g);$s=-1;return l;}case 2:$s=-1;return C.NewWriterSize(g,h);}return;}var $f={$blk:GB,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};GC=function(g){var g,h;g.Reset($ifaceNil);h=FY(g.Available());if(!(h===ACB.nil)){h.Put(g);}};HR.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderBytes=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.MaxHeaderBytes>0){return g.MaxHeaderBytes;}return 1048576;};HR.prototype.maxHeaderBytes=function(){return this.$val.maxHeaderBytes();};HR.ptr.prototype.initialReadLimitSize=function(){var g,h;g=this;return(h=(new $Int64(0,g.maxHeaderBytes())),new $Int64(h.$high+0,h.$low+4096));};HR.prototype.initialReadLimitSize=function(){return this.$val.initialReadLimitSize();};HR.ptr.prototype.tlsHandshakeTimeout=function(){var g,h,i,j,k;g=this;h=new T.Duration(0,0);i=$toNativeArray($kindInt64,[g.ReadHeaderTimeout,g.ReadTimeout,g.WriteTimeout]);j=0;while(true){if(!(j<3)){break;}k=((j<0||j>=i.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i[j]);if((k.$high<0||(k.$high===0&&k.$low<=0))){j++;continue;}if((h.$high===0&&h.$low===0)||(k.$high>0)))));$s=-1;return $append(g,t.charCodeAt(0),t.charCodeAt(1),t.charCodeAt(2),44,32,(((48+(v=m/10,(v===v&&v!==1/0&&v!==-1/0)?v>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((48+(w=m%10,w===w?w:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),32,u.charCodeAt(0),u.charCodeAt(1),u.charCodeAt(2),32,(((48+(x=k/1000,(x===x&&x!==1/0&&x!==-1/0)?x>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((48+(y=((z=k/100,(z===z&&z!==1/0&&z!==-1/0)?z>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))%10,y===y?y:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((48+(aa=((ab=k/10,(ab===ab&&ab!==1/0&&ab!==-1/0)?ab>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))%10,aa===aa?aa:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((48+(ac=k%10,ac===ac?ac:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),32,(((48+(ad=p/10,(ad===ad&&ad!==1/0&&ad!==-1/0)?ad>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((48+(ae=p%10,ae===ae?ae:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),58,(((48+(af=q/10,(af===af&&af!==1/0&&af!==-1/0)?af>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((48+(ag=q%10,ag===ag?ag:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),58,(((48+(ah=r/10,(ah===ah&&ah!==1/0&&ah!==-1/0)?ah>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((48+(ai=r%10,ai===ai?ai:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))>>0)<<24>>>24)),32,71,77,84);}return;}var $f={$blk:GE,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};FL.ptr.prototype.readRequest=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=[h];i=[i];j=ACA.nil;k=$ifaceNil;h[0]=this;l=h[0].hijacked();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(l){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=ACA.nil;n=$pkg.ErrHijacked;j=m;k=n;o=[j,k];$s=4;case 4:return o;case 2:p=new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil);q=new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil);r=T.Now();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,T.Time);t=h[0].server.readHeaderTimeout();if((t.$high>0||(t.$high===0&&t.$low>0))){T.Time.copy(q,$clone(s,T.Time).Add(t));}u=h[0].server.ReadTimeout;if((u.$high>0||(u.$high===0&&u.$low>0))){T.Time.copy(p,$clone(s,T.Time).Add(u));}v=h[0].rwc.SetReadDeadline($clone(q,T.Time));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;i[0]=h[0].server.WriteTimeout;if((i[0].$high>0||(i[0].$high===0&&i[0].$low>0))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$deferred.push([(function(h,i){return function $b(){var{w,x,y,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:w=T.Now();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=$clone(w,T.Time).Add(i[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=h[0].rwc.SetWriteDeadline($clone(x,T.Time));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,w,x,y,$s};return $f;};})(h,i),[]]);case 8:h[0].r.setReadLimit(h[0].server.initialReadLimitSize());if(h[0].lastMethod==="POST"){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:x=h[0].bufr.Peek(4);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=w[0];z=h[0].bufr.Discard(IM(y));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;case 10:ab=JW(h[0].bufr);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=aa[0];k=aa[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:if(h[0].r.hitReadLimit()){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:ad=ACA.nil;ae=GF;j=ad;k=ae;af=[j,k];$s=18;case 18:return af;case 17:ag=ACA.nil;ah=k;j=ag;k=ah;ai=[j,k];$s=19;case 19:return ai;case 15:if(!GG(ac)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:aj=ACA.nil;ak=(al=new GS.ptr(505,"unsupported protocol version"),new al.constructor.elem(al));j=aj;k=ak;am=[j,k];$s=22;case 22:return am;case 21:h[0].lastMethod=ac.Method;h[0].r.setInfiniteReadLimit();an=(ao=ac.Header[$String.keyFor("Host")],ao!==undefined?[ao.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);ap=an[0];aq=an[1];ar=ac.isH2Upgrade();if(ac.ProtoAtLeast(1,1)&&(!aq||(ap.$length===0))&&!ar&&!(ac.Method==="CONNECT")){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:as=ACA.nil;at=GR("missing required Host header");j=as;k=at;au=[j,k];$s=25;case 25:return au;case 24:if((ap.$length===1)&&!U.ValidHostHeader((0>=ap.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ap.$array[ap.$offset+0]))){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:av=ACA.nil;aw=GR("malformed Host header");j=av;k=aw;ax=[j,k];$s=28;case 28:return ax;case 27:ay=ac.Header;az=0;ba=$keys(ay);case 29:if(!(az=bh.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bh.$array[bh.$offset+bi]);if(!U.ValidHeaderFieldValue(bj)){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:bk=ACA.nil;bl=GR("invalid header value");j=bk;k=bl;bm=[j,k];$s=38;case 38:return bm;case 37:bi++;$s=34;continue;case 35:az++;$s=29;continue;case 30:delete ac.Header[$String.keyFor("Host")];bo=A.WithCancel(g);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bn=bo;g=bn[0];bp=bn[1];ac.ctx=g;ac.RemoteAddr=h[0].remoteAddr;ac.TLS=h[0].tlsState;bq=$assertType(ac.Body,ACD,true);br=bq[0];bs=bq[1];if(bs){br.doEarlyClose=true;}if(!$clone(q,T.Time).Equal($clone(p,T.Time))){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:bt=h[0].rwc.SetReadDeadline($clone(p,T.Time));$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt;case 41:j=new FP.ptr(h[0],ac,ac.Body,bp,false,false,ac.wantsHttp10KeepAlive(),ac.wantsClose(),0,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),AAA.nil,new FM.ptr(ACA.nil,false,false,false),{},false,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(-1,4294967295),0,false,false,ZK.nil,0,ACF.zero(),ACG.zero(),ACH.zero(),new $Chan($Bool,1),0);if(ar){j.closeAfterReply=true;}j.cw.res=j;bu=GB(j.cw,2048);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.w=bu;bv=j;bw=$ifaceNil;j=bv;k=bw;bx=[j,k];$s=44;case 44:return bx;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[j,k];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FL.ptr.prototype.readRequest,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FL.prototype.readRequest=function(g){return this.$val.readRequest(g);};GG=function(g){var g;if(g.ProtoMajor===1){return true;}if((g.ProtoMajor===2)&&(g.ProtoMinor===0)&&g.Method==="PRI"&&g.RequestURI==="*"){return true;}return false;};FP.ptr.prototype.Header=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.cw.header===false&&g.wroteHeader&&!g.cw.wroteHeader){g.cw.header=new KP(g.handlerHeader).Clone();}g.calledHeader=true;return g.handlerHeader;};FP.prototype.Header=function(){return this.$val.Header();};GH=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(g<100||g>999){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=H.Sprintf("invalid WriteHeader code %v",new ZB([new $Int(g)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GH,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};GI=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m;g=$makeSlice(ACI,16);h=AD.Callers(1,g);i=AD.CallersFrames($subslice(g,0,h));j=new AD.Frame.ptr(0,ACJ.nil,"","",0,0);while(true){k=i.Next();l=$clone(k[0],AD.Frame);m=k[1];if(!Q.HasPrefix(l.Function,"net/http.")){return l;}if(!m){break;}}return j;};FP.ptr.prototype.WriteHeader=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.conn.hijacked();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(i){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=$clone(GI(),AD.Frame);$r=h.conn.server.logf("http: response.WriteHeader on hijacked connection from %s (%s:%d)",new ZB([new $String(j.Function),new $String(AC.Base(j.File)),new $Int(j.Line)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 2:if(h.wroteHeader){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:k=$clone(GI(),AD.Frame);$r=h.conn.server.logf("http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from %s (%s:%d)",new ZB([new $String(k.Function),new $String(AC.Base(k.File)),new $Int(k.Line)]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 6:$r=GH(g);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.wroteHeader=true;h.status=g;if(h.calledHeader&&h.cw.header===false){h.cw.header=new KP(h.handlerHeader).Clone();}l=new KP(h.handlerHeader).get("Content-Length");if(!(l==="")){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:m=Z.ParseInt(l,10,64);n=m[0];o=m[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil)&&(n.$high>0||(n.$high===0&&n.$low>=0))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:h.contentLength=n;$s=13;continue;case 12:$r=h.conn.server.logf("http: invalid Content-Length of %q",new ZB([new $String(l)]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=new KP(h.handlerHeader).Del("Content-Length");$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 13:case 10:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.WriteHeader,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.WriteHeader=function(g){return this.$val.WriteHeader(g);};GJ.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(!(h.date===ZL.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=g.Write(GM);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;j=g.Write(h.date);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=g.Write(FN);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 2:if(!(h.contentLength===ZL.nil)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:l=g.Write(GL);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;m=g.Write(h.contentLength);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;n=g.Write(FN);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;case 7:o=new ZK([h.contentType,h.connection,h.transferEncoding]);p=0;case 11:if(!(p=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+p]);if(!(r==="")){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:s=g.Write(((q<0||q>=GK.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):GK.$array[GK.$offset+q]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;t=g.Write(FO);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;u=g.WriteString(r);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;v=g.Write(FN);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;case 14:p++;$s=11;continue;case 12:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GJ.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};GJ.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};FM.ptr.prototype.writeHeader=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];k=this;if(k.wroteHeader){$s=-1;return;}k.wroteHeader=true;l=k.res;m=l.conn.server.doKeepAlives();n=l.req.Method==="HEAD";i[0]=k.header;j[0]=!(i[0]===false);if(!j[0]){i[0]=l.handlerHeader;}h[0]=false;o=(function(h,i,j){return function $b(o){var{o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(j[0]){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=new KP(i[0]).Del(o);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 2:p=(q=i[0][$String.keyFor(o)],q!==undefined?[q.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);r=p[1];if(!r){$s=-1;return;}if(h[0]===false){h[0]={};}s=o;(h[0]||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(s)]={k:s,v:true};$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};})(h,i,j);p=new GJ.ptr("","","",ZL.nil,ZL.nil);q=false;r=k.header;s=0;t=$keys(r);while(true){if(!(s=x.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):x.$array[x.$offset+z]);q=true;$r=GN(aa,$methodVal(k.res,"declareTrailer"));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z++;$s=1;continue;case 2:ab=new KP(i[0]).get("Transfer-Encoding");ac=!(ab==="");if((l.$ptr_handlerDone||(l.$ptr_handlerDone=new ACC(function(){return this.$target.handlerDone;},function($v){this.$target.handlerDone=$v;},l))).isSet()&&!q&&!ac&&DJ(l.status)&&new KP(i[0]).get("Content-Length")===""&&(!n||g.$length>0)){l.contentLength=(new $Int64(0,g.$length));p.contentLength=Z.AppendInt($subslice(new ZL(k.res.clenBuf),0,0),(new $Int64(0,g.$length)),10);}if(l.wants10KeepAlive&&m){ad=!(new KP(i[0]).get("Content-Length")==="");if(ad&&new KP(i[0]).get("Connection")==="keep-alive"){l.closeAfterReply=false;}}af=!((ae=l.contentLength,(ae.$high===-1&&ae.$low===4294967295)));if(l.wants10KeepAlive&&(n||af||!DJ(l.status))){ag=(ah=i[0][$String.keyFor("Connection")],ah!==undefined?[ah.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);ai=ag[1];if(!ai){p.connection="keep-alive";}}else if(!l.req.ProtoAtLeast(1,1)||l.wantsClose){l.closeAfterReply=true;}if(new KP(i[0]).get("Connection")==="close"||!m){l.closeAfterReply=true;}aj=$assertType(l.req.Body,ACK,true);ak=aj[0];al=aj[1];if(al&&!(ak.$ptr_sawEOF||(ak.$ptr_sawEOF=new ACC(function(){return this.$target.sawEOF;},function($v){this.$target.sawEOF=$v;},ak))).isSet()){l.closeAfterReply=true;}if(!((am=l.req.ContentLength,(am.$high===0&&am.$low===0)))&&!l.closeAfterReply){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:an=false;ao=false;ap=an;aq=ao;ar=l.req.Body;if($assertType(ar,ACK,true)[1]){$s=6;continue;}if($assertType(ar,ACD,true)[1]){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 6:as=ar.$val;if(as.resp.wroteContinue){ap=true;}$s=9;continue;case 7:at=ar.$val;$r=at.mu.Lock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(at.closed){if(!at.sawEOF){l.closeAfterReply=true;}}else if((av=at.unreadDataSizeLocked(),(av.$high>0||(av.$high===0&&av.$low>=262144)))){aq=true;}else{ap=true;}$r=at.mu.Unlock();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=9;continue;case 8:au=ar;ap=true;case 9:if(ap){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:ax=J.CopyN(J.Discard,l.reqBody,new $Int64(0,262145));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ax;ay=aw[1];az=ay;if($interfaceIsEqual(az,$ifaceNil)){$s=16;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(az,($pkg.ErrBodyReadAfterClose))){$s=17;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(az,(J.EOF))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 16:aq=true;$s=20;continue;case 17:$s=20;continue;case 18:ba=l.reqBody.Close();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ba;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ay,$ifaceNil))){l.closeAfterReply=true;}$s=20;continue;case 19:l.closeAfterReply=true;case 20:case 15:case 13:if(aq){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:$r=l.requestTooLarge();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=o("Connection");$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p.connection="close";case 23:case 5:bb=l.status;if(DJ(bb)){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:bc=(bd=i[0][$String.keyFor("Content-Type")],bd!==undefined?[bd.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);be=bc[1];bf=new KP(i[0]).Get("Content-Encoding");$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bg=bf;bh=bg.length>0;if(!bh&&!be&&!ac&&g.$length>0){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:bi=EU(g);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;bi=bi.$blk();}if(bi&&bi.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p.contentType=bi;case 31:$s=28;continue;case 27:bj=DM(bb);bk=0;case 33:if(!(bk=bj.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):bj.$array[bj.$offset+bk]);$r=o(bl);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bk++;$s=33;continue;case 34:case 28:if(!new KP(i[0]).has("Date")){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:bm=$subslice(new ZL(k.res.dateBuf),0,0);bn=T.Now();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bo=$clone(bn,T.Time);bp=GE(bm,bo);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p.date=bp;case 37:if(af&&ac&&!(ab==="identity")){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:$r=l.conn.server.logf("http: WriteHeader called with both Transfer-Encoding of %q and a Content-Length of %d",new ZB([new $String(ab),l.contentLength]));$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=o("Content-Length");$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=false;case 41:if(l.req.Method==="HEAD"||!DJ(bb)||(bb===204)){$s=44;continue;}if(af){$s=45;continue;}if(l.req.ProtoAtLeast(1,1)){$s=46;continue;}$s=47;continue;case 44:$r=o("Transfer-Encoding");$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=48;continue;case 45:$r=o("Transfer-Encoding");$s=50;case 50:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=48;continue;case 46:if(ac&&ab==="identity"){$s=51;continue;}$s=52;continue;case 51:k.chunking=false;l.closeAfterReply=true;$r=o("Transfer-Encoding");$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=53;continue;case 52:k.chunking=true;p.transferEncoding="chunked";if(ac&&ab==="chunked"){$s=55;continue;}$s=56;continue;case 55:$r=o("Transfer-Encoding");$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 56:case 53:$s=48;continue;case 47:l.closeAfterReply=true;$r=o("Transfer-Encoding");$s=58;case 58:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 48:if(k.chunking){$s=59;continue;}$s=60;continue;case 59:$r=o("Content-Length");$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 60:if(!l.req.ProtoAtLeast(1,0)){$s=-1;return;}if(!(l.closeAfterReply&&(!m||!KY(new KP(k.header).get("Connection"),"close")))){bq=false;$s=62;continue s;}br=IZ(l.status,i[0]);$s=63;case 63:if($c){$c=false;br=br.$blk();}if(br&&br.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=!br;case 62:bs=bq;if(bs){$s=64;continue;}$s=65;continue;case 64:$r=o("Connection");$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(l.req.ProtoAtLeast(1,1)){p.connection="close";}case 65:$r=GO(l.conn.bufw,l.req.ProtoAtLeast(1,1),bb,new ZL(l.statusBuf));$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt=new KP(k.header).WriteSubset(l.conn.bufw,h[0]);$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;bt=bt.$blk();}if(bt&&bt.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bt;$r=$clone(p,GJ).Write(l.conn.bufw);$s=69;case 69:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu=l.conn.bufw.Write(FN);$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bu;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FM.ptr.prototype.writeHeader,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};FM.prototype.writeHeader=function(g){return this.$val.writeHeader(g);};GN=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=N.TrimString(g);if(g===""){$s=-1;return;}if(!Q.Contains(g,",")){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=h(g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 2:i=Q.Split(g,",");j=0;case 4:if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);k=N.TrimString(k);if(!(k==="")){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=h(k);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:j++;$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GN,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};GO=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=g.WriteString("HTTP/1.1 ");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;$s=3;continue;case 2:l=g.WriteString("HTTP/1.0 ");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;case 3:m=(n=EH[$Int.keyFor(i)],n!==undefined?[n.v,true]:["",false]);o=m[0];p=m[1];if(p){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:q=g.Write(Z.AppendInt($subslice(j,0,0),(new $Int64(0,i)),10));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;r=g.WriteByte(32);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;s=g.WriteString(o);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;t=g.WriteString("\r\n");$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;$s=8;continue;case 7:u=H.Fprintf(g,"%03d status code %d\r\n",new ZB([new $Int(i),new $Int(i)]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;case 8:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GO,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};FP.ptr.prototype.bodyAllowed=function(){var g;g=this;if(!g.wroteHeader){$panic(new $String(""));}return DJ(g.status);};FP.prototype.bodyAllowed=function(){return this.$val.bodyAllowed();};FP.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;l=j.write(g.$length,g,"");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;h=k[0];i=k[1];m=[h,i];$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};FP.ptr.prototype.WriteString=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;l=j.write(g.length,ZL.nil,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;h=k[0];i=k[1];m=[h,i];$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.WriteString,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.WriteString=function(g){return this.$val.WriteString(g);};FP.ptr.prototype.write=function(g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=0;k=$ifaceNil;l=this;m=l.conn.hijacked();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(m){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(g>0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:n=$clone(GI(),AD.Frame);$r=l.conn.server.logf("http: response.Write on hijacked connection from %s (%s:%d)",new ZB([new $String(n.Function),new $String(AC.Base(n.File)),new $Int(n.Line)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:o=0;p=$pkg.ErrHijacked;j=o;k=p;$s=-1;return[j,k];case 2:if((l.$ptr_canWriteContinue||(l.$ptr_canWriteContinue=new ACC(function(){return this.$target.canWriteContinue;},function($v){this.$target.canWriteContinue=$v;},l))).isSet()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=l.writeContinueMu.Lock();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}(l.$ptr_canWriteContinue||(l.$ptr_canWriteContinue=new ACC(function(){return this.$target.canWriteContinue;},function($v){this.$target.canWriteContinue=$v;},l))).setFalse();$r=l.writeContinueMu.Unlock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:if(!l.wroteHeader){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$r=l.WriteHeader(200);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 12:if(g===0){q=0;r=$ifaceNil;j=q;k=r;$s=-1;return[j,k];}if(!l.bodyAllowed()){s=0;t=$pkg.ErrBodyNotAllowed;j=s;k=t;$s=-1;return[j,k];}l.written=(u=l.written,v=(new $Int64(0,g)),new $Int64(u.$high+v.$high,u.$low+v.$low));if(!((w=l.contentLength,(w.$high===-1&&w.$low===4294967295)))&&(x=l.written,y=l.contentLength,(x.$high>y.$high||(x.$high===y.$high&&x.$low>y.$low)))){z=0;aa=$pkg.ErrContentLength;j=z;k=aa;$s=-1;return[j,k];}if(!(h===ZL.nil)){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ac=l.w.Write(h);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;j=ab[0];k=ab[1];ad=[j,k];$s=18;case 18:return ad;case 15:af=l.w.WriteString(i);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;j=ae[0];k=ae[1];ag=[j,k];$s=20;case 20:return ag;case 16:$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.write,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.write=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.write(g,h,i);};FP.ptr.prototype.finishRequest=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;(g.$ptr_handlerDone||(g.$ptr_handlerDone=new ACC(function(){return this.$target.handlerDone;},function($v){this.$target.handlerDone=$v;},g))).setTrue();if(!g.wroteHeader){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.WriteHeader(200);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:h=g.w.Flush();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;GC(g.w);$r=g.cw.close();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.conn.bufw.Flush();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$r=g.conn.r.abortPendingRead();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=g.reqBody.Close();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;if(!(g.req.MultipartForm===AAZ.nil)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:k=g.req.MultipartForm.RemoveAll();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 10:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.finishRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.finishRequest=function(){return this.$val.finishRequest();};FP.ptr.prototype.shouldReuseConnection=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(g.closeAfterReply){$s=-1;return false;}if(!(g.req.Method==="HEAD")&&!((h=g.contentLength,(h.$high===-1&&h.$low===4294967295)))&&g.bodyAllowed()&&!((i=g.contentLength,j=g.written,(i.$high===j.$high&&i.$low===j.$low)))){$s=-1;return false;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.conn.werr,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return false;}k=g.closedRequestBodyEarly();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return false;case 2:$s=-1;return true;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.shouldReuseConnection,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.shouldReuseConnection=function(){return this.$val.shouldReuseConnection();};FP.ptr.prototype.closedRequestBodyEarly=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$assertType(g.req.Body,ACD,true);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(!(j)){k=false;$s=1;continue s;}l=i.didEarlyClose();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;case 1:m=k;$s=3;case 3:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.closedRequestBodyEarly,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.closedRequestBodyEarly=function(){return this.$val.closedRequestBodyEarly();};FP.ptr.prototype.Flush=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!g.wroteHeader){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.WriteHeader(200);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:h=g.w.Flush();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$r=g.cw.flush();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.Flush,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.Flush=function(){return this.$val.Flush();};FL.ptr.prototype.finalFlush=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!(g.bufr===AAW.nil)){GA(g.bufr);g.bufr=AAW.nil;}if(!(g.bufw===AAA.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=g.bufw.Flush();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;GC(g.bufw);g.bufw=AAA.nil;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FL.ptr.prototype.finalFlush,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};FL.prototype.finalFlush=function(){return this.$val.finalFlush();};FL.ptr.prototype.close=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.finalFlush();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.rwc.Close();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FL.ptr.prototype.close,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};FL.prototype.close=function(){return this.$val.close();};FL.ptr.prototype.closeWriteAndWait=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.finalFlush();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g.rwc,GP,true);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(j){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=i.CloseWrite();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 3:$r=T.Sleep(new T.Duration(0,500000000));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FL.ptr.prototype.closeWriteAndWait,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};FL.prototype.closeWriteAndWait=function(){return this.$val.closeWriteAndWait();};GQ=function(g){var g,h;h=g;if(h===("")||h===("http/1.1")||h===("http/1.0")){return false;}return true;};FL.ptr.prototype.setState=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=j.server;l=h;if(l===(0)){$s=2;continue;}if((l===(3))||(l===(4))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:$r=k.trackConn(j,true);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=k.trackConn(j,false);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:case 1:if(h>255||h<0){$panic(new $String("internal error"));}o=T.Now();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$clone(o,T.Time).Unix();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=(m=((n=$shiftLeft64(p,8),new $Uint64(n.$high,n.$low))),q=(new $Uint64(0,h)),new $Uint64(m.$high|q.$high,(m.$low|q.$low)>>>0));S.StoreUint64((s=j.curState,(s.$ptr_atomic||(s.$ptr_atomic=new ACL(function(){return this.$target.atomic;},function($v){this.$target.atomic=$v;},s)))),r);if(!i){$s=-1;return;}t=k.ConnState;if(!(t===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=t(g,h);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FL.ptr.prototype.setState,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};FL.prototype.setState=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.setState(g,h,i);};FL.ptr.prototype.getState=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;g=0;h=new $Int64(0,0);i=this;k=S.LoadUint64((j=i.curState,(j.$ptr_atomic||(j.$ptr_atomic=new ACL(function(){return this.$target.atomic;},function($v){this.$target.atomic=$v;},j)))));l=((new $Uint64(k.$high&0,(k.$low&255)>>>0).$low>>0));m=((n=$shiftRightUint64(k,8),new $Int64(n.$high,n.$low)));g=l;h=m;return[g,h];};FL.prototype.getState=function(){return this.$val.getState();};GR=function(g){var g,h;return(h=new GS.ptr(400,g),new h.constructor.elem(h));};GS.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var g;g=this;return EI(g.code)+": "+g.text;};GS.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};GT=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(g,J.EOF)){$s=-1;return true;}h=$assertType(g,B.Error,true);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(!(j)){k=false;$s=3;continue s;}l=i.Timeout();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;case 3:if(k){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return true;case 2:m=$assertType(g,ACM,true);n=m[0];o=m[1];if(o&&n.Op==="read"){$s=-1;return true;}$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:GT,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};FL.ptr.prototype.serve=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=[h];i=[i];h[0]=this;j=h[0].rwc.RemoteAddr();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.String();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0].remoteAddr=k;l=g;m=$pkg.LocalAddrContextKey;n=h[0].rwc.LocalAddr();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=A.WithValue(l,m,o);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=p;i[0]=ACA.nil;$deferred.push([(function(h,i){return function $b(){var{q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:q=$recover();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$pkg.ErrAbortHandler))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:r=$makeSlice(ZL,65536);r=$subslice(r,0,AD.Stack(r,false));$r=h[0].server.logf("http: panic serving %v: %v\n%s",new ZB([new $String(h[0].remoteAddr),q,r]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(!(i[0]===ACA.nil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=i[0].cancelCtx();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:s=h[0].hijacked();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!s){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:if(!(i[0]===ACA.nil)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$r=i[0].conn.r.abortPendingRead();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=i[0].reqBody.Close();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;case 11:$r=h[0].close();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h[0].setState(h[0].rwc,4,true);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};})(h,i),[]]);q=$assertType(h[0].rwc,AAX,true);r=q[0];s=q[1];if(s){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:t=h[0].server.tlsHandshakeTimeout();if((t.$high>0||(t.$high===0&&t.$low>0))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:u=T.Now();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=$clone(u,T.Time).Add(t);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=$clone(v,T.Time);x=h[0].rwc.SetReadDeadline($clone(w,T.Time));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;y=h[0].rwc.SetWriteDeadline($clone(w,T.Time));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;case 8:z=r.HandshakeContext(g);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ab=$assertType(aa,F.RecordHeaderError,true);ac=$clone(ab[0],F.RecordHeaderError);ad=ab[1];if(ad&&!($interfaceIsEqual(ac.Conn,$ifaceNil))&&IO($clone(ac.RecordHeader,ACN))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:ae=J.WriteString(ac.Conn,"HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\nClient sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.\n");$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;af=ac.Conn.Close();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af;$s=20;case 20:return;case 17:ag=h[0].rwc.RemoteAddr();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;ai=aa;$r=h[0].server.logf("http: TLS handshake error from %s: %v",new ZB([ah,ai]));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=23;case 23:return;case 15:if((t.$high>0||(t.$high===0&&t.$low>0))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:aj=h[0].rwc.SetReadDeadline(new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj;ak=h[0].rwc.SetWriteDeadline(new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak;case 25:h[0].tlsState=new F.ConnectionState.ptr(0,false,false,0,"",false,"",AAS.nil,AAT.nil,ZO.nil,ZL.nil,ZL.nil,$throwNilPointerError);al=r.ConnectionState();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}F.ConnectionState.copy(h[0].tlsState,al);am=h[0].tlsState.NegotiatedProtocol;if(GQ(am)){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:ao=(an=h[0].server.TLSNextProto[$String.keyFor(am)],an!==undefined?an.v:$throwNilPointerError);if(!(ao===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:ap=new IG.ptr(g,r,new HU.ptr(h[0].server));$r=h[0].setState(h[0].rwc,1,false);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=ao(h[0].server,r,new ap.constructor.elem(ap));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 32:$s=35;case 35:return;case 30:case 6:ar=A.WithCancel(g);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ar;g=aq[0];as=aq[1];h[0].cancelCtx=as;$deferred.push([as,[]]);h[0].r=new FT.ptr(h[0],new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,ABK.zero(),ABZ.nil,false,false,new $Int64(0,0));at=FZ(h[0].r);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0].bufr=at;av=GB((au=new IL.ptr(h[0]),new au.constructor.elem(au)),4096);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0].bufw=av;case 39:ax=h[0].readRequest(g);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ax;ay=aw[0];az=aw[1];if(!((ba=h[0].r.remain,bb=h[0].server.initialReadLimitSize(),(ba.$high===bb.$high&&ba.$low===bb.$low)))){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:$r=h[0].setState(h[0].rwc,1,true);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 43:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(az,$ifaceNil))){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:if($interfaceIsEqual(az,GF)){$s=48;continue;}if(DR(az)){$s=49;continue;}bc=GT(az);$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bc){$s=50;continue;}$s=51;continue;case 48:bd=H.Fprintf(h[0].rwc,"HTTP/1.1 431 Request Header Fields Too Large\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n431 Request Header Fields Too Large",new ZB([]));$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd;$r=h[0].closeWriteAndWait();$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=56;case 56:return;case 49:be=501;bf=H.Fprintf(h[0].rwc,"HTTP/1.1 %d %s%sUnsupported transfer encoding",new ZB([new $Int(be),new $String(EI(be)),new $String("\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n")]));$s=57;case 57:if($c){$c=false;bf=bf.$blk();}if(bf&&bf.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bf;$s=58;case 58:return;case 50:$s=59;case 59:return;case 51:bg=$assertType(az,GS,true);bh=$clone(bg[0],GS);bi=bg[1];if(bi){$s=60;continue;}$s=61;continue;case 60:bj=H.Fprintf(h[0].rwc,"HTTP/1.1 %d %s: %s%s%d %s: %s",new ZB([new $Int(bh.code),new $String(EI(bh.code)),new $String(bh.text),new $String("\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"),new $Int(bh.code),new $String(EI(bh.code)),new $String(bh.text)]));$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;bj=bj.$blk();}if(bj&&bj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bj;$s=63;case 63:return;case 61:bk="400 Bad Request";bl=H.Fprintf(h[0].rwc,"HTTP/1.1 "+bk+"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"+bk,new ZB([]));$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;bl=bl.$blk();}if(bl&&bl.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bl;$s=65;case 65:return;case 52:case 47:case 46:bm=ay.req;if(bm.expectsContinue()){$s=66;continue;}if(!(new KP(bm.Header).get("Expect")==="")){$s=67;continue;}$s=68;continue;case 66:if(bm.ProtoAtLeast(1,1)&&!((bn=bm.ContentLength,(bn.$high===0&&bn.$low===0)))){bm.Body=new GD.ptr(ay,bm.Body,0,0);(ay.$ptr_canWriteContinue||(ay.$ptr_canWriteContinue=new ACC(function(){return this.$target.canWriteContinue;},function($v){this.$target.canWriteContinue=$v;},ay))).setTrue();}$s=68;continue;case 67:$r=ay.sendExpectationFailed();$s=69;case 69:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=70;case 70:return;case 68:h[0].curReq.Store(ay);bo=GV(bm.Body);$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;bo=bo.$blk();}if(bo&&bo.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bo){$s=71;continue;}$s=72;continue;case 71:$r=GU(bm.Body,$methodVal(ay.conn.r,"startBackgroundRead"));$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=73;continue;case 72:$r=ay.conn.r.startBackgroundRead();$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 73:i[0]=ay;$r=new HU.ptr(h[0].server).ServeHTTP(ay,ay.req);$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=ACA.nil;$r=ay.cancelCtx();$s=78;case 78:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bp=h[0].hijacked();$s=81;case 81:if($c){$c=false;bp=bp.$blk();}if(bp&&bp.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(bp){$s=79;continue;}$s=80;continue;case 79:$s=82;case 82:return;case 80:$r=ay.finishRequest();$s=83;case 83:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bq=ay.shouldReuseConnection();$s=86;case 86:if($c){$c=false;bq=bq.$blk();}if(bq&&bq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!bq){$s=84;continue;}$s=85;continue;case 84:if(ay.requestBodyLimitHit){br=true;$s=89;continue s;}bs=ay.closedRequestBodyEarly();$s=90;case 90:if($c){$c=false;bs=bs.$blk();}if(bs&&bs.$blk!==undefined){break s;}br=bs;case 89:if(br){$s=87;continue;}$s=88;continue;case 87:$r=h[0].closeWriteAndWait();$s=91;case 91:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 88:$s=92;case 92:return;case 85:$r=h[0].setState(h[0].rwc,2,true);$s=93;case 93:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break 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s;}ca;$s=39;continue;case 40:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FL.ptr.prototype.serve,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FL.prototype.serve=function(g){return this.$val.serve(g);};FP.ptr.prototype.sendExpectationFailed=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=new KP(g.Header()).Set("Connection","close");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.WriteHeader(417);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.finishRequest();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.sendExpectationFailed,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};FP.prototype.sendExpectationFailed=function(){return this.$val.sendExpectationFailed();};FP.ptr.prototype.Hijack=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=$ifaceNil;h=ABU.nil;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if((j.$ptr_handlerDone||(j.$ptr_handlerDone=new ACC(function(){return this.$target.handlerDone;},function($v){this.$target.handlerDone=$v;},j))).isSet()){$panic(new $String("net/http: Hijack called after ServeHTTP finished"));}if(j.wroteHeader){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=j.cw.flush();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:k=j.conn;$r=k.mu.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(k.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);m=k.hijackLocked();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;g=l[0];h=l[1];i=l[2];if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){GC(j.w);j.w=AAA.nil;}n=g;o=h;p=i;g=n;h=o;i=p;q=[g,h,i];$s=6;case 6:return q;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[g,h,i];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:FP.ptr.prototype.Hijack,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};FP.prototype.Hijack=function(){return this.$val.Hijack();};FP.ptr.prototype.CloseNotify=function(){var g;g=this;if((g.$ptr_handlerDone||(g.$ptr_handlerDone=new ACC(function(){return this.$target.handlerDone;},function($v){this.$target.handlerDone=$v;},g))).isSet()){$panic(new $String("net/http: CloseNotify called after ServeHTTP finished"));}return g.closeNotifyCh;};FP.prototype.CloseNotify=function(){return this.$val.CloseNotify();};GU=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=g;if($assertType(i,ACK,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(i,ACD,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:j=i.$val;$r=GU(j.readCloser,h);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=4;continue;case 2:k=i.$val;$r=k.registerOnHitEOF(h);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=i;m=H.Sprintf("%T",new ZB([g]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("unexpected type "+m));case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GU,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};GV=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(g,new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))){$s=-1;return false;}h=g;if($assertType(h,ACK,true)[1]){$s=1;continue;}if($assertType(h,ACD,true)[1]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:i=h.$val;l=GV(i.readCloser);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=6;case 6:return m;case 2:j=h.$val;n=j.bodyRemains();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=8;case 8:return o;case 3:k=h;p=H.Sprintf("%T",new ZB([g]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String("unexpected type "+p));case 4:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:GV,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};GW.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this.$val;$r=i(g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GW.prototype.ServeHTTP,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(GW).prototype.ServeHTTP=function(g,h){return new GW(this.$get()).ServeHTTP(g,h);};GX=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=g.Header();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=new KP(j).Set("Content-Type","text/plain; charset=utf-8");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=g.Header();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=new KP(k).Set("X-Content-Type-Options","nosniff");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.WriteHeader(i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=H.Fprintln(g,new ZB([new $String(h)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:GX,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Error=GX;GY=function(g,h){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=GX(g,"404 page not found",404);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var 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3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!aa&&(h.Method==="GET"||h.Method==="HEAD")){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=new KP(x).Set("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8");$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:$r=g.WriteHeader(j);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!aa&&h.Method==="GET"){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:ab=HD(i);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=""+(ac=EH[$Int.keyFor(j)],ac!==undefined?ac.v:"")+".\n";ae=H.Fprintln(g,new ZB([new $String(ad)]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae;case 9:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HB,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Redirect=HB;HD=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=HC.Replace(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:HD,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};HE.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=HB(g,h,i.url,i.code);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HE.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};HE.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(g,h){return this.$val.ServeHTTP(g,h);};HF=function(g,h){var g,h;return new HE.ptr(g,h);};$pkg.RedirectHandler=HF;HK=function(g){var g,h;if(g===""){return"/";}if(!((g.charCodeAt(0)===47))){g="/"+g;}h=AC.Clean(g);if((g.charCodeAt((g.length-1>>0))===47)&&!(h==="/")){if((g.length===(h.length+1>>0))&&Q.HasPrefix(g,h)){h=g;}else{h=h+("/");}}return h;};HL=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!Q.Contains(g,":")){$s=-1;return g;}i=B.SplitHostPort(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=h[0];k=h[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return g;}$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:HL,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HG.ptr.prototype.match=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w;h=$ifaceNil;i="";j=this;k=(l=j.m[$String.keyFor(g)],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:[new HH.ptr($ifaceNil,""),false]);m=$clone(k[0],HH);n=k[1];if(n){o=m.h;p=m.pattern;h=o;i=p;return[h,i];}q=j.es;r=0;while(true){if(!(r=q.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+r]),HH);if(Q.HasPrefix(g,s.pattern)){t=s.h;u=s.pattern;h=t;i=u;return[h,i];}r++;}v=$ifaceNil;w="";h=v;i=w;return[h,i];};HG.prototype.match=function(g){return this.$val.match(g);};HG.ptr.prototype.redirectToPathSlash=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;$r=j.mu.RLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.shouldRedirectRLocked(g,h);$r=j.mu.RUnlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!k){$s=-1;return[i,false];}h=h+"/";i=new O.URL.ptr("","",AAJ.nil,"",h,"",false,i.RawQuery,"","");$s=-1;return[i,true];}return;}var $f={$blk:HG.ptr.prototype.redirectToPathSlash,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HG.prototype.redirectToPathSlash=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.redirectToPathSlash(g,h,i);};HG.ptr.prototype.shouldRedirectRLocked=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w;i=this;j=new ZK([h,g+h]);k=j;l=0;while(true){if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]);n=(o=i.m[$String.keyFor(m)],o!==undefined?[o.v,true]:[new HH.ptr($ifaceNil,""),false]);p=n[1];if(p){return false;}l++;}q=h.length;if(q===0){return false;}r=j;s=0;while(true){if(!(s=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]);u=(v=i.m[$String.keyFor(t+"/")],v!==undefined?[v.v,true]:[new HH.ptr($ifaceNil,""),false]);w=u[1];if(w){return!((h.charCodeAt((q-1>>0))===47));}s++;}return false;};HG.prototype.shouldRedirectRLocked=function(g,h){return this.$val.shouldRedirectRLocked(g,h);};HG.ptr.prototype.Handler=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=$ifaceNil;i="";j=this;if(g.Method==="CONNECT"){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=j.redirectToPathSlash(g.URL.Host,g.URL.Path,g.URL);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(n){o=HF(m.String(),301);p=m.Path;h=o;i=p;$s=-1;return[h,i];}r=j.handler(g.Host,g.URL.Path);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;h=q[0];i=q[1];s=[h,i];$s=5;case 5:return s;case 2:t=HL(g.Host);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;v=HK(g.URL.Path);x=j.redirectToPathSlash(u,v,g.URL);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=w[0];z=w[1];if(z){aa=HF(y.String(),301);ab=y.Path;h=aa;i=ab;$s=-1;return[h,i];}if(!(v===g.URL.Path)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:ad=j.handler(u,v);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;i=ac[1];ae=new O.URL.ptr("","",AAJ.nil,"",v,"",false,g.URL.RawQuery,"","");af=HF(ae.String(),301);ag=i;h=af;i=ag;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 9:ai=j.handler(u,g.URL.Path);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ai;h=ah[0];i=ah[1];aj=[h,i];$s=12;case 12:return aj;}return;}var $f={$blk:HG.ptr.prototype.Handler,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};HG.prototype.Handler=function(g){return this.$val.Handler(g);};HG.ptr.prototype.handler=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=$ifaceNil;j="";k=this;$r=k.mu.RLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(k.mu,"RUnlock"),[]]);if(k.hosts){l=k.match(g+h);i=l[0];j=l[1];}if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){m=k.match(h);i=m[0];j=m[1];}if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){n=GZ();o="";i=n;j=o;}p=[i,j];$s=2;case 2:return p;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[i,j];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:HG.ptr.prototype.handler,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};HG.prototype.handler=function(g,h){return this.$val.handler(g,h);};HG.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(h.RequestURI==="*"){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(h.ProtoAtLeast(1,1)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:j=g.Header();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=new KP(j).Set("Connection","close");$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:$r=g.WriteHeader(400);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 2:l=i.Handler(h);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];$r=m.ServeHTTP(g,h);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HG.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};HG.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(g,h){return this.$val.ServeHTTP(g,h);};HG.ptr.prototype.Handle=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=this;$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(g===""){$panic(new $String("http: invalid pattern"));}if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("http: nil handler"));}j=(k=i.m[$String.keyFor(g)],k!==undefined?[k.v,true]:[new HH.ptr($ifaceNil,""),false]);l=j[1];if(l){$panic(new $String("http: multiple registrations for "+g));}if(i.m===false){i.m={};}m=new HH.ptr(h,g);n=g;(i.m||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(n)]={k:n,v:$clone(m,HH)};if(g.charCodeAt((g.length-1>>0))===47){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:o=HM(i.es,$clone(m,HH));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i.es=o;case 3:if(!((g.charCodeAt(0)===47))){i.hosts=true;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:HG.ptr.prototype.Handle,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};HG.prototype.Handle=function(g,h){return this.$val.Handle(g,h);};HM=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];i=g[0].$length;j=Y.Search(i,(function(g,h){return function(j){var j;return((j<0||j>=g[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+j]).pattern.length>0)),$subslice(g[0],k));HH.copy(((k<0||k>=g[0].$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g[0].$array[g[0].$offset+k]),h[0]);$s=-1;return g[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:HM,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HG.ptr.prototype.HandleFunc=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(h===$throwNilPointerError){$panic(new $String("http: nil handler"));}$r=i.Handle(g,new GW((h)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HG.ptr.prototype.HandleFunc,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};HG.prototype.HandleFunc=function(g,h){return this.$val.HandleFunc(g,h);};HR.ptr.prototype.getDoneChan=function(){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h=g.getDoneChanLocked();$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $chanNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.getDoneChan,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};HR.prototype.getDoneChan=function(){return this.$val.getDoneChan();};HR.ptr.prototype.getDoneChanLocked=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.doneChan===$chanNil){g.doneChan=new $Chan(AAQ,0);}return g.doneChan;};HR.prototype.getDoneChanLocked=function(){return this.$val.getDoneChanLocked();};HR.ptr.prototype.closeDoneChanLocked=function(){var g,h,i;g=this;h=g.getDoneChanLocked();i=$select([[h],[]]);if(i[0]===0){}else if(i[0]===1){$close(h);}};HR.prototype.closeDoneChanLocked=function(){return this.$val.closeDoneChanLocked();};HR.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;(g.$ptr_inShutdown||(g.$ptr_inShutdown=new ACC(function(){return this.$target.inShutdown;},function($v){this.$target.inShutdown=$v;},g))).setTrue();$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);g.closeDoneChanLocked();h=g.closeListenersLocked();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;j=g.activeConn;k=0;l=$keys(j);case 3:if(!(k=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);$go(n,[]);m++;$s=3;continue;case 4:$r=i.mu.Unlock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=new T.Duration(0,1000000);o=(function(h){return function $b(){var{o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:q=AB.Intn((((p=$div64(h[0],new T.Duration(0,10),false),p.$low+((p.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=(o=(new T.Duration(0,q)),new T.Duration(h[0].$high+o.$high,h[0].$low+o.$low));h[0]=$mul64(h[0],(new T.Duration(0,2)));if((h[0].$high>0||(h[0].$high===0&&h[0].$low>500000000))){h[0]=new T.Duration(0,500000000);}$s=-1;return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};})(h);p=o();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=T.NewTimer(p);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$deferred.push([$methodVal(r,"Stop"),[]]);case 8:t=i.closeIdleConns();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(t)){s=false;$s=12;continue s;}u=i.numListeners();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=u===0;case 12:if(s){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:v=k;$s=15;case 15:return v;case 11:x=g.Done();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$select([[x],[r.C]]);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=y;if(w[0]===0){$s=18;continue;}if(w[0]===1){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 18:z=g.Err();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;$s=22;case 22:return aa;case 19:ab=o();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=r.Reset(ab);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac;case 20:$s=8;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.Shutdown,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};HR.prototype.Shutdown=function(g){return this.$val.Shutdown(g);};HR.ptr.prototype.RegisterOnShutdown=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.onShutdown=$append(h.onShutdown,g);$r=h.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.RegisterOnShutdown,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};HR.prototype.RegisterOnShutdown=function(g){return this.$val.RegisterOnShutdown(g);};HR.ptr.prototype.numListeners=function(){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h=$keys(g.listeners).length;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return 0;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.numListeners,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};HR.prototype.numListeners=function(){return this.$val.numListeners();};HR.ptr.prototype.closeIdleConns=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h=true;i=g.activeConn;j=0;k=$keys(i);case 2:if(!(jag.$high||(r.$high===ag.$high&&r.$low>ag.$low))){r=ag;}$r=h.logf("http: Accept error: %v; retrying in %v",new ZB([x,r]));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=T.Sleep(r);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=16;continue;case 27:ah=x;$s=32;case 32:return ah;case 20:ai=t;aj=h.ConnContext;if(!(aj===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:ak=aj(ai,w);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ak;if($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("ConnContext returned nil"));}case 34:r=new T.Duration(0,0);al=h.newConn(w);$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;$r=am.setState(am.rwc,0,true);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$go($methodVal(am,"serve"),[ai]);$s=16;continue;case 17:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.Serve,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};HR.prototype.Serve=function(g){return this.$val.Serve(g);};HR.ptr.prototype.ServeTLS=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=j.setupHTTP2_ServeTLS();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return l;}m=DB(j.TLSConfig);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!IN(n.NextProtos,"http/1.1")){n.NextProtos=$append(n.NextProtos,"http/1.1");}o=n.Certificates.$length>0||!(n.GetCertificate===$throwNilPointerError);if(!o||!(h==="")||!(i==="")){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:p=$ifaceNil;n.Certificates=$makeSlice(ABD,1);r=F.LoadX509KeyPair(h,i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;F.Certificate.copy((s=n.Certificates,(0>=s.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+0])),q[0]);p=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}case 4:t=F.NewListener(g,n);u=j.Serve(t);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=7;case 7:return v;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.ServeTLS,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};HR.prototype.ServeTLS=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.ServeTLS(g,h,i);};HR.ptr.prototype.trackListener=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=this;$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(i.listeners===false){i.listeners={};}if(h){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:if(i.shuttingDown()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=false;$s=7;case 7:return j;case 6:k=g;(i.listeners||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ACQ.keyFor(k)]={k:k,v:new AAQ.ptr()};$s=4;continue;case 3:delete i.listeners[ACQ.keyFor(g)];case 4:l=true;$s=8;case 8:return l;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.trackListener,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};HR.prototype.trackListener=function(g,h){return this.$val.trackListener(g,h);};HR.ptr.prototype.trackConn=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=this;$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(i.activeConn===false){i.activeConn={};}if(h){j=g;(i.activeConn||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ACE.keyFor(j)]={k:j,v:new AAQ.ptr()};}else{delete i.activeConn[ACE.keyFor(g)];}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.trackConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};HR.prototype.trackConn=function(g,h){return this.$val.trackConn(g,h);};HR.ptr.prototype.idleTimeout=function(){var g,h;g=this;if(!((h=g.IdleTimeout,(h.$high===0&&h.$low===0)))){return g.IdleTimeout;}return g.ReadTimeout;};HR.prototype.idleTimeout=function(){return this.$val.idleTimeout();};HR.ptr.prototype.readHeaderTimeout=function(){var g,h;g=this;if(!((h=g.ReadHeaderTimeout,(h.$high===0&&h.$low===0)))){return g.ReadHeaderTimeout;}return g.ReadTimeout;};HR.prototype.readHeaderTimeout=function(){return this.$val.readHeaderTimeout();};HR.ptr.prototype.doKeepAlives=function(){var g;g=this;return(S.LoadInt32((g.$ptr_disableKeepAlives||(g.$ptr_disableKeepAlives=new ABV(function(){return this.$target.disableKeepAlives;},function($v){this.$target.disableKeepAlives=$v;},g))))===0)&&!g.shuttingDown();};HR.prototype.doKeepAlives=function(){return this.$val.doKeepAlives();};HR.ptr.prototype.shuttingDown=function(){var g;g=this;return(g.$ptr_inShutdown||(g.$ptr_inShutdown=new ACC(function(){return this.$target.inShutdown;},function($v){this.$target.inShutdown=$v;},g))).isSet();};HR.prototype.shuttingDown=function(){return this.$val.shuttingDown();};HR.ptr.prototype.SetKeepAlivesEnabled=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(g){S.StoreInt32((h.$ptr_disableKeepAlives||(h.$ptr_disableKeepAlives=new ABV(function(){return this.$target.disableKeepAlives;},function($v){this.$target.disableKeepAlives=$v;},h))),0);$s=-1;return;}S.StoreInt32((h.$ptr_disableKeepAlives||(h.$ptr_disableKeepAlives=new ABV(function(){return this.$target.disableKeepAlives;},function($v){this.$target.disableKeepAlives=$v;},h))),1);i=h.closeIdleConns();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.SetKeepAlivesEnabled,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};HR.prototype.SetKeepAlivesEnabled=function(g){return this.$val.SetKeepAlivesEnabled(g);};HR.ptr.prototype.logf=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(!(i.ErrorLog===ACO.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i.ErrorLog.Printf(g,h);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=K.Printf(g,h);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.logf,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};HR.prototype.logf=function(g,h){return this.$val.logf(g,h);};HR.ptr.prototype.ListenAndServeTLS=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=this;if(i.shuttingDown()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=$pkg.ErrServerClosed;$s=3;case 3:return j;case 2:k=i.Addr;if(k===""){k=":https";}m=B.Listen("tcp",k);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:p=o;$s=7;case 7:return p;case 6:$deferred.push([$methodVal(n,"Close"),[]]);q=i.ServeTLS(n,g,h);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=9;case 9:return r;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.ListenAndServeTLS,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};HR.prototype.ListenAndServeTLS=function(g,h){return this.$val.ListenAndServeTLS(g,h);};HR.ptr.prototype.setupHTTP2_ServeTLS=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.nextProtoOnce.Do($methodVal(g,"onceSetNextProtoDefaults"));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return g.nextProtoErr;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.setupHTTP2_ServeTLS,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};HR.prototype.setupHTTP2_ServeTLS=function(){return this.$val.setupHTTP2_ServeTLS();};HR.ptr.prototype.setupHTTP2_Serve=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.nextProtoOnce.Do($methodVal(g,"onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve"));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return g.nextProtoErr;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.setupHTTP2_Serve,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};HR.prototype.setupHTTP2_Serve=function(){return this.$val.setupHTTP2_Serve();};HR.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(g.shouldConfigureHTTP2ForServe()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.onceSetNextProtoDefaults();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};HR.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve=function(){return this.$val.onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve();};HR.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(KF){h=true;$s=3;continue s;}i=I.Get("http2server");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i==="0";case 3:if(h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return;case 2:if(g.TLSNextProto===false){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j=new QR.ptr(0,0,0,false,new T.Duration(0,0),0,0,(function(){return VD(ACS.nil);}),$throwNilPointerError,ACR.nil);k=QT(g,j);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.nextProtoErr=k;case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:HR.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};HR.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults=function(){return this.$val.onceSetNextProtoDefaults();};IE.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.once.Do($methodVal(g,"close"));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return g.closeErr;}return;}var $f={$blk:IE.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};IE.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};IE.ptr.prototype.close=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.Listener.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.closeErr=h;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:IE.ptr.prototype.close,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};IE.prototype.close=function(){return this.$val.close();};IF.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=g.Header();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=new KP(i).Set("Content-Length","0");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((j=h.ContentLength,(j.$high===0&&j.$low===0)))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:k=JX(g,h.Body,new $Int64(0,4096));l=J.Copy(J.Discard,k);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:IF.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};IF.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(g,h){return this.$val.ServeHTTP(g,h);};IG.ptr.prototype.BaseContext=function(){var g;g=this;return g.ctx;};IG.prototype.BaseContext=function(){return this.$val.BaseContext();};IG.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(h.TLS===AAV.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h.TLS=new F.ConnectionState.ptr(0,false,false,0,"",false,"",AAS.nil,AAT.nil,ZO.nil,ZL.nil,ZL.nil,$throwNilPointerError);j=i.c.ConnectionState();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}F.ConnectionState.copy(h.TLS,j);case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(h.Body,$ifaceNil)){h.Body=new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody);}if(h.RemoteAddr===""){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:k=i.c.RemoteAddr();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k.String();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.RemoteAddr=l;case 5:$r=$clone(i.h,HU).ServeHTTP(g,h);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:IG.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};IG.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(g,h){return this.$val.ServeHTTP(g,h);};IK=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$r=II.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(II,"Unlock"),[]]);i=g;(IJ||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(i)]={k:i,v:(j=IJ[$String.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?j.v:0)+(1)>>0};l=H.Sprintf("%s-%d",new ZB([new $String(g),new $Int((k=IJ[$String.keyFor(g)],k!==undefined?k.v:0))]));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=new IH.ptr(l,h);$s=3;case 3:return m;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:IK,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};IH.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;$r=K.Printf("%s.Write(%d) = ....",new ZB([new $String(j.name),new $Int(g.$length)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=j.Conn.Write(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;h=k[0];i=k[1];$r=K.Printf("%s.Write(%d) = %d, %v",new ZB([new $String(j.name),new $Int(g.$length),new $Int(h),i]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:IH.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};IH.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};IH.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;$r=K.Printf("%s.Read(%d) = ....",new ZB([new $String(j.name),new $Int(g.$length)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=j.Conn.Read(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;h=k[0];i=k[1];$r=K.Printf("%s.Read(%d) = %d, %v",new ZB([new $String(j.name),new $Int(g.$length),new $Int(h),i]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:IH.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};IH.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};IH.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=$ifaceNil;h=this;$r=K.Printf("%s.Close() = ...",new ZB([new $String(h.name)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.Conn.Close();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i;$r=K.Printf("%s.Close() = %v",new ZB([new $String(h.name),g]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:IH.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};IH.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};IL.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;l=j.c.rwc.Write(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;h=k[0];i=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))&&$interfaceIsEqual(j.c.werr,$ifaceNil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j.c.werr=i;$r=j.c.cancelCtx();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:IL.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};IL.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};IM=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k;h=0;i=g;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);if((k===13)||(k===10)){h=h+(1)>>0;j++;continue;}break;}return h;};IN=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;i=g;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);if(k===h){return true;}j++;}return false;};IO=function(g){var g,h;h=($bytesToString(new ZL(g)));if(h===("GET /")||h===("HEAD ")||h===("POST ")||h===("PUT /")||h===("OPTIO")){return true;}return false;};AT.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=this;if(!(l.Dial===$throwNilPointerError)||!(l.DialContext===$throwNilPointerError)||!(l.DialTLS===$throwNilPointerError)||!(l.DialTLSContext===$throwNilPointerError)||IR){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=l.roundTrip(g[0]);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=4;case 4:return n;case 2:o=$clone($clone(AE.Global(),AE.Value).Get("AbortController"),AE.Value);if(!$clone(o,AE.Value).IsUndefined()){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:p=$clone(o,AE.Value).New(ZB.nil);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}AE.Value.copy(o,p);case 6:q=$clone($clone(AE.Global(),AE.Value).Get("Object"),AE.Value).New(ZB.nil);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$clone(q,AE.Value);$clone(r,AE.Value).Set("method",new $String(g[0].Method));$clone(r,AE.Value).Set("credentials",new $String("same-origin"));s=new KP(g[0].Header).Get("js.fetch:credentials");$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(!(t==="")){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$clone(r,AE.Value).Set("credentials",new $String(t));$r=new KP(g[0].Header).Del("js.fetch:credentials");$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 11:u=new KP(g[0].Header).Get("js.fetch:mode");$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if(!(v==="")){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:$clone(r,AE.Value).Set("mode",new $String(v));$r=new KP(g[0].Header).Del("js.fetch:mode");$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 15:w=new KP(g[0].Header).Get("js.fetch:redirect");$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;if(!(x==="")){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:$clone(r,AE.Value).Set("redirect",new $String(x));$r=new KP(g[0].Header).Del("js.fetch:redirect");$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 19:if(!$clone(o,AE.Value).IsUndefined()){$clone(r,AE.Value).Set("signal",(y=$clone(o,AE.Value).Get("signal"),new y.constructor.elem(y)));}z=$clone($clone(AE.Global(),AE.Value).Get("Headers"),AE.Value).New(ZB.nil);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=$clone(z,AE.Value);ab=g[0].Header;ac=0;ad=$keys(ab);case 22:if(!(ac=ah.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+ai]);ak=$clone(aa,AE.Value).Call("append",new ZB([new $String(af),new $String(aj)]));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak;ai++;$s=24;continue;case 25:ac++;$s=22;continue;case 23:$clone(r,AE.Value).Set("headers",new aa.constructor.elem(aa));if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g[0].Body,$ifaceNil))){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:am=J.ReadAll(g[0].Body);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=am;an=al[0];ao=al[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ao,$ifaceNil))){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:ap=g[0].Body.Close();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,ao];case 31:aq=g[0].Body.Close();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq;if(!((an.$length===0))){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:ar=$clone(IQ,AE.Value).New(new ZB([new $Int(an.$length)]));$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=$clone(ar,AE.Value);AE.CopyBytesToJS($clone(as,AE.Value),an);$clone(r,AE.Value).Set("body",new as.constructor.elem(as));case 35:case 28:at=$clone(AE.Global(),AE.Value).Call("fetch",new ZB([new $String(g[0].URL.String()),new r.constructor.elem(r)]));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}au=$clone(at,AE.Value);j[0]=new $Chan(AAG,1);h[0]=new $Chan($error,1);av=new AE.Func.ptr(new AE.Value.ptr(null,false,ZV.zero()));aw=new AE.Func.ptr(new AE.Value.ptr(null,false,ZV.zero()));k[0]=$clone(av,AE.Func);i[0]=$clone(aw,AE.Func);AE.Func.copy(k[0],AE.FuncOf((function(g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(ax,ay){var{ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$clone(k[0],AE.Func).Release();$clone(i[0],AE.Func).Release();az=$clone((0>=ay.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ay.$array[ay.$offset+0]),AE.Value);ba=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[]);bb=$clone($clone(az,AE.Value).Get("headers"),AE.Value).Call("entries",new ZB([]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc=$clone(bb,AE.Value);case 2:bd=$clone(bc,AE.Value).Call("next",new ZB([]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break 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13:if($c){$c=false;bu=bu.$blk();}if(bu&&bu.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$send(h[0],bu);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 12:if((bs.$high<0||(bs.$high===0&&bs.$low<0))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:bv=H.Errorf("net/http: invalid Content-Length header: %q",new ZB([new $String(bq)]));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;bv=bv.$blk();}if(bv&&bv.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$send(h[0],bv);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 16:bo=bs;$s=10;continue;case 9:bo=new $Int64(-1,4294967295);case 10:case 7:bw=$clone($clone(az,AE.Value).Get("body"),AE.Value);bx=$ifaceNil;if(!$clone(bw,AE.Value).IsUndefined()&&!$clone(bw,AE.Value).IsNull()){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:by=$clone(bw,AE.Value).Call("getReader",new ZB([]));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;by=by.$blk();}if(by&&by.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bx=new IT.ptr(ZL.nil,$clone(by,AE.Value),$ifaceNil);$s=21;continue;case 20:bz=$clone(az,AE.Value).Call("arrayBuffer",new ZB([]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;bz=bz.$blk();}if(bz&&bz.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bx=new IU.ptr($clone(bz,AE.Value),ZL.nil,false,$ifaceNil);case 21:ca=$clone($clone(az,AE.Value).Get("status"),AE.Value).Int();cb=H.Sprintf("%d %s",new ZB([new $Int(ca),new $String(EI(ca))]));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;cb=cb.$blk();}if(cb&&cb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$send(j[0],new IW.ptr(cb,ca,"",0,0,ba,bx,bo,ZK.nil,false,false,false,g[0],AAV.nil));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i,j,k)));AE.Func.copy(i[0],AE.FuncOf((function(g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(ax,ay){var{ax,ay,az,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ax,ay});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$clone(k[0],AE.Func).Release();$clone(i[0],AE.Func).Release();az=H.Errorf("net/http: fetch() failed: %s",new ZB([new $String($clone($clone((0>=ay.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ay.$array[ay.$offset+0]),AE.Value).Get("message"),AE.Value).String())]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$send(h[0],az);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ax,ay,az,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i,j,k)));ax=$clone(au,AE.Value).Call("then",new ZB([new k[0].constructor.elem(k[0]),new i[0].constructor.elem(i[0])]));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax;az=g[0].Context().Done();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ba=$select([[az],[j[0]],[h[0]]]);$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=ba;if(ay[0]===0){$s=41;continue;}if(ay[0]===1){$s=42;continue;}if(ay[0]===2){$s=43;continue;}$s=44;continue;case 41:if(!$clone(o,AE.Value).IsUndefined()){$s=45;continue;}$s=46;continue;case 45:bb=$clone(o,AE.Value).Call("abort",new ZB([]));$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bb;case 46:bc=g[0].Context().Err();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=[AAG.nil,bc];$s=49;case 49:return bd;case 42:be=ay[1][0];$s=-1;return[be,$ifaceNil];case 43:bf=ay[1][0];$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,bf];case 44:$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:AT.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};AT.prototype.RoundTrip=function(g){return this.$val.RoundTrip(g);};IT.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=[h];i=[i];j=0;k=$ifaceNil;l=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=0;n=l.err;j=m;k=n;o=[j,k];$s=3;case 3:return o;case 2:if(l.pending.$length===0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:h[0]=new $Chan(ZL,1);i[0]=new $Chan($error,1);p=$clone(AE.FuncOf((function(h,i){return function $b(p,q){var{p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{p,q});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:r=$clone((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0]),AE.Value);if($clone($clone(r,AE.Value).Get("done"),AE.Value).Bool()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=$send(i[0],J.EOF);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 2:s=$makeSlice(ZL,$clone($clone($clone(r,AE.Value).Get("value"),AE.Value).Get("byteLength"),AE.Value).Int());AE.CopyBytesToGo(s,$clone($clone(r,AE.Value).Get("value"),AE.Value));$r=$send(h[0],s);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};})(h,i)),AE.Func);$deferred.push([$methodVal($clone(p,AE.Func),"Release"),[]]);q=$clone(AE.FuncOf((function(h,i){return function $b(q,r){var{q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{q,r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=$send(i[0],G.New($clone($clone((0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0]),AE.Value).Get("message"),AE.Value).String()));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,q,r,$s};return $f;};})(h,i)),AE.Func);$deferred.push([$methodVal($clone(q,AE.Func),"Release"),[]]);r=$clone(l.stream,AE.Value).Call("read",new ZB([]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$clone(r,AE.Value).Call("then",new ZB([new p.constructor.elem(p),new q.constructor.elem(q)]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;u=$select([[h[0]],[i[0]]]);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=u;if(t[0]===0){$s=9;continue;}if(t[0]===1){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 9:v=t[1][0];l.pending=v;$s=11;continue;case 10:w=t[1][0];l.err=w;x=0;y=w;j=x;k=y;z=[j,k];$s=12;case 12:return z;case 11:case 5:j=$copySlice(g,l.pending);l.pending=$subslice(l.pending,j);aa=j;ab=$ifaceNil;j=aa;k=ab;ac=[j,k];$s=13;case 13:return ac;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[j,k];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:IT.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};IT.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};IT.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$clone(g.stream,AE.Value).Call("cancel",new ZB([]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.err,$ifaceNil)){g.err=IS;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:IT.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};IT.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};IU.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=[h];i=[i];j=0;k=$ifaceNil;l=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=0;n=l.err;j=m;k=n;o=[j,k];$s=3;case 3:return o;case 2:if(!l.read){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:l.read=true;h[0]=new $Chan(ZL,1);i[0]=new $Chan($error,1);p=$clone(AE.FuncOf((function(h,i){return function $b(p,q){var{p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{p,q});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:s=$clone(IQ,AE.Value).New(new ZB([(r=(0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0]),new r.constructor.elem(r))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=$clone(s,AE.Value);u=$makeSlice(ZL,$clone($clone(t,AE.Value).Get("byteLength"),AE.Value).Int());AE.CopyBytesToGo(u,$clone(t,AE.Value));$r=$send(h[0],u);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};})(h,i)),AE.Func);$deferred.push([$methodVal($clone(p,AE.Func),"Release"),[]]);q=$clone(AE.FuncOf((function(h,i){return function $b(q,r){var{q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{q,r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=$send(i[0],G.New($clone($clone((0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0]),AE.Value).Get("message"),AE.Value).String()));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,q,r,$s};return $f;};})(h,i)),AE.Func);$deferred.push([$methodVal($clone(q,AE.Func),"Release"),[]]);r=$clone(l.arrayPromise,AE.Value).Call("then",new ZB([new p.constructor.elem(p),new q.constructor.elem(q)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;t=$select([[h[0]],[i[0]]]);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;if(s[0]===0){$s=8;continue;}if(s[0]===1){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 8:u=s[1][0];l.pending=u;$s=10;continue;case 9:v=s[1][0];w=0;x=v;j=w;k=x;y=[j,k];$s=11;case 11:return y;case 10:case 5:if(l.pending.$length===0){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:z=0;aa=J.EOF;j=z;k=aa;ab=[j,k];$s=14;case 14:return ab;case 13:j=$copySlice(g,l.pending);l.pending=$subslice(l.pending,j);ac=j;ad=$ifaceNil;j=ac;k=ad;ae=[j,k];$s=15;case 15:return ae;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[j,k];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:IU.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};IU.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};IU.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var g;g=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.err,$ifaceNil)){g.err=IS;}return $ifaceNil;};IU.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};IW.ptr.prototype.Cookies=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=XI(g.Header);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:IW.ptr.prototype.Cookies,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};IW.prototype.Cookies=function(){return this.$val.Cookies();};IW.ptr.prototype.Location=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=new KP(g.Header).Get("Location");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(i===""){$s=-1;return[AAF.nil,$pkg.ErrNoLocation];}if(!(g.Request===ZX.nil)&&!(g.Request.URL===AAF.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=g.Request.URL.Parse(i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=5;case 5:return k;case 3:l=O.Parse(i);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=7;case 7:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:IW.ptr.prototype.Location,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};IW.prototype.Location=function(){return this.$val.Location();};IX=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=N.NewReader(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=new IW.ptr("",0,"",0,0,false,$ifaceNil,new $Int64(0,0),ZK.nil,false,false,false,h,AAV.nil);m=j.ReadLine();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(o,J.EOF)){o=J.ErrUnexpectedEOF;}$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,o];}p=Q.Cut(n," ");q=p[0];r=p[1];s=p[2];if(!s){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:t=JC("malformed HTTP response",n);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=[AAG.nil,t];$s=6;case 6:return u;case 4:k.Proto=q;k.Status=Q.TrimLeft(r," ");v=Q.Cut(k.Status," ");w=v[0];if(!((w.length===3))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:x=JC("malformed HTTP status code",w);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=[AAG.nil,x];$s=10;case 10:return y;case 8:z=Z.Atoi(w);k.StatusCode=z[0];o=z[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))||k.StatusCode<0){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:aa=JC("malformed HTTP status code",w);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=[AAG.nil,aa];$s=14;case 14:return ab;case 12:ac=JM(k.Proto);k.ProtoMajor=ac[0];k.ProtoMinor=ac[1];s=ac[2];if(!s){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:ad=JC("malformed HTTP version",k.Proto);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=[AAG.nil,ad];$s=18;case 18:return ae;case 16:ag=j.ReadMIMEHeader();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;ah=af[0];o=af[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){if($interfaceIsEqual(o,J.EOF)){o=J.ErrUnexpectedEOF;}$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,o];}k.Header=(ah);IY(k.Header);ai=DN(k,g);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ai=ai.$blk();}if(ai&&ai.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=ai;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,o];}$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:IX,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$pkg.ReadResponse=IX;IY=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;h=(i=g[$String.keyFor("Pragma")],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(k&&j.$length>0&&(0>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+0])==="no-cache"){l=(m=g[$String.keyFor("Cache-Control")],m!==undefined?[m.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);n=l[1];if(!n){o="Cache-Control";(g||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:new ZK(["no-cache"])};}}};IW.ptr.prototype.ProtoAtLeast=function(g,h){var g,h,i;i=this;return i.ProtoMajor>g||(i.ProtoMajor===g)&&i.ProtoMinor>=h;};IW.prototype.ProtoAtLeast=function(g,h){return this.$val.ProtoAtLeast(g,h);};IW.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.Status;if(i===""){j=false;k=(l=EH[$Int.keyFor(h.StatusCode)],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:["",false]);i=k[0];j=k[1];if(!j){i="status code "+Z.Itoa(h.StatusCode);}}else{i=Q.TrimPrefix(i,Z.Itoa(h.StatusCode)+" ");}n=H.Fprintf(g,"HTTP/%d.%d %03d %s\r\n",new ZB([new $Int(h.ProtoMajor),new $Int(h.ProtoMinor),new $Int(h.StatusCode),new $String(i)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return o;}p=new IW.ptr("",0,"",0,0,false,$ifaceNil,new $Int64(0,0),ZK.nil,false,false,false,ZX.nil,AAV.nil);IW.copy(p,h);if((q=p.ContentLength,(q.$high===0&&q.$low===0))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(p.Body,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:r=ABK.zero();t=p.Body.Read(new ZL(r));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[0];v=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(v,J.EOF))){$s=-1;return v;}if(u===0){p.Body=new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody);}else{p.ContentLength=new $Int64(-1,4294967295);p.Body=(w=new ACT.ptr(J.MultiReader(new ABL([W.NewReader($subslice(new ZL(r),0,1)),h.Body])),h.Body),new w.constructor.elem(w));}case 3:if((x=p.ContentLength,(x.$high===-1&&x.$low===4294967295))&&!p.Close&&p.ProtoAtLeast(1,1)&&!DO(p.TransferEncoding)&&!p.Uncompressed){p.Close=true;}z=DG(p);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;aa=y[0];ab=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ab;}ac=aa.writeHeader(g,AAH.nil);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ab;}ad=new KP(h.Header).WriteSubset(g,IV);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ad;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ab;}ae=aa.shouldSendContentLength();if((af=p.ContentLength,(af.$high===0&&af.$low===0))&&!DO(p.TransferEncoding)&&!ae&&DJ(h.StatusCode)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:ah=J.WriteString(g,"Content-Length: 0\r\n");$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=ah;ai=ag[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ai,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ai;}case 9:ak=J.WriteString(g,"\r\n");$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;al=aj[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(al,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return al;}am=aa.writeBody(g);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=am;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ab;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:IW.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};IW.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};IW.ptr.prototype.closeBody=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=g.Body.Close();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:IW.ptr.prototype.closeBody,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};IW.prototype.closeBody=function(){return this.$val.closeBody();};IW.ptr.prototype.bodyIsWritable=function(){var g,h,i;g=this;h=$assertType(g.Body,J.Writer,true);i=h[1];return i;};IW.prototype.bodyIsWritable=function(){return this.$val.bodyIsWritable();};IW.ptr.prototype.isProtocolSwitch=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=IZ(g.StatusCode,g.Header);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:IW.ptr.prototype.isProtocolSwitch,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};IW.prototype.isProtocolSwitch=function(){return this.$val.isProtocolSwitch();};IZ=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(g===101)){i=false;$s=1;continue s;}j=JA(h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;case 1:k=i;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:IZ,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};JA=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=new KP(g).Get("Upgrade");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=!(h==="")&&U.HeaderValuesContainsToken((i=g[$String.keyFor("Connection")],i!==undefined?i.v:ZK.nil),"Upgrade");$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:JA,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};JB.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var g;g=this;return g.ErrorString;};JB.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};JC=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=H.Errorf("%s %q",new ZB([new $String(g),new $String(h)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:JC,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};JE.ptr.prototype.Context=function(){var g;g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.ctx,$ifaceNil))){return g.ctx;}return A.Background();};JE.prototype.Context=function(){return this.$val.Context();};JE.ptr.prototype.WithContext=function(g){var g,h,i;h=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("nil context"));}i=new JE.ptr("",AAF.nil,"",0,0,false,$ifaceNil,$throwNilPointerError,new $Int64(0,0),ZK.nil,false,"",false,false,AAZ.nil,false,"","",AAV.nil,$chanNil,AAG.nil,$ifaceNil);JE.copy(i,h);i.ctx=g;i.URL=XY(h.URL);return i;};JE.prototype.WithContext=function(g){return this.$val.WithContext(g);};JE.ptr.prototype.Clone=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k;h=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("nil context"));}i=new JE.ptr("",AAF.nil,"",0,0,false,$ifaceNil,$throwNilPointerError,new $Int64(0,0),ZK.nil,false,"",false,false,AAZ.nil,false,"","",AAV.nil,$chanNil,AAG.nil,$ifaceNil);JE.copy(i,h);i.ctx=g;i.URL=XY(h.URL);if(!(h.Header===false)){i.Header=new KP(h.Header).Clone();}if(!(h.Trailer===false)){i.Trailer=new KP(h.Trailer).Clone();}j=h.TransferEncoding;if(!(j===ZK.nil)){k=$makeSlice(ZK,j.$length);$copySlice(k,j);i.TransferEncoding=k;}i.Form=XX(h.Form);i.PostForm=XX(h.PostForm);i.MultipartForm=XZ(h.MultipartForm);return i;};JE.prototype.Clone=function(g){return this.$val.Clone(g);};JE.ptr.prototype.ProtoAtLeast=function(g,h){var g,h,i;i=this;return i.ProtoMajor>g||(i.ProtoMajor===g)&&i.ProtoMinor>=h;};JE.prototype.ProtoAtLeast=function(g,h){return this.$val.ProtoAtLeast(g,h);};JE.ptr.prototype.UserAgent=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=new KP(g.Header).Get("User-Agent");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.UserAgent,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.UserAgent=function(){return this.$val.UserAgent();};JE.ptr.prototype.Cookies=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=XK(g.Header,"");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.Cookies,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.Cookies=function(){return this.$val.Cookies();};JE.ptr.prototype.Cookie=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;j=XK(h.Header,g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=0;case 2:if(!(k=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+k]);$s=-1;return[l,$ifaceNil];case 3:$s=-1;return[ACU.nil,$pkg.ErrNoCookie];}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.Cookie,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.Cookie=function(g){return this.$val.Cookie(g);};JE.ptr.prototype.AddCookie=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=XP(g.Name);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=new $String(i);k=XQ(g.Value);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=new $String(k);m=H.Sprintf("%s=%s",new ZB([j,l]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=new KP(h.Header).Get("Cookie");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(!(p==="")){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=new KP(h.Header).Set("Cookie",p+"; "+n);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=new KP(h.Header).Set("Cookie",n);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.AddCookie,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.AddCookie=function(g){return this.$val.AddCookie(g);};JE.ptr.prototype.Referer=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=new KP(g.Header).Get("Referer");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.Referer,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.Referer=function(){return this.$val.Referer();};JE.ptr.prototype.MultipartReader=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(g.MultipartForm===JF){$s=-1;return[ACV.nil,G.New("http: MultipartReader called twice")];}if(!(g.MultipartForm===AAZ.nil)){$s=-1;return[ACV.nil,G.New("http: multipart handled by ParseMultipartForm")];}g.MultipartForm=JF;h=g.multipartReader(true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.MultipartReader,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.MultipartReader=function(){return this.$val.MultipartReader();};JE.ptr.prototype.multipartReader=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=new KP(h.Header).Get("Content-Type");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(j===""){$s=-1;return[ACV.nil,$pkg.ErrNotMultipart];}l=AG.ParseMediaType(j);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];o=k[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))||!(m==="multipart/form-data"||g&&m==="multipart/mixed")){$s=-1;return[ACV.nil,$pkg.ErrNotMultipart];}p=(q=n[$String.keyFor("boundary")],q!==undefined?[q.v,true]:["",false]);r=p[0];s=p[1];if(!s){$s=-1;return[ACV.nil,$pkg.ErrMissingBoundary];}$s=-1;return[AH.NewReader(h.Body,r),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.multipartReader,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.multipartReader=function(g){return this.$val.multipartReader(g);};JE.ptr.prototype.isH2Upgrade=function(){var g;g=this;return g.Method==="PRI"&&($keys(g.Header).length===0)&&g.URL.Path==="*"&&g.Proto==="HTTP/2.0";};JE.prototype.isH2Upgrade=function(){return this.$val.isH2Upgrade();};JG=function(g,h){var g,h;if(!(g==="")){return g;}return h;};JE.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.write(g,false,false,$throwNilPointerError);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};JE.ptr.prototype.WriteProxy=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.write(g,true,false,$throwNilPointerError);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.WriteProxy,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.WriteProxy=function(g){return this.$val.WriteProxy(g);};JE.ptr.prototype.write=function(g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);k=[k];l=[l];m=[m];n=[n];l[0]=$ifaceNil;m[0]=this;o=L.ContextClientTrace(m[0].Context());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n[0]=o;if(!(n[0]===AAH.nil)&&!(n[0].WroteRequest===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$deferred.push([(function(k,l,m,n){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=n[0].WroteRequest(new L.WroteRequestInfo.ptr(l[0]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(k,l,m,n),[]]);case 3:k[0]=false;$deferred.push([(function(k,l,m,n){return function $b(){var{p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(k[0]){$s=-1;return;}p=m[0].closeBody();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))&&$interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil)){l[0]=q;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,p,q,$s};return $f;};})(k,l,m,n),[]]);p=JK(m[0].Host);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(q===""){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if(m[0].URL===AAF.nil){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:l[0]=JH;r=l[0];$s=9;case 9:return r;case 8:s=JK(m[0].URL.Host);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=s;case 6:q=JL(q);t=m[0].URL.RequestURI();if(h&&!(m[0].URL.Scheme==="")&&m[0].URL.Opaque===""){t=m[0].URL.Scheme+"://"+q+t;}else if(m[0].Method==="CONNECT"&&m[0].URL.Path===""){t=q;if(!(m[0].URL.Opaque==="")){t=m[0].URL.Opaque;}}if(KK(t)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:l[0]=G.New("net/http: can't write control character in Request.URL");u=l[0];$s=13;case 13:return u;case 12:v=AAA.nil;w=$assertType(g,J.ByteWriter,true);x=w[1];if(!x){v=C.NewWriter(g);g=v;}z=H.Fprintf(g,"%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n",new ZB([new $String(JG(m[0].Method,"GET")),new $String(t)]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;l[0]=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:l[0]=l[0];aa=l[0];$s=17;case 17:return aa;case 16:ac=H.Fprintf(g,"Host: %s\r\n",new ZB([new $String(q)]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;l[0]=ab[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:l[0]=l[0];ad=l[0];$s=21;case 21:return ad;case 20:if(!(n[0]===AAH.nil)&&!(n[0].WroteHeaderField===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:$r=n[0].WroteHeaderField("Host",new ZK([q]));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 23:ae="Go-http-client/1.1";if(new KP(m[0].Header).has("User-Agent")){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:af=new KP(m[0].Header).Get("User-Agent");$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;case 26:if(!(ae==="")){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:ah=H.Fprintf(g,"User-Agent: %s\r\n",new ZB([new $String(ae)]));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=ah;l[0]=ag[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:l[0]=l[0];ai=l[0];$s=33;case 33:return ai;case 32:if(!(n[0]===AAH.nil)&&!(n[0].WroteHeaderField===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:$r=n[0].WroteHeaderField("User-Agent",new ZK([ae]));$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 35:case 29:ak=DG(m[0]);$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;al=aj[0];l[0]=aj[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 38:l[0]=l[0];am=l[0];$s=40;case 40:return am;case 39:an=al.writeHeader(g,n[0]);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l[0]=an;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:l[0]=l[0];ao=l[0];$s=44;case 44:return ao;case 43:ap=new KP(m[0].Header).writeSubset(g,JD,n[0]);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l[0]=ap;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=46;continue;}$s=47;continue;case 46:l[0]=l[0];aq=l[0];$s=48;case 48:return aq;case 47:if(!(i===false)){$s=49;continue;}$s=50;continue;case 49:ar=new KP(i).write(g,n[0]);$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l[0]=ar;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=52;continue;}$s=53;continue;case 52:l[0]=l[0];as=l[0];$s=54;case 54:return as;case 53:case 50:au=J.WriteString(g,"\r\n");$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=au;l[0]=at[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=56;continue;}$s=57;continue;case 56:l[0]=l[0];av=l[0];$s=58;case 58:return av;case 57:if(!(n[0]===AAH.nil)&&!(n[0].WroteHeaders===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=59;continue;}$s=60;continue;case 59:$r=n[0].WroteHeaders();$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 60:if(!(j===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=62;continue;}$s=63;continue;case 62:aw=$assertType(g,AAA,true);ax=aw[0];ay=aw[1];if(ay){$s=64;continue;}$s=65;continue;case 64:az=ax.Flush();$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l[0]=az;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=67;continue;}$s=68;continue;case 67:l[0]=l[0];ba=l[0];$s=69;case 69:return ba;case 68:case 65:if(!(n[0]===AAH.nil)&&!(n[0].Wait100Continue===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=70;continue;}$s=71;continue;case 70:$r=n[0].Wait100Continue();$s=72;case 72:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 71:bb=j();$s=75;case 75:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!bb){$s=73;continue;}$s=74;continue;case 73:k[0]=true;bc=m[0].closeBody();$s=76;case 76:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bc;l[0]=$ifaceNil;bd=l[0];$s=77;case 77:return bd;case 74:case 63:be=$assertType(g,AAA,true);bf=be[0];bg=be[1];if(bg&&al.FlushHeaders){$s=78;continue;}$s=79;continue;case 78:bh=bf.Flush();$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;bh=bh.$blk();}if(bh&&bh.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bi=bh;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bi,$ifaceNil))){$s=81;continue;}$s=82;continue;case 81:l[0]=bi;bj=l[0];$s=83;case 83:return bj;case 82:case 79:k[0]=true;bk=al.writeBody(g);$s=84;case 84:if($c){$c=false;bk=bk.$blk();}if(bk&&bk.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l[0]=bk;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=85;continue;}$s=86;continue;case 85:if($interfaceIsEqual(al.bodyReadError,l[0])){l[0]=(bl=new JI.ptr(l[0]),new bl.constructor.elem(bl));}l[0]=l[0];bm=l[0];$s=87;case 87:return bm;case 86:if(!(v===AAA.nil)){$s=88;continue;}$s=89;continue;case 88:bn=v.Flush();$s=90;case 90:if($c){$c=false;bn=bn.$blk();}if(bn&&bn.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l[0]=bn;bo=l[0];$s=91;case 91:return bo;case 89:l[0]=$ifaceNil;bp=l[0];$s=92;case 92:return bp;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return l[0];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.write,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};JE.prototype.write=function(g,h,i,j){return this.$val.write(g,h,i,j);};JJ=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(M.Is(g)){$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}h=AI.Lookup.ToASCII(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JJ,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};JK=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=Q.IndexAny(g," /");if(!((h===-1))){g=$substring(g,0,h);}j=B.SplitHostPort(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];m=i[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:o=JJ(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return g;}$s=-1;return p;case 3:s=JJ(k);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=r[0];m=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return g;}$s=-1;return B.JoinHostPort(t,l);}return;}var $f={$blk:JK,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};JL=function(g){var g,h,i;if(!Q.HasPrefix(g,"[")){return g;}h=Q.LastIndex(g,"]");if(h<0){return g;}i=Q.LastIndex($substring(g,0,h),"%");if(i<0){return g;}return $substring(g,0,i)+$substring(g,h);};JM=function(g){var aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;h=0;i=0;j=false;k=g;if(k===("HTTP/1.1")){l=1;m=1;n=true;h=l;i=m;j=n;return[h,i,j];}else if(k===("HTTP/1.0")){o=1;p=0;q=true;h=o;i=p;j=q;return[h,i,j];}if(!Q.HasPrefix(g,"HTTP/")){r=0;s=0;t=false;h=r;i=s;j=t;return[h,i,j];}if(!((g.length===8))){u=0;v=0;w=false;h=u;i=v;j=w;return[h,i,j];}if(!((g.charCodeAt(6)===46))){x=0;y=0;z=false;h=x;i=y;j=z;return[h,i,j];}aa=Z.ParseUint($substring(g,5,6),10,0);ab=aa[0];ac=aa[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){ad=0;ae=0;af=false;h=ad;i=ae;j=af;return[h,i,j];}ag=Z.ParseUint($substring(g,7,8),10,0);ah=ag[0];ac=ag[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ac,$ifaceNil))){ai=0;aj=0;ak=false;h=ai;i=aj;j=ak;return[h,i,j];}al=((ab.$low>>0));am=((ah.$low>>0));an=true;h=al;i=am;j=an;return[h,i,j];};$pkg.ParseHTTPVersion=JM;JN=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(g.length>0)){h=false;$s=1;continue s;}i=Q.IndexFunc(g,KJ);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i===-1;case 1:j=h;$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:JN,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};JE.ptr.prototype.BasicAuth=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g="";h="";i=false;j=this;k=new KP(j.Header).Get("Authorization");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(l===""){m="";n="";o=false;g=m;h=n;i=o;$s=-1;return[g,h,i];}p=JQ(l);g=p[0];h=p[1];i=p[2];$s=-1;return[g,h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.BasicAuth,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.BasicAuth=function(){return this.$val.BasicAuth();};JQ=function(g){var aa,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;h="";i="";j=false;if(g.length<6||!M.EqualFold($substring(g,0,6),"Basic ")){k="";l="";m=false;h=k;i=l;j=m;return[h,i,j];}n=AF.StdEncoding.DecodeString($substring(g,6));o=n[0];p=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){q="";r="";s=false;h=q;i=r;j=s;return[h,i,j];}t=($bytesToString(o));u=Q.Cut(t,":");h=u[0];i=u[1];j=u[2];if(!j){v="";w="";x=false;h=v;i=w;j=x;return[h,i,j];}y=h;z=i;aa=true;h=y;i=z;j=aa;return[h,i,j];};JE.ptr.prototype.SetBasicAuth=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=new KP(i.Header).Set("Authorization","Basic "+YJ(g,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.SetBasicAuth,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.SetBasicAuth=function(g,h){return this.$val.SetBasicAuth(g,h);};JR=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x;h="";i="";j="";k=false;l=Q.Cut(g," ");h=l[0];m=l[1];n=l[2];o=Q.Cut(m," ");i=o[0];j=o[1];p=o[2];if(!n||!p){q="";r="";s="";t=false;h=q;i=r;j=s;k=t;return[h,i,j,k];}u=h;v=i;w=j;x=true;h=u;i=v;j=w;k=x;return[h,i,j,k];};JT=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=JS.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){j=$assertType(i,ACW);j.R=g;$s=-1;return j;}k=N.NewReader(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=3;case 3:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:JT,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};JU=function(g){var g;g.R=AAW.nil;JS.Put(g);};JW=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=[h];i=[i];j=ZX.nil;h[0]=$ifaceNil;k=JT(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=k;j=new JE.ptr("",AAF.nil,"",0,0,false,$ifaceNil,$throwNilPointerError,new $Int64(0,0),ZK.nil,false,"",false,false,AAZ.nil,false,"","",AAV.nil,$chanNil,AAG.nil,$ifaceNil);l="";n=i[0].ReadLine();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;l=m[0];h[0]=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:o=ZX.nil;p=h[0];j=o;h[0]=p;q=[j,h[0]];$s=5;case 5:return q;case 4:$deferred.push([(function(h,i){return function(){JU(i[0]);if($interfaceIsEqual(h[0],J.EOF)){h[0]=J.ErrUnexpectedEOF;}};})(h,i),[]]);r=false;s=JR(l);j.Method=s[0];j.RequestURI=s[1];j.Proto=s[2];r=s[3];if(!r){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:t=ZX.nil;v=JC("malformed HTTP request",l);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;j=t;h[0]=u;w=[j,h[0]];$s=9;case 9:return w;case 7:x=JN(j.Method);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!x){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:y=ZX.nil;aa=JC("invalid method",j.Method);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;j=y;h[0]=z;ab=[j,h[0]];$s=14;case 14:return ab;case 11:ac=j.RequestURI;ad=JM(j.Proto);j.ProtoMajor=ad[0];j.ProtoMinor=ad[1];r=ad[2];if(!r){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:ae=ZX.nil;ag=JC("malformed HTTP version",j.Proto);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ag;j=ae;h[0]=af;ah=[j,h[0]];$s=18;case 18:return ah;case 16:ai=j.Method==="CONNECT"&&!Q.HasPrefix(ac,"/");if(ai){ac="http://"+ac;}ak=O.ParseRequestURI(ac);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ak=ak.$blk();}if(ak&&ak.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=ak;j.URL=aj[0];h[0]=aj[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:al=ZX.nil;am=h[0];j=al;h[0]=am;an=[j,h[0]];$s=22;case 22:return an;case 21:if(ai){j.URL.Scheme="";}ap=i[0].ReadMIMEHeader();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=ap;aq=ao[0];h[0]=ao[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:ar=ZX.nil;as=h[0];j=ar;h[0]=as;at=[j,h[0]];$s=26;case 26:return at;case 25:j.Header=(aq);if((au=j.Header[$String.keyFor("Host")],au!==undefined?au.v:ZK.nil).$length>1){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:av=ZX.nil;ax=H.Errorf("too many Host headers",new ZB([]));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ax;j=av;h[0]=aw;ay=[j,h[0]];$s=30;case 30:return ay;case 28:j.Host=j.URL.Host;if(j.Host===""){j.Host=new KP(j.Header).get("Host");}IY(j.Header);az=DT(j.ProtoMajor,j.ProtoMinor,j.Header,false);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.Close=az;ba=DN(j,g);$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ba=ba.$blk();}if(ba&&ba.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=ba;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:bb=ZX.nil;bc=h[0];j=bb;h[0]=bc;bd=[j,h[0]];$s=35;case 35:return bd;case 34:if(j.isH2Upgrade()){j.ContentLength=new $Int64(-1,4294967295);j.Close=true;}be=j;bf=$ifaceNil;j=be;h[0]=bf;bg=[j,h[0]];$s=36;case 36:return bg;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[j,h[0]];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:JW,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};JX=function(g,h,i){var g,h,i;if((i.$high<0||(i.$high===0&&i.$low<0))){i=new $Int64(0,0);}return new JY.ptr(g,h,i,$ifaceNil);};$pkg.MaxBytesReader=JX;JY.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.err,$ifaceNil))){k=0;l=j.err;h=k;i=l;$s=-1;return[h,i];}if(g.$length===0){m=0;n=$ifaceNil;h=m;i=n;$s=-1;return[h,i];}if((o=(new $Int64(0,g.$length)),p=(q=j.n,new $Int64(q.$high+0,q.$low+1)),(o.$high>p.$high||(o.$high===p.$high&&o.$low>p.$low)))){g=$subslice(g,0,$flatten64((r=j.n,new $Int64(r.$high+0,r.$low+1))));}t=j.r.Read(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;h=s[0];i=s[1];if((u=(new $Int64(0,h)),v=j.n,(u.$high>31)*4294967296))>>0));j.n=new $Int64(0,0);ab=$assertType(j.w,ACX,true);ac=ab[0];ad=ab[1];if(ad){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=ac.requestTooLarge();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:j.err=G.New("http: request body too large");ae=h;af=j.err;h=ae;i=af;$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:JY.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};JY.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};JY.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.r.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JY.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};JY.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};JZ=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;i=h;j=0;k=$keys(i);while(true){if(!(jo.$high||(v.$high===o.$high&&v.$low>o.$low)))){i=G.New("http: POST too large");$s=-1;return[h,i];}x=O.ParseQuery(($bytesToString(t)));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;h=w[0];u=w[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){i=u;}$s=6;continue;case 5:case 6:case 3:$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:KA,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};JE.ptr.prototype.ParseForm=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=$ifaceNil;if(g.PostForm===false){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(g.Method==="POST"||g.Method==="PUT"||g.Method==="PATCH"){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:j=KA(g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;g.PostForm=i[0];h=i[1];case 4:if(g.PostForm===false){g.PostForm={};}case 2:if(g.Form===false){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:if($keys(g.PostForm).length>0){g.Form={};JZ(g.Form,g.PostForm);}k=false;if(!(g.URL===AAF.nil)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:l=$ifaceNil;n=O.ParseQuery(g.URL.RawQuery);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;k=m[0];l=m[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){h=l;}case 9:if(k===false){k={};}if(g.Form===false){g.Form=k;}else{JZ(g.Form,k);}case 7:$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.ParseForm,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.ParseForm=function(){return this.$val.ParseForm();};JE.ptr.prototype.ParseMultipartForm=function(g){var{aa,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h.MultipartForm===JF){$s=-1;return G.New("http: multipart handled by MultipartReader");}i=$ifaceNil;if(h.Form===false){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=h.ParseForm();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;case 2:if(!(h.MultipartForm===AAZ.nil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}l=h.multipartReader(false);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}p=m.ReadForm(g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];n=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}if(h.PostForm===false){h.PostForm={};}r=q.Value;s=0;t=$keys(r);while(true){if(!(s0){$s=-1;return(0>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+0]);}$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.FormValue,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.FormValue=function(g){return this.$val.FormValue(g);};JE.ptr.prototype.PostFormValue=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h.PostForm===false){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=h.ParseMultipartForm(new $Int64(0,33554432));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;case 2:k=(j=h.PostForm[$String.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?j.v:ZK.nil);if(k.$length>0){$s=-1;return(0>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+0]);}$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.PostFormValue,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.PostFormValue=function(g){return this.$val.PostFormValue(g);};JE.ptr.prototype.FormFile=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h.MultipartForm===JF){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,ACZ.nil,G.New("http: multipart handled by MultipartReader")];}if(h.MultipartForm===AAZ.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=h.ParseMultipartForm(new $Int64(0,33554432));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,ACZ.nil,j];}case 2:if(!(h.MultipartForm===AAZ.nil)&&!(h.MultipartForm.File===false)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:l=(k=h.MultipartForm.File[$String.keyFor(g)],k!==undefined?k.v:ADA.nil);if(l.$length>0){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:n=(0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0]).Open();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];$s=-1;return[o,(0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0]),p];case 7:case 5:$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,ACZ.nil,$pkg.ErrMissingFile];}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.FormFile,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.FormFile=function(g){return this.$val.FormFile(g);};JE.ptr.prototype.expectsContinue=function(){var g;g=this;return KY(new KP(g.Header).get("Expect"),"100-continue");};JE.prototype.expectsContinue=function(){return this.$val.expectsContinue();};JE.ptr.prototype.wantsHttp10KeepAlive=function(){var g;g=this;if(!((g.ProtoMajor===1))||!((g.ProtoMinor===0))){return false;}return KY(new KP(g.Header).get("Connection"),"keep-alive");};JE.prototype.wantsHttp10KeepAlive=function(){return this.$val.wantsHttp10KeepAlive();};JE.ptr.prototype.wantsClose=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.Close){return true;}return KY(new KP(g.Header).get("Connection"),"close");};JE.prototype.wantsClose=function(){return this.$val.wantsClose();};JE.ptr.prototype.closeBody=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}h=g.Body.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.closeBody,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.closeBody=function(){return this.$val.closeBody();};JE.ptr.prototype.isReplayable=function(){var g,h;g=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,$ifaceNil)||$interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))||!(g.GetBody===$throwNilPointerError)){h=JG(g.Method,"GET");if(h===("GET")||h===("HEAD")||h===("OPTIONS")||h===("TRACE")){return true;}if(new KP(g.Header).has("Idempotency-Key")||new KP(g.Header).has("X-Idempotency-Key")){return true;}}return false;};JE.prototype.isReplayable=function(){return this.$val.isReplayable();};JE.ptr.prototype.outgoingLength=function(){var g,h;g=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,$ifaceNil)||$interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))){return new $Int64(0,0);}if(!((h=g.ContentLength,(h.$high===0&&h.$low===0)))){return g.ContentLength;}return new $Int64(-1,4294967295);};JE.prototype.outgoingLength=function(){return this.$val.outgoingLength();};KB=function(g){var g,h;h=g;if(h===("GET")||h===("HEAD")||h===("DELETE")||h===("OPTIONS")||h===("PROPFIND")||h===("SEARCH")){return true;}return false;};JE.ptr.prototype.requiresHTTP1=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=new KP(g.Header).Get("Connection");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=KY(i,"upgrade");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(j)){h=false;$s=1;continue s;}k=new KP(g.Header).Get("Upgrade");$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=M.EqualFold(k,"websocket");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=l;case 1:m=h;$s=6;case 6:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:JE.ptr.prototype.requiresHTTP1,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};JE.prototype.requiresHTTP1=function(){return this.$val.requiresHTTP1();};KG.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var g;g=this;return"net/http context value "+g.name;};KG.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};KH=function(g){var g;return Q.LastIndex(g,":")>Q.LastIndex(g,"]");};KJ=function(g){var g;return!U.IsTokenRune(g);};KK=function(g){var g,h,i;h=0;while(true){if(!(h>0;}return false;};KL=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k;h=0;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=128){h=h+(3)>>0;}else{h=h+(1)>>0;}i=i+(1)>>0;}if(h===g.length){return g;}j=$makeSlice(ZL,0,h);k=0;while(true){if(!(k=128){j=$append(j,37);j=Z.AppendInt(j,(new $Int64(0,g.charCodeAt(k))),16);}else{j=$append(j,g.charCodeAt(k));}k=k+(1)>>0;}return($bytesToString(j));};KM.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var g;return[0,J.EOF];};KM.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};KM.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){return $ifaceNil;};KM.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};KM.ptr.prototype.WriteTo=function(g){var g;return[new $Int64(0,0),$ifaceNil];};KM.prototype.WriteTo=function(g){return this.$val.WriteTo(g);};KP.prototype.Add=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this.$val;$r=new N.MIMEHeader((i)).Add(g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:KP.prototype.Add,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(KP).prototype.Add=function(g,h){return new KP(this.$get()).Add(g,h);};KP.prototype.Set=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this.$val;$r=new N.MIMEHeader((i)).Set(g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:KP.prototype.Set,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(KP).prototype.Set=function(g,h){return new KP(this.$get()).Set(g,h);};KP.prototype.Get=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this.$val;i=new N.MIMEHeader((h)).Get(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:KP.prototype.Get,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(KP).prototype.Get=function(g){return new KP(this.$get()).Get(g);};KP.prototype.Values=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this.$val;i=new N.MIMEHeader((h)).Values(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:KP.prototype.Values,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(KP).prototype.Values=function(g){return new KP(this.$get()).Values(g);};KP.prototype.get=function(g){var g,h,i,j;h=this.$val;j=(i=h[$String.keyFor(g)],i!==undefined?i.v:ZK.nil);if(j.$length>0){return(0>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+0]);}return"";};$ptrType(KP).prototype.get=function(g){return new KP(this.$get()).get(g);};KP.prototype.has=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k;h=this.$val;i=(j=h[$String.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);k=i[1];return k;};$ptrType(KP).prototype.has=function(g){return new KP(this.$get()).has(g);};KP.prototype.Del=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this.$val;$r=new N.MIMEHeader((h)).Del(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:KP.prototype.Del,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(KP).prototype.Del=function(g){return new KP(this.$get()).Del(g);};KP.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this.$val;i=new KP(h).write(g,AAH.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:KP.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(KP).prototype.Write=function(g){return new KP(this.$get()).Write(g);};KP.prototype.write=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this.$val;j=new KP(i).writeSubset(g,false,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:KP.prototype.write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(KP).prototype.write=function(g,h){return new KP(this.$get()).write(g,h);};KP.prototype.Clone=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y;g=this.$val;if(g===false){return false;}h=0;i=g;j=0;k=$keys(i);while(true){if(!(j>0;j++;}n=$makeSlice(ZK,h);p=(o=$keys(g).length,((o<0||o>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));q=g;r=0;s=$keys(q);while(true){if(!(r=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+h])),KU);l=$clone((m=i.kvs,((g<0||g>=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+g])),KU);KU.copy((n=i.kvs,((g<0||g>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+g])),j);KU.copy((o=i.kvs,((h<0||h>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+h])),l);};KV.prototype.Swap=function(g,h){return this.$val.Swap(g,h);};KV.ptr.prototype.Less=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;i=this;return(j=i.kvs,((g<0||g>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+g])).key<(k=i.kvs,((h<0||h>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+h])).key;};KV.prototype.Less=function(g,h){return this.$val.Less(g,h);};KP.prototype.sortedKeyValues=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=ZR.nil;i=ADB.nil;j=this.$val;k=KW.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$assertType(k,ADB);if(i.kvs.$capacity<$keys(j).length){i.kvs=$makeSlice(ZR,0,$keys(j).length);}h=$subslice(i.kvs,0,0);l=j;m=0;n=$keys(l);while(true){if(!(m=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+u]),KU);if(!U.ValidHeaderFieldName(v.key)){u++;$s=2;continue;}w=v.values;x=0;case 4:if(!(x=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+x]);z=KS.Replace(y);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;y=N.TrimString(y);aa=new ZK([v.key,": ",y,"\r\n"]);ab=0;case 7:if(!(ab=aa.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aa.$array[aa.$offset+ab]);ae=l.WriteString(ac);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ae;af=ad[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil))){KW.Put(r);$s=-1;return af;}ab++;$s=7;continue;case 8:if(!(i===AAH.nil)&&!(i.WroteHeaderField===$throwNilPointerError)){s=$append(s,y);}x++;$s=4;continue;case 5:if(!(i===AAH.nil)&&!(i.WroteHeaderField===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$r=i.WroteHeaderField(v.key,s);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=ZK.nil;case 11:u++;$s=2;continue;case 3:KW.Put(r);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:KP.prototype.writeSubset,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(KP).prototype.writeSubset=function(g,h,i){return new KP(this.$get()).writeSubset(g,h,i);};KX=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=N.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:KX,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$pkg.CanonicalHeaderKey=KX;KY=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;if(h.length>g.length||h===""){return false;}if(g===h){return true;}i=0;while(true){if(!(i<=(g.length-h.length>>0))){break;}j=g.charCodeAt(i);if(!((j===h.charCodeAt(0)))&&!((((j|32)>>>0)===h.charCodeAt(0)))){i=i+(1)>>0;continue;}if(i>0&&!KZ(g.charCodeAt((i-1>>0)))){i=i+(1)>>0;continue;}k=i+h.length>>0;if(!((k===g.length))&&!KZ(g.charCodeAt(k))){i=i+(1)>>0;continue;}if(M.EqualFold($substring(g,i,(i+h.length>>0)),h)){return true;}i=i+(1)>>0;}return false;};KZ=function(g){var g;return(g===32)||(g===44)||(g===9);};LA=function(g,h){var g,h,i;if(!((g.length===h.length))){return false;}i=0;while(true){if(!(i>0;}return true;};LB=function(g){var g;if(65<=g&&g<=90){return g+32<<24>>>24;}return g;};LC=function(g){var g,h;h=0;while(true){if(!(h126){return false;}h=h+(1)>>0;}return true;};LD=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h="";i=false;if(!LC(g)){j="";k=false;h=j;i=k;$s=-1;return[h,i];}m=Q.ToLower(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=true;h=l;i=n;o=[h,i];$s=2;case 2:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:LD,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};LE=function(g){var g,h;h=g;if((h===(0))||(h===(1))||(h===(2))||(h===(3))||(h===(4))||(h===(5))||(h===(6))||(h===(7))||(h===(8))||(h===(9))||(h===(10))||(h===(11))||(h===(12))||(h===(13))||(h===(14))||(h===(15))||(h===(16))||(h===(17))||(h===(18))||(h===(19))||(h===(20))||(h===(21))||(h===(22))||(h===(23))||(h===(24))||(h===(25))||(h===(26))||(h===(27))||(h===(30))||(h===(31))||(h===(32))||(h===(33))||(h===(34))||(h===(35))||(h===(36))||(h===(37))||(h===(38))||(h===(39))||(h===(40))||(h===(41))||(h===(42))||(h===(43))||(h===(44))||(h===(45))||(h===(46))||(h===(47))||(h===(48))||(h===(49))||(h===(50))||(h===(51))||(h===(52))||(h===(53))||(h===(54))||(h===(55))||(h===(56))||(h===(57))||(h===(58))||(h===(59))||(h===(60))||(h===(61))||(h===(62))||(h===(63))||(h===(64))||(h===(65))||(h===(66))||(h===(67))||(h===(68))||(h===(69))||(h===(70))||(h===(103))||(h===(104))||(h===(105))||(h===(106))||(h===(107))||(h===(108))||(h===(109))||(h===(132))||(h===(133))||(h===(134))||(h===(135))||(h===(136))||(h===(137))||(h===(138))||(h===(139))||(h===(140))||(h===(141))||(h===(142))||(h===(143))||(h===(144))||(h===(145))||(h===(146))||(h===(147))||(h===(148))||(h===(149))||(h===(150))||(h===(151))||(h===(152))||(h===(153))||(h===(154))||(h===(155))||(h===(156))||(h===(157))||(h===(160))||(h===(161))||(h===(164))||(h===(165))||(h===(166))||(h===(167))||(h===(168))||(h===(169))||(h===(172))||(h===(173))||(h===(174))||(h===(175))||(h===(176))||(h===(177))||(h===(178))||(h===(179))||(h===(180))||(h===(181))||(h===(182))||(h===(183))||(h===(184))||(h===(185))||(h===(186))||(h===(187))||(h===(188))||(h===(189))||(h===(190))||(h===(191))||(h===(192))||(h===(193))||(h===(194))||(h===(195))||(h===(196))||(h===(197))||(h===(255))||(h===(49153))||(h===(49154))||(h===(49155))||(h===(49156))||(h===(49157))||(h===(49158))||(h===(49159))||(h===(49160))||(h===(49161))||(h===(49162))||(h===(49163))||(h===(49164))||(h===(49165))||(h===(49166))||(h===(49167))||(h===(49168))||(h===(49169))||(h===(49170))||(h===(49171))||(h===(49172))||(h===(49173))||(h===(49174))||(h===(49175))||(h===(49176))||(h===(49177))||(h===(49178))||(h===(49179))||(h===(49180))||(h===(49181))||(h===(49182))||(h===(49183))||(h===(49184))||(h===(49185))||(h===(49186))||(h===(49187))||(h===(49188))||(h===(49189))||(h===(49190))||(h===(49191))||(h===(49192))||(h===(49193))||(h===(49194))||(h===(49197))||(h===(49198))||(h===(49201))||(h===(49202))||(h===(49203))||(h===(49204))||(h===(49205))||(h===(49206))||(h===(49207))||(h===(49208))||(h===(49209))||(h===(49210))||(h===(49211))||(h===(49212))||(h===(49213))||(h===(49214))||(h===(49215))||(h===(49216))||(h===(49217))||(h===(49218))||(h===(49219))||(h===(49220))||(h===(49221))||(h===(49222))||(h===(49223))||(h===(49224))||(h===(49225))||(h===(49226))||(h===(49227))||(h===(49228))||(h===(49229))||(h===(49230))||(h===(49231))||(h===(49232))||(h===(49233))||(h===(49236))||(h===(49237))||(h===(49240))||(h===(49241))||(h===(49242))||(h===(49243))||(h===(49246))||(h===(49247))||(h===(49250))||(h===(49251))||(h===(49252))||(h===(49253))||(h===(49254))||(h===(49255))||(h===(49256))||(h===(49257))||(h===(49258))||(h===(49259))||(h===(49262))||(h===(49263))||(h===(49264))||(h===(49265))||(h===(49266))||(h===(49267))||(h===(49268))||(h===(49269))||(h===(49270))||(h===(49271))||(h===(49272))||(h===(49273))||(h===(49274))||(h===(49275))||(h===(49278))||(h===(49279))||(h===(49282))||(h===(49283))||(h===(49284))||(h===(49285))||(h===(49288))||(h===(49289))||(h===(49292))||(h===(49293))||(h===(49294))||(h===(49295))||(h===(49298))||(h===(49299))||(h===(49300))||(h===(49301))||(h===(49302))||(h===(49303))||(h===(49304))||(h===(49305))||(h===(49306))||(h===(49307))||(h===(49308))||(h===(49309))||(h===(49312))||(h===(49313))||(h===(49316))||(h===(49317))||(h===(49320))||(h===(49321))){return true;}else{return false;}};LH.ptr.prototype.GetClientConn=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.getClientConn(g,h,true);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:LH.ptr.prototype.GetClientConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LH.prototype.GetClientConn=function(g,h){return this.$val.GetClientConn(g,h);};LH.ptr.prototype.getClientConn=function(g,h,i){var{aa,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(TW(g)&&i){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=TZ(g,h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=j.t.dialClientConn(g.Context(),h,true);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[ADC.nil,n];}$s=-1;return[m,$ifaceNil];case 2:case 5:$r=j.mu.Lock();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=(p=j.conns[$String.keyFor(h)],p!==undefined?p.v:ADD.nil);q=0;case 8:if(!(q=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+q]);s=r.ReserveNewRequest();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(s){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:if(!r.getConnCalled){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$r=TZ(g,h);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 14:r.getConnCalled=false;$r=j.mu.Unlock();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[r,$ifaceNil];case 11:q++;$s=8;continue;case 9:if(!i){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:$r=j.mu.Unlock();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[ADC.nil,SN];case 18:$r=TZ(g,h);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=j.getStartDialLocked(g.Context(),h);$r=j.mu.Unlock();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$recv(t.done);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u[0];v=LM(t,g);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(v){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:$s=5;continue;case 24:w=t.res;x=t.err;y=w;z=x;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[ADC.nil,z];}aa=y.ReserveNewRequest();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(aa){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:$s=-1;return[y,$ifaceNil];case 27:$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return[ADC.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:LH.ptr.prototype.getClientConn,$c:true,$r,aa,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};LH.prototype.getClientConn=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.getClientConn(g,h,i);};LH.ptr.prototype.getStartDialLocked=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;i=this;j=(k=i.dialing[$String.keyFor(h)],k!==undefined?[k.v,true]:[ADE.nil,false]);l=j[0];m=j[1];if(m){return l;}n=new LI.ptr(ZV.zero(),i,g,new $Chan(AAQ,0),ADC.nil,$ifaceNil);if(i.dialing===false){i.dialing={};}o=h;(i.dialing||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:n};$go($methodVal(n,"dial"),[n.ctx,h]);return n;};LH.prototype.getStartDialLocked=function(g,h){return this.$val.getStartDialLocked(g,h);};LI.ptr.prototype.dial=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;k=i.p.t.dialClientConn(g,h,false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;i.res=j[0];i.err=j[1];$close(i.done);$r=i.p.mu.Lock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}delete i.p.dialing[$String.keyFor(h)];if($interfaceIsEqual(i.err,$ifaceNil)){i.p.addConnLocked(h,i.res);}$r=i.p.mu.Unlock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:LI.ptr.prototype.dial,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LI.prototype.dial=function(g,h){return this.$val.dial(g,h);};LH.ptr.prototype.addConnIfNeeded=function(g,h,i){var{aa,ab,ac,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=false;k=$ifaceNil;l=this;$r=l.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=(n=l.conns[$String.keyFor(g)],n!==undefined?n.v:ADD.nil);o=0;case 2:if(!(o=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+o]);q=p.CanTakeNewRequest();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(q){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=l.mu.Unlock();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=false;s=$ifaceNil;j=r;k=s;$s=-1;return[j,k];case 5:o++;$s=2;continue;case 3:t=(u=l.addConnCalls[$String.keyFor(g)],u!==undefined?[u.v,true]:[ADF.nil,false]);v=t[0];w=t[1];if(!w){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:if(l.addConnCalls===false){l.addConnCalls={};}v=new LJ.ptr(ZV.zero(),l,new $Chan(AAQ,0),$ifaceNil);x=g;(l.addConnCalls||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(x)]={k:x,v:v};$go($methodVal(v,"run"),[h,g,i]);case 9:$r=l.mu.Unlock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=$recv(v.done);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v.err,$ifaceNil))){z=false;aa=v.err;j=z;k=aa;$s=-1;return[j,k];}ab=!w;ac=$ifaceNil;j=ab;k=ac;$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:LH.ptr.prototype.addConnIfNeeded,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};LH.prototype.addConnIfNeeded=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.addConnIfNeeded(g,h,i);};LJ.ptr.prototype.run=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;l=g.NewClientConn(i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];o=j.p;$r=o.mu.Lock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){j.err=n;}else{m.getConnCalled=true;o.addConnLocked(h,m);}delete o.addConnCalls[$String.keyFor(h)];$r=o.mu.Unlock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$close(j.done);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:LJ.ptr.prototype.run,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};LJ.prototype.run=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.run(g,h,i);};LH.ptr.prototype.addConnLocked=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;i=this;j=(k=i.conns[$String.keyFor(g)],k!==undefined?k.v:ADD.nil);l=0;while(true){if(!(l=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+l]);if(m===h){return;}l++;}if(i.conns===false){i.conns={};}if(i.keys===false){i.keys={};}n=g;(i.conns||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(n)]={k:n,v:$append((o=i.conns[$String.keyFor(g)],o!==undefined?o.v:ADD.nil),h)};p=h;(i.keys||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ADC.keyFor(p)]={k:p,v:$append((q=i.keys[ADC.keyFor(h)],q!==undefined?q.v:ZK.nil),g)};};LH.prototype.addConnLocked=function(g,h){return this.$val.addConnLocked(g,h);};LH.ptr.prototype.MarkDead=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);i=(j=h.keys[ADC.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?j.v:ZK.nil);k=0;while(true){if(!(k=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+k]);m=(n=h.conns[$String.keyFor(l)],n!==undefined?[n.v,true]:[ADD.nil,false]);o=m[0];p=m[1];if(!p){k++;continue;}q=LK(o,g);if(q.$length>0){r=l;(h.conns||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(r)]={k:r,v:q};}else{delete h.conns[$String.keyFor(l)];}k++;}delete h.keys[ADC.keyFor(g)];$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:LH.ptr.prototype.MarkDead,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};LH.prototype.MarkDead=function(g){return this.$val.MarkDead(g);};LH.ptr.prototype.closeIdleConnections=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h=g.conns;i=0;j=$keys(h);case 2:if(!(i=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);$r=o.closeIfIdle();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n++;$s=4;continue;case 5:i++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:LH.ptr.prototype.closeIdleConnections,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};LH.prototype.closeIdleConnections=function(){return this.$val.closeIdleConnections();};LK=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m;i=$subslice(g,0,0);j=g;k=0;while(true){if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);if(!(l===h)){i=$append(i,l);}k++;}if(!((g.$length===i.$length))){(m=g.$length-1>>0,((m<0||m>=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+m]=ADC.nil));}return i;};LL.ptr.prototype.GetClientConn=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.http2clientConnPool.getClientConn(g,h,false);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:LL.ptr.prototype.GetClientConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LL.prototype.GetClientConn=function(g,h){return this.$val.GetClientConn(g,h);};LM=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(g.err,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return false;}if($interfaceIsEqual(g.ctx,h.Context())){$s=-1;return false;}j=G.Is(g.err,A.Canceled);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!j)){i=false;$s=3;continue s;}k=G.Is(g.err,A.DeadlineExceeded);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=!k;case 3:if(i){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return false;case 2:l=g.ctx.Err();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil));$s=7;case 7:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:LM,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};LP=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;while(true){if(!(h<(LN.$length-1>>0))){break;}if((i=(new $Int64(0,((h<0||h>=LN.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):LN.$array[LN.$offset+h]))),(g.$high>0;}j=((h<0||h>=LO.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):LO[h]).Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$assertType(j,ZL);$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:LP,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LQ=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=LN;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);if(g.$length===k){((j<0||j>=LO.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):LO[j]).Put(g);$s=-1;return;}i++;}l=H.Sprintf("unexpected buffer len=%v",new ZB([new $Int(g.$length)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(l));$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:LQ,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};LR.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h.size===0){$s=-1;return[0,LS];}i=0;case 1:if(!(g.$length>0&&h.size>0)){$s=2;continue;}j=h.bytesFromFirstChunk();k=$copySlice(g,j);g=$subslice(g,k);i=i+(k)>>0;h.r=h.r+(k)>>0;h.size=h.size-(k)>>0;if(h.r===(l=h.chunks,(0>=l.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+0])).$length){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=LQ((m=h.chunks,(0>=m.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+0])));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=h.chunks.$length-1>>0;$copySlice($subslice(h.chunks,0,n),$subslice(h.chunks,1));(o=h.chunks,((n<0||n>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+n]=ZL.nil));h.chunks=$subslice(h.chunks,0,n);h.r=0;case 4:$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[i,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:LR.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};LR.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};LR.ptr.prototype.bytesFromFirstChunk=function(){var g,h,i;g=this;if(g.chunks.$length===1){return $subslice((h=g.chunks,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])),g.r,g.w);}return $subslice((i=g.chunks,(0>=i.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+0])),g.r);};LR.prototype.bytesFromFirstChunk=function(){return this.$val.bytesFromFirstChunk();};LR.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var g;g=this;return g.size;};LR.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};LR.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=g.$length;case 1:if(!(g.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}j=(new $Int64(0,g.$length));if((k=h.expected,(k.$high>j.$high||(k.$high===j.$high&&k.$low>j.$low)))){j=h.expected;}l=h.lastChunkOrAlloc(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;n=$copySlice($subslice(m,h.w),g);g=$subslice(g,n);h.w=h.w+(n)>>0;h.size=h.size+(n)>>0;h.expected=(o=h.expected,p=(new $Int64(0,n)),new $Int64(o.$high-p.$high,o.$low-p.$low));$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[i,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:LR.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};LR.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};LR.ptr.prototype.lastChunkOrAlloc=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(!((h.chunks.$length===0))){k=(i=h.chunks,j=h.chunks.$length-1>>0,((j<0||j>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]));if(h.w>>0)))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:LT.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(LT).prototype.String=function(){return new LT(this.$get()).String();};LT.prototype.stringToken=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this.$val;h=(i=LU[LT.keyFor(g)],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:["",false]);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(k){$s=-1;return j;}l=H.Sprintf("ERR_UNKNOWN_%d",new ZB([new $Uint32(((g>>>0)))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:LT.prototype.stringToken,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(LT).prototype.stringToken=function(){return new LT(this.$get()).stringToken();};LV.prototype.Error=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this.$val;h=H.Sprintf("connection error: %s",new ZB([new LT(((g>>>0)))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:LV.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(LV).prototype.Error=function(){return new LV(this.$get()).Error();};LY=function(g,h){var g,h;return new LW.ptr(g,h,$ifaceNil);};LW.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.Cause,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=H.Sprintf("stream error: stream ID %d; %v; %v",new ZB([new $Uint32(g.StreamID),new LT(g.Code),g.Cause]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=4;case 4:return i;case 2:j=H.Sprintf("stream error: stream ID %d; %v",new ZB([new $Uint32(g.StreamID),new LT(g.Code)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=6;case 6:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:LW.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LW.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};LZ.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){return"connection exceeded flow control window size";};LZ.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};MA.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=H.Sprintf("http2: connection error: %v: %v",new ZB([new LT(g.Code),new $String(g.Reason)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MA.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};MA.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};MB.prototype.Error=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this.$val;h=H.Sprintf("invalid pseudo-header %q",new ZB([new $String((g))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MB.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(MB).prototype.Error=function(){return new MB(this.$get()).Error();};MC.prototype.Error=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this.$val;h=H.Sprintf("duplicate pseudo-header %q",new ZB([new $String((g))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MC.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(MC).prototype.Error=function(){return new MC(this.$get()).Error();};MD.prototype.Error=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this.$val;h=H.Sprintf("invalid header field name %q",new ZB([new $String((g))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MD.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(MD).prototype.Error=function(){return new MD(this.$get()).Error();};ME.prototype.Error=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this.$val;h=H.Sprintf("invalid header field value %q",new ZB([new $String((g))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:ME.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(ME).prototype.Error=function(){return new ME(this.$get()).Error();};MH.ptr.prototype.setConnFlow=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.conn=g;};MH.prototype.setConnFlow=function(g){return this.$val.setConnFlow(g);};MH.ptr.prototype.available=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=g.n;if(!(g.conn===ADG.nil)&&g.conn.nh.available()){$panic(new $String("internal error: took too much"));}h.n=h.n-(g)>>0;if(!(h.conn===ADG.nil)){h.conn.n=h.conn.n-(g)>>0;}};MH.prototype.take=function(g){return this.$val.take(g);};MH.ptr.prototype.add=function(g){var g,h,i;h=this;i=h.n+g>>0;if((i>g)===(h.n>0)){h.n=i;return true;}return false;};MH.prototype.add=function(g){return this.$val.add(g);};MJ.prototype.String=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this.$val;h=(i=MK[MJ.keyFor(g)],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:["",false]);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(k){$s=-1;return j;}l=H.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_FRAME_TYPE_%d",new ZB([new $Uint8(((g<<24>>>24)))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:MJ.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(MJ).prototype.String=function(){return new MJ(this.$get()).String();};ML.prototype.Has=function(g){var g,h;h=this.$val;return(((h&g)>>>0))===g;};$ptrType(ML).prototype.Has=function(g){return new ML(this.$get()).Has(g);};MP=function(g){var g,h,i;i=(h=MO[MJ.keyFor(g)],h!==undefined?h.v:$throwNilPointerError);if(!(i===$throwNilPointerError)){return i;}return NP;};MQ.ptr.prototype.Header=function(){var g;g=this;return g;};MQ.prototype.Header=function(){return this.$val.Header();};MQ.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=this;g[0]=new W.Buffer.ptr(ZL.nil,0,0);i=g[0].WriteString("[FrameHeader ");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$r=$clone(h,MQ).writeDebug(g[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=g[0].WriteByte(93);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return g[0].String();}return;}var $f={$blk:MQ.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};MQ.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};MQ.ptr.prototype.writeDebug=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=new MJ(h.Type).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=g.WriteString(i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;if(!((h.Flags===0))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:k=g.WriteString(" flags=");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=0;m=0;case 6:if(!(m<8)){$s=7;continue;}if(((h.Flags&(((n=m,n<32?(1<>>24)))>>>0)===0){m=m+(1)<<24>>>24;$s=6;continue;}l=l+(1)>>0;if(l>1){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:o=g.WriteByte(124);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;case 9:s=(q=(r=MM[MJ.keyFor(h.Type)],r!==undefined?r.v:false)[ML.keyFor((((p=m,p<32?(1<>>24)))],q!==undefined?q.v:"");if(!(s==="")){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:t=g.WriteString(s);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;$s=13;continue;case 12:v=H.Fprintf(g,"0x%x",new ZB([new $Int(((u=m,u<32?(1<>0))]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;case 13:m=m+(1)<<24>>>24;$s=6;continue;case 7:case 4:if(!((h.StreamID===0))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:w=H.Fprintf(g," stream=%d",new ZB([new $Uint32(h.StreamID)]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;case 17:x=H.Fprintf(g," len=%d",new ZB([new $Uint32(h.Length)]));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:MQ.ptr.prototype.writeDebug,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};MQ.prototype.writeDebug=function(g){return this.$val.writeDebug(g);};MQ.ptr.prototype.checkValid=function(){var g;g=this;if(!g.valid){$panic(new $String("Frame accessor called on non-owned Frame"));}};MQ.prototype.checkValid=function(){return this.$val.checkValid();};MQ.ptr.prototype.invalidate=function(){var g;g=this;g.valid=false;};MQ.prototype.invalidate=function(){return this.$val.invalidate();};MT=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=J.ReadFull(h,$subslice(g,0,9));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[new MQ.ptr(false,0,0,0,0),k];}$s=-1;return[new MQ.ptr(true,(((3>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+3])<<24>>>24)),(((4>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+4])<<24>>>24)),((((((((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])>>>0))<<16>>>0)|((((1>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+1])>>>0))<<8>>>0))>>>0)|(((2>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+2])>>>0)))>>>0),($clone(AA.BigEndian,AA.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(g,5))&2147483647)>>>0),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:MT,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MV.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderListSize=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.MaxHeaderListSize===0){return 16777216;}return g.MaxHeaderListSize;};MV.prototype.maxHeaderListSize=function(){return this.$val.maxHeaderListSize();};MV.ptr.prototype.startWrite=function(g,h,i){var g,h,i,j;j=this;j.wbuf=$append($subslice(j.wbuf,0,0),0,0,0,((g<<24>>>24)),((h<<24>>>24)),(((i>>>24>>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((i>>>16>>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((i>>>8>>>0)<<24>>>24)),((i<<24>>>24)));};MV.prototype.startWrite=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.startWrite(g,h,i);};MV.ptr.prototype.endWrite=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.wbuf.$length-9>>0;if(h>=16777216){$s=-1;return MY;}$unused($append($subslice(g.wbuf,0,0),(((h>>16>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((h>>8>>0)<<24>>>24)),((h<<24>>>24))));if(g.logWrites){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.logWrite();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:j=g.w.Write(g.wbuf);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil)&&!((k===g.wbuf.$length))){l=J.ErrShortWrite;}$s=-1;return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.endWrite,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.endWrite=function(){return this.$val.endWrite();};MV.ptr.prototype.logWrite=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(g.debugFramer===ADH.nil){g.debugFramerBuf=new W.Buffer.ptr(ZL.nil,0,0);g.debugFramer=MX($ifaceNil,g.debugFramerBuf);g.debugFramer.logReads=false;g.debugFramer.AllowIllegalReads=true;}h=g.debugFramerBuf.Write(g.wbuf);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;j=g.debugFramer.ReadFrame();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=g.debugWriteLoggerf("http2: Framer %p: failed to decode just-written frame",new ZB([g]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 4:m=g;n=OL(k);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=new $String(n);$r=g.debugWriteLoggerf("http2: Framer %p: wrote %v",new ZB([m,o]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.logWrite,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.logWrite=function(){return this.$val.logWrite();};MV.ptr.prototype.writeByte=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.wbuf=$append(h.wbuf,g);};MV.prototype.writeByte=function(g){return this.$val.writeByte(g);};MV.ptr.prototype.writeBytes=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.wbuf=$appendSlice(h.wbuf,g);};MV.prototype.writeBytes=function(g){return this.$val.writeBytes(g);};MV.ptr.prototype.writeUint16=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.wbuf=$append(h.wbuf,(((g>>>8<<16>>>16)<<24>>>24)),((g<<24>>>24)));};MV.prototype.writeUint16=function(g){return this.$val.writeUint16(g);};MV.ptr.prototype.writeUint32=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.wbuf=$append(h.wbuf,(((g>>>24>>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((g>>>16>>>0)<<24>>>24)),(((g>>>8>>>0)<<24>>>24)),((g<<24>>>24)));};MV.prototype.writeUint32=function(g){return this.$val.writeUint32(g);};MV.ptr.prototype.SetReuseFrames=function(){var g;g=this;if(!(g.frameCache===ADI.nil)){return;}g.frameCache=new MW.ptr(new NA.ptr(new MQ.ptr(false,0,0,0,0),ZL.nil));};MV.prototype.SetReuseFrames=function(){return this.$val.SetReuseFrames();};MW.ptr.prototype.getDataFrame=function(){var g;g=this;if(g===ADI.nil){return new NA.ptr(new MQ.ptr(false,0,0,0,0),ZL.nil);}return g.dataFrame;};MW.prototype.getDataFrame=function(){return this.$val.getDataFrame();};MX=function(g,h){var g,h,i;i=new MV.ptr(h,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,(function(i){var i;}),0,0,ADJ.zero(),$throwNilPointerError,ZL.nil,0,g,ZL.nil,false,false,ADK.nil,0,PF,PE,ADH.nil,ABQ.nil,K.Printf,K.Printf,ADI.nil);i.getReadBuf=(function(j){var j;if(i.readBuf.$capacity>=((j>>0))){return $subslice(i.readBuf,0,j);}i.readBuf=$makeSlice(ZL,j);return i.readBuf;});i.SetMaxReadFrameSize(16777215);return i;};MV.ptr.prototype.SetMaxReadFrameSize=function(g){var g,h;h=this;if(g>16777215){g=16777215;}h.maxReadSize=g;};MV.prototype.SetMaxReadFrameSize=function(g){return this.$val.SetMaxReadFrameSize(g);};MV.ptr.prototype.ErrorDetail=function(){var g;g=this;return g.errDetail;};MV.prototype.ErrorDetail=function(){return this.$val.ErrorDetail();};MZ=function(g){var g,h,i;h=$assertType(g,LW,true);i=h[1];if(i){return false;}return!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil));};MV.ptr.prototype.ReadFrame=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;g.errDetail=$ifaceNil;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.lastFrame,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.lastFrame.invalidate();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:i=MT(new ZL(g.headerBuf),g.r);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;j=$clone(h[0],MQ);k=h[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,k];}if(j.Length>g.maxReadSize){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,MY];}l=g.getReadBuf(j.Length);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;o=J.ReadFull(g.r,m);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,p];}r=MP(j.Type)(g.frameCache,$clone(j,MQ),g.countError,m);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];k=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){t=$assertType(k,MA,true);u=$clone(t[0],MA);v=t[1];if(v){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,g.connError(u.Code,u.Reason)];}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,k];}w=g.checkFrameOrder(s);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(x,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,x];}if(g.logReads){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:y=g;z=OL(s);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=new $String(z);$r=g.debugReadLoggerf("http2: Framer %p: read %v",new ZB([y,aa]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:if((j.Type===1)&&!(g.ReadMetaHeaders===ADK.nil)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:ab=g.readMetaFrame($assertType(s,ADL));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;ad=[ac[0],ac[1]];$s=16;case 16:return ad;case 14:$s=-1;return[s,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.ReadFrame,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.ReadFrame=function(){return this.$val.ReadFrame();};MV.ptr.prototype.connError=function(g,h){var g,h,i;i=this;i.errDetail=G.New(h);return new LV(((g>>>0)));};MV.prototype.connError=function(g,h){return this.$val.connError(g,h);};MV.ptr.prototype.checkFrameOrder=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.lastFrame;h.lastFrame=g;if(h.AllowIllegalReads){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}j=g.Header();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$clone(j,MQ);if(!((h.lastHeaderStream===0))){$s=2;continue;}if(k.Type===9){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:if(!((k.Type===9))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:l=new MJ(k.Type);m=new $Uint32(k.StreamID);n=i.Header();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=new MJ(n.Type);p=new $Uint32(h.lastHeaderStream);q=H.Sprintf("got %s for stream %d; expected CONTINUATION following %s for stream %d",new ZB([l,m,o,p]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=h.connError(1,r);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=10;case 10:return t;case 6:if(!((k.StreamID===h.lastHeaderStream))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:u=H.Sprintf("got CONTINUATION for stream %d; expected stream %d",new ZB([new $Uint32(k.StreamID),new $Uint32(h.lastHeaderStream)]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=h.connError(1,v);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=15;case 15:return x;case 12:$s=4;continue;case 3:y=H.Sprintf("unexpected CONTINUATION for stream %d",new ZB([new $Uint32(k.StreamID)]));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;aa=h.connError(1,z);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=aa;$s=18;case 18:return ab;case 4:ac=k.Type;if((ac===(1))||(ac===(9))){if(new ML(k.Flags).Has(4)){h.lastHeaderStream=0;}else{h.lastHeaderStream=k.StreamID;}}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.checkFrameOrder,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.checkFrameOrder=function(g){return this.$val.checkFrameOrder(g);};NA.ptr.prototype.StreamEnded=function(){var g;g=this;return new ML(g.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(1);};NA.prototype.StreamEnded=function(){return this.$val.StreamEnded();};NA.ptr.prototype.Data=function(){var g;g=this;g.http2FrameHeader.checkValid();return g.data;};NA.prototype.Data=function(){return this.$val.Data();};NB=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(h.StreamID===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i("frame_data_stream_0");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,(k=new MA.ptr(1,"DATA frame with stream ID 0"),new k.constructor.elem(k))];case 2:l=g.getDataFrame();MQ.copy(l.http2FrameHeader,h);m=0;if(new ML(h.Flags).Has(8)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:n=$ifaceNil;o=OF(j);j=o[0];m=o[1];n=o[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=i("frame_data_pad_byte_short");$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,n];case 7:case 5:if(((m>>0))>j.$length){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=i("frame_data_pad_too_big");$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,(p=new MA.ptr(1,"pad size larger than data payload"),new p.constructor.elem(p))];case 10:l.data=$subslice(j,0,(j.$length-((m>>0))>>0));$s=-1;return[l,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NB,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};NG=function(g){var g;return((g&2147483648)>>>0)===0;};NH=function(g){var g;return!((g===0))&&(((g&2147483648)>>>0)===0);};MV.ptr.prototype.WriteData=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=j.WriteDataPadded(g,h,i,ZL.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WriteData,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WriteData=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.WriteData(g,h,i);};MV.ptr.prototype.WriteDataPadded=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;if(!NH(g)&&!k.AllowIllegalWrites){$s=-1;return NC;}if(j.$length>0){if(j.$length>255){$s=-1;return NE;}if(!k.AllowIllegalWrites){l=j;m=0;while(true){if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);if(!((n===0))){$s=-1;return NF;}m++;}}}o=0;if(h){o=(o|(1))>>>0;}if(!(j===ZL.nil)){o=(o|(8))>>>0;}k.startWrite(0,o,g);if(!(j===ZL.nil)){k.wbuf=$append(k.wbuf,((j.$length<<24>>>24)));}k.wbuf=$appendSlice(k.wbuf,i);k.wbuf=$appendSlice(k.wbuf,j);p=k.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=2;case 2:return q;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WriteDataPadded,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WriteDataPadded=function(g,h,i,j){return this.$val.WriteDataPadded(g,h,i,j);};NJ=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(new ML(h.Flags).Has(1)&&h.Length>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i("frame_settings_ack_with_length");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(6)];case 2:if(!((h.StreamID===0))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=i("frame_settings_has_stream");$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(1)];case 5:if(!(((k=j.$length%6,k===k?k:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=i("frame_settings_mod_6");$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(6)];case 8:l=new NI.ptr($clone(h,MQ),j);m=l.Value(4);n=m[0];o=m[1];if(o&&n>2147483647){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$r=i("frame_settings_window_size_too_big");$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(3)];case 11:$s=-1;return[l,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NJ,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};NI.ptr.prototype.IsAck=function(){var g;g=this;return new ML(g.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(1);};NI.prototype.IsAck=function(){return this.$val.IsAck();};NI.ptr.prototype.Value=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;h=0;i=false;j=this;j.http2FrameHeader.checkValid();k=0;while(true){if(!(k>0;}o=0;p=false;h=o;i=p;return[h,i];};NI.prototype.Value=function(g){return this.$val.Value(g);};NI.ptr.prototype.Setting=function(g){var g,h,i;h=this;i=h.p;return new PL.ptr((($clone(AA.BigEndian,AA.bigEndian).Uint16($subslice(i,($imul(g,6)),(($imul(g,6))+2>>0)))<<16>>>16)),$clone(AA.BigEndian,AA.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(i,(($imul(g,6))+2>>0),(($imul(g,6))+6>>0))));};NI.prototype.Setting=function(g){return this.$val.Setting(g);};NI.ptr.prototype.NumSettings=function(){var g,h;g=this;return(h=g.p.$length/6,(h===h&&h!==1/0&&h!==-1/0)?h>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));};NI.prototype.NumSettings=function(){return this.$val.NumSettings();};NI.ptr.prototype.HasDuplicates=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;g=this;h=g.NumSettings();if(h===0){return false;}if(h<10){i=0;while(true){if(!(i>0;while(true){if(!(k>0;}i=i+(1)>>0;}return false;}m=$makeMap(PM.keyFor,[]);n=0;while(true){if(!(n>0;}return false;};NI.prototype.HasDuplicates=function(){return this.$val.HasDuplicates();};NI.ptr.prototype.ForeachSetting=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;h.http2FrameHeader.checkValid();i=0;case 1:if(!(i>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:NI.ptr.prototype.ForeachSetting,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};NI.prototype.ForeachSetting=function(g){return this.$val.ForeachSetting(g);};MV.ptr.prototype.WriteSettings=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;h.startWrite(4,0,0);i=g;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]),PL);h.writeUint16(((k.ID<<16>>>16)));h.writeUint32(k.Val);j++;}l=h.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WriteSettings,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WriteSettings=function(g){return this.$val.WriteSettings(g);};MV.ptr.prototype.WriteSettingsAck=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;g.startWrite(4,1,0);h=g.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WriteSettingsAck,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WriteSettingsAck=function(){return this.$val.WriteSettingsAck();};NK.ptr.prototype.IsAck=function(){var g;g=this;return new ML(g.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(1);};NK.prototype.IsAck=function(){return this.$val.IsAck();};NL=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((j.$length===8))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i("frame_ping_length");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(6)];case 2:if(!((h.StreamID===0))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=i("frame_ping_has_stream");$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(1)];case 5:k=new NK.ptr($clone(h,MQ),ADM.zero());$copySlice(new ZL(k.Data),j);$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NL,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MV.ptr.prototype.WritePing=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=0;if(g){j=1;}i.startWrite(6,j,0);i.writeBytes(new ZL(h));k=i.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WritePing,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WritePing=function(g,h){return this.$val.WritePing(g,h);};NM.ptr.prototype.DebugData=function(){var g;g=this;g.http2FrameHeader.checkValid();return g.debugData;};NM.prototype.DebugData=function(){return this.$val.DebugData();};NN=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((h.StreamID===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i("frame_goaway_has_stream");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(1)];case 2:if(j.$length<8){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=i("frame_goaway_short");$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(6)];case 5:$s=-1;return[new NM.ptr($clone(h,MQ),($clone(AA.BigEndian,AA.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(j,0,4))&2147483647)>>>0,(($clone(AA.BigEndian,AA.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(j,4,8))>>>0)),$subslice(j,8)),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NN,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};MV.ptr.prototype.WriteGoAway=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;j.startWrite(7,0,0);j.writeUint32((g&2147483647)>>>0);j.writeUint32(((h>>>0)));j.writeBytes(i);k=j.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WriteGoAway,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WriteGoAway=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.WriteGoAway(g,h,i);};NO.ptr.prototype.Payload=function(){var g;g=this;g.http2FrameHeader.checkValid();return g.p;};NO.prototype.Payload=function(){return this.$val.Payload();};NP=function(g,h,i,j){var g,h,i,j;return[new NO.ptr($clone(h,MQ),j),$ifaceNil];};NR=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((j.$length===4))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i("frame_windowupdate_bad_len");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(6)];case 2:k=($clone(AA.BigEndian,AA.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(j,0,4))&2147483647)>>>0;if(k===0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:if(h.StreamID===0){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=i("frame_windowupdate_zero_inc_conn");$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(1)];case 7:$r=i("frame_windowupdate_zero_inc_stream");$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,(l=LY(h.StreamID,1),new l.constructor.elem(l))];case 5:$s=-1;return[new NQ.ptr($clone(h,MQ),k),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NR,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};MV.ptr.prototype.WriteWindowUpdate=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if((h<1||h>2147483647)&&!i.AllowIllegalWrites){$s=-1;return G.New("illegal window increment value");}i.startWrite(8,0,g);i.writeUint32(h);j=i.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WriteWindowUpdate,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WriteWindowUpdate=function(g,h){return this.$val.WriteWindowUpdate(g,h);};NS.ptr.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment=function(){var g;g=this;g.http2FrameHeader.checkValid();return g.headerFragBuf;};NS.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment=function(){return this.$val.HeaderBlockFragment();};NS.ptr.prototype.HeadersEnded=function(){var g;g=this;return new ML(g.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(4);};NS.prototype.HeadersEnded=function(){return this.$val.HeadersEnded();};NS.ptr.prototype.StreamEnded=function(){var g;g=this;return new ML(g.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(1);};NS.prototype.StreamEnded=function(){return this.$val.StreamEnded();};NS.ptr.prototype.HasPriority=function(){var g;g=this;return new ML(g.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(32);};NS.prototype.HasPriority=function(){return this.$val.HasPriority();};NT=function(g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$ifaceNil;l=$ifaceNil;m=new NS.ptr($clone(h,MQ),new NW.ptr(0,false,0),ZL.nil);if(h.StreamID===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i("frame_headers_zero_stream");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$ifaceNil;o=(p=new MA.ptr(1,"HEADERS frame with stream ID 0"),new p.constructor.elem(p));k=n;l=o;$s=-1;return[k,l];case 2:q=0;if(new ML(h.Flags).Has(8)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:r=OF(j);j=r[0];q=r[1];l=r[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=i("frame_headers_pad_short");$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[k,l];case 7:case 5:if(new ML(h.Flags).Has(32)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:s=0;t=OG(j);j=t[0];s=t[1];l=t[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$r=i("frame_headers_prio_short");$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$ifaceNil;v=l;k=u;l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];case 12:m.Priority.StreamDep=(s&2147483647)>>>0;m.Priority.Exclusive=!((s===m.Priority.StreamDep));w=OF(j);j=w[0];m.Priority.Weight=w[1];l=w[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:$r=i("frame_headers_prio_weight_short");$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=$ifaceNil;y=l;k=x;l=y;$s=-1;return[k,l];case 15:case 10:if((j.$length-((q>>0))>>0)<0){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:$r=i("frame_headers_pad_too_big");$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=$ifaceNil;aa=(ab=LY(h.StreamID,1),new ab.constructor.elem(ab));k=z;l=aa;$s=-1;return[k,l];case 18:m.headerFragBuf=$subslice(j,0,(j.$length-((q>>0))>>0));ac=m;ad=$ifaceNil;k=ac;l=ad;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:NT,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};MV.ptr.prototype.WriteHeaders=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(!NH(g.StreamID)&&!h.AllowIllegalWrites){$s=-1;return NC;}i=0;if(!((g.PadLength===0))){i=(i|(8))>>>0;}if(g.EndStream){i=(i|(1))>>>0;}if(g.EndHeaders){i=(i|(4))>>>0;}if(!$clone(g.Priority,NW).IsZero()){i=(i|(32))>>>0;}h.startWrite(1,i,g.StreamID);if(!((g.PadLength===0))){h.writeByte(g.PadLength);}if(!$clone(g.Priority,NW).IsZero()){j=g.Priority.StreamDep;if(!NG(j)&&!h.AllowIllegalWrites){$s=-1;return ND;}if(g.Priority.Exclusive){j=(j|(2147483648))>>>0;}h.writeUint32(j);h.writeByte(g.Priority.Weight);}h.wbuf=$appendSlice(h.wbuf,g.BlockFragment);h.wbuf=$appendSlice(h.wbuf,$subslice(MI,0,g.PadLength));k=h.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WriteHeaders,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WriteHeaders=function(g){return this.$val.WriteHeaders(g);};NW.ptr.prototype.IsZero=function(){var g;g=this;return $equal(g,new NW.ptr(0,false,0),NW);};NW.prototype.IsZero=function(){return this.$val.IsZero();};NX=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(h.StreamID===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i("frame_priority_zero_stream");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,(k=new MA.ptr(1,"PRIORITY frame with stream ID 0"),new k.constructor.elem(k))];case 2:if(!((j.$length===5))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=i("frame_priority_bad_length");$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=H.Sprintf("PRIORITY frame payload size was %d; want 5",new ZB([new $Int(j.$length)]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=[$ifaceNil,(l=new MA.ptr(6,m),new l.constructor.elem(l))];$s=8;case 8:return n;case 5:o=$clone(AA.BigEndian,AA.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(j,0,4));p=(o&2147483647)>>>0;$s=-1;return[new NV.ptr($clone(h,MQ),new NW.ptr(p,!((p===o)),(4>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+4]))),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NX,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};MV.ptr.prototype.WritePriority=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(!NH(g)&&!i.AllowIllegalWrites){$s=-1;return NC;}if(!NG(h.StreamDep)){$s=-1;return ND;}i.startWrite(2,0,g);j=h.StreamDep;if(h.Exclusive){j=(j|(2147483648))>>>0;}i.writeUint32(j);i.writeByte(h.Weight);k=i.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=2;case 2:return l;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WritePriority,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WritePriority=function(g,h){return this.$val.WritePriority(g,h);};NZ=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!((j.$length===4))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i("frame_rststream_bad_len");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(6)];case 2:if(h.StreamID===0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=i("frame_rststream_zero_stream");$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new LV(1)];case 5:$s=-1;return[new NY.ptr($clone(h,MQ),(($clone(AA.BigEndian,AA.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(j,0,4))>>>0))),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:NZ,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};MV.ptr.prototype.WriteRSTStream=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(!NH(g)&&!i.AllowIllegalWrites){$s=-1;return NC;}i.startWrite(3,0,g);i.writeUint32(((h>>>0)));j=i.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WriteRSTStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WriteRSTStream=function(g,h){return this.$val.WriteRSTStream(g,h);};OB=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(h.StreamID===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i("frame_continuation_zero_stream");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,(k=new MA.ptr(1,"CONTINUATION frame with stream ID 0"),new k.constructor.elem(k))];case 2:$s=-1;return[new OA.ptr($clone(h,MQ),j),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:OB,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};OA.ptr.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment=function(){var g;g=this;g.http2FrameHeader.checkValid();return g.headerFragBuf;};OA.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment=function(){return this.$val.HeaderBlockFragment();};OA.ptr.prototype.HeadersEnded=function(){var g;g=this;return new ML(g.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(4);};OA.prototype.HeadersEnded=function(){return this.$val.HeadersEnded();};MV.ptr.prototype.WriteContinuation=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(!NH(g)&&!j.AllowIllegalWrites){$s=-1;return NC;}k=0;if(h){k=(k|(4))>>>0;}j.startWrite(9,k,g);j.wbuf=$appendSlice(j.wbuf,i);l=j.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WriteContinuation,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WriteContinuation=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.WriteContinuation(g,h,i);};OC.ptr.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment=function(){var g;g=this;g.http2FrameHeader.checkValid();return g.headerFragBuf;};OC.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment=function(){return this.$val.HeaderBlockFragment();};OC.ptr.prototype.HeadersEnded=function(){var g;g=this;return new ML(g.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(4);};OC.prototype.HeadersEnded=function(){return this.$val.HeadersEnded();};OD=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=$ifaceNil;l=$ifaceNil;m=new OC.ptr($clone(h,MQ),0,ZL.nil);if(m.http2FrameHeader.StreamID===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i("frame_pushpromise_zero_stream");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$ifaceNil;o=new LV(1);k=n;l=o;$s=-1;return[k,l];case 2:p=0;if(new ML(h.Flags).Has(8)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:q=OF(j);j=q[0];p=q[1];l=q[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=i("frame_pushpromise_pad_short");$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[k,l];case 7:case 5:r=OG(j);j=r[0];m.PromiseID=r[1];l=r[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=i("frame_pushpromise_promiseid_short");$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[k,l];case 10:m.PromiseID=(m.PromiseID&2147483647)>>>0;if(((p>>0))>j.$length){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:$r=i("frame_pushpromise_pad_too_big");$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$ifaceNil;t=new LV(1);k=s;l=t;$s=-1;return[k,l];case 13:m.headerFragBuf=$subslice(j,0,(j.$length-((p>>0))>>0));u=m;v=$ifaceNil;k=u;l=v;$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:OD,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};MV.ptr.prototype.WritePushPromise=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(!NH(g.StreamID)&&!h.AllowIllegalWrites){$s=-1;return NC;}i=0;if(!((g.PadLength===0))){i=(i|(8))>>>0;}if(g.EndHeaders){i=(i|(4))>>>0;}h.startWrite(5,i,g.StreamID);if(!((g.PadLength===0))){h.writeByte(g.PadLength);}if(!NH(g.PromiseID)&&!h.AllowIllegalWrites){$s=-1;return NC;}h.writeUint32(g.PromiseID);h.wbuf=$appendSlice(h.wbuf,g.BlockFragment);h.wbuf=$appendSlice(h.wbuf,$subslice(MI,0,g.PadLength));j=h.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=2;case 2:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WritePushPromise,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WritePushPromise=function(g){return this.$val.WritePushPromise(g);};MV.ptr.prototype.WriteRawFrame=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;k.startWrite(g,h,i);k.writeBytes(j);l=k.endWrite();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.WriteRawFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};MV.prototype.WriteRawFrame=function(g,h,i,j){return this.$val.WriteRawFrame(g,h,i,j);};OF=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;h=ZL.nil;i=0;j=$ifaceNil;if(g.$length===0){k=ZL.nil;l=0;m=J.ErrUnexpectedEOF;h=k;i=l;j=m;return[h,i,j];}n=$subslice(g,1);o=(0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0]);p=$ifaceNil;h=n;i=o;j=p;return[h,i,j];};OG=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;h=ZL.nil;i=0;j=$ifaceNil;if(g.$length<4){k=ZL.nil;l=0;m=J.ErrUnexpectedEOF;h=k;i=l;j=m;return[h,i,j];}n=$subslice(g,4);o=$clone(AA.BigEndian,AA.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(g,0,4));p=$ifaceNil;h=n;i=o;j=p;return[h,i,j];};OK.ptr.prototype.PseudoValue=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k;h=this;i=h.Fields;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]),AO.HeaderField);if(!$clone(k,AO.HeaderField).IsPseudo()){return"";}if($substring(k.Name,1)===g){return k.Value;}j++;}return"";};OK.prototype.PseudoValue=function(g){return this.$val.PseudoValue(g);};OK.ptr.prototype.RegularFields=function(){var g,h,i,j,k;g=this;h=g.Fields;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]),AO.HeaderField);if(!$clone(k,AO.HeaderField).IsPseudo()){return $subslice(g.Fields,j);}i++;}return ADN.nil;};OK.prototype.RegularFields=function(){return this.$val.RegularFields();};OK.ptr.prototype.PseudoFields=function(){var g,h,i,j,k;g=this;h=g.Fields;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]),AO.HeaderField);if(!$clone(k,AO.HeaderField).IsPseudo()){return $subslice(g.Fields,0,j);}i++;}return g.Fields;};OK.prototype.PseudoFields=function(){return this.$val.PseudoFields();};OK.ptr.prototype.checkPseudos=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;g=this;h=false;i=false;j=h;k=i;l=g.PseudoFields();m=l;n=0;while(true){if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]),AO.HeaderField);q=p.Name;if(q===(":method")||q===(":path")||q===(":scheme")||q===(":authority")){j=true;}else if(q===(":status")){k=true;}else{return new MB((p.Name));}r=$subslice(l,0,o);s=0;while(true){if(!(s=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]),AO.HeaderField);if(p.Name===t.Name){return new MC((p.Name));}s++;}n++;}if(j&&k){return MF;}return $ifaceNil;};OK.prototype.checkPseudos=function(){return this.$val.checkPseudos();};MV.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderStringLen=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=g.maxHeaderListSize();if(((((h>>0))>>>0))===h){return((h>>0));}return 0;};MV.prototype.maxHeaderStringLen=function(){return this.$val.maxHeaderStringLen();};MV.ptr.prototype.readMetaFrame=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=[l];m=[m];h[0]=this;if(h[0].AllowIllegalReads){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=[ADO.nil,G.New("illegal use of AllowIllegalReads with ReadMetaHeaders")];$s=3;case 3:return n;case 2:k[0]=new OK.ptr(g,ADN.nil,false);l[0]=h[0].maxHeaderListSize();m[0]=false;j[0]=$ifaceNil;i[0]=h[0].ReadMetaHeaders;i[0].SetEmitEnabled(true);i[0].SetMaxStringLength(h[0].maxHeaderStringLen());i[0].SetEmitFunc((function(h,i,j,k,l,m){return function $b(o){var{o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{o});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(PD&&h[0].logReads){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=h[0].debugReadLoggerf("http2: decoded hpack field %+v",new ZB([new o.constructor.elem(o)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(!U.ValidHeaderFieldValue(o.Value)){j[0]=new ME((o.Value));}p=Q.HasPrefix(o.Name,":");if(p){if(m[0]){j[0]=MG;}}else{m[0]=true;if(!PO(o.Name)){j[0]=new MD((o.Name));}}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j[0],$ifaceNil))){i[0].SetEmitEnabled(false);$s=-1;return;}q=$clone(o,AO.HeaderField).Size();if(q>l[0]){i[0].SetEmitEnabled(false);k[0].Truncated=true;$s=-1;return;}l[0]=l[0]-(q)>>>0;k[0].Fields=$append(k[0].Fields,o);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};})(h,i,j,k,l,m));$deferred.push([$methodVal(i[0],"SetEmitFunc"),[(function(h,i,j,k,l,m){return function(o){var o;};})(h,i,j,k,l,m)]]);o=g;case 4:p=o.HeaderBlockFragment();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;s=i[0].Write(q);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:u=[ADO.nil,new LV(9)];$s=10;case 10:return u;case 9:v=o.HeadersEnded();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(v){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$s=5;continue;case 12:x=h[0].ReadFrame();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;y=w[0];z=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(z,$ifaceNil))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:aa=[ADO.nil,z];$s=18;case 18:return aa;case 16:o=$assertType(y,ADP);case 17:$s=4;continue;case 5:k[0].http2HeadersFrame.headerFragBuf=ZL.nil;k[0].http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.invalidate();ab=i[0].Close();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:ac=[ADO.nil,new LV(9)];$s=21;case 21:return ac;case 20:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j[0],$ifaceNil))){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:h[0].errDetail=j[0];if(PD){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:$r=K.Printf("http2: invalid header: %v",new ZB([j[0]]));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 25:ae=[ADO.nil,(ad=new LW.ptr(k[0].http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,1,j[0]),new ad.constructor.elem(ad))];$s=27;case 27:return ae;case 23:af=k[0].checkPseudos();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil))){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:h[0].errDetail=af;if(PD){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:$r=K.Printf("http2: invalid pseudo headers: %v",new ZB([af]));$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 31:ah=[ADO.nil,(ag=new LW.ptr(k[0].http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,1,af),new ag.constructor.elem(ag))];$s=33;case 33:return ah;case 29:ai=[k[0],$ifaceNil];$s=34;case 34:return ai;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[ADO.nil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:MV.ptr.prototype.readMetaFrame,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};MV.prototype.readMetaFrame=function(g){return this.$val.readMetaFrame(g);};OL=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=[i];h[0]=new W.Buffer.ptr(ZL.nil,0,0);j=g.Header();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(j,MQ).writeDebug(h[0]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=g;if($assertType(k,ADQ,true)[1]){$s=3;continue;}if($assertType(k,ADR,true)[1]){$s=4;continue;}if($assertType(k,ADS,true)[1]){$s=5;continue;}if($assertType(k,ADT,true)[1]){$s=6;continue;}if($assertType(k,ADU,true)[1]){$s=7;continue;}if($assertType(k,ADV,true)[1]){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 3:l=k.$val;i[0]=0;r=l.ForeachSetting((function(h,i){return function $b(r){var{r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{r});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i[0]=i[0]+(1)>>0;if(i[0]===1){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:s=h[0].WriteString(", settings:");$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;case 2:t=H.Fprintf(h[0]," %v=%v,",new ZB([new PM(r.ID),new $Uint32(r.Val)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};})(h,i));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r;if(i[0]>0){h[0].Truncate(h[0].Len()-1>>0);}$s=9;continue;case 4:m=k.$val;s=m.Data();if(s.$length>256){s=$subslice(s,0,256);}t=H.Fprintf(h[0]," data=%q",new ZB([s]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;if(m.Data().$length>256){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:u=H.Fprintf(h[0]," (%d bytes omitted)",new ZB([new $Int((m.Data().$length-256>>0))]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u;case 13:$s=9;continue;case 5:n=k.$val;if(n.http2FrameHeader.StreamID===0){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:v=h[0].WriteString(" (conn)");$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;case 16:w=H.Fprintf(h[0]," incr=%v",new ZB([new $Uint32(n.Increment)]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w;$s=9;continue;case 6:o=k.$val;x=H.Fprintf(h[0]," ping=%q",new ZB([new ZL(o.Data)]));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;$s=9;continue;case 7:p=k.$val;y=H.Fprintf(h[0]," LastStreamID=%v ErrCode=%v Debug=%q",new ZB([new $Uint32(p.LastStreamID),new LT(p.ErrCode),p.debugData]));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;$s=9;continue;case 8:q=k.$val;z=H.Fprintf(h[0]," ErrCode=%v",new ZB([new LT(q.ErrCode)]));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;case 9:$s=-1;return h[0].String();}return;}var $f={$blk:OL,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};OM=function(g){var g;return!(g===AAH.nil)&&!(g.WroteHeaderField===$throwNilPointerError);};ON=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(g===AAH.nil)&&!(g.WroteHeaderField===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.WroteHeaderField(h,new ZK([i]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:ON,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};OO=function(g){var g;if(!(g===AAH.nil)){return g.Got1xxResponse;}return $throwNilPointerError;};SD.ptr.prototype.dialTLSWithContext=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=new F.Dialer.ptr(ADW.nil,j);n=l.DialContext(g,h,i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AAX.nil,p];}q=$assertType(o,AAX);$s=-1;return[q,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.dialTLSWithContext,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.dialTLSWithContext=function(g,h,i,j){return this.$val.dialTLSWithContext(g,h,i,j);};OR=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!OP){$s=-1;return new OQ(0,0);}h=OT();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=((g=h,new OQ(g.$high,g.$low)));$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:OR,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};OQ.prototype.check=function(){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!OP){$s=-1;return;}i=OT();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((h=i,j=(new $Uint64(g.$high,g.$low)),(h.$high===j.$high&&h.$low===j.$low)))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("running on the wrong goroutine"));case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:OQ.prototype.check,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(OQ).prototype.check=function(){return this.$get().check();};OQ.prototype.checkNotOn=function(){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!OP){$s=-1;return;}i=OT();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((h=i,j=(new $Uint64(g.$high,g.$low)),(h.$high===j.$high&&h.$low===j.$low))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$panic(new $String("running on the wrong goroutine"));case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:OQ.prototype.checkNotOn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(OQ).prototype.checkNotOn=function(){return this.$get().checkNotOn();};OT=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=OU.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(g,ZN);$deferred.push([$methodVal(OU,"Put"),[h]]);i=h.$get();i=$subslice(i,0,AD.Stack(i,false));i=W.TrimPrefix(i,OS);j=W.IndexByte(i,32);if(j<0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=H.Sprintf("No space found in %q",new ZB([i]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(k));case 3:i=$subslice(i,0,j);l=OV(i,10,64);m=l[0];n=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:o=H.Sprintf("Failed to parse goroutine ID out of %q: %v",new ZB([i,n]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(o));case 6:p=m;$s=8;case 8:return p;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return new $Uint64(0,0);}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:OT,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};OV=function(g,h,i){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s;$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=$ifaceNil;l=new $Uint64(0,0);m=new $Uint64(0,0);n=l;o=m;if(i===0){i=32;}p=g;if(g.$length<1){$s=2;continue;}if(2<=h&&h<=36){$s=3;continue;}if((h===0)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 2:k=Z.ErrSyntax;$s=7;continue;$s=6;continue;case 3:$s=6;continue;case 4:if(((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===48)&&g.$length>1&&(((1>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+1])===120)||((1>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+1])===88))){$s=9;continue;}if(((0>=g.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+0])===48)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 9:h=16;g=$subslice(g,2);if(g.$length<1){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:k=Z.ErrSyntax;$s=7;continue;case 14:$s=12;continue;case 10:h=8;$s=12;continue;case 11:h=10;case 12:case 8:$s=6;continue;case 5:k=G.New("invalid base "+Z.Itoa(h));$s=7;continue;case 6:case 1:j=new $Uint64(0,0);n=OW(h);o=(q=$shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0,1),((i>>>0))),new $Uint64(q.$high-0,q.$low-1));r=0;case 15:if(!(r=g.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):g.$array[g.$offset+r]);if(48<=t&&t<=57){$s=18;continue;}if(97<=t&&t<=122){$s=19;continue;}if(65<=t&&t<=90){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 18:s=t-48<<24>>>24;$s=22;continue;case 19:s=(t-97<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24;$s=22;continue;case 20:s=(t-65<<24>>>24)+10<<24>>>24;$s=22;continue;case 21:j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=Z.ErrSyntax;$s=7;continue;case 22:case 17:if(((s>>0))>=h){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:j=new $Uint64(0,0);k=Z.ErrSyntax;$s=7;continue;case 24:if((j.$high>n.$high||(j.$high===n.$high&&j.$low>=n.$low))){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:j=new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295);k=Z.ErrRange;$s=7;continue;case 26:j=$mul64(j,((new $Uint64(0,h))));v=(u=(new $Uint64(0,s)),new $Uint64(j.$high+u.$high,j.$low+u.$low));if((v.$higho.$high||(v.$high===o.$high&&v.$low>o.$low))){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:j=new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295);k=Z.ErrRange;$s=7;continue;case 28:j=v;r=r+(1)>>0;$s=15;continue;case 16:w=j;x=$ifaceNil;j=w;k=x;$s=-1;return[j,k];case 7:y=j;z=new Z.NumError.ptr("ParseUint",($bytesToString(p)),k);j=y;k=z;$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}};OW=function(g){var g,h;if(g<2){return new $Uint64(0,0);}return(h=$div64(new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),(new $Uint64(0,g)),false),new $Uint64(h.$high+0,h.$low+1));};PA=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=OX.Do(PB);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:PA,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};PB=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=new ZK(["accept","accept-charset","accept-encoding","accept-language","accept-ranges","age","access-control-allow-origin","allow","authorization","cache-control","content-disposition","content-encoding","content-language","content-length","content-location","content-range","content-type","cookie","date","etag","expect","expires","from","host","if-match","if-modified-since","if-none-match","if-unmodified-since","last-modified","link","location","max-forwards","proxy-authenticate","proxy-authorization","range","referer","refresh","retry-after","server","set-cookie","strict-transport-security","trailer","transfer-encoding","user-agent","vary","via","www-authenticate"]);OY=(h=g.$length,((h<0||h>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));OZ=(i=g.$length,((i<0||i>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));j=g;k=0;case 1:if(!(k=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k]);m=KX(l);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=n;(OY||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:l};p=l;(OZ||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(p)]={k:p,v:n};k++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:PB,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};PC=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h="";i=false;$r=PA();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=(k=OY[$String.keyFor(g)],k!==undefined?[k.v,true]:["",false]);l=j[0];m=j[1];if(m){n=l;o=true;h=n;i=o;$s=-1;return[h,i];}q=LD(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;h=p[0];i=p[1];r=[h,i];$s=3;case 3:return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:PC,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};PH=function(){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=AN.Getenv("GODEBUG");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;if(Q.Contains(h,"http2debug=1")){PD=true;}if(Q.Contains(h,"http2debug=2")){PD=true;PE=true;PF=true;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:PH,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};PJ.prototype.String=function(){var g;g=this.$val;return((g<0||g>=PK.length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):PK[g]);};$ptrType(PJ).prototype.String=function(){return new PJ(this.$get()).String();};PL.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=H.Sprintf("[%v = %d]",new ZB([new PM(g.ID),new $Uint32(g.Val)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:PL.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};PL.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};PL.ptr.prototype.Valid=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=g.ID;if(h===(2)){if(!((g.Val===1))&&!((g.Val===0))){return new LV(1);}}else if(h===(4)){if(g.Val>2147483647){return new LV(3);}}else if(h===(5)){if(g.Val<16384||g.Val>16777215){return new LV(1);}}return $ifaceNil;};PL.prototype.Valid=function(){return this.$val.Valid();};PM.prototype.String=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this.$val;h=(i=PN[PM.keyFor(g)],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:["",false]);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(k){$s=-1;return j;}l=H.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_SETTING_%d",new ZB([new $Uint16(((g<<16>>>16)))]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:PM.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(PM).prototype.String=function(){return new PM(this.$get()).String();};PO=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k;if(g.length===0){return false;}h=g;i=0;while(true){if(!(i2147483647){$panic(new $String("out of range"));}return((g>>>0));};PX=function(g){var g;if(g>=100&&g<=199){return false;}else if((g===204)){return false;}else if((g===304)){return false;}return true;};PY.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var g;g=this;return g.msg;};PY.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};PY.ptr.prototype.Timeout=function(){var g;g=this;return g.timeout;};PY.prototype.Timeout=function(){return this.$val.Timeout();};PY.ptr.prototype.Temporary=function(){var g;g=this;return true;};PY.prototype.Temporary=function(){return this.$val.Temporary();};QC.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var g;g=this;return g.v.$length;};QC.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};QC.ptr.prototype.Swap=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;i=this;j=(k=i.v,((h<0||h>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+h]));l=(m=i.v,((g<0||g>=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+g]));(n=i.v,((g<0||g>=n.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+g]=j));(o=i.v,((h<0||h>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+h]=l));};QC.prototype.Swap=function(g,h){return this.$val.Swap(g,h);};QC.ptr.prototype.Less=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;i=this;return(j=i.v,((g<0||g>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+g]))<(k=i.v,((h<0||h>=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+h]));};QC.prototype.Less=function(g,h){return this.$val.Less(g,h);};QC.ptr.prototype.Keys=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=$subslice(h.v,0,0);j=g;k=0;l=$keys(j);while(true){if(!(k0&&(g.charCodeAt(0)===47))||g==="*";};QF.ptr.prototype.setBuffer=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h.err,$ifaceNil))||!($interfaceIsEqual(h.breakErr,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:h.b=g;$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QF.ptr.prototype.setBuffer,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QF.prototype.setBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.setBuffer(g);};QF.ptr.prototype.Len=function(){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if($interfaceIsEqual(g.b,$ifaceNil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=g.unread;$s=4;case 4:return h;case 3:i=g.b.Len();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=6;case 6:return j;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return 0;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QF.ptr.prototype.Len,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QF.prototype.Len=function(){return this.$val.Len();};QF.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;$r=j.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(j.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if($interfaceIsEqual(j.c.L,$ifaceNil)){j.c.L=j.mu;}case 2:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.breakErr,$ifaceNil))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:k=0;l=j.breakErr;h=k;i=l;m=[h,i];$s=6;case 6:return m;case 5:if(!(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.b,$ifaceNil)))){n=false;$s=9;continue s;}o=j.b.Len();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o>0;case 9:if(n){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:q=j.b.Read(g);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;h=p[0];i=p[1];r=[h,i];$s=12;case 12:return r;case 8:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:if(!(j.readFn===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:$r=j.readFn();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.readFn=$throwNilPointerError;case 16:j.b=$ifaceNil;s=0;t=j.err;h=s;i=t;u=[h,i];$s=18;case 18:return u;case 14:$r=j.c.Wait();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[h,i];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QF.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QF.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};QF.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;$r=j.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(j.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if($interfaceIsEqual(j.c.L,$ifaceNil)){j.c.L=j.mu;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(j.c,"Signal"),[]]);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=0;l=QH;h=k;i=l;m=[h,i];$s=4;case 4:return m;case 3:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.breakErr,$ifaceNil))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:j.unread=j.unread+(g.$length)>>0;n=g.$length;o=$ifaceNil;h=n;i=o;p=[h,i];$s=7;case 7:return p;case 6:r=j.b.Write(g);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;h=q[0];i=q[1];s=[h,i];$s=9;case 9:return s;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[h,i];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QF.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QF.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};QF.ptr.prototype.CloseWithError=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.closeWithError((h.$ptr_err||(h.$ptr_err=new ADX(function(){return this.$target.err;},function($v){this.$target.err=$v;},h))),g,$throwNilPointerError);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QF.ptr.prototype.CloseWithError,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};QF.prototype.CloseWithError=function(g){return this.$val.CloseWithError(g);};QF.ptr.prototype.BreakWithError=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.closeWithError((h.$ptr_breakErr||(h.$ptr_breakErr=new ADX(function(){return this.$target.breakErr;},function($v){this.$target.breakErr=$v;},h))),g,$throwNilPointerError);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QF.ptr.prototype.BreakWithError,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};QF.prototype.BreakWithError=function(g){return this.$val.BreakWithError(g);};QF.ptr.prototype.closeWithErrorAndCode=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.closeWithError((i.$ptr_err||(i.$ptr_err=new ADX(function(){return this.$target.err;},function($v){this.$target.err=$v;},i))),g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QF.ptr.prototype.closeWithErrorAndCode,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QF.prototype.closeWithErrorAndCode=function(g,h){return this.$val.closeWithErrorAndCode(g,h);};QF.ptr.prototype.closeWithError=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);j=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil)){$panic(new $String("err must be non-nil"));}$r=j.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(j.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if($interfaceIsEqual(j.c.L,$ifaceNil)){j.c.L=j.mu;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(j.c,"Signal"),[]]);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.$get(),$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$s=4;case 4:return;case 3:j.readFn=i;if(g===(j.$ptr_breakErr||(j.$ptr_breakErr=new ADX(function(){return this.$target.breakErr;},function($v){this.$target.breakErr=$v;},j)))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.b,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:k=j.b.Len();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.unread=j.unread+(k)>>0;case 8:j.b=$ifaceNil;case 6:g.$set(h);j.closeDoneLocked();$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QF.ptr.prototype.closeWithError,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QF.prototype.closeWithError=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.closeWithError(g,h,i);};QF.ptr.prototype.closeDoneLocked=function(){var g,h;g=this;if(g.donec===$chanNil){return;}h=$select([[g.donec],[]]);if(h[0]===0){}else if(h[0]===1){$close(g.donec);}};QF.prototype.closeDoneLocked=function(){return this.$val.closeDoneLocked();};QF.ptr.prototype.Err=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.breakErr,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=g.breakErr;$s=4;case 4:return h;case 3:i=g.err;$s=5;case 5:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QF.ptr.prototype.Err,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QF.prototype.Err=function(){return this.$val.Err();};QF.ptr.prototype.Done=function(){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(g.donec===$chanNil){g.donec=new $Chan(AAQ,0);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.err,$ifaceNil))||!($interfaceIsEqual(g.breakErr,$ifaceNil))){g.closeDoneLocked();}}h=g.donec;$s=2;case 2:return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $chanNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QF.ptr.prototype.Done,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QF.prototype.Done=function(){return this.$val.Done();};QR.ptr.prototype.initialConnRecvWindowSize=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.MaxUploadBufferPerConnection>65535){return g.MaxUploadBufferPerConnection;}return 1048576;};QR.prototype.initialConnRecvWindowSize=function(){return this.$val.initialConnRecvWindowSize();};QR.ptr.prototype.initialStreamRecvWindowSize=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.MaxUploadBufferPerStream>0){return g.MaxUploadBufferPerStream;}return 1048576;};QR.prototype.initialStreamRecvWindowSize=function(){return this.$val.initialStreamRecvWindowSize();};QR.ptr.prototype.maxReadFrameSize=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=g.MaxReadFrameSize;if(h>=16384&&h<=16777215){return h;}return 1048576;};QR.prototype.maxReadFrameSize=function(){return this.$val.maxReadFrameSize();};QR.ptr.prototype.maxConcurrentStreams=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=g.MaxConcurrentStreams;if(h>0){return h;}return 250;};QR.prototype.maxConcurrentStreams=function(){return this.$val.maxConcurrentStreams();};QR.ptr.prototype.maxQueuedControlFrames=function(){var g;g=this;return 10000;};QR.prototype.maxQueuedControlFrames=function(){return this.$val.maxQueuedControlFrames();};QS.ptr.prototype.registerConn=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h===ACR.nil){$s=-1;return;}$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g;(h.activeConns||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ZZ.keyFor(i)]={k:i,v:new AAQ.ptr()};$r=h.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QS.ptr.prototype.registerConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QS.prototype.registerConn=function(g){return this.$val.registerConn(g);};QS.ptr.prototype.unregisterConn=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h===ACR.nil){$s=-1;return;}$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}delete h.activeConns[ZZ.keyFor(g)];$r=h.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QS.ptr.prototype.unregisterConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};QS.prototype.unregisterConn=function(g){return this.$val.unregisterConn(g);};QS.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdown=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(g===ACR.nil){$s=-1;return;}$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.activeConns;i=0;j=$keys(h);case 2:if(!(i=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);s=r;if((s===(49199))||(s===(49195))){o=true;}q++;}if(!o){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:t=H.Errorf("http2: TLSConfig.CipherSuites is missing an HTTP/2-required AES_128_GCM_SHA256 cipher (need at least one of TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 or TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)",new ZB([]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=8;case 8:return u;case 6:case 4:g.TLSConfig.PreferServerCipherSuites=true;if(!TS(g.TLSConfig.NextProtos,"h2")){g.TLSConfig.NextProtos=$append(g.TLSConfig.NextProtos,"h2");}if(!TS(g.TLSConfig.NextProtos,"http/1.1")){g.TLSConfig.NextProtos=$append(g.TLSConfig.NextProtos,"http/1.1");}if(g.TLSNextProto===false){g.TLSNextProto=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[]);}v=(function(h){return function $b(v,w,x){var{aa,ab,ac,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{v,w,x});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(QN===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=QN();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:y=$ifaceNil;z=$assertType(x,ADZ,true);aa=z[0];ab=z[1];if(ab){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:ac=aa.BaseContext();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=ac;case 5:$r=h[0].ServeConn(w,new QU.ptr(y,v,x));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(h);w="h2";(g.TLSNextProto||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(w)]={k:w,v:v};$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QT,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,$s};return $f;};QU.ptr.prototype.context=function(){var g;g=this;if(!(g===AEA.nil)&&!($interfaceIsEqual(g.Context,$ifaceNil))){return g.Context;}return A.Background();};QU.prototype.context=function(){return this.$val.context();};QU.ptr.prototype.baseConfig=function(){var g;g=this;if(!(g===AEA.nil)&&!(g.BaseConfig===ABW.nil)){return g.BaseConfig;}return new HR.ptr("",$ifaceNil,ZI.nil,new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(0,0),0,false,$throwNilPointerError,ACO.nil,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,0,0,new R.Once.ptr(0,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),$ifaceNil,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,$chanNil,ACP.nil);};QU.prototype.baseConfig=function(){return this.$val.baseConfig();};QU.ptr.prototype.handler=function(){var g;g=this;if(!(g===AEA.nil)){if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.Handler,$ifaceNil))){return g.Handler;}if(!(g.BaseConfig===ABW.nil)&&!($interfaceIsEqual(g.BaseConfig.Handler,$ifaceNil))){return g.BaseConfig.Handler;}}return $pkg.DefaultServeMux;};QU.prototype.handler=function(){return this.$val.handler();};QR.ptr.prototype.ServeConn=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=this;k=QV(g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];$deferred.push([m,[]]);n=g.RemoteAddr();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.String();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=OR();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=new QW.ptr(i,h.baseConfig(),g,PU(g),h.handler(),l,ADH.nil,new $Chan(AAQ,0),new $Chan(RA,0),new $Chan(UZ,8),new $Chan(RB,1),new $Chan(RO,0),new $Chan($emptyInterface,8),new MH.ptr(ZV.zero(),0,ADG.nil),new MH.ptr(ZV.zero(),0,ADG.nil),AAV.nil,o,$ifaceNil,p,true,false,false,0,0,4294967295,i.maxConcurrentStreams(),0,0,0,0,{},65535,16384,4096,0,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,0,AAP.nil,AAP.nil,new W.Buffer.ptr(ZL.nil,0,0),AEC.nil,new R.Once.ptr(0,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0)));$r=i.state.registerConn(q);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.state,"unregisterConn"),[q]]);if(!((r=q.hs.WriteTimeout,(r.$high===0&&r.$low===0)))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:s=q.conn.SetWriteDeadline(new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;case 7:if(!(i.NewWriteScheduler===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:t=i.NewWriteScheduler();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q.writeSched=t;$s=11;continue;case 10:q.writeSched=VI();case 11:q.flow.add(65535);q.inflow.add(65535);u=AO.NewEncoder(q.headerWriteBuf);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q.hpackEncoder=u;v=MX(q.bw,g);if(!(i.CountError===$throwNilPointerError)){v.countError=i.CountError;}w=AO.NewDecoder(4096,$throwNilPointerError);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v.ReadMetaHeaders=w;v.MaxHeaderListSize=q.maxHeaderListSize();v.SetMaxReadFrameSize(i.maxReadFrameSize());q.framer=v;x=$assertType(g,QA,true);y=x[0];z=x[1];if(z){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:q.tlsState=new F.ConnectionState.ptr(0,false,false,0,"",false,"",AAS.nil,AAT.nil,ZO.nil,ZL.nil,ZL.nil,$throwNilPointerError);aa=y.ConnectionState();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}F.ConnectionState.copy(q.tlsState,aa);if(q.tlsState.Version<771){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:$r=q.rejectConn(12,"TLS version too low");$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=21;case 21:return;case 19:if(q.tlsState.ServerName===""){}if(!i.PermitProhibitedCipherSuites&&LE(q.tlsState.CipherSuite)){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:ab=H.Sprintf("Prohibited TLS 1.2 Cipher Suite: %x",new ZB([new $Uint16(q.tlsState.CipherSuite)]));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$r=q.rejectConn(12,ac);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=26;case 26:return;case 23:case 16:ad=QO;if(!(ad===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:$r=ad(q);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 28:$r=q.serve();$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QR.ptr.prototype.ServeConn,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QR.prototype.ServeConn=function(g,h){return this.$val.ServeConn(g,h);};QV=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$ifaceNil;j=$throwNilPointerError;l=A.WithCancel(h.context());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;i=k[0];j=k[1];m=i;n=$pkg.LocalAddrContextKey;o=g.LocalAddr();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;q=A.WithValue(m,n,p);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=q;r=h.baseConfig();if(!(r===ABW.nil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:s=A.WithValue(i,$pkg.ServerContextKey,r);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=s;case 5:$s=-1;return[i,j];}return;}var $f={$blk:QV,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};QW.ptr.prototype.rejectConn=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.vlogf("http2: server rejecting conn: %v, %s",new ZB([new LT(g),new $String(h)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.framer.WriteGoAway(0,g,(new ZL($stringToBytes(h))));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=i.bw.Flush();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=i.conn.Close();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.rejectConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.rejectConn=function(g,h){return this.$val.rejectConn(g,h);};QW.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderListSize=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=g.hs.MaxHeaderBytes;if(h<=0){h=1048576;}return(((h+320>>0)>>>0));};QW.prototype.maxHeaderListSize=function(){return this.$val.maxHeaderListSize();};QW.ptr.prototype.curOpenStreams=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return g.curClientStreams+g.curPushedStreams>>>0;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.curOpenStreams,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.curOpenStreams=function(){return this.$val.curOpenStreams();};QW.ptr.prototype.Framer=function(){var g;g=this;return g.framer;};QW.prototype.Framer=function(){return this.$val.Framer();};QW.ptr.prototype.CloseConn=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.conn.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.CloseConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.CloseConn=function(){return this.$val.CloseConn();};QW.ptr.prototype.Flush=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.bw.Flush();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.Flush,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.Flush=function(){return this.$val.Flush();};QW.ptr.prototype.HeaderEncoder=function(){var g;g=this;return[g.hpackEncoder,g.headerWriteBuf];};QW.prototype.HeaderEncoder=function(){return this.$val.HeaderEncoder();};QW.ptr.prototype.state=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=(j=h.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:[ZW.nil,false]);k=i[0];l=i[1];if(l){$s=-1;return[k.state,k];}if((m=g%2,m===m?m:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===1){if(g<=h.maxClientStreamID){$s=-1;return[4,ZW.nil];}}else{if(g<=h.maxPushPromiseID){$s=-1;return[4,ZW.nil];}}$s=-1;return[0,ZW.nil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.state,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.state=function(g){return this.$val.state(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.setConnState=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(!(h.hs.ConnState===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=h.hs.ConnState(h.conn,g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.setConnState,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.setConnState=function(g){return this.$val.setConnState(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.vlogf=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(PD){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i.logf(g,h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.vlogf,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.vlogf=function(g,h){return this.$val.vlogf(g,h);};QW.ptr.prototype.logf=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.hs.ErrorLog;if(!(j===ACO.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=j.Printf(g,h);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=K.Printf(g,h);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.logf,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.logf=function(g,h){return this.$val.logf(g,h);};QY=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=P.ValueOf(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if($clone(i,P.Value).Kind()===12){$s=-1;return(($clone(i,P.Value).Uint().$low>>>0));}$s=-1;return 0;}return;}var $f={$blk:QY,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QZ=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return false;}h=g.Error();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(Q.Contains(i,"use of closed network connection")){$s=-1;return true;}if(false){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=$assertType(g,ACM,true);k=j[0];l=j[1];if(l&&k.Op==="read"){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:m=$assertType(k.Err,AED,true);n=m[0];o=m[1];if(o&&n.Syscall==="wsarecv"){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:p=QY(n.Err);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if((q===10054)||(q===10053)){$s=-1;return true;}case 7:case 5:case 3:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:QZ,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};QW.ptr.prototype.condlogf=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return;}if($interfaceIsEqual(g,J.EOF)||$interfaceIsEqual(g,J.ErrUnexpectedEOF)){k=true;$s=4;continue s;}l=QZ(g);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;case 4:if(k||$interfaceIsEqual(g,RH)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=j.vlogf(h,i);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=j.logf(h,i);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.condlogf,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.condlogf=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.condlogf(g,h,i);};QW.ptr.prototype.canonicalHeader=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=PA();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=(j=OZ[$String.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:["",false]);k=i[0];l=i[1];if(l){$s=-1;return k;}m=(n=h.canonHeader[$String.keyFor(g)],n!==undefined?[n.v,true]:["",false]);k=m[0];l=m[1];if(l){$s=-1;return k;}if(h.canonHeader===false){h.canonHeader={};}o=KX(g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=o;if($keys(h.canonHeader).length<32){p=g;(h.canonHeader||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(p)]={k:p,v:k};}$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.canonicalHeader,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.canonicalHeader=function(g){return this.$val.canonicalHeader(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.readFrames=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=new $Chan(AAQ,0);i=$methodVal(new PR(h),"Done");case 1:k=g.framer.ReadFrame();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];o=$select([[g.readFrameCh,new RA.ptr(l,m,i)],[g.doneServing]]);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;if(n[0]===0){}else if(n[0]===1){$s=-1;return;}q=$select([[h],[g.doneServing]]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;if(p[0]===0){}else if(p[0]===1){$s=-1;return;}if(MZ(m)){$s=-1;return;}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.readFrames,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.readFrames=function(){return this.$val.readFrames();};QW.ptr.prototype.writeFrameAsync=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=g.write.writeFrame(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$r=$send(h.wroteFrameCh,$clone(new RB.ptr(ZV.zero(),$clone(g,UZ),j),RB));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.writeFrameAsync,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.writeFrameAsync=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrameAsync(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.closeAllStreamsOnConnClose=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.streams;i=0;j=$keys(h);case 2:if(!(i>>0)))]),ZW.nil,$chanNil));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.unackedSettings=g.unackedSettings+(1)>>0;l=g.srv.initialConnRecvWindowSize()-65535>>0;if(l>0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=g.sendWindowUpdate(ZW.nil,((l>>0)));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:m=g.readPreface();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:o=n;p=g.conn.RemoteAddr();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=n;$r=g.condlogf(o,"http2: server: error reading preface from client %v: %v",new ZB([q,r]));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=15;case 15:return;case 12:$r=g.setConnState(1);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.setConnState(2);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((s=g.srv.IdleTimeout,(s.$high===0&&s.$low===0)))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:t=T.AfterFunc(g.srv.IdleTimeout,$methodVal(g,"onIdleTimer"));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.idleTimer=t;$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.idleTimer,"Stop"),[]]);case 19:$go($methodVal(g,"readFrames"),[]);u=T.AfterFunc(new T.Duration(0,2000000000),$methodVal(g,"onSettingsTimer"));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$deferred.push([$methodVal(v,"Stop"),[]]);w=0;case 22:w=w+(1)>>0;y=$select([[g.wantWriteFrameCh],[g.wroteFrameCh],[g.readFrameCh],[g.bodyReadCh],[g.serveMsgCh]]);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;if(x[0]===0){$s=25;continue;}if(x[0]===1){$s=26;continue;}if(x[0]===2){$s=27;continue;}if(x[0]===3){$s=28;continue;}if(x[0]===4){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 25:z=$clone(x[1][0],UZ);aa=$assertType(z.write,LW,true);ab=$clone(aa[0],LW);ac=aa[1];if(ac){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:$r=g.resetStream($clone(ab,LW));$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=30;continue;case 32:$r=g.writeFrame($clone(z,UZ));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=30;continue;case 26:ad=$clone(x[1][0],RB);$r=g.wroteFrame($clone(ad,RB));$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=30;continue;case 27:ae=$clone(x[1][0],RA);if(g.writingFrameAsync){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:af=$select([[g.wroteFrameCh],[]]);if(af[0]===0){$s=38;continue;}if(af[0]===1){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 38:ag=$clone(af[1][0],RB);$r=g.wroteFrame($clone(ag,RB));$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=40;continue;case 39:case 40:case 37:ah=g.processFrameFromReader($clone(ae,RA));$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!ah){$s=42;continue;}$s=43;continue;case 42:$s=45;case 45:return;case 43:$r=ae.readMore();$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(v===AAP.nil)){v.Stop();v=AAP.nil;}$s=30;continue;case 28:ai=$clone(x[1][0],RO);$r=g.noteBodyRead(ai.st,ai.n);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=30;continue;case 29:aj=x[1][0];ak=aj;if($assertType(ak,AEE,true)[1]){$s=48;continue;}if($assertType(ak,AAB,true)[1]){$s=49;continue;}if($assertType(ak,AEF,true)[1]){$s=50;continue;}$s=51;continue;case 48:al=ak.$val;$r=al(w);$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=52;continue;case 49:am=ak.$val;ap=am;if(ap===(RD)){$s=55;continue;}if(ap===(RE)){$s=56;continue;}if(ap===(RF)){$s=57;continue;}if(ap===(RG)){$s=58;continue;}$s=59;continue;case 55:aq=g.conn.RemoteAddr();$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=aq;$r=g.logf("timeout waiting for SETTINGS frames from %v",new ZB([ar]));$s=62;case 62:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=63;case 63:return;case 56:$r=g.vlogf("connection is idle",new ZB([]));$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.goAway(0);$s=65;case 65:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=60;continue;case 57:as=g.conn.RemoteAddr();$s=66;case 66:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}at=as;$r=g.vlogf("GOAWAY close timer fired; closing conn from %v",new ZB([at]));$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=68;case 68:return;case 58:$r=g.startGracefulShutdownInternal();$s=69;case 69:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=60;continue;case 59:$panic(new $String("unknown timer"));case 60:case 54:$s=52;continue;case 50:an=ak.$val;$r=g.startPush(an);$s=70;case 70:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=52;continue;case 51:ao=ak;au=H.Sprintf("unexpected type %T",new ZB([ao]));$s=71;case 71:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(au));case 52:case 30:if(g.queuedControlFrames>g.srv.maxQueuedControlFrames()){$s=72;continue;}$s=73;continue;case 72:$r=g.vlogf("http2: too many control frames in send queue, closing connection",new ZB([]));$s=74;case 74:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=75;case 75:return;case 73:av=g.inGoAway&&!g.needToSendGoAway&&!g.writingFrame;if(!(g.goAwayCode===0)){aw=false;$s=76;continue s;}ax=g.curOpenStreams();$s=77;case 77:if($c){$c=false;ax=ax.$blk();}if(ax&&ax.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=ax===0;case 76:ay=aw;if(av&&g.shutdownTimer===AAP.nil&&(!((g.goAwayCode===0))||ay)){$s=78;continue;}$s=79;continue;case 78:$r=g.shutDownIn(RL);$s=80;case 80:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 79:$s=22;continue;case 23:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.serve,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QW.prototype.serve=function(){return this.$val.serve();};QW.ptr.prototype.onSettingsTimer=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.sendServeMsg(RD);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.onSettingsTimer,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.onSettingsTimer=function(){return this.$val.onSettingsTimer();};QW.ptr.prototype.onIdleTimer=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.sendServeMsg(RE);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.onIdleTimer,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.onIdleTimer=function(){return this.$val.onIdleTimer();};QW.ptr.prototype.onShutdownTimer=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.sendServeMsg(RF);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.onShutdownTimer,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.onShutdownTimer=function(){return this.$val.onShutdownTimer();};QW.ptr.prototype.sendServeMsg=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.checkNotOn();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$select([[h.serveMsgCh,g],[h.doneServing]]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;if(i[0]===0){}else if(i[0]===1){}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.sendServeMsg,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.sendServeMsg=function(g){return this.$val.sendServeMsg(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.readPreface=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=[g];h=[h];h[0]=this;g[0]=new $Chan($error,1);$go((function(g,h){return function $b(){var{i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=$makeSlice(ZL,24);k=J.ReadFull(h[0].conn,i);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}if(!W.Equal(i,PI)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:$r=$send(g[0],l);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 3:m=H.Errorf("bogus greeting %q",new ZB([i]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$send(g[0],m);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=$send(g[0],$ifaceNil);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),[]);i=T.NewTimer(new T.Duration(2,1410065408));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$deferred.push([$methodVal(j,"Stop"),[]]);l=$select([[j.C],[g[0]]]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;if(k[0]===0){$s=3;continue;}if(k[0]===1){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:m=RH;$s=6;case 6:return m;case 4:n=k[1][0];if($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:if(PD){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:o=h[0].conn.RemoteAddr();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$r=h[0].vlogf("http2: server: client %v said hello",new ZB([p]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:case 8:q=n;$s=13;case 13:return q;case 5:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.readPreface,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QW.prototype.readPreface=function(){return this.$val.readPreface();};QW.ptr.prototype.writeDataFromHandler=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;k=RI.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=$assertType(k,AAC);m=RJ.Get();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$assertType(m,AEG);UM.copy(n,new UM.ptr(g.id,h,i));o=j.writeFrameFromHandler(new UZ.ptr(n,g,l));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}q=false;s=$select([[l],[j.doneServing],[g.cw]]);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;if(r[0]===0){p=r[1][0];q=true;}else if(r[0]===1){$s=-1;return QI;}else if(r[0]===2){t=$select([[l],[]]);if(t[0]===0){p=t[1][0];q=true;}else if(t[0]===1){$s=-1;return QL;}}RI.Put(new AAC(l));if(q){RJ.Put(n);}$s=-1;return p;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.writeDataFromHandler,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.writeDataFromHandler=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.writeDataFromHandler(g,h,i);};QW.ptr.prototype.writeFrameFromHandler=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.checkNotOn();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$select([[h.wantWriteFrameCh,$clone(g,UZ)],[h.doneServing]]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;if(i[0]===0){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}else if(i[0]===1){$s=-1;return QI;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.writeFrameFromHandler,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.writeFrameFromHandler=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrameFromHandler(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=false;if(!(($clone(g,UZ).StreamID()===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=$assertType(g.write,LW,true);k=j[1];m=h.state($clone(g,UZ).StreamID());$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];if((n===4)&&!k){i=true;}case 3:o=g.write;if($assertType(o,AEH,true)[1]){g.stream.wroteHeaders=true;}else if($assertType(o,UU,true)[1]){if(g.stream.wroteHeaders){if(!(g.done===$chanNil)){$panic(new $String("wr.done != nil for write100ContinueHeadersFrame"));}i=true;}}if(!i){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if($clone(g,UZ).isControl()){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:h.queuedControlFrames=h.queuedControlFrames+(1)>>0;if(h.queuedControlFrames<0){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:p=h.conn.Close();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;case 10:case 8:$r=h.writeSched.Push($clone(g,UZ));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:$r=h.scheduleFrameWrite();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.startFrameWrite=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h.writingFrame){$panic(new $String("internal error: can only be writing one frame at a time"));}i=g.stream;if(!(i===ZW.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=i.state;if(j===(2)){$s=5;continue;}if(j===(4)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:k=g.write;if($assertType(k,LW,true)[1]||$assertType(k,UN,true)[1]||$assertType(k,UV,true)[1]){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$s=10;continue;case 9:l=H.Sprintf("internal error: attempt to send frame on a half-closed-local stream: %v",new ZB([new g.constructor.elem(g)]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(l));case 10:$s=7;continue;case 6:m=H.Sprintf("internal error: attempt to send frame on a closed stream: %v",new ZB([new g.constructor.elem(g)]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(m));case 7:case 4:case 3:n=$assertType(g.write,AEI,true);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(p){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:q=$ifaceNil;s=o.allocatePromisedID();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;o.promisedID=r[0];q=r[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:h.writingFrameAsync=false;$r=g.replyToWriter(q);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 17:case 14:h.writingFrame=true;h.needsFrameFlush=true;t=g.write.staysWithinBuffer(h.bw.Available());$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(t){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:h.writingFrameAsync=false;u=g.write.writeFrame(h);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$r=h.wroteFrame(new RB.ptr(ZV.zero(),$clone(g,UZ),v));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=21;continue;case 20:h.writingFrameAsync=true;$go($methodVal(h,"writeFrameAsync"),[$clone(g,UZ)]);case 21:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.startFrameWrite,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.startFrameWrite=function(g){return this.$val.startFrameWrite(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.wroteFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!h.writingFrame){$panic(new $String("internal error: expected to be already writing a frame"));}h.writingFrame=false;h.writingFrameAsync=false;i=$clone(g.wr,UZ);if(UI(i.write)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=i.stream;if(j===ZW.nil){$panic(new $String("internal error: expecting non-nil stream"));}k=j.state;if(k===(1)){$s=6;continue;}if(k===(3)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 6:j.state=2;$r=h.resetStream($clone(LY(j.id,0),LW));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=h.closeStream(j,QK);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:case 5:$s=4;continue;case 3:l=i.write;if($assertType(l,LW,true)[1]){$s=11;continue;}if($assertType(l,UN,true)[1]){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 11:m=$clone(l.$val,LW);o=(p=h.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(m.StreamID)],p!==undefined?[p.v,true]:[ZW.nil,false]);q=o[0];r=o[1];if(r){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:$r=h.closeStream(q,new m.constructor.elem(m));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 15:$s=13;continue;case 12:n=$clone(l.$val,UN);$r=h.closeStream(i.stream,RK);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 13:case 4:$r=i.replyToWriter(g.err);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.scheduleFrameWrite();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.wroteFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.wroteFrame=function(g){return this.$val.wroteFrame(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.scheduleFrameWrite=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g.writingFrame||g.inFrameScheduleLoop){$s=-1;return;}g.inFrameScheduleLoop=true;case 2:if(!(!g.writingFrameAsync)){$s=3;continue;}if(g.needToSendGoAway){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:g.needToSendGoAway=false;$r=g.startFrameWrite(new UZ.ptr(new UL.ptr(g.maxClientStreamID,g.goAwayCode),ZW.nil,$chanNil));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=2;continue;case 5:if(g.needToSendSettingsAck){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:g.needToSendSettingsAck=false;$r=g.startFrameWrite(new UZ.ptr((h=new UP.ptr(),new h.constructor.elem(h)),ZW.nil,$chanNil));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=2;continue;case 8:if(!g.inGoAway||(g.goAwayCode===0)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:j=g.writeSched.Pop();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=$clone(i[0],UZ);l=i[1];if(l){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:if($clone(k,UZ).isControl()){g.queuedControlFrames=g.queuedControlFrames-(1)>>0;}$r=g.startFrameWrite($clone(k,UZ));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=2;continue;case 14:case 11:if(g.needsFrameFlush){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:$r=g.startFrameWrite(new UZ.ptr((m=new UJ.ptr(),new m.constructor.elem(m)),ZW.nil,$chanNil));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.needsFrameFlush=false;$s=2;continue;case 17:$s=3;continue;case 3:g.inFrameScheduleLoop=false;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.scheduleFrameWrite,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.scheduleFrameWrite=function(){return this.$val.scheduleFrameWrite();};QW.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdown=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];g[0]=this;$r=g[0].serveG.checkNotOn();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g[0].shutdownOnce.Do((function(g){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=g[0].sendServeMsg(RG);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(g));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdown,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.startGracefulShutdown=function(){return this.$val.startGracefulShutdown();};QW.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdownInternal=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.goAway(0);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdownInternal,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.startGracefulShutdownInternal=function(){return this.$val.startGracefulShutdownInternal();};QW.ptr.prototype.goAway=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h.inGoAway){if(h.goAwayCode===0){h.goAwayCode=g;}$s=-1;return;}h.inGoAway=true;h.needToSendGoAway=true;h.goAwayCode=g;$r=h.scheduleFrameWrite();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.goAway,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.goAway=function(g){return this.$val.goAway(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.shutDownIn=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=T.AfterFunc(g,$methodVal(h,"onShutdownTimer"));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.shutdownTimer=i;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.shutDownIn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.shutDownIn=function(g){return this.$val.shutDownIn(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.resetStream=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.writeFrame(new UZ.ptr(new g.constructor.elem(g),ZW.nil,$chanNil));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=(j=h.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(g.StreamID)],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:[ZW.nil,false]);k=i[0];l=i[1];if(l){k.resetQueued=true;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.resetStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.resetStream=function(g){return this.$val.resetStream(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.processFrameFromReader=function(g){var{aa,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=g.err;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(i,MY)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=h.goAway(6);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return true;case 6:if($interfaceIsEqual(i,J.EOF)||$interfaceIsEqual(i,J.ErrUnexpectedEOF)){j=true;$s=8;continue s;}k=QZ(i);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;case 8:l=j;if(l){$s=-1;return false;}$s=4;continue;case 3:m=g.f;if(PD){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:n=OL(m);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=new $String(n);$r=h.vlogf("http2: server read frame %v",new ZB([o]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 11:p=h.processFrame(m);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=p;if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return true;}case 4:q=i;if($assertType(q,LW,true)[1]){$s=15;continue;}if($assertType(q,LZ,true)[1]){$s=16;continue;}if($assertType(q,LV,true)[1]){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 15:r=$clone(q.$val,LW);$r=h.resetStream($clone(r,LW));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return true;case 16:s=$clone(q.$val,LZ);$r=h.goAway(3);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return true;case 17:t=q.$val;v=h.conn.RemoteAddr();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=v;x=new LV(t);$r=h.logf("http2: server connection error from %v: %v",new ZB([w,x]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.goAway(((t>>>0)));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return true;case 18:u=q;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.err,$ifaceNil))){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:y=h.conn.RemoteAddr();$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;aa=i;$r=h.vlogf("http2: server closing client connection; error reading frame from client %s: %v",new ZB([z,aa]));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=27;continue;case 26:$r=h.logf("http2: server closing client connection: %v",new ZB([i]));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 27:$s=-1;return false;case 19:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processFrameFromReader,$c:true,$r,aa,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processFrameFromReader=function(g){return this.$val.processFrameFromReader(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.processFrame=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!h.sawFirstSettings){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=$assertType(g,ADQ,true);j=i[1];if(!j){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:k=h.countError("first_settings",new LV(1));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=7;case 7:return l;case 5:h.sawFirstSettings=true;case 3:m=g;if($assertType(m,ADQ,true)[1]){$s=8;continue;}if($assertType(m,ADO,true)[1]){$s=9;continue;}if($assertType(m,ADS,true)[1]){$s=10;continue;}if($assertType(m,ADT,true)[1]){$s=11;continue;}if($assertType(m,ADR,true)[1]){$s=12;continue;}if($assertType(m,ADV,true)[1]){$s=13;continue;}if($assertType(m,AEJ,true)[1]){$s=14;continue;}if($assertType(m,ADU,true)[1]){$s=15;continue;}if($assertType(m,AEK,true)[1]){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 8:n=m.$val;x=h.processSettings(n);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=x;$s=20;case 20:return y;case 9:o=m.$val;z=h.processHeaders(o);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;$s=22;case 22:return aa;case 10:p=m.$val;ab=h.processWindowUpdate(p);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ab;$s=24;case 24:return ac;case 11:q=m.$val;ad=h.processPing(q);$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;$s=26;case 26:return ae;case 12:r=m.$val;af=h.processData(r);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;$s=28;case 28:return ag;case 13:s=m.$val;ah=h.processResetStream(s);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=ah;$s=30;case 30:return ai;case 14:t=m.$val;aj=h.processPriority(t);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;$s=32;case 32:return ak;case 15:u=m.$val;al=h.processGoAway(u);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=al;$s=34;case 34:return am;case 16:v=m.$val;an=h.countError("push_promise",new LV(1));$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=an;$s=36;case 36:return ao;case 17:w=m;aq=w.Header();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ar=(ap=aq,new ap.constructor.elem(ap));$r=h.vlogf("http2: server ignoring frame: %v",new ZB([ar]));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 18:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processFrame,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processFrame=function(g){return this.$val.processFrame(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.processPing=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g.IsAck()){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(!((g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=h.countError("ping_on_stream",new LV(1));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=5;case 5:return j;case 3:if(h.inGoAway&&!((h.goAwayCode===0))){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}$r=h.writeFrame(new UZ.ptr((k=new UO.ptr(g),new k.constructor.elem(k)),ZW.nil,$chanNil));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processPing,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processPing=function(g){return this.$val.processPing(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.processWindowUpdate=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID===0))){$s=3;continue;}if(!h.flow.add(((g.Increment>>0)))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 3:j=h.state(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(k===0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:m=h.countError("stream_idle",new LV(1));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=10;case 10:return n;case 8:if(l===ZW.nil){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(!l.flow.add(((g.Increment>>0)))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:p=h.countError("bad_flow",(o=LY(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,3),new o.constructor.elem(o)));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=14;case 14:return q;case 12:$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return(r=new LZ.ptr(),new r.constructor.elem(r));case 5:case 2:$r=h.scheduleFrameWrite();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processWindowUpdate,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processWindowUpdate=function(g){return this.$val.processWindowUpdate(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.processResetStream=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=h.state(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(k===0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:m=h.countError("reset_idle_stream",new LV(1));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=6;case 6:return n;case 4:if(!(l===ZW.nil)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=l.cancelCtx();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.closeStream(l,(o=LY(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,g.ErrCode),new o.constructor.elem(o)));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processResetStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processResetStream=function(g){return this.$val.processResetStream(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.closeStream=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((g.state===0)||(g.state===4)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=H.Sprintf("invariant; can't close stream in state %v",new ZB([new PJ(g.state)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(j));case 3:g.state=4;if(!(g.writeDeadline===AAP.nil)){g.writeDeadline.Stop();}if(g.isPushed()){i.curPushedStreams=i.curPushedStreams-(1)>>>0;}else{i.curClientStreams=i.curClientStreams-(1)>>>0;}delete i.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(g.id)];if($keys(i.streams).length===0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=i.setConnState(2);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((k=i.srv.IdleTimeout,(k.$high===0&&k.$low===0)))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:l=i.idleTimer.Reset(i.srv.IdleTimeout);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;case 9:m=SC(i.hs);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(m){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$r=i.startGracefulShutdownInternal();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 12:case 6:n=g.body;if(!(n===AEL.nil)){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:o=ZW.nil;p=n.Len();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$r=i.sendWindowUpdate(o,q);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=n.CloseWithError(h);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 16:new PS(g.cw).Close();$r=i.writeSched.CloseStream(g.id);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.closeStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.closeStream=function(g,h){return this.$val.closeStream(g,h);};QW.ptr.prototype.processSettings=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g.IsAck()){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h.unackedSettings=h.unackedSettings-(1)>>0;if(h.unackedSettings<0){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:i=h.countError("ack_mystery",new LV(1));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=7;case 7:return j;case 5:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:if(g.NumSettings()>100||g.HasDuplicates()){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:k=h.countError("settings_big_or_dups",new LV(1));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=11;case 11:return l;case 9:m=g.ForeachSetting($methodVal(h,"processSetting"));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}h.needToSendSettingsAck=true;$r=h.scheduleFrameWrite();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processSettings,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processSettings=function(g){return this.$val.processSettings(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.processSetting=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(g,PL).Valid();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return i;}if(PD){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=h.vlogf("http2: server processing setting %v",new ZB([new g.constructor.elem(g)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:j=g.ID;if(j===(1)){$s=6;continue;}if(j===(2)){$s=7;continue;}if(j===(3)){$s=8;continue;}if(j===(4)){$s=9;continue;}if(j===(5)){$s=10;continue;}if(j===(6)){$s=11;continue;}if(PD){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 6:h.headerTableSize=g.Val;$r=h.hpackEncoder.SetMaxDynamicTableSize(g.Val);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=13;continue;case 7:h.pushEnabled=!((g.Val===0));$s=13;continue;case 8:h.clientMaxStreams=g.Val;$s=13;continue;case 9:k=h.processSettingInitialWindowSize(g.Val);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=16;case 16:return l;case 10:h.maxFrameSize=((g.Val>>0));$s=13;continue;case 11:h.peerMaxHeaderListSize=g.Val;$s=13;continue;case 12:$r=h.vlogf("http2: server ignoring unknown setting %v",new ZB([new g.constructor.elem(g)]));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 13:case 5:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processSetting,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processSetting=function(g){return this.$val.processSetting(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.processSettingInitialWindowSize=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.initialStreamSendWindowSize;h.initialStreamSendWindowSize=((g>>0));j=((g>>0))-i>>0;k=h.streams;l=0;m=$keys(k);case 2:if(!(lh.maxClientStreamID)){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}j=g.Data();l=h.state(i);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];if((i===0)||(m===0)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:o=h.countError("data_on_idle",new LV(1));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=6;case 6:return p;case 4:if(n===ZW.nil||!((m===1))||n.gotTrailerHeader||n.resetQueued){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:if(h.inflow.available()<((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0))){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:r=h.countError("data_flow",(q=LY(i,3),new q.constructor.elem(q)));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=r;$s=12;case 12:return s;case 10:h.inflow.take(((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0)));$r=h.sendWindowUpdate(ZW.nil,((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0)));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(n===ZW.nil)&&n.resetQueued){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}u=h.countError("closed",(t=LY(i,5),new t.constructor.elem(t)));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=15;case 15:return v;case 8:if(n.body===AEL.nil){$panic(new $String("internal error: should have a body in this state"));}if(!((w=n.declBodyBytes,(w.$high===-1&&w.$low===4294967295)))&&(x=(y=n.bodyBytes,z=(new $Int64(0,j.$length)),new $Int64(y.$high+z.$high,y.$low+z.$low)),aa=n.declBodyBytes,(x.$high>aa.$high||(x.$high===aa.$high&&x.$low>aa.$low)))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:ab=H.Errorf("sender tried to send more than declared Content-Length of %d bytes",new ZB([n.declBodyBytes]));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=n.body.CloseWithError(ab);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=h.countError("send_too_much",(ac=LY(i,1),new ac.constructor.elem(ac)));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=ad;$s=21;case 21:return ae;case 17:if(g.http2FrameHeader.Length>0){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:if(n.inflow.available()<((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:ag=h.countError("flow_on_data_length",(af=LY(i,3),new af.constructor.elem(af)));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=ag;$s=27;case 27:return ah;case 25:n.inflow.take(((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0)));if(j.$length>0){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:aj=n.body.Write(j);$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=aj;ak=ai[0];al=ai[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(al,$ifaceNil))){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:$r=h.sendWindowUpdate(ZW.nil,((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0))-ak>>0);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=h.countError("body_write_err",(am=LY(i,5),new am.constructor.elem(am)));$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=an;$s=35;case 35:return ao;case 32:if(!((ak===j.$length))){$panic(new $String("internal error: bad Writer"));}n.bodyBytes=(ap=n.bodyBytes,aq=(new $Int64(0,j.$length)),new $Int64(ap.$high+aq.$high,ap.$low+aq.$low));case 29:ar=((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0))-((j.$length>>0))>>0;if(ar>0){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:$r=h.sendWindowUpdate32(ZW.nil,ar);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.sendWindowUpdate32(n,ar);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 37:case 23:if(g.StreamEnded()){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:$r=n.endStream();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 41:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processData,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processData=function(g){return this.$val.processData(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.processGoAway=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((g.ErrCode===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=h.logf("http2: received GOAWAY %+v, starting graceful shutdown",new ZB([g]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=h.vlogf("http2: received GOAWAY %+v, starting graceful shutdown",new ZB([g]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:$r=h.startGracefulShutdownInternal();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.pushEnabled=false;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processGoAway,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processGoAway=function(g){return this.$val.processGoAway(g);};QX.ptr.prototype.isPushed=function(){var g,h;g=this;return(h=g.id%2,h===h?h:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))===0;};QX.prototype.isPushed=function(){return this.$val.isPushed();};QX.ptr.prototype.endStream=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.sc;$r=h.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((i=g.declBodyBytes,(i.$high===-1&&i.$low===4294967295)))&&!((j=g.declBodyBytes,k=g.bodyBytes,(j.$high===k.$high&&j.$low===k.$low)))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=H.Errorf("request declared a Content-Length of %d but only wrote %d bytes",new ZB([g.declBodyBytes,g.bodyBytes]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.body.CloseWithError(l);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=g.body.closeWithErrorAndCode(J.EOF,$methodVal(g,"copyTrailersToHandlerRequest"));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.body.CloseWithError(J.EOF);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:g.state=3;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QX.ptr.prototype.endStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};QX.prototype.endStream=function(){return this.$val.endStream();};QX.ptr.prototype.copyTrailersToHandlerRequest=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;g=this;h=g.trailer;i=0;j=$keys(h);while(true){if(!(i>>0)>h.advMaxStreams){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:if(h.unackedSettings===0){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:w=h.countError("over_max_streams",(v=LY(i,1),new v.constructor.elem(v)));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=23;case 23:return x;case 21:z=h.countError("over_max_streams_race",(y=LY(i,7),new y.constructor.elem(y)));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=z;$s=25;case 25:return aa;case 19:ab=1;if(g.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()){ab=3;}ac=h.newStream(i,0,ab);$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=ac;if(g.http2HeadersFrame.HasPriority()){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:ae=h.checkPriority(g.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,$clone(g.http2HeadersFrame.Priority,NW));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=ae;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(af,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return af;}$r=h.writeSched.AdjustStream(ad.id,$clone(g.http2HeadersFrame.Priority,NW));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 28:ah=h.newWriterAndRequest(ad,g);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=ah;ai=ag[0];aj=ag[1];ak=ag[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ak,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return ak;}ad.reqTrailer=aj.Trailer;if(!(ad.reqTrailer===false)){ad.trailer={};}ad.body=$assertType(aj.Body,ZY).pipe;ad.declBodyBytes=aj.ContentLength;al=$methodVal(h.handler,"ServeHTTP");if(g.Truncated){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:al=RN;$s=34;continue;case 33:am=SA(aj.Header);$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=am;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))){al=SB(an);}case 34:if(!((ao=h.hs.ReadTimeout,(ao.$high===0&&ao.$low===0)))){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:ap=h.conn.SetReadDeadline(new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;case 37:$go($methodVal(h,"runHandler"),[ai,aj,al]);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processHeaders,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processHeaders=function(g){return this.$val.processHeaders(g);};QX.ptr.prototype.processTrailerHeaders=function(g){var{aa,ab,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.sc;$r=i.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h.gotTrailerHeader){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:j=i.countError("dup_trailers",new LV(1));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=5;case 5:return k;case 3:h.gotTrailerHeader=true;if(!g.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:m=i.countError("trailers_not_ended",(l=LY(h.id,1),new l.constructor.elem(l)));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=9;case 9:return n;case 7:if(g.PseudoFields().$length>0){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:p=i.countError("trailers_pseudo",(o=LY(h.id,1),new o.constructor.elem(o)));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=13;case 13:return q;case 11:if(!(h.trailer===false)){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:r=g.RegularFields();s=0;case 16:if(!(s=r.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+s]),AO.HeaderField);u=i.canonicalHeader(t.Name);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;w=U.ValidTrailerHeader(v);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!w){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:y=i.countError("trailers_bogus",(x=LY(h.id,1),new x.constructor.elem(x)));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=y;$s=23;case 23:return z;case 20:aa=v;(h.trailer||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(aa)]={k:aa,v:$append((ab=h.trailer[$String.keyFor(v)],ab!==undefined?ab.v:ZK.nil),t.Value)};s++;$s=16;continue;case 17:case 15:$r=h.endStream();$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QX.ptr.prototype.processTrailerHeaders,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};QX.prototype.processTrailerHeaders=function(g){return this.$val.processTrailerHeaders(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.checkPriority=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(g===h.StreamDep){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=i.countError("priority",(j=LY(g,1),new j.constructor.elem(j)));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=4;case 4:return l;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.checkPriority,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.checkPriority=function(g,h){return this.$val.checkPriority(g,h);};QW.ptr.prototype.processPriority=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h.inGoAway){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}i=h.checkPriority(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,$clone(g.http2PriorityParam,NW));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return j;}$r=h.writeSched.AdjustStream(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,$clone(g.http2PriorityParam,NW));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.processPriority,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.processPriority=function(g){return this.$val.processPriority(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.newStream=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;$r=j.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g===0){$panic(new $String("internal error: cannot create stream with id 0"));}l=A.WithCancel(j.baseCtx);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[1];o=new QX.ptr(j,g,AEL.nil,$chanNil,m,n,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new MH.ptr(ZV.zero(),0,ADG.nil),new MH.ptr(ZV.zero(),0,ADG.nil),i,false,false,false,AAP.nil,false,false);(o.$ptr_cw||(o.$ptr_cw=new AEM(function(){return this.$target.cw;},function($v){this.$target.cw=$v;},o))).Init();o.flow.conn=j.flow;o.flow.add(j.initialStreamSendWindowSize);o.inflow.conn=j.inflow;o.inflow.add(j.srv.initialStreamRecvWindowSize());if(!((p=j.hs.WriteTimeout,(p.$high===0&&p.$low===0)))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:q=T.AfterFunc(j.hs.WriteTimeout,$methodVal(o,"onWriteTimeout"));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o.writeDeadline=q;case 4:r=g;(j.streams||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(r)]={k:r,v:o};$r=j.writeSched.OpenStream(o.id,new UY.ptr(h));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(o.isPushed()){j.curPushedStreams=j.curPushedStreams+(1)>>>0;}else{j.curClientStreams=j.curClientStreams+(1)>>>0;}s=j.curOpenStreams();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(s===1){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=j.setConnState(1);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:$s=-1;return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.newStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.newStream=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.newStream(g,h,i);};QW.ptr.prototype.newWriterAndRequest=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=new RM.ptr(h.PseudoValue("method"),h.PseudoValue("scheme"),h.PseudoValue("authority"),h.PseudoValue("path"),false);k=j.method==="CONNECT";if(k){$s=2;continue;}if(j.method===""||j.path===""||(!(j.scheme==="https")&&!(j.scheme==="http"))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:if(!(j.path==="")||!(j.scheme==="")||j.authority===""){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:m=i.countError("bad_connect",(l=LY(h.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,1),new l.constructor.elem(l)));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=[AAD.nil,ZX.nil,m];$s=8;case 8:return n;case 6:$s=4;continue;case 3:p=i.countError("bad_path_method",(o=LY(h.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,1),new o.constructor.elem(o)));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=[AAD.nil,ZX.nil,p];$s=10;case 10:return q;case 4:r=!h.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded();if(j.method==="HEAD"&&r){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:t=i.countError("head_body",(s=LY(h.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,1),new s.constructor.elem(s)));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=[AAD.nil,ZX.nil,t];$s=14;case 14:return u;case 12:j.header={};v=h.RegularFields();w=0;case 15:if(!(w=v.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):v.$array[v.$offset+w]),AO.HeaderField);y=i.canonicalHeader(x.Name);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=new KP(j.header).Add(y,x.Value);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w++;$s=15;continue;case 16:if(j.authority===""){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:z=new KP(j.header).Get("Host");$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j.authority=z;case 20:ab=i.newWriterAndRequestNoBody(g,$clone(j,RM));$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=aa[0];ad=aa[1];ae=aa[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ae,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AAD.nil,ZX.nil,ae];}if(r){af=(ag=j.header[$String.keyFor("Content-Length")],ag!==undefined?[ag.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);ah=af[0];ai=af[1];if(ai){aj=Z.ParseUint((0>=ah.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+0]),10,63);ak=aj[0];al=aj[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(al,$ifaceNil)){ad.ContentLength=(new $Int64(ak.$high,ak.$low));}else{ad.ContentLength=new $Int64(0,0);}}else{ad.ContentLength=new $Int64(-1,4294967295);}$assertType(ad.Body,ZY).pipe=new QF.ptr(new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new R.Cond.ptr(new R.noCopy.ptr(),$ifaceNil,new R.notifyList.ptr(0,0,0,0,0),0,0,$chanNil),new LR.ptr(ZO.nil,0,0,0,ad.ContentLength),0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,$chanNil,$throwNilPointerError);}$s=-1;return[ac,ad,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.newWriterAndRequest,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.newWriterAndRequest=function(g,h){return this.$val.newWriterAndRequest(g,h);};QW.ptr.prototype.newWriterAndRequestNoBody=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=AAV.nil;if(h.scheme==="https"){j=i.tlsState;}k=new KP(h.header).Get("Expect");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k==="100-continue";if(l){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=new KP(h.header).Del("Expect");$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:n=(m=h.header[$String.keyFor("Cookie")],m!==undefined?m.v:ZK.nil);if(n.$length>1){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=new KP(h.header).Set("Cookie",Q.Join(n,"; "));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:o=false;p=(q=h.header[$String.keyFor("Trailer")],q!==undefined?q.v:ZK.nil);r=0;case 9:if(!(r=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+r]);t=Q.Split(s,",");u=0;case 11:if(!(u=t.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):t.$array[t.$offset+u]);w=KX(N.TrimString(v));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;x=v;if(x===("Transfer-Encoding")||x===("Trailer")||x===("Content-Length")){}else{if(o===false){o={};}y=v;(o||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(y)]={k:y,v:ZK.nil};}u++;$s=11;continue;case 12:r++;$s=9;continue;case 10:delete h.header[$String.keyFor("Trailer")];z=AAF.nil;aa="";if(h.method==="CONNECT"){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:z=new O.URL.ptr("","",AAJ.nil,h.authority,"","",false,"","","");aa=h.authority;$s=16;continue;case 15:ab=$ifaceNil;ad=O.ParseRequestURI(h.path);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=ad;z=ac[0];ab=ac[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ab,$ifaceNil))){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 18:af=i.countError("bad_path",(ae=LY(g.id,1),new ae.constructor.elem(ae)));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=[AAD.nil,ZX.nil,af];$s=21;case 21:return ag;case 19:aa=h.path;case 16:ah=new RP.ptr(ZV.zero(),g,i,false,false,AEL.nil,l);ai=new JE.ptr(h.method,z,"HTTP/2.0",2,0,h.header,ah,$throwNilPointerError,new $Int64(0,0),ZK.nil,false,h.authority,false,false,AAZ.nil,o,i.remoteAddrStr,aa,j,$chanNil,AAG.nil,$ifaceNil);ai=ai.WithContext(g.ctx);aj=QM.Get();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=$assertType(aj,AEN);al=ak.bw;RR.copy(ak,new RR.ptr(ZW.nil,ZX.nil,ZY.nil,ZZ.nil,AAA.nil,false,false,ZK.nil,0,false,false,false,false,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),$chanNil));ak.conn=i;ak.bw=al;ak.bw.Reset((am=new RS.ptr(ak),new am.constructor.elem(am)));ak.stream=g;ak.req=ai;ak.body=ah;an=new RQ.ptr(ak);$s=-1;return[an,ai,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.newWriterAndRequestNoBody,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.newWriterAndRequestNoBody=function(g,h){return this.$val.newWriterAndRequestNoBody(g,h);};QW.ptr.prototype.runHandler=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=[g];j=[j];k=[k];k[0]=this;j[0]=true;$deferred.push([(function(g,j,k){return function $b(){var{l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=g[0].rws.stream.cancelCtx();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j[0]){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=$recover();n=k[0].writeFrameFromHandler(new UZ.ptr((m=new UN.ptr(g[0].rws.stream.id),new m.constructor.elem(m)),g[0].rws.stream,$chanNil));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))&&!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$pkg.ErrAbortHandler))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:o=$makeSlice(ZL,65536);o=$subslice(o,0,AD.Stack(o,false));p=k[0].conn.RemoteAddr();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=l;s=o;$r=k[0].logf("http2: panic serving %v: %v\n%s",new ZB([q,r,s]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:$s=-1;return;case 3:$r=g[0].handlerDone();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};})(g,j,k),[]]);$r=i(g[0],h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j[0]=false;$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.runHandler,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};QW.prototype.runHandler=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.runHandler(g,h,i);};RN=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=g.WriteHeader(431);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=J.WriteString(g,"

HTTP Error 431

Request Header Field(s) Too Large

");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:RN,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QW.ptr.prototype.writeHeaders=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.serveG.checkNotOn();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$chanNil;if(!(h.h===false)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=RI.Get();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=$assertType(k,AAC);case 3:l=i.writeFrameFromHandler(new UZ.ptr(h,g,j));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}if(!(j===$chanNil)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:o=$select([[j],[i.doneServing],[g.cw]]);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;if(n[0]===0){p=n[1][0];RI.Put(new AAC(j));$s=-1;return p;}else if(n[0]===1){$s=-1;return QI;}else if(n[0]===2){$s=-1;return QL;}case 7:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.writeHeaders,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.writeHeaders=function(g,h){return this.$val.writeHeaders(g,h);};QW.ptr.prototype.write100ContinueHeaders=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;j=h.writeFrameFromHandler(new UZ.ptr((i=new UU.ptr(g.id),new i.constructor.elem(i)),g,$chanNil));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.write100ContinueHeaders,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.write100ContinueHeaders=function(g){return this.$val.write100ContinueHeaders(g);};QW.ptr.prototype.noteBodyReadFromHandler=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;$r=j.serveG.checkNotOn();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h>0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=$select([[j.bodyReadCh,new RO.ptr(g,h)],[j.doneServing]]);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;if(k[0]===0){}else if(k[0]===1){}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.noteBodyReadFromHandler,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.noteBodyReadFromHandler=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.noteBodyReadFromHandler(g,h,i);};QW.ptr.prototype.noteBodyRead=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=i.sendWindowUpdate(ZW.nil,h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((g.state===3))&&!((g.state===4))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=i.sendWindowUpdate(g,h);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.noteBodyRead,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.noteBodyRead=function(g,h){return this.$val.noteBodyRead(g,h);};QW.ptr.prototype.sendWindowUpdate=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(!(h>=2147483647)){$s=3;continue;}$r=i.sendWindowUpdate32(g,2147483647);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=h-(2147483647)>>0;$s=2;continue;case 3:$r=i.sendWindowUpdate32(g,((h>>0)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.sendWindowUpdate,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.sendWindowUpdate=function(g,h){return this.$val.sendWindowUpdate(g,h);};QW.ptr.prototype.sendWindowUpdate32=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.serveG.check();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h===0){$s=-1;return;}if(h<0){$panic(new $String("negative update"));}j=0;if(!(g===ZW.nil)){j=g.id;}$r=i.writeFrame(new UZ.ptr((k=new UV.ptr(j,((h>>>0))),new k.constructor.elem(k)),g,$chanNil));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=false;if(g===ZW.nil){l=i.inflow.add(h);}else{l=g.inflow.add(h);}if(!l){$panic(new $String("internal error; sent too many window updates without decrements?"));}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.sendWindowUpdate32,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.sendWindowUpdate32=function(g,h){return this.$val.sendWindowUpdate32(g,h);};RP.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(!(g.pipe===AEL.nil)&&!g.closed){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.pipe.BreakWithError(QJ);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:g.closed=true;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:RP.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};RP.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};RP.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(j.needsContinue){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j.needsContinue=false;$r=j.conn.write100ContinueHeaders(j.stream);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:if(j.pipe===AEL.nil||j.sawEOF){k=0;l=J.EOF;h=k;i=l;$s=-1;return[h,i];}n=j.pipe.Read(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;h=m[0];i=m[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(i,J.EOF)){j.sawEOF=true;}if(j.conn===ZZ.nil&&PG){$s=-1;return[h,i];}$r=j.conn.noteBodyReadFromHandler(j.stream,h,i);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:RP.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};RP.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};RS.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;l=j.rws.writeChunk(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;h=k[0];i=k[1];m=[h,i];$s=2;case 2:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:RS.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};RS.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};RR.ptr.prototype.hasTrailers=function(){var g;g=this;return g.trailers.$length>0;};RR.prototype.hasTrailers=function(){return this.$val.hasTrailers();};RR.ptr.prototype.hasNonemptyTrailers=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m;g=this;h=g.trailers;i=0;while(true){if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);k=(l=g.handlerHeader[$String.keyFor(j)],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);m=k[1];if(m){return true;}i++;}return false;};RR.prototype.hasNonemptyTrailers=function(){return this.$val.hasNonemptyTrailers();};RR.ptr.prototype.declareTrailer=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=KX(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=i;j=U.ValidTrailerHeader(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!j){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=h.conn.logf("ignoring invalid trailer %q",new ZB([new $String(g)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 3:if(!TS(h.trailers,g)){h.trailers=$append(h.trailers,g);}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:RR.ptr.prototype.declareTrailer,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};RR.prototype.declareTrailer=function(g){return this.$val.declareTrailer(g);};RR.ptr.prototype.writeChunk=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(!j.wroteHeader){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=j.writeHeader(200);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:k=j.req.Method==="HEAD";if(!j.sentHeader){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:j.sentHeader=true;l="";m="";n=l;o=m;p=new KP(j.snapHeader).Get("Content-Length");$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;if(!(o==="")){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=new KP(j.snapHeader).Del("Content-Length");$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=Z.ParseUint(o,10,63);r=q[0];s=q[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil)){j.sentContentLen=(new $Int64(r.$high,r.$low));}else{o="";}case 8:if(o===""&&j.handlerDone&&PX(j.status)&&(g.$length>0||!k)){o=Z.Itoa(g.$length);}t=(u=j.snapHeader[$String.keyFor("Content-Type")],u!==undefined?[u.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);v=t[1];w=new KP(j.snapHeader).Get("Content-Encoding");$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;y=x.length>0;if(!y&&!v&&PX(j.status)&&g.$length>0){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:z=EU(g);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=z;case 12:aa="";ab=(ac=j.snapHeader[$String.keyFor("Date")],ac!==undefined?[ac.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);ad=ab[1];if(!ad){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:ae=T.Now();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af=$clone(ae,T.Time).UTC();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=$clone(af,T.Time).Format("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT");$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ag=ag.$blk();}if(ag&&ag.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ag;case 15:ah=(ai=j.snapHeader[$String.keyFor("Trailer")],ai!==undefined?ai.v:ZK.nil);aj=0;case 19:if(!(aj=ah.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ah.$array[ah.$offset+aj]);$r=RY(ak,$methodVal(j,"declareTrailer"));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj++;$s=19;continue;case 20:al=(am=j.snapHeader[$String.keyFor("Connection")],am!==undefined?[am.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);an=al[1];if(an){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:ao=new KP(j.snapHeader).Get("Connection");$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap=ao;delete j.snapHeader[$String.keyFor("Connection")];if(ap==="close"){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:$r=j.conn.startGracefulShutdown();$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 26:case 23:aq=(j.handlerDone&&!j.hasTrailers()&&(g.$length===0))||k;ar=j.conn.writeHeaders(j.stream,new UR.ptr(j.stream.id,j.status,j.snapHeader,ZK.nil,aq,aa,n,o));$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=ar;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){j.dirty=true;as=0;at=i;h=as;i=at;$s=-1;return[h,i];}if(aq){au=0;av=$ifaceNil;h=au;i=av;$s=-1;return[h,i];}case 5:if(k){aw=g.$length;ax=$ifaceNil;h=aw;i=ax;$s=-1;return[h,i];}if((g.$length===0)&&!j.handlerDone){ay=0;az=$ifaceNil;h=ay;i=az;$s=-1;return[h,i];}if(j.handlerDone){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:$r=j.promoteUndeclaredTrailers();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 30:ba=j.hasNonemptyTrailers();bb=j.handlerDone&&!ba;if(g.$length>0||bb){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:bc=j.conn.writeDataFromHandler(j.stream,g,bb);$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}bd=bc;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(bd,$ifaceNil))){j.dirty=true;be=0;bf=bd;h=be;i=bf;$s=-1;return[h,i];}case 33:if(j.handlerDone&&ba){$s=35;continue;}$s=36;continue;case 35:bg=j.conn.writeHeaders(j.stream,new UR.ptr(j.stream.id,0,j.handlerHeader,j.trailers,true,"","",""));$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;bg=bg.$blk();}if(bg&&bg.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=bg;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){j.dirty=true;}bh=g.$length;bi=i;h=bh;i=bi;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 36:bj=g.$length;bk=$ifaceNil;h=bj;i=bk;$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:RR.ptr.prototype.writeChunk,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};RR.prototype.writeChunk=function(g){return this.$val.writeChunk(g);};RR.ptr.prototype.promoteUndeclaredTrailers=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.handlerHeader;i=0;j=$keys(h);case 1:if(!(i1){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:q=QB.Get();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=$assertType(q,AEO);$r=r.SortStrings(g.trailers);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}QB.Put(r);case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:RR.ptr.prototype.promoteUndeclaredTrailers,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};RR.prototype.promoteUndeclaredTrailers=function(){return this.$val.promoteUndeclaredTrailers();};RQ.ptr.prototype.Flush=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.rws;if(h===AEN.nil){$panic(new $String("Header called after Handler finished"));}if(h.bw.Buffered()>0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=h.bw.Flush();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=h.writeChunk(ZL.nil);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:RQ.ptr.prototype.Flush,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};RQ.prototype.Flush=function(){return this.$val.Flush();};RQ.ptr.prototype.CloseNotify=function(){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];i=this;j=i.rws;if(j===AEN.nil){$panic(new $String("CloseNotify called after Handler finished"));}$r=j.closeNotifierMu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g[0]=j.closeNotifierCh;if(g[0]===$chanNil){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:g[0]=new $Chan($Bool,1);j.closeNotifierCh=g[0];h[0]=j.stream.cw;$go((function(g,h){return function $b(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=new PS(h[0]).Wait();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$send(g[0],true);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};})(g,h),[]);case 3:$r=j.closeNotifierMu.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return g[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:RQ.ptr.prototype.CloseNotify,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};RQ.prototype.CloseNotify=function(){return this.$val.CloseNotify();};RQ.ptr.prototype.Header=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=g.rws;if(h===AEN.nil){$panic(new $String("Header called after Handler finished"));}if(h.handlerHeader===false){h.handlerHeader={};}return h.handlerHeader;};RQ.prototype.Header=function(){return this.$val.Header();};RT=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(g<100||g>999){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:h=H.Sprintf("invalid WriteHeader code %v",new ZB([new $Int(g)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(h));case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:RT,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};RQ.ptr.prototype.WriteHeader=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.rws;if(i===AEN.nil){$panic(new $String("WriteHeader called after Handler finished"));}$r=i.writeHeader(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:RQ.ptr.prototype.WriteHeader,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};RQ.prototype.WriteHeader=function(g){return this.$val.WriteHeader(g);};RR.ptr.prototype.writeHeader=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(!h.wroteHeader){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=RT(g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.wroteHeader=true;h.status=g;if($keys(h.handlerHeader).length>0){h.snapHeader=RU(h.handlerHeader);}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:RR.ptr.prototype.writeHeader,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};RR.prototype.writeHeader=function(g){return this.$val.writeHeader(g);};RU=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;i=(h=$keys(g).length,((h<0||h>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));j=g;k=0;l=$keys(j);while(true){if(!(kv.$high||(u.$high===v.$high&&u.$low>v.$low)))){w=0;x=G.New("http2: handler wrote more than declared Content-Length");j=w;k=x;$s=-1;return[j,k];}if(!(h===ZL.nil)){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:z=m.bw.Write(h);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;j=y[0];k=y[1];aa=[j,k];$s=8;case 8:return aa;case 5:ac=m.bw.WriteString(i);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=ac;j=ab[0];k=ab[1];ad=[j,k];$s=10;case 10:return ad;case 6:$s=-1;return[j,k];}return;}var $f={$blk:RQ.ptr.prototype.write,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};RQ.prototype.write=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.write(g,h,i);};RQ.ptr.prototype.handlerDone=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.rws;i=h.dirty;h.handlerDone=true;$r=g.Flush();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.rws=AEN.nil;if(!i){QM.Put(h);}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:RQ.ptr.prototype.handlerDone,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};RQ.prototype.handlerDone=function(){return this.$val.handlerDone();};RQ.ptr.prototype.Push=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;j=i.rws.stream;k=j.sc;$r=k.serveG.checkNotOn();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(j.isPushed()){$s=-1;return RV;}if(h===AEP.nil){h=new KN.ptr("",false);}if(h.Method===""){h.Method="GET";}if(h.Header===false){h.Header=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[]);}l="http";if(!(i.rws.req.TLS===AAV.nil)){l="https";}n=O.Parse(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return p;}if(o.Scheme===""){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:if(!Q.HasPrefix(g,"/")){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:q=H.Errorf("target must be an absolute URL or an absolute path: %q",new ZB([new $String(g)]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=9;case 9:return r;case 7:o.Scheme=l;o.Host=i.rws.req.Host;$s=5;continue;case 4:if(!(o.Scheme===l)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:s=H.Errorf("cannot push URL with scheme %q from request with scheme %q",new ZB([new $String(o.Scheme),new $String(l)]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=13;case 13:return t;case 11:if(o.Host===""){$s=-1;return G.New("URL must have a host");}case 5:u=h.Header;v=0;w=$keys(u);case 14:if(!(v>>0)>h[0].clientMaxStreams){$s=-1;return[0,RW];}if((h[0].maxPushPromiseID+2>>>0)>=2147483648){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=h[0].startGracefulShutdownInternal();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[0,RW];case 3:h[0].maxPushPromiseID=h[0].maxPushPromiseID+(2)>>>0;i=h[0].maxPushPromiseID;j=h[0].newStream(i,g[0].parent.id,3);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;m=h[0].newWriterAndRequestNoBody(k,new RM.ptr(g[0].method,g[0].url.Scheme,g[0].url.Host,g[0].url.RequestURI(),RU(g[0].header)));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];p=l[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:q=H.Sprintf("newWriterAndRequestNoBody(%+v): %v",new ZB([g[0].url,p]));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(q));case 8:$go($methodVal(h[0],"runHandler"),[n,o,$methodVal(h[0].handler,"ServeHTTP")]);$s=-1;return[i,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};})(g,h);$r=h[0].writeFrame(new UZ.ptr(new UT.ptr(g[0].parent.id,g[0].method,g[0].url,g[0].header,i,0),g[0].parent,g[0].done));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.startPush,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.startPush=function(g){return this.$val.startPush(g);};RY=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=N.TrimString(g);if(g===""){$s=-1;return;}if(!Q.Contains(g,",")){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=h(g);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 2:i=Q.Split(g,",");j=0;case 4:if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);k=N.TrimString(k);if(!(k==="")){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=h(k);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:j++;$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:RY,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};SA=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=RZ;i=0;case 1:if(!(i=h.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+i]);k=(l=g[$String.keyFor(j)],l!==undefined?[l.v,true]:[ZK.nil,false]);m=k[1];if(m){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:n=H.Errorf("request header %q is not valid in HTTP/2",new ZB([new $String(j)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=6;case 6:return o;case 4:i++;$s=1;continue;case 2:q=(p=g[$String.keyFor("Te")],p!==undefined?p.v:ZK.nil);if(q.$length>0&&(q.$length>1||(!((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])==="trailers")&&!((0>=q.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):q.$array[q.$offset+0])==="")))){$s=-1;return G.New("request header \"TE\" may only be \"trailers\" in HTTP/2");}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:SA,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};SB=function(g){var g;return(function $b(h,i){var{h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=h;k=g.Error();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$r=GX(j,l,400);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;});};SC=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=g;i=$assertType(h,AEQ,true);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(k){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=j.doKeepAlives();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=!l;$s=4;case 4:return m;case 2:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:SC,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};QW.ptr.prototype.countError=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(i===ZZ.nil||i.srv===ADY.nil){$s=-1;return h;}j=i.srv.CountError;if(j===$throwNilPointerError){$s=-1;return h;}k="";l=0;m=h;if($assertType(m,LV,true)[1]){n=m.$val;k="conn";l=((n>>>0));}else if($assertType(m,LW,true)[1]){o=$clone(m.$val,LW);k="stream";l=(o.Code);}else{p=m;$s=-1;return h;}r=(q=LU[LT.keyFor(l)],q!==undefined?q.v:"");if(r===""){r=Z.Itoa(((l>>0)));}s=H.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s",new ZB([new $String(k),new $String(r),new $String(g)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=j(s);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:QW.ptr.prototype.countError,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};QW.prototype.countError=function(g,h){return this.$val.countError(g,h);};SD.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderListSize=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.MaxHeaderListSize===0){return 10485760;}if(g.MaxHeaderListSize===4294967295){return 0;}return g.MaxHeaderListSize;};SD.prototype.maxHeaderListSize=function(){return this.$val.maxHeaderListSize();};SD.ptr.prototype.disableCompression=function(){var g;g=this;return g.DisableCompression||(!(g.t1===AAU.nil)&&g.t1.DisableCompression);};SD.prototype.disableCompression=function(){return this.$val.disableCompression();};SD.ptr.prototype.pingTimeout=function(){var g,h;g=this;if((h=g.PingTimeout,(h.$high===0&&h.$low===0))){return new T.Duration(3,2115098112);}return g.PingTimeout;};SD.prototype.pingTimeout=function(){return this.$val.pingTimeout();};SG=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=[i];h[0]=new LH.ptr(AER.nil,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,false,false);i[0]=new SD.ptr($throwNilPointerError,ZI.nil,(j=new LL.ptr(h[0]),new j.constructor.elem(j)),false,false,0,false,new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(0,0),$throwNilPointerError,g,new R.Once.ptr(0,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),$ifaceNil);h[0].t=i[0];k=TX(g,new TY.ptr(i[0]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AER.nil,l];}if(g.TLSClientConfig===ZI.nil){g.TLSClientConfig=new F.Config.ptr($ifaceNil,$throwNilPointerError,ABD.nil,false,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,ABE.nil,ZK.nil,"",0,ABE.nil,false,ABF.nil,false,false,ABG.zero(),$ifaceNil,0,0,ABH.nil,false,0,$ifaceNil,new R.RWMutex.ptr(new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,0,0,0),ABI.nil,ABI.nil);}if(!TS(g.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos,"h2")){g.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos=$appendSlice(new ZK(["h2"]),g.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos);}if(!TS(g.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos,"http/1.1")){g.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos=$append(g.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos,"http/1.1");}m=(function(h,i){return function $b(m,n){var{m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{m,n});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:o=SP("https",m);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;r=h[0].addConnIfNeeded(p,i[0],n);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];t=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$go($methodVal(n,"Close"),[]);$s=-1;return(u=new TT.ptr(t),new u.constructor.elem(u));}else if(!s){$go($methodVal(n,"Close"),[]);}$s=-1;return i[0];}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};})(h,i);n=g.TLSNextProto;if($keys(n).length===0){g.TLSNextProto=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[{k:"h2",v:m}]);}else{o="h2";(n||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(o)]={k:o,v:m};}$s=-1;return[i[0],$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SG,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};SD.ptr.prototype.connPool=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.connPoolOnce.Do($methodVal(g,"initConnPool"));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return g.connPoolOrDef;}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.connPool,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.connPool=function(){return this.$val.connPool();};SD.ptr.prototype.initConnPool=function(){var g;g=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.ConnPool,$ifaceNil))){g.connPoolOrDef=g.ConnPool;}else{g.connPoolOrDef=new LH.ptr(g,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,false,false);}};SD.prototype.initConnPool=function(){return this.$val.initConnPool();};SI.ptr.prototype.get1xxTraceFunc=function(){var g,h;g=this;h=SJ;if(!(h===$throwNilPointerError)){return h;}return OO(g.trace);};SI.prototype.get1xxTraceFunc=function(){return this.$val.get1xxTraceFunc();};SI.ptr.prototype.abortStream=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.cc.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.cc.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);$r=h.abortStreamLocked(g);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SI.ptr.prototype.abortStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SI.prototype.abortStream=function(g){return this.$val.abortStream(g);};SI.ptr.prototype.abortStreamLocked=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];h[0]=this;$r=h[0].abortOnce.Do((function(g,h){return function(){h[0].abortErr=g[0];$close(h[0].abort);};})(g,h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h[0].reqBody,$ifaceNil))&&!h[0].reqBodyClosed){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=h[0].reqBody.Close();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;h[0].reqBodyClosed=true;case 3:if(!(h[0].cc.cond===ABZ.nil)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$r=h[0].cc.cond.Broadcast();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SI.ptr.prototype.abortStreamLocked,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};SI.prototype.abortStreamLocked=function(g){return this.$val.abortStreamLocked(g);};SI.ptr.prototype.abortRequestBodyWrite=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;h=g.cc;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g.reqBody,$ifaceNil))&&!g.reqBodyClosed){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:i=g.reqBody.Close();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;g.reqBodyClosed=true;$r=h.cond.Broadcast();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SI.ptr.prototype.abortRequestBodyWrite,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SI.prototype.abortRequestBodyWrite=function(){return this.$val.abortRequestBodyWrite();};SK.ptr.prototype.Write=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.err.$get(),$ifaceNil))){k=0;l=j.err.$get();h=k;i=l;$s=-1;return[h,i];}case 1:if(!((m=j.timeout,(m.$high===0&&m.$low===0)))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:n=T.Now();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$clone(n,T.Time).Add(j.timeout);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=j.conn.SetWriteDeadline($clone(o,T.Time));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;case 4:r=j.conn.Write($subslice(g,h));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];t=q[1];h=h+(s)>>0;if(!(h0)){u=false;$s=11;continue s;}v=G.Is(t,AN.ErrDeadlineExceeded);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=v;case 11:if(u){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$s=1;continue;case 10:if(!((w=j.timeout,(w.$high===0&&w.$low===0)))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:x=j.conn.SetWriteDeadline(new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x;case 14:j.err.$set(t);y=h;z=t;h=y;i=z;$s=-1;return[h,i];case 2:$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}var $f={$blk:SK.ptr.prototype.Write,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};SK.prototype.Write=function(g){return this.$val.Write(g);};SL.ptr.prototype.IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError=function(){};SL.prototype.IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError=function(){return this.$val.IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError();};SL.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){return"http2: no cached connection was available";};SL.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};SM=function(g){var g,h,i;h=$assertType(g,AES,true);i=h[1];return i;};SD.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.RoundTripOpt(g,new SO.ptr(false));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.RoundTrip=function(g){return this.$val.RoundTrip(g);};SP=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i="";k=B.SplitHostPort(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];n=j[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){m="443";if(g==="http"){m="80";}l=h;}p=AI.ToASCII(l);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=p;q=o[0];r=o[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(r,$ifaceNil)){l=q;}if(Q.HasPrefix(l,"[")&&Q.HasSuffix(l,"]")){i=l+":"+m;$s=-1;return i;}i=B.JoinHostPort(l,m);$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:SP,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};SD.ptr.prototype.RoundTripOpt=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(!(g.URL.Scheme==="https"||(g.URL.Scheme==="http"&&i.AllowHTTP))){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,G.New("http2: unsupported scheme")];}j=SP(g.URL.Scheme,g.URL.Host);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=0;case 2:n=i.connPool();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n.GetClientConn(g,k);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=o;p=m[0];q=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=i.vlogf("http2: Transport failed to get client conn for %s: %v",new ZB([new $String(k),q]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,q];case 7:r=!S.CompareAndSwapUint32((p.$ptr_reused||(p.$ptr_reused=new AET(function(){return this.$target.reused;},function($v){this.$target.reused=$v;},p))),0,1);$r=UA(g,p,r);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=p.RoundTrip(g);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=t;u=s[0];q=s[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))&&l<=6){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:w=ST(g,q);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=w;g=v[0];q=v[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil)){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:if(l===0){l=l+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;}y=(((x=((((l>>>0))-1>>>0)),x<32?(1<>>0));z=AB.Float64();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=y+(y*(0.1*z));ab=T.After($mul64(new T.Duration(0,1000000000),(new T.Duration(0,y))));$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac=g.Context().Done();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad=$select([[ab],[ac]]);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ad;if(aa[0]===0){$s=20;continue;}if(aa[0]===1){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 20:l=l+(1)>>0;$s=2;continue;$s=22;continue;case 21:ae=g.Context().Err();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=ae;case 22:case 15:case 12:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:$r=i.vlogf("RoundTrip failure: %v",new ZB([q]));$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,q];case 25:$s=-1;return[u,$ifaceNil];case 3:$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.RoundTripOpt,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.RoundTripOpt=function(g,h){return this.$val.RoundTripOpt(g,h);};SD.ptr.prototype.CloseIdleConnections=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;i=g.connPool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=$assertType(i,LG,true);j=h[0];k=h[1];if(k){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=j.closeIdleConnections();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.CloseIdleConnections,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.CloseIdleConnections=function(){return this.$val.CloseIdleConnections();};ST=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=[i];if(!SU(h)){$s=-1;return[ZX.nil,h];}if($interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,$ifaceNil)||$interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))){$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}if(!(g.GetBody===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=g.GetBody();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=k;l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[ZX.nil,m];}i[0]=$clone(g,JE);i[0].Body=l;$s=-1;return[i[0],$ifaceNil];case 2:if($interfaceIsEqual(h,SR)){$s=-1;return[g,$ifaceNil];}n=H.Errorf("http2: Transport: cannot retry err [%v] after Request.Body was written; define Request.GetBody to avoid this error",new ZB([h]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=[ZX.nil,n];$s=5;case 5:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:ST,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};SU=function(g){var g,h,i,j;if($interfaceIsEqual(g,SR)||$interfaceIsEqual(g,SS)){return true;}h=$assertType(g,LW,true);i=$clone(h[0],LW);j=h[1];if(j){if((i.Code===1)&&$interfaceIsEqual(i.Cause,LX)){return true;}return i.Code===7;}return false;};SD.ptr.prototype.dialClientConn=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;l=B.SplitHostPort(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;m=k[0];n=k[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[ADC.nil,n];}p=h;q=j.newTLSConfig(m);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;s=j.dialTLS(g)("tcp",p,r);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=s;t=o[0];n=o[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[ADC.nil,n];}u=j.newClientConn(t,i);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;$s=5;case 5:return v;}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.dialClientConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.dialClientConn=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.dialClientConn(g,h,i);};SD.ptr.prototype.newTLSConfig=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=new F.Config.ptr($ifaceNil,$throwNilPointerError,ABD.nil,false,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,ABE.nil,ZK.nil,"",0,ABE.nil,false,ABF.nil,false,false,ABG.zero(),$ifaceNil,0,0,ABH.nil,false,0,$ifaceNil,new R.RWMutex.ptr(new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,0,0,0),ABI.nil,ABI.nil);if(!(h.TLSClientConfig===ZI.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=h.TLSClientConfig.Clone();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}F.Config.copy(i,j);case 2:if(!TS(i.NextProtos,"h2")){i.NextProtos=$appendSlice(new ZK(["h2"]),i.NextProtos);}if(i.ServerName===""){i.ServerName=g;}$s=-1;return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.newTLSConfig,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.newTLSConfig=function(g){return this.$val.newTLSConfig(g);};SD.ptr.prototype.dialTLS=function(g){var g,h;h=this;if(!(h.DialTLS===$throwNilPointerError)){return h.DialTLS;}return(function $b(i,j,k){var{i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{i,j,k});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=h.dialTLSWithContext(g,i,j,k);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[0];o=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,o];}p=n.ConnectionState();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,F.ConnectionState);r=q.NegotiatedProtocol;if(!(r==="h2")){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:s=H.Errorf("http2: unexpected ALPN protocol %q; want %q",new ZB([new $String(r),new $String("h2")]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=[$ifaceNil,s];$s=6;case 6:return t;case 4:if(!q.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,G.New("http2: could not negotiate protocol mutually")];}$s=-1;return[n,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;});};SD.prototype.dialTLS=function(g){return this.$val.dialTLS(g);};SD.ptr.prototype.disableKeepAlives=function(){var g;g=this;return!(g.t1===AAU.nil)&&g.t1.DisableKeepAlives;};SD.prototype.disableKeepAlives=function(){return this.$val.disableKeepAlives();};SD.ptr.prototype.expectContinueTimeout=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.t1===AAU.nil){return new T.Duration(0,0);}return g.t1.ExpectContinueTimeout;};SD.prototype.expectContinueTimeout=function(){return this.$val.expectContinueTimeout();};SD.ptr.prototype.NewClientConn=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.newClientConn(g,h.disableKeepAlives());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.NewClientConn,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.NewClientConn=function(g){return this.$val.NewClientConn(g);};SD.ptr.prototype.newClientConn=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=[i];j=this;k=new SH.ptr(j,g,AAV.nil,0,h,false,new $Chan(AAQ,0),$ifaceNil,new T.Duration(0,0),AAP.nil,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),ABZ.nil,new MH.ptr(ZV.zero(),0,ADG.nil),new MH.ptr(ZV.zero(),0,ADG.nil),false,false,false,false,true,ADU.nil,"",{},0,1,0,{},AAW.nil,new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil),new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil),16384,100,new $Uint64(4294967295,4294967295),65535,new $Chan(AAQ,1),new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),AAA.nil,ADH.nil,$ifaceNil,new W.Buffer.ptr(ZL.nil,0,0),AEC.nil);l=j.idleConnTimeout();if(!((l.$high===0&&l.$low===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k.idleTimeout=l;m=T.AfterFunc(l,$methodVal(k,"onIdleTimeout"));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.idleTimer=m;case 2:if(PD){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:n=k;o=g.RemoteAddr();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$r=j.vlogf("http2: Transport creating client conn %p to %v",new ZB([n,p]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:k.cond=R.NewCond(k.mu);k.flow.add(65535);k.bw=C.NewWriter((q=new SK.ptr(g,j.WriteByteTimeout,(k.$ptr_werr||(k.$ptr_werr=new ADX(function(){return this.$target.werr;},function($v){this.$target.werr=$v;},k)))),new q.constructor.elem(q)));k.br=C.NewReader(g);k.fr=MX(k.bw,k.br);if(!(j.CountError===$throwNilPointerError)){k.fr.countError=j.CountError;}r=AO.NewDecoder(4096,$throwNilPointerError);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.fr.ReadMetaHeaders=r;k.fr.MaxHeaderListSize=j.maxHeaderListSize();s=AO.NewEncoder(k.hbuf);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k.henc=s;if(j.AllowHTTP){k.nextStreamID=3;}t=$assertType(g,QA,true);u=t[0];v=t[1];if(v){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:w=u.ConnectionState();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=$clone(w,F.ConnectionState);k.tlsState=i[0];case 11:x=new AEU([new PL.ptr(2,0),new PL.ptr(4,4194304)]);y=j.maxHeaderListSize();if(!((y===0))){x=$append(x,new PL.ptr(6,y));}z=k.bw.Write(PI);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;aa=k.fr.WriteSettings(x);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa;ab=k.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0,1073741824);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab;k.inflow.add(1073807359);ac=k.bw.Flush();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;ac=ac.$blk();}if(ac&&ac.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ac;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k.werr,$ifaceNil))){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:ad=k.Close();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ad;$s=-1;return[ADC.nil,k.werr];case 18:$go($methodVal(k,"readLoop"),[]);$s=-1;return[k,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.newClientConn,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.newClientConn=function(g,h){return this.$val.newClientConn(g,h);};SH.ptr.prototype.healthCheck=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;h=g.t.pingTimeout();j=A.WithTimeout(A.Background(),h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];$deferred.push([l,[]]);m=g.Ping(k);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:o=g.closeForLostPing();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;p=g.t.connPool();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=p.MarkDead(g);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=8;case 8:return;case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.healthCheck,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SH.prototype.healthCheck=function(){return this.$val.healthCheck();};SH.ptr.prototype.SetDoNotReuse=function(){var{g,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);g.doNotReuse=true;$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.SetDoNotReuse,$c:true,$r,g,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SH.prototype.SetDoNotReuse=function(){return this.$val.SetDoNotReuse();};SH.ptr.prototype.setGoAway=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);i=h.goAway;h.goAway=g;if(h.goAwayDebug===""){h.goAwayDebug=($bytesToString(g.DebugData()));}if(!(i===ADU.nil)&&!((i.ErrCode===0))){h.goAway.ErrCode=i.ErrCode;}j=g.LastStreamID;k=h.streams;l=0;m=$keys(k);case 2:if(!(lj){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=p.abortStreamLocked(SS);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 5:l++;$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.setGoAway,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SH.prototype.setGoAway=function(g){return this.$val.setGoAway(g);};SH.ptr.prototype.CanTakeNewRequest=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h=g.canTakeNewRequestLocked();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=3;case 3:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.CanTakeNewRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SH.prototype.CanTakeNewRequest=function(){return this.$val.CanTakeNewRequest();};SH.ptr.prototype.ReserveNewRequest=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);h=g.idleStateLocked();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$clone(h,SW);if(!i.canTakeNewRequest){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:j=false;$s=5;case 5:return j;case 4:g.streamsReserved=g.streamsReserved+(1)>>0;k=true;$s=6;case 6:return k;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return false;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.ReserveNewRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SH.prototype.ReserveNewRequest=function(){return this.$val.ReserveNewRequest();};SH.ptr.prototype.State=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.wmu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.maxConcurrentStreams;if(!g.seenSettings){h=0;}$r=g.wmu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);i=new SV.ptr(g.closed,g.closing||g.singleUse||g.doNotReuse||!(g.goAway===ADU.nil),$keys(g.streams).length,g.streamsReserved,g.pendingRequests,h,$clone(g.lastIdle,T.Time));$s=4;case 4:return i;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return new SV.ptr(false,false,0,0,0,0,new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.State,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SH.prototype.State=function(){return this.$val.State();};SH.ptr.prototype.idleStateLocked=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=new SW.ptr(false);h=this;if(h.singleUse&&h.nextStreamID>1){$s=-1;return g;}i=false;if(h.t.StrictMaxConcurrentStreams){i=true;}else{i=(j=(new $Int64(0,(($keys(h.streams).length+h.streamsReserved>>0)+1>>0))),k=(new $Int64(0,h.maxConcurrentStreams)),(j.$highl.$high||(j.$high===l.$high&&j.$low>l.$low)));case 1:m=h;$s=3;case 3:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.tooIdleLocked,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.tooIdleLocked=function(){return this.$val.tooIdleLocked();};SH.ptr.prototype.onIdleTimeout=function(){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.closeIfIdle();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.onIdleTimeout,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.onIdleTimeout=function(){return this.$val.onIdleTimeout();};SH.ptr.prototype.closeIfIdle=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($keys(g.streams).length>0||g.streamsReserved>0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=g.mu.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 3:g.closed=true;h=g.nextStreamID;$r=g.mu.Unlock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(PD){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=g.vlogf("http2: Transport closing idle conn %p (forSingleUse=%v, maxStream=%v)",new ZB([g,new $Bool(g.singleUse),new $Uint32((h-2>>>0))]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:i=g.tconn.Close();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.closeIfIdle,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.closeIfIdle=function(){return this.$val.closeIfIdle();};SH.ptr.prototype.Shutdown=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];i[0]=this;k=i[0].sendGoAway();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return l;}j[0]=new $Chan($error,1);h[0]=false;$go((function(h,i,j){return function $b(){var{m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$r=i[0].mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i[0].mu,"Unlock"),[]]);case 2:if(($keys(i[0].streams).length===0)||i[0].closed){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:i[0].closed=true;m=i[0].tconn.Close();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$send(j[0],m);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=3;continue;case 5:if(h[0]){$s=3;continue;}$r=i[0].cond.Wait();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};})(h,i,j),[]);$r=SX();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=g.Done();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$select([[j[0]],[n]]);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=o;if(m[0]===0){$s=5;continue;}if(m[0]===1){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:p=m[1][0];$s=-1;return p;case 6:$r=i[0].mu.Lock();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h[0]=true;$r=i[0].cond.Broadcast();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=i[0].mu.Unlock();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=g.Err();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=12;case 12:return r;case 7:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.Shutdown,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.Shutdown=function(g){return this.$val.Shutdown(g);};SH.ptr.prototype.sendGoAway=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g.closing;g.closing=true;i=g.nextStreamID;$r=g.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:j=$ifaceNil;$s=5;case 5:return j;case 4:$r=g.wmu.Lock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.wmu,"Unlock"),[]]);k=g.fr.WriteGoAway(i,0,ZL.nil);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(l,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:m=l;$s=10;case 10:return m;case 9:n=g.bw.Flush();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(o,$ifaceNil))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:p=o;$s=14;case 14:return p;case 13:q=$ifaceNil;$s=15;case 15:return q;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.sendGoAway,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SH.prototype.sendGoAway=function(){return this.$val.sendGoAway();};SH.ptr.prototype.closeForError=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.closed=true;i=h.streams;j=0;k=$keys(i);case 2:if(!(j0){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=Y.Strings(h);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[Q.Join(h,","),$ifaceNil];case 10:$s=-1;return["",$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SZ,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};SH.ptr.prototype.responseHeaderTimeout=function(){var g;g=this;if(!(g.t.t1===AAU.nil)){return g.t.t1.ResponseHeaderTimeout;}return new T.Duration(0,0);};SH.prototype.responseHeaderTimeout=function(){return this.$val.responseHeaderTimeout();};TA=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=new KP(g.Header).Get("Upgrade");$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;if(!(i==="")){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=H.Errorf("http2: invalid Upgrade request header: %q",new ZB([(j=g.Header[$String.keyFor("Upgrade")],j!==undefined?j.v:ZK.nil)]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;$s=5;case 5:return l;case 3:n=(m=g.Header[$String.keyFor("Transfer-Encoding")],m!==undefined?m.v:ZK.nil);if(n.$length>0&&(n.$length>1||!((0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0])==="")&&!((0>=n.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):n.$array[n.$offset+0])==="chunked"))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:o=H.Errorf("http2: invalid Transfer-Encoding request header: %q",new ZB([n]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;$s=9;case 9:return p;case 7:r=(q=g.Header[$String.keyFor("Connection")],q!==undefined?q.v:ZK.nil);if(r.$length>0&&(r.$length>1||!((0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0])==="")&&!LA((0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0]),"close")&&!LA((0>=r.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):r.$array[r.$offset+0]),"keep-alive"))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:s=H.Errorf("http2: invalid Connection request header: %q",new ZB([r]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=13;case 13:return t;case 11:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:TA,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};TB=function(g){var g,h;if($interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,$ifaceNil)||$interfaceIsEqual(g.Body,new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))){return new $Int64(0,0);}if(!((h=g.ContentLength,(h.$high===0&&h.$low===0)))){return g.ContentLength;}return new $Int64(-1,4294967295);};SH.ptr.prototype.decrStreamReservations=function(){var{g,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;$r=g.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);g.decrStreamReservationsLocked();$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.decrStreamReservations,$c:true,$r,g,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SH.prototype.decrStreamReservations=function(){return this.$val.decrStreamReservations();};SH.ptr.prototype.decrStreamReservationsLocked=function(){var g;g=this;if(g.streamsReserved>0){g.streamsReserved=g.streamsReserved-(1)>>0;}};SH.prototype.decrStreamReservationsLocked=function(){return this.$val.decrStreamReservationsLocked();};SH.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];h[0]=this;j[0]=g[0].Context();l=L.ContextClientTrace(j[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=new SI.ptr(h[0],j[0],g[0].Cancel,l,0,new QF.ptr(new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new R.Cond.ptr(new R.noCopy.ptr(),$ifaceNil,new R.notifyList.ptr(0,0,0,0,0),0,0,$chanNil),$ifaceNil,0,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,$chanNil,$throwNilPointerError),false,g[0].Method==="HEAD",new R.Once.ptr(0,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),new $Chan(AAQ,0),$ifaceNil,new $Chan(AAQ,0),new $Chan(AAQ,0),$chanNil,new $Chan(AAQ,0),AAG.nil,new MH.ptr(ZV.zero(),0,ADG.nil),new MH.ptr(ZV.zero(),0,ADG.nil),new $Int64(0,0),$ifaceNil,g[0].Body,TB(g[0]),false,false,false,false,false,false,0,false,false,false,ABO.nil);$go($methodVal(i[0],"doRequest"),[g[0]]);k[0]=(function(g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(){var{m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:n=j[0].Done();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$select([[i[0].donec],[n],[i[0].reqCancel]]);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=o;if(m[0]===0){$s=3;continue;}if(m[0]===1){$s=4;continue;}if(m[0]===2){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 4:p=j[0].Err();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=8;case 8:return q;case 5:$s=-1;return SY;case 6:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i,j,k);m=(function(g,h,i,j,k){return function $b(){var{m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=i[0].res;if(m.StatusCode>299){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i[0].abortRequestBodyWrite();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:m.Request=g[0];m.TLS=h[0].tlsState;if($interfaceIsEqual(m.Body,TQ)&&(n=TB(g[0]),(n.$high===0&&n.$low===0))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:o=k[0]();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,p];}case 5:$s=-1;return[m,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i,j,k);case 2:o=j[0].Done();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$select([[i[0].respHeaderRecv],[i[0].abort],[o],[i[0].reqCancel]]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=p;if(n[0]===0){$s=6;continue;}if(n[0]===1){$s=7;continue;}if(n[0]===2){$s=8;continue;}if(n[0]===3){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 6:q=m();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=q;$s=12;case 12:return r;case 7:s=$select([[i[0].respHeaderRecv],[]]);if(s[0]===0){$s=13;continue;}if(s[0]===1){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 13:t=m();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=t;$s=17;case 17:return u;case 14:v=k[0]();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v;$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,i[0].abortErr];case 15:$s=10;continue;case 8:w=j[0].Err();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$r=i[0].abortStream(x);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,x];case 9:$r=i[0].abortStream(SY);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,SY];case 10:$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.RoundTrip=function(g){return this.$val.RoundTrip(g);};SI.ptr.prototype.doRequest=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.writeRequest(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$r=h.cleanupWriteRequest(j);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SI.ptr.prototype.doRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};SI.prototype.doRequest=function(g){return this.$val.doRequest(g);};SI.ptr.prototype.writeRequest=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=$ifaceNil;i=this;j=i.cc;k=i.ctx;l=TA(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:h=m;n=h;$s=4;case 4:return n;case 3:if(j.reqHeaderMu===$chanNil){$panic(new $String("RoundTrip on uninitialized ClientConn"));}p=k.Done();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$select([[j.reqHeaderMu,new AAQ.ptr()],[i.reqCancel],[p]]);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=q;if(o[0]===0){$s=7;continue;}if(o[0]===1){$s=8;continue;}if(o[0]===2){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 7:$s=10;continue;case 8:h=SY;r=h;$s=11;case 11:return r;case 9:s=k.Err();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=s;t=h;$s=13;case 13:return t;case 10:$r=j.mu.Lock();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(j.idleTimer===AAP.nil)){j.idleTimer.Stop();}j.decrStreamReservationsLocked();u=j.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked(i);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:$r=j.mu.Unlock();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=$recv(j.reqHeaderMu);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w[0];h=v;x=h;$s=20;case 20:return x;case 17:j.addStreamLocked(i);if(TW(g)){j.doNotReuse=true;}$r=j.mu.Unlock();$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(!j.t.disableCompression())){z=false;$s=25;continue s;}aa=new KP(g.Header).Get("Accept-Encoding");$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa==="";case 25:if(!(z)){y=false;$s=24;continue s;}ab=new KP(g.Header).Get("Range");$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=ab==="";case 24:if(y&&!i.isHead){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:i.requestedGzip=true;case 23:ac=j.t.expectContinueTimeout();if(!((ac.$high===0&&ac.$low===0))){if(!U.HeaderValuesContainsToken((ad=g.Header[$String.keyFor("Expect")],ad!==undefined?ad.v:ZK.nil),"100-continue")){ac=new T.Duration(0,0);}else{i.on100=new $Chan(AAQ,1);}}ae=i.encodeAndWriteHeaders(g);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ae=ae.$blk();}if(ae&&ae.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=ae;af=$recv(j.reqHeaderMu);$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}af[0];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:h=h;ag=h;$s=32;case 32:return ag;case 31:ai=!((ah=i.reqBodyContentLength,(ah.$high===0&&ah.$low===0)));if(!ai){$s=33;continue;}$s=34;continue;case 33:i.sentEndStream=true;$s=35;continue;case 34:if(!((ac.$high===0&&ac.$low===0))){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:$r=UD(i.trace);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aj=T.NewTimer(ac);$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=aj;am=k.Done();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=$select([[ak.C],[i.on100],[i.abort],[am],[i.reqCancel]]);$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}al=an;if(al[0]===0){$s=42;continue;}if(al[0]===1){$s=43;continue;}if(al[0]===2){$s=44;continue;}if(al[0]===3){$s=45;continue;}if(al[0]===4){$s=46;continue;}$s=47;continue;case 42:h=$ifaceNil;$s=47;continue;case 43:h=$ifaceNil;$s=47;continue;case 44:h=i.abortErr;$s=47;continue;case 45:ao=k.Err();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=ao;$s=47;continue;case 46:h=SY;case 47:ak.Stop();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=49;continue;}$s=50;continue;case 49:$r=UE(i.trace,h);$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=h;ap=h;$s=52;case 52:return ap;case 50:case 37:aq=i.writeRequestBody(g);$s=53;case 53:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=aq;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,$ifaceNil))){$s=54;continue;}$s=55;continue;case 54:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(h,TC))){$s=57;continue;}$s=58;continue;case 57:$r=UE(i.trace,h);$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=h;ar=h;$s=60;case 60:return ar;case 58:$s=56;continue;case 55:i.sentEndStream=true;case 56:case 35:$r=UE(i.trace,h);$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=$chanNil;at=$chanNil;au=j.responseHeaderTimeout();if(!((au.$high===0&&au.$low===0))){$s=62;continue;}$s=63;continue;case 62:av=T.NewTimer(au);$s=64;case 64:if($c){$c=false;av=av.$blk();}if(av&&av.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aw=av;$deferred.push([$methodVal(aw,"Stop"),[]]);as=aw.C;at=i.respHeaderRecv;case 63:case 65:ay=k.Done();$s=67;case 67:if($c){$c=false;ay=ay.$blk();}if(ay&&ay.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az=$select([[i.peerClosed],[as],[at],[i.abort],[ay],[i.reqCancel]]);$s=68;case 68:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=az;if(ax[0]===0){$s=69;continue;}if(ax[0]===1){$s=70;continue;}if(ax[0]===2){$s=71;continue;}if(ax[0]===3){$s=72;continue;}if(ax[0]===4){$s=73;continue;}if(ax[0]===5){$s=74;continue;}$s=75;continue;case 69:h=$ifaceNil;ba=h;$s=76;case 76:return ba;case 70:h=PZ;bb=h;$s=77;case 77:return bb;case 71:at=$chanNil;as=$chanNil;$s=75;continue;case 72:h=i.abortErr;bc=h;$s=78;case 78:return bc;case 73:bd=k.Err();$s=79;case 79:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=bd;be=h;$s=80;case 80:return be;case 74:h=SY;bf=h;$s=81;case 81:return bf;case 75:$s=65;continue;case 66:$s=-1;return h;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return h;}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SI.ptr.prototype.writeRequest,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SI.prototype.writeRequest=function(g){return this.$val.writeRequest(g);};SI.ptr.prototype.encodeAndWriteHeaders=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;i=h.cc;j=h.ctx;$r=i.wmu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.wmu,"Unlock"),[]]);l=j.Done();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$select([[h.abort],[l],[h.reqCancel],[]]);if(k[0]===0){$s=3;continue;}if(k[0]===1){$s=4;continue;}if(k[0]===2){$s=5;continue;}if(k[0]===3){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 3:m=h.abortErr;$s=8;case 8:return m;case 4:n=j.Err();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=10;case 10:return o;case 5:p=SY;$s=11;case 11:return p;case 6:case 7:r=SZ(g);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;s=q[0];t=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:u=t;$s=15;case 15:return u;case 14:v=!(s==="");w=TB(g);x=!((w.$high===0&&w.$low===0));z=i.encodeHeaders(g,h.requestedGzip,s,w);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;aa=y[0];t=y[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:ab=t;$s=19;case 19:return ab;case 18:ac=!x&&!v;h.sentHeaders=true;ad=i.writeHeaders(h.ID,ac,((i.maxFrameSize>>0)),aa);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ad=ad.$blk();}if(ad&&ad.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=ad;$r=UB(h.trace);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=t;$s=22;case 22:return ae;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SI.ptr.prototype.encodeAndWriteHeaders,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SI.prototype.encodeAndWriteHeaders=function(g){return this.$val.encodeAndWriteHeaders(g);};SI.ptr.prototype.cleanupWriteRequest=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.cc;if(h.ID===0){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i.decrStreamReservations();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=h.reqBodyClosed;h.reqBodyClosed=true;$r=i.mu.Unlock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!j&&!($interfaceIsEqual(h.reqBody,$ifaceNil))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:k=h.reqBody.Close();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;case 7:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))&&h.sentEndStream){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:l=$select([[h.peerClosed],[]]);if(l[0]===0){g=$ifaceNil;}else if(l[0]===1){}case 10:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(g,$ifaceNil))){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:$r=h.abortStream(g);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(h.sentHeaders){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:m=$assertType(g,LW,true);n=$clone(m[0],LW);o=m[1];if(o){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n.Cause,LX))){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:$r=i.writeStreamReset(h.ID,n.Code,g);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 21:$s=19;continue;case 18:$r=i.writeStreamReset(h.ID,8,g);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 19:case 16:$r=h.bufPipe.CloseWithError(g);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=13;continue;case 12:if(h.sentHeaders&&!h.sentEndStream){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:$r=i.writeStreamReset(h.ID,0,$ifaceNil);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 26:$r=h.bufPipe.CloseWithError(SY);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 13:if(!((h.ID===0))){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:$r=i.forgetStreamID(h.ID);$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 30:$r=i.wmu.Lock();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=i.werr;$r=i.wmu.Unlock();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:q=i.Close();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;case 35:$close(h.donec);$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SI.ptr.prototype.cleanupWriteRequest,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};SI.prototype.cleanupWriteRequest=function(g){return this.$val.cleanupWriteRequest(g);};SH.ptr.prototype.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;case 1:i=T.Now();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}T.Time.copy(h.lastActive,i);if(h.closed){j=true;$s=6;continue s;}k=h.canTakeNewRequestLocked();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=!k;case 6:if(j){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return SR;case 5:T.Time.copy(h.lastIdle,new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));if((l=(new $Int64(0,$keys(h.streams).length)),m=(new $Int64(0,h.maxConcurrentStreams)),(l.$high>0;$r=h.cond.Wait();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h.pendingRequests=h.pendingRequests-(1)>>0;n=$select([[g.abort],[]]);if(n[0]===0){$s=-1;return g.abortErr;}else if(n[0]===1){}$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked=function(g){return this.$val.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked(g);};SH.ptr.prototype.writeHeaders=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;l=true;case 1:if(!(j.$length>0&&$interfaceIsEqual(k.werr,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}m=j;if(m.$length>i){m=$subslice(m,0,i);}j=$subslice(j,m.$length);n=j.$length===0;if(l){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:o=k.fr.WriteHeaders(new NU.ptr(g,m,h,n,0,new NW.ptr(0,false,0)));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;l=false;$s=5;continue;case 4:p=k.fr.WriteContinuation(g,n,m);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;case 5:$s=1;continue;case 2:q=k.bw.Flush();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;$s=-1;return k.werr;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.writeHeaders,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.writeHeaders=function(g,h,i,j){return this.$val.writeHeaders(g,h,i,j);};SI.ptr.prototype.frameScratchBufferLen=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k;h=this;i=(new $Int64(0,g));if((i.$high>0||(i.$high===0&&i.$low>524288))){i=new $Int64(0,524288);}j=h.reqBodyContentLength;if(!((j.$high===-1&&j.$low===4294967295))&&(k=new $Int64(j.$high+0,j.$low+1),(k.$high>31)*4294967296))>>0));};SI.prototype.frameScratchBufferLen=function(g){return this.$val.frameScratchBufferLen(g);};SI.ptr.prototype.writeRequestBody=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=[h];i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=j.cc;l=j.reqBody;m=false;n=!(g.Trailer===false);o=j.reqBodyContentLength;p=!((o.$high===-1&&o.$low===4294967295));$r=k.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=((k.maxFrameSize>>0));$r=k.mu.Unlock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=j.frameScratchBufferLen(q);h[0]=ZL.nil;t=TF.Get();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$assertType(t,ZN,true);u=s[0];v=s[1];if(v&&u.$get().$length>=r){$deferred.push([$methodVal(TF,"Put"),[u]]);h[0]=u.$get();}else{h[0]=$makeSlice(ZL,r);$deferred.push([$methodVal(TF,"Put"),[(h.$ptr||(h.$ptr=new ZN(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},h)))]]);}w=false;case 4:if(!(!w)){$s=5;continue;}y=l.Read($subslice(h[0],0,h[0].$length));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=y;z=x[0];aa=x[1];if(p){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:o=(ab=(new $Int64(0,z)),new $Int64(o.$high-ab.$high,o.$low-ab.$low));if((o.$high===0&&o.$low===0)&&$interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:ac=ABK.zero();ad=0;af=l.Read(new ZL(ac));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ae=af;ad=ae[0];aa=ae[1];o=(ag=(new $Int64(0,ad)),new $Int64(o.$high-ag.$high,o.$low-ag.$low));case 10:if((o.$high<0||(o.$high===0&&o.$low<0))){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:aa=TE;i=aa;ah=i;$s=14;case 14:return ah;case 13:case 8:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil))){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:$r=k.mu.Lock();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ai=j.reqBodyClosed;$r=k.mu.Unlock();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(ai){$s=20;continue;}if($interfaceIsEqual(aa,J.EOF)){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 20:i=TC;aj=i;$s=24;case 24:return aj;case 21:w=true;aa=$ifaceNil;$s=23;continue;case 22:i=aa;ak=i;$s=25;case 25:return ak;case 23:case 19:case 16:al=$subslice(h[0],0,z);case 26:if(!(al.$length>0&&$interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil))){$s=27;continue;}am=0;ao=j.awaitFlowControl(al.$length);$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an=ao;am=an[0];aa=an[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil))){$s=29;continue;}$s=30;continue;case 29:i=aa;ap=i;$s=31;case 31:return ap;case 30:$r=k.wmu.Lock();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=$subslice(al,0,am);al=$subslice(al,am);m=w&&(al.$length===0)&&!n;ar=k.fr.WriteData(j.ID,m,aq);$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ar;if($interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil)){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:as=k.bw.Flush();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=as;case 35:$r=k.wmu.Unlock();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=26;continue;case 27:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(aa,$ifaceNil))){$s=38;continue;}$s=39;continue;case 38:i=aa;at=i;$s=40;case 40:return at;case 39:$s=4;continue;case 5:if(m){$s=41;continue;}$s=42;continue;case 41:i=$ifaceNil;au=i;$s=43;case 43:return au;case 42:$r=k.mu.Lock();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=g.Trailer;i=j.abortErr;$r=k.mu.Unlock();$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=46;continue;}$s=47;continue;case 46:i=i;aw=i;$s=48;case 48:return aw;case 47:$r=k.wmu.Lock();$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(k.wmu,"Unlock"),[]]);ax=ZL.nil;if($keys(av).length>0){$s=50;continue;}$s=51;continue;case 50:az=k.encodeTrailers(av);$s=52;case 52:if($c){$c=false;az=az.$blk();}if(az&&az.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ay=az;ax=ay[0];i=ay[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){$s=53;continue;}$s=54;continue;case 53:i=i;ba=i;$s=55;case 55:return ba;case 54:case 51:if(ax.$length>0){$s=56;continue;}$s=57;continue;case 56:bb=k.writeHeaders(j.ID,true,q,ax);$s=59;case 59:if($c){$c=false;bb=bb.$blk();}if(bb&&bb.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=bb;$s=58;continue;case 57:bc=k.fr.WriteData(j.ID,true,ZL.nil);$s=60;case 60:if($c){$c=false;bc=bc.$blk();}if(bc&&bc.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=bc;case 58:bd=k.bw.Flush();$s=61;case 61:if($c){$c=false;bd=bd.$blk();}if(bd&&bd.$blk!==undefined){break s;}be=bd;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(be,$ifaceNil))&&$interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){i=be;}i=i;bf=i;$s=62;case 62:return bf;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return i;}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SI.ptr.prototype.writeRequestBody,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SI.prototype.writeRequestBody=function(g){return this.$val.writeRequestBody(g);};SI.ptr.prototype.awaitFlowControl=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=j.cc;l=j.ctx;$r=k.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(k.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);case 2:if(k.closed){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:m=0;n=SQ;h=m;i=n;o=[h,i];$s=6;case 6:return o;case 5:if(j.reqBodyClosed){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:p=0;q=TC;h=p;i=q;r=[h,i];$s=9;case 9:return r;case 8:t=l.Done();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=$select([[j.abort],[t],[j.reqCancel],[]]);if(s[0]===0){$s=11;continue;}if(s[0]===1){$s=12;continue;}if(s[0]===2){$s=13;continue;}if(s[0]===3){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 11:u=0;v=j.abortErr;h=u;i=v;w=[h,i];$s=16;case 16:return w;case 12:x=0;z=l.Err();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=z;h=x;i=y;aa=[h,i];$s=18;case 18:return aa;case 13:ab=0;ac=SY;h=ab;i=ac;ad=[h,i];$s=19;case 19:return ad;case 14:case 15:ae=j.flow.available();if(ae>0){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:af=ae;if(((af>>0))>g){af=((g>>0));}if(af>((k.maxFrameSize>>0))){af=((k.maxFrameSize>>0));}j.flow.take(af);ag=af;ah=$ifaceNil;h=ag;i=ah;ai=[h,i];$s=22;case 22:return ai;case 21:$r=k.cond.Wait();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=2;continue;case 3:$s=-1;return[h,i];}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[h,i];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SI.ptr.prototype.awaitFlowControl,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SI.prototype.awaitFlowControl=function(g){return this.$val.awaitFlowControl(g);};SH.ptr.prototype.encodeHeaders=function(g,h,i,j){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];k=[k];l=[l];m=[m];n=[n];o=[o];p=[p];k[0]=this;k[0].hbuf.Reset();if(g[0].URL===AAF.nil){$s=-1;return[ZL.nil,TG];}m[0]=g[0].Host;if(m[0]===""){m[0]=g[0].URL.Host;}r=U.PunycodeHostPort(m[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;m[0]=q[0];s=q[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(s,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[ZL.nil,s];}n[0]="";if(!(g[0].Method==="CONNECT")){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:n[0]=g[0].URL.RequestURI();if(!QD(n[0])){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:t=n[0];n[0]=Q.TrimPrefix(n[0],g[0].URL.Scheme+"://"+m[0]);if(!QD(n[0])){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:if(!(g[0].URL.Opaque==="")){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:u=H.Errorf("invalid request :path %q from URL.Opaque = %q",new ZB([new $String(t),new $String(g[0].URL.Opaque)]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=[ZL.nil,u];$s=12;case 12:return v;case 9:w=H.Errorf("invalid request :path %q",new ZB([new $String(t)]));$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=[ZL.nil,w];$s=14;case 14:return x;case 10:case 7:case 5:case 3:y=g[0].Header;z=0;aa=$keys(y);case 15:if(!(z=ag.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ag.$array[ag.$offset+ah]);if(!U.ValidHeaderFieldValue(ai)){$s=23;continue;}$s=24;continue;case 23:aj=H.Errorf("invalid HTTP header value %q for header %q",new ZB([new $String(ai),new $String(ac)]));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;aj=aj.$blk();}if(aj&&aj.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ak=[ZL.nil,aj];$s=26;case 26:return ak;case 24:ah++;$s=21;continue;case 22:z++;$s=15;continue;case 16:al=(function(g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p){return function $b(al){var{al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{al});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=al(":authority",m[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=g[0].Method;if(am===""){am="GET";}$r=al(":method",am);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(g[0].Method==="CONNECT")){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=al(":path",n[0]);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=al(":scheme",g[0].URL.Scheme);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:if(!(i[0]==="")){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=al("trailer",i[0]);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:an=false;ao=g[0].Header;ap=0;aq=$keys(ao);case 10:if(!(ap=at.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):at.$array[at.$offset+0])===""){ap++;$s=10;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:au=at;av=0;case 17:if(!(av=au.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):au.$array[au.$offset+av]);case 19:ax=Q.IndexByte(aw,59);if(ax<0){$s=20;continue;}$r=al("cookie",$substring(aw,0,ax));$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ax=ax+(1)>>0;while(true){if(!((ax+1>>0)<=aw.length&&(aw.charCodeAt(ax)===32))){break;}ax=ax+(1)>>0;}aw=$substring(aw,ax);$s=19;continue;case 20:if(aw.length>0){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:$r=al("cookie",aw);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 23:av++;$s=17;continue;case 18:ap++;$s=10;continue;case 16:ay=at;az=0;case 25:if(!(az=ay.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):ay.$array[ay.$offset+az]);$r=al(as,ba);$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}az++;$s=25;continue;case 26:ap++;$s=10;continue;case 11:if(TH(g[0].Method,j[0])){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:$r=al("content-length",Z.FormatInt(j[0],10));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 29:if(h[0]){$s=31;continue;}$s=32;continue;case 31:$r=al("accept-encoding","gzip");$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 32:if(!an){$s=34;continue;}$s=35;continue;case 34:$r=al("user-agent","Go-http-client/2.0");$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 35:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,ba,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p);l[0]=new $Uint64(0,0);$r=al((function(g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p){return function(am,an){var am,an,ao,ap;ao=new AO.HeaderField.ptr(am,an,false);l[0]=(ap=(new $Uint64(0,$clone(ao,AO.HeaderField).Size())),new $Uint64(l[0].$high+ap.$high,l[0].$low+ap.$low));};})(g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p));$s=27;case 27:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if((am=k[0].peerMaxHeaderListSize,(l[0].$high>am.$high||(l[0].$high===am.$high&&l[0].$low>am.$low)))){$s=-1;return[ZL.nil,TP];}an=L.ContextClientTrace(g[0].Context());$s=28;case 28:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o[0]=an;p[0]=OM(o[0]);$r=al((function(g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p){return function $b(ao,ap){var{ao,ap,aq,ar,as,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{ao,ap});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:ar=LD(ao);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=ar;ao=aq[0];as=aq[1];if(!as){$s=-1;return;}$r=k[0].writeHeader(ao,ap);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(p[0]){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=ON(o[0],ao,ap);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 4:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,$s};return $f;};})(g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[k[0].hbuf.Bytes(),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.encodeHeaders,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.encodeHeaders=function(g,h,i,j){return this.$val.encodeHeaders(g,h,i,j);};TH=function(g,h){var g,h,i;if((h.$high>0||(h.$high===0&&h.$low>0))){return true;}if((h.$high<0||(h.$high===0&&h.$low<0))){return false;}i=g;if(i===("POST")||i===("PUT")||i===("PATCH")){return true;}else{return false;}};SH.ptr.prototype.encodeTrailers=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;h.hbuf.Reset();i=new $Uint64(0,0);j=g;k=0;l=$keys(j);while(true){if(!(k=p.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):p.$array[p.$offset+q]);s=new AO.HeaderField.ptr(n,r,false);i=(t=(new $Uint64(0,$clone(s,AO.HeaderField).Size())),new $Uint64(i.$high+t.$high,i.$low+t.$low));q++;}k++;}if((u=h.peerMaxHeaderListSize,(i.$high>u.$high||(i.$high===u.$high&&i.$low>u.$low)))){$s=-1;return[ZL.nil,TP];}v=g;w=0;x=$keys(v);case 1:if(!(w=af.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):af.$array[af.$offset+ag]);$r=h.writeHeader(ad,ah);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag++;$s=4;continue;case 5:w++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return[h.hbuf.Bytes(),$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.encodeTrailers,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.encodeTrailers=function(g){return this.$val.encodeTrailers(g);};SH.ptr.prototype.writeHeader=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(PD){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=K.Printf("http2: Transport encoding header %q = %q",new ZB([new $String(g),new $String(h)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:j=i.henc.WriteField(new AO.HeaderField.ptr(g,h,false));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.writeHeader,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.writeHeader=function(g,h){return this.$val.writeHeader(g,h);};SH.ptr.prototype.addStreamLocked=function(g){var g,h,i;h=this;g.flow.add(((h.initialWindowSize>>0)));g.flow.setConnFlow(h.flow);g.inflow.add(4194304);g.inflow.setConnFlow(h.inflow);g.ID=h.nextStreamID;h.nextStreamID=h.nextStreamID+(2)>>>0;i=g.ID;(h.streams||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(i)]={k:i,v:g};if(g.ID===0){$panic(new $String("assigned stream ID 0"));}};SH.prototype.addStreamLocked=function(g){return this.$val.addStreamLocked(g);};SH.ptr.prototype.forgetStreamID=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=$keys(h.streams).length;delete h.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(g)];if(!(($keys(h.streams).length===(i-1>>0)))){$panic(new $String("forgetting unknown stream id"));}j=T.Now();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}T.Time.copy(h.lastActive,j);if(($keys(h.streams).length===0)&&!(h.idleTimer===AAP.nil)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:k=h.idleTimer.Reset(h.idleTimeout);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=T.Now();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}T.Time.copy(h.lastIdle,l);case 4:$r=h.cond.Broadcast();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=h.singleUse||h.doNotReuse||h.t.disableKeepAlives();if(m&&(h.streamsReserved===0)&&($keys(h.streams).length===0)){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:if(PD){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$r=h.vlogf("http2: Transport closing idle conn %p (forSingleUse=%v, maxStream=%v)",new ZB([h,new $Bool(h.singleUse),new $Uint32((h.nextStreamID-2>>>0))]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 11:h.closed=true;$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.tconn,"Close"),[]]);case 9:$r=h.mu.Unlock();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.forgetStreamID,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SH.prototype.forgetStreamID=function(g){return this.$val.forgetStreamID(g);};SH.ptr.prototype.readLoop=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;h=new TJ.ptr(ZV.zero(),g);$deferred.push([$methodVal(h,"cleanup"),[]]);i=h.run();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.readerErr=i;j=$assertType(g.readerErr,LV,true);k=j[0];l=j[1];if(l){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=g.wmu.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=g.fr.WriteGoAway(0,((k>>>0)),ZL.nil);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;$r=g.wmu.Unlock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.readLoop,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};SH.prototype.readLoop=function(){return this.$val.readLoop();};TK.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=H.Sprintf("http2: server sent GOAWAY and closed the connection; LastStreamID=%v, ErrCode=%v, debug=%q",new ZB([new $Uint32(g.LastStreamID),new LT(g.ErrCode),new $String(g.DebugData)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:TK.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};TK.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};TL=function(g){var g,h,i,j;if($interfaceIsEqual(g,J.EOF)){return true;}h=$assertType(g,ACM,true);i=h[0];j=h[1];return j&&i.Op==="read";};TJ.ptr.prototype.cleanup=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;h=g.cc;$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.tconn,"Close"),[]]);i=h.t.connPool();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i,"MarkDead"),[h]]);$deferred.push([function(j){$close(j);},[h.readerDone]]);if(!(h.idleTimer===AAP.nil)){h.idleTimer.Stop();}k=h.readerErr;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(h.goAway===ADU.nil)&&TL(k)){k=(l=new TK.ptr(h.goAway.LastStreamID,h.goAway.ErrCode,h.goAwayDebug),new l.constructor.elem(l));}else if($interfaceIsEqual(k,J.EOF)){k=J.ErrUnexpectedEOF;}h.closed=true;m=h.streams;n=0;o=$keys(m);case 3:if(!(n>>0));n=new LT(m).stringToken();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=new $String(n);p=H.Sprintf("read_frame_conn_error_%s",new ZB([o]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=i(p);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 2:q=G.Is(g,J.EOF);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(q){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=i("read_frame_eof");$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 7:r=G.Is(g,J.ErrUnexpectedEOF);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(r){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$r=i("read_frame_unexpected_eof");$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 11:s=G.Is(g,MY);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(s){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 14:$r=i("read_frame_too_large");$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;case 15:$r=i("read_frame_other");$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.countReadFrameError,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.countReadFrameError=function(g){return this.$val.countReadFrameError(g);};TJ.ptr.prototype.run=function(){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);g=this;h=g.cc;i=false;j=h.t.ReadIdleTimeout;k=AAP.nil;if(!((j.$high===0&&j.$low===0))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=T.AfterFunc(j,$methodVal(h,"healthCheck"));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;$deferred.push([$methodVal(k,"Stop"),[]]);case 2:case 4:n=h.fr.ReadFrame();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;o=m[0];p=m[1];if(!(k===AAP.nil)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:q=k.Reset(j);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q;case 8:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:$r=h.vlogf("http2: Transport readFrame error on conn %p: (%T) %v",new ZB([h,p,p]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 11:r=$assertType(p,LW,true);s=$clone(r[0],LW);t=r[1];if(t){$s=13;continue;}if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 13:u=g.streamByID(s.StreamID);$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if(!(v===AEV.nil)){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:if($interfaceIsEqual(s.Cause,$ifaceNil)){s.Cause=h.fr.errDetail;}$r=g.endStreamError(v,new s.constructor.elem(s));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 18:$s=4;continue;$s=15;continue;case 14:$r=h.countReadFrameError(p);$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=p;$s=21;case 21:return w;case 15:if(PD){$s=22;continue;}$s=23;continue;case 22:x=OL(o);$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=new $String(x);$r=h.vlogf("http2: Transport received %s",new ZB([y]));$s=25;case 25:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 23:if(!i){$s=26;continue;}$s=27;continue;case 26:z=$assertType(o,ADQ,true);aa=z[1];if(!aa){$s=28;continue;}$s=29;continue;case 28:$r=h.logf("protocol error: received %T before a SETTINGS frame",new ZB([o]));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ab=new LV(1);$s=31;case 31:return ab;case 29:i=true;case 27:ac=o;if($assertType(ac,ADO,true)[1]){$s=32;continue;}if($assertType(ac,ADR,true)[1]){$s=33;continue;}if($assertType(ac,ADU,true)[1]){$s=34;continue;}if($assertType(ac,ADV,true)[1]){$s=35;continue;}if($assertType(ac,ADQ,true)[1]){$s=36;continue;}if($assertType(ac,AEK,true)[1]){$s=37;continue;}if($assertType(ac,ADS,true)[1]){$s=38;continue;}if($assertType(ac,ADT,true)[1]){$s=39;continue;}$s=40;continue;case 32:ad=ac.$val;am=g.processHeaders(ad);$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;am=am.$blk();}if(am&&am.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=am;$s=41;continue;case 33:ae=ac.$val;an=g.processData(ae);$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=an;$s=41;continue;case 34:af=ac.$val;ao=g.processGoAway(af);$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=ao;$s=41;continue;case 35:ag=ac.$val;ap=g.processResetStream(ag);$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=ap;$s=41;continue;case 36:ah=ac.$val;aq=g.processSettings(ah);$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;aq=aq.$blk();}if(aq&&aq.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=aq;$s=41;continue;case 37:ai=ac.$val;p=g.processPushPromise(ai);$s=41;continue;case 38:aj=ac.$val;ar=g.processWindowUpdate(aj);$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=ar;$s=41;continue;case 39:ak=ac.$val;as=g.processPing(ak);$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=as;$s=41;continue;case 40:al=ac;$r=h.logf("Transport: unhandled response frame type %T",new ZB([al]));$s=49;case 49:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 41:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(p,$ifaceNil))){$s=50;continue;}$s=51;continue;case 50:if(PD){$s=52;continue;}$s=53;continue;case 52:at=h;au=OL(o);$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;au=au.$blk();}if(au&&au.$blk!==undefined){break s;}av=new $String(au);aw=p;$r=h.vlogf("http2: Transport conn %p received error from processing frame %v: %v",new ZB([at,av,aw]));$s=55;case 55:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 53:ax=p;$s=56;case 56:return ax;case 51:$s=4;continue;case 5:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.run,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};TJ.prototype.run=function(){return this.$val.run();};TJ.ptr.prototype.processHeaders=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.streamByID(g.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(j===AEV.nil){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}if(j.readClosed){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=h.endStreamError(j,(k=new LW.ptr(g.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,1,G.New("protocol error: headers after END_STREAM")),new k.constructor.elem(k)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:if(!j.firstByte){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if(!(j.trace===AAH.nil)){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:$r=UF(j.trace);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 8:j.firstByte=true;case 6:if(!j.pastHeaders){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:j.pastHeaders=true;$s=12;continue;case 11:l=h.processTrailers(j,g);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=14;case 14:return m;case 12:o=h.handleResponse(j,g);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=o;p=n[0];q=n[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:r=$assertType(q,LV,true);s=r[1];if(s){$s=-1;return q;}$r=h.endStreamError(j,(t=new LW.ptr(g.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,1,q),new t.constructor.elem(t)));$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 17:if(p===AAG.nil){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}j.resTrailer=(p.$ptr_Trailer||(p.$ptr_Trailer=new ABO(function(){return this.$target.Trailer;},function($v){this.$target.Trailer=$v;},p)));j.res=p;$close(j.respHeaderRecv);if(g.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()){$s=19;continue;}$s=20;continue;case 19:$r=h.endStream(j);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 20:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.processHeaders,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};TJ.prototype.processHeaders=function(g){return this.$val.processHeaders(g);};TJ.ptr.prototype.handleResponse=function(g,h){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(h.Truncated){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,TO];}j=h.PseudoValue("status");if(j===""){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,G.New("malformed response from server: missing status pseudo header")];}k=Z.Atoi(j);l=k[0];m=k[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,G.New("malformed response from server: malformed non-numeric status pseudo header")];}n=h.RegularFields();o=$makeSlice(ZK,n.$length);q=(p=n.$length,((p<0||p>2147483647)?$throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range"):{}));r=new IW.ptr(j+" "+EI(l),l,"HTTP/2.0",2,0,q,$ifaceNil,new $Int64(0,0),ZK.nil,false,false,false,ZX.nil,AAV.nil);s=n;t=0;case 1:if(!(t=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+t]),AO.HeaderField);w=KX(v.Name);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;if(x==="Trailer"){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:u[0]=r.Trailer;if(u[0]===false){u[0]={};r.Trailer=u[0];}$r=RY(v.Value,(function(u){return function $b(y){var{aa,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{y});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:aa=KX(y);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z=aa;(u[0]||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(z)]={k:z,v:ZK.nil};$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,aa,y,z,$s};return $f;};})(u));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=6;continue;case 5:z=(y=q[$String.keyFor(x)],y!==undefined?y.v:ZK.nil);if(z===ZK.nil&&o.$length>0){aa=$subslice(o,0,1,1);ab=$subslice(o,1);z=aa;o=ab;(0>=z.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):z.$array[z.$offset+0]=v.Value);ac=x;(q||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(ac)]={k:ac,v:z};}else{ad=x;(q||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(ad)]={k:ad,v:$append(z,v.Value)};}case 6:t++;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(l>=100&&l<=199){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:if(h.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,G.New("1xx informational response with END_STREAM flag")];}g.num1xx=g.num1xx+(1)<<24>>>24;if(g.num1xx>5){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,G.New("http2: too many 1xx informational responses")];}ae=g.get1xxTraceFunc();if(!(ae===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:af=ae(l,(q));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;af=af.$blk();}if(af&&af.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=af;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ag,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,ag];}case 11:if(l===100){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:$r=UC(g.trace);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ah=$select([[g.on100,new AAQ.ptr()],[]]);if(ah[0]===0){}else if(ah[0]===1){}case 14:g.pastHeaders=false;$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,$ifaceNil];case 9:r.ContentLength=new $Int64(-1,4294967295);aj=(ai=r.Header[$String.keyFor("Content-Length")],ai!==undefined?ai.v:ZK.nil);if(aj.$length===1){ak=Z.ParseUint((0>=aj.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):aj.$array[aj.$offset+0]),10,63);al=ak[0];am=ak[1];if($interfaceIsEqual(am,$ifaceNil)){r.ContentLength=(new $Int64(al.$high,al.$low));}else{}}else if(aj.$length>1){}else if(h.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()&&!g.isHead){r.ContentLength=new $Int64(0,0);}if(g.isHead){r.Body=TQ;$s=-1;return[r,$ifaceNil];}if(h.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()){if((an=r.ContentLength,(an.$high>0||(an.$high===0&&an.$low>0)))){r.Body=(ao=new TR.ptr(),new ao.constructor.elem(ao));}else{r.Body=TQ;}$s=-1;return[r,$ifaceNil];}$r=g.bufPipe.setBuffer(new LR.ptr(ZO.nil,0,0,0,r.ContentLength));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.bytesRemain=r.ContentLength;r.Body=(ap=new TM.ptr(g),new ap.constructor.elem(ap));if(!(g.requestedGzip)){aq=false;$s=19;continue s;}ar=new KP(r.Header).Get("Content-Encoding");$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;ar=ar.$blk();}if(ar&&ar.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=LA(ar,"gzip");$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;as=as.$blk();}if(as&&as.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aq=as;case 19:if(aq){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:$r=new KP(r.Header).Del("Content-Encoding");$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=new KP(r.Header).Del("Content-Length");$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r.ContentLength=new $Int64(-1,4294967295);r.Body=new TU.ptr(ZV.zero(),r.Body,ABB.nil,$ifaceNil);r.Uncompressed=true;case 18:$s=-1;return[r,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.handleResponse,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};TJ.prototype.handleResponse=function(g,h){return this.$val.handleResponse(g,h);};TJ.ptr.prototype.processTrailers=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(g.pastTrailers){$s=-1;return new LV(1);}g.pastTrailers=true;if(!h.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()){$s=-1;return new LV(1);}if(h.PseudoFields().$length>0){$s=-1;return new LV(1);}j={};k=h.RegularFields();l=0;case 1:if(!(l=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+l]),AO.HeaderField);n=KX(m.Name);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;p=o;(j||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(p)]={k:p,v:$append((q=j[$String.keyFor(o)],q!==undefined?q.v:ZK.nil),m.Value)};l++;$s=1;continue;case 2:g.trailer=j;$r=i.endStream(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.processTrailers,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};TJ.prototype.processTrailers=function(g,h){return this.$val.processTrailers(g,h);};TM.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;k=j.cs;l=k.cc;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k.readErr,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:m=0;n=k.readErr;h=m;i=n;o=[h,i];$s=3;case 3:return o;case 2:q=j.cs.bufPipe.Read(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;h=p[0];i=p[1];if(!((r=k.bytesRemain,(r.$high===-1&&r.$low===4294967295)))){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:if((s=(new $Int64(0,h)),t=k.bytesRemain,(s.$high>t.$high||(s.$high===t.$high&&s.$low>t.$low)))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:h=(((u=k.bytesRemain,u.$low+((u.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:i=G.New("net/http: server replied with more than declared Content-Length; truncated");$r=k.abortStream(i);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:k.readErr=i;v=(((w=k.bytesRemain,w.$low+((w.$high>>31)*4294967296))>>0));x=i;h=v;i=x;y=[h,i];$s=12;case 12:return y;case 8:k.bytesRemain=(z=k.bytesRemain,aa=(new $Int64(0,h)),new $Int64(z.$high-aa.$high,z.$low-aa.$low));if($interfaceIsEqual(i,J.EOF)&&(ab=k.bytesRemain,(ab.$high>0||(ab.$high===0&&ab.$low>0)))){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:i=J.ErrUnexpectedEOF;k.readErr=i;ac=h;ad=i;h=ac;i=ad;ae=[h,i];$s=15;case 15:return ae;case 14:case 6:if(h===0){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 16:af=[h,i];$s=18;case 18:return af;case 17:$r=l.mu.Lock();$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=0;ah=0;ai=ag;aj=ah;ak=l.inflow.available();if(ak<536870912){ai=1073741824-ak>>0;l.inflow.add(ai);}if($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil)){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:al=k.bufPipe.Len();$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;al=al.$blk();}if(al&&al.$blk!==undefined){break s;}am=((k.inflow.available()>>0))+al>>0;if(am<4190208){aj=(((4194304-am>>0)>>0));k.inflow.add(aj);}case 21:$r=l.mu.Unlock();$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!((ai===0))||!((aj===0))){$s=24;continue;}$s=25;continue;case 24:$r=l.wmu.Lock();$s=26;case 26:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(l.wmu,"Unlock"),[]]);if(!((ai===0))){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:an=l.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0,PW(ai));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;an=an.$blk();}if(an&&an.$blk!==undefined){break s;}an;case 28:if(!((aj===0))){$s=30;continue;}$s=31;continue;case 30:ao=l.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(k.ID,PW(aj));$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;ao=ao.$blk();}if(ao&&ao.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao;case 31:ap=l.bw.Flush();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ap;case 25:aq=[h,i];$s=34;case 34:return aq;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return[h,i];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:TM.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};TM.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};TM.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.cs;i=h.cc;j=h.bufPipe.Len();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(k>0){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k>0){i.inflow.add(((k>>0)));}$r=i.mu.Unlock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=i.wmu.Lock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k>0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:l=i.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0,((k>>>0)));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;case 8:m=i.bw.Flush();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;$r=i.wmu.Unlock();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$r=h.bufPipe.BreakWithError(TN);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.abortStream(TN);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=h.ctx.Done();$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=$select([[h.donec],[o],[h.reqCancel]]);$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=p;if(n[0]===0){$s=16;continue;}if(n[0]===1){$s=17;continue;}if(n[0]===2){$s=18;continue;}$s=19;continue;case 16:$s=19;continue;case 17:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 18:$s=-1;return SY;case 19:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:TM.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};TM.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};TJ.ptr.prototype.processData=function(g){var{aa,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.cc;j=h.streamByID(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=g.Data();if(k===AEV.nil){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=i.nextStreamID;$r=i.mu.Unlock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID>=m){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=i.logf("http2: Transport received unsolicited DATA frame; closing connection",new ZB([]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return new LV(1);case 7:if(g.http2FrameHeader.Length>0){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i.inflow.add(((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0)));$r=i.mu.Unlock();$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=i.wmu.Lock();$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=i.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0,(g.http2FrameHeader.Length));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;o=i.bw.Flush();$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o;$r=i.wmu.Unlock();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 3:if(k.readClosed){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:$r=i.logf("protocol error: received DATA after END_STREAM",new ZB([]));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.endStreamError(k,(p=new LW.ptr(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,1,$ifaceNil),new p.constructor.elem(p)));$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 18:if(!k.firstByte){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:$r=i.logf("protocol error: received DATA before a HEADERS frame",new ZB([]));$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.endStreamError(k,(q=new LW.ptr(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,1,$ifaceNil),new q.constructor.elem(q)));$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 22:if(g.http2FrameHeader.Length>0){$s=25;continue;}$s=26;continue;case 25:if(k.isHead&&l.$length>0){$s=27;continue;}$s=28;continue;case 27:$r=i.logf("protocol error: received DATA on a HEAD request",new ZB([]));$s=29;case 29:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=h.endStreamError(k,(r=new LW.ptr(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID,1,$ifaceNil),new r.constructor.elem(r)));$s=30;case 30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 28:$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(k.inflow.available()>=((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0))){$s=32;continue;}$s=33;continue;case 32:k.inflow.take(((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0)));$s=34;continue;case 33:$r=i.mu.Unlock();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return new LV(3);case 34:s=0;t=((g.http2FrameHeader.Length>>0))-l.$length>>0;if(t>0){s=s+(t)>>0;}u=false;v=$ifaceNil;if(l.$length>0){$s=36;continue;}$s=37;continue;case 36:x=k.bufPipe.Write(l);$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;x=x.$blk();}if(x&&x.$blk!==undefined){break s;}w=x;v=w[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){u=true;s=s+(l.$length)>>0;}case 37:if(s>0){i.inflow.add(((s>>0)));if(!u){k.inflow.add(((s>>0)));}}$r=i.mu.Unlock();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(s>0){$s=40;continue;}$s=41;continue;case 40:$r=i.wmu.Lock();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y=i.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0,((s>>>0)));$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;y=y.$blk();}if(y&&y.$blk!==undefined){break s;}y;if(!u){$s=44;continue;}$s=45;continue;case 44:z=i.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(k.ID,((s>>>0)));$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;z=z.$blk();}if(z&&z.$blk!==undefined){break s;}z;case 45:aa=i.bw.Flush();$s=47;case 47:if($c){$c=false;aa=aa.$blk();}if(aa&&aa.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa;$r=i.wmu.Unlock();$s=48;case 48:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 41:if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=49;continue;}$s=50;continue;case 49:$r=h.endStreamError(k,v);$s=51;case 51:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 50:case 26:if(g.StreamEnded()){$s=52;continue;}$s=53;continue;case 52:$r=h.endStream(k);$s=54;case 54:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 53:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.processData,$c:true,$r,aa,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};TJ.prototype.processData=function(g){return this.$val.processData(g);};TJ.ptr.prototype.endStream=function(g){var{g,h,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;if(!g.readClosed){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:g.readClosed=true;$r=h.cc.mu.Lock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.cc.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);$r=g.bufPipe.closeWithErrorAndCode(J.EOF,$methodVal(g,"copyTrailers"));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$close(g.peerClosed);case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.endStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};TJ.prototype.endStream=function(g){return this.$val.endStream(g);};TJ.ptr.prototype.endStreamError=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;g.readAborted=true;$r=g.abortStream(h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.endStreamError,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};TJ.prototype.endStreamError=function(g,h){return this.$val.endStreamError(g,h);};TJ.ptr.prototype.streamByID=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;$r=h.cc.mu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h.cc.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);j=(i=h.cc.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(g)],i!==undefined?i.v:AEV.nil);if(!(j===AEV.nil)&&!j.readAborted){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:k=j;$s=4;case 4:return k;case 3:l=AEV.nil;$s=5;case 5:return l;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return AEV.nil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.streamByID,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};TJ.prototype.streamByID=function(g){return this.$val.streamByID(g);};SI.ptr.prototype.copyTrailers=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;g=this;h=g.trailer;i=0;j=$keys(h);while(true){if(!(i2147483647){$s=-1;return new LV(3);}o=((m.Val>>0))-((h[0].initialWindowSize>>0))>>0;p=h[0].streams;q=0;r=$keys(p);while(true){if(!(q>0)))){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:n=new LV(3);$s=8;case 8:return n;case 7:$r=i.cond.Broadcast();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=$ifaceNil;$s=10;case 10:return o;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.processWindowUpdate,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};TJ.prototype.processWindowUpdate=function(g){return this.$val.processWindowUpdate(g);};TJ.ptr.prototype.processResetStream=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=h.streamByID(g.http2FrameHeader.StreamID);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(j===AEV.nil){$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}k=$clone(LY(j.ID,g.ErrCode),LW);k.Cause=LX;if(g.ErrCode===1){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=h.cc.SetDoNotReuse();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:l=j.cc.t.CountError;if(!(l===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:m=new LT(g.ErrCode).stringToken();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=l("recv_rststream_"+m);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 6:$r=j.abortStream(new k.constructor.elem(k));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=j.bufPipe.CloseWithError(new k.constructor.elem(k));$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.processResetStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};TJ.prototype.processResetStream=function(g){return this.$val.processResetStream(g);};SH.ptr.prototype.Ping=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=[i];j=[j];h[0]=this;k=new $Chan(AAQ,0);j[0]=ADM.zero();case 1:m=AK.Read(new ZL(j[0]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=m;n=l[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(n,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return n;}$r=h[0].mu.Lock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=(p=h[0].pings[ADM.keyFor(j[0])],p!==undefined?[p.v,true]:[$chanNil,false]);q=o[1];if(!q){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:r=$clone(j[0],ADM);(h[0].pings||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ADM.keyFor(r)]={k:r,v:k};$r=h[0].mu.Unlock();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=2;continue;case 6:$r=h[0].mu.Unlock();$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=1;continue;case 2:i[0]=new $Chan($error,1);$go((function(h,i,j){return function $b(){var{s,t,u,v,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$r=h[0].wmu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(h[0].wmu,"Unlock"),[]]);s=h[0].fr.WritePing(false,$clone(j[0],ADM));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(t,$ifaceNil))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=$send(i[0],t);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=6;case 6:return;case 4:u=h[0].bw.Flush();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}v=u;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(v,$ifaceNil))){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=$send(i[0],v);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=11;case 11:return;case 9:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,s,t,u,v,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};})(h,i,j),[]);t=g.Done();$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}u=$select([[k],[i[0]],[t],[h[0].readerDone]]);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=u;if(s[0]===0){$s=11;continue;}if(s[0]===1){$s=12;continue;}if(s[0]===2){$s=13;continue;}if(s[0]===3){$s=14;continue;}$s=15;continue;case 11:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;case 12:v=s[1][0];$s=-1;return v;case 13:w=g.Err();$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;w=w.$blk();}if(w&&w.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x=w;$s=17;case 17:return x;case 14:$s=-1;return h[0].readerErr;case 15:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.Ping,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.Ping=function(g){return this.$val.Ping(g);};TJ.ptr.prototype.processPing=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);h=this;if(g.IsAck()){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:i=h.cc;$r=i.mu.Lock();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(i.mu,"Unlock"),[]]);j=(k=i.pings[ADM.keyFor(g.Data)],k!==undefined?[k.v,true]:[$chanNil,false]);l=j[0];m=j[1];if(m){$close(l);delete i.pings[ADM.keyFor(g.Data)];}n=$ifaceNil;$s=4;case 4:return n;case 2:o=h.cc;$r=o.wmu.Lock();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(o.wmu,"Unlock"),[]]);p=o.fr.WritePing(true,$clone(g.Data,ADM));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(q,$ifaceNil))){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:r=q;$s=9;case 9:return r;case 8:s=o.bw.Flush();$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t=s;$s=11;case 11:return t;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:TJ.ptr.prototype.processPing,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};TJ.prototype.processPing=function(g){return this.$val.processPing(g);};TJ.ptr.prototype.processPushPromise=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return new LV(1);};TJ.prototype.processPushPromise=function(g){return this.$val.processPushPromise(g);};SH.ptr.prototype.writeStreamReset=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;$r=j.wmu.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j.fr.WriteRSTStream(g,h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k;l=j.bw.Flush();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$r=j.wmu.Unlock();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.writeStreamReset,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.writeStreamReset=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.writeStreamReset(g,h,i);};SH.ptr.prototype.logf=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.t.logf(g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.logf,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.logf=function(g,h){return this.$val.logf(g,h);};SH.ptr.prototype.vlogf=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=i.t.vlogf(g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SH.ptr.prototype.vlogf,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};SH.prototype.vlogf=function(g,h){return this.$val.vlogf(g,h);};SD.ptr.prototype.vlogf=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;if(PD){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=i.logf(g,h);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.vlogf,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.vlogf=function(g,h){return this.$val.vlogf(g,h);};SD.ptr.prototype.logf=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;$r=K.Printf(g,h);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:SD.ptr.prototype.logf,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};SD.prototype.logf=function(g,h){return this.$val.logf(g,h);};TR.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){return $ifaceNil;};TR.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};TR.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var g;return[0,J.ErrUnexpectedEOF];};TR.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};TS=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;i=g;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+j]);if(k===h){return true;}j++;}return false;};TT.ptr.prototype.RoundTripErr=function(){var g;g=this;return g.err;};TT.prototype.RoundTripErr=function(){return this.$val.RoundTripErr();};TT.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return[AAG.nil,h.err];};TT.prototype.RoundTrip=function(g){return this.$val.RoundTrip(g);};TU.ptr.prototype.Read=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=0;i=$ifaceNil;j=this;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j.zerr,$ifaceNil))){k=0;l=j.zerr;h=k;i=l;$s=-1;return[h,i];}if(j.zr===ABB.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:n=D.NewReader(j.body);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=n;j.zr=m[0];i=m[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(i,$ifaceNil))){j.zerr=i;o=0;p=i;h=o;i=p;$s=-1;return[h,i];}case 2:r=j.zr.Read(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=r;h=q[0];i=q[1];s=[h,i];$s=5;case 5:return s;}return;}var $f={$blk:TU.ptr.prototype.Read,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,$s};return $f;};TU.prototype.Read=function(g){return this.$val.Read(g);};TU.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=g.body.Close();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:TU.ptr.prototype.Close,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};TU.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};TW=function(g){var g,h;return g.Close||U.HeaderValuesContainsToken((h=g.Header[$String.keyFor("Connection")],h!==undefined?h.v:ZK.nil),"close");};TX=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);i=[i];i[0]=$ifaceNil;$deferred.push([(function(i){return function $b(){var{j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=$recover();if(!($interfaceIsEqual(j,$ifaceNil))){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=H.Errorf("%v",new ZB([j]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=k;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,$s};return $f;};})(i),[]]);$r=g.RegisterProtocol("https",new h.constructor.elem(h));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i[0]=$ifaceNil;j=i[0];$s=2;case 2:return j;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if(!$curGoroutine.asleep){return i[0];}if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:TX,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};TY.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;j=h.http2Transport.RoundTrip(g);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];if(SM(l)){$s=-1;return[AAG.nil,$pkg.ErrSkipAltProtocol];}$s=-1;return[k,l];}return;}var $f={$blk:TY.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};TY.prototype.RoundTrip=function(g){return this.$val.RoundTrip(g);};SD.ptr.prototype.idleConnTimeout=function(){var g;g=this;if(!(g.t1===AAU.nil)){return g.t1.IdleConnTimeout;}return new T.Duration(0,0);};SD.prototype.idleConnTimeout=function(){return this.$val.idleConnTimeout();};TZ=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=L.ContextClientTrace(g.Context());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;if(j===AAH.nil||j.GetConn===$throwNilPointerError){$s=-1;return;}$r=j.GetConn(h);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:TZ,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};UA=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=L.ContextClientTrace(g.Context());$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(k===AAH.nil||k.GotConn===$throwNilPointerError){$s=-1;return;}l=new L.GotConnInfo.ptr(h.tconn,false,false,new T.Duration(0,0));l.Reused=i;$r=h.mu.Lock();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.WasIdle=($keys(h.streams).length===0)&&i;if(l.WasIdle&&!$clone(h.lastActive,T.Time).IsZero()){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:m=T.Now();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=$clone(m,T.Time).Sub($clone(h.lastActive,T.Time));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l.IdleTime=n;case 4:$r=h.mu.Unlock();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=k.GotConn($clone(l,L.GotConnInfo));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:UA,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s};return $f;};UB=function(g){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(g===AAH.nil)&&!(g.WroteHeaders===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.WroteHeaders();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:UB,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};UC=function(g){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(g===AAH.nil)&&!(g.Got100Continue===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.Got100Continue();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:UC,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};UD=function(g){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(g===AAH.nil)&&!(g.Wait100Continue===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.Wait100Continue();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:UD,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};UE=function(g,h){var{g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(g===AAH.nil)&&!(g.WroteRequest===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.WroteRequest(new L.WroteRequestInfo.ptr(h));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:UE,$c:true,$r,g,h,$s};return $f;};UF=function(g){var{g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(g===AAH.nil)&&!(g.GotFirstResponseByte===$throwNilPointerError)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=g.GotFirstResponseByte();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:UF,$c:true,$r,g,$s};return $f;};UI=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k;h=g;if($assertType(h,AEG,true)[1]){i=h.$val;return i.endStream;}else if($assertType(h,AEH,true)[1]){j=h.$val;return j.endStream;}else if(h===$ifaceNil){k=h;$panic(new $String("writeEndsStream called on nil writeFramer"));}return false;};UJ.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=g.Flush();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:UJ.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};UJ.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};UJ.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g;return false;};UJ.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};UK.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return(9+($imul(6,h.$length))>>0)<=g;};$ptrType(UK).prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$get().staysWithinBuffer(g);};UK.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=g.Framer();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.WriteSettings(($convertSliceType(h,AEU)));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:UK.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(UK).prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$get().writeFrame(g);};UL.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=g.Framer();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.WriteGoAway(h.maxStreamID,h.code,ZL.nil);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;l=g.Flush();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:UL.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};UL.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};UL.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g;return false;};UL.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};UM.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h=H.Sprintf("writeData(stream=%d, p=%d, endStream=%v)",new ZB([new $Uint32(g.streamID),new $Int(g.p.$length),new $Bool(g.endStream)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:UM.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};UM.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};UM.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=g.Framer();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.WriteData(h.streamID,h.endStream,h.p);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:UM.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};UM.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};UM.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return(9+h.p.$length>>0)<=g;};UM.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};UN.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=g.Framer();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.WriteRSTStream(h.StreamID,2);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:UN.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};UN.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};UN.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return 13<=g;};UN.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};LW.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=g.Framer();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.WriteRSTStream(h.StreamID,h.Code);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:LW.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};LW.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};LW.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return 13<=g;};LW.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};UO.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=g.Framer();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.WritePing(true,$clone(h.pf.Data,ADM));$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:UO.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};UO.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};UO.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return 17<=g;};UO.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};UP.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=g.Framer();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h.WriteSettingsAck();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;$s=3;case 3:return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:UP.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};UP.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};UP.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g;return 9<=g;};UP.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};UQ=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=true;case 1:if(!(h.$length>0)){$s=2;continue;}k=h;if(k.$length>16384){k=$subslice(k,0,16384);}h=$subslice(h,k.$length);l=i(g,k,j,h.$length===0);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(m,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return m;}j=false;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:UQ,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};US=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(PD){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$r=K.Printf("http2: server encoding header %q = %q",new ZB([new $String(h),new $String(i)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 2:j=g.WriteField(new AO.HeaderField.ptr(h,i,false));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:US,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};UR.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return false;};UR.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};UR.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;j=g.HeaderEncoder();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];l.Reset();if(!((h.httpResCode===0))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=US(k,":status",PP(h.httpResCode));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$r=UW(k,h.h,h.trailers);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!(h.contentType==="")){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=US(k,"content-type",h.contentType);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:if(!(h.contentLength==="")){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$r=US(k,"content-length",h.contentLength);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 10:if(!(h.date==="")){$s=12;continue;}$s=13;continue;case 12:$r=US(k,"date",h.date);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 13:m=l.Bytes();if((m.$length===0)&&h.trailers===ZK.nil){$panic(new $String("unexpected empty hpack"));}n=UQ(g,m,$methodVal(h,"writeHeaderBlock"));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=16;case 16:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:UR.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};UR.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};UR.ptr.prototype.writeHeaderBlock=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;if(i){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=g.Framer();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.WriteHeaders(new NU.ptr(k.streamID,h,k.endStream,j,0,new NW.ptr(0,false,0)));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=6;case 6:return n;case 2:o=g.Framer();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.WriteContinuation(k.streamID,j,h);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=9;case 9:return q;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:UR.ptr.prototype.writeHeaderBlock,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};UR.prototype.writeHeaderBlock=function(g,h,i,j){return this.$val.writeHeaderBlock(g,h,i,j);};UT.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return false;};UT.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};UT.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;j=g.HeaderEncoder();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];l.Reset();$r=US(k,":method",h.method);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=US(k,":scheme",h.url.Scheme);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=US(k,":authority",h.url.Host);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=US(k,":path",h.url.RequestURI());$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=UW(k,h.h,ZK.nil);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.Bytes();if(m.$length===0){$panic(new $String("unexpected empty hpack"));}n=UQ(g,m,$methodVal(h,"writeHeaderBlock"));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=8;case 8:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:UT.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};UT.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};UT.ptr.prototype.writeHeaderBlock=function(g,h,i,j){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i,j});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:k=this;if(i){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=g.Framer();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l.WritePushPromise(new OE.ptr(k.streamID,k.promisedID,h,j,0));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;$s=6;case 6:return n;case 2:o=g.Framer();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o.WriteContinuation(k.streamID,j,h);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;$s=9;case 9:return q;case 3:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:UT.ptr.prototype.writeHeaderBlock,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};UT.prototype.writeHeaderBlock=function(g,h,i,j){return this.$val.writeHeaderBlock(g,h,i,j);};UU.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;j=g.HeaderEncoder();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=j;k=i[0];l=i[1];l.Reset();$r=US(k,":status","100");$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=g.Framer();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m.WriteHeaders(new NU.ptr(h.streamID,l.Bytes(),false,true,0,new NW.ptr(0,false,0)));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=5;case 5:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:UU.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};UU.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};UU.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return 29<=g;};UU.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};UV.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){var g,h;h=this;return 13<=g;};UV.prototype.staysWithinBuffer=function(g){return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(g);};UV.ptr.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;i=g.Framer();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i.WriteWindowUpdate(h.streamID,h.n);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=3;case 3:return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:UV.ptr.prototype.writeFrame,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};UV.prototype.writeFrame=function(g){return this.$val.writeFrame(g);};UW=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);if(i===ZK.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:j=QB.Get();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=$assertType(j,AEO);$deferred.push([$methodVal(QB,"Put"),[k]]);l=k.Keys(h);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=l;case 2:m=i;n=0;case 5:if(!(n=m.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):m.$array[m.$offset+n]);q=(p=h[$String.keyFor(o)],p!==undefined?p.v:ZK.nil);s=PC(o);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=s;t=r[0];u=r[1];if(!u){n++;$s=5;continue;}if(!PO(t)){n++;$s=5;continue;}v=t==="transfer-encoding";w=q;x=0;case 8:if(!(x=w.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):w.$array[w.$offset+x]);if(!U.ValidHeaderFieldValue(y)){x++;$s=8;continue;}if(v&&!(y==="trailers")){x++;$s=8;continue;}$r=US(g,t,y);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}x++;$s=8;continue;case 9:n++;$s=5;continue;case 6:$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:UW,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};UZ.ptr.prototype.StreamID=function(){var g,h,i,j;g=this;if(g.stream===ZW.nil){h=$assertType(g.write,LW,true);i=$clone(h[0],LW);j=h[1];if(j){return i.StreamID;}return 0;}return g.stream.id;};UZ.prototype.StreamID=function(){return this.$val.StreamID();};UZ.ptr.prototype.isControl=function(){var g;g=this;return g.stream===ZW.nil;};UZ.prototype.isControl=function(){return this.$val.isControl();};UZ.ptr.prototype.DataSize=function(){var g,h,i,j;g=this;h=$assertType(g.write,AEG,true);i=h[0];j=h[1];if(j){return i.p.$length;}return 0;};UZ.prototype.DataSize=function(){return this.$val.DataSize();};UZ.ptr.prototype.Consume=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;h=this;i=new UZ.ptr($ifaceNil,ZW.nil,$chanNil);j=$assertType(h.write,AEG,true);k=j[0];l=j[1];if(!l||(k.p.$length===0)){return[h,i,1];}m=h.stream.flow.available();if(g((m>>0))){h.stream.flow.take(m);n=new UZ.ptr(new UM.ptr(k.streamID,$subslice(k.p,0,m),false),h.stream,$chanNil);o=new UZ.ptr(new UM.ptr(k.streamID,$subslice(k.p,m),k.endStream),h.stream,h.done);return[n,o,2];}h.stream.flow.take(((k.p.$length>>0)));return[h,i,1];};UZ.prototype.Consume=function(g){return this.$val.Consume(g);};UZ.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;h="";i=$assertType(g.write,H.Stringer,true);j=i[0];k=i[1];if(k){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:l=j.String();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=l;$s=3;continue;case 2:m=H.Sprintf("%T",new ZB([g.write]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=m;case 3:n=H.Sprintf("[FrameWriteRequest stream=%d, ch=%v, writer=%v]",new ZB([new $Uint32($clone(g,UZ).StreamID()),new $Bool(!(g.done===$chanNil)),new $String(h)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=7;case 7:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:UZ.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};UZ.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};UZ.ptr.prototype.replyToWriter=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=this;if(h.done===$chanNil){$s=-1;return;}i=$select([[h.done,g],[]]);if(i[0]===0){$s=1;continue;}if(i[0]===1){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 1:$s=3;continue;case 2:j=H.Sprintf("unbuffered done channel passed in for type %T",new ZB([h.write]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(j));case 3:h.write=$ifaceNil;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:UZ.ptr.prototype.replyToWriter,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,$s};return $f;};UZ.prototype.replyToWriter=function(g){return this.$val.replyToWriter(g);};VA.ptr.prototype.empty=function(){var g;g=this;return g.s.$length===0;};VA.prototype.empty=function(){return this.$val.empty();};VA.ptr.prototype.push=function(g){var g,h;h=this;h.s=$append(h.s,g);};VA.prototype.push=function(g){return this.$val.push(g);};VA.ptr.prototype.shift=function(){var g,h,i,j,k;g=this;if(g.s.$length===0){$panic(new $String("invalid use of queue"));}i=$clone((h=g.s,(0>=h.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):h.$array[h.$offset+0])),UZ);$copySlice(g.s,$subslice(g.s,1));UZ.copy((j=g.s,k=g.s.$length-1>>0,((k<0||k>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+k])),new UZ.ptr($ifaceNil,ZW.nil,$chanNil));g.s=$subslice(g.s,0,(g.s.$length-1>>0));return i;};VA.prototype.shift=function(){return this.$val.shift();};VA.ptr.prototype.consume=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;h=this;if(h.s.$length===0){return[new UZ.ptr($ifaceNil,ZW.nil,$chanNil),false];}i=$clone((j=h.s,(0>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+0])),UZ).Consume(g);k=$clone(i[0],UZ);l=$clone(i[1],UZ);m=i[2];n=m;if(n===(0)){return[new UZ.ptr($ifaceNil,ZW.nil,$chanNil),false];}else if(n===(1)){h.shift();}else if(n===(2)){UZ.copy((o=h.s,(0>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0])),l);}return[k,true];};VA.prototype.consume=function(g){return this.$val.consume(g);};$ptrType(VB).prototype.put=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l;h=this;i=g.s;j=0;while(true){if(!(j=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+k])),new UZ.ptr($ifaceNil,ZW.nil,$chanNil));j++;}g.s=$subslice(g.s,0,0);h.$set($append(h.$get(),g));};$ptrType(VB).prototype.get=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l;g=this;h=g.$get().$length;if(h===0){return new VA.ptr(AEW.nil);}i=h-1>>0;k=(j=g.$get(),((i<0||i>=j.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+i]));(l=g.$get(),((i<0||i>=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+i]=AEX.nil));g.$set($subslice((g.$get()),0,i));return k;};VD=function(g){var g,h,i;if(g===ACS.nil){g=new VC.ptr(10,10,false);}h=new VH.ptr(new VF.ptr(new VA.ptr(AEW.nil),0,0,0,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),AEY.nil,AEY.nil,AEY.nil,AEY.nil),{},0,AEZ.nil,AEZ.nil,g.MaxClosedNodesInTree,g.MaxIdleNodesInTree,0,g.ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites,AEZ.nil,VB.nil);i=0;(h.nodes||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(i)]={k:i,v:h.root};if(g.ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites){h.writeThrottleLimit=1024;}else{h.writeThrottleLimit=2147483647;}return h;};VF.ptr.prototype.setParent=function(g){var g,h,i;h=this;if(h===g){$panic(new $String("setParent to self"));}if(h.parent===g){return;}i=h.parent;if(!(i===AEY.nil)){if(h.prev===AEY.nil){i.kids=h.next;}else{h.prev.next=h.next;}if(!(h.next===AEY.nil)){h.next.prev=h.prev;}}h.parent=g;if(g===AEY.nil){h.next=AEY.nil;h.prev=AEY.nil;}else{h.next=g.kids;h.prev=AEY.nil;if(!(h.next===AEY.nil)){h.next.prev=h;}g.kids=h;}};VF.prototype.setParent=function(g){return this.$val.setParent(g);};VF.ptr.prototype.addBytes=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l;h=this;h.bytes=(i=h.bytes,j=g,new $Int64(i.$high+j.$high,i.$low+j.$low));while(true){if(!(!(h===AEY.nil))){break;}h.subtreeBytes=(k=h.subtreeBytes,l=g,new $Int64(k.$high+l.$high,k.$low+l.$low));h=h.parent;}};VF.prototype.addBytes=function(g){return this.$val.addBytes(g);};VF.ptr.prototype.walkReadyInOrder=function(g,h,i){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h,i});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=this;if(!(!j.q.empty())){k=false;$s=3;continue s;}l=i(j,g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=l;case 3:if(k){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return true;case 2:if(j.kids===AEY.nil){$s=-1;return false;}if(!((j.id===0))){g=g||((j.state===0));}m=j.kids.weight;n=false;o=j.kids.next;while(true){if(!(!(o===AEY.nil))){break;}if(!((o.weight===m))){n=true;break;}o=o.next;}if(!n){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:p=j.kids;case 7:if(!(!(p===AEY.nil))){$s=8;continue;}q=p.walkReadyInOrder(g,h,i);$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(q){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:$s=-1;return true;case 10:p=p.next;$s=7;continue;case 8:$s=-1;return false;case 6:h.$set($subslice((h.$get()),0,0));while(true){if(!(!(j.kids===AEY.nil))){break;}h.$set($append(h.$get(),j.kids));j.kids.setParent(AEY.nil);}$r=Y.Sort(($convertSliceType(h.$get(),VG)));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=h.$get().$length-1>>0;while(true){if(!(r>=0)){break;}(s=h.$get(),((r<0||r>=s.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):s.$array[s.$offset+r])).setParent(j);r=r-(1)>>0;}t=j.kids;case 13:if(!(!(t===AEY.nil))){$s=14;continue;}u=t.walkReadyInOrder(g,h,i);$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(u){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:$s=-1;return true;case 16:t=t.next;$s=13;continue;case 14:$s=-1;return false;}return;}var $f={$blk:VF.ptr.prototype.walkReadyInOrder,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,$s};return $f;};VF.prototype.walkReadyInOrder=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.walkReadyInOrder(g,h,i);};VG.prototype.Len=function(){var g;g=this;return g.$length;};$ptrType(VG).prototype.Len=function(){return this.$get().Len();};VG.prototype.Swap=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k;i=this;j=((h<0||h>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+h]);k=((g<0||g>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+g]);((g<0||g>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+g]=j);((h<0||h>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+h]=k);};$ptrType(VG).prototype.Swap=function(g,h){return this.$get().Swap(g,h);};VG.prototype.Less=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;i=this;j=((((g<0||g>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+g]).weight+1<<24>>>24));k=($flatten64(((g<0||g>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+g]).subtreeBytes));l=j;m=k;n=((((h<0||h>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+h]).weight+1<<24>>>24));o=($flatten64(((h<0||h>=i.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):i.$array[i.$offset+h]).subtreeBytes));p=n;q=o;if((m===0)&&(q===0)){return l>=p;}if(q===0){return false;}return m/q<=l/p;};$ptrType(VG).prototype.Less=function(g,h){return this.$get().Less(g,h);};VH.ptr.prototype.OpenStream=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:i=this;k=(j=i.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?j.v:AEY.nil);if(!(k===AEY.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:if(!((k.state===2))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:l=H.Sprintf("stream %d already opened",new ZB([new $Uint32(g)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(l));case 4:k.state=0;$s=-1;return;case 2:n=(m=i.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(h.PusherID)],m!==undefined?m.v:AEY.nil);if(n===AEY.nil){n=i.root;}o=new VF.ptr($clone((i.$ptr_queuePool||(i.$ptr_queuePool=new AFA(function(){return this.$target.queuePool;},function($v){this.$target.queuePool=$v;},i))).get(),VA),g,15,0,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),AEY.nil,AEY.nil,AEY.nil,AEY.nil);o.setParent(n);p=g;(i.nodes||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(p)]={k:p,v:o};if(g>i.maxID){i.maxID=g;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:VH.ptr.prototype.OpenStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};VH.prototype.OpenStream=function(g,h){return this.$val.OpenStream(g,h);};VH.ptr.prototype.CloseStream=function(g){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=[h];i=this;if(g===0){$panic(new $String("violation of WriteScheduler interface: cannot close stream 0"));}if((j=i.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?j.v:AEY.nil)===AEY.nil){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:k=H.Sprintf("violation of WriteScheduler interface: unknown stream %d",new ZB([new $Uint32(g)]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(k));case 2:if(!(((l=i.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(g)],l!==undefined?l.v:AEY.nil).state===0))){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:m=H.Sprintf("violation of WriteScheduler interface: stream %d already closed",new ZB([new $Uint32(g)]));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$panic(new $String(m));case 5:o=(n=i.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(g)],n!==undefined?n.v:AEY.nil);o.state=1;o.addBytes((p=o.bytes,new $Int64(-p.$high,-p.$low)));h[0]=$clone(o.q,VA);(i.$ptr_queuePool||(i.$ptr_queuePool=new AFA(function(){return this.$target.queuePool;},function($v){this.$target.queuePool=$v;},i))).put(h[0]);o.q.s=AEW.nil;if(i.maxClosedNodesInTree>0){i.addClosedOrIdleNode((i.$ptr_closedNodes||(i.$ptr_closedNodes=new AFB(function(){return this.$target.closedNodes;},function($v){this.$target.closedNodes=$v;},i))),i.maxClosedNodesInTree,o);}else{i.removeNode(o);}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:VH.ptr.prototype.CloseStream,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};VH.prototype.CloseStream=function(g){return this.$val.CloseStream(g);};VH.ptr.prototype.AdjustStream=function(g,h){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;i=this;if(g===0){$panic(new $String("adjustPriority on root"));}k=(j=i.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?j.v:AEY.nil);if(k===AEY.nil){if(g<=i.maxID||(i.maxIdleNodesInTree===0)){return;}i.maxID=g;k=new VF.ptr($clone((i.$ptr_queuePool||(i.$ptr_queuePool=new AFA(function(){return this.$target.queuePool;},function($v){this.$target.queuePool=$v;},i))).get(),VA),g,15,2,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),AEY.nil,AEY.nil,AEY.nil,AEY.nil);k.setParent(i.root);l=g;(i.nodes||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(l)]={k:l,v:k};i.addClosedOrIdleNode((i.$ptr_idleNodes||(i.$ptr_idleNodes=new AFB(function(){return this.$target.idleNodes;},function($v){this.$target.idleNodes=$v;},i))),i.maxIdleNodesInTree,k);}n=(m=i.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(h.StreamDep)],m!==undefined?m.v:AEY.nil);if(n===AEY.nil){k.setParent(i.root);k.weight=15;return;}if(k===n){return;}o=n.parent;while(true){if(!(!(o===AEY.nil))){break;}if(o===k){n.setParent(k.parent);break;}o=o.parent;}if(h.Exclusive){p=n.kids;while(true){if(!(!(p===AEY.nil))){break;}q=p.next;if(!(p===k)){p.setParent(k);}p=q;}}k.setParent(n);k.weight=h.Weight;};VH.prototype.AdjustStream=function(g,h){return this.$val.AdjustStream(g,h);};VH.ptr.prototype.Push=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k;h=this;i=AEY.nil;j=$clone(g,UZ).StreamID();if(j===0){i=h.root;}else{i=(k=h.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(j)],k!==undefined?k.v:AEY.nil);if(i===AEY.nil){if($clone(g,UZ).DataSize()>0){$panic(new $String("add DATA on non-open stream"));}i=h.root;}}i.q.push($clone(g,UZ));};VH.prototype.Push=function(g){return this.$val.Push(g);};VH.ptr.prototype.Pop=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=[g];h=[h];i=[i];h[0]=new UZ.ptr($ifaceNil,ZW.nil,$chanNil);g[0]=false;i[0]=this;j=i[0].root.walkReadyInOrder(false,(i[0].$ptr_tmp||(i[0].$ptr_tmp=new AFB(function(){return this.$target.tmp;},function($v){this.$target.tmp=$v;},i[0]))),(function(g,h,i){return function(j,k){var j,k,l,m;l=2147483647;if(k){l=i[0].writeThrottleLimit;}m=j.q.consume(l);UZ.copy(h[0],m[0]);g[0]=m[1];if(!g[0]){return false;}j.addBytes((new $Int64(0,$clone(h[0],UZ).DataSize())));if(k){i[0].writeThrottleLimit=i[0].writeThrottleLimit+(1024)>>0;if(i[0].writeThrottleLimit<0){i[0].writeThrottleLimit=2147483647;}}else if(i[0].enableWriteThrottle){i[0].writeThrottleLimit=1024;}return true;};})(g,h,i));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j;k=$clone(h[0],UZ);l=g[0];UZ.copy(h[0],k);g[0]=l;$s=-1;return[h[0],g[0]];}return;}var $f={$blk:VH.ptr.prototype.Pop,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,$s};return $f;};VH.prototype.Pop=function(){return this.$val.Pop();};VH.ptr.prototype.addClosedOrIdleNode=function(g,h,i){var g,h,i,j,k,l;j=this;if(h===0){return;}if(g.$get().$length===h){j.removeNode((k=g.$get(),(0>=k.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+0])));l=$subslice((g.$get()),1);$copySlice(g.$get(),l);g.$set($subslice((g.$get()),0,l.$length));}g.$set($append(g.$get(),i));};VH.prototype.addClosedOrIdleNode=function(g,h,i){return this.$val.addClosedOrIdleNode(g,h,i);};VH.ptr.prototype.removeNode=function(g){var g,h,i;h=this;i=g.kids;while(true){if(!(!(i===AEY.nil))){break;}i.setParent(g.parent);i=i.next;}g.setParent(AEY.nil);delete h.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(g.id)];};VH.prototype.removeNode=function(g){return this.$val.removeNode(g);};VI=function(){return new VJ.ptr(new VA.ptr(AEW.nil),{},VB.nil);};VJ.ptr.prototype.OpenStream=function(g,h){var g,h,i;i=this;};VJ.prototype.OpenStream=function(g,h){return this.$val.OpenStream(g,h);};VJ.ptr.prototype.CloseStream=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l;h=this;i=(j=h.sq[$Uint32.keyFor(g)],j!==undefined?[j.v,true]:[AEX.nil,false]);k=i[0];l=i[1];if(!l){return;}delete h.sq[$Uint32.keyFor(g)];(h.$ptr_queuePool||(h.$ptr_queuePool=new AFA(function(){return this.$target.queuePool;},function($v){this.$target.queuePool=$v;},h))).put(k);};VJ.prototype.CloseStream=function(g){return this.$val.CloseStream(g);};VJ.ptr.prototype.AdjustStream=function(g,h){var g,h,i;i=this;};VJ.prototype.AdjustStream=function(g,h){return this.$val.AdjustStream(g,h);};VJ.ptr.prototype.Push=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;h=this;if($clone(g,UZ).isControl()){h.zero.push($clone(g,UZ));return;}i=$clone(g,UZ).StreamID();j=(k=h.sq[$Uint32.keyFor(i)],k!==undefined?[k.v,true]:[AEX.nil,false]);l=j[0];m=j[1];if(!m){l=(h.$ptr_queuePool||(h.$ptr_queuePool=new AFA(function(){return this.$target.queuePool;},function($v){this.$target.queuePool=$v;},h))).get();n=i;(h.sq||$throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(n)]={k:n,v:l};}l.push($clone(g,UZ));};VJ.prototype.Push=function(g){return this.$val.Push(g);};VJ.ptr.prototype.Pop=function(){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p;g=this;if(!g.zero.empty()){return[g.zero.shift(),true];}h=g.sq;i=0;j=$keys(h);while(true){if(!(i=k.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):k.$array[k.$offset+m]);o=Q.Split(N.TrimString(n),";");if((o.$length===1)&&(0>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0])===""){m++;$s=1;continue;}(0>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0]=N.TrimString((0>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0])));p=Q.Cut((0>=o.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+0]),"=");q=p[0];r=p[1];s=p[2];if(!s){m++;$s=1;continue;}t=XW(q);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!t){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:m++;$s=1;continue;case 4:u=XV(r,true);r=u[0];s=u[1];if(!s){m++;$s=1;continue;}v=new XG.ptr(q,r,"","",new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil),"",0,false,false,0,n,ZK.nil);w=1;case 6:if(!(w=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+w]=N.TrimString(((w<0||w>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+w])));if(((w<0||w>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+w]).length===0){w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;}x=Q.Cut(((w<0||w>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+w]),"=");y=x[0];z=x[1];ab=M.ToLower(y);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;ab=ab.$blk();}if(ab&&ab.$blk!==undefined){break s;}aa=ab;ac=aa[0];ad=aa[1];if(!ad){w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;}ae=XV(z,false);z=ae[0];s=ae[1];if(!s){v.Unparsed=$append(v.Unparsed,((w<0||w>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+w]));w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;}af=ac;if(af===("samesite")){$s=10;continue;}if(af===("secure")){$s=11;continue;}if(af===("httponly")){$s=12;continue;}if(af===("domain")){$s=13;continue;}if(af===("max-age")){$s=14;continue;}if(af===("expires")){$s=15;continue;}if(af===("path")){$s=16;continue;}$s=17;continue;case 10:ah=M.ToLower(z);$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;ah=ah.$blk();}if(ah&&ah.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ag=ah;ai=ag[0];aj=ag[1];if(!aj){v.SameSite=1;w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;}ak=ai;if(ak===("lax")){v.SameSite=2;}else if(ak===("strict")){v.SameSite=3;}else if(ak===("none")){v.SameSite=4;}else{v.SameSite=1;}w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;$s=17;continue;case 11:v.Secure=true;w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;$s=17;continue;case 12:v.HttpOnly=true;w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;$s=17;continue;case 13:v.Domain=z;w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;$s=17;continue;case 14:al=Z.Atoi(z);am=al[0];an=al[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(an,$ifaceNil))||!((am===0))&&(z.charCodeAt(0)===48)){$s=9;continue;}if(am<=0){am=-1;}v.MaxAge=am;w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;$s=17;continue;case 15:v.RawExpires=z;ap=T.Parse("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST",z);$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;ap=ap.$blk();}if(ap&&ap.$blk!==undefined){break s;}ao=ap;aq=$clone(ao[0],T.Time);ar=ao[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ar,$ifaceNil))){$s=20;continue;}$s=21;continue;case 20:at=T.Parse("Mon, 02-Jan-2006 15:04:05 MST",z);$s=22;case 22:if($c){$c=false;at=at.$blk();}if(at&&at.$blk!==undefined){break s;}as=at;T.Time.copy(aq,as[0]);ar=as[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(ar,$ifaceNil))){T.Time.copy(v.Expires,new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil));$s=9;continue;}case 21:T.Time.copy(v.Expires,$clone(aq,T.Time).UTC());w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;$s=17;continue;case 16:v.Path=z;w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;case 17:case 9:v.Unparsed=$append(v.Unparsed,((w<0||w>=o.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):o.$array[o.$offset+w]));w=w+(1)>>0;$s=6;continue;case 7:j=$append(j,v);m++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return j;}return;}var $f={$blk:XI,$c:true,$r,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$s};return $f;};XG.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(g===ACU.nil){h=true;$s=3;continue s;}i=XW(g.Name);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=!i;case 3:if(h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return"";case 2:j=new Q.Builder.ptr(AFJ.nil,ZL.nil);j.Grow((((g.Name.length+g.Value.length>>0)+g.Domain.length>>0)+g.Path.length>>0)+110>>0);j.WriteString(g.Name);j.WriteRune(61);k=XQ(g.Value);$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=j.WriteString(k);$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l;if(g.Path.length>0){$s=7;continue;}$s=8;continue;case 7:j.WriteString("; Path=");m=XS(g.Path);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=j.WriteString(m);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;case 8:if(g.Domain.length>0){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:if(XL(g.Domain)){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:o=g.Domain;if(o.charCodeAt(0)===46){o=$substring(o,1);}j.WriteString("; Domain=");j.WriteString(o);$s=15;continue;case 14:$r=K.Printf("net/http: invalid Cookie.Domain %q; dropping domain attribute",new ZB([new $String(g.Domain)]));$s=16;case 16:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 15:case 12:p=ACF.zero();q=XM($clone(g.Expires,T.Time));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(q){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:j.WriteString("; Expires=");r=$clone($clone(g.Expires,T.Time).UTC(),T.Time).AppendFormat($subslice(new ZL(p),0,0),"Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT");$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;r=r.$blk();}if(r&&r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s=j.Write(r);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;case 18:if(g.MaxAge>0){j.WriteString("; Max-Age=");j.Write(Z.AppendInt($subslice(new ZL(p),0,0),(new $Int64(0,g.MaxAge)),10));}else if(g.MaxAge<0){j.WriteString("; Max-Age=0");}if(g.HttpOnly){j.WriteString("; HttpOnly");}if(g.Secure){j.WriteString("; Secure");}t=g.SameSite;if(t===(1)){}else if(t===(4)){j.WriteString("; SameSite=None");}else if(t===(2)){j.WriteString("; SameSite=Lax");}else if(t===(3)){j.WriteString("; SameSite=Strict");}$s=-1;return j.String();}return;}var $f={$blk:XG.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,$s};return $f;};XG.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};XG.ptr.prototype.Valid=function(){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:g=this;if(g===ACU.nil){$s=-1;return G.New("http: nil Cookie");}h=XW(g.Name);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!h){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return G.New("http: invalid Cookie.Name");case 2:i=XM($clone(g.Expires,T.Time));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!i){$s=4;continue;}$s=5;continue;case 4:$s=-1;return G.New("http: invalid Cookie.Expires");case 5:j=0;case 7:if(!(j>0;$s=7;continue;case 8:if(g.Path.length>0){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:m=0;case 15:if(!(m>0;$s=15;continue;case 16:case 14:if(g.Domain.length>0){if(!XL(g.Domain)){$s=-1;return G.New("http: invalid Cookie.Domain");}}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:XG.ptr.prototype.Valid,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};XG.prototype.Valid=function(){return this.$val.Valid();};XK=function(g,h){var{g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g,h});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=(i=g[$String.keyFor("Cookie")],i!==undefined?i.v:ZK.nil);if(j.$length===0){$s=-1;return new AFI([]);}k=$makeSlice(AFI,0,(j.$length+Q.Count((0>=j.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):j.$array[j.$offset+0]),";")>>0));l=j;m=0;case 1:if(!(m=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);n=N.TrimString(n);o="";case 3:if(!(n.length>0)){$s=4;continue;}p=Q.Cut(n,";");o=p[0];n=p[1];o=N.TrimString(o);if(o===""){$s=3;continue;}q=Q.Cut(o,"=");r=q[0];s=q[1];t=XW(r);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!t){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:$s=3;continue;case 6:if(!(h==="")&&!(h===r)){$s=3;continue;}u=XV(s,true);s=u[0];v=u[1];if(!v){$s=3;continue;}k=$append(k,new XG.ptr(r,s,"","",new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil),"",0,false,false,0,"",ZK.nil));$s=3;continue;case 4:m++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return k;}return;}var $f={$blk:XK,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};XL=function(g){var g;if(XN(g)){return true;}if(!(B.ParseIP(g)===B.IP.nil)&&!Q.Contains(g,":")){return true;}return false;};XM=function(g){var{g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{g});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:h=$clone(g,T.Time).Year();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=h>=1601;$s=2;case 2:return i;}return;}var $f={$blk:XM,$c:true,$r,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};XN=function(g){var g,h,i,j,k,l;if(g.length===0){return false;}if(g.length>255){return false;}if(g.charCodeAt(0)===46){g=$substring(g,1);}h=46;i=false;j=0;k=0;while(true){if(!(k>0;}else if(48<=l&&l<=57){j=j+(1)>>0;}else if((l===45)){if(h===46){return false;}j=j+(1)>>0;}else if((l===46)){if((h===46)||(h===45)){return false;}if(j>63||(j===0)){return false;}j=0;}else{return 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30:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=P.$init();$s=31;case 31:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AD.$init();$s=32;case 32:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Y.$init();$s=33;case 33:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Z.$init();$s=34;case 34:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=Q.$init();$s=35;case 35:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=R.$init();$s=36;case 36:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=S.$init();$s=37;case 37:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AE.$init();$s=38;case 38:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=T.$init();$s=39;case 39:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AJ.$init();$s=40;case 40:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=U.$init();$s=41;case 41:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=V.$init();$s=42;case 42:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AO.$init();$s=43;case 43:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=AI.$init();$s=44;case 44:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}BD=new R.Once.ptr(0,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0));BE=$throwNilPointerError;BR=new B.Dialer.ptr(new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil),$ifaceNil,false,new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(0,0),ZA.nil,$chanNil,$throwNilPointerError);FU=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,$throwNilPointerError);FV=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,$throwNilPointerError);FW=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,$throwNilPointerError);HJ=new HG.ptr(new R.RWMutex.ptr(new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),0,0,0,0),false,ZF.nil,false);HX=$throwNilPointerError;II=new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0);JS=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,$throwNilPointerError);KF=false;OX=new R.Once.ptr(0,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0));OY=false;OZ=false;PD=false;PE=false;PF=false;PG=false;QN=$throwNilPointerError;QO=$throwNilPointerError;QP=ZG.nil;QQ=$throwNilPointerError;SJ=$throwNilPointerError;TF=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,$throwNilPointerError);AZ=G.New("net/http: cannot rewind body after connection loss");$pkg.ErrSkipAltProtocol=G.New("net/http: skip alternate protocol");$unused(new AT.ptr(new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,false,new DC.ptr(ZH.nil,false),new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,AW,AS(new B.Dialer.ptr(new T.Duration(6,4230196224),new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil),$ifaceNil,false,new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(6,4230196224),ZA.nil,$chanNil,$throwNilPointerError)),$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,ZI.nil,new T.Duration(2,1410065408),false,false,100,0,0,new T.Duration(20,4100654080),new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(0,1000000000),false,false,$throwNilPointerError,new $Int64(0,0),0,0,new R.Once.ptr(0,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),$ifaceNil,false,true));BH=G.New("http: putIdleConn: keep alives disabled");BI=G.New("http: putIdleConn: connection is in bad state");BJ=G.New("http: putIdleConn: CloseIdleConnections was called");BK=G.New("http: putIdleConn: too many idle connections");BL=G.New("http: putIdleConn: too many idle connections for host");BM=G.New("http: CloseIdleConnections called");BN=G.New("http: persistConn.readLoop exiting");BO=G.New("http: idle connection timeout");BP=G.New("http: server closed idle connection");BZ=G.New("read loop ending; caller owns writable underlying conn");CI=new CH.ptr("net/http: timeout awaiting response headers",true);CK=G.New("net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection");CM=CL;CN=CL;CO=CL;CP=CL;CQ=CL;CR=(a=new DA.ptr(),new a.constructor.elem(a));CS=CL;CU=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[{k:"http",v:"80"},{k:"https",v:"443"},{k:"socks5",v:"1080"}]);CX=G.New("http: read on closed response body");DK=new ZK(["Content-Type","Content-Length","Transfer-Encoding"]);DL=new ZK(["Content-Length","Transfer-Encoding"]);$pkg.ErrBodyReadAfterClose=G.New("http: invalid Read on closed Body");DW=(new ZL($stringToBytes("\r\n")));DX=(new ZL($stringToBytes("\r\n\r\n")));DZ=G.New("http: unexpected EOF reading trailer");EE=P.TypeOf(J.NopCloser($ifaceNil));EH=$makeMap($Int.keyFor,[{k:100,v:"Continue"},{k:101,v:"Switching Protocols"},{k:102,v:"Processing"},{k:103,v:"Early Hints"},{k:200,v:"OK"},{k:201,v:"Created"},{k:202,v:"Accepted"},{k:203,v:"Non-Authoritative Information"},{k:204,v:"No Content"},{k:205,v:"Reset Content"},{k:206,v:"Partial Content"},{k:207,v:"Multi-Status"},{k:208,v:"Already Reported"},{k:226,v:"IM Used"},{k:300,v:"Multiple Choices"},{k:301,v:"Moved Permanently"},{k:302,v:"Found"},{k:303,v:"See Other"},{k:304,v:"Not Modified"},{k:305,v:"Use Proxy"},{k:307,v:"Temporary Redirect"},{k:308,v:"Permanent Redirect"},{k:400,v:"Bad Request"},{k:401,v:"Unauthorized"},{k:402,v:"Payment Required"},{k:403,v:"Forbidden"},{k:404,v:"Not Found"},{k:405,v:"Method Not Allowed"},{k:406,v:"Not Acceptable"},{k:407,v:"Proxy Authentication Required"},{k:408,v:"Request Timeout"},{k:409,v:"Conflict"},{k:410,v:"Gone"},{k:411,v:"Length Required"},{k:412,v:"Precondition Failed"},{k:413,v:"Request Entity Too Large"},{k:414,v:"Request URI Too Long"},{k:415,v:"Unsupported Media Type"},{k:416,v:"Requested Range Not Satisfiable"},{k:417,v:"Expectation Failed"},{k:418,v:"I'm a teapot"},{k:421,v:"Misdirected Request"},{k:422,v:"Unprocessable Entity"},{k:423,v:"Locked"},{k:424,v:"Failed Dependency"},{k:425,v:"Too Early"},{k:426,v:"Upgrade Required"},{k:428,v:"Precondition Required"},{k:429,v:"Too Many Requests"},{k:431,v:"Request Header Fields Too Large"},{k:451,v:"Unavailable For Legal Reasons"},{k:500,v:"Internal Server Error"},{k:501,v:"Not Implemented"},{k:502,v:"Bad Gateway"},{k:503,v:"Service Unavailable"},{k:504,v:"Gateway Timeout"},{k:505,v:"HTTP Version Not Supported"},{k:506,v:"Variant Also Negotiates"},{k:507,v:"Insufficient Storage"},{k:508,v:"Loop Detected"},{k:510,v:"Not Extended"},{k:511,v:"Network Authentication Required"}]);EJ=new T.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),YZ.nil);EK=$clone(T.Unix(new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(0,0)),T.Time);EY=new ZM([(new FB($stringToBytes("",">","\"",""","'","'"]));$pkg.DefaultServeMux=HJ;HT=$makeMap(HS.keyFor,[{k:0,v:"new"},{k:1,v:"active"},{k:2,v:"idle"},{k:3,v:"hijacked"},{k:4,v:"closed"}]);HV=new KG.ptr("silence-semicolons");$pkg.ErrServerClosed=G.New("http: Server closed");$pkg.ErrHandlerTimeout=G.New("http: Handler timeout");IJ={};IQ=$clone($clone(AE.Global(),AE.Value).Get("Uint8Array"),AE.Value);IR=$clone($clone(AE.Global(),AE.Value).Get("fetch"),AE.Value).IsUndefined();IS=G.New("net/http: reader is closed");IV=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[{k:"Content-Length",v:true},{k:"Transfer-Encoding",v:true},{k:"Trailer",v:true}]);$pkg.ErrNoLocation=G.New("http: no Location header in response");$pkg.ErrMissingFile=G.New("http: no such file");$pkg.ErrNotSupported=new JB.ptr("feature not supported");$pkg.ErrMissingBoundary=new JB.ptr("no multipart boundary param in Content-Type");$pkg.ErrNotMultipart=new JB.ptr("request Content-Type isn't multipart/form-data");JD=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[{k:"Host",v:true},{k:"User-Agent",v:true},{k:"Content-Length",v:true},{k:"Transfer-Encoding",v:true},{k:"Trailer",v:true}]);$pkg.ErrNoCookie=G.New("http: named cookie not present");JF=new AH.Form.ptr({},{});JH=G.New("http: Request.Write on Request with no Host or URL set");KE=$clone(T.Unix(new $Int64(0,1),new $Int64(0,0)),T.Time);$pkg.NoBody=new KM.ptr();KS=Q.NewReplacer(new ZK(["\n"," ","\r"," "]));KW=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){return new KV.ptr(ZR.nil);}));LN=new ZT([1024,2048,4096,8192,16384]);LO=$toNativeArray($kindStruct,[new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){return $makeSlice(ZL,1024);})),new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){return $makeSlice(ZL,2048);})),new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){return $makeSlice(ZL,4096);})),new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){return $makeSlice(ZL,8192);})),new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){return $makeSlice(ZL,16384);}))]);LS=G.New("read from empty dataBuffer");LU=$makeMap(LT.keyFor,[{k:0,v:"NO_ERROR"},{k:1,v:"PROTOCOL_ERROR"},{k:2,v:"INTERNAL_ERROR"},{k:3,v:"FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR"},{k:4,v:"SETTINGS_TIMEOUT"},{k:5,v:"STREAM_CLOSED"},{k:6,v:"FRAME_SIZE_ERROR"},{k:7,v:"REFUSED_STREAM"},{k:8,v:"CANCEL"},{k:9,v:"COMPRESSION_ERROR"},{k:10,v:"CONNECT_ERROR"},{k:11,v:"ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM"},{k:12,v:"INADEQUATE_SECURITY"},{k:13,v:"HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED"}]);LX=G.New("received from peer");MF=G.New("mix of request and response pseudo headers");MG=G.New("pseudo header field after regular");MI=$makeSlice(ZL,255);MK=$makeMap(MJ.keyFor,[{k:0,v:"DATA"},{k:1,v:"HEADERS"},{k:2,v:"PRIORITY"},{k:3,v:"RST_STREAM"},{k:4,v:"SETTINGS"},{k:5,v:"PUSH_PROMISE"},{k:6,v:"PING"},{k:7,v:"GOAWAY"},{k:8,v:"WINDOW_UPDATE"},{k:9,v:"CONTINUATION"}]);MM=$makeMap(MJ.keyFor,[{k:0,v:$makeMap(ML.keyFor,[{k:1,v:"END_STREAM"},{k:8,v:"PADDED"}])},{k:1,v:$makeMap(ML.keyFor,[{k:1,v:"END_STREAM"},{k:4,v:"END_HEADERS"},{k:8,v:"PADDED"},{k:32,v:"PRIORITY"}])},{k:4,v:$makeMap(ML.keyFor,[{k:1,v:"ACK"}])},{k:6,v:$makeMap(ML.keyFor,[{k:1,v:"ACK"}])},{k:9,v:$makeMap(ML.keyFor,[{k:4,v:"END_HEADERS"}])},{k:5,v:$makeMap(ML.keyFor,[{k:4,v:"END_HEADERS"},{k:8,v:"PADDED"}])}]);MR=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){var e,f;e=$makeSlice(ZL,9);return(f||(f=new ZN(function(){return e;},function($v){e=$convertSliceType($v,ZL);})));}));MY=G.New("http2: frame too large");NC=G.New("invalid stream ID");ND=G.New("invalid dependent stream ID");NE=G.New("pad length too large");NF=G.New("padding bytes must all be zeros unless AllowIllegalWrites is enabled");e=AN.Getenv("DEBUG_HTTP2_GOROUTINES");$s=45;case 45:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}OP=e==="1";OS=(new ZL($stringToBytes("goroutine ")));OU=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){var f,g;f=$makeSlice(ZL,64);return(g||(g=new ZN(function(){return f;},function($v){f=$convertSliceType($v,ZL);})));}));PI=(new ZL($stringToBytes("PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n")));PK=$toNativeArray($kindString,["Idle","Open","HalfClosedLocal","HalfClosedRemote","Closed"]);MO=$makeMap(MJ.keyFor,[{k:0,v:NB},{k:1,v:NT},{k:2,v:NX},{k:3,v:NZ},{k:4,v:NJ},{k:5,v:OD},{k:6,v:NL},{k:7,v:NN},{k:8,v:NR},{k:9,v:OB}]);PN=$makeMap(PM.keyFor,[{k:1,v:"HEADER_TABLE_SIZE"},{k:2,v:"ENABLE_PUSH"},{k:3,v:"MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS"},{k:4,v:"INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE"},{k:5,v:"MAX_FRAME_SIZE"},{k:6,v:"MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE"}]);PV=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){return C.NewWriterSize($ifaceNil,4096);}));PZ=new PY.ptr(ZV.zero(),"http2: timeout awaiting response headers",true);QB=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){return new QC.ptr(ZK.nil);}));QH=G.New("write on closed buffer");QI=G.New("client disconnected");QJ=G.New("body closed by handler");QK=G.New("http2: request body closed due to handler exiting");QL=G.New("http2: stream closed");QM=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){var f,g;f=new RR.ptr(ZW.nil,ZX.nil,ZY.nil,ZZ.nil,AAA.nil,false,false,ZK.nil,0,false,false,false,false,new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0),new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),$chanNil);f.bw=C.NewWriterSize((g=new RS.ptr(f),new g.constructor.elem(g)),4096);return f;}));RD=$newDataPointer(0,AAB);RE=$newDataPointer(0,AAB);RF=$newDataPointer(0,AAB);RG=$newDataPointer(0,AAB);RH=G.New("timeout waiting for client preface");RI=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){return new AAC(new $Chan($error,1));}));RJ=new R.Pool.ptr(ZB.nil,(function(){return new UM.ptr(0,ZL.nil,false);}));RK=G.New("http2: handler panicked");RL=new T.Duration(0,1000000000);RV=G.New("http2: recursive push not allowed");RW=G.New("http2: push would exceed peer's SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS");RZ=new ZK(["Connection","Keep-Alive","Proxy-Connection","Transfer-Encoding","Upgrade"]);SN=(f=new SL.ptr(),new f.constructor.elem(f));SQ=G.New("http2: client conn is closed");SR=G.New("http2: client conn not usable");SS=G.New("http2: Transport received Server's graceful shutdown GOAWAY");SX=(function(){});SY=G.New("net/http: request canceled");CJ=SY;TC=G.New("http2: aborting request body write");TD=G.New("http2: canceling request");TE=G.New("http2: request body larger than specified content length");TG=G.New("http2: Request.URI is nil");TN=G.New("http2: response body closed");TO=G.New("http2: response header list larger than advertised limit");TP=G.New("http2: request header list larger than peer's advertised limit");TQ=AL.NopCloser(W.NewReader(ZL.nil));VT=G.New("seeker can't seek");VU=G.New("invalid range: failed to overlap");WF=$clone(T.Unix(new $Int64(0,0),new $Int64(0,0)),T.Time);WT=G.New("io.File missing Seek method");WU=G.New("io.File directory missing ReadDir method");XO=Q.NewReplacer(new ZK(["\n","-","\r","-"]));$pkg.ErrUseLastResponse=G.New("net/http: use last response");$pkg.DefaultTransport=(function(){var g;if(!($global.fetch===undefined)){return new AT.ptr(new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,false,new DC.ptr(ZH.nil,false),new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),new S.Value.ptr($ifaceNil),new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0),false,false,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,ZI.nil,new T.Duration(0,0),false,false,0,0,0,new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(0,0),new T.Duration(0,0),false,false,$throwNilPointerError,new $Int64(0,0),0,0,new R.Once.ptr(0,new R.Mutex.ptr(0,0)),$ifaceNil,false,false);}else if(!($global.XMLHttpRequest===undefined)){return new YY.ptr(false);}else{return(g=new YX.ptr(),new g.constructor.elem(g));}})();$r=PH();$s=46;case 46:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["go.uber.org/zap"]=(function(){var 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BM.ptr(FY.nil);this.Development=false;this.DisableCaller=false;this.DisableStacktrace=false;this.Sampling=GW.nil;this.Encoding="";this.EncoderConfig=new D.EncoderConfig.ptr("","","","","","","",$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError,$throwNilPointerError);this.OutputPaths=FN.nil;this.ErrorOutputPaths=FN.nil;this.InitialFields=false;return;}this.Level=Level_;this.Development=Development_;this.DisableCaller=DisableCaller_;this.DisableStacktrace=DisableStacktrace_;this.Sampling=Sampling_;this.Encoding=Encoding_;this.EncoderConfig=EncoderConfig_;this.OutputPaths=OutputPaths_;this.ErrorOutputPaths=ErrorOutputPaths_;this.InitialFields=InitialFields_;});ES=$pkg.bools=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.bools",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);EU=$pkg.complex128s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.complex128s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);EV=$pkg.complex64s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.complex64s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);EW=$pkg.durations=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.durations",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);EX=$pkg.float64s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.float64s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);EY=$pkg.float32s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.float32s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);EZ=$pkg.ints=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.ints",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FA=$pkg.int64s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.int64s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FB=$pkg.int32s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.int32s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FC=$pkg.int16s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.int16s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FD=$pkg.int8s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.int8s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FE=$pkg.stringArray=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.stringArray",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FF=$pkg.times=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.times",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FG=$pkg.uints=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.uints",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FH=$pkg.uint64s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.uint64s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FI=$pkg.uint32s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.uint32s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FJ=$pkg.uint16s=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.uint16s",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);FL=$pkg.uintptrs=$newType(12,$kindSlice,"zap.uintptrs",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,null);GB=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"zap.errorResponse",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,function(Error_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Error="";return;}this.Error=Error_;});GC=$newType(0,$kindStruct,"zap.payload",true,"go.uber.org/zap",false,function(Level_){this.$val=this;if(arguments.length===0){this.Level=FZ.nil;return;}this.Level=Level_;});FM=$sliceType($emptyInterface);FN=$sliceType($String);FO=$sliceType(D.WriteSyncer);FP=$sliceType(B.Closer);FQ=$ptrType(BF);FR=$ptrType(D.CheckedEntry);FS=$sliceType(D.Field);FT=$ptrType(AH);FU=$sliceType($Uintptr);FV=$ptrType(L.Userinfo);FW=$sliceType(AV);FX=$ptrType(F.Location);FY=$ptrType(N.Int32);FZ=$ptrType(D.Level);GA=$sliceType($Uint8);GE=$sliceType($Bool);GF=$sliceType($Complex128);GG=$sliceType($Complex64);GH=$sliceType($Float64);GI=$sliceType($Float32);GJ=$sliceType($Int);GK=$sliceType($Int64);GL=$sliceType($Int32);GM=$sliceType($Int16);GN=$sliceType($Int8);GO=$sliceType($Uint);GP=$sliceType($Uint64);GQ=$sliceType($Uint32);GR=$sliceType($Uint16);GS=$sliceType(F.Time);GT=$sliceType(F.Duration);GU=$sliceType($error);GV=$ptrType(DK);GW=$ptrType(DQ);GX=$ptrType(Z);GY=$ptrType(AQ);GZ=$ptrType(P.Request);HA=$ptrType(BM);HD=$mapType($String,$emptyInterface);V=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=W(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];f=b[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$throwNilPointerError,f];}g=X(d);$s=-1;return[g,e,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:V,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Open=V;W=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=$makeSlice(FO,0,a.$length);b[0]=$makeSlice(FP,0,a.$length);d=(function(b){return function $b(){var{d,e,f,g,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=b[0];e=0;case 1:if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);g=f.Close();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g;e++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,d,e,f,g,$s};return $f;};})(b);e=$ifaceNil;f=a;g=0;case 1:if(!(g=f.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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D.Lock(D.NewMultiWriteSyncer(a));};$pkg.CombineWriteSyncers=X;Z.ptr.prototype.Desugar=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.base.clone();b.callerSkip=b.callerSkip-(2)>>0;return b;};Z.prototype.Desugar=function(){return this.$val.Desugar();};Z.ptr.prototype.Named=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return new Z.ptr(b.base.Named(a));};Z.prototype.Named=function(a){return this.$val.Named(a);};Z.ptr.prototype.With=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.sweetenFields(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=b.base.With(c);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=new Z.ptr(d);$s=3;case 3:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.With,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.With=function(a){return this.$val.With(a);};Z.ptr.prototype.Debug=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.log(-1,"",a,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Debug,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Debug=function(a){return this.$val.Debug(a);};Z.ptr.prototype.Info=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.log(0,"",a,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Info,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Info=function(a){return this.$val.Info(a);};Z.ptr.prototype.Warn=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.log(1,"",a,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Warn,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Warn=function(a){return this.$val.Warn(a);};Z.ptr.prototype.Error=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.log(2,"",a,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Error=function(a){return this.$val.Error(a);};Z.ptr.prototype.DPanic=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.log(3,"",a,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.DPanic,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.DPanic=function(a){return this.$val.DPanic(a);};Z.ptr.prototype.Panic=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.log(4,"",a,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Panic,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Panic=function(a){return this.$val.Panic(a);};Z.ptr.prototype.Fatal=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=b.log(5,"",a,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Fatal,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Fatal=function(a){return this.$val.Fatal(a);};Z.ptr.prototype.Debugf=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(-1,a,b,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Debugf,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Debugf=function(a,b){return this.$val.Debugf(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Infof=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(0,a,b,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Infof,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Infof=function(a,b){return this.$val.Infof(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Warnf=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(1,a,b,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Warnf,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Warnf=function(a,b){return this.$val.Warnf(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Errorf=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(2,a,b,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Errorf,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Errorf=function(a,b){return this.$val.Errorf(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.DPanicf=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(3,a,b,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.DPanicf,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.DPanicf=function(a,b){return this.$val.DPanicf(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Panicf=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(4,a,b,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Panicf,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Panicf=function(a,b){return this.$val.Panicf(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Fatalf=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(5,a,b,FM.nil);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Fatalf,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Fatalf=function(a,b){return this.$val.Fatalf(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Debugw=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(-1,a,FM.nil,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Debugw,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Debugw=function(a,b){return this.$val.Debugw(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Infow=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(0,a,FM.nil,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Infow,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Infow=function(a,b){return this.$val.Infow(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Warnw=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(1,a,FM.nil,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Warnw,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Warnw=function(a,b){return this.$val.Warnw(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Errorw=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(2,a,FM.nil,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Errorw,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Errorw=function(a,b){return this.$val.Errorw(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.DPanicw=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(3,a,FM.nil,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.DPanicw,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.DPanicw=function(a,b){return this.$val.DPanicw(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Panicw=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(4,a,FM.nil,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Panicw,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Panicw=function(a,b){return this.$val.Panicw(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Fatalw=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;$r=c.log(5,a,FM.nil,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Fatalw,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Fatalw=function(a,b){return this.$val.Fatalw(a,b);};Z.ptr.prototype.Sync=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.base.Sync();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.Sync,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.Sync=function(){return this.$val.Sync();};Z.ptr.prototype.log=function(a,b,c,d){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:e=this;if(!(a<3)){f=false;$s=3;continue s;}g=e.base.Core().Enabled(a);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=!g;case 3:if(f){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:$s=-1;return;case 2:h=b;if(h===""&&c.$length>0){$s=5;continue;}if(!(h==="")&&c.$length>0){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 5:i=A.Sprint(c);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=i;$s=7;continue;case 6:j=A.Sprintf(b,c);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=j;case 7:k=e.base.Check(a,h);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=k;if(!(l===FR.nil)){$s=11;continue;}$s=12;continue;case 11:m=e.sweetenFields(d);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=l.Write(m);$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 12:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.log,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.log=function(a,b,c,d){return this.$val.log(a,b,c,d);};Z.ptr.prototype.sweetenFields=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(a.$length===0){$s=-1;return FS.nil;}c=$makeSlice(FS,0,a.$length);d=AB.nil;e=0;case 1:if(!(e=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]),D.Field,true);g=$clone(f[0],D.Field);h=f[1];if(h){c=$append(c,g);e=e+(1)>>0;$s=1;continue;}if(e===(a.$length-1>>0)){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=b.base.DPanic("Ignored key without a value.",new FS([$clone(DF("ignored",((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e])),D.Field)]));$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=2;continue;case 4:i=((e<0||e>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+e]);j=(k=e+1>>0,((k<0||k>=a.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):a.$array[a.$offset+k]));l=i;m=j;n=$assertType(l,$String,true);o=n[0];p=n[1];if(!p){if(d.$capacity===0){d=$makeSlice(AB,0,(q=a.$length/2,(q===q&&q!==1/0&&q!==-1/0)?q>>0:$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));}d=$append(d,new AA.ptr(e,l,m));}else{c=$append(c,DF(o,m));}e=e+(2)>>0;$s=1;continue;case 2:if(d.$length>0){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 6:$r=b.base.DPanic("Ignored key-value pairs with non-string keys.",new FS([$clone(DW("invalid",d),D.Field)]));$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 7:$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:Z.ptr.prototype.sweetenFields,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};Z.prototype.sweetenFields=function(a){return this.$val.sweetenFields(a);};AA.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=a.AddInt64("position",(new $Int64(0,b.position)));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(DF("key",b.key),D.Field).AddTo(a);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=$clone(DF("value",b.value),D.Field).AddTo(a);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:AA.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};AA.prototype.MarshalLogObject=function(a){return this.$val.MarshalLogObject(a);};AB.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=$ifaceNil;d=b;e=0;case 1:if(!(e=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+f]),new h.constructor.elem(h)));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}j=i;k=E.Append(g,j);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=k;e++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AB.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AB).prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(a);};AF=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);a=J.Get();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=a;$deferred.push([$methodVal(b,"Free"),[]]);c=AC.Get();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=$assertType(c,FT);$deferred.push([$methodVal(AC,"Put"),[d]]);e=0;while(true){e=G.Callers(2,d.pcs);if(e>0;b.AppendString(j.Function);b.AppendByte(10);b.AppendByte(9);b.AppendString(j.File);b.AppendByte(58);b.AppendInt((new $Int64(0,j.Line)));m=h.Next();G.Frame.copy(j,m[0]);k=m[1];}n=b.String();$s=3;case 3:return n;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return"";}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AF,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AG=function(a){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;b=AD;c=0;while(true){if(!(c=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+c]);if(H.HasPrefix(a,d)){return true;}c++;}e=AE;f=0;while(true){if(!(f=e.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):e.$array[e.$offset+f]);if(H.Contains(a,g)){return true;}f++;}return false;};AI=function(a){var a;return new AH.ptr($makeSlice(FU,a));};AJ=function(a,b){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;c=$makeSlice(FN,b.$length);d=b;e=0;while(true){if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);((f<0||f>=c.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):c.$array[c.$offset+f]=a+g);e++;}return c;};AM=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=AN();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AM,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};AN=function(){var{$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$r=AK.Lock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(AK,"Unlock"),[]]);AL=$makeMap($String.keyFor,[{k:"file",v:AT}]);$s=-1;return;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:AN,$c:true,$r,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};AP.ptr.prototype.Close=function(){return $ifaceNil;};AP.prototype.Close=function(){return this.$val.Close();};AQ.ptr.prototype.Error=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=A.Sprintf("no sink found for scheme %q",new FM([new $String(a.scheme)]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:AQ.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};AQ.prototype.Error=function(){return this.$val.Error();};AS=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=L.Parse(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(e,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:f=A.Errorf("can't parse %q as a URL: %v",new FM([new $String(a),e]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=[$ifaceNil,f];$s=5;case 5:return g;case 3:if(d.Scheme===""){d.Scheme="file";}$r=AK.RLock();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=(i=AL[$String.keyFor(d.Scheme)],i!==undefined?[i.v,true]:[$throwNilPointerError,false]);j=h[0];k=h[1];$r=AK.RUnlock();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(!k){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,new AQ.ptr(d.Scheme)];}l=j(d);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=9;case 9:return m;}return;}var $f={$blk:AS,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};AT=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if(!(a.User===FV.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:b=A.Errorf("user and password not allowed with file URLs: got %v",new FM([a]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=[$ifaceNil,b];$s=4;case 4:return c;case 2:if(!(a.Fragment==="")){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:d=A.Errorf("fragments not allowed with file URLs: got %v",new FM([a]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=[$ifaceNil,d];$s=8;case 8:return e;case 6:if(!(a.RawQuery==="")){$s=9;continue;}$s=10;continue;case 9:f=A.Errorf("query parameters not allowed with file URLs: got %v",new FM([a]));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=[$ifaceNil,f];$s=12;case 12:return g;case 10:if(!(a.Port()==="")){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:h=A.Errorf("ports not allowed with file URLs: got %v",new FM([a]));$s=15;case 15:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=[$ifaceNil,h];$s=16;case 16:return i;case 14:j=a.Hostname();if(!(j==="")&&!(j==="localhost")){$s=17;continue;}$s=18;continue;case 17:k=A.Errorf("file URLs must leave host empty or use localhost: got %v",new FM([a]));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}l=[$ifaceNil,k];$s=20;case 20:return l;case 18:m=a.Path;if(m===("stdout")){$s=-1;return[(n=new AP.ptr(M.Stdout),new n.constructor.elem(n)),$ifaceNil];}else if(m===("stderr")){$s=-1;return[(o=new AP.ptr(M.Stderr),new o.constructor.elem(o)),$ifaceNil];}p=M.OpenFile(a.Path,1089,420);$s=21;case 21:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=p;r=[q[0],q[1]];$s=22;case 22:return r;}return;}var $f={$blk:AT,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,$s};return $f;};AW.prototype.apply=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this.$val;$r=b(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:AW.prototype.apply,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(AW).prototype.apply=function(a){return new AW(this.$get()).apply(a);};AX=function(a){var a;return new AW(((function $b(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=a(b.core);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b.core=c;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;})));};$pkg.WrapCore=AX;AZ=function(a){var a;return new AW(((function $b(b){var{b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=b.core.With(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b.core=c;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,b,c,$s};return $f;})));};$pkg.Fields=AZ;BA=function(a){var a;return new AW(((function(b){var b;b.errorOutput=a;})));};$pkg.ErrorOutput=BA;BB=function(){return new AW(((function(a){var a;a.development=true;})));};$pkg.Development=BB;BC=function(){return new AW(((function(a){var a;a.addCaller=true;})));};$pkg.AddCaller=BC;BE=function(a){var a;return new AW(((function(b){var b;b.addStack=a;})));};$pkg.AddStacktrace=BE;BG=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:if($interfaceIsEqual(a,$ifaceNil)){$s=-1;return BH();}c=new BF.ptr(a,false,"",D.Lock(M.Stderr),false,new D.Level(6),0);d=c.WithOptions(b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BG,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.New=BG;BH=function(){return new BF.ptr(D.NewNopCore(),false,"",D.AddSync(C.Discard),false,new D.Level(6),0);};$pkg.NewNop=BH;BF.ptr.prototype.Sugar=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=a.clone();b.callerSkip=b.callerSkip+(2)>>0;return new Z.ptr(b);};BF.prototype.Sugar=function(){return this.$val.Sugar();};BF.ptr.prototype.Named=function(a){var a,b,c;b=this;if(a===""){return b;}c=b.clone();if(b.name===""){c.name=a;}else{c.name=H.Join(new FN([c.name,a]),".");}return c;};BF.prototype.Named=function(a){return this.$val.Named(a);};BF.ptr.prototype.WithOptions=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b.clone();d=a;e=0;case 1:if(!(e=d.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):d.$array[d.$offset+e]);$r=f.apply(c);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.WithOptions,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.WithOptions=function(a){return this.$val.WithOptions(a);};BF.ptr.prototype.With=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(a.$length===0){$s=-1;return b;}c=b.clone();d=c.core.With(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c.core=d;$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.With,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.With=function(a){return this.$val.With(a);};BF.ptr.prototype.Check=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.check(a,b);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Check,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Check=function(a,b){return this.$val.Check(a,b);};BF.ptr.prototype.Debug=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.check(-1,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!(e===FR.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=e.Write(b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Debug,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Debug=function(a,b){return this.$val.Debug(a,b);};BF.ptr.prototype.Info=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.check(0,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!(e===FR.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=e.Write(b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Info,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Info=function(a,b){return this.$val.Info(a,b);};BF.ptr.prototype.Warn=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.check(1,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!(e===FR.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=e.Write(b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Warn,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Warn=function(a,b){return this.$val.Warn(a,b);};BF.ptr.prototype.Error=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.check(2,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!(e===FR.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=e.Write(b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Error,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Error=function(a,b){return this.$val.Error(a,b);};BF.ptr.prototype.DPanic=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.check(3,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!(e===FR.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=e.Write(b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.DPanic,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.DPanic=function(a,b){return this.$val.DPanic(a,b);};BF.ptr.prototype.Panic=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.check(4,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!(e===FR.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=e.Write(b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Panic,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Panic=function(a,b){return this.$val.Panic(a,b);};BF.ptr.prototype.Fatal=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=c.check(5,a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;if(!(e===FR.nil)){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:$r=e.Write(b);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}case 3:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Fatal,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Fatal=function(a,b){return this.$val.Fatal(a,b);};BF.ptr.prototype.Sync=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=a.core.Sync();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.Sync,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.Sync=function(){return this.$val.Sync();};BF.ptr.prototype.Core=function(){var a;a=this;return a.core;};BF.prototype.Core=function(){return this.$val.Core();};BF.ptr.prototype.clone=function(){var a,b;a=this;b=$clone(a,BF);return b;};BF.prototype.clone=function(){return this.$val.clone();};BF.ptr.prototype.check=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=this;d=F.Now();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=new D.Entry.ptr(a,$clone(d,F.Time),c.name,b,new D.EntryCaller.ptr(false,0,"",0),"");f=c.core.Check($clone(e,D.Entry),FR.nil);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=f;h=!(g===FR.nil);i=e.Level;if(i===(4)){$s=4;continue;}if(i===(5)){$s=5;continue;}if(i===(3)){$s=6;continue;}$s=7;continue;case 4:j=g.Should($clone(e,D.Entry),1);$s=8;case 8:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=j;$s=7;continue;case 5:k=g.Should($clone(e,D.Entry),2);$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;k=k.$blk();}if(k&&k.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=k;$s=7;continue;case 6:if(c.development){$s=10;continue;}$s=11;continue;case 10:l=g.Should($clone(e,D.Entry),1);$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=l;case 11:case 7:case 3:if(!h){$s=-1;return g;}g.ErrorOutput=c.errorOutput;if(c.addCaller){$s=13;continue;}$s=14;continue;case 13:m=G.Caller(c.callerSkip+2>>0);D.EntryCaller.copy(g.Entry.Caller,D.NewEntryCaller(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3]));if(!g.Entry.Caller.Defined){$s=15;continue;}$s=16;continue;case 15:n=c.errorOutput;p=F.Now();$s=17;case 17:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}q=$clone(p,F.Time).UTC();$s=18;case 18:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}r=(o=q,new o.constructor.elem(o));s=A.Fprintf(n,"%v Logger.check error: failed to get caller\n",new FM([r]));$s=19;case 19:if($c){$c=false;s=s.$blk();}if(s&&s.$blk!==undefined){break s;}s;t=c.errorOutput.Sync();$s=20;case 20:if($c){$c=false;t=t.$blk();}if(t&&t.$blk!==undefined){break s;}t;case 16:case 14:u=c.addStack.Enabled(g.Entry.Level);$s=23;case 23:if($c){$c=false;u=u.$blk();}if(u&&u.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if(u){$s=21;continue;}$s=22;continue;case 21:v=DC("");$s=24;case 24:if($c){$c=false;v=v.$blk();}if(v&&v.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g.Entry.Stack=v.String;case 22:$s=-1;return g;}return;}var $f={$blk:BF.ptr.prototype.check,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,$s};return $f;};BF.prototype.check=function(a,b){return this.$val.check(a,b);};BN=function(){return new BM.ptr(N.NewInt32(0));};$pkg.NewAtomicLevel=BN;BO=function(a){var a,b;b=$clone(BN(),BM);$clone(b,BM).SetLevel(a);return b;};$pkg.NewAtomicLevelAt=BO;BM.ptr.prototype.Enabled=function(a){var a,b;b=this;return new D.Level($clone(b,BM).Level()).Enabled(a);};BM.prototype.Enabled=function(a){return this.$val.Enabled(a);};BM.ptr.prototype.Level=function(){var a;a=this;return((((a.l.Load()<<24>>24))<<24>>24));};BM.prototype.Level=function(){return this.$val.Level();};BM.ptr.prototype.SetLevel=function(a){var a,b;b=this;b.l.Store(((a>>0)));};BM.prototype.SetLevel=function(a){return this.$val.SetLevel(a);};BM.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=new D.Level($clone(a,BM).Level()).String();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:BM.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};BM.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};BM.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;if(b.l===FY.nil){b.l=new N.Int32.ptr(0);}c=0;e=(d||(d=new FZ(function(){return c;},function($v){c=$v;}))).UnmarshalText(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return f;}$clone(b,BM).SetLevel(c);$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:BM.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BM.prototype.UnmarshalText=function(a){return this.$val.UnmarshalText(a);};BM.ptr.prototype.MarshalText=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=GA.nil;b=$ifaceNil;c=this;e=new D.Level($clone(c,BM).Level()).MarshalText();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=e;a=d[0];b=d[1];f=[a,b];$s=2;case 2:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:BM.ptr.prototype.MarshalText,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};BM.prototype.MarshalText=function(){return this.$val.MarshalText();};BM.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];c=[c];d=[d];e=this;f=O.NewEncoder(a);g=b[0].Method;if(g===("GET")){$s=2;continue;}if(g===("PUT")){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 2:c[0]=$clone(e,BM).Level();i=f.Encode((h=new GC.ptr((c.$ptr||(c.$ptr=new FZ(function(){return this.$target[0];},function($v){this.$target[0]=$v;},c)))),new h.constructor.elem(h)));$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;i=i.$blk();}if(i&&i.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i;$s=5;continue;case 3:d[0]=new GC.ptr(FZ.nil);j=(function(b,c,d){return function $b(){var{j,k,l,m,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:j=O.NewDecoder(b[0].Body).Decode(d[0]);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!($interfaceIsEqual(k,$ifaceNil))){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:l=A.Sprintf("Request body must be well-formed JSON: %v",new FM([k]));$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;l=l.$blk();}if(l&&l.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=l;$s=5;case 5:return m;case 3:if(d[0].Level===FZ.nil){$s=-1;return"Must specify a logging level.";}$s=-1;return"";}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,j,k,l,m,$s};return $f;};})(b,c,d)();$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;if(!(k==="")){$s=8;continue;}$s=9;continue;case 8:$r=a.WriteHeader(400);$s=10;case 10:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m=f.Encode((l=new GB.ptr(k),new l.constructor.elem(l)));$s=11;case 11:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}m;$s=-1;return;case 9:$clone(e,BM).SetLevel(d[0].Level.$get());n=f.Encode(new d[0].constructor.elem(d[0]));$s=12;case 12:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n;$s=5;continue;case 4:$r=a.WriteHeader(405);$s=13;case 13:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=f.Encode((o=new GB.ptr("Only GET and PUT are supported."),new o.constructor.elem(o)));$s=14;case 14:if($c){$c=false;p=p.$blk();}if(p&&p.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p;case 5:case 1:$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:BM.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,$s};return $f;};BM.prototype.ServeHTTP=function(a,b){return this.$val.ServeHTTP(a,b);};CE=function(){return new D.Field.ptr("",26,new $Int64(0,0),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Skip=CE;CF=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,3,new $Int64(0,0),"",b);};$pkg.Binary=CF;CG=function(a,b){var a,b,c;c=new $Int64(0,0);if(b){c=new $Int64(0,1);}return new D.Field.ptr(a,4,c,"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Bool=CG;CI=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,6,new $Int64(0,0),"",b);};$pkg.Complex128=CI;CJ=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,7,new $Int64(0,0),"",b);};$pkg.Complex64=CJ;CK=function(a,b){var a,b,c;return new D.Field.ptr(a,9,((c=T.Float64bits(b),new $Int64(c.$high,c.$low))),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Float64=CK;CL=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,10,(new $Int64(0,T.Float32bits(b))),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Float32=CL;CM=function(a,b){var a,b;return CN(a,(new $Int64(0,b)));};$pkg.Int=CM;CN=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,11,b,"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Int64=CN;CO=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,12,(new $Int64(0,b)),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Int32=CO;CP=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,13,(new $Int64(0,b)),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Int16=CP;CQ=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,14,(new $Int64(0,b)),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Int8=CQ;CR=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,15,new $Int64(0,0),b,$ifaceNil);};$pkg.String=CR;CS=function(a,b){var a,b;return CT(a,(new $Uint64(0,b)));};$pkg.Uint=CS;CT=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,17,(new $Int64(b.$high,b.$low)),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Uint64=CT;CU=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,18,(new $Int64(0,b)),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Uint32=CU;CV=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,19,(new $Int64(0,b)),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Uint16=CV;CW=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,20,(new $Int64(0,b)),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Uint8=CW;CX=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,21,(new $Int64(0,b.constructor===Number?b:1)),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Uintptr=CX;CY=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,22,new $Int64(0,0),"",b);};$pkg.Reflect=CY;DA=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,24,new $Int64(0,0),"",b);};$pkg.Stringer=DA;DB=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,16,$clone(b,F.Time).UnixNano(),"",$clone(b,F.Time).Location());};$pkg.Time=DB;DC=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=a;c=AF();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;e=CR(b,d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=3;case 3:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:DC,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$pkg.Stack=DC;DD=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,8,(new $Int64(b.$high,b.$low)),"",$ifaceNil);};$pkg.Duration=DD;DE=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,2,new $Int64(0,0),"",b);};$pkg.Object=DE;DF=function(a,b){var a,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;c=b;if($assertType(c,D.ObjectMarshaler,true)[1]){d=c;return DE(a,d);}else if($assertType(c,D.ArrayMarshaler,true)[1]){e=c;return DW(a,e);}else if($assertType(c,$Bool,true)[1]){f=c.$val;return CG(a,f);}else if($assertType(c,GE,true)[1]){g=c.$val;return DX(a,g);}else if($assertType(c,$Complex128,true)[1]){h=c.$val;return CI(a,h);}else if($assertType(c,GF,true)[1]){i=c.$val;return DZ(a,i);}else if($assertType(c,$Complex64,true)[1]){j=c.$val;return CJ(a,j);}else if($assertType(c,GG,true)[1]){k=c.$val;return EA(a,k);}else if($assertType(c,$Float64,true)[1]){l=c.$val;return CK(a,l);}else if($assertType(c,GH,true)[1]){m=c.$val;return EC(a,m);}else if($assertType(c,$Float32,true)[1]){n=c.$val;return CL(a,n);}else if($assertType(c,GI,true)[1]){o=c.$val;return ED(a,o);}else if($assertType(c,$Int,true)[1]){p=c.$val;return CM(a,p);}else if($assertType(c,GJ,true)[1]){q=c.$val;return EE(a,q);}else if($assertType(c,$Int64,true)[1]){r=c.$val;return CN(a,r);}else if($assertType(c,GK,true)[1]){s=c.$val;return EF(a,s);}else if($assertType(c,$Int32,true)[1]){t=c.$val;return CO(a,t);}else if($assertType(c,GL,true)[1]){u=c.$val;return EG(a,u);}else if($assertType(c,$Int16,true)[1]){v=c.$val;return CP(a,v);}else if($assertType(c,GM,true)[1]){w=c.$val;return EH(a,w);}else if($assertType(c,$Int8,true)[1]){x=c.$val;return CQ(a,x);}else if($assertType(c,GN,true)[1]){y=c.$val;return EI(a,y);}else if($assertType(c,$String,true)[1]){z=c.$val;return CR(a,z);}else if($assertType(c,FN,true)[1]){aa=c.$val;return EJ(a,aa);}else if($assertType(c,$Uint,true)[1]){ab=c.$val;return CS(a,ab);}else if($assertType(c,GO,true)[1]){ac=c.$val;return EL(a,ac);}else if($assertType(c,$Uint64,true)[1]){ad=c.$val;return CT(a,ad);}else if($assertType(c,GP,true)[1]){ae=c.$val;return EM(a,ae);}else if($assertType(c,$Uint32,true)[1]){af=c.$val;return CU(a,af);}else if($assertType(c,GQ,true)[1]){ag=c.$val;return EN(a,ag);}else if($assertType(c,$Uint16,true)[1]){ah=c.$val;return CV(a,ah);}else if($assertType(c,GR,true)[1]){ai=c.$val;return EO(a,ai);}else if($assertType(c,$Uint8,true)[1]){aj=c.$val;return CW(a,aj);}else if($assertType(c,GA,true)[1]){ak=c.$val;return CF(a,ak);}else if($assertType(c,$Uintptr,true)[1]){al=c.$val;return CX(a,al);}else if($assertType(c,FU,true)[1]){am=c.$val;return EQ(a,am);}else if($assertType(c,F.Time,true)[1]){an=$clone(c.$val,F.Time);return DB(a,$clone(an,F.Time));}else if($assertType(c,GS,true)[1]){ao=c.$val;return EK(a,ao);}else if($assertType(c,F.Duration,true)[1]){ap=c.$val;return DD(a,ap);}else if($assertType(c,GT,true)[1]){aq=c.$val;return EB(a,aq);}else if($assertType(c,$error,true)[1]){ar=c;return DI(a,ar);}else if($assertType(c,GU,true)[1]){as=c.$val;return ER(a,as);}else if($assertType(c,A.Stringer,true)[1]){at=c;return DA(a,at);}else{au=c;return CY(a,au);}};$pkg.Any=DF;DH=function(a){var a;return DI("error",a);};$pkg.Error=DH;DI=function(a,b){var a,b;if($interfaceIsEqual(b,$ifaceNil)){return CE();}return new D.Field.ptr(a,25,new $Int64(0,0),"",b);};$pkg.NamedError=DI;DJ.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]),$ifaceNil)){d++;$s=1;continue;}f=DG.Get();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=$assertType(f,GV);g.error=((e<0||e>=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]);h=a.AppendObject(g);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h;g.error=$ifaceNil;DG.Put(g);d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DJ.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(DJ).prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(a);};DK.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject=function(a){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;$r=$clone(DH(b.error),D.Field).AddTo(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:DK.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};DK.prototype.MarshalLogObject=function(a){return this.$val.MarshalLogObject(a);};DP=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;var $err=null;try{s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$deferred=[];$curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);$r=DN.RLock();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$deferred.push([$methodVal(DN,"RUnlock"),[]]);if(a===""){$s=2;continue;}$s=3;continue;case 2:c=[$ifaceNil,DL];$s=4;case 4:return c;case 3:d=(e=DM[$String.keyFor(a)],e!==undefined?[e.v,true]:[$throwNilPointerError,false]);f=d[0];g=d[1];if(!g){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:h=A.Errorf("no encoder registered for name %q",new FM([new $String(a)]));$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}i=[$ifaceNil,h];$s=8;case 8:return i;case 6:j=f($clone(b,D.EncoderConfig));$s=9;case 9:if($c){$c=false;j=j.$blk();}if(j&&j.$blk!==undefined){break s;}k=j;$s=10;case 10:return k;}return;}}catch(err){$err=err;$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil];}finally{$callDeferred($deferred,$err);if($curGoroutine.asleep){var $f={$blk:DP,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,$s,$deferred};return $f;}}};DU=function(){return new D.EncoderConfig.ptr("M","L","T","N","C","S","\n",D.CapitalLevelEncoder,D.ISO8601TimeEncoder,D.StringDurationEncoder,D.ShortCallerEncoder,$throwNilPointerError);};$pkg.NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig=DU;DV=function(){return new DR.ptr($clone(BO(-1),BM),true,false,false,GW.nil,"console",$clone(DU(),D.EncoderConfig),new FN(["stderr"]),new FN(["stderr"]),false);};$pkg.NewDevelopmentConfig=DV;DR.ptr.prototype.Build=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;d=$clone(b,DR).buildEncoder();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=d;e=c[0];f=c[1];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[FQ.nil,f];}h=$clone(b,DR).openSinks();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];j=g[1];f=g[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[FQ.nil,f];}l=D.NewCore(e,i,(k=b.Level,new k.constructor.elem(k)));m=$clone(b,DR).buildOptions(j);$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=m;o=BG(l,n);$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;o=o.$blk();}if(o&&o.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=o;if(a.$length>0){$s=5;continue;}$s=6;continue;case 5:q=p.WithOptions(a);$s=7;case 7:if($c){$c=false;q=q.$blk();}if(q&&q.$blk!==undefined){break s;}p=q;case 6:$s=-1;return[p,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DR.ptr.prototype.Build,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,$s};return $f;};DR.prototype.Build=function(a){return this.$val.Build(a);};DR.ptr.prototype.buildOptions=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=[b];b[0]=this;c=new FW([BA(a)]);if(b[0].Development){c=$append(c,BB());}if(!b[0].DisableCaller){c=$append(c,BC());}d=2;if(b[0].Development){d=1;}if(!b[0].DisableStacktrace){c=$append(c,BE(new D.Level(d)));}if(!(b[0].Sampling===GW.nil)){$s=1;continue;}$s=2;continue;case 1:c=$append(c,AX((function(b){return function(e){var e;return D.NewSampler(e,new F.Duration(0,1000000000),(b[0].Sampling.Initial),(b[0].Sampling.Thereafter));};})(b)));case 2:if($keys(b[0].InitialFields).length>0){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:e=$makeSlice(FS,0,$keys(b[0].InitialFields).length);f=$makeSlice(FN,0,$keys(b[0].InitialFields).length);g=b[0].InitialFields;h=0;i=$keys(g);while(true){if(!(h=l.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):l.$array[l.$offset+m]);e=$append(e,DF(n,(o=b[0].InitialFields[$String.keyFor(n)],o!==undefined?o.v:$ifaceNil)));m++;}c=$append(c,AZ(e));case 4:$s=-1;return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:DR.ptr.prototype.buildOptions,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};DR.prototype.buildOptions=function(a){return this.$val.buildOptions(a);};DR.ptr.prototype.openSinks=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;c=V(a.OutputPaths);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=c;d=b[0];e=b[1];f=b[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,f];}h=V(a.ErrorOutputPaths);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;h=h.$blk();}if(h&&h.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=h;i=g[0];f=g[2];if(!($interfaceIsEqual(f,$ifaceNil))){$s=3;continue;}$s=4;continue;case 3:$r=e();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return[$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,f];case 4:$s=-1;return[d,i,$ifaceNil];}return;}var $f={$blk:DR.ptr.prototype.openSinks,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,$s};return $f;};DR.prototype.openSinks=function(){return this.$val.openSinks();};DR.ptr.prototype.buildEncoder=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=DP(a.Encoding,$clone(a.EncoderConfig,D.EncoderConfig));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:DR.ptr.prototype.buildEncoder,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};DR.prototype.buildEncoder=function(){return this.$val.buildEncoder();};DW=function(a,b){var a,b;return new D.Field.ptr(a,1,new $Int64(0,0),"",b);};$pkg.Array=DW;DX=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,ES)));};$pkg.Bools=DX;DZ=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,EU)));};$pkg.Complex128s=DZ;EA=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,EV)));};$pkg.Complex64s=EA;EB=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,EW)));};$pkg.Durations=EB;EC=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,EX)));};$pkg.Float64s=EC;ED=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,EY)));};$pkg.Float32s=ED;EE=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,EZ)));};$pkg.Ints=EE;EF=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FA)));};$pkg.Int64s=EF;EG=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FB)));};$pkg.Int32s=EG;EH=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FC)));};$pkg.Int16s=EH;EI=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FD)));};$pkg.Int8s=EI;EJ=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FE)));};$pkg.Strings=EJ;EK=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FF)));};$pkg.Times=EK;EL=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FG)));};$pkg.Uints=EL;EM=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FH)));};$pkg.Uint64s=EM;EN=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FI)));};$pkg.Uint32s=EN;EO=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FJ)));};$pkg.Uint16s=EO;EQ=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,FL)));};$pkg.Uintptrs=EQ;ER=function(a,b){var a,b;return DW(a,($convertSliceType(b,DJ)));};$pkg.Errors=ER;ES.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:ES.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(ES).prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(a);};EU.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EU.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(EU).prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(a);};EV.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EV.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(EV).prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(a);};EW.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EW.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(EW).prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(a);};EX.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EX.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(EX).prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(a);};EY.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EY.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(EY).prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(a);};EZ.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b;d=0;case 1:if(!(d=b.$length)?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):b.$array[b.$offset+e]));$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d++;$s=1;continue;case 2:$s=-1;return $ifaceNil;}return;}var $f={$blk:EZ.prototype.MarshalLogArray,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$ptrType(EZ).prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(a);};FA.prototype.MarshalLogArray=function(a){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:b=this;c=b;d=0;case 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0;};I.prototype.GetInputFrameId=function(){return this.$val.GetInputFrameId();};I.ptr.prototype.GetInputList=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AG.nil)){return a.InputList;}return AZ.nil;};I.prototype.GetInputList=function(){return this.$val.GetInputList();};I.ptr.prototype.GetConfirmedList=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AG.nil)){return a.ConfirmedList;}return new $Uint64(0,0);};I.prototype.GetConfirmedList=function(){return this.$val.GetConfirmedList();};J.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;J.copy(a,new J.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),AV.zero(),AW.zero(),AX.nil),0,AA.nil,new $Int64(0,0)));if(false){b=(4>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+4]);c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}};J.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};J.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:J.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};J.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};J.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){};J.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMessage();};J.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=(4>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+4]);if(false&&!(a===AH.nil)){c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));if(c.LoadMessageInfo()===AX.nil){c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}$s=-1;return 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$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),AV.zero(),AW.zero(),AX.nil),0,AA.nil,0,0,0,0,0,0,BA.nil,AH.nil));if(false){b=(5>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+5]);c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}};K.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};K.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};K.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){};K.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMessage();};K.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=(5>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+5]);if(false&&!(a===AI.nil)){c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));if(c.LoadMessageInfo()===AX.nil){c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}$s=-1;return c;}d=b.MessageOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){return this.$val.ProtoReflect();};K.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=U();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=[a,new AY([5])];$s=2;case 2:return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:K.ptr.prototype.Descriptor,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};K.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};K.ptr.prototype.GetMsgId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AI.nil)){return a.MsgId;}return 0;};K.prototype.GetMsgId=function(){return this.$val.GetMsgId();};K.ptr.prototype.GetPlayerId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AI.nil)){return a.PlayerId;}return 0;};K.prototype.GetPlayerId=function(){return this.$val.GetPlayerId();};K.ptr.prototype.GetAct=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AI.nil)){return a.Act;}return 0;};K.prototype.GetAct=function(){return this.$val.GetAct();};K.ptr.prototype.GetJoinIndex=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AI.nil)){return a.JoinIndex;}return 0;};K.prototype.GetJoinIndex=function(){return this.$val.GetJoinIndex();};K.ptr.prototype.GetAckingFrameId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AI.nil)){return a.AckingFrameId;}return 0;};K.prototype.GetAckingFrameId=function(){return this.$val.GetAckingFrameId();};K.ptr.prototype.GetAckingInputFrameId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AI.nil)){return a.AckingInputFrameId;}return 0;};K.prototype.GetAckingInputFrameId=function(){return this.$val.GetAckingInputFrameId();};K.ptr.prototype.GetInputFrameUpsyncBatch=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AI.nil)){return a.InputFrameUpsyncBatch;}return BA.nil;};K.prototype.GetInputFrameUpsyncBatch=function(){return this.$val.GetInputFrameUpsyncBatch();};K.ptr.prototype.GetHb=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AI.nil)){return a.Hb;}return AH.nil;};K.prototype.GetHb=function(){return this.$val.GetHb();};L.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;L.copy(a,new L.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),AV.zero(),AW.zero(),AX.nil),0,AA.nil,0,0,0,AO.nil,BB.nil,AN.nil));if(false){b=(6>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+6]);c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}};L.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};L.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};L.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};L.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){};L.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMessage();};L.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=(6>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+6]);if(false&&!(a===AJ.nil)){c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));if(c.LoadMessageInfo()===AX.nil){c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}$s=-1;return c;}d=b.MessageOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};L.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){return this.$val.ProtoReflect();};L.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=U();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=[a,new AY([6])];$s=2;case 2:return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:L.ptr.prototype.Descriptor,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};L.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};L.ptr.prototype.GetRet=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AJ.nil)){return a.Ret;}return 0;};L.prototype.GetRet=function(){return this.$val.GetRet();};L.ptr.prototype.GetEchoedMsgId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AJ.nil)){return a.EchoedMsgId;}return 0;};L.prototype.GetEchoedMsgId=function(){return this.$val.GetEchoedMsgId();};L.ptr.prototype.GetAct=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AJ.nil)){return a.Act;}return 0;};L.prototype.GetAct=function(){return this.$val.GetAct();};L.ptr.prototype.GetRdf=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AJ.nil)){return a.Rdf;}return AO.nil;};L.prototype.GetRdf=function(){return this.$val.GetRdf();};L.ptr.prototype.GetInputFrameDownsyncBatch=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AJ.nil)){return a.InputFrameDownsyncBatch;}return BB.nil;};L.prototype.GetInputFrameDownsyncBatch=function(){return this.$val.GetInputFrameDownsyncBatch();};L.ptr.prototype.GetBciFrame=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AJ.nil)){return a.BciFrame;}return AN.nil;};L.prototype.GetBciFrame=function(){return this.$val.GetBciFrame();};M.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;M.copy(a,new M.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),AV.zero(),AW.zero(),AX.nil),0,AA.nil,0,new $Uint64(0,0),BB.nil,false));if(false){b=(7>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+7]);c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}};M.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};M.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:M.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};M.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};M.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){};M.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMessage();};M.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=(7>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+7]);if(false&&!(a===AK.nil)){c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));if(c.LoadMessageInfo()===AX.nil){c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}$s=-1;return c;}d=b.MessageOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:M.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};M.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){return this.$val.ProtoReflect();};M.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=U();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=[a,new AY([7])];$s=2;case 2:return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:M.ptr.prototype.Descriptor,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};M.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};M.ptr.prototype.GetRefRenderFrameId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AK.nil)){return a.RefRenderFrameId;}return 0;};M.prototype.GetRefRenderFrameId=function(){return this.$val.GetRefRenderFrameId();};M.ptr.prototype.GetUnconfirmedMask=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AK.nil)){return a.UnconfirmedMask;}return new $Uint64(0,0);};M.prototype.GetUnconfirmedMask=function(){return this.$val.GetUnconfirmedMask();};M.ptr.prototype.GetToSendInputFrameDownsyncs=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AK.nil)){return a.ToSendInputFrameDownsyncs;}return BB.nil;};M.prototype.GetToSendInputFrameDownsyncs=function(){return this.$val.GetToSendInputFrameDownsyncs();};M.ptr.prototype.GetShouldForceResync=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AK.nil)){return a.ShouldForceResync;}return false;};M.prototype.GetShouldForceResync=function(){return this.$val.GetShouldForceResync();};N.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;N.copy(a,new N.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),AV.zero(),AW.zero(),AX.nil),0,AA.nil,AP.nil));if(false){b=(8>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+8]);c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}};N.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};N.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};N.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){};N.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMessage();};N.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=(8>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+8]);if(false&&!(a===AL.nil)){c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));if(c.LoadMessageInfo()===AX.nil){c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}$s=-1;return c;}d=b.MessageOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){return this.$val.ProtoReflect();};N.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=U();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=[a,new AY([8])];$s=2;case 2:return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:N.ptr.prototype.Descriptor,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};N.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};N.ptr.prototype.GetBoundary=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AL.nil)){return a.Boundary;}return AP.nil;};N.prototype.GetBoundary=function(){return this.$val.GetBoundary();};O.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;O.copy(a,new O.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),AV.zero(),AW.zero(),AX.nil),0,AA.nil,0,0,0,0,0,0,AQ.nil,0,AQ.nil,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0));if(false){b=(9>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+9]);c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}};O.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};O.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:O.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};O.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};O.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){};O.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMessage();};O.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=(9>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+9]);if(false&&!(a===AM.nil)){c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));if(c.LoadMessageInfo()===AX.nil){c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}$s=-1;return c;}d=b.MessageOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:O.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};O.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){return this.$val.ProtoReflect();};O.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=U();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=[a,new AY([9])];$s=2;case 2:return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:O.ptr.prototype.Descriptor,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};O.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};O.ptr.prototype.GetBattleLocalId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.BattleLocalId;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetBattleLocalId=function(){return this.$val.GetBattleLocalId();};O.ptr.prototype.GetStartupFrames=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.StartupFrames;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetStartupFrames=function(){return this.$val.GetStartupFrames();};O.ptr.prototype.GetActiveFrames=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.ActiveFrames;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetActiveFrames=function(){return this.$val.GetActiveFrames();};O.ptr.prototype.GetRecoveryFrames=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.RecoveryFrames;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetRecoveryFrames=function(){return this.$val.GetRecoveryFrames();};O.ptr.prototype.GetRecoveryFramesOnBlock=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.RecoveryFramesOnBlock;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetRecoveryFramesOnBlock=function(){return this.$val.GetRecoveryFramesOnBlock();};O.ptr.prototype.GetRecoveryFramesOnHit=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.RecoveryFramesOnHit;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetRecoveryFramesOnHit=function(){return this.$val.GetRecoveryFramesOnHit();};O.ptr.prototype.GetMoveforward=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.Moveforward;}return AQ.nil;};O.prototype.GetMoveforward=function(){return this.$val.GetMoveforward();};O.ptr.prototype.GetHitboxOffset=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.HitboxOffset;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetHitboxOffset=function(){return this.$val.GetHitboxOffset();};O.ptr.prototype.GetHitboxSize=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.HitboxSize;}return AQ.nil;};O.prototype.GetHitboxSize=function(){return this.$val.GetHitboxSize();};O.ptr.prototype.GetOriginatedRenderFrameId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.OriginatedRenderFrameId;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetOriginatedRenderFrameId=function(){return this.$val.GetOriginatedRenderFrameId();};O.ptr.prototype.GetHitStunFrames=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.HitStunFrames;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetHitStunFrames=function(){return this.$val.GetHitStunFrames();};O.ptr.prototype.GetBlockStunFrames=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.BlockStunFrames;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetBlockStunFrames=function(){return this.$val.GetBlockStunFrames();};O.ptr.prototype.GetPushback=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.Pushback;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetPushback=function(){return this.$val.GetPushback();};O.ptr.prototype.GetReleaseTriggerType=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.ReleaseTriggerType;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetReleaseTriggerType=function(){return this.$val.GetReleaseTriggerType();};O.ptr.prototype.GetDamage=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.Damage;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetDamage=function(){return this.$val.GetDamage();};O.ptr.prototype.GetOffenderJoinIndex=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.OffenderJoinIndex;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetOffenderJoinIndex=function(){return this.$val.GetOffenderJoinIndex();};O.ptr.prototype.GetOffenderPlayerId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AM.nil)){return a.OffenderPlayerId;}return 0;};O.prototype.GetOffenderPlayerId=function(){return this.$val.GetOffenderPlayerId();};P.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;P.copy(a,new P.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),AV.zero(),AW.zero(),AX.nil),0,AA.nil,"",false,false,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,new $Int64(0,0),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,new $Int64(0,0),0,0,0,0,false,0,0,0,0,0));if(false){b=(10>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+10]);c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}};P.prototype.Reset=function(){return this.$val.Reset();};P.ptr.prototype.String=function(){var{a,b,c,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;b=b.$blk();}if(b&&b.$blk!==undefined){break s;}c=b;$s=2;case 2:return c;}return;}var $f={$blk:P.ptr.prototype.String,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,$s};return $f;};P.prototype.String=function(){return this.$val.String();};P.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){};P.prototype.ProtoMessage=function(){return this.$val.ProtoMessage();};P.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=this;b=(10>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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a.StageName;}return"";};P.prototype.GetStageName=function(){return this.$val.GetStageName();};P.ptr.prototype.GetStrToVec2DListMap=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.StrToVec2DListMap;}return false;};P.prototype.GetStrToVec2DListMap=function(){return this.$val.GetStrToVec2DListMap();};P.ptr.prototype.GetStrToPolygon2DListMap=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.StrToPolygon2DListMap;}return false;};P.prototype.GetStrToPolygon2DListMap=function(){return this.$val.GetStrToPolygon2DListMap();};P.ptr.prototype.GetStageDiscreteW=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.StageDiscreteW;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetStageDiscreteW=function(){return this.$val.GetStageDiscreteW();};P.ptr.prototype.GetStageDiscreteH=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.StageDiscreteH;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetStageDiscreteH=function(){return this.$val.GetStageDiscreteH();};P.ptr.prototype.GetStageTileW=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.StageTileW;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetStageTileW=function(){return this.$val.GetStageTileW();};P.ptr.prototype.GetStageTileH=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.StageTileH;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetStageTileH=function(){return this.$val.GetStageTileH();};P.ptr.prototype.GetIntervalToPing=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.IntervalToPing;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetIntervalToPing=function(){return this.$val.GetIntervalToPing();};P.ptr.prototype.GetWillKickIfInactiveFor=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.WillKickIfInactiveFor;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetWillKickIfInactiveFor=function(){return this.$val.GetWillKickIfInactiveFor();};P.ptr.prototype.GetBoundRoomId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.BoundRoomId;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetBoundRoomId=function(){return this.$val.GetBoundRoomId();};P.ptr.prototype.GetBattleDurationFrames=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.BattleDurationFrames;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetBattleDurationFrames=function(){return this.$val.GetBattleDurationFrames();};P.ptr.prototype.GetBattleDurationNanos=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.BattleDurationNanos;}return new $Int64(0,0);};P.prototype.GetBattleDurationNanos=function(){return this.$val.GetBattleDurationNanos();};P.ptr.prototype.GetServerFps=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.ServerFps;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetServerFps=function(){return this.$val.GetServerFps();};P.ptr.prototype.GetInputDelayFrames=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.InputDelayFrames;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetInputDelayFrames=function(){return this.$val.GetInputDelayFrames();};P.ptr.prototype.GetInputScaleFrames=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.InputScaleFrames;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetInputScaleFrames=function(){return this.$val.GetInputScaleFrames();};P.ptr.prototype.GetNstDelayFrames=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.NstDelayFrames;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetNstDelayFrames=function(){return this.$val.GetNstDelayFrames();};P.ptr.prototype.GetInputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.InputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetInputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance=function(){return this.$val.GetInputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance();};P.ptr.prototype.GetMaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.MaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetMaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate=function(){return this.$val.GetMaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate();};P.ptr.prototype.GetPlayerBattleState=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.PlayerBattleState;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetPlayerBattleState=function(){return this.$val.GetPlayerBattleState();};P.ptr.prototype.GetRollbackEstimatedDtMillis=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.RollbackEstimatedDtMillis;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetRollbackEstimatedDtMillis=function(){return this.$val.GetRollbackEstimatedDtMillis();};P.ptr.prototype.GetRollbackEstimatedDtNanos=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.RollbackEstimatedDtNanos;}return new $Int64(0,0);};P.prototype.GetRollbackEstimatedDtNanos=function(){return this.$val.GetRollbackEstimatedDtNanos();};P.ptr.prototype.GetWorldToVirtualGridRatio=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.WorldToVirtualGridRatio;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetWorldToVirtualGridRatio=function(){return this.$val.GetWorldToVirtualGridRatio();};P.ptr.prototype.GetVirtualGridToWorldRatio=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.VirtualGridToWorldRatio;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetVirtualGridToWorldRatio=function(){return this.$val.GetVirtualGridToWorldRatio();};P.ptr.prototype.GetSpAtkLookupFrames=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.SpAtkLookupFrames;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetSpAtkLookupFrames=function(){return this.$val.GetSpAtkLookupFrames();};P.ptr.prototype.GetRenderCacheSize=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.RenderCacheSize;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetRenderCacheSize=function(){return this.$val.GetRenderCacheSize();};P.ptr.prototype.GetMeleeSkillConfig=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.MeleeSkillConfig;}return false;};P.prototype.GetMeleeSkillConfig=function(){return this.$val.GetMeleeSkillConfig();};P.ptr.prototype.GetSnapIntoPlatformOverlap=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.SnapIntoPlatformOverlap;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetSnapIntoPlatformOverlap=function(){return this.$val.GetSnapIntoPlatformOverlap();};P.ptr.prototype.GetSnapIntoPlatformThreshold=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.SnapIntoPlatformThreshold;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetSnapIntoPlatformThreshold=function(){return this.$val.GetSnapIntoPlatformThreshold();};P.ptr.prototype.GetJumpingInitVelY=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.JumpingInitVelY;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetJumpingInitVelY=function(){return this.$val.GetJumpingInitVelY();};P.ptr.prototype.GetGravityX=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.GravityX;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetGravityX=function(){return this.$val.GetGravityX();};P.ptr.prototype.GetGravityY=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AN.nil)){return a.GravityY;}return 0;};P.prototype.GetGravityY=function(){return this.$val.GetGravityY();};Q.ptr.prototype.Reset=function(){var a,b,c;a=this;Q.copy(a,new Q.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),AV.zero(),AW.zero(),AX.nil),0,AA.nil,0,BC.nil,new $Int64(0,0),BD.nil,new $Uint64(0,0),false,false));if(false){b=(11>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+11]);if(false&&!(a===AO.nil)){c=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((a));if(c.LoadMessageInfo()===AX.nil){c.StoreMessageInfo(b);}$s=-1;return c;}d=b.MessageOf(a);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.ProtoReflect=function(){return this.$val.ProtoReflect();};Q.ptr.prototype.Descriptor=function(){var{a,b,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=U();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}b=[a,new AY([11])];$s=2;case 2:return b;}return;}var $f={$blk:Q.ptr.prototype.Descriptor,$c:true,$r,a,b,$s};return $f;};Q.prototype.Descriptor=function(){return this.$val.Descriptor();};Q.ptr.prototype.GetId=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AO.nil)){return a.Id;}return 0;};Q.prototype.GetId=function(){return this.$val.GetId();};Q.ptr.prototype.GetPlayersArr=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AO.nil)){return a.PlayersArr;}return BC.nil;};Q.prototype.GetPlayersArr=function(){return this.$val.GetPlayersArr();};Q.ptr.prototype.GetCountdownNanos=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AO.nil)){return a.CountdownNanos;}return new $Int64(0,0);};Q.prototype.GetCountdownNanos=function(){return this.$val.GetCountdownNanos();};Q.ptr.prototype.GetMeleeBullets=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AO.nil)){return a.MeleeBullets;}return BD.nil;};Q.prototype.GetMeleeBullets=function(){return this.$val.GetMeleeBullets();};Q.ptr.prototype.GetBackendUnconfirmedMask=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AO.nil)){return a.BackendUnconfirmedMask;}return new $Uint64(0,0);};Q.prototype.GetBackendUnconfirmedMask=function(){return this.$val.GetBackendUnconfirmedMask();};Q.ptr.prototype.GetShouldForceResync=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AO.nil)){return a.ShouldForceResync;}return false;};Q.prototype.GetShouldForceResync=function(){return this.$val.GetShouldForceResync();};Q.ptr.prototype.GetPlayers=function(){var a;a=this;if(!(a===AO.nil)){return a.Players;}return false;};Q.prototype.GetPlayers=function(){return this.$val.GetPlayers();};U=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=S.Do((function $b(){var{a,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:a=$clone(C.X,$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).CompressGZIP(T);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;a=a.$blk();}if(a&&a.$blk!==undefined){break s;}T=a;$s=-1;return;}return;}var $f={$blk:$b,$c:true,$r,a,$s};return $f;}));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$s=-1;return T;}return;}var $f={$blk:U,$c:true,$r,$s};return $f;};Y=function(){var{$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=Z();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break 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c.state;}else if(d===(1)){return(c.$ptr_sizeCache||(c.$ptr_sizeCache=new BE(function(){return this.$target.sizeCache;},function($v){this.$target.sizeCache=$v;},c)));}else if(d===(2)){return(c.$ptr_unknownFields||(c.$ptr_unknownFields=new BF(function(){return this.$target.unknownFields;},function($v){this.$target.unknownFields=$v;},c)));}else{return $ifaceNil;}});(2>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+2]).Exporter=(function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=$assertType(a,AF);d=b;if(d===(0)){return c.state;}else if(d===(1)){return(c.$ptr_sizeCache||(c.$ptr_sizeCache=new BE(function(){return this.$target.sizeCache;},function($v){this.$target.sizeCache=$v;},c)));}else if(d===(2)){return(c.$ptr_unknownFields||(c.$ptr_unknownFields=new BF(function(){return this.$target.unknownFields;},function($v){this.$target.unknownFields=$v;},c)));}else{return $ifaceNil;}});(3>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of 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this.$target.unknownFields;},function($v){this.$target.unknownFields=$v;},c)));}else{return $ifaceNil;}});(5>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+5]).Exporter=(function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=$assertType(a,AI);d=b;if(d===(0)){return c.state;}else if(d===(1)){return(c.$ptr_sizeCache||(c.$ptr_sizeCache=new BE(function(){return this.$target.sizeCache;},function($v){this.$target.sizeCache=$v;},c)));}else if(d===(2)){return(c.$ptr_unknownFields||(c.$ptr_unknownFields=new BF(function(){return this.$target.unknownFields;},function($v){this.$target.unknownFields=$v;},c)));}else{return $ifaceNil;}});(6>=V.$length?($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"),undefined):V.$array[V.$offset+6]).Exporter=(function(a,b){var a,b,c,d;c=$assertType(a,AJ);d=b;if(d===(0)){return c.state;}else if(d===(1)){return(c.$ptr_sizeCache||(c.$ptr_sizeCache=new BE(function(){return this.$target.sizeCache;},function($v){this.$target.sizeCache=$v;},c)));}else 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AC([(AD.nil),(AE.nil),(AF.nil),(AG.nil),(AH.nil),(AI.nil),(AJ.nil),(AK.nil),(AL.nil),(AM.nil),(AN.nil),(AO.nil),$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,$ifaceNil,(AP.nil),(AQ.nil),(AR.nil),(AS.nil)]);X=new AT([2,4,11,3,10,3,16,17,17,12,13,14,0,9,15,18,19,9,0,19,19,19,19,0]);$r=Y();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["jsexport/models"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D;A=$packages["dnmshared"];B=$packages["dnmshared/sharedprotos"];C=$packages["github.com/solarlune/resolv"];D=$packages["jsexport/protos"];$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); -$packages["jsexport"]=(function(){var $pkg={},$init,A,B,C,D,E,F,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,Q;A=$packages["dnmshared"];B=$packages["dnmshared/sharedprotos"];C=$packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"];D=$packages["github.com/solarlune/resolv"];E=$packages["jsexport/models"];F=$packages["jsexport/protos"];R=$funcType([],[],false);S=$arrayType(R,0);T=$arrayType($packages["sync"].Mutex,0);U=$ptrType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageInfo);V=$sliceType($Uint8);W=$ptrType(B.Vec2D);X=$sliceType(W);Y=$ptrType(B.Polygon2D);Z=$ptrType(F.PlayerDownsync);AA=$sliceType(Z);AB=$ptrType(F.MeleeBullet);AC=$sliceType(AB);AD=$sliceType($String);AE=$ptrType(C.Object);AF=$funcType([$Float64,$Float64],[AE],false);AG=$funcType([W,X],[AE],false);AH=$funcType([Y],[AE],false);AI=$funcType([$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Int32,$Bool,$Float64],[AE],false);AJ=$funcType([$Int32,AA,AC],[AE],false);AK=$funcType([$Int,$Int,$Int,$Int],[AE],false);AL=$funcType([$Float64,$Float64,$Float64,$Float64,$Float64,$Float64,$Float64,$Float64,$Float64,$Float64,$emptyInterface,$String],[AE],false);AM=$funcType([Y,$Float64,$Float64,$emptyInterface,$String],[AE],false);AN=$ptrType(D.Object);AO=$funcType([AN,$Float64,$Float64],[AE],false);AP=$mapType($String,$emptyInterface);G=function(a,b,c,d){var a,b,c,d;return C.MakeWrapper(D.NewSpace(a,b,c,d));};$pkg.NewCollisionSpaceJs=G;H=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=C.MakeFullWrapper(new B.Vec2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),S.zero(),T.zero(),U.nil),0,V.nil,a,b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:H,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewVec2DJs=H;I=function(a,b){var{a,b,c,d,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:c=C.MakeFullWrapper(new B.Polygon2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),S.zero(),T.zero(),U.nil),0,V.nil,a,b));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;c=c.$blk();}if(c&&c.$blk!==undefined){break s;}d=c;$s=2;case 2:return d;}return;}var $f={$blk:I,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewPolygon2DJs=I;J=function(a){var a;return C.MakeWrapper(new F.Barrier.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),S.zero(),T.zero(),U.nil),0,V.nil,a));};$pkg.NewBarrierJs=J;K=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o;return C.MakeWrapper(new F.PlayerDownsync.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),S.zero(),T.zero(),U.nil),0,V.nil,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k,o,false,0,0,0,l,m,j,n,"","",""));};$pkg.NewPlayerDownsyncJs=K;L=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=C.MakeFullWrapper(new F.RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(),S.zero(),T.zero(),U.nil),0,V.nil,a,b,new $Int64(0,0),c,new $Uint64(0,0),false,false));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=d;$s=2;case 2:return e;}return;}var $f={$blk:L,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,$s};return $f;};$pkg.NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs=L;M=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:m=A.GenerateRectCollider(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;m=m.$blk();}if(m&&m.$blk!==undefined){break s;}n=C.MakeWrapper(m);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;n=n.$blk();}if(n&&n.$blk!==undefined){break s;}o=n;$s=3;case 3:return o;}return;}var $f={$blk:M,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,$s};return $f;};$pkg.GenerateRectColliderJs=M;N=function(a,b,c,d,e){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c,d,e});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:f=A.GenerateConvexPolygonCollider(a,b,c,d,e);$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;f=f.$blk();}if(f&&f.$blk!==undefined){break s;}g=C.MakeWrapper(f);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;g=g.$blk();}if(g&&g.$blk!==undefined){break s;}h=g;$s=3;case 3:return h;}return;}var $f={$blk:N,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,$s};return $f;};$pkg.GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs=N;O=function(a,b,c){var{a,b,c,d,e,f,$s,$r,$c}=$restore(this,{a,b,c});$s=$s||0;s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:d=a.Check(b,c,new AD([]));$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;d=d.$blk();}if(d&&d.$blk!==undefined){break s;}e=C.MakeFullWrapper(d);$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;e=e.$blk();}if(e&&e.$blk!==undefined){break s;}f=e;$s=3;case 3:return f;}return;}var $f={$blk:O,$c:true,$r,a,b,c,d,e,f,$s};return $f;};$pkg.CheckCollisionJs=O;Q=function(){$global.gopkgs=$externalize($makeMap($String.keyFor,[{k:"NewVec2DJs",v:new AF(H)},{k:"NewPolygon2DJs",v:new AG(I)},{k:"NewBarrierJs",v:new AH(J)},{k:"NewPlayerDownsyncJs",v:new AI(K)},{k:"NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs",v:new AJ(L)},{k:"NewCollisionSpaceJs",v:new AK(G)},{k:"GenerateRectColliderJs",v:new AL(M)},{k:"GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs",v:new AM(N)},{k:"CheckCollisionJs",v:new AO(O)}]),AP);};$init=function(){$pkg.$init=function(){};var $f,$c=false,$s=0,$r;if(this!==undefined&&this.$blk!==undefined){$f=this;$c=true;$s=$f.$s;$r=$f.$r;}s:while(true){switch($s){case 0:$r=A.$init();$s=1;case 1:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=B.$init();$s=2;case 2:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=C.$init();$s=3;case 3:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=D.$init();$s=4;case 4:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=E.$init();$s=5;case 5:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}$r=F.$init();$s=6;case 6:if($c){$c=false;$r=$r.$blk();}if($r&&$r.$blk!==undefined){break s;}if($pkg===$mainPkg){Q();$mainFinished=true;}}return;}if($f===undefined){$f={$blk:$init};}$f.$s=$s;$f.$r=$r;return $f;};$pkg.$init=$init;return $pkg;})(); +var $NaN = NaN; +var $global, $module; +if (typeof window !== "undefined") { /* web page */ + $global = window; +} else if (typeof self !== "undefined") { /* web worker */ + $global = self; +} else if (typeof global !== "undefined") { /* Node.js */ + $global = global; + $global.require = require; +} else { /* others (e.g. Nashorn) */ + $global = this; +} + +if ($global === undefined || $global.Array === undefined) { + throw new Error("no global object found"); +} +if (typeof module !== "undefined") { + $module = module; +} + +if (!$global.fs && $global.require) { + try { + var fs = $global.require('fs'); + if (typeof fs === "object" && fs !== null && Object.keys(fs).length !== 0) { + $global.fs = fs; + } + } catch(e) { /* Ignore if the module couldn't be loaded. */ } +} + +if (!$global.fs) { + var outputBuf = ""; + var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); + $global.fs = { + constants: { O_WRONLY: -1, O_RDWR: -1, O_CREAT: -1, O_TRUNC: -1, O_APPEND: -1, O_EXCL: -1 }, // unused + writeSync: function writeSync(fd, buf) { + outputBuf += decoder.decode(buf); + var nl = outputBuf.lastIndexOf("\n"); + if (nl != -1) { + console.log(outputBuf.substr(0, nl)); + outputBuf = outputBuf.substr(nl + 1); + } + return buf.length; + }, + write: function write(fd, buf, offset, length, position, callback) { + if (offset !== 0 || length !== buf.length || position !== null) { + callback(enosys()); + return; + } + var n = this.writeSync(fd, buf); + callback(null, n); + } + }; +} + +var $linknames = {} // Collection of functions referenced by a go:linkname directive. +var $packages = {}, $idCounter = 0; +var $keys = function(m) { return m ? Object.keys(m) : []; }; +var $flushConsole = function() {}; +var $throwRuntimeError; /* set by package "runtime" */ +var $throwNilPointerError = function() { $throwRuntimeError("invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference"); }; +var $call = function(fn, rcvr, args) { return fn.apply(rcvr, args); }; +var $makeFunc = function(fn) { return function() { return $externalize(fn(this, new ($sliceType($jsObjectPtr))($global.Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, []))), $emptyInterface); }; }; +var $unused = function(v) {}; +var $print = console.log; +// Under Node we can emulate print() more closely by avoiding a newline. +if (($global.process !== undefined) && $global.require) { + try { + var util = $global.require('util'); + $print = function() { $global.process.stderr.write(util.format.apply(this, arguments)); }; + } catch (e) { + // Failed to require util module, keep using console.log(). + } +} +var $println = console.log + +var $initAllLinknames = function() { + var names = $keys($packages); + for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { + var f = $packages[names[i]]["$initLinknames"]; + if (typeof f == 'function') { + f(); + } + } +} + +var $mapArray = function(array, f) { + var newArray = new array.constructor(array.length); + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + newArray[i] = f(array[i]); + } + return newArray; +}; + +// Returns a method bound to the receiver instance, safe to invoke as a +// standalone function. Bound function is cached for later reuse. +var $methodVal = function(recv, name) { + var vals = recv.$methodVals || {}; + recv.$methodVals = vals; /* noop for primitives */ + var f = vals[name]; + if (f !== undefined) { + return f; + } + var method = recv[name]; + f = method.bind(recv); + vals[name] = f; + return f; +}; + +var $methodExpr = function(typ, name) { + var method = typ.prototype[name]; + if (method.$expr === undefined) { + method.$expr = function() { + $stackDepthOffset--; + try { + if (typ.wrapped) { + arguments[0] = new typ(arguments[0]); + } + return Function.call.apply(method, arguments); + } finally { + $stackDepthOffset++; + } + }; + } + return method.$expr; +}; + +var $ifaceMethodExprs = {}; +var $ifaceMethodExpr = function(name) { + var expr = $ifaceMethodExprs["$" + name]; + if (expr === undefined) { + expr = $ifaceMethodExprs["$" + name] = function() { + $stackDepthOffset--; + try { + return Function.call.apply(arguments[0][name], arguments); + } finally { + $stackDepthOffset++; + } + }; + } + return expr; +}; + +var $subslice = function(slice, low, high, max) { + if (high === undefined) { + high = slice.$length; + } + if (max === undefined) { + max = slice.$capacity; + } + if (low < 0 || high < low || max < high || high > slice.$capacity || max > slice.$capacity) { + $throwRuntimeError("slice bounds out of range"); + } + if (slice === slice.constructor.nil) { + return slice; + } + var s = new slice.constructor(slice.$array); + s.$offset = slice.$offset + low; + s.$length = high - low; + s.$capacity = max - low; + return s; +}; + +var $substring = function(str, low, high) { + if (low < 0 || high < low || high > str.length) { + $throwRuntimeError("slice bounds out of range"); + } + return str.substring(low, high); +}; + +// Convert Go slice to an equivalent JS array type. +var $sliceToNativeArray = function(slice) { + if (slice.$array.constructor !== Array) { + return slice.$array.subarray(slice.$offset, slice.$offset + slice.$length); + } + return slice.$array.slice(slice.$offset, slice.$offset + slice.$length); +}; + +// Convert Go slice to a pointer to an underlying Go array. +// +// Note that an array pointer can be represented by an "unwrapped" native array +// type, and it will be wrapped back into its Go type when necessary. +var $sliceToGoArray = function(slice, arrayPtrType) { + var arrayType = arrayPtrType.elem; + if (arrayType !== undefined && slice.$length < arrayType.len) { + $throwRuntimeError("cannot convert slice with length " + slice.$length + " to pointer to array with length " + arrayType.len); + } + if (slice == slice.constructor.nil) { + return arrayPtrType.nil; // Nil slice converts to nil array pointer. + } + if (slice.$array.constructor !== Array) { + return slice.$array.subarray(slice.$offset, slice.$offset + arrayType.len); + } + if (slice.$offset == 0 && slice.$length == slice.$capacity && slice.$length == arrayType.len) { + return slice.$array; + } + if (arrayType.len == 0) { + return new arrayType([]); + } + + // Array.slice (unlike TypedArray.subarray) returns a copy of an array range, + // which is not sharing memory with the original one, which violates the spec + // for slice to array conversion. This is incompatible with the Go spec, in + // particular that the assignments to the array elements would be visible in + // the slice. Prefer to fail explicitly instead of creating subtle bugs. + $throwRuntimeError("gopherjs: non-numeric slice to underlying array conversion is not supported for subslices"); +}; + +// Convert between compatible slice types (e.g. native and names). +var $convertSliceType = function(slice, desiredType) { + if (slice == slice.constructor.nil) { + return desiredType.nil; // Preserve nil value. + } + + return $subslice(new desiredType(slice.$array), slice.$offset, slice.$offset + slice.$length); +} + +var $decodeRune = function(str, pos) { + var c0 = str.charCodeAt(pos); + + if (c0 < 0x80) { + return [c0, 1]; + } + + if (c0 !== c0 || c0 < 0xC0) { + return [0xFFFD, 1]; + } + + var c1 = str.charCodeAt(pos + 1); + if (c1 !== c1 || c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1) { + return [0xFFFD, 1]; + } + + if (c0 < 0xE0) { + var r = (c0 & 0x1F) << 6 | (c1 & 0x3F); + if (r <= 0x7F) { + return [0xFFFD, 1]; + } + return [r, 2]; + } + + var c2 = str.charCodeAt(pos + 2); + if (c2 !== c2 || c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2) { + return [0xFFFD, 1]; + } + + if (c0 < 0xF0) { + var r = (c0 & 0x0F) << 12 | (c1 & 0x3F) << 6 | (c2 & 0x3F); + if (r <= 0x7FF) { + return [0xFFFD, 1]; + } + if (0xD800 <= r && r <= 0xDFFF) { + return [0xFFFD, 1]; + } + return [r, 3]; + } + + var c3 = str.charCodeAt(pos + 3); + if (c3 !== c3 || c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3) { + return [0xFFFD, 1]; + } + + if (c0 < 0xF8) { + var r = (c0 & 0x07) << 18 | (c1 & 0x3F) << 12 | (c2 & 0x3F) << 6 | (c3 & 0x3F); + if (r <= 0xFFFF || 0x10FFFF < r) { + return [0xFFFD, 1]; + } + return [r, 4]; + } + + return [0xFFFD, 1]; +}; + +var $encodeRune = function(r) { + if (r < 0 || r > 0x10FFFF || (0xD800 <= r && r <= 0xDFFF)) { + r = 0xFFFD; + } + if (r <= 0x7F) { + return String.fromCharCode(r); + } + if (r <= 0x7FF) { + return String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | r >> 6, 0x80 | (r & 0x3F)); + } + if (r <= 0xFFFF) { + return String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | r >> 12, 0x80 | (r >> 6 & 0x3F), 0x80 | (r & 0x3F)); + } + return String.fromCharCode(0xF0 | r >> 18, 0x80 | (r >> 12 & 0x3F), 0x80 | (r >> 6 & 0x3F), 0x80 | (r & 0x3F)); +}; + +var $stringToBytes = function(str) { + var array = new Uint8Array(str.length); + for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { + array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); + } + return array; +}; + +var $bytesToString = function(slice) { + if (slice.$length === 0) { + return ""; + } + var str = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < slice.$length; i += 10000) { + str += String.fromCharCode.apply(undefined, slice.$array.subarray(slice.$offset + i, slice.$offset + Math.min(slice.$length, i + 10000))); + } + return str; +}; + +var $stringToRunes = function(str) { + var array = new Int32Array(str.length); + var rune, j = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i += rune[1], j++) { + rune = $decodeRune(str, i); + array[j] = rune[0]; + } + return array.subarray(0, j); +}; + +var $runesToString = function(slice) { + if (slice.$length === 0) { + return ""; + } + var str = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < slice.$length; i++) { + str += $encodeRune(slice.$array[slice.$offset + i]); + } + return str; +}; + +var $copyString = function(dst, src) { + var n = Math.min(src.length, dst.$length); + for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { + dst.$array[dst.$offset + i] = src.charCodeAt(i); + } + return n; +}; + +var $copySlice = function(dst, src) { + var n = Math.min(src.$length, dst.$length); + $copyArray(dst.$array, src.$array, dst.$offset, src.$offset, n, dst.constructor.elem); + return n; +}; + +var $copyArray = function(dst, src, dstOffset, srcOffset, n, elem) { + if (n === 0 || (dst === src && dstOffset === srcOffset)) { + return; + } + + if (src.subarray) { + dst.set(src.subarray(srcOffset, srcOffset + n), dstOffset); + return; + } + + switch (elem.kind) { + case $kindArray: + case $kindStruct: + if (dst === src && dstOffset > srcOffset) { + for (var i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + elem.copy(dst[dstOffset + i], src[srcOffset + i]); + } + return; + } + for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { + elem.copy(dst[dstOffset + i], src[srcOffset + i]); + } + return; + } + + if (dst === src && dstOffset > srcOffset) { + for (var i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + dst[dstOffset + i] = src[srcOffset + i]; + } + return; + } + for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { + dst[dstOffset + i] = src[srcOffset + i]; + } +}; + +var $clone = function(src, type) { + var clone = type.zero(); + type.copy(clone, src); + return clone; +}; + +var $pointerOfStructConversion = function(obj, type) { + if(obj.$proxies === undefined) { + obj.$proxies = {}; + obj.$proxies[obj.constructor.string] = obj; + } + var proxy = obj.$proxies[type.string]; + if (proxy === undefined) { + var properties = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < type.elem.fields.length; i++) { + (function(fieldProp) { + properties[fieldProp] = { + get: function() { return obj[fieldProp]; }, + set: function(value) { obj[fieldProp] = value; } + }; + })(type.elem.fields[i].prop); + } + proxy = Object.create(type.prototype, properties); + proxy.$val = proxy; + obj.$proxies[type.string] = proxy; + proxy.$proxies = obj.$proxies; + } + return proxy; +}; + +var $append = function(slice) { + return $internalAppend(slice, arguments, 1, arguments.length - 1); +}; + +var $appendSlice = function(slice, toAppend) { + if (toAppend.constructor === String) { + var bytes = $stringToBytes(toAppend); + return $internalAppend(slice, bytes, 0, bytes.length); + } + return $internalAppend(slice, toAppend.$array, toAppend.$offset, toAppend.$length); +}; + +var $internalAppend = function(slice, array, offset, length) { + if (length === 0) { + return slice; + } + + var newArray = slice.$array; + var newOffset = slice.$offset; + var newLength = slice.$length + length; + var newCapacity = slice.$capacity; + + if (newLength > newCapacity) { + newOffset = 0; + newCapacity = Math.max(newLength, slice.$capacity < 1024 ? slice.$capacity * 2 : Math.floor(slice.$capacity * 5 / 4)); + + if (slice.$array.constructor === Array) { + newArray = slice.$array.slice(slice.$offset, slice.$offset + slice.$length); + newArray.length = newCapacity; + var zero = slice.constructor.elem.zero; + for (var i = slice.$length; i < newCapacity; i++) { + newArray[i] = zero(); + } + } else { + newArray = new slice.$array.constructor(newCapacity); + newArray.set(slice.$array.subarray(slice.$offset, slice.$offset + slice.$length)); + } + } + + $copyArray(newArray, array, newOffset + slice.$length, offset, length, slice.constructor.elem); + + var newSlice = new slice.constructor(newArray); + newSlice.$offset = newOffset; + newSlice.$length = newLength; + newSlice.$capacity = newCapacity; + return newSlice; +}; + +var $equal = function(a, b, type) { + if (type === $jsObjectPtr) { + return a === b; + } + switch (type.kind) { + case $kindComplex64: + case $kindComplex128: + return a.$real === b.$real && a.$imag === b.$imag; + case $kindInt64: + case $kindUint64: + return a.$high === b.$high && a.$low === b.$low; + case $kindArray: + if (a.length !== b.length) { + return false; + } + for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { + if (!$equal(a[i], b[i], type.elem)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + case $kindStruct: + for (var i = 0; i < type.fields.length; i++) { + var f = type.fields[i]; + if (!$equal(a[f.prop], b[f.prop], f.typ)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + case $kindInterface: + return $interfaceIsEqual(a, b); + default: + return a === b; + } +}; + +var $interfaceIsEqual = function(a, b) { + if (a === $ifaceNil || b === $ifaceNil) { + return a === b; + } + if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) { + return false; + } + if (a.constructor === $jsObjectPtr) { + return a.object === b.object; + } + if (!a.constructor.comparable) { + $throwRuntimeError("comparing uncomparable type " + a.constructor.string); + } + return $equal(a.$val, b.$val, a.constructor); +}; + +var $min = Math.min; +var $mod = function(x, y) { return x % y; }; +var $parseInt = parseInt; +var $parseFloat = function(f) { + if (f !== undefined && f !== null && f.constructor === Number) { + return f; + } + return parseFloat(f); +}; + +var $froundBuf = new Float32Array(1); +var $fround = Math.fround || function(f) { + $froundBuf[0] = f; + return $froundBuf[0]; +}; + +var $imul = Math.imul || function(a, b) { + var ah = (a >>> 16) & 0xffff; + var al = a & 0xffff; + var bh = (b >>> 16) & 0xffff; + var bl = b & 0xffff; + return ((al * bl) + (((ah * bl + al * bh) << 16) >>> 0) >> 0); +}; + +var $floatKey = function(f) { + if (f !== f) { + $idCounter++; + return "NaN$" + $idCounter; + } + return String(f); +}; + +var $flatten64 = function(x) { + return x.$high * 4294967296 + x.$low; +}; + +var $shiftLeft64 = function(x, y) { + if (y === 0) { + return x; + } + if (y < 32) { + return new x.constructor(x.$high << y | x.$low >>> (32 - y), (x.$low << y) >>> 0); + } + if (y < 64) { + return new x.constructor(x.$low << (y - 32), 0); + } + return new x.constructor(0, 0); +}; + +var $shiftRightInt64 = function(x, y) { + if (y === 0) { + return x; + } + if (y < 32) { + return new x.constructor(x.$high >> y, (x.$low >>> y | x.$high << (32 - y)) >>> 0); + } + if (y < 64) { + return new x.constructor(x.$high >> 31, (x.$high >> (y - 32)) >>> 0); + } + if (x.$high < 0) { + return new x.constructor(-1, 4294967295); + } + return new x.constructor(0, 0); +}; + +var $shiftRightUint64 = function(x, y) { + if (y === 0) { + return x; + } + if (y < 32) { + return new x.constructor(x.$high >>> y, (x.$low >>> y | x.$high << (32 - y)) >>> 0); + } + if (y < 64) { + return new x.constructor(0, x.$high >>> (y - 32)); + } + return new x.constructor(0, 0); +}; + +var $mul64 = function(x, y) { + var x48 = x.$high >>> 16; + var x32 = x.$high & 0xFFFF; + var x16 = x.$low >>> 16; + var x00 = x.$low & 0xFFFF; + + var y48 = y.$high >>> 16; + var y32 = y.$high & 0xFFFF; + var y16 = y.$low >>> 16; + var y00 = y.$low & 0xFFFF; + + var z48 = 0, z32 = 0, z16 = 0, z00 = 0; + z00 += x00 * y00; + z16 += z00 >>> 16; + z00 &= 0xFFFF; + z16 += x16 * y00; + z32 += z16 >>> 16; + z16 &= 0xFFFF; + z16 += x00 * y16; + z32 += z16 >>> 16; + z16 &= 0xFFFF; + z32 += x32 * y00; + z48 += z32 >>> 16; + z32 &= 0xFFFF; + z32 += x16 * y16; + z48 += z32 >>> 16; + z32 &= 0xFFFF; + z32 += x00 * y32; + z48 += z32 >>> 16; + z32 &= 0xFFFF; + z48 += x48 * y00 + x32 * y16 + x16 * y32 + x00 * y48; + z48 &= 0xFFFF; + + var hi = ((z48 << 16) | z32) >>> 0; + var lo = ((z16 << 16) | z00) >>> 0; + + var r = new x.constructor(hi, lo); + return r; +}; + +var $div64 = function(x, y, returnRemainder) { + if (y.$high === 0 && y.$low === 0) { + $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"); + } + + var s = 1; + var rs = 1; + + var xHigh = x.$high; + var xLow = x.$low; + if (xHigh < 0) { + s = -1; + rs = -1; + xHigh = -xHigh; + if (xLow !== 0) { + xHigh--; + xLow = 4294967296 - xLow; + } + } + + var yHigh = y.$high; + var yLow = y.$low; + if (y.$high < 0) { + s *= -1; + yHigh = -yHigh; + if (yLow !== 0) { + yHigh--; + yLow = 4294967296 - yLow; + } + } + + var high = 0, low = 0, n = 0; + while (yHigh < 2147483648 && ((xHigh > yHigh) || (xHigh === yHigh && xLow > yLow))) { + yHigh = (yHigh << 1 | yLow >>> 31) >>> 0; + yLow = (yLow << 1) >>> 0; + n++; + } + for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) { + high = high << 1 | low >>> 31; + low = (low << 1) >>> 0; + if ((xHigh > yHigh) || (xHigh === yHigh && xLow >= yLow)) { + xHigh = xHigh - yHigh; + xLow = xLow - yLow; + if (xLow < 0) { + xHigh--; + xLow += 4294967296; + } + low++; + if (low === 4294967296) { + high++; + low = 0; + } + } + yLow = (yLow >>> 1 | yHigh << (32 - 1)) >>> 0; + yHigh = yHigh >>> 1; + } + + if (returnRemainder) { + return new x.constructor(xHigh * rs, xLow * rs); + } + return new x.constructor(high * s, low * s); +}; + +var $divComplex = function(n, d) { + var ninf = n.$real === Infinity || n.$real === -Infinity || n.$imag === Infinity || n.$imag === -Infinity; + var dinf = d.$real === Infinity || d.$real === -Infinity || d.$imag === Infinity || d.$imag === -Infinity; + var nnan = !ninf && (n.$real !== n.$real || n.$imag !== n.$imag); + var dnan = !dinf && (d.$real !== d.$real || d.$imag !== d.$imag); + if(nnan || dnan) { + return new n.constructor(NaN, NaN); + } + if (ninf && !dinf) { + return new n.constructor(Infinity, Infinity); + } + if (!ninf && dinf) { + return new n.constructor(0, 0); + } + if (d.$real === 0 && d.$imag === 0) { + if (n.$real === 0 && n.$imag === 0) { + return new n.constructor(NaN, NaN); + } + return new n.constructor(Infinity, Infinity); + } + var a = Math.abs(d.$real); + var b = Math.abs(d.$imag); + if (a <= b) { + var ratio = d.$real / d.$imag; + var denom = d.$real * ratio + d.$imag; + return new n.constructor((n.$real * ratio + n.$imag) / denom, (n.$imag * ratio - n.$real) / denom); + } + var ratio = d.$imag / d.$real; + var denom = d.$imag * ratio + d.$real; + return new n.constructor((n.$imag * ratio + n.$real) / denom, (n.$imag - n.$real * ratio) / denom); +}; + +var $kindBool = 1; +var $kindInt = 2; +var $kindInt8 = 3; +var $kindInt16 = 4; +var $kindInt32 = 5; +var $kindInt64 = 6; +var $kindUint = 7; +var $kindUint8 = 8; +var $kindUint16 = 9; +var $kindUint32 = 10; +var $kindUint64 = 11; +var $kindUintptr = 12; +var $kindFloat32 = 13; +var $kindFloat64 = 14; +var $kindComplex64 = 15; +var $kindComplex128 = 16; +var $kindArray = 17; +var $kindChan = 18; +var $kindFunc = 19; +var $kindInterface = 20; +var $kindMap = 21; +var $kindPtr = 22; +var $kindSlice = 23; +var $kindString = 24; +var $kindStruct = 25; +var $kindUnsafePointer = 26; + +var $methodSynthesizers = []; +var $addMethodSynthesizer = function(f) { + if ($methodSynthesizers === null) { + f(); + return; + } + $methodSynthesizers.push(f); +}; +var $synthesizeMethods = function() { + $methodSynthesizers.forEach(function(f) { f(); }); + $methodSynthesizers = null; +}; + +var $ifaceKeyFor = function(x) { + if (x === $ifaceNil) { + return 'nil'; + } + var c = x.constructor; + return c.string + '$' + c.keyFor(x.$val); +}; + +var $identity = function(x) { return x; }; + +var $typeIDCounter = 0; + +var $idKey = function(x) { + if (x.$id === undefined) { + $idCounter++; + x.$id = $idCounter; + } + return String(x.$id); +}; + +// Creates constructor functions for array pointer types. Returns a new function +// instace each time to make sure each type is independent of the other. +var $arrayPtrCtor = function() { + return function(array) { + this.$get = function() { return array; }; + this.$set = function(v) { typ.copy(this, v); }; + this.$val = array; + } +} + +var $newType = function(size, kind, string, named, pkg, exported, constructor) { + var typ; + switch(kind) { + case $kindBool: + case $kindInt: + case $kindInt8: + case $kindInt16: + case $kindInt32: + case $kindUint: + case $kindUint8: + case $kindUint16: + case $kindUint32: + case $kindUintptr: + case $kindUnsafePointer: + typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; }; + typ.wrapped = true; + typ.keyFor = $identity; + break; + + case $kindString: + typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; }; + typ.wrapped = true; + typ.keyFor = function(x) { return "$" + x; }; + break; + + case $kindFloat32: + case $kindFloat64: + typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; }; + typ.wrapped = true; + typ.keyFor = function(x) { return $floatKey(x); }; + break; + + case $kindInt64: + typ = function(high, low) { + this.$high = (high + Math.floor(Math.ceil(low) / 4294967296)) >> 0; + this.$low = low >>> 0; + this.$val = this; + }; + typ.keyFor = function(x) { return x.$high + "$" + x.$low; }; + break; + + case $kindUint64: + typ = function(high, low) { + this.$high = (high + Math.floor(Math.ceil(low) / 4294967296)) >>> 0; + this.$low = low >>> 0; + this.$val = this; + }; + typ.keyFor = function(x) { return x.$high + "$" + x.$low; }; + break; + + case $kindComplex64: + typ = function(real, imag) { + this.$real = $fround(real); + this.$imag = $fround(imag); + this.$val = this; + }; + typ.keyFor = function(x) { return x.$real + "$" + x.$imag; }; + break; + + case $kindComplex128: + typ = function(real, imag) { + this.$real = real; + this.$imag = imag; + this.$val = this; + }; + typ.keyFor = function(x) { return x.$real + "$" + x.$imag; }; + break; + + case $kindArray: + typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; }; + typ.wrapped = true; + typ.ptr = $newType(4, $kindPtr, "*" + string, false, "", false, $arrayPtrCtor()); + typ.init = function(elem, len) { + typ.elem = elem; + typ.len = len; + typ.comparable = elem.comparable; + typ.keyFor = function(x) { + return Array.prototype.join.call($mapArray(x, function(e) { + return String(elem.keyFor(e)).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\$/g, "\\$"); + }), "$"); + }; + typ.copy = function(dst, src) { + $copyArray(dst, src, 0, 0, src.length, elem); + }; + typ.ptr.init(typ); + Object.defineProperty(typ.ptr.nil, "nilCheck", { get: $throwNilPointerError }); + }; + break; + + case $kindChan: + typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; }; + typ.wrapped = true; + typ.keyFor = $idKey; + typ.init = function(elem, sendOnly, recvOnly) { + typ.elem = elem; + typ.sendOnly = sendOnly; + typ.recvOnly = recvOnly; + }; + break; + + case $kindFunc: + typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; }; + typ.wrapped = true; + typ.init = function(params, results, variadic) { + typ.params = params; + typ.results = results; + typ.variadic = variadic; + typ.comparable = false; + }; + break; + + case $kindInterface: + typ = { implementedBy: {}, missingMethodFor: {} }; + typ.keyFor = $ifaceKeyFor; + typ.init = function(methods) { + typ.methods = methods; + methods.forEach(function(m) { + $ifaceNil[m.prop] = $throwNilPointerError; + }); + }; + break; + + case $kindMap: + typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; }; + typ.wrapped = true; + typ.init = function(key, elem) { + typ.key = key; + typ.elem = elem; + typ.comparable = false; + }; + break; + + case $kindPtr: + typ = constructor || function(getter, setter, target) { + this.$get = getter; + this.$set = setter; + this.$target = target; + this.$val = this; + }; + typ.keyFor = $idKey; + typ.init = function(elem) { + typ.elem = elem; + typ.wrapped = (elem.kind === $kindArray); + typ.nil = new typ($throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + }; + break; + + case $kindSlice: + typ = function(array) { + if (array.constructor !== typ.nativeArray) { + array = new typ.nativeArray(array); + } + this.$array = array; + this.$offset = 0; + this.$length = array.length; + this.$capacity = array.length; + this.$val = this; + }; + typ.init = function(elem) { + typ.elem = elem; + typ.comparable = false; + typ.nativeArray = $nativeArray(elem.kind); + typ.nil = new typ([]); + }; + break; + + case $kindStruct: + typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; }; + typ.wrapped = true; + typ.ptr = $newType(4, $kindPtr, "*" + string, false, pkg, exported, constructor); + typ.ptr.elem = typ; + typ.ptr.prototype.$get = function() { return this; }; + typ.ptr.prototype.$set = function(v) { typ.copy(this, v); }; + typ.init = function(pkgPath, fields) { + typ.pkgPath = pkgPath; + typ.fields = fields; + fields.forEach(function(f) { + if (!f.typ.comparable) { + typ.comparable = false; + } + }); + typ.keyFor = function(x) { + var val = x.$val; + return $mapArray(fields, function(f) { + return String(f.typ.keyFor(val[f.prop])).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\$/g, "\\$"); + }).join("$"); + }; + typ.copy = function(dst, src) { + for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { + var f = fields[i]; + switch (f.typ.kind) { + case $kindArray: + case $kindStruct: + f.typ.copy(dst[f.prop], src[f.prop]); + continue; + default: + dst[f.prop] = src[f.prop]; + continue; + } + } + }; + /* nil value */ + var properties = {}; + fields.forEach(function(f) { + properties[f.prop] = { get: $throwNilPointerError, set: $throwNilPointerError }; + }); + typ.ptr.nil = Object.create(constructor.prototype, properties); + typ.ptr.nil.$val = typ.ptr.nil; + /* methods for embedded fields */ + $addMethodSynthesizer(function() { + var synthesizeMethod = function(target, m, f) { + if (target.prototype[m.prop] !== undefined) { return; } + target.prototype[m.prop] = function() { + var v = this.$val[f.prop]; + if (f.typ === $jsObjectPtr) { + v = new $jsObjectPtr(v); + } + if (v.$val === undefined) { + v = new f.typ(v); + } + return v[m.prop].apply(v, arguments); + }; + }; + fields.forEach(function(f) { + if (f.embedded) { + $methodSet(f.typ).forEach(function(m) { + synthesizeMethod(typ, m, f); + synthesizeMethod(typ.ptr, m, f); + }); + $methodSet($ptrType(f.typ)).forEach(function(m) { + synthesizeMethod(typ.ptr, m, f); + }); + } + }); + }); + }; + break; + + default: + $panic(new $String("invalid kind: " + kind)); + } + + switch (kind) { + case $kindBool: + case $kindMap: + typ.zero = function() { return false; }; + break; + + case $kindInt: + case $kindInt8: + case $kindInt16: + case $kindInt32: + case $kindUint: + case $kindUint8 : + case $kindUint16: + case $kindUint32: + case $kindUintptr: + case $kindUnsafePointer: + case $kindFloat32: + case $kindFloat64: + typ.zero = function() { return 0; }; + break; + + case $kindString: + typ.zero = function() { return ""; }; + break; + + case $kindInt64: + case $kindUint64: + case $kindComplex64: + case $kindComplex128: + var zero = new typ(0, 0); + typ.zero = function() { return zero; }; + break; + + case $kindPtr: + case $kindSlice: + typ.zero = function() { return typ.nil; }; + break; + + case $kindChan: + typ.zero = function() { return $chanNil; }; + break; + + case $kindFunc: + typ.zero = function() { return $throwNilPointerError; }; + break; + + case $kindInterface: + typ.zero = function() { return $ifaceNil; }; + break; + + case $kindArray: + typ.zero = function() { + var arrayClass = $nativeArray(typ.elem.kind); + if (arrayClass !== Array) { + return new arrayClass(typ.len); + } + var array = new Array(typ.len); + for (var i = 0; i < typ.len; i++) { + array[i] = typ.elem.zero(); + } + return array; + }; + break; + + case $kindStruct: + typ.zero = function() { return new typ.ptr(); }; + break; + + default: + $panic(new $String("invalid kind: " + kind)); + } + + typ.id = $typeIDCounter; + $typeIDCounter++; + typ.size = size; + typ.kind = kind; + typ.string = string; + typ.named = named; + typ.pkg = pkg; + typ.exported = exported; + typ.methods = []; + typ.methodSetCache = null; + typ.comparable = true; + return typ; +}; + +var $methodSet = function(typ) { + if (typ.methodSetCache !== null) { + return typ.methodSetCache; + } + var base = {}; + + var isPtr = (typ.kind === $kindPtr); + if (isPtr && typ.elem.kind === $kindInterface) { + typ.methodSetCache = []; + return []; + } + + var current = [{typ: isPtr ? typ.elem : typ, indirect: isPtr}]; + + var seen = {}; + + while (current.length > 0) { + var next = []; + var mset = []; + + current.forEach(function(e) { + if (seen[e.typ.string]) { + return; + } + seen[e.typ.string] = true; + + if (e.typ.named) { + mset = mset.concat(e.typ.methods); + if (e.indirect) { + mset = mset.concat($ptrType(e.typ).methods); + } + } + + switch (e.typ.kind) { + case $kindStruct: + e.typ.fields.forEach(function(f) { + if (f.embedded) { + var fTyp = f.typ; + var fIsPtr = (fTyp.kind === $kindPtr); + next.push({typ: fIsPtr ? fTyp.elem : fTyp, indirect: e.indirect || fIsPtr}); + } + }); + break; + + case $kindInterface: + mset = mset.concat(e.typ.methods); + break; + } + }); + + mset.forEach(function(m) { + if (base[m.name] === undefined) { + base[m.name] = m; + } + }); + + current = next; + } + + typ.methodSetCache = []; + Object.keys(base).sort().forEach(function(name) { + typ.methodSetCache.push(base[name]); + }); + return typ.methodSetCache; +}; + +var $Bool = $newType( 1, $kindBool, "bool", true, "", false, null); +var $Int = $newType( 4, $kindInt, "int", true, "", false, null); +var $Int8 = $newType( 1, $kindInt8, "int8", true, "", false, null); +var $Int16 = $newType( 2, $kindInt16, "int16", true, "", false, null); +var $Int32 = $newType( 4, $kindInt32, "int32", true, "", false, null); +var $Int64 = $newType( 8, $kindInt64, "int64", true, "", false, null); +var $Uint = $newType( 4, $kindUint, "uint", true, "", false, null); +var $Uint8 = $newType( 1, $kindUint8, "uint8", true, "", false, null); +var $Uint16 = $newType( 2, $kindUint16, "uint16", true, "", false, null); +var $Uint32 = $newType( 4, $kindUint32, "uint32", true, "", false, null); +var $Uint64 = $newType( 8, $kindUint64, "uint64", true, "", false, null); +var $Uintptr = $newType( 4, $kindUintptr, "uintptr", true, "", false, null); +var $Float32 = $newType( 4, $kindFloat32, "float32", true, "", false, null); +var $Float64 = $newType( 8, $kindFloat64, "float64", true, "", false, null); +var $Complex64 = $newType( 8, $kindComplex64, "complex64", true, "", false, null); +var $Complex128 = $newType(16, $kindComplex128, "complex128", true, "", false, null); +var $String = $newType( 8, $kindString, "string", true, "", false, null); +var $UnsafePointer = $newType( 4, $kindUnsafePointer, "unsafe.Pointer", true, "unsafe", false, null); + +var $nativeArray = function(elemKind) { + switch (elemKind) { + case $kindInt: + return Int32Array; + case $kindInt8: + return Int8Array; + case $kindInt16: + return Int16Array; + case $kindInt32: + return Int32Array; + case $kindUint: + return Uint32Array; + case $kindUint8: + return Uint8Array; + case $kindUint16: + return Uint16Array; + case $kindUint32: + return Uint32Array; + case $kindUintptr: + return Uint32Array; + case $kindFloat32: + return Float32Array; + case $kindFloat64: + return Float64Array; + default: + return Array; + } +}; +var $toNativeArray = function(elemKind, array) { + var nativeArray = $nativeArray(elemKind); + if (nativeArray === Array) { + return array; + } + return new nativeArray(array); +}; +var $arrayTypes = {}; +var $arrayType = function(elem, len) { + var typeKey = elem.id + "$" + len; + var typ = $arrayTypes[typeKey]; + if (typ === undefined) { + typ = $newType(12, $kindArray, "[" + len + "]" + elem.string, false, "", false, null); + $arrayTypes[typeKey] = typ; + typ.init(elem, len); + } + return typ; +}; + +var $chanType = function(elem, sendOnly, recvOnly) { + var string = (recvOnly ? "<-" : "") + "chan" + (sendOnly ? "<- " : " "); + if (!sendOnly && !recvOnly && (elem.string[0] == "<")) { + string += "(" + elem.string + ")"; + } else { + string += elem.string; + } + var field = sendOnly ? "SendChan" : (recvOnly ? "RecvChan" : "Chan"); + var typ = elem[field]; + if (typ === undefined) { + typ = $newType(4, $kindChan, string, false, "", false, null); + elem[field] = typ; + typ.init(elem, sendOnly, recvOnly); + } + return typ; +}; +var $Chan = function(elem, capacity) { + if (capacity < 0 || capacity > 2147483647) { + $throwRuntimeError("makechan: size out of range"); + } + this.$elem = elem; + this.$capacity = capacity; + this.$buffer = []; + this.$sendQueue = []; + this.$recvQueue = []; + this.$closed = false; +}; +var $chanNil = new $Chan(null, 0); +$chanNil.$sendQueue = $chanNil.$recvQueue = { length: 0, push: function() {}, shift: function() { return undefined; }, indexOf: function() { return -1; } }; + +var $funcTypes = {}; +var $funcType = function(params, results, variadic) { + var typeKey = $mapArray(params, function(p) { return p.id; }).join(",") + "$" + $mapArray(results, function(r) { return r.id; }).join(",") + "$" + variadic; + var typ = $funcTypes[typeKey]; + if (typ === undefined) { + var paramTypes = $mapArray(params, function(p) { return p.string; }); + if (variadic) { + paramTypes[paramTypes.length - 1] = "..." + paramTypes[paramTypes.length - 1].substr(2); + } + var string = "func(" + paramTypes.join(", ") + ")"; + if (results.length === 1) { + string += " " + results[0].string; + } else if (results.length > 1) { + string += " (" + $mapArray(results, function(r) { return r.string; }).join(", ") + ")"; + } + typ = $newType(4, $kindFunc, string, false, "", false, null); + $funcTypes[typeKey] = typ; + typ.init(params, results, variadic); + } + return typ; +}; + +var $interfaceTypes = {}; +var $interfaceType = function(methods) { + var typeKey = $mapArray(methods, function(m) { return m.pkg + "," + m.name + "," + m.typ.id; }).join("$"); + var typ = $interfaceTypes[typeKey]; + if (typ === undefined) { + var string = "interface {}"; + if (methods.length !== 0) { + string = "interface { " + $mapArray(methods, function(m) { + return (m.pkg !== "" ? m.pkg + "." : "") + m.name + m.typ.string.substr(4); + }).join("; ") + " }"; + } + typ = $newType(8, $kindInterface, string, false, "", false, null); + $interfaceTypes[typeKey] = typ; + typ.init(methods); + } + return typ; +}; +var $emptyInterface = $interfaceType([]); +var $ifaceNil = {}; +var $error = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "error", true, "", false, null); +$error.init([{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + +var $mapTypes = {}; +var $mapType = function(key, elem) { + var typeKey = key.id + "$" + elem.id; + var typ = $mapTypes[typeKey]; + if (typ === undefined) { + typ = $newType(4, $kindMap, "map[" + key.string + "]" + elem.string, false, "", false, null); + $mapTypes[typeKey] = typ; + typ.init(key, elem); + } + return typ; +}; +var $makeMap = function(keyForFunc, entries) { + var m = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { + var e = entries[i]; + m[keyForFunc(e.k)] = e; + } + return m; +}; + +var $ptrType = function(elem) { + var typ = elem.ptr; + if (typ === undefined) { + typ = $newType(4, $kindPtr, "*" + elem.string, false, "", elem.exported, null); + elem.ptr = typ; + typ.init(elem); + } + return typ; +}; + +var $newDataPointer = function(data, constructor) { + if (constructor.elem.kind === $kindStruct) { + return data; + } + return new constructor(function() { return data; }, function(v) { data = v; }); +}; + +var $indexPtr = function(array, index, constructor) { + if (array.buffer) { + // Pointers to the same underlying ArrayBuffer share cache. + var cache = array.buffer.$ptr = array.buffer.$ptr || {}; + // Pointers of different primitive types are non-comparable and stored in different caches. + var typeCache = cache[array.name] = cache[array.name] || {}; + var cacheIdx = array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * index + array.byteOffset; + return typeCache[cacheIdx] || (typeCache[cacheIdx] = new constructor(function() { return array[index]; }, function(v) { array[index] = v; })); + } else { + array.$ptr = array.$ptr || {}; + return array.$ptr[index] || (array.$ptr[index] = new constructor(function() { return array[index]; }, function(v) { array[index] = v; })); + } +}; + +var $sliceType = function(elem) { + var typ = elem.slice; + if (typ === undefined) { + typ = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "[]" + elem.string, false, "", false, null); + elem.slice = typ; + typ.init(elem); + } + return typ; +}; +var $makeSlice = function(typ, length, capacity) { + capacity = capacity || length; + if (length < 0 || length > 2147483647) { + $throwRuntimeError("makeslice: len out of range"); + } + if (capacity < 0 || capacity < length || capacity > 2147483647) { + $throwRuntimeError("makeslice: cap out of range"); + } + var array = new typ.nativeArray(capacity); + if (typ.nativeArray === Array) { + for (var i = 0; i < capacity; i++) { + array[i] = typ.elem.zero(); + } + } + var slice = new typ(array); + slice.$length = length; + return slice; +}; + +var $structTypes = {}; +var $structType = function(pkgPath, fields) { + var typeKey = $mapArray(fields, function(f) { return f.name + "," + f.typ.id + "," + f.tag; }).join("$"); + var typ = $structTypes[typeKey]; + if (typ === undefined) { + var string = "struct { " + $mapArray(fields, function(f) { + var str = f.typ.string + (f.tag !== "" ? (" \"" + f.tag.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, "\\\"") + "\"") : ""); + if (f.embedded) { + return str; + } + return f.name + " " + str; + }).join("; ") + " }"; + if (fields.length === 0) { + string = "struct {}"; + } + typ = $newType(0, $kindStruct, string, false, "", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { + var f = fields[i]; + if (f.name == '_') { + continue; + } + var arg = arguments[i]; + this[f.prop] = arg !== undefined ? arg : f.typ.zero(); + } + }); + $structTypes[typeKey] = typ; + typ.init(pkgPath, fields); + } + return typ; +}; + +var $assertType = function(value, type, returnTuple) { + var isInterface = (type.kind === $kindInterface), ok, missingMethod = ""; + if (value === $ifaceNil) { + ok = false; + } else if (!isInterface) { + ok = value.constructor === type; + } else { + var valueTypeString = value.constructor.string; + ok = type.implementedBy[valueTypeString]; + if (ok === undefined) { + ok = true; + var valueMethodSet = $methodSet(value.constructor); + var interfaceMethods = type.methods; + for (var i = 0; i < interfaceMethods.length; i++) { + var tm = interfaceMethods[i]; + var found = false; + for (var j = 0; j < valueMethodSet.length; j++) { + var vm = valueMethodSet[j]; + if (vm.name === tm.name && vm.pkg === tm.pkg && vm.typ === tm.typ) { + found = true; + break; + } + } + if (!found) { + ok = false; + type.missingMethodFor[valueTypeString] = tm.name; + break; + } + } + type.implementedBy[valueTypeString] = ok; + } + if (!ok) { + missingMethod = type.missingMethodFor[valueTypeString]; + } + } + + if (!ok) { + if (returnTuple) { + return [type.zero(), false]; + } + $panic(new $packages["runtime"].TypeAssertionError.ptr( + $packages["runtime"]._type.ptr.nil, + (value === $ifaceNil ? $packages["runtime"]._type.ptr.nil : new $packages["runtime"]._type.ptr(value.constructor.string)), + new $packages["runtime"]._type.ptr(type.string), + missingMethod)); + } + + if (!isInterface) { + value = value.$val; + } + if (type === $jsObjectPtr) { + value = value.object; + } + return returnTuple ? [value, true] : value; +}; + +var $stackDepthOffset = 0; +var $getStackDepth = function() { + var err = new Error(); + if (err.stack === undefined) { + return undefined; + } + return $stackDepthOffset + err.stack.split("\n").length; +}; + +var $panicStackDepth = null, $panicValue; +var $callDeferred = function(deferred, jsErr, fromPanic) { + if (!fromPanic && deferred !== null && $curGoroutine.deferStack.indexOf(deferred) == -1) { + throw jsErr; + } + if (jsErr !== null) { + var newErr = null; + try { + $panic(new $jsErrorPtr(jsErr)); + } catch (err) { + newErr = err; + } + $callDeferred(deferred, newErr); + return; + } + if ($curGoroutine.asleep) { + return; + } + + $stackDepthOffset--; + var outerPanicStackDepth = $panicStackDepth; + var outerPanicValue = $panicValue; + + var localPanicValue = $curGoroutine.panicStack.pop(); + if (localPanicValue !== undefined) { + $panicStackDepth = $getStackDepth(); + $panicValue = localPanicValue; + } + + try { + while (true) { + if (deferred === null) { + deferred = $curGoroutine.deferStack[$curGoroutine.deferStack.length - 1]; + if (deferred === undefined) { + /* The panic reached the top of the stack. Clear it and throw it as a JavaScript error. */ + $panicStackDepth = null; + if (localPanicValue.Object instanceof Error) { + throw localPanicValue.Object; + } + var msg; + if (localPanicValue.constructor === $String) { + msg = localPanicValue.$val; + } else if (localPanicValue.Error !== undefined) { + msg = localPanicValue.Error(); + } else if (localPanicValue.String !== undefined) { + msg = localPanicValue.String(); + } else { + msg = localPanicValue; + } + throw new Error(msg); + } + } + var call = deferred.pop(); + if (call === undefined) { + $curGoroutine.deferStack.pop(); + if (localPanicValue !== undefined) { + deferred = null; + continue; + } + return; + } + var r = call[0].apply(call[2], call[1]); + if (r && r.$blk !== undefined) { + deferred.push([r.$blk, [], r]); + if (fromPanic) { + throw null; + } + return; + } + + if (localPanicValue !== undefined && $panicStackDepth === null) { + /* error was recovered */ + if (fromPanic) { + throw null; + } + return; + } + } + } catch(e) { + // Deferred function threw a JavaScript exception or tries to unwind stack + // to the point where a panic was handled. + if (fromPanic) { + // Re-throw the exception to reach deferral execution call at the end + // of the function. + throw e; + } + // We are at the end of the function, handle the error or re-throw to + // continue unwinding if necessary, or simply stop unwinding if we got far + // enough. + $callDeferred(deferred, e, fromPanic); + } finally { + if (localPanicValue !== undefined) { + if ($panicStackDepth !== null) { + $curGoroutine.panicStack.push(localPanicValue); + } + $panicStackDepth = outerPanicStackDepth; + $panicValue = outerPanicValue; + } + $stackDepthOffset++; + } +}; + +var $panic = function(value) { + $curGoroutine.panicStack.push(value); + $callDeferred(null, null, true); +}; +var $recover = function() { + if ($panicStackDepth === null || ($panicStackDepth !== undefined && $panicStackDepth !== $getStackDepth() - 2)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + $panicStackDepth = null; + return $panicValue; +}; +var $throw = function(err) { throw err; }; + +var $noGoroutine = { asleep: false, exit: false, deferStack: [], panicStack: [] }; +var $curGoroutine = $noGoroutine, $totalGoroutines = 0, $awakeGoroutines = 0, $checkForDeadlock = true, $exportedFunctions = 0; +var $mainFinished = false; +var $go = function(fun, args) { + $totalGoroutines++; + $awakeGoroutines++; + var $goroutine = function() { + try { + $curGoroutine = $goroutine; + var r = fun.apply(undefined, args); + if (r && r.$blk !== undefined) { + fun = function() { return r.$blk(); }; + args = []; + return; + } + $goroutine.exit = true; + } catch (err) { + if (!$goroutine.exit) { + throw err; + } + } finally { + $curGoroutine = $noGoroutine; + if ($goroutine.exit) { /* also set by runtime.Goexit() */ + $totalGoroutines--; + $goroutine.asleep = true; + } + if ($goroutine.asleep) { + $awakeGoroutines--; + if (!$mainFinished && $awakeGoroutines === 0 && $checkForDeadlock && $exportedFunctions === 0) { + console.error("fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!"); + if ($global.process !== undefined) { + $global.process.exit(2); + } + } + } + } + }; + $goroutine.asleep = false; + $goroutine.exit = false; + $goroutine.deferStack = []; + $goroutine.panicStack = []; + $schedule($goroutine); +}; + +var $scheduled = []; +var $runScheduled = function() { + // For nested setTimeout calls browsers enforce 4ms minimum delay. We minimize + // the effect of this penalty by queueing the timer preemptively before we run + // the goroutines, and later cancelling it if it turns out unneeded. See: + // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/setTimeout#nested_timeouts + var nextRun = setTimeout($runScheduled); + try { + var start = Date.now(); + var r; + while ((r = $scheduled.shift()) !== undefined) { + r(); + // We need to interrupt this loop in order to allow the event loop to + // process timers, IO, etc. However, invoking scheduling through + // setTimeout is ~1000 times more expensive, so we amortize this cost by + // looping until the 4ms minimal delay has elapsed (assuming there are + // scheduled goroutines to run), and then yield to the event loop. + var elapsed = Date.now() - start; + if (elapsed > 4 || elapsed < 0) { break; } + } + } finally { + if ($scheduled.length == 0) { + // Cancel scheduling pass if there's nothing to run. + clearTimeout(nextRun); + } + } +}; + +var $schedule = function(goroutine) { + if (goroutine.asleep) { + goroutine.asleep = false; + $awakeGoroutines++; + } + $scheduled.push(goroutine); + if ($curGoroutine === $noGoroutine) { + $runScheduled(); + } +}; + +var $setTimeout = function(f, t) { + $awakeGoroutines++; + return setTimeout(function() { + $awakeGoroutines--; + f(); + }, t); +}; + +var $block = function() { + if ($curGoroutine === $noGoroutine) { + $throwRuntimeError("cannot block in JavaScript callback, fix by wrapping code in goroutine"); + } + $curGoroutine.asleep = true; +}; + +var $restore = function(context, params) { + if (context !== undefined && context.$blk !== undefined) { + return context; + } + return params; +} + +var $send = function(chan, value) { + if (chan.$closed) { + $throwRuntimeError("send on closed channel"); + } + var queuedRecv = chan.$recvQueue.shift(); + if (queuedRecv !== undefined) { + queuedRecv([value, true]); + return; + } + if (chan.$buffer.length < chan.$capacity) { + chan.$buffer.push(value); + return; + } + + var thisGoroutine = $curGoroutine; + var closedDuringSend; + chan.$sendQueue.push(function(closed) { + closedDuringSend = closed; + $schedule(thisGoroutine); + return value; + }); + $block(); + return { + $blk: function() { + if (closedDuringSend) { + $throwRuntimeError("send on closed channel"); + } + } + }; +}; +var $recv = function(chan) { + var queuedSend = chan.$sendQueue.shift(); + if (queuedSend !== undefined) { + chan.$buffer.push(queuedSend(false)); + } + var bufferedValue = chan.$buffer.shift(); + if (bufferedValue !== undefined) { + return [bufferedValue, true]; + } + if (chan.$closed) { + return [chan.$elem.zero(), false]; + } + + var thisGoroutine = $curGoroutine; + var f = { $blk: function() { return this.value; } }; + var queueEntry = function(v) { + f.value = v; + $schedule(thisGoroutine); + }; + chan.$recvQueue.push(queueEntry); + $block(); + return f; +}; +var $close = function(chan) { + if (chan.$closed) { + $throwRuntimeError("close of closed channel"); + } + chan.$closed = true; + while (true) { + var queuedSend = chan.$sendQueue.shift(); + if (queuedSend === undefined) { + break; + } + queuedSend(true); /* will panic */ + } + while (true) { + var queuedRecv = chan.$recvQueue.shift(); + if (queuedRecv === undefined) { + break; + } + queuedRecv([chan.$elem.zero(), false]); + } +}; +var $select = function(comms) { + var ready = []; + var selection = -1; + for (var i = 0; i < comms.length; i++) { + var comm = comms[i]; + var chan = comm[0]; + switch (comm.length) { + case 0: /* default */ + selection = i; + break; + case 1: /* recv */ + if (chan.$sendQueue.length !== 0 || chan.$buffer.length !== 0 || chan.$closed) { + ready.push(i); + } + break; + case 2: /* send */ + if (chan.$closed) { + $throwRuntimeError("send on closed channel"); + } + if (chan.$recvQueue.length !== 0 || chan.$buffer.length < chan.$capacity) { + ready.push(i); + } + break; + } + } + + if (ready.length !== 0) { + selection = ready[Math.floor(Math.random() * ready.length)]; + } + if (selection !== -1) { + var comm = comms[selection]; + switch (comm.length) { + case 0: /* default */ + return [selection]; + case 1: /* recv */ + return [selection, $recv(comm[0])]; + case 2: /* send */ + $send(comm[0], comm[1]); + return [selection]; + } + } + + var entries = []; + var thisGoroutine = $curGoroutine; + var f = { $blk: function() { return this.selection; } }; + var removeFromQueues = function() { + for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { + var entry = entries[i]; + var queue = entry[0]; + var index = queue.indexOf(entry[1]); + if (index !== -1) { + queue.splice(index, 1); + } + } + }; + for (var i = 0; i < comms.length; i++) { + (function(i) { + var comm = comms[i]; + switch (comm.length) { + case 1: /* recv */ + var queueEntry = function(value) { + f.selection = [i, value]; + removeFromQueues(); + $schedule(thisGoroutine); + }; + entries.push([comm[0].$recvQueue, queueEntry]); + comm[0].$recvQueue.push(queueEntry); + break; + case 2: /* send */ + var queueEntry = function() { + if (comm[0].$closed) { + $throwRuntimeError("send on closed channel"); + } + f.selection = [i]; + removeFromQueues(); + $schedule(thisGoroutine); + return comm[1]; + }; + entries.push([comm[0].$sendQueue, queueEntry]); + comm[0].$sendQueue.push(queueEntry); + break; + } + })(i); + } + $block(); + return f; +}; + +var $jsObjectPtr, $jsErrorPtr; + +var $needsExternalization = function(t) { + switch (t.kind) { + case $kindBool: + case $kindInt: + case $kindInt8: + case $kindInt16: + case $kindInt32: + case $kindUint: + case $kindUint8: + case $kindUint16: + case $kindUint32: + case $kindUintptr: + case $kindFloat32: + case $kindFloat64: + return false; + default: + return t !== $jsObjectPtr; + } +}; + +var $externalize = function(v, t, makeWrapper) { + if (t === $jsObjectPtr) { + return v; + } + switch (t.kind) { + case $kindBool: + case $kindInt: + case $kindInt8: + case $kindInt16: + case $kindInt32: + case $kindUint: + case $kindUint8: + case $kindUint16: + case $kindUint32: + case $kindUintptr: + case $kindFloat32: + case $kindFloat64: + return v; + case $kindInt64: + case $kindUint64: + return $flatten64(v); + case $kindArray: + if ($needsExternalization(t.elem)) { + return $mapArray(v, function(e) { return $externalize(e, t.elem, makeWrapper); }); + } + return v; + case $kindFunc: + return $externalizeFunction(v, t, false, makeWrapper); + case $kindInterface: + if (v === $ifaceNil) { + return null; + } + if (v.constructor === $jsObjectPtr) { + return v.$val.object; + } + return $externalize(v.$val, v.constructor, makeWrapper); + case $kindMap: + var m = {}; + var keys = $keys(v); + for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + var entry = v[keys[i]]; + m[$externalize(entry.k, t.key, makeWrapper)] = $externalize(entry.v, t.elem, makeWrapper); + } + return m; + case $kindPtr: + if (v === t.nil) { + return null; + } + return $externalize(v.$get(), t.elem, makeWrapper); + case $kindSlice: + if ($needsExternalization(t.elem)) { + return $mapArray($sliceToNativeArray(v), function(e) { return $externalize(e, t.elem, makeWrapper); }); + } + return $sliceToNativeArray(v); + case $kindString: + if ($isASCII(v)) { + return v; + } + var s = "", r; + for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i += r[1]) { + r = $decodeRune(v, i); + var c = r[0]; + if (c > 0xFFFF) { + var h = Math.floor((c - 0x10000) / 0x400) + 0xD800; + var l = (c - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00; + s += String.fromCharCode(h, l); + continue; + } + s += String.fromCharCode(c); + } + return s; + case $kindStruct: + var timePkg = $packages["time"]; + if (timePkg !== undefined && v.constructor === timePkg.Time.ptr) { + var milli = $div64(v.UnixNano(), new $Int64(0, 1000000)); + return new Date($flatten64(milli)); + } + + var noJsObject = {}; + var searchJsObject = function(v, t) { + if (t === $jsObjectPtr) { + return v; + } + switch (t.kind) { + case $kindPtr: + if (v === t.nil) { + return noJsObject; + } + return searchJsObject(v.$get(), t.elem); + case $kindStruct: + var f = t.fields[0]; + return searchJsObject(v[f.prop], f.typ); + case $kindInterface: + return searchJsObject(v.$val, v.constructor); + default: + return noJsObject; + } + }; + var o = searchJsObject(v, t); + if (o !== noJsObject) { + return o; + } + + if (makeWrapper !== undefined) { + return makeWrapper(v); + } + + o = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < t.fields.length; i++) { + var f = t.fields[i]; + if (!f.exported) { + continue; + } + o[f.name] = $externalize(v[f.prop], f.typ, makeWrapper); + } + return o; + } + $throwRuntimeError("cannot externalize " + t.string); +}; + +var $externalizeFunction = function(v, t, passThis, makeWrapper) { + if (v === $throwNilPointerError) { + return null; + } + if (v.$externalizeWrapper === undefined) { + $checkForDeadlock = false; + v.$externalizeWrapper = function() { + var args = []; + for (var i = 0; i < t.params.length; i++) { + if (t.variadic && i === t.params.length - 1) { + var vt = t.params[i].elem, varargs = []; + for (var j = i; j < arguments.length; j++) { + varargs.push($internalize(arguments[j], vt, makeWrapper)); + } + args.push(new (t.params[i])(varargs)); + break; + } + args.push($internalize(arguments[i], t.params[i], makeWrapper)); + } + var result = v.apply(passThis ? this : undefined, args); + switch (t.results.length) { + case 0: + return; + case 1: + return $externalize($copyIfRequired(result, t.results[0]), t.results[0], makeWrapper); + default: + for (var i = 0; i < t.results.length; i++) { + result[i] = $externalize($copyIfRequired(result[i], t.results[i]), t.results[i], makeWrapper); + } + return result; + } + }; + } + return v.$externalizeWrapper; +}; + +var $internalize = function(v, t, recv, seen, makeWrapper) { + if (t === $jsObjectPtr) { + return v; + } + if (t === $jsObjectPtr.elem) { + $throwRuntimeError("cannot internalize js.Object, use *js.Object instead"); + } + if (v && v.__internal_object__ !== undefined) { + return $assertType(v.__internal_object__, t, false); + } + var timePkg = $packages["time"]; + if (timePkg !== undefined && t === timePkg.Time) { + if (!(v !== null && v !== undefined && v.constructor === Date)) { + $throwRuntimeError("cannot internalize time.Time from " + typeof v + ", must be Date"); + } + return timePkg.Unix(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, v.getTime() * 1000000)); + } + + // Cache for values we've already internalized in order to deal with circular + // references. + if (seen === undefined) { seen = new Map(); } + if (!seen.has(t)) { seen.set(t, new Map()); } + if (seen.get(t).has(v)) { return seen.get(t).get(v); } + + switch (t.kind) { + case $kindBool: + return !!v; + case $kindInt: + return parseInt(v); + case $kindInt8: + return parseInt(v) << 24 >> 24; + case $kindInt16: + return parseInt(v) << 16 >> 16; + case $kindInt32: + return parseInt(v) >> 0; + case $kindUint: + return parseInt(v); + case $kindUint8: + return parseInt(v) << 24 >>> 24; + case $kindUint16: + return parseInt(v) << 16 >>> 16; + case $kindUint32: + case $kindUintptr: + return parseInt(v) >>> 0; + case $kindInt64: + case $kindUint64: + return new t(0, v); + case $kindFloat32: + case $kindFloat64: + return parseFloat(v); + case $kindArray: + if (v.length !== t.len) { + $throwRuntimeError("got array with wrong size from JavaScript native"); + } + return $mapArray(v, function(e) { return $internalize(e, t.elem, makeWrapper); }); + case $kindFunc: + return function() { + var args = []; + for (var i = 0; i < t.params.length; i++) { + if (t.variadic && i === t.params.length - 1) { + var vt = t.params[i].elem, varargs = arguments[i]; + for (var j = 0; j < varargs.$length; j++) { + args.push($externalize(varargs.$array[varargs.$offset + j], vt, makeWrapper)); + } + break; + } + args.push($externalize(arguments[i], t.params[i], makeWrapper)); + } + var result = v.apply(recv, args); + switch (t.results.length) { + case 0: + return; + case 1: + return $internalize(result, t.results[0], makeWrapper); + default: + for (var i = 0; i < t.results.length; i++) { + result[i] = $internalize(result[i], t.results[i], makeWrapper); + } + return result; + } + }; + case $kindInterface: + if (t.methods.length !== 0) { + $throwRuntimeError("cannot internalize " + t.string); + } + if (v === null) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + if (v === undefined) { + return new $jsObjectPtr(undefined); + } + switch (v.constructor) { + case Int8Array: + return new ($sliceType($Int8))(v); + case Int16Array: + return new ($sliceType($Int16))(v); + case Int32Array: + return new ($sliceType($Int))(v); + case Uint8Array: + return new ($sliceType($Uint8))(v); + case Uint16Array: + return new ($sliceType($Uint16))(v); + case Uint32Array: + return new ($sliceType($Uint))(v); + case Float32Array: + return new ($sliceType($Float32))(v); + case Float64Array: + return new ($sliceType($Float64))(v); + case Array: + return $internalize(v, $sliceType($emptyInterface), makeWrapper); + case Boolean: + return new $Bool(!!v); + case Date: + if (timePkg === undefined) { + /* time package is not present, internalize as &js.Object{Date} so it can be externalized into original Date. */ + return new $jsObjectPtr(v); + } + return new timePkg.Time($internalize(v, timePkg.Time, makeWrapper)); + case (function () { }).constructor: // is usually Function, but in Chrome extensions it is something else + var funcType = $funcType([$sliceType($emptyInterface)], [$jsObjectPtr], true); + return new funcType($internalize(v, funcType, makeWrapper)); + case Number: + return new $Float64(parseFloat(v)); + case String: + return new $String($internalize(v, $String, makeWrapper)); + default: + if ($global.Node && v instanceof $global.Node) { + return new $jsObjectPtr(v); + } + var mapType = $mapType($String, $emptyInterface); + return new mapType($internalize(v, mapType, recv, seen, makeWrapper)); + } + case $kindMap: + var m = {}; + seen.get(t).set(v, m); + var keys = $keys(v); + for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + var k = $internalize(keys[i], t.key, recv, seen, makeWrapper); + m[t.key.keyFor(k)] = { k: k, v: $internalize(v[keys[i]], t.elem, recv, seen, makeWrapper) }; + } + return m; + case $kindPtr: + if (t.elem.kind === $kindStruct) { + return $internalize(v, t.elem, makeWrapper); + } + case $kindSlice: + return new t($mapArray(v, function(e) { return $internalize(e, t.elem, makeWrapper); })); + case $kindString: + v = String(v); + if ($isASCII(v)) { + return v; + } + var s = ""; + var i = 0; + while (i < v.length) { + var h = v.charCodeAt(i); + if (0xD800 <= h && h <= 0xDBFF) { + var l = v.charCodeAt(i + 1); + var c = (h - 0xD800) * 0x400 + l - 0xDC00 + 0x10000; + s += $encodeRune(c); + i += 2; + continue; + } + s += $encodeRune(h); + i++; + } + return s; + case $kindStruct: + var noJsObject = {}; + var searchJsObject = function(t) { + if (t === $jsObjectPtr) { + return v; + } + if (t === $jsObjectPtr.elem) { + $throwRuntimeError("cannot internalize js.Object, use *js.Object instead"); + } + switch (t.kind) { + case $kindPtr: + return searchJsObject(t.elem); + case $kindStruct: + var f = t.fields[0]; + var o = searchJsObject(f.typ); + if (o !== noJsObject) { + var n = new t.ptr(); + n[f.prop] = o; + return n; + } + return noJsObject; + default: + return noJsObject; + } + }; + var o = searchJsObject(t); + if (o !== noJsObject) { + return o; + } + } + $throwRuntimeError("cannot internalize " + t.string); +}; + +var $copyIfRequired = function(v, typ) { + // interface values + if (v && v.constructor && v.constructor.copy) { + return new v.constructor($clone(v.$val, v.constructor)) + } + // array and struct values + if (typ.copy) { + var clone = typ.zero(); + typ.copy(clone, v); + return clone; + } + return v; +} + +/* $isASCII reports whether string s contains only ASCII characters. */ +var $isASCII = function(s) { + for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { + if (s.charCodeAt(i) >= 128) { + return false; + } + } + return true; +}; + +$packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, Object, Error, M, sliceType, ptrType, sliceType$2, funcType, funcType$1, funcType$2, ptrType$1, MakeFunc, MakeWrapper, MakeFullWrapper, init; + Object = $pkg.Object = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "js.Object", true, "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js", true, function(object_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.object = null; + return; + } + this.object = object_; + }); + Error = $pkg.Error = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "js.Error", true, "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js", true, function(Object_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Object = null; + return; + } + this.Object = Object_; + }); + M = $pkg.M = $newType(4, $kindMap, "js.M", true, "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(Object); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(ptrType); + funcType = $funcType([sliceType$2], [ptrType], true); + funcType$1 = $funcType([], [ptrType], false); + funcType$2 = $funcType([ptrType], [], false); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Error); + Object.ptr.prototype.Get = function(key) { + var key, o; + o = this; + return o.object[$externalize(key, $String)]; + }; + Object.prototype.Get = function(key) { return this.$val.Get(key); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Set = function(key, value) { + var key, o, value; + o = this; + o.object[$externalize(key, $String)] = $externalize(value, $emptyInterface); + }; + Object.prototype.Set = function(key, value) { return this.$val.Set(key, value); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Delete = function(key) { + var key, o; + o = this; + delete o.object[$externalize(key, $String)]; + }; + Object.prototype.Delete = function(key) { return this.$val.Delete(key); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Length = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return $parseInt(o.object.length); + }; + Object.prototype.Length = function() { return this.$val.Length(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Index = function(i) { + var i, o; + o = this; + return o.object[i]; + }; + Object.prototype.Index = function(i) { return this.$val.Index(i); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.SetIndex = function(i, value) { + var i, o, value; + o = this; + o.object[i] = $externalize(value, $emptyInterface); + }; + Object.prototype.SetIndex = function(i, value) { return this.$val.SetIndex(i, value); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Call = function(name, args) { + var args, name, o, obj; + o = this; + return (obj = o.object, obj[$externalize(name, $String)].apply(obj, $externalize(args, sliceType))); + }; + Object.prototype.Call = function(name, args) { return this.$val.Call(name, args); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Invoke = function(args) { + var args, o; + o = this; + return o.object.apply(undefined, $externalize(args, sliceType)); + }; + Object.prototype.Invoke = function(args) { return this.$val.Invoke(args); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.New = function(args) { + var args, o; + o = this; + return new ($global.Function.prototype.bind.apply(o.object, [undefined].concat($externalize(args, sliceType)))); + }; + Object.prototype.New = function(args) { return this.$val.New(args); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Bool = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return !!(o.object); + }; + Object.prototype.Bool = function() { return this.$val.Bool(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return $internalize(o.object, $String); + }; + Object.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Int = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return $parseInt(o.object) >> 0; + }; + Object.prototype.Int = function() { return this.$val.Int(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Int64 = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return $internalize(o.object, $Int64); + }; + Object.prototype.Int64 = function() { return this.$val.Int64(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return $internalize(o.object, $Uint64); + }; + Object.prototype.Uint64 = function() { return this.$val.Uint64(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Float = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return $parseFloat(o.object); + }; + Object.prototype.Float = function() { return this.$val.Float(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Interface = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return $internalize(o.object, $emptyInterface); + }; + Object.prototype.Interface = function() { return this.$val.Interface(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Unsafe = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return o.object; + }; + Object.prototype.Unsafe = function() { return this.$val.Unsafe(); }; + Error.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var err; + err = this; + return "JavaScript error: " + $internalize(err.Object.message, $String); + }; + Error.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + Error.ptr.prototype.Stack = function() { + var err; + err = this; + return $internalize(err.Object.stack, $String); + }; + Error.prototype.Stack = function() { return this.$val.Stack(); }; + MakeFunc = function(fn) { + var fn; + return $makeFunc(fn); + }; + $pkg.MakeFunc = MakeFunc; + MakeWrapper = function(i) { + var i, i$1, m, methods, o, v; + v = i; + o = new ($global.Object)(); + o.__internal_object__ = v; + methods = v.constructor.methods; + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < $parseInt(methods.length))) { break; } + m = [m]; + m[0] = methods[i$1]; + if (!($internalize(m[0].pkg, $String) === "")) { + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + o[$externalize($internalize(m[0].name, $String), $String)] = $externalize((function(m) { return function(args) { + var args; + return $externalizeFunction(v[$externalize($internalize(m[0].prop, $String), $String)], m[0].typ, $externalize(true, $Bool)).apply(v, $externalize(args, sliceType$2)); + }; })(m), funcType); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + return o; + }; + $pkg.MakeWrapper = MakeWrapper; + MakeFullWrapper = function(i) { + var {constructor, defineProperty, e, f, fields, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, internalObj, m, methods, ms, pkg, pkgTyp, ptr, typ, wrapperObj, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + internalObj = [internalObj]; + wrapperObj = [wrapperObj]; + internalObj[0] = i; + constructor = internalObj[0].constructor; + wrapperObj[0] = new ($global.Object)(); + defineProperty = (function(internalObj, wrapperObj) { return function(key, descriptor) { + var descriptor, key; + $global.Object.defineProperty(wrapperObj[0], $externalize(key, $String), $externalize(descriptor, M)); + }; })(internalObj, wrapperObj); + $r = defineProperty("__internal_object__", $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "value", v: new $jsObjectPtr(internalObj[0]) }])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + typ = $internalize(constructor.string, $String); + pkg = $internalize(constructor.pkg, $String); + ptr = ""; + if (typ.charCodeAt(0) === 42) { + ptr = "*"; + } + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < typ.length)) { break; } + if (typ.charCodeAt(i$1) === 46) { + typ = $substring(typ, (i$1 + 1 >> 0)); + break; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + pkgTyp = pkg + "." + ptr + typ; + $r = defineProperty("$type", $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "value", v: new $String(pkgTyp) }])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fields = null; + methods = new ($global.Array)(); + ms = constructor.methods; + if (!(ms === undefined)) { + methods = methods.concat(ms); + } + e = constructor.elem; + if (!(e === undefined)) { + fields = e.fields; + methods = methods.concat(e.methods); + } else { + fields = constructor.fields; + } + i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i$2 < $parseInt(methods.length))) { break; } */ if(!(i$2 < $parseInt(methods.length))) { $s = 4; continue; } + m = [m]; + m[0] = methods[i$2]; + if (!($internalize(m[0].pkg, $String) === "")) { + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + $r = defineProperty($internalize(m[0].prop, $String), $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "value", v: new funcType((function(internalObj, m, wrapperObj) { return function(args) { + var args; + return $externalizeFunction(internalObj[0][$externalize($internalize(m[0].prop, $String), $String)], m[0].typ, $externalize(true, $Bool), MakeFullWrapper).apply(internalObj[0], $externalize(args, sliceType$2)); + }; })(internalObj, m, wrapperObj)) }])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* */ if (!(fields === undefined)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(fields === undefined)) { */ case 6: + i$3 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(i$3 < $parseInt(fields.length))) { break; } */ if(!(i$3 < $parseInt(fields.length))) { $s = 9; continue; } + f = [f]; + f[0] = fields[i$3]; + if (!!!(f[0].exported)) { + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + $r = defineProperty($internalize(f[0].prop, $String), $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "get", v: new funcType$1((function(f, internalObj, wrapperObj) { return function() { + var vc; + vc = $copyIfRequired(internalObj[0].$val[$externalize($internalize(f[0].prop, $String), $String)], f[0].typ); + return $externalize(vc, f[0].typ, MakeFullWrapper); + }; })(f, internalObj, wrapperObj)) }, { k: "set", v: new funcType$2((function(f, internalObj, wrapperObj) { return function(jv) { + var gv, jv; + gv = $internalize(jv, f[0].typ, MakeFullWrapper); + internalObj[0].$val[$externalize($internalize(f[0].prop, $String), $String)] = gv; + }; })(f, internalObj, wrapperObj)) }])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return wrapperObj[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MakeFullWrapper, $c: true, $r, constructor, defineProperty, e, f, fields, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, internalObj, m, methods, ms, pkg, pkgTyp, ptr, typ, wrapperObj, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.MakeFullWrapper = MakeFullWrapper; + init = function() { + var e; + e = new Error.ptr(null); + $unused(e); + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "Delete", name: "Delete", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "Length", name: "Length", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "SetIndex", name: "SetIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "Call", name: "Call", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [ptrType], true)}, {prop: "Invoke", name: "Invoke", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType], true)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType], true)}, {prop: "Bool", name: "Bool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Int", name: "Int", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Int64", name: "Int64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Float", name: "Float", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "Unsafe", name: "Unsafe", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Stack", name: "Stack", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Object.init("github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js", [{prop: "object", name: "object", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + Error.init("", [{prop: "Object", name: "Object", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + M.init($String, $emptyInterface); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["runtime"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, js, _type, TypeAssertionError, basicFrame, Frames, Frame, Func, errorString, ptrType, sliceType, ptrType$1, structType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, knownPositions, positionCounters, hiddenFrames, knownFrames, buildVersion, init, GOROOT, registerPosition, itoa, callstack, parseCallstack, ParseCallFrame, Caller, Callers, CallersFrames, SetFinalizer, FuncForPC, Stack, KeepAlive, throw$1, nanotime, fastrand; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + _type = $pkg._type = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "runtime._type", true, "runtime", false, function(str_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.str = ""; + return; + } + this.str = str_; + }); + TypeAssertionError = $pkg.TypeAssertionError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "runtime.TypeAssertionError", true, "runtime", true, function(_interface_, concrete_, asserted_, missingMethod_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._interface = ptrType$1.nil; + this.concrete = ptrType$1.nil; + this.asserted = ptrType$1.nil; + this.missingMethod = ""; + return; + } + this._interface = _interface_; + this.concrete = concrete_; + this.asserted = asserted_; + this.missingMethod = missingMethod_; + }); + basicFrame = $pkg.basicFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "runtime.basicFrame", true, "runtime", false, function(FuncName_, File_, Line_, Col_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.FuncName = ""; + this.File = ""; + this.Line = 0; + this.Col = 0; + return; + } + this.FuncName = FuncName_; + this.File = File_; + this.Line = Line_; + this.Col = Col_; + }); + Frames = $pkg.Frames = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "runtime.Frames", true, "runtime", true, function(frames_, current_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.frames = sliceType$2.nil; + this.current = 0; + return; + } + this.frames = frames_; + this.current = current_; + }); + Frame = $pkg.Frame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "runtime.Frame", true, "runtime", true, function(PC_, Func_, Function_, File_, Line_, Entry_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.PC = 0; + this.Func = ptrType.nil; + this.Function = ""; + this.File = ""; + this.Line = 0; + this.Entry = 0; + return; + } + this.PC = PC_; + this.Func = Func_; + this.Function = Function_; + this.File = File_; + this.Line = Line_; + this.Entry = Entry_; + }); + Func = $pkg.Func = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "runtime.Func", true, "runtime", true, function(name_, file_, line_, opaque_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + this.file = ""; + this.line = 0; + this.opaque = new structType.ptr(); + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.file = file_; + this.line = line_; + this.opaque = opaque_; + }); + errorString = $pkg.errorString = $newType(8, $kindString, "runtime.errorString", true, "runtime", false, null); + ptrType = $ptrType(Func); + sliceType = $sliceType(ptrType); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(_type); + structType = $structType("", []); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(basicFrame); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(Frame); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(TypeAssertionError); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(Frames); + _type.ptr.prototype.string = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.str; + }; + _type.prototype.string = function() { return this.$val.string(); }; + _type.ptr.prototype.pkgpath = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return ""; + }; + _type.prototype.pkgpath = function() { return this.$val.pkgpath(); }; + TypeAssertionError.ptr.prototype.RuntimeError = function() { + }; + TypeAssertionError.prototype.RuntimeError = function() { return this.$val.RuntimeError(); }; + TypeAssertionError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var as, cs, e, inter, msg; + e = this; + inter = "interface"; + if (!(e._interface === ptrType$1.nil)) { + inter = e._interface.string(); + } + as = e.asserted.string(); + if (e.concrete === ptrType$1.nil) { + return "interface conversion: " + inter + " is nil, not " + as; + } + cs = e.concrete.string(); + if (e.missingMethod === "") { + msg = "interface conversion: " + inter + " is " + cs + ", not " + as; + if (cs === as) { + if (!(e.concrete.pkgpath() === e.asserted.pkgpath())) { + msg = msg + (" (types from different packages)"); + } else { + msg = msg + (" (types from different scopes)"); + } + } + return msg; + } + return "interface conversion: " + cs + " is not " + as + ": missing method " + e.missingMethod; + }; + TypeAssertionError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + init = function() { + var e, jsPkg; + jsPkg = $packages[$externalize("github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js", $String)]; + $jsObjectPtr = jsPkg.Object.ptr; + $jsErrorPtr = jsPkg.Error.ptr; + $throwRuntimeError = throw$1; + buildVersion = $internalize($goVersion, $String); + e = $ifaceNil; + e = new TypeAssertionError.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ""); + $unused(e); + }; + GOROOT = function() { + var process, v, v$1; + process = $global.process; + if (process === undefined) { + return "/"; + } + v = process.env.GOPHERJS_GOROOT; + if (!(v === undefined) && !($internalize(v, $String) === "")) { + return $internalize(v, $String); + } else { + v$1 = process.env.GOROOT; + if (!(v$1 === undefined) && !($internalize(v$1, $String) === "")) { + return $internalize(v$1, $String); + } + } + return "/usr/local/go"; + }; + $pkg.GOROOT = GOROOT; + registerPosition = function(funcName, file, line, col) { + var _entry, _key, _tuple, col, f, file, found, funcName, key, line, pc, pc$1; + key = file + ":" + itoa(line) + ":" + itoa(col); + _tuple = (_entry = knownPositions[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + pc = _tuple[0]; + found = _tuple[1]; + if (found) { + return pc; + } + f = new Func.ptr(funcName, file, line, new structType.ptr()); + pc$1 = ((positionCounters.$length >>> 0)); + positionCounters = $append(positionCounters, f); + _key = key; (knownPositions || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: pc$1 }; + return pc$1; + }; + itoa = function(i) { + var i; + return $internalize(new ($global.String)(i), $String); + }; + callstack = function(skip, limit) { + var limit, lines, skip; + skip = (skip + 1 >> 0) + 1 >> 0; + lines = new ($global.Error)().stack.split($externalize("\n", $String)).slice(skip, skip + limit >> 0); + return parseCallstack(lines); + }; + parseCallstack = function(lines) { + var _entry, _entry$1, _tuple, alias, frame, frames, i, l, lines, ok; + frames = new sliceType$1([]); + l = $parseInt(lines.length); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < l)) { break; } + frame = $clone(ParseCallFrame(lines[i]), basicFrame); + if ((_entry = hiddenFrames[$String.keyFor(frame.FuncName)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + _tuple = (_entry$1 = knownFrames[$String.keyFor(frame.FuncName)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : ["", false]); + alias = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + frame.FuncName = alias; + } + frames = $append(frames, frame); + if (frame.FuncName === "runtime.goexit") { + break; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return frames; + }; + ParseCallFrame = function(info) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, col, file, fn, funcName, idx, info, line, openIdx, parts, parts$1, parts$2, pos, split; + if (($parseInt(info.indexOf($externalize("@", $String))) >> 0) >= 0) { + split = new ($global.RegExp)($externalize("[@:]", $String)); + parts = info.split(split); + return new basicFrame.ptr($internalize(parts[0], $String), $internalize(parts.slice(1, $parseInt(parts.length) - 2 >> 0).join($externalize(":", $String)), $String), $parseInt(parts[($parseInt(parts.length) - 2 >> 0)]) >> 0, $parseInt(parts[($parseInt(parts.length) - 1 >> 0)]) >> 0); + } + openIdx = $parseInt(info.lastIndexOf($externalize("(", $String))) >> 0; + if (openIdx === -1) { + parts$1 = info.split($externalize(":", $String)); + return new basicFrame.ptr("", $internalize(parts$1.slice(0, $parseInt(parts$1.length) - 2 >> 0).join($externalize(":", $String)).replace(new ($global.RegExp)($externalize("^\\s*at ", $String)), $externalize("", $String)), $String), $parseInt(parts$1[($parseInt(parts$1.length) - 2 >> 0)]) >> 0, $parseInt(parts$1[($parseInt(parts$1.length) - 1 >> 0)]) >> 0); + } + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + file = _tmp; + funcName = _tmp$1; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + line = _tmp$2; + col = _tmp$3; + pos = info.substring(openIdx + 1 >> 0, $parseInt(info.indexOf($externalize(")", $String))) >> 0); + parts$2 = pos.split($externalize(":", $String)); + if ($internalize(pos, $String) === "") { + file = ""; + } else { + file = $internalize(parts$2.slice(0, $parseInt(parts$2.length) - 2 >> 0).join($externalize(":", $String)), $String); + line = $parseInt(parts$2[($parseInt(parts$2.length) - 2 >> 0)]) >> 0; + col = $parseInt(parts$2[($parseInt(parts$2.length) - 1 >> 0)]) >> 0; + } + fn = info.substring(($parseInt(info.indexOf($externalize("at ", $String))) >> 0) + 3 >> 0, $parseInt(info.indexOf($externalize(" (", $String))) >> 0); + idx = $parseInt(fn.indexOf($externalize("[as ", $String))) >> 0; + if (idx > 0) { + fn = fn.substring(idx + 4 >> 0, fn.indexOf($externalize("]", $String))); + } + funcName = $internalize(fn, $String); + return new basicFrame.ptr(funcName, file, line, col); + }; + $pkg.ParseCallFrame = ParseCallFrame; + Caller = function(skip) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, file, frames, line, ok, pc, skip; + pc = 0; + file = ""; + line = 0; + ok = false; + skip = skip + 1 >> 0; + frames = callstack(skip, 1); + if (!((frames.$length === 1))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = false; + pc = _tmp; + file = _tmp$1; + line = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [pc, file, line, ok]; + } + pc = registerPosition((0 >= frames.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : frames.$array[frames.$offset + 0]).FuncName, (0 >= frames.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : frames.$array[frames.$offset + 0]).File, (0 >= frames.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : frames.$array[frames.$offset + 0]).Line, (0 >= frames.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : frames.$array[frames.$offset + 0]).Col); + _tmp$4 = pc; + _tmp$5 = (0 >= frames.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : frames.$array[frames.$offset + 0]).File; + _tmp$6 = (0 >= frames.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : frames.$array[frames.$offset + 0]).Line; + _tmp$7 = true; + pc = _tmp$4; + file = _tmp$5; + line = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + return [pc, file, line, ok]; + }; + $pkg.Caller = Caller; + Callers = function(skip, pc) { + var _i, _ref, frame, frames, i, pc, skip; + frames = callstack(skip, pc.$length); + _ref = frames; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + frame = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), basicFrame); + ((i < 0 || i >= pc.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : pc.$array[pc.$offset + i] = registerPosition(frame.FuncName, frame.File, frame.Line, frame.Col)); + _i++; + } + return frames.$length; + }; + $pkg.Callers = Callers; + CallersFrames = function(callers) { + var _i, _ref, callers, fun, pc, result; + result = new Frames.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, 0); + _ref = callers; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + pc = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + fun = FuncForPC(pc); + result.frames = $append(result.frames, new Frame.ptr(pc, fun, fun.name, fun.file, fun.line, fun.Entry())); + _i++; + } + return result; + }; + $pkg.CallersFrames = CallersFrames; + Frames.ptr.prototype.Next = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, ci, f, frame, more, x, x$1; + frame = new Frame.ptr(0, ptrType.nil, "", "", 0, 0); + more = false; + ci = this; + if (ci.current >= ci.frames.$length) { + _tmp = new Frame.ptr(0, ptrType.nil, "", "", 0, 0); + _tmp$1 = false; + Frame.copy(frame, _tmp); + more = _tmp$1; + return [frame, more]; + } + f = $clone((x = ci.frames, x$1 = ci.current, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])), Frame); + ci.current = ci.current + (1) >> 0; + _tmp$2 = $clone(f, Frame); + _tmp$3 = ci.current < ci.frames.$length; + Frame.copy(frame, _tmp$2); + more = _tmp$3; + return [frame, more]; + }; + Frames.prototype.Next = function() { return this.$val.Next(); }; + SetFinalizer = function(x, f) { + var f, x; + }; + $pkg.SetFinalizer = SetFinalizer; + Func.ptr.prototype.Entry = function() { + return 0; + }; + Func.prototype.Entry = function() { return this.$val.Entry(); }; + Func.ptr.prototype.FileLine = function(pc) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, f, file, line, pc; + file = ""; + line = 0; + f = this; + if (f === ptrType.nil) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = 0; + file = _tmp; + line = _tmp$1; + return [file, line]; + } + _tmp$2 = f.file; + _tmp$3 = f.line; + file = _tmp$2; + line = _tmp$3; + return [file, line]; + }; + Func.prototype.FileLine = function(pc) { return this.$val.FileLine(pc); }; + Func.ptr.prototype.Name = function() { + var f; + f = this; + if (f === ptrType.nil || f.name === "") { + return ""; + } + return f.name; + }; + Func.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); }; + FuncForPC = function(pc) { + var ipc, pc; + ipc = ((pc >> 0)); + if (ipc >= positionCounters.$length) { + $panic(new $String("GopherJS: pc=" + itoa(ipc) + " is out of range of known position counters")); + } + return ((ipc < 0 || ipc >= positionCounters.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : positionCounters.$array[positionCounters.$offset + ipc]); + }; + $pkg.FuncForPC = FuncForPC; + Stack = function(buf, all) { + var all, buf, s; + s = new ($global.Error)().stack; + if (s === undefined) { + return 0; + } + return $copyString(buf, $internalize(s.substr(($parseInt(s.indexOf($externalize("\n", $String))) >> 0) + 1 >> 0), $String)); + }; + $pkg.Stack = Stack; + KeepAlive = function(param) { + var param; + }; + $pkg.KeepAlive = KeepAlive; + errorString.prototype.RuntimeError = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + }; + $ptrType(errorString).prototype.RuntimeError = function() { return new errorString(this.$get()).RuntimeError(); }; + errorString.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return "runtime error: " + (e); + }; + $ptrType(errorString).prototype.Error = function() { return new errorString(this.$get()).Error(); }; + throw$1 = function(s) { + var s; + $panic(new errorString((s))); + }; + nanotime = function() { + return $mul64($internalize(new ($global.Date)().getTime(), $Int64), new $Int64(0, 1000000)); + }; + $linknames["runtime.nanotime"] = nanotime; + fastrand = function() { + return (($parseFloat($global.Math.random()) * 4.294967295e+09 >> 0)); + }; + $linknames["runtime.fastrand"] = fastrand; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "string", name: "string", pkg: "runtime", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "pkgpath", name: "pkgpath", pkg: "runtime", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "RuntimeError", name: "RuntimeError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Next", name: "Next", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Frame, $Bool], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Entry", name: "Entry", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "FileLine", name: "FileLine", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uintptr], [$String, $Int], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + errorString.methods = [{prop: "RuntimeError", name: "RuntimeError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + _type.init("runtime", [{prop: "str", name: "str", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + TypeAssertionError.init("runtime", [{prop: "_interface", name: "_interface", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "concrete", name: "concrete", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "asserted", name: "asserted", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "missingMethod", name: "missingMethod", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + basicFrame.init("", [{prop: "FuncName", name: "FuncName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "File", name: "File", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Line", name: "Line", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Col", name: "Col", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Frames.init("runtime", [{prop: "frames", name: "frames", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "current", name: "current", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Frame.init("", [{prop: "PC", name: "PC", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "Func", name: "Func", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Function", name: "Function", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "File", name: "File", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Line", name: "Line", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Entry", name: "Entry", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}]); + Func.init("runtime", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "file", name: "file", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "line", name: "line", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "opaque", name: "opaque", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: structType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buildVersion = ""; + knownPositions = $makeMap($String.keyFor, []); + positionCounters = new sliceType([]); + hiddenFrames = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "$callDeferred", v: true }]); + knownFrames = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "$panic", v: "runtime.gopanic" }, { k: "$goroutine", v: "runtime.goexit" }]); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/goarch"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/unsafeheader"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, Slice; + Slice = $pkg.Slice = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "unsafeheader.Slice", true, "internal/unsafeheader", true, function(Data_, Len_, Cap_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Data = 0; + this.Len = 0; + this.Cap = 0; + return; + } + this.Data = Data_; + this.Len = Len_; + this.Cap = Cap_; + }); + Slice.init("", [{prop: "Data", name: "Data", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Cap", name: "Cap", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/reflectlite"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, js, goarch, unsafeheader, runtime, Value, flag, ValueError, Type, Kind, tflag, rtype, method, chanDir, arrayType, chanType, imethod, interfaceType, mapType, ptrType, sliceType, structField, structType, nameOff, typeOff, textOff, errorString, Method, uncommonType, funcType, name, nameData, mapIter, TypeEx, ptrType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, ptrType$2, funcType$1, ptrType$4, sliceType$5, ptrType$5, sliceType$6, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, sliceType$7, sliceType$8, sliceType$9, sliceType$10, ptrType$8, structType$2, ptrType$9, arrayType$2, sliceType$13, ptrType$10, funcType$2, ptrType$11, funcType$3, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, kindNames, callHelper, initialized, uint8Type, idJsType, idReflectType, idKindType, idRtype, uncommonTypeMap, nameMap, nameOffList, typeOffList, jsObjectPtr, selectHelper, implements$1, directlyAssignable, haveIdenticalType, haveIdenticalUnderlyingType, toType, ifaceIndir, unquote, Swapper, init, jsType, reflectType, setKindType, newName, newNameOff, newTypeOff, internalStr, isWrapped, copyStruct, makeValue, TypeOf, ValueOf, FuncOf, SliceOf, unsafe_New, typedmemmove, keyFor, mapaccess, mapiterinit, mapiterkey, mapiternext, maplen, methodReceiver, valueInterface, ifaceE2I, methodName, makeMethodValue, wrapJsObject, unwrapJsObject, getJsTag, PtrTo, copyVal; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + goarch = $packages["internal/goarch"]; + unsafeheader = $packages["internal/unsafeheader"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + Value = $pkg.Value = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.Value", true, "internal/reflectlite", true, function(typ_, ptr_, flag_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.typ = ptrType$1.nil; + this.ptr = 0; + this.flag = 0; + return; + } + this.typ = typ_; + this.ptr = ptr_; + this.flag = flag_; + }); + flag = $pkg.flag = $newType(4, $kindUintptr, "reflectlite.flag", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, null); + ValueError = $pkg.ValueError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.ValueError", true, "internal/reflectlite", true, function(Method_, Kind_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Method = ""; + this.Kind = 0; + return; + } + this.Method = Method_; + this.Kind = Kind_; + }); + Type = $pkg.Type = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "reflectlite.Type", true, "internal/reflectlite", true, null); + Kind = $pkg.Kind = $newType(4, $kindUint, "reflectlite.Kind", true, "internal/reflectlite", true, null); + tflag = $pkg.tflag = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "reflectlite.tflag", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, null); + rtype = $pkg.rtype = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.rtype", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(size_, ptrdata_, hash_, tflag_, align_, fieldAlign_, kind_, equal_, gcdata_, str_, ptrToThis_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.size = 0; + this.ptrdata = 0; + this.hash = 0; + this.tflag = 0; + this.align = 0; + this.fieldAlign = 0; + this.kind = 0; + this.equal = $throwNilPointerError; + this.gcdata = ptrType$6.nil; + this.str = 0; + this.ptrToThis = 0; + return; + } + this.size = size_; + this.ptrdata = ptrdata_; + this.hash = hash_; + this.tflag = tflag_; + this.align = align_; + this.fieldAlign = fieldAlign_; + this.kind = kind_; + this.equal = equal_; + this.gcdata = gcdata_; + this.str = str_; + this.ptrToThis = ptrToThis_; + }); + method = $pkg.method = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.method", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(name_, mtyp_, ifn_, tfn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = 0; + this.mtyp = 0; + this.ifn = 0; + this.tfn = 0; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.mtyp = mtyp_; + this.ifn = ifn_; + this.tfn = tfn_; + }); + chanDir = $pkg.chanDir = $newType(4, $kindInt, "reflectlite.chanDir", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, null); + arrayType = $pkg.arrayType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.arrayType", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(rtype_, elem_, slice_, len_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0); + this.elem = ptrType$1.nil; + this.slice = ptrType$1.nil; + this.len = 0; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.elem = elem_; + this.slice = slice_; + this.len = len_; + }); + chanType = $pkg.chanType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.chanType", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(rtype_, elem_, dir_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0); + this.elem = ptrType$1.nil; + this.dir = 0; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.elem = elem_; + this.dir = dir_; + }); + imethod = $pkg.imethod = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.imethod", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(name_, typ_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = 0; + this.typ = 0; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.typ = typ_; + }); + interfaceType = $pkg.interfaceType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.interfaceType", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(rtype_, pkgPath_, methods_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0); + this.pkgPath = new name.ptr(ptrType$6.nil); + this.methods = sliceType$9.nil; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.pkgPath = pkgPath_; + this.methods = methods_; + }); + mapType = $pkg.mapType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.mapType", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(rtype_, key_, elem_, bucket_, hasher_, keysize_, valuesize_, bucketsize_, flags_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0); + this.key = ptrType$1.nil; + this.elem = ptrType$1.nil; + this.bucket = ptrType$1.nil; + this.hasher = $throwNilPointerError; + this.keysize = 0; + this.valuesize = 0; + this.bucketsize = 0; + this.flags = 0; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.key = key_; + this.elem = elem_; + this.bucket = bucket_; + this.hasher = hasher_; + this.keysize = keysize_; + this.valuesize = valuesize_; + this.bucketsize = bucketsize_; + this.flags = flags_; + }); + ptrType = $pkg.ptrType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.ptrType", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(rtype_, elem_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0); + this.elem = ptrType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.elem = elem_; + }); + sliceType = $pkg.sliceType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.sliceType", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(rtype_, elem_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0); + this.elem = ptrType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.elem = elem_; + }); + structField = $pkg.structField = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.structField", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(name_, typ_, offsetEmbed_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = new name.ptr(ptrType$6.nil); + this.typ = ptrType$1.nil; + this.offsetEmbed = 0; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.typ = typ_; + this.offsetEmbed = offsetEmbed_; + }); + structType = $pkg.structType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.structType", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(rtype_, pkgPath_, fields_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0); + this.pkgPath = new name.ptr(ptrType$6.nil); + this.fields = sliceType$10.nil; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.pkgPath = pkgPath_; + this.fields = fields_; + }); + nameOff = $pkg.nameOff = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "reflectlite.nameOff", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, null); + typeOff = $pkg.typeOff = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "reflectlite.typeOff", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, null); + textOff = $pkg.textOff = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "reflectlite.textOff", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, null); + errorString = $pkg.errorString = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.errorString", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(s_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = ""; + return; + } + this.s = s_; + }); + Method = $pkg.Method = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.Method", true, "internal/reflectlite", true, function(Name_, PkgPath_, Type_, Func_, Index_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = ""; + this.PkgPath = ""; + this.Type = $ifaceNil; + this.Func = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + this.Index = 0; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + this.PkgPath = PkgPath_; + this.Type = Type_; + this.Func = Func_; + this.Index = Index_; + }); + uncommonType = $pkg.uncommonType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.uncommonType", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(pkgPath_, mcount_, xcount_, moff_, _methods_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.pkgPath = 0; + this.mcount = 0; + this.xcount = 0; + this.moff = 0; + this._methods = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.pkgPath = pkgPath_; + this.mcount = mcount_; + this.xcount = xcount_; + this.moff = moff_; + this._methods = _methods_; + }); + funcType = $pkg.funcType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.funcType", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(rtype_, inCount_, outCount_, _in_, _out_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0); + this.inCount = 0; + this.outCount = 0; + this._in = sliceType$2.nil; + this._out = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.inCount = inCount_; + this.outCount = outCount_; + this._in = _in_; + this._out = _out_; + }); + name = $pkg.name = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.name", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(bytes_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.bytes = ptrType$6.nil; + return; + } + this.bytes = bytes_; + }); + nameData = $pkg.nameData = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.nameData", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(name_, tag_, exported_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + this.tag = ""; + this.exported = false; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.tag = tag_; + this.exported = exported_; + }); + mapIter = $pkg.mapIter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflectlite.mapIter", true, "internal/reflectlite", false, function(t_, m_, keys_, i_, last_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.t = $ifaceNil; + this.m = null; + this.keys = null; + this.i = 0; + this.last = null; + return; + } + this.t = t_; + this.m = m_; + this.keys = keys_; + this.i = i_; + this.last = last_; + }); + TypeEx = $pkg.TypeEx = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "reflectlite.TypeEx", true, "internal/reflectlite", true, null); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(rtype); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(name); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(ptrType$1); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(js.Object); + funcType$1 = $funcType([sliceType$4], [ptrType$2], true); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(uncommonType); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(method); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(funcType); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(Value); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType($Uint8); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType($UnsafePointer); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType(Type); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType(ptrType$2); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType(imethod); + sliceType$10 = $sliceType(structField); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(nameData); + structType$2 = $structType("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "str", name: "str", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(mapIter); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uintptr, 2); + sliceType$13 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(ValueError); + funcType$2 = $funcType([$UnsafePointer, $UnsafePointer], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(interfaceType); + funcType$3 = $funcType([$UnsafePointer, $Uintptr], [$Uintptr], false); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(structField); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(errorString); + flag.prototype.kind = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return ((((f & 31) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.kind = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).kind(); }; + flag.prototype.ro = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + if (!((((f & 96) >>> 0) === 0))) { + return 32; + } + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.ro = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).ro(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.pointer = function() { + var v; + v = this; + if (!((v.typ.size === 4)) || !v.typ.pointers()) { + $panic(new $String("can't call pointer on a non-pointer Value")); + } + if (!((((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + return (v.ptr).$get(); + } + return v.ptr; + }; + Value.prototype.pointer = function() { return this.$val.pointer(); }; + ValueError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + if (e.Kind === 0) { + return "reflect: call of " + e.Method + " on zero Value"; + } + return "reflect: call of " + e.Method + " on " + new Kind(e.Kind).String() + " Value"; + }; + ValueError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + flag.prototype.mustBeExported = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + if (f === 0) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr(methodName(), 0)); + } + if (!((((f & 96) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + methodName() + " using value obtained using unexported field")); + } + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBeExported = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBeExported(); }; + flag.prototype.mustBeAssignable = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + if (f === 0) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr(methodName(), 0)); + } + if (!((((f & 96) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + methodName() + " using value obtained using unexported field")); + } + if (((f & 256) >>> 0) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + methodName() + " using unaddressable value")); + } + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBeAssignable = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBeAssignable(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CanSet = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return ((v.flag & 352) >>> 0) === 256; + }; + Value.prototype.CanSet = function() { return this.$val.CanSet(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return !((v.flag === 0)); + }; + Value.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Kind = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return new flag(v.flag).kind(); + }; + Value.prototype.Kind = function() { return this.$val.Kind(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Type = function() { + var f, v; + v = this; + f = v.flag; + if (f === 0) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflectlite.Value.Type", 0)); + } + return v.typ; + }; + Value.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); }; + structField.ptr.prototype.embedded = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return !((((f.offsetEmbed & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + structField.prototype.embedded = function() { return this.$val.embedded(); }; + Kind.prototype.String = function() { + var k; + k = this.$val; + if (((k >> 0)) < kindNames.$length) { + return ((k < 0 || k >= kindNames.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : kindNames.$array[kindNames.$offset + k]); + } + return (0 >= kindNames.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : kindNames.$array[kindNames.$offset + 0]); + }; + $ptrType(Kind).prototype.String = function() { return new Kind(this.$get()).String(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var s, t; + t = this; + s = $clone(t.nameOff(t.str), name).name(); + if (!((((t.tflag & 2) >>> 0) === 0))) { + return $substring(s, 1); + } + return s; + }; + rtype.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.size; + }; + rtype.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Kind = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return ((((t.kind & 31) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.Kind = function() { return this.$val.Kind(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.pointers = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return !((t.ptrdata === 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.pointers = function() { return this.$val.pointers(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.common = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t; + }; + rtype.prototype.common = function() { return this.$val.common(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.exportedMethods = function() { + var t, ut; + t = this; + ut = t.uncommon(); + if (ut === ptrType$4.nil) { + return sliceType$5.nil; + } + return ut.exportedMethods(); + }; + rtype.prototype.exportedMethods = function() { return this.$val.exportedMethods(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.NumMethod = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (t.Kind() === 20) { + tt = (t.kindType); + return tt.NumMethod(); + } + return t.exportedMethods().$length; + }; + rtype.prototype.NumMethod = function() { return this.$val.NumMethod(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.PkgPath = function() { + var t, ut; + t = this; + if (((t.tflag & 4) >>> 0) === 0) { + return ""; + } + ut = t.uncommon(); + if (ut === ptrType$4.nil) { + return ""; + } + return $clone(t.nameOff(ut.pkgPath), name).name(); + }; + rtype.prototype.PkgPath = function() { return this.$val.PkgPath(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.hasName = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return !((((t.tflag & 4) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.hasName = function() { return this.$val.hasName(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Name = function() { + var i, s, t; + t = this; + if (!t.hasName()) { + return ""; + } + s = t.String(); + i = s.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0 && !((s.charCodeAt(i) === 46)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return $substring(s, (i + 1 >> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.chanDir = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 18))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: chanDir of non-chan type")); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return ((tt.dir >> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.chanDir = function() { return this.$val.chanDir(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Elem = function() { + var _1, t, tt, tt$1, tt$2, tt$3, tt$4; + t = this; + _1 = t.Kind(); + if (_1 === (17)) { + tt = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt.elem); + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + tt$1 = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt$1.elem); + } else if (_1 === (21)) { + tt$2 = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt$2.elem); + } else if (_1 === (22)) { + tt$3 = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt$3.elem); + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + tt$4 = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt$4.elem); + } + $panic(new $String("reflect: Elem of invalid type")); + }; + rtype.prototype.Elem = function() { return this.$val.Elem(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.In = function(i) { + var i, t, tt, x; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: In of non-func type")); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return toType((x = tt.in$(), ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]))); + }; + rtype.prototype.In = function(i) { return this.$val.In(i); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 17))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Len of non-array type")); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return ((tt.len >> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.NumIn = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: NumIn of non-func type")); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return ((tt.inCount >> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.NumIn = function() { return this.$val.NumIn(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.NumOut = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: NumOut of non-func type")); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return tt.out().$length; + }; + rtype.prototype.NumOut = function() { return this.$val.NumOut(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Out = function(i) { + var i, t, tt, x; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Out of non-func type")); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return toType((x = tt.out(), ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]))); + }; + rtype.prototype.Out = function(i) { return this.$val.Out(i); }; + interfaceType.ptr.prototype.NumMethod = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.methods.$length; + }; + interfaceType.prototype.NumMethod = function() { return this.$val.NumMethod(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Implements = function(u) { + var {_r, t, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {u}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.Implements")); + } + _r = u.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 20))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 20))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect: non-interface type passed to Type.Implements")); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return implements$1($assertType(u, ptrType$1), t); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.Implements, $c: true, $r, _r, t, u, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.Implements = function(u) { return this.$val.Implements(u); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.AssignableTo = function(u) { + var {$24r, _r, t, u, uu, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {u}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.AssignableTo")); + } + uu = $assertType(u, ptrType$1); + _r = directlyAssignable(uu, t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r || implements$1(uu, t); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.AssignableTo, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, t, u, uu, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.AssignableTo = function(u) { return this.$val.AssignableTo(u); }; + implements$1 = function(T, V) { + var T, V, i, i$1, j, j$1, t, tm, tm$1, tmName, tmName$1, tmPkgPath, tmPkgPath$1, v, v$1, vm, vm$1, vmName, vmName$1, vmPkgPath, vmPkgPath$1, vmethods, x, x$1, x$2; + if (!((T.Kind() === 20))) { + return false; + } + t = (T.kindType); + if (t.methods.$length === 0) { + return true; + } + if (V.Kind() === 20) { + v = (V.kindType); + i = 0; + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < v.methods.$length)) { break; } + tm = (x = t.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + tmName = $clone(t.rtype.nameOff(tm.name), name); + vm = (x$1 = v.methods, ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + j])); + vmName = $clone(V.nameOff(vm.name), name); + if ($clone(vmName, name).name() === $clone(tmName, name).name() && V.typeOff(vm.typ) === t.rtype.typeOff(tm.typ)) { + if (!$clone(tmName, name).isExported()) { + tmPkgPath = $clone(tmName, name).pkgPath(); + if (tmPkgPath === "") { + tmPkgPath = $clone(t.pkgPath, name).name(); + } + vmPkgPath = $clone(vmName, name).pkgPath(); + if (vmPkgPath === "") { + vmPkgPath = $clone(v.pkgPath, name).name(); + } + if (!(tmPkgPath === vmPkgPath)) { + j = j + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i >= t.methods.$length) { + return true; + } + } + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + } + v$1 = V.uncommon(); + if (v$1 === ptrType$4.nil) { + return false; + } + i$1 = 0; + vmethods = v$1.methods(); + j$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j$1 < ((v$1.mcount >> 0)))) { break; } + tm$1 = (x$2 = t.methods, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1])); + tmName$1 = $clone(t.rtype.nameOff(tm$1.name), name); + vm$1 = $clone(((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= vmethods.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vmethods.$array[vmethods.$offset + j$1]), method); + vmName$1 = $clone(V.nameOff(vm$1.name), name); + if ($clone(vmName$1, name).name() === $clone(tmName$1, name).name() && V.typeOff(vm$1.mtyp) === t.rtype.typeOff(tm$1.typ)) { + if (!$clone(tmName$1, name).isExported()) { + tmPkgPath$1 = $clone(tmName$1, name).pkgPath(); + if (tmPkgPath$1 === "") { + tmPkgPath$1 = $clone(t.pkgPath, name).name(); + } + vmPkgPath$1 = $clone(vmName$1, name).pkgPath(); + if (vmPkgPath$1 === "") { + vmPkgPath$1 = $clone(V.nameOff(v$1.pkgPath), name).name(); + } + if (!(tmPkgPath$1 === vmPkgPath$1)) { + j$1 = j$1 + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + if (i$1 >= t.methods.$length) { + return true; + } + } + j$1 = j$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + }; + directlyAssignable = function(T, V) { + var {$24r, T, V, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {T, V}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (T === V) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + if (T.hasName() && V.hasName() || !((T.Kind() === V.Kind()))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r = haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(T, V, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: directlyAssignable, $c: true, $r, $24r, T, V, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + haveIdenticalType = function(T, V, cmpTags) { + var {$24r, T, V, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _v, cmpTags, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {T, V, cmpTags}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (cmpTags) { + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual(T, V); + } + _r = T.Name(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = V.Name(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r === _r$1)) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$2 = T.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = V.Kind(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !((_r$2 === _r$3)); case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = T.common(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$4; + _r$5 = V.common(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _r$6 = haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(_arg, _arg$1, false); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: haveIdenticalType, $c: true, $r, $24r, T, V, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _v, cmpTags, $s};return $f; + }; + haveIdenticalUnderlyingType = function(T, V, cmpTags) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, T, V, _1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _ref, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, cmpTags, i, i$1, i$2, kind, t, t$1, t$2, tf, v, v$1, v$2, vf, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {T, V, cmpTags}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (T === V) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + kind = T.Kind(); + if (!((kind === V.Kind()))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (1 <= kind && kind <= 16 || (kind === 24) || (kind === 26)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + _1 = kind; + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (19)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (21)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 2: + if (!(T.Len() === V.Len())) { _v = false; $s = 10; continue s; } + _r = haveIdenticalType(T.Elem(), V.Elem(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 10: + $24r = _v; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 3: + if (!(V.chanDir() === 3)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 15; continue s; } + _r$1 = haveIdenticalType(T.Elem(), V.Elem(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$1; case 15: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 14: + if (!(V.chanDir() === T.chanDir())) { _v$2 = false; $s = 17; continue s; } + _r$2 = haveIdenticalType(T.Elem(), V.Elem(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$2; case 17: + $24r$1 = _v$2; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_1 === (19)) { */ case 4: + t = (T.kindType); + v = (V.kindType); + if (!((t.outCount === v.outCount)) || !((t.inCount === v.inCount))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 20: + /* if (!(i < t.rtype.NumIn())) { break; } */ if(!(i < t.rtype.NumIn())) { $s = 21; continue; } + _r$3 = haveIdenticalType(t.rtype.In(i), v.rtype.In(i), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$3) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!_r$3) { */ case 22: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 23: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 20; continue; + case 21: + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 25: + /* if (!(i$1 < t.rtype.NumOut())) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < t.rtype.NumOut())) { $s = 26; continue; } + _r$4 = haveIdenticalType(t.rtype.Out(i$1), v.rtype.Out(i$1), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$4) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!_r$4) { */ case 27: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 28: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 25; continue; + case 26: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 5: + t$1 = (T.kindType); + v$1 = (V.kindType); + if ((t$1.methods.$length === 0) && (v$1.methods.$length === 0)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + $s = -1; return false; + /* } else if (_1 === (21)) { */ case 6: + _r$5 = haveIdenticalType(T.Key(), V.Key(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$5)) { _v$3 = false; $s = 30; continue s; } + _r$6 = haveIdenticalType(T.Elem(), V.Elem(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = _r$6; case 30: + $24r$2 = _v$3; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$2; + /* } else if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23))) { */ case 7: + _r$7 = haveIdenticalType(T.Elem(), V.Elem(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$7; + $s = 35; case 35: return $24r$3; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 8: + t$2 = (T.kindType); + v$2 = (V.kindType); + if (!((t$2.fields.$length === v$2.fields.$length))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (!($clone(t$2.pkgPath, name).name() === $clone(v$2.pkgPath, name).name())) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _ref = t$2.fields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 36: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 37; continue; } + i$2 = _i; + tf = (x = t$2.fields, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i$2])); + vf = (x$1 = v$2.fields, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i$2])); + if (!($clone(tf.name, name).name() === $clone(vf.name, name).name())) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$8 = haveIdenticalType(tf.typ, vf.typ, cmpTags); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$8) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if (!_r$8) { */ case 38: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 39: + if (cmpTags && !($clone(tf.name, name).tag() === $clone(vf.name, name).tag())) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (!((tf.offsetEmbed === vf.offsetEmbed))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _i++; + $s = 36; continue; + case 37: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 9: + case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: haveIdenticalUnderlyingType, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, T, V, _1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _ref, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, cmpTags, i, i$1, i$2, kind, t, t$1, t$2, tf, v, v$1, v$2, vf, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + toType = function(t) { + var t; + if (t === ptrType$1.nil) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return t; + }; + ifaceIndir = function(t) { + var t; + return ((t.kind & 32) >>> 0) === 0; + }; + Value.ptr.prototype.object = function() { + var _1, newVal, v, val; + v = this; + if ((v.typ.Kind() === 17) || (v.typ.Kind() === 25)) { + return v.ptr; + } + if (!((((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + val = v.ptr.$get(); + if (!(val === $ifaceNil) && !(val.constructor === jsType(v.typ))) { + switch (0) { default: + _1 = v.typ.Kind(); + if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (6))) { + val = new (jsType(v.typ))(val.$high, val.$low); + } else if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { + val = new (jsType(v.typ))(val.$real, val.$imag); + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + if (val === val.constructor.nil) { + val = jsType(v.typ).nil; + break; + } + newVal = new (jsType(v.typ))(val.$array); + newVal.$offset = val.$offset; + newVal.$length = val.$length; + newVal.$capacity = val.$capacity; + val = newVal; + } + } + } + return val; + } + return v.ptr; + }; + Value.prototype.object = function() { return this.$val.object(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.assignTo = function(context, dst, target) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, context, dst, fl, target, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {context, dst, target}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + /* */ if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r = makeMethodValue(context, $clone(v, Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Value.copy(v, _r); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = directlyAssignable(dst, v.typ); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (implements$1(dst, v.typ)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 5: + fl = (((v.flag & 384) >>> 0) | new flag(v.flag).ro()) >>> 0; + fl = (fl | (((dst.Kind() >>> 0)))) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(dst, v.ptr, fl); + /* } else if (implements$1(dst, v.typ)) { */ case 6: + if (target === 0) { + target = unsafe_New(dst); + } + _r$2 = valueInterface($clone(v, Value)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x = _r$2; + if (dst.NumMethod() === 0) { + (target).$set(x); + } else { + ifaceE2I(dst, x, target); + } + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(dst, target, 148); + /* } */ case 7: + case 4: + $panic(new $String(context + ": value of type " + v.typ.String() + " is not assignable to type " + dst.String())); + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.assignTo, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, context, dst, fl, target, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.assignTo = function(context, dst, target) { return this.$val.assignTo(context, dst, target); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Cap = function() { + var _1, k, v; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (17)) { + return v.typ.Len(); + } else if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (23))) { + return $parseInt($clone(v, Value).object().$capacity) >> 0; + } + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Cap", k)); + }; + Value.prototype.Cap = function() { return this.$val.Cap(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Index = function(i) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, a, a$1, c, fl, fl$1, fl$2, i, k, s, str, tt, tt$1, typ, typ$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + a = [a]; + a$1 = [a$1]; + c = [c]; + i = [i]; + typ = [typ]; + typ$1 = [typ$1]; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 2: + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + if (i[0] < 0 || i[0] > ((tt.len >> 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: array index out of range")); + } + typ[0] = tt.elem; + fl = (((((v.flag & 384) >>> 0) | new flag(v.flag).ro()) >>> 0) | ((typ[0].Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0; + a[0] = v.ptr; + /* */ if (!((((fl & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((((fl & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ[0], (new (jsType(PtrTo(typ[0])))((function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function() { + return wrapJsObject(typ[0], a[0][i[0]]); + }; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1), (function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function(x) { + var x; + a[0][i[0]] = unwrapJsObject(typ[0], x); + }; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1))), fl); + /* } */ case 8: + _r = makeValue(typ[0], wrapJsObject(typ[0], a[0][i[0]]), fl); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 3: + s = $clone(v, Value).object(); + if (i[0] < 0 || i[0] >= ($parseInt(s.$length) >> 0)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range")); + } + tt$1 = (v.typ.kindType); + typ$1[0] = tt$1.elem; + fl$1 = (((384 | new flag(v.flag).ro()) >>> 0) | ((typ$1[0].Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0; + i[0] = i[0] + (($parseInt(s.$offset) >> 0)) >> 0; + a$1[0] = s.$array; + /* */ if (!((((fl$1 & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 25))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!((((fl$1 & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 25))) { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ$1[0], (new (jsType(PtrTo(typ$1[0])))((function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function() { + return wrapJsObject(typ$1[0], a$1[0][i[0]]); + }; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1), (function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function(x) { + var x; + a$1[0][i[0]] = unwrapJsObject(typ$1[0], x); + }; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1))), fl$1); + /* } */ case 12: + _r$1 = makeValue(typ$1[0], wrapJsObject(typ$1[0], a$1[0][i[0]]), fl$1); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 4: + str = (v.ptr).$get(); + if (i[0] < 0 || i[0] >= str.length) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: string index out of range")); + } + fl$2 = (((new flag(v.flag).ro() | 8) >>> 0) | 128) >>> 0; + c[0] = str.charCodeAt(i[0]); + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(uint8Type, ((c.$ptr || (c.$ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, c)))), fl$2); + /* } else { */ case 5: + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Index", k)); + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Index, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, a, a$1, c, fl, fl$1, fl$2, i, k, s, str, tt, tt$1, typ, typ$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Index = function(i) { return this.$val.Index(i); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.InterfaceData = function() { + var v; + v = this; + $panic(new $String("InterfaceData is not supported by GopherJS")); + }; + Value.prototype.InterfaceData = function() { return this.$val.InterfaceData(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.IsNil = function() { + var _1, k, v; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23))) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === jsType(v.typ).nil; + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === $chanNil; + } else if (_1 === (19)) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === $throwNilPointerError; + } else if (_1 === (21)) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === false; + } else if (_1 === (20)) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === $ifaceNil; + } else if (_1 === (26)) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === 0; + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.IsNil", k)); + } + }; + Value.prototype.IsNil = function() { return this.$val.IsNil(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var _1, k, v; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (24))) { + return $parseInt($clone(v, Value).object().length); + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + return $parseInt($clone(v, Value).object().$length) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + return $parseInt($clone(v, Value).object().$buffer.length) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (21)) { + return $parseInt($keys($clone(v, Value).object()).length); + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Len", k)); + } + }; + Value.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Pointer = function() { + var _1, k, v; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (26))) { + if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { + return 0; + } + return $clone(v, Value).object(); + } else if (_1 === (19)) { + if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { + return 0; + } + return 1; + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { + return 0; + } + return $clone(v, Value).object().$array; + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Pointer", k)); + } + }; + Value.prototype.Pointer = function() { return this.$val.Pointer(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Set = function(x) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(x.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r = $clone(x, Value).assignTo("reflect.Set", v.typ, 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Value.copy(x, _r); + /* */ if (!((((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 2: + _1 = v.typ.Kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 5: + jsType(v.typ).copy(v.ptr, x.ptr); + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = valueInterface($clone(x, Value)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v.ptr.$set(_r$1); + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 7: + copyStruct(v.ptr, x.ptr, v.typ); + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + v.ptr.$set($clone(x, Value).object()); + /* } */ case 9: + case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + v.ptr = x.ptr; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Set = function(x) { return this.$val.Set(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { + var {_r, _r$1, _v, slice, typedSlice, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23); + _r = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 8))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 8))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.SetBytes of non-byte slice")); + /* } */ case 2: + slice = x; + if (!(v.typ.Name() === "")) { _v = true; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$1 = v.typ.Elem().Name(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !(_r$1 === ""); case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + typedSlice = new (jsType(v.typ))(slice.$array); + typedSlice.$offset = slice.$offset; + typedSlice.$length = slice.$length; + typedSlice.$capacity = slice.$capacity; + slice = typedSlice; + /* } */ case 5: + v.ptr.$set(slice); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.SetBytes, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _v, slice, typedSlice, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { return this.$val.SetBytes(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetCap = function(n) { + var n, newSlice, s, v; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23); + s = v.ptr.$get(); + if (n < ($parseInt(s.$length) >> 0) || n > ($parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: slice capacity out of range in SetCap")); + } + newSlice = new (jsType(v.typ))(s.$array); + newSlice.$offset = s.$offset; + newSlice.$length = s.$length; + newSlice.$capacity = n; + v.ptr.$set(newSlice); + }; + Value.prototype.SetCap = function(n) { return this.$val.SetCap(n); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetLen = function(n) { + var n, newSlice, s, v; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23); + s = v.ptr.$get(); + if (n < 0 || n > ($parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: slice length out of range in SetLen")); + } + newSlice = new (jsType(v.typ))(s.$array); + newSlice.$offset = s.$offset; + newSlice.$length = n; + newSlice.$capacity = s.$capacity; + v.ptr.$set(newSlice); + }; + Value.prototype.SetLen = function(n) { return this.$val.SetLen(n); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Slice = function(i, j) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, cap, i, j, kind, s, str, tt, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + cap = 0; + typ = $ifaceNil; + s = null; + kind = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = kind; + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 2: + if (((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array")); + } + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + cap = ((tt.len >> 0)); + typ = SliceOf(tt.elem); + s = new (jsType(typ))($clone(v, Value).object()); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 3: + typ = v.typ; + s = $clone(v, Value).object(); + cap = $parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 4: + str = (v.ptr).$get(); + if (i < 0 || j < i || j > str.length) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: string slice index out of bounds")); + } + _r = ValueOf(new $String($substring(str, i, j))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 5: + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Slice", kind)); + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + if (i < 0 || j < i || j > cap) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice index out of bounds")); + } + _r$1 = makeValue(typ, $subslice(s, i, j), new flag(v.flag).ro()); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Slice, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, cap, i, j, kind, s, str, tt, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Slice = function(i, j) { return this.$val.Slice(i, j); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Slice3 = function(i, j, k) { + var {$24r, _1, _r, cap, i, j, k, kind, s, tt, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j, k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + cap = 0; + typ = $ifaceNil; + s = null; + kind = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = kind; + if (_1 === (17)) { + if (((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array")); + } + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + cap = ((tt.len >> 0)); + typ = SliceOf(tt.elem); + s = new (jsType(typ))($clone(v, Value).object()); + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + typ = v.typ; + s = $clone(v, Value).object(); + cap = $parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0; + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Slice3", kind)); + } + if (i < 0 || j < i || k < j || k > cap) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice3: slice index out of bounds")); + } + _r = makeValue(typ, $subslice(s, i, j, k), new flag(v.flag).ro()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Slice3, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, cap, i, j, k, kind, s, tt, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Slice3 = function(i, j, k) { return this.$val.Slice3(i, j, k); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var v; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18); + new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported(); + $close($clone(v, Value).object()); + }; + Value.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Elem = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, fl, k, tt, typ, v, val, val$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 2: + val = $clone(v, Value).object(); + if (val === $ifaceNil) { + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + typ = reflectType(val.constructor); + _r = makeValue(typ, val.$val, new flag(v.flag).ro()); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 3: + if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + val$1 = $clone(v, Value).object(); + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + fl = (((((v.flag & 96) >>> 0) | 128) >>> 0) | 256) >>> 0; + fl = (fl | (((tt.elem.Kind() >>> 0)))) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(tt.elem, (wrapJsObject(tt.elem, val$1)), fl); + /* } else { */ case 4: + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Elem", k)); + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Elem, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, fl, k, tt, typ, v, val, val$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Elem = function() { return this.$val.Elem(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.NumField = function() { + var tt, v; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(25); + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + return tt.fields.$length; + }; + Value.prototype.NumField = function() { return this.$val.NumField(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.MapKeys = function() { + var {_r, a, fl, i, it, key, keyType, m, mlen, tt, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(21); + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + keyType = tt.key; + fl = (new flag(v.flag).ro() | ((keyType.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0; + m = $clone(v, Value).pointer(); + mlen = 0; + if (!(m === 0)) { + mlen = maplen(m); + } + it = mapiterinit(v.typ, m); + a = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, mlen); + i = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < a.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < a.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = mapiterkey(it); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r; + if (key === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + Value.copy(((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i]), copyVal(keyType, fl, key)); + mapiternext(it); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $subslice(a, 0, i); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.MapKeys, $c: true, $r, _r, a, fl, i, it, key, keyType, m, mlen, tt, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.MapKeys = function() { return this.$val.MapKeys(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.MapIndex = function(key) { + var {_r, e, fl, k, key, tt, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(21); + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + _r = $clone(key, Value).assignTo("reflect.Value.MapIndex", tt.key, 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Value.copy(key, _r); + k = 0; + if (!((((key.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + k = key.ptr; + } else { + k = ((key.$ptr_ptr || (key.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, key)))); + } + e = mapaccess(v.typ, $clone(v, Value).pointer(), k); + if (e === 0) { + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + typ = tt.elem; + fl = new flag((((v.flag | key.flag) >>> 0))).ro(); + fl = (fl | (((typ.Kind() >>> 0)))) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return copyVal(typ, fl, e); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.MapIndex, $c: true, $r, _r, e, fl, k, key, tt, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.MapIndex = function(key) { return this.$val.MapIndex(key); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Field = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, field, fl, i, jsTag, o, prop, s, tag, tt, typ, v, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + jsTag = [jsTag]; + prop = [prop]; + s = [s]; + typ = [typ]; + v = this; + if (!((new flag(v.flag).kind() === 25))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Field", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + } + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + if (((i >>> 0)) >= ((tt.fields.$length >>> 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Field index out of range")); + } + prop[0] = $internalize(jsType(v.typ).fields[i].prop, $String); + field = (x = tt.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + typ[0] = field.typ; + fl = (((v.flag & 416) >>> 0) | ((typ[0].Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0; + if (!$clone(field.name, name).isExported()) { + if (field.embedded()) { + fl = (fl | (64)) >>> 0; + } else { + fl = (fl | (32)) >>> 0; + } + } + tag = $clone((x$1 = tt.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])).name, name).tag(); + /* */ if (!(tag === "") && !((i === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(tag === "") && !((i === 0))) { */ case 1: + jsTag[0] = getJsTag(tag); + /* */ if (!(jsTag[0] === "")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(jsTag[0] === "")) { */ case 3: + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + o = [o]; + _r = $clone(v, Value).Field(0); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Value.copy(v, _r); + /* */ if (v.typ === jsObjectPtr) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (v.typ === jsObjectPtr) { */ case 8: + o[0] = $clone(v, Value).object().object; + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ[0], (new (jsType(PtrTo(typ[0])))((function(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ) { return function() { + return $internalize(o[0][$externalize(jsTag[0], $String)], jsType(typ[0])); + }; })(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ), (function(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ) { return function(x$2) { + var x$2; + o[0][$externalize(jsTag[0], $String)] = $externalize(x$2, jsType(typ[0])); + }; })(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ))), fl); + /* } */ case 9: + /* */ if (v.typ.Kind() === 22) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (v.typ.Kind() === 22) { */ case 10: + _r$1 = $clone(v, Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Value.copy(v, _r$1); + /* } */ case 11: + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + /* } */ case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + s[0] = v.ptr; + /* */ if (!((((fl & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!((((fl & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ[0], (new (jsType(PtrTo(typ[0])))((function(jsTag, prop, s, typ) { return function() { + return wrapJsObject(typ[0], s[0][$externalize(prop[0], $String)]); + }; })(jsTag, prop, s, typ), (function(jsTag, prop, s, typ) { return function(x$2) { + var x$2; + s[0][$externalize(prop[0], $String)] = unwrapJsObject(typ[0], x$2); + }; })(jsTag, prop, s, typ))), fl); + /* } */ case 14: + _r$2 = makeValue(typ[0], wrapJsObject(typ[0], s[0][$externalize(prop[0], $String)]), fl); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Field, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, field, fl, i, jsTag, o, prop, s, tag, tt, typ, v, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Field = function(i) { return this.$val.Field(i); }; + errorString.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.s; + }; + errorString.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + unquote = function(s) { + var s; + if (s.length < 2) { + return [s, $ifaceNil]; + } + if ((s.charCodeAt(0) === 39) || (s.charCodeAt(0) === 34)) { + if (s.charCodeAt((s.length - 1 >> 0)) === s.charCodeAt(0)) { + return [$substring(s, 1, (s.length - 1 >> 0)), $ifaceNil]; + } + return ["", $pkg.ErrSyntax]; + } + return [s, $ifaceNil]; + }; + flag.prototype.mustBe = function(expected) { + var expected, f; + f = this.$val; + if (!((((((f & 31) >>> 0) >>> 0)) === expected))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr(methodName(), new flag(f).kind())); + } + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBe = function(expected) { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBe(expected); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Comparable = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, _r$1, ft, i, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _1 = t.Kind(); + /* */ if ((_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (21))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (21))) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 3: + _r = t.Elem().Comparable(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 4: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(i < t.NumField())) { break; } */ if(!(i < t.NumField())) { $s = 9; continue; } + ft = $clone(t.Field(i), structField); + _r$1 = ft.typ.Comparable(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 10: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 11: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.Comparable, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, _r$1, ft, i, t, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.Comparable = function() { return this.$val.Comparable(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.IsVariadic = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: IsVariadic of non-func type")); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return !((((tt.outCount & 32768) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.IsVariadic = function() { return this.$val.IsVariadic(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Field = function(i) { + var i, t, tt, x; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Field of non-struct type")); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + if (i < 0 || i >= tt.fields.$length) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Field index out of bounds")); + } + return (x = tt.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + rtype.prototype.Field = function(i) { return this.$val.Field(i); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Key = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 21))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Key of non-map type")); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt.key); + }; + rtype.prototype.Key = function() { return this.$val.Key(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.NumField = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: NumField of non-struct type")); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return tt.fields.$length; + }; + rtype.prototype.NumField = function() { return this.$val.NumField(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Method = function(i) { + var {$24r, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, arg, fl, fn, ft, i, in$1, m, methods, mt, mtyp, out, p, pname, prop, ret, t, tt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + prop = [prop]; + m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0); + t = this; + /* */ if (t.Kind() === 20) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (t.Kind() === 20) { */ case 1: + tt = (t.kindType); + _r = tt.rtype.Method(i); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Method.copy(m, _r); + $24r = m; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + methods = t.exportedMethods(); + if (i < 0 || i >= methods.$length) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Method index out of range")); + } + p = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= methods.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : methods.$array[methods.$offset + i]), method); + pname = $clone(t.nameOff(p.name), name); + m.Name = $clone(pname, name).name(); + fl = 19; + mtyp = t.typeOff(p.mtyp); + ft = (mtyp.kindType); + in$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, 0, (1 + ft.in$().$length >> 0)); + in$1 = $append(in$1, t); + _ref = ft.in$(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + arg = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + in$1 = $append(in$1, arg); + _i++; + } + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, 0, ft.out().$length); + _ref$1 = ft.out(); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + ret = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + out = $append(out, ret); + _i$1++; + } + _r$1 = FuncOf(in$1, out, ft.rtype.IsVariadic()); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mt = _r$1; + m.Type = mt; + prop[0] = $internalize($methodSet(t[$externalize(idJsType, $String)])[i].prop, $String); + fn = js.MakeFunc((function(prop) { return function(this$1, arguments$1) { + var arguments$1, rcvr, this$1; + rcvr = (0 >= arguments$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : arguments$1.$array[arguments$1.$offset + 0]); + return new $jsObjectPtr(rcvr[$externalize(prop[0], $String)].apply(rcvr, $externalize($subslice(arguments$1, 1), sliceType$8))); + }; })(prop)); + Value.copy(m.Func, new Value.ptr($assertType(mt, ptrType$1), (fn), fl)); + m.Index = i; + Method.copy(m, m); + $s = -1; return m; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.Method, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, arg, fl, fn, ft, i, in$1, m, methods, mt, mtyp, out, p, pname, prop, ret, t, tt, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.Method = function(i) { return this.$val.Method(i); }; + Swapper = function(slice) { + var {_1, _r, a, off, slice, v, vLen, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {slice}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + a = [a]; + off = [off]; + vLen = [vLen]; + _r = ValueOf(slice); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r, Value); + if (!(($clone(v, Value).Kind() === 23))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Swapper", $clone(v, Value).Kind())); + } + vLen[0] = (($clone(v, Value).Len() >>> 0)); + _1 = vLen[0]; + if (_1 === (0)) { + $s = -1; return (function(a, off, vLen) { return function(i, j) { + var i, j; + $panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range")); + }; })(a, off, vLen); + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + $s = -1; return (function(a, off, vLen) { return function(i, j) { + var i, j; + if (!((i === 0)) || !((j === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range")); + } + }; })(a, off, vLen); + } + a[0] = slice.$array; + off[0] = $parseInt(slice.$offset) >> 0; + $s = -1; return (function(a, off, vLen) { return function(i, j) { + var i, j, tmp; + if (((i >>> 0)) >= vLen[0] || ((j >>> 0)) >= vLen[0]) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range")); + } + i = i + (off[0]) >> 0; + j = j + (off[0]) >> 0; + tmp = a[0][i]; + a[0][i] = a[0][j]; + a[0][j] = tmp; + }; })(a, off, vLen); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Swapper, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, a, off, slice, v, vLen, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Swapper = Swapper; + init = function() { + var {used, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + used = (function(i) { + var i; + }); + $r = used((x = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$1 = new uncommonType.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$5.nil), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$2 = new method.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$3 = new arrayType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$4 = new chanType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$1.nil, 0), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$5 = new funcType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), 0, 0, sliceType$2.nil, sliceType$2.nil), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$6 = new interfaceType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), new name.ptr(ptrType$6.nil), sliceType$9.nil), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$7 = new mapType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, $throwNilPointerError, 0, 0, 0, 0), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7))); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$8 = new ptrType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$1.nil), new x$8.constructor.elem(x$8))); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$9 = new sliceType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$1.nil), new x$9.constructor.elem(x$9))); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$10 = new structType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), new name.ptr(ptrType$6.nil), sliceType$10.nil), new x$10.constructor.elem(x$10))); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$11 = new imethod.ptr(0, 0), new x$11.constructor.elem(x$11))); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$12 = new structField.ptr(new name.ptr(ptrType$6.nil), ptrType$1.nil, 0), new x$12.constructor.elem(x$12))); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + initialized = true; + uint8Type = $assertType(TypeOf(new $Uint8(0)), ptrType$1); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: init, $c: true, $r, used, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + jsType = function(typ) { + var typ; + return typ[$externalize(idJsType, $String)]; + }; + reflectType = function(typ) { + var _1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _key, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, dir, exported, exported$1, f, fields, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, i$5, imethods, in$1, m, m$1, m$2, methodSet, methods, offsetEmbed, out, outCount, params, reflectFields, reflectMethods, results, rt, typ, ut, xcount; + if (typ[$externalize(idReflectType, $String)] === undefined) { + rt = new rtype.ptr(((($parseInt(typ.size) >> 0) >>> 0)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((($parseInt(typ.kind) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, newNameOff($clone(newName(internalStr(typ.string), "", !!(typ.exported)), name)), 0); + rt[$externalize(idJsType, $String)] = typ; + typ[$externalize(idReflectType, $String)] = rt; + methodSet = $methodSet(typ); + if (!(($parseInt(methodSet.length) === 0)) || !!(typ.named)) { + rt.tflag = (rt.tflag | (1)) >>> 0; + if (!!(typ.named)) { + rt.tflag = (rt.tflag | (4)) >>> 0; + } + reflectMethods = sliceType$5.nil; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < $parseInt(methodSet.length))) { break; } + m = methodSet[i]; + exported = internalStr(m.pkg) === ""; + if (!exported) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + reflectMethods = $append(reflectMethods, new method.ptr(newNameOff($clone(newName(internalStr(m.name), "", exported), name)), newTypeOff(reflectType(m.typ)), 0, 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + xcount = ((reflectMethods.$length << 16 >>> 16)); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < $parseInt(methodSet.length))) { break; } + m$1 = methodSet[i$1]; + exported$1 = internalStr(m$1.pkg) === ""; + if (exported$1) { + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + reflectMethods = $append(reflectMethods, new method.ptr(newNameOff($clone(newName(internalStr(m$1.name), "", exported$1), name)), newTypeOff(reflectType(m$1.typ)), 0, 0)); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + ut = new uncommonType.ptr(newNameOff($clone(newName(internalStr(typ.pkg), "", false), name)), (($parseInt(methodSet.length) << 16 >>> 16)), xcount, 0, reflectMethods); + _key = rt; (uncommonTypeMap || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$1.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: ut }; + ut[$externalize(idJsType, $String)] = typ; + } + _1 = rt.Kind(); + if (_1 === (17)) { + setKindType(rt, new arrayType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), reflectType(typ.elem), ptrType$1.nil, ((($parseInt(typ.len) >> 0) >>> 0)))); + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + dir = 3; + if (!!(typ.sendOnly)) { + dir = 2; + } + if (!!(typ.recvOnly)) { + dir = 1; + } + setKindType(rt, new chanType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), reflectType(typ.elem), ((dir >>> 0)))); + } else if (_1 === (19)) { + params = typ.params; + in$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, $parseInt(params.length)); + _ref = in$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i$2 = _i; + ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= in$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + i$2] = reflectType(params[i$2])); + _i++; + } + results = typ.results; + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, $parseInt(results.length)); + _ref$1 = out; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$3 = _i$1; + ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + i$3] = reflectType(results[i$3])); + _i$1++; + } + outCount = (($parseInt(results.length) << 16 >>> 16)); + if (!!(typ.variadic)) { + outCount = (outCount | (32768)) >>> 0; + } + setKindType(rt, new funcType.ptr($clone(rt, rtype), (($parseInt(params.length) << 16 >>> 16)), outCount, in$1, out)); + } else if (_1 === (20)) { + methods = typ.methods; + imethods = $makeSlice(sliceType$9, $parseInt(methods.length)); + _ref$2 = imethods; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + i$4 = _i$2; + m$2 = methods[i$4]; + imethod.copy(((i$4 < 0 || i$4 >= imethods.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : imethods.$array[imethods.$offset + i$4]), new imethod.ptr(newNameOff($clone(newName(internalStr(m$2.name), "", internalStr(m$2.pkg) === ""), name)), newTypeOff(reflectType(m$2.typ)))); + _i$2++; + } + setKindType(rt, new interfaceType.ptr($clone(rt, rtype), $clone(newName(internalStr(typ.pkg), "", false), name), imethods)); + } else if (_1 === (21)) { + setKindType(rt, new mapType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), reflectType(typ.key), reflectType(typ.elem), ptrType$1.nil, $throwNilPointerError, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + } else if (_1 === (22)) { + setKindType(rt, new ptrType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), reflectType(typ.elem))); + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + setKindType(rt, new sliceType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0), reflectType(typ.elem))); + } else if (_1 === (25)) { + fields = typ.fields; + reflectFields = $makeSlice(sliceType$10, $parseInt(fields.length)); + _ref$3 = reflectFields; + _i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } + i$5 = _i$3; + f = fields[i$5]; + offsetEmbed = ((i$5 >>> 0)) << 1 >>> 0; + if (!!(f.embedded)) { + offsetEmbed = (offsetEmbed | (1)) >>> 0; + } + structField.copy(((i$5 < 0 || i$5 >= reflectFields.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : reflectFields.$array[reflectFields.$offset + i$5]), new structField.ptr($clone(newName(internalStr(f.name), internalStr(f.tag), !!(f.exported)), name), reflectType(f.typ), offsetEmbed)); + _i$3++; + } + setKindType(rt, new structType.ptr($clone(rt, rtype), $clone(newName(internalStr(typ.pkgPath), "", false), name), reflectFields)); + } + } + return ((typ[$externalize(idReflectType, $String)])); + }; + setKindType = function(rt, kindType) { + var kindType, rt; + rt[$externalize(idKindType, $String)] = kindType; + kindType[$externalize(idRtype, $String)] = rt; + }; + uncommonType.ptr.prototype.methods = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t._methods; + }; + uncommonType.prototype.methods = function() { return this.$val.methods(); }; + uncommonType.ptr.prototype.exportedMethods = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return $subslice(t._methods, 0, t.xcount, t.xcount); + }; + uncommonType.prototype.exportedMethods = function() { return this.$val.exportedMethods(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.uncommon = function() { + var _entry, t; + t = this; + return (_entry = uncommonTypeMap[ptrType$1.keyFor(t)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$4.nil); + }; + rtype.prototype.uncommon = function() { return this.$val.uncommon(); }; + funcType.ptr.prototype.in$ = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t._in; + }; + funcType.prototype.in$ = function() { return this.$val.in$(); }; + funcType.ptr.prototype.out = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t._out; + }; + funcType.prototype.out = function() { return this.$val.out(); }; + name.ptr.prototype.name = function() { + var _entry, n, s; + s = ""; + n = this; + s = (_entry = nameMap[ptrType$6.keyFor(n.bytes)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$8.nil).name; + return s; + }; + name.prototype.name = function() { return this.$val.name(); }; + name.ptr.prototype.tag = function() { + var _entry, n, s; + s = ""; + n = this; + s = (_entry = nameMap[ptrType$6.keyFor(n.bytes)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$8.nil).tag; + return s; + }; + name.prototype.tag = function() { return this.$val.tag(); }; + name.ptr.prototype.pkgPath = function() { + var n; + n = this; + return ""; + }; + name.prototype.pkgPath = function() { return this.$val.pkgPath(); }; + name.ptr.prototype.isExported = function() { + var _entry, n; + n = this; + return (_entry = nameMap[ptrType$6.keyFor(n.bytes)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$8.nil).exported; + }; + name.prototype.isExported = function() { return this.$val.isExported(); }; + newName = function(n, tag, exported) { + var _key, b, exported, n, tag; + b = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$6); + _key = b; (nameMap || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$6.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new nameData.ptr(n, tag, exported) }; + return new name.ptr(b); + }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.nameOff = function(off) { + var off, t, x; + t = this; + return (x = ((off >> 0)), ((x < 0 || x >= nameOffList.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nameOffList.$array[nameOffList.$offset + x])); + }; + rtype.prototype.nameOff = function(off) { return this.$val.nameOff(off); }; + newNameOff = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = nameOffList.$length; + nameOffList = $append(nameOffList, n); + return ((i >> 0)); + }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.typeOff = function(off) { + var off, t, x; + t = this; + return (x = ((off >> 0)), ((x < 0 || x >= typeOffList.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : typeOffList.$array[typeOffList.$offset + x])); + }; + rtype.prototype.typeOff = function(off) { return this.$val.typeOff(off); }; + newTypeOff = function(t) { + var i, t; + i = typeOffList.$length; + typeOffList = $append(typeOffList, t); + return ((i >> 0)); + }; + internalStr = function(strObj) { + var c, strObj; + c = new structType$2.ptr(""); + c.str = strObj; + return c.str; + }; + isWrapped = function(typ) { + var typ; + return !!(jsType(typ).wrapped); + }; + copyStruct = function(dst, src, typ) { + var dst, fields, i, prop, src, typ; + fields = jsType(typ).fields; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < $parseInt(fields.length))) { break; } + prop = $internalize(fields[i].prop, $String); + dst[$externalize(prop, $String)] = src[$externalize(prop, $String)]; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + makeValue = function(t, v, fl) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _v, _v$1, fl, rt, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, v, fl}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = t.common(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rt = _r; + _r$1 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (_r$1 === 17) { _v$1 = true; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r$2 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$2 === 25; case 5: + if (_v$1) { _v = true; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r$3 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$3 === 22; case 4: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 2: + _r$4 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new Value.ptr(rt, (v), (fl | ((_r$4 >>> 0))) >>> 0); + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$5 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = new Value.ptr(rt, ($newDataPointer(v, jsType(rt.ptrTo()))), (((fl | ((_r$5 >>> 0))) >>> 0) | 128) >>> 0); + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _v, _v$1, fl, rt, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + TypeOf = function(i) { + var i; + if (!initialized) { + return new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$6.nil, 0, 0); + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(i, $ifaceNil)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return reflectType(i.constructor); + }; + $pkg.TypeOf = TypeOf; + ValueOf = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, i, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(i, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + _r = makeValue(reflectType(i.constructor), i.$val, 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, i, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ValueOf = ValueOf; + FuncOf = function(in$1, out, variadic) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _v, _v$1, i, i$1, in$1, jsIn, jsOut, out, v, v$1, variadic, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1, out, variadic}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!(variadic)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + if (in$1.$length === 0) { _v$1 = true; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r = (x = in$1.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= in$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + x])).Kind(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !((_r === 23)); case 4: + _v = _v$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect.FuncOf: last arg of variadic func must be slice")); + /* } */ case 2: + jsIn = $makeSlice(sliceType$8, in$1.$length); + _ref = in$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= jsIn.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : jsIn.$array[jsIn.$offset + i] = jsType(v)); + _i++; + } + jsOut = $makeSlice(sliceType$8, out.$length); + _ref$1 = out; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + v$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= jsOut.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : jsOut.$array[jsOut.$offset + i$1] = jsType(v$1)); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return reflectType($funcType($externalize(jsIn, sliceType$8), $externalize(jsOut, sliceType$8), $externalize(variadic, $Bool))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FuncOf, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _v, _v$1, i, i$1, in$1, jsIn, jsOut, out, v, v$1, variadic, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.FuncOf = FuncOf; + rtype.ptr.prototype.ptrTo = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return reflectType($ptrType(jsType(t))); + }; + rtype.prototype.ptrTo = function() { return this.$val.ptrTo(); }; + SliceOf = function(t) { + var t; + return reflectType($sliceType(jsType(t))); + }; + $pkg.SliceOf = SliceOf; + unsafe_New = function(typ) { + var _1, typ; + _1 = typ.Kind(); + if (_1 === (25)) { + return (new (jsType(typ).ptr)()); + } else if (_1 === (17)) { + return (jsType(typ).zero()); + } else { + return ($newDataPointer(jsType(typ).zero(), jsType(typ.ptrTo()))); + } + }; + typedmemmove = function(t, dst, src) { + var dst, src, t; + dst.$set(src.$get()); + }; + keyFor = function(t, key) { + var k, key, kv, t; + kv = key; + if (!(kv.$get === undefined)) { + kv = kv.$get(); + } + k = $internalize(jsType(t.Key()).keyFor(kv), $String); + return [kv, k]; + }; + mapaccess = function(t, m, key) { + var _tuple, entry, k, key, m, t; + _tuple = keyFor(t, key); + k = _tuple[1]; + entry = m[$externalize(k, $String)]; + if (entry === undefined) { + return 0; + } + return ($newDataPointer(entry.v, jsType(PtrTo(t.Elem())))); + }; + mapIter.ptr.prototype.skipUntilValidKey = function() { + var iter, k; + iter = this; + while (true) { + if (!(iter.i < $parseInt(iter.keys.length))) { break; } + k = iter.keys[iter.i]; + if (!(iter.m[$externalize($internalize(k, $String), $String)] === undefined)) { + break; + } + iter.i = iter.i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + mapIter.prototype.skipUntilValidKey = function() { return this.$val.skipUntilValidKey(); }; + mapiterinit = function(t, m) { + var m, t; + return (new mapIter.ptr(t, m, $keys(m), 0, null)); + }; + mapiterkey = function(it) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, it, iter, k, kv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {it}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + iter = ($pointerOfStructConversion(it, ptrType$9)); + kv = null; + if (!(iter.last === null)) { + kv = iter.last; + } else { + iter.skipUntilValidKey(); + if (iter.i === $parseInt(iter.keys.length)) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + k = iter.keys[iter.i]; + kv = iter.m[$externalize($internalize(k, $String), $String)]; + iter.last = kv; + } + _r = $assertType(iter.t, TypeEx).Key(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = PtrTo(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = jsType(_r$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ($newDataPointer(kv.k, _r$2)); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapiterkey, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, it, iter, k, kv, $s};return $f; + }; + mapiternext = function(it) { + var it, iter; + iter = ($pointerOfStructConversion(it, ptrType$9)); + iter.last = null; + iter.i = iter.i + (1) >> 0; + }; + maplen = function(m) { + var m; + return $parseInt($keys(m).length); + }; + methodReceiver = function(op, v, i) { + var _$12, fn, i, m, m$1, ms, op, prop, rcvr, t, tt, v, x; + _$12 = ptrType$1.nil; + t = ptrType$5.nil; + fn = 0; + prop = ""; + if (v.typ.Kind() === 20) { + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + if (i < 0 || i >= tt.methods.$length) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index")); + } + m = (x = tt.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + if (!$clone(tt.rtype.nameOff(m.name), name).isExported()) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " of unexported method")); + } + t = (tt.rtype.typeOff(m.typ).kindType); + prop = $clone(tt.rtype.nameOff(m.name), name).name(); + } else { + ms = v.typ.exportedMethods(); + if (((i >>> 0)) >= ((ms.$length >>> 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index")); + } + m$1 = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= ms.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ms.$array[ms.$offset + i]), method); + if (!$clone(v.typ.nameOff(m$1.name), name).isExported()) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " of unexported method")); + } + t = (v.typ.typeOff(m$1.mtyp).kindType); + prop = $internalize($methodSet(jsType(v.typ))[i].prop, $String); + } + rcvr = $clone(v, Value).object(); + if (isWrapped(v.typ)) { + rcvr = new (jsType(v.typ))(rcvr); + } + fn = (rcvr[$externalize(prop, $String)]); + return [_$12, t, fn]; + }; + valueInterface = function(v) { + var {_r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (v.flag === 0) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Interface", 0)); + } + /* */ if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r = makeMethodValue("Interface", $clone(v, Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Value.copy(v, _r); + /* } */ case 2: + if (isWrapped(v.typ)) { + $s = -1; return ((new (jsType(v.typ))($clone(v, Value).object()))); + } + $s = -1; return (($clone(v, Value).object())); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: valueInterface, $c: true, $r, _r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + ifaceE2I = function(t, src, dst) { + var dst, src, t; + dst.$set(src); + }; + methodName = function() { + return "?FIXME?"; + }; + makeMethodValue = function(op, v) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, fn, fv, op, rcvr, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {op, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fn = [fn]; + rcvr = [rcvr]; + if (((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid use of makePartialFunc")); + } + _tuple = methodReceiver(op, $clone(v, Value), ((v.flag >> 0)) >> 10 >> 0); + fn[0] = _tuple[2]; + rcvr[0] = $clone(v, Value).object(); + if (isWrapped(v.typ)) { + rcvr[0] = new (jsType(v.typ))(rcvr[0]); + } + fv = js.MakeFunc((function(fn, rcvr) { return function(this$1, arguments$1) { + var arguments$1, this$1; + return new $jsObjectPtr(fn[0].apply(rcvr[0], $externalize(arguments$1, sliceType$8))); + }; })(fn, rcvr)); + _r = $clone(v, Value).Type().common(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new Value.ptr(_r, (fv), (new flag(v.flag).ro() | 19) >>> 0); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeMethodValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, fn, fv, op, rcvr, v, $s};return $f; + }; + wrapJsObject = function(typ, val) { + var typ, val; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, jsObjectPtr)) { + return new (jsType(jsObjectPtr))(val); + } + return val; + }; + unwrapJsObject = function(typ, val) { + var typ, val; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, jsObjectPtr)) { + return val.object; + } + return val; + }; + getJsTag = function(tag) { + var _tuple, i, name$1, qvalue, tag, value; + while (true) { + if (!(!(tag === ""))) { break; } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < tag.length && (tag.charCodeAt(i) === 32))) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + tag = $substring(tag, i); + if (tag === "") { + break; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < tag.length && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 32)) && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 58)) && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 34)))) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if ((i + 1 >> 0) >= tag.length || !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 58)) || !((tag.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 34))) { + break; + } + name$1 = ($substring(tag, 0, i)); + tag = $substring(tag, (i + 1 >> 0)); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < tag.length && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 34)))) { break; } + if (tag.charCodeAt(i) === 92) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (i >= tag.length) { + break; + } + qvalue = ($substring(tag, 0, (i + 1 >> 0))); + tag = $substring(tag, (i + 1 >> 0)); + if (name$1 === "js") { + _tuple = unquote(qvalue); + value = _tuple[0]; + return value; + } + } + return ""; + }; + PtrTo = function(t) { + var t; + return $assertType(t, ptrType$1).ptrTo(); + }; + $pkg.PtrTo = PtrTo; + copyVal = function(typ, fl, ptr) { + var c, fl, ptr, typ; + if (ifaceIndir(typ)) { + c = unsafe_New(typ); + typedmemmove(typ, c, ptr); + return new Value.ptr(typ, c, (fl | 128) >>> 0); + } + return new Value.ptr(typ, (ptr).$get(), fl); + }; + Value.methods = [{prop: "pointer", name: "pointer", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$UnsafePointer], false)}, {prop: "CanSet", name: "CanSet", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "numMethod", name: "numMethod", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "object", name: "object", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "assignTo", name: "assignTo", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([$String, ptrType$1, $UnsafePointer], [Value], false)}, {prop: "call", name: "call", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$6], [sliceType$6], false)}, {prop: "Cap", name: "Cap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "InterfaceData", name: "InterfaceData", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$2], false)}, {prop: "IsNil", name: "IsNil", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Pointer", name: "Pointer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13], [], false)}, {prop: "SetCap", name: "SetCap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "SetLen", name: "SetLen", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Slice", name: "Slice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Slice3", name: "Slice3", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int, $Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "NumField", name: "NumField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "MapKeys", name: "MapKeys", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$6], false)}, {prop: "MapIndex", name: "MapIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Field", name: "Field", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Value], false)}]; + flag.methods = [{prop: "kind", name: "kind", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "ro", name: "ro", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [flag], false)}, {prop: "mustBeExported", name: "mustBeExported", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "mustBeAssignable", name: "mustBeAssignable", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "mustBe", name: "mustBe", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([Kind], [], false)}]; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Kind.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "pointers", name: "pointers", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "common", name: "common", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "exportedMethods", name: "exportedMethods", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "hasName", name: "hasName", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "chanDir", name: "chanDir", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [chanDir], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "In", name: "In", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumIn", name: "NumIn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumOut", name: "NumOut", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Out", name: "Out", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Implements", name: "Implements", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "AssignableTo", name: "AssignableTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Comparable", name: "Comparable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsVariadic", name: "IsVariadic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "kindType", name: "kindType", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Field", name: "Field", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [structField], false)}, {prop: "Key", name: "Key", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "NumField", name: "NumField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Method], false)}, {prop: "uncommon", name: "uncommon", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$4], false)}, {prop: "nameOff", name: "nameOff", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([nameOff], [name], false)}, {prop: "typeOff", name: "typeOff", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([typeOff], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ptrTo", name: "ptrTo", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}]; + ptrType$11.methods = [{prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}]; + ptrType$12.methods = [{prop: "offset", name: "offset", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "embedded", name: "embedded", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$13.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "methods", name: "methods", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "exportedMethods", name: "exportedMethods", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "in$", name: "in", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "out", name: "out", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$2], false)}]; + name.methods = [{prop: "data", name: "data", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([$Int, $String], [ptrType$6], false)}, {prop: "hasTag", name: "hasTag", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "readVarint", name: "readVarint", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "tag", name: "tag", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "isExported", name: "isExported", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "skipUntilValidKey", name: "skipUntilValidKey", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + Value.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptr", name: "ptr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "flag", name: "flag", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: flag, tag: ""}]); + ValueError.init("", [{prop: "Method", name: "Method", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Kind, tag: ""}]); + Type.init([{prop: "AssignableTo", name: "AssignableTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Comparable", name: "Comparable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Implements", name: "Implements", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "common", name: "common", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "uncommon", name: "uncommon", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$4], false)}]); + rtype.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptrdata", name: "ptrdata", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "hash", name: "hash", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "tflag", name: "tflag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: tflag, tag: ""}, {prop: "align", name: "align", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "fieldAlign", name: "fieldAlign", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "kind", name: "kind", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "equal", name: "equal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "gcdata", name: "gcdata", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "str", name: "str", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nameOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptrToThis", name: "ptrToThis", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: typeOff, tag: ""}]); + method.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nameOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "mtyp", name: "mtyp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: typeOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "ifn", name: "ifn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: textOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "tfn", name: "tfn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: textOff, tag: ""}]); + arrayType.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "slice", name: "slice", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}]); + chanType.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "dir", name: "dir", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}]); + imethod.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nameOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: typeOff, tag: ""}]); + interfaceType.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: name, tag: ""}, {prop: "methods", name: "methods", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$9, tag: ""}]); + mapType.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "key", name: "key", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "bucket", name: "bucket", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "hasher", name: "hasher", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "keysize", name: "keysize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "valuesize", name: "valuesize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "bucketsize", name: "bucketsize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "flags", name: "flags", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + ptrType.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]); + sliceType.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]); + structField.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: name, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "offsetEmbed", name: "offsetEmbed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}]); + structType.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: name, tag: ""}, {prop: "fields", name: "fields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$10, tag: ""}]); + errorString.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Method.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "Func", name: "Func", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + uncommonType.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nameOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "mcount", name: "mcount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "xcount", name: "xcount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "moff", name: "moff", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "_methods", name: "_methods", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + funcType.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: "reflect:\"func\""}, {prop: "inCount", name: "inCount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "outCount", name: "outCount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "_in", name: "_in", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "_out", name: "_out", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + name.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}]); + nameData.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "tag", name: "tag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "exported", name: "exported", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + mapIter.init("internal/reflectlite", [{prop: "t", name: "t", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "keys", name: "keys", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "i", name: "i", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "last", name: "last", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}]); + TypeEx.init([{prop: "AssignableTo", name: "AssignableTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Comparable", name: "Comparable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Implements", name: "Implements", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Key", name: "Key", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "common", name: "common", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "uncommon", name: "uncommon", pkg: "internal/reflectlite", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$4], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = goarch.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unsafeheader.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + uint8Type = ptrType$1.nil; + nameOffList = sliceType$1.nil; + typeOffList = sliceType$2.nil; + kindNames = new sliceType$3(["invalid", "bool", "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "uintptr", "float32", "float64", "complex64", "complex128", "array", "chan", "func", "interface", "map", "ptr", "slice", "string", "struct", "unsafe.Pointer"]); + callHelper = $assertType($internalize($call, $emptyInterface), funcType$1); + $pkg.ErrSyntax = new errorString.ptr("invalid syntax"); + initialized = false; + idJsType = "_jsType"; + idReflectType = "_reflectType"; + idKindType = "kindType"; + idRtype = "_rtype"; + uncommonTypeMap = {}; + nameMap = {}; + jsObjectPtr = reflectType($jsObjectPtr); + selectHelper = $assertType($internalize($select, $emptyInterface), funcType$1); + $r = init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["errors"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, reflectlite, errorString, ptrType, interfaceType, interfaceType$1, ptrType$1, errorType, _r, Unwrap, Is, New; + reflectlite = $packages["internal/reflectlite"]; + errorString = $pkg.errorString = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "errors.errorString", true, "errors", false, function(s_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = ""; + return; + } + this.s = s_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType($error); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]); + interfaceType$1 = $interfaceType([{prop: "Is", name: "Is", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$error], [$Bool], false)}]); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(errorString); + Unwrap = function(err) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, err, ok, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = $assertType(err, interfaceType, true); + u = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$1 = u.Unwrap(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Unwrap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, err, ok, u, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Unwrap = Unwrap; + Is = function(err, target) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _v, err, isComparable, ok, target, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err, target}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(target, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual(err, target); + } + _r$1 = reflectlite.TypeOf(target).Comparable(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isComparable = _r$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + if (isComparable && $interfaceIsEqual(err, target)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, interfaceType$1, true); + x = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!(ok)) { _v = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$2 = x.Is(target); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$2; case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$3 = Unwrap(err); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Is, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _v, err, isComparable, ok, target, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Is = Is; + New = function(text) { + var text; + return new errorString.ptr(text); + }; + $pkg.New = New; + errorString.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.s; + }; + errorString.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + errorString.init("errors", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = reflectlite.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = reflectlite.TypeOf((ptrType.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errorType = _r; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/cpu"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, CacheLinePad, arrayType, structType, structType$2, structType$5; + CacheLinePad = $pkg.CacheLinePad = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "cpu.CacheLinePad", true, "internal/cpu", true, function(_$0_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 0); + structType = $structType("internal/cpu", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: CacheLinePad, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasAES", name: "HasAES", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasADX", name: "HasADX", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasAVX", name: "HasAVX", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasAVX2", name: "HasAVX2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasBMI1", name: "HasBMI1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasBMI2", name: "HasBMI2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasERMS", name: "HasERMS", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasFMA", name: "HasFMA", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasOSXSAVE", name: "HasOSXSAVE", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasPCLMULQDQ", name: "HasPCLMULQDQ", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasPOPCNT", name: "HasPOPCNT", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasRDTSCP", name: "HasRDTSCP", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSSE3", name: "HasSSE3", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSSSE3", name: "HasSSSE3", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSSE41", name: "HasSSE41", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSSE42", name: "HasSSE42", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "_$17", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: CacheLinePad, tag: ""}]); + structType$2 = $structType("internal/cpu", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: CacheLinePad, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasAES", name: "HasAES", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasPMULL", name: "HasPMULL", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSHA1", name: "HasSHA1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSHA2", name: "HasSHA2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasCRC32", name: "HasCRC32", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasATOMICS", name: "HasATOMICS", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasCPUID", name: "HasCPUID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsNeoverseN1", name: "IsNeoverseN1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsZeus", name: "IsZeus", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "_$10", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: CacheLinePad, tag: ""}]); + structType$5 = $structType("internal/cpu", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: CacheLinePad, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasZARCH", name: "HasZARCH", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSTFLE", name: "HasSTFLE", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasLDISP", name: "HasLDISP", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasEIMM", name: "HasEIMM", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasDFP", name: "HasDFP", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasETF3EH", name: "HasETF3EH", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasMSA", name: "HasMSA", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasAES", name: "HasAES", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasAESCBC", name: "HasAESCBC", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasAESCTR", name: "HasAESCTR", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasAESGCM", name: "HasAESGCM", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasGHASH", name: "HasGHASH", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSHA1", name: "HasSHA1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSHA256", name: "HasSHA256", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSHA512", name: "HasSHA512", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasSHA3", name: "HasSHA3", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasVX", name: "HasVX", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasVXE", name: "HasVXE", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasKDSA", name: "HasKDSA", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasECDSA", name: "HasECDSA", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasEDDSA", name: "HasEDDSA", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "_$22", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: CacheLinePad, tag: ""}]); + CacheLinePad.init("internal/cpu", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $pkg.X86 = new structType.ptr(new CacheLinePad.ptr(arrayType.zero()), false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, new CacheLinePad.ptr(arrayType.zero())); + $pkg.ARM64 = new structType$2.ptr(new CacheLinePad.ptr(arrayType.zero()), false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, new CacheLinePad.ptr(arrayType.zero())); + $pkg.S390X = new structType$5.ptr(new CacheLinePad.ptr(arrayType.zero()), false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, new CacheLinePad.ptr(arrayType.zero())); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/bytealg"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, cpu, Index, IndexString, Cutover, Count, HashStrBytes, IndexRabinKarpBytes, Equal, IndexByteString; + cpu = $packages["internal/cpu"]; + Index = function(a, b) { + var a, b; + $panic(new $String("unimplemented")); + }; + $pkg.Index = Index; + IndexString = function(a, b) { + var a, b; + $panic(new $String("unimplemented")); + }; + $pkg.IndexString = IndexString; + Cutover = function(n) { + var n; + $panic(new $String("unimplemented")); + }; + $pkg.Cutover = Cutover; + Count = function(b, c) { + var _i, _ref, b, c, n, x; + n = 0; + _ref = b; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + x = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (x === c) { + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + _i++; + } + return n; + }; + $pkg.Count = Count; + HashStrBytes = function(sep) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, hash, i, i$1, pow, sep, sq; + hash = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < sep.$length)) { break; } + hash = ($imul(hash, 16777619) >>> 0) + ((((i < 0 || i >= sep.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sep.$array[sep.$offset + i]) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp = 1; + _tmp$1 = 16777619; + pow = _tmp; + sq = _tmp$1; + i$1 = sep.$length; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 > 0)) { break; } + if (!(((i$1 & 1) === 0))) { + pow = $imul(pow, (sq)) >>> 0; + } + sq = $imul(sq, (sq)) >>> 0; + i$1 = (i$1 >> $min((1), 31)) >> 0; + } + return [hash, pow]; + }; + $pkg.HashStrBytes = HashStrBytes; + IndexRabinKarpBytes = function(s, sep) { + var _tuple, h, hashsep, i, i$1, n, pow, s, sep, x; + _tuple = HashStrBytes(sep); + hashsep = _tuple[0]; + pow = _tuple[1]; + n = sep.$length; + h = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + h = ($imul(h, 16777619) >>> 0) + ((((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if ((h === hashsep) && Equal($subslice(s, 0, n), sep)) { + return 0; + } + i$1 = n; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.$length)) { break; } + h = $imul(h, (16777619)) >>> 0; + h = h + (((((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i$1]) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + h = h - (($imul(pow, (((x = i$1 - n >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x])) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + if ((h === hashsep) && Equal($subslice(s, (i$1 - n >> 0), i$1), sep)) { + return i$1 - n >> 0; + } + } + return -1; + }; + $pkg.IndexRabinKarpBytes = IndexRabinKarpBytes; + Equal = function(a, b) { + var _i, _ref, a, b, c, i; + if (!((a.$length === b.$length))) { + return false; + } + _ref = a; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!((c === ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i])))) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.Equal = Equal; + IndexByteString = function(s, c) { + var c, i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) === c) { + return i; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return -1; + }; + $pkg.IndexByteString = IndexByteString; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = cpu.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.MaxLen = 0; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/race"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, Acquire, Release, ReleaseMerge, Disable, Enable; + Acquire = function(addr) { + var addr; + }; + $pkg.Acquire = Acquire; + Release = function(addr) { + var addr; + }; + $pkg.Release = Release; + ReleaseMerge = function(addr) { + var addr; + }; + $pkg.ReleaseMerge = ReleaseMerge; + Disable = function() { + }; + $pkg.Disable = Disable; + Enable = function() { + }; + $pkg.Enable = Enable; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["sync/atomic"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, js, Value, ptrType, SwapInt32, SwapInt64, SwapUint32, SwapUint64, CompareAndSwapInt32, CompareAndSwapInt64, CompareAndSwapUint32, CompareAndSwapUint64, CompareAndSwapPointer, AddInt32, AddUint32, AddInt64, AddUint64, LoadInt32, LoadInt64, LoadUint32, LoadUint64, LoadPointer, StoreInt32, StoreInt64, StoreUint32, StoreUint64, StorePointer, sameType; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + Value = $pkg.Value = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "atomic.Value", true, "sync/atomic", true, function(v_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.v = v_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(Value); + SwapInt32 = function(addr, new$1) { + var addr, new$1, old; + old = addr.$get(); + addr.$set(new$1); + return old; + }; + $pkg.SwapInt32 = SwapInt32; + SwapInt64 = function(addr, new$1) { + var addr, new$1, old; + old = addr.$get(); + addr.$set(new$1); + return old; + }; + $pkg.SwapInt64 = SwapInt64; + SwapUint32 = function(addr, new$1) { + var addr, new$1, old; + old = addr.$get(); + addr.$set(new$1); + return old; + }; + $pkg.SwapUint32 = SwapUint32; + SwapUint64 = function(addr, new$1) { + var addr, new$1, old; + old = addr.$get(); + addr.$set(new$1); + return old; + }; + $pkg.SwapUint64 = SwapUint64; + CompareAndSwapInt32 = function(addr, old, new$1) { + var addr, new$1, old; + if (addr.$get() === old) { + addr.$set(new$1); + return true; + } + return false; + }; + $pkg.CompareAndSwapInt32 = CompareAndSwapInt32; + CompareAndSwapInt64 = function(addr, old, new$1) { + var addr, new$1, old, x; + if ((x = addr.$get(), (x.$high === old.$high && x.$low === old.$low))) { + addr.$set(new$1); + return true; + } + return false; + }; + $pkg.CompareAndSwapInt64 = CompareAndSwapInt64; + CompareAndSwapUint32 = function(addr, old, new$1) { + var addr, new$1, old; + if (addr.$get() === old) { + addr.$set(new$1); + return true; + } + return false; + }; + $pkg.CompareAndSwapUint32 = CompareAndSwapUint32; + CompareAndSwapUint64 = function(addr, old, new$1) { + var addr, new$1, old, x; + if ((x = addr.$get(), (x.$high === old.$high && x.$low === old.$low))) { + addr.$set(new$1); + return true; + } + return false; + }; + $pkg.CompareAndSwapUint64 = CompareAndSwapUint64; + CompareAndSwapPointer = function(addr, old, new$1) { + var addr, new$1, old; + if (addr.$get() === old) { + addr.$set(new$1); + return true; + } + return false; + }; + $pkg.CompareAndSwapPointer = CompareAndSwapPointer; + AddInt32 = function(addr, delta) { + var addr, delta, new$1; + new$1 = addr.$get() + delta >> 0; + addr.$set(new$1); + return new$1; + }; + $pkg.AddInt32 = AddInt32; + AddUint32 = function(addr, delta) { + var addr, delta, new$1; + new$1 = addr.$get() + delta >>> 0; + addr.$set(new$1); + return new$1; + }; + $pkg.AddUint32 = AddUint32; + AddInt64 = function(addr, delta) { + var addr, delta, new$1, x; + new$1 = (x = addr.$get(), new $Int64(x.$high + delta.$high, x.$low + delta.$low)); + addr.$set(new$1); + return new$1; + }; + $pkg.AddInt64 = AddInt64; + AddUint64 = function(addr, delta) { + var addr, delta, new$1, x; + new$1 = (x = addr.$get(), new $Uint64(x.$high + delta.$high, x.$low + delta.$low)); + addr.$set(new$1); + return new$1; + }; + $pkg.AddUint64 = AddUint64; + LoadInt32 = function(addr) { + var addr; + return addr.$get(); + }; + $pkg.LoadInt32 = LoadInt32; + LoadInt64 = function(addr) { + var addr; + return addr.$get(); + }; + $pkg.LoadInt64 = LoadInt64; + LoadUint32 = function(addr) { + var addr; + return addr.$get(); + }; + $pkg.LoadUint32 = LoadUint32; + LoadUint64 = function(addr) { + var addr; + return addr.$get(); + }; + $pkg.LoadUint64 = LoadUint64; + LoadPointer = function(addr) { + var addr; + return addr.$get(); + }; + $pkg.LoadPointer = LoadPointer; + StoreInt32 = function(addr, val) { + var addr, val; + addr.$set(val); + }; + $pkg.StoreInt32 = StoreInt32; + StoreInt64 = function(addr, val) { + var addr, val; + addr.$set(val); + }; + $pkg.StoreInt64 = StoreInt64; + StoreUint32 = function(addr, val) { + var addr, val; + addr.$set(val); + }; + $pkg.StoreUint32 = StoreUint32; + StoreUint64 = function(addr, val) { + var addr, val; + addr.$set(val); + }; + $pkg.StoreUint64 = StoreUint64; + StorePointer = function(addr, val) { + var addr, val; + addr.$set(val); + }; + $pkg.StorePointer = StorePointer; + Value.ptr.prototype.Load = function() { + var v, x; + x = $ifaceNil; + v = this; + x = v.v; + return x; + }; + Value.prototype.Load = function() { return this.$val.Load(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Store = function(new$1) { + var new$1, v; + v = this; + v.checkNew("store", new$1); + v.v = new$1; + }; + Value.prototype.Store = function(new$1) { return this.$val.Store(new$1); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Swap = function(new$1) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, new$1, old, v; + old = $ifaceNil; + v = this; + v.checkNew("swap", new$1); + _tmp = v.v; + _tmp$1 = new$1; + old = _tmp; + v.v = _tmp$1; + old = old; + return old; + }; + Value.prototype.Swap = function(new$1) { return this.$val.Swap(new$1); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CompareAndSwap = function(old, new$1) { + var new$1, old, swapped, v; + swapped = false; + v = this; + v.checkNew("compare and swap", new$1); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v.v, $ifaceNil) && $interfaceIsEqual(old, $ifaceNil)) && !sameType(old, new$1)) { + $panic(new $String("sync/atomic: compare and swap of inconsistently typed values into Value")); + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v.v, old))) { + swapped = false; + return swapped; + } + v.v = new$1; + swapped = true; + return swapped; + }; + Value.prototype.CompareAndSwap = function(old, new$1) { return this.$val.CompareAndSwap(old, new$1); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.checkNew = function(op, new$1) { + var new$1, op, v; + v = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(new$1, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("sync/atomic: " + op + " of nil value into Value")); + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v.v, $ifaceNil)) && !sameType(new$1, v.v)) { + $panic(new $String("sync/atomic: " + op + " of inconsistently typed value into Value")); + } + }; + Value.prototype.checkNew = function(op, new$1) { return this.$val.checkNew(op, new$1); }; + sameType = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + return x.constructor === y.constructor; + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Load", name: "Load", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "Store", name: "Store", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "CompareAndSwap", name: "CompareAndSwap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, $emptyInterface], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "checkNew", name: "checkNew", pkg: "sync/atomic", typ: $funcType([$String, $emptyInterface], [], false)}]; + Value.init("sync/atomic", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["sync"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, js, race, atomic, RWMutex, rlocker, notifyList, Once, Mutex, Locker, Map, readOnly, entry, copyChecker, noCopy, WaitGroup, Pool, Cond, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, structType, chanType, sliceType$2, funcType, ptrType$14, ptrType$15, funcType$1, ptrType$16, mapType, ptrType$17, ptrType$18, ptrType$19, chanType$1, sliceType$3, ptrType$20, funcType$2, ptrType$21, expunged, semWaiters, semAwoken, init, runtime_doSpin, newEntry, NewCond, runtime_Semacquire, runtime_SemacquireMutex, runtime_Semrelease, runtime_notifyListCheck, runtime_canSpin, runtime_nanotime, throw$1; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + race = $packages["internal/race"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + RWMutex = $pkg.RWMutex = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.RWMutex", true, "sync", true, function(w_, writerSem_, readerSem_, readerCount_, readerWait_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.w = new Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.writerSem = 0; + this.readerSem = 0; + this.readerCount = 0; + this.readerWait = 0; + return; + } + this.w = w_; + this.writerSem = writerSem_; + this.readerSem = readerSem_; + this.readerCount = readerCount_; + this.readerWait = readerWait_; + }); + rlocker = $pkg.rlocker = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.rlocker", true, "sync", false, function(w_, writerSem_, readerSem_, readerCount_, readerWait_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.w = new Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.writerSem = 0; + this.readerSem = 0; + this.readerCount = 0; + this.readerWait = 0; + return; + } + this.w = w_; + this.writerSem = writerSem_; + this.readerSem = readerSem_; + this.readerCount = readerCount_; + this.readerWait = readerWait_; + }); + notifyList = $pkg.notifyList = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.notifyList", true, "sync", false, function(wait_, notify_, lock_, head_, tail_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.wait = 0; + this.notify = 0; + this.lock = 0; + this.head = 0; + this.tail = 0; + return; + } + this.wait = wait_; + this.notify = notify_; + this.lock = lock_; + this.head = head_; + this.tail = tail_; + }); + Once = $pkg.Once = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.Once", true, "sync", true, function(done_, m_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.done = 0; + this.m = new Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + return; + } + this.done = done_; + this.m = m_; + }); + Mutex = $pkg.Mutex = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.Mutex", true, "sync", true, function(state_, sema_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = 0; + this.sema = 0; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sema = sema_; + }); + Locker = $pkg.Locker = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "sync.Locker", true, "sync", true, null); + Map = $pkg.Map = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.Map", true, "sync", true, function(mu_, read_, dirty_, misses_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mu = new Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.read = new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil); + this.dirty = false; + this.misses = 0; + return; + } + this.mu = mu_; + this.read = read_; + this.dirty = dirty_; + this.misses = misses_; + }); + readOnly = $pkg.readOnly = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.readOnly", true, "sync", false, function(m_, amended_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.m = false; + this.amended = false; + return; + } + this.m = m_; + this.amended = amended_; + }); + entry = $pkg.entry = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.entry", true, "sync", false, function(p_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.p = 0; + return; + } + this.p = p_; + }); + copyChecker = $pkg.copyChecker = $newType(4, $kindUintptr, "sync.copyChecker", true, "sync", false, null); + noCopy = $pkg.noCopy = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.noCopy", true, "sync", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + WaitGroup = $pkg.WaitGroup = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.WaitGroup", true, "sync", true, function(counter_, ch_, state1_, state2_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.counter = 0; + this.ch = $chanNil; + this.state1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.state2 = 0; + return; + } + this.counter = counter_; + this.ch = ch_; + this.state1 = state1_; + this.state2 = state2_; + }); + Pool = $pkg.Pool = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.Pool", true, "sync", true, function(store_, New_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.store = sliceType$3.nil; + this.New = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.store = store_; + this.New = New_; + }); + Cond = $pkg.Cond = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.Cond", true, "sync", true, function(noCopy_, L_, notify_, checker_, n_, ch_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.noCopy = new noCopy.ptr(); + this.L = $ifaceNil; + this.notify = new notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.checker = 0; + this.n = 0; + this.ch = $chanNil; + return; + } + this.noCopy = noCopy_; + this.L = L_; + this.notify = notify_; + this.checker = checker_; + this.n = n_; + this.ch = ch_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType($Uint64); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType($Uint32); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType($Int32); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(rlocker); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(RWMutex); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType($UnsafePointer); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(entry); + structType = $structType("", []); + chanType = $chanType($Bool, false, false); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(chanType); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType(Once); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(Mutex); + funcType$1 = $funcType([$emptyInterface, $emptyInterface], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType(Map); + mapType = $mapType($emptyInterface, ptrType$10); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType(copyChecker); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(noCopy); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType(WaitGroup); + chanType$1 = $chanType(structType, false, false); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(Pool); + funcType$2 = $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false); + ptrType$21 = $ptrType(Cond); + WaitGroup.ptr.prototype.Done = function() { + var wg; + wg = this; + wg.Add(-1); + }; + WaitGroup.prototype.Done = function() { return this.$val.Done(); }; + RWMutex.ptr.prototype.RLock = function() { + var {rw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rw = this; + if (false) { + $unused(rw.w.state); + race.Disable(); + } + /* */ if (atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), 1) < 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), 1) < 0) { */ case 1: + $r = runtime_SemacquireMutex((rw.$ptr_readerSem || (rw.$ptr_readerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.readerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerSem = $v; }, rw))), false, 0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + if (false) { + race.Enable(); + race.Acquire(((rw.$ptr_readerSem || (rw.$ptr_readerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.readerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerSem = $v; }, rw))))); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RWMutex.ptr.prototype.RLock, $c: true, $r, rw, $s};return $f; + }; + RWMutex.prototype.RLock = function() { return this.$val.RLock(); }; + RWMutex.ptr.prototype.TryRLock = function() { + var c, rw; + rw = this; + if (false) { + $unused(rw.w.state); + race.Disable(); + } + while (true) { + c = atomic.LoadInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw)))); + if (c < 0) { + if (false) { + race.Enable(); + } + return false; + } + if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), c, c + 1 >> 0)) { + if (false) { + race.Enable(); + race.Acquire(((rw.$ptr_readerSem || (rw.$ptr_readerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.readerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerSem = $v; }, rw))))); + } + return true; + } + } + }; + RWMutex.prototype.TryRLock = function() { return this.$val.TryRLock(); }; + RWMutex.ptr.prototype.RUnlock = function() { + var {r, rw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rw = this; + if (false) { + $unused(rw.w.state); + race.ReleaseMerge(((rw.$ptr_writerSem || (rw.$ptr_writerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.writerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.writerSem = $v; }, rw))))); + race.Disable(); + } + r = atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), -1); + /* */ if (r < 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r < 0) { */ case 1: + $r = rw.rUnlockSlow(r); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + if (false) { + race.Enable(); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RWMutex.ptr.prototype.RUnlock, $c: true, $r, r, rw, $s};return $f; + }; + RWMutex.prototype.RUnlock = function() { return this.$val.RUnlock(); }; + RWMutex.ptr.prototype.rUnlockSlow = function(r) { + var {r, rw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rw = this; + if (((r + 1 >> 0) === 0) || ((r + 1 >> 0) === -1073741824)) { + race.Enable(); + throw$1("sync: RUnlock of unlocked RWMutex"); + } + /* */ if (atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerWait || (rw.$ptr_readerWait = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerWait; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerWait = $v; }, rw))), -1) === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerWait || (rw.$ptr_readerWait = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerWait; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerWait = $v; }, rw))), -1) === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = runtime_Semrelease((rw.$ptr_writerSem || (rw.$ptr_writerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.writerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.writerSem = $v; }, rw))), false, 1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RWMutex.ptr.prototype.rUnlockSlow, $c: true, $r, r, rw, $s};return $f; + }; + RWMutex.prototype.rUnlockSlow = function(r) { return this.$val.rUnlockSlow(r); }; + RWMutex.ptr.prototype.Lock = function() { + var {r, rw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rw = this; + if (false) { + $unused(rw.w.state); + race.Disable(); + } + $r = rw.w.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), -1073741824) + 1073741824 >> 0; + /* */ if (!((r === 0)) && !((atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerWait || (rw.$ptr_readerWait = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerWait; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerWait = $v; }, rw))), r) === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((r === 0)) && !((atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerWait || (rw.$ptr_readerWait = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerWait; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerWait = $v; }, rw))), r) === 0))) { */ case 2: + $r = runtime_SemacquireMutex((rw.$ptr_writerSem || (rw.$ptr_writerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.writerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.writerSem = $v; }, rw))), false, 0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + if (false) { + race.Enable(); + race.Acquire(((rw.$ptr_readerSem || (rw.$ptr_readerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.readerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerSem = $v; }, rw))))); + race.Acquire(((rw.$ptr_writerSem || (rw.$ptr_writerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.writerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.writerSem = $v; }, rw))))); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RWMutex.ptr.prototype.Lock, $c: true, $r, r, rw, $s};return $f; + }; + RWMutex.prototype.Lock = function() { return this.$val.Lock(); }; + RWMutex.ptr.prototype.TryLock = function() { + var {rw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rw = this; + if (false) { + $unused(rw.w.state); + race.Disable(); + } + if (!rw.w.TryLock()) { + if (false) { + race.Enable(); + } + $s = -1; return false; + } + /* */ if (!atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), 0, -1073741824)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), 0, -1073741824)) { */ case 1: + $r = rw.w.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (false) { + race.Enable(); + } + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 2: + if (false) { + race.Enable(); + race.Acquire(((rw.$ptr_readerSem || (rw.$ptr_readerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.readerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerSem = $v; }, rw))))); + race.Acquire(((rw.$ptr_writerSem || (rw.$ptr_writerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.writerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.writerSem = $v; }, rw))))); + } + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RWMutex.ptr.prototype.TryLock, $c: true, $r, rw, $s};return $f; + }; + RWMutex.prototype.TryLock = function() { return this.$val.TryLock(); }; + RWMutex.ptr.prototype.Unlock = function() { + var {i, r, rw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rw = this; + if (false) { + $unused(rw.w.state); + race.Release(((rw.$ptr_readerSem || (rw.$ptr_readerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.readerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerSem = $v; }, rw))))); + race.Disable(); + } + r = atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), 1073741824); + if (r >= 1073741824) { + race.Enable(); + throw$1("sync: Unlock of unlocked RWMutex"); + } + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < ((r >> 0)))) { break; } */ if(!(i < ((r >> 0)))) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = runtime_Semrelease((rw.$ptr_readerSem || (rw.$ptr_readerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.readerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerSem = $v; }, rw))), false, 0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $r = rw.w.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (false) { + race.Enable(); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RWMutex.ptr.prototype.Unlock, $c: true, $r, i, r, rw, $s};return $f; + }; + RWMutex.prototype.Unlock = function() { return this.$val.Unlock(); }; + RWMutex.ptr.prototype.RLocker = function() { + var rw; + rw = this; + return ($pointerOfStructConversion(rw, ptrType$3)); + }; + RWMutex.prototype.RLocker = function() { return this.$val.RLocker(); }; + rlocker.ptr.prototype.Lock = function() { + var {r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + $r = ($pointerOfStructConversion(r, ptrType$4)).RLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rlocker.ptr.prototype.Lock, $c: true, $r, r, $s};return $f; + }; + rlocker.prototype.Lock = function() { return this.$val.Lock(); }; + rlocker.ptr.prototype.Unlock = function() { + var {r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + $r = ($pointerOfStructConversion(r, ptrType$4)).RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rlocker.ptr.prototype.Unlock, $c: true, $r, r, $s};return $f; + }; + rlocker.prototype.Unlock = function() { return this.$val.Unlock(); }; + init = function() { + var n; + n = new notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + runtime_notifyListCheck(20); + }; + runtime_doSpin = function() { + $throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: sync.runtime_doSpin"); + }; + Once.ptr.prototype.Do = function(f) { + var {f, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + /* */ if (atomic.LoadUint32((o.$ptr_done || (o.$ptr_done = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.done; }, function($v) { this.$target.done = $v; }, o)))) === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (atomic.LoadUint32((o.$ptr_done || (o.$ptr_done = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.done; }, function($v) { this.$target.done = $v; }, o)))) === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = o.doSlow(f); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Once.ptr.prototype.Do, $c: true, $r, f, o, $s};return $f; + }; + Once.prototype.Do = function(f) { return this.$val.Do(f); }; + Once.ptr.prototype.doSlow = function(f) { + var {f, o, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + o = this; + $r = o.m.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(o.m, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (o.done === 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (o.done === 0) { */ case 2: + $deferred.push([atomic.StoreUint32, [(o.$ptr_done || (o.$ptr_done = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.done; }, function($v) { this.$target.done = $v; }, o))), 1]]); + $r = f(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Once.ptr.prototype.doSlow, $c: true, $r, f, o, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Once.prototype.doSlow = function(f) { return this.$val.doSlow(f); }; + Mutex.ptr.prototype.Lock = function() { + var {m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), 0, 1)) { + if (false) { + race.Acquire((m)); + } + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = m.lockSlow(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Mutex.ptr.prototype.Lock, $c: true, $r, m, $s};return $f; + }; + Mutex.prototype.Lock = function() { return this.$val.Lock(); }; + Mutex.ptr.prototype.TryLock = function() { + var m, old; + m = this; + old = m.state; + if (!(((old & 5) === 0))) { + return false; + } + if (!atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, old | 1)) { + return false; + } + if (false) { + race.Acquire((m)); + } + return true; + }; + Mutex.prototype.TryLock = function() { return this.$val.TryLock(); }; + Mutex.ptr.prototype.lockSlow = function() { + var {awoke, delta, iter, m, new$1, old, queueLifo, starving, waitStartTime, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + waitStartTime = new $Int64(0, 0); + starving = false; + awoke = false; + iter = 0; + old = m.state; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (((old & 5) === 1) && runtime_canSpin(iter)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (((old & 5) === 1) && runtime_canSpin(iter)) { */ case 3: + if (!awoke && ((old & 2) === 0) && !(((old >> 3 >> 0) === 0)) && atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, old | 2)) { + awoke = true; + } + $r = runtime_doSpin(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + iter = iter + (1) >> 0; + old = m.state; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + new$1 = old; + if ((old & 4) === 0) { + new$1 = new$1 | (1); + } + if (!(((old & 5) === 0))) { + new$1 = new$1 + (8) >> 0; + } + if (starving && !(((old & 1) === 0))) { + new$1 = new$1 | (4); + } + if (awoke) { + if ((new$1 & 2) === 0) { + throw$1("sync: inconsistent mutex state"); + } + new$1 = (new$1 & ~(2)) >> 0; + } + /* */ if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, new$1)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, new$1)) { */ case 6: + if ((old & 5) === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + queueLifo = !((waitStartTime.$high === 0 && waitStartTime.$low === 0)); + if ((waitStartTime.$high === 0 && waitStartTime.$low === 0)) { + waitStartTime = runtime_nanotime(); + } + $r = runtime_SemacquireMutex((m.$ptr_sema || (m.$ptr_sema = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.sema; }, function($v) { this.$target.sema = $v; }, m))), queueLifo, 1); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + starving = starving || (x = (x$1 = runtime_nanotime(), new $Int64(x$1.$high - waitStartTime.$high, x$1.$low - waitStartTime.$low)), (x.$high > 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low > 1000000))); + old = m.state; + if (!(((old & 4) === 0))) { + if (!(((old & 3) === 0)) || ((old >> 3 >> 0) === 0)) { + throw$1("sync: inconsistent mutex state"); + } + delta = -7; + if (!starving || ((old >> 3 >> 0) === 1)) { + delta = delta - (4) >> 0; + } + atomic.AddInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), delta); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + awoke = true; + iter = 0; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + old = m.state; + /* } */ case 8: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (false) { + race.Acquire((m)); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Mutex.ptr.prototype.lockSlow, $c: true, $r, awoke, delta, iter, m, new$1, old, queueLifo, starving, waitStartTime, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Mutex.prototype.lockSlow = function() { return this.$val.lockSlow(); }; + Mutex.ptr.prototype.Unlock = function() { + var {m, new$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + if (false) { + $unused(m.state); + race.Release((m)); + } + new$1 = atomic.AddInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), -1); + /* */ if (!((new$1 === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((new$1 === 0))) { */ case 1: + $r = m.unlockSlow(new$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Mutex.ptr.prototype.Unlock, $c: true, $r, m, new$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Mutex.prototype.Unlock = function() { return this.$val.Unlock(); }; + Mutex.ptr.prototype.unlockSlow = function(new$1) { + var {m, new$1, old, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {new$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + if ((((new$1 + 1 >> 0)) & 1) === 0) { + throw$1("sync: unlock of unlocked mutex"); + } + /* */ if ((new$1 & 4) === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((new$1 & 4) === 0) { */ case 1: + old = new$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + if (((old >> 3 >> 0) === 0) || !(((old & 7) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + new$1 = ((old - 8 >> 0)) | 2; + /* */ if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, new$1)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, new$1)) { */ case 6: + $r = runtime_Semrelease((m.$ptr_sema || (m.$ptr_sema = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.sema; }, function($v) { this.$target.sema = $v; }, m))), false, 1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 7: + old = m.state; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + $r = runtime_Semrelease((m.$ptr_sema || (m.$ptr_sema = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.sema; }, function($v) { this.$target.sema = $v; }, m))), true, 1); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Mutex.ptr.prototype.unlockSlow, $c: true, $r, m, new$1, old, $s};return $f; + }; + Mutex.prototype.unlockSlow = function(new$1) { return this.$val.unlockSlow(new$1); }; + newEntry = function(i) { + var i, i$24ptr; + return new entry.ptr(((i$24ptr || (i$24ptr = new ptrType$9(function() { return i; }, function($v) { i = $v; }))))); + }; + Map.ptr.prototype.Load = function(key) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, e, key, m, ok, read, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + value = $ifaceNil; + ok = false; + m = this; + _tuple = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + read = $clone(_tuple[0], readOnly); + _tuple$1 = (_entry = read.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok && read.amended) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok && read.amended) { */ case 1: + $r = m.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + readOnly.copy(read, _tuple$2[0]); + _tuple$3 = (_entry$1 = read.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e = _tuple$3[0]; + ok = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!ok && read.amended) { + _tuple$4 = (_entry$2 = m.dirty[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? [_entry$2.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e = _tuple$4[0]; + ok = _tuple$4[1]; + m.missLocked(); + } + $r = m.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + if (!ok) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = false; + value = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [value, ok]; + } + _tuple$5 = e.load(); + value = _tuple$5[0]; + ok = _tuple$5[1]; + $s = -1; return [value, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Map.ptr.prototype.Load, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, e, key, m, ok, read, value, $s};return $f; + }; + Map.prototype.Load = function(key) { return this.$val.Load(key); }; + entry.ptr.prototype.load = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, e, ok, p, value; + value = $ifaceNil; + ok = false; + e = this; + p = atomic.LoadPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e)))); + if (p === 0 || p === expunged) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = false; + value = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [value, ok]; + } + _tmp$2 = (p).$get(); + _tmp$3 = true; + value = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [value, ok]; + }; + entry.prototype.load = function() { return this.$val.load(); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.Store = function(key, value) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _key, _key$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, e, e$1, e$2, key, m, ok, ok$1, ok$2, read, value, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + value = [value]; + m = this; + _tuple = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + read = $clone(_tuple[0], readOnly); + _tuple$1 = (_entry = read.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok && e.tryStore((value.$ptr || (value.$ptr = new ptrType$9(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, value))))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = m.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + readOnly.copy(read, _tuple$2[0]); + _tuple$3 = (_entry$1 = read.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (ok$1) { + if (e$1.unexpungeLocked()) { + _key = key; (m.dirty || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: e$1 }; + } + e$1.storeLocked((value.$ptr || (value.$ptr = new ptrType$9(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, value)))); + } else { + _tuple$4 = (_entry$2 = m.dirty[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? [_entry$2.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e$2 = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (ok$2) { + e$2.storeLocked((value.$ptr || (value.$ptr = new ptrType$9(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, value)))); + } else { + if (!read.amended) { + m.dirtyLocked(); + m.read.Store((x = new readOnly.ptr(read.m, true), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + } + _key$1 = key; (m.dirty || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: newEntry(value[0]) }; + } + } + $r = m.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Map.ptr.prototype.Store, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _key, _key$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, e, e$1, e$2, key, m, ok, ok$1, ok$2, read, value, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Map.prototype.Store = function(key, value) { return this.$val.Store(key, value); }; + entry.ptr.prototype.tryStore = function(i) { + var e, i, p; + e = this; + while (true) { + p = atomic.LoadPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e)))); + if (p === expunged) { + return false; + } + if (atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e))), p, (i))) { + return true; + } + } + }; + entry.prototype.tryStore = function(i) { return this.$val.tryStore(i); }; + entry.ptr.prototype.unexpungeLocked = function() { + var e, wasExpunged; + wasExpunged = false; + e = this; + wasExpunged = atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e))), expunged, 0); + return wasExpunged; + }; + entry.prototype.unexpungeLocked = function() { return this.$val.unexpungeLocked(); }; + entry.ptr.prototype.storeLocked = function(i) { + var e, i; + e = this; + atomic.StorePointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e))), (i)); + }; + entry.prototype.storeLocked = function(i) { return this.$val.storeLocked(i); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.LoadOrStore = function(key, value) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _key, _key$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, actual, actual$1, e, e$1, e$2, key, loaded, loaded$1, m, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, read, value, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + actual = $ifaceNil; + loaded = false; + m = this; + _tuple = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + read = $clone(_tuple[0], readOnly); + _tuple$1 = (_entry = read.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + _tuple$2 = e.tryLoadOrStore(value); + actual$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + loaded$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[2]; + if (ok$1) { + _tmp = actual$1; + _tmp$1 = loaded$1; + actual = _tmp; + loaded = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [actual, loaded]; + } + } + $r = m.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + readOnly.copy(read, _tuple$3[0]); + _tuple$4 = (_entry$1 = read.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (ok$2) { + if (e$1.unexpungeLocked()) { + _key = key; (m.dirty || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: e$1 }; + } + _tuple$5 = e$1.tryLoadOrStore(value); + actual = _tuple$5[0]; + loaded = _tuple$5[1]; + } else { + _tuple$6 = (_entry$2 = m.dirty[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? [_entry$2.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e$2 = _tuple$6[0]; + ok$3 = _tuple$6[1]; + if (ok$3) { + _tuple$7 = e$2.tryLoadOrStore(value); + actual = _tuple$7[0]; + loaded = _tuple$7[1]; + m.missLocked(); + } else { + if (!read.amended) { + m.dirtyLocked(); + m.read.Store((x = new readOnly.ptr(read.m, true), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + } + _key$1 = key; (m.dirty || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: newEntry(value) }; + _tmp$2 = value; + _tmp$3 = false; + actual = _tmp$2; + loaded = _tmp$3; + } + } + $r = m.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$4 = actual; + _tmp$5 = loaded; + actual = _tmp$4; + loaded = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [actual, loaded]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Map.ptr.prototype.LoadOrStore, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _key, _key$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, actual, actual$1, e, e$1, e$2, key, loaded, loaded$1, m, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, read, value, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Map.prototype.LoadOrStore = function(key, value) { return this.$val.LoadOrStore(key, value); }; + entry.ptr.prototype.tryLoadOrStore = function(i) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, actual, e, i, ic, ic$24ptr, loaded, ok, p; + actual = $ifaceNil; + loaded = false; + ok = false; + e = this; + p = atomic.LoadPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e)))); + if (p === expunged) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = false; + _tmp$2 = false; + actual = _tmp; + loaded = _tmp$1; + ok = _tmp$2; + return [actual, loaded, ok]; + } + if (!(p === 0)) { + _tmp$3 = (p).$get(); + _tmp$4 = true; + _tmp$5 = true; + actual = _tmp$3; + loaded = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [actual, loaded, ok]; + } + ic = i; + while (true) { + if (atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e))), 0, ((ic$24ptr || (ic$24ptr = new ptrType$9(function() { return ic; }, function($v) { ic = $v; })))))) { + _tmp$6 = i; + _tmp$7 = false; + _tmp$8 = true; + actual = _tmp$6; + loaded = _tmp$7; + ok = _tmp$8; + return [actual, loaded, ok]; + } + p = atomic.LoadPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e)))); + if (p === expunged) { + _tmp$9 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$10 = false; + _tmp$11 = false; + actual = _tmp$9; + loaded = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [actual, loaded, ok]; + } + if (!(p === 0)) { + _tmp$12 = (p).$get(); + _tmp$13 = true; + _tmp$14 = true; + actual = _tmp$12; + loaded = _tmp$13; + ok = _tmp$14; + return [actual, loaded, ok]; + } + } + }; + entry.prototype.tryLoadOrStore = function(i) { return this.$val.tryLoadOrStore(i); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.LoadAndDelete = function(key) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, e, key, loaded, m, ok, read, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + value = $ifaceNil; + loaded = false; + m = this; + _tuple = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + read = $clone(_tuple[0], readOnly); + _tuple$1 = (_entry = read.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok && read.amended) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok && read.amended) { */ case 1: + $r = m.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + readOnly.copy(read, _tuple$2[0]); + _tuple$3 = (_entry$1 = read.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e = _tuple$3[0]; + ok = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!ok && read.amended) { + _tuple$4 = (_entry$2 = m.dirty[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? [_entry$2.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + e = _tuple$4[0]; + ok = _tuple$4[1]; + delete m.dirty[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)]; + m.missLocked(); + } + $r = m.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + if (ok) { + _tuple$5 = e.delete$(); + value = _tuple$5[0]; + loaded = _tuple$5[1]; + $s = -1; return [value, loaded]; + } + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = false; + value = _tmp; + loaded = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [value, loaded]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Map.ptr.prototype.LoadAndDelete, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, e, key, loaded, m, ok, read, value, $s};return $f; + }; + Map.prototype.LoadAndDelete = function(key) { return this.$val.LoadAndDelete(key); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.Delete = function(key) { + var {_r, key, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r = m.LoadAndDelete(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Map.ptr.prototype.Delete, $c: true, $r, _r, key, m, $s};return $f; + }; + Map.prototype.Delete = function(key) { return this.$val.Delete(key); }; + entry.ptr.prototype.delete$ = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, e, ok, p, value; + value = $ifaceNil; + ok = false; + e = this; + while (true) { + p = atomic.LoadPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e)))); + if (p === 0 || p === expunged) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = false; + value = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [value, ok]; + } + if (atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e))), p, 0)) { + _tmp$2 = (p).$get(); + _tmp$3 = true; + value = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [value, ok]; + } + } + }; + entry.prototype.delete$ = function() { return this.$val.delete$(); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.Range = function(f) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, e, f, k, m, ok, read, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _tuple = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + read = $clone(_tuple[0], readOnly); + /* */ if (read.amended) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (read.amended) { */ case 1: + $r = m.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + readOnly.copy(read, _tuple$1[0]); + if (read.amended) { + readOnly.copy(read, new readOnly.ptr(m.dirty, false)); + m.read.Store(new read.constructor.elem(read)); + m.dirty = false; + m.misses = 0; + } + $r = m.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _ref = read.m; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 6; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + e = _entry.v; + _tuple$2 = e.load(); + v = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!ok) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + _r = f(k, v); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 7: + /* break; */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 8: + _i++; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Map.ptr.prototype.Range, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, e, f, k, m, ok, read, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Map.prototype.Range = function(f) { return this.$val.Range(f); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.missLocked = function() { + var m, x; + m = this; + m.misses = m.misses + (1) >> 0; + if (m.misses < $keys(m.dirty).length) { + return; + } + m.read.Store((x = new readOnly.ptr(m.dirty, false), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + m.dirty = false; + m.misses = 0; + }; + Map.prototype.missLocked = function() { return this.$val.missLocked(); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.dirtyLocked = function() { + var _entry, _i, _key, _keys, _ref, _tuple, e, k, m, read, x; + m = this; + if (!(m.dirty === false)) { + return; + } + _tuple = $assertType(m.read.Load(), readOnly, true); + read = $clone(_tuple[0], readOnly); + m.dirty = (x = $keys(read.m).length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = read.m; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + e = _entry.v; + if (!e.tryExpungeLocked()) { + _key = k; (m.dirty || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: e }; + } + _i++; + } + }; + Map.prototype.dirtyLocked = function() { return this.$val.dirtyLocked(); }; + entry.ptr.prototype.tryExpungeLocked = function() { + var e, isExpunged, p; + isExpunged = false; + e = this; + p = atomic.LoadPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e)))); + while (true) { + if (!(p === 0)) { break; } + if (atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e))), 0, expunged)) { + isExpunged = true; + return isExpunged; + } + p = atomic.LoadPointer((e.$ptr_p || (e.$ptr_p = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.p; }, function($v) { this.$target.p = $v; }, e)))); + } + isExpunged = p === expunged; + return isExpunged; + }; + entry.prototype.tryExpungeLocked = function() { return this.$val.tryExpungeLocked(); }; + NewCond = function(l) { + var l; + return new Cond.ptr(new noCopy.ptr(), l, new notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, $chanNil); + }; + $pkg.NewCond = NewCond; + noCopy.ptr.prototype.Lock = function() { + }; + noCopy.prototype.Lock = function() { return this.$val.Lock(); }; + noCopy.ptr.prototype.Unlock = function() { + }; + noCopy.prototype.Unlock = function() { return this.$val.Unlock(); }; + WaitGroup.ptr.prototype.Add = function(delta) { + var delta, wg; + wg = this; + wg.counter = wg.counter + (delta) >> 0; + if (wg.counter < 0) { + $panic(new $String("sync: negative WaitGroup counter")); + } + if (wg.counter > 0 && wg.ch === $chanNil) { + wg.ch = new $Chan(structType, 0); + } + if ((wg.counter === 0) && !(wg.ch === $chanNil)) { + $close(wg.ch); + wg.ch = $chanNil; + } + }; + WaitGroup.prototype.Add = function(delta) { return this.$val.Add(delta); }; + WaitGroup.ptr.prototype.Wait = function() { + var {_r, wg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + wg = this; + /* */ if (wg.counter > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (wg.counter > 0) { */ case 1: + _r = $recv(wg.ch); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r[0]; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WaitGroup.ptr.prototype.Wait, $c: true, $r, _r, wg, $s};return $f; + }; + WaitGroup.prototype.Wait = function() { return this.$val.Wait(); }; + runtime_Semacquire = function(s) { + var {s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = runtime_SemacquireMutex(s, false, 1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: runtime_Semacquire, $c: true, $r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $linknames["sync.runtime_Semacquire"] = runtime_Semacquire; + runtime_SemacquireMutex = function(s, lifo, skipframes) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _r, ch, lifo, s, skipframes, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, lifo, skipframes}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (((s.$get() - (_entry = semAwoken[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0) >>> 0)) === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (((s.$get() - (_entry = semAwoken[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0) >>> 0)) === 0) { */ case 1: + ch = new $Chan($Bool, 0); + if (lifo) { + _key = s; (semWaiters || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$1.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $appendSlice(new sliceType$2([ch]), (_entry$1 = semWaiters[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil)) }; + } else { + _key$1 = s; (semWaiters || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$1.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $append((_entry$2 = semWaiters[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : sliceType$2.nil), ch) }; + } + _r = $recv(ch); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r[0]; + _key$2 = s; (semAwoken || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$1.keyFor(_key$2)] = { k: _key$2, v: (_entry$3 = semAwoken[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : 0) - (1) >>> 0 }; + if ((_entry$4 = semAwoken[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)], _entry$4 !== undefined ? _entry$4.v : 0) === 0) { + delete semAwoken[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)]; + } + /* } */ case 2: + s.$set(s.$get() - (1) >>> 0); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: runtime_SemacquireMutex, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _r, ch, lifo, s, skipframes, $s};return $f; + }; + runtime_Semrelease = function(s, handoff, skipframes) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, ch, handoff, s, skipframes, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, handoff, skipframes}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s.$set(s.$get() + (1) >>> 0); + w = (_entry = semWaiters[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (w.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + ch = (0 >= w.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w.$array[w.$offset + 0]); + w = $subslice(w, 1); + _key = s; (semWaiters || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$1.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: w }; + if (w.$length === 0) { + delete semWaiters[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)]; + } + _key$1 = s; (semAwoken || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$1.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: (_entry$1 = semAwoken[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : 0) + (1) >>> 0 }; + $r = $send(ch, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: runtime_Semrelease, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, ch, handoff, s, skipframes, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $linknames["sync.runtime_Semrelease"] = runtime_Semrelease; + runtime_notifyListCheck = function(size) { + var size; + }; + runtime_canSpin = function(i) { + var i; + return false; + }; + runtime_nanotime = function() { + return $mul64($internalize(new ($global.Date)().getTime(), $Int64), new $Int64(0, 1000000)); + }; + throw$1 = function(s) { + var s; + $throwRuntimeError($externalize(s, $String)); + }; + Pool.ptr.prototype.Get = function() { + var {$24r, _r, p, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + /* */ if (p.store.$length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p.store.$length === 0) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (!(p.New === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(p.New === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 3: + _r = p.New(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + x$2 = (x = p.store, x$1 = p.store.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); + p.store = $subslice(p.store, 0, (p.store.$length - 1 >> 0)); + $s = -1; return x$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Pool.ptr.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, p, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Pool.prototype.Get = function() { return this.$val.Get(); }; + Pool.ptr.prototype.Put = function(x) { + var p, x; + p = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(x, $ifaceNil)) { + return; + } + p.store = $append(p.store, x); + }; + Pool.prototype.Put = function(x) { return this.$val.Put(x); }; + Cond.ptr.prototype.Wait = function() { + var {_r, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + c.n = c.n + (1) >> 0; + if (c.ch === $chanNil) { + c.ch = new $Chan($Bool, 0); + } + $r = c.L.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = $recv(c.ch); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r[0]; + $r = c.L.Lock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Cond.ptr.prototype.Wait, $c: true, $r, _r, c, $s};return $f; + }; + Cond.prototype.Wait = function() { return this.$val.Wait(); }; + Cond.ptr.prototype.Signal = function() { + var {c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (c.n === 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + c.n = c.n - (1) >> 0; + $r = $send(c.ch, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Cond.ptr.prototype.Signal, $c: true, $r, c, $s};return $f; + }; + Cond.prototype.Signal = function() { return this.$val.Signal(); }; + Cond.ptr.prototype.Broadcast = function() { + var {c, i, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + n = c.n; + c.n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = $send(c.ch, true); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Cond.ptr.prototype.Broadcast, $c: true, $r, c, i, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Cond.prototype.Broadcast = function() { return this.$val.Broadcast(); }; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "RLock", name: "RLock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "TryRLock", name: "TryRLock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "RUnlock", name: "RUnlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "rUnlockSlow", name: "rUnlockSlow", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "TryLock", name: "TryLock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "RLocker", name: "RLocker", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Locker], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$14.methods = [{prop: "Do", name: "Do", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType], [], false)}, {prop: "doSlow", name: "doSlow", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([funcType], [], false)}]; + ptrType$15.methods = [{prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "TryLock", name: "TryLock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "lockSlow", name: "lockSlow", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "unlockSlow", name: "unlockSlow", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}]; + ptrType$16.methods = [{prop: "Load", name: "Load", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Store", name: "Store", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, $emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "LoadOrStore", name: "LoadOrStore", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, $emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "LoadAndDelete", name: "LoadAndDelete", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Delete", name: "Delete", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "Range", name: "Range", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "missLocked", name: "missLocked", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "dirtyLocked", name: "dirtyLocked", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "load", name: "load", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "tryStore", name: "tryStore", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "unexpungeLocked", name: "unexpungeLocked", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "storeLocked", name: "storeLocked", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9], [], false)}, {prop: "tryLoadOrStore", name: "tryLoadOrStore", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface, $Bool, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "delete$", name: "delete", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "tryExpungeLocked", name: "tryExpungeLocked", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$17.methods = [{prop: "check", name: "check", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$18.methods = [{prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$19.methods = [{prop: "state", name: "state", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Done", name: "Done", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Wait", name: "Wait", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "Put", name: "Put", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [], false)}]; + ptrType$21.methods = [{prop: "Wait", name: "Wait", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Signal", name: "Signal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Broadcast", name: "Broadcast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + RWMutex.init("sync", [{prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "writerSem", name: "writerSem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerSem", name: "readerSem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerCount", name: "readerCount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerWait", name: "readerWait", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}]); + rlocker.init("sync", [{prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "writerSem", name: "writerSem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerSem", name: "readerSem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerCount", name: "readerCount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerWait", name: "readerWait", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}]); + notifyList.init("sync", [{prop: "wait", name: "wait", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "notify", name: "notify", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "lock", name: "lock", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "head", name: "head", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "tail", name: "tail", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}]); + Once.init("sync", [{prop: "done", name: "done", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Mutex, tag: ""}]); + Mutex.init("sync", [{prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "sema", name: "sema", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + Locker.init([{prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]); + Map.init("sync", [{prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "read", name: "read", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomic.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "dirty", name: "dirty", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "misses", name: "misses", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + readOnly.init("sync", [{prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "amended", name: "amended", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + entry.init("sync", [{prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}]); + noCopy.init("", []); + WaitGroup.init("sync", [{prop: "counter", name: "counter", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ch", name: "ch", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "state1", name: "state1", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "state2", name: "state2", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + Pool.init("sync", [{prop: "store", name: "store", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "New", name: "New", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}]); + Cond.init("sync", [{prop: "noCopy", name: "noCopy", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: noCopy, tag: ""}, {prop: "L", name: "L", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Locker, tag: ""}, {prop: "notify", name: "notify", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: notifyList, tag: ""}, {prop: "checker", name: "checker", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: copyChecker, tag: ""}, {prop: "n", name: "n", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ch", name: "ch", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = race.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + expunged = (new Uint8Array(8)); + semWaiters = {}; + semAwoken = {}; + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["io"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, sync, eofReader, multiReader, Reader, Writer, Closer, ReadWriter, ReadCloser, WriteCloser, ReadWriteCloser, ReaderFrom, WriterTo, ReaderAt, ByteReader, ByteScanner, ByteWriter, RuneScanner, StringWriter, LimitedReader, SectionReader, discard, nopCloser, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, sliceType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$8, errInvalidWrite, errWhence, errOffset, blackHolePool, x, MultiReader, WriteString, ReadAtLeast, ReadFull, CopyN, Copy, CopyBuffer, copyBuffer, LimitReader, NewSectionReader, NopCloser, ReadAll; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + eofReader = $pkg.eofReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "io.eofReader", true, "io", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + multiReader = $pkg.multiReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "io.multiReader", true, "io", false, function(readers_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.readers = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.readers = readers_; + }); + Reader = $pkg.Reader = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.Reader", true, "io", true, null); + Writer = $pkg.Writer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.Writer", true, "io", true, null); + Closer = $pkg.Closer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.Closer", true, "io", true, null); + ReadWriter = $pkg.ReadWriter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.ReadWriter", true, "io", true, null); + ReadCloser = $pkg.ReadCloser = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.ReadCloser", true, "io", true, null); + WriteCloser = $pkg.WriteCloser = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.WriteCloser", true, "io", true, null); + ReadWriteCloser = $pkg.ReadWriteCloser = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.ReadWriteCloser", true, "io", true, null); + ReaderFrom = $pkg.ReaderFrom = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.ReaderFrom", true, "io", true, null); + WriterTo = $pkg.WriterTo = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.WriterTo", true, "io", true, null); + ReaderAt = $pkg.ReaderAt = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.ReaderAt", true, "io", true, null); + ByteReader = $pkg.ByteReader = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.ByteReader", true, "io", true, null); + ByteScanner = $pkg.ByteScanner = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.ByteScanner", true, "io", true, null); + ByteWriter = $pkg.ByteWriter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.ByteWriter", true, "io", true, null); + RuneScanner = $pkg.RuneScanner = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.RuneScanner", true, "io", true, null); + StringWriter = $pkg.StringWriter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.StringWriter", true, "io", true, null); + LimitedReader = $pkg.LimitedReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "io.LimitedReader", true, "io", true, function(R_, N_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.R = $ifaceNil; + this.N = new $Int64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.R = R_; + this.N = N_; + }); + SectionReader = $pkg.SectionReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "io.SectionReader", true, "io", true, function(r_, base_, off_, limit_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.base = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.off = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.limit = new $Int64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.r = r_; + this.base = base_; + this.off = off_; + this.limit = limit_; + }); + discard = $pkg.discard = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "io.discard", true, "io", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + nopCloser = $pkg.nopCloser = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "io.nopCloser", true, "io", false, function(Reader_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Reader = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Reader = Reader_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(sliceType$1); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(multiReader); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(Reader); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(LimitedReader); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(SectionReader); + eofReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(param) { + var param; + return [0, $pkg.EOF]; + }; + eofReader.prototype.Read = function(param) { return this.$val.Read(param); }; + multiReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, mr, n, ok, p, r, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + mr = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(mr.readers.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(mr.readers.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + if (mr.readers.$length === 1) { + _tuple = $assertType((x$2 = mr.readers, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])), ptrType$2, true); + r = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + mr.readers = r.readers; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + } + _r = (x$3 = mr.readers, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0])).Read(p); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.EOF)) { + (x$5 = mr.readers, (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0] = (x$4 = new eofReader.ptr(), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)))); + mr.readers = $subslice(mr.readers, 1); + } + if (n > 0 || !($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.EOF))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.EOF) && mr.readers.$length > 0) { + err = $ifaceNil; + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.EOF; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: multiReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, mr, n, ok, p, r, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + multiReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + MultiReader = function(readers) { + var r, readers; + r = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, readers.$length); + $copySlice(r, readers); + return new multiReader.ptr(r); + }; + $pkg.MultiReader = MultiReader; + WriteString = function(w, s) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, n, ok, s, sw, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = $assertType(w, StringWriter, true); + sw = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r = sw.WriteString(s); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = w.Write((new sliceType$1($stringToBytes(s)))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$1; + n = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WriteString, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, n, ok, s, sw, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.WriteString = WriteString; + ReadAtLeast = function(r, buf, min) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, buf, err, min, n, nn, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r, buf, min}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (buf.$length < min) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrShortBuffer; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(n < min && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { break; } */ if(!(n < min && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + nn = 0; + _r = r.Read($subslice(buf, n)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + nn = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + n = n + (nn) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (n >= min) { + err = $ifaceNil; + } else if (n > 0 && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.EOF)) { + err = $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ReadAtLeast, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, buf, err, min, n, nn, r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ReadAtLeast = ReadAtLeast; + ReadFull = function(r, buf) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, buf, err, n, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r, buf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = ReadAtLeast(r, buf, buf.$length); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ReadFull, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, buf, err, n, r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ReadFull = ReadFull; + CopyN = function(dst, src, n) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, dst, err, n, src, written, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + written = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = Copy(dst, LimitReader(src, n)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + written = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ((written.$high === n.$high && written.$low === n.$low)) { + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + written = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [written, err]; + } + if ((written.$high < n.$high || (written.$high === n.$high && written.$low < n.$low)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = $pkg.EOF; + } + $s = -1; return [written, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CopyN, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, dst, err, n, src, written, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.CopyN = CopyN; + Copy = function(dst, src) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, dst, err, src, written, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + written = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = copyBuffer(dst, src, sliceType$1.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + written = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [written, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Copy, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, dst, err, src, written, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Copy = Copy; + CopyBuffer = function(dst, src, buf) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, buf, dst, err, src, written, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, buf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + written = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!(buf === sliceType$1.nil) && (buf.$length === 0)) { + $panic(new $String("empty buffer in CopyBuffer")); + } + _r = copyBuffer(dst, src, buf); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + written = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [written, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CopyBuffer, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, buf, dst, err, src, written, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.CopyBuffer = CopyBuffer; + copyBuffer = function(dst, src, buf) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, buf, dst, er, err, ew, l, nr, nw, ok, ok$1, ok$2, rt, size, src, written, wt, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, buf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + written = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = $assertType(src, WriterTo, true); + wt = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r = wt.WriteTo(dst); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + written = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [written, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple$2 = $assertType(dst, ReaderFrom, true); + rt = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = rt.ReadFrom(src); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$1; + written = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + $24r$1 = [written, err]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + if (buf === sliceType$1.nil) { + size = 32768; + _tuple$4 = $assertType(src, ptrType$3, true); + l = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (ok$2 && (x$2 = (new $Int64(0, size)), x$3 = l.N, (x$2.$high > x$3.$high || (x$2.$high === x$3.$high && x$2.$low > x$3.$low)))) { + if ((x$4 = l.N, (x$4.$high < 0 || (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low < 1)))) { + size = 1; + } else { + size = (((x$5 = l.N, x$5.$low + ((x$5.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + } + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, size); + } + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + _r$2 = src.Read(buf); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$2; + nr = _tuple$5[0]; + er = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (nr > 0) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (nr > 0) { */ case 12: + _r$3 = dst.Write($subslice(buf, 0, nr)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$3; + nw = _tuple$6[0]; + ew = _tuple$6[1]; + if (nw < 0 || nr < nw) { + nw = 0; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(ew, $ifaceNil)) { + ew = errInvalidWrite; + } + } + written = (x$6 = (new $Int64(0, nw)), new $Int64(written.$high + x$6.$high, written.$low + x$6.$low)); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ew, $ifaceNil))) { + err = ew; + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + if (!((nr === nw))) { + err = $pkg.ErrShortWrite; + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + /* } */ case 13: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(er, $ifaceNil))) { + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(er, $pkg.EOF))) { + err = er; + } + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + _tmp = written; + _tmp$1 = err; + written = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [written, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: copyBuffer, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, buf, dst, er, err, ew, l, nr, nw, ok, ok$1, ok$2, rt, size, src, written, wt, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + LimitReader = function(r, n) { + var n, r; + return new LimitedReader.ptr(r, n); + }; + $pkg.LimitReader = LimitReader; + LimitedReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, l, n, p, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + l = this; + if ((x$2 = l.N, (x$2.$high < 0 || (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low <= 0)))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.EOF; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if ((x$3 = (new $Int64(0, p.$length)), x$4 = l.N, (x$3.$high > x$4.$high || (x$3.$high === x$4.$high && x$3.$low > x$4.$low)))) { + p = $subslice(p, 0, $flatten64(l.N)); + } + _r = l.R.Read(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + l.N = (x$5 = l.N, x$6 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$5.$high - x$6.$high, x$5.$low - x$6.$low)); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: LimitedReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, l, n, p, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + LimitedReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + NewSectionReader = function(r, off, n) { + var n, off, r, remaining, x$2; + remaining = new $Int64(0, 0); + if ((x$2 = new $Int64(2147483647 - n.$high, 4294967295 - n.$low), (off.$high < x$2.$high || (off.$high === x$2.$high && off.$low <= x$2.$low)))) { + remaining = new $Int64(n.$high + off.$high, n.$low + off.$low); + } else { + remaining = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + } + return new SectionReader.ptr(r, off, off, remaining); + }; + $pkg.NewSectionReader = NewSectionReader; + SectionReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, max, n, p, s, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + s = this; + if ((x$2 = s.off, x$3 = s.limit, (x$2.$high > x$3.$high || (x$2.$high === x$3.$high && x$2.$low >= x$3.$low)))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.EOF; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + max = (x$4 = s.limit, x$5 = s.off, new $Int64(x$4.$high - x$5.$high, x$4.$low - x$5.$low)); + if ((x$6 = (new $Int64(0, p.$length)), (x$6.$high > max.$high || (x$6.$high === max.$high && x$6.$low > max.$low)))) { + p = $subslice(p, 0, $flatten64(max)); + } + _r = s.r.ReadAt(p, s.off); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + s.off = (x$7 = s.off, x$8 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$7.$high + x$8.$high, x$7.$low + x$8.$low)); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SectionReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, max, n, p, s, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s};return $f; + }; + SectionReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + SectionReader.ptr.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { + var _1, offset, s, whence, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + s = this; + _1 = whence; + if (_1 === (0)) { + offset = (x$2 = s.base, new $Int64(offset.$high + x$2.$high, offset.$low + x$2.$low)); + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + offset = (x$3 = s.off, new $Int64(offset.$high + x$3.$high, offset.$low + x$3.$low)); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + offset = (x$4 = s.limit, new $Int64(offset.$high + x$4.$high, offset.$low + x$4.$low)); + } else { + return [new $Int64(0, 0), errWhence]; + } + if ((x$5 = s.base, (offset.$high < x$5.$high || (offset.$high === x$5.$high && offset.$low < x$5.$low)))) { + return [new $Int64(0, 0), errOffset]; + } + s.off = offset; + return [(x$6 = s.base, new $Int64(offset.$high - x$6.$high, offset.$low - x$6.$low)), $ifaceNil]; + }; + SectionReader.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { return this.$val.Seek(offset, whence); }; + SectionReader.ptr.prototype.ReadAt = function(p, off) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, max, n, off, p, s, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, off}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + s = this; + if ((off.$high < 0 || (off.$high === 0 && off.$low < 0)) || (x$2 = (x$3 = s.limit, x$4 = s.base, new $Int64(x$3.$high - x$4.$high, x$3.$low - x$4.$low)), (off.$high > x$2.$high || (off.$high === x$2.$high && off.$low >= x$2.$low)))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.EOF; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + off = (x$5 = s.base, new $Int64(off.$high + x$5.$high, off.$low + x$5.$low)); + max = (x$6 = s.limit, new $Int64(x$6.$high - off.$high, x$6.$low - off.$low)); + /* */ if ((x$7 = (new $Int64(0, p.$length)), (x$7.$high > max.$high || (x$7.$high === max.$high && x$7.$low > max.$low)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x$7 = (new $Int64(0, p.$length)), (x$7.$high > max.$high || (x$7.$high === max.$high && x$7.$low > max.$low)))) { */ case 1: + p = $subslice(p, 0, $flatten64(max)); + _r = s.r.ReadAt(p, off); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = $pkg.EOF; + } + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = s.r.ReadAt(p, off); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SectionReader.ptr.prototype.ReadAt, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, max, n, off, p, s, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + SectionReader.prototype.ReadAt = function(p, off) { return this.$val.ReadAt(p, off); }; + SectionReader.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var s, x$2, x$3; + s = this; + return (x$2 = s.limit, x$3 = s.base, new $Int64(x$2.$high - x$3.$high, x$2.$low - x$3.$low)); + }; + SectionReader.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + discard.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var p; + return [p.$length, $ifaceNil]; + }; + discard.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + discard.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var s; + return [s.length, $ifaceNil]; + }; + discard.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); }; + discard.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, bufp, err, n, r, readSize, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = blackHolePool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bufp = $assertType(_r, ptrType$1); + readSize = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = r.Read(bufp.$get()); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + readSize = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + n = (x$2 = (new $Int64(0, readSize)), new $Int64(n.$high + x$2.$high, n.$low + x$2.$low)); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + blackHolePool.Put(bufp); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.EOF)) { + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: discard.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, bufp, err, n, r, readSize, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + discard.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(r); }; + NopCloser = function(r) { + var r, x$2; + return (x$2 = new nopCloser.ptr(r), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)); + }; + $pkg.NopCloser = NopCloser; + nopCloser.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + return $ifaceNil; + }; + nopCloser.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + ReadAll = function(r) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, err, n, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, 512); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + if (b.$length === b.$capacity) { + b = $subslice($append(b, 0), 0, b.$length); + } + _r = r.Read($subslice(b, b.$length, b.$capacity)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + b = $subslice(b, 0, (b.$length + n >> 0)); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.EOF)) { + err = $ifaceNil; + } + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ReadAll, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, err, n, r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ReadAll = ReadAll; + eofReader.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Seek", name: "Seek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadAt", name: "ReadAt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}]; + discard.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Reader], [$Int64, $error], false)}]; + nopCloser.methods = [{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + eofReader.init("", []); + multiReader.init("io", [{prop: "readers", name: "readers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + Reader.init([{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + Writer.init([{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + Closer.init([{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]); + ReadWriter.init([{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + ReadCloser.init([{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + WriteCloser.init([{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + ReadWriteCloser.init([{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + ReaderFrom.init([{prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Reader], [$Int64, $error], false)}]); + WriterTo.init([{prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Writer], [$Int64, $error], false)}]); + ReaderAt.init([{prop: "ReadAt", name: "ReadAt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + ByteReader.init([{prop: "ReadByte", name: "ReadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $error], false)}]); + ByteScanner.init([{prop: "ReadByte", name: "ReadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadByte", name: "UnreadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]); + ByteWriter.init([{prop: "WriteByte", name: "WriteByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$error], false)}]); + RuneScanner.init([{prop: "ReadRune", name: "ReadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadRune", name: "UnreadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]); + StringWriter.init([{prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + LimitedReader.init("", [{prop: "R", name: "R", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "N", name: "N", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}]); + SectionReader.init("io", [{prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ReaderAt, tag: ""}, {prop: "base", name: "base", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "off", name: "off", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "limit", name: "limit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}]); + discard.init("", []); + nopCloser.init("", [{prop: "Reader", name: "Reader", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Reader, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrClosedPipe = errors.New("io: read/write on closed pipe"); + $pkg.ErrShortWrite = errors.New("short write"); + errInvalidWrite = errors.New("invalid write result"); + $pkg.ErrShortBuffer = errors.New("short buffer"); + $pkg.EOF = errors.New("EOF"); + $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF = errors.New("unexpected EOF"); + $pkg.ErrNoProgress = errors.New("multiple Read calls return no data or error"); + errWhence = errors.New("Seek: invalid whence"); + errOffset = errors.New("Seek: invalid offset"); + $pkg.Discard = (x = new discard.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + blackHolePool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + var b, b$24ptr; + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 8192); + return (b$24ptr || (b$24ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return b; }, function($v) { b = $convertSliceType($v, sliceType$1); }))); + })); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["unicode"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, RangeTable, Range16, Range32, CaseRange, d, foldPair, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, arrayType, _L, _Nd, _White_Space, _CaseRanges, properties, asciiFold, caseOrbit, is16, is32, Is, isExcludingLatin, To, ToUpper, ToLower, SimpleFold, IsLetter, IsSpace, IsDigit, to; + RangeTable = $pkg.RangeTable = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "unicode.RangeTable", true, "unicode", true, function(R16_, R32_, LatinOffset_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.R16 = sliceType.nil; + this.R32 = sliceType$1.nil; + this.LatinOffset = 0; + return; + } + this.R16 = R16_; + this.R32 = R32_; + this.LatinOffset = LatinOffset_; + }); + Range16 = $pkg.Range16 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "unicode.Range16", true, "unicode", true, function(Lo_, Hi_, Stride_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Lo = 0; + this.Hi = 0; + this.Stride = 0; + return; + } + this.Lo = Lo_; + this.Hi = Hi_; + this.Stride = Stride_; + }); + Range32 = $pkg.Range32 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "unicode.Range32", true, "unicode", true, function(Lo_, Hi_, Stride_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Lo = 0; + this.Hi = 0; + this.Stride = 0; + return; + } + this.Lo = Lo_; + this.Hi = Hi_; + this.Stride = Stride_; + }); + CaseRange = $pkg.CaseRange = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "unicode.CaseRange", true, "unicode", true, function(Lo_, Hi_, Delta_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Lo = 0; + this.Hi = 0; + this.Delta = arrayType.zero(); + return; + } + this.Lo = Lo_; + this.Hi = Hi_; + this.Delta = Delta_; + }); + d = $pkg.d = $newType(12, $kindArray, "unicode.d", true, "unicode", false, null); + foldPair = $pkg.foldPair = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "unicode.foldPair", true, "unicode", false, function(From_, To_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.From = 0; + this.To = 0; + return; + } + this.From = From_; + this.To = To_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType(Range16); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(Range32); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(foldPair); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(CaseRange); + arrayType = $arrayType($Int32, 3); + is16 = function(ranges, r) { + var _i, _q, _r, _r$1, _ref, hi, i, lo, m, r, range_, range_$1, ranges; + if (ranges.$length <= 18 || r <= 255) { + _ref = ranges; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + range_ = ((i < 0 || i >= ranges.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ranges.$array[ranges.$offset + i]); + if (r < range_.Lo) { + return false; + } + if (r <= range_.Hi) { + return (range_.Stride === 1) || ((_r = ((r - range_.Lo << 16 >>> 16)) % range_.Stride, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0); + } + _i++; + } + return false; + } + lo = 0; + hi = ranges.$length; + while (true) { + if (!(lo < hi)) { break; } + m = lo + (_q = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + range_$1 = ((m < 0 || m >= ranges.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ranges.$array[ranges.$offset + m]); + if (range_$1.Lo <= r && r <= range_$1.Hi) { + return (range_$1.Stride === 1) || ((_r$1 = ((r - range_$1.Lo << 16 >>> 16)) % range_$1.Stride, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0); + } + if (r < range_$1.Lo) { + hi = m; + } else { + lo = m + 1 >> 0; + } + } + return false; + }; + is32 = function(ranges, r) { + var _i, _q, _r, _r$1, _ref, hi, i, lo, m, r, range_, range_$1, ranges; + if (ranges.$length <= 18) { + _ref = ranges; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + range_ = ((i < 0 || i >= ranges.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ranges.$array[ranges.$offset + i]); + if (r < range_.Lo) { + return false; + } + if (r <= range_.Hi) { + return (range_.Stride === 1) || ((_r = ((r - range_.Lo >>> 0)) % range_.Stride, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0); + } + _i++; + } + return false; + } + lo = 0; + hi = ranges.$length; + while (true) { + if (!(lo < hi)) { break; } + m = lo + (_q = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + range_$1 = $clone(((m < 0 || m >= ranges.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ranges.$array[ranges.$offset + m]), Range32); + if (range_$1.Lo <= r && r <= range_$1.Hi) { + return (range_$1.Stride === 1) || ((_r$1 = ((r - range_$1.Lo >>> 0)) % range_$1.Stride, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0); + } + if (r < range_$1.Lo) { + hi = m; + } else { + lo = m + 1 >> 0; + } + } + return false; + }; + Is = function(rangeTab, r) { + var r, r16, r32, rangeTab, x; + r16 = rangeTab.R16; + if (r16.$length > 0 && ((r >>> 0)) <= (((x = r16.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= r16.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : r16.$array[r16.$offset + x])).Hi >>> 0))) { + return is16(r16, ((r << 16 >>> 16))); + } + r32 = rangeTab.R32; + if (r32.$length > 0 && r >= (((0 >= r32.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : r32.$array[r32.$offset + 0]).Lo >> 0))) { + return is32(r32, ((r >>> 0))); + } + return false; + }; + $pkg.Is = Is; + isExcludingLatin = function(rangeTab, r) { + var off, r, r16, r32, rangeTab, x; + r16 = rangeTab.R16; + off = rangeTab.LatinOffset; + if (r16.$length > off && ((r >>> 0)) <= (((x = r16.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= r16.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : r16.$array[r16.$offset + x])).Hi >>> 0))) { + return is16($subslice(r16, off), ((r << 16 >>> 16))); + } + r32 = rangeTab.R32; + if (r32.$length > 0 && r >= (((0 >= r32.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : r32.$array[r32.$offset + 0]).Lo >> 0))) { + return is32(r32, ((r >>> 0))); + } + return false; + }; + To = function(_case, r) { + var _case, _tuple, r; + _tuple = to(_case, r, $pkg.CaseRanges); + r = _tuple[0]; + return r; + }; + $pkg.To = To; + ToUpper = function(r) { + var r; + if (r <= 127) { + if (97 <= r && r <= 122) { + r = r - (32) >> 0; + } + return r; + } + return To(0, r); + }; + $pkg.ToUpper = ToUpper; + ToLower = function(r) { + var r; + if (r <= 127) { + if (65 <= r && r <= 90) { + r = r + (32) >> 0; + } + return r; + } + return To(1, r); + }; + $pkg.ToLower = ToLower; + SimpleFold = function(r) { + var _q, hi, l, lo, m, r; + if (r < 0 || r > 1114111) { + return r; + } + if (((r >> 0)) < 128) { + return ((((r < 0 || r >= asciiFold.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiFold[r]) >> 0)); + } + lo = 0; + hi = caseOrbit.$length; + while (true) { + if (!(lo < hi)) { break; } + m = lo + (_q = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + if (((((m < 0 || m >= caseOrbit.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : caseOrbit.$array[caseOrbit.$offset + m]).From >> 0)) < r) { + lo = m + 1 >> 0; + } else { + hi = m; + } + } + if (lo < caseOrbit.$length && (((((lo < 0 || lo >= caseOrbit.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : caseOrbit.$array[caseOrbit.$offset + lo]).From >> 0)) === r)) { + return ((((lo < 0 || lo >= caseOrbit.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : caseOrbit.$array[caseOrbit.$offset + lo]).To >> 0)); + } + l = ToLower(r); + if (!((l === r))) { + return l; + } + return ToUpper(r); + }; + $pkg.SimpleFold = SimpleFold; + IsLetter = function(r) { + var r, x; + if (((r >>> 0)) <= 255) { + return !(((((x = ((r << 24 >>> 24)), ((x < 0 || x >= properties.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : properties[x])) & 96) >>> 0) === 0)); + } + return isExcludingLatin($pkg.Letter, r); + }; + $pkg.IsLetter = IsLetter; + IsSpace = function(r) { + var _1, r; + if (((r >>> 0)) <= 255) { + _1 = r; + if ((_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (32)) || (_1 === (133)) || (_1 === (160))) { + return true; + } + return false; + } + return isExcludingLatin($pkg.White_Space, r); + }; + $pkg.IsSpace = IsSpace; + IsDigit = function(r) { + var r; + if (r <= 255) { + return 48 <= r && r <= 57; + } + return isExcludingLatin($pkg.Digit, r); + }; + $pkg.IsDigit = IsDigit; + to = function(_case, r, caseRange) { + var _case, _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, caseRange, cr, delta, foundMapping, hi, lo, m, mappedRune, r, x; + mappedRune = 0; + foundMapping = false; + if (_case < 0 || 3 <= _case) { + _tmp = 65533; + _tmp$1 = false; + mappedRune = _tmp; + foundMapping = _tmp$1; + return [mappedRune, foundMapping]; + } + lo = 0; + hi = caseRange.$length; + while (true) { + if (!(lo < hi)) { break; } + m = lo + (_q = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + cr = ((m < 0 || m >= caseRange.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : caseRange.$array[caseRange.$offset + m]); + if (((cr.Lo >> 0)) <= r && r <= ((cr.Hi >> 0))) { + delta = ((x = cr.Delta, ((_case < 0 || _case >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[_case]))); + if (delta > 1114111) { + _tmp$2 = ((cr.Lo >> 0)) + ((((((r - ((cr.Lo >> 0)) >> 0)) & ~1) >> 0) | (((_case & 1) >> 0)))) >> 0; + _tmp$3 = true; + mappedRune = _tmp$2; + foundMapping = _tmp$3; + return [mappedRune, foundMapping]; + } + _tmp$4 = r + delta >> 0; + _tmp$5 = true; + mappedRune = _tmp$4; + foundMapping = _tmp$5; + return [mappedRune, foundMapping]; + } + if (r < ((cr.Lo >> 0))) { + hi = m; + } else { + lo = m + 1 >> 0; + } + } + _tmp$6 = r; + _tmp$7 = false; + mappedRune = _tmp$6; + foundMapping = _tmp$7; + return [mappedRune, foundMapping]; + }; + RangeTable.init("", [{prop: "R16", name: "R16", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "R32", name: "R32", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "LatinOffset", name: "LatinOffset", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Range16.init("", [{prop: "Lo", name: "Lo", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "Hi", name: "Hi", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "Stride", name: "Stride", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}]); + Range32.init("", [{prop: "Lo", name: "Lo", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Hi", name: "Hi", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Stride", name: "Stride", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + CaseRange.init("", [{prop: "Lo", name: "Lo", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Hi", name: "Hi", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Delta", name: "Delta", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: d, tag: ""}]); + d.init($Int32, 3); + foldPair.init("", [{prop: "From", name: "From", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "To", name: "To", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _L = new RangeTable.ptr(new sliceType([new Range16.ptr(65, 90, 1), new Range16.ptr(97, 122, 1), new Range16.ptr(170, 181, 11), new Range16.ptr(186, 192, 6), new Range16.ptr(193, 214, 1), new Range16.ptr(216, 246, 1), new Range16.ptr(248, 705, 1), new Range16.ptr(710, 721, 1), new Range16.ptr(736, 740, 1), new Range16.ptr(748, 750, 2), new Range16.ptr(880, 884, 1), new Range16.ptr(886, 887, 1), new Range16.ptr(890, 893, 1), new Range16.ptr(895, 902, 7), new Range16.ptr(904, 906, 1), new Range16.ptr(908, 910, 2), new Range16.ptr(911, 929, 1), new Range16.ptr(931, 1013, 1), new Range16.ptr(1015, 1153, 1), new Range16.ptr(1162, 1327, 1), new Range16.ptr(1329, 1366, 1), new Range16.ptr(1369, 1376, 7), new Range16.ptr(1377, 1416, 1), new Range16.ptr(1488, 1514, 1), new Range16.ptr(1519, 1522, 1), new Range16.ptr(1568, 1610, 1), new Range16.ptr(1646, 1647, 1), new Range16.ptr(1649, 1747, 1), new Range16.ptr(1749, 1765, 16), new Range16.ptr(1766, 1774, 8), new Range16.ptr(1775, 1786, 11), new Range16.ptr(1787, 1788, 1), new Range16.ptr(1791, 1808, 17), new Range16.ptr(1810, 1839, 1), new Range16.ptr(1869, 1957, 1), new Range16.ptr(1969, 1994, 25), new Range16.ptr(1995, 2026, 1), new Range16.ptr(2036, 2037, 1), new Range16.ptr(2042, 2048, 6), new Range16.ptr(2049, 2069, 1), new Range16.ptr(2074, 2084, 10), new Range16.ptr(2088, 2112, 24), new Range16.ptr(2113, 2136, 1), new Range16.ptr(2144, 2154, 1), new Range16.ptr(2208, 2228, 1), new Range16.ptr(2230, 2247, 1), new Range16.ptr(2308, 2361, 1), new Range16.ptr(2365, 2384, 19), new Range16.ptr(2392, 2401, 1), new Range16.ptr(2417, 2432, 1), new Range16.ptr(2437, 2444, 1), new Range16.ptr(2447, 2448, 1), new Range16.ptr(2451, 2472, 1), new Range16.ptr(2474, 2480, 1), new Range16.ptr(2482, 2486, 4), new Range16.ptr(2487, 2489, 1), new Range16.ptr(2493, 2510, 17), new Range16.ptr(2524, 2525, 1), new Range16.ptr(2527, 2529, 1), new Range16.ptr(2544, 2545, 1), new Range16.ptr(2556, 2565, 9), new Range16.ptr(2566, 2570, 1), new Range16.ptr(2575, 2576, 1), new Range16.ptr(2579, 2600, 1), new Range16.ptr(2602, 2608, 1), new Range16.ptr(2610, 2611, 1), new Range16.ptr(2613, 2614, 1), new Range16.ptr(2616, 2617, 1), new Range16.ptr(2649, 2652, 1), new Range16.ptr(2654, 2674, 20), new Range16.ptr(2675, 2676, 1), new Range16.ptr(2693, 2701, 1), new Range16.ptr(2703, 2705, 1), new Range16.ptr(2707, 2728, 1), new Range16.ptr(2730, 2736, 1), new Range16.ptr(2738, 2739, 1), new Range16.ptr(2741, 2745, 1), new Range16.ptr(2749, 2768, 19), new Range16.ptr(2784, 2785, 1), new Range16.ptr(2809, 2821, 12), new Range16.ptr(2822, 2828, 1), new Range16.ptr(2831, 2832, 1), new Range16.ptr(2835, 2856, 1), new Range16.ptr(2858, 2864, 1), new Range16.ptr(2866, 2867, 1), new Range16.ptr(2869, 2873, 1), new Range16.ptr(2877, 2908, 31), new Range16.ptr(2909, 2911, 2), new Range16.ptr(2912, 2913, 1), new Range16.ptr(2929, 2947, 18), new Range16.ptr(2949, 2954, 1), new Range16.ptr(2958, 2960, 1), new Range16.ptr(2962, 2965, 1), new Range16.ptr(2969, 2970, 1), new Range16.ptr(2972, 2974, 2), new Range16.ptr(2975, 2979, 4), new Range16.ptr(2980, 2984, 4), new Range16.ptr(2985, 2986, 1), new Range16.ptr(2990, 3001, 1), new Range16.ptr(3024, 3077, 53), new Range16.ptr(3078, 3084, 1), new Range16.ptr(3086, 3088, 1), new Range16.ptr(3090, 3112, 1), new Range16.ptr(3114, 3129, 1), new Range16.ptr(3133, 3160, 27), new Range16.ptr(3161, 3162, 1), new Range16.ptr(3168, 3169, 1), new Range16.ptr(3200, 3205, 5), new Range16.ptr(3206, 3212, 1), new Range16.ptr(3214, 3216, 1), new Range16.ptr(3218, 3240, 1), new Range16.ptr(3242, 3251, 1), new Range16.ptr(3253, 3257, 1), new Range16.ptr(3261, 3294, 33), new Range16.ptr(3296, 3297, 1), new Range16.ptr(3313, 3314, 1), new Range16.ptr(3332, 3340, 1), new Range16.ptr(3342, 3344, 1), new Range16.ptr(3346, 3386, 1), new Range16.ptr(3389, 3406, 17), new Range16.ptr(3412, 3414, 1), new Range16.ptr(3423, 3425, 1), new Range16.ptr(3450, 3455, 1), new Range16.ptr(3461, 3478, 1), new Range16.ptr(3482, 3505, 1), new Range16.ptr(3507, 3515, 1), new Range16.ptr(3517, 3520, 3), new Range16.ptr(3521, 3526, 1), new Range16.ptr(3585, 3632, 1), new Range16.ptr(3634, 3635, 1), new Range16.ptr(3648, 3654, 1), new Range16.ptr(3713, 3714, 1), new Range16.ptr(3716, 3718, 2), new Range16.ptr(3719, 3722, 1), new Range16.ptr(3724, 3747, 1), new Range16.ptr(3749, 3751, 2), new Range16.ptr(3752, 3760, 1), new Range16.ptr(3762, 3763, 1), new Range16.ptr(3773, 3776, 3), new Range16.ptr(3777, 3780, 1), new Range16.ptr(3782, 3804, 22), new Range16.ptr(3805, 3807, 1), new Range16.ptr(3840, 3904, 64), new Range16.ptr(3905, 3911, 1), new Range16.ptr(3913, 3948, 1), new Range16.ptr(3976, 3980, 1), new Range16.ptr(4096, 4138, 1), new Range16.ptr(4159, 4176, 17), new Range16.ptr(4177, 4181, 1), new Range16.ptr(4186, 4189, 1), new Range16.ptr(4193, 4197, 4), new Range16.ptr(4198, 4206, 8), new Range16.ptr(4207, 4208, 1), new Range16.ptr(4213, 4225, 1), new Range16.ptr(4238, 4256, 18), new Range16.ptr(4257, 4293, 1), new Range16.ptr(4295, 4301, 6), new Range16.ptr(4304, 4346, 1), new Range16.ptr(4348, 4680, 1), new Range16.ptr(4682, 4685, 1), new Range16.ptr(4688, 4694, 1), new Range16.ptr(4696, 4698, 2), new Range16.ptr(4699, 4701, 1), new Range16.ptr(4704, 4744, 1), new Range16.ptr(4746, 4749, 1), new Range16.ptr(4752, 4784, 1), new Range16.ptr(4786, 4789, 1), new Range16.ptr(4792, 4798, 1), new Range16.ptr(4800, 4802, 2), new Range16.ptr(4803, 4805, 1), new Range16.ptr(4808, 4822, 1), new Range16.ptr(4824, 4880, 1), new Range16.ptr(4882, 4885, 1), new Range16.ptr(4888, 4954, 1), new Range16.ptr(4992, 5007, 1), new Range16.ptr(5024, 5109, 1), new Range16.ptr(5112, 5117, 1), new Range16.ptr(5121, 5740, 1), new Range16.ptr(5743, 5759, 1), new Range16.ptr(5761, 5786, 1), new Range16.ptr(5792, 5866, 1), new Range16.ptr(5873, 5880, 1), new Range16.ptr(5888, 5900, 1), new Range16.ptr(5902, 5905, 1), new Range16.ptr(5920, 5937, 1), new Range16.ptr(5952, 5969, 1), new Range16.ptr(5984, 5996, 1), new Range16.ptr(5998, 6000, 1), new Range16.ptr(6016, 6067, 1), new Range16.ptr(6103, 6108, 5), new Range16.ptr(6176, 6264, 1), new Range16.ptr(6272, 6276, 1), new Range16.ptr(6279, 6312, 1), new Range16.ptr(6314, 6320, 6), new Range16.ptr(6321, 6389, 1), new Range16.ptr(6400, 6430, 1), new Range16.ptr(6480, 6509, 1), new Range16.ptr(6512, 6516, 1), new Range16.ptr(6528, 6571, 1), new Range16.ptr(6576, 6601, 1), new Range16.ptr(6656, 6678, 1), new Range16.ptr(6688, 6740, 1), new Range16.ptr(6823, 6917, 94), new Range16.ptr(6918, 6963, 1), new Range16.ptr(6981, 6987, 1), new Range16.ptr(7043, 7072, 1), new Range16.ptr(7086, 7087, 1), new Range16.ptr(7098, 7141, 1), new Range16.ptr(7168, 7203, 1), new Range16.ptr(7245, 7247, 1), new Range16.ptr(7258, 7293, 1), new Range16.ptr(7296, 7304, 1), new Range16.ptr(7312, 7354, 1), new Range16.ptr(7357, 7359, 1), new Range16.ptr(7401, 7404, 1), new Range16.ptr(7406, 7411, 1), new Range16.ptr(7413, 7414, 1), new Range16.ptr(7418, 7424, 6), new Range16.ptr(7425, 7615, 1), new Range16.ptr(7680, 7957, 1), new Range16.ptr(7960, 7965, 1), new Range16.ptr(7968, 8005, 1), new Range16.ptr(8008, 8013, 1), new Range16.ptr(8016, 8023, 1), new Range16.ptr(8025, 8031, 2), new Range16.ptr(8032, 8061, 1), new Range16.ptr(8064, 8116, 1), new Range16.ptr(8118, 8124, 1), new Range16.ptr(8126, 8130, 4), new Range16.ptr(8131, 8132, 1), new Range16.ptr(8134, 8140, 1), new Range16.ptr(8144, 8147, 1), new Range16.ptr(8150, 8155, 1), new Range16.ptr(8160, 8172, 1), new Range16.ptr(8178, 8180, 1), new Range16.ptr(8182, 8188, 1), new Range16.ptr(8305, 8319, 14), new Range16.ptr(8336, 8348, 1), new Range16.ptr(8450, 8455, 5), new Range16.ptr(8458, 8467, 1), new Range16.ptr(8469, 8473, 4), new Range16.ptr(8474, 8477, 1), new Range16.ptr(8484, 8490, 2), new Range16.ptr(8491, 8493, 1), new Range16.ptr(8495, 8505, 1), new Range16.ptr(8508, 8511, 1), new Range16.ptr(8517, 8521, 1), new Range16.ptr(8526, 8579, 53), new Range16.ptr(8580, 11264, 2684), new Range16.ptr(11265, 11310, 1), new Range16.ptr(11312, 11358, 1), new Range16.ptr(11360, 11492, 1), new Range16.ptr(11499, 11502, 1), new Range16.ptr(11506, 11507, 1), new Range16.ptr(11520, 11557, 1), new Range16.ptr(11559, 11565, 6), new Range16.ptr(11568, 11623, 1), new Range16.ptr(11631, 11648, 17), new Range16.ptr(11649, 11670, 1), new Range16.ptr(11680, 11686, 1), new Range16.ptr(11688, 11694, 1), new Range16.ptr(11696, 11702, 1), new Range16.ptr(11704, 11710, 1), new Range16.ptr(11712, 11718, 1), new Range16.ptr(11720, 11726, 1), new Range16.ptr(11728, 11734, 1), new Range16.ptr(11736, 11742, 1), new Range16.ptr(11823, 12293, 470), new Range16.ptr(12294, 12337, 43), new Range16.ptr(12338, 12341, 1), new Range16.ptr(12347, 12348, 1), new Range16.ptr(12353, 12438, 1), new Range16.ptr(12445, 12447, 1), new Range16.ptr(12449, 12538, 1), new Range16.ptr(12540, 12543, 1), new Range16.ptr(12549, 12591, 1), new Range16.ptr(12593, 12686, 1), new Range16.ptr(12704, 12735, 1), new Range16.ptr(12784, 12799, 1), new Range16.ptr(13312, 19903, 1), new Range16.ptr(19968, 40956, 1), new Range16.ptr(40960, 42124, 1), new Range16.ptr(42192, 42237, 1), new Range16.ptr(42240, 42508, 1), new Range16.ptr(42512, 42527, 1), new Range16.ptr(42538, 42539, 1), new Range16.ptr(42560, 42606, 1), new Range16.ptr(42623, 42653, 1), new Range16.ptr(42656, 42725, 1), new Range16.ptr(42775, 42783, 1), new Range16.ptr(42786, 42888, 1), new Range16.ptr(42891, 42943, 1), new Range16.ptr(42946, 42954, 1), new Range16.ptr(42997, 43009, 1), new Range16.ptr(43011, 43013, 1), new Range16.ptr(43015, 43018, 1), new Range16.ptr(43020, 43042, 1), new Range16.ptr(43072, 43123, 1), new Range16.ptr(43138, 43187, 1), new Range16.ptr(43250, 43255, 1), new Range16.ptr(43259, 43261, 2), new Range16.ptr(43262, 43274, 12), new Range16.ptr(43275, 43301, 1), new Range16.ptr(43312, 43334, 1), new Range16.ptr(43360, 43388, 1), new Range16.ptr(43396, 43442, 1), new Range16.ptr(43471, 43488, 17), new Range16.ptr(43489, 43492, 1), new Range16.ptr(43494, 43503, 1), new Range16.ptr(43514, 43518, 1), new Range16.ptr(43520, 43560, 1), new Range16.ptr(43584, 43586, 1), new Range16.ptr(43588, 43595, 1), new Range16.ptr(43616, 43638, 1), new Range16.ptr(43642, 43646, 4), new Range16.ptr(43647, 43695, 1), new Range16.ptr(43697, 43701, 4), new Range16.ptr(43702, 43705, 3), new Range16.ptr(43706, 43709, 1), new Range16.ptr(43712, 43714, 2), new Range16.ptr(43739, 43741, 1), new Range16.ptr(43744, 43754, 1), new Range16.ptr(43762, 43764, 1), new Range16.ptr(43777, 43782, 1), new Range16.ptr(43785, 43790, 1), new Range16.ptr(43793, 43798, 1), new Range16.ptr(43808, 43814, 1), new Range16.ptr(43816, 43822, 1), new Range16.ptr(43824, 43866, 1), new Range16.ptr(43868, 43881, 1), new Range16.ptr(43888, 44002, 1), new Range16.ptr(44032, 55203, 1), new Range16.ptr(55216, 55238, 1), new Range16.ptr(55243, 55291, 1), new Range16.ptr(63744, 64109, 1), new Range16.ptr(64112, 64217, 1), new Range16.ptr(64256, 64262, 1), new Range16.ptr(64275, 64279, 1), new Range16.ptr(64285, 64287, 2), new Range16.ptr(64288, 64296, 1), new Range16.ptr(64298, 64310, 1), new Range16.ptr(64312, 64316, 1), new Range16.ptr(64318, 64320, 2), new Range16.ptr(64321, 64323, 2), new Range16.ptr(64324, 64326, 2), new Range16.ptr(64327, 64433, 1), new Range16.ptr(64467, 64829, 1), new Range16.ptr(64848, 64911, 1), new Range16.ptr(64914, 64967, 1), new Range16.ptr(65008, 65019, 1), new Range16.ptr(65136, 65140, 1), new Range16.ptr(65142, 65276, 1), new Range16.ptr(65313, 65338, 1), new Range16.ptr(65345, 65370, 1), new Range16.ptr(65382, 65470, 1), new Range16.ptr(65474, 65479, 1), new Range16.ptr(65482, 65487, 1), new Range16.ptr(65490, 65495, 1), new Range16.ptr(65498, 65500, 1)]), new sliceType$1([new Range32.ptr(65536, 65547, 1), new Range32.ptr(65549, 65574, 1), new Range32.ptr(65576, 65594, 1), new Range32.ptr(65596, 65597, 1), new Range32.ptr(65599, 65613, 1), new Range32.ptr(65616, 65629, 1), new Range32.ptr(65664, 65786, 1), new Range32.ptr(66176, 66204, 1), new Range32.ptr(66208, 66256, 1), new Range32.ptr(66304, 66335, 1), new Range32.ptr(66349, 66368, 1), new Range32.ptr(66370, 66377, 1), new Range32.ptr(66384, 66421, 1), new Range32.ptr(66432, 66461, 1), new Range32.ptr(66464, 66499, 1), new Range32.ptr(66504, 66511, 1), new Range32.ptr(66560, 66717, 1), new Range32.ptr(66736, 66771, 1), new Range32.ptr(66776, 66811, 1), new Range32.ptr(66816, 66855, 1), new Range32.ptr(66864, 66915, 1), new Range32.ptr(67072, 67382, 1), new Range32.ptr(67392, 67413, 1), new Range32.ptr(67424, 67431, 1), new Range32.ptr(67584, 67589, 1), new Range32.ptr(67592, 67594, 2), new Range32.ptr(67595, 67637, 1), new Range32.ptr(67639, 67640, 1), new Range32.ptr(67644, 67647, 3), new Range32.ptr(67648, 67669, 1), new Range32.ptr(67680, 67702, 1), new Range32.ptr(67712, 67742, 1), new Range32.ptr(67808, 67826, 1), new Range32.ptr(67828, 67829, 1), new Range32.ptr(67840, 67861, 1), new Range32.ptr(67872, 67897, 1), new Range32.ptr(67968, 68023, 1), new Range32.ptr(68030, 68031, 1), new Range32.ptr(68096, 68112, 16), new Range32.ptr(68113, 68115, 1), new Range32.ptr(68117, 68119, 1), new Range32.ptr(68121, 68149, 1), new Range32.ptr(68192, 68220, 1), new Range32.ptr(68224, 68252, 1), new Range32.ptr(68288, 68295, 1), new Range32.ptr(68297, 68324, 1), new Range32.ptr(68352, 68405, 1), new Range32.ptr(68416, 68437, 1), new Range32.ptr(68448, 68466, 1), new Range32.ptr(68480, 68497, 1), new Range32.ptr(68608, 68680, 1), new Range32.ptr(68736, 68786, 1), new Range32.ptr(68800, 68850, 1), new Range32.ptr(68864, 68899, 1), new Range32.ptr(69248, 69289, 1), new Range32.ptr(69296, 69297, 1), new Range32.ptr(69376, 69404, 1), new Range32.ptr(69415, 69424, 9), new Range32.ptr(69425, 69445, 1), new Range32.ptr(69552, 69572, 1), new Range32.ptr(69600, 69622, 1), new Range32.ptr(69635, 69687, 1), new Range32.ptr(69763, 69807, 1), new Range32.ptr(69840, 69864, 1), new Range32.ptr(69891, 69926, 1), new Range32.ptr(69956, 69959, 3), new Range32.ptr(69968, 70002, 1), new Range32.ptr(70006, 70019, 13), new Range32.ptr(70020, 70066, 1), new Range32.ptr(70081, 70084, 1), new Range32.ptr(70106, 70108, 2), new Range32.ptr(70144, 70161, 1), new Range32.ptr(70163, 70187, 1), new Range32.ptr(70272, 70278, 1), new Range32.ptr(70280, 70282, 2), new Range32.ptr(70283, 70285, 1), new Range32.ptr(70287, 70301, 1), new Range32.ptr(70303, 70312, 1), new Range32.ptr(70320, 70366, 1), new Range32.ptr(70405, 70412, 1), new Range32.ptr(70415, 70416, 1), new Range32.ptr(70419, 70440, 1), new Range32.ptr(70442, 70448, 1), new Range32.ptr(70450, 70451, 1), new Range32.ptr(70453, 70457, 1), new Range32.ptr(70461, 70480, 19), new Range32.ptr(70493, 70497, 1), new Range32.ptr(70656, 70708, 1), new Range32.ptr(70727, 70730, 1), new Range32.ptr(70751, 70753, 1), new Range32.ptr(70784, 70831, 1), new Range32.ptr(70852, 70853, 1), new Range32.ptr(70855, 71040, 185), new Range32.ptr(71041, 71086, 1), new Range32.ptr(71128, 71131, 1), new Range32.ptr(71168, 71215, 1), new Range32.ptr(71236, 71296, 60), new Range32.ptr(71297, 71338, 1), new Range32.ptr(71352, 71424, 72), new Range32.ptr(71425, 71450, 1), new Range32.ptr(71680, 71723, 1), new Range32.ptr(71840, 71903, 1), new Range32.ptr(71935, 71942, 1), new Range32.ptr(71945, 71948, 3), new Range32.ptr(71949, 71955, 1), new Range32.ptr(71957, 71958, 1), new Range32.ptr(71960, 71983, 1), new Range32.ptr(71999, 72001, 2), new Range32.ptr(72096, 72103, 1), new Range32.ptr(72106, 72144, 1), new Range32.ptr(72161, 72163, 2), new Range32.ptr(72192, 72203, 11), new Range32.ptr(72204, 72242, 1), new Range32.ptr(72250, 72272, 22), new Range32.ptr(72284, 72329, 1), new Range32.ptr(72349, 72384, 35), new Range32.ptr(72385, 72440, 1), new Range32.ptr(72704, 72712, 1), new Range32.ptr(72714, 72750, 1), new Range32.ptr(72768, 72818, 50), new Range32.ptr(72819, 72847, 1), new Range32.ptr(72960, 72966, 1), new Range32.ptr(72968, 72969, 1), new Range32.ptr(72971, 73008, 1), new Range32.ptr(73030, 73056, 26), new Range32.ptr(73057, 73061, 1), new Range32.ptr(73063, 73064, 1), new Range32.ptr(73066, 73097, 1), new Range32.ptr(73112, 73440, 328), new Range32.ptr(73441, 73458, 1), new Range32.ptr(73648, 73728, 80), new Range32.ptr(73729, 74649, 1), new Range32.ptr(74880, 75075, 1), new Range32.ptr(77824, 78894, 1), new Range32.ptr(82944, 83526, 1), new Range32.ptr(92160, 92728, 1), new Range32.ptr(92736, 92766, 1), new Range32.ptr(92880, 92909, 1), new Range32.ptr(92928, 92975, 1), new Range32.ptr(92992, 92995, 1), new Range32.ptr(93027, 93047, 1), new Range32.ptr(93053, 93071, 1), new Range32.ptr(93760, 93823, 1), new Range32.ptr(93952, 94026, 1), new Range32.ptr(94032, 94099, 67), new Range32.ptr(94100, 94111, 1), new Range32.ptr(94176, 94177, 1), new Range32.ptr(94179, 94208, 29), new Range32.ptr(94209, 100343, 1), new Range32.ptr(100352, 101589, 1), new Range32.ptr(101632, 101640, 1), new Range32.ptr(110592, 110878, 1), new Range32.ptr(110928, 110930, 1), new Range32.ptr(110948, 110951, 1), new Range32.ptr(110960, 111355, 1), new Range32.ptr(113664, 113770, 1), new Range32.ptr(113776, 113788, 1), new Range32.ptr(113792, 113800, 1), new Range32.ptr(113808, 113817, 1), new Range32.ptr(119808, 119892, 1), new Range32.ptr(119894, 119964, 1), new Range32.ptr(119966, 119967, 1), new Range32.ptr(119970, 119973, 3), new Range32.ptr(119974, 119977, 3), new Range32.ptr(119978, 119980, 1), new Range32.ptr(119982, 119993, 1), new Range32.ptr(119995, 119997, 2), new Range32.ptr(119998, 120003, 1), new Range32.ptr(120005, 120069, 1), new Range32.ptr(120071, 120074, 1), new Range32.ptr(120077, 120084, 1), new Range32.ptr(120086, 120092, 1), new Range32.ptr(120094, 120121, 1), new Range32.ptr(120123, 120126, 1), new Range32.ptr(120128, 120132, 1), new Range32.ptr(120134, 120138, 4), new Range32.ptr(120139, 120144, 1), new Range32.ptr(120146, 120485, 1), new Range32.ptr(120488, 120512, 1), new Range32.ptr(120514, 120538, 1), new Range32.ptr(120540, 120570, 1), new Range32.ptr(120572, 120596, 1), new Range32.ptr(120598, 120628, 1), new Range32.ptr(120630, 120654, 1), new Range32.ptr(120656, 120686, 1), new Range32.ptr(120688, 120712, 1), new Range32.ptr(120714, 120744, 1), new Range32.ptr(120746, 120770, 1), new Range32.ptr(120772, 120779, 1), new Range32.ptr(123136, 123180, 1), new Range32.ptr(123191, 123197, 1), new Range32.ptr(123214, 123584, 370), new Range32.ptr(123585, 123627, 1), new Range32.ptr(124928, 125124, 1), new Range32.ptr(125184, 125251, 1), new Range32.ptr(125259, 126464, 1205), new Range32.ptr(126465, 126467, 1), new Range32.ptr(126469, 126495, 1), new Range32.ptr(126497, 126498, 1), new Range32.ptr(126500, 126503, 3), new Range32.ptr(126505, 126514, 1), new Range32.ptr(126516, 126519, 1), new Range32.ptr(126521, 126523, 2), new Range32.ptr(126530, 126535, 5), new Range32.ptr(126537, 126541, 2), new Range32.ptr(126542, 126543, 1), new Range32.ptr(126545, 126546, 1), new Range32.ptr(126548, 126551, 3), new Range32.ptr(126553, 126561, 2), new Range32.ptr(126562, 126564, 2), new Range32.ptr(126567, 126570, 1), new Range32.ptr(126572, 126578, 1), new Range32.ptr(126580, 126583, 1), new Range32.ptr(126585, 126588, 1), new Range32.ptr(126590, 126592, 2), new Range32.ptr(126593, 126601, 1), new Range32.ptr(126603, 126619, 1), new Range32.ptr(126625, 126627, 1), new Range32.ptr(126629, 126633, 1), new Range32.ptr(126635, 126651, 1), new Range32.ptr(131072, 173789, 1), new Range32.ptr(173824, 177972, 1), new Range32.ptr(177984, 178205, 1), new Range32.ptr(178208, 183969, 1), new Range32.ptr(183984, 191456, 1), new Range32.ptr(194560, 195101, 1), new Range32.ptr(196608, 201546, 1)]), 6); + _Nd = new RangeTable.ptr(new sliceType([new Range16.ptr(48, 57, 1), new Range16.ptr(1632, 1641, 1), new Range16.ptr(1776, 1785, 1), new Range16.ptr(1984, 1993, 1), new Range16.ptr(2406, 2415, 1), new Range16.ptr(2534, 2543, 1), new Range16.ptr(2662, 2671, 1), new Range16.ptr(2790, 2799, 1), new Range16.ptr(2918, 2927, 1), new Range16.ptr(3046, 3055, 1), new Range16.ptr(3174, 3183, 1), new Range16.ptr(3302, 3311, 1), new Range16.ptr(3430, 3439, 1), new Range16.ptr(3558, 3567, 1), new Range16.ptr(3664, 3673, 1), new Range16.ptr(3792, 3801, 1), new Range16.ptr(3872, 3881, 1), new Range16.ptr(4160, 4169, 1), new Range16.ptr(4240, 4249, 1), new Range16.ptr(6112, 6121, 1), new Range16.ptr(6160, 6169, 1), new Range16.ptr(6470, 6479, 1), new Range16.ptr(6608, 6617, 1), new Range16.ptr(6784, 6793, 1), new Range16.ptr(6800, 6809, 1), new Range16.ptr(6992, 7001, 1), new Range16.ptr(7088, 7097, 1), new Range16.ptr(7232, 7241, 1), new Range16.ptr(7248, 7257, 1), new Range16.ptr(42528, 42537, 1), new Range16.ptr(43216, 43225, 1), new Range16.ptr(43264, 43273, 1), new Range16.ptr(43472, 43481, 1), new Range16.ptr(43504, 43513, 1), new Range16.ptr(43600, 43609, 1), new Range16.ptr(44016, 44025, 1), new Range16.ptr(65296, 65305, 1)]), new sliceType$1([new Range32.ptr(66720, 66729, 1), new Range32.ptr(68912, 68921, 1), new Range32.ptr(69734, 69743, 1), new Range32.ptr(69872, 69881, 1), new Range32.ptr(69942, 69951, 1), new Range32.ptr(70096, 70105, 1), new Range32.ptr(70384, 70393, 1), new Range32.ptr(70736, 70745, 1), new Range32.ptr(70864, 70873, 1), new Range32.ptr(71248, 71257, 1), new Range32.ptr(71360, 71369, 1), new Range32.ptr(71472, 71481, 1), new Range32.ptr(71904, 71913, 1), new Range32.ptr(72016, 72025, 1), new Range32.ptr(72784, 72793, 1), new Range32.ptr(73040, 73049, 1), new Range32.ptr(73120, 73129, 1), new Range32.ptr(92768, 92777, 1), new Range32.ptr(93008, 93017, 1), new Range32.ptr(120782, 120831, 1), new Range32.ptr(123200, 123209, 1), new Range32.ptr(123632, 123641, 1), new Range32.ptr(125264, 125273, 1), new Range32.ptr(130032, 130041, 1)]), 1); + $pkg.Digit = _Nd; + $pkg.Letter = _L; + _White_Space = new RangeTable.ptr(new sliceType([new Range16.ptr(9, 13, 1), new Range16.ptr(32, 133, 101), new Range16.ptr(160, 5760, 5600), new Range16.ptr(8192, 8202, 1), new Range16.ptr(8232, 8233, 1), new Range16.ptr(8239, 8287, 48), new Range16.ptr(12288, 12288, 1)]), sliceType$1.nil, 2); + $pkg.White_Space = _White_Space; + caseOrbit = new sliceType$2([new foldPair.ptr(75, 107), new foldPair.ptr(83, 115), new foldPair.ptr(107, 8490), new foldPair.ptr(115, 383), new foldPair.ptr(181, 924), new foldPair.ptr(197, 229), new foldPair.ptr(223, 7838), new foldPair.ptr(229, 8491), new foldPair.ptr(304, 304), new foldPair.ptr(305, 305), new foldPair.ptr(383, 83), new foldPair.ptr(452, 453), new foldPair.ptr(453, 454), new foldPair.ptr(454, 452), new foldPair.ptr(455, 456), new foldPair.ptr(456, 457), new foldPair.ptr(457, 455), new foldPair.ptr(458, 459), new foldPair.ptr(459, 460), new foldPair.ptr(460, 458), new foldPair.ptr(497, 498), new foldPair.ptr(498, 499), new foldPair.ptr(499, 497), new foldPair.ptr(837, 921), new foldPair.ptr(914, 946), new foldPair.ptr(917, 949), new foldPair.ptr(920, 952), new foldPair.ptr(921, 953), new foldPair.ptr(922, 954), new foldPair.ptr(924, 956), new foldPair.ptr(928, 960), new foldPair.ptr(929, 961), new foldPair.ptr(931, 962), new foldPair.ptr(934, 966), new foldPair.ptr(937, 969), new foldPair.ptr(946, 976), new foldPair.ptr(949, 1013), new foldPair.ptr(952, 977), new foldPair.ptr(953, 8126), new foldPair.ptr(954, 1008), new foldPair.ptr(956, 181), new foldPair.ptr(960, 982), new foldPair.ptr(961, 1009), new foldPair.ptr(962, 963), new foldPair.ptr(963, 931), new foldPair.ptr(966, 981), new foldPair.ptr(969, 8486), new foldPair.ptr(976, 914), new foldPair.ptr(977, 1012), new foldPair.ptr(981, 934), new foldPair.ptr(982, 928), new foldPair.ptr(1008, 922), new foldPair.ptr(1009, 929), new foldPair.ptr(1012, 920), new foldPair.ptr(1013, 917), new foldPair.ptr(1042, 1074), new foldPair.ptr(1044, 1076), new foldPair.ptr(1054, 1086), new foldPair.ptr(1057, 1089), new foldPair.ptr(1058, 1090), new foldPair.ptr(1066, 1098), new foldPair.ptr(1074, 7296), new foldPair.ptr(1076, 7297), new foldPair.ptr(1086, 7298), new foldPair.ptr(1089, 7299), new foldPair.ptr(1090, 7300), new foldPair.ptr(1098, 7302), new foldPair.ptr(1122, 1123), new foldPair.ptr(1123, 7303), new foldPair.ptr(7296, 1042), new foldPair.ptr(7297, 1044), new foldPair.ptr(7298, 1054), new foldPair.ptr(7299, 1057), new foldPair.ptr(7300, 7301), new foldPair.ptr(7301, 1058), new foldPair.ptr(7302, 1066), new foldPair.ptr(7303, 1122), new foldPair.ptr(7304, 42570), new foldPair.ptr(7776, 7777), new foldPair.ptr(7777, 7835), new foldPair.ptr(7835, 7776), new foldPair.ptr(7838, 223), new foldPair.ptr(8126, 837), new foldPair.ptr(8486, 937), new foldPair.ptr(8490, 75), new foldPair.ptr(8491, 197), new foldPair.ptr(42570, 42571), new foldPair.ptr(42571, 7304)]); + asciiFold = $toNativeArray($kindUint16, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 8490, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 383, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127]); + _CaseRanges = new sliceType$3([new CaseRange.ptr(65, 90, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 32, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(97, 122, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-32, 0, -32])), new CaseRange.ptr(181, 181, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [743, 0, 743])), new CaseRange.ptr(192, 214, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 32, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(216, 222, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 32, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(224, 246, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-32, 0, -32])), new CaseRange.ptr(248, 254, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-32, 0, -32])), new CaseRange.ptr(255, 255, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [121, 0, 121])), new CaseRange.ptr(256, 303, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(304, 304, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -199, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(305, 305, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-232, 0, -232])), new CaseRange.ptr(306, 311, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(313, 328, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(330, 375, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(376, 376, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -121, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(377, 382, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(383, 383, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-300, 0, -300])), new CaseRange.ptr(384, 384, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [195, 0, 195])), new CaseRange.ptr(385, 385, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 210, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(386, 389, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(390, 390, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 206, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(391, 392, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(393, 394, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 205, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(395, 396, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(398, 398, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 79, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(399, 399, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 202, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(400, 400, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 203, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(401, 402, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(403, 403, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 205, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(404, 404, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 207, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(405, 405, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [97, 0, 97])), new CaseRange.ptr(406, 406, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 211, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(407, 407, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 209, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(408, 409, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(410, 410, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [163, 0, 163])), new CaseRange.ptr(412, 412, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 211, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(413, 413, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 213, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(414, 414, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [130, 0, 130])), new CaseRange.ptr(415, 415, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 214, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(416, 421, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(422, 422, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 218, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(423, 424, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(425, 425, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 218, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(428, 429, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(430, 430, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 218, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(431, 432, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(433, 434, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 217, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(435, 438, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(439, 439, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 219, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(440, 441, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(444, 445, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(447, 447, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [56, 0, 56])), new CaseRange.ptr(452, 452, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 2, 1])), new CaseRange.ptr(453, 453, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-1, 1, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(454, 454, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-2, 0, -1])), new CaseRange.ptr(455, 455, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 2, 1])), new CaseRange.ptr(456, 456, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-1, 1, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(457, 457, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-2, 0, -1])), new CaseRange.ptr(458, 458, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 2, 1])), new CaseRange.ptr(459, 459, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-1, 1, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(460, 460, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-2, 0, -1])), new CaseRange.ptr(461, 476, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(477, 477, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-79, 0, -79])), new CaseRange.ptr(478, 495, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(497, 497, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 2, 1])), new CaseRange.ptr(498, 498, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-1, 1, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(499, 499, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-2, 0, -1])), new CaseRange.ptr(500, 501, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(502, 502, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -97, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(503, 503, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -56, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(504, 543, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(544, 544, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -130, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(546, 563, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(570, 570, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 10795, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(571, 572, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(573, 573, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -163, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(574, 574, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 10792, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(575, 576, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [10815, 0, 10815])), new CaseRange.ptr(577, 578, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(579, 579, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -195, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(580, 580, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 69, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(581, 581, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 71, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(582, 591, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(592, 592, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [10783, 0, 10783])), new CaseRange.ptr(593, 593, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [10780, 0, 10780])), new CaseRange.ptr(594, 594, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [10782, 0, 10782])), new CaseRange.ptr(595, 595, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-210, 0, -210])), new CaseRange.ptr(596, 596, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-206, 0, -206])), new CaseRange.ptr(598, 599, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-205, 0, -205])), new CaseRange.ptr(601, 601, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-202, 0, -202])), new CaseRange.ptr(603, 603, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-203, 0, -203])), new CaseRange.ptr(604, 604, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [42319, 0, 42319])), new CaseRange.ptr(608, 608, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-205, 0, -205])), new CaseRange.ptr(609, 609, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [42315, 0, 42315])), new CaseRange.ptr(611, 611, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-207, 0, -207])), new CaseRange.ptr(613, 613, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [42280, 0, 42280])), new CaseRange.ptr(614, 614, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [42308, 0, 42308])), new CaseRange.ptr(616, 616, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-209, 0, -209])), new CaseRange.ptr(617, 617, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-211, 0, -211])), new CaseRange.ptr(618, 618, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [42308, 0, 42308])), new CaseRange.ptr(619, 619, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [10743, 0, 10743])), new CaseRange.ptr(620, 620, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [42305, 0, 42305])), new CaseRange.ptr(623, 623, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-211, 0, -211])), new CaseRange.ptr(625, 625, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [10749, 0, 10749])), new CaseRange.ptr(626, 626, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-213, 0, -213])), new CaseRange.ptr(629, 629, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-214, 0, -214])), new CaseRange.ptr(637, 637, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [10727, 0, 10727])), new CaseRange.ptr(640, 640, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-218, 0, -218])), new CaseRange.ptr(642, 642, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [42307, 0, 42307])), new CaseRange.ptr(643, 643, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-218, 0, -218])), new CaseRange.ptr(647, 647, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [42282, 0, 42282])), new CaseRange.ptr(648, 648, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-218, 0, -218])), new CaseRange.ptr(649, 649, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-69, 0, -69])), new CaseRange.ptr(650, 651, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-217, 0, -217])), new CaseRange.ptr(652, 652, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-71, 0, -71])), new CaseRange.ptr(658, 658, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-219, 0, -219])), new CaseRange.ptr(669, 669, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [42261, 0, 42261])), new CaseRange.ptr(670, 670, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [42258, 0, 42258])), new CaseRange.ptr(837, 837, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [84, 0, 84])), new CaseRange.ptr(880, 883, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(886, 887, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(891, 893, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [130, 0, 130])), new CaseRange.ptr(895, 895, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 116, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(902, 902, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 38, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(904, 906, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 37, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(908, 908, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 64, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(910, 911, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 63, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(913, 929, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 32, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(931, 939, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 32, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(940, 940, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-38, 0, -38])), new CaseRange.ptr(941, 943, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-37, 0, -37])), new CaseRange.ptr(945, 961, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-32, 0, -32])), new CaseRange.ptr(962, 962, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-31, 0, -31])), new CaseRange.ptr(963, 971, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-32, 0, -32])), new CaseRange.ptr(972, 972, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-64, 0, -64])), new CaseRange.ptr(973, 974, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-63, 0, -63])), new CaseRange.ptr(975, 975, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(976, 976, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-62, 0, -62])), new CaseRange.ptr(977, 977, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-57, 0, -57])), new CaseRange.ptr(981, 981, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-47, 0, -47])), new CaseRange.ptr(982, 982, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-54, 0, -54])), new CaseRange.ptr(983, 983, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-8, 0, -8])), new CaseRange.ptr(984, 1007, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(1008, 1008, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-86, 0, -86])), new CaseRange.ptr(1009, 1009, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-80, 0, -80])), new CaseRange.ptr(1010, 1010, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [7, 0, 7])), new CaseRange.ptr(1011, 1011, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-116, 0, -116])), new CaseRange.ptr(1012, 1012, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -60, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(1013, 1013, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-96, 0, -96])), new CaseRange.ptr(1015, 1016, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(1017, 1017, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -7, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(1018, 1019, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(1021, 1023, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -130, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(1024, 1039, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 80, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(1040, 1071, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 32, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(1072, 1103, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-32, 0, -32])), new CaseRange.ptr(1104, 1119, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-80, 0, -80])), new CaseRange.ptr(1120, 1153, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(1162, 1215, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(1216, 1216, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 15, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(1217, 1230, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(1231, 1231, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-15, 0, -15])), new CaseRange.ptr(1232, 1327, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(1329, 1366, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 48, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(1377, 1414, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-48, 0, -48])), new CaseRange.ptr(4256, 4293, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 7264, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(4295, 4295, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 7264, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(4301, 4301, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 7264, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(4304, 4346, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [3008, 0, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(4349, 4351, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [3008, 0, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(5024, 5103, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 38864, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(5104, 5109, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(5112, 5117, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-8, 0, -8])), new CaseRange.ptr(7296, 7296, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-6254, 0, -6254])), new CaseRange.ptr(7297, 7297, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-6253, 0, -6253])), new CaseRange.ptr(7298, 7298, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-6244, 0, -6244])), new CaseRange.ptr(7299, 7300, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-6242, 0, -6242])), new CaseRange.ptr(7301, 7301, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-6243, 0, -6243])), new CaseRange.ptr(7302, 7302, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-6236, 0, -6236])), new CaseRange.ptr(7303, 7303, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-6181, 0, -6181])), new CaseRange.ptr(7304, 7304, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [35266, 0, 35266])), new CaseRange.ptr(7312, 7354, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -3008, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(7357, 7359, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -3008, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(7545, 7545, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [35332, 0, 35332])), new CaseRange.ptr(7549, 7549, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [3814, 0, 3814])), new CaseRange.ptr(7566, 7566, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [35384, 0, 35384])), new CaseRange.ptr(7680, 7829, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(7835, 7835, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-59, 0, -59])), new CaseRange.ptr(7838, 7838, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -7615, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(7840, 7935, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(7936, 7943, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(7944, 7951, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(7952, 7957, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(7960, 7965, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(7968, 7975, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(7976, 7983, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(7984, 7991, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(7992, 7999, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8000, 8005, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8008, 8013, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8017, 8017, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8019, 8019, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8021, 8021, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8023, 8023, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8025, 8025, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8027, 8027, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8029, 8029, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8031, 8031, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8032, 8039, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8040, 8047, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8048, 8049, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [74, 0, 74])), new CaseRange.ptr(8050, 8053, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [86, 0, 86])), new CaseRange.ptr(8054, 8055, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [100, 0, 100])), new CaseRange.ptr(8056, 8057, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [128, 0, 128])), new CaseRange.ptr(8058, 8059, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [112, 0, 112])), new CaseRange.ptr(8060, 8061, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [126, 0, 126])), new CaseRange.ptr(8064, 8071, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8072, 8079, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8080, 8087, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8088, 8095, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8096, 8103, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8104, 8111, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8112, 8113, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8115, 8115, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [9, 0, 9])), new CaseRange.ptr(8120, 8121, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8122, 8123, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -74, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8124, 8124, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -9, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8126, 8126, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-7205, 0, -7205])), new CaseRange.ptr(8131, 8131, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [9, 0, 9])), new CaseRange.ptr(8136, 8139, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -86, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8140, 8140, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -9, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8144, 8145, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8152, 8153, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8154, 8155, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -100, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8160, 8161, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [8, 0, 8])), new CaseRange.ptr(8165, 8165, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [7, 0, 7])), new CaseRange.ptr(8168, 8169, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8170, 8171, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -112, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8172, 8172, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -7, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8179, 8179, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [9, 0, 9])), new CaseRange.ptr(8184, 8185, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -128, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8186, 8187, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -126, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8188, 8188, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -9, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8486, 8486, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -7517, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8490, 8490, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8383, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8491, 8491, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -8262, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8498, 8498, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 28, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8526, 8526, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-28, 0, -28])), new CaseRange.ptr(8544, 8559, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 16, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(8560, 8575, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-16, 0, -16])), new CaseRange.ptr(8579, 8580, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(9398, 9423, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 26, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(9424, 9449, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-26, 0, -26])), new CaseRange.ptr(11264, 11310, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 48, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(11312, 11358, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-48, 0, -48])), new CaseRange.ptr(11360, 11361, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(11362, 11362, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -10743, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(11363, 11363, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -3814, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(11364, 11364, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -10727, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(11365, 11365, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-10795, 0, -10795])), new CaseRange.ptr(11366, 11366, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-10792, 0, -10792])), new CaseRange.ptr(11367, 11372, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(11373, 11373, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -10780, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(11374, 11374, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -10749, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(11375, 11375, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -10783, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(11376, 11376, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -10782, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(11378, 11379, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(11381, 11382, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(11390, 11391, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -10815, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(11392, 11491, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(11499, 11502, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(11506, 11507, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(11520, 11557, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-7264, 0, -7264])), new CaseRange.ptr(11559, 11559, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-7264, 0, -7264])), new CaseRange.ptr(11565, 11565, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-7264, 0, -7264])), new CaseRange.ptr(42560, 42605, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42624, 42651, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42786, 42799, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42802, 42863, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42873, 42876, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42877, 42877, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -35332, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42878, 42887, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42891, 42892, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42893, 42893, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -42280, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42896, 42899, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42900, 42900, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [48, 0, 48])), new CaseRange.ptr(42902, 42921, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42922, 42922, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -42308, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42923, 42923, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -42319, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42924, 42924, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -42315, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42925, 42925, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -42305, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42926, 42926, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -42308, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42928, 42928, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -42258, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42929, 42929, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -42282, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42930, 42930, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -42261, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42931, 42931, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 928, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42932, 42943, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42946, 42947, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42948, 42948, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -48, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42949, 42949, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -42307, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42950, 42950, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, -35384, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(42951, 42954, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(42997, 42998, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [1114112, 1114112, 1114112])), new CaseRange.ptr(43859, 43859, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-928, 0, -928])), new CaseRange.ptr(43888, 43967, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-38864, 0, -38864])), new CaseRange.ptr(65313, 65338, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 32, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(65345, 65370, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-32, 0, -32])), new CaseRange.ptr(66560, 66599, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 40, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(66600, 66639, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-40, 0, -40])), new CaseRange.ptr(66736, 66771, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 40, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(66776, 66811, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-40, 0, -40])), new CaseRange.ptr(68736, 68786, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 64, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(68800, 68850, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-64, 0, -64])), new CaseRange.ptr(71840, 71871, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 32, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(71872, 71903, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-32, 0, -32])), new CaseRange.ptr(93760, 93791, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 32, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(93792, 93823, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-32, 0, -32])), new CaseRange.ptr(125184, 125217, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 34, 0])), new CaseRange.ptr(125218, 125251, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [-34, 0, -34]))]); + $pkg.CaseRanges = _CaseRanges; + properties = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 144, 130, 130, 130, 136, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 136, 130, 130, 130, 130, 132, 132, 132, 132, 132, 132, 132, 132, 132, 132, 130, 130, 136, 136, 136, 130, 130, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 130, 130, 130, 136, 130, 136, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 130, 136, 130, 136, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 16, 130, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 130, 136, 136, 224, 130, 136, 0, 136, 136, 136, 136, 132, 132, 136, 192, 130, 130, 136, 132, 224, 130, 132, 132, 132, 130, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 136, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 136, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["unicode/utf8"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, acceptRange, first, acceptRanges, FullRune, DecodeRune, DecodeRuneInString, DecodeLastRune, DecodeLastRuneInString, RuneLen, EncodeRune, RuneCount, RuneCountInString, RuneStart, Valid, ValidString, ValidRune; + acceptRange = $pkg.acceptRange = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "utf8.acceptRange", true, "unicode/utf8", false, function(lo_, hi_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.lo = 0; + this.hi = 0; + return; + } + this.lo = lo_; + this.hi = hi_; + }); + FullRune = function(p) { + var accept, n, p, x, x$1, x$2; + n = p.$length; + if (n === 0) { + return false; + } + x$1 = (x = (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]), ((x < 0 || x >= first.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : first[x])); + if (n >= ((((x$1 & 7) >>> 0) >> 0))) { + return true; + } + accept = $clone((x$2 = x$1 >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= acceptRanges.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : acceptRanges[x$2])), acceptRange); + if (n > 1 && ((1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1]) < accept.lo || accept.hi < (1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1]))) { + return true; + } else if (n > 2 && ((2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2]) < 128 || 191 < (2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2]))) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + $pkg.FullRune = FullRune; + DecodeRune = function(p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, accept, b1, b2, b3, mask, n, p, p0, r, size, sz, x, x$1; + r = 0; + size = 0; + n = p.$length; + if (n < 1) { + _tmp = 65533; + _tmp$1 = 0; + r = _tmp; + size = _tmp$1; + return [r, size]; + } + p0 = (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]); + x = ((p0 < 0 || p0 >= first.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : first[p0]); + if (x >= 240) { + mask = (((x >> 0)) << 31 >> 0) >> 31 >> 0; + _tmp$2 = (((((0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]) >> 0)) & ~mask) >> 0) | (65533 & mask); + _tmp$3 = 1; + r = _tmp$2; + size = _tmp$3; + return [r, size]; + } + sz = ((((x & 7) >>> 0) >> 0)); + accept = $clone((x$1 = x >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= acceptRanges.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : acceptRanges[x$1])), acceptRange); + if (n < sz) { + _tmp$4 = 65533; + _tmp$5 = 1; + r = _tmp$4; + size = _tmp$5; + return [r, size]; + } + b1 = (1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1]); + if (b1 < accept.lo || accept.hi < b1) { + _tmp$6 = 65533; + _tmp$7 = 1; + r = _tmp$6; + size = _tmp$7; + return [r, size]; + } + if (sz <= 2) { + _tmp$8 = (((((p0 & 31) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 6 >> 0) | ((((b1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)); + _tmp$9 = 2; + r = _tmp$8; + size = _tmp$9; + return [r, size]; + } + b2 = (2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2]); + if (b2 < 128 || 191 < b2) { + _tmp$10 = 65533; + _tmp$11 = 1; + r = _tmp$10; + size = _tmp$11; + return [r, size]; + } + if (sz <= 3) { + _tmp$12 = ((((((p0 & 15) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 12 >> 0) | (((((b1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 6 >> 0)) | ((((b2 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)); + _tmp$13 = 3; + r = _tmp$12; + size = _tmp$13; + return [r, size]; + } + b3 = (3 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 3]); + if (b3 < 128 || 191 < b3) { + _tmp$14 = 65533; + _tmp$15 = 1; + r = _tmp$14; + size = _tmp$15; + return [r, size]; + } + _tmp$16 = (((((((p0 & 7) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 18 >> 0) | (((((b1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 12 >> 0)) | (((((b2 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 6 >> 0)) | ((((b3 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)); + _tmp$17 = 4; + r = _tmp$16; + size = _tmp$17; + return [r, size]; + }; + $pkg.DecodeRune = DecodeRune; + DecodeRuneInString = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, accept, mask, n, r, s, s0, s1, s2, s3, size, sz, x, x$1; + r = 0; + size = 0; + n = s.length; + if (n < 1) { + _tmp = 65533; + _tmp$1 = 0; + r = _tmp; + size = _tmp$1; + return [r, size]; + } + s0 = s.charCodeAt(0); + x = ((s0 < 0 || s0 >= first.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : first[s0]); + if (x >= 240) { + mask = (((x >> 0)) << 31 >> 0) >> 31 >> 0; + _tmp$2 = ((((s.charCodeAt(0) >> 0)) & ~mask) >> 0) | (65533 & mask); + _tmp$3 = 1; + r = _tmp$2; + size = _tmp$3; + return [r, size]; + } + sz = ((((x & 7) >>> 0) >> 0)); + accept = $clone((x$1 = x >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= acceptRanges.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : acceptRanges[x$1])), acceptRange); + if (n < sz) { + _tmp$4 = 65533; + _tmp$5 = 1; + r = _tmp$4; + size = _tmp$5; + return [r, size]; + } + s1 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (s1 < accept.lo || accept.hi < s1) { + _tmp$6 = 65533; + _tmp$7 = 1; + r = _tmp$6; + size = _tmp$7; + return [r, size]; + } + if (sz <= 2) { + _tmp$8 = (((((s0 & 31) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 6 >> 0) | ((((s1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)); + _tmp$9 = 2; + r = _tmp$8; + size = _tmp$9; + return [r, size]; + } + s2 = s.charCodeAt(2); + if (s2 < 128 || 191 < s2) { + _tmp$10 = 65533; + _tmp$11 = 1; + r = _tmp$10; + size = _tmp$11; + return [r, size]; + } + if (sz <= 3) { + _tmp$12 = ((((((s0 & 15) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 12 >> 0) | (((((s1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 6 >> 0)) | ((((s2 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)); + _tmp$13 = 3; + r = _tmp$12; + size = _tmp$13; + return [r, size]; + } + s3 = s.charCodeAt(3); + if (s3 < 128 || 191 < s3) { + _tmp$14 = 65533; + _tmp$15 = 1; + r = _tmp$14; + size = _tmp$15; + return [r, size]; + } + _tmp$16 = (((((((s0 & 7) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 18 >> 0) | (((((s1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 12 >> 0)) | (((((s2 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 6 >> 0)) | ((((s3 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0)); + _tmp$17 = 4; + r = _tmp$16; + size = _tmp$17; + return [r, size]; + }; + $pkg.DecodeRuneInString = DecodeRuneInString; + DecodeLastRune = function(p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, end, lim, p, r, size, start; + r = 0; + size = 0; + end = p.$length; + if (end === 0) { + _tmp = 65533; + _tmp$1 = 0; + r = _tmp; + size = _tmp$1; + return [r, size]; + } + start = end - 1 >> 0; + r = ((((start < 0 || start >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + start]) >> 0)); + if (r < 128) { + _tmp$2 = r; + _tmp$3 = 1; + r = _tmp$2; + size = _tmp$3; + return [r, size]; + } + lim = end - 4 >> 0; + if (lim < 0) { + lim = 0; + } + start = start - (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(start >= lim)) { break; } + if (RuneStart(((start < 0 || start >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + start]))) { + break; + } + start = start - (1) >> 0; + } + if (start < 0) { + start = 0; + } + _tuple = DecodeRune($subslice(p, start, end)); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + if (!(((start + size >> 0) === end))) { + _tmp$4 = 65533; + _tmp$5 = 1; + r = _tmp$4; + size = _tmp$5; + return [r, size]; + } + _tmp$6 = r; + _tmp$7 = size; + r = _tmp$6; + size = _tmp$7; + return [r, size]; + }; + $pkg.DecodeLastRune = DecodeLastRune; + DecodeLastRuneInString = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, end, lim, r, s, size, start; + r = 0; + size = 0; + end = s.length; + if (end === 0) { + _tmp = 65533; + _tmp$1 = 0; + r = _tmp; + size = _tmp$1; + return [r, size]; + } + start = end - 1 >> 0; + r = ((s.charCodeAt(start) >> 0)); + if (r < 128) { + _tmp$2 = r; + _tmp$3 = 1; + r = _tmp$2; + size = _tmp$3; + return [r, size]; + } + lim = end - 4 >> 0; + if (lim < 0) { + lim = 0; + } + start = start - (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(start >= lim)) { break; } + if (RuneStart(s.charCodeAt(start))) { + break; + } + start = start - (1) >> 0; + } + if (start < 0) { + start = 0; + } + _tuple = DecodeRuneInString($substring(s, start, end)); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + if (!(((start + size >> 0) === end))) { + _tmp$4 = 65533; + _tmp$5 = 1; + r = _tmp$4; + size = _tmp$5; + return [r, size]; + } + _tmp$6 = r; + _tmp$7 = size; + r = _tmp$6; + size = _tmp$7; + return [r, size]; + }; + $pkg.DecodeLastRuneInString = DecodeLastRuneInString; + RuneLen = function(r) { + var r; + if (r < 0) { + return -1; + } else if (r <= 127) { + return 1; + } else if (r <= 2047) { + return 2; + } else if (55296 <= r && r <= 57343) { + return -1; + } else if (r <= 65535) { + return 3; + } else if (r <= 1114111) { + return 4; + } + return -1; + }; + $pkg.RuneLen = RuneLen; + EncodeRune = function(p, r) { + var i, p, r; + i = ((r >>> 0)); + if (i <= 127) { + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = ((r << 24 >>> 24))); + return 1; + } else if (i <= 2047) { + $unused((1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1])); + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = ((192 | (((r >> 6 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0)); + (1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1] = ((128 | ((((r << 24 >>> 24)) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + return 2; + } else if ((i > 1114111) || (55296 <= i && i <= 57343)) { + r = 65533; + $unused((2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2])); + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = ((224 | (((r >> 12 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0)); + (1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1] = ((128 | (((((r >> 6 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + (2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2] = ((128 | ((((r << 24 >>> 24)) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + return 3; + } else if (i <= 65535) { + $unused((2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2])); + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = ((224 | (((r >> 12 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0)); + (1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1] = ((128 | (((((r >> 6 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + (2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2] = ((128 | ((((r << 24 >>> 24)) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + return 3; + } else { + $unused((3 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 3])); + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = ((240 | (((r >> 18 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0)); + (1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1] = ((128 | (((((r >> 12 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + (2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2] = ((128 | (((((r >> 6 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + (3 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 3] = ((128 | ((((r << 24 >>> 24)) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + return 4; + } + }; + $pkg.EncodeRune = EncodeRune; + RuneCount = function(p) { + var accept, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, i, n, np, p, size, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + np = p.$length; + n = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < np)) { break; } + n = n + (1) >> 0; + c = ((i < 0 || i >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + i]); + if (c < 128) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + x = ((c < 0 || c >= first.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : first[c]); + if (x === 241) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + size = ((((x & 7) >>> 0) >> 0)); + if ((i + size >> 0) > np) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + accept = $clone((x$1 = x >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= acceptRanges.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : acceptRanges[x$1])), acceptRange); + c$1 = (x$2 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$2])); + if (c$1 < accept.lo || accept.hi < c$1) { + size = 1; + } else if (size === 2) { + } else { + c$2 = (x$3 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$3])); + if (c$2 < 128 || 191 < c$2) { + size = 1; + } else if (size === 3) { + } else { + c$3 = (x$4 = i + 3 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$4])); + if (c$3 < 128 || 191 < c$3) { + size = 1; + } + } + } + i = i + (size) >> 0; + } + return n; + }; + $pkg.RuneCount = RuneCount; + RuneCountInString = function(s) { + var accept, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, i, n, ns, s, size, x, x$1; + n = 0; + ns = s.length; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < ns)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (c < 128) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + n = n + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + x = ((c < 0 || c >= first.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : first[c]); + if (x === 241) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + n = n + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + size = ((((x & 7) >>> 0) >> 0)); + if ((i + size >> 0) > ns) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + n = n + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + accept = $clone((x$1 = x >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= acceptRanges.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : acceptRanges[x$1])), acceptRange); + c$1 = s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)); + if (c$1 < accept.lo || accept.hi < c$1) { + size = 1; + } else if (size === 2) { + } else { + c$2 = s.charCodeAt((i + 2 >> 0)); + if (c$2 < 128 || 191 < c$2) { + size = 1; + } else if (size === 3) { + } else { + c$3 = s.charCodeAt((i + 3 >> 0)); + if (c$3 < 128 || 191 < c$3) { + size = 1; + } + } + } + i = i + (size) >> 0; + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + n = n; + return n; + }; + $pkg.RuneCountInString = RuneCountInString; + RuneStart = function(b) { + var b; + return !((((b & 192) >>> 0) === 128)); + }; + $pkg.RuneStart = RuneStart; + Valid = function(p) { + var accept, c, c$1, c$2, first32, i, n, p, pi, second32, size, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + while (true) { + if (!(p.$length >= 8)) { break; } + first32 = ((((((((0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) | ((((1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((3 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 3]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + second32 = ((((((((4 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 4]) >>> 0)) | ((((5 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 5]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((6 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 6]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((7 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 7]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + if (!(((((((first32 | second32) >>> 0)) & 2155905152) >>> 0) === 0))) { + break; + } + p = $subslice(p, 8); + } + n = p.$length; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + pi = ((i < 0 || i >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + i]); + if (pi < 128) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + x = ((pi < 0 || pi >= first.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : first[pi]); + if (x === 241) { + return false; + } + size = ((((x & 7) >>> 0) >> 0)); + if ((i + size >> 0) > n) { + return false; + } + accept = $clone((x$1 = x >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= acceptRanges.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : acceptRanges[x$1])), acceptRange); + c = (x$2 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$2])); + if (c < accept.lo || accept.hi < c) { + return false; + } else if (size === 2) { + } else { + c$1 = (x$3 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$3])); + if (c$1 < 128 || 191 < c$1) { + return false; + } else if (size === 3) { + } else { + c$2 = (x$4 = i + 3 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$4])); + if (c$2 < 128 || 191 < c$2) { + return false; + } + } + } + i = i + (size) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.Valid = Valid; + ValidString = function(s) { + var accept, c, c$1, c$2, first32, i, n, s, second32, si, size, x, x$1; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length >= 8)) { break; } + first32 = (((((((s.charCodeAt(0) >>> 0)) | (((s.charCodeAt(1) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((s.charCodeAt(2) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((s.charCodeAt(3) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + second32 = (((((((s.charCodeAt(4) >>> 0)) | (((s.charCodeAt(5) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((s.charCodeAt(6) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((s.charCodeAt(7) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + if (!(((((((first32 | second32) >>> 0)) & 2155905152) >>> 0) === 0))) { + break; + } + s = $substring(s, 8); + } + n = s.length; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + si = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (si < 128) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + x = ((si < 0 || si >= first.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : first[si]); + if (x === 241) { + return false; + } + size = ((((x & 7) >>> 0) >> 0)); + if ((i + size >> 0) > n) { + return false; + } + accept = $clone((x$1 = x >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= acceptRanges.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : acceptRanges[x$1])), acceptRange); + c = s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)); + if (c < accept.lo || accept.hi < c) { + return false; + } else if (size === 2) { + } else { + c$1 = s.charCodeAt((i + 2 >> 0)); + if (c$1 < 128 || 191 < c$1) { + return false; + } else if (size === 3) { + } else { + c$2 = s.charCodeAt((i + 3 >> 0)); + if (c$2 < 128 || 191 < c$2) { + return false; + } + } + } + i = i + (size) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.ValidString = ValidString; + ValidRune = function(r) { + var r; + if (0 <= r && r < 55296) { + return true; + } else if (57343 < r && r <= 1114111) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + $pkg.ValidRune = ValidRune; + acceptRange.init("unicode/utf8", [{prop: "lo", name: "lo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "hi", name: "hi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + first = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 19, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 35, 3, 3, 52, 4, 4, 4, 68, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241]); + acceptRanges = $toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new acceptRange.ptr(128, 191), new acceptRange.ptr(160, 191), new acceptRange.ptr(128, 159), new acceptRange.ptr(144, 191), new acceptRange.ptr(128, 143), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0), new acceptRange.ptr(0, 0)]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["bytes"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, bytealg, io, unicode, utf8, Reader, asciiSet, Buffer, readOp, sliceType, arrayType, ptrType, arrayType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, asciiSpace, errNegativeRead, errUnreadByte, NewReader, Count, Contains, ContainsAny, LastIndexByte, IndexRune, IndexAny, HasPrefix, HasSuffix, Map, ToLower, TrimLeftFunc, TrimRightFunc, TrimFunc, TrimPrefix, indexFunc, lastIndexFunc, makeASCIISet, containsRune, TrimLeft, trimLeftByte, trimLeftASCII, trimLeftUnicode, TrimRight, trimRightByte, trimRightASCII, trimRightUnicode, TrimSpace, EqualFold, Index, Cut, makeSlice, IndexByte, Equal, Compare; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + bytealg = $packages["internal/bytealg"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + Reader = $pkg.Reader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "bytes.Reader", true, "bytes", true, function(s_, i_, prevRune_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = sliceType.nil; + this.i = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.prevRune = 0; + return; + } + this.s = s_; + this.i = i_; + this.prevRune = prevRune_; + }); + asciiSet = $pkg.asciiSet = $newType(32, $kindArray, "bytes.asciiSet", true, "bytes", false, null); + Buffer = $pkg.Buffer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "bytes.Buffer", true, "bytes", true, function(buf_, off_, lastRead_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.buf = sliceType.nil; + this.off = 0; + this.lastRead = 0; + return; + } + this.buf = buf_; + this.off = off_; + this.lastRead = lastRead_; + }); + readOp = $pkg.readOp = $newType(1, $kindInt8, "bytes.readOp", true, "bytes", false, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + ptrType = $ptrType(asciiSet); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint32, 8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Buffer); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Reader); + Reader.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + r = this; + if ((x = r.i, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.$length)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low >= x$1.$low)))) { + return 0; + } + return (((x$2 = (x$3 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.$length)), x$4 = r.i, new $Int64(x$3.$high - x$4.$high, x$3.$low - x$4.$low)), x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + }; + Reader.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var r; + r = this; + return (new $Int64(0, r.s.$length)); + }; + Reader.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, b, err, n, r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + if ((x = r.i, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.$length)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low >= x$1.$low)))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + } + r.prevRune = -1; + n = $copySlice(b, $subslice(r.s, $flatten64(r.i))); + r.i = (x$2 = r.i, x$3 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + return [n, err]; + }; + Reader.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadAt = function(b, off) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, err, n, off, r, x; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + if ((off.$high < 0 || (off.$high === 0 && off.$low < 0))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = errors.New("bytes.Reader.ReadAt: negative offset"); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + } + if ((x = (new $Int64(0, r.s.$length)), (off.$high > x.$high || (off.$high === x.$high && off.$low >= x.$low)))) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, err]; + } + n = $copySlice(b, $subslice(r.s, $flatten64(off))); + if (n < b.$length) { + err = io.EOF; + } + return [n, err]; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadAt = function(b, off) { return this.$val.ReadAt(b, off); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadByte = function() { + var b, r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + r = this; + r.prevRune = -1; + if ((x = r.i, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.$length)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low >= x$1.$low)))) { + return [0, io.EOF]; + } + b = (x$2 = r.s, x$3 = r.i, (($flatten64(x$3) < 0 || $flatten64(x$3) >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + $flatten64(x$3)])); + r.i = (x$4 = r.i, x$5 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$4.$high + x$5.$high, x$4.$low + x$5.$low)); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadByte = function() { return this.$val.ReadByte(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte = function() { + var r, x, x$1, x$2; + r = this; + if ((x = r.i, (x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low <= 0)))) { + return errors.New("bytes.Reader.UnreadByte: at beginning of slice"); + } + r.prevRune = -1; + r.i = (x$1 = r.i, x$2 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$1.$high - x$2.$high, x$1.$low - x$2.$low)); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Reader.prototype.UnreadByte = function() { return this.$val.UnreadByte(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadRune = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, c, ch, err, r, size, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8; + ch = 0; + size = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + if ((x = r.i, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.$length)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low >= x$1.$low)))) { + r.prevRune = -1; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = io.EOF; + ch = _tmp; + size = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [ch, size, err]; + } + r.prevRune = (((x$2 = r.i, x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + c = (x$3 = r.s, x$4 = r.i, (($flatten64(x$4) < 0 || $flatten64(x$4) >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + $flatten64(x$4)])); + if (c < 128) { + r.i = (x$5 = r.i, x$6 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)); + _tmp$3 = ((c >> 0)); + _tmp$4 = 1; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + ch = _tmp$3; + size = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [ch, size, err]; + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(r.s, $flatten64(r.i))); + ch = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + r.i = (x$7 = r.i, x$8 = (new $Int64(0, size)), new $Int64(x$7.$high + x$8.$high, x$7.$low + x$8.$low)); + return [ch, size, err]; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadRune = function() { return this.$val.ReadRune(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.UnreadRune = function() { + var r, x; + r = this; + if ((x = r.i, (x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low <= 0)))) { + return errors.New("bytes.Reader.UnreadRune: at beginning of slice"); + } + if (r.prevRune < 0) { + return errors.New("bytes.Reader.UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune"); + } + r.i = (new $Int64(0, r.prevRune)); + r.prevRune = -1; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Reader.prototype.UnreadRune = function() { return this.$val.UnreadRune(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { + var _1, abs, offset, r, whence, x, x$1; + r = this; + r.prevRune = -1; + abs = new $Int64(0, 0); + _1 = whence; + if (_1 === (0)) { + abs = offset; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + abs = (x = r.i, new $Int64(x.$high + offset.$high, x.$low + offset.$low)); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + abs = (x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.$length)), new $Int64(x$1.$high + offset.$high, x$1.$low + offset.$low)); + } else { + return [new $Int64(0, 0), errors.New("bytes.Reader.Seek: invalid whence")]; + } + if ((abs.$high < 0 || (abs.$high === 0 && abs.$low < 0))) { + return [new $Int64(0, 0), errors.New("bytes.Reader.Seek: negative position")]; + } + r.i = abs; + return [abs, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Reader.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { return this.$val.Seek(offset, whence); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.WriteTo = function(w) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, m, n, r, w, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + r.prevRune = -1; + if ((x = r.i, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.$length)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low >= x$1.$low)))) { + _tmp = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + b = $subslice(r.s, $flatten64(r.i)); + _r = w.Write(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + m = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (m > b.$length) { + $panic(new $String("bytes.Reader.WriteTo: invalid Write count")); + } + r.i = (x$2 = r.i, x$3 = (new $Int64(0, m)), new $Int64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n = (new $Int64(0, m)); + if (!((m === b.$length)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = io.ErrShortWrite; + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.WriteTo, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, m, n, r, w, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.WriteTo = function(w) { return this.$val.WriteTo(w); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Reset = function(b) { + var b, r; + r = this; + Reader.copy(r, new Reader.ptr(b, new $Int64(0, 0), -1)); + }; + Reader.prototype.Reset = function(b) { return this.$val.Reset(b); }; + NewReader = function(b) { + var b; + return new Reader.ptr(b, new $Int64(0, 0), -1); + }; + $pkg.NewReader = NewReader; + Count = function(s, sep) { + var i, n, s, sep; + if (sep.$length === 0) { + return utf8.RuneCount(s) + 1 >> 0; + } + if (sep.$length === 1) { + return bytealg.Count(s, (0 >= sep.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sep.$array[sep.$offset + 0])); + } + n = 0; + while (true) { + i = Index(s, sep); + if (i === -1) { + return n; + } + n = n + (1) >> 0; + s = $subslice(s, (i + sep.$length >> 0)); + } + }; + $pkg.Count = Count; + Contains = function(b, subslice) { + var b, subslice; + return !((Index(b, subslice) === -1)); + }; + $pkg.Contains = Contains; + ContainsAny = function(b, chars) { + var b, chars; + return IndexAny(b, chars) >= 0; + }; + $pkg.ContainsAny = ContainsAny; + LastIndexByte = function(s, c) { + var c, i, s; + i = s.$length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + if (((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) === c) { + return i; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return -1; + }; + $pkg.LastIndexByte = LastIndexByte; + IndexRune = function(s, r) { + var _tuple, b, i, n, n$1, r, r1, s; + if (0 <= r && r < 128) { + return IndexByte(s, ((r << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if ((r === 65533)) { + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.$length)) { break; } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(s, i)); + r1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (r1 === 65533) { + return i; + } + i = i + (n) >> 0; + } + return -1; + } else if (!utf8.ValidRune(r)) { + return -1; + } else { + b = arrayType.zero(); + n$1 = utf8.EncodeRune(new sliceType(b), r); + return Index(s, $subslice(new sliceType(b), 0, n$1)); + } + }; + $pkg.IndexRune = IndexRune; + IndexAny = function(s, chars) { + var _i, _i$1, _i$2, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _rune, _rune$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, as, c, ch, chars, i, i$1, isASCII, r, r$1, r$2, s, width; + if (chars === "") { + return -1; + } + if (s.$length === 1) { + r = (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) >> 0)); + if (r >= 128) { + _ref = chars; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + r = _rune[0]; + if (r === 65533) { + return 0; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return -1; + } + if (bytealg.IndexByteString(chars, (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0])) >= 0) { + return 0; + } + return -1; + } + if (chars.length === 1) { + r$1 = ((chars.charCodeAt(0) >> 0)); + if (r$1 >= 128) { + r$1 = 65533; + } + return IndexRune(s, r$1); + } + if (s.$length > 8) { + _tuple = makeASCIISet(chars); + as = $clone(_tuple[0], asciiSet); + isASCII = _tuple[1]; + if (isASCII) { + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i = _i$1; + c = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (new ptrType(as).contains(c)) { + return i; + } + _i$1++; + } + return -1; + } + } + width = 0; + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.$length)) { break; } + r$2 = ((((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i$1]) >> 0)); + if (r$2 < 128) { + if (bytealg.IndexByteString(chars, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i$1])) >= 0) { + return i$1; + } + width = 1; + i$1 = i$1 + (width) >> 0; + continue; + } + _tuple$1 = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(s, i$1)); + r$2 = _tuple$1[0]; + width = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!((r$2 === 65533))) { + if (chars.length === width) { + if (chars === ($encodeRune(r$2))) { + return i$1; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (width) >> 0; + continue; + } + if (bytealg.MaxLen >= width) { + if (bytealg.IndexString(chars, ($encodeRune(r$2))) >= 0) { + return i$1; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (width) >> 0; + continue; + } + } + _ref$2 = chars; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.length)) { break; } + _rune$1 = $decodeRune(_ref$2, _i$2); + ch = _rune$1[0]; + if (r$2 === ch) { + return i$1; + } + _i$2 += _rune$1[1]; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (width) >> 0; + } + return -1; + }; + $pkg.IndexAny = IndexAny; + HasPrefix = function(s, prefix) { + var prefix, s; + return s.$length >= prefix.$length && Equal($subslice(s, 0, prefix.$length), prefix); + }; + $pkg.HasPrefix = HasPrefix; + HasSuffix = function(s, suffix) { + var s, suffix; + return s.$length >= suffix.$length && Equal($subslice(s, (s.$length - suffix.$length >> 0)), suffix); + }; + $pkg.HasSuffix = HasSuffix; + Map = function(mapping, s) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, i, mapping, maxbytes, nb, nbytes, r, rl, s, wid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mapping, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + maxbytes = s.$length; + nbytes = 0; + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, maxbytes); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < s.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < s.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + wid = 1; + r = ((((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) >> 0)); + if (r >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(s, i)); + r = _tuple[0]; + wid = _tuple[1]; + } + _r = mapping(r); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = _r; + if (r >= 0) { + rl = utf8.RuneLen(r); + if (rl < 0) { + rl = 3; + } + if ((nbytes + rl >> 0) > maxbytes) { + maxbytes = ($imul(maxbytes, 2)) + 4 >> 0; + nb = $makeSlice(sliceType, maxbytes); + $copySlice(nb, $subslice(b, 0, nbytes)); + b = nb; + } + nbytes = nbytes + (utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(b, nbytes, maxbytes), r)) >> 0; + } + i = i + (wid) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $subslice(b, 0, nbytes); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Map, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, i, mapping, maxbytes, nb, nbytes, r, rl, s, wid, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Map = Map; + ToLower = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, c, c$1, hasUpper, i, i$1, isASCII, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tmp = true; + _tmp$1 = false; + isASCII = _tmp; + hasUpper = _tmp$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.$length)) { break; } + c = ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]); + if (c >= 128) { + isASCII = false; + break; + } + hasUpper = hasUpper || (65 <= c && c <= 90); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (isASCII) { + if (!hasUpper) { + $s = -1; return $appendSlice((new sliceType($stringToBytes(""))), s); + } + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, s.$length); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.$length)) { break; } + c$1 = ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i$1]); + if (65 <= c$1 && c$1 <= 90) { + c$1 = c$1 + (32) << 24 >>> 24; + } + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i$1] = c$1); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return b; + } + _r = Map(unicode.ToLower, s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ToLower, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, c, c$1, hasUpper, i, i$1, isASCII, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ToLower = ToLower; + TrimLeftFunc = function(s, f) { + var {_r, f, i, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = indexFunc(s, f, false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = _r; + if (i === -1) { + $s = -1; return sliceType.nil; + } + $s = -1; return $subslice(s, i); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TrimLeftFunc, $c: true, $r, _r, f, i, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.TrimLeftFunc = TrimLeftFunc; + TrimRightFunc = function(s, f) { + var {_r, _tuple, f, i, s, wid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = lastIndexFunc(s, f, false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = _r; + if (i >= 0 && ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(s, i)); + wid = _tuple[1]; + i = i + (wid) >> 0; + } else { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return $subslice(s, 0, i); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TrimRightFunc, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, f, i, s, wid, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.TrimRightFunc = TrimRightFunc; + TrimFunc = function(s, f) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, f, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = TrimLeftFunc(s, f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = TrimRightFunc(_r, f); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TrimFunc, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, f, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.TrimFunc = TrimFunc; + TrimPrefix = function(s, prefix) { + var prefix, s; + if (HasPrefix(s, prefix)) { + return $subslice(s, prefix.$length); + } + return s; + }; + $pkg.TrimPrefix = TrimPrefix; + indexFunc = function(s, f, truth) { + var {_r, _tuple, f, r, s, start, truth, wid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f, truth}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + start = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(start < s.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(start < s.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + wid = 1; + r = ((((start < 0 || start >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + start]) >> 0)); + if (r >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(s, start)); + r = _tuple[0]; + wid = _tuple[1]; + } + _r = f(r); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r === truth) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r === truth) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return start; + /* } */ case 4: + start = start + (wid) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return -1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: indexFunc, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, f, r, s, start, truth, wid, $s};return $f; + }; + lastIndexFunc = function(s, f, truth) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, f, i, r, s, size, truth, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f, truth}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = s.$length; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tmp = (((x = i - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x])) >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = 1; + r = _tmp; + size = _tmp$1; + if (r >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeLastRune($subslice(s, 0, i)); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + } + i = i - (size) >> 0; + _r = f(r); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r === truth) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r === truth) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return i; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return -1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: lastIndexFunc, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, f, i, r, s, size, truth, x, $s};return $f; + }; + makeASCIISet = function(chars) { + var _index, _q, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, as, c, chars, i, ok, y; + as = arrayType$1.zero(); + ok = false; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < chars.length)) { break; } + c = chars.charCodeAt(i); + if (c >= 128) { + _tmp = $clone(as, asciiSet); + _tmp$1 = false; + asciiSet.copy(as, _tmp); + ok = _tmp$1; + return [as, ok]; + } + _index = (_q = c / 32, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + ((_index < 0 || _index >= as.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : as[_index] = ((((_index < 0 || _index >= as.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : as[_index]) | (((y = ((_r = c % 32, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$2 = $clone(as, asciiSet); + _tmp$3 = true; + asciiSet.copy(as, _tmp$2); + ok = _tmp$3; + return [as, ok]; + }; + asciiSet.prototype.contains = function(c) { + var _q, _r, as, c, x, x$1, y; + as = this.$val; + return !((((((x = as, x$1 = (_q = c / 32, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])) & (((y = ((_r = c % 32, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) === 0)); + }; + $ptrType(asciiSet).prototype.contains = function(c) { return (new asciiSet(this.$get())).contains(c); }; + containsRune = function(s, r) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, c, r, s; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + c = _rune[0]; + if (c === r) { + return true; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return false; + }; + TrimLeft = function(s, cutset) { + var _tuple, as, cutset, ok, s; + if (s.$length === 0) { + return sliceType.nil; + } + if (cutset === "") { + return s; + } + if ((cutset.length === 1) && cutset.charCodeAt(0) < 128) { + return trimLeftByte(s, cutset.charCodeAt(0)); + } + _tuple = makeASCIISet(cutset); + as = $clone(_tuple[0], asciiSet); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return trimLeftASCII(s, as); + } + return trimLeftUnicode(s, cutset); + }; + $pkg.TrimLeft = TrimLeft; + trimLeftByte = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0 && ((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === c))) { break; } + s = $subslice(s, 1); + } + if (s.$length === 0) { + return sliceType.nil; + } + return s; + }; + trimLeftASCII = function(s, as) { + var as, s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0)) { break; } + if (!new ptrType(as).contains((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]))) { + break; + } + s = $subslice(s, 1); + } + if (s.$length === 0) { + return sliceType.nil; + } + return s; + }; + trimLeftUnicode = function(s, cutset) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, cutset, n, r, s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tmp = (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = 1; + r = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + if (r >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune(s); + r = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (!containsRune(cutset, r)) { + break; + } + s = $subslice(s, n); + } + if (s.$length === 0) { + return sliceType.nil; + } + return s; + }; + TrimRight = function(s, cutset) { + var _tuple, as, cutset, ok, s; + if ((s.$length === 0) || cutset === "") { + return s; + } + if ((cutset.length === 1) && cutset.charCodeAt(0) < 128) { + return trimRightByte(s, cutset.charCodeAt(0)); + } + _tuple = makeASCIISet(cutset); + as = $clone(_tuple[0], asciiSet); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return trimRightASCII(s, as); + } + return trimRightUnicode(s, cutset); + }; + $pkg.TrimRight = TrimRight; + trimRightByte = function(s, c) { + var c, s, x; + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0 && ((x = s.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x])) === c))) { break; } + s = $subslice(s, 0, (s.$length - 1 >> 0)); + } + return s; + }; + trimRightASCII = function(s, as) { + var as, s, x; + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0)) { break; } + if (!new ptrType(as).contains((x = s.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x])))) { + break; + } + s = $subslice(s, 0, (s.$length - 1 >> 0)); + } + return s; + }; + trimRightUnicode = function(s, cutset) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, cutset, n, r, s, x; + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tmp = (((x = s.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x])) >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = 1; + r = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + if (r >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeLastRune(s); + r = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (!containsRune(cutset, r)) { + break; + } + s = $subslice(s, 0, (s.$length - n >> 0)); + } + return s; + }; + TrimSpace = function(s) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, c, c$1, s, start, stop, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + start = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(start < s.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(start < s.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + c = ((start < 0 || start >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + start]); + /* */ if (c >= 128) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (c >= 128) { */ case 3: + _r = TrimFunc($subslice(s, start), unicode.IsSpace); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + if (((c < 0 || c >= asciiSpace.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiSpace[c]) === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + start = start + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + stop = s.$length; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(stop > start)) { break; } */ if(!(stop > start)) { $s = 8; continue; } + c$1 = (x = stop - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x])); + /* */ if (c$1 >= 128) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (c$1 >= 128) { */ case 9: + _r$1 = TrimFunc($subslice(s, start, stop), unicode.IsSpace); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + if (((c$1 < 0 || c$1 >= asciiSpace.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiSpace[c$1]) === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + stop = stop - (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + if (start === stop) { + $s = -1; return sliceType.nil; + } + $s = -1; return $subslice(s, start, stop); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TrimSpace, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, c, c$1, s, start, stop, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.TrimSpace = TrimSpace; + EqualFold = function(s, t) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, r, r$1, r$2, s, size, size$1, sr, t, tr; + while (true) { + if (!(!((s.$length === 0)) && !((t.$length === 0)))) { break; } + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + sr = _tmp; + tr = _tmp$1; + if ((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + _tmp$2 = (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) >> 0)); + _tmp$3 = $subslice(s, 1); + sr = _tmp$2; + s = _tmp$3; + } else { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune(s); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + _tmp$4 = r; + _tmp$5 = $subslice(s, size); + sr = _tmp$4; + s = _tmp$5; + } + if ((0 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + _tmp$6 = (((0 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 0]) >> 0)); + _tmp$7 = $subslice(t, 1); + tr = _tmp$6; + t = _tmp$7; + } else { + _tuple$1 = utf8.DecodeRune(t); + r$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + size$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp$8 = r$1; + _tmp$9 = $subslice(t, size$1); + tr = _tmp$8; + t = _tmp$9; + } + if (tr === sr) { + continue; + } + if (tr < sr) { + _tmp$10 = sr; + _tmp$11 = tr; + tr = _tmp$10; + sr = _tmp$11; + } + if (tr < 128) { + if (65 <= sr && sr <= 90 && (tr === ((sr + 97 >> 0) - 65 >> 0))) { + continue; + } + return false; + } + r$2 = unicode.SimpleFold(sr); + while (true) { + if (!(!((r$2 === sr)) && r$2 < tr)) { break; } + r$2 = unicode.SimpleFold(r$2); + } + if (r$2 === tr) { + continue; + } + return false; + } + return s.$length === t.$length; + }; + $pkg.EqualFold = EqualFold; + Index = function(s, sep) { + var c0, c0$1, c1, c1$1, fails, fails$1, i, i$1, j, n, o, o$1, r, s, sep, t, t$1, x, x$1; + n = sep.$length; + if ((n === 0)) { + return 0; + } else if ((n === 1)) { + return IndexByte(s, (0 >= sep.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sep.$array[sep.$offset + 0])); + } else if ((n === s.$length)) { + if (Equal(sep, s)) { + return 0; + } + return -1; + } else if (n > s.$length) { + return -1; + } else if (n <= bytealg.MaxLen) { + if (s.$length <= 0) { + return bytealg.Index(s, sep); + } + c0 = (0 >= sep.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sep.$array[sep.$offset + 0]); + c1 = (1 >= sep.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sep.$array[sep.$offset + 1]); + i = 0; + t = (s.$length - n >> 0) + 1 >> 0; + fails = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < t)) { break; } + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) === c0))) { + o = IndexByte($subslice(s, (i + 1 >> 0), t), c0); + if (o < 0) { + return -1; + } + i = i + ((o + 1 >> 0)) >> 0; + } + if (((x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x])) === c1) && Equal($subslice(s, i, (i + n >> 0)), sep)) { + return i; + } + fails = fails + (1) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (fails > bytealg.Cutover(i)) { + r = bytealg.Index($subslice(s, i), sep); + if (r >= 0) { + return r + i >> 0; + } + return -1; + } + } + return -1; + } + c0$1 = (0 >= sep.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sep.$array[sep.$offset + 0]); + c1$1 = (1 >= sep.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sep.$array[sep.$offset + 1]); + i$1 = 0; + fails$1 = 0; + t$1 = (s.$length - n >> 0) + 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < t$1)) { break; } + if (!((((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i$1]) === c0$1))) { + o$1 = IndexByte($subslice(s, (i$1 + 1 >> 0), t$1), c0$1); + if (o$1 < 0) { + break; + } + i$1 = i$1 + ((o$1 + 1 >> 0)) >> 0; + } + if (((x$1 = i$1 + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x$1])) === c1$1) && Equal($subslice(s, i$1, (i$1 + n >> 0)), sep)) { + return i$1; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + fails$1 = fails$1 + (1) >> 0; + if (fails$1 >= (4 + (i$1 >> 4 >> 0) >> 0) && i$1 < t$1) { + j = bytealg.IndexRabinKarpBytes($subslice(s, i$1), sep); + if (j < 0) { + return -1; + } + return i$1 + j >> 0; + } + } + return -1; + }; + $pkg.Index = Index; + Cut = function(s, sep) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, after, before, found, i, s, sep; + before = sliceType.nil; + after = sliceType.nil; + found = false; + i = Index(s, sep); + if (i >= 0) { + _tmp = $subslice(s, 0, i); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(s, (i + sep.$length >> 0)); + _tmp$2 = true; + before = _tmp; + after = _tmp$1; + found = _tmp$2; + return [before, after, found]; + } + _tmp$3 = s; + _tmp$4 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$5 = false; + before = _tmp$3; + after = _tmp$4; + found = _tmp$5; + return [before, after, found]; + }; + $pkg.Cut = Cut; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return $subslice(b.buf, b.off); + }; + Buffer.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var b; + b = this; + if (b === ptrType$1.nil) { + return ""; + } + return ($bytesToString($subslice(b.buf, b.off))); + }; + Buffer.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.empty = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.buf.$length <= b.off; + }; + Buffer.prototype.empty = function() { return this.$val.empty(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.buf.$length - b.off >> 0; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Cap = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.buf.$capacity; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Cap = function() { return this.$val.Cap(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Truncate = function(n) { + var b, n; + b = this; + if (n === 0) { + b.Reset(); + return; + } + b.lastRead = 0; + if (n < 0 || n > b.Len()) { + $panic(new $String("bytes.Buffer: truncation out of range")); + } + b.buf = $subslice(b.buf, 0, (b.off + n >> 0)); + }; + Buffer.prototype.Truncate = function(n) { return this.$val.Truncate(n); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var b; + b = this; + b.buf = $subslice(b.buf, 0, 0); + b.off = 0; + b.lastRead = 0; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.tryGrowByReslice = function(n) { + var b, l, n; + b = this; + l = b.buf.$length; + if (n <= (b.buf.$capacity - l >> 0)) { + b.buf = $subslice(b.buf, 0, (l + n >> 0)); + return [l, true]; + } + return [0, false]; + }; + Buffer.prototype.tryGrowByReslice = function(n) { return this.$val.tryGrowByReslice(n); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.grow = function(n) { + var {_q, _r, _tuple, b, buf, c, i, m, n, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + m = b.Len(); + if ((m === 0) && !((b.off === 0))) { + b.Reset(); + } + _tuple = b.tryGrowByReslice(n); + i = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return i; + } + if (b.buf === sliceType.nil && n <= 64) { + b.buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, n, 64); + $s = -1; return 0; + } + c = b.buf.$capacity; + /* */ if (n <= ((_q = c / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) - m >> 0)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if (c > ((2147483647 - c >> 0) - n >> 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (n <= ((_q = c / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) - m >> 0)) { */ case 1: + $copySlice(b.buf, $subslice(b.buf, b.off)); + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (c > ((2147483647 - c >> 0) - n >> 0)) { */ case 2: + $panic($pkg.ErrTooLarge); + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r = makeSlice(($imul(2, c)) + n >> 0); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = _r; + $copySlice(buf, $subslice(b.buf, b.off)); + b.buf = buf; + /* } */ case 4: + b.off = 0; + b.buf = $subslice(b.buf, 0, (m + n >> 0)); + $s = -1; return m; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Buffer.ptr.prototype.grow, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _tuple, b, buf, c, i, m, n, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + Buffer.prototype.grow = function(n) { return this.$val.grow(n); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Grow = function(n) { + var {_r, b, m, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (n < 0) { + $panic(new $String("bytes.Buffer.Grow: negative count")); + } + _r = b.grow(n); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r; + b.buf = $subslice(b.buf, 0, m); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Buffer.ptr.prototype.Grow, $c: true, $r, _r, b, m, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Grow = function(n) { return this.$val.Grow(n); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, m, n, ok, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + b.lastRead = 0; + _tuple = b.tryGrowByReslice(p.$length); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 1: + _r = b.grow(p.$length); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tmp = $copySlice($subslice(b.buf, m), p); + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Buffer.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, m, n, ok, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, m, n, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + b.lastRead = 0; + _tuple = b.tryGrowByReslice(s.length); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 1: + _r = b.grow(s.length); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tmp = $copyString($subslice(b.buf, m), s); + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Buffer.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, m, n, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Buffer.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, e, err, i, m, n, r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + b.lastRead = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = b.grow(512); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = _r; + b.buf = $subslice(b.buf, 0, i); + _r$1 = r.Read($subslice(b.buf, i, b.buf.$capacity)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + m = _tuple[0]; + e = _tuple[1]; + if (m < 0) { + $panic(errNegativeRead); + } + b.buf = $subslice(b.buf, 0, (i + m >> 0)); + n = (x = (new $Int64(0, m)), new $Int64(n.$high + x.$high, n.$low + x.$low)); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, io.EOF)) { + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = e; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Buffer.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, e, err, i, m, n, r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Buffer.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(r); }; + makeSlice = function(n) { + var {$24r, n, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $deferred.push([(function() { + if (!($interfaceIsEqual($recover(), $ifaceNil))) { + $panic($pkg.ErrTooLarge); + } + }), []]); + $24r = $makeSlice(sliceType, n); + $s = 1; case 1: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return sliceType.nil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: makeSlice, $c: true, $r, $24r, n, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.WriteTo = function(w) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, e, err, m, n, nBytes, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + b.lastRead = 0; + nBytes = b.Len(); + /* */ if (nBytes > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (nBytes > 0) { */ case 1: + _r = w.Write($subslice(b.buf, b.off)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + m = _tuple[0]; + e = _tuple[1]; + if (m > nBytes) { + $panic(new $String("bytes.Buffer.WriteTo: invalid Write count")); + } + b.off = b.off + (m) >> 0; + n = (new $Int64(0, m)); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = e; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if (!((m === nBytes))) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = io.ErrShortWrite; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* } */ case 2: + b.Reset(); + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Buffer.ptr.prototype.WriteTo, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, e, err, m, n, nBytes, w, $s};return $f; + }; + Buffer.prototype.WriteTo = function(w) { return this.$val.WriteTo(w); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.WriteByte = function(c) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, c, m, ok, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + b.lastRead = 0; + _tuple = b.tryGrowByReslice(1); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 1: + _r = b.grow(1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r; + /* } */ case 2: + (x = b.buf, ((m < 0 || m >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + m] = c)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Buffer.ptr.prototype.WriteByte, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, c, m, ok, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Buffer.prototype.WriteByte = function(c) { return this.$val.WriteByte(c); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.WriteRune = function(r) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, err, m, n, ok, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + /* */ if (((r >>> 0)) < 128) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (((r >>> 0)) < 128) { */ case 1: + _r = b.WriteByte(((r << 24 >>> 24))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _tmp = 1; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 2: + b.lastRead = 0; + _tuple = b.tryGrowByReslice(4); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = b.grow(4); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + n = utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(b.buf, m, (m + 4 >> 0)), r); + b.buf = $subslice(b.buf, 0, (m + n >> 0)); + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Buffer.ptr.prototype.WriteRune, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, err, m, n, ok, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Buffer.prototype.WriteRune = function(r) { return this.$val.WriteRune(r); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, err, n, p; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + b.lastRead = 0; + if (b.empty()) { + b.Reset(); + if (p.$length === 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + } + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, err]; + } + n = $copySlice(p, $subslice(b.buf, b.off)); + b.off = b.off + (n) >> 0; + if (n > 0) { + b.lastRead = -1; + } + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [n, err]; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Next = function(n) { + var b, data, m, n; + b = this; + b.lastRead = 0; + m = b.Len(); + if (n > m) { + n = m; + } + data = $subslice(b.buf, b.off, (b.off + n >> 0)); + b.off = b.off + (n) >> 0; + if (n > 0) { + b.lastRead = -1; + } + return data; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Next = function(n) { return this.$val.Next(n); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.ReadByte = function() { + var b, c, x, x$1; + b = this; + if (b.empty()) { + b.Reset(); + return [0, io.EOF]; + } + c = (x = b.buf, x$1 = b.off, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); + b.off = b.off + (1) >> 0; + b.lastRead = -1; + return [c, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Buffer.prototype.ReadByte = function() { return this.$val.ReadByte(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.ReadRune = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, c, err, n, r, size, x, x$1; + r = 0; + size = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + if (b.empty()) { + b.Reset(); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = io.EOF; + r = _tmp; + size = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [r, size, err]; + } + c = (x = b.buf, x$1 = b.off, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); + if (c < 128) { + b.off = b.off + (1) >> 0; + b.lastRead = 1; + _tmp$3 = ((c >> 0)); + _tmp$4 = 1; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + r = _tmp$3; + size = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [r, size, err]; + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(b.buf, b.off)); + r = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + b.off = b.off + (n) >> 0; + b.lastRead = ((n << 24 >> 24)); + _tmp$6 = r; + _tmp$7 = n; + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + r = _tmp$6; + size = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [r, size, err]; + }; + Buffer.prototype.ReadRune = function() { return this.$val.ReadRune(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.UnreadRune = function() { + var b; + b = this; + if (b.lastRead <= 0) { + return errors.New("bytes.Buffer: UnreadRune: previous operation was not a successful ReadRune"); + } + if (b.off >= ((b.lastRead >> 0))) { + b.off = b.off - (((b.lastRead >> 0))) >> 0; + } + b.lastRead = 0; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Buffer.prototype.UnreadRune = function() { return this.$val.UnreadRune(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte = function() { + var b; + b = this; + if (b.lastRead === 0) { + return errUnreadByte; + } + b.lastRead = 0; + if (b.off > 0) { + b.off = b.off - (1) >> 0; + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Buffer.prototype.UnreadByte = function() { return this.$val.UnreadByte(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.ReadBytes = function(delim) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, delim, err, line, slice; + line = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + _tuple = b.readSlice(delim); + slice = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + line = $appendSlice(line, slice); + _tmp = line; + _tmp$1 = err; + line = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [line, err]; + }; + Buffer.prototype.ReadBytes = function(delim) { return this.$val.ReadBytes(delim); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.readSlice = function(delim) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, b, delim, end, err, i, line; + line = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + i = IndexByte($subslice(b.buf, b.off), delim); + end = (b.off + i >> 0) + 1 >> 0; + if (i < 0) { + end = b.buf.$length; + err = io.EOF; + } + line = $subslice(b.buf, b.off, end); + b.off = end; + b.lastRead = -1; + _tmp = line; + _tmp$1 = err; + line = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [line, err]; + }; + Buffer.prototype.readSlice = function(delim) { return this.$val.readSlice(delim); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.ReadString = function(delim) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, delim, err, line, slice; + line = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + _tuple = b.readSlice(delim); + slice = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = ($bytesToString(slice)); + _tmp$1 = err; + line = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [line, err]; + }; + Buffer.prototype.ReadString = function(delim) { return this.$val.ReadString(delim); }; + IndexByte = function(s, c) { + var _i, _ref, b, c, i, s; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (b === c) { + return i; + } + _i++; + } + return -1; + }; + $pkg.IndexByte = IndexByte; + Equal = function(a, b) { + var _i, _ref, a, b, c, i; + if (!((a.$length === b.$length))) { + return false; + } + _ref = a; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!((c === ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i])))) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.Equal = Equal; + Compare = function(a, b) { + var _i, _ref, a, b, ca, cb, i; + _ref = a; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ca = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (i >= b.$length) { + return 1; + } + cb = ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i]); + if (ca < cb) { + return -1; + } + if (ca > cb) { + return 1; + } + _i++; + } + if (a.$length < b.$length) { + return -1; + } + return 0; + }; + $pkg.Compare = Compare; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadAt", name: "ReadAt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadByte", name: "ReadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadByte", name: "UnreadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "ReadRune", name: "ReadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadRune", name: "UnreadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Seek", name: "Seek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "contains", name: "contains", pkg: "bytes", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "empty", name: "empty", pkg: "bytes", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Cap", name: "Cap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Truncate", name: "Truncate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "tryGrowByReslice", name: "tryGrowByReslice", pkg: "bytes", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "grow", name: "grow", pkg: "bytes", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Grow", name: "Grow", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteByte", name: "WriteByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteRune", name: "WriteRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Next", name: "Next", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "ReadByte", name: "ReadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadRune", name: "ReadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadRune", name: "UnreadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadByte", name: "UnreadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "ReadBytes", name: "ReadBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "readSlice", name: "readSlice", pkg: "bytes", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadString", name: "ReadString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$String, $error], false)}]; + Reader.init("bytes", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "i", name: "i", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "prevRune", name: "prevRune", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + asciiSet.init($Uint32, 8); + Buffer.init("bytes", [{prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "off", name: "off", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastRead", name: "lastRead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: readOp, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytealg.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + asciiSpace = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); + $pkg.ErrTooLarge = errors.New("bytes.Buffer: too large"); + errNegativeRead = errors.New("bytes.Buffer: reader returned negative count from Read"); + errUnreadByte = errors.New("bytes.Buffer: UnreadByte: previous operation was not a successful read"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["strings"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, js, bytealg, io, sync, unicode, utf8, asciiSet, stringFinder, Replacer, replacer, trieNode, genericReplacer, appendSliceWriter, stringWriter, singleStringReplacer, byteReplacer, byteStringReplacer, Reader, Builder, span, sliceType, ptrType, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, sliceType$2, arrayType, arrayType$1, sliceType$3, arrayType$2, ptrType$2, arrayType$3, ptrType$3, sliceType$4, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, asciiSpace, explode, Contains, ContainsAny, ContainsRune, IndexRune, IndexAny, LastIndexByte, genSplit, SplitN, Split, Fields, FieldsFunc, Join, HasPrefix, HasSuffix, Map, Repeat, ToLower, TrimLeftFunc, TrimRightFunc, TrimFunc, IndexFunc, indexFunc, lastIndexFunc, makeASCIISet, Trim, TrimLeft, trimLeftByte, trimLeftASCII, trimLeftUnicode, TrimRight, trimRightByte, trimRightASCII, trimRightUnicode, TrimSpace, TrimPrefix, TrimSuffix, Replace, ReplaceAll, EqualFold, Cut, makeStringFinder, longestCommonSuffix, max, NewReplacer, makeGenericReplacer, getStringWriter, makeSingleStringReplacer, NewReader, IndexByte, Index, LastIndex, Count; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + bytealg = $packages["internal/bytealg"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + asciiSet = $pkg.asciiSet = $newType(32, $kindArray, "strings.asciiSet", true, "strings", false, null); + stringFinder = $pkg.stringFinder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strings.stringFinder", true, "strings", false, function(pattern_, badCharSkip_, goodSuffixSkip_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.pattern = ""; + this.badCharSkip = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.goodSuffixSkip = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.pattern = pattern_; + this.badCharSkip = badCharSkip_; + this.goodSuffixSkip = goodSuffixSkip_; + }); + Replacer = $pkg.Replacer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strings.Replacer", true, "strings", true, function(once_, r_, oldnew_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.oldnew = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.once = once_; + this.r = r_; + this.oldnew = oldnew_; + }); + replacer = $pkg.replacer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "strings.replacer", true, "strings", false, null); + trieNode = $pkg.trieNode = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strings.trieNode", true, "strings", false, function(value_, priority_, prefix_, next_, table_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.value = ""; + this.priority = 0; + this.prefix = ""; + this.next = ptrType$3.nil; + this.table = sliceType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.value = value_; + this.priority = priority_; + this.prefix = prefix_; + this.next = next_; + this.table = table_; + }); + genericReplacer = $pkg.genericReplacer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strings.genericReplacer", true, "strings", false, function(root_, tableSize_, mapping_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.root = new trieNode.ptr("", 0, "", ptrType$3.nil, sliceType$4.nil); + this.tableSize = 0; + this.mapping = arrayType$2.zero(); + return; + } + this.root = root_; + this.tableSize = tableSize_; + this.mapping = mapping_; + }); + appendSliceWriter = $pkg.appendSliceWriter = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "strings.appendSliceWriter", true, "strings", false, null); + stringWriter = $pkg.stringWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strings.stringWriter", true, "strings", false, function(w_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.w = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.w = w_; + }); + singleStringReplacer = $pkg.singleStringReplacer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strings.singleStringReplacer", true, "strings", false, function(finder_, value_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.finder = ptrType$5.nil; + this.value = ""; + return; + } + this.finder = finder_; + this.value = value_; + }); + byteReplacer = $pkg.byteReplacer = $newType(256, $kindArray, "strings.byteReplacer", true, "strings", false, null); + byteStringReplacer = $pkg.byteStringReplacer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strings.byteStringReplacer", true, "strings", false, function(replacements_, toReplace_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.replacements = arrayType$3.zero(); + this.toReplace = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.replacements = replacements_; + this.toReplace = toReplace_; + }); + Reader = $pkg.Reader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strings.Reader", true, "strings", true, function(s_, i_, prevRune_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = ""; + this.i = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.prevRune = 0; + return; + } + this.s = s_; + this.i = i_; + this.prevRune = prevRune_; + }); + Builder = $pkg.Builder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strings.Builder", true, "strings", true, function(addr_, buf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.addr = ptrType$1.nil; + this.buf = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.addr = addr_; + this.buf = buf_; + }); + span = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strings.span", true, "strings", false, function(start_, end_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.start = 0; + this.end = 0; + return; + } + this.start = start_; + this.end = end_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($String); + ptrType = $ptrType(asciiSet); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(span); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Builder); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint32, 8); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Int, 256); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Int); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 256); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(byteReplacer); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType(sliceType$2, 256); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(trieNode); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(ptrType$3); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(appendSliceWriter); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(stringFinder); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(Replacer); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(genericReplacer); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(singleStringReplacer); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(byteStringReplacer); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(Reader); + explode = function(s, n) { + var _tuple, a, ch, i, l, n, s, size, x; + l = utf8.RuneCountInString(s); + if (n < 0 || n > l) { + n = l; + } + a = $makeSlice(sliceType, n); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < (n - 1 >> 0))) { break; } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s); + ch = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + ((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = $substring(s, 0, size)); + s = $substring(s, size); + if (ch === 65533) { + ((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = "\xEF\xBF\xBD"); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (n > 0) { + (x = n - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + x] = s)); + } + return a; + }; + Contains = function(s, substr) { + var s, substr; + return Index(s, substr) >= 0; + }; + $pkg.Contains = Contains; + ContainsAny = function(s, chars) { + var chars, s; + return IndexAny(s, chars) >= 0; + }; + $pkg.ContainsAny = ContainsAny; + ContainsRune = function(s, r) { + var r, s; + return IndexRune(s, r) >= 0; + }; + $pkg.ContainsRune = ContainsRune; + IndexRune = function(s, r) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, i, r, r$1, s; + if (0 <= r && r < 128) { + return IndexByte(s, ((r << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if ((r === 65533)) { + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i = _i; + r$1 = _rune[0]; + if (r$1 === 65533) { + return i; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return -1; + } else if (!utf8.ValidRune(r)) { + return -1; + } else { + return Index(s, ($encodeRune(r))); + } + }; + $pkg.IndexRune = IndexRune; + IndexAny = function(s, chars) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, _tuple, as, c, chars, i, i$1, isASCII, r, s; + if (chars === "") { + return -1; + } + if (chars.length === 1) { + r = ((chars.charCodeAt(0) >> 0)); + if (r >= 128) { + r = 65533; + } + return IndexRune(s, r); + } + if (s.length > 8) { + _tuple = makeASCIISet(chars); + as = $clone(_tuple[0], asciiSet); + isASCII = _tuple[1]; + if (isASCII) { + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (new ptrType(as).contains(s.charCodeAt(i))) { + return i; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return -1; + } + } + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i$1 = _i; + c = _rune[0]; + if (IndexRune(chars, c) >= 0) { + return i$1; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return -1; + }; + $pkg.IndexAny = IndexAny; + LastIndexByte = function(s, c) { + var c, i, s; + i = s.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) === c) { + return i; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return -1; + }; + $pkg.LastIndexByte = LastIndexByte; + genSplit = function(s, sep, sepSave, n) { + var a, i, m, n, s, sep, sepSave; + if (n === 0) { + return sliceType.nil; + } + if (sep === "") { + return explode(s, n); + } + if (n < 0) { + n = Count(s, sep) + 1 >> 0; + } + a = $makeSlice(sliceType, n); + n = n - (1) >> 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + m = Index(s, sep); + if (m < 0) { + break; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = $substring(s, 0, (m + sepSave >> 0))); + s = $substring(s, (m + sep.length >> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = s); + return $subslice(a, 0, (i + 1 >> 0)); + }; + SplitN = function(s, sep, n) { + var n, s, sep; + return genSplit(s, sep, 0, n); + }; + $pkg.SplitN = SplitN; + Split = function(s, sep) { + var s, sep; + return genSplit(s, sep, 0, -1); + }; + $pkg.Split = Split; + Fields = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, a, fieldStart, i, i$1, isSpace, n, na, r, s, setBits, wasSpace, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + wasSpace = 1; + setBits = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + r = s.charCodeAt(i); + setBits = (setBits | (r)) >>> 0; + isSpace = ((((r < 0 || r >= asciiSpace.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiSpace[r]) >> 0)); + n = n + ((wasSpace & (~isSpace >> 0))) >> 0; + wasSpace = isSpace; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + /* */ if (setBits >= 128) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (setBits >= 128) { */ case 1: + _r = FieldsFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + a = $makeSlice(sliceType, n); + na = 0; + fieldStart = 0; + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.length && !(((x = s.charCodeAt(i$1), ((x < 0 || x >= asciiSpace.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiSpace[x])) === 0)))) { break; } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + fieldStart = i$1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.length)) { break; } + if ((x$1 = s.charCodeAt(i$1), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= asciiSpace.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiSpace[x$1])) === 0) { + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + ((na < 0 || na >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + na] = $substring(s, fieldStart, i$1)); + na = na + (1) >> 0; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.length && !(((x$2 = s.charCodeAt(i$1), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= asciiSpace.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiSpace[x$2])) === 0)))) { break; } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + fieldStart = i$1; + } + if (fieldStart < s.length) { + ((na < 0 || na >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + na] = $substring(s, fieldStart)); + } + $s = -1; return a; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fields, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, a, fieldStart, i, i$1, isSpace, n, na, r, s, setBits, wasSpace, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Fields = Fields; + FieldsFunc = function(s, f) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, a, end, f, i, rune, s, span$1, spans, start, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + spans = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, 32); + start = -1; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + end = _i; + rune = _rune[0]; + _r = f(rune); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 3: + if (start >= 0) { + spans = $append(spans, new span.ptr(start, end)); + start = ~start >> 0; + } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + if (start < 0) { + start = end; + } + /* } */ case 5: + _i += _rune[1]; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (start >= 0) { + spans = $append(spans, new span.ptr(start, s.length)); + } + a = $makeSlice(sliceType, spans.$length); + _ref$1 = spans; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i = _i$1; + span$1 = $clone(((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]), span); + ((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = $substring(s, span$1.start, span$1.end)); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return a; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FieldsFunc, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, a, end, f, i, rune, s, span$1, spans, start, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.FieldsFunc = FieldsFunc; + Join = function(elems, sep) { + var _1, _i, _ref, b, elems, i, n, s, sep; + _1 = elems.$length; + if (_1 === (0)) { + return ""; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return (0 >= elems.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : elems.$array[elems.$offset + 0]); + } + n = $imul(sep.length, ((elems.$length - 1 >> 0))); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < elems.$length)) { break; } + n = n + (((i < 0 || i >= elems.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : elems.$array[elems.$offset + i]).length) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + b = new Builder.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$2.nil); + b.Grow(n); + b.WriteString((0 >= elems.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : elems.$array[elems.$offset + 0])); + _ref = $subslice(elems, 1); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b.WriteString(sep); + b.WriteString(s); + _i++; + } + return b.String(); + }; + $pkg.Join = Join; + HasPrefix = function(s, prefix) { + var prefix, s; + return s.length >= prefix.length && $substring(s, 0, prefix.length) === prefix; + }; + $pkg.HasPrefix = HasPrefix; + HasSuffix = function(s, suffix) { + var s, suffix; + return s.length >= suffix.length && $substring(s, (s.length - suffix.length >> 0)) === suffix; + }; + $pkg.HasSuffix = HasSuffix; + Map = function(mapping, s) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, _rune$1, _tuple, b, c, c$1, i, mapping, r, r$1, s, width, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mapping, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = new Builder.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$2.nil); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i = _i; + c = _rune[0]; + _r = mapping(c); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = _r; + if ((r === c) && !((c === 65533))) { + _i += _rune[1]; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + width = 0; + if (c === 65533) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(s, i)); + c = _tuple[0]; + width = _tuple[1]; + if (!((width === 1)) && (r === c)) { + _i += _rune[1]; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + } else { + width = utf8.RuneLen(c); + } + b.Grow(s.length + 4 >> 0); + b.WriteString($substring(s, 0, i)); + if (r >= 0) { + b.WriteRune(r); + } + s = $substring(s, (i + width >> 0)); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + case 2: + if (b.Cap() === 0) { + $s = -1; return s; + } + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _rune$1 = $decodeRune(_ref$1, _i$1); + c$1 = _rune$1[0]; + _r$1 = mapping(c$1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r$1 = _r$1; + if (r$1 >= 0) { + if (r$1 < 128) { + b.WriteByte(((r$1 << 24 >>> 24))); + } else { + b.WriteRune(r$1); + } + } + _i$1 += _rune$1[1]; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return b.String(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Map, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, _rune$1, _tuple, b, c, c$1, i, mapping, r, r$1, s, width, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Map = Map; + Repeat = function(s, count) { + var _q, _q$1, b, count, n, s; + if (count === 0) { + return ""; + } + if (count < 0) { + $panic(new $String("strings: negative Repeat count")); + } else if (!(((_q = ($imul(s.length, count)) / count, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === s.length))) { + $panic(new $String("strings: Repeat count causes overflow")); + } + n = $imul(s.length, count); + b = new Builder.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$2.nil); + b.Grow(n); + b.WriteString(s); + while (true) { + if (!(b.Len() < n)) { break; } + if (b.Len() <= (_q$1 = n / 2, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) { + b.WriteString(b.String()); + } else { + b.WriteString($substring(b.String(), 0, (n - b.Len() >> 0))); + break; + } + } + return b.String(); + }; + $pkg.Repeat = Repeat; + ToLower = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, c, c$1, hasUpper, i, i$1, isASCII, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tmp = true; + _tmp$1 = false; + isASCII = _tmp; + hasUpper = _tmp$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (c >= 128) { + isASCII = false; + break; + } + hasUpper = hasUpper || (65 <= c && c <= 90); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (isASCII) { + if (!hasUpper) { + $s = -1; return s; + } + b = new Builder.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$2.nil); + b.Grow(s.length); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.length)) { break; } + c$1 = s.charCodeAt(i$1); + if (65 <= c$1 && c$1 <= 90) { + c$1 = c$1 + (32) << 24 >>> 24; + } + b.WriteByte(c$1); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return b.String(); + } + _r = Map(unicode.ToLower, s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ToLower, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, c, c$1, hasUpper, i, i$1, isASCII, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ToLower = ToLower; + TrimLeftFunc = function(s, f) { + var {_r, f, i, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = indexFunc(s, f, false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = _r; + if (i === -1) { + $s = -1; return ""; + } + $s = -1; return $substring(s, i); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TrimLeftFunc, $c: true, $r, _r, f, i, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.TrimLeftFunc = TrimLeftFunc; + TrimRightFunc = function(s, f) { + var {_r, _tuple, f, i, s, wid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = lastIndexFunc(s, f, false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = _r; + if (i >= 0 && s.charCodeAt(i) >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(s, i)); + wid = _tuple[1]; + i = i + (wid) >> 0; + } else { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return $substring(s, 0, i); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TrimRightFunc, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, f, i, s, wid, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.TrimRightFunc = TrimRightFunc; + TrimFunc = function(s, f) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, f, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = TrimLeftFunc(s, f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = TrimRightFunc(_r, f); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TrimFunc, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, f, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.TrimFunc = TrimFunc; + IndexFunc = function(s, f) { + var {$24r, _r, f, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = indexFunc(s, f, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IndexFunc, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, f, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.IndexFunc = IndexFunc; + indexFunc = function(s, f, truth) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, _rune, f, i, r, s, truth, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f, truth}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i = _i; + r = _rune[0]; + _r = f(r); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r === truth) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r === truth) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return i; + /* } */ case 4: + _i += _rune[1]; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return -1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: indexFunc, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, _rune, f, i, r, s, truth, $s};return $f; + }; + lastIndexFunc = function(s, f, truth) { + var {_r, _tuple, f, i, r, s, size, truth, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, f, truth}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = s.length; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString($substring(s, 0, i)); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + i = i - (size) >> 0; + _r = f(r); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r === truth) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r === truth) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return i; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return -1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: lastIndexFunc, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, f, i, r, s, size, truth, $s};return $f; + }; + makeASCIISet = function(chars) { + var _index, _q, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, as, c, chars, i, ok, y; + as = arrayType.zero(); + ok = false; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < chars.length)) { break; } + c = chars.charCodeAt(i); + if (c >= 128) { + _tmp = $clone(as, asciiSet); + _tmp$1 = false; + asciiSet.copy(as, _tmp); + ok = _tmp$1; + return [as, ok]; + } + _index = (_q = c / 32, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + ((_index < 0 || _index >= as.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : as[_index] = ((((_index < 0 || _index >= as.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : as[_index]) | (((y = ((_r = c % 32, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$2 = $clone(as, asciiSet); + _tmp$3 = true; + asciiSet.copy(as, _tmp$2); + ok = _tmp$3; + return [as, ok]; + }; + asciiSet.prototype.contains = function(c) { + var _q, _r, as, c, x, x$1, y; + as = this.$val; + return !((((((x = as, x$1 = (_q = c / 32, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])) & (((y = ((_r = c % 32, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) === 0)); + }; + $ptrType(asciiSet).prototype.contains = function(c) { return (new asciiSet(this.$get())).contains(c); }; + Trim = function(s, cutset) { + var _tuple, as, cutset, ok, s; + if (s === "" || cutset === "") { + return s; + } + if ((cutset.length === 1) && cutset.charCodeAt(0) < 128) { + return trimLeftByte(trimRightByte(s, cutset.charCodeAt(0)), cutset.charCodeAt(0)); + } + _tuple = makeASCIISet(cutset); + as = $clone(_tuple[0], asciiSet); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return trimLeftASCII(trimRightASCII(s, as), as); + } + return trimLeftUnicode(trimRightUnicode(s, cutset), cutset); + }; + $pkg.Trim = Trim; + TrimLeft = function(s, cutset) { + var _tuple, as, cutset, ok, s; + if (s === "" || cutset === "") { + return s; + } + if ((cutset.length === 1) && cutset.charCodeAt(0) < 128) { + return trimLeftByte(s, cutset.charCodeAt(0)); + } + _tuple = makeASCIISet(cutset); + as = $clone(_tuple[0], asciiSet); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return trimLeftASCII(s, as); + } + return trimLeftUnicode(s, cutset); + }; + $pkg.TrimLeft = TrimLeft; + trimLeftByte = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0 && (s.charCodeAt(0) === c))) { break; } + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + return s; + }; + trimLeftASCII = function(s, as) { + var as, s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; } + if (!new ptrType(as).contains(s.charCodeAt(0))) { + break; + } + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + return s; + }; + trimLeftUnicode = function(s, cutset) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, cutset, n, r, s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; } + _tmp = ((s.charCodeAt(0) >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = 1; + r = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + if (r >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s); + r = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (!ContainsRune(cutset, r)) { + break; + } + s = $substring(s, n); + } + return s; + }; + TrimRight = function(s, cutset) { + var _tuple, as, cutset, ok, s; + if (s === "" || cutset === "") { + return s; + } + if ((cutset.length === 1) && cutset.charCodeAt(0) < 128) { + return trimRightByte(s, cutset.charCodeAt(0)); + } + _tuple = makeASCIISet(cutset); + as = $clone(_tuple[0], asciiSet); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return trimRightASCII(s, as); + } + return trimRightUnicode(s, cutset); + }; + $pkg.TrimRight = TrimRight; + trimRightByte = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0 && (s.charCodeAt((s.length - 1 >> 0)) === c))) { break; } + s = $substring(s, 0, (s.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + return s; + }; + trimRightASCII = function(s, as) { + var as, s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; } + if (!new ptrType(as).contains(s.charCodeAt((s.length - 1 >> 0)))) { + break; + } + s = $substring(s, 0, (s.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + return s; + }; + trimRightUnicode = function(s, cutset) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, cutset, n, r, s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; } + _tmp = ((s.charCodeAt((s.length - 1 >> 0)) >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = 1; + r = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + if (r >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(s); + r = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (!ContainsRune(cutset, r)) { + break; + } + s = $substring(s, 0, (s.length - n >> 0)); + } + return s; + }; + TrimSpace = function(s) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, c, c$1, s, start, stop, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + start = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(start < s.length)) { break; } */ if(!(start < s.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + c = s.charCodeAt(start); + /* */ if (c >= 128) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (c >= 128) { */ case 3: + _r = TrimFunc($substring(s, start), unicode.IsSpace); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + if (((c < 0 || c >= asciiSpace.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiSpace[c]) === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + start = start + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + stop = s.length; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(stop > start)) { break; } */ if(!(stop > start)) { $s = 8; continue; } + c$1 = s.charCodeAt((stop - 1 >> 0)); + /* */ if (c$1 >= 128) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (c$1 >= 128) { */ case 9: + _r$1 = TrimFunc($substring(s, start, stop), unicode.IsSpace); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + if (((c$1 < 0 || c$1 >= asciiSpace.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiSpace[c$1]) === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + stop = stop - (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return $substring(s, start, stop); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TrimSpace, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, c, c$1, s, start, stop, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.TrimSpace = TrimSpace; + TrimPrefix = function(s, prefix) { + var prefix, s; + if (HasPrefix(s, prefix)) { + return $substring(s, prefix.length); + } + return s; + }; + $pkg.TrimPrefix = TrimPrefix; + TrimSuffix = function(s, suffix) { + var s, suffix; + if (HasSuffix(s, suffix)) { + return $substring(s, 0, (s.length - suffix.length >> 0)); + } + return s; + }; + $pkg.TrimSuffix = TrimSuffix; + Replace = function(s, old, new$1, n) { + var _tuple, b, i, j, m, n, new$1, old, s, start, wid; + if (old === new$1 || (n === 0)) { + return s; + } + m = Count(s, old); + if (m === 0) { + return s; + } else if (n < 0 || m < n) { + n = m; + } + b = new Builder.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$2.nil); + b.Grow(s.length + ($imul(n, ((new$1.length - old.length >> 0)))) >> 0); + start = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + j = start; + if (old.length === 0) { + if (i > 0) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(s, start)); + wid = _tuple[1]; + j = j + (wid) >> 0; + } + } else { + j = j + (Index($substring(s, start), old)) >> 0; + } + b.WriteString($substring(s, start, j)); + b.WriteString(new$1); + start = j + old.length >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + b.WriteString($substring(s, start)); + return b.String(); + }; + $pkg.Replace = Replace; + ReplaceAll = function(s, old, new$1) { + var new$1, old, s; + return Replace(s, old, new$1, -1); + }; + $pkg.ReplaceAll = ReplaceAll; + EqualFold = function(s, t) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, r, r$1, r$2, s, size, size$1, sr, t, tr; + while (true) { + if (!(!(s === "") && !(t === ""))) { break; } + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + sr = _tmp; + tr = _tmp$1; + if (s.charCodeAt(0) < 128) { + _tmp$2 = ((s.charCodeAt(0) >> 0)); + _tmp$3 = $substring(s, 1); + sr = _tmp$2; + s = _tmp$3; + } else { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + _tmp$4 = r; + _tmp$5 = $substring(s, size); + sr = _tmp$4; + s = _tmp$5; + } + if (t.charCodeAt(0) < 128) { + _tmp$6 = ((t.charCodeAt(0) >> 0)); + _tmp$7 = $substring(t, 1); + tr = _tmp$6; + t = _tmp$7; + } else { + _tuple$1 = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(t); + r$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + size$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp$8 = r$1; + _tmp$9 = $substring(t, size$1); + tr = _tmp$8; + t = _tmp$9; + } + if (tr === sr) { + continue; + } + if (tr < sr) { + _tmp$10 = sr; + _tmp$11 = tr; + tr = _tmp$10; + sr = _tmp$11; + } + if (tr < 128) { + if (65 <= sr && sr <= 90 && (tr === ((sr + 97 >> 0) - 65 >> 0))) { + continue; + } + return false; + } + r$2 = unicode.SimpleFold(sr); + while (true) { + if (!(!((r$2 === sr)) && r$2 < tr)) { break; } + r$2 = unicode.SimpleFold(r$2); + } + if (r$2 === tr) { + continue; + } + return false; + } + return s === t; + }; + $pkg.EqualFold = EqualFold; + Cut = function(s, sep) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, after, before, found, i, s, sep; + before = ""; + after = ""; + found = false; + i = Index(s, sep); + if (i >= 0) { + _tmp = $substring(s, 0, i); + _tmp$1 = $substring(s, (i + sep.length >> 0)); + _tmp$2 = true; + before = _tmp; + after = _tmp$1; + found = _tmp$2; + return [before, after, found]; + } + _tmp$3 = s; + _tmp$4 = ""; + _tmp$5 = false; + before = _tmp$3; + after = _tmp$4; + found = _tmp$5; + return [before, after, found]; + }; + $pkg.Cut = Cut; + makeStringFinder = function(pattern) { + var _i, _ref, f, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, last, lastPrefix, lenSuffix, pattern, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + f = new stringFinder.ptr(pattern, arrayType$1.zero(), $makeSlice(sliceType$3, pattern.length)); + last = pattern.length - 1 >> 0; + _ref = f.badCharSkip; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 256)) { break; } + i = _i; + (x = f.badCharSkip, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i] = pattern.length)); + _i++; + } + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < last)) { break; } + (x$1 = f.badCharSkip, x$2 = pattern.charCodeAt(i$1), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2] = (last - i$1 >> 0))); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + lastPrefix = last; + i$2 = last; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 >= 0)) { break; } + if (HasPrefix(pattern, $substring(pattern, (i$2 + 1 >> 0)))) { + lastPrefix = i$2 + 1 >> 0; + } + (x$3 = f.goodSuffixSkip, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i$2] = ((lastPrefix + last >> 0) - i$2 >> 0))); + i$2 = i$2 - (1) >> 0; + } + i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 < last)) { break; } + lenSuffix = longestCommonSuffix(pattern, $substring(pattern, 1, (i$3 + 1 >> 0))); + if (!((pattern.charCodeAt((i$3 - lenSuffix >> 0)) === pattern.charCodeAt((last - lenSuffix >> 0))))) { + (x$4 = f.goodSuffixSkip, x$5 = last - lenSuffix >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5] = ((lenSuffix + last >> 0) - i$3 >> 0))); + } + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + return f; + }; + longestCommonSuffix = function(a, b) { + var a, b, i; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < a.length && i < b.length)) { break; } + if (!((a.charCodeAt(((a.length - 1 >> 0) - i >> 0)) === b.charCodeAt(((b.length - 1 >> 0) - i >> 0))))) { + break; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return i; + }; + stringFinder.ptr.prototype.next = function(text) { + var f, i, j, text, x, x$1, x$2; + f = this; + i = f.pattern.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < text.length)) { break; } + j = f.pattern.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j >= 0 && (text.charCodeAt(i) === f.pattern.charCodeAt(j)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + j = j - (1) >> 0; + } + if (j < 0) { + return i + 1 >> 0; + } + i = i + (max((x = f.badCharSkip, x$1 = text.charCodeAt(i), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])), (x$2 = f.goodSuffixSkip, ((j < 0 || j >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + j])))) >> 0; + } + return -1; + }; + stringFinder.prototype.next = function(text) { return this.$val.next(text); }; + max = function(a, b) { + var a, b; + if (a > b) { + return a; + } + return b; + }; + NewReplacer = function(oldnew) { + var _r, oldnew; + if ((_r = oldnew.$length % 2, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 1) { + $panic(new $String("strings.NewReplacer: odd argument count")); + } + return new Replacer.ptr(new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), $ifaceNil, $appendSlice((sliceType.nil), oldnew)); + }; + $pkg.NewReplacer = NewReplacer; + Replacer.ptr.prototype.buildOnce = function() { + var r; + r = this; + r.r = r.build(); + r.oldnew = sliceType.nil; + }; + Replacer.prototype.buildOnce = function() { return this.$val.buildOnce(); }; + Replacer.ptr.prototype.build = function() { + var _i, _q, _ref, allNewBytes, b, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, n, n$1, o, o$1, oldnew, r, r$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + b = this; + oldnew = b.oldnew; + if ((oldnew.$length === 2) && (0 >= oldnew.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + 0]).length > 1) { + return makeSingleStringReplacer((0 >= oldnew.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + 0]), (1 >= oldnew.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + 1])); + } + allNewBytes = true; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < oldnew.$length)) { break; } + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= oldnew.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + i]).length === 1))) { + return makeGenericReplacer(oldnew); + } + if (!(((x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= oldnew.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + x])).length === 1))) { + allNewBytes = false; + } + i = i + (2) >> 0; + } + if (allNewBytes) { + r = arrayType$2.zero(); + _ref = r; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 256)) { break; } + i$1 = _i; + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= r.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : r[i$1] = ((i$1 << 24 >>> 24))); + _i++; + } + i$2 = oldnew.$length - 2 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 >= 0)) { break; } + o = ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= oldnew.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + i$2]).charCodeAt(0); + n = (x$1 = i$2 + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= oldnew.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + x$1])).charCodeAt(0); + ((o < 0 || o >= r.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : r[o] = n); + i$2 = i$2 - (2) >> 0; + } + return new ptrType$2(r); + } + r$1 = new byteStringReplacer.ptr(arrayType$3.zero(), $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, (_q = oldnew.$length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))); + i$3 = oldnew.$length - 2 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 >= 0)) { break; } + o$1 = ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= oldnew.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + i$3]).charCodeAt(0); + n$1 = (x$2 = i$3 + 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= oldnew.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + x$2])); + if ((x$3 = r$1.replacements, ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[o$1])) === sliceType$2.nil) { + r$1.toReplace = $append(r$1.toReplace, ($bytesToString(new sliceType$2([o$1])))); + } + (x$4 = r$1.replacements, ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[o$1] = (new sliceType$2($stringToBytes(n$1))))); + i$3 = i$3 - (2) >> 0; + } + return r$1; + }; + Replacer.prototype.build = function() { return this.$val.build(); }; + Replacer.ptr.prototype.Replace = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + $r = r.once.Do($methodVal(r, "buildOnce")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = r.r.Replace(s); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Replacer.ptr.prototype.Replace, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Replacer.prototype.Replace = function(s) { return this.$val.Replace(s); }; + Replacer.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(w, s) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, err, n, r, s, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + $r = r.once.Do($methodVal(r, "buildOnce")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = r.r.WriteString(w, s); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Replacer.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, err, n, r, s, w, $s};return $f; + }; + Replacer.prototype.WriteString = function(w, s) { return this.$val.WriteString(w, s); }; + trieNode.ptr.prototype.add = function(key, val, priority, r) { + var key, keyNode, m, n, next, prefixNode, priority, r, t, val, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + t = this; + if (key === "") { + if (t.priority === 0) { + t.value = val; + t.priority = priority; + } + return; + } + if (!(t.prefix === "")) { + n = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(n < t.prefix.length && n < key.length)) { break; } + if (!((t.prefix.charCodeAt(n) === key.charCodeAt(n)))) { + break; + } + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + if (n === t.prefix.length) { + t.next.add($substring(key, n), val, priority, r); + } else if (n === 0) { + prefixNode = ptrType$3.nil; + if (t.prefix.length === 1) { + prefixNode = t.next; + } else { + prefixNode = new trieNode.ptr("", 0, $substring(t.prefix, 1), t.next, sliceType$4.nil); + } + keyNode = new trieNode.ptr("", 0, "", ptrType$3.nil, sliceType$4.nil); + t.table = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, r.tableSize); + (x = t.table, x$1 = (x$2 = r.mapping, x$3 = t.prefix.charCodeAt(0), ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[x$3])), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1] = prefixNode)); + (x$4 = t.table, x$5 = (x$6 = r.mapping, x$7 = key.charCodeAt(0), ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[x$7])), ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5] = keyNode)); + t.prefix = ""; + t.next = ptrType$3.nil; + keyNode.add($substring(key, 1), val, priority, r); + } else { + next = new trieNode.ptr("", 0, $substring(t.prefix, n), t.next, sliceType$4.nil); + t.prefix = $substring(t.prefix, 0, n); + t.next = next; + next.add($substring(key, n), val, priority, r); + } + } else if (!(t.table === sliceType$4.nil)) { + m = (x$8 = r.mapping, x$9 = key.charCodeAt(0), ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[x$9])); + if ((x$10 = t.table, ((m < 0 || m >= x$10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10.$array[x$10.$offset + m])) === ptrType$3.nil) { + (x$11 = t.table, ((m < 0 || m >= x$11.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11.$array[x$11.$offset + m] = new trieNode.ptr("", 0, "", ptrType$3.nil, sliceType$4.nil))); + } + (x$12 = t.table, ((m < 0 || m >= x$12.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12.$array[x$12.$offset + m])).add($substring(key, 1), val, priority, r); + } else { + t.prefix = key; + t.next = new trieNode.ptr("", 0, "", ptrType$3.nil, sliceType$4.nil); + t.next.add("", val, priority, r); + } + }; + trieNode.prototype.add = function(key, val, priority, r) { return this.$val.add(key, val, priority, r); }; + genericReplacer.ptr.prototype.lookup = function(s, ignoreRoot) { + var bestPriority, found, ignoreRoot, index, keylen, n, node, r, s, val, x, x$1, x$2; + val = ""; + keylen = 0; + found = false; + r = this; + bestPriority = 0; + node = r.root; + n = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(!(node === ptrType$3.nil))) { break; } + if (node.priority > bestPriority && !(ignoreRoot && node === r.root)) { + bestPriority = node.priority; + val = node.value; + keylen = n; + found = true; + } + if (s === "") { + break; + } + if (!(node.table === sliceType$4.nil)) { + index = (x = r.mapping, x$1 = s.charCodeAt(0), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])); + if (((index >> 0)) === r.tableSize) { + break; + } + node = (x$2 = node.table, ((index < 0 || index >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + index])); + s = $substring(s, 1); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } else if (!(node.prefix === "") && HasPrefix(s, node.prefix)) { + n = n + (node.prefix.length) >> 0; + s = $substring(s, node.prefix.length); + node = node.next; + } else { + break; + } + } + return [val, keylen, found]; + }; + genericReplacer.prototype.lookup = function(s, ignoreRoot) { return this.$val.lookup(s, ignoreRoot); }; + makeGenericReplacer = function(oldnew) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, b, b$1, i, i$1, i$2, index, j, key, oldnew, r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + r = new genericReplacer.ptr(new trieNode.ptr("", 0, "", ptrType$3.nil, sliceType$4.nil), 0, arrayType$2.zero()); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < oldnew.$length)) { break; } + key = ((i < 0 || i >= oldnew.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + i]); + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < key.length)) { break; } + (x = r.mapping, x$1 = key.charCodeAt(j), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1] = 1)); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i + (2) >> 0; + } + _ref = r.mapping; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 256)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref[_i]); + r.tableSize = r.tableSize + (((b >> 0))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + index = 0; + _ref$1 = r.mapping; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < 256)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + b$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1[_i$1]); + if (b$1 === 0) { + (x$2 = r.mapping, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i$1] = ((r.tableSize << 24 >>> 24)))); + } else { + (x$3 = r.mapping, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[i$1] = index)); + index = index + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + _i$1++; + } + r.root.table = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, r.tableSize); + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < oldnew.$length)) { break; } + r.root.add(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= oldnew.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + i$2]), (x$4 = i$2 + 1 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= oldnew.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oldnew.$array[oldnew.$offset + x$4])), oldnew.$length - i$2 >> 0, r); + i$2 = i$2 + (2) >> 0; + } + return r; + }; + $ptrType(appendSliceWriter).prototype.Write = function(p) { + var p, w; + w = this; + w.$set($appendSlice(w.$get(), p)); + return [p.$length, $ifaceNil]; + }; + $ptrType(appendSliceWriter).prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var s, w; + w = this; + w.$set($appendSlice(w.$get(), s)); + return [s.length, $ifaceNil]; + }; + stringWriter.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, s, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + _r = w.w.Write((new sliceType$2($stringToBytes(s)))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringWriter.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, s, w, $s};return $f; + }; + stringWriter.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); }; + getStringWriter = function(w) { + var _tuple, ok, sw, w, x; + _tuple = $assertType(w, io.StringWriter, true); + sw = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + sw = (x = new stringWriter.ptr(w), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + } + return sw; + }; + genericReplacer.ptr.prototype.Replace = function(s) { + var {_r, buf, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + buf = [buf]; + r = this; + buf[0] = $makeSlice(appendSliceWriter, 0, s.length); + _r = r.WriteString((buf.$ptr || (buf.$ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, buf))), s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return ($bytesToString(buf[0])); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: genericReplacer.ptr.prototype.Replace, $c: true, $r, _r, buf, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + genericReplacer.prototype.Replace = function(s) { return this.$val.Replace(s); }; + genericReplacer.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(w, s) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, i, index, keylen, last, match, n, prevMatchEmpty, r, s, sw, val, w, wn, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + sw = getStringWriter(w); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + last = _tmp; + wn = _tmp$1; + prevMatchEmpty = false; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i <= s.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i <= s.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + if (!((i === s.length)) && (r.root.priority === 0)) { + index = (((x = r.mapping, x$1 = s.charCodeAt(i), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])) >> 0)); + if ((index === r.tableSize) || (x$2 = r.root.table, ((index < 0 || index >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + index])) === ptrType$3.nil) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + } + _tuple = r.lookup($substring(s, i), prevMatchEmpty); + val = _tuple[0]; + keylen = _tuple[1]; + match = _tuple[2]; + prevMatchEmpty = match && (keylen === 0); + /* */ if (match) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (match) { */ case 3: + _r = sw.WriteString($substring(s, last, i)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + wn = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + n = n + (wn) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$1 = sw.WriteString(val); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$1; + wn = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + n = n + (wn) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + i = i + (keylen) >> 0; + last = i; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (!((last === s.length))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((last === s.length))) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = sw.WriteString($substring(s, last)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$2; + wn = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + n = n + (wn) >> 0; + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: genericReplacer.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, i, index, keylen, last, match, n, prevMatchEmpty, r, s, sw, val, w, wn, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + genericReplacer.prototype.WriteString = function(w, s) { return this.$val.WriteString(w, s); }; + makeSingleStringReplacer = function(pattern, value) { + var pattern, value; + return new singleStringReplacer.ptr(makeStringFinder(pattern), value); + }; + singleStringReplacer.ptr.prototype.Replace = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, buf, i, match, matched, r, s; + r = this; + buf = new Builder.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$2.nil); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = false; + i = _tmp; + matched = _tmp$1; + while (true) { + match = r.finder.next($substring(s, i)); + if (match === -1) { + break; + } + matched = true; + buf.Grow(match + r.value.length >> 0); + buf.WriteString($substring(s, i, (i + match >> 0))); + buf.WriteString(r.value); + i = i + ((match + r.finder.pattern.length >> 0)) >> 0; + } + if (!matched) { + return s; + } + buf.WriteString($substring(s, i)); + return buf.String(); + }; + singleStringReplacer.prototype.Replace = function(s) { return this.$val.Replace(s); }; + singleStringReplacer.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(w, s) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, i, match, n, r, s, sw, w, wn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + sw = getStringWriter(w); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + i = _tmp; + wn = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + match = r.finder.next($substring(s, i)); + if (match === -1) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _r = sw.WriteString($substring(s, i, (i + match >> 0))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + wn = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + n = n + (wn) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$1 = sw.WriteString(r.value); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + wn = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + n = n + (wn) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + i = i + ((match + r.finder.pattern.length >> 0)) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$2 = sw.WriteString($substring(s, i)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + wn = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + n = n + (wn) >> 0; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: singleStringReplacer.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, i, match, n, r, s, sw, w, wn, $s};return $f; + }; + singleStringReplacer.prototype.WriteString = function(w, s) { return this.$val.WriteString(w, s); }; + byteReplacer.prototype.Replace = function(s) { + var b, buf, i, r, s, x, x$1; + r = this.$val; + buf = sliceType$2.nil; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + b = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (!(((x = r, ((b < 0 || b >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[b])) === b))) { + if (buf === sliceType$2.nil) { + buf = (new sliceType$2($stringToBytes(s))); + } + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = (x$1 = r, ((b < 0 || b >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[b]))); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (buf === sliceType$2.nil) { + return s; + } + return ($bytesToString(buf)); + }; + $ptrType(byteReplacer).prototype.Replace = function(s) { return (new byteReplacer(this.$get())).Replace(s); }; + byteReplacer.prototype.WriteString = function(w, s) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, buf, bufsize, err, err$1, i, n, ncopy, r, s, w, wn, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this.$val; + bufsize = 32768; + if (s.length < bufsize) { + bufsize = s.length; + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, bufsize); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(s.length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + ncopy = $copyString(buf, s); + s = $substring(s, ncopy); + _ref = $subslice(buf, 0, ncopy); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = (x = r, ((b < 0 || b >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[b]))); + _i++; + } + _r = w.Write($subslice(buf, 0, ncopy)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + wn = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + n = n + (wn) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: byteReplacer.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, buf, bufsize, err, err$1, i, n, ncopy, r, s, w, wn, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(byteReplacer).prototype.WriteString = function(w, s) { return (new byteReplacer(this.$get())).WriteString(w, s); }; + byteStringReplacer.ptr.prototype.Replace = function(s) { + var _i, _ref, anyChanges, b, b$1, buf, c, i, i$1, j, newSize, r, s, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + r = this; + newSize = s.length; + anyChanges = false; + if (($imul(r.toReplace.$length, 8)) <= s.length) { + _ref = r.toReplace; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + x = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + c = Count(s, x); + if (!((c === 0))) { + newSize = newSize + (($imul(c, (((x$1 = r.replacements, x$2 = x.charCodeAt(0), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2])).$length - 1 >> 0))))) >> 0; + anyChanges = true; + } + _i++; + } + } else { + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + b = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (!((x$3 = r.replacements, ((b < 0 || b >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[b])) === sliceType$2.nil)) { + newSize = newSize + (((x$4 = r.replacements, ((b < 0 || b >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[b])).$length - 1 >> 0)) >> 0; + anyChanges = true; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } + if (!anyChanges) { + return s; + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, newSize); + j = 0; + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.length)) { break; } + b$1 = s.charCodeAt(i$1); + if (!((x$5 = r.replacements, ((b$1 < 0 || b$1 >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[b$1])) === sliceType$2.nil)) { + j = j + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, j), (x$6 = r.replacements, ((b$1 < 0 || b$1 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[b$1])))) >> 0; + } else { + ((j < 0 || j >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + j] = b$1); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + return ($bytesToString(buf)); + }; + byteStringReplacer.prototype.Replace = function(s) { return this.$val.Replace(s); }; + byteStringReplacer.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(w, s) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, err, err$1, err$2, i, last, n, nw, nw$1, nw$2, r, s, sw, w, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + sw = getStringWriter(w); + last = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < s.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + b = s.charCodeAt(i); + if ((x = r.replacements, ((b < 0 || b >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[b])) === sliceType$2.nil) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + /* */ if (!((last === i))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((last === i))) { */ case 3: + _r = sw.WriteString($substring(s, last, i)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + nw = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + n = n + (nw) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* } */ case 4: + last = i + 1 >> 0; + _r$1 = w.Write((x$1 = r.replacements, ((b < 0 || b >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[b]))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + nw$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + n = n + (nw$1) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err$2; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (!((last === s.length))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((last === s.length))) { */ case 7: + nw$2 = 0; + _r$2 = sw.WriteString($substring(s, last)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + nw$2 = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + n = n + (nw$2) >> 0; + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: byteStringReplacer.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, err, err$1, err$2, i, last, n, nw, nw$1, nw$2, r, s, sw, w, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + byteStringReplacer.prototype.WriteString = function(w, s) { return this.$val.WriteString(w, s); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + r = this; + if ((x = r.i, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.length)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low >= x$1.$low)))) { + return 0; + } + return (((x$2 = (x$3 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.length)), x$4 = r.i, new $Int64(x$3.$high - x$4.$high, x$3.$low - x$4.$low)), x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + }; + Reader.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var r; + r = this; + return (new $Int64(0, r.s.length)); + }; + Reader.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, b, err, n, r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + if ((x = r.i, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.length)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low >= x$1.$low)))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + } + r.prevRune = -1; + n = $copyString(b, $substring(r.s, $flatten64(r.i))); + r.i = (x$2 = r.i, x$3 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + return [n, err]; + }; + Reader.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadAt = function(b, off) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, err, n, off, r, x; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + if ((off.$high < 0 || (off.$high === 0 && off.$low < 0))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = errors.New("strings.Reader.ReadAt: negative offset"); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + } + if ((x = (new $Int64(0, r.s.length)), (off.$high > x.$high || (off.$high === x.$high && off.$low >= x.$low)))) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, err]; + } + n = $copyString(b, $substring(r.s, $flatten64(off))); + if (n < b.$length) { + err = io.EOF; + } + return [n, err]; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadAt = function(b, off) { return this.$val.ReadAt(b, off); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadByte = function() { + var b, r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + r = this; + r.prevRune = -1; + if ((x = r.i, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.length)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low >= x$1.$low)))) { + return [0, io.EOF]; + } + b = r.s.charCodeAt($flatten64(r.i)); + r.i = (x$2 = r.i, x$3 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadByte = function() { return this.$val.ReadByte(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte = function() { + var r, x, x$1, x$2; + r = this; + if ((x = r.i, (x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low <= 0)))) { + return errors.New("strings.Reader.UnreadByte: at beginning of string"); + } + r.prevRune = -1; + r.i = (x$1 = r.i, x$2 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$1.$high - x$2.$high, x$1.$low - x$2.$low)); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Reader.prototype.UnreadByte = function() { return this.$val.UnreadByte(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadRune = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, c, ch, err, r, size, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + ch = 0; + size = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + if ((x = r.i, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.length)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low >= x$1.$low)))) { + r.prevRune = -1; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = io.EOF; + ch = _tmp; + size = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [ch, size, err]; + } + r.prevRune = (((x$2 = r.i, x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + c = r.s.charCodeAt($flatten64(r.i)); + if (c < 128) { + r.i = (x$3 = r.i, x$4 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$3.$high + x$4.$high, x$3.$low + x$4.$low)); + _tmp$3 = ((c >> 0)); + _tmp$4 = 1; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + ch = _tmp$3; + size = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [ch, size, err]; + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(r.s, $flatten64(r.i))); + ch = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + r.i = (x$5 = r.i, x$6 = (new $Int64(0, size)), new $Int64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)); + return [ch, size, err]; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadRune = function() { return this.$val.ReadRune(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.UnreadRune = function() { + var r, x; + r = this; + if ((x = r.i, (x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low <= 0)))) { + return errors.New("strings.Reader.UnreadRune: at beginning of string"); + } + if (r.prevRune < 0) { + return errors.New("strings.Reader.UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune"); + } + r.i = (new $Int64(0, r.prevRune)); + r.prevRune = -1; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Reader.prototype.UnreadRune = function() { return this.$val.UnreadRune(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { + var _1, abs, offset, r, whence, x, x$1; + r = this; + r.prevRune = -1; + abs = new $Int64(0, 0); + _1 = whence; + if (_1 === (0)) { + abs = offset; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + abs = (x = r.i, new $Int64(x.$high + offset.$high, x.$low + offset.$low)); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + abs = (x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.length)), new $Int64(x$1.$high + offset.$high, x$1.$low + offset.$low)); + } else { + return [new $Int64(0, 0), errors.New("strings.Reader.Seek: invalid whence")]; + } + if ((abs.$high < 0 || (abs.$high === 0 && abs.$low < 0))) { + return [new $Int64(0, 0), errors.New("strings.Reader.Seek: negative position")]; + } + r.i = abs; + return [abs, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Reader.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { return this.$val.Seek(offset, whence); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.WriteTo = function(w) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, m, n, r, s, w, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + r.prevRune = -1; + if ((x = r.i, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, r.s.length)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low >= x$1.$low)))) { + _tmp = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + s = $substring(r.s, $flatten64(r.i)); + _r = io.WriteString(w, s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + m = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (m > s.length) { + $panic(new $String("strings.Reader.WriteTo: invalid WriteString count")); + } + r.i = (x$2 = r.i, x$3 = (new $Int64(0, m)), new $Int64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n = (new $Int64(0, m)); + if (!((m === s.length)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = io.ErrShortWrite; + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.WriteTo, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, m, n, r, s, w, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.WriteTo = function(w) { return this.$val.WriteTo(w); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Reset = function(s) { + var r, s; + r = this; + Reader.copy(r, new Reader.ptr(s, new $Int64(0, 0), -1)); + }; + Reader.prototype.Reset = function(s) { return this.$val.Reset(s); }; + NewReader = function(s) { + var s; + return new Reader.ptr(s, new $Int64(0, 0), -1); + }; + $pkg.NewReader = NewReader; + Builder.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.buf.$length; + }; + Builder.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.Cap = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.buf.$capacity; + }; + Builder.prototype.Cap = function() { return this.$val.Cap(); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var b; + b = this; + b.addr = ptrType$1.nil; + b.buf = sliceType$2.nil; + }; + Builder.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.grow = function(n) { + var b, buf, n; + b = this; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, b.buf.$length, (($imul(2, b.buf.$capacity)) + n >> 0)); + $copySlice(buf, b.buf); + b.buf = buf; + }; + Builder.prototype.grow = function(n) { return this.$val.grow(n); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.Grow = function(n) { + var b, n; + b = this; + b.copyCheck(); + if (n < 0) { + $panic(new $String("strings.Builder.Grow: negative count")); + } + if ((b.buf.$capacity - b.buf.$length >> 0) < n) { + b.grow(n); + } + }; + Builder.prototype.Grow = function(n) { return this.$val.Grow(n); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var b, p; + b = this; + b.copyCheck(); + b.buf = $appendSlice(b.buf, p); + return [p.$length, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Builder.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.WriteByte = function(c) { + var b, c; + b = this; + b.copyCheck(); + b.buf = $append(b.buf, c); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Builder.prototype.WriteByte = function(c) { return this.$val.WriteByte(c); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.WriteRune = function(r) { + var b, l, n, r; + b = this; + b.copyCheck(); + if (((r >>> 0)) < 128) { + b.buf = $append(b.buf, ((r << 24 >>> 24))); + return [1, $ifaceNil]; + } + l = b.buf.$length; + if ((b.buf.$capacity - l >> 0) < 4) { + b.grow(4); + } + n = utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(b.buf, l, (l + 4 >> 0)), r); + b.buf = $subslice(b.buf, 0, (l + n >> 0)); + return [n, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Builder.prototype.WriteRune = function(r) { return this.$val.WriteRune(r); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var b, s; + b = this; + b.copyCheck(); + b.buf = $appendSlice(b.buf, s); + return [s.length, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Builder.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); }; + IndexByte = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + return $parseInt(s.indexOf($global.String.fromCharCode(c))) >> 0; + }; + $pkg.IndexByte = IndexByte; + Index = function(s, sep) { + var s, sep; + return $parseInt(s.indexOf(sep)) >> 0; + }; + $pkg.Index = Index; + LastIndex = function(s, sep) { + var s, sep; + return $parseInt(s.lastIndexOf(sep)) >> 0; + }; + $pkg.LastIndex = LastIndex; + Count = function(s, sep) { + var n, pos, s, sep; + n = 0; + if ((sep.length === 0)) { + return utf8.RuneCountInString(s) + 1 >> 0; + } else if (sep.length > s.length) { + return 0; + } else if ((sep.length === s.length)) { + if (sep === s) { + return 1; + } + return 0; + } + while (true) { + pos = Index(s, sep); + if (pos === -1) { + break; + } + n = n + (1) >> 0; + s = $substring(s, (pos + sep.length >> 0)); + } + return n; + }; + $pkg.Count = Count; + Builder.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return ($bytesToString(b.buf)); + }; + Builder.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.copyCheck = function() { + var b; + b = this; + if (b.addr === ptrType$1.nil) { + b.addr = b; + } else if (!(b.addr === b)) { + $panic(new $String("strings: illegal use of non-zero Builder copied by value")); + } + }; + Builder.prototype.copyCheck = function() { return this.$val.copyCheck(); }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "contains", name: "contains", pkg: "strings", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "next", name: "next", pkg: "strings", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "buildOnce", name: "buildOnce", pkg: "strings", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "build", name: "build", pkg: "strings", typ: $funcType([], [replacer], false)}, {prop: "Replace", name: "Replace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, $String], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "add", name: "add", pkg: "strings", typ: $funcType([$String, $String, $Int, ptrType$7], [], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "lookup", name: "lookup", pkg: "strings", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [$String, $Int, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Replace", name: "Replace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, $String], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + stringWriter.methods = [{prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "Replace", name: "Replace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, $String], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Replace", name: "Replace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, $String], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "Replace", name: "Replace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, $String], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadAt", name: "ReadAt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadByte", name: "ReadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadByte", name: "UnreadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "ReadRune", name: "ReadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadRune", name: "UnreadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Seek", name: "Seek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Cap", name: "Cap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "grow", name: "grow", pkg: "strings", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Grow", name: "Grow", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteByte", name: "WriteByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteRune", name: "WriteRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "copyCheck", name: "copyCheck", pkg: "strings", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + asciiSet.init($Uint32, 8); + stringFinder.init("strings", [{prop: "pattern", name: "pattern", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "badCharSkip", name: "badCharSkip", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "goodSuffixSkip", name: "goodSuffixSkip", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + Replacer.init("strings", [{prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: replacer, tag: ""}, {prop: "oldnew", name: "oldnew", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + replacer.init([{prop: "Replace", name: "Replace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, $String], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + trieNode.init("strings", [{prop: "value", name: "value", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "priority", name: "priority", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "prefix", name: "prefix", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "next", name: "next", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "table", name: "table", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}]); + genericReplacer.init("strings", [{prop: "root", name: "root", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: trieNode, tag: ""}, {prop: "tableSize", name: "tableSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "mapping", name: "mapping", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}]); + appendSliceWriter.init($Uint8); + stringWriter.init("strings", [{prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}]); + singleStringReplacer.init("strings", [{prop: "finder", name: "finder", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "value", name: "value", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + byteReplacer.init($Uint8, 256); + byteStringReplacer.init("strings", [{prop: "replacements", name: "replacements", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "toReplace", name: "toReplace", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + Reader.init("strings", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "i", name: "i", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "prevRune", name: "prevRune", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Builder.init("strings", [{prop: "addr", name: "addr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + span.init("strings", [{prop: "start", name: "start", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "end", name: "end", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytealg.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + asciiSpace = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["bufio"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, errors, io, strings, utf8, Scanner, SplitFunc, Reader, Writer, ReadWriter, sliceType, ptrType, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, errNegativeRead, errNegativeWrite, NewScanner, dropCR, ScanLines, NewReaderSize, NewReader, NewWriterSize, NewWriter, NewReadWriter; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + Scanner = $pkg.Scanner = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "bufio.Scanner", true, "bufio", true, function(r_, split_, maxTokenSize_, token_, buf_, start_, end_, err_, empties_, scanCalled_, done_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.split = $throwNilPointerError; + this.maxTokenSize = 0; + this.token = sliceType.nil; + this.buf = sliceType.nil; + this.start = 0; + this.end = 0; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.empties = 0; + this.scanCalled = false; + this.done = false; + return; + } + this.r = r_; + this.split = split_; + this.maxTokenSize = maxTokenSize_; + this.token = token_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.start = start_; + this.end = end_; + this.err = err_; + this.empties = empties_; + this.scanCalled = scanCalled_; + this.done = done_; + }); + SplitFunc = $pkg.SplitFunc = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "bufio.SplitFunc", true, "bufio", true, null); + Reader = $pkg.Reader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "bufio.Reader", true, "bufio", true, function(buf_, rd_, r_, w_, err_, lastByte_, lastRuneSize_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.buf = sliceType.nil; + this.rd = $ifaceNil; + this.r = 0; + this.w = 0; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.lastByte = 0; + this.lastRuneSize = 0; + return; + } + this.buf = buf_; + this.rd = rd_; + this.r = r_; + this.w = w_; + this.err = err_; + this.lastByte = lastByte_; + this.lastRuneSize = lastRuneSize_; + }); + Writer = $pkg.Writer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "bufio.Writer", true, "bufio", true, function(err_, buf_, n_, wr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.buf = sliceType.nil; + this.n = 0; + this.wr = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.err = err_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.n = n_; + this.wr = wr_; + }); + ReadWriter = $pkg.ReadWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "bufio.ReadWriter", true, "bufio", true, function(Reader_, Writer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Reader = ptrType.nil; + this.Writer = ptrType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.Reader = Reader_; + this.Writer = Writer_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(Reader); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(sliceType); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(strings.Builder); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Writer); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(Scanner); + NewScanner = function(r) { + var r; + return new Scanner.ptr(r, ScanLines, 65536, sliceType.nil, sliceType.nil, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, 0, false, false); + }; + $pkg.NewScanner = NewScanner; + Scanner.ptr.prototype.Err = function() { + var s; + s = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(s.err, io.EOF)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return s.err; + }; + Scanner.prototype.Err = function() { return this.$val.Err(); }; + Scanner.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return s.token; + }; + Scanner.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Scanner.ptr.prototype.Text = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return ($bytesToString(s.token)); + }; + Scanner.prototype.Text = function() { return this.$val.Text(); }; + Scanner.ptr.prototype.Scan = function() { + var {_q, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, advance, err, err$1, loop, n, newBuf, newSize, s, token, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + if (s.done) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + s.scanCalled = true; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (s.end > s.start || !($interfaceIsEqual(s.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (s.end > s.start || !($interfaceIsEqual(s.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + _r = s.split($subslice(s.buf, s.start, s.end), !($interfaceIsEqual(s.err, $ifaceNil))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + advance = _tuple[0]; + token = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.ErrFinalToken)) { + s.token = token; + s.done = true; + $s = -1; return true; + } + s.setErr(err); + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (!s.advance(advance)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + s.token = token; + if (!(token === sliceType.nil)) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(s.err, $ifaceNil) || advance > 0) { + s.empties = 0; + } else { + s.empties = s.empties + (1) >> 0; + if (s.empties > 100) { + $panic(new $String("bufio.Scan: too many empty tokens without progressing")); + } + } + $s = -1; return true; + } + /* } */ case 4: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(s.err, $ifaceNil))) { + s.start = 0; + s.end = 0; + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (s.start > 0 && ((s.end === s.buf.$length) || s.start > (_q = s.buf.$length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))) { + $copySlice(s.buf, $subslice(s.buf, s.start, s.end)); + s.end = s.end - (s.start) >> 0; + s.start = 0; + } + if (s.end === s.buf.$length) { + if (s.buf.$length >= s.maxTokenSize || s.buf.$length > 1073741823) { + s.setErr($pkg.ErrTooLong); + $s = -1; return false; + } + newSize = $imul(s.buf.$length, 2); + if (newSize === 0) { + newSize = 4096; + } + if (newSize > s.maxTokenSize) { + newSize = s.maxTokenSize; + } + newBuf = $makeSlice(sliceType, newSize); + $copySlice(newBuf, $subslice(s.buf, s.start, s.end)); + s.buf = newBuf; + s.end = s.end - (s.start) >> 0; + s.start = 0; + } + loop = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = s.r.Read($subslice(s.buf, s.end, s.buf.$length)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n < 0 || (s.buf.$length - s.end >> 0) < n) { + s.setErr($pkg.ErrBadReadCount); + /* break; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + s.end = s.end + (n) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + s.setErr(err$1); + /* break; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + if (n > 0) { + s.empties = 0; + /* break; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + loop = loop + (1) >> 0; + if (loop > 100) { + s.setErr(io.ErrNoProgress); + /* break; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Scanner.ptr.prototype.Scan, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, advance, err, err$1, loop, n, newBuf, newSize, s, token, $s};return $f; + }; + Scanner.prototype.Scan = function() { return this.$val.Scan(); }; + Scanner.ptr.prototype.advance = function(n) { + var n, s; + s = this; + if (n < 0) { + s.setErr($pkg.ErrNegativeAdvance); + return false; + } + if (n > (s.end - s.start >> 0)) { + s.setErr($pkg.ErrAdvanceTooFar); + return false; + } + s.start = s.start + (n) >> 0; + return true; + }; + Scanner.prototype.advance = function(n) { return this.$val.advance(n); }; + Scanner.ptr.prototype.setErr = function(err) { + var err, s; + s = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(s.err, $ifaceNil) || $interfaceIsEqual(s.err, io.EOF)) { + s.err = err; + } + }; + Scanner.prototype.setErr = function(err) { return this.$val.setErr(err); }; + Scanner.ptr.prototype.Buffer = function(buf, max) { + var buf, max, s; + s = this; + if (s.scanCalled) { + $panic(new $String("Buffer called after Scan")); + } + s.buf = $subslice(buf, 0, buf.$capacity); + s.maxTokenSize = max; + }; + Scanner.prototype.Buffer = function(buf, max) { return this.$val.Buffer(buf, max); }; + Scanner.ptr.prototype.Split = function(split) { + var s, split; + s = this; + if (s.scanCalled) { + $panic(new $String("Split called after Scan")); + } + s.split = split; + }; + Scanner.prototype.Split = function(split) { return this.$val.Split(split); }; + dropCR = function(data) { + var data, x; + if (data.$length > 0 && ((x = data.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + x])) === 13)) { + return $subslice(data, 0, (data.$length - 1 >> 0)); + } + return data; + }; + ScanLines = function(data, atEOF) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, advance, atEOF, data, err, i, token; + advance = 0; + token = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (atEOF && (data.$length === 0)) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + advance = _tmp; + token = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [advance, token, err]; + } + i = bytes.IndexByte(data, 10); + if (i >= 0) { + _tmp$3 = i + 1 >> 0; + _tmp$4 = dropCR($subslice(data, 0, i)); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + advance = _tmp$3; + token = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [advance, token, err]; + } + if (atEOF) { + _tmp$6 = data.$length; + _tmp$7 = dropCR(data); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + advance = _tmp$6; + token = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [advance, token, err]; + } + _tmp$9 = 0; + _tmp$10 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + advance = _tmp$9; + token = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + return [advance, token, err]; + }; + $pkg.ScanLines = ScanLines; + NewReaderSize = function(rd, size) { + var _tuple, b, ok, r, rd, size; + _tuple = $assertType(rd, ptrType, true); + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok && b.buf.$length >= size) { + return b; + } + if (size < 16) { + size = 16; + } + r = new Reader.ptr(sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, 0, 0); + r.reset($makeSlice(sliceType, size), rd); + return r; + }; + $pkg.NewReaderSize = NewReaderSize; + NewReader = function(rd) { + var rd; + return NewReaderSize(rd, 4096); + }; + $pkg.NewReader = NewReader; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.buf.$length; + }; + Reader.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Reset = function(r) { + var b, r; + b = this; + if (b.buf === sliceType.nil) { + b.buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, 4096); + } + b.reset(b.buf, r); + }; + Reader.prototype.Reset = function(r) { return this.$val.Reset(r); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.reset = function(buf, r) { + var b, buf, r; + b = this; + Reader.copy(b, new Reader.ptr(buf, r, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, -1, -1)); + }; + Reader.prototype.reset = function(buf, r) { return this.$val.reset(buf, r); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.fill = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, b, err, i, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (b.r > 0) { + $copySlice(b.buf, $subslice(b.buf, b.r, b.w)); + b.w = b.w - (b.r) >> 0; + b.r = 0; + } + if (b.w >= b.buf.$length) { + $panic(new $String("bufio: tried to fill full buffer")); + } + i = 100; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = b.rd.Read($subslice(b.buf, b.w)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + $panic(errNegativeRead); + } + b.w = b.w + (n) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + b.err = err; + $s = -1; return; + } + if (n > 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + b.err = io.ErrNoProgress; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.fill, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, err, i, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.fill = function() { return this.$val.fill(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.readErr = function() { + var b, err; + b = this; + err = b.err; + b.err = $ifaceNil; + return err; + }; + Reader.prototype.readErr = function() { return this.$val.readErr(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Peek = function(n) { + var {avail, b, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (n < 0) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, $pkg.ErrNegativeCount]; + } + b.lastByte = -1; + b.lastRuneSize = -1; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!((b.w - b.r >> 0) < n && (b.w - b.r >> 0) < b.buf.$length && $interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { break; } */ if(!((b.w - b.r >> 0) < n && (b.w - b.r >> 0) < b.buf.$length && $interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = b.fill(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (n > b.buf.$length) { + $s = -1; return [$subslice(b.buf, b.r, b.w), $pkg.ErrBufferFull]; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + avail = b.w - b.r >> 0; + if (avail < n) { + n = avail; + err = b.readErr(); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = $pkg.ErrBufferFull; + } + } + $s = -1; return [$subslice(b.buf, b.r, (b.r + n >> 0)), err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.Peek, $c: true, $r, avail, b, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.Peek = function(n) { return this.$val.Peek(n); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Discard = function(n) { + var {_tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, discarded, err, n, remain, skip, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + discarded = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrNegativeCount; + discarded = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [discarded, err]; + } + if (n === 0) { + $s = -1; return [discarded, err]; + } + b.lastByte = -1; + b.lastRuneSize = -1; + remain = n; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + skip = b.Buffered(); + /* */ if (skip === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (skip === 0) { */ case 3: + $r = b.fill(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + skip = b.Buffered(); + /* } */ case 4: + if (skip > remain) { + skip = remain; + } + b.r = b.r + (skip) >> 0; + remain = remain - (skip) >> 0; + if (remain === 0) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + discarded = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [discarded, err]; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = n - remain >> 0; + _tmp$5 = b.readErr(); + discarded = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [discarded, err]; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [discarded, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.Discard, $c: true, $r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, discarded, err, n, remain, skip, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.Discard = function(n) { return this.$val.Discard(n); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, n, p, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + n = p.$length; + if (n === 0) { + if (b.Buffered() > 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = b.readErr(); + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* */ if (b.r === b.w) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (b.r === b.w) { */ case 1: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = b.readErr(); + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* */ if (p.$length >= b.buf.$length) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (p.$length >= b.buf.$length) { */ case 3: + _r = b.rd.Read(p); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + b.err = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + $panic(errNegativeRead); + } + if (n > 0) { + b.lastByte = (((x = n - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x])) >> 0)); + b.lastRuneSize = -1; + } + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = b.readErr(); + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 4: + b.r = 0; + b.w = 0; + _r$1 = b.rd.Read(b.buf); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + b.err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n < 0) { + $panic(errNegativeRead); + } + if (n === 0) { + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = b.readErr(); + n = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + b.w = b.w + (n) >> 0; + /* } */ case 2: + n = $copySlice(p, $subslice(b.buf, b.r, b.w)); + b.r = b.r + (n) >> 0; + b.lastByte = (((x$1 = b.buf, x$2 = b.r - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + x$2])) >> 0)); + b.lastRuneSize = -1; + _tmp$10 = n; + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, n, p, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadByte = function() { + var {b, c, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + b.lastRuneSize = -1; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.r === b.w)) { break; } */ if(!(b.r === b.w)) { $s = 2; continue; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, b.readErr()]; + } + $r = b.fill(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + c = (x = b.buf, x$1 = b.r, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); + b.r = b.r + (1) >> 0; + b.lastByte = ((c >> 0)); + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadByte, $c: true, $r, b, c, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadByte = function() { return this.$val.ReadByte(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte = function() { + var b, x, x$1; + b = this; + if (b.lastByte < 0 || (b.r === 0) && b.w > 0) { + return $pkg.ErrInvalidUnreadByte; + } + if (b.r > 0) { + b.r = b.r - (1) >> 0; + } else { + b.w = 1; + } + (x = b.buf, x$1 = b.r, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1] = ((b.lastByte << 24 >>> 24)))); + b.lastByte = -1; + b.lastRuneSize = -1; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Reader.prototype.UnreadByte = function() { return this.$val.UnreadByte(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadRune = function() { + var {_tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, r, size, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = 0; + size = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!((b.r + 4 >> 0) > b.w && !utf8.FullRune($subslice(b.buf, b.r, b.w)) && $interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil) && (b.w - b.r >> 0) < b.buf.$length)) { break; } */ if(!((b.r + 4 >> 0) > b.w && !utf8.FullRune($subslice(b.buf, b.r, b.w)) && $interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil) && (b.w - b.r >> 0) < b.buf.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = b.fill(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + b.lastRuneSize = -1; + if (b.r === b.w) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = b.readErr(); + r = _tmp; + size = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [r, size, err]; + } + _tmp$3 = (((x = b.buf, x$1 = b.r, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])) >> 0)); + _tmp$4 = 1; + r = _tmp$3; + size = _tmp$4; + if (r >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(b.buf, b.r, b.w)); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + } + b.r = b.r + (size) >> 0; + b.lastByte = (((x$2 = b.buf, x$3 = b.r - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x$3])) >> 0)); + b.lastRuneSize = size; + _tmp$5 = r; + _tmp$6 = size; + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + r = _tmp$5; + size = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [r, size, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadRune, $c: true, $r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, r, size, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadRune = function() { return this.$val.ReadRune(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.UnreadRune = function() { + var b; + b = this; + if (b.lastRuneSize < 0 || b.r < b.lastRuneSize) { + return $pkg.ErrInvalidUnreadRune; + } + b.r = b.r - (b.lastRuneSize) >> 0; + b.lastByte = -1; + b.lastRuneSize = -1; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Reader.prototype.UnreadRune = function() { return this.$val.UnreadRune(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Buffered = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.w - b.r >> 0; + }; + Reader.prototype.Buffered = function() { return this.$val.Buffered(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadSlice = function(delim) { + var {b, delim, err, i, i$1, line, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {delim}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + line = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + s = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + i = bytes.IndexByte($subslice(b.buf, (b.r + s >> 0), b.w), delim); + if (i >= 0) { + i = i + (s) >> 0; + line = $subslice(b.buf, b.r, ((b.r + i >> 0) + 1 >> 0)); + b.r = b.r + ((i + 1 >> 0)) >> 0; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + line = $subslice(b.buf, b.r, b.w); + b.r = b.w; + err = b.readErr(); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (b.Buffered() >= b.buf.$length) { + b.r = b.w; + line = b.buf; + err = $pkg.ErrBufferFull; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + s = b.w - b.r >> 0; + $r = b.fill(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + i$1 = line.$length - 1 >> 0; + if (i$1 >= 0) { + b.lastByte = ((((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= line.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : line.$array[line.$offset + i$1]) >> 0)); + b.lastRuneSize = -1; + } + $s = -1; return [line, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadSlice, $c: true, $r, b, delim, err, i, i$1, line, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadSlice = function(delim) { return this.$val.ReadSlice(delim); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadLine = function() { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, b, drop, err, isPrefix, line, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + line = sliceType.nil; + isPrefix = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + _r = b.ReadSlice(10); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + line = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.ErrBufferFull)) { + if (line.$length > 0 && ((x = line.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= line.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : line.$array[line.$offset + x])) === 13)) { + if (b.r === 0) { + $panic(new $String("bufio: tried to rewind past start of buffer")); + } + b.r = b.r - (1) >> 0; + line = $subslice(line, 0, (line.$length - 1 >> 0)); + } + _tmp = line; + _tmp$1 = true; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + line = _tmp; + isPrefix = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [line, isPrefix, err]; + } + if (line.$length === 0) { + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + line = sliceType.nil; + } + $s = -1; return [line, isPrefix, err]; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + if ((x$1 = line.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= line.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : line.$array[line.$offset + x$1])) === 10) { + drop = 1; + if (line.$length > 1 && ((x$2 = line.$length - 2 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= line.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : line.$array[line.$offset + x$2])) === 13)) { + drop = 2; + } + line = $subslice(line, 0, (line.$length - drop >> 0)); + } + $s = -1; return [line, isPrefix, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadLine, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, b, drop, err, isPrefix, line, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadLine = function() { return this.$val.ReadLine(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.collectFragments = function(delim) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, buf, delim, e, err, finalFragment, frag, fullBuffers, totalLen, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {delim}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fullBuffers = sliceType$1.nil; + finalFragment = sliceType.nil; + totalLen = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + frag = sliceType.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + e = $ifaceNil; + _r = b.ReadSlice(delim); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + frag = _tuple[0]; + e = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil)) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $pkg.ErrBufferFull))) { + err = e; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, frag.$length); + $copySlice(buf, frag); + fullBuffers = $append(fullBuffers, buf); + totalLen = totalLen + (buf.$length) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + totalLen = totalLen + (frag.$length) >> 0; + _tmp = fullBuffers; + _tmp$1 = frag; + _tmp$2 = totalLen; + _tmp$3 = err; + fullBuffers = _tmp; + finalFragment = _tmp$1; + totalLen = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [fullBuffers, finalFragment, totalLen, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.collectFragments, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, buf, delim, e, err, finalFragment, frag, fullBuffers, totalLen, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.collectFragments = function(delim) { return this.$val.collectFragments(delim); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadBytes = function(delim) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, _tuple, b, buf, delim, err, frag, full, i, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {delim}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + _r = b.collectFragments(delim); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + full = _tuple[0]; + frag = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + err = _tuple[3]; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, n); + n = 0; + _ref = full; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + n = n + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, n), ((i < 0 || i >= full.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : full.$array[full.$offset + i]))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + $copySlice($subslice(buf, n), frag); + $s = -1; return [buf, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadBytes, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, _tuple, b, buf, delim, err, frag, full, i, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadBytes = function(delim) { return this.$val.ReadBytes(delim); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadString = function(delim) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, _tuple, b, buf, delim, err, fb, frag, full, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {delim}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + _r = b.collectFragments(delim); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + full = _tuple[0]; + frag = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + err = _tuple[3]; + buf = new strings.Builder.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, sliceType.nil); + buf.Grow(n); + _ref = full; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + fb = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + buf.Write(fb); + _i++; + } + buf.Write(frag); + $s = -1; return [buf.String(), err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadString, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, _tuple, b, buf, delim, err, fb, frag, full, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadString = function(delim) { return this.$val.ReadString(delim); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.WriteTo = function(w) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, b, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, m, m$1, m$2, n, ok, ok$1, r, w, w$1, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + b.lastByte = -1; + b.lastRuneSize = -1; + _r = b.writeBuf(w); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(b.rd, io.WriterTo, true); + r = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = r.WriteTo(w); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$1; + m = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + n = (x = m, new $Int64(n.$high + x.$high, n.$low + x.$low)); + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + _tuple$3 = $assertType(w, io.ReaderFrom, true); + w$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = w$1.ReadFrom(b.rd); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$2; + m$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + n = (x$1 = m$1, new $Int64(n.$high + x$1.$high, n.$low + x$1.$low)); + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err$2; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if ((b.w - b.r >> 0) < b.buf.$length) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ((b.w - b.r >> 0) < b.buf.$length) { */ case 8: + $r = b.fill(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 9: + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* if (!(b.r < b.w)) { break; } */ if(!(b.r < b.w)) { $s = 12; continue; } + _r$3 = b.writeBuf(w); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$3; + m$2 = _tuple$5[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$5[1]; + n = (x$2 = m$2, new $Int64(n.$high + x$2.$high, n.$low + x$2.$low)); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = err$3; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = b.fill(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, io.EOF)) { + b.err = $ifaceNil; + } + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = b.readErr(); + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.WriteTo, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, b, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, m, m$1, m$2, n, ok, ok$1, r, w, w$1, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.WriteTo = function(w) { return this.$val.WriteTo(w); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.writeBuf = function(w) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, err, n, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + _r = w.Write($subslice(b.buf, b.r, b.w)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + $panic(errNegativeWrite); + } + b.r = b.r + (n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return [(new $Int64(0, n)), err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.writeBuf, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, err, n, w, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.writeBuf = function(w) { return this.$val.writeBuf(w); }; + NewWriterSize = function(w, size) { + var _tuple, b, ok, size, w; + _tuple = $assertType(w, ptrType$2, true); + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok && b.buf.$length >= size) { + return b; + } + if (size <= 0) { + size = 4096; + } + return new Writer.ptr($ifaceNil, $makeSlice(sliceType, size), 0, w); + }; + $pkg.NewWriterSize = NewWriterSize; + NewWriter = function(w) { + var w; + return NewWriterSize(w, 4096); + }; + $pkg.NewWriter = NewWriter; + Writer.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.buf.$length; + }; + Writer.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + Writer.ptr.prototype.Reset = function(w) { + var b, w; + b = this; + if (b.buf === sliceType.nil) { + b.buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, 4096); + } + b.err = $ifaceNil; + b.n = 0; + b.wr = w; + }; + Writer.prototype.Reset = function(w) { return this.$val.Reset(w); }; + Writer.ptr.prototype.Flush = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, b, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return b.err; + } + if (b.n === 0) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r = b.wr.Write($subslice(b.buf, 0, b.n)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (n < b.n && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = io.ErrShortWrite; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if (n > 0 && n < b.n) { + $copySlice($subslice(b.buf, 0, (b.n - n >> 0)), $subslice(b.buf, n, b.n)); + } + b.n = b.n - (n) >> 0; + b.err = err; + $s = -1; return err; + } + b.n = 0; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Writer.ptr.prototype.Flush, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Writer.prototype.Flush = function() { return this.$val.Flush(); }; + Writer.ptr.prototype.Available = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.buf.$length - b.n >> 0; + }; + Writer.prototype.Available = function() { return this.$val.Available(); }; + Writer.ptr.prototype.AvailableBuffer = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return $subslice($subslice(b.buf, b.n), 0, 0); + }; + Writer.prototype.AvailableBuffer = function() { return this.$val.AvailableBuffer(); }; + Writer.ptr.prototype.Buffered = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.n; + }; + Writer.prototype.Buffered = function() { return this.$val.Buffered(); }; + Writer.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, err, n, n$1, nn, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(p.$length > b.Available() && $interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { break; } */ if(!(p.$length > b.Available() && $interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + n = 0; + /* */ if (b.Buffered() === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (b.Buffered() === 0) { */ case 3: + _r = b.wr.Write(p); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + b.err = _tuple[1]; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + n = $copySlice($subslice(b.buf, b.n), p); + b.n = b.n + (n) >> 0; + _r$1 = b.Flush(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + nn = nn + (n) >> 0; + p = $subslice(p, n); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = nn; + _tmp$1 = b.err; + nn = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [nn, err]; + } + n$1 = $copySlice($subslice(b.buf, b.n), p); + b.n = b.n + (n$1) >> 0; + nn = nn + (n$1) >> 0; + _tmp$2 = nn; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + nn = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [nn, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Writer.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, err, n, n$1, nn, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Writer.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + Writer.ptr.prototype.WriteByte = function(c) { + var {_r, _v, b, c, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return b.err; + } + if (!(b.Available() <= 0)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = b.Flush(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r, $ifaceNil)); case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return b.err; + /* } */ case 2: + (x = b.buf, x$1 = b.n, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1] = c)); + b.n = b.n + (1) >> 0; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Writer.ptr.prototype.WriteByte, $c: true, $r, _r, _v, b, c, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Writer.prototype.WriteByte = function(c) { return this.$val.WriteByte(c); }; + Writer.ptr.prototype.WriteRune = function(r) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, b, err, n, r, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + /* */ if (((r >>> 0)) < 128) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (((r >>> 0)) < 128) { */ case 1: + _r = b.WriteByte(((r << 24 >>> 24))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = err; + size = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [size, err]; + } + _tmp$2 = 1; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + size = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [size, err]; + /* } */ case 2: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = b.err; + size = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [size, err]; + } + n = b.Available(); + /* */ if (n < 4) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (n < 4) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = b.Flush(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = b.err; + size = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [size, err]; + } + n = b.Available(); + /* */ if (n < 4) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (n < 4) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = b.WriteString(($encodeRune(r))); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + size = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [size, err]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 5: + size = utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(b.buf, b.n), r); + b.n = b.n + (size) >> 0; + _tmp$8 = size; + _tmp$9 = $ifaceNil; + size = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [size, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Writer.ptr.prototype.WriteRune, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, b, err, n, r, size, $s};return $f; + }; + Writer.prototype.WriteRune = function(r) { return this.$val.WriteRune(r); }; + Writer.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var {_r, b, n, n$1, nn, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + nn = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(s.length > b.Available() && $interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { break; } */ if(!(s.length > b.Available() && $interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + n = $copyString($subslice(b.buf, b.n), s); + b.n = b.n + (n) >> 0; + nn = nn + (n) >> 0; + s = $substring(s, n); + _r = b.Flush(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [nn, b.err]; + } + n$1 = $copyString($subslice(b.buf, b.n), s); + b.n = b.n + (n$1) >> 0; + nn = nn + (n$1) >> 0; + $s = -1; return [nn, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Writer.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, _r, b, n, n$1, nn, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Writer.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); }; + Writer.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, err, err$1, err1, m, n, nn, nr, r, readerFrom, readerFromOK, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = b.err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple = $assertType(b.wr, io.ReaderFrom, true); + readerFrom = _tuple[0]; + readerFromOK = _tuple[1]; + m = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (b.Available() === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (b.Available() === 0) { */ case 3: + _r = b.Flush(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err1 = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err1; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (readerFromOK && (b.Buffered() === 0)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (readerFromOK && (b.Buffered() === 0)) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = readerFrom.ReadFrom(r); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + nn = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + b.err = err$1; + n = (x = nn, new $Int64(n.$high + x.$high, n.$low + x.$low)); + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = err$1; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 7: + nr = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(nr < 100)) { break; } */ if(!(nr < 100)) { $s = 10; continue; } + _r$2 = r.Read($subslice(b.buf, b.n)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + m = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!((m === 0)) || !($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + nr = nr + (1) >> 0; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + if (nr === 100) { + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = io.ErrNoProgress; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + b.n = b.n + (m) >> 0; + n = (x$1 = (new $Int64(0, m)), new $Int64(n.$high + x$1.$high, n.$low + x$1.$low)); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { */ case 12: + /* */ if (b.Available() === 0) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (b.Available() === 0) { */ case 14: + _r$3 = b.Flush(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else { */ case 15: + err = $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 16: + /* } */ case 13: + _tmp$8 = n; + _tmp$9 = err; + n = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Writer.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, err, err$1, err1, m, n, nn, nr, r, readerFrom, readerFromOK, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Writer.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(r); }; + NewReadWriter = function(r, w) { + var r, w; + return new ReadWriter.ptr(r, w); + }; + $pkg.NewReadWriter = NewReadWriter; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Err", name: "Err", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Text", name: "Text", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Scan", name: "Scan", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "advance", name: "advance", pkg: "bufio", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "setErr", name: "setErr", pkg: "bufio", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "Buffer", name: "Buffer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Split", name: "Split", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([SplitFunc], [], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [], false)}, {prop: "reset", name: "reset", pkg: "bufio", typ: $funcType([sliceType, io.Reader], [], false)}, {prop: "fill", name: "fill", pkg: "bufio", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "readErr", name: "readErr", pkg: "bufio", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Peek", name: "Peek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "Discard", name: "Discard", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadByte", name: "ReadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadByte", name: "UnreadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "ReadRune", name: "ReadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadRune", name: "UnreadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Buffered", name: "Buffered", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ReadSlice", name: "ReadSlice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadLine", name: "ReadLine", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $Bool, $error], false)}, {prop: "collectFragments", name: "collectFragments", pkg: "bufio", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [sliceType$1, sliceType, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadBytes", name: "ReadBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadString", name: "ReadString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$String, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeBuf", name: "writeBuf", pkg: "bufio", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$Int64, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [], false)}, {prop: "Flush", name: "Flush", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Available", name: "Available", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "AvailableBuffer", name: "AvailableBuffer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Buffered", name: "Buffered", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteByte", name: "WriteByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteRune", name: "WriteRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [$Int64, $error], false)}]; + Scanner.init("bufio", [{prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "split", name: "split", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: SplitFunc, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxTokenSize", name: "maxTokenSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "token", name: "token", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "start", name: "start", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "end", name: "end", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "empties", name: "empties", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "scanCalled", name: "scanCalled", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + SplitFunc.init([sliceType, $Bool], [$Int, sliceType, $error], false); + Reader.init("bufio", [{prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "rd", name: "rd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastByte", name: "lastByte", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastRuneSize", name: "lastRuneSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Writer.init("bufio", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "n", name: "n", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "wr", name: "wr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}]); + ReadWriter.init("", [{prop: "Reader", name: "Reader", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Writer", name: "Writer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrTooLong = errors.New("bufio.Scanner: token too long"); + $pkg.ErrNegativeAdvance = errors.New("bufio.Scanner: SplitFunc returns negative advance count"); + $pkg.ErrAdvanceTooFar = errors.New("bufio.Scanner: SplitFunc returns advance count beyond input"); + $pkg.ErrBadReadCount = errors.New("bufio.Scanner: Read returned impossible count"); + $pkg.ErrFinalToken = errors.New("final token"); + $pkg.ErrInvalidUnreadByte = errors.New("bufio: invalid use of UnreadByte"); + $pkg.ErrInvalidUnreadRune = errors.New("bufio: invalid use of UnreadRune"); + $pkg.ErrBufferFull = errors.New("bufio: buffer full"); + $pkg.ErrNegativeCount = errors.New("bufio: negative count"); + errNegativeRead = errors.New("bufio: reader returned negative count from Read"); + errNegativeWrite = errors.New("bufio: writer returned negative count from Write"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/abi"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, goarch, FuncPCABI0; + goarch = $packages["internal/goarch"]; + FuncPCABI0 = function() { + $throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: internal/abi.FuncPCABI0"); + }; + $pkg.FuncPCABI0 = FuncPCABI0; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = goarch.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/goexperiment"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/itoa"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, arrayType, sliceType, Itoa, Uitoa; + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 20); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + Itoa = function(val) { + var val; + if (val < 0) { + return "-" + Uitoa(((-val >>> 0))); + } + return Uitoa(((val >>> 0))); + }; + $pkg.Itoa = Itoa; + Uitoa = function(val) { + var _q, buf, i, q, val; + if (val === 0) { + return "0"; + } + buf = arrayType.zero(); + i = 19; + while (true) { + if (!(val >= 10)) { break; } + q = (_q = val / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[i] = ((((48 + val >>> 0) - (q * 10 >>> 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + val = q; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[i] = (((48 + val >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + return ($bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType(buf), i))); + }; + $pkg.Uitoa = Uitoa; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["math/bits"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, _err, deBruijn32tab, deBruijn64tab, overflowError, divideError, LeadingZeros, LeadingZeros32, LeadingZeros64, TrailingZeros, TrailingZeros32, TrailingZeros64, OnesCount64, RotateLeft32, RotateLeft64, Reverse8, Reverse16, Len, Len32, Len64, Add, Add64, Sub, Sub32, Sub64, Mul, Mul64, Div, Div64, Mul32, Add32, Div32; + _err = $pkg._err = $newType(8, $kindString, "bits._err", true, "math/bits", false, null); + LeadingZeros = function(x) { + var x; + return 32 - Len(x) >> 0; + }; + $pkg.LeadingZeros = LeadingZeros; + LeadingZeros32 = function(x) { + var x; + return 32 - Len32(x) >> 0; + }; + $pkg.LeadingZeros32 = LeadingZeros32; + LeadingZeros64 = function(x) { + var x; + return 64 - Len64(x) >> 0; + }; + $pkg.LeadingZeros64 = LeadingZeros64; + TrailingZeros = function(x) { + var x; + if (true) { + return TrailingZeros32(((x >>> 0))); + } + return TrailingZeros64((new $Uint64(0, x))); + }; + $pkg.TrailingZeros = TrailingZeros; + TrailingZeros32 = function(x) { + var x, x$1; + if (x === 0) { + return 32; + } + return (((x$1 = ($imul((((x & (-x >>> 0)) >>> 0)), 125613361) >>> 0) >>> 27 >>> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= deBruijn32tab.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : deBruijn32tab[x$1])) >> 0)); + }; + $pkg.TrailingZeros32 = TrailingZeros32; + TrailingZeros64 = function(x) { + var x, x$1, x$2; + if ((x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)) { + return 64; + } + return (((x$1 = $shiftRightUint64($mul64(((x$2 = new $Uint64(-x.$high, -x.$low), new $Uint64(x.$high & x$2.$high, (x.$low & x$2.$low) >>> 0))), new $Uint64(66559345, 3033172745)), 58), (($flatten64(x$1) < 0 || $flatten64(x$1) >= deBruijn64tab.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : deBruijn64tab[$flatten64(x$1)])) >> 0)); + }; + $pkg.TrailingZeros64 = TrailingZeros64; + OnesCount64 = function(x) { + var x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + x = (x$1 = (x$2 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 1), new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 1431655765, (x$2.$low & 1431655765) >>> 0)), x$3 = new $Uint64(x.$high & 1431655765, (x.$low & 1431655765) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + x$3.$high, x$1.$low + x$3.$low)); + x = (x$4 = (x$5 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 2), new $Uint64(x$5.$high & 858993459, (x$5.$low & 858993459) >>> 0)), x$6 = new $Uint64(x.$high & 858993459, (x.$low & 858993459) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$4.$high + x$6.$high, x$4.$low + x$6.$low)); + x = (x$7 = (x$8 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 4), new $Uint64(x$8.$high + x.$high, x$8.$low + x.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high & 252645135, (x$7.$low & 252645135) >>> 0)); + x = (x$9 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 8), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$9.$high, x.$low + x$9.$low)); + x = (x$10 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 16), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$10.$high, x.$low + x$10.$low)); + x = (x$11 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 32), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$11.$high, x.$low + x$11.$low)); + return ((x.$low >> 0)) & 127; + }; + $pkg.OnesCount64 = OnesCount64; + RotateLeft32 = function(x, k) { + var k, s, x, y, y$1; + s = (((k >>> 0)) & 31) >>> 0; + return (((y = s, y < 32 ? (x << y) : 0) >>> 0) | ((y$1 = ((32 - s >>> 0)), y$1 < 32 ? (x >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + }; + $pkg.RotateLeft32 = RotateLeft32; + RotateLeft64 = function(x, k) { + var k, s, x, x$1, x$2; + s = (((k >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0; + return (x$1 = $shiftLeft64(x, s), x$2 = $shiftRightUint64(x, ((64 - s >>> 0))), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$2.$high, (x$1.$low | x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + $pkg.RotateLeft64 = RotateLeft64; + Reverse8 = function(x) { + var x; + return "\x00\x80@\xC0 \xA0`\xE0\x10\x90P\xD00\xB0p\xF0\b\x88H\xC8(\xA8h\xE8\x18\x98X\xD88\xB8x\xF8\x04\x84D\xC4$\xA4d\xE4\x14\x94T\xD44\xB4t\xF4\f\x8CL\xCC,\xACl\xEC\x1C\x9C\\\xDC<\xBC|\xFC\x02\x82B\xC2\"\xA2b\xE2\x12\x92R\xD22\xB2r\xF2\n\x8AJ\xCA*\xAAj\xEA\x1A\x9AZ\xDA:\xBAz\xFA\x06\x86F\xC6&\xA6f\xE6\x16\x96V\xD66\xB6v\xF6\x0E\x8EN\xCE.\xAEn\xEE\x1E\x9E^\xDE>\xBE~\xFE\x01\x81A\xC1!\xA1a\xE1\x11\x91Q\xD11\xB1q\xF1\t\x89I\xC9)\xA9i\xE9\x19\x99Y\xD99\xB9y\xF9\x05\x85E\xC5%\xA5e\xE5\x15\x95U\xD55\xB5u\xF5\r\x8DM\xCD-\xADm\xED\x1D\x9D]\xDD=\xBD}\xFD\x03\x83C\xC3#\xA3c\xE3\x13\x93S\xD33\xB3s\xF3\v\x8BK\xCB+\xABk\xEB\x1B\x9B[\xDB;\xBB{\xFB\x07\x87G\xC7'\xA7g\xE7\x17\x97W\xD77\xB7w\xF7\x0F\x8FO\xCF/\xAFo\xEF\x1F\x9F_\xDF?\xBF\x7F\xFF".charCodeAt(x); + }; + $pkg.Reverse8 = Reverse8; + Reverse16 = function(x) { + var x; + return ((("\x00\x80@\xC0 \xA0`\xE0\x10\x90P\xD00\xB0p\xF0\b\x88H\xC8(\xA8h\xE8\x18\x98X\xD88\xB8x\xF8\x04\x84D\xC4$\xA4d\xE4\x14\x94T\xD44\xB4t\xF4\f\x8CL\xCC,\xACl\xEC\x1C\x9C\\\xDC<\xBC|\xFC\x02\x82B\xC2\"\xA2b\xE2\x12\x92R\xD22\xB2r\xF2\n\x8AJ\xCA*\xAAj\xEA\x1A\x9AZ\xDA:\xBAz\xFA\x06\x86F\xC6&\xA6f\xE6\x16\x96V\xD66\xB6v\xF6\x0E\x8EN\xCE.\xAEn\xEE\x1E\x9E^\xDE>\xBE~\xFE\x01\x81A\xC1!\xA1a\xE1\x11\x91Q\xD11\xB1q\xF1\t\x89I\xC9)\xA9i\xE9\x19\x99Y\xD99\xB9y\xF9\x05\x85E\xC5%\xA5e\xE5\x15\x95U\xD55\xB5u\xF5\r\x8DM\xCD-\xADm\xED\x1D\x9D]\xDD=\xBD}\xFD\x03\x83C\xC3#\xA3c\xE3\x13\x93S\xD33\xB3s\xF3\v\x8BK\xCB+\xABk\xEB\x1B\x9B[\xDB;\xBB{\xFB\x07\x87G\xC7'\xA7g\xE7\x17\x97W\xD77\xB7w\xF7\x0F\x8FO\xCF/\xAFo\xEF\x1F\x9F_\xDF?\xBF\x7F\xFF".charCodeAt((x >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16)) << 16 >>> 16)) | ((("\x00\x80@\xC0 \xA0`\xE0\x10\x90P\xD00\xB0p\xF0\b\x88H\xC8(\xA8h\xE8\x18\x98X\xD88\xB8x\xF8\x04\x84D\xC4$\xA4d\xE4\x14\x94T\xD44\xB4t\xF4\f\x8CL\xCC,\xACl\xEC\x1C\x9C\\\xDC<\xBC|\xFC\x02\x82B\xC2\"\xA2b\xE2\x12\x92R\xD22\xB2r\xF2\n\x8AJ\xCA*\xAAj\xEA\x1A\x9AZ\xDA:\xBAz\xFA\x06\x86F\xC6&\xA6f\xE6\x16\x96V\xD66\xB6v\xF6\x0E\x8EN\xCE.\xAEn\xEE\x1E\x9E^\xDE>\xBE~\xFE\x01\x81A\xC1!\xA1a\xE1\x11\x91Q\xD11\xB1q\xF1\t\x89I\xC9)\xA9i\xE9\x19\x99Y\xD99\xB9y\xF9\x05\x85E\xC5%\xA5e\xE5\x15\x95U\xD55\xB5u\xF5\r\x8DM\xCD-\xADm\xED\x1D\x9D]\xDD=\xBD}\xFD\x03\x83C\xC3#\xA3c\xE3\x13\x93S\xD33\xB3s\xF3\v\x8BK\xCB+\xABk\xEB\x1B\x9B[\xDB;\xBB{\xFB\x07\x87G\xC7'\xA7g\xE7\x17\x97W\xD77\xB7w\xF7\x0F\x8FO\xCF/\xAFo\xEF\x1F\x9F_\xDF?\xBF\x7F\xFF".charCodeAt(((x & 255) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16)) >>> 0; + }; + $pkg.Reverse16 = Reverse16; + Len = function(x) { + var x; + if (true) { + return Len32(((x >>> 0))); + } + return Len64((new $Uint64(0, x))); + }; + $pkg.Len = Len; + Len32 = function(x) { + var n, x, y, y$1; + n = 0; + if (x >= 65536) { + x = (y = (16), y < 32 ? (x >>> y) : 0) >>> 0; + n = 16; + } + if (x >= 256) { + x = (y$1 = (8), y$1 < 32 ? (x >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + n = n + (8) >> 0; + } + n = n + (("\x00\x01\x02\x02\x03\x03\x03\x03\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b".charCodeAt(x) >> 0)) >> 0; + return n; + }; + $pkg.Len32 = Len32; + Len64 = function(x) { + var n, x; + n = 0; + if ((x.$high > 1 || (x.$high === 1 && x.$low >= 0))) { + x = $shiftRightUint64(x, (32)); + n = 32; + } + if ((x.$high > 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low >= 65536))) { + x = $shiftRightUint64(x, (16)); + n = n + (16) >> 0; + } + if ((x.$high > 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low >= 256))) { + x = $shiftRightUint64(x, (8)); + n = n + (8) >> 0; + } + n = n + (("\x00\x01\x02\x02\x03\x03\x03\x03\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b".charCodeAt($flatten64(x)) >> 0)) >> 0; + return n; + }; + $pkg.Len64 = Len64; + Add = function(x, y, carry) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, c32, c64, carry, carryOut, s32, s64, sum, x, y; + sum = 0; + carryOut = 0; + if (true) { + _tuple = Add32(((x >>> 0)), ((y >>> 0)), ((carry >>> 0))); + s32 = _tuple[0]; + c32 = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = ((s32 >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((c32 >>> 0)); + sum = _tmp; + carryOut = _tmp$1; + return [sum, carryOut]; + } + _tuple$1 = Add64((new $Uint64(0, x)), (new $Uint64(0, y)), (new $Uint64(0, carry))); + s64 = _tuple$1[0]; + c64 = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp$2 = ((s64.$low >>> 0)); + _tmp$3 = ((c64.$low >>> 0)); + sum = _tmp$2; + carryOut = _tmp$3; + return [sum, carryOut]; + }; + $pkg.Add = Add; + Add64 = function(x, y, carry) { + var carry, carryOut, sum, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, y; + sum = new $Uint64(0, 0); + carryOut = new $Uint64(0, 0); + sum = (x$1 = new $Uint64(x.$high + y.$high, x.$low + y.$low), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + carry.$high, x$1.$low + carry.$low)); + carryOut = $shiftRightUint64(((x$2 = new $Uint64(x.$high & y.$high, (x.$low & y.$low) >>> 0), x$3 = (x$4 = new $Uint64(x.$high | y.$high, (x.$low | y.$low) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$4.$high & ~sum.$high, (x$4.$low & ~sum.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$3.$high, (x$2.$low | x$3.$low) >>> 0))), 63); + return [sum, carryOut]; + }; + $pkg.Add64 = Add64; + Sub = function(x, y, borrow) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, b32, b64, borrow, borrowOut, d32, d64, diff, x, y; + diff = 0; + borrowOut = 0; + if (true) { + _tuple = Sub32(((x >>> 0)), ((y >>> 0)), ((borrow >>> 0))); + d32 = _tuple[0]; + b32 = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = ((d32 >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((b32 >>> 0)); + diff = _tmp; + borrowOut = _tmp$1; + return [diff, borrowOut]; + } + _tuple$1 = Sub64((new $Uint64(0, x)), (new $Uint64(0, y)), (new $Uint64(0, borrow))); + d64 = _tuple$1[0]; + b64 = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp$2 = ((d64.$low >>> 0)); + _tmp$3 = ((b64.$low >>> 0)); + diff = _tmp$2; + borrowOut = _tmp$3; + return [diff, borrowOut]; + }; + $pkg.Sub = Sub; + Sub32 = function(x, y, borrow) { + var borrow, borrowOut, diff, x, y; + diff = 0; + borrowOut = 0; + diff = (x - y >>> 0) - borrow >>> 0; + borrowOut = (((((((~x >>> 0) & y) >>> 0)) | ((((~(((x ^ y) >>> 0)) >>> 0) & diff) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 31 >>> 0; + return [diff, borrowOut]; + }; + $pkg.Sub32 = Sub32; + Sub64 = function(x, y, borrow) { + var borrow, borrowOut, diff, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, y; + diff = new $Uint64(0, 0); + borrowOut = new $Uint64(0, 0); + diff = (x$1 = new $Uint64(x.$high - y.$high, x.$low - y.$low), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - borrow.$high, x$1.$low - borrow.$low)); + borrowOut = $shiftRightUint64(((x$2 = (x$3 = new $Uint64(~x.$high, ~x.$low >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$3.$high & y.$high, (x$3.$low & y.$low) >>> 0)), x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = new $Uint64(x.$high ^ y.$high, (x.$low ^ y.$low) >>> 0), new $Uint64(~x$6.$high, ~x$6.$low >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high & diff.$high, (x$5.$low & diff.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$4.$high, (x$2.$low | x$4.$low) >>> 0))), 63); + return [diff, borrowOut]; + }; + $pkg.Sub64 = Sub64; + Mul = function(x, y) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, h, h$1, hi, l, l$1, lo, x, y; + hi = 0; + lo = 0; + if (true) { + _tuple = Mul32(((x >>> 0)), ((y >>> 0))); + h = _tuple[0]; + l = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = ((h >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((l >>> 0)); + hi = _tmp; + lo = _tmp$1; + return [hi, lo]; + } + _tuple$1 = Mul64((new $Uint64(0, x)), (new $Uint64(0, y))); + h$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + l$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp$2 = ((h$1.$low >>> 0)); + _tmp$3 = ((l$1.$low >>> 0)); + hi = _tmp$2; + lo = _tmp$3; + return [hi, lo]; + }; + $pkg.Mul = Mul; + Mul64 = function(x, y) { + var hi, lo, t, w0, w1, w2, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x0, x1, y, y0, y1; + hi = new $Uint64(0, 0); + lo = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x0 = new $Uint64(x.$high & 0, (x.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0); + x1 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 32); + y0 = new $Uint64(y.$high & 0, (y.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0); + y1 = $shiftRightUint64(y, 32); + w0 = $mul64(x0, y0); + t = (x$1 = $mul64(x1, y0), x$2 = $shiftRightUint64(w0, 32), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)); + w1 = new $Uint64(t.$high & 0, (t.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0); + w2 = $shiftRightUint64(t, 32); + w1 = (x$3 = $mul64(x0, y1), new $Uint64(w1.$high + x$3.$high, w1.$low + x$3.$low)); + hi = (x$4 = (x$5 = $mul64(x1, y1), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + w2.$high, x$5.$low + w2.$low)), x$6 = $shiftRightUint64(w1, 32), new $Uint64(x$4.$high + x$6.$high, x$4.$low + x$6.$low)); + lo = $mul64(x, y); + return [hi, lo]; + }; + $pkg.Mul64 = Mul64; + Div = function(hi, lo, y) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, hi, lo, q, q$1, quo, r, r$1, rem, y; + quo = 0; + rem = 0; + if (true) { + _tuple = Div32(((hi >>> 0)), ((lo >>> 0)), ((y >>> 0))); + q = _tuple[0]; + r = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = ((q >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((r >>> 0)); + quo = _tmp; + rem = _tmp$1; + return [quo, rem]; + } + _tuple$1 = Div64((new $Uint64(0, hi)), (new $Uint64(0, lo)), (new $Uint64(0, y))); + q$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + r$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp$2 = ((q$1.$low >>> 0)); + _tmp$3 = ((r$1.$low >>> 0)); + quo = _tmp$2; + rem = _tmp$3; + return [quo, rem]; + }; + $pkg.Div = Div; + Div64 = function(hi, lo, y) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, hi, lo, q0, q1, quo, rem, rhat, s, un0, un1, un10, un21, un32, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, yn0, yn1; + quo = new $Uint64(0, 0); + rem = new $Uint64(0, 0); + if ((y.$high === 0 && y.$low === 0)) { + $panic(divideError); + } + if ((y.$high < hi.$high || (y.$high === hi.$high && y.$low <= hi.$low))) { + $panic(overflowError); + } + s = ((LeadingZeros64(y) >>> 0)); + y = $shiftLeft64(y, (s)); + yn1 = $shiftRightUint64(y, 32); + yn0 = new $Uint64(y.$high & 0, (y.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0); + un32 = (x = $shiftLeft64(hi, s), x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(lo, ((64 - s >>> 0))), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + un10 = $shiftLeft64(lo, s); + un1 = $shiftRightUint64(un10, 32); + un0 = new $Uint64(un10.$high & 0, (un10.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0); + q1 = $div64(un32, yn1, false); + rhat = (x$2 = $mul64(q1, yn1), new $Uint64(un32.$high - x$2.$high, un32.$low - x$2.$low)); + while (true) { + if (!((q1.$high > 1 || (q1.$high === 1 && q1.$low >= 0)) || (x$3 = $mul64(q1, yn0), x$4 = (x$5 = $mul64(new $Uint64(1, 0), rhat), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + un1.$high, x$5.$low + un1.$low)), (x$3.$high > x$4.$high || (x$3.$high === x$4.$high && x$3.$low > x$4.$low))))) { break; } + q1 = (x$6 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(q1.$high - x$6.$high, q1.$low - x$6.$low)); + rhat = (x$7 = yn1, new $Uint64(rhat.$high + x$7.$high, rhat.$low + x$7.$low)); + if ((rhat.$high > 1 || (rhat.$high === 1 && rhat.$low >= 0))) { + break; + } + } + un21 = (x$8 = (x$9 = $mul64(un32, new $Uint64(1, 0)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + un1.$high, x$9.$low + un1.$low)), x$10 = $mul64(q1, y), new $Uint64(x$8.$high - x$10.$high, x$8.$low - x$10.$low)); + q0 = $div64(un21, yn1, false); + rhat = (x$11 = $mul64(q0, yn1), new $Uint64(un21.$high - x$11.$high, un21.$low - x$11.$low)); + while (true) { + if (!((q0.$high > 1 || (q0.$high === 1 && q0.$low >= 0)) || (x$12 = $mul64(q0, yn0), x$13 = (x$14 = $mul64(new $Uint64(1, 0), rhat), new $Uint64(x$14.$high + un0.$high, x$14.$low + un0.$low)), (x$12.$high > x$13.$high || (x$12.$high === x$13.$high && x$12.$low > x$13.$low))))) { break; } + q0 = (x$15 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(q0.$high - x$15.$high, q0.$low - x$15.$low)); + rhat = (x$16 = yn1, new $Uint64(rhat.$high + x$16.$high, rhat.$low + x$16.$low)); + if ((rhat.$high > 1 || (rhat.$high === 1 && rhat.$low >= 0))) { + break; + } + } + _tmp = (x$17 = $mul64(q1, new $Uint64(1, 0)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high + q0.$high, x$17.$low + q0.$low)); + _tmp$1 = $shiftRightUint64(((x$18 = (x$19 = $mul64(un21, new $Uint64(1, 0)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high + un0.$high, x$19.$low + un0.$low)), x$20 = $mul64(q0, y), new $Uint64(x$18.$high - x$20.$high, x$18.$low - x$20.$low))), s); + quo = _tmp; + rem = _tmp$1; + return [quo, rem]; + }; + $pkg.Div64 = Div64; + _err.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return (e); + }; + $ptrType(_err).prototype.Error = function() { return new _err(this.$get()).Error(); }; + _err.prototype.RuntimeError = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + }; + $ptrType(_err).prototype.RuntimeError = function() { return new _err(this.$get()).RuntimeError(); }; + Mul32 = function(x, y) { + var hi, lo, t, w0, w1, w2, x, x0, x1, y, y0, y1; + hi = 0; + lo = 0; + x0 = (x & 65535) >>> 0; + x1 = x >>> 16 >>> 0; + y0 = (y & 65535) >>> 0; + y1 = y >>> 16 >>> 0; + w0 = $imul(x0, y0) >>> 0; + t = ($imul(x1, y0) >>> 0) + (w0 >>> 16 >>> 0) >>> 0; + w1 = (t & 65535) >>> 0; + w2 = t >>> 16 >>> 0; + w1 = w1 + (($imul(x0, y1) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + hi = (($imul(x1, y1) >>> 0) + w2 >>> 0) + (w1 >>> 16 >>> 0) >>> 0; + lo = $imul(x, y) >>> 0; + return [hi, lo]; + }; + $pkg.Mul32 = Mul32; + Add32 = function(x, y, carry) { + var carry, carryOut, sum, x, y; + sum = 0; + carryOut = 0; + sum = (x + y >>> 0) + carry >>> 0; + carryOut = ((((((x & y) >>> 0)) | ((((((x | y) >>> 0)) & ~sum) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 31 >>> 0; + return [sum, carryOut]; + }; + $pkg.Add32 = Add32; + Div32 = function(hi, lo, y) { + var _q, _q$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, hi, lo, q0, q1, quo, rem, rhat, s, un0, un1, un10, un16, un21, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4, y$5, yn0, yn1; + quo = 0; + rem = 0; + if (y === 0) { + $panic(divideError); + } + if (y <= hi) { + $panic(overflowError); + } + s = ((LeadingZeros32(y) >>> 0)); + y = (y$1 = (s), y$1 < 32 ? (y << y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + yn1 = y >>> 16 >>> 0; + yn0 = (y & 65535) >>> 0; + un16 = (((y$2 = s, y$2 < 32 ? (hi << y$2) : 0) >>> 0) | ((y$3 = ((32 - s >>> 0)), y$3 < 32 ? (lo >>> y$3) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + un10 = (y$4 = s, y$4 < 32 ? (lo << y$4) : 0) >>> 0; + un1 = un10 >>> 16 >>> 0; + un0 = (un10 & 65535) >>> 0; + q1 = (_q = un16 / yn1, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + rhat = un16 - ($imul(q1, yn1) >>> 0) >>> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(q1 >= 65536 || ($imul(q1, yn0) >>> 0) > (($imul(65536, rhat) >>> 0) + un1 >>> 0))) { break; } + q1 = q1 - (1) >>> 0; + rhat = rhat + (yn1) >>> 0; + if (rhat >= 65536) { + break; + } + } + un21 = (($imul(un16, 65536) >>> 0) + un1 >>> 0) - ($imul(q1, y) >>> 0) >>> 0; + q0 = (_q$1 = un21 / yn1, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + rhat = un21 - ($imul(q0, yn1) >>> 0) >>> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(q0 >= 65536 || ($imul(q0, yn0) >>> 0) > (($imul(65536, rhat) >>> 0) + un0 >>> 0))) { break; } + q0 = q0 - (1) >>> 0; + rhat = rhat + (yn1) >>> 0; + if (rhat >= 65536) { + break; + } + } + _tmp = ($imul(q1, 65536) >>> 0) + q0 >>> 0; + _tmp$1 = (y$5 = s, y$5 < 32 ? ((((($imul(un21, 65536) >>> 0) + un0 >>> 0) - ($imul(q0, y) >>> 0) >>> 0)) >>> y$5) : 0) >>> 0; + quo = _tmp; + rem = _tmp$1; + return [quo, rem]; + }; + $pkg.Div32 = Div32; + _err.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "RuntimeError", name: "RuntimeError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + deBruijn32tab = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 1, 28, 2, 29, 14, 24, 3, 30, 22, 20, 15, 25, 17, 4, 8, 31, 27, 13, 23, 21, 19, 16, 7, 26, 12, 18, 6, 11, 5, 10, 9]); + deBruijn64tab = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 1, 56, 2, 57, 49, 28, 3, 61, 58, 42, 50, 38, 29, 17, 4, 62, 47, 59, 36, 45, 43, 51, 22, 53, 39, 33, 30, 24, 18, 12, 5, 63, 55, 48, 27, 60, 41, 37, 16, 46, 35, 44, 21, 52, 32, 23, 11, 54, 26, 40, 15, 34, 20, 31, 10, 25, 14, 19, 9, 13, 8, 7, 6]); + overflowError = new _err("runtime error: integer overflow"); + divideError = new _err("runtime error: integer divide by zero"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["math"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, js, bits, arrayType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, structType, math, _zero, posInf, negInf, nan, buf, log2, frexp, Round, max, min, normalize, Abs, Cos, Exp, Floor, Frexp, Inf, IsInf, IsNaN, Log, Log2, Max, Min, NaN, Pow, Signbit, Sin, Sqrt, init, Float32bits, Float32frombits, Float64bits, Float64frombits; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint32, 2); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Float32, 2); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Float64, 1); + structType = $structType("math", [{prop: "uint32array", name: "uint32array", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "float32array", name: "float32array", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "float64array", name: "float64array", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}]); + log2 = function(x) { + var _tuple, exp$1, frac, x; + _tuple = Frexp(x); + frac = _tuple[0]; + exp$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (frac === 0.5) { + return ((exp$1 - 1 >> 0)); + } + return Log(frac) * 1.4426950408889634 + (exp$1); + }; + frexp = function(f) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, exp$1, f, frac, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + frac = 0; + exp$1 = 0; + if ((f === 0)) { + _tmp = f; + _tmp$1 = 0; + frac = _tmp; + exp$1 = _tmp$1; + return [frac, exp$1]; + } else if (IsInf(f, 0) || IsNaN(f)) { + _tmp$2 = f; + _tmp$3 = 0; + frac = _tmp$2; + exp$1 = _tmp$3; + return [frac, exp$1]; + } + _tuple = normalize(f); + f = _tuple[0]; + exp$1 = _tuple[1]; + x = Float64bits(f); + exp$1 = exp$1 + ((((((x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 52), new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 0, (x$1.$low & 2047) >>> 0)).$low >> 0)) - 1023 >> 0) + 1 >> 0)) >> 0; + x = (x$2 = new $Uint64(2146435072, 0), new $Uint64(x.$high & ~x$2.$high, (x.$low & ~x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + x = (x$3 = new $Uint64(1071644672, 0), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$3.$high, (x.$low | x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + frac = Float64frombits(x); + return [frac, exp$1]; + }; + Round = function(x) { + var bits$1, e, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + bits$1 = Float64bits(x); + e = ((($shiftRightUint64(bits$1, 52).$low >>> 0)) & 2047) >>> 0; + if (e < 1023) { + bits$1 = (x$1 = new $Uint64(2147483648, 0), new $Uint64(bits$1.$high & x$1.$high, (bits$1.$low & x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + if (e === 1022) { + bits$1 = (x$2 = new $Uint64(1072693248, 0), new $Uint64(bits$1.$high | x$2.$high, (bits$1.$low | x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + } + } else if (e < 1075) { + e = e - (1023) >>> 0; + bits$1 = (x$3 = $shiftRightUint64(new $Uint64(524288, 0), e), new $Uint64(bits$1.$high + x$3.$high, bits$1.$low + x$3.$low)); + bits$1 = (x$4 = $shiftRightUint64(new $Uint64(1048575, 4294967295), e), new $Uint64(bits$1.$high & ~x$4.$high, (bits$1.$low & ~x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + } + return Float64frombits(bits$1); + }; + $pkg.Round = Round; + max = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + if (IsInf(x, 1) || IsInf(y, 1)) { + return Inf(1); + } else if (IsNaN(x) || IsNaN(y)) { + return NaN(); + } else if ((x === 0) && (x === y)) { + if (Signbit(x)) { + return y; + } + return x; + } + if (x > y) { + return x; + } + return y; + }; + min = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + if (IsInf(x, -1) || IsInf(y, -1)) { + return Inf(-1); + } else if (IsNaN(x) || IsNaN(y)) { + return NaN(); + } else if ((x === 0) && (x === y)) { + if (Signbit(x)) { + return x; + } + return y; + } + if (x < y) { + return x; + } + return y; + }; + normalize = function(x) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, exp$1, x, y; + y = 0; + exp$1 = 0; + if (Abs(x) < 2.2250738585072014e-308) { + _tmp = x * 4.503599627370496e+15; + _tmp$1 = -52; + y = _tmp; + exp$1 = _tmp$1; + return [y, exp$1]; + } + _tmp$2 = x; + _tmp$3 = 0; + y = _tmp$2; + exp$1 = _tmp$3; + return [y, exp$1]; + }; + Abs = function(x) { + var x, x$1; + return Float64frombits((x$1 = Float64bits(x), new $Uint64(x$1.$high & ~2147483648, (x$1.$low & ~0) >>> 0))); + }; + $pkg.Abs = Abs; + Cos = function(x) { + var x; + return $parseFloat(math.cos(x)); + }; + $pkg.Cos = Cos; + Exp = function(x) { + var x; + return $parseFloat(math.exp(x)); + }; + $pkg.Exp = Exp; + Floor = function(x) { + var x; + return $parseFloat(math.floor(x)); + }; + $pkg.Floor = Floor; + Frexp = function(f) { + var _tuple, exp$1, f, frac; + frac = 0; + exp$1 = 0; + _tuple = frexp(f); + frac = _tuple[0]; + exp$1 = _tuple[1]; + return [frac, exp$1]; + }; + $pkg.Frexp = Frexp; + Inf = function(sign) { + var sign; + if (sign >= 0) { + return posInf; + } else { + return negInf; + } + }; + $pkg.Inf = Inf; + IsInf = function(f, sign) { + var f, sign; + if (f === posInf) { + return sign >= 0; + } + if (f === negInf) { + return sign <= 0; + } + return false; + }; + $pkg.IsInf = IsInf; + IsNaN = function(f) { + var f, is; + is = false; + is = !((f === f)); + return is; + }; + $pkg.IsNaN = IsNaN; + Log = function(x) { + var x; + if (!((x === x))) { + return nan; + } + return $parseFloat(math.log(x)); + }; + $pkg.Log = Log; + Log2 = function(x) { + var x; + return log2(x); + }; + $pkg.Log2 = Log2; + Max = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + return max(x, y); + }; + $pkg.Max = Max; + Min = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + return min(x, y); + }; + $pkg.Min = Min; + NaN = function() { + return nan; + }; + $pkg.NaN = NaN; + Pow = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + if ((x === 1) || ((x === -1) && ((y === posInf) || (y === negInf)))) { + return 1; + } + return $parseFloat(math.pow(x, y)); + }; + $pkg.Pow = Pow; + Signbit = function(x) { + var x; + return x < 0 || (1 / x === negInf); + }; + $pkg.Signbit = Signbit; + Sin = function(x) { + var x; + return $parseFloat(math.sin(x)); + }; + $pkg.Sin = Sin; + Sqrt = function(x) { + var x; + return $parseFloat(math.sqrt(x)); + }; + $pkg.Sqrt = Sqrt; + init = function() { + var ab; + ab = new ($global.ArrayBuffer)(8); + buf.uint32array = new ($global.Uint32Array)(ab); + buf.float32array = new ($global.Float32Array)(ab); + buf.float64array = new ($global.Float64Array)(ab); + }; + Float32bits = function(f) { + var f; + buf.float32array[0] = f; + return buf.uint32array[0]; + }; + $pkg.Float32bits = Float32bits; + Float32frombits = function(b) { + var b; + buf.uint32array[0] = b; + return buf.float32array[0]; + }; + $pkg.Float32frombits = Float32frombits; + Float64bits = function(f) { + var f, x, x$1; + buf.float64array[0] = f; + return (x = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, buf.uint32array[1])), 32), x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, buf.uint32array[0])), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + }; + $pkg.Float64bits = Float64bits; + Float64frombits = function(b) { + var b; + buf.uint32array[0] = ((b.$low >>> 0)); + buf.uint32array[1] = (($shiftRightUint64(b, 32).$low >>> 0)); + return buf.float64array[0]; + }; + $pkg.Float64frombits = Float64frombits; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = new structType.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), arrayType$2.zero()); + math = $global.Math; + _zero = 0; + posInf = 1 / _zero; + negInf = -1 / _zero; + nan = $parseFloat($NaN); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["strconv"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, js, bytealg, math, bits, utf8, floatInfo, decimalSlice, decimal, leftCheat, NumError, sliceType, sliceType$1, arrayType, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, ptrType, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, arrayType$5, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, isPrint16, isNotPrint16, isPrint32, isNotPrint32, isGraphic, uint64pow10, float32info, float32info$24ptr, float64info, float64info$24ptr, detailedPowersOfTen, leftcheats, optimize, powtab, float64pow10, float32pow10, contains, quoteWith, appendQuotedWith, appendQuotedRuneWith, appendEscapedRune, Quote, AppendQuote, AppendQuoteToASCII, AppendQuoteRune, AppendQuoteRuneToASCII, CanBackquote, unhex, UnquoteChar, Unquote, unquote, bsearch16, bsearch32, IsPrint, isInGraphicList, FormatUint, FormatInt, AppendInt, AppendUint, small, formatBits, isPowerOfTwo, ryuFtoaFixed32, ryuFtoaFixed64, formatDecimal, ryuFtoaShortest, mulByLog2Log10, mulByLog10Log2, computeBounds, ryuDigits, ryuDigits32, mult64bitPow10, mult128bitPow10, divisibleByPower5, divmod1e9, FormatFloat, AppendFloat, genericFtoa, bigFtoa, formatDigits, roundShortest, fmtE, fmtF, fmtB, fmtX, min, max, eiselLemire64, eiselLemire32, digitZero, trim, rightShift, prefixIsLessThan, leftShift, shouldRoundUp, index, lower, syntaxError, rangeError, baseError, bitSizeError, ParseUint, ParseInt, underscoreOK, commonPrefixLenIgnoreCase, special, readFloat, atof64exact, atof32exact, atofHex, atof32, atof64, ParseFloat, parseFloatPrefix, ParseBool, FormatBool, AppendBool, Itoa, Atoi; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + bytealg = $packages["internal/bytealg"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + floatInfo = $pkg.floatInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strconv.floatInfo", true, "strconv", false, function(mantbits_, expbits_, bias_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mantbits = 0; + this.expbits = 0; + this.bias = 0; + return; + } + this.mantbits = mantbits_; + this.expbits = expbits_; + this.bias = bias_; + }); + decimalSlice = $pkg.decimalSlice = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strconv.decimalSlice", true, "strconv", false, function(d_, nd_, dp_, neg_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.d = sliceType$6.nil; + this.nd = 0; + this.dp = 0; + this.neg = false; + return; + } + this.d = d_; + this.nd = nd_; + this.dp = dp_; + this.neg = neg_; + }); + decimal = $pkg.decimal = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strconv.decimal", true, "strconv", false, function(d_, nd_, dp_, neg_, trunc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.d = arrayType$5.zero(); + this.nd = 0; + this.dp = 0; + this.neg = false; + this.trunc = false; + return; + } + this.d = d_; + this.nd = nd_; + this.dp = dp_; + this.neg = neg_; + this.trunc = trunc_; + }); + leftCheat = $pkg.leftCheat = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strconv.leftCheat", true, "strconv", false, function(delta_, cutoff_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.delta = 0; + this.cutoff = ""; + return; + } + this.delta = delta_; + this.cutoff = cutoff_; + }); + NumError = $pkg.NumError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strconv.NumError", true, "strconv", true, function(Func_, Num_, Err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Func = ""; + this.Num = ""; + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Func = Func_; + this.Num = Num_; + this.Err = Err_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint16); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint32); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint64, 2); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(leftCheat); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Int); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Float64); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($Float32); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 65); + ptrType = $ptrType(floatInfo); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 24); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType($Uint8, 800); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(NumError); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(decimal); + contains = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + return !((index(s, c) === -1)); + }; + quoteWith = function(s, quote, ASCIIonly, graphicOnly) { + var ASCIIonly, _q, graphicOnly, quote, s; + return ($bytesToString(appendQuotedWith($makeSlice(sliceType$6, 0, (_q = ($imul(3, s.length)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))), s, quote, ASCIIonly, graphicOnly))); + }; + appendQuotedWith = function(buf, s, quote, ASCIIonly, graphicOnly) { + var ASCIIonly, _tuple, buf, graphicOnly, nBuf, quote, r, s, width; + if ((buf.$capacity - buf.$length >> 0) < s.length) { + nBuf = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, buf.$length, (((buf.$length + 1 >> 0) + s.length >> 0) + 1 >> 0)); + $copySlice(nBuf, buf); + buf = nBuf; + } + buf = $append(buf, quote); + width = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; } + r = ((s.charCodeAt(0) >> 0)); + width = 1; + if (r >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s); + r = _tuple[0]; + width = _tuple[1]; + } + if ((width === 1) && (r === 65533)) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\x"); + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((s.charCodeAt(0) >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((s.charCodeAt(0) & 15) >>> 0))); + s = $substring(s, width); + continue; + } + buf = appendEscapedRune(buf, r, quote, ASCIIonly, graphicOnly); + s = $substring(s, width); + } + buf = $append(buf, quote); + return buf; + }; + appendQuotedRuneWith = function(buf, r, quote, ASCIIonly, graphicOnly) { + var ASCIIonly, buf, graphicOnly, quote, r; + buf = $append(buf, quote); + if (!utf8.ValidRune(r)) { + r = 65533; + } + buf = appendEscapedRune(buf, r, quote, ASCIIonly, graphicOnly); + buf = $append(buf, quote); + return buf; + }; + appendEscapedRune = function(buf, r, quote, ASCIIonly, graphicOnly) { + var ASCIIonly, _1, buf, graphicOnly, n, quote, r, runeTmp, s, s$1; + runeTmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + if ((r === ((quote >> 0))) || (r === 92)) { + buf = $append(buf, 92); + buf = $append(buf, ((r << 24 >>> 24))); + return buf; + } + if (ASCIIonly) { + if (r < 128 && IsPrint(r)) { + buf = $append(buf, ((r << 24 >>> 24))); + return buf; + } + } else if (IsPrint(r) || graphicOnly && isInGraphicList(r)) { + n = utf8.EncodeRune(new sliceType$6(runeTmp), r); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, $subslice(new sliceType$6(runeTmp), 0, n)); + return buf; + } + _1 = r; + if (_1 === (7)) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\a"); + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\b"); + } else if (_1 === (12)) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\f"); + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\n"); + } else if (_1 === (13)) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\r"); + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\t"); + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\v"); + } else { + if (r < 32) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\x"); + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((r << 24 >>> 24)) >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((((r << 24 >>> 24)) & 15) >>> 0))); + } else if (!utf8.ValidRune(r)) { + r = 65533; + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\u"); + s = 12; + while (true) { + if (!(s >= 0)) { break; } + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((r >> $min(((s >>> 0)), 31)) >> 0) & 15))); + s = s - (4) >> 0; + } + } else if (r < 65536) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\u"); + s = 12; + while (true) { + if (!(s >= 0)) { break; } + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((r >> $min(((s >>> 0)), 31)) >> 0) & 15))); + s = s - (4) >> 0; + } + } else { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\U"); + s$1 = 28; + while (true) { + if (!(s$1 >= 0)) { break; } + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((r >> $min(((s$1 >>> 0)), 31)) >> 0) & 15))); + s$1 = s$1 - (4) >> 0; + } + } + } + return buf; + }; + Quote = function(s) { + var s; + return quoteWith(s, 34, false, false); + }; + $pkg.Quote = Quote; + AppendQuote = function(dst, s) { + var dst, s; + return appendQuotedWith(dst, s, 34, false, false); + }; + $pkg.AppendQuote = AppendQuote; + AppendQuoteToASCII = function(dst, s) { + var dst, s; + return appendQuotedWith(dst, s, 34, true, false); + }; + $pkg.AppendQuoteToASCII = AppendQuoteToASCII; + AppendQuoteRune = function(dst, r) { + var dst, r; + return appendQuotedRuneWith(dst, r, 39, false, false); + }; + $pkg.AppendQuoteRune = AppendQuoteRune; + AppendQuoteRuneToASCII = function(dst, r) { + var dst, r; + return appendQuotedRuneWith(dst, r, 39, true, false); + }; + $pkg.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII = AppendQuoteRuneToASCII; + CanBackquote = function(s) { + var _tuple, r, s, wid; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s); + r = _tuple[0]; + wid = _tuple[1]; + s = $substring(s, wid); + if (wid > 1) { + if (r === 65279) { + return false; + } + continue; + } + if (r === 65533) { + return false; + } + if ((r < 32 && !((r === 9))) || (r === 96) || (r === 127)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.CanBackquote = CanBackquote; + unhex = function(b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, c, ok, v; + v = 0; + ok = false; + c = ((b >> 0)); + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + _tmp = c - 48 >> 0; + _tmp$1 = true; + v = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [v, ok]; + } else if (97 <= c && c <= 102) { + _tmp$2 = (c - 97 >> 0) + 10 >> 0; + _tmp$3 = true; + v = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [v, ok]; + } else if (65 <= c && c <= 70) { + _tmp$4 = (c - 65 >> 0) + 10 >> 0; + _tmp$5 = true; + v = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [v, ok]; + } + return [v, ok]; + }; + UnquoteChar = function(s, quote) { + var _1, _2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, c$1, err, j, j$1, multibyte, n, ok, quote, r, s, size, tail, v, v$1, value, x, x$1; + value = 0; + multibyte = false; + tail = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (s.length === 0) { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + c = s.charCodeAt(0); + if ((c === quote) && ((quote === 39) || (quote === 34))) { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } else if (c >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = r; + _tmp$1 = true; + _tmp$2 = $substring(s, size); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + value = _tmp; + multibyte = _tmp$1; + tail = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } else if (!((c === 92))) { + _tmp$4 = ((s.charCodeAt(0) >> 0)); + _tmp$5 = false; + _tmp$6 = $substring(s, 1); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + value = _tmp$4; + multibyte = _tmp$5; + tail = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + if (s.length <= 1) { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + c$1 = s.charCodeAt(1); + s = $substring(s, 2); + switch (0) { default: + _1 = c$1; + if (_1 === (97)) { + value = 7; + } else if (_1 === (98)) { + value = 8; + } else if (_1 === (102)) { + value = 12; + } else if (_1 === (110)) { + value = 10; + } else if (_1 === (114)) { + value = 13; + } else if (_1 === (116)) { + value = 9; + } else if (_1 === (118)) { + value = 11; + } else if ((_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (117)) || (_1 === (85))) { + n = 0; + _2 = c$1; + if (_2 === (120)) { + n = 2; + } else if (_2 === (117)) { + n = 4; + } else if (_2 === (85)) { + n = 8; + } + v = 0; + if (s.length < n) { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < n)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = unhex(s.charCodeAt(j)); + x = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + v = (v << 4 >> 0) | x; + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + s = $substring(s, n); + if (c$1 === 120) { + value = v; + break; + } + if (!utf8.ValidRune(v)) { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + value = v; + multibyte = true; + } else if ((_1 === (48)) || (_1 === (49)) || (_1 === (50)) || (_1 === (51)) || (_1 === (52)) || (_1 === (53)) || (_1 === (54)) || (_1 === (55))) { + v$1 = ((c$1 >> 0)) - 48 >> 0; + if (s.length < 2) { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + j$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j$1 < 2)) { break; } + x$1 = ((s.charCodeAt(j$1) >> 0)) - 48 >> 0; + if (x$1 < 0 || x$1 > 7) { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + v$1 = ((v$1 << 3 >> 0)) | x$1; + j$1 = j$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + s = $substring(s, 2); + if (v$1 > 255) { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + value = v$1; + } else if (_1 === (92)) { + value = 92; + } else if ((_1 === (39)) || (_1 === (34))) { + if (!((c$1 === quote))) { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + value = ((c$1 >> 0)); + } else { + err = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + } + } + tail = s; + return [value, multibyte, tail, err]; + }; + $pkg.UnquoteChar = UnquoteChar; + Unquote = function(s) { + var _tuple, err, out, rem, s; + _tuple = unquote(s, true); + out = _tuple[0]; + rem = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (rem.length > 0) { + return ["", $pkg.ErrSyntax]; + } + return [out, err]; + }; + $pkg.Unquote = Unquote; + unquote = function(in$1, unescape) { + var _1, _2, _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, arr, buf, buf$1, end, err, err$1, i, in$1, in0, multibyte, n, n$1, out, quote, r, r$1, rem, rem$1, unescape, valid; + out = ""; + rem = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (in$1.length < 2) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = in$1; + _tmp$2 = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + out = _tmp; + rem = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [out, rem, err]; + } + quote = in$1.charCodeAt(0); + end = index($substring(in$1, 1), quote); + if (end < 0) { + _tmp$3 = ""; + _tmp$4 = in$1; + _tmp$5 = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + out = _tmp$3; + rem = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [out, rem, err]; + } + end = end + (2) >> 0; + _1 = quote; + if (_1 === (96)) { + if (!unescape) { + out = $substring(in$1, 0, end); + } else if (!contains($substring(in$1, 0, end), 13)) { + out = $substring(in$1, 1, (end - 1 >> 0)); + } else { + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, 0, (((end - 1 >> 0) - 1 >> 0) - 1 >> 0)); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < (end - 1 >> 0))) { break; } + if (!((in$1.charCodeAt(i) === 13))) { + buf = $append(buf, in$1.charCodeAt(i)); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + out = ($bytesToString(buf)); + } + _tmp$6 = out; + _tmp$7 = $substring(in$1, end); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + out = _tmp$6; + rem = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [out, rem, err]; + } else if ((_1 === (34)) || (_1 === (39))) { + if (!contains($substring(in$1, 0, end), 92) && !contains($substring(in$1, 0, end), 10)) { + valid = false; + _2 = quote; + if (_2 === (34)) { + valid = utf8.ValidString($substring(in$1, 1, (end - 1 >> 0))); + } else if (_2 === (39)) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(in$1, 1, (end - 1 >> 0))); + r = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + valid = (((1 + n >> 0) + 1 >> 0) === end) && (!((r === 65533)) || !((n === 1))); + } + if (valid) { + out = $substring(in$1, 0, end); + if (unescape) { + out = $substring(out, 1, (end - 1 >> 0)); + } + _tmp$9 = out; + _tmp$10 = $substring(in$1, end); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + out = _tmp$9; + rem = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + return [out, rem, err]; + } + } + buf$1 = sliceType$6.nil; + in0 = in$1; + in$1 = $substring(in$1, 1); + if (unescape) { + buf$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, 0, (_q = ($imul(3, end)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + } + while (true) { + if (!(in$1.length > 0 && !((in$1.charCodeAt(0) === quote)))) { break; } + _tuple$1 = UnquoteChar(in$1, quote); + r$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + multibyte = _tuple$1[1]; + rem$1 = _tuple$1[2]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[3]; + if ((in$1.charCodeAt(0) === 10) || !($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$12 = ""; + _tmp$13 = in0; + _tmp$14 = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + out = _tmp$12; + rem = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + return [out, rem, err]; + } + in$1 = rem$1; + if (unescape) { + if (r$1 < 128 || !multibyte) { + buf$1 = $append(buf$1, ((r$1 << 24 >>> 24))); + } else { + arr = arrayType$1.zero(); + n$1 = utf8.EncodeRune(new sliceType$6(arr), r$1); + buf$1 = $appendSlice(buf$1, $subslice(new sliceType$6(arr), 0, n$1)); + } + } + if (quote === 39) { + break; + } + } + if (!(in$1.length > 0 && (in$1.charCodeAt(0) === quote))) { + _tmp$15 = ""; + _tmp$16 = in0; + _tmp$17 = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + out = _tmp$15; + rem = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + return [out, rem, err]; + } + in$1 = $substring(in$1, 1); + if (unescape) { + _tmp$18 = ($bytesToString(buf$1)); + _tmp$19 = in$1; + _tmp$20 = $ifaceNil; + out = _tmp$18; + rem = _tmp$19; + err = _tmp$20; + return [out, rem, err]; + } + _tmp$21 = $substring(in0, 0, (in0.length - in$1.length >> 0)); + _tmp$22 = in$1; + _tmp$23 = $ifaceNil; + out = _tmp$21; + rem = _tmp$22; + err = _tmp$23; + return [out, rem, err]; + } else { + _tmp$24 = ""; + _tmp$25 = in$1; + _tmp$26 = $pkg.ErrSyntax; + out = _tmp$24; + rem = _tmp$25; + err = _tmp$26; + return [out, rem, err]; + } + }; + bsearch16 = function(a, x) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, a, h, i, j, x; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = a.$length; + i = _tmp; + j = _tmp$1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < j)) { break; } + h = i + (((j - i >> 0)) >> 1 >> 0) >> 0; + if (((h < 0 || h >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + h]) < x) { + i = h + 1 >> 0; + } else { + j = h; + } + } + return i; + }; + bsearch32 = function(a, x) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, a, h, i, j, x; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = a.$length; + i = _tmp; + j = _tmp$1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < j)) { break; } + h = i + (((j - i >> 0)) >> 1 >> 0) >> 0; + if (((h < 0 || h >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + h]) < x) { + i = h + 1 >> 0; + } else { + j = h; + } + } + return i; + }; + IsPrint = function(r) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, i, i$1, isNotPrint, isNotPrint$1, isPrint, isPrint$1, j, j$1, r, rr, rr$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + if (r <= 255) { + if (32 <= r && r <= 126) { + return true; + } + if (161 <= r && r <= 255) { + return !((r === 173)); + } + return false; + } + if (0 <= r && r < 65536) { + _tmp = ((r << 16 >>> 16)); + _tmp$1 = isPrint16; + _tmp$2 = isNotPrint16; + rr = _tmp; + isPrint = _tmp$1; + isNotPrint = _tmp$2; + i = bsearch16(isPrint, rr); + if (i >= isPrint.$length || rr < (x = (i & ~1) >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= isPrint.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : isPrint.$array[isPrint.$offset + x])) || (x$1 = i | 1, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= isPrint.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : isPrint.$array[isPrint.$offset + x$1])) < rr) { + return false; + } + j = bsearch16(isNotPrint, rr); + return j >= isNotPrint.$length || !((((j < 0 || j >= isNotPrint.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : isNotPrint.$array[isNotPrint.$offset + j]) === rr)); + } + _tmp$3 = ((r >>> 0)); + _tmp$4 = isPrint32; + _tmp$5 = isNotPrint32; + rr$1 = _tmp$3; + isPrint$1 = _tmp$4; + isNotPrint$1 = _tmp$5; + i$1 = bsearch32(isPrint$1, rr$1); + if (i$1 >= isPrint$1.$length || rr$1 < (x$2 = (i$1 & ~1) >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= isPrint$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : isPrint$1.$array[isPrint$1.$offset + x$2])) || (x$3 = i$1 | 1, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= isPrint$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : isPrint$1.$array[isPrint$1.$offset + x$3])) < rr$1) { + return false; + } + if (r >= 131072) { + return true; + } + r = r - (65536) >> 0; + j$1 = bsearch16(isNotPrint$1, ((r << 16 >>> 16))); + return j$1 >= isNotPrint$1.$length || !((((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= isNotPrint$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : isNotPrint$1.$array[isNotPrint$1.$offset + j$1]) === ((r << 16 >>> 16)))); + }; + $pkg.IsPrint = IsPrint; + isInGraphicList = function(r) { + var i, r, rr; + if (r > 65535) { + return false; + } + rr = ((r << 16 >>> 16)); + i = bsearch16(isGraphic, rr); + return i < isGraphic.$length && (rr === ((i < 0 || i >= isGraphic.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : isGraphic.$array[isGraphic.$offset + i])); + }; + FormatUint = function(i, base) { + var _tuple, base, i, s; + if (true && (i.$high < 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low < 100)) && (base === 10)) { + return small(((i.$low >> 0))); + } + _tuple = formatBits(sliceType$6.nil, i, base, false, false); + s = _tuple[1]; + return s; + }; + $pkg.FormatUint = FormatUint; + FormatInt = function(i, base) { + var _tuple, base, i, s; + if (true && (0 < i.$high || (0 === i.$high && 0 <= i.$low)) && (i.$high < 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low < 100)) && (base === 10)) { + return small((((i.$low + ((i.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + } + _tuple = formatBits(sliceType$6.nil, (new $Uint64(i.$high, i.$low)), base, (i.$high < 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low < 0)), false); + s = _tuple[1]; + return s; + }; + $pkg.FormatInt = FormatInt; + AppendInt = function(dst, i, base) { + var _tuple, base, dst, i; + if (true && (0 < i.$high || (0 === i.$high && 0 <= i.$low)) && (i.$high < 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low < 100)) && (base === 10)) { + return $appendSlice(dst, small((((i.$low + ((i.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))); + } + _tuple = formatBits(dst, (new $Uint64(i.$high, i.$low)), base, (i.$high < 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low < 0)), true); + dst = _tuple[0]; + return dst; + }; + $pkg.AppendInt = AppendInt; + AppendUint = function(dst, i, base) { + var _tuple, base, dst, i; + if (true && (i.$high < 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low < 100)) && (base === 10)) { + return $appendSlice(dst, small(((i.$low >> 0)))); + } + _tuple = formatBits(dst, i, base, false, true); + dst = _tuple[0]; + return dst; + }; + $pkg.AppendUint = AppendUint; + small = function(i) { + var i; + if (i < 10) { + return $substring("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", i, (i + 1 >> 0)); + } + return $substring("00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899", ($imul(i, 2)), (($imul(i, 2)) + 2 >> 0)); + }; + formatBits = function(dst, u, base, neg, append_) { + var _q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, a, append_, b, b$1, base, d, dst, i, is, is$1, is$2, j, m, neg, q, q$1, s, shift, u, us, us$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + d = sliceType$6.nil; + s = ""; + if (base < 2 || base > 36) { + $panic(new $String("strconv: illegal AppendInt/FormatInt base")); + } + a = arrayType$2.zero(); + i = 65; + if (neg) { + u = new $Uint64(-u.$high, -u.$low); + } + if (base === 10) { + if (true) { + while (true) { + if (!((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low >= 1000000000)))) { break; } + q = $div64(u, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000), false); + us = (((x = $mul64(q, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000)), new $Uint64(u.$high - x.$high, u.$low - x.$low)).$low >>> 0)); + j = 4; + while (true) { + if (!(j > 0)) { break; } + is = (_r = us % 100, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) * 2 >>> 0; + us = (_q = us / (100), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + i = i - (2) >> 0; + (x$1 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[x$1] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt((is + 1 >>> 0)))); + (x$2 = i + 0 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[x$2] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt((is + 0 >>> 0)))); + j = j - (1) >> 0; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[i] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt(((us * 2 >>> 0) + 1 >>> 0))); + u = q; + } + } + us$1 = ((u.$low >>> 0)); + while (true) { + if (!(us$1 >= 100)) { break; } + is$1 = (_r$1 = us$1 % 100, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) * 2 >>> 0; + us$1 = (_q$1 = us$1 / (100), (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + i = i - (2) >> 0; + (x$3 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[x$3] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt((is$1 + 1 >>> 0)))); + (x$4 = i + 0 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[x$4] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt((is$1 + 0 >>> 0)))); + } + is$2 = us$1 * 2 >>> 0; + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[i] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt((is$2 + 1 >>> 0))); + if (us$1 >= 10) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[i] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt(is$2)); + } + } else if (isPowerOfTwo(base)) { + shift = (((bits.TrailingZeros(((base >>> 0))) >>> 0)) & 7) >>> 0; + b = (new $Uint64(0, base)); + m = ((base >>> 0)) - 1 >>> 0; + while (true) { + if (!((u.$high > b.$high || (u.$high === b.$high && u.$low >= b.$low)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charCodeAt(((((u.$low >>> 0)) & m) >>> 0))); + u = $shiftRightUint64(u, (shift)); + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charCodeAt(((u.$low >>> 0)))); + } else { + b$1 = (new $Uint64(0, base)); + while (true) { + if (!((u.$high > b$1.$high || (u.$high === b$1.$high && u.$low >= b$1.$low)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + q$1 = $div64(u, b$1, false); + ((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charCodeAt((((x$5 = $mul64(q$1, b$1), new $Uint64(u.$high - x$5.$high, u.$low - x$5.$low)).$low >>> 0)))); + u = q$1; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charCodeAt(((u.$low >>> 0)))); + } + if (neg) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[i] = 45); + } + if (append_) { + d = $appendSlice(dst, $subslice(new sliceType$6(a), i)); + return [d, s]; + } + s = ($bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType$6(a), i))); + return [d, s]; + }; + isPowerOfTwo = function(x) { + var x; + return (x & ((x - 1 >> 0))) === 0; + }; + ryuFtoaFixed32 = function(d, mant, exp, prec) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, d, d0, dexp2, dfrac, di, e2, exact, exp, extra, extraMask, mant, prec, q, roundUp, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4, y$5, y$6; + if (prec < 0) { + $panic(new $String("ryuFtoaFixed32 called with negative prec")); + } + if (prec > 9) { + $panic(new $String("ryuFtoaFixed32 called with prec > 9")); + } + if (mant === 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + d.nd = _tmp; + d.dp = _tmp$1; + return; + } + e2 = exp; + b = bits.Len32(mant); + if (b < 25) { + mant = (y = ((((25 - b >> 0) >>> 0))), y < 32 ? (mant << y) : 0) >>> 0; + e2 = e2 + (((b) - 25 >> 0)) >> 0; + } + q = (-mulByLog2Log10(e2 + 24 >> 0) + prec >> 0) - 1 >> 0; + exact = q <= 27 && q >= 0; + _tuple = mult64bitPow10(mant, e2, q); + di = _tuple[0]; + dexp2 = _tuple[1]; + d0 = _tuple[2]; + if (dexp2 >= 0) { + $panic(new $String("not enough significant bits after mult64bitPow10")); + } + if (q < 0 && q >= -10 && divisibleByPower5((new $Uint64(0, mant)), -q)) { + exact = true; + d0 = true; + } + extra = ((-dexp2 >>> 0)); + extraMask = ((((y$1 = extra, y$1 < 32 ? (1 << y$1) : 0) >>> 0) - 1 >>> 0)); + _tmp$2 = (y$2 = extra, y$2 < 32 ? (di >>> y$2) : 0) >>> 0; + _tmp$3 = (di & extraMask) >>> 0; + di = _tmp$2; + dfrac = _tmp$3; + roundUp = false; + if (exact) { + roundUp = dfrac > ((y$3 = ((extra - 1 >>> 0)), y$3 < 32 ? (1 << y$3) : 0) >>> 0) || ((dfrac === ((y$4 = ((extra - 1 >>> 0)), y$4 < 32 ? (1 << y$4) : 0) >>> 0)) && !d0) || ((dfrac === ((y$5 = ((extra - 1 >>> 0)), y$5 < 32 ? (1 << y$5) : 0) >>> 0)) && d0 && (((di & 1) >>> 0) === 1)); + } else { + roundUp = ((y$6 = ((extra - 1 >>> 0)), y$6 < 32 ? (dfrac >>> y$6) : 0) >>> 0) === 1; + } + if (!((dfrac === 0))) { + d0 = false; + } + formatDecimal(d, (new $Uint64(0, di)), !d0, roundUp, prec); + d.dp = d.dp - (q) >> 0; + }; + ryuFtoaFixed64 = function(d, mant, exp, prec) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, d, d0, dexp2, dfrac, di, e2, exact, exp, extra, extraMask, mant, prec, q, roundUp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + if (prec > 18) { + $panic(new $String("ryuFtoaFixed64 called with prec > 18")); + } + if ((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0)) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + d.nd = _tmp; + d.dp = _tmp$1; + return; + } + e2 = exp; + b = bits.Len64(mant); + if (b < 55) { + mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (((55 - b >> 0) >>> 0))); + e2 = e2 + (((b) - 55 >> 0)) >> 0; + } + q = (-mulByLog2Log10(e2 + 54 >> 0) + prec >> 0) - 1 >> 0; + exact = q <= 55 && q >= 0; + _tuple = mult128bitPow10(mant, e2, q); + di = _tuple[0]; + dexp2 = _tuple[1]; + d0 = _tuple[2]; + if (dexp2 >= 0) { + $panic(new $String("not enough significant bits after mult128bitPow10")); + } + if (q < 0 && q >= -22 && divisibleByPower5(mant, -q)) { + exact = true; + d0 = true; + } + extra = ((-dexp2 >>> 0)); + extraMask = ((x = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), extra), new $Uint64(x.$high - 0, x.$low - 1))); + _tmp$2 = $shiftRightUint64(di, extra); + _tmp$3 = new $Uint64(di.$high & extraMask.$high, (di.$low & extraMask.$low) >>> 0); + di = _tmp$2; + dfrac = _tmp$3; + roundUp = false; + if (exact) { + roundUp = (x$1 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), ((extra - 1 >>> 0))), (dfrac.$high > x$1.$high || (dfrac.$high === x$1.$high && dfrac.$low > x$1.$low))) || ((x$2 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), ((extra - 1 >>> 0))), (dfrac.$high === x$2.$high && dfrac.$low === x$2.$low)) && !d0) || ((x$3 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), ((extra - 1 >>> 0))), (dfrac.$high === x$3.$high && dfrac.$low === x$3.$low)) && d0 && (x$4 = new $Uint64(di.$high & 0, (di.$low & 1) >>> 0), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 1))); + } else { + roundUp = (x$5 = $shiftRightUint64(dfrac, ((extra - 1 >>> 0))), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 1)); + } + if (!((dfrac.$high === 0 && dfrac.$low === 0))) { + d0 = false; + } + formatDecimal(d, di, !d0, roundUp, prec); + d.dp = d.dp - (q) >> 0; + }; + formatDecimal = function(d, m, trunc, roundUp, prec) { + var _q, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, a, b, d, m, max$1, n, prec, roundUp, trimmed, trunc, v, v1, v2, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + max$1 = ((prec < 0 || prec >= uint64pow10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : uint64pow10[prec]); + trimmed = 0; + while (true) { + if (!((m.$high > max$1.$high || (m.$high === max$1.$high && m.$low >= max$1.$low)))) { break; } + _tmp = $div64(m, new $Uint64(0, 10), false); + _tmp$1 = $div64(m, new $Uint64(0, 10), true); + a = _tmp; + b = _tmp$1; + m = a; + trimmed = trimmed + (1) >> 0; + if ((b.$high > 0 || (b.$high === 0 && b.$low > 5))) { + roundUp = true; + } else if ((b.$high < 0 || (b.$high === 0 && b.$low < 5))) { + roundUp = false; + } else { + roundUp = trunc || (x = new $Uint64(m.$high & 0, (m.$low & 1) >>> 0), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 1)); + } + if (!((b.$high === 0 && b.$low === 0))) { + trunc = true; + } + } + if (roundUp) { + m = (x$1 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(m.$high + x$1.$high, m.$low + x$1.$low)); + } + if ((m.$high > max$1.$high || (m.$high === max$1.$high && m.$low >= max$1.$low))) { + m = $div64(m, (new $Uint64(0, 10)), false); + trimmed = trimmed + (1) >> 0; + } + n = ((prec >>> 0)); + d.nd = (prec); + v = m; + while (true) { + if (!((v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low >= 100)))) { break; } + _tmp$2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + v1 = _tmp$2; + v2 = _tmp$3; + if ((x$2 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 32), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0))) { + _tmp$4 = (new $Uint64(0, (_q = ((v.$low >>> 0)) / 100, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))); + _tmp$5 = (new $Uint64(0, (_r = ((v.$low >>> 0)) % 100, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))); + v1 = _tmp$4; + v2 = _tmp$5; + } else { + _tmp$6 = $div64(v, new $Uint64(0, 100), false); + _tmp$7 = $div64(v, new $Uint64(0, 100), true); + v1 = _tmp$6; + v2 = _tmp$7; + } + n = n - (2) >>> 0; + (x$4 = d.d, x$5 = n + 1 >>> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt($flatten64((x$3 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), v2), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + 0, x$3.$low + 1)))))); + (x$7 = d.d, x$8 = n + 0 >>> 0, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + x$8] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt($flatten64((x$6 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), v2), new $Uint64(x$6.$high + 0, x$6.$low + 0)))))); + v = v1; + } + if ((v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low > 0))) { + n = n - (1) >>> 0; + (x$10 = d.d, ((n < 0 || n >= x$10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10.$array[x$10.$offset + n] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt($flatten64((x$9 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), v), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + 0, x$9.$low + 1)))))); + } + if ((v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low >= 10))) { + n = n - (1) >>> 0; + (x$11 = d.d, ((n < 0 || n >= x$11.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11.$array[x$11.$offset + n] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt($flatten64($mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), v))))); + } + while (true) { + if (!((x$12 = d.d, x$13 = d.nd - 1 >> 0, ((x$13 < 0 || x$13 >= x$12.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12.$array[x$12.$offset + x$13])) === 48)) { break; } + d.nd = d.nd - (1) >> 0; + trimmed = trimmed + (1) >> 0; + } + d.dp = d.nd + trimmed >> 0; + }; + ryuFtoaShortest = function(d, mant, exp, flt) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, c0, cup, d, dc, dc0, dc32, dl, dl0, dl32, du, du0, du32, e2, exp, extra, extraMask, flt, fracc, fracl, fracu, lok, mant, mc, ml, mu, q, uok, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8; + if ((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0)) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + d.nd = _tmp; + d.dp = _tmp$1; + return; + } + if (exp <= 0 && bits.TrailingZeros64(mant) >= -exp) { + mant = $shiftRightUint64(mant, (((-exp >>> 0)))); + ryuDigits(d, mant, mant, mant, true, false); + return; + } + _tuple = computeBounds(mant, exp, flt); + ml = _tuple[0]; + mc = _tuple[1]; + mu = _tuple[2]; + e2 = _tuple[3]; + if (e2 === 0) { + ryuDigits(d, ml, mc, mu, true, false); + return; + } + q = mulByLog2Log10(-e2) + 1 >> 0; + _tmp$2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + dl = _tmp$2; + dc = _tmp$3; + du = _tmp$4; + _tmp$5 = false; + _tmp$6 = false; + _tmp$7 = false; + dl0 = _tmp$5; + dc0 = _tmp$6; + du0 = _tmp$7; + if (flt === float32info) { + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = 0; + _tmp$10 = 0; + dl32 = _tmp$8; + dc32 = _tmp$9; + du32 = _tmp$10; + _tuple$1 = mult64bitPow10(((ml.$low >>> 0)), e2, q); + dl32 = _tuple$1[0]; + dl0 = _tuple$1[2]; + _tuple$2 = mult64bitPow10(((mc.$low >>> 0)), e2, q); + dc32 = _tuple$2[0]; + dc0 = _tuple$2[2]; + _tuple$3 = mult64bitPow10(((mu.$low >>> 0)), e2, q); + du32 = _tuple$3[0]; + e2 = _tuple$3[1]; + du0 = _tuple$3[2]; + _tmp$11 = (new $Uint64(0, dl32)); + _tmp$12 = (new $Uint64(0, dc32)); + _tmp$13 = (new $Uint64(0, du32)); + dl = _tmp$11; + dc = _tmp$12; + du = _tmp$13; + } else { + _tuple$4 = mult128bitPow10(ml, e2, q); + dl = _tuple$4[0]; + dl0 = _tuple$4[2]; + _tuple$5 = mult128bitPow10(mc, e2, q); + dc = _tuple$5[0]; + dc0 = _tuple$5[2]; + _tuple$6 = mult128bitPow10(mu, e2, q); + du = _tuple$6[0]; + e2 = _tuple$6[1]; + du0 = _tuple$6[2]; + } + if (e2 >= 0) { + $panic(new $String("not enough significant bits after mult128bitPow10")); + } + if (q > 55) { + _tmp$14 = false; + _tmp$15 = false; + _tmp$16 = false; + dl0 = _tmp$14; + dc0 = _tmp$15; + du0 = _tmp$16; + } + if (q < 0 && q >= -24) { + if (divisibleByPower5(ml, -q)) { + dl0 = true; + } + if (divisibleByPower5(mc, -q)) { + dc0 = true; + } + if (divisibleByPower5(mu, -q)) { + du0 = true; + } + } + extra = ((-e2 >>> 0)); + extraMask = ((x = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), extra), new $Uint64(x.$high - 0, x.$low - 1))); + _tmp$17 = $shiftRightUint64(dl, extra); + _tmp$18 = new $Uint64(dl.$high & extraMask.$high, (dl.$low & extraMask.$low) >>> 0); + dl = _tmp$17; + fracl = _tmp$18; + _tmp$19 = $shiftRightUint64(dc, extra); + _tmp$20 = new $Uint64(dc.$high & extraMask.$high, (dc.$low & extraMask.$low) >>> 0); + dc = _tmp$19; + fracc = _tmp$20; + _tmp$21 = $shiftRightUint64(du, extra); + _tmp$22 = new $Uint64(du.$high & extraMask.$high, (du.$low & extraMask.$low) >>> 0); + du = _tmp$21; + fracu = _tmp$22; + uok = !du0 || (fracu.$high > 0 || (fracu.$high === 0 && fracu.$low > 0)); + if (du0 && (fracu.$high === 0 && fracu.$low === 0)) { + uok = (x$1 = new $Uint64(mant.$high & 0, (mant.$low & 1) >>> 0), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)); + } + if (!uok) { + du = (x$2 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(du.$high - x$2.$high, du.$low - x$2.$low)); + } + cup = false; + if (dc0) { + cup = (x$3 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), ((extra - 1 >>> 0))), (fracc.$high > x$3.$high || (fracc.$high === x$3.$high && fracc.$low > x$3.$low))) || ((x$4 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), ((extra - 1 >>> 0))), (fracc.$high === x$4.$high && fracc.$low === x$4.$low)) && (x$5 = new $Uint64(dc.$high & 0, (dc.$low & 1) >>> 0), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 1))); + } else { + cup = (x$6 = $shiftRightUint64(fracc, ((extra - 1 >>> 0))), (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 1)); + } + lok = dl0 && (fracl.$high === 0 && fracl.$low === 0) && ((x$7 = new $Uint64(mant.$high & 0, (mant.$low & 1) >>> 0), (x$7.$high === 0 && x$7.$low === 0))); + if (!lok) { + dl = (x$8 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(dl.$high + x$8.$high, dl.$low + x$8.$low)); + } + c0 = dc0 && (fracc.$high === 0 && fracc.$low === 0); + ryuDigits(d, dl, dc, du, c0, cup); + d.dp = d.dp - (q) >> 0; + }; + mulByLog2Log10 = function(x) { + var x; + return (($imul(x, 78913))) >> 18 >> 0; + }; + mulByLog10Log2 = function(x) { + var x; + return (($imul(x, 108853))) >> 15 >> 0; + }; + computeBounds = function(mant, exp, flt) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, central, e2, exp, flt, lower$1, mant, upper, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + lower$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + central = new $Uint64(0, 0); + upper = new $Uint64(0, 0); + e2 = 0; + if (!((x = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), (mant.$high === x.$high && mant.$low === x.$low))) || (exp === ((flt.bias + 1 >> 0) - ((flt.mantbits >> 0)) >> 0))) { + _tmp = (x$1 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), mant), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - 0, x$1.$low - 1)); + _tmp$1 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), mant); + _tmp$2 = (x$2 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), mant), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + 0, x$2.$low + 1)); + lower$1 = _tmp; + central = _tmp$1; + upper = _tmp$2; + e2 = exp - 1 >> 0; + return [lower$1, central, upper, e2]; + } else { + _tmp$3 = (x$3 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4), mant), new $Uint64(x$3.$high - 0, x$3.$low - 1)); + _tmp$4 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4), mant); + _tmp$5 = (x$4 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4), mant), new $Uint64(x$4.$high + 0, x$4.$low + 2)); + lower$1 = _tmp$3; + central = _tmp$4; + upper = _tmp$5; + e2 = exp - 2 >> 0; + return [lower$1, central, upper, e2]; + } + }; + ryuDigits = function(d, lower$1, central, upper, c0, cup) { + var _q, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c0, central, chi, clo, cup, d, lhi, llo, lower$1, n, uhi, ulo, upper, v, v1, v2, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + _tuple = divmod1e9(lower$1); + lhi = _tuple[0]; + llo = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = divmod1e9(central); + chi = _tuple$1[0]; + clo = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = divmod1e9(upper); + uhi = _tuple$2[0]; + ulo = _tuple$2[1]; + if (uhi === 0) { + ryuDigits32(d, llo, clo, ulo, c0, cup, 8); + } else if (lhi < uhi) { + if (!((llo === 0))) { + lhi = lhi + (1) >>> 0; + } + c0 = c0 && (clo === 0); + cup = (clo > 500000000) || ((clo === 500000000) && cup); + ryuDigits32(d, lhi, chi, uhi, c0, cup, 8); + d.dp = d.dp + (9) >> 0; + } else { + d.nd = 0; + n = 9; + v = chi; + while (true) { + if (!(v > 0)) { break; } + _tmp = (_q = v / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + _tmp$1 = (_r = v % 10, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + v1 = _tmp; + v2 = _tmp$1; + v = v1; + n = n - (1) >>> 0; + (x = d.d, ((n < 0 || n >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + n] = (((v2 + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)))); + } + d.d = $subslice(d.d, n); + d.nd = (((9 - n >>> 0) >> 0)); + ryuDigits32(d, llo, clo, ulo, c0, cup, d.nd + 8 >> 0); + } + while (true) { + if (!(d.nd > 0 && ((x$1 = d.d, x$2 = d.nd - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + x$2])) === 48))) { break; } + d.nd = d.nd - (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(d.nd > 0 && ((x$3 = d.d, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0])) === 48))) { break; } + d.nd = d.nd - (1) >> 0; + d.dp = d.dp - (1) >> 0; + d.d = $subslice(d.d, 1); + } + }; + ryuDigits32 = function(d, lower$1, central, upper, c0, cup, endindex) { + var _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, c, c0, cNextDigit, cdigit, central, cup, d, endindex, l, lower$1, n, trimmed, u, upper, v, v1, v2, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + if (upper === 0) { + d.dp = endindex + 1 >> 0; + return; + } + trimmed = 0; + cNextDigit = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(upper > 0)) { break; } + l = (_q = ((lower$1 + 9 >>> 0)) / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + _tmp = (_q$1 = central / 10, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + _tmp$1 = (_r = central % 10, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + c = _tmp; + cdigit = _tmp$1; + u = (_q$2 = upper / 10, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (l > u) { + break; + } + if ((l === (c + 1 >>> 0)) && c < u) { + c = c + (1) >>> 0; + cdigit = 0; + cup = false; + } + trimmed = trimmed + (1) >> 0; + c0 = c0 && (cNextDigit === 0); + cNextDigit = ((cdigit >> 0)); + _tmp$2 = l; + _tmp$3 = c; + _tmp$4 = u; + lower$1 = _tmp$2; + central = _tmp$3; + upper = _tmp$4; + } + if (trimmed > 0) { + cup = cNextDigit > 5 || ((cNextDigit === 5) && !c0) || ((cNextDigit === 5) && c0 && (((central & 1) >>> 0) === 1)); + } + if (central < upper && cup) { + central = central + (1) >>> 0; + } + endindex = endindex - (trimmed) >> 0; + v = central; + n = endindex; + while (true) { + if (!(n > d.nd)) { break; } + _tmp$5 = (_q$3 = v / 100, (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + _tmp$6 = (_r$1 = v % 100, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + v1 = _tmp$5; + v2 = _tmp$6; + (x = d.d, ((n < 0 || n >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + n] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt((($imul(2, v2) >>> 0) + 1 >>> 0)))); + (x$1 = d.d, x$2 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + x$2] = "00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899".charCodeAt((($imul(2, v2) >>> 0) + 0 >>> 0)))); + n = n - (2) >> 0; + v = v1; + } + if (n === d.nd) { + (x$3 = d.d, ((n < 0 || n >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + n] = (((v + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)))); + } + d.nd = endindex + 1 >> 0; + d.dp = d.nd + trimmed >> 0; + }; + mult64bitPow10 = function(m, e2, q) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, e2, exact, hi, lo, m, pow, q, resE, resM, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + resM = 0; + resE = 0; + exact = false; + if (q === 0) { + _tmp = m << 6 >>> 0; + _tmp$1 = e2 - 6 >> 0; + _tmp$2 = true; + resM = _tmp; + resE = _tmp$1; + exact = _tmp$2; + return [resM, resE, exact]; + } + if (q < -348 || 347 < q) { + $panic(new $String("mult64bitPow10: power of 10 is out of range")); + } + pow = (x = q - -348 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= detailedPowersOfTen.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : detailedPowersOfTen[x]))[1]; + if (q < 0) { + pow = (x$1 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(pow.$high + x$1.$high, pow.$low + x$1.$low)); + } + _tuple = bits.Mul64((new $Uint64(0, m)), pow); + hi = _tuple[0]; + lo = _tuple[1]; + e2 = e2 + (((mulByLog10Log2(q) - 63 >> 0) + 57 >> 0)) >> 0; + _tmp$3 = (((x$2 = $shiftLeft64(hi, 7), x$3 = $shiftRightUint64(lo, 57), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$3.$high, (x$2.$low | x$3.$low) >>> 0)).$low >>> 0)); + _tmp$4 = e2; + _tmp$5 = (x$4 = $shiftLeft64(lo, 7), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0)); + resM = _tmp$3; + resE = _tmp$4; + exact = _tmp$5; + return [resM, resE, exact]; + }; + mult128bitPow10 = function(m, e2, q) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, carry, e2, exact, h0, h1, l0, l1, m, mid, pow, q, resE, resM, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + resM = new $Uint64(0, 0); + resE = 0; + exact = false; + if (q === 0) { + _tmp = $shiftLeft64(m, 8); + _tmp$1 = e2 - 8 >> 0; + _tmp$2 = true; + resM = _tmp; + resE = _tmp$1; + exact = _tmp$2; + return [resM, resE, exact]; + } + if (q < -348 || 347 < q) { + $panic(new $String("mult128bitPow10: power of 10 is out of range")); + } + pow = $clone((x = q - -348 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= detailedPowersOfTen.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : detailedPowersOfTen[x])), arrayType); + if (q < 0) { + pow[0] = (x$1 = pow[0], x$2 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)); + } + e2 = e2 + (((mulByLog10Log2(q) - 127 >> 0) + 119 >> 0)) >> 0; + _tuple = bits.Mul64(m, pow[0]); + l1 = _tuple[0]; + l0 = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(m, pow[1]); + h1 = _tuple$1[0]; + h0 = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = bits.Add64(l1, h0, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + mid = _tuple$2[0]; + carry = _tuple$2[1]; + h1 = (x$3 = carry, new $Uint64(h1.$high + x$3.$high, h1.$low + x$3.$low)); + _tmp$3 = (x$4 = $shiftLeft64(h1, 9), x$5 = $shiftRightUint64(mid, 55), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$5.$high, (x$4.$low | x$5.$low) >>> 0)); + _tmp$4 = e2; + _tmp$5 = (x$6 = $shiftLeft64(mid, 9), (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 0)) && (l0.$high === 0 && l0.$low === 0); + resM = _tmp$3; + resE = _tmp$4; + exact = _tmp$5; + return [resM, resE, exact]; + }; + divisibleByPower5 = function(m, k) { + var i, k, m, x; + if ((m.$high === 0 && m.$low === 0)) { + return true; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < k)) { break; } + if (!((x = $div64(m, new $Uint64(0, 5), true), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { + return false; + } + m = $div64(m, (new $Uint64(0, 5)), false); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + divmod1e9 = function(x) { + var _tuple, hi, q, x, x$1; + if (false) { + return [(($div64(x, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000), false).$low >>> 0)), (($div64(x, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000), true).$low >>> 0))]; + } + _tuple = bits.Mul64($shiftRightUint64(x, 1), new $Uint64(2305843009, 917808536)); + hi = _tuple[0]; + q = $shiftRightUint64(hi, 28); + return [((q.$low >>> 0)), (((x$1 = $mul64(q, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000)), new $Uint64(x.$high - x$1.$high, x.$low - x$1.$low)).$low >>> 0))]; + }; + FormatFloat = function(f, fmt, prec, bitSize) { + var bitSize, f, fmt, prec; + return ($bytesToString(genericFtoa($makeSlice(sliceType$6, 0, max(prec + 4 >> 0, 24)), f, fmt, prec, bitSize))); + }; + $pkg.FormatFloat = FormatFloat; + AppendFloat = function(dst, f, fmt, prec, bitSize) { + var bitSize, dst, f, fmt, prec; + return genericFtoa(dst, f, fmt, prec, bitSize); + }; + $pkg.AppendFloat = AppendFloat; + genericFtoa = function(dst, val, fmt, prec, bitSize) { + var _1, _2, _3, _4, bitSize, bits$1, buf, buf$1, digits, digs, dst, exp, flt, fmt, mant, neg, ok, prec, s, shortest, val, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, y, y$1; + bits$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + flt = ptrType.nil; + _1 = bitSize; + if (_1 === (32)) { + bits$1 = (new $Uint64(0, math.Float32bits(($fround(val))))); + flt = float32info; + } else if (_1 === (64)) { + bits$1 = math.Float64bits(val); + flt = float64info; + } else { + $panic(new $String("strconv: illegal AppendFloat/FormatFloat bitSize")); + } + neg = !((x = $shiftRightUint64(bits$1, ((flt.expbits + flt.mantbits >>> 0))), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))); + exp = (($shiftRightUint64(bits$1, flt.mantbits).$low >> 0)) & ((((y = flt.expbits, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0)); + mant = (x$1 = (x$2 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), new $Uint64(x$2.$high - 0, x$2.$low - 1)), new $Uint64(bits$1.$high & x$1.$high, (bits$1.$low & x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + _2 = exp; + if (_2 === ((((y$1 = flt.expbits, y$1 < 32 ? (1 << y$1) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0))) { + s = ""; + if (!((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0))) { + s = "NaN"; + } else if (neg) { + s = "-Inf"; + } else { + s = "+Inf"; + } + return $appendSlice(dst, s); + } else if (_2 === (0)) { + exp = exp + (1) >> 0; + } else { + mant = (x$3 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), new $Uint64(mant.$high | x$3.$high, (mant.$low | x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + } + exp = exp + (flt.bias) >> 0; + if (fmt === 98) { + return fmtB(dst, neg, mant, exp, flt); + } + if ((fmt === 120) || (fmt === 88)) { + return fmtX(dst, prec, fmt, neg, mant, exp, flt); + } + if (!optimize) { + return bigFtoa(dst, prec, fmt, neg, mant, exp, flt); + } + digs = new decimalSlice.ptr(sliceType$6.nil, 0, 0, false); + ok = false; + shortest = prec < 0; + if (shortest) { + buf = arrayType$3.zero(); + digs.d = new sliceType$6(buf); + ryuFtoaShortest(digs, mant, exp - ((flt.mantbits >> 0)) >> 0, flt); + ok = true; + _3 = fmt; + if ((_3 === (101)) || (_3 === (69))) { + prec = max(digs.nd - 1 >> 0, 0); + } else if (_3 === (102)) { + prec = max(digs.nd - digs.dp >> 0, 0); + } else if ((_3 === (103)) || (_3 === (71))) { + prec = digs.nd; + } + } else if (!((fmt === 102))) { + digits = prec; + _4 = fmt; + if ((_4 === (101)) || (_4 === (69))) { + digits = digits + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((_4 === (103)) || (_4 === (71))) { + if (prec === 0) { + prec = 1; + } + digits = prec; + } + buf$1 = arrayType$4.zero(); + if ((bitSize === 32) && digits <= 9) { + digs.d = new sliceType$6(buf$1); + ryuFtoaFixed32(digs, ((mant.$low >>> 0)), exp - ((flt.mantbits >> 0)) >> 0, digits); + ok = true; + } else if (digits <= 18) { + digs.d = new sliceType$6(buf$1); + ryuFtoaFixed64(digs, mant, exp - ((flt.mantbits >> 0)) >> 0, digits); + ok = true; + } + } + if (!ok) { + return bigFtoa(dst, prec, fmt, neg, mant, exp, flt); + } + return formatDigits(dst, shortest, neg, $clone(digs, decimalSlice), prec, fmt); + }; + bigFtoa = function(dst, prec, fmt, neg, mant, exp, flt) { + var _1, _2, d, digs, dst, exp, flt, fmt, mant, neg, prec, shortest; + d = new decimal.ptr(arrayType$5.zero(), 0, 0, false, false); + d.Assign(mant); + d.Shift(exp - ((flt.mantbits >> 0)) >> 0); + digs = new decimalSlice.ptr(sliceType$6.nil, 0, 0, false); + shortest = prec < 0; + if (shortest) { + roundShortest(d, mant, exp, flt); + decimalSlice.copy(digs, new decimalSlice.ptr(new sliceType$6(d.d), d.nd, d.dp, false)); + _1 = fmt; + if ((_1 === (101)) || (_1 === (69))) { + prec = digs.nd - 1 >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (102)) { + prec = max(digs.nd - digs.dp >> 0, 0); + } else if ((_1 === (103)) || (_1 === (71))) { + prec = digs.nd; + } + } else { + _2 = fmt; + if ((_2 === (101)) || (_2 === (69))) { + d.Round(prec + 1 >> 0); + } else if (_2 === (102)) { + d.Round(d.dp + prec >> 0); + } else if ((_2 === (103)) || (_2 === (71))) { + if (prec === 0) { + prec = 1; + } + d.Round(prec); + } + decimalSlice.copy(digs, new decimalSlice.ptr(new sliceType$6(d.d), d.nd, d.dp, false)); + } + return formatDigits(dst, shortest, neg, $clone(digs, decimalSlice), prec, fmt); + }; + formatDigits = function(dst, shortest, neg, digs, prec, fmt) { + var _1, digs, dst, eprec, exp, fmt, neg, prec, shortest; + _1 = fmt; + if ((_1 === (101)) || (_1 === (69))) { + return fmtE(dst, neg, $clone(digs, decimalSlice), prec, fmt); + } else if (_1 === (102)) { + return fmtF(dst, neg, $clone(digs, decimalSlice), prec); + } else if ((_1 === (103)) || (_1 === (71))) { + eprec = prec; + if (eprec > digs.nd && digs.nd >= digs.dp) { + eprec = digs.nd; + } + if (shortest) { + eprec = 6; + } + exp = digs.dp - 1 >> 0; + if (exp < -4 || exp >= eprec) { + if (prec > digs.nd) { + prec = digs.nd; + } + return fmtE(dst, neg, $clone(digs, decimalSlice), prec - 1 >> 0, (fmt + 101 << 24 >>> 24) - 103 << 24 >>> 24); + } + if (prec > digs.dp) { + prec = digs.nd; + } + return fmtF(dst, neg, $clone(digs, decimalSlice), max(prec - digs.dp >> 0, 0)); + } + return $append(dst, 37, fmt); + }; + roundShortest = function(d, mant, exp, flt) { + var d, exp, explo, flt, inclusive, l, li, lower$1, m, mant, mantlo, mi, minexp, okdown, okup, u, ui, upper, upperdelta, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7; + if ((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0)) { + d.nd = 0; + return; + } + minexp = flt.bias + 1 >> 0; + if (exp > minexp && ($imul(332, ((d.dp - d.nd >> 0)))) >= ($imul(100, ((exp - ((flt.mantbits >> 0)) >> 0))))) { + return; + } + upper = new decimal.ptr(arrayType$5.zero(), 0, 0, false, false); + upper.Assign((x = $mul64(mant, new $Uint64(0, 2)), new $Uint64(x.$high + 0, x.$low + 1))); + upper.Shift((exp - ((flt.mantbits >> 0)) >> 0) - 1 >> 0); + mantlo = new $Uint64(0, 0); + explo = 0; + if ((x$1 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), (mant.$high > x$1.$high || (mant.$high === x$1.$high && mant.$low > x$1.$low))) || (exp === minexp)) { + mantlo = new $Uint64(mant.$high - 0, mant.$low - 1); + explo = exp; + } else { + mantlo = (x$2 = $mul64(mant, new $Uint64(0, 2)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high - 0, x$2.$low - 1)); + explo = exp - 1 >> 0; + } + lower$1 = new decimal.ptr(arrayType$5.zero(), 0, 0, false, false); + lower$1.Assign((x$3 = $mul64(mantlo, new $Uint64(0, 2)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + 0, x$3.$low + 1))); + lower$1.Shift((explo - ((flt.mantbits >> 0)) >> 0) - 1 >> 0); + inclusive = (x$4 = $div64(mant, new $Uint64(0, 2), true), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0)); + upperdelta = 0; + ui = 0; + while (true) { + mi = (ui - upper.dp >> 0) + d.dp >> 0; + if (mi >= d.nd) { + break; + } + li = (ui - upper.dp >> 0) + lower$1.dp >> 0; + l = 48; + if (li >= 0 && li < lower$1.nd) { + l = (x$5 = lower$1.d, ((li < 0 || li >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[li])); + } + m = 48; + if (mi >= 0) { + m = (x$6 = d.d, ((mi < 0 || mi >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[mi])); + } + u = 48; + if (ui < upper.nd) { + u = (x$7 = upper.d, ((ui < 0 || ui >= x$7.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7[ui])); + } + okdown = !((l === m)) || inclusive && ((li + 1 >> 0) === lower$1.nd); + if ((upperdelta === 0) && (m + 1 << 24 >>> 24) < u) { + upperdelta = 2; + } else if ((upperdelta === 0) && !((m === u))) { + upperdelta = 1; + } else if ((upperdelta === 1) && (!((m === 57)) || !((u === 48)))) { + upperdelta = 2; + } + okup = upperdelta > 0 && (inclusive || upperdelta > 1 || (ui + 1 >> 0) < upper.nd); + if (okdown && okup) { + d.Round(mi + 1 >> 0); + return; + } else if (okdown) { + d.RoundDown(mi + 1 >> 0); + return; + } else if (okup) { + d.RoundUp(mi + 1 >> 0); + return; + } + ui = ui + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + fmtE = function(dst, neg, d, prec, fmt) { + var _q, _q$1, _q$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, ch, d, dst, exp, fmt, i, m, neg, prec, x; + if (neg) { + dst = $append(dst, 45); + } + ch = 48; + if (!((d.nd === 0))) { + ch = (x = d.d, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + } + dst = $append(dst, ch); + if (prec > 0) { + dst = $append(dst, 46); + i = 1; + m = min(d.nd, prec + 1 >> 0); + if (i < m) { + dst = $appendSlice(dst, $subslice(d.d, i, m)); + i = m; + } + while (true) { + if (!(i <= prec)) { break; } + dst = $append(dst, 48); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } + dst = $append(dst, fmt); + exp = d.dp - 1 >> 0; + if (d.nd === 0) { + exp = 0; + } + if (exp < 0) { + ch = 45; + exp = -exp; + } else { + ch = 43; + } + dst = $append(dst, ch); + if (exp < 10) { + dst = $append(dst, 48, ((exp << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24); + } else if (exp < 100) { + dst = $append(dst, (((_q = exp / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, (((_r = exp % 10, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24); + } else { + dst = $append(dst, (((_q$1 = exp / 100, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, (_r$1 = (((_q$2 = exp / 10, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) % 10, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, (((_r$2 = exp % 10, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24); + } + return dst; + }; + fmtF = function(dst, neg, d, prec) { + var ch, d, dst, i, j, m, neg, prec, x; + if (neg) { + dst = $append(dst, 45); + } + if (d.dp > 0) { + m = min(d.nd, d.dp); + dst = $appendSlice(dst, $subslice(d.d, 0, m)); + while (true) { + if (!(m < d.dp)) { break; } + dst = $append(dst, 48); + m = m + (1) >> 0; + } + } else { + dst = $append(dst, 48); + } + if (prec > 0) { + dst = $append(dst, 46); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < prec)) { break; } + ch = 48; + j = d.dp + i >> 0; + if (0 <= j && j < d.nd) { + ch = (x = d.d, ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j])); + } + dst = $append(dst, ch); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } + return dst; + }; + fmtB = function(dst, neg, mant, exp, flt) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, dst, exp, flt, mant, neg; + if (neg) { + dst = $append(dst, 45); + } + _tuple = formatBits(dst, mant, 10, false, true); + dst = _tuple[0]; + dst = $append(dst, 112); + exp = exp - (((flt.mantbits >> 0))) >> 0; + if (exp >= 0) { + dst = $append(dst, 43); + } + _tuple$1 = formatBits(dst, (new $Uint64(0, exp)), 10, exp < 0, true); + dst = _tuple$1[0]; + return dst; + }; + fmtX = function(dst, prec, fmt, neg, mant, exp, flt) { + var _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _q$4, _q$5, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, ch, dst, exp, extra, flt, fmt, hex, i, mant, neg, prec, shift, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8; + if ((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0)) { + exp = 0; + } + mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, ((60 - flt.mantbits >>> 0))); + while (true) { + if (!(!((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0)) && (x = new $Uint64(mant.$high & 268435456, (mant.$low & 0) >>> 0), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { break; } + mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (1)); + exp = exp - (1) >> 0; + } + if (prec >= 0 && prec < 15) { + shift = ((($imul(prec, 4)) >>> 0)); + extra = (x$1 = $shiftLeft64(mant, shift), new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 268435455, (x$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + mant = $shiftRightUint64(mant, ((60 - shift >>> 0))); + if ((x$2 = (x$3 = new $Uint64(mant.$high & 0, (mant.$low & 1) >>> 0), new $Uint64(extra.$high | x$3.$high, (extra.$low | x$3.$low) >>> 0)), (x$2.$high > 134217728 || (x$2.$high === 134217728 && x$2.$low > 0)))) { + mant = (x$4 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(mant.$high + x$4.$high, mant.$low + x$4.$low)); + } + mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, ((60 - shift >>> 0))); + if (!((x$5 = new $Uint64(mant.$high & 536870912, (mant.$low & 0) >>> 0), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { + mant = $shiftRightUint64(mant, (1)); + exp = exp + (1) >> 0; + } + } + hex = "0123456789abcdef"; + if (fmt === 88) { + hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; + } + if (neg) { + dst = $append(dst, 45); + } + dst = $append(dst, 48, fmt, 48 + (((x$6 = $shiftRightUint64(mant, 60), new $Uint64(x$6.$high & 0, (x$6.$low & 1) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)) << 24 >>> 24); + mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (4)); + if (prec < 0 && !((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0))) { + dst = $append(dst, 46); + while (true) { + if (!(!((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0)))) { break; } + dst = $append(dst, hex.charCodeAt($flatten64((x$7 = $shiftRightUint64(mant, 60), new $Uint64(x$7.$high & 0, (x$7.$low & 15) >>> 0))))); + mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (4)); + } + } else if (prec > 0) { + dst = $append(dst, 46); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < prec)) { break; } + dst = $append(dst, hex.charCodeAt($flatten64((x$8 = $shiftRightUint64(mant, 60), new $Uint64(x$8.$high & 0, (x$8.$low & 15) >>> 0))))); + mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (4)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } + ch = 80; + if (fmt === lower(fmt)) { + ch = 112; + } + dst = $append(dst, ch); + if (exp < 0) { + ch = 45; + exp = -exp; + } else { + ch = 43; + } + dst = $append(dst, ch); + if (exp < 100) { + dst = $append(dst, (((_q = exp / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, (((_r = exp % 10, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24); + } else if (exp < 1000) { + dst = $append(dst, (((_q$1 = exp / 100, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, (((_r$1 = ((_q$2 = exp / 10, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) % 10, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, (((_r$2 = exp % 10, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24); + } else { + dst = $append(dst, (((_q$3 = exp / 1000, (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, (_r$3 = (((_q$4 = exp / 100, (_q$4 === _q$4 && _q$4 !== 1/0 && _q$4 !== -1/0) ? _q$4 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) % 10, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, (((_r$4 = ((_q$5 = exp / 10, (_q$5 === _q$5 && _q$5 !== 1/0 && _q$5 !== -1/0) ? _q$5 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) % 10, _r$4 === _r$4 ? _r$4 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, (((_r$5 = exp % 10, _r$5 === _r$5 ? _r$5 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24); + } + return dst; + }; + min = function(a, b) { + var a, b; + if (a < b) { + return a; + } + return b; + }; + max = function(a, b) { + var a, b; + if (a > b) { + return a; + } + return b; + }; + eiselLemire64 = function(man, exp10, neg) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, clz, exp10, f, man, mergedHi, mergedLo, msb, neg, ok, retBits, retExp2, retMantissa, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, xHi, xLo, yHi, yLo; + f = 0; + ok = false; + if ((man.$high === 0 && man.$low === 0)) { + if (neg) { + f = math.Float64frombits(new $Uint64(2147483648, 0)); + } + _tmp = f; + _tmp$1 = true; + f = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [f, ok]; + } + if (exp10 < -348 || 347 < exp10) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = false; + f = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [f, ok]; + } + clz = bits.LeadingZeros64(man); + man = $shiftLeft64(man, (((clz >>> 0)))); + retExp2 = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((($imul(217706, exp10)) >> 16 >> 0) + 64 >> 0) + 1023 >> 0))), x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, clz)), new $Uint64(x.$high - x$1.$high, x.$low - x$1.$low)); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(man, (x$2 = exp10 - -348 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= detailedPowersOfTen.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : detailedPowersOfTen[x$2]))[1]); + xHi = _tuple[0]; + xLo = _tuple[1]; + if ((x$3 = new $Uint64(xHi.$high & 0, (xHi.$low & 511) >>> 0), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 511)) && (x$4 = new $Uint64(xLo.$high + man.$high, xLo.$low + man.$low), (x$4.$high < man.$high || (x$4.$high === man.$high && x$4.$low < man.$low)))) { + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(man, (x$5 = exp10 - -348 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= detailedPowersOfTen.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : detailedPowersOfTen[x$5]))[0]); + yHi = _tuple$1[0]; + yLo = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp$4 = xHi; + _tmp$5 = new $Uint64(xLo.$high + yHi.$high, xLo.$low + yHi.$low); + mergedHi = _tmp$4; + mergedLo = _tmp$5; + if ((mergedLo.$high < xLo.$high || (mergedLo.$high === xLo.$high && mergedLo.$low < xLo.$low))) { + mergedHi = (x$6 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(mergedHi.$high + x$6.$high, mergedHi.$low + x$6.$low)); + } + if ((x$7 = new $Uint64(mergedHi.$high & 0, (mergedHi.$low & 511) >>> 0), (x$7.$high === 0 && x$7.$low === 511)) && (x$8 = new $Uint64(mergedLo.$high + 0, mergedLo.$low + 1), (x$8.$high === 0 && x$8.$low === 0)) && (x$9 = new $Uint64(yLo.$high + man.$high, yLo.$low + man.$low), (x$9.$high < man.$high || (x$9.$high === man.$high && x$9.$low < man.$low)))) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = false; + f = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + return [f, ok]; + } + _tmp$8 = mergedHi; + _tmp$9 = mergedLo; + xHi = _tmp$8; + xLo = _tmp$9; + } + msb = $shiftRightUint64(xHi, 63); + retMantissa = $shiftRightUint64(xHi, $flatten64((new $Uint64(msb.$high + 0, msb.$low + 9)))); + retExp2 = (x$10 = new $Uint64(0 ^ msb.$high, (1 ^ msb.$low) >>> 0), new $Uint64(retExp2.$high - x$10.$high, retExp2.$low - x$10.$low)); + if ((xLo.$high === 0 && xLo.$low === 0) && (x$11 = new $Uint64(xHi.$high & 0, (xHi.$low & 511) >>> 0), (x$11.$high === 0 && x$11.$low === 0)) && (x$12 = new $Uint64(retMantissa.$high & 0, (retMantissa.$low & 3) >>> 0), (x$12.$high === 0 && x$12.$low === 1))) { + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = false; + f = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [f, ok]; + } + retMantissa = (x$13 = new $Uint64(retMantissa.$high & 0, (retMantissa.$low & 1) >>> 0), new $Uint64(retMantissa.$high + x$13.$high, retMantissa.$low + x$13.$low)); + retMantissa = $shiftRightUint64(retMantissa, (1)); + if ((x$14 = $shiftRightUint64(retMantissa, 53), (x$14.$high > 0 || (x$14.$high === 0 && x$14.$low > 0)))) { + retMantissa = $shiftRightUint64(retMantissa, (1)); + retExp2 = (x$15 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(retExp2.$high + x$15.$high, retExp2.$low + x$15.$low)); + } + if ((x$16 = new $Uint64(retExp2.$high - 0, retExp2.$low - 1), (x$16.$high > 0 || (x$16.$high === 0 && x$16.$low >= 2046)))) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = false; + f = _tmp$12; + ok = _tmp$13; + return [f, ok]; + } + retBits = (x$17 = $shiftLeft64(retExp2, 52), x$18 = new $Uint64(retMantissa.$high & 1048575, (retMantissa.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$17.$high | x$18.$high, (x$17.$low | x$18.$low) >>> 0)); + if (neg) { + retBits = (x$19 = new $Uint64(2147483648, 0), new $Uint64(retBits.$high | x$19.$high, (retBits.$low | x$19.$low) >>> 0)); + } + _tmp$14 = math.Float64frombits(retBits); + _tmp$15 = true; + f = _tmp$14; + ok = _tmp$15; + return [f, ok]; + }; + eiselLemire32 = function(man, exp10, neg) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, clz, exp10, f, man, mergedHi, mergedLo, msb, neg, ok, retBits, retExp2, retMantissa, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, xHi, xLo, yHi, yLo; + f = 0; + ok = false; + if ((man.$high === 0 && man.$low === 0)) { + if (neg) { + f = math.Float32frombits(2147483648); + } + _tmp = f; + _tmp$1 = true; + f = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [f, ok]; + } + if (exp10 < -348 || 347 < exp10) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = false; + f = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [f, ok]; + } + clz = bits.LeadingZeros64(man); + man = $shiftLeft64(man, (((clz >>> 0)))); + retExp2 = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((($imul(217706, exp10)) >> 16 >> 0) + 64 >> 0) + 127 >> 0))), x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, clz)), new $Uint64(x.$high - x$1.$high, x.$low - x$1.$low)); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(man, (x$2 = exp10 - -348 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= detailedPowersOfTen.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : detailedPowersOfTen[x$2]))[1]); + xHi = _tuple[0]; + xLo = _tuple[1]; + if ((x$3 = new $Uint64(xHi.$high & 63, (xHi.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0), (x$3.$high === 63 && x$3.$low === 4294967295)) && (x$4 = new $Uint64(xLo.$high + man.$high, xLo.$low + man.$low), (x$4.$high < man.$high || (x$4.$high === man.$high && x$4.$low < man.$low)))) { + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(man, (x$5 = exp10 - -348 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= detailedPowersOfTen.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : detailedPowersOfTen[x$5]))[0]); + yHi = _tuple$1[0]; + yLo = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp$4 = xHi; + _tmp$5 = new $Uint64(xLo.$high + yHi.$high, xLo.$low + yHi.$low); + mergedHi = _tmp$4; + mergedLo = _tmp$5; + if ((mergedLo.$high < xLo.$high || (mergedLo.$high === xLo.$high && mergedLo.$low < xLo.$low))) { + mergedHi = (x$6 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(mergedHi.$high + x$6.$high, mergedHi.$low + x$6.$low)); + } + if ((x$7 = new $Uint64(mergedHi.$high & 63, (mergedHi.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0), (x$7.$high === 63 && x$7.$low === 4294967295)) && (x$8 = new $Uint64(mergedLo.$high + 0, mergedLo.$low + 1), (x$8.$high === 0 && x$8.$low === 0)) && (x$9 = new $Uint64(yLo.$high + man.$high, yLo.$low + man.$low), (x$9.$high < man.$high || (x$9.$high === man.$high && x$9.$low < man.$low)))) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = false; + f = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + return [f, ok]; + } + _tmp$8 = mergedHi; + _tmp$9 = mergedLo; + xHi = _tmp$8; + xLo = _tmp$9; + } + msb = $shiftRightUint64(xHi, 63); + retMantissa = $shiftRightUint64(xHi, $flatten64((new $Uint64(msb.$high + 0, msb.$low + 38)))); + retExp2 = (x$10 = new $Uint64(0 ^ msb.$high, (1 ^ msb.$low) >>> 0), new $Uint64(retExp2.$high - x$10.$high, retExp2.$low - x$10.$low)); + if ((xLo.$high === 0 && xLo.$low === 0) && (x$11 = new $Uint64(xHi.$high & 63, (xHi.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0), (x$11.$high === 0 && x$11.$low === 0)) && (x$12 = new $Uint64(retMantissa.$high & 0, (retMantissa.$low & 3) >>> 0), (x$12.$high === 0 && x$12.$low === 1))) { + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = false; + f = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [f, ok]; + } + retMantissa = (x$13 = new $Uint64(retMantissa.$high & 0, (retMantissa.$low & 1) >>> 0), new $Uint64(retMantissa.$high + x$13.$high, retMantissa.$low + x$13.$low)); + retMantissa = $shiftRightUint64(retMantissa, (1)); + if ((x$14 = $shiftRightUint64(retMantissa, 24), (x$14.$high > 0 || (x$14.$high === 0 && x$14.$low > 0)))) { + retMantissa = $shiftRightUint64(retMantissa, (1)); + retExp2 = (x$15 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(retExp2.$high + x$15.$high, retExp2.$low + x$15.$low)); + } + if ((x$16 = new $Uint64(retExp2.$high - 0, retExp2.$low - 1), (x$16.$high > 0 || (x$16.$high === 0 && x$16.$low >= 254)))) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = false; + f = _tmp$12; + ok = _tmp$13; + return [f, ok]; + } + retBits = (x$17 = $shiftLeft64(retExp2, 23), x$18 = new $Uint64(retMantissa.$high & 0, (retMantissa.$low & 8388607) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$17.$high | x$18.$high, (x$17.$low | x$18.$low) >>> 0)); + if (neg) { + retBits = (x$19 = new $Uint64(0, 2147483648), new $Uint64(retBits.$high | x$19.$high, (retBits.$low | x$19.$low) >>> 0)); + } + _tmp$14 = math.Float32frombits(((retBits.$low >>> 0))); + _tmp$15 = true; + f = _tmp$14; + ok = _tmp$15; + return [f, ok]; + }; + decimal.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var a, buf, n, w; + a = this; + n = 10 + a.nd >> 0; + if (a.dp > 0) { + n = n + (a.dp) >> 0; + } + if (a.dp < 0) { + n = n + (-a.dp) >> 0; + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, n); + w = 0; + if ((a.nd === 0)) { + return "0"; + } else if (a.dp <= 0) { + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = 48); + w = w + (1) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = 46); + w = w + (1) >> 0; + w = w + (digitZero($subslice(buf, w, (w + -a.dp >> 0)))) >> 0; + w = w + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, w), $subslice(new sliceType$6(a.d), 0, a.nd))) >> 0; + } else if (a.dp < a.nd) { + w = w + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, w), $subslice(new sliceType$6(a.d), 0, a.dp))) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = 46); + w = w + (1) >> 0; + w = w + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, w), $subslice(new sliceType$6(a.d), a.dp, a.nd))) >> 0; + } else { + w = w + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, w), $subslice(new sliceType$6(a.d), 0, a.nd))) >> 0; + w = w + (digitZero($subslice(buf, w, ((w + a.dp >> 0) - a.nd >> 0)))) >> 0; + } + return ($bytesToString($subslice(buf, 0, w))); + }; + decimal.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + digitZero = function(dst) { + var _i, _ref, dst, i; + _ref = dst; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + i] = 48); + _i++; + } + return dst.$length; + }; + trim = function(a) { + var a, x, x$1; + while (true) { + if (!(a.nd > 0 && ((x = a.d, x$1 = a.nd - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])) === 48))) { break; } + a.nd = a.nd - (1) >> 0; + } + if (a.nd === 0) { + a.dp = 0; + } + }; + decimal.ptr.prototype.Assign = function(v) { + var a, buf, n, v, v1, x, x$1, x$2; + a = this; + buf = arrayType$4.zero(); + n = 0; + while (true) { + if (!((v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low > 0)))) { break; } + v1 = $div64(v, new $Uint64(0, 10), false); + v = (x = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 10), v1), new $Uint64(v.$high - x.$high, v.$low - x.$low)); + ((n < 0 || n >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[n] = ((new $Uint64(v.$high + 0, v.$low + 48).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + v = v1; + } + a.nd = 0; + n = n - (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(n >= 0)) { break; } + (x$1 = a.d, x$2 = a.nd, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2] = ((n < 0 || n >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[n]))); + a.nd = a.nd + (1) >> 0; + n = n - (1) >> 0; + } + a.dp = a.nd; + trim(a); + }; + decimal.prototype.Assign = function(v) { return this.$val.Assign(v); }; + rightShift = function(a, k) { + var a, c, c$1, dig, dig$1, k, mask, n, r, w, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4; + r = 0; + w = 0; + n = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(((y = k, y < 32 ? (n >>> y) : 0) >>> 0) === 0)) { break; } + if (r >= a.nd) { + if (n === 0) { + a.nd = 0; + return; + } + while (true) { + if (!(((y$1 = k, y$1 < 32 ? (n >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0) === 0)) { break; } + n = n * 10 >>> 0; + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } + break; + } + c = (((x = a.d, ((r < 0 || r >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[r])) >>> 0)); + n = ((n * 10 >>> 0) + c >>> 0) - 48 >>> 0; + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } + a.dp = a.dp - ((r - 1 >> 0)) >> 0; + mask = (((y$2 = k, y$2 < 32 ? (1 << y$2) : 0) >>> 0)) - 1 >>> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(r < a.nd)) { break; } + c$1 = (((x$1 = a.d, ((r < 0 || r >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[r])) >>> 0)); + dig = (y$3 = k, y$3 < 32 ? (n >>> y$3) : 0) >>> 0; + n = (n & (mask)) >>> 0; + (x$2 = a.d, ((w < 0 || w >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[w] = (((dig + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)))); + w = w + (1) >> 0; + n = ((n * 10 >>> 0) + c$1 >>> 0) - 48 >>> 0; + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(n > 0)) { break; } + dig$1 = (y$4 = k, y$4 < 32 ? (n >>> y$4) : 0) >>> 0; + n = (n & (mask)) >>> 0; + if (w < 800) { + (x$3 = a.d, ((w < 0 || w >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[w] = (((dig$1 + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)))); + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } else if (dig$1 > 0) { + a.trunc = true; + } + n = n * 10 >>> 0; + } + a.nd = w; + trim(a); + }; + prefixIsLessThan = function(b, s) { + var b, i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (i >= b.$length) { + return true; + } + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i]) === s.charCodeAt(i)))) { + return ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i]) < s.charCodeAt(i); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + }; + leftShift = function(a, k) { + var _q, _q$1, a, delta, k, n, quo, quo$1, r, rem, rem$1, w, x, x$1, x$2, y; + delta = ((k < 0 || k >= leftcheats.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : leftcheats.$array[leftcheats.$offset + k]).delta; + if (prefixIsLessThan($subslice(new sliceType$6(a.d), 0, a.nd), ((k < 0 || k >= leftcheats.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : leftcheats.$array[leftcheats.$offset + k]).cutoff)) { + delta = delta - (1) >> 0; + } + r = a.nd; + w = a.nd + delta >> 0; + n = 0; + r = r - (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(r >= 0)) { break; } + n = n + (((y = k, y < 32 ? ((((((x = a.d, ((r < 0 || r >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[r])) >>> 0)) - 48 >>> 0)) << y) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + quo = (_q = n / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + rem = n - (10 * quo >>> 0) >>> 0; + w = w - (1) >> 0; + if (w < 800) { + (x$1 = a.d, ((w < 0 || w >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[w] = (((rem + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)))); + } else if (!((rem === 0))) { + a.trunc = true; + } + n = quo; + r = r - (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(n > 0)) { break; } + quo$1 = (_q$1 = n / 10, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + rem$1 = n - (10 * quo$1 >>> 0) >>> 0; + w = w - (1) >> 0; + if (w < 800) { + (x$2 = a.d, ((w < 0 || w >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[w] = (((rem$1 + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)))); + } else if (!((rem$1 === 0))) { + a.trunc = true; + } + n = quo$1; + } + a.nd = a.nd + (delta) >> 0; + if (a.nd >= 800) { + a.nd = 800; + } + a.dp = a.dp + (delta) >> 0; + trim(a); + }; + decimal.ptr.prototype.Shift = function(k) { + var a, k; + a = this; + if ((a.nd === 0)) { + } else if (k > 0) { + while (true) { + if (!(k > 28)) { break; } + leftShift(a, 28); + k = k - (28) >> 0; + } + leftShift(a, ((k >>> 0))); + } else if (k < 0) { + while (true) { + if (!(k < -28)) { break; } + rightShift(a, 28); + k = k + (28) >> 0; + } + rightShift(a, ((-k >>> 0))); + } + }; + decimal.prototype.Shift = function(k) { return this.$val.Shift(k); }; + shouldRoundUp = function(a, nd) { + var _r, a, nd, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + if (nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd) { + return false; + } + if (((x = a.d, ((nd < 0 || nd >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[nd])) === 53) && ((nd + 1 >> 0) === a.nd)) { + if (a.trunc) { + return true; + } + return nd > 0 && !(((_r = (((x$1 = a.d, x$2 = nd - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2])) - 48 << 24 >>> 24)) % 2, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0)); + } + return (x$3 = a.d, ((nd < 0 || nd >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[nd])) >= 53; + }; + decimal.ptr.prototype.Round = function(nd) { + var a, nd; + a = this; + if (nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd) { + return; + } + if (shouldRoundUp(a, nd)) { + a.RoundUp(nd); + } else { + a.RoundDown(nd); + } + }; + decimal.prototype.Round = function(nd) { return this.$val.Round(nd); }; + decimal.ptr.prototype.RoundDown = function(nd) { + var a, nd; + a = this; + if (nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd) { + return; + } + a.nd = nd; + trim(a); + }; + decimal.prototype.RoundDown = function(nd) { return this.$val.RoundDown(nd); }; + decimal.ptr.prototype.RoundUp = function(nd) { + var a, c, i, nd, x, x$1, x$2; + a = this; + if (nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd) { + return; + } + i = nd - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + c = (x = a.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])); + if (c < 57) { + (x$2 = a.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i] = ((x$1 = a.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i])) + (1) << 24 >>> 24))); + a.nd = i + 1 >> 0; + return; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + a.d[0] = 49; + a.nd = 1; + a.dp = a.dp + (1) >> 0; + }; + decimal.prototype.RoundUp = function(nd) { return this.$val.RoundUp(nd); }; + decimal.ptr.prototype.RoundedInteger = function() { + var a, i, n, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + a = this; + if (a.dp > 20) { + return new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295); + } + i = 0; + n = new $Uint64(0, 0); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < a.dp && i < a.nd)) { break; } + n = (x = $mul64(n, new $Uint64(0, 10)), x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, ((x$2 = a.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])) - 48 << 24 >>> 24))), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(i < a.dp)) { break; } + n = $mul64(n, (new $Uint64(0, 10))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (shouldRoundUp(a, a.dp)) { + n = (x$3 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(n.$high + x$3.$high, n.$low + x$3.$low)); + } + return n; + }; + decimal.prototype.RoundedInteger = function() { return this.$val.RoundedInteger(); }; + index = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + return bytealg.IndexByteString(s, c); + }; + lower = function(c) { + var c; + return (c | 32) >>> 0; + }; + NumError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = e.Err.Error(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = "strconv." + e.Func + ": " + "parsing " + Quote(e.Num) + ": " + _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NumError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + NumError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + NumError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.Err; + }; + NumError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + syntaxError = function(fn, str) { + var fn, str; + return new NumError.ptr(fn, str, $pkg.ErrSyntax); + }; + rangeError = function(fn, str) { + var fn, str; + return new NumError.ptr(fn, str, $pkg.ErrRange); + }; + baseError = function(fn, str, base) { + var base, fn, str; + return new NumError.ptr(fn, str, errors.New("invalid base " + Itoa(base))); + }; + bitSizeError = function(fn, str, bitSize) { + var bitSize, fn, str; + return new NumError.ptr(fn, str, errors.New("invalid bit size " + Itoa(bitSize))); + }; + ParseUint = function(s, base, bitSize) { + var _1, _i, _ref, base, base0, bitSize, c, cutoff, d, maxVal, n, n1, s, s0, underscores, x, x$1, x$2; + if (s === "") { + return [new $Uint64(0, 0), syntaxError("ParseUint", s)]; + } + base0 = base === 0; + s0 = s; + if (2 <= base && base <= 36) { + } else if ((base === 0)) { + base = 10; + if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 48) { + if (s.length >= 3 && (lower(s.charCodeAt(1)) === 98)) { + base = 2; + s = $substring(s, 2); + } else if (s.length >= 3 && (lower(s.charCodeAt(1)) === 111)) { + base = 8; + s = $substring(s, 2); + } else if (s.length >= 3 && (lower(s.charCodeAt(1)) === 120)) { + base = 16; + s = $substring(s, 2); + } else { + base = 8; + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + } + } else { + return [new $Uint64(0, 0), baseError("ParseUint", s0, base)]; + } + if (bitSize === 0) { + bitSize = 32; + } else if (bitSize < 0 || bitSize > 64) { + return [new $Uint64(0, 0), bitSizeError("ParseUint", s0, bitSize)]; + } + cutoff = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _1 = base; + if (_1 === (10)) { + cutoff = new $Uint64(429496729, 2576980378); + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + cutoff = new $Uint64(268435456, 0); + } else { + cutoff = (x = $div64(new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), (new $Uint64(0, base)), false), new $Uint64(x.$high + 0, x.$low + 1)); + } + maxVal = (x$1 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), ((bitSize >>> 0))), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - 0, x$1.$low - 1)); + underscores = false; + n = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _ref = (new sliceType$6($stringToBytes(s))); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + d = 0; + if ((c === 95) && base0) { + underscores = true; + _i++; + continue; + } else if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + d = c - 48 << 24 >>> 24; + } else if (97 <= lower(c) && lower(c) <= 122) { + d = (lower(c) - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + } else { + return [new $Uint64(0, 0), syntaxError("ParseUint", s0)]; + } + if (d >= ((base << 24 >>> 24))) { + return [new $Uint64(0, 0), syntaxError("ParseUint", s0)]; + } + if ((n.$high > cutoff.$high || (n.$high === cutoff.$high && n.$low >= cutoff.$low))) { + return [maxVal, rangeError("ParseUint", s0)]; + } + n = $mul64(n, ((new $Uint64(0, base)))); + n1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, d)), new $Uint64(n.$high + x$2.$high, n.$low + x$2.$low)); + if ((n1.$high < n.$high || (n1.$high === n.$high && n1.$low < n.$low)) || (n1.$high > maxVal.$high || (n1.$high === maxVal.$high && n1.$low > maxVal.$low))) { + return [maxVal, rangeError("ParseUint", s0)]; + } + n = n1; + _i++; + } + if (underscores && !underscoreOK(s0)) { + return [new $Uint64(0, 0), syntaxError("ParseUint", s0)]; + } + return [n, $ifaceNil]; + }; + $pkg.ParseUint = ParseUint; + ParseInt = function(s, base, bitSize) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, base, bitSize, cutoff, err, i, n, neg, s, s0, un, x, x$1; + i = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (s === "") { + _tmp = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = syntaxError("ParseInt", s); + i = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [i, err]; + } + s0 = s; + neg = false; + if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 43) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + } else if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 45) { + neg = true; + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + un = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = ParseUint(s, base, bitSize); + un = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual($assertType(err, ptrType$1).Err, $pkg.ErrRange))) { + $assertType(err, ptrType$1).Func = "ParseInt"; + $assertType(err, ptrType$1).Num = s0; + _tmp$2 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$3 = err; + i = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [i, err]; + } + if (bitSize === 0) { + bitSize = 32; + } + cutoff = ($shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), (((bitSize - 1 >> 0) >>> 0)))); + if (!neg && (un.$high > cutoff.$high || (un.$high === cutoff.$high && un.$low >= cutoff.$low))) { + _tmp$4 = ((x = new $Uint64(cutoff.$high - 0, cutoff.$low - 1), new $Int64(x.$high, x.$low))); + _tmp$5 = rangeError("ParseInt", s0); + i = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [i, err]; + } + if (neg && (un.$high > cutoff.$high || (un.$high === cutoff.$high && un.$low > cutoff.$low))) { + _tmp$6 = (x$1 = (new $Int64(cutoff.$high, cutoff.$low)), new $Int64(-x$1.$high, -x$1.$low)); + _tmp$7 = rangeError("ParseInt", s0); + i = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + return [i, err]; + } + n = (new $Int64(un.$high, un.$low)); + if (neg) { + n = new $Int64(-n.$high, -n.$low); + } + _tmp$8 = n; + _tmp$9 = $ifaceNil; + i = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + return [i, err]; + }; + $pkg.ParseInt = ParseInt; + underscoreOK = function(s) { + var hex, i, s, saw; + saw = 94; + i = 0; + if (s.length >= 1 && ((s.charCodeAt(0) === 45) || (s.charCodeAt(0) === 43))) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + hex = false; + if (s.length >= 2 && (s.charCodeAt(0) === 48) && ((lower(s.charCodeAt(1)) === 98) || (lower(s.charCodeAt(1)) === 111) || (lower(s.charCodeAt(1)) === 120))) { + i = 2; + saw = 48; + hex = lower(s.charCodeAt(1)) === 120; + } + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (48 <= s.charCodeAt(i) && s.charCodeAt(i) <= 57 || hex && 97 <= lower(s.charCodeAt(i)) && lower(s.charCodeAt(i)) <= 102) { + saw = 48; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) === 95) { + if (!((saw === 48))) { + return false; + } + saw = 95; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if (saw === 95) { + return false; + } + saw = 33; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return !((saw === 95)); + }; + commonPrefixLenIgnoreCase = function(s, prefix) { + var c, i, n, prefix, s; + n = prefix.length; + if (n > s.length) { + n = s.length; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (65 <= c && c <= 90) { + c = c + (32) << 24 >>> 24; + } + if (!((c === prefix.charCodeAt(i)))) { + return i; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return n; + }; + special = function(s) { + var _1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, f, n, n$1, nsign, ok, s, sign; + f = 0; + n = 0; + ok = false; + if (s.length === 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = false; + f = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + ok = _tmp$2; + return [f, n, ok]; + } + sign = 1; + nsign = 0; + _1 = s.charCodeAt(0); + if ((_1 === (43)) || (_1 === (45))) { + if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 45) { + sign = -1; + } + nsign = 1; + s = $substring(s, 1); + n$1 = commonPrefixLenIgnoreCase(s, "infinity"); + if (3 < n$1 && n$1 < 8) { + n$1 = 3; + } + if ((n$1 === 3) || (n$1 === 8)) { + _tmp$3 = math.Inf(sign); + _tmp$4 = nsign + n$1 >> 0; + _tmp$5 = true; + f = _tmp$3; + n = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [f, n, ok]; + } + } else if ((_1 === (105)) || (_1 === (73))) { + n$1 = commonPrefixLenIgnoreCase(s, "infinity"); + if (3 < n$1 && n$1 < 8) { + n$1 = 3; + } + if ((n$1 === 3) || (n$1 === 8)) { + _tmp$6 = math.Inf(sign); + _tmp$7 = nsign + n$1 >> 0; + _tmp$8 = true; + f = _tmp$6; + n = _tmp$7; + ok = _tmp$8; + return [f, n, ok]; + } + } else if ((_1 === (110)) || (_1 === (78))) { + if (commonPrefixLenIgnoreCase(s, "nan") === 3) { + _tmp$9 = math.NaN(); + _tmp$10 = 3; + _tmp$11 = true; + f = _tmp$9; + n = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [f, n, ok]; + } + } + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = 0; + _tmp$14 = false; + f = _tmp$12; + n = _tmp$13; + ok = _tmp$14; + return [f, n, ok]; + }; + decimal.ptr.prototype.set = function(s) { + var b, e, esign, i, ok, s, sawdigits, sawdot, x, x$1; + ok = false; + b = this; + i = 0; + b.neg = false; + b.trunc = false; + if (i >= s.length) { + return ok; + } + if ((s.charCodeAt(i) === 43)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((s.charCodeAt(i) === 45)) { + b.neg = true; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + sawdot = false; + sawdigits = false; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if ((s.charCodeAt(i) === 95)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } else if ((s.charCodeAt(i) === 46)) { + if (sawdot) { + return ok; + } + sawdot = true; + b.dp = b.nd; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } else if (48 <= s.charCodeAt(i) && s.charCodeAt(i) <= 57) { + sawdigits = true; + if ((s.charCodeAt(i) === 48) && (b.nd === 0)) { + b.dp = b.dp - (1) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if (b.nd < 800) { + (x = b.d, x$1 = b.nd, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1] = s.charCodeAt(i))); + b.nd = b.nd + (1) >> 0; + } else if (!((s.charCodeAt(i) === 48))) { + b.trunc = true; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + break; + } + if (!sawdigits) { + return ok; + } + if (!sawdot) { + b.dp = b.nd; + } + if (i < s.length && (lower(s.charCodeAt(i)) === 101)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i >= s.length) { + return ok; + } + esign = 1; + if (s.charCodeAt(i) === 43) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } else if (s.charCodeAt(i) === 45) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + esign = -1; + } + if (i >= s.length || s.charCodeAt(i) < 48 || s.charCodeAt(i) > 57) { + return ok; + } + e = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length && (48 <= s.charCodeAt(i) && s.charCodeAt(i) <= 57 || (s.charCodeAt(i) === 95)))) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) === 95) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if (e < 10000) { + e = (($imul(e, 10)) + ((s.charCodeAt(i) >> 0)) >> 0) - 48 >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + b.dp = b.dp + (($imul(e, esign))) >> 0; + } + if (!((i === s.length))) { + return ok; + } + ok = true; + return ok; + }; + decimal.prototype.set = function(s) { return this.$val.set(s); }; + readFloat = function(s) { + var _1, base, c, dp, e, esign, exp, expChar, hex, i, mantissa, maxMantDigits, nd, ndMant, neg, ok, s, sawdigits, sawdot, trunc, underscores, x, x$1; + mantissa = new $Uint64(0, 0); + exp = 0; + neg = false; + trunc = false; + hex = false; + i = 0; + ok = false; + underscores = false; + if (i >= s.length) { + return [mantissa, exp, neg, trunc, hex, i, ok]; + } + if ((s.charCodeAt(i) === 43)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((s.charCodeAt(i) === 45)) { + neg = true; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + base = new $Uint64(0, 10); + maxMantDigits = 19; + expChar = 101; + if ((i + 2 >> 0) < s.length && (s.charCodeAt(i) === 48) && (lower(s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0))) === 120)) { + base = new $Uint64(0, 16); + maxMantDigits = 16; + i = i + (2) >> 0; + expChar = 112; + hex = true; + } + sawdot = false; + sawdigits = false; + nd = 0; + ndMant = 0; + dp = 0; + loop: + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + _1 = true; + if (_1 === ((c === 95))) { + underscores = true; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } else if (_1 === ((c === 46))) { + if (sawdot) { + break loop; + } + sawdot = true; + dp = nd; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } else if (_1 === (48 <= c && c <= 57)) { + sawdigits = true; + if ((c === 48) && (nd === 0)) { + dp = dp - (1) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + nd = nd + (1) >> 0; + if (ndMant < maxMantDigits) { + mantissa = $mul64(mantissa, (base)); + mantissa = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (c - 48 << 24 >>> 24))), new $Uint64(mantissa.$high + x.$high, mantissa.$low + x.$low)); + ndMant = ndMant + (1) >> 0; + } else if (!((c === 48))) { + trunc = true; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } else if (_1 === ((base.$high === 0 && base.$low === 16) && 97 <= lower(c) && lower(c) <= 102)) { + sawdigits = true; + nd = nd + (1) >> 0; + if (ndMant < maxMantDigits) { + mantissa = $mul64(mantissa, (new $Uint64(0, 16))); + mantissa = (x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, ((lower(c) - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24))), new $Uint64(mantissa.$high + x$1.$high, mantissa.$low + x$1.$low)); + ndMant = ndMant + (1) >> 0; + } else { + trunc = true; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + break; + } + if (!sawdigits) { + return [mantissa, exp, neg, trunc, hex, i, ok]; + } + if (!sawdot) { + dp = nd; + } + if ((base.$high === 0 && base.$low === 16)) { + dp = $imul(dp, (4)); + ndMant = $imul(ndMant, (4)); + } + if (i < s.length && (lower(s.charCodeAt(i)) === expChar)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i >= s.length) { + return [mantissa, exp, neg, trunc, hex, i, ok]; + } + esign = 1; + if (s.charCodeAt(i) === 43) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } else if (s.charCodeAt(i) === 45) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + esign = -1; + } + if (i >= s.length || s.charCodeAt(i) < 48 || s.charCodeAt(i) > 57) { + return [mantissa, exp, neg, trunc, hex, i, ok]; + } + e = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length && (48 <= s.charCodeAt(i) && s.charCodeAt(i) <= 57 || (s.charCodeAt(i) === 95)))) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) === 95) { + underscores = true; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if (e < 10000) { + e = (($imul(e, 10)) + ((s.charCodeAt(i) >> 0)) >> 0) - 48 >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + dp = dp + (($imul(e, esign))) >> 0; + } else if ((base.$high === 0 && base.$low === 16)) { + return [mantissa, exp, neg, trunc, hex, i, ok]; + } + if (!((mantissa.$high === 0 && mantissa.$low === 0))) { + exp = dp - ndMant >> 0; + } + if (underscores && !underscoreOK($substring(s, 0, i))) { + return [mantissa, exp, neg, trunc, hex, i, ok]; + } + ok = true; + return [mantissa, exp, neg, trunc, hex, i, ok]; + }; + decimal.ptr.prototype.floatBits = function(flt) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, b, bits$1, d, exp, flt, mant, n, n$1, n$2, overflow, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, $s; + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = new $Uint64(0, 0); + overflow = false; + d = this; + exp = 0; + mant = new $Uint64(0, 0); + /* */ if (d.nd === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (d.nd === 0) { */ case 1: + mant = new $Uint64(0, 0); + exp = flt.bias; + /* goto out */ $s = 3; continue; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (d.dp > 310) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (d.dp > 310) { */ case 4: + /* goto overflow */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (d.dp < -330) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (d.dp < -330) { */ case 7: + mant = new $Uint64(0, 0); + exp = flt.bias; + /* goto out */ $s = 3; continue; + /* } */ case 8: + exp = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(d.dp > 0)) { break; } + n = 0; + if (d.dp >= powtab.$length) { + n = 27; + } else { + n = (x = d.dp, ((x < 0 || x >= powtab.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : powtab.$array[powtab.$offset + x])); + } + d.Shift(-n); + exp = exp + (n) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(d.dp < 0 || (d.dp === 0) && d.d[0] < 53)) { break; } + n$1 = 0; + if (-d.dp >= powtab.$length) { + n$1 = 27; + } else { + n$1 = (x$1 = -d.dp, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= powtab.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : powtab.$array[powtab.$offset + x$1])); + } + d.Shift(n$1); + exp = exp - (n$1) >> 0; + } + exp = exp - (1) >> 0; + if (exp < (flt.bias + 1 >> 0)) { + n$2 = (flt.bias + 1 >> 0) - exp >> 0; + d.Shift(-n$2); + exp = exp + (n$2) >> 0; + } + /* */ if ((exp - flt.bias >> 0) >= (((y = flt.expbits, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ((exp - flt.bias >> 0) >= (((y = flt.expbits, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0)) { */ case 9: + /* goto overflow */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 10: + d.Shift((((1 + flt.mantbits >>> 0) >> 0))); + mant = d.RoundedInteger(); + /* */ if ((x$2 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 2), flt.mantbits), (mant.$high === x$2.$high && mant.$low === x$2.$low))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ((x$2 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 2), flt.mantbits), (mant.$high === x$2.$high && mant.$low === x$2.$low))) { */ case 11: + mant = $shiftRightUint64(mant, (1)); + exp = exp + (1) >> 0; + /* */ if ((exp - flt.bias >> 0) >= (((y$1 = flt.expbits, y$1 < 32 ? (1 << y$1) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ((exp - flt.bias >> 0) >= (((y$1 = flt.expbits, y$1 < 32 ? (1 << y$1) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0)) { */ case 13: + /* goto overflow */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 14: + /* } */ case 12: + if ((x$3 = (x$4 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), new $Uint64(mant.$high & x$4.$high, (mant.$low & x$4.$low) >>> 0)), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0))) { + exp = flt.bias; + } + /* goto out */ $s = 3; continue; + /* overflow: */ case 6: + mant = new $Uint64(0, 0); + exp = (((y$2 = flt.expbits, y$2 < 32 ? (1 << y$2) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0) + flt.bias >> 0; + overflow = true; + /* out: */ case 3: + bits$1 = (x$5 = (x$6 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), new $Uint64(x$6.$high - 0, x$6.$low - 1)), new $Uint64(mant.$high & x$5.$high, (mant.$low & x$5.$low) >>> 0)); + bits$1 = (x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (((exp - flt.bias >> 0)) & ((((y$3 = flt.expbits, y$3 < 32 ? (1 << y$3) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0))))), flt.mantbits), new $Uint64(bits$1.$high | x$7.$high, (bits$1.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + if (d.neg) { + bits$1 = (x$8 = $shiftLeft64($shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), flt.expbits), new $Uint64(bits$1.$high | x$8.$high, (bits$1.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)); + } + _tmp = bits$1; + _tmp$1 = overflow; + b = _tmp; + overflow = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [b, overflow]; + /* */ } return; } + }; + decimal.prototype.floatBits = function(flt) { return this.$val.floatBits(flt); }; + atof64exact = function(mantissa, exp, neg) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, exp, f, mantissa, neg, ok, x, x$1, x$2; + f = 0; + ok = false; + if (!((x = $shiftRightUint64(mantissa, float64info.mantbits), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { + return [f, ok]; + } + f = ($flatten64(mantissa)); + if (neg) { + f = -f; + } + if ((exp === 0)) { + _tmp = f; + _tmp$1 = true; + f = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [f, ok]; + } else if (exp > 0 && exp <= 37) { + if (exp > 22) { + f = f * ((x$1 = exp - 22 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= float64pow10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : float64pow10.$array[float64pow10.$offset + x$1]))); + exp = 22; + } + if (f > 1e+15 || f < -1e+15) { + return [f, ok]; + } + _tmp$2 = f * ((exp < 0 || exp >= float64pow10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : float64pow10.$array[float64pow10.$offset + exp]); + _tmp$3 = true; + f = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [f, ok]; + } else if (exp < 0 && exp >= -22) { + _tmp$4 = f / (x$2 = -exp, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= float64pow10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : float64pow10.$array[float64pow10.$offset + x$2])); + _tmp$5 = true; + f = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [f, ok]; + } + return [f, ok]; + }; + atof32exact = function(mantissa, exp, neg) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, exp, f, mantissa, neg, ok, x, x$1, x$2; + f = 0; + ok = false; + if (!((x = $shiftRightUint64(mantissa, float32info.mantbits), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { + return [f, ok]; + } + f = ($flatten64(mantissa)); + if (neg) { + f = -f; + } + if ((exp === 0)) { + _tmp = f; + _tmp$1 = true; + f = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [f, ok]; + } else if (exp > 0 && exp <= 17) { + if (exp > 10) { + f = $fround(f * ((x$1 = exp - 10 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= float32pow10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : float32pow10.$array[float32pow10.$offset + x$1])))); + exp = 10; + } + if (f > 1e+07 || f < -1e+07) { + return [f, ok]; + } + _tmp$2 = $fround(f * ((exp < 0 || exp >= float32pow10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : float32pow10.$array[float32pow10.$offset + exp])); + _tmp$3 = true; + f = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [f, ok]; + } else if (exp < 0 && exp >= -10) { + _tmp$4 = $fround(f / (x$2 = -exp, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= float32pow10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : float32pow10.$array[float32pow10.$offset + x$2]))); + _tmp$5 = true; + f = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [f, ok]; + } + return [f, ok]; + }; + atofHex = function(s, flt, mantissa, exp, neg, trunc) { + var bits$1, err, exp, flt, mantissa, maxExp, minExp, neg, round, s, trunc, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, y$1; + maxExp = (((y = flt.expbits, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >> 0) + flt.bias >> 0) - 2 >> 0; + minExp = flt.bias + 1 >> 0; + exp = exp + (((flt.mantbits >> 0))) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(!((mantissa.$high === 0 && mantissa.$low === 0)) && (x = $shiftRightUint64(mantissa, ((flt.mantbits + 2 >>> 0))), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { break; } + mantissa = $shiftLeft64(mantissa, (1)); + exp = exp - (1) >> 0; + } + if (trunc) { + mantissa = (x$1 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(mantissa.$high | x$1.$high, (mantissa.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + } + while (true) { + if (!(!((x$2 = $shiftRightUint64(mantissa, (((1 + flt.mantbits >>> 0) + 2 >>> 0))), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0))))) { break; } + mantissa = (x$3 = $shiftRightUint64(mantissa, 1), x$4 = new $Uint64(mantissa.$high & 0, (mantissa.$low & 1) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$4.$high, (x$3.$low | x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + exp = exp + (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!((mantissa.$high > 0 || (mantissa.$high === 0 && mantissa.$low > 1)) && exp < (minExp - 2 >> 0))) { break; } + mantissa = (x$5 = $shiftRightUint64(mantissa, 1), x$6 = new $Uint64(mantissa.$high & 0, (mantissa.$low & 1) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$6.$high, (x$5.$low | x$6.$low) >>> 0)); + exp = exp + (1) >> 0; + } + round = new $Uint64(mantissa.$high & 0, (mantissa.$low & 3) >>> 0); + mantissa = $shiftRightUint64(mantissa, (2)); + round = (x$7 = new $Uint64(mantissa.$high & 0, (mantissa.$low & 1) >>> 0), new $Uint64(round.$high | x$7.$high, (round.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + exp = exp + (2) >> 0; + if ((round.$high === 0 && round.$low === 3)) { + mantissa = (x$8 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(mantissa.$high + x$8.$high, mantissa.$low + x$8.$low)); + if ((x$9 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), ((1 + flt.mantbits >>> 0))), (mantissa.$high === x$9.$high && mantissa.$low === x$9.$low))) { + mantissa = $shiftRightUint64(mantissa, (1)); + exp = exp + (1) >> 0; + } + } + if ((x$10 = $shiftRightUint64(mantissa, flt.mantbits), (x$10.$high === 0 && x$10.$low === 0))) { + exp = flt.bias; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + if (exp > maxExp) { + mantissa = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits); + exp = maxExp + 1 >> 0; + err = rangeError("ParseFloat", s); + } + bits$1 = (x$11 = (x$12 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), new $Uint64(x$12.$high - 0, x$12.$low - 1)), new $Uint64(mantissa.$high & x$11.$high, (mantissa.$low & x$11.$low) >>> 0)); + bits$1 = (x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (((exp - flt.bias >> 0)) & ((((y$1 = flt.expbits, y$1 < 32 ? (1 << y$1) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0))))), flt.mantbits), new $Uint64(bits$1.$high | x$13.$high, (bits$1.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + if (neg) { + bits$1 = (x$14 = $shiftLeft64($shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), flt.expbits), new $Uint64(bits$1.$high | x$14.$high, (bits$1.$low | x$14.$low) >>> 0)); + } + if (flt === float32info) { + return [(math.Float32frombits(((bits$1.$low >>> 0)))), err]; + } + return [math.Float64frombits(bits$1), err]; + }; + atof32 = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, b, d, err, err$1, exp, f, f$1, f$2, f$3, fUp, hex, mantissa, n, n$1, neg, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, ok$4, ovf, s, trunc, val; + f = 0; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = special(s); + val = _tuple[0]; + n$1 = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (ok) { + _tmp = ($fround(val)); + _tmp$1 = n$1; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + f = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [f, n, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = readFloat(s); + mantissa = _tuple$1[0]; + exp = _tuple$1[1]; + neg = _tuple$1[2]; + trunc = _tuple$1[3]; + hex = _tuple$1[4]; + n = _tuple$1[5]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[6]; + if (!ok$1) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = syntaxError("ParseFloat", s); + f = _tmp$3; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [f, n, err]; + } + if (hex) { + _tuple$2 = atofHex($substring(s, 0, n), float32info, mantissa, exp, neg, trunc); + f$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + _tmp$6 = ($fround(f$1)); + _tmp$7 = n; + _tmp$8 = err$1; + f = _tmp$6; + n = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [f, n, err]; + } + if (optimize) { + if (!trunc) { + _tuple$3 = atof32exact(mantissa, exp, neg); + f$2 = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (ok$2) { + _tmp$9 = f$2; + _tmp$10 = n; + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + f = _tmp$9; + n = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + return [f, n, err]; + } + } + _tuple$4 = eiselLemire32(mantissa, exp, neg); + f$3 = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$3 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (ok$3) { + if (!trunc) { + _tmp$12 = f$3; + _tmp$13 = n; + _tmp$14 = $ifaceNil; + f = _tmp$12; + n = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + return [f, n, err]; + } + _tuple$5 = eiselLemire32(new $Uint64(mantissa.$high + 0, mantissa.$low + 1), exp, neg); + fUp = _tuple$5[0]; + ok$4 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (ok$4 && (f$3 === fUp)) { + _tmp$15 = f$3; + _tmp$16 = n; + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + f = _tmp$15; + n = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + return [f, n, err]; + } + } + } + d = new decimal.ptr(arrayType$5.zero(), 0, 0, false, false); + if (!d.set($substring(s, 0, n))) { + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = n; + _tmp$20 = syntaxError("ParseFloat", s); + f = _tmp$18; + n = _tmp$19; + err = _tmp$20; + return [f, n, err]; + } + _tuple$6 = d.floatBits(float32info); + b = _tuple$6[0]; + ovf = _tuple$6[1]; + f = math.Float32frombits(((b.$low >>> 0))); + if (ovf) { + err = rangeError("ParseFloat", s); + } + _tmp$21 = f; + _tmp$22 = n; + _tmp$23 = err; + f = _tmp$21; + n = _tmp$22; + err = _tmp$23; + return [f, n, err]; + }; + atof64 = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, b, d, err, err$1, exp, f, f$1, f$2, f$3, fUp, hex, mantissa, n, n$1, neg, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, ok$4, ovf, s, trunc, val; + f = 0; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = special(s); + val = _tuple[0]; + n$1 = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (ok) { + _tmp = val; + _tmp$1 = n$1; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + f = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [f, n, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = readFloat(s); + mantissa = _tuple$1[0]; + exp = _tuple$1[1]; + neg = _tuple$1[2]; + trunc = _tuple$1[3]; + hex = _tuple$1[4]; + n = _tuple$1[5]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[6]; + if (!ok$1) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = syntaxError("ParseFloat", s); + f = _tmp$3; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [f, n, err]; + } + if (hex) { + _tuple$2 = atofHex($substring(s, 0, n), float64info, mantissa, exp, neg, trunc); + f$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + _tmp$6 = f$1; + _tmp$7 = n; + _tmp$8 = err$1; + f = _tmp$6; + n = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [f, n, err]; + } + if (optimize) { + if (!trunc) { + _tuple$3 = atof64exact(mantissa, exp, neg); + f$2 = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (ok$2) { + _tmp$9 = f$2; + _tmp$10 = n; + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + f = _tmp$9; + n = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + return [f, n, err]; + } + } + _tuple$4 = eiselLemire64(mantissa, exp, neg); + f$3 = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$3 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (ok$3) { + if (!trunc) { + _tmp$12 = f$3; + _tmp$13 = n; + _tmp$14 = $ifaceNil; + f = _tmp$12; + n = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + return [f, n, err]; + } + _tuple$5 = eiselLemire64(new $Uint64(mantissa.$high + 0, mantissa.$low + 1), exp, neg); + fUp = _tuple$5[0]; + ok$4 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (ok$4 && (f$3 === fUp)) { + _tmp$15 = f$3; + _tmp$16 = n; + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + f = _tmp$15; + n = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + return [f, n, err]; + } + } + } + d = new decimal.ptr(arrayType$5.zero(), 0, 0, false, false); + if (!d.set($substring(s, 0, n))) { + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = n; + _tmp$20 = syntaxError("ParseFloat", s); + f = _tmp$18; + n = _tmp$19; + err = _tmp$20; + return [f, n, err]; + } + _tuple$6 = d.floatBits(float64info); + b = _tuple$6[0]; + ovf = _tuple$6[1]; + f = math.Float64frombits(b); + if (ovf) { + err = rangeError("ParseFloat", s); + } + _tmp$21 = f; + _tmp$22 = n; + _tmp$23 = err; + f = _tmp$21; + n = _tmp$22; + err = _tmp$23; + return [f, n, err]; + }; + ParseFloat = function(s, bitSize) { + var _tuple, bitSize, err, f, n, s; + _tuple = parseFloatPrefix(s, bitSize); + f = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!((n === s.length)) && ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) || !($interfaceIsEqual($assertType(err, ptrType$1).Err, $pkg.ErrSyntax)))) { + return [0, syntaxError("ParseFloat", s)]; + } + return [f, err]; + }; + $pkg.ParseFloat = ParseFloat; + parseFloatPrefix = function(s, bitSize) { + var _tuple, bitSize, err, f, n, s; + if (bitSize === 32) { + _tuple = atof32(s); + f = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + return [(f), n, err]; + } + return atof64(s); + }; + ParseBool = function(str) { + var _1, str; + _1 = str; + if (_1 === ("1") || _1 === ("t") || _1 === ("T") || _1 === ("true") || _1 === ("TRUE") || _1 === ("True")) { + return [true, $ifaceNil]; + } else if (_1 === ("0") || _1 === ("f") || _1 === ("F") || _1 === ("false") || _1 === ("FALSE") || _1 === ("False")) { + return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + return [false, syntaxError("ParseBool", str)]; + }; + $pkg.ParseBool = ParseBool; + FormatBool = function(b) { + var b; + if (b) { + return "true"; + } + return "false"; + }; + $pkg.FormatBool = FormatBool; + AppendBool = function(dst, b) { + var b, dst; + if (b) { + return $appendSlice(dst, "true"); + } + return $appendSlice(dst, "false"); + }; + $pkg.AppendBool = AppendBool; + Itoa = function(i) { + var i; + return $internalize(i.toString(), $String); + }; + $pkg.Itoa = Itoa; + Atoi = function(s) { + var floatval, i, jsValue, s, v; + if (s.length === 0) { + return [0, syntaxError("Atoi", s)]; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + v = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (v < 48 || v > 57) { + if (!((v === 43)) && !((v === 45))) { + return [0, syntaxError("Atoi", s)]; + } + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + jsValue = $global.Number($externalize(s, $String), 10); + if (!!!($global.isFinite(jsValue))) { + return [0, syntaxError("Atoi", s)]; + } + floatval = $parseFloat(jsValue); + if (floatval > 2.147483647e+09) { + return [2147483647, rangeError("Atoi", s)]; + } else if (floatval < -2.147483648e+09) { + return [-2147483648, rangeError("Atoi", s)]; + } + return [$parseInt(jsValue) >> 0, $ifaceNil]; + }; + $pkg.Atoi = Atoi; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Assign", name: "Assign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "Shift", name: "Shift", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Round", name: "Round", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "RoundDown", name: "RoundDown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "RoundUp", name: "RoundUp", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "RoundedInteger", name: "RoundedInteger", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "set", name: "set", pkg: "strconv", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "floatBits", name: "floatBits", pkg: "strconv", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [$Uint64, $Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + floatInfo.init("strconv", [{prop: "mantbits", name: "mantbits", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint, tag: ""}, {prop: "expbits", name: "expbits", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint, tag: ""}, {prop: "bias", name: "bias", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + decimalSlice.init("strconv", [{prop: "d", name: "d", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "nd", name: "nd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "dp", name: "dp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "neg", name: "neg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + decimal.init("strconv", [{prop: "d", name: "d", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "nd", name: "nd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "dp", name: "dp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "neg", name: "neg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "trunc", name: "trunc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + leftCheat.init("strconv", [{prop: "delta", name: "delta", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "cutoff", name: "cutoff", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + NumError.init("", [{prop: "Func", name: "Func", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Num", name: "Num", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytealg.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isPrint16 = new sliceType([32, 126, 161, 887, 890, 895, 900, 1366, 1369, 1418, 1421, 1479, 1488, 1514, 1519, 1524, 1542, 1563, 1566, 1805, 1808, 1866, 1869, 1969, 1984, 2042, 2045, 2093, 2096, 2139, 2142, 2154, 2208, 2247, 2259, 2444, 2447, 2448, 2451, 2482, 2486, 2489, 2492, 2500, 2503, 2504, 2507, 2510, 2519, 2519, 2524, 2531, 2534, 2558, 2561, 2570, 2575, 2576, 2579, 2617, 2620, 2626, 2631, 2632, 2635, 2637, 2641, 2641, 2649, 2654, 2662, 2678, 2689, 2745, 2748, 2765, 2768, 2768, 2784, 2787, 2790, 2801, 2809, 2828, 2831, 2832, 2835, 2873, 2876, 2884, 2887, 2888, 2891, 2893, 2901, 2903, 2908, 2915, 2918, 2935, 2946, 2954, 2958, 2965, 2969, 2975, 2979, 2980, 2984, 2986, 2990, 3001, 3006, 3010, 3014, 3021, 3024, 3024, 3031, 3031, 3046, 3066, 3072, 3129, 3133, 3149, 3157, 3162, 3168, 3171, 3174, 3183, 3191, 3257, 3260, 3277, 3285, 3286, 3294, 3299, 3302, 3314, 3328, 3407, 3412, 3427, 3430, 3478, 3482, 3517, 3520, 3526, 3530, 3530, 3535, 3551, 3558, 3567, 3570, 3572, 3585, 3642, 3647, 3675, 3713, 3773, 3776, 3789, 3792, 3801, 3804, 3807, 3840, 3948, 3953, 4058, 4096, 4295, 4301, 4301, 4304, 4685, 4688, 4701, 4704, 4749, 4752, 4789, 4792, 4805, 4808, 4885, 4888, 4954, 4957, 4988, 4992, 5017, 5024, 5109, 5112, 5117, 5120, 5788, 5792, 5880, 5888, 5908, 5920, 5942, 5952, 5971, 5984, 6003, 6016, 6109, 6112, 6121, 6128, 6137, 6144, 6157, 6160, 6169, 6176, 6264, 6272, 6314, 6320, 6389, 6400, 6443, 6448, 6459, 6464, 6464, 6468, 6509, 6512, 6516, 6528, 6571, 6576, 6601, 6608, 6618, 6622, 6683, 6686, 6780, 6783, 6793, 6800, 6809, 6816, 6829, 6832, 6848, 6912, 6987, 6992, 7036, 7040, 7155, 7164, 7223, 7227, 7241, 7245, 7304, 7312, 7354, 7357, 7367, 7376, 7418, 7424, 7957, 7960, 7965, 7968, 8005, 8008, 8013, 8016, 8061, 8064, 8147, 8150, 8175, 8178, 8190, 8208, 8231, 8240, 8286, 8304, 8305, 8308, 8348, 8352, 8383, 8400, 8432, 8448, 8587, 8592, 9254, 9280, 9290, 9312, 11123, 11126, 11507, 11513, 11559, 11565, 11565, 11568, 11623, 11631, 11632, 11647, 11670, 11680, 11858, 11904, 12019, 12032, 12245, 12272, 12283, 12289, 12438, 12441, 12543, 12549, 12771, 12784, 40956, 40960, 42124, 42128, 42182, 42192, 42539, 42560, 42743, 42752, 42943, 42946, 42954, 42997, 43052, 43056, 43065, 43072, 43127, 43136, 43205, 43214, 43225, 43232, 43347, 43359, 43388, 43392, 43481, 43486, 43574, 43584, 43597, 43600, 43609, 43612, 43714, 43739, 43766, 43777, 43782, 43785, 43790, 43793, 43798, 43808, 43883, 43888, 44013, 44016, 44025, 44032, 55203, 55216, 55238, 55243, 55291, 63744, 64109, 64112, 64217, 64256, 64262, 64275, 64279, 64285, 64449, 64467, 64831, 64848, 64911, 64914, 64967, 65008, 65021, 65024, 65049, 65056, 65131, 65136, 65276, 65281, 65470, 65474, 65479, 65482, 65487, 65490, 65495, 65498, 65500, 65504, 65518, 65532, 65533]); + isNotPrint16 = new sliceType([173, 907, 909, 930, 1328, 1424, 1757, 2111, 2143, 2229, 2274, 2436, 2473, 2481, 2526, 2564, 2601, 2609, 2612, 2615, 2621, 2653, 2692, 2702, 2706, 2729, 2737, 2740, 2758, 2762, 2816, 2820, 2857, 2865, 2868, 2910, 2948, 2961, 2971, 2973, 3017, 3085, 3089, 3113, 3141, 3145, 3159, 3213, 3217, 3241, 3252, 3269, 3273, 3295, 3312, 3341, 3345, 3397, 3401, 3456, 3460, 3506, 3516, 3541, 3543, 3715, 3717, 3723, 3748, 3750, 3781, 3783, 3912, 3992, 4029, 4045, 4294, 4681, 4695, 4697, 4745, 4785, 4799, 4801, 4823, 4881, 5760, 5901, 5997, 6001, 6431, 6751, 7674, 8024, 8026, 8028, 8030, 8117, 8133, 8156, 8181, 8335, 11158, 11311, 11359, 11558, 11687, 11695, 11703, 11711, 11719, 11727, 11735, 11743, 11930, 12352, 12592, 12687, 12831, 43470, 43519, 43815, 43823, 64311, 64317, 64319, 64322, 64325, 65107, 65127, 65141, 65511]); + isPrint32 = new sliceType$1([65536, 65613, 65616, 65629, 65664, 65786, 65792, 65794, 65799, 65843, 65847, 65948, 65952, 65952, 66000, 66045, 66176, 66204, 66208, 66256, 66272, 66299, 66304, 66339, 66349, 66378, 66384, 66426, 66432, 66499, 66504, 66517, 66560, 66717, 66720, 66729, 66736, 66771, 66776, 66811, 66816, 66855, 66864, 66915, 66927, 66927, 67072, 67382, 67392, 67413, 67424, 67431, 67584, 67589, 67592, 67640, 67644, 67644, 67647, 67742, 67751, 67759, 67808, 67829, 67835, 67867, 67871, 67897, 67903, 67903, 67968, 68023, 68028, 68047, 68050, 68102, 68108, 68149, 68152, 68154, 68159, 68168, 68176, 68184, 68192, 68255, 68288, 68326, 68331, 68342, 68352, 68405, 68409, 68437, 68440, 68466, 68472, 68497, 68505, 68508, 68521, 68527, 68608, 68680, 68736, 68786, 68800, 68850, 68858, 68903, 68912, 68921, 69216, 69293, 69296, 69297, 69376, 69415, 69424, 69465, 69552, 69579, 69600, 69622, 69632, 69709, 69714, 69743, 69759, 69825, 69840, 69864, 69872, 69881, 69888, 69959, 69968, 70006, 70016, 70132, 70144, 70206, 70272, 70313, 70320, 70378, 70384, 70393, 70400, 70412, 70415, 70416, 70419, 70468, 70471, 70472, 70475, 70477, 70480, 70480, 70487, 70487, 70493, 70499, 70502, 70508, 70512, 70516, 70656, 70753, 70784, 70855, 70864, 70873, 71040, 71093, 71096, 71133, 71168, 71236, 71248, 71257, 71264, 71276, 71296, 71352, 71360, 71369, 71424, 71450, 71453, 71467, 71472, 71487, 71680, 71739, 71840, 71922, 71935, 71942, 71945, 71945, 71948, 71992, 71995, 72006, 72016, 72025, 72096, 72103, 72106, 72151, 72154, 72164, 72192, 72263, 72272, 72354, 72384, 72440, 72704, 72773, 72784, 72812, 72816, 72847, 72850, 72886, 72960, 73014, 73018, 73031, 73040, 73049, 73056, 73112, 73120, 73129, 73440, 73464, 73648, 73648, 73664, 73713, 73727, 74649, 74752, 74868, 74880, 75075, 77824, 78894, 82944, 83526, 92160, 92728, 92736, 92777, 92782, 92783, 92880, 92909, 92912, 92917, 92928, 92997, 93008, 93047, 93053, 93071, 93760, 93850, 93952, 94026, 94031, 94087, 94095, 94111, 94176, 94180, 94192, 94193, 94208, 100343, 100352, 101589, 101632, 101640, 110592, 110878, 110928, 110930, 110948, 110951, 110960, 111355, 113664, 113770, 113776, 113788, 113792, 113800, 113808, 113817, 113820, 113823, 118784, 119029, 119040, 119078, 119081, 119154, 119163, 119272, 119296, 119365, 119520, 119539, 119552, 119638, 119648, 119672, 119808, 119967, 119970, 119970, 119973, 119974, 119977, 120074, 120077, 120134, 120138, 120485, 120488, 120779, 120782, 121483, 121499, 121519, 122880, 122904, 122907, 122922, 123136, 123180, 123184, 123197, 123200, 123209, 123214, 123215, 123584, 123641, 123647, 123647, 124928, 125124, 125127, 125142, 125184, 125259, 125264, 125273, 125278, 125279, 126065, 126132, 126209, 126269, 126464, 126500, 126503, 126523, 126530, 126530, 126535, 126548, 126551, 126564, 126567, 126619, 126625, 126651, 126704, 126705, 126976, 127019, 127024, 127123, 127136, 127150, 127153, 127221, 127232, 127405, 127462, 127490, 127504, 127547, 127552, 127560, 127568, 127569, 127584, 127589, 127744, 128727, 128736, 128748, 128752, 128764, 128768, 128883, 128896, 128984, 128992, 129003, 129024, 129035, 129040, 129095, 129104, 129113, 129120, 129159, 129168, 129197, 129200, 129201, 129280, 129619, 129632, 129645, 129648, 129652, 129656, 129658, 129664, 129670, 129680, 129704, 129712, 129718, 129728, 129730, 129744, 129750, 129792, 129994, 130032, 130041, 131072, 173789, 173824, 177972, 177984, 178205, 178208, 183969, 183984, 191456, 194560, 195101, 196608, 201546, 917760, 917999]); + isNotPrint32 = new sliceType([12, 39, 59, 62, 399, 926, 2057, 2102, 2134, 2291, 2564, 2580, 2584, 3711, 3754, 4285, 4405, 4576, 4626, 4743, 4745, 4750, 4766, 4868, 4905, 4913, 4916, 4922, 5212, 6420, 6423, 6454, 7177, 7223, 7336, 7431, 7434, 7483, 7486, 7526, 7529, 7567, 7570, 9327, 27231, 27482, 27490, 54357, 54429, 54445, 54458, 54460, 54468, 54534, 54549, 54557, 54586, 54591, 54597, 54609, 55968, 57351, 57378, 57381, 60932, 60960, 60963, 60968, 60979, 60984, 60986, 61000, 61002, 61004, 61008, 61011, 61016, 61018, 61020, 61022, 61024, 61027, 61035, 61043, 61048, 61053, 61055, 61066, 61092, 61098, 61632, 61648, 63865, 63948, 64403]); + isGraphic = new sliceType([160, 5760, 8192, 8193, 8194, 8195, 8196, 8197, 8198, 8199, 8200, 8201, 8202, 8239, 8287, 12288]); + uint64pow10 = $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 10), new $Uint64(0, 100), new $Uint64(0, 1000), new $Uint64(0, 10000), new $Uint64(0, 100000), new $Uint64(0, 1000000), new $Uint64(0, 10000000), new $Uint64(0, 100000000), new $Uint64(0, 1000000000), new $Uint64(2, 1410065408), new $Uint64(23, 1215752192), new $Uint64(232, 3567587328), new $Uint64(2328, 1316134912), new $Uint64(23283, 276447232), new $Uint64(232830, 2764472320), new $Uint64(2328306, 1874919424), new $Uint64(23283064, 1569325056), new $Uint64(232830643, 2808348672), new $Uint64(2328306436, 2313682944)]); + float32info = new floatInfo.ptr(23, 8, -127); + float64info = new floatInfo.ptr(52, 11, -1023); + detailedPowersOfTen = $toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(389204073, 3445679187), new $Uint64(4203730336, 136053384)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(243252546, 542936756), new $Uint64(2627331460, 85033365)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1377807506, 2826154593), new $Uint64(3284164325, 106291706)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3869743031, 1385209593), new $Uint64(4105205406, 1206606456)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2418589394, 2476368732), new $Uint64(2565753378, 3975354507)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1949494919, 947977267), new $Uint64(3207191723, 2821709486)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(289385001, 111229759), new $Uint64(4008989654, 2453395034)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1254607449, 2753873159), new $Uint64(2505618534, 459630072)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1568259312, 221115977), new $Uint64(3132023167, 2722021238)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4107807788, 276394972), new $Uint64(3915028959, 2328784723)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2030508955, 2320230505), new $Uint64(2446893099, 3066103188)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2538136194, 1826546308), new $Uint64(3058616374, 2758887161)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4246412067, 135699237), new $Uint64(3823270468, 1301125303)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4264620277, 3842908407), new $Uint64(2389544042, 2960686962)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3183291699, 1582410037), new $Uint64(2986930053, 1553375055)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2905372800, 904270722), new $Uint64(3733662566, 3015460643)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1278987088, 565169201), new $Uint64(2333539104, 810921078)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3746217508, 706461501), new $Uint64(2916923880, 1013651347)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3609030061, 883076877), new $Uint64(3646154850, 1267064184)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2255643788, 1088793960), new $Uint64(2278846781, 1865656939)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1745812911, 1360992450), new $Uint64(2848558476, 3405812998)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(34782491, 627498738), new $Uint64(3560698095, 4257266248)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(21739056, 4150283095), new $Uint64(2225436309, 4271404141)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1100915645, 892886573), new $Uint64(2781795387, 2118029704)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1376144556, 2189850041), new $Uint64(3477244234, 1573795306)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1933832171, 3516139923), new $Uint64(2173277646, 2057363890)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(269806566, 3321433080), new $Uint64(2716597058, 424221215)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3558483680, 2004307702), new $Uint64(3395746322, 2677760166)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2300620952, 2505384628), new $Uint64(4244682903, 1199716560)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1437888095, 1565865392), new $Uint64(2652926814, 2360435586)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3944843767, 883589917), new $Uint64(3316158518, 803060834)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2783571061, 30745572), new $Uint64(4145198147, 3151309691)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1202861001, 556086894), new $Uint64(2590748842, 1432697645)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2577318075, 1768850442), new $Uint64(3238436052, 3938355704)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3221647594, 1137321229), new $Uint64(4048045066, 627977334)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(939787922, 1784567592), new $Uint64(2530028166, 1466227658)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3322218551, 83225842), new $Uint64(3162535207, 3980268220)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4152773188, 3325257774), new $Uint64(3953169009, 3901593451)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2058612330, 4225769757), new $Uint64(2470730631, 827883171)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1499523589, 3134728548), new $Uint64(3088413288, 4256079436)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1874404487, 697185213), new $Uint64(3860516611, 1025131999)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2782115540, 2046353494), new $Uint64(2412822882, 103836587)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2403902601, 2557941868), new $Uint64(3016028602, 2277279382)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(857394603, 4271169159), new $Uint64(3770035753, 699115580)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2683355275, 2132609812), new $Uint64(2356272345, 3121301797)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(132968622, 1592020441), new $Uint64(2945340432, 680401775)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3387436249, 4137509200), new $Uint64(3681675540, 850502218)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3190889480, 975330514), new $Uint64(2301047212, 2679047534)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1841128202, 1219163142), new $Uint64(2876309015, 3348809418)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(153926604, 3671437576), new $Uint64(3595386269, 3112269949)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(633075040, 147164837), new $Uint64(2247116418, 2482039630)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2938827448, 183956046), new $Uint64(2808895523, 955065889)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(452308838, 229945057), new $Uint64(3511119404, 120090538)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1356434847, 3364941133), new $Uint64(2194449627, 2222540234)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3843027207, 3132434592), new $Uint64(2743062034, 1704433468)]), 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3327579475), new $Uint64(3193344495, 1097586188)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(750763654, 3085732520), new $Uint64(3991680619, 298240911)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2079840020, 854841001), new $Uint64(2494800386, 3944496953)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3673541849, 1068551251), new $Uint64(3118500483, 2783137543)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3518185487, 2409430888), new $Uint64(3898125604, 2405180105)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(588253193, 3116507041), new $Uint64(2436328502, 3650721214)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2882800140, 674408330), new $Uint64(3045410628, 2415917869)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(382274703, 843010412), new $Uint64(3806763285, 3019897337)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2923276249, 2137494243), new $Uint64(2379227053, 2424306747)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2580353487, 3745609628), new $Uint64(2974033816, 4104125258)]), 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new $Uint64(3462231039, 1076730083)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2095474228, 3164408729), new $Uint64(2163894399, 2283569038)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(471859137, 3955510912), new $Uint64(2704867999, 1780719474)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2737307570, 1723163168), new $Uint64(3381084999, 1152157518)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1274150815, 6470312), new $Uint64(4226356249, 366455074)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1870086083, 1614656681), new $Uint64(2641472655, 2913388981)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3411349428, 944579027), new $Uint64(3301840819, 2567994402)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2116703137, 1180723784), new $Uint64(4127301024, 2136251179)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(786068548, 3422306925), new $Uint64(2579563140, 1335156987)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4203811157, 4277883656), new $Uint64(3224453925, 1668946233)]), 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2481050778), new $Uint64(3753758414, 1728080585)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3771251500, 1550656736), new $Uint64(2346099009, 6308541)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1492838903, 1938320920), new $Uint64(2932623761, 1081627501)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2939790453, 1349159326), new $Uint64(3665779701, 2425776200)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1837369033, 1380095491), new $Uint64(2291112313, 2052981037)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3370453115, 2798861187), new $Uint64(2863890391, 3639968120)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4213066394, 2424834660), new $Uint64(3579862989, 3476218326)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1559424672, 2589263487), new $Uint64(2237414368, 2709507366)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4096764488, 3236579358), new $Uint64(2796767960, 3386884207)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4047213786, 4045724198), new $Uint64(3495959950, 4233605259)]), 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1509367405), new $Uint64(2206260905, 1034206304)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1390001797, 4034192904), new $Uint64(2757826131, 2366499704)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1737502247, 1821515659), new $Uint64(3447282664, 1884382806)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(12197080, 2749060022), new $Uint64(2154551665, 1177739254)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2162729998, 3436325028), new $Uint64(2693189581, 2545915891)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1629670674, 2147922637), new $Uint64(3366486976, 4256136688)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2037088343, 537419649), new $Uint64(4208108721, 1025203564)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3420663862, 1946500016), new $Uint64(2630067950, 3325106787)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3202088004, 285641372), new $Uint64(3287584938, 2008899836)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4002610005, 357051716), new $Uint64(4109481173, 363641147)]), 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[new $Uint64(4100460657, 5396624), new $Uint64(2784692759, 3346517769)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1904350349, 1080487604), new $Uint64(3480865949, 3109405388)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3337702616, 1212175664), new $Uint64(2175541218, 2480249279)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3098386446, 1515219580), new $Uint64(2719426523, 952827951)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2799241233, 4041508124), new $Uint64(3399283154, 117293115)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2425309718, 1830659683), new $Uint64(4249103942, 2294100042)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2589560398, 70420478), new $Uint64(2655689964, 360070702)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1089466849, 2235509245), new $Uint64(3319612455, 450088378)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3509317209, 3868128380), new $Uint64(4149515568, 3783835944)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2193323256, 806967502), new $Uint64(2593447230, 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[new $Uint64(5428913, 1679590318), new $Uint64(3248565551, 3281488183)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3228011613, 3173229722), new $Uint64(4060706939, 3028118404)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4164990906, 2520139488), new $Uint64(2537941837, 1355703090)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3058754985, 1002690712), new $Uint64(3172427296, 2768370687)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2749701907, 2327105214), new $Uint64(3965534120, 3460463359)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3329176428, 917569847), new $Uint64(2478458825, 2162789599)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(3087728711, 1146962308), new $Uint64(3098073531, 3777228823)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2785919065, 359961061), new $Uint64(3872591914, 3647794205)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2278070327, 2909330223), new $Uint64(2420369946, 3353613202)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(700104261, 2562920955), new $Uint64(3025462433, 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2196580869)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2282241929, 1134630028), new $Uint64(2300672446, 2446604867)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1779060587, 2492029360), new $Uint64(2875840558, 910772436)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(2223825734, 2041294876), new $Uint64(3594800697, 3285949193)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(4074245644, 202067473), new $Uint64(2246750436, 443105509)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1871581583, 252584341), new $Uint64(2808438045, 553881887)]), $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(1265735154, 3536955899), new $Uint64(3510547556, 1766094183)])]); + leftcheats = new sliceType$2([new leftCheat.ptr(0, ""), new leftCheat.ptr(1, "5"), new leftCheat.ptr(1, "25"), new leftCheat.ptr(1, "125"), new leftCheat.ptr(2, "625"), new leftCheat.ptr(2, "3125"), new leftCheat.ptr(2, "15625"), new leftCheat.ptr(3, "78125"), new leftCheat.ptr(3, "390625"), new leftCheat.ptr(3, "1953125"), new leftCheat.ptr(4, "9765625"), new leftCheat.ptr(4, "48828125"), new leftCheat.ptr(4, "244140625"), new leftCheat.ptr(4, "1220703125"), new leftCheat.ptr(5, "6103515625"), new leftCheat.ptr(5, "30517578125"), new leftCheat.ptr(5, "152587890625"), new leftCheat.ptr(6, "762939453125"), new leftCheat.ptr(6, "3814697265625"), new leftCheat.ptr(6, "19073486328125"), new leftCheat.ptr(7, "95367431640625"), new leftCheat.ptr(7, "476837158203125"), new leftCheat.ptr(7, "2384185791015625"), new leftCheat.ptr(7, "11920928955078125"), new leftCheat.ptr(8, "59604644775390625"), new leftCheat.ptr(8, "298023223876953125"), new leftCheat.ptr(8, "1490116119384765625"), new leftCheat.ptr(9, "7450580596923828125"), new leftCheat.ptr(9, "37252902984619140625"), new leftCheat.ptr(9, "186264514923095703125"), new leftCheat.ptr(10, "931322574615478515625"), new leftCheat.ptr(10, "4656612873077392578125"), new leftCheat.ptr(10, "23283064365386962890625"), new leftCheat.ptr(10, "116415321826934814453125"), new leftCheat.ptr(11, "582076609134674072265625"), new leftCheat.ptr(11, "2910383045673370361328125"), new leftCheat.ptr(11, "14551915228366851806640625"), new leftCheat.ptr(12, "72759576141834259033203125"), new leftCheat.ptr(12, "363797880709171295166015625"), new leftCheat.ptr(12, "1818989403545856475830078125"), new leftCheat.ptr(13, "9094947017729282379150390625"), new leftCheat.ptr(13, "45474735088646411895751953125"), new leftCheat.ptr(13, "227373675443232059478759765625"), new leftCheat.ptr(13, "1136868377216160297393798828125"), new leftCheat.ptr(14, "5684341886080801486968994140625"), new leftCheat.ptr(14, "28421709430404007434844970703125"), new leftCheat.ptr(14, "142108547152020037174224853515625"), new leftCheat.ptr(15, "710542735760100185871124267578125"), new leftCheat.ptr(15, "3552713678800500929355621337890625"), new leftCheat.ptr(15, "17763568394002504646778106689453125"), new leftCheat.ptr(16, "88817841970012523233890533447265625"), new leftCheat.ptr(16, "444089209850062616169452667236328125"), new leftCheat.ptr(16, "2220446049250313080847263336181640625"), new leftCheat.ptr(16, "11102230246251565404236316680908203125"), new leftCheat.ptr(17, "55511151231257827021181583404541015625"), new leftCheat.ptr(17, "277555756156289135105907917022705078125"), new leftCheat.ptr(17, "1387778780781445675529539585113525390625"), new leftCheat.ptr(18, "6938893903907228377647697925567626953125"), new leftCheat.ptr(18, "34694469519536141888238489627838134765625"), new leftCheat.ptr(18, "173472347597680709441192448139190673828125"), new leftCheat.ptr(19, "867361737988403547205962240695953369140625")]); + $pkg.ErrRange = errors.New("value out of range"); + $pkg.ErrSyntax = errors.New("invalid syntax"); + optimize = true; + powtab = new sliceType$3([1, 3, 6, 9, 13, 16, 19, 23, 26]); + float64pow10 = new sliceType$4([1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1e+06, 1e+07, 1e+08, 1e+09, 1e+10, 1e+11, 1e+12, 1e+13, 1e+14, 1e+15, 1e+16, 1e+17, 1e+18, 1e+19, 1e+20, 1e+21, 1e+22]); + float32pow10 = new sliceType$5([1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1e+06, 1e+07, 1e+08, 1e+09, 1e+10]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["reflect"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, js, abi, bytealg, goarch, goexperiment, itoa, unsafeheader, math, runtime, strconv, sync, unicode, utf8, Value, flag, ValueError, MapIter, Type, Kind, tflag, rtype, method, ChanDir, arrayType, chanType, imethod, interfaceType, mapType, ptrType, sliceType, structField, structType, Method, nameOff, typeOff, textOff, StructField, StructTag, fieldScan, uncommonType, funcType, name, nameData, hiter, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, ptrType$2, funcType$1, sliceType$6, ptrType$4, sliceType$7, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, sliceType$9, sliceType$10, ptrType$9, sliceType$11, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, sliceType$12, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, funcType$2, sliceType$14, sliceType$15, ptrType$18, structType$3, sliceType$16, ptrType$19, ptrType$20, sliceType$17, sliceType$18, arrayType$6, sliceType$19, funcType$3, ptrType$22, arrayType$7, ptrType$23, funcType$4, funcType$5, ptrType$25, ptrType$28, uint8Type, stringType, kindNames, initialized, uncommonTypeMap, nameMap, nameOffList, typeOffList, callHelper, jsObjectPtr, selectHelper, methodName, copyVal, overflowFloat32, typesMustMatch, grow, Append, AppendSlice, MakeMap, MakeMapWithSize, convertOp, makeFloat, makeFloat32, makeComplex, makeString, makeBytes, makeRunes, cvtInt, cvtUint, cvtFloatInt, cvtFloatUint, cvtIntFloat, cvtUintFloat, cvtFloat, cvtComplex, cvtIntString, cvtUintString, cvtBytesString, cvtStringBytes, cvtRunesString, cvtStringRunes, cvtT2I, cvtI2I, PtrTo, PointerTo, implements$1, specialChannelAssignability, directlyAssignable, haveIdenticalType, haveIdenticalUnderlyingType, toType, ifaceIndir, methodValueCallCodePtr, methodValueCall, init, New, jsType, reflectType, setKindType, newName, newMethodName, newNameOff, newTypeOff, internalStr, isWrapped, copyStruct, makeValue, MakeSlice, TypeOf, ValueOf, FuncOf, SliceOf, Zero, unsafe_New, makeInt, typedmemmove, makemap, keyFor, mapaccess, mapassign, mapdelete, mapaccess_faststr, mapassign_faststr, mapdelete_faststr, mapiterinit, mapiterkey, mapiterelem, mapiternext, maplen, cvtDirect, cvtSliceArrayPtr, Copy, methodReceiver, valueInterface, ifaceE2I, makeMethodValue, wrapJsObject, unwrapJsObject, getJsTag, chanrecv, chansend, DeepEqual, deepValueEqualJs, methodNameSkip, verifyNotInHeapPtr; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + abi = $packages["internal/abi"]; + bytealg = $packages["internal/bytealg"]; + goarch = $packages["internal/goarch"]; + goexperiment = $packages["internal/goexperiment"]; + itoa = $packages["internal/itoa"]; + unsafeheader = $packages["internal/unsafeheader"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + Value = $pkg.Value = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.Value", true, "reflect", true, function(typ_, ptr_, flag_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.typ = ptrType$1.nil; + this.ptr = 0; + this.flag = 0; + return; + } + this.typ = typ_; + this.ptr = ptr_; + this.flag = flag_; + }); + flag = $pkg.flag = $newType(4, $kindUintptr, "reflect.flag", true, "reflect", false, null); + ValueError = $pkg.ValueError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.ValueError", true, "reflect", true, function(Method_, Kind_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Method = ""; + this.Kind = 0; + return; + } + this.Method = Method_; + this.Kind = Kind_; + }); + MapIter = $pkg.MapIter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.MapIter", true, "reflect", true, function(m_, hiter_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.m = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + this.hiter = new hiter.ptr($ifaceNil, null, null, 0, null); + return; + } + this.m = m_; + this.hiter = hiter_; + }); + Type = $pkg.Type = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "reflect.Type", true, "reflect", true, null); + Kind = $pkg.Kind = $newType(4, $kindUint, "reflect.Kind", true, "reflect", true, null); + tflag = $pkg.tflag = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "reflect.tflag", true, "reflect", false, null); + rtype = $pkg.rtype = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.rtype", true, "reflect", false, function(size_, ptrdata_, hash_, tflag_, align_, fieldAlign_, kind_, equal_, gcdata_, str_, ptrToThis_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.size = 0; + this.ptrdata = 0; + this.hash = 0; + this.tflag = 0; + this.align = 0; + this.fieldAlign = 0; + this.kind = 0; + this.equal = $throwNilPointerError; + this.gcdata = ptrType$13.nil; + this.str = 0; + this.ptrToThis = 0; + return; + } + this.size = size_; + this.ptrdata = ptrdata_; + this.hash = hash_; + this.tflag = tflag_; + this.align = align_; + this.fieldAlign = fieldAlign_; + this.kind = kind_; + this.equal = equal_; + this.gcdata = gcdata_; + this.str = str_; + this.ptrToThis = ptrToThis_; + }); + method = $pkg.method = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.method", true, "reflect", false, function(name_, mtyp_, ifn_, tfn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = 0; + this.mtyp = 0; + this.ifn = 0; + this.tfn = 0; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.mtyp = mtyp_; + this.ifn = ifn_; + this.tfn = tfn_; + }); + ChanDir = $pkg.ChanDir = $newType(4, $kindInt, "reflect.ChanDir", true, "reflect", true, null); + arrayType = $pkg.arrayType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.arrayType", true, "reflect", false, function(rtype_, elem_, slice_, len_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0); + this.elem = ptrType$1.nil; + this.slice = ptrType$1.nil; + this.len = 0; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.elem = elem_; + this.slice = slice_; + this.len = len_; + }); + chanType = $pkg.chanType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.chanType", true, "reflect", false, function(rtype_, elem_, dir_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0); + this.elem = ptrType$1.nil; + this.dir = 0; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.elem = elem_; + this.dir = dir_; + }); + imethod = $pkg.imethod = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.imethod", true, "reflect", false, function(name_, typ_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = 0; + this.typ = 0; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.typ = typ_; + }); + interfaceType = $pkg.interfaceType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.interfaceType", true, "reflect", false, function(rtype_, pkgPath_, methods_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0); + this.pkgPath = new name.ptr(ptrType$13.nil); + this.methods = sliceType$14.nil; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.pkgPath = pkgPath_; + this.methods = methods_; + }); + mapType = $pkg.mapType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.mapType", true, "reflect", false, function(rtype_, key_, elem_, bucket_, hasher_, keysize_, valuesize_, bucketsize_, flags_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0); + this.key = ptrType$1.nil; + this.elem = ptrType$1.nil; + this.bucket = ptrType$1.nil; + this.hasher = $throwNilPointerError; + this.keysize = 0; + this.valuesize = 0; + this.bucketsize = 0; + this.flags = 0; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.key = key_; + this.elem = elem_; + this.bucket = bucket_; + this.hasher = hasher_; + this.keysize = keysize_; + this.valuesize = valuesize_; + this.bucketsize = bucketsize_; + this.flags = flags_; + }); + ptrType = $pkg.ptrType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.ptrType", true, "reflect", false, function(rtype_, elem_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0); + this.elem = ptrType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.elem = elem_; + }); + sliceType = $pkg.sliceType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.sliceType", true, "reflect", false, function(rtype_, elem_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0); + this.elem = ptrType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.elem = elem_; + }); + structField = $pkg.structField = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.structField", true, "reflect", false, function(name_, typ_, offsetEmbed_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = new name.ptr(ptrType$13.nil); + this.typ = ptrType$1.nil; + this.offsetEmbed = 0; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.typ = typ_; + this.offsetEmbed = offsetEmbed_; + }); + structType = $pkg.structType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.structType", true, "reflect", false, function(rtype_, pkgPath_, fields_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0); + this.pkgPath = new name.ptr(ptrType$13.nil); + this.fields = sliceType$15.nil; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.pkgPath = pkgPath_; + this.fields = fields_; + }); + Method = $pkg.Method = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.Method", true, "reflect", true, function(Name_, PkgPath_, Type_, Func_, Index_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = ""; + this.PkgPath = ""; + this.Type = $ifaceNil; + this.Func = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + this.Index = 0; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + this.PkgPath = PkgPath_; + this.Type = Type_; + this.Func = Func_; + this.Index = Index_; + }); + nameOff = $pkg.nameOff = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "reflect.nameOff", true, "reflect", false, null); + typeOff = $pkg.typeOff = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "reflect.typeOff", true, "reflect", false, null); + textOff = $pkg.textOff = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "reflect.textOff", true, "reflect", false, null); + StructField = $pkg.StructField = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.StructField", true, "reflect", true, function(Name_, PkgPath_, Type_, Tag_, Offset_, Index_, Anonymous_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = ""; + this.PkgPath = ""; + this.Type = $ifaceNil; + this.Tag = ""; + this.Offset = 0; + this.Index = sliceType$6.nil; + this.Anonymous = false; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + this.PkgPath = PkgPath_; + this.Type = Type_; + this.Tag = Tag_; + this.Offset = Offset_; + this.Index = Index_; + this.Anonymous = Anonymous_; + }); + StructTag = $pkg.StructTag = $newType(8, $kindString, "reflect.StructTag", true, "reflect", true, null); + fieldScan = $pkg.fieldScan = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.fieldScan", true, "reflect", false, function(typ_, index_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.typ = ptrType$12.nil; + this.index = sliceType$6.nil; + return; + } + this.typ = typ_; + this.index = index_; + }); + uncommonType = $pkg.uncommonType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.uncommonType", true, "reflect", false, function(pkgPath_, mcount_, xcount_, moff_, _methods_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.pkgPath = 0; + this.mcount = 0; + this.xcount = 0; + this.moff = 0; + this._methods = sliceType$11.nil; + return; + } + this.pkgPath = pkgPath_; + this.mcount = mcount_; + this.xcount = xcount_; + this.moff = moff_; + this._methods = _methods_; + }); + funcType = $pkg.funcType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.funcType", true, "reflect", false, function(rtype_, inCount_, outCount_, _in_, _out_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0); + this.inCount = 0; + this.outCount = 0; + this._in = sliceType$2.nil; + this._out = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.rtype = rtype_; + this.inCount = inCount_; + this.outCount = outCount_; + this._in = _in_; + this._out = _out_; + }); + name = $pkg.name = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.name", true, "reflect", false, function(bytes_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.bytes = ptrType$13.nil; + return; + } + this.bytes = bytes_; + }); + nameData = $pkg.nameData = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.nameData", true, "reflect", false, function(name_, tag_, exported_, pkgPath_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + this.tag = ""; + this.exported = false; + this.pkgPath = ""; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.tag = tag_; + this.exported = exported_; + this.pkgPath = pkgPath_; + }); + hiter = $pkg.hiter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.hiter", true, "reflect", false, function(t_, m_, keys_, i_, last_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.t = $ifaceNil; + this.m = null; + this.keys = null; + this.i = 0; + this.last = null; + return; + } + this.t = t_; + this.m = m_; + this.keys = keys_; + this.i = i_; + this.last = last_; + }); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(name); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(rtype); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(ptrType$1); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(js.Object); + funcType$1 = $funcType([sliceType$4], [ptrType$2], true); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType($Int); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(runtime.Func); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType(Value); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType($UnsafePointer); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(unsafeheader.Slice); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$10 = $sliceType($Int32); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(uncommonType); + sliceType$11 = $sliceType(method); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(interfaceType); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(imethod); + sliceType$12 = $sliceType(fieldScan); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(structType); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType($Uint8); + funcType$2 = $funcType([], [], false); + sliceType$14 = $sliceType(imethod); + sliceType$15 = $sliceType(structField); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(nameData); + structType$3 = $structType("reflect", [{prop: "str", name: "str", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + sliceType$16 = $sliceType(ptrType$2); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType($String); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(funcType); + sliceType$17 = $sliceType(Type); + sliceType$18 = $sliceType(sliceType$16); + arrayType$6 = $arrayType($UnsafePointer, 2); + sliceType$19 = $sliceType(arrayType$6); + funcType$3 = $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$22 = $ptrType(MapIter); + arrayType$7 = $arrayType($Uintptr, 2); + ptrType$23 = $ptrType(ValueError); + funcType$4 = $funcType([$UnsafePointer, $UnsafePointer], [$Bool], false); + funcType$5 = $funcType([$UnsafePointer, $Uintptr], [$Uintptr], false); + ptrType$25 = $ptrType(structField); + ptrType$28 = $ptrType(hiter); + flag.prototype.kind = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return ((((f & 31) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.kind = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).kind(); }; + flag.prototype.ro = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + if (!((((f & 96) >>> 0) === 0))) { + return 32; + } + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.ro = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).ro(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.pointer = function() { + var v; + v = this; + if (!((v.typ.size === 4)) || !v.typ.pointers()) { + $panic(new $String("can't call pointer on a non-pointer Value")); + } + if (!((((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + return (v.ptr).$get(); + } + return v.ptr; + }; + Value.prototype.pointer = function() { return this.$val.pointer(); }; + ValueError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + if (e.Kind === 0) { + return "reflect: call of " + e.Method + " on zero Value"; + } + return "reflect: call of " + e.Method + " on " + new Kind(e.Kind).String() + " Value"; + }; + ValueError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + methodName = function() { + var _tuple, f, pc; + _tuple = runtime.Caller(2); + pc = _tuple[0]; + f = runtime.FuncForPC(pc); + if (f === ptrType$4.nil) { + return "unknown method"; + } + return f.Name(); + }; + flag.prototype.mustBe = function(expected) { + var expected, f; + f = this.$val; + if (!((((((f & 31) >>> 0) >>> 0)) === expected))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr(methodName(), new flag(f).kind())); + } + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBe = function(expected) { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBe(expected); }; + flag.prototype.mustBeExported = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + if ((f === 0) || !((((f & 96) >>> 0) === 0))) { + new flag(f).mustBeExportedSlow(); + } + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBeExported = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBeExported(); }; + flag.prototype.mustBeExportedSlow = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + if (f === 0) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr(methodNameSkip(), 0)); + } + if (!((((f & 96) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + methodNameSkip() + " using value obtained using unexported field")); + } + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBeExportedSlow = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBeExportedSlow(); }; + flag.prototype.mustBeAssignable = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + if (!((((f & 96) >>> 0) === 0)) || (((f & 256) >>> 0) === 0)) { + new flag(f).mustBeAssignableSlow(); + } + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBeAssignable = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBeAssignable(); }; + flag.prototype.mustBeAssignableSlow = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + if (f === 0) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr(methodNameSkip(), 0)); + } + if (!((((f & 96) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + methodNameSkip() + " using value obtained using unexported field")); + } + if (((f & 256) >>> 0) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + methodNameSkip() + " using unaddressable value")); + } + }; + $ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBeAssignableSlow = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBeAssignableSlow(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Addr = function() { + var fl, v; + v = this; + if (((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Addr of unaddressable value")); + } + fl = (v.flag & 96) >>> 0; + return new Value.ptr(v.typ.ptrTo(), v.ptr, (fl | 22) >>> 0); + }; + Value.prototype.Addr = function() { return this.$val.Addr(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Bool = function() { + var v; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(1); + return (v.ptr).$get(); + }; + Value.prototype.Bool = function() { return this.$val.Bool(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var {_r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23); + _r = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 8))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 8))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Bytes of non-byte slice")); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return (v.ptr).$get(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Bytes, $c: true, $r, _r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.runes = function() { + var {_r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23); + _r = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 5))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 5))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Bytes of non-rune slice")); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return (v.ptr).$get(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.runes, $c: true, $r, _r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.runes = function() { return this.$val.runes(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CanAddr = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return !((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + Value.prototype.CanAddr = function() { return this.$val.CanAddr(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CanSet = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return ((v.flag & 352) >>> 0) === 256; + }; + Value.prototype.CanSet = function() { return this.$val.CanSet(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Call = function(in$1) { + var {$24r, _r, in$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(19); + new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r = $clone(v, Value).call("Call", in$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Call, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, in$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Call = function(in$1) { return this.$val.Call(in$1); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CallSlice = function(in$1) { + var {$24r, _r, in$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(19); + new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r = $clone(v, Value).call("CallSlice", in$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.CallSlice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, in$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.CallSlice = function(in$1) { return this.$val.CallSlice(in$1); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CanComplex = function() { + var _1, v; + v = this; + _1 = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + Value.prototype.CanComplex = function() { return this.$val.CanComplex(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Complex = function() { + var _1, k, v, x; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (15)) { + return ((x = (v.ptr).$get(), new $Complex128(x.$real, x.$imag))); + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + return (v.ptr).$get(); + } + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Complex", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + }; + Value.prototype.Complex = function() { return this.$val.Complex(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) { + var {$24r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _v, i, index, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {index}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + /* */ if (index.$length === 1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (index.$length === 1) { */ case 1: + _r = $clone(v, Value).Field((0 >= index.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : index.$array[index.$offset + 0])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(25); + _ref = index; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 6; continue; } + i = _i; + x = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (i > 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (i > 0) { */ case 7: + if (!($clone(v, Value).Kind() === 22)) { _v = false; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$1 = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1 === 25; case 11: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 9: + if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: indirection through nil pointer to embedded struct")); + } + _r$2 = $clone(v, Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$2; + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 8: + _r$3 = $clone(v, Value).Field(x); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$3; + _i++; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _v, i, index, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) { return this.$val.FieldByIndex(index); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndexErr = function(index) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _v, i, index, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {index}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + /* */ if (index.$length === 1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (index.$length === 1) { */ case 1: + _r = $clone(v, Value).Field((0 >= index.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : index.$array[index.$offset + 0])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(25); + _ref = index; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 6; continue; } + i = _i; + x = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (i > 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (i > 0) { */ case 7: + if (!($clone(v, Value).Kind() === 22)) { _v = false; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$1 = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1 === 25; case 11: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 9: + /* */ if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { */ case 13: + _r$2 = v.typ.Elem().Name(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = errors.New("reflect: indirection through nil pointer to embedded struct field " + _r$2); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), _r$3]; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 14: + _r$4 = $clone(v, Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$4; + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 8: + _r$5 = $clone(v, Value).Field(x); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5; + _i++; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return [v, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndexErr, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _v, i, index, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.FieldByIndexErr = function(index) { return this.$val.FieldByIndexErr(index); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByName = function(name$1) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, f, name$1, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(25); + _r = v.typ.FieldByName(name$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + f = $clone(_tuple[0], StructField); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = $clone(v, Value).FieldByIndex(f.Index); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, f, name$1, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.FieldByName = function(name$1) { return this.$val.FieldByName(name$1); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, f, match, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {match}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _r = v.typ.FieldByNameFunc(match); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + f = $clone(_tuple[0], StructField); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = $clone(v, Value).FieldByIndex(f.Index); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, f, match, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) { return this.$val.FieldByNameFunc(match); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CanFloat = function() { + var _1, v; + v = this; + _1 = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + Value.prototype.CanFloat = function() { return this.$val.CanFloat(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Float = function() { + var _1, k, v; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (13)) { + return ((v.ptr).$get()); + } else if (_1 === (14)) { + return (v.ptr).$get(); + } + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Float", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + }; + Value.prototype.Float = function() { return this.$val.Float(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CanInt = function() { + var _1, v; + v = this; + _1 = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + Value.prototype.CanInt = function() { return this.$val.CanInt(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Int = function() { + var _1, k, p, v; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + p = v.ptr; + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (2)) { + return (new $Int64(0, (p).$get())); + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + return (new $Int64(0, (p).$get())); + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + return (new $Int64(0, (p).$get())); + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + return (new $Int64(0, (p).$get())); + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + return (p).$get(); + } + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Int", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + }; + Value.prototype.Int = function() { return this.$val.Int(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CanInterface = function() { + var v; + v = this; + if (v.flag === 0) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.CanInterface", 0)); + } + return ((v.flag & 96) >>> 0) === 0; + }; + Value.prototype.CanInterface = function() { return this.$val.CanInterface(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Interface = function() { + var {$24r, _r, i, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = $ifaceNil; + v = this; + _r = valueInterface($clone(v, Value), true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = _r; + $24r = i; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Interface, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, i, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Interface = function() { return this.$val.Interface(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return !((v.flag === 0)); + }; + Value.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.IsZero = function() { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, c, i, i$1, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (26))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return !$clone(v, Value).Bool(); + /* } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return (x = $clone(v, Value).Int(), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)); + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return (x$1 = $clone(v, Value).Uint(), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)); + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return (x$2 = math.Float64bits($clone(v, Value).Float()), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0)); + /* } else if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { */ case 6: + c = $clone(v, Value).Complex(); + $s = -1; return (x$3 = math.Float64bits(c.$real), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0)) && (x$4 = math.Float64bits(c.$imag), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0)); + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 7: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + /* if (!(i < $clone(v, Value).Len())) { break; } */ if(!(i < $clone(v, Value).Len())) { $s = 14; continue; } + _r = $clone(v, Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = $clone(_r, Value).IsZero(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 15: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 16: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (26))) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return $clone(v, Value).IsNil(); + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return $clone(v, Value).Len() === 0; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 10: + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 19: + /* if (!(i$1 < $clone(v, Value).NumField())) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < $clone(v, Value).NumField())) { $s = 20; continue; } + _r$2 = $clone(v, Value).Field(i$1); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(_r$2, Value).IsZero(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$3) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!_r$3) { */ case 21: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 22: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 19; continue; + case 20: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else { */ case 11: + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.IsZero", $clone(v, Value).Kind())); + /* } */ case 12: + case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.IsZero, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, c, i, i$1, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.IsZero = function() { return this.$val.IsZero(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Kind = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return new flag(v.flag).kind(); + }; + Value.prototype.Kind = function() { return this.$val.Kind(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.MapIndex = function(key) { + var {_r, e, fl, k, k$1, key, tt, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(21); + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + e = 0; + /* */ if ((tt.key === stringType || (new flag(key.flag).kind() === 24)) && tt.key === key.typ && tt.elem.size <= 128) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((tt.key === stringType || (new flag(key.flag).kind() === 24)) && tt.key === key.typ && tt.elem.size <= 128) { */ case 1: + k = (key.ptr).$get(); + e = mapaccess_faststr(v.typ, $clone(v, Value).pointer(), k); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r = $clone(key, Value).assignTo("reflect.Value.MapIndex", tt.key, 0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r; + k$1 = 0; + if (!((((key.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + k$1 = key.ptr; + } else { + k$1 = ((key.$ptr_ptr || (key.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, key)))); + } + e = mapaccess(v.typ, $clone(v, Value).pointer(), k$1); + /* } */ case 3: + if (e === 0) { + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + typ = tt.elem; + fl = new flag((((v.flag | key.flag) >>> 0))).ro(); + fl = (fl | (((typ.Kind() >>> 0)))) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return copyVal(typ, fl, e); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.MapIndex, $c: true, $r, _r, e, fl, k, k$1, key, tt, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.MapIndex = function(key) { return this.$val.MapIndex(key); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.MapKeys = function() { + var {_r, a, fl, i, it, key, keyType, m, mlen, tt, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + it = [it]; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(21); + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + keyType = tt.key; + fl = (new flag(v.flag).ro() | ((keyType.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0; + m = $clone(v, Value).pointer(); + mlen = 0; + if (!(m === 0)) { + mlen = maplen(m); + } + it[0] = new hiter.ptr($ifaceNil, null, null, 0, null); + mapiterinit(v.typ, m, it[0]); + a = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, mlen); + i = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < a.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < a.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = mapiterkey(it[0]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r; + if (key === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = copyVal(keyType, fl, key)); + mapiternext(it[0]); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $subslice(a, 0, i); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.MapKeys, $c: true, $r, _r, a, fl, i, it, key, keyType, m, mlen, tt, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.MapKeys = function() { return this.$val.MapKeys(); }; + hiter.ptr.prototype.initialized = function() { + var h; + h = this; + return !($interfaceIsEqual(h.t, $ifaceNil)); + }; + hiter.prototype.initialized = function() { return this.$val.initialized(); }; + MapIter.ptr.prototype.Key = function() { + var {_r, iter, iterkey, ktype, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + iter = this; + if (!iter.hiter.initialized()) { + $panic(new $String("MapIter.Key called before Next")); + } + _r = mapiterkey(iter.hiter); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + iterkey = _r; + if (iterkey === 0) { + $panic(new $String("MapIter.Key called on exhausted iterator")); + } + t = (iter.m.typ.kindType); + ktype = t.key; + $s = -1; return copyVal(ktype, (new flag(iter.m.flag).ro() | ((ktype.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0, iterkey); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MapIter.ptr.prototype.Key, $c: true, $r, _r, iter, iterkey, ktype, t, $s};return $f; + }; + MapIter.prototype.Key = function() { return this.$val.Key(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetIterKey = function(iter) { + var {_r, _r$1, iter, iterkey, key, ktype, t, target, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {iter}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + if (!iter.hiter.initialized()) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Value.SetIterKey called before Next")); + } + _r = mapiterkey(iter.hiter); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + iterkey = _r; + if (iterkey === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Value.SetIterKey called on exhausted iterator")); + } + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + target = 0; + if (new flag(v.flag).kind() === 20) { + target = v.ptr; + } + t = (iter.m.typ.kindType); + ktype = t.key; + key = new Value.ptr(ktype, iterkey, (((iter.m.flag | ((ktype.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0) | 128) >>> 0); + _r$1 = $clone(key, Value).assignTo("reflect.MapIter.SetKey", v.typ, target); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r$1; + typedmemmove(v.typ, v.ptr, key.ptr); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.SetIterKey, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, iter, iterkey, key, ktype, t, target, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.SetIterKey = function(iter) { return this.$val.SetIterKey(iter); }; + MapIter.ptr.prototype.Value = function() { + var {_r, iter, iterelem, t, vtype, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + iter = this; + if (!iter.hiter.initialized()) { + $panic(new $String("MapIter.Value called before Next")); + } + _r = mapiterelem(iter.hiter); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + iterelem = _r; + if (iterelem === 0) { + $panic(new $String("MapIter.Value called on exhausted iterator")); + } + t = (iter.m.typ.kindType); + vtype = t.elem; + $s = -1; return copyVal(vtype, (new flag(iter.m.flag).ro() | ((vtype.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0, iterelem); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MapIter.ptr.prototype.Value, $c: true, $r, _r, iter, iterelem, t, vtype, $s};return $f; + }; + MapIter.prototype.Value = function() { return this.$val.Value(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetIterValue = function(iter) { + var {_r, _r$1, elem, iter, iterelem, t, target, v, vtype, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {iter}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + if (!iter.hiter.initialized()) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Value.SetIterValue called before Next")); + } + _r = mapiterelem(iter.hiter); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + iterelem = _r; + if (iterelem === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Value.SetIterValue called on exhausted iterator")); + } + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + target = 0; + if (new flag(v.flag).kind() === 20) { + target = v.ptr; + } + t = (iter.m.typ.kindType); + vtype = t.elem; + elem = new Value.ptr(vtype, iterelem, (((iter.m.flag | ((vtype.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0) | 128) >>> 0); + _r$1 = $clone(elem, Value).assignTo("reflect.MapIter.SetValue", v.typ, target); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + elem = _r$1; + typedmemmove(v.typ, v.ptr, elem.ptr); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.SetIterValue, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, elem, iter, iterelem, t, target, v, vtype, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.SetIterValue = function(iter) { return this.$val.SetIterValue(iter); }; + MapIter.ptr.prototype.Next = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, iter, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + iter = this; + if (!$clone(iter.m, Value).IsValid()) { + $panic(new $String("MapIter.Next called on an iterator that does not have an associated map Value")); + } + /* */ if (!iter.hiter.initialized()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!iter.hiter.initialized()) { */ case 1: + mapiterinit(iter.m.typ, $clone(iter.m, Value).pointer(), iter.hiter); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r = mapiterkey(iter.hiter); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r === 0) { */ case 4: + $panic(new $String("MapIter.Next called on exhausted iterator")); + /* } */ case 5: + mapiternext(iter.hiter); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$1 = mapiterkey(iter.hiter); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = !(_r$1 === 0); + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MapIter.ptr.prototype.Next, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, iter, $s};return $f; + }; + MapIter.prototype.Next = function() { return this.$val.Next(); }; + MapIter.ptr.prototype.Reset = function(v) { + var iter, v; + iter = this; + if ($clone(v, Value).IsValid()) { + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(21); + } + iter.m = v; + hiter.copy(iter.hiter, new hiter.ptr($ifaceNil, null, null, 0, null)); + }; + MapIter.prototype.Reset = function(v) { return this.$val.Reset(v); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.MapRange = function() { + var v; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(21); + return new MapIter.ptr($clone(v, Value), new hiter.ptr($ifaceNil, null, null, 0, null)); + }; + Value.prototype.MapRange = function() { return this.$val.MapRange(); }; + copyVal = function(typ, fl, ptr) { + var c, fl, ptr, typ; + if (ifaceIndir(typ)) { + c = unsafe_New(typ); + typedmemmove(typ, c, ptr); + return new Value.ptr(typ, c, (fl | 128) >>> 0); + } + return new Value.ptr(typ, (ptr).$get(), fl); + }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Method = function(i) { + var fl, i, v; + v = this; + if (v.typ === ptrType$1.nil) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Method", 0)); + } + if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0)) || ((i >>> 0)) >= ((v.typ.NumMethod() >>> 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Method index out of range")); + } + if ((v.typ.Kind() === 20) && $clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Method on nil interface value")); + } + fl = (new flag(v.flag).ro() | (((v.flag & 128) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + fl = (fl | (19)) >>> 0; + fl = (fl | ((((((i >>> 0)) << 10 >>> 0) | 512) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + return new Value.ptr(v.typ, v.ptr, fl); + }; + Value.prototype.Method = function(i) { return this.$val.Method(i); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.NumMethod = function() { + var v; + v = this; + if (v.typ === ptrType$1.nil) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.NumMethod", 0)); + } + if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { + return 0; + } + return v.typ.NumMethod(); + }; + Value.prototype.NumMethod = function() { return this.$val.NumMethod(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.MethodByName = function(name$1) { + var {_r, _tuple, m, name$1, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + if (v.typ === ptrType$1.nil) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.MethodByName", 0)); + } + if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + _r = v.typ.MethodByName(name$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + m = $clone(_tuple[0], Method); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + $s = -1; return $clone(v, Value).Method(m.Index); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.MethodByName, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, m, name$1, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.MethodByName = function(name$1) { return this.$val.MethodByName(name$1); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.NumField = function() { + var tt, v; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(25); + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + return tt.fields.$length; + }; + Value.prototype.NumField = function() { return this.$val.NumField(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.OverflowComplex = function(x) { + var _1, k, v, x; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (15)) { + return overflowFloat32(x.$real) || overflowFloat32(x.$imag); + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + return false; + } + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowComplex", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + }; + Value.prototype.OverflowComplex = function(x) { return this.$val.OverflowComplex(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.OverflowFloat = function(x) { + var _1, k, v, x; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (13)) { + return overflowFloat32(x); + } else if (_1 === (14)) { + return false; + } + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowFloat", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + }; + Value.prototype.OverflowFloat = function(x) { return this.$val.OverflowFloat(x); }; + overflowFloat32 = function(x) { + var x; + if (x < 0) { + x = -x; + } + return 3.4028234663852886e+38 < x && x <= 1.7976931348623157e+308; + }; + Value.ptr.prototype.OverflowInt = function(x) { + var _1, bitSize, k, trunc, v, x; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { + bitSize = $imul(v.typ.size, 8) >>> 0; + trunc = $shiftRightInt64(($shiftLeft64(x, ((64 - bitSize >>> 0)))), ((64 - bitSize >>> 0))); + return !((x.$high === trunc.$high && x.$low === trunc.$low)); + } + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowInt", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + }; + Value.prototype.OverflowInt = function(x) { return this.$val.OverflowInt(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.OverflowUint = function(x) { + var _1, bitSize, k, trunc, v, x; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { + bitSize = $imul(v.typ.size, 8) >>> 0; + trunc = $shiftRightUint64(($shiftLeft64(x, ((64 - bitSize >>> 0)))), ((64 - bitSize >>> 0))); + return !((x.$high === trunc.$high && x.$low === trunc.$low)); + } + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowUint", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + }; + Value.prototype.OverflowUint = function(x) { return this.$val.OverflowUint(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Recv = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, ok, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + ok = false; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18); + new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r = $clone(v, Value).recv(false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + x = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [x, ok]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Recv, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, ok, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Recv = function() { return this.$val.Recv(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.recv = function(nb) { + var {_r, _tuple, nb, ok, p, selected, t, tt, v, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {nb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + val = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + ok = false; + v = this; + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + if ((((tt.dir >> 0)) & 1) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: recv on send-only channel")); + } + t = tt.elem; + val = new Value.ptr(t, 0, ((t.Kind() >>> 0))); + p = 0; + if (ifaceIndir(t)) { + p = unsafe_New(t); + val.ptr = p; + val.flag = (val.flag | (128)) >>> 0; + } else { + p = ((val.$ptr_ptr || (val.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, val)))); + } + _r = chanrecv($clone(v, Value).pointer(), nb, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + selected = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!selected) { + val = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + $s = -1; return [val, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.recv, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, nb, ok, p, selected, t, tt, v, val, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.recv = function(nb) { return this.$val.recv(nb); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Send = function(x) { + var {_r, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18); + new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r = $clone(v, Value).send($clone(x, Value), false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Send, $c: true, $r, _r, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Send = function(x) { return this.$val.Send(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.send = function(x, nb) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, nb, p, selected, tt, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, nb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + selected = false; + v = this; + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + if ((((tt.dir >> 0)) & 2) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: send on recv-only channel")); + } + new flag(x.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r = $clone(x, Value).assignTo("reflect.Value.Send", tt.elem, 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x = _r; + p = 0; + if (!((((x.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + p = x.ptr; + } else { + p = ((x.$ptr_ptr || (x.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, x)))); + } + _r$1 = chansend($clone(v, Value).pointer(), p, nb); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + selected = _r$1; + $24r = selected; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.send, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, nb, p, selected, tt, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.send = function(x, nb) { return this.$val.send(x, nb); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetBool = function(x) { + var v, x; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(1); + (v.ptr).$set(x); + }; + Value.prototype.SetBool = function(x) { return this.$val.SetBool(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.setRunes = function(x) { + var {_r, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23); + _r = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 5))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 5))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.setRunes of non-rune slice")); + /* } */ case 2: + (v.ptr).$set(x); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.setRunes, $c: true, $r, _r, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.setRunes = function(x) { return this.$val.setRunes(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetComplex = function(x) { + var _1, k, v, x; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (15)) { + (v.ptr).$set((new $Complex64(x.$real, x.$imag))); + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + (v.ptr).$set(x); + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.SetComplex", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + } + }; + Value.prototype.SetComplex = function(x) { return this.$val.SetComplex(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetFloat = function(x) { + var _1, k, v, x; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (13)) { + (v.ptr).$set(($fround(x))); + } else if (_1 === (14)) { + (v.ptr).$set(x); + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.SetFloat", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + } + }; + Value.prototype.SetFloat = function(x) { return this.$val.SetFloat(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetInt = function(x) { + var _1, k, v, x; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (2)) { + (v.ptr).$set((((x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + (v.ptr).$set((((x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) << 24 >> 24))); + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + (v.ptr).$set((((x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) << 16 >> 16))); + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + (v.ptr).$set((((x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + (v.ptr).$set(x); + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.SetInt", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + } + }; + Value.prototype.SetInt = function(x) { return this.$val.SetInt(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetMapIndex = function(key, elem) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, e, e$1, elem, k, k$1, key, tt, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, elem}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(21); + new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported(); + new flag(key.flag).mustBeExported(); + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + /* */ if ((tt.key === stringType || (new flag(key.flag).kind() === 24)) && tt.key === key.typ && tt.elem.size <= 128) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((tt.key === stringType || (new flag(key.flag).kind() === 24)) && tt.key === key.typ && tt.elem.size <= 128) { */ case 1: + k = (key.ptr).$get(); + if (elem.typ === ptrType$1.nil) { + mapdelete_faststr(v.typ, $clone(v, Value).pointer(), k); + $s = -1; return; + } + new flag(elem.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r = $clone(elem, Value).assignTo("reflect.Value.SetMapIndex", tt.elem, 0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + elem = _r; + e = 0; + if (!((((elem.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + e = elem.ptr; + } else { + e = ((elem.$ptr_ptr || (elem.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, elem)))); + } + $r = mapassign_faststr(v.typ, $clone(v, Value).pointer(), k, e); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = $clone(key, Value).assignTo("reflect.Value.SetMapIndex", tt.key, 0); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r$1; + k$1 = 0; + if (!((((key.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + k$1 = key.ptr; + } else { + k$1 = ((key.$ptr_ptr || (key.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, key)))); + } + if (elem.typ === ptrType$1.nil) { + mapdelete(v.typ, $clone(v, Value).pointer(), k$1); + $s = -1; return; + } + new flag(elem.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r$2 = $clone(elem, Value).assignTo("reflect.Value.SetMapIndex", tt.elem, 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + elem = _r$2; + e$1 = 0; + if (!((((elem.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + e$1 = elem.ptr; + } else { + e$1 = ((elem.$ptr_ptr || (elem.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, elem)))); + } + $r = mapassign(v.typ, $clone(v, Value).pointer(), k$1, e$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.SetMapIndex, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, e, e$1, elem, k, k$1, key, tt, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.SetMapIndex = function(key, elem) { return this.$val.SetMapIndex(key, elem); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetUint = function(x) { + var _1, k, v, x; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (7)) { + (v.ptr).$set(((x.$low >>> 0))); + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + (v.ptr).$set(((x.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + (v.ptr).$set(((x.$low << 16 >>> 16))); + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + (v.ptr).$set(((x.$low >>> 0))); + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + (v.ptr).$set(x); + } else if (_1 === (12)) { + (v.ptr).$set(((x.$low >>> 0))); + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.SetUint", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + } + }; + Value.prototype.SetUint = function(x) { return this.$val.SetUint(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetPointer = function(x) { + var v, x; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(26); + (v.ptr).$set(x); + }; + Value.prototype.SetPointer = function(x) { return this.$val.SetPointer(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetString = function(x) { + var v, x; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(24); + (v.ptr).$set(x); + }; + Value.prototype.SetString = function(x) { return this.$val.SetString(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, k, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (0)) { + $s = -1; return ""; + } else if (_1 === (24)) { + $s = -1; return (v.ptr).$get(); + } + _r = $clone(v, Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = "<" + _r + " Value>"; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, k, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.TryRecv = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, ok, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + ok = false; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18); + new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r = $clone(v, Value).recv(true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + x = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [x, ok]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.TryRecv, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, ok, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.TryRecv = function() { return this.$val.TryRecv(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.TrySend = function(x) { + var {$24r, _r, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18); + new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r = $clone(v, Value).send($clone(x, Value), true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.TrySend, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.TrySend = function(x) { return this.$val.TrySend(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Type = function() { + var f, i, m, m$1, ms, tt, v, x; + v = this; + f = v.flag; + if (f === 0) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Type", 0)); + } + if (((f & 512) >>> 0) === 0) { + return v.typ; + } + i = ((v.flag >> 0)) >> 10 >> 0; + if (v.typ.Kind() === 20) { + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + if (((i >>> 0)) >= ((tt.methods.$length >>> 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index")); + } + m = (x = tt.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + return v.typ.typeOff(m.typ); + } + ms = v.typ.exportedMethods(); + if (((i >>> 0)) >= ((ms.$length >>> 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index")); + } + m$1 = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= ms.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ms.$array[ms.$offset + i]), method); + return v.typ.typeOff(m$1.mtyp); + }; + Value.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CanUint = function() { + var _1, v; + v = this; + _1 = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + Value.prototype.CanUint = function() { return this.$val.CanUint(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Uint = function() { + var _1, k, p, v, x; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + p = v.ptr; + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (7)) { + return (new $Uint64(0, (p).$get())); + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + return (new $Uint64(0, (p).$get())); + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + return (new $Uint64(0, (p).$get())); + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + return (new $Uint64(0, (p).$get())); + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + return (p).$get(); + } else if (_1 === (12)) { + return ((x = (p).$get(), new $Uint64(0, x.constructor === Number ? x : 1))); + } + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Uint", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + }; + Value.prototype.Uint = function() { return this.$val.Uint(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.UnsafeAddr = function() { + var v; + v = this; + if (v.typ === ptrType$1.nil) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.UnsafeAddr", 0)); + } + if (((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.UnsafeAddr of unaddressable value")); + } + return (v.ptr); + }; + Value.prototype.UnsafeAddr = function() { return this.$val.UnsafeAddr(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.UnsafePointer = function() { + var {_1, _r, code, k, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + code = [code]; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (26))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (19)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 2: + if (v.typ.ptrdata === 0) { + if (!verifyNotInHeapPtr((v.ptr).$get())) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: reflect.Value.UnsafePointer on an invalid notinheap pointer")); + } + $s = -1; return (v.ptr).$get(); + } + $s = -1; return $clone(v, Value).pointer(); + /* } else if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (26))) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $clone(v, Value).pointer(); + /* } else if (_1 === (19)) { */ case 4: + /* */ if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 7: + _r = methodValueCallCodePtr(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + code[0] = _r; + $s = -1; return code[0]; + /* } */ case 8: + p = $clone(v, Value).pointer(); + if (!(p === 0)) { + p = (p).$get(); + } + $s = -1; return p; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return ($pointerOfStructConversion(v.ptr, ptrType$8)).Data; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.UnsafePointer", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.UnsafePointer, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, code, k, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.UnsafePointer = function() { return this.$val.UnsafePointer(); }; + typesMustMatch = function(what, t1, t2) { + var {_r, _r$1, t1, t2, what, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {what, t1, t2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(t1, t2))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(t1, t2))) { */ case 1: + _r = t1.String(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = t2.String(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(what + ": " + _r + " != " + _r$1)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: typesMustMatch, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, t1, t2, what, $s};return $f; + }; + grow = function(s, extra) { + var {$24r, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, extra, i0, i1, m, s, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, extra}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i0 = $clone(s, Value).Len(); + i1 = i0 + extra >> 0; + if (i1 < i0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Append: slice overflow")); + } + m = $clone(s, Value).Cap(); + /* */ if (i1 <= m) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (i1 <= m) { */ case 1: + _r = $clone(s, Value).Slice(0, i1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, i0, i1]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + if (m === 0) { + m = extra; + } else { + while (true) { + if (!(m < i1)) { break; } + if (i0 < 256) { + m = m + (m) >> 0; + } else { + m = m + ((_q = ((m + 768 >> 0)) / 4, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0; + } + } + } + _r$1 = MakeSlice($clone(s, Value).Type(), i1, m); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$1; + _r$2 = Copy($clone(t, Value), $clone(s, Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return [t, i0, i1]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: grow, $c: true, $r, $24r, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, extra, i0, i1, m, s, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Append = function(s, x) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, i, i0, i1, j, s, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + new flag(s.flag).mustBe(23); + _r = grow($clone(s, Value), x.$length); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + s = _tuple[0]; + i0 = _tuple[1]; + i1 = _tuple[2]; + _tmp = i0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + i = _tmp; + j = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < i1)) { break; } */ if(!(i < i1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$1 = $clone(s, Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$1, Value).Set($clone(((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]), Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = i + 1 >> 0; + _tmp$3 = j + 1 >> 0; + i = _tmp$2; + j = _tmp$3; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Append, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, i, i0, i1, j, s, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Append = Append; + AppendSlice = function(s, t) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, i0, i1, s, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + new flag(s.flag).mustBe(23); + new flag(t.flag).mustBe(23); + _r = $clone(s, Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$1; + $r = typesMustMatch("reflect.AppendSlice", _arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = grow($clone(s, Value), $clone(t, Value).Len()); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + s = _tuple[0]; + i0 = _tuple[1]; + i1 = _tuple[2]; + _r$3 = $clone(s, Value).Slice(i0, i1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = Copy($clone(_r$3, Value), $clone(t, Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: AppendSlice, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, i0, i1, s, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.AppendSlice = AppendSlice; + MakeMap = function(typ) { + var {$24r, _r, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = MakeMapWithSize(typ, 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MakeMap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.MakeMap = MakeMap; + MakeMapWithSize = function(typ, n) { + var {_r, m, n, t, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = typ.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 21))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 21))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect.MakeMapWithSize of non-map type")); + /* } */ case 2: + t = $assertType(typ, ptrType$1); + m = makemap(t, n); + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(t, m, 21); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MakeMapWithSize, $c: true, $r, _r, m, n, t, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.MakeMapWithSize = MakeMapWithSize; + Value.ptr.prototype.Convert = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, op, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + /* */ if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r = makeMethodValue("Convert", $clone(v, Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = t.common(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = convertOp(_r$1, v.typ); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + op = _r$2; + /* */ if (op === $throwNilPointerError) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (op === $throwNilPointerError) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = t.String(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Convert: value of type " + v.typ.String() + " cannot be converted to type " + _r$3)); + /* } */ case 7: + _r$4 = op($clone(v, Value), t); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Convert, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, op, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Convert = function(t) { return this.$val.Convert(t); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.CanConvert = function(t) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _v, _v$1, n, t, v, vt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + vt = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + _r = vt.ConvertibleTo(t); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = vt.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$1 === 23)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$2 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$2 === 22; case 7: + if (!(_v$1)) { _v = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$3 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = _r$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$4 === 17; case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + _r$5 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Len(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r$6; + if (n > $clone(v, Value).Len()) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.CanConvert, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _v, _v$1, n, t, v, vt, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.CanConvert = function(t) { return this.$val.CanConvert(t); }; + convertOp = function(dst, src) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, _v$5, dst, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = src.Kind(); + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 2: + _2 = dst.Kind(); + if ((_2 === (2)) || (_2 === (3)) || (_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (5)) || (_2 === (6)) || (_2 === (7)) || (_2 === (8)) || (_2 === (9)) || (_2 === (10)) || (_2 === (11)) || (_2 === (12))) { + $s = -1; return cvtInt; + } else if ((_2 === (13)) || (_2 === (14))) { + $s = -1; return cvtIntFloat; + } else if (_2 === (24)) { + $s = -1; return cvtIntString; + } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { */ case 3: + _3 = dst.Kind(); + if ((_3 === (2)) || (_3 === (3)) || (_3 === (4)) || (_3 === (5)) || (_3 === (6)) || (_3 === (7)) || (_3 === (8)) || (_3 === (9)) || (_3 === (10)) || (_3 === (11)) || (_3 === (12))) { + $s = -1; return cvtUint; + } else if ((_3 === (13)) || (_3 === (14))) { + $s = -1; return cvtUintFloat; + } else if (_3 === (24)) { + $s = -1; return cvtUintString; + } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { */ case 4: + _4 = dst.Kind(); + if ((_4 === (2)) || (_4 === (3)) || (_4 === (4)) || (_4 === (5)) || (_4 === (6))) { + $s = -1; return cvtFloatInt; + } else if ((_4 === (7)) || (_4 === (8)) || (_4 === (9)) || (_4 === (10)) || (_4 === (11)) || (_4 === (12))) { + $s = -1; return cvtFloatUint; + } else if ((_4 === (13)) || (_4 === (14))) { + $s = -1; return cvtFloat; + } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { */ case 5: + _5 = dst.Kind(); + if ((_5 === (15)) || (_5 === (16))) { + $s = -1; return cvtComplex; + } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 6: + if (!(dst.Kind() === 23)) { _v = false; $s = 12; continue s; } + _r = dst.Elem().PkgPath(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r === ""; case 12: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 10: + _r$1 = dst.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _6 = _r$1; + if (_6 === (8)) { + $s = -1; return cvtStringBytes; + } else if (_6 === (5)) { + $s = -1; return cvtStringRunes; + } + case 14: + /* } */ case 11: + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 7: + if (!(dst.Kind() === 24)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 18; continue s; } + _r$2 = src.Elem().PkgPath(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$2 === ""; case 18: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 16: + _r$3 = src.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _7 = _r$3; + if (_7 === (8)) { + $s = -1; return cvtBytesString; + } else if (_7 === (5)) { + $s = -1; return cvtRunesString; + } + case 20: + /* } */ case 17: + if (!(dst.Kind() === 22)) { _v$3 = false; $s = 25; continue s; } + _r$4 = dst.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = _r$4 === 17; case 25: + if (!(_v$3)) { _v$2 = false; $s = 24; continue s; } + _r$5 = dst.Elem().Elem(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = $interfaceIsEqual(src.Elem(), _r$5); case 24: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 22: + $s = -1; return cvtSliceArrayPtr; + /* } */ case 23: + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 8: + if (!(dst.Kind() === 18)) { _v$4 = false; $s = 30; continue s; } + _r$6 = specialChannelAssignability(dst, src); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = _r$6; case 30: + /* */ if (_v$4) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (_v$4) { */ case 28: + $s = -1; return cvtDirect; + /* } */ case 29: + /* } */ case 9: + case 1: + _r$7 = haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(dst, src, false); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (_r$7) { */ case 32: + $s = -1; return cvtDirect; + /* } */ case 33: + if (!((dst.Kind() === 22) && dst.Name() === "" && (src.Kind() === 22) && src.Name() === "")) { _v$5 = false; $s = 37; continue s; } + _r$8 = dst.Elem().common(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$8; + _r$9 = src.Elem().common(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$9; + _r$10 = haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(_arg, _arg$1, false); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$5 = _r$10; case 37: + /* */ if (_v$5) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (_v$5) { */ case 35: + $s = -1; return cvtDirect; + /* } */ case 36: + if (implements$1(dst, src)) { + if (src.Kind() === 20) { + $s = -1; return cvtI2I; + } + $s = -1; return cvtT2I; + } + $s = -1; return $throwNilPointerError; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: convertOp, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, _v$5, dst, src, $s};return $f; + }; + makeFloat = function(f, v, t) { + var {_1, _r, f, ptr, t, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = t.common(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + typ = _r; + ptr = unsafe_New(typ); + _1 = typ.size; + if (_1 === (4)) { + (ptr).$set(($fround(v))); + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + (ptr).$set(v); + } + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ, ptr, (((f | 128) >>> 0) | ((typ.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeFloat, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, f, ptr, t, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + makeFloat32 = function(f, v, t) { + var {_r, f, ptr, t, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = t.common(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + typ = _r; + ptr = unsafe_New(typ); + (ptr).$set(v); + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ, ptr, (((f | 128) >>> 0) | ((typ.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeFloat32, $c: true, $r, _r, f, ptr, t, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + makeComplex = function(f, v, t) { + var {_1, _r, f, ptr, t, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = t.common(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + typ = _r; + ptr = unsafe_New(typ); + _1 = typ.size; + if (_1 === (8)) { + (ptr).$set((new $Complex64(v.$real, v.$imag))); + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + (ptr).$set(v); + } + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ, ptr, (((f | 128) >>> 0) | ((typ.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeComplex, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, f, ptr, t, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + makeString = function(f, v, t) { + var {_r, f, ret, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(New(t), Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ret = _r; + $clone(ret, Value).SetString(v); + ret.flag = (((ret.flag & ~256) >>> 0) | f) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return ret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeString, $c: true, $r, _r, f, ret, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + makeBytes = function(f, v, t) { + var {_r, f, ret, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(New(t), Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ret = _r; + $r = $clone(ret, Value).SetBytes(v); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ret.flag = (((ret.flag & ~256) >>> 0) | f) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return ret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeBytes, $c: true, $r, _r, f, ret, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + makeRunes = function(f, v, t) { + var {_r, f, ret, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(New(t), Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ret = _r; + $r = $clone(ret, Value).setRunes(v); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ret.flag = (((ret.flag & ~256) >>> 0) | f) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return ret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeRunes, $c: true, $r, _r, f, ret, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtInt = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _r, t, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = makeInt(new flag(v.flag).ro(), ((x = $clone(v, Value).Int(), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))), t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtInt, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, t, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtUint = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _r, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = makeInt(new flag(v.flag).ro(), $clone(v, Value).Uint(), t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtUint, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtFloatInt = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _r, t, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = makeInt(new flag(v.flag).ro(), ((x = (new $Int64(0, $clone(v, Value).Float())), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))), t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtFloatInt, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, t, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtFloatUint = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _r, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = makeInt(new flag(v.flag).ro(), (new $Uint64(0, $clone(v, Value).Float())), t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtFloatUint, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtIntFloat = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _r, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = makeFloat(new flag(v.flag).ro(), ($flatten64($clone(v, Value).Int())), t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtIntFloat, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtUintFloat = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _r, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = makeFloat(new flag(v.flag).ro(), ($flatten64($clone(v, Value).Uint())), t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtUintFloat, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtFloat = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _v, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(v, Value).Type().Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r === 13)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$1 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1 === 13; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + _r$2 = makeFloat32(new flag(v.flag).ro(), (v.ptr).$get(), t); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = makeFloat(new flag(v.flag).ro(), $clone(v, Value).Float(), t); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtFloat, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _v, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtComplex = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _r, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = makeComplex(new flag(v.flag).ro(), $clone(v, Value).Complex(), t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtComplex, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtIntString = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _r, s, t, v, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = "\xEF\xBF\xBD"; + x = $clone(v, Value).Int(); + if ((x$1 = (new $Int64(0, (((x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))), (x$1.$high === x.$high && x$1.$low === x.$low))) { + s = ($encodeRune((((x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))); + } + _r = makeString(new flag(v.flag).ro(), s, t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtIntString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, s, t, v, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtUintString = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _r, s, t, v, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = "\xEF\xBF\xBD"; + x = $clone(v, Value).Uint(); + if ((x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, ((x.$low >> 0)))), (x$1.$high === x.$high && x$1.$low === x.$low))) { + s = ($encodeRune(((x.$low >> 0)))); + } + _r = makeString(new flag(v.flag).ro(), s, t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtUintString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, s, t, v, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtBytesString = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = new flag(v.flag).ro(); + _r = $clone(v, Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ($bytesToString(_r)); + _arg$2 = t; + _r$1 = makeString(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtBytesString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtStringBytes = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = new flag(v.flag).ro(); + _r = $clone(v, Value).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new sliceType$9($stringToBytes(_r))); + _arg$2 = t; + _r$1 = makeBytes(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtStringBytes, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtRunesString = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = new flag(v.flag).ro(); + _r = $clone(v, Value).runes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ($runesToString(_r)); + _arg$2 = t; + _r$1 = makeString(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtRunesString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtStringRunes = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = new flag(v.flag).ro(); + _r = $clone(v, Value).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new sliceType$10($stringToRunes(_r))); + _arg$2 = t; + _r$1 = makeRunes(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtStringRunes, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtT2I = function(v, typ) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, target, typ, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, typ}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = typ.common(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = unsafe_New(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + target = _r$1; + _r$2 = valueInterface($clone(v, Value), false); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x = _r$2; + _r$3 = typ.NumMethod(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3 === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r$3 === 0) { */ case 4: + (target).$set(x); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + ifaceE2I($assertType(typ, ptrType$1), x, target); + /* } */ case 6: + _r$4 = typ.common(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new Value.ptr(_r$4, target, (((new flag(v.flag).ro() | 128) >>> 0) | 20) >>> 0); + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtT2I, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, target, typ, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtI2I = function(v, typ) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, ret, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, typ}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r = Zero(typ); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ret = _r; + ret.flag = (ret.flag | (new flag(v.flag).ro())) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return ret; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = $clone(v, Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = cvtT2I($clone(_r$1, Value), typ); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtI2I, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, ret, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + structField.ptr.prototype.offset = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.offsetEmbed >>> 1 >>> 0; + }; + structField.prototype.offset = function() { return this.$val.offset(); }; + structField.ptr.prototype.embedded = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return !((((f.offsetEmbed & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + structField.prototype.embedded = function() { return this.$val.embedded(); }; + Method.ptr.prototype.IsExported = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return m.PkgPath === ""; + }; + Method.prototype.IsExported = function() { return this.$val.IsExported(); }; + Kind.prototype.String = function() { + var k; + k = this.$val; + if (((k >> 0)) < kindNames.$length) { + return ((k < 0 || k >= kindNames.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : kindNames.$array[kindNames.$offset + k]); + } + return "kind" + strconv.Itoa(((k >> 0))); + }; + $ptrType(Kind).prototype.String = function() { return new Kind(this.$get()).String(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var s, t; + t = this; + s = $clone(t.nameOff(t.str), name).name(); + if (!((((t.tflag & 2) >>> 0) === 0))) { + return $substring(s, 1); + } + return s; + }; + rtype.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.size; + }; + rtype.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Bits = function() { + var k, t; + t = this; + if (t === ptrType$1.nil) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Bits of nil Type")); + } + k = t.Kind(); + if (k < 2 || k > 16) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Bits of non-arithmetic Type " + t.String())); + } + return $imul(((t.size >> 0)), 8); + }; + rtype.prototype.Bits = function() { return this.$val.Bits(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Align = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return ((t.align >> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.Align = function() { return this.$val.Align(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldAlign = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return ((t.fieldAlign >> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.FieldAlign = function() { return this.$val.FieldAlign(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Kind = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return ((((t.kind & 31) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.Kind = function() { return this.$val.Kind(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.common = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t; + }; + rtype.prototype.common = function() { return this.$val.common(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.exportedMethods = function() { + var t, ut; + t = this; + ut = t.uncommon(); + if (ut === ptrType$9.nil) { + return sliceType$11.nil; + } + return ut.exportedMethods(); + }; + rtype.prototype.exportedMethods = function() { return this.$val.exportedMethods(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.NumMethod = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (t.Kind() === 20) { + tt = (t.kindType); + return tt.NumMethod(); + } + return t.exportedMethods().$length; + }; + rtype.prototype.NumMethod = function() { return this.$val.NumMethod(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.MethodByName = function(name$1) { + var {$24r, _i, _r, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, i, m, name$1, ok, p, t, tt, ut, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0); + ok = false; + t = this; + if (t.Kind() === 20) { + tt = (t.kindType); + _tuple = tt.MethodByName(name$1); + Method.copy(m, _tuple[0]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [m, ok]; + } + ut = t.uncommon(); + if (ut === ptrType$9.nil) { + _tmp = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0); + _tmp$1 = false; + Method.copy(m, _tmp); + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [m, ok]; + } + _ref = ut.exportedMethods(); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + p = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), method); + /* */ if ($clone(t.nameOff(p.name), name).name() === name$1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($clone(t.nameOff(p.name), name).name() === name$1) { */ case 3: + _r = t.Method(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = $clone(_r, Method); + _tmp$3 = true; + Method.copy(m, _tmp$2); + ok = _tmp$3; + $24r = [m, ok]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _tmp$4 = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0); + _tmp$5 = false; + Method.copy(m, _tmp$4); + ok = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [m, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.MethodByName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, i, m, name$1, ok, p, t, tt, ut, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.MethodByName = function(name$1) { return this.$val.MethodByName(name$1); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.PkgPath = function() { + var t, ut; + t = this; + if (((t.tflag & 4) >>> 0) === 0) { + return ""; + } + ut = t.uncommon(); + if (ut === ptrType$9.nil) { + return ""; + } + return $clone(t.nameOff(ut.pkgPath), name).name(); + }; + rtype.prototype.PkgPath = function() { return this.$val.PkgPath(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.hasName = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return !((((t.tflag & 4) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.hasName = function() { return this.$val.hasName(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Name = function() { + var _1, i, s, sqBrackets, t; + t = this; + if (!t.hasName()) { + return ""; + } + s = t.String(); + i = s.length - 1 >> 0; + sqBrackets = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0 && (!((s.charCodeAt(i) === 46)) || !((sqBrackets === 0))))) { break; } + _1 = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (_1 === (93)) { + sqBrackets = sqBrackets + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (91)) { + sqBrackets = sqBrackets - (1) >> 0; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return $substring(s, (i + 1 >> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.ChanDir = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 18))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: ChanDir of non-chan type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return ((tt.dir >> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.ChanDir = function() { return this.$val.ChanDir(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.IsVariadic = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: IsVariadic of non-func type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return !((((tt.outCount & 32768) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.IsVariadic = function() { return this.$val.IsVariadic(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Elem = function() { + var _1, t, tt, tt$1, tt$2, tt$3, tt$4; + t = this; + _1 = t.Kind(); + if (_1 === (17)) { + tt = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt.elem); + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + tt$1 = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt$1.elem); + } else if (_1 === (21)) { + tt$2 = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt$2.elem); + } else if (_1 === (22)) { + tt$3 = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt$3.elem); + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + tt$4 = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt$4.elem); + } + $panic(new $String("reflect: Elem of invalid type " + t.String())); + }; + rtype.prototype.Elem = function() { return this.$val.Elem(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Field = function(i) { + var i, t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Field of non-struct type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return tt.Field(i); + }; + rtype.prototype.Field = function(i) { return this.$val.Field(i); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) { + var {$24r, _r, index, t, tt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {index}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: FieldByIndex of non-struct type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + _r = tt.FieldByIndex(index); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, index, t, tt, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) { return this.$val.FieldByIndex(index); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByName = function(name$1) { + var {$24r, _r, name$1, t, tt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: FieldByName of non-struct type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + _r = tt.FieldByName(name$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, name$1, t, tt, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.FieldByName = function(name$1) { return this.$val.FieldByName(name$1); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) { + var {$24r, _r, match, t, tt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {match}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: FieldByNameFunc of non-struct type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + _r = tt.FieldByNameFunc(match); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, match, t, tt, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) { return this.$val.FieldByNameFunc(match); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.In = function(i) { + var i, t, tt, x; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: In of non-func type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return toType((x = tt.in$(), ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]))); + }; + rtype.prototype.In = function(i) { return this.$val.In(i); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Key = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 21))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Key of non-map type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return toType(tt.key); + }; + rtype.prototype.Key = function() { return this.$val.Key(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 17))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Len of non-array type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return ((tt.len >> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.NumField = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: NumField of non-struct type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return tt.fields.$length; + }; + rtype.prototype.NumField = function() { return this.$val.NumField(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.NumIn = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: NumIn of non-func type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return ((tt.inCount >> 0)); + }; + rtype.prototype.NumIn = function() { return this.$val.NumIn(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.NumOut = function() { + var t, tt; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: NumOut of non-func type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return tt.out().$length; + }; + rtype.prototype.NumOut = function() { return this.$val.NumOut(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Out = function(i) { + var i, t, tt, x; + t = this; + if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Out of non-func type " + t.String())); + } + tt = (t.kindType); + return toType((x = tt.out(), ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]))); + }; + rtype.prototype.Out = function(i) { return this.$val.Out(i); }; + ChanDir.prototype.String = function() { + var _1, d; + d = this.$val; + _1 = d; + if (_1 === (2)) { + return "chan<-"; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return "<-chan"; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + return "chan"; + } + return "ChanDir" + strconv.Itoa(((d >> 0))); + }; + $ptrType(ChanDir).prototype.String = function() { return new ChanDir(this.$get()).String(); }; + interfaceType.ptr.prototype.Method = function(i) { + var i, m, p, pname, t, x; + m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0); + t = this; + if (i < 0 || i >= t.methods.$length) { + return m; + } + p = (x = t.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + pname = $clone(t.rtype.nameOff(p.name), name); + m.Name = $clone(pname, name).name(); + if (!$clone(pname, name).isExported()) { + m.PkgPath = $clone(pname, name).pkgPath(); + if (m.PkgPath === "") { + m.PkgPath = $clone(t.pkgPath, name).name(); + } + } + m.Type = toType(t.rtype.typeOff(p.typ)); + m.Index = i; + return m; + }; + interfaceType.prototype.Method = function(i) { return this.$val.Method(i); }; + interfaceType.ptr.prototype.NumMethod = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.methods.$length; + }; + interfaceType.prototype.NumMethod = function() { return this.$val.NumMethod(); }; + interfaceType.ptr.prototype.MethodByName = function(name$1) { + var _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, m, name$1, ok, p, t, x; + m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0); + ok = false; + t = this; + if (t === ptrType$10.nil) { + return [m, ok]; + } + p = ptrType$11.nil; + _ref = t.methods; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + p = (x = t.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + if ($clone(t.rtype.nameOff(p.name), name).name() === name$1) { + _tmp = $clone(t.Method(i), Method); + _tmp$1 = true; + Method.copy(m, _tmp); + ok = _tmp$1; + return [m, ok]; + } + _i++; + } + return [m, ok]; + }; + interfaceType.prototype.MethodByName = function(name$1) { return this.$val.MethodByName(name$1); }; + StructField.ptr.prototype.IsExported = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.PkgPath === ""; + }; + StructField.prototype.IsExported = function() { return this.$val.IsExported(); }; + StructTag.prototype.Get = function(key) { + var _tuple, key, tag, v; + tag = this.$val; + _tuple = new StructTag(tag).Lookup(key); + v = _tuple[0]; + return v; + }; + $ptrType(StructTag).prototype.Get = function(key) { return new StructTag(this.$get()).Get(key); }; + StructTag.prototype.Lookup = function(key) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, err, i, key, name$1, ok, qvalue, tag, value, value$1; + value = ""; + ok = false; + tag = this.$val; + while (true) { + if (!(!(tag === ""))) { break; } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < tag.length && (tag.charCodeAt(i) === 32))) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + tag = $substring(tag, i); + if (tag === "") { + break; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < tag.length && tag.charCodeAt(i) > 32 && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 58)) && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 34)) && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 127)))) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if ((i === 0) || (i + 1 >> 0) >= tag.length || !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 58)) || !((tag.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 34))) { + break; + } + name$1 = ($substring(tag, 0, i)); + tag = $substring(tag, (i + 1 >> 0)); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < tag.length && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 34)))) { break; } + if (tag.charCodeAt(i) === 92) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (i >= tag.length) { + break; + } + qvalue = ($substring(tag, 0, (i + 1 >> 0))); + tag = $substring(tag, (i + 1 >> 0)); + if (key === name$1) { + _tuple = strconv.Unquote(qvalue); + value$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + break; + } + _tmp = value$1; + _tmp$1 = true; + value = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [value, ok]; + } + } + _tmp$2 = ""; + _tmp$3 = false; + value = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [value, ok]; + }; + $ptrType(StructTag).prototype.Lookup = function(key) { return new StructTag(this.$get()).Lookup(key); }; + structType.ptr.prototype.Field = function(i) { + var f, i, p, t, tag, x; + f = new StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$6.nil, false); + t = this; + if (i < 0 || i >= t.fields.$length) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Field index out of bounds")); + } + p = (x = t.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + f.Type = toType(p.typ); + f.Name = $clone(p.name, name).name(); + f.Anonymous = p.embedded(); + if (!$clone(p.name, name).isExported()) { + f.PkgPath = $clone(t.pkgPath, name).name(); + } + tag = $clone(p.name, name).tag(); + if (!(tag === "")) { + f.Tag = (tag); + } + f.Offset = p.offset(); + f.Index = new sliceType$6([i]); + return f; + }; + structType.prototype.Field = function(i) { return this.$val.Field(i); }; + structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _v, f, ft, i, index, t, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {index}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = new StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$6.nil, false); + t = this; + f.Type = toType(t.rtype); + _ref = index; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + x = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (i > 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (i > 0) { */ case 3: + ft = f.Type; + _r = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r === 22)) { _v = false; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$1 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$2 === 25; case 7: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ft = _r$3; + /* } */ case 6: + f.Type = ft; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$4 = f.Type.Field(x); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + StructField.copy(f, _r$4); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return f; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _v, f, ft, i, index, t, x, $s};return $f; + }; + structType.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) { return this.$val.FieldByIndex(index); }; + structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _i$1, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, count, current, f, fname, i, index, match, next, nextCount, ntyp, ok, result, scan, styp, t, t$1, visited, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {match}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + result = new StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$6.nil, false); + ok = false; + t = this; + current = new sliceType$12([]); + next = new sliceType$12([new fieldScan.ptr(t, sliceType$6.nil)]); + nextCount = false; + visited = $makeMap(ptrType$12.keyFor, []); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(next.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(next.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tmp = next; + _tmp$1 = $subslice(current, 0, 0); + current = _tmp; + next = _tmp$1; + count = nextCount; + nextCount = false; + _ref = current; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + scan = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), fieldScan); + t$1 = scan.typ; + if ((_entry = visited[ptrType$12.keyFor(t$1)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + _key = t$1; (visited || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$12.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: true }; + _ref$1 = t$1.fields; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 6; continue; } + i = _i$1; + f = (x = t$1.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + fname = $clone(f.name, name).name(); + ntyp = ptrType$1.nil; + /* */ if (f.embedded()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (f.embedded()) { */ case 7: + ntyp = f.typ; + /* */ if (ntyp.Kind() === 22) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (ntyp.Kind() === 22) { */ case 9: + _r = ntyp.Elem().common(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ntyp = _r; + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 8: + _r$1 = match(fname); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 12: + if ((_entry$1 = count[ptrType$12.keyFor(t$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : 0) > 1 || ok) { + _tmp$2 = new StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$6.nil, false); + _tmp$3 = false; + StructField.copy(result, _tmp$2); + ok = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [result, ok]; + } + StructField.copy(result, t$1.Field(i)); + result.Index = sliceType$6.nil; + result.Index = $appendSlice(result.Index, scan.index); + result.Index = $append(result.Index, i); + ok = true; + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 13: + if (ok || ntyp === ptrType$1.nil || !((ntyp.Kind() === 25))) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + styp = (ntyp.kindType); + if ((_entry$2 = nextCount[ptrType$12.keyFor(styp)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : 0) > 0) { + _key$1 = styp; (nextCount || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$12.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: 2 }; + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + if (nextCount === false) { + nextCount = $makeMap(ptrType$12.keyFor, []); + } + _key$2 = styp; (nextCount || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$12.keyFor(_key$2)] = { k: _key$2, v: 1 }; + if ((_entry$3 = count[ptrType$12.keyFor(t$1)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : 0) > 1) { + _key$3 = styp; (nextCount || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$12.keyFor(_key$3)] = { k: _key$3, v: 2 }; + } + index = sliceType$6.nil; + index = $appendSlice(index, scan.index); + index = $append(index, i); + next = $append(next, new fieldScan.ptr(styp, index)); + _i$1++; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + if (ok) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [result, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _i$1, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, count, current, f, fname, i, index, match, next, nextCount, ntyp, ok, result, scan, styp, t, t$1, visited, x, $s};return $f; + }; + structType.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) { return this.$val.FieldByNameFunc(match); }; + structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByName = function(name$1) { + var {$24r, _i, _r, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, f, hasEmbeds, i, name$1, present, t, tf, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + name$1 = [name$1]; + f = new StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$6.nil, false); + present = false; + t = this; + hasEmbeds = false; + if (!(name$1[0] === "")) { + _ref = t.fields; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + tf = (x = t.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + if ($clone(tf.name, name).name() === name$1[0]) { + _tmp = $clone(t.Field(i), StructField); + _tmp$1 = true; + StructField.copy(f, _tmp); + present = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [f, present]; + } + if (tf.embedded()) { + hasEmbeds = true; + } + _i++; + } + } + if (!hasEmbeds) { + $s = -1; return [f, present]; + } + _r = t.FieldByNameFunc((function(name$1) { return function(s) { + var s; + return s === name$1[0]; + }; })(name$1)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + StructField.copy(f, _tuple[0]); + present = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [f, present]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, f, hasEmbeds, i, name$1, present, t, tf, x, $s};return $f; + }; + structType.prototype.FieldByName = function(name$1) { return this.$val.FieldByName(name$1); }; + PtrTo = function(t) { + var t; + return PointerTo(t); + }; + $pkg.PtrTo = PtrTo; + PointerTo = function(t) { + var t; + return $assertType(t, ptrType$1).ptrTo(); + }; + $pkg.PointerTo = PointerTo; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Implements = function(u) { + var {_r, t, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {u}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.Implements")); + } + _r = u.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 20))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 20))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect: non-interface type passed to Type.Implements")); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return implements$1($assertType(u, ptrType$1), t); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.Implements, $c: true, $r, _r, t, u, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.Implements = function(u) { return this.$val.Implements(u); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.AssignableTo = function(u) { + var {$24r, _r, t, u, uu, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {u}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.AssignableTo")); + } + uu = $assertType(u, ptrType$1); + _r = directlyAssignable(uu, t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r || implements$1(uu, t); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.AssignableTo, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, t, u, uu, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.AssignableTo = function(u) { return this.$val.AssignableTo(u); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.ConvertibleTo = function(u) { + var {$24r, _r, t, u, uu, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {u}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.ConvertibleTo")); + } + uu = $assertType(u, ptrType$1); + _r = convertOp(uu, t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = !(_r === $throwNilPointerError); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.ConvertibleTo, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, t, u, uu, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.ConvertibleTo = function(u) { return this.$val.ConvertibleTo(u); }; + implements$1 = function(T, V) { + var T, V, i, i$1, j, j$1, t, tm, tm$1, tmName, tmName$1, tmPkgPath, tmPkgPath$1, v, v$1, vm, vm$1, vmName, vmName$1, vmPkgPath, vmPkgPath$1, vmethods, x, x$1, x$2; + if (!((T.Kind() === 20))) { + return false; + } + t = (T.kindType); + if (t.methods.$length === 0) { + return true; + } + if (V.Kind() === 20) { + v = (V.kindType); + i = 0; + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < v.methods.$length)) { break; } + tm = (x = t.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + tmName = $clone(t.rtype.nameOff(tm.name), name); + vm = (x$1 = v.methods, ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + j])); + vmName = $clone(V.nameOff(vm.name), name); + if ($clone(vmName, name).name() === $clone(tmName, name).name() && V.typeOff(vm.typ) === t.rtype.typeOff(tm.typ)) { + if (!$clone(tmName, name).isExported()) { + tmPkgPath = $clone(tmName, name).pkgPath(); + if (tmPkgPath === "") { + tmPkgPath = $clone(t.pkgPath, name).name(); + } + vmPkgPath = $clone(vmName, name).pkgPath(); + if (vmPkgPath === "") { + vmPkgPath = $clone(v.pkgPath, name).name(); + } + if (!(tmPkgPath === vmPkgPath)) { + j = j + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i >= t.methods.$length) { + return true; + } + } + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + } + v$1 = V.uncommon(); + if (v$1 === ptrType$9.nil) { + return false; + } + i$1 = 0; + vmethods = v$1.methods(); + j$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j$1 < ((v$1.mcount >> 0)))) { break; } + tm$1 = (x$2 = t.methods, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1])); + tmName$1 = $clone(t.rtype.nameOff(tm$1.name), name); + vm$1 = $clone(((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= vmethods.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vmethods.$array[vmethods.$offset + j$1]), method); + vmName$1 = $clone(V.nameOff(vm$1.name), name); + if ($clone(vmName$1, name).name() === $clone(tmName$1, name).name() && V.typeOff(vm$1.mtyp) === t.rtype.typeOff(tm$1.typ)) { + if (!$clone(tmName$1, name).isExported()) { + tmPkgPath$1 = $clone(tmName$1, name).pkgPath(); + if (tmPkgPath$1 === "") { + tmPkgPath$1 = $clone(t.pkgPath, name).name(); + } + vmPkgPath$1 = $clone(vmName$1, name).pkgPath(); + if (vmPkgPath$1 === "") { + vmPkgPath$1 = $clone(V.nameOff(v$1.pkgPath), name).name(); + } + if (!(tmPkgPath$1 === vmPkgPath$1)) { + j$1 = j$1 + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + if (i$1 >= t.methods.$length) { + return true; + } + } + j$1 = j$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + }; + specialChannelAssignability = function(T, V) { + var {$24r, T, V, _r, _v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {T, V}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!((V.ChanDir() === 3) && (T.Name() === "" || V.Name() === ""))) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r = haveIdenticalType(T.Elem(), V.Elem(), true); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: specialChannelAssignability, $c: true, $r, $24r, T, V, _r, _v, $s};return $f; + }; + directlyAssignable = function(T, V) { + var {$24r, T, V, _r, _r$1, _v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {T, V}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (T === V) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + if (T.hasName() && V.hasName() || !((T.Kind() === V.Kind()))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (!(T.Kind() === 18)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = specialChannelAssignability(T, V); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(T, V, true); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: directlyAssignable, $c: true, $r, $24r, T, V, _r, _r$1, _v, $s};return $f; + }; + haveIdenticalType = function(T, V, cmpTags) { + var {$24r, T, V, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _v, _v$1, cmpTags, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {T, V, cmpTags}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (cmpTags) { + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual(T, V); + } + _r = T.Name(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = V.Name(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r === _r$1)) { _v$1 = true; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r$2 = T.Kind(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = V.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !((_r$2 === _r$3)); case 4: + if (_v$1) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$4 = T.PkgPath(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = V.PkgPath(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !(_r$4 === _r$5); case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = T.common(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$6; + _r$7 = V.common(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$7; + _r$8 = haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(_arg, _arg$1, false); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: haveIdenticalType, $c: true, $r, $24r, T, V, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _v, _v$1, cmpTags, $s};return $f; + }; + haveIdenticalUnderlyingType = function(T, V, cmpTags) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, T, V, _1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _v, _v$1, _v$2, cmpTags, i, i$1, i$2, kind, t, t$1, t$2, tf, v, v$1, v$2, vf, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {T, V, cmpTags}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (T === V) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + kind = T.Kind(); + if (!((kind === V.Kind()))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (1 <= kind && kind <= 16 || (kind === 24) || (kind === 26)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + _1 = kind; + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (19)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (21)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 2: + if (!(T.Len() === V.Len())) { _v = false; $s = 10; continue s; } + _r = haveIdenticalType(T.Elem(), V.Elem(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 10: + $24r = _v; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 3: + if (!(V.ChanDir() === T.ChanDir())) { _v$1 = false; $s = 13; continue s; } + _r$1 = haveIdenticalType(T.Elem(), V.Elem(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$1; case 13: + $24r$1 = _v$1; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_1 === (19)) { */ case 4: + t = (T.kindType); + v = (V.kindType); + if (!((t.outCount === v.outCount)) || !((t.inCount === v.inCount))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 16: + /* if (!(i < t.rtype.NumIn())) { break; } */ if(!(i < t.rtype.NumIn())) { $s = 17; continue; } + _r$2 = haveIdenticalType(t.rtype.In(i), v.rtype.In(i), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 18: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 19: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 16; continue; + case 17: + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 21: + /* if (!(i$1 < t.rtype.NumOut())) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < t.rtype.NumOut())) { $s = 22; continue; } + _r$3 = haveIdenticalType(t.rtype.Out(i$1), v.rtype.Out(i$1), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$3) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (!_r$3) { */ case 23: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 24: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 21; continue; + case 22: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 5: + t$1 = (T.kindType); + v$1 = (V.kindType); + if ((t$1.methods.$length === 0) && (v$1.methods.$length === 0)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + $s = -1; return false; + /* } else if (_1 === (21)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = haveIdenticalType(T.Key(), V.Key(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$4)) { _v$2 = false; $s = 26; continue s; } + _r$5 = haveIdenticalType(T.Elem(), V.Elem(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$5; case 26: + $24r$2 = _v$2; + $s = 29; case 29: return $24r$2; + /* } else if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23))) { */ case 7: + _r$6 = haveIdenticalType(T.Elem(), V.Elem(), cmpTags); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$6; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$3; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 8: + t$2 = (T.kindType); + v$2 = (V.kindType); + if (!((t$2.fields.$length === v$2.fields.$length))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (!($clone(t$2.pkgPath, name).name() === $clone(v$2.pkgPath, name).name())) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _ref = t$2.fields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 32: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 33; continue; } + i$2 = _i; + tf = (x = t$2.fields, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i$2])); + vf = (x$1 = v$2.fields, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i$2])); + if (!($clone(tf.name, name).name() === $clone(vf.name, name).name())) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$7 = haveIdenticalType(tf.typ, vf.typ, cmpTags); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$7) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!_r$7) { */ case 34: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 35: + if (cmpTags && !($clone(tf.name, name).tag() === $clone(vf.name, name).tag())) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (!((tf.offsetEmbed === vf.offsetEmbed))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _i++; + $s = 32; continue; + case 33: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 9: + case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: haveIdenticalUnderlyingType, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, T, V, _1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _v, _v$1, _v$2, cmpTags, i, i$1, i$2, kind, t, t$1, t$2, tf, v, v$1, v$2, vf, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + toType = function(t) { + var t; + if (t === ptrType$1.nil) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return t; + }; + ifaceIndir = function(t) { + var t; + return ((t.kind & 32) >>> 0) === 0; + }; + methodValueCallCodePtr = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = abi.FuncPCABI0(new funcType$2(methodValueCall)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: methodValueCallCodePtr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + methodValueCall = function() { + $throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: reflect.methodValueCall"); + }; + init = function() { + var {used, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + used = (function(i) { + var i; + }); + $r = used((x = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$1 = new uncommonType.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$11.nil), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$2 = new method.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$3 = new arrayType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$4 = new chanType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$1.nil, 0), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$5 = new funcType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), 0, 0, sliceType$2.nil, sliceType$2.nil), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$6 = new interfaceType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), new name.ptr(ptrType$13.nil), sliceType$14.nil), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$7 = new mapType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, $throwNilPointerError, 0, 0, 0, 0), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7))); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$8 = new ptrType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$1.nil), new x$8.constructor.elem(x$8))); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$9 = new sliceType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$1.nil), new x$9.constructor.elem(x$9))); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$10 = new structType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), new name.ptr(ptrType$13.nil), sliceType$15.nil), new x$10.constructor.elem(x$10))); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$11 = new imethod.ptr(0, 0), new x$11.constructor.elem(x$11))); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = used((x$12 = new structField.ptr(new name.ptr(ptrType$13.nil), ptrType$1.nil, 0), new x$12.constructor.elem(x$12))); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + initialized = true; + uint8Type = $assertType(TypeOf(new $Uint8(0)), ptrType$1); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: init, $c: true, $r, used, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + New = function(typ) { + var fl, pt, ptr, t, typ; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: New(nil)")); + } + t = $assertType(typ, ptrType$1); + pt = t.ptrTo(); + ptr = unsafe_New(t); + fl = 22; + return new Value.ptr(pt, ptr, fl); + }; + $pkg.New = New; + jsType = function(typ) { + var typ; + return typ.jsType; + }; + reflectType = function(typ) { + var _1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _key, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, dir, exported, exported$1, f, fields, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, i$5, imethods, in$1, m, m$1, m$2, methodSet, methods, offsetEmbed, out, outCount, params, reflectFields, reflectMethods, results, rt, typ, ut, xcount; + if (typ.reflectType === undefined) { + rt = new rtype.ptr(((($parseInt(typ.size) >> 0) >>> 0)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((($parseInt(typ.kind) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, newNameOff($clone(newName(internalStr(typ.string), "", !!(typ.exported)), name)), 0); + rt.jsType = typ; + typ.reflectType = rt; + methodSet = $methodSet(typ); + if (!(($parseInt(methodSet.length) === 0)) || !!(typ.named)) { + rt.tflag = (rt.tflag | (1)) >>> 0; + if (!!(typ.named)) { + rt.tflag = (rt.tflag | (4)) >>> 0; + } + reflectMethods = sliceType$11.nil; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < $parseInt(methodSet.length))) { break; } + m = methodSet[i]; + exported = internalStr(m.pkg) === ""; + if (!exported) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + reflectMethods = $append(reflectMethods, new method.ptr(newNameOff($clone(newMethodName(m), name)), newTypeOff(reflectType(m.typ)), 0, 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + xcount = ((reflectMethods.$length << 16 >>> 16)); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < $parseInt(methodSet.length))) { break; } + m$1 = methodSet[i$1]; + exported$1 = internalStr(m$1.pkg) === ""; + if (exported$1) { + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + reflectMethods = $append(reflectMethods, new method.ptr(newNameOff($clone(newMethodName(m$1), name)), newTypeOff(reflectType(m$1.typ)), 0, 0)); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + ut = new uncommonType.ptr(newNameOff($clone(newName(internalStr(typ.pkg), "", false), name)), (($parseInt(methodSet.length) << 16 >>> 16)), xcount, 0, reflectMethods); + _key = rt; (uncommonTypeMap || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$1.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: ut }; + ut.jsType = typ; + } + _1 = rt.Kind(); + if (_1 === (17)) { + setKindType(rt, new arrayType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), reflectType(typ.elem), ptrType$1.nil, ((($parseInt(typ.len) >> 0) >>> 0)))); + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + dir = 3; + if (!!(typ.sendOnly)) { + dir = 2; + } + if (!!(typ.recvOnly)) { + dir = 1; + } + setKindType(rt, new chanType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), reflectType(typ.elem), ((dir >>> 0)))); + } else if (_1 === (19)) { + params = typ.params; + in$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, $parseInt(params.length)); + _ref = in$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i$2 = _i; + ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= in$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + i$2] = reflectType(params[i$2])); + _i++; + } + results = typ.results; + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, $parseInt(results.length)); + _ref$1 = out; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$3 = _i$1; + ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + i$3] = reflectType(results[i$3])); + _i$1++; + } + outCount = (($parseInt(results.length) << 16 >>> 16)); + if (!!(typ.variadic)) { + outCount = (outCount | (32768)) >>> 0; + } + setKindType(rt, new funcType.ptr($clone(rt, rtype), (($parseInt(params.length) << 16 >>> 16)), outCount, in$1, out)); + } else if (_1 === (20)) { + methods = typ.methods; + imethods = $makeSlice(sliceType$14, $parseInt(methods.length)); + _ref$2 = imethods; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + i$4 = _i$2; + m$2 = methods[i$4]; + imethod.copy(((i$4 < 0 || i$4 >= imethods.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : imethods.$array[imethods.$offset + i$4]), new imethod.ptr(newNameOff($clone(newMethodName(m$2), name)), newTypeOff(reflectType(m$2.typ)))); + _i$2++; + } + setKindType(rt, new interfaceType.ptr($clone(rt, rtype), $clone(newName(internalStr(typ.pkg), "", false), name), imethods)); + } else if (_1 === (21)) { + setKindType(rt, new mapType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), reflectType(typ.key), reflectType(typ.elem), ptrType$1.nil, $throwNilPointerError, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + } else if (_1 === (22)) { + setKindType(rt, new ptrType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), reflectType(typ.elem))); + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + setKindType(rt, new sliceType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0), reflectType(typ.elem))); + } else if (_1 === (25)) { + fields = typ.fields; + reflectFields = $makeSlice(sliceType$15, $parseInt(fields.length)); + _ref$3 = reflectFields; + _i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } + i$5 = _i$3; + f = fields[i$5]; + offsetEmbed = ((i$5 >>> 0)) << 1 >>> 0; + if (!!(f.embedded)) { + offsetEmbed = (offsetEmbed | (1)) >>> 0; + } + structField.copy(((i$5 < 0 || i$5 >= reflectFields.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : reflectFields.$array[reflectFields.$offset + i$5]), new structField.ptr($clone(newName(internalStr(f.name), internalStr(f.tag), !!(f.exported)), name), reflectType(f.typ), offsetEmbed)); + _i$3++; + } + setKindType(rt, new structType.ptr($clone(rt, rtype), $clone(newName(internalStr(typ.pkgPath), "", false), name), reflectFields)); + } + } + return ((typ.reflectType)); + }; + setKindType = function(rt, kindType) { + var kindType, rt; + rt.kindType = kindType; + kindType.rtype = rt; + }; + uncommonType.ptr.prototype.methods = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t._methods; + }; + uncommonType.prototype.methods = function() { return this.$val.methods(); }; + uncommonType.ptr.prototype.exportedMethods = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return $subslice(t._methods, 0, t.xcount, t.xcount); + }; + uncommonType.prototype.exportedMethods = function() { return this.$val.exportedMethods(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.uncommon = function() { + var _entry, t; + t = this; + return (_entry = uncommonTypeMap[ptrType$1.keyFor(t)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$9.nil); + }; + rtype.prototype.uncommon = function() { return this.$val.uncommon(); }; + funcType.ptr.prototype.in$ = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t._in; + }; + funcType.prototype.in$ = function() { return this.$val.in$(); }; + funcType.ptr.prototype.out = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t._out; + }; + funcType.prototype.out = function() { return this.$val.out(); }; + name.ptr.prototype.name = function() { + var _entry, n, s; + s = ""; + n = this; + s = (_entry = nameMap[ptrType$13.keyFor(n.bytes)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$18.nil).name; + return s; + }; + name.prototype.name = function() { return this.$val.name(); }; + name.ptr.prototype.tag = function() { + var _entry, n, s; + s = ""; + n = this; + s = (_entry = nameMap[ptrType$13.keyFor(n.bytes)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$18.nil).tag; + return s; + }; + name.prototype.tag = function() { return this.$val.tag(); }; + name.ptr.prototype.pkgPath = function() { + var _entry, n; + n = this; + return (_entry = nameMap[ptrType$13.keyFor(n.bytes)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$18.nil).pkgPath; + }; + name.prototype.pkgPath = function() { return this.$val.pkgPath(); }; + name.ptr.prototype.isExported = function() { + var _entry, n; + n = this; + return (_entry = nameMap[ptrType$13.keyFor(n.bytes)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$18.nil).exported; + }; + name.prototype.isExported = function() { return this.$val.isExported(); }; + newName = function(n, tag, exported) { + var _key, b, exported, n, tag; + b = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$13); + _key = b; (nameMap || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$13.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new nameData.ptr(n, tag, exported, "") }; + return new name.ptr(b); + }; + newMethodName = function(m) { + var _key, b, m; + b = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$13); + _key = b; (nameMap || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$13.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new nameData.ptr(internalStr(m.name), "", internalStr(m.pkg) === "", internalStr(m.pkg)) }; + return new name.ptr(b); + }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.nameOff = function(off) { + var off, t, x; + t = this; + return (x = ((off >> 0)), ((x < 0 || x >= nameOffList.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nameOffList.$array[nameOffList.$offset + x])); + }; + rtype.prototype.nameOff = function(off) { return this.$val.nameOff(off); }; + newNameOff = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = nameOffList.$length; + nameOffList = $append(nameOffList, n); + return ((i >> 0)); + }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.typeOff = function(off) { + var off, t, x; + t = this; + return (x = ((off >> 0)), ((x < 0 || x >= typeOffList.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : typeOffList.$array[typeOffList.$offset + x])); + }; + rtype.prototype.typeOff = function(off) { return this.$val.typeOff(off); }; + newTypeOff = function(t) { + var i, t; + i = typeOffList.$length; + typeOffList = $append(typeOffList, t); + return ((i >> 0)); + }; + internalStr = function(strObj) { + var c, strObj; + c = new structType$3.ptr(""); + c.str = strObj; + return c.str; + }; + isWrapped = function(typ) { + var typ; + return !!(jsType(typ).wrapped); + }; + copyStruct = function(dst, src, typ) { + var dst, fields, i, prop, src, typ; + fields = jsType(typ).fields; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < $parseInt(fields.length))) { break; } + prop = $internalize(fields[i].prop, $String); + dst[$externalize(prop, $String)] = src[$externalize(prop, $String)]; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + makeValue = function(t, v, fl) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _v, _v$1, fl, rt, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, v, fl}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = t.common(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rt = _r; + _r$1 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (_r$1 === 17) { _v$1 = true; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r$2 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$2 === 25; case 5: + if (_v$1) { _v = true; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r$3 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$3 === 22; case 4: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 2: + _r$4 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new Value.ptr(rt, (v), (fl | ((_r$4 >>> 0))) >>> 0); + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$5 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = new Value.ptr(rt, ($newDataPointer(v, jsType(rt.ptrTo()))), (((fl | ((_r$5 >>> 0))) >>> 0) | 128) >>> 0); + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _v, _v$1, fl, rt, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + MakeSlice = function(typ, len, cap) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, cap, len, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ, len, cap}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + typ = [typ]; + _r = typ[0].Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 23))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 23))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice of non-slice type")); + /* } */ case 2: + if (len < 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice: negative len")); + } + if (cap < 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice: negative cap")); + } + if (len > cap) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice: len > cap")); + } + _r$1 = makeValue(typ[0], $makeSlice(jsType(typ[0]), len, cap, (function(typ) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = typ[0].Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = jsType(_r$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2.zero(); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, $s};return $f; + }; })(typ)), 0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MakeSlice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, cap, len, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.MakeSlice = MakeSlice; + TypeOf = function(i) { + var i; + if (!initialized) { + return new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0); + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(i, $ifaceNil)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return reflectType(i.constructor); + }; + $pkg.TypeOf = TypeOf; + ValueOf = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, i, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(i, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + _r = makeValue(reflectType(i.constructor), i.$val, 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, i, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ValueOf = ValueOf; + FuncOf = function(in$1, out, variadic) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _v, _v$1, i, i$1, in$1, jsIn, jsOut, out, v, v$1, variadic, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1, out, variadic}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!(variadic)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + if (in$1.$length === 0) { _v$1 = true; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r = (x = in$1.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= in$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + x])).Kind(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !((_r === 23)); case 4: + _v = _v$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect.FuncOf: last arg of variadic func must be slice")); + /* } */ case 2: + jsIn = $makeSlice(sliceType$16, in$1.$length); + _ref = in$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= jsIn.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : jsIn.$array[jsIn.$offset + i] = jsType(v)); + _i++; + } + jsOut = $makeSlice(sliceType$16, out.$length); + _ref$1 = out; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + v$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= jsOut.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : jsOut.$array[jsOut.$offset + i$1] = jsType(v$1)); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return reflectType($funcType($externalize(jsIn, sliceType$16), $externalize(jsOut, sliceType$16), $externalize(variadic, $Bool))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FuncOf, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _v, _v$1, i, i$1, in$1, jsIn, jsOut, out, v, v$1, variadic, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.FuncOf = FuncOf; + rtype.ptr.prototype.ptrTo = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return reflectType($ptrType(jsType(t))); + }; + rtype.prototype.ptrTo = function() { return this.$val.ptrTo(); }; + SliceOf = function(t) { + var t; + return reflectType($sliceType(jsType(t))); + }; + $pkg.SliceOf = SliceOf; + Zero = function(typ) { + var {$24r, _r, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = makeValue(typ, jsType(typ).zero(), 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Zero, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Zero = Zero; + unsafe_New = function(typ) { + var _1, typ; + _1 = typ.Kind(); + if (_1 === (25)) { + return (new (jsType(typ).ptr)()); + } else if (_1 === (17)) { + return (jsType(typ).zero()); + } else { + return ($newDataPointer(jsType(typ).zero(), jsType(typ.ptrTo()))); + } + }; + makeInt = function(f, bits, t) { + var {_1, _r, bits, f, ptr, t, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, bits, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = t.common(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + typ = _r; + ptr = unsafe_New(typ); + _1 = typ.Kind(); + if (_1 === (3)) { + (ptr).$set(((bits.$low << 24 >> 24))); + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + (ptr).$set(((bits.$low << 16 >> 16))); + } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (5))) { + (ptr).$set(((bits.$low >> 0))); + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + (ptr).$set((new $Int64(bits.$high, bits.$low))); + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + (ptr).$set(((bits.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + (ptr).$set(((bits.$low << 16 >>> 16))); + } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (12))) { + (ptr).$set(((bits.$low >>> 0))); + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + (ptr).$set((bits)); + } + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ, ptr, (((f | 128) >>> 0) | ((typ.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeInt, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, bits, f, ptr, t, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + typedmemmove = function(t, dst, src) { + var dst, src, t; + dst.$set(src.$get()); + }; + makemap = function(t, cap) { + var cap, m, t; + m = 0; + m = (new ($global.Object)()); + return m; + }; + keyFor = function(t, key) { + var k, key, kv, t; + kv = key; + if (!(kv.$get === undefined)) { + kv = kv.$get(); + } + k = $internalize(jsType(t.Key()).keyFor(kv), $String); + return [kv, k]; + }; + mapaccess = function(t, m, key) { + var _tuple, entry, k, key, m, t; + _tuple = keyFor(t, key); + k = _tuple[1]; + entry = m[$externalize(k, $String)]; + if (entry === undefined) { + return 0; + } + return ($newDataPointer(entry.v, jsType(PtrTo(t.Elem())))); + }; + mapassign = function(t, m, key, val) { + var {_r, _tuple, entry, et, jsVal, k, key, kv, m, newVal, t, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, m, key, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = keyFor(t, key); + kv = _tuple[0]; + k = _tuple[1]; + jsVal = val.$get(); + et = t.Elem(); + _r = et.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r === 25) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r === 25) { */ case 1: + newVal = jsType(et).zero(); + copyStruct(newVal, jsVal, et); + jsVal = newVal; + /* } */ case 2: + entry = new ($global.Object)(); + entry.k = kv; + entry.v = jsVal; + m[$externalize(k, $String)] = entry; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapassign, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, entry, et, jsVal, k, key, kv, m, newVal, t, val, $s};return $f; + }; + mapdelete = function(t, m, key) { + var _tuple, k, key, m, t; + _tuple = keyFor(t, key); + k = _tuple[1]; + delete m[$externalize(k, $String)]; + }; + mapaccess_faststr = function(t, m, key) { + var key, key$24ptr, m, t, val; + val = 0; + val = mapaccess(t, m, ((key$24ptr || (key$24ptr = new ptrType$19(function() { return key; }, function($v) { key = $v; }))))); + return val; + }; + mapassign_faststr = function(t, m, key, val) { + var {key, m, t, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, m, key, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + key = [key]; + $r = mapassign(t, m, ((key.$ptr || (key.$ptr = new ptrType$19(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, key)))), val); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapassign_faststr, $c: true, $r, key, m, t, val, $s};return $f; + }; + mapdelete_faststr = function(t, m, key) { + var key, key$24ptr, m, t; + mapdelete(t, m, ((key$24ptr || (key$24ptr = new ptrType$19(function() { return key; }, function($v) { key = $v; }))))); + }; + hiter.ptr.prototype.skipUntilValidKey = function() { + var iter, k; + iter = this; + while (true) { + if (!(iter.i < $parseInt(iter.keys.length))) { break; } + k = iter.keys[iter.i]; + if (!(iter.m[$externalize($internalize(k, $String), $String)] === undefined)) { + break; + } + iter.i = iter.i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + hiter.prototype.skipUntilValidKey = function() { return this.$val.skipUntilValidKey(); }; + mapiterinit = function(t, m, it) { + var it, m, t; + hiter.copy(it, new hiter.ptr(t, m, $keys(m), 0, null)); + }; + mapiterkey = function(it) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, it, k, kv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {it}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + kv = null; + if (!(it.last === null)) { + kv = it.last; + } else { + it.skipUntilValidKey(); + if (it.i === $parseInt(it.keys.length)) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + k = it.keys[it.i]; + kv = it.m[$externalize($internalize(k, $String), $String)]; + it.last = kv; + } + _r = it.t.Key(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = PtrTo(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = jsType(_r$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ($newDataPointer(kv.k, _r$2)); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapiterkey, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, it, k, kv, $s};return $f; + }; + mapiterelem = function(it) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, it, k, kv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {it}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + kv = null; + if (!(it.last === null)) { + kv = it.last; + } else { + it.skipUntilValidKey(); + if (it.i === $parseInt(it.keys.length)) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + k = it.keys[it.i]; + kv = it.m[$externalize($internalize(k, $String), $String)]; + it.last = kv; + } + _r = it.t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = PtrTo(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = jsType(_r$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ($newDataPointer(kv.v, _r$2)); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapiterelem, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, it, k, kv, $s};return $f; + }; + mapiternext = function(it) { + var it; + it.last = null; + it.i = it.i + (1) >> 0; + }; + maplen = function(m) { + var m; + return $parseInt($keys(m).length); + }; + cvtDirect = function(v, typ) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, k, slice, srcVal, typ, v, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, typ}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + srcVal = $clone(v, Value).object(); + /* */ if (srcVal === jsType(v.typ).nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (srcVal === jsType(v.typ).nil) { */ case 1: + _r = makeValue(typ, jsType(typ).nil, v.flag); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + val = null; + _r$1 = typ.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + k = _r$1; + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (26))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 7: + slice = new (jsType(typ))(srcVal.$array); + slice.$offset = srcVal.$offset; + slice.$length = srcVal.$length; + slice.$capacity = srcVal.$capacity; + val = $newDataPointer(slice, jsType(PtrTo(typ))); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = typ.Elem(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = _r$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _2 = _r$3; + /* */ if (_2 === (25)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (17)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_2 === (25)) { */ case 16: + _r$4 = typ.Elem(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$4, v.typ.Elem())) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$4, v.typ.Elem())) { */ case 20: + val = srcVal; + /* break; */ $s = 13; continue; + /* } */ case 21: + val = new (jsType(typ))(); + _arg = val; + _arg$1 = srcVal; + _r$5 = typ.Elem(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$5; + $r = copyStruct(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (17)) { */ case 17: + val = srcVal; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else { */ case 18: + val = new (jsType(typ))(srcVal.$get, srcVal.$set); + /* } */ case 19: + case 13: + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 9: + val = new (jsType(typ).ptr)(); + copyStruct(val, srcVal, typ); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (26))) { */ case 10: + val = v.ptr; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Convert", k)); + /* } */ case 12: + case 5: + _r$6 = typ.common(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = typ.Kind(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = new Value.ptr(_r$6, (val), (((new flag(v.flag).ro() | ((v.flag & 128) >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((_r$7 >>> 0))) >>> 0); + $s = 27; case 27: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtDirect, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, k, slice, srcVal, typ, v, val, $s};return $f; + }; + cvtSliceArrayPtr = function(v, t) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, alen, array, slen, slice, t, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + slice = $clone(v, Value).object(); + slen = $parseInt(slice.$length) >> 0; + _r = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = _r.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + alen = _r$1; + if (alen > slen) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: cannot convert slice with length " + itoa.Itoa(slen) + " to pointer to array with length " + itoa.Itoa(alen))); + } + array = $sliceToGoArray(slice, jsType(t)); + _r$2 = t.common(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new Value.ptr(_r$2, (array), (((v.flag & ~415) >>> 0) | 22) >>> 0); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cvtSliceArrayPtr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, alen, array, slen, slice, t, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Copy = function(dst, src) { + var {_r, _v, dk, dst, dstVal, sk, src, srcVal, stringCopy, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dk = new flag(dst.flag).kind(); + if (!((dk === 17)) && !((dk === 23))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Copy", dk)); + } + if (dk === 17) { + new flag(dst.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + } + new flag(dst.flag).mustBeExported(); + sk = new flag(src.flag).kind(); + stringCopy = false; + /* */ if (!((sk === 17)) && !((sk === 23))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((sk === 17)) && !((sk === 23))) { */ case 1: + if (!(sk === 24)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = dst.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r === 8; case 3: + stringCopy = _v; + if (!stringCopy) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Copy", sk)); + } + /* } */ case 2: + new flag(src.flag).mustBeExported(); + /* */ if (!stringCopy) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!stringCopy) { */ case 5: + $r = typesMustMatch("reflect.Copy", dst.typ.Elem(), src.typ.Elem()); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + dstVal = $clone(dst, Value).object(); + if (dk === 17) { + dstVal = new (jsType(SliceOf(dst.typ.Elem())))(dstVal); + } + srcVal = $clone(src, Value).object(); + if (sk === 17) { + srcVal = new (jsType(SliceOf(src.typ.Elem())))(srcVal); + } + if (stringCopy) { + $s = -1; return $parseInt($copyString(dstVal, srcVal)) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return $parseInt($copySlice(dstVal, srcVal)) >> 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Copy, $c: true, $r, _r, _v, dk, dst, dstVal, sk, src, srcVal, stringCopy, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Copy = Copy; + methodReceiver = function(op, v, i) { + var _$48, fn, i, m, m$1, ms, op, prop, rcvr, t, tt, v, x; + _$48 = ptrType$1.nil; + t = ptrType$20.nil; + fn = 0; + prop = ""; + if (v.typ.Kind() === 20) { + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + if (i < 0 || i >= tt.methods.$length) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index")); + } + m = (x = tt.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + if (!$clone(tt.rtype.nameOff(m.name), name).isExported()) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " of unexported method")); + } + t = (tt.rtype.typeOff(m.typ).kindType); + prop = $clone(tt.rtype.nameOff(m.name), name).name(); + } else { + ms = v.typ.exportedMethods(); + if (((i >>> 0)) >= ((ms.$length >>> 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index")); + } + m$1 = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= ms.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ms.$array[ms.$offset + i]), method); + if (!$clone(v.typ.nameOff(m$1.name), name).isExported()) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " of unexported method")); + } + t = (v.typ.typeOff(m$1.mtyp).kindType); + prop = $internalize($methodSet(jsType(v.typ))[i].prop, $String); + } + rcvr = $clone(v, Value).object(); + if (isWrapped(v.typ)) { + rcvr = new (jsType(v.typ))(rcvr); + } + fn = (rcvr[$externalize(prop, $String)]); + return [_$48, t, fn]; + }; + valueInterface = function(v, safe) { + var {_r, safe, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, safe}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (v.flag === 0) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Interface", 0)); + } + if (safe && !((((v.flag & 96) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Interface: cannot return value obtained from unexported field or method")); + } + /* */ if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r = makeMethodValue("Interface", $clone(v, Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + /* } */ case 2: + if (isWrapped(v.typ)) { + $s = -1; return ((new (jsType(v.typ))($clone(v, Value).object()))); + } + $s = -1; return (($clone(v, Value).object())); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: valueInterface, $c: true, $r, _r, safe, v, $s};return $f; + }; + ifaceE2I = function(t, src, dst) { + var dst, src, t; + dst.$set(src); + }; + makeMethodValue = function(op, v) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, fn, fv, op, rcvr, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {op, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fn = [fn]; + rcvr = [rcvr]; + if (((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid use of makePartialFunc")); + } + _tuple = methodReceiver(op, $clone(v, Value), ((v.flag >> 0)) >> 10 >> 0); + fn[0] = _tuple[2]; + rcvr[0] = $clone(v, Value).object(); + if (isWrapped(v.typ)) { + rcvr[0] = new (jsType(v.typ))(rcvr[0]); + } + fv = js.MakeFunc((function(fn, rcvr) { return function(this$1, arguments$1) { + var arguments$1, this$1; + return new $jsObjectPtr(fn[0].apply(rcvr[0], $externalize(arguments$1, sliceType$16))); + }; })(fn, rcvr)); + _r = $clone(v, Value).Type().common(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new Value.ptr(_r, (fv), (new flag(v.flag).ro() | 19) >>> 0); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeMethodValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, fn, fv, op, rcvr, v, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.pointers = function() { + var _1, t; + t = this; + _1 = t.Kind(); + if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (25)) || (_1 === (17))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + rtype.prototype.pointers = function() { return this.$val.pointers(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Comparable = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, _r$1, i, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _1 = t.Kind(); + /* */ if ((_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (21))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (21))) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 3: + _r = t.Elem().Comparable(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 4: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(i < t.NumField())) { break; } */ if(!(i < t.NumField())) { $s = 9; continue; } + _r$1 = t.Field(i).Type.Comparable(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 10: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 11: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.Comparable, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, _r$1, i, t, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.Comparable = function() { return this.$val.Comparable(); }; + rtype.ptr.prototype.Method = function(i) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, arg, fl, fn, ft, i, in$1, m, methods, mt, mtyp, out, p, pname, prop, ret, t, tt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + prop = [prop]; + m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0); + t = this; + if (t.Kind() === 20) { + tt = (t.kindType); + Method.copy(m, tt.Method(i)); + $s = -1; return m; + } + methods = t.exportedMethods(); + if (i < 0 || i >= methods.$length) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Method index out of range")); + } + p = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= methods.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : methods.$array[methods.$offset + i]), method); + pname = $clone(t.nameOff(p.name), name); + m.Name = $clone(pname, name).name(); + fl = 19; + mtyp = t.typeOff(p.mtyp); + ft = (mtyp.kindType); + in$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$17, 0, (1 + ft.in$().$length >> 0)); + in$1 = $append(in$1, t); + _ref = ft.in$(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + arg = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + in$1 = $append(in$1, arg); + _i++; + } + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$17, 0, ft.out().$length); + _ref$1 = ft.out(); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + ret = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + out = $append(out, ret); + _i$1++; + } + _r = FuncOf(in$1, out, ft.rtype.IsVariadic()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mt = _r; + m.Type = mt; + prop[0] = $internalize($methodSet(t.jsType)[i].prop, $String); + fn = js.MakeFunc((function(prop) { return function(this$1, arguments$1) { + var arguments$1, rcvr, this$1; + rcvr = (0 >= arguments$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : arguments$1.$array[arguments$1.$offset + 0]); + return new $jsObjectPtr(rcvr[$externalize(prop[0], $String)].apply(rcvr, $externalize($subslice(arguments$1, 1), sliceType$16))); + }; })(prop)); + m.Func = new Value.ptr($assertType(mt, ptrType$1), (fn), fl); + m.Index = i; + Method.copy(m, m); + $s = -1; return m; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.Method, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, arg, fl, fn, ft, i, in$1, m, methods, mt, mtyp, out, p, pname, prop, ret, t, tt, $s};return $f; + }; + rtype.prototype.Method = function(i) { return this.$val.Method(i); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.object = function() { + var _1, newVal, v, val; + v = this; + if ((v.typ.Kind() === 17) || (v.typ.Kind() === 25)) { + return v.ptr; + } + if (!((((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + val = v.ptr.$get(); + if (!(val === $ifaceNil) && !(val.constructor === jsType(v.typ))) { + switch (0) { default: + _1 = v.typ.Kind(); + if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (6))) { + val = new (jsType(v.typ))(val.$high, val.$low); + } else if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { + val = new (jsType(v.typ))(val.$real, val.$imag); + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + if (val === val.constructor.nil) { + val = jsType(v.typ).nil; + break; + } + newVal = new (jsType(v.typ))(val.$array); + newVal.$offset = val.$offset; + newVal.$length = val.$length; + newVal.$capacity = val.$capacity; + val = newVal; + } + } + } + return val; + } + return v.ptr; + }; + Value.prototype.object = function() { return this.$val.object(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.assignTo = function(context, dst, target) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, context, dst, fl, target, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {context, dst, target}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + /* */ if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r = makeMethodValue(context, $clone(v, Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = directlyAssignable(dst, v.typ); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (implements$1(dst, v.typ)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 5: + fl = (((v.flag & 384) >>> 0) | new flag(v.flag).ro()) >>> 0; + fl = (fl | (((dst.Kind() >>> 0)))) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(dst, v.ptr, fl); + /* } else if (implements$1(dst, v.typ)) { */ case 6: + if (target === 0) { + target = unsafe_New(dst); + } + _r$2 = valueInterface($clone(v, Value), false); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x = _r$2; + if (dst.NumMethod() === 0) { + (target).$set(x); + } else { + ifaceE2I(dst, x, target); + } + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(dst, target, 148); + /* } */ case 7: + case 4: + $panic(new $String(context + ": value of type " + v.typ.String() + " is not assignable to type " + dst.String())); + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.assignTo, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, context, dst, fl, target, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.assignTo = function(context, dst, target) { return this.$val.assignTo(context, dst, target); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.call = function(op, in$1) { + var {$24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, arg, argsArray, elem, fn, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, in$1, isSlice, m, n, nin, nout, op, origIn, rcvr, results, ret, slice, t, targ, v, x, x$1, x$2, xt, xt$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {op, in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + t = ptrType$20.nil; + fn = 0; + rcvr = null; + if (!((((v.flag & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { + _tuple = methodReceiver(op, $clone(v, Value), ((v.flag >> 0)) >> 10 >> 0); + t = _tuple[1]; + fn = _tuple[2]; + rcvr = $clone(v, Value).object(); + if (isWrapped(v.typ)) { + rcvr = new (jsType(v.typ))(rcvr); + } + } else { + t = (v.typ.kindType); + fn = ($clone(v, Value).object()); + rcvr = undefined; + } + if (fn === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Call: call of nil function")); + } + isSlice = op === "CallSlice"; + n = t.rtype.NumIn(); + if (isSlice) { + if (!t.rtype.IsVariadic()) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: CallSlice of non-variadic function")); + } + if (in$1.$length < n) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: CallSlice with too few input arguments")); + } + if (in$1.$length > n) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: CallSlice with too many input arguments")); + } + } else { + if (t.rtype.IsVariadic()) { + n = n - (1) >> 0; + } + if (in$1.$length < n) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Call with too few input arguments")); + } + if (!t.rtype.IsVariadic() && in$1.$length > n) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Call with too many input arguments")); + } + } + _ref = in$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + x = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if ($clone(x, Value).Kind() === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " using zero Value argument")); + } + _i++; + } + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tmp = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= in$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + i]), Value).Type(); + _tmp$1 = t.rtype.In(i); + xt = _tmp; + targ = _tmp$1; + _r = xt.AssignableTo(targ); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = xt.String(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = targ.String(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " using " + _r$1 + " as type " + _r$2)); + /* } */ case 4: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (!isSlice && t.rtype.IsVariadic()) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!isSlice && t.rtype.IsVariadic()) { */ case 8: + m = in$1.$length - n >> 0; + _r$3 = MakeSlice(t.rtype.In(n), m, m); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + slice = _r$3; + _r$4 = t.rtype.In(n).Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + elem = _r$4; + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 12: + /* if (!(i$1 < m)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < m)) { $s = 13; continue; } + x$2 = (x$1 = n + i$1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= in$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + x$1])); + xt$1 = $clone(x$2, Value).Type(); + _r$5 = xt$1.AssignableTo(elem); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$5) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!_r$5) { */ case 14: + _r$6 = xt$1.String(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = elem.String(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("reflect: cannot use " + _r$6 + " as type " + _r$7 + " in " + op)); + /* } */ case 15: + _r$8 = $clone(slice, Value).Index(i$1); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$8, Value).Set($clone(x$2, Value)); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 12; continue; + case 13: + origIn = in$1; + in$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, (n + 1 >> 0)); + $copySlice($subslice(in$1, 0, n), origIn); + ((n < 0 || n >= in$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + n] = slice); + /* } */ case 9: + nin = in$1.$length; + if (!((nin === t.rtype.NumIn()))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Call: wrong argument count")); + } + nout = t.rtype.NumOut(); + argsArray = new ($global.Array)(t.rtype.NumIn()); + _ref$1 = in$1; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 21: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 22; continue; } + i$2 = _i$1; + arg = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _arg = t.rtype.In(i$2); + _r$9 = t.rtype.In(i$2).common(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$9; + _arg$2 = 0; + _r$10 = $clone(arg, Value).assignTo("reflect.Value.Call", _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, Value).object(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$11; + _r$12 = unwrapJsObject(_arg, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + argsArray[i$2] = _r$12; + _i$1++; + $s = 21; continue; + case 22: + _r$13 = callHelper(new sliceType$4([new $jsObjectPtr(fn), new $jsObjectPtr(rcvr), new $jsObjectPtr(argsArray)])); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + results = _r$13; + _1 = nout; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 29: + $s = -1; return sliceType$7.nil; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 30: + _r$14 = makeValue(t.rtype.Out(0), wrapJsObject(t.rtype.Out(0), results), 0); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new sliceType$7([$clone(_r$14, Value)]); + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 31: + ret = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, nout); + _ref$2 = ret; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 35: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 36; continue; } + i$3 = _i$2; + _r$15 = makeValue(t.rtype.Out(i$3), wrapJsObject(t.rtype.Out(i$3), results[i$3]), 0); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= ret.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ret.$array[ret.$offset + i$3] = _r$15); + _i$2++; + $s = 35; continue; + case 36: + $s = -1; return ret; + /* } */ case 32: + case 28: + $s = -1; return sliceType$7.nil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.call, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, arg, argsArray, elem, fn, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, in$1, isSlice, m, n, nin, nout, op, origIn, rcvr, results, ret, slice, t, targ, v, x, x$1, x$2, xt, xt$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.call = function(op, in$1) { return this.$val.call(op, in$1); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Cap = function() { + var _1, k, v; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if (_1 === (17)) { + return v.typ.Len(); + } else if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (23))) { + return $parseInt($clone(v, Value).object().$capacity) >> 0; + } + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Cap", k)); + }; + Value.prototype.Cap = function() { return this.$val.Cap(); }; + wrapJsObject = function(typ, val) { + var typ, val; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, jsObjectPtr)) { + return new (jsType(jsObjectPtr))(val); + } + return val; + }; + unwrapJsObject = function(typ, val) { + var typ, val; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, jsObjectPtr)) { + return val.object; + } + return val; + }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Elem = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, fl, k, tt, typ, v, val, val$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 2: + val = $clone(v, Value).object(); + if (val === $ifaceNil) { + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + typ = reflectType(val.constructor); + _r = makeValue(typ, val.$val, new flag(v.flag).ro()); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 3: + if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + } + val$1 = $clone(v, Value).object(); + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + fl = (((((v.flag & 96) >>> 0) | 128) >>> 0) | 256) >>> 0; + fl = (fl | (((tt.elem.Kind() >>> 0)))) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(tt.elem, (wrapJsObject(tt.elem, val$1)), fl); + /* } else { */ case 4: + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Elem", k)); + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Elem, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, fl, k, tt, typ, v, val, val$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Elem = function() { return this.$val.Elem(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Field = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, field, fl, i, jsTag, o, prop, s, tag, tt, typ, v, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + jsTag = [jsTag]; + prop = [prop]; + s = [s]; + typ = [typ]; + v = this; + if (!((new flag(v.flag).kind() === 25))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Field", new flag(v.flag).kind())); + } + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + if (((i >>> 0)) >= ((tt.fields.$length >>> 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: Field index out of range")); + } + prop[0] = $internalize(jsType(v.typ).fields[i].prop, $String); + field = (x = tt.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + typ[0] = field.typ; + fl = (((v.flag & 416) >>> 0) | ((typ[0].Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0; + if (!$clone(field.name, name).isExported()) { + if (field.embedded()) { + fl = (fl | (64)) >>> 0; + } else { + fl = (fl | (32)) >>> 0; + } + } + tag = $clone((x$1 = tt.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])).name, name).tag(); + /* */ if (!(tag === "") && !((i === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(tag === "") && !((i === 0))) { */ case 1: + jsTag[0] = getJsTag(tag); + /* */ if (!(jsTag[0] === "")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(jsTag[0] === "")) { */ case 3: + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + o = [o]; + _r = $clone(v, Value).Field(0); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + /* */ if (v.typ === jsObjectPtr) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (v.typ === jsObjectPtr) { */ case 8: + o[0] = $clone(v, Value).object().object; + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ[0], (new (jsType(PtrTo(typ[0])))((function(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ) { return function() { + return $internalize(o[0][$externalize(jsTag[0], $String)], jsType(typ[0])); + }; })(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ), (function(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ) { return function(x$2) { + var x$2; + o[0][$externalize(jsTag[0], $String)] = $externalize(x$2, jsType(typ[0])); + }; })(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ))), fl); + /* } */ case 9: + /* */ if (v.typ.Kind() === 22) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (v.typ.Kind() === 22) { */ case 10: + _r$1 = $clone(v, Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + /* } */ case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + s[0] = v.ptr; + /* */ if (!((((fl & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!((((fl & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ[0], (new (jsType(PtrTo(typ[0])))((function(jsTag, prop, s, typ) { return function() { + return wrapJsObject(typ[0], s[0][$externalize(prop[0], $String)]); + }; })(jsTag, prop, s, typ), (function(jsTag, prop, s, typ) { return function(x$2) { + var x$2; + s[0][$externalize(prop[0], $String)] = unwrapJsObject(typ[0], x$2); + }; })(jsTag, prop, s, typ))), fl); + /* } */ case 14: + _r$2 = makeValue(typ[0], wrapJsObject(typ[0], s[0][$externalize(prop[0], $String)]), fl); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Field, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, field, fl, i, jsTag, o, prop, s, tag, tt, typ, v, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Field = function(i) { return this.$val.Field(i); }; + getJsTag = function(tag) { + var _tuple, i, name$1, qvalue, tag, value; + while (true) { + if (!(!(tag === ""))) { break; } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < tag.length && (tag.charCodeAt(i) === 32))) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + tag = $substring(tag, i); + if (tag === "") { + break; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < tag.length && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 32)) && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 58)) && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 34)))) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if ((i + 1 >> 0) >= tag.length || !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 58)) || !((tag.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 34))) { + break; + } + name$1 = ($substring(tag, 0, i)); + tag = $substring(tag, (i + 1 >> 0)); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < tag.length && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 34)))) { break; } + if (tag.charCodeAt(i) === 92) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (i >= tag.length) { + break; + } + qvalue = ($substring(tag, 0, (i + 1 >> 0))); + tag = $substring(tag, (i + 1 >> 0)); + if (name$1 === "js") { + _tuple = strconv.Unquote(qvalue); + value = _tuple[0]; + return value; + } + } + return ""; + }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Index = function(i) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, a, a$1, c, fl, fl$1, fl$2, i, k, s, str, tt, tt$1, typ, typ$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + a = [a]; + a$1 = [a$1]; + c = [c]; + i = [i]; + typ = [typ]; + typ$1 = [typ$1]; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 2: + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + if (i[0] < 0 || i[0] > ((tt.len >> 0))) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: array index out of range")); + } + typ[0] = tt.elem; + fl = (((((v.flag & 384) >>> 0) | new flag(v.flag).ro()) >>> 0) | ((typ[0].Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0; + a[0] = v.ptr; + /* */ if (!((((fl & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((((fl & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ[0], (new (jsType(PtrTo(typ[0])))((function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function() { + return wrapJsObject(typ[0], a[0][i[0]]); + }; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1), (function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function(x) { + var x; + a[0][i[0]] = unwrapJsObject(typ[0], x); + }; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1))), fl); + /* } */ case 8: + _r = makeValue(typ[0], wrapJsObject(typ[0], a[0][i[0]]), fl); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 3: + s = $clone(v, Value).object(); + if (i[0] < 0 || i[0] >= ($parseInt(s.$length) >> 0)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range")); + } + tt$1 = (v.typ.kindType); + typ$1[0] = tt$1.elem; + fl$1 = (((384 | new flag(v.flag).ro()) >>> 0) | ((typ$1[0].Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0; + i[0] = i[0] + (($parseInt(s.$offset) >> 0)) >> 0; + a$1[0] = s.$array; + /* */ if (!((((fl$1 & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 25))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!((((fl$1 & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 25))) { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(typ$1[0], (new (jsType(PtrTo(typ$1[0])))((function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function() { + return wrapJsObject(typ$1[0], a$1[0][i[0]]); + }; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1), (function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function(x) { + var x; + a$1[0][i[0]] = unwrapJsObject(typ$1[0], x); + }; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1))), fl$1); + /* } */ case 12: + _r$1 = makeValue(typ$1[0], wrapJsObject(typ$1[0], a$1[0][i[0]]), fl$1); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 4: + str = (v.ptr).$get(); + if (i[0] < 0 || i[0] >= str.length) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: string index out of range")); + } + fl$2 = (((new flag(v.flag).ro() | 8) >>> 0) | 128) >>> 0; + c[0] = str.charCodeAt(i[0]); + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(uint8Type, ((c.$ptr || (c.$ptr = new ptrType$13(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, c)))), fl$2); + /* } else { */ case 5: + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Index", k)); + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Index, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, a, a$1, c, fl, fl$1, fl$2, i, k, s, str, tt, tt$1, typ, typ$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Index = function(i) { return this.$val.Index(i); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.InterfaceData = function() { + var v; + v = this; + $panic(errors.New("InterfaceData is not supported by GopherJS")); + }; + Value.prototype.InterfaceData = function() { return this.$val.InterfaceData(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.IsNil = function() { + var _1, k, v; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23))) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === jsType(v.typ).nil; + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === $chanNil; + } else if (_1 === (19)) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === $throwNilPointerError; + } else if (_1 === (21)) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === false; + } else if (_1 === (20)) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === $ifaceNil; + } else if (_1 === (26)) { + return $clone(v, Value).object() === 0; + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.IsNil", k)); + } + }; + Value.prototype.IsNil = function() { return this.$val.IsNil(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var _1, k, v; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (24))) { + return $parseInt($clone(v, Value).object().length); + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + return $parseInt($clone(v, Value).object().$length) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + return $parseInt($clone(v, Value).object().$buffer.length) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (21)) { + return $parseInt($keys($clone(v, Value).object()).length); + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Len", k)); + } + }; + Value.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Pointer = function() { + var _1, k, v; + v = this; + k = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (26))) { + if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { + return 0; + } + return $clone(v, Value).object(); + } else if (_1 === (19)) { + if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { + return 0; + } + return 1; + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + if ($clone(v, Value).IsNil()) { + return 0; + } + return $clone(v, Value).object().$array; + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Pointer", k)); + } + }; + Value.prototype.Pointer = function() { return this.$val.Pointer(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Set = function(x) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(x.flag).mustBeExported(); + _r = $clone(x, Value).assignTo("reflect.Set", v.typ, 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x = _r; + /* */ if (!((((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 2: + _1 = v.typ.Kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 5: + jsType(v.typ).copy(v.ptr, x.ptr); + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = valueInterface($clone(x, Value), false); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v.ptr.$set(_r$1); + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 7: + copyStruct(v.ptr, x.ptr, v.typ); + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + v.ptr.$set($clone(x, Value).object()); + /* } */ case 9: + case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + v.ptr = x.ptr; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Set = function(x) { return this.$val.Set(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { + var {_r, _r$1, _v, slice, typedSlice, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23); + _r = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 8))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 8))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.SetBytes of non-byte slice")); + /* } */ case 2: + slice = x; + if (!(v.typ.Name() === "")) { _v = true; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$1 = v.typ.Elem().Name(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !(_r$1 === ""); case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + typedSlice = new (jsType(v.typ))(slice.$array); + typedSlice.$offset = slice.$offset; + typedSlice.$length = slice.$length; + typedSlice.$capacity = slice.$capacity; + slice = typedSlice; + /* } */ case 5: + v.ptr.$set(slice); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.SetBytes, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _v, slice, typedSlice, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { return this.$val.SetBytes(x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetCap = function(n) { + var n, newSlice, s, v; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23); + s = v.ptr.$get(); + if (n < ($parseInt(s.$length) >> 0) || n > ($parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: slice capacity out of range in SetCap")); + } + newSlice = new (jsType(v.typ))(s.$array); + newSlice.$offset = s.$offset; + newSlice.$length = s.$length; + newSlice.$capacity = n; + v.ptr.$set(newSlice); + }; + Value.prototype.SetCap = function(n) { return this.$val.SetCap(n); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetLen = function(n) { + var n, newSlice, s, v; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable(); + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23); + s = v.ptr.$get(); + if (n < 0 || n > ($parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0)) { + $panic(new $String("reflect: slice length out of range in SetLen")); + } + newSlice = new (jsType(v.typ))(s.$array); + newSlice.$offset = s.$offset; + newSlice.$length = n; + newSlice.$capacity = s.$capacity; + v.ptr.$set(newSlice); + }; + Value.prototype.SetLen = function(n) { return this.$val.SetLen(n); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Slice = function(i, j) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, cap, i, j, kind, s, str, tt, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + cap = 0; + typ = $ifaceNil; + s = null; + kind = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = kind; + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 2: + if (((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array")); + } + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + cap = ((tt.len >> 0)); + typ = SliceOf(tt.elem); + s = new (jsType(typ))($clone(v, Value).object()); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 3: + typ = v.typ; + s = $clone(v, Value).object(); + cap = $parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 4: + str = (v.ptr).$get(); + if (i < 0 || j < i || j > str.length) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: string slice index out of bounds")); + } + _r = ValueOf(new $String($substring(str, i, j))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 5: + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Slice", kind)); + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + if (i < 0 || j < i || j > cap) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice index out of bounds")); + } + _r$1 = makeValue(typ, $subslice(s, i, j), new flag(v.flag).ro()); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Slice, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, cap, i, j, kind, s, str, tt, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Slice = function(i, j) { return this.$val.Slice(i, j); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Slice3 = function(i, j, k) { + var {$24r, _1, _r, cap, i, j, k, kind, s, tt, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j, k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + cap = 0; + typ = $ifaceNil; + s = null; + kind = new flag(v.flag).kind(); + _1 = kind; + if (_1 === (17)) { + if (((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array")); + } + tt = (v.typ.kindType); + cap = ((tt.len >> 0)); + typ = SliceOf(tt.elem); + s = new (jsType(typ))($clone(v, Value).object()); + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + typ = v.typ; + s = $clone(v, Value).object(); + cap = $parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0; + } else { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Slice3", kind)); + } + if (i < 0 || j < i || k < j || k > cap) { + $panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice3: slice index out of bounds")); + } + _r = makeValue(typ, $subslice(s, i, j, k), new flag(v.flag).ro()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Slice3, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, cap, i, j, k, kind, s, tt, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Slice3 = function(i, j, k) { return this.$val.Slice3(i, j, k); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var v; + v = this; + new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18); + new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported(); + $close($clone(v, Value).object()); + }; + Value.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + chanrecv = function(ch, nb, val) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, ch, comms, nb, received, recvRes, selectRes, selected, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ch, nb, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + selected = false; + received = false; + comms = new sliceType$18([new sliceType$16([ch])]); + if (nb) { + comms = $append(comms, new sliceType$16([])); + } + _r = selectHelper(new sliceType$4([comms])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + selectRes = _r; + if (nb && (($parseInt(selectRes[0]) >> 0) === 1)) { + _tmp = false; + _tmp$1 = false; + selected = _tmp; + received = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [selected, received]; + } + recvRes = selectRes[1]; + val.$set(recvRes[0]); + _tmp$2 = true; + _tmp$3 = !!(recvRes[1]); + selected = _tmp$2; + received = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [selected, received]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chanrecv, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, ch, comms, nb, received, recvRes, selectRes, selected, val, $s};return $f; + }; + chansend = function(ch, val, nb) { + var {_r, ch, comms, nb, selectRes, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ch, val, nb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + comms = new sliceType$18([new sliceType$16([ch, val.$get()])]); + if (nb) { + comms = $append(comms, new sliceType$16([])); + } + _r = selectHelper(new sliceType$4([comms])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + selectRes = _r; + if (nb && (($parseInt(selectRes[0]) >> 0) === 1)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chansend, $c: true, $r, _r, ch, comms, nb, selectRes, val, $s};return $f; + }; + DeepEqual = function(a1, a2) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, a1, a2, i1, i2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a1, a2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i1 = a1; + i2 = a2; + if (i1 === i2) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + if (i1 === null || i2 === null || !(i1.constructor === i2.constructor)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r = ValueOf(a1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r, Value); + _r$1 = ValueOf(a2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$1, Value); + _arg$2 = sliceType$19.nil; + _r$2 = deepValueEqualJs(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: DeepEqual, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, a1, a2, i1, i2, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.DeepEqual = DeepEqual; + deepValueEqualJs = function(v1, v2, visited) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$11, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _v, entry, i, i$1, k, keys, n, n$1, v1, v2, val1, val2, visited, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v1, v2, visited}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!$clone(v1, Value).IsValid() || !$clone(v2, Value).IsValid()) { + $s = -1; return !$clone(v1, Value).IsValid() && !$clone(v2, Value).IsValid(); + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v1, Value).Type(), $clone(v2, Value).Type()))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v1, Value).Type(), jsObjectPtr)) { + $s = -1; return unwrapJsObject(jsObjectPtr, $clone(v1, Value).object()) === unwrapJsObject(jsObjectPtr, $clone(v2, Value).object()); + } + _1 = $clone(v1, Value).Kind(); + if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (25))) { + _ref = visited; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + entry = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), arrayType$6); + if (v1.ptr === entry[0] && v2.ptr === entry[1]) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + _i++; + } + visited = $append(visited, $toNativeArray($kindUnsafePointer, [v1.ptr, v2.ptr])); + } + _2 = $clone(v1, Value).Kind(); + /* */ if ((_2 === (17)) || (_2 === (23))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (20)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (22)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (25)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (21)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (19)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (26)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ((_2 === (17)) || (_2 === (23))) { */ case 2: + if ($clone(v1, Value).Kind() === 23) { + if (!($clone(v1, Value).IsNil() === $clone(v2, Value).IsNil())) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if ($clone(v1, Value).object() === $clone(v2, Value).object()) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + } + n = $clone(v1, Value).Len(); + if (!((n === $clone(v2, Value).Len()))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 10: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 11; continue; } + _r = $clone(v1, Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r, Value); + _r$1 = $clone(v2, Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$1, Value); + _arg$2 = visited; + _r$2 = deepValueEqualJs(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 12: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 13: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 10; continue; + case 11: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if (_2 === (20)) { */ case 3: + if ($clone(v1, Value).IsNil() || $clone(v2, Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return $clone(v1, Value).IsNil() && $clone(v2, Value).IsNil(); + } + _r$3 = $clone(v1, Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$3, Value); + _r$4 = $clone(v2, Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = $clone(_r$4, Value); + _arg$5 = visited; + _r$5 = deepValueEqualJs(_arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r; + /* } else if (_2 === (22)) { */ case 4: + _r$6 = $clone(v1, Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = $clone(_r$6, Value); + _r$7 = $clone(v2, Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = $clone(_r$7, Value); + _arg$8 = visited; + _r$8 = deepValueEqualJs(_arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_2 === (25)) { */ case 5: + n$1 = $clone(v1, Value).NumField(); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 25: + /* if (!(i$1 < n$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < n$1)) { $s = 26; continue; } + _r$9 = $clone(v1, Value).Field(i$1); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$9 = $clone(_r$9, Value); + _r$10 = $clone(v2, Value).Field(i$1); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$10 = $clone(_r$10, Value); + _arg$11 = visited; + _r$11 = deepValueEqualJs(_arg$9, _arg$10, _arg$11); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$11) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!_r$11) { */ case 27: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 28: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 25; continue; + case 26: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if (_2 === (21)) { */ case 6: + if (!($clone(v1, Value).IsNil() === $clone(v2, Value).IsNil())) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if ($clone(v1, Value).object() === $clone(v2, Value).object()) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + _r$12 = $clone(v1, Value).MapKeys(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keys = _r$12; + if (!((keys.$length === $clone(v2, Value).Len()))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _ref$1 = keys; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 33: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 34; continue; } + k = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$13 = $clone(v1, Value).MapIndex($clone(k, Value)); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val1 = _r$13; + _r$14 = $clone(v2, Value).MapIndex($clone(k, Value)); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val2 = _r$14; + if (!$clone(val1, Value).IsValid() || !$clone(val2, Value).IsValid()) { _v = true; $s = 39; continue s; } + _r$15 = deepValueEqualJs($clone(val1, Value), $clone(val2, Value), visited); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$15; case 39: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 37: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 38: + _i$1++; + $s = 33; continue; + case 34: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if (_2 === (19)) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return $clone(v1, Value).IsNil() && $clone(v2, Value).IsNil(); + /* } else if (_2 === (26)) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return $clone(v1, Value).object() === $clone(v2, Value).object(); + /* } */ case 9: + case 1: + _r$16 = valueInterface($clone(v1, Value), false); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = valueInterface($clone(v2, Value), false); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = !!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$16, _r$17)); + $s = 43; case 43: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: deepValueEqualJs, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$11, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _v, entry, i, i$1, k, keys, n, n$1, v1, v2, val1, val2, visited, $s};return $f; + }; + methodNameSkip = function() { + var _tuple, f, idx, name$1, pc; + _tuple = runtime.Caller(3); + pc = _tuple[0]; + f = runtime.FuncForPC(pc); + if (f === ptrType$4.nil) { + return "unknown method"; + } + name$1 = f.Name(); + idx = name$1.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(idx > 0)) { break; } + if (name$1.charCodeAt(idx) === 46) { + break; + } + idx = idx - (1) >> 0; + } + if (idx < 0) { + return name$1; + } + return "Value" + $substring(name$1, idx); + }; + verifyNotInHeapPtr = function(p) { + var p; + return true; + }; + Value.methods = [{prop: "pointer", name: "pointer", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$UnsafePointer], false)}, {prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Bool", name: "Bool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$9], false)}, {prop: "runes", name: "runes", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$10], false)}, {prop: "CanAddr", name: "CanAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "CanSet", name: "CanSet", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Call", name: "Call", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$7], [sliceType$7], false)}, {prop: "CallSlice", name: "CallSlice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$7], [sliceType$7], false)}, {prop: "CanComplex", name: "CanComplex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Complex", name: "Complex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Complex128], false)}, {prop: "FieldByIndex", name: "FieldByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [Value], false)}, {prop: "FieldByIndexErr", name: "FieldByIndexErr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [Value, $error], false)}, {prop: "FieldByName", name: "FieldByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Value], false)}, {prop: "FieldByNameFunc", name: "FieldByNameFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [Value], false)}, {prop: "CanFloat", name: "CanFloat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Float", name: "Float", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "CanInt", name: "CanInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Int", name: "Int", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "CanInterface", name: "CanInterface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsZero", name: "IsZero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "MapIndex", name: "MapIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [Value], false)}, {prop: "MapKeys", name: "MapKeys", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$7], false)}, {prop: "SetIterKey", name: "SetIterKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$22], [], false)}, {prop: "SetIterValue", name: "SetIterValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$22], [], false)}, {prop: "MapRange", name: "MapRange", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$22], false)}, {prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "MethodByName", name: "MethodByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Value], false)}, {prop: "NumField", name: "NumField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "OverflowComplex", name: "OverflowComplex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex128], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "OverflowFloat", name: "OverflowFloat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "OverflowInt", name: "OverflowInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "OverflowUint", name: "OverflowUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Recv", name: "Recv", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "recv", name: "recv", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [Value, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Send", name: "Send", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [], false)}, {prop: "send", name: "send", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([Value, $Bool], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "SetBool", name: "SetBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "setRunes", name: "setRunes", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType$10], [], false)}, {prop: "SetComplex", name: "SetComplex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex128], [], false)}, {prop: "SetFloat", name: "SetFloat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "SetInt", name: "SetInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "SetMapIndex", name: "SetMapIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value, Value], [], false)}, {prop: "SetUint", name: "SetUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "SetPointer", name: "SetPointer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$UnsafePointer], [], false)}, {prop: "SetString", name: "SetString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "TryRecv", name: "TryRecv", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "TrySend", name: "TrySend", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "CanUint", name: "CanUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Uint", name: "Uint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "UnsafeAddr", name: "UnsafeAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "UnsafePointer", name: "UnsafePointer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$UnsafePointer], false)}, {prop: "Convert", name: "Convert", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [Value], false)}, {prop: "CanConvert", name: "CanConvert", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "object", name: "object", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "assignTo", name: "assignTo", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([$String, ptrType$1, $UnsafePointer], [Value], false)}, {prop: "call", name: "call", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$7], [sliceType$7], false)}, {prop: "Cap", name: "Cap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Field", name: "Field", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "InterfaceData", name: "InterfaceData", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$7], false)}, {prop: "IsNil", name: "IsNil", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Pointer", name: "Pointer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$9], [], false)}, {prop: "SetCap", name: "SetCap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "SetLen", name: "SetLen", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Slice", name: "Slice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Slice3", name: "Slice3", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int, $Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + flag.methods = [{prop: "kind", name: "kind", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "ro", name: "ro", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [flag], false)}, {prop: "mustBe", name: "mustBe", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([Kind], [], false)}, {prop: "mustBeExported", name: "mustBeExported", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "mustBeExportedSlow", name: "mustBeExportedSlow", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "mustBeAssignable", name: "mustBeAssignable", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "mustBeAssignableSlow", name: "mustBeAssignableSlow", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$23.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$22.methods = [{prop: "Key", name: "Key", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Next", name: "Next", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [], false)}]; + Kind.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "textOff", name: "textOff", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([textOff], [$UnsafePointer], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "Bits", name: "Bits", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Align", name: "Align", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "FieldAlign", name: "FieldAlign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "common", name: "common", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "exportedMethods", name: "exportedMethods", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$11], false)}, {prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "MethodByName", name: "MethodByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Method, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "hasName", name: "hasName", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ChanDir", name: "ChanDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ChanDir], false)}, {prop: "IsVariadic", name: "IsVariadic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Field", name: "Field", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldByIndex", name: "FieldByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldByName", name: "FieldByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [StructField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "FieldByNameFunc", name: "FieldByNameFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [StructField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "In", name: "In", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Key", name: "Key", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumField", name: "NumField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumIn", name: "NumIn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumOut", name: "NumOut", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Out", name: "Out", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Implements", name: "Implements", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "AssignableTo", name: "AssignableTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ConvertibleTo", name: "ConvertibleTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "gcSlice", name: "gcSlice", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([$Uintptr, $Uintptr], [sliceType$9], false)}, {prop: "uncommon", name: "uncommon", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$9], false)}, {prop: "nameOff", name: "nameOff", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([nameOff], [name], false)}, {prop: "typeOff", name: "typeOff", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([typeOff], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ptrTo", name: "ptrTo", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "pointers", name: "pointers", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Comparable", name: "Comparable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Method], false)}]; + ChanDir.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Method], false)}, {prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "MethodByName", name: "MethodByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Method, $Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$25.methods = [{prop: "offset", name: "offset", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "embedded", name: "embedded", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$12.methods = [{prop: "Field", name: "Field", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldByIndex", name: "FieldByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldByNameFunc", name: "FieldByNameFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [StructField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "FieldByName", name: "FieldByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [StructField, $Bool], false)}]; + Method.methods = [{prop: "IsExported", name: "IsExported", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + StructField.methods = [{prop: "IsExported", name: "IsExported", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + StructTag.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Lookup", name: "Lookup", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String, $Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "methods", name: "methods", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$11], false)}, {prop: "exportedMethods", name: "exportedMethods", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$11], false)}]; + ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "in$", name: "in", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "out", name: "out", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$2], false)}]; + name.methods = [{prop: "data", name: "data", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([$Int, $String], [ptrType$13], false)}, {prop: "hasTag", name: "hasTag", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "readVarint", name: "readVarint", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "tag", name: "tag", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "isExported", name: "isExported", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$28.methods = [{prop: "initialized", name: "initialized", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "skipUntilValidKey", name: "skipUntilValidKey", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + Value.init("reflect", [{prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptr", name: "ptr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "flag", name: "flag", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: flag, tag: ""}]); + ValueError.init("", [{prop: "Method", name: "Method", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Kind, tag: ""}]); + MapIter.init("reflect", [{prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "hiter", name: "hiter", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hiter, tag: ""}]); + Type.init([{prop: "Align", name: "Align", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "AssignableTo", name: "AssignableTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Bits", name: "Bits", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ChanDir", name: "ChanDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ChanDir], false)}, {prop: "Comparable", name: "Comparable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ConvertibleTo", name: "ConvertibleTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Field", name: "Field", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldAlign", name: "FieldAlign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "FieldByIndex", name: "FieldByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldByName", name: "FieldByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [StructField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "FieldByNameFunc", name: "FieldByNameFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [StructField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Implements", name: "Implements", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "In", name: "In", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Type], false)}, {prop: "IsVariadic", name: "IsVariadic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Key", name: "Key", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Method], false)}, {prop: "MethodByName", name: "MethodByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Method, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "NumField", name: "NumField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumIn", name: "NumIn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumOut", name: "NumOut", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Out", name: "Out", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Type], false)}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "common", name: "common", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "uncommon", name: "uncommon", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$9], false)}]); + rtype.init("reflect", [{prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptrdata", name: "ptrdata", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "hash", name: "hash", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "tflag", name: "tflag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: tflag, tag: ""}, {prop: "align", name: "align", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "fieldAlign", name: "fieldAlign", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "kind", name: "kind", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "equal", name: "equal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "gcdata", name: "gcdata", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "str", name: "str", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nameOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptrToThis", name: "ptrToThis", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: typeOff, tag: ""}]); + method.init("reflect", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nameOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "mtyp", name: "mtyp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: typeOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "ifn", name: "ifn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: textOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "tfn", name: "tfn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: textOff, tag: ""}]); + arrayType.init("reflect", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "slice", name: "slice", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}]); + chanType.init("reflect", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "dir", name: "dir", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}]); + imethod.init("reflect", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nameOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: typeOff, tag: ""}]); + interfaceType.init("reflect", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: name, tag: ""}, {prop: "methods", name: "methods", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$14, tag: ""}]); + mapType.init("reflect", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "key", name: "key", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "bucket", name: "bucket", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "hasher", name: "hasher", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "keysize", name: "keysize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "valuesize", name: "valuesize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "bucketsize", name: "bucketsize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "flags", name: "flags", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + ptrType.init("reflect", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]); + sliceType.init("reflect", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]); + structField.init("reflect", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: name, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "offsetEmbed", name: "offsetEmbed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}]); + structType.init("reflect", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: ""}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: name, tag: ""}, {prop: "fields", name: "fields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$15, tag: ""}]); + Method.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "Func", name: "Func", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + StructField.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "Tag", name: "Tag", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: StructTag, tag: ""}, {prop: "Offset", name: "Offset", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "Anonymous", name: "Anonymous", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + fieldScan.init("reflect", [{prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$12, tag: ""}, {prop: "index", name: "index", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}]); + uncommonType.init("reflect", [{prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nameOff, tag: ""}, {prop: "mcount", name: "mcount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "xcount", name: "xcount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "moff", name: "moff", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "_methods", name: "_methods", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}]); + funcType.init("reflect", [{prop: "rtype", name: "rtype", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rtype, tag: "reflect:\"func\""}, {prop: "inCount", name: "inCount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "outCount", name: "outCount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "_in", name: "_in", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "_out", name: "_out", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + name.init("reflect", [{prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$13, tag: ""}]); + nameData.init("reflect", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "tag", name: "tag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "exported", name: "exported", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + hiter.init("reflect", [{prop: "t", name: "t", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "keys", name: "keys", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "i", name: "i", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "last", name: "last", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = abi.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytealg.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = goarch.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = goexperiment.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = itoa.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unsafeheader.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + nameOffList = sliceType$1.nil; + typeOffList = sliceType$2.nil; + kindNames = new sliceType$3(["invalid", "bool", "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "uintptr", "float32", "float64", "complex64", "complex128", "array", "chan", "func", "interface", "map", "ptr", "slice", "string", "struct", "unsafe.Pointer"]); + initialized = false; + uncommonTypeMap = {}; + nameMap = {}; + uint8Type = $assertType(TypeOf(new $Uint8(0)), ptrType$1); + stringType = $assertType(TypeOf(new $String("")), ptrType$1); + callHelper = $assertType($internalize($call, $emptyInterface), funcType$1); + jsObjectPtr = reflectType($jsObjectPtr); + selectHelper = $assertType($internalize($select, $emptyInterface), funcType$1); + $r = init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["sort"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, reflectlite, lessSwap, IntSlice, StringSlice, sliceType, sliceType$2, funcType, funcType$1, reflectValueOf, reflectSwapper, insertionSort_func, siftDown_func, heapSort_func, medianOfThree_func, doPivot_func, quickSort_func, insertionSort, siftDown, heapSort, medianOfThree, swapRange, doPivot, quickSort, Sort, maxDepth, Ints, Strings, Stable, stable, symMerge, rotate, Slice, Search, SearchInts, SearchStrings; + reflectlite = $packages["internal/reflectlite"]; + lessSwap = $pkg.lessSwap = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sort.lessSwap", true, "sort", false, function(Less_, Swap_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Less = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Swap = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.Less = Less_; + this.Swap = Swap_; + }); + IntSlice = $pkg.IntSlice = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "sort.IntSlice", true, "sort", true, null); + StringSlice = $pkg.StringSlice = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "sort.StringSlice", true, "sort", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Int); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($String); + funcType = $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false); + funcType$1 = $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false); + insertionSort_func = function(data, a, b) { + var {_r, _v, a, b, data, i, j, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, a, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = a + 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < b)) { break; } */ if(!(i < b)) { $s = 2; continue; } + j = i; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + if (!(j > a)) { _v = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r = data.Less(j, j - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 5: + /* if (!(_v)) { break; } */ if(!(_v)) { $s = 4; continue; } + $r = data.Swap(j, j - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = j - (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: insertionSort_func, $c: true, $r, _r, _v, a, b, data, i, j, $s};return $f; + }; + siftDown_func = function(data, lo, hi, first) { + var {_r, _r$1, _v, child, data, first, hi, lo, root, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, lo, hi, first}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + root = lo; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + child = ($imul(2, root)) + 1 >> 0; + if (child >= hi) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (!((child + 1 >> 0) < hi)) { _v = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r = data.Less(first + child >> 0, (first + child >> 0) + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 5: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 3: + child = child + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$1 = data.Less(first + root >> 0, first + child >> 0); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 8: + $r = data.Swap(first + root >> 0, first + child >> 0); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + root = child; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: siftDown_func, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _v, child, data, first, hi, lo, root, $s};return $f; + }; + heapSort_func = function(data, a, b) { + var {_q, a, b, data, first, hi, i, i$1, lo, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, a, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + first = a; + lo = 0; + hi = b - a >> 0; + i = (_q = ((hi - 1 >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i >= 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = siftDown_func($clone(data, lessSwap), i, hi, first); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + i$1 = hi - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(i$1 >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 >= 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + $r = data.Swap(first, first + i$1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = siftDown_func($clone(data, lessSwap), lo, i$1, first); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$1 = i$1 - (1) >> 0; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: heapSort_func, $c: true, $r, _q, a, b, data, first, hi, i, i$1, lo, $s};return $f; + }; + medianOfThree_func = function(data, m1, m0, m2) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, data, m0, m1, m2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, m1, m0, m2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = data.Less(m1, m0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 1: + $r = data.Swap(m1, m0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = data.Less(m2, m1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 5: + $r = data.Swap(m2, m1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = data.Less(m1, m0); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_r$2) { */ case 9: + $r = data.Swap(m1, m0); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: medianOfThree_func, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, data, m0, m1, m2, $s};return $f; + }; + doPivot_func = function(data, lo, hi) { + var {_q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, a, b, c, data, dups, hi, lo, m, midhi, midlo, pivot, protect, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, lo, hi}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + midlo = 0; + midhi = 0; + m = ((((((lo + hi >> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 1 >>> 0) >> 0)); + /* */ if ((hi - lo >> 0) > 40) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((hi - lo >> 0) > 40) { */ case 1: + s = (_q = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + $r = medianOfThree_func($clone(data, lessSwap), lo, lo + s >> 0, lo + ($imul(2, s)) >> 0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = medianOfThree_func($clone(data, lessSwap), m, m - s >> 0, m + s >> 0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = medianOfThree_func($clone(data, lessSwap), hi - 1 >> 0, (hi - 1 >> 0) - s >> 0, (hi - 1 >> 0) - ($imul(2, s)) >> 0); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $r = medianOfThree_func($clone(data, lessSwap), lo, m, hi - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pivot = lo; + _tmp = lo + 1 >> 0; + _tmp$1 = hi - 1 >> 0; + a = _tmp; + c = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + if (!(a < c)) { _v = false; $s = 9; continue s; } + _r = data.Less(a, pivot); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 9: + /* if (!(_v)) { break; } */ if(!(_v)) { $s = 8; continue; } + a = a + (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + b = a; + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + if (!(b < c)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 15; continue s; } + _r$1 = data.Less(pivot, b); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !_r$1; case 15: + /* if (!(_v$1)) { break; } */ if(!(_v$1)) { $s = 14; continue; } + b = b + (1) >> 0; + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + /* while (true) { */ case 17: + if (!(b < c)) { _v$2 = false; $s = 19; continue s; } + _r$2 = data.Less(pivot, c - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$2; case 19: + /* if (!(_v$2)) { break; } */ if(!(_v$2)) { $s = 18; continue; } + c = c - (1) >> 0; + $s = 17; continue; + case 18: + if (b >= c) { + /* break; */ $s = 12; continue; + } + $r = data.Swap(b, c - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = b + (1) >> 0; + c = c - (1) >> 0; + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + protect = (hi - c >> 0) < 5; + /* */ if (!protect && (hi - c >> 0) < (_q$1 = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 4, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!protect && (hi - c >> 0) < (_q$1 = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 4, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) { */ case 22: + dups = 0; + _r$3 = data.Less(pivot, hi - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$3) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!_r$3) { */ case 24: + $r = data.Swap(c, hi - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c = c + (1) >> 0; + dups = dups + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 25: + _r$4 = data.Less(b - 1 >> 0, pivot); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$4) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!_r$4) { */ case 28: + b = b - (1) >> 0; + dups = dups + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 29: + _r$5 = data.Less(m, pivot); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$5) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!_r$5) { */ case 31: + $r = data.Swap(m, b - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = b - (1) >> 0; + dups = dups + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 32: + protect = dups > 1; + /* } */ case 23: + /* */ if (protect) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (protect) { */ case 35: + /* while (true) { */ case 37: + /* while (true) { */ case 39: + if (!(a < b)) { _v$3 = false; $s = 41; continue s; } + _r$6 = data.Less(b - 1 >> 0, pivot); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = !_r$6; case 41: + /* if (!(_v$3)) { break; } */ if(!(_v$3)) { $s = 40; continue; } + b = b - (1) >> 0; + $s = 39; continue; + case 40: + /* while (true) { */ case 43: + if (!(a < b)) { _v$4 = false; $s = 45; continue s; } + _r$7 = data.Less(a, pivot); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = _r$7; case 45: + /* if (!(_v$4)) { break; } */ if(!(_v$4)) { $s = 44; continue; } + a = a + (1) >> 0; + $s = 43; continue; + case 44: + if (a >= b) { + /* break; */ $s = 38; continue; + } + $r = data.Swap(a, b - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + a = a + (1) >> 0; + b = b - (1) >> 0; + $s = 37; continue; + case 38: + /* } */ case 36: + $r = data.Swap(pivot, b - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = b - 1 >> 0; + _tmp$3 = c; + midlo = _tmp$2; + midhi = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [midlo, midhi]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: doPivot_func, $c: true, $r, _q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, a, b, c, data, dups, hi, lo, m, midhi, midlo, pivot, protect, s, $s};return $f; + }; + quickSort_func = function(data, a, b, maxDepth$1) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, a, b, data, i, maxDepth$1, mhi, mlo, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, a, b, maxDepth$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!((b - a >> 0) > 12)) { break; } */ if(!((b - a >> 0) > 12)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (maxDepth$1 === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (maxDepth$1 === 0) { */ case 3: + $r = heapSort_func($clone(data, lessSwap), a, b); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 4: + maxDepth$1 = maxDepth$1 - (1) >> 0; + _r = doPivot_func($clone(data, lessSwap), a, b); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + mlo = _tuple[0]; + mhi = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ((mlo - a >> 0) < (b - mhi >> 0)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ((mlo - a >> 0) < (b - mhi >> 0)) { */ case 7: + $r = quickSort_func($clone(data, lessSwap), a, mlo, maxDepth$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + a = mhi; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + $r = quickSort_func($clone(data, lessSwap), mhi, b, maxDepth$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = mlo; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if ((b - a >> 0) > 1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ((b - a >> 0) > 1) { */ case 12: + i = a + 6 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(i < b)) { break; } */ if(!(i < b)) { $s = 15; continue; } + _r$1 = data.Less(i, i - 6 >> 0); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 16: + $r = data.Swap(i, i - 6 >> 0); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 17: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + $r = insertionSort_func($clone(data, lessSwap), a, b); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: quickSort_func, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, a, b, data, i, maxDepth$1, mhi, mlo, $s};return $f; + }; + insertionSort = function(data, a, b) { + var {_r, _v, a, b, data, i, j, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, a, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = a + 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < b)) { break; } */ if(!(i < b)) { $s = 2; continue; } + j = i; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + if (!(j > a)) { _v = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r = data.Less(j, j - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 5: + /* if (!(_v)) { break; } */ if(!(_v)) { $s = 4; continue; } + $r = data.Swap(j, j - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = j - (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: insertionSort, $c: true, $r, _r, _v, a, b, data, i, j, $s};return $f; + }; + siftDown = function(data, lo, hi, first) { + var {_r, _r$1, _v, child, data, first, hi, lo, root, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, lo, hi, first}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + root = lo; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + child = ($imul(2, root)) + 1 >> 0; + if (child >= hi) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (!((child + 1 >> 0) < hi)) { _v = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r = data.Less(first + child >> 0, (first + child >> 0) + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 5: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 3: + child = child + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$1 = data.Less(first + root >> 0, first + child >> 0); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 8: + $r = data.Swap(first + root >> 0, first + child >> 0); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + root = child; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: siftDown, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _v, child, data, first, hi, lo, root, $s};return $f; + }; + heapSort = function(data, a, b) { + var {_q, a, b, data, first, hi, i, i$1, lo, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, a, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + first = a; + lo = 0; + hi = b - a >> 0; + i = (_q = ((hi - 1 >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i >= 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = siftDown(data, i, hi, first); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + i$1 = hi - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(i$1 >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 >= 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + $r = data.Swap(first, first + i$1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = siftDown(data, lo, i$1, first); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$1 = i$1 - (1) >> 0; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: heapSort, $c: true, $r, _q, a, b, data, first, hi, i, i$1, lo, $s};return $f; + }; + medianOfThree = function(data, m1, m0, m2) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, data, m0, m1, m2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, m1, m0, m2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = data.Less(m1, m0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 1: + $r = data.Swap(m1, m0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = data.Less(m2, m1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 5: + $r = data.Swap(m2, m1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = data.Less(m1, m0); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_r$2) { */ case 9: + $r = data.Swap(m1, m0); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: medianOfThree, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, data, m0, m1, m2, $s};return $f; + }; + swapRange = function(data, a, b, n) { + var {a, b, data, i, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, a, b, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = data.Swap(a + i >> 0, b + i >> 0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: swapRange, $c: true, $r, a, b, data, i, n, $s};return $f; + }; + doPivot = function(data, lo, hi) { + var {_q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, a, b, c, data, dups, hi, lo, m, midhi, midlo, pivot, protect, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, lo, hi}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + midlo = 0; + midhi = 0; + m = ((((((lo + hi >> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 1 >>> 0) >> 0)); + /* */ if ((hi - lo >> 0) > 40) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((hi - lo >> 0) > 40) { */ case 1: + s = (_q = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + $r = medianOfThree(data, lo, lo + s >> 0, lo + ($imul(2, s)) >> 0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = medianOfThree(data, m, m - s >> 0, m + s >> 0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = medianOfThree(data, hi - 1 >> 0, (hi - 1 >> 0) - s >> 0, (hi - 1 >> 0) - ($imul(2, s)) >> 0); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $r = medianOfThree(data, lo, m, hi - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pivot = lo; + _tmp = lo + 1 >> 0; + _tmp$1 = hi - 1 >> 0; + a = _tmp; + c = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + if (!(a < c)) { _v = false; $s = 9; continue s; } + _r = data.Less(a, pivot); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 9: + /* if (!(_v)) { break; } */ if(!(_v)) { $s = 8; continue; } + a = a + (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + b = a; + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + if (!(b < c)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 15; continue s; } + _r$1 = data.Less(pivot, b); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !_r$1; case 15: + /* if (!(_v$1)) { break; } */ if(!(_v$1)) { $s = 14; continue; } + b = b + (1) >> 0; + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + /* while (true) { */ case 17: + if (!(b < c)) { _v$2 = false; $s = 19; continue s; } + _r$2 = data.Less(pivot, c - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$2; case 19: + /* if (!(_v$2)) { break; } */ if(!(_v$2)) { $s = 18; continue; } + c = c - (1) >> 0; + $s = 17; continue; + case 18: + if (b >= c) { + /* break; */ $s = 12; continue; + } + $r = data.Swap(b, c - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = b + (1) >> 0; + c = c - (1) >> 0; + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + protect = (hi - c >> 0) < 5; + /* */ if (!protect && (hi - c >> 0) < (_q$1 = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 4, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!protect && (hi - c >> 0) < (_q$1 = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 4, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) { */ case 22: + dups = 0; + _r$3 = data.Less(pivot, hi - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$3) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!_r$3) { */ case 24: + $r = data.Swap(c, hi - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c = c + (1) >> 0; + dups = dups + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 25: + _r$4 = data.Less(b - 1 >> 0, pivot); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$4) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!_r$4) { */ case 28: + b = b - (1) >> 0; + dups = dups + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 29: + _r$5 = data.Less(m, pivot); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$5) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!_r$5) { */ case 31: + $r = data.Swap(m, b - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = b - (1) >> 0; + dups = dups + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 32: + protect = dups > 1; + /* } */ case 23: + /* */ if (protect) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (protect) { */ case 35: + /* while (true) { */ case 37: + /* while (true) { */ case 39: + if (!(a < b)) { _v$3 = false; $s = 41; continue s; } + _r$6 = data.Less(b - 1 >> 0, pivot); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = !_r$6; case 41: + /* if (!(_v$3)) { break; } */ if(!(_v$3)) { $s = 40; continue; } + b = b - (1) >> 0; + $s = 39; continue; + case 40: + /* while (true) { */ case 43: + if (!(a < b)) { _v$4 = false; $s = 45; continue s; } + _r$7 = data.Less(a, pivot); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = _r$7; case 45: + /* if (!(_v$4)) { break; } */ if(!(_v$4)) { $s = 44; continue; } + a = a + (1) >> 0; + $s = 43; continue; + case 44: + if (a >= b) { + /* break; */ $s = 38; continue; + } + $r = data.Swap(a, b - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + a = a + (1) >> 0; + b = b - (1) >> 0; + $s = 37; continue; + case 38: + /* } */ case 36: + $r = data.Swap(pivot, b - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = b - 1 >> 0; + _tmp$3 = c; + midlo = _tmp$2; + midhi = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [midlo, midhi]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: doPivot, $c: true, $r, _q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, a, b, c, data, dups, hi, lo, m, midhi, midlo, pivot, protect, s, $s};return $f; + }; + quickSort = function(data, a, b, maxDepth$1) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, a, b, data, i, maxDepth$1, mhi, mlo, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, a, b, maxDepth$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!((b - a >> 0) > 12)) { break; } */ if(!((b - a >> 0) > 12)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (maxDepth$1 === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (maxDepth$1 === 0) { */ case 3: + $r = heapSort(data, a, b); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 4: + maxDepth$1 = maxDepth$1 - (1) >> 0; + _r = doPivot(data, a, b); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + mlo = _tuple[0]; + mhi = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ((mlo - a >> 0) < (b - mhi >> 0)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ((mlo - a >> 0) < (b - mhi >> 0)) { */ case 7: + $r = quickSort(data, a, mlo, maxDepth$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + a = mhi; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + $r = quickSort(data, mhi, b, maxDepth$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = mlo; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if ((b - a >> 0) > 1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ((b - a >> 0) > 1) { */ case 12: + i = a + 6 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(i < b)) { break; } */ if(!(i < b)) { $s = 15; continue; } + _r$1 = data.Less(i, i - 6 >> 0); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 16: + $r = data.Swap(i, i - 6 >> 0); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 17: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + $r = insertionSort(data, a, b); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: quickSort, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, a, b, data, i, maxDepth$1, mhi, mlo, $s};return $f; + }; + Sort = function(data) { + var {_r, data, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = data.Len(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r; + $r = quickSort(data, 0, n, maxDepth(n)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Sort, $c: true, $r, _r, data, n, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Sort = Sort; + maxDepth = function(n) { + var depth, i, n; + depth = 0; + i = n; + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0)) { break; } + depth = depth + (1) >> 0; + i = (i >> $min((1), 31)) >> 0; + } + return $imul(depth, 2); + }; + IntSlice.prototype.Len = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return x.$length; + }; + $ptrType(IntSlice).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + IntSlice.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { + var i, j, x; + x = this; + return ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) < ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]); + }; + $ptrType(IntSlice).prototype.Less = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Less(i, j); }; + IntSlice.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, i, j, x; + x = this; + _tmp = ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]); + _tmp$1 = ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i] = _tmp); + ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j] = _tmp$1); + }; + $ptrType(IntSlice).prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Swap(i, j); }; + IntSlice.prototype.Sort = function() { + var {x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + $r = Sort(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IntSlice.prototype.Sort, $c: true, $r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(IntSlice).prototype.Sort = function() { return this.$get().Sort(); }; + StringSlice.prototype.Len = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return x.$length; + }; + $ptrType(StringSlice).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + StringSlice.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { + var i, j, x; + x = this; + return ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) < ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]); + }; + $ptrType(StringSlice).prototype.Less = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Less(i, j); }; + StringSlice.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, i, j, x; + x = this; + _tmp = ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]); + _tmp$1 = ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i] = _tmp); + ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j] = _tmp$1); + }; + $ptrType(StringSlice).prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Swap(i, j); }; + StringSlice.prototype.Sort = function() { + var {x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + $r = Sort(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: StringSlice.prototype.Sort, $c: true, $r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(StringSlice).prototype.Sort = function() { return this.$get().Sort(); }; + Ints = function(x) { + var {x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = Sort(($convertSliceType(x, IntSlice))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Ints, $c: true, $r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Ints = Ints; + Strings = function(x) { + var {x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = Sort(($convertSliceType(x, StringSlice))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Strings, $c: true, $r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Strings = Strings; + Stable = function(data) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r, data, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = data; + _r = data.Len(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + $r = stable(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Stable, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, data, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Stable = Stable; + stable = function(data, n) { + var {_tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, a, b, blockSize, data, m, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + blockSize = 20; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = blockSize; + a = _tmp; + b = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b <= n)) { break; } */ if(!(b <= n)) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = insertionSort(data, a, b); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + a = b; + b = b + (blockSize) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $r = insertionSort(data, a, n); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(blockSize < n)) { break; } */ if(!(blockSize < n)) { $s = 6; continue; } + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = $imul(2, blockSize); + a = _tmp$2; + b = _tmp$3; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(b <= n)) { break; } */ if(!(b <= n)) { $s = 8; continue; } + $r = symMerge(data, a, a + blockSize >> 0, b); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + a = b; + b = b + (($imul(2, blockSize))) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + m = a + blockSize >> 0; + /* */ if (m < n) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (m < n) { */ case 10: + $r = symMerge(data, a, m, n); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 11: + blockSize = $imul(blockSize, (2)); + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stable, $c: true, $r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, a, b, blockSize, data, m, n, $s};return $f; + }; + symMerge = function(data, a, m, b) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, a, b, c, data, end, h, h$1, i, i$1, j, j$1, k, k$1, m, mid, n, p, r, start, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, a, m, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ((m - a >> 0) === 1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((m - a >> 0) === 1) { */ case 1: + i = m; + j = b; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < j)) { break; } */ if(!(i < j)) { $s = 4; continue; } + h = ((((((i + j >> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 1 >>> 0) >> 0)); + _r = data.Less(h, a); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 5: + i = h + 1 >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + j = h; + /* } */ case 7: + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + k = a; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(k < (i - 1 >> 0))) { break; } */ if(!(k < (i - 1 >> 0))) { $s = 10; continue; } + $r = data.Swap(k, k + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + k = k + (1) >> 0; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ((b - m >> 0) === 1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ((b - m >> 0) === 1) { */ case 12: + i$1 = a; + j$1 = m; + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(i$1 < j$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < j$1)) { $s = 15; continue; } + h$1 = ((((((i$1 + j$1 >> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 1 >>> 0) >> 0)); + _r$1 = data.Less(m, h$1); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 16: + i$1 = h$1 + 1 >> 0; + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else { */ case 17: + j$1 = h$1; + /* } */ case 18: + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + k$1 = m; + /* while (true) { */ case 20: + /* if (!(k$1 > i$1)) { break; } */ if(!(k$1 > i$1)) { $s = 21; continue; } + $r = data.Swap(k$1, k$1 - 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + k$1 = k$1 - (1) >> 0; + $s = 20; continue; + case 21: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 13: + mid = ((((((a + b >> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 1 >>> 0) >> 0)); + n = mid + m >> 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + start = _tmp; + r = _tmp$1; + if (m > mid) { + start = n - b >> 0; + r = mid; + } else { + start = a; + r = m; + } + p = n - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 23: + /* if (!(start < r)) { break; } */ if(!(start < r)) { $s = 24; continue; } + c = ((((((start + r >> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 1 >>> 0) >> 0)); + _r$2 = data.Less(p - c >> 0, c); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 25: + start = c + 1 >> 0; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else { */ case 26: + r = c; + /* } */ case 27: + $s = 23; continue; + case 24: + end = n - start >> 0; + /* */ if (start < m && m < end) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (start < m && m < end) { */ case 29: + $r = rotate(data, start, m, end); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 30: + /* */ if (a < start && start < mid) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (a < start && start < mid) { */ case 32: + $r = symMerge(data, a, start, mid); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 33: + /* */ if (mid < end && end < b) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (mid < end && end < b) { */ case 35: + $r = symMerge(data, mid, end, b); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 36: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: symMerge, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, a, b, c, data, end, h, h$1, i, i$1, j, j$1, k, k$1, m, mid, n, p, r, start, $s};return $f; + }; + rotate = function(data, a, m, b) { + var {a, b, data, i, j, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, a, m, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = m - a >> 0; + j = b - m >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(!((i === j)))) { break; } */ if(!(!((i === j)))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (i > j) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (i > j) { */ case 3: + $r = swapRange(data, m - i >> 0, m, j); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i - (j) >> 0; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $r = swapRange(data, m - i >> 0, (m + j >> 0) - i >> 0, i); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = j - (i) >> 0; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $r = swapRange(data, m - i >> 0, m, i); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rotate, $c: true, $r, a, b, data, i, j, m, $s};return $f; + }; + Slice = function(x, less) { + var {_r, _r$1, length, less, rv, swap, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, less}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = reflectValueOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = $clone(_r, reflectlite.Value); + _r$1 = reflectSwapper(x); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + swap = _r$1; + length = $clone(rv, reflectlite.Value).Len(); + $r = quickSort_func(new lessSwap.ptr(less, swap), 0, length, maxDepth(length)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Slice, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, length, less, rv, swap, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Slice = Slice; + Search = function(n, f) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, f, h, i, j, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = n; + i = _tmp; + j = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < j)) { break; } */ if(!(i < j)) { $s = 2; continue; } + h = ((((((i + j >> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 1 >>> 0) >> 0)); + _r = f(h); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 3: + i = h + 1 >> 0; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + j = h; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return i; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Search, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, f, h, i, j, n, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Search = Search; + SearchInts = function(a, x) { + var {$24r, _r, a, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + a = [a]; + x = [x]; + _r = Search(a[0].$length, (function(a, x) { return function(i) { + var i; + return ((i < 0 || i >= a[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[0].$array[a[0].$offset + i]) >= x[0]; + }; })(a, x)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SearchInts, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, a, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.SearchInts = SearchInts; + SearchStrings = function(a, x) { + var {$24r, _r, a, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + a = [a]; + x = [x]; + _r = Search(a[0].$length, (function(a, x) { return function(i) { + var i; + return ((i < 0 || i >= a[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[0].$array[a[0].$offset + i]) >= x[0]; + }; })(a, x)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SearchStrings, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, a, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.SearchStrings = SearchStrings; + IntSlice.prototype.Search = function(x) { + var {$24r, _r, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = SearchInts($convertSliceType(p, sliceType), x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IntSlice.prototype.Search, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(IntSlice).prototype.Search = function(x) { return this.$get().Search(x); }; + StringSlice.prototype.Search = function(x) { + var {$24r, _r, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = SearchStrings($convertSliceType(p, sliceType$2), x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: StringSlice.prototype.Search, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(StringSlice).prototype.Search = function(x) { return this.$get().Search(x); }; + IntSlice.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Less", name: "Less", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Sort", name: "Sort", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Search", name: "Search", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int], false)}]; + StringSlice.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Less", name: "Less", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Sort", name: "Sort", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Search", name: "Search", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int], false)}]; + lessSwap.init("", [{prop: "Less", name: "Less", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}]); + IntSlice.init($Int); + StringSlice.init($String); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = reflectlite.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + reflectValueOf = reflectlite.ValueOf; + reflectSwapper = reflectlite.Swapper; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/fmtsort"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, reflect, sort, SortedMap, ptrType, sliceType, Sort, compare, nilCompare, floatCompare, isNaN; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + SortedMap = $pkg.SortedMap = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmtsort.SortedMap", true, "internal/fmtsort", true, function(Key_, Value_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Key = sliceType.nil; + this.Value = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.Key = Key_; + this.Value = Value_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(SortedMap); + sliceType = $sliceType(reflect.Value); + SortedMap.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return o.Key.$length; + }; + SortedMap.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + SortedMap.ptr.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { + var {$24r, _r, i, j, o, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _r = compare($clone((x = o.Key, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])), reflect.Value), $clone((x$1 = o.Key, ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + j])), reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r < 0; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SortedMap.ptr.prototype.Less, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, i, j, o, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + SortedMap.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { return this.$val.Less(i, j); }; + SortedMap.ptr.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, i, j, o, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7; + o = this; + _tmp = (x = o.Key, ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j])); + _tmp$1 = (x$1 = o.Key, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])); + (x$2 = o.Key, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i] = _tmp)); + (x$3 = o.Key, ((j < 0 || j >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + j] = _tmp$1)); + _tmp$2 = (x$4 = o.Value, ((j < 0 || j >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + j])); + _tmp$3 = (x$5 = o.Value, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + i])); + (x$6 = o.Value, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + i] = _tmp$2)); + (x$7 = o.Value, ((j < 0 || j >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + j] = _tmp$3)); + }; + SortedMap.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { return this.$val.Swap(i, j); }; + Sort = function(mapValue) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, iter, key, mapValue, n, sorted, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mapValue}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(mapValue, reflect.Value).Type().Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 21))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 21))) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return ptrType.nil; + /* } */ case 2: + n = $clone(mapValue, reflect.Value).Len(); + key = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, n); + value = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, n); + iter = $clone(mapValue, reflect.Value).MapRange(); + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = iter.Next(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$1)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$1)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$2 = iter.Key(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = $append(key, _r$2); + _r$3 = iter.Value(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + value = $append(value, _r$3); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + sorted = new SortedMap.ptr(key, value); + $r = sort.Stable(sorted); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return sorted; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Sort, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, iter, key, mapValue, n, sorted, value, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Sort = Sort; + compare = function(aVal, bVal) { + var {$24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, a$1, a$2, a$3, a$4, a$5, aType, aVal, ap, b, b$1, b$2, b$3, b$4, b$5, bType, bVal, bp, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, c$4, c$5, i, i$1, ok, ok$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {aVal, bVal}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tmp = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Type(); + _tmp$1 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Type(); + aType = _tmp; + bType = _tmp$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(aType, bType))) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } + _1 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (26))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 2: + _tmp$2 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Int(); + _tmp$3 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Int(); + a = _tmp$2; + b = _tmp$3; + if ((a.$high < b.$high || (a.$high === b.$high && a.$low < b.$low))) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } else if ((a.$high > b.$high || (a.$high === b.$high && a.$low > b.$low))) { + $s = -1; return 1; + } else { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { */ case 3: + _tmp$4 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Uint(); + _tmp$5 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Uint(); + a$1 = _tmp$4; + b$1 = _tmp$5; + if ((a$1.$high < b$1.$high || (a$1.$high === b$1.$high && a$1.$low < b$1.$low))) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } else if ((a$1.$high > b$1.$high || (a$1.$high === b$1.$high && a$1.$low > b$1.$low))) { + $s = -1; return 1; + } else { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 4: + _r = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$6 = _r; + _r$1 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$7 = _r$1; + a$2 = _tmp$6; + b$2 = _tmp$7; + if (a$2 < b$2) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } else if (a$2 > b$2) { + $s = -1; return 1; + } else { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return floatCompare($clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Float(), $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Float()); + /* } else if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { */ case 6: + _tmp$8 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Complex(); + _tmp$9 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Complex(); + a$3 = _tmp$8; + b$3 = _tmp$9; + c = floatCompare(a$3.$real, b$3.$real); + if (!((c === 0))) { + $s = -1; return c; + } + $s = -1; return floatCompare(a$3.$imag, b$3.$imag); + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 7: + _tmp$10 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Bool(); + _tmp$11 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Bool(); + a$4 = _tmp$10; + b$4 = _tmp$11; + if (a$4 === b$4) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } else if (a$4) { + $s = -1; return 1; + } else { + $s = -1; return -1; + } + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (26))) { */ case 8: + _tmp$12 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Pointer(); + _tmp$13 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Pointer(); + a$5 = _tmp$12; + b$5 = _tmp$13; + if (a$5 < b$5) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } else if (a$5 > b$5) { + $s = -1; return 1; + } else { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 9: + _tuple = nilCompare($clone(aVal, reflect.Value), $clone(bVal, reflect.Value)); + c$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return c$1; + } + _tmp$14 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Pointer(); + _tmp$15 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Pointer(); + ap = _tmp$14; + bp = _tmp$15; + if (ap < bp) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } else if (ap > bp) { + $s = -1; return 1; + } else { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 10: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 17: + /* if (!(i < $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).NumField())) { break; } */ if(!(i < $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).NumField())) { $s = 18; continue; } + _r$2 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Field(i); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r$2, reflect.Value); + _r$3 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Field(i); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$3, reflect.Value); + _r$4 = compare(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c$2 = _r$4; + if (!((c$2 === 0))) { + $s = -1; return c$2; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 17; continue; + case 18: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 11: + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 22: + /* if (!(i$1 < $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Len())) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Len())) { $s = 23; continue; } + _r$5 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Index(i$1); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value); + _r$6 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Index(i$1); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value); + _r$7 = compare(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c$3 = _r$7; + if (!((c$3 === 0))) { + $s = -1; return c$3; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 22; continue; + case 23: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 12: + _tuple$1 = nilCompare($clone(aVal, reflect.Value), $clone(bVal, reflect.Value)); + c$4 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $s = -1; return c$4; + } + _r$8 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = reflect.ValueOf(_r$9); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value); + _r$11 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = $clone(_r$11, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = reflect.ValueOf(_r$12); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = $clone(_r$13, reflect.Value); + _r$14 = compare(_arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c$5 = _r$14; + if (!((c$5 === 0))) { + $s = -1; return c$5; + } + _r$15 = $clone(aVal, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = $clone(_r$15, reflect.Value); + _r$16 = $clone(bVal, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = $clone(_r$16, reflect.Value); + _r$17 = compare(_arg$6, _arg$7); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$17; + $s = 37; case 37: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 13: + _r$18 = aType.String(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("bad type in compare: " + _r$18)); + /* } */ case 14: + case 1: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: compare, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, a$1, a$2, a$3, a$4, a$5, aType, aVal, ap, b, b$1, b$2, b$3, b$4, b$5, bType, bVal, bp, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, c$4, c$5, i, i$1, ok, ok$1, $s};return $f; + }; + nilCompare = function(aVal, bVal) { + var aVal, bVal; + if ($clone(aVal, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + if ($clone(bVal, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + return [0, true]; + } + return [-1, true]; + } + if ($clone(bVal, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + return [1, true]; + } + return [0, false]; + }; + floatCompare = function(a, b) { + var a, b; + if (isNaN(a)) { + return -1; + } else if (isNaN(b)) { + return 1; + } else if (a < b) { + return -1; + } else if (a > b) { + return 1; + } + return 0; + }; + isNaN = function(a) { + var a; + return !((a === a)); + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Less", name: "Less", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false)}]; + SortedMap.init("", [{prop: "Key", name: "Key", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/oserror"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrInvalid = errors.New("invalid argument"); + $pkg.ErrPermission = errors.New("permission denied"); + $pkg.ErrExist = errors.New("file already exists"); + $pkg.ErrNotExist = errors.New("file does not exist"); + $pkg.ErrClosed = errors.New("file already closed"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["syscall/js"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, js, Type, Func, Error, Value, ValueError, funcType, arrayType, sliceType, mapType, sliceType$1, ptrType, sliceType$2, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, id, instanceOf, getValueType, Global, Null, Undefined, FuncOf, objectToValue, init, ValueOf, convertArgs, convertJSError, CopyBytesToGo, CopyBytesToJS; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + Type = $pkg.Type = $newType(4, $kindInt, "js.Type", true, "syscall/js", true, null); + Func = $pkg.Func = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "js.Func", true, "syscall/js", true, function(Value_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Value = new Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType.zero()); + return; + } + this.Value = Value_; + }); + Error = $pkg.Error = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "js.Error", true, "syscall/js", true, function(Value_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Value = new Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType.zero()); + return; + } + this.Value = Value_; + }); + Value = $pkg.Value = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "js.Value", true, "syscall/js", true, function(v_, inited_, _$2_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = null; + this.inited = false; + this._$2 = arrayType.zero(); + return; + } + this.v = v_; + this.inited = inited_; + this._$2 = _$2_; + }); + ValueError = $pkg.ValueError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "js.ValueError", true, "syscall/js", true, function(Method_, Type_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Method = ""; + this.Type = 0; + return; + } + this.Method = Method_; + this.Type = Type_; + }); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + sliceType = $sliceType(Value); + mapType = $mapType($String, $emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(js.Error); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(js.Object); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(ValueError); + Type.prototype.String = function() { + var _1, t; + t = this.$val; + _1 = t; + if (_1 === (0)) { + return "undefined"; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return "null"; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + return "boolean"; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + return "number"; + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + return "string"; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + return "symbol"; + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + return "object"; + } else if (_1 === (7)) { + return "function"; + } else { + $panic(new $String("bad type")); + } + }; + $ptrType(Type).prototype.String = function() { return new Type(this.$get()).String(); }; + Type.prototype.isObject = function() { + var t; + t = this.$val; + return (t === 6) || (t === 7); + }; + $ptrType(Type).prototype.isObject = function() { return new Type(this.$get()).isObject(); }; + Global = function() { + return objectToValue($global); + }; + $pkg.Global = Global; + Null = function() { + return objectToValue(null); + }; + $pkg.Null = Null; + Undefined = function() { + return objectToValue(undefined); + }; + $pkg.Undefined = Undefined; + Func.ptr.prototype.Release = function() { + var f; + f = this; + $exportedFunctions = ($parseInt($exportedFunctions) >> 0) - 1 >> 0; + Value.copy(f.Value, Null()); + }; + Func.prototype.Release = function() { return this.$val.Release(); }; + FuncOf = function(fn) { + var fn; + $exportedFunctions = ($parseInt($exportedFunctions) >> 0) + 1 >> 0; + return new Func.ptr($clone(objectToValue(js.MakeFunc((function $b(this$1, args) { + var {$24r, _i, _r, _ref, a, args, i, this$1, vargs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {this$1, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + vargs = $makeSlice(sliceType, args.$length); + _ref = args; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + a = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + Value.copy(((i < 0 || i >= vargs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vargs.$array[vargs.$offset + i]), objectToValue(a)); + _i++; + } + _r = fn($clone(objectToValue(this$1), Value), vargs); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r, _ref, a, args, i, this$1, vargs, $s};return $f; + }))), Value)); + }; + $pkg.FuncOf = FuncOf; + Error.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "JavaScript error: " + $clone($clone(e.Value, Value).Get("message"), Value).String(); + }; + Error.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + objectToValue = function(obj) { + var obj; + if (obj === undefined) { + return new Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType.zero()); + } + return new Value.ptr(obj, true, arrayType.zero()); + }; + init = function() { + if (!($global === null)) { + id = $global.eval($externalize("(function(x) { return x; })", $String)); + instanceOf = $global.eval($externalize("(function(x, y) { return x instanceof y; })", $String)); + getValueType = $global.eval($externalize("(function(x) {\n if (typeof(x) === \"undefined\") {\n return 0; // TypeUndefined\n }\n if (x === null) {\n return 1; // TypeNull\n }\n if (typeof(x) === \"boolean\") {\n return 2; // TypeBoolean\n }\n if (typeof(x) === \"number\") {\n return 3; // TypeNumber\n }\n if (typeof(x) === \"string\") {\n return 4; // TypeString\n }\n if (typeof(x) === \"symbol\") {\n return 5; // TypeSymbol\n }\n if (typeof(x) === \"function\") {\n return 7; // TypeFunction\n }\n return 6; // TypeObject\n})", $String)); + } + }; + ValueOf = function(x) { + var _ref, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + _ref = x; + if ($assertType(_ref, Value, true)[1]) { + x$1 = $clone(_ref.$val, Value); + return x$1; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, Func, true)[1]) { + x$2 = $clone(_ref.$val, Func); + return x$2.Value; + } else if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { + x$3 = _ref; + return Null(); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Bool, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Int, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Int8, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Int16, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Int32, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Int64, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Uint, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Uint8, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Uint16, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Uint32, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Uint64, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Float32, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Float64, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $UnsafePointer, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $String, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, mapType, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, sliceType$1, true)[1]) { + x$4 = _ref; + return objectToValue(id($externalize(x$4, $emptyInterface))); + } else { + x$5 = _ref; + $panic(new $String("ValueOf: invalid value")); + } + }; + $pkg.ValueOf = ValueOf; + Value.ptr.prototype.internal = function() { + var v; + v = this; + if (!v.inited) { + return undefined; + } + return v.v; + }; + Value.prototype.internal = function() { return this.$val.internal(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Bool = function() { + var v, vType; + v = this; + vType = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (!((vType === 2))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.Bool", vType)); + } + return !!($clone(v, Value).internal()); + }; + Value.prototype.Bool = function() { return this.$val.Bool(); }; + convertArgs = function(args) { + var _i, _ref, arg, args, newArgs, v; + newArgs = new sliceType$1([]); + _ref = args; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + arg = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + v = $clone(ValueOf(arg), Value); + newArgs = $append(newArgs, new $jsObjectPtr($clone(v, Value).internal())); + _i++; + } + return newArgs; + }; + convertJSError = function() { + var _tuple, err, jsErr, ok, x; + err = $recover(); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + return; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, ptrType, true); + jsErr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $panic((x = new Error.ptr($clone(objectToValue(jsErr.Object), Value)), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + } + $panic(err); + }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Call = function(m, args) { + var {$24r, args, m, obj, propType, v, vType, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + v = this; + vType = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (!((vType === 6)) && !((vType === 7))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.Call", vType)); + } + propType = $clone($clone(v, Value).Get(m), Value).Type(); + if (!((propType === 7))) { + $panic(new $String("js: Value.Call: property " + m + " is not a function, got " + new Type(propType).String())); + } + $deferred.push([convertJSError, []]); + $24r = objectToValue((obj = $clone(v, Value).internal(), obj[$externalize(m, $String)].apply(obj, $externalize(convertArgs(args), sliceType$1)))); + $s = 1; case 1: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType.zero()); } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Call, $c: true, $r, $24r, args, m, obj, propType, v, vType, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Value.prototype.Call = function(m, args) { return this.$val.Call(m, args); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Float = function() { + var v, vType; + v = this; + vType = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (!((vType === 3))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.Float", vType)); + } + return $parseFloat($clone(v, Value).internal()); + }; + Value.prototype.Float = function() { return this.$val.Float(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Get = function(p) { + var p, v, vType; + v = this; + vType = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (!new Type(vType).isObject()) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.Get", vType)); + } + return objectToValue($clone(v, Value).internal()[$externalize(p, $String)]); + }; + Value.prototype.Get = function(p) { return this.$val.Get(p); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Index = function(i) { + var i, v, vType; + v = this; + vType = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (!new Type(vType).isObject()) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.Index", vType)); + } + return objectToValue($clone(v, Value).internal()[i]); + }; + Value.prototype.Index = function(i) { return this.$val.Index(i); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Int = function() { + var v, vType; + v = this; + vType = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (!((vType === 3))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.Int", vType)); + } + return $parseInt($clone(v, Value).internal()) >> 0; + }; + Value.prototype.Int = function() { return this.$val.Int(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.InstanceOf = function(t) { + var t, v; + v = this; + return !!(instanceOf($clone(v, Value).internal(), $clone(t, Value).internal())); + }; + Value.prototype.InstanceOf = function(t) { return this.$val.InstanceOf(t); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Invoke = function(args) { + var args, v, vType; + v = this; + vType = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (!((vType === 7))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.Invoke", vType)); + } + return objectToValue($clone(v, Value).internal().apply(undefined, $externalize(convertArgs(args), sliceType$1))); + }; + Value.prototype.Invoke = function(args) { return this.$val.Invoke(args); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.JSValue = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return v; + }; + Value.prototype.JSValue = function() { return this.$val.JSValue(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Length = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return $parseInt($clone(v, Value).internal().length); + }; + Value.prototype.Length = function() { return this.$val.Length(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.New = function(args) { + var {$24r, args, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + v = [v]; + v[0] = this; + $deferred.push([(function(v) { return function() { + var _tuple, err, jsErr, ok, vType, x; + err = $recover(); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + return; + } + vType = $clone(v[0], Value).Type(); + if (!((vType === 7))) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.New", vType)); + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, ptrType, true); + jsErr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $panic((x = new Error.ptr($clone(objectToValue(jsErr.Object), Value)), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + } + $panic(err); + }; })(v), []]); + $24r = objectToValue(new ($global.Function.prototype.bind.apply($clone(v[0], Value).internal(), [undefined].concat($externalize(convertArgs(args), sliceType$1))))); + $s = 1; case 1: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return new Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType.zero()); } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, args, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Value.prototype.New = function(args) { return this.$val.New(args); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Set = function(p, x) { + var p, v, vType, x, x$1; + v = this; + vType = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (!new Type(vType).isObject()) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.Set", vType)); + } + $clone(v, Value).internal()[$externalize(p, $String)] = $externalize((x$1 = convertArgs(new sliceType$1([x])), (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])), $emptyInterface); + }; + Value.prototype.Set = function(p, x) { return this.$val.Set(p, x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.SetIndex = function(i, x) { + var i, v, vType, x, x$1; + v = this; + vType = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (!new Type(vType).isObject()) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.SetIndex", vType)); + } + $clone(v, Value).internal()[i] = $externalize((x$1 = convertArgs(new sliceType$1([x])), (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])), $emptyInterface); + }; + Value.prototype.SetIndex = function(i, x) { return this.$val.SetIndex(i, x); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var _1, v; + v = this; + _1 = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (_1 === (4)) { + return $internalize($clone(v, Value).internal(), $String); + } else if (_1 === (0)) { + return ""; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return ""; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + return ""; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + return ""; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + return ""; + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + return ""; + } else if (_1 === (7)) { + return ""; + } else { + $panic(new $String("bad type")); + } + }; + Value.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Truthy = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return !!($clone(v, Value).internal()); + }; + Value.prototype.Truthy = function() { return this.$val.Truthy(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Type = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return ((($parseInt(getValueType($clone(v, Value).internal())) >> 0) >> 0)); + }; + Value.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.IsNull = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return $clone(v, Value).Type() === 1; + }; + Value.prototype.IsNull = function() { return this.$val.IsNull(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.IsUndefined = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return !v.inited; + }; + Value.prototype.IsUndefined = function() { return this.$val.IsUndefined(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.IsNaN = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return !!($global.isNaN($clone(v, Value).internal())); + }; + Value.prototype.IsNaN = function() { return this.$val.IsNaN(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Delete = function(p) { + var p, v, vType; + v = this; + vType = $clone(v, Value).Type(); + if (!new Type(vType).isObject()) { + $panic(new ValueError.ptr("Value.Delete", vType)); + } + delete $clone(v, Value).internal()[$externalize(p, $String)]; + }; + Value.prototype.Delete = function(p) { return this.$val.Delete(p); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(w) { + var v, w; + v = this; + return $clone(v, Value).internal() === $clone(w, Value).internal(); + }; + Value.prototype.Equal = function(w) { return this.$val.Equal(w); }; + ValueError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "syscall/js: call of " + e.Method + " on " + new Type(e.Type).String(); + }; + ValueError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + CopyBytesToGo = function(dst, src) { + var dlen, dst, src, vlen; + vlen = $parseInt(src.v.length); + dlen = dst.$length; + if (dlen < vlen) { + vlen = dlen; + } + $copySlice(dst, $assertType($internalize(src.v, $emptyInterface), sliceType$2)); + return vlen; + }; + $pkg.CopyBytesToGo = CopyBytesToGo; + CopyBytesToJS = function(dst, src) { + var _tuple, dst, dt, ok, src; + _tuple = $assertType($internalize(dst.v, $emptyInterface), sliceType$2, true); + dt = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $panic(new $String("syscall/js: CopyBytesToJS: expected dst to be an Uint8Array")); + } + return $copySlice(dt, src); + }; + $pkg.CopyBytesToJS = CopyBytesToJS; + Type.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "isObject", name: "isObject", pkg: "syscall/js", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + Func.methods = [{prop: "Release", name: "Release", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + Error.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Value.methods = [{prop: "internal", name: "internal", pkg: "syscall/js", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Bool", name: "Bool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Call", name: "Call", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$1], [Value], true)}, {prop: "Float", name: "Float", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Int", name: "Int", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "InstanceOf", name: "InstanceOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Invoke", name: "Invoke", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [Value], true)}, {prop: "JSValue", name: "JSValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Length", name: "Length", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [Value], true)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "SetIndex", name: "SetIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Truthy", name: "Truthy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "IsNull", name: "IsNull", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsUndefined", name: "IsUndefined", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsNaN", name: "IsNaN", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Delete", name: "Delete", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Func.init("", [{prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Value, tag: ""}]); + Error.init("", [{prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Value, tag: ""}]); + Value.init("syscall/js", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "inited", name: "inited", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "_$2", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}]); + ValueError.init("", [{prop: "Method", name: "Method", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Type, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + id = null; + instanceOf = null; + getValueType = null; + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["syscall"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, itoa, oserror, runtime, sync, js, Errno, Stat_t, Iovec, Sockaddr, SockaddrInet4, SockaddrInet6, SockaddrUnix, RawConn, jsFile, callResult, sliceType, sliceType$2, ptrType, ptrType$2, funcType, arrayType$2, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, funcType$1, funcType$2, errorstr, errEAGAIN, errEINVAL, errENOENT, errnoByCode, jsProcess, jsFS, constants, uint8Array, nodeWRONLY, nodeRDWR, nodeCREATE, nodeTRUNC, nodeAPPEND, nodeEXCL, filesMu, files, envOnce, envLock, env, envs, _r, faketimeWrite, errnoErr, Bind, StopIO, Accept, Recvfrom, Sendto, Recvmsg, SendmsgN, SetsockoptInt, SetReadDeadline, SetWriteDeadline, Shutdown, SetNonblock, fdToFile, Open, Close, CloseOnExec, ReadDirent, Stat, Lstat, Fstat, Unlink, Rmdir, Chmod, Fchmod, Fchown, Ftruncate, Chdir, Fchdir, Readlink, Fsync, Read, Write, Pread, Pwrite, Seek, Dup, checkPath, recoverErr, mapJSError, copyenv, Getenv, runtime_envs, setStat, Exit, fsCall; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + itoa = $packages["internal/itoa"]; + oserror = $packages["internal/oserror"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + js = $packages["syscall/js"]; + Errno = $pkg.Errno = $newType(4, $kindUintptr, "syscall.Errno", true, "syscall", true, null); + Stat_t = $pkg.Stat_t = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.Stat_t", true, "syscall", true, function(Dev_, Ino_, Mode_, Nlink_, Uid_, Gid_, Rdev_, Size_, Blksize_, Blocks_, Atime_, AtimeNsec_, Mtime_, MtimeNsec_, Ctime_, CtimeNsec_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Dev = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.Ino = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.Mode = 0; + this.Nlink = 0; + this.Uid = 0; + this.Gid = 0; + this.Rdev = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.Size = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.Blksize = 0; + this.Blocks = 0; + this.Atime = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.AtimeNsec = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.Mtime = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.MtimeNsec = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.Ctime = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.CtimeNsec = new $Int64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.Dev = Dev_; + this.Ino = Ino_; + this.Mode = Mode_; + this.Nlink = Nlink_; + this.Uid = Uid_; + this.Gid = Gid_; + this.Rdev = Rdev_; + this.Size = Size_; + this.Blksize = Blksize_; + this.Blocks = Blocks_; + this.Atime = Atime_; + this.AtimeNsec = AtimeNsec_; + this.Mtime = Mtime_; + this.MtimeNsec = MtimeNsec_; + this.Ctime = Ctime_; + this.CtimeNsec = CtimeNsec_; + }); + Iovec = $pkg.Iovec = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.Iovec", true, "syscall", true, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + Sockaddr = $pkg.Sockaddr = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "syscall.Sockaddr", true, "syscall", true, null); + SockaddrInet4 = $pkg.SockaddrInet4 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.SockaddrInet4", true, "syscall", true, function(Port_, Addr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Port = 0; + this.Addr = arrayType$3.zero(); + return; + } + this.Port = Port_; + this.Addr = Addr_; + }); + SockaddrInet6 = $pkg.SockaddrInet6 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.SockaddrInet6", true, "syscall", true, function(Port_, ZoneId_, Addr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Port = 0; + this.ZoneId = 0; + this.Addr = arrayType$4.zero(); + return; + } + this.Port = Port_; + this.ZoneId = ZoneId_; + this.Addr = Addr_; + }); + SockaddrUnix = $pkg.SockaddrUnix = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.SockaddrUnix", true, "syscall", true, function(Name_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = ""; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + }); + RawConn = $pkg.RawConn = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "syscall.RawConn", true, "syscall", true, null); + jsFile = $pkg.jsFile = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.jsFile", true, "syscall", false, function(path_, entries_, dirIdx_, pos_, seeked_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.path = ""; + this.entries = sliceType.nil; + this.dirIdx = 0; + this.pos = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.seeked = false; + return; + } + this.path = path_; + this.entries = entries_; + this.dirIdx = dirIdx_; + this.pos = pos_; + this.seeked = seeked_; + }); + callResult = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.callResult", true, "syscall", false, function(val_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.val = new js.Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType$2.zero()); + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.val = val_; + this.err = err_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType($error); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(jsFile); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 16); + funcType$1 = $funcType([$Uintptr], [], false); + funcType$2 = $funcType([$Uintptr], [$Bool], false); + faketimeWrite = function(fd, p) { + var fd, p; + $panic(new $String("not implemented")); + }; + errnoErr = function(e) { + var _1, e; + _1 = e; + if (_1 === (0)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + return errEAGAIN; + } else if (_1 === (22)) { + return errEINVAL; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + return errENOENT; + } + return new Errno(e); + }; + Errno.prototype.Error = function() { + var e, s; + e = this.$val; + if (0 <= ((e >> 0)) && ((e >> 0)) < 2054) { + s = ((e < 0 || e >= errorstr.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : errorstr[e]); + if (!(s === "")) { + return s; + } + } + return "errno " + itoa.Itoa(((e >> 0))); + }; + $ptrType(Errno).prototype.Error = function() { return new Errno(this.$get()).Error(); }; + Errno.prototype.Is = function(target) { + var _1, e, target; + e = this.$val; + _1 = target; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (oserror.ErrPermission))) { + return (e === 13) || (e === 1); + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (oserror.ErrExist))) { + return (e === 17) || (e === 39); + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (oserror.ErrNotExist))) { + return e === 2; + } + return false; + }; + $ptrType(Errno).prototype.Is = function(target) { return new Errno(this.$get()).Is(target); }; + Errno.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return (e === 4) || (e === 24) || new Errno(e).Timeout(); + }; + $ptrType(Errno).prototype.Temporary = function() { return new Errno(this.$get()).Temporary(); }; + Errno.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return (e === 11) || (e === 11) || (e === 110); + }; + $ptrType(Errno).prototype.Timeout = function() { return new Errno(this.$get()).Timeout(); }; + Bind = function(fd, sa) { + var fd, sa; + return new Errno(38); + }; + $pkg.Bind = Bind; + StopIO = function(fd) { + var fd; + return new Errno(38); + }; + $pkg.StopIO = StopIO; + Accept = function(fd) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, err, fd, newfd, sa; + newfd = 0; + sa = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$2 = new Errno(38); + newfd = _tmp; + sa = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [newfd, sa, err]; + }; + $pkg.Accept = Accept; + Recvfrom = function(fd, p, flags) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, err, fd, flags, from, n, p; + n = 0; + from = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$2 = new Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + from = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [n, from, err]; + }; + $pkg.Recvfrom = Recvfrom; + Sendto = function(fd, p, flags, to) { + var fd, flags, p, to; + return new Errno(38); + }; + $pkg.Sendto = Sendto; + Recvmsg = function(fd, p, oob, flags) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, err, fd, flags, from, n, oob, oobn, p, recvflags; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + recvflags = 0; + from = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$4 = new Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + recvflags = _tmp$2; + from = _tmp$3; + err = _tmp$4; + return [n, oobn, recvflags, from, err]; + }; + $pkg.Recvmsg = Recvmsg; + SendmsgN = function(fd, p, oob, to, flags) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, flags, n, oob, p, to; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + $pkg.SendmsgN = SendmsgN; + SetsockoptInt = function(fd, level, opt, value) { + var fd, level, opt, value; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $pkg.SetsockoptInt = SetsockoptInt; + SetReadDeadline = function(fd, t) { + var fd, t; + return new Errno(38); + }; + $pkg.SetReadDeadline = SetReadDeadline; + SetWriteDeadline = function(fd, t) { + var fd, t; + return new Errno(38); + }; + $pkg.SetWriteDeadline = SetWriteDeadline; + Shutdown = function(fd, how) { + var fd, how; + return new Errno(38); + }; + $pkg.Shutdown = Shutdown; + SetNonblock = function(fd, nonblocking) { + var fd, nonblocking; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $pkg.SetNonblock = SetNonblock; + fdToFile = function(fd) { + var {_entry, _tuple, f, fd, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = filesMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = files[$Int.keyFor(fd)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$2.nil, false]); + f = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + $r = filesMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, new Errno(9)]; + } + $s = -1; return [f, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fdToFile, $c: true, $r, _entry, _tuple, f, fd, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + Open = function(path, openmode, perm) { + var {_i, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, cwd, dir, entries, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, f, fd, flags, i, jsFD, openmode, path, perm, stat, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path, openmode, perm}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = checkPath(path); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + flags = 0; + if (!(((openmode & 1) === 0))) { + flags = flags | (nodeWRONLY); + } + if (!(((openmode & 2) === 0))) { + flags = flags | (nodeRDWR); + } + if (!(((openmode & 64) === 0))) { + flags = flags | (nodeCREATE); + } + if (!(((openmode & 512) === 0))) { + flags = flags | (nodeTRUNC); + } + if (!(((openmode & 1024) === 0))) { + flags = flags | (nodeAPPEND); + } + if (!(((openmode & 128) === 0))) { + flags = flags | (nodeEXCL); + } + if (!(((openmode & 4096) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return [0, errors.New("syscall.Open: O_SYNC is not supported by js/wasm")]; + } + _r$1 = fsCall("open", new sliceType$2([new $String(path), new $Int(flags), new $Uint32(perm)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + jsFD = $clone(_tuple[0], js.Value); + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err$1]; + } + fd = $clone(jsFD, js.Value).Int(); + entries = sliceType.nil; + _r$2 = fsCall("fstat", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd)])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + stat = $clone(_tuple$1[0], js.Value); + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { _v = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r$3 = $clone(stat, js.Value).Call("isDirectory", new sliceType$2([])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = $clone(_r$3, js.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$4; case 5: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 3: + _r$5 = fsCall("readdir", new sliceType$2([new $String(path)])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$5; + dir = $clone(_tuple$2[0], js.Value); + err$3 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err$3]; + } + entries = $makeSlice(sliceType, $clone(dir, js.Value).Length()); + _ref = entries; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= entries.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : entries.$array[entries.$offset + i] = $clone($clone(dir, js.Value).Index(i), js.Value).String()); + _i++; + } + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (!((path.charCodeAt(0) === 47))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!((path.charCodeAt(0) === 47))) { */ case 9: + _r$6 = $clone(jsProcess, js.Value).Call("cwd", new sliceType$2([])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, js.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cwd = _r$7; + path = cwd + "/" + path; + /* } */ case 10: + f = new jsFile.ptr(path, entries, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), false); + $r = filesMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = fd; (files || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: f }; + $r = filesMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [fd, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Open, $c: true, $r, _i, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, cwd, dir, entries, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, f, fd, flags, i, jsFD, openmode, path, perm, stat, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Open = Open; + Close = function(fd) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = filesMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delete files[$Int.keyFor(fd)]; + $r = filesMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = fsCall("close", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Close, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Close = Close; + CloseOnExec = function(fd) { + var fd; + }; + $pkg.CloseOnExec = CloseOnExec; + ReadDirent = function(fd, buf) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, buf, entry, err, f, fd, l, n, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, buf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fdToFile(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + if (f.entries === sliceType.nil) { + $s = -1; return [0, new Errno(22)]; + } + n = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(f.dirIdx < f.entries.$length)) { break; } + entry = (x = f.entries, x$1 = f.dirIdx, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); + l = 2 + entry.length >> 0; + if (l > buf.$length) { + break; + } + (0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0] = ((l << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 1] = (((l >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + $copyString($subslice(buf, 2), entry); + buf = $subslice(buf, l); + n = n + (l) >> 0; + f.dirIdx = f.dirIdx + (1) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return [n, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ReadDirent, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, buf, entry, err, f, fd, l, n, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ReadDirent = ReadDirent; + Stat = function(path, st) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, jsSt, path, st, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path, st}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = checkPath(path); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$1 = fsCall("stat", new sliceType$2([new $String(path)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + jsSt = $clone(_tuple[0], js.Value); + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + setStat(st, $clone(jsSt, js.Value)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Stat, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, jsSt, path, st, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Stat = Stat; + Lstat = function(path, st) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, jsSt, path, st, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path, st}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = checkPath(path); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$1 = fsCall("lstat", new sliceType$2([new $String(path)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + jsSt = $clone(_tuple[0], js.Value); + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + setStat(st, $clone(jsSt, js.Value)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Lstat, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, jsSt, path, st, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Lstat = Lstat; + Fstat = function(fd, st) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, fd, jsSt, st, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, st}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fsCall("fstat", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + jsSt = $clone(_tuple[0], js.Value); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + setStat(st, $clone(jsSt, js.Value)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fstat, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, fd, jsSt, st, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Fstat = Fstat; + Unlink = function(path) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, path, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = checkPath(path); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$1 = fsCall("unlink", new sliceType$2([new $String(path)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Unlink, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, path, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Unlink = Unlink; + Rmdir = function(path) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, path, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = checkPath(path); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$1 = fsCall("rmdir", new sliceType$2([new $String(path)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rmdir, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, path, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Rmdir = Rmdir; + Chmod = function(path, mode) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, mode, path, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path, mode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = checkPath(path); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$1 = fsCall("chmod", new sliceType$2([new $String(path), new $Uint32(mode)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Chmod, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, mode, path, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Chmod = Chmod; + Fchmod = function(fd, mode) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, fd, mode, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, mode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fsCall("fchmod", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd), new $Uint32(mode)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fchmod, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, fd, mode, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Fchmod = Fchmod; + Fchown = function(fd, uid, gid) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, fd, gid, uid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, uid, gid}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fsCall("fchown", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd), new $Uint32(((uid >>> 0))), new $Uint32(((gid >>> 0)))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fchown, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, fd, gid, uid, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Fchown = Fchown; + Ftruncate = function(fd, length) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, fd, length, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, length}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fsCall("ftruncate", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd), length])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Ftruncate, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, fd, length, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Ftruncate = Ftruncate; + Chdir = function(path) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, err, err$1, path, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + err = [err]; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + err$1 = checkPath(path); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + err[0] = err$1; + $24r = err[0]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([recoverErr, [(err.$ptr || (err.$ptr = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, err)))]]); + _r$1 = $clone(jsProcess, js.Value).Call("chdir", new sliceType$2([new $String(path)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $24r$1 = err[0]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return err[0]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Chdir, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, err, err$1, path, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $pkg.Chdir = Chdir; + Fchdir = function(fd) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, err, f, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fdToFile(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$2 = Chdir(f.path); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fchdir, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, err, f, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Fchdir = Fchdir; + Readlink = function(path, buf) { + var {_r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, buf, dst, err, err$1, n, path, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path, buf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + err$1 = checkPath(path); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$1 = fsCall("readlink", new sliceType$2([new $String(path)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + dst = $clone(_tuple[0], js.Value); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + n = $copyString(buf, $clone(dst, js.Value).String()); + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Readlink, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, buf, dst, err, err$1, n, path, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Readlink = Readlink; + Fsync = function(fd) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fsCall("fsync", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fsync, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Fsync = Fsync; + Read = function(fd, b) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, buf, err, err$1, f, fd, n, n$1, n2, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fdToFile(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + /* */ if (f.seeked) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (f.seeked) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = Pread(fd, b, f.pos); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + f.pos = (x = f.pos, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + $s = -1; return [n, err$1]; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$3 = $clone(uint8Array, js.Value).New(new sliceType$2([new $Int(b.$length)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = $clone(_r$3, js.Value); + _r$4 = fsCall("read", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd), new buf.constructor.elem(buf), new $Int(0), new $Int(b.$length), $ifaceNil])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + n$1 = $clone(_tuple$2[0], js.Value); + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + js.CopyBytesToGo(b, $clone(buf, js.Value)); + n2 = $clone(n$1, js.Value).Int(); + f.pos = (x$2 = f.pos, x$3 = (new $Int64(0, n2)), new $Int64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + $s = -1; return [n2, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Read, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, buf, err, err$1, f, fd, n, n$1, n2, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Read = Read; + Write = function(fd, b) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, buf, err, err$1, f, fd, n, n$1, n$2, n2, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fdToFile(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + /* */ if (f.seeked) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (f.seeked) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = Pwrite(fd, b, f.pos); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + f.pos = (x = f.pos, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + $s = -1; return [n, err$1]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (false && ((fd === 1) || (fd === 2))) { + n$1 = faketimeWrite(fd, b); + if (n$1 < 0) { + $s = -1; return [0, errnoErr(((-n$1 >>> 0)))]; + } + $s = -1; return [n$1, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$3 = $clone(uint8Array, js.Value).New(new sliceType$2([new $Int(b.$length)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = $clone(_r$3, js.Value); + js.CopyBytesToJS($clone(buf, js.Value), b); + _r$4 = fsCall("write", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd), new buf.constructor.elem(buf), new $Int(0), new $Int(b.$length), $ifaceNil])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + n$2 = $clone(_tuple$2[0], js.Value); + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + n2 = $clone(n$2, js.Value).Int(); + f.pos = (x$2 = f.pos, x$3 = (new $Int64(0, n2)), new $Int64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + $s = -1; return [n2, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Write, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, buf, err, err$1, f, fd, n, n$1, n$2, n2, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Write = Write; + Pread = function(fd, b, offset) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, b, buf, err, fd, n, offset, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, b, offset}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = $clone(uint8Array, js.Value).New(new sliceType$2([new $Int(b.$length)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = $clone(_r$1, js.Value); + _r$2 = fsCall("read", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd), new buf.constructor.elem(buf), new $Int(0), new $Int(b.$length), offset])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + n = $clone(_tuple[0], js.Value); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + js.CopyBytesToGo(b, $clone(buf, js.Value)); + $s = -1; return [$clone(n, js.Value).Int(), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Pread, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, b, buf, err, fd, n, offset, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Pread = Pread; + Pwrite = function(fd, b, offset) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, b, buf, err, fd, n, offset, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, b, offset}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = $clone(uint8Array, js.Value).New(new sliceType$2([new $Int(b.$length)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = $clone(_r$1, js.Value); + js.CopyBytesToJS($clone(buf, js.Value), b); + _r$2 = fsCall("write", new sliceType$2([new $Int(fd), new buf.constructor.elem(buf), new $Int(0), new $Int(b.$length), offset])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + n = $clone(_tuple[0], js.Value); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [$clone(n, js.Value).Int(), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Pwrite, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, b, buf, err, fd, n, offset, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Pwrite = Pwrite; + Seek = function(fd, offset, whence) { + var {_1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, err, err$1, f, fd, newPos, offset, st, whence, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, offset, whence}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + st = [st]; + _r$1 = fdToFile(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(0, 0), err]; + } + newPos = new $Int64(0, 0); + _1 = whence; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 3: + newPos = offset; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 4: + newPos = (x = f.pos, new $Int64(x.$high + offset.$high, x.$low + offset.$low)); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 5: + st[0] = new Stat_t.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0)); + _r$2 = Fstat(fd, st[0]); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(0, 0), err$1]; + } + newPos = (x$1 = st[0].Size, new $Int64(x$1.$high + offset.$high, x$1.$low + offset.$low)); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(0, 0), errnoErr(22)]; + /* } */ case 7: + case 2: + if ((newPos.$high < 0 || (newPos.$high === 0 && newPos.$low < 0))) { + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(0, 0), errnoErr(22)]; + } + f.seeked = true; + f.dirIdx = 0; + f.pos = newPos; + $s = -1; return [newPos, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Seek, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, err, err$1, f, fd, newPos, offset, st, whence, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Seek = Seek; + Dup = function(fd) { + var fd; + return [0, new Errno(38)]; + }; + $pkg.Dup = Dup; + checkPath = function(path) { + var i, path; + if (path === "") { + return new Errno(22); + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < path.length)) { break; } + if (path.charCodeAt(i) === 0) { + return new Errno(22); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + recoverErr = function(errPtr) { + var _tuple, err, errPtr, jsErr, ok; + err = $recover(); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tuple = $assertType(err, js.Error, true); + jsErr = $clone(_tuple[0], js.Error); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $panic(err); + } + errPtr.$set(mapJSError($clone(jsErr.Value, js.Value))); + } + }; + mapJSError = function(jsErr) { + var _entry, _tuple, errno, jsErr, ok; + _tuple = (_entry = errnoByCode[$String.keyFor($clone($clone(jsErr, js.Value).Get("code"), js.Value).String())], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + errno = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $panic(new jsErr.constructor.elem(jsErr)); + } + return errnoErr((errno)); + }; + copyenv = function() { + var _entry, _i, _key, _ref, _tuple, i, j, key, ok, s; + env = {}; + _ref = envs; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(j) === 61) { + key = $substring(s, 0, j); + _tuple = (_entry = env[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _key = key; (env || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: i }; + } else { + ((i < 0 || i >= envs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : envs.$array[envs.$offset + i] = ""); + } + break; + } + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + _i++; + } + }; + Getenv = function(key) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _entry, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, found, i, i$1, key, ok, s, value, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + value = ""; + found = false; + $r = envOnce.Do(copyenv); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (key.length === 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (key.length === 0) { */ case 2: + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = false; + value = _tmp; + found = _tmp$1; + $24r = [value, found]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $r = envLock.RLock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(envLock, "RUnlock"), []]); + _tuple = (_entry = env[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + i = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 6: + _tmp$2 = ""; + _tmp$3 = false; + value = _tmp$2; + found = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [value, found]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + s = ((i < 0 || i >= envs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : envs.$array[envs.$offset + i]); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(i$1 < s.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < s.length)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (s.charCodeAt(i$1) === 61) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (s.charCodeAt(i$1) === 61) { */ case 11: + _tmp$4 = $substring(s, (i$1 + 1 >> 0)); + _tmp$5 = true; + value = _tmp$4; + found = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [value, found]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 12: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + _tmp$6 = ""; + _tmp$7 = false; + value = _tmp$6; + found = _tmp$7; + $24r$3 = [value, found]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [value, found]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Getenv, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _entry, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, found, i, i$1, key, ok, s, value, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $pkg.Getenv = Getenv; + runtime_envs = function() { + var {_r$1, envkeys, envs$1, i, jsEnv, key, process, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + process = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("process"), js.Value); + if ($clone(process, js.Value).IsUndefined()) { + $s = -1; return sliceType.nil; + } + jsEnv = $clone($clone(process, js.Value).Get("env"), js.Value); + _r$1 = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("Object"), js.Value).Call("keys", new sliceType$2([new jsEnv.constructor.elem(jsEnv)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + envkeys = $clone(_r$1, js.Value); + envs$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType, $clone(envkeys, js.Value).Length()); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < $clone(envkeys, js.Value).Length())) { break; } + key = $clone($clone(envkeys, js.Value).Index(i), js.Value).String(); + ((i < 0 || i >= envs$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : envs$1.$array[envs$1.$offset + i] = key + "=" + $clone($clone(jsEnv, js.Value).Get(key), js.Value).String()); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return envs$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: runtime_envs, $c: true, $r, _r$1, envkeys, envs$1, i, jsEnv, key, process, $s};return $f; + }; + setStat = function(st, jsSt) { + var atime, ctime, jsSt, mtime, st; + st.Dev = (new $Int64(0, $clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("dev"), js.Value).Int())); + st.Ino = (new $Uint64(0, $clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("ino"), js.Value).Int())); + st.Mode = (($clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("mode"), js.Value).Int() >>> 0)); + st.Nlink = (($clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("nlink"), js.Value).Int() >>> 0)); + st.Uid = (($clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("uid"), js.Value).Int() >>> 0)); + st.Gid = (($clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("gid"), js.Value).Int() >>> 0)); + st.Rdev = (new $Int64(0, $clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("rdev"), js.Value).Int())); + st.Size = (new $Int64(0, $clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("size"), js.Value).Int())); + st.Blksize = (($clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("blksize"), js.Value).Int() >> 0)); + st.Blocks = (($clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("blocks"), js.Value).Int() >> 0)); + atime = (new $Int64(0, $clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("atimeMs"), js.Value).Float())); + st.Atime = $div64(atime, new $Int64(0, 1000), false); + st.AtimeNsec = $mul64(($div64(atime, new $Int64(0, 1000), true)), new $Int64(0, 1000000)); + mtime = (new $Int64(0, $clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("mtimeMs"), js.Value).Float())); + st.Mtime = $div64(mtime, new $Int64(0, 1000), false); + st.MtimeNsec = $mul64(($div64(mtime, new $Int64(0, 1000), true)), new $Int64(0, 1000000)); + ctime = (new $Int64(0, $clone($clone(jsSt, js.Value).Get("ctimeMs"), js.Value).Float())); + st.Ctime = $div64(ctime, new $Int64(0, 1000), false); + st.CtimeNsec = $mul64(($div64(ctime, new $Int64(0, 1000), true)), new $Int64(0, 1000000)); + }; + Exit = function(code) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, code, process, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + process = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("process"), js.Value); + /* */ if (!$clone(process, js.Value).IsUndefined()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!$clone(process, js.Value).IsUndefined()) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = $clone(process, js.Value).Call("exit", new sliceType$2([new $Int(code)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!((code === 0))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((code === 0))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("console"), js.Value).Call("warn", new sliceType$2([new $String("Go program exited with non-zero code:"), new $Int(code)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Exit, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, code, process, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Exit = Exit; + fsCall = function(name, args) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, args, c, f, name, res, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = [c]; + c[0] = new $Chan(callResult, 1); + f = $clone(js.FuncOf((function(c) { return function $b(this$1, args$1) { + var {args$1, jsErr, res, this$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {this$1, args$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + res = new callResult.ptr(new js.Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType$2.zero()), $ifaceNil); + if (args$1.$length >= 1) { + jsErr = $clone((0 >= args$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args$1.$array[args$1.$offset + 0]), js.Value); + if (!$clone(jsErr, js.Value).IsUndefined() && !$clone(jsErr, js.Value).IsNull()) { + res.err = mapJSError($clone(jsErr, js.Value)); + } + } + js.Value.copy(res.val, js.Undefined()); + if (args$1.$length >= 2) { + js.Value.copy(res.val, (1 >= args$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args$1.$array[args$1.$offset + 1])); + } + $r = $send(c[0], $clone($clone(res, callResult), callResult)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, args$1, jsErr, res, this$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(c)), js.Func); + $deferred.push([$methodVal($clone(f, js.Func), "Release"), []]); + /* */ if ($clone($clone(jsFS, js.Value).Get(name), js.Value).IsUndefined()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone($clone(jsFS, js.Value).Get(name), js.Value).IsUndefined()) { */ case 1: + $24r = [js.Undefined(), new Errno(38)]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = $clone(jsFS, js.Value).Call(name, $append(args, new f.constructor.elem(f))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = $recv(c[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + res = $clone(_r$2[0], callResult); + $24r$1 = [res.val, res.err]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [new js.Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType$2.zero()), $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: fsCall, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, args, c, f, name, res, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Errno.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Is", name: "Is", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$error], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + Stat_t.init("", [{prop: "Dev", name: "Dev", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Ino", name: "Ino", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Mode", name: "Mode", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Nlink", name: "Nlink", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Uid", name: "Uid", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Gid", name: "Gid", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Rdev", name: "Rdev", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Blksize", name: "Blksize", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Blocks", name: "Blocks", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Atime", name: "Atime", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "AtimeNsec", name: "AtimeNsec", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Mtime", name: "Mtime", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "MtimeNsec", name: "MtimeNsec", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Ctime", name: "Ctime", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "CtimeNsec", name: "CtimeNsec", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}]); + Iovec.init("", []); + Sockaddr.init([]); + SockaddrInet4.init("", [{prop: "Port", name: "Port", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: arrayType$3, tag: ""}]); + SockaddrInet6.init("", [{prop: "Port", name: "Port", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ZoneId", name: "ZoneId", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: arrayType$4, tag: ""}]); + SockaddrUnix.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + RawConn.init([{prop: "Control", name: "Control", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$1], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$2], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$2], [$error], false)}]); + jsFile.init("syscall", [{prop: "path", name: "path", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "entries", name: "entries", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "dirIdx", name: "dirIdx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "pos", name: "pos", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "seeked", name: "seeked", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + callResult.init("syscall", [{prop: "val", name: "val", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: js.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = itoa.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = oserror.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ForkLock = new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0); + filesMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + envOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + envLock = new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0); + env = false; + errorstr = $toNativeArray($kindString, ["", "Operation not permitted", "No such file or directory", "No such process", "Interrupted system call", "I/O error", "No such device or address", "Argument list too long", "Exec format error", "Bad file number", "No child processes", "Try again", "Out of memory", "Permission denied", "Bad address", "", "Device or resource busy", "File exists", "Cross-device link", "No such device", "Not a directory", "Is a directory", "Invalid argument", "File table overflow", "Too many open files", "Not a typewriter", "", "File too large", "No space left on device", "Illegal seek", "Read-only file system", "Too many links", "Broken pipe", "Math arg out of domain of func", "Math result not representable", "Deadlock condition", "File name too long", "No record locks available", "not implemented on js", "Directory not empty", "Too many symbolic links", "", "No message of desired type", "Identifier removed", "Channel number out of range", "Level 2 not synchronized", "Level 3 halted", "Level 3 reset", "Link number out of range", "Protocol driver not attached", "No CSI structure available", "Level 2 halted", "Invalid exchange", "Invalid request descriptor", "Exchange full", "No anode", "Invalid request code", "Invalid slot", "", "Bad font file fmt", "Device not a stream", "No data (for no delay io)", "Timer expired", "Out of streams resources", "Machine is not on the network", "Package not installed", "The object is remote", "The link has been severed", "Advertise error", "Srmount error", "Communication error on send", "Protocol error", "Multihop attempted", "Cross mount point (not really error)", "Trying to read unreadable message", "Value too large for defined data type", "Given log. name not unique", "f.d. invalid for this operation", "Remote address changed", "Can't access a needed shared lib", "Accessing a corrupted shared lib", ".lib section in a.out corrupted", "Attempting to link in too many libs", "Attempting to exec a shared library", "", "", "", "", "Socket operation on non-socket", "Destination address required", "Message too long", "Protocol wrong type for socket", "Protocol not available", "Unknown protocol", "Socket type not supported", "Operation not supported on transport endpoint", "Protocol family not supported", "Address family not supported by protocol family", "Address already in use", "Address not available", "Network interface is not configured", "Network is unreachable", "", "Connection aborted", "Connection reset by peer", "No buffer space available", "Socket is already connected", "Socket is not connected", "Can't send after socket shutdown", "", "Connection timed out", "Connection refused", "Host is down", "Host is unreachable", "Socket already connected", "Connection already in progress", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Quota exceeded", "No medium (in tape drive)", "", "Operation canceled.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Inode is remote (not really error)", "Inappropriate file type or format", "No more files", "", "No such host or network path", "Filename exists with different case"]); + errEAGAIN = new Errno(11); + errEINVAL = new Errno(22); + errENOENT = new Errno(2); + errnoByCode = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "EPERM", v: 1 }, { k: "ENOENT", v: 2 }, { k: "ESRCH", v: 3 }, { k: "EINTR", v: 4 }, { k: "EIO", v: 5 }, { k: "ENXIO", v: 6 }, { k: "E2BIG", v: 7 }, { k: "ENOEXEC", v: 8 }, { k: "EBADF", v: 9 }, { k: "ECHILD", v: 10 }, { k: "EAGAIN", v: 11 }, { k: "ENOMEM", v: 12 }, { k: "EACCES", v: 13 }, { k: "EFAULT", v: 14 }, { k: "EBUSY", v: 16 }, { k: "EEXIST", v: 17 }, { k: "EXDEV", v: 18 }, { k: "ENODEV", v: 19 }, { k: "ENOTDIR", v: 20 }, { k: "EISDIR", v: 21 }, { k: "EINVAL", v: 22 }, { k: "ENFILE", v: 23 }, { k: "EMFILE", v: 24 }, { k: "ENOTTY", v: 25 }, { k: "EFBIG", v: 27 }, { k: "ENOSPC", v: 28 }, { k: "ESPIPE", v: 29 }, { k: "EROFS", v: 30 }, { k: "EMLINK", v: 31 }, { k: "EPIPE", v: 32 }, { k: "ENAMETOOLONG", v: 36 }, { k: "ENOSYS", v: 38 }, { k: "EDQUOT", v: 122 }, { k: "EDOM", v: 33 }, { k: "ERANGE", v: 34 }, { k: "EDEADLK", v: 35 }, { k: "ENOLCK", v: 37 }, { k: "ENOTEMPTY", v: 39 }, { k: "ELOOP", v: 40 }, { k: "ENOMSG", v: 42 }, { k: "EIDRM", v: 43 }, { k: "ECHRNG", v: 44 }, { k: "EL2NSYNC", v: 45 }, { k: "EL3HLT", v: 46 }, { k: "EL3RST", v: 47 }, { k: "ELNRNG", v: 48 }, { k: "EUNATCH", v: 49 }, { k: "ENOCSI", v: 50 }, { k: "EL2HLT", v: 51 }, { k: "EBADE", v: 52 }, { k: "EBADR", v: 53 }, { k: "EXFULL", v: 54 }, { k: "ENOANO", v: 55 }, { k: "EBADRQC", v: 56 }, { k: "EBADSLT", v: 57 }, { k: "EDEADLOCK", v: 35 }, { k: "EBFONT", v: 59 }, { k: "ENOSTR", v: 60 }, { k: "ENODATA", v: 61 }, { k: "ETIME", v: 62 }, { k: "ENOSR", v: 63 }, { k: "ENONET", v: 64 }, { k: "ENOPKG", v: 65 }, { k: "EREMOTE", v: 66 }, { k: "ENOLINK", v: 67 }, { k: "EADV", v: 68 }, { k: "ESRMNT", v: 69 }, { k: "ECOMM", v: 70 }, { k: "EPROTO", v: 71 }, { k: "EMULTIHOP", v: 72 }, { k: "EDOTDOT", v: 73 }, { k: "EBADMSG", v: 74 }, { k: "EOVERFLOW", v: 75 }, { k: "ENOTUNIQ", v: 76 }, { k: "EBADFD", v: 77 }, { k: "EREMCHG", v: 78 }, { k: "ELIBACC", v: 79 }, { k: "ELIBBAD", v: 80 }, { k: "ELIBSCN", v: 81 }, { k: "ELIBMAX", v: 82 }, { k: "ELIBEXEC", v: 83 }, { k: "EILSEQ", v: 84 }, { k: "EUSERS", v: 87 }, { k: "ENOTSOCK", v: 88 }, { k: "EDESTADDRREQ", v: 89 }, { k: "EMSGSIZE", v: 90 }, { k: "EPROTOTYPE", v: 91 }, { k: "ENOPROTOOPT", v: 92 }, { k: "EPROTONOSUPPORT", v: 93 }, { k: "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT", v: 94 }, { k: "EOPNOTSUPP", v: 95 }, { k: "EPFNOSUPPORT", v: 96 }, { k: "EAFNOSUPPORT", v: 97 }, { k: "EADDRINUSE", v: 98 }, { k: "EADDRNOTAVAIL", v: 99 }, { k: "ENETDOWN", v: 100 }, { k: "ENETUNREACH", v: 101 }, { k: "ENETRESET", v: 102 }, { k: "ECONNABORTED", v: 103 }, { k: "ECONNRESET", v: 104 }, { k: "ENOBUFS", v: 105 }, { k: "EISCONN", v: 106 }, { k: "ENOTCONN", v: 107 }, { k: "ESHUTDOWN", v: 108 }, { k: "ETOOMANYREFS", v: 109 }, { k: "ETIMEDOUT", v: 110 }, { k: "ECONNREFUSED", v: 111 }, { k: "EHOSTDOWN", v: 112 }, { k: "EHOSTUNREACH", v: 113 }, { k: "EALREADY", v: 114 }, { k: "EINPROGRESS", v: 115 }, { k: "ESTALE", v: 116 }, { k: "ENOTSUP", v: 95 }, { k: "ENOMEDIUM", v: 123 }, { k: "ECANCELED", v: 125 }, { k: "ELBIN", v: 2048 }, { k: "EFTYPE", v: 2049 }, { k: "ENMFILE", v: 2050 }, { k: "EPROCLIM", v: 2051 }, { k: "ENOSHARE", v: 2052 }, { k: "ECASECLASH", v: 2053 }, { k: "EWOULDBLOCK", v: 11 }]); + jsProcess = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("process"), js.Value); + jsFS = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("fs"), js.Value); + constants = $clone($clone(jsFS, js.Value).Get("constants"), js.Value); + uint8Array = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("Uint8Array"), js.Value); + nodeWRONLY = $clone($clone(constants, js.Value).Get("O_WRONLY"), js.Value).Int(); + nodeRDWR = $clone($clone(constants, js.Value).Get("O_RDWR"), js.Value).Int(); + nodeCREATE = $clone($clone(constants, js.Value).Get("O_CREAT"), js.Value).Int(); + nodeTRUNC = $clone($clone(constants, js.Value).Get("O_TRUNC"), js.Value).Int(); + nodeAPPEND = $clone($clone(constants, js.Value).Get("O_APPEND"), js.Value).Int(); + nodeEXCL = $clone($clone(constants, js.Value).Get("O_EXCL"), js.Value).Int(); + files = $makeMap($Int.keyFor, [{ k: 0, v: new jsFile.ptr("", sliceType.nil, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), false) }, { k: 1, v: new jsFile.ptr("", sliceType.nil, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), false) }, { k: 2, v: new jsFile.ptr("", sliceType.nil, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), false) }]); + _r = runtime_envs(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + envs = _r; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/syscall/unix"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, syscall, IsNonblock, RecvfromInet4, RecvfromInet6, SendtoInet4, SendtoInet6, SendmsgNInet4, SendmsgNInet6, RecvmsgInet4, RecvmsgInet6; + syscall = $packages["syscall"]; + IsNonblock = function(fd) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, nonblocking; + nonblocking = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = false; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + nonblocking = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [nonblocking, err]; + }; + $pkg.IsNonblock = IsNonblock; + RecvfromInet4 = function(fd, p, flags, from) { + var fd, flags, from, p; + return [0, new syscall.Errno(38)]; + }; + $pkg.RecvfromInet4 = RecvfromInet4; + RecvfromInet6 = function(fd, p, flags, from) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, flags, from, n, p; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + $pkg.RecvfromInet6 = RecvfromInet6; + SendtoInet4 = function(fd, p, flags, to) { + var err, fd, flags, p, to; + err = $ifaceNil; + err = new syscall.Errno(38); + return err; + }; + $pkg.SendtoInet4 = SendtoInet4; + SendtoInet6 = function(fd, p, flags, to) { + var err, fd, flags, p, to; + err = $ifaceNil; + err = new syscall.Errno(38); + return err; + }; + $pkg.SendtoInet6 = SendtoInet6; + SendmsgNInet4 = function(fd, p, oob, to, flags) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, flags, n, oob, p, to; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + $pkg.SendmsgNInet4 = SendmsgNInet4; + SendmsgNInet6 = function(fd, p, oob, to, flags) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, flags, n, oob, p, to; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + $pkg.SendmsgNInet6 = SendmsgNInet6; + RecvmsgInet4 = function(fd, p, oob, flags, from) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, err, fd, flags, from, n, oob, oobn, p, recvflags; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + recvflags = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + recvflags = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, oobn, recvflags, err]; + }; + $pkg.RecvmsgInet4 = RecvmsgInet4; + RecvmsgInet6 = function(fd, p, oob, flags, from) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, err, fd, flags, from, n, oob, oobn, p, recvflags; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + recvflags = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + recvflags = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, oobn, recvflags, err]; + }; + $pkg.RecvmsgInet6 = RecvmsgInet6; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = syscall.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, Pool, Once, Mutex, WaitGroup, Map, sliceType, ptrType, funcType, funcType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$4, funcType$2, ptrType$5, mapType; + Pool = $pkg.Pool = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nosync.Pool", true, "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync", true, function(store_, New_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.store = sliceType.nil; + this.New = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.store = store_; + this.New = New_; + }); + Once = $pkg.Once = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nosync.Once", true, "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync", true, function(doing_, done_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.doing = false; + this.done = false; + return; + } + this.doing = doing_; + this.done = done_; + }); + Mutex = $pkg.Mutex = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nosync.Mutex", true, "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync", true, function(locked_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.locked = false; + return; + } + this.locked = locked_; + }); + WaitGroup = $pkg.WaitGroup = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nosync.WaitGroup", true, "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync", true, function(counter_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.counter = 0; + return; + } + this.counter = counter_; + }); + Map = $pkg.Map = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nosync.Map", true, "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync", true, function(m_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.m = false; + return; + } + this.m = m_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(Pool); + funcType = $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false); + funcType$1 = $funcType([], [], false); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Once); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Mutex); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(WaitGroup); + funcType$2 = $funcType([$emptyInterface, $emptyInterface], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(Map); + mapType = $mapType($emptyInterface, $emptyInterface); + Pool.ptr.prototype.Get = function() { + var {$24r, _r, p, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + /* */ if (p.store.$length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p.store.$length === 0) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (!(p.New === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(p.New === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 3: + _r = p.New(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + x$2 = (x = p.store, x$1 = p.store.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); + p.store = $subslice(p.store, 0, (p.store.$length - 1 >> 0)); + $s = -1; return x$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Pool.ptr.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, p, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Pool.prototype.Get = function() { return this.$val.Get(); }; + Pool.ptr.prototype.Put = function(x) { + var p, x; + p = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(x, $ifaceNil)) { + return; + } + p.store = $append(p.store, x); + }; + Pool.prototype.Put = function(x) { return this.$val.Put(x); }; + Once.ptr.prototype.Do = function(f) { + var {f, o, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + o = [o]; + o[0] = this; + /* */ if (o[0].done) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (o[0].done) { */ case 1: + $s = 3; case 3: return; + /* } */ case 2: + if (o[0].doing) { + $panic(new $String("nosync: Do called within f")); + } + o[0].doing = true; + $deferred.push([(function(o) { return function() { + o[0].doing = false; + o[0].done = true; + }; })(o), []]); + $r = f(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Once.ptr.prototype.Do, $c: true, $r, f, o, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Once.prototype.Do = function(f) { return this.$val.Do(f); }; + Mutex.ptr.prototype.Lock = function() { + var m; + m = this; + if (m.locked) { + $panic(new $String("nosync: mutex is already locked")); + } + m.locked = true; + }; + Mutex.prototype.Lock = function() { return this.$val.Lock(); }; + Mutex.ptr.prototype.Unlock = function() { + var m; + m = this; + if (!m.locked) { + $panic(new $String("nosync: unlock of unlocked mutex")); + } + m.locked = false; + }; + Mutex.prototype.Unlock = function() { return this.$val.Unlock(); }; + WaitGroup.ptr.prototype.Add = function(delta) { + var delta, wg; + wg = this; + wg.counter = wg.counter + (delta) >> 0; + if (wg.counter < 0) { + $panic(new $String("sync: negative WaitGroup counter")); + } + }; + WaitGroup.prototype.Add = function(delta) { return this.$val.Add(delta); }; + WaitGroup.ptr.prototype.Done = function() { + var wg; + wg = this; + wg.Add(-1); + }; + WaitGroup.prototype.Done = function() { return this.$val.Done(); }; + WaitGroup.ptr.prototype.Wait = function() { + var wg; + wg = this; + if (!((wg.counter === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("sync: WaitGroup counter not zero")); + } + }; + WaitGroup.prototype.Wait = function() { return this.$val.Wait(); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.Load = function(key) { + var _entry, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, key, m, ok, value; + value = $ifaceNil; + ok = false; + m = this; + _tuple = (_entry = m.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + value = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = value; + _tmp$1 = ok; + value = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [value, ok]; + }; + Map.prototype.Load = function(key) { return this.$val.Load(key); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.Store = function(key, value) { + var _key, key, m, value; + m = this; + if (m.m === false) { + m.m = {}; + } + _key = key; (m.m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: value }; + }; + Map.prototype.Store = function(key, value) { return this.$val.Store(key, value); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.LoadOrStore = function(key, value) { + var _entry, _key, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, actual, key, loaded, m, ok, value, value$1; + actual = $ifaceNil; + loaded = false; + m = this; + _tuple = (_entry = m.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + value$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + _tmp = value$1; + _tmp$1 = true; + actual = _tmp; + loaded = _tmp$1; + return [actual, loaded]; + } + if (m.m === false) { + m.m = {}; + } + _key = key; (m.m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: value }; + _tmp$2 = value; + _tmp$3 = false; + actual = _tmp$2; + loaded = _tmp$3; + return [actual, loaded]; + }; + Map.prototype.LoadOrStore = function(key, value) { return this.$val.LoadOrStore(key, value); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.Delete = function(key) { + var key, m; + m = this; + if (m.m === false) { + return; + } + delete m.m[$emptyInterface.keyFor(key)]; + }; + Map.prototype.Delete = function(key) { return this.$val.Delete(key); }; + Map.ptr.prototype.Range = function(f) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r, _ref, f, k, m, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _ref = m.m; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + v = _entry.v; + _r = f(k, v); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 3: + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Map.ptr.prototype.Range, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r, _ref, f, k, m, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Map.prototype.Range = function(f) { return this.$val.Range(f); }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "Put", name: "Put", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Do", name: "Do", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$1], [], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Done", name: "Done", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Wait", name: "Wait", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "Load", name: "Load", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Store", name: "Store", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, $emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "LoadOrStore", name: "LoadOrStore", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, $emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Delete", name: "Delete", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "Range", name: "Range", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$2], [], false)}]; + Pool.init("github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync", [{prop: "store", name: "store", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "New", name: "New", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}]); + Once.init("github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync", [{prop: "doing", name: "doing", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + Mutex.init("github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync", [{prop: "locked", name: "locked", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + WaitGroup.init("github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync", [{prop: "counter", name: "counter", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Map.init("github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync", [{prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["time"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, js$1, nosync, runtime, syscall, js, Location, zone, zoneTrans, ruleKind, rule, Time, Month, Weekday, Duration, Timer, ParseError, runtimeTimer, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, ptrType$2, arrayType$2, chanType, funcType, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, arrayType$5, structType, ptrType$4, chanType$1, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, funcType$1, ptrType$8, badData, utcLoc, utcLoc$24ptr, localLoc, localLoc$24ptr, localOnce, errLocation, daysBefore, startNano, std0x, longDayNames, shortDayNames, shortMonthNames, longMonthNames, atoiError, errBad, errLeadingInt, unitMap, zoneSources, x, _r, FixedZone, tzset, tzsetName, tzsetOffset, tzsetRule, tzsetNum, tzruleTime, absWeekday, absClock, fmtFrac, fmtInt, lessThanHalf, Since, Until, absDate, daysIn, daysSinceEpoch, runtimeNano, Now, unixTime, Unix, isLeap, norm, Date, div, when, NewTimer, sendTime, After, AfterFunc, goFunc, startsWithLowerCase, nextStdChunk, match, lookup, appendInt, atoi, stdFracSecond, digitsLen, separator, formatNano, quote, isDigit, getnum, getnum3, cutspace, skip, Parse, parse, parseTimeZone, parseGMT, parseSignedOffset, commaOrPeriod, parseNanoseconds, leadingInt, leadingFraction, ParseDuration, initLocal, itoa, init, now, Sleep, startTimer, stopTimer, modTimer, resetTimer; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + js$1 = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + nosync = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + syscall = $packages["syscall"]; + js = $packages["syscall/js"]; + Location = $pkg.Location = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.Location", true, "time", true, function(name_, zone_, tx_, extend_, cacheStart_, cacheEnd_, cacheZone_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + this.zone = sliceType.nil; + this.tx = sliceType$1.nil; + this.extend = ""; + this.cacheStart = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.cacheEnd = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.cacheZone = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.zone = zone_; + this.tx = tx_; + this.extend = extend_; + this.cacheStart = cacheStart_; + this.cacheEnd = cacheEnd_; + this.cacheZone = cacheZone_; + }); + zone = $pkg.zone = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.zone", true, "time", false, function(name_, offset_, isDST_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + this.offset = 0; + this.isDST = false; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.offset = offset_; + this.isDST = isDST_; + }); + zoneTrans = $pkg.zoneTrans = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.zoneTrans", true, "time", false, function(when_, index_, isstd_, isutc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.when = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.index = 0; + this.isstd = false; + this.isutc = false; + return; + } + this.when = when_; + this.index = index_; + this.isstd = isstd_; + this.isutc = isutc_; + }); + ruleKind = $pkg.ruleKind = $newType(4, $kindInt, "time.ruleKind", true, "time", false, null); + rule = $pkg.rule = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.rule", true, "time", false, function(kind_, day_, week_, mon_, time_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.kind = 0; + this.day = 0; + this.week = 0; + this.mon = 0; + this.time = 0; + return; + } + this.kind = kind_; + this.day = day_; + this.week = week_; + this.mon = mon_; + this.time = time_; + }); + Time = $pkg.Time = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.Time", true, "time", true, function(wall_, ext_, loc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.wall = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.ext = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.loc = ptrType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.wall = wall_; + this.ext = ext_; + this.loc = loc_; + }); + Month = $pkg.Month = $newType(4, $kindInt, "time.Month", true, "time", true, null); + Weekday = $pkg.Weekday = $newType(4, $kindInt, "time.Weekday", true, "time", true, null); + Duration = $pkg.Duration = $newType(8, $kindInt64, "time.Duration", true, "time", true, null); + Timer = $pkg.Timer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.Timer", true, "time", true, function(C_, r_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.C = $chanNil; + this.r = new runtimeTimer.ptr(0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), $throwNilPointerError, $ifaceNil, 0, null, false); + return; + } + this.C = C_; + this.r = r_; + }); + ParseError = $pkg.ParseError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.ParseError", true, "time", true, function(Layout_, Value_, LayoutElem_, ValueElem_, Message_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Layout = ""; + this.Value = ""; + this.LayoutElem = ""; + this.ValueElem = ""; + this.Message = ""; + return; + } + this.Layout = Layout_; + this.Value = Value_; + this.LayoutElem = LayoutElem_; + this.ValueElem = ValueElem_; + this.Message = Message_; + }); + runtimeTimer = $pkg.runtimeTimer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.runtimeTimer", true, "time", false, function(i_, when_, period_, f_, arg_, seq_, timeout_, active_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.i = 0; + this.when = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.period = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.f = $throwNilPointerError; + this.arg = $ifaceNil; + this.seq = 0; + this.timeout = null; + this.active = false; + return; + } + this.i = i_; + this.when = when_; + this.period = period_; + this.f = f_; + this.arg = arg_; + this.seq = seq_; + this.timeout = timeout_; + this.active = active_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType(zone); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(zoneTrans); + ptrType = $ptrType(zone); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Location); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + chanType = $chanType(Time, false, false); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 20); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 9); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + structType = $structType("", []); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(Time); + chanType$1 = $chanType(Time, false, true); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(Timer); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(ParseError); + funcType$1 = $funcType([$emptyInterface, $Uintptr], [], false); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(js$1.Object); + Location.ptr.prototype.get = function() { + var {l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (l === ptrType$2.nil) { + $s = -1; return utcLoc; + } + /* */ if (l === localLoc) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (l === localLoc) { */ case 1: + $r = localOnce.Do(initLocal); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return l; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Location.ptr.prototype.get, $c: true, $r, l, $s};return $f; + }; + Location.prototype.get = function() { return this.$val.get(); }; + Location.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + _r$1 = l.get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1.name; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Location.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, l, $s};return $f; + }; + Location.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + FixedZone = function(name, offset) { + var l, name, offset, x$1; + l = new Location.ptr(name, new sliceType([new zone.ptr(name, offset, false)]), new sliceType$1([new zoneTrans.ptr(new $Int64(-2147483648, 0), 0, false, false)]), "", new $Int64(-2147483648, 0), new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295), ptrType.nil); + l.cacheZone = (x$1 = l.zone, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])); + return l; + }; + $pkg.FixedZone = FixedZone; + Location.ptr.prototype.lookup = function(sec) { + var {_q, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, eend, eisDST, ename, end, eoffset, estart, hi, isDST, l, lim, lo, m, name, offset, ok, sec, start, tx, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, zone$1, zone$2, zone$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {sec}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + name = ""; + offset = 0; + start = new $Int64(0, 0); + end = new $Int64(0, 0); + isDST = false; + l = this; + _r$1 = l.get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + l = _r$1; + if (l.zone.$length === 0) { + name = "UTC"; + offset = 0; + start = new $Int64(-2147483648, 0); + end = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + isDST = false; + $s = -1; return [name, offset, start, end, isDST]; + } + zone$1 = l.cacheZone; + if (!(zone$1 === ptrType.nil) && (x$1 = l.cacheStart, (x$1.$high < sec.$high || (x$1.$high === sec.$high && x$1.$low <= sec.$low))) && (x$2 = l.cacheEnd, (sec.$high < x$2.$high || (sec.$high === x$2.$high && sec.$low < x$2.$low)))) { + name = zone$1.name; + offset = zone$1.offset; + start = l.cacheStart; + end = l.cacheEnd; + isDST = zone$1.isDST; + $s = -1; return [name, offset, start, end, isDST]; + } + if ((l.tx.$length === 0) || (x$3 = (x$4 = l.tx, (0 >= x$4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + 0])).when, (sec.$high < x$3.$high || (sec.$high === x$3.$high && sec.$low < x$3.$low)))) { + zone$2 = (x$5 = l.zone, x$6 = l.lookupFirstZone(), ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + x$6])); + name = zone$2.name; + offset = zone$2.offset; + start = new $Int64(-2147483648, 0); + if (l.tx.$length > 0) { + end = (x$7 = l.tx, (0 >= x$7.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + 0])).when; + } else { + end = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + } + isDST = zone$2.isDST; + $s = -1; return [name, offset, start, end, isDST]; + } + tx = l.tx; + end = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + lo = 0; + hi = tx.$length; + while (true) { + if (!((hi - lo >> 0) > 1)) { break; } + m = lo + (_q = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + lim = ((m < 0 || m >= tx.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tx.$array[tx.$offset + m]).when; + if ((sec.$high < lim.$high || (sec.$high === lim.$high && sec.$low < lim.$low))) { + end = lim; + hi = m; + } else { + lo = m; + } + } + zone$3 = (x$8 = l.zone, x$9 = ((lo < 0 || lo >= tx.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tx.$array[tx.$offset + lo]).index, ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= x$8.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8.$array[x$8.$offset + x$9])); + name = zone$3.name; + offset = zone$3.offset; + start = ((lo < 0 || lo >= tx.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tx.$array[tx.$offset + lo]).when; + isDST = zone$3.isDST; + if ((lo === (tx.$length - 1 >> 0)) && !(l.extend === "")) { + _tuple = tzset(l.extend, end, sec); + ename = _tuple[0]; + eoffset = _tuple[1]; + estart = _tuple[2]; + eend = _tuple[3]; + eisDST = _tuple[4]; + ok = _tuple[5]; + if (ok) { + _tmp = ename; + _tmp$1 = eoffset; + _tmp$2 = estart; + _tmp$3 = eend; + _tmp$4 = eisDST; + name = _tmp; + offset = _tmp$1; + start = _tmp$2; + end = _tmp$3; + isDST = _tmp$4; + $s = -1; return [name, offset, start, end, isDST]; + } + } + $s = -1; return [name, offset, start, end, isDST]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Location.ptr.prototype.lookup, $c: true, $r, _q, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, eend, eisDST, ename, end, eoffset, estart, hi, isDST, l, lim, lo, m, name, offset, ok, sec, start, tx, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, zone$1, zone$2, zone$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Location.prototype.lookup = function(sec) { return this.$val.lookup(sec); }; + Location.ptr.prototype.lookupFirstZone = function() { + var _i, _ref, l, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, zi, zi$1; + l = this; + if (!l.firstZoneUsed()) { + return 0; + } + if (l.tx.$length > 0 && (x$1 = l.zone, x$2 = (x$3 = l.tx, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0])).index, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + x$2])).isDST) { + zi = (((x$4 = l.tx, (0 >= x$4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + 0])).index >> 0)) - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(zi >= 0)) { break; } + if (!(x$5 = l.zone, ((zi < 0 || zi >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + zi])).isDST) { + return zi; + } + zi = zi - (1) >> 0; + } + } + _ref = l.zone; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + zi$1 = _i; + if (!(x$6 = l.zone, ((zi$1 < 0 || zi$1 >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + zi$1])).isDST) { + return zi$1; + } + _i++; + } + return 0; + }; + Location.prototype.lookupFirstZone = function() { return this.$val.lookupFirstZone(); }; + Location.ptr.prototype.firstZoneUsed = function() { + var _i, _ref, l, tx; + l = this; + _ref = l.tx; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + tx = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), zoneTrans); + if (tx.index === 0) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + Location.prototype.firstZoneUsed = function() { return this.$val.firstZoneUsed(); }; + tzset = function(s, initEnd, sec) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$56, _tmp$57, _tmp$58, _tmp$59, _tmp$6, _tmp$60, _tmp$61, _tmp$62, _tmp$63, _tmp$64, _tmp$65, _tmp$66, _tmp$67, _tmp$68, _tmp$69, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, abs, d, dstIsDST, dstName, dstOffset, end, endRule, endSec, initEnd, isDST, name, offset, ok, s, sec, start, startRule, startSec, stdIsDST, stdName, stdOffset, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, yday, year, ysec; + name = ""; + offset = 0; + start = new $Int64(0, 0); + end = new $Int64(0, 0); + isDST = false; + ok = false; + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + stdName = _tmp; + dstName = _tmp$1; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + stdOffset = _tmp$2; + dstOffset = _tmp$3; + _tuple = tzsetName(s); + stdName = _tuple[0]; + s = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (ok) { + _tuple$1 = tzsetOffset(s); + stdOffset = _tuple$1[0]; + s = _tuple$1[1]; + ok = _tuple$1[2]; + } + if (!ok) { + _tmp$4 = ""; + _tmp$5 = 0; + _tmp$6 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$7 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$8 = false; + _tmp$9 = false; + name = _tmp$4; + offset = _tmp$5; + start = _tmp$6; + end = _tmp$7; + isDST = _tmp$8; + ok = _tmp$9; + return [name, offset, start, end, isDST, ok]; + } + stdOffset = -stdOffset; + if ((s.length === 0) || (s.charCodeAt(0) === 44)) { + _tmp$10 = stdName; + _tmp$11 = stdOffset; + _tmp$12 = initEnd; + _tmp$13 = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + _tmp$14 = false; + _tmp$15 = true; + name = _tmp$10; + offset = _tmp$11; + start = _tmp$12; + end = _tmp$13; + isDST = _tmp$14; + ok = _tmp$15; + return [name, offset, start, end, isDST, ok]; + } + _tuple$2 = tzsetName(s); + dstName = _tuple$2[0]; + s = _tuple$2[1]; + ok = _tuple$2[2]; + if (ok) { + if ((s.length === 0) || (s.charCodeAt(0) === 44)) { + dstOffset = stdOffset + 3600 >> 0; + } else { + _tuple$3 = tzsetOffset(s); + dstOffset = _tuple$3[0]; + s = _tuple$3[1]; + ok = _tuple$3[2]; + dstOffset = -dstOffset; + } + } + if (!ok) { + _tmp$16 = ""; + _tmp$17 = 0; + _tmp$18 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$19 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$20 = false; + _tmp$21 = false; + name = _tmp$16; + offset = _tmp$17; + start = _tmp$18; + end = _tmp$19; + isDST = _tmp$20; + ok = _tmp$21; + return [name, offset, start, end, isDST, ok]; + } + if (s.length === 0) { + s = ",M3.2.0,M11.1.0"; + } + if (!((s.charCodeAt(0) === 44)) && !((s.charCodeAt(0) === 59))) { + _tmp$22 = ""; + _tmp$23 = 0; + _tmp$24 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$25 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$26 = false; + _tmp$27 = false; + name = _tmp$22; + offset = _tmp$23; + start = _tmp$24; + end = _tmp$25; + isDST = _tmp$26; + ok = _tmp$27; + return [name, offset, start, end, isDST, ok]; + } + s = $substring(s, 1); + _tmp$28 = new rule.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + _tmp$29 = new rule.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + startRule = $clone(_tmp$28, rule); + endRule = $clone(_tmp$29, rule); + _tuple$4 = tzsetRule(s); + rule.copy(startRule, _tuple$4[0]); + s = _tuple$4[1]; + ok = _tuple$4[2]; + if (!ok || (s.length === 0) || !((s.charCodeAt(0) === 44))) { + _tmp$30 = ""; + _tmp$31 = 0; + _tmp$32 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$33 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$34 = false; + _tmp$35 = false; + name = _tmp$30; + offset = _tmp$31; + start = _tmp$32; + end = _tmp$33; + isDST = _tmp$34; + ok = _tmp$35; + return [name, offset, start, end, isDST, ok]; + } + s = $substring(s, 1); + _tuple$5 = tzsetRule(s); + rule.copy(endRule, _tuple$5[0]); + s = _tuple$5[1]; + ok = _tuple$5[2]; + if (!ok || s.length > 0) { + _tmp$36 = ""; + _tmp$37 = 0; + _tmp$38 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$39 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$40 = false; + _tmp$41 = false; + name = _tmp$36; + offset = _tmp$37; + start = _tmp$38; + end = _tmp$39; + isDST = _tmp$40; + ok = _tmp$41; + return [name, offset, start, end, isDST, ok]; + } + _tuple$6 = absDate(((x$1 = (x$2 = new $Int64(sec.$high + 14, sec.$low + 2006054656), new $Int64(x$2.$high + 2147483631, x$2.$low + 2739393024)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))), false); + year = _tuple$6[0]; + yday = _tuple$6[3]; + ysec = (x$3 = (new $Int64(0, ($imul(yday, 86400)))), x$4 = $div64(sec, new $Int64(0, 86400), true), new $Int64(x$3.$high + x$4.$high, x$3.$low + x$4.$low)); + d = daysSinceEpoch(year); + abs = ((x$5 = $mul64(d, new $Uint64(0, 86400)), new $Int64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low))); + abs = (x$6 = new $Int64(-2147483647, 3844486912), new $Int64(abs.$high + x$6.$high, abs.$low + x$6.$low)); + startSec = (new $Int64(0, tzruleTime(year, $clone(startRule, rule), stdOffset))); + endSec = (new $Int64(0, tzruleTime(year, $clone(endRule, rule), dstOffset))); + _tmp$42 = true; + _tmp$43 = false; + dstIsDST = _tmp$42; + stdIsDST = _tmp$43; + if ((endSec.$high < startSec.$high || (endSec.$high === startSec.$high && endSec.$low < startSec.$low))) { + _tmp$44 = endSec; + _tmp$45 = startSec; + startSec = _tmp$44; + endSec = _tmp$45; + _tmp$46 = dstName; + _tmp$47 = stdName; + stdName = _tmp$46; + dstName = _tmp$47; + _tmp$48 = dstOffset; + _tmp$49 = stdOffset; + stdOffset = _tmp$48; + dstOffset = _tmp$49; + _tmp$50 = dstIsDST; + _tmp$51 = stdIsDST; + stdIsDST = _tmp$50; + dstIsDST = _tmp$51; + } + if ((ysec.$high < startSec.$high || (ysec.$high === startSec.$high && ysec.$low < startSec.$low))) { + _tmp$52 = stdName; + _tmp$53 = stdOffset; + _tmp$54 = abs; + _tmp$55 = new $Int64(startSec.$high + abs.$high, startSec.$low + abs.$low); + _tmp$56 = stdIsDST; + _tmp$57 = true; + name = _tmp$52; + offset = _tmp$53; + start = _tmp$54; + end = _tmp$55; + isDST = _tmp$56; + ok = _tmp$57; + return [name, offset, start, end, isDST, ok]; + } else if ((ysec.$high > endSec.$high || (ysec.$high === endSec.$high && ysec.$low >= endSec.$low))) { + _tmp$58 = stdName; + _tmp$59 = stdOffset; + _tmp$60 = new $Int64(endSec.$high + abs.$high, endSec.$low + abs.$low); + _tmp$61 = new $Int64(abs.$high + 0, abs.$low + 31536000); + _tmp$62 = stdIsDST; + _tmp$63 = true; + name = _tmp$58; + offset = _tmp$59; + start = _tmp$60; + end = _tmp$61; + isDST = _tmp$62; + ok = _tmp$63; + return [name, offset, start, end, isDST, ok]; + } else { + _tmp$64 = dstName; + _tmp$65 = dstOffset; + _tmp$66 = new $Int64(startSec.$high + abs.$high, startSec.$low + abs.$low); + _tmp$67 = new $Int64(endSec.$high + abs.$high, endSec.$low + abs.$low); + _tmp$68 = dstIsDST; + _tmp$69 = true; + name = _tmp$64; + offset = _tmp$65; + start = _tmp$66; + end = _tmp$67; + isDST = _tmp$68; + ok = _tmp$69; + return [name, offset, start, end, isDST, ok]; + } + }; + tzsetName = function(s) { + var _1, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, _rune$1, i, i$1, r, r$1, s; + if (s.length === 0) { + return ["", "", false]; + } + if (!((s.charCodeAt(0) === 60))) { + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i = _i; + r = _rune[0]; + _1 = r; + if ((_1 === (48)) || (_1 === (49)) || (_1 === (50)) || (_1 === (51)) || (_1 === (52)) || (_1 === (53)) || (_1 === (54)) || (_1 === (55)) || (_1 === (56)) || (_1 === (57)) || (_1 === (44)) || (_1 === (45)) || (_1 === (43))) { + if (i < 3) { + return ["", "", false]; + } + return [$substring(s, 0, i), $substring(s, i), true]; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + if (s.length < 3) { + return ["", "", false]; + } + return [s, "", true]; + } else { + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.length)) { break; } + _rune$1 = $decodeRune(_ref$1, _i$1); + i$1 = _i$1; + r$1 = _rune$1[0]; + if (r$1 === 62) { + return [$substring(s, 1, i$1), $substring(s, (i$1 + 1 >> 0)), true]; + } + _i$1 += _rune$1[1]; + } + return ["", "", false]; + } + }; + tzsetOffset = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, hours, mins, neg, off, offset, ok, rest, s, secs; + offset = 0; + rest = ""; + ok = false; + if (s.length === 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = false; + offset = _tmp; + rest = _tmp$1; + ok = _tmp$2; + return [offset, rest, ok]; + } + neg = false; + if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 43) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + } else if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 45) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + neg = true; + } + hours = 0; + _tuple = tzsetNum(s, 0, 168); + hours = _tuple[0]; + s = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (!ok) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = ""; + _tmp$5 = false; + offset = _tmp$3; + rest = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [offset, rest, ok]; + } + off = $imul(hours, 3600); + if ((s.length === 0) || !((s.charCodeAt(0) === 58))) { + if (neg) { + off = -off; + } + _tmp$6 = off; + _tmp$7 = s; + _tmp$8 = true; + offset = _tmp$6; + rest = _tmp$7; + ok = _tmp$8; + return [offset, rest, ok]; + } + mins = 0; + _tuple$1 = tzsetNum($substring(s, 1), 0, 59); + mins = _tuple$1[0]; + s = _tuple$1[1]; + ok = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!ok) { + _tmp$9 = 0; + _tmp$10 = ""; + _tmp$11 = false; + offset = _tmp$9; + rest = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [offset, rest, ok]; + } + off = off + (($imul(mins, 60))) >> 0; + if ((s.length === 0) || !((s.charCodeAt(0) === 58))) { + if (neg) { + off = -off; + } + _tmp$12 = off; + _tmp$13 = s; + _tmp$14 = true; + offset = _tmp$12; + rest = _tmp$13; + ok = _tmp$14; + return [offset, rest, ok]; + } + secs = 0; + _tuple$2 = tzsetNum($substring(s, 1), 0, 59); + secs = _tuple$2[0]; + s = _tuple$2[1]; + ok = _tuple$2[2]; + if (!ok) { + _tmp$15 = 0; + _tmp$16 = ""; + _tmp$17 = false; + offset = _tmp$15; + rest = _tmp$16; + ok = _tmp$17; + return [offset, rest, ok]; + } + off = off + (secs) >> 0; + if (neg) { + off = -off; + } + _tmp$18 = off; + _tmp$19 = s; + _tmp$20 = true; + offset = _tmp$18; + rest = _tmp$19; + ok = _tmp$20; + return [offset, rest, ok]; + }; + tzsetRule = function(s) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, day, day$1, jday, mon, offset, ok, r, s, week; + r = new rule.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + if (s.length === 0) { + return [new rule.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), "", false]; + } + ok = false; + if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 74) { + jday = 0; + _tuple = tzsetNum($substring(s, 1), 1, 365); + jday = _tuple[0]; + s = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (!ok) { + return [new rule.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), "", false]; + } + r.kind = 0; + r.day = jday; + } else if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 77) { + mon = 0; + _tuple$1 = tzsetNum($substring(s, 1), 1, 12); + mon = _tuple$1[0]; + s = _tuple$1[1]; + ok = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!ok || (s.length === 0) || !((s.charCodeAt(0) === 46))) { + return [new rule.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), "", false]; + } + week = 0; + _tuple$2 = tzsetNum($substring(s, 1), 1, 5); + week = _tuple$2[0]; + s = _tuple$2[1]; + ok = _tuple$2[2]; + if (!ok || (s.length === 0) || !((s.charCodeAt(0) === 46))) { + return [new rule.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), "", false]; + } + day = 0; + _tuple$3 = tzsetNum($substring(s, 1), 0, 6); + day = _tuple$3[0]; + s = _tuple$3[1]; + ok = _tuple$3[2]; + if (!ok) { + return [new rule.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), "", false]; + } + r.kind = 2; + r.day = day; + r.week = week; + r.mon = mon; + } else { + day$1 = 0; + _tuple$4 = tzsetNum(s, 0, 365); + day$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + s = _tuple$4[1]; + ok = _tuple$4[2]; + if (!ok) { + return [new rule.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), "", false]; + } + r.kind = 1; + r.day = day$1; + } + if ((s.length === 0) || !((s.charCodeAt(0) === 47))) { + r.time = 7200; + return [r, s, true]; + } + _tuple$5 = tzsetOffset($substring(s, 1)); + offset = _tuple$5[0]; + s = _tuple$5[1]; + ok = _tuple$5[2]; + if (!ok) { + return [new rule.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), "", false]; + } + r.time = offset; + return [r, s, true]; + }; + tzsetNum = function(s, min, max) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, i, max, min, num, ok, r, rest, s; + num = 0; + rest = ""; + ok = false; + if (s.length === 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = false; + num = _tmp; + rest = _tmp$1; + ok = _tmp$2; + return [num, rest, ok]; + } + num = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i = _i; + r = _rune[0]; + if (r < 48 || r > 57) { + if ((i === 0) || num < min) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = ""; + _tmp$5 = false; + num = _tmp$3; + rest = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [num, rest, ok]; + } + _tmp$6 = num; + _tmp$7 = $substring(s, i); + _tmp$8 = true; + num = _tmp$6; + rest = _tmp$7; + ok = _tmp$8; + return [num, rest, ok]; + } + num = $imul(num, (10)); + num = num + ((((r >> 0)) - 48 >> 0)) >> 0; + if (num > max) { + _tmp$9 = 0; + _tmp$10 = ""; + _tmp$11 = false; + num = _tmp$9; + rest = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [num, rest, ok]; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + if (num < min) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = ""; + _tmp$14 = false; + num = _tmp$12; + rest = _tmp$13; + ok = _tmp$14; + return [num, rest, ok]; + } + _tmp$15 = num; + _tmp$16 = ""; + _tmp$17 = true; + num = _tmp$15; + rest = _tmp$16; + ok = _tmp$17; + return [num, rest, ok]; + }; + tzruleTime = function(year, r, off) { + var _1, _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, d, dow, i, m1, off, r, s, x$1, year, yy0, yy1, yy2; + s = 0; + _1 = r.kind; + if (_1 === (0)) { + s = $imul(((r.day - 1 >> 0)), 86400); + if (isLeap(year) && r.day >= 60) { + s = s + (86400) >> 0; + } + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + s = $imul(r.day, 86400); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + m1 = (_r$1 = ((r.mon + 9 >> 0)) % 12, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 1 >> 0; + yy0 = year; + if (r.mon <= 2) { + yy0 = yy0 - (1) >> 0; + } + yy1 = (_q = yy0 / 100, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + yy2 = (_r$2 = yy0 % 100, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + dow = (_r$3 = (((((((_q$1 = ((($imul(26, m1)) - 2 >> 0)) / 10, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 1 >> 0) + yy2 >> 0) + (_q$2 = yy2 / 4, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) + (_q$3 = yy1 / 4, (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) - ($imul(2, yy1)) >> 0)) % 7, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (dow < 0) { + dow = dow + (7) >> 0; + } + d = r.day - dow >> 0; + if (d < 0) { + d = d + (7) >> 0; + } + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < r.week)) { break; } + if ((d + 7 >> 0) >= daysIn(((r.mon >> 0)), year)) { + break; + } + d = d + (7) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + d = d + ((((x$1 = r.mon - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= daysBefore.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : daysBefore[x$1])) >> 0))) >> 0; + if (isLeap(year) && r.mon > 2) { + d = d + (1) >> 0; + } + s = $imul(d, 86400); + } + return (s + r.time >> 0) - off >> 0; + }; + Location.ptr.prototype.lookupName = function(name, unix) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, i, i$1, l, nam, name, offset, offset$1, ok, unix, x$1, x$2, x$3, zone$1, zone$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, unix}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + offset = 0; + ok = false; + l = this; + _r$1 = l.get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + l = _r$1; + _ref = l.zone; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + i = _i; + zone$1 = (x$1 = l.zone, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])); + /* */ if (zone$1.name === name) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (zone$1.name === name) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = l.lookup((x$2 = (new $Int64(0, zone$1.offset)), new $Int64(unix.$high - x$2.$high, unix.$low - x$2.$low))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + nam = _tuple[0]; + offset$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (nam === zone$1.name) { + _tmp = offset$1; + _tmp$1 = true; + offset = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [offset, ok]; + } + /* } */ case 5: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _ref$1 = l.zone; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + zone$2 = (x$3 = l.zone, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i$1])); + if (zone$2.name === name) { + _tmp$2 = zone$2.offset; + _tmp$3 = true; + offset = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [offset, ok]; + } + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return [offset, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Location.ptr.prototype.lookupName, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, i, i$1, l, nam, name, offset, offset$1, ok, unix, x$1, x$2, x$3, zone$1, zone$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Location.prototype.lookupName = function(name, unix) { return this.$val.lookupName(name, unix); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.nsec = function() { + var t, x$1; + t = this; + return (((x$1 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 0, (x$1.$low & 1073741823) >>> 0)).$low >> 0)); + }; + Time.prototype.nsec = function() { return this.$val.nsec(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.sec = function() { + var t, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + t = this; + if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { + return (x$3 = ((x$4 = $shiftRightUint64($shiftLeft64(t.wall, 1), 31), new $Int64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low))), new $Int64(13 + x$3.$high, 3618733952 + x$3.$low)); + } + return t.ext; + }; + Time.prototype.sec = function() { return this.$val.sec(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.unixSec = function() { + var t, x$1; + t = this; + return (x$1 = t.sec(), new $Int64(x$1.$high + -15, x$1.$low + 2288912640)); + }; + Time.prototype.unixSec = function() { return this.$val.unixSec(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.addSec = function(d) { + var d, dsec, sec, sum, t, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + t = this; + if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { + sec = ((x$3 = $shiftRightUint64($shiftLeft64(t.wall, 1), 31), new $Int64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low))); + dsec = new $Int64(sec.$high + d.$high, sec.$low + d.$low); + if ((0 < dsec.$high || (0 === dsec.$high && 0 <= dsec.$low)) && (dsec.$high < 1 || (dsec.$high === 1 && dsec.$low <= 4294967295))) { + t.wall = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$6.$high & 0, (x$6.$low & 1073741823) >>> 0)), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(dsec.$high, dsec.$low)), 30), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$7.$high, (x$5.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | 2147483648, (x$4.$low | 0) >>> 0)); + return; + } + t.stripMono(); + } + sum = (x$8 = t.ext, new $Int64(x$8.$high + d.$high, x$8.$low + d.$low)); + if (((x$9 = t.ext, (sum.$high > x$9.$high || (sum.$high === x$9.$high && sum.$low > x$9.$low)))) === ((d.$high > 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low > 0)))) { + t.ext = sum; + } else if ((d.$high > 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low > 0))) { + t.ext = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + } else { + t.ext = new $Int64(-2147483648, 1); + } + }; + Time.prototype.addSec = function(d) { return this.$val.addSec(d); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.setLoc = function(loc) { + var loc, t; + t = this; + if (loc === utcLoc) { + loc = ptrType$2.nil; + } + t.stripMono(); + t.loc = loc; + }; + Time.prototype.setLoc = function(loc) { return this.$val.setLoc(loc); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.stripMono = function() { + var t, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + t = this; + if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { + t.ext = t.sec(); + t.wall = (x$3 = t.wall, x$4 = new $Uint64(0, 1073741823), new $Uint64(x$3.$high & x$4.$high, (x$3.$low & x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + } + }; + Time.prototype.stripMono = function() { return this.$val.stripMono(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.After = function(u) { + var t, ts, u, us, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + t = this; + if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = t.wall, x$4 = u.wall, new $Uint64(x$3.$high & x$4.$high, (x$3.$low & x$4.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { + return (x$5 = t.ext, x$6 = u.ext, (x$5.$high > x$6.$high || (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low > x$6.$low))); + } + ts = t.sec(); + us = u.sec(); + return (ts.$high > us.$high || (ts.$high === us.$high && ts.$low > us.$low)) || (ts.$high === us.$high && ts.$low === us.$low) && t.nsec() > u.nsec(); + }; + Time.prototype.After = function(u) { return this.$val.After(u); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Before = function(u) { + var t, ts, u, us, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + t = this; + if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = t.wall, x$4 = u.wall, new $Uint64(x$3.$high & x$4.$high, (x$3.$low & x$4.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { + return (x$5 = t.ext, x$6 = u.ext, (x$5.$high < x$6.$high || (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low < x$6.$low))); + } + ts = t.sec(); + us = u.sec(); + return (ts.$high < us.$high || (ts.$high === us.$high && ts.$low < us.$low)) || (ts.$high === us.$high && ts.$low === us.$low) && t.nsec() < u.nsec(); + }; + Time.prototype.Before = function(u) { return this.$val.Before(u); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(u) { + var t, u, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8; + t = this; + if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = t.wall, x$4 = u.wall, new $Uint64(x$3.$high & x$4.$high, (x$3.$low & x$4.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { + return (x$5 = t.ext, x$6 = u.ext, (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low === x$6.$low)); + } + return (x$7 = t.sec(), x$8 = u.sec(), (x$7.$high === x$8.$high && x$7.$low === x$8.$low)) && (t.nsec() === u.nsec()); + }; + Time.prototype.Equal = function(u) { return this.$val.Equal(u); }; + Month.prototype.String = function() { + var buf, m, n, x$1; + m = this.$val; + if (1 <= m && m <= 12) { + return (x$1 = m - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= longMonthNames.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : longMonthNames.$array[longMonthNames.$offset + x$1])); + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 20); + n = fmtInt(buf, (new $Uint64(0, m))); + return "%!Month(" + ($bytesToString($subslice(buf, n))) + ")"; + }; + $ptrType(Month).prototype.String = function() { return new Month(this.$get()).String(); }; + Weekday.prototype.String = function() { + var buf, d, n; + d = this.$val; + if (0 <= d && d <= 6) { + return ((d < 0 || d >= longDayNames.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : longDayNames.$array[longDayNames.$offset + d]); + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 20); + n = fmtInt(buf, (new $Uint64(0, d))); + return "%!Weekday(" + ($bytesToString($subslice(buf, n))) + ")"; + }; + $ptrType(Weekday).prototype.String = function() { return new Weekday(this.$get()).String(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.IsZero = function() { + var t, x$1; + t = this; + return (x$1 = t.sec(), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)) && (t.nsec() === 0); + }; + Time.prototype.IsZero = function() { return this.$val.IsZero(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.abs = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, l, offset, sec, t, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + l = t.loc; + /* */ if (l === ptrType$2.nil || l === localLoc) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (l === ptrType$2.nil || l === localLoc) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = l.get(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + l = _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + sec = t.unixSec(); + /* */ if (!(l === utcLoc)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(l === utcLoc)) { */ case 4: + /* */ if (!(l.cacheZone === ptrType.nil) && (x$1 = l.cacheStart, (x$1.$high < sec.$high || (x$1.$high === sec.$high && x$1.$low <= sec.$low))) && (x$2 = l.cacheEnd, (sec.$high < x$2.$high || (sec.$high === x$2.$high && sec.$low < x$2.$low)))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(l.cacheZone === ptrType.nil) && (x$1 = l.cacheStart, (x$1.$high < sec.$high || (x$1.$high === sec.$high && x$1.$low <= sec.$low))) && (x$2 = l.cacheEnd, (sec.$high < x$2.$high || (sec.$high === x$2.$high && sec.$low < x$2.$low)))) { */ case 6: + sec = (x$3 = (new $Int64(0, l.cacheZone.offset)), new $Int64(sec.$high + x$3.$high, sec.$low + x$3.$low)); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + _r$2 = l.lookup(sec); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + offset = _tuple[1]; + sec = (x$4 = (new $Int64(0, offset)), new $Int64(sec.$high + x$4.$high, sec.$low + x$4.$low)); + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return ((x$5 = new $Int64(sec.$high + 2147483646, sec.$low + 450480384), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.abs, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, l, offset, sec, t, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.abs = function() { return this.$val.abs(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.locabs = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, abs, l, name, offset, sec, t, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + name = ""; + offset = 0; + abs = new $Uint64(0, 0); + t = this; + l = t.loc; + /* */ if (l === ptrType$2.nil || l === localLoc) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (l === ptrType$2.nil || l === localLoc) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = l.get(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + l = _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + sec = t.unixSec(); + /* */ if (!(l === utcLoc)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(l === utcLoc)) { */ case 4: + /* */ if (!(l.cacheZone === ptrType.nil) && (x$1 = l.cacheStart, (x$1.$high < sec.$high || (x$1.$high === sec.$high && x$1.$low <= sec.$low))) && (x$2 = l.cacheEnd, (sec.$high < x$2.$high || (sec.$high === x$2.$high && sec.$low < x$2.$low)))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(l.cacheZone === ptrType.nil) && (x$1 = l.cacheStart, (x$1.$high < sec.$high || (x$1.$high === sec.$high && x$1.$low <= sec.$low))) && (x$2 = l.cacheEnd, (sec.$high < x$2.$high || (sec.$high === x$2.$high && sec.$low < x$2.$low)))) { */ case 7: + name = l.cacheZone.name; + offset = l.cacheZone.offset; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + _r$2 = l.lookup(sec); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + name = _tuple[0]; + offset = _tuple[1]; + /* } */ case 9: + sec = (x$3 = (new $Int64(0, offset)), new $Int64(sec.$high + x$3.$high, sec.$low + x$3.$low)); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + name = "UTC"; + /* } */ case 6: + abs = ((x$4 = new $Int64(sec.$high + 2147483646, sec.$low + 450480384), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low))); + $s = -1; return [name, offset, abs]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.locabs, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, abs, l, name, offset, sec, t, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.locabs = function() { return this.$val.locabs(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Date = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, day, month, t, year, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + year = 0; + month = 0; + day = 0; + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).date(true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + year = _tuple[0]; + month = _tuple[1]; + day = _tuple[2]; + $s = -1; return [year, month, day]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Date, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, day, month, t, year, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Date = function() { return this.$val.Date(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Year = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, t, year, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).date(false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + year = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return year; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Year, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, t, year, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Year = function() { return this.$val.Year(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Month = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, month, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).date(true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + month = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return month; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Month, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, month, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Month = function() { return this.$val.Month(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Day = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, day, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).date(true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + day = _tuple[2]; + $s = -1; return day; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Day, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, day, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Day = function() { return this.$val.Day(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Weekday = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).abs(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = absWeekday(_r$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Weekday, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Weekday = function() { return this.$val.Weekday(); }; + absWeekday = function(abs) { + var _q, abs, sec; + sec = $div64((new $Uint64(abs.$high + 0, abs.$low + 86400)), new $Uint64(0, 604800), true); + return (((_q = ((sec.$low >> 0)) / 86400, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0)); + }; + Time.ptr.prototype.ISOWeek = function() { + var {_q, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, abs, d, t, week, x$1, yday, year, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + year = 0; + week = 0; + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).abs(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + abs = _r$1; + d = 4 - absWeekday(abs) >> 0; + if (d === 4) { + d = -3; + } + abs = (x$1 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, d)), new $Uint64(0, 86400)), new $Uint64(abs.$high + x$1.$high, abs.$low + x$1.$low)); + _tuple = absDate(abs, false); + year = _tuple[0]; + yday = _tuple[3]; + _tmp = year; + _tmp$1 = (_q = yday / 7, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 1 >> 0; + year = _tmp; + week = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [year, week]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.ISOWeek, $c: true, $r, _q, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, abs, d, t, week, x$1, yday, year, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.ISOWeek = function() { return this.$val.ISOWeek(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Clock = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, hour, min, sec, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hour = 0; + min = 0; + sec = 0; + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).abs(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = absClock(_r$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + hour = _tuple[0]; + min = _tuple[1]; + sec = _tuple[2]; + $24r = [hour, min, sec]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Clock, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, hour, min, sec, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Clock = function() { return this.$val.Clock(); }; + absClock = function(abs) { + var _q, _q$1, abs, hour, min, sec; + hour = 0; + min = 0; + sec = 0; + sec = (($div64(abs, new $Uint64(0, 86400), true).$low >> 0)); + hour = (_q = sec / 3600, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + sec = sec - (($imul(hour, 3600))) >> 0; + min = (_q$1 = sec / 60, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + sec = sec - (($imul(min, 60))) >> 0; + return [hour, min, sec]; + }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Hour = function() { + var {$24r, _q, _r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).abs(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (_q = (($div64(_r$1, new $Uint64(0, 86400), true).$low >> 0)) / 3600, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Hour, $c: true, $r, $24r, _q, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Hour = function() { return this.$val.Hour(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Minute = function() { + var {$24r, _q, _r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).abs(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (_q = (($div64(_r$1, new $Uint64(0, 3600), true).$low >> 0)) / 60, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Minute, $c: true, $r, $24r, _q, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Minute = function() { return this.$val.Minute(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Second = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).abs(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (($div64(_r$1, new $Uint64(0, 60), true).$low >> 0)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Second, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Second = function() { return this.$val.Second(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Nanosecond = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return ((t.nsec() >> 0)); + }; + Time.prototype.Nanosecond = function() { return this.$val.Nanosecond(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.YearDay = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, t, yday, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).date(false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + yday = _tuple[3]; + $s = -1; return yday + 1 >> 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.YearDay, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, t, yday, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.YearDay = function() { return this.$val.YearDay(); }; + Duration.prototype.String = function() { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, buf, d, neg, prec, u, w; + d = this; + buf = arrayType$2.zero(); + w = 32; + u = (new $Uint64(d.$high, d.$low)); + neg = (d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low < 0)); + if (neg) { + u = new $Uint64(-u.$high, -u.$low); + } + if ((u.$high < 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low < 1000000000))) { + prec = 0; + w = w - (1) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = 115); + w = w - (1) >> 0; + if ((u.$high === 0 && u.$low === 0)) { + return "0s"; + } else if ((u.$high < 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low < 1000))) { + prec = 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = 110); + } else if ((u.$high < 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low < 1000000))) { + prec = 3; + w = w - (1) >> 0; + $copyString($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), w), "\xC2\xB5"); + } else { + prec = 6; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = 109); + } + _tuple = fmtFrac($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), u, prec); + w = _tuple[0]; + u = _tuple[1]; + w = fmtInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), u); + } else { + w = w - (1) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = 115); + _tuple$1 = fmtFrac($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), u, 9); + w = _tuple$1[0]; + u = _tuple$1[1]; + w = fmtInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), $div64(u, new $Uint64(0, 60), true)); + u = $div64(u, (new $Uint64(0, 60)), false); + if ((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low > 0))) { + w = w - (1) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = 109); + w = fmtInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), $div64(u, new $Uint64(0, 60), true)); + u = $div64(u, (new $Uint64(0, 60)), false); + if ((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low > 0))) { + w = w - (1) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = 104); + w = fmtInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), u); + } + } + } + if (neg) { + w = w - (1) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = 45); + } + return ($bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), w))); + }; + $ptrType(Duration).prototype.String = function() { return this.$get().String(); }; + fmtFrac = function(buf, v, prec) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, buf, digit, i, nv, nw, prec, print, v, w; + nw = 0; + nv = new $Uint64(0, 0); + w = buf.$length; + print = false; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < prec)) { break; } + digit = $div64(v, new $Uint64(0, 10), true); + print = print || !((digit.$high === 0 && digit.$low === 0)); + if (print) { + w = w - (1) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = (((digit.$low << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24)); + } + v = $div64(v, (new $Uint64(0, 10)), false); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (print) { + w = w - (1) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = 46); + } + _tmp = w; + _tmp$1 = v; + nw = _tmp; + nv = _tmp$1; + return [nw, nv]; + }; + fmtInt = function(buf, v) { + var buf, v, w; + w = buf.$length; + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + w = w - (1) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = 48); + } else { + while (true) { + if (!((v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low > 0)))) { break; } + w = w - (1) >> 0; + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = ((($div64(v, new $Uint64(0, 10), true).$low << 24 >>> 24)) + 48 << 24 >>> 24)); + v = $div64(v, (new $Uint64(0, 10)), false); + } + } + return w; + }; + Duration.prototype.Nanoseconds = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return (new $Int64(d.$high, d.$low)); + }; + $ptrType(Duration).prototype.Nanoseconds = function() { return this.$get().Nanoseconds(); }; + Duration.prototype.Microseconds = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return $div64((new $Int64(d.$high, d.$low)), new $Int64(0, 1000), false); + }; + $ptrType(Duration).prototype.Microseconds = function() { return this.$get().Microseconds(); }; + Duration.prototype.Milliseconds = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return $div64((new $Int64(d.$high, d.$low)), new $Int64(0, 1000000), false); + }; + $ptrType(Duration).prototype.Milliseconds = function() { return this.$get().Milliseconds(); }; + Duration.prototype.Seconds = function() { + var d, nsec, sec; + d = this; + sec = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), false); + nsec = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), true); + return ($flatten64(sec)) + ($flatten64(nsec)) / 1e+09; + }; + $ptrType(Duration).prototype.Seconds = function() { return this.$get().Seconds(); }; + Duration.prototype.Minutes = function() { + var d, min, nsec; + d = this; + min = $div64(d, new Duration(13, 4165425152), false); + nsec = $div64(d, new Duration(13, 4165425152), true); + return ($flatten64(min)) + ($flatten64(nsec)) / 6e+10; + }; + $ptrType(Duration).prototype.Minutes = function() { return this.$get().Minutes(); }; + Duration.prototype.Hours = function() { + var d, hour, nsec; + d = this; + hour = $div64(d, new Duration(838, 817405952), false); + nsec = $div64(d, new Duration(838, 817405952), true); + return ($flatten64(hour)) + ($flatten64(nsec)) / 3.6e+12; + }; + $ptrType(Duration).prototype.Hours = function() { return this.$get().Hours(); }; + Duration.prototype.Truncate = function(m) { + var d, m, x$1; + d = this; + if ((m.$high < 0 || (m.$high === 0 && m.$low <= 0))) { + return d; + } + return (x$1 = $div64(d, m, true), new Duration(d.$high - x$1.$high, d.$low - x$1.$low)); + }; + $ptrType(Duration).prototype.Truncate = function(m) { return this.$get().Truncate(m); }; + lessThanHalf = function(x$1, y) { + var x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, y; + return (x$2 = (x$3 = (new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)), x$4 = (new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + x$4.$high, x$3.$low + x$4.$low)), x$5 = (new $Uint64(y.$high, y.$low)), (x$2.$high < x$5.$high || (x$2.$high === x$5.$high && x$2.$low < x$5.$low))); + }; + Duration.prototype.Round = function(m) { + var d, d1, d1$1, m, r, x$1, x$2; + d = this; + if ((m.$high < 0 || (m.$high === 0 && m.$low <= 0))) { + return d; + } + r = $div64(d, m, true); + if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low < 0))) { + r = new Duration(-r.$high, -r.$low); + if (lessThanHalf(r, m)) { + return new Duration(d.$high + r.$high, d.$low + r.$low); + } + d1 = (x$1 = new Duration(d.$high - m.$high, d.$low - m.$low), new Duration(x$1.$high + r.$high, x$1.$low + r.$low)); + if ((d1.$high < d.$high || (d1.$high === d.$high && d1.$low < d.$low))) { + return d1; + } + return new Duration(-2147483648, 0); + } + if (lessThanHalf(r, m)) { + return new Duration(d.$high - r.$high, d.$low - r.$low); + } + d1$1 = (x$2 = new Duration(d.$high + m.$high, d.$low + m.$low), new Duration(x$2.$high - r.$high, x$2.$low - r.$low)); + if ((d1$1.$high > d.$high || (d1$1.$high === d.$high && d1$1.$low > d.$low))) { + return d1$1; + } + return new Duration(2147483647, 4294967295); + }; + $ptrType(Duration).prototype.Round = function(m) { return this.$get().Round(m); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Add = function(d) { + var d, dsec, nsec, t, te, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + t = this; + dsec = ((x$1 = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), false), new $Int64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + nsec = t.nsec() + (((x$2 = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), true), x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)) >> 0; + if (nsec >= 1000000000) { + dsec = (x$3 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(dsec.$high + x$3.$high, dsec.$low + x$3.$low)); + nsec = nsec - (1000000000) >> 0; + } else if (nsec < 0) { + dsec = (x$4 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(dsec.$high - x$4.$high, dsec.$low - x$4.$low)); + nsec = nsec + (1000000000) >> 0; + } + t.wall = (x$5 = (x$6 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$6.$high & ~0, (x$6.$low & ~1073741823) >>> 0)), x$7 = (new $Uint64(0, nsec)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$7.$high, (x$5.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + t.addSec(dsec); + if (!((x$8 = (x$9 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$9.$high & 2147483648, (x$9.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$8.$high === 0 && x$8.$low === 0)))) { + te = (x$10 = t.ext, x$11 = (new $Int64(d.$high, d.$low)), new $Int64(x$10.$high + x$11.$high, x$10.$low + x$11.$low)); + if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low < 0)) && (x$12 = t.ext, (te.$high > x$12.$high || (te.$high === x$12.$high && te.$low > x$12.$low))) || (d.$high > 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low > 0)) && (x$13 = t.ext, (te.$high < x$13.$high || (te.$high === x$13.$high && te.$low < x$13.$low)))) { + t.stripMono(); + } else { + t.ext = te; + } + } + return t; + }; + Time.prototype.Add = function(d) { return this.$val.Add(d); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Sub = function(u) { + var d, d$1, t, te, u, ue, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + t = this; + if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = t.wall, x$4 = u.wall, new $Uint64(x$3.$high & x$4.$high, (x$3.$low & x$4.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { + te = t.ext; + ue = u.ext; + d = ((x$5 = new $Int64(te.$high - ue.$high, te.$low - ue.$low), new Duration(x$5.$high, x$5.$low))); + if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low < 0)) && (te.$high > ue.$high || (te.$high === ue.$high && te.$low > ue.$low))) { + return new Duration(2147483647, 4294967295); + } + if ((d.$high > 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low > 0)) && (te.$high < ue.$high || (te.$high === ue.$high && te.$low < ue.$low))) { + return new Duration(-2147483648, 0); + } + return d; + } + d$1 = (x$6 = $mul64(((x$7 = (x$8 = t.sec(), x$9 = u.sec(), new $Int64(x$8.$high - x$9.$high, x$8.$low - x$9.$low)), new Duration(x$7.$high, x$7.$low))), new Duration(0, 1000000000)), x$10 = (new Duration(0, (t.nsec() - u.nsec() >> 0))), new Duration(x$6.$high + x$10.$high, x$6.$low + x$10.$low)); + if ($clone($clone(u, Time).Add(d$1), Time).Equal($clone(t, Time))) { + return d$1; + } else if ($clone(t, Time).Before($clone(u, Time))) { + return new Duration(-2147483648, 0); + } else { + return new Duration(2147483647, 4294967295); + } + }; + Time.prototype.Sub = function(u) { return this.$val.Sub(u); }; + Since = function(t) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, now$1, t, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + now$1 = new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil); + /* */ if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = runtimeNano(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Time.copy(now$1, new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(2147483648, 0), (x$3 = _r$1, new $Int64(x$3.$high - startNano.$high, x$3.$low - startNano.$low)), ptrType$2.nil)); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$2 = Now(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Time.copy(now$1, _r$2); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $clone(now$1, Time).Sub($clone(t, Time)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Since, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, now$1, t, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Since = Since; + Until = function(t) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, now$1, t, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + now$1 = new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil); + /* */ if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = runtimeNano(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Time.copy(now$1, new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(2147483648, 0), (x$3 = _r$1, new $Int64(x$3.$high - startNano.$high, x$3.$low - startNano.$low)), ptrType$2.nil)); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$2 = Now(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Time.copy(now$1, _r$2); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $clone(t, Time).Sub($clone(now$1, Time)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Until, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, now$1, t, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Until = Until; + Time.ptr.prototype.AddDate = function(years, months, days) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, day, days, hour, min, month, months, sec, t, year, years, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {years, months, days}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).Date(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + year = _tuple[0]; + month = _tuple[1]; + day = _tuple[2]; + _r$2 = $clone(t, Time).Clock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + hour = _tuple$1[0]; + min = _tuple$1[1]; + sec = _tuple$1[2]; + _r$3 = Date(year + years >> 0, month + ((months >> 0)) >> 0, day + days >> 0, hour, min, sec, ((t.nsec() >> 0)), $clone(t, Time).Location()); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.AddDate, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, day, days, hour, min, month, months, sec, t, year, years, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.AddDate = function(years, months, days) { return this.$val.AddDate(years, months, days); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.date = function(full) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, day, full, month, t, yday, year, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {full}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + year = 0; + month = 0; + day = 0; + yday = 0; + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).abs(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = absDate(_r$1, full); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + year = _tuple[0]; + month = _tuple[1]; + day = _tuple[2]; + yday = _tuple[3]; + $24r = [year, month, day, yday]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.date, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, day, full, month, t, yday, year, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.date = function(full) { return this.$val.date(full); }; + absDate = function(abs, full) { + var _q, abs, begin, d, day, end, full, month, n, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, yday, year; + year = 0; + month = 0; + day = 0; + yday = 0; + d = $div64(abs, new $Uint64(0, 86400), false); + n = $div64(d, new $Uint64(0, 146097), false); + y = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 400), n); + d = (x$1 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 146097), n), new $Uint64(d.$high - x$1.$high, d.$low - x$1.$low)); + n = $div64(d, new $Uint64(0, 36524), false); + n = (x$2 = $shiftRightUint64(n, 2), new $Uint64(n.$high - x$2.$high, n.$low - x$2.$low)); + y = (x$3 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 100), n), new $Uint64(y.$high + x$3.$high, y.$low + x$3.$low)); + d = (x$4 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 36524), n), new $Uint64(d.$high - x$4.$high, d.$low - x$4.$low)); + n = $div64(d, new $Uint64(0, 1461), false); + y = (x$5 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4), n), new $Uint64(y.$high + x$5.$high, y.$low + x$5.$low)); + d = (x$6 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 1461), n), new $Uint64(d.$high - x$6.$high, d.$low - x$6.$low)); + n = $div64(d, new $Uint64(0, 365), false); + n = (x$7 = $shiftRightUint64(n, 2), new $Uint64(n.$high - x$7.$high, n.$low - x$7.$low)); + y = (x$8 = n, new $Uint64(y.$high + x$8.$high, y.$low + x$8.$low)); + d = (x$9 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 365), n), new $Uint64(d.$high - x$9.$high, d.$low - x$9.$low)); + year = (((x$10 = (x$11 = (new $Int64(y.$high, y.$low)), new $Int64(x$11.$high + -69, x$11.$low + 4075721025)), x$10.$low + ((x$10.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + yday = ((d.$low >> 0)); + if (!full) { + return [year, month, day, yday]; + } + day = yday; + if (isLeap(year)) { + if (day > 59) { + day = day - (1) >> 0; + } else if ((day === 59)) { + month = 2; + day = 29; + return [year, month, day, yday]; + } + } + month = (((_q = day / 31, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0)); + end = (((x$12 = month + 1 >> 0, ((x$12 < 0 || x$12 >= daysBefore.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : daysBefore[x$12])) >> 0)); + begin = 0; + if (day >= end) { + month = month + (1) >> 0; + begin = end; + } else { + begin = ((((month < 0 || month >= daysBefore.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : daysBefore[month]) >> 0)); + } + month = month + (1) >> 0; + day = (day - begin >> 0) + 1 >> 0; + return [year, month, day, yday]; + }; + daysIn = function(m, year) { + var m, x$1, year; + if ((m === 2) && isLeap(year)) { + return 29; + } + return (((((m < 0 || m >= daysBefore.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : daysBefore[m]) - (x$1 = m - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= daysBefore.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : daysBefore[x$1])) >> 0) >> 0)); + }; + daysSinceEpoch = function(year) { + var d, n, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, y, year; + y = ((x$1 = (x$2 = (new $Int64(0, year)), new $Int64(x$2.$high - -69, x$2.$low - 4075721025)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + n = $div64(y, new $Uint64(0, 400), false); + y = (x$3 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 400), n), new $Uint64(y.$high - x$3.$high, y.$low - x$3.$low)); + d = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 146097), n); + n = $div64(y, new $Uint64(0, 100), false); + y = (x$4 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 100), n), new $Uint64(y.$high - x$4.$high, y.$low - x$4.$low)); + d = (x$5 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 36524), n), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$5.$high, d.$low + x$5.$low)); + n = $div64(y, new $Uint64(0, 4), false); + y = (x$6 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4), n), new $Uint64(y.$high - x$6.$high, y.$low - x$6.$low)); + d = (x$7 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 1461), n), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$7.$high, d.$low + x$7.$low)); + n = y; + d = (x$8 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 365), n), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$8.$high, d.$low + x$8.$low)); + return d; + }; + runtimeNano = function() { + $throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: time.runtimeNano"); + }; + Now = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, mono, nsec, sec, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = now(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + sec = _tuple[0]; + nsec = _tuple[1]; + mono = _tuple[2]; + mono = (x$1 = startNano, new $Int64(mono.$high - x$1.$high, mono.$low - x$1.$low)); + sec = (x$2 = new $Int64(0, 2682288000), new $Int64(sec.$high + x$2.$high, sec.$low + x$2.$low)); + if (!((x$3 = $shiftRightUint64((new $Uint64(sec.$high, sec.$low)), 33), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0)))) { + $s = -1; return new Time.ptr((new $Uint64(0, nsec)), new $Int64(sec.$high + 13, sec.$low + 3618733952), $pkg.Local); + } + $s = -1; return new Time.ptr((x$4 = (x$5 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(sec.$high, sec.$low)), 30), new $Uint64(2147483648 | x$5.$high, (0 | x$5.$low) >>> 0)), x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, nsec)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$6.$high, (x$4.$low | x$6.$low) >>> 0)), mono, $pkg.Local); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Now, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, mono, nsec, sec, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Now = Now; + unixTime = function(sec, nsec) { + var nsec, sec; + return new Time.ptr((new $Uint64(0, nsec)), new $Int64(sec.$high + 14, sec.$low + 2006054656), $pkg.Local); + }; + Time.ptr.prototype.UTC = function() { + var t; + t = this; + t.setLoc(utcLoc); + return t; + }; + Time.prototype.UTC = function() { return this.$val.UTC(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Local = function() { + var t; + t = this; + t.setLoc($pkg.Local); + return t; + }; + Time.prototype.Local = function() { return this.$val.Local(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.In = function(loc) { + var loc, t; + t = this; + if (loc === ptrType$2.nil) { + $panic(new $String("time: missing Location in call to Time.In")); + } + t.setLoc(loc); + return t; + }; + Time.prototype.In = function(loc) { return this.$val.In(loc); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Location = function() { + var l, t; + t = this; + l = t.loc; + if (l === ptrType$2.nil) { + l = $pkg.UTC; + } + return l; + }; + Time.prototype.Location = function() { return this.$val.Location(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Zone = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, name, offset, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + name = ""; + offset = 0; + t = this; + _r$1 = t.loc.lookup(t.unixSec()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + name = _tuple[0]; + offset = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [name, offset]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Zone, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, name, offset, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Zone = function() { return this.$val.Zone(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Unix = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.unixSec(); + }; + Time.prototype.Unix = function() { return this.$val.Unix(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.UnixMilli = function() { + var t, x$1, x$2; + t = this; + return (x$1 = $mul64(t.unixSec(), new $Int64(0, 1000)), x$2 = $div64((new $Int64(0, t.nsec())), new $Int64(0, 1000000), false), new $Int64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)); + }; + Time.prototype.UnixMilli = function() { return this.$val.UnixMilli(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.UnixMicro = function() { + var t, x$1, x$2; + t = this; + return (x$1 = $mul64(t.unixSec(), new $Int64(0, 1000000)), x$2 = $div64((new $Int64(0, t.nsec())), new $Int64(0, 1000), false), new $Int64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)); + }; + Time.prototype.UnixMicro = function() { return this.$val.UnixMicro(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.UnixNano = function() { + var t, x$1, x$2; + t = this; + return (x$1 = $mul64((t.unixSec()), new $Int64(0, 1000000000)), x$2 = (new $Int64(0, t.nsec())), new $Int64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)); + }; + Time.prototype.UnixNano = function() { return this.$val.UnixNano(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { + var {_q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, enc, nsec, offset, offsetMin, offsetSec, sec, t, version, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + offsetMin = 0; + offsetSec = 0; + version = 1; + /* */ if ($clone(t, Time).Location() === $pkg.UTC) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(t, Time).Location() === $pkg.UTC) { */ case 1: + offsetMin = -1; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).Zone(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + offset = _tuple[1]; + if (!(((_r$2 = offset % 60, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { + version = 2; + offsetSec = (((_r$3 = offset % 60, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >> 24)); + } + offset = (_q = offset / (60), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (offset < -32768 || (offset === -1) || offset > 32767) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$3.nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalBinary: unexpected zone offset")]; + } + offsetMin = ((offset << 16 >> 16)); + /* } */ case 3: + sec = t.sec(); + nsec = t.nsec(); + enc = new sliceType$3([version, (($shiftRightInt64(sec, 56).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightInt64(sec, 48).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightInt64(sec, 40).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightInt64(sec, 32).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightInt64(sec, 24).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightInt64(sec, 16).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightInt64(sec, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24)), ((sec.$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((nsec >> 24 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((nsec >> 16 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((nsec >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((nsec << 24 >>> 24)), (((offsetMin >> 8 << 16 >> 16) << 24 >>> 24)), ((offsetMin << 24 >>> 24))]); + if (version === 2) { + enc = $append(enc, ((offsetSec << 24 >>> 24))); + } + $s = -1; return [enc, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary, $c: true, $r, _q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, enc, nsec, offset, offsetMin, offsetSec, sec, t, version, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { return this.$val.MarshalBinary(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(data) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, buf, data, localoff, nsec, offset, sec, t, version, wantLen, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + buf = data; + if (buf.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: no data"); + } + version = (0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]); + if (!((version === 1)) && !((version === 2))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: unsupported version"); + } + wantLen = 15; + if (version === 2) { + wantLen = wantLen + (1) >> 0; + } + if (!((buf.$length === wantLen))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: invalid length"); + } + buf = $subslice(buf, 1); + sec = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = (x$7 = (new $Int64(0, (7 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 7]))), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (6 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 6]))), 8), new $Int64(x$7.$high | x$8.$high, (x$7.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (5 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 5]))), 16), new $Int64(x$6.$high | x$9.$high, (x$6.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (4 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 4]))), 24), new $Int64(x$5.$high | x$10.$high, (x$5.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (3 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 3]))), 32), new $Int64(x$4.$high | x$11.$high, (x$4.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (2 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 2]))), 40), new $Int64(x$3.$high | x$12.$high, (x$3.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (1 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 1]))), 48), new $Int64(x$2.$high | x$13.$high, (x$2.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)), x$14 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]))), 56), new $Int64(x$1.$high | x$14.$high, (x$1.$low | x$14.$low) >>> 0)); + buf = $subslice(buf, 8); + nsec = (((((3 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 3]) >> 0)) | ((((2 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 2]) >> 0)) << 8 >> 0)) | ((((1 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 1]) >> 0)) << 16 >> 0)) | ((((0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]) >> 0)) << 24 >> 0); + buf = $subslice(buf, 4); + offset = $imul(((((((1 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 1]) << 16 >> 16)) | ((((0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]) << 16 >> 16)) << 8 << 16 >> 16)) >> 0)), 60); + if (version === 2) { + offset = offset + ((((2 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 2]) >> 0))) >> 0; + } + Time.copy(t, new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil)); + t.wall = (new $Uint64(0, nsec)); + t.ext = sec; + /* */ if (offset === -60) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (offset === -60) { */ case 1: + t.setLoc(utcLoc); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$1 = $pkg.Local.lookup(t.unixSec()); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + localoff = _tuple[1]; + if (offset === localoff) { + t.setLoc($pkg.Local); + } else { + t.setLoc(FixedZone("", offset)); + } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, buf, data, localoff, nsec, offset, sec, t, version, wantLen, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(data) { return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(data); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.GobEncode = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).MarshalBinary(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.GobEncode, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.GobEncode = function() { return this.$val.GobEncode(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.GobDecode = function(data) { + var {$24r, _r$1, data, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = t.UnmarshalBinary(data); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.GobDecode, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, data, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.GobDecode = function(data) { return this.$val.GobDecode(data); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalJSON = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, b, t, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y = _r$1; + if (y < 0 || y >= 10000) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$3.nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalJSON: year outside of range [0,9999]")]; + } + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, 37); + b = $append(b, 34); + _r$2 = $clone(t, Time).AppendFormat(b, "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + b = $append(b, 34); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalJSON, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, b, t, y, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.MarshalJSON = function() { return this.$val.MarshalJSON(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSON = function(data) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, data, err, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (($bytesToString(data)) === "null") { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$1 = Parse("\"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00\"", ($bytesToString(data))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + Time.copy(t, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSON, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, data, err, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.UnmarshalJSON = function(data) { return this.$val.UnmarshalJSON(data); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalText = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, b, t, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y = _r$1; + if (y < 0 || y >= 10000) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$3.nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalText: year outside of range [0,9999]")]; + } + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, 35); + _r$2 = $clone(t, Time).AppendFormat(b, "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r$2, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalText, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, b, t, y, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.MarshalText = function() { return this.$val.MarshalText(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(data) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, data, err, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$1 = Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00", ($bytesToString(data))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + Time.copy(t, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, data, err, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(data) { return this.$val.UnmarshalText(data); }; + Unix = function(sec, nsec) { + var n, nsec, sec, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + if ((nsec.$high < 0 || (nsec.$high === 0 && nsec.$low < 0)) || (nsec.$high > 0 || (nsec.$high === 0 && nsec.$low >= 1000000000))) { + n = $div64(nsec, new $Int64(0, 1000000000), false); + sec = (x$1 = n, new $Int64(sec.$high + x$1.$high, sec.$low + x$1.$low)); + nsec = (x$2 = $mul64(n, new $Int64(0, 1000000000)), new $Int64(nsec.$high - x$2.$high, nsec.$low - x$2.$low)); + if ((nsec.$high < 0 || (nsec.$high === 0 && nsec.$low < 0))) { + nsec = (x$3 = new $Int64(0, 1000000000), new $Int64(nsec.$high + x$3.$high, nsec.$low + x$3.$low)); + sec = (x$4 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(sec.$high - x$4.$high, sec.$low - x$4.$low)); + } + } + return unixTime(sec, (((nsec.$low + ((nsec.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + }; + $pkg.Unix = Unix; + Time.ptr.prototype.IsDST = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, isDST, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = t.loc.lookup($clone(t, Time).Unix()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + isDST = _tuple[4]; + $s = -1; return isDST; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.IsDST, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, isDST, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.IsDST = function() { return this.$val.IsDST(); }; + isLeap = function(year) { + var _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, year; + return ((_r$1 = year % 4, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) && (!(((_r$2 = year % 100, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0)) || ((_r$3 = year % 400, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0)); + }; + norm = function(hi, lo, base) { + var _q, _q$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, base, hi, lo, n, n$1, nhi, nlo; + nhi = 0; + nlo = 0; + if (lo < 0) { + n = (_q = ((-lo - 1 >> 0)) / base, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 1 >> 0; + hi = hi - (n) >> 0; + lo = lo + (($imul(n, base))) >> 0; + } + if (lo >= base) { + n$1 = (_q$1 = lo / base, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + hi = hi + (n$1) >> 0; + lo = lo - (($imul(n$1, base))) >> 0; + } + _tmp = hi; + _tmp$1 = lo; + nhi = _tmp; + nlo = _tmp$1; + return [nhi, nlo]; + }; + Date = function(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec, loc) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, abs, d, day, end, hour, loc, m, min, month, nsec, offset, sec, start, t, unix, utc, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, year, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {year, month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec, loc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (loc === ptrType$2.nil) { + $panic(new $String("time: missing Location in call to Date")); + } + m = ((month >> 0)) - 1 >> 0; + _tuple = norm(year, m, 12); + year = _tuple[0]; + m = _tuple[1]; + month = ((m >> 0)) + 1 >> 0; + _tuple$1 = norm(sec, nsec, 1000000000); + sec = _tuple$1[0]; + nsec = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = norm(min, sec, 60); + min = _tuple$2[0]; + sec = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = norm(hour, min, 60); + hour = _tuple$3[0]; + min = _tuple$3[1]; + _tuple$4 = norm(day, hour, 24); + day = _tuple$4[0]; + hour = _tuple$4[1]; + d = daysSinceEpoch(year); + d = (x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (x$2 = month - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= daysBefore.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : daysBefore[x$2])))), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$1.$high, d.$low + x$1.$low)); + if (isLeap(year) && month >= 3) { + d = (x$3 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$3.$high, d.$low + x$3.$low)); + } + d = (x$4 = (new $Uint64(0, (day - 1 >> 0))), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$4.$high, d.$low + x$4.$low)); + abs = $mul64(d, new $Uint64(0, 86400)); + abs = (x$5 = (new $Uint64(0, ((($imul(hour, 3600)) + ($imul(min, 60)) >> 0) + sec >> 0))), new $Uint64(abs.$high + x$5.$high, abs.$low + x$5.$low)); + unix = (x$6 = (new $Int64(abs.$high, abs.$low)), new $Int64(x$6.$high + -2147483647, x$6.$low + 3844486912)); + _r$1 = loc.lookup(unix); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$1; + offset = _tuple$5[1]; + start = _tuple$5[2]; + end = _tuple$5[3]; + /* */ if (!((offset === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((offset === 0))) { */ case 2: + utc = (x$7 = (new $Int64(0, offset)), new $Int64(unix.$high - x$7.$high, unix.$low - x$7.$low)); + /* */ if ((utc.$high < start.$high || (utc.$high === start.$high && utc.$low < start.$low)) || (utc.$high > end.$high || (utc.$high === end.$high && utc.$low >= end.$low))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((utc.$high < start.$high || (utc.$high === start.$high && utc.$low < start.$low)) || (utc.$high > end.$high || (utc.$high === end.$high && utc.$low >= end.$low))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = loc.lookup(utc); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$2; + offset = _tuple$6[1]; + /* } */ case 5: + unix = (x$8 = (new $Int64(0, offset)), new $Int64(unix.$high - x$8.$high, unix.$low - x$8.$low)); + /* } */ case 3: + t = $clone(unixTime(unix, ((nsec >> 0))), Time); + t.setLoc(loc); + $s = -1; return t; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Date, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, abs, d, day, end, hour, loc, m, min, month, nsec, offset, sec, start, t, unix, utc, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, year, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Date = Date; + Time.ptr.prototype.Truncate = function(d) { + var _tuple, d, r, t; + t = this; + t.stripMono(); + if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low <= 0))) { + return t; + } + _tuple = div($clone(t, Time), d); + r = _tuple[1]; + return $clone(t, Time).Add(new Duration(-r.$high, -r.$low)); + }; + Time.prototype.Truncate = function(d) { return this.$val.Truncate(d); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Round = function(d) { + var _tuple, d, r, t; + t = this; + t.stripMono(); + if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low <= 0))) { + return t; + } + _tuple = div($clone(t, Time), d); + r = _tuple[1]; + if (lessThanHalf(r, d)) { + return $clone(t, Time).Add(new Duration(-r.$high, -r.$low)); + } + return $clone(t, Time).Add(new Duration(d.$high - r.$high, d.$low - r.$low)); + }; + Time.prototype.Round = function(d) { return this.$val.Round(d); }; + div = function(t, d) { + var _q, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, d, d0, d1, d1$1, neg, nsec, qmod2, r, sec, sec$1, t, tmp, u0, u0x, u1, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + qmod2 = 0; + r = new Duration(0, 0); + neg = false; + nsec = t.nsec(); + sec = t.sec(); + if ((sec.$high < 0 || (sec.$high === 0 && sec.$low < 0))) { + neg = true; + sec = new $Int64(-sec.$high, -sec.$low); + nsec = -nsec; + if (nsec < 0) { + nsec = nsec + (1000000000) >> 0; + sec = (x$1 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(sec.$high - x$1.$high, sec.$low - x$1.$low)); + } + } + if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low < 1000000000)) && (x$2 = $div64(new Duration(0, 1000000000), (new Duration(d.$high + d.$high, d.$low + d.$low)), true), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0))) { + qmod2 = (((_q = nsec / (((d.$low + ((d.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0)) & 1; + r = (new Duration(0, (_r$1 = nsec % (((d.$low + ((d.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)), _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))); + } else if ((x$3 = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), true), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0))) { + d1 = ((x$4 = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), false), new $Int64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low))); + qmod2 = (((x$5 = $div64(sec, d1, false), x$5.$low + ((x$5.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)) & 1; + r = (x$6 = $mul64(((x$7 = $div64(sec, d1, true), new Duration(x$7.$high, x$7.$low))), new Duration(0, 1000000000)), x$8 = (new Duration(0, nsec)), new Duration(x$6.$high + x$8.$high, x$6.$low + x$8.$low)); + } else { + sec$1 = (new $Uint64(sec.$high, sec.$low)); + tmp = $mul64(($shiftRightUint64(sec$1, 32)), new $Uint64(0, 1000000000)); + u1 = $shiftRightUint64(tmp, 32); + u0 = $shiftLeft64(tmp, 32); + tmp = $mul64((new $Uint64(sec$1.$high & 0, (sec$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(0, 1000000000)); + _tmp = u0; + _tmp$1 = new $Uint64(u0.$high + tmp.$high, u0.$low + tmp.$low); + u0x = _tmp; + u0 = _tmp$1; + if ((u0.$high < u0x.$high || (u0.$high === u0x.$high && u0.$low < u0x.$low))) { + u1 = (x$9 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(u1.$high + x$9.$high, u1.$low + x$9.$low)); + } + _tmp$2 = u0; + _tmp$3 = (x$10 = (new $Uint64(0, nsec)), new $Uint64(u0.$high + x$10.$high, u0.$low + x$10.$low)); + u0x = _tmp$2; + u0 = _tmp$3; + if ((u0.$high < u0x.$high || (u0.$high === u0x.$high && u0.$low < u0x.$low))) { + u1 = (x$11 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(u1.$high + x$11.$high, u1.$low + x$11.$low)); + } + d1$1 = (new $Uint64(d.$high, d.$low)); + while (true) { + if (!(!((x$12 = $shiftRightUint64(d1$1, 63), (x$12.$high === 0 && x$12.$low === 1))))) { break; } + d1$1 = $shiftLeft64(d1$1, (1)); + } + d0 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + while (true) { + qmod2 = 0; + if ((u1.$high > d1$1.$high || (u1.$high === d1$1.$high && u1.$low > d1$1.$low)) || (u1.$high === d1$1.$high && u1.$low === d1$1.$low) && (u0.$high > d0.$high || (u0.$high === d0.$high && u0.$low >= d0.$low))) { + qmod2 = 1; + _tmp$4 = u0; + _tmp$5 = new $Uint64(u0.$high - d0.$high, u0.$low - d0.$low); + u0x = _tmp$4; + u0 = _tmp$5; + if ((u0.$high > u0x.$high || (u0.$high === u0x.$high && u0.$low > u0x.$low))) { + u1 = (x$13 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(u1.$high - x$13.$high, u1.$low - x$13.$low)); + } + u1 = (x$14 = d1$1, new $Uint64(u1.$high - x$14.$high, u1.$low - x$14.$low)); + } + if ((d1$1.$high === 0 && d1$1.$low === 0) && (x$15 = (new $Uint64(d.$high, d.$low)), (d0.$high === x$15.$high && d0.$low === x$15.$low))) { + break; + } + d0 = $shiftRightUint64(d0, (1)); + d0 = (x$16 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(d1$1.$high & 0, (d1$1.$low & 1) >>> 0)), 63), new $Uint64(d0.$high | x$16.$high, (d0.$low | x$16.$low) >>> 0)); + d1$1 = $shiftRightUint64(d1$1, (1)); + } + r = (new Duration(u0.$high, u0.$low)); + } + if (neg && !((r.$high === 0 && r.$low === 0))) { + qmod2 = (qmod2 ^ (1)) >> 0; + r = new Duration(d.$high - r.$high, d.$low - r.$low); + } + return [qmod2, r]; + }; + when = function(d) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, d, t, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low <= 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low <= 0))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = runtimeNano(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = runtimeNano(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = (x$1 = _r$2, x$2 = (new $Int64(d.$high, d.$low)), new $Int64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)); + if ((t.$high < 0 || (t.$high === 0 && t.$low < 0))) { + t = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + } + $s = -1; return t; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: when, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, d, t, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Timer.ptr.prototype.Stop = function() { + var t; + t = this; + if (t.r.f === $throwNilPointerError) { + $panic(new $String("time: Stop called on uninitialized Timer")); + } + return stopTimer(t.r); + }; + Timer.prototype.Stop = function() { return this.$val.Stop(); }; + NewTimer = function(d) { + var {_r$1, c, d, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = new $Chan(Time, 1); + _r$1 = when(d); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = new Timer.ptr(c, new runtimeTimer.ptr(0, _r$1, new $Int64(0, 0), sendTime, new chanType(c), 0, null, false)); + $r = startTimer(t.r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return t; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewTimer, $c: true, $r, _r$1, c, d, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewTimer = NewTimer; + Timer.ptr.prototype.Reset = function(d) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, d, t, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (t.r.f === $throwNilPointerError) { + $panic(new $String("time: Reset called on uninitialized Timer")); + } + _r$1 = when(d); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + w = _r$1; + _r$2 = resetTimer(t.r, w); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Timer.ptr.prototype.Reset, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, d, t, w, $s};return $f; + }; + Timer.prototype.Reset = function(d) { return this.$val.Reset(d); }; + sendTime = function(c, seq) { + var {_r$1, _selection, c, seq, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c, seq}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = Now(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = $select([[$assertType(c, chanType), $clone(_r$1, Time)], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 3: + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sendTime, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _selection, c, seq, $s};return $f; + }; + After = function(d) { + var {$24r, _r$1, d, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = NewTimer(d); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1.C; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: After, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, d, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.After = After; + AfterFunc = function(d, f) { + var {_r$1, d, f, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = when(d); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = new Timer.ptr($chanNil, new runtimeTimer.ptr(0, _r$1, new $Int64(0, 0), goFunc, new funcType(f), 0, null, false)); + $r = startTimer(t.r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return t; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: AfterFunc, $c: true, $r, _r$1, d, f, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.AfterFunc = AfterFunc; + goFunc = function(arg, seq) { + var arg, seq; + $go($assertType(arg, funcType), []); + }; + startsWithLowerCase = function(str) { + var c, str; + if (str.length === 0) { + return false; + } + c = str.charCodeAt(0); + return 97 <= c && c <= 122; + }; + nextStdChunk = function(layout) { + var _1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$56, _tmp$57, _tmp$58, _tmp$59, _tmp$6, _tmp$60, _tmp$61, _tmp$62, _tmp$63, _tmp$64, _tmp$65, _tmp$66, _tmp$67, _tmp$68, _tmp$69, _tmp$7, _tmp$70, _tmp$71, _tmp$72, _tmp$73, _tmp$74, _tmp$75, _tmp$76, _tmp$77, _tmp$78, _tmp$79, _tmp$8, _tmp$80, _tmp$81, _tmp$82, _tmp$83, _tmp$84, _tmp$85, _tmp$86, _tmp$87, _tmp$88, _tmp$89, _tmp$9, _tmp$90, _tmp$91, _tmp$92, c, ch, code, i, j, layout, prefix, std, std$1, suffix, x$1; + prefix = ""; + std = 0; + suffix = ""; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < layout.length)) { break; } + c = ((layout.charCodeAt(i) >> 0)); + _1 = c; + if (_1 === (74)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 3 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "Jan") { + if (layout.length >= (i + 7 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 7 >> 0)) === "January") { + _tmp = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$1 = 257; + _tmp$2 = $substring(layout, (i + 7 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp; + std = _tmp$1; + suffix = _tmp$2; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (!startsWithLowerCase($substring(layout, (i + 3 >> 0)))) { + _tmp$3 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$4 = 258; + _tmp$5 = $substring(layout, (i + 3 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$3; + std = _tmp$4; + suffix = _tmp$5; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + } + } else if (_1 === (77)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 3 >> 0)) { + if ($substring(layout, i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "Mon") { + if (layout.length >= (i + 6 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 6 >> 0)) === "Monday") { + _tmp$6 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$7 = 261; + _tmp$8 = $substring(layout, (i + 6 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$6; + std = _tmp$7; + suffix = _tmp$8; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (!startsWithLowerCase($substring(layout, (i + 3 >> 0)))) { + _tmp$9 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$10 = 262; + _tmp$11 = $substring(layout, (i + 3 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$9; + std = _tmp$10; + suffix = _tmp$11; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + } + if ($substring(layout, i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "MST") { + _tmp$12 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$13 = 23; + _tmp$14 = $substring(layout, (i + 3 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$12; + std = _tmp$13; + suffix = _tmp$14; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + } + } else if (_1 === (48)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 2 >> 0) && 49 <= layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) && layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) <= 54) { + _tmp$15 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$16 = (x$1 = layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) - 49 << 24 >>> 24, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= std0x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : std0x[x$1])); + _tmp$17 = $substring(layout, (i + 2 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$15; + std = _tmp$16; + suffix = _tmp$17; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (layout.length >= (i + 3 >> 0) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 48) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 2 >> 0)) === 50)) { + _tmp$18 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$19 = 267; + _tmp$20 = $substring(layout, (i + 3 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$18; + std = _tmp$19; + suffix = _tmp$20; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + } else if (_1 === (49)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 2 >> 0) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 53)) { + _tmp$21 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$22 = 524; + _tmp$23 = $substring(layout, (i + 2 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$21; + std = _tmp$22; + suffix = _tmp$23; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + _tmp$24 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$25 = 259; + _tmp$26 = $substring(layout, (i + 1 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$24; + std = _tmp$25; + suffix = _tmp$26; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } else if (_1 === (50)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 4 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 4 >> 0)) === "2006") { + _tmp$27 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$28 = 275; + _tmp$29 = $substring(layout, (i + 4 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$27; + std = _tmp$28; + suffix = _tmp$29; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + _tmp$30 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$31 = 263; + _tmp$32 = $substring(layout, (i + 1 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$30; + std = _tmp$31; + suffix = _tmp$32; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } else if (_1 === (95)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 2 >> 0) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 50)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 5 >> 0) && $substring(layout, (i + 1 >> 0), (i + 5 >> 0)) === "2006") { + _tmp$33 = $substring(layout, 0, (i + 1 >> 0)); + _tmp$34 = 275; + _tmp$35 = $substring(layout, (i + 5 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$33; + std = _tmp$34; + suffix = _tmp$35; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + _tmp$36 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$37 = 264; + _tmp$38 = $substring(layout, (i + 2 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$36; + std = _tmp$37; + suffix = _tmp$38; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (layout.length >= (i + 3 >> 0) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 95) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 2 >> 0)) === 50)) { + _tmp$39 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$40 = 266; + _tmp$41 = $substring(layout, (i + 3 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$39; + std = _tmp$40; + suffix = _tmp$41; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + } else if (_1 === (51)) { + _tmp$42 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$43 = 525; + _tmp$44 = $substring(layout, (i + 1 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$42; + std = _tmp$43; + suffix = _tmp$44; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } else if (_1 === (52)) { + _tmp$45 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$46 = 527; + _tmp$47 = $substring(layout, (i + 1 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$45; + std = _tmp$46; + suffix = _tmp$47; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } else if (_1 === (53)) { + _tmp$48 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$49 = 529; + _tmp$50 = $substring(layout, (i + 1 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$48; + std = _tmp$49; + suffix = _tmp$50; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } else if (_1 === (80)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 2 >> 0) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 77)) { + _tmp$51 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$52 = 533; + _tmp$53 = $substring(layout, (i + 2 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$51; + std = _tmp$52; + suffix = _tmp$53; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + } else if (_1 === (112)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 2 >> 0) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 109)) { + _tmp$54 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$55 = 534; + _tmp$56 = $substring(layout, (i + 2 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$54; + std = _tmp$55; + suffix = _tmp$56; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + } else if (_1 === (45)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 7 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 7 >> 0)) === "-070000") { + _tmp$57 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$58 = 30; + _tmp$59 = $substring(layout, (i + 7 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$57; + std = _tmp$58; + suffix = _tmp$59; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (layout.length >= (i + 9 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 9 >> 0)) === "-07:00:00") { + _tmp$60 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$61 = 33; + _tmp$62 = $substring(layout, (i + 9 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$60; + std = _tmp$61; + suffix = _tmp$62; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (layout.length >= (i + 5 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 5 >> 0)) === "-0700") { + _tmp$63 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$64 = 29; + _tmp$65 = $substring(layout, (i + 5 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$63; + std = _tmp$64; + suffix = _tmp$65; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (layout.length >= (i + 6 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 6 >> 0)) === "-07:00") { + _tmp$66 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$67 = 32; + _tmp$68 = $substring(layout, (i + 6 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$66; + std = _tmp$67; + suffix = _tmp$68; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (layout.length >= (i + 3 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "-07") { + _tmp$69 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$70 = 31; + _tmp$71 = $substring(layout, (i + 3 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$69; + std = _tmp$70; + suffix = _tmp$71; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + } else if (_1 === (90)) { + if (layout.length >= (i + 7 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 7 >> 0)) === "Z070000") { + _tmp$72 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$73 = 25; + _tmp$74 = $substring(layout, (i + 7 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$72; + std = _tmp$73; + suffix = _tmp$74; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (layout.length >= (i + 9 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 9 >> 0)) === "Z07:00:00") { + _tmp$75 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$76 = 28; + _tmp$77 = $substring(layout, (i + 9 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$75; + std = _tmp$76; + suffix = _tmp$77; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (layout.length >= (i + 5 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 5 >> 0)) === "Z0700") { + _tmp$78 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$79 = 24; + _tmp$80 = $substring(layout, (i + 5 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$78; + std = _tmp$79; + suffix = _tmp$80; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (layout.length >= (i + 6 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 6 >> 0)) === "Z07:00") { + _tmp$81 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$82 = 27; + _tmp$83 = $substring(layout, (i + 6 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$81; + std = _tmp$82; + suffix = _tmp$83; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + if (layout.length >= (i + 3 >> 0) && $substring(layout, i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "Z07") { + _tmp$84 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$85 = 26; + _tmp$86 = $substring(layout, (i + 3 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$84; + std = _tmp$85; + suffix = _tmp$86; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + } else if ((_1 === (46)) || (_1 === (44))) { + if ((i + 1 >> 0) < layout.length && ((layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 48) || (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 57))) { + ch = layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)); + j = i + 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < layout.length && (layout.charCodeAt(j) === ch))) { break; } + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + if (!isDigit(layout, j)) { + code = 34; + if (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 57) { + code = 35; + } + std$1 = stdFracSecond(code, j - ((i + 1 >> 0)) >> 0, c); + _tmp$87 = $substring(layout, 0, i); + _tmp$88 = std$1; + _tmp$89 = $substring(layout, j); + prefix = _tmp$87; + std = _tmp$88; + suffix = _tmp$89; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + } + } + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$90 = layout; + _tmp$91 = 0; + _tmp$92 = ""; + prefix = _tmp$90; + std = _tmp$91; + suffix = _tmp$92; + return [prefix, std, suffix]; + }; + match = function(s1, s2) { + var c1, c2, i, s1, s2; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s1.length)) { break; } + c1 = s1.charCodeAt(i); + c2 = s2.charCodeAt(i); + if (!((c1 === c2))) { + c1 = (c1 | (32)) >>> 0; + c2 = (c2 | (32)) >>> 0; + if (!((c1 === c2)) || c1 < 97 || c1 > 122) { + return false; + } + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + lookup = function(tab, val) { + var _i, _ref, i, tab, v, val; + _ref = tab; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (val.length >= v.length && match($substring(val, 0, v.length), v)) { + return [i, $substring(val, v.length), $ifaceNil]; + } + _i++; + } + return [-1, val, errBad]; + }; + appendInt = function(b, x$1, width) { + var _q, b, buf, i, q, u, w, width, x$1; + u = ((x$1 >>> 0)); + if (x$1 < 0) { + b = $append(b, 45); + u = ((-x$1 >>> 0)); + } + buf = arrayType$3.zero(); + i = 20; + while (true) { + if (!(u >= 10)) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + q = (_q = u / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[i] = ((((48 + u >>> 0) - (q * 10 >>> 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + u = q; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[i] = (((48 + u >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + w = 20 - i >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(w < width)) { break; } + b = $append(b, 48); + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } + return $appendSlice(b, $subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), i)); + }; + atoi = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, err, neg, q, rem, s, x$1; + x$1 = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + neg = false; + if (!(s === "") && ((s.charCodeAt(0) === 45) || (s.charCodeAt(0) === 43))) { + neg = s.charCodeAt(0) === 45; + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + _tuple = leadingInt(s); + q = _tuple[0]; + rem = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + x$1 = ((q.$low >> 0)); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || !(rem === "")) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = atoiError; + x$1 = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [x$1, err]; + } + if (neg) { + x$1 = -x$1; + } + _tmp$2 = x$1; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + x$1 = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [x$1, err]; + }; + stdFracSecond = function(code, n, c) { + var c, code, n; + if (c === 46) { + return code | ((((n & 4095)) << 16 >> 0)); + } + return (code | ((((n & 4095)) << 16 >> 0))) | 268435456; + }; + digitsLen = function(std) { + var std; + return ((std >> 16 >> 0)) & 4095; + }; + separator = function(std) { + var std; + if (((std >> 28 >> 0)) === 0) { + return 46; + } + return 44; + }; + formatNano = function(b, nanosec, std) { + var _q, _r$1, b, buf, n, nanosec, separator$1, start, std, trim, u, x$1; + n = digitsLen(std); + separator$1 = separator(std); + trim = (std & 65535) === 35; + u = nanosec; + buf = arrayType$4.zero(); + start = 9; + while (true) { + if (!(start > 0)) { break; } + start = start - (1) >> 0; + ((start < 0 || start >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[start] = ((((_r$1 = u % 10, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + u = (_q = u / (10), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + } + if (n > 9) { + n = 9; + } + if (trim) { + while (true) { + if (!(n > 0 && ((x$1 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[x$1])) === 48))) { break; } + n = n - (1) >> 0; + } + if (n === 0) { + return b; + } + } + b = $append(b, separator$1); + return $appendSlice(b, $subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, n)); + }; + Time.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {_r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, buf, m0, m1, m2, s, sign, t, wid, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$1; + if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = t.wall, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 2147483648, (x$2.$low & 0) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)))) { + m2 = ((x$3 = t.ext, new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low))); + sign = 43; + if ((x$4 = t.ext, (x$4.$high < 0 || (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low < 0)))) { + sign = 45; + m2 = new $Uint64(-m2.$high, -m2.$low); + } + _tmp = $div64(m2, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000), false); + _tmp$1 = $div64(m2, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000), true); + m1 = _tmp; + m2 = _tmp$1; + _tmp$2 = $div64(m1, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000), false); + _tmp$3 = $div64(m1, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000), true); + m0 = _tmp$2; + m1 = _tmp$3; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, 24); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, " m="); + buf = $append(buf, sign); + wid = 0; + if (!((m0.$high === 0 && m0.$low === 0))) { + buf = appendInt(buf, ((m0.$low >> 0)), 0); + wid = 9; + } + buf = appendInt(buf, ((m1.$low >> 0)), wid); + buf = $append(buf, 46); + buf = appendInt(buf, ((m2.$low >> 0)), 9); + s = s + (($bytesToString(buf))); + } + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, buf, m0, m1, m2, s, sign, t, wid, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.GoString = function() { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$11, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, buf, loc, month, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, 70); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "time.Date("); + _arg = buf; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$1; + _r$2 = appendInt(_arg, _arg$1, 0); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = _r$2; + _r$3 = $clone(t, Time).Month(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + month = _r$3; + /* */ if (1 <= month && month <= 12) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (1 <= month && month <= 12) { */ case 4: + buf = $appendSlice(buf, ", time."); + _arg$2 = buf; + _r$4 = $clone(t, Time).Month(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = new Month(_r$4).String(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$5; + buf = $appendSlice(_arg$2, _arg$3); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + buf = appendInt(buf, ((month >> 0)), 0); + /* } */ case 6: + buf = $appendSlice(buf, ", "); + _arg$4 = buf; + _r$6 = $clone(t, Time).Day(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = _r$6; + _r$7 = appendInt(_arg$4, _arg$5, 0); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = _r$7; + buf = $appendSlice(buf, ", "); + _arg$6 = buf; + _r$8 = $clone(t, Time).Hour(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = _r$8; + _r$9 = appendInt(_arg$6, _arg$7, 0); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = _r$9; + buf = $appendSlice(buf, ", "); + _arg$8 = buf; + _r$10 = $clone(t, Time).Minute(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$9 = _r$10; + _r$11 = appendInt(_arg$8, _arg$9, 0); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = _r$11; + buf = $appendSlice(buf, ", "); + _arg$10 = buf; + _r$12 = $clone(t, Time).Second(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$11 = _r$12; + _r$13 = appendInt(_arg$10, _arg$11, 0); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = _r$13; + buf = $appendSlice(buf, ", "); + buf = appendInt(buf, $clone(t, Time).Nanosecond(), 0); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, ", "); + loc = $clone(t, Time).Location(); + _1 = loc; + if (_1 === ($pkg.UTC) || _1 === ptrType$2.nil) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "time.UTC"); + } else if (_1 === ($pkg.Local)) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "time.Local"); + } else { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "time.Location("); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(quote(loc.name))))); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, ")"); + } + buf = $append(buf, 41); + $s = -1; return ($bytesToString(buf)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.GoString, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$11, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, buf, loc, month, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.GoString = function() { return this.$val.GoString(); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.Format = function(layout) { + var {_r$1, b, buf, layout, max, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {layout}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + b = sliceType$3.nil; + max = layout.length + 10 >> 0; + if (max < 64) { + buf = arrayType$5.zero(); + b = $subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, 0); + } else { + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, max); + } + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).AppendFormat(b, layout); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = -1; return ($bytesToString(b)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, _r$1, b, buf, layout, max, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.Format = function(layout) { return this.$val.Format(layout); }; + Time.ptr.prototype.AppendFormat = function(b, layout) { + var {_1, _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, abs, absoffset, b, day, hour, hr, hr$1, layout, m, min, month, name, offset, prefix, s, sec, std, suffix, t, y, yday, year, zone$1, zone$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, layout}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t, Time).locabs(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + name = _tuple[0]; + offset = _tuple[1]; + abs = _tuple[2]; + year = -1; + month = 0; + day = 0; + yday = 0; + hour = -1; + min = 0; + sec = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(!(layout === ""))) { break; } + _tuple$1 = nextStdChunk(layout); + prefix = _tuple$1[0]; + std = _tuple$1[1]; + suffix = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!(prefix === "")) { + b = $appendSlice(b, prefix); + } + if (std === 0) { + break; + } + layout = suffix; + if (year < 0 && !(((std & 256) === 0))) { + _tuple$2 = absDate(abs, true); + year = _tuple$2[0]; + month = _tuple$2[1]; + day = _tuple$2[2]; + yday = _tuple$2[3]; + yday = yday + (1) >> 0; + } + if (hour < 0 && !(((std & 512) === 0))) { + _tuple$3 = absClock(abs); + hour = _tuple$3[0]; + min = _tuple$3[1]; + sec = _tuple$3[2]; + } + switch (0) { default: + _1 = std & 65535; + if (_1 === (276)) { + y = year; + if (y < 0) { + y = -y; + } + b = appendInt(b, (_r$2 = y % 100, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2); + } else if (_1 === (275)) { + b = appendInt(b, year, 4); + } else if (_1 === (258)) { + b = $appendSlice(b, $substring(new Month(month).String(), 0, 3)); + } else if (_1 === (257)) { + m = new Month(month).String(); + b = $appendSlice(b, m); + } else if (_1 === (259)) { + b = appendInt(b, ((month >> 0)), 0); + } else if (_1 === (260)) { + b = appendInt(b, ((month >> 0)), 2); + } else if (_1 === (262)) { + b = $appendSlice(b, $substring(new Weekday(absWeekday(abs)).String(), 0, 3)); + } else if (_1 === (261)) { + s = new Weekday(absWeekday(abs)).String(); + b = $appendSlice(b, s); + } else if (_1 === (263)) { + b = appendInt(b, day, 0); + } else if (_1 === (264)) { + if (day < 10) { + b = $append(b, 32); + } + b = appendInt(b, day, 0); + } else if (_1 === (265)) { + b = appendInt(b, day, 2); + } else if (_1 === (266)) { + if (yday < 100) { + b = $append(b, 32); + if (yday < 10) { + b = $append(b, 32); + } + } + b = appendInt(b, yday, 0); + } else if (_1 === (267)) { + b = appendInt(b, yday, 3); + } else if (_1 === (524)) { + b = appendInt(b, hour, 2); + } else if (_1 === (525)) { + hr = (_r$3 = hour % 12, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (hr === 0) { + hr = 12; + } + b = appendInt(b, hr, 0); + } else if (_1 === (526)) { + hr$1 = (_r$4 = hour % 12, _r$4 === _r$4 ? _r$4 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (hr$1 === 0) { + hr$1 = 12; + } + b = appendInt(b, hr$1, 2); + } else if (_1 === (527)) { + b = appendInt(b, min, 0); + } else if (_1 === (528)) { + b = appendInt(b, min, 2); + } else if (_1 === (529)) { + b = appendInt(b, sec, 0); + } else if (_1 === (530)) { + b = appendInt(b, sec, 2); + } else if (_1 === (533)) { + if (hour >= 12) { + b = $appendSlice(b, "PM"); + } else { + b = $appendSlice(b, "AM"); + } + } else if (_1 === (534)) { + if (hour >= 12) { + b = $appendSlice(b, "pm"); + } else { + b = $appendSlice(b, "am"); + } + } else if ((_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (27)) || (_1 === (25)) || (_1 === (26)) || (_1 === (28)) || (_1 === (29)) || (_1 === (32)) || (_1 === (30)) || (_1 === (31)) || (_1 === (33))) { + if ((offset === 0) && ((std === 24) || (std === 27) || (std === 25) || (std === 26) || (std === 28))) { + b = $append(b, 90); + break; + } + zone$1 = (_q = offset / 60, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + absoffset = offset; + if (zone$1 < 0) { + b = $append(b, 45); + zone$1 = -zone$1; + absoffset = -absoffset; + } else { + b = $append(b, 43); + } + b = appendInt(b, (_q$1 = zone$1 / 60, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2); + if ((std === 27) || (std === 32) || (std === 28) || (std === 33)) { + b = $append(b, 58); + } + if (!((std === 31)) && !((std === 26))) { + b = appendInt(b, (_r$5 = zone$1 % 60, _r$5 === _r$5 ? _r$5 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2); + } + if ((std === 25) || (std === 30) || (std === 33) || (std === 28)) { + if ((std === 33) || (std === 28)) { + b = $append(b, 58); + } + b = appendInt(b, (_r$6 = absoffset % 60, _r$6 === _r$6 ? _r$6 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2); + } + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + if (!(name === "")) { + b = $appendSlice(b, name); + break; + } + zone$2 = (_q$2 = offset / 60, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (zone$2 < 0) { + b = $append(b, 45); + zone$2 = -zone$2; + } else { + b = $append(b, 43); + } + b = appendInt(b, (_q$3 = zone$2 / 60, (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2); + b = appendInt(b, (_r$7 = zone$2 % 60, _r$7 === _r$7 ? _r$7 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2); + } else if ((_1 === (34)) || (_1 === (35))) { + b = formatNano(b, (($clone(t, Time).Nanosecond() >>> 0)), std); + } + } + } + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Time.ptr.prototype.AppendFormat, $c: true, $r, _1, _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, abs, absoffset, b, day, hour, hr, hr$1, layout, m, min, month, name, offset, prefix, s, sec, std, suffix, t, y, yday, year, zone$1, zone$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Time.prototype.AppendFormat = function(b, layout) { return this.$val.AppendFormat(b, layout); }; + quote = function(s) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, buf, c, i, j, s, width; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 1, (s.length + 2 >> 0)); + (0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0] = 34); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i = _i; + c = _rune[0]; + if (c >= 128 || c < 32) { + width = 0; + if (c === 65533) { + width = 1; + if ((i + 2 >> 0) < s.length && $substring(s, i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "\xEF\xBF\xBD") { + width = 3; + } + } else { + width = ($encodeRune(c)).length; + } + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < width)) { break; } + buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\x"); + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((s.charCodeAt((i + j >> 0)) >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((s.charCodeAt((i + j >> 0)) & 15) >>> 0))); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + } else { + if ((c === 34) || (c === 92)) { + buf = $append(buf, 92); + } + buf = $appendSlice(buf, ($encodeRune(c))); + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + buf = $append(buf, 34); + return ($bytesToString(buf)); + }; + ParseError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + if (e.Message === "") { + return "parsing time " + quote(e.Value) + " as " + quote(e.Layout) + ": cannot parse " + quote(e.ValueElem) + " as " + quote(e.LayoutElem); + } + return "parsing time " + quote(e.Value) + e.Message; + }; + ParseError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + isDigit = function(s, i) { + var c, i, s; + if (s.length <= i) { + return false; + } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + return 48 <= c && c <= 57; + }; + getnum = function(s, fixed) { + var fixed, s; + if (!isDigit(s, 0)) { + return [0, s, errBad]; + } + if (!isDigit(s, 1)) { + if (fixed) { + return [0, s, errBad]; + } + return [(((s.charCodeAt(0) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)), $substring(s, 1), $ifaceNil]; + } + return [($imul((((s.charCodeAt(0) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)), 10)) + (((s.charCodeAt(1) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)) >> 0, $substring(s, 2), $ifaceNil]; + }; + getnum3 = function(s, fixed) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, fixed, i, n, s; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + n = _tmp; + i = _tmp$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 3 && isDigit(s, i))) { break; } + n = ($imul(n, 10)) + (((s.charCodeAt(i) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if ((i === 0) || fixed && !((i === 3))) { + return [0, s, errBad]; + } + return [n, $substring(s, i), $ifaceNil]; + }; + cutspace = function(s) { + var s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0 && (s.charCodeAt(0) === 32))) { break; } + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + return s; + }; + skip = function(value, prefix) { + var prefix, value; + while (true) { + if (!(prefix.length > 0)) { break; } + if (prefix.charCodeAt(0) === 32) { + if (value.length > 0 && !((value.charCodeAt(0) === 32))) { + return [value, errBad]; + } + prefix = cutspace(prefix); + value = cutspace(value); + continue; + } + if ((value.length === 0) || !((value.charCodeAt(0) === prefix.charCodeAt(0)))) { + return [value, errBad]; + } + prefix = $substring(prefix, 1); + value = $substring(value, 1); + } + return [value, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Parse = function(layout, value) { + var {$24r, _r$1, layout, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {layout, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = parse(layout, value, $pkg.UTC, $pkg.Local); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Parse, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, layout, value, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Parse = Parse; + parse = function(layout, value, defaultLocation, local) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _2, _3, _4, _q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, alayout, amSet, avalue, d, day, defaultLocation, err, hold, hour, hour$1, hr, i, i$1, layout, local, m, min, min$1, mm, month, n, n$1, name, ndigit, nsec, offset, offset$1, ok, ok$1, p, pmSet, prefix, rangeErrString, sec, seconds, sign, ss, std, stdstr, suffix, t, t$1, value, x$1, x$2, x$3, yday, year, z, zoneName, zoneOffset, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {layout, value, defaultLocation, local}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tmp = layout; + _tmp$1 = value; + alayout = _tmp; + avalue = _tmp$1; + rangeErrString = ""; + amSet = false; + pmSet = false; + year = 0; + month = -1; + day = -1; + yday = -1; + hour = 0; + min = 0; + sec = 0; + nsec = 0; + z = ptrType$2.nil; + zoneOffset = -1; + zoneName = ""; + while (true) { + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = nextStdChunk(layout); + prefix = _tuple[0]; + std = _tuple[1]; + suffix = _tuple[2]; + stdstr = $substring(layout, prefix.length, (layout.length - suffix.length >> 0)); + _tuple$1 = skip(value, prefix); + value = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, prefix, value, "")]; + } + if (std === 0) { + if (!((value.length === 0))) { + $s = -1; return [new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": extra text: " + quote(value))]; + } + break; + } + layout = suffix; + p = ""; + switch (0) { default: + _1 = std & 65535; + if (_1 === (276)) { + if (value.length < 2) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + hold = value; + _tmp$2 = $substring(value, 0, 2); + _tmp$3 = $substring(value, 2); + p = _tmp$2; + value = _tmp$3; + _tuple$2 = atoi(p); + year = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + value = hold; + } else if (year >= 69) { + year = year + (1900) >> 0; + } else { + year = year + (2000) >> 0; + } + } else if (_1 === (275)) { + if (value.length < 4 || !isDigit(value, 0)) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + _tmp$4 = $substring(value, 0, 4); + _tmp$5 = $substring(value, 4); + p = _tmp$4; + value = _tmp$5; + _tuple$3 = atoi(p); + year = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + } else if (_1 === (258)) { + _tuple$4 = lookup(shortMonthNames, value); + month = _tuple$4[0]; + value = _tuple$4[1]; + err = _tuple$4[2]; + month = month + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (257)) { + _tuple$5 = lookup(longMonthNames, value); + month = _tuple$5[0]; + value = _tuple$5[1]; + err = _tuple$5[2]; + month = month + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((_1 === (259)) || (_1 === (260))) { + _tuple$6 = getnum(value, std === 260); + month = _tuple$6[0]; + value = _tuple$6[1]; + err = _tuple$6[2]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (month <= 0 || 12 < month)) { + rangeErrString = "month"; + } + } else if (_1 === (262)) { + _tuple$7 = lookup(shortDayNames, value); + value = _tuple$7[1]; + err = _tuple$7[2]; + } else if (_1 === (261)) { + _tuple$8 = lookup(longDayNames, value); + value = _tuple$8[1]; + err = _tuple$8[2]; + } else if ((_1 === (263)) || (_1 === (264)) || (_1 === (265))) { + if ((std === 264) && value.length > 0 && (value.charCodeAt(0) === 32)) { + value = $substring(value, 1); + } + _tuple$9 = getnum(value, std === 265); + day = _tuple$9[0]; + value = _tuple$9[1]; + err = _tuple$9[2]; + } else if ((_1 === (266)) || (_1 === (267))) { + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 2)) { break; } + if ((std === 266) && value.length > 0 && (value.charCodeAt(0) === 32)) { + value = $substring(value, 1); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tuple$10 = getnum3(value, std === 267); + yday = _tuple$10[0]; + value = _tuple$10[1]; + err = _tuple$10[2]; + } else if (_1 === (524)) { + _tuple$11 = getnum(value, false); + hour = _tuple$11[0]; + value = _tuple$11[1]; + err = _tuple$11[2]; + if (hour < 0 || 24 <= hour) { + rangeErrString = "hour"; + } + } else if ((_1 === (525)) || (_1 === (526))) { + _tuple$12 = getnum(value, std === 526); + hour = _tuple$12[0]; + value = _tuple$12[1]; + err = _tuple$12[2]; + if (hour < 0 || 12 < hour) { + rangeErrString = "hour"; + } + } else if ((_1 === (527)) || (_1 === (528))) { + _tuple$13 = getnum(value, std === 528); + min = _tuple$13[0]; + value = _tuple$13[1]; + err = _tuple$13[2]; + if (min < 0 || 60 <= min) { + rangeErrString = "minute"; + } + } else if ((_1 === (529)) || (_1 === (530))) { + _tuple$14 = getnum(value, std === 530); + sec = _tuple$14[0]; + value = _tuple$14[1]; + err = _tuple$14[2]; + if (sec < 0 || 60 <= sec) { + rangeErrString = "second"; + break; + } + if (value.length >= 2 && commaOrPeriod(value.charCodeAt(0)) && isDigit(value, 1)) { + _tuple$15 = nextStdChunk(layout); + std = _tuple$15[1]; + std = std & (65535); + if ((std === 34) || (std === 35)) { + break; + } + n = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(n < value.length && isDigit(value, n))) { break; } + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + _tuple$16 = parseNanoseconds(value, n); + nsec = _tuple$16[0]; + rangeErrString = _tuple$16[1]; + err = _tuple$16[2]; + value = $substring(value, n); + } + } else if (_1 === (533)) { + if (value.length < 2) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + _tmp$6 = $substring(value, 0, 2); + _tmp$7 = $substring(value, 2); + p = _tmp$6; + value = _tmp$7; + _2 = p; + if (_2 === ("PM")) { + pmSet = true; + } else if (_2 === ("AM")) { + amSet = true; + } else { + err = errBad; + } + } else if (_1 === (534)) { + if (value.length < 2) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + _tmp$8 = $substring(value, 0, 2); + _tmp$9 = $substring(value, 2); + p = _tmp$8; + value = _tmp$9; + _3 = p; + if (_3 === ("pm")) { + pmSet = true; + } else if (_3 === ("am")) { + amSet = true; + } else { + err = errBad; + } + } else if ((_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (27)) || (_1 === (25)) || (_1 === (26)) || (_1 === (28)) || (_1 === (29)) || (_1 === (31)) || (_1 === (32)) || (_1 === (30)) || (_1 === (33))) { + if (((std === 24) || (std === 26) || (std === 27)) && value.length >= 1 && (value.charCodeAt(0) === 90)) { + value = $substring(value, 1); + z = $pkg.UTC; + break; + } + _tmp$10 = ""; + _tmp$11 = ""; + _tmp$12 = ""; + _tmp$13 = ""; + sign = _tmp$10; + hour$1 = _tmp$11; + min$1 = _tmp$12; + seconds = _tmp$13; + if ((std === 27) || (std === 32)) { + if (value.length < 6) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + if (!((value.charCodeAt(3) === 58))) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + _tmp$14 = $substring(value, 0, 1); + _tmp$15 = $substring(value, 1, 3); + _tmp$16 = $substring(value, 4, 6); + _tmp$17 = "00"; + _tmp$18 = $substring(value, 6); + sign = _tmp$14; + hour$1 = _tmp$15; + min$1 = _tmp$16; + seconds = _tmp$17; + value = _tmp$18; + } else if ((std === 31) || (std === 26)) { + if (value.length < 3) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + _tmp$19 = $substring(value, 0, 1); + _tmp$20 = $substring(value, 1, 3); + _tmp$21 = "00"; + _tmp$22 = "00"; + _tmp$23 = $substring(value, 3); + sign = _tmp$19; + hour$1 = _tmp$20; + min$1 = _tmp$21; + seconds = _tmp$22; + value = _tmp$23; + } else if ((std === 28) || (std === 33)) { + if (value.length < 9) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + if (!((value.charCodeAt(3) === 58)) || !((value.charCodeAt(6) === 58))) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + _tmp$24 = $substring(value, 0, 1); + _tmp$25 = $substring(value, 1, 3); + _tmp$26 = $substring(value, 4, 6); + _tmp$27 = $substring(value, 7, 9); + _tmp$28 = $substring(value, 9); + sign = _tmp$24; + hour$1 = _tmp$25; + min$1 = _tmp$26; + seconds = _tmp$27; + value = _tmp$28; + } else if ((std === 25) || (std === 30)) { + if (value.length < 7) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + _tmp$29 = $substring(value, 0, 1); + _tmp$30 = $substring(value, 1, 3); + _tmp$31 = $substring(value, 3, 5); + _tmp$32 = $substring(value, 5, 7); + _tmp$33 = $substring(value, 7); + sign = _tmp$29; + hour$1 = _tmp$30; + min$1 = _tmp$31; + seconds = _tmp$32; + value = _tmp$33; + } else { + if (value.length < 5) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + _tmp$34 = $substring(value, 0, 1); + _tmp$35 = $substring(value, 1, 3); + _tmp$36 = $substring(value, 3, 5); + _tmp$37 = "00"; + _tmp$38 = $substring(value, 5); + sign = _tmp$34; + hour$1 = _tmp$35; + min$1 = _tmp$36; + seconds = _tmp$37; + value = _tmp$38; + } + _tmp$39 = 0; + _tmp$40 = 0; + _tmp$41 = 0; + hr = _tmp$39; + mm = _tmp$40; + ss = _tmp$41; + _tuple$17 = atoi(hour$1); + hr = _tuple$17[0]; + err = _tuple$17[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + _tuple$18 = atoi(min$1); + mm = _tuple$18[0]; + err = _tuple$18[1]; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + _tuple$19 = atoi(seconds); + ss = _tuple$19[0]; + err = _tuple$19[1]; + } + zoneOffset = ($imul(((($imul(hr, 60)) + mm >> 0)), 60)) + ss >> 0; + _4 = sign.charCodeAt(0); + if (_4 === (43)) { + } else if (_4 === (45)) { + zoneOffset = -zoneOffset; + } else { + err = errBad; + } + } else if (_1 === (23)) { + if (value.length >= 3 && $substring(value, 0, 3) === "UTC") { + z = $pkg.UTC; + value = $substring(value, 3); + break; + } + _tuple$20 = parseTimeZone(value); + n$1 = _tuple$20[0]; + ok = _tuple$20[1]; + if (!ok) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + _tmp$42 = $substring(value, 0, n$1); + _tmp$43 = $substring(value, n$1); + zoneName = _tmp$42; + value = _tmp$43; + } else if (_1 === (34)) { + ndigit = 1 + digitsLen(std) >> 0; + if (value.length < ndigit) { + err = errBad; + break; + } + _tuple$21 = parseNanoseconds(value, ndigit); + nsec = _tuple$21[0]; + rangeErrString = _tuple$21[1]; + err = _tuple$21[2]; + value = $substring(value, ndigit); + } else if (_1 === (35)) { + if (value.length < 2 || !commaOrPeriod(value.charCodeAt(0)) || value.charCodeAt(1) < 48 || 57 < value.charCodeAt(1)) { + break; + } + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 9 && (i$1 + 1 >> 0) < value.length && 48 <= value.charCodeAt((i$1 + 1 >> 0)) && value.charCodeAt((i$1 + 1 >> 0)) <= 57)) { break; } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + _tuple$22 = parseNanoseconds(value, 1 + i$1 >> 0); + nsec = _tuple$22[0]; + rangeErrString = _tuple$22[1]; + err = _tuple$22[2]; + value = $substring(value, (1 + i$1 >> 0)); + } + } + if (!(rangeErrString === "")) { + $s = -1; return [new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, stdstr, value, ": " + rangeErrString + " out of range")]; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, stdstr, value, "")]; + } + } + if (pmSet && hour < 12) { + hour = hour + (12) >> 0; + } else if (amSet && (hour === 12)) { + hour = 0; + } + if (yday >= 0) { + d = 0; + m = 0; + if (isLeap(year)) { + if (yday === 60) { + m = 2; + d = 29; + } else if (yday > 60) { + yday = yday - (1) >> 0; + } + } + if (yday < 1 || yday > 365) { + $s = -1; return [new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": day-of-year out of range")]; + } + if (m === 0) { + m = (_q = ((yday - 1 >> 0)) / 31, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 1 >> 0; + if (((((m < 0 || m >= daysBefore.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : daysBefore[m]) >> 0)) < yday) { + m = m + (1) >> 0; + } + d = yday - (((x$1 = m - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= daysBefore.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : daysBefore[x$1])) >> 0)) >> 0; + } + if (month >= 0 && !((month === m))) { + $s = -1; return [new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": day-of-year does not match month")]; + } + month = m; + if (day >= 0 && !((day === d))) { + $s = -1; return [new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": day-of-year does not match day")]; + } + day = d; + } else { + if (month < 0) { + month = 1; + } + if (day < 0) { + day = 1; + } + } + if (day < 1 || day > daysIn(((month >> 0)), year)) { + $s = -1; return [new Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": day out of range")]; + } + /* */ if (!(z === ptrType$2.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(z === ptrType$2.nil)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = Date(year, ((month >> 0)), day, hour, min, sec, nsec, z); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r$1, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!((zoneOffset === -1))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!((zoneOffset === -1))) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = Date(year, ((month >> 0)), day, hour, min, sec, nsec, $pkg.UTC); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = $clone(_r$2, Time); + t.addSec((x$2 = (new $Int64(0, zoneOffset)), new $Int64(-x$2.$high, -x$2.$low))); + _r$3 = local.lookup(t.unixSec()); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$23 = _r$3; + name = _tuple$23[0]; + offset = _tuple$23[1]; + if ((offset === zoneOffset) && (zoneName === "" || name === zoneName)) { + t.setLoc(local); + $s = -1; return [t, $ifaceNil]; + } + t.setLoc(FixedZone(zoneName, zoneOffset)); + $s = -1; return [t, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (!(zoneName === "")) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(zoneName === "")) { */ case 9: + _r$4 = Date(year, ((month >> 0)), day, hour, min, sec, nsec, $pkg.UTC); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t$1 = $clone(_r$4, Time); + _r$5 = local.lookupName(zoneName, t$1.unixSec()); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$24 = _r$5; + offset$1 = _tuple$24[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$24[1]; + if (ok$1) { + t$1.addSec((x$3 = (new $Int64(0, offset$1)), new $Int64(-x$3.$high, -x$3.$low))); + t$1.setLoc(local); + $s = -1; return [t$1, $ifaceNil]; + } + if (zoneName.length > 3 && $substring(zoneName, 0, 3) === "GMT") { + _tuple$25 = atoi($substring(zoneName, 3)); + offset$1 = _tuple$25[0]; + offset$1 = $imul(offset$1, (3600)); + } + t$1.setLoc(FixedZone(zoneName, offset$1)); + $s = -1; return [t$1, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$6 = Date(year, ((month >> 0)), day, hour, min, sec, nsec, defaultLocation); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [_r$6, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parse, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _2, _3, _4, _q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, alayout, amSet, avalue, d, day, defaultLocation, err, hold, hour, hour$1, hr, i, i$1, layout, local, m, min, min$1, mm, month, n, n$1, name, ndigit, nsec, offset, offset$1, ok, ok$1, p, pmSet, prefix, rangeErrString, sec, seconds, sign, ss, std, stdstr, suffix, t, t$1, value, x$1, x$2, x$3, yday, year, z, zoneName, zoneOffset, $s};return $f; + }; + parseTimeZone = function(value) { + var _1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c, length, nUpper, ok, ok$1, value; + length = 0; + ok = false; + if (value.length < 3) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = false; + length = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [length, ok]; + } + if (value.length >= 4 && ($substring(value, 0, 4) === "ChST" || $substring(value, 0, 4) === "MeST")) { + _tmp$2 = 4; + _tmp$3 = true; + length = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [length, ok]; + } + if ($substring(value, 0, 3) === "GMT") { + length = parseGMT(value); + _tmp$4 = length; + _tmp$5 = true; + length = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [length, ok]; + } + if ((value.charCodeAt(0) === 43) || (value.charCodeAt(0) === 45)) { + length = parseSignedOffset(value); + ok$1 = length > 0; + _tmp$6 = length; + _tmp$7 = ok$1; + length = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + return [length, ok]; + } + nUpper = 0; + nUpper = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(nUpper < 6)) { break; } + if (nUpper >= value.length) { + break; + } + c = value.charCodeAt(nUpper); + if (c < 65 || 90 < c) { + break; + } + nUpper = nUpper + (1) >> 0; + } + _1 = nUpper; + if ((_1 === (0)) || (_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (6))) { + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = false; + length = _tmp$8; + ok = _tmp$9; + return [length, ok]; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + if (value.charCodeAt(4) === 84) { + _tmp$10 = 5; + _tmp$11 = true; + length = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [length, ok]; + } + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + if ((value.charCodeAt(3) === 84) || $substring(value, 0, 4) === "WITA") { + _tmp$12 = 4; + _tmp$13 = true; + length = _tmp$12; + ok = _tmp$13; + return [length, ok]; + } + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + _tmp$14 = 3; + _tmp$15 = true; + length = _tmp$14; + ok = _tmp$15; + return [length, ok]; + } + _tmp$16 = 0; + _tmp$17 = false; + length = _tmp$16; + ok = _tmp$17; + return [length, ok]; + }; + parseGMT = function(value) { + var value; + value = $substring(value, 3); + if (value.length === 0) { + return 3; + } + return 3 + parseSignedOffset(value) >> 0; + }; + parseSignedOffset = function(value) { + var _tuple, err, rem, sign, value, x$1; + sign = value.charCodeAt(0); + if (!((sign === 45)) && !((sign === 43))) { + return 0; + } + _tuple = leadingInt($substring(value, 1)); + x$1 = _tuple[0]; + rem = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || $substring(value, 1) === rem) { + return 0; + } + if ((x$1.$high > 0 || (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low > 23))) { + return 0; + } + return value.length - rem.length >> 0; + }; + commaOrPeriod = function(b) { + var b; + return (b === 46) || (b === 44); + }; + parseNanoseconds = function(value, nbytes) { + var _tuple, err, i, nbytes, ns, rangeErrString, scaleDigits, value; + ns = 0; + rangeErrString = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!commaOrPeriod(value.charCodeAt(0))) { + err = errBad; + return [ns, rangeErrString, err]; + } + if (nbytes > 10) { + value = $substring(value, 0, 10); + nbytes = 10; + } + _tuple = atoi($substring(value, 1, nbytes)); + ns = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ns, rangeErrString, err]; + } + if (ns < 0) { + rangeErrString = "fractional second"; + return [ns, rangeErrString, err]; + } + scaleDigits = 10 - nbytes >> 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < scaleDigits)) { break; } + ns = $imul(ns, (10)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return [ns, rangeErrString, err]; + }; + leadingInt = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, c, err, i, rem, s, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + x$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + rem = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (c < 48 || c > 57) { + break; + } + if ((x$1.$high > 214748364 || (x$1.$high === 214748364 && x$1.$low > 3435973836))) { + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = errLeadingInt; + x$1 = _tmp; + rem = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [x$1, rem, err]; + } + x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = $mul64(x$1, new $Uint64(0, 10)), x$4 = (new $Uint64(0, c)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + x$4.$high, x$3.$low + x$4.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high - 0, x$2.$low - 48)); + if ((x$1.$high > 2147483648 || (x$1.$high === 2147483648 && x$1.$low > 0))) { + _tmp$3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$4 = ""; + _tmp$5 = errLeadingInt; + x$1 = _tmp$3; + rem = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [x$1, rem, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$6 = x$1; + _tmp$7 = $substring(s, i); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + x$1 = _tmp$6; + rem = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [x$1, rem, err]; + }; + leadingFraction = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, c, i, overflow, rem, s, scale, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, y; + x$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + scale = 0; + rem = ""; + i = 0; + scale = 1; + overflow = false; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (c < 48 || c > 57) { + break; + } + if (overflow) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if ((x$1.$high > 214748364 || (x$1.$high === 214748364 && x$1.$low > 3435973836))) { + overflow = true; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + y = (x$2 = (x$3 = $mul64(x$1, new $Uint64(0, 10)), x$4 = (new $Uint64(0, c)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + x$4.$high, x$3.$low + x$4.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high - 0, x$2.$low - 48)); + if ((y.$high > 2147483648 || (y.$high === 2147483648 && y.$low > 0))) { + overflow = true; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + x$1 = y; + scale = scale * (10); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp = x$1; + _tmp$1 = scale; + _tmp$2 = $substring(s, i); + x$1 = _tmp; + scale = _tmp$1; + rem = _tmp$2; + return [x$1, scale, rem]; + }; + ParseDuration = function(s) { + var _entry, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, c$1, d, err, f, i, neg, ok, orig, pl, pl$1, post, pre, s, scale, u, unit, v, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + orig = s; + d = new $Uint64(0, 0); + neg = false; + if (!(s === "")) { + c = s.charCodeAt(0); + if ((c === 45) || (c === 43)) { + neg = c === 45; + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + } + if (s === "0") { + return [new Duration(0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + } + if (s === "") { + return [new Duration(0, 0), errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!(s === ""))) { break; } + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + v = _tmp; + f = _tmp$1; + scale = 1; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((s.charCodeAt(0) === 46) || 48 <= s.charCodeAt(0) && s.charCodeAt(0) <= 57)) { + return [new Duration(0, 0), errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))]; + } + pl = s.length; + _tuple = leadingInt(s); + v = _tuple[0]; + s = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [new Duration(0, 0), errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))]; + } + pre = !((pl === s.length)); + post = false; + if (!(s === "") && (s.charCodeAt(0) === 46)) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + pl$1 = s.length; + _tuple$1 = leadingFraction(s); + f = _tuple$1[0]; + scale = _tuple$1[1]; + s = _tuple$1[2]; + post = !((pl$1 === s.length)); + } + if (!pre && !post) { + return [new Duration(0, 0), errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))]; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c$1 = s.charCodeAt(i); + if ((c$1 === 46) || 48 <= c$1 && c$1 <= 57) { + break; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (i === 0) { + return [new Duration(0, 0), errors.New("time: missing unit in duration " + quote(orig))]; + } + u = $substring(s, 0, i); + s = $substring(s, i); + _tuple$2 = (_entry = unitMap[$String.keyFor(u)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new $Uint64(0, 0), false]); + unit = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!ok) { + return [new Duration(0, 0), errors.New("time: unknown unit " + quote(u) + " in duration " + quote(orig))]; + } + if ((x$1 = $div64(new $Uint64(2147483648, 0), unit, false), (v.$high > x$1.$high || (v.$high === x$1.$high && v.$low > x$1.$low)))) { + return [new Duration(0, 0), errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))]; + } + v = $mul64(v, (unit)); + if ((f.$high > 0 || (f.$high === 0 && f.$low > 0))) { + v = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, ($flatten64(f)) * (($flatten64(unit)) / scale))), new $Uint64(v.$high + x$2.$high, v.$low + x$2.$low)); + if ((v.$high > 2147483648 || (v.$high === 2147483648 && v.$low > 0))) { + return [new Duration(0, 0), errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))]; + } + } + d = (x$3 = v, new $Uint64(d.$high + x$3.$high, d.$low + x$3.$low)); + if ((d.$high > 2147483648 || (d.$high === 2147483648 && d.$low > 0))) { + return [new Duration(0, 0), errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))]; + } + } + if (neg) { + return [(x$4 = (new Duration(d.$high, d.$low)), new Duration(-x$4.$high, -x$4.$low)), $ifaceNil]; + } + if ((d.$high > 2147483647 || (d.$high === 2147483647 && d.$low > 4294967295))) { + return [new Duration(0, 0), errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))]; + } + return [(new Duration(d.$high, d.$low)), $ifaceNil]; + }; + $pkg.ParseDuration = ParseDuration; + initLocal = function() { + var _q, _r$1, d, min, offset, z; + localLoc.name = "Local"; + z = new zone.ptr("", 0, false); + d = new ($global.Date)(); + offset = $imul(($parseInt(d.getTimezoneOffset()) >> 0), -1); + z.offset = $imul(offset, 60); + z.name = "UTC"; + if (offset < 0) { + z.name = z.name + ("-"); + offset = $imul(offset, (-1)); + } else { + z.name = z.name + ("+"); + } + z.name = z.name + (itoa((_q = offset / 60, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))); + min = (_r$1 = offset % 60, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (!((min === 0))) { + z.name = z.name + (":" + itoa(min)); + } + localLoc.zone = new sliceType([$clone(z, zone)]); + }; + itoa = function(i) { + var i; + if (i < 10) { + return $substring("0123456789", i, (i + 1 >> 0)); + } + return $substring("00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899", ($imul(i, 2)), (($imul(i, 2)) + 2 >> 0)); + }; + init = function() { + $unused(Unix(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0))); + }; + now = function() { + var {_r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, mono, n, nsec, sec, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sec = new $Int64(0, 0); + nsec = 0; + mono = new $Int64(0, 0); + _r$1 = runtimeNano(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r$1; + _tmp = $div64(n, new $Int64(0, 1000000000), false); + _tmp$1 = (((x$1 = $div64(n, new $Int64(0, 1000000000), true), x$1.$low + ((x$1.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + _tmp$2 = n; + sec = _tmp; + nsec = _tmp$1; + mono = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [sec, nsec, mono]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: now, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, mono, n, nsec, sec, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Sleep = function(d) { + var {_r$1, c, d, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = [c]; + c[0] = new $Chan(structType, 0); + $setTimeout((function(c) { return function() { + $close(c[0]); + }; })(c), (((x$1 = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000), false), x$1.$low + ((x$1.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + _r$1 = $recv(c[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1[0]; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Sleep, $c: true, $r, _r$1, c, d, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Sleep = Sleep; + startTimer = function(t) { + var {_r$1, diff, t, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = [t]; + t[0].active = true; + _r$1 = runtimeNano(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + diff = $div64(((x$1 = t[0].when, x$2 = _r$1, new $Int64(x$1.$high - x$2.$high, x$1.$low - x$2.$low))), new $Int64(0, 1000000), false); + if ((diff.$high > 0 || (diff.$high === 0 && diff.$low > 2147483647))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if ((diff.$high < 0 || (diff.$high === 0 && diff.$low < 0))) { + diff = new $Int64(0, 0); + } + t[0].timeout = $setTimeout((function(t) { return function $b() { + var {x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t[0].active = false; + /* */ if (!((x$3 = t[0].period, (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((x$3 = t[0].period, (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0)))) { */ case 1: + t[0].when = (x$4 = t[0].when, x$5 = t[0].period, new $Int64(x$4.$high + x$5.$high, x$4.$low + x$5.$low)); + $r = startTimer(t[0]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $go(t[0].f, [t[0].arg, 0]); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; })(t), $externalize(new $Int64(diff.$high + 0, diff.$low + 1), $Int64)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: startTimer, $c: true, $r, _r$1, diff, t, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + stopTimer = function(t) { + var t, wasActive; + $global.clearTimeout(t.timeout); + wasActive = t.active; + t.active = false; + return wasActive; + }; + modTimer = function(t, when$1, period, f, arg, seq) { + var {arg, f, period, seq, t, when$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, when$1, period, f, arg, seq}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + stopTimer(t); + t.when = when$1; + t.period = period; + t.f = f; + t.arg = arg; + t.seq = seq; + $r = startTimer(t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: modTimer, $c: true, $r, arg, f, period, seq, t, when$1, $s};return $f; + }; + resetTimer = function(t, when$1) { + var {t, wasActive, when$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, when$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + wasActive = t.active; + $r = modTimer(t, when$1, t.period, t.f, t.arg, t.seq); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return wasActive; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: resetTimer, $c: true, $r, t, wasActive, when$1, $s};return $f; + }; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "get", name: "get", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "lookup", name: "lookup", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$String, $Int, $Int64, $Int64, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "lookupFirstZone", name: "lookupFirstZone", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "firstZoneUsed", name: "firstZoneUsed", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "lookupName", name: "lookupName", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int64], [$Int, $Bool], false)}]; + Time.methods = [{prop: "After", name: "After", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Time], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Before", name: "Before", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Time], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Time], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsZero", name: "IsZero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "abs", name: "abs", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "locabs", name: "locabs", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $Int, $Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Date", name: "Date", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, Month, $Int], false)}, {prop: "Year", name: "Year", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Month", name: "Month", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Month], false)}, {prop: "Day", name: "Day", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Weekday", name: "Weekday", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Weekday], false)}, {prop: "ISOWeek", name: "ISOWeek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "Clock", name: "Clock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "Hour", name: "Hour", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Minute", name: "Minute", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Second", name: "Second", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Nanosecond", name: "Nanosecond", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "YearDay", name: "YearDay", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Duration], [Time], false)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Time], [Duration], false)}, {prop: "AddDate", name: "AddDate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int, $Int], [Time], false)}, {prop: "date", name: "date", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$Int, Month, $Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "UTC", name: "UTC", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Time], false)}, {prop: "Local", name: "Local", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Time], false)}, {prop: "In", name: "In", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [Time], false)}, {prop: "Location", name: "Location", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Zone", name: "Zone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $Int], false)}, {prop: "Unix", name: "Unix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "UnixMilli", name: "UnixMilli", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "UnixMicro", name: "UnixMicro", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "UnixNano", name: "UnixNano", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "GobEncode", name: "GobEncode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalJSON", name: "MarshalJSON", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalText", name: "MarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "IsDST", name: "IsDST", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Truncate", name: "Truncate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Duration], [Time], false)}, {prop: "Round", name: "Round", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Duration], [Time], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "GoString", name: "GoString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "AppendFormat", name: "AppendFormat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3, $String], [sliceType$3], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "nsec", name: "nsec", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "sec", name: "sec", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "unixSec", name: "unixSec", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "addSec", name: "addSec", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "setLoc", name: "setLoc", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [], false)}, {prop: "stripMono", name: "stripMono", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "setMono", name: "setMono", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "mono", name: "mono", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "GobDecode", name: "GobDecode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalJSON", name: "UnmarshalJSON", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}]; + Month.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Weekday.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Duration.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Nanoseconds", name: "Nanoseconds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Microseconds", name: "Microseconds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Milliseconds", name: "Milliseconds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Seconds", name: "Seconds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Minutes", name: "Minutes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Hours", name: "Hours", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Truncate", name: "Truncate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Duration], [Duration], false)}, {prop: "Round", name: "Round", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Duration], [Duration], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "Stop", name: "Stop", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Duration], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Location.init("time", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "zone", name: "zone", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "tx", name: "tx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "extend", name: "extend", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "cacheStart", name: "cacheStart", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "cacheEnd", name: "cacheEnd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "cacheZone", name: "cacheZone", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + zone.init("time", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "offset", name: "offset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "isDST", name: "isDST", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + zoneTrans.init("time", [{prop: "when", name: "when", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "index", name: "index", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "isstd", name: "isstd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "isutc", name: "isutc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + rule.init("time", [{prop: "kind", name: "kind", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ruleKind, tag: ""}, {prop: "day", name: "day", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "week", name: "week", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "mon", name: "mon", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "time", name: "time", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Time.init("time", [{prop: "wall", name: "wall", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "ext", name: "ext", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "loc", name: "loc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}]); + Timer.init("time", [{prop: "C", name: "C", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: runtimeTimer, tag: ""}]); + ParseError.init("", [{prop: "Layout", name: "Layout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "LayoutElem", name: "LayoutElem", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "ValueElem", name: "ValueElem", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + runtimeTimer.init("time", [{prop: "i", name: "i", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "when", name: "when", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "period", name: "period", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "f", name: "f", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "arg", name: "arg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "seq", name: "seq", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "timeout", name: "timeout", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "active", name: "active", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $pkg.$initLinknames = function() { + runtimeNano = $linknames["runtime.nanotime"]; +}; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js$1.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = nosync.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = syscall.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + localLoc = new Location.ptr("", sliceType.nil, sliceType$1.nil, "", new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + localOnce = new nosync.Once.ptr(false, false); + badData = errors.New("malformed time zone information"); + $unused(new sliceType$2(["/usr/share/zoneinfo/", "/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/", "/usr/lib/locale/TZ/", runtime.GOROOT() + "/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip"])); + utcLoc = new Location.ptr("UTC", sliceType.nil, sliceType$1.nil, "", new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + $pkg.UTC = utcLoc; + $pkg.Local = localLoc; + errLocation = errors.New("time: invalid location name"); + daysBefore = $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365]); + _r = runtimeNano(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + startNano = (x = _r, new $Int64(x.$high - 0, x.$low - 1)); + std0x = $toNativeArray($kindInt, [260, 265, 526, 528, 530, 276]); + longDayNames = new sliceType$2(["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]); + shortDayNames = new sliceType$2(["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]); + shortMonthNames = new sliceType$2(["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]); + longMonthNames = new sliceType$2(["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]); + atoiError = errors.New("time: invalid number"); + errBad = errors.New("bad value for field"); + errLeadingInt = errors.New("time: bad [0-9]*"); + unitMap = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "ns", v: new $Uint64(0, 1) }, { k: "us", v: new $Uint64(0, 1000) }, { k: "\xC2\xB5s", v: new $Uint64(0, 1000) }, { k: "\xCE\xBCs", v: new $Uint64(0, 1000) }, { k: "ms", v: new $Uint64(0, 1000000) }, { k: "s", v: new $Uint64(0, 1000000000) }, { k: "m", v: new $Uint64(13, 4165425152) }, { k: "h", v: new $Uint64(838, 817405952) }]); + zoneSources = new sliceType$2([runtime.GOROOT() + "/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip"]); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/poll"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, unix, io, atomic, syscall, time, FD, pollDesc, fdMutex, errNetClosing, DeadlineExceededError, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, sliceType, ptrType$4, sliceType$1, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, funcType, funcType$1, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, tryDupCloexec, tryDupCloexec$24ptr, accept, DupCloseOnExec, dupCloseOnExecOld, ignoringEINTRIO, ignoringEINTR, setDeadlineImpl, errClosing, fcntl, runtime_Semacquire, runtime_Semrelease; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + unix = $packages["internal/syscall/unix"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + syscall = $packages["syscall"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + FD = $pkg.FD = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "poll.FD", true, "internal/poll", true, function(fdmu_, Sysfd_, pd_, iovecs_, csema_, isBlocking_, IsStream_, ZeroReadIsEOF_, isFile_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fdmu = new fdMutex.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0); + this.Sysfd = 0; + this.pd = new pollDesc.ptr(ptrType$2.nil, false); + this.iovecs = ptrType$4.nil; + this.csema = 0; + this.isBlocking = 0; + this.IsStream = false; + this.ZeroReadIsEOF = false; + this.isFile = false; + return; + } + this.fdmu = fdmu_; + this.Sysfd = Sysfd_; + this.pd = pd_; + this.iovecs = iovecs_; + this.csema = csema_; + this.isBlocking = isBlocking_; + this.IsStream = IsStream_; + this.ZeroReadIsEOF = ZeroReadIsEOF_; + this.isFile = isFile_; + }); + pollDesc = $pkg.pollDesc = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "poll.pollDesc", true, "internal/poll", false, function(fd_, closing_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fd = ptrType$2.nil; + this.closing = false; + return; + } + this.fd = fd_; + this.closing = closing_; + }); + fdMutex = $pkg.fdMutex = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "poll.fdMutex", true, "internal/poll", false, function(state_, rsema_, wsema_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.rsema = 0; + this.wsema = 0; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.rsema = rsema_; + this.wsema = wsema_; + }); + errNetClosing = $pkg.errNetClosing = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "poll.errNetClosing", true, "internal/poll", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + DeadlineExceededError = $pkg.DeadlineExceededError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "poll.DeadlineExceededError", true, "internal/poll", true, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + ptrType = $ptrType($Uint32); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType($Int32); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(FD); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType($Uint64); + sliceType = $sliceType(syscall.Iovec); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(sliceType); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(syscall.SockaddrInet4); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(syscall.SockaddrInet6); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(syscall.Stat_t); + funcType = $funcType([$Uintptr], [$Bool], false); + funcType$1 = $funcType([$Uintptr], [], false); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(pollDesc); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(fdMutex); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(DeadlineExceededError); + accept = function(s) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, err, ns, s, sa, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $pkg.AcceptFunc(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + ns = _tuple[0]; + sa = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + syscall.CloseOnExec(ns); + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [-1, $ifaceNil, "accept", err]; + } + err = syscall.SetNonblock(ns, true); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = $pkg.CloseFunc(ns); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return [-1, $ifaceNil, "setnonblock", err]; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [ns, sa, "", $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: accept, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, ns, s, sa, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Init = function(net, pollable) { + var err, fd, net, pollable; + fd = this; + if (net === "file") { + fd.isFile = true; + } + if (!pollable) { + fd.isBlocking = 1; + return $ifaceNil; + } + err = fd.pd.init(fd); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + fd.isBlocking = 1; + } + return err; + }; + FD.prototype.Init = function(net, pollable) { return this.$val.Init(net, pollable); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.destroy = function() { + var {_r, err, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + fd.pd.close(); + _r = $pkg.CloseFunc(fd.Sysfd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + fd.Sysfd = -1; + $r = runtime_Semrelease((fd.$ptr_csema || (fd.$ptr_csema = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.csema; }, function($v) { this.$target.csema = $v; }, fd)))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.destroy, $c: true, $r, _r, err, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.destroy = function() { return this.$val.destroy(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, err, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.fdmu.increfAndClose(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return errClosing(fd.isFile); + /* } */ case 2: + fd.pd.evict(); + _r$1 = fd.decref(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (fd.isBlocking === 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (fd.isBlocking === 0) { */ case 5: + $r = runtime_Semacquire((fd.$ptr_csema || (fd.$ptr_csema = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.csema; }, function($v) { this.$target.csema = $v; }, fd)))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, err, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.SetBlocking = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, err, fd, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + err = fd.incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = err; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "decref"), []]); + atomic.StoreUint32((fd.$ptr_isBlocking || (fd.$ptr_isBlocking = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.isBlocking; }, function($v) { this.$target.isBlocking = $v; }, fd))), 1); + $24r$1 = syscall.SetNonblock(fd.Sysfd, false); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.SetBlocking, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, err, fd, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.SetBlocking = function() { return this.$val.SetBlocking(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, n, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.readLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "readUnlock"), []]); + /* */ if (p.$length === 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (p.$length === 0) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareRead(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + $24r$2 = [0, err$1]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 9: + if (fd.IsStream && p.$length > 1073741824) { + p = $subslice(p, 0, 1073741824); + } + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + _r$1 = ignoringEINTRIO(syscall.Read, fd.Sysfd, p); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err$2 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + n = 0; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 11; continue; + } + } + } + err$2 = fd.eofError(n, err$2); + $24r$3 = [n, err$2]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$3; + case 12: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, n, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Pread = function(p, off) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, fd, n, off, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, off}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + err = fd.incref(); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + if (fd.IsStream && p.$length > 1073741824) { + p = $subslice(p, 0, 1073741824); + } + n = 0; + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = syscall.Pread(fd.Sysfd, p, off); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, new syscall.Errno(4)))) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + n = 0; + } + _r$1 = fd.decref(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + err$1 = fd.eofError(n, err$1); + $s = -1; return [n, err$1]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Pread, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, fd, n, off, p, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.Pread = function(p, off) { return this.$val.Pread(p, off); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, n, p, sa, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.readLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, $ifaceNil, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "readUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareRead(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, $ifaceNil, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _tuple = syscall.Recvfrom(fd.Sysfd, p, 0); + n = _tuple[0]; + sa = _tuple[1]; + err$2 = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + n = 0; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + } + err$2 = fd.eofError(n, err$2); + $24r$2 = [n, sa, err$2]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, n, p, sa, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.ReadFrom = function(p) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(p); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.ReadFromInet4 = function(p, from) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, from, n, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, from}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.readLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "readUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareRead(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _tuple = unix.RecvfromInet4(fd.Sysfd, p, 0, from); + n = _tuple[0]; + err$2 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + n = 0; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + } + err$2 = fd.eofError(n, err$2); + $24r$2 = [n, err$2]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.ReadFromInet4, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, from, n, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.ReadFromInet4 = function(p, from) { return this.$val.ReadFromInet4(p, from); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.ReadFromInet6 = function(p, from) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, from, n, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, from}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.readLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "readUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareRead(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _tuple = unix.RecvfromInet6(fd.Sysfd, p, 0, from); + n = _tuple[0]; + err$2 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + n = 0; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + } + err$2 = fd.eofError(n, err$2); + $24r$2 = [n, err$2]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.ReadFromInet6, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, from, n, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.ReadFromInet6 = function(p, from) { return this.$val.ReadFromInet6(p, from); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.ReadMsg = function(p, oob, flags) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, flags, n, oob, oobn, p, sa, sysflags, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, oob, flags}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.readLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "readUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareRead(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _tuple = syscall.Recvmsg(fd.Sysfd, p, oob, flags); + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + sysflags = _tuple[2]; + sa = _tuple[3]; + err$2 = _tuple[4]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + } + err$2 = fd.eofError(n, err$2); + $24r$2 = [n, oobn, sysflags, sa, err$2]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.ReadMsg, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, flags, n, oob, oobn, p, sa, sysflags, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.ReadMsg = function(p, oob, flags) { return this.$val.ReadMsg(p, oob, flags); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgInet4 = function(p, oob, flags, sa4) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, flags, n, oob, oobn, p, sa4, sysflags, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, oob, flags, sa4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.readLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, 0, 0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "readUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareRead(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, 0, 0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _tuple = unix.RecvmsgInet4(fd.Sysfd, p, oob, flags, sa4); + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + sysflags = _tuple[2]; + err$2 = _tuple[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + } + err$2 = fd.eofError(n, err$2); + $24r$2 = [n, oobn, sysflags, err$2]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgInet4, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, flags, n, oob, oobn, p, sa4, sysflags, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.ReadMsgInet4 = function(p, oob, flags, sa4) { return this.$val.ReadMsgInet4(p, oob, flags, sa4); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgInet6 = function(p, oob, flags, sa6) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, flags, n, oob, oobn, p, sa6, sysflags, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, oob, flags, sa6}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.readLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, 0, 0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "readUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareRead(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, 0, 0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _tuple = unix.RecvmsgInet6(fd.Sysfd, p, oob, flags, sa6); + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + sysflags = _tuple[2]; + err$2 = _tuple[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + } + err$2 = fd.eofError(n, err$2); + $24r$2 = [n, oobn, sysflags, err$2]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgInet6, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, flags, n, oob, oobn, p, sa6, sysflags, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.ReadMsgInet6 = function(p, oob, flags, sa6) { return this.$val.ReadMsgInet6(p, oob, flags, sa6); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, max, n, nn, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.writeLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "writeUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + nn = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + max = p.$length; + if (fd.IsStream && (max - nn >> 0) > 1073741824) { + max = nn + 1073741824 >> 0; + } + _r$1 = ignoringEINTRIO(syscall.Write, fd.Sysfd, $subslice(p, nn, max)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err$2 = _tuple[1]; + if (n > 0) { + nn = nn + (n) >> 0; + } + /* */ if (nn === p.$length) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (nn === p.$length) { */ case 11: + $24r$2 = [nn, err$2]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 12: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + $24r$3 = [nn, err$2]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 15: + /* */ if (n === 0) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (n === 0) { */ case 17: + $24r$4 = [nn, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 18: + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, max, n, nn, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Pwrite = function(p, off) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, fd, max, n, nn, off, p, x, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, off}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + err = fd.incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "decref"), []]); + nn = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + max = p.$length; + if (fd.IsStream && (max - nn >> 0) > 1073741824) { + max = nn + 1073741824 >> 0; + } + _r = syscall.Pwrite(fd.Sysfd, $subslice(p, nn, max), (x = (new $Int64(0, nn)), new $Int64(off.$high + x.$high, off.$low + x.$low))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + if (n > 0) { + nn = nn + (n) >> 0; + } + /* */ if (nn === p.$length) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (nn === p.$length) { */ case 7: + $24r$1 = [nn, err$1]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + $24r$2 = [nn, err$1]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if (n === 0) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (n === 0) { */ case 13: + $24r$3 = [nn, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 14: + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Pwrite, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, fd, max, n, nn, off, p, x, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Pwrite = function(p, off) { return this.$val.Pwrite(p, off); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.WriteToInet4 = function(p, sa) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, err, err$1, err$2, fd, p, sa, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, sa}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.writeLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "writeUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + err$2 = unix.SendtoInet4(fd.Sysfd, p, 0, sa); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + $24r$2 = [0, err$2]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + $24r$3 = [p.$length, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$3; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.WriteToInet4, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, err, err$1, err$2, fd, p, sa, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.WriteToInet4 = function(p, sa) { return this.$val.WriteToInet4(p, sa); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.WriteToInet6 = function(p, sa) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, err, err$1, err$2, fd, p, sa, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, sa}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.writeLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "writeUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + err$2 = unix.SendtoInet6(fd.Sysfd, p, 0, sa); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + $24r$2 = [0, err$2]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + $24r$3 = [p.$length, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$3; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.WriteToInet6, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, err, err$1, err$2, fd, p, sa, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.WriteToInet6 = function(p, sa) { return this.$val.WriteToInet6(p, sa); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.WriteTo = function(p, sa) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, err, err$1, err$2, fd, p, sa, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, sa}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.writeLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "writeUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + err$2 = syscall.Sendto(fd.Sysfd, p, 0, sa); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + $24r$2 = [0, err$2]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + $24r$3 = [p.$length, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$3; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.WriteTo, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, err, err$1, err$2, fd, p, sa, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.WriteTo = function(p, sa) { return this.$val.WriteTo(p, sa); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.WriteMsg = function(p, oob, sa) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, n, oob, p, sa, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, oob, sa}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.writeLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, 0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "writeUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, 0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _tuple = syscall.SendmsgN(fd.Sysfd, p, oob, sa, 0); + n = _tuple[0]; + err$2 = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + $24r$2 = [n, 0, err$2]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + $24r$3 = [n, oob.$length, err$2]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$3; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, 0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, 0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.WriteMsg, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, n, oob, p, sa, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.WriteMsg = function(p, oob, sa) { return this.$val.WriteMsg(p, oob, sa); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgInet4 = function(p, oob, sa) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, n, oob, p, sa, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, oob, sa}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.writeLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, 0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "writeUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, 0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _tuple = unix.SendmsgNInet4(fd.Sysfd, p, oob, sa, 0); + n = _tuple[0]; + err$2 = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + $24r$2 = [n, 0, err$2]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + $24r$3 = [n, oob.$length, err$2]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$3; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, 0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, 0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgInet4, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, n, oob, p, sa, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.WriteMsgInet4 = function(p, oob, sa) { return this.$val.WriteMsgInet4(p, oob, sa); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgInet6 = function(p, oob, sa) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, n, oob, p, sa, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, oob, sa}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.writeLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, 0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "writeUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, 0, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _tuple = unix.SendmsgNInet6(fd.Sysfd, p, oob, sa, 0); + n = _tuple[0]; + err$2 = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + $24r$2 = [n, 0, err$2]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + $24r$3 = [n, oob.$length, err$2]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$3; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, 0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, 0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgInet6, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, fd, n, oob, p, sa, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.WriteMsgInet6 = function(p, oob, sa) { return this.$val.WriteMsgInet6(p, oob, sa); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Accept = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, errcall, fd, rsa, s, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.readLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [-1, $ifaceNil, "", err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "readUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareRead(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [-1, $ifaceNil, "", err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _r$1 = accept(fd.Sysfd); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + s = _tuple[0]; + rsa = _tuple[1]; + errcall = _tuple[2]; + err$2 = _tuple[3]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 11: + $24r$2 = [s, rsa, "", err$2]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 12: + _1 = err$2; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, new syscall.Errno((4)))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, new syscall.Errno((11)))) { + if (fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$2 = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + } + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, new syscall.Errno((103)))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + $24r$3 = [-1, $ifaceNil, errcall, err$2]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$3; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil, "", $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil, "", $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Accept, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, errcall, fd, rsa, s, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Accept = function() { return this.$val.Accept(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, offset, whence, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {offset, whence}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + err = fd.incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = [new $Int64(0, 0), err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "decref"), []]); + _r = syscall.Seek(fd.Sysfd, offset, whence); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [new $Int64(0, 0), $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Seek, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, offset, whence, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { return this.$val.Seek(offset, whence); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.ReadDirent = function(buf) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _tuple, buf, err, err$1, fd, n, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {buf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + err = fd.incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "decref"), []]); + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + _r = ignoringEINTRIO(syscall.ReadDirent, fd.Sysfd, buf); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + n = 0; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, new syscall.Errno(11)) && fd.pd.pollable()) { + err$1 = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + } + } + $24r$1 = [n, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + case 5: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.ReadDirent, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _tuple, buf, err, err$1, fd, n, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.ReadDirent = function(buf) { return this.$val.ReadDirent(buf); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Fchmod = function(mode) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, mode, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = [fd]; + mode = [mode]; + fd[0] = this; + err = fd[0].incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = err; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd[0], "decref"), []]); + _r = ignoringEINTR((function(fd, mode) { return function $b() { + var {$24r$1, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = syscall.Fchmod(fd[0].Sysfd, mode[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$1, _r, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, mode)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Fchmod, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, mode, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Fchmod = function(mode) { return this.$val.Fchmod(mode); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Fchdir = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + err = fd.incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = err; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "decref"), []]); + _r = syscall.Fchdir(fd.Sysfd); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Fchdir, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Fchdir = function() { return this.$val.Fchdir(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Fstat = function(s) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, s, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = [fd]; + s = [s]; + fd[0] = this; + err = fd[0].incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = err; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd[0], "decref"), []]); + _r = ignoringEINTR((function(fd, s) { return function $b() { + var {$24r$1, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = syscall.Fstat(fd[0].Sysfd, s[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$1, _r, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, s)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Fstat, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, s, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Fstat = function(s) { return this.$val.Fstat(s); }; + DupCloseOnExec = function(fd) { + var {$24r, _1, _r, _tuple, e1, fd, r0, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (true && (atomic.LoadInt32((tryDupCloexec$24ptr || (tryDupCloexec$24ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return tryDupCloexec; }, function($v) { tryDupCloexec = $v; })))) === 1)) { + _tuple = fcntl(fd, 1, 0); + r0 = _tuple[0]; + e1 = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e1, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [r0, "", $ifaceNil]; + } + _1 = $assertType(e1, syscall.Errno); + if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (38))) { + atomic.StoreInt32((tryDupCloexec$24ptr || (tryDupCloexec$24ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return tryDupCloexec; }, function($v) { tryDupCloexec = $v; }))), 0); + } else { + $s = -1; return [-1, "fcntl", e1]; + } + } + _r = dupCloseOnExecOld(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: DupCloseOnExec, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, _tuple, e1, fd, r0, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.DupCloseOnExec = DupCloseOnExec; + dupCloseOnExecOld = function(fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _tuple, err, fd, newfd, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $r = syscall.ForkLock.RLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(syscall.ForkLock, "RUnlock"), []]); + _tuple = syscall.Dup(fd); + newfd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [-1, "dup", err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + syscall.CloseOnExec(newfd); + $24r$1 = [newfd, "", $ifaceNil]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, "", $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: dupCloseOnExecOld, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _tuple, err, fd, newfd, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Dup = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + err = fd.incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = [-1, "", err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "decref"), []]); + _r = DupCloseOnExec(fd.Sysfd); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, "", $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Dup, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Dup = function() { return this.$val.Dup(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.WaitWrite = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); + }; + FD.prototype.WaitWrite = function() { return this.$val.WaitWrite(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.WriteOnce = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, err, fd, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.writeLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "writeUnlock"), []]); + _r$1 = ignoringEINTRIO(syscall.Write, fd.Sysfd, p); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.WriteOnce, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, err, fd, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.WriteOnce = function(p) { return this.$val.WriteOnce(p); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.RawRead = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, err, err$1, err$2, f, fd, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.readLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = err; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "readUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareRead(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = err$1; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _r$1 = f(((fd.Sysfd >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 10: + $24r$2 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + err$2 = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + $24r$3 = err$2; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 15: + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.RawRead, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, err, err$1, err$2, f, fd, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.RawRead = function(f) { return this.$val.RawRead(f); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.RawWrite = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, err, err$1, err$2, f, fd, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = fd.writeLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = err; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "writeUnlock"), []]); + err$1 = fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = err$1; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _r$1 = f(((fd.Sysfd >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 10: + $24r$2 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + err$2 = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + $24r$3 = err$2; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 15: + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.RawWrite, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, err, err$1, err$2, f, fd, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.RawWrite = function(f) { return this.$val.RawWrite(f); }; + ignoringEINTRIO = function(fn, fd, p) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, fd, fn, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fn, fd, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = fn(fd, p); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, new syscall.Errno(4)))) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ignoringEINTRIO, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, fd, fn, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.ptr.prototype.eofError = function(n, err) { + var err, fd, n; + fd = this; + if ((n === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && fd.ZeroReadIsEOF) { + return io.EOF; + } + return err; + }; + FD.prototype.eofError = function(n, err) { return this.$val.eofError(n, err); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Shutdown = function(how) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, err, fd, how, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {how}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + err = fd.incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = err; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "decref"), []]); + $24r$1 = syscall.Shutdown(fd.Sysfd, how); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Shutdown, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, err, fd, how, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Shutdown = function(how) { return this.$val.Shutdown(how); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Fchown = function(uid, gid) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, gid, uid, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {uid, gid}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = [fd]; + gid = [gid]; + uid = [uid]; + fd[0] = this; + err = fd[0].incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = err; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd[0], "decref"), []]); + _r = ignoringEINTR((function(fd, gid, uid) { return function $b() { + var {$24r$1, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = syscall.Fchown(fd[0].Sysfd, uid[0], gid[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$1, _r, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, gid, uid)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Fchown, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, gid, uid, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Fchown = function(uid, gid) { return this.$val.Fchown(uid, gid); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Ftruncate = function(size) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, size, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {size}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = [fd]; + size = [size]; + fd[0] = this; + err = fd[0].incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = err; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd[0], "decref"), []]); + _r = ignoringEINTR((function(fd, size) { return function $b() { + var {$24r$1, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = syscall.Ftruncate(fd[0].Sysfd, size[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$1, _r, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, size)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Ftruncate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, size, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Ftruncate = function(size) { return this.$val.Ftruncate(size); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.RawControl = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, err, f, fd, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + err = fd.incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = err; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd, "decref"), []]); + $r = f(((fd.Sysfd >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.RawControl, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, err, f, fd, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.RawControl = function(f) { return this.$val.RawControl(f); }; + ignoringEINTR = function(fn) { + var {_r, err, fn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = fn(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, new syscall.Errno(4)))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ignoringEINTR, $c: true, $r, _r, err, fn, $s};return $f; + }; + pollDesc.ptr.prototype.init = function(fd) { + var fd, pd; + pd = this; + pd.fd = fd; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + pollDesc.prototype.init = function(fd) { return this.$val.init(fd); }; + pollDesc.ptr.prototype.close = function() { + var pd; + pd = this; + }; + pollDesc.prototype.close = function() { return this.$val.close(); }; + pollDesc.ptr.prototype.evict = function() { + var pd; + pd = this; + pd.closing = true; + if (!(pd.fd === ptrType$2.nil)) { + syscall.StopIO(pd.fd.Sysfd); + } + }; + pollDesc.prototype.evict = function() { return this.$val.evict(); }; + pollDesc.ptr.prototype.prepare = function(mode, isFile) { + var isFile, mode, pd; + pd = this; + if (pd.closing) { + return errClosing(isFile); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + pollDesc.prototype.prepare = function(mode, isFile) { return this.$val.prepare(mode, isFile); }; + pollDesc.ptr.prototype.prepareRead = function(isFile) { + var isFile, pd; + pd = this; + return pd.prepare(114, isFile); + }; + pollDesc.prototype.prepareRead = function(isFile) { return this.$val.prepareRead(isFile); }; + pollDesc.ptr.prototype.prepareWrite = function(isFile) { + var isFile, pd; + pd = this; + return pd.prepare(119, isFile); + }; + pollDesc.prototype.prepareWrite = function(isFile) { return this.$val.prepareWrite(isFile); }; + pollDesc.ptr.prototype.wait = function(mode, isFile) { + var isFile, mode, pd; + pd = this; + if (pd.closing) { + return errClosing(isFile); + } + if (isFile) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return $pkg.ErrDeadlineExceeded; + }; + pollDesc.prototype.wait = function(mode, isFile) { return this.$val.wait(mode, isFile); }; + pollDesc.ptr.prototype.waitRead = function(isFile) { + var isFile, pd; + pd = this; + return pd.wait(114, isFile); + }; + pollDesc.prototype.waitRead = function(isFile) { return this.$val.waitRead(isFile); }; + pollDesc.ptr.prototype.waitWrite = function(isFile) { + var isFile, pd; + pd = this; + return pd.wait(119, isFile); + }; + pollDesc.prototype.waitWrite = function(isFile) { return this.$val.waitWrite(isFile); }; + pollDesc.ptr.prototype.pollable = function() { + var pd; + pd = this; + return true; + }; + pollDesc.prototype.pollable = function() { return this.$val.pollable(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r, fd, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = setDeadlineImpl(fd, $clone(t, time.Time), 233); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, t, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetDeadline(t); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r, fd, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = setDeadlineImpl(fd, $clone(t, time.Time), 114); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, t, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(t); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r, fd, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = setDeadlineImpl(fd, $clone(t, time.Time), 119); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, t, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(t); }; + setDeadlineImpl = function(fd, t, mode) { + var {_1, _r, d, err, fd, mode, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, t, mode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = $clone(t, time.Time).UnixNano(); + if ($clone(t, time.Time).IsZero()) { + d = new $Int64(0, 0); + } + err = fd.incref(); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _1 = mode; + if (_1 === (114)) { + syscall.SetReadDeadline(fd.Sysfd, d); + } else if (_1 === (119)) { + syscall.SetWriteDeadline(fd.Sysfd, d); + } else if (_1 === (233)) { + syscall.SetReadDeadline(fd.Sysfd, d); + syscall.SetWriteDeadline(fd.Sysfd, d); + } + _r = fd.decref(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: setDeadlineImpl, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, d, err, fd, mode, t, $s};return $f; + }; + fdMutex.ptr.prototype.incref = function() { + var mu, new$1, old, x, x$1; + mu = this; + while (true) { + old = atomic.LoadUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu)))); + if (!((x = new $Uint64(old.$high & 0, (old.$low & 1) >>> 0), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { + return false; + } + new$1 = new $Uint64(old.$high + 0, old.$low + 8); + if ((x$1 = new $Uint64(new$1.$high & 0, (new$1.$low & 8388600) >>> 0), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("too many concurrent operations on a single file or socket (max 1048575)")); + } + if (atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu))), old, new$1)) { + return true; + } + } + }; + fdMutex.prototype.incref = function() { return this.$val.incref(); }; + fdMutex.ptr.prototype.increfAndClose = function() { + var {mu, new$1, old, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mu = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + old = atomic.LoadUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu)))); + if (!((x = new $Uint64(old.$high & 0, (old.$low & 1) >>> 0), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + new$1 = (x$1 = new $Uint64(old.$high | 0, (old.$low | 1) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + 0, x$1.$low + 8)); + if ((x$2 = new $Uint64(new$1.$high & 0, (new$1.$low & 8388600) >>> 0), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("too many concurrent operations on a single file or socket (max 1048575)")); + } + new$1 = (x$3 = new $Uint64(2147483647, 4286578688), new $Uint64(new$1.$high & ~x$3.$high, (new$1.$low & ~x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + /* */ if (atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu))), old, new$1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu))), old, new$1)) { */ case 3: + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(!((x$4 = new $Uint64(old.$high & 2047, (old.$low & 4286578688) >>> 0), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0))))) { break; } */ if(!(!((x$4 = new $Uint64(old.$high & 2047, (old.$low & 4286578688) >>> 0), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0))))) { $s = 6; continue; } + old = (x$5 = new $Uint64(0, 8388608), new $Uint64(old.$high - x$5.$high, old.$low - x$5.$low)); + $r = runtime_Semrelease((mu.$ptr_rsema || (mu.$ptr_rsema = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.rsema; }, function($v) { this.$target.rsema = $v; }, mu)))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(!((x$6 = new $Uint64(old.$high & 2147481600, (old.$low & 0) >>> 0), (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 0))))) { break; } */ if(!(!((x$6 = new $Uint64(old.$high & 2147481600, (old.$low & 0) >>> 0), (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 0))))) { $s = 9; continue; } + old = (x$7 = new $Uint64(2048, 0), new $Uint64(old.$high - x$7.$high, old.$low - x$7.$low)); + $r = runtime_Semrelease((mu.$ptr_wsema || (mu.$ptr_wsema = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.wsema; }, function($v) { this.$target.wsema = $v; }, mu)))); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fdMutex.ptr.prototype.increfAndClose, $c: true, $r, mu, new$1, old, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + fdMutex.prototype.increfAndClose = function() { return this.$val.increfAndClose(); }; + fdMutex.ptr.prototype.decref = function() { + var mu, new$1, old, x, x$1; + mu = this; + while (true) { + old = atomic.LoadUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu)))); + if ((x = new $Uint64(old.$high & 0, (old.$low & 8388600) >>> 0), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("inconsistent poll.fdMutex")); + } + new$1 = new $Uint64(old.$high - 0, old.$low - 8); + if (atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu))), old, new$1)) { + return (x$1 = new $Uint64(new$1.$high & 0, (new$1.$low & 8388601) >>> 0), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 1)); + } + } + }; + fdMutex.prototype.decref = function() { return this.$val.decref(); }; + fdMutex.ptr.prototype.rwlock = function(read) { + var {_tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, mu, mutexBit, mutexMask, mutexSema, mutexWait, new$1, old, read, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {read}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mu = this; + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + mutexBit = _tmp; + mutexWait = _tmp$1; + mutexMask = _tmp$2; + mutexSema = ptrType.nil; + if (read) { + mutexBit = new $Uint64(0, 2); + mutexWait = new $Uint64(0, 8388608); + mutexMask = new $Uint64(2047, 4286578688); + mutexSema = (mu.$ptr_rsema || (mu.$ptr_rsema = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.rsema; }, function($v) { this.$target.rsema = $v; }, mu))); + } else { + mutexBit = new $Uint64(0, 4); + mutexWait = new $Uint64(2048, 0); + mutexMask = new $Uint64(2147481600, 0); + mutexSema = (mu.$ptr_wsema || (mu.$ptr_wsema = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.wsema; }, function($v) { this.$target.wsema = $v; }, mu))); + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + old = atomic.LoadUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu)))); + if (!((x = new $Uint64(old.$high & 0, (old.$low & 1) >>> 0), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + new$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + if ((x$1 = new $Uint64(old.$high & mutexBit.$high, (old.$low & mutexBit.$low) >>> 0), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0))) { + new$1 = (x$2 = new $Uint64(old.$high | mutexBit.$high, (old.$low | mutexBit.$low) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + 0, x$2.$low + 8)); + if ((x$3 = new $Uint64(new$1.$high & 0, (new$1.$low & 8388600) >>> 0), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("too many concurrent operations on a single file or socket (max 1048575)")); + } + } else { + new$1 = new $Uint64(old.$high + mutexWait.$high, old.$low + mutexWait.$low); + if ((x$4 = new $Uint64(new$1.$high & mutexMask.$high, (new$1.$low & mutexMask.$low) >>> 0), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("too many concurrent operations on a single file or socket (max 1048575)")); + } + } + /* */ if (atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu))), old, new$1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu))), old, new$1)) { */ case 3: + if ((x$5 = new $Uint64(old.$high & mutexBit.$high, (old.$low & mutexBit.$low) >>> 0), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + $r = runtime_Semacquire(mutexSema); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fdMutex.ptr.prototype.rwlock, $c: true, $r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, mu, mutexBit, mutexMask, mutexSema, mutexWait, new$1, old, read, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + fdMutex.prototype.rwlock = function(read) { return this.$val.rwlock(read); }; + fdMutex.ptr.prototype.rwunlock = function(read) { + var {_tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, mu, mutexBit, mutexMask, mutexSema, mutexWait, new$1, old, read, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {read}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mu = this; + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + mutexBit = _tmp; + mutexWait = _tmp$1; + mutexMask = _tmp$2; + mutexSema = ptrType.nil; + if (read) { + mutexBit = new $Uint64(0, 2); + mutexWait = new $Uint64(0, 8388608); + mutexMask = new $Uint64(2047, 4286578688); + mutexSema = (mu.$ptr_rsema || (mu.$ptr_rsema = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.rsema; }, function($v) { this.$target.rsema = $v; }, mu))); + } else { + mutexBit = new $Uint64(0, 4); + mutexWait = new $Uint64(2048, 0); + mutexMask = new $Uint64(2147481600, 0); + mutexSema = (mu.$ptr_wsema || (mu.$ptr_wsema = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.wsema; }, function($v) { this.$target.wsema = $v; }, mu))); + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + old = atomic.LoadUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu)))); + if ((x = new $Uint64(old.$high & mutexBit.$high, (old.$low & mutexBit.$low) >>> 0), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)) || (x$1 = new $Uint64(old.$high & 0, (old.$low & 8388600) >>> 0), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("inconsistent poll.fdMutex")); + } + new$1 = (x$2 = new $Uint64(old.$high & ~mutexBit.$high, (old.$low & ~mutexBit.$low) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$2.$high - 0, x$2.$low - 8)); + if (!((x$3 = new $Uint64(old.$high & mutexMask.$high, (old.$low & mutexMask.$low) >>> 0), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0)))) { + new$1 = (x$4 = mutexWait, new $Uint64(new$1.$high - x$4.$high, new$1.$low - x$4.$low)); + } + /* */ if (atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu))), old, new$1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64((mu.$ptr_state || (mu.$ptr_state = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, mu))), old, new$1)) { */ case 3: + /* */ if (!((x$5 = new $Uint64(old.$high & mutexMask.$high, (old.$low & mutexMask.$low) >>> 0), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = new $Uint64(old.$high & mutexMask.$high, (old.$low & mutexMask.$low) >>> 0), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { */ case 5: + $r = runtime_Semrelease(mutexSema); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return (x$6 = new $Uint64(new$1.$high & 0, (new$1.$low & 8388601) >>> 0), (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 1)); + /* } */ case 4: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fdMutex.ptr.prototype.rwunlock, $c: true, $r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, mu, mutexBit, mutexMask, mutexSema, mutexWait, new$1, old, read, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + fdMutex.prototype.rwunlock = function(read) { return this.$val.rwunlock(read); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.incref = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + if (!fd.fdmu.incref()) { + return errClosing(fd.isFile); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + FD.prototype.incref = function() { return this.$val.incref(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.decref = function() { + var {$24r, _r, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + /* */ if (fd.fdmu.decref()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (fd.fdmu.decref()) { */ case 1: + _r = fd.destroy(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.decref, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.decref = function() { return this.$val.decref(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.readLock = function() { + var {_r, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.fdmu.rwlock(true); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return errClosing(fd.isFile); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.readLock, $c: true, $r, _r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.readLock = function() { return this.$val.readLock(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.readUnlock = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.fdmu.rwunlock(true); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fd.destroy(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.readUnlock, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.readUnlock = function() { return this.$val.readUnlock(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.writeLock = function() { + var {_r, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.fdmu.rwlock(false); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return errClosing(fd.isFile); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.writeLock, $c: true, $r, _r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.writeLock = function() { return this.$val.writeLock(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.writeUnlock = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.fdmu.rwunlock(false); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fd.destroy(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.writeUnlock, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + FD.prototype.writeUnlock = function() { return this.$val.writeUnlock(); }; + FD.ptr.prototype.Fsync = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = [fd]; + fd[0] = this; + err = fd[0].incref(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = err; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fd[0], "decref"), []]); + _r = ignoringEINTR((function(fd) { return function $b() { + var {$24r$1, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = syscall.Fsync(fd[0].Sysfd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$1, _r, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: FD.ptr.prototype.Fsync, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, err, fd, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FD.prototype.Fsync = function() { return this.$val.Fsync(); }; + errNetClosing.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "use of closed network connection"; + }; + errNetClosing.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + errNetClosing.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return false; + }; + errNetClosing.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + errNetClosing.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return false; + }; + errNetClosing.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + errClosing = function(isFile) { + var isFile; + if (isFile) { + return $pkg.ErrFileClosing; + } + return new $pkg.ErrNetClosing.constructor.elem($pkg.ErrNetClosing); + }; + DeadlineExceededError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "i/o timeout"; + }; + DeadlineExceededError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + DeadlineExceededError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return true; + }; + DeadlineExceededError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + DeadlineExceededError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return true; + }; + DeadlineExceededError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + fcntl = function(fd, cmd, arg) { + var arg, cmd, fd; + return [0, new syscall.Errno(38)]; + }; + runtime_Semacquire = function() { + $throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: internal/poll.runtime_Semacquire"); + }; + runtime_Semrelease = function() { + $throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: internal/poll.runtime_Semrelease"); + }; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Init", name: "Init", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "destroy", name: "destroy", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetBlocking", name: "SetBlocking", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Pread", name: "Pread", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, syscall.Sockaddr, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFromInet4", name: "ReadFromInet4", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFromInet6", name: "ReadFromInet6", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$6], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadMsg", name: "ReadMsg", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, $Int], [$Int, $Int, $Int, syscall.Sockaddr, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadMsgInet4", name: "ReadMsgInet4", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, $Int, ptrType$5], [$Int, $Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadMsgInet6", name: "ReadMsgInet6", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, $Int, ptrType$6], [$Int, $Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Pwrite", name: "Pwrite", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteToInet4", name: "WriteToInet4", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteToInet6", name: "WriteToInet6", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$6], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, syscall.Sockaddr], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteMsg", name: "WriteMsg", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, syscall.Sockaddr], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteMsgInet4", name: "WriteMsgInet4", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$5], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteMsgInet6", name: "WriteMsgInet6", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$6], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Accept", name: "Accept", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, syscall.Sockaddr, $String, $error], false)}, {prop: "Seek", name: "Seek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadDirent", name: "ReadDirent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Fchmod", name: "Fchmod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Fchdir", name: "Fchdir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Fstat", name: "Fstat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$7], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Dup", name: "Dup", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $String, $error], false)}, {prop: "WaitWrite", name: "WaitWrite", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteOnce", name: "WriteOnce", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "RawRead", name: "RawRead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "RawWrite", name: "RawWrite", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "eofError", name: "eofError", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([$Int, $error], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Shutdown", name: "Shutdown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Fchown", name: "Fchown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Ftruncate", name: "Ftruncate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$error], false)}, {prop: "RawControl", name: "RawControl", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$1], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetDeadline", name: "SetDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetReadDeadline", name: "SetReadDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetWriteDeadline", name: "SetWriteDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "incref", name: "incref", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "decref", name: "decref", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readLock", name: "readLock", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readUnlock", name: "readUnlock", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "writeLock", name: "writeLock", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeUnlock", name: "writeUnlock", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Fsync", name: "Fsync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "init", name: "init", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [$error], false)}, {prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "evict", name: "evict", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "prepare", name: "prepare", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "prepareRead", name: "prepareRead", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "prepareWrite", name: "prepareWrite", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "wait", name: "wait", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "waitRead", name: "waitRead", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "waitWrite", name: "waitWrite", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "waitCanceled", name: "waitCanceled", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "pollable", name: "pollable", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "incref", name: "incref", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "increfAndClose", name: "increfAndClose", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "decref", name: "decref", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "rwlock", name: "rwlock", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "rwunlock", name: "rwunlock", pkg: "internal/poll", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$Bool], false)}]; + errNetClosing.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + FD.init("internal/poll", [{prop: "fdmu", name: "fdmu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: fdMutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "Sysfd", name: "Sysfd", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "pd", name: "pd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: pollDesc, tag: ""}, {prop: "iovecs", name: "iovecs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "csema", name: "csema", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "isBlocking", name: "isBlocking", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsStream", name: "IsStream", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ZeroReadIsEOF", name: "ZeroReadIsEOF", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "isFile", name: "isFile", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + pollDesc.init("internal/poll", [{prop: "fd", name: "fd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "closing", name: "closing", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + fdMutex.init("internal/poll", [{prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "rsema", name: "rsema", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "wsema", name: "wsema", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + errNetClosing.init("", []); + DeadlineExceededError.init("", []); + $pkg.$initLinknames = function() { + runtime_Semacquire = $linknames["sync.runtime_Semacquire"]; + runtime_Semrelease = $linknames["sync.runtime_Semrelease"]; +}; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unix.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = syscall.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.CloseFunc = syscall.Close; + $pkg.AcceptFunc = syscall.Accept; + tryDupCloexec = 1; + $pkg.ErrNetClosing = new errNetClosing.ptr(); + $pkg.ErrFileClosing = errors.New("use of closed file"); + $pkg.ErrNoDeadline = errors.New("file type does not support deadline"); + $pkg.ErrDeadlineExceeded = new DeadlineExceededError.ptr(); + $pkg.ErrNotPollable = errors.New("not pollable"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/syscall/execenv"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, syscall; + syscall = $packages["syscall"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = syscall.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/testlog"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, sync, atomic, Interface, structType, ptrType, logger, panicOnExit0, Logger, Getenv, Open, Stat, PanicOnExit0; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + Interface = $pkg.Interface = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "testlog.Interface", true, "internal/testlog", true, null); + structType = $structType("internal/testlog", [{prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "val", name: "val", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + ptrType = $ptrType(Interface); + Logger = function() { + var impl; + impl = logger.Load(); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(impl, $ifaceNil)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return $assertType(impl, ptrType).$get(); + }; + $pkg.Logger = Logger; + Getenv = function(name) { + var {log, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log = Logger(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(log, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(log, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $r = log.Getenv(name); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Getenv, $c: true, $r, log, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Getenv = Getenv; + Open = function(name) { + var {log, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log = Logger(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(log, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(log, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $r = log.Open(name); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Open, $c: true, $r, log, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Open = Open; + Stat = function(name) { + var {log, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log = Logger(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(log, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(log, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $r = log.Stat(name); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Stat, $c: true, $r, log, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Stat = Stat; + PanicOnExit0 = function() { + var {$24r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $r = panicOnExit0.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(panicOnExit0.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = panicOnExit0.val; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: PanicOnExit0, $c: true, $r, $24r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $pkg.PanicOnExit0 = PanicOnExit0; + Interface.init([{prop: "Chdir", name: "Chdir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "Getenv", name: "Getenv", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "Open", name: "Open", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "Stat", name: "Stat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + logger = new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil); + panicOnExit0 = new structType.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["path"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, bytealg, utf8, lazybuf, sliceType, ptrType, Clean, lastSlash, Split, Base; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + bytealg = $packages["internal/bytealg"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + lazybuf = $pkg.lazybuf = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "path.lazybuf", true, "path", false, function(s_, buf_, w_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = ""; + this.buf = sliceType.nil; + this.w = 0; + return; + } + this.s = s_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.w = w_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(lazybuf); + lazybuf.ptr.prototype.index = function(i) { + var b, i, x; + b = this; + if (!(b.buf === sliceType.nil)) { + return (x = b.buf, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + } + return b.s.charCodeAt(i); + }; + lazybuf.prototype.index = function(i) { return this.$val.index(i); }; + lazybuf.ptr.prototype.append = function(c) { + var b, c, x, x$1; + b = this; + if (b.buf === sliceType.nil) { + if (b.w < b.s.length && (b.s.charCodeAt(b.w) === c)) { + b.w = b.w + (1) >> 0; + return; + } + b.buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, b.s.length); + $copyString(b.buf, $substring(b.s, 0, b.w)); + } + (x = b.buf, x$1 = b.w, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1] = c)); + b.w = b.w + (1) >> 0; + }; + lazybuf.prototype.append = function(c) { return this.$val.append(c); }; + lazybuf.ptr.prototype.string = function() { + var b; + b = this; + if (b.buf === sliceType.nil) { + return $substring(b.s, 0, b.w); + } + return ($bytesToString($subslice(b.buf, 0, b.w))); + }; + lazybuf.prototype.string = function() { return this.$val.string(); }; + Clean = function(path) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, dotdot, n, out, path, r, rooted; + if (path === "") { + return "."; + } + rooted = path.charCodeAt(0) === 47; + n = path.length; + out = new lazybuf.ptr(path, sliceType.nil, 0); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + r = _tmp; + dotdot = _tmp$1; + if (rooted) { + out.append(47); + _tmp$2 = 1; + _tmp$3 = 1; + r = _tmp$2; + dotdot = _tmp$3; + } + while (true) { + if (!(r < n)) { break; } + if ((path.charCodeAt(r) === 47)) { + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((path.charCodeAt(r) === 46) && (((r + 1 >> 0) === n) || (path.charCodeAt((r + 1 >> 0)) === 47))) { + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((path.charCodeAt(r) === 46) && (path.charCodeAt((r + 1 >> 0)) === 46) && (((r + 2 >> 0) === n) || (path.charCodeAt((r + 2 >> 0)) === 47))) { + r = r + (2) >> 0; + if (out.w > dotdot) { + out.w = out.w - (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(out.w > dotdot && !((out.index(out.w) === 47)))) { break; } + out.w = out.w - (1) >> 0; + } + } else if (!rooted) { + if (out.w > 0) { + out.append(47); + } + out.append(46); + out.append(46); + dotdot = out.w; + } + } else { + if (rooted && !((out.w === 1)) || !rooted && !((out.w === 0))) { + out.append(47); + } + while (true) { + if (!(r < n && !((path.charCodeAt(r) === 47)))) { break; } + out.append(path.charCodeAt(r)); + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } + } + } + if (out.w === 0) { + return "."; + } + return out.string(); + }; + $pkg.Clean = Clean; + lastSlash = function(s) { + var i, s; + i = s.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0 && !((s.charCodeAt(i) === 47)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return i; + }; + Split = function(path) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, dir, file, i, path; + dir = ""; + file = ""; + i = lastSlash(path); + _tmp = $substring(path, 0, (i + 1 >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = $substring(path, (i + 1 >> 0)); + dir = _tmp; + file = _tmp$1; + return [dir, file]; + }; + $pkg.Split = Split; + Base = function(path) { + var i, path; + if (path === "") { + return "."; + } + while (true) { + if (!(path.length > 0 && (path.charCodeAt((path.length - 1 >> 0)) === 47))) { break; } + path = $substring(path, 0, (path.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + i = lastSlash(path); + if (i >= 0) { + path = $substring(path, (i + 1 >> 0)); + } + if (path === "") { + return "/"; + } + return path; + }; + $pkg.Base = Base; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "index", name: "index", pkg: "path", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "append", name: "append", pkg: "path", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "string", name: "string", pkg: "path", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + lazybuf.init("path", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytealg.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrBadPattern = errors.New("syntax error in pattern"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["io/fs"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, oserror, io, path, sort, time, utf8, DirEntry, FileInfo, FileMode, PathError, ptrType, sliceType$2, arrayType, interfaceType, errInvalid, errPermission, errExist, errNotExist, errClosed; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + oserror = $packages["internal/oserror"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + path = $packages["path"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + DirEntry = $pkg.DirEntry = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fs.DirEntry", true, "io/fs", true, null); + FileInfo = $pkg.FileInfo = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fs.FileInfo", true, "io/fs", true, null); + FileMode = $pkg.FileMode = $newType(4, $kindUint32, "fs.FileMode", true, "io/fs", true, null); + PathError = $pkg.PathError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fs.PathError", true, "io/fs", true, function(Op_, Path_, Err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Op = ""; + this.Path = ""; + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Op = Op_; + this.Path = Path_; + this.Err = Err_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(PathError); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]); + errInvalid = function() { + return oserror.ErrInvalid; + }; + errPermission = function() { + return oserror.ErrPermission; + }; + errExist = function() { + return oserror.ErrExist; + }; + errNotExist = function() { + return oserror.ErrNotExist; + }; + errClosed = function() { + return oserror.ErrClosed; + }; + FileMode.prototype.String = function() { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, _rune$1, buf, c, c$1, i, i$1, m, w, y, y$1; + m = this.$val; + buf = arrayType.zero(); + w = 0; + _ref = "dalTLDpSugct?"; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i = _i; + c = _rune[0]; + if (!((((m & (((y = (((31 - i >> 0) >>> 0)), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0) === 0))) { + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = ((c << 24 >>> 24))); + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + if (w === 0) { + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = 45); + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } + _ref$1 = "rwxrwxrwx"; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.length)) { break; } + _rune$1 = $decodeRune(_ref$1, _i$1); + i$1 = _i$1; + c$1 = _rune$1[0]; + if (!((((m & (((y$1 = (((8 - i$1 >> 0) >>> 0)), y$1 < 32 ? (1 << y$1) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0) === 0))) { + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = ((c$1 << 24 >>> 24))); + } else { + ((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[w] = 45); + } + w = w + (1) >> 0; + _i$1 += _rune$1[1]; + } + return ($bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType$2(buf), 0, w))); + }; + $ptrType(FileMode).prototype.String = function() { return new FileMode(this.$get()).String(); }; + FileMode.prototype.IsDir = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return !((((m & 2147483648) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + $ptrType(FileMode).prototype.IsDir = function() { return new FileMode(this.$get()).IsDir(); }; + FileMode.prototype.IsRegular = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return ((m & 2401763328) >>> 0) === 0; + }; + $ptrType(FileMode).prototype.IsRegular = function() { return new FileMode(this.$get()).IsRegular(); }; + FileMode.prototype.Perm = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return (m & 511) >>> 0; + }; + $ptrType(FileMode).prototype.Perm = function() { return new FileMode(this.$get()).Perm(); }; + FileMode.prototype.Type = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return (m & 2401763328) >>> 0; + }; + $ptrType(FileMode).prototype.Type = function() { return new FileMode(this.$get()).Type(); }; + PathError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = e.Err.Error(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = e.Op + " " + e.Path + ": " + _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PathError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + PathError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + PathError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.Err; + }; + PathError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + PathError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, _v, e, ok, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _tuple = $assertType(e.Err, interfaceType, true); + t = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!(ok)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r = t.Timeout(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PathError.ptr.prototype.Timeout, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, _v, e, ok, t, $s};return $f; + }; + PathError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + FileMode.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "IsDir", name: "IsDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsRegular", name: "IsRegular", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Perm", name: "Perm", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileMode], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileMode], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + DirEntry.init([{prop: "Info", name: "Info", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileInfo, $error], false)}, {prop: "IsDir", name: "IsDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileMode], false)}]); + FileInfo.init([{prop: "IsDir", name: "IsDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ModTime", name: "ModTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [time.Time], false)}, {prop: "Mode", name: "Mode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileMode], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Sys", name: "Sys", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]); + PathError.init("", [{prop: "Op", name: "Op", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Path", name: "Path", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = oserror.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = path.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.SkipDir = errors.New("skip this directory"); + $pkg.ErrInvalid = errInvalid(); + $pkg.ErrPermission = errPermission(); + $pkg.ErrExist = errExist(); + $pkg.ErrNotExist = errNotExist(); + $pkg.ErrClosed = errClosed(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["os"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, js, itoa, oserror, poll, execenv, unix, testlog, unsafeheader, io, fs, runtime, sort, sync, atomic, syscall, time, fileStat, File, rawConn, file, unixDirent, LinkError, onlyWriter, timeout, SyscallError, dirInfo, readdirMode, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, sliceType$4, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, funcType, ptrType$17, ptrType$18, sliceType$7, sliceType$8, funcType$2, funcType$3, ptrType$19, ptrType$20, errPatternHasSeparator, errWriteAtInAppendMode, lstat, dirBufPool, testingForceReadDirLstat, _r, _r$1, _r$2, nextRandom, CreateTemp, prefixAndSuffix, joinPath, lastIndex, statNolog, lstatNolog, fillFileStatFromSys, timespecToTime, Stat, Lstat, newRawConn, init, Exit, IsPathSeparator, basename, fixLongPath, NewFile, newFile, epipecheck, openFileNolog, Remove, tempDir, Readlink, newUnixDirent, sigpipe, syscallMode, chmod, ignoringEINTR, genericReadFrom, setStickyBit, Open, OpenFile, fixCount, TempDir, Chmod, ReadFile, Executable, errNoDeadline, errDeadlineExceeded, IsExist, IsNotExist, underlyingErrorIs, underlyingError, Getenv, direntIno, direntReclen, direntNamlen, direntType, readInt, readIntBE, readIntLE, ReadDir, runtime_args, init$1, runtime_beforeExit, executable, fastrand; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + itoa = $packages["internal/itoa"]; + oserror = $packages["internal/oserror"]; + poll = $packages["internal/poll"]; + execenv = $packages["internal/syscall/execenv"]; + unix = $packages["internal/syscall/unix"]; + testlog = $packages["internal/testlog"]; + unsafeheader = $packages["internal/unsafeheader"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + fs = $packages["io/fs"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + syscall = $packages["syscall"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + fileStat = $pkg.fileStat = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.fileStat", true, "os", false, function(name_, size_, mode_, modTime_, sys_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + this.size = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.mode = 0; + this.modTime = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$3.nil); + this.sys = new syscall.Stat_t.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0)); + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.size = size_; + this.mode = mode_; + this.modTime = modTime_; + this.sys = sys_; + }); + File = $pkg.File = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.File", true, "os", true, function(file_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.file = ptrType$9.nil; + return; + } + this.file = file_; + }); + rawConn = $pkg.rawConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.rawConn", true, "os", false, function(file_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.file = ptrType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.file = file_; + }); + file = $pkg.file = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.file", true, "os", false, function(pfd_, name_, dirinfo_, nonblock_, stdoutOrErr_, appendMode_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.pfd = new poll.FD.ptr(new poll.fdMutex.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0), 0, new poll.pollDesc.ptr(ptrType$6.nil, false), ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0, false, false, false); + this.name = ""; + this.dirinfo = ptrType$8.nil; + this.nonblock = false; + this.stdoutOrErr = false; + this.appendMode = false; + return; + } + this.pfd = pfd_; + this.name = name_; + this.dirinfo = dirinfo_; + this.nonblock = nonblock_; + this.stdoutOrErr = stdoutOrErr_; + this.appendMode = appendMode_; + }); + unixDirent = $pkg.unixDirent = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.unixDirent", true, "os", false, function(parent_, name_, typ_, info_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.parent = ""; + this.name = ""; + this.typ = 0; + this.info = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.parent = parent_; + this.name = name_; + this.typ = typ_; + this.info = info_; + }); + LinkError = $pkg.LinkError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.LinkError", true, "os", true, function(Op_, Old_, New_, Err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Op = ""; + this.Old = ""; + this.New = ""; + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Op = Op_; + this.Old = Old_; + this.New = New_; + this.Err = Err_; + }); + onlyWriter = $pkg.onlyWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.onlyWriter", true, "os", false, function(Writer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Writer = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Writer = Writer_; + }); + timeout = $pkg.timeout = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "os.timeout", true, "os", false, null); + SyscallError = $pkg.SyscallError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.SyscallError", true, "os", true, function(Syscall_, Err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Syscall = ""; + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Syscall = Syscall_; + this.Err = Err_; + }); + dirInfo = $pkg.dirInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.dirInfo", true, "os", false, function(buf_, nbuf_, bufp_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.buf = ptrType.nil; + this.nbuf = 0; + this.bufp = 0; + return; + } + this.buf = buf_; + this.nbuf = nbuf_; + this.bufp = bufp_; + }); + readdirMode = $pkg.readdirMode = $newType(4, $kindInt, "os.readdirMode", true, "os", false, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(sliceType$2); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(fileStat); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(File); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(time.Location); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(fs.PathError); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(poll.FD); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(syscall.Iovec); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(sliceType$4); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(dirInfo); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(file); + funcType = $funcType([ptrType$9], [$error], false); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType(LinkError); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(SyscallError); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType(fs.DirEntry); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType(fs.FileInfo); + funcType$2 = $funcType([$Uintptr], [], false); + funcType$3 = $funcType([$Uintptr], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType(rawConn); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(unixDirent); + fileStat.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var fs$1; + fs$1 = this; + return fs$1.size; + }; + fileStat.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + fileStat.ptr.prototype.Mode = function() { + var fs$1; + fs$1 = this; + return fs$1.mode; + }; + fileStat.prototype.Mode = function() { return this.$val.Mode(); }; + fileStat.ptr.prototype.ModTime = function() { + var fs$1; + fs$1 = this; + return fs$1.modTime; + }; + fileStat.prototype.ModTime = function() { return this.$val.ModTime(); }; + fileStat.ptr.prototype.Sys = function() { + var fs$1; + fs$1 = this; + return fs$1.sys; + }; + fileStat.prototype.Sys = function() { return this.$val.Sys(); }; + fileStat.ptr.prototype.Name = function() { + var fs$1; + fs$1 = this; + return fs$1.name; + }; + fileStat.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); }; + fileStat.ptr.prototype.IsDir = function() { + var fs$1; + fs$1 = this; + return new fs.FileMode(fs$1.Mode()).IsDir(); + }; + fileStat.prototype.IsDir = function() { return this.$val.IsDir(); }; + nextRandom = function() { + var {$24r, _r$3, _r$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = fastrand(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = itoa.Uitoa(((_r$3 >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nextRandom, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, _r$4, $s};return $f; + }; + CreateTemp = function(dir, pattern) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, dir, err, err$1, f, name, pattern, prefix, suffix, try$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dir, pattern}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (dir === "") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (dir === "") { */ case 1: + _r$3 = TempDir(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dir = _r$3; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = prefixAndSuffix(pattern); + prefix = _tuple[0]; + suffix = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, new fs.PathError.ptr("createtemp", pattern, err)]; + } + prefix = joinPath(dir, prefix); + try$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + _r$4 = nextRandom(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = prefix + _r$4 + suffix; + _r$5 = OpenFile(name, 194, 384); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + f = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (IsExist(err$1)) { + try$1 = try$1 + (1) >> 0; + if (try$1 < 10000) { + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, new fs.PathError.ptr("createtemp", prefix + "*" + suffix, $pkg.ErrExist)]; + } + $s = -1; return [f, err$1]; + case 5: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CreateTemp, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, dir, err, err$1, f, name, pattern, prefix, suffix, try$1, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.CreateTemp = CreateTemp; + prefixAndSuffix = function(pattern) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, err, i, pattern, pos, prefix, suffix; + prefix = ""; + suffix = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < pattern.length)) { break; } + if (IsPathSeparator(pattern.charCodeAt(i))) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = errPatternHasSeparator; + prefix = _tmp; + suffix = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [prefix, suffix, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + pos = lastIndex(pattern, 42); + if (!((pos === -1))) { + _tmp$3 = $substring(pattern, 0, pos); + _tmp$4 = $substring(pattern, (pos + 1 >> 0)); + prefix = _tmp$3; + suffix = _tmp$4; + } else { + prefix = pattern; + } + _tmp$5 = prefix; + _tmp$6 = suffix; + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + prefix = _tmp$5; + suffix = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + return [prefix, suffix, err]; + }; + joinPath = function(dir, name) { + var dir, name; + if (dir.length > 0 && IsPathSeparator(dir.charCodeAt((dir.length - 1 >> 0)))) { + return dir + name; + } + return dir + "/" + name; + }; + lastIndex = function(s, sep) { + var i, s, sep; + i = s.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) === sep) { + return i; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return -1; + }; + File.ptr.prototype.Stat = function() { + var {_r$3, err, f, fs$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fs$1 = [fs$1]; + f = this; + if (f === ptrType$2.nil) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $pkg.ErrInvalid]; + } + fs$1[0] = new fileStat.ptr("", new $Int64(0, 0), 0, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$3.nil), new syscall.Stat_t.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0))); + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Fstat(fs$1[0].sys); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new fs.PathError.ptr("stat", f.file.name, err)]; + } + fillFileStatFromSys(fs$1[0], f.file.name); + $s = -1; return [fs$1[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Stat, $c: true, $r, _r$3, err, f, fs$1, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Stat = function() { return this.$val.Stat(); }; + statNolog = function(name) { + var {_r$3, err, fs$1, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fs$1 = [fs$1]; + name = [name]; + fs$1[0] = new fileStat.ptr("", new $Int64(0, 0), 0, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$3.nil), new syscall.Stat_t.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0))); + _r$3 = ignoringEINTR((function(fs$1, name) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = syscall.Stat(name[0], fs$1[0].sys); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(fs$1, name)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new fs.PathError.ptr("stat", name[0], err)]; + } + fillFileStatFromSys(fs$1[0], name[0]); + $s = -1; return [fs$1[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: statNolog, $c: true, $r, _r$3, err, fs$1, name, $s};return $f; + }; + lstatNolog = function(name) { + var {_r$3, err, fs$1, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fs$1 = [fs$1]; + name = [name]; + fs$1[0] = new fileStat.ptr("", new $Int64(0, 0), 0, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$3.nil), new syscall.Stat_t.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0))); + _r$3 = ignoringEINTR((function(fs$1, name) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = syscall.Lstat(name[0], fs$1[0].sys); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(fs$1, name)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new fs.PathError.ptr("lstat", name[0], err)]; + } + fillFileStatFromSys(fs$1[0], name[0]); + $s = -1; return [fs$1[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: lstatNolog, $c: true, $r, _r$3, err, fs$1, name, $s};return $f; + }; + fillFileStatFromSys = function(fs$1, name) { + var _1, fs$1, name; + fs$1.name = basename(name); + fs$1.size = fs$1.sys.Size; + time.Time.copy(fs$1.modTime, timespecToTime(fs$1.sys.Mtime, fs$1.sys.MtimeNsec)); + fs$1.mode = ((((fs$1.sys.Mode & 511) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + _1 = (fs$1.sys.Mode & 126976) >>> 0; + if (_1 === (24576)) { + fs$1.mode = (fs$1.mode | (67108864)) >>> 0; + } else if (_1 === (8192)) { + fs$1.mode = (fs$1.mode | (69206016)) >>> 0; + } else if (_1 === (16384)) { + fs$1.mode = (fs$1.mode | (2147483648)) >>> 0; + } else if (_1 === (4096)) { + fs$1.mode = (fs$1.mode | (33554432)) >>> 0; + } else if (_1 === (40960)) { + fs$1.mode = (fs$1.mode | (134217728)) >>> 0; + } else if (_1 === (32768)) { + } else if (_1 === (49152)) { + fs$1.mode = (fs$1.mode | (16777216)) >>> 0; + } + if (!((((fs$1.sys.Mode & 1024) >>> 0) === 0))) { + fs$1.mode = (fs$1.mode | (4194304)) >>> 0; + } + if (!((((fs$1.sys.Mode & 2048) >>> 0) === 0))) { + fs$1.mode = (fs$1.mode | (8388608)) >>> 0; + } + if (!((((fs$1.sys.Mode & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) { + fs$1.mode = (fs$1.mode | (1048576)) >>> 0; + } + }; + timespecToTime = function(sec, nsec) { + var nsec, sec; + return time.Unix(sec, nsec); + }; + Stat = function(name) { + var {$24r, _r$3, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = testlog.Stat(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = statNolog(name); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Stat, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Stat = Stat; + Lstat = function(name) { + var {$24r, _r$3, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = testlog.Stat(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = lstatNolog(name); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Lstat, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Lstat = Lstat; + File.ptr.prototype.readFrom = function(r) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, err, f, handled, n, r; + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + handled = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + _tmp = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = false; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + handled = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [n, handled, err]; + }; + File.prototype.readFrom = function(r) { return this.$val.readFrom(r); }; + rawConn.ptr.prototype.Control = function(f) { + var {_r$3, c, err, err$1, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + err = c.file.checkValid("SyscallConn.Control"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = c.file.file.pfd.RawControl(f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$3; + runtime.KeepAlive(c.file); + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rawConn.ptr.prototype.Control, $c: true, $r, _r$3, c, err, err$1, f, $s};return $f; + }; + rawConn.prototype.Control = function(f) { return this.$val.Control(f); }; + rawConn.ptr.prototype.Read = function(f) { + var {_r$3, c, err, err$1, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + err = c.file.checkValid("SyscallConn.Read"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = c.file.file.pfd.RawRead(f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$3; + runtime.KeepAlive(c.file); + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rawConn.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r$3, c, err, err$1, f, $s};return $f; + }; + rawConn.prototype.Read = function(f) { return this.$val.Read(f); }; + rawConn.ptr.prototype.Write = function(f) { + var {_r$3, c, err, err$1, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + err = c.file.checkValid("SyscallConn.Write"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = c.file.file.pfd.RawWrite(f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$3; + runtime.KeepAlive(c.file); + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rawConn.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r$3, c, err, err$1, f, $s};return $f; + }; + rawConn.prototype.Write = function(f) { return this.$val.Write(f); }; + newRawConn = function(file$1) { + var file$1; + return [new rawConn.ptr(file$1), $ifaceNil]; + }; + init = function() { + if (false) { + return; + } + $pkg.Args = runtime_args(); + }; + Exit = function(code) { + var {_r$3, code, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (code === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (code === 0) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = testlog.PanicOnExit0(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 3: + $panic(new $String("unexpected call to os.Exit(0) during test")); + /* } */ case 4: + runtime_beforeExit(); + /* } */ case 2: + $r = syscall.Exit(code); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Exit, $c: true, $r, _r$3, code, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Exit = Exit; + IsPathSeparator = function(c) { + var c; + return 47 === c; + }; + $pkg.IsPathSeparator = IsPathSeparator; + basename = function(name) { + var i, name; + i = name.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0 && (name.charCodeAt(i) === 47))) { break; } + name = $substring(name, 0, i); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + if (name.charCodeAt(i) === 47) { + name = $substring(name, (i + 1 >> 0)); + break; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return name; + }; + fixLongPath = function(path) { + var path; + return path; + }; + File.ptr.prototype.Fd = function() { + var {_r$3, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (f === ptrType$2.nil) { + $s = -1; return 4294967295; + } + /* */ if (f.file.nonblock) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (f.file.nonblock) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.SetBlocking(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return ((f.file.pfd.Sysfd >>> 0)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Fd, $c: true, $r, _r$3, f, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Fd = function() { return this.$val.Fd(); }; + NewFile = function(fd, name) { + var {$24r, _r$3, _tuple, err, fd, kind, name, nb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + kind = 0; + _tuple = unix.IsNonblock(((fd >> 0))); + nb = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && nb) { + kind = 3; + } + _r$3 = newFile(fd, name, kind); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewFile, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, _tuple, err, fd, kind, name, nb, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewFile = NewFile; + newFile = function(fd, name, kind) { + var {_1, _r$3, err, err$1, err$2, f, fd, fdi, kind, name, pollable, st, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, name, kind}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fdi = [fdi]; + st = [st]; + fdi[0] = ((fd >> 0)); + if (fdi[0] < 0) { + $s = -1; return ptrType$2.nil; + } + f = new File.ptr(new file.ptr(new poll.FD.ptr(new poll.fdMutex.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0), fdi[0], new poll.pollDesc.ptr(ptrType$6.nil, false), ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0, true, true, false), name, ptrType$8.nil, false, (fdi[0] === 1) || (fdi[0] === 2), false)); + pollable = (kind === 1) || (kind === 2) || (kind === 3); + /* */ if (kind === 1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (kind === 1) { */ case 1: + _1 = "js"; + /* */ if (_1 === ("darwin") || _1 === ("ios") || _1 === ("dragonfly") || _1 === ("freebsd") || _1 === ("netbsd") || _1 === ("openbsd")) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("darwin") || _1 === ("ios") || _1 === ("dragonfly") || _1 === ("freebsd") || _1 === ("netbsd") || _1 === ("openbsd")) { */ case 4: + st[0] = new syscall.Stat_t.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0)); + _r$3 = ignoringEINTR((function(fdi, st) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = syscall.Fstat(fdi[0], st[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(fdi, st)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + typ = (st[0].Mode & 126976) >>> 0; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && ((typ === 32768) || (typ === 16384))) { + pollable = false; + } + if (false && (typ === 4096)) { + pollable = false; + } + /* } */ case 5: + case 3: + /* } */ case 2: + err$1 = f.file.pfd.Init("file", pollable); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + } else if (pollable) { + err$2 = syscall.SetNonblock(fdi[0], true); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + f.file.nonblock = true; + } + } + runtime.SetFinalizer(f.file, new funcType($methodExpr(ptrType$9, "close"))); + $s = -1; return f; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newFile, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$3, err, err$1, err$2, f, fd, fdi, kind, name, pollable, st, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + epipecheck = function(file$1, e) { + var {e, file$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {file$1, e}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, new syscall.Errno(32)) && file$1.file.stdoutOrErr) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, new syscall.Errno(32)) && file$1.file.stdoutOrErr) { */ case 1: + $r = sigpipe(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: epipecheck, $c: true, $r, e, file$1, $s};return $f; + }; + openFileNolog = function(name, flag, perm) { + var {$24r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, flag, name, perm, r, setSticky, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, flag, perm}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + setSticky = false; + /* */ if (true && !(((flag & 64) === 0)) && !((((perm & 1048576) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (true && !(((flag & 64) === 0)) && !((((perm & 1048576) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = Stat(name); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (IsNotExist(err)) { + setSticky = true; + } + /* } */ case 2: + r = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + e = $ifaceNil; + _r$4 = syscall.Open(name, flag | 0, syscallMode(perm)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + r = _tuple$1[0]; + e = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil)) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, new syscall.Errno(4))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, new fs.PathError.ptr("open", name, e)]; + case 5: + /* */ if (setSticky) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (setSticky) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = setStickyBit(name); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 8: + if (true) { + syscall.CloseOnExec(r); + } + _r$6 = newFile(((r >>> 0)), name, 1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r$6, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: openFileNolog, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, flag, name, perm, r, setSticky, $s};return $f; + }; + file.ptr.prototype.close = function() { + var {_r$3, e, err, file$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + file$1 = this; + if (file$1 === ptrType$9.nil) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + if (!(file$1.dirinfo === ptrType$8.nil)) { + file$1.dirinfo.close(); + file$1.dirinfo = ptrType$8.nil; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$3 = file$1.pfd.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, poll.ErrFileClosing)) { + e = $pkg.ErrClosed; + } + err = new fs.PathError.ptr("close", file$1.name, e); + } + runtime.SetFinalizer(file$1, $ifaceNil); + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: file.ptr.prototype.close, $c: true, $r, _r$3, e, err, file$1, $s};return $f; + }; + file.prototype.close = function() { return this.$val.close(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.seek = function(offset, whence) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, f, offset, ret, whence, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {offset, whence}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ret = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + if (!(f.file.dirinfo === ptrType$8.nil)) { + f.file.dirinfo.close(); + f.file.dirinfo = ptrType$8.nil; + } + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Seek(offset, whence); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + ret = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + runtime.KeepAlive(f); + _tmp = ret; + _tmp$1 = err; + ret = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.seek, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, f, offset, ret, whence, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.seek = function(offset, whence) { return this.$val.seek(offset, whence); }; + Remove = function(name) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, e, e1, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + name = [name]; + _r$3 = ignoringEINTR((function(name) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = syscall.Unlink(name[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(name)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$3; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$4 = ignoringEINTR((function(name) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$4 = syscall.Rmdir(name[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$4, $s};return $f; + }; })(name)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e1 = _r$4; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e1, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e1, new syscall.Errno(20)))) { + e = e1; + } + $s = -1; return new fs.PathError.ptr("remove", name[0], e); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Remove, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, e, e1, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Remove = Remove; + tempDir = function() { + var {_r$3, dir, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = Getenv("TMPDIR"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dir = _r$3; + if (dir === "") { + if (false) { + dir = "/data/local/tmp"; + } else { + dir = "/tmp"; + } + } + $s = -1; return dir; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: tempDir, $c: true, $r, _r$3, dir, $s};return $f; + }; + Readlink = function(name) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, e, len, n, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + len = 128; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, len); + n = 0; + e = $ifaceNil; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + _r$3 = syscall.Readlink(name, b); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + _r$4 = fixCount(_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1]); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + n = _tuple[0]; + e = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, new syscall.Errno(4)))) { + /* break; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + if (false && $interfaceIsEqual(e, new syscall.Errno(34))) { + len = $imul(len, (2)); + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ["", new fs.PathError.ptr("readlink", name, e)]; + } + if (n < len) { + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, n))), $ifaceNil]; + } + len = $imul(len, (2)); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return ["", $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Readlink, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, e, len, n, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Readlink = Readlink; + unixDirent.ptr.prototype.Name = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return d.name; + }; + unixDirent.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); }; + unixDirent.ptr.prototype.IsDir = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return new fs.FileMode(d.typ).IsDir(); + }; + unixDirent.prototype.IsDir = function() { return this.$val.IsDir(); }; + unixDirent.ptr.prototype.Type = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return d.typ; + }; + unixDirent.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); }; + unixDirent.ptr.prototype.Info = function() { + var {$24r, _r$3, d, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.info, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [d.info, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$3 = lstat(d.parent + "/" + d.name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: unixDirent.ptr.prototype.Info, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, d, $s};return $f; + }; + unixDirent.prototype.Info = function() { return this.$val.Info(); }; + newUnixDirent = function(parent, name, typ) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, err, info, name, parent, typ, ude, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parent, name, typ}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ude = new unixDirent.ptr(parent, name, typ, $ifaceNil); + if (!((typ === 4294967295)) && !testingForceReadDirLstat) { + $s = -1; return [ude, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$3 = lstat(parent + "/" + name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + info = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + _r$4 = info.Mode(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = new fs.FileMode(_r$4).Type(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ude.typ = _r$5; + ude.info = info; + $s = -1; return [ude, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newUnixDirent, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, err, info, name, parent, typ, ude, $s};return $f; + }; + sigpipe = function() { + $throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: os.sigpipe"); + }; + File.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, _r$3, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (f === ptrType$2.nil) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrInvalid; + } + _r$3 = f.file.close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, f, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.read = function(b) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Read(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + runtime.KeepAlive(f); + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.read, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, n, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.read = function(b) { return this.$val.read(b); }; + File.ptr.prototype.pread = function(b, off) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, n, off, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, off}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Pread(b, off); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + runtime.KeepAlive(f); + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.pread, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, n, off, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.pread = function(b, off) { return this.$val.pread(b, off); }; + File.ptr.prototype.write = function(b) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Write(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + runtime.KeepAlive(f); + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.write, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, n, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.write = function(b) { return this.$val.write(b); }; + File.ptr.prototype.pwrite = function(b, off) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, n, off, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, off}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Pwrite(b, off); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + runtime.KeepAlive(f); + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.pwrite, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, n, off, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.pwrite = function(b, off) { return this.$val.pwrite(b, off); }; + syscallMode = function(i) { + var i, o; + o = 0; + o = (o | (((new fs.FileMode(i).Perm() >>> 0)))) >>> 0; + if (!((((i & 8388608) >>> 0) === 0))) { + o = (o | (2048)) >>> 0; + } + if (!((((i & 4194304) >>> 0) === 0))) { + o = (o | (1024)) >>> 0; + } + if (!((((i & 1048576) >>> 0) === 0))) { + o = (o | (512)) >>> 0; + } + return o; + }; + chmod = function(name, mode) { + var {_r$3, e, longName, mode, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, mode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + longName = [longName]; + mode = [mode]; + longName[0] = fixLongPath(name); + _r$3 = ignoringEINTR((function(longName, mode) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = syscall.Chmod(longName[0], syscallMode(mode[0])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(longName, mode)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new fs.PathError.ptr("chmod", name, e); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chmod, $c: true, $r, _r$3, e, longName, mode, name, $s};return $f; + }; + File.ptr.prototype.chmod = function(mode) { + var {_r$3, e, err, f, mode, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + err = f.checkValid("chmod"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Fchmod(syscallMode(mode)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return f.wrapErr("chmod", e); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.chmod, $c: true, $r, _r$3, e, err, f, mode, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.chmod = function(mode) { return this.$val.chmod(mode); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Chown = function(uid, gid) { + var {_r$3, e, err, f, gid, uid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {uid, gid}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + err = f.checkValid("chown"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Fchown(uid, gid); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return f.wrapErr("chown", e); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Chown, $c: true, $r, _r$3, e, err, f, gid, uid, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Chown = function(uid, gid) { return this.$val.Chown(uid, gid); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Truncate = function(size) { + var {_r$3, e, err, f, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {size}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + err = f.checkValid("truncate"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Ftruncate(size); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return f.wrapErr("truncate", e); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Truncate, $c: true, $r, _r$3, e, err, f, size, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Truncate = function(size) { return this.$val.Truncate(size); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Sync = function() { + var {_r$3, e, err, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + err = f.checkValid("sync"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Fsync(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return f.wrapErr("sync", e); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Sync, $c: true, $r, _r$3, e, err, f, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Sync = function() { return this.$val.Sync(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Chdir = function() { + var {_r$3, e, err, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + err = f.checkValid("chdir"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.Fchdir(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return f.wrapErr("chdir", e); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Chdir, $c: true, $r, _r$3, e, err, f, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Chdir = function() { return this.$val.Chdir(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.setDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$3, err, f, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + err = f.checkValid("SetDeadline"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.SetDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.setDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, err, f, t, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.setDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.setDeadline(t); }; + File.ptr.prototype.setReadDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$3, err, f, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + err = f.checkValid("SetReadDeadline"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.SetReadDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.setReadDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, err, f, t, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.setReadDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.setReadDeadline(t); }; + File.ptr.prototype.setWriteDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$3, err, f, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + err = f.checkValid("SetWriteDeadline"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = f.file.pfd.SetWriteDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.setWriteDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, err, f, t, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.setWriteDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.setWriteDeadline(t); }; + File.ptr.prototype.checkValid = function(op) { + var f, op; + f = this; + if (f === ptrType$2.nil) { + return $pkg.ErrInvalid; + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + File.prototype.checkValid = function(op) { return this.$val.checkValid(op); }; + ignoringEINTR = function(fn) { + var {_r$3, err, fn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = fn(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, new syscall.Errno(4)))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ignoringEINTR, $c: true, $r, _r$3, err, fn, $s};return $f; + }; + File.ptr.prototype.Name = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.file.name; + }; + File.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); }; + LinkError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$3, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$3 = e.Err.Error(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = e.Op + " " + e.Old + " " + e.New + ": " + _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: LinkError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, e, $s};return $f; + }; + LinkError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + LinkError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.Err; + }; + LinkError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, e, err, err$1, f, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + err$1 = f.checkValid("read"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$3 = f.read(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + n = _tuple[0]; + e = _tuple[1]; + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = f.wrapErr("read", e); + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, e, err, err$1, f, n, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); }; + File.ptr.prototype.ReadAt = function(b, off) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, e, err, err$1, f, m, n, off, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, off}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + err$1 = f.checkValid("read"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if ((off.$high < 0 || (off.$high === 0 && off.$low < 0))) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = new fs.PathError.ptr("readat", f.file.name, errors.New("negative offset")); + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$3 = f.pread(b, off); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + m = _tuple[0]; + e = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + err = f.wrapErr("read", e); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + n = n + (m) >> 0; + b = $subslice(b, m); + off = (x = (new $Int64(0, m)), new $Int64(off.$high + x.$high, off.$low + x.$low)); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.ReadAt, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, e, err, err$1, f, m, n, off, x, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.ReadAt = function(b, off) { return this.$val.ReadAt(b, off); }; + File.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { + var {$24r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, err$1, f, handled, n, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + err$1 = f.checkValid("write"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = err$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple = f.readFrom(r); + n = _tuple[0]; + handled = _tuple[1]; + e = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!handled) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!handled) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = genericReadFrom(f, r); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = f.wrapErr("write", e); + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, err$1, f, handled, n, r, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(r); }; + genericReadFrom = function(f, r) { + var {$24r, _r$3, f, r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = io.Copy((x = new onlyWriter.ptr(f), new x.constructor.elem(x)), r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: genericReadFrom, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, f, r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + File.ptr.prototype.Write = function(b) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, e, err, err$1, f, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + err$1 = f.checkValid("write"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$3 = f.write(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + n = _tuple[0]; + e = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + n = 0; + } + if (!((n === b.$length))) { + err = io.ErrShortWrite; + } + $r = epipecheck(f, e); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + err = f.wrapErr("write", e); + } + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, e, err, err$1, f, n, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Write = function(b) { return this.$val.Write(b); }; + File.ptr.prototype.WriteAt = function(b, off) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, e, err, err$1, f, m, n, off, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, off}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + err$1 = f.checkValid("write"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if (f.file.appendMode) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = errWriteAtInAppendMode; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if ((off.$high < 0 || (off.$high === 0 && off.$low < 0))) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = new fs.PathError.ptr("writeat", f.file.name, errors.New("negative offset")); + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$3 = f.pwrite(b, off); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + m = _tuple[0]; + e = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + err = f.wrapErr("write", e); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + n = n + (m) >> 0; + b = $subslice(b, m); + off = (x = (new $Int64(0, m)), new $Int64(off.$high + x.$high, off.$low + x.$low)); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.WriteAt, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, e, err, err$1, f, m, n, off, x, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.WriteAt = function(b, off) { return this.$val.WriteAt(b, off); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, e, err, err$1, f, offset, r, ret, whence, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {offset, whence}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ret = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + err$1 = f.checkValid("seek"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = err$1; + ret = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + _r$3 = f.seek(offset, whence); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + r = _tuple[0]; + e = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil) && !(f.file.dirinfo === ptrType$8.nil) && !((r.$high === 0 && r.$low === 0))) { + e = new syscall.Errno(21); + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$3 = f.wrapErr("seek", e); + ret = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + _tmp$4 = r; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + ret = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Seek, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, e, err, err$1, f, offset, r, ret, whence, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { return this.$val.Seek(offset, whence); }; + setStickyBit = function(name) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, err, fi, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = Stat(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + fi = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _arg = name; + _r$4 = fi.Mode(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (_r$4 | 1048576) >>> 0; + _r$5 = Chmod(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: setStickyBit, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, err, fi, name, $s};return $f; + }; + Open = function(name) { + var {$24r, _r$3, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = OpenFile(name, 0, 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Open, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Open = Open; + OpenFile = function(name, flag, perm) { + var {_r$3, _tuple, err, f, flag, name, perm, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, flag, perm}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = testlog.Open(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = openFileNolog(name, flag, perm); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, err]; + } + f.file.appendMode = !(((flag & 1024) === 0)); + $s = -1; return [f, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: OpenFile, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tuple, err, f, flag, name, perm, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.OpenFile = OpenFile; + fixCount = function(n, err) { + var err, n; + if (n < 0) { + n = 0; + } + return [n, err]; + }; + File.ptr.prototype.wrapErr = function(op, err) { + var err, f, op; + f = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) || $interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + return err; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, poll.ErrFileClosing)) { + err = $pkg.ErrClosed; + } + return new fs.PathError.ptr(op, f.file.name, err); + }; + File.prototype.wrapErr = function(op, err) { return this.$val.wrapErr(op, err); }; + TempDir = function() { + var {$24r, _r$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = tempDir(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TempDir, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.TempDir = TempDir; + Chmod = function(name, mode) { + var {$24r, _r$3, mode, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, mode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = chmod(name, mode); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Chmod, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, mode, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Chmod = Chmod; + File.ptr.prototype.Chmod = function(mode) { + var {$24r, _r$3, f, mode, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r$3 = f.chmod(mode); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Chmod, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, f, mode, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Chmod = function(mode) { return this.$val.Chmod(mode); }; + File.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$3, f, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r$3 = f.setDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, f, t, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetDeadline(t); }; + File.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$3, f, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r$3 = f.setReadDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, f, t, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(t); }; + File.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$3, f, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r$3 = f.setWriteDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, f, t, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(t); }; + File.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { + var _returncast, err, f; + f = this; + err = f.checkValid("SyscallConn"); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + _returncast = newRawConn(f); + return [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + }; + File.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { return this.$val.SyscallConn(); }; + ReadFile = function(name) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, d, data, err, err$1, err$2, f, info, n, name, size, size64, x, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + _r$3 = Open(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [sliceType$2.nil, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(f, "Close"), []]); + size = 0; + _r$4 = f.Stat(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + info = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 6: + _r$5 = info.Size(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size64 = _r$5; + if ((x = (new $Int64(0, (((size64.$low + ((size64.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))), (x.$high === size64.$high && x.$low === size64.$low))) { + size = (((size64.$low + ((size64.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + } + /* } */ case 7: + size = size + (1) >> 0; + if (size < 512) { + size = 512; + } + data = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, size); + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + if (data.$length >= data.$capacity) { + d = $append($subslice(data, 0, data.$capacity), 0); + data = $subslice(d, 0, data.$length); + } + _r$6 = f.Read($subslice(data, data.$length, data.$capacity)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$6; + n = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + data = $subslice(data, 0, (data.$length + n >> 0)); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, io.EOF)) { + err$2 = $ifaceNil; + } + $24r$1 = [data, err$2]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 13: + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + $s = -1; return [sliceType$2.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [sliceType$2.nil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: ReadFile, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, d, data, err, err$1, err$2, f, info, n, name, size, size64, x, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $pkg.ReadFile = ReadFile; + Executable = function() { + return executable(); + }; + $pkg.Executable = Executable; + errNoDeadline = function() { + return poll.ErrNoDeadline; + }; + errDeadlineExceeded = function() { + return poll.ErrDeadlineExceeded; + }; + SyscallError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$3, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$3 = e.Err.Error(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = e.Syscall + ": " + _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SyscallError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, e, $s};return $f; + }; + SyscallError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + SyscallError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.Err; + }; + SyscallError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + SyscallError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var {$24r, _r$3, _tuple, _v, e, ok, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _tuple = $assertType(e.Err, timeout, true); + t = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!(ok)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$3 = t.Timeout(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$3; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SyscallError.ptr.prototype.Timeout, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, _tuple, _v, e, ok, t, $s};return $f; + }; + SyscallError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + IsExist = function(err) { + var err; + return underlyingErrorIs(err, $pkg.ErrExist); + }; + $pkg.IsExist = IsExist; + IsNotExist = function(err) { + var err; + return underlyingErrorIs(err, $pkg.ErrNotExist); + }; + $pkg.IsNotExist = IsNotExist; + underlyingErrorIs = function(err, target) { + var _tuple, e, err, ok, target; + err = underlyingError(err); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, target)) { + return true; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, syscall.Errno, true); + e = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + return ok && new syscall.Errno(e).Is(target); + }; + underlyingError = function(err) { + var _ref, err, err$1, err$2, err$3; + _ref = err; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { + err$1 = _ref.$val; + return err$1.Err; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$17, true)[1]) { + err$2 = _ref.$val; + return err$2.Err; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$18, true)[1]) { + err$3 = _ref.$val; + return err$3.Err; + } + return err; + }; + Getenv = function(key) { + var {_r$3, _tuple, key, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = testlog.Getenv(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = syscall.Getenv(key); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + v = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Getenv, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tuple, key, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Getenv = Getenv; + direntIno = function(buf) { + var buf; + return [new $Uint64(0, 1), true]; + }; + direntReclen = function(buf) { + var buf; + return readInt(buf, 0, 2); + }; + direntNamlen = function(buf) { + var _tuple, buf, ok, reclen; + _tuple = direntReclen(buf); + reclen = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return [new $Uint64(0, 0), false]; + } + return [new $Uint64(reclen.$high - 0, reclen.$low - 2), true]; + }; + direntType = function(buf) { + var buf; + return 4294967295; + }; + dirInfo.ptr.prototype.close = function() { + var d; + d = this; + if (!(d.buf === ptrType.nil)) { + dirBufPool.Put(d.buf); + d.buf = ptrType.nil; + } + }; + dirInfo.prototype.close = function() { return this.$val.close(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.readdir = function(n, mode) { + var {_i, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, buf, c, d, de, dirents, err, err$1, err$2, errno, f, i, info, infos, ino, mode, n, name, names, namlen, ok, rec, reclen, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n, mode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + names = sliceType.nil; + dirents = sliceType$7.nil; + infos = sliceType$8.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + /* */ if (f.file.dirinfo === ptrType$8.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (f.file.dirinfo === ptrType$8.nil) { */ case 1: + f.file.dirinfo = new dirInfo.ptr(ptrType.nil, 0, 0); + _r$3 = dirBufPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f.file.dirinfo.buf = $assertType(_r$3, ptrType); + /* } */ case 2: + d = f.file.dirinfo; + if (n === 0) { + n = -1; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(!((n === 0)))) { break; } */ if(!(!((n === 0)))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (d.bufp >= d.nbuf) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (d.bufp >= d.nbuf) { */ case 6: + d.bufp = 0; + errno = $ifaceNil; + _r$4 = f.file.pfd.ReadDirent(d.buf.$get()); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + d.nbuf = _tuple[0]; + errno = _tuple[1]; + runtime.KeepAlive(f); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(errno, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = names; + _tmp$1 = dirents; + _tmp$2 = infos; + _tmp$3 = new fs.PathError.ptr("readdirent", f.file.name, errno); + names = _tmp; + dirents = _tmp$1; + infos = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [names, dirents, infos, err]; + } + if (d.nbuf <= 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + /* } */ case 7: + buf = $subslice((d.buf.$get()), d.bufp, d.nbuf); + _tuple$1 = direntReclen(buf); + reclen = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok || (x = (new $Uint64(0, buf.$length)), (reclen.$high > x.$high || (reclen.$high === x.$high && reclen.$low > x.$low)))) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + rec = $subslice(buf, 0, $flatten64(reclen)); + d.bufp = d.bufp + (((reclen.$low >> 0))) >> 0; + _tuple$2 = direntIno(rec); + ino = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!ok) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + if ((ino.$high === 0 && ino.$low === 0)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + _tuple$3 = direntNamlen(rec); + namlen = _tuple$3[0]; + ok = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!ok || (x$1 = new $Uint64(0 + namlen.$high, 2 + namlen.$low), x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, rec.$length)), (x$1.$high > x$2.$high || (x$1.$high === x$2.$high && x$1.$low > x$2.$low)))) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + name = $subslice(rec, 2, $flatten64(new $Uint64(0 + namlen.$high, 2 + namlen.$low))); + _ref = name; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (c === 0) { + name = $subslice(name, 0, i); + break; + } + _i++; + } + if (($bytesToString(name)) === "." || ($bytesToString(name)) === "..") { + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + if (n > 0) { + n = n - (1) >> 0; + } + /* */ if (mode === 0) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (mode === 1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (mode === 0) { */ case 9: + names = $append(names, ($bytesToString(name))); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (mode === 1) { */ case 10: + _r$5 = newUnixDirent(f.file.name, ($bytesToString(name)), direntType(rec)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$5; + de = _tuple$4[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (IsNotExist(err$1)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$5 = dirents; + _tmp$6 = sliceType$8.nil; + _tmp$7 = err$1; + names = _tmp$4; + dirents = _tmp$5; + infos = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [names, dirents, infos, err]; + } + dirents = $append(dirents, de); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + _r$6 = lstat(f.file.name + "/" + ($bytesToString(name))); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$6; + info = _tuple$5[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (IsNotExist(err$2)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$8 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$9 = sliceType$7.nil; + _tmp$10 = infos; + _tmp$11 = err$2; + names = _tmp$8; + dirents = _tmp$9; + infos = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [names, dirents, infos, err]; + } + infos = $append(infos, info); + /* } */ case 12: + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + if (n > 0 && (((names.$length + dirents.$length >> 0) + infos.$length >> 0) === 0)) { + _tmp$12 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$13 = sliceType$7.nil; + _tmp$14 = sliceType$8.nil; + _tmp$15 = io.EOF; + names = _tmp$12; + dirents = _tmp$13; + infos = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [names, dirents, infos, err]; + } + _tmp$16 = names; + _tmp$17 = dirents; + _tmp$18 = infos; + _tmp$19 = $ifaceNil; + names = _tmp$16; + dirents = _tmp$17; + infos = _tmp$18; + err = _tmp$19; + $s = -1; return [names, dirents, infos, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.readdir, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, buf, c, d, de, dirents, err, err$1, err$2, errno, f, i, info, infos, ino, mode, n, name, names, namlen, ok, rec, reclen, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.readdir = function(n, mode) { return this.$val.readdir(n, mode); }; + readInt = function(b, off, size) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, off, ok, size, u; + u = new $Uint64(0, 0); + ok = false; + if (b.$length < (((off + size >>> 0) >> 0))) { + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = false; + u = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [u, ok]; + } + if (false) { + _tmp$2 = readIntBE($subslice(b, off), size); + _tmp$3 = true; + u = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [u, ok]; + } + _tmp$4 = readIntLE($subslice(b, off), size); + _tmp$5 = true; + u = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [u, ok]; + }; + readIntBE = function(b, size) { + var _1, b, size, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + _1 = size; + if (_1 === (1)) { + return (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + $unused((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1])); + return (x = (new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), 8), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + $unused((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3])); + return (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), x$5 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$5.$high, (x$4.$low | x$5.$low) >>> 0)), x$6 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$6.$high, (x$3.$low | x$6.$low) >>> 0)), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$7.$high, (x$2.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + return (x$8 = (x$9 = (x$10 = (x$11 = (x$12 = (x$13 = (x$14 = (new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))), x$15 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$14.$high | x$15.$high, (x$14.$low | x$15.$low) >>> 0)), x$16 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$13.$high | x$16.$high, (x$13.$low | x$16.$low) >>> 0)), x$17 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$12.$high | x$17.$high, (x$12.$low | x$17.$low) >>> 0)), x$18 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 32), new $Uint64(x$11.$high | x$18.$high, (x$11.$low | x$18.$low) >>> 0)), x$19 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 40), new $Uint64(x$10.$high | x$19.$high, (x$10.$low | x$19.$low) >>> 0)), x$20 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$9.$high | x$20.$high, (x$9.$low | x$20.$low) >>> 0)), x$21 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), 56), new $Uint64(x$8.$high | x$21.$high, (x$8.$low | x$21.$low) >>> 0)); + } else { + $panic(new $String("syscall: readInt with unsupported size")); + } + }; + readIntLE = function(b, size) { + var _1, b, size, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + _1 = size; + if (_1 === (1)) { + return (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + $unused((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1])); + return (x = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 8), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + $unused((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3])); + return (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), x$5 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$5.$high, (x$4.$low | x$5.$low) >>> 0)), x$6 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$6.$high, (x$3.$low | x$6.$low) >>> 0)), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$7.$high, (x$2.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + return (x$8 = (x$9 = (x$10 = (x$11 = (x$12 = (x$13 = (x$14 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), x$15 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$14.$high | x$15.$high, (x$14.$low | x$15.$low) >>> 0)), x$16 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$13.$high | x$16.$high, (x$13.$low | x$16.$low) >>> 0)), x$17 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$12.$high | x$17.$high, (x$12.$low | x$17.$low) >>> 0)), x$18 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))), 32), new $Uint64(x$11.$high | x$18.$high, (x$11.$low | x$18.$low) >>> 0)), x$19 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))), 40), new $Uint64(x$10.$high | x$19.$high, (x$10.$low | x$19.$low) >>> 0)), x$20 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$9.$high | x$20.$high, (x$9.$low | x$20.$low) >>> 0)), x$21 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))), 56), new $Uint64(x$8.$high | x$21.$high, (x$8.$low | x$21.$low) >>> 0)); + } else { + $panic(new $String("syscall: readInt with unsupported size")); + } + }; + File.ptr.prototype.Readdir = function(n) { + var {_r$3, _tuple, err, f, infos, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (f === ptrType$2.nil) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$8.nil, $pkg.ErrInvalid]; + } + _r$3 = f.readdir(n, 2); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + infos = _tuple[2]; + err = _tuple[3]; + if (infos === sliceType$8.nil) { + infos = new sliceType$8([]); + } + $s = -1; return [infos, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Readdir, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tuple, err, f, infos, n, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Readdir = function(n) { return this.$val.Readdir(n); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Readdirnames = function(n) { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, err, f, n, names, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + names = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + if (f === ptrType$2.nil) { + _tmp = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrInvalid; + names = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [names, err]; + } + _r$3 = f.readdir(n, 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + names = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[3]; + if (names === sliceType.nil) { + names = new sliceType([]); + } + _tmp$2 = names; + _tmp$3 = err; + names = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [names, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Readdirnames, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, err, f, n, names, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Readdirnames = function(n) { return this.$val.Readdirnames(n); }; + File.ptr.prototype.ReadDir = function(n) { + var {_r$3, _tuple, dirents, err, f, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (f === ptrType$2.nil) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$7.nil, $pkg.ErrInvalid]; + } + _r$3 = f.readdir(n, 1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + dirents = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[3]; + if (dirents === sliceType$7.nil) { + dirents = new sliceType$7([]); + } + $s = -1; return [dirents, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.ReadDir, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tuple, dirents, err, f, n, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.ReadDir = function(n) { return this.$val.ReadDir(n); }; + ReadDir = function(name) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, dirs, err, f, name, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + dirs = [dirs]; + _r$3 = Open(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [sliceType$7.nil, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(f, "Close"), []]); + _r$4 = f.ReadDir(-1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + dirs[0] = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $r = sort.Slice(dirs[0], (function(dirs) { return function $b(i, j) { + var {$24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, i, j, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = ((i < 0 || i >= dirs[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dirs[0].$array[dirs[0].$offset + i]).Name(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = ((j < 0 || j >= dirs[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dirs[0].$array[dirs[0].$offset + j]).Name(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$5 < _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, i, j, $s};return $f; + }; })(dirs)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [dirs[0], err]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [sliceType$7.nil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: ReadDir, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, dirs, err, f, name, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $pkg.ReadDir = ReadDir; + runtime_args = function() { + return $pkg.Args; + }; + init$1 = function() { + var argv, i, process; + process = $global.process; + if (!(process === undefined)) { + argv = process.argv; + if (!(argv === undefined) && $parseInt(argv.length) >= 1) { + $pkg.Args = $makeSlice(sliceType, ($parseInt(argv.length) - 1 >> 0)); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < ($parseInt(argv.length) - 1 >> 0))) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= $pkg.Args.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : $pkg.Args.$array[$pkg.Args.$offset + i] = $internalize(argv[(i + 1 >> 0)], $String)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } + } + if ($pkg.Args.$length === 0) { + $pkg.Args = new sliceType(["?"]); + } + }; + runtime_beforeExit = function() { + }; + executable = function() { + return ["", errors.New("Executable not implemented for GOARCH=js")]; + }; + fastrand = function() { + $throwRuntimeError("native function not implemented: os.fastrand"); + }; + File.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r$3, _tuple, err, f, n, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this; + _r$3 = f.Write((new sliceType$2($stringToBytes(s)))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, _tuple, err, f, n, s, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Mode", name: "Mode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [fs.FileMode], false)}, {prop: "ModTime", name: "ModTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [time.Time], false)}, {prop: "Sys", name: "Sys", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "IsDir", name: "IsDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Stat", name: "Stat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [fs.FileInfo, $error], false)}, {prop: "readFrom", name: "readFrom", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [$Int64, $Bool, $error], false)}, {prop: "Fd", name: "Fd", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "seek", name: "seek", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "read", name: "read", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "pread", name: "pread", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "write", name: "write", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "pwrite", name: "pwrite", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "chmod", name: "chmod", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([fs.FileMode], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Chown", name: "Chown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Truncate", name: "Truncate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Chdir", name: "Chdir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "setDeadline", name: "setDeadline", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "setReadDeadline", name: "setReadDeadline", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "setWriteDeadline", name: "setWriteDeadline", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "checkValid", name: "checkValid", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadAt", name: "ReadAt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteAt", name: "WriteAt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Seek", name: "Seek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "wrapErr", name: "wrapErr", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([$String, $error], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Chmod", name: "Chmod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fs.FileMode], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetDeadline", name: "SetDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetReadDeadline", name: "SetReadDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetWriteDeadline", name: "SetWriteDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SyscallConn", name: "SyscallConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [syscall.RawConn, $error], false)}, {prop: "readdir", name: "readdir", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([$Int, readdirMode], [sliceType, sliceType$7, sliceType$8, $error], false)}, {prop: "Readdir", name: "Readdir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType$8, $error], false)}, {prop: "Readdirnames", name: "Readdirnames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadDir", name: "ReadDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType$7, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$19.methods = [{prop: "Control", name: "Control", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$2], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "IsDir", name: "IsDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [fs.FileMode], false)}, {prop: "Info", name: "Info", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [fs.FileInfo, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$17.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$18.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + fileStat.init("os", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "mode", name: "mode", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: fs.FileMode, tag: ""}, {prop: "modTime", name: "modTime", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "sys", name: "sys", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: syscall.Stat_t, tag: ""}]); + File.init("os", [{prop: "file", name: "file", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: ptrType$9, tag: ""}]); + rawConn.init("os", [{prop: "file", name: "file", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}]); + file.init("os", [{prop: "pfd", name: "pfd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: poll.FD, tag: ""}, {prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "dirinfo", name: "dirinfo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "nonblock", name: "nonblock", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "stdoutOrErr", name: "stdoutOrErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "appendMode", name: "appendMode", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + unixDirent.init("os", [{prop: "parent", name: "parent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: fs.FileMode, tag: ""}, {prop: "info", name: "info", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: fs.FileInfo, tag: ""}]); + LinkError.init("", [{prop: "Op", name: "Op", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Old", name: "Old", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "New", name: "New", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + onlyWriter.init("", [{prop: "Writer", name: "Writer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}]); + timeout.init([{prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]); + SyscallError.init("", [{prop: "Syscall", name: "Syscall", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + dirInfo.init("os", [{prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "nbuf", name: "nbuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "bufp", name: "bufp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + $pkg.$initLinknames = function() { + fastrand = $linknames["runtime.fastrand"]; +}; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = itoa.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = oserror.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = poll.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = execenv.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unix.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = testlog.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unsafeheader.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fs.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = syscall.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.Args = sliceType.nil; + testingForceReadDirLstat = false; + errPatternHasSeparator = errors.New("pattern contains path separator"); + errWriteAtInAppendMode = errors.New("os: invalid use of WriteAt on file opened with O_APPEND"); + lstat = Lstat; + $pkg.ErrProcessDone = errors.New("os: process already finished"); + $pkg.ErrInvalid = fs.ErrInvalid; + $pkg.ErrExist = fs.ErrExist; + $pkg.ErrNotExist = fs.ErrNotExist; + $pkg.ErrClosed = fs.ErrClosed; + $pkg.ErrNoDeadline = errNoDeadline(); + $pkg.ErrDeadlineExceeded = errDeadlineExceeded(); + dirBufPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, (function() { + var buf, buf$24ptr; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 8192); + return (buf$24ptr || (buf$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return buf; }, function($v) { buf = $convertSliceType($v, sliceType$2); }))); + })); + _r = NewFile(0, "/dev/stdin"); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.Stdin = _r; + _r$1 = NewFile(1, "/dev/stdout"); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.Stdout = _r$1; + _r$2 = NewFile(2, "/dev/stderr"); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.Stderr = _r$2; + init(); + init$1(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["fmt"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, fmtsort, io, math, os, reflect, strconv, sync, utf8, ScanState, scanError, ss, ssave, State, Formatter, Stringer, GoStringer, buffer, pp, fmtFlags, fmt, wrapError, arrayType, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType, ptrType$1, arrayType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType$4, ptrType$24, arrayType$3, funcType, ptrType$26, ptrType$27, space, ssFree, complexError, boolError, ppFree, isSpace, notSpace, indexRune, newPrinter, Fprintf, Sprintf, Fprint, Sprint, Fprintln, Sprintln, getField, tooLarge, parsenum, intFromArg, parseArgNumber, Errorf; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmtsort = $packages["internal/fmtsort"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + ScanState = $pkg.ScanState = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fmt.ScanState", true, "fmt", true, null); + scanError = $pkg.scanError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.scanError", true, "fmt", false, function(err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.err = err_; + }); + ss = $pkg.ss = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.ss", true, "fmt", false, function(rs_, buf_, count_, atEOF_, ssave_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rs = $ifaceNil; + this.buf = buffer.nil; + this.count = 0; + this.atEOF = false; + this.ssave = new ssave.ptr(false, false, false, 0, 0, 0); + return; + } + this.rs = rs_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.count = count_; + this.atEOF = atEOF_; + this.ssave = ssave_; + }); + ssave = $pkg.ssave = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.ssave", true, "fmt", false, function(validSave_, nlIsEnd_, nlIsSpace_, argLimit_, limit_, maxWid_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.validSave = false; + this.nlIsEnd = false; + this.nlIsSpace = false; + this.argLimit = 0; + this.limit = 0; + this.maxWid = 0; + return; + } + this.validSave = validSave_; + this.nlIsEnd = nlIsEnd_; + this.nlIsSpace = nlIsSpace_; + this.argLimit = argLimit_; + this.limit = limit_; + this.maxWid = maxWid_; + }); + State = $pkg.State = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fmt.State", true, "fmt", true, null); + Formatter = $pkg.Formatter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fmt.Formatter", true, "fmt", true, null); + Stringer = $pkg.Stringer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fmt.Stringer", true, "fmt", true, null); + GoStringer = $pkg.GoStringer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fmt.GoStringer", true, "fmt", true, null); + buffer = $pkg.buffer = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "fmt.buffer", true, "fmt", false, null); + pp = $pkg.pp = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.pp", true, "fmt", false, function(buf_, arg_, value_, fmt_, reordered_, goodArgNum_, panicking_, erroring_, wrapErrs_, wrappedErr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.buf = buffer.nil; + this.arg = $ifaceNil; + this.value = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType.nil, 0, 0); + this.fmt = new fmt.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, new fmtFlags.ptr(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false), 0, 0, arrayType$1.zero()); + this.reordered = false; + this.goodArgNum = false; + this.panicking = false; + this.erroring = false; + this.wrapErrs = false; + this.wrappedErr = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.buf = buf_; + this.arg = arg_; + this.value = value_; + this.fmt = fmt_; + this.reordered = reordered_; + this.goodArgNum = goodArgNum_; + this.panicking = panicking_; + this.erroring = erroring_; + this.wrapErrs = wrapErrs_; + this.wrappedErr = wrappedErr_; + }); + fmtFlags = $pkg.fmtFlags = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.fmtFlags", true, "fmt", false, function(widPresent_, precPresent_, minus_, plus_, sharp_, space_, zero_, plusV_, sharpV_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.widPresent = false; + this.precPresent = false; + this.minus = false; + this.plus = false; + this.sharp = false; + this.space = false; + this.zero = false; + this.plusV = false; + this.sharpV = false; + return; + } + this.widPresent = widPresent_; + this.precPresent = precPresent_; + this.minus = minus_; + this.plus = plus_; + this.sharp = sharp_; + this.space = space_; + this.zero = zero_; + this.plusV = plusV_; + this.sharpV = sharpV_; + }); + fmt = $pkg.fmt = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.fmt", true, "fmt", false, function(buf_, fmtFlags_, wid_, prec_, intbuf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.buf = ptrType$1.nil; + this.fmtFlags = new fmtFlags.ptr(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); + this.wid = 0; + this.prec = 0; + this.intbuf = arrayType$1.zero(); + return; + } + this.buf = buf_; + this.fmtFlags = fmtFlags_; + this.wid = wid_; + this.prec = prec_; + this.intbuf = intbuf_; + }); + wrapError = $pkg.wrapError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.wrapError", true, "fmt", false, function(msg_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.msg = ""; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.msg = msg_; + this.err = err_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint16, 2); + sliceType = $sliceType(arrayType); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(reflect.rtype); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(buffer); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 68); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(ss); + ptrType$24 = $ptrType(pp); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 6); + funcType = $funcType([$Int32], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$26 = $ptrType(fmt); + ptrType$27 = $ptrType(wrapError); + ss.ptr.prototype.Read = function(buf) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, buf, err, n, s; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + s = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = errors.New("ScanState's Read should not be called. Use ReadRune"); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + ss.prototype.Read = function(buf) { return this.$val.Read(buf); }; + ss.ptr.prototype.ReadRune = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, r, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = 0; + size = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + s = this; + if (s.atEOF || s.count >= s.ssave.argLimit) { + err = io.EOF; + $s = -1; return [r, size, err]; + } + _r = s.rs.ReadRune(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + s.count = s.count + (1) >> 0; + if (s.ssave.nlIsEnd && (r === 10)) { + s.atEOF = true; + } + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + s.atEOF = true; + } + $s = -1; return [r, size, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ss.ptr.prototype.ReadRune, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, r, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + ss.prototype.ReadRune = function() { return this.$val.ReadRune(); }; + ss.ptr.prototype.Width = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, ok, s, wid; + wid = 0; + ok = false; + s = this; + if (s.ssave.maxWid === 1073741824) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = false; + wid = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [wid, ok]; + } + _tmp$2 = s.ssave.maxWid; + _tmp$3 = true; + wid = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [wid, ok]; + }; + ss.prototype.Width = function() { return this.$val.Width(); }; + ss.ptr.prototype.getRune = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = 0; + s = this; + _r = s.ReadRune(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + r = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + r = -1; + $s = -1; return r; + } + s.error(err); + } + $s = -1; return r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ss.ptr.prototype.getRune, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + ss.prototype.getRune = function() { return this.$val.getRune(); }; + ss.ptr.prototype.UnreadRune = function() { + var {_r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r = s.rs.UnreadRune(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + s.atEOF = false; + s.count = s.count - (1) >> 0; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ss.ptr.prototype.UnreadRune, $c: true, $r, _r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + ss.prototype.UnreadRune = function() { return this.$val.UnreadRune(); }; + ss.ptr.prototype.error = function(err) { + var err, s, x; + s = this; + $panic((x = new scanError.ptr(err), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + }; + ss.prototype.error = function(err) { return this.$val.error(err); }; + ss.ptr.prototype.errorString = function(err) { + var err, s, x; + s = this; + $panic((x = new scanError.ptr(errors.New(err)), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + }; + ss.prototype.errorString = function(err) { return this.$val.errorString(err); }; + ss.ptr.prototype.Token = function(skipSpace, f) { + var {$24r, _r, err, f, s, skipSpace, tok, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {skipSpace, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + err = [err]; + tok = sliceType$2.nil; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + s = this; + $deferred.push([(function(err) { return function() { + var _tuple, e, ok, se; + e = $recover(); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + _tuple = $assertType(e, scanError, true); + se = $clone(_tuple[0], scanError); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + err[0] = se.err; + } else { + $panic(e); + } + } + }; })(err), []]); + if (f === $throwNilPointerError) { + f = notSpace; + } + s.buf = $subslice(s.buf, 0, 0); + _r = s.token(skipSpace, f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tok = _r; + $24r = [tok, err[0]]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [tok, err[0]]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: ss.ptr.prototype.Token, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, err, f, s, skipSpace, tok, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + ss.prototype.Token = function(skipSpace, f) { return this.$val.Token(skipSpace, f); }; + isSpace = function(r) { + var _i, _ref, r, rng, rx; + if (r >= 65536) { + return false; + } + rx = ((r << 16 >>> 16)); + _ref = space; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + rng = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), arrayType); + if (rx < rng[0]) { + return false; + } + if (rx <= rng[1]) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + notSpace = function(r) { + var r; + return !isSpace(r); + }; + ss.ptr.prototype.free = function(old) { + var old, s; + s = this; + if (old.validSave) { + ssave.copy(s.ssave, old); + return; + } + if (s.buf.$capacity > 1024) { + return; + } + s.buf = $subslice(s.buf, 0, 0); + s.rs = $ifaceNil; + ssFree.Put(s); + }; + ss.prototype.free = function(old) { return this.$val.free(old); }; + ss.ptr.prototype.SkipSpace = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _v, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = s.getRune(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = _r; + if (r === -1) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if (!(r === 13)) { _v = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$1 = s.peek("\n"); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1; case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 5: + if (r === 10) { + if (s.ssave.nlIsSpace) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + s.errorString("unexpected newline"); + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if (!isSpace(r)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!isSpace(r)) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = s.UnreadRune(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ss.ptr.prototype.SkipSpace, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _v, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + ss.prototype.SkipSpace = function() { return this.$val.SkipSpace(); }; + ss.ptr.prototype.token = function(skipSpace, f) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, f, r, s, skipSpace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {skipSpace, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + /* */ if (skipSpace) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (skipSpace) { */ case 1: + $r = s.SkipSpace(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + _r = s.getRune(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = _r; + if (r === -1) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + _r$1 = f(r); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = s.UnreadRune(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 8: + (s.$ptr_buf || (s.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, s))).writeRune(r); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return $convertSliceType(s.buf, sliceType$2); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ss.ptr.prototype.token, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, f, r, s, skipSpace, $s};return $f; + }; + ss.prototype.token = function(skipSpace, f) { return this.$val.token(skipSpace, f); }; + indexRune = function(s, r) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, c, i, r, s; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i = _i; + c = _rune[0]; + if (c === r) { + return i; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return -1; + }; + ss.ptr.prototype.peek = function(ok) { + var {_r, _r$1, ok, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ok}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r = s.getRune(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = _r; + /* */ if (!((r === -1))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((r === -1))) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = s.UnreadRune(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return indexRune(ok, r) >= 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ss.ptr.prototype.peek, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, ok, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + ss.prototype.peek = function(ok) { return this.$val.peek(ok); }; + $ptrType(buffer).prototype.write = function(p) { + var b, p; + b = this; + b.$set($appendSlice(b.$get(), p)); + }; + $ptrType(buffer).prototype.writeString = function(s) { + var b, s; + b = this; + b.$set($appendSlice(b.$get(), s)); + }; + $ptrType(buffer).prototype.writeByte = function(c) { + var b, c; + b = this; + b.$set($append(b.$get(), c)); + }; + $ptrType(buffer).prototype.writeRune = function(r) { + var b, bp, n, r, w; + bp = this; + if (r < 128) { + bp.$set($append(bp.$get(), ((r << 24 >>> 24)))); + return; + } + b = bp.$get(); + n = b.$length; + while (true) { + if (!((n + 4 >> 0) > b.$capacity)) { break; } + b = $append(b, 0); + } + w = utf8.EncodeRune($convertSliceType($subslice(b, n, (n + 4 >> 0)), sliceType$2), r); + bp.$set($subslice(b, 0, (n + w >> 0))); + }; + newPrinter = function() { + var {_r, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = ppFree.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = $assertType(_r, ptrType$24); + p.panicking = false; + p.erroring = false; + p.wrapErrs = false; + p.fmt.init((p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p)))); + $s = -1; return p; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newPrinter, $c: true, $r, _r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.ptr.prototype.free = function() { + var p; + p = this; + if (p.buf.$capacity > 65536) { + return; + } + p.buf = $subslice(p.buf, 0, 0); + p.arg = $ifaceNil; + p.value = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType.nil, 0, 0); + p.wrappedErr = $ifaceNil; + ppFree.Put(p); + }; + pp.prototype.free = function() { return this.$val.free(); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.Width = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, ok, p, wid; + wid = 0; + ok = false; + p = this; + _tmp = p.fmt.wid; + _tmp$1 = p.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent; + wid = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [wid, ok]; + }; + pp.prototype.Width = function() { return this.$val.Width(); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.Precision = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, ok, p, prec; + prec = 0; + ok = false; + p = this; + _tmp = p.fmt.prec; + _tmp$1 = p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent; + prec = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [prec, ok]; + }; + pp.prototype.Precision = function() { return this.$val.Precision(); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.Flag = function(b) { + var _1, b, p; + p = this; + _1 = b; + if (_1 === (45)) { + return p.fmt.fmtFlags.minus; + } else if (_1 === (43)) { + return p.fmt.fmtFlags.plus || p.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV; + } else if (_1 === (35)) { + return p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp || p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV; + } else if (_1 === (32)) { + return p.fmt.fmtFlags.space; + } else if (_1 === (48)) { + return p.fmt.fmtFlags.zero; + } + return false; + }; + pp.prototype.Flag = function(b) { return this.$val.Flag(b); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.Write = function(b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, b, err, p, ret; + ret = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + p = this; + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).write(b); + _tmp = b.$length; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + ret = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [ret, err]; + }; + pp.prototype.Write = function(b) { return this.$val.Write(b); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, p, ret, s; + ret = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + p = this; + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(s); + _tmp = s.length; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + ret = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [ret, err]; + }; + pp.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); }; + Fprintf = function(w, format, a) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, a, err, format, n, p, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, format, a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = newPrinter(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r; + $r = p.doPrintf(format, a); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = w.Write($convertSliceType(p.buf, sliceType$2)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + p.free(); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fprintf, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, a, err, format, n, p, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Fprintf = Fprintf; + Sprintf = function(format, a) { + var {_r, a, format, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = newPrinter(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r; + $r = p.doPrintf(format, a); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = ($bytesToString(p.buf)); + p.free(); + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Sprintf, $c: true, $r, _r, a, format, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Sprintf = Sprintf; + Fprint = function(w, a) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, a, err, n, p, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = newPrinter(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r; + $r = p.doPrint(a); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = w.Write($convertSliceType(p.buf, sliceType$2)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + p.free(); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fprint, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, a, err, n, p, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Fprint = Fprint; + Sprint = function(a) { + var {_r, a, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = newPrinter(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r; + $r = p.doPrint(a); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = ($bytesToString(p.buf)); + p.free(); + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Sprint, $c: true, $r, _r, a, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Sprint = Sprint; + Fprintln = function(w, a) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, a, err, n, p, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = newPrinter(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r; + $r = p.doPrintln(a); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = w.Write($convertSliceType(p.buf, sliceType$2)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + p.free(); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fprintln, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, a, err, n, p, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Fprintln = Fprintln; + Sprintln = function(a) { + var {_r, a, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = newPrinter(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r; + $r = p.doPrintln(a); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = ($bytesToString(p.buf)); + p.free(); + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Sprintln, $c: true, $r, _r, a, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Sprintln = Sprintln; + getField = function(v, i) { + var {_r, _r$1, i, v, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Field(i); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r; + /* */ if (($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) && !$clone(val, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) && !$clone(val, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return val; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getField, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, i, v, val, $s};return $f; + }; + tooLarge = function(x) { + var x; + return x > 1000000 || x < -1000000; + }; + parsenum = function(s, start, end) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, end, isnum, newi, num, s, start; + num = 0; + isnum = false; + newi = 0; + if (start >= end) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = false; + _tmp$2 = end; + num = _tmp; + isnum = _tmp$1; + newi = _tmp$2; + return [num, isnum, newi]; + } + newi = start; + while (true) { + if (!(newi < end && 48 <= s.charCodeAt(newi) && s.charCodeAt(newi) <= 57)) { break; } + if (tooLarge(num)) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = false; + _tmp$5 = end; + num = _tmp$3; + isnum = _tmp$4; + newi = _tmp$5; + return [num, isnum, newi]; + } + num = ($imul(num, 10)) + (((s.charCodeAt(newi) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)) >> 0; + isnum = true; + newi = newi + (1) >> 0; + } + return [num, isnum, newi]; + }; + pp.ptr.prototype.unknownType = function(v) { + var {_r, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (!$clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(""); + $s = -1; return; + } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(63); + _r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(63); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.unknownType, $c: true, $r, _r, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.unknownType = function(v) { return this.$val.unknownType(v); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.badVerb = function(verb) { + var {_r, _r$1, p, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {verb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + p.erroring = true; + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("%!"); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeRune(verb); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(40); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.arg, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($clone(p.value, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.arg, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r = reflect.TypeOf(p.arg).String(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(_r); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(61); + $r = p.printArg(p.arg, 118); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if ($clone(p.value, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = $clone(p.value, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(_r$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(61); + $r = p.printValue($clone(p.value, reflect.Value), 118, 0); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(""); + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(41); + p.erroring = false; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.badVerb, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, p, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.badVerb = function(verb) { return this.$val.badVerb(verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.fmtBool = function(v, verb) { + var {_1, p, v, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, verb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _1 = verb; + /* */ if ((_1 === (116)) || (_1 === (118))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (116)) || (_1 === (118))) { */ case 2: + p.fmt.fmtBoolean(v); + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + $r = p.badVerb(verb); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtBool, $c: true, $r, _1, p, v, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.fmtBool = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmtBool(v, verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.fmt0x64 = function(v, leading0x) { + var leading0x, p, sharp, v; + p = this; + sharp = p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp = leading0x; + p.fmt.fmtInteger(v, 16, false, 118, "0123456789abcdefx"); + p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp = sharp; + }; + pp.prototype.fmt0x64 = function(v, leading0x) { return this.$val.fmt0x64(v, leading0x); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.fmtInteger = function(v, isSigned, verb) { + var {_1, isSigned, p, v, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, isSigned, verb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _1 = verb; + /* */ if (_1 === (118)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (100)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (98)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (111)) || (_1 === (79))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (120)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (88)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (99)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (113)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (85)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_1 === (118)) { */ case 2: + if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV && !isSigned) { + p.fmt0x64(v, true); + } else { + p.fmt.fmtInteger(v, 10, isSigned, verb, "0123456789abcdefx"); + } + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (100)) { */ case 3: + p.fmt.fmtInteger(v, 10, isSigned, verb, "0123456789abcdefx"); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (98)) { */ case 4: + p.fmt.fmtInteger(v, 2, isSigned, verb, "0123456789abcdefx"); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (111)) || (_1 === (79))) { */ case 5: + p.fmt.fmtInteger(v, 8, isSigned, verb, "0123456789abcdefx"); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (120)) { */ case 6: + p.fmt.fmtInteger(v, 16, isSigned, verb, "0123456789abcdefx"); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (88)) { */ case 7: + p.fmt.fmtInteger(v, 16, isSigned, verb, "0123456789ABCDEFX"); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (99)) { */ case 8: + p.fmt.fmtC(v); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (113)) { */ case 9: + p.fmt.fmtQc(v); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (85)) { */ case 10: + p.fmt.fmtUnicode(v); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + $r = p.badVerb(verb); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 12: + case 1: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtInteger, $c: true, $r, _1, isSigned, p, v, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.fmtInteger = function(v, isSigned, verb) { return this.$val.fmtInteger(v, isSigned, verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.fmtFloat = function(v, size, verb) { + var {_1, p, size, v, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, size, verb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _1 = verb; + /* */ if (_1 === (118)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (98)) || (_1 === (103)) || (_1 === (71)) || (_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (88))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (102)) || (_1 === (101)) || (_1 === (69))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (70)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (118)) { */ case 2: + p.fmt.fmtFloat(v, size, 103, -1); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (98)) || (_1 === (103)) || (_1 === (71)) || (_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (88))) { */ case 3: + p.fmt.fmtFloat(v, size, verb, -1); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (102)) || (_1 === (101)) || (_1 === (69))) { */ case 4: + p.fmt.fmtFloat(v, size, verb, 6); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (70)) { */ case 5: + p.fmt.fmtFloat(v, size, 102, 6); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + $r = p.badVerb(verb); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtFloat, $c: true, $r, _1, p, size, v, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.fmtFloat = function(v, size, verb) { return this.$val.fmtFloat(v, size, verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.fmtComplex = function(v, size, verb) { + var {_1, _q, _q$1, oldPlus, p, size, v, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, size, verb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _1 = verb; + /* */ if ((_1 === (118)) || (_1 === (98)) || (_1 === (103)) || (_1 === (71)) || (_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (88)) || (_1 === (102)) || (_1 === (70)) || (_1 === (101)) || (_1 === (69))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (118)) || (_1 === (98)) || (_1 === (103)) || (_1 === (71)) || (_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (88)) || (_1 === (102)) || (_1 === (70)) || (_1 === (101)) || (_1 === (69))) { */ case 2: + oldPlus = p.fmt.fmtFlags.plus; + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(40); + $r = p.fmtFloat(v.$real, (_q = size / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), verb); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p.fmt.fmtFlags.plus = true; + $r = p.fmtFloat(v.$imag, (_q$1 = size / 2, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), verb); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("i)"); + p.fmt.fmtFlags.plus = oldPlus; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + $r = p.badVerb(verb); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtComplex, $c: true, $r, _1, _q, _q$1, oldPlus, p, size, v, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.fmtComplex = function(v, size, verb) { return this.$val.fmtComplex(v, size, verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.fmtString = function(v, verb) { + var {_1, p, v, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, verb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _1 = verb; + /* */ if (_1 === (118)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (115)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (120)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (88)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (113)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_1 === (118)) { */ case 2: + if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { + p.fmt.fmtQ(v); + } else { + p.fmt.fmtS(v); + } + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (115)) { */ case 3: + p.fmt.fmtS(v); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (120)) { */ case 4: + p.fmt.fmtSx(v, "0123456789abcdefx"); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (88)) { */ case 5: + p.fmt.fmtSx(v, "0123456789ABCDEFX"); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (113)) { */ case 6: + p.fmt.fmtQ(v); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + $r = p.badVerb(verb); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + case 1: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtString, $c: true, $r, _1, p, v, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.fmtString = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmtString(v, verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.fmtBytes = function(v, verb, typeString) { + var {_1, _i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, c, c$1, i, i$1, p, typeString, v, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, verb, typeString}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _1 = verb; + /* */ if ((_1 === (118)) || (_1 === (100))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (115)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (120)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (88)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (113)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (118)) || (_1 === (100))) { */ case 2: + if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(typeString); + if (v === sliceType$2.nil) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("(nil)"); + $s = -1; return; + } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(123); + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (i > 0) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(", "); + } + p.fmt0x64((new $Uint64(0, c)), true); + _i++; + } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(125); + } else { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(91); + _ref$1 = v; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + c$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (i$1 > 0) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(32); + } + p.fmt.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, c$1)), 10, false, verb, "0123456789abcdefx"); + _i$1++; + } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(93); + } + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (115)) { */ case 3: + p.fmt.fmtBs(v); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (120)) { */ case 4: + p.fmt.fmtBx(v, "0123456789abcdefx"); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (88)) { */ case 5: + p.fmt.fmtBx(v, "0123456789ABCDEFX"); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (113)) { */ case 6: + p.fmt.fmtQ(($bytesToString(v))); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + _r = reflect.ValueOf(v); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.printValue($clone(_r, reflect.Value), verb, 0); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + case 1: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtBytes, $c: true, $r, _1, _i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, c, c$1, i, i$1, p, typeString, v, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.fmtBytes = function(v, verb, typeString) { return this.$val.fmtBytes(v, verb, typeString); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.fmtPointer = function(value, verb) { + var {_1, _2, _r, p, u, value, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {value, verb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + u = 0; + _1 = $clone(value, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (26))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (26))) { */ case 2: + u = $clone(value, reflect.Value).Pointer(); + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + $r = p.badVerb(verb); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + _2 = verb; + /* */ if (_2 === (118)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (112)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if ((_2 === (98)) || (_2 === (111)) || (_2 === (100)) || (_2 === (120)) || (_2 === (88))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_2 === (118)) { */ case 7: + /* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 12: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(40); + _r = $clone(value, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(_r); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(")("); + if (u === 0) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("nil"); + } else { + p.fmt0x64((new $Uint64(0, u.constructor === Number ? u : 1)), true); + } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(41); + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + if (u === 0) { + p.fmt.padString(""); + } else { + p.fmt0x64((new $Uint64(0, u.constructor === Number ? u : 1)), !p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp); + } + /* } */ case 14: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (112)) { */ case 8: + p.fmt0x64((new $Uint64(0, u.constructor === Number ? u : 1)), !p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp); + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ((_2 === (98)) || (_2 === (111)) || (_2 === (100)) || (_2 === (120)) || (_2 === (88))) { */ case 9: + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, u.constructor === Number ? u : 1)), false, verb); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + $r = p.badVerb(verb); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 11: + case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtPointer, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _r, p, u, value, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.fmtPointer = function(value, verb) { return this.$val.fmtPointer(value, verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.catchPanic = function(arg, verb, method) { + var {_r, arg, err, method, oldFlags, p, v, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arg, verb, method}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + err = $recover(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r = reflect.ValueOf(arg); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(""); + $s = -1; return; + } + if (p.panicking) { + $panic(err); + } + oldFlags = $clone(p.fmt.fmtFlags, fmtFlags); + p.fmt.clearflags(); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("%!"); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeRune(verb); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("(PANIC="); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(method); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(" method: "); + p.panicking = true; + $r = p.printArg(err, 118); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p.panicking = false; + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(41); + fmtFlags.copy(p.fmt.fmtFlags, oldFlags); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.catchPanic, $c: true, $r, _r, arg, err, method, oldFlags, p, v, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.catchPanic = function(arg, verb, method) { return this.$val.catchPanic(arg, verb, method); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.handleMethods = function(verb) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, formatter, handled, ok, ok$1, ok$2, p, stringer, v, v$1, verb, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {verb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + handled = false; + p = this; + /* */ if (p.erroring) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p.erroring) { */ case 1: + $24r = handled; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (verb === 119) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (verb === 119) { */ case 4: + _tuple = $assertType(p.arg, $error, true); + err = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok || !p.wrapErrs || !($interfaceIsEqual(p.wrappedErr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!ok || !p.wrapErrs || !($interfaceIsEqual(p.wrappedErr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + p.wrappedErr = $ifaceNil; + p.wrapErrs = false; + $r = p.badVerb(verb); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + handled = true; + $24r$1 = handled; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + p.wrappedErr = err; + verb = 118; + /* } */ case 5: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(p.arg, Formatter, true); + formatter = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 10: + handled = true; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p, "catchPanic"), [p.arg, verb, "Format"]]); + $r = formatter.Format(p, verb); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = handled; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 14: + _tuple$2 = $assertType(p.arg, GoStringer, true); + stringer = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (ok$2) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (ok$2) { */ case 17: + handled = true; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p, "catchPanic"), [p.arg, verb, "GoString"]]); + _r = stringer.GoString(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.fmt.fmtS(_r); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = handled; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 18: + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else { */ case 15: + _1 = verb; + /* */ if ((_1 === (118)) || (_1 === (115)) || (_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (88)) || (_1 === (113))) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (118)) || (_1 === (115)) || (_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (88)) || (_1 === (113))) { */ case 23: + _ref = p.arg; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $error, true)[1]) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, Stringer, true)[1]) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, $error, true)[1]) { */ case 25: + v = _ref; + handled = true; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p, "catchPanic"), [p.arg, verb, "Error"]]); + _r$1 = v.Error(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.fmtString(_r$1, verb); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = handled; + $s = 30; case 30: return $24r$4; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, Stringer, true)[1]) { */ case 26: + v$1 = _ref; + handled = true; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p, "catchPanic"), [p.arg, verb, "String"]]); + _r$2 = v$1.String(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.fmtString(_r$2, verb); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = handled; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 27: + /* } */ case 24: + case 22: + /* } */ case 16: + handled = false; + $24r$6 = handled; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$6; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return handled; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.handleMethods, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, formatter, handled, ok, ok$1, ok$2, p, stringer, v, v$1, verb, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + pp.prototype.handleMethods = function(verb) { return this.$val.handleMethods(verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.printArg = function(arg, verb) { + var {_1, _2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, arg, f, f$1, f$10, f$11, f$12, f$13, f$14, f$15, f$16, f$17, f$18, f$19, f$2, f$3, f$4, f$5, f$6, f$7, f$8, f$9, p, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arg, verb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + p.arg = arg; + p.value = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType.nil, 0, 0); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(arg, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(arg, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 1: + _1 = verb; + /* */ if ((_1 === (84)) || (_1 === (118))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (84)) || (_1 === (118))) { */ case 4: + p.fmt.padString(""); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + $r = p.badVerb(verb); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _2 = verb; + /* */ if (_2 === (84)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (112)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_2 === (84)) { */ case 9: + _r = reflect.TypeOf(arg).String(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.fmt.fmtS(_r); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } else if (_2 === (112)) { */ case 10: + _r$1 = reflect.ValueOf(arg); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.fmtPointer($clone(_r$1, reflect.Value), 112); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 11: + case 8: + _ref = arg; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Bool, true)[1]) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Float32, true)[1]) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Float64, true)[1]) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Complex64, true)[1]) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Complex128, true)[1]) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Int, true)[1]) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Int8, true)[1]) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Int16, true)[1]) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Int32, true)[1]) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Int64, true)[1]) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint, true)[1]) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint8, true)[1]) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint16, true)[1]) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint32, true)[1]) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint64, true)[1]) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Uintptr, true)[1]) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $String, true)[1]) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$2, true)[1]) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, reflect.Value, true)[1]) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, $Bool, true)[1]) { */ case 16: + f = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtBool(f, verb); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Float32, true)[1]) { */ case 17: + f$1 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtFloat((f$1), 32, verb); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Float64, true)[1]) { */ case 18: + f$2 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtFloat(f$2, 64, verb); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Complex64, true)[1]) { */ case 19: + f$3 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtComplex((new $Complex128(f$3.$real, f$3.$imag)), 64, verb); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Complex128, true)[1]) { */ case 20: + f$4 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtComplex(f$4, 128, verb); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int, true)[1]) { */ case 21: + f$5 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, f$5)), true, verb); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int8, true)[1]) { */ case 22: + f$6 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, f$6)), true, verb); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int16, true)[1]) { */ case 23: + f$7 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, f$7)), true, verb); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int32, true)[1]) { */ case 24: + f$8 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, f$8)), true, verb); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int64, true)[1]) { */ case 25: + f$9 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(f$9.$high, f$9.$low)), true, verb); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint, true)[1]) { */ case 26: + f$10 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, f$10)), false, verb); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint8, true)[1]) { */ case 27: + f$11 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, f$11)), false, verb); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint16, true)[1]) { */ case 28: + f$12 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, f$12)), false, verb); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint32, true)[1]) { */ case 29: + f$13 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, f$13)), false, verb); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint64, true)[1]) { */ case 30: + f$14 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger(f$14, false, verb); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uintptr, true)[1]) { */ case 31: + f$15 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtInteger((new $Uint64(0, f$15.constructor === Number ? f$15 : 1)), false, verb); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $String, true)[1]) { */ case 32: + f$16 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtString(f$16, verb); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$2, true)[1]) { */ case 33: + f$17 = _ref.$val; + $r = p.fmtBytes(f$17, verb, "[]byte"); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, reflect.Value, true)[1]) { */ case 34: + f$18 = _ref.$val; + /* */ if ($clone(f$18, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $clone(f$18, reflect.Value).CanInterface()) { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ $s = 56; continue; + /* if ($clone(f$18, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $clone(f$18, reflect.Value).CanInterface()) { */ case 55: + _r$2 = $clone(f$18, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p.arg = _r$2; + _r$3 = p.handleMethods(verb); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 58; continue; } + /* */ $s = 59; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 58: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 59: + /* } */ case 56: + $r = p.printValue($clone(f$18, reflect.Value), verb, 0); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else { */ case 35: + f$19 = _ref; + _r$4 = p.handleMethods(verb); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$4) { $s = 62; continue; } + /* */ $s = 63; continue; + /* if (!_r$4) { */ case 62: + _r$5 = reflect.ValueOf(f$19); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.printValue($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value), verb, 0); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 63: + /* } */ case 36: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.printArg, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, arg, f, f$1, f$10, f$11, f$12, f$13, f$14, f$15, f$16, f$17, f$18, f$19, f$2, f$3, f$4, f$5, f$6, f$7, f$8, f$9, p, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.printArg = function(arg, verb) { return this.$val.printArg(arg, verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.printValue = function(value, verb, depth) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _4, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, a, bytes, depth, f, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, key, name, p, sorted, t, value, value$1, verb, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {value, verb, depth}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + /* */ if (depth > 0 && $clone(value, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $clone(value, reflect.Value).CanInterface()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (depth > 0 && $clone(value, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $clone(value, reflect.Value).CanInterface()) { */ case 1: + _r = $clone(value, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p.arg = _r; + _r$1 = p.handleMethods(verb); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 5: + /* } */ case 2: + p.arg = $ifaceNil; + p.value = value; + f = value; + _1 = $clone(value, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (21)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (23))) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (26))) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 8: + /* */ if (depth === 0) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (depth === 0) { */ case 25: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(""); + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else { */ case 26: + _2 = verb; + /* */ if (_2 === (118)) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (_2 === (118)) { */ case 29: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(""); + $s = 31; continue; + /* } else { */ case 30: + $r = p.badVerb(verb); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 31: + case 28: + /* } */ case 27: + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 9: + $r = p.fmtBool($clone(f, reflect.Value).Bool(), verb); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 10: + $r = p.fmtInteger(((x = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Int(), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))), true, verb); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { */ case 11: + $r = p.fmtInteger($clone(f, reflect.Value).Uint(), false, verb); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 12: + $r = p.fmtFloat($clone(f, reflect.Value).Float(), 32, verb); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 13: + $r = p.fmtFloat($clone(f, reflect.Value).Float(), 64, verb); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 14: + $r = p.fmtComplex($clone(f, reflect.Value).Complex(), 64, verb); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 15: + $r = p.fmtComplex($clone(f, reflect.Value).Complex(), 128, verb); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 16: + _r$2 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.fmtString(_r$2, verb); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (21)) { */ case 17: + /* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 42: + _r$3 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(_r$3); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if ($clone(f, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("(nil)"); + $s = -1; return; + } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(123); + $s = 44; continue; + /* } else { */ case 43: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("map["); + /* } */ case 44: + _r$4 = fmtsort.Sort($clone(f, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sorted = _r$4; + _ref = sorted.Key; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 48: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 49; continue; } + i = _i; + key = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (i > 0) { + if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(", "); + } else { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(32); + } + } + $r = p.printValue($clone(key, reflect.Value), verb, depth + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(58); + $r = p.printValue($clone((x$1 = sorted.Value, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])), reflect.Value), verb, depth + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 48; continue; + case 49: + if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(125); + } else { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(93); + } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 18: + /* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 52; continue; } + /* */ $s = 53; continue; + /* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 52: + _r$5 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(_r$5); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 53: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(123); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 56: + /* if (!(i$1 < $clone(f, reflect.Value).NumField())) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < $clone(f, reflect.Value).NumField())) { $s = 57; continue; } + if (i$1 > 0) { + if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(", "); + } else { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(32); + } + } + /* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV || p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 58; continue; } + /* */ $s = 59; continue; + /* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV || p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 58: + _r$6 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Type().Field(i$1); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r$6.Name; + if (!(name === "")) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(name); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(58); + } + /* } */ case 59: + _r$7 = getField($clone(f, reflect.Value), i$1); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.printValue($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value), verb, depth + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 56; continue; + case 57: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(125); + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 19: + _r$8 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + value$1 = _r$8; + /* */ if (!$clone(value$1, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 64; continue; } + /* */ $s = 65; continue; + /* if (!$clone(value$1, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 64: + /* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 67; continue; } + /* */ $s = 68; continue; + /* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 67: + _r$9 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(_r$9); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("(nil)"); + $s = 69; continue; + /* } else { */ case 68: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(""); + /* } */ case 69: + $s = 66; continue; + /* } else { */ case 65: + $r = p.printValue($clone(value$1, reflect.Value), verb, depth + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 66: + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (23))) { */ case 20: + _3 = verb; + /* */ if ((_3 === (115)) || (_3 === (113)) || (_3 === (120)) || (_3 === (88))) { $s = 74; continue; } + /* */ $s = 75; continue; + /* if ((_3 === (115)) || (_3 === (113)) || (_3 === (120)) || (_3 === (88))) { */ case 74: + t = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Type(); + _r$10 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 78; case 78: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = _r$10.Kind(); /* */ $s = 79; case 79: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$11 === 8) { $s = 76; continue; } + /* */ $s = 77; continue; + /* if (_r$11 === 8) { */ case 76: + bytes = sliceType$2.nil; + /* */ if ($clone(f, reflect.Value).Kind() === 23) { $s = 80; continue; } + /* */ if ($clone(f, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 81; continue; } + /* */ $s = 82; continue; + /* if ($clone(f, reflect.Value).Kind() === 23) { */ case 80: + _r$12 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 84; case 84: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bytes = _r$12; + $s = 83; continue; + /* } else if ($clone(f, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 81: + _r$13 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Slice(0, $clone(f, reflect.Value).Len()); /* */ $s = 85; case 85: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $clone(_r$13, reflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 86; case 86: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bytes = _r$14; + $s = 83; continue; + /* } else { */ case 82: + bytes = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, $clone(f, reflect.Value).Len()); + _ref$1 = bytes; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 87: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 88; continue; } + i$2 = _i$1; + _r$15 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Index(i$2); /* */ $s = 89; case 89: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = $clone(_r$15, reflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 90; case 90: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= bytes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + i$2] = ((_r$16.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + _i$1++; + $s = 87; continue; + case 88: + /* } */ case 83: + _arg = bytes; + _arg$1 = verb; + _r$17 = t.String(); /* */ $s = 91; case 91: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$17; + $r = p.fmtBytes(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 92; case 92: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 77: + /* } */ case 75: + case 73: + /* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 93; continue; } + /* */ $s = 94; continue; + /* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 93: + _r$18 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 96; case 96: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(_r$18); /* */ $s = 97; case 97: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (($clone(f, reflect.Value).Kind() === 23) && $clone(f, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("(nil)"); + $s = -1; return; + } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(123); + i$3 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 98: + /* if (!(i$3 < $clone(f, reflect.Value).Len())) { break; } */ if(!(i$3 < $clone(f, reflect.Value).Len())) { $s = 99; continue; } + if (i$3 > 0) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(", "); + } + _r$19 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Index(i$3); /* */ $s = 100; case 100: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.printValue($clone(_r$19, reflect.Value), verb, depth + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 101; case 101: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 98; continue; + case 99: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(125); + $s = 95; continue; + /* } else { */ case 94: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(91); + i$4 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 102: + /* if (!(i$4 < $clone(f, reflect.Value).Len())) { break; } */ if(!(i$4 < $clone(f, reflect.Value).Len())) { $s = 103; continue; } + if (i$4 > 0) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(32); + } + _r$20 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Index(i$4); /* */ $s = 104; case 104: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.printValue($clone(_r$20, reflect.Value), verb, depth + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 105; case 105: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$4 = i$4 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 102; continue; + case 103: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(93); + /* } */ case 95: + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 21: + /* */ if ((depth === 0) && !(($clone(f, reflect.Value).Pointer() === 0))) { $s = 106; continue; } + /* */ $s = 107; continue; + /* if ((depth === 0) && !(($clone(f, reflect.Value).Pointer() === 0))) { */ case 106: + _r$21 = $clone(f, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 109; case 109: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + a = _r$21; + _4 = $clone(a, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if ((_4 === (17)) || (_4 === (23)) || (_4 === (25)) || (_4 === (21))) { $s = 110; continue; } + /* */ $s = 111; continue; + /* if ((_4 === (17)) || (_4 === (23)) || (_4 === (25)) || (_4 === (21))) { */ case 110: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(38); + $r = p.printValue($clone(a, reflect.Value), verb, depth + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 112; case 112: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 111: + case 108: + /* } */ case 107: + $r = p.fmtPointer($clone(f, reflect.Value), verb); /* */ $s = 113; case 113: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (26))) { */ case 22: + $r = p.fmtPointer($clone(f, reflect.Value), verb); /* */ $s = 114; case 114: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else { */ case 23: + $r = p.unknownType($clone(f, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 115; case 115: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 24: + case 7: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.printValue, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _4, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, a, bytes, depth, f, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, key, name, p, sorted, t, value, value$1, verb, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.printValue = function(value, verb, depth) { return this.$val.printValue(value, verb, depth); }; + intFromArg = function(a, argNum) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, a, argNum, isInt, n, n$1, newArgNum, num, v, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a, argNum}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + num = 0; + isInt = false; + newArgNum = 0; + newArgNum = argNum; + /* */ if (argNum < a.$length) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (argNum < a.$length) { */ case 1: + _tuple = $assertType(((argNum < 0 || argNum >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + argNum]), $Int, true); + num = _tuple[0]; + isInt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!isInt) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!isInt) { */ case 3: + _r = reflect.ValueOf(((argNum < 0 || argNum >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + argNum])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + _1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { + n = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Int(); + if ((x = (new $Int64(0, (((n.$low + ((n.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))), (x.$high === n.$high && x.$low === n.$low))) { + num = (((n.$low + ((n.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + isInt = true; + } + } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { + n$1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Uint(); + if ((x$1 = (new $Int64(n$1.$high, n$1.$low)), (x$1.$high > 0 || (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low >= 0))) && (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, ((n$1.$low >> 0)))), (x$2.$high === n$1.$high && x$2.$low === n$1.$low))) { + num = ((n$1.$low >> 0)); + isInt = true; + } + } + case 5: + /* } */ case 4: + newArgNum = argNum + 1 >> 0; + if (tooLarge(num)) { + num = 0; + isInt = false; + } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return [num, isInt, newArgNum]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: intFromArg, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, a, argNum, isInt, n, n$1, newArgNum, num, v, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + parseArgNumber = function(format) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, format, i, index, newi, ok, ok$1, wid, width; + index = 0; + wid = 0; + ok = false; + if (format.length < 3) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 1; + _tmp$2 = false; + index = _tmp; + wid = _tmp$1; + ok = _tmp$2; + return [index, wid, ok]; + } + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < format.length)) { break; } + if (format.charCodeAt(i) === 93) { + _tuple = parsenum(format, 1, i); + width = _tuple[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple[1]; + newi = _tuple[2]; + if (!ok$1 || !((newi === i))) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = i + 1 >> 0; + _tmp$5 = false; + index = _tmp$3; + wid = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [index, wid, ok]; + } + _tmp$6 = width - 1 >> 0; + _tmp$7 = i + 1 >> 0; + _tmp$8 = true; + index = _tmp$6; + wid = _tmp$7; + ok = _tmp$8; + return [index, wid, ok]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$9 = 0; + _tmp$10 = 1; + _tmp$11 = false; + index = _tmp$9; + wid = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [index, wid, ok]; + }; + pp.ptr.prototype.argNumber = function(argNum, format, i, numArgs) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, argNum, format, found, i, index, newArgNum, newi, numArgs, ok, p, wid; + newArgNum = 0; + newi = 0; + found = false; + p = this; + if (format.length <= i || !((format.charCodeAt(i) === 91))) { + _tmp = argNum; + _tmp$1 = i; + _tmp$2 = false; + newArgNum = _tmp; + newi = _tmp$1; + found = _tmp$2; + return [newArgNum, newi, found]; + } + p.reordered = true; + _tuple = parseArgNumber($substring(format, i)); + index = _tuple[0]; + wid = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (ok && 0 <= index && index < numArgs) { + _tmp$3 = index; + _tmp$4 = i + wid >> 0; + _tmp$5 = true; + newArgNum = _tmp$3; + newi = _tmp$4; + found = _tmp$5; + return [newArgNum, newi, found]; + } + p.goodArgNum = false; + _tmp$6 = argNum; + _tmp$7 = i + wid >> 0; + _tmp$8 = ok; + newArgNum = _tmp$6; + newi = _tmp$7; + found = _tmp$8; + return [newArgNum, newi, found]; + }; + pp.prototype.argNumber = function(argNum, format, i, numArgs) { return this.$val.argNumber(argNum, format, i, numArgs); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.badArgNum = function(verb) { + var p, verb; + p = this; + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("%!"); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeRune(verb); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("(BADINDEX)"); + }; + pp.prototype.badArgNum = function(verb) { return this.$val.badArgNum(verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.missingArg = function(verb) { + var p, verb; + p = this; + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("%!"); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeRune(verb); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("(MISSING)"); + }; + pp.prototype.missingArg = function(verb) { return this.$val.missingArg(verb); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.doPrintf = function(format, a) { + var {_1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, a, afterIndex, arg, argNum, c, end, format, i, i$1, lasti, p, size, verb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + end = format.length; + argNum = 0; + afterIndex = false; + p.reordered = false; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < end)) { break; } */ if(!(i < end)) { $s = 2; continue; } + p.goodArgNum = true; + lasti = i; + while (true) { + if (!(i < end && !((format.charCodeAt(i) === 37)))) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (i > lasti) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString($substring(format, lasti, i)); + } + if (i >= end) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + p.fmt.clearflags(); + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < end)) { break; } */ if(!(i < end)) { $s = 4; continue; } + c = format.charCodeAt(i); + _1 = c; + /* */ if (_1 === (35)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (48)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (43)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (45)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (32)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_1 === (35)) { */ case 6: + p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp = true; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (48)) { */ case 7: + p.fmt.fmtFlags.zero = !p.fmt.fmtFlags.minus; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (43)) { */ case 8: + p.fmt.fmtFlags.plus = true; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (45)) { */ case 9: + p.fmt.fmtFlags.minus = true; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.zero = false; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (32)) { */ case 10: + p.fmt.fmtFlags.space = true; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + /* */ if (97 <= c && c <= 122 && argNum < a.$length) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (97 <= c && c <= 122 && argNum < a.$length) { */ case 13: + if (c === 118) { + p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV = p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp = false; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV = p.fmt.fmtFlags.plus; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.plus = false; + } + $r = p.printArg(((argNum < 0 || argNum >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + argNum]), ((c >> 0))); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + argNum = argNum + (1) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue formatLoop; */ $s = 1; continue s; + /* } */ case 14: + /* break simpleFormat; */ $s = 4; continue s; + /* } */ case 12: + case 5: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _tuple = p.argNumber(argNum, format, i, a.$length); + argNum = _tuple[0]; + i = _tuple[1]; + afterIndex = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (i < end && (format.charCodeAt(i) === 42)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (i < end && (format.charCodeAt(i) === 42)) { */ case 16: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + _r = intFromArg(a, argNum); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + p.fmt.wid = _tuple$1[0]; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent = _tuple$1[1]; + argNum = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!p.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("%!(BADWIDTH)"); + } + if (p.fmt.wid < 0) { + p.fmt.wid = -p.fmt.wid; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.minus = true; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.zero = false; + } + afterIndex = false; + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else { */ case 17: + _tuple$2 = parsenum(format, i, end); + p.fmt.wid = _tuple$2[0]; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent = _tuple$2[1]; + i = _tuple$2[2]; + if (afterIndex && p.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent) { + p.goodArgNum = false; + } + /* } */ case 18: + /* */ if ((i + 1 >> 0) < end && (format.charCodeAt(i) === 46)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if ((i + 1 >> 0) < end && (format.charCodeAt(i) === 46)) { */ case 20: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (afterIndex) { + p.goodArgNum = false; + } + _tuple$3 = p.argNumber(argNum, format, i, a.$length); + argNum = _tuple$3[0]; + i = _tuple$3[1]; + afterIndex = _tuple$3[2]; + /* */ if (i < end && (format.charCodeAt(i) === 42)) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (i < end && (format.charCodeAt(i) === 42)) { */ case 22: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + _r$1 = intFromArg(a, argNum); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$1; + p.fmt.prec = _tuple$4[0]; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent = _tuple$4[1]; + argNum = _tuple$4[2]; + if (p.fmt.prec < 0) { + p.fmt.prec = 0; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent = false; + } + if (!p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("%!(BADPREC)"); + } + afterIndex = false; + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else { */ case 23: + _tuple$5 = parsenum(format, i, end); + p.fmt.prec = _tuple$5[0]; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent = _tuple$5[1]; + i = _tuple$5[2]; + if (!p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent) { + p.fmt.prec = 0; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent = true; + } + /* } */ case 24: + /* } */ case 21: + if (!afterIndex) { + _tuple$6 = p.argNumber(argNum, format, i, a.$length); + argNum = _tuple$6[0]; + i = _tuple$6[1]; + afterIndex = _tuple$6[2]; + } + if (i >= end) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("%!(NOVERB)"); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _tmp = ((format.charCodeAt(i) >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = 1; + verb = _tmp; + size = _tmp$1; + if (verb >= 128) { + _tuple$7 = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(format, i)); + verb = _tuple$7[0]; + size = _tuple$7[1]; + } + i = i + (size) >> 0; + /* */ if ((verb === 37)) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ if (!p.goodArgNum) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ if (argNum >= a.$length) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ if ((verb === 118)) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if ((verb === 37)) { */ case 27: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(37); + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else if (!p.goodArgNum) { */ case 28: + p.badArgNum(verb); + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else if (argNum >= a.$length) { */ case 29: + p.missingArg(verb); + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else if ((verb === 118)) { */ case 30: + p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV = p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharp = false; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV = p.fmt.fmtFlags.plus; + p.fmt.fmtFlags.plus = false; + $r = p.printArg(((argNum < 0 || argNum >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + argNum]), verb); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + argNum = argNum + (1) >> 0; + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else { */ case 31: + $r = p.printArg(((argNum < 0 || argNum >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + argNum]), verb); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + argNum = argNum + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 32: + case 26: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (!p.reordered && argNum < a.$length) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (!p.reordered && argNum < a.$length) { */ case 35: + p.fmt.clearflags(); + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString("%!(EXTRA "); + _ref = $subslice(a, argNum); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 37: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 38; continue; } + i$1 = _i; + arg = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (i$1 > 0) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(", "); + } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(arg, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(arg, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 39: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(""); + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else { */ case 40: + _r$2 = reflect.TypeOf(arg).String(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeString(_r$2); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(61); + $r = p.printArg(arg, 118); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 41: + _i++; + $s = 37; continue; + case 38: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(41); + /* } */ case 36: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.doPrintf, $c: true, $r, _1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, a, afterIndex, arg, argNum, c, end, format, i, i$1, lasti, p, size, verb, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.doPrintf = function(format, a) { return this.$val.doPrintf(format, a); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.doPrint = function(a) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, _v, a, arg, argNum, isString, p, prevString, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + prevString = false; + _ref = a; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + argNum = _i; + arg = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(arg, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = reflect.TypeOf(arg).Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r === 24; case 3: + isString = _v; + if (argNum > 0 && !isString && !prevString) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(32); + } + $r = p.printArg(arg, 118); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + prevString = isString; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.doPrint, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, _v, a, arg, argNum, isString, p, prevString, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.doPrint = function(a) { return this.$val.doPrint(a); }; + pp.ptr.prototype.doPrintln = function(a) { + var {_i, _ref, a, arg, argNum, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _ref = a; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + argNum = _i; + arg = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (argNum > 0) { + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(32); + } + $r = p.printArg(arg, 118); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).writeByte(10); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pp.ptr.prototype.doPrintln, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, a, arg, argNum, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pp.prototype.doPrintln = function(a) { return this.$val.doPrintln(a); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.clearflags = function() { + var f; + f = this; + fmtFlags.copy(f.fmtFlags, new fmtFlags.ptr(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false)); + }; + fmt.prototype.clearflags = function() { return this.$val.clearflags(); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.init = function(buf) { + var buf, f; + f = this; + f.buf = buf; + f.clearflags(); + }; + fmt.prototype.init = function(buf) { return this.$val.init(buf); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.writePadding = function(n) { + var _i, _ref, buf, f, i, n, newLen, oldLen, padByte, padding; + f = this; + if (n <= 0) { + return; + } + buf = f.buf.$get(); + oldLen = buf.$length; + newLen = oldLen + n >> 0; + if (newLen > buf.$capacity) { + buf = $makeSlice(buffer, (($imul(buf.$capacity, 2)) + n >> 0)); + $copySlice(buf, f.buf.$get()); + } + padByte = 32; + if (f.fmtFlags.zero) { + padByte = 48; + } + padding = $subslice(buf, oldLen, newLen); + _ref = padding; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= padding.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : padding.$array[padding.$offset + i] = padByte); + _i++; + } + f.buf.$set($subslice(buf, 0, newLen)); + }; + fmt.prototype.writePadding = function(n) { return this.$val.writePadding(n); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.pad = function(b) { + var b, f, width; + f = this; + if (!f.fmtFlags.widPresent || (f.wid === 0)) { + f.buf.write(b); + return; + } + width = f.wid - utf8.RuneCount(b) >> 0; + if (!f.fmtFlags.minus) { + f.writePadding(width); + f.buf.write(b); + } else { + f.buf.write(b); + f.writePadding(width); + } + }; + fmt.prototype.pad = function(b) { return this.$val.pad(b); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.padString = function(s) { + var f, s, width; + f = this; + if (!f.fmtFlags.widPresent || (f.wid === 0)) { + f.buf.writeString(s); + return; + } + width = f.wid - utf8.RuneCountInString(s) >> 0; + if (!f.fmtFlags.minus) { + f.writePadding(width); + f.buf.writeString(s); + } else { + f.buf.writeString(s); + f.writePadding(width); + } + }; + fmt.prototype.padString = function(s) { return this.$val.padString(s); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtBoolean = function(v) { + var f, v; + f = this; + if (v) { + f.padString("true"); + } else { + f.padString("false"); + } + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtBoolean = function(v) { return this.$val.fmtBoolean(v); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtUnicode = function(u) { + var buf, f, i, oldZero, prec, u, width; + f = this; + buf = $subslice(new sliceType$2(f.intbuf), 0); + prec = 4; + if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent && f.prec > 4) { + prec = f.prec; + width = (((2 + prec >> 0) + 2 >> 0) + 4 >> 0) + 1 >> 0; + if (width > buf.$length) { + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, width); + } + } + i = buf.$length; + if (f.fmtFlags.sharp && (u.$high < 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low <= 1114111)) && strconv.IsPrint(((u.$low >> 0)))) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 39); + i = i - (utf8.RuneLen(((u.$low >> 0)))) >> 0; + utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(buf, i), ((u.$low >> 0))); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 39); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 32); + } + while (true) { + if (!((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low >= 16)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = "0123456789ABCDEFX".charCodeAt($flatten64(new $Uint64(u.$high & 0, (u.$low & 15) >>> 0)))); + prec = prec - (1) >> 0; + u = $shiftRightUint64(u, (4)); + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = "0123456789ABCDEFX".charCodeAt($flatten64(u))); + prec = prec - (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(prec > 0)) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 48); + prec = prec - (1) >> 0; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 43); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 85); + oldZero = f.fmtFlags.zero; + f.fmtFlags.zero = false; + f.pad($subslice(buf, i)); + f.fmtFlags.zero = oldZero; + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtUnicode = function(u) { return this.$val.fmtUnicode(u); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtInteger = function(u, base, isSigned, verb, digits) { + var _1, _2, base, buf, digits, f, i, isSigned, negative, next, oldZero, oldZero$1, prec, u, verb, width, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + f = this; + negative = isSigned && (x = (new $Int64(u.$high, u.$low)), (x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low < 0))); + if (negative) { + u = new $Uint64(-u.$high, -u.$low); + } + buf = $subslice(new sliceType$2(f.intbuf), 0); + if (f.fmtFlags.widPresent || f.fmtFlags.precPresent) { + width = (3 + f.wid >> 0) + f.prec >> 0; + if (width > buf.$length) { + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, width); + } + } + prec = 0; + if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent) { + prec = f.prec; + if ((prec === 0) && (u.$high === 0 && u.$low === 0)) { + oldZero = f.fmtFlags.zero; + f.fmtFlags.zero = false; + f.writePadding(f.wid); + f.fmtFlags.zero = oldZero; + return; + } + } else if (f.fmtFlags.zero && f.fmtFlags.widPresent) { + prec = f.wid; + if (negative || f.fmtFlags.plus || f.fmtFlags.space) { + prec = prec - (1) >> 0; + } + } + i = buf.$length; + _1 = base; + if (_1 === (10)) { + while (true) { + if (!((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low >= 10)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + next = $div64(u, new $Uint64(0, 10), false); + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = (((x$1 = new $Uint64(0 + u.$high, 48 + u.$low), x$2 = $mul64(next, new $Uint64(0, 10)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - x$2.$high, x$1.$low - x$2.$low)).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + u = next; + } + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + while (true) { + if (!((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low >= 16)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = digits.charCodeAt($flatten64(new $Uint64(u.$high & 0, (u.$low & 15) >>> 0)))); + u = $shiftRightUint64(u, (4)); + } + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + while (true) { + if (!((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low >= 8)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = (((x$3 = new $Uint64(u.$high & 0, (u.$low & 7) >>> 0), new $Uint64(0 + x$3.$high, 48 + x$3.$low)).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + u = $shiftRightUint64(u, (3)); + } + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + while (true) { + if (!((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low >= 2)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = (((x$4 = new $Uint64(u.$high & 0, (u.$low & 1) >>> 0), new $Uint64(0 + x$4.$high, 48 + x$4.$low)).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + u = $shiftRightUint64(u, (1)); + } + } else { + $panic(new $String("fmt: unknown base; can't happen")); + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = digits.charCodeAt($flatten64(u))); + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0 && prec > (buf.$length - i >> 0))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 48); + } + if (f.fmtFlags.sharp) { + _2 = base; + if (_2 === (2)) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 98); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 48); + } else if (_2 === (8)) { + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i]) === 48))) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 48); + } + } else if (_2 === (16)) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = digits.charCodeAt(16)); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 48); + } + } + if (verb === 79) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 111); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 48); + } + if (negative) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 45); + } else if (f.fmtFlags.plus) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 43); + } else if (f.fmtFlags.space) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 32); + } + oldZero$1 = f.fmtFlags.zero; + f.fmtFlags.zero = false; + f.pad($subslice(buf, i)); + f.fmtFlags.zero = oldZero$1; + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtInteger = function(u, base, isSigned, verb, digits) { return this.$val.fmtInteger(u, base, isSigned, verb, digits); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.truncateString = function(s) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, f, i, n, s; + f = this; + if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent) { + n = f.prec; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i = _i; + n = n - (1) >> 0; + if (n < 0) { + return $substring(s, 0, i); + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + } + return s; + }; + fmt.prototype.truncateString = function(s) { return this.$val.truncateString(s); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.truncate = function(b) { + var _tuple, b, f, i, n, wid; + f = this; + if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent) { + n = f.prec; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < b.$length)) { break; } + n = n - (1) >> 0; + if (n < 0) { + return $subslice(b, 0, i); + } + wid = 1; + if (((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i]) >= 128) { + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(b, i)); + wid = _tuple[1]; + } + i = i + (wid) >> 0; + } + } + return b; + }; + fmt.prototype.truncate = function(b) { return this.$val.truncate(b); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtS = function(s) { + var f, s; + f = this; + s = f.truncateString(s); + f.padString(s); + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtS = function(s) { return this.$val.fmtS(s); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtBs = function(b) { + var b, f; + f = this; + b = f.truncate(b); + f.pad(b); + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtBs = function(b) { return this.$val.fmtBs(b); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtSbx = function(s, b, digits) { + var b, buf, c, digits, f, i, length, s, width; + f = this; + length = b.$length; + if (b === sliceType$2.nil) { + length = s.length; + } + if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent && f.prec < length) { + length = f.prec; + } + width = $imul(2, length); + if (width > 0) { + if (f.fmtFlags.space) { + if (f.fmtFlags.sharp) { + width = $imul(width, (2)); + } + width = width + ((length - 1 >> 0)) >> 0; + } else if (f.fmtFlags.sharp) { + width = width + (2) >> 0; + } + } else { + if (f.fmtFlags.widPresent) { + f.writePadding(f.wid); + } + return; + } + if (f.fmtFlags.widPresent && f.wid > width && !f.fmtFlags.minus) { + f.writePadding(f.wid - width >> 0); + } + buf = f.buf.$get(); + if (f.fmtFlags.sharp) { + buf = $append(buf, 48, digits.charCodeAt(16)); + } + c = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < length)) { break; } + if (f.fmtFlags.space && i > 0) { + buf = $append(buf, 32); + if (f.fmtFlags.sharp) { + buf = $append(buf, 48, digits.charCodeAt(16)); + } + } + if (!(b === sliceType$2.nil)) { + c = ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i]); + } else { + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + } + buf = $append(buf, digits.charCodeAt((c >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24)), digits.charCodeAt(((c & 15) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + f.buf.$set(buf); + if (f.fmtFlags.widPresent && f.wid > width && f.fmtFlags.minus) { + f.writePadding(f.wid - width >> 0); + } + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtSbx = function(s, b, digits) { return this.$val.fmtSbx(s, b, digits); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtSx = function(s, digits) { + var digits, f, s; + f = this; + f.fmtSbx(s, sliceType$2.nil, digits); + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtSx = function(s, digits) { return this.$val.fmtSx(s, digits); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtBx = function(b, digits) { + var b, digits, f; + f = this; + f.fmtSbx("", b, digits); + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtBx = function(b, digits) { return this.$val.fmtBx(b, digits); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtQ = function(s) { + var buf, f, s; + f = this; + s = f.truncateString(s); + if (f.fmtFlags.sharp && strconv.CanBackquote(s)) { + f.padString("`" + s + "`"); + return; + } + buf = $subslice(new sliceType$2(f.intbuf), 0, 0); + if (f.fmtFlags.plus) { + f.pad(strconv.AppendQuoteToASCII(buf, s)); + } else { + f.pad(strconv.AppendQuote(buf, s)); + } + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtQ = function(s) { return this.$val.fmtQ(s); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtC = function(c) { + var buf, c, f, r, w; + f = this; + r = ((c.$low >> 0)); + if ((c.$high > 0 || (c.$high === 0 && c.$low > 1114111))) { + r = 65533; + } + buf = $subslice(new sliceType$2(f.intbuf), 0, 0); + w = utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(buf, 0, 4), r); + f.pad($subslice(buf, 0, w)); + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtC = function(c) { return this.$val.fmtC(c); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtQc = function(c) { + var buf, c, f, r; + f = this; + r = ((c.$low >> 0)); + if ((c.$high > 0 || (c.$high === 0 && c.$low > 1114111))) { + r = 65533; + } + buf = $subslice(new sliceType$2(f.intbuf), 0, 0); + if (f.fmtFlags.plus) { + f.pad(strconv.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII(buf, r)); + } else { + f.pad(strconv.AppendQuoteRune(buf, r)); + } + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtQc = function(c) { return this.$val.fmtQc(c); }; + fmt.ptr.prototype.fmtFloat = function(v, size, verb, prec) { + var _1, _2, digits, f, hasDecimalPoint, i, num, oldZero, prec, sawNonzeroDigit, size, tail, tailBuf, v, verb; + f = this; + if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent) { + prec = f.prec; + } + num = strconv.AppendFloat($subslice(new sliceType$2(f.intbuf), 0, 1), v, ((verb << 24 >>> 24)), prec, size); + if (((1 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 1]) === 45) || ((1 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 1]) === 43)) { + num = $subslice(num, 1); + } else { + (0 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 0] = 43); + } + if (f.fmtFlags.space && ((0 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 0]) === 43) && !f.fmtFlags.plus) { + (0 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 0] = 32); + } + if (((1 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 1]) === 73) || ((1 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 1]) === 78)) { + oldZero = f.fmtFlags.zero; + f.fmtFlags.zero = false; + if (((1 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 1]) === 78) && !f.fmtFlags.space && !f.fmtFlags.plus) { + num = $subslice(num, 1); + } + f.pad(num); + f.fmtFlags.zero = oldZero; + return; + } + if (f.fmtFlags.sharp && !((verb === 98))) { + digits = 0; + _1 = verb; + if ((_1 === (118)) || (_1 === (103)) || (_1 === (71)) || (_1 === (120))) { + digits = prec; + if (digits === -1) { + digits = 6; + } + } + tailBuf = arrayType$3.zero(); + tail = $subslice(new sliceType$2(tailBuf), 0, 0); + hasDecimalPoint = false; + sawNonzeroDigit = false; + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < num.$length)) { break; } + switch (0) { default: + _2 = ((i < 0 || i >= num.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + i]); + if (_2 === (46)) { + hasDecimalPoint = true; + } else if ((_2 === (112)) || (_2 === (80))) { + tail = $appendSlice(tail, $subslice(num, i)); + num = $subslice(num, 0, i); + } else if ((_2 === (101)) || (_2 === (69))) { + if (!((verb === 120)) && !((verb === 88))) { + tail = $appendSlice(tail, $subslice(num, i)); + num = $subslice(num, 0, i); + break; + } + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= num.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + i]) === 48))) { + sawNonzeroDigit = true; + } + if (sawNonzeroDigit) { + digits = digits - (1) >> 0; + } + } else { + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= num.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + i]) === 48))) { + sawNonzeroDigit = true; + } + if (sawNonzeroDigit) { + digits = digits - (1) >> 0; + } + } + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (!hasDecimalPoint) { + if ((num.$length === 2) && ((1 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 1]) === 48)) { + digits = digits - (1) >> 0; + } + num = $append(num, 46); + } + while (true) { + if (!(digits > 0)) { break; } + num = $append(num, 48); + digits = digits - (1) >> 0; + } + num = $appendSlice(num, tail); + } + if (f.fmtFlags.plus || !(((0 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 0]) === 43))) { + if (f.fmtFlags.zero && f.fmtFlags.widPresent && f.wid > num.$length) { + f.buf.writeByte((0 >= num.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : num.$array[num.$offset + 0])); + f.writePadding(f.wid - num.$length >> 0); + f.buf.write($subslice(num, 1)); + return; + } + f.pad(num); + return; + } + f.pad($subslice(num, 1)); + }; + fmt.prototype.fmtFloat = function(v, size, verb, prec) { return this.$val.fmtFloat(v, size, verb, prec); }; + Errorf = function(format, a) { + var {_r, a, err, format, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = newPrinter(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r; + p.wrapErrs = true; + $r = p.doPrintf(format, a); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = ($bytesToString(p.buf)); + err = $ifaceNil; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(p.wrappedErr, $ifaceNil)) { + err = errors.New(s); + } else { + err = new wrapError.ptr(s, p.wrappedErr); + } + p.free(); + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Errorf, $c: true, $r, _r, a, err, format, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Errorf = Errorf; + wrapError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.msg; + }; + wrapError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + wrapError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.err; + }; + wrapError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadRune", name: "ReadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Width", name: "Width", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "getRune", name: "getRune", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "mustReadRune", name: "mustReadRune", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "UnreadRune", name: "UnreadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "error", name: "error", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "errorString", name: "errorString", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "Token", name: "Token", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool, funcType], [sliceType$2, $error], false)}, {prop: "free", name: "free", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([ssave], [], false)}, {prop: "SkipSpace", name: "SkipSpace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "token", name: "token", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Bool, funcType], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "consume", name: "consume", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "peek", name: "peek", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "notEOF", name: "notEOF", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "accept", name: "accept", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "okVerb", name: "okVerb", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $String, $String], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "scanBool", name: "scanBool", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "getBase", name: "getBase", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Int, $String], false)}, {prop: "scanNumber", name: "scanNumber", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [$String], false)}, {prop: "scanRune", name: "scanRune", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "scanBasePrefix", name: "scanBasePrefix", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $String, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "scanInt", name: "scanInt", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "scanUint", name: "scanUint", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "floatToken", name: "floatToken", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "complexTokens", name: "complexTokens", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $String], false)}, {prop: "convertFloat", name: "convertFloat", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "scanComplex", name: "scanComplex", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int], [$Complex128], false)}, {prop: "convertString", name: "convertString", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$String], false)}, {prop: "quotedString", name: "quotedString", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "hexByte", name: "hexByte", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "hexString", name: "hexString", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "scanPercent", name: "scanPercent", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "scanOne", name: "scanOne", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "doScan", name: "doScan", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "advance", name: "advance", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "doScanf", name: "doScanf", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "write", name: "write", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [], false)}, {prop: "writeString", name: "writeString", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "writeByte", name: "writeByte", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "writeRune", name: "writeRune", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}]; + ptrType$24.methods = [{prop: "free", name: "free", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Width", name: "Width", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Precision", name: "Precision", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Flag", name: "Flag", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "unknownType", name: "unknownType", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [], false)}, {prop: "badVerb", name: "badVerb", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtBool", name: "fmtBool", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Bool, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "fmt0x64", name: "fmt0x64", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Uint64, $Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtInteger", name: "fmtInteger", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Uint64, $Bool, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtFloat", name: "fmtFloat", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Int, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtComplex", name: "fmtComplex", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Complex128, $Int, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtString", name: "fmtString", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtBytes", name: "fmtBytes", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2, $Int32, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtPointer", name: "fmtPointer", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "catchPanic", name: "catchPanic", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, $Int32, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "handleMethods", name: "handleMethods", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "printArg", name: "printArg", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "printValue", name: "printValue", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value, $Int32, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "argNumber", name: "argNumber", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int, $String, $Int, $Int], [$Int, $Int, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "badArgNum", name: "badArgNum", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "missingArg", name: "missingArg", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "doPrintf", name: "doPrintf", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "doPrint", name: "doPrint", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "doPrintln", name: "doPrintln", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], false)}]; + ptrType$26.methods = [{prop: "clearflags", name: "clearflags", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "init", name: "init", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "writePadding", name: "writePadding", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "pad", name: "pad", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [], false)}, {prop: "padString", name: "padString", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtBoolean", name: "fmtBoolean", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtUnicode", name: "fmtUnicode", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtInteger", name: "fmtInteger", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Uint64, $Int, $Bool, $Int32, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "truncateString", name: "truncateString", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "truncate", name: "truncate", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "fmtS", name: "fmtS", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtBs", name: "fmtBs", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtSbx", name: "fmtSbx", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$2, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtSx", name: "fmtSx", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtBx", name: "fmtBx", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtQ", name: "fmtQ", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtC", name: "fmtC", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtQc", name: "fmtQc", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "fmtFloat", name: "fmtFloat", pkg: "fmt", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Int, $Int32, $Int], [], false)}]; + ptrType$27.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ScanState.init([{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadRune", name: "ReadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "SkipSpace", name: "SkipSpace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Token", name: "Token", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool, funcType], [sliceType$2, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadRune", name: "UnreadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Width", name: "Width", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Bool], false)}]); + scanError.init("fmt", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + ss.init("fmt", [{prop: "rs", name: "rs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.RuneScanner, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: buffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "count", name: "count", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "atEOF", name: "atEOF", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ssave", name: "ssave", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: ssave, tag: ""}]); + ssave.init("fmt", [{prop: "validSave", name: "validSave", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "nlIsEnd", name: "nlIsEnd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "nlIsSpace", name: "nlIsSpace", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "argLimit", name: "argLimit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "limit", name: "limit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxWid", name: "maxWid", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + State.init([{prop: "Flag", name: "Flag", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Precision", name: "Precision", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Width", name: "Width", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + Formatter.init([{prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([State, $Int32], [], false)}]); + Stringer.init([{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + GoStringer.init([{prop: "GoString", name: "GoString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + buffer.init($Uint8); + pp.init("fmt", [{prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: buffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "arg", name: "arg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "value", name: "value", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "fmt", name: "fmt", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: fmt, tag: ""}, {prop: "reordered", name: "reordered", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "goodArgNum", name: "goodArgNum", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "panicking", name: "panicking", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "erroring", name: "erroring", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "wrapErrs", name: "wrapErrs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "wrappedErr", name: "wrappedErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + fmtFlags.init("fmt", [{prop: "widPresent", name: "widPresent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "precPresent", name: "precPresent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "minus", name: "minus", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "plus", name: "plus", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sharp", name: "sharp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "space", name: "space", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "zero", name: "zero", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "plusV", name: "plusV", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sharpV", name: "sharpV", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + fmt.init("fmt", [{prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "fmtFlags", name: "fmtFlags", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: fmtFlags, tag: ""}, {prop: "wid", name: "wid", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "prec", name: "prec", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "intbuf", name: "intbuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}]); + wrapError.init("fmt", [{prop: "msg", name: "msg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmtsort.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + space = new sliceType([$toNativeArray($kindUint16, [9, 13]), $toNativeArray($kindUint16, [32, 32]), $toNativeArray($kindUint16, [133, 133]), $toNativeArray($kindUint16, [160, 160]), $toNativeArray($kindUint16, [5760, 5760]), $toNativeArray($kindUint16, [8192, 8202]), $toNativeArray($kindUint16, [8232, 8233]), $toNativeArray($kindUint16, [8239, 8239]), $toNativeArray($kindUint16, [8287, 8287]), $toNativeArray($kindUint16, [12288, 12288])]); + ssFree = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, (function() { + return new ss.ptr($ifaceNil, buffer.nil, 0, false, new ssave.ptr(false, false, false, 0, 0, 0)); + })); + complexError = errors.New("syntax error scanning complex number"); + boolError = errors.New("syntax error scanning boolean"); + ppFree = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, (function() { + return new pp.ptr(buffer.nil, $ifaceNil, new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType.nil, 0, 0), new fmt.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, new fmtFlags.ptr(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false), 0, 0, arrayType$1.zero()), false, false, false, false, false, $ifaceNil); + })); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["compress/flate"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bufio, fmt, io, math, bits, sort, strconv, sync, CorruptInputError, InternalError, Resetter, huffmanDecoder, Reader, decompressor, hcode, huffmanEncoder, literalNode, levelInfo, byLiteral, byFreq, dictDecoder, arrayType, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType, arrayType$1, ptrType$1, sliceType$4, ptrType$2, sliceType$5, arrayType$2, arrayType$3, ptrType$3, arrayType$4, ptrType$4, arrayType$5, sliceType$6, sliceType$7, arrayType$6, arrayType$7, arrayType$8, arrayType$9, sliceType$8, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, funcType, ptrType$15, ptrType$16, fixedOnce, fixedHuffmanDecoder, fixedHuffmanDecoder$24ptr, codeOrder, fixedLiteralEncoding, fixedOffsetEncoding, huffOffset, noEOF, makeReader, fixedHuffmanDecoderInit, NewReader, maxNode, newHuffmanEncoder, generateFixedLiteralEncoding, generateFixedOffsetEncoding, reverseBits, init; + bufio = $packages["bufio"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + CorruptInputError = $pkg.CorruptInputError = $newType(8, $kindInt64, "flate.CorruptInputError", true, "compress/flate", true, null); + InternalError = $pkg.InternalError = $newType(8, $kindString, "flate.InternalError", true, "compress/flate", true, null); + Resetter = $pkg.Resetter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "flate.Resetter", true, "compress/flate", true, null); + huffmanDecoder = $pkg.huffmanDecoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "flate.huffmanDecoder", true, "compress/flate", false, function(min_, chunks_, links_, linkMask_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.min = 0; + this.chunks = arrayType.zero(); + this.links = sliceType$1.nil; + this.linkMask = 0; + return; + } + this.min = min_; + this.chunks = chunks_; + this.links = links_; + this.linkMask = linkMask_; + }); + Reader = $pkg.Reader = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "flate.Reader", true, "compress/flate", true, null); + decompressor = $pkg.decompressor = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "flate.decompressor", true, "compress/flate", false, function(r_, roffset_, b_, nb_, h1_, h2_, bits_, codebits_, dict_, buf_, step_, stepState_, final$12_, err_, toRead_, hl_, hd_, copyLen_, copyDist_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.roffset = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.b = 0; + this.nb = 0; + this.h1 = new huffmanDecoder.ptr(0, arrayType.zero(), sliceType$1.nil, 0); + this.h2 = new huffmanDecoder.ptr(0, arrayType.zero(), sliceType$1.nil, 0); + this.bits = ptrType$3.nil; + this.codebits = ptrType$4.nil; + this.dict = new dictDecoder.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0, false); + this.buf = arrayType$5.zero(); + this.step = $throwNilPointerError; + this.stepState = 0; + this.final$12 = false; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.toRead = sliceType$5.nil; + this.hl = ptrType$1.nil; + this.hd = ptrType$1.nil; + this.copyLen = 0; + this.copyDist = 0; + return; + } + this.r = r_; + this.roffset = roffset_; + this.b = b_; + this.nb = nb_; + this.h1 = h1_; + this.h2 = h2_; + this.bits = bits_; + this.codebits = codebits_; + this.dict = dict_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.step = step_; + this.stepState = stepState_; + this.final$12 = final$12_; + this.err = err_; + this.toRead = toRead_; + this.hl = hl_; + this.hd = hd_; + this.copyLen = copyLen_; + this.copyDist = copyDist_; + }); + hcode = $pkg.hcode = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "flate.hcode", true, "compress/flate", false, function(code_, len_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.code = 0; + this.len = 0; + return; + } + this.code = code_; + this.len = len_; + }); + huffmanEncoder = $pkg.huffmanEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "flate.huffmanEncoder", true, "compress/flate", false, function(codes_, freqcache_, bitCount_, lns_, lfs_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.codes = sliceType$6.nil; + this.freqcache = sliceType$7.nil; + this.bitCount = arrayType$6.zero(); + this.lns = byLiteral.nil; + this.lfs = byFreq.nil; + return; + } + this.codes = codes_; + this.freqcache = freqcache_; + this.bitCount = bitCount_; + this.lns = lns_; + this.lfs = lfs_; + }); + literalNode = $pkg.literalNode = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "flate.literalNode", true, "compress/flate", false, function(literal_, freq_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.literal = 0; + this.freq = 0; + return; + } + this.literal = literal_; + this.freq = freq_; + }); + levelInfo = $pkg.levelInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "flate.levelInfo", true, "compress/flate", false, function(level_, lastFreq_, nextCharFreq_, nextPairFreq_, needed_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.level = 0; + this.lastFreq = 0; + this.nextCharFreq = 0; + this.nextPairFreq = 0; + this.needed = 0; + return; + } + this.level = level_; + this.lastFreq = lastFreq_; + this.nextCharFreq = nextCharFreq_; + this.nextPairFreq = nextPairFreq_; + this.needed = needed_; + }); + byLiteral = $pkg.byLiteral = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "flate.byLiteral", true, "compress/flate", false, null); + byFreq = $pkg.byFreq = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "flate.byFreq", true, "compress/flate", false, null); + dictDecoder = $pkg.dictDecoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "flate.dictDecoder", true, "compress/flate", false, function(hist_, wrPos_, rdPos_, full_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.hist = sliceType$5.nil; + this.wrPos = 0; + this.rdPos = 0; + this.full = false; + return; + } + this.hist = hist_; + this.wrPos = wrPos_; + this.rdPos = rdPos_; + this.full = full_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint32, 512); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint32); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(sliceType); + ptrType = $ptrType(huffmanEncoder); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Int, 16); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(huffmanDecoder); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Int); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(decompressor); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Int, 288); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Int, 316); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(arrayType$3); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Int, 19); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(arrayType$4); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(hcode); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType(literalNode); + arrayType$6 = $arrayType($Int32, 17); + arrayType$7 = $arrayType(levelInfo, 16); + arrayType$8 = $arrayType($Int32, 16); + arrayType$9 = $arrayType(arrayType$8, 16); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType($Int32); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(byLiteral); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(byFreq); + funcType = $funcType([ptrType$2], [], false); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(hcode); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType(dictDecoder); + CorruptInputError.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "flate: corrupt input before offset " + strconv.FormatInt((new $Int64(e.$high, e.$low)), 10); + }; + $ptrType(CorruptInputError).prototype.Error = function() { return this.$get().Error(); }; + InternalError.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return "flate: internal error: " + (e); + }; + $ptrType(InternalError).prototype.Error = function() { return new InternalError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + huffmanDecoder.ptr.prototype.init = function(lengths) { + var _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, chunk, chunk$1, chunk$2, code, code$1, count, h, i, i$1, i$2, j, j$1, lengths, link, linktab, linktab$1, max, min, n, n$1, nextcode, numLinks, off, off$1, off$2, reverse, reverse$1, value, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4; + h = this; + if (!((h.min === 0))) { + huffmanDecoder.copy(h, new huffmanDecoder.ptr(0, arrayType.zero(), sliceType$1.nil, 0)); + } + count = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + min = _tmp; + max = _tmp$1; + _ref = lengths; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + n = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (n === 0) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if ((min === 0) || n < min) { + min = n; + } + if (n > max) { + max = n; + } + ((n < 0 || n >= count.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : count[n] = (((n < 0 || n >= count.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : count[n]) + (1) >> 0)); + _i++; + } + if (max === 0) { + return true; + } + code = 0; + nextcode = arrayType$1.zero(); + i = min; + while (true) { + if (!(i <= max)) { break; } + code = (y = (1), y < 32 ? (code << y) : 0) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= nextcode.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextcode[i] = code); + code = code + (((i < 0 || i >= count.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : count[i])) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (!((code === ((y$1 = ((max >>> 0)), y$1 < 32 ? (1 << y$1) : 0) >> 0))) && !((code === 1) && (max === 1))) { + return false; + } + h.min = min; + if (max > 9) { + numLinks = (y$2 = ((((max >>> 0)) - 9 >>> 0)), y$2 < 32 ? (1 << y$2) : 0) >> 0; + h.linkMask = (((numLinks - 1 >> 0) >>> 0)); + link = nextcode[10] >> 1 >> 0; + h.links = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, (512 - link >> 0)); + j = ((link >>> 0)); + while (true) { + if (!(j < 512)) { break; } + reverse = ((bits.Reverse16(((j << 16 >>> 16))) >> 0)); + reverse = (reverse >> $min((7), 31)) >> 0; + off = j - ((link >>> 0)) >>> 0; + if (false && !(((x = h.chunks, ((reverse < 0 || reverse >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[reverse])) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("impossible: overwriting existing chunk")); + } + (x$1 = h.chunks, ((reverse < 0 || reverse >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[reverse] = (((((off << 4 >>> 0) | 10) >>> 0) >>> 0)))); + (x$2 = h.links, ((off < 0 || off >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + off] = $makeSlice(sliceType, numLinks))); + j = j + (1) >>> 0; + } + } + _ref$1 = lengths; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + n$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (n$1 === 0) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + code$1 = ((n$1 < 0 || n$1 >= nextcode.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextcode[n$1]); + ((n$1 < 0 || n$1 >= nextcode.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextcode[n$1] = (((n$1 < 0 || n$1 >= nextcode.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextcode[n$1]) + (1) >> 0)); + chunk = ((((i$1 << 4 >> 0) | n$1) >>> 0)); + reverse$1 = ((bits.Reverse16(((code$1 << 16 >>> 16))) >> 0)); + reverse$1 = (reverse$1 >> $min(((((16 - n$1 >> 0) >>> 0))), 31)) >> 0; + if (n$1 <= 9) { + off$1 = reverse$1; + while (true) { + if (!(off$1 < 512)) { break; } + if (false && !(((x$3 = h.chunks, ((off$1 < 0 || off$1 >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[off$1])) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("impossible: overwriting existing chunk")); + } + (x$4 = h.chunks, ((off$1 < 0 || off$1 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[off$1] = chunk)); + off$1 = off$1 + (((y$3 = ((n$1 >>> 0)), y$3 < 32 ? (1 << y$3) : 0) >> 0)) >> 0; + } + } else { + j$1 = reverse$1 & 511; + if (false && !(((((x$5 = h.chunks, ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[j$1])) & 15) >>> 0) === 10))) { + $panic(new $String("impossible: not an indirect chunk")); + } + value = (x$6 = h.chunks, ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[j$1])) >>> 4 >>> 0; + linktab = (x$7 = h.links, ((value < 0 || value >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + value])); + reverse$1 = (reverse$1 >> $min((9), 31)) >> 0; + off$2 = reverse$1; + while (true) { + if (!(off$2 < linktab.$length)) { break; } + if (false && !((((off$2 < 0 || off$2 >= linktab.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : linktab.$array[linktab.$offset + off$2]) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("impossible: overwriting existing chunk")); + } + ((off$2 < 0 || off$2 >= linktab.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : linktab.$array[linktab.$offset + off$2] = chunk); + off$2 = off$2 + (((y$4 = (((n$1 - 9 >> 0) >>> 0)), y$4 < 32 ? (1 << y$4) : 0) >> 0)) >> 0; + } + } + _i$1++; + } + if (false) { + _ref$2 = h.chunks; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < 512)) { break; } + i$2 = _i$2; + chunk$1 = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2[_i$2]); + if (chunk$1 === 0) { + if ((code === 1) && ((_r = i$2 % 2, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 1)) { + _i$2++; + continue; + } + $panic(new $String("impossible: missing chunk")); + } + _i$2++; + } + _ref$3 = h.links; + _i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } + linktab$1 = ((_i$3 < 0 || _i$3 >= _ref$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$3.$array[_ref$3.$offset + _i$3]); + _ref$4 = linktab$1; + _i$4 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$4 < _ref$4.$length)) { break; } + chunk$2 = ((_i$4 < 0 || _i$4 >= _ref$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$4.$array[_ref$4.$offset + _i$4]); + if (chunk$2 === 0) { + $panic(new $String("impossible: missing chunk")); + } + _i$4++; + } + _i$3++; + } + } + return true; + }; + huffmanDecoder.prototype.init = function(lengths) { return this.$val.init(lengths); }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.nextBlock = function() { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, f, typ, x, y, y$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(f.nb < 3)) { break; } */ if(!(f.nb < 3)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = f.moreBits(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f.err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(f.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + f.final$12 = ((f.b & 1) >>> 0) === 1; + f.b = (y = (1), y < 32 ? (f.b >>> y) : 0) >>> 0; + typ = (f.b & 3) >>> 0; + f.b = (y$1 = (2), y$1 < 32 ? (f.b >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + f.nb = f.nb - (3) >>> 0; + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 5: + $r = f.dataBlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 6: + f.hl = fixedHuffmanDecoder; + f.hd = ptrType$1.nil; + $r = f.huffmanBlock(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 7: + _r$1 = f.readHuffman(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f.err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(f.err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + f.hl = f.h1; + f.hd = f.h2; + $r = f.huffmanBlock(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + f.err = ((x = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x.$high, x.$low))); + /* } */ case 9: + case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decompressor.ptr.prototype.nextBlock, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, f, typ, x, y, y$1, $s};return $f; + }; + decompressor.prototype.nextBlock = function() { return this.$val.nextBlock(); }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) { + var {b, f, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + if (f.toRead.$length > 0) { + n = $copySlice(b, f.toRead); + f.toRead = $subslice(f.toRead, n); + if (f.toRead.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [n, f.err]; + } + $s = -1; return [n, $ifaceNil]; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(f.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, f.err]; + } + $r = f.step(f); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(f.err, $ifaceNil)) && (f.toRead.$length === 0)) { + f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush(); + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decompressor.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, b, f, n, $s};return $f; + }; + decompressor.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var f; + f = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(f.err, io.EOF)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return f.err; + }; + decompressor.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.readHuffman = function() { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, f, i, i$1, i$2, j, n, nb, nclen, ndist, nlit, rep, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4, y$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(f.nb < 14)) { break; } */ if(!(f.nb < 14)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = f.moreBits(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + nlit = ((((f.b & 31) >>> 0) >> 0)) + 257 >> 0; + if (nlit > 286) { + $s = -1; return ((x = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x.$high, x.$low))); + } + f.b = (y = (5), y < 32 ? (f.b >>> y) : 0) >>> 0; + ndist = ((((f.b & 31) >>> 0) >> 0)) + 1 >> 0; + if (ndist > 30) { + $s = -1; return ((x$1 = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + } + f.b = (y$1 = (5), y$1 < 32 ? (f.b >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + nclen = ((((f.b & 15) >>> 0) >> 0)) + 4 >> 0; + f.b = (y$2 = (4), y$2 < 32 ? (f.b >>> y$2) : 0) >>> 0; + f.nb = f.nb - (14) >>> 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(i < nclen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < nclen)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(f.nb < 3)) { break; } */ if(!(f.nb < 3)) { $s = 7; continue; } + _r$1 = f.moreBits(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + (x$2 = f.codebits, x$3 = ((i < 0 || i >= codeOrder.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : codeOrder[i]), x$2.nilCheck, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[x$3] = ((((f.b & 7) >>> 0) >> 0)))); + f.b = (y$3 = (3), y$3 < 32 ? (f.b >>> y$3) : 0) >>> 0; + f.nb = f.nb - (3) >>> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + i$1 = nclen; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 19)) { break; } + (x$4 = f.codebits, x$5 = ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= codeOrder.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : codeOrder[i$1]), x$4.nilCheck, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[x$5] = 0)); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + if (!f.h1.init($subslice(new sliceType$4(f.codebits), 0))) { + $s = -1; return ((x$6 = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x$6.$high, x$6.$low))); + } + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = nlit + ndist >> 0; + i$2 = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(i$2 < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i$2 < n)) { $s = 10; continue; } + _r$2 = f.huffSym(f.h1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + x$7 = _tuple[0]; + err$2 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + if (x$7 < 16) { + (x$8 = f.bits, x$8.nilCheck, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[i$2] = x$7)); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 9; continue; + } + rep = 0; + nb = 0; + b = 0; + _1 = x$7; + if (_1 === (16)) { + rep = 3; + nb = 2; + if (i$2 === 0) { + $s = -1; return ((x$9 = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x$9.$high, x$9.$low))); + } + b = (x$10 = f.bits, x$11 = i$2 - 1 >> 0, ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[x$11])); + } else if (_1 === (17)) { + rep = 3; + nb = 3; + b = 0; + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + rep = 11; + nb = 7; + b = 0; + } else { + $s = -1; return new InternalError("unexpected length code"); + } + /* while (true) { */ case 12: + /* if (!(f.nb < nb)) { break; } */ if(!(f.nb < nb)) { $s = 13; continue; } + _r$3 = f.moreBits(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + $s = 12; continue; + case 13: + rep = rep + (((((f.b & ((((y$4 = nb, y$4 < 32 ? (1 << y$4) : 0) >>> 0) - 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0) >> 0))) >> 0; + f.b = (y$5 = (nb), y$5 < 32 ? (f.b >>> y$5) : 0) >>> 0; + f.nb = f.nb - (nb) >>> 0; + if ((i$2 + rep >> 0) > n) { + $s = -1; return ((x$12 = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x$12.$high, x$12.$low))); + } + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < rep)) { break; } + (x$13 = f.bits, x$13.nilCheck, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$13.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$13[i$2] = b)); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + if (!f.h1.init($subslice(new sliceType$4(f.bits), 0, nlit)) || !f.h2.init($subslice(new sliceType$4(f.bits), nlit, (nlit + ndist >> 0)))) { + $s = -1; return ((x$14 = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x$14.$high, x$14.$low))); + } + if (f.h1.min < f.bits[256]) { + f.h1.min = f.bits[256]; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decompressor.ptr.prototype.readHuffman, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, f, i, i$1, i$2, j, n, nb, nclen, ndist, nlit, rep, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4, y$5, $s};return $f; + }; + decompressor.prototype.readHuffman = function() { return this.$val.readHuffman(); }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.huffmanBlock = function() { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, cnt, dist, err, extra, f, length, n, nb, v, x, x$1, x$2, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4, y$5, y$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _1 = f.stepState; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 2: + /* goto readLiteral */ $s = 5; continue; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 3: + /* goto copyHistory */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + /* readLiteral: */ case 5: + _r = f.huffSym(f.hl); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + f.err = err; + $s = -1; return; + } + n = 0; + length = 0; + /* */ if (v < 256) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if ((v === 256)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (v < 265) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (v < 269) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (v < 273) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (v < 277) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (v < 281) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (v < 285) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (v < 286) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (v < 256) { */ case 9: + f.dict.writeByte(((v << 24 >>> 24))); + if (f.dict.availWrite() === 0) { + f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush(); + f.step = $methodExpr(ptrType$2, "huffmanBlock"); + f.stepState = 0; + $s = -1; return; + } + /* goto readLiteral */ $s = 5; continue; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else if ((v === 256)) { */ case 10: + f.finishBlock(); + $s = -1; return; + /* } else if (v < 265) { */ case 11: + length = v - 254 >> 0; + n = 0; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else if (v < 269) { */ case 12: + length = ($imul(v, 2)) - 519 >> 0; + n = 1; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else if (v < 273) { */ case 13: + length = ($imul(v, 4)) - 1057 >> 0; + n = 2; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else if (v < 277) { */ case 14: + length = ($imul(v, 8)) - 2149 >> 0; + n = 3; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else if (v < 281) { */ case 15: + length = ($imul(v, 16)) - 4365 >> 0; + n = 4; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else if (v < 285) { */ case 16: + length = ($imul(v, 32)) - 8861 >> 0; + n = 5; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else if (v < 286) { */ case 17: + length = 258; + n = 0; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else { */ case 18: + f.err = ((x = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x.$high, x.$low))); + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 19: + case 8: + /* */ if (n > 0) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (n > 0) { */ case 20: + /* while (true) { */ case 22: + /* if (!(f.nb < n)) { break; } */ if(!(f.nb < n)) { $s = 23; continue; } + _r$1 = f.moreBits(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + f.err = err; + $s = -1; return; + } + $s = 22; continue; + case 23: + length = length + (((((f.b & ((((y = n, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0) - 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0) >> 0))) >> 0; + f.b = (y$1 = (n), y$1 < 32 ? (f.b >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + f.nb = f.nb - (n) >>> 0; + /* } */ case 21: + dist = 0; + /* */ if (f.hd === ptrType$1.nil) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (f.hd === ptrType$1.nil) { */ case 25: + /* while (true) { */ case 28: + /* if (!(f.nb < 5)) { break; } */ if(!(f.nb < 5)) { $s = 29; continue; } + _r$2 = f.moreBits(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + f.err = err; + $s = -1; return; + } + $s = 28; continue; + case 29: + dist = ((bits.Reverse8((((((f.b & 31) >>> 0) << 3 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >> 0)); + f.b = (y$2 = (5), y$2 < 32 ? (f.b >>> y$2) : 0) >>> 0; + f.nb = f.nb - (5) >>> 0; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else { */ case 26: + _r$3 = f.huffSym(f.hd); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + dist = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + f.err = err; + $s = -1; return; + } + /* } */ case 27: + /* */ if (dist < 4) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ if (dist < 30) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (dist < 4) { */ case 33: + dist = dist + (1) >> 0; + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else if (dist < 30) { */ case 34: + nb = (((dist - 2 >> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 1 >>> 0; + extra = (y$3 = nb, y$3 < 32 ? (((dist & 1)) << y$3) : 0) >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 37: + /* if (!(f.nb < nb)) { break; } */ if(!(f.nb < nb)) { $s = 38; continue; } + _r$4 = f.moreBits(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$4; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + f.err = err; + $s = -1; return; + } + $s = 37; continue; + case 38: + extra = extra | (((((f.b & ((((y$4 = nb, y$4 < 32 ? (1 << y$4) : 0) >>> 0) - 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0) >> 0))); + f.b = (y$5 = (nb), y$5 < 32 ? (f.b >>> y$5) : 0) >>> 0; + f.nb = f.nb - (nb) >>> 0; + dist = (((y$6 = ((nb + 1 >>> 0)), y$6 < 32 ? (1 << y$6) : 0) >> 0) + 1 >> 0) + extra >> 0; + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else { */ case 35: + f.err = ((x$1 = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 36: + case 32: + if (dist > f.dict.histSize()) { + f.err = ((x$2 = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x$2.$high, x$2.$low))); + $s = -1; return; + } + _tmp = length; + _tmp$1 = dist; + f.copyLen = _tmp; + f.copyDist = _tmp$1; + /* goto copyHistory */ $s = 6; continue; + /* copyHistory: */ case 6: + cnt = f.dict.tryWriteCopy(f.copyDist, f.copyLen); + if (cnt === 0) { + cnt = f.dict.writeCopy(f.copyDist, f.copyLen); + } + f.copyLen = f.copyLen - (cnt) >> 0; + if ((f.dict.availWrite() === 0) || f.copyLen > 0) { + f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush(); + f.step = $methodExpr(ptrType$2, "huffmanBlock"); + f.stepState = 1; + $s = -1; return; + } + /* goto readLiteral */ $s = 5; continue; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decompressor.ptr.prototype.huffmanBlock, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, cnt, dist, err, extra, f, length, n, nb, v, x, x$1, x$2, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4, y$5, y$6, $s};return $f; + }; + decompressor.prototype.huffmanBlock = function() { return this.$val.huffmanBlock(); }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.dataBlock = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, f, n, nn, nr, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + f.nb = 0; + f.b = 0; + _r = io.ReadFull(f.r, $subslice(new sliceType$5(f.buf), 0, 4)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + nr = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + f.roffset = (x = f.roffset, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, nr)), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + f.err = noEOF(err); + $s = -1; return; + } + n = ((f.buf[0] >> 0)) | (((f.buf[1] >> 0)) << 8 >> 0); + nn = ((f.buf[2] >> 0)) | (((f.buf[3] >> 0)) << 8 >> 0); + if (!((((nn << 16 >>> 16)) === (((~n >> 0) << 16 >>> 16))))) { + f.err = ((x$2 = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x$2.$high, x$2.$low))); + $s = -1; return; + } + if (n === 0) { + f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush(); + f.finishBlock(); + $s = -1; return; + } + f.copyLen = n; + $r = f.copyData(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decompressor.ptr.prototype.dataBlock, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, f, n, nn, nr, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + decompressor.prototype.dataBlock = function() { return this.$val.dataBlock(); }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.copyData = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, buf, cnt, err, f, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + buf = f.dict.writeSlice(); + if (buf.$length > f.copyLen) { + buf = $subslice(buf, 0, f.copyLen); + } + _r = io.ReadFull(f.r, buf); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + cnt = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + f.roffset = (x = f.roffset, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, cnt)), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + f.copyLen = f.copyLen - (cnt) >> 0; + f.dict.writeMark(cnt); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + f.err = noEOF(err); + $s = -1; return; + } + if ((f.dict.availWrite() === 0) || f.copyLen > 0) { + f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush(); + f.step = $methodExpr(ptrType$2, "copyData"); + $s = -1; return; + } + f.finishBlock(); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decompressor.ptr.prototype.copyData, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, buf, cnt, err, f, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + decompressor.prototype.copyData = function() { return this.$val.copyData(); }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.finishBlock = function() { + var f; + f = this; + if (f.final$12) { + if (f.dict.availRead() > 0) { + f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush(); + } + f.err = io.EOF; + } + f.step = $methodExpr(ptrType$2, "nextBlock"); + }; + decompressor.prototype.finishBlock = function() { return this.$val.finishBlock(); }; + noEOF = function(e) { + var e; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, io.EOF)) { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + return e; + }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.moreBits = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, c, err, f, x, x$1, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r = f.r.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return noEOF(err); + } + f.roffset = (x = f.roffset, x$1 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + f.b = (f.b | (((y = f.nb, y < 32 ? (((c >>> 0)) << y) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + f.nb = f.nb + (8) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decompressor.ptr.prototype.moreBits, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, c, err, f, x, x$1, y, $s};return $f; + }; + decompressor.prototype.moreBits = function() { return this.$val.moreBits(); }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.huffSym = function(h) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, c, chunk, err, f, h, n, nb, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, y, y$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {h}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + n = ((h.min >>> 0)); + _tmp = f.nb; + _tmp$1 = f.b; + nb = _tmp; + b = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(nb < n)) { break; } */ if(!(nb < n)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r = f.r.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + f.b = b; + f.nb = nb; + $s = -1; return [0, noEOF(err)]; + } + f.roffset = (x = f.roffset, x$1 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + b = (b | (((y = (((nb & 31) >>> 0)), y < 32 ? (((c >>> 0)) << y) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + nb = nb + (8) >>> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + chunk = (x$2 = h.chunks, x$3 = (b & 511) >>> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[x$3])); + n = ((((chunk & 15) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + if (n > 9) { + chunk = (x$4 = (x$5 = h.links, x$6 = chunk >>> 4 >>> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + x$6])), x$7 = (((b >>> 9 >>> 0)) & h.linkMask) >>> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$7])); + n = ((((chunk & 15) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + } + if (n <= nb) { + if (n === 0) { + f.b = b; + f.nb = nb; + f.err = ((x$8 = f.roffset, new CorruptInputError(x$8.$high, x$8.$low))); + $s = -1; return [0, f.err]; + } + f.b = (y$1 = (((n & 31) >>> 0)), y$1 < 32 ? (b >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + f.nb = nb - n >>> 0; + $s = -1; return [(((chunk >>> 4 >>> 0) >> 0)), $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decompressor.ptr.prototype.huffSym, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, c, chunk, err, f, h, n, nb, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, y, y$1, $s};return $f; + }; + decompressor.prototype.huffSym = function(h) { return this.$val.huffSym(h); }; + makeReader = function(r) { + var _tuple, ok, r, rr; + _tuple = $assertType(r, Reader, true); + rr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return rr; + } + return bufio.NewReader(r); + }; + fixedHuffmanDecoderInit = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fixedOnce.Do((function() { + var bits$1, i, i$1, i$2, i$3; + bits$1 = arrayType$2.zero(); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 144)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= bits$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bits$1[i] = 8); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + i$1 = 144; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 256)) { break; } + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= bits$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bits$1[i$1] = 9); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + i$2 = 256; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 280)) { break; } + ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= bits$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bits$1[i$2] = 7); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + i$3 = 280; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 < 288)) { break; } + ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= bits$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bits$1[i$3] = 8); + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + fixedHuffmanDecoder.init(new sliceType$4(bits$1)); + })); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fixedHuffmanDecoderInit, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + decompressor.ptr.prototype.Reset = function(r, dict) { + var dict, f, r; + f = this; + decompressor.copy(f, new decompressor.ptr(makeReader(r), new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, new huffmanDecoder.ptr(0, arrayType.zero(), sliceType$1.nil, 0), new huffmanDecoder.ptr(0, arrayType.zero(), sliceType$1.nil, 0), f.bits, f.codebits, $clone(f.dict, dictDecoder), arrayType$5.zero(), $methodExpr(ptrType$2, "nextBlock"), 0, false, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0)); + f.dict.init(32768, dict); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + decompressor.prototype.Reset = function(r, dict) { return this.$val.Reset(r, dict); }; + NewReader = function(r) { + var {f, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = [f]; + $r = fixedHuffmanDecoderInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f[0] = new decompressor.ptr($ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, new huffmanDecoder.ptr(0, arrayType.zero(), sliceType$1.nil, 0), new huffmanDecoder.ptr(0, arrayType.zero(), sliceType$1.nil, 0), ptrType$3.nil, ptrType$4.nil, new dictDecoder.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0, false), arrayType$5.zero(), $throwNilPointerError, 0, false, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0); + f[0].r = makeReader(r); + f[0].bits = arrayType$3.zero(); + f[0].codebits = arrayType$4.zero(); + f[0].step = $methodExpr(ptrType$2, "nextBlock"); + f[0].dict.init(32768, sliceType$5.nil); + $s = -1; return f[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewReader, $c: true, $r, f, r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewReader = NewReader; + hcode.ptr.prototype.set = function(code, length) { + var code, h, length; + h = this; + h.len = length; + h.code = code; + }; + hcode.prototype.set = function(code, length) { return this.$val.set(code, length); }; + maxNode = function() { + return new literalNode.ptr(65535, 2147483647); + }; + newHuffmanEncoder = function(size) { + var size; + return new huffmanEncoder.ptr($makeSlice(sliceType$6, size), sliceType$7.nil, arrayType$6.zero(), byLiteral.nil, byFreq.nil); + }; + generateFixedLiteralEncoding = function() { + var bits$1, ch, codes, h, size; + h = newHuffmanEncoder(286); + codes = h.codes; + ch = 0; + ch = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(ch < 286)) { break; } + bits$1 = 0; + size = 0; + switch (0) { default: + if (ch < 144) { + bits$1 = ch + 48 << 16 >>> 16; + size = 8; + break; + } else if (ch < 256) { + bits$1 = (ch + 400 << 16 >>> 16) - 144 << 16 >>> 16; + size = 9; + break; + } else if (ch < 280) { + bits$1 = ch - 256 << 16 >>> 16; + size = 7; + break; + } else { + bits$1 = (ch + 192 << 16 >>> 16) - 280 << 16 >>> 16; + size = 8; + } + } + hcode.copy(((ch < 0 || ch >= codes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : codes.$array[codes.$offset + ch]), new hcode.ptr(reverseBits(bits$1, ((size << 24 >>> 24))), size)); + ch = ch + (1) << 16 >>> 16; + } + return h; + }; + generateFixedOffsetEncoding = function() { + var _i, _ref, ch, codes, h; + h = newHuffmanEncoder(30); + codes = h.codes; + _ref = codes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + ch = _i; + hcode.copy(((ch < 0 || ch >= codes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : codes.$array[codes.$offset + ch]), new hcode.ptr(reverseBits(((ch << 16 >>> 16)), 5), 5)); + _i++; + } + return h; + }; + huffmanEncoder.ptr.prototype.bitCounts = function(list, maxBits) { + var bitCount, bits$1, counts, h, l, leafCounts, level, level$1, level$2, levels$1, list, maxBits, n, n$1, prevFreq, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + h = this; + if (maxBits >= 16) { + $panic(new $String("flate: maxBits too large")); + } + n = ((list.$length >> 0)); + list = $subslice(list, 0, (n + 1 >> 0)); + literalNode.copy(((n < 0 || n >= list.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : list.$array[list.$offset + n]), maxNode()); + if (maxBits > (n - 1 >> 0)) { + maxBits = n - 1 >> 0; + } + levels$1 = arrayType$7.zero(); + leafCounts = arrayType$9.zero(); + level = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(level <= maxBits)) { break; } + levelInfo.copy(((level < 0 || level >= levels$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : levels$1[level]), new levelInfo.ptr(level, (1 >= list.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : list.$array[list.$offset + 1]).freq, (2 >= list.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : list.$array[list.$offset + 2]).freq, (0 >= list.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : list.$array[list.$offset + 0]).freq + (1 >= list.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : list.$array[list.$offset + 1]).freq >> 0, 0)); + (x = ((level < 0 || level >= leafCounts.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : leafCounts[level]), ((level < 0 || level >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[level] = 2)); + if (level === 1) { + ((level < 0 || level >= levels$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : levels$1[level]).nextPairFreq = 2147483647; + } + level = level + (1) >> 0; + } + ((maxBits < 0 || maxBits >= levels$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : levels$1[maxBits]).needed = ($imul(2, n)) - 4 >> 0; + level$1 = maxBits; + while (true) { + l = ((level$1 < 0 || level$1 >= levels$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : levels$1[level$1]); + if ((l.nextPairFreq === 2147483647) && (l.nextCharFreq === 2147483647)) { + l.needed = 0; + (x$1 = level$1 + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= levels$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : levels$1[x$1])).nextPairFreq = 2147483647; + level$1 = level$1 + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + prevFreq = l.lastFreq; + if (l.nextCharFreq < l.nextPairFreq) { + n$1 = (x$2 = ((level$1 < 0 || level$1 >= leafCounts.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : leafCounts[level$1]), ((level$1 < 0 || level$1 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[level$1])) + 1 >> 0; + l.lastFreq = l.nextCharFreq; + (x$3 = ((level$1 < 0 || level$1 >= leafCounts.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : leafCounts[level$1]), ((level$1 < 0 || level$1 >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[level$1] = n$1)); + l.nextCharFreq = ((n$1 < 0 || n$1 >= list.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : list.$array[list.$offset + n$1]).freq; + } else { + l.lastFreq = l.nextPairFreq; + $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$8(((level$1 < 0 || level$1 >= leafCounts.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : leafCounts[level$1])), 0, level$1), $subslice(new sliceType$8((x$4 = level$1 - 1 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= leafCounts.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : leafCounts[x$4]))), 0, level$1)); + (x$5 = l.level - 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= levels$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : levels$1[x$5])).needed = 2; + } + l.needed = l.needed - (1) >> 0; + if (l.needed === 0) { + if (l.level === maxBits) { + break; + } + (x$6 = l.level + 1 >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= levels$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : levels$1[x$6])).nextPairFreq = prevFreq + l.lastFreq >> 0; + level$1 = level$1 + (1) >> 0; + } else { + while (true) { + if (!((x$7 = level$1 - 1 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= levels$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : levels$1[x$7])).needed > 0)) { break; } + level$1 = level$1 - (1) >> 0; + } + } + } + if (!(((x$8 = ((maxBits < 0 || maxBits >= leafCounts.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : leafCounts[maxBits]), ((maxBits < 0 || maxBits >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[maxBits])) === n))) { + $panic(new $String("leafCounts[maxBits][maxBits] != n")); + } + bitCount = $subslice(new sliceType$8(h.bitCount), 0, (maxBits + 1 >> 0)); + bits$1 = 1; + counts = ((maxBits < 0 || maxBits >= leafCounts.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : leafCounts[maxBits]); + level$2 = maxBits; + while (true) { + if (!(level$2 > 0)) { break; } + ((bits$1 < 0 || bits$1 >= bitCount.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bitCount.$array[bitCount.$offset + bits$1] = ((x$9 = counts, ((level$2 < 0 || level$2 >= x$9.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9[level$2])) - (x$10 = counts, x$11 = level$2 - 1 >> 0, ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[x$11])) >> 0)); + bits$1 = bits$1 + (1) >> 0; + level$2 = level$2 - (1) >> 0; + } + return bitCount; + }; + huffmanEncoder.prototype.bitCounts = function(list, maxBits) { return this.$val.bitCounts(list, maxBits); }; + huffmanEncoder.ptr.prototype.assignEncodingAndSize = function(bitCount, list) { + var {_i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, bitCount, bits$1, chunk, code, h, list, n, node, x, x$1, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {bitCount, list}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + code = 0; + _ref = bitCount; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + n = _i; + bits$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + code = (y = (1), y < 32 ? (code << y) : 0) << 16 >>> 16; + if ((n === 0) || (bits$1 === 0)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + chunk = $subslice(list, (list.$length - ((bits$1 >> 0)) >> 0)); + $r = (h.$ptr_lns || (h.$ptr_lns = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.lns; }, function($v) { this.$target.lns = $v; }, h))).sort(chunk); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$1 = chunk; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + node = $clone(((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]), literalNode); + hcode.copy((x = h.codes, x$1 = node.literal, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])), new hcode.ptr(reverseBits(code, ((n << 24 >>> 24))), ((n << 16 >>> 16)))); + code = code + (1) << 16 >>> 16; + _i$1++; + } + list = $subslice(list, 0, (list.$length - ((bits$1 >> 0)) >> 0)); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: huffmanEncoder.ptr.prototype.assignEncodingAndSize, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, bitCount, bits$1, chunk, code, h, list, n, node, x, x$1, y, $s};return $f; + }; + huffmanEncoder.prototype.assignEncodingAndSize = function(bitCount, list) { return this.$val.assignEncodingAndSize(bitCount, list); }; + huffmanEncoder.ptr.prototype.generate = function(freq, maxBits) { + var {_i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, bitCount, count, f, freq, h, i, i$1, list, maxBits, node, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {freq, maxBits}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + if (h.freqcache === sliceType$7.nil) { + h.freqcache = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, 287); + } + list = $subslice(h.freqcache, 0, (freq.$length + 1 >> 0)); + count = 0; + _ref = freq; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + f = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!((f === 0))) { + literalNode.copy(((count < 0 || count >= list.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : list.$array[list.$offset + count]), new literalNode.ptr(((i << 16 >>> 16)), f)); + count = count + (1) >> 0; + } else { + literalNode.copy(((count < 0 || count >= list.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : list.$array[list.$offset + count]), new literalNode.ptr(0, 0)); + (x = h.codes, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])).len = 0; + } + _i++; + } + literalNode.copy((x$1 = freq.$length, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= list.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : list.$array[list.$offset + x$1])), new literalNode.ptr(0, 0)); + list = $subslice(list, 0, count); + if (count <= 2) { + _ref$1 = list; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + node = $clone(((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]), literalNode); + (x$2 = h.codes, x$3 = node.literal, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x$3])).set(((i$1 << 16 >>> 16)), 1); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = (h.$ptr_lfs || (h.$ptr_lfs = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target.lfs; }, function($v) { this.$target.lfs = $v; }, h))).sort(list); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bitCount = h.bitCounts(list, maxBits); + $r = h.assignEncodingAndSize(bitCount, list); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: huffmanEncoder.ptr.prototype.generate, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, bitCount, count, f, freq, h, i, i$1, list, maxBits, node, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + huffmanEncoder.prototype.generate = function(freq, maxBits) { return this.$val.generate(freq, maxBits); }; + $ptrType(byLiteral).prototype.sort = function(a) { + var {a, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + s.$set(($convertSliceType(a, byLiteral))); + $r = sort.Sort(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(byLiteral).prototype.sort, $c: true, $r, a, s, $s};return $f; + }; + byLiteral.prototype.Len = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return s.$length; + }; + $ptrType(byLiteral).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + byLiteral.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { + var i, j, s; + s = this; + return ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]).literal < ((j < 0 || j >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + j]).literal; + }; + $ptrType(byLiteral).prototype.Less = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Less(i, j); }; + byLiteral.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, i, j, s; + s = this; + _tmp = $clone(((j < 0 || j >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + j]), literalNode); + _tmp$1 = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]), literalNode); + literalNode.copy(((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]), _tmp); + literalNode.copy(((j < 0 || j >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + j]), _tmp$1); + }; + $ptrType(byLiteral).prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Swap(i, j); }; + $ptrType(byFreq).prototype.sort = function(a) { + var {a, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + s.$set(($convertSliceType(a, byFreq))); + $r = sort.Sort(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(byFreq).prototype.sort, $c: true, $r, a, s, $s};return $f; + }; + byFreq.prototype.Len = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return s.$length; + }; + $ptrType(byFreq).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + byFreq.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { + var i, j, s; + s = this; + if (((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]).freq === ((j < 0 || j >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + j]).freq) { + return ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]).literal < ((j < 0 || j >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + j]).literal; + } + return ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]).freq < ((j < 0 || j >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + j]).freq; + }; + $ptrType(byFreq).prototype.Less = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Less(i, j); }; + byFreq.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, i, j, s; + s = this; + _tmp = $clone(((j < 0 || j >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + j]), literalNode); + _tmp$1 = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]), literalNode); + literalNode.copy(((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]), _tmp); + literalNode.copy(((j < 0 || j >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + j]), _tmp$1); + }; + $ptrType(byFreq).prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Swap(i, j); }; + reverseBits = function(number, bitLength) { + var bitLength, number, y; + return bits.Reverse16((y = ((16 - bitLength << 24 >>> 24)), y < 32 ? (number << y) : 0) << 16 >>> 16); + }; + init = function() { + var {offsetFreq, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + offsetFreq = $makeSlice(sliceType$8, 30); + (0 >= offsetFreq.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : offsetFreq.$array[offsetFreq.$offset + 0] = 1); + huffOffset = newHuffmanEncoder(30); + $r = huffOffset.generate(offsetFreq, 15); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: init, $c: true, $r, offsetFreq, $s};return $f; + }; + dictDecoder.ptr.prototype.init = function(size, dict) { + var dd, dict, size; + dd = this; + dictDecoder.copy(dd, new dictDecoder.ptr(dd.hist, 0, 0, false)); + if (dd.hist.$capacity < size) { + dd.hist = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, size); + } + dd.hist = $subslice(dd.hist, 0, size); + if (dict.$length > dd.hist.$length) { + dict = $subslice(dict, (dict.$length - dd.hist.$length >> 0)); + } + dd.wrPos = $copySlice(dd.hist, dict); + if (dd.wrPos === dd.hist.$length) { + dd.wrPos = 0; + dd.full = true; + } + dd.rdPos = dd.wrPos; + }; + dictDecoder.prototype.init = function(size, dict) { return this.$val.init(size, dict); }; + dictDecoder.ptr.prototype.histSize = function() { + var dd; + dd = this; + if (dd.full) { + return dd.hist.$length; + } + return dd.wrPos; + }; + dictDecoder.prototype.histSize = function() { return this.$val.histSize(); }; + dictDecoder.ptr.prototype.availRead = function() { + var dd; + dd = this; + return dd.wrPos - dd.rdPos >> 0; + }; + dictDecoder.prototype.availRead = function() { return this.$val.availRead(); }; + dictDecoder.ptr.prototype.availWrite = function() { + var dd; + dd = this; + return dd.hist.$length - dd.wrPos >> 0; + }; + dictDecoder.prototype.availWrite = function() { return this.$val.availWrite(); }; + dictDecoder.ptr.prototype.writeSlice = function() { + var dd; + dd = this; + return $subslice(dd.hist, dd.wrPos); + }; + dictDecoder.prototype.writeSlice = function() { return this.$val.writeSlice(); }; + dictDecoder.ptr.prototype.writeMark = function(cnt) { + var cnt, dd; + dd = this; + dd.wrPos = dd.wrPos + (cnt) >> 0; + }; + dictDecoder.prototype.writeMark = function(cnt) { return this.$val.writeMark(cnt); }; + dictDecoder.ptr.prototype.writeByte = function(c) { + var c, dd, x, x$1; + dd = this; + (x = dd.hist, x$1 = dd.wrPos, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1] = c)); + dd.wrPos = dd.wrPos + (1) >> 0; + }; + dictDecoder.prototype.writeByte = function(c) { return this.$val.writeByte(c); }; + dictDecoder.ptr.prototype.writeCopy = function(dist, length) { + var dd, dist, dstBase, dstPos, endPos, length, srcPos; + dd = this; + dstBase = dd.wrPos; + dstPos = dstBase; + srcPos = dstPos - dist >> 0; + endPos = dstPos + length >> 0; + if (endPos > dd.hist.$length) { + endPos = dd.hist.$length; + } + if (srcPos < 0) { + srcPos = srcPos + (dd.hist.$length) >> 0; + dstPos = dstPos + ($copySlice($subslice(dd.hist, dstPos, endPos), $subslice(dd.hist, srcPos))) >> 0; + srcPos = 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(dstPos < endPos)) { break; } + dstPos = dstPos + ($copySlice($subslice(dd.hist, dstPos, endPos), $subslice(dd.hist, srcPos, dstPos))) >> 0; + } + dd.wrPos = dstPos; + return dstPos - dstBase >> 0; + }; + dictDecoder.prototype.writeCopy = function(dist, length) { return this.$val.writeCopy(dist, length); }; + dictDecoder.ptr.prototype.tryWriteCopy = function(dist, length) { + var dd, dist, dstBase, dstPos, endPos, length, srcPos; + dd = this; + dstPos = dd.wrPos; + endPos = dstPos + length >> 0; + if (dstPos < dist || endPos > dd.hist.$length) { + return 0; + } + dstBase = dstPos; + srcPos = dstPos - dist >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(dstPos < endPos)) { break; } + dstPos = dstPos + ($copySlice($subslice(dd.hist, dstPos, endPos), $subslice(dd.hist, srcPos, dstPos))) >> 0; + } + dd.wrPos = dstPos; + return dstPos - dstBase >> 0; + }; + dictDecoder.prototype.tryWriteCopy = function(dist, length) { return this.$val.tryWriteCopy(dist, length); }; + dictDecoder.ptr.prototype.readFlush = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, dd, toRead; + dd = this; + toRead = $subslice(dd.hist, dd.rdPos, dd.wrPos); + dd.rdPos = dd.wrPos; + if (dd.wrPos === dd.hist.$length) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + dd.wrPos = _tmp; + dd.rdPos = _tmp$1; + dd.full = true; + } + return toRead; + }; + dictDecoder.prototype.readFlush = function() { return this.$val.readFlush(); }; + CorruptInputError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + InternalError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "init", name: "init", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "nextBlock", name: "nextBlock", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readHuffman", name: "readHuffman", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "huffmanBlock", name: "huffmanBlock", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "dataBlock", name: "dataBlock", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "copyData", name: "copyData", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "finishBlock", name: "finishBlock", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "moreBits", name: "moreBits", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "huffSym", name: "huffSym", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader, sliceType$5], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$15.methods = [{prop: "set", name: "set", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([$Uint16, $Uint16], [], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "bitLength", name: "bitLength", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([sliceType$8], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "bitCounts", name: "bitCounts", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([sliceType$7, $Int32], [sliceType$8], false)}, {prop: "assignEncodingAndSize", name: "assignEncodingAndSize", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([sliceType$8, sliceType$7], [], false)}, {prop: "generate", name: "generate", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([sliceType$8, $Int32], [], false)}]; + byLiteral.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Less", name: "Less", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "sort", name: "sort", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([sliceType$7], [], false)}]; + byFreq.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Less", name: "Less", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "sort", name: "sort", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([sliceType$7], [], false)}]; + ptrType$16.methods = [{prop: "init", name: "init", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([$Int, sliceType$5], [], false)}, {prop: "histSize", name: "histSize", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "availRead", name: "availRead", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "availWrite", name: "availWrite", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "writeSlice", name: "writeSlice", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "writeMark", name: "writeMark", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "writeByte", name: "writeByte", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "writeCopy", name: "writeCopy", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "tryWriteCopy", name: "tryWriteCopy", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "readFlush", name: "readFlush", pkg: "compress/flate", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}]; + Resetter.init([{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader, sliceType$5], [$error], false)}]); + huffmanDecoder.init("compress/flate", [{prop: "min", name: "min", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "chunks", name: "chunks", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "links", name: "links", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "linkMask", name: "linkMask", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + Reader.init([{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadByte", name: "ReadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $error], false)}]); + decompressor.init("compress/flate", [{prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "roffset", name: "roffset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "b", name: "b", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "nb", name: "nb", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint, tag: ""}, {prop: "h1", name: "h1", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: huffmanDecoder, tag: ""}, {prop: "h2", name: "h2", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: huffmanDecoder, tag: ""}, {prop: "bits", name: "bits", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "codebits", name: "codebits", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "dict", name: "dict", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: dictDecoder, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "step", name: "step", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "stepState", name: "stepState", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "final$12", name: "final", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "toRead", name: "toRead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "hl", name: "hl", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "hd", name: "hd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "copyLen", name: "copyLen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "copyDist", name: "copyDist", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + hcode.init("compress/flate", [{prop: "code", name: "code", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}]); + huffmanEncoder.init("compress/flate", [{prop: "codes", name: "codes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "freqcache", name: "freqcache", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "bitCount", name: "bitCount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "lns", name: "lns", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: byLiteral, tag: ""}, {prop: "lfs", name: "lfs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: byFreq, tag: ""}]); + literalNode.init("compress/flate", [{prop: "literal", name: "literal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "freq", name: "freq", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}]); + levelInfo.init("compress/flate", [{prop: "level", name: "level", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastFreq", name: "lastFreq", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextCharFreq", name: "nextCharFreq", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextPairFreq", name: "nextPairFreq", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "needed", name: "needed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}]); + byLiteral.init(literalNode); + byFreq.init(literalNode); + dictDecoder.init("compress/flate", [{prop: "hist", name: "hist", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "wrPos", name: "wrPos", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "rdPos", name: "rdPos", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "full", name: "full", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bufio.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fixedOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + fixedHuffmanDecoder = new huffmanDecoder.ptr(0, arrayType.zero(), sliceType$1.nil, 0); + huffOffset = ptrType.nil; + codeOrder = $toNativeArray($kindInt, [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]); + fixedLiteralEncoding = generateFixedLiteralEncoding(); + fixedOffsetEncoding = generateFixedOffsetEncoding(); + $r = init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["encoding/binary"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, io, math, reflect, sync, littleEndian, bigEndian, sliceType, overflow; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + littleEndian = $pkg.littleEndian = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "binary.littleEndian", true, "encoding/binary", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + bigEndian = $pkg.bigEndian = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "binary.bigEndian", true, "encoding/binary", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + littleEndian.ptr.prototype.Uint16 = function(b) { + var b; + $unused((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1])); + return ((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) | ((((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16)) >>> 0; + }; + littleEndian.prototype.Uint16 = function(b) { return this.$val.Uint16(b); }; + littleEndian.ptr.prototype.PutUint16 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + $unused((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1])); + (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0] = ((v << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1] = (((v >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + littleEndian.prototype.PutUint16 = function(b, v) { return this.$val.PutUint16(b, v); }; + littleEndian.ptr.prototype.Uint32 = function(b) { + var b; + $unused((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3])); + return ((((((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) | ((((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + }; + littleEndian.prototype.Uint32 = function(b) { return this.$val.Uint32(b); }; + littleEndian.ptr.prototype.PutUint32 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + $unused((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3])); + (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0] = ((v << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1] = (((v >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2] = (((v >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3] = (((v >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + littleEndian.prototype.PutUint32 = function(b, v) { return this.$val.PutUint32(b, v); }; + littleEndian.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function(b) { + var b, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + return (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$8.$high, (x$5.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$9.$high, (x$4.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))), 32), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$10.$high, (x$3.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))), 40), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$11.$high, (x$2.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$12.$high, (x$1.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))), 56), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$13.$high, (x.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + littleEndian.prototype.Uint64 = function(b) { return this.$val.Uint64(b); }; + littleEndian.ptr.prototype.PutUint64 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0] = ((v.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 16).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 24).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 32).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 40).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 48).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 56).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + littleEndian.prototype.PutUint64 = function(b, v) { return this.$val.PutUint64(b, v); }; + littleEndian.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + return "LittleEndian"; + }; + littleEndian.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + littleEndian.ptr.prototype.GoString = function() { + return "binary.LittleEndian"; + }; + littleEndian.prototype.GoString = function() { return this.$val.GoString(); }; + bigEndian.ptr.prototype.Uint16 = function(b) { + var b; + $unused((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1])); + return ((((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16)) | ((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16)) >>> 0; + }; + bigEndian.prototype.Uint16 = function(b) { return this.$val.Uint16(b); }; + bigEndian.ptr.prototype.PutUint16 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + $unused((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1])); + (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0] = (((v >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1] = ((v << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + bigEndian.prototype.PutUint16 = function(b, v) { return this.$val.PutUint16(b, v); }; + bigEndian.ptr.prototype.Uint32 = function(b) { + var b; + $unused((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3])); + return ((((((((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]) >>> 0)) | ((((2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + }; + bigEndian.prototype.Uint32 = function(b) { return this.$val.Uint32(b); }; + bigEndian.ptr.prototype.PutUint32 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + $unused((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3])); + (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0] = (((v >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1] = (((v >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2] = (((v >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3] = ((v << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + bigEndian.prototype.PutUint32 = function(b, v) { return this.$val.PutUint32(b, v); }; + bigEndian.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function(b) { + var b, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + return (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$8.$high, (x$5.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$9.$high, (x$4.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 32), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$10.$high, (x$3.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 40), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$11.$high, (x$2.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$12.$high, (x$1.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), 56), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$13.$high, (x.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + bigEndian.prototype.Uint64 = function(b) { return this.$val.Uint64(b); }; + bigEndian.ptr.prototype.PutUint64 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 56).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 48).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 40).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 32).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 24).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 16).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7] = ((v.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + bigEndian.prototype.PutUint64 = function(b, v) { return this.$val.PutUint64(b, v); }; + bigEndian.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + return "BigEndian"; + }; + bigEndian.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + bigEndian.ptr.prototype.GoString = function() { + return "binary.BigEndian"; + }; + bigEndian.prototype.GoString = function() { return this.$val.GoString(); }; + littleEndian.methods = [{prop: "Uint16", name: "Uint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "PutUint16", name: "PutUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "Uint32", name: "Uint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "PutUint32", name: "PutUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "PutUint64", name: "PutUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "GoString", name: "GoString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + bigEndian.methods = [{prop: "Uint16", name: "Uint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "PutUint16", name: "PutUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "Uint32", name: "Uint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "PutUint32", name: "PutUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "PutUint64", name: "PutUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "GoString", name: "GoString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + littleEndian.init("", []); + bigEndian.init("", []); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.LittleEndian = new littleEndian.ptr(); + $pkg.BigEndian = new bigEndian.ptr(); + overflow = errors.New("binary: varint overflows a 64-bit integer"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["hash"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, io, Hash, sliceType; + io = $packages["io"]; + Hash = $pkg.Hash = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "hash.Hash", true, "hash", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + Hash.init([{prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["hash/adler32"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, hash; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["compress/zlib"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bufio, flate, binary, errors, fmt, hash, adler32, io; + bufio = $packages["bufio"]; + flate = $packages["compress/flate"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + adler32 = $packages["hash/adler32"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bufio.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = flate.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = adler32.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrChecksum = errors.New("zlib: invalid checksum"); + $pkg.ErrDictionary = errors.New("zlib: invalid dictionary"); + $pkg.ErrHeader = errors.New("zlib: invalid header"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["hash/fnv"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, hash, bits, sum64, ptrType$2, sliceType, New64, appendUint64, readUint64; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + sum64 = $pkg.sum64 = $newType(8, $kindUint64, "fnv.sum64", true, "hash/fnv", false, null); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(sum64); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + New64 = function() { + var s, s$24ptr; + s = new sum64(3421674724, 2216829733); + return (s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$2(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $v; }))); + }; + $pkg.New64 = New64; + $ptrType(sum64).prototype.Reset = function() { + var s; + s = this; + s.$set(new sum64(3421674724, 2216829733)); + }; + $ptrType(sum64).prototype.Sum64 = function() { + var s, x; + s = this; + return ((x = s.$get(), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + }; + $ptrType(sum64).prototype.Write = function(data) { + var _i, _ref, c, data, hash$1, s, x; + s = this; + hash$1 = s.$get(); + _ref = data; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + hash$1 = $mul64(hash$1, (new sum64(256, 435))); + hash$1 = (x = (new sum64(0, c)), new sum64(hash$1.$high ^ x.$high, (hash$1.$low ^ x.$low) >>> 0)); + _i++; + } + s.$set(hash$1); + return [data.$length, $ifaceNil]; + }; + $ptrType(sum64).prototype.Size = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return 8; + }; + $ptrType(sum64).prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return 1; + }; + $ptrType(sum64).prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { + var in$1, s, v, x; + s = this; + v = ((x = s.$get(), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + return $append(in$1, (($shiftRightUint64(v, 56).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 48).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 40).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 32).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 24).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 16).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24)), ((v.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + $ptrType(sum64).prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { + var b, s, x; + s = this; + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 12); + b = $appendSlice(b, "fnv\x03"); + b = appendUint64(b, ((x = s.$get(), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + $ptrType(sum64).prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { + var b, s, x; + s = this; + if (b.$length < 4 || !(($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, 4))) === "fnv\x03")) { + return errors.New("hash/fnv: invalid hash state identifier"); + } + if (!((b.$length === 12))) { + return errors.New("hash/fnv: invalid hash state size"); + } + s.$set(((x = readUint64($subslice(b, 4)), new sum64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + appendUint64 = function(b, x) { + var a, b, x; + a = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [(($shiftRightUint64(x, 56).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(x, 48).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(x, 40).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(x, 32).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(x, 24).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(x, 16).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(x, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24)), ((x.$low << 24 >>> 24))]); + return $appendSlice(b, new sliceType(a)); + }; + readUint64 = function(b) { + var b, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + return (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$8.$high, (x$5.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$9.$high, (x$4.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 32), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$10.$high, (x$3.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 40), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$11.$high, (x$2.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$12.$high, (x$1.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), 56), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$13.$high, (x.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Sum64", name: "Sum64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, binary, fnv, os, arrayType, sliceType, randSeed, _r, Bool, Intn, binaryHash; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + fnv = $packages["hash/fnv"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + Bool = function() { + var x; + return (x = $div64(randSeed, new $Uint64(0, 2), true), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 1)); + }; + $pkg.Bool = Bool; + Intn = function(n) { + var n; + if (n <= 0) { + $panic(new $String("must be positive")); + } + return (($div64(randSeed, (new $Uint64(0, n)), true).$low >> 0)); + }; + $pkg.Intn = Intn; + binaryHash = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, buf, err, err$1, f, fi, h, i, s, x, x$1, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + _tuple = os.Executable(); + s = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = new $Uint64(0, 0); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = os.Open(s); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + f = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(f, "Close"), []]); + buf = arrayType.zero(); + h = fnv.New64(); + _r$2 = f.Stat(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + fi = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + $24r$2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 10: + _arg = $subslice(new sliceType(buf), 0, 8); + _r$3 = fi.Size(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((x = _r$3, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + $r = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint64(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = h.Write($subslice(new sliceType(buf), 0, 8)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + i = new $Int64(0, 0); + /* while (true) { */ case 15: + /* if (!((i.$high < 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low < 8)))) { break; } */ if(!((i.$high < 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low < 8)))) { $s = 16; continue; } + _arg$2 = new sliceType(buf); + _r$5 = fi.Size(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $div64($mul64(i, _r$5), new $Int64(0, 8), false); + _r$6 = f.ReadAt(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$6; + err$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 19: + $24r$3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 20: + _r$7 = h.Write(new sliceType(buf)); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + i = (x$1 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(i.$high + x$1.$high, i.$low + x$1.$low)); + $s = 15; continue; + case 16: + _r$8 = h.Sum64(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$8; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$4; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return new $Uint64(0, 0); } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: binaryHash, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, buf, err, err$1, f, fi, h, i, s, x, x$1, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fnv.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = binaryHash(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + randSeed = _r; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, fmt, detrand, prefixError, wrapError, sliceType, ptrType, ptrType$1, prefix, New, format, InvalidUTF8, RequiredNotSet; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + detrand = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand"]; + prefixError = $pkg.prefixError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "errors.prefixError", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors", false, function(s_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = ""; + return; + } + this.s = s_; + }); + wrapError = $pkg.wrapError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "errors.wrapError", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors", false, function(s_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = ""; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.s = s_; + this.err = err_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(prefixError); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(wrapError); + New = function(f, x) { + var {$24r, _r, f, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = format(f, x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new prefixError.ptr(_r); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: New, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, f, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.New = New; + prefixError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return prefix + e.s; + }; + prefixError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + prefixError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return $pkg.Error; + }; + prefixError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + wrapError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = format("%v%v: %v", new sliceType([new $String(prefix), new $String(e.s), e.err])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: wrapError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + wrapError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + wrapError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.err; + }; + wrapError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + wrapError.ptr.prototype.Is = function(target) { + var e, target; + e = this; + return $interfaceIsEqual(target, $pkg.Error); + }; + wrapError.prototype.Is = function(target) { return this.$val.Is(target); }; + format = function(f, x) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _ref, e, e$1, f, i, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < x.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < x.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _ref = ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]); + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$1, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + e = _ref.$val; + ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i] = new $String(e.s)); + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$1, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + e$1 = _ref.$val; + _r = format("%v: %v", new sliceType([new $String(e$1.s), e$1.err])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i] = new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 5: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf(f, x); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: format, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _ref, e, e$1, f, i, x, $s};return $f; + }; + InvalidUTF8 = function(name) { + var {$24r, _r, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = New("field %v contains invalid UTF-8", new sliceType([new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InvalidUTF8, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.InvalidUTF8 = InvalidUTF8; + RequiredNotSet = function(name) { + var {$24r, _r, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = New("required field %v not set", new sliceType([new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RequiredNotSet, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.RequiredNotSet = RequiredNotSet; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Is", name: "Is", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$error], [$Bool], false)}]; + prefixError.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + wrapError.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = detrand.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.Error = errors.New("protobuf error"); + prefix = (function() { + if (detrand.Bool()) { + return "proto:\xC2\xA0"; + } else { + return "proto: "; + } + })(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, io, math, bits, Number, Type, sliceType, sliceType$1, errFieldNumber, errOverflow, errReserved, errEndGroup, errParse, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, ParseError, ConsumeField, ConsumeFieldValue, consumeFieldValueD, AppendTag, ConsumeTag, SizeTag, AppendVarint, ConsumeVarint, SizeVarint, AppendFixed32, ConsumeFixed32, SizeFixed32, AppendFixed64, ConsumeFixed64, SizeFixed64, AppendBytes, ConsumeBytes, SizeBytes, AppendString, ConsumeGroup, SizeGroup, DecodeTag, EncodeTag, DecodeZigZag, EncodeZigZag, DecodeBool, EncodeBool; + errors = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + Number = $pkg.Number = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "protowire.Number", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire", true, null); + Type = $pkg.Type = $newType(1, $kindInt8, "protowire.Type", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + Number.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var n; + n = this.$val; + return 1 <= n && n < 19000 || 19999 < n && n <= 536870911; + }; + $ptrType(Number).prototype.IsValid = function() { return new Number(this.$get()).IsValid(); }; + ParseError = function(n) { + var _1, n; + if (n >= 0) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + _1 = n; + if (_1 === (-1)) { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } else if (_1 === (-2)) { + return errFieldNumber; + } else if (_1 === (-3)) { + return errOverflow; + } else if (_1 === (-4)) { + return errReserved; + } else if (_1 === (-5)) { + return errEndGroup; + } else { + return errParse; + } + }; + $pkg.ParseError = ParseError; + ConsumeField = function(b) { + var _tuple, b, m, n, num, typ; + _tuple = ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + if (n < 0) { + return [0, 0, n]; + } + m = ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, $subslice(b, n)); + if (m < 0) { + return [0, 0, m]; + } + return [num, typ, n + m >> 0]; + }; + $pkg.ConsumeField = ConsumeField; + ConsumeFieldValue = function(num, typ, b) { + var b, n, num, typ; + n = 0; + n = consumeFieldValueD(num, typ, b, 10000); + return n; + }; + $pkg.ConsumeFieldValue = ConsumeFieldValue; + consumeFieldValueD = function(num, typ, b, depth) { + var _1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, depth, n, n$1, n0, num, num2, typ, typ2; + n = 0; + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (0)) { + _tuple = ConsumeVarint(b); + n = _tuple[1]; + n = n; + return n; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + _tuple$1 = ConsumeFixed32(b); + n = _tuple$1[1]; + n = n; + return n; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + _tuple$2 = ConsumeFixed64(b); + n = _tuple$2[1]; + n = n; + return n; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + _tuple$3 = ConsumeBytes(b); + n = _tuple$3[1]; + n = n; + return n; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + if (depth < 0) { + n = -6; + return n; + } + n0 = b.$length; + while (true) { + _tuple$4 = ConsumeTag(b); + num2 = _tuple$4[0]; + typ2 = _tuple$4[1]; + n$1 = _tuple$4[2]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + n = n$1; + return n; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + if (typ2 === 4) { + if (!((num === num2))) { + n = -5; + return n; + } + n = n0 - b.$length >> 0; + return n; + } + n$1 = consumeFieldValueD(num2, typ2, b, depth - 1 >> 0); + if (n$1 < 0) { + n = n$1; + return n; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + } + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + n = -5; + return n; + } else { + n = -4; + return n; + } + }; + AppendTag = function(b, num, typ) { + var b, num, typ; + return AppendVarint(b, EncodeTag(num, typ)); + }; + $pkg.AppendTag = AppendTag; + ConsumeTag = function(b) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, b, n, num, typ, v; + _tuple = ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + return [0, 0, n]; + } + _tuple$1 = DecodeTag(v); + num = _tuple$1[0]; + typ = _tuple$1[1]; + if (num < 1) { + return [0, 0, -2]; + } + return [num, typ, n]; + }; + $pkg.ConsumeTag = ConsumeTag; + SizeTag = function(num) { + var num; + return SizeVarint(EncodeTag(num, 0)); + }; + $pkg.SizeTag = SizeTag; + AppendVarint = function(b, v) { + var b, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$73, x$74, x$75, x$76, x$77, x$78, x$79, x$8, x$80, x$81, x$82, x$83, x$84, x$85, x$86, x$87, x$88, x$89, x$9; + if ((v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low < 128))) { + b = $append(b, ((v.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if ((v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low < 16384))) { + b = $append(b, (((x = (x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 0), new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 0, (x$1.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x.$high | 0, (x.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 7).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if ((v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low < 2097152))) { + b = $append(b, (((x$2 = (x$3 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 0), new $Uint64(x$3.$high & 0, (x$3.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | 0, (x$2.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$4 = (x$5 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 7), new $Uint64(x$5.$high & 0, (x$5.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | 0, (x$4.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 14).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if ((v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low < 268435456))) { + b = $append(b, (((x$6 = (x$7 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 0), new $Uint64(x$7.$high & 0, (x$7.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | 0, (x$6.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$8 = (x$9 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 7), new $Uint64(x$9.$high & 0, (x$9.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high | 0, (x$8.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$10 = (x$11 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 14), new $Uint64(x$11.$high & 0, (x$11.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high | 0, (x$10.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 21).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if ((v.$high < 8 || (v.$high === 8 && v.$low < 0))) { + b = $append(b, (((x$12 = (x$13 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 0), new $Uint64(x$13.$high & 0, (x$13.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high | 0, (x$12.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$14 = (x$15 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 7), new $Uint64(x$15.$high & 0, (x$15.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high | 0, (x$14.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$16 = (x$17 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 14), new $Uint64(x$17.$high & 0, (x$17.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high | 0, (x$16.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$18 = (x$19 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 21), new $Uint64(x$19.$high & 0, (x$19.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high | 0, (x$18.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 28).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if ((v.$high < 1024 || (v.$high === 1024 && v.$low < 0))) { + b = $append(b, (((x$20 = (x$21 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 0), new $Uint64(x$21.$high & 0, (x$21.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high | 0, (x$20.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$22 = (x$23 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 7), new $Uint64(x$23.$high & 0, (x$23.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high | 0, (x$22.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$24 = (x$25 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 14), new $Uint64(x$25.$high & 0, (x$25.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high | 0, (x$24.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$26 = (x$27 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 21), new $Uint64(x$27.$high & 0, (x$27.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high | 0, (x$26.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$28 = (x$29 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 28), new $Uint64(x$29.$high & 0, (x$29.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high | 0, (x$28.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 35).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if ((v.$high < 131072 || (v.$high === 131072 && v.$low < 0))) { + b = $append(b, (((x$30 = (x$31 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 0), new $Uint64(x$31.$high & 0, (x$31.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high | 0, (x$30.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$32 = (x$33 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 7), new $Uint64(x$33.$high & 0, (x$33.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high | 0, (x$32.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$34 = (x$35 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 14), new $Uint64(x$35.$high & 0, (x$35.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$34.$high | 0, (x$34.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$36 = (x$37 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 21), new $Uint64(x$37.$high & 0, (x$37.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high | 0, (x$36.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$38 = (x$39 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 28), new $Uint64(x$39.$high & 0, (x$39.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$38.$high | 0, (x$38.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$40 = (x$41 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 35), new $Uint64(x$41.$high & 0, (x$41.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high | 0, (x$40.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 42).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if ((v.$high < 16777216 || (v.$high === 16777216 && v.$low < 0))) { + b = $append(b, (((x$42 = (x$43 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 0), new $Uint64(x$43.$high & 0, (x$43.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$42.$high | 0, (x$42.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$44 = (x$45 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 7), new $Uint64(x$45.$high & 0, (x$45.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high | 0, (x$44.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$46 = (x$47 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 14), new $Uint64(x$47.$high & 0, (x$47.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high | 0, (x$46.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$48 = (x$49 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 21), new $Uint64(x$49.$high & 0, (x$49.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$48.$high | 0, (x$48.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$50 = (x$51 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 28), new $Uint64(x$51.$high & 0, (x$51.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high | 0, (x$50.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$52 = (x$53 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 35), new $Uint64(x$53.$high & 0, (x$53.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$52.$high | 0, (x$52.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$54 = (x$55 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 42), new $Uint64(x$55.$high & 0, (x$55.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high | 0, (x$54.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 49).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if ((v.$high < 2147483648 || (v.$high === 2147483648 && v.$low < 0))) { + b = $append(b, (((x$56 = (x$57 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 0), new $Uint64(x$57.$high & 0, (x$57.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high | 0, (x$56.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$58 = (x$59 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 7), new $Uint64(x$59.$high & 0, (x$59.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high | 0, (x$58.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$60 = (x$61 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 14), new $Uint64(x$61.$high & 0, (x$61.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high | 0, (x$60.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$62 = (x$63 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 21), new $Uint64(x$63.$high & 0, (x$63.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high | 0, (x$62.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$64 = (x$65 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 28), new $Uint64(x$65.$high & 0, (x$65.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$64.$high | 0, (x$64.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$66 = (x$67 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 35), new $Uint64(x$67.$high & 0, (x$67.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$66.$high | 0, (x$66.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$68 = (x$69 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 42), new $Uint64(x$69.$high & 0, (x$69.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$68.$high | 0, (x$68.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$70 = (x$71 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 49), new $Uint64(x$71.$high & 0, (x$71.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high | 0, (x$70.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 56).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } else { + b = $append(b, (((x$72 = (x$73 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 0), new $Uint64(x$73.$high & 0, (x$73.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$72.$high | 0, (x$72.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$74 = (x$75 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 7), new $Uint64(x$75.$high & 0, (x$75.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$74.$high | 0, (x$74.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$76 = (x$77 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 14), new $Uint64(x$77.$high & 0, (x$77.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$76.$high | 0, (x$76.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$78 = (x$79 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 21), new $Uint64(x$79.$high & 0, (x$79.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$78.$high | 0, (x$78.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$80 = (x$81 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 28), new $Uint64(x$81.$high & 0, (x$81.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$80.$high | 0, (x$80.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$82 = (x$83 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 35), new $Uint64(x$83.$high & 0, (x$83.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$82.$high | 0, (x$82.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$84 = (x$85 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 42), new $Uint64(x$85.$high & 0, (x$85.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$84.$high | 0, (x$84.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$86 = (x$87 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 49), new $Uint64(x$87.$high & 0, (x$87.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$86.$high | 0, (x$86.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (((x$88 = (x$89 = $shiftRightUint64(v, 56), new $Uint64(x$89.$high & 0, (x$89.$low & 127) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$88.$high | 0, (x$88.$low | 128) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)), 1); + } + return b; + }; + $pkg.AppendVarint = AppendVarint; + ConsumeVarint = function(b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, b, n, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y; + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + y = new $Uint64(0, 0); + if (b.$length <= 0) { + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = -1; + v = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + if ((v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low < 128))) { + _tmp$2 = v; + _tmp$3 = 1; + v = _tmp$2; + n = _tmp$3; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (x = new $Uint64(0, 128), new $Uint64(v.$high - x.$high, v.$low - x.$low)); + if (b.$length <= 1) { + _tmp$4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$5 = -1; + v = _tmp$4; + n = _tmp$5; + return [v, n]; + } + y = (new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))); + v = (x$1 = $shiftLeft64(y, 7), new $Uint64(v.$high + x$1.$high, v.$low + x$1.$low)); + if ((y.$high < 0 || (y.$high === 0 && y.$low < 128))) { + _tmp$6 = v; + _tmp$7 = 2; + v = _tmp$6; + n = _tmp$7; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (x$2 = new $Uint64(0, 16384), new $Uint64(v.$high - x$2.$high, v.$low - x$2.$low)); + if (b.$length <= 2) { + _tmp$8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$9 = -1; + v = _tmp$8; + n = _tmp$9; + return [v, n]; + } + y = (new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))); + v = (x$3 = $shiftLeft64(y, 14), new $Uint64(v.$high + x$3.$high, v.$low + x$3.$low)); + if ((y.$high < 0 || (y.$high === 0 && y.$low < 128))) { + _tmp$10 = v; + _tmp$11 = 3; + v = _tmp$10; + n = _tmp$11; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (x$4 = new $Uint64(0, 2097152), new $Uint64(v.$high - x$4.$high, v.$low - x$4.$low)); + if (b.$length <= 3) { + _tmp$12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$13 = -1; + v = _tmp$12; + n = _tmp$13; + return [v, n]; + } + y = (new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))); + v = (x$5 = $shiftLeft64(y, 21), new $Uint64(v.$high + x$5.$high, v.$low + x$5.$low)); + if ((y.$high < 0 || (y.$high === 0 && y.$low < 128))) { + _tmp$14 = v; + _tmp$15 = 4; + v = _tmp$14; + n = _tmp$15; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (x$6 = new $Uint64(0, 268435456), new $Uint64(v.$high - x$6.$high, v.$low - x$6.$low)); + if (b.$length <= 4) { + _tmp$16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$17 = -1; + v = _tmp$16; + n = _tmp$17; + return [v, n]; + } + y = (new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))); + v = (x$7 = $shiftLeft64(y, 28), new $Uint64(v.$high + x$7.$high, v.$low + x$7.$low)); + if ((y.$high < 0 || (y.$high === 0 && y.$low < 128))) { + _tmp$18 = v; + _tmp$19 = 5; + v = _tmp$18; + n = _tmp$19; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (x$8 = new $Uint64(8, 0), new $Uint64(v.$high - x$8.$high, v.$low - x$8.$low)); + if (b.$length <= 5) { + _tmp$20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$21 = -1; + v = _tmp$20; + n = _tmp$21; + return [v, n]; + } + y = (new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))); + v = (x$9 = $shiftLeft64(y, 35), new $Uint64(v.$high + x$9.$high, v.$low + x$9.$low)); + if ((y.$high < 0 || (y.$high === 0 && y.$low < 128))) { + _tmp$22 = v; + _tmp$23 = 6; + v = _tmp$22; + n = _tmp$23; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (x$10 = new $Uint64(1024, 0), new $Uint64(v.$high - x$10.$high, v.$low - x$10.$low)); + if (b.$length <= 6) { + _tmp$24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$25 = -1; + v = _tmp$24; + n = _tmp$25; + return [v, n]; + } + y = (new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))); + v = (x$11 = $shiftLeft64(y, 42), new $Uint64(v.$high + x$11.$high, v.$low + x$11.$low)); + if ((y.$high < 0 || (y.$high === 0 && y.$low < 128))) { + _tmp$26 = v; + _tmp$27 = 7; + v = _tmp$26; + n = _tmp$27; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (x$12 = new $Uint64(131072, 0), new $Uint64(v.$high - x$12.$high, v.$low - x$12.$low)); + if (b.$length <= 7) { + _tmp$28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$29 = -1; + v = _tmp$28; + n = _tmp$29; + return [v, n]; + } + y = (new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))); + v = (x$13 = $shiftLeft64(y, 49), new $Uint64(v.$high + x$13.$high, v.$low + x$13.$low)); + if ((y.$high < 0 || (y.$high === 0 && y.$low < 128))) { + _tmp$30 = v; + _tmp$31 = 8; + v = _tmp$30; + n = _tmp$31; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (x$14 = new $Uint64(16777216, 0), new $Uint64(v.$high - x$14.$high, v.$low - x$14.$low)); + if (b.$length <= 8) { + _tmp$32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$33 = -1; + v = _tmp$32; + n = _tmp$33; + return [v, n]; + } + y = (new $Uint64(0, (8 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 8]))); + v = (x$15 = $shiftLeft64(y, 56), new $Uint64(v.$high + x$15.$high, v.$low + x$15.$low)); + if ((y.$high < 0 || (y.$high === 0 && y.$low < 128))) { + _tmp$34 = v; + _tmp$35 = 9; + v = _tmp$34; + n = _tmp$35; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (x$16 = new $Uint64(2147483648, 0), new $Uint64(v.$high - x$16.$high, v.$low - x$16.$low)); + if (b.$length <= 9) { + _tmp$36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$37 = -1; + v = _tmp$36; + n = _tmp$37; + return [v, n]; + } + y = (new $Uint64(0, (9 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 9]))); + v = (x$17 = $shiftLeft64(y, 63), new $Uint64(v.$high + x$17.$high, v.$low + x$17.$low)); + if ((y.$high < 0 || (y.$high === 0 && y.$low < 2))) { + _tmp$38 = v; + _tmp$39 = 10; + v = _tmp$38; + n = _tmp$39; + return [v, n]; + } + _tmp$40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$41 = -3; + v = _tmp$40; + n = _tmp$41; + return [v, n]; + }; + $pkg.ConsumeVarint = ConsumeVarint; + SizeVarint = function(v) { + var _q, v; + return (_q = (((($imul(9, ((bits.Len64(v) >>> 0))) >>> 0) + 64 >>> 0) >> 0)) / 64, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + }; + $pkg.SizeVarint = SizeVarint; + AppendFixed32 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + return $append(b, (((v >>> 0 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((v >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((v >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((v >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + $pkg.AppendFixed32 = AppendFixed32; + ConsumeFixed32 = function(b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, n, v; + v = 0; + n = 0; + if (b.$length < 4) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = -1; + v = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (((((((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) << 0 >>> 0) | ((((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + _tmp$2 = v; + _tmp$3 = 4; + v = _tmp$2; + n = _tmp$3; + return [v, n]; + }; + $pkg.ConsumeFixed32 = ConsumeFixed32; + SizeFixed32 = function() { + return 4; + }; + $pkg.SizeFixed32 = SizeFixed32; + AppendFixed64 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + return $append(b, (($shiftRightUint64(v, 0).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 16).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 24).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 32).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 40).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 48).$low << 24 >>> 24)), (($shiftRightUint64(v, 56).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + $pkg.AppendFixed64 = AppendFixed64; + ConsumeFixed64 = function(b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, n, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length < 8) { + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = -1; + v = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + return [v, n]; + } + v = (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), 0), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$8.$high, (x$5.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$9.$high, (x$4.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))), 32), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$10.$high, (x$3.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))), 40), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$11.$high, (x$2.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$12.$high, (x$1.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))), 56), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$13.$high, (x.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + _tmp$2 = v; + _tmp$3 = 8; + v = _tmp$2; + n = _tmp$3; + return [v, n]; + }; + $pkg.ConsumeFixed64 = ConsumeFixed64; + SizeFixed64 = function() { + return 8; + }; + $pkg.SizeFixed64 = SizeFixed64; + AppendBytes = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + return $appendSlice(AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v.$length))), v); + }; + $pkg.AppendBytes = AppendBytes; + ConsumeBytes = function(b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, m, n, v, x; + v = sliceType$1.nil; + n = 0; + _tuple = ConsumeVarint(b); + m = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = sliceType$1.nil; + _tmp$1 = n; + v = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + return [v, n]; + } + if ((x = (new $Uint64(0, $subslice(b, n).$length)), (m.$high > x.$high || (m.$high === x.$high && m.$low > x.$low)))) { + _tmp$2 = sliceType$1.nil; + _tmp$3 = -1; + v = _tmp$2; + n = _tmp$3; + return [v, n]; + } + _tmp$4 = $subslice($subslice(b, n), 0, $flatten64(m)); + _tmp$5 = n + ((m.$low >> 0)) >> 0; + v = _tmp$4; + n = _tmp$5; + return [v, n]; + }; + $pkg.ConsumeBytes = ConsumeBytes; + SizeBytes = function(n) { + var n; + return SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, n))) + n >> 0; + }; + $pkg.SizeBytes = SizeBytes; + AppendString = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + return $appendSlice(AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v.length))), v); + }; + $pkg.AppendString = AppendString; + ConsumeGroup = function(num, b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, n, num, v, x; + v = sliceType$1.nil; + n = 0; + n = ConsumeFieldValue(num, 3, b); + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = sliceType$1.nil; + _tmp$1 = n; + v = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + return [v, n]; + } + b = $subslice(b, 0, n); + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0 && ((((x = b.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x])) & 127) >>> 0) === 0))) { break; } + b = $subslice(b, 0, (b.$length - 1 >> 0)); + } + b = $subslice(b, 0, (b.$length - SizeTag(num) >> 0)); + _tmp$2 = b; + _tmp$3 = n; + v = _tmp$2; + n = _tmp$3; + return [v, n]; + }; + $pkg.ConsumeGroup = ConsumeGroup; + SizeGroup = function(num, n) { + var n, num; + return n + SizeTag(num) >> 0; + }; + $pkg.SizeGroup = SizeGroup; + DecodeTag = function(x) { + var x, x$1; + if ((x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 3), (x$1.$high > 0 || (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low > 2147483647)))) { + return [-1, 0]; + } + return [(($shiftRightUint64(x, 3).$low >> 0)), ((new $Uint64(x.$high & 0, (x.$low & 7) >>> 0).$low << 24 >> 24))]; + }; + $pkg.DecodeTag = DecodeTag; + EncodeTag = function(num, typ) { + var num, typ, x, x$1; + return (x = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, num)), 3), x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (typ & 7))), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + $pkg.EncodeTag = EncodeTag; + DecodeZigZag = function(x) { + var x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + return (x$1 = ((x$2 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 1), new $Int64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low))), x$3 = $shiftRightInt64($shiftLeft64((new $Int64(x.$high, x.$low)), 63), 63), new $Int64(x$1.$high ^ x$3.$high, (x$1.$low ^ x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + $pkg.DecodeZigZag = DecodeZigZag; + EncodeZigZag = function(x) { + var x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + return (x$1 = ((x$2 = $shiftLeft64(x, 1), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low))), x$3 = ((x$4 = $shiftRightInt64(x, 63), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low))), new $Uint64(x$1.$high ^ x$3.$high, (x$1.$low ^ x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + $pkg.EncodeZigZag = EncodeZigZag; + DecodeBool = function(x) { + var x; + return !((x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)); + }; + $pkg.DecodeBool = DecodeBool; + EncodeBool = function(x) { + var x; + if (x) { + return new $Uint64(0, 1); + } + return new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + $pkg.EncodeBool = EncodeBool; + Number.methods = [{prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = errors.New("invalid field number", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errFieldNumber = _r; + _r$1 = errors.New("variable length integer overflow", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errOverflow = _r$1; + _r$2 = errors.New("cannot parse reserved wire type", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errReserved = _r$2; + _r$3 = errors.New("mismatching end group marker", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errEndGroup = _r$3; + _r$4 = errors.New("parse error", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errParse = _r$4; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, sync, NoUnkeyedLiterals, DoNotImplement, DoNotCompare, DoNotCopy, funcType; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + NoUnkeyedLiterals = $pkg.NoUnkeyedLiterals = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma", true, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + DoNotImplement = $pkg.DoNotImplement = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "pragma.DoNotImplement", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma", true, null); + DoNotCompare = $pkg.DoNotCompare = $newType(0, $kindArray, "pragma.DoNotCompare", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma", true, null); + DoNotCopy = $pkg.DoNotCopy = $newType(0, $kindArray, "pragma.DoNotCopy", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma", true, null); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + NoUnkeyedLiterals.init("", []); + DoNotImplement.init([{prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + DoNotCompare.init(funcType, 0); + DoNotCopy.init(sync.Mutex, 0); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fmt, protowire, pragma, math, strconv, strings, Value, MapKey, valueType, Enum, Message, RawFields, List, Map, Descriptor, FileDescriptor, FileImports, FileImport, MessageDescriptor, MessageType, MessageDescriptors, FieldDescriptor, FieldDescriptors, OneofDescriptor, OneofDescriptors, ExtensionTypeDescriptor, ExtensionDescriptors, ExtensionType, EnumDescriptor, EnumType, EnumDescriptors, EnumValueDescriptor, EnumValueDescriptors, ServiceDescriptor, ServiceDescriptors, MethodDescriptor, MethodDescriptors, SourceLocations, SourceLocation, SourcePath, appendFunc, ProtoMessage, Syntax, Cardinality, Kind, FieldNumbers, FieldRanges, EnumNumber, EnumRanges, Name, Names, FullName, sliceType, funcType, arrayType, sliceType$1, ptrType, structType, structType$1, funcType$1, structType$2, structType$3, funcType$2, interfaceType, structType$4, structType$5, funcType$3, structType$6, funcType$4, structType$7, structType$8, funcType$5, structType$9, ptrType$1, funcType$6, funcType$7, sliceType$2, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, ValueOfBool, ValueOfInt32, ValueOfInt64, ValueOfUint32, ValueOfUint64, ValueOfFloat32, ValueOfFloat64, ValueOfString, ValueOfBytes, ValueOfEnum, ValueOfMessage, ValueOfList, ValueOfMap, valueOfString, valueOfBytes, valueOfIface, consumeIdent, isLetter, isLetterDigit; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + protowire = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"]; + pragma = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + Value = $pkg.Value = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protoreflect.Value", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, function(DoNotCompare_, typ_, num_, str_, bin_, iface_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.DoNotCompare = arrayType.zero(); + this.typ = 0; + this.num = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.str = ""; + this.bin = sliceType.nil; + this.iface = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.DoNotCompare = DoNotCompare_; + this.typ = typ_; + this.num = num_; + this.str = str_; + this.bin = bin_; + this.iface = iface_; + }); + MapKey = $pkg.MapKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protoreflect.MapKey", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, function(DoNotCompare_, typ_, num_, str_, bin_, iface_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.DoNotCompare = arrayType.zero(); + this.typ = 0; + this.num = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.str = ""; + this.bin = sliceType.nil; + this.iface = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.DoNotCompare = DoNotCompare_; + this.typ = typ_; + this.num = num_; + this.str = str_; + this.bin = bin_; + this.iface = iface_; + }); + valueType = $pkg.valueType = $newType(4, $kindInt, "protoreflect.valueType", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", false, null); + Enum = $pkg.Enum = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.Enum", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + Message = $pkg.Message = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.Message", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + RawFields = $pkg.RawFields = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "protoreflect.RawFields", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + List = $pkg.List = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.List", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + Map = $pkg.Map = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.Map", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + Descriptor = $pkg.Descriptor = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.Descriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + FileDescriptor = $pkg.FileDescriptor = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.FileDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + FileImports = $pkg.FileImports = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.FileImports", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + FileImport = $pkg.FileImport = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protoreflect.FileImport", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, function(FileDescriptor_, IsPublic_, IsWeak_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.FileDescriptor = $ifaceNil; + this.IsPublic = false; + this.IsWeak = false; + return; + } + this.FileDescriptor = FileDescriptor_; + this.IsPublic = IsPublic_; + this.IsWeak = IsWeak_; + }); + MessageDescriptor = $pkg.MessageDescriptor = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.MessageDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + MessageType = $pkg.MessageType = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.MessageType", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + MessageDescriptors = $pkg.MessageDescriptors = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.MessageDescriptors", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + FieldDescriptor = $pkg.FieldDescriptor = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.FieldDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + FieldDescriptors = $pkg.FieldDescriptors = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.FieldDescriptors", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + OneofDescriptor = $pkg.OneofDescriptor = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.OneofDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + OneofDescriptors = $pkg.OneofDescriptors = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.OneofDescriptors", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + ExtensionTypeDescriptor = $pkg.ExtensionTypeDescriptor = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.ExtensionTypeDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + ExtensionDescriptors = $pkg.ExtensionDescriptors = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptors", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + ExtensionType = $pkg.ExtensionType = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.ExtensionType", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + EnumDescriptor = $pkg.EnumDescriptor = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.EnumDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + EnumType = $pkg.EnumType = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.EnumType", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + EnumDescriptors = $pkg.EnumDescriptors = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.EnumDescriptors", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + EnumValueDescriptor = $pkg.EnumValueDescriptor = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + EnumValueDescriptors = $pkg.EnumValueDescriptors = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptors", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + ServiceDescriptor = $pkg.ServiceDescriptor = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + ServiceDescriptors = $pkg.ServiceDescriptors = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.ServiceDescriptors", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + MethodDescriptor = $pkg.MethodDescriptor = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.MethodDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + MethodDescriptors = $pkg.MethodDescriptors = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.MethodDescriptors", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + SourceLocations = $pkg.SourceLocations = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.SourceLocations", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + SourceLocation = $pkg.SourceLocation = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protoreflect.SourceLocation", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, function(Path_, StartLine_, StartColumn_, EndLine_, EndColumn_, LeadingDetachedComments_, LeadingComments_, TrailingComments_, Next_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Path = SourcePath.nil; + this.StartLine = 0; + this.StartColumn = 0; + this.EndLine = 0; + this.EndColumn = 0; + this.LeadingDetachedComments = sliceType$2.nil; + this.LeadingComments = ""; + this.TrailingComments = ""; + this.Next = 0; + return; + } + this.Path = Path_; + this.StartLine = StartLine_; + this.StartColumn = StartColumn_; + this.EndLine = EndLine_; + this.EndColumn = EndColumn_; + this.LeadingDetachedComments = LeadingDetachedComments_; + this.LeadingComments = LeadingComments_; + this.TrailingComments = TrailingComments_; + this.Next = Next_; + }); + SourcePath = $pkg.SourcePath = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "protoreflect.SourcePath", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + appendFunc = $pkg.appendFunc = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "protoreflect.appendFunc", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", false, null); + ProtoMessage = $pkg.ProtoMessage = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.ProtoMessage", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + Syntax = $pkg.Syntax = $newType(1, $kindInt8, "protoreflect.Syntax", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + Cardinality = $pkg.Cardinality = $newType(1, $kindInt8, "protoreflect.Cardinality", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + Kind = $pkg.Kind = $newType(1, $kindInt8, "protoreflect.Kind", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + FieldNumbers = $pkg.FieldNumbers = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.FieldNumbers", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + FieldRanges = $pkg.FieldRanges = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.FieldRanges", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + EnumNumber = $pkg.EnumNumber = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "protoreflect.EnumNumber", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + EnumRanges = $pkg.EnumRanges = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.EnumRanges", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + Name = $pkg.Name = $newType(8, $kindString, "protoreflect.Name", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + Names = $pkg.Names = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoreflect.Names", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + FullName = $pkg.FullName = $newType(8, $kindString, "protoreflect.FullName", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(SourcePath); + structType = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + structType$1 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + funcType$1 = $funcType([structType], [structType$1], false); + structType$2 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Buf", name: "Buf", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + structType$3 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Buf", name: "Buf", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + funcType$2 = $funcType([structType$2], [structType$3, $error], false); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "FindExtensionByName", name: "FindExtensionByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FullName], [ExtensionType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindExtensionByNumber", name: "FindExtensionByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FullName, protowire.Number], [ExtensionType, $error], false)}]); + structType$4 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Buf", name: "Buf", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "Resolver", name: "Resolver", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: interfaceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Depth", name: "Depth", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + structType$5 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + funcType$3 = $funcType([structType$4], [structType$5, $error], false); + structType$6 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Source", name: "Source", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Destination", name: "Destination", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Message, tag: ""}]); + funcType$4 = $funcType([structType$6], [structType$5], false); + structType$7 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Message, tag: ""}]); + structType$8 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}]); + funcType$5 = $funcType([structType$7], [structType$8, $error], false); + structType$9 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Marshal", name: "Marshal", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Unmarshal", name: "Unmarshal", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "Merge", name: "Merge", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "CheckInitialized", name: "CheckInitialized", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$5, tag: ""}]); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(structType$9); + funcType$6 = $funcType([FieldDescriptor, Value], [$Bool], false); + funcType$7 = $funcType([MapKey, Value], [$Bool], false); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($String); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(protowire.Number, 2); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType(EnumNumber, 2); + ValueOfBool = function(v) { + var v; + if (v) { + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 1, new $Uint64(0, 1), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + } else { + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 1, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + } + }; + $pkg.ValueOfBool = ValueOfBool; + ValueOfInt32 = function(v) { + var v; + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 2, (new $Uint64(0, v)), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfInt32 = ValueOfInt32; + ValueOfInt64 = function(v) { + var v; + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 3, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low)), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfInt64 = ValueOfInt64; + ValueOfUint32 = function(v) { + var v; + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 4, (new $Uint64(0, v)), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfUint32 = ValueOfUint32; + ValueOfUint64 = function(v) { + var v; + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 5, v, "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfUint64 = ValueOfUint64; + ValueOfFloat32 = function(v) { + var v; + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 6, (math.Float64bits((v))), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfFloat32 = ValueOfFloat32; + ValueOfFloat64 = function(v) { + var v; + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 7, (math.Float64bits((v))), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfFloat64 = ValueOfFloat64; + ValueOfString = function(v) { + var v; + return valueOfString(v); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfString = ValueOfString; + ValueOfBytes = function(v) { + var v; + return valueOfBytes($subslice(v, 0, v.$length, v.$length)); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfBytes = ValueOfBytes; + ValueOfEnum = function(v) { + var v; + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 10, (new $Uint64(0, v)), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfEnum = ValueOfEnum; + ValueOfMessage = function(v) { + var v; + return valueOfIface(v); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfMessage = ValueOfMessage; + ValueOfList = function(v) { + var v; + return valueOfIface(v); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfList = ValueOfList; + ValueOfMap = function(v) { + var v; + return valueOfIface(v); + }; + $pkg.ValueOfMap = ValueOfMap; + Value.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return !((v.typ === 0)); + }; + Value.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Interface = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = v.typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(v, Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new $Bool(_r); + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = $clone(v, Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = new $Int32((((x = _r$1, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = $clone(v, Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = (_r$2); + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$2; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = $clone(v, Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = new $Uint32(((_r$3.$low >>> 0))); + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$3; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 7: + _r$4 = $clone(v, Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = (_r$4); + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$4; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = $clone(v, Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = new $Float32(($fround(_r$5))); + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$5; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 9: + _r$6 = $clone(v, Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = new $Float64((_r$6)); + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$6; + /* } else if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 10: + _r$7 = $clone(v, Value).String(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$7 = new $String(_r$7); + $s = 30; case 30: return $24r$7; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 11: + _r$8 = $clone(v, Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$8 = _r$8; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$8; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 12: + _r$9 = $clone(v, Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$9 = new EnumNumber(_r$9); + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$9; + /* } else { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return $clone(v, Value).getIface(); + /* } */ case 14: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Interface, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Interface = function() { return this.$val.Interface(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.typeName = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, _ref, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = v.typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "nil"; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "bool"; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return "int32"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return "int64"; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return "uint32"; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return "uint64"; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return "float32"; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return "float64"; + /* } else if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 10: + $s = -1; return "string"; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return "bytes"; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 12: + $s = -1; return "enum"; + /* } else { */ case 13: + _ref = $clone(v, Value).getIface(); + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, Message, true)[1]) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, List, true)[1]) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, Map, true)[1]) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, Message, true)[1]) { */ case 15: + v$1 = _ref; + $s = -1; return "message"; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, List, true)[1]) { */ case 16: + v$2 = _ref; + $s = -1; return "list"; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, Map, true)[1]) { */ case 17: + v$3 = _ref; + $s = -1; return "map"; + /* } else { */ case 18: + v$4 = _ref; + _r = fmt.Sprintf("", new sliceType$1([v$4])); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r; + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 14: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.typeName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, _ref, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.typeName = function() { return this.$val.typeName(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.panicMessage = function(what) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, v, what, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {what}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _r = $clone(v, Value).typeName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r); + _arg$1 = new $String(what); + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("type mismatch: cannot convert %v to %s", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.panicMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, v, what, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.panicMessage = function(what) { return this.$val.panicMessage(what); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Bool = function() { + var {_1, _r, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = v.typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return (x = v.num, (x.$high > 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low > 0))); + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(v, Value).panicMessage("bool"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Bool, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Bool = function() { return this.$val.Bool(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Int = function() { + var {_1, _r, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = v.typ; + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3))) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return ((x = v.num, new $Int64(x.$high, x.$low))); + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(v, Value).panicMessage("int"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return new $Int64(0, 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Int, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Int = function() { return this.$val.Int(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Uint = function() { + var {_1, _r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = v.typ; + /* */ if ((_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5))) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return (v.num); + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(v, Value).panicMessage("uint"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return new $Uint64(0, 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Uint, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Uint = function() { return this.$val.Uint(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Float = function() { + var {_1, _r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = v.typ; + /* */ if ((_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7))) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return math.Float64frombits((v.num)); + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(v, Value).panicMessage("float"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Float, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Float = function() { return this.$val.Float(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, _r$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = v.typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $clone(v, Value).getString(); + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(v, Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprint(new sliceType$1([_r])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, _r$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var {_1, _r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = v.typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $clone(v, Value).getBytes(); + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(v, Value).panicMessage("bytes"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return sliceType.nil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Bytes, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Enum = function() { + var {_1, _r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = v.typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return ((v.num.$low >> 0)); + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(v, Value).panicMessage("enum"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Enum, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Enum = function() { return this.$val.Enum(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Message = function() { + var {_r, _ref, v, vi, vi$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _ref = $clone(v, Value).getIface(); + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, Message, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, Message, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + vi = _ref; + $s = -1; return vi; + /* } else { */ case 2: + vi$1 = _ref; + _r = $clone(v, Value).panicMessage("message"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Message, $c: true, $r, _r, _ref, v, vi, vi$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Message = function() { return this.$val.Message(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.List = function() { + var {_r, _ref, v, vi, vi$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _ref = $clone(v, Value).getIface(); + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, List, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, List, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + vi = _ref; + $s = -1; return vi; + /* } else { */ case 2: + vi$1 = _ref; + _r = $clone(v, Value).panicMessage("list"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.List, $c: true, $r, _r, _ref, v, vi, vi$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.List = function() { return this.$val.List(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.Map = function() { + var {_r, _ref, v, vi, vi$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _ref = $clone(v, Value).getIface(); + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, Map, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, Map, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + vi = _ref; + $s = -1; return vi; + /* } else { */ case 2: + vi$1 = _ref; + _r = $clone(v, Value).panicMessage("map"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Map, $c: true, $r, _r, _ref, v, vi, vi$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.Map = function() { return this.$val.Map(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.MapKey = function() { + var {_1, _r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _1 = v.typ; + /* */ if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (8))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (8))) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return ($clone(v, MapKey)); + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(v, Value).panicMessage("map key"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return new MapKey.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Value.ptr.prototype.MapKey, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Value.prototype.MapKey = function() { return this.$val.MapKey(); }; + MapKey.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var k; + k = this; + return $clone(($clone(k, Value)), Value).IsValid(); + }; + MapKey.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + MapKey.ptr.prototype.Interface = function() { + var {$24r, _r, k, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + k = this; + _r = $clone(($clone(k, Value)), Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MapKey.ptr.prototype.Interface, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, k, $s};return $f; + }; + MapKey.prototype.Interface = function() { return this.$val.Interface(); }; + MapKey.ptr.prototype.Bool = function() { + var {$24r, _r, k, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + k = this; + _r = $clone(($clone(k, Value)), Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MapKey.ptr.prototype.Bool, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, k, $s};return $f; + }; + MapKey.prototype.Bool = function() { return this.$val.Bool(); }; + MapKey.ptr.prototype.Int = function() { + var {$24r, _r, k, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + k = this; + _r = $clone(($clone(k, Value)), Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MapKey.ptr.prototype.Int, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, k, $s};return $f; + }; + MapKey.prototype.Int = function() { return this.$val.Int(); }; + MapKey.ptr.prototype.Uint = function() { + var {$24r, _r, k, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + k = this; + _r = $clone(($clone(k, Value)), Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MapKey.ptr.prototype.Uint, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, k, $s};return $f; + }; + MapKey.prototype.Uint = function() { return this.$val.Uint(); }; + MapKey.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, k, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + k = this; + _r = $clone(($clone(k, Value)), Value).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MapKey.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, k, $s};return $f; + }; + MapKey.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + MapKey.ptr.prototype.Value = function() { + var k; + k = this; + return ($clone(k, Value)); + }; + MapKey.prototype.Value = function() { return this.$val.Value(); }; + valueOfString = function(v) { + var v; + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 8, new $Uint64(0, 0), v, sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + }; + valueOfBytes = function(v) { + var v; + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 9, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", v, $ifaceNil); + }; + valueOfIface = function(v) { + var v; + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 11, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, v); + }; + Value.ptr.prototype.getString = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return v.str; + }; + Value.prototype.getString = function() { return this.$val.getString(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.getBytes = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return v.bin; + }; + Value.prototype.getBytes = function() { return this.$val.getBytes(); }; + Value.ptr.prototype.getIface = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return v.iface; + }; + Value.prototype.getIface = function() { return this.$val.getIface(); }; + RawFields.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var _tuple, b, n; + b = this; + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeField($convertSliceType(b, sliceType)); + n = _tuple[2]; + if (n < 0) { + return false; + } + b = $subslice(b, n); + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(RawFields).prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$get().IsValid(); }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendFileDescriptorProto = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "package", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "dependency", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "public_dependency", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "weak_dependency", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$4; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "message_type", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$5; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 8: + _r$6 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "enum_type", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendEnumDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 9: + _r$7 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "service", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendServiceDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 10: + _r$8 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "extension", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendFieldDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$8; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 11: + _r$9 = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendFileOptions")); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 12: + _r$10 = p.appendSingularField(b, "source_code_info", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendSourceCodeInfo")); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 13: + _r$11 = p.appendSingularField(b, "syntax", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$11; + /* } */ case 14: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendFileDescriptorProto, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendDescriptorProto = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "field", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendFieldDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "extension", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendFieldDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "nested_type", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "enum_type", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendEnumDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$4; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "extension_range", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendDescriptorProto_ExtensionRange")); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$5; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 8: + _r$6 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "oneof_decl", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendOneofDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 9: + _r$7 = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendMessageOptions")); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 10: + _r$8 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "reserved_range", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendDescriptorProto_ReservedRange")); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$8; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 11: + _r$9 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "reserved_name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + /* } */ case 12: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendDescriptorProto, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendEnumDescriptorProto = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "value", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendEnumValueDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendEnumOptions")); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "reserved_range", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendEnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange")); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "reserved_name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$4; + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendEnumDescriptorProto, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendServiceDescriptorProto = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "method", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendMethodDescriptorProto")); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendServiceOptions")); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendServiceDescriptorProto, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendFieldDescriptorProto = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "number", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "label", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = p.appendSingularField(b, "type", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = p.appendSingularField(b, "type_name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$4; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = p.appendSingularField(b, "extendee", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$5; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 8: + _r$6 = p.appendSingularField(b, "default_value", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 9: + _r$7 = p.appendSingularField(b, "oneof_index", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 10: + _r$8 = p.appendSingularField(b, "json_name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$8; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 11: + _r$9 = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendFieldOptions")); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 12: + _r$10 = p.appendSingularField(b, "proto3_optional", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + /* } */ case 13: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendFieldDescriptorProto, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendFileOptions = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (27)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (42)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (31)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (36)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (37)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (39)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (40)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (41)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (44)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (45)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (999)) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_package", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_outer_classname", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_multiple_files", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_generate_equals_and_hash", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (27)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_string_check_utf8", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$4; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = p.appendSingularField(b, "optimize_for", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$5; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 8: + _r$6 = p.appendSingularField(b, "go_package", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 9: + _r$7 = p.appendSingularField(b, "cc_generic_services", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 10: + _r$8 = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_generic_services", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$8; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 11: + _r$9 = p.appendSingularField(b, "py_generic_services", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (42)) { */ case 12: + _r$10 = p.appendSingularField(b, "php_generic_services", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 13: + _r$11 = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$11; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (31)) { */ case 14: + _r$12 = p.appendSingularField(b, "cc_enable_arenas", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$12; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (36)) { */ case 15: + _r$13 = p.appendSingularField(b, "objc_class_prefix", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$13; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (37)) { */ case 16: + _r$14 = p.appendSingularField(b, "csharp_namespace", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$14; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (39)) { */ case 17: + _r$15 = p.appendSingularField(b, "swift_prefix", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$15; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (40)) { */ case 18: + _r$16 = p.appendSingularField(b, "php_class_prefix", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$16; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (41)) { */ case 19: + _r$17 = p.appendSingularField(b, "php_namespace", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$17; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (44)) { */ case 20: + _r$18 = p.appendSingularField(b, "php_metadata_namespace", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$18; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (45)) { */ case 21: + _r$19 = p.appendSingularField(b, "ruby_package", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$19; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (999)) { */ case 22: + _r$20 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendUninterpretedOption")); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$20; + /* } */ case 23: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendFileOptions, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendSourceCodeInfo = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "location", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendSourceCodeInfo_Location")); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + /* } */ case 3: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendSourceCodeInfo, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendDescriptorProto_ExtensionRange = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "start", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "end", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendExtensionRangeOptions")); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendDescriptorProto_ExtensionRange, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendOneofDescriptorProto = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendOneofOptions")); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendOneofDescriptorProto, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendMessageOptions = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (999)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "message_set_wire_format", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "no_standard_descriptor_accessor", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = p.appendSingularField(b, "map_entry", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (999)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendUninterpretedOption")); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$4; + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendMessageOptions, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendDescriptorProto_ReservedRange = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "start", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "end", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendDescriptorProto_ReservedRange, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendEnumValueDescriptorProto = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "number", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendEnumValueOptions")); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendEnumValueDescriptorProto, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendEnumOptions = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (999)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "allow_alias", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (999)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendUninterpretedOption")); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendEnumOptions, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendEnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "start", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "end", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendEnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendMethodDescriptorProto = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "input_type", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "output_type", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendMethodOptions")); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = p.appendSingularField(b, "client_streaming", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$4; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = p.appendSingularField(b, "server_streaming", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$5; + /* } */ case 8: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendMethodDescriptorProto, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendServiceOptions = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (33)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (999)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (33)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (999)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendUninterpretedOption")); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendServiceOptions, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendFieldOptions = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (999)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "ctype", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "packed", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "jstype", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = p.appendSingularField(b, "lazy", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$4; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = p.appendSingularField(b, "weak", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$5; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (999)) { */ case 8: + _r$6 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendUninterpretedOption")); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + /* } */ case 9: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendFieldOptions, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendUninterpretedOption = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "name", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendUninterpretedOption_NamePart")); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "identifier_value", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "positive_int_value", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = p.appendSingularField(b, "negative_int_value", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = p.appendSingularField(b, "double_value", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$4; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = p.appendSingularField(b, "string_value", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$5; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 8: + _r$6 = p.appendSingularField(b, "aggregate_value", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + /* } */ case 9: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendUninterpretedOption, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendSourceCodeInfo_Location = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "path", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "span", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendSingularField(b, "leading_comments", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = p.appendSingularField(b, "trailing_comments", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "leading_detached_comments", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$4; + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendSourceCodeInfo_Location, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendExtensionRangeOptions = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (999)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_1 === (999)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendUninterpretedOption")); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + /* } */ case 3: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendExtensionRangeOptions, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendOneofOptions = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (999)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_1 === (999)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendUninterpretedOption")); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + /* } */ case 3: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendOneofOptions, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendEnumValueOptions = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (999)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (999)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendUninterpretedOption")); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendEnumValueOptions, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendMethodOptions = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (33)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (34)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (999)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (33)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (34)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "idempotency_level", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (999)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", $methodExpr(ptrType, "appendUninterpretedOption")); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendMethodOptions, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendUninterpretedOption_NamePart = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + _1 = (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, "name_part", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.appendSingularField(b, "is_extension", $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendUninterpretedOption_NamePart, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, b, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + SourcePath.prototype.Equal = function(p2) { + var _i, _ref, i, p1, p2; + p1 = this; + if (!((p1.$length === p2.$length))) { + return false; + } + _ref = p1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= p1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p1.$array[p1.$offset + i]) === ((i < 0 || i >= p2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p2.$array[p2.$offset + i])))) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.Equal = function(p2) { return this.$get().Equal(p2); }; + SourcePath.prototype.String = function() { + var {_i, _r, _ref, b, i, p, p$24ptr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = (p$24ptr || (p$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return p; }, function($v) { p = $convertSliceType($v, SourcePath); }))).appendFileDescriptorProto(sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + _ref = p; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = $append(b, 46); + b = strconv.AppendInt(b, (new $Int64(0, i)), 10); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return ($bytesToString(b)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SourcePath.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, b, i, p, p$24ptr, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.String = function() { return this.$get().String(); }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendSingularField = function(b, name, f) { + var {_r, b, f, name, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, name, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (p.$get().$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + b = $append(b, 46); + b = $appendSlice(b, name); + p.$set($subslice((p.$get()), 1)); + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r = f(p, b); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendSingularField, $c: true, $r, _r, b, f, name, p, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendRepeatedField = function(b, name, f) { + var {_r, _r$1, b, f, name, p, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, name, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.appendSingularField(b, name, $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r; + if ((p.$get().$length === 0) || (x = p.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) < 0) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + b = $append(b, 91); + b = strconv.AppendUint(b, (new $Uint64(0, (x$1 = p.$get(), (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])))), 10); + b = $append(b, 93); + p.$set($subslice((p.$get()), 1)); + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = f(p, b); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(SourcePath).prototype.appendRepeatedField, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, b, f, name, p, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Syntax.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var _1, s; + s = this.$val; + _1 = s; + if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + $ptrType(Syntax).prototype.IsValid = function() { return new Syntax(this.$get()).IsValid(); }; + Syntax.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this.$val; + _1 = s; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "proto2"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "proto3"; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("", new sliceType$1([new Syntax(s)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Syntax.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Syntax).prototype.String = function() { return new Syntax(this.$get()).String(); }; + Syntax.prototype.GoString = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this.$val; + _1 = s; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "Proto2"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "Proto3"; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("Syntax(%d)", new sliceType$1([new Syntax(s)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Syntax.prototype.GoString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Syntax).prototype.GoString = function() { return new Syntax(this.$get()).GoString(); }; + Cardinality.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var _1, c; + c = this.$val; + _1 = c; + if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + $ptrType(Cardinality).prototype.IsValid = function() { return new Cardinality(this.$get()).IsValid(); }; + Cardinality.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this.$val; + _1 = c; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "optional"; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "required"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return "repeated"; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("", new sliceType$1([new Cardinality(c)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Cardinality.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, c, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Cardinality).prototype.String = function() { return new Cardinality(this.$get()).String(); }; + Cardinality.prototype.GoString = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this.$val; + _1 = c; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "Optional"; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "Required"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return "Repeated"; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("Cardinality(%d)", new sliceType$1([new Cardinality(c)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Cardinality.prototype.GoString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, c, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Cardinality).prototype.GoString = function() { return new Cardinality(this.$get()).GoString(); }; + Kind.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var _1, k; + k = this.$val; + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (14)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (16)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + $ptrType(Kind).prototype.IsValid = function() { return new Kind(this.$get()).IsValid(); }; + Kind.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, k, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + k = this.$val; + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "bool"; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "enum"; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return "int32"; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return "sint32"; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return "uint32"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return "int64"; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return "sint64"; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return "uint64"; + /* } else if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 10: + $s = -1; return "sfixed32"; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return "fixed32"; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 12: + $s = -1; return "float"; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return "sfixed64"; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 14: + $s = -1; return "fixed64"; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 15: + $s = -1; return "double"; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 16: + $s = -1; return "string"; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 17: + $s = -1; return "bytes"; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 18: + $s = -1; return "message"; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 19: + $s = -1; return "group"; + /* } else { */ case 20: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("", new sliceType$1([new Kind(k)])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r; + /* } */ case 21: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Kind.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, k, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Kind).prototype.String = function() { return new Kind(this.$get()).String(); }; + Kind.prototype.GoString = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, k, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + k = this.$val; + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "BoolKind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "EnumKind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return "Int32Kind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return "Sint32Kind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return "Uint32Kind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return "Int64Kind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return "Sint64Kind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return "Uint64Kind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 10: + $s = -1; return "Sfixed32Kind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return "Fixed32Kind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 12: + $s = -1; return "FloatKind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return "Sfixed64Kind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 14: + $s = -1; return "Fixed64Kind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 15: + $s = -1; return "DoubleKind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 16: + $s = -1; return "StringKind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 17: + $s = -1; return "BytesKind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 18: + $s = -1; return "MessageKind"; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 19: + $s = -1; return "GroupKind"; + /* } else { */ case 20: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("Kind(%d)", new sliceType$1([new Kind(k)])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r; + /* } */ case 21: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Kind.prototype.GoString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, k, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Kind).prototype.GoString = function() { return new Kind(this.$get()).GoString(); }; + Name.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var s; + s = this.$val; + return consumeIdent((s)) === s.length; + }; + $ptrType(Name).prototype.IsValid = function() { return new Name(this.$get()).IsValid(); }; + FullName.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var i, n, s; + s = this.$val; + i = consumeIdent((s)); + if (i < 0) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > i)) { break; } + if (!((s.charCodeAt(i) === 46))) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + n = consumeIdent(($substring(s, i))); + if (n < 0) { + return false; + } + i = i + (n) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(FullName).prototype.IsValid = function() { return new FullName(this.$get()).IsValid(); }; + consumeIdent = function(s) { + var i, s; + i = 0; + if ((s.length === 0) || !isLetter(s.charCodeAt(i))) { + i = -1; + return i; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > i && isLetterDigit(s.charCodeAt(i)))) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i; + return i; + }; + isLetter = function(c) { + var c; + return (c === 95) || (97 <= c && c <= 122) || (65 <= c && c <= 90); + }; + isLetterDigit = function(c) { + var c; + return isLetter(c) || (48 <= c && c <= 57); + }; + FullName.prototype.Name = function() { + var i, n; + n = this.$val; + i = strings.LastIndexByte((n), 46); + if (i >= 0) { + return ($substring(n, (i + 1 >> 0))); + } + return (n); + }; + $ptrType(FullName).prototype.Name = function() { return new FullName(this.$get()).Name(); }; + FullName.prototype.Parent = function() { + var i, n; + n = this.$val; + i = strings.LastIndexByte((n), 46); + if (i >= 0) { + return $substring(n, 0, i); + } + return ""; + }; + $ptrType(FullName).prototype.Parent = function() { return new FullName(this.$get()).Parent(); }; + FullName.prototype.Append = function(s) { + var n, s; + n = this.$val; + if (n === "") { + return (s); + } + return n + "." + (s); + }; + $ptrType(FullName).prototype.Append = function(s) { return new FullName(this.$get()).Append(s); }; + Value.methods = [{prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "typeName", name: "typeName", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "panicMessage", name: "panicMessage", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Bool", name: "Bool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Int", name: "Int", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Uint", name: "Uint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Float", name: "Float", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumNumber], false)}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Message], false)}, {prop: "List", name: "List", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [List], false)}, {prop: "Map", name: "Map", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Map], false)}, {prop: "MapKey", name: "MapKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MapKey], false)}, {prop: "getString", name: "getString", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "getBytes", name: "getBytes", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "getIface", name: "getIface", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + MapKey.methods = [{prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "Bool", name: "Bool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Int", name: "Int", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Uint", name: "Uint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}]; + RawFields.methods = [{prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + SourcePath.methods = [{prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([SourcePath], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "appendFileDescriptorProto", name: "appendFileDescriptorProto", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendDescriptorProto", name: "appendDescriptorProto", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendEnumDescriptorProto", name: "appendEnumDescriptorProto", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendServiceDescriptorProto", name: "appendServiceDescriptorProto", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendFieldDescriptorProto", name: "appendFieldDescriptorProto", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendFileOptions", name: "appendFileOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendSourceCodeInfo", name: "appendSourceCodeInfo", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendDescriptorProto_ExtensionRange", name: "appendDescriptorProto_ExtensionRange", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendOneofDescriptorProto", name: "appendOneofDescriptorProto", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendMessageOptions", name: "appendMessageOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendDescriptorProto_ReservedRange", name: "appendDescriptorProto_ReservedRange", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendEnumValueDescriptorProto", name: "appendEnumValueDescriptorProto", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendEnumOptions", name: "appendEnumOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendEnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange", name: "appendEnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendMethodDescriptorProto", name: "appendMethodDescriptorProto", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendServiceOptions", name: "appendServiceOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendFieldOptions", name: "appendFieldOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendUninterpretedOption", name: "appendUninterpretedOption", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendSourceCodeInfo_Location", name: "appendSourceCodeInfo_Location", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendExtensionRangeOptions", name: "appendExtensionRangeOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendOneofOptions", name: "appendOneofOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendEnumValueOptions", name: "appendEnumValueOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendMethodOptions", name: "appendMethodOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendUninterpretedOption_NamePart", name: "appendUninterpretedOption_NamePart", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendSingularField", name: "appendSingularField", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $String, appendFunc], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "appendRepeatedField", name: "appendRepeatedField", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $String, appendFunc], [sliceType], false)}]; + Syntax.methods = [{prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "GoString", name: "GoString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Cardinality.methods = [{prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "GoString", name: "GoString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Kind.methods = [{prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "GoString", name: "GoString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Name.methods = [{prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + FullName.methods = [{prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "Append", name: "Append", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [FullName], false)}]; + Value.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", [{prop: "DoNotCompare", name: "DoNotCompare", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.DoNotCompare, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: valueType, tag: ""}, {prop: "num", name: "num", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "str", name: "str", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "bin", name: "bin", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "iface", name: "iface", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}]); + MapKey.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect", [{prop: "DoNotCompare", name: "DoNotCompare", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.DoNotCompare, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: valueType, tag: ""}, {prop: "num", name: "num", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "str", name: "str", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "bin", name: "bin", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "iface", name: "iface", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}]); + Enum.init([{prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumNumber], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumType], false)}]); + Message.init([{prop: "Clear", name: "Clear", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FieldDescriptor], [Value], false)}, {prop: "GetUnknown", name: "GetUnknown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [RawFields], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FieldDescriptor], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Mutable", name: "Mutable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FieldDescriptor], [Value], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Message], false)}, {prop: "NewField", name: "NewField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FieldDescriptor], [Value], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMethods", name: "ProtoMethods", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Range", name: "Range", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$6], [], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FieldDescriptor, Value], [], false)}, {prop: "SetUnknown", name: "SetUnknown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([RawFields], [], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageType], false)}, {prop: "WhichOneof", name: "WhichOneof", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([OneofDescriptor], [FieldDescriptor], false)}]); + RawFields.init($Uint8); + List.init([{prop: "Append", name: "Append", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendMutable", name: "AppendMutable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NewElement", name: "NewElement", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, Value], [], false)}, {prop: "Truncate", name: "Truncate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}]); + Map.init([{prop: "Clear", name: "Clear", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([MapKey], [], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([MapKey], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([MapKey], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Mutable", name: "Mutable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([MapKey], [Value], false)}, {prop: "NewValue", name: "NewValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Range", name: "Range", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$7], [], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([MapKey, Value], [], false)}]); + Descriptor.init([{prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Syntax], false)}]); + FileDescriptor.init([{prop: "Enums", name: "Enums", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ExtensionDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "Imports", name: "Imports", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileImports], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Messages", name: "Messages", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Package", name: "Package", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Path", name: "Path", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FileDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Services", name: "Services", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ServiceDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "SourceLocations", name: "SourceLocations", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [SourceLocations], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Syntax], false)}]); + FileImports.init([{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [FileImport], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + FileImport.init("", [{prop: "FileDescriptor", name: "FileDescriptor", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: FileDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsPublic", name: "IsPublic", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsWeak", name: "IsWeak", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + MessageDescriptor.init([{prop: "Enums", name: "Enums", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "ExtensionRangeOptions", name: "ExtensionRangeOptions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "ExtensionRanges", name: "ExtensionRanges", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FieldRanges], false)}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ExtensionDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Fields", name: "Fields", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FieldDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsMapEntry", name: "IsMapEntry", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Messages", name: "Messages", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Oneofs", name: "Oneofs", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [OneofDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([MessageDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "RequiredNumbers", name: "RequiredNumbers", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FieldNumbers], false)}, {prop: "ReservedNames", name: "ReservedNames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Names], false)}, {prop: "ReservedRanges", name: "ReservedRanges", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FieldRanges], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Syntax], false)}]); + MessageType.init([{prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Message], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Message], false)}]); + MessageDescriptors.init([{prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + FieldDescriptor.init([{prop: "Cardinality", name: "Cardinality", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Cardinality], false)}, {prop: "ContainingMessage", name: "ContainingMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ContainingOneof", name: "ContainingOneof", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [OneofDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Default", name: "Default", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "DefaultEnumValue", name: "DefaultEnumValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "HasDefault", name: "HasDefault", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "HasJSONName", name: "HasJSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "HasOptionalKeyword", name: "HasOptionalKeyword", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "HasPresence", name: "HasPresence", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsExtension", name: "IsExtension", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsList", name: "IsList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsMap", name: "IsMap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsPacked", name: "IsPacked", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsWeak", name: "IsWeak", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "JSONName", name: "JSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "MapKey", name: "MapKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "MapValue", name: "MapValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protowire.Number], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Syntax], false)}, {prop: "TextName", name: "TextName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + FieldDescriptors.init([{prop: "ByJSONName", name: "ByJSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByNumber", name: "ByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByTextName", name: "ByTextName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + OneofDescriptor.init([{prop: "Fields", name: "Fields", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FieldDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsSynthetic", name: "IsSynthetic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([OneofDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Syntax], false)}]); + OneofDescriptors.init([{prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [OneofDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [OneofDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + ExtensionTypeDescriptor.init([{prop: "Cardinality", name: "Cardinality", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Cardinality], false)}, {prop: "ContainingMessage", name: "ContainingMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ContainingOneof", name: "ContainingOneof", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [OneofDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Default", name: "Default", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "DefaultEnumValue", name: "DefaultEnumValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "HasDefault", name: "HasDefault", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "HasJSONName", name: "HasJSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "HasOptionalKeyword", name: "HasOptionalKeyword", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "HasPresence", name: "HasPresence", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsExtension", name: "IsExtension", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsList", name: "IsList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsMap", name: "IsMap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsPacked", name: "IsPacked", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsWeak", name: "IsWeak", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "JSONName", name: "JSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "MapKey", name: "MapKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "MapValue", name: "MapValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protowire.Number], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Syntax], false)}, {prop: "TextName", name: "TextName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ExtensionType], false)}]); + ExtensionDescriptors.init([{prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + ExtensionType.init([{prop: "InterfaceOf", name: "InterfaceOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "IsValidInterface", name: "IsValidInterface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidValue", name: "IsValidValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "TypeDescriptor", name: "TypeDescriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ExtensionTypeDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ValueOf", name: "ValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}]); + EnumDescriptor.init([{prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([EnumDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "ReservedNames", name: "ReservedNames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Names], false)}, {prop: "ReservedRanges", name: "ReservedRanges", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumRanges], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Syntax], false)}, {prop: "Values", name: "Values", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumValueDescriptors], false)}]); + EnumType.init([{prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([EnumNumber], [Enum], false)}]); + EnumDescriptors.init([{prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + EnumValueDescriptor.init([{prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EnumNumber], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([EnumValueDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Syntax], false)}]); + EnumValueDescriptors.init([{prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByNumber", name: "ByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([EnumNumber], [EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + ServiceDescriptor.init([{prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Methods", name: "Methods", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MethodDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ServiceDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Syntax], false)}]); + ServiceDescriptors.init([{prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [ServiceDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [ServiceDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + MethodDescriptor.init([{prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FullName], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Input", name: "Input", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsStreamingClient", name: "IsStreamingClient", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsStreamingServer", name: "IsStreamingServer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Output", name: "Output", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([MethodDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Syntax], false)}]); + MethodDescriptors.init([{prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [MethodDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [MethodDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + SourceLocations.init([{prop: "ByDescriptor", name: "ByDescriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Descriptor], [SourceLocation], false)}, {prop: "ByPath", name: "ByPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([SourcePath], [SourceLocation], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [SourceLocation], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + SourceLocation.init("", [{prop: "Path", name: "Path", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: SourcePath, tag: ""}, {prop: "StartLine", name: "StartLine", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "StartColumn", name: "StartColumn", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "EndLine", name: "EndLine", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "EndColumn", name: "EndColumn", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "LeadingDetachedComments", name: "LeadingDetachedComments", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "LeadingComments", name: "LeadingComments", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "TrailingComments", name: "TrailingComments", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Next", name: "Next", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + SourcePath.init($Int32); + appendFunc.init([ptrType, sliceType], [sliceType], false); + ProtoMessage.init([{prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Message], false)}]); + FieldNumbers.init([{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protowire.Number], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + FieldRanges.init([{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [arrayType$1], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + EnumRanges.init([{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [arrayType$2], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([EnumNumber], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + Names.init([{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Name], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protowire.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pragma.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fmt, detrand, pragma, protoreflect, io, reflect, strconv, strings, list, records, ptrType, sliceType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, sliceType$1, arrayType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, ptrType$8, sliceType$4, ptrType$9, descriptorAccessors, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, FormatList, formatListOpt, FormatDesc, formatDescOpt, formatColon, joinStrings; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + detrand = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand"]; + pragma = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + list = $pkg.list = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "descfmt.list", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt", false, null); + records = $pkg.records = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "descfmt.records", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt", false, function(recs_, allowMulti_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.recs = sliceType$2.nil; + this.allowMulti = false; + return; + } + this.recs = recs_; + this.allowMulti = allowMulti_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(protoreflect.FileDescriptor); + sliceType = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(protoreflect.MessageDescriptor); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(protoreflect.FieldDescriptor); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(protoreflect.OneofDescriptor); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(protoreflect.EnumDescriptor); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(protoreflect.MethodDescriptor); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + arrayType = $arrayType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number, 2); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(protoreflect.EnumNumber, 2); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($String, 2); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(arrayType$2); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(reflect.Value); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(reflect.rtype); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(records); + FormatList = function(s, r, vs) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, r, s, vs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r, vs}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = s; + _arg$1 = vs; + if (!(r === 118)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$8 = s.Flag(43); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (_r$8) { _v$1 = true; $s = 2; continue s; } + _r$9 = s.Flag(35); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$9; case 2: + _v = _v$1; case 1: + _arg$2 = _v; + _r$10 = formatListOpt(_arg$1, true, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$10; + _r$11 = io.WriteString(_arg, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FormatList, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, r, s, vs, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.FormatList = FormatList; + formatListOpt = function(vs, isRoot, allowMulti) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$41, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, allowMulti, end, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, i$5, isEnumValue, isRoot, m, name, r, r$1, rs, ss, start, v, vs, vs$1, vs$2, vs$3, vs$4, vs$5, vs$6, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {vs, isRoot, allowMulti}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tmp = "["; + _tmp$1 = "]"; + start = _tmp; + end = _tmp$1; + /* */ if (isRoot) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (isRoot) { */ case 1: + name = ""; + _ref = vs; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Names, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FieldNumbers, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FieldRanges, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumRanges, true)[1]) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FileImports, true)[1]) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Descriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Names, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + name = "Names"; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FieldNumbers, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + name = "FieldNumbers"; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FieldRanges, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + name = "FieldRanges"; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumRanges, true)[1]) { */ case 6: + name = "EnumRanges"; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FileImports, true)[1]) { */ case 7: + name = "FileImports"; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Descriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 8: + _r$8 = reflect.ValueOf(vs); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).MethodByName("Get"); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = _r$10.Out(0); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = _r$11.Name(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r$12 + "s"; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + _r$13 = reflect.ValueOf(vs); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $clone(_r$13, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = $clone(_r$14, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = _r$15.Name(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r$16; + /* } */ case 10: + _tmp$2 = name + "{"; + _tmp$3 = "}"; + start = _tmp$2; + end = _tmp$3; + /* } */ case 2: + ss = sliceType.nil; + _ref$1 = vs; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.Names, true)[1]) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.FieldNumbers, true)[1]) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.FieldRanges, true)[1]) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.EnumRanges, true)[1]) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.FileImports, true)[1]) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.Names, true)[1]) { */ case 20: + vs$1 = _ref$1; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 27: + _r$17 = vs$1.Len(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$17)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$17)) { $s = 28; continue; } + _r$18 = vs$1.Get(i); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = fmt.Sprint(new sliceType$1([new protoreflect.Name(_r$18)])); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = $append(ss, _r$19); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 27; continue; + case 28: + $s = -1; return start + joinStrings(ss, false) + end; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.FieldNumbers, true)[1]) { */ case 21: + vs$2 = _ref$1; + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 32: + _r$20 = vs$2.Len(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$1 < _r$20)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < _r$20)) { $s = 33; continue; } + _r$21 = vs$2.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = fmt.Sprint(new sliceType$1([new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number(_r$21)])); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = $append(ss, _r$22); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 32; continue; + case 33: + $s = -1; return start + joinStrings(ss, false) + end; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.FieldRanges, true)[1]) { */ case 22: + vs$3 = _ref$1; + i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 37: + _r$23 = vs$3.Len(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$2 < _r$23)) { break; } */ if(!(i$2 < _r$23)) { $s = 38; continue; } + _r$24 = vs$3.Get(i$2); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = $clone(_r$24, arrayType); + /* */ if ((r[0] + 1 >> 0) === r[1]) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ $s = 42; continue; + /* if ((r[0] + 1 >> 0) === r[1]) { */ case 41: + _r$25 = fmt.Sprintf("%d", new sliceType$1([new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number(r[0])])); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = $append(ss, _r$25); + $s = 43; continue; + /* } else { */ case 42: + _r$26 = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", new sliceType$1([new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number(r[0]), new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number(r[1])])); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = $append(ss, _r$26); + /* } */ case 43: + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 37; continue; + case 38: + $s = -1; return start + joinStrings(ss, false) + end; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.EnumRanges, true)[1]) { */ case 23: + vs$4 = _ref$1; + i$3 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 46: + _r$27 = vs$4.Len(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$3 < _r$27)) { break; } */ if(!(i$3 < _r$27)) { $s = 47; continue; } + _r$28 = vs$4.Get(i$3); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r$1 = $clone(_r$28, arrayType$1); + /* */ if (r$1[0] === r$1[1]) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ $s = 51; continue; + /* if (r$1[0] === r$1[1]) { */ case 50: + _r$29 = fmt.Sprintf("%d", new sliceType$1([new protoreflect.EnumNumber(r$1[0])])); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = $append(ss, _r$29); + $s = 52; continue; + /* } else { */ case 51: + _r$30 = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", new sliceType$1([new protoreflect.EnumNumber(r$1[0]), (x = (new $Int64(0, r$1[1])), new $Int64(x.$high + 0, x.$low + 1))])); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = $append(ss, _r$30); + /* } */ case 52: + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 46; continue; + case 47: + $s = -1; return start + joinStrings(ss, false) + end; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.FileImports, true)[1]) { */ case 24: + vs$5 = _ref$1; + i$4 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 55: + _r$31 = vs$5.Len(); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$4 < _r$31)) { break; } */ if(!(i$4 < _r$31)) { $s = 56; continue; } + rs = new records.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, false); + _r$32 = vs$5.Get(i$4); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$33 = reflect.ValueOf((x$1 = _r$32, new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rs.Append($clone(_r$33, reflect.Value), new sliceType(["Path", "Package", "IsPublic", "IsWeak"])); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$34 = rs.Join(); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = $append(ss, "{" + _r$34 + "}"); + i$4 = i$4 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 55; continue; + case 56: + $s = -1; return start + joinStrings(ss, allowMulti) + end; + /* } else { */ case 25: + vs$6 = _ref$1; + _tuple = $assertType(vs$6, protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptors, true); + isEnumValue = _tuple[1]; + i$5 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 62: + _r$35 = vs$6.Len(); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$5 < _r$35)) { break; } */ if(!(i$5 < _r$35)) { $s = 63; continue; } + _r$36 = reflect.ValueOf(vs$6); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$37 = $clone(_r$36, reflect.Value).MethodByName("Get"); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$37; + _r$38 = reflect.ValueOf(new $Int(i$5)); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$39 = $clone(m, reflect.Value).Call(new sliceType$3([$clone(_r$38, reflect.Value)])); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$40 = $clone((x$2 = _r$39, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])), reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$40; + _r$41 = formatDescOpt($assertType(v, protoreflect.Descriptor), false, allowMulti && !isEnumValue); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$41 = _r$41.$blk(); } if (_r$41 && _r$41.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = $append(ss, _r$41); + i$5 = i$5 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 62; continue; + case 63: + $s = -1; return start + joinStrings(ss, allowMulti && isEnumValue) + end; + /* } */ case 26: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: formatListOpt, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$41, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, allowMulti, end, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, i$5, isEnumValue, isRoot, m, name, r, r$1, rs, ss, start, v, vs, vs$1, vs$2, vs$3, vs$4, vs$5, vs$6, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + FormatDesc = function(s, r, t) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, r, s, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = s; + _arg$1 = t; + if (!(r === 118)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$8 = s.Flag(43); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (_r$8) { _v$1 = true; $s = 2; continue s; } + _r$9 = s.Flag(35); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$9; case 2: + _v = _v$1; case 1: + _arg$2 = _v; + _r$10 = formatDescOpt(_arg$1, true, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$10; + _r$11 = io.WriteString(_arg, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FormatDesc, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, r, s, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.FormatDesc = FormatDesc; + formatDescOpt = function(t, isRoot, allowMulti) { + var {$24r, _1, _2, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, allowMulti, end, fs, i, isFile, isRoot, k, od, rs, rt, rv, s, ss, start, t, t$1, t$2, t$3, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, isRoot, allowMulti}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = reflect.ValueOf(t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$8; + _r$9 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).MethodByName("ProtoType"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = _r$10.In(0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rt = _r$11; + _tmp = "{"; + _tmp$1 = "}"; + start = _tmp; + end = _tmp$1; + /* */ if (isRoot) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (isRoot) { */ case 5: + _r$12 = rt.Name(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + start = _r$12 + "{"; + /* } */ case 6: + _tuple = $assertType(t, protoreflect.FileDescriptor, true); + isFile = _tuple[1]; + rs = new records.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, allowMulti); + _r$13 = t.IsPlaceholder(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$13) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_r$13) { */ case 8: + /* */ if (isFile) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (isFile) { */ case 12: + $r = rs.Append($clone(rv, reflect.Value), new sliceType(["Path", "Package", "IsPlaceholder"])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + $r = rs.Append($clone(rv, reflect.Value), new sliceType(["FullName", "IsPlaceholder"])); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 14: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + /* */ if (isFile) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (isRoot) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (isFile) { */ case 18: + $r = rs.Append($clone(rv, reflect.Value), new sliceType(["Syntax"])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (isRoot) { */ case 19: + $r = rs.Append($clone(rv, reflect.Value), new sliceType(["Syntax", "FullName"])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else { */ case 20: + $r = rs.Append($clone(rv, reflect.Value), new sliceType(["Name"])); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 21: + case 17: + _ref = t; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.OneofDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 25: + t$1 = _ref; + _ref$1 = (_entry = descriptorAccessors[reflect.Type.keyFor(rt)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType.nil); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 29: + /* if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 30; continue; } + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]); + _1 = s; + /* */ if (_1 === ("MapKey")) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("MapValue")) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("ContainingOneof")) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("ContainingMessage")) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("Message")) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("MapKey")) { */ case 32: + _r$14 = t$1.MapKey(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + k = _r$14; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(k, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(k, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 40: + _r$15 = k.Kind(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = new protoreflect.Kind(_r$15).String(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rs.recs = $append(rs.recs, $toNativeArray($kindString, ["MapKey", _r$16])); + /* } */ case 41: + $s = 38; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("MapValue")) { */ case 33: + _r$17 = t$1.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$17; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 45: + _r$18 = v.Kind(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _2 = _r$18; + /* */ if (_2 === (14)) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ if ((_2 === (11)) || (_2 === (10))) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ $s = 51; continue; + /* if (_2 === (14)) { */ case 49: + _r$19 = v.Enum(); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = _r$19.FullName(); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rs.recs = $append(rs.recs, $toNativeArray($kindString, ["MapValue", (_r$20)])); + $s = 52; continue; + /* } else if ((_2 === (11)) || (_2 === (10))) { */ case 50: + _r$21 = v.Message(); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = _r$21.FullName(); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rs.recs = $append(rs.recs, $toNativeArray($kindString, ["MapValue", (_r$22)])); + $s = 52; continue; + /* } else { */ case 51: + _r$23 = v.Kind(); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = new protoreflect.Kind(_r$23).String(); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rs.recs = $append(rs.recs, $toNativeArray($kindString, ["MapValue", _r$24])); + /* } */ case 52: + case 47: + /* } */ case 46: + $s = 38; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("ContainingOneof")) { */ case 34: + _r$25 = t$1.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + od = _r$25; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(od, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ $s = 61; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(od, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 60: + _r$26 = od.Name(); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rs.recs = $append(rs.recs, $toNativeArray($kindString, ["Oneof", (_r$26)])); + /* } */ case 61: + $s = 38; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("ContainingMessage")) { */ case 35: + _r$27 = t$1.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$27) { $s = 63; continue; } + /* */ $s = 64; continue; + /* if (_r$27) { */ case 63: + _r$28 = t$1.ContainingMessage(); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29 = _r$28.FullName(); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rs.recs = $append(rs.recs, $toNativeArray($kindString, ["Extendee", (_r$29)])); + /* } */ case 64: + $s = 38; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("Message")) { */ case 36: + _r$30 = t$1.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$30) { $s = 68; continue; } + /* */ $s = 69; continue; + /* if (!_r$30) { */ case 68: + $r = rs.Append($clone(rv, reflect.Value), new sliceType([s])); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 69: + $s = 38; continue; + /* } else { */ case 37: + $r = rs.Append($clone(rv, reflect.Value), new sliceType([s])); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 38: + case 31: + _i++; + $s = 29; continue; + case 30: + $s = 28; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.OneofDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 26: + t$2 = _ref; + ss = sliceType.nil; + _r$31 = t$2.Fields(); /* */ $s = 73; case 73: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fs = _r$31; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 74: + _r$32 = fs.Len(); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$32)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$32)) { $s = 75; continue; } + _r$33 = fs.Get(i); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$34 = _r$33.Name(); /* */ $s = 78; case 78: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = $append(ss, (_r$34)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 74; continue; + case 75: + if (ss.$length > 0) { + rs.recs = $append(rs.recs, $toNativeArray($kindString, ["Fields", "[" + joinStrings(ss, false) + "]"])); + } + $s = 28; continue; + /* } else { */ case 27: + t$3 = _ref; + $r = rs.Append($clone(rv, reflect.Value), (_entry$1 = descriptorAccessors[reflect.Type.keyFor(rt)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType.nil)); /* */ $s = 79; case 79: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 28: + _r$35 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).MethodByName("GoType"); /* */ $s = 82; case 82: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$36 = $clone(_r$35, reflect.Value).IsValid(); /* */ $s = 83; case 83: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$36) { $s = 80; continue; } + /* */ $s = 81; continue; + /* if (_r$36) { */ case 80: + $r = rs.Append($clone(rv, reflect.Value), new sliceType(["GoType"])); /* */ $s = 84; case 84: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 81: + /* } */ case 10: + _r$37 = rs.Join(); /* */ $s = 85; case 85: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = start + _r$37 + end; + $s = 86; case 86: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: formatDescOpt, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _2, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, allowMulti, end, fs, i, isFile, isRoot, k, od, rs, rt, rv, s, ss, start, t, t$1, t$2, t$3, v, $s};return $f; + }; + records.ptr.prototype.Append = function(v, accessors) { + var {_1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, accessors, isZero, m, n, ok, ok$1, rs, rv, s, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, v$5, v$6, v$7, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, accessors}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rs = this; + _ref = accessors; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + a = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + rv = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$8.nil, 0, 0); + _r$8 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).MethodByName(a); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$8; + /* */ if ($clone(m, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($clone(m, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 4: + _r$9 = $clone(m, reflect.Value).Call(sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = (x = _r$9, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 25) && !$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 25) && !$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 7: + _r$10 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).FieldByName(a); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$10; + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (!$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 10: + _r$11 = fmt.Sprintf("unknown accessor: %v.%s", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), new $String(a)])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$11)); + /* } */ case 11: + _r$12 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$12, protoreflect.Value, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 14: + _r$13 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).MethodByName("Interface"); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $clone(_r$13, reflect.Value).Call(sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = (x$1 = _r$14, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (!$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 18: + _r$15 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$15; + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 15: + isZero = false; + _1 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if ((_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (23))) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (23))) { */ case 22: + isZero = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil(); + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 23: + isZero = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Bool() === false; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 24: + isZero = (x$2 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Int(), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0)); + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { */ case 25: + isZero = (x$3 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Uint(), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0)); + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 26: + _r$16 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isZero = _r$16 === ""; + /* } */ case 27: + case 21: + _r$17 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(_r$17, list, true); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 30: + _r$18 = n.Len(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isZero = _r$18 === 0; + /* } */ case 31: + if (isZero) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + s = ""; + _r$19 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = _r$19; + _ref$1 = v$1; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, list, true)[1]) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.OneofDescriptor, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.MethodDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.Descriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $String, true)[1]) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, sliceType$4, true)[1]) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$1, list, true)[1]) { */ case 34: + v$2 = _ref$1; + _r$20 = formatListOpt(v$2, false, rs.allowMulti); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$20; + $s = 40; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.OneofDescriptor, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.MethodDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 35: + v$3 = _ref$1; + _r$21 = $assertType(v$3, protoreflect.Descriptor).Name(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = (_r$21); + $s = 40; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.Descriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 36: + v$4 = _ref$1; + _r$22 = v$4.FullName(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = (_r$22); + $s = 40; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $String, true)[1]) { */ case 37: + v$5 = _ref$1.$val; + s = strconv.Quote(v$5); + $s = 40; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, sliceType$4, true)[1]) { */ case 38: + v$6 = _ref$1.$val; + _r$23 = fmt.Sprintf("%q", new sliceType$1([v$6])); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$23; + $s = 40; continue; + /* } else { */ case 39: + v$7 = _ref$1; + _r$24 = fmt.Sprint(new sliceType$1([v$7])); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$24; + /* } */ case 40: + rs.recs = $append(rs.recs, $toNativeArray($kindString, [a, s])); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: records.ptr.prototype.Append, $c: true, $r, _1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, accessors, isZero, m, n, ok, ok$1, rs, rv, s, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, v$5, v$6, v$7, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + records.prototype.Append = function(v, accessors) { return this.$val.Append(v, accessors); }; + records.ptr.prototype.Join = function() { + var {_i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, flush, i, isMulti, maxLen, r, r$1, rs, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + maxLen = [maxLen]; + rs = [rs]; + ss = [ss]; + rs[0] = this; + ss[0] = sliceType.nil; + if (!rs[0].allowMulti) { + _ref = rs[0].recs; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + r = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), arrayType$2); + ss[0] = $append(ss[0], r[0] + formatColon(0) + r[1]); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return joinStrings(ss[0], false); + } + maxLen[0] = 0; + flush = (function(maxLen, rs, ss) { return function(i) { + var _i$1, _ref$1, i, r$1; + _ref$1 = $subslice(rs[0].recs, ss[0].$length, i); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + r$1 = $clone(((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]), arrayType$2); + ss[0] = $append(ss[0], r$1[0] + formatColon(maxLen[0] - r$1[0].length >> 0) + r$1[1]); + _i$1++; + } + maxLen[0] = 0; + }; })(maxLen, rs, ss); + _ref$1 = rs[0].recs; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i$1; + r$1 = $clone(((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]), arrayType$2); + isMulti = strings.Contains(r$1[1], "\n"); + /* */ if (isMulti) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (maxLen[0] < r$1[0].length) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (isMulti) { */ case 3: + $r = flush(i); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss[0] = $append(ss[0], r$1[0] + formatColon(0) + strings.Join(strings.Split(r$1[1], "\n"), "\n\t")); + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (maxLen[0] < r$1[0].length) { */ case 4: + maxLen[0] = r$1[0].length; + /* } */ case 5: + _i$1++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $r = flush(rs[0].recs.$length); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return joinStrings(ss[0], true); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: records.ptr.prototype.Join, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, flush, i, isMulti, maxLen, r, r$1, rs, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + records.prototype.Join = function() { return this.$val.Join(); }; + formatColon = function(padding) { + var padding; + if (detrand.Bool()) { + return ":" + strings.Repeat("\xC2\xA0", 1 + padding >> 0); + } else { + return ":" + strings.Repeat(" ", 1 + padding >> 0); + } + }; + joinStrings = function(ss, isMulti) { + var isMulti, ss; + if (ss.$length === 0) { + return ""; + } + if (isMulti) { + return "\n\t" + strings.Join(ss, "\n\t") + "\n"; + } + return strings.Join(ss, ", "); + }; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "Append", name: "Append", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Join", name: "Join", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + list.init([{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]); + records.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt", [{prop: "recs", name: "recs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "allowMulti", name: "allowMulti", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = detrand.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pragma.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$1.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$2.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$3.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$4.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$5.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$6.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$7.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + descriptorAccessors = $makeMap(reflect.Type.keyFor, [{ k: _r, v: new sliceType(["Path", "Package", "Imports", "Messages", "Enums", "Extensions", "Services"]) }, { k: _r$1, v: new sliceType(["IsMapEntry", "Fields", "Oneofs", "ReservedNames", "ReservedRanges", "RequiredNumbers", "ExtensionRanges", "Messages", "Enums", "Extensions"]) }, { k: _r$2, v: new sliceType(["Number", "Cardinality", "Kind", "HasJSONName", "JSONName", "HasPresence", "IsExtension", "IsPacked", "IsWeak", "IsList", "IsMap", "MapKey", "MapValue", "HasDefault", "Default", "ContainingOneof", "ContainingMessage", "Message", "Enum"]) }, { k: _r$3, v: new sliceType(["Fields"]) }, { k: _r$4, v: new sliceType(["Values", "ReservedNames", "ReservedRanges"]) }, { k: _r$5, v: new sliceType(["Number"]) }, { k: _r$6, v: new sliceType(["Methods"]) }, { k: _r$7, v: new sliceType(["Input", "Output", "IsStreamingClient", "IsStreamingServer"]) }]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, protoreflect; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.File = $ifaceNil; + $pkg.Enum = $ifaceNil; + $pkg.EnumValue = $ifaceNil; + $pkg.Message = $ifaceNil; + $pkg.Field = $ifaceNil; + $pkg.Oneof = $ifaceNil; + $pkg.ExtensionRange = $ifaceNil; + $pkg.Service = $ifaceNil; + $pkg.Method = $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["go/token"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fmt, nosync, sort, strconv, unicode, utf8, tokens, keywords, init; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + nosync = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + init = function() { + var _key, i; + keywords = {}; + i = 61; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 86)) { break; } + _key = ((i < 0 || i >= tokens.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tokens[i]); (keywords || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: i }; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = nosync.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keywords = false; + tokens = $toNativeArray($kindString, ["ILLEGAL", "EOF", "COMMENT", "", "IDENT", "INT", "FLOAT", "IMAG", "CHAR", "STRING", "", "", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "&", "|", "^", "<<", ">>", "&^", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "&=", "|=", "^=", "<<=", ">>=", "&^=", "&&", "||", "<-", "++", "--", "==", "<", ">", "=", "!", "!=", "<=", ">=", ":=", "...", "(", "[", "{", ",", ".", ")", "]", "}", ";", ":", "", "", "break", "case", "chan", "const", "continue", "default", "defer", "else", "fallthrough", "for", "func", "go", "goto", "if", "import", "interface", "map", "package", "range", "return", "select", "struct", "switch", "type", "var", "", "", "~"]); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, token, flags, protoreflect, strings, unicode, utf8, Builder, sliceType, interfaceType, ptrType, UnsafeString, EnforceUTF8, GoCamelCase, JSONCamelCase, MapEntryName, isASCIILower, isASCIIDigit; + token = $packages["go/token"]; + flags = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + Builder = $pkg.Builder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strs.Builder", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs", true, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "EnforceUTF8", name: "EnforceUTF8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]); + ptrType = $ptrType(Builder); + UnsafeString = function(b) { + var b; + return ($bytesToString(b)); + }; + $pkg.UnsafeString = UnsafeString; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AppendFullName = function(prefix, name) { + var name, prefix; + return new protoreflect.FullName(prefix).Append(name); + }; + Builder.prototype.AppendFullName = function(prefix, name) { return this.$val.AppendFullName(prefix, name); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.MakeString = function(b) { + var b; + return ($bytesToString(b)); + }; + Builder.prototype.MakeString = function(b) { return this.$val.MakeString(b); }; + EnforceUTF8 = function(fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, fd, fd$1, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (false) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (false) { */ case 1: + _tuple = $assertType(fd, interfaceType, true); + fd$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 3: + _r = fd$1.EnforceUTF8(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = fd.Syntax(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1 === 3; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnforceUTF8, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, fd, fd$1, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.EnforceUTF8 = EnforceUTF8; + GoCamelCase = function(s) { + var b, c, i, s; + b = sliceType.nil; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if ((c === 46) && (i + 1 >> 0) < s.length && isASCIILower(s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)))) { + } else if ((c === 46)) { + b = $append(b, 95); + } else if ((c === 95) && ((i === 0) || (s.charCodeAt((i - 1 >> 0)) === 46))) { + b = $append(b, 88); + } else if ((c === 95) && (i + 1 >> 0) < s.length && isASCIILower(s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)))) { + } else if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + b = $append(b, c); + } else { + if (isASCIILower(c)) { + c = c - (32) << 24 >>> 24; + } + b = $append(b, c); + while (true) { + if (!((i + 1 >> 0) < s.length && isASCIILower(s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0))))) { break; } + b = $append(b, s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return ($bytesToString(b)); + }; + $pkg.GoCamelCase = GoCamelCase; + JSONCamelCase = function(s) { + var b, c, i, s, wasUnderscore; + b = sliceType.nil; + wasUnderscore = false; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (!((c === 95))) { + if (wasUnderscore && isASCIILower(c)) { + c = c - (32) << 24 >>> 24; + } + b = $append(b, c); + } + wasUnderscore = c === 95; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return ($bytesToString(b)); + }; + $pkg.JSONCamelCase = JSONCamelCase; + MapEntryName = function(s) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, b, c, s, upperNext; + b = sliceType.nil; + upperNext = true; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + c = _rune[0]; + if ((c === 95)) { + upperNext = true; + } else if (upperNext) { + b = $append(b, ((unicode.ToUpper(c) << 24 >>> 24))); + upperNext = false; + } else { + b = $append(b, ((c << 24 >>> 24))); + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + b = $appendSlice(b, "Entry"); + return ($bytesToString(b)); + }; + $pkg.MapEntryName = MapEntryName; + isASCIILower = function(c) { + var c; + return 97 <= c && c <= 122; + }; + isASCIIDigit = function(c) { + var c; + return 48 <= c && c <= 57; + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "AppendFullName", name: "AppendFullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName, protoreflect.Name], [protoreflect.FullName], false)}, {prop: "MakeString", name: "MakeString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$String], false)}]; + Builder.init("", []); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = token.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = flags.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["unicode/utf16"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, sliceType$1, IsSurrogate, DecodeRune, Decode; + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Int32); + IsSurrogate = function(r) { + var r; + return 55296 <= r && r < 57344; + }; + $pkg.IsSurrogate = IsSurrogate; + DecodeRune = function(r1, r2) { + var r1, r2; + if (55296 <= r1 && r1 < 56320 && 56320 <= r2 && r2 < 57344) { + return ((((r1 - 55296 >> 0)) << 10 >> 0) | ((r2 - 56320 >> 0))) + 65536 >> 0; + } + return 65533; + }; + $pkg.DecodeRune = DecodeRune; + Decode = function(s) { + var a, i, n, r, s, x, x$1, x$2; + a = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, s.$length); + n = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.$length)) { break; } + r = ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]); + if ((r < 55296) || (57344 <= r)) { + ((n < 0 || n >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + n] = ((r >> 0))); + } else if (55296 <= r && r < 56320 && (i + 1 >> 0) < s.$length && 56320 <= (x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x])) && (x$1 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x$1])) < 57344) { + ((n < 0 || n >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + n] = DecodeRune(((r >> 0)), (((x$2 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x$2])) >> 0)))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } else { + ((n < 0 || n >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + n] = 65533); + } + n = n + (1) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return $subslice(a, 0, n); + }; + $pkg.Decode = Decode; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, fmt, detrand, errors, flags, strs, io, math, bits, strconv, strings, unicode, utf16, utf8, encType, Encoder, encoderState, Kind, NameKind, Token, number, Decoder, call, sliceType, sliceType$1, arrayType, ptrType, ptrType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType$2, boolLits, floatLits, otherCloseChar, _r, NewEncoder, appendString, indexNeedEscapeInString, appendFloat, indexNeedEscapeInBytes, UnmarshalString, parseNumber, NewDecoder, isTypeNameChar, parseIdent, consume, errId, isDelim; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + detrand = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand"]; + errors = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"]; + flags = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags"]; + strs = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + utf16 = $packages["unicode/utf16"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + encType = $pkg.encType = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "text.encType", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", false, null); + Encoder = $pkg.Encoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "text.Encoder", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", true, function(encoderState_, indent_, delims_, outputASCII_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.encoderState = new encoderState.ptr(0, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil); + this.indent = ""; + this.delims = arrayType.zero(); + this.outputASCII = false; + return; + } + this.encoderState = encoderState_; + this.indent = indent_; + this.delims = delims_; + this.outputASCII = outputASCII_; + }); + encoderState = $pkg.encoderState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "text.encoderState", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", false, function(lastType_, indents_, out_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.lastType = 0; + this.indents = sliceType$1.nil; + this.out = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.lastType = lastType_; + this.indents = indents_; + this.out = out_; + }); + Kind = $pkg.Kind = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "text.Kind", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", true, null); + NameKind = $pkg.NameKind = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "text.NameKind", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", true, null); + Token = $pkg.Token = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "text.Token", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", true, function(kind_, attrs_, numAttrs_, pos_, raw_, str_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.kind = 0; + this.attrs = 0; + this.numAttrs = 0; + this.pos = 0; + this.raw = sliceType$1.nil; + this.str = ""; + return; + } + this.kind = kind_; + this.attrs = attrs_; + this.numAttrs = numAttrs_; + this.pos = pos_; + this.raw = raw_; + this.str = str_; + }); + number = $pkg.number = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "text.number", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", false, function(kind_, neg_, size_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.kind = 0; + this.neg = false; + this.size = 0; + return; + } + this.kind = kind_; + this.neg = neg_; + this.size = size_; + }); + Decoder = $pkg.Decoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "text.Decoder", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", true, function(lastCall_, lastToken_, lastErr_, openStack_, orig_, in$5_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.lastCall = 0; + this.lastToken = new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""); + this.lastErr = $ifaceNil; + this.openStack = sliceType$1.nil; + this.orig = sliceType$1.nil; + this.in$5 = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.lastCall = lastCall_; + this.lastToken = lastToken_; + this.lastErr = lastErr_; + this.openStack = openStack_; + this.orig = orig_; + this.in$5 = in$5_; + }); + call = $pkg.call = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "text.call", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", false, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 2); + ptrType = $ptrType(Encoder); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(strconv.NumError); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Decoder); + NewEncoder = function(indent, delims, outputASCII) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _r$1, _r$2, delims, e, indent, outputASCII, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {indent, delims, outputASCII}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = new Encoder.ptr(new encoderState.ptr(0, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil), "", arrayType.zero(), false); + /* */ if (indent.length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (indent.length > 0) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (!(strings.Trim(indent, " \t") === "")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(strings.Trim(indent, " \t") === "")) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = errors.New("indent may only be composed of space and tab characters", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType.nil, _r$1]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + e.indent = indent; + /* } */ case 2: + _1 = $clone(delims, arrayType); + /* */ if ($equal(_1, ($toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 0])), arrayType)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if ($equal(_1, ($toNativeArray($kindUint8, [123, 125])), arrayType) || $equal(_1, ($toNativeArray($kindUint8, [60, 62])), arrayType)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($equal(_1, ($toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 0])), arrayType)) { */ case 8: + arrayType.copy(e.delims, $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [123, 125])); + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ($equal(_1, ($toNativeArray($kindUint8, [123, 125])), arrayType) || $equal(_1, ($toNativeArray($kindUint8, [60, 62])), arrayType)) { */ case 9: + arrayType.copy(e.delims, delims); + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + _r$2 = errors.New("delimiters may only be \"{}\" or \"<>\"", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [ptrType.nil, _r$2]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + case 7: + e.outputASCII = outputASCII; + $s = -1; return [e, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewEncoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _r$1, _r$2, delims, e, indent, outputASCII, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewEncoder = NewEncoder; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.encoderState.out; + }; + Encoder.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.StartMessage = function() { + var {e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + $r = e.prepareNext(4); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e.encoderState.out = $append(e.encoderState.out, e.delims[0]); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.StartMessage, $c: true, $r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.StartMessage = function() { return this.$val.StartMessage(); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.EndMessage = function() { + var {e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + $r = e.prepareNext(8); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e.encoderState.out = $append(e.encoderState.out, e.delims[1]); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.EndMessage, $c: true, $r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.EndMessage = function() { return this.$val.EndMessage(); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteName = function(s) { + var {e, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + $r = e.prepareNext(1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e.encoderState.out = $appendSlice(e.encoderState.out, s); + e.encoderState.out = $append(e.encoderState.out, 58); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteName, $c: true, $r, e, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.WriteName = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteName(s); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteBool = function(b) { + var {b, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + /* */ if (b) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (b) { */ case 1: + $r = e.WriteLiteral("true"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + $r = e.WriteLiteral("false"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteBool, $c: true, $r, b, e, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.WriteBool = function(b) { return this.$val.WriteBool(b); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var {e, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + $r = e.prepareNext(2); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e.encoderState.out = appendString(e.encoderState.out, s, e.outputASCII); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, e, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); }; + appendString = function(out, in$1, outputASCII) { + var _1, _2, _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, i, i$1, in$1, n, out, outputASCII, r; + out = $append(out, 34); + i = indexNeedEscapeInString(in$1); + _tmp = $substring(in$1, i); + _tmp$1 = $appendSlice(out, $substring(in$1, 0, i)); + in$1 = _tmp; + out = _tmp$1; + while (true) { + if (!(in$1.length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(in$1); + r = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if ((r === 65533) && (n === 1)) { + r = ((in$1.charCodeAt(0) >> 0)); + out = $append(out, 92); + _1 = r; + if ((_1 === (34)) || (_1 === (92))) { + out = $append(out, ((r << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + out = $append(out, 110); + } else if (_1 === (13)) { + out = $append(out, 114); + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + out = $append(out, 116); + } else { + out = $append(out, 120); + out = $appendSlice(out, $substring("00", (1 + (_q = ((bits.Len32(((r >>> 0))) - 1 >> 0)) / 4, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0))); + out = strconv.AppendUint(out, (new $Uint64(0, r)), 16); + } + in$1 = $substring(in$1, n); + } else if (r < 32 || (r === 34) || (r === 92) || (r === 127)) { + out = $append(out, 92); + _2 = r; + if ((_2 === (34)) || (_2 === (92))) { + out = $append(out, ((r << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if (_2 === (10)) { + out = $append(out, 110); + } else if (_2 === (13)) { + out = $append(out, 114); + } else if (_2 === (9)) { + out = $append(out, 116); + } else { + out = $append(out, 120); + out = $appendSlice(out, $substring("00", (1 + (_q$1 = ((bits.Len32(((r >>> 0))) - 1 >> 0)) / 4, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0))); + out = strconv.AppendUint(out, (new $Uint64(0, r)), 16); + } + in$1 = $substring(in$1, n); + } else if (r >= 128 && (outputASCII || r <= 159)) { + out = $append(out, 92); + if (r <= 65535) { + out = $append(out, 117); + out = $appendSlice(out, $substring("0000", (1 + (_q$2 = ((bits.Len32(((r >>> 0))) - 1 >> 0)) / 4, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0))); + out = strconv.AppendUint(out, (new $Uint64(0, r)), 16); + } else { + out = $append(out, 85); + out = $appendSlice(out, $substring("00000000", (1 + (_q$3 = ((bits.Len32(((r >>> 0))) - 1 >> 0)) / 4, (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0))); + out = strconv.AppendUint(out, (new $Uint64(0, r)), 16); + } + in$1 = $substring(in$1, n); + } else { + i$1 = indexNeedEscapeInString($substring(in$1, n)); + _tmp$2 = $substring(in$1, (n + i$1 >> 0)); + _tmp$3 = $appendSlice(out, $substring(in$1, 0, (n + i$1 >> 0))); + in$1 = _tmp$2; + out = _tmp$3; + } + } + out = $append(out, 34); + return out; + }; + indexNeedEscapeInString = function(s) { + var c, i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (c < 32 || (c === 34) || (c === 39) || (c === 92) || c >= 127) { + return i; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return s.length; + }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteFloat = function(n, bitSize) { + var {bitSize, e, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n, bitSize}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + $r = e.prepareNext(2); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e.encoderState.out = appendFloat(e.encoderState.out, n, bitSize); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteFloat, $c: true, $r, bitSize, e, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.WriteFloat = function(n, bitSize) { return this.$val.WriteFloat(n, bitSize); }; + appendFloat = function(out, n, bitSize) { + var bitSize, n, out; + if (math.IsNaN(n)) { + return $appendSlice(out, "nan"); + } else if (math.IsInf(n, 1)) { + return $appendSlice(out, "inf"); + } else if (math.IsInf(n, -1)) { + return $appendSlice(out, "-inf"); + } else { + return strconv.AppendFloat(out, n, 103, -1, bitSize); + } + }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteInt = function(n) { + var {e, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + $r = e.prepareNext(2); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e.encoderState.out = $appendSlice(e.encoderState.out, strconv.FormatInt(n, 10)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteInt, $c: true, $r, e, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.WriteInt = function(n) { return this.$val.WriteInt(n); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteUint = function(n) { + var {e, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + $r = e.prepareNext(2); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e.encoderState.out = $appendSlice(e.encoderState.out, strconv.FormatUint(n, 10)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteUint, $c: true, $r, e, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.WriteUint = function(n) { return this.$val.WriteUint(n); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteLiteral = function(s) { + var {e, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + $r = e.prepareNext(2); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e.encoderState.out = $appendSlice(e.encoderState.out, s); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteLiteral, $c: true, $r, e, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.WriteLiteral = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteLiteral(s); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.prepareNext = function(next) { + var {e, next, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {next}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + e = [e]; + next = [next]; + e[0] = this; + $deferred.push([(function(e, next) { return function() { + e[0].encoderState.lastType = next[0]; + }; })(e, next), []]); + /* */ if (e[0].indent.length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (e[0].indent.length === 0) { */ case 1: + if (!((((e[0].encoderState.lastType & 10) >>> 0) === 0)) && (next[0] === 1)) { + e[0].encoderState.out = $append(e[0].encoderState.out, 32); + if (detrand.Bool()) { + e[0].encoderState.out = $append(e[0].encoderState.out, 32); + } + } + $s = 3; case 3: return; + /* } */ case 2: + if ((e[0].encoderState.lastType === 1)) { + e[0].encoderState.out = $append(e[0].encoderState.out, 32); + if (detrand.Bool()) { + e[0].encoderState.out = $append(e[0].encoderState.out, 32); + } + } else if ((e[0].encoderState.lastType === 4) && !((next[0] === 8))) { + e[0].encoderState.indents = $appendSlice(e[0].encoderState.indents, e[0].indent); + e[0].encoderState.out = $append(e[0].encoderState.out, 10); + e[0].encoderState.out = $appendSlice(e[0].encoderState.out, e[0].encoderState.indents); + } else if (!((((e[0].encoderState.lastType & 10) >>> 0) === 0))) { + if (next[0] === 8) { + e[0].encoderState.indents = $subslice(e[0].encoderState.indents, 0, (e[0].encoderState.indents.$length - e[0].indent.length >> 0)); + } + e[0].encoderState.out = $append(e[0].encoderState.out, 10); + e[0].encoderState.out = $appendSlice(e[0].encoderState.out, e[0].encoderState.indents); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.prepareNext, $c: true, $r, e, next, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Encoder.prototype.prepareNext = function(next) { return this.$val.prepareNext(next); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.Snapshot = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.encoderState; + }; + Encoder.prototype.Snapshot = function() { return this.$val.Snapshot(); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.Reset = function(es) { + var e, es; + e = this; + encoderState.copy(e.encoderState, es); + }; + Encoder.prototype.Reset = function(es) { return this.$val.Reset(es); }; + Kind.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this.$val; + _1 = t; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "eof"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return "scalar"; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return "name"; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return "{"; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return "}"; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return "["; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return "]"; + /* } else if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 10: + $s = -1; return ","; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return ";"; + /* } else { */ case 12: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("", new sliceType([new $Uint8(((t << 24 >>> 24)))])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r; + /* } */ case 13: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Kind.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Kind).prototype.String = function() { return new Kind(this.$get()).String(); }; + NameKind.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this.$val; + _1 = t; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "IdentName"; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "TypeName"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return "FieldNumber"; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("", new sliceType([new $Uint8(((t << 24 >>> 24)))])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NameKind.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(NameKind).prototype.String = function() { return new NameKind(this.$get()).String(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.Kind = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.kind; + }; + Token.prototype.Kind = function() { return this.$val.Kind(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.RawString = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return ($bytesToString(t.raw)); + }; + Token.prototype.RawString = function() { return this.$val.RawString(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.Pos = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.pos; + }; + Token.prototype.Pos = function() { return this.$val.Pos(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.NameKind = function() { + var {_r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (t.kind === 2) { + $s = -1; return ((((t.attrs & ~128) << 24 >>> 24) << 24 >>> 24)); + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("Token is not a Name type: %s", new sliceType([new Kind(t.kind)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Token.ptr.prototype.NameKind, $c: true, $r, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Token.prototype.NameKind = function() { return this.$val.NameKind(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.HasSeparator = function() { + var {_r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (t.kind === 2) { + $s = -1; return !((((t.attrs & 128) >>> 0) === 0)); + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("Token is not a Name type: %s", new sliceType([new Kind(t.kind)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Token.ptr.prototype.HasSeparator, $c: true, $r, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Token.prototype.HasSeparator = function() { return this.$val.HasSeparator(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.IdentName = function() { + var {_r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if ((t.kind === 2) && !((((t.attrs & 1) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return ($bytesToString(t.raw)); + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("Token is not an IdentName: %s:%s", new sliceType([new Kind(t.kind), new NameKind(((((t.attrs & ~128) << 24 >>> 24) << 24 >>> 24)))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Token.ptr.prototype.IdentName, $c: true, $r, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Token.prototype.IdentName = function() { return this.$val.IdentName(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.TypeName = function() { + var {_r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if ((t.kind === 2) && !((((t.attrs & 2) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return t.str; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("Token is not a TypeName: %s:%s", new sliceType([new Kind(t.kind), new NameKind(((((t.attrs & ~128) << 24 >>> 24) << 24 >>> 24)))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Token.ptr.prototype.TypeName, $c: true, $r, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Token.prototype.TypeName = function() { return this.$val.TypeName(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.FieldNumber = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, num, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + /* */ if (!((t.kind === 2)) || (((t.attrs & 3) >>> 0) === 0)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((t.kind === 2)) || (((t.attrs & 3) >>> 0) === 0)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("Token is not a FieldNumber: %s:%s", new sliceType([new Kind(t.kind), new NameKind(((((t.attrs & ~128) << 24 >>> 24) << 24 >>> 24)))])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = strconv.ParseInt(($bytesToString(t.raw)), 10, 32); + num = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return (((num.$low + ((num.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Token.ptr.prototype.FieldNumber, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, num, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Token.prototype.FieldNumber = function() { return this.$val.FieldNumber(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var t; + t = this; + if (!((t.kind === 3)) || !((t.attrs === 2))) { + return ["", false]; + } + return [t.str, true]; + }; + Token.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.Enum = function() { + var t, x; + t = this; + if (!((t.kind === 3)) || !((t.attrs === 3)) || (t.raw.$length > 0 && ((x = t.raw, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 45))) { + return ["", false]; + } + return [($bytesToString(t.raw)), true]; + }; + Token.prototype.Enum = function() { return this.$val.Enum(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.Bool = function() { + var _1, _2, _entry, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, n, ok, t, x, x$1; + t = this; + if (!((t.kind === 3))) { + return [false, false]; + } + _1 = t.attrs; + if (_1 === (3)) { + _tuple = (_entry = boolLits[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString(t.raw)))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [false, false]); + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return [b, true]; + } + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseUint(t.str, 0, 64); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + _2 = n; + if ((x = new $Uint64(0, 0), (_2.$high === x.$high && _2.$low === x.$low))) { + return [false, true]; + } else if ((x$1 = new $Uint64(0, 1), (_2.$high === x$1.$high && _2.$low === x$1.$low))) { + return [true, true]; + } + } + } + return [false, false]; + }; + Token.prototype.Bool = function() { return this.$val.Bool(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function() { + var _tuple, err, n, t; + t = this; + if (!((t.kind === 3)) || !((t.attrs === 1)) || ((t.numAttrs & 128) >>> 0) > 0 || ((t.numAttrs & 4) >>> 0) > 0) { + return [new $Uint64(0, 0), false]; + } + _tuple = strconv.ParseUint(t.str, 0, 64); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [new $Uint64(0, 0), false]; + } + return [n, true]; + }; + Token.prototype.Uint64 = function() { return this.$val.Uint64(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.Uint32 = function() { + var _tuple, err, n, t; + t = this; + if (!((t.kind === 3)) || !((t.attrs === 1)) || ((t.numAttrs & 128) >>> 0) > 0 || ((t.numAttrs & 4) >>> 0) > 0) { + return [0, false]; + } + _tuple = strconv.ParseUint(t.str, 0, 32); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [0, false]; + } + return [((n.$low >>> 0)), true]; + }; + Token.prototype.Uint32 = function() { return this.$val.Uint32(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.Int64 = function() { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, n, n$1, t; + t = this; + if (!((t.kind === 3)) || !((t.attrs === 1)) || ((t.numAttrs & 4) >>> 0) > 0) { + return [new $Int64(0, 0), false]; + } + _tuple = strconv.ParseInt(t.str, 0, 64); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + return [n, true]; + } + if (false && ((t.numAttrs === 1))) { + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseUint(t.str, 0, 64); + n$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + return [(new $Int64(n$1.$high, n$1.$low)), true]; + } + } + return [new $Int64(0, 0), false]; + }; + Token.prototype.Int64 = function() { return this.$val.Int64(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.Int32 = function() { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, n, n$1, t; + t = this; + if (!((t.kind === 3)) || !((t.attrs === 1)) || ((t.numAttrs & 4) >>> 0) > 0) { + return [0, false]; + } + _tuple = strconv.ParseInt(t.str, 0, 32); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + return [(((n.$low + ((n.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)), true]; + } + if (false && ((t.numAttrs === 1))) { + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseUint(t.str, 0, 32); + n$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + return [((n$1.$low >> 0)), true]; + } + } + return [0, false]; + }; + Token.prototype.Int32 = function() { return this.$val.Int32(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.Float64 = function() { + var {_1, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, f, n, nerr, ok, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (!((t.kind === 3))) { + $s = -1; return [0, false]; + } + _1 = t.attrs; + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = strings.ToLower(($bytesToString(t.raw))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = floatLits[$String.keyFor(_r$1)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + f = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [f, true]; + } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 3: + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseFloat(t.str, 64); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [n, true]; + } + nerr = $assertType(err, ptrType$1); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(nerr.Err, strconv.ErrRange)) { + $s = -1; return [n, true]; + } + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [0, false]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Token.ptr.prototype.Float64, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, f, n, nerr, ok, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Token.prototype.Float64 = function() { return this.$val.Float64(); }; + Token.ptr.prototype.Float32 = function() { + var {_1, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, f, n, nerr, ok, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (!((t.kind === 3))) { + $s = -1; return [0, false]; + } + _1 = t.attrs; + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = strings.ToLower(($bytesToString(t.raw))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = floatLits[$String.keyFor(_r$1)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + f = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [($fround(f)), true]; + } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 3: + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseFloat(t.str, 64); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [($fround(n)), true]; + } + nerr = $assertType(err, ptrType$1); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(nerr.Err, strconv.ErrRange)) { + $s = -1; return [($fround(n)), true]; + } + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [0, false]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Token.ptr.prototype.Float32, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, f, n, nerr, ok, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Token.prototype.Float32 = function() { return this.$val.Float32(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseStringValue = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, d, err, in0, s, ss, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + in0 = d.in$5; + ss = sliceType$2.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(d.in$5.$length > 0 && (((x = d.in$5, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 34) || ((x$1 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])) === 39)))) { break; } */ if(!(d.in$5.$length > 0 && (((x = d.in$5, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 34) || ((x$1 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])) === 39)))) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$1 = d.parseString(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + s = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), err]; + } + ss = $append(ss, s); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(3, 2, 0, d.orig.$length - in0.$length >> 0, $subslice(in0, 0, (in0.$length - d.in$5.$length >> 0)), strings.Join(ss, "")), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseStringValue, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, d, err, in0, s, ss, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseStringValue = function() { return this.$val.parseStringValue(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseString = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, d, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, i, i$1, in$1, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, out, quote, r, r$1, r$2, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + in$1 = d.in$5; + if (in$1.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return ["", $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + quote = (0 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 0]); + in$1 = $subslice(in$1, 1); + i = indexNeedEscapeInBytes(in$1); + _tmp = $subslice(in$1, i); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(in$1, 0, i, i); + in$1 = _tmp; + out = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(in$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(in$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune(in$1); + r = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ((r === 65533) && (n === 1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((r === 0) || (r === 10)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((r === ((quote >> 0)))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ((r === 92)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ((r === 65533) && (n === 1)) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid UTF-8 detected", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ["", _r$1]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* } else if ((r === 0) || (r === 10)) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid character %q in string", new sliceType([new $Int32(r)])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = ["", _r$2]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } else if ((r === ((quote >> 0)))) { */ case 6: + in$1 = $subslice(in$1, 1); + d.consume(d.in$5.$length - in$1.$length >> 0); + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString(out)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if ((r === 92)) { */ case 7: + if (in$1.$length < 2) { + $s = -1; return ["", $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + r$1 = (1 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 1]); + _1 = r$1; + /* */ if ((_1 === (34)) || (_1 === (39)) || (_1 === (92)) || (_1 === (63))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (97)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (98)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (110)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (114)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (116)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (118)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (102)) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (48)) || (_1 === (49)) || (_1 === (50)) || (_1 === (51)) || (_1 === (52)) || (_1 === (53)) || (_1 === (54)) || (_1 === (55))) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (120)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (117)) || (_1 === (85))) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (34)) || (_1 === (39)) || (_1 === (92)) || (_1 === (63))) { */ case 15: + _tmp$2 = $subslice(in$1, 2); + _tmp$3 = $append(out, r$1); + in$1 = _tmp$2; + out = _tmp$3; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (97)) { */ case 16: + _tmp$4 = $subslice(in$1, 2); + _tmp$5 = $append(out, 7); + in$1 = _tmp$4; + out = _tmp$5; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (98)) { */ case 17: + _tmp$6 = $subslice(in$1, 2); + _tmp$7 = $append(out, 8); + in$1 = _tmp$6; + out = _tmp$7; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (110)) { */ case 18: + _tmp$8 = $subslice(in$1, 2); + _tmp$9 = $append(out, 10); + in$1 = _tmp$8; + out = _tmp$9; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (114)) { */ case 19: + _tmp$10 = $subslice(in$1, 2); + _tmp$11 = $append(out, 13); + in$1 = _tmp$10; + out = _tmp$11; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (116)) { */ case 20: + _tmp$12 = $subslice(in$1, 2); + _tmp$13 = $append(out, 9); + in$1 = _tmp$12; + out = _tmp$13; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (118)) { */ case 21: + _tmp$14 = $subslice(in$1, 2); + _tmp$15 = $append(out, 11); + in$1 = _tmp$14; + out = _tmp$15; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (102)) { */ case 22: + _tmp$16 = $subslice(in$1, 2); + _tmp$17 = $append(out, 12); + in$1 = _tmp$16; + out = _tmp$17; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (48)) || (_1 === (49)) || (_1 === (50)) || (_1 === (51)) || (_1 === (52)) || (_1 === (53)) || (_1 === (54)) || (_1 === (55))) { */ case 23: + n$1 = $subslice(in$1, 1).$length - bytes.TrimLeft($subslice(in$1, 1), "01234567").$length >> 0; + if (n$1 > 3) { + n$1 = 3; + } + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseUint(($bytesToString($subslice(in$1, 1, (1 + n$1 >> 0)))), 8, 8); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 28: + _r$3 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid octal escape code %q in string", new sliceType([$subslice(in$1, 0, (1 + n$1 >> 0))])); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = ["", _r$3]; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 29: + _tmp$18 = $subslice(in$1, (1 + n$1 >> 0)); + _tmp$19 = $append(out, ((v.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + in$1 = _tmp$18; + out = _tmp$19; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (120)) { */ case 24: + n$2 = $subslice(in$1, 2).$length - bytes.TrimLeft($subslice(in$1, 2), "0123456789abcdefABCDEF").$length >> 0; + if (n$2 > 2) { + n$2 = 2; + } + _tuple$2 = strconv.ParseUint(($bytesToString($subslice(in$1, 2, (2 + n$2 >> 0)))), 16, 8); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 32: + _r$4 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid hex escape code %q in string", new sliceType([$subslice(in$1, 0, (2 + n$2 >> 0))])); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = ["", _r$4]; + $s = 35; case 35: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 33: + _tmp$20 = $subslice(in$1, (2 + n$2 >> 0)); + _tmp$21 = $append(out, ((v$1.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + in$1 = _tmp$20; + out = _tmp$21; + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (117)) || (_1 === (85))) { */ case 25: + n$3 = 6; + if (r$1 === 85) { + n$3 = 10; + } + if (in$1.$length < n$3) { + $s = -1; return ["", $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + _tuple$3 = strconv.ParseUint(($bytesToString($subslice(in$1, 2, n$3))), 16, 32); + v$2 = _tuple$3[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if ((0 < v$2.$high || (0 === v$2.$high && 1114111 < v$2.$low)) || !($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if ((0 < v$2.$high || (0 === v$2.$high && 1114111 < v$2.$low)) || !($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 36: + _r$5 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid Unicode escape code %q in string", new sliceType([$subslice(in$1, 0, n$3)])); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = ["", _r$5]; + $s = 39; case 39: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 37: + in$1 = $subslice(in$1, n$3); + r$2 = ((v$2.$low >> 0)); + /* */ if (utf16.IsSurrogate(r$2)) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (utf16.IsSurrogate(r$2)) { */ case 40: + if (in$1.$length < 6) { + $s = -1; return ["", $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + _tuple$4 = strconv.ParseUint(($bytesToString($subslice(in$1, 2, 6))), 16, 16); + v$3 = _tuple$4[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$4[1]; + r$2 = utf16.DecodeRune(r$2, ((v$3.$low >> 0))); + /* */ if (!(((0 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 0]) === 92)) || !(((1 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 1]) === 117)) || (r$2 === 65533) || !($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (!(((0 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 0]) === 92)) || !(((1 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 1]) === 117)) || (r$2 === 65533) || !($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 42: + _r$6 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid Unicode escape code %q in string", new sliceType([$subslice(in$1, 0, 6)])); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = ["", _r$6]; + $s = 45; case 45: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 43: + in$1 = $subslice(in$1, 6); + /* } */ case 41: + out = $appendSlice(out, ($encodeRune(r$2))); + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else { */ case 26: + _r$7 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid escape code %q in string", new sliceType([$subslice(in$1, 0, 2)])); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = ["", _r$7]; + $s = 47; case 47: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 27: + case 14: + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + i$1 = indexNeedEscapeInBytes($subslice(in$1, n)); + _tmp$22 = $subslice(in$1, (n + i$1 >> 0)); + _tmp$23 = $appendSlice(out, $subslice(in$1, 0, (n + i$1 >> 0))); + in$1 = _tmp$22; + out = _tmp$23; + /* } */ case 9: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return ["", $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseString, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, d, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, i, i$1, in$1, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, out, quote, r, r$1, r$2, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseString = function() { return this.$val.parseString(); }; + indexNeedEscapeInBytes = function(b) { + var b; + return indexNeedEscapeInString(strs.UnsafeString(b)); + }; + UnmarshalString = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r$1, d, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = NewDecoder((new sliceType$1($stringToBytes(s)))); + _r$1 = d.parseString(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, d, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.UnmarshalString = UnmarshalString; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseNumberValue = function() { + var d, in$1, last, num, numAttrs, strSize, tok, x, x$1; + d = this; + in$1 = d.in$5; + num = $clone(parseNumber(in$1), number); + if (num.size === 0) { + return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), false]; + } + numAttrs = num.kind; + if (num.neg) { + numAttrs = (numAttrs | (128)) >>> 0; + } + strSize = num.size; + last = num.size - 1 >> 0; + if ((num.kind === 4) && (((x = d.in$5, ((last < 0 || last >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + last])) === 102) || ((x$1 = d.in$5, ((last < 0 || last >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + last])) === 70))) { + strSize = last; + } + tok = new Token.ptr(3, 1, numAttrs, d.orig.$length - d.in$5.$length >> 0, $subslice(d.in$5, 0, num.size), ($bytesToString($subslice(d.in$5, 0, strSize)))); + d.consume(num.size); + return [tok, true]; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseNumberValue = function() { return this.$val.parseNumberValue(); }; + parseNumber = function(input) { + var input, kind, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, n$4, neg, s, size; + kind = 0; + size = 0; + neg = false; + s = input; + if (s.$length === 0) { + return new number.ptr(0, false, 0); + } + if ((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 45) { + neg = true; + s = $subslice(s, 1); + size = size + (1) >> 0; + if (s.$length === 0) { + return new number.ptr(0, false, 0); + } + } + if (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 48)) { + if (s.$length > 1) { + if (((1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]) === 120) || ((1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]) === 88)) { + kind = 1; + n = 2; + s = $subslice(s, 2); + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0 && ((48 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 57) || (97 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 102) || (65 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 70)))) { break; } + s = $subslice(s, 1); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + if (n === 2) { + return new number.ptr(0, false, 0); + } + size = size + (n) >> 0; + } else if (48 <= (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]) && (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]) <= 55) { + kind = 2; + n$1 = 2; + s = $subslice(s, 2); + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0 && 48 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 55)) { break; } + s = $subslice(s, 1); + n$1 = n$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + size = size + (n$1) >> 0; + } + if (((kind & 3) >>> 0) > 0) { + if (s.$length > 0 && !isDelim((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]))) { + return new number.ptr(0, false, 0); + } + return new number.ptr(kind, neg, size); + } + } + s = $subslice(s, 1); + size = size + (1) >> 0; + } else if (49 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 57) { + n$2 = 1; + s = $subslice(s, 1); + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0 && 48 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 57)) { break; } + s = $subslice(s, 1); + n$2 = n$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + size = size + (n$2) >> 0; + } else if (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 46)) { + kind = 4; + } else { + return new number.ptr(0, false, 0); + } + if (s.$length > 0 && ((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 46)) { + n$3 = 1; + s = $subslice(s, 1); + if ((s.$length === 0) && (kind === 4)) { + return new number.ptr(0, false, 0); + } + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0 && 48 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 57)) { break; } + s = $subslice(s, 1); + n$3 = n$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + size = size + (n$3) >> 0; + kind = 4; + } + if (s.$length >= 2 && (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 101) || ((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 69))) { + kind = 4; + s = $subslice(s, 1); + n$4 = 1; + if (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 43) || ((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 45)) { + s = $subslice(s, 1); + n$4 = n$4 + (1) >> 0; + if (s.$length === 0) { + return new number.ptr(0, false, 0); + } + } + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0 && 48 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 57)) { break; } + s = $subslice(s, 1); + n$4 = n$4 + (1) >> 0; + } + size = size + (n$4) >> 0; + } + if (s.$length > 0 && (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 102) || ((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 70))) { + kind = 4; + s = $subslice(s, 1); + size = size + (1) >> 0; + } + if (s.$length > 0 && !isDelim((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]))) { + return new number.ptr(0, false, 0); + } + return new number.ptr(kind, neg, size); + }; + NewDecoder = function(b) { + var b; + return new Decoder.ptr(0, new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $ifaceNil, sliceType$1.nil, b, b); + }; + $pkg.NewDecoder = NewDecoder; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Peek = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, d, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + d = [d]; + d[0] = this; + $deferred.push([(function(d) { return function() { + d[0].lastCall = 1; + }; })(d), []]); + /* */ if (d[0].lastCall === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (d[0].lastCall === 0) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = d[0].Read(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + Token.copy(d[0].lastToken, _tuple[0]); + d[0].lastErr = _tuple[1]; + /* } */ case 2: + $24r = [d[0].lastToken, d[0].lastErr]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.Peek, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, d, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Decoder.prototype.Peek = function() { return this.$val.Peek(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Read = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, err, tok, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + d = [d]; + d[0] = this; + $deferred.push([(function(d) { return function() { + d[0].lastCall = 0; + }; })(d), []]); + /* */ if (d[0].lastCall === 1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (d[0].lastCall === 1) { */ case 1: + $24r = [d[0].lastToken, d[0].lastErr]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = d[0].parseNext(d[0].lastToken.kind); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + tok = $clone(_tuple[0], Token); + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), err]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + _1 = tok.kind; + /* */ if ((_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9))) { */ case 9: + _r$2 = d[0].parseNext(tok.kind); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + Token.copy(tok, _tuple$1[0]); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + $24r$2 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), err]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 10: + case 8: + Token.copy(d[0].lastToken, tok); + $24r$3 = [tok, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, err, tok, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Decoder.prototype.Read = function() { return this.$val.Read(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseNext = function(lastKind) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$15, $24r$16, $24r$17, $24r$18, $24r$19, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, ch, ch$1, ch$10, ch$11, ch$2, ch$3, ch$4, ch$5, ch$6, ch$7, ch$8, ch$9, closeCh, closeCh$1, closeCh$2, closeCh$3, closeCh$4, column, d, isEOF, lastKind, line, openKind, openKind$1, openKind$2, openKind$3, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {lastKind}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + d.consume(0); + isEOF = false; + if (d.in$5.$length === 0) { + isEOF = true; + } + _1 = lastKind; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(1, 0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 3: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(1, 0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$1 = d.parseFieldName(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + ch = (x = d.in$5, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + _2 = ch; + /* */ if ((_2 === (123)) || (_2 === (60))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (91)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if ((_2 === (123)) || (_2 === (60))) { */ case 15: + d.pushOpenStack(ch); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(4, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_2 === (91)) { */ case 16: + d.pushOpenStack(ch); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(6, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 17: + _r$2 = d.parseScalar(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 18: + case 14: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = d.currentOpenKind(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + openKind = _tuple[0]; + closeCh = _tuple[1]; + _3 = openKind; + /* */ if (_3 === (0)) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (4)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (6)) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (_3 === (0)) { */ case 23: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(1, 0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + } + _4 = (x$1 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (_4 === (44)) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (59)) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (_4 === (44)) { */ case 28: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(8, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_4 === (59)) { */ case 29: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(9, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 30: + _r$4 = d.parseFieldName(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$4; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 31: + case 27: + $s = 26; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (4)) { */ case 24: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + ch$1 = (x$2 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])); + _5 = ch$1; + /* */ if (_5 === (closeCh)) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === ((_entry = otherCloseChar[$Uint8.keyFor(closeCh)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0))) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (44)) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (59)) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if (_5 === (closeCh)) { */ case 35: + d.popOpenStack(); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(5, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_5 === ((_entry = otherCloseChar[$Uint8.keyFor(closeCh)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0))) { */ case 36: + _r$5 = d.newSyntaxError("mismatched close character %q", new sliceType([new $Uint8(ch$1)])); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$5]; + $s = 42; case 42: return $24r$3; + /* } else if (_5 === (44)) { */ case 37: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(8, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_5 === (59)) { */ case 38: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(9, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 39: + _r$6 = d.parseFieldName(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$6; + $s = 44; case 44: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 40: + case 34: + $s = 26; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (6)) { */ case 25: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + ch$2 = (x$3 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0])); + _6 = ch$2; + /* */ if (_6 === (93)) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ if (_6 === (44)) { $s = 47; continue; } + /* */ $s = 48; continue; + /* if (_6 === (93)) { */ case 46: + d.popOpenStack(); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(7, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_6 === (44)) { */ case 47: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(8, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 48: + _r$7 = d.newSyntaxError("unexpected character %q", new sliceType([new $Uint8(ch$2)])); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$7]; + $s = 51; case 51: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 49: + case 45: + /* } */ case 26: + case 22: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 6: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + _r$8 = d.currentOpenKind(); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + closeCh$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + ch$3 = (x$4 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + 0])); + _7 = ch$3; + /* */ if (_7 === (closeCh$1)) { $s = 54; continue; } + /* */ if (_7 === ((_entry$1 = otherCloseChar[$Uint8.keyFor(closeCh$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : 0))) { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ $s = 56; continue; + /* if (_7 === (closeCh$1)) { */ case 54: + d.popOpenStack(); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(5, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_7 === ((_entry$1 = otherCloseChar[$Uint8.keyFor(closeCh$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : 0))) { */ case 55: + _r$9 = d.newSyntaxError("mismatched close character %q", new sliceType([new $Uint8(ch$3)])); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$9]; + $s = 59; case 59: return $24r$6; + /* } else { */ case 56: + _r$10 = d.parseFieldName(); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$7 = _r$10; + $s = 61; case 61: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 57: + case 53: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 7: + _r$11 = d.currentOpenKind(); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$11; + openKind$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + closeCh$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + _8 = openKind$1; + /* */ if (_8 === (0)) { $s = 64; continue; } + /* */ if (_8 === (4)) { $s = 65; continue; } + /* */ if (_8 === (6)) { $s = 66; continue; } + /* */ $s = 67; continue; + /* if (_8 === (0)) { */ case 64: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(1, 0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + } + ch$4 = (x$5 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0])); + _9 = ch$4; + /* */ if (_9 === (44)) { $s = 69; continue; } + /* */ if (_9 === (59)) { $s = 70; continue; } + /* */ $s = 71; continue; + /* if (_9 === (44)) { */ case 69: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(8, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_9 === (59)) { */ case 70: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(9, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 71: + _r$12 = d.parseFieldName(); /* */ $s = 73; case 73: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$8 = _r$12; + $s = 74; case 74: return $24r$8; + /* } */ case 72: + case 68: + $s = 67; continue; + /* } else if (_8 === (4)) { */ case 65: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + ch$5 = (x$6 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$6.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + 0])); + _10 = ch$5; + /* */ if (_10 === (closeCh$2)) { $s = 76; continue; } + /* */ if (_10 === ((_entry$2 = otherCloseChar[$Uint8.keyFor(closeCh$2)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : 0))) { $s = 77; continue; } + /* */ if (_10 === (44)) { $s = 78; continue; } + /* */ if (_10 === (59)) { $s = 79; continue; } + /* */ $s = 80; continue; + /* if (_10 === (closeCh$2)) { */ case 76: + d.popOpenStack(); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(5, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_10 === ((_entry$2 = otherCloseChar[$Uint8.keyFor(closeCh$2)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : 0))) { */ case 77: + _r$13 = d.newSyntaxError("mismatched close character %q", new sliceType([new $Uint8(ch$5)])); /* */ $s = 82; case 82: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$9 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$13]; + $s = 83; case 83: return $24r$9; + /* } else if (_10 === (44)) { */ case 78: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(8, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_10 === (59)) { */ case 79: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(9, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 80: + _r$14 = d.parseFieldName(); /* */ $s = 84; case 84: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$10 = _r$14; + $s = 85; case 85: return $24r$10; + /* } */ case 81: + case 75: + $s = 67; continue; + /* } else if (_8 === (6)) { */ case 66: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + ch$6 = (x$7 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$7.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + 0])); + _11 = ch$6; + /* */ if (_11 === (closeCh$2)) { $s = 87; continue; } + /* */ if (_11 === (44)) { $s = 88; continue; } + /* */ $s = 89; continue; + /* if (_11 === (closeCh$2)) { */ case 87: + d.popOpenStack(); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(7, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_11 === (44)) { */ case 88: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(8, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 89: + _r$15 = d.newSyntaxError("unexpected character %q", new sliceType([new $Uint8(ch$6)])); /* */ $s = 91; case 91: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$11 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$15]; + $s = 92; case 92: return $24r$11; + /* } */ case 90: + case 86: + /* } */ case 67: + case 63: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 8: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + ch$7 = (x$8 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$8.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8.$array[x$8.$offset + 0])); + _12 = ch$7; + /* */ if (_12 === (93)) { $s = 94; continue; } + /* */ if ((_12 === (123)) || (_12 === (60))) { $s = 95; continue; } + /* */ $s = 96; continue; + /* if (_12 === (93)) { */ case 94: + d.popOpenStack(); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(7, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if ((_12 === (123)) || (_12 === (60))) { */ case 95: + d.pushOpenStack(ch$7); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(4, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 96: + _r$16 = d.parseScalar(); /* */ $s = 98; case 98: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$12 = _r$16; + $s = 99; case 99: return $24r$12; + /* } */ case 97: + case 93: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 9: + _r$17 = d.currentOpenKind(); /* */ $s = 100; case 100: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$17; + openKind$2 = _tuple$3[0]; + closeCh$3 = _tuple$3[1]; + _13 = openKind$2; + /* */ if (_13 === (0)) { $s = 102; continue; } + /* */ if (_13 === (4)) { $s = 103; continue; } + /* */ $s = 104; continue; + /* if (_13 === (0)) { */ case 102: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(1, 0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + } + ch$8 = (x$9 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$9.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9.$array[x$9.$offset + 0])); + _14 = ch$8; + /* */ if (_14 === (44)) { $s = 106; continue; } + /* */ if (_14 === (59)) { $s = 107; continue; } + /* */ $s = 108; continue; + /* if (_14 === (44)) { */ case 106: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(8, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_14 === (59)) { */ case 107: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(9, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 108: + _r$18 = d.parseFieldName(); /* */ $s = 110; case 110: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$13 = _r$18; + $s = 111; case 111: return $24r$13; + /* } */ case 109: + case 105: + $s = 104; continue; + /* } else if (_13 === (4)) { */ case 103: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + ch$9 = (x$10 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$10.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10.$array[x$10.$offset + 0])); + _15 = ch$9; + /* */ if (_15 === (closeCh$3)) { $s = 113; continue; } + /* */ if (_15 === ((_entry$3 = otherCloseChar[$Uint8.keyFor(closeCh$3)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : 0))) { $s = 114; continue; } + /* */ if (_15 === (44)) { $s = 115; continue; } + /* */ if (_15 === (59)) { $s = 116; continue; } + /* */ $s = 117; continue; + /* if (_15 === (closeCh$3)) { */ case 113: + d.popOpenStack(); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(5, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_15 === ((_entry$3 = otherCloseChar[$Uint8.keyFor(closeCh$3)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : 0))) { */ case 114: + _r$19 = d.newSyntaxError("mismatched close character %q", new sliceType([new $Uint8(ch$9)])); /* */ $s = 119; case 119: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$14 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$19]; + $s = 120; case 120: return $24r$14; + /* } else if (_15 === (44)) { */ case 115: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(8, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_15 === (59)) { */ case 116: + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(9, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 117: + _r$20 = d.parseFieldName(); /* */ $s = 121; case 121: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$15 = _r$20; + $s = 122; case 122: return $24r$15; + /* } */ case 118: + case 112: + /* } */ case 104: + case 101: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9))) { */ case 10: + _r$21 = d.currentOpenKind(); /* */ $s = 123; case 123: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$21; + openKind$3 = _tuple$4[0]; + closeCh$4 = _tuple$4[1]; + _16 = openKind$3; + /* */ if (_16 === (0)) { $s = 125; continue; } + /* */ if (_16 === (4)) { $s = 126; continue; } + /* */ if (_16 === (6)) { $s = 127; continue; } + /* */ $s = 128; continue; + /* if (_16 === (0)) { */ case 125: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(1, 0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$22 = d.parseFieldName(); /* */ $s = 129; case 129: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$16 = _r$22; + $s = 130; case 130: return $24r$16; + /* } else if (_16 === (4)) { */ case 126: + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + ch$10 = (x$11 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$11.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11.$array[x$11.$offset + 0])); + _17 = ch$10; + /* */ if (_17 === (closeCh$4)) { $s = 132; continue; } + /* */ if (_17 === ((_entry$4 = otherCloseChar[$Uint8.keyFor(closeCh$4)], _entry$4 !== undefined ? _entry$4.v : 0))) { $s = 133; continue; } + /* */ $s = 134; continue; + /* if (_17 === (closeCh$4)) { */ case 132: + d.popOpenStack(); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(5, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_17 === ((_entry$4 = otherCloseChar[$Uint8.keyFor(closeCh$4)], _entry$4 !== undefined ? _entry$4.v : 0))) { */ case 133: + _r$23 = d.newSyntaxError("mismatched close character %q", new sliceType([new $Uint8(ch$10)])); /* */ $s = 136; case 136: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$17 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$23]; + $s = 137; case 137: return $24r$17; + /* } else { */ case 134: + _r$24 = d.parseFieldName(); /* */ $s = 138; case 138: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$18 = _r$24; + $s = 139; case 139: return $24r$18; + /* } */ case 135: + case 131: + $s = 128; continue; + /* } else if (_16 === (6)) { */ case 127: + if (lastKind === 9) { + /* break; */ $s = 124; continue; + } + if (isEOF) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + ch$11 = (x$12 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$12.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12.$array[x$12.$offset + 0])); + _18 = ch$11; + /* */ if ((_18 === (123)) || (_18 === (60))) { $s = 141; continue; } + /* */ $s = 142; continue; + /* if ((_18 === (123)) || (_18 === (60))) { */ case 141: + d.pushOpenStack(ch$11); + $s = -1; return [d.consumeToken(4, 1, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 142: + _r$25 = d.parseScalar(); /* */ $s = 144; case 144: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$19 = _r$25; + $s = 145; case 145: return $24r$19; + /* } */ case 143: + case 140: + /* } */ case 128: + case 124: + /* } */ case 11: + case 1: + _tuple$5 = d.Position(d.orig.$length - d.in$5.$length >> 0); + line = _tuple$5[0]; + column = _tuple$5[1]; + _r$26 = fmt.Sprintf("Decoder.parseNext: bug at handling line %d:%d with lastKind=%v", new sliceType([new $Int(line), new $Int(column), new Kind(lastKind)])); /* */ $s = 146; case 146: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$26)); + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseNext, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$15, $24r$16, $24r$17, $24r$18, $24r$19, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, ch, ch$1, ch$10, ch$11, ch$2, ch$3, ch$4, ch$5, ch$6, ch$7, ch$8, ch$9, closeCh, closeCh$1, closeCh$2, closeCh$3, closeCh$4, column, d, isEOF, lastKind, line, openKind, openKind$1, openKind$2, openKind$3, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseNext = function(lastKind) { return this.$val.parseNext(lastKind); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.currentOpenKind = function() { + var {_1, _r$1, d, openCh, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + if (d.openStack.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [0, 0]; + } + openCh = (x = d.openStack, x$1 = d.openStack.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); + _1 = openCh; + if (_1 === (123)) { + $s = -1; return [4, 125]; + } else if (_1 === (60)) { + $s = -1; return [4, 62]; + } else if (_1 === (91)) { + $s = -1; return [6, 93]; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("Decoder: openStack contains invalid byte %c", new sliceType([new $Uint8(openCh)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + $s = -1; return [0, 0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.currentOpenKind, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, d, openCh, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.currentOpenKind = function() { return this.$val.currentOpenKind(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.pushOpenStack = function(ch) { + var ch, d; + d = this; + d.openStack = $append(d.openStack, ch); + }; + Decoder.prototype.pushOpenStack = function(ch) { return this.$val.pushOpenStack(ch); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.popOpenStack = function() { + var d; + d = this; + d.openStack = $subslice(d.openStack, 0, (d.openStack.$length - 1 >> 0)); + }; + Decoder.prototype.popOpenStack = function() { return this.$val.popOpenStack(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseFieldName = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, err, err$1, num, size, tok, x, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + d = [d]; + err = [err]; + tok = [tok]; + tok[0] = new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""); + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + d[0] = this; + $deferred.push([(function(d, err, tok) { return function() { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil) && d[0].tryConsumeChar(58)) { + tok[0].attrs = (tok[0].attrs | (128)) >>> 0; + } + }; })(d, err, tok), []]); + /* */ if ((x = d[0].in$5, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 91) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x = d[0].in$5, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 91) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = d[0].parseTypeName(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + Token.copy(tok[0], _tuple[0]); + err[0] = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [tok[0], err[0]]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + size = parseIdent(d[0].in$5, false); + /* */ if (size > 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (size > 0) { */ case 5: + _tmp = $clone(d[0].consumeToken(2, size, 1), Token); + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + Token.copy(tok[0], _tmp); + err[0] = _tmp$1; + $24r$1 = [tok[0], err[0]]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + num = $clone(parseNumber(d[0].in$5), number); + /* */ if (num.size > 0) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (num.size > 0) { */ case 8: + /* */ if (!num.neg && (num.kind === 0)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!num.neg && (num.kind === 0)) { */ case 10: + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseInt(($bytesToString($subslice(d[0].in$5, 0, num.size))), 10, 32); + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 12: + _tmp$2 = $clone(d[0].consumeToken(2, num.size, 3), Token); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + Token.copy(tok[0], _tmp$2); + err[0] = _tmp$3; + $24r$2 = [tok[0], err[0]]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 11: + _tmp$4 = new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""); + _r$2 = d[0].newSyntaxError("invalid field number: %s", new sliceType([$subslice(d[0].in$5, 0, num.size)])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$5 = _r$2; + Token.copy(tok[0], _tmp$4); + err[0] = _tmp$5; + $24r$3 = [tok[0], err[0]]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 9: + _tmp$6 = new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""); + _r$3 = d[0].newSyntaxError("invalid field name: %s", new sliceType([errId(d[0].in$5)])); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$7 = _r$3; + Token.copy(tok[0], _tmp$6); + err[0] = _tmp$7; + $24r$4 = [tok[0], err[0]]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$4; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [tok[0], err[0]]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseFieldName, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, err, err$1, num, size, tok, x, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseFieldName = function() { return this.$val.parseFieldName(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseTypeName = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, closed, d, endPos, name, s, size, startPos, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + startPos = d.orig.$length - d.in$5.$length >> 0; + s = consume($subslice(d.in$5, 1), 0); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + name = sliceType$1.nil; + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0 && isTypeNameChar((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0])))) { break; } + name = $append(name, (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0])); + s = $subslice(s, 1); + } + s = consume(s, 0); + closed = false; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(s.$length > 0 && !closed)) { break; } */ if(!(s.$length > 0 && !closed)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 93)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 47)) || (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 46))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 93)) { */ case 4: + s = $subslice(s, 1); + closed = true; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ((((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 47)) || (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 46))) { */ case 5: + /* */ if (name.$length > 0 && (((x = name.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= name.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : name.$array[name.$offset + x])) === 47) || ((x$1 = name.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= name.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : name.$array[name.$offset + x$1])) === 46))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (name.$length > 0 && (((x = name.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= name.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : name.$array[name.$offset + x])) === 47) || ((x$1 = name.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= name.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : name.$array[name.$offset + x$1])) === 46))) { */ case 8: + _r$1 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid type URL/extension field name: %s", new sliceType([$subslice(d.orig, startPos, ((d.orig.$length - s.$length >> 0) + 1 >> 0))])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$1]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* } */ case 9: + name = $append(name, (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0])); + s = $subslice(s, 1); + s = consume(s, 0); + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0 && isTypeNameChar((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0])))) { break; } + name = $append(name, (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0])); + s = $subslice(s, 1); + } + s = consume(s, 0); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _r$2 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid type URL/extension field name: %s", new sliceType([$subslice(d.orig, startPos, ((d.orig.$length - s.$length >> 0) + 1 >> 0))])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$2]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (!closed) { + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + size = name.$length; + /* */ if ((size === 0) || ((0 >= name.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : name.$array[name.$offset + 0]) === 46) || ((x$2 = size - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= name.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : name.$array[name.$offset + x$2])) === 46) || ((x$3 = size - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= name.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : name.$array[name.$offset + x$3])) === 47)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if ((size === 0) || ((0 >= name.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : name.$array[name.$offset + 0]) === 46) || ((x$2 = size - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= name.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : name.$array[name.$offset + x$2])) === 46) || ((x$3 = size - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= name.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : name.$array[name.$offset + x$3])) === 47)) { */ case 14: + _r$3 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid type URL/extension field name: %s", new sliceType([$subslice(d.orig, startPos, (d.orig.$length - s.$length >> 0))])); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$3]; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 15: + d.in$5 = s; + endPos = d.orig.$length - d.in$5.$length >> 0; + d.consume(0); + $s = -1; return [new Token.ptr(2, 2, 0, startPos, $subslice(d.orig, startPos, endPos), ($bytesToString(name))), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseTypeName, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, closed, d, endPos, name, s, size, startPos, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseTypeName = function() { return this.$val.parseTypeName(); }; + isTypeNameChar = function(b) { + var b; + return (b === 45) || (b === 95) || (48 <= b && b <= 57) || (97 <= b && b <= 122) || (65 <= b && b <= 90); + }; + parseIdent = function(input, allowNeg) { + var allowNeg, input, s, size; + size = 0; + s = input; + if (s.$length === 0) { + return 0; + } + if (allowNeg && ((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 45)) { + s = $subslice(s, 1); + size = size + (1) >> 0; + if (s.$length === 0) { + return 0; + } + } + if ((((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 95)) || (97 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 122) || (65 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 90)) { + s = $subslice(s, 1); + size = size + (1) >> 0; + } else { + return 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(s.$length > 0 && (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 95) || 97 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 122 || 65 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 90 || 48 <= (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) && (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) <= 57))) { break; } + s = $subslice(s, 1); + size = size + (1) >> 0; + } + if (s.$length > 0 && !isDelim((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]))) { + return 0; + } + return size; + }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseScalar = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, ok, ok$1, tok, tok$1, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + /* */ if (((x = d.in$5, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 34) || ((x$1 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])) === 39)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (((x = d.in$5, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 34) || ((x$1 = d.in$5, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])) === 39)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = d.parseStringValue(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = d.parseLiteralValue(); + tok = $clone(_tuple[0], Token); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [tok, $ifaceNil]; + } + _tuple$1 = d.parseNumberValue(); + tok$1 = $clone(_tuple$1[0], Token); + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $s = -1; return [tok$1, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$2 = d.newSyntaxError("invalid scalar value: %s", new sliceType([errId(d.in$5)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), _r$2]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseScalar, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, ok, ok$1, tok, tok$1, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseScalar = function() { return this.$val.parseScalar(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseLiteralValue = function() { + var d, size; + d = this; + size = parseIdent(d.in$5, true); + if (size === 0) { + return [new Token.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$1.nil, ""), false]; + } + return [d.consumeToken(3, size, 3), true]; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseLiteralValue = function() { return this.$val.parseLiteralValue(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.consumeToken = function(kind, size, attrs) { + var attrs, d, kind, size, tok; + d = this; + tok = new Token.ptr(kind, attrs, 0, d.orig.$length - d.in$5.$length >> 0, $subslice(d.in$5, 0, size), ""); + d.consume(size); + return tok; + }; + Decoder.prototype.consumeToken = function(kind, size, attrs) { return this.$val.consumeToken(kind, size, attrs); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.newSyntaxError = function(f, x) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, column, d, e, f, line, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _r$1 = errors.New(f, x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$1; + _tuple = d.Position(d.orig.$length - d.in$5.$length >> 0); + line = _tuple[0]; + column = _tuple[1]; + _r$2 = errors.New("syntax error (line %d:%d): %v", new sliceType([new $Int(line), new $Int(column), e])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.newSyntaxError, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, column, d, e, f, line, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.newSyntaxError = function(f, x) { return this.$val.newSyntaxError(f, x); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Position = function(idx) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, b, column, d, i, idx, line; + line = 0; + column = 0; + d = this; + b = $subslice(d.orig, 0, idx); + line = bytes.Count(b, (new sliceType$1($stringToBytes("\n")))) + 1 >> 0; + i = bytes.LastIndexByte(b, 10); + if (i >= 0) { + b = $subslice(b, (i + 1 >> 0)); + } + column = utf8.RuneCount(b) + 1 >> 0; + _tmp = line; + _tmp$1 = column; + line = _tmp; + column = _tmp$1; + return [line, column]; + }; + Decoder.prototype.Position = function(idx) { return this.$val.Position(idx); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.tryConsumeChar = function(c) { + var c, d, x; + d = this; + if (d.in$5.$length > 0 && ((x = d.in$5, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === c)) { + d.consume(1); + return true; + } + return false; + }; + Decoder.prototype.tryConsumeChar = function(c) { return this.$val.tryConsumeChar(c); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.consume = function(n) { + var d, n; + d = this; + d.in$5 = consume(d.in$5, n); + return; + }; + Decoder.prototype.consume = function(n) { return this.$val.consume(n); }; + consume = function(b, n) { + var _1, b, i, n; + b = $subslice(b, n); + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _1 = (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]); + if ((_1 === (32)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (9))) { + b = $subslice(b, 1); + } else if (_1 === (35)) { + i = bytes.IndexByte(b, 10); + if (i >= 0) { + b = $subslice(b, (i + 1 >> 0)); + } else { + b = sliceType$1.nil; + } + } else { + return b; + } + } + return b; + }; + errId = function(seq) { + var _tuple, i, r, seq, size; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < seq.$length)) { break; } + if (i > 32) { + return $appendSlice($subslice(seq, 0, i, i), "\xE2\x80\xA6"); + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(seq, i)); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + if (r > 128 || (!((r === 47)) && isDelim(((r << 24 >>> 24))))) { + if (i === 0) { + i = size; + } + return $subslice(seq, 0, i, i); + } + i = i + (size) >> 0; + } + return seq; + }; + isDelim = function(c) { + var c; + return !((c === 45) || (c === 43) || (c === 46) || (c === 95) || (97 <= c && c <= 122) || (65 <= c && c <= 90) || (48 <= c && c <= 57)); + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "StartMessage", name: "StartMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "EndMessage", name: "EndMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "WriteName", name: "WriteName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "WriteBool", name: "WriteBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "WriteFloat", name: "WriteFloat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "WriteInt", name: "WriteInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "WriteUint", name: "WriteUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "WriteLiteral", name: "WriteLiteral", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "prepareNext", name: "prepareNext", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([encType], [], false)}, {prop: "Snapshot", name: "Snapshot", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [encoderState], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([encoderState], [], false)}]; + Kind.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + NameKind.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Token.methods = [{prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "RawString", name: "RawString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Pos", name: "Pos", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NameKind", name: "NameKind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [NameKind], false)}, {prop: "HasSeparator", name: "HasSeparator", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IdentName", name: "IdentName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "TypeName", name: "TypeName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "FieldNumber", name: "FieldNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Bool", name: "Bool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Uint32", name: "Uint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Int64", name: "Int64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Int32", name: "Int32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Float64", name: "Float64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Float32", name: "Float32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float32, $Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "parseStringValue", name: "parseStringValue", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "parseString", name: "parseString", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $error], false)}, {prop: "parseNumberValue", name: "parseNumberValue", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Peek", name: "Peek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "parseNext", name: "parseNext", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([Kind], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "currentOpenKind", name: "currentOpenKind", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([], [Kind, $Uint8], false)}, {prop: "pushOpenStack", name: "pushOpenStack", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "popOpenStack", name: "popOpenStack", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "parseFieldName", name: "parseFieldName", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "parseTypeName", name: "parseTypeName", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "parseScalar", name: "parseScalar", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "parseLiteralValue", name: "parseLiteralValue", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "consumeToken", name: "consumeToken", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([Kind, $Int, $Uint8], [Token], false)}, {prop: "newSyntaxError", name: "newSyntaxError", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [$error], true)}, {prop: "Position", name: "Position", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "tryConsumeChar", name: "tryConsumeChar", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "consume", name: "consume", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}]; + Encoder.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", [{prop: "encoderState", name: "encoderState", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: encoderState, tag: ""}, {prop: "indent", name: "indent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "delims", name: "delims", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "outputASCII", name: "outputASCII", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + encoderState.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", [{prop: "lastType", name: "lastType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: encType, tag: ""}, {prop: "indents", name: "indents", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "out", name: "out", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + Token.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", [{prop: "kind", name: "kind", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Kind, tag: ""}, {prop: "attrs", name: "attrs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "numAttrs", name: "numAttrs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "pos", name: "pos", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "str", name: "str", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + number.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", [{prop: "kind", name: "kind", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "neg", name: "neg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Decoder.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text", [{prop: "lastCall", name: "lastCall", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: call, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastToken", name: "lastToken", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Token, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastErr", name: "lastErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "openStack", name: "openStack", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "orig", name: "orig", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "in$5", name: "in", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = detrand.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = flags.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strs.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf16.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + boolLits = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "t", v: true }, { k: "true", v: true }, { k: "True", v: true }, { k: "f", v: false }, { k: "false", v: false }, { k: "False", v: false }]); + floatLits = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "nan", v: math.NaN() }, { k: "inf", v: math.Inf(1) }, { k: "infinity", v: math.Inf(1) }, { k: "-inf", v: math.Inf(-1) }, { k: "-infinity", v: math.Inf(-1) }]); + _r = errors.New("%v", new sliceType([io.ErrUnexpectedEOF])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF = _r; + otherCloseChar = $makeMap($Uint8.keyFor, [{ k: 125, v: 62 }, { k: 62, v: 125 }]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fmt, text, errors, protoreflect, math, strconv, funcType, arrayType, sliceType, sliceType$1, Unmarshal, Marshal, unmarshalBytes, marshalBytes; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + text = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text"]; + errors = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + Unmarshal = function(s, k, evs, f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _2, _3, _4, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, b, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, ev, ev$1, evs, f, k, n, ok, s, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, k, evs, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (15))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (16))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (7))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (1))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 2: + if (f === 2) { + _2 = s; + if (_2 === ("1")) { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfBool(true), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } else if (_2 === ("0")) { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfBool(false), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + } else { + _3 = s; + if (_3 === ("true")) { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfBool(true), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } else if (_3 === ("false")) { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfBool(false), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 3: + /* */ if (f === 2) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (f === 2) { */ case 12: + _tuple = strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 15: + _r = evs.ByNumber((((n.$low + ((n.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ev = _r; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ev, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ev, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + _r$1 = ev.Number(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(_r$1); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r$2, ev, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r; + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 16: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + _r$3 = evs.ByName((s)); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ev$1 = _r$3; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ev$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ev$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 24: + _r$4 = ev$1.Number(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(_r$4); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [_r$5, ev$1, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 25: + /* } */ case 14: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (15))) { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfInt32((((v.$low + ((v.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (16))) { */ case 5: + _tuple$2 = strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((v$1)), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (7))) { */ case 6: + _tuple$3 = strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 32); + v$2 = _tuple$3[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$3[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(((v$2.$low >>> 0))), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 7: + _tuple$4 = strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64); + v$3 = _tuple$4[0]; + err$4 = _tuple$4[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfUint64((v$3)), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (1))) { */ case 8: + v$4 = 0; + err$5 = $ifaceNil; + _4 = s; + if (_4 === ("-inf")) { + v$4 = math.Inf(-1); + } else if (_4 === ("inf")) { + v$4 = math.Inf(1); + } else if (_4 === ("nan")) { + v$4 = math.NaN(); + } else { + _tuple$5 = strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64); + v$4 = _tuple$5[0]; + err$5 = _tuple$5[1]; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil)) { + if (k === 2) { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(($fround(v$4))), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } else { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64((v$4)), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfString(s), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 10: + _r$6 = unmarshalBytes(s); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$6; + b = _tuple$6[0]; + ok = _tuple$6[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(b), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + /* } */ case 11: + case 1: + _r$7 = errors.New("could not parse value for %v: %q", new sliceType$1([new protoreflect.Kind(k), new $String(s)])); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), $ifaceNil, _r$7]; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Unmarshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _2, _3, _4, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, b, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, ev, ev$1, evs, f, k, n, ok, s, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Unmarshal = Unmarshal; + Marshal = function(v, ev, k, f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, ev, f, f$1, k, ok, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, ev, k, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (16))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (1))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (f === 2) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (f === 2) { */ case 10: + _r = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return ["1", $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 14: + $s = -1; return ["0", $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 15: + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + _r$1 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 17: + $s = -1; return ["true", $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 18: + $s = -1; return ["false", $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 12: + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 3: + /* */ if (f === 2) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (f === 2) { */ case 21: + _r$2 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = strconv.FormatInt((new $Int64(0, _r$2)), 10); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r$3, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 22: + _r$4 = ev.Name(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [(_r$4), $ifaceNil]; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 23: + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (16))) { */ case 4: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = strconv.FormatInt(_r$5, 10); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [_r$6, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$2; + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 5: + _r$7 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = strconv.FormatUint(_r$7, 10); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [_r$8, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$3; + /* } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (1))) { */ case 6: + _r$9 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f$1 = _r$9; + if (math.IsInf(f$1, -1)) { + $s = -1; return ["-inf", $ifaceNil]; + } else if (math.IsInf(f$1, 1)) { + $s = -1; return ["inf", $ifaceNil]; + } else if (math.IsNaN(f$1)) { + $s = -1; return ["nan", $ifaceNil]; + } else if (k === 2) { + $s = -1; return [strconv.FormatFloat(f$1, 103, -1, 32), $ifaceNil]; + } else { + $s = -1; return [strconv.FormatFloat(f$1, 103, -1, 64), $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 7: + _r$10 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = [_r$10, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 37; case 37: return $24r$4; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 8: + _r$11 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = marshalBytes(_r$11); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$12; + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [s, $ifaceNil]; + } + /* } */ case 9: + case 1: + _r$13 = errors.New("could not format value for %v: %v", new sliceType$1([new protoreflect.Kind(k), new v.constructor.elem(v)])); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = ["", _r$13]; + $s = 41; case 41: return $24r$5; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Marshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, ev, f, f$1, k, ok, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Marshal = Marshal; + unmarshalBytes = function(s) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = text.UnmarshalString("\"" + s + "\""); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, false]; + } + $s = -1; return [(new sliceType($stringToBytes(v))), true]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: unmarshalBytes, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + marshalBytes = function(b) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r, _ref, b, c, printableASCII, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = sliceType.nil; + _ref = b; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _1 = c; + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (34)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (39)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (92)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 4: + s = $appendSlice(s, "\\n"); + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 5: + s = $appendSlice(s, "\\r"); + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 6: + s = $appendSlice(s, "\\t"); + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (34)) { */ case 7: + s = $appendSlice(s, "\\\""); + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (39)) { */ case 8: + s = $appendSlice(s, "\\'"); + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (92)) { */ case 9: + s = $appendSlice(s, "\\\\"); + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + printableASCII = c >= 32 && c <= 126; + /* */ if (printableASCII) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (printableASCII) { */ case 12: + s = $append(s, c); + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + _arg = s; + _r = fmt.Sprintf("\\%03o", new sliceType$1([new $Uint8(c)])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + s = $appendSlice(_arg, _arg$1); + /* } */ case 14: + /* } */ case 11: + case 3: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString(s)), true]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: marshalBytes, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r, _ref, b, c, printableASCII, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = text.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, protowire, errors, protoreflect, math, interfaceType, sliceType, sliceType$1, IsMessageSet, IsMessageSetExtension, SizeField, Unmarshal, ConsumeFieldValue, AppendFieldStart, AppendFieldEnd, SizeUnknown, AppendUnknown; + protowire = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"]; + errors = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "IsMessageSet", name: "IsMessageSet", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + IsMessageSet = function(md) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, _v, md, ok, xmd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {md}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = $assertType(md, interfaceType, true); + xmd = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!(ok)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r = xmd.IsMessageSet(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IsMessageSet, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, _v, md, ok, xmd, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.IsMessageSet = IsMessageSet; + IsMessageSetExtension = function(fd) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = fd.Name(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(_r === "message_set_extension")) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$1 = fd.ContainingMessage(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = IsMessageSet(_r$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$3 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$3).Parent(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(_r$4 === _r$6)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(_r === "message_set_extension")) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } else if (!_r$2) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } else if (!(_r$4 === _r$6)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IsMessageSetExtension, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.IsMessageSetExtension = IsMessageSetExtension; + SizeField = function(num) { + var num; + return (($imul(2, protowire.SizeTag(1))) + protowire.SizeTag(2) >> 0) + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, num))) >> 0; + }; + $pkg.SizeField = SizeField; + Unmarshal = function(b, wantLen, fn) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, err$1, fn, n, n$1, num, typeID, value, wantLen, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, wantLen, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + wtyp = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + if (n < 0) { + $s = -1; return protowire.ParseError(n); + } + b = $subslice(b, n); + if (!((num === 1)) || !((wtyp === 3))) { + n$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b); + if (n$1 < 0) { + $s = -1; return protowire.ParseError(n$1); + } + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r = ConsumeFieldValue(b, wantLen); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + typeID = _tuple$1[0]; + value = _tuple$1[1]; + n = _tuple$1[2]; + err = _tuple$1[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + b = $subslice(b, n); + if (typeID === 0) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r$1 = fn(typeID, value); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Unmarshal, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, err$1, fn, n, n$1, num, typeID, value, wantLen, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Unmarshal = Unmarshal; + ConsumeFieldValue = function(b, wantLen) { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, err, ilen, m, m0, message, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, n$4, nn, num, typeid, v, wantLen, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, wantLen}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + typeid = 0; + message = sliceType.nil; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + ilen = b.$length; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + wtyp = _tuple[1]; + n$1 = _tuple[2]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = protowire.ParseError(n$1); + typeid = _tmp; + message = _tmp$1; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [typeid, message, n, err]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + /* */ if ((num === 1) && (wtyp === 4)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((num === 2) && (wtyp === 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((num === 3) && (wtyp === 2)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ((num === 1) && (wtyp === 4)) { */ case 4: + if (wantLen && (message.$length === 0)) { + message = protowire.AppendVarint(message, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + } + _tmp$4 = typeid; + _tmp$5 = message; + _tmp$6 = ilen - b.$length >> 0; + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + typeid = _tmp$4; + message = _tmp$5; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [typeid, message, n, err]; + /* } else if ((num === 2) && (wtyp === 0)) { */ case 5: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = protowire.ParseError(n$2); + typeid = _tmp$8; + message = _tmp$9; + n = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [typeid, message, n, err]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$2); + /* */ if ((v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low < 1)) || (v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low > 2147483647))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ((v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low < 1)) || (v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low > 2147483647))) { */ case 9: + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$14 = 0; + _r = errors.New("invalid type_id in message set", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$15 = _r; + typeid = _tmp$12; + message = _tmp$13; + n = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $24r = [typeid, message, n, err]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } */ case 10: + typeid = ((v.$low >> 0)); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ((num === 3) && (wtyp === 2)) { */ case 6: + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + m = _tuple$2[0]; + n$3 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$3 < 0) { + _tmp$16 = 0; + _tmp$17 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = protowire.ParseError(n$3); + typeid = _tmp$16; + message = _tmp$17; + n = _tmp$18; + err = _tmp$19; + $s = -1; return [typeid, message, n, err]; + } + if (message === sliceType.nil) { + if (wantLen) { + message = $subslice(b, 0, n$3, n$3); + } else { + message = $subslice(m, 0, m.$length, m.$length); + } + } else { + if (wantLen) { + _tuple$3 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(message); + nn = _tuple$3[1]; + m0 = $subslice(message, nn); + message = sliceType.nil; + message = protowire.AppendVarint(message, (new $Uint64(0, (m0.$length + m.$length >> 0)))); + message = $appendSlice(message, m0); + message = $appendSlice(message, m); + } else { + message = $appendSlice(message, m); + } + } + b = $subslice(b, n$3); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + n$4 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b); + if (n$4 < 0) { + _tmp$20 = 0; + _tmp$21 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$22 = 0; + _tmp$23 = protowire.ParseError(n$4); + typeid = _tmp$20; + message = _tmp$21; + n = _tmp$22; + err = _tmp$23; + $s = -1; return [typeid, message, n, err]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$4); + /* } */ case 8: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [typeid, message, n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ConsumeFieldValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, err, ilen, m, m0, message, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, n$4, nn, num, typeid, v, wantLen, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ConsumeFieldValue = ConsumeFieldValue; + AppendFieldStart = function(b, num) { + var b, num; + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, 1, 3); + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, 2, 0); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, num))); + return b; + }; + $pkg.AppendFieldStart = AppendFieldStart; + AppendFieldEnd = function(b) { + var b; + return protowire.AppendTag(b, 1, 4); + }; + $pkg.AppendFieldEnd = AppendFieldEnd; + SizeUnknown = function(unknown) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, n, num, size, typ, unknown; + size = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(unknown.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(unknown); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + if (n < 0 || !((typ === 2))) { + size = 0; + return size; + } + unknown = $subslice(unknown, n); + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(unknown); + n = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n < 0) { + size = 0; + return size; + } + unknown = $subslice(unknown, n); + size = size + (((SizeField(num) + protowire.SizeTag(3) >> 0) + n >> 0)) >> 0; + } + size = size; + return size; + }; + $pkg.SizeUnknown = SizeUnknown; + AppendUnknown = function(b, unknown) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, n, num, typ, unknown, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, unknown}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(unknown.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(unknown.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(unknown); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (n < 0 || !((typ === 2))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (n < 0 || !((typ === 2))) { */ case 3: + _r = errors.New("invalid data in message set unknown fields", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [sliceType.nil, _r]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + unknown = $subslice(unknown, n); + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(unknown); + n = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (n < 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (n < 0) { */ case 7: + _r$1 = errors.New("invalid data in message set unknown fields", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [sliceType.nil, _r$1]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + b = AppendFieldStart(b, num); + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, 3, 2); + b = $appendSlice(b, $subslice(unknown, 0, n)); + b = AppendFieldEnd(b); + unknown = $subslice(unknown, n); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: AppendUnknown, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, n, num, typ, unknown, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.AppendUnknown = AppendUnknown; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = protowire.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, protoreflect; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, protoreflect, sort, sync, messageField, mapEntry, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType, sliceType$2, ptrType$1, funcType, arrayType, sliceType$3, messageFieldPool, mapEntryPool, RangeFields, RangeEntries; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + messageField = $pkg.messageField = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "order.messageField", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order", false, function(fd_, v_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fd = $ifaceNil; + this.v = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$3.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.fd = fd_; + this.v = v_; + }); + mapEntry = $pkg.mapEntry = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "order.mapEntry", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order", false, function(k_, v_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.k = new protoreflect.MapKey.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$3.nil, $ifaceNil); + this.v = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$3.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.k = k_; + this.v = v_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(messageField); + ptrType = $ptrType(sliceType$1); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(mapEntry); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(sliceType$2); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Uint8); + RangeFields = function(fs, less, fn) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _ref, f, fields, fn, fs, less, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fs, less, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fields = [fields]; + less = [less]; + p = [p]; + /* */ if (less[0] === $throwNilPointerError) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (less[0] === $throwNilPointerError) { */ case 1: + $r = fs.Range(fn); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r = messageFieldPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p[0] = $assertType(_r, ptrType); + fields[0] = $subslice((p[0].$get()), 0, 0); + $deferred.push([(function(fields, less, p) { return function() { + if (fields[0].$capacity < 1024) { + p[0].$set(fields[0]); + messageFieldPool.Put(p[0]); + } + }; })(fields, less, p), []]); + $r = fs.Range((function(fields, less, p) { return function(fd, v) { + var fd, v; + fields[0] = $append(fields[0], new messageField.ptr(fd, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value))); + return true; + }; })(fields, less, p)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.Slice(fields[0], (function(fields, less, p) { return function $b(i, j) { + var {$24r, _r$1, i, j, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = less[0](((i < 0 || i >= fields[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields[0].$array[fields[0].$offset + i]).fd, ((j < 0 || j >= fields[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields[0].$array[fields[0].$offset + j]).fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, i, j, $s};return $f; + }; })(fields, less, p)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = fields[0]; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 9; continue; } + f = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), messageField); + _r$1 = fn(f.fd, $clone(f.v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 10: + $s = 13; case 13: return; + /* } */ case 11: + _i++; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: RangeFields, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, f, fields, fn, fs, less, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $pkg.RangeFields = RangeFields; + RangeEntries = function(es, less, fn) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _ref, e, entries, es, fn, less, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {es, less, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + entries = [entries]; + less = [less]; + p = [p]; + /* */ if (less[0] === $throwNilPointerError) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (less[0] === $throwNilPointerError) { */ case 1: + $r = es.Range(fn); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r = mapEntryPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p[0] = $assertType(_r, ptrType$1); + entries[0] = $subslice((p[0].$get()), 0, 0); + $deferred.push([(function(entries, less, p) { return function() { + if (entries[0].$capacity < 1024) { + p[0].$set(entries[0]); + mapEntryPool.Put(p[0]); + } + }; })(entries, less, p), []]); + $r = es.Range((function(entries, less, p) { return function(k, v) { + var k, v; + entries[0] = $append(entries[0], new mapEntry.ptr($clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey), $clone(v, protoreflect.Value))); + return true; + }; })(entries, less, p)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.Slice(entries[0], (function(entries, less, p) { return function $b(i, j) { + var {$24r, _r$1, i, j, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = less[0]($clone(((i < 0 || i >= entries[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : entries[0].$array[entries[0].$offset + i]).k, protoreflect.MapKey), $clone(((j < 0 || j >= entries[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : entries[0].$array[entries[0].$offset + j]).k, protoreflect.MapKey)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, i, j, $s};return $f; + }; })(entries, less, p)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = entries[0]; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 9; continue; } + e = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), mapEntry); + _r$1 = fn($clone(e.k, protoreflect.MapKey), $clone(e.v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 10: + $s = 13; case 13: return; + /* } */ case 11: + _i++; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: RangeEntries, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, e, entries, es, fn, less, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $pkg.RangeEntries = RangeEntries; + messageField.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order", [{prop: "fd", name: "fd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + mapEntry.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order", [{prop: "k", name: "k", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.MapKey, tag: ""}, {prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + messageFieldPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return $newDataPointer(sliceType$1.nil, ptrType); + })); + mapEntryPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return $newDataPointer(sliceType$2.nil, ptrType$1); + })); + $pkg.AnyFieldOrder = $throwNilPointerError; + $pkg.LegacyFieldOrder = (function $b(x, y) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _v, _v$1, inOneof, ox, oy, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = x.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = _r; + _r$1 = y.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$1; + ox = _tmp; + oy = _tmp$1; + inOneof = (function $b(od) { + var {$24r, _r$2, _v, od, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {od}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(od, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$2 = od.IsSynthetic(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$2; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, _v, od, $s};return $f; + }); + _r$2 = x.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = y.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(_r$2 === _r$3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(_r$2 === _r$3)) { */ case 3: + _r$4 = x.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$4)) { _v = false; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$5 = y.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$5; case 7: + $24r = _v; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$6 = inOneof(ox); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = inOneof(oy); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(_r$6 === _r$7)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!(_r$6 === _r$7)) { */ case 11: + _r$8 = inOneof(ox); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!_r$8)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 15; continue s; } + _r$9 = inOneof(oy); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$9; case 15: + $24r$1 = _v$1; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 12: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ox, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(oy, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(ox, oy))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ox, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(oy, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(ox, oy))) { */ case 19: + _r$10 = ox.Index(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = oy.Index(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$10 < _r$11; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 20: + _r$12 = x.Number(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = y.Number(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$12 < _r$13; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _v, _v$1, inOneof, ox, oy, x, y, $s};return $f; + }); + $pkg.NumberFieldOrder = (function $b(x, y) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = x.Number(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = y.Number(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r < _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, x, y, $s};return $f; + }); + $pkg.IndexNameFieldOrder = (function $b(x, y) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = x.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = y.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(_r === _r$1)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(_r === _r$1)) { */ case 1: + _r$2 = x.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!_r$2)) { _v = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r$3 = y.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$3; case 5: + $24r = _v; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = x.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$4)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$5 = y.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$5; case 11: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 9: + _r$6 = x.FullName(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = y.FullName(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$6 < _r$7; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$8 = x.Index(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = y.Index(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$8 < _r$9; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, x, y, $s};return $f; + }); + $pkg.AnyKeyOrder = $throwNilPointerError; + $pkg.GenericKeyOrder = (function $b(x, y) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _ref, _v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(x, protoreflect.MapKey).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Bool, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Int32, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Int64, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint32, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Uint64, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $String, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, $Bool, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = $clone(x, protoreflect.MapKey).Bool(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!_r$1)) { _v = false; $s = 8; continue s; } + _r$2 = $clone(y, protoreflect.MapKey).Bool(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$2; case 8: + $24r = _v; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int32, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Int64, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + _r$3 = $clone(x, protoreflect.MapKey).Int(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = $clone(y, protoreflect.MapKey).Int(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = (x$1 = _r$3, x$2 = _r$4, (x$1.$high < x$2.$high || (x$1.$high === x$2.$high && x$1.$low < x$2.$low))); + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint32, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, $Uint64, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + _r$5 = $clone(x, protoreflect.MapKey).Uint(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(y, protoreflect.MapKey).Uint(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = (x$3 = _r$5, x$4 = _r$6, (x$3.$high < x$4.$high || (x$3.$high === x$4.$high && x$3.$low < x$4.$low))); + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$2; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $String, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + _r$7 = $clone(x, protoreflect.MapKey).String(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(y, protoreflect.MapKey).String(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$7 < _r$8; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$3; + /* } else { */ case 6: + $panic(new $String("invalid map key type")); + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _ref, _v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, y, $s};return $f; + }); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fmt, messageset, errors, flags, protoreflect, os, strings, sync, Files, packageDescriptor, nameSuffix, Types, typesByName, extensionsByMessage, extensionsByNumber, sliceType, ptrType, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, interfaceType, funcType, mapType, mapType$1, funcType$1, funcType$2, funcType$3, conflictPolicy, ignoreConflict, globalMutex, _r, findDescriptorInMessage, rangeTopLevelDescriptors, typeName, amendErrorWithCaller, goPackage; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + messageset = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset"]; + errors = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"]; + flags = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + Files = $pkg.Files = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protoregistry.Files", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", true, function(descsByName_, filesByPath_, numFiles_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.descsByName = false; + this.filesByPath = false; + this.numFiles = 0; + return; + } + this.descsByName = descsByName_; + this.filesByPath = filesByPath_; + this.numFiles = numFiles_; + }); + packageDescriptor = $pkg.packageDescriptor = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protoregistry.packageDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", false, function(files_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.files = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.files = files_; + }); + nameSuffix = $pkg.nameSuffix = $newType(8, $kindString, "protoregistry.nameSuffix", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", false, null); + Types = $pkg.Types = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protoregistry.Types", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", true, function(typesByName_, extensionsByMessage_, numEnums_, numMessages_, numExtensions_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.typesByName = false; + this.extensionsByMessage = false; + this.numEnums = 0; + this.numMessages = 0; + this.numExtensions = 0; + return; + } + this.typesByName = typesByName_; + this.extensionsByMessage = extensionsByMessage_; + this.numEnums = numEnums_; + this.numMessages = numMessages_; + this.numExtensions = numExtensions_; + }); + typesByName = $pkg.typesByName = $newType(4, $kindMap, "protoregistry.typesByName", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", false, null); + extensionsByMessage = $pkg.extensionsByMessage = $newType(4, $kindMap, "protoregistry.extensionsByMessage", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", false, null); + extensionsByNumber = $pkg.extensionsByNumber = $newType(4, $kindMap, "protoregistry.extensionsByNumber", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", false, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(Types); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(protoreflect.FileDescriptor); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(packageDescriptor); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Files); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(nameSuffix); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "GoPackagePath", name: "GoPackagePath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + funcType = $funcType([protoreflect.FileDescriptor], [$Bool], false); + mapType = $mapType(protoreflect.FullName, $emptyInterface); + mapType$1 = $mapType($String, sliceType$1); + funcType$1 = $funcType([protoreflect.EnumType], [$Bool], false); + funcType$2 = $funcType([protoreflect.MessageType], [$Bool], false); + funcType$3 = $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType], [$Bool], false); + Files.ptr.prototype.RegisterFile = function(file) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _v, _v$1, err, err$1, err$2, file, hasConflict, name, name$1, p, path, prev, prev$1, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {file}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + err = [err]; + file = [file]; + hasConflict = [hasConflict]; + r = [r]; + r[0] = this; + /* */ if (r[0] === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r[0] === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { */ case 1: + $r = globalMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 2: + if (r[0].descsByName === false) { + r[0].descsByName = $makeMap(protoreflect.FullName.keyFor, [{ k: "", v: new packageDescriptor.ptr(sliceType$1.nil) }]); + r[0].filesByPath = {}; + } + _r$1 = file[0].Path(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + path = _r$1; + prev = (_entry = r[0].filesByPath[$String.keyFor(path)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$1.nil); + /* */ if (prev.$length > 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (prev.$length > 0) { */ case 5: + $r = r[0].checkGenProtoConflict(path); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = file[0].Path(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$2); + _r$3 = errors.New("file %q is already registered", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$3; + _r$4 = amendErrorWithCaller(err$1, (0 >= prev.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : prev.$array[prev.$offset + 0]), file[0]); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$4; + if (!(r[0] === $pkg.GlobalFiles)) { _v = false; $s = 13; continue s; } + _r$5 = ignoreConflict(file[0], err$1); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$5; case 13: + /* */ if (!(_v)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!(_v)) { */ case 11: + $24r = err$1; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r; + /* } */ case 12: + /* } */ case 6: + _r$6 = file[0].Package(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r$6; + /* while (true) { */ case 17: + /* if (!(!(name === ""))) { break; } */ if(!(!(name === ""))) { $s = 18; continue; } + prev$1 = (_entry$1 = r[0].descsByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(name)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : $ifaceNil); + _ref = prev$1; + /* */ if (_ref === $ifaceNil || $assertType(_ref, ptrType$1, true)[1]) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (_ref === $ifaceNil || $assertType(_ref, ptrType$1, true)[1]) { */ case 19: + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else { */ case 20: + _r$7 = file[0].Path(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new $String(_r$7); + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.FullName(name); + _r$8 = errors.New("file %q has a package name conflict over %v", new sliceType([_arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$8; + _r$9 = amendErrorWithCaller(err$2, prev$1, file[0]); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$9; + if (!(r[0] === $pkg.GlobalFiles)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 27; continue s; } + _r$10 = ignoreConflict(file[0], err$2); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$10; case 27: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 25: + err$2 = $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 26: + $24r$1 = err$2; + $s = 29; case 29: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 21: + name = new protoreflect.FullName(name).Parent(); + $s = 17; continue; + case 18: + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + hasConflict[0] = false; + $r = rangeTopLevelDescriptors(file[0], (function(err, file, hasConflict, r) { return function $b(d) { + var {_arg$3, _arg$4, _entry$2, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _v$2, d, prev$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$11 = d.FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + prev$2 = (_entry$2 = r[0].descsByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(_r$11)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : $ifaceNil); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(prev$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(prev$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + hasConflict[0] = true; + _r$12 = file[0].Path(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = new $String(_r$12); + _r$13 = d.FullName(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$13); + _r$14 = errors.New("file %q has a name conflict over %v", new sliceType([_arg$3, _arg$4])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$14; + _r$15 = amendErrorWithCaller(err[0], prev$2, file[0]); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$15; + if (!(r[0] === $pkg.GlobalFiles)) { _v$2 = false; $s = 10; continue s; } + _r$16 = ignoreConflict(d, err[0]); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$16; case 10: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 8: + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 9: + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg$3, _arg$4, _entry$2, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _v$2, d, prev$2, $s};return $f; + }; })(err, file, hasConflict, r)); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (hasConflict[0]) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (hasConflict[0]) { */ case 31: + $24r$2 = err[0]; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 32: + _r$11 = file[0].Package(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name$1 = _r$11; + /* while (true) { */ case 35: + /* if (!(!(name$1 === ""))) { break; } */ if(!(!(name$1 === ""))) { $s = 36; continue; } + if ($interfaceIsEqual((_entry$2 = r[0].descsByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(name$1)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : $ifaceNil), $ifaceNil)) { + _key = name$1; (r[0].descsByName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new packageDescriptor.ptr(sliceType$1.nil) }; + } + name$1 = new protoreflect.FullName(name$1).Parent(); + $s = 35; continue; + case 36: + _r$12 = file[0].Package(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = $assertType((_entry$3 = r[0].descsByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(_r$12)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : $ifaceNil), ptrType$1); + p.files = $append(p.files, file[0]); + $r = rangeTopLevelDescriptors(file[0], (function(err, file, hasConflict, r) { return function $b(d) { + var {_key$1, _r$13, d, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$13 = d.FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key$1 = _r$13; (r[0].descsByName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: d }; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _key$1, _r$13, d, $s};return $f; + }; })(err, file, hasConflict, r)); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key$1 = path; (r[0].filesByPath || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $append((_entry$4 = r[0].filesByPath[$String.keyFor(path)], _entry$4 !== undefined ? _entry$4.v : sliceType$1.nil), file[0]) }; + r[0].numFiles = r[0].numFiles + (1) >> 0; + $24r$3 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 39; case 39: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Files.ptr.prototype.RegisterFile, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _v, _v$1, err, err$1, err$2, file, hasConflict, name, name$1, p, path, prev, prev$1, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Files.prototype.RegisterFile = function(file) { return this.$val.RegisterFile(file); }; + Files.ptr.prototype.checkGenProtoConflict = function(path) { + var {_1, _r$1, currPath, path, pkgName, prevPath, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if (!(r === $pkg.GlobalFiles)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + prevPath = ""; + _1 = path; + if (_1 === ("google/protobuf/field_mask.proto")) { + prevPath = "google.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/field_mask"; + } else if (_1 === ("google/protobuf/api.proto")) { + prevPath = "google.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/api"; + } else if (_1 === ("google/protobuf/type.proto")) { + prevPath = "google.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/ptype"; + } else if (_1 === ("google/protobuf/source_context.proto")) { + prevPath = "google.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/source_context"; + } else { + $s = -1; return; + } + pkgName = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(path, "google/protobuf/"), ".proto"); + pkgName = strings.Replace(pkgName, "_", "", -1) + "pb"; + currPath = "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/" + pkgName; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("duplicate registration of %q\n\nThe generated definition for this file has moved:\n\tfrom: %q\n\tto: %q\nA dependency on the %q module must\nbe at version %v or higher.\n\nUpgrade the dependency by running:\n\tgo get -u %v\n", new sliceType([new $String(path), new $String(prevPath), new $String(currPath), new $String("google.golang.org/genproto"), new $String("cb27e3aa (May 26th, 2020)"), new $String(prevPath)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Files.ptr.prototype.checkGenProtoConflict, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, currPath, path, pkgName, prevPath, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Files.prototype.checkGenProtoConflict = function(path) { return this.$val.checkGenProtoConflict(path); }; + Files.ptr.prototype.FindDescriptorByName = function(name) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _v, _v$1, d, d$1, d$2, d$3, d$4, d$5, d$6, d$7, name, ok, prefix, r, suffix, suffix$24ptr, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + prefix = name; + suffix = ""; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(!(prefix === ""))) { break; } */ if(!(!(prefix === ""))) { $s = 8; continue; } + _tuple = (_entry = r.descsByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(prefix)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + d = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 9: + _ref = d; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 11: + d$1 = _ref; + _r$1 = d$1.FullName(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1 === name) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_r$1 === name) { */ case 17: + $24r$1 = [d$1, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 18: + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 12: + d$2 = _ref; + _r$2 = d$2.FullName(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2 === name) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_r$2 === name) { */ case 21: + $24r$2 = [d$2, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 22: + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 13: + d$3 = _ref; + _r$3 = d$3.FullName(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3 === name) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (_r$3 === name) { */ case 25: + $24r$3 = [d$3, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 26: + _r$4 = findDescriptorInMessage(d$3, suffix); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d$6 = _r$4; + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(d$6, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 32; continue s; } + _r$5 = d$6.FullName(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$5 === name; case 32: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 30: + $24r$4 = [d$6, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 31: + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 14: + d$4 = _ref; + _r$6 = d$4.FullName(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6 === name) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (_r$6 === name) { */ case 35: + $24r$5 = [d$4, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 38; case 38: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 36: + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 15: + d$5 = _ref; + _r$7 = d$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7 === name) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if (_r$7 === name) { */ case 39: + $24r$6 = [d$5, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 42; case 42: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 40: + _r$8 = d$5.Methods(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.ByName((suffix$24ptr || (suffix$24ptr = new ptrType$3(function() { return suffix; }, function($v) { suffix = $v; }))).Pop()); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d$7 = _r$9; + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(d$7, $ifaceNil)))) { _v$1 = false; $s = 47; continue s; } + _r$10 = d$7.FullName(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$10 === name; case 47: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 45: + $24r$7 = [d$7, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 49; case 49: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 46: + /* } */ case 16: + $24r$8 = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 50; case 50: return $24r$8; + /* } */ case 10: + prefix = new protoreflect.FullName(prefix).Parent(); + suffix = ($substring(name, (prefix.length + 1 >> 0))); + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $24r$9 = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 51; case 51: return $24r$9; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Files.ptr.prototype.FindDescriptorByName, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _v, _v$1, d, d$1, d$2, d$3, d$4, d$5, d$6, d$7, name, ok, prefix, r, suffix, suffix$24ptr, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Files.prototype.FindDescriptorByName = function(name) { return this.$val.FindDescriptorByName(name); }; + findDescriptorInMessage = function(md, suffix) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, ed, fd, i, md, md$1, name, od, suffix, suffix$24ptr, vd, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {md, suffix}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + name = (suffix$24ptr || (suffix$24ptr = new ptrType$3(function() { return suffix; }, function($v) { suffix = $v; }))).Pop(); + /* */ if (suffix === "") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (suffix === "") { */ case 1: + _r$1 = md.Enums(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.ByName(name); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ed = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ed, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ed; + } + _r$3 = md.Enums(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = _r$3.Len(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = _r$4 - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i >= 0)) { $s = 8; continue; } + _r$5 = md.Enums(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Get(i); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Values(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.ByName(name); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vd = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(vd, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return vd; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + _r$9 = md.Extensions(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.ByName(name); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd = _r$10; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(xd, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return xd; + } + _r$11 = md.Fields(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = _r$11.ByName(name); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$12; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fd, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return fd; + } + _r$13 = md.Oneofs(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = _r$13.ByName(name); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + od = _r$14; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(od, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return od; + } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$15 = md.Messages(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = _r$15.ByName(name); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md$1 = _r$16; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(md$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(md$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 21: + if (suffix === "") { + $s = -1; return md$1; + } + _r$17 = findDescriptorInMessage(md$1, suffix); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$17; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r; + /* } */ case 22: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: findDescriptorInMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, ed, fd, i, md, md$1, name, od, suffix, suffix$24ptr, vd, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nameSuffix).prototype.Pop = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, i, name, s; + name = ""; + s = this; + i = strings.IndexByte((s.$get()), 46); + if (i >= 0) { + _tmp = ($substring((s.$get()), 0, i)); + _tmp$1 = $substring((s.$get()), (i + 1 >> 0)); + name = _tmp; + s.$set(_tmp$1); + } else { + _tmp$2 = ((s.$get())); + _tmp$3 = ""; + name = _tmp$2; + s.$set(_tmp$3); + } + name = name; + return name; + }; + Files.ptr.prototype.FindFileByPath = function(path) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _1, _entry, _r$1, fds, path, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + fds = (_entry = r.filesByPath[$String.keyFor(path)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$1.nil); + _1 = fds.$length; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 8: + $24r$1 = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 9: + $24r$2 = [(0 >= fds.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fds.$array[fds.$offset + 0]), $ifaceNil]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } else { */ case 10: + _r$1 = errors.New("multiple files named %q", new sliceType([new $String(path)])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [$ifaceNil, _r$1]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 11: + case 7: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Files.ptr.prototype.FindFileByPath, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _1, _entry, _r$1, fds, path, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Files.prototype.FindFileByPath = function(path) { return this.$val.FindFileByPath(path); }; + Files.ptr.prototype.NumFiles = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + $24r$1 = r.numFiles; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return 0; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Files.ptr.prototype.NumFiles, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Files.prototype.NumFiles = function() { return this.$val.NumFiles(); }; + Files.ptr.prototype.RangeFiles = function(f) { + var {_entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, f, file, files, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 1: + $s = 3; case 3: return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + _ref = r.filesByPath; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 8; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + files = _entry.v; + _ref$1 = files; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 10; continue; } + file = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$1 = f(file); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 11: + $s = 14; case 14: return; + /* } */ case 12: + _i$1++; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + _i++; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Files.ptr.prototype.RangeFiles, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, f, file, files, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Files.prototype.RangeFiles = function(f) { return this.$val.RangeFiles(f); }; + Files.ptr.prototype.NumFilesByPackage = function(name) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _tuple, name, ok, p, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + _tuple = $assertType((_entry = r.descsByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil), ptrType$1, true); + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 7: + $24r$1 = 0; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + $24r$2 = p.files.$length; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return 0; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Files.ptr.prototype.NumFilesByPackage, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _tuple, name, ok, p, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Files.prototype.NumFilesByPackage = function(name) { return this.$val.NumFilesByPackage(name); }; + Files.ptr.prototype.RangeFilesByPackage = function(name, f) { + var {_entry, _i, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, f, file, name, ok, p, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 1: + $s = 3; case 3: return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalFiles) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + _tuple = $assertType((_entry = r.descsByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil), ptrType$1, true); + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 7: + $s = 9; case 9: return; + /* } */ case 8: + _ref = p.files; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 10: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 11; continue; } + file = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = f(file); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 12: + $s = 15; case 15: return; + /* } */ case 13: + _i++; + $s = 10; continue; + case 11: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Files.ptr.prototype.RangeFilesByPackage, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, f, file, name, ok, p, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Files.prototype.RangeFilesByPackage = function(name, f) { return this.$val.RangeFilesByPackage(name, f); }; + rangeTopLevelDescriptors = function(fd, f) { + var {_r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, eds, f, fd, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, mds, sds, vds, xds, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fd.Enums(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + eds = _r$1; + _r$2 = eds.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = _r$2 - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i >= 0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$3 = eds.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = f(_r$3); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = eds.Get(i); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = _r$4.Values(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vds = _r$5; + _r$6 = vds.Len(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$1 = _r$6 - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 10: + /* if (!(i$1 >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 >= 0)) { $s = 11; continue; } + _r$7 = vds.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = f(_r$7); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$1 = i$1 - (1) >> 0; + $s = 10; continue; + case 11: + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _r$8 = fd.Messages(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mds = _r$8; + _r$9 = mds.Len(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$2 = _r$9 - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 16: + /* if (!(i$2 >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i$2 >= 0)) { $s = 17; continue; } + _r$10 = mds.Get(i$2); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = f(_r$10); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$2 = i$2 - (1) >> 0; + $s = 16; continue; + case 17: + _r$11 = fd.Extensions(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xds = _r$11; + _r$12 = xds.Len(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$3 = _r$12 - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 22: + /* if (!(i$3 >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i$3 >= 0)) { $s = 23; continue; } + _r$13 = xds.Get(i$3); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = f(_r$13); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$3 = i$3 - (1) >> 0; + $s = 22; continue; + case 23: + _r$14 = fd.Services(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sds = _r$14; + _r$15 = sds.Len(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$4 = _r$15 - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 28: + /* if (!(i$4 >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i$4 >= 0)) { $s = 29; continue; } + _r$16 = sds.Get(i$4); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = f(_r$16); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$4 = i$4 - (1) >> 0; + $s = 28; continue; + case 29: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rangeTopLevelDescriptors, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, eds, f, fd, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, mds, sds, vds, xds, $s};return $f; + }; + Types.ptr.prototype.RegisterMessage = function(mt) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, err, md, mt, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + _r$1 = mt.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md = _r$1; + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 2: + $r = globalMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = r.register("message", md, mt); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + $24r = err; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + r.numMessages = r.numMessages + (1) >> 0; + $24r$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.RegisterMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, err, md, mt, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.RegisterMessage = function(mt) { return this.$val.RegisterMessage(mt); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.RegisterEnum = function(et) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, ed, err, et, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {et}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + _r$1 = et.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ed = _r$1; + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 2: + $r = globalMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = r.register("enum", ed, et); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + $24r = err; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + r.numEnums = r.numEnums + (1) >> 0; + $24r$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.RegisterEnum, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, ed, err, et, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.RegisterEnum = function(et) { return this.$val.RegisterEnum(et); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.RegisterExtension = function(xt) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _v, err, err$1, field, message, prev, r, xd, xt, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {xt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + _r$1 = xt.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd = _r$1; + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 2: + $r = globalMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = xd.Number(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + field = _r$2; + _r$3 = xd.ContainingMessage(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = _r$3.FullName(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + message = _r$4; + prev = (_entry = (_entry$1 = r.extensionsByMessage[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(message)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : false)[$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number.keyFor(field)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(prev, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(prev, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = errors.New("extension number %d is already registered on message %v", new sliceType([new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number(field), new protoreflect.FullName(message)])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$5; + _r$6 = amendErrorWithCaller(err, prev, xt); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + if (!(r === $pkg.GlobalTypes)) { _v = false; $s = 14; continue s; } + _r$7 = ignoreConflict(xd, err); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$7; case 14: + /* */ if (!(_v)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!(_v)) { */ case 12: + $24r = err; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 9: + _r$8 = r.register("extension", xd, xt); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$8; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + $24r$1 = err$1; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 19: + if (r.extensionsByMessage === false) { + r.extensionsByMessage = {}; + } + if ((_entry$2 = r.extensionsByMessage[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(message)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : false) === false) { + _key = message; (r.extensionsByMessage || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: {} }; + } + _key$1 = field; ((_entry$3 = r.extensionsByMessage[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(message)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : false) || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: xt }; + r.numExtensions = r.numExtensions + (1) >> 0; + $24r$2 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.RegisterExtension, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _v, err, err$1, field, message, prev, r, xd, xt, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.RegisterExtension = function(xt) { return this.$val.RegisterExtension(xt); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.register = function(kind, desc, typ) { + var {_entry, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _v, desc, err, kind, name, prev, r, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {kind, desc, typ}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = desc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r$1; + prev = (_entry = r.typesByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(prev, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(prev, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = errors.New("%v %v is already registered", new sliceType([new $String(kind), new protoreflect.FullName(name)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + _r$3 = amendErrorWithCaller(err, prev, typ); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!(r === $pkg.GlobalTypes)) { _v = false; $s = 8; continue s; } + _r$4 = ignoreConflict(desc, err); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$4; case 8: + /* */ if (!(_v)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(_v)) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 3: + if (r.typesByName === false) { + r.typesByName = {}; + } + _key = name; (r.typesByName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: typ }; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.register, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _v, desc, err, kind, name, prev, r, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + Types.prototype.register = function(kind, desc, typ) { return this.$val.register(kind, desc, typ); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.FindEnumByName = function(enum$1) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _arg, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, enum$1, et, r, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {enum$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + v = (_entry = r.typesByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(enum$1)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _tuple = $assertType(v, protoreflect.EnumType, true); + et = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(et, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(et, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + $24r$1 = [et, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$1 = typeName(v); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$1); + _r$2 = errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want enum", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [$ifaceNil, _r$2]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 8: + $24r$3 = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.FindEnumByName, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _arg, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, enum$1, et, r, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.FindEnumByName = function(enum$1) { return this.$val.FindEnumByName(enum$1); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByName = function(message) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _arg, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, message, mt, r, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {message}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + v = (_entry = r.typesByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(message)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _tuple = $assertType(v, protoreflect.MessageType, true); + mt = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mt, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mt, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + $24r$1 = [mt, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$1 = typeName(v); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$1); + _r$2 = errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want message", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [$ifaceNil, _r$2]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 8: + $24r$3 = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByName, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _arg, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, message, mt, r, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.FindMessageByName = function(message) { return this.$val.FindMessageByName(message); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByURL = function(url) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _arg, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, i, message, mt, r, url, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {url}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + message = (url); + i = strings.LastIndexByte(url, 47); + if (i >= 0) { + message = $substring(message, (i + 1 >> 0)); + } + v = (_entry = r.typesByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(message)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _tuple = $assertType(v, protoreflect.MessageType, true); + mt = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mt, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mt, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + $24r$1 = [mt, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$1 = typeName(v); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$1); + _r$2 = errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want message", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [$ifaceNil, _r$2]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 8: + $24r$3 = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByURL, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _arg, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, i, message, mt, r, url, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.FindMessageByURL = function(url) { return this.$val.FindMessageByURL(url); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.FindExtensionByName = function(field) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _arg, _entry, _entry$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, field, field$1, ok, r, v, v$1, xt, xt$1, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {field}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + v = (_entry = r.typesByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(field)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _tuple = $assertType(v, protoreflect.ExtensionType, true); + xt = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(xt, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(xt, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + $24r$1 = [xt, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (false) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (false) { */ case 12: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(v, protoreflect.MessageType, true); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 14: + field$1 = new protoreflect.FullName(field).Append("message_set_extension"); + v$1 = (_entry$1 = r.typesByName[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(field$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : $ifaceNil); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 16: + _tuple$2 = $assertType(v$1, protoreflect.ExtensionType, true); + xt$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(xt$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(xt$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + _r$1 = xt$1.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = messageset.IsMessageSetExtension(_r$1); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_r$2) { */ case 20: + $24r$2 = [xt$1, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 21: + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 17: + /* } */ case 15: + /* } */ case 13: + _r$3 = typeName(v); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$3); + _r$4 = errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want extension", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [$ifaceNil, _r$4]; + $s = 27; case 27: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 8: + $24r$4 = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$4; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.FindExtensionByName, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _arg, _entry, _entry$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, field, field$1, ok, r, v, v$1, xt, xt$1, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.FindExtensionByName = function(field) { return this.$val.FindExtensionByName(field); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.FindExtensionByNumber = function(message, field) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _entry$1, _tuple, field, message, ok, r, xt, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {message, field}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + _tuple = (_entry = (_entry$1 = r.extensionsByMessage[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(message)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : false)[$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number.keyFor(field)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + xt = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 7: + $24r$1 = [xt, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + $24r$2 = [$ifaceNil, $pkg.NotFound]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.FindExtensionByNumber, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _entry$1, _tuple, field, message, ok, r, xt, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.FindExtensionByNumber = function(message, field) { return this.$val.FindExtensionByNumber(message, field); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.NumEnums = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + $24r$1 = r.numEnums; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return 0; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.NumEnums, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.NumEnums = function() { return this.$val.NumEnums(); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.RangeEnums = function(f) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, et, f, ok, r, typ, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $s = 3; case 3: return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + _ref = r.typesByName; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 8; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + typ = _entry.v; + _tuple = $assertType(typ, protoreflect.EnumType, true); + et = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 9: + _r$1 = f(et); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 11: + $s = 14; case 14: return; + /* } */ case 12: + /* } */ case 10: + _i++; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.RangeEnums, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, et, f, ok, r, typ, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.RangeEnums = function(f) { return this.$val.RangeEnums(f); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.NumMessages = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + $24r$1 = r.numMessages; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return 0; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.NumMessages, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.NumMessages = function() { return this.$val.NumMessages(); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.RangeMessages = function(f) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, f, mt, ok, r, typ, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $s = 3; case 3: return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + _ref = r.typesByName; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 8; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + typ = _entry.v; + _tuple = $assertType(typ, protoreflect.MessageType, true); + mt = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 9: + _r$1 = f(mt); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 11: + $s = 14; case 14: return; + /* } */ case 12: + /* } */ case 10: + _i++; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.RangeMessages, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, f, mt, ok, r, typ, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.RangeMessages = function(f) { return this.$val.RangeMessages(f); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.NumExtensions = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + $24r$1 = r.numExtensions; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return 0; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.NumExtensions, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.NumExtensions = function() { return this.$val.NumExtensions(); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.RangeExtensions = function(f) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, f, ok, r, typ, xt, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $s = 3; case 3: return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + _ref = r.typesByName; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 8; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + typ = _entry.v; + _tuple = $assertType(typ, protoreflect.ExtensionType, true); + xt = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 9: + _r$1 = f(xt); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 11: + $s = 14; case 14: return; + /* } */ case 12: + /* } */ case 10: + _i++; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.RangeExtensions, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, f, ok, r, typ, xt, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.RangeExtensions = function(f) { return this.$val.RangeExtensions(f); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.NumExtensionsByMessage = function(message) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _entry, message, r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {message}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + $24r$1 = $keys((_entry = r.extensionsByMessage[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(message)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false)).length; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return 0; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.NumExtensionsByMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _entry, message, r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.NumExtensionsByMessage = function(message) { return this.$val.NumExtensionsByMessage(message); }; + Types.ptr.prototype.RangeExtensionsByMessage = function(message, f) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, f, message, r, xt, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {message, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + r = this; + /* */ if (r === ptrType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r === ptrType.nil) { */ case 1: + $s = 3; case 3: return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r === $pkg.GlobalTypes) { */ case 4: + $r = globalMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(globalMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 5: + _ref = (_entry = r.extensionsByMessage[protoreflect.FullName.keyFor(message)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false); + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 8; continue; } + _entry$1 = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry$1 === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + xt = _entry$1.v; + _r$1 = f(xt); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 9: + $s = 12; case 12: return; + /* } */ case 10: + _i++; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Types.ptr.prototype.RangeExtensionsByMessage, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, f, message, r, xt, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Types.prototype.RangeExtensionsByMessage = function(message, f) { return this.$val.RangeExtensionsByMessage(message, f); }; + typeName = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _ref, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = t; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumType, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.MessageType, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ExtensionType, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumType, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return "enum"; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.MessageType, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "message"; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ExtensionType, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "extension"; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("%T", new sliceType([t])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: typeName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _ref, t, $s};return $f; + }; + amendErrorWithCaller = function(err, prev, curr) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, curr, currPkg, err, prev, prevPkg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err, prev, curr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = goPackage(prev); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + prevPkg = _r$1; + _r$2 = goPackage(curr); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + currPkg = _r$2; + if (prevPkg === "" || currPkg === "" || prevPkg === currPkg) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = errors.New("%s\n\tpreviously from: %q\n\tcurrently from: %q", new sliceType([err, new $String(prevPkg), new $String(currPkg)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: amendErrorWithCaller, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, curr, currPkg, err, prev, prevPkg, $s};return $f; + }; + goPackage = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, d$1, d$2, d$3, d$4, ok, ok$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = v; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumType, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.MessageType, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ExtensionType, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumType, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + d = _ref; + _r$1 = d.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$1; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.MessageType, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + d$1 = _ref; + _r$2 = d$1.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$2; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ExtensionType, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + d$2 = _ref; + _r$3 = d$2.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$3; + /* } */ case 4: + _tuple = $assertType(v, protoreflect.Descriptor, true); + d$3 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 8: + _r$4 = d$3.ParentFile(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$4; + /* } */ case 9: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(v, interfaceType, true); + d$4 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 11: + _r$5 = d$4.GoPackagePath(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } */ case 12: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: goPackage, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, d$1, d$2, d$3, d$4, ok, ok$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "RegisterFile", name: "RegisterFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FileDescriptor], [$error], false)}, {prop: "checkGenProtoConflict", name: "checkGenProtoConflict", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "FindDescriptorByName", name: "FindDescriptorByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.Descriptor, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindFileByPath", name: "FindFileByPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor, $error], false)}, {prop: "NumFiles", name: "NumFiles", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "RangeFiles", name: "RangeFiles", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType], [], false)}, {prop: "NumFilesByPackage", name: "NumFilesByPackage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "RangeFilesByPackage", name: "RangeFilesByPackage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName, funcType], [], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Pop", name: "Pop", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Name], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "RegisterMessage", name: "RegisterMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MessageType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "RegisterEnum", name: "RegisterEnum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "RegisterExtension", name: "RegisterExtension", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "register", name: "register", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", typ: $funcType([$String, protoreflect.Descriptor, $emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "FindEnumByName", name: "FindEnumByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.EnumType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindMessageByName", name: "FindMessageByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.MessageType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindMessageByURL", name: "FindMessageByURL", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [protoreflect.MessageType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindExtensionByName", name: "FindExtensionByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.ExtensionType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindExtensionByNumber", name: "FindExtensionByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number], [protoreflect.ExtensionType, $error], false)}, {prop: "NumEnums", name: "NumEnums", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "RangeEnums", name: "RangeEnums", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "NumMessages", name: "NumMessages", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "RangeMessages", name: "RangeMessages", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$2], [], false)}, {prop: "NumExtensions", name: "NumExtensions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "RangeExtensions", name: "RangeExtensions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "NumExtensionsByMessage", name: "NumExtensionsByMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "RangeExtensionsByMessage", name: "RangeExtensionsByMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName, funcType$3], [], false)}]; + Files.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", [{prop: "descsByName", name: "descsByName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "filesByPath", name: "filesByPath", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "numFiles", name: "numFiles", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + packageDescriptor.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", [{prop: "files", name: "files", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + Types.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry", [{prop: "typesByName", name: "typesByName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: typesByName, tag: ""}, {prop: "extensionsByMessage", name: "extensionsByMessage", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: extensionsByMessage, tag: ""}, {prop: "numEnums", name: "numEnums", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "numMessages", name: "numMessages", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "numExtensions", name: "numExtensions", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + typesByName.init(protoreflect.FullName, $emptyInterface); + extensionsByMessage.init(protoreflect.FullName, extensionsByNumber); + extensionsByNumber.init($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"].Number, protoreflect.ExtensionType); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = messageset.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = flags.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + globalMutex = new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0); + conflictPolicy = "panic"; + ignoreConflict = (function $b(d, err) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, d, err, policy, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + policy = conflictPolicy; + _r = os.Getenv("GOLANG_PROTOBUF_REGISTRATION_CONFLICT"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + if (!(v === "")) { + policy = v; + } + _1 = policy; + /* */ if (_1 === ("panic")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("warn")) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("ignore")) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("panic")) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("%v\nSee %v\n", new sliceType([err, new $String("https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/go/faq#namespace-conflict")])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("warn")) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WARNING: %v\nSee %v\n\n", new sliceType([err, new $String("https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/go/faq#namespace-conflict")])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if (_1 === ("ignore")) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _r$3 = os.Getenv("GOLANG_PROTOBUF_REGISTRATION_CONFLICT"); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("invalid GOLANG_PROTOBUF_REGISTRATION_CONFLICT value: " + _r$3)); + /* } */ case 7: + case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, d, err, policy, v, $s};return $f; + }); + $pkg.GlobalFiles = new Files.ptr(false, false, 0); + $pkg.GlobalTypes = new Types.ptr(false, false, 0, 0, 0); + _r = errors.New("not found", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.NotFound = _r; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, pragma, protoreflect, MessageV1; + pragma = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + MessageV1 = $pkg.MessageV1 = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "protoiface.MessageV1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface", true, null); + MessageV1.init([{prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = pragma.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, fmt, protowire, messageset, errors, flags, genid, order, pragma, strs, protoreflect, protoregistry, protoiface, math, reflect, utf8, mergeOptions, MarshalOptions, UnmarshalOptions, arrayType, sliceType, structType, structType$1, funcType, sliceType$1, structType$2, structType$3, funcType$1, interfaceType, structType$4, structType$5, funcType$2, structType$6, funcType$3, structType$7, structType$8, funcType$4, structType$9, ptrType$8, interfaceType$1, funcType$5, arrayType$1, wireTypes, emptyBuf, errUnknown, errDecode, _r, _r$1, Size, Reset, resetMessage, protoMethods, init, Merge, Clone, emptyBytesForMessage, growcap, appendSpeculativeLength, finishSpeculativeLength, CheckInitialized, checkInitialized, checkInitializedSlow; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + protowire = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"]; + messageset = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset"]; + errors = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"]; + flags = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags"]; + genid = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid"]; + order = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order"]; + pragma = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"]; + strs = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + protoregistry = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry"]; + protoiface = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + mergeOptions = $pkg.mergeOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "proto.mergeOptions", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + MarshalOptions = $pkg.MarshalOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "proto.MarshalOptions", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", true, function(NoUnkeyedLiterals_, AllowPartial_, Deterministic_, UseCachedSize_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.NoUnkeyedLiterals = new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(); + this.AllowPartial = false; + this.Deterministic = false; + this.UseCachedSize = false; + return; + } + this.NoUnkeyedLiterals = NoUnkeyedLiterals_; + this.AllowPartial = AllowPartial_; + this.Deterministic = Deterministic_; + this.UseCachedSize = UseCachedSize_; + }); + UnmarshalOptions = $pkg.UnmarshalOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "proto.UnmarshalOptions", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", true, function(NoUnkeyedLiterals_, Merge_, AllowPartial_, DiscardUnknown_, Resolver_, RecursionLimit_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.NoUnkeyedLiterals = new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(); + this.Merge = false; + this.AllowPartial = false; + this.DiscardUnknown = false; + this.Resolver = $ifaceNil; + this.RecursionLimit = 0; + return; + } + this.NoUnkeyedLiterals = NoUnkeyedLiterals_; + this.Merge = Merge_; + this.AllowPartial = AllowPartial_; + this.DiscardUnknown = DiscardUnknown_; + this.Resolver = Resolver_; + this.RecursionLimit = RecursionLimit_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 0); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + structType = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + structType$1 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + funcType = $funcType([structType], [structType$1], false); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + structType$2 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Buf", name: "Buf", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + structType$3 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Buf", name: "Buf", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + funcType$1 = $funcType([structType$2], [structType$3, $error], false); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "FindExtensionByName", name: "FindExtensionByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.ExtensionType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindExtensionByNumber", name: "FindExtensionByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName, protowire.Number], [protoreflect.ExtensionType, $error], false)}]); + structType$4 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Buf", name: "Buf", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "Resolver", name: "Resolver", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: interfaceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Depth", name: "Depth", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + structType$5 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + funcType$2 = $funcType([structType$4], [structType$5, $error], false); + structType$6 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Source", name: "Source", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Destination", name: "Destination", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}]); + funcType$3 = $funcType([structType$6], [structType$5], false); + structType$7 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}]); + structType$8 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}]); + funcType$4 = $funcType([structType$7], [structType$8, $error], false); + structType$9 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Marshal", name: "Marshal", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Unmarshal", name: "Unmarshal", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Merge", name: "Merge", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "CheckInitialized", name: "CheckInitialized", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$4, tag: ""}]); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(structType$9); + interfaceType$1 = $interfaceType([{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]); + funcType$5 = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(funcType$5, 0); + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeSingular = function(num, kind, v) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, kind, num, o, v, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {num, kind, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _1 = kind; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = protowire.EncodeBool(_r$2); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$3); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 3: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, _r$5))); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$6; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 4: + _r$7 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, (((x = _r$7, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$8; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$2; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 5: + _r$9 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, (((x$1 = _r$9, x$1.$low + ((x$1.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$10); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$11; + $s = 35; case 35: return $24r$3; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 6: + _r$12 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, ((_r$12.$low >>> 0))))); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$13; + $s = 38; case 38: return $24r$4; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 7: + _r$14 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = protowire.SizeVarint(((x$2 = _r$14, new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$15; + $s = 41; case 41: return $24r$5; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 8: + _r$16 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = protowire.EncodeZigZag(_r$16); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$17); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = _r$18; + $s = 45; case 45: return $24r$6; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 9: + _r$19 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$19); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$7 = _r$20; + $s = 48; case 48: return $24r$7; + /* } else if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 10: + $s = -1; return protowire.SizeFixed32(); + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return protowire.SizeFixed32(); + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 12: + $s = -1; return protowire.SizeFixed32(); + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return protowire.SizeFixed64(); + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 14: + $s = -1; return protowire.SizeFixed64(); + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 15: + $s = -1; return protowire.SizeFixed64(); + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 16: + _r$21 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$21.length); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$8 = _r$22; + $s = 51; case 51: return $24r$8; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 17: + _r$23 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$23.$length); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$9 = _r$24; + $s = 54; case 54: return $24r$9; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 18: + _r$25 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).size(_r$25); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$26); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$10 = _r$27; + $s = 58; case 58: return $24r$10; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 19: + _arg = num; + _r$28 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).size(_r$28); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$29; + _r$30 = protowire.SizeGroup(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$11 = _r$30; + $s = 62; case 62: return $24r$11; + /* } else { */ case 20: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* } */ case 21: + case 1: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeSingular, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, kind, num, o, v, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.sizeSingular = function(num, kind, v) { return this.$val.sizeSingular(num, kind, v); }; + Size = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$2, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = new MarshalOptions.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), false, false, false).Size(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Size, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, m, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Size = Size; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Size = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$2, _r$3, m, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _r$2 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).size(_r$2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Size, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, _r$3, m, o, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.Size = function(m) { return this.$val.Size(m); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.size = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, m, methods, o, out, out$1, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + o = this; + _r$2 = protoMethods(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + methods = _r$2; + /* */ if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.Size === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.Size === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$3 = methods.Size(new structType.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), m, 0)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out = $clone(_r$3, structType$1); + size = out.Size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.Marshal === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.Marshal === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 5: + _r$4 = methods.Marshal(new structType$2.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), m, sliceType$1.nil, 0)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + out$1 = $clone(_tuple[0], structType$3); + size = out$1.Buf.$length; + $s = -1; return size; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$5 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).sizeMessageSlow(m); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = _r$5; + $24r = size; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.size, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, m, methods, o, out, out$1, size, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.size = function(m) { return this.$val.size(m); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeMessageSlow = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, m, o, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = [o]; + size = [size]; + size[0] = 0; + o[0] = this; + _r$2 = m.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = messageset.IsMessageSet(_r$2); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 1: + _r$4 = $clone(o[0], MarshalOptions).sizeMessageSet(m); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size[0] = _r$4; + $24r = size[0]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $r = m.Range((function(o, size) { return function $b(fd, v) { + var {_r$5, fd, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(o[0], MarshalOptions).sizeField(fd, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size[0] = size[0] + (_r$5) >> 0; + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, fd, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(o, size)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.GetUnknown(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size[0] = size[0] + (_r$5.$length) >> 0; + size[0] = size[0]; + $s = -1; return size[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeMessageSlow, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, m, o, size, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.sizeMessageSlow = function(m) { return this.$val.sizeMessageSlow(m); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeField = function(fd, value) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fd, num, o, size, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + o = this; + _r$2 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + num = _r$2; + _r$3 = fd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$4 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 3: + _arg = num; + _arg$1 = fd; + _r$5 = $clone(value, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).sizeList(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = _r$6; + $24r = size; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* } else if (_r$4) { */ case 4: + _arg$3 = num; + _arg$4 = fd; + _r$7 = $clone(value, protoreflect.Value).Map(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = _r$7; + _r$8 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).sizeMap(_arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = _r$8; + $24r$1 = size; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _arg$6 = num; + _r$9 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = _r$9; + _arg$8 = $clone(value, protoreflect.Value); + _r$10 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).sizeSingular(_arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = protowire.SizeTag(num) + _r$10 >> 0; + $24r$2 = size; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 6: + case 2: + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeField, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fd, num, o, size, value, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.sizeField = function(fd, value) { return this.$val.sizeField(fd, value); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeList = function(num, fd, list) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _v, content, fd, i, i$1, list, llen, llen$1, num, o, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {num, fd, list}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + o = this; + _r$2 = fd.IsPacked(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$2)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$3 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$3 > 0; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + content = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _r$4 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$4; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 8; continue; } + _arg = num; + _r$5 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + _r$7 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).sizeSingular(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + content = content + (_r$7) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + size = protowire.SizeTag(num) + protowire.SizeBytes(content) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* } */ case 2: + _tmp$2 = 0; + _r$8 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = _r$8; + i$1 = _tmp$2; + llen$1 = _tmp$3; + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen$1)) { $s = 14; continue; } + _arg$3 = num; + _r$9 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$9; + _r$10 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = $clone(_r$10, protoreflect.Value); + _r$11 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).sizeSingular(_arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((protowire.SizeTag(num) + _r$11 >> 0)) >> 0; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeList, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _v, content, fd, i, i$1, list, llen, llen$1, num, o, size, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.sizeList = function(num, fd, list) { return this.$val.sizeList(num, fd, list); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeMap = function(num, fd, mapv) { + var {fd, mapv, num, o, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {num, fd, mapv}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = [fd]; + num = [num]; + o = [o]; + size = [size]; + size[0] = 0; + o[0] = this; + $r = mapv.Range((function(fd, num, o, size) { return function $b(key, value) { + var {_r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, key, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size[0] = size[0] + (protowire.SizeTag(num[0])) >> 0; + _r$2 = fd[0].MapKey(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(o[0], MarshalOptions).sizeField(_r$2, $clone($clone(key, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = fd[0].MapValue(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $clone(o[0], MarshalOptions).sizeField(_r$4, $clone(value, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$3 + _r$5 >> 0); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size[0] = size[0] + (_r$6) >> 0; + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, key, value, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, num, o, size)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size[0] = size[0]; + $s = -1; return size[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeMap, $c: true, $r, fd, mapv, num, o, size, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.sizeMap = function(num, fd, mapv) { return this.$val.sizeMap(num, fd, mapv); }; + Reset = function(m) { + var {_r$2, _tuple, m, mr, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = $assertType(m, interfaceType$1, true); + mr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok && true) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok && true) { */ case 1: + $r = mr.Reset(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = resetMessage(_r$2); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reset, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _tuple, m, mr, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Reset = Reset; + resetMessage = function(m) { + var {_arg, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fds, i, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + _r$2 = m[0].IsValid(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = m[0].Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = _r$3.FullName(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$4); + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("cannot reset invalid %v message", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = m[0].Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Fields(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fds = _r$7; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + _r$8 = fds.Len(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$8)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$8)) { $s = 10; continue; } + _r$9 = fds.Get(i); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = m[0].Clear(_r$9); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + $r = m[0].Range((function(m) { return function $b(fd, param) { + var {fd, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = m[0].Clear(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, fd, param, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = m[0].SetUnknown(protoreflect.RawFields.nil); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: resetMessage, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fds, i, m, $s};return $f; + }; + protoMethods = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$2, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = m.ProtoMethods(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: protoMethods, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, m, $s};return $f; + }; + init = function() { + $pkg.Error = errors.Error; + }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeMessageSet = function(m) { + var {_r$2, _r$3, m, o, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = [o]; + size = [size]; + size[0] = 0; + o[0] = this; + $r = m.Range((function(o, size) { return function $b(fd, v) { + var {_r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, fd, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = messageset.SizeField(_r$2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size[0] = size[0] + (_r$3) >> 0; + size[0] = size[0] + (protowire.SizeTag(3)) >> 0; + _r$4 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $clone(o[0], MarshalOptions).size(_r$4); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$5); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size[0] = size[0] + (_r$6) >> 0; + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, fd, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(o, size)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = m.GetUnknown(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = messageset.SizeUnknown($convertSliceType(_r$2, sliceType$1)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size[0] = size[0] + (_r$3) >> 0; + size[0] = size[0]; + $s = -1; return size[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.sizeMessageSet, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _r$3, m, o, size, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.sizeMessageSet = function(m) { return this.$val.sizeMessageSet(m); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSet = function(b, m) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, b, err, fieldOrder, m, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = [b]; + err = [err]; + o = [o]; + o[0] = this; + /* */ if (true) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (true) { */ case 1: + _r$2 = errors.New("no support for message_set_wire_format", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [b[0], _r$2]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + fieldOrder = order.AnyFieldOrder; + if (o[0].Deterministic) { + fieldOrder = order.NumberFieldOrder; + } + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $r = order.RangeFields(m, fieldOrder, (function(b, err, o) { return function $b(fd, v) { + var {_r$3, _tuple, fd, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = $clone(o[0], MarshalOptions).marshalMessageSetField(b[0], fd, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + b[0] = _tuple[0]; + err[0] = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tuple, fd, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(b, err, o)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b[0], err[0]]; + } + _arg = b[0]; + _r$3 = m.GetUnknown(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $convertSliceType(_r$3, sliceType$1); + _r$4 = messageset.AppendUnknown(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$4; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSet, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, b, err, fieldOrder, m, o, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.marshalMessageSet = function(b, m) { return this.$val.marshalMessageSet(b, m); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSetField = function(b, fd, value) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, err, fd, o, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, fd, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _arg = b; + _r$2 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = messageset.AppendFieldStart(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$3; + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, 3, 2); + _arg$2 = b; + _r$4 = $clone(value, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = _r$4.Interface(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).Size(_r$5); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = (new $Uint64(0, _r$6)); + _r$7 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + _arg$4 = b; + _r$8 = $clone(value, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = _r$8; + _r$9 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshalMessage(_arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$9; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + b = messageset.AppendFieldEnd(b); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSetField, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, err, fd, o, value, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.marshalMessageSetField = function(b, fd, value) { return this.$val.marshalMessageSetField(b, fd, value); }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSet = function(b, m) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$2, _r$3, b, m, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + o = [o]; + o[0] = this; + /* */ if (true) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (true) { */ case 1: + _r$2 = errors.New("no support for message_set_wire_format", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = messageset.Unmarshal(b, false, (function(m, o) { return function $b(num, v) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, err, num, unknown, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {num, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = $clone(o[0], UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalMessageSetField(m[0], num, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errUnknown)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errUnknown)) { */ case 2: + _r$4 = m[0].GetUnknown(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + unknown = _r$4; + unknown = $convertSliceType(protowire.AppendTag($convertSliceType(unknown, sliceType$1), num, 2), protoreflect.RawFields); + unknown = $convertSliceType(protowire.AppendBytes($convertSliceType(unknown, sliceType$1), v), protoreflect.RawFields); + $r = m[0].SetUnknown(unknown); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, err, num, unknown, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(m, o)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSet, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$2, _r$3, b, m, o, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.unmarshalMessageSet = function(b, m) { return this.$val.unmarshalMessageSet(b, m); }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSetField = function(m, num, v) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, err, err$1, m, md, num, o, v, xd, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m, num, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _r$2 = m.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md = _r$2; + _r$3 = md.ExtensionRanges(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = _r$3.Has(num); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$4) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!_r$4) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return errUnknown; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$5 = md.FullName(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = o.Resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(_r$5, num); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + xt = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, protoregistry.NotFound)) { + $s = -1; return errUnknown; + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + _r$7 = md.FullName(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$7); + _arg$1 = new protowire.Number(num); + _arg$2 = err; + _r$8 = errors.New("%v: unable to resolve extension %v: %v", new sliceType([_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$9 = xt.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd = _r$9; + _arg$3 = v; + _r$10 = m.Mutable(xd); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$11; + _r$12 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalMessage(_arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$12; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSetField, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, err, err$1, m, md, num, o, v, xd, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.unmarshalMessageSetField = function(m, num, v) { return this.$val.unmarshalMessageSetField(m, num, v); }; + Merge = function(dst, src) { + var {_r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, dst, dstMsg, got, src, srcMsg, want, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = dst.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = _r$2; + _r$3 = src.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$3; + dstMsg = _tmp; + srcMsg = _tmp$1; + _r$4 = dstMsg.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = srcMsg.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$4, _r$5))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$4, _r$5))) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = dstMsg.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.FullName(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r$7; + _r$8 = srcMsg.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.FullName(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = _r$9; + got = _tmp$2; + want = _tmp$3; + /* */ if (!(got === want)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!(got === want)) { */ case 11: + _r$10 = fmt.Sprintf("descriptor mismatch: %v != %v", new sliceType([new protoreflect.FullName(got), new protoreflect.FullName(want)])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$10)); + /* } */ case 12: + $panic(new $String("descriptor mismatch")); + /* } */ case 4: + $r = new mergeOptions.ptr().mergeMessage(dstMsg, srcMsg); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Merge, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, dst, dstMsg, got, src, srcMsg, want, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Merge = Merge; + Clone = function(m) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, dst, m, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$2 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + src = _r$2; + _r$3 = src.IsValid(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$3) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!_r$3) { */ case 2: + _r$4 = src.Type(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = _r$4.Zero(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$7 = src.New(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dst = _r$7; + $r = new mergeOptions.ptr().mergeMessage(dst, src); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = dst.Interface(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Clone, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, dst, m, src, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Clone = Clone; + mergeOptions.ptr.prototype.mergeMessage = function(dst, src) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, in$1, methods, o, out, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dst = [dst]; + o = [o]; + o[0] = this; + _r$2 = protoMethods(dst[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + methods = _r$2; + /* */ if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.Merge === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.Merge === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + in$1 = new structType$6.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), src, dst[0]); + _r$3 = methods.Merge($clone(in$1, structType$6)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out = $clone(_r$3, structType$5); + if (!((((out.Flags & 1) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = dst[0].IsValid(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$4) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!_r$4) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = dst[0].Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$6); + _r$7 = fmt.Sprintf("cannot merge into invalid %v message", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$7)); + /* } */ case 6: + $r = src.Range((function(dst, o) { return function $b(fd, v) { + var {_arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$8, _r$9, fd, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = fd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$8) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$9 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$9) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$10 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$10, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$11 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$11 === 12)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_r$8) { */ case 2: + _r$12 = dst[0].Mutable(fd); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(_r$12, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$13; + _r$14 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$14; + _arg$3 = fd; + $r = $clone(o[0], mergeOptions).mergeList(_arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_r$9) { */ case 3: + _r$15 = dst[0].Mutable(fd); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = $clone(_r$15, protoreflect.Value).Map(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$16; + _r$17 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Map(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = _r$17; + _r$18 = fd.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = _r$18; + $r = $clone(o[0], mergeOptions).mergeMap(_arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$10, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _r$19 = dst[0].Mutable(fd); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = $clone(_r$19, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = _r$20; + _r$21 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$8 = _r$21; + $r = $clone(o[0], mergeOptions).mergeMessage(_arg$7, _arg$8); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ((_r$11 === 12)) { */ case 5: + _arg$9 = fd; + _r$22 = $clone(o[0], mergeOptions).cloneBytes($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$10 = $clone(_r$22, protoreflect.Value); + $r = dst[0].Set(_arg$9, _arg$10); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + $r = dst[0].Set(fd, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$8, _r$9, fd, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(dst, o)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = src.GetUnknown(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$8.$length > 0) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_r$8.$length > 0) { */ case 12: + _r$9 = dst[0].GetUnknown(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$9; + _r$10 = src.GetUnknown(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = $convertSliceType(_r$10, sliceType$1); + $r = dst[0].SetUnknown($appendSlice(_arg$1, _arg$2)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeOptions.ptr.prototype.mergeMessage, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, in$1, methods, o, out, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeOptions.prototype.mergeMessage = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.mergeMessage(dst, src); }; + mergeOptions.ptr.prototype.mergeList = function(dst, src, fd) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, dst, dstv, fd, i, n, o, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _tmp = 0; + _r$2 = src.Len(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$2; + i = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$3 = src.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$3, protoreflect.Value); + _r$4 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$4, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + _r$5 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$5 === 12)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$4, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$6 = dst.NewElement(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dstv = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + _r$7 = $clone(dstv, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$7; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$8; + $r = $clone(o, mergeOptions).mergeMessage(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = dst.Append($clone(dstv, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ((_r$5 === 12)) { */ case 7: + _r$9 = $clone(o, mergeOptions).cloneBytes($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = dst.Append($clone(_r$9, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + $r = dst.Append($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 9: + case 4: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeOptions.ptr.prototype.mergeList, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, dst, dstv, fd, i, n, o, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeOptions.prototype.mergeList = function(dst, src, fd) { return this.$val.mergeList(dst, src, fd); }; + mergeOptions.ptr.prototype.mergeMap = function(dst, src, fd) { + var {dst, fd, o, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dst = [dst]; + fd = [fd]; + o = [o]; + o[0] = this; + $r = src.Range((function(dst, fd, o) { return function $b(k, v) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, dstv, k, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = fd[0].Message(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$3 = fd[0].Kind(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$3 === 12)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$4 = dst[0].NewValue(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dstv = $clone(_r$4, protoreflect.Value); + _r$5 = $clone(dstv, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$6; + $r = $clone(o[0], mergeOptions).mergeMessage(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = dst[0].Set($clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey), $clone(dstv, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if ((_r$3 === 12)) { */ case 3: + _arg$2 = $clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey); + _r$7 = $clone(o[0], mergeOptions).cloneBytes($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + $r = dst[0].Set(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $r = dst[0].Set($clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey), $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, dstv, k, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(dst, fd, o)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeOptions.ptr.prototype.mergeMap, $c: true, $r, dst, fd, o, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeOptions.prototype.mergeMap = function(dst, src, fd) { return this.$val.mergeMap(dst, src, fd); }; + mergeOptions.ptr.prototype.cloneBytes = function(v) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, o, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _arg = new sliceType$1([]); + _r$2 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = protoreflect.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(_arg, _arg$1)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeOptions.ptr.prototype.cloneBytes, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, o, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeOptions.prototype.cloneBytes = function(v) { return this.$val.cloneBytes(v); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalSingular = function(b, fd, v) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$11, _arg$12, _arg$13, _arg$14, _arg$15, _arg$16, _arg$17, _arg$18, _arg$19, _arg$2, _arg$20, _arg$21, _arg$22, _arg$23, _arg$24, _arg$25, _arg$26, _arg$27, _arg$28, _arg$29, _arg$3, _arg$30, _arg$31, _arg$32, _arg$33, _arg$34, _arg$35, _arg$36, _arg$37, _arg$38, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$49, _r$5, _r$50, _r$51, _r$52, _r$53, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, b, err, err$1, fd, o, pos, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, fd, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _r$2 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$2; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 3: + _arg = b; + _r$3 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = protowire.EncodeBool(_r$3); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$4; + _r$5 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$5; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 4: + _arg$2 = b; + _r$6 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = (new $Uint64(0, _r$6)); + _r$7 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 5: + _arg$4 = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = (new $Uint64(0, (((x = _r$8, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 6: + _arg$6 = b; + _r$10 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, (((x$1 = _r$10, x$1.$low + ((x$1.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = _r$11; + _r$12 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg$6, _arg$7); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$12; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 7: + _arg$8 = b; + _r$13 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$9 = (new $Uint64(0, ((_r$13.$low >>> 0)))); + _r$14 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg$8, _arg$9); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$14; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 8: + _arg$10 = b; + _r$15 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$11 = ((x$2 = _r$15, new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low))); + _r$16 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg$10, _arg$11); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$16; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 9: + _arg$12 = b; + _r$17 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = protowire.EncodeZigZag(_r$17); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$13 = _r$18; + _r$19 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg$12, _arg$13); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$19; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 10: + _arg$14 = b; + _r$20 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$15 = _r$20; + _r$21 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg$14, _arg$15); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$21; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 11: + _arg$16 = b; + _r$22 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$17 = ((_r$22.$low >>> 0)); + _r$23 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg$16, _arg$17); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$23; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 12: + _arg$18 = b; + _r$24 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$19 = ((_r$24.$low >>> 0)); + _r$25 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg$18, _arg$19); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$25; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 13: + _arg$20 = b; + _r$26 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = math.Float32bits(($fround(_r$26))); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$21 = _r$27; + _r$28 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg$20, _arg$21); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$28; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 14: + _arg$22 = b; + _r$29 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$23 = ((x$3 = _r$29, new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low))); + _r$30 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg$22, _arg$23); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$30; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 15: + _arg$24 = b; + _r$31 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$25 = _r$31; + _r$32 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg$24, _arg$25); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$32; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 16: + _arg$26 = b; + _r$33 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$34 = math.Float64bits(_r$33); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$27 = _r$34; + _r$35 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg$26, _arg$27); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$35; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 17: + _r$36 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$36)) { _v = false; $s = 58; continue s; } + _r$37 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$38 = utf8.ValidString(_r$37); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$38; case 58: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ $s = 57; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 56: + _r$39 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$40 = errors.InvalidUTF8((_r$39)); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [b, _r$40]; + $s = 64; case 64: return $24r; + /* } */ case 57: + _arg$28 = b; + _r$41 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$41 = _r$41.$blk(); } if (_r$41 && _r$41.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$29 = _r$41; + _r$42 = protowire.AppendString(_arg$28, _arg$29); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$42 = _r$42.$blk(); } if (_r$42 && _r$42.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$42; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 18: + _arg$30 = b; + _r$43 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$43 = _r$43.$blk(); } if (_r$43 && _r$43.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$31 = _r$43; + _r$44 = protowire.AppendBytes(_arg$30, _arg$31); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$44 = _r$44.$blk(); } if (_r$44 && _r$44.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$44; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 19: + pos = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = appendSpeculativeLength(b); + b = _tuple[0]; + pos = _tuple[1]; + _arg$32 = b; + _r$45 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; _r$45 = _r$45.$blk(); } if (_r$45 && _r$45.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$33 = _r$45; + _r$46 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshalMessage(_arg$32, _arg$33); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$46 = _r$46.$blk(); } if (_r$46 && _r$46.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$46; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + b = finishSpeculativeLength(b, pos); + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 20: + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _arg$34 = b; + _r$47 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; _r$47 = _r$47.$blk(); } if (_r$47 && _r$47.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$35 = _r$47; + _r$48 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshalMessage(_arg$34, _arg$35); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; _r$48 = _r$48.$blk(); } if (_r$48 && _r$48.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$48; + b = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err$1]; + } + _arg$36 = b; + _r$49 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 73; case 73: if($c) { $c = false; _r$49 = _r$49.$blk(); } if (_r$49 && _r$49.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$50 = protowire.EncodeTag(_r$49, 4); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; _r$50 = _r$50.$blk(); } if (_r$50 && _r$50.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$37 = _r$50; + _r$51 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg$36, _arg$37); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; _r$51 = _r$51.$blk(); } if (_r$51 && _r$51.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$51; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else { */ case 21: + _r$52 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; _r$52 = _r$52.$blk(); } if (_r$52 && _r$52.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$38 = new protoreflect.Kind(_r$52); + _r$53 = errors.New("invalid kind %v", new sliceType([_arg$38])); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$53 = _r$53.$blk(); } if (_r$53 && _r$53.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [b, _r$53]; + $s = 78; case 78: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 22: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalSingular, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$11, _arg$12, _arg$13, _arg$14, _arg$15, _arg$16, _arg$17, _arg$18, _arg$19, _arg$2, _arg$20, _arg$21, _arg$22, _arg$23, _arg$24, _arg$25, _arg$26, _arg$27, _arg$28, _arg$29, _arg$3, _arg$30, _arg$31, _arg$32, _arg$33, _arg$34, _arg$35, _arg$36, _arg$37, _arg$38, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$49, _r$5, _r$50, _r$51, _r$52, _r$53, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, b, err, err$1, fd, o, pos, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.marshalSingular = function(b, fd, v) { return this.$val.marshalSingular(b, fd, v); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Marshal = function(m) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, err, m, o, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil]; + } + _arg = sliceType$1.nil; + _r$2 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshal(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + out = $clone(_tuple[0], structType$3); + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ((out.Buf.$length === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ((out.Buf.$length === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 3: + _r$4 = emptyBytesForMessage(m); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.Buf = _r$4; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [out.Buf, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Marshal, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, err, m, o, out, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.Marshal = function(m) { return this.$val.Marshal(m); }; + emptyBytesForMessage = function(m) { + var {_r$2, _r$3, _v, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$2 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = _r$2.IsValid(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$3; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return sliceType$1.nil; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return new sliceType$1(emptyBuf); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: emptyBytesForMessage, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _r$3, _v, m, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.MarshalAppend = function(b, m) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, b, err, m, o, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + _arg = b; + _r$2 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshal(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + out = $clone(_tuple[0], structType$3); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [out.Buf, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.MarshalAppend, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, b, err, m, o, out, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.MarshalAppend = function(b, m) { return this.$val.MarshalAppend(b, m); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.MarshalState = function(in$1) { + var {$24r, _r$2, in$1, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _r$2 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshal(in$1.Buf, in$1.Message); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.MarshalState, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, in$1, o, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.MarshalState = function(in$1) { return this.$val.MarshalState(in$1); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshal = function(b, m) { + var {$24r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, allowPartial, b, err, in$1, m, methods, o, out, sout, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new structType$3.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), sliceType$1.nil); + err = $ifaceNil; + o = this; + allowPartial = o.AllowPartial; + o.AllowPartial = true; + _r$2 = protoMethods(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + methods = _r$2; + /* */ if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.Marshal === $throwNilPointerError) && !(o.Deterministic && (x = (x$1 = methods.Flags, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 0, (x$1.$low & 1) >>> 0)), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.Marshal === $throwNilPointerError) && !(o.Deterministic && (x = (x$1 = methods.Flags, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 0, (x$1.$low & 1) >>> 0)), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { */ case 2: + in$1 = new structType$2.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), m, b, 0); + if (o.Deterministic) { + in$1.Flags = (in$1.Flags | (1)) >>> 0; + } + if (o.UseCachedSize) { + in$1.Flags = (in$1.Flags | (2)) >>> 0; + } + /* */ if (!(methods.Size === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(methods.Size === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = methods.Size(new structType.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), m, in$1.Flags)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sout = $clone(_r$3, structType$1); + if (b.$capacity < (b.$length + sout.Size >> 0)) { + in$1.Buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, b.$length, growcap(b.$capacity, b.$length + sout.Size >> 0)); + $copySlice(in$1.Buf, b); + } + in$1.Flags = (in$1.Flags | (2)) >>> 0; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$4 = methods.Marshal($clone(in$1, structType$2)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + structType$3.copy(out, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r$5 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshalMessageSlow(b, m); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + out.Buf = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* } */ case 4: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, structType$3); + _tmp$1 = err; + structType$3.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (allowPartial) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, structType$3); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + structType$3.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, structType$3); + _r$6 = checkInitialized(m); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$5 = _r$6; + structType$3.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $24r = [out, err]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, allowPartial, b, err, in$1, m, methods, o, out, sout, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.marshal = function(b, m) { return this.$val.marshal(b, m); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalMessage = function(b, m) { + var {_r$2, _tuple, b, err, m, o, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _r$2 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshal(b, m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + out = $clone(_tuple[0], structType$3); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [out.Buf, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalMessage, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _tuple, b, err, m, o, out, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.marshalMessage = function(b, m) { return this.$val.marshalMessage(b, m); }; + growcap = function(oldcap, wantcap) { + var _q, newcap, oldcap, wantcap; + newcap = 0; + if (wantcap > ($imul(oldcap, 2))) { + newcap = wantcap; + } else if (oldcap < 1024) { + newcap = $imul(oldcap, 2); + } else { + newcap = oldcap; + while (true) { + if (!(0 < newcap && newcap < wantcap)) { break; } + newcap = newcap + ((_q = newcap / 4, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0; + } + if (newcap <= 0) { + newcap = wantcap; + } + } + newcap = newcap; + return newcap; + }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSlow = function(b, m) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, b, err, fieldOrder, m, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = [b]; + err = [err]; + o = [o]; + o[0] = this; + _r$2 = m.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = messageset.IsMessageSet(_r$2); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 1: + _r$4 = $clone(o[0], MarshalOptions).marshalMessageSet(b[0], m); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + fieldOrder = order.AnyFieldOrder; + if (o[0].Deterministic) { + fieldOrder = order.LegacyFieldOrder; + } + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $r = order.RangeFields(m, fieldOrder, (function(b, err, o) { return function $b(fd, v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, fd, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(o[0], MarshalOptions).marshalField(b[0], fd, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + b[0] = _tuple[0]; + err[0] = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, fd, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(b, err, o)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b[0], err[0]]; + } + _arg = b[0]; + _r$5 = m.GetUnknown(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $convertSliceType(_r$5, sliceType$1); + b[0] = $appendSlice(_arg, _arg$1); + $s = -1; return [b[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalMessageSlow, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, b, err, fieldOrder, m, o, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.marshalMessageSlow = function(b, m) { return this.$val.marshalMessageSlow(b, m); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalField = function(b, fd, value) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, fd, o, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, fd, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _r$2 = fd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$3 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r$2) { */ case 2: + _arg = b; + _arg$1 = fd; + _r$4 = $clone(value, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$4; + _r$5 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshalList(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } else if (_r$3) { */ case 3: + _arg$3 = b; + _arg$4 = fd; + _r$6 = $clone(value, protoreflect.Value).Map(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = _r$6; + _r$7 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshalMap(_arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$7; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _arg$6 = b; + _r$8 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = _r$8; + _r$9 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$8 = (_entry = wireTypes[protoreflect.Kind.keyFor(_r$9)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0); + _r$10 = protowire.AppendTag(_arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + _r$11 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshalSingular(b, fd, $clone(value, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$11; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalField, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, fd, o, value, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.marshalField = function(b, fd, value) { return this.$val.marshalField(b, fd, value); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalList = function(b, fd, list) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, b, b$1, err, err$1, fd, i, i$1, kind, list, llen, llen$1, o, pos, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, fd, list}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _r$2 = fd.IsPacked(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$2)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$3 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$3 > 0; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + _arg = b; + _r$4 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$4; + _r$5 = protowire.AppendTag(_arg, _arg$1, 2); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$5; + _tuple = appendSpeculativeLength(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + pos = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 10; continue; } + err = $ifaceNil; + _arg$2 = b$1; + _arg$3 = fd; + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshalSingular(_arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + b$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b$1, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + b$1 = finishSpeculativeLength(b$1, pos); + $s = -1; return [b$1, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$9 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + kind = _r$9; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _r$10 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = _r$10; + i$1 = _tmp$2; + llen$1 = _tmp$3; + /* while (true) { */ case 15: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen$1)) { $s = 16; continue; } + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _arg$5 = b; + _r$11 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = _r$11; + _arg$7 = (_entry = wireTypes[protoreflect.Kind.keyFor(kind)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0); + _r$12 = protowire.AppendTag(_arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$12; + _arg$8 = b; + _arg$9 = fd; + _r$13 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$10 = $clone(_r$13, protoreflect.Value); + _r$14 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshalSingular(_arg$8, _arg$9, _arg$10); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$14; + b = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err$1]; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 15; continue; + case 16: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalList, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, b, b$1, err, err$1, fd, i, i$1, kind, list, llen, llen$1, o, pos, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.marshalList = function(b, fd, list) { return this.$val.marshalList(b, fd, list); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalMap = function(b, fd, mapv) { + var {_r$2, _r$3, b, err, fd, keyOrder, keyf, mapv, o, valf, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, fd, mapv}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = [b]; + err = [err]; + fd = [fd]; + keyf = [keyf]; + o = [o]; + valf = [valf]; + o[0] = this; + _r$2 = fd[0].MapKey(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keyf[0] = _r$2; + _r$3 = fd[0].MapValue(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valf[0] = _r$3; + keyOrder = order.AnyKeyOrder; + if (o[0].Deterministic) { + keyOrder = order.GenericKeyOrder; + } + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $r = order.RangeEntries(mapv, keyOrder, (function(b, err, fd, keyf, o, valf) { return function $b(key, value) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, key, pos, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = b[0]; + _r$4 = fd[0].Number(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$4; + _r$5 = protowire.AppendTag(_arg, _arg$1, 2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b[0] = _r$5; + pos = 0; + _tuple = appendSpeculativeLength(b[0]); + b[0] = _tuple[0]; + pos = _tuple[1]; + _r$6 = $clone(o[0], MarshalOptions).marshalField(b[0], keyf[0], $clone($clone(key, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + b[0] = _tuple$1[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$7 = $clone(o[0], MarshalOptions).marshalField(b[0], valf[0], $clone(value, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$7; + b[0] = _tuple$2[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + b[0] = finishSpeculativeLength(b[0], pos); + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, key, pos, value, $s};return $f; + }; })(b, err, fd, keyf, o, valf)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [b[0], err[0]]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshalMap, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _r$3, b, err, fd, keyOrder, keyf, mapv, o, valf, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.marshalMap = function(b, fd, mapv) { return this.$val.marshalMap(b, fd, mapv); }; + appendSpeculativeLength = function(b) { + var b, pos; + pos = b.$length; + b = $appendSlice(b, $substring("\x00\x00\x00\x00", 0, 1)); + return [b, pos]; + }; + finishSpeculativeLength = function(b, pos) { + var b, i, mlen, msiz, pos; + mlen = (b.$length - pos >> 0) - 1 >> 0; + msiz = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, mlen))); + if (!((msiz === 1))) { + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < (msiz - 1 >> 0))) { break; } + b = $append(b, 0); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $copySlice($subslice(b, (pos + msiz >> 0)), $subslice(b, (pos + 1 >> 0))); + b = $subslice(b, 0, ((pos + msiz >> 0) + mlen >> 0)); + } + protowire.AppendVarint($subslice(b, 0, pos), (new $Uint64(0, mlen))); + return b; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalScalar = function(b, wtyp, fd) { + var {$24r, _1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$100, _tmp$101, _tmp$102, _tmp$103, _tmp$104, _tmp$105, _tmp$106, _tmp$107, _tmp$108, _tmp$109, _tmp$11, _tmp$110, _tmp$111, _tmp$112, _tmp$113, _tmp$114, _tmp$115, _tmp$116, _tmp$117, _tmp$118, _tmp$119, _tmp$12, _tmp$120, _tmp$121, _tmp$122, _tmp$123, _tmp$124, _tmp$125, _tmp$126, _tmp$127, _tmp$128, _tmp$129, _tmp$13, _tmp$130, _tmp$131, _tmp$132, _tmp$133, _tmp$134, _tmp$135, _tmp$136, _tmp$137, _tmp$138, _tmp$139, _tmp$14, _tmp$140, _tmp$141, _tmp$142, _tmp$143, _tmp$144, _tmp$145, _tmp$146, _tmp$147, _tmp$148, _tmp$149, _tmp$15, _tmp$150, _tmp$151, _tmp$152, _tmp$153, _tmp$154, _tmp$155, _tmp$156, _tmp$157, _tmp$158, _tmp$159, _tmp$16, _tmp$160, _tmp$161, _tmp$162, _tmp$163, _tmp$164, _tmp$165, _tmp$166, _tmp$167, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$56, _tmp$57, _tmp$58, _tmp$59, _tmp$6, _tmp$60, _tmp$61, _tmp$62, _tmp$63, _tmp$64, _tmp$65, _tmp$66, _tmp$67, _tmp$68, _tmp$69, _tmp$7, _tmp$70, _tmp$71, _tmp$72, _tmp$73, _tmp$74, _tmp$75, _tmp$76, _tmp$77, _tmp$78, _tmp$79, _tmp$8, _tmp$80, _tmp$81, _tmp$82, _tmp$83, _tmp$84, _tmp$85, _tmp$86, _tmp$87, _tmp$88, _tmp$89, _tmp$9, _tmp$90, _tmp$91, _tmp$92, _tmp$93, _tmp$94, _tmp$95, _tmp$96, _tmp$97, _tmp$98, _tmp$99, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, b, err, fd, n, n$1, n$10, n$11, n$12, n$13, n$14, n$15, n$16, n$17, n$18, n$2, n$3, n$4, n$5, n$6, n$7, n$8, n$9, o, v, v$1, v$10, v$11, v$12, v$13, v$14, v$15, v$16, v$17, v$2, v$3, v$4, v$5, v$6, v$7, v$8, v$9, val, wtyp, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, wtyp, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + val = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil); + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + o = this; + _r$2 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$2; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp); + n = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$3); + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v)), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = n$1; + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$6); + n = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 4: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$9 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$9); + n = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$13 = 0; + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$12); + n = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$15 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(((v$1.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = n$2; + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$15); + n = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 5: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$18 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$19 = 0; + _tmp$20 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$18); + n = _tmp$19; + err = _tmp$20; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$2 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$3 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$3 < 0) { + _tmp$21 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$22 = 0; + _tmp$23 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$21); + n = _tmp$22; + err = _tmp$23; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$24 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v$2.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$25 = n$3; + _tmp$26 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$24); + n = _tmp$25; + err = _tmp$26; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 6: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$27 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$28 = 0; + _tmp$29 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$27); + n = _tmp$28; + err = _tmp$29; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$3 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$3 = _tuple$3[0]; + n$4 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (n$4 < 0) { + _tmp$30 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$31 = 0; + _tmp$32 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$30); + n = _tmp$31; + err = _tmp$32; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$33 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32((((x = protowire.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v$3.$high & 0, (v$3.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$34 = n$4; + _tmp$35 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$33); + n = _tmp$34; + err = _tmp$35; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 7: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$36 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$37 = 0; + _tmp$38 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$36); + n = _tmp$37; + err = _tmp$38; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$4 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$4 = _tuple$4[0]; + n$5 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (n$5 < 0) { + _tmp$39 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$40 = 0; + _tmp$41 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$39); + n = _tmp$40; + err = _tmp$41; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$42 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(((v$4.$low >>> 0))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$43 = n$5; + _tmp$44 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$42); + n = _tmp$43; + err = _tmp$44; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 8: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$45 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$46 = 0; + _tmp$47 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$45); + n = _tmp$46; + err = _tmp$47; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$5 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$5 = _tuple$5[0]; + n$6 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (n$6 < 0) { + _tmp$48 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$49 = 0; + _tmp$50 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$48); + n = _tmp$49; + err = _tmp$50; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$51 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v$5.$high, v$5.$low))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$52 = n$6; + _tmp$53 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$51); + n = _tmp$52; + err = _tmp$53; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 9: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$54 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$55 = 0; + _tmp$56 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$54); + n = _tmp$55; + err = _tmp$56; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$6 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$6 = _tuple$6[0]; + n$7 = _tuple$6[1]; + if (n$7 < 0) { + _tmp$57 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$58 = 0; + _tmp$59 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$57); + n = _tmp$58; + err = _tmp$59; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$60 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v$6)), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$61 = n$7; + _tmp$62 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$60); + n = _tmp$61; + err = _tmp$62; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 10: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$63 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$64 = 0; + _tmp$65 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$63); + n = _tmp$64; + err = _tmp$65; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$7 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$7 = _tuple$7[0]; + n$8 = _tuple$7[1]; + if (n$8 < 0) { + _tmp$66 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$67 = 0; + _tmp$68 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$66); + n = _tmp$67; + err = _tmp$68; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$69 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v$7), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$70 = n$8; + _tmp$71 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$69); + n = _tmp$70; + err = _tmp$71; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 11: + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$72 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$73 = 0; + _tmp$74 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$72); + n = _tmp$73; + err = _tmp$74; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$8 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$8 = _tuple$8[0]; + n$9 = _tuple$8[1]; + if (n$9 < 0) { + _tmp$75 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$76 = 0; + _tmp$77 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$75); + n = _tmp$76; + err = _tmp$77; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$78 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v$8 >> 0))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$79 = n$9; + _tmp$80 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$78); + n = _tmp$79; + err = _tmp$80; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 12: + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$81 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$82 = 0; + _tmp$83 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$81); + n = _tmp$82; + err = _tmp$83; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$9 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$9 = _tuple$9[0]; + n$10 = _tuple$9[1]; + if (n$10 < 0) { + _tmp$84 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$85 = 0; + _tmp$86 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$84); + n = _tmp$85; + err = _tmp$86; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$87 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32((v$9)), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$88 = n$10; + _tmp$89 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$87); + n = _tmp$88; + err = _tmp$89; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 13: + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$90 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$91 = 0; + _tmp$92 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$90); + n = _tmp$91; + err = _tmp$92; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$10 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$10 = _tuple$10[0]; + n$11 = _tuple$10[1]; + if (n$11 < 0) { + _tmp$93 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$94 = 0; + _tmp$95 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$93); + n = _tmp$94; + err = _tmp$95; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$96 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits((v$10))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$97 = n$11; + _tmp$98 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$96); + n = _tmp$97; + err = _tmp$98; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 14: + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$99 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$100 = 0; + _tmp$101 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$99); + n = _tmp$100; + err = _tmp$101; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$11 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$11 = _tuple$11[0]; + n$12 = _tuple$11[1]; + if (n$12 < 0) { + _tmp$102 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$103 = 0; + _tmp$104 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$102); + n = _tmp$103; + err = _tmp$104; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$105 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v$11.$high, v$11.$low))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$106 = n$12; + _tmp$107 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$105); + n = _tmp$106; + err = _tmp$107; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 15: + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$108 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$109 = 0; + _tmp$110 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$108); + n = _tmp$109; + err = _tmp$110; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$12 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$12 = _tuple$12[0]; + n$13 = _tuple$12[1]; + if (n$13 < 0) { + _tmp$111 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$112 = 0; + _tmp$113 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$111); + n = _tmp$112; + err = _tmp$113; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$114 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v$12), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$115 = n$13; + _tmp$116 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$114); + n = _tmp$115; + err = _tmp$116; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 16: + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$117 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$118 = 0; + _tmp$119 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$117); + n = _tmp$118; + err = _tmp$119; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$13 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$13 = _tuple$13[0]; + n$14 = _tuple$13[1]; + if (n$14 < 0) { + _tmp$120 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$121 = 0; + _tmp$122 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$120); + n = _tmp$121; + err = _tmp$122; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$123 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v$13)), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$124 = n$14; + _tmp$125 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$123); + n = _tmp$124; + err = _tmp$125; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 17: + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp$126 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$127 = 0; + _tmp$128 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$126); + n = _tmp$127; + err = _tmp$128; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$14 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$14 = _tuple$14[0]; + n$15 = _tuple$14[1]; + if (n$15 < 0) { + _tmp$129 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$130 = 0; + _tmp$131 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$129); + n = _tmp$130; + err = _tmp$131; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _r$3 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3 && !utf8.Valid(v$14)) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (_r$3 && !utf8.Valid(v$14)) { */ case 23: + _tmp$132 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$133 = 0; + _r$4 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = errors.InvalidUTF8((_r$4)); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$134 = _r$5; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$132); + n = _tmp$133; + err = _tmp$134; + $24r = [val, n, err]; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r; + /* } */ case 24: + _tmp$135 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfString(($bytesToString(v$14))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$136 = n$15; + _tmp$137 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$135); + n = _tmp$136; + err = _tmp$137; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 18: + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp$138 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$139 = 0; + _tmp$140 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$138); + n = _tmp$139; + err = _tmp$140; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$15 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$15 = _tuple$15[0]; + n$16 = _tuple$15[1]; + if (n$16 < 0) { + _tmp$141 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$142 = 0; + _tmp$143 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$141); + n = _tmp$142; + err = _tmp$143; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$144 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(new sliceType$1(emptyBuf), v$15)), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$145 = n$16; + _tmp$146 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$144); + n = _tmp$145; + err = _tmp$146; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 19: + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp$147 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$148 = 0; + _tmp$149 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$147); + n = _tmp$148; + err = _tmp$149; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tuple$16 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$16 = _tuple$16[0]; + n$17 = _tuple$16[1]; + if (n$17 < 0) { + _tmp$150 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$151 = 0; + _tmp$152 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$150); + n = _tmp$151; + err = _tmp$152; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$153 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(v$16), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$154 = n$17; + _tmp$155 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$153); + n = _tmp$154; + err = _tmp$155; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 20: + if (!((wtyp === 3))) { + _tmp$156 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$157 = 0; + _tmp$158 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$156); + n = _tmp$157; + err = _tmp$158; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _r$6 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = protowire.ConsumeGroup(_r$6, b); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$17 = _r$7; + v$17 = _tuple$17[0]; + n$18 = _tuple$17[1]; + if (n$18 < 0) { + _tmp$159 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$160 = 0; + _tmp$161 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$159); + n = _tmp$160; + err = _tmp$161; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + } + _tmp$162 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(v$17), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$163 = n$18; + _tmp$164 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$162); + n = _tmp$163; + err = _tmp$164; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } else { */ case 21: + _tmp$165 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$166 = 0; + _tmp$167 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tmp$165); + n = _tmp$166; + err = _tmp$167; + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* } */ case 22: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [val, n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalScalar, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$100, _tmp$101, _tmp$102, _tmp$103, _tmp$104, _tmp$105, _tmp$106, _tmp$107, _tmp$108, _tmp$109, _tmp$11, _tmp$110, _tmp$111, _tmp$112, _tmp$113, _tmp$114, _tmp$115, _tmp$116, _tmp$117, _tmp$118, _tmp$119, _tmp$12, _tmp$120, _tmp$121, _tmp$122, _tmp$123, _tmp$124, _tmp$125, _tmp$126, _tmp$127, _tmp$128, _tmp$129, _tmp$13, _tmp$130, _tmp$131, _tmp$132, _tmp$133, _tmp$134, _tmp$135, _tmp$136, _tmp$137, _tmp$138, _tmp$139, _tmp$14, _tmp$140, _tmp$141, _tmp$142, _tmp$143, _tmp$144, _tmp$145, _tmp$146, _tmp$147, _tmp$148, _tmp$149, _tmp$15, _tmp$150, _tmp$151, _tmp$152, _tmp$153, _tmp$154, _tmp$155, _tmp$156, _tmp$157, _tmp$158, _tmp$159, _tmp$16, _tmp$160, _tmp$161, _tmp$162, _tmp$163, _tmp$164, _tmp$165, _tmp$166, _tmp$167, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$56, _tmp$57, _tmp$58, _tmp$59, _tmp$6, _tmp$60, _tmp$61, _tmp$62, _tmp$63, _tmp$64, _tmp$65, _tmp$66, _tmp$67, _tmp$68, _tmp$69, _tmp$7, _tmp$70, _tmp$71, _tmp$72, _tmp$73, _tmp$74, _tmp$75, _tmp$76, _tmp$77, _tmp$78, _tmp$79, _tmp$8, _tmp$80, _tmp$81, _tmp$82, _tmp$83, _tmp$84, _tmp$85, _tmp$86, _tmp$87, _tmp$88, _tmp$89, _tmp$9, _tmp$90, _tmp$91, _tmp$92, _tmp$93, _tmp$94, _tmp$95, _tmp$96, _tmp$97, _tmp$98, _tmp$99, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, b, err, fd, n, n$1, n$10, n$11, n$12, n$13, n$14, n$15, n$16, n$17, n$18, n$2, n$3, n$4, n$5, n$6, n$7, n$8, n$9, o, v, v$1, v$10, v$11, v$12, v$13, v$14, v$15, v$16, v$17, v$2, v$3, v$4, v$5, v$6, v$7, v$8, v$9, val, wtyp, x, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.unmarshalScalar = function(b, wtyp, fd) { return this.$val.unmarshalScalar(b, wtyp, fd); }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalList = function(b, wtyp, list, fd) { + var {$24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$100, _tmp$101, _tmp$102, _tmp$103, _tmp$104, _tmp$105, _tmp$106, _tmp$107, _tmp$108, _tmp$109, _tmp$11, _tmp$110, _tmp$111, _tmp$112, _tmp$113, _tmp$114, _tmp$115, _tmp$116, _tmp$117, _tmp$118, _tmp$119, _tmp$12, _tmp$120, _tmp$121, _tmp$122, _tmp$123, _tmp$124, _tmp$125, _tmp$126, _tmp$127, _tmp$128, _tmp$129, _tmp$13, _tmp$130, _tmp$131, _tmp$132, _tmp$133, _tmp$134, _tmp$135, _tmp$136, _tmp$137, _tmp$138, _tmp$139, _tmp$14, _tmp$140, _tmp$141, _tmp$142, _tmp$143, _tmp$144, _tmp$145, _tmp$146, _tmp$147, _tmp$148, _tmp$149, _tmp$15, _tmp$150, _tmp$151, _tmp$152, _tmp$153, _tmp$154, _tmp$155, _tmp$156, _tmp$157, _tmp$158, _tmp$159, _tmp$16, _tmp$160, _tmp$161, _tmp$162, _tmp$163, _tmp$164, _tmp$165, _tmp$166, _tmp$167, _tmp$168, _tmp$169, _tmp$17, _tmp$170, _tmp$171, _tmp$172, _tmp$173, _tmp$174, _tmp$175, _tmp$176, _tmp$177, _tmp$178, _tmp$179, _tmp$18, _tmp$180, _tmp$181, _tmp$182, _tmp$183, _tmp$184, _tmp$185, _tmp$186, _tmp$187, _tmp$188, _tmp$189, _tmp$19, _tmp$190, _tmp$191, _tmp$192, _tmp$193, _tmp$194, _tmp$195, _tmp$196, _tmp$197, _tmp$198, _tmp$199, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$56, _tmp$57, _tmp$58, _tmp$59, _tmp$6, _tmp$60, _tmp$61, _tmp$62, _tmp$63, _tmp$64, _tmp$65, _tmp$66, _tmp$67, _tmp$68, _tmp$69, _tmp$7, _tmp$70, _tmp$71, _tmp$72, _tmp$73, _tmp$74, _tmp$75, _tmp$76, _tmp$77, _tmp$78, _tmp$79, _tmp$8, _tmp$80, _tmp$81, _tmp$82, _tmp$83, _tmp$84, _tmp$85, _tmp$86, _tmp$87, _tmp$88, _tmp$89, _tmp$9, _tmp$90, _tmp$91, _tmp$92, _tmp$93, _tmp$94, _tmp$95, _tmp$96, _tmp$97, _tmp$98, _tmp$99, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, b, buf, buf$1, buf$10, buf$11, buf$12, buf$13, buf$2, buf$3, buf$4, buf$5, buf$6, buf$7, buf$8, buf$9, err, err$1, err$2, fd, list, m, m$1, n, n$1, n$10, n$11, n$12, n$13, n$14, n$15, n$16, n$17, n$18, n$19, n$2, n$20, n$21, n$22, n$23, n$24, n$25, n$26, n$27, n$28, n$29, n$3, n$30, n$31, n$32, n$33, n$34, n$35, n$36, n$37, n$38, n$39, n$4, n$40, n$41, n$42, n$43, n$44, n$45, n$46, n$5, n$6, n$7, n$8, n$9, o, v, v$1, v$10, v$11, v$12, v$13, v$14, v$15, v$16, v$17, v$18, v$19, v$2, v$20, v$21, v$22, v$23, v$24, v$25, v$26, v$27, v$28, v$29, v$3, v$30, v$31, v$4, v$5, v$6, v$7, v$8, v$9, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, wtyp, list, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + o = this; + _r$2 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$2; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 3: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 23: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf = _tuple[0]; + n$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 25: + /* if (!(buf.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf.$length > 0)) { $s = 26; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf = $subslice(buf, n$2); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 25; continue; + case 26: + _tmp$4 = n$1; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 24: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$3 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$3 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v$1)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$10 = n$3; + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 4: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 29: + _tuple$3 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + n$4 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (n$4 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 31: + /* if (!(buf$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 32; continue; } + _tuple$4 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf$1); + v$2 = _tuple$4[0]; + n$5 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (n$5 < 0) { + _tmp$14 = 0; + _tmp$15 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$1 = $subslice(buf$1, n$5); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(((v$2.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 31; continue; + case 32: + _tmp$16 = n$4; + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 30: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$18; + err = _tmp$19; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$5 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$3 = _tuple$5[0]; + n$6 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (n$6 < 0) { + _tmp$20 = 0; + _tmp$21 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$20; + err = _tmp$21; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(((v$3.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$22 = n$6; + _tmp$23 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$22; + err = _tmp$23; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 5: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 35: + _tuple$6 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$2 = _tuple$6[0]; + n$7 = _tuple$6[1]; + if (n$7 < 0) { + _tmp$24 = 0; + _tmp$25 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$24; + err = _tmp$25; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 37: + /* if (!(buf$2.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$2.$length > 0)) { $s = 38; continue; } + _tuple$7 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf$2); + v$4 = _tuple$7[0]; + n$8 = _tuple$7[1]; + if (n$8 < 0) { + _tmp$26 = 0; + _tmp$27 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$26; + err = _tmp$27; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$2 = $subslice(buf$2, n$8); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v$4.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 37; continue; + case 38: + _tmp$28 = n$7; + _tmp$29 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$28; + err = _tmp$29; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 36: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$30 = 0; + _tmp$31 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$30; + err = _tmp$31; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$8 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$5 = _tuple$8[0]; + n$9 = _tuple$8[1]; + if (n$9 < 0) { + _tmp$32 = 0; + _tmp$33 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$32; + err = _tmp$33; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v$5.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$34 = n$9; + _tmp$35 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$34; + err = _tmp$35; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 6: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ $s = 42; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 41: + _tuple$9 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$3 = _tuple$9[0]; + n$10 = _tuple$9[1]; + if (n$10 < 0) { + _tmp$36 = 0; + _tmp$37 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$36; + err = _tmp$37; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 43: + /* if (!(buf$3.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$3.$length > 0)) { $s = 44; continue; } + _tuple$10 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf$3); + v$6 = _tuple$10[0]; + n$11 = _tuple$10[1]; + if (n$11 < 0) { + _tmp$38 = 0; + _tmp$39 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$38; + err = _tmp$39; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$3 = $subslice(buf$3, n$11); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32((((x = protowire.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v$6.$high & 0, (v$6.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 43; continue; + case 44: + _tmp$40 = n$10; + _tmp$41 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$40; + err = _tmp$41; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 42: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$42 = 0; + _tmp$43 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$42; + err = _tmp$43; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$11 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$7 = _tuple$11[0]; + n$12 = _tuple$11[1]; + if (n$12 < 0) { + _tmp$44 = 0; + _tmp$45 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$44; + err = _tmp$45; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32((((x$1 = protowire.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v$7.$high & 0, (v$7.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$1.$low + ((x$1.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$46 = n$12; + _tmp$47 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$46; + err = _tmp$47; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 7: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 47; continue; } + /* */ $s = 48; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 47: + _tuple$12 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$4 = _tuple$12[0]; + n$13 = _tuple$12[1]; + if (n$13 < 0) { + _tmp$48 = 0; + _tmp$49 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$48; + err = _tmp$49; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 49: + /* if (!(buf$4.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$4.$length > 0)) { $s = 50; continue; } + _tuple$13 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf$4); + v$8 = _tuple$13[0]; + n$14 = _tuple$13[1]; + if (n$14 < 0) { + _tmp$50 = 0; + _tmp$51 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$50; + err = _tmp$51; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$4 = $subslice(buf$4, n$14); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(((v$8.$low >>> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 49; continue; + case 50: + _tmp$52 = n$13; + _tmp$53 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$52; + err = _tmp$53; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 48: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$54 = 0; + _tmp$55 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$54; + err = _tmp$55; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$14 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$9 = _tuple$14[0]; + n$15 = _tuple$14[1]; + if (n$15 < 0) { + _tmp$56 = 0; + _tmp$57 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$56; + err = _tmp$57; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(((v$9.$low >>> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$58 = n$15; + _tmp$59 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$58; + err = _tmp$59; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 8: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 53; continue; } + /* */ $s = 54; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 53: + _tuple$15 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$5 = _tuple$15[0]; + n$16 = _tuple$15[1]; + if (n$16 < 0) { + _tmp$60 = 0; + _tmp$61 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$60; + err = _tmp$61; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 55: + /* if (!(buf$5.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$5.$length > 0)) { $s = 56; continue; } + _tuple$16 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf$5); + v$10 = _tuple$16[0]; + n$17 = _tuple$16[1]; + if (n$17 < 0) { + _tmp$62 = 0; + _tmp$63 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$62; + err = _tmp$63; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$5 = $subslice(buf$5, n$17); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v$10.$high, v$10.$low))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 55; continue; + case 56: + _tmp$64 = n$16; + _tmp$65 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$64; + err = _tmp$65; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 54: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$66 = 0; + _tmp$67 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$66; + err = _tmp$67; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$17 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$11 = _tuple$17[0]; + n$18 = _tuple$17[1]; + if (n$18 < 0) { + _tmp$68 = 0; + _tmp$69 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$68; + err = _tmp$69; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v$11.$high, v$11.$low))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$70 = n$18; + _tmp$71 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$70; + err = _tmp$71; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 9: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ $s = 60; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 59: + _tuple$18 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$6 = _tuple$18[0]; + n$19 = _tuple$18[1]; + if (n$19 < 0) { + _tmp$72 = 0; + _tmp$73 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$72; + err = _tmp$73; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 61: + /* if (!(buf$6.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$6.$length > 0)) { $s = 62; continue; } + _tuple$19 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf$6); + v$12 = _tuple$19[0]; + n$20 = _tuple$19[1]; + if (n$20 < 0) { + _tmp$74 = 0; + _tmp$75 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$74; + err = _tmp$75; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$6 = $subslice(buf$6, n$20); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v$12)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 61; continue; + case 62: + _tmp$76 = n$19; + _tmp$77 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$76; + err = _tmp$77; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 60: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$78 = 0; + _tmp$79 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$78; + err = _tmp$79; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$20 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$13 = _tuple$20[0]; + n$21 = _tuple$20[1]; + if (n$21 < 0) { + _tmp$80 = 0; + _tmp$81 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$80; + err = _tmp$81; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v$13)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$82 = n$21; + _tmp$83 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$82; + err = _tmp$83; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 10: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 65; continue; } + /* */ $s = 66; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 65: + _tuple$21 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$7 = _tuple$21[0]; + n$22 = _tuple$21[1]; + if (n$22 < 0) { + _tmp$84 = 0; + _tmp$85 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$84; + err = _tmp$85; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 67: + /* if (!(buf$7.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$7.$length > 0)) { $s = 68; continue; } + _tuple$22 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf$7); + v$14 = _tuple$22[0]; + n$23 = _tuple$22[1]; + if (n$23 < 0) { + _tmp$86 = 0; + _tmp$87 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$86; + err = _tmp$87; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$7 = $subslice(buf$7, n$23); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v$14), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 67; continue; + case 68: + _tmp$88 = n$22; + _tmp$89 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$88; + err = _tmp$89; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 66: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$90 = 0; + _tmp$91 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$90; + err = _tmp$91; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$23 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$15 = _tuple$23[0]; + n$24 = _tuple$23[1]; + if (n$24 < 0) { + _tmp$92 = 0; + _tmp$93 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$92; + err = _tmp$93; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v$15), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$94 = n$24; + _tmp$95 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$94; + err = _tmp$95; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 11: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 71; continue; } + /* */ $s = 72; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 71: + _tuple$24 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$8 = _tuple$24[0]; + n$25 = _tuple$24[1]; + if (n$25 < 0) { + _tmp$96 = 0; + _tmp$97 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$96; + err = _tmp$97; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 73: + /* if (!(buf$8.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$8.$length > 0)) { $s = 74; continue; } + _tuple$25 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(buf$8); + v$16 = _tuple$25[0]; + n$26 = _tuple$25[1]; + if (n$26 < 0) { + _tmp$98 = 0; + _tmp$99 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$98; + err = _tmp$99; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$8 = $subslice(buf$8, n$26); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v$16 >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 73; continue; + case 74: + _tmp$100 = n$25; + _tmp$101 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$100; + err = _tmp$101; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 72: + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$102 = 0; + _tmp$103 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$102; + err = _tmp$103; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$26 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$17 = _tuple$26[0]; + n$27 = _tuple$26[1]; + if (n$27 < 0) { + _tmp$104 = 0; + _tmp$105 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$104; + err = _tmp$105; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v$17 >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$106 = n$27; + _tmp$107 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$106; + err = _tmp$107; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 12: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 77; continue; } + /* */ $s = 78; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 77: + _tuple$27 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$9 = _tuple$27[0]; + n$28 = _tuple$27[1]; + if (n$28 < 0) { + _tmp$108 = 0; + _tmp$109 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$108; + err = _tmp$109; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 79: + /* if (!(buf$9.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$9.$length > 0)) { $s = 80; continue; } + _tuple$28 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(buf$9); + v$18 = _tuple$28[0]; + n$29 = _tuple$28[1]; + if (n$29 < 0) { + _tmp$110 = 0; + _tmp$111 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$110; + err = _tmp$111; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$9 = $subslice(buf$9, n$29); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32((v$18)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 79; continue; + case 80: + _tmp$112 = n$28; + _tmp$113 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$112; + err = _tmp$113; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 78: + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$114 = 0; + _tmp$115 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$114; + err = _tmp$115; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$29 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$19 = _tuple$29[0]; + n$30 = _tuple$29[1]; + if (n$30 < 0) { + _tmp$116 = 0; + _tmp$117 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$116; + err = _tmp$117; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32((v$19)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 82; case 82: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$118 = n$30; + _tmp$119 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$118; + err = _tmp$119; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 13: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 83; continue; } + /* */ $s = 84; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 83: + _tuple$30 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$10 = _tuple$30[0]; + n$31 = _tuple$30[1]; + if (n$31 < 0) { + _tmp$120 = 0; + _tmp$121 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$120; + err = _tmp$121; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 85: + /* if (!(buf$10.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$10.$length > 0)) { $s = 86; continue; } + _tuple$31 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(buf$10); + v$20 = _tuple$31[0]; + n$32 = _tuple$31[1]; + if (n$32 < 0) { + _tmp$122 = 0; + _tmp$123 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$122; + err = _tmp$123; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$10 = $subslice(buf$10, n$32); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits((v$20))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 87; case 87: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 85; continue; + case 86: + _tmp$124 = n$31; + _tmp$125 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$124; + err = _tmp$125; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 84: + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$126 = 0; + _tmp$127 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$126; + err = _tmp$127; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$32 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$21 = _tuple$32[0]; + n$33 = _tuple$32[1]; + if (n$33 < 0) { + _tmp$128 = 0; + _tmp$129 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$128; + err = _tmp$129; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits((v$21))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 88; case 88: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$130 = n$33; + _tmp$131 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$130; + err = _tmp$131; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 14: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 89; continue; } + /* */ $s = 90; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 89: + _tuple$33 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$11 = _tuple$33[0]; + n$34 = _tuple$33[1]; + if (n$34 < 0) { + _tmp$132 = 0; + _tmp$133 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$132; + err = _tmp$133; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 91: + /* if (!(buf$11.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$11.$length > 0)) { $s = 92; continue; } + _tuple$34 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(buf$11); + v$22 = _tuple$34[0]; + n$35 = _tuple$34[1]; + if (n$35 < 0) { + _tmp$134 = 0; + _tmp$135 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$134; + err = _tmp$135; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$11 = $subslice(buf$11, n$35); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v$22.$high, v$22.$low))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 93; case 93: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 91; continue; + case 92: + _tmp$136 = n$34; + _tmp$137 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$136; + err = _tmp$137; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 90: + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$138 = 0; + _tmp$139 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$138; + err = _tmp$139; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$35 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$23 = _tuple$35[0]; + n$36 = _tuple$35[1]; + if (n$36 < 0) { + _tmp$140 = 0; + _tmp$141 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$140; + err = _tmp$141; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v$23.$high, v$23.$low))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 94; case 94: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$142 = n$36; + _tmp$143 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$142; + err = _tmp$143; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 15: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 95; continue; } + /* */ $s = 96; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 95: + _tuple$36 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$12 = _tuple$36[0]; + n$37 = _tuple$36[1]; + if (n$37 < 0) { + _tmp$144 = 0; + _tmp$145 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$144; + err = _tmp$145; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 97: + /* if (!(buf$12.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$12.$length > 0)) { $s = 98; continue; } + _tuple$37 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(buf$12); + v$24 = _tuple$37[0]; + n$38 = _tuple$37[1]; + if (n$38 < 0) { + _tmp$146 = 0; + _tmp$147 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$146; + err = _tmp$147; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$12 = $subslice(buf$12, n$38); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v$24), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 99; case 99: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 97; continue; + case 98: + _tmp$148 = n$37; + _tmp$149 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$148; + err = _tmp$149; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 96: + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$150 = 0; + _tmp$151 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$150; + err = _tmp$151; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$38 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$25 = _tuple$38[0]; + n$39 = _tuple$38[1]; + if (n$39 < 0) { + _tmp$152 = 0; + _tmp$153 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$152; + err = _tmp$153; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v$25), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 100; case 100: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$154 = n$39; + _tmp$155 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$154; + err = _tmp$155; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 16: + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 101; continue; } + /* */ $s = 102; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 101: + _tuple$39 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + buf$13 = _tuple$39[0]; + n$40 = _tuple$39[1]; + if (n$40 < 0) { + _tmp$156 = 0; + _tmp$157 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$156; + err = _tmp$157; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 103: + /* if (!(buf$13.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf$13.$length > 0)) { $s = 104; continue; } + _tuple$40 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(buf$13); + v$26 = _tuple$40[0]; + n$41 = _tuple$40[1]; + if (n$41 < 0) { + _tmp$158 = 0; + _tmp$159 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$158; + err = _tmp$159; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + buf$13 = $subslice(buf$13, n$41); + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v$26)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 105; case 105: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 103; continue; + case 104: + _tmp$160 = n$40; + _tmp$161 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$160; + err = _tmp$161; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 102: + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$162 = 0; + _tmp$163 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$162; + err = _tmp$163; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$41 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$27 = _tuple$41[0]; + n$42 = _tuple$41[1]; + if (n$42 < 0) { + _tmp$164 = 0; + _tmp$165 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$164; + err = _tmp$165; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v$27)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 106; case 106: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$166 = n$42; + _tmp$167 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$166; + err = _tmp$167; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 17: + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp$168 = 0; + _tmp$169 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$168; + err = _tmp$169; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$42 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$28 = _tuple$42[0]; + n$43 = _tuple$42[1]; + if (n$43 < 0) { + _tmp$170 = 0; + _tmp$171 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$170; + err = _tmp$171; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$3 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 109; case 109: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3 && !utf8.Valid(v$28)) { $s = 107; continue; } + /* */ $s = 108; continue; + /* if (_r$3 && !utf8.Valid(v$28)) { */ case 107: + _tmp$172 = 0; + _r$4 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 110; case 110: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = errors.InvalidUTF8((_r$4)); /* */ $s = 111; case 111: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$173 = _r$5; + n = _tmp$172; + err = _tmp$173; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 112; case 112: return $24r; + /* } */ case 108: + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfString(($bytesToString(v$28))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 113; case 113: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$174 = n$43; + _tmp$175 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$174; + err = _tmp$175; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 18: + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp$176 = 0; + _tmp$177 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$176; + err = _tmp$177; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$43 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$29 = _tuple$43[0]; + n$44 = _tuple$43[1]; + if (n$44 < 0) { + _tmp$178 = 0; + _tmp$179 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$178; + err = _tmp$179; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(new sliceType$1(emptyBuf), v$29)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 114; case 114: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$180 = n$44; + _tmp$181 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$180; + err = _tmp$181; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 19: + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp$182 = 0; + _tmp$183 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$182; + err = _tmp$183; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$44 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$30 = _tuple$44[0]; + n$45 = _tuple$44[1]; + if (n$45 < 0) { + _tmp$184 = 0; + _tmp$185 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$184; + err = _tmp$185; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$6 = list.NewElement(); /* */ $s = 115; case 115: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = v$30; + _r$7 = $clone(m, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 116; case 116: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$7; + _r$8 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalMessage(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 117; case 117: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$186 = 0; + _tmp$187 = err$1; + n = _tmp$186; + err = _tmp$187; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(m, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 118; case 118: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$188 = n$45; + _tmp$189 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$188; + err = _tmp$189; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 20: + if (!((wtyp === 3))) { + _tmp$190 = 0; + _tmp$191 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$190; + err = _tmp$191; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$9 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 119; case 119: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.ConsumeGroup(_r$9, b); /* */ $s = 120; case 120: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$45 = _r$10; + v$31 = _tuple$45[0]; + n$46 = _tuple$45[1]; + if (n$46 < 0) { + _tmp$192 = 0; + _tmp$193 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$192; + err = _tmp$193; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$11 = list.NewElement(); /* */ $s = 121; case 121: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m$1 = $clone(_r$11, protoreflect.Value); + _arg$2 = v$31; + _r$12 = $clone(m$1, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 122; case 122: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$12; + _r$13 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalMessage(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 123; case 123: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$13; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$194 = 0; + _tmp$195 = err$2; + n = _tmp$194; + err = _tmp$195; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(m$1, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 124; case 124: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$196 = n$46; + _tmp$197 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$196; + err = _tmp$197; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } else { */ case 21: + _tmp$198 = 0; + _tmp$199 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp$198; + err = _tmp$199; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 22: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalList, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$100, _tmp$101, _tmp$102, _tmp$103, _tmp$104, _tmp$105, _tmp$106, _tmp$107, _tmp$108, _tmp$109, _tmp$11, _tmp$110, _tmp$111, _tmp$112, _tmp$113, _tmp$114, _tmp$115, _tmp$116, _tmp$117, _tmp$118, _tmp$119, _tmp$12, _tmp$120, _tmp$121, _tmp$122, _tmp$123, _tmp$124, _tmp$125, _tmp$126, _tmp$127, _tmp$128, _tmp$129, _tmp$13, _tmp$130, _tmp$131, _tmp$132, _tmp$133, _tmp$134, _tmp$135, _tmp$136, _tmp$137, _tmp$138, _tmp$139, _tmp$14, _tmp$140, _tmp$141, _tmp$142, _tmp$143, _tmp$144, _tmp$145, _tmp$146, _tmp$147, _tmp$148, _tmp$149, _tmp$15, _tmp$150, _tmp$151, _tmp$152, _tmp$153, _tmp$154, _tmp$155, _tmp$156, _tmp$157, _tmp$158, _tmp$159, _tmp$16, _tmp$160, _tmp$161, _tmp$162, _tmp$163, _tmp$164, _tmp$165, _tmp$166, _tmp$167, _tmp$168, _tmp$169, _tmp$17, _tmp$170, _tmp$171, _tmp$172, _tmp$173, _tmp$174, _tmp$175, _tmp$176, _tmp$177, _tmp$178, _tmp$179, _tmp$18, _tmp$180, _tmp$181, _tmp$182, _tmp$183, _tmp$184, _tmp$185, _tmp$186, _tmp$187, _tmp$188, _tmp$189, _tmp$19, _tmp$190, _tmp$191, _tmp$192, _tmp$193, _tmp$194, _tmp$195, _tmp$196, _tmp$197, _tmp$198, _tmp$199, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$56, _tmp$57, _tmp$58, _tmp$59, _tmp$6, _tmp$60, _tmp$61, _tmp$62, _tmp$63, _tmp$64, _tmp$65, _tmp$66, _tmp$67, _tmp$68, _tmp$69, _tmp$7, _tmp$70, _tmp$71, _tmp$72, _tmp$73, _tmp$74, _tmp$75, _tmp$76, _tmp$77, _tmp$78, _tmp$79, _tmp$8, _tmp$80, _tmp$81, _tmp$82, _tmp$83, _tmp$84, _tmp$85, _tmp$86, _tmp$87, _tmp$88, _tmp$89, _tmp$9, _tmp$90, _tmp$91, _tmp$92, _tmp$93, _tmp$94, _tmp$95, _tmp$96, _tmp$97, _tmp$98, _tmp$99, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, b, buf, buf$1, buf$10, buf$11, buf$12, buf$13, buf$2, buf$3, buf$4, buf$5, buf$6, buf$7, buf$8, buf$9, err, err$1, err$2, fd, list, m, m$1, n, n$1, n$10, n$11, n$12, n$13, n$14, n$15, n$16, n$17, n$18, n$19, n$2, n$20, n$21, n$22, n$23, n$24, n$25, n$26, n$27, n$28, n$29, n$3, n$30, n$31, n$32, n$33, n$34, n$35, n$36, n$37, n$38, n$39, n$4, n$40, n$41, n$42, n$43, n$44, n$45, n$46, n$5, n$6, n$7, n$8, n$9, o, v, v$1, v$10, v$11, v$12, v$13, v$14, v$15, v$16, v$17, v$18, v$19, v$2, v$20, v$21, v$22, v$23, v$24, v$25, v$26, v$27, v$28, v$29, v$3, v$30, v$31, v$4, v$5, v$6, v$7, v$8, v$9, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.unmarshalList = function(b, wtyp, list, fd) { return this.$val.unmarshalList(b, wtyp, list, fd); }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Unmarshal = function(b, m) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, b, err, m, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + if (o.RecursionLimit === 0) { + o.RecursionLimit = 10000; + } + _arg = b; + _r$2 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshal(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Unmarshal, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, b, err, m, o, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.Unmarshal = function(b, m) { return this.$val.Unmarshal(b, m); }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalState = function(in$1) { + var {$24r, _r$2, in$1, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + if (o.RecursionLimit === 0) { + o.RecursionLimit = 10000; + } + _r$2 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshal(in$1.Buf, in$1.Message); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalState, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, in$1, o, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.UnmarshalState = function(in$1) { return this.$val.UnmarshalState(in$1); }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(b, m) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, allowPartial, b, err, in$1, m, methods, o, out, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + o = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(o.Resolver, $ifaceNil)) { + o.Resolver = protoregistry.GlobalTypes; + } + /* */ if (!o.Merge) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!o.Merge) { */ case 1: + _r$2 = m.Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = Reset(_r$2); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + allowPartial = o.AllowPartial; + o.Merge = true; + o.AllowPartial = true; + _r$3 = protoMethods(m); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + methods = _r$3; + /* */ if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.Unmarshal === $throwNilPointerError) && !(o.DiscardUnknown && (x = (x$1 = methods.Flags, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 0, (x$1.$low & 2) >>> 0)), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.Unmarshal === $throwNilPointerError) && !(o.DiscardUnknown && (x = (x$1 = methods.Flags, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 0, (x$1.$low & 2) >>> 0)), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { */ case 6: + in$1 = new structType$4.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), m, b, 0, o.Resolver, o.RecursionLimit); + if (o.DiscardUnknown) { + in$1.Flags = (in$1.Flags | (1)) >>> 0; + } + _r$4 = methods.Unmarshal($clone(in$1, structType$4)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + structType$5.copy(out, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + o.RecursionLimit = o.RecursionLimit - (1) >> 0; + /* */ if (o.RecursionLimit < 0) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (o.RecursionLimit < 0) { */ case 10: + _tmp = $clone(out, structType$5); + _r$5 = errors.New("exceeded max recursion depth", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$5; + structType$5.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [out, err]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r; + /* } */ case 11: + _r$6 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalMessageSlow(b, m); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + /* } */ case 8: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, structType$5); + _tmp$3 = err; + structType$5.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (allowPartial || (!((((out.Flags & 1) >>> 0) === 0)))) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, structType$5); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + structType$5.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, structType$5); + _r$7 = checkInitialized(m); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$7 = _r$7; + structType$5.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $24r$1 = [out, err]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, allowPartial, b, err, in$1, m, methods, o, out, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.unmarshal = function(b, m) { return this.$val.unmarshal(b, m); }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessage = function(b, m) { + var {_r$2, _tuple, b, err, m, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _r$2 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshal(b, m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessage, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _tuple, b, err, m, o, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.unmarshalMessage = function(b, m) { return this.$val.unmarshalMessage(b, m); }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSlow = function(b, m) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _v, _v$1, b, err, err$1, extType, fd, fields, m, md, num, o, tagLen, valLen, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _r$2 = m.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md = _r$2; + _r$3 = messageset.IsMessageSet(md); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 2: + _r$4 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalMessageSet(b, m); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$5 = md.Fields(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fields = _r$5; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 9; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + wtyp = _tuple[1]; + tagLen = _tuple[2]; + if (tagLen < 0) { + $s = -1; return errDecode; + } + if (num > 536870911) { + $s = -1; return errDecode; + } + _r$6 = fields.ByNumber(num); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fd, $ifaceNil))) { _v = false; $s = 13; continue s; } + _r$7 = md.ExtensionRanges(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Has(num); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$8; case 13: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 11: + _r$9 = md.FullName(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = o.Resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(_r$9, num); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$10; + extType = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err, protoregistry.NotFound))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err, protoregistry.NotFound))) { */ case 18: + _r$11 = md.FullName(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$11); + _arg$1 = new protowire.Number(num); + _arg$2 = err; + _r$12 = errors.New("%v: unable to resolve extension %v: %v", new sliceType([_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$12; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 19: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(extType, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(extType, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 23: + _r$13 = extType.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$13; + /* } */ case 24: + /* } */ case 12: + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(fd, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ if (false) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(fd, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 26: + err$1 = errUnknown; + $s = 28; continue; + /* } else if (false) { */ case 27: + _r$14 = fd.IsWeak(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$14)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 31; continue s; } + _r$15 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = _r$15.IsPlaceholder(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$16; case 31: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 29: + err$1 = errUnknown; + /* } */ case 30: + /* } */ case 28: + valLen = 0; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 36; continue; } + _r$17 = fd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$17) { $s = 37; continue; } + _r$18 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$18) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 36: + $s = 40; continue; + /* } else if (_r$17) { */ case 37: + _arg$3 = $subslice(b, tagLen); + _arg$4 = wtyp; + _r$19 = m.Mutable(fd); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = $clone(_r$19, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = _r$20; + _arg$6 = fd; + _r$21 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalList(_arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$21; + valLen = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + $s = 40; continue; + /* } else if (_r$18) { */ case 38: + _arg$7 = $subslice(b, tagLen); + _arg$8 = wtyp; + _r$22 = m.Mutable(fd); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = $clone(_r$22, protoreflect.Value).Map(); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$9 = _r$23; + _arg$10 = fd; + _r$24 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalMap(_arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _arg$10); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$24; + valLen = _tuple$3[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + $s = 40; continue; + /* } else { */ case 39: + _r$25 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalSingular($subslice(b, tagLen), wtyp, m, fd); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$25; + valLen = _tuple$4[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$4[1]; + /* } */ case 40: + case 35: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ $s = 51; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 50: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, errUnknown))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + valLen = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, $subslice(b, tagLen)); + if (valLen < 0) { + $s = -1; return errDecode; + } + /* */ if (!o.DiscardUnknown) { $s = 52; continue; } + /* */ $s = 53; continue; + /* if (!o.DiscardUnknown) { */ case 52: + _r$26 = m.GetUnknown(); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = m.SetUnknown($appendSlice(_r$26, $subslice(b, 0, (tagLen + valLen >> 0)))); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 53: + /* } */ case 51: + b = $subslice(b, (tagLen + valLen >> 0)); + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMessageSlow, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$10, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _v, _v$1, b, err, err$1, extType, fd, fields, m, md, num, o, tagLen, valLen, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.unmarshalMessageSlow = function(b, m) { return this.$val.unmarshalMessageSlow(b, m); }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSingular = function(b, wtyp, m, fd) { + var {_1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, err$1, fd, m, m2, n, o, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, wtyp, m, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + o = this; + _r$2 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalScalar(b, wtyp, fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + v = $clone(_tuple[0], protoreflect.Value); + n = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$3 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$3; + /* */ if ((_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { */ case 4: + _r$4 = m.Mutable(fd); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $clone(_r$4, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m2 = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalMessage(_r$6, m2); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$7; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err$1; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + $r = m.Set(fd, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + case 2: + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSingular, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, err$1, fd, m, m2, n, o, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.unmarshalSingular = function(b, wtyp, m, fd) { return this.$val.unmarshalSingular(b, wtyp, m, fd); }; + UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMap = function(b, wtyp, mapv, fd) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _4, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, err, err$1, fd, haveKey, haveVal, key, keyField, mapv, n, n$1, num, o, v, val, valField, wtyp, wtyp$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, wtyp, mapv, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + o = this; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$2 = fd.MapKey(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keyField = _r$2; + _r$3 = fd.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valField = _r$3; + key = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil); + val = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil); + haveKey = false; + haveVal = false; + _r$4 = valField.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$4; + /* */ if ((_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = mapv.NewValue(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _r$5); + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 9; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple$1[0]; + wtyp$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[2]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if (num > 536870911) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + err = errUnknown; + _2 = num; + /* */ if (_2 === (1)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (2)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_2 === (1)) { */ case 11: + _r$6 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalScalar(b, wtyp$1, keyField); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$6; + protoreflect.Value.copy(key, _tuple$2[0]); + n$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + err = _tuple$2[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + haveKey = true; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (2)) { */ case 12: + v = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil); + _r$7 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalScalar(b, wtyp$1, valField); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$7; + protoreflect.Value.copy(v, _tuple$3[0]); + n$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + err = _tuple$3[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + _r$8 = valField.Kind(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _3 = _r$8; + /* */ if ((_3 === (10)) || (_3 === (11))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if ((_3 === (10)) || (_3 === (11))) { */ case 18: + _r$9 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$9; + _r$10 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$10; + _r$11 = $clone(o, UnmarshalOptions).unmarshalMessage(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = err$1; + n = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $s = 20; continue; + /* } else { */ case 19: + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, v); + /* } */ case 20: + case 16: + haveVal = true; + /* } */ case 13: + case 10: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errUnknown)) { + n$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp$1, b); + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = errDecode; + n = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = err; + n = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + /* */ if (!haveKey) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!haveKey) { */ case 24: + _r$12 = keyField.Default(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(key, _r$12); + /* } */ case 25: + /* */ if (!haveVal) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!haveVal) { */ case 27: + _r$13 = valField.Kind(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _4 = _r$13; + /* */ if ((_4 === (10)) || (_4 === (11))) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if ((_4 === (10)) || (_4 === (11))) { */ case 31: + $s = 33; continue; + /* } else { */ case 32: + _r$14 = valField.Default(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _r$14); + /* } */ case 33: + case 29: + /* } */ case 28: + _r$15 = $clone(key, protoreflect.Value).MapKey(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = mapv.Set($clone(_r$15, protoreflect.MapKey), $clone(val, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$14 = n; + _tmp$15 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.unmarshalMap, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _4, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, err, err$1, fd, haveKey, haveVal, key, keyField, mapv, n, n$1, num, o, v, val, valField, wtyp, wtyp$1, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalOptions.prototype.unmarshalMap = function(b, wtyp, mapv, fd) { return this.$val.unmarshalMap(b, wtyp, mapv, fd); }; + CheckInitialized = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$2, _r$3, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$2 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = checkInitialized(_r$2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CheckInitialized, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, _r$3, m, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.CheckInitialized = CheckInitialized; + checkInitialized = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, err, m, methods, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = protoMethods(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + methods = _r$2; + /* */ if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.CheckInitialized === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(methods === ptrType$8.nil) && !(methods.CheckInitialized === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$3 = methods.CheckInitialized(new structType$7.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), m)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = checkInitializedSlow(m); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: checkInitialized, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, err, m, methods, $s};return $f; + }; + checkInitializedSlow = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, fds, i, m, md, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = [err]; + _r$2 = m.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md = _r$2; + _r$3 = md.Fields(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fds = _r$3; + _tmp = 0; + _r$4 = md.RequiredNumbers(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$4; + i = _tmp; + nums = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + _r$5 = nums.Len(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$5)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$5)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$6 = nums.Get(i); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = fds.ByNumber(_r$6); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$7; + _r$8 = m.Has(fd); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$8) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!_r$8) { */ case 9: + _r$9 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = errors.RequiredNotSet((_r$9)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } */ case 10: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $r = m.Range((function(err) { return function $b(fd$1, v) { + var {_r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, fd$1, i$1, list, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd$1, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$11 = fd$1.IsList(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$11) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$12 = fd$1.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$12) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r$11) { */ case 2: + _r$13 = fd$1.Message(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$13, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$13, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 9: + _tmp$2 = 0; + _r$14 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = _r$14; + i$1 = _tmp$2; + list = _tmp$3; + /* while (true) { */ case 12: + _r$15 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$1 < _r$15 && $interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < _r$15 && $interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 13; continue; } + _r$16 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = $clone(_r$16, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = checkInitialized(_r$17); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$18; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 12; continue; + case 13: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_r$12) { */ case 3: + _r$19 = fd$1.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = _r$19.Message(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$20, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$20, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 18: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 19: + _r$21 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Map(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$21.Range((function(err) { return function $b(key, v$1) { + var {_r$22, _r$23, key, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, v$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$22 = $clone(v$1, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = checkInitialized(_r$22); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$23; + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$22, _r$23, key, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(err)); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$22 = fd$1.Message(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$22, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$22, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 24: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 25: + _r$23 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = checkInitialized(_r$23); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$24; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, fd$1, i$1, list, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(err)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return err[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: checkInitializedSlow, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, fds, i, m, md, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeOptions.methods = [{prop: "mergeMessage", name: "mergeMessage", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Message, protoreflect.Message], [], false)}, {prop: "mergeList", name: "mergeList", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.List, protoreflect.List, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "mergeMap", name: "mergeMap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Map, protoreflect.Map, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "cloneBytes", name: "cloneBytes", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + MarshalOptions.methods = [{prop: "sizeSingular", name: "sizeSingular", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number, protoreflect.Kind, protoreflect.Value], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "size", name: "size", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Message], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "sizeMessageSlow", name: "sizeMessageSlow", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Message], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "sizeField", name: "sizeField", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "sizeList", name: "sizeList", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.List], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "sizeMap", name: "sizeMap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Map], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "sizeMessageSet", name: "sizeMessageSet", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Message], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "marshalMessageSet", name: "marshalMessageSet", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.Message], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshalMessageSetField", name: "marshalMessageSetField", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshalSingular", name: "marshalSingular", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "Marshal", name: "Marshal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalAppend", name: "MarshalAppend", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalState", name: "MarshalState", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([structType$2], [structType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.Message], [structType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshalMessage", name: "marshalMessage", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.Message], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshalMessageSlow", name: "marshalMessageSlow", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.Message], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshalField", name: "marshalField", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshalList", name: "marshalList", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.List], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshalMap", name: "marshalMap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Map], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}]; + UnmarshalOptions.methods = [{prop: "unmarshalMessageSet", name: "unmarshalMessageSet", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.Message], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalMessageSetField", name: "unmarshalMessageSetField", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Message, protowire.Number, sliceType$1], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalScalar", name: "unmarshalScalar", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protowire.Type, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalList", name: "unmarshalList", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protowire.Type, protoreflect.List, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Unmarshal", name: "Unmarshal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [$error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalState", name: "UnmarshalState", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([structType$4], [structType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.Message], [structType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalMessage", name: "unmarshalMessage", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.Message], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalMessageSlow", name: "unmarshalMessageSlow", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protoreflect.Message], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalSingular", name: "unmarshalSingular", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protowire.Type, protoreflect.Message, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalMap", name: "unmarshalMap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, protowire.Type, protoreflect.Map, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + mergeOptions.init("", []); + MarshalOptions.init("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "AllowPartial", name: "AllowPartial", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Deterministic", name: "Deterministic", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "UseCachedSize", name: "UseCachedSize", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + UnmarshalOptions.init("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Merge", name: "Merge", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "AllowPartial", name: "AllowPartial", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "DiscardUnknown", name: "DiscardUnknown", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Resolver", name: "Resolver", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: interfaceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "RecursionLimit", name: "RecursionLimit", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protowire.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = messageset.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = flags.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = genid.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = order.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pragma.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strs.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoregistry.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoiface.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.Error = $ifaceNil; + emptyBuf = arrayType.zero(); + wireTypes = $makeMap(protoreflect.Kind.keyFor, [{ k: 8, v: 0 }, { k: 14, v: 0 }, { k: 5, v: 0 }, { k: 17, v: 0 }, { k: 13, v: 0 }, { k: 3, v: 0 }, { k: 18, v: 0 }, { k: 4, v: 0 }, { k: 15, v: 5 }, { k: 7, v: 5 }, { k: 2, v: 5 }, { k: 16, v: 1 }, { k: 6, v: 1 }, { k: 1, v: 1 }, { k: 9, v: 2 }, { k: 12, v: 2 }, { k: 11, v: 2 }, { k: 10, v: 3 }]); + _r = errors.New("BUG: internal error (unknown)", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errUnknown = _r; + _r$1 = errors.New("cannot parse invalid wire-format data", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errDecode = _r$1; + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, fmt, protowire, descfmt, descopts, defval, messageset, errors, genid, pragma, strs, proto, protoreflect, protoregistry, math, reflect, sort, sync, atomic, PlaceholderFile, PlaceholderEnum, PlaceholderEnumValue, PlaceholderMessage, Enums, EnumValues, Messages, Fields, Oneofs, Extensions, Services, Methods, FileImports, Names, EnumRanges, enumRange, FieldRanges, fieldRange, FieldNumbers, OneofFields, SourceLocations, pathKey, fileRaw, File, FileL1, FileL2, Enum, EnumL1, EnumL2, EnumValue, EnumValueL1, Message, MessageL1, MessageL2, Field, FieldL1, Oneof, OneofL1, Extension, ExtensionL1, ExtensionL2, Service, ServiceL1, ServiceL2, Method, MethodL1, Base, BaseL0, stringName, defaultValue, Builder, resolverByIndex, Out, sliceType, arrayType, sliceType$1, arrayType$1, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, ptrType, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, sliceType$7, sliceType$8, sliceType$9, sliceType$10, sliceType$11, sliceType$12, sliceType$13, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, structType, sliceType$14, arrayType$2, sliceType$15, sliceType$16, arrayType$3, ptrType$10, sliceType$17, funcType, sliceType$18, funcType$1, arrayType$4, sliceType$19, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, mapType, ptrType$14, mapType$1, mapType$2, ptrType$15, mapType$3, ptrType$16, mapType$4, mapType$5, mapType$6, ptrType$17, mapType$7, ptrType$18, mapType$8, ptrType$19, mapType$9, ptrType$20, mapType$10, ptrType$21, mapType$11, ptrType$22, ptrType$23, ptrType$24, mapType$12, sliceType$20, ptrType$25, mapType$13, mapType$14, mapType$15, ptrType$26, mapType$16, ptrType$27, ptrType$28, ptrType$29, ptrType$30, ptrType$31, ptrType$32, ptrType$33, ptrType$34, ptrType$35, interfaceType, interfaceType$1, emptyNames, emptyEnumRanges, emptyFieldRanges, emptyFieldNumbers, emptySourceLocations, emptyFiles, emptyMessages, emptyFields, emptyOneofs, emptyEnums, emptyEnumValues, emptyExtensions, emptyServices, nameBuilderPool, isValidFieldNumber, newPathKey, unmarshalEnumReservedRange, unmarshalMessageReservedRange, unmarshalMessageExtensionRange, appendOptions, newRawFile, getBuilder, putBuilder, makeFullName, appendFullName, DefaultValue, unmarshalDefault; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + protowire = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"]; + descfmt = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt"]; + descopts = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts"]; + defval = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval"]; + messageset = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset"]; + errors = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"]; + genid = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid"]; + pragma = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"]; + strs = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs"]; + proto = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + protoregistry = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + PlaceholderFile = $pkg.PlaceholderFile = $newType(8, $kindString, "filedesc.PlaceholderFile", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, null); + PlaceholderEnum = $pkg.PlaceholderEnum = $newType(8, $kindString, "filedesc.PlaceholderEnum", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, null); + PlaceholderEnumValue = $pkg.PlaceholderEnumValue = $newType(8, $kindString, "filedesc.PlaceholderEnumValue", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, null); + PlaceholderMessage = $pkg.PlaceholderMessage = $newType(8, $kindString, "filedesc.PlaceholderMessage", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, null); + Enums = $pkg.Enums = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Enums", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, byName_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$8.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.byName = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.byName = byName_; + }); + EnumValues = $pkg.EnumValues = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.EnumValues", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, byName_, byNum_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$9.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.byName = false; + this.byNum = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.byName = byName_; + this.byNum = byNum_; + }); + Messages = $pkg.Messages = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Messages", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, byName_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$5.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.byName = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.byName = byName_; + }); + Fields = $pkg.Fields = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Fields", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, byName_, byJSON_, byText_, byNum_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$6.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.byName = false; + this.byJSON = false; + this.byText = false; + this.byNum = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.byName = byName_; + this.byJSON = byJSON_; + this.byText = byText_; + this.byNum = byNum_; + }); + Oneofs = $pkg.Oneofs = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Oneofs", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, byName_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$7.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.byName = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.byName = byName_; + }); + Extensions = $pkg.Extensions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Extensions", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, byName_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$10.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.byName = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.byName = byName_; + }); + Services = $pkg.Services = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Services", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, byName_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$11.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.byName = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.byName = byName_; + }); + Methods = $pkg.Methods = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Methods", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, byName_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$19.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.byName = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.byName = byName_; + }); + FileImports = $pkg.FileImports = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "filedesc.FileImports", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, null); + Names = $pkg.Names = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Names", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, has_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.has = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.has = has_; + }); + EnumRanges = $pkg.EnumRanges = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.EnumRanges", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, sorted_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$1.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.sorted = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.sorted = sorted_; + }); + enumRange = $pkg.enumRange = $newType(8, $kindArray, "filedesc.enumRange", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", false, null); + FieldRanges = $pkg.FieldRanges = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.FieldRanges", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, sorted_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$2.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.sorted = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.sorted = sorted_; + }); + fieldRange = $pkg.fieldRange = $newType(8, $kindArray, "filedesc.fieldRange", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", false, null); + FieldNumbers = $pkg.FieldNumbers = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.FieldNumbers", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, has_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$3.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.has = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.has = has_; + }); + OneofFields = $pkg.OneofFields = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.OneofFields", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, once_, byName_, byJSON_, byText_, byNum_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$20.nil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.byName = false; + this.byJSON = false; + this.byText = false; + this.byNum = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.once = once_; + this.byName = byName_; + this.byJSON = byJSON_; + this.byText = byText_; + this.byNum = byNum_; + }); + SourceLocations = $pkg.SourceLocations = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.SourceLocations", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(List_, File_, once_, byPath_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.List = sliceType$4.nil; + this.File = $ifaceNil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.byPath = false; + return; + } + this.List = List_; + this.File = File_; + this.once = once_; + this.byPath = byPath_; + }); + pathKey = $pkg.pathKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.pathKey", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", false, function(arr_, str_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.arr = arrayType$3.zero(); + this.str = ""; + return; + } + this.arr = arr_; + this.str = str_; + }); + fileRaw = $pkg.fileRaw = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.fileRaw", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", false, function(builder_, allEnums_, allMessages_, allExtensions_, allServices_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.builder = new Builder.ptr("", sliceType$13.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil); + this.allEnums = sliceType$8.nil; + this.allMessages = sliceType$5.nil; + this.allExtensions = sliceType$10.nil; + this.allServices = sliceType$11.nil; + return; + } + this.builder = builder_; + this.allEnums = allEnums_; + this.allMessages = allMessages_; + this.allExtensions = allExtensions_; + this.allServices = allServices_; + }); + File = $pkg.File = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.File", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(fileRaw_, L1_, once_, mu_, L2_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fileRaw = new fileRaw.ptr(new Builder.ptr("", sliceType$13.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil), sliceType$8.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$10.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + this.L1 = new FileL1.ptr(0, "", "", new Enums.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Messages.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Extensions.ptr(sliceType$10.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Services.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false)); + this.once = 0; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.L2 = ptrType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.fileRaw = fileRaw_; + this.L1 = L1_; + this.once = once_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.L2 = L2_; + }); + FileL1 = $pkg.FileL1 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.FileL1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Syntax_, Path_, Package_, Enums_, Messages_, Extensions_, Services_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Syntax = 0; + this.Path = ""; + this.Package = ""; + this.Enums = new Enums.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + this.Messages = new Messages.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + this.Extensions = new Extensions.ptr(sliceType$10.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + this.Services = new Services.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + return; + } + this.Syntax = Syntax_; + this.Path = Path_; + this.Package = Package_; + this.Enums = Enums_; + this.Messages = Messages_; + this.Extensions = Extensions_; + this.Services = Services_; + }); + FileL2 = $pkg.FileL2 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.FileL2", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Options_, Imports_, Locations_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Options = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Imports = FileImports.nil; + this.Locations = new SourceLocations.ptr(sliceType$4.nil, $ifaceNil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + return; + } + this.Options = Options_; + this.Imports = Imports_; + this.Locations = Locations_; + }); + Enum = $pkg.Enum = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Enum", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Base_, L1_, L2_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Base = new Base.ptr(new BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$27.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)); + this.L1 = new EnumL1.ptr(false); + this.L2 = ptrType$28.nil; + return; + } + this.Base = Base_; + this.L1 = L1_; + this.L2 = L2_; + }); + EnumL1 = $pkg.EnumL1 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.EnumL1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(eagerValues_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.eagerValues = false; + return; + } + this.eagerValues = eagerValues_; + }); + EnumL2 = $pkg.EnumL2 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.EnumL2", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Options_, Values_, ReservedNames_, ReservedRanges_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Options = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Values = new EnumValues.ptr(sliceType$9.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false); + this.ReservedNames = new Names.ptr(sliceType.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + this.ReservedRanges = new EnumRanges.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$1.nil); + return; + } + this.Options = Options_; + this.Values = Values_; + this.ReservedNames = ReservedNames_; + this.ReservedRanges = ReservedRanges_; + }); + EnumValue = $pkg.EnumValue = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.EnumValue", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Base_, L1_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Base = new Base.ptr(new BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$27.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)); + this.L1 = new EnumValueL1.ptr($throwNilPointerError, 0); + return; + } + this.Base = Base_; + this.L1 = L1_; + }); + EnumValueL1 = $pkg.EnumValueL1 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.EnumValueL1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Options_, Number_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Options = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Number = 0; + return; + } + this.Options = Options_; + this.Number = Number_; + }); + Message = $pkg.Message = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Message", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Base_, L1_, L2_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Base = new Base.ptr(new BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$27.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)); + this.L1 = new MessageL1.ptr(new Enums.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Messages.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Extensions.ptr(sliceType$10.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), false, false); + this.L2 = ptrType$29.nil; + return; + } + this.Base = Base_; + this.L1 = L1_; + this.L2 = L2_; + }); + MessageL1 = $pkg.MessageL1 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.MessageL1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Enums_, Messages_, Extensions_, IsMapEntry_, IsMessageSet_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Enums = new Enums.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + this.Messages = new Messages.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + this.Extensions = new Extensions.ptr(sliceType$10.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + this.IsMapEntry = false; + this.IsMessageSet = false; + return; + } + this.Enums = Enums_; + this.Messages = Messages_; + this.Extensions = Extensions_; + this.IsMapEntry = IsMapEntry_; + this.IsMessageSet = IsMessageSet_; + }); + MessageL2 = $pkg.MessageL2 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.MessageL2", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Options_, Fields_, Oneofs_, ReservedNames_, ReservedRanges_, RequiredNumbers_, ExtensionRanges_, ExtensionRangeOptions_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Options = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Fields = new Fields.ptr(sliceType$6.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false, false, false); + this.Oneofs = new Oneofs.ptr(sliceType$7.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + this.ReservedNames = new Names.ptr(sliceType.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + this.ReservedRanges = new FieldRanges.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$2.nil); + this.RequiredNumbers = new FieldNumbers.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + this.ExtensionRanges = new FieldRanges.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$2.nil); + this.ExtensionRangeOptions = sliceType$18.nil; + return; + } + this.Options = Options_; + this.Fields = Fields_; + this.Oneofs = Oneofs_; + this.ReservedNames = ReservedNames_; + this.ReservedRanges = ReservedRanges_; + this.RequiredNumbers = RequiredNumbers_; + this.ExtensionRanges = ExtensionRanges_; + this.ExtensionRangeOptions = ExtensionRangeOptions_; + }); + Field = $pkg.Field = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Field", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Base_, L1_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Base = new Base.ptr(new BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$27.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)); + this.L1 = new FieldL1.ptr($throwNilPointerError, 0, 0, 0, new stringName.ptr(false, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), "", ""), false, false, false, false, false, false, new defaultValue.ptr(false, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$4.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$13.nil, $ifaceNil), $ifaceNil, sliceType$13.nil), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.Base = Base_; + this.L1 = L1_; + }); + FieldL1 = $pkg.FieldL1 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.FieldL1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Options_, Number_, Cardinality_, Kind_, StringName_, IsProto3Optional_, IsWeak_, HasPacked_, IsPacked_, HasEnforceUTF8_, EnforceUTF8_, Default_, ContainingOneof_, Enum_, Message_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Options = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Number = 0; + this.Cardinality = 0; + this.Kind = 0; + this.StringName = new stringName.ptr(false, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), "", ""); + this.IsProto3Optional = false; + this.IsWeak = false; + this.HasPacked = false; + this.IsPacked = false; + this.HasEnforceUTF8 = false; + this.EnforceUTF8 = false; + this.Default = new defaultValue.ptr(false, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$4.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$13.nil, $ifaceNil), $ifaceNil, sliceType$13.nil); + this.ContainingOneof = $ifaceNil; + this.Enum = $ifaceNil; + this.Message = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Options = Options_; + this.Number = Number_; + this.Cardinality = Cardinality_; + this.Kind = Kind_; + this.StringName = StringName_; + this.IsProto3Optional = IsProto3Optional_; + this.IsWeak = IsWeak_; + this.HasPacked = HasPacked_; + this.IsPacked = IsPacked_; + this.HasEnforceUTF8 = HasEnforceUTF8_; + this.EnforceUTF8 = EnforceUTF8_; + this.Default = Default_; + this.ContainingOneof = ContainingOneof_; + this.Enum = Enum_; + this.Message = Message_; + }); + Oneof = $pkg.Oneof = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Oneof", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Base_, L1_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Base = new Base.ptr(new BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$27.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)); + this.L1 = new OneofL1.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new OneofFields.ptr(sliceType$20.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false, false, false)); + return; + } + this.Base = Base_; + this.L1 = L1_; + }); + OneofL1 = $pkg.OneofL1 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.OneofL1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Options_, Fields_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Options = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Fields = new OneofFields.ptr(sliceType$20.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false, false, false); + return; + } + this.Options = Options_; + this.Fields = Fields_; + }); + Extension = $pkg.Extension = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Extension", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Base_, L1_, L2_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Base = new Base.ptr(new BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$27.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)); + this.L1 = new ExtensionL1.ptr(0, $ifaceNil, 0, 0); + this.L2 = ptrType$30.nil; + return; + } + this.Base = Base_; + this.L1 = L1_; + this.L2 = L2_; + }); + ExtensionL1 = $pkg.ExtensionL1 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.ExtensionL1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Number_, Extendee_, Cardinality_, Kind_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Number = 0; + this.Extendee = $ifaceNil; + this.Cardinality = 0; + this.Kind = 0; + return; + } + this.Number = Number_; + this.Extendee = Extendee_; + this.Cardinality = Cardinality_; + this.Kind = Kind_; + }); + ExtensionL2 = $pkg.ExtensionL2 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.ExtensionL2", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Options_, StringName_, IsProto3Optional_, IsPacked_, Default_, Enum_, Message_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Options = $throwNilPointerError; + this.StringName = new stringName.ptr(false, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), "", ""); + this.IsProto3Optional = false; + this.IsPacked = false; + this.Default = new defaultValue.ptr(false, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$4.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$13.nil, $ifaceNil), $ifaceNil, sliceType$13.nil); + this.Enum = $ifaceNil; + this.Message = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Options = Options_; + this.StringName = StringName_; + this.IsProto3Optional = IsProto3Optional_; + this.IsPacked = IsPacked_; + this.Default = Default_; + this.Enum = Enum_; + this.Message = Message_; + }); + Service = $pkg.Service = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Service", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Base_, L1_, L2_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Base = new Base.ptr(new BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$27.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)); + this.L1 = new ServiceL1.ptr(); + this.L2 = ptrType$31.nil; + return; + } + this.Base = Base_; + this.L1 = L1_; + this.L2 = L2_; + }); + ServiceL1 = $pkg.ServiceL1 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.ServiceL1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + ServiceL2 = $pkg.ServiceL2 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.ServiceL2", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Options_, Methods_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Options = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Methods = new Methods.ptr(sliceType$19.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + return; + } + this.Options = Options_; + this.Methods = Methods_; + }); + Method = $pkg.Method = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Method", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Base_, L1_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Base = new Base.ptr(new BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$27.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)); + this.L1 = new MethodL1.ptr($throwNilPointerError, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, false, false); + return; + } + this.Base = Base_; + this.L1 = L1_; + }); + MethodL1 = $pkg.MethodL1 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.MethodL1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(Options_, Input_, Output_, IsStreamingClient_, IsStreamingServer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Options = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Input = $ifaceNil; + this.Output = $ifaceNil; + this.IsStreamingClient = false; + this.IsStreamingServer = false; + return; + } + this.Options = Options_; + this.Input = Input_; + this.Output = Output_; + this.IsStreamingClient = IsStreamingClient_; + this.IsStreamingServer = IsStreamingServer_; + }); + Base = $pkg.Base = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Base", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(L0_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.L0 = new BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$27.nil, $ifaceNil, 0); + return; + } + this.L0 = L0_; + }); + BaseL0 = $pkg.BaseL0 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.BaseL0", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(FullName_, ParentFile_, Parent_, Index_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.FullName = ""; + this.ParentFile = ptrType$27.nil; + this.Parent = $ifaceNil; + this.Index = 0; + return; + } + this.FullName = FullName_; + this.ParentFile = ParentFile_; + this.Parent = Parent_; + this.Index = Index_; + }); + stringName = $pkg.stringName = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.stringName", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", false, function(hasJSON_, once_, nameJSON_, nameText_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.hasJSON = false; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.nameJSON = ""; + this.nameText = ""; + return; + } + this.hasJSON = hasJSON_; + this.once = once_; + this.nameJSON = nameJSON_; + this.nameText = nameText_; + }); + defaultValue = $pkg.defaultValue = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.defaultValue", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", false, function(has_, val_, enum$2_, bytes_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.has = false; + this.val = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$4.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$13.nil, $ifaceNil); + this.enum$2 = $ifaceNil; + this.bytes = sliceType$13.nil; + return; + } + this.has = has_; + this.val = val_; + this.enum$2 = enum$2_; + this.bytes = bytes_; + }); + Builder = $pkg.Builder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Builder", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(GoPackagePath_, RawDescriptor_, NumEnums_, NumMessages_, NumExtensions_, NumServices_, TypeResolver_, FileRegistry_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.GoPackagePath = ""; + this.RawDescriptor = sliceType$13.nil; + this.NumEnums = 0; + this.NumMessages = 0; + this.NumExtensions = 0; + this.NumServices = 0; + this.TypeResolver = $ifaceNil; + this.FileRegistry = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.GoPackagePath = GoPackagePath_; + this.RawDescriptor = RawDescriptor_; + this.NumEnums = NumEnums_; + this.NumMessages = NumMessages_; + this.NumExtensions = NumExtensions_; + this.NumServices = NumServices_; + this.TypeResolver = TypeResolver_; + this.FileRegistry = FileRegistry_; + }); + resolverByIndex = $pkg.resolverByIndex = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "filedesc.resolverByIndex", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", false, null); + Out = $pkg.Out = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filedesc.Out", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", true, function(File_, Enums_, Messages_, Extensions_, Services_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.File = $ifaceNil; + this.Enums = sliceType$8.nil; + this.Messages = sliceType$5.nil; + this.Extensions = sliceType$10.nil; + this.Services = sliceType$11.nil; + return; + } + this.File = File_; + this.Enums = Enums_; + this.Messages = Messages_; + this.Extensions = Extensions_; + this.Services = Services_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType(protoreflect.Name); + arrayType = $arrayType(protoreflect.EnumNumber, 2); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(arrayType); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(protowire.Number, 2); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(arrayType$1); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(protowire.Number); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(protoreflect.SourceLocation); + ptrType = $ptrType(FileImports); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(Message); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(Field); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType(Oneof); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType(Enum); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType(EnumValue); + sliceType$10 = $sliceType(Extension); + sliceType$11 = $sliceType(Service); + sliceType$12 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$13 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(FileL2); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Enum); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(EnumValue); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(Message); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(Field); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(Oneof); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(Extension); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(Service); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(Method); + structType = $structType("", []); + sliceType$14 = $sliceType($String); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Int32, 16); + sliceType$15 = $sliceType($Int32); + sliceType$16 = $sliceType($Int); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 16); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + sliceType$17 = $sliceType(sliceType$13); + funcType = $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false); + sliceType$18 = $sliceType(funcType); + funcType$1 = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType(funcType$1, 0); + sliceType$19 = $sliceType(Method); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(strs.Builder); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType($Uint32); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(Enums); + mapType = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, ptrType$2); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType(EnumValues); + mapType$1 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, ptrType$3); + mapType$2 = $mapType(protoreflect.EnumNumber, ptrType$3); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(Messages); + mapType$3 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, ptrType$4); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType(Fields); + mapType$4 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, ptrType$5); + mapType$5 = $mapType($String, ptrType$5); + mapType$6 = $mapType(protowire.Number, ptrType$5); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType(Oneofs); + mapType$7 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, ptrType$6); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(Extensions); + mapType$8 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, ptrType$7); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType(Services); + mapType$9 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, ptrType$8); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(Methods); + mapType$10 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, ptrType$9); + ptrType$21 = $ptrType(Names); + mapType$11 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, $Int); + ptrType$22 = $ptrType(EnumRanges); + ptrType$23 = $ptrType(FieldRanges); + ptrType$24 = $ptrType(FieldNumbers); + mapType$12 = $mapType(protowire.Number, structType); + sliceType$20 = $sliceType(protoreflect.FieldDescriptor); + ptrType$25 = $ptrType(OneofFields); + mapType$13 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor); + mapType$14 = $mapType($String, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor); + mapType$15 = $mapType(protowire.Number, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor); + ptrType$26 = $ptrType(SourceLocations); + mapType$16 = $mapType(pathKey, $Int); + ptrType$27 = $ptrType(File); + ptrType$28 = $ptrType(EnumL2); + ptrType$29 = $ptrType(MessageL2); + ptrType$30 = $ptrType(ExtensionL2); + ptrType$31 = $ptrType(ServiceL2); + ptrType$32 = $ptrType(Base); + ptrType$33 = $ptrType(stringName); + ptrType$34 = $ptrType(defaultValue); + ptrType$35 = $ptrType(Builder); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "FindExtensionByName", name: "FindExtensionByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.ExtensionType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindExtensionByNumber", name: "FindExtensionByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName, protowire.Number], [protoreflect.ExtensionType, $error], false)}]); + interfaceType$1 = $interfaceType([{prop: "FindDescriptorByName", name: "FindDescriptorByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.Descriptor, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindFileByPath", name: "FindFileByPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor, $error], false)}, {prop: "RegisterFile", name: "RegisterFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FileDescriptor], [$error], false)}]); + PlaceholderFile.prototype.ParentFile = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return new PlaceholderFile(f); + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.ParentFile = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).ParentFile(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Parent = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Parent = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Parent(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Index = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Index = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Index(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Syntax = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Syntax = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Syntax(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Name = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return ""; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Name = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Name(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.FullName = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return ""; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.FullName = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).FullName(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return true; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).IsPlaceholder(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Options = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return descopts.File; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Options = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Options(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Path = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return (f); + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Path = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Path(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Package = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return ""; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Package = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Package(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Imports = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return emptyFiles; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Imports = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Imports(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Messages = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return emptyMessages; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Messages = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Messages(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Enums = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return emptyEnums; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Enums = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Enums(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Extensions = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return emptyExtensions; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Extensions = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Extensions(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.Services = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return emptyServices; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.Services = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).Services(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.SourceLocations = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return emptySourceLocations; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.SourceLocations = function() { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).SourceLocations(); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var f, param; + f = this.$val; + return; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).ProtoType(param); }; + PlaceholderFile.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var f, param; + f = this.$val; + return; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderFile).prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return new PlaceholderFile(this.$get()).ProtoInternal(param); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.ParentFile = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.ParentFile = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).ParentFile(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.Parent = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.Parent = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).Parent(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.Index = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.Index = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).Index(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.Syntax = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.Syntax = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).Syntax(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.Name = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return new protoreflect.FullName((e)).Name(); + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.Name = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).Name(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.FullName = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return (e); + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.FullName = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).FullName(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return true; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).IsPlaceholder(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.Options = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return descopts.Enum; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.Options = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).Options(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.Values = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return emptyEnumValues; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.Values = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).Values(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.ReservedNames = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return emptyNames; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.ReservedNames = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).ReservedNames(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.ReservedRanges = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return emptyEnumRanges; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.ReservedRanges = function() { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).ReservedRanges(); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var e, param; + e = this.$val; + return; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).ProtoType(param); }; + PlaceholderEnum.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var e, param; + e = this.$val; + return; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnum).prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return new PlaceholderEnum(this.$get()).ProtoInternal(param); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.ParentFile = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.ParentFile = function() { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).ParentFile(); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.Parent = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.Parent = function() { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).Parent(); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.Index = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.Index = function() { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).Index(); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.Syntax = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.Syntax = function() { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).Syntax(); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.Name = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return new protoreflect.FullName((e)).Name(); + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.Name = function() { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).Name(); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.FullName = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return (e); + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.FullName = function() { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).FullName(); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return true; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).IsPlaceholder(); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.Options = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return descopts.EnumValue; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.Options = function() { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).Options(); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.Number = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.Number = function() { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).Number(); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var e, param; + e = this.$val; + return; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).ProtoType(param); }; + PlaceholderEnumValue.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var e, param; + e = this.$val; + return; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderEnumValue).prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return new PlaceholderEnumValue(this.$get()).ProtoInternal(param); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.ParentFile = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.ParentFile = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).ParentFile(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.Parent = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.Parent = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).Parent(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.Index = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.Index = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).Index(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.Syntax = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.Syntax = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).Syntax(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.Name = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return new protoreflect.FullName((m)).Name(); + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.Name = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).Name(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.FullName = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return (m); + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.FullName = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).FullName(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return true; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).IsPlaceholder(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.Options = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return descopts.Message; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.Options = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).Options(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.IsMapEntry = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return false; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.IsMapEntry = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).IsMapEntry(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.Fields = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return emptyFields; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.Fields = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).Fields(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.Oneofs = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return emptyOneofs; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.Oneofs = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).Oneofs(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.ReservedNames = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return emptyNames; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.ReservedNames = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).ReservedNames(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.ReservedRanges = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return emptyFieldRanges; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.ReservedRanges = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).ReservedRanges(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.RequiredNumbers = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return emptyFieldNumbers; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.RequiredNumbers = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).RequiredNumbers(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.ExtensionRanges = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return emptyFieldRanges; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.ExtensionRanges = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).ExtensionRanges(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.ExtensionRangeOptions = function(param) { + var m, param; + m = this.$val; + $panic(new $String("index out of range")); + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.ExtensionRangeOptions = function(param) { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).ExtensionRangeOptions(param); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.Messages = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return emptyMessages; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.Messages = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).Messages(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.Enums = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return emptyEnums; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.Enums = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).Enums(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.Extensions = function() { + var m; + m = this.$val; + return emptyExtensions; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.Extensions = function() { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).Extensions(); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var m, param; + m = this.$val; + return; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).ProtoType(param); }; + PlaceholderMessage.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var m, param; + m = this.$val; + return; + }; + $ptrType(PlaceholderMessage).prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return new PlaceholderMessage(this.$get()).ProtoInternal(param); }; + Enums.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + Enums.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Enums.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + Enums.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + Enums.ptr.prototype.ByName = function(s) { + var {_entry, _r, d, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$2.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$2.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enums.ptr.prototype.ByName, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Enums.prototype.ByName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByName(s); }; + Enums.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enums.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Enums.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Enums.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + Enums.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Enums.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function() { + var _entry, _i, _key, _ref, _tuple, d, i, ok, x, x$1; + if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { + p[0].byName = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + d = (x$1 = p[0].List, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])); + _tuple = (_entry = p[0].byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(d.Base.Name())], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$2.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _key = d.Base.Name(); (p[0].byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: d }; + } + _i++; + } + } + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enums.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Enums.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + EnumValues.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + EnumValues.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + EnumValues.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + EnumValues.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + EnumValues.ptr.prototype.ByName = function(s) { + var {_entry, _r, d, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$3.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$3.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumValues.ptr.prototype.ByName, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumValues.prototype.ByName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByName(s); }; + EnumValues.ptr.prototype.ByNumber = function(n) { + var {_entry, _r, d, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byNum[protoreflect.EnumNumber.keyFor(n)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$3.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$3.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumValues.ptr.prototype.ByNumber, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumValues.prototype.ByNumber = function(n) { return this.$val.ByNumber(n); }; + EnumValues.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumValues.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumValues.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + EnumValues.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + EnumValues.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + EnumValues.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function() { + var _entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _key$1, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, i, ok, ok$1, x, x$1, x$2; + if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { + p[0].byName = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + p[0].byNum = (x$1 = p[0].List.$length, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + d = (x$2 = p[0].List, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i])); + _tuple = (_entry = p[0].byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(d.Base.Name())], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$3.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _key = d.Base.Name(); (p[0].byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: d }; + } + _tuple$1 = (_entry$1 = p[0].byNum[protoreflect.EnumNumber.keyFor(d.Number())], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [ptrType$3.nil, false]); + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok$1) { + _key$1 = d.Number(); (p[0].byNum || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.EnumNumber.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: d }; + } + _i++; + } + } + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumValues.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumValues.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + Messages.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + Messages.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Messages.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + Messages.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + Messages.ptr.prototype.ByName = function(s) { + var {_entry, _r, d, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$4.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$4.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Messages.ptr.prototype.ByName, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Messages.prototype.ByName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByName(s); }; + Messages.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Messages.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Messages.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Messages.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + Messages.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Messages.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function() { + var _entry, _i, _key, _ref, _tuple, d, i, ok, x, x$1; + if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { + p[0].byName = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + d = (x$1 = p[0].List, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])); + _tuple = (_entry = p[0].byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(d.Base.Name())], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$4.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _key = d.Base.Name(); (p[0].byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: d }; + } + _i++; + } + } + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Messages.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Messages.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + Fields.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + Fields.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Fields.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + Fields.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + Fields.ptr.prototype.ByName = function(s) { + var {_entry, _r, d, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$5.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fields.ptr.prototype.ByName, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Fields.prototype.ByName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByName(s); }; + Fields.ptr.prototype.ByJSONName = function(s) { + var {_entry, _r, d, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byJSON[$String.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$5.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fields.ptr.prototype.ByJSONName, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Fields.prototype.ByJSONName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByJSONName(s); }; + Fields.ptr.prototype.ByTextName = function(s) { + var {_entry, _r, d, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byText[$String.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$5.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fields.ptr.prototype.ByTextName, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Fields.prototype.ByTextName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByTextName(s); }; + Fields.ptr.prototype.ByNumber = function(n) { + var {_entry, _r, d, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byNum[protowire.Number.keyFor(n)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$5.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fields.ptr.prototype.ByNumber, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Fields.prototype.ByNumber = function(n) { return this.$val.ByNumber(n); }; + Fields.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fields.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Fields.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Fields.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + Fields.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Fields.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function $b() { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, d, i, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { */ case 1: + p[0].byName = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + p[0].byJSON = (x$1 = p[0].List.$length, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + p[0].byText = (x$2 = p[0].List.$length, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + p[0].byNum = (x$3 = p[0].List.$length, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + i = _i; + d = (x$4 = p[0].List, ((i < 0 || i >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + i])); + _tuple = (_entry = p[0].byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(d.Base.Name())], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$5.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _key = d.Base.Name(); (p[0].byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: d }; + } + _r = d.JSONName(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = (_entry$1 = p[0].byJSON[$String.keyFor(_r)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [ptrType$5.nil, false]); + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = d.JSONName(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key$1 = _r$1; (p[0].byJSON || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: d }; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$2 = d.TextName(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = (_entry$2 = p[0].byText[$String.keyFor(_r$2)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? [_entry$2.v, true] : [ptrType$5.nil, false]); + ok$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$2) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!ok$2) { */ case 10: + _r$3 = d.TextName(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key$2 = _r$3; (p[0].byText || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$2)] = { k: _key$2, v: d }; + /* } */ case 11: + _tuple$3 = (_entry$3 = p[0].byNum[protowire.Number.keyFor(d.Number())], _entry$3 !== undefined ? [_entry$3.v, true] : [ptrType$5.nil, false]); + ok$3 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!ok$3) { + _key$3 = d.Number(); (p[0].byNum || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protowire.Number.keyFor(_key$3)] = { k: _key$3, v: d }; + } + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, d, i, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fields.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Fields.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + Oneofs.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + Oneofs.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Oneofs.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + Oneofs.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + Oneofs.ptr.prototype.ByName = function(s) { + var {_entry, _r, d, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$6.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$6.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Oneofs.ptr.prototype.ByName, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Oneofs.prototype.ByName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByName(s); }; + Oneofs.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Oneofs.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Oneofs.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Oneofs.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + Oneofs.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Oneofs.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function() { + var _entry, _i, _key, _ref, _tuple, d, i, ok, x, x$1; + if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { + p[0].byName = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + d = (x$1 = p[0].List, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])); + _tuple = (_entry = p[0].byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(d.Base.Name())], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$6.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _key = d.Base.Name(); (p[0].byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: d }; + } + _i++; + } + } + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Oneofs.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Oneofs.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + Extensions.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + Extensions.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Extensions.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + Extensions.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + Extensions.ptr.prototype.ByName = function(s) { + var {_entry, _r, d, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$7.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$7.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extensions.ptr.prototype.ByName, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Extensions.prototype.ByName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByName(s); }; + Extensions.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extensions.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Extensions.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Extensions.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + Extensions.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Extensions.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function() { + var _entry, _i, _key, _ref, _tuple, d, i, ok, x, x$1; + if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { + p[0].byName = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + d = (x$1 = p[0].List, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])); + _tuple = (_entry = p[0].byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(d.Base.Name())], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$7.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _key = d.Base.Name(); (p[0].byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: d }; + } + _i++; + } + } + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extensions.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Extensions.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + Services.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + Services.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Services.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + Services.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + Services.ptr.prototype.ByName = function(s) { + var {_entry, _r, d, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$8.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$8.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Services.ptr.prototype.ByName, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Services.prototype.ByName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByName(s); }; + Services.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Services.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Services.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Services.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + Services.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Services.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function() { + var _entry, _i, _key, _ref, _tuple, d, i, ok, x, x$1; + if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { + p[0].byName = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + d = (x$1 = p[0].List, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])); + _tuple = (_entry = p[0].byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(d.Base.Name())], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$8.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _key = d.Base.Name(); (p[0].byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: d }; + } + _i++; + } + } + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Services.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Services.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + Methods.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + Methods.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Methods.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + Methods.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + Methods.ptr.prototype.ByName = function(s) { + var {_entry, _r, d, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = (_entry = _r.byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$9.nil); + if (!(d === ptrType$9.nil)) { + $s = -1; return d; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Methods.ptr.prototype.ByName, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, d, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Methods.prototype.ByName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByName(s); }; + Methods.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Methods.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Methods.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Methods.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + Methods.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Methods.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function() { + var _entry, _i, _key, _ref, _tuple, d, i, ok, x, x$1; + if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { + p[0].byName = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + d = (x$1 = p[0].List, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])); + _tuple = (_entry = p[0].byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(d.Base.Name())], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$9.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _key = d.Base.Name(); (p[0].byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: d }; + } + _i++; + } + } + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Methods.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Methods.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + $ptrType(FileImports).prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.$get().$length; + }; + $ptrType(FileImports).prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.$get(), ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + $ptrType(FileImports).prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(FileImports).prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(FileImports).prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + Names.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + Names.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Names.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + Names.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + Names.ptr.prototype.Has = function(s) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (_entry = _r.has[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0) > 0; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Names.ptr.prototype.Has, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Names.prototype.Has = function(s) { return this.$val.Has(s); }; + Names.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Names.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Names.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Names.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + Names.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Names.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function() { + var _entry, _i, _key, _ref, s, x; + if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { + p[0].has = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _key = s; (p[0].has || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: (_entry = p[0].has[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0) + 1 >> 0 }; + _i++; + } + } + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Names.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Names.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + Names.ptr.prototype.CheckValid = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _entry, _i, _keys, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, n, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r.has; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + s = _entry.k; + n = _entry.v; + /* */ if (n > 1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (false && !new protoreflect.Name(s).IsValid()) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (n > 1) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = errors.New("duplicate name: %q", new sliceType$12([new protoreflect.Name(s)])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } else if (false && !new protoreflect.Name(s).IsValid()) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = errors.New("invalid name: %q", new sliceType$12([new protoreflect.Name(s)])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + case 4: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Names.ptr.prototype.CheckValid, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _entry, _i, _keys, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, n, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Names.prototype.CheckValid = function() { return this.$val.CheckValid(); }; + EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + EnumRanges.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + EnumRanges.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.Has = function(n) { + var {_q, _r, i, ls, n, p, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ls = _r.sorted; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(ls.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(ls.$length > 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + i = (_q = ls.$length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + r = $clone(($clone(((i < 0 || i >= ls.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ls.$array[ls.$offset + i]), enumRange)), enumRange); + if (n < new enumRange($clone(r, enumRange)).Start()) { + ls = $subslice(ls, 0, i); + } else if (n > new enumRange($clone(r, enumRange)).End()) { + ls = $subslice(ls, (i + 1 >> 0)); + } else { + $s = -1; return true; + } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.Has, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, i, ls, n, p, r, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumRanges.prototype.Has = function(n) { return this.$val.Has(n); }; + EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumRanges.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + EnumRanges.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p[0].sorted = $appendSlice(p[0].sorted, p[0].List); + $r = sort.Slice(p[0].sorted, (function(p) { return function(i, j) { + var i, j, x, x$1; + return (x = p[0].sorted, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]))[0] < (x$1 = p[0].sorted, ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + j]))[0]; + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumRanges.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.CheckValid = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, i, p, r, r$1, rp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + rp = arrayType.zero(); + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r.sorted; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + i = _i; + r = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), arrayType); + r$1 = $clone(($clone(r, enumRange)), enumRange); + /* */ if (!(new enumRange($clone(r$1, enumRange)).Start() <= new enumRange($clone(r$1, enumRange)).End())) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (!(new enumRange($clone(rp, enumRange)).End() < new enumRange($clone(r$1, enumRange)).Start()) && i > 0) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(new enumRange($clone(r$1, enumRange)).Start() <= new enumRange($clone(r$1, enumRange)).End())) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = errors.New("invalid range: %v", new sliceType$12([new enumRange(r$1)])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } else if (!(new enumRange($clone(rp, enumRange)).End() < new enumRange($clone(r$1, enumRange)).Start()) && i > 0) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = errors.New("overlapping ranges: %v with %v", new sliceType$12([new enumRange(rp), new enumRange(r$1)])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + case 4: + enumRange.copy(rp, r$1); + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumRanges.ptr.prototype.CheckValid, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, i, p, r, r$1, rp, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumRanges.prototype.CheckValid = function() { return this.$val.CheckValid(); }; + enumRange.prototype.Start = function() { + var r; + r = this.$val; + return r[0]; + }; + $ptrType(enumRange).prototype.Start = function() { return new enumRange(this.$get()).Start(); }; + enumRange.prototype.End = function() { + var r; + r = this.$val; + return r[1]; + }; + $ptrType(enumRange).prototype.End = function() { return new enumRange(this.$get()).End(); }; + enumRange.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this.$val; + /* */ if (new enumRange($clone(r, enumRange)).Start() === new enumRange($clone(r, enumRange)).End()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (new enumRange($clone(r, enumRange)).Start() === new enumRange($clone(r, enumRange)).End()) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("%d", new sliceType$12([new protoreflect.EnumNumber(new enumRange($clone(r, enumRange)).Start())])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("%d to %d", new sliceType$12([new protoreflect.EnumNumber(new enumRange($clone(r, enumRange)).Start()), new protoreflect.EnumNumber(new enumRange($clone(r, enumRange)).End())])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: enumRange.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(enumRange).prototype.String = function() { return new enumRange(this.$get()).String(); }; + FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + FieldRanges.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + FieldRanges.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.Has = function(n) { + var {_q, _r, i, ls, n, p, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ls = _r.sorted; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(ls.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(ls.$length > 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + i = (_q = ls.$length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + r = $clone(($clone(((i < 0 || i >= ls.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ls.$array[ls.$offset + i]), fieldRange)), fieldRange); + if (n < new fieldRange($clone(r, fieldRange)).Start()) { + ls = $subslice(ls, 0, i); + } else if (n > new fieldRange($clone(r, fieldRange)).End()) { + ls = $subslice(ls, (i + 1 >> 0)); + } else { + $s = -1; return true; + } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.Has, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, i, ls, n, p, r, $s};return $f; + }; + FieldRanges.prototype.Has = function(n) { return this.$val.Has(n); }; + FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + FieldRanges.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + FieldRanges.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p[0].sorted = $appendSlice(p[0].sorted, p[0].List); + $r = sort.Slice(p[0].sorted, (function(p) { return function(i, j) { + var i, j, x, x$1; + return (x = p[0].sorted, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]))[0] < (x$1 = p[0].sorted, ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + j]))[0]; + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + FieldRanges.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.CheckValid = function(isMessageSet) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, i, isMessageSet, p, r, r$1, rp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {isMessageSet}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + rp = arrayType$1.zero(); + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r.sorted; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + i = _i; + r = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), arrayType$1); + r$1 = $clone(($clone(r, fieldRange)), fieldRange); + /* */ if (!isValidFieldNumber(new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).Start(), isMessageSet)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (!isValidFieldNumber(new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).End(), isMessageSet)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (!(new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).Start() <= new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).End())) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (!(new fieldRange($clone(rp, fieldRange)).End() < new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).Start()) && i > 0) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!isValidFieldNumber(new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).Start(), isMessageSet)) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = errors.New("invalid field number: %d", new sliceType$12([new protowire.Number(new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).Start())])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* } else if (!isValidFieldNumber(new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).End(), isMessageSet)) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = errors.New("invalid field number: %d", new sliceType$12([new protowire.Number(new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).End())])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (!(new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).Start() <= new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).End())) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = errors.New("invalid range: %v", new sliceType$12([new fieldRange(r$1)])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$3; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$2; + /* } else if (!(new fieldRange($clone(rp, fieldRange)).End() < new fieldRange($clone(r$1, fieldRange)).Start()) && i > 0) { */ case 8: + _r$4 = errors.New("overlapping ranges: %v with %v", new sliceType$12([new fieldRange(rp), new fieldRange(r$1)])); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$4; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 9: + case 4: + fieldRange.copy(rp, r$1); + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.CheckValid, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, i, isMessageSet, p, r, r$1, rp, $s};return $f; + }; + FieldRanges.prototype.CheckValid = function(isMessageSet) { return this.$val.CheckValid(isMessageSet); }; + isValidFieldNumber = function(n, isMessageSet) { + var isMessageSet, n; + return 1 <= n && (n <= 536870911 || isMessageSet); + }; + FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.CheckOverlap = function(q) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, p, pi, q, qi, rp, rps, rq, rqs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {q}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rps = _r.sorted; + _r$1 = q.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rqs = _r$1.sorted; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + pi = _tmp; + qi = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(pi < rps.$length && qi < rqs.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(pi < rps.$length && qi < rqs.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + rp = $clone(($clone(((pi < 0 || pi >= rps.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : rps.$array[rps.$offset + pi]), fieldRange)), fieldRange); + rq = $clone(($clone(((qi < 0 || qi >= rqs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : rqs.$array[rqs.$offset + qi]), fieldRange)), fieldRange); + /* */ if (!(new fieldRange($clone(rp, fieldRange)).End() < new fieldRange($clone(rq, fieldRange)).Start() || new fieldRange($clone(rq, fieldRange)).End() < new fieldRange($clone(rp, fieldRange)).Start())) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(new fieldRange($clone(rp, fieldRange)).End() < new fieldRange($clone(rq, fieldRange)).Start() || new fieldRange($clone(rq, fieldRange)).End() < new fieldRange($clone(rp, fieldRange)).Start())) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = errors.New("overlapping ranges: %v with %v", new sliceType$12([new fieldRange(rp), new fieldRange(rq)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + if (new fieldRange($clone(rp, fieldRange)).Start() < new fieldRange($clone(rq, fieldRange)).Start()) { + pi = pi + (1) >> 0; + } else { + qi = qi + (1) >> 0; + } + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FieldRanges.ptr.prototype.CheckOverlap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, p, pi, q, qi, rp, rps, rq, rqs, $s};return $f; + }; + FieldRanges.prototype.CheckOverlap = function(q) { return this.$val.CheckOverlap(q); }; + fieldRange.prototype.Start = function() { + var r; + r = this.$val; + return r[0]; + }; + $ptrType(fieldRange).prototype.Start = function() { return new fieldRange(this.$get()).Start(); }; + fieldRange.prototype.End = function() { + var r; + r = this.$val; + return r[1] - 1 >> 0; + }; + $ptrType(fieldRange).prototype.End = function() { return new fieldRange(this.$get()).End(); }; + fieldRange.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this.$val; + /* */ if (new fieldRange($clone(r, fieldRange)).Start() === new fieldRange($clone(r, fieldRange)).End()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (new fieldRange($clone(r, fieldRange)).Start() === new fieldRange($clone(r, fieldRange)).End()) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("%d", new sliceType$12([new protowire.Number(new fieldRange($clone(r, fieldRange)).Start())])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("%d to %d", new sliceType$12([new protowire.Number(new fieldRange($clone(r, fieldRange)).Start()), new protowire.Number(new fieldRange($clone(r, fieldRange)).End())])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fieldRange.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(fieldRange).prototype.String = function() { return new fieldRange(this.$get()).String(); }; + FieldNumbers.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + FieldNumbers.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + FieldNumbers.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + FieldNumbers.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + FieldNumbers.ptr.prototype.Has = function(n) { + var {_entry, _tuple, n, ok, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function() { + var _i, _key, _ref, n$1, x; + if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { + p[0].has = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + n$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _key = n$1; (p[0].has || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protowire.Number.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new structType.ptr() }; + _i++; + } + } + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = p[0].has[protowire.Number.keyFor(n)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new structType.ptr(), false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FieldNumbers.ptr.prototype.Has, $c: true, $r, _entry, _tuple, n, ok, p, $s};return $f; + }; + FieldNumbers.prototype.Has = function(n) { return this.$val.Has(n); }; + FieldNumbers.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FieldNumbers.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + FieldNumbers.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + FieldNumbers.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + FieldNumbers.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + OneofFields.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + OneofFields.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + OneofFields.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var i, p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + }; + OneofFields.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + OneofFields.ptr.prototype.ByName = function(s) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (_entry = _r.byName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: OneofFields.ptr.prototype.ByName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + OneofFields.prototype.ByName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByName(s); }; + OneofFields.ptr.prototype.ByJSONName = function(s) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (_entry = _r.byJSON[$String.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: OneofFields.ptr.prototype.ByJSONName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + OneofFields.prototype.ByJSONName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByJSONName(s); }; + OneofFields.ptr.prototype.ByTextName = function(s) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (_entry = _r.byText[$String.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: OneofFields.ptr.prototype.ByTextName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + OneofFields.prototype.ByTextName = function(s) { return this.$val.ByTextName(s); }; + OneofFields.ptr.prototype.ByNumber = function(n) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (_entry = _r.byNum[protowire.Number.keyFor(n)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: OneofFields.ptr.prototype.ByNumber, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + OneofFields.prototype.ByNumber = function(n) { return this.$val.ByNumber(n); }; + OneofFields.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {p, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: OneofFields.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, p, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + OneofFields.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + OneofFields.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + OneofFields.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + OneofFields.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function $b() { + var {_i, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, f, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { */ case 1: + p[0].byName = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + p[0].byJSON = (x$1 = p[0].List.$length, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + p[0].byText = (x$2 = p[0].List.$length, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + p[0].byNum = (x$3 = p[0].List.$length, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + f = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = f.Name(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = _r; (p[0].byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: f }; + _r$1 = f.JSONName(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key$1 = _r$1; (p[0].byJSON || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: f }; + _r$2 = f.TextName(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key$2 = _r$2; (p[0].byText || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$2)] = { k: _key$2, v: f }; + _r$3 = f.Number(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key$3 = _r$3; (p[0].byNum || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protowire.Number.keyFor(_key$3)] = { k: _key$3, v: f }; + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, f, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: OneofFields.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + OneofFields.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.List.$length; + }; + SourceLocations.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, i, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x = _r.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, i, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + SourceLocations.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.byKey = function(k) { + var {_entry, _r, _tuple, i, k, ok, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = _r.byPath[pathKey.keyFor(k)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + i = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return (x = p.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + } + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.byKey, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, _tuple, i, k, ok, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + SourceLocations.prototype.byKey = function(k) { return this.$val.byKey(k); }; + SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.ByPath = function(path) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, p, path, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = newPathKey(path); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = p.byKey($clone(_r, pathKey)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.ByPath, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, p, path, $s};return $f; + }; + SourceLocations.prototype.ByPath = function(path) { return this.$val.ByPath(path); }; + SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.ByDescriptor = function(desc) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _ref$5, _ref$6, _ref$7, _ref$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _v, desc, i, isExtension, j, p, path, pathArr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {desc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(p.File, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(desc, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = desc.ParentFile(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !($interfaceIsEqual(p.File, _r)); case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + /* } */ case 2: + pathArr = arrayType$2.zero(); + path = $subslice(new sliceType$15(pathArr), 0, 0); + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + _ref = desc; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FileDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.OneofDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.MethodDescriptor, true)[1]) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FileDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 7: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = path.$length - 1 >> 0; + i = _tmp; + j = _tmp$1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < j)) { break; } + _tmp$2 = ((j < 0 || j >= path.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : path.$array[path.$offset + j]); + _tmp$3 = ((i < 0 || i >= path.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : path.$array[path.$offset + i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= path.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : path.$array[path.$offset + i] = _tmp$2); + ((j < 0 || j >= path.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : path.$array[path.$offset + j] = _tmp$3); + _tmp$4 = i + 1 >> 0; + _tmp$5 = j - 1 >> 0; + i = _tmp$4; + j = _tmp$5; + } + _r$1 = newPathKey($convertSliceType(path, protoreflect.SourcePath)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = p.byKey($clone(_r$1, pathKey)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = desc.Index(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + path = $append(path, ((_r$3 >> 0))); + _r$4 = desc.Parent(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + desc = _r$4; + _ref$1 = desc; + if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.FileDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 4); + } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 3); + } else { + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + } + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 9: + _r$5 = $assertType(desc, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor).IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isExtension = _r$5; + _r$6 = desc.Index(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + path = $append(path, ((_r$6 >> 0))); + _r$7 = desc.Parent(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + desc = _r$7; + if (isExtension) { + _ref$2 = desc; + if ($assertType(_ref$2, protoreflect.FileDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 7); + } else if ($assertType(_ref$2, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 6); + } else { + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + } + } else { + _ref$3 = desc; + if ($assertType(_ref$3, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 2); + } else { + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + } + } + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.OneofDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 10: + _r$8 = desc.Index(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + path = $append(path, ((_r$8 >> 0))); + _r$9 = desc.Parent(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + desc = _r$9; + _ref$4 = desc; + if ($assertType(_ref$4, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 8); + } else { + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + } + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 11: + _r$10 = desc.Index(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + path = $append(path, ((_r$10 >> 0))); + _r$11 = desc.Parent(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + desc = _r$11; + _ref$5 = desc; + if ($assertType(_ref$5, protoreflect.FileDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 5); + } else if ($assertType(_ref$5, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 4); + } else { + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + } + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 12: + _r$12 = desc.Index(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + path = $append(path, ((_r$12 >> 0))); + _r$13 = desc.Parent(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + desc = _r$13; + _ref$6 = desc; + if ($assertType(_ref$6, protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 2); + } else { + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + } + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 13: + _r$14 = desc.Index(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + path = $append(path, ((_r$14 >> 0))); + _r$15 = desc.Parent(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + desc = _r$15; + _ref$7 = desc; + if ($assertType(_ref$7, protoreflect.FileDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 6); + } else { + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + } + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.MethodDescriptor, true)[1]) { */ case 14: + _r$16 = desc.Index(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + path = $append(path, ((_r$16 >> 0))); + _r$17 = desc.Parent(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + desc = _r$17; + _ref$8 = desc; + if ($assertType(_ref$8, protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor, true)[1]) { + path = $append(path, 2); + } else { + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + } + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else { */ case 15: + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + /* } */ case 16: + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.SourceLocation.ptr(protoreflect.SourcePath.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$14.nil, "", "", 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.ByDescriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _ref$5, _ref$6, _ref$7, _ref$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _v, desc, i, isExtension, j, p, path, pathArr, $s};return $f; + }; + SourceLocations.prototype.ByDescriptor = function(desc) { return this.$val.ByDescriptor(desc); }; + SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = [p]; + p[0] = this; + $r = p[0].once.Do((function(p) { return function $b() { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _key, _key$1, _keys, _r, _ref, _ref$1, i, i$1, idxs, k, k$1, l, pathIdxs, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p[0].List.$length > 0) { */ case 1: + pathIdxs = (x = p[0].List.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = p[0].List; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + i = _i; + l = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), protoreflect.SourceLocation); + _r = newPathKey(l.Path); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + k = $clone(_r, pathKey); + _key = $clone(k, pathKey); (pathIdxs || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[pathKey.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $append((_entry = pathIdxs[pathKey.keyFor(k)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$16.nil), i) }; + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + p[0].byPath = (x$1 = p[0].List.$length, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref$1 = pathIdxs; + _i$1 = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref$1); + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry$1 = _ref$1[_keys[_i$1]]; + if (_entry$1 === undefined) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + k$1 = $clone(_entry$1.k, pathKey); + idxs = _entry$1.v; + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < (idxs.$length - 1 >> 0))) { break; } + (x$3 = p[0].List, x$4 = ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= idxs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idxs.$array[idxs.$offset + i$1]), ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + x$4])).Next = (x$2 = i$1 + 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= idxs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idxs.$array[idxs.$offset + x$2])); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + (x$5 = p[0].List, x$6 = (x$7 = idxs.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= idxs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idxs.$array[idxs.$offset + x$7])), ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + x$6])).Next = 0; + _key$1 = $clone(k$1, pathKey); (p[0].byPath || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[pathKey.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: (0 >= idxs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idxs.$array[idxs.$offset + 0]) }; + _i$1++; + } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _key, _key$1, _keys, _r, _ref, _ref$1, i, i$1, idxs, k, k$1, l, pathIdxs, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; })(p)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + SourceLocations.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + SourceLocations.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var p, param; + p = this; + }; + SourceLocations.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + newPathKey = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, i, k, p, ps, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + k = new pathKey.ptr(arrayType$3.zero(), ""); + /* */ if (p.$length < 16) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p.$length < 16) { */ case 1: + _ref = p; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + i = _i; + ps = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (ps < 0 || 255 <= ps) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (ps < 0 || 255 <= ps) { */ case 5: + _r = p.String(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pathKey.copy(k, new pathKey.ptr(arrayType$3.zero(), _r)); + $24r = k; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + (x = k.arr, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i] = ((ps << 24 >>> 24)))); + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + k.arr[15] = ((p.$length << 24 >>> 24)); + pathKey.copy(k, k); + $s = -1; return k; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = p.String(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pathKey.copy(k, new pathKey.ptr(arrayType$3.zero(), _r$1)); + $24r$1 = k; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newPathKey, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, i, k, p, ps, x, $s};return $f; + }; + File.ptr.prototype.lazyRawInit = function() { + var {fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + $r = fd.unmarshalFull(fd.fileRaw.builder.RawDescriptor); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fd.resolveMessages(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fd.resolveExtensions(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fd.resolveServices(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.lazyRawInit, $c: true, $r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.lazyRawInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyRawInit(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.resolveMessages = function() { + var {_1, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, depIdx, fd, file, i, j, md, v, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + file = this; + depIdx = 0; + _ref = file.fileRaw.allMessages; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + md = (x = file.fileRaw.allMessages, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + _ref$1 = md.L2.Fields.List; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + j = _i$1; + fd = (x$1 = md.L2.Fields.List, ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + j])); + if (fd.L1.IsWeak) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + _1 = fd.L1.Kind; + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 6: + _r = file.resolveEnumDependency(fd.L1.Enum, 0, depIdx); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd.L1.Enum = _r; + depIdx = depIdx + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10))) { */ case 7: + _r$1 = file.resolveMessageDependency(fd.L1.Message, 0, depIdx); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd.L1.Message = _r$1; + depIdx = depIdx + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 8: + case 5: + v = $clone(fd.L1.Default.val, protoreflect.Value); + /* */ if ($clone(v, protoreflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, protoreflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 11: + _r$2 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = unmarshalDefault(_r$2, fd.L1.Kind, file, fd.L1.Enum); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + defaultValue.copy(fd.L1.Default, _r$3); + /* } */ case 12: + _i$1++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.resolveMessages, $c: true, $r, _1, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, depIdx, fd, file, i, j, md, v, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.resolveMessages = function() { return this.$val.resolveMessages(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.resolveExtensions = function() { + var {_1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, depIdx, file, i, v, x, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + file = this; + depIdx = 0; + _ref = file.fileRaw.allExtensions; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + xd = (x = file.fileRaw.allExtensions, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + _1 = xd.L1.Kind; + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 4: + _r = file.resolveEnumDependency(xd.L2.Enum, 2, depIdx); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd.L2.Enum = _r; + depIdx = depIdx + (1) >> 0; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10))) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = file.resolveMessageDependency(xd.L2.Message, 2, depIdx); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd.L2.Message = _r$1; + depIdx = depIdx + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + v = $clone(xd.L2.Default.val, protoreflect.Value); + /* */ if ($clone(v, protoreflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, protoreflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 9: + _r$2 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = unmarshalDefault(_r$2, xd.L1.Kind, file, xd.L2.Enum); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + defaultValue.copy(xd.L2.Default, _r$3); + /* } */ case 10: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.resolveExtensions, $c: true, $r, _1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, depIdx, file, i, v, x, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.resolveExtensions = function() { return this.$val.resolveExtensions(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.resolveServices = function() { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, depIdx, file, i, j, md, sd, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + file = this; + depIdx = 0; + _ref = file.fileRaw.allServices; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + sd = (x = file.fileRaw.allServices, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + _ref$1 = sd.L2.Methods.List; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + j = _i$1; + md = (x$1 = sd.L2.Methods.List, ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + j])); + _r = file.resolveMessageDependency(md.L1.Input, 3, depIdx); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md.L1.Input = _r; + _r$1 = file.resolveMessageDependency(md.L1.Output, 4, depIdx); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md.L1.Output = _r$1; + depIdx = depIdx + (1) >> 0; + _i$1++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.resolveServices, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, depIdx, file, i, j, md, sd, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.resolveServices = function() { return this.$val.resolveServices(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.resolveEnumDependency = function(ed, i, j) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, ed, ed2, ed2$1, file, i, i$1, j, ok, r, r$1, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ed, i, j}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + file = this; + r = file.fileRaw.builder.FileRegistry; + _tuple = $assertType(r, resolverByIndex, true); + r$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r = r$1.FindEnumByIndex(i, j, file.fileRaw.allEnums, file.fileRaw.allMessages); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ed2 = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ed2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ed2; + } + /* } */ case 2: + _ref = file.fileRaw.allEnums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + i$1 = _i; + ed2$1 = (x = file.fileRaw.allEnums, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i$1])); + _r$1 = ed.FullName(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (ed2$1.Base.L0.FullName === _r$1) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (ed2$1.Base.L0.FullName === _r$1) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return ed2$1; + /* } */ case 7: + _i++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + _r$2 = ed.FullName(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = r.FindDescriptorByName(_r$2); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + d = _tuple$1[0]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(d, protoreflect.EnumDescriptor); + } + $s = -1; return ed; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.resolveEnumDependency, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, ed, ed2, ed2$1, file, i, i$1, j, ok, r, r$1, x, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.resolveEnumDependency = function(ed, i, j) { return this.$val.resolveEnumDependency(ed, i, j); }; + File.ptr.prototype.resolveMessageDependency = function(md, i, j) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, file, i, i$1, j, md, md2, md2$1, ok, r, r$1, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {md, i, j}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + file = this; + r = file.fileRaw.builder.FileRegistry; + _tuple = $assertType(r, resolverByIndex, true); + r$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r = r$1.FindMessageByIndex(i, j, file.fileRaw.allEnums, file.fileRaw.allMessages); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md2 = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(md2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return md2; + } + /* } */ case 2: + _ref = file.fileRaw.allMessages; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + i$1 = _i; + md2$1 = (x = file.fileRaw.allMessages, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i$1])); + _r$1 = md.FullName(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (md2$1.Base.L0.FullName === _r$1) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (md2$1.Base.L0.FullName === _r$1) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return md2$1; + /* } */ case 7: + _i++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + _r$2 = md.FullName(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = r.FindDescriptorByName(_r$2); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + d = _tuple$1[0]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(d, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor); + } + $s = -1; return md; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.resolveMessageDependency, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, file, i, i$1, j, md, md2, md2$1, ok, r, r$1, x, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.resolveMessageDependency = function(md, i, j) { return this.$val.resolveMessageDependency(md, i, j); }; + File.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, enumIdx, extensionIdx, fd, imp, m, m$1, m$2, messageIdx, n, num, path, rawOptions, sb, serviceIdx, typ, v, v$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = getBuilder(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sb = _r; + $deferred.push([putBuilder, [sb]]); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + enumIdx = _tmp; + messageIdx = _tmp$1; + extensionIdx = _tmp$2; + serviceIdx = _tmp$3; + rawOptions = sliceType$13.nil; + fd.L2 = new FileL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, FileImports.nil, new SourceLocations.ptr(sliceType$4.nil, $ifaceNil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false)); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 5: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (10)) { + (x = fd.L2.Imports, (($flatten64(v) < 0 || $flatten64(v) >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + $flatten64(v)])).IsPublic = true; + } else if (_2 === (11)) { + (x$1 = fd.L2.Imports, (($flatten64(v) < 0 || $flatten64(v) >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + $flatten64(v)])).IsWeak = true; + } + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 6: + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + m$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + _3 = num; + /* */ if (_3 === (3)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (5)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (4)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (7)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (6)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (8)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (_3 === (3)) { */ case 10: + path = sb.MakeString(v$1); + _r$1 = fd.fileRaw.builder.FileRegistry.FindFileByPath(path); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$1; + imp = _tuple$3[0]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(imp, $ifaceNil)) { + imp = new PlaceholderFile((path)); + } + fd.L2.Imports = $append(fd.L2.Imports, new protoreflect.FileImport.ptr(imp, false, false)); + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (5)) { */ case 11: + $r = (x$2 = fd.L1.Enums.List, ((enumIdx < 0 || enumIdx >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + enumIdx])).unmarshalFull(v$1, sb); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + enumIdx = enumIdx + (1) >> 0; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (4)) { */ case 12: + $r = (x$3 = fd.L1.Messages.List, ((messageIdx < 0 || messageIdx >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + messageIdx])).unmarshalFull(v$1, sb); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + messageIdx = messageIdx + (1) >> 0; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (7)) { */ case 13: + (x$4 = fd.L1.Extensions.List, ((extensionIdx < 0 || extensionIdx >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + extensionIdx])).unmarshalFull(v$1, sb); + extensionIdx = extensionIdx + (1) >> 0; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (6)) { */ case 14: + $r = (x$5 = fd.L1.Services.List, ((serviceIdx < 0 || serviceIdx >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + serviceIdx])).unmarshalFull(v$1, sb); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serviceIdx = serviceIdx + (1) >> 0; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (8)) { */ case 15: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v$1); + /* } */ case 16: + case 9: + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + m$2 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$2); + /* } */ case 8: + case 4: + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + fd.L2.Options = fd.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((descopts.File$ptr || (descopts.File$ptr = new ptrType$10(function() { return descopts.File; }, function($v) { descopts.File = $v; }))), rawOptions); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, enumIdx, extensionIdx, fd, imp, m, m$1, m$2, messageIdx, n, num, path, rawOptions, sb, serviceIdx, typ, v, v$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + File.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b) { return this.$val.unmarshalFull(b); }; + Enum.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb) { + var {_1, _2, _i, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, b$1, ed, i, m, m$1, n, num, rawOptions, rawValues, sb, typ, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ed = this; + rawValues = sliceType$17.nil; + rawOptions = sliceType$13.nil; + if (!ed.L1.eagerValues) { + ed.L2 = new EnumL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new EnumValues.ptr(sliceType$9.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false), new Names.ptr(sliceType.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new EnumRanges.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$1.nil)); + } + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (2)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (2)) { + rawValues = $append(rawValues, v); + } else if (_2 === (5)) { + ed.L2.ReservedNames.List = $append(ed.L2.ReservedNames.List, (sb.MakeString(v))); + } else if (_2 === (4)) { + ed.L2.ReservedRanges.List = $append(ed.L2.ReservedRanges.List, unmarshalEnumReservedRange(v)); + } else if (_2 === (3)) { + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v); + } + } else { + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + } + } + /* */ if (!ed.L1.eagerValues && rawValues.$length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ed.L1.eagerValues && rawValues.$length > 0) { */ case 1: + ed.L2.Values.List = $makeSlice(sliceType$9, rawValues.$length); + _ref = rawValues; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + i = _i; + b$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = (x = ed.L2.Values.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])).unmarshalFull(b$1, sb, ed.Base.L0.ParentFile, ed, i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + ed.L2.Options = ed.Base.L0.ParentFile.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((descopts.Enum$ptr || (descopts.Enum$ptr = new ptrType$10(function() { return descopts.Enum; }, function($v) { descopts.Enum = $v; }))), rawOptions); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enum.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _i, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, b$1, ed, i, m, m$1, n, num, rawOptions, rawValues, sb, typ, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Enum.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb) { return this.$val.unmarshalFull(b, sb); }; + unmarshalEnumReservedRange = function(b) { + var _1, _2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, m, m$1, n, num, r, typ, v; + r = arrayType.zero(); + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (0)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (1)) { + r[0] = ((v.$low >> 0)); + } else if (_2 === (2)) { + r[1] = ((v.$low >> 0)); + } + } else { + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + } + } + arrayType.copy(r, r); + return r; + }; + EnumValue.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, i, m, m$1, m$2, n, num, pd, pf, rawOptions, sb, typ, v, v$1, vd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb, pf, pd, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + vd = this; + vd.Base.L0.ParentFile = pf; + vd.Base.L0.Parent = pd; + vd.Base.L0.Index = i; + rawOptions = sliceType$13.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (2)) { + vd.L1.Number = ((v.$low >> 0)); + } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 5: + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + m$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + _3 = num; + /* */ if (_3 === (1)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (3)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_3 === (1)) { */ case 9: + _arg = sb; + _r = pd.Parent(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = _r.FullName(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$1; + _arg$2 = v$1; + _r$2 = appendFullName(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vd.Base.L0.FullName = _r$2; + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (3)) { */ case 10: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v$1); + /* } */ case 11: + case 8: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + m$2 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$2); + /* } */ case 7: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + vd.L1.Options = pf.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((descopts.EnumValue$ptr || (descopts.EnumValue$ptr = new ptrType$10(function() { return descopts.EnumValue; }, function($v) { descopts.EnumValue = $v; }))), rawOptions); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumValue.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, i, m, m$1, m$2, n, num, pd, pf, rawOptions, sb, typ, v, v$1, vd, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumValue.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { return this.$val.unmarshalFull(b, sb, pf, pd, i); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb) { + var {_1, _2, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, b$2, enumIdx, extensionIdx, fd, i, i$1, m, m$1, md, messageIdx, n, num, od, opts, r, rawFields, rawOneofs, rawOptions, rawOptions$1, sb, typ, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + _tmp = sliceType$17.nil; + _tmp$1 = sliceType$17.nil; + rawFields = _tmp; + rawOneofs = _tmp$1; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = 0; + enumIdx = _tmp$2; + messageIdx = _tmp$3; + extensionIdx = _tmp$4; + rawOptions = sliceType$13.nil; + md.L2 = new MessageL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new Fields.ptr(sliceType$6.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false, false, false), new Oneofs.ptr(sliceType$7.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Names.ptr(sliceType.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new FieldRanges.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$2.nil), new FieldNumbers.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new FieldRanges.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$2.nil), sliceType$18.nil); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + /* */ if (_2 === (2)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (8)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (10)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (9)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (5)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (4)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (3)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (6)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (7)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_2 === (2)) { */ case 8: + rawFields = $append(rawFields, v); + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (8)) { */ case 9: + rawOneofs = $append(rawOneofs, v); + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (10)) { */ case 10: + md.L2.ReservedNames.List = $append(md.L2.ReservedNames.List, (sb.MakeString(v))); + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (9)) { */ case 11: + md.L2.ReservedRanges.List = $append(md.L2.ReservedRanges.List, unmarshalMessageReservedRange(v)); + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (5)) { */ case 12: + _tuple$2 = unmarshalMessageExtensionRange(v); + r = $clone(_tuple$2[0], arrayType$1); + rawOptions$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + opts = md.Base.L0.ParentFile.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((descopts.ExtensionRange$ptr || (descopts.ExtensionRange$ptr = new ptrType$10(function() { return descopts.ExtensionRange; }, function($v) { descopts.ExtensionRange = $v; }))), rawOptions$1); + md.L2.ExtensionRanges.List = $append(md.L2.ExtensionRanges.List, r); + md.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions = $append(md.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions, opts); + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (4)) { */ case 13: + $r = (x = md.L1.Enums.List, ((enumIdx < 0 || enumIdx >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + enumIdx])).unmarshalFull(v, sb); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + enumIdx = enumIdx + (1) >> 0; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (3)) { */ case 14: + $r = (x$1 = md.L1.Messages.List, ((messageIdx < 0 || messageIdx >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + messageIdx])).unmarshalFull(v, sb); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + messageIdx = messageIdx + (1) >> 0; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (6)) { */ case 15: + (x$2 = md.L1.Extensions.List, ((extensionIdx < 0 || extensionIdx >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + extensionIdx])).unmarshalFull(v, sb); + extensionIdx = extensionIdx + (1) >> 0; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (7)) { */ case 16: + md.unmarshalOptions(v); + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v); + /* } */ case 17: + case 7: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (rawFields.$length > 0 || rawOneofs.$length > 0) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (rawFields.$length > 0 || rawOneofs.$length > 0) { */ case 20: + md.L2.Fields.List = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, rawFields.$length); + md.L2.Oneofs.List = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, rawOneofs.$length); + _ref = rawFields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 22: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 23; continue; } + i = _i; + b$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + fd = (x$3 = md.L2.Fields.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i])); + $r = fd.unmarshalFull(b$1, sb, md.Base.L0.ParentFile, md, i); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (fd.L1.Cardinality === 2) { + md.L2.RequiredNumbers.List = $append(md.L2.RequiredNumbers.List, fd.L1.Number); + } + _i++; + $s = 22; continue; + case 23: + _ref$1 = rawOneofs; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 25: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 26; continue; } + i$1 = _i$1; + b$2 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + od = (x$4 = md.L2.Oneofs.List, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + i$1])); + $r = od.unmarshalFull(b$2, sb, md.Base.L0.ParentFile, md, i$1); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$1++; + $s = 25; continue; + case 26: + /* } */ case 21: + md.L2.Options = md.Base.L0.ParentFile.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((descopts.Message$ptr || (descopts.Message$ptr = new ptrType$10(function() { return descopts.Message; }, function($v) { descopts.Message = $v; }))), rawOptions); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, b$2, enumIdx, extensionIdx, fd, i, i$1, m, m$1, md, messageIdx, n, num, od, opts, r, rawFields, rawOneofs, rawOptions, rawOptions$1, sb, typ, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb) { return this.$val.unmarshalFull(b, sb); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.unmarshalOptions = function(b) { + var _1, _2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, m, m$1, md, n, num, typ, v; + md = this; + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (0)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (7)) { + md.L1.IsMapEntry = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } else if (_2 === (1)) { + md.L1.IsMessageSet = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } + } else { + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + } + } + }; + Message.prototype.unmarshalOptions = function(b) { return this.$val.unmarshalOptions(b); }; + unmarshalMessageReservedRange = function(b) { + var _1, _2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, m, m$1, n, num, r, typ, v; + r = arrayType$1.zero(); + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (0)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (1)) { + r[0] = ((v.$low >> 0)); + } else if (_2 === (2)) { + r[1] = ((v.$low >> 0)); + } + } else { + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + } + } + arrayType$1.copy(r, r); + return r; + }; + unmarshalMessageExtensionRange = function(b) { + var _1, _2, _3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, m, m$1, m$2, n, num, r, rawOptions, typ, v, v$1; + r = arrayType$1.zero(); + rawOptions = sliceType$13.nil; + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (0)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (1)) { + r[0] = ((v.$low >> 0)); + } else if (_2 === (2)) { + r[1] = ((v.$low >> 0)); + } + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + m$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + _3 = num; + if (_3 === (3)) { + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v$1); + } + } else { + m$2 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$2); + } + } + _tmp = $clone(r, arrayType$1); + _tmp$1 = rawOptions; + arrayType$1.copy(r, _tmp); + rawOptions = _tmp$1; + return [r, rawOptions]; + }; + Field.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _4, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, fd, i, m, m$1, m$2, n, name, num, od, pd, pf, rawOptions, rawTypeName, sb, typ, v, v$1, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb, pf, pd, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + fd.Base.L0.ParentFile = pf; + fd.Base.L0.Parent = pd; + fd.Base.L0.Index = i; + rawTypeName = sliceType$13.nil; + rawOptions = sliceType$13.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (3)) { + fd.L1.Number = ((v.$low >> 0)); + } else if (_2 === (4)) { + fd.L1.Cardinality = ((v.$low << 24 >> 24)); + } else if (_2 === (5)) { + fd.L1.Kind = ((v.$low << 24 >> 24)); + } else if (_2 === (9)) { + od = (x = $assertType(pd, ptrType$4).L2.Oneofs.List, (($flatten64(v) < 0 || $flatten64(v) >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + $flatten64(v)])); + od.L1.Fields.List = $append(od.L1.Fields.List, fd); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fd.L1.ContainingOneof, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(new $String("oneof type already set")); + } + fd.L1.ContainingOneof = od; + } else if (_2 === (17)) { + fd.L1.IsProto3Optional = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 5: + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + m$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + _3 = num; + /* */ if (_3 === (1)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (10)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (7)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (6)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (8)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_3 === (1)) { */ case 9: + _arg = sb; + _r = pd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _arg$2 = v$1; + _r$1 = appendFullName(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd.Base.L0.FullName = _r$1; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (10)) { */ case 10: + fd.L1.StringName.InitJSON(sb.MakeString(v$1)); + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (7)) { */ case 11: + protoreflect.Value.copy(fd.L1.Default.val, protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(v$1)); + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (6)) { */ case 12: + rawTypeName = v$1; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (8)) { */ case 13: + fd.unmarshalOptions(v$1); + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v$1); + /* } */ case 14: + case 8: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + m$2 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$2); + /* } */ case 7: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (!(rawTypeName === sliceType$13.nil)) { + name = makeFullName(sb, rawTypeName); + _4 = fd.L1.Kind; + if (_4 === (14)) { + fd.L1.Enum = new PlaceholderEnum((name)); + } else if ((_4 === (11)) || (_4 === (10))) { + fd.L1.Message = new PlaceholderMessage((name)); + } + } + fd.L1.Options = pf.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((descopts.Field$ptr || (descopts.Field$ptr = new ptrType$10(function() { return descopts.Field; }, function($v) { descopts.Field = $v; }))), rawOptions); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _4, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, fd, i, m, m$1, m$2, n, name, num, od, pd, pf, rawOptions, rawTypeName, sb, typ, v, v$1, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { return this.$val.unmarshalFull(b, sb, pf, pd, i); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.unmarshalOptions = function(b) { + var _1, _2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, fd, m, m$1, n, num, typ, v; + fd = this; + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (0)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (2)) { + fd.L1.HasPacked = true; + fd.L1.IsPacked = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } else if (_2 === (10)) { + fd.L1.IsWeak = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } else if (_2 === (13)) { + fd.L1.HasEnforceUTF8 = true; + fd.L1.EnforceUTF8 = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } + } else { + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + } + } + }; + Field.prototype.unmarshalOptions = function(b) { return this.$val.unmarshalOptions(b); }; + Oneof.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { + var {_1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, i, m, m$1, n, num, od, pd, pf, rawOptions, sb, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb, pf, pd, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + od = this; + od.Base.L0.ParentFile = pf; + od.Base.L0.Parent = pd; + od.Base.L0.Index = i; + rawOptions = sliceType$13.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + /* */ if (_2 === (1)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (2)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_2 === (1)) { */ case 8: + _arg = sb; + _r = pd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _arg$2 = v; + _r$1 = appendFullName(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + od.Base.L0.FullName = _r$1; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (2)) { */ case 9: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v); + /* } */ case 10: + case 7: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + od.L1.Options = pf.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((descopts.Oneof$ptr || (descopts.Oneof$ptr = new ptrType$10(function() { return descopts.Oneof; }, function($v) { descopts.Oneof = $v; }))), rawOptions); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Oneof.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, i, m, m$1, n, num, od, pd, pf, rawOptions, sb, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Oneof.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { return this.$val.unmarshalFull(b, sb, pf, pd, i); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb) { + var _1, _2, _3, _4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, m, m$1, m$2, n, name, num, rawOptions, rawTypeName, sb, typ, v, v$1, xd; + xd = this; + rawTypeName = sliceType$13.nil; + rawOptions = sliceType$13.nil; + xd.L2 = new ExtensionL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new stringName.ptr(false, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), "", ""), false, false, new defaultValue.ptr(false, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$4.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$13.nil, $ifaceNil), $ifaceNil, sliceType$13.nil), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil); + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (0)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (17)) { + xd.L2.IsProto3Optional = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + m$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + _3 = num; + if (_3 === (10)) { + xd.L2.StringName.InitJSON(sb.MakeString(v$1)); + } else if (_3 === (7)) { + protoreflect.Value.copy(xd.L2.Default.val, protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(v$1)); + } else if (_3 === (6)) { + rawTypeName = v$1; + } else if (_3 === (8)) { + xd.unmarshalOptions(v$1); + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v$1); + } + } else { + m$2 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$2); + } + } + if (!(rawTypeName === sliceType$13.nil)) { + name = makeFullName(sb, rawTypeName); + _4 = xd.L1.Kind; + if (_4 === (14)) { + xd.L2.Enum = new PlaceholderEnum((name)); + } else if ((_4 === (11)) || (_4 === (10))) { + xd.L2.Message = new PlaceholderMessage((name)); + } + } + xd.L2.Options = xd.Base.L0.ParentFile.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((descopts.Field$ptr || (descopts.Field$ptr = new ptrType$10(function() { return descopts.Field; }, function($v) { descopts.Field = $v; }))), rawOptions); + }; + Extension.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb) { return this.$val.unmarshalFull(b, sb); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.unmarshalOptions = function(b) { + var _1, _2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, m, m$1, n, num, typ, v, xd; + xd = this; + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (0)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (2)) { + xd.L2.IsPacked = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } + } else { + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + } + } + }; + Extension.prototype.unmarshalOptions = function(b) { return this.$val.unmarshalOptions(b); }; + Service.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb) { + var {_1, _2, _i, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, b$1, i, m, m$1, n, num, rawMethods, rawOptions, sb, sd, typ, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + rawMethods = sliceType$17.nil; + rawOptions = sliceType$13.nil; + sd.L2 = new ServiceL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new Methods.ptr(sliceType$19.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false)); + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (2)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (2)) { + rawMethods = $append(rawMethods, v); + } else if (_2 === (3)) { + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v); + } + } else { + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + } + } + /* */ if (rawMethods.$length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (rawMethods.$length > 0) { */ case 1: + sd.L2.Methods.List = $makeSlice(sliceType$19, rawMethods.$length); + _ref = rawMethods; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + i = _i; + b$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = (x = sd.L2.Methods.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])).unmarshalFull(b$1, sb, sd.Base.L0.ParentFile, sd, i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + sd.L2.Options = sd.Base.L0.ParentFile.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((descopts.Service$ptr || (descopts.Service$ptr = new ptrType$10(function() { return descopts.Service; }, function($v) { descopts.Service = $v; }))), rawOptions); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Service.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _i, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, b$1, i, m, m$1, n, num, rawMethods, rawOptions, sb, sd, typ, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Service.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb) { return this.$val.unmarshalFull(b, sb); }; + Method.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, i, m, m$1, m$2, md, n, num, pd, pf, rawOptions, sb, typ, v, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb, pf, pd, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + md.Base.L0.ParentFile = pf; + md.Base.L0.Parent = pd; + md.Base.L0.Index = i; + rawOptions = sliceType$13.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (5)) { + md.L1.IsStreamingClient = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } else if (_2 === (6)) { + md.L1.IsStreamingServer = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 5: + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + m$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + _3 = num; + /* */ if (_3 === (1)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (2)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (3)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (4)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_3 === (1)) { */ case 9: + _arg = sb; + _r = pd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _arg$2 = v$1; + _r$1 = appendFullName(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md.Base.L0.FullName = _r$1; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (2)) { */ case 10: + md.L1.Input = new PlaceholderMessage((makeFullName(sb, v$1))); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (3)) { */ case 11: + md.L1.Output = new PlaceholderMessage((makeFullName(sb, v$1))); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (4)) { */ case 12: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v$1); + /* } */ case 13: + case 8: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + m$2 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$2); + /* } */ case 7: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + md.L1.Options = pf.fileRaw.builder.optionsUnmarshaler((descopts.Method$ptr || (descopts.Method$ptr = new ptrType$10(function() { return descopts.Method; }, function($v) { descopts.Method = $v; }))), rawOptions); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Method.ptr.prototype.unmarshalFull, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, i, m, m$1, m$2, md, n, num, pd, pf, rawOptions, sb, typ, v, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Method.prototype.unmarshalFull = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { return this.$val.unmarshalFull(b, sb, pf, pd, i); }; + appendOptions = function(dst, src) { + var dst, src; + if (dst === sliceType$13.nil) { + dst = new sliceType$13([]); + } + return $appendSlice(dst, src); + }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.optionsUnmarshaler = function(p, b) { + var b, db, once, opts, p; + db = this; + if (b === sliceType$13.nil) { + return $throwNilPointerError; + } + opts = $ifaceNil; + once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + return (function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = once.Do((function $b() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(p.$get(), $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("Descriptor.Options called without importing the descriptor package")); + } + _r = reflect.TypeOf(p.$get()).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = reflect.New(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + opts = $assertType(_r$2, protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + _r$3 = $clone((new proto.UnmarshalOptions.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), false, true, false, db.TypeResolver, 0)), proto.UnmarshalOptions).Unmarshal(b, opts); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, err, $s};return $f; + })); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return opts; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }); + }; + Builder.prototype.optionsUnmarshaler = function(p, b) { return this.$val.optionsUnmarshaler(p, b); }; + newRawFile = function(db) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, db, fd, i, x, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {db}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = new File.ptr(new fileRaw.ptr($clone(db, Builder), sliceType$8.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$10.nil, sliceType$11.nil), new FileL1.ptr(0, "", "", new Enums.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Messages.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Extensions.ptr(sliceType$10.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Services.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false)), 0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil); + fd.initDecls(db.NumEnums, db.NumMessages, db.NumExtensions, db.NumServices); + $r = fd.unmarshalSeed(db.RawDescriptor); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = fd.fileRaw.allExtensions; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + i = _i; + xd = (x = fd.fileRaw.allExtensions, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + _r = fd.resolveMessageDependency(xd.L1.Extendee, 1, ((i >> 0))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd.L1.Extendee = _r; + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + fd.checkDecls(); + $s = -1; return fd; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newRawFile, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, db, fd, i, x, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + File.ptr.prototype.initDecls = function(numEnums, numMessages, numExtensions, numServices) { + var fd, numEnums, numExtensions, numMessages, numServices; + fd = this; + fd.fileRaw.allEnums = $makeSlice(sliceType$8, 0, numEnums); + fd.fileRaw.allMessages = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 0, numMessages); + fd.fileRaw.allExtensions = $makeSlice(sliceType$10, 0, numExtensions); + fd.fileRaw.allServices = $makeSlice(sliceType$11, 0, numServices); + }; + File.prototype.initDecls = function(numEnums, numMessages, numExtensions, numServices) { return this.$val.initDecls(numEnums, numMessages, numExtensions, numServices); }; + File.ptr.prototype.allocEnums = function(n) { + var es, fd, n, total; + fd = this; + total = fd.fileRaw.allEnums.$length; + es = $subslice(fd.fileRaw.allEnums, total, (total + n >> 0)); + fd.fileRaw.allEnums = $subslice(fd.fileRaw.allEnums, 0, (total + n >> 0)); + return es; + }; + File.prototype.allocEnums = function(n) { return this.$val.allocEnums(n); }; + File.ptr.prototype.allocMessages = function(n) { + var fd, ms, n, total; + fd = this; + total = fd.fileRaw.allMessages.$length; + ms = $subslice(fd.fileRaw.allMessages, total, (total + n >> 0)); + fd.fileRaw.allMessages = $subslice(fd.fileRaw.allMessages, 0, (total + n >> 0)); + return ms; + }; + File.prototype.allocMessages = function(n) { return this.$val.allocMessages(n); }; + File.ptr.prototype.allocExtensions = function(n) { + var fd, n, total, xs; + fd = this; + total = fd.fileRaw.allExtensions.$length; + xs = $subslice(fd.fileRaw.allExtensions, total, (total + n >> 0)); + fd.fileRaw.allExtensions = $subslice(fd.fileRaw.allExtensions, 0, (total + n >> 0)); + return xs; + }; + File.prototype.allocExtensions = function(n) { return this.$val.allocExtensions(n); }; + File.ptr.prototype.allocServices = function(n) { + var fd, n, total, xs; + fd = this; + total = fd.fileRaw.allServices.$length; + xs = $subslice(fd.fileRaw.allServices, total, (total + n >> 0)); + fd.fileRaw.allServices = $subslice(fd.fileRaw.allServices, 0, (total + n >> 0)); + return xs; + }; + File.prototype.allocServices = function(n) { return this.$val.allocServices(n); }; + File.ptr.prototype.checkDecls = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + if (!((fd.fileRaw.allEnums.$length === fd.fileRaw.allEnums.$capacity))) { + } else if (!((fd.fileRaw.allMessages.$length === fd.fileRaw.allMessages.$capacity))) { + } else if (!((fd.fileRaw.allExtensions.$length === fd.fileRaw.allExtensions.$capacity))) { + } else if (!((fd.fileRaw.allServices.$length === fd.fileRaw.allServices.$capacity))) { + } else { + return; + } + $panic(new $String("mismatching cardinality")); + }; + File.prototype.checkDecls = function() { return this.$val.checkDecls(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed = function(b) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, b, b$1, b$2, b$3, b$4, b0, fd, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, m, m$1, m$2, m$3, m$4, m$5, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, n$4, num, numEnums, numExtensions, numMessages, numServices, posEnums, posExtensions, posMessages, posServices, prevField, sb, typ, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fd = this; + _r = getBuilder(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sb = _r; + $deferred.push([putBuilder, [sb]]); + prevField = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + numEnums = _tmp; + numMessages = _tmp$1; + numExtensions = _tmp$2; + numServices = _tmp$3; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 0; + posEnums = _tmp$4; + posMessages = _tmp$5; + posExtensions = _tmp$6; + posServices = _tmp$7; + b0 = b; + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (2)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (12)) { + _3 = ($bytesToString(v)); + if (_3 === ("proto2")) { + fd.L1.Syntax = 2; + } else if (_3 === ("proto3")) { + fd.L1.Syntax = 3; + } else { + $panic(new $String("invalid syntax")); + } + } else if (_2 === (1)) { + fd.L1.Path = sb.MakeString(v); + } else if (_2 === (2)) { + fd.L1.Package = (sb.MakeString(v)); + } else if (_2 === (5)) { + if (!((prevField === 5))) { + if (numEnums > 0) { + $panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field")); + } + posEnums = ((b0.$length - b.$length >> 0) - n >> 0) - m >> 0; + } + numEnums = numEnums + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_2 === (4)) { + if (!((prevField === 4))) { + if (numMessages > 0) { + $panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field")); + } + posMessages = ((b0.$length - b.$length >> 0) - n >> 0) - m >> 0; + } + numMessages = numMessages + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_2 === (7)) { + if (!((prevField === 7))) { + if (numExtensions > 0) { + $panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field")); + } + posExtensions = ((b0.$length - b.$length >> 0) - n >> 0) - m >> 0; + } + numExtensions = numExtensions + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_2 === (6)) { + if (!((prevField === 6))) { + if (numServices > 0) { + $panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field")); + } + posServices = ((b0.$length - b.$length >> 0) - n >> 0) - m >> 0; + } + numServices = numServices + (1) >> 0; + } + prevField = num; + } else { + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + prevField = -1; + } + } + if (fd.L1.Syntax === 0) { + fd.L1.Syntax = 2; + } + if (numEnums > 0) { + fd.L1.Enums.List = fd.allocEnums(numEnums); + } + if (numMessages > 0) { + fd.L1.Messages.List = fd.allocMessages(numMessages); + } + if (numExtensions > 0) { + fd.L1.Extensions.List = fd.allocExtensions(numExtensions); + } + if (numServices > 0) { + fd.L1.Services.List = fd.allocServices(numServices); + } + /* */ if (numEnums > 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (numEnums > 0) { */ case 2: + b$1 = $subslice(b0, posEnums); + _ref = fd.L1.Enums.List; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + i = _i; + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + n$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = protowire.ConsumeBytes($subslice(b$1, n$1)); + v$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + m$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + $r = (x = fd.L1.Enums.List, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])).unmarshalSeed(v$1, sb, fd, fd, i); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, (n$1 + m$2 >> 0)); + _i++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (numMessages > 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (numMessages > 0) { */ case 7: + b$2 = $subslice(b0, posMessages); + _ref$1 = fd.L1.Messages.List; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 10; continue; } + i$1 = _i$1; + _tuple$4 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$2); + n$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + _tuple$5 = protowire.ConsumeBytes($subslice(b$2, n$2)); + v$2 = _tuple$5[0]; + m$3 = _tuple$5[1]; + $r = (x$1 = fd.L1.Messages.List, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i$1])).unmarshalSeed(v$2, sb, fd, fd, i$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$2 = $subslice(b$2, (n$2 + m$3 >> 0)); + _i$1++; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (numExtensions > 0) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (numExtensions > 0) { */ case 12: + b$3 = $subslice(b0, posExtensions); + _ref$2 = fd.L1.Extensions.List; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 15; continue; } + i$2 = _i$2; + _tuple$6 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$3); + n$3 = _tuple$6[1]; + _tuple$7 = protowire.ConsumeBytes($subslice(b$3, n$3)); + v$3 = _tuple$7[0]; + m$4 = _tuple$7[1]; + $r = (x$2 = fd.L1.Extensions.List, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$2])).unmarshalSeed(v$3, sb, fd, fd, i$2); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$3 = $subslice(b$3, (n$3 + m$4 >> 0)); + _i$2++; + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + /* } */ case 13: + /* */ if (numServices > 0) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (numServices > 0) { */ case 17: + b$4 = $subslice(b0, posServices); + _ref$3 = fd.L1.Services.List; + _i$3 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 19: + /* if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { $s = 20; continue; } + i$3 = _i$3; + _tuple$8 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$4); + n$4 = _tuple$8[1]; + _tuple$9 = protowire.ConsumeBytes($subslice(b$4, n$4)); + v$4 = _tuple$9[0]; + m$5 = _tuple$9[1]; + $r = (x$3 = fd.L1.Services.List, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i$3])).unmarshalSeed(v$4, sb, fd, fd, i$3); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$4 = $subslice(b$4, (n$4 + m$5 >> 0)); + _i$3++; + $s = 19; continue; + case 20: + /* } */ case 18: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, b, b$1, b$2, b$3, b$4, b0, fd, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, m, m$1, m$2, m$3, m$4, m$5, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, n$4, num, numEnums, numExtensions, numMessages, numServices, posEnums, posExtensions, posMessages, posServices, prevField, sb, typ, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + File.prototype.unmarshalSeed = function(b) { return this.$val.unmarshalSeed(b); }; + Enum.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _4, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, b$1, ed, i, i$1, m, m$1, m$2, m$3, n, n$1, num, num$1, numValues, pd, pf, sb, typ, typ$1, v, v$1, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb, pf, pd, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ed = this; + ed.Base.L0.ParentFile = pf; + ed.Base.L0.Parent = pd; + ed.Base.L0.Index = i; + numValues = 0; + b$1 = b; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b$1); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n); + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, m); + _2 = num; + /* */ if (_2 === (1)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (2)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_2 === (1)) { */ case 8: + _arg = sb; + _r = pd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _arg$2 = v; + _r$1 = appendFullName(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ed.Base.L0.FullName = _r$1; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (2)) { */ case 9: + numValues = numValues + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 10: + case 7: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b$1); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, m$1); + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(pd, pf))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + ed.L1.eagerValues = true; + ed.L2 = new EnumL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new EnumValues.ptr(sliceType$9.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false), new Names.ptr(sliceType.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new EnumRanges.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$1.nil)); + ed.L2.Values.List = $makeSlice(sliceType$9, numValues); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 14; continue; } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + typ$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + n$1 = _tuple$2[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + _3 = typ$1; + /* */ if (_3 === (2)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_3 === (2)) { */ case 16: + _tuple$3 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + m$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m$2); + _4 = num$1; + /* */ if (_4 === (2)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_4 === (2)) { */ case 20: + $r = (x = ed.L2.Values.List, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i$1])).unmarshalFull(v$1, sb, pf, ed, i$1); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 21: + case 19: + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else { */ case 17: + m$3 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num$1, typ$1, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$3); + /* } */ case 18: + case 15: + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enum.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _4, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, b$1, ed, i, i$1, m, m$1, m$2, m$3, n, n$1, num, num$1, numValues, pd, pf, sb, typ, typ$1, v, v$1, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Enum.prototype.unmarshalSeed = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { return this.$val.unmarshalSeed(b, sb, pf, pd, i); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { + var {_1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, b, b$1, b$2, b$3, b0, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, m, m$1, m$2, m$3, m$4, md, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, num, numEnums, numExtensions, numMessages, pd, pf, posEnums, posExtensions, posMessages, prevField, sb, typ, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb, pf, pd, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + md.Base.L0.ParentFile = pf; + md.Base.L0.Parent = pd; + md.Base.L0.Index = i; + prevField = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + numEnums = _tmp; + numMessages = _tmp$1; + numExtensions = _tmp$2; + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + posEnums = _tmp$3; + posMessages = _tmp$4; + posExtensions = _tmp$5; + b0 = b; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + /* */ if (_2 === (1)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (4)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (3)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (6)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (7)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_2 === (1)) { */ case 8: + _arg = sb; + _r = pd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _arg$2 = v; + _r$1 = appendFullName(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md.Base.L0.FullName = _r$1; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (4)) { */ case 9: + if (!((prevField === 4))) { + if (numEnums > 0) { + $panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field")); + } + posEnums = ((b0.$length - b.$length >> 0) - n >> 0) - m >> 0; + } + numEnums = numEnums + (1) >> 0; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (3)) { */ case 10: + if (!((prevField === 3))) { + if (numMessages > 0) { + $panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field")); + } + posMessages = ((b0.$length - b.$length >> 0) - n >> 0) - m >> 0; + } + numMessages = numMessages + (1) >> 0; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (6)) { */ case 11: + if (!((prevField === 6))) { + if (numExtensions > 0) { + $panic(new $String("non-contiguous repeated field")); + } + posExtensions = ((b0.$length - b.$length >> 0) - n >> 0) - m >> 0; + } + numExtensions = numExtensions + (1) >> 0; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (7)) { */ case 12: + md.unmarshalSeedOptions(v); + /* } */ case 13: + case 7: + prevField = num; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + prevField = -1; + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (numEnums > 0) { + md.L1.Enums.List = pf.allocEnums(numEnums); + } + if (numMessages > 0) { + md.L1.Messages.List = pf.allocMessages(numMessages); + } + if (numExtensions > 0) { + md.L1.Extensions.List = pf.allocExtensions(numExtensions); + } + /* */ if (numEnums > 0) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (numEnums > 0) { */ case 16: + b$1 = $subslice(b0, posEnums); + _ref = md.L1.Enums.List; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 18: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 19; continue; } + i$1 = _i; + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + n$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = protowire.ConsumeBytes($subslice(b$1, n$1)); + v$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + m$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + $r = (x = md.L1.Enums.List, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i$1])).unmarshalSeed(v$1, sb, pf, md, i$1); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, (n$1 + m$2 >> 0)); + _i++; + $s = 18; continue; + case 19: + /* } */ case 17: + /* */ if (numMessages > 0) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (numMessages > 0) { */ case 21: + b$2 = $subslice(b0, posMessages); + _ref$1 = md.L1.Messages.List; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 23: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 24; continue; } + i$2 = _i$1; + _tuple$4 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$2); + n$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + _tuple$5 = protowire.ConsumeBytes($subslice(b$2, n$2)); + v$2 = _tuple$5[0]; + m$3 = _tuple$5[1]; + $r = (x$1 = md.L1.Messages.List, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i$2])).unmarshalSeed(v$2, sb, pf, md, i$2); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$2 = $subslice(b$2, (n$2 + m$3 >> 0)); + _i$1++; + $s = 23; continue; + case 24: + /* } */ case 22: + /* */ if (numExtensions > 0) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (numExtensions > 0) { */ case 26: + b$3 = $subslice(b0, posExtensions); + _ref$2 = md.L1.Extensions.List; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 28: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 29; continue; } + i$3 = _i$2; + _tuple$6 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$3); + n$3 = _tuple$6[1]; + _tuple$7 = protowire.ConsumeBytes($subslice(b$3, n$3)); + v$3 = _tuple$7[0]; + m$4 = _tuple$7[1]; + $r = (x$2 = md.L1.Extensions.List, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$3])).unmarshalSeed(v$3, sb, pf, md, i$3); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$3 = $subslice(b$3, (n$3 + m$4 >> 0)); + _i$2++; + $s = 28; continue; + case 29: + /* } */ case 27: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, b, b$1, b$2, b$3, b0, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, m, m$1, m$2, m$3, m$4, md, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, num, numEnums, numExtensions, numMessages, pd, pf, posEnums, posExtensions, posMessages, prevField, sb, typ, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.unmarshalSeed = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { return this.$val.unmarshalSeed(b, sb, pf, pd, i); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeedOptions = function(b) { + var _1, _2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, m, m$1, md, n, num, typ, v; + md = this; + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (0)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (7)) { + md.L1.IsMapEntry = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } else if (_2 === (1)) { + md.L1.IsMessageSet = protowire.DecodeBool(v); + } + } else { + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + } + } + }; + Message.prototype.unmarshalSeedOptions = function(b) { return this.$val.unmarshalSeedOptions(b); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, i, m, m$1, m$2, n, num, pd, pf, sb, typ, v, v$1, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb, pf, pd, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + xd.Base.L0.ParentFile = pf; + xd.Base.L0.Parent = pd; + xd.Base.L0.Index = i; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (3)) { + xd.L1.Number = ((v.$low >> 0)); + } else if (_2 === (4)) { + xd.L1.Cardinality = ((v.$low << 24 >> 24)); + } else if (_2 === (5)) { + xd.L1.Kind = ((v.$low << 24 >> 24)); + } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 5: + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + m$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + _3 = num; + /* */ if (_3 === (1)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (2)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_3 === (1)) { */ case 9: + _arg = sb; + _r = pd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _arg$2 = v$1; + _r$1 = appendFullName(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd.Base.L0.FullName = _r$1; + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (2)) { */ case 10: + xd.L1.Extendee = new PlaceholderMessage((makeFullName(sb, v$1))); + /* } */ case 11: + case 8: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + m$2 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$2); + /* } */ case 7: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, i, m, m$1, m$2, n, num, pd, pf, sb, typ, v, v$1, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.unmarshalSeed = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { return this.$val.unmarshalSeed(b, sb, pf, pd, i); }; + Service.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { + var {_1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, i, m, m$1, n, num, pd, pf, sb, sd, typ, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, sb, pf, pd, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + sd.Base.L0.ParentFile = pf; + sd.Base.L0.Parent = pd; + sd.Base.L0.Index = i; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + _2 = num; + /* */ if (_2 === (1)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_2 === (1)) { */ case 8: + _arg = sb; + _r = pd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _arg$2 = v; + _r$1 = appendFullName(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sd.Base.L0.FullName = _r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + case 7: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Service.ptr.prototype.unmarshalSeed, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, i, m, m$1, n, num, pd, pf, sb, sd, typ, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Service.prototype.unmarshalSeed = function(b, sb, pf, pd, i) { return this.$val.unmarshalSeed(b, sb, pf, pd, i); }; + getBuilder = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = nameBuilderPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r, ptrType$11); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getBuilder, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + putBuilder = function(b) { + var b; + nameBuilderPool.Put(b); + }; + makeFullName = function(sb, b) { + var b, sb; + if ((b.$length === 0) || !(((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 46))) { + $panic(new $String("name reference must be fully qualified")); + } + return (sb.MakeString($subslice(b, 1))); + }; + appendFullName = function(sb, prefix, suffix) { + var prefix, sb, suffix; + return sb.AppendFullName(prefix, (strs.UnsafeString(suffix))); + }; + File.ptr.prototype.ParentFile = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd; + }; + File.prototype.ParentFile = function() { return this.$val.ParentFile(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Parent = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + File.prototype.Parent = function() { return this.$val.Parent(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Index = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return 0; + }; + File.prototype.Index = function() { return this.$val.Index(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Syntax = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Syntax; + }; + File.prototype.Syntax = function() { return this.$val.Syntax(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Name = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return new protoreflect.FullName(fd.L1.Package).Name(); + }; + File.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.FullName = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Package; + }; + File.prototype.FullName = function() { return this.$val.FullName(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return false; + }; + File.prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { return this.$val.IsPlaceholder(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, f, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = _r.Options; + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = f(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return descopts.File; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Options, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, f, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Path = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Path; + }; + File.prototype.Path = function() { return this.$val.Path(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Package = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Package; + }; + File.prototype.Package = function() { return this.$val.Package(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Imports = function() { + var {$24r, _r, fd, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x = _r, (x.$ptr_Imports || (x.$ptr_Imports = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.Imports; }, function($v) { this.$target.Imports = $v; }, x)))); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Imports, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, x, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Imports = function() { return this.$val.Imports(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Enums = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Enums; + }; + File.prototype.Enums = function() { return this.$val.Enums(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Messages = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Messages; + }; + File.prototype.Messages = function() { return this.$val.Messages(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Extensions = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Extensions; + }; + File.prototype.Extensions = function() { return this.$val.Extensions(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Services = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Services; + }; + File.prototype.Services = function() { return this.$val.Services(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.SourceLocations = function() { + var {$24r, _r, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.Locations; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.SourceLocations, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.SourceLocations = function() { return this.$val.SourceLocations(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {fd, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, fd, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + File.ptr.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var fd, param; + fd = this; + }; + File.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoType(param); }; + File.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var fd, param; + fd = this; + }; + File.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + File.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + /* */ if (atomic.LoadUint32((fd.$ptr_once || (fd.$ptr_once = new ptrType$12(function() { return this.$target.once; }, function($v) { this.$target.once = $v; }, fd)))) === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (atomic.LoadUint32((fd.$ptr_once || (fd.$ptr_once = new ptrType$12(function() { return this.$target.once; }, function($v) { this.$target.once = $v; }, fd)))) === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = fd.lazyInitOnce(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return fd.L2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.lazyInitOnce = function() { + var {fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + $r = fd.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (fd.L2 === ptrType$1.nil) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (fd.L2 === ptrType$1.nil) { */ case 2: + $r = fd.lazyRawInit(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + atomic.StoreUint32((fd.$ptr_once || (fd.$ptr_once = new ptrType$12(function() { return this.$target.once; }, function($v) { this.$target.once = $v; }, fd))), 1); + $r = fd.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: File.ptr.prototype.lazyInitOnce, $c: true, $r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + File.prototype.lazyInitOnce = function() { return this.$val.lazyInitOnce(); }; + File.ptr.prototype.GoPackagePath = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.fileRaw.builder.GoPackagePath; + }; + File.prototype.GoPackagePath = function() { return this.$val.GoPackagePath(); }; + Enum.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, ed, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ed = this; + _r = ed.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = _r.Options; + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = f(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return descopts.Enum; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enum.ptr.prototype.Options, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, ed, f, $s};return $f; + }; + Enum.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + Enum.ptr.prototype.Values = function() { + var {$24r, _r, ed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ed = this; + if (ed.L1.eagerValues) { + $s = -1; return ed.L2.Values; + } + _r = ed.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.Values; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enum.ptr.prototype.Values, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, ed, $s};return $f; + }; + Enum.prototype.Values = function() { return this.$val.Values(); }; + Enum.ptr.prototype.ReservedNames = function() { + var {$24r, _r, ed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ed = this; + _r = ed.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.ReservedNames; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enum.ptr.prototype.ReservedNames, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, ed, $s};return $f; + }; + Enum.prototype.ReservedNames = function() { return this.$val.ReservedNames(); }; + Enum.ptr.prototype.ReservedRanges = function() { + var {$24r, _r, ed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ed = this; + _r = ed.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.ReservedRanges; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enum.ptr.prototype.ReservedRanges, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, ed, $s};return $f; + }; + Enum.prototype.ReservedRanges = function() { return this.$val.ReservedRanges(); }; + Enum.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {ed, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ed = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, ed); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enum.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, ed, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Enum.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Enum.ptr.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var ed, param; + ed = this; + }; + Enum.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoType(param); }; + Enum.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {_r, ed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ed = this; + _r = ed.Base.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return ed.L2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Enum.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, _r, ed, $s};return $f; + }; + Enum.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + EnumValue.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var {$24r, _r, ed, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ed = this; + f = ed.L1.Options; + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r = f(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return descopts.EnumValue; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumValue.ptr.prototype.Options, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, ed, f, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumValue.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + EnumValue.ptr.prototype.Number = function() { + var ed; + ed = this; + return ed.L1.Number; + }; + EnumValue.prototype.Number = function() { return this.$val.Number(); }; + EnumValue.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {ed, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ed = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, ed); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumValue.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, ed, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumValue.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + EnumValue.ptr.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var ed, param; + ed = this; + }; + EnumValue.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoType(param); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, f, md, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + _r = md.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = _r.Options; + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = f(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return descopts.Message; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.Options, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, f, md, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.IsMapEntry = function() { + var md; + md = this; + return md.L1.IsMapEntry; + }; + Message.prototype.IsMapEntry = function() { return this.$val.IsMapEntry(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.Fields = function() { + var {$24r, _r, md, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + _r = md.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.Fields; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.Fields, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, md, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.Fields = function() { return this.$val.Fields(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.Oneofs = function() { + var {$24r, _r, md, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + _r = md.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.Oneofs; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.Oneofs, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, md, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.Oneofs = function() { return this.$val.Oneofs(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.ReservedNames = function() { + var {$24r, _r, md, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + _r = md.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.ReservedNames; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.ReservedNames, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, md, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.ReservedNames = function() { return this.$val.ReservedNames(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.ReservedRanges = function() { + var {$24r, _r, md, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + _r = md.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.ReservedRanges; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.ReservedRanges, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, md, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.ReservedRanges = function() { return this.$val.ReservedRanges(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.RequiredNumbers = function() { + var {$24r, _r, md, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + _r = md.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.RequiredNumbers; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.RequiredNumbers, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, md, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.RequiredNumbers = function() { return this.$val.RequiredNumbers(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.ExtensionRanges = function() { + var {$24r, _r, md, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + _r = md.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.ExtensionRanges; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.ExtensionRanges, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, md, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.ExtensionRanges = function() { return this.$val.ExtensionRanges(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.ExtensionRangeOptions = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, f, i, md, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + _r = md.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = (x = _r.ExtensionRangeOptions, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = f(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return descopts.ExtensionRange; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.ExtensionRangeOptions, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, f, i, md, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.ExtensionRangeOptions = function(i) { return this.$val.ExtensionRangeOptions(i); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.Enums = function() { + var md; + md = this; + return md.L1.Enums; + }; + Message.prototype.Enums = function() { return this.$val.Enums(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.Messages = function() { + var md; + md = this; + return md.L1.Messages; + }; + Message.prototype.Messages = function() { return this.$val.Messages(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.Extensions = function() { + var md; + md = this; + return md.L1.Extensions; + }; + Message.prototype.Extensions = function() { return this.$val.Extensions(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var md, param; + md = this; + }; + Message.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoType(param); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {md, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, md); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, md, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {_r, md, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + _r = md.Base.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return md.L2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Message.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, _r, md, $s};return $f; + }; + Message.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + Message.ptr.prototype.IsMessageSet = function() { + var md; + md = this; + return md.L1.IsMessageSet; + }; + Message.prototype.IsMessageSet = function() { return this.$val.IsMessageSet(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var {$24r, _r, f, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + f = fd.L1.Options; + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r = f(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return descopts.Field; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.Options, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, f, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.Number = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Number; + }; + Field.prototype.Number = function() { return this.$val.Number(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.Cardinality = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Cardinality; + }; + Field.prototype.Cardinality = function() { return this.$val.Cardinality(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.Kind = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Kind; + }; + Field.prototype.Kind = function() { return this.$val.Kind(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.HasJSONName = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.StringName.hasJSON; + }; + Field.prototype.HasJSONName = function() { return this.$val.HasJSONName(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.JSONName = function() { + var {$24r, _r, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.L1.StringName.getJSON(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.JSONName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.JSONName = function() { return this.$val.JSONName(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.TextName = function() { + var {$24r, _r, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.L1.StringName.getText(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.TextName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.TextName = function() { return this.$val.TextName(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.HasPresence = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return !((fd.L1.Cardinality === 3)) && ((fd.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax === 2) || !($interfaceIsEqual(fd.L1.Message, $ifaceNil)) || !($interfaceIsEqual(fd.L1.ContainingOneof, $ifaceNil))); + }; + Field.prototype.HasPresence = function() { return this.$val.HasPresence(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return ((fd.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax === 2) && (fd.L1.Cardinality === 1) && $interfaceIsEqual(fd.L1.ContainingOneof, $ifaceNil)) || fd.L1.IsProto3Optional; + }; + Field.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword = function() { return this.$val.HasOptionalKeyword(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.IsPacked = function() { + var _1, fd; + fd = this; + if (!fd.L1.HasPacked && !((fd.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax === 2)) && (fd.L1.Cardinality === 3)) { + _1 = fd.L1.Kind; + if ((_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10))) { + } else { + return true; + } + } + return fd.L1.IsPacked; + }; + Field.prototype.IsPacked = function() { return this.$val.IsPacked(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.IsExtension = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return false; + }; + Field.prototype.IsExtension = function() { return this.$val.IsExtension(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.IsWeak = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.IsWeak; + }; + Field.prototype.IsWeak = function() { return this.$val.IsWeak(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.IsList = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _v, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + if (!(fd.Cardinality() === 3)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.IsList, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _v, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.IsList = function() { return this.$val.IsList(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.IsMap = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _v, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(_r, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$1 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.IsMapEntry(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$2; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.IsMap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _v, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.IsMap = function() { return this.$val.IsMap(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.MapKey = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.Fields(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = _r$2.ByNumber(1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.MapKey, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.MapKey = function() { return this.$val.MapKey(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.MapValue = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.Fields(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = _r$2.ByNumber(2); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.MapValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.MapValue = function() { return this.$val.MapValue(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.HasDefault = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Default.has; + }; + Field.prototype.HasDefault = function() { return this.$val.HasDefault(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.Default = function() { + var {$24r, _r, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = fd.L1.Default.get(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.Default, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.Default = function() { return this.$val.Default(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.DefaultEnumValue = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Default.enum$2; + }; + Field.prototype.DefaultEnumValue = function() { return this.$val.DefaultEnumValue(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.ContainingOneof = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.ContainingOneof; + }; + Field.prototype.ContainingOneof = function() { return this.$val.ContainingOneof(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.ContainingMessage = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return $assertType(fd.Base.L0.Parent, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor); + }; + Field.prototype.ContainingMessage = function() { return this.$val.ContainingMessage(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.Enum = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + return fd.L1.Enum; + }; + Field.prototype.Enum = function() { return this.$val.Enum(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.Message = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, d, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + /* */ if (fd.L1.IsWeak) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (fd.L1.IsWeak) { */ case 1: + _r = fd.L1.Message.FullName(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = protoregistry.GlobalFiles.FindDescriptorByName(_r); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + d = _tuple[0]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(d, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor); + } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return fd.L1.Message; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.Message, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, d, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.Message = function() { return this.$val.Message(); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {fd, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, fd, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var fd, param; + fd = this; + }; + Field.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoType(param); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.EnforceUTF8 = function() { + var fd; + fd = this; + if (fd.L1.HasEnforceUTF8) { + return fd.L1.EnforceUTF8; + } + return fd.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax === 3; + }; + Field.prototype.EnforceUTF8 = function() { return this.$val.EnforceUTF8(); }; + Oneof.ptr.prototype.IsSynthetic = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _v, od, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + od = this; + if (!((od.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax === 3) && (od.L1.Fields.List.$length === 1))) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r = (x = od.L1.Fields.List, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).HasOptionalKeyword(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Oneof.ptr.prototype.IsSynthetic, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _v, od, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Oneof.prototype.IsSynthetic = function() { return this.$val.IsSynthetic(); }; + Oneof.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var {$24r, _r, f, od, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + od = this; + f = od.L1.Options; + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r = f(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return descopts.Oneof; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Oneof.ptr.prototype.Options, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, f, od, $s};return $f; + }; + Oneof.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + Oneof.ptr.prototype.Fields = function() { + var od; + od = this; + return od.L1.Fields; + }; + Oneof.prototype.Fields = function() { return this.$val.Fields(); }; + Oneof.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {od, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + od = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, od); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Oneof.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, od, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Oneof.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Oneof.ptr.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var od, param; + od = this; + }; + Oneof.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoType(param); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, f, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = _r.Options; + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = f(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return descopts.Field; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.Options, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, f, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.Number = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return xd.L1.Number; + }; + Extension.prototype.Number = function() { return this.$val.Number(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.Cardinality = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return xd.L1.Cardinality; + }; + Extension.prototype.Cardinality = function() { return this.$val.Cardinality(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.Kind = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return xd.L1.Kind; + }; + Extension.prototype.Kind = function() { return this.$val.Kind(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.HasJSONName = function() { + var {$24r, _r, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.StringName.hasJSON; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.HasJSONName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.HasJSONName = function() { return this.$val.HasJSONName(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.JSONName = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = _r.StringName.getJSON(xd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.JSONName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.JSONName = function() { return this.$val.JSONName(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.TextName = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = _r.StringName.getText(xd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.TextName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.TextName = function() { return this.$val.TextName(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.HasPresence = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return !((xd.L1.Cardinality === 3)); + }; + Extension.prototype.HasPresence = function() { return this.$val.HasPresence(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _v, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + if ((xd.Base.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax === 2) && (xd.L1.Cardinality === 1)) { _v = true; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r.IsProto3Optional; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _v, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword = function() { return this.$val.HasOptionalKeyword(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.IsPacked = function() { + var {$24r, _r, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.IsPacked; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.IsPacked, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.IsPacked = function() { return this.$val.IsPacked(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.IsExtension = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return true; + }; + Extension.prototype.IsExtension = function() { return this.$val.IsExtension(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.IsWeak = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return false; + }; + Extension.prototype.IsWeak = function() { return this.$val.IsWeak(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.IsList = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return xd.Cardinality() === 3; + }; + Extension.prototype.IsList = function() { return this.$val.IsList(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.IsMap = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return false; + }; + Extension.prototype.IsMap = function() { return this.$val.IsMap(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.MapKey = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Extension.prototype.MapKey = function() { return this.$val.MapKey(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.MapValue = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Extension.prototype.MapValue = function() { return this.$val.MapValue(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.HasDefault = function() { + var {$24r, _r, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.Default.has; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.HasDefault, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.HasDefault = function() { return this.$val.HasDefault(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.Default = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = _r.Default.get(xd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.Default, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.Default = function() { return this.$val.Default(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.DefaultEnumValue = function() { + var {$24r, _r, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.Default.enum$2; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.DefaultEnumValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.DefaultEnumValue = function() { return this.$val.DefaultEnumValue(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.ContainingOneof = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Extension.prototype.ContainingOneof = function() { return this.$val.ContainingOneof(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.ContainingMessage = function() { + var xd; + xd = this; + return xd.L1.Extendee; + }; + Extension.prototype.ContainingMessage = function() { return this.$val.ContainingMessage(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.Enum = function() { + var {$24r, _r, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.Enum; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.Enum, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.Enum = function() { return this.$val.Enum(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.Message = function() { + var {$24r, _r, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.Message; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.Message, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.Message = function() { return this.$val.Message(); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {r, s, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, xd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, r, s, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var param, xd; + xd = this; + }; + Extension.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoType(param); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var param, xd; + xd = this; + }; + Extension.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Extension.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {_r, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xd = this; + _r = xd.Base.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return xd.L2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extension.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, _r, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + Extension.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + Service.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, f, sd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + _r = sd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = _r.Options; + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = f(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return descopts.Service; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Service.ptr.prototype.Options, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, f, sd, $s};return $f; + }; + Service.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + Service.ptr.prototype.Methods = function() { + var {$24r, _r, sd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + _r = sd.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.Methods; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Service.ptr.prototype.Methods, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, sd, $s};return $f; + }; + Service.prototype.Methods = function() { return this.$val.Methods(); }; + Service.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {r, s, sd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, sd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Service.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, r, s, sd, $s};return $f; + }; + Service.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Service.ptr.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var param, sd; + sd = this; + }; + Service.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoType(param); }; + Service.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var param, sd; + sd = this; + }; + Service.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Service.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {_r, sd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + _r = sd.Base.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return sd.L2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Service.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, _r, sd, $s};return $f; + }; + Service.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + Method.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var {$24r, _r, f, md, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + f = md.L1.Options; + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r = f(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return descopts.Method; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Method.ptr.prototype.Options, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, f, md, $s};return $f; + }; + Method.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + Method.ptr.prototype.Input = function() { + var md; + md = this; + return md.L1.Input; + }; + Method.prototype.Input = function() { return this.$val.Input(); }; + Method.ptr.prototype.Output = function() { + var md; + md = this; + return md.L1.Output; + }; + Method.prototype.Output = function() { return this.$val.Output(); }; + Method.ptr.prototype.IsStreamingClient = function() { + var md; + md = this; + return md.L1.IsStreamingClient; + }; + Method.prototype.IsStreamingClient = function() { return this.$val.IsStreamingClient(); }; + Method.ptr.prototype.IsStreamingServer = function() { + var md; + md = this; + return md.L1.IsStreamingServer; + }; + Method.prototype.IsStreamingServer = function() { return this.$val.IsStreamingServer(); }; + Method.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { + var {md, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md = this; + $r = descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, md); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Method.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, md, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Method.prototype.Format = function(s, r) { return this.$val.Format(s, r); }; + Method.ptr.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var md, param; + md = this; + }; + Method.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoType(param); }; + Method.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var md, param; + md = this; + }; + Method.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Base.ptr.prototype.Name = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return new protoreflect.FullName(d.L0.FullName).Name(); + }; + Base.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); }; + Base.ptr.prototype.FullName = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return d.L0.FullName; + }; + Base.prototype.FullName = function() { return this.$val.FullName(); }; + Base.ptr.prototype.ParentFile = function() { + var d; + d = this; + if (d.L0.ParentFile === $pkg.SurrogateProto2 || d.L0.ParentFile === $pkg.SurrogateProto3) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return d.L0.ParentFile; + }; + Base.prototype.ParentFile = function() { return this.$val.ParentFile(); }; + Base.ptr.prototype.Parent = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return d.L0.Parent; + }; + Base.prototype.Parent = function() { return this.$val.Parent(); }; + Base.ptr.prototype.Index = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return d.L0.Index; + }; + Base.prototype.Index = function() { return this.$val.Index(); }; + Base.ptr.prototype.Syntax = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return d.L0.ParentFile.Syntax(); + }; + Base.prototype.Syntax = function() { return this.$val.Syntax(); }; + Base.ptr.prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return false; + }; + Base.prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { return this.$val.IsPlaceholder(); }; + Base.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var d, param; + d = this; + }; + Base.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + stringName.ptr.prototype.InitJSON = function(name) { + var name, s; + s = this; + s.hasJSON = true; + s.nameJSON = name; + }; + stringName.prototype.InitJSON = function(name) { return this.$val.InitJSON(name); }; + stringName.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function(fd) { + var {fd, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = [fd]; + s = [s]; + s[0] = this; + $r = s[0].once.Do((function(fd, s) { return function $b() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = fd[0].IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 1: + name = ""; + _r$1 = messageset.IsMessageSetExtension(fd[0]); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$2).Parent(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = ("[" + _r$3 + "]"); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _r$4 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = ("[" + _r$4 + "]"); + /* } */ case 7: + s[0].nameJSON = name; + s[0].nameText = name; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + /* */ if (!s[0].hasJSON) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!s[0].hasJSON) { */ case 12: + _r$5 = fd[0].Name(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = strs.JSONCamelCase((_r$5)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s[0].nameJSON = _r$6; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$7 = fd[0].Name(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s[0].nameText = (_r$7); + _r$8 = fd[0].Kind(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$8 === 10) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_r$8 === 10) { */ case 17: + _r$9 = fd[0].Message(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.Name(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s[0].nameText = (_r$10); + /* } */ case 18: + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, name, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, s)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return s[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringName.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, fd, s, $s};return $f; + }; + stringName.prototype.lazyInit = function(fd) { return this.$val.lazyInit(fd); }; + stringName.ptr.prototype.getJSON = function(fd) { + var {$24r, _r, fd, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r = s.lazyInit(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.nameJSON; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringName.ptr.prototype.getJSON, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, s, $s};return $f; + }; + stringName.prototype.getJSON = function(fd) { return this.$val.getJSON(fd); }; + stringName.ptr.prototype.getText = function(fd) { + var {$24r, _r, fd, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r = s.lazyInit(fd); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r.nameText; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringName.ptr.prototype.getText, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fd, s, $s};return $f; + }; + stringName.prototype.getText = function(fd) { return this.$val.getText(fd); }; + DefaultValue = function(v, ev) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, dv, ev, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, ev}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dv = new defaultValue.ptr($clone(v, protoreflect.Value).IsValid(), $clone(v, protoreflect.Value), ev, sliceType$13.nil); + _r = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r, sliceType$13, true); + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + dv.bytes = $appendSlice((sliceType$13.nil), b); + } + $s = -1; return dv; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: DefaultValue, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, dv, ev, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.DefaultValue = DefaultValue; + unmarshalDefault = function(b, k, pf, ed) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, e, ed, err, ev, ev$1, evs, k, ok, pf, v, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, k, pf, ed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + evs = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (k === 14) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (k === 14) { */ case 1: + _tuple = $assertType(ed, ptrType$2, true); + e = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok && e.Base.L0.ParentFile === pf) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (ok && e.Base.L0.ParentFile === pf) { */ case 3: + evs = e.L2.Values; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r = ed.Values(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + evs = _r; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$1 = ed.IsPlaceholder(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1 && new protoreflect.Name(($bytesToString(b))).IsValid()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_r$1 && new protoreflect.Name(($bytesToString(b))).IsValid()) { */ case 7: + v = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(0), protoreflect.Value); + _r$2 = ed.FullName(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$2).Parent(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$3).Append(($bytesToString(b))); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ev = (_r$4); + _r$5 = DefaultValue($clone(v, protoreflect.Value), new PlaceholderEnumValue(ev)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = defval.Unmarshal(($bytesToString(b)), k, evs, 1); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + v$1 = $clone(_tuple$1[0], protoreflect.Value); + ev$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + _r$7 = DefaultValue($clone(v$1, protoreflect.Value), ev$1); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$7; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: unmarshalDefault, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, e, ed, err, ev, ev$1, evs, k, ok, pf, v, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; + defaultValue.ptr.prototype.get = function(fd) { + var {$24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, dv, evs, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dv = this; + /* */ if (!dv.has) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!dv.has) { */ case 1: + _r = fd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r === 3) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r === 3) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$4.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType$13.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* } */ case 4: + _r$1 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$1; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (15))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (16))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (7))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfBool(false); + /* } else if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (15))) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(0); + /* } else if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (16))) { */ case 10: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(new $Int64(0, 0)); + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (7))) { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(0); + /* } else if ((_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 12: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(new $Uint64(0, 0)); + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(0); + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 14: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(0); + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 15: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfString(""); + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 16: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(sliceType$13.nil); + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 17: + _r$2 = fd.Enum(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = _r$2.Values(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + evs = _r$3; + _r$4 = evs.Len(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4 > 0) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_r$4 > 0) { */ case 21: + _r$5 = evs.Get(0); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Number(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(_r$6); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 27; case 27: return $24r; + /* } */ case 22: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(0); + /* } */ case 18: + case 6: + /* } */ case 2: + if (!(dv.bytes.$length > 0)) { _v = false; $s = 30; continue s; } + _arg = dv.bytes; + _r$8 = $clone(dv.val, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$8; + _r$9 = bytes.Equal(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$9; case 30: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 28: + _r$10 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$10); + _r$11 = fmt.Sprintf("detected mutation on the default bytes for %v", new sliceType$12([_arg$2])); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$11)); + /* } */ case 29: + $s = -1; return dv.val; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: defaultValue.ptr.prototype.get, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, dv, evs, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + defaultValue.prototype.get = function(fd) { return this.$val.get(fd); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.Build = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, db, err, fd, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new Out.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$8.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$10.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + db = this; + if ((((db.NumEnums + db.NumMessages >> 0) + db.NumExtensions >> 0) + db.NumServices >> 0) === 0) { + db.unmarshalCounts(db.RawDescriptor, true); + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(db.TypeResolver, $ifaceNil)) { + db.TypeResolver = protoregistry.GlobalTypes; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(db.FileRegistry, $ifaceNil)) { + db.FileRegistry = protoregistry.GlobalFiles; + } + _r = newRawFile($clone(db, Builder)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r; + out.File = fd; + out.Enums = fd.fileRaw.allEnums; + out.Messages = fd.fileRaw.allMessages; + out.Extensions = fd.fileRaw.allExtensions; + out.Services = fd.fileRaw.allServices; + _r$1 = db.FileRegistry.RegisterFile(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + Out.copy(out, out); + $s = -1; return out; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.Build, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, db, err, fd, out, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.Build = function() { return this.$val.Build(); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.unmarshalCounts = function(b, isFile) { + var _1, _2, _3, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, db, isFile, m, m$1, n, num, typ, v; + db = this; + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + typ = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + _1 = typ; + if (_1 === (2)) { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + m = _tuple$1[1]; + b = $subslice(b, m); + if (isFile) { + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (5)) { + db.NumEnums = db.NumEnums + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_2 === (4)) { + db.unmarshalCounts(v, false); + db.NumMessages = db.NumMessages + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_2 === (7)) { + db.NumExtensions = db.NumExtensions + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_2 === (6)) { + db.NumServices = db.NumServices + (1) >> 0; + } + } else { + _3 = num; + if (_3 === (4)) { + db.NumEnums = db.NumEnums + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_3 === (3)) { + db.unmarshalCounts(v, false); + db.NumMessages = db.NumMessages + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_3 === (6)) { + db.NumExtensions = db.NumExtensions + (1) >> 0; + } + } + } else { + m$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b); + b = $subslice(b, m$1); + } + } + }; + Builder.prototype.unmarshalCounts = function(b, isFile) { return this.$val.unmarshalCounts(b, isFile); }; + PlaceholderFile.methods = [{prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Syntax], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Name], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FullName], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Path", name: "Path", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Package", name: "Package", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FullName], false)}, {prop: "Imports", name: "Imports", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FileImports], false)}, {prop: "Messages", name: "Messages", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Enums", name: "Enums", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Services", name: "Services", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ServiceDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "SourceLocations", name: "SourceLocations", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.SourceLocations], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FileDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]; + PlaceholderEnum.methods = [{prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Syntax], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Name], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FullName], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Values", name: "Values", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "ReservedNames", name: "ReservedNames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Names], false)}, {prop: "ReservedRanges", name: "ReservedRanges", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumRanges], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]; + PlaceholderEnumValue.methods = [{prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Syntax], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Name], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FullName], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumNumber], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]; + PlaceholderMessage.methods = [{prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Syntax], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Name], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FullName], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "IsMapEntry", name: "IsMapEntry", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Fields", name: "Fields", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Oneofs", name: "Oneofs", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.OneofDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "ReservedNames", name: "ReservedNames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Names], false)}, {prop: "ReservedRanges", name: "ReservedRanges", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldRanges], false)}, {prop: "RequiredNumbers", name: "RequiredNumbers", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldNumbers], false)}, {prop: "ExtensionRanges", name: "ExtensionRanges", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldRanges], false)}, {prop: "ExtensionRangeOptions", name: "ExtensionRangeOptions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Messages", name: "Messages", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Enums", name: "Enums", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]; + ptrType$13.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Name], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$13], false)}]; + ptrType$14.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Name], [protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByNumber", name: "ByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumNumber], [protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$14], false)}]; + ptrType$15.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Name], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$15], false)}]; + ptrType$16.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Name], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByJSONName", name: "ByJSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByTextName", name: "ByTextName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByNumber", name: "ByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$16], false)}]; + ptrType$17.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.OneofDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Name], [protoreflect.OneofDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$17], false)}]; + ptrType$18.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Name], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$18], false)}]; + ptrType$19.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Name], [protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$19], false)}]; + ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.MethodDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Name], [protoreflect.MethodDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$20], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.FileImport], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]; + ptrType$21.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.Name], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Name], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$21], false)}, {prop: "CheckValid", name: "CheckValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$22.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [arrayType], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumNumber], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$22], false)}, {prop: "CheckValid", name: "CheckValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + enumRange.methods = [{prop: "Start", name: "Start", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumNumber], false)}, {prop: "End", name: "End", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumNumber], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$23.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [arrayType$1], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$23], false)}, {prop: "CheckValid", name: "CheckValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "CheckOverlap", name: "CheckOverlap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$23], [$error], false)}]; + fieldRange.methods = [{prop: "Start", name: "Start", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protowire.Number], false)}, {prop: "End", name: "End", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protowire.Number], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$24.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protowire.Number], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]; + ptrType$25.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByName", name: "ByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Name], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByJSONName", name: "ByJSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByTextName", name: "ByTextName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ByNumber", name: "ByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$25], false)}]; + ptrType$26.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.SourceLocation], false)}, {prop: "byKey", name: "byKey", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([pathKey], [protoreflect.SourceLocation], false)}, {prop: "ByPath", name: "ByPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.SourcePath], [protoreflect.SourceLocation], false)}, {prop: "ByDescriptor", name: "ByDescriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Descriptor], [protoreflect.SourceLocation], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$26], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]; + ptrType$27.methods = [{prop: "lazyRawInit", name: "lazyRawInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "resolveMessages", name: "resolveMessages", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "resolveExtensions", name: "resolveExtensions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "resolveServices", name: "resolveServices", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "resolveEnumDependency", name: "resolveEnumDependency", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, $Int32, $Int32], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "resolveMessageDependency", name: "resolveMessageDependency", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, $Int32, $Int32], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalFull", name: "unmarshalFull", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13], [], false)}, {prop: "initDecls", name: "initDecls", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "allocEnums", name: "allocEnums", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType$8], false)}, {prop: "allocMessages", name: "allocMessages", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "allocExtensions", name: "allocExtensions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType$10], false)}, {prop: "allocServices", name: "allocServices", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType$11], false)}, {prop: "checkDecls", name: "checkDecls", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalSeed", name: "unmarshalSeed", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13], [], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Syntax], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Name], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FullName], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Path", name: "Path", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Package", name: "Package", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FullName], false)}, {prop: "Imports", name: "Imports", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FileImports], false)}, {prop: "Enums", name: "Enums", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Messages", name: "Messages", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Services", name: "Services", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ServiceDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "SourceLocations", name: "SourceLocations", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.SourceLocations], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FileDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "lazyInitOnce", name: "lazyInitOnce", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "GoPackagePath", name: "GoPackagePath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "unmarshalFull", name: "unmarshalFull", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11], [], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalSeed", name: "unmarshalSeed", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11, ptrType$27, protoreflect.Descriptor, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Values", name: "Values", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "ReservedNames", name: "ReservedNames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Names], false)}, {prop: "ReservedRanges", name: "ReservedRanges", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumRanges], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$28], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "unmarshalFull", name: "unmarshalFull", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11, ptrType$27, protoreflect.Descriptor, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumNumber], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor], [], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "unmarshalFull", name: "unmarshalFull", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11], [], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalOptions", name: "unmarshalOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13], [], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalSeed", name: "unmarshalSeed", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11, ptrType$27, protoreflect.Descriptor, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalSeedOptions", name: "unmarshalSeedOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13], [], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "IsMapEntry", name: "IsMapEntry", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Fields", name: "Fields", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Oneofs", name: "Oneofs", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.OneofDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "ReservedNames", name: "ReservedNames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Names], false)}, {prop: "ReservedRanges", name: "ReservedRanges", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldRanges], false)}, {prop: "RequiredNumbers", name: "RequiredNumbers", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldNumbers], false)}, {prop: "ExtensionRanges", name: "ExtensionRanges", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldRanges], false)}, {prop: "ExtensionRangeOptions", name: "ExtensionRangeOptions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Enums", name: "Enums", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Messages", name: "Messages", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$29], false)}, {prop: "IsMessageSet", name: "IsMessageSet", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "unmarshalFull", name: "unmarshalFull", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11, ptrType$27, protoreflect.Descriptor, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalOptions", name: "unmarshalOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13], [], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protowire.Number], false)}, {prop: "Cardinality", name: "Cardinality", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Cardinality], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Kind], false)}, {prop: "HasJSONName", name: "HasJSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "JSONName", name: "JSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "TextName", name: "TextName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "HasPresence", name: "HasPresence", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "HasOptionalKeyword", name: "HasOptionalKeyword", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsPacked", name: "IsPacked", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsExtension", name: "IsExtension", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsWeak", name: "IsWeak", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsList", name: "IsList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsMap", name: "IsMap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "MapKey", name: "MapKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "MapValue", name: "MapValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "HasDefault", name: "HasDefault", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Default", name: "Default", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "DefaultEnumValue", name: "DefaultEnumValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ContainingOneof", name: "ContainingOneof", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.OneofDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ContainingMessage", name: "ContainingMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "EnforceUTF8", name: "EnforceUTF8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "unmarshalFull", name: "unmarshalFull", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11, ptrType$27, protoreflect.Descriptor, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "IsSynthetic", name: "IsSynthetic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Fields", name: "Fields", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.OneofDescriptor], [], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "unmarshalFull", name: "unmarshalFull", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11], [], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalOptions", name: "unmarshalOptions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13], [], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalSeed", name: "unmarshalSeed", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11, ptrType$27, protoreflect.Descriptor, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protowire.Number], false)}, {prop: "Cardinality", name: "Cardinality", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Cardinality], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Kind], false)}, {prop: "HasJSONName", name: "HasJSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "JSONName", name: "JSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "TextName", name: "TextName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "HasPresence", name: "HasPresence", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "HasOptionalKeyword", name: "HasOptionalKeyword", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsPacked", name: "IsPacked", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsExtension", name: "IsExtension", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsWeak", name: "IsWeak", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsList", name: "IsList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsMap", name: "IsMap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "MapKey", name: "MapKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "MapValue", name: "MapValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "HasDefault", name: "HasDefault", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Default", name: "Default", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "DefaultEnumValue", name: "DefaultEnumValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ContainingOneof", name: "ContainingOneof", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.OneofDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ContainingMessage", name: "ContainingMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$30], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "unmarshalFull", name: "unmarshalFull", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11], [], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalSeed", name: "unmarshalSeed", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11, ptrType$27, protoreflect.Descriptor, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Methods", name: "Methods", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MethodDescriptors], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$31], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "unmarshalFull", name: "unmarshalFull", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, ptrType$11, ptrType$27, protoreflect.Descriptor, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Input", name: "Input", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Output", name: "Output", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "IsStreamingClient", name: "IsStreamingClient", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsStreamingServer", name: "IsStreamingServer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MethodDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]; + ptrType$32.methods = [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Name], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FullName], false)}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Syntax], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]; + ptrType$33.methods = [{prop: "InitJSON", name: "InitJSON", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [ptrType$33], false)}, {prop: "getJSON", name: "getJSON", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$String], false)}, {prop: "getText", name: "getText", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$34.methods = [{prop: "get", name: "get", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + Builder.methods = [{prop: "Build", name: "Build", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Out], false)}]; + ptrType$35.methods = [{prop: "optionsUnmarshaler", name: "optionsUnmarshaler", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, sliceType$13], [funcType], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalCounts", name: "unmarshalCounts", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13, $Bool], [], false)}]; + Enums.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}]); + EnumValues.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "byNum", name: "byNum", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$2, tag: ""}]); + Messages.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$3, tag: ""}]); + Fields.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "byJSON", name: "byJSON", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "byText", name: "byText", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "byNum", name: "byNum", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$6, tag: ""}]); + Oneofs.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$7, tag: ""}]); + Extensions.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$8, tag: ""}]); + Services.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$9, tag: ""}]); + Methods.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$19, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$10, tag: ""}]); + FileImports.init(protoreflect.FileImport); + Names.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "has", name: "has", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$11, tag: ""}]); + EnumRanges.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "sorted", name: "sorted", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + enumRange.init(protoreflect.EnumNumber, 2); + FieldRanges.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "sorted", name: "sorted", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + fieldRange.init(protowire.Number, 2); + FieldNumbers.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "has", name: "has", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$12, tag: ""}]); + OneofFields.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$20, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "byJSON", name: "byJSON", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "byText", name: "byText", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "byNum", name: "byNum", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$15, tag: ""}]); + SourceLocations.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "List", name: "List", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "File", name: "File", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.FileDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "byPath", name: "byPath", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$16, tag: ""}]); + pathKey.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "arr", name: "arr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "str", name: "str", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + fileRaw.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "builder", name: "builder", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Builder, tag: ""}, {prop: "allEnums", name: "allEnums", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "allMessages", name: "allMessages", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "allExtensions", name: "allExtensions", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "allServices", name: "allServices", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}]); + File.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "fileRaw", name: "fileRaw", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: fileRaw, tag: ""}, {prop: "L1", name: "L1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: FileL1, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "L2", name: "L2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]); + FileL1.init("", [{prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Syntax, tag: ""}, {prop: "Path", name: "Path", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Package", name: "Package", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.FullName, tag: ""}, {prop: "Enums", name: "Enums", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Enums, tag: ""}, {prop: "Messages", name: "Messages", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Messages, tag: ""}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Extensions, tag: ""}, {prop: "Services", name: "Services", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Services, tag: ""}]); + FileL2.init("", [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Imports", name: "Imports", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: FileImports, tag: ""}, {prop: "Locations", name: "Locations", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: SourceLocations, tag: ""}]); + Enum.init("", [{prop: "Base", name: "Base", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Base, tag: ""}, {prop: "L1", name: "L1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: EnumL1, tag: ""}, {prop: "L2", name: "L2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$28, tag: ""}]); + EnumL1.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "eagerValues", name: "eagerValues", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + EnumL2.init("", [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Values", name: "Values", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: EnumValues, tag: ""}, {prop: "ReservedNames", name: "ReservedNames", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Names, tag: ""}, {prop: "ReservedRanges", name: "ReservedRanges", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: EnumRanges, tag: ""}]); + EnumValue.init("", [{prop: "Base", name: "Base", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Base, tag: ""}, {prop: "L1", name: "L1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: EnumValueL1, tag: ""}]); + EnumValueL1.init("", [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.EnumNumber, tag: ""}]); + Message.init("", [{prop: "Base", name: "Base", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Base, tag: ""}, {prop: "L1", name: "L1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: MessageL1, tag: ""}, {prop: "L2", name: "L2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$29, tag: ""}]); + MessageL1.init("", [{prop: "Enums", name: "Enums", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Enums, tag: ""}, {prop: "Messages", name: "Messages", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Messages, tag: ""}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Extensions, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsMapEntry", name: "IsMapEntry", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsMessageSet", name: "IsMessageSet", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + MessageL2.init("", [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Fields", name: "Fields", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Fields, tag: ""}, {prop: "Oneofs", name: "Oneofs", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Oneofs, tag: ""}, {prop: "ReservedNames", name: "ReservedNames", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Names, tag: ""}, {prop: "ReservedRanges", name: "ReservedRanges", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: FieldRanges, tag: ""}, {prop: "RequiredNumbers", name: "RequiredNumbers", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: FieldNumbers, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExtensionRanges", name: "ExtensionRanges", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: FieldRanges, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExtensionRangeOptions", name: "ExtensionRangeOptions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$18, tag: ""}]); + Field.init("", [{prop: "Base", name: "Base", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Base, tag: ""}, {prop: "L1", name: "L1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: FieldL1, tag: ""}]); + FieldL1.init("", [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protowire.Number, tag: ""}, {prop: "Cardinality", name: "Cardinality", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Cardinality, tag: ""}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Kind, tag: ""}, {prop: "StringName", name: "StringName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: stringName, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsProto3Optional", name: "IsProto3Optional", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsWeak", name: "IsWeak", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasPacked", name: "HasPacked", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsPacked", name: "IsPacked", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HasEnforceUTF8", name: "HasEnforceUTF8", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "EnforceUTF8", name: "EnforceUTF8", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Default", name: "Default", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: defaultValue, tag: ""}, {prop: "ContainingOneof", name: "ContainingOneof", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.OneofDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, tag: ""}]); + Oneof.init("", [{prop: "Base", name: "Base", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Base, tag: ""}, {prop: "L1", name: "L1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: OneofL1, tag: ""}]); + OneofL1.init("", [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Fields", name: "Fields", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: OneofFields, tag: ""}]); + Extension.init("", [{prop: "Base", name: "Base", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Base, tag: ""}, {prop: "L1", name: "L1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ExtensionL1, tag: ""}, {prop: "L2", name: "L2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$30, tag: ""}]); + ExtensionL1.init("", [{prop: "Number", name: "Number", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protowire.Number, tag: ""}, {prop: "Extendee", name: "Extendee", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "Cardinality", name: "Cardinality", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Cardinality, tag: ""}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Kind, tag: ""}]); + ExtensionL2.init("", [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "StringName", name: "StringName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: stringName, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsProto3Optional", name: "IsProto3Optional", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsPacked", name: "IsPacked", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Default", name: "Default", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: defaultValue, tag: ""}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, tag: ""}]); + Service.init("", [{prop: "Base", name: "Base", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Base, tag: ""}, {prop: "L1", name: "L1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ServiceL1, tag: ""}, {prop: "L2", name: "L2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$31, tag: ""}]); + ServiceL1.init("", []); + ServiceL2.init("", [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Methods", name: "Methods", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Methods, tag: ""}]); + Method.init("", [{prop: "Base", name: "Base", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Base, tag: ""}, {prop: "L1", name: "L1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: MethodL1, tag: ""}]); + MethodL1.init("", [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Input", name: "Input", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "Output", name: "Output", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsStreamingClient", name: "IsStreamingClient", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsStreamingServer", name: "IsStreamingServer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + Base.init("", [{prop: "L0", name: "L0", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: BaseL0, tag: ""}]); + BaseL0.init("", [{prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.FullName, tag: ""}, {prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$27, tag: ""}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Descriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + stringName.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "hasJSON", name: "hasJSON", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "nameJSON", name: "nameJSON", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "nameText", name: "nameText", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + defaultValue.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc", [{prop: "has", name: "has", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "val", name: "val", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "enum$2", name: "enum", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$13, tag: ""}]); + Builder.init("", [{prop: "GoPackagePath", name: "GoPackagePath", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "RawDescriptor", name: "RawDescriptor", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "NumEnums", name: "NumEnums", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "NumMessages", name: "NumMessages", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "NumExtensions", name: "NumExtensions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "NumServices", name: "NumServices", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "TypeResolver", name: "TypeResolver", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: interfaceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "FileRegistry", name: "FileRegistry", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: interfaceType$1, tag: ""}]); + resolverByIndex.init([{prop: "FindEnumByIndex", name: "FindEnumByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int32, sliceType$8, sliceType$5], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "FindMessageByIndex", name: "FindMessageByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int32, sliceType$8, sliceType$5], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}]); + Out.init("", [{prop: "File", name: "File", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.FileDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "Enums", name: "Enums", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "Messages", name: "Messages", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "Services", name: "Services", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protowire.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = descfmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = descopts.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = defval.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = messageset.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = genid.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pragma.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strs.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = proto.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoregistry.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + emptyNames = new Names.ptr(sliceType.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + emptyEnumRanges = new EnumRanges.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$1.nil); + emptyFieldRanges = new FieldRanges.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$2.nil); + emptyFieldNumbers = new FieldNumbers.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + emptySourceLocations = new SourceLocations.ptr(sliceType$4.nil, $ifaceNil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + emptyFiles = $newDataPointer(FileImports.nil, ptrType); + emptyMessages = new Messages.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + emptyFields = new Fields.ptr(sliceType$6.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false, false, false); + emptyOneofs = new Oneofs.ptr(sliceType$7.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + emptyEnums = new Enums.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + emptyEnumValues = new EnumValues.ptr(sliceType$9.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false); + emptyExtensions = new Extensions.ptr(sliceType$10.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + emptyServices = new Services.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false); + nameBuilderPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType$12.nil, (function() { + return new strs.Builder.ptr(); + })); + $pkg.SurrogateProto2 = new File.ptr(new fileRaw.ptr(new Builder.ptr("", sliceType$13.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil), sliceType$8.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$10.nil, sliceType$11.nil), new FileL1.ptr(2, "", "", new Enums.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Messages.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Extensions.ptr(sliceType$10.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Services.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false)), 0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new FileL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, FileImports.nil, new SourceLocations.ptr(sliceType$4.nil, $ifaceNil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false))); + $pkg.SurrogateProto3 = new File.ptr(new fileRaw.ptr(new Builder.ptr("", sliceType$13.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil), sliceType$8.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$10.nil, sliceType$11.nil), new FileL1.ptr(3, "", "", new Enums.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Messages.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Extensions.ptr(sliceType$10.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new Services.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false)), 0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new FileL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, FileImports.nil, new SourceLocations.ptr(sliceType$4.nil, $ifaceNil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false))); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["hash/crc32"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, hash, sync, atomic, slicing8Table, Table, ptrType, ptrType$1, arrayType, arrayType$1, ptrType$2, castagnoliTable, updateCastagnoli, haveCastagnoli, haveCastagnoli$24ptr, ieeeTable8, ieeeArchImpl, updateIEEE, ieeeOnce, archAvailableIEEE, archInitIEEE, archUpdateIEEE, simpleMakeTable, simplePopulateTable, simpleUpdate, slicingMakeTable, slicingUpdate, ieeeInit, Update, ChecksumIEEE; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + slicing8Table = $pkg.slicing8Table = $newType(8192, $kindArray, "crc32.slicing8Table", true, "hash/crc32", false, null); + Table = $pkg.Table = $newType(1024, $kindArray, "crc32.Table", true, "hash/crc32", true, null); + ptrType = $ptrType(Table); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(slicing8Table); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint32, 256); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(Table, 8); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType($Uint32); + archAvailableIEEE = function() { + return false; + }; + archInitIEEE = function() { + $panic(new $String("not available")); + }; + archUpdateIEEE = function(crc, p) { + var crc, p; + $panic(new $String("not available")); + }; + simpleMakeTable = function(poly) { + var poly, t; + t = arrayType.zero(); + simplePopulateTable(poly, t); + return t; + }; + simplePopulateTable = function(poly, t) { + var crc, i, j, poly, t, y; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 256)) { break; } + crc = ((i >>> 0)); + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 8)) { break; } + if (((crc & 1) >>> 0) === 1) { + crc = (((crc >>> 1 >>> 0)) ^ poly) >>> 0; + } else { + crc = (y = (1), y < 32 ? (crc >>> y) : 0) >>> 0; + } + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + t.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= t.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t[i] = crc); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + simpleUpdate = function(crc, tab, p) { + var _i, _ref, crc, p, tab, v, x, x$1; + crc = ~crc >>> 0; + _ref = p; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + crc = ((x = tab, x$1 = (((crc << 24 >>> 24)) ^ v) << 24 >>> 24, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])) ^ ((crc >>> 8 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + _i++; + } + return ~crc >>> 0; + }; + slicingMakeTable = function(poly) { + var crc, i, j, poly, t, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + t = arrayType$1.zero(); + simplePopulateTable(poly, t[0]); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 256)) { break; } + crc = (x = t[0], ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])); + j = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 8)) { break; } + crc = ((x$1 = t[0], x$2 = (crc & 255) >>> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2])) ^ ((crc >>> 8 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + (x$3 = (x$4 = t, ((j < 0 || j >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[j])), ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[i] = crc)); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return t; + }; + slicingUpdate = function(crc, tab, p) { + var crc, p, tab, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + if (p.$length >= 16) { + crc = ~crc >>> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(p.$length > 8)) { break; } + crc = (crc ^ ((((((((((0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) | ((((1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((3 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 3]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + crc = ((((((((((((((x = tab[0], x$1 = (7 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 7]), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])) ^ (x$2 = tab[1], x$3 = (6 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 6]), ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[x$3]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$4 = tab[2], x$5 = (5 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 5]), ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[x$5]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$6 = tab[3], x$7 = (4 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 4]), ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[x$7]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$8 = tab[4], x$9 = crc >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[x$9]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$10 = tab[5], x$11 = (((crc >>> 16 >>> 0)) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[x$11]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$12 = tab[6], x$13 = (((crc >>> 8 >>> 0)) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$13 < 0 || x$13 >= x$12.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12[x$13]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$14 = tab[7], x$15 = (crc & 255) >>> 0, ((x$15 < 0 || x$15 >= x$14.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$14[x$15]))) >>> 0; + p = $subslice(p, 8); + } + crc = ~crc >>> 0; + } + if (p.$length === 0) { + return crc; + } + return simpleUpdate(crc, tab[0], p); + }; + ieeeInit = function() { + ieeeArchImpl = archAvailableIEEE(); + if (ieeeArchImpl) { + archInitIEEE(); + updateIEEE = archUpdateIEEE; + } else { + ieeeTable8 = slicingMakeTable(3988292384); + updateIEEE = (function(crc, p) { + var crc, p; + return slicingUpdate(crc, ieeeTable8, p); + }); + } + }; + Update = function(crc, tab, p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, crc, p, tab, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {crc, tab, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!((atomic.LoadUint32((haveCastagnoli$24ptr || (haveCastagnoli$24ptr = new ptrType$2(function() { return haveCastagnoli; }, function($v) { haveCastagnoli = $v; })))) === 0)) && tab === castagnoliTable) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (tab === $pkg.IEEETable) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((atomic.LoadUint32((haveCastagnoli$24ptr || (haveCastagnoli$24ptr = new ptrType$2(function() { return haveCastagnoli; }, function($v) { haveCastagnoli = $v; })))) === 0)) && tab === castagnoliTable) { */ case 2: + _r = updateCastagnoli(crc, p); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else if (tab === $pkg.IEEETable) { */ case 3: + $r = ieeeOnce.Do(ieeeInit); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = updateIEEE(crc, p); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return simpleUpdate(crc, tab, p); + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Update, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, crc, p, tab, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Update = Update; + ChecksumIEEE = function(data) { + var {$24r, _r, data, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = ieeeOnce.Do(ieeeInit); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = updateIEEE(0, data); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ChecksumIEEE, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, data, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ChecksumIEEE = ChecksumIEEE; + slicing8Table.init(Table, 8); + Table.init($Uint32, 256); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + castagnoliTable = ptrType.nil; + updateCastagnoli = $throwNilPointerError; + haveCastagnoli = 0; + ieeeTable8 = ptrType$1.nil; + ieeeArchImpl = false; + updateIEEE = $throwNilPointerError; + ieeeOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + $pkg.IEEETable = simpleMakeTable(3988292384); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["compress/gzip"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bufio, flate, binary, errors, fmt, crc32, io, time, Header, Reader, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, arrayType$1, ptrType$3, sliceType$2, le, noEOF, NewReader; + bufio = $packages["bufio"]; + flate = $packages["compress/flate"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + crc32 = $packages["hash/crc32"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + Header = $pkg.Header = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "gzip.Header", true, "compress/gzip", true, function(Comment_, Extra_, ModTime_, Name_, OS_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Comment = ""; + this.Extra = sliceType$1.nil; + this.ModTime = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil); + this.Name = ""; + this.OS = 0; + return; + } + this.Comment = Comment_; + this.Extra = Extra_; + this.ModTime = ModTime_; + this.Name = Name_; + this.OS = OS_; + }); + Reader = $pkg.Reader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "gzip.Reader", true, "compress/gzip", true, function(Header_, r_, decompressor_, digest_, size_, buf_, err_, multistream_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Header = new Header.ptr("", sliceType$1.nil, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil), "", 0); + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.decompressor = $ifaceNil; + this.digest = 0; + this.size = 0; + this.buf = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.multistream = false; + return; + } + this.Header = Header_; + this.r = r_; + this.decompressor = decompressor_; + this.digest = digest_; + this.size = size_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.err = err_; + this.multistream = multistream_; + }); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(time.Location); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 512); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(Reader); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Int32); + noEOF = function(err) { + var err; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + return err; + }; + NewReader = function(r) { + var {_r, err, r, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = new Reader.ptr(new Header.ptr("", sliceType$1.nil, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil), "", 0), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, 0, 0, arrayType$1.zero(), $ifaceNil, false); + _r = z.Reset(r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [z, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewReader, $c: true, $r, _r, err, r, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewReader = NewReader; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Reset = function(r) { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, ok, r, rr, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + Reader.copy(z, new Reader.ptr(new Header.ptr("", sliceType$1.nil, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil), "", 0), $ifaceNil, z.decompressor, 0, 0, arrayType$1.zero(), $ifaceNil, true)); + _tuple = $assertType(r, flate.Reader, true); + rr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + z.r = rr; + } else { + z.r = bufio.NewReader(r); + } + _r = z.readHeader(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + Header.copy(z.Header, _tuple$1[0]); + z.err = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = -1; return z.err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.Reset, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, ok, r, rr, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.Reset = function(r) { return this.$val.Reset(r); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Multistream = function(ok) { + var ok, z; + z = this; + z.multistream = ok; + }; + Reader.prototype.Multistream = function(ok) { return this.$val.Multistream(ok); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.readString = function() { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, err, i, needConv, s, v, x, x$1, x$2, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + needConv = false; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + if (i >= 512) { + $s = -1; return ["", $pkg.ErrHeader]; + } + _r = z.r.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + (x = z.buf, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i] = _tuple[0])); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ["", err]; + } + if ((x$1 = z.buf, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i])) > 127) { + needConv = true; + } + /* */ if ((x$2 = z.buf, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])) === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((x$2 = z.buf, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])) === 0) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, $subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, (i + 1 >> 0))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.digest = _r$1; + if (needConv) { + s = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, i); + _ref = $subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, i); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + s = $append(s, ((v >> 0))); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [($runesToString(s)), $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, i))), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 5: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return ["", $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.readString, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, err, i, needConv, s, v, x, x$1, x$2, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.readString = function() { return this.$val.readString(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.readHeader = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, data, digest, err, flg, hdr, s, t, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hdr = new Header.ptr("", sliceType$1.nil, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil), "", 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + z = this; + _r = io.ReadFull(z.r, $subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, 10)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = $clone(hdr, Header); + _tmp$1 = err; + Header.copy(hdr, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [hdr, err]; + } + if (!((z.buf[0] === 31)) || !((z.buf[1] === 139)) || !((z.buf[2] === 8))) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(hdr, Header); + _tmp$3 = $pkg.ErrHeader; + Header.copy(hdr, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [hdr, err]; + } + flg = z.buf[3]; + t = (new $Int64(0, $clone(le, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 4, 8)))); + if ((t.$high > 0 || (t.$high === 0 && t.$low > 0))) { + time.Time.copy(hdr.ModTime, time.Unix(t, new $Int64(0, 0))); + } + hdr.OS = z.buf[9]; + _r$1 = crc32.ChecksumIEEE($subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, 10)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.digest = _r$1; + /* */ if (!((((flg & 4) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((((flg & 4) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = io.ReadFull(z.r, $subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, 2)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(hdr, Header); + _tmp$5 = noEOF(err); + Header.copy(hdr, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [hdr, err]; + } + _r$3 = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, $subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, 2)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.digest = _r$3; + data = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, $clone(le, binary.littleEndian).Uint16($subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, 2))); + _r$4 = io.ReadFull(z.r, data); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(hdr, Header); + _tmp$7 = noEOF(err); + Header.copy(hdr, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [hdr, err]; + } + _r$5 = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, data); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.digest = _r$5; + hdr.Extra = data; + /* } */ case 4: + s = ""; + /* */ if (!((((flg & 8) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!((((flg & 8) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 9: + _r$6 = z.readString(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$6; + s = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(hdr, Header); + _tmp$9 = err; + Header.copy(hdr, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [hdr, err]; + } + hdr.Name = s; + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (!((((flg & 16) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!((((flg & 16) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 12: + _r$7 = z.readString(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$7; + s = _tuple$4[0]; + err = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$10 = $clone(hdr, Header); + _tmp$11 = err; + Header.copy(hdr, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [hdr, err]; + } + hdr.Comment = s; + /* } */ case 13: + /* */ if (!((((flg & 2) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!((((flg & 2) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 15: + _r$8 = io.ReadFull(z.r, $subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, 2)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$8; + err = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$12 = $clone(hdr, Header); + _tmp$13 = noEOF(err); + Header.copy(hdr, _tmp$12); + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [hdr, err]; + } + digest = $clone(le, binary.littleEndian).Uint16($subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, 2)); + if (!((digest === ((z.digest << 16 >>> 16))))) { + _tmp$14 = $clone(hdr, Header); + _tmp$15 = $pkg.ErrHeader; + Header.copy(hdr, _tmp$14); + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [hdr, err]; + } + /* } */ case 16: + z.digest = 0; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(z.decompressor, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(z.decompressor, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 18: + _r$9 = flate.NewReader(z.r); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.decompressor = _r$9; + $s = 20; continue; + /* } else { */ case 19: + _r$10 = $assertType(z.decompressor, flate.Resetter).Reset(z.r, sliceType$1.nil); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + /* } */ case 20: + _tmp$16 = $clone(hdr, Header); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + Header.copy(hdr, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [hdr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.readHeader, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, data, digest, err, flg, hdr, s, t, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.readHeader = function() { return this.$val.readHeader(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, digest, err, err$1, n, p, size, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + z = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(z.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = z.err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(n === 0)) { break; } */ if(!(n === 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = z.decompressor.Read(p); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + z.err = _tuple[1]; + _r$1 = crc32.Update(z.digest, crc32.IEEETable, $subslice(p, 0, n)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.digest = _r$1; + z.size = z.size + (((n >>> 0))) >>> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(z.err, io.EOF))) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = z.err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$2 = io.ReadFull(z.r, $subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, 8)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + z.err = noEOF(err$1); + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = z.err; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + digest = $clone(le, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 0, 4)); + size = $clone(le, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(z.buf), 4, 8)); + if (!((digest === z.digest)) || !((size === z.size))) { + z.err = $pkg.ErrChecksum; + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = z.err; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = 0; + z.digest = _tmp$8; + z.size = _tmp$9; + if (!z.multistream) { + _tmp$10 = n; + _tmp$11 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + z.err = $ifaceNil; + _r$3 = z.readHeader(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + z.err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(z.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$12 = n; + _tmp$13 = z.err; + n = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _tmp$14 = n; + _tmp$15 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, digest, err, err$1, n, p, size, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, _r, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = z.decompressor.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Multistream", name: "Multistream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "readString", name: "readString", pkg: "compress/gzip", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $error], false)}, {prop: "readHeader", name: "readHeader", pkg: "compress/gzip", typ: $funcType([], [Header, $error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + Header.init("", [{prop: "Comment", name: "Comment", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Extra", name: "Extra", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "ModTime", name: "ModTime", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "OS", name: "OS", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + Reader.init("compress/gzip", [{prop: "Header", name: "Header", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: flate.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "decompressor", name: "decompressor", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "digest", name: "digest", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "multistream", name: "multistream", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bufio.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = flate.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = crc32.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrChecksum = errors.New("gzip: invalid checksum"); + $pkg.ErrHeader = errors.New("gzip: invalid header"); + le = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["encoding"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, TextMarshaler, TextUnmarshaler, sliceType; + TextMarshaler = $pkg.TextMarshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "encoding.TextMarshaler", true, "encoding", true, null); + TextUnmarshaler = $pkg.TextUnmarshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "encoding.TextUnmarshaler", true, "encoding", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + TextMarshaler.init([{prop: "MarshalText", name: "MarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}]); + TextUnmarshaler.init([{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["encoding/base64"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, binary, io, strconv, Encoding, encoder, CorruptInputError, arrayType, arrayType$1, sliceType, ptrType, arrayType$2, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, ptrType$1, NewEncoding, NewEncoder, assemble32, assemble64; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + Encoding = $pkg.Encoding = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "base64.Encoding", true, "encoding/base64", true, function(encode_, decodeMap_, padChar_, strict_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.encode = arrayType.zero(); + this.decodeMap = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.padChar = 0; + this.strict = false; + return; + } + this.encode = encode_; + this.decodeMap = decodeMap_; + this.padChar = padChar_; + this.strict = strict_; + }); + encoder = $pkg.encoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "base64.encoder", true, "encoding/base64", false, function(err_, enc_, w_, buf_, nbuf_, out_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.enc = ptrType.nil; + this.w = $ifaceNil; + this.buf = arrayType$2.zero(); + this.nbuf = 0; + this.out = arrayType$3.zero(); + return; + } + this.err = err_; + this.enc = enc_; + this.w = w_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.nbuf = nbuf_; + this.out = out_; + }); + CorruptInputError = $pkg.CorruptInputError = $newType(8, $kindInt64, "base64.CorruptInputError", true, "encoding/base64", true, null); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 256); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(Encoding); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 3); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 1024); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(encoder); + NewEncoding = function(encoder$1) { + var e, encoder$1, i, i$1, i$2, x, x$1, x$2; + if (!((encoder$1.length === 64))) { + $panic(new $String("encoding alphabet is not 64-bytes long")); + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < encoder$1.length)) { break; } + if ((encoder$1.charCodeAt(i) === 10) || (encoder$1.charCodeAt(i) === 13)) { + $panic(new $String("encoding alphabet contains newline character")); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + e = new Encoding.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, false); + e.padChar = 61; + $copyString(new sliceType(e.encode), encoder$1); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 256)) { break; } + (x = e.decodeMap, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i$1] = 255)); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < encoder$1.length)) { break; } + (x$1 = e.decodeMap, x$2 = encoder$1.charCodeAt(i$2), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2] = ((i$2 << 24 >>> 24)))); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + return e; + }; + $pkg.NewEncoding = NewEncoding; + Encoding.ptr.prototype.WithPadding = function(padding) { + var enc, i, padding, x; + enc = this; + if ((padding === 13) || (padding === 10) || padding > 255) { + $panic(new $String("invalid padding")); + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 64)) { break; } + if ((((x = enc.encode, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])) >> 0)) === padding) { + $panic(new $String("padding contained in alphabet")); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + enc.padChar = padding; + return enc; + }; + Encoding.prototype.WithPadding = function(padding) { return this.$val.WithPadding(padding); }; + Encoding.ptr.prototype.Strict = function() { + var enc; + enc = this; + enc.strict = true; + return enc; + }; + Encoding.prototype.Strict = function() { return this.$val.Strict(); }; + Encoding.ptr.prototype.Encode = function(dst, src) { + var _1, _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, di, dst, enc, n, remain, si, src, val, val$1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + enc = this; + if (src.$length === 0) { + return; + } + $unused(enc.encode); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + di = _tmp; + si = _tmp$1; + n = $imul(((_q = src.$length / 3, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))), 3); + while (true) { + if (!(si < n)) { break; } + val = (((((((x = si + 0 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0) | ((((x$1 = si + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x$1])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$2 = si + 2 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x$2])) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + (x$5 = di + 0 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$5] = (x$3 = enc.encode, x$4 = ((val >>> 18 >>> 0) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[x$4])))); + (x$8 = di + 1 >> 0, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$8] = (x$6 = enc.encode, x$7 = ((val >>> 12 >>> 0) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[x$7])))); + (x$11 = di + 2 >> 0, ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$11] = (x$9 = enc.encode, x$10 = ((val >>> 6 >>> 0) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$10 < 0 || x$10 >= x$9.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9[x$10])))); + (x$14 = di + 3 >> 0, ((x$14 < 0 || x$14 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$14] = (x$12 = enc.encode, x$13 = (val & 63) >>> 0, ((x$13 < 0 || x$13 >= x$12.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12[x$13])))); + si = si + (3) >> 0; + di = di + (4) >> 0; + } + remain = src.$length - si >> 0; + if (remain === 0) { + return; + } + val$1 = (((x$15 = si + 0 >> 0, ((x$15 < 0 || x$15 >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x$15])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0; + if (remain === 2) { + val$1 = (val$1 | (((((x$16 = si + 1 >> 0, ((x$16 < 0 || x$16 >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x$16])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + } + (x$19 = di + 0 >> 0, ((x$19 < 0 || x$19 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$19] = (x$17 = enc.encode, x$18 = ((val$1 >>> 18 >>> 0) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$18 < 0 || x$18 >= x$17.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$17[x$18])))); + (x$22 = di + 1 >> 0, ((x$22 < 0 || x$22 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$22] = (x$20 = enc.encode, x$21 = ((val$1 >>> 12 >>> 0) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$21 < 0 || x$21 >= x$20.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$20[x$21])))); + _1 = remain; + if (_1 === (2)) { + (x$25 = di + 2 >> 0, ((x$25 < 0 || x$25 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$25] = (x$23 = enc.encode, x$24 = ((val$1 >>> 6 >>> 0) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$24 < 0 || x$24 >= x$23.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$23[x$24])))); + if (!((enc.padChar === -1))) { + (x$26 = di + 3 >> 0, ((x$26 < 0 || x$26 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$26] = ((enc.padChar << 24 >>> 24)))); + } + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + if (!((enc.padChar === -1))) { + (x$27 = di + 2 >> 0, ((x$27 < 0 || x$27 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$27] = ((enc.padChar << 24 >>> 24)))); + (x$28 = di + 3 >> 0, ((x$28 < 0 || x$28 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$28] = ((enc.padChar << 24 >>> 24)))); + } + } + }; + Encoding.prototype.Encode = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.Encode(dst, src); }; + Encoding.ptr.prototype.EncodeToString = function(src) { + var buf, enc, src; + enc = this; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, enc.EncodedLen(src.$length)); + enc.Encode(buf, src); + return ($bytesToString(buf)); + }; + Encoding.prototype.EncodeToString = function(src) { return this.$val.EncodeToString(src); }; + encoder.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, i, n, nn, p, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + e = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = e.err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* */ if (e.nbuf > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (e.nbuf > 0) { */ case 1: + i = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < p.$length && e.nbuf < 3)) { break; } + (x = e.buf, x$1 = e.nbuf, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1] = ((i < 0 || i >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + i]))); + e.nbuf = e.nbuf + (1) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + n = n + (i) >> 0; + p = $subslice(p, i); + if (e.nbuf < 3) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + e.enc.Encode(new sliceType(e.out), new sliceType(e.buf)); + _r = e.w.Write($subslice(new sliceType(e.out), 0, 4)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + e.err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = e.err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + e.nbuf = 0; + /* } */ case 2: + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(p.$length >= 3)) { break; } */ if(!(p.$length >= 3)) { $s = 5; continue; } + nn = 768; + if (nn > p.$length) { + nn = p.$length; + nn = nn - ((_r$1 = nn % 3, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0; + } + e.enc.Encode(new sliceType(e.out), $subslice(p, 0, nn)); + _r$2 = e.w.Write($subslice(new sliceType(e.out), 0, ($imul((_q = nn / 3, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 4)))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + e.err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = e.err; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + n = n + (nn) >> 0; + p = $subslice(p, nn); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $copySlice(new sliceType(e.buf), p); + e.nbuf = p.$length; + n = n + (p.$length) >> 0; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encoder.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, i, n, nn, p, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + encoder.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + encoder.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(e.err, $ifaceNil) && e.nbuf > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(e.err, $ifaceNil) && e.nbuf > 0) { */ case 1: + e.enc.Encode(new sliceType(e.out), $subslice(new sliceType(e.buf), 0, e.nbuf)); + _r = e.w.Write($subslice(new sliceType(e.out), 0, e.enc.EncodedLen(e.nbuf))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + e.err = _tuple[1]; + e.nbuf = 0; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return e.err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encoder.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, e, $s};return $f; + }; + encoder.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + NewEncoder = function(enc, w) { + var enc, w; + return new encoder.ptr($ifaceNil, enc, w, arrayType$2.zero(), 0, arrayType$3.zero()); + }; + $pkg.NewEncoder = NewEncoder; + Encoding.ptr.prototype.EncodedLen = function(n) { + var _q, _q$1, enc, n; + enc = this; + if (enc.padChar === -1) { + return (_q = ((($imul(n, 8)) + 5 >> 0)) / 6, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + } + return $imul((_q$1 = ((n + 2 >> 0)) / 3, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 4); + }; + Encoding.prototype.EncodedLen = function(n) { return this.$val.EncodedLen(n); }; + CorruptInputError.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "illegal base64 data at input byte " + strconv.FormatInt((new $Int64(e.$high, e.$low)), 10); + }; + $ptrType(CorruptInputError).prototype.Error = function() { return this.$get().Error(); }; + Encoding.ptr.prototype.decodeQuantum = function(dst, src, si) { + var _1, _2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, dbuf, dlen, dst, enc, err, in$1, j, n, nsi, out, si, src, val, x; + nsi = 0; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + enc = this; + dbuf = arrayType$4.zero(); + dlen = 4; + $unused(enc.decodeMap); + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 4)) { break; } + if (src.$length === si) { + if ((j === 0)) { + _tmp = si; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + nsi = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } else if (((j === 1)) || (!((enc.padChar === -1)))) { + _tmp$3 = si; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = (new CorruptInputError(0, (si - j >> 0))); + nsi = _tmp$3; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } + dlen = j; + break; + } + in$1 = ((si < 0 || si >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + si]); + si = si + (1) >> 0; + out = (x = enc.decodeMap, ((in$1 < 0 || in$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[in$1])); + if (!((out === 255))) { + ((j < 0 || j >= dbuf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dbuf[j] = out); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if ((in$1 === 10) || (in$1 === 13)) { + j = j - (1) >> 0; + j = j + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if (!((((in$1 >> 0)) === enc.padChar))) { + _tmp$6 = si; + _tmp$7 = 0; + _tmp$8 = (new CorruptInputError(0, (si - 1 >> 0))); + nsi = _tmp$6; + n = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } + _1 = j; + if ((_1 === (0)) || (_1 === (1))) { + _tmp$9 = si; + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = (new CorruptInputError(0, (si - 1 >> 0))); + nsi = _tmp$9; + n = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + while (true) { + if (!(si < src.$length && ((((si < 0 || si >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + si]) === 10) || (((si < 0 || si >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + si]) === 13)))) { break; } + si = si + (1) >> 0; + } + if (si === src.$length) { + _tmp$12 = si; + _tmp$13 = 0; + _tmp$14 = (new CorruptInputError(0, src.$length)); + nsi = _tmp$12; + n = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } + if (!((((((si < 0 || si >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + si]) >> 0)) === enc.padChar))) { + _tmp$15 = si; + _tmp$16 = 0; + _tmp$17 = (new CorruptInputError(0, (si - 1 >> 0))); + nsi = _tmp$15; + n = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } + si = si + (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(si < src.$length && ((((si < 0 || si >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + si]) === 10) || (((si < 0 || si >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + si]) === 13)))) { break; } + si = si + (1) >> 0; + } + if (si < src.$length) { + err = (new CorruptInputError(0, si)); + } + dlen = j; + break; + } + val = ((((((((dbuf[0] >>> 0)) << 18 >>> 0) | (((dbuf[1] >>> 0)) << 12 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((dbuf[2] >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((dbuf[3] >>> 0))) >>> 0; + _tmp$18 = (((val >>> 0 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + _tmp$19 = (((val >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + _tmp$20 = (((val >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + dbuf[2] = _tmp$18; + dbuf[1] = _tmp$19; + dbuf[0] = _tmp$20; + _2 = dlen; + if (_2 === (4)) { + (2 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 2] = dbuf[2]); + dbuf[2] = 0; + (1 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 1] = dbuf[1]); + if (enc.strict && !((dbuf[2] === 0))) { + _tmp$21 = si; + _tmp$22 = 0; + _tmp$23 = (new CorruptInputError(0, (si - 1 >> 0))); + nsi = _tmp$21; + n = _tmp$22; + err = _tmp$23; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } + dbuf[1] = 0; + (0 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 0] = dbuf[0]); + if (enc.strict && (!((dbuf[1] === 0)) || !((dbuf[2] === 0)))) { + _tmp$24 = si; + _tmp$25 = 0; + _tmp$26 = (new CorruptInputError(0, (si - 2 >> 0))); + nsi = _tmp$24; + n = _tmp$25; + err = _tmp$26; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } + } else if (_2 === (3)) { + (1 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 1] = dbuf[1]); + if (enc.strict && !((dbuf[2] === 0))) { + _tmp$27 = si; + _tmp$28 = 0; + _tmp$29 = (new CorruptInputError(0, (si - 1 >> 0))); + nsi = _tmp$27; + n = _tmp$28; + err = _tmp$29; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } + dbuf[1] = 0; + (0 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 0] = dbuf[0]); + if (enc.strict && (!((dbuf[1] === 0)) || !((dbuf[2] === 0)))) { + _tmp$30 = si; + _tmp$31 = 0; + _tmp$32 = (new CorruptInputError(0, (si - 2 >> 0))); + nsi = _tmp$30; + n = _tmp$31; + err = _tmp$32; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } + } else if (_2 === (2)) { + (0 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 0] = dbuf[0]); + if (enc.strict && (!((dbuf[1] === 0)) || !((dbuf[2] === 0)))) { + _tmp$33 = si; + _tmp$34 = 0; + _tmp$35 = (new CorruptInputError(0, (si - 2 >> 0))); + nsi = _tmp$33; + n = _tmp$34; + err = _tmp$35; + return [nsi, n, err]; + } + } + _tmp$36 = si; + _tmp$37 = dlen - 1 >> 0; + _tmp$38 = err; + nsi = _tmp$36; + n = _tmp$37; + err = _tmp$38; + return [nsi, n, err]; + }; + Encoding.prototype.decodeQuantum = function(dst, src, si) { return this.$val.decodeQuantum(dst, src, si); }; + Encoding.ptr.prototype.DecodeString = function(s) { + var _tuple, dbuf, enc, err, n, s; + enc = this; + dbuf = $makeSlice(sliceType, enc.DecodedLen(s.length)); + _tuple = enc.Decode(dbuf, (new sliceType($stringToBytes(s)))); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + return [$subslice(dbuf, 0, n), err]; + }; + Encoding.prototype.DecodeString = function(s) { return this.$val.DecodeString(s); }; + Encoding.ptr.prototype.Decode = function(dst, src) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, dn, dn$1, dst, enc, err, n, ninc, ninc$1, ninc$2, ok, ok$1, si, src, src2, src2$1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + enc = this; + if (src.$length === 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + } + $unused(enc.decodeMap); + si = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(false && (src.$length - si >> 0) >= 8 && (dst.$length - n >> 0) >= 8)) { break; } + src2 = $subslice(src, si, (si + 8 >> 0)); + _tuple = assemble64((x = enc.decodeMap, x$1 = (0 >= src2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2.$array[src2.$offset + 0]), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])), (x$2 = enc.decodeMap, x$3 = (1 >= src2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2.$array[src2.$offset + 1]), ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[x$3])), (x$4 = enc.decodeMap, x$5 = (2 >= src2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2.$array[src2.$offset + 2]), ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[x$5])), (x$6 = enc.decodeMap, x$7 = (3 >= src2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2.$array[src2.$offset + 3]), ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[x$7])), (x$8 = enc.decodeMap, x$9 = (4 >= src2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2.$array[src2.$offset + 4]), ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[x$9])), (x$10 = enc.decodeMap, x$11 = (5 >= src2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2.$array[src2.$offset + 5]), ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[x$11])), (x$12 = enc.decodeMap, x$13 = (6 >= src2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2.$array[src2.$offset + 6]), ((x$13 < 0 || x$13 >= x$12.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12[x$13])), (x$14 = enc.decodeMap, x$15 = (7 >= src2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2.$array[src2.$offset + 7]), ((x$15 < 0 || x$15 >= x$14.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$14[x$15]))); + dn = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(dst, n), dn); + n = n + (6) >> 0; + si = si + (8) >> 0; + } else { + ninc = 0; + _tuple$1 = enc.decodeQuantum($subslice(dst, n), src, si); + si = _tuple$1[0]; + ninc = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + n = n + (ninc) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, err]; + } + } + } + while (true) { + if (!((src.$length - si >> 0) >= 4 && (dst.$length - n >> 0) >= 4)) { break; } + src2$1 = $subslice(src, si, (si + 4 >> 0)); + _tuple$2 = assemble32((x$16 = enc.decodeMap, x$17 = (0 >= src2$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2$1.$array[src2$1.$offset + 0]), ((x$17 < 0 || x$17 >= x$16.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$16[x$17])), (x$18 = enc.decodeMap, x$19 = (1 >= src2$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2$1.$array[src2$1.$offset + 1]), ((x$19 < 0 || x$19 >= x$18.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$18[x$19])), (x$20 = enc.decodeMap, x$21 = (2 >= src2$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2$1.$array[src2$1.$offset + 2]), ((x$21 < 0 || x$21 >= x$20.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$20[x$21])), (x$22 = enc.decodeMap, x$23 = (3 >= src2$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src2$1.$array[src2$1.$offset + 3]), ((x$23 < 0 || x$23 >= x$22.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$22[x$23]))); + dn$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(dst, n), dn$1); + n = n + (3) >> 0; + si = si + (4) >> 0; + } else { + ninc$1 = 0; + _tuple$3 = enc.decodeQuantum($subslice(dst, n), src, si); + si = _tuple$3[0]; + ninc$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + err = _tuple$3[2]; + n = n + (ninc$1) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = err; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [n, err]; + } + } + } + while (true) { + if (!(si < src.$length)) { break; } + ninc$2 = 0; + _tuple$4 = enc.decodeQuantum($subslice(dst, n), src, si); + si = _tuple$4[0]; + ninc$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + err = _tuple$4[2]; + n = n + (ninc$2) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = err; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + return [n, err]; + } + } + _tmp$8 = n; + _tmp$9 = err; + n = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + return [n, err]; + }; + Encoding.prototype.Decode = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.Decode(dst, src); }; + assemble32 = function(n1, n2, n3, n4) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, dn, n1, n2, n3, n4, ok; + dn = 0; + ok = false; + if (((((((n1 | n2) >>> 0) | n3) >>> 0) | n4) >>> 0) === 255) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = false; + dn = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [dn, ok]; + } + _tmp$2 = ((((((((n1 >>> 0)) << 26 >>> 0) | (((n2 >>> 0)) << 20 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((n3 >>> 0)) << 14 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((n4 >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + _tmp$3 = true; + dn = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [dn, ok]; + }; + assemble64 = function(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, dn, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, ok, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + dn = new $Uint64(0, 0); + ok = false; + if (((((((((((((((n1 | n2) >>> 0) | n3) >>> 0) | n4) >>> 0) | n5) >>> 0) | n6) >>> 0) | n7) >>> 0) | n8) >>> 0) === 255) { + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = false; + dn = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [dn, ok]; + } + _tmp$2 = (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, n1)), 58), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, n2)), 52), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, n3)), 46), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$8.$high, (x$5.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, n4)), 40), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$9.$high, (x$4.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, n5)), 34), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$10.$high, (x$3.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, n6)), 28), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$11.$high, (x$2.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, n7)), 22), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$12.$high, (x$1.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, n8)), 16), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$13.$high, (x.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + _tmp$3 = true; + dn = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [dn, ok]; + }; + Encoding.ptr.prototype.DecodedLen = function(n) { + var _q, _q$1, enc, n; + enc = this; + if (enc.padChar === -1) { + return (_q = ($imul(n, 6)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + } + return $imul((_q$1 = n / 4, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 3); + }; + Encoding.prototype.DecodedLen = function(n) { return this.$val.DecodedLen(n); }; + Encoding.methods = [{prop: "WithPadding", name: "WithPadding", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Strict", name: "Strict", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType], [], false)}, {prop: "EncodeToString", name: "EncodeToString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$String], false)}, {prop: "EncodedLen", name: "EncodedLen", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "decodeQuantum", name: "decodeQuantum", pkg: "encoding/base64", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType, $Int], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "DecodeString", name: "DecodeString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "Decode", name: "Decode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "DecodedLen", name: "DecodedLen", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + CorruptInputError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Encoding.init("encoding/base64", [{prop: "encode", name: "encode", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "decodeMap", name: "decodeMap", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "padChar", name: "padChar", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "strict", name: "strict", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + encoder.init("encoding/base64", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "enc", name: "enc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "nbuf", name: "nbuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "out", name: "out", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$3, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.StdEncoding = NewEncoding("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"); + $pkg.URLEncoding = NewEncoding("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"); + $pkg.RawStdEncoding = $clone($pkg.StdEncoding, Encoding).WithPadding(-1); + $pkg.RawURLEncoding = $clone($pkg.URLEncoding, Encoding).WithPadding(-1); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["encoding/json"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, encoding, base64, errors, fmt, nosync, io, math, reflect, sort, strconv, strings, unicode, utf16, utf8, tagOptions, Decoder, Encoder, Token, Delim, SyntaxError, scanner, Marshaler, UnsupportedTypeError, UnsupportedValueError, MarshalerError, encodeState, jsonError, encOpts, encoderFunc, floatEncoder, structEncoder, structFields, mapEncoder, sliceEncoder, arrayEncoder, ptrEncoder, condAddrEncoder, reflectWithString, field, byIndex, Unmarshaler, UnmarshalTypeError, InvalidUnmarshalError, Number, errorContext, decodeState, unquotedValue, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, sliceType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, arrayType, sliceType$3, structType, sliceType$4, structType$1, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, mapType, sliceType$5, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, ptrType$14, ptrType$15, funcType, ptrType$16, ptrType$17, ptrType$19, mapType$1, mapType$2, ptrType$20, funcType$1, ptrType$22, ptrType$23, safeSet, htmlSafeSet, scannerPool, hex, encodeStatePool, encoderCache, marshalerType, textMarshalerType, float32Encoder, float64Encoder, fieldCache, nullLiteral, textUnmarshalerType, numberType, _r, _r$1, _r$2, parseTag, NewDecoder, nonSpace, NewEncoder, checkValid, newScanner, freeScanner, isSpace, stateBeginValueOrEmpty, stateBeginValue, stateBeginStringOrEmpty, stateBeginString, stateEndValue, stateEndTop, stateInString, stateInStringEsc, stateInStringEscU, stateInStringEscU1, stateInStringEscU12, stateInStringEscU123, stateNeg, state1, state0, stateDot, stateDot0, stateE, stateESign, stateE0, stateT, stateTr, stateTru, stateF, stateFa, stateFal, stateFals, stateN, stateNu, stateNul, stateError, quoteChar, compact, newline, Indent, foldFunc, equalFoldRight, asciiEqualFold, simpleLetterEqualFold, HTMLEscape, newEncodeState, isEmptyValue, valueEncoder, typeEncoder, newTypeEncoder, invalidValueEncoder, marshalerEncoder, addrMarshalerEncoder, textMarshalerEncoder, addrTextMarshalerEncoder, boolEncoder, intEncoder, uintEncoder, stringEncoder, isValidNumber, interfaceEncoder, unsupportedTypeEncoder, newStructEncoder, newMapEncoder, encodeByteSlice, newSliceEncoder, newArrayEncoder, newPtrEncoder, newCondAddrEncoder, isValidTag, typeByIndex, typeFields, dominantField, cachedTypeFields, Unmarshal, indirect, getu4, unquote, unquoteBytes; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + encoding = $packages["encoding"]; + base64 = $packages["encoding/base64"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + nosync = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + utf16 = $packages["unicode/utf16"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + tagOptions = $pkg.tagOptions = $newType(8, $kindString, "json.tagOptions", true, "encoding/json", false, null); + Decoder = $pkg.Decoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.Decoder", true, "encoding/json", true, function(r_, buf_, d_, scanp_, scanned_, scan_, err_, tokenState_, tokenStack_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.buf = sliceType$2.nil; + this.d = new decodeState.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, 0, 0, new scanner.ptr($throwNilPointerError, false, sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0)), ptrType$4.nil, $ifaceNil, false, false); + this.scanp = 0; + this.scanned = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.scan = new scanner.ptr($throwNilPointerError, false, sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0)); + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.tokenState = 0; + this.tokenStack = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.r = r_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.d = d_; + this.scanp = scanp_; + this.scanned = scanned_; + this.scan = scan_; + this.err = err_; + this.tokenState = tokenState_; + this.tokenStack = tokenStack_; + }); + Encoder = $pkg.Encoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.Encoder", true, "encoding/json", true, function(w_, err_, escapeHTML_, indentBuf_, indentPrefix_, indentValue_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.w = $ifaceNil; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.escapeHTML = false; + this.indentBuf = ptrType$5.nil; + this.indentPrefix = ""; + this.indentValue = ""; + return; + } + this.w = w_; + this.err = err_; + this.escapeHTML = escapeHTML_; + this.indentBuf = indentBuf_; + this.indentPrefix = indentPrefix_; + this.indentValue = indentValue_; + }); + Token = $pkg.Token = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "json.Token", true, "encoding/json", true, null); + Delim = $pkg.Delim = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "json.Delim", true, "encoding/json", true, null); + SyntaxError = $pkg.SyntaxError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.SyntaxError", true, "encoding/json", true, function(msg_, Offset_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.msg = ""; + this.Offset = new $Int64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.msg = msg_; + this.Offset = Offset_; + }); + scanner = $pkg.scanner = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.scanner", true, "encoding/json", false, function(step_, endTop_, parseState_, err_, bytes_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.step = $throwNilPointerError; + this.endTop = false; + this.parseState = sliceType$1.nil; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.bytes = new $Int64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.step = step_; + this.endTop = endTop_; + this.parseState = parseState_; + this.err = err_; + this.bytes = bytes_; + }); + Marshaler = $pkg.Marshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "json.Marshaler", true, "encoding/json", true, null); + UnsupportedTypeError = $pkg.UnsupportedTypeError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.UnsupportedTypeError", true, "encoding/json", true, function(Type_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Type = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Type = Type_; + }); + UnsupportedValueError = $pkg.UnsupportedValueError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.UnsupportedValueError", true, "encoding/json", true, function(Value_, Str_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Value = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + this.Str = ""; + return; + } + this.Value = Value_; + this.Str = Str_; + }); + MarshalerError = $pkg.MarshalerError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.MarshalerError", true, "encoding/json", true, function(Type_, Err_, sourceFunc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Type = $ifaceNil; + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + this.sourceFunc = ""; + return; + } + this.Type = Type_; + this.Err = Err_; + this.sourceFunc = sourceFunc_; + }); + encodeState = $pkg.encodeState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.encodeState", true, "encoding/json", false, function(Buffer_, scratch_, ptrLevel_, ptrSeen_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Buffer = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, 0, 0); + this.scratch = arrayType.zero(); + this.ptrLevel = 0; + this.ptrSeen = false; + return; + } + this.Buffer = Buffer_; + this.scratch = scratch_; + this.ptrLevel = ptrLevel_; + this.ptrSeen = ptrSeen_; + }); + jsonError = $pkg.jsonError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.jsonError", true, "encoding/json", false, function(error_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.error = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.error = error_; + }); + encOpts = $pkg.encOpts = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.encOpts", true, "encoding/json", false, function(quoted_, escapeHTML_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.quoted = false; + this.escapeHTML = false; + return; + } + this.quoted = quoted_; + this.escapeHTML = escapeHTML_; + }); + encoderFunc = $pkg.encoderFunc = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "json.encoderFunc", true, "encoding/json", false, null); + floatEncoder = $pkg.floatEncoder = $newType(4, $kindInt, "json.floatEncoder", true, "encoding/json", false, null); + structEncoder = $pkg.structEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.structEncoder", true, "encoding/json", false, function(fields_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fields = new structFields.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, false); + return; + } + this.fields = fields_; + }); + structFields = $pkg.structFields = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.structFields", true, "encoding/json", false, function(list_, nameIndex_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.list = sliceType$3.nil; + this.nameIndex = false; + return; + } + this.list = list_; + this.nameIndex = nameIndex_; + }); + mapEncoder = $pkg.mapEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.mapEncoder", true, "encoding/json", false, function(elemEnc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.elemEnc = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.elemEnc = elemEnc_; + }); + sliceEncoder = $pkg.sliceEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.sliceEncoder", true, "encoding/json", false, function(arrayEnc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.arrayEnc = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.arrayEnc = arrayEnc_; + }); + arrayEncoder = $pkg.arrayEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.arrayEncoder", true, "encoding/json", false, function(elemEnc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.elemEnc = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.elemEnc = elemEnc_; + }); + ptrEncoder = $pkg.ptrEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.ptrEncoder", true, "encoding/json", false, function(elemEnc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.elemEnc = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.elemEnc = elemEnc_; + }); + condAddrEncoder = $pkg.condAddrEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.condAddrEncoder", true, "encoding/json", false, function(canAddrEnc_, elseEnc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.canAddrEnc = $throwNilPointerError; + this.elseEnc = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.canAddrEnc = canAddrEnc_; + this.elseEnc = elseEnc_; + }); + reflectWithString = $pkg.reflectWithString = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.reflectWithString", true, "encoding/json", false, function(k_, v_, ks_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.k = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + this.v = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + this.ks = ""; + return; + } + this.k = k_; + this.v = v_; + this.ks = ks_; + }); + field = $pkg.field = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.field", true, "encoding/json", false, function(name_, nameBytes_, equalFold_, nameNonEsc_, nameEscHTML_, tag_, index_, typ_, omitEmpty_, quoted_, encoder_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + this.nameBytes = sliceType$2.nil; + this.equalFold = $throwNilPointerError; + this.nameNonEsc = ""; + this.nameEscHTML = ""; + this.tag = false; + this.index = sliceType$1.nil; + this.typ = $ifaceNil; + this.omitEmpty = false; + this.quoted = false; + this.encoder = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.nameBytes = nameBytes_; + this.equalFold = equalFold_; + this.nameNonEsc = nameNonEsc_; + this.nameEscHTML = nameEscHTML_; + this.tag = tag_; + this.index = index_; + this.typ = typ_; + this.omitEmpty = omitEmpty_; + this.quoted = quoted_; + this.encoder = encoder_; + }); + byIndex = $pkg.byIndex = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "json.byIndex", true, "encoding/json", false, null); + Unmarshaler = $pkg.Unmarshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "json.Unmarshaler", true, "encoding/json", true, null); + UnmarshalTypeError = $pkg.UnmarshalTypeError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.UnmarshalTypeError", true, "encoding/json", true, function(Value_, Type_, Offset_, Struct_, Field_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Value = ""; + this.Type = $ifaceNil; + this.Offset = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.Struct = ""; + this.Field = ""; + return; + } + this.Value = Value_; + this.Type = Type_; + this.Offset = Offset_; + this.Struct = Struct_; + this.Field = Field_; + }); + InvalidUnmarshalError = $pkg.InvalidUnmarshalError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.InvalidUnmarshalError", true, "encoding/json", true, function(Type_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Type = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Type = Type_; + }); + Number = $pkg.Number = $newType(8, $kindString, "json.Number", true, "encoding/json", true, null); + errorContext = $pkg.errorContext = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.errorContext", true, "encoding/json", false, function(Struct_, FieldStack_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Struct = $ifaceNil; + this.FieldStack = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.Struct = Struct_; + this.FieldStack = FieldStack_; + }); + decodeState = $pkg.decodeState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.decodeState", true, "encoding/json", false, function(data_, off_, opcode_, scan_, errorContext_, savedError_, useNumber_, disallowUnknownFields_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.data = sliceType$2.nil; + this.off = 0; + this.opcode = 0; + this.scan = new scanner.ptr($throwNilPointerError, false, sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0)); + this.errorContext = ptrType$4.nil; + this.savedError = $ifaceNil; + this.useNumber = false; + this.disallowUnknownFields = false; + return; + } + this.data = data_; + this.off = off_; + this.opcode = opcode_; + this.scan = scan_; + this.errorContext = errorContext_; + this.savedError = savedError_; + this.useNumber = useNumber_; + this.disallowUnknownFields = disallowUnknownFields_; + }); + unquotedValue = $pkg.unquotedValue = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "json.unquotedValue", true, "encoding/json", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Int); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Marshaler); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(encoding.TextMarshaler); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(errorContext); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(bytes.Buffer); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType($String); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(scanner); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(encodeState); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(field); + structType = $structType("", []); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(reflectWithString); + structType$1 = $structType("encoding/json", [{prop: "ptr", name: "ptr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(UnmarshalTypeError); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(reflect.rtype); + mapType = $mapType($String, $emptyInterface); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(field); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(Decoder); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType(Encoder); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(SyntaxError); + funcType = $funcType([ptrType$8, $Uint8], [$Int], false); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType(UnsupportedTypeError); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType(UnsupportedValueError); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType(MarshalerError); + mapType$1 = $mapType($emptyInterface, structType); + mapType$2 = $mapType($String, $Int); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(reflectWithString); + funcType$1 = $funcType([sliceType$2, sliceType$2], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$22 = $ptrType(InvalidUnmarshalError); + ptrType$23 = $ptrType(decodeState); + parseTag = function(tag) { + var _tuple, opt, tag; + _tuple = strings.Cut(tag, ","); + tag = _tuple[0]; + opt = _tuple[1]; + return [tag, (opt)]; + }; + tagOptions.prototype.Contains = function(optionName) { + var _tuple, name, o, optionName, s; + o = this.$val; + if (o.length === 0) { + return false; + } + s = (o); + while (true) { + if (!(!(s === ""))) { break; } + name = ""; + _tuple = strings.Cut(s, ","); + name = _tuple[0]; + s = _tuple[1]; + if (name === optionName) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + }; + $ptrType(tagOptions).prototype.Contains = function(optionName) { return new tagOptions(this.$get()).Contains(optionName); }; + NewDecoder = function(r) { + var r; + return new Decoder.ptr(r, sliceType$2.nil, new decodeState.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, 0, 0, new scanner.ptr($throwNilPointerError, false, sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0)), ptrType$4.nil, $ifaceNil, false, false), 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new scanner.ptr($throwNilPointerError, false, sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0)), $ifaceNil, 0, sliceType$1.nil); + }; + $pkg.NewDecoder = NewDecoder; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.UseNumber = function() { + var dec; + dec = this; + dec.d.useNumber = true; + }; + Decoder.prototype.UseNumber = function() { return this.$val.UseNumber(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.DisallowUnknownFields = function() { + var dec; + dec = this; + dec.d.disallowUnknownFields = true; + }; + Decoder.prototype.DisallowUnknownFields = function() { return this.$val.DisallowUnknownFields(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Decode = function(v) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, dec, err, err$1, n, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dec = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(dec.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return dec.err; + } + _r$3 = dec.tokenPrepareForDecode(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + if (!dec.tokenValueAllowed()) { + $s = -1; return new SyntaxError.ptr("not at beginning of value", dec.InputOffset()); + } + _r$4 = dec.readValue(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + n = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + dec.d.init($subslice(dec.buf, dec.scanp, (dec.scanp + n >> 0))); + dec.scanp = dec.scanp + (n) >> 0; + _r$5 = dec.d.unmarshal(v); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$5; + dec.tokenValueEnd(); + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.Decode, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, dec, err, err$1, n, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.Decode = function(v) { return this.$val.Decode(v); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Buffered = function() { + var dec; + dec = this; + return bytes.NewReader($subslice(dec.buf, dec.scanp)); + }; + Decoder.prototype.Buffered = function() { return this.$val.Buffered(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.readValue = function() { + var {_1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, c, dec, err, n, scanp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dec = this; + dec.scan.reset(); + scanp = dec.scanp; + err = $ifaceNil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(scanp >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(scanp >= 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(scanp < dec.buf.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(scanp < dec.buf.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + c = (x = dec.buf, ((scanp < 0 || scanp >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + scanp])); + dec.scan.bytes = (x$1 = dec.scan.bytes, x$2 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)); + _r$3 = dec.scan.step(dec.scan, c); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$3; + if (_1 === (10)) { + dec.scan.bytes = (x$3 = dec.scan.bytes, x$4 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$3.$high - x$4.$high, x$3.$low - x$4.$low)); + /* break Input; */ $s = 2; continue s; + } else if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (8))) { + if (stateEndValue(dec.scan, 32) === 10) { + scanp = scanp + (1) >> 0; + /* break Input; */ $s = 2; continue s; + } + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + dec.err = dec.scan.err; + $s = -1; return [0, dec.scan.err]; + } + case 5: + scanp = scanp + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { */ case 9: + _r$4 = dec.scan.step(dec.scan, 32); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4 === 10) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_r$4 === 10) { */ case 11: + /* break Input; */ $s = 2; continue s; + /* } */ case 12: + if (nonSpace(dec.buf)) { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + /* } */ case 10: + dec.err = err; + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + /* } */ case 8: + n = scanp - dec.scanp >> 0; + _r$5 = dec.refill(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$5; + scanp = dec.scanp + n >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [scanp - dec.scanp >> 0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.readValue, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, c, dec, err, n, scanp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.readValue = function() { return this.$val.readValue(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.refill = function() { + var {_r$3, _tuple, dec, err, n, n$1, newBuf, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dec = this; + if (dec.scanp > 0) { + dec.scanned = (x = dec.scanned, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, dec.scanp)), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = $copySlice(dec.buf, $subslice(dec.buf, dec.scanp)); + dec.buf = $subslice(dec.buf, 0, n); + dec.scanp = 0; + } + if ((dec.buf.$capacity - dec.buf.$length >> 0) < 512) { + newBuf = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, dec.buf.$length, (($imul(2, dec.buf.$capacity)) + 512 >> 0)); + $copySlice(newBuf, dec.buf); + dec.buf = newBuf; + } + _r$3 = dec.r.Read($subslice(dec.buf, dec.buf.$length, dec.buf.$capacity)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + n$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + dec.buf = $subslice(dec.buf, 0, (dec.buf.$length + n$1 >> 0)); + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.refill, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tuple, dec, err, n, n$1, newBuf, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.refill = function() { return this.$val.refill(); }; + nonSpace = function(b) { + var _i, _ref, b, c; + _ref = b; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!isSpace(c)) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + NewEncoder = function(w) { + var w; + return new Encoder.ptr(w, $ifaceNil, true, ptrType$5.nil, "", ""); + }; + $pkg.NewEncoder = NewEncoder; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.Encode = function(v) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, b, e, enc, err, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(enc.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return enc.err; + } + _r$3 = newEncodeState(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$3; + _r$4 = e.marshal(v, new encOpts.ptr(false, enc.escapeHTML)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$4; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(10); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + b = e.Buffer.Bytes(); + /* */ if (!(enc.indentPrefix === "") || !(enc.indentValue === "")) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(enc.indentPrefix === "") || !(enc.indentValue === "")) { */ case 4: + if (enc.indentBuf === ptrType$5.nil) { + enc.indentBuf = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, 0, 0); + } + enc.indentBuf.Reset(); + _r$6 = Indent(enc.indentBuf, b, enc.indentPrefix, enc.indentValue); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + b = enc.indentBuf.Bytes(); + /* } */ case 5: + _r$7 = enc.w.Write(b); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + enc.err = err; + } + encodeStatePool.Put(e); + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.Encode, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, b, e, enc, err, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.Encode = function(v) { return this.$val.Encode(v); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.SetIndent = function(prefix, indent) { + var enc, indent, prefix; + enc = this; + enc.indentPrefix = prefix; + enc.indentValue = indent; + }; + Encoder.prototype.SetIndent = function(prefix, indent) { return this.$val.SetIndent(prefix, indent); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.SetEscapeHTML = function(on) { + var enc, on; + enc = this; + enc.escapeHTML = on; + }; + Encoder.prototype.SetEscapeHTML = function(on) { return this.$val.SetEscapeHTML(on); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.tokenPrepareForDecode = function() { + var {_1, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, c$1, dec, err, err$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dec = this; + _1 = dec.tokenState; + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 2: + _r$3 = dec.peek(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + if (!((c === 44))) { + $s = -1; return new SyntaxError.ptr("expected comma after array element", dec.InputOffset()); + } + dec.scanp = dec.scanp + (1) >> 0; + dec.tokenState = 2; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 3: + _r$4 = dec.peek(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + c$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + if (!((c$1 === 58))) { + $s = -1; return new SyntaxError.ptr("expected colon after object key", dec.InputOffset()); + } + dec.scanp = dec.scanp + (1) >> 0; + dec.tokenState = 7; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.tokenPrepareForDecode, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, c$1, dec, err, err$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.tokenPrepareForDecode = function() { return this.$val.tokenPrepareForDecode(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.tokenValueAllowed = function() { + var _1, dec; + dec = this; + _1 = dec.tokenState; + if ((_1 === (0)) || (_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (7))) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + Decoder.prototype.tokenValueAllowed = function() { return this.$val.tokenValueAllowed(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.tokenValueEnd = function() { + var _1, dec; + dec = this; + _1 = dec.tokenState; + if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2))) { + dec.tokenState = 3; + } else if (_1 === (7)) { + dec.tokenState = 8; + } + }; + Decoder.prototype.tokenValueEnd = function() { return this.$val.tokenValueEnd(); }; + Delim.prototype.String = function() { + var d; + d = this.$val; + return ($encodeRune(d)); + }; + $ptrType(Delim).prototype.String = function() { return new Delim(this.$get()).String(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Token = function() { + var {_1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, c, dec, err, err$1, err$2, old, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dec = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + x = [x]; + x$1 = [x$1]; + _r$3 = dec.peek(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + _1 = c; + /* */ if (_1 === (91)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (93)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (123)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (125)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (58)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (44)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (34)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_1 === (91)) { */ case 5: + if (!dec.tokenValueAllowed()) { + $s = -1; return dec.tokenError(c); + } + dec.scanp = dec.scanp + (1) >> 0; + dec.tokenStack = $append(dec.tokenStack, dec.tokenState); + dec.tokenState = 1; + $s = -1; return [new Delim(91), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (93)) { */ case 6: + if (!((dec.tokenState === 1)) && !((dec.tokenState === 3))) { + $s = -1; return dec.tokenError(c); + } + dec.scanp = dec.scanp + (1) >> 0; + dec.tokenState = (x$2 = dec.tokenStack, x$3 = dec.tokenStack.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x$3])); + dec.tokenStack = $subslice(dec.tokenStack, 0, (dec.tokenStack.$length - 1 >> 0)); + dec.tokenValueEnd(); + $s = -1; return [new Delim(93), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (123)) { */ case 7: + if (!dec.tokenValueAllowed()) { + $s = -1; return dec.tokenError(c); + } + dec.scanp = dec.scanp + (1) >> 0; + dec.tokenStack = $append(dec.tokenStack, dec.tokenState); + dec.tokenState = 4; + $s = -1; return [new Delim(123), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (125)) { */ case 8: + if (!((dec.tokenState === 4)) && !((dec.tokenState === 8))) { + $s = -1; return dec.tokenError(c); + } + dec.scanp = dec.scanp + (1) >> 0; + dec.tokenState = (x$4 = dec.tokenStack, x$5 = dec.tokenStack.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5])); + dec.tokenStack = $subslice(dec.tokenStack, 0, (dec.tokenStack.$length - 1 >> 0)); + dec.tokenValueEnd(); + $s = -1; return [new Delim(125), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (58)) { */ case 9: + if (!((dec.tokenState === 6))) { + $s = -1; return dec.tokenError(c); + } + dec.scanp = dec.scanp + (1) >> 0; + dec.tokenState = 7; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (44)) { */ case 10: + if (dec.tokenState === 3) { + dec.scanp = dec.scanp + (1) >> 0; + dec.tokenState = 2; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + if (dec.tokenState === 8) { + dec.scanp = dec.scanp + (1) >> 0; + dec.tokenState = 5; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + $s = -1; return dec.tokenError(c); + /* } else if (_1 === (34)) { */ case 11: + /* */ if ((dec.tokenState === 4) || (dec.tokenState === 5)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if ((dec.tokenState === 4) || (dec.tokenState === 5)) { */ case 14: + x[0] = ""; + old = dec.tokenState; + dec.tokenState = 0; + _r$4 = dec.Decode((x.$ptr || (x.$ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, x)))); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$4; + dec.tokenState = old; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err$1]; + } + dec.tokenState = 6; + $s = -1; return [new $String(x[0]), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 15: + if (!dec.tokenValueAllowed()) { + $s = -1; return dec.tokenError(c); + } + x$1[0] = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = dec.Decode((x$1.$ptr || (x$1.$ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, x$1)))); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$5; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err$2]; + } + $s = -1; return [x$1[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 12: + if (!dec.tokenValueAllowed()) { + $s = -1; return dec.tokenError(c); + } + x$1[0] = $ifaceNil; + _r$6 = dec.Decode((x$1.$ptr || (x$1.$ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, x$1)))); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err$2]; + } + $s = -1; return [x$1[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 13: + case 4: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.Token, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, c, dec, err, err$1, err$2, old, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.Token = function() { return this.$val.Token(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.tokenError = function(c) { + var _1, c, context, dec; + dec = this; + context = ""; + _1 = dec.tokenState; + if (_1 === (0)) { + context = " looking for beginning of value"; + } else if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (7))) { + context = " looking for beginning of value"; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + context = " after array element"; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + context = " looking for beginning of object key string"; + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + context = " after object key"; + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + context = " after object key:value pair"; + } + return [$ifaceNil, new SyntaxError.ptr("invalid character " + quoteChar(c) + context, dec.InputOffset())]; + }; + Decoder.prototype.tokenError = function(c) { return this.$val.tokenError(c); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.More = function() { + var {_r$3, _tuple, c, dec, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dec = this; + _r$3 = dec.peek(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && !((c === 93)) && !((c === 125)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.More, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tuple, c, dec, err, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.More = function() { return this.$val.More(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.peek = function() { + var {_r$3, c, dec, err, i, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dec = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + i = dec.scanp; + while (true) { + if (!(i < dec.buf.$length)) { break; } + c = (x = dec.buf, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + if (isSpace(c)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + dec.scanp = i; + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + _r$3 = dec.refill(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.peek, $c: true, $r, _r$3, c, dec, err, i, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.peek = function() { return this.$val.peek(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.InputOffset = function() { + var dec, x, x$1; + dec = this; + return (x = dec.scanned, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, dec.scanp)), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + }; + Decoder.prototype.InputOffset = function() { return this.$val.InputOffset(); }; + checkValid = function(data, scan) { + var {_i, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, c, data, scan, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, scan}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + scan.reset(); + _ref = data; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + scan.bytes = (x = scan.bytes, x$1 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + _r$3 = scan.step(scan, c); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3 === 11) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r$3 === 11) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return scan.err; + /* } */ case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$4 = scan.eof(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4 === 11) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_r$4 === 11) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return scan.err; + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: checkValid, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, c, data, scan, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + SyntaxError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.msg; + }; + SyntaxError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + newScanner = function() { + var {_r$3, scan, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = scannerPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + scan = $assertType(_r$3, ptrType$8); + scan.bytes = new $Int64(0, 0); + scan.reset(); + $s = -1; return scan; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newScanner, $c: true, $r, _r$3, scan, $s};return $f; + }; + freeScanner = function(scan) { + var scan; + if (scan.parseState.$length > 1024) { + scan.parseState = sliceType$1.nil; + } + scannerPool.Put(scan); + }; + scanner.ptr.prototype.reset = function() { + var s; + s = this; + s.step = stateBeginValue; + s.parseState = $subslice(s.parseState, 0, 0); + s.err = $ifaceNil; + s.endTop = false; + }; + scanner.prototype.reset = function() { return this.$val.reset(); }; + scanner.ptr.prototype.eof = function() { + var {_r$3, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(s.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return 11; + } + if (s.endTop) { + $s = -1; return 10; + } + _r$3 = s.step(s, 32); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + if (s.endTop) { + $s = -1; return 10; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(s.err, $ifaceNil)) { + s.err = new SyntaxError.ptr("unexpected end of JSON input", s.bytes); + } + $s = -1; return 11; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: scanner.ptr.prototype.eof, $c: true, $r, _r$3, s, $s};return $f; + }; + scanner.prototype.eof = function() { return this.$val.eof(); }; + scanner.ptr.prototype.pushParseState = function(c, newParseState, successState) { + var c, newParseState, s, successState; + s = this; + s.parseState = $append(s.parseState, newParseState); + if (s.parseState.$length <= 10000) { + return successState; + } + return s.error(c, "exceeded max depth"); + }; + scanner.prototype.pushParseState = function(c, newParseState, successState) { return this.$val.pushParseState(c, newParseState, successState); }; + scanner.ptr.prototype.popParseState = function() { + var n, s; + s = this; + n = s.parseState.$length - 1 >> 0; + s.parseState = $subslice(s.parseState, 0, n); + if (n === 0) { + s.step = stateEndTop; + s.endTop = true; + } else { + s.step = stateEndValue; + } + }; + scanner.prototype.popParseState = function() { return this.$val.popParseState(); }; + isSpace = function(c) { + var c; + return c <= 32 && ((c === 32) || (c === 9) || (c === 13) || (c === 10)); + }; + stateBeginValueOrEmpty = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (isSpace(c)) { + return 9; + } + if (c === 93) { + return stateEndValue(s, c); + } + return stateBeginValue(s, c); + }; + stateBeginValue = function(s, c) { + var _1, c, s; + if (isSpace(c)) { + return 9; + } + _1 = c; + if (_1 === (123)) { + s.step = stateBeginStringOrEmpty; + return s.pushParseState(c, 0, 2); + } else if (_1 === (91)) { + s.step = stateBeginValueOrEmpty; + return s.pushParseState(c, 2, 6); + } else if (_1 === (34)) { + s.step = stateInString; + return 1; + } else if (_1 === (45)) { + s.step = stateNeg; + return 1; + } else if (_1 === (48)) { + s.step = state0; + return 1; + } else if (_1 === (116)) { + s.step = stateT; + return 1; + } else if (_1 === (102)) { + s.step = stateF; + return 1; + } else if (_1 === (110)) { + s.step = stateN; + return 1; + } + if (49 <= c && c <= 57) { + s.step = state1; + return 1; + } + return s.error(c, "looking for beginning of value"); + }; + stateBeginStringOrEmpty = function(s, c) { + var c, n, s, x, x$1; + if (isSpace(c)) { + return 9; + } + if (c === 125) { + n = s.parseState.$length; + (x = s.parseState, x$1 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1] = 1)); + return stateEndValue(s, c); + } + return stateBeginString(s, c); + }; + stateBeginString = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (isSpace(c)) { + return 9; + } + if (c === 34) { + s.step = stateInString; + return 1; + } + return s.error(c, "looking for beginning of object key string"); + }; + stateEndValue = function(s, c) { + var _1, c, n, ps, s, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + n = s.parseState.$length; + if (n === 0) { + s.step = stateEndTop; + s.endTop = true; + return stateEndTop(s, c); + } + if (isSpace(c)) { + s.step = stateEndValue; + return 9; + } + ps = (x = s.parseState, x$1 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); + _1 = ps; + if (_1 === (0)) { + if (c === 58) { + (x$2 = s.parseState, x$3 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x$3] = 1)); + s.step = stateBeginValue; + return 3; + } + return s.error(c, "after object key"); + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + if (c === 44) { + (x$4 = s.parseState, x$5 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5] = 0)); + s.step = stateBeginString; + return 4; + } + if (c === 125) { + s.popParseState(); + return 5; + } + return s.error(c, "after object key:value pair"); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + if (c === 44) { + s.step = stateBeginValue; + return 7; + } + if (c === 93) { + s.popParseState(); + return 8; + } + return s.error(c, "after array element"); + } + return s.error(c, ""); + }; + stateEndTop = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (!isSpace(c)) { + s.error(c, "after top-level value"); + } + return 10; + }; + stateInString = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 34) { + s.step = stateEndValue; + return 0; + } + if (c === 92) { + s.step = stateInStringEsc; + return 0; + } + if (c < 32) { + return s.error(c, "in string literal"); + } + return 0; + }; + stateInStringEsc = function(s, c) { + var _1, c, s; + _1 = c; + if ((_1 === (98)) || (_1 === (102)) || (_1 === (110)) || (_1 === (114)) || (_1 === (116)) || (_1 === (92)) || (_1 === (47)) || (_1 === (34))) { + s.step = stateInString; + return 0; + } else if (_1 === (117)) { + s.step = stateInStringEscU; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in string escape code"); + }; + stateInStringEscU = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57 || 97 <= c && c <= 102 || 65 <= c && c <= 70) { + s.step = stateInStringEscU1; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in \\u hexadecimal character escape"); + }; + stateInStringEscU1 = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57 || 97 <= c && c <= 102 || 65 <= c && c <= 70) { + s.step = stateInStringEscU12; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in \\u hexadecimal character escape"); + }; + stateInStringEscU12 = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57 || 97 <= c && c <= 102 || 65 <= c && c <= 70) { + s.step = stateInStringEscU123; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in \\u hexadecimal character escape"); + }; + stateInStringEscU123 = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57 || 97 <= c && c <= 102 || 65 <= c && c <= 70) { + s.step = stateInString; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in \\u hexadecimal character escape"); + }; + stateNeg = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 48) { + s.step = state0; + return 0; + } + if (49 <= c && c <= 57) { + s.step = state1; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in numeric literal"); + }; + state1 = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + s.step = state1; + return 0; + } + return state0(s, c); + }; + state0 = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 46) { + s.step = stateDot; + return 0; + } + if ((c === 101) || (c === 69)) { + s.step = stateE; + return 0; + } + return stateEndValue(s, c); + }; + stateDot = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + s.step = stateDot0; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "after decimal point in numeric literal"); + }; + stateDot0 = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + return 0; + } + if ((c === 101) || (c === 69)) { + s.step = stateE; + return 0; + } + return stateEndValue(s, c); + }; + stateE = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if ((c === 43) || (c === 45)) { + s.step = stateESign; + return 0; + } + return stateESign(s, c); + }; + stateESign = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + s.step = stateE0; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in exponent of numeric literal"); + }; + stateE0 = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + return 0; + } + return stateEndValue(s, c); + }; + stateT = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 114) { + s.step = stateTr; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in literal true (expecting 'r')"); + }; + stateTr = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 117) { + s.step = stateTru; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in literal true (expecting 'u')"); + }; + stateTru = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 101) { + s.step = stateEndValue; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in literal true (expecting 'e')"); + }; + stateF = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 97) { + s.step = stateFa; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in literal false (expecting 'a')"); + }; + stateFa = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 108) { + s.step = stateFal; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in literal false (expecting 'l')"); + }; + stateFal = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 115) { + s.step = stateFals; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in literal false (expecting 's')"); + }; + stateFals = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 101) { + s.step = stateEndValue; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in literal false (expecting 'e')"); + }; + stateN = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 117) { + s.step = stateNu; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in literal null (expecting 'u')"); + }; + stateNu = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 108) { + s.step = stateNul; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in literal null (expecting 'l')"); + }; + stateNul = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 108) { + s.step = stateEndValue; + return 0; + } + return s.error(c, "in literal null (expecting 'l')"); + }; + stateError = function(s, c) { + var c, s; + return 11; + }; + scanner.ptr.prototype.error = function(c, context) { + var c, context, s; + s = this; + s.step = stateError; + s.err = new SyntaxError.ptr("invalid character " + quoteChar(c) + " " + context, s.bytes); + return 11; + }; + scanner.prototype.error = function(c, context) { return this.$val.error(c, context); }; + quoteChar = function(c) { + var c, s; + if (c === 39) { + return "'\\''"; + } + if (c === 34) { + return "'\"'"; + } + s = strconv.Quote(($encodeRune(c))); + return "'" + $substring(s, 1, (s.length - 1 >> 0)) + "'"; + }; + compact = function(dst, src, escape) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, c, dst, escape, i, origLen, scan, src, start, v, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, escape}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + origLen = dst.Len(); + _r$3 = newScanner(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + scan = _r$3; + $deferred.push([freeScanner, [scan]]); + start = 0; + _ref = src; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + i = _i; + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (escape && ((c === 60) || (c === 62) || (c === 38))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (escape && ((c === 60) || (c === 62) || (c === 38))) { */ case 4: + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = dst.Write($subslice(src, start, i)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$5 = dst.WriteString("\\u00"); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = dst.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt((c >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = dst.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt(((c & 15) >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + start = i + 1 >> 0; + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (escape && (c === 226) && (i + 2 >> 0) < src.$length && ((x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x])) === 128) && ((((x$1 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x$1])) & ~1) << 24 >>> 24) === 168)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (escape && (c === 226) && (i + 2 >> 0) < src.$length && ((x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x])) === 128) && ((((x$1 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x$1])) & ~1) << 24 >>> 24) === 168)) { */ case 12: + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 14: + _r$8 = dst.Write($subslice(src, start, i)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + /* } */ case 15: + _r$9 = dst.WriteString("\\u202"); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + _r$10 = dst.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt((((x$2 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x$2])) & 15) >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + start = i + 3 >> 0; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$11 = scan.step(scan, c); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$11; + /* */ if (v >= 9) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (v >= 9) { */ case 20: + if (v === 11) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 22: + _r$12 = dst.Write($subslice(src, start, i)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + /* } */ case 23: + start = i + 1 >> 0; + /* } */ case 21: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _r$13 = scan.eof(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$13 === 11) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (_r$13 === 11) { */ case 25: + dst.Truncate(origLen); + $24r = scan.err; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r; + /* } */ case 26: + /* */ if (start < src.$length) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (start < src.$length) { */ case 29: + _r$14 = dst.Write($subslice(src, start)); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + /* } */ case 30: + $24r$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: compact, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, c, dst, escape, i, origLen, scan, src, start, v, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + newline = function(dst, prefix, indent, depth) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, depth, dst, i, indent, prefix, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, prefix, indent, depth}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = dst.WriteByte(10); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = dst.WriteString(prefix); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < depth)) { break; } */ if(!(i < depth)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$5 = dst.WriteString(indent); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newline, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, depth, dst, i, indent, prefix, $s};return $f; + }; + Indent = function(dst, src, prefix, indent) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, c, depth, dst, indent, needIndent, origLen, prefix, scan, src, v, x, x$1, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, prefix, indent}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + origLen = dst.Len(); + _r$3 = newScanner(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + scan = _r$3; + $deferred.push([freeScanner, [scan]]); + needIndent = false; + depth = 0; + _ref = src; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + scan.bytes = (x = scan.bytes, x$1 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + _r$4 = scan.step(scan, c); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$4; + if (v === 9) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (v === 11) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + /* */ if (needIndent && !((v === 5)) && !((v === 8))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (needIndent && !((v === 5)) && !((v === 8))) { */ case 5: + needIndent = false; + depth = depth + (1) >> 0; + $r = newline(dst, prefix, indent, depth); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (v === 0) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (v === 0) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = dst.WriteByte(c); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 9: + _1 = c; + /* */ if ((_1 === (123)) || (_1 === (91))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (44)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (58)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (125)) || (_1 === (93))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (123)) || (_1 === (91))) { */ case 12: + needIndent = true; + _r$6 = dst.WriteByte(c); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (44)) { */ case 13: + _r$7 = dst.WriteByte(c); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $r = newline(dst, prefix, indent, depth); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (58)) { */ case 14: + _r$8 = dst.WriteByte(c); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = dst.WriteByte(32); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (125)) || (_1 === (93))) { */ case 15: + /* */ if (needIndent) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (needIndent) { */ case 23: + needIndent = false; + $s = 25; continue; + /* } else { */ case 24: + depth = depth - (1) >> 0; + $r = newline(dst, prefix, indent, depth); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 25: + _r$10 = dst.WriteByte(c); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else { */ case 16: + _r$11 = dst.WriteByte(c); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + /* } */ case 17: + case 11: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _r$12 = scan.eof(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$12 === 11) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (_r$12 === 11) { */ case 29: + dst.Truncate(origLen); + $24r = scan.err; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r; + /* } */ case 30: + $24r$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Indent, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, c, depth, dst, indent, needIndent, origLen, prefix, scan, src, v, x, x$1, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $pkg.Indent = Indent; + foldFunc = function(s) { + var _i, _ref, b, nonLetter, s, special, upper; + nonLetter = false; + special = false; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (b >= 128) { + return bytes.EqualFold; + } + upper = (b & 223) >>> 0; + if (upper < 65 || upper > 90) { + nonLetter = true; + } else if ((upper === 75) || (upper === 83)) { + special = true; + } + _i++; + } + if (special) { + return equalFoldRight; + } + if (nonLetter) { + return asciiEqualFold; + } + return simpleLetterEqualFold; + }; + equalFoldRight = function(s, t) { + var _1, _i, _ref, _tuple, s, sb, sbUpper, size, t, tb, tr; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + sb = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (t.$length === 0) { + return false; + } + tb = (0 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 0]); + if (tb < 128) { + if (!((sb === tb))) { + sbUpper = (sb & 223) >>> 0; + if (65 <= sbUpper && sbUpper <= 90) { + if (!((sbUpper === ((tb & 223) >>> 0)))) { + return false; + } + } else { + return false; + } + } + t = $subslice(t, 1); + _i++; + continue; + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune(t); + tr = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + _1 = sb; + if ((_1 === (115)) || (_1 === (83))) { + if (!((tr === 383))) { + return false; + } + } else if ((_1 === (107)) || (_1 === (75))) { + if (!((tr === 8490))) { + return false; + } + } else { + return false; + } + t = $subslice(t, size); + _i++; + } + if (t.$length > 0) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + asciiEqualFold = function(s, t) { + var _i, _ref, i, s, sb, t, tb; + if (!((s.$length === t.$length))) { + return false; + } + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + sb = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + tb = ((i < 0 || i >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + i]); + if (sb === tb) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if ((97 <= sb && sb <= 122) || (65 <= sb && sb <= 90)) { + if (!((((sb & 223) >>> 0) === ((tb & 223) >>> 0)))) { + return false; + } + } else { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + simpleLetterEqualFold = function(s, t) { + var _i, _ref, b, i, s, t; + if (!((s.$length === t.$length))) { + return false; + } + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!((((b & 223) >>> 0) === ((((i < 0 || i >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + i]) & 223) >>> 0)))) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + HTMLEscape = function(dst, src) { + var {_i, _r$10, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, c, dst, i, src, start, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + start = 0; + _ref = src; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if ((c === 60) || (c === 62) || (c === 38)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ((c === 60) || (c === 62) || (c === 38)) { */ case 3: + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = dst.Write($subslice(src, start, i)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$4 = dst.WriteString("\\u00"); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = dst.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt((c >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = dst.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt(((c & 15) >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + start = i + 1 >> 0; + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if ((c === 226) && (i + 2 >> 0) < src.$length && ((x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x])) === 128) && ((((x$1 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x$1])) & ~1) << 24 >>> 24) === 168)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ((c === 226) && (i + 2 >> 0) < src.$length && ((x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x])) === 128) && ((((x$1 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x$1])) & ~1) << 24 >>> 24) === 168)) { */ case 11: + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 13: + _r$7 = dst.Write($subslice(src, start, i)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* } */ case 14: + _r$8 = dst.WriteString("\\u202"); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = dst.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt((((x$2 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x$2])) & 15) >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + start = i + 3 >> 0; + /* } */ case 12: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (start < src.$length) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (start < src.$length) { */ case 18: + _r$10 = dst.Write($subslice(src, start)); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + /* } */ case 19: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: HTMLEscape, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$10, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, c, dst, i, src, start, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.HTMLEscape = HTMLEscape; + UnsupportedTypeError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$3, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$3 = e.Type.String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = "json: unsupported type: " + _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnsupportedTypeError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, e, $s};return $f; + }; + UnsupportedTypeError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + UnsupportedValueError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "json: unsupported value: " + e.Str; + }; + UnsupportedValueError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + MarshalerError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$3, _r$4, e, srcFunc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + srcFunc = e.sourceFunc; + if (srcFunc === "") { + srcFunc = "MarshalJSON"; + } + _r$3 = e.Type.String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = e.Err.Error(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = "json: error calling " + srcFunc + " for type " + _r$3 + ": " + _r$4; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalerError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, _r$4, e, srcFunc, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalerError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + MarshalerError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.Err; + }; + MarshalerError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + newEncodeState = function() { + var {_r$3, e, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = encodeStatePool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { + e = $assertType(v, ptrType$9); + e.Buffer.Reset(); + if ($keys(e.ptrSeen).length > 0) { + $panic(new $String("ptrEncoder.encode should have emptied ptrSeen via defers")); + } + e.ptrLevel = 0; + $s = -1; return e; + } + $s = -1; return new encodeState.ptr(new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, 0, 0), arrayType.zero(), 0, {}); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newEncodeState, $c: true, $r, _r$3, e, v, $s};return $f; + }; + encodeState.ptr.prototype.marshal = function(v, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$3, e, err, opts, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + err = [err]; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + e = this; + $deferred.push([(function(err) { return function() { + var _tuple, je, ok, r; + r = $recover(); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r, $ifaceNil))) { + _tuple = $assertType(r, jsonError, true); + je = $clone(_tuple[0], jsonError); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + err[0] = je.error; + } else { + $panic(r); + } + } + }; })(err), []]); + _r$3 = reflect.ValueOf(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.reflectValue($clone(_r$3, reflect.Value), $clone(opts, encOpts)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $24r = err[0]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return err[0]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: encodeState.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, e, err, opts, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + encodeState.prototype.marshal = function(v, opts) { return this.$val.marshal(v, opts); }; + encodeState.ptr.prototype.error = function(err) { + var e, err, x; + e = this; + $panic((x = new jsonError.ptr(err), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + }; + encodeState.prototype.error = function(err) { return this.$val.error(err); }; + isEmptyValue = function(v) { + var _1, v, x, x$1; + _1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (24))) { + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len() === 0; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return !$clone(v, reflect.Value).Bool(); + } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { + return (x = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Int(), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)); + } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { + return (x$1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Uint(), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)); + } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).Float() === 0; + } else if ((_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (22))) { + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil(); + } + return false; + }; + encodeState.ptr.prototype.reflectValue = function(v, opts) { + var {_r$3, e, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$3 = valueEncoder($clone(v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$3(e, $clone(v, reflect.Value), $clone(opts, encOpts)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encodeState.ptr.prototype.reflectValue, $c: true, $r, _r$3, e, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; + encodeState.prototype.reflectValue = function(v, opts) { return this.$val.reflectValue(v, opts); }; + valueEncoder = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$3, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!$clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { + $s = -1; return invalidValueEncoder; + } + _r$3 = typeEncoder($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: valueEncoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, v, $s};return $f; + }; + typeEncoder = function(t) { + var {_r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, f, fi, fi$1, loaded, ok, t, wg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = [f]; + wg = [wg]; + _tuple = encoderCache.Load(t); + fi = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(fi, encoderFunc); + } + wg[0] = new nosync.WaitGroup.ptr(0); + f[0] = $throwNilPointerError; + wg[0].Add(1); + _tuple$1 = encoderCache.LoadOrStore(t, new encoderFunc(((function(f, wg) { return function $b(e, v, opts) { + var {e, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + wg[0].Wait(); + $r = f[0](e, $clone(v, reflect.Value), $clone(opts, encOpts)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, e, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(f, wg)))); + fi$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + loaded = _tuple$1[1]; + if (loaded) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(fi$1, encoderFunc); + } + _r$3 = newTypeEncoder(t, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f[0] = _r$3; + wg[0].Done(); + encoderCache.Store(t, new encoderFunc(f[0])); + $s = -1; return f[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: typeEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, f, fi, fi$1, loaded, ok, t, wg, $s};return $f; + }; + newTypeEncoder = function(t, allowAddr) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, allowAddr, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, allowAddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!((_r$3 === 22)) && allowAddr)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$4 = reflect.PointerTo(t).Implements(marshalerType); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$4; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + _arg = addrMarshalerEncoder; + _r$5 = newTypeEncoder(t, false); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _r$6 = newCondAddrEncoder(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$7 = t.Implements(marshalerType); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_r$7) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return marshalerEncoder; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$8 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!((_r$8 === 22)) && allowAddr)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 14; continue s; } + _r$9 = reflect.PointerTo(t).Implements(textMarshalerType); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$9; case 14: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 12: + _arg$2 = addrTextMarshalerEncoder; + _r$10 = newTypeEncoder(t, false); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$10; + _r$11 = newCondAddrEncoder(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$11; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$12 = t.Implements(textMarshalerType); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$12) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_r$12) { */ case 20: + $s = -1; return textMarshalerEncoder; + /* } */ case 21: + _r$13 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$13; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (21)) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 25: + $s = -1; return boolEncoder; + /* } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 26: + $s = -1; return intEncoder; + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { */ case 27: + $s = -1; return uintEncoder; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 28: + $s = -1; return float32Encoder; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 29: + $s = -1; return float64Encoder; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 30: + $s = -1; return stringEncoder; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 31: + $s = -1; return interfaceEncoder; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 32: + _r$14 = newStructEncoder(t); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$14; + $s = 40; case 40: return $24r$2; + /* } else if (_1 === (21)) { */ case 33: + _r$15 = newMapEncoder(t); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$15; + $s = 42; case 42: return $24r$3; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 34: + _r$16 = newSliceEncoder(t); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$16; + $s = 44; case 44: return $24r$4; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 35: + _r$17 = newArrayEncoder(t); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$17; + $s = 46; case 46: return $24r$5; + /* } else if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 36: + _r$18 = newPtrEncoder(t); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = _r$18; + $s = 48; case 48: return $24r$6; + /* } else { */ case 37: + $s = -1; return unsupportedTypeEncoder; + /* } */ case 38: + case 23: + $s = -1; return $throwNilPointerError; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newTypeEncoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, allowAddr, t, $s};return $f; + }; + invalidValueEncoder = function(e, v, param) { + var {_r$3, e, param, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: invalidValueEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, e, param, v, $s};return $f; + }; + marshalerEncoder = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, e, err, m, ok, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$4, Marshaler, true); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$6 = m.MarshalJSON(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 9: + _r$7 = compact(e.Buffer, b, opts.escapeHTML); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$7; + /* } */ case 10: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + e.error(new MarshalerError.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), err, "MarshalJSON")); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: marshalerEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, e, err, m, ok, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; + addrMarshalerEncoder = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, b, e, err, m, opts, v, va, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + va = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Addr(); + /* */ if ($clone(va, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(va, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = $clone(va, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = $assertType(_r$4, Marshaler); + _r$5 = m.MarshalJSON(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 6: + _r$6 = compact(e.Buffer, b, opts.escapeHTML); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + /* } */ case 7: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + e.error(new MarshalerError.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), err, "MarshalJSON")); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: addrMarshalerEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, b, e, err, m, opts, v, va, $s};return $f; + }; + textMarshalerEncoder = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, e, err, m, ok, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$4, encoding.TextMarshaler, true); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$6 = m.MarshalText(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + e.error(new MarshalerError.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), err, "MarshalText")); + } + $r = e.stringBytes(b, opts.escapeHTML); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: textMarshalerEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, e, err, m, ok, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; + addrTextMarshalerEncoder = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, b, e, err, m, opts, v, va, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + va = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Addr(); + /* */ if ($clone(va, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(va, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = $clone(va, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = $assertType(_r$4, encoding.TextMarshaler); + _r$5 = m.MarshalText(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + e.error(new MarshalerError.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), err, "MarshalText")); + } + $r = e.stringBytes(b, opts.escapeHTML); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: addrTextMarshalerEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, b, e, err, m, opts, v, va, $s};return $f; + }; + boolEncoder = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, e, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Bool()) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Bool()) { */ case 4: + _r$4 = e.Buffer.WriteString("true"); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteString("false"); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 9: + _r$6 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: boolEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, e, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; + intEncoder = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, b, e, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = strconv.AppendInt($subslice(new sliceType$2(e.scratch), 0, 0), $clone(v, reflect.Value).Int(), 10); + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = e.Buffer.Write(b); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: intEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, b, e, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; + uintEncoder = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, b, e, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = strconv.AppendUint($subslice(new sliceType$2(e.scratch), 0, 0), $clone(v, reflect.Value).Uint(), 10); + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = e.Buffer.Write(b); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uintEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, b, e, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; + floatEncoder.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, abs, b, bits, e, f, fmt$1, n, opts, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + bits = this.$val; + f = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Float(); + if (math.IsInf(f, 0) || math.IsNaN(f)) { + e.error(new UnsupportedValueError.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value), strconv.FormatFloat(f, 103, -1, ((bits >> 0))))); + } + b = $subslice(new sliceType$2(e.scratch), 0, 0); + abs = math.Abs(f); + fmt$1 = 102; + if (!((abs === 0))) { + if ((bits === 64) && (abs < 1e-06 || abs >= 1e+21) || (bits === 32) && (($fround(abs)) < 9.999999974752427e-07 || ($fround(abs)) >= 1.0000000200408773e+21)) { + fmt$1 = 101; + } + } + b = strconv.AppendFloat(b, f, fmt$1, -1, ((bits >> 0))); + if (fmt$1 === 101) { + n = b.$length; + if (n >= 4 && ((x = n - 4 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x])) === 101) && ((x$1 = n - 3 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x$1])) === 45) && ((x$2 = n - 2 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x$2])) === 48)) { + (x$4 = n - 2 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x$4] = (x$3 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x$3])))); + b = $subslice(b, 0, (n - 1 >> 0)); + } + } + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = e.Buffer.Write(b); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: floatEncoder.prototype.encode, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, abs, b, bits, e, f, fmt$1, n, opts, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(floatEncoder).prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { return new floatEncoder(this.$get()).encode(e, v, opts); }; + stringEncoder = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, e, e2, numStr, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), numberType)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), numberType)) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + numStr = _r$3; + if (numStr === "") { + numStr = "0"; + } + /* */ if (!isValidNumber(numStr)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!isValidNumber(numStr)) { */ case 4: + _r$4 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid number literal %q", new sliceType([new $String(numStr)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.error(_r$4); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$6 = e.Buffer.WriteString(numStr); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 12: + _r$7 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* } */ case 13: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (opts.quoted) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (opts.quoted) { */ case 15: + _r$8 = newEncodeState(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e2 = _r$8; + _r$9 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e2.string(_r$9, opts.escapeHTML); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.stringBytes(e2.Buffer.Bytes(), false); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + encodeStatePool.Put(e2); + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else { */ case 16: + _r$10 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.string(_r$10, opts.escapeHTML); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 17: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, e, e2, numStr, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; + isValidNumber = function(s) { + var s; + if (s === "") { + return false; + } + if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 45) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + if (s === "") { + return false; + } + } + if ((s.charCodeAt(0) === 48)) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + } else if (49 <= s.charCodeAt(0) && s.charCodeAt(0) <= 57) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0 && 48 <= s.charCodeAt(0) && s.charCodeAt(0) <= 57)) { break; } + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + } else { + return false; + } + if (s.length >= 2 && (s.charCodeAt(0) === 46) && 48 <= s.charCodeAt(1) && s.charCodeAt(1) <= 57) { + s = $substring(s, 2); + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0 && 48 <= s.charCodeAt(0) && s.charCodeAt(0) <= 57)) { break; } + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + } + if (s.length >= 2 && ((s.charCodeAt(0) === 101) || (s.charCodeAt(0) === 69))) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + if ((s.charCodeAt(0) === 43) || (s.charCodeAt(0) === 45)) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + if (s === "") { + return false; + } + } + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0 && 48 <= s.charCodeAt(0) && s.charCodeAt(0) <= 57)) { break; } + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + } + return s === ""; + }; + interfaceEncoder = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, e, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.reflectValue($clone(_r$4, reflect.Value), $clone(opts, encOpts)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: interfaceEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, e, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; + unsupportedTypeEncoder = function(e, v, param) { + var e, param, v; + e.error(new UnsupportedTypeError.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type())); + }; + structEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, e, f, fv, i, i$1, next, opts, se, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + se = this; + next = 123; + _ref = se.fields.list; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + f = (x = se.fields.list, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + fv = v; + _ref$1 = f.index; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + i$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + /* */ if ($clone(fv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($clone(fv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { */ case 5: + if ($clone(fv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + _i++; + /* continue FieldLoop; */ $s = 1; continue s; + } + _r$3 = $clone(fv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fv = _r$3; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$4 = $clone(fv, reflect.Value).Field(i$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fv = _r$4; + _i$1++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + if (f.omitEmpty && isEmptyValue($clone(fv, reflect.Value))) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(next); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + next = 44; + /* */ if (opts.escapeHTML) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (opts.escapeHTML) { */ case 10: + _r$6 = e.Buffer.WriteString(f.nameEscHTML); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + _r$7 = e.Buffer.WriteString(f.nameNonEsc); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* } */ case 12: + opts.quoted = f.quoted; + $r = f.encoder(e, $clone(fv, reflect.Value), $clone(opts, encOpts)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (next === 123) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (next === 123) { */ case 16: + _r$8 = e.Buffer.WriteString("{}"); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else { */ case 17: + _r$9 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(125); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + /* } */ case 18: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: structEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, e, f, fv, i, i$1, next, opts, se, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + structEncoder.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { return this.$val.encode(e, v, opts); }; + newStructEncoder = function(t) { + var {_r$3, se, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = cachedTypeFields(t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + se = new structEncoder.ptr($clone(_r$3, structFields)); + $s = -1; return $methodVal($clone(se, structEncoder), "encode"); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newStructEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, se, t, $s};return $f; + }; + mapEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _entry, _i, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, e, err, i, i$1, kv, me, mi, ok, opts, ptr, sv, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + sv = [sv]; + me = this; + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 2: + e.ptrLevel = e.ptrLevel + (1) >>> 0; + /* */ if (e.ptrLevel > 1000) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (e.ptrLevel > 1000) { */ case 5: + ptr = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Pointer(); + _tuple = (_entry = e.ptrSeen[$emptyInterface.keyFor(new $Uintptr(ptr))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new structType.ptr(), false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 7: + _r$4 = fmt.Sprintf("encountered a cycle via %s", new sliceType([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.error(new UnsupportedValueError.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value), _r$4)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + _key = new $Uintptr(ptr); (e.ptrSeen || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new structType.ptr() }; + $deferred.push([function(_arg, _arg$1) { delete _arg[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_arg$1)]; }, [e.ptrSeen, new $Uintptr(ptr)]]); + /* } */ case 6: + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(123); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + sv[0] = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len()); + mi = $clone(v, reflect.Value).MapRange(); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 12: + _r$6 = mi.Next(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$6)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$6)) { $s = 13; continue; } + _r$7 = mi.Key(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((i < 0 || i >= sv[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sv[0].$array[sv[0].$offset + i]).k = _r$7; + _r$8 = mi.Value(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((i < 0 || i >= sv[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sv[0].$array[sv[0].$offset + i]).v = _r$8; + _r$9 = ((i < 0 || i >= sv[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sv[0].$array[sv[0].$offset + i]).resolve(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$9; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + _r$10 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new $String(_r$10); + _r$11 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = new $String(_r$11); + _r$12 = fmt.Errorf("json: encoding error for type %q: %q", new sliceType([_arg$2, _arg$3])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.error(_r$12); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 19: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 12; continue; + case 13: + $r = sort.Slice(sv[0], (function(sv) { return function(i$1, j) { + var i$1, j; + return ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= sv[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sv[0].$array[sv[0].$offset + i$1]).ks < ((j < 0 || j >= sv[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sv[0].$array[sv[0].$offset + j]).ks; + }; })(sv)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = sv[0]; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 25: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 26; continue; } + i$1 = _i; + kv = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), reflectWithString); + /* */ if (i$1 > 0) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (i$1 > 0) { */ case 27: + _r$13 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(44); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + /* } */ case 28: + $r = e.string(kv.ks, opts.escapeHTML); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(58); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + $r = me.elemEnc(e, $clone(kv.v, reflect.Value), $clone(opts, encOpts)); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 25; continue; + case 26: + _r$15 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(125); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + e.ptrLevel = e.ptrLevel - (1) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: mapEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _entry, _i, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, e, err, i, i$1, kv, me, mi, ok, opts, ptr, sv, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + mapEncoder.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { return this.$val.encode(e, v, opts); }; + newMapEncoder = function(t) { + var {_1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, me, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = t.Key(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = _r$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$4; + /* */ if ((_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$5 = t.Key(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Implements(textMarshalerType); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$6) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { */ case 4: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (!_r$6) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return unsupportedTypeEncoder; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + _r$7 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = typeEncoder(_r$7); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + me = new mapEncoder.ptr(_r$8); + $s = -1; return $methodVal($clone(me, mapEncoder), "encode"); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newMapEncoder, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, me, t, $s};return $f; + }; + encodeByteSlice = function(e, v, param) { + var {_r$10, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, dst$1, e, enc, encodedLen, param, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$4; + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + encodedLen = base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(s.$length); + /* */ if (encodedLen <= 64) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (encodedLen <= 1024) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (encodedLen <= 64) { */ case 6: + dst = $subslice(new sliceType$2(e.scratch), 0, encodedLen); + base64.StdEncoding.Encode(dst, s); + _r$6 = e.Buffer.Write(dst); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (encodedLen <= 1024) { */ case 7: + dst$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, encodedLen); + base64.StdEncoding.Encode(dst$1, s); + _r$7 = e.Buffer.Write(dst$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + enc = base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, e); + _r$8 = enc.Write(s); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = enc.Close(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$10 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encodeByteSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, dst$1, e, enc, encodedLen, param, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sliceEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _entry, _key, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, e, ok, opts, ptr, se, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + se = this; + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 2: + e.ptrLevel = e.ptrLevel + (1) >>> 0; + /* */ if (e.ptrLevel > 1000) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (e.ptrLevel > 1000) { */ case 5: + ptr = new structType$1.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value).Pointer(), $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len()); + _tuple = (_entry = e.ptrSeen[$emptyInterface.keyFor(new ptr.constructor.elem(ptr))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new structType.ptr(), false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 7: + _r$4 = fmt.Sprintf("encountered a cycle via %s", new sliceType([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.error(new UnsupportedValueError.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value), _r$4)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + _key = new ptr.constructor.elem(ptr); (e.ptrSeen || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new structType.ptr() }; + $deferred.push([function(_arg, _arg$1) { delete _arg[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_arg$1)]; }, [e.ptrSeen, new ptr.constructor.elem(ptr)]]); + /* } */ case 6: + $r = se.arrayEnc(e, $clone(v, reflect.Value), $clone(opts, encOpts)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e.ptrLevel = e.ptrLevel - (1) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: sliceEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _entry, _key, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, e, ok, opts, ptr, se, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + sliceEncoder.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { return this.$val.encode(e, v, opts); }; + newSliceEncoder = function(t) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, enc, p, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = _r$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4 === 8) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$4 === 8) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.PointerTo(_r$5); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$6; + _r$7 = p.Implements(marshalerType); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!_r$7)) { _v = false; $s = 9; continue s; } + _r$8 = p.Implements(textMarshalerType); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$8; case 9: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return encodeByteSlice; + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 2: + _r$9 = newArrayEncoder(t); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + enc = new sliceEncoder.ptr(_r$9); + $s = -1; return $methodVal($clone(enc, sliceEncoder), "encode"); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newSliceEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, enc, p, t, $s};return $f; + }; + arrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, ae, e, i, n, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ae = this; + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(91); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + n = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len(); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (i > 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (i > 0) { */ case 4: + _r$4 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(44); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 5: + _arg = e; + _r$5 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value); + _arg$2 = $clone(opts, encOpts); + $r = ae.elemEnc(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _r$6 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(93); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: arrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, ae, e, i, n, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; + arrayEncoder.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { return this.$val.encode(e, v, opts); }; + newArrayEncoder = function(t) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, enc, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = typeEncoder(_r$3); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + enc = new arrayEncoder.ptr(_r$4); + $s = -1; return $methodVal($clone(enc, arrayEncoder), "encode"); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newArrayEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, enc, t, $s};return $f; + }; + ptrEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _entry, _key, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, e, ok, opts, pe, ptr, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + pe = this; + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteString("null"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 2: + e.ptrLevel = e.ptrLevel + (1) >>> 0; + /* */ if (e.ptrLevel > 1000) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (e.ptrLevel > 1000) { */ case 5: + _r$4 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ptr = _r$4; + _tuple = (_entry = e.ptrSeen[$emptyInterface.keyFor(ptr)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new structType.ptr(), false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("encountered a cycle via %s", new sliceType([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.error(new UnsupportedValueError.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value), _r$5)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 9: + _key = ptr; (e.ptrSeen || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new structType.ptr() }; + $deferred.push([function(_arg, _arg$1) { delete _arg[$emptyInterface.keyFor(_arg$1)]; }, [e.ptrSeen, ptr]]); + /* } */ case 6: + _arg$2 = e; + _r$6 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value); + _arg$4 = $clone(opts, encOpts); + $r = pe.elemEnc(_arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e.ptrLevel = e.ptrLevel - (1) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: ptrEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _entry, _key, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, e, ok, opts, pe, ptr, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + ptrEncoder.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { return this.$val.encode(e, v, opts); }; + newPtrEncoder = function(t) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, enc, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = typeEncoder(_r$3); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + enc = new ptrEncoder.ptr(_r$4); + $s = -1; return $methodVal($clone(enc, ptrEncoder), "encode"); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newPtrEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, enc, t, $s};return $f; + }; + condAddrEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { + var {ce, e, opts, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e, v, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ce = this; + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 1: + $r = ce.canAddrEnc(e, $clone(v, reflect.Value), $clone(opts, encOpts)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + $r = ce.elseEnc(e, $clone(v, reflect.Value), $clone(opts, encOpts)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: condAddrEncoder.ptr.prototype.encode, $c: true, $r, ce, e, opts, v, $s};return $f; + }; + condAddrEncoder.prototype.encode = function(e, v, opts) { return this.$val.encode(e, v, opts); }; + newCondAddrEncoder = function(canAddrEnc, elseEnc) { + var canAddrEnc, elseEnc, enc; + enc = new condAddrEncoder.ptr(canAddrEnc, elseEnc); + return $methodVal($clone(enc, condAddrEncoder), "encode"); + }; + isValidTag = function(s) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, c, s; + if (s === "") { + return false; + } + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + c = _rune[0]; + if (strings.ContainsRune("!#$%&()*+-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~ ", c)) { + } else if (!unicode.IsLetter(c) && !unicode.IsDigit(c)) { + return false; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return true; + }; + typeByIndex = function(t, index) { + var {_i, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, i, index, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, index}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = index; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$3 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3 === 22) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r$3 === 22) { */ case 3: + _r$4 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$4; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$5 = t.Field(i); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$5.Type; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return t; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: typeByIndex, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, i, index, t, $s};return $f; + }; + reflectWithString.ptr.prototype.resolve = function() { + var {_1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, buf, err, ok, tm, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + /* */ if ($clone(w.k, reflect.Value).Kind() === 24) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(w.k, reflect.Value).Kind() === 24) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = $clone(w.k, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + w.ks = _r$3; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = $clone(w.k, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$4, encoding.TextMarshaler, true); + tm = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 5: + if (($clone(w.k, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && $clone(w.k, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$5 = tm.MarshalText(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + buf = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + w.ks = ($bytesToString(buf)); + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 6: + _1 = $clone(w.k, reflect.Value).Kind(); + if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { + w.ks = strconv.FormatInt($clone(w.k, reflect.Value).Int(), 10); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { + w.ks = strconv.FormatUint($clone(w.k, reflect.Value).Uint(), 10); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + $panic(new $String("unexpected map key type")); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: reflectWithString.ptr.prototype.resolve, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, buf, err, ok, tm, w, $s};return $f; + }; + reflectWithString.prototype.resolve = function() { return this.$val.resolve(); }; + encodeState.ptr.prototype.string = function(s, escapeHTML) { + var {_1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, c, e, escapeHTML, i, s, size, start, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, escapeHTML}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + start = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < s.length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + b = s.charCodeAt(i); + /* */ if (b < 128) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (b < 128) { */ case 4: + if (((b < 0 || b >= htmlSafeSet.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : htmlSafeSet[b]) || (!escapeHTML && ((b < 0 || b >= safeSet.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : safeSet[b]))) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = e.Buffer.WriteString($substring(s, start, i)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(92); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _1 = b; + /* */ if ((_1 === (92)) || (_1 === (34))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (92)) || (_1 === (34))) { */ case 11: + _r$6 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 12: + _r$7 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(110); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 13: + _r$8 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(114); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 14: + _r$9 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(116); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else { */ case 15: + _r$10 = e.Buffer.WriteString("u00"); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + _r$11 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt((b >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt(((b & 15) >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + /* } */ case 16: + case 10: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + start = i; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 5: + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(s, i)); + c = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ((c === 65533) && (size === 1)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if ((c === 65533) && (size === 1)) { */ case 24: + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 26: + _r$13 = e.Buffer.WriteString($substring(s, start, i)); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + /* } */ case 27: + _r$14 = e.Buffer.WriteString("\\ufffd"); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + i = i + (size) >> 0; + start = i; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 25: + /* */ if ((c === 8232) || (c === 8233)) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if ((c === 8232) || (c === 8233)) { */ case 30: + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 32: + _r$15 = e.Buffer.WriteString($substring(s, start, i)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + /* } */ case 33: + _r$16 = e.Buffer.WriteString("\\u202"); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + _r$17 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt((c & 15))); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17; + i = i + (size) >> 0; + start = i; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 31: + i = i + (size) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + /* */ if (start < s.length) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (start < s.length) { */ case 37: + _r$18 = e.Buffer.WriteString($substring(s, start)); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18; + /* } */ case 38: + _r$19 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encodeState.ptr.prototype.string, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, c, e, escapeHTML, i, s, size, start, $s};return $f; + }; + encodeState.prototype.string = function(s, escapeHTML) { return this.$val.string(s, escapeHTML); }; + encodeState.ptr.prototype.stringBytes = function(s, escapeHTML) { + var {_1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, c, e, escapeHTML, i, s, size, start, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, escapeHTML}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$3 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + start = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < s.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < s.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + b = ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]); + /* */ if (b < 128) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (b < 128) { */ case 4: + if (((b < 0 || b >= htmlSafeSet.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : htmlSafeSet[b]) || (!escapeHTML && ((b < 0 || b >= safeSet.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : safeSet[b]))) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = e.Buffer.Write($subslice(s, start, i)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$5 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(92); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _1 = b; + /* */ if ((_1 === (92)) || (_1 === (34))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (92)) || (_1 === (34))) { */ case 11: + _r$6 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 12: + _r$7 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(110); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 13: + _r$8 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(114); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 14: + _r$9 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(116); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else { */ case 15: + _r$10 = e.Buffer.WriteString("u00"); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + _r$11 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt((b >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt(((b & 15) >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + /* } */ case 16: + case 10: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + start = i; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 5: + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(s, i)); + c = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ((c === 65533) && (size === 1)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if ((c === 65533) && (size === 1)) { */ case 24: + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 26: + _r$13 = e.Buffer.Write($subslice(s, start, i)); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + /* } */ case 27: + _r$14 = e.Buffer.WriteString("\\ufffd"); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + i = i + (size) >> 0; + start = i; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 25: + /* */ if ((c === 8232) || (c === 8233)) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if ((c === 8232) || (c === 8233)) { */ case 30: + /* */ if (start < i) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (start < i) { */ case 32: + _r$15 = e.Buffer.Write($subslice(s, start, i)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + /* } */ case 33: + _r$16 = e.Buffer.WriteString("\\u202"); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + _r$17 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(hex.charCodeAt((c & 15))); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17; + i = i + (size) >> 0; + start = i; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 31: + i = i + (size) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + /* */ if (start < s.$length) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (start < s.$length) { */ case 37: + _r$18 = e.Buffer.Write($subslice(s, start)); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18; + /* } */ case 38: + _r$19 = e.Buffer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encodeState.ptr.prototype.stringBytes, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, c, e, escapeHTML, i, s, size, start, $s};return $f; + }; + encodeState.prototype.stringBytes = function(s, escapeHTML) { return this.$val.stringBytes(s, escapeHTML); }; + byIndex.prototype.Len = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return x.$length; + }; + $ptrType(byIndex).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + byIndex.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, i, j, x; + x = this; + _tmp = $clone(((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]), field); + _tmp$1 = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]), field); + field.copy(((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]), _tmp); + field.copy(((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]), _tmp$1); + }; + $ptrType(byIndex).prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Swap(i, j); }; + byIndex.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { + var _i, _ref, i, j, k, x, x$1, x$2, xik; + x = this; + _ref = ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]).index; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + k = _i; + xik = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (k >= ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]).index.$length) { + return false; + } + if (!((xik === (x$1 = ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]).index, ((k < 0 || k >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + k]))))) { + return xik < (x$2 = ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]).index, ((k < 0 || k >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + k])); + } + _i++; + } + return ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]).index.$length < ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]).index.$length; + }; + $ptrType(byIndex).prototype.Less = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Less(i, j); }; + typeFields = function(t) { + var {_1, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, _v$1, _v$2, advance, count, current, dominant, f, f$1, fi, field$1, field$2, fields, fj, ft, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, index, name, name$1, nameEscBuf, nameIndex, next, nextCount, ok, opts, out, quoted, sf, t, t$1, tag, tagged, visited, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fields = [fields]; + nameEscBuf = [nameEscBuf]; + current = new sliceType$3([]); + next = new sliceType$3([new field.ptr("", sliceType$2.nil, $throwNilPointerError, "", "", false, sliceType$1.nil, t, false, false, $throwNilPointerError)]); + _tmp = false; + _tmp$1 = false; + count = _tmp; + nextCount = _tmp$1; + visited = $makeMap(reflect.Type.keyFor, []); + fields[0] = sliceType$3.nil; + nameEscBuf[0] = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, 0, 0); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(next.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(next.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tmp$2 = next; + _tmp$3 = $subslice(current, 0, 0); + current = _tmp$2; + next = _tmp$3; + _tmp$4 = nextCount; + _tmp$5 = $makeMap(reflect.Type.keyFor, []); + count = _tmp$4; + nextCount = _tmp$5; + _ref = current; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + f = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), field); + if ((_entry = visited[reflect.Type.keyFor(f.typ)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + _key = f.typ; (visited || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[reflect.Type.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: true }; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = f.typ.NumField(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$3)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$3)) { $s = 6; continue; } + _r$4 = f.typ.Field(i); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sf = $clone(_r$4, reflect.StructField); + /* */ if (sf.Anonymous) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (!$clone(sf, reflect.StructField).IsExported()) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (sf.Anonymous) { */ case 9: + t$1 = sf.Type; + _r$5 = t$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5 === 22) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_r$5 === 22) { */ case 12: + _r$6 = t$1.Elem(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t$1 = _r$6; + /* } */ case 13: + if (!(!$clone(sf, reflect.StructField).IsExported())) { _v = false; $s = 18; continue s; } + _r$7 = t$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !((_r$7 === 25)); case 18: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 16: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 17: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (!$clone(sf, reflect.StructField).IsExported()) { */ case 10: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 11: + tag = new reflect.StructTag(sf.Tag).Get("json"); + if (tag === "-") { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + _tuple = parseTag(tag); + name = _tuple[0]; + opts = _tuple[1]; + if (!isValidTag(name)) { + name = ""; + } + index = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, (f.index.$length + 1 >> 0)); + $copySlice(index, f.index); + (x = f.index.$length, ((x < 0 || x >= index.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : index.$array[index.$offset + x] = i)); + ft = sf.Type; + _r$8 = ft.Name(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$8 === "")) { _v$1 = false; $s = 22; continue s; } + _r$9 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$9 === 22; case 22: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 20: + _r$10 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ft = _r$10; + /* } */ case 21: + quoted = false; + /* */ if (new tagOptions(opts).Contains("string")) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (new tagOptions(opts).Contains("string")) { */ case 26: + _r$11 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$11; + if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14)) || (_1 === (24))) { + quoted = true; + } + case 28: + /* } */ case 27: + if (!(name === "") || !sf.Anonymous) { _v$2 = true; $s = 32; continue s; } + _r$12 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = !((_r$12 === 25)); case 32: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 30: + tagged = !(name === ""); + if (name === "") { + name = sf.Name; + } + field$1 = new field.ptr(name, sliceType$2.nil, $throwNilPointerError, "", "", tagged, index, ft, new tagOptions(opts).Contains("omitempty"), quoted, $throwNilPointerError); + field$1.nameBytes = (new sliceType$2($stringToBytes(field$1.name))); + field$1.equalFold = foldFunc(field$1.nameBytes); + nameEscBuf[0].Reset(); + _r$13 = nameEscBuf[0].WriteString("\""); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + $r = HTMLEscape(nameEscBuf[0], field$1.nameBytes); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = nameEscBuf[0].WriteString("\":"); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + field$1.nameEscHTML = nameEscBuf[0].String(); + field$1.nameNonEsc = "\"" + field$1.name + "\":"; + fields[0] = $append(fields[0], field$1); + if ((_entry$1 = count[reflect.Type.keyFor(f.typ)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : 0) > 1) { + fields[0] = $append(fields[0], (x$1 = fields[0].$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= fields[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields[0].$array[fields[0].$offset + x$1]))); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 31: + _key$1 = ft; (nextCount || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[reflect.Type.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: (_entry$2 = nextCount[reflect.Type.keyFor(ft)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : 0) + (1) >> 0 }; + /* */ if ((_entry$3 = nextCount[reflect.Type.keyFor(ft)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : 0) === 1) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if ((_entry$3 = nextCount[reflect.Type.keyFor(ft)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : 0) === 1) { */ case 37: + _r$15 = ft.Name(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + next = $append(next, new field.ptr(_r$15, sliceType$2.nil, $throwNilPointerError, "", "", false, index, ft, false, false, $throwNilPointerError)); + /* } */ case 38: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $r = sort.Slice(fields[0], (function(fields, nameEscBuf) { return function(i$1, j) { + var i$1, j, x$2; + x$2 = fields[0]; + if (!(((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1]).name === ((j < 0 || j >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + j]).name)) { + return ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1]).name < ((j < 0 || j >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + j]).name; + } + if (!((((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1]).index.$length === ((j < 0 || j >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + j]).index.$length))) { + return ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1]).index.$length < ((j < 0 || j >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + j]).index.$length; + } + if (!(((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1]).tag === ((j < 0 || j >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + j]).tag)) { + return ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1]).tag; + } + return ($convertSliceType(x$2, byIndex)).Less(i$1, j); + }; })(fields, nameEscBuf)); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out = $subslice(fields[0], 0, 0); + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 0; + advance = _tmp$6; + i$1 = _tmp$7; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < fields[0].$length)) { break; } + fi = $clone(((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= fields[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields[0].$array[fields[0].$offset + i$1]), field); + name$1 = fi.name; + advance = 1; + while (true) { + if (!((i$1 + advance >> 0) < fields[0].$length)) { break; } + fj = $clone((x$2 = i$1 + advance >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= fields[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields[0].$array[fields[0].$offset + x$2])), field); + if (!(fj.name === name$1)) { + break; + } + advance = advance + (1) >> 0; + } + if (advance === 1) { + out = $append(out, fi); + i$1 = i$1 + (advance) >> 0; + continue; + } + _tuple$1 = dominantField($subslice(fields[0], i$1, (i$1 + advance >> 0))); + dominant = $clone(_tuple$1[0], field); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + out = $append(out, dominant); + } + i$1 = i$1 + (advance) >> 0; + } + fields[0] = out; + $r = sort.Sort(($convertSliceType(fields[0], byIndex))); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$1 = fields[0]; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 42: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 43; continue; } + i$2 = _i$1; + f$1 = ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= fields[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields[0].$array[fields[0].$offset + i$2]); + _r$16 = typeByIndex(t, f$1.index); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = typeEncoder(_r$16); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f$1.encoder = _r$17; + _i$1++; + $s = 42; continue; + case 43: + nameIndex = (x$3 = fields[0].$length, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref$2 = fields[0]; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + i$3 = _i$2; + field$2 = $clone(((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]), field); + _key$2 = field$2.name; (nameIndex || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$2)] = { k: _key$2, v: i$3 }; + _i$2++; + } + $s = -1; return new structFields.ptr(fields[0], nameIndex); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: typeFields, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, _v$1, _v$2, advance, count, current, dominant, f, f$1, fi, field$1, field$2, fields, fj, ft, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, index, name, name$1, nameEscBuf, nameIndex, next, nextCount, ok, opts, out, quoted, sf, t, t$1, tag, tagged, visited, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + dominantField = function(fields) { + var fields; + if (fields.$length > 1 && ((0 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 0]).index.$length === (1 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 1]).index.$length) && (0 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 0]).tag === (1 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 1]).tag) { + return [new field.ptr("", sliceType$2.nil, $throwNilPointerError, "", "", false, sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil, false, false, $throwNilPointerError), false]; + } + return [(0 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 0]), true]; + }; + cachedTypeFields = function(t) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, f, f$1, ok, t, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = fieldCache.Load(t); + f = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(f, structFields); + } + _arg = t; + _r$3 = typeFields(t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (x = _r$3, new x.constructor.elem(x)); + _r$4 = fieldCache.LoadOrStore(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + f$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + $s = -1; return $assertType(f$1, structFields); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cachedTypeFields, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, f, f$1, ok, t, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Unmarshal = function(data, v) { + var {$24r, _r$3, _r$4, d, data, err, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = new decodeState.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, 0, 0, new scanner.ptr($throwNilPointerError, false, sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0)), ptrType$4.nil, $ifaceNil, false, false); + _r$3 = checkValid(data, d.scan); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + d.init(data); + _r$4 = d.unmarshal(v); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Unmarshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, _r$4, d, data, err, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Unmarshal = Unmarshal; + UnmarshalTypeError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$3, _r$4, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + /* */ if (!(e.Struct === "") || !(e.Field === "")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(e.Struct === "") || !(e.Field === "")) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = e.Type.String(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = "json: cannot unmarshal " + e.Value + " into Go struct field " + e.Struct + "." + e.Field + " of type " + _r$3; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = e.Type.String(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = "json: cannot unmarshal " + e.Value + " into Go value of type " + _r$4; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalTypeError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$3, _r$4, e, $s};return $f; + }; + UnmarshalTypeError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + InvalidUnmarshalError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e.Type, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return "json: Unmarshal(nil)"; + } + _r$3 = e.Type.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$3 === 22))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r$3 === 22))) { */ case 1: + _r$4 = e.Type.String(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = "json: Unmarshal(non-pointer " + _r$4 + ")"; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$5 = e.Type.String(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = "json: Unmarshal(nil " + _r$5 + ")"; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InvalidUnmarshalError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, e, $s};return $f; + }; + InvalidUnmarshalError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, d, err, rv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _r$3 = reflect.ValueOf(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$3; + if (!(($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22)) || $clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return new InvalidUnmarshalError.ptr(reflect.TypeOf(v)); + } + d.scan.reset(); + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = d.value($clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$4; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _r$5 = d.addErrorContext(err); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return d.savedError; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.unmarshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, d, err, rv, v, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.unmarshal = function(v) { return this.$val.unmarshal(v); }; + Number.prototype.String = function() { + var n; + n = this.$val; + return (n); + }; + $ptrType(Number).prototype.String = function() { return new Number(this.$get()).String(); }; + Number.prototype.Float64 = function() { + var n; + n = this.$val; + return strconv.ParseFloat((n), 64); + }; + $ptrType(Number).prototype.Float64 = function() { return new Number(this.$get()).Float64(); }; + Number.prototype.Int64 = function() { + var n; + n = this.$val; + return strconv.ParseInt((n), 10, 64); + }; + $ptrType(Number).prototype.Int64 = function() { return new Number(this.$get()).Int64(); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.readIndex = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return d.off - 1 >> 0; + }; + decodeState.prototype.readIndex = function() { return this.$val.readIndex(); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.init = function(data) { + var d, data; + d = this; + d.data = data; + d.off = 0; + d.savedError = $ifaceNil; + if (!(d.errorContext === ptrType$4.nil)) { + d.errorContext.Struct = $ifaceNil; + d.errorContext.FieldStack = $subslice(d.errorContext.FieldStack, 0, 0); + } + return d; + }; + decodeState.prototype.init = function(data) { return this.$val.init(data); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.saveError = function(err) { + var {_r$3, d, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(d.savedError, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(d.savedError, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = d.addErrorContext(err); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d.savedError = _r$3; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.saveError, $c: true, $r, _r$3, d, err, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.saveError = function(err) { return this.$val.saveError(err); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.addErrorContext = function(err) { + var {_r$3, _ref, d, err, err$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + /* */ if (!(d.errorContext === ptrType$4.nil) && (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.errorContext.Struct, $ifaceNil)) || d.errorContext.FieldStack.$length > 0)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(d.errorContext === ptrType$4.nil) && (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.errorContext.Struct, $ifaceNil)) || d.errorContext.FieldStack.$length > 0)) { */ case 1: + _ref = err; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$10, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$10, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + err$1 = _ref.$val; + _r$3 = d.errorContext.Struct.Name(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1.Struct = _r$3; + err$1.Field = strings.Join(d.errorContext.FieldStack, "."); + /* } */ case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.addErrorContext, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _ref, d, err, err$1, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.addErrorContext = function(err) { return this.$val.addErrorContext(err); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.skip = function() { + var {_r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, d, data, depth, i, op, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _tmp = d.scan; + _tmp$1 = d.data; + _tmp$2 = d.off; + s = _tmp; + data = _tmp$1; + i = _tmp$2; + depth = s.parseState.$length; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = s.step(s, ((i < 0 || i >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + op = _r$3; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (s.parseState.$length < depth) { + d.off = i; + d.opcode = op; + $s = -1; return; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.skip, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, d, data, depth, i, op, s, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.skip = function() { return this.$val.skip(); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.scanNext = function() { + var {_r$3, _r$4, d, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + /* */ if (d.off < d.data.$length) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (d.off < d.data.$length) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = d.scan.step(d.scan, (x = d.data, x$1 = d.off, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1]))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d.opcode = _r$3; + d.off = d.off + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$4 = d.scan.eof(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d.opcode = _r$4; + d.off = d.data.$length + 1 >> 0; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.scanNext, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, d, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.scanNext = function() { return this.$val.scanNext(); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.scanWhile = function(op) { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, d, data, i, newOp, op, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {op}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _tmp = d.scan; + _tmp$1 = d.data; + _tmp$2 = d.off; + s = _tmp; + data = _tmp$1; + i = _tmp$2; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < data.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < data.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$3 = s.step(s, ((i < 0 || i >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + newOp = _r$3; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (!((newOp === op))) { + d.opcode = newOp; + d.off = i; + $s = -1; return; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + d.off = data.$length + 1 >> 0; + _r$4 = d.scan.eof(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d.opcode = _r$4; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.scanWhile, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, d, data, i, newOp, op, s, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.scanWhile = function(op) { return this.$val.scanWhile(op); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.rescanLiteral = function() { + var _1, _2, _3, _tmp, _tmp$1, d, data, i, x; + d = this; + _tmp = d.data; + _tmp$1 = d.off; + data = _tmp; + i = _tmp$1; + Switch: + switch (0) { default: + _1 = (x = i - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + x])); + if (_1 === (34)) { + while (true) { + if (!(i < data.$length)) { break; } + _2 = ((i < 0 || i >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + i]); + if (_2 === (92)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_2 === (34)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + break Switch; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } else if ((_1 === (48)) || (_1 === (49)) || (_1 === (50)) || (_1 === (51)) || (_1 === (52)) || (_1 === (53)) || (_1 === (54)) || (_1 === (55)) || (_1 === (56)) || (_1 === (57)) || (_1 === (45))) { + while (true) { + if (!(i < data.$length)) { break; } + _3 = ((i < 0 || i >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + i]); + if ((_3 === (48)) || (_3 === (49)) || (_3 === (50)) || (_3 === (51)) || (_3 === (52)) || (_3 === (53)) || (_3 === (54)) || (_3 === (55)) || (_3 === (56)) || (_3 === (57)) || (_3 === (46)) || (_3 === (101)) || (_3 === (69)) || (_3 === (43)) || (_3 === (45))) { + } else { + break Switch; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } else if (_1 === (116)) { + i = i + (3) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (102)) { + i = i + (4) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (110)) { + i = i + (3) >> 0; + } + } + if (i < data.$length) { + d.opcode = stateEndValue(d.scan, ((i < 0 || i >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + i])); + } else { + d.opcode = 10; + } + d.off = i + 1 >> 0; + }; + decodeState.prototype.rescanLiteral = function() { return this.$val.rescanLiteral(); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.value = function(v) { + var {_1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, d, err, err$1, err$2, start, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _1 = d.opcode; + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 2: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = d.array($clone(v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 9: + $r = d.scanNext(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 13: + _r$4 = d.object($clone(v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$4; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else { */ case 14: + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 15: + $r = d.scanNext(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 4: + start = d.readIndex(); + d.rescanLiteral(); + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 19: + _r$5 = d.literalStore($subslice(d.data, start, d.readIndex()), $clone(v, reflect.Value), false); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$5; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + /* } */ case 20: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.value, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, d, err, err$1, err$2, start, v, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.value = function(v) { return this.$val.value(v); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.valueQuoted = function() { + var {_1, _r$3, _ref, d, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _1 = d.opcode; + /* */ if ((_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (2))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (2))) { */ case 2: + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.scanNext(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 3: + _r$3 = d.literalInterface(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$3; + _ref = v; + if (_ref === $ifaceNil || $assertType(_ref, $String, true)[1]) { + $s = -1; return v; + } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return (x = new unquotedValue.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.valueQuoted, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$3, _ref, d, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.valueQuoted = function() { return this.$val.valueQuoted(); }; + indirect = function(v, decodingNull) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, decodingNull, e, haveAddr, ok, ok$1, u, u$1, v, v0, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, decodingNull}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v0 = v; + haveAddr = false; + if (!(!(($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22)))) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$3 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().Name(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !(_r$3 === ""); case 3: + /* */ if (_v && $clone(v, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v && $clone(v, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 1: + haveAddr = true; + v = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Addr(); + /* } */ case 2: + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* */ if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) && !$clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) && !$clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 7: + _r$4 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$4; + if (!(($clone(e, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && !$clone(e, reflect.Value).IsNil())) { _v$1 = false; $s = 12; continue s; } + if (!decodingNull) { _v$2 = true; $s = 13; continue s; } + _r$5 = $clone(e, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Kind(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$6 === 22; case 13: + _v$1 = _v$2; case 12: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 10: + haveAddr = false; + v = e; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 11: + /* } */ case 8: + if (!(($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22))) { + /* break; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + if (decodingNull && $clone(v, reflect.Value).CanSet()) { + /* break; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + _r$7 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Kind(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$8 === 20)) { _v$3 = false; $s = 18; continue s; } + _r$9 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = $equal(_r$10, v, reflect.Value); case 18: + /* */ if (_v$3) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_v$3) { */ case 16: + _r$11 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$11; + /* break; */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 17: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 24: + _r$12 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = reflect.New(_r$12); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$13, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 25: + _r$14 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().NumMethod(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$14 > 0 && $clone(v, reflect.Value).CanInterface()) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (_r$14 > 0 && $clone(v, reflect.Value).CanInterface()) { */ case 29: + _r$15 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$15, Unmarshaler, true); + u = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [u, $ifaceNil, new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0)]; + } + /* */ if (!decodingNull) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (!decodingNull) { */ case 33: + _r$16 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(_r$16, encoding.TextUnmarshaler, true); + u$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, u$1, new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0)]; + } + /* } */ case 34: + /* } */ case 30: + /* */ if (haveAddr) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (haveAddr) { */ case 36: + v = v0; + haveAddr = false; + $s = 38; continue; + /* } else { */ case 37: + _r$17 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$17; + /* } */ case 38: + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, v]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: indirect, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, decodingNull, e, haveAddr, ok, ok$1, u, u$1, v, v0, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.array = function(v) { + var {$24r, _1, _q, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, ai, d, err, err$1, i, newcap, newv, pv, start, u, ut, v, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _r$3 = indirect($clone(v, reflect.Value), false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + u = _tuple[0]; + ut = _tuple[1]; + pv = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + start = d.readIndex(); + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = u.UnmarshalJSON($subslice(d.data, start, d.off)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ut, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ut, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("array", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.off)), "", "")); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 8: + v = pv; + _1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (23))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 12: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).NumMethod() === 0) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).NumMethod() === 0) { */ case 16: + _r$5 = d.arrayInterface(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ai = _r$5; + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(ai); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 17: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("array", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.off)), "", "")); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (23))) { */ case 13: + /* break; */ $s = 11; continue; + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else { */ case 14: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("array", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.off)), "", "")); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 15: + case 11: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 25: + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (d.opcode === 8) { + /* break; */ $s = 26; continue; + } + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 23) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 23) { */ case 28: + /* */ if (i >= $clone(v, reflect.Value).Cap()) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (i >= $clone(v, reflect.Value).Cap()) { */ case 30: + newcap = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Cap() + (_q = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Cap() / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + if (newcap < 4) { + newcap = 4; + } + _r$7 = reflect.MakeSlice($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len(), newcap); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + newv = _r$7; + _r$8 = reflect.Copy($clone(newv, reflect.Value), $clone(v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(newv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 31: + if (i >= $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len()) { + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetLen(i + 1 >> 0); + } + /* } */ case 29: + /* */ if (i < $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len()) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (i < $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len()) { */ case 35: + _r$9 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = d.value($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$10; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 37; continue; + /* } else { */ case 36: + _r$11 = d.value(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0)); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + /* } */ case 37: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* */ if (d.opcode === 9) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ $s = 42; continue; + /* if (d.opcode === 9) { */ case 41: + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 42: + if (d.opcode === 8) { + /* break; */ $s = 26; continue; + } + if (!((d.opcode === 7))) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + $s = 25; continue; + case 26: + /* */ if (i < $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len()) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ $s = 45; continue; + /* if (i < $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len()) { */ case 44: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 17) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ $s = 47; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 17) { */ case 46: + _r$12 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = reflect.Zero(_r$12); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z = _r$13; + /* while (true) { */ case 51: + /* if (!(i < $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len())) { break; } */ if(!(i < $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len())) { $s = 52; continue; } + _r$14 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$14, reflect.Value).Set($clone(z, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 51; continue; + case 52: + $s = 48; continue; + /* } else { */ case 47: + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetLen(i); + /* } */ case 48: + /* } */ case 45: + /* */ if ((i === 0) && ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 23)) { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ $s = 56; continue; + /* if ((i === 0) && ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 23)) { */ case 55: + _r$15 = reflect.MakeSlice($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), 0, 0); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$15, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 56: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.array, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _q, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, ai, d, err, err$1, i, newcap, newv, pv, start, u, ut, v, z, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.array = function(v) { return this.$val.array(v); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.object = function(v) { + var {$24r, _1, _2, _3, _arg, _entry, _i, _i$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _v, _v$1, d, destring, elemType, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, f, ff, fields, i, i$1, i$2, item, key, kt, kv, mapElem, n, n$1, oi, ok, ok$1, origErrorContext, pv, qv, qv$1, qv$2, s, s$1, start, start$1, subv, t, u, ut, v, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _r$3 = indirect($clone(v, reflect.Value), false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + u = _tuple[0]; + ut = _tuple[1]; + pv = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + start = d.readIndex(); + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = u.UnmarshalJSON($subslice(d.data, start, d.off)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ut, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ut, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("object", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.off)), "", "")); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 8: + v = pv; + t = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(); + /* */ if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) && ($clone(v, reflect.Value).NumMethod() === 0)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) && ($clone(v, reflect.Value).NumMethod() === 0)) { */ case 11: + _r$5 = d.objectInterface(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + oi = _r$5; + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(new mapType(oi)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 12: + fields = new structFields.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, false); + _1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (21)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (_1 === (21)) { */ case 17: + _r$7 = t.Key(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Kind(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _2 = _r$8; + /* */ if ((_2 === (24)) || (_2 === (2)) || (_2 === (3)) || (_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (5)) || (_2 === (6)) || (_2 === (7)) || (_2 === (8)) || (_2 === (9)) || (_2 === (10)) || (_2 === (11)) || (_2 === (12))) { $s = 24; continue; } + _r$9 = t.Key(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = reflect.PointerTo(_r$9); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = _r$10.Implements(textUnmarshalerType); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$11) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if ((_2 === (24)) || (_2 === (2)) || (_2 === (3)) || (_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (5)) || (_2 === (6)) || (_2 === (7)) || (_2 === (8)) || (_2 === (9)) || (_2 === (10)) || (_2 === (11)) || (_2 === (12))) { */ case 24: + $s = 26; continue; + /* } else if (!_r$11) { */ case 25: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("object", t, (new $Int64(0, d.off)), "", "")); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 26: + case 21: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 32: + _r$12 = reflect.MakeMap(t); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$12, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 33: + $s = 20; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 18: + _r$13 = cachedTypeFields(t); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + structFields.copy(fields, _r$13); + $s = 20; continue; + /* } else { */ case 19: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("object", t, (new $Int64(0, d.off)), "", "")); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.skip(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 20: + case 16: + mapElem = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + origErrorContext = new errorContext.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil); + if (!(d.errorContext === ptrType$4.nil)) { + errorContext.copy(origErrorContext, d.errorContext); + } + /* while (true) { */ case 39: + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (d.opcode === 5) { + /* break; */ $s = 40; continue; + } + if (!((d.opcode === 1))) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + start$1 = d.readIndex(); + d.rescanLiteral(); + item = $subslice(d.data, start$1, d.readIndex()); + _tuple$1 = unquoteBytes(item); + key = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + subv = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + destring = false; + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 21) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 21) { */ case 42: + _r$14 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + elemType = _r$14; + /* */ if (!$clone(mapElem, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ $s = 47; continue; + /* if (!$clone(mapElem, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 46: + _r$15 = $clone(reflect.New(elemType), reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mapElem = _r$15; + $s = 48; continue; + /* } else { */ case 47: + _r$16 = reflect.Zero(elemType); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(mapElem, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$16, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 48: + subv = mapElem; + $s = 44; continue; + /* } else { */ case 43: + f = ptrType$12.nil; + _tuple$2 = (_entry = fields.nameIndex[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString(key)))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + i = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 52; continue; } + /* */ $s = 53; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 52: + f = (x = fields.list, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + $s = 54; continue; + /* } else { */ case 53: + _ref = fields.list; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 55: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 56; continue; } + i$1 = _i; + ff = (x$1 = fields.list, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i$1])); + _r$17 = ff.equalFold(ff.nameBytes, key); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$17) { $s = 57; continue; } + /* */ $s = 58; continue; + /* if (_r$17) { */ case 57: + f = ff; + /* break; */ $s = 56; continue; + /* } */ case 58: + _i++; + $s = 55; continue; + case 56: + /* } */ case 54: + /* */ if (!(f === ptrType$12.nil)) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ if (d.disallowUnknownFields) { $s = 61; continue; } + /* */ $s = 62; continue; + /* if (!(f === ptrType$12.nil)) { */ case 60: + subv = v; + destring = f.quoted; + _ref$1 = f.index; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 63: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 64; continue; } + i$2 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + /* */ if ($clone(subv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { $s = 65; continue; } + /* */ $s = 66; continue; + /* if ($clone(subv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { */ case 65: + /* */ if ($clone(subv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 67; continue; } + /* */ $s = 68; continue; + /* if ($clone(subv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 67: + /* */ if (!$clone(subv, reflect.Value).CanSet()) { $s = 69; continue; } + /* */ $s = 70; continue; + /* if (!$clone(subv, reflect.Value).CanSet()) { */ case 69: + _r$18 = $clone(subv, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$18; + _r$19 = fmt.Errorf("json: cannot set embedded pointer to unexported struct: %v", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.saveError(_r$19); /* */ $s = 73; case 73: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + subv = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + destring = false; + /* break; */ $s = 64; continue; + /* } */ case 70: + _r$20 = $clone(subv, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = reflect.New(_r$20); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(subv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$21, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 68: + _r$22 = $clone(subv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + subv = _r$22; + /* } */ case 66: + _r$23 = $clone(subv, reflect.Value).Field(i$2); /* */ $s = 78; case 78: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + subv = _r$23; + _i$1++; + $s = 63; continue; + case 64: + if (d.errorContext === ptrType$4.nil) { + d.errorContext = new errorContext.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil); + } + d.errorContext.FieldStack = $append(d.errorContext.FieldStack, f.name); + d.errorContext.Struct = t; + $s = 62; continue; + /* } else if (d.disallowUnknownFields) { */ case 61: + _r$24 = fmt.Errorf("json: unknown field %q", new sliceType([key])); /* */ $s = 79; case 79: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.saveError(_r$24); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 62: + /* } */ case 44: + /* */ if (d.opcode === 9) { $s = 81; continue; } + /* */ $s = 82; continue; + /* if (d.opcode === 9) { */ case 81: + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 83; case 83: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 82: + if (!((d.opcode === 3))) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 84; case 84: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (destring) { $s = 85; continue; } + /* */ $s = 86; continue; + /* if (destring) { */ case 85: + _r$25 = d.valueQuoted(); /* */ $s = 88; case 88: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$2 = _r$25; + /* */ if (_ref$2 === $ifaceNil) { $s = 89; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$2, $String, true)[1]) { $s = 90; continue; } + /* */ $s = 91; continue; + /* if (_ref$2 === $ifaceNil) { */ case 89: + qv = _ref$2; + _r$26 = d.literalStore(nullLiteral, $clone(subv, reflect.Value), false); /* */ $s = 93; case 93: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$26; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 92; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$2, $String, true)[1]) { */ case 90: + qv$1 = _ref$2.$val; + _r$27 = d.literalStore((new sliceType$2($stringToBytes(qv$1))), $clone(subv, reflect.Value), true); /* */ $s = 94; case 94: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$27; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = 92; continue; + /* } else { */ case 91: + qv$2 = _ref$2; + _r$28 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal unquoted value into %v", new sliceType([$clone(subv, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 95; case 95: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.saveError(_r$28); /* */ $s = 96; case 96: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 92: + $s = 87; continue; + /* } else { */ case 86: + _r$29 = d.value($clone(subv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 97; case 97: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$29; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + /* } */ case 87: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 21) { $s = 98; continue; } + /* */ $s = 99; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 21) { */ case 98: + _r$30 = t.Key(); /* */ $s = 100; case 100: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + kt = _r$30; + kv = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + _r$31 = reflect.PointerTo(kt).Implements(textUnmarshalerType); /* */ $s = 106; case 106: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$31) { $s = 102; continue; } + _r$32 = kt.Kind(); /* */ $s = 107; case 107: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$32 === 24)) { $s = 103; continue; } + /* */ $s = 104; continue; + /* if (_r$31) { */ case 102: + kv = reflect.New(kt); + _r$33 = d.literalStore(item, $clone(kv, reflect.Value), true); /* */ $s = 108; case 108: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$33; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + _r$34 = $clone(kv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 109; case 109: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + kv = _r$34; + $s = 105; continue; + /* } else if ((_r$32 === 24)) { */ case 103: + _r$35 = reflect.ValueOf(key); /* */ $s = 110; case 110: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$36 = $clone(_r$35, reflect.Value).Convert(kt); /* */ $s = 111; case 111: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + kv = _r$36; + $s = 105; continue; + /* } else { */ case 104: + _r$37 = kt.Kind(); /* */ $s = 113; case 113: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _3 = _r$37; + /* */ if ((_3 === (2)) || (_3 === (3)) || (_3 === (4)) || (_3 === (5)) || (_3 === (6))) { $s = 114; continue; } + /* */ if ((_3 === (7)) || (_3 === (8)) || (_3 === (9)) || (_3 === (10)) || (_3 === (11)) || (_3 === (12))) { $s = 115; continue; } + /* */ $s = 116; continue; + /* if ((_3 === (2)) || (_3 === (3)) || (_3 === (4)) || (_3 === (5)) || (_3 === (6))) { */ case 114: + s = ($bytesToString(key)); + _tuple$3 = strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64); + n = _tuple$3[0]; + err$4 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { _v = true; $s = 120; continue s; } + _r$38 = reflect.Zero(kt); /* */ $s = 121; case 121: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$39 = $clone(_r$38, reflect.Value).OverflowInt(n); /* */ $s = 122; case 122: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$39; case 120: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 118; continue; } + /* */ $s = 119; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 118: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("number " + s, kt, (new $Int64(0, (start$1 + 1 >> 0))), "", "")); /* */ $s = 123; case 123: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 112; continue; + /* } */ case 119: + _r$40 = reflect.ValueOf(n); /* */ $s = 124; case 124: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$41 = $clone(_r$40, reflect.Value).Convert(kt); /* */ $s = 125; case 125: if($c) { $c = false; _r$41 = _r$41.$blk(); } if (_r$41 && _r$41.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + kv = _r$41; + $s = 117; continue; + /* } else if ((_3 === (7)) || (_3 === (8)) || (_3 === (9)) || (_3 === (10)) || (_3 === (11)) || (_3 === (12))) { */ case 115: + s$1 = ($bytesToString(key)); + _tuple$4 = strconv.ParseUint(s$1, 10, 64); + n$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + err$5 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { _v$1 = true; $s = 128; continue s; } + _r$42 = reflect.Zero(kt); /* */ $s = 129; case 129: if($c) { $c = false; _r$42 = _r$42.$blk(); } if (_r$42 && _r$42.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$43 = $clone(_r$42, reflect.Value).OverflowUint(n$1); /* */ $s = 130; case 130: if($c) { $c = false; _r$43 = _r$43.$blk(); } if (_r$43 && _r$43.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$43; case 128: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 126; continue; } + /* */ $s = 127; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 126: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("number " + s$1, kt, (new $Int64(0, (start$1 + 1 >> 0))), "", "")); /* */ $s = 131; case 131: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 112; continue; + /* } */ case 127: + _r$44 = reflect.ValueOf(n$1); /* */ $s = 132; case 132: if($c) { $c = false; _r$44 = _r$44.$blk(); } if (_r$44 && _r$44.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$45 = $clone(_r$44, reflect.Value).Convert(kt); /* */ $s = 133; case 133: if($c) { $c = false; _r$45 = _r$45.$blk(); } if (_r$45 && _r$45.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + kv = _r$45; + $s = 117; continue; + /* } else { */ case 116: + $panic(new $String("json: Unexpected key type")); + /* } */ case 117: + case 112: + /* } */ case 105: + case 101: + /* */ if ($clone(kv, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 134; continue; } + /* */ $s = 135; continue; + /* if ($clone(kv, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 134: + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetMapIndex($clone(kv, reflect.Value), $clone(subv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 136; case 136: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 135: + /* } */ case 99: + /* */ if (d.opcode === 9) { $s = 137; continue; } + /* */ $s = 138; continue; + /* if (d.opcode === 9) { */ case 137: + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 139; case 139: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 138: + if (!(d.errorContext === ptrType$4.nil)) { + d.errorContext.FieldStack = $subslice(d.errorContext.FieldStack, 0, origErrorContext.FieldStack.$length); + d.errorContext.Struct = origErrorContext.Struct; + } + if (d.opcode === 5) { + /* break; */ $s = 40; continue; + } + if (!((d.opcode === 4))) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + $s = 39; continue; + case 40: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.object, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _2, _3, _arg, _entry, _i, _i$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _v, _v$1, d, destring, elemType, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, f, ff, fields, i, i$1, i$2, item, key, kt, kv, mapElem, n, n$1, oi, ok, ok$1, origErrorContext, pv, qv, qv$1, qv$2, s, s$1, start, start$1, subv, t, u, ut, v, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.object = function(v) { return this.$val.object(v); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.convertNumber = function(s) { + var _tuple, d, err, f, s; + d = this; + if (d.useNumber) { + return [new Number((s)), $ifaceNil]; + } + _tuple = strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64); + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [$ifaceNil, new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("number " + s, reflect.TypeOf(new $Float64(0)), (new $Int64(0, d.off)), "", "")]; + } + return [new $Float64(f), $ifaceNil]; + }; + decodeState.prototype.convertNumber = function(s) { return this.$val.convertNumber(s); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.literalStore = function(item, v, fromQuoted) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, b, c, d, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, fromQuoted, isNull, item, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, n$4, ok, ok$1, pv, s, s$1, s$2, u, ut, v, val, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {item, v, fromQuoted}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + /* */ if (item.$length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (item.$length === 0) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", new sliceType([item, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.saveError(_r$3); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + isNull = (0 >= item.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : item.$array[item.$offset + 0]) === 110; + _r$4 = indirect($clone(v, reflect.Value), isNull); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + u = _tuple[0]; + ut = _tuple[1]; + pv = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$5 = u.UnmarshalJSON(item); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ut, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ut, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + /* */ if (!(((0 >= item.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : item.$array[item.$offset + 0]) === 34))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!(((0 >= item.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : item.$array[item.$offset + 0]) === 34))) { */ case 12: + /* */ if (fromQuoted) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (fromQuoted) { */ case 14: + _r$6 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", new sliceType([item, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.saveError(_r$6); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 15: + val = "number"; + _1 = (0 >= item.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : item.$array[item.$offset + 0]); + if (_1 === (110)) { + val = "null"; + } else if ((_1 === (116)) || (_1 === (102))) { + val = "bool"; + } + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr(val, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 13: + _tuple$1 = unquoteBytes(item); + s = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 19: + /* */ if (fromQuoted) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (fromQuoted) { */ case 21: + _r$7 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", new sliceType([item, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$7; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 22: + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + /* } */ case 20: + _r$8 = ut.UnmarshalText(s); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$8; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + v = pv; + c = (0 >= item.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : item.$array[item.$offset + 0]); + _2 = c; + /* */ if (_2 === (110)) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ if ((_2 === (116)) || (_2 === (102))) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (34)) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (_2 === (110)) { */ case 28: + /* */ if (fromQuoted && !(($bytesToString(item)) === "null")) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (fromQuoted && !(($bytesToString(item)) === "null")) { */ case 33: + _r$9 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", new sliceType([item, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.saveError(_r$9); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 27; continue; + /* } */ case 34: + _3 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if ((_3 === (20)) || (_3 === (22)) || (_3 === (21)) || (_3 === (23))) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if ((_3 === (20)) || (_3 === (22)) || (_3 === (21)) || (_3 === (23))) { */ case 38: + _r$10 = reflect.Zero($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$10, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 39: + case 37: + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else if ((_2 === (116)) || (_2 === (102))) { */ case 29: + value = (0 >= item.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : item.$array[item.$offset + 0]) === 116; + /* */ if (fromQuoted && !(($bytesToString(item)) === "true") && !(($bytesToString(item)) === "false")) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (fromQuoted && !(($bytesToString(item)) === "true") && !(($bytesToString(item)) === "false")) { */ case 42: + _r$11 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", new sliceType([item, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.saveError(_r$11); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 27; continue; + /* } */ case 43: + _4 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_4 === (1)) { $s = 47; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (20)) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ if (fromQuoted) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (_4 === (1)) { */ case 47: + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetBool(value); + $s = 51; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (20)) { */ case 48: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).NumMethod() === 0) { $s = 52; continue; } + /* */ $s = 53; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).NumMethod() === 0) { */ case 52: + _r$12 = reflect.ValueOf(new $Bool(value)); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$12, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 54; continue; + /* } else { */ case 53: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("bool", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 54: + $s = 51; continue; + /* } else if (fromQuoted) { */ case 49: + _r$13 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", new sliceType([item, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = d.saveError(_r$13); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 51; continue; + /* } else { */ case 50: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("bool", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 51: + case 46: + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (34)) { */ case 30: + _tuple$2 = unquoteBytes(item); + s$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 61; continue; } + /* */ $s = 62; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 61: + /* */ if (fromQuoted) { $s = 63; continue; } + /* */ $s = 64; continue; + /* if (fromQuoted) { */ case 63: + _r$14 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", new sliceType([item, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$14; + $s = 66; case 66: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 64: + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + /* } */ case 62: + _5 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_5 === (23)) { $s = 68; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (24)) { $s = 69; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (20)) { $s = 70; continue; } + /* */ $s = 71; continue; + /* if (_5 === (23)) { */ case 68: + _r$15 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = _r$15.Kind(); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$16 === 8))) { $s = 73; continue; } + /* */ $s = 74; continue; + /* if (!((_r$16 === 8))) { */ case 73: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("string", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 67; continue; + /* } */ case 74: + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(s$1.$length)); + _tuple$3 = base64.StdEncoding.Decode(b, s$1); + n = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 78; continue; } + /* */ $s = 79; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 78: + $r = d.saveError(err); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 67; continue; + /* } */ case 79: + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetBytes($subslice(b, 0, n)); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 72; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (24)) { */ case 69: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), numberType) && !isValidNumber(($bytesToString(s$1)))) { $s = 82; continue; } + /* */ $s = 83; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), numberType) && !isValidNumber(($bytesToString(s$1)))) { */ case 82: + _r$17 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid number literal, trying to unmarshal %q into Number", new sliceType([item])); /* */ $s = 84; case 84: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$17; + $s = 85; case 85: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 83: + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetString(($bytesToString(s$1))); + $s = 72; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (20)) { */ case 70: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).NumMethod() === 0) { $s = 86; continue; } + /* */ $s = 87; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).NumMethod() === 0) { */ case 86: + _r$18 = reflect.ValueOf(new $String(($bytesToString(s$1)))); /* */ $s = 89; case 89: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$18, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 90; case 90: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 88; continue; + /* } else { */ case 87: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("string", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 91; case 91: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 88: + $s = 72; continue; + /* } else { */ case 71: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("string", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 92; case 92: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 72: + case 67: + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else { */ case 31: + /* */ if (!((c === 45)) && (c < 48 || c > 57)) { $s = 93; continue; } + /* */ $s = 94; continue; + /* if (!((c === 45)) && (c < 48 || c > 57)) { */ case 93: + /* */ if (fromQuoted) { $s = 95; continue; } + /* */ $s = 96; continue; + /* if (fromQuoted) { */ case 95: + _r$19 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", new sliceType([item, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 97; case 97: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$19; + $s = 98; case 98: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 96: + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + /* } */ case 94: + s$2 = ($bytesToString(item)); + _6 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_6 === (20)) { $s = 100; continue; } + /* */ if ((_6 === (2)) || (_6 === (3)) || (_6 === (4)) || (_6 === (5)) || (_6 === (6))) { $s = 101; continue; } + /* */ if ((_6 === (7)) || (_6 === (8)) || (_6 === (9)) || (_6 === (10)) || (_6 === (11)) || (_6 === (12))) { $s = 102; continue; } + /* */ if ((_6 === (13)) || (_6 === (14))) { $s = 103; continue; } + /* */ $s = 104; continue; + /* if (_6 === (20)) { */ case 100: + _tuple$4 = d.convertNumber(s$2); + n$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 106; continue; } + /* */ $s = 107; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 106: + $r = d.saveError(err$1); /* */ $s = 108; case 108: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 99; continue; + /* } */ case 107: + /* */ if (!(($clone(v, reflect.Value).NumMethod() === 0))) { $s = 109; continue; } + /* */ $s = 110; continue; + /* if (!(($clone(v, reflect.Value).NumMethod() === 0))) { */ case 109: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("number", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 111; case 111: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 99; continue; + /* } */ case 110: + _r$20 = reflect.ValueOf(n$1); /* */ $s = 112; case 112: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$20, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 113; case 113: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 105; continue; + /* } else if ((_6 === (2)) || (_6 === (3)) || (_6 === (4)) || (_6 === (5)) || (_6 === (6))) { */ case 101: + _tuple$5 = strconv.ParseInt(s$2, 10, 64); + n$2 = _tuple$5[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) || $clone(v, reflect.Value).OverflowInt(n$2)) { $s = 114; continue; } + /* */ $s = 115; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) || $clone(v, reflect.Value).OverflowInt(n$2)) { */ case 114: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("number " + s$2, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 116; case 116: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 99; continue; + /* } */ case 115: + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetInt(n$2); + $s = 105; continue; + /* } else if ((_6 === (7)) || (_6 === (8)) || (_6 === (9)) || (_6 === (10)) || (_6 === (11)) || (_6 === (12))) { */ case 102: + _tuple$6 = strconv.ParseUint(s$2, 10, 64); + n$3 = _tuple$6[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$6[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil)) || $clone(v, reflect.Value).OverflowUint(n$3)) { $s = 117; continue; } + /* */ $s = 118; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil)) || $clone(v, reflect.Value).OverflowUint(n$3)) { */ case 117: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("number " + s$2, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 119; case 119: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 99; continue; + /* } */ case 118: + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetUint(n$3); + $s = 105; continue; + /* } else if ((_6 === (13)) || (_6 === (14))) { */ case 103: + _arg = s$2; + _r$21 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().Bits(); /* */ $s = 120; case 120: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$21; + _r$22 = strconv.ParseFloat(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 121; case 121: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$7 = _r$22; + n$4 = _tuple$7[0]; + err$4 = _tuple$7[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil)) || $clone(v, reflect.Value).OverflowFloat(n$4)) { $s = 122; continue; } + /* */ $s = 123; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil)) || $clone(v, reflect.Value).OverflowFloat(n$4)) { */ case 122: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("number " + s$2, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 124; case 124: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 99; continue; + /* } */ case 123: + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetFloat(n$4); + $s = 105; continue; + /* } else { */ case 104: + if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 24) && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), numberType)) { + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetString(s$2); + /* break; */ $s = 99; continue; + } + /* */ if (fromQuoted) { $s = 125; continue; } + /* */ $s = 126; continue; + /* if (fromQuoted) { */ case 125: + _r$23 = fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", new sliceType([item, $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 127; case 127: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = _r$23; + $s = 128; case 128: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 126: + $r = d.saveError(new UnmarshalTypeError.ptr("number", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), (new $Int64(0, d.readIndex())), "", "")); /* */ $s = 129; case 129: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 105: + case 99: + /* } */ case 32: + case 27: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.literalStore, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, b, c, d, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, fromQuoted, isNull, item, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, n$4, ok, ok$1, pv, s, s$1, s$2, u, ut, v, val, value, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.literalStore = function(item, v, fromQuoted) { return this.$val.literalStore(item, v, fromQuoted); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.valueInterface = function() { + var {_1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, d, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + val = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + _1 = d.opcode; + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 2: + _r$3 = d.arrayInterface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$3; + $r = d.scanNext(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$4 = d.objectInterface(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = new mapType(_r$4); + $r = d.scanNext(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 4: + _r$5 = d.literalInterface(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$5; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return val; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.valueInterface, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, d, val, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.valueInterface = function() { return this.$val.valueInterface(); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.arrayInterface = function() { + var {_r$3, d, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + v = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (d.opcode === 8) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _r$3 = d.valueInterface(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $append(v, _r$3); + /* */ if (d.opcode === 9) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (d.opcode === 9) { */ case 5: + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + if (d.opcode === 8) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (!((d.opcode === 7))) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.arrayInterface, $c: true, $r, _r$3, d, v, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.arrayInterface = function() { return this.$val.arrayInterface(); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.objectInterface = function() { + var {_key, _r$3, _tuple, d, item, key, m, ok, start, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + m = {}; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (d.opcode === 5) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (!((d.opcode === 1))) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + start = d.readIndex(); + d.rescanLiteral(); + item = $subslice(d.data, start, d.readIndex()); + _tuple = unquote(item); + key = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + /* */ if (d.opcode === 9) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (d.opcode === 9) { */ case 4: + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + if (!((d.opcode === 3))) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = d.valueInterface(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = key; (m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: _r$3 }; + /* */ if (d.opcode === 9) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (d.opcode === 9) { */ case 9: + $r = d.scanWhile(9); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + if (d.opcode === 5) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (!((d.opcode === 4))) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return m; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.objectInterface, $c: true, $r, _key, _r$3, _tuple, d, item, key, m, ok, start, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.objectInterface = function() { return this.$val.objectInterface(); }; + decodeState.ptr.prototype.literalInterface = function() { + var {_1, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, d, err, item, n, ok, s, start, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + start = d.readIndex(); + d.rescanLiteral(); + item = $subslice(d.data, start, d.readIndex()); + c = (0 >= item.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : item.$array[item.$offset + 0]); + _1 = c; + /* */ if (_1 === (110)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (116)) || (_1 === (102))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (34)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (110)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if ((_1 === (116)) || (_1 === (102))) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return new $Bool((c === 116)); + /* } else if (_1 === (34)) { */ case 4: + _tuple = unquote(item); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + $s = -1; return new $String(s); + /* } else { */ case 5: + if (!((c === 45)) && (c < 48 || c > 57)) { + $panic(new $String("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")); + } + _tuple$1 = d.convertNumber(($bytesToString(item))); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + $r = d.saveError(err); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return n; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decodeState.ptr.prototype.literalInterface, $c: true, $r, _1, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, d, err, item, n, ok, s, start, $s};return $f; + }; + decodeState.prototype.literalInterface = function() { return this.$val.literalInterface(); }; + getu4 = function(s) { + var _i, _ref, c, r, s; + if (s.$length < 6 || !(((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 92)) || !(((1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]) === 117))) { + return -1; + } + r = 0; + _ref = $subslice(s, 2, 6); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + c = c - 48 << 24 >>> 24; + } else if (97 <= c && c <= 102) { + c = (c - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + } else if (65 <= c && c <= 70) { + c = (c - 65 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + } else { + return -1; + } + r = ($imul(r, 16)) + ((c >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + return r; + }; + unquote = function(s) { + var _tuple, ok, s, t; + t = ""; + ok = false; + _tuple = unquoteBytes(s); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + t = ($bytesToString(s)); + return [t, ok]; + }; + unquoteBytes = function(s) { + var _1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, c, c$1, dec, nb, ok, r, rr, rr$1, rr$2, rr1, s, size, size$1, t, w, x; + t = sliceType$2.nil; + ok = false; + if (s.$length < 2 || !(((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 34)) || !(((x = s.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x])) === 34))) { + return [t, ok]; + } + s = $subslice(s, 1, (s.$length - 1 >> 0)); + r = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(r < s.$length)) { break; } + c = ((r < 0 || r >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + r]); + if ((c === 92) || (c === 34) || c < 32) { + break; + } + if (c < 128) { + r = r + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(s, r)); + rr = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + if ((rr === 65533) && (size === 1)) { + break; + } + r = r + (size) >> 0; + } + if (r === s.$length) { + _tmp = s; + _tmp$1 = true; + t = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [t, ok]; + } + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, (s.$length + 8 >> 0)); + w = $copySlice(b, $subslice(s, 0, r)); + while (true) { + if (!(r < s.$length)) { break; } + if (w >= (b.$length - 8 >> 0)) { + nb = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, ($imul(((b.$length + 4 >> 0)), 2))); + $copySlice(nb, $subslice(b, 0, w)); + b = nb; + } + c$1 = ((r < 0 || r >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + r]); + if ((c$1 === 92)) { + r = r + (1) >> 0; + if (r >= s.$length) { + return [t, ok]; + } + switch (0) { default: + _1 = ((r < 0 || r >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + r]); + if ((_1 === (34)) || (_1 === (92)) || (_1 === (47)) || (_1 === (39))) { + ((w < 0 || w >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + w] = ((r < 0 || r >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + r])); + r = r + (1) >> 0; + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (98)) { + ((w < 0 || w >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + w] = 8); + r = r + (1) >> 0; + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (102)) { + ((w < 0 || w >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + w] = 12); + r = r + (1) >> 0; + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (110)) { + ((w < 0 || w >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + w] = 10); + r = r + (1) >> 0; + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (114)) { + ((w < 0 || w >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + w] = 13); + r = r + (1) >> 0; + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (116)) { + ((w < 0 || w >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + w] = 9); + r = r + (1) >> 0; + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (117)) { + r = r - (1) >> 0; + rr$1 = getu4($subslice(s, r)); + if (rr$1 < 0) { + return [t, ok]; + } + r = r + (6) >> 0; + if (utf16.IsSurrogate(rr$1)) { + rr1 = getu4($subslice(s, r)); + dec = utf16.DecodeRune(rr$1, rr1); + if (!((dec === 65533))) { + r = r + (6) >> 0; + w = w + (utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(b, w), dec)) >> 0; + break; + } + rr$1 = 65533; + } + w = w + (utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(b, w), rr$1)) >> 0; + } else { + return [t, ok]; + } + } + } else if (((c$1 === 34)) || (c$1 < 32)) { + return [t, ok]; + } else if (c$1 < 128) { + ((w < 0 || w >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + w] = c$1); + r = r + (1) >> 0; + w = w + (1) >> 0; + } else { + _tuple$1 = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(s, r)); + rr$2 = _tuple$1[0]; + size$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + r = r + (size$1) >> 0; + w = w + (utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(b, w), rr$2)) >> 0; + } + } + _tmp$2 = $subslice(b, 0, w); + _tmp$3 = true; + t = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [t, ok]; + }; + tagOptions.methods = [{prop: "Contains", name: "Contains", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$13.methods = [{prop: "UseNumber", name: "UseNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "DisallowUnknownFields", name: "DisallowUnknownFields", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Decode", name: "Decode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Buffered", name: "Buffered", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [io.Reader], false)}, {prop: "readValue", name: "readValue", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "refill", name: "refill", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "tokenPrepareForDecode", name: "tokenPrepareForDecode", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "tokenValueAllowed", name: "tokenValueAllowed", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "tokenValueEnd", name: "tokenValueEnd", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Token", name: "Token", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "tokenError", name: "tokenError", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "More", name: "More", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "peek", name: "peek", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $error], false)}, {prop: "InputOffset", name: "InputOffset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}]; + ptrType$14.methods = [{prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetIndent", name: "SetIndent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "SetEscapeHTML", name: "SetEscapeHTML", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}]; + Delim.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$15.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "reset", name: "reset", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "eof", name: "eof", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "pushParseState", name: "pushParseState", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$Uint8, $Int, $Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "popParseState", name: "popParseState", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "error", name: "error", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$Uint8, $String], [$Int], false)}]; + ptrType$16.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$17.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$19.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, encOpts], [$error], false)}, {prop: "error", name: "error", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "reflectValue", name: "reflectValue", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value, encOpts], [], false)}, {prop: "string", name: "string", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "stringBytes", name: "stringBytes", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2, $Bool], [], false)}]; + floatEncoder.methods = [{prop: "encode", name: "encode", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, reflect.Value, encOpts], [], false)}]; + structEncoder.methods = [{prop: "encode", name: "encode", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, reflect.Value, encOpts], [], false)}]; + mapEncoder.methods = [{prop: "encode", name: "encode", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, reflect.Value, encOpts], [], false)}]; + sliceEncoder.methods = [{prop: "encode", name: "encode", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, reflect.Value, encOpts], [], false)}]; + arrayEncoder.methods = [{prop: "encode", name: "encode", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, reflect.Value, encOpts], [], false)}]; + ptrEncoder.methods = [{prop: "encode", name: "encode", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, reflect.Value, encOpts], [], false)}]; + condAddrEncoder.methods = [{prop: "encode", name: "encode", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, reflect.Value, encOpts], [], false)}]; + ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "resolve", name: "resolve", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + byIndex.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Less", name: "Less", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$22.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Number.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Float64", name: "Float64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64, $error], false)}, {prop: "Int64", name: "Int64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$23.methods = [{prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readIndex", name: "readIndex", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "init", name: "init", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [ptrType$23], false)}, {prop: "saveError", name: "saveError", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "addErrorContext", name: "addErrorContext", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$error], [$error], false)}, {prop: "skip", name: "skip", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "scanNext", name: "scanNext", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "scanWhile", name: "scanWhile", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "rescanLiteral", name: "rescanLiteral", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "value", name: "value", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$error], false)}, {prop: "valueQuoted", name: "valueQuoted", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "array", name: "array", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$error], false)}, {prop: "object", name: "object", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$error], false)}, {prop: "convertNumber", name: "convertNumber", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([$String], [$emptyInterface, $error], false)}, {prop: "literalStore", name: "literalStore", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2, reflect.Value, $Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "valueInterface", name: "valueInterface", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "arrayInterface", name: "arrayInterface", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "objectInterface", name: "objectInterface", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [mapType], false)}, {prop: "literalInterface", name: "literalInterface", pkg: "encoding/json", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + Decoder.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "d", name: "d", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: decodeState, tag: ""}, {prop: "scanp", name: "scanp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "scanned", name: "scanned", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "scan", name: "scan", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: scanner, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "tokenState", name: "tokenState", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "tokenStack", name: "tokenStack", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + Encoder.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "escapeHTML", name: "escapeHTML", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "indentBuf", name: "indentBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "indentPrefix", name: "indentPrefix", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "indentValue", name: "indentValue", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Token.init([]); + SyntaxError.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "msg", name: "msg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Offset", name: "Offset", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}]); + scanner.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "step", name: "step", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "endTop", name: "endTop", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "parseState", name: "parseState", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}]); + Marshaler.init([{prop: "MarshalJSON", name: "MarshalJSON", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$2, $error], false)}]); + UnsupportedTypeError.init("", [{prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}]); + UnsupportedValueError.init("", [{prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "Str", name: "Str", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + MarshalerError.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "sourceFunc", name: "sourceFunc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + encodeState.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "Buffer", name: "Buffer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: bytes.Buffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "scratch", name: "scratch", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptrLevel", name: "ptrLevel", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptrSeen", name: "ptrSeen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$1, tag: ""}]); + jsonError.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "error", name: "error", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + encOpts.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "quoted", name: "quoted", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "escapeHTML", name: "escapeHTML", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + encoderFunc.init([ptrType$9, reflect.Value, encOpts], [], false); + structEncoder.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "fields", name: "fields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: structFields, tag: ""}]); + structFields.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "list", name: "list", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "nameIndex", name: "nameIndex", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$2, tag: ""}]); + mapEncoder.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "elemEnc", name: "elemEnc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: encoderFunc, tag: ""}]); + sliceEncoder.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "arrayEnc", name: "arrayEnc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: encoderFunc, tag: ""}]); + arrayEncoder.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "elemEnc", name: "elemEnc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: encoderFunc, tag: ""}]); + ptrEncoder.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "elemEnc", name: "elemEnc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: encoderFunc, tag: ""}]); + condAddrEncoder.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "canAddrEnc", name: "canAddrEnc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: encoderFunc, tag: ""}, {prop: "elseEnc", name: "elseEnc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: encoderFunc, tag: ""}]); + reflectWithString.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "k", name: "k", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "ks", name: "ks", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + field.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "nameBytes", name: "nameBytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "equalFold", name: "equalFold", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "nameNonEsc", name: "nameNonEsc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "nameEscHTML", name: "nameEscHTML", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "tag", name: "tag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "index", name: "index", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "omitEmpty", name: "omitEmpty", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "quoted", name: "quoted", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "encoder", name: "encoder", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: encoderFunc, tag: ""}]); + byIndex.init(field); + Unmarshaler.init([{prop: "UnmarshalJSON", name: "UnmarshalJSON", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$error], false)}]); + UnmarshalTypeError.init("", [{prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "Offset", name: "Offset", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Struct", name: "Struct", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Field", name: "Field", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + InvalidUnmarshalError.init("", [{prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}]); + errorContext.init("", [{prop: "Struct", name: "Struct", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "FieldStack", name: "FieldStack", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + decodeState.init("encoding/json", [{prop: "data", name: "data", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "off", name: "off", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "opcode", name: "opcode", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "scan", name: "scan", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: scanner, tag: ""}, {prop: "errorContext", name: "errorContext", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "savedError", name: "savedError", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "useNumber", name: "useNumber", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "disallowUnknownFields", name: "disallowUnknownFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + unquotedValue.init("", []); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = encoding.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = base64.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = nosync.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf16.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + encodeStatePool = new nosync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + encoderCache = new nosync.Map.ptr(false); + fieldCache = new nosync.Map.ptr(false); + safeSet = $toNativeArray($kindBool, [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true]); + htmlSafeSet = $toNativeArray($kindBool, [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true]); + scannerPool = new nosync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new scanner.ptr($throwNilPointerError, false, sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0)); + })); + hex = "0123456789abcdef"; + _r = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$1.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + marshalerType = _r; + _r$1 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$2.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + textMarshalerType = _r$1; + float32Encoder = $methodVal(new floatEncoder(32), "encode"); + float64Encoder = $methodVal(new floatEncoder(64), "encode"); + nullLiteral = (new sliceType$2($stringToBytes("null"))); + _r$2 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$3.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + textUnmarshalerType = _r$2; + numberType = reflect.TypeOf(new Number("")); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/set"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bits; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fmt, protowire, messageset, text, errors, flags, genid, order, pragma, set, strs, proto, protoreflect, protoregistry, strconv, utf8, MarshalOptions, encoder, arrayType, sliceType, sliceType$1, interfaceType, ptrType; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + protowire = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"]; + messageset = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset"]; + text = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text"]; + errors = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"]; + flags = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags"]; + genid = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid"]; + order = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order"]; + pragma = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"]; + set = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/set"]; + strs = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs"]; + proto = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + protoregistry = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + MarshalOptions = $pkg.MarshalOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "prototext.MarshalOptions", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", true, function(NoUnkeyedLiterals_, Multiline_, Indent_, EmitASCII_, allowInvalidUTF8_, AllowPartial_, EmitUnknown_, Resolver_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.NoUnkeyedLiterals = new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(); + this.Multiline = false; + this.Indent = ""; + this.EmitASCII = false; + this.allowInvalidUTF8 = false; + this.AllowPartial = false; + this.EmitUnknown = false; + this.Resolver = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.NoUnkeyedLiterals = NoUnkeyedLiterals_; + this.Multiline = Multiline_; + this.Indent = Indent_; + this.EmitASCII = EmitASCII_; + this.allowInvalidUTF8 = allowInvalidUTF8_; + this.AllowPartial = AllowPartial_; + this.EmitUnknown = EmitUnknown_; + this.Resolver = Resolver_; + }); + encoder = $pkg.encoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "prototext.encoder", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", false, function(Encoder_, opts_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Encoder = ptrType.nil; + this.opts = new MarshalOptions.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), false, "", false, false, false, false, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.Encoder = Encoder_; + this.opts = opts_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 2); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "FindExtensionByName", name: "FindExtensionByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.ExtensionType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindExtensionByNumber", name: "FindExtensionByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName, protowire.Number], [protoreflect.ExtensionType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindMessageByName", name: "FindMessageByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.MessageType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindMessageByURL", name: "FindMessageByURL", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [protoreflect.MessageType, $error], false)}]); + ptrType = $ptrType(text.Encoder); + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Format = function(m) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _v, b, m, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = _r.IsValid(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* } */ case 2: + o.allowInvalidUTF8 = true; + o.AllowPartial = true; + o.EmitUnknown = true; + _r$2 = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).Marshal(m); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + b = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return ($bytesToString(b)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _v, b, m, o, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.Format = function(m) { return this.$val.Format(m); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Marshal = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r, m, o, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + _r = $clone(o, MarshalOptions).marshal(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Marshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, m, o, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.Marshal = function(m) { return this.$val.Marshal(m); }; + MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshal = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, delims, enc, err, internalEnc, m, o, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + delims = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [123, 125]); + if (o.Multiline && o.Indent === "") { + o.Indent = " "; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(o.Resolver, $ifaceNil)) { + o.Resolver = protoregistry.GlobalTypes; + } + _r = text.NewEncoder(o.Indent, $clone(delims, arrayType), o.EmitASCII); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + internalEnc = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [new sliceType([]), $ifaceNil]; + } + enc = new encoder.ptr(internalEnc, $clone(o, MarshalOptions)); + _r$1 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(enc, encoder).marshalMessage(_r$1, false); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + out = enc.Encoder.Bytes(); + if (o.Indent.length > 0 && out.$length > 0) { + out = $append(out, 10); + } + if (o.AllowPartial) { + $s = -1; return [out, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$3 = proto.CheckInitialized(m); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [out, _r$3]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, delims, enc, err, internalEnc, m, o, out, $s};return $f; + }; + MarshalOptions.prototype.marshal = function(m) { return this.$val.marshal(m); }; + encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalMessage = function(m, inclDelims) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _v, e, err, inclDelims, m, messageDesc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m, inclDelims}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + e = [e]; + err = [err]; + e[0] = this; + _r = m.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + messageDesc = _r; + if (!(true)) { _v = false; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r$1 = messageset.IsMessageSet(messageDesc); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1; case 4: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = errors.New("no support for proto1 MessageSets", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (inclDelims) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (inclDelims) { */ case 8: + $r = e[0].Encoder.StartMessage(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(e[0].Encoder, "EndMessage"), []]); + /* } */ case 9: + _r$3 = messageDesc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3 === "google.protobuf.Any") { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_r$3 === "google.protobuf.Any") { */ case 11: + _r$4 = $clone(e[0], encoder).marshalAny(m); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (_r$4) { */ case 14: + $24r$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 15: + /* } */ case 12: + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $r = order.RangeFields(m, order.IndexNameFieldOrder, (function(e, err) { return function $b(fd, v) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, fd, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.TextName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(e[0], encoder).marshalField(_r$5, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value), fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, fd, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(e, err)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 19: + $24r$2 = err[0]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 20: + /* */ if (e[0].opts.EmitUnknown) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (e[0].opts.EmitUnknown) { */ case 22: + _r$5 = m.GetUnknown(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(e[0], encoder).marshalUnknown($convertSliceType(_r$5, sliceType)); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 23: + $24r$3 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _v, e, err, inclDelims, m, messageDesc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + encoder.prototype.marshalMessage = function(m, inclDelims) { return this.$val.marshalMessage(m, inclDelims); }; + encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalField = function(name, val, fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, e, fd, name, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, val, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = fd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$1 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 2: + _arg = name; + _r$2 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _arg$2 = fd; + _r$3 = $clone(e, encoder).marshalList(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } else if (_r$1) { */ case 3: + _arg$3 = name; + _r$4 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).Map(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$4; + _arg$5 = fd; + _r$5 = $clone(e, encoder).marshalMap(_arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$5; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $r = e.Encoder.WriteName(name); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(e, encoder).marshalSingular($clone(val, protoreflect.Value), fd); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$6; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalField, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, e, fd, name, val, $s};return $f; + }; + encoder.prototype.marshalField = function(name, val, fd) { return this.$val.marshalField(name, val, fd); }; + encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalSingular = function(val, fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, desc, e, fd, kind, num, s, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + kind = _r; + _1 = kind; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.Encoder.WriteBool(_r$1); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$2; + if (!(!e.opts.allowInvalidUTF8)) { _v = false; $s = 19; continue s; } + _r$3 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$3; case 19: + /* */ if (_v && !utf8.ValidString(s)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_v && !utf8.ValidString(s)) { */ case 17: + _r$4 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = errors.InvalidUTF8((_r$4)); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r; + /* } */ case 18: + $r = e.Encoder.WriteString(s); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { */ case 5: + _r$6 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.Encoder.WriteInt(_r$6); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 6: + _r$7 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.Encoder.WriteUint(_r$7); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 7: + _r$8 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.Encoder.WriteFloat(_r$8, 32); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 8: + _r$9 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.Encoder.WriteFloat(_r$9, 64); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 9: + _r$10 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.Encoder.WriteString(($bytesToString(_r$10))); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 10: + _r$11 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + num = _r$11; + _r$12 = fd.Enum(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.Values(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = _r$13.ByNumber(num); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + desc = _r$14; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(desc, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(desc, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 39: + _r$15 = desc.Name(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.Encoder.WriteLiteral((_r$15)); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else { */ case 40: + $r = e.Encoder.WriteInt((new $Int64(0, num))); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 41: + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10))) { */ case 11: + _r$16 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = $clone(e, encoder).marshalMessage(_r$16, true); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$17; + $s = 47; case 47: return $24r$1; + /* } else { */ case 12: + _r$18 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$18); + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.Kind(kind); + _r$19 = fmt.Sprintf("%v has unknown kind: %v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$19)); + /* } */ case 13: + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalSingular, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, desc, e, fd, kind, num, s, val, $s};return $f; + }; + encoder.prototype.marshalSingular = function(val, fd) { return this.$val.marshalSingular(val, fd); }; + encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalList = function(name, list, fd) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, e, err, fd, i, list, name, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, list, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = _r; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < size)) { break; } */ if(!(i < size)) { $s = 3; continue; } + $r = e.Encoder.WriteName(name); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(e, encoder).marshalSingular($clone(_r$1, protoreflect.Value), fd); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalList, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, e, err, fd, i, list, name, size, $s};return $f; + }; + encoder.prototype.marshalList = function(name, list, fd) { return this.$val.marshalList(name, list, fd); }; + encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalMap = function(name, mmap, fd) { + var {e, err, fd, mmap, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, mmap, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = [e]; + err = [err]; + fd = [fd]; + name = [name]; + e[0] = this; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $r = order.RangeEntries(mmap, order.GenericKeyOrder, (function(e, err, fd, name) { return function $b(key, val) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, key, val, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $r = e[0].Encoder.WriteName(name[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e[0].Encoder.StartMessage(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(e[0].Encoder, "EndMessage"), []]); + $r = e[0].Encoder.WriteName("key"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone($clone(key, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value); + _r = fd[0].MapKey(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _r$1 = $clone(e[0], encoder).marshalSingular(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + $24r = false; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + $r = e[0].Encoder.WriteName("value"); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = $clone(val, protoreflect.Value); + _r$2 = fd[0].MapValue(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$2; + _r$3 = $clone(e[0], encoder).marshalSingular(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$3; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + $24r$1 = false; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 13: + $24r$2 = true; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, key, val, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; })(e, err, fd, name)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return err[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalMap, $c: true, $r, e, err, fd, mmap, name, $s};return $f; + }; + encoder.prototype.marshalMap = function(name, mmap, fd) { return this.$val.marshalMap(name, mmap, fd); }; + encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalUnknown = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, b, e, n, num, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, wtype, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple[0]; + wtype = _tuple[1]; + n = _tuple[2]; + b = $subslice(b, n); + $r = e.Encoder.WriteName(strconv.FormatInt((new $Int64(0, num)), 10)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = wtype; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 5: + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n = _tuple$1[1]; + $r = e.Encoder.WriteUint(v); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 6: + v$1 = 0; + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n = _tuple$2[1]; + $r = e.Encoder.WriteLiteral("0x" + strconv.FormatUint((new $Uint64(0, v$1)), 16)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 7: + v$2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$2 = _tuple$3[0]; + n = _tuple$3[1]; + $r = e.Encoder.WriteLiteral("0x" + strconv.FormatUint(v$2, 16)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 8: + v$3 = sliceType.nil; + _tuple$4 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$3 = _tuple$4[0]; + n = _tuple$4[1]; + $r = e.Encoder.WriteString(($bytesToString(v$3))); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 9: + $r = e.Encoder.StartMessage(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$4 = sliceType.nil; + _tuple$5 = protowire.ConsumeGroup(num, b); + v$4 = _tuple$5[0]; + n = _tuple$5[1]; + $r = $clone(e, encoder).marshalUnknown(v$4); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = e.Encoder.EndMessage(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("prototext: error parsing unknown field wire type: %v", new sliceType$1([new protowire.Type(wtype)])); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 11: + case 4: + b = $subslice(b, n); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalUnknown, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, b, e, n, num, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, wtype, $s};return $f; + }; + encoder.prototype.marshalUnknown = function(b) { return this.$val.marshalUnknown(b); }; + encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalAny = function(any) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, any, e, err, fdType, fdValue, fds, m, mt, pos, typeURL, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {any}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = any.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = _r.Fields(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fds = _r$1; + _r$2 = fds.ByNumber(1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fdType = _r$2; + _r$3 = any.Get(fdType); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = $clone(_r$3, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + typeURL = _r$4; + _r$5 = e.opts.Resolver.FindMessageByURL(typeURL); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + mt = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$6 = mt.New(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Interface(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$7; + _r$8 = fds.ByNumber(2); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fdValue = _r$8; + _r$9 = any.Get(fdValue); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + value = $clone(_r$9, protoreflect.Value); + _r$10 = $clone(value, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = new proto.UnmarshalOptions.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), false, true, false, e.opts.Resolver, 0).Unmarshal(_r$10, m); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + pos = $clone(e.Encoder.Snapshot(), text.encoderState); + $r = e.Encoder.WriteName("[" + typeURL + "]"); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(e, encoder).marshalMessage(_r$12, true); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$13; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + e.Encoder.Reset($clone(pos, text.encoderState)); + $s = -1; return false; + } + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encoder.ptr.prototype.marshalAny, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, any, e, err, fdType, fdValue, fds, m, mt, pos, typeURL, value, $s};return $f; + }; + encoder.prototype.marshalAny = function(any) { return this.$val.marshalAny(any); }; + MarshalOptions.methods = [{prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Marshal", name: "Marshal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [sliceType, $error], false)}]; + encoder.methods = [{prop: "marshalMessage", name: "marshalMessage", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Message, $Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "marshalField", name: "marshalField", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", typ: $funcType([$String, protoreflect.Value, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$error], false)}, {prop: "marshalSingular", name: "marshalSingular", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$error], false)}, {prop: "marshalList", name: "marshalList", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", typ: $funcType([$String, protoreflect.List, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$error], false)}, {prop: "marshalMap", name: "marshalMap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", typ: $funcType([$String, protoreflect.Map, protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$error], false)}, {prop: "marshalUnknown", name: "marshalUnknown", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}, {prop: "marshalAny", name: "marshalAny", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Message], [$Bool], false)}]; + MarshalOptions.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Multiline", name: "Multiline", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Indent", name: "Indent", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "EmitASCII", name: "EmitASCII", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "allowInvalidUTF8", name: "allowInvalidUTF8", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "AllowPartial", name: "AllowPartial", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "EmitUnknown", name: "EmitUnknown", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Resolver", name: "Resolver", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: interfaceType, tag: ""}]); + encoder.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext", [{prop: "Encoder", name: "Encoder", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "opts", name: "opts", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: MarshalOptions, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protowire.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = messageset.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = text.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = flags.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = genid.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = order.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pragma.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = set.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strs.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = proto.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoregistry.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/tag"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, defval, filedesc, strs, protoreflect, reflect, strconv, strings, ptrType, funcType, arrayType, sliceType, sliceType$1, byteType, Unmarshal, Marshal; + defval = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval"]; + filedesc = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc"]; + strs = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + ptrType = $ptrType(filedesc.File); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($String); + Unmarshal = function(tag, goType, evs) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, ev, evs, f, goType, i, jsonName, n, s, tag, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {tag, goType, evs}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = new filedesc.Field.ptr(new filedesc.Base.ptr(new filedesc.BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)), new filedesc.FieldL1.ptr($throwNilPointerError, 0, 0, 0, new filedesc.stringName.ptr(false, new $packages["sync"].Once.ptr(0, new $packages["sync"].Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), "", ""), false, false, false, false, false, false, new filedesc.defaultValue.ptr(false, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), $ifaceNil, sliceType.nil), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil)); + f.Base.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto2; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(tag.length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(tag.length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = strings.IndexByte(tag, 44); + if (i < 0) { + i = tag.length; + } + s = $substring(tag, 0, i); + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(s, "name=")) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (strings.Trim(s, "0123456789") === "") { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "opt") { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "req") { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "rep") { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "varint") { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "zigzag32") { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "zigzag64") { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "fixed32") { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "fixed64") { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "bytes") { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "group") { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(s, "enum=")) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(s, "json=")) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "packed") { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(s, "weak=")) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(s, "def=")) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if (s === "proto3") { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (strings.HasPrefix(s, "name=")) { */ case 4: + f.Base.L0.FullName = ($substring(s, 5)); + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (strings.Trim(s, "0123456789") === "") { */ case 5: + _tuple = strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 32); + n = _tuple[0]; + f.L1.Number = ((n.$low >> 0)); + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "opt") { */ case 6: + f.L1.Cardinality = 1; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "req") { */ case 7: + f.L1.Cardinality = 2; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "rep") { */ case 8: + f.L1.Cardinality = 3; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "varint") { */ case 9: + _r = goType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r; + if (_1 === (1)) { + f.L1.Kind = 8; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + f.L1.Kind = 5; + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + f.L1.Kind = 3; + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + f.L1.Kind = 13; + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + f.L1.Kind = 4; + } + case 23: + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "zigzag32") { */ case 10: + _r$1 = goType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1 === 5) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (_r$1 === 5) { */ case 25: + f.L1.Kind = 17; + /* } */ case 26: + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "zigzag64") { */ case 11: + _r$2 = goType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2 === 6) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (_r$2 === 6) { */ case 28: + f.L1.Kind = 18; + /* } */ case 29: + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "fixed32") { */ case 12: + _r$3 = goType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _2 = _r$3; + if (_2 === (5)) { + f.L1.Kind = 15; + } else if (_2 === (10)) { + f.L1.Kind = 7; + } else if (_2 === (13)) { + f.L1.Kind = 2; + } + case 31: + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "fixed64") { */ case 13: + _r$4 = goType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _3 = _r$4; + if (_3 === (6)) { + f.L1.Kind = 16; + } else if (_3 === (11)) { + f.L1.Kind = 6; + } else if (_3 === (14)) { + f.L1.Kind = 1; + } + case 33: + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "bytes") { */ case 14: + _r$5 = goType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$5 === 24)) { $s = 36; continue; } + _r$6 = goType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$6 === 23)) { _v = false; $s = 41; continue s; } + _r$7 = goType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = $interfaceIsEqual(_r$7, byteType); case 41: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if ((_r$5 === 24)) { */ case 36: + f.L1.Kind = 9; + $s = 39; continue; + /* } else if (_v) { */ case 37: + f.L1.Kind = 12; + $s = 39; continue; + /* } else { */ case 38: + f.L1.Kind = 11; + /* } */ case 39: + case 35: + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "group") { */ case 15: + f.L1.Kind = 10; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (strings.HasPrefix(s, "enum=")) { */ case 16: + f.L1.Kind = 14; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (strings.HasPrefix(s, "json=")) { */ case 17: + jsonName = $substring(s, 5); + if (!(jsonName === strs.JSONCamelCase((new protoreflect.FullName(f.Base.L0.FullName).Name())))) { + f.L1.StringName.InitJSON(jsonName); + } + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "packed") { */ case 18: + f.L1.HasPacked = true; + f.L1.IsPacked = true; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (strings.HasPrefix(s, "weak=")) { */ case 19: + f.L1.IsWeak = true; + f.L1.Message = new filedesc.PlaceholderMessage((($substring(s, 5)))); + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (strings.HasPrefix(s, "def=")) { */ case 20: + _tmp = $substring(tag, 4); + _tmp$1 = tag.length; + s = _tmp; + i = _tmp$1; + _r$8 = defval.Unmarshal(s, f.L1.Kind, evs, 2); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + v = $clone(_tuple$1[0], protoreflect.Value); + ev = _tuple$1[1]; + _r$9 = filedesc.DefaultValue($clone(v, protoreflect.Value), ev); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + filedesc.defaultValue.copy(f.L1.Default, _r$9); + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (s === "proto3") { */ case 21: + f.Base.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto3; + /* } */ case 22: + case 3: + tag = strings.TrimPrefix($substring(tag, i), ","); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (f.L1.Kind === 10) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ $s = 47; continue; + /* if (f.L1.Kind === 10) { */ case 46: + _r$10 = strings.ToLower((f.Base.L0.FullName)); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f.Base.L0.FullName = (_r$10); + /* } */ case 47: + $s = -1; return f; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Unmarshal, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, ev, evs, f, goType, i, jsonName, n, s, tag, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Unmarshal = Unmarshal; + Marshal = function(fd, enumName) { + var {_1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _v, _v$1, def, enumName, fd, jsonName, name, tag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, enumName}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + tag = sliceType$1.nil; + _r = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r; + if ((_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (14)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4))) { + tag = $append(tag, "varint"); + } else if (_1 === (17)) { + tag = $append(tag, "zigzag32"); + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + tag = $append(tag, "zigzag64"); + } else if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (2))) { + tag = $append(tag, "fixed32"); + } else if ((_1 === (16)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (1))) { + tag = $append(tag, "fixed64"); + } else if ((_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (11))) { + tag = $append(tag, "bytes"); + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + tag = $append(tag, "group"); + } + case 1: + _r$1 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = strconv.Itoa(((_r$1 >> 0))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tag = $append(tag, _r$2); + _r$3 = fd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _2 = _r$3; + if (_2 === (1)) { + tag = $append(tag, "opt"); + } else if (_2 === (2)) { + tag = $append(tag, "req"); + } else if (_2 === (3)) { + tag = $append(tag, "rep"); + } + case 5: + _r$4 = fd.IsPacked(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_r$4) { */ case 7: + tag = $append(tag, "packed"); + /* } */ case 8: + _r$5 = fd.Name(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = (_r$5); + _r$6 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6 === 10) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_r$6 === 10) { */ case 11: + _r$7 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Name(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = (_r$8); + /* } */ case 12: + tag = $append(tag, "name=" + name); + _r$9 = fd.JSONName(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + jsonName = _r$9; + if (!(!(jsonName === "") && !(jsonName === name))) { _v = false; $s = 19; continue s; } + _r$10 = fd.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$10; case 19: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 17: + tag = $append(tag, "json=" + jsonName); + /* } */ case 18: + _r$11 = fd.IsWeak(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$11) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_r$11) { */ case 21: + _r$12 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.FullName(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tag = $append(tag, "weak=" + (_r$13)); + /* } */ case 22: + _r$14 = fd.Syntax(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$14 === 3)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 28; continue s; } + _r$15 = fd.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !_r$15; case 28: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 26: + tag = $append(tag, "proto3"); + /* } */ case 27: + _r$16 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$16 === 14) && !(enumName === "")) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if ((_r$16 === 14) && !(enumName === "")) { */ case 31: + tag = $append(tag, "enum=" + enumName); + /* } */ case 32: + _r$17 = fd.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$17, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$17, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 34: + tag = $append(tag, "oneof"); + /* } */ case 35: + _r$18 = fd.HasDefault(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$18) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (_r$18) { */ case 37: + _r$19 = fd.Default(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r$19, protoreflect.Value); + _r$20 = fd.DefaultEnumValue(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$20; + _r$21 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$21; + _r$22 = defval.Marshal(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, 2); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$22; + def = _tuple[0]; + tag = $append(tag, "def=" + def); + /* } */ case 38: + $s = -1; return strings.Join(tag, ","); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Marshal, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _v, _v$1, def, enumName, fd, jsonName, name, tag, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Marshal = Marshal; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = defval.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = filedesc.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strs.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + byteType = reflect.TypeOf(new $Uint8(0)); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["io/ioutil"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, io, fs, os, sort, ReadAll, NopCloser; + io = $packages["io"]; + fs = $packages["io/fs"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + ReadAll = function(r) { + var {$24r, _r, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = io.ReadAll(r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ReadAll, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ReadAll = ReadAll; + NopCloser = function(r) { + var r; + return io.NopCloser(r); + }; + $pkg.NopCloser = NopCloser; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fs.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.Discard = io.Discard; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, gzip, binary, json, fmt, prototext, protowire, descopts, detrand, messageset, tag, errors, filedesc, flags, genid, order, pragma, strs, proto, protoreflect, protoregistry, protoiface, crc32, ioutil, math, bits, reflect, sort, strconv, strings, sync, atomic, utf8, weakFields, ValidationStatus, validationInfo, validationType, Pointer, offset, pointer, atomicNilMessage, fieldInfo, oneofInfo, reflectMessageInfo, extensionMap, MessageState, messageState, messageReflectWrapper, messageIfaceWrapper, MessageInfo, exporter, structInfo, mapEntryType, mergeOptions, placeholderEnumValues, legacyMarshaler, legacyUnmarshaler, legacyMerger, aberrantMessageType, aberrantMessage, enumV1, messageV1, resolverOnly, placeholderExtension, legacyEnumType, legacyEnumWrapper, ExtensionInfo, extensionTypeDescriptor, EnumInfo, marshalOptions, unmarshalOptions, unmarshalOutput, mapConverter, mapReflect, listConverter, listPtrConverter, listReflect, unwrapper, Converter, boolConverter, int32Converter, int64Converter, uint32Converter, uint64Converter, float32Converter, float64Converter, stringConverter, bytesConverter, enumConverter, messageConverter, pointerCoderFuncs, valueCoderFuncs, coderMessageInfo, coderFieldInfo, mapInfo, errInvalidUTF8, extensionFieldInfo, lazyExtensionValue, ExtensionField, Export, legacyMessageWrapper, validationState, arrayType, sliceType, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, mapType, ptrType$3, mapType$1, structType, structType$1, funcType, structType$2, structType$3, funcType$1, interfaceType, structType$4, structType$5, funcType$2, structType$6, funcType$3, structType$7, structType$8, funcType$4, structType$9, ptrType$4, sliceType$1, ptrType$5, sliceType$2, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, sliceType$3, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, sliceType$4, ptrType$13, ptrType$14, ptrType$15, sliceType$5, ptrType$16, ptrType$17, ptrType$18, sliceType$6, ptrType$19, ptrType$20, ptrType$21, sliceType$7, ptrType$22, ptrType$23, ptrType$24, sliceType$8, ptrType$25, ptrType$26, ptrType$27, sliceType$9, ptrType$28, ptrType$29, ptrType$30, sliceType$10, ptrType$31, ptrType$32, sliceType$11, ptrType$33, ptrType$34, ptrType$35, ptrType$36, sliceType$12, sliceType$13, ptrType$37, ptrType$38, funcType$5, arrayType$1, sliceType$14, sliceType$15, ptrType$39, ptrType$40, interfaceType$1, interfaceType$2, sliceType$16, ptrType$41, sliceType$17, sliceType$18, sliceType$19, ptrType$42, sliceType$20, sliceType$21, sliceType$22, arrayType$2, sliceType$23, sliceType$24, funcType$6, sliceType$25, sliceType$26, sliceType$27, interfaceType$3, ptrType$43, ptrType$44, ptrType$45, ptrType$46, ptrType$47, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, ptrType$48, sliceType$28, arrayType$5, sliceType$29, ptrType$49, ptrType$50, ptrType$51, sliceType$30, ptrType$52, ptrType$53, ptrType$54, structType$10, ptrType$55, funcType$7, funcType$8, funcType$9, funcType$10, funcType$11, funcType$12, funcType$13, mapType$2, mapType$3, mapType$4, funcType$14, funcType$15, funcType$16, funcType$17, arrayType$6, ptrType$56, mapType$5, mapType$6, mapType$7, mapType$8, ptrType$57, ptrType$58, ptrType$59, ptrType$60, funcType$18, ptrType$61, ptrType$62, ptrType$63, ptrType$64, ptrType$65, ptrType$66, ptrType$67, ptrType$68, ptrType$69, ptrType$70, ptrType$71, ptrType$72, funcType$19, funcType$20, funcType$21, funcType$22, funcType$23, funcType$24, funcType$25, funcType$26, funcType$27, funcType$28, mapType$9, ptrType$73, invalidOffset, zeroOffset, nilBytes, emptyBytes, sizecacheType, weakFieldsType, unknownFieldsAType, unknownFieldsBType, extensionFieldsType, legacyMessageTypeCache, legacyMessageDescCache, aberrantMessageDescLock, aberrantMessageDescCache, aberrantProtoMethods, legacyFileDescCache, legacyEnumTypeCache, legacyEnumDescCache, aberrantEnumDescCache, errDecode, errRecursionDepth, lazyUnmarshalOptions, errUnknown, boolType, int32Type, int64Type, uint32Type, uint64Type, float32Type, float64Type, stringType, bytesType, byteType, boolZero, int32Zero, int64Zero, uint32Zero, uint64Zero, float32Zero, float64Zero, stringZero, bytesZero, coderEnum, coderEnumNoZero, coderEnumPtr, coderEnumSlice, coderEnumPackedSlice, coderBool, coderBoolNoZero, coderBoolPtr, coderBoolSlice, coderBoolPackedSlice, coderBoolValue, coderBoolSliceValue, coderBoolPackedSliceValue, coderEnumValue, coderEnumSliceValue, coderEnumPackedSliceValue, coderInt32, coderInt32NoZero, coderInt32Ptr, coderInt32Slice, coderInt32PackedSlice, coderInt32Value, coderInt32SliceValue, coderInt32PackedSliceValue, coderSint32, coderSint32NoZero, coderSint32Ptr, coderSint32Slice, coderSint32PackedSlice, coderSint32Value, coderSint32SliceValue, coderSint32PackedSliceValue, coderUint32, coderUint32NoZero, coderUint32Ptr, coderUint32Slice, coderUint32PackedSlice, coderUint32Value, coderUint32SliceValue, coderUint32PackedSliceValue, coderInt64, coderInt64NoZero, coderInt64Ptr, coderInt64Slice, coderInt64PackedSlice, coderInt64Value, coderInt64SliceValue, coderInt64PackedSliceValue, coderSint64, coderSint64NoZero, coderSint64Ptr, coderSint64Slice, coderSint64PackedSlice, coderSint64Value, coderSint64SliceValue, coderSint64PackedSliceValue, coderUint64, coderUint64NoZero, coderUint64Ptr, coderUint64Slice, coderUint64PackedSlice, coderUint64Value, coderUint64SliceValue, coderUint64PackedSliceValue, coderSfixed32, coderSfixed32NoZero, coderSfixed32Ptr, coderSfixed32Slice, coderSfixed32PackedSlice, coderSfixed32Value, coderSfixed32SliceValue, coderSfixed32PackedSliceValue, coderFixed32, coderFixed32NoZero, coderFixed32Ptr, coderFixed32Slice, coderFixed32PackedSlice, coderFixed32Value, coderFixed32SliceValue, coderFixed32PackedSliceValue, coderFloat, coderFloatNoZero, coderFloatPtr, coderFloatSlice, coderFloatPackedSlice, coderFloatValue, coderFloatSliceValue, coderFloatPackedSliceValue, coderSfixed64, coderSfixed64NoZero, coderSfixed64Ptr, coderSfixed64Slice, coderSfixed64PackedSlice, coderSfixed64Value, coderSfixed64SliceValue, coderSfixed64PackedSliceValue, coderFixed64, coderFixed64NoZero, coderFixed64Ptr, coderFixed64Slice, coderFixed64PackedSlice, coderFixed64Value, coderFixed64SliceValue, coderFixed64PackedSliceValue, coderDouble, coderDoubleNoZero, coderDoublePtr, coderDoubleSlice, coderDoublePackedSlice, coderDoubleValue, coderDoubleSliceValue, coderDoublePackedSliceValue, coderString, coderStringValidateUTF8, coderStringNoZero, coderStringNoZeroValidateUTF8, coderStringPtr, coderStringPtrValidateUTF8, coderStringSlice, coderStringSliceValidateUTF8, coderStringValue, coderStringValueValidateUTF8, coderStringSliceValue, coderBytes, coderBytesValidateUTF8, coderBytesNoZero, coderBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8, coderBytesSlice, coderBytesSliceValidateUTF8, coderBytesValue, coderBytesSliceValue, emptyBuf, wireTypes, coderMessageValue, coderGroupValue, coderMessageSliceValue, coderGroupSliceValue, legacyExtensionFieldInfoCache, needsInitCheckMu, needsInitCheckMap, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, newFieldValidationInfo, newValidationInfo, offsetOf, pointerOfValue, pointerOfIface, fieldInfoForMissing, fieldInfoForOneof, fieldInfoForMap, fieldInfoForList, fieldInfoForScalar, fieldInfoForWeakMessage, fieldInfoForMessage, makeOneofInfo, isZero, getMessageInfo, mergeBool, mergeBoolNoZero, mergeBoolPtr, mergeBoolSlice, mergeInt32, mergeInt32NoZero, mergeInt32Ptr, mergeInt32Slice, mergeUint32, mergeUint32NoZero, mergeUint32Ptr, mergeUint32Slice, mergeInt64, mergeInt64NoZero, mergeInt64Ptr, mergeInt64Slice, mergeUint64, mergeUint64NoZero, mergeUint64Ptr, mergeUint64Slice, mergeFloat32, mergeFloat32NoZero, mergeFloat32Ptr, mergeFloat32Slice, mergeFloat64, mergeFloat64NoZero, mergeFloat64Ptr, mergeFloat64Slice, mergeString, mergeStringNoZero, mergeStringPtr, mergeStringSlice, mergeScalarValue, mergeBytesValue, mergeListValue, mergeBytesListValue, mergeMessageListValue, mergeMessageValue, mergeMessage, mergeMessageSlice, mergeBytes, mergeBytesNoZero, mergeBytesSlice, legacyWrapMessage, legacyLoadMessageType, legacyLoadMessageInfo, LegacyLoadMessageDesc, legacyLoadMessageDesc, aberrantLoadMessageDesc, aberrantLoadMessageDescReentrant, aberrantDeriveMessageName, aberrantAppendField, legacyMarshal, legacyUnmarshal, legacyMerge, legacyLoadFileDesc, legacyEnumName, legacyWrapEnum, legacyLoadEnumType, LegacyLoadEnumDesc, aberrantLoadEnumDesc, AberrantDeriveFullName, InitExtensionInfo, skipExtension, newMapConverter, newListConverter, NewConverter, newSingularConverter, newEnumConverter, newMessageConverter, fieldCoder, encoderFuncsForValue, sizeEnum, appendEnum, consumeEnum, mergeEnum, sizeEnumNoZero, appendEnumNoZero, mergeEnumNoZero, sizeEnumPtr, appendEnumPtr, consumeEnumPtr, mergeEnumPtr, sizeEnumSlice, appendEnumSlice, consumeEnumSlice, mergeEnumSlice, sizeEnumPackedSlice, appendEnumPackedSlice, sizeMessageSet, marshalMessageSet, marshalMessageSetField, unmarshalMessageSet, mapRange, encoderFuncsForMap, sizeMap, consumeMap, consumeMapOfMessage, appendMapItem, appendMap, appendMapDeterministic, isInitMap, mergeMap, mergeMapOfBytes, mergeMapOfMessage, sizeBool, appendBool, consumeBool, sizeBoolNoZero, appendBoolNoZero, sizeBoolPtr, appendBoolPtr, consumeBoolPtr, sizeBoolSlice, appendBoolSlice, consumeBoolSlice, sizeBoolPackedSlice, appendBoolPackedSlice, sizeBoolValue, appendBoolValue, consumeBoolValue, sizeBoolSliceValue, appendBoolSliceValue, consumeBoolSliceValue, sizeBoolPackedSliceValue, appendBoolPackedSliceValue, sizeEnumValue, appendEnumValue, consumeEnumValue, sizeEnumSliceValue, appendEnumSliceValue, consumeEnumSliceValue, sizeEnumPackedSliceValue, appendEnumPackedSliceValue, sizeInt32, appendInt32, consumeInt32, sizeInt32NoZero, appendInt32NoZero, sizeInt32Ptr, appendInt32Ptr, consumeInt32Ptr, sizeInt32Slice, appendInt32Slice, consumeInt32Slice, sizeInt32PackedSlice, appendInt32PackedSlice, sizeInt32Value, appendInt32Value, consumeInt32Value, sizeInt32SliceValue, appendInt32SliceValue, consumeInt32SliceValue, sizeInt32PackedSliceValue, appendInt32PackedSliceValue, sizeSint32, appendSint32, consumeSint32, sizeSint32NoZero, appendSint32NoZero, sizeSint32Ptr, appendSint32Ptr, consumeSint32Ptr, sizeSint32Slice, appendSint32Slice, consumeSint32Slice, sizeSint32PackedSlice, appendSint32PackedSlice, sizeSint32Value, appendSint32Value, consumeSint32Value, sizeSint32SliceValue, appendSint32SliceValue, consumeSint32SliceValue, sizeSint32PackedSliceValue, appendSint32PackedSliceValue, sizeUint32, appendUint32, consumeUint32, sizeUint32NoZero, appendUint32NoZero, sizeUint32Ptr, appendUint32Ptr, consumeUint32Ptr, sizeUint32Slice, appendUint32Slice, consumeUint32Slice, sizeUint32PackedSlice, appendUint32PackedSlice, sizeUint32Value, appendUint32Value, consumeUint32Value, sizeUint32SliceValue, appendUint32SliceValue, consumeUint32SliceValue, sizeUint32PackedSliceValue, appendUint32PackedSliceValue, sizeInt64, appendInt64, consumeInt64, sizeInt64NoZero, appendInt64NoZero, sizeInt64Ptr, appendInt64Ptr, consumeInt64Ptr, sizeInt64Slice, appendInt64Slice, consumeInt64Slice, sizeInt64PackedSlice, appendInt64PackedSlice, sizeInt64Value, appendInt64Value, consumeInt64Value, sizeInt64SliceValue, appendInt64SliceValue, consumeInt64SliceValue, sizeInt64PackedSliceValue, appendInt64PackedSliceValue, sizeSint64, appendSint64, consumeSint64, sizeSint64NoZero, appendSint64NoZero, sizeSint64Ptr, appendSint64Ptr, consumeSint64Ptr, sizeSint64Slice, appendSint64Slice, consumeSint64Slice, sizeSint64PackedSlice, appendSint64PackedSlice, sizeSint64Value, appendSint64Value, consumeSint64Value, sizeSint64SliceValue, appendSint64SliceValue, consumeSint64SliceValue, sizeSint64PackedSliceValue, appendSint64PackedSliceValue, sizeUint64, appendUint64, consumeUint64, sizeUint64NoZero, appendUint64NoZero, sizeUint64Ptr, appendUint64Ptr, consumeUint64Ptr, sizeUint64Slice, appendUint64Slice, consumeUint64Slice, sizeUint64PackedSlice, appendUint64PackedSlice, sizeUint64Value, appendUint64Value, consumeUint64Value, sizeUint64SliceValue, appendUint64SliceValue, consumeUint64SliceValue, sizeUint64PackedSliceValue, appendUint64PackedSliceValue, sizeSfixed32, appendSfixed32, consumeSfixed32, sizeSfixed32NoZero, appendSfixed32NoZero, sizeSfixed32Ptr, appendSfixed32Ptr, consumeSfixed32Ptr, sizeSfixed32Slice, appendSfixed32Slice, consumeSfixed32Slice, sizeSfixed32PackedSlice, appendSfixed32PackedSlice, sizeSfixed32Value, appendSfixed32Value, consumeSfixed32Value, sizeSfixed32SliceValue, appendSfixed32SliceValue, consumeSfixed32SliceValue, sizeSfixed32PackedSliceValue, appendSfixed32PackedSliceValue, sizeFixed32, appendFixed32, consumeFixed32, sizeFixed32NoZero, appendFixed32NoZero, sizeFixed32Ptr, appendFixed32Ptr, consumeFixed32Ptr, sizeFixed32Slice, appendFixed32Slice, consumeFixed32Slice, sizeFixed32PackedSlice, appendFixed32PackedSlice, sizeFixed32Value, appendFixed32Value, consumeFixed32Value, sizeFixed32SliceValue, appendFixed32SliceValue, consumeFixed32SliceValue, sizeFixed32PackedSliceValue, appendFixed32PackedSliceValue, sizeFloat, appendFloat, consumeFloat, sizeFloatNoZero, appendFloatNoZero, sizeFloatPtr, appendFloatPtr, consumeFloatPtr, sizeFloatSlice, appendFloatSlice, consumeFloatSlice, sizeFloatPackedSlice, appendFloatPackedSlice, sizeFloatValue, appendFloatValue, consumeFloatValue, sizeFloatSliceValue, appendFloatSliceValue, consumeFloatSliceValue, sizeFloatPackedSliceValue, appendFloatPackedSliceValue, sizeSfixed64, appendSfixed64, consumeSfixed64, sizeSfixed64NoZero, appendSfixed64NoZero, sizeSfixed64Ptr, appendSfixed64Ptr, consumeSfixed64Ptr, sizeSfixed64Slice, appendSfixed64Slice, consumeSfixed64Slice, sizeSfixed64PackedSlice, appendSfixed64PackedSlice, sizeSfixed64Value, appendSfixed64Value, consumeSfixed64Value, sizeSfixed64SliceValue, appendSfixed64SliceValue, consumeSfixed64SliceValue, sizeSfixed64PackedSliceValue, appendSfixed64PackedSliceValue, sizeFixed64, appendFixed64, consumeFixed64, sizeFixed64NoZero, appendFixed64NoZero, sizeFixed64Ptr, appendFixed64Ptr, consumeFixed64Ptr, sizeFixed64Slice, appendFixed64Slice, consumeFixed64Slice, sizeFixed64PackedSlice, appendFixed64PackedSlice, sizeFixed64Value, appendFixed64Value, consumeFixed64Value, sizeFixed64SliceValue, appendFixed64SliceValue, consumeFixed64SliceValue, sizeFixed64PackedSliceValue, appendFixed64PackedSliceValue, sizeDouble, appendDouble, consumeDouble, sizeDoubleNoZero, appendDoubleNoZero, sizeDoublePtr, appendDoublePtr, consumeDoublePtr, sizeDoubleSlice, appendDoubleSlice, consumeDoubleSlice, sizeDoublePackedSlice, appendDoublePackedSlice, sizeDoubleValue, appendDoubleValue, consumeDoubleValue, sizeDoubleSliceValue, appendDoubleSliceValue, consumeDoubleSliceValue, sizeDoublePackedSliceValue, appendDoublePackedSliceValue, sizeString, appendString, consumeString, appendStringValidateUTF8, consumeStringValidateUTF8, sizeStringNoZero, appendStringNoZero, appendStringNoZeroValidateUTF8, sizeStringPtr, appendStringPtr, consumeStringPtr, appendStringPtrValidateUTF8, consumeStringPtrValidateUTF8, sizeStringSlice, appendStringSlice, consumeStringSlice, appendStringSliceValidateUTF8, consumeStringSliceValidateUTF8, sizeStringValue, appendStringValue, consumeStringValue, appendStringValueValidateUTF8, consumeStringValueValidateUTF8, sizeStringSliceValue, appendStringSliceValue, consumeStringSliceValue, sizeBytes, appendBytes, consumeBytes, appendBytesValidateUTF8, consumeBytesValidateUTF8, sizeBytesNoZero, appendBytesNoZero, consumeBytesNoZero, appendBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8, consumeBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8, sizeBytesSlice, appendBytesSlice, consumeBytesSlice, appendBytesSliceValidateUTF8, consumeBytesSliceValidateUTF8, sizeBytesValue, appendBytesValue, consumeBytesValue, sizeBytesSliceValue, appendBytesSliceValue, consumeBytesSliceValue, makeWeakMessageFieldCoder, makeMessageFieldCoder, sizeMessageInfo, appendMessageInfo, consumeMessageInfo, isInitMessageInfo, sizeMessage, appendMessage, consumeMessage, sizeMessageValue, appendMessageValue, consumeMessageValue, isInitMessageValue, sizeGroupValue, appendGroupValue, consumeGroupValue, makeGroupFieldCoder, sizeGroupType, appendGroupType, consumeGroupType, sizeGroup, appendGroup, consumeGroup, makeMessageSliceFieldCoder, sizeMessageSliceInfo, appendMessageSliceInfo, consumeMessageSliceInfo, isInitMessageSliceInfo, sizeMessageSlice, appendMessageSlice, consumeMessageSlice, isInitMessageSlice, sizeMessageSliceValue, appendMessageSliceValue, consumeMessageSliceValue, isInitMessageSliceValue, sizeGroupSliceValue, appendGroupSliceValue, consumeGroupSliceValue, makeGroupSliceFieldCoder, sizeGroupSlice, appendGroupSlice, consumeGroupSlice, sizeGroupSliceInfo, appendGroupSliceInfo, consumeGroupSliceInfo, asMessage, getExtensionFieldInfo, legacyLoadExtensionFieldInfo, makeExtensionFieldInfo, needsInitCheck, needsInitCheckLocked; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + gzip = $packages["compress/gzip"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + json = $packages["encoding/json"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + prototext = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext"]; + protowire = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"]; + descopts = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts"]; + detrand = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand"]; + messageset = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset"]; + tag = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/tag"]; + errors = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors"]; + filedesc = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc"]; + flags = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags"]; + genid = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid"]; + order = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order"]; + pragma = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"]; + strs = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs"]; + proto = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + protoregistry = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry"]; + protoiface = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface"]; + crc32 = $packages["hash/crc32"]; + ioutil = $packages["io/ioutil"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + weakFields = $pkg.weakFields = $newType(4, $kindMap, "impl.weakFields", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, null); + ValidationStatus = $pkg.ValidationStatus = $newType(4, $kindInt, "impl.ValidationStatus", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", true, null); + validationInfo = $pkg.validationInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.validationInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(mi_, typ_, keyType_, valType_, requiredBit_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mi = ptrType$5.nil; + this.typ = 0; + this.keyType = 0; + this.valType = 0; + this.requiredBit = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.mi = mi_; + this.typ = typ_; + this.keyType = keyType_; + this.valType = valType_; + this.requiredBit = requiredBit_; + }); + validationType = $pkg.validationType = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "impl.validationType", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, null); + Pointer = $pkg.Pointer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "impl.Pointer", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", true, null); + offset = $pkg.offset = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.offset", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(index_, export$1_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.index = 0; + this.export$1 = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.index = index_; + this.export$1 = export$1_; + }); + pointer = $pkg.pointer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.pointer", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(v_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0); + return; + } + this.v = v_; + }); + atomicNilMessage = $pkg.atomicNilMessage = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.atomicNilMessage", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(once_, m_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.m = new messageReflectWrapper.ptr(new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)), ptrType$5.nil); + return; + } + this.once = once_; + this.m = m_; + }); + fieldInfo = $pkg.fieldInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.fieldInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(fieldDesc_, has_, clear_, get_, set_, mutable_, newMessage_, newField_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fieldDesc = $ifaceNil; + this.has = $throwNilPointerError; + this.clear = $throwNilPointerError; + this.get = $throwNilPointerError; + this.set = $throwNilPointerError; + this.mutable = $throwNilPointerError; + this.newMessage = $throwNilPointerError; + this.newField = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.fieldDesc = fieldDesc_; + this.has = has_; + this.clear = clear_; + this.get = get_; + this.set = set_; + this.mutable = mutable_; + this.newMessage = newMessage_; + this.newField = newField_; + }); + oneofInfo = $pkg.oneofInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.oneofInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(oneofDesc_, which_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.oneofDesc = $ifaceNil; + this.which = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.oneofDesc = oneofDesc_; + this.which = which_; + }); + reflectMessageInfo = $pkg.reflectMessageInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.reflectMessageInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(fields_, oneofs_, fieldTypes_, denseFields_, rangeInfos_, getUnknown_, setUnknown_, extensionMap_, nilMessage_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fields = false; + this.oneofs = false; + this.fieldTypes = false; + this.denseFields = sliceType$15.nil; + this.rangeInfos = sliceType$1.nil; + this.getUnknown = $throwNilPointerError; + this.setUnknown = $throwNilPointerError; + this.extensionMap = $throwNilPointerError; + this.nilMessage = new atomicNilMessage.ptr(new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), new messageReflectWrapper.ptr(new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)), ptrType$5.nil)); + return; + } + this.fields = fields_; + this.oneofs = oneofs_; + this.fieldTypes = fieldTypes_; + this.denseFields = denseFields_; + this.rangeInfos = rangeInfos_; + this.getUnknown = getUnknown_; + this.setUnknown = setUnknown_; + this.extensionMap = extensionMap_; + this.nilMessage = nilMessage_; + }); + extensionMap = $pkg.extensionMap = $newType(4, $kindMap, "impl.extensionMap", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, null); + MessageState = $pkg.MessageState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.MessageState", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", true, function(NoUnkeyedLiterals_, DoNotCompare_, DoNotCopy_, atomicMessageInfo_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.NoUnkeyedLiterals = new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(); + this.DoNotCompare = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.DoNotCopy = arrayType$6.zero(); + this.atomicMessageInfo = ptrType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.NoUnkeyedLiterals = NoUnkeyedLiterals_; + this.DoNotCompare = DoNotCompare_; + this.DoNotCopy = DoNotCopy_; + this.atomicMessageInfo = atomicMessageInfo_; + }); + messageState = $pkg.messageState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.messageState", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(NoUnkeyedLiterals_, DoNotCompare_, DoNotCopy_, atomicMessageInfo_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.NoUnkeyedLiterals = new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(); + this.DoNotCompare = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.DoNotCopy = arrayType$6.zero(); + this.atomicMessageInfo = ptrType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.NoUnkeyedLiterals = NoUnkeyedLiterals_; + this.DoNotCompare = DoNotCompare_; + this.DoNotCopy = DoNotCopy_; + this.atomicMessageInfo = atomicMessageInfo_; + }); + messageReflectWrapper = $pkg.messageReflectWrapper = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.messageReflectWrapper", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(p_, mi_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.p = new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)); + this.mi = ptrType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.p = p_; + this.mi = mi_; + }); + messageIfaceWrapper = $pkg.messageIfaceWrapper = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.messageIfaceWrapper", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(p_, mi_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.p = new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)); + this.mi = ptrType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.p = p_; + this.mi = mi_; + }); + MessageInfo = $pkg.MessageInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.MessageInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", true, function(GoReflectType_, Desc_, Exporter_, OneofWrappers_, initMu_, initDone_, reflectMessageInfo_, coderMessageInfo_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.GoReflectType = $ifaceNil; + this.Desc = $ifaceNil; + this.Exporter = $throwNilPointerError; + this.OneofWrappers = sliceType$1.nil; + this.initMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.initDone = 0; + this.reflectMessageInfo = new reflectMessageInfo.ptr(false, false, false, sliceType$15.nil, sliceType$1.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, new atomicNilMessage.ptr(new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), new messageReflectWrapper.ptr(new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)), ptrType$5.nil))); + this.coderMessageInfo = new coderMessageInfo.ptr(new structType$9.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), new $Uint64(0, 0), $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError), sliceType$16.nil, sliceType$16.nil, false, new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError), new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError), false, new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError), false, false, 0); + return; + } + this.GoReflectType = GoReflectType_; + this.Desc = Desc_; + this.Exporter = Exporter_; + this.OneofWrappers = OneofWrappers_; + this.initMu = initMu_; + this.initDone = initDone_; + this.reflectMessageInfo = reflectMessageInfo_; + this.coderMessageInfo = coderMessageInfo_; + }); + exporter = $pkg.exporter = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "impl.exporter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, null); + structInfo = $pkg.structInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.structInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(sizecacheOffset_, sizecacheType_, weakOffset_, weakType_, unknownOffset_, unknownType_, extensionOffset_, extensionType_, fieldsByNumber_, oneofsByName_, oneofWrappersByType_, oneofWrappersByNumber_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.sizecacheOffset = new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError); + this.sizecacheType = $ifaceNil; + this.weakOffset = new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError); + this.weakType = $ifaceNil; + this.unknownOffset = new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError); + this.unknownType = $ifaceNil; + this.extensionOffset = new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError); + this.extensionType = $ifaceNil; + this.fieldsByNumber = false; + this.oneofsByName = false; + this.oneofWrappersByType = false; + this.oneofWrappersByNumber = false; + return; + } + this.sizecacheOffset = sizecacheOffset_; + this.sizecacheType = sizecacheType_; + this.weakOffset = weakOffset_; + this.weakType = weakType_; + this.unknownOffset = unknownOffset_; + this.unknownType = unknownType_; + this.extensionOffset = extensionOffset_; + this.extensionType = extensionType_; + this.fieldsByNumber = fieldsByNumber_; + this.oneofsByName = oneofsByName_; + this.oneofWrappersByType = oneofWrappersByType_; + this.oneofWrappersByNumber = oneofWrappersByNumber_; + }); + mapEntryType = $pkg.mapEntryType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.mapEntryType", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(desc_, valType_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.desc = $ifaceNil; + this.valType = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.desc = desc_; + this.valType = valType_; + }); + mergeOptions = $pkg.mergeOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.mergeOptions", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + placeholderEnumValues = $pkg.placeholderEnumValues = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.placeholderEnumValues", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(EnumValueDescriptors_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.EnumValueDescriptors = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.EnumValueDescriptors = EnumValueDescriptors_; + }); + legacyMarshaler = $pkg.legacyMarshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "impl.legacyMarshaler", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, null); + legacyUnmarshaler = $pkg.legacyUnmarshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "impl.legacyUnmarshaler", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, null); + legacyMerger = $pkg.legacyMerger = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "impl.legacyMerger", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, null); + aberrantMessageType = $pkg.aberrantMessageType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.aberrantMessageType", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(t_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.t = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.t = t_; + }); + aberrantMessage = $pkg.aberrantMessage = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.aberrantMessage", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(v_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0); + return; + } + this.v = v_; + }); + enumV1 = $pkg.enumV1 = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "impl.enumV1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, null); + messageV1 = $pkg.messageV1 = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "impl.messageV1", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, null); + resolverOnly = $pkg.resolverOnly = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.resolverOnly", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(reg_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.reg = ptrType$57.nil; + return; + } + this.reg = reg_; + }); + placeholderExtension = $pkg.placeholderExtension = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.placeholderExtension", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(name_, number_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + this.number = 0; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.number = number_; + }); + legacyEnumType = $pkg.legacyEnumType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.legacyEnumType", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(desc_, goType_, m_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.desc = $ifaceNil; + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.m = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + return; + } + this.desc = desc_; + this.goType = goType_; + this.m = m_; + }); + legacyEnumWrapper = $pkg.legacyEnumWrapper = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.legacyEnumWrapper", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(num_, pbTyp_, goTyp_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.num = 0; + this.pbTyp = $ifaceNil; + this.goTyp = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.num = num_; + this.pbTyp = pbTyp_; + this.goTyp = goTyp_; + }); + ExtensionInfo = $pkg.ExtensionInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.ExtensionInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", true, function(init_, mu_, goType_, desc_, conv_, info_, ExtendedType_, ExtensionType_, Field_, Name_, Tag_, Filename_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.init = 0; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.desc = new extensionTypeDescriptor.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$53.nil); + this.conv = $ifaceNil; + this.info = ptrType$54.nil; + this.ExtendedType = $ifaceNil; + this.ExtensionType = $ifaceNil; + this.Field = 0; + this.Name = ""; + this.Tag = ""; + this.Filename = ""; + return; + } + this.init = init_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.goType = goType_; + this.desc = desc_; + this.conv = conv_; + this.info = info_; + this.ExtendedType = ExtendedType_; + this.ExtensionType = ExtensionType_; + this.Field = Field_; + this.Name = Name_; + this.Tag = Tag_; + this.Filename = Filename_; + }); + extensionTypeDescriptor = $pkg.extensionTypeDescriptor = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.extensionTypeDescriptor", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(ExtensionDescriptor_, xi_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ExtensionDescriptor = $ifaceNil; + this.xi = ptrType$53.nil; + return; + } + this.ExtensionDescriptor = ExtensionDescriptor_; + this.xi = xi_; + }); + EnumInfo = $pkg.EnumInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.EnumInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", true, function(GoReflectType_, Desc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.GoReflectType = $ifaceNil; + this.Desc = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.GoReflectType = GoReflectType_; + this.Desc = Desc_; + }); + marshalOptions = $pkg.marshalOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.marshalOptions", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(flags_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.flags = 0; + return; + } + this.flags = flags_; + }); + unmarshalOptions = $pkg.unmarshalOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.unmarshalOptions", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(flags_, resolver_, depth_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.flags = 0; + this.resolver = $ifaceNil; + this.depth = 0; + return; + } + this.flags = flags_; + this.resolver = resolver_; + this.depth = depth_; + }); + unmarshalOutput = $pkg.unmarshalOutput = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.unmarshalOutput", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(n_, initialized_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.n = 0; + this.initialized = false; + return; + } + this.n = n_; + this.initialized = initialized_; + }); + mapConverter = $pkg.mapConverter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.mapConverter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, keyConv_, valConv_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.keyConv = $ifaceNil; + this.valConv = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.keyConv = keyConv_; + this.valConv = valConv_; + }); + mapReflect = $pkg.mapReflect = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.mapReflect", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(v_, keyConv_, valConv_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0); + this.keyConv = $ifaceNil; + this.valConv = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.v = v_; + this.keyConv = keyConv_; + this.valConv = valConv_; + }); + listConverter = $pkg.listConverter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.listConverter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, c_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.c = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.c = c_; + }); + listPtrConverter = $pkg.listPtrConverter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.listPtrConverter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, c_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.c = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.c = c_; + }); + listReflect = $pkg.listReflect = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.listReflect", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(v_, conv_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0); + this.conv = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.v = v_; + this.conv = conv_; + }); + unwrapper = $pkg.unwrapper = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "impl.unwrapper", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, null); + Converter = $pkg.Converter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "impl.Converter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", true, null); + boolConverter = $pkg.boolConverter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.boolConverter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, def_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.def = def_; + }); + int32Converter = $pkg.int32Converter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.int32Converter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, def_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.def = def_; + }); + int64Converter = $pkg.int64Converter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.int64Converter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, def_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.def = def_; + }); + uint32Converter = $pkg.uint32Converter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.uint32Converter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, def_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.def = def_; + }); + uint64Converter = $pkg.uint64Converter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.uint64Converter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, def_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.def = def_; + }); + float32Converter = $pkg.float32Converter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.float32Converter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, def_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.def = def_; + }); + float64Converter = $pkg.float64Converter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.float64Converter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, def_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.def = def_; + }); + stringConverter = $pkg.stringConverter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.stringConverter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, def_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.def = def_; + }); + bytesConverter = $pkg.bytesConverter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.bytesConverter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, def_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.def = def_; + }); + enumConverter = $pkg.enumConverter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.enumConverter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, def_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.def = def_; + }); + messageConverter = $pkg.messageConverter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.messageConverter", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + }); + pointerCoderFuncs = $pkg.pointerCoderFuncs = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.pointerCoderFuncs", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(mi_, size_, marshal_, unmarshal_, isInit_, merge_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mi = ptrType$5.nil; + this.size = $throwNilPointerError; + this.marshal = $throwNilPointerError; + this.unmarshal = $throwNilPointerError; + this.isInit = $throwNilPointerError; + this.merge = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.mi = mi_; + this.size = size_; + this.marshal = marshal_; + this.unmarshal = unmarshal_; + this.isInit = isInit_; + this.merge = merge_; + }); + valueCoderFuncs = $pkg.valueCoderFuncs = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.valueCoderFuncs", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(size_, marshal_, unmarshal_, isInit_, merge_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.size = $throwNilPointerError; + this.marshal = $throwNilPointerError; + this.unmarshal = $throwNilPointerError; + this.isInit = $throwNilPointerError; + this.merge = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.size = size_; + this.marshal = marshal_; + this.unmarshal = unmarshal_; + this.isInit = isInit_; + this.merge = merge_; + }); + coderMessageInfo = $pkg.coderMessageInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.coderMessageInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(methods_, orderedCoderFields_, denseCoderFields_, coderFields_, sizecacheOffset_, unknownOffset_, unknownPtrKind_, extensionOffset_, needsInitCheck_, isMessageSet_, numRequiredFields_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.methods = new structType$9.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), new $Uint64(0, 0), $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + this.orderedCoderFields = sliceType$16.nil; + this.denseCoderFields = sliceType$16.nil; + this.coderFields = false; + this.sizecacheOffset = new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError); + this.unknownOffset = new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError); + this.unknownPtrKind = false; + this.extensionOffset = new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError); + this.needsInitCheck = false; + this.isMessageSet = false; + this.numRequiredFields = 0; + return; + } + this.methods = methods_; + this.orderedCoderFields = orderedCoderFields_; + this.denseCoderFields = denseCoderFields_; + this.coderFields = coderFields_; + this.sizecacheOffset = sizecacheOffset_; + this.unknownOffset = unknownOffset_; + this.unknownPtrKind = unknownPtrKind_; + this.extensionOffset = extensionOffset_; + this.needsInitCheck = needsInitCheck_; + this.isMessageSet = isMessageSet_; + this.numRequiredFields = numRequiredFields_; + }); + coderFieldInfo = $pkg.coderFieldInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.coderFieldInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(funcs_, mi_, ft_, validation_, num_, offset_, wiretag_, tagsize_, isPointer_, isRequired_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.funcs = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + this.mi = ptrType$5.nil; + this.ft = $ifaceNil; + this.validation = new validationInfo.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, 0, 0, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.num = 0; + this.offset = new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError); + this.wiretag = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.tagsize = 0; + this.isPointer = false; + this.isRequired = false; + return; + } + this.funcs = funcs_; + this.mi = mi_; + this.ft = ft_; + this.validation = validation_; + this.num = num_; + this.offset = offset_; + this.wiretag = wiretag_; + this.tagsize = tagsize_; + this.isPointer = isPointer_; + this.isRequired = isRequired_; + }); + mapInfo = $pkg.mapInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.mapInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(goType_, keyWiretag_, valWiretag_, keyFuncs_, valFuncs_, keyZero_, keyKind_, conv_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goType = $ifaceNil; + this.keyWiretag = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.valWiretag = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.keyFuncs = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr($throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + this.valFuncs = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr($throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + this.keyZero = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + this.keyKind = 0; + this.conv = ptrType$52.nil; + return; + } + this.goType = goType_; + this.keyWiretag = keyWiretag_; + this.valWiretag = valWiretag_; + this.keyFuncs = keyFuncs_; + this.valFuncs = valFuncs_; + this.keyZero = keyZero_; + this.keyKind = keyKind_; + this.conv = conv_; + }); + errInvalidUTF8 = $pkg.errInvalidUTF8 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.errInvalidUTF8", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + extensionFieldInfo = $pkg.extensionFieldInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.extensionFieldInfo", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(wiretag_, tagsize_, unmarshalNeedsValue_, funcs_, validation_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.wiretag = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.tagsize = 0; + this.unmarshalNeedsValue = false; + this.funcs = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr($throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + this.validation = new validationInfo.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, 0, 0, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + return; + } + this.wiretag = wiretag_; + this.tagsize = tagsize_; + this.unmarshalNeedsValue = unmarshalNeedsValue_; + this.funcs = funcs_; + this.validation = validation_; + }); + lazyExtensionValue = $pkg.lazyExtensionValue = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.lazyExtensionValue", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(atomicOnce_, mu_, xi_, value_, b_, fn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.atomicOnce = 0; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.xi = ptrType$54.nil; + this.value = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + this.b = sliceType.nil; + this.fn = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.atomicOnce = atomicOnce_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.xi = xi_; + this.value = value_; + this.b = b_; + this.fn = fn_; + }); + ExtensionField = $pkg.ExtensionField = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.ExtensionField", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", true, function(typ_, value_, lazy_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.typ = $ifaceNil; + this.value = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + this.lazy = ptrType$40.nil; + return; + } + this.typ = typ_; + this.value = value_; + this.lazy = lazy_; + }); + Export = $pkg.Export = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.Export", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", true, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + legacyMessageWrapper = $pkg.legacyMessageWrapper = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.legacyMessageWrapper", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(m_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.m = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.m = m_; + }); + validationState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "impl.validationState", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", false, function(typ_, keyType_, valType_, endGroup_, mi_, tail_, requiredMask_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.typ = 0; + this.keyType = 0; + this.valType = 0; + this.endGroup = 0; + this.mi = ptrType$5.nil; + this.tail = sliceType.nil; + this.requiredMask = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.typ = typ_; + this.keyType = keyType_; + this.valType = valType_; + this.endGroup = endGroup_; + this.mi = mi_; + this.tail = tail_; + this.requiredMask = requiredMask_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 0); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(messageState); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(messageReflectWrapper); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(messageIfaceWrapper); + mapType = $mapType($Int32, protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(sliceType); + mapType$1 = $mapType($Int32, ExtensionField); + structType = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + structType$1 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + funcType = $funcType([structType], [structType$1], false); + structType$2 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Buf", name: "Buf", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + structType$3 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Buf", name: "Buf", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + funcType$1 = $funcType([structType$2], [structType$3, $error], false); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "FindExtensionByName", name: "FindExtensionByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.ExtensionType, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindExtensionByNumber", name: "FindExtensionByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName, protowire.Number], [protoreflect.ExtensionType, $error], false)}]); + structType$4 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Buf", name: "Buf", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "Resolver", name: "Resolver", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: interfaceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Depth", name: "Depth", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + structType$5 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + funcType$2 = $funcType([structType$4], [structType$5, $error], false); + structType$6 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Source", name: "Source", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}, {prop: "Destination", name: "Destination", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}]); + funcType$3 = $funcType([structType$6], [structType$5], false); + structType$7 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.Message, tag: ""}]); + structType$8 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}]); + funcType$4 = $funcType([structType$7], [structType$8, $error], false); + structType$9 = $structType("", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Marshal", name: "Marshal", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Unmarshal", name: "Unmarshal", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Merge", name: "Merge", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "CheckInitialized", name: "CheckInitialized", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$4, tag: ""}]); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(legacyEnumWrapper); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(MessageInfo); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(validationState); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(coderFieldInfo); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(reflect.rtype); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType($Bool); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(ptrType$8); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Bool); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(sliceType$3); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType($Int32); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(ptrType$11); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Int32); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(sliceType$4); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType($Int64); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(ptrType$14); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($Int64); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType(sliceType$5); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType($Uint32); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(ptrType$17); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType($Uint32); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType(sliceType$6); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType($Uint64); + ptrType$21 = $ptrType(ptrType$20); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType($Uint64); + ptrType$22 = $ptrType(sliceType$7); + ptrType$23 = $ptrType($Float32); + ptrType$24 = $ptrType(ptrType$23); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType($Float32); + ptrType$25 = $ptrType(sliceType$8); + ptrType$26 = $ptrType($Float64); + ptrType$27 = $ptrType(ptrType$26); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType($Float64); + ptrType$28 = $ptrType(sliceType$9); + ptrType$29 = $ptrType($String); + ptrType$30 = $ptrType(ptrType$29); + sliceType$10 = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$31 = $ptrType(sliceType$10); + ptrType$32 = $ptrType(ptrType$3); + sliceType$11 = $sliceType(sliceType); + ptrType$33 = $ptrType(sliceType$11); + ptrType$34 = $ptrType(weakFields); + ptrType$35 = $ptrType(mapType); + ptrType$36 = $ptrType(mapType$1); + sliceType$12 = $sliceType(pointer); + sliceType$13 = $sliceType(reflect.Value); + ptrType$37 = $ptrType(fieldInfo); + ptrType$38 = $ptrType(oneofInfo); + funcType$5 = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(funcType$5, 0); + sliceType$14 = $sliceType($Int); + sliceType$15 = $sliceType(ptrType$37); + ptrType$39 = $ptrType(extensionMap); + ptrType$40 = $ptrType(lazyExtensionValue); + interfaceType$1 = $interfaceType([{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]); + interfaceType$2 = $interfaceType([{prop: "ProtoMessageInfo", name: "ProtoMessageInfo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$5], false)}]); + sliceType$16 = $sliceType(ptrType$6); + ptrType$41 = $ptrType(filedesc.File); + sliceType$17 = $sliceType(filedesc.Enum); + sliceType$18 = $sliceType(filedesc.Message); + sliceType$19 = $sliceType(filedesc.Extension); + ptrType$42 = $ptrType(filedesc.MessageL2); + sliceType$20 = $sliceType(filedesc.Field); + sliceType$21 = $sliceType(filedesc.Oneof); + sliceType$22 = $sliceType(protoreflect.Name); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType(protowire.Number, 2); + sliceType$23 = $sliceType(arrayType$2); + sliceType$24 = $sliceType(protowire.Number); + funcType$6 = $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false); + sliceType$25 = $sliceType(funcType$6); + sliceType$26 = $sliceType(reflect.Type); + sliceType$27 = $sliceType(protoreflect.FieldDescriptor); + interfaceType$3 = $interfaceType([{prop: "XXX_MessageName", name: "XXX_MessageName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + ptrType$43 = $ptrType(filedesc.Field); + ptrType$44 = $ptrType($Uint8); + ptrType$45 = $ptrType(filedesc.ExtensionL2); + ptrType$46 = $ptrType(protoreflect.Name); + ptrType$47 = $ptrType(protoreflect.EnumNumber); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 5); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + ptrType$48 = $ptrType(filedesc.EnumL2); + sliceType$28 = $sliceType(filedesc.EnumValue); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType(protoreflect.EnumNumber, 2); + sliceType$29 = $sliceType(arrayType$5); + ptrType$49 = $ptrType(mapReflect); + ptrType$50 = $ptrType(messageConverter); + ptrType$51 = $ptrType(listReflect); + sliceType$30 = $sliceType(coderFieldInfo); + ptrType$52 = $ptrType(mapConverter); + ptrType$53 = $ptrType(ExtensionInfo); + ptrType$54 = $ptrType(extensionFieldInfo); + structType$10 = $structType("", []); + ptrType$55 = $ptrType(atomicNilMessage); + funcType$7 = $funcType([pointer], [$Bool], false); + funcType$8 = $funcType([pointer], [], false); + funcType$9 = $funcType([pointer], [protoreflect.Value], false); + funcType$10 = $funcType([pointer, protoreflect.Value], [], false); + funcType$11 = $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false); + funcType$12 = $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false); + funcType$13 = $funcType([pointer], [protowire.Number], false); + mapType$2 = $mapType(protowire.Number, ptrType$37); + mapType$3 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, ptrType$38); + mapType$4 = $mapType(protowire.Number, $emptyInterface); + funcType$14 = $funcType([pointer], [protoreflect.RawFields], false); + funcType$15 = $funcType([pointer, protoreflect.RawFields], [], false); + funcType$16 = $funcType([pointer], [ptrType$39], false); + funcType$17 = $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false); + arrayType$6 = $arrayType(sync.Mutex, 0); + ptrType$56 = $ptrType(structType$9); + mapType$5 = $mapType(protowire.Number, reflect.StructField); + mapType$6 = $mapType(protoreflect.Name, reflect.StructField); + mapType$7 = $mapType(reflect.Type, protowire.Number); + mapType$8 = $mapType(protowire.Number, reflect.Type); + ptrType$57 = $ptrType(protoregistry.Files); + ptrType$58 = $ptrType(legacyEnumType); + ptrType$59 = $ptrType(extensionTypeDescriptor); + ptrType$60 = $ptrType(EnumInfo); + funcType$18 = $funcType([protoreflect.MapKey, protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$61 = $ptrType(listConverter); + ptrType$62 = $ptrType(listPtrConverter); + ptrType$63 = $ptrType(boolConverter); + ptrType$64 = $ptrType(int32Converter); + ptrType$65 = $ptrType(int64Converter); + ptrType$66 = $ptrType(uint32Converter); + ptrType$67 = $ptrType(uint64Converter); + ptrType$68 = $ptrType(float32Converter); + ptrType$69 = $ptrType(float64Converter); + ptrType$70 = $ptrType(stringConverter); + ptrType$71 = $ptrType(bytesConverter); + ptrType$72 = $ptrType(enumConverter); + funcType$19 = $funcType([pointer, ptrType$6, marshalOptions], [$Int], false); + funcType$20 = $funcType([sliceType, pointer, ptrType$6, marshalOptions], [sliceType, $error], false); + funcType$21 = $funcType([sliceType, pointer, protowire.Type, ptrType$6, unmarshalOptions], [unmarshalOutput, $error], false); + funcType$22 = $funcType([pointer, ptrType$6], [$error], false); + funcType$23 = $funcType([pointer, pointer, ptrType$6, mergeOptions], [], false); + funcType$24 = $funcType([protoreflect.Value, $Int, marshalOptions], [$Int], false); + funcType$25 = $funcType([sliceType, protoreflect.Value, $Uint64, marshalOptions], [sliceType, $error], false); + funcType$26 = $funcType([sliceType, protoreflect.Value, protowire.Number, protowire.Type, unmarshalOptions], [protoreflect.Value, unmarshalOutput, $error], false); + funcType$27 = $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$error], false); + funcType$28 = $funcType([protoreflect.Value, protoreflect.Value, mergeOptions], [protoreflect.Value], false); + mapType$9 = $mapType(protowire.Number, ptrType$6); + ptrType$73 = $ptrType(ExtensionField); + weakFields.prototype.get = function(num) { + var _entry, _tuple, m, num, ok, w; + w = this.$val; + _tuple = (_entry = w[$Int32.keyFor(((num >> 0)))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + return [m, ok]; + }; + $ptrType(weakFields).prototype.get = function(num) { return new weakFields(this.$get()).get(num); }; + $ptrType(weakFields).prototype.set = function(num, m) { + var _key, m, num, w; + w = this; + if (w.$get() === false) { + w.$set({}); + } + _key = ((num >> 0)); (w.$get() || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: m }; + }; + $ptrType(weakFields).prototype.clear = function(num) { + var num, w; + w = this; + delete w.$get()[$Int32.keyFor(((num >> 0)))]; + }; + Export.ptr.prototype.HasWeak = function(w, num) { + var _entry, _tuple, num, ok, w; + _tuple = (_entry = w[$Int32.keyFor(((num >> 0)))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + return ok; + }; + Export.prototype.HasWeak = function(w, num) { return this.$val.HasWeak(w, num); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.ClearWeak = function(w, num) { + var num, w; + delete w.$get()[$Int32.keyFor(((num >> 0)))]; + }; + Export.prototype.ClearWeak = function(w, num) { return this.$val.ClearWeak(w, num); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.GetWeak = function(w, num, name) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, m, mt, name, num, ok, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, num, name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = (_entry = w[$Int32.keyFor(((num >> 0)))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return m; + } + _r$5 = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + mt = _tuple$1[0]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(mt, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(mt, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = fmt.Sprintf("message %v for weak field is not linked in", new sliceType$1([new protoreflect.FullName(name)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$6)); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$7 = mt.Zero(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Interface(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.GetWeak, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, m, mt, name, num, ok, w, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.GetWeak = function(w, num, name) { return this.$val.GetWeak(w, num, name); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.SetWeak = function(w, num, name, m) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _v, m, mt, name, num, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, num, name, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(name); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + mt = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(mt, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(mt, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 4: + _r$6 = fmt.Sprintf("message %v for weak field is not linked in", new sliceType$1([new protoreflect.FullName(name)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$6)); + /* } */ case 5: + _r$7 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Type(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mt, _r$8))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mt, _r$8))) { */ case 7: + _arg = m; + _r$9 = mt.Zero(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.Interface(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$10; + _r$11 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid message type for weak field: got %T, want %T", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$11)); + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 2: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { _v = true; $s = 16; continue s; } + _r$12 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.IsValid(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$13; case 16: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 14: + delete w.$get()[$Int32.keyFor(((num >> 0)))]; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 15: + if (w.$get() === false) { + w.$set({}); + } + _key = ((num >> 0)); (w.$get() || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: m }; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.SetWeak, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _v, m, mt, name, num, w, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.SetWeak = function(w, num, name, m) { return this.$val.SetWeak(w, num, name, m); }; + ValidationStatus.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r$5, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this.$val; + _1 = v; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "ValidationUnknown"; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "ValidationInvalid"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return "ValidationValid"; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("ValidationStatus(%d)", new sliceType$1([new $Int(((v >> 0)))])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ValidationStatus.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r$5, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(ValidationStatus).prototype.String = function() { return new ValidationStatus(this.$get()).String(); }; + newFieldValidationInfo = function(mi, si, fd, ft) { + var {_1, _entry, _entry$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, fd, ft, mi, ok, ok$1, ot, ot$1, si, vi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mi, si, fd, ft}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + vi = new validationInfo.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, 0, 0, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _r$5 = fd.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$5, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r$6 = fd.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.IsSynthetic(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$7; case 5: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 2: + _r$8 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$8; + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 11: + vi.typ = 1; + _r$9 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = si.oneofWrappersByNumber[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$9)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + ot = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 16: + _r$10 = ot.Field(0); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = getMessageInfo(_r$10.Type); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vi.mi = _r$11; + /* } */ case 17: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 12: + vi.typ = 2; + _r$12 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = (_entry$1 = si.oneofWrappersByNumber[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$12)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + ot$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 21: + _r$13 = ot$1.Field(0); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = getMessageInfo(_r$13.Type); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vi.mi = _r$14; + /* } */ case 22: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 13: + _r$15 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$15) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (_r$15) { */ case 25: + vi.typ = 11; + /* } */ case 26: + /* } */ case 14: + case 9: + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r$16 = newValidationInfo(fd, ft); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + validationInfo.copy(vi, _r$16); + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + _r$17 = fd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$17 === 2) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (_r$17 === 2) { */ case 29: + if (mi.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields < 255) { + mi.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields = mi.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + vi.requiredBit = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), ((mi.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields - 1 << 24 >>> 24))); + } + /* } */ case 30: + $s = -1; return vi; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newFieldValidationInfo, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _entry$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, fd, ft, mi, ok, ok$1, ot, ot$1, si, vi, $s};return $f; + }; + newValidationInfo = function(fd, ft) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _entry, _entry$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fd, ft, vi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, ft}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + vi = new validationInfo.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, 0, 0, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _r$5 = fd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$6 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 2: + _r$7 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$7; + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 10: + vi.typ = 1; + _r$8 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$8 === 23) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (_r$8 === 23) { */ case 15: + _r$9 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = getMessageInfo(_r$9); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vi.mi = _r$10; + /* } */ case 16: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 11: + vi.typ = 2; + _r$11 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$11 === 23) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_r$11 === 23) { */ case 20: + _r$12 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = getMessageInfo(_r$12); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vi.mi = _r$13; + /* } */ case 21: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 12: + vi.typ = 10; + _r$14 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$14) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (_r$14) { */ case 25: + vi.typ = 11; + /* } */ case 26: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + _r$15 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _2 = (_entry = wireTypes[protoreflect.Kind.keyFor(_r$15)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0); + if (_2 === (0)) { + vi.typ = 4; + } else if (_2 === (5)) { + vi.typ = 5; + } else if (_2 === (1)) { + vi.typ = 6; + } + case 28: + /* } */ case 14: + case 8: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_r$6) { */ case 3: + vi.typ = 3; + _r$16 = fd.MapKey(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = _r$16.Kind(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _3 = _r$17; + /* */ if (_3 === (9)) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (_3 === (9)) { */ case 33: + _r$18 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$18) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (_r$18) { */ case 35: + vi.keyType = 11; + /* } */ case 36: + /* } */ case 34: + case 30: + _r$19 = fd.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = _r$19.Kind(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _4 = _r$20; + /* */ if (_4 === (11)) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (9)) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (_4 === (11)) { */ case 41: + vi.valType = 1; + _r$21 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$21 === 21) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ $s = 45; continue; + /* if (_r$21 === 21) { */ case 44: + _r$22 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = getMessageInfo(_r$22); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vi.mi = _r$23; + /* } */ case 45: + $s = 43; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (9)) { */ case 42: + _r$24 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$24) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (_r$24) { */ case 49: + vi.valType = 11; + /* } */ case 50: + /* } */ case 43: + case 38: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$25 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _5 = _r$25; + /* */ if (_5 === (11)) { $s = 54; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (10)) { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (9)) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ $s = 57; continue; + /* if (_5 === (11)) { */ case 54: + vi.typ = 1; + _r$26 = fd.IsWeak(); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$26) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ $s = 60; continue; + /* if (!_r$26) { */ case 59: + _r$27 = getMessageInfo(ft); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vi.mi = _r$27; + /* } */ case 60: + $s = 58; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (10)) { */ case 55: + vi.typ = 2; + _r$28 = getMessageInfo(ft); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vi.mi = _r$28; + $s = 58; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (9)) { */ case 56: + vi.typ = 10; + _r$29 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$29) { $s = 64; continue; } + /* */ $s = 65; continue; + /* if (_r$29) { */ case 64: + vi.typ = 11; + /* } */ case 65: + $s = 58; continue; + /* } else { */ case 57: + _r$30 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _6 = (_entry$1 = wireTypes[protoreflect.Kind.keyFor(_r$30)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : 0); + if (_6 === (0)) { + vi.typ = 7; + } else if (_6 === (5)) { + vi.typ = 8; + } else if (_6 === (1)) { + vi.typ = 9; + } else if (_6 === (2)) { + vi.typ = 10; + } + case 67: + /* } */ case 58: + case 52: + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return vi; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newValidationInfo, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _entry, _entry$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fd, ft, vi, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.validate = function(b, groupTag, opts) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _v, b, err, err$1, err$2, f, fd, groupTag, initialized, messageName, messageType, mi, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, n$4, n$5, num, numRequiredFields, ok, opts, out, result, size, st, start, states, tag$1, typeid, v, v$1, vi, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, xt, xt$1, xvi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, groupTag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + result = 0; + mi = this; + $r = mi.init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + states = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, 16); + states = $append(states, new validationState.ptr(1, 0, 0, 0, mi, sliceType.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0))); + if (groupTag > 0) { + (0 >= states.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : states.$array[states.$offset + 0]).typ = 2; + (0 >= states.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : states.$array[states.$offset + 0]).endGroup = groupTag; + } + initialized = true; + start = b.$length; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(states.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(states.$length > 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + st = (x = states.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= states.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : states.$array[states.$offset + x])); + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + tag$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + if ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + tag$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + b = $subslice(b, 1); + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + tag$1 = (x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$2 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)); + b = $subslice(b, 2); + } else { + n = 0; + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + tag$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + result = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n); + } + num = 0; + n$1 = $shiftRightUint64(tag$1, 3); + if ((n$1.$high < 0 || (n$1.$high === 0 && n$1.$low < 1)) || (n$1.$high > 0 || (n$1.$high === 0 && n$1.$low > 536870911))) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + result = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } else { + num = ((n$1.$low >> 0)); + } + wtyp = ((new $Uint64(tag$1.$high & 0, (tag$1.$low & 7) >>> 0).$low << 24 >> 24)); + /* */ if (wtyp === 4) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 4) { */ case 6: + /* */ if (st.endGroup === num) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (st.endGroup === num) { */ case 8: + /* goto PopState */ $s = 10; continue; + /* } */ case 9: + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + result = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + /* } */ case 7: + vi = new validationInfo.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, 0, 0, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + /* */ if ((st.typ === 3)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (false && st.mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ((st.typ === 3)) { */ case 12: + _1 = num; + if (_1 === (1)) { + vi.typ = st.keyType; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + vi.typ = st.valType; + vi.mi = st.mi; + vi.requiredBit = new $Uint64(0, 1); + } + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else if (false && st.mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet) { */ case 13: + _2 = num; + if (_2 === (1)) { + vi.typ = 12; + } + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else { */ case 14: + f = ptrType$6.nil; + if (((num >> 0)) < st.mi.coderMessageInfo.denseCoderFields.$length) { + f = (x$3 = st.mi.coderMessageInfo.denseCoderFields, ((num < 0 || num >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + num])); + } else { + f = (_entry = st.mi.coderMessageInfo.coderFields[protowire.Number.keyFor(num)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$6.nil); + } + /* */ if (!(f === ptrType$6.nil)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!(f === ptrType$6.nil)) { */ case 16: + validationInfo.copy(vi, f.validation); + /* */ if ((vi.typ === 1) && vi.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if ((vi.typ === 1) && vi.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { */ case 18: + _r$5 = st.mi.Desc.Fields(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.ByNumber(num); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$6; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(fd, $ifaceNil)) { _v = true; $s = 24; continue s; } + _r$7 = fd.IsWeak(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$7; case 24: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 22: + /* break; */ $s = 11; continue; + /* } */ case 23: + _r$8 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.FullName(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + messageName = _r$9; + _r$10 = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(messageName); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$10; + messageType = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + _3 = err; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(_3, $ifaceNil)) { + _tuple$2 = $assertType(messageType, ptrType$5, true); + vi.mi = _tuple$2[0]; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_3, (protoregistry.NotFound))) { + vi.typ = 10; + } else { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = 1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + result = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + /* } */ case 19: + /* break; */ $s = 11; continue; + /* } */ case 17: + _r$11 = st.mi.Desc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = opts.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(_r$11, num); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$12; + xt = _tuple$3[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, protoregistry.NotFound))) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = 1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + result = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 31: + _r$13 = getExtensionFieldInfo(xt); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + validationInfo.copy(vi, _r$13.validation); + /* } */ case 32: + /* } */ case 15: + case 11: + if (!((x$4 = vi.requiredBit, (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0)))) { + ok = false; + _4 = vi.typ; + if (_4 === (7)) { + ok = wtyp === 0; + } else if (_4 === (8)) { + ok = wtyp === 5; + } else if (_4 === (9)) { + ok = wtyp === 1; + } else if ((_4 === (10)) || (_4 === (11)) || (_4 === (1))) { + ok = wtyp === 2; + } else if (_4 === (2)) { + ok = wtyp === 3; + } + if (ok) { + st.requiredMask = (x$5 = st.requiredMask, x$6 = vi.requiredBit, new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$6.$high, (x$5.$low | x$6.$low) >>> 0)); + } + } + _5 = wtyp; + /* */ if (_5 === (0)) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (2)) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (5)) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (1)) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (3)) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if (_5 === (0)) { */ case 35: + if (b.$length >= 10) { + if ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 1); + } else if ((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 2); + } else if ((2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 3); + } else if ((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 4); + } else if ((4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 5); + } else if ((5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 6); + } else if ((6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 7); + } else if ((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 8); + } else if ((8 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 8]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 9); + } else if ((9 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 9]) < 128 && (9 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 9]) < 2) { + b = $subslice(b, 10); + } else { + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + result = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + } else { + if (b.$length > 0 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 1); + } else if (b.$length > 1 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 2); + } else if (b.$length > 2 && (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 3); + } else if (b.$length > 3 && (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 4); + } else if (b.$length > 4 && (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 5); + } else if (b.$length > 5 && (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 6); + } else if (b.$length > 6 && (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 7); + } else if (b.$length > 7 && (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 8); + } else if (b.$length > 8 && (8 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 8]) < 128) { + b = $subslice(b, 9); + } else if (b.$length > 9 && (9 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 9]) < 2) { + b = $subslice(b, 10); + } else { + _tmp$12 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$13 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$12); + result = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + } + /* continue State; */ $s = 2; continue s; + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (2)) { */ case 36: + size = new $Uint64(0, 0); + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + size = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + b = $subslice(b, 1); + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + size = (x$7 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + x$8.$high, x$7.$low + x$8.$low)); + b = $subslice(b, 2); + } else { + n$2 = 0; + _tuple$4 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + size = _tuple$4[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$14 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$15 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$14); + result = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$2); + } + if ((x$9 = (new $Uint64(0, b.$length)), (size.$high > x$9.$high || (size.$high === x$9.$high && size.$low > x$9.$low)))) { + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + result = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + v = $subslice(b, 0, $flatten64(size)); + b = $subslice(b, $flatten64(size)); + _6 = vi.typ; + /* */ if (_6 === (1)) { $s = 43; continue; } + /* */ if (_6 === (3)) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ if (_6 === (4)) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ if (_6 === (5)) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ if (_6 === (6)) { $s = 47; continue; } + /* */ if (_6 === (11)) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ $s = 49; continue; + /* if (_6 === (1)) { */ case 43: + if (vi.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { + _tmp$18 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$19 = 1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$18); + result = _tmp$19; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + $r = vi.mi.init(); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(vi.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 51; continue; } + /* */ $s = 52; continue; + /* if (!(vi.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 51: + $r = vi.mi.init(); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 52: + states = $append(states, new validationState.ptr(vi.typ, vi.keyType, vi.valType, 0, vi.mi, b, new $Uint64(0, 0))); + b = v; + /* continue State; */ $s = 2; continue s; + $s = 49; continue; + /* } else if (_6 === (3)) { */ case 44: + /* */ if (!(vi.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 54; continue; } + /* */ $s = 55; continue; + /* if (!(vi.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 54: + $r = vi.mi.init(); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 55: + states = $append(states, new validationState.ptr(vi.typ, vi.keyType, vi.valType, 0, vi.mi, b, new $Uint64(0, 0))); + b = v; + /* continue State; */ $s = 2; continue s; + $s = 49; continue; + /* } else if (_6 === (4)) { */ case 45: + while (true) { + if (!(v.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple$5 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(v); + n$3 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (n$3 < 0) { + _tmp$20 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$21 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$20); + result = _tmp$21; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + v = $subslice(v, n$3); + } + $s = 49; continue; + /* } else if (_6 === (5)) { */ case 46: + if (!(((_r$14 = v.$length % 4, _r$14 === _r$14 ? _r$14 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { + _tmp$22 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$23 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$22); + result = _tmp$23; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + $s = 49; continue; + /* } else if (_6 === (6)) { */ case 47: + if (!(((_r$15 = v.$length % 8, _r$15 === _r$15 ? _r$15 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { + _tmp$24 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$25 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$24); + result = _tmp$25; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + $s = 49; continue; + /* } else if (_6 === (11)) { */ case 48: + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + _tmp$26 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$27 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$26); + result = _tmp$27; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + /* } */ case 49: + case 42: + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (5)) { */ case 37: + if (b.$length < 4) { + _tmp$28 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$29 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$28); + result = _tmp$29; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + b = $subslice(b, 4); + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (1)) { */ case 38: + if (b.$length < 8) { + _tmp$30 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$31 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$30); + result = _tmp$31; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + b = $subslice(b, 8); + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (3)) { */ case 39: + /* */ if ((vi.typ === 2)) { $s = 58; continue; } + /* */ if (false && (vi.typ === 12)) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ $s = 60; continue; + /* if ((vi.typ === 2)) { */ case 58: + if (vi.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { + _tmp$32 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$33 = 1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$32); + result = _tmp$33; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + $r = vi.mi.init(); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + states = $append(states, new validationState.ptr(2, 0, 0, num, vi.mi, sliceType.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0))); + /* continue State; */ $s = 2; continue s; + $s = 61; continue; + /* } else if (false && (vi.typ === 12)) { */ case 59: + _r$16 = messageset.ConsumeFieldValue(b, false); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$16; + typeid = _tuple$6[0]; + v$1 = _tuple$6[1]; + n$4 = _tuple$6[2]; + err$2 = _tuple$6[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$34 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$35 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$34); + result = _tmp$35; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + _r$17 = st.mi.Desc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = opts.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(_r$17, typeid); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$7 = _r$18; + xt$1 = _tuple$7[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$7[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, protoregistry.NotFound)) { $s = 67; continue; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 68; continue; } + /* */ $s = 69; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, protoregistry.NotFound)) { */ case 67: + b = $subslice(b, n$4); + $s = 70; continue; + /* } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 68: + _tmp$36 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$37 = 1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$36); + result = _tmp$37; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + /* } else { */ case 69: + _r$19 = getExtensionFieldInfo(xt$1); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xvi = $clone(_r$19.validation, validationInfo); + /* */ if (!(xvi.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 72; continue; } + /* */ $s = 73; continue; + /* if (!(xvi.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 72: + $r = xvi.mi.init(); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 73: + states = $append(states, new validationState.ptr(xvi.typ, 0, 0, 0, xvi.mi, $subslice(b, n$4), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + b = v$1; + /* continue State; */ $s = 2; continue s; + /* } */ case 70: + case 66: + $s = 61; continue; + /* } else { */ case 60: + n$5 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b); + if (n$5 < 0) { + _tmp$38 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$39 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$38); + result = _tmp$39; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$5); + /* } */ case 61: + case 57: + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else { */ case 40: + _tmp$40 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$41 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$40); + result = _tmp$41; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + /* } */ case 41: + case 34: + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + if (!((st.endGroup === 0))) { + _tmp$42 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$43 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$42); + result = _tmp$43; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + if (!((b.$length === 0))) { + _tmp$44 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$45 = 2; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$44); + result = _tmp$45; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + } + b = st.tail; + /* PopState: */ case 10: + numRequiredFields = 0; + _7 = st.typ; + if ((_7 === (1)) || (_7 === (2))) { + numRequiredFields = ((st.mi.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields >> 0)); + } else if (_7 === (3)) { + if (!(st.mi === ptrType$5.nil) && st.mi.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields > 0) { + numRequiredFields = 1; + } + } + if (numRequiredFields > 0 && !((bits.OnesCount64(st.requiredMask) === numRequiredFields))) { + initialized = false; + } + states = $subslice(states, 0, (states.$length - 1 >> 0)); + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + out.n = start - b.$length >> 0; + if (initialized) { + out.initialized = true; + } + _tmp$46 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$47 = 3; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$46); + result = _tmp$47; + $s = -1; return [out, result]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.validate, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _v, b, err, err$1, err$2, f, fd, groupTag, initialized, messageName, messageType, mi, n, n$1, n$2, n$3, n$4, n$5, num, numRequiredFields, ok, opts, out, result, size, st, start, states, tag$1, typeid, v, v$1, vi, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, xt, xt$1, xvi, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.validate = function(b, groupTag, opts) { return this.$val.validate(b, groupTag, opts); }; + offsetOf = function(f, x) { + var f, x, x$1, x$2; + if (!((f.Index.$length === 1))) { + $panic(new $String("embedded structs are not supported")); + } + if (f.PkgPath === "") { + return new offset.ptr((x$1 = f.Index, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])), $throwNilPointerError); + } + if (x === $throwNilPointerError) { + $panic(new $String("exporter must be provided for unexported field")); + } + return new offset.ptr((x$2 = f.Index, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])), x); + }; + offset.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.index >= 0; + }; + offset.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + pointerOfValue = function(v) { + var v; + return new pointer.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value)); + }; + pointerOfIface = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = reflect.ValueOf(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new pointer.ptr($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointerOfIface, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, v, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.IsNil = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).IsNil(); + }; + pointer.prototype.IsNil = function() { return this.$val.IsNil(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Apply = function(f) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, f, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + /* */ if (!(f.export$1 === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(f.export$1 === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = f.export$1(_r$5, f.index); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.ValueOf(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$7; + if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { + $s = -1; return new pointer.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value)); + } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Field(f.index); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, reflect.Value).Addr(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new pointer.ptr($clone(_r$10, reflect.Value)); + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Apply, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, f, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Apply = function(f) { return this.$val.Apply(f); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.AsValueOf = function(t) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, got, p, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + got = _r$5; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(got, t))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(got, t))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([got, t])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$6)); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return p.v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.AsValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, got, p, t, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.AsValueOf = function(t) { return this.$val.AsValueOf(t); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.AsIfaceOf = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, p, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.AsIfaceOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, p, t, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.AsIfaceOf = function(t) { return this.$val.AsIfaceOf(t); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Bool = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$8); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Bool, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Bool = function() { return this.$val.Bool(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.BoolPtr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$9); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.BoolPtr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.BoolPtr = function() { return this.$val.BoolPtr(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.BoolSlice = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$10); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.BoolSlice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.BoolSlice = function() { return this.$val.BoolSlice(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Int32 = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$11); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Int32, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Int32 = function() { return this.$val.Int32(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Int32Ptr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$12); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Int32Ptr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Int32Ptr = function() { return this.$val.Int32Ptr(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Int32Slice = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$13); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Int32Slice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Int32Slice = function() { return this.$val.Int32Slice(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Int64 = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$14); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Int64, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Int64 = function() { return this.$val.Int64(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Int64Ptr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$15); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Int64Ptr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Int64Ptr = function() { return this.$val.Int64Ptr(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Int64Slice = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$16); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Int64Slice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Int64Slice = function() { return this.$val.Int64Slice(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint32 = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$17); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint32, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Uint32 = function() { return this.$val.Uint32(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint32Ptr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$18); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint32Ptr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Uint32Ptr = function() { return this.$val.Uint32Ptr(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint32Slice = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$19); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint32Slice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Uint32Slice = function() { return this.$val.Uint32Slice(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$20); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint64, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Uint64 = function() { return this.$val.Uint64(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint64Ptr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$21); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint64Ptr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Uint64Ptr = function() { return this.$val.Uint64Ptr(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint64Slice = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$22); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Uint64Slice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Uint64Slice = function() { return this.$val.Uint64Slice(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Float32 = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$23); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Float32, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Float32 = function() { return this.$val.Float32(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Float32Ptr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$24); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Float32Ptr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Float32Ptr = function() { return this.$val.Float32Ptr(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Float32Slice = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$25); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Float32Slice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Float32Slice = function() { return this.$val.Float32Slice(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Float64 = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$26); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Float64, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Float64 = function() { return this.$val.Float64(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Float64Ptr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$27); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Float64Ptr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Float64Ptr = function() { return this.$val.Float64Ptr(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Float64Slice = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$28); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Float64Slice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Float64Slice = function() { return this.$val.Float64Slice(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$29); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.StringPtr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$30); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.StringPtr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.StringPtr = function() { return this.$val.StringPtr(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.StringSlice = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$31); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.StringSlice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.StringSlice = function() { return this.$val.StringSlice(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$3); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Bytes, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.BytesPtr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$32); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.BytesPtr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.BytesPtr = function() { return this.$val.BytesPtr(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.BytesSlice = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$33); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.BytesSlice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.BytesSlice = function() { return this.$val.BytesSlice(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.WeakFields = function() { + var {$24r, _ptr, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ((_ptr = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$35), new ptrType$34(function() { return _ptr.$get(); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set($v); }, _ptr.$target))); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.WeakFields, $c: true, $r, $24r, _ptr, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.WeakFields = function() { return this.$val.WeakFields(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Extensions = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$36); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Extensions, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Extensions = function() { return this.$val.Extensions(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.Elem = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new pointer.ptr($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.Elem, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.Elem = function() { return this.$val.Elem(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.PointerSlice = function() { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, i, n, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if ($clone(p.v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$12.nil; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r$6; + s = $makeSlice(sliceType$12, n); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pointer.copy(((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]), new pointer.ptr($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.PointerSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, i, n, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.PointerSlice = function() { return this.$val.PointerSlice(); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.AppendPointerSlice = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, p, sp, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + _r$6 = reflect.Append($clone(sp, reflect.Value), new sliceType$13([$clone(v.v, reflect.Value)])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(sp, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.AppendPointerSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, p, sp, v, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.AppendPointerSlice = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendPointerSlice(v); }; + pointer.ptr.prototype.SetPointer = function(v) { + var {_r$5, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Set($clone(v.v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pointer.ptr.prototype.SetPointer, $c: true, $r, _r$5, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + pointer.prototype.SetPointer = function(v) { return this.$val.SetPointer(v); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.MessageStateOf = function(p) { + var p; + $panic(new $String("not supported")); + }; + Export.prototype.MessageStateOf = function(p) { return this.$val.MessageStateOf(p); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.pointer = function() { + var ms; + ms = this; + $panic(new $String("not supported")); + }; + messageState.prototype.pointer = function() { return this.$val.pointer(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.messageInfo = function() { + var ms; + ms = this; + $panic(new $String("not supported")); + }; + messageState.prototype.messageInfo = function() { return this.$val.messageInfo(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.LoadMessageInfo = function() { + var ms; + ms = this; + $panic(new $String("not supported")); + }; + messageState.prototype.LoadMessageInfo = function() { return this.$val.LoadMessageInfo(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.StoreMessageInfo = function(mi) { + var mi, ms; + ms = this; + $panic(new $String("not supported")); + }; + messageState.prototype.StoreMessageInfo = function(mi) { return this.$val.StoreMessageInfo(mi); }; + atomicNilMessage.ptr.prototype.Init = function(mi) { + var {m, mi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mi}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + mi = [mi]; + m[0] = this; + $r = m[0].once.Do((function(m, mi) { return function $b() { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = reflect.Zero(mi[0].GoReflectType); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = pointerOfIface(_r$6); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pointer.copy(m[0].m.p, _r$7); + m[0].m.mi = mi[0]; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, $s};return $f; + }; })(m, mi)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return m[0].m; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: atomicNilMessage.ptr.prototype.Init, $c: true, $r, m, mi, $s};return $f; + }; + atomicNilMessage.prototype.Init = function(mi) { return this.$val.Init(mi); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return m.messageInfo().Desc; + }; + messageState.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.Type = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return m.messageInfo(); + }; + messageState.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.Interface = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = m.protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.Interface, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.Interface = function() { return this.$val.Interface(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().GoReflectType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(m.pointer(), pointer).AsIfaceOf(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { return this.$val.protoUnwrap(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.ProtoMethods = function() { + var {m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return m.messageInfo().coderMessageInfo.methods; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.ProtoMethods, $c: true, $r, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.ProtoMethods = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMethods(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageInfo = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return m.messageInfo(); + }; + messageState.prototype.ProtoMessageInfo = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessageInfo(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.Range = function(f) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _entry, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, f, fi, m, n, ri, ri$1, ri$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + ri = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = ri; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$37, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$38, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$37, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + ri$1 = _ref$1.$val; + _r$5 = ri$1.has($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 7: + _arg = ri$1.fieldDesc; + _r$6 = ri$1.get($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + _r$7 = f(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$7) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!_r$7) { */ case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 11: + /* } */ case 8: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$38, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + ri$2 = _ref$1.$val; + _r$8 = ri$2.which($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r$8; + /* */ if (n > 0) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (n > 0) { */ case 15: + fi = (_entry = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.fields[protowire.Number.keyFor(n)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$37.nil); + _arg$2 = fi.fieldDesc; + _r$9 = fi.get($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$9, protoreflect.Value); + _r$10 = f(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$10) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!_r$10) { */ case 17: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 18: + /* } */ case 16: + /* } */ case 6: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _r$11 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$11.Range(f); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.Range, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _entry, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, f, fi, m, n, ri, ri$1, ri$2, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.Range = function(f) { return this.$val.Range(f); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.Has = function(fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = fi.has($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$7 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Has(xt); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.Has, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.Has = function(fd) { return this.$val.Has(fd); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.Clear = function(fd) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + $r = fi.clear($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$6 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$6.Clear(xt); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.Clear, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.Clear = function(fd) { return this.$val.Clear(fd); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.Get = function(fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = fi.get($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$7 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Get(xt); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.Get = function(fd) { return this.$val.Get(fd); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.Set = function(fd, v) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _tuple, fd, fi, m, v, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + $r = fi.set($clone(m.pointer(), pointer), $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$6 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$6.Set(xt, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, fd, fi, m, v, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.Set = function(fd, v) { return this.$val.Set(fd, v); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.Mutable = function(fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = fi.mutable($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$7 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Mutable(xt); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.Mutable, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.Mutable = function(fd) { return this.$val.Mutable(fd); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.NewField = function(fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = fi.newField(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$7 = xt.New(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$7; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.NewField, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.NewField = function(fd) { return this.$val.NewField(fd); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof = function(od) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, m, od, oi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {od}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = od.Name(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + oi = (_entry = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.oneofs[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_r$5)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$38.nil); + /* */ if (!(oi === ptrType$38.nil) && $interfaceIsEqual(oi.oneofDesc, od)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(oi === ptrType$38.nil) && $interfaceIsEqual(oi.oneofDesc, od)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = od.Fields(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = oi.which($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$6.ByNumber(_r$7); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$9 = od.FullName(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = m.Descriptor().FullName(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("invalid oneof descriptor " + (_r$9) + " for message " + (_r$10))); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, m, od, oi, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.WhichOneof = function(od) { return this.$val.WhichOneof(od); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.GetUnknown = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.getUnknown($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.GetUnknown, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.GetUnknown = function() { return this.$val.GetUnknown(); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.SetUnknown = function(b) { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.setUnknown($clone(m.pointer(), pointer), b); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageState.ptr.prototype.SetUnknown, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageState.prototype.SetUnknown = function(b) { return this.$val.SetUnknown(b); }; + messageState.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return !$clone(m.pointer(), pointer).IsNil(); + }; + messageState.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return m.messageInfo().Desc; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Type = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return m.messageInfo(); + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Interface = function() { + var {_r$5, _tuple, m, m$1, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = m.protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true); + m$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return m$1; + } + $s = -1; return ($pointerOfStructConversion(m, ptrType$2)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Interface, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, m, m$1, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.Interface = function() { return this.$val.Interface(); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().GoReflectType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(m.pointer(), pointer).AsIfaceOf(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { return this.$val.protoUnwrap(); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.ProtoMethods = function() { + var {m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return m.messageInfo().coderMessageInfo.methods; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.ProtoMethods, $c: true, $r, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.ProtoMethods = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMethods(); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageInfo = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return m.messageInfo(); + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.ProtoMessageInfo = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessageInfo(); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Range = function(f) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _entry, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, f, fi, m, n, ri, ri$1, ri$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + ri = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = ri; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$37, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$38, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$37, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + ri$1 = _ref$1.$val; + _r$5 = ri$1.has($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 7: + _arg = ri$1.fieldDesc; + _r$6 = ri$1.get($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + _r$7 = f(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$7) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!_r$7) { */ case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 11: + /* } */ case 8: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$38, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + ri$2 = _ref$1.$val; + _r$8 = ri$2.which($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r$8; + /* */ if (n > 0) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (n > 0) { */ case 15: + fi = (_entry = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.fields[protowire.Number.keyFor(n)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$37.nil); + _arg$2 = fi.fieldDesc; + _r$9 = fi.get($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$9, protoreflect.Value); + _r$10 = f(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$10) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!_r$10) { */ case 17: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 18: + /* } */ case 16: + /* } */ case 6: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _r$11 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$11.Range(f); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Range, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _entry, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, f, fi, m, n, ri, ri$1, ri$2, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.Range = function(f) { return this.$val.Range(f); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Has = function(fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = fi.has($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$7 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Has(xt); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Has, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.Has = function(fd) { return this.$val.Has(fd); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Clear = function(fd) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + $r = fi.clear($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$6 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$6.Clear(xt); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Clear, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.Clear = function(fd) { return this.$val.Clear(fd); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Get = function(fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = fi.get($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$7 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Get(xt); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.Get = function(fd) { return this.$val.Get(fd); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Set = function(fd, v) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _tuple, fd, fi, m, v, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + $r = fi.set($clone(m.pointer(), pointer), $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$6 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$6.Set(xt, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, fd, fi, m, v, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.Set = function(fd, v) { return this.$val.Set(fd, v); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Mutable = function(fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = fi.mutable($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$7 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Mutable(xt); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.Mutable, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.Mutable = function(fd) { return this.$val.Mutable(fd); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.NewField = function(fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fi = _tuple[0]; + xt = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = fi.newField(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$7 = xt.New(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$7; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.NewField, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, fd, fi, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.NewField = function(fd) { return this.$val.NewField(fd); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof = function(od) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, m, od, oi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {od}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = od.Name(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + oi = (_entry = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.oneofs[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_r$5)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$38.nil); + /* */ if (!(oi === ptrType$38.nil) && $interfaceIsEqual(oi.oneofDesc, od)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(oi === ptrType$38.nil) && $interfaceIsEqual(oi.oneofDesc, od)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = od.Fields(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = oi.which($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$6.ByNumber(_r$7); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$9 = od.FullName(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = m.Descriptor().FullName(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("invalid oneof descriptor " + (_r$9) + " for message " + (_r$10))); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, m, od, oi, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.WhichOneof = function(od) { return this.$val.WhichOneof(od); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.GetUnknown = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.getUnknown($clone(m.pointer(), pointer)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.GetUnknown, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.GetUnknown = function() { return this.$val.GetUnknown(); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.SetUnknown = function(b) { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = m.messageInfo().init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = m.messageInfo().reflectMessageInfo.setUnknown($clone(m.pointer(), pointer), b); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.SetUnknown, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.SetUnknown = function(b) { return this.$val.SetUnknown(b); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return !$clone(m.pointer(), pointer).IsNil(); + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + fieldInfoForMissing = function(fd) { + var fd; + return new fieldInfo.ptr(fd, (function(p) { + var p; + return false; + }), (function $b(p) { + var {_r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for " + (_r$5))); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }), (function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.Default(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }), (function $b(p, v) { + var {_r$5, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for " + (_r$5))); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, p, v, $s};return $f; + }), (function $b(p) { + var {_r$5, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for " + (_r$5))); + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, p, $s};return $f; + }), (function $b() { + var {_r$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for " + (_r$5))); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, $s};return $f; + }), (function $b() { + var {_r$5, _r$6, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.Default(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$5, protoreflect.Value); + if ($clone(v, protoreflect.Value).IsValid()) { + $s = -1; return v; + } + _r$6 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for " + (_r$6))); + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, v, $s};return $f; + })); + }; + fieldInfoForOneof = function(fd, fs, x, ot) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isMessage, ot, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, fs, x, ot}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + conv = [conv]; + fd = [fd]; + fieldOffset = [fieldOffset]; + fs = [fs]; + isMessage = [isMessage]; + ot = [ot]; + ft = fs[0].Type; + _r$5 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$5 === 20))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r$5 === 20))) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$6); + _arg$1 = ft; + _r$7 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want interface kind", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$7)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = ot[0].Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$8 === 25))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!((_r$8 === 25))) { */ case 6: + _r$9 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$9); + _arg$3 = ot[0]; + _r$10 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want struct kind", new sliceType$1([_arg$2, _arg$3])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$10)); + /* } */ case 7: + _r$11 = reflect.PtrTo(ot[0]).Implements(ft); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$11) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!_r$11) { */ case 11: + _r$12 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$12); + _arg$5 = ot[0]; + _arg$6 = ft; + _r$13 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: %v does not implement %v", new sliceType$1([_arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$13)); + /* } */ case 12: + _r$14 = ot[0].Field(0); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = NewConverter(_r$14.Type, fd[0]); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + conv[0] = _r$15; + _r$16 = fd[0].Message(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isMessage[0] = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$16, $ifaceNil)); + fieldOffset[0] = $clone(offsetOf($clone(fs[0], reflect.StructField), x), offset); + $s = -1; return new fieldInfo.ptr(fd[0], (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot) { return function $b(p) { + var {_r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _v, _v$1, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$17 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = $clone(_r$17, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = $clone(_r$18, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$19; + if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { _v$1 = true; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$20 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = $clone(_r$20, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = _r$21.Elem(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$22, ot[0])); case 7: + if (_v$1) { _v = true; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$23 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = $clone(_r$23, reflect.Value).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$24; case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _v, _v$1, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot) { return function $b(p) { + var {_r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _v, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$17 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = $clone(_r$17, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = $clone(_r$18, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$19; + if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { _v = true; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$20 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = $clone(_r$20, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = _r$21.Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$22, ot[0])); case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$23 = reflect.Zero($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$23, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _v, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _v, _v$1, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$17 = conv[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$17; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$18 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = $clone(_r$18, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = $clone(_r$19, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$20; + if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { _v$1 = true; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$21 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = $clone(_r$21, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = _r$22.Elem(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$23, ot[0])); case 11: + if (_v$1) { _v = true; $s = 10; continue s; } + _r$24 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = $clone(_r$24, reflect.Value).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$25; case 10: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 8: + _r$26 = conv[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$26; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$27 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28 = $clone(_r$27, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29 = $clone(_r$28, reflect.Value).Field(0); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$29; + _r$30 = conv[0].PBValueOf($clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$30; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _v, _v$1, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot) { return function $b(p, v) { + var {_r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _v, _v$1, p, rv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$17 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = $clone(_r$17, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = $clone(_r$18, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$19; + if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { _v$1 = true; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$20 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = $clone(_r$20, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = _r$21.Elem(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$22, ot[0])); case 7: + if (_v$1) { _v = true; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$23 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = $clone(_r$23, reflect.Value).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$24; case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(reflect.New(ot[0]), reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + _r$25 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26 = $clone(_r$25, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = $clone(_r$26, reflect.Value).Field(0); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$27; + _r$28 = conv[0].GoValueOf($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$28, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _v, _v$1, p, rv, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _arg$7, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _v, _v$1, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!isMessage[0]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!isMessage[0]) { */ case 1: + _r$17 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$17); + _r$18 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v with invalid Mutable call on field with non-composite type", new sliceType$1([_arg$7])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$18)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$19 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = $clone(_r$19, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = $clone(_r$20, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$21; + if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { _v$1 = true; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$22 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = $clone(_r$22, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = _r$23.Elem(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$24, ot[0])); case 11: + if (_v$1) { _v = true; $s = 10; continue s; } + _r$25 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26 = $clone(_r$25, reflect.Value).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$26; case 10: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 8: + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(reflect.New(ot[0]), reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 9: + _r$27 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28 = $clone(_r$27, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29 = $clone(_r$28, reflect.Value).Field(0); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$29; + /* */ if (($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && $clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && $clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 21: + _r$30 = conv[0].New(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$31 = $clone(_r$30, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$32 = protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(_r$31); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$33 = conv[0].GoValueOf($clone(_r$32, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$33, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 22: + _r$34 = conv[0].PBValueOf($clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$34; + $s = 29; case 29: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg$7, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _v, _v$1, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$17, _r$18, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$17 = conv[0].New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = $clone(_r$17, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$18; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$17, _r$18, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$17, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$17 = conv[0].New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$17; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$17, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, isMessage, ot)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fieldInfoForOneof, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isMessage, ot, x, $s};return $f; + }; + fieldInfoForMap = function(fd, fs, x) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, fs, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + conv = [conv]; + fd = [fd]; + fieldOffset = [fieldOffset]; + fs = [fs]; + ft = fs[0].Type; + _r$5 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$5 === 21))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r$5 === 21))) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$6); + _arg$1 = ft; + _r$7 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want map kind", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$7)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = NewConverter(ft, fd[0]); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + conv[0] = _r$8; + fieldOffset[0] = $clone(offsetOf($clone(fs[0], reflect.StructField), x), offset); + $s = -1; return new fieldInfo.ptr(fd[0], (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$11; + $s = -1; return $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Len() > 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$11; + _r$12 = reflect.Zero($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$12, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$9 = conv[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$10 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = $clone(_r$11, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$12; + /* */ if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Len() === 0) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Len() === 0) { */ case 8: + _r$13 = conv[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$13; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$14 = conv[0].PBValueOf($clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$14; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p, v) { + var {_arg$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$9, p, pv, rv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$11; + _r$12 = conv[0].GoValueOf($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pv = _r$12; + /* */ if ($clone(pv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($clone(pv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 5: + _r$13 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$13); + _r$14 = fmt.Sprintf("map field %v cannot be set with read-only value", new sliceType$1([_arg$2])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$14)); + /* } */ case 6: + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(pv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$9, p, pv, rv, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$9, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$11; + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 4: + _r$12 = reflect.MakeMap(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$12, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + _r$13 = conv[0].PBValueOf($clone(v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$13; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$9, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), $throwNilPointerError, (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$9 = conv[0].New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$9, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fieldInfoForMap, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, x, $s};return $f; + }; + fieldInfoForList = function(fd, fs, x) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, fs, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + conv = [conv]; + fd = [fd]; + fieldOffset = [fieldOffset]; + fs = [fs]; + ft = fs[0].Type; + _r$5 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$5 === 23))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r$5 === 23))) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$6); + _arg$1 = ft; + _r$7 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want slice kind", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$7)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = NewConverter(reflect.PtrTo(ft), fd[0]); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + conv[0] = _r$8; + fieldOffset[0] = $clone(offsetOf($clone(fs[0], reflect.StructField), x), offset); + $s = -1; return new fieldInfo.ptr(fd[0], (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$11; + $s = -1; return $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Len() > 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$11; + _r$12 = reflect.Zero($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$12, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$9 = conv[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$10 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$11; + _r$12 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(_r$12, reflect.Value).Len(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$13 === 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_r$13 === 0) { */ case 7: + _r$14 = conv[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$14; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$15 = conv[0].PBValueOf($clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$15; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p, v) { + var {_arg$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$9, p, pv, rv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$11; + _r$12 = conv[0].GoValueOf($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pv = _r$12; + /* */ if ($clone(pv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($clone(pv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 5: + _r$13 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$13); + _r$14 = fmt.Sprintf("list field %v cannot be set with read-only value", new sliceType$1([_arg$2])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$14)); + /* } */ case 6: + _r$15 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$15, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$9, p, pv, rv, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$9, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$10; + _r$11 = conv[0].PBValueOf($clone(v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$11; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$9, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), $throwNilPointerError, (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$9 = conv[0].New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$9, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fieldInfoForList, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, x, $s};return $f; + }; + fieldInfoForScalar = function(fd, fs, x) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, fs, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + conv = [conv]; + fd = [fd]; + fieldOffset = [fieldOffset]; + fs = [fs]; + ft = [ft]; + isBytes = [isBytes]; + nullable = [nullable]; + ft[0] = fs[0].Type; + _r$5 = fd[0].HasPresence(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + nullable[0] = _r$5; + _r$6 = ft[0].Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$6 === 23)) { _v = false; $s = 2; continue s; } + _r$7 = ft[0].Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Kind(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$8 === 8; case 2: + isBytes[0] = _v; + /* */ if (nullable[0]) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (nullable[0]) { */ case 6: + _r$9 = ft[0].Kind(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!((_r$9 === 22)))) { _v$1 = false; $s = 10; continue s; } + _r$10 = ft[0].Kind(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !((_r$10 === 23)); case 10: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 8: + nullable[0] = false; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$11 = ft[0].Kind(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$11 === 22) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_r$11 === 22) { */ case 13: + _r$12 = ft[0].Elem(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ft[0] = _r$12; + /* } */ case 14: + /* } */ case 7: + _r$13 = NewConverter(ft[0], fd[0]); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + conv[0] = _r$13; + fieldOffset[0] = $clone(offsetOf($clone(fs[0], reflect.StructField), x), offset); + $s = -1; return new fieldInfo.ptr(fd[0], (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable) { return function $b(p) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, p, rv, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$14 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = $clone(_r$14, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = $clone(_r$15, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$16; + if (nullable[0]) { + $s = -1; return !$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil(); + } + _1 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (23))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Bool(); + /* } else if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return !((x$1 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Int(), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0))); + /* } else if ((_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return !((x$2 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Uint(), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0))); + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return !(($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Float() === 0)) || math.Signbit($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Float()); + /* } else if ((_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (23))) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Len() > 0; + /* } else { */ case 10: + _r$17 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$17); + _arg$1 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type(); + _r$18 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: %v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$18)); + /* } */ case 11: + case 4: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, p, rv, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable) { return function $b(p) { + var {_r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$14 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = $clone(_r$14, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = $clone(_r$15, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$16; + _r$17 = reflect.Zero($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$17, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$14 = conv[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$14; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$15 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = $clone(_r$15, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = $clone(_r$16, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$17; + /* */ if (nullable[0]) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (nullable[0]) { */ case 8: + /* */ if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 10: + _r$18 = conv[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$18; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { */ case 14: + _r$19 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$19; + /* } */ case 15: + /* } */ case 9: + _r$20 = conv[0].PBValueOf($clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$20; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable) { return function $b(p, v) { + var {_r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, p, rv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$14 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = $clone(_r$14, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = $clone(_r$15, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$16; + /* */ if (nullable[0] && ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (nullable[0] && ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22)) { */ case 4: + /* */ if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 6: + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(reflect.New(ft[0]), reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + _r$17 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$17; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$18 = conv[0].GoValueOf($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$18, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (isBytes[0] && ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Len() === 0)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (isBytes[0] && ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Len() === 0)) { */ case 12: + /* */ if (nullable[0]) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (nullable[0]) { */ case 14: + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(emptyBytes, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else { */ case 15: + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(nilBytes, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 16: + /* } */ case 13: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, p, rv, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable), $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$14, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$14 = conv[0].New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$14; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$14, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fieldInfoForScalar, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, isBytes, nullable, x, $s};return $f; + }; + fieldInfoForWeakMessage = function(fd, weakOffset) { + var {_r$5, fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, weakOffset}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = [fd]; + lazyInit = [lazyInit]; + messageType = [messageType]; + num = [num]; + once = [once]; + weakOffset = [weakOffset]; + if (true) { + $panic(new $String("no support for proto1 weak fields")); + } + once[0] = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + messageType[0] = $ifaceNil; + lazyInit[0] = (function(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = once[0].Do((function(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset) { return function $b() { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, messageName, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd[0].Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + messageName = _r$6; + _r$7 = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(messageName); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + messageType[0] = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(messageType[0], $ifaceNil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(messageType[0], $ifaceNil)) { */ case 4: + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(messageName); + _r$8 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$8); + _r$9 = fmt.Sprintf("weak message %v for field %v is not linked in", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$9)); + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, messageName, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset); + _r$5 = fd[0].Number(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + num[0] = _r$5; + $s = -1; return new fieldInfo.ptr(fd[0], (function(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset) { return function $b(p) { + var {_r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, ok, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(weakOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.get(num[0]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$8; + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, ok, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset), (function(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset) { return function $b(p) { + var {_r$6, _r$7, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(weakOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$7.clear(num[0]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _r$7, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset), (function(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, m, ok, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = lazyInit[0](); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = messageType[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$8 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(weakOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.get(num[0]); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$10; + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 10: + _r$11 = messageType[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(_r$11); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$12; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + _r$13 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(_r$13); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$14; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, m, ok, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset), (function(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset) { return function $b(p, v) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, got, m, p, v, want, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = lazyInit[0](); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$6; + _r$7 = m.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = messageType[0].Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$7, _r$8))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$7, _r$8))) { */ case 3: + _r$9 = m.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.FullName(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = _r$10; + _r$11 = messageType[0].Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = _r$11.FullName(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$12; + got = _tmp; + want = _tmp$1; + /* */ if (!(got === want)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!(got === want)) { */ case 11: + _r$13 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$13); + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.FullName(got); + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.FullName(want); + _r$14 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v has mismatching message descriptor: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$14)); + /* } */ case 12: + _r$15 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$15); + _r$16 = m.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = _r$16.FullName(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$17); + _r$18 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v has mismatching message descriptor: %v", new sliceType$1([_arg$3, _arg$4])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$18)); + /* } */ case 4: + _r$19 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(weakOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = $clone(_r$19, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = num[0]; + _r$21 = m.Interface(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = _r$21; + $r = _r$20.set(_arg$5, _arg$6); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, got, m, p, v, want, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset), (function(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, fs, m, ok, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = lazyInit[0](); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(weakOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fs = _r$7; + _tuple = fs.get(num[0]); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 4: + _r$8 = messageType[0].New(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$9; + fs.set(num[0], m); + /* } */ case 5: + _r$10 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(_r$10); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$11; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, fs, m, ok, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset), (function(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = lazyInit[0](); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = messageType[0].New(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset), (function(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$6, _r$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = lazyInit[0](); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = messageType[0].New(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(_r$6); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, _r$7, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fieldInfoForWeakMessage, $c: true, $r, _r$5, fd, lazyInit, messageType, num, once, weakOffset, $s};return $f; + }; + fieldInfoForMessage = function(fd, fs, x) { + var {_r$5, conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, fs, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + conv = [conv]; + fd = [fd]; + fieldOffset = [fieldOffset]; + fs = [fs]; + ft = fs[0].Type; + _r$5 = NewConverter(ft, fd[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + conv[0] = _r$5; + fieldOffset[0] = $clone(offsetOf($clone(fs[0], reflect.StructField), x), offset); + $s = -1; return new fieldInfo.ptr(fd[0], (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$8; + _r$9 = fs[0].Type.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$9 === 22))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((_r$9 === 22))) { */ case 4: + _r$10 = isZero($clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = !_r$10; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return !$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {_r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$8; + _r$9 = reflect.Zero($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$10, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = conv[0].Zero(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$7 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$9; + _r$10 = conv[0].PBValueOf($clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$10; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$10, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p, v) { + var {_arg, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, p, rv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$8; + _r$9 = conv[0].GoValueOf($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = fs[0].Type.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$10 === 22) && $clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ((_r$10 === 22) && $clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 6: + _r$11 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$11); + _r$12 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid nil pointer", new sliceType$1([_arg])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$12)); + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, p, rv, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$8; + _r$9 = fs[0].Type.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$9 === 22) && $clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((_r$9 === 22) && $clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 4: + _r$10 = conv[0].New(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = conv[0].GoValueOf($clone(_r$10, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$11, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + _r$12 = conv[0].PBValueOf($clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$12; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$6, _r$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$6 = conv[0].New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, _r$7, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs), (function(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$6 = conv[0].New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, $s};return $f; + }; })(conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fieldInfoForMessage, $c: true, $r, _r$5, conv, fd, fieldOffset, fs, ft, x, $s};return $f; + }; + makeOneofInfo = function(od, si, x) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fieldOffset, fieldOffset$1, fs, fs$1, od, oi, si, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {od, si, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fieldOffset = [fieldOffset]; + fieldOffset$1 = [fieldOffset$1]; + fs = [fs]; + fs$1 = [fs$1]; + od = [od]; + si = [si]; + oi = new oneofInfo.ptr(od[0], $throwNilPointerError); + _r$5 = od[0].IsSynthetic(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = od[0].Fields(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Get(0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Number(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fs[0] = $clone((_entry = si[0].fieldsByNumber[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$8)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : new reflect.StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$14.nil, false)), reflect.StructField); + fieldOffset[0] = $clone(offsetOf($clone(fs[0], reflect.StructField), x), offset); + oi.which = (function(fieldOffset, fieldOffset$1, fs, fs$1, od, si) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$9, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, pointer).AsValueOf(fs[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$11; + if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _r$12 = od[0].Fields(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.Get(0); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = _r$13.Number(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$14; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$9, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(fieldOffset, fieldOffset$1, fs, fs$1, od, si); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$9 = od[0].Name(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fs$1[0] = $clone((_entry$1 = si[0].oneofsByName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_r$9)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : new reflect.StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$14.nil, false)), reflect.StructField); + fieldOffset$1[0] = $clone(offsetOf($clone(fs$1[0], reflect.StructField), x), offset); + oi.which = (function(fieldOffset, fieldOffset$1, fs, fs$1, od, si) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _entry$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, p, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _r$10 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(fieldOffset$1[0], offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, pointer).AsValueOf(fs$1[0].Type); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = $clone(_r$11, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$12; + if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _r$13 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$13; + if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _r$14 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (_entry$2 = si[0].oneofWrappersByType[reflect.Type.keyFor(_r$14)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : 0); + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, p, rv, $s};return $f; + }; })(fieldOffset, fieldOffset$1, fs, fs$1, od, si); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return oi; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeOneofInfo, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fieldOffset, fieldOffset$1, fs, fs$1, od, oi, si, x, $s};return $f; + }; + isZero = function(v) { + var {_1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, i, i$1, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (26))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return !$clone(v, reflect.Value).Bool(); + /* } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return (x = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Int(), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)); + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return (x$1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Uint(), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0)); + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return (x$2 = math.Float64bits($clone(v, reflect.Value).Float()), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0)); + /* } else if ((_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16))) { */ case 6: + c = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Complex(); + $s = -1; return (x$3 = math.Float64bits(c.$real), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0)) && (x$4 = math.Float64bits(c.$imag), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0)); + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 7: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + /* if (!(i < $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len())) { break; } */ if(!(i < $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len())) { $s = 14; continue; } + _r$5 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = isZero($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$6) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!_r$6) { */ case 15: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 16: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if ((_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (26))) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil(); + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len() === 0; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 10: + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 19: + /* if (!(i$1 < $clone(v, reflect.Value).NumField())) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < $clone(v, reflect.Value).NumField())) { $s = 20; continue; } + _r$7 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Field(i$1); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = isZero($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$8) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!_r$8) { */ case 21: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 22: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 19; continue; + case 20: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else { */ case 11: + $panic(new reflect.ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.IsZero", $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind())); + /* } */ case 12: + case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isZero, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, i, i$1, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeReflectFuncs = function(t, si) { + var {mi, si, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, si}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + $r = mi.makeKnownFieldsFunc($clone(si, structInfo)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi.makeUnknownFieldsFunc(t, $clone(si, structInfo)); + mi.makeExtensionFieldsFunc(t, $clone(si, structInfo)); + $r = mi.makeFieldTypes($clone(si, structInfo)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeReflectFuncs, $c: true, $r, mi, si, t, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.makeReflectFuncs = function(t, si) { return this.$val.makeReflectFuncs(t, si); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeKnownFieldsFunc = function(si) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _entry$5, _key, _key$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _v, _v$1, fd, fd$1, fd$2, fds, fi, fs, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, isOneof, md, mi, od, od$1, si, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {si}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + mi.reflectMessageInfo.fields = $makeMap(protowire.Number.keyFor, []); + md = mi.Desc; + _r$5 = md.Fields(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fds = _r$5; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = fds.Len(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$6)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$6)) { $s = 3; continue; } + fi = [fi]; + _r$7 = fds.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$7; + _r$8 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fs = $clone((_entry = si.fieldsByNumber[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$8)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : new reflect.StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$14.nil, false)), reflect.StructField); + _r$9 = fd.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$9, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$10 = fd.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = _r$10.IsSynthetic(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$11; case 7: + isOneof = _v; + /* */ if (isOneof) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (isOneof) { */ case 11: + _r$12 = fd.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.Name(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + reflect.StructField.copy(fs, (_entry$1 = si.oneofsByName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_r$13)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : new reflect.StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$14.nil, false))); + /* } */ case 12: + fi[0] = new fieldInfo.ptr($ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(fs.Type, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (isOneof) { $s = 17; continue; } + _r$14 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$14) { $s = 18; continue; } + _r$15 = fd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$15) { $s = 19; continue; } + _r$16 = fd.IsWeak(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$16) { $s = 20; continue; } + _r$17 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$17, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(fs.Type, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 16: + fieldInfo.copy(fi[0], fieldInfoForMissing(fd)); + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (isOneof) { */ case 17: + _arg = fd; + _arg$1 = $clone(fs, reflect.StructField); + _arg$2 = mi.Exporter; + _r$18 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = (_entry$2 = si.oneofWrappersByNumber[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$18)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : $ifaceNil); + _r$19 = fieldInfoForOneof(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fieldInfo.copy(fi[0], _r$19); + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_r$14) { */ case 18: + _r$20 = fieldInfoForMap(fd, $clone(fs, reflect.StructField), mi.Exporter); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fieldInfo.copy(fi[0], _r$20); + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_r$15) { */ case 19: + _r$21 = fieldInfoForList(fd, $clone(fs, reflect.StructField), mi.Exporter); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fieldInfo.copy(fi[0], _r$21); + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (_r$16) { */ case 20: + _r$22 = fieldInfoForWeakMessage(fd, $clone(si.weakOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fieldInfo.copy(fi[0], _r$22); + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$17, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 21: + _r$23 = fieldInfoForMessage(fd, $clone(fs, reflect.StructField), mi.Exporter); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fieldInfo.copy(fi[0], _r$23); + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else { */ case 22: + _r$24 = fieldInfoForScalar(fd, $clone(fs, reflect.StructField), mi.Exporter); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fieldInfo.copy(fi[0], _r$24); + /* } */ case 23: + case 15: + _r$25 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = _r$25; (mi.reflectMessageInfo.fields || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protowire.Number.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: fi[0] }; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + mi.reflectMessageInfo.oneofs = $makeMap(protoreflect.Name.keyFor, []); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 36: + _r$26 = md.Oneofs(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = _r$26.Len(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$1 < _r$27)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < _r$27)) { $s = 37; continue; } + _r$28 = md.Oneofs(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29 = _r$28.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + od = _r$29; + _r$30 = od.Name(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$31 = makeOneofInfo(od, $clone(si, structInfo), mi.Exporter); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key$1 = _r$30; (mi.reflectMessageInfo.oneofs || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: _r$31 }; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 36; continue; + case 37: + _r$32 = fds.Len(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi.reflectMessageInfo.denseFields = $makeSlice(sliceType$15, ($imul(_r$32, 2))); + i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 45: + _r$33 = fds.Len(); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$2 < _r$33)) { break; } */ if(!(i$2 < _r$33)) { $s = 46; continue; } + _r$34 = fds.Get(i$2); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd$1 = _r$34; + _r$35 = fd$1.Number(); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (((_r$35 >> 0)) < mi.reflectMessageInfo.denseFields.$length) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (((_r$35 >> 0)) < mi.reflectMessageInfo.denseFields.$length) { */ case 49: + _r$36 = fd$1.Number(); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$37 = fd$1.Number(); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (x = mi.reflectMessageInfo.denseFields, x$1 = _r$37, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1] = (_entry$3 = mi.reflectMessageInfo.fields[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$36)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : ptrType$37.nil))); + /* } */ case 50: + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 45; continue; + case 46: + i$3 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 54: + _r$38 = fds.Len(); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$3 < _r$38)) { break; } */ if(!(i$3 < _r$38)) { $s = 55; continue; } + _r$39 = fds.Get(i$3); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd$2 = _r$39; + _r$40 = fd$2.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + od$1 = _r$40; + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(od$1, $ifaceNil)))) { _v$1 = false; $s = 62; continue s; } + _r$41 = od$1.IsSynthetic(); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$41 = _r$41.$blk(); } if (_r$41 && _r$41.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !_r$41; case 62: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ $s = 60; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 59: + _r$42 = od$1.Name(); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$42 = _r$42.$blk(); } if (_r$42 && _r$42.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos = $append(mi.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos, (_entry$4 = mi.reflectMessageInfo.oneofs[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_r$42)], _entry$4 !== undefined ? _entry$4.v : ptrType$38.nil)); + _r$43 = od$1.Fields(); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$43 = _r$43.$blk(); } if (_r$43 && _r$43.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$44 = _r$43.Len(); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$44 = _r$44.$blk(); } if (_r$44 && _r$44.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i$3 = i$3 + (_r$44) >> 0; + $s = 61; continue; + /* } else { */ case 60: + _r$45 = fd$2.Number(); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$45 = _r$45.$blk(); } if (_r$45 && _r$45.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos = $append(mi.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos, (_entry$5 = mi.reflectMessageInfo.fields[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$45)], _entry$5 !== undefined ? _entry$5.v : ptrType$37.nil)); + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 61: + $s = 54; continue; + case 55: + if (mi.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos.$length > 1 && detrand.Bool()) { + i$4 = detrand.Intn(mi.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos.$length - 1 >> 0); + _tmp = (x$2 = mi.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos, x$3 = i$4 + 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x$3])); + _tmp$1 = (x$4 = mi.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos, ((i$4 < 0 || i$4 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + i$4])); + (x$5 = mi.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos, ((i$4 < 0 || i$4 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + i$4] = _tmp)); + (x$6 = mi.reflectMessageInfo.rangeInfos, x$7 = i$4 + 1 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + x$7] = _tmp$1)); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeKnownFieldsFunc, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _entry$5, _key, _key$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _v, _v$1, fd, fd$1, fd$2, fds, fi, fs, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, isOneof, md, mi, od, od$1, si, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.makeKnownFieldsFunc = function(si) { return this.$val.makeKnownFieldsFunc(si); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeUnknownFieldsFunc = function(t, si) { + var mi, si, t; + mi = this; + if ($clone(si.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual(si.unknownType, unknownFieldsAType)) { + mi.reflectMessageInfo.getUnknown = (function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return protoreflect.RawFields.nil; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $convertSliceType(_r$6.$get(), protoreflect.RawFields); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, p, $s};return $f; + }); + mi.reflectMessageInfo.setUnknown = (function $b(p, b) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, b, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $panic(new $String("invalid SetUnknown on nil Message")); + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set($convertSliceType(b, sliceType)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, b, p, $s};return $f; + }); + } else if ($clone(si.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual(si.unknownType, unknownFieldsBType)) { + mi.reflectMessageInfo.getUnknown = (function $b(p) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, bp, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return protoreflect.RawFields.nil; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).BytesPtr(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bp = _r$6; + if (bp.$get() === ptrType$3.nil) { + $s = -1; return protoreflect.RawFields.nil; + } + $s = -1; return $convertSliceType(bp.$get().$get(), protoreflect.RawFields); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, bp, p, $s};return $f; + }); + mi.reflectMessageInfo.setUnknown = (function $b(p, b) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, b, bp, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $panic(new $String("invalid SetUnknown on nil Message")); + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).BytesPtr(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bp = _r$6; + if (bp.$get() === ptrType$3.nil) { + bp.$set($newDataPointer(sliceType.nil, ptrType$3)); + } + bp.$get().$set($convertSliceType(b, sliceType)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, b, bp, p, $s};return $f; + }); + } else { + mi.reflectMessageInfo.getUnknown = (function(param) { + var param; + return protoreflect.RawFields.nil; + }); + mi.reflectMessageInfo.setUnknown = (function(p, param) { + var p, param; + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $panic(new $String("invalid SetUnknown on nil Message")); + } + }); + } + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.makeUnknownFieldsFunc = function(t, si) { return this.$val.makeUnknownFieldsFunc(t, si); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeExtensionFieldsFunc = function(t, si) { + var mi, si, t; + mi = this; + if ($clone(si.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { + mi.reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap = (function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _ptr, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return (ptrType$39.nil); + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(si.extensionOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).AsValueOf(extensionFieldsType); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$6; + _r$7 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ((_ptr = $assertType(_r$7, ptrType$36), new ptrType$39(function() { return _ptr.$get(); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set($v); }, _ptr.$target))); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _ptr, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, p, v, $s};return $f; + }); + } else { + mi.reflectMessageInfo.extensionMap = (function(param) { + var param; + return (ptrType$39.nil); + }); + } + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.makeExtensionFieldsFunc = function(t, si) { return this.$val.makeExtensionFieldsFunc(t, si); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeFieldTypes = function(si) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, _v$5, fd, fds, fs, ft, i, isMessage, isOneof, md, mi, si, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {si}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + md = mi.Desc; + _r$5 = md.Fields(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fds = _r$5; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = fds.Len(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$6)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$6)) { $s = 3; continue; } + ft = $ifaceNil; + _r$7 = fds.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$7; + _r$8 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fs = $clone((_entry = si.fieldsByNumber[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$8)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : new reflect.StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$14.nil, false)), reflect.StructField); + _r$9 = fd.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$9, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$10 = fd.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = _r$10.IsSynthetic(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$11; case 7: + isOneof = _v; + /* */ if (isOneof) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (isOneof) { */ case 11: + _r$12 = fd.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.Name(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + reflect.StructField.copy(fs, (_entry$1 = si.oneofsByName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_r$13)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : new reflect.StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$14.nil, false))); + /* } */ case 12: + isMessage = false; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(fs.Type, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (isOneof) { $s = 17; continue; } + _r$14 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$14) { $s = 18; continue; } + _r$15 = fd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$15) { $s = 19; continue; } + _r$16 = fd.Enum(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$16, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 20; continue; } + _r$17 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$17, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(fs.Type, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 16: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (isOneof) { */ case 17: + _r$18 = fd.Enum(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$18, $ifaceNil))) { _v$1 = true; $s = 29; continue s; } + _r$19 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$19, $ifaceNil)); case 29: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 27: + _r$20 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = (_entry$2 = si.oneofWrappersByNumber[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$20)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : $ifaceNil).Field(0); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ft = _r$21.Type; + /* } */ case 28: + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_r$14) { */ case 18: + _r$22 = fd.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = _r$22.Enum(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$23, $ifaceNil))) { _v$2 = true; $s = 36; continue s; } + _r$24 = fd.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = _r$24.Message(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$25, $ifaceNil)); case 36: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 34: + _r$26 = fs.Type.Elem(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ft = _r$26; + /* } */ case 35: + _r$27 = fd.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28 = _r$27.Message(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isMessage = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$28, $ifaceNil)); + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_r$15) { */ case 19: + _r$29 = fd.Enum(); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$29, $ifaceNil))) { _v$3 = true; $s = 46; continue s; } + _r$30 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$30, $ifaceNil)); case 46: + /* */ if (_v$3) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ $s = 45; continue; + /* if (_v$3) { */ case 44: + _r$31 = fs.Type.Elem(); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ft = _r$31; + /* } */ case 45: + _r$32 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isMessage = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$32, $ifaceNil)); + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$16, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 20: + ft = fs.Type; + _r$33 = fd.HasPresence(); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$33)) { _v$4 = false; $s = 53; continue s; } + _r$34 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = _r$34 === 22; case 53: + /* */ if (_v$4) { $s = 51; continue; } + /* */ $s = 52; continue; + /* if (_v$4) { */ case 51: + _r$35 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ft = _r$35; + /* } */ case 52: + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$17, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 21: + ft = fs.Type; + _r$36 = fd.IsWeak(); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$36) { $s = 57; continue; } + /* */ $s = 58; continue; + /* if (_r$36) { */ case 57: + ft = $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 58: + isMessage = true; + /* } */ case 22: + case 15: + if (!(isMessage && !($interfaceIsEqual(ft, $ifaceNil)))) { _v$5 = false; $s = 62; continue s; } + _r$37 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$5 = !((_r$37 === 22)); case 62: + /* */ if (_v$5) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ $s = 61; continue; + /* if (_v$5) { */ case 60: + ft = reflect.PtrTo(ft); + /* } */ case 61: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ft, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 64; continue; } + /* */ $s = 65; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ft, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 64: + if (mi.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes === false) { + mi.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes = {}; + } + _r$38 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$39 = reflect.Zero(ft); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$40 = $clone(_r$39, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = _r$38; (mi.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protowire.Number.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: _r$40 }; + /* } */ case 65: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeFieldTypes, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, _v$5, fd, fds, fs, ft, i, isMessage, isOneof, md, mi, si, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.makeFieldTypes = function(si) { return this.$val.makeFieldTypes(si); }; + $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Range = function(f) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _v, f, m, v, x, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + /* */ if (!(m === ptrType$39.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(m === ptrType$39.nil)) { */ case 1: + _ref = m.$get(); + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + x = $clone(_entry.v, ExtensionField); + _r$5 = $clone(x, ExtensionField).Type().TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd = _r$5; + _r$6 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + _r$7 = xd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$7)) { _v = false; $s = 9; continue s; } + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Len(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$9 === 0; case 9: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 7: + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$10 = f(xd, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$10) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!_r$10) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 14: + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Range, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _v, f, m, v, x, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Has = function(xt) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, m, ok, x, xd, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {xt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ok = false; + m = this; + if (m === ptrType$39.nil) { + ok = false; + $s = -1; return ok; + } + _r$5 = xt.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd = _r$5; + _r$6 = xd.Number(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = (m.$get())[$Int32.keyFor(((_r$6 >> 0)))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new ExtensionField.ptr($ifaceNil, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), ptrType$40.nil), false]); + x = $clone(_tuple[0], ExtensionField); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + ok = false; + $s = -1; return ok; + } + _r$7 = xd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$8 = xd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$8) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$9 = xd.Message(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$9, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_r$7) { */ case 4: + _r$10 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = _r$11.Len(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ok = _r$12 > 0; + $24r = ok; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } else if (_r$8) { */ case 5: + _r$13 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $clone(_r$13, protoreflect.Value).Map(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = _r$14.Len(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ok = _r$15 > 0; + $24r$1 = ok; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$9, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$16 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = $clone(_r$16, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = _r$17.IsValid(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ok = _r$18; + $24r$2 = ok; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 7: + case 3: + ok = true; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Has, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, m, ok, x, xd, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Clear = function(xt) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, m, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {xt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = xt.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Number(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delete m.$get()[$Int32.keyFor(((_r$6 >> 0)))]; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Clear, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, m, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Get = function(xt) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _entry, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, m, ok, x, xd, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {xt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = xt.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd = _r$5; + /* */ if (!(m === ptrType$39.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(m === ptrType$39.nil)) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = xd.Number(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = (m.$get())[$Int32.keyFor(((_r$6 >> 0)))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new ExtensionField.ptr($ifaceNil, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), ptrType$40.nil), false]); + x = $clone(_tuple[0], ExtensionField); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 5: + _r$7 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 3: + _r$8 = xt.Zero(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _entry, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, m, ok, x, xd, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Set = function(xt, v) { + var {_arg, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, isValid, m, v, x, xd, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {xt, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = xt.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd = _r$5; + isValid = true; + _r$6 = xt.IsValidValue($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$6) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$7 = xd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$8 = xd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$8) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$9 = xd.Message(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$9, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!_r$6) { */ case 3: + isValid = false; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_r$7) { */ case 4: + _r$10 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = _r$10.IsValid(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isValid = _r$11; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_r$8) { */ case 5: + _r$12 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Map(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.IsValid(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isValid = _r$13; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$9, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$14 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = _r$14.IsValid(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isValid = _r$15; + /* } */ case 7: + case 2: + /* */ if (!isValid) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!isValid) { */ case 18: + _r$16 = xt.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = _r$16.FullName(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$17); + _r$18 = fmt.Sprintf("%v: assigning invalid value", new sliceType$1([_arg])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$18)); + /* } */ case 19: + if (m.$get() === false) { + m.$set({}); + } + x = new ExtensionField.ptr($ifaceNil, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), ptrType$40.nil); + x.Set(xt, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); + _r$19 = xd.Number(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = ((_r$19 >> 0)); (m.$get() || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $clone(x, ExtensionField) }; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, _arg, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, isValid, m, v, x, xd, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Mutable = function(xt) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _v, _v$1, _v$2, m, ok, v, x, xd, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {xt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = xt.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd = _r$5; + _r$6 = xd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!((_r$6 === 11)))) { _v$2 = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$7 = xd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = !((_r$7 === 10)); case 6: + if (!(_v$2)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r$8 = xd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !_r$8; case 5: + if (!(_v$1)) { _v = false; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r$9 = xd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$9; case 4: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 2: + $panic(new $String("invalid Mutable on field with non-composite type")); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$10 = xd.Number(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = (m.$get())[$Int32.keyFor(((_r$10 >> 0)))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new ExtensionField.ptr($ifaceNil, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), ptrType$40.nil), false]); + x = $clone(_tuple[0], ExtensionField); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 12: + _r$11 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$11; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$12 = xt.New(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$12, protoreflect.Value); + $r = m.Set(xt, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(extensionMap).prototype.Mutable, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _v, _v$1, _v$2, m, ok, v, x, xd, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.MessageOf = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, m, mi, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(reflect.TypeOf(m), mi.GoReflectType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(reflect.TypeOf(m), mi.GoReflectType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("type mismatch: got %T, want %v", new sliceType$1([m, mi.GoReflectType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = pointerOfIface(m); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = $clone(_r$6, pointer); + /* */ if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { */ case 5: + _r$7 = mi.reflectMessageInfo.nilMessage.Init(mi); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return new messageReflectWrapper.ptr($clone(p, pointer), mi); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.MessageOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, m, mi, p, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.MessageOf = function(m) { return this.$val.MessageOf(m); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.pointer = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return m.p; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.pointer = function() { return this.$val.pointer(); }; + messageReflectWrapper.ptr.prototype.messageInfo = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return m.mi; + }; + messageReflectWrapper.prototype.messageInfo = function() { return this.$val.messageInfo(); }; + messageIfaceWrapper.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, m, mr, ok, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = m.protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, interfaceType$1, true); + mr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + $r = mr.Reset(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$6 = m.protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.ValueOf(_r$6); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$7; + /* */ if (($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && !$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && !$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 7: + _r$8 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = reflect.Zero(_r$9); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$10, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageIfaceWrapper.ptr.prototype.Reset, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, m, mr, ok, rv, $s};return $f; + }; + messageIfaceWrapper.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + messageIfaceWrapper.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return ($pointerOfStructConversion(m, ptrType$1)); + }; + messageIfaceWrapper.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + messageIfaceWrapper.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = m.mi.GoReflectType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(m.p, pointer).AsIfaceOf(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageIfaceWrapper.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, m, $s};return $f; + }; + messageIfaceWrapper.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { return this.$val.protoUnwrap(); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.checkField = function(fd) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, fd, fi, got, got$1, mi, n, ok, want, want$1, x, xtd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + fi = ptrType$37.nil; + _r$5 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r$5; + if (0 < n && ((n >> 0)) < mi.reflectMessageInfo.denseFields.$length) { + fi = (x = mi.reflectMessageInfo.denseFields, ((n < 0 || n >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + n])); + } else { + fi = (_entry = mi.reflectMessageInfo.fields[protowire.Number.keyFor(n)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$37.nil); + } + /* */ if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(fi === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fi.fieldDesc, fd))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fi.fieldDesc, fd))) { */ case 4: + _r$6 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = _r$6; + _r$7 = fi.fieldDesc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$7; + got = _tmp; + want = _tmp$1; + /* */ if (!(got === want)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(got === want)) { */ case 8: + _r$8 = fmt.Sprintf("mismatching field: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([new protoreflect.FullName(got), new protoreflect.FullName(want)])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$8)); + /* } */ case 9: + _r$9 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$9); + _r$10 = fmt.Sprintf("mismatching field: %v", new sliceType$1([_arg])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$10)); + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [fi, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$11 = fd.IsExtension(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$11) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_r$11) { */ case 13: + _r$12 = fd.ContainingMessage(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.FullName(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r$13; + _r$14 = mi.Desc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = _r$14; + got$1 = _tmp$2; + want$1 = _tmp$3; + /* */ if (!(got$1 === want$1)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!(got$1 === want$1)) { */ case 19: + _r$15 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$15); + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.FullName(got$1); + _arg$3 = new protoreflect.FullName(want$1); + _r$16 = fmt.Sprintf("extension %v has mismatching containing message: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([_arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$16)); + /* } */ case 20: + _r$17 = mi.Desc.ExtensionRanges(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = _r$17.Has(_r$18); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$19) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (!_r$19) { */ case 23: + _r$20 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$20); + _r$21 = mi.Desc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$21); + _r$22 = fmt.Sprintf("extension %v extends %v outside the extension range", new sliceType$1([_arg$4, _arg$5])); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$22)); + /* } */ case 24: + _tuple = $assertType(fd, protoreflect.ExtensionTypeDescriptor, true); + xtd = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 31: + _r$23 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$23); + _r$24 = fmt.Sprintf("extension %v does not implement protoreflect.ExtensionTypeDescriptor", new sliceType$1([_arg$6])); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$24)); + /* } */ case 32: + _r$25 = xtd.Type(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$37.nil, _r$25]; + $s = 36; case 36: return $24r; + /* } */ case 14: + _r$26 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$26); + _r$27 = fmt.Sprintf("field %v is invalid", new sliceType$1([_arg$7])); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$27)); + $s = -1; return [ptrType$37.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.checkField, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, fd, fi, got, got$1, mi, n, ok, want, want$1, x, xtd, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.checkField = function(fd) { return this.$val.checkField(fd); }; + getMessageInfo = function(mt) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, m, mr, mt, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = reflect.Zero(mt); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$6, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return ptrType$5.nil; + } + _r$7 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(_r$7, interfaceType$2, true); + mr = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return ptrType$5.nil; + } + _r$8 = mr.ProtoMessageInfo(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getMessageInfo, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, m, mr, mt, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.init = function() { + var {mi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + /* */ if (atomic.LoadUint32((mi.$ptr_initDone || (mi.$ptr_initDone = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.initDone; }, function($v) { this.$target.initDone = $v; }, mi)))) === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (atomic.LoadUint32((mi.$ptr_initDone || (mi.$ptr_initDone = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.initDone; }, function($v) { this.$target.initDone = $v; }, mi)))) === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = mi.initOnce(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.init, $c: true, $r, mi, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.init = function() { return this.$val.init(); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.initOnce = function() { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, mi, si, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + mi = this; + $r = mi.initMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(mi.initMu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (mi.initDone === 1) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (mi.initDone === 1) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + t = mi.GoReflectType; + _r$5 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!((_r$5 === 22)))) { _v = false; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$6 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Kind(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !((_r$7 === 25)); case 7: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 5: + _r$8 = fmt.Sprintf("got %v, want *struct kind", new sliceType$1([t])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$8)); + /* } */ case 6: + _r$9 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$9; + _r$10 = mi.makeStructInfo(t); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + si = $clone(_r$10, structInfo); + $r = mi.makeReflectFuncs(t, $clone(si, structInfo)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = mi.makeCoderMethods(t, $clone(si, structInfo)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + atomic.StoreUint32((mi.$ptr_initDone || (mi.$ptr_initDone = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.initDone; }, function($v) { this.$target.initDone = $v; }, mi))), 1); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.initOnce, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, mi, si, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.initOnce = function() { return this.$val.initOnce(); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.getPointer = function(m) { + var _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, m, m$1, m$2, mi, ok, p; + p = new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)); + ok = false; + mi = this; + _ref = m; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType, true)[1]) { + m$1 = _ref.$val; + _tmp = $clone(m$1.pointer(), pointer); + _tmp$1 = m$1.messageInfo() === mi; + pointer.copy(p, _tmp); + ok = _tmp$1; + return [p, ok]; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$1, true)[1]) { + m$2 = _ref.$val; + _tmp$2 = $clone(m$2.pointer(), pointer); + _tmp$3 = m$2.messageInfo() === mi; + pointer.copy(p, _tmp$2); + ok = _tmp$3; + return [p, ok]; + } + _tmp$4 = new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)); + _tmp$5 = false; + pointer.copy(p, _tmp$4); + ok = _tmp$5; + return [p, ok]; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.getPointer = function(m) { return this.$val.getPointer(m); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeStructInfo = function(t) { + var {_1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, f, f$1, fn, i, method, mi, n, n$1, ok, ok$1, oneofWrappers, s, s$1, s$2, si, t, tf, v, v$1, vs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + si = new structInfo.ptr($clone(invalidOffset, offset), $ifaceNil, $clone(invalidOffset, offset), $ifaceNil, $clone(invalidOffset, offset), $ifaceNil, $clone(invalidOffset, offset), $ifaceNil, $makeMap(protowire.Number.keyFor, []), $makeMap(protoreflect.Name.keyFor, []), $makeMap(reflect.Type.keyFor, []), $makeMap(protowire.Number.keyFor, [])); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = t.NumField(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$5)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$5)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$6 = t.Field(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = $clone(_r$6, reflect.StructField); + _1 = f.Name; + if (_1 === ("sizeCache") || _1 === ("XXX_sizecache")) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(f.Type, sizecacheType)) { + offset.copy(si.sizecacheOffset, offsetOf($clone(f, reflect.StructField), mi.Exporter)); + si.sizecacheType = f.Type; + } + } else if (_1 === ("weakFields") || _1 === ("XXX_weak")) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(f.Type, weakFieldsType)) { + offset.copy(si.weakOffset, offsetOf($clone(f, reflect.StructField), mi.Exporter)); + si.weakType = f.Type; + } + } else if (_1 === ("unknownFields") || _1 === ("XXX_unrecognized")) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(f.Type, unknownFieldsAType) || $interfaceIsEqual(f.Type, unknownFieldsBType)) { + offset.copy(si.unknownOffset, offsetOf($clone(f, reflect.StructField), mi.Exporter)); + si.unknownType = f.Type; + } + } else if (_1 === ("extensionFields") || _1 === ("XXX_InternalExtensions") || _1 === ("XXX_extensions")) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(f.Type, extensionFieldsType)) { + offset.copy(si.extensionOffset, offsetOf($clone(f, reflect.StructField), mi.Exporter)); + si.extensionType = f.Type; + } + } else { + _ref = strings.Split(new reflect.StructTag(f.Tag).Get("protobuf"), ","); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (s.length > 0 && strings.Trim(s, "0123456789") === "") { + _tuple = strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64); + n = _tuple[0]; + _key = ((n.$low >> 0)); (si.fieldsByNumber || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protowire.Number.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $clone(f, reflect.StructField) }; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue fieldLoop; */ $s = 1; continue s; + } + _i++; + } + s$1 = new reflect.StructTag(f.Tag).Get("protobuf_oneof"); + if (s$1.length > 0) { + _key$1 = (s$1); (si.oneofsByName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $clone(f, reflect.StructField) }; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue fieldLoop; */ $s = 1; continue s; + } + } + case 4: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + oneofWrappers = mi.OneofWrappers; + _ref$1 = new sliceType$10(["XXX_OneofFuncs", "XXX_OneofWrappers"]); + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 7; continue; } + method = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$7 = reflect.PtrTo(t).MethodByName(method); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$7; + fn = $clone(_tuple$1[0], reflect.Method); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 9: + _r$8 = fn.Type.In(0); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = reflect.Zero(_r$8); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(fn.Func, reflect.Value).Call(new sliceType$13([$clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$2 = _r$10; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 15; continue; } + v = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + _r$11 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = $assertType(_r$11, sliceType$1, true); + vs = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (ok$1) { + oneofWrappers = vs; + } + _i$2++; + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + /* } */ case 10: + _i$1++; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + _ref$3 = oneofWrappers; + _i$3 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 17: + /* if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { $s = 18; continue; } + v$1 = ((_i$3 < 0 || _i$3 >= _ref$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$3.$array[_ref$3.$offset + _i$3]); + _r$12 = reflect.TypeOf(v$1).Elem(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tf = _r$12; + _r$13 = tf.Field(0); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f$1 = $clone(_r$13, reflect.StructField); + _ref$4 = strings.Split(new reflect.StructTag(f$1.Tag).Get("protobuf"), ","); + _i$4 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$4 < _ref$4.$length)) { break; } + s$2 = ((_i$4 < 0 || _i$4 >= _ref$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$4.$array[_ref$4.$offset + _i$4]); + if (s$2.length > 0 && strings.Trim(s$2, "0123456789") === "") { + _tuple$3 = strconv.ParseUint(s$2, 10, 64); + n$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + _key$2 = tf; (si.oneofWrappersByType || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[reflect.Type.keyFor(_key$2)] = { k: _key$2, v: ((n$1.$low >> 0)) }; + _key$3 = ((n$1.$low >> 0)); (si.oneofWrappersByNumber || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protowire.Number.keyFor(_key$3)] = { k: _key$3, v: tf }; + break; + } + _i$4++; + } + _i$3++; + $s = 17; continue; + case 18: + $s = -1; return si; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeStructInfo, $c: true, $r, _1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, f, f$1, fn, i, method, mi, n, n$1, ok, ok$1, oneofWrappers, s, s$1, s$2, si, t, tf, v, v$1, vs, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.makeStructInfo = function(t) { return this.$val.makeStructInfo(t); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, m, mi, ok, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + _r$5 = mi.GoReflectType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.New(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$7; + _tuple = $assertType(m, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true); + r = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 4: + _r$8 = r.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$9 = mi.MessageOf(m); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$9; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, m, mi, ok, r, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, mi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + _r$5 = reflect.Zero(mi.GoReflectType); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = mi.MessageOf(_r$6); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.Zero, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, mi, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var mi; + mi = this; + return mi.Desc; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.Enum = function(i) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, fd, i, mi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + $r = mi.init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = mi.Desc.Fields(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Get(i); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$6; + _r$7 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = new Export.ptr().EnumTypeOf((_entry = mi.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$7)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.Enum, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, fd, i, mi, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.Enum = function(i) { return this.$val.Enum(i); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.Message = function(i) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _entry, _entry$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, fd, i, mi, mt, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + $r = mi.init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = mi.Desc.Fields(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Get(i); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$6; + _r$7 = fd.IsWeak(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$8 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$8) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_r$7) { */ case 5: + _r$9 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.FullName(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(_r$10); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$11; + mt = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return mt; + /* } else if (_r$8) { */ case 6: + _r$12 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x = new mapEntryType.ptr(_r$12, (_entry = mi.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$13)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil)), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 7: + _r$14 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = new Export.ptr().MessageTypeOf((_entry$1 = mi.reflectMessageInfo.fieldTypes[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$14)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : $ifaceNil)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$15; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.Message, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _entry, _entry$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, fd, i, mi, mt, x, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.Message = function(i) { return this.$val.Message(i); }; + mapEntryType.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var mt; + mt = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + mapEntryType.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + mapEntryType.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var mt; + mt = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + mapEntryType.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + mapEntryType.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var mt; + mt = this; + return mt.desc; + }; + mapEntryType.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + mapEntryType.ptr.prototype.Enum = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, fd, i, mt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mt = this; + _r$5 = mt.desc.Fields(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Get(i); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$6; + _r$7 = fd.Enum(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$7, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$7, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$8 = new Export.ptr().EnumTypeOf(mt.valType); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapEntryType.ptr.prototype.Enum, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, fd, i, mt, $s};return $f; + }; + mapEntryType.prototype.Enum = function(i) { return this.$val.Enum(i); }; + mapEntryType.ptr.prototype.Message = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, fd, i, mt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mt = this; + _r$5 = mt.desc.Fields(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Get(i); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$6; + _r$7 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$7, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$7, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$8 = new Export.ptr().MessageTypeOf(mt.valType); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapEntryType.ptr.prototype.Message, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, fd, i, mt, $s};return $f; + }; + mapEntryType.prototype.Message = function(i) { return this.$val.Message(i); }; + mergeBool = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Bool(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(_r$5.$get()); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeBool, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeBoolNoZero = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!(v === false)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(v === false)) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Bool(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(v); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeBoolNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeBoolPtr = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).BoolPtr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!(p === ptrType$8.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(p === ptrType$8.nil)) { */ case 2: + v[0] = p.$get(); + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).BoolPtr(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set((v.$ptr || (v.$ptr = new ptrType$8(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, v)))); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeBoolPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeBoolSlice = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).BoolSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ds = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, pointer).BoolSlice(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = _r$6; + ds.$set($appendSlice(ds.$get(), ss.$get())); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeBoolSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeInt32 = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(_r$5.$get()); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeInt32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeInt32NoZero = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!((v === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((v === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(v); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeInt32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeInt32Ptr = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Int32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!(p === ptrType$11.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(p === ptrType$11.nil)) { */ case 2: + v[0] = p.$get(); + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Int32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set((v.$ptr || (v.$ptr = new ptrType$11(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, v)))); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeInt32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeInt32Slice = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ds = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = _r$6; + ds.$set($appendSlice(ds.$get(), ss.$get())); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeInt32Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeUint32 = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(_r$5.$get()); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeUint32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeUint32NoZero = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!((v === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((v === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(v); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeUint32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeUint32Ptr = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Uint32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!(p === ptrType$17.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(p === ptrType$17.nil)) { */ case 2: + v[0] = p.$get(); + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Uint32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set((v.$ptr || (v.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, v)))); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeUint32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeUint32Slice = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ds = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = _r$6; + ds.$set($appendSlice(ds.$get(), ss.$get())); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeUint32Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeInt64 = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(_r$5.$get()); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeInt64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeInt64NoZero = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(v); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeInt64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeInt64Ptr = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Int64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!(p === ptrType$14.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(p === ptrType$14.nil)) { */ case 2: + v[0] = p.$get(); + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Int64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set((v.$ptr || (v.$ptr = new ptrType$14(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, v)))); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeInt64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeInt64Slice = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ds = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = _r$6; + ds.$set($appendSlice(ds.$get(), ss.$get())); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeInt64Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeUint64 = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(_r$5.$get()); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeUint64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeUint64NoZero = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(v); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeUint64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeUint64Ptr = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Uint64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!(p === ptrType$20.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(p === ptrType$20.nil)) { */ case 2: + v[0] = p.$get(); + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Uint64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set((v.$ptr || (v.$ptr = new ptrType$20(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, v)))); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeUint64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeUint64Slice = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ds = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = _r$6; + ds.$set($appendSlice(ds.$get(), ss.$get())); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeUint64Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeFloat32 = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Float32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Float32(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(_r$5.$get()); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeFloat32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeFloat32NoZero = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Float32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!((v === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((v === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Float32(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(v); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeFloat32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeFloat32Ptr = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Float32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!(p === ptrType$23.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(p === ptrType$23.nil)) { */ case 2: + v[0] = p.$get(); + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Float32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set((v.$ptr || (v.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, v)))); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeFloat32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeFloat32Slice = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).Float32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ds = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, pointer).Float32Slice(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = _r$6; + ds.$set($appendSlice(ds.$get(), ss.$get())); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeFloat32Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeFloat64 = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Float64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Float64(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(_r$5.$get()); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeFloat64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeFloat64NoZero = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Float64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!((v === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((v === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Float64(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(v); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeFloat64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeFloat64Ptr = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Float64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!(p === ptrType$26.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(p === ptrType$26.nil)) { */ case 2: + v[0] = p.$get(); + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Float64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set((v.$ptr || (v.$ptr = new ptrType$26(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, v)))); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeFloat64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeFloat64Slice = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).Float64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ds = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, pointer).Float64Slice(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = _r$6; + ds.$set($appendSlice(ds.$get(), ss.$get())); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeFloat64Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeString = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(_r$5.$get()); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeString, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeStringNoZero = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!(v === "")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(v === "")) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set(v); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeStringNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeStringPtr = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).StringPtr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (!(p === ptrType$29.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(p === ptrType$29.nil)) { */ case 2: + v[0] = p.$get(); + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).StringPtr(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set((v.$ptr || (v.$ptr = new ptrType$29(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, v)))); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeStringPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, p, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeStringSlice = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).StringSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ds = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, pointer).StringSlice(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ss = _r$6; + ds.$set($appendSlice(ds.$get(), ss.$get())); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeStringSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeOptions.ptr.prototype.Merge = function(dst, src) { + var {dst, o, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + o = this; + $r = proto.Merge(dst, src); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeOptions.ptr.prototype.Merge, $c: true, $r, dst, o, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeOptions.prototype.Merge = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.Merge(dst, src); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.merge = function(in$1) { + var {_tuple, _tuple$1, dp, in$1, mi, ok, sp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + _tuple = mi.getPointer(in$1.Destination); + dp = $clone(_tuple[0], pointer); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 0); + } + _tuple$1 = mi.getPointer(in$1.Source); + sp = $clone(_tuple$1[0], pointer); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 0); + } + $r = mi.mergePointer($clone(dp, pointer), $clone(sp, pointer), new mergeOptions.ptr()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 1); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.merge, $c: true, $r, _tuple, _tuple$1, dp, in$1, mi, ok, sp, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.merge = function(in$1) { return this.$val.merge(in$1); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.mergePointer = function(dst, src, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _key, _keys, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _v, dext, dst, du, dv, dx, f, mi, num, opts, sext, sfptr, src, su, sx, xi, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + $r = mi.init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($clone(dst, pointer).IsNil()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($clone(dst, pointer).IsNil()) { */ case 2: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid value: merging into nil message", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 3: + if ($clone(src, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _ref = mi.coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 6; continue; } + f = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (f.funcs.merge === $throwNilPointerError) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + _r$6 = $clone(src, pointer).Apply($clone(f.offset, offset)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sfptr = $clone(_r$6, pointer); + if (!(f.isPointer)) { _v = false; $s = 10; continue s; } + _r$7 = $clone(sfptr, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, pointer).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$8; case 10: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 8: + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$9 = $clone(dst, pointer).Apply($clone(f.offset, offset)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = f.funcs.merge($clone(_r$9, pointer), $clone(sfptr, pointer), f, $clone(opts, mergeOptions)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + /* */ if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 15: + _r$10 = $clone(src, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, pointer).Extensions(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sext = _r$11; + _r$12 = $clone(dst, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(_r$12, pointer).Extensions(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dext = _r$13; + if (dext.$get() === false) { + dext.$set({}); + } + _ref$1 = sext.$get(); + _i$1 = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref$1); + /* while (true) { */ case 21: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _keys.length)) { $s = 22; continue; } + _entry = _ref$1[_keys[_i$1]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 21; continue; + } + num = _entry.k; + sx = $clone(_entry.v, ExtensionField); + xt = $clone(sx, ExtensionField).Type(); + _r$14 = getExtensionFieldInfo(xt); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi = _r$14; + if (xi.funcs.merge === $throwNilPointerError) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 21; continue; + } + dx = $clone((_entry$1 = (dext.$get())[$Int32.keyFor(num)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : new ExtensionField.ptr($ifaceNil, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), ptrType$40.nil)), ExtensionField); + dv = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(dx, ExtensionField).Type(), $clone(sx, ExtensionField).Type())) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(dx, ExtensionField).Type(), $clone(sx, ExtensionField).Type())) { */ case 24: + _r$15 = dx.Value(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(dv, _r$15); + /* } */ case 25: + /* */ if (!$clone(dv, protoreflect.Value).IsValid() && xi.unmarshalNeedsValue) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!$clone(dv, protoreflect.Value).IsValid() && xi.unmarshalNeedsValue) { */ case 27: + _r$16 = xt.New(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(dv, _r$16); + /* } */ case 28: + _arg = $clone(dv, protoreflect.Value); + _r$17 = sx.Value(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$17, protoreflect.Value); + _arg$2 = $clone(opts, mergeOptions); + _r$18 = xi.funcs.merge(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(dv, _r$18); + dx.Set($clone(sx, ExtensionField).Type(), $clone(dv, protoreflect.Value)); + _key = num; (dext.$get() || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $clone(dx, ExtensionField) }; + _i$1++; + $s = 21; continue; + case 22: + /* } */ case 16: + /* */ if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 32: + _r$19 = mi.getUnknownBytes($clone(src, pointer)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + su = _r$19; + /* */ if (!(su === ptrType$3.nil) && su.$get().$length > 0) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (!(su === ptrType$3.nil) && su.$get().$length > 0) { */ case 35: + _r$20 = mi.mutableUnknownBytes($clone(dst, pointer)); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + du = _r$20; + du.$set($appendSlice(du.$get(), su.$get())); + /* } */ case 36: + /* } */ case 33: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.mergePointer, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _key, _keys, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _v, dext, dst, du, dv, dx, f, mi, num, opts, sext, sfptr, src, su, sx, xi, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.mergePointer = function(dst, src, opts) { return this.$val.mergePointer(dst, src, opts); }; + mergeScalarValue = function(dst, src, opts) { + var dst, opts, src; + return src; + }; + mergeBytesValue = function(dst, src, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, dst, opts, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = new sliceType(emptyBuf); + _r$5 = $clone(src, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _r$6 = protoreflect.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(_arg, _arg$1)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeBytesValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, dst, opts, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeListValue = function(dst, src, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, dst, dstl, i, llen, opts, src, srcl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dstl = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + srcl = _r$6; + _tmp = 0; + _r$7 = srcl.Len(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$7; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$8 = srcl.Get(i); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = dstl.Append($clone(_r$8, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return dst; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeListValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, dst, dstl, i, llen, opts, src, srcl, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeBytesListValue = function(dst, src, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, db, dst, dstl, i, llen, opts, sb, src, srcl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dstl = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + srcl = _r$6; + _tmp = 0; + _r$7 = srcl.Len(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$7; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$8 = srcl.Get(i); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sb = _r$9; + db = $appendSlice(new sliceType(emptyBuf), sb); + $r = dstl.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(db), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return dst; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeBytesListValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, db, dst, dstl, i, llen, opts, sb, src, srcl, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeMessageListValue = function(dst, src, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, dm, dst, dstl, i, llen, opts, sm, src, srcl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dstl = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + srcl = _r$6; + _tmp = 0; + _r$7 = srcl.Len(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$7; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$8 = srcl.Get(i); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sm = _r$9; + _r$10 = sm.Interface(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = proto.Clone(_r$10); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = _r$11.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dm = _r$12; + $r = dstl.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(dm), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return dst; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeMessageListValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, dm, dst, dstl, i, llen, opts, sm, src, srcl, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeMessageValue = function(dst, src, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, dst, opts, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$6; + _r$7 = $clone(src, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Interface(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$8; + $r = $clone(opts, mergeOptions).Merge(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return dst; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeMessageValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, dst, opts, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeMessage = function(dst, src, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dm, dst, f, opts, sm, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!(f.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(f.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r$6) { */ case 4: + _r$7 = f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = reflect.New(_r$7); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = pointerOfValue($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(dst, pointer).SetPointer($clone(_r$9, pointer)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + _r$10 = $clone(dst, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r$10, pointer); + _r$11 = $clone(src, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$11, pointer); + _arg$2 = $clone(opts, mergeOptions); + $r = f.mi.mergePointer(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$12 = $clone(dst, pointer).AsValueOf(f.ft); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(_r$12, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dm = _r$13; + _r$14 = $clone(src, pointer).AsValueOf(f.ft); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = $clone(_r$14, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sm = _r$15; + /* */ if ($clone(dm, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if ($clone(dm, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 19: + _r$16 = f.ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = reflect.New(_r$16); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(dm, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$17, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 20: + _r$18 = asMessage($clone(dm, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$18; + _r$19 = asMessage($clone(sm, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$19; + $r = $clone(opts, mergeOptions).Merge(_arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeMessage, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dm, dst, f, opts, sm, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeMessageSlice = function(dst, src, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, dm, dst, f, opts, sp, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r$5; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + sp = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + _r$6 = f.ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = reflect.New(_r$7); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dm = _r$8; + /* */ if (!(f.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(f.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 7: + $r = f.mi.mergePointer($clone(pointerOfValue($clone(dm, reflect.Value)), pointer), $clone(sp, pointer), $clone(opts, mergeOptions)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + _r$9 = asMessage($clone(dm, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$9; + _r$10 = f.ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = _r$10.Elem(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = $clone(sp, pointer).AsValueOf(_r$11); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = asMessage($clone(_r$12, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$13; + $r = $clone(opts, mergeOptions).Merge(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 9: + $r = $clone(dst, pointer).AppendPointerSlice($clone(pointerOfValue($clone(dm, reflect.Value)), pointer)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeMessageSlice, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, dm, dst, f, opts, sp, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeBytes = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = new sliceType(emptyBuf); + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5.$get(); + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set($appendSlice(_arg, _arg$1)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeBytes, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeBytesNoZero = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + /* */ if (v.$length > 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (v.$length > 0) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(dst, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6.$set($appendSlice(new sliceType(emptyBuf), v)); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeBytesNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeBytesSlice = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_i, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).BytesSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ds = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(src, pointer).BytesSlice(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r$6.$get(); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ds.$set($append(ds.$get(), $appendSlice(new sliceType(emptyBuf), v))); + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeBytesSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, ds, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyWrapMessage = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, mt, t, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(); + _r$5 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!((_r$5 === 22))) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$6 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !((_r$7 === 25)); case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return (x = new aberrantMessage.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value)), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = legacyLoadMessageInfo(t, ""); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mt = _r$8; + _r$9 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = mt.MessageOf(_r$9); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyWrapMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, mt, t, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyLoadMessageType = function(t, name) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _v, name, t, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!((_r$5 === 22))) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$6 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !((_r$7 === 25)); case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return (x = new aberrantMessageType.ptr(t), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = legacyLoadMessageInfo(t, name); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyLoadMessageType, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _v, name, t, x, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyLoadMessageInfo = function(t, name) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, hasMarshal, hasMerge, hasUnmarshal, mi, mi$1, mt, name, ok, ok$1, t, v, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = legacyMessageTypeCache.Load(t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + mt = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(mt, ptrType$5); + } + _r$6 = legacyLoadMessageDesc(t, name); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi = new MessageInfo.ptr(t, _r$6, $throwNilPointerError, sliceType$1.nil, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, new reflectMessageInfo.ptr(false, false, false, sliceType$15.nil, sliceType$1.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, new atomicNilMessage.ptr(new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), new messageReflectWrapper.ptr(new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)), ptrType$5.nil))), new coderMessageInfo.ptr(new structType$9.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), new $Uint64(0, 0), $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError), sliceType$16.nil, sliceType$16.nil, false, new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError), new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError), false, new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError), false, false, 0)); + _tmp = false; + _tmp$1 = false; + hasMarshal = _tmp; + hasUnmarshal = _tmp$1; + _r$7 = reflect.Zero(t); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$8; + _tuple$1 = $assertType(v, legacyMarshaler, true); + hasMarshal = _tuple$1[1]; + if (hasMarshal) { + mi.coderMessageInfo.methods.Marshal = legacyMarshal; + mi.coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags = (x = mi.coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags, x$1 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + } + _tuple$2 = $assertType(v, legacyUnmarshaler, true); + hasUnmarshal = _tuple$2[1]; + if (hasUnmarshal) { + mi.coderMessageInfo.methods.Unmarshal = legacyUnmarshal; + } + _tuple$3 = $assertType(v, legacyMerger, true); + hasMerge = _tuple$3[1]; + if (hasMerge || (hasMarshal && hasUnmarshal)) { + mi.coderMessageInfo.methods.Merge = legacyMerge; + } + _r$9 = legacyMessageTypeCache.LoadOrStore(t, mi); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$9; + mi$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(mi$1, ptrType$5); + } + $s = -1; return mi; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyLoadMessageInfo, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, hasMarshal, hasMerge, hasUnmarshal, mi, mi$1, mt, name, ok, ok$1, t, v, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + LegacyLoadMessageDesc = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$5, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = legacyLoadMessageDesc(t, ""); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: LegacyLoadMessageDesc, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.LegacyLoadMessageDesc = LegacyLoadMessageDesc; + legacyLoadMessageDesc = function(t, name) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _v, b, f, hasProtoField, i, i$1, idxs, md, md$1, mdV1, mi, mv, name, nfield, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mdV1 = [mdV1]; + _r$5 = legacyMessageDescCache.Load(t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + mi = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(mi, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor); + } + _r$6 = reflect.Zero(t); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mv = _r$7; + _tuple$1 = $assertType(mv, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true); + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 4: + _r$8 = fmt.Sprintf("%v already implements proto.Message", new sliceType$1([t])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$8)); + /* } */ case 5: + _tuple$2 = $assertType(mv, messageV1, true); + mdV1[0] = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$2) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!ok$2) { */ case 7: + _r$9 = aberrantLoadMessageDesc(t, name); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$10 = (function(mdV1) { return function $b() { + var {$24r$1, _r$10, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $deferred.push([(function(mdV1) { return function() { + $recover(); + }; })(mdV1), []]); + _r$10 = mdV1[0].Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$10; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, sliceType$14.nil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$1, _r$10, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; })(mdV1)(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$10; + b = _tuple$3[0]; + idxs = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (b === sliceType.nil) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (b === sliceType.nil) { */ case 12: + _r$11 = aberrantLoadMessageDesc(t, name); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$11; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$12 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.Kind(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$13 === 25) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_r$13 === 25) { */ case 16: + _r$14 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = _r$14.NumField(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + nfield = _r$15; + /* */ if (nfield > 0) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (nfield > 0) { */ case 22: + hasProtoField = false; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 24: + /* if (!(i < nfield)) { break; } */ if(!(i < nfield)) { $s = 25; continue; } + _r$16 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = _r$16.Field(i); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = $clone(_r$17, reflect.StructField); + if (!(new reflect.StructTag(f.Tag).Get("protobuf") === "") || !(new reflect.StructTag(f.Tag).Get("protobuf_oneof") === "") || strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_")) { + hasProtoField = true; + /* break; */ $s = 25; continue; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 24; continue; + case 25: + /* */ if (!hasProtoField) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!hasProtoField) { */ case 28: + _r$18 = aberrantLoadMessageDesc(t, name); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$18; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 29: + /* } */ case 23: + /* } */ case 17: + _r$19 = legacyLoadFileDesc(b); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = _r$19.Messages(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = _r$20.Get((0 >= idxs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idxs.$array[idxs.$offset + 0])); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md = _r$21; + _ref = $subslice(idxs, 1); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 35: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 36; continue; } + i$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$22 = md.Messages(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = _r$22.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md = _r$23; + _i++; + $s = 35; continue; + case 36: + if (!(!(name === ""))) { _v = false; $s = 41; continue s; } + _r$24 = md.FullName(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !(_r$24 === name); case 41: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 39: + _r$25 = md.FullName(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$25); + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.FullName(name); + _r$26 = fmt.Sprintf("mismatching message name: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$26)); + /* } */ case 40: + _r$27 = legacyMessageDescCache.LoadOrStore(t, md); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$27; + md$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$3 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (ok$3) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(md$1, protoreflect.MessageDescriptor); + } + $s = -1; return md; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyLoadMessageDesc, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _v, b, f, hasProtoField, i, i$1, idxs, md, md$1, mdV1, mi, mv, name, nfield, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, t, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantLoadMessageDesc = function(t, name) { + var {$24r, _r$5, name, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $r = aberrantMessageDescLock.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(aberrantMessageDescLock, "Unlock"), []]); + if (aberrantMessageDescCache === false) { + aberrantMessageDescCache = {}; + } + _r$5 = aberrantLoadMessageDescReentrant(t, name); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: aberrantLoadMessageDesc, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, name, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + aberrantLoadMessageDescReentrant = function(t, name) { + var {_1, _entry, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _v, f, f$1, f$2, fd, fn, fn$1, i, i$1, i$2, md, md$1, method, n, name, od, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, oneofWrappers, s, t, t$1, tag$1, tag$2, tag$3, tag$4, tagKey, tagVal, v, v$1, v$2, vs, vs$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = (_entry = aberrantMessageDescCache[reflect.Type.keyFor(t)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + md = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return md; + } + md$1 = new filedesc.Message.ptr(new filedesc.Base.ptr(new filedesc.BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$41.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)), new filedesc.MessageL1.ptr(new filedesc.Enums.ptr(sliceType$17.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.Messages.ptr(sliceType$18.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.Extensions.ptr(sliceType$19.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), false, false), new filedesc.MessageL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new filedesc.Fields.ptr(sliceType$20.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false, false, false), new filedesc.Oneofs.ptr(sliceType$21.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.Names.ptr(sliceType$22.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.FieldRanges.ptr(sliceType$23.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$23.nil), new filedesc.FieldNumbers.ptr(sliceType$24.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.FieldRanges.ptr(sliceType$23.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$23.nil), sliceType$25.nil)); + _r$5 = aberrantDeriveMessageName(t, name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md$1.Base.L0.FullName = _r$5; + md$1.Base.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto2; + _key = t; (aberrantMessageDescCache || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[reflect.Type.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: md$1 }; + _r$6 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!((_r$6 === 22))) { _v = true; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r$7 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Kind(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !((_r$8 === 25)); case 4: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return md$1; + /* } */ case 3: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _r$9 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.NumField(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$10)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$10)) { $s = 9; continue; } + _r$11 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = _r$11.Field(i); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = $clone(_r$12, reflect.StructField); + tag$1 = new reflect.StructTag(f.Tag).Get("protobuf"); + /* */ if (!(tag$1 === "")) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!(tag$1 === "")) { */ case 14: + _r$13 = f.Type.Kind(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$13; + if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14)) || (_1 === (24))) { + md$1.Base.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto3; + } + case 16: + _ref = strings.Split(tag$1, ","); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (s === "proto3") { + md$1.Base.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto3; + } + _i++; + } + /* } */ case 15: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + oneofWrappers = sliceType$26.nil; + _ref$1 = new sliceType$10(["XXX_OneofFuncs", "XXX_OneofWrappers"]); + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 18: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 19; continue; } + method = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$14 = t.MethodByName(method); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$14; + fn = $clone(_tuple$1[0], reflect.Method); + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 21: + _r$15 = fn.Type.In(0); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = reflect.Zero(_r$15); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = $clone(fn.Func, reflect.Value).Call(new sliceType$13([$clone(_r$16, reflect.Value)])); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$2 = _r$17; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 26: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 27; continue; } + v = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + _r$18 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = $assertType(_r$18, sliceType$1, true); + vs = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (ok$2) { + _ref$3 = vs; + _i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } + v$1 = ((_i$3 < 0 || _i$3 >= _ref$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$3.$array[_ref$3.$offset + _i$3]); + oneofWrappers = $append(oneofWrappers, reflect.TypeOf(v$1)); + _i$3++; + } + } + _i$2++; + $s = 26; continue; + case 27: + /* } */ case 22: + _i$1++; + $s = 18; continue; + case 19: + _r$19 = t.MethodByName("ExtensionRangeArray"); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$19; + fn$1 = $clone(_tuple$3[0], reflect.Method); + ok$3 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (ok$3) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (ok$3) { */ case 30: + _r$20 = fn$1.Type.In(0); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = reflect.Zero(_r$20); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = $clone(fn$1.Func, reflect.Value).Call(new sliceType$13([$clone(_r$21, reflect.Value)])); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vs$1 = (x = _r$22, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 35: + /* if (!(i$1 < $clone(vs$1, reflect.Value).Len())) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < $clone(vs$1, reflect.Value).Len())) { $s = 36; continue; } + _r$23 = $clone(vs$1, reflect.Value).Index(i$1); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$2 = _r$23; + _r$24 = $clone(v$2, reflect.Value).FieldByName("Start"); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = $clone(_r$24, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26 = $clone(v$2, reflect.Value).FieldByName("End"); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = $clone(_r$26, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md$1.L2.ExtensionRanges.List = $append(md$1.L2.ExtensionRanges.List, $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [(((x$1 = _r$25, x$1.$low + ((x$1.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)), (((x$2 = (x$3 = _r$27, new $Int64(x$3.$high + 0, x$3.$low + 1)), x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))])); + md$1.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions = $append(md$1.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions, $throwNilPointerError); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 35; continue; + case 36: + /* } */ case 31: + i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 42: + _r$28 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29 = _r$28.NumField(); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$2 < _r$29)) { break; } */ if(!(i$2 < _r$29)) { $s = 43; continue; } + _r$30 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$31 = _r$30.Field(i$2); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f$1 = $clone(_r$31, reflect.StructField); + tag$2 = new reflect.StructTag(f$1.Tag).Get("protobuf"); + /* */ if (!(tag$2 === "")) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ $s = 49; continue; + /* if (!(tag$2 === "")) { */ case 48: + tagKey = new reflect.StructTag(f$1.Tag).Get("protobuf_key"); + tagVal = new reflect.StructTag(f$1.Tag).Get("protobuf_val"); + $r = aberrantAppendField(md$1, f$1.Type, tag$2, tagKey, tagVal); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 49: + tag$3 = new reflect.StructTag(f$1.Tag).Get("protobuf_oneof"); + /* */ if (!(tag$3 === "")) { $s = 51; continue; } + /* */ $s = 52; continue; + /* if (!(tag$3 === "")) { */ case 51: + n = md$1.L2.Oneofs.List.$length; + md$1.L2.Oneofs.List = $append(md$1.L2.Oneofs.List, new filedesc.Oneof.ptr(new filedesc.Base.ptr(new filedesc.BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$41.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)), new filedesc.OneofL1.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new filedesc.OneofFields.ptr(sliceType$27.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false, false, false)))); + od = (x$4 = md$1.L2.Oneofs.List, ((n < 0 || n >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + n])); + od.Base.L0.FullName = new protoreflect.FullName(md$1.Base.FullName()).Append((tag$3)); + od.Base.L0.ParentFile = md$1.Base.L0.ParentFile; + od.Base.L0.Parent = md$1; + od.Base.L0.Index = n; + _ref$4 = oneofWrappers; + _i$4 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 53: + /* if (!(_i$4 < _ref$4.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$4 < _ref$4.$length)) { $s = 54; continue; } + t$1 = ((_i$4 < 0 || _i$4 >= _ref$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$4.$array[_ref$4.$offset + _i$4]); + _r$32 = t$1.Implements(f$1.Type); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$32) { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ $s = 56; continue; + /* if (_r$32) { */ case 55: + _r$33 = t$1.Elem(); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$34 = _r$33.Field(0); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f$2 = $clone(_r$34, reflect.StructField); + tag$4 = new reflect.StructTag(f$2.Tag).Get("protobuf"); + /* */ if (!(tag$4 === "")) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ $s = 61; continue; + /* if (!(tag$4 === "")) { */ case 60: + $r = aberrantAppendField(md$1, f$2.Type, tag$4, "", ""); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = (x$5 = md$1.L2.Fields.List, x$6 = md$1.L2.Fields.List.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + x$6])); + fd.L1.ContainingOneof = od; + od.L1.Fields.List = $append(od.L1.Fields.List, fd); + /* } */ case 61: + /* } */ case 56: + _i$4++; + $s = 53; continue; + case 54: + /* } */ case 52: + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 42; continue; + case 43: + $s = -1; return md$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantLoadMessageDescReentrant, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _v, f, f$1, f$2, fd, fn, fn$1, i, i$1, i$2, md, md$1, method, n, name, od, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, oneofWrappers, s, t, t$1, tag$1, tag$2, tag$3, tag$4, tagKey, tagVal, v, v$1, v$2, vs, vs$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantDeriveMessageName = function(t, name) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, name, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + name = [name]; + t = [t]; + if (new protoreflect.FullName(name[0]).IsValid()) { + $s = -1; return name[0]; + } + $r = (function(name, t) { return function $b() { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, m, ok, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $deferred.push([(function(name, t) { return function() { + $recover(); + }; })(name, t), []]); + _r$5 = reflect.Zero(t[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$6, interfaceType$3, true); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 3: + _r$7 = m.XXX_MessageName(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name[0] = (_r$7); + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, m, ok, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; })(name, t)(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (new protoreflect.FullName(name[0]).IsValid()) { + $s = -1; return name[0]; + } + _r$5 = t[0].Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5 === 22) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_r$5 === 22) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = t[0].Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t[0] = _r$6; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$7 = AberrantDeriveFullName(t[0]); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantDeriveMessageName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, name, t, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantAppendField = function(md, goType, tag$1, tagKey, tagVal) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _v, _v$1, fd, goType, isOptional, isRepeated, md, md2, n, n$1, t, tag$1, tagKey, tagVal, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {md, goType, tag$1, tagKey, tagVal}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = [fd]; + t = goType; + _r$5 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$5 === 22)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$6 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !((_r$7 === 25)); case 1: + isOptional = _v; + _r$8 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$8 === 23)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r$9 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !((_r$10 === 8)); case 5: + isRepeated = _v$1; + /* */ if (isOptional || isRepeated) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (isOptional || isRepeated) { */ case 9: + _r$11 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$11; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$12 = tag.Unmarshal(tag$1, t, (x = new placeholderEnumValues.ptr($ifaceNil), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd[0] = $assertType(_r$12, ptrType$43); + n = md.L2.Fields.List.$length; + md.L2.Fields.List = $append(md.L2.Fields.List, fd[0]); + fd[0] = (x$1 = md.L2.Fields.List, ((n < 0 || n >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + n])); + fd[0].Base.L0.FullName = new protoreflect.FullName(md.Base.FullName()).Append(fd[0].Base.Name()); + fd[0].Base.L0.ParentFile = md.Base.L0.ParentFile; + fd[0].Base.L0.Parent = md; + fd[0].Base.L0.Index = n; + /* */ if (fd[0].L1.IsWeak || fd[0].L1.HasPacked) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (fd[0].L1.IsWeak || fd[0].L1.HasPacked) { */ case 13: + fd[0].L1.Options = (function(fd) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, opts, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$13 = descopts.Field.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = _r$13.New(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + opts = _r$14; + /* */ if (fd[0].L1.IsWeak) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (fd[0].L1.IsWeak) { */ case 3: + _r$15 = opts.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = _r$15.Fields(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = _r$16.ByName("weak"); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = opts.Set(_r$17, $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(true), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (fd[0].L1.HasPacked) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (fd[0].L1.HasPacked) { */ case 9: + _r$18 = opts.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = _r$18.Fields(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = _r$19.ByName("packed"); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = opts.Set(_r$20, $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(fd[0].L1.IsPacked), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + _r$21 = opts.Interface(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$21; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, opts, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd); + /* } */ case 14: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(fd[0].Enum(), $ifaceNil) && (fd[0].Kind() === 14)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(fd[0].Enum(), $ifaceNil) && (fd[0].Kind() === 14)) { */ case 15: + _r$13 = reflect.Zero(t); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $clone(_r$13, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r$14; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Enum, true)[1]) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Enum, true)[1]) { */ case 19: + v = _ref; + _r$15 = v.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd[0].L1.Enum = _r$15; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else { */ case 20: + v$1 = _ref; + _r$16 = LegacyLoadEnumDesc(t); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd[0].L1.Enum = _r$16; + /* } */ case 21: + /* } */ case 16: + _r$17 = fd[0].Message(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$17, $ifaceNil) && ((fd[0].Kind() === 11) || (fd[0].Kind() === 10))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$17, $ifaceNil) && ((fd[0].Kind() === 11) || (fd[0].Kind() === 10))) { */ case 24: + _r$18 = reflect.Zero(t); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = $clone(_r$18, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$1 = _r$19; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true)[1]) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, messageV1, true)[1]) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* switch (0) { default: if ($assertType(_ref$1, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true)[1]) { */ case 29: + v$2 = _ref$1; + _r$20 = v$2.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = _r$20.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd[0].L1.Message = _r$21; + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, messageV1, true)[1]) { */ case 30: + v$3 = _ref$1; + _r$22 = LegacyLoadMessageDesc(t); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd[0].L1.Message = _r$22; + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else { */ case 31: + v$4 = _ref$1; + _r$23 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$23 === 21) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (_r$23 === 21) { */ case 36: + n$1 = md.L1.Messages.List.$length; + md.L1.Messages.List = $append(md.L1.Messages.List, new filedesc.Message.ptr(new filedesc.Base.ptr(new filedesc.BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$41.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)), new filedesc.MessageL1.ptr(new filedesc.Enums.ptr(sliceType$17.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.Messages.ptr(sliceType$18.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.Extensions.ptr(sliceType$19.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), false, false), new filedesc.MessageL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new filedesc.Fields.ptr(sliceType$20.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false, false, false), new filedesc.Oneofs.ptr(sliceType$21.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.Names.ptr(sliceType$22.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.FieldRanges.ptr(sliceType$23.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$23.nil), new filedesc.FieldNumbers.ptr(sliceType$24.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.FieldRanges.ptr(sliceType$23.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$23.nil), sliceType$25.nil))); + md2 = (x$2 = md.L1.Messages.List, ((n$1 < 0 || n$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + n$1])); + md2.Base.L0.FullName = new protoreflect.FullName(md.Base.FullName()).Append((strs.MapEntryName((fd[0].Base.Name())))); + md2.Base.L0.ParentFile = md.Base.L0.ParentFile; + md2.Base.L0.Parent = md; + md2.Base.L0.Index = n$1; + md2.L1.IsMapEntry = true; + md2.L2.Options = (function(fd) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, opts, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$24 = descopts.Message.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = _r$24.New(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + opts = _r$25; + _r$26 = opts.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = _r$26.Fields(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28 = _r$27.ByName("map_entry"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = opts.Set(_r$28, $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(true), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29 = opts.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$29; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, opts, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd); + _arg = md2; + _r$24 = t.Key(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$24; + _arg$2 = tagKey; + $r = aberrantAppendField(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, "", ""); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = md2; + _r$25 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$25; + _arg$5 = tagVal; + $r = aberrantAppendField(_arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, "", ""); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd[0].L1.Message = md2; + /* break; */ $s = 32; continue; + /* } */ case 37: + _r$26 = aberrantLoadMessageDescReentrant(t, ""); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd[0].L1.Message = _r$26; + /* } } */ case 32: + /* } */ case 25: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantAppendField, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _v, _v$1, fd, goType, isOptional, isRepeated, md, md2, n, n$1, t, tag$1, tagKey, tagVal, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + placeholderEnumValues.ptr.prototype.ByNumber = function(n) { + var {$24r, _r$5, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_%d", new sliceType$1([new protoreflect.EnumNumber(n)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new filedesc.PlaceholderEnumValue(((_r$5))); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: placeholderEnumValues.ptr.prototype.ByNumber, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, n, $s};return $f; + }; + placeholderEnumValues.prototype.ByNumber = function(n) { return this.$val.ByNumber(n); }; + legacyMarshal = function(in$1) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, in$1, marshaler, ok, out, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $assertType(in$1.Message, unwrapper).protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5; + _tuple = $assertType(v, legacyMarshaler, true); + marshaler = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = errors.New("%T does not implement Marshal", new sliceType$1([v])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new structType$3.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), sliceType.nil), _r$6]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$7 = marshaler.Marshal(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$7; + out = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!(in$1.Buf === sliceType.nil)) { + out = $appendSlice(in$1.Buf, out); + } + $s = -1; return [new structType$3.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), out), err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyMarshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, in$1, marshaler, ok, out, v, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyUnmarshal = function(in$1) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, in$1, ok, unmarshaler, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $assertType(in$1.Message, unwrapper).protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5; + _tuple = $assertType(v, legacyUnmarshaler, true); + unmarshaler = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = errors.New("%T does not implement Unmarshal", new sliceType$1([v])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 0), _r$6]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$7 = unmarshaler.Unmarshal(in$1.Buf); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 0), _r$7]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyUnmarshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, in$1, ok, unmarshaler, v, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyMerge = function(in$1) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, dstv, err, in$1, marshaler, merger, ok, srcv, unmarshaler, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $assertType(in$1.Destination, unwrapper).protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dstv = _r$5; + _tuple = $assertType(dstv, legacyMerger, true); + merger = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = new Export.ptr().ProtoMessageV1Of(in$1.Source); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = merger.Merge(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 1); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$7 = $assertType(in$1.Source, unwrapper).protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + srcv = _r$7; + _tuple$1 = $assertType(srcv, legacyMarshaler, true); + marshaler = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 0); + } + _r$8 = $assertType(in$1.Destination, unwrapper).protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dstv = _r$8; + _tuple$2 = $assertType(dstv, legacyUnmarshaler, true); + unmarshaler = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 0); + } + _r$9 = in$1.Source.IsValid(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$9) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!_r$9) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 1); + /* } */ case 9: + _r$10 = marshaler.Marshal(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$10; + b = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 0); + } + _r$11 = unmarshaler.Unmarshal(b); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 0); + } + $s = -1; return new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), 1); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyMerge, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, dstv, err, in$1, marshaler, merger, ok, srcv, unmarshaler, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessageType.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, mt, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mt = this; + _r$5 = mt.t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5 === 22) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$5 === 22) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = mt.t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.New(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x = new aberrantMessage.ptr($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = reflect.Zero(mt.t); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = (x$1 = new aberrantMessage.ptr($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1)); + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessageType.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, mt, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessageType.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + aberrantMessageType.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, mt, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mt = this; + _r$5 = reflect.Zero(mt.t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x = new aberrantMessage.ptr($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessageType.ptr.prototype.Zero, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, mt, x, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessageType.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + aberrantMessageType.ptr.prototype.GoType = function() { + var mt; + mt = this; + return mt.t; + }; + aberrantMessageType.prototype.GoType = function() { return this.$val.GoType(); }; + aberrantMessageType.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, mt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mt = this; + _r$5 = LegacyLoadMessageDesc(mt.t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessageType.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, mt, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessageType.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, m, mr, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = $clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, interfaceType$1, true); + mr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + $r = mr.Reset(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (($clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && !$clone(m.v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (($clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && !$clone(m.v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 5: + _r$6 = $clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = reflect.Zero(_r$7); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Reset, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, m, mr, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return new m.constructor.elem(m); + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = LegacyLoadMessageDesc($clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, m, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Type = function() { + var m, x; + m = this; + return (x = new aberrantMessageType.ptr($clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Type()), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = $clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Type().Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5 === 22) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$5 === 22) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = $clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.New(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x = new aberrantMessage.ptr($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = reflect.Zero($clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = (x$1 = new aberrantMessage.ptr($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1)); + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Interface = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return new m.constructor.elem(m); + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.Interface = function() { return this.$val.Interface(); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Range = function(f) { + var f, m; + m = this; + return; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.Range = function(f) { return this.$val.Range(f); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Has = function(param) { + var m, param; + m = this; + return false; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.Has = function(param) { return this.$val.Has(param); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Clear = function(param) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, m, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = $clone(m, aberrantMessage).Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("invalid Message.Clear on " + (_r$6))); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Clear, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, m, param, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.Clear = function(param) { return this.$val.Clear(param); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Get = function(fd) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fd, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = fd.Default(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, protoreflect.Value).IsValid(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$6) { */ case 1: + _r$7 = fd.Default(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = $clone(m, aberrantMessage).Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.FullName(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("invalid Message.Get on " + (_r$9))); + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fd, m, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.Get = function(fd) { return this.$val.Get(fd); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Set = function(param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, m, param, param$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = $clone(m, aberrantMessage).Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("invalid Message.Set on " + (_r$6))); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, m, param, param$1, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.Set = function(param, param$1) { return this.$val.Set(param, param$1); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Mutable = function(param) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, m, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = $clone(m, aberrantMessage).Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("invalid Message.Mutable on " + (_r$6))); + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.Mutable, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, m, param, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.Mutable = function(param) { return this.$val.Mutable(param); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.NewField = function(param) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, m, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = $clone(m, aberrantMessage).Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("invalid Message.NewField on " + (_r$6))); + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.NewField, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, m, param, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.NewField = function(param) { return this.$val.NewField(param); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof = function(param) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, m, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = $clone(m, aberrantMessage).Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("invalid Message.WhichOneof descriptor on " + (_r$6))); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.WhichOneof, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, m, param, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.WhichOneof = function(param) { return this.$val.WhichOneof(param); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.GetUnknown = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return protoreflect.RawFields.nil; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.GetUnknown = function() { return this.$val.GetUnknown(); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.SetUnknown = function(param) { + var m, param; + m = this; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.SetUnknown = function(param) { return this.$val.SetUnknown(param); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var m; + m = this; + if ($clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { + return !$clone(m.v, reflect.Value).IsNil(); + } + return false; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.ProtoMethods = function() { + var m; + m = this; + return aberrantProtoMethods; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.ProtoMethods = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMethods(); }; + aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = $clone(m.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantMessage.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, m, $s};return $f; + }; + aberrantMessage.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { return this.$val.protoUnwrap(); }; + legacyLoadFileDesc = function(b) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, b2, err, fd, fd$1, fd$2, ok, ok$1, x, zr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = legacyFileDescCache.Load($indexPtr(b.$array, b.$offset + 0, ptrType$44)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + fd = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(fd, protoreflect.FileDescriptor); + } + _r$6 = gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + zr = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + _r$7 = ioutil.ReadAll(zr); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$7; + b2 = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + _r$8 = new filedesc.Builder.ptr("", b2, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, (x = new resolverOnly.ptr(protoregistry.GlobalFiles), new x.constructor.elem(x))).Build(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd$1 = _r$8.File; + _r$9 = legacyFileDescCache.LoadOrStore($indexPtr(b.$array, b.$offset + 0, ptrType$44), fd$1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$9; + fd$2 = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(fd$2, protoreflect.FileDescriptor); + } + $s = -1; return fd$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyLoadFileDesc, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, b2, err, fd, fd$1, fd$2, ok, ok$1, x, zr, $s};return $f; + }; + resolverOnly.ptr.prototype.FindFileByPath = function(path) { + var {$24r, _r$5, path, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {path}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$5 = r.reg.FindFileByPath(path); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: resolverOnly.ptr.prototype.FindFileByPath, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, path, r, $s};return $f; + }; + resolverOnly.prototype.FindFileByPath = function(path) { return this.$val.FindFileByPath(path); }; + resolverOnly.ptr.prototype.FindDescriptorByName = function(name) { + var {$24r, _r$5, name, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$5 = r.reg.FindDescriptorByName(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: resolverOnly.ptr.prototype.FindDescriptorByName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, name, r, $s};return $f; + }; + resolverOnly.prototype.FindDescriptorByName = function(name) { return this.$val.FindDescriptorByName(name); }; + resolverOnly.ptr.prototype.RegisterFile = function(param) { + var param; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + resolverOnly.prototype.RegisterFile = function(param) { return this.$val.RegisterFile(param); }; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.initToLegacy = function() { + var {_1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, enumName, extType, fd, filename, messageName, mt, mv, mv$1, mz, mz$1, name, ok, ok$1, parent, t, xd, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xi = this; + xd = $clone(xi.desc, extensionTypeDescriptor); + parent = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = xd.ExtensionDescriptor.ContainingMessage(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + messageName = _r$6; + _r$7 = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(messageName); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + mt = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mt, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mt, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _r$8 = mt.New(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mv = _r$9; + t = reflect.TypeOf(mv); + _tuple$1 = $assertType(mv, unwrapper, true); + mv$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 8: + _r$10 = mv$1.protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = reflect.TypeOf(_r$10); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$11; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$12 = reflect.Zero(t); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(_r$12, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mz = _r$13; + _tuple$2 = $assertType(mz, protoiface.MessageV1, true); + mz$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (ok$1) { + parent = mz$1; + } + /* } */ case 5: + extType = xi.goType; + _r$14 = extType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$14; + if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14)) || (_1 === (24))) { + extType = reflect.PtrTo(extType); + } + case 14: + enumName = ""; + _r$15 = xd.ExtensionDescriptor.Kind(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$15 === 14) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_r$15 === 14) { */ case 16: + _r$16 = xd.ExtensionDescriptor.Enum(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = legacyEnumName(_r$16); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + enumName = _r$17; + /* } */ case 17: + filename = ""; + _r$18 = xd.ExtensionDescriptor.ParentFile(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$18; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fd, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fd, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 22: + _r$19 = fd.Path(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + filename = _r$19; + /* } */ case 23: + _r$20 = xd.ExtensionDescriptor.FullName(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r$20; + _r$21 = messageset.IsMessageSetExtension(new xd.constructor.elem(xd)); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$21) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (_r$21) { */ case 26: + name = new protoreflect.FullName(name).Parent(); + /* } */ case 27: + xi.ExtendedType = parent; + _r$22 = reflect.Zero(extType); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = $clone(_r$22, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi.ExtensionType = _r$23; + _r$24 = xd.ExtensionDescriptor.Number(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi.Field = ((_r$24 >> 0)); + xi.Name = (name); + _r$25 = tag.Marshal(new xd.constructor.elem(xd), enumName); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi.Tag = _r$25; + xi.Filename = filename; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.initToLegacy, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, enumName, extType, fd, filename, messageName, mt, mv, mv$1, mz, mz$1, name, ok, ok$1, parent, t, xd, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.initToLegacy = function() { return this.$val.initToLegacy(); }; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.initFromLegacy = function() { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _v, _v$1, _v$2, ed, evs, fd, isOptional, isRepeated, md, t, tt, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, xd, xd$1, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xi = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(xi.ExtendedType, $ifaceNil) || $interfaceIsEqual(xi.ExtensionType, $ifaceNil)) { + xd = new placeholderExtension.ptr((xi.Name), ((xi.Field >> 0))); + extensionTypeDescriptor.copy(xi.desc, new extensionTypeDescriptor.ptr(new xd.constructor.elem(xd), xi)); + $s = -1; return; + } + ed = $ifaceNil; + md = $ifaceNil; + t = reflect.TypeOf(xi.ExtensionType); + _r$5 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$5 === 22)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$6 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !((_r$7 === 25)); case 1: + isOptional = _v; + _r$8 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$8 === 23)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r$9 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !((_r$10 === 8)); case 5: + isRepeated = _v$1; + /* */ if (isOptional || isRepeated) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (isOptional || isRepeated) { */ case 9: + _r$11 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$11; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$12 = reflect.Zero(t); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(_r$12, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r$13; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Enum, true)[1]) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, enumV1, true)[1]) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true)[1]) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, messageV1, true)[1]) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Enum, true)[1]) { */ case 14: + v = _ref; + _r$14 = v.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ed = _r$14; + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, enumV1, true)[1]) { */ case 15: + v$1 = _ref; + _r$15 = LegacyLoadEnumDesc(t); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ed = _r$15; + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true)[1]) { */ case 16: + v$2 = _ref; + _r$16 = v$2.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = _r$16.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md = _r$17; + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, messageV1, true)[1]) { */ case 17: + v$3 = _ref; + _r$18 = LegacyLoadMessageDesc(t); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md = _r$18; + /* } */ case 18: + evs = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ed, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ed, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 24: + _r$19 = ed.Values(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + evs = _r$19; + /* } */ case 25: + _r$20 = tag.Unmarshal(xi.Tag, t, evs); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = $assertType(_r$20, ptrType$43); + xd$1 = new filedesc.Extension.ptr(new filedesc.Base.ptr(new filedesc.BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$41.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)), new filedesc.ExtensionL1.ptr(0, $ifaceNil, 0, 0), new filedesc.ExtensionL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new filedesc.stringName.ptr(false, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), "", ""), false, false, new filedesc.defaultValue.ptr(false, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), $ifaceNil, sliceType.nil), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil)); + xd$1.Base.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto2; + xd$1.Base.L0.FullName = (xi.Name); + xd$1.L1.Number = ((xi.Field >> 0)); + xd$1.L1.Cardinality = fd.L1.Cardinality; + xd$1.L1.Kind = fd.L1.Kind; + xd$1.L2.IsPacked = fd.L1.IsPacked; + filedesc.defaultValue.copy(xd$1.L2.Default, fd.L1.Default); + _r$21 = new Export.ptr().MessageDescriptorOf(xi.ExtendedType); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd$1.L1.Extendee = _r$21; + xd$1.L2.Enum = ed; + xd$1.L2.Message = md; + _r$22 = messageset.IsMessageSet(xd$1.L1.Extendee); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$22)) { _v$2 = false; $s = 31; continue s; } + _r$23 = md.FullName(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$23 === xd$1.Base.L0.FullName; case 31: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 29: + xd$1.Base.L0.FullName = new protoreflect.FullName(xd$1.Base.L0.FullName).Append("message_set_extension"); + /* } */ case 30: + tt = reflect.TypeOf(xi.ExtensionType); + /* */ if (isOptional) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (isOptional) { */ case 34: + _r$24 = tt.Elem(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tt = _r$24; + /* } */ case 35: + xi.goType = tt; + extensionTypeDescriptor.copy(xi.desc, new extensionTypeDescriptor.ptr(xd$1, xi)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.initFromLegacy, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _v, _v$1, _v$2, ed, evs, fd, isOptional, isRepeated, md, t, tt, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, xd, xd$1, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.initFromLegacy = function() { return this.$val.initFromLegacy(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.ParentFile = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.ParentFile = function() { return this.$val.ParentFile(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Parent = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Parent = function() { return this.$val.Parent(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Index = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return 0; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Index = function() { return this.$val.Index(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Syntax = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return 0; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Syntax = function() { return this.$val.Syntax(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Name = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return new protoreflect.FullName(x.name).Name(); + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.FullName = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return x.name; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.FullName = function() { return this.$val.FullName(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return true; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.IsPlaceholder = function() { return this.$val.IsPlaceholder(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return descopts.Field; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Number = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return x.number; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Number = function() { return this.$val.Number(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Cardinality = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return 0; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Cardinality = function() { return this.$val.Cardinality(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Kind = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return 0; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Kind = function() { return this.$val.Kind(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.HasJSONName = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return false; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.HasJSONName = function() { return this.$val.HasJSONName(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.JSONName = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return "[" + (x.name) + "]"; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.JSONName = function() { return this.$val.JSONName(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.TextName = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return "[" + (x.name) + "]"; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.TextName = function() { return this.$val.TextName(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.HasPresence = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return false; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.HasPresence = function() { return this.$val.HasPresence(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return false; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.HasOptionalKeyword = function() { return this.$val.HasOptionalKeyword(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.IsExtension = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return true; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.IsExtension = function() { return this.$val.IsExtension(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.IsWeak = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return false; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.IsWeak = function() { return this.$val.IsWeak(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.IsPacked = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return false; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.IsPacked = function() { return this.$val.IsPacked(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.IsList = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return false; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.IsList = function() { return this.$val.IsList(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.IsMap = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return false; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.IsMap = function() { return this.$val.IsMap(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.MapKey = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.MapKey = function() { return this.$val.MapKey(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.MapValue = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.MapValue = function() { return this.$val.MapValue(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.HasDefault = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return false; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.HasDefault = function() { return this.$val.HasDefault(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Default = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Default = function() { return this.$val.Default(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.DefaultEnumValue = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.DefaultEnumValue = function() { return this.$val.DefaultEnumValue(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.ContainingOneof = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.ContainingOneof = function() { return this.$val.ContainingOneof(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.ContainingMessage = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.ContainingMessage = function() { return this.$val.ContainingMessage(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Enum = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Enum = function() { return this.$val.Enum(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.Message = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.Message = function() { return this.$val.Message(); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { + var param, x; + x = this; + return; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.ProtoType = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoType(param); }; + placeholderExtension.ptr.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { + var param, x; + x = this; + return; + }; + placeholderExtension.prototype.ProtoInternal = function(param) { return this.$val.ProtoInternal(param); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.LegacyEnumName = function(ed) { + var {$24r, _r$5, ed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = legacyEnumName(ed); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.LegacyEnumName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, ed, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.LegacyEnumName = function(ed) { return this.$val.LegacyEnumName(ed); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.LegacyMessageTypeOf = function(m, name) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, mv, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m, name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone((new Export.ptr()), Export).protoMessageV2Of(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mv = _r$5; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mv, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mv, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = mv.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Type(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$8 = legacyLoadMessageType(reflect.TypeOf(m), name); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.LegacyMessageTypeOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, mv, name, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.LegacyMessageTypeOf = function(m, name) { return this.$val.LegacyMessageTypeOf(m, name); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSONEnum = function(ed, b) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, ed, err, err$1, ev, name, num, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ed, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + name = [name]; + num = [num]; + /* */ if ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 34) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 34) { */ case 1: + name[0] = ""; + _r$5 = json.Unmarshal(b, (name.$ptr || (name.$ptr = new ptrType$46(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, name)))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$5; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + _r$6 = ed.FullName(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$6); + _arg$1 = b; + _r$7 = errors.New("invalid input for enum %v: %s", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [0, _r$7]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$8 = ed.Values(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.ByName(name[0]); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ev = _r$9; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(ev, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(ev, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 12: + _r$10 = ed.FullName(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$10); + _arg$3 = new protoreflect.Name(name[0]); + _r$11 = errors.New("invalid value for enum %v: %s", new sliceType$1([_arg$2, _arg$3])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [0, _r$11]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$12 = ev.Number(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [_r$12, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } else { */ case 2: + num[0] = 0; + _r$13 = json.Unmarshal(b, (num.$ptr || (num.$ptr = new ptrType$47(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, num)))); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$13; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 20: + _r$14 = ed.FullName(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$14); + _arg$5 = b; + _r$15 = errors.New("invalid input for enum %v: %s", new sliceType$1([_arg$4, _arg$5])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [0, _r$15]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 21: + $s = -1; return [num[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSONEnum, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, ed, err, err$1, ev, name, num, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.UnmarshalJSONEnum = function(ed, b) { return this.$val.UnmarshalJSONEnum(ed, b); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.CompressGZIP = function(in$1) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _q, _r$5, blockHeader, blockSize, gzipFooter, gzipHeader, in$1, numBlocks, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = sliceType.nil; + gzipHeader = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [31, 139, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255]); + blockHeader = arrayType$3.zero(); + numBlocks = 1 + (_q = in$1.$length / 65535, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + gzipFooter = arrayType$4.zero(); + _arg = $subslice(new sliceType(gzipFooter), 0, 4); + _r$5 = crc32.ChecksumIEEE(in$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + $r = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType(gzipFooter), 4, 8), ((in$1.$length >>> 0))); + out = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, (((10 + ($imul(5, numBlocks)) >> 0) + in$1.$length >> 0) + 8 >> 0)); + out = $appendSlice(out, new sliceType(gzipHeader)); + while (true) { + if (!(blockHeader[0] === 0)) { break; } + blockSize = 65535; + if (blockSize > in$1.$length) { + blockHeader[0] = 1; + blockSize = in$1.$length; + } + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint16($subslice(new sliceType(blockHeader), 1, 3), ((blockSize << 16 >>> 16))); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint16($subslice(new sliceType(blockHeader), 3, 5), ~((blockSize << 16 >>> 16)) << 16 >>> 16); + out = $appendSlice(out, new sliceType(blockHeader)); + out = $appendSlice(out, $subslice(in$1, 0, blockSize)); + in$1 = $subslice(in$1, blockSize); + } + out = $appendSlice(out, new sliceType(gzipFooter)); + out = out; + $s = -1; return out; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.CompressGZIP, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _q, _r$5, blockHeader, blockSize, gzipFooter, gzipHeader, in$1, numBlocks, out, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.CompressGZIP = function(in$1) { return this.$val.CompressGZIP(in$1); }; + legacyEnumName = function(ed) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, ed, enumName, fd, protoPkg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + protoPkg = ""; + _r$5 = ed.FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + enumName = (_r$5); + _r$6 = ed.ParentFile(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$6; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fd, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fd, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + _r$7 = fd.Package(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoPkg = (_r$7); + enumName = strings.TrimPrefix(enumName, protoPkg + "."); + /* } */ case 4: + if (protoPkg === "") { + $s = -1; return strs.GoCamelCase(enumName); + } + $s = -1; return protoPkg + "." + strs.GoCamelCase(enumName); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyEnumName, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, ed, enumName, fd, protoPkg, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyWrapEnum = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, et, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = legacyLoadEnumType($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + et = _r$5; + _r$6 = et.New((((x = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Int(), x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyWrapEnum, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, et, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyLoadEnumType = function(t) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, ed, et, et$1, et$2, ok, ok$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = legacyEnumTypeCache.Load(t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + et = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(et, protoreflect.EnumType); + } + et$1 = $ifaceNil; + _r$6 = LegacyLoadEnumDesc(t); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ed = _r$6; + et$1 = new legacyEnumType.ptr(ed, t, new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0)); + _r$7 = legacyEnumTypeCache.LoadOrStore(t, et$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$7; + et$2 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(et$2, protoreflect.EnumType); + } + $s = -1; return et$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyLoadEnumType, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, ed, et, et$1, et$2, ok, ok$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyEnumType.ptr.prototype.New = function(n) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, e, e$1, n, ok, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$5 = t.m.Load(new protoreflect.EnumNumber(n)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + e = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(e, protoreflect.Enum); + } + e$1 = new legacyEnumWrapper.ptr(n, t, t.goType); + $r = t.m.Store(new protoreflect.EnumNumber(n), e$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return e$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyEnumType.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, e, e$1, n, ok, t, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyEnumType.prototype.New = function(n) { return this.$val.New(n); }; + legacyEnumType.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.desc; + }; + legacyEnumType.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + legacyEnumWrapper.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$5 = e.pbTyp.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyEnumWrapper.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, e, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyEnumWrapper.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + legacyEnumWrapper.ptr.prototype.Type = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.pbTyp; + }; + legacyEnumWrapper.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); }; + legacyEnumWrapper.ptr.prototype.Number = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.num; + }; + legacyEnumWrapper.prototype.Number = function() { return this.$val.Number(); }; + legacyEnumWrapper.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e; + }; + legacyEnumWrapper.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + legacyEnumWrapper.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, e, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$5 = $clone(reflect.New(e.goTyp), reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5; + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetInt((new $Int64(0, e.num))); + _r$6 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyEnumWrapper.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, e, v, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyEnumWrapper.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { return this.$val.protoUnwrap(); }; + LegacyLoadEnumDesc = function(t) { + var {$24r, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, ed, ed$1, ed$2, edV1, ev, i, idxs, md, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, t, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = legacyEnumDescCache.Load(t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + ed = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(ed, protoreflect.EnumDescriptor); + } + _r$6 = reflect.Zero(t); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ev = _r$7; + _tuple$1 = $assertType(ev, protoreflect.Enum, true); + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 4: + _r$8 = fmt.Sprintf("%v already implements proto.Enum", new sliceType$1([t])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$8)); + /* } */ case 5: + _tuple$2 = $assertType(ev, enumV1, true); + edV1 = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$2) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!ok$2) { */ case 7: + _r$9 = aberrantLoadEnumDesc(t); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$10 = edV1.EnumDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$10; + b = _tuple$3[0]; + idxs = _tuple$3[1]; + ed$1 = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (idxs.$length === 1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (idxs.$length === 1) { */ case 12: + _r$11 = legacyLoadFileDesc(b); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = _r$11.Enums(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.Get((0 >= idxs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idxs.$array[idxs.$offset + 0])); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ed$1 = _r$13; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + _r$14 = legacyLoadFileDesc(b); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = _r$14.Messages(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = _r$15.Get((0 >= idxs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idxs.$array[idxs.$offset + 0])); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md = _r$16; + _ref = $subslice(idxs, 1, (idxs.$length - 1 >> 0)); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 21: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 22; continue; } + i = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$17 = md.Messages(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = _r$17.Get(i); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + md = _r$18; + _i++; + $s = 21; continue; + case 22: + _r$19 = md.Enums(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = _r$19.Get((x = idxs.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= idxs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idxs.$array[idxs.$offset + x]))); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ed$1 = _r$20; + /* } */ case 14: + _r$21 = legacyEnumDescCache.LoadOrStore(t, ed$1); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$21; + ed$2 = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$3 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (ok$3) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(ed$2, protoreflect.EnumDescriptor); + } + $s = -1; return ed$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: LegacyLoadEnumDesc, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, ed, ed$1, ed$2, edV1, ev, i, idxs, md, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, t, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.LegacyLoadEnumDesc = LegacyLoadEnumDesc; + aberrantLoadEnumDesc = function(t) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, ed, ed$1, ed$2, ok, ok$1, t, vd, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = aberrantEnumDescCache.Load(t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + ed = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(ed, protoreflect.EnumDescriptor); + } + ed$1 = new filedesc.Enum.ptr(new filedesc.Base.ptr(new filedesc.BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$41.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)), new filedesc.EnumL1.ptr(false), new filedesc.EnumL2.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new filedesc.EnumValues.ptr(sliceType$28.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false), new filedesc.Names.ptr(sliceType$22.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false), new filedesc.EnumRanges.ptr(sliceType$29.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), sliceType$29.nil))); + _r$6 = AberrantDeriveFullName(t); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ed$1.Base.L0.FullName = _r$6; + ed$1.Base.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto3; + ed$1.L2.Values.List = $append(ed$1.L2.Values.List, new filedesc.EnumValue.ptr(new filedesc.Base.ptr(new filedesc.BaseL0.ptr("", ptrType$41.nil, $ifaceNil, 0)), new filedesc.EnumValueL1.ptr($throwNilPointerError, 0))); + vd = (x = ed$1.L2.Values.List, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + vd.Base.L0.FullName = ed$1.Base.L0.FullName + "_UNKNOWN"; + vd.Base.L0.ParentFile = ed$1.Base.L0.ParentFile; + vd.Base.L0.Parent = ed$1; + _r$7 = aberrantEnumDescCache.LoadOrStore(t, ed$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$7; + ed$2 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(ed$2, protoreflect.EnumDescriptor); + } + $s = -1; return ed$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aberrantLoadEnumDesc, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, ed, ed$1, ed$2, ok, ok$1, t, vd, x, $s};return $f; + }; + AberrantDeriveFullName = function(t) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, i, prefix, s, sanitize, ss, suffix, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sanitize = (function(r) { + var r; + if ((r === 47)) { + return 46; + } else if ((97 <= r && r <= 122) || (65 <= r && r <= 90) || (48 <= r && r <= 57)) { + return r; + } else { + return 95; + } + }); + _arg = sanitize; + _r$5 = t.PkgPath(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _r$6 = strings.Map(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + prefix = _r$6; + _arg$2 = sanitize; + _r$7 = t.Name(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$7; + _r$8 = strings.Map(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + suffix = _r$8; + /* */ if (suffix === "") { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (suffix === "") { */ case 5: + _r$9 = reflect.ValueOf(t); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, reflect.Value).Pointer(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = new $Uintptr(_r$10); + _r$11 = fmt.Sprintf("UnknownX%X", new sliceType$1([_arg$4])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + suffix = _r$11; + /* } */ case 6: + ss = $append(strings.Split(prefix, "."), suffix); + _ref = ss; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (s === "" || (48 <= s.charCodeAt(0) && s.charCodeAt(0) <= 57)) { + ((i < 0 || i >= ss.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ss.$array[ss.$offset + i] = "x" + s); + } + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return (strings.Join(ss, ".")); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: AberrantDeriveFullName, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, i, prefix, s, sanitize, ss, suffix, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.AberrantDeriveFullName = AberrantDeriveFullName; + InitExtensionInfo = function(xi, xd, goType) { + var goType, xd, xi; + xi.goType = goType; + extensionTypeDescriptor.copy(xi.desc, new extensionTypeDescriptor.ptr(xd, xi)); + xi.init = 1; + }; + $pkg.InitExtensionInfo = InitExtensionInfo; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xi = this; + _r$5 = xi.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.New(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xi = this; + _r$5 = xi.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Zero(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.Zero, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.ValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, v, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xi = this; + _r$5 = xi.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(v); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$5.PBValueOf($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.ValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, v, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.ValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.ValueOf(v); }; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.InterfaceOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, v, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xi = this; + _r$5 = xi.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.GoValueOf($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.InterfaceOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, v, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.InterfaceOf = function(v) { return this.$val.InterfaceOf(v); }; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.IsValidValue = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, v, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xi = this; + _r$5 = xi.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.IsValidPB($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.IsValidValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, v, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.IsValidValue = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidValue(v); }; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.IsValidInterface = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, v, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xi = this; + _r$5 = xi.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(v); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$5.IsValidGo($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.IsValidInterface, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, v, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.IsValidInterface = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidInterface(v); }; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.TypeDescriptor = function() { + var {xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xi = this; + /* */ if (atomic.LoadUint32((xi.$ptr_init || (xi.$ptr_init = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.init; }, function($v) { this.$target.init = $v; }, xi)))) < 1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (atomic.LoadUint32((xi.$ptr_init || (xi.$ptr_init = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.init; }, function($v) { this.$target.init = $v; }, xi)))) < 1) { */ case 1: + $r = xi.lazyInitSlow(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return xi.desc; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.TypeDescriptor, $c: true, $r, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.TypeDescriptor = function() { return this.$val.TypeDescriptor(); }; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xi = this; + /* */ if (atomic.LoadUint32((xi.$ptr_init || (xi.$ptr_init = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.init; }, function($v) { this.$target.init = $v; }, xi)))) < 2) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (atomic.LoadUint32((xi.$ptr_init || (xi.$ptr_init = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.init; }, function($v) { this.$target.init = $v; }, xi)))) < 2) { */ case 1: + $r = xi.lazyInitSlow(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return xi.conv; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.lazyInitSlow = function() { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, xi, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + xi = this; + $r = xi.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(xi.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (xi.init === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (xi.init === 2) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([atomic.StoreUint32, [(xi.$ptr_init || (xi.$ptr_init = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.init; }, function($v) { this.$target.init = $v; }, xi))), 2]]); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 5: + $r = xi.initFromLegacy(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + _r$5 = xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor.IsPlaceholder(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$5) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!_r$5) { */ case 8: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(xi.ExtensionType, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(xi.ExtensionType, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 11: + $r = xi.initToLegacy(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 12: + _r$6 = NewConverter(xi.goType, xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi.conv = _r$6; + _r$7 = makeExtensionFieldInfo(xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi.info = _r$7; + _r$8 = newValidationInfo(xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor, xi.goType); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + validationInfo.copy(xi.info.validation, _r$8); + /* } */ case 9: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: ExtensionInfo.ptr.prototype.lazyInitSlow, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, xi, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + ExtensionInfo.prototype.lazyInitSlow = function() { return this.$val.lazyInitSlow(); }; + extensionTypeDescriptor.ptr.prototype.Type = function() { + var xtd; + xtd = this; + return xtd.xi; + }; + extensionTypeDescriptor.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); }; + extensionTypeDescriptor.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var xtd; + xtd = this; + return xtd.ExtensionDescriptor; + }; + extensionTypeDescriptor.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + EnumInfo.ptr.prototype.New = function(n) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, n, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$5 = reflect.ValueOf(new protoreflect.EnumNumber(n)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Convert(t.GoReflectType); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$7, protoreflect.Enum); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EnumInfo.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, n, t, $s};return $f; + }; + EnumInfo.prototype.New = function(n) { return this.$val.New(n); }; + EnumInfo.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.Desc; + }; + EnumInfo.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + marshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return new proto.MarshalOptions.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), true, $clone(o, marshalOptions).Deterministic(), $clone(o, marshalOptions).UseCachedSize()); + }; + marshalOptions.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + marshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Deterministic = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return !((((o.flags & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + marshalOptions.prototype.Deterministic = function() { return this.$val.Deterministic(); }; + marshalOptions.ptr.prototype.UseCachedSize = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return !((((o.flags & 2) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + marshalOptions.prototype.UseCachedSize = function() { return this.$val.UseCachedSize(); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.size = function(in$1) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, in$1, mi, ms, ok, p, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + p = new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)); + _tuple = $assertType(in$1.Message, ptrType, true); + ms = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + pointer.copy(p, ms.pointer()); + } else { + pointer.copy(p, $assertType(in$1.Message, ptrType$1).pointer()); + } + _r$5 = mi.sizePointer($clone(p, pointer), new marshalOptions.ptr(in$1.Flags)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = _r$5; + $s = -1; return new structType$1.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), size); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.size, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, in$1, mi, ms, ok, p, size, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.size = function(in$1) { return this.$val.size(in$1); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.sizePointer = function(p, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, mi, opts, p, size, size$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + mi = this; + $r = mi.init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + /* */ if ($clone(opts, marshalOptions).UseCachedSize() && $clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($clone(opts, marshalOptions).UseCachedSize() && $clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 2: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = atomic.LoadInt32(_r$6); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size$1 = _r$7; + if (size$1 >= 0) { + size = ((size$1 >> 0)); + $s = -1; return size; + } + /* } */ case 3: + _r$8 = mi.sizePointerSlow($clone(p, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = _r$8; + $24r = size; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.sizePointer, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, mi, opts, p, size, size$1, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.sizePointer = function(p, opts) { return this.$val.sizePointer(p, opts); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.sizePointerSlow = function(p, opts) { + var {_i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _v, e, f, fptr, mi, opts, p, size, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + mi = this; + /* */ if (false && mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (false && mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = sizeMessageSet(mi, $clone(p, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = _r$5; + /* */ if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 4: + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.StoreInt32(_r$7, ((size >> 0))); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 9: + _r$8 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, pointer).Extensions(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$9; + _r$10 = mi.sizeExtensions(e, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + (_r$10) >> 0; + /* } */ case 10: + _ref = mi.coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 15; continue; } + f = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (f.funcs.size === $throwNilPointerError) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 14; continue; + } + _r$11 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(f.offset, offset)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fptr = $clone(_r$11, pointer); + if (!(f.isPointer)) { _v = false; $s = 19; continue s; } + _r$12 = $clone(fptr, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(_r$12, pointer).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$13; case 19: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 17: + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 14; continue; + /* } */ case 18: + _r$14 = f.funcs.size($clone(fptr, pointer), f, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + (_r$14) >> 0; + _i++; + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + /* */ if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 23: + _r$15 = mi.getUnknownBytes($clone(p, pointer)); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u = _r$15; + if (!(u === ptrType$3.nil)) { + size = size + (u.$get().$length) >> 0; + } + /* } */ case 24: + /* */ if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 26: + /* */ if (size > 2147483647) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (size > 2147483647) { */ case 28: + _r$16 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = $clone(_r$16, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.StoreInt32(_r$17, -1); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else { */ case 29: + _r$18 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = $clone(_r$18, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.StoreInt32(_r$19, ((size >> 0))); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 30: + /* } */ case 27: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.sizePointerSlow, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _v, e, f, fptr, mi, opts, p, size, u, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.sizePointerSlow = function(p, opts) { return this.$val.sizePointerSlow(p, opts); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.marshal = function(in$1) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, in$1, mi, ms, ok, out, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new structType$3.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), sliceType.nil); + err = $ifaceNil; + mi = this; + p = new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)); + _tuple = $assertType(in$1.Message, ptrType, true); + ms = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + pointer.copy(p, ms.pointer()); + } else { + pointer.copy(p, $assertType(in$1.Message, ptrType$1).pointer()); + } + _r$5 = mi.marshalAppendPointer(in$1.Buf, $clone(p, pointer), new marshalOptions.ptr(in$1.Flags)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp = new structType$3.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), b); + _tmp$1 = err; + structType$3.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, in$1, mi, ms, ok, out, p, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.marshal = function(in$1) { return this.$val.marshal(in$1); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.marshalAppendPointer = function(b, p, opts) { + var {$24r, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, b, e, err, f, fptr, mi, opts, p, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + $r = mi.init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + /* */ if (false && mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (false && mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet) { */ case 2: + _r$5 = marshalMessageSet(mi, b, $clone(p, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + err = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 6: + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).Extensions(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$7; + _r$8 = mi.appendExtensions(b, e, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$8; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + /* } */ case 7: + _ref = mi.coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 12; continue; } + f = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (f.funcs.marshal === $throwNilPointerError) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 11; continue; + } + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(f.offset, offset)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fptr = $clone(_r$9, pointer); + if (!(f.isPointer)) { _v = false; $s = 16; continue s; } + _r$10 = $clone(fptr, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, pointer).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$11; case 16: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 14: + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 11; continue; + /* } */ case 15: + _r$12 = f.funcs.marshal(b, $clone(fptr, pointer), f, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$12; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + _i++; + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + /* */ if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid() && !mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid() && !mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet) { */ case 20: + _r$13 = mi.getUnknownBytes($clone(p, pointer)); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u = _r$13; + if (!(u === ptrType$3.nil)) { + b = $appendSlice(b, u.$get()); + } + /* } */ case 21: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.marshalAppendPointer, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, b, e, err, f, fptr, mi, opts, p, u, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.marshalAppendPointer = function(b, p, opts) { return this.$val.marshalAppendPointer(b, p, opts); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.sizeExtensions = function(ext, opts) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, ext, mi, n, opts, x, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ext, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + mi = this; + if (ext === ptrType$36.nil) { + n = 0; + $s = -1; return n; + } + _ref = ext.$get(); + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + x = $clone(_entry.v, ExtensionField); + _r$5 = getExtensionFieldInfo($clone(x, ExtensionField).Type()); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi = _r$5; + if (xi.funcs.size === $throwNilPointerError) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r$6 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = xi.funcs.size($clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value), xi.tagsize, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$7) >> 0; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + n = n; + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.sizeExtensions, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, ext, mi, n, opts, x, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.sizeExtensions = function(ext, opts) { return this.$val.sizeExtensions(ext, opts); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.appendExtensions = function(b, ext, opts) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _keys, _keys$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, err$1, ext, k, k$1, keys, mi, opts, x, x$1, xi, xi$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, ext, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + if (ext === ptrType$36.nil) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + _1 = $keys(ext.$get()).length; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 3: + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = ext.$get(); + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 7; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + x = $clone(_entry.v, ExtensionField); + _r$5 = getExtensionFieldInfo($clone(x, ExtensionField).Type()); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi = _r$5; + _arg = b; + _r$6 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + _arg$2 = xi.wiretag; + _arg$3 = $clone(opts, marshalOptions); + _r$7 = xi.funcs.marshal(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + _i++; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + /* } else { */ case 4: + keys = $makeSlice(sliceType$14, 0, $keys(ext.$get()).length); + _ref$1 = ext.$get(); + _i$1 = 0; + _keys$1 = $keys(_ref$1); + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _keys$1.length)) { break; } + _entry$1 = _ref$1[_keys$1[_i$1]]; + if (_entry$1 === undefined) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + k = _entry$1.k; + keys = $append(keys, ((k >> 0))); + _i$1++; + } + $r = sort.Ints(keys); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _ref$2 = keys; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 12: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 13; continue; } + k$1 = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + x$1 = $clone((_entry$2 = (ext.$get())[$Int32.keyFor(((k$1 >> 0)))], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : new ExtensionField.ptr($ifaceNil, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), ptrType$40.nil)), ExtensionField); + _r$8 = getExtensionFieldInfo($clone(x$1, ExtensionField).Type()); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi$1 = _r$8; + _arg$4 = b; + _r$9 = x$1.Value(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = $clone(_r$9, protoreflect.Value); + _arg$6 = xi$1.wiretag; + _arg$7 = $clone(opts, marshalOptions); + _r$10 = xi$1.funcs.marshal(_arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$10; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err$1]; + } + _i$2++; + $s = 12; continue; + case 13: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.appendExtensions, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _keys, _keys$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, err$1, ext, k, k$1, keys, mi, opts, x, x$1, xi, xi$1, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.appendExtensions = function(b, ext, opts) { return this.$val.appendExtensions(b, ext, opts); }; + unmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.Options = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return new proto.UnmarshalOptions.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), true, true, $clone(o, unmarshalOptions).DiscardUnknown(), o.resolver, 0); + }; + unmarshalOptions.prototype.Options = function() { return this.$val.Options(); }; + unmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.DiscardUnknown = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return !((((o.flags & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + unmarshalOptions.prototype.DiscardUnknown = function() { return this.$val.DiscardUnknown(); }; + unmarshalOptions.ptr.prototype.IsDefault = function() { + var o; + o = this; + return (o.flags === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(o.resolver, protoregistry.GlobalTypes); + }; + unmarshalOptions.prototype.IsDefault = function() { return this.$val.IsDefault(); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(in$1) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, flags$1, in$1, mi, ms, ok, out, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + p = new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)); + _tuple = $assertType(in$1.Message, ptrType, true); + ms = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + pointer.copy(p, ms.pointer()); + } else { + pointer.copy(p, $assertType(in$1.Message, ptrType$1).pointer()); + } + _r$5 = mi.unmarshalPointer(in$1.Buf, $clone(p, pointer), 0, new unmarshalOptions.ptr(in$1.Flags, in$1.Resolver, in$1.Depth)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + out = $clone(_tuple$1[0], unmarshalOutput); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + flags$1 = 0; + if (out.initialized) { + flags$1 = (flags$1 | (1)) >>> 0; + } + $s = -1; return [new structType$5.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), flags$1), err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.unmarshal, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, flags$1, in$1, mi, ms, ok, out, p, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.unmarshal = function(in$1) { return this.$val.unmarshal(in$1); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.unmarshalPointer = function(b, p, groupTag, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, err, err$1, exts, f, groupTag, initialized, mi, n, n$1, n$2, num, o, o$1, opts, out, p, requiredMask, start, tag$1, u, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, groupTag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + mi = this; + $r = mi.init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + opts.depth = opts.depth - (1) >> 0; + if (opts.depth < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errRecursionDepth; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + /* */ if (false && mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (false && mi.coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet) { */ case 2: + _r$5 = unmarshalMessageSet(mi, b, $clone(p, pointer), $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [out, err]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + initialized = true; + requiredMask = new $Uint64(0, 0); + exts = ptrType$36.nil; + start = b.$length; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 7; continue; } + tag$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + if ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + tag$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + b = $subslice(b, 1); + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + tag$1 = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + b = $subslice(b, 2); + } else { + n = 0; + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + tag$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + n = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n); + } + num = 0; + n$1 = $shiftRightUint64(tag$1, 3); + if ((n$1.$high < 0 || (n$1.$high === 0 && n$1.$low < 1)) || (n$1.$high > 0 || (n$1.$high === 0 && n$1.$low > 536870911))) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } else { + num = ((n$1.$low >> 0)); + } + wtyp = ((new $Uint64(tag$1.$high & 0, (tag$1.$low & 7) >>> 0).$low << 24 >> 24)); + if (wtyp === 4) { + if (!((num === groupTag))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + groupTag = 0; + /* break; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + f = ptrType$6.nil; + if (((num >> 0)) < mi.coderMessageInfo.denseCoderFields.$length) { + f = (x$2 = mi.coderMessageInfo.denseCoderFields, ((num < 0 || num >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + num])); + } else { + f = (_entry = mi.coderMessageInfo.coderFields[protowire.Number.keyFor(num)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$6.nil); + } + n$2 = 0; + err$1 = errUnknown; + /* */ if (!(f === ptrType$6.nil)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(f === ptrType$6.nil)) { */ case 9: + if (f.funcs.unmarshal === $throwNilPointerError) { + /* break; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + o = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + _arg = b; + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(f.offset, offset)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$6, pointer); + _arg$2 = wtyp; + _arg$3 = f; + _arg$4 = $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions); + _r$7 = f.funcs.unmarshal(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$7; + unmarshalOutput.copy(o, _tuple$2[0]); + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + n$2 = o.n; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + requiredMask = (x$3 = f.validation.requiredBit, new $Uint64(requiredMask.$high | x$3.$high, (requiredMask.$low | x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + if (!(f.funcs.isInit === $throwNilPointerError) && !o.initialized) { + initialized = false; + } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + /* */ if (exts === ptrType$36.nil && $clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (exts === ptrType$36.nil && $clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 14: + _r$8 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, pointer).Extensions(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + exts = _r$9; + if (exts.$get() === false) { + exts.$set({}); + } + /* } */ case 15: + if (exts === ptrType$36.nil) { + /* break; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + o$1 = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + _r$10 = mi.unmarshalExtension(b, num, wtyp, exts.$get(), $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$10; + unmarshalOutput.copy(o$1, _tuple$3[0]); + err$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + n$2 = o$1.n; + if (!o$1.initialized) { + initialized = false; + } + /* } */ case 11: + case 8: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 19: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, errUnknown))) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = err$1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + n$2 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b); + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + /* */ if (!$clone(opts, unmarshalOptions).DiscardUnknown() && $clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!$clone(opts, unmarshalOptions).DiscardUnknown() && $clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 21: + _r$11 = mi.mutableUnknownBytes($clone(p, pointer)); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u = _r$11; + u.$set(protowire.AppendTag(u.$get(), num, wtyp)); + u.$set($appendSlice(u.$get(), $subslice(b, 0, n$2))); + /* } */ case 22: + /* } */ case 20: + b = $subslice(b, n$2); + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + if (!((groupTag === 0))) { + _tmp$12 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$13 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$12); + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (mi.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields > 0 && !((bits.OnesCount64(requiredMask) === ((mi.coderMessageInfo.numRequiredFields >> 0))))) { + initialized = false; + } + if (initialized) { + out.initialized = true; + } + out.n = start - b.$length >> 0; + _tmp$14 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$15 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$14); + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.unmarshalPointer, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, err, err$1, exts, f, groupTag, initialized, mi, n, n$1, n$2, num, o, o$1, opts, out, p, requiredMask, start, tag$1, u, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.unmarshalPointer = function(b, p, groupTag, opts) { return this.$val.unmarshalPointer(b, p, groupTag, opts); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.unmarshalExtension = function(b, num, wtyp, exts, opts) { + var {$24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _entry, _key, _key$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, err, err$1, exts, ival, mi, num, opts, out, out$1, v, valid, wtyp, x, xi, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, num, wtyp, exts, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + mi = this; + x = $clone((_entry = exts[$Int32.keyFor(((num >> 0)))], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : new ExtensionField.ptr($ifaceNil, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), ptrType$40.nil)), ExtensionField); + xt = $clone(x, ExtensionField).Type(); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(xt, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(xt, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 1: + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = mi.Desc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = opts.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(_r$5, num); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + xt = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, protoregistry.NotFound)) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _r$7 = mi.Desc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$7); + _arg$1 = new protowire.Number(num); + _arg$2 = err$1; + _r$8 = errors.New("%v: unable to resolve extension %v: %v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = _r$8; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $24r = [out, err]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 2: + _r$9 = getExtensionFieldInfo(xt); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi = _r$9; + if (xi.funcs.unmarshal === $throwNilPointerError) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + /* */ if (false) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (false) { */ case 11: + /* */ if ($clone(opts, unmarshalOptions).IsDefault() && x.canLazy(xt)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ($clone(opts, unmarshalOptions).IsDefault() && x.canLazy(xt)) { */ case 13: + _r$10 = skipExtension(b, xi, num, wtyp, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$10; + out$1 = $clone(_tuple$1[0], unmarshalOutput); + valid = _tuple$1[1]; + _1 = valid; + if (_1 === (3)) { + if (out$1.initialized) { + x.appendLazyBytes(xt, xi, num, wtyp, $subslice(b, 0, out$1.n)); + _key = ((num >> 0)); (exts || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $clone(x, ExtensionField) }; + _tmp$6 = $clone(out$1, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out$1, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + } + /* } */ case 14: + /* } */ case 12: + _r$11 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ival = $clone(_r$11, protoreflect.Value); + /* */ if (!$clone(ival, protoreflect.Value).IsValid() && xi.unmarshalNeedsValue) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!$clone(ival, protoreflect.Value).IsValid() && xi.unmarshalNeedsValue) { */ case 17: + _r$12 = xt.New(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(ival, _r$12); + /* } */ case 18: + _r$13 = xi.funcs.unmarshal(b, $clone(ival, protoreflect.Value), num, wtyp, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$13; + v = $clone(_tuple$2[0], protoreflect.Value); + out = $clone(_tuple$2[1], unmarshalOutput); + err = _tuple$2[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = err; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (xi.funcs.isInit === $throwNilPointerError) { + out.initialized = true; + } + x.Set(xt, $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); + _key$1 = ((num >> 0)); (exts || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int32.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $clone(x, ExtensionField) }; + _tmp$12 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$13 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$12); + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.unmarshalExtension, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _entry, _key, _key$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, err, err$1, exts, ival, mi, num, opts, out, out$1, v, valid, wtyp, x, xi, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.unmarshalExtension = function(b, num, wtyp, exts, opts) { return this.$val.unmarshalExtension(b, num, wtyp, exts, opts); }; + skipExtension = function(b, xi, num, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _1, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, n, num, opts, out, out$1, out$2, st, st$1, v, wtyp, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, xi, num, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + _ = 0; + if (xi.validation.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = 1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + _ = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, _]; + } + $r = xi.validation.mi.init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = xi.validation.typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = 1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + _ = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, _]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = 1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + _ = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, _]; + } + _r$5 = xi.validation.mi.validate(v, 0, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + out$1 = $clone(_tuple$1[0], unmarshalOutput); + st = _tuple$1[1]; + out$1.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(out$1, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = st; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + _ = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, _]; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + if (!((wtyp === 3))) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = 1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + _ = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, _]; + } + _r$6 = xi.validation.mi.validate(b, num, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$6; + out$2 = $clone(_tuple$2[0], unmarshalOutput); + st$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out$2, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = st$1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + _ = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, _]; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _tmp$12 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$13 = 1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$12); + _ = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [out, _]; + /* } */ case 6: + case 2: + $s = -1; return [out, _]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: skipExtension, $c: true, $r, _, _1, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, n, num, opts, out, out$1, out$2, st, st$1, v, wtyp, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + newMapConverter = function(t, fd) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fd, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$5 === 21))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r$5 === 21))) { */ case 1: + _arg = t; + _r$6 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$6); + _r$7 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$7)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = t.Key(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$8; + _r$9 = fd.MapKey(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$9; + _r$10 = newSingularConverter(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$11; + _r$12 = fd.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = _r$12; + _r$13 = newSingularConverter(_arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new mapConverter.ptr(t, _r$10, _r$13); + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newMapConverter, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fd, t, $s};return $f; + }; + mapConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfMap(new mapReflect.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value), c.keyConv, c.valConv)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mapConverter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + mapConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Map(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$49).v; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mapConverter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + mapConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, mapv, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$49, true); + mapv = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual($clone(mapv.v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, mapv, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mapConverter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + mapConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + mapConverter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + mapConverter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = reflect.MakeMap(c.goType); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = c.PBValueOf($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapConverter.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s};return $f; + }; + mapConverter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + mapConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = reflect.Zero(c.goType); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = c.PBValueOf($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s};return $f; + }; + mapConverter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var ms; + ms = this; + return $clone(ms.v, reflect.Value).Len(); + }; + mapReflect.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Has = function(k) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, k, ms, rk, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ms = this; + _r$5 = ms.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone($clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rk = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(ms.v, reflect.Value).MapIndex($clone(rk, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$6; + $s = -1; return $clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsValid(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Has, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, k, ms, rk, rv, $s};return $f; + }; + mapReflect.prototype.Has = function(k) { return this.$val.Has(k); }; + mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Get = function(k) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, k, ms, rk, rv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ms = this; + _r$5 = ms.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone($clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rk = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(ms.v, reflect.Value).MapIndex($clone(rk, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$6; + if (!$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { + $s = -1; return new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + } + _r$7 = ms.valConv.PBValueOf($clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, k, ms, rk, rv, $s};return $f; + }; + mapReflect.prototype.Get = function(k) { return this.$val.Get(k); }; + mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Set = function(k, v) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, k, ms, rk, rv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ms = this; + _r$5 = ms.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone($clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rk = _r$5; + _r$6 = ms.valConv.GoValueOf($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$6; + $r = $clone(ms.v, reflect.Value).SetMapIndex($clone(rk, reflect.Value), $clone(rv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, k, ms, rk, rv, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mapReflect.prototype.Set = function(k, v) { return this.$val.Set(k, v); }; + mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Clear = function(k) { + var {_r$5, k, ms, rk, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ms = this; + _r$5 = ms.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone($clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rk = _r$5; + $r = $clone(ms.v, reflect.Value).SetMapIndex($clone(rk, reflect.Value), new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Clear, $c: true, $r, _r$5, k, ms, rk, $s};return $f; + }; + mapReflect.prototype.Clear = function(k) { return this.$val.Clear(k); }; + mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Mutable = function(k) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _tuple, k, ms, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ms = this; + _tuple = $assertType(ms.valConv, ptrType$50, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $panic(new $String("invalid Mutable on map with non-message value type")); + } + _r$5 = ms.Get($clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$5, protoreflect.Value); + /* */ if (!$clone(v, protoreflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!$clone(v, protoreflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = ms.NewValue(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(v, _r$6); + $r = ms.Set($clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey), $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Mutable, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, k, ms, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mapReflect.prototype.Mutable = function(k) { return this.$val.Mutable(k); }; + mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Range = function(f) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, f, iter, k, ms, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ms = this; + iter = mapRange($clone(ms.v, reflect.Value)); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = iter.Next(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$5)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$5)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$6 = iter.Key(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = ms.keyConv.PBValueOf($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value).MapKey(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + k = $clone(_r$8, protoreflect.MapKey); + _r$9 = iter.Value(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = ms.valConv.PBValueOf($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$10, protoreflect.Value); + _r$11 = f($clone(k, protoreflect.MapKey), $clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$11) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!_r$11) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 10: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapReflect.ptr.prototype.Range, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, f, iter, k, ms, v, $s};return $f; + }; + mapReflect.prototype.Range = function(f) { return this.$val.Range(f); }; + mapReflect.ptr.prototype.NewValue = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, ms, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ms = this; + _r$5 = ms.valConv.New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapReflect.ptr.prototype.NewValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, ms, $s};return $f; + }; + mapReflect.prototype.NewValue = function() { return this.$val.NewValue(); }; + mapReflect.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var ms; + ms = this; + return !$clone(ms.v, reflect.Value).IsNil(); + }; + mapReflect.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + mapReflect.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, ms, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ms = this; + _r$5 = $clone(ms.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mapReflect.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, ms, $s};return $f; + }; + mapReflect.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { return this.$val.protoUnwrap(); }; + newListConverter = function(t, fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, fd, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$5 === 22)) { _v = false; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r$6 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$7 === 23; case 5: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$8 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$8 === 23)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 2: + _r$9 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = newSingularConverter(_r$10, fd); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new listPtrConverter.ptr(t, _r$11); + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r; + /* } else if ((_r$8 === 23)) { */ case 3: + _r$12 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = newSingularConverter(_r$12, fd); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = new listConverter.ptr(t, _r$13); + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + _arg = t; + _r$14 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$14); + _r$15 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$15)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newListConverter, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, fd, t, $s};return $f; + }; + listConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, c, pv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + pv = reflect.New(c.goType); + _r$6 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Set($clone(v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfList(new listReflect.ptr($clone(pv, reflect.Value), c.c)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, c, pv, v, $s};return $f; + }; + listConverter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + listConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, rv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$51).v; + /* */ if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = reflect.Zero(c.goType); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$7 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$7; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, rv, v, $s};return $f; + }; + listConverter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + listConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, c, list, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$51, true); + list = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$6 = $clone(list.v, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $interfaceIsEqual(_r$6, c.goType); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, c, list, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + listConverter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + listConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + listConverter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + listConverter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return protoreflect.ValueOfList(new listReflect.ptr($clone(reflect.New(c.goType), reflect.Value), c.c)); + }; + listConverter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + listConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(c.goType)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protoreflect.ValueOfList(new listReflect.ptr($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value), c.c)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s};return $f; + }; + listConverter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfList(new listReflect.ptr($clone(v, reflect.Value), c.c)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + listPtrConverter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$51).v; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + listPtrConverter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, list, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$51, true); + list = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual($clone(list.v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, list, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + listPtrConverter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + listPtrConverter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = c.goType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.New(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = c.PBValueOf($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, $s};return $f; + }; + listPtrConverter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = reflect.Zero(c.goType); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = c.PBValueOf($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listPtrConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s};return $f; + }; + listPtrConverter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + listReflect.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, ls, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ls = this; + if ($clone(ls.v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _r$5 = $clone(ls.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listReflect.ptr.prototype.Len, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, ls, $s};return $f; + }; + listReflect.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + listReflect.ptr.prototype.Get = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, i, ls, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ls = this; + _r$5 = $clone(ls.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = ls.conv.PBValueOf($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listReflect.ptr.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, i, ls, $s};return $f; + }; + listReflect.prototype.Get = function(i) { return this.$val.Get(i); }; + listReflect.ptr.prototype.Set = function(i, v) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, i, ls, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ls = this; + _r$5 = $clone(ls.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = ls.conv.GoValueOf($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listReflect.ptr.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, i, ls, v, $s};return $f; + }; + listReflect.prototype.Set = function(i, v) { return this.$val.Set(i, v); }; + listReflect.ptr.prototype.Append = function(v) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, ls, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ls = this; + _r$5 = $clone(ls.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(ls.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value); + _r$7 = ls.conv.GoValueOf($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value); + _r$8 = reflect.Append(_arg, new sliceType$13([_arg$1])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listReflect.ptr.prototype.Append, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, ls, v, $s};return $f; + }; + listReflect.prototype.Append = function(v) { return this.$val.Append(v); }; + listReflect.ptr.prototype.AppendMutable = function() { + var {_r$5, _tuple, ls, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ls = this; + _tuple = $assertType(ls.conv, ptrType$50, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $panic(new $String("invalid AppendMutable on list with non-message type")); + } + _r$5 = ls.NewElement(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$5, protoreflect.Value); + $r = ls.Append($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listReflect.ptr.prototype.AppendMutable, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, ls, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + listReflect.prototype.AppendMutable = function() { return this.$val.AppendMutable(); }; + listReflect.ptr.prototype.Truncate = function(i) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, i, ls, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ls = this; + _r$5 = $clone(ls.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(ls.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Slice(0, i); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listReflect.ptr.prototype.Truncate, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, i, ls, $s};return $f; + }; + listReflect.prototype.Truncate = function(i) { return this.$val.Truncate(i); }; + listReflect.ptr.prototype.NewElement = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, ls, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ls = this; + _r$5 = ls.conv.New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listReflect.ptr.prototype.NewElement, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, ls, $s};return $f; + }; + listReflect.prototype.NewElement = function() { return this.$val.NewElement(); }; + listReflect.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var ls; + ls = this; + return !$clone(ls.v, reflect.Value).IsNil(); + }; + listReflect.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + listReflect.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, ls, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ls = this; + _r$5 = $clone(ls.v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listReflect.ptr.prototype.protoUnwrap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, ls, $s};return $f; + }; + listReflect.prototype.protoUnwrap = function() { return this.$val.protoUnwrap(); }; + NewConverter = function(t, fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fd, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.IsList(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$6 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 2: + _r$7 = newListConverter(t, fd); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } else if (_r$6) { */ case 3: + _r$8 = newMapConverter(t, fd); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$9 = newSingularConverter(t, fd); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$9; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + _arg = t; + _r$10 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$10); + _r$11 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$11)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewConverter, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, fd, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewConverter = NewConverter; + newSingularConverter = function(t, fd) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, defVal, fd, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + defVal = (function $b(fd$1, zero) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, fd$1, zero, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd$1, zero}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd$1.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5 === 3) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$5 === 3) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return zero; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = fd$1.Default(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, fd$1, zero, $s};return $f; + }); + _r$5 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$5; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (15))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (16))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (7))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6 === 1) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (_r$6 === 1) { */ case 15: + _r$7 = defVal(fd, $clone(boolZero, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new boolConverter.ptr(t, $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value)); + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r; + /* } */ case 16: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (15))) { */ case 4: + _r$8 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$8 === 5) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_r$8 === 5) { */ case 20: + _r$9 = defVal(fd, $clone(int32Zero, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = new int32Converter.ptr(t, $clone(_r$9, protoreflect.Value)); + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 21: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (16))) { */ case 5: + _r$10 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$10 === 6) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (_r$10 === 6) { */ case 25: + _r$11 = defVal(fd, $clone(int64Zero, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = new int64Converter.ptr(t, $clone(_r$11, protoreflect.Value)); + $s = 29; case 29: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 26: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (7))) { */ case 6: + _r$12 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$12 === 10) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (_r$12 === 10) { */ case 30: + _r$13 = defVal(fd, $clone(uint32Zero, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = new uint32Converter.ptr(t, $clone(_r$13, protoreflect.Value)); + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 31: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 7: + _r$14 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$14 === 11) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (_r$14 === 11) { */ case 35: + _r$15 = defVal(fd, $clone(uint64Zero, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = new uint64Converter.ptr(t, $clone(_r$15, protoreflect.Value)); + $s = 39; case 39: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 36: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 8: + _r$16 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$16 === 13) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (_r$16 === 13) { */ case 40: + _r$17 = defVal(fd, $clone(float32Zero, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = new float32Converter.ptr(t, $clone(_r$17, protoreflect.Value)); + $s = 44; case 44: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 41: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 9: + _r$18 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$18 === 14) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (_r$18 === 14) { */ case 45: + _r$19 = defVal(fd, $clone(float64Zero, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = new float64Converter.ptr(t, $clone(_r$19, protoreflect.Value)); + $s = 49; case 49: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 46: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 10: + _r$20 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (_r$20 === 24) { _v = true; $s = 52; continue s; } + _r$21 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$21 === 23)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 54; continue s; } + _r$22 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = $interfaceIsEqual(_r$22, byteType); case 54: + _v = _v$1; case 52: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ $s = 51; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 50: + _r$23 = defVal(fd, $clone(stringZero, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$7 = new stringConverter.ptr(t, $clone(_r$23, protoreflect.Value)); + $s = 58; case 58: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 51: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 11: + _r$24 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (_r$24 === 24) { _v$2 = true; $s = 61; continue s; } + _r$25 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$25 === 23)) { _v$3 = false; $s = 63; continue s; } + _r$26 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = $interfaceIsEqual(_r$26, byteType); case 63: + _v$2 = _v$3; case 61: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ $s = 60; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 59: + _r$27 = defVal(fd, $clone(bytesZero, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$8 = new bytesConverter.ptr(t, $clone(_r$27, protoreflect.Value)); + $s = 67; case 67: return $24r$8; + /* } */ case 60: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 12: + _r$28 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$28 === 5) { $s = 68; continue; } + /* */ $s = 69; continue; + /* if (_r$28 === 5) { */ case 68: + _r$29 = newEnumConverter(t, fd); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$9 = _r$29; + $s = 72; case 72: return $24r$9; + /* } */ case 69: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10))) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return newMessageConverter(t); + /* } */ case 14: + case 1: + _arg = t; + _r$30 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 73; case 73: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$30); + _r$31 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$31)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newSingularConverter, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, defVal, fd, t, $s};return $f; + }; + boolConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfBool($clone(v, reflect.Value).Bool()); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: boolConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + boolConverter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + boolConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(new $Bool(_r$5)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Convert(c.goType); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: boolConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + boolConverter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + boolConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, $Bool, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: boolConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + boolConverter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + boolConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + boolConverter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + boolConverter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + boolConverter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + boolConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + boolConverter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + int32Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, c, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfInt32((((x = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Int(), x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: int32Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, c, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + int32Converter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + int32Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(new $Int32((((x = _r$5, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Convert(c.goType); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: int32Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + int32Converter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + int32Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, $Int32, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: int32Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + int32Converter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + int32Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + int32Converter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + int32Converter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + int32Converter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + int32Converter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + int32Converter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + int64Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(($clone(v, reflect.Value).Int())); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: int64Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + int64Converter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + int64Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf((_r$5)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Convert(c.goType); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: int64Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + int64Converter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + int64Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, $Int64, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: int64Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + int64Converter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + int64Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + int64Converter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + int64Converter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + int64Converter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + int64Converter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + int64Converter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + uint32Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfUint32((($clone(v, reflect.Value).Uint().$low >>> 0))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uint32Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + uint32Converter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + uint32Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(new $Uint32(((_r$5.$low >>> 0)))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Convert(c.goType); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uint32Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + uint32Converter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + uint32Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, $Uint32, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uint32Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + uint32Converter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + uint32Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + uint32Converter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + uint32Converter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + uint32Converter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + uint32Converter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + uint32Converter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + uint64Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(($clone(v, reflect.Value).Uint())); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uint64Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + uint64Converter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + uint64Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf((_r$5)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Convert(c.goType); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uint64Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + uint64Converter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + uint64Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, $Uint64, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uint64Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + uint64Converter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + uint64Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + uint64Converter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + uint64Converter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + uint64Converter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + uint64Converter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + uint64Converter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + float32Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(($fround($clone(v, reflect.Value).Float()))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: float32Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + float32Converter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + float32Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(new $Float32(($fround(_r$5)))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Convert(c.goType); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: float32Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + float32Converter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + float32Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, $Float32, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: float32Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + float32Converter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + float32Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + float32Converter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + float32Converter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + float32Converter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + float32Converter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + float32Converter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + float64Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(($clone(v, reflect.Value).Float())); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: float64Converter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + float64Converter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + float64Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(new $Float64((_r$5))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Convert(c.goType); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: float64Converter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + float64Converter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + float64Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, $Float64, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: float64Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + float64Converter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + float64Converter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + float64Converter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + float64Converter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + float64Converter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + float64Converter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + float64Converter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + stringConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Convert(stringType); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = protoreflect.ValueOfString(_r$7); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + stringConverter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + stringConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = $assertType(_r$5, $String); + _r$6 = c.goType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$6 === 23) && s === "") { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((_r$6 === 23) && s === "") { */ case 2: + _r$7 = reflect.Zero(c.goType); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$8 = reflect.ValueOf(new $String(s)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Convert(c.goType); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$9; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + stringConverter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + stringConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, $String, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + stringConverter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + stringConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + stringConverter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + stringConverter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + stringConverter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + stringConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + stringConverter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + bytesConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = c.goType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$6 === 24) && ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Len() === 0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((_r$6 === 24) && ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Len() === 0)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(sliceType.nil); + /* } */ case 5: + _r$7 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Convert(bytesType); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(_r$8); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: bytesConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + bytesConverter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + bytesConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Convert(c.goType); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: bytesConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + bytesConverter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + bytesConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, sliceType, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: bytesConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + bytesConverter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + bytesConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + bytesConverter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + bytesConverter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + bytesConverter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + bytesConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + bytesConverter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + newEnumConverter = function(goType, fd) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, def, fd, goType, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {goType, fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + def = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _r$5 = fd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5 === 3) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$5 === 3) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = fd.Enum(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Values(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Get(0); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Number(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(_r$9); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(def, _r$10); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$11 = fd.Default(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(def, _r$11); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return new enumConverter.ptr(goType, $clone(def, protoreflect.Value)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newEnumConverter, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, def, fd, goType, $s};return $f; + }; + enumConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$5, c, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return protoreflect.ValueOfEnum((((x = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Int(), x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: enumConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$5, c, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + enumConverter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + enumConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(new protoreflect.EnumNumber(_r$5)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Convert(c.goType); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: enumConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, v, $s};return $f; + }; + enumConverter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + enumConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, protoreflect.EnumNumber, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: enumConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, c, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + enumConverter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + enumConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + enumConverter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + enumConverter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + enumConverter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + enumConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.def; + }; + enumConverter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + newMessageConverter = function(goType) { + var goType; + return new messageConverter.ptr(goType); + }; + messageConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, m, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = c.isNonPointer(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r$6) { */ case 4: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 7: + v = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Addr(); + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + _r$7 = reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type())); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$7; + /* } */ case 9: + /* } */ case 5: + _r$8 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$8, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 12: + _r$9 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(_r$9); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$11 = legacyWrapMessage($clone(v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(_r$11); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$12; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageConverter.ptr.prototype.PBValueOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, m, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + messageConverter.prototype.PBValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.PBValueOf(v); }; + messageConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, m, ok, rv, u, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$5; + rv = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0); + _tuple = $assertType(m, unwrapper, true); + u = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = u.protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.ValueOf(_r$6); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$7; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r$8 = m.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = reflect.ValueOf(_r$8); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$9; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$10 = c.isNonPointer(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$10) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_r$10) { */ case 9: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type(), reflect.PtrTo(c.goType)))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type(), reflect.PtrTo(c.goType)))) { */ case 12: + _r$11 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type(), reflect.PtrTo(c.goType)])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$11)); + /* } */ case 13: + /* */ if (!$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!$clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 15: + _r$12 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$12; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else { */ case 16: + _r$13 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = reflect.Zero(_r$13); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$14; + /* } */ case 17: + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType))) { */ case 21: + _r$15 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", new sliceType$1([$clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$15)); + /* } */ case 22: + $s = -1; return rv; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageConverter.ptr.prototype.GoValueOf, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, m, ok, rv, u, v, $s};return $f; + }; + messageConverter.prototype.GoValueOf = function(v) { return this.$val.GoValueOf(v); }; + messageConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, m, ok, rv, u, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$5; + rv = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0); + _tuple = $assertType(m, unwrapper, true); + u = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = u.protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.ValueOf(_r$6); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$7; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r$8 = m.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = reflect.ValueOf(_r$8); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$9; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$10 = c.isNonPointer(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$10) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_r$10) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type(), reflect.PtrTo(c.goType)); + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidPB, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, m, ok, rv, u, v, $s};return $f; + }; + messageConverter.prototype.IsValidPB = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidPB(v); }; + messageConverter.ptr.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { + var c, v; + c = this; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), c.goType); + }; + messageConverter.prototype.IsValidGo = function(v) { return this.$val.IsValidGo(v); }; + messageConverter.ptr.prototype.New = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = c.isNonPointer(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = $clone(reflect.New(c.goType), reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = c.PBValueOf($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = c.goType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = reflect.New(_r$8); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = c.PBValueOf($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$10; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageConverter.ptr.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, $s};return $f; + }; + messageConverter.prototype.New = function() { return this.$val.New(); }; + messageConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = reflect.Zero(c.goType); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = c.PBValueOf($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageConverter.ptr.prototype.Zero, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s};return $f; + }; + messageConverter.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + messageConverter.ptr.prototype.isNonPointer = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$5 = c.goType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = !((_r$5 === 22)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: messageConverter.ptr.prototype.isNonPointer, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, c, $s};return $f; + }; + messageConverter.prototype.isNonPointer = function() { return this.$val.isNonPointer(); }; + fieldCoder = function(fd, ft) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$100, _r$101, _r$102, _r$103, _r$104, _r$105, _r$106, _r$107, _r$108, _r$109, _r$11, _r$110, _r$111, _r$112, _r$113, _r$114, _r$115, _r$116, _r$117, _r$118, _r$119, _r$12, _r$120, _r$121, _r$122, _r$123, _r$124, _r$125, _r$126, _r$127, _r$128, _r$129, _r$13, _r$130, _r$131, _r$132, _r$133, _r$134, _r$135, _r$136, _r$137, _r$138, _r$139, _r$14, _r$140, _r$141, _r$142, _r$143, _r$144, _r$145, _r$146, _r$147, _r$148, _r$149, _r$15, _r$150, _r$151, _r$152, _r$153, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$49, _r$5, _r$50, _r$51, _r$52, _r$53, _r$54, _r$55, _r$56, _r$57, _r$58, _r$59, _r$6, _r$60, _r$61, _r$62, _r$63, _r$64, _r$65, _r$66, _r$67, _r$68, _r$69, _r$7, _r$70, _r$71, _r$72, _r$73, _r$74, _r$75, _r$76, _r$77, _r$78, _r$79, _r$8, _r$80, _r$81, _r$82, _r$83, _r$84, _r$85, _r$86, _r$87, _r$88, _r$89, _r$9, _r$90, _r$91, _r$92, _r$93, _r$94, _r$95, _r$96, _r$97, _r$98, _r$99, _v, _v$1, _v$10, _v$11, _v$12, _v$13, _v$14, _v$15, _v$16, _v$17, _v$18, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, _v$5, _v$6, _v$7, _v$8, _v$9, fd, ft, ft$1, ft$2, ft$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, ft}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$6 = fd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$6 === 3)) { _v = false; $s = 12; continue s; } + _r$7 = fd.IsPacked(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$7; case 12: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$8 = fd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$8 === 3)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 15; continue s; } + _r$9 = fd.IsPacked(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$9; case 15: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$10 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$10 === 11)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$11 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$11 === 10)) { $s = 6; continue; } + _r$12 = fd.Syntax(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$12 === 3)) { _v$2 = false; $s = 20; continue s; } + _r$13 = fd.ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = $interfaceIsEqual(_r$13, $ifaceNil); case 20: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 7; continue; } + _r$14 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$14 === 22)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 2: + _r$15 = encoderFuncsForMap(fd, ft); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$15; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r; + /* } else if (_v) { */ case 3: + _r$16 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$16 === 23))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!((_r$16 === 23))) { */ case 26: + /* break; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 27: + _r$17 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ft$1 = _r$17; + _r$18 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$18; + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 43; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 47; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 32: + _r$19 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$19 === 1) { $s = 51; continue; } + /* */ $s = 52; continue; + /* if (_r$19 === 1) { */ case 51: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBoolSlice]; + /* } */ case 52: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 33: + _r$20 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$20 === 5) { $s = 54; continue; } + /* */ $s = 55; continue; + /* if (_r$20 === 5) { */ case 54: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderEnumSlice]; + /* } */ case 55: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 34: + _r$21 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$21 === 5) { $s = 57; continue; } + /* */ $s = 58; continue; + /* if (_r$21 === 5) { */ case 57: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderInt32Slice]; + /* } */ case 58: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 35: + _r$22 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$22 === 5) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ $s = 61; continue; + /* if (_r$22 === 5) { */ case 60: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSint32Slice]; + /* } */ case 61: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 36: + _r$23 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$23 === 10) { $s = 63; continue; } + /* */ $s = 64; continue; + /* if (_r$23 === 10) { */ case 63: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderUint32Slice]; + /* } */ case 64: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 37: + _r$24 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$24 === 6) { $s = 66; continue; } + /* */ $s = 67; continue; + /* if (_r$24 === 6) { */ case 66: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderInt64Slice]; + /* } */ case 67: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 38: + _r$25 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$25 === 6) { $s = 69; continue; } + /* */ $s = 70; continue; + /* if (_r$25 === 6) { */ case 69: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSint64Slice]; + /* } */ case 70: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 39: + _r$26 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$26 === 11) { $s = 72; continue; } + /* */ $s = 73; continue; + /* if (_r$26 === 11) { */ case 72: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderUint64Slice]; + /* } */ case 73: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 40: + _r$27 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$27 === 5) { $s = 75; continue; } + /* */ $s = 76; continue; + /* if (_r$27 === 5) { */ case 75: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSfixed32Slice]; + /* } */ case 76: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 41: + _r$28 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$28 === 10) { $s = 78; continue; } + /* */ $s = 79; continue; + /* if (_r$28 === 10) { */ case 78: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFixed32Slice]; + /* } */ case 79: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 42: + _r$29 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 83; case 83: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$29 === 13) { $s = 81; continue; } + /* */ $s = 82; continue; + /* if (_r$29 === 13) { */ case 81: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFloatSlice]; + /* } */ case 82: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 43: + _r$30 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 86; case 86: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$30 === 6) { $s = 84; continue; } + /* */ $s = 85; continue; + /* if (_r$30 === 6) { */ case 84: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSfixed64Slice]; + /* } */ case 85: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 44: + _r$31 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 89; case 89: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$31 === 11) { $s = 87; continue; } + /* */ $s = 88; continue; + /* if (_r$31 === 11) { */ case 87: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFixed64Slice]; + /* } */ case 88: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 45: + _r$32 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 92; case 92: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$32 === 14) { $s = 90; continue; } + /* */ $s = 91; continue; + /* if (_r$32 === 14) { */ case 90: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderDoubleSlice]; + /* } */ case 91: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 46: + _r$33 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 96; case 96: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$33 === 24)) { _v$3 = false; $s = 95; continue s; } + _r$34 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 97; case 97: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = _r$34; case 95: + /* */ if (_v$3) { $s = 93; continue; } + /* */ $s = 94; continue; + /* if (_v$3) { */ case 93: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderStringSliceValidateUTF8]; + /* } */ case 94: + _r$35 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 100; case 100: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$35 === 24) { $s = 98; continue; } + /* */ $s = 99; continue; + /* if (_r$35 === 24) { */ case 98: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderStringSlice]; + /* } */ case 99: + _r$36 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 105; case 105: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$36 === 23)) { _v$5 = false; $s = 104; continue s; } + _r$37 = ft$1.Elem(); /* */ $s = 106; case 106: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$38 = _r$37.Kind(); /* */ $s = 107; case 107: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$5 = _r$38 === 8; case 104: + if (!(_v$5)) { _v$4 = false; $s = 103; continue s; } + _r$39 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 108; case 108: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = _r$39; case 103: + /* */ if (_v$4) { $s = 101; continue; } + /* */ $s = 102; continue; + /* if (_v$4) { */ case 101: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBytesSliceValidateUTF8]; + /* } */ case 102: + _r$40 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 112; case 112: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$40 === 23)) { _v$6 = false; $s = 111; continue s; } + _r$41 = ft$1.Elem(); /* */ $s = 113; case 113: if($c) { $c = false; _r$41 = _r$41.$blk(); } if (_r$41 && _r$41.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$42 = _r$41.Kind(); /* */ $s = 114; case 114: if($c) { $c = false; _r$42 = _r$42.$blk(); } if (_r$42 && _r$42.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$6 = _r$42 === 8; case 111: + /* */ if (_v$6) { $s = 109; continue; } + /* */ $s = 110; continue; + /* if (_v$6) { */ case 109: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBytesSlice]; + /* } */ case 110: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 47: + _r$43 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 117; case 117: if($c) { $c = false; _r$43 = _r$43.$blk(); } if (_r$43 && _r$43.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$43 === 24) { $s = 115; continue; } + /* */ $s = 116; continue; + /* if (_r$43 === 24) { */ case 115: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderStringSlice]; + /* } */ case 116: + _r$44 = ft$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 121; case 121: if($c) { $c = false; _r$44 = _r$44.$blk(); } if (_r$44 && _r$44.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$44 === 23)) { _v$7 = false; $s = 120; continue s; } + _r$45 = ft$1.Elem(); /* */ $s = 122; case 122: if($c) { $c = false; _r$45 = _r$45.$blk(); } if (_r$45 && _r$45.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$46 = _r$45.Kind(); /* */ $s = 123; case 123: if($c) { $c = false; _r$46 = _r$46.$blk(); } if (_r$46 && _r$46.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$7 = _r$46 === 8; case 120: + /* */ if (_v$7) { $s = 118; continue; } + /* */ $s = 119; continue; + /* if (_v$7) { */ case 118: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBytesSlice]; + /* } */ case 119: + $s = 50; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 48: + _r$47 = getMessageInfo(ft$1); /* */ $s = 124; case 124: if($c) { $c = false; _r$47 = _r$47.$blk(); } if (_r$47 && _r$47.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$48 = makeMessageSliceFieldCoder(fd, ft$1); /* */ $s = 125; case 125: if($c) { $c = false; _r$48 = _r$48.$blk(); } if (_r$48 && _r$48.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [_r$47, _r$48]; + $s = 126; case 126: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 49: + _r$49 = getMessageInfo(ft$1); /* */ $s = 127; case 127: if($c) { $c = false; _r$49 = _r$49.$blk(); } if (_r$49 && _r$49.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$50 = makeGroupSliceFieldCoder(fd, ft$1); /* */ $s = 128; case 128: if($c) { $c = false; _r$50 = _r$50.$blk(); } if (_r$50 && _r$50.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [_r$49, _r$50]; + $s = 129; case 129: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 50: + case 30: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if (_v$1) { */ case 4: + _r$51 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 132; case 132: if($c) { $c = false; _r$51 = _r$51.$blk(); } if (_r$51 && _r$51.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$51 === 23))) { $s = 130; continue; } + /* */ $s = 131; continue; + /* if (!((_r$51 === 23))) { */ case 130: + /* break; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 131: + _r$52 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 133; case 133: if($c) { $c = false; _r$52 = _r$52.$blk(); } if (_r$52 && _r$52.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ft$2 = _r$52; + _r$53 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 135; case 135: if($c) { $c = false; _r$53 = _r$53.$blk(); } if (_r$53 && _r$53.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _2 = _r$53; + /* */ if (_2 === (8)) { $s = 136; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (14)) { $s = 137; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (5)) { $s = 138; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (17)) { $s = 139; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (13)) { $s = 140; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (3)) { $s = 141; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (18)) { $s = 142; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (4)) { $s = 143; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (15)) { $s = 144; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (7)) { $s = 145; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (2)) { $s = 146; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (16)) { $s = 147; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (6)) { $s = 148; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (1)) { $s = 149; continue; } + /* */ $s = 150; continue; + /* if (_2 === (8)) { */ case 136: + _r$54 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 153; case 153: if($c) { $c = false; _r$54 = _r$54.$blk(); } if (_r$54 && _r$54.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$54 === 1) { $s = 151; continue; } + /* */ $s = 152; continue; + /* if (_r$54 === 1) { */ case 151: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBoolPackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 152: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (14)) { */ case 137: + _r$55 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 156; case 156: if($c) { $c = false; _r$55 = _r$55.$blk(); } if (_r$55 && _r$55.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$55 === 5) { $s = 154; continue; } + /* */ $s = 155; continue; + /* if (_r$55 === 5) { */ case 154: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderEnumPackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 155: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (5)) { */ case 138: + _r$56 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 159; case 159: if($c) { $c = false; _r$56 = _r$56.$blk(); } if (_r$56 && _r$56.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$56 === 5) { $s = 157; continue; } + /* */ $s = 158; continue; + /* if (_r$56 === 5) { */ case 157: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderInt32PackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 158: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (17)) { */ case 139: + _r$57 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 162; case 162: if($c) { $c = false; _r$57 = _r$57.$blk(); } if (_r$57 && _r$57.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$57 === 5) { $s = 160; continue; } + /* */ $s = 161; continue; + /* if (_r$57 === 5) { */ case 160: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSint32PackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 161: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (13)) { */ case 140: + _r$58 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 165; case 165: if($c) { $c = false; _r$58 = _r$58.$blk(); } if (_r$58 && _r$58.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$58 === 10) { $s = 163; continue; } + /* */ $s = 164; continue; + /* if (_r$58 === 10) { */ case 163: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderUint32PackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 164: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (3)) { */ case 141: + _r$59 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 168; case 168: if($c) { $c = false; _r$59 = _r$59.$blk(); } if (_r$59 && _r$59.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$59 === 6) { $s = 166; continue; } + /* */ $s = 167; continue; + /* if (_r$59 === 6) { */ case 166: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderInt64PackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 167: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (18)) { */ case 142: + _r$60 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 171; case 171: if($c) { $c = false; _r$60 = _r$60.$blk(); } if (_r$60 && _r$60.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$60 === 6) { $s = 169; continue; } + /* */ $s = 170; continue; + /* if (_r$60 === 6) { */ case 169: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSint64PackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 170: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (4)) { */ case 143: + _r$61 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 174; case 174: if($c) { $c = false; _r$61 = _r$61.$blk(); } if (_r$61 && _r$61.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$61 === 11) { $s = 172; continue; } + /* */ $s = 173; continue; + /* if (_r$61 === 11) { */ case 172: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderUint64PackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 173: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (15)) { */ case 144: + _r$62 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 177; case 177: if($c) { $c = false; _r$62 = _r$62.$blk(); } if (_r$62 && _r$62.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$62 === 5) { $s = 175; continue; } + /* */ $s = 176; continue; + /* if (_r$62 === 5) { */ case 175: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSfixed32PackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 176: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (7)) { */ case 145: + _r$63 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 180; case 180: if($c) { $c = false; _r$63 = _r$63.$blk(); } if (_r$63 && _r$63.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$63 === 10) { $s = 178; continue; } + /* */ $s = 179; continue; + /* if (_r$63 === 10) { */ case 178: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFixed32PackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 179: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (2)) { */ case 146: + _r$64 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 183; case 183: if($c) { $c = false; _r$64 = _r$64.$blk(); } if (_r$64 && _r$64.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$64 === 13) { $s = 181; continue; } + /* */ $s = 182; continue; + /* if (_r$64 === 13) { */ case 181: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFloatPackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 182: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (16)) { */ case 147: + _r$65 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 186; case 186: if($c) { $c = false; _r$65 = _r$65.$blk(); } if (_r$65 && _r$65.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$65 === 6) { $s = 184; continue; } + /* */ $s = 185; continue; + /* if (_r$65 === 6) { */ case 184: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSfixed64PackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 185: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (6)) { */ case 148: + _r$66 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 189; case 189: if($c) { $c = false; _r$66 = _r$66.$blk(); } if (_r$66 && _r$66.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$66 === 11) { $s = 187; continue; } + /* */ $s = 188; continue; + /* if (_r$66 === 11) { */ case 187: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFixed64PackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 188: + $s = 150; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (1)) { */ case 149: + _r$67 = ft$2.Kind(); /* */ $s = 192; case 192: if($c) { $c = false; _r$67 = _r$67.$blk(); } if (_r$67 && _r$67.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$67 === 14) { $s = 190; continue; } + /* */ $s = 191; continue; + /* if (_r$67 === 14) { */ case 190: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderDoublePackedSlice]; + /* } */ case 191: + /* } */ case 150: + case 134: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if ((_r$10 === 11)) { */ case 5: + _r$68 = getMessageInfo(ft); /* */ $s = 193; case 193: if($c) { $c = false; _r$68 = _r$68.$blk(); } if (_r$68 && _r$68.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$69 = makeMessageFieldCoder(fd, ft); /* */ $s = 194; case 194: if($c) { $c = false; _r$69 = _r$69.$blk(); } if (_r$69 && _r$69.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [_r$68, _r$69]; + $s = 195; case 195: return $24r$3; + /* } else if ((_r$11 === 10)) { */ case 6: + _r$70 = getMessageInfo(ft); /* */ $s = 196; case 196: if($c) { $c = false; _r$70 = _r$70.$blk(); } if (_r$70 && _r$70.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$71 = makeGroupFieldCoder(fd, ft); /* */ $s = 197; case 197: if($c) { $c = false; _r$71 = _r$71.$blk(); } if (_r$71 && _r$71.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = [_r$70, _r$71]; + $s = 198; case 198: return $24r$4; + /* } else if (_v$2) { */ case 7: + _r$72 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 200; case 200: if($c) { $c = false; _r$72 = _r$72.$blk(); } if (_r$72 && _r$72.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _3 = _r$72; + /* */ if (_3 === (8)) { $s = 201; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (14)) { $s = 202; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (5)) { $s = 203; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (17)) { $s = 204; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (13)) { $s = 205; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (3)) { $s = 206; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (18)) { $s = 207; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (4)) { $s = 208; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (15)) { $s = 209; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (7)) { $s = 210; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (2)) { $s = 211; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (16)) { $s = 212; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (6)) { $s = 213; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (1)) { $s = 214; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (9)) { $s = 215; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (12)) { $s = 216; continue; } + /* */ $s = 217; continue; + /* if (_3 === (8)) { */ case 201: + _r$73 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 220; case 220: if($c) { $c = false; _r$73 = _r$73.$blk(); } if (_r$73 && _r$73.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$73 === 1) { $s = 218; continue; } + /* */ $s = 219; continue; + /* if (_r$73 === 1) { */ case 218: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBoolNoZero]; + /* } */ case 219: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (14)) { */ case 202: + _r$74 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 223; case 223: if($c) { $c = false; _r$74 = _r$74.$blk(); } if (_r$74 && _r$74.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$74 === 5) { $s = 221; continue; } + /* */ $s = 222; continue; + /* if (_r$74 === 5) { */ case 221: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderEnumNoZero]; + /* } */ case 222: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (5)) { */ case 203: + _r$75 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 226; case 226: if($c) { $c = false; _r$75 = _r$75.$blk(); } if (_r$75 && _r$75.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$75 === 5) { $s = 224; continue; } + /* */ $s = 225; continue; + /* if (_r$75 === 5) { */ case 224: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderInt32NoZero]; + /* } */ case 225: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (17)) { */ case 204: + _r$76 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 229; case 229: if($c) { $c = false; _r$76 = _r$76.$blk(); } if (_r$76 && _r$76.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$76 === 5) { $s = 227; continue; } + /* */ $s = 228; continue; + /* if (_r$76 === 5) { */ case 227: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSint32NoZero]; + /* } */ case 228: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (13)) { */ case 205: + _r$77 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 232; case 232: if($c) { $c = false; _r$77 = _r$77.$blk(); } if (_r$77 && _r$77.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$77 === 10) { $s = 230; continue; } + /* */ $s = 231; continue; + /* if (_r$77 === 10) { */ case 230: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderUint32NoZero]; + /* } */ case 231: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (3)) { */ case 206: + _r$78 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 235; case 235: if($c) { $c = false; _r$78 = _r$78.$blk(); } if (_r$78 && _r$78.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$78 === 6) { $s = 233; continue; } + /* */ $s = 234; continue; + /* if (_r$78 === 6) { */ case 233: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderInt64NoZero]; + /* } */ case 234: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (18)) { */ case 207: + _r$79 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 238; case 238: if($c) { $c = false; _r$79 = _r$79.$blk(); } if (_r$79 && _r$79.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$79 === 6) { $s = 236; continue; } + /* */ $s = 237; continue; + /* if (_r$79 === 6) { */ case 236: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSint64NoZero]; + /* } */ case 237: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (4)) { */ case 208: + _r$80 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 241; case 241: if($c) { $c = false; _r$80 = _r$80.$blk(); } if (_r$80 && _r$80.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$80 === 11) { $s = 239; continue; } + /* */ $s = 240; continue; + /* if (_r$80 === 11) { */ case 239: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderUint64NoZero]; + /* } */ case 240: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (15)) { */ case 209: + _r$81 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 244; case 244: if($c) { $c = false; _r$81 = _r$81.$blk(); } if (_r$81 && _r$81.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$81 === 5) { $s = 242; continue; } + /* */ $s = 243; continue; + /* if (_r$81 === 5) { */ case 242: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSfixed32NoZero]; + /* } */ case 243: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (7)) { */ case 210: + _r$82 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 247; case 247: if($c) { $c = false; _r$82 = _r$82.$blk(); } if (_r$82 && _r$82.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$82 === 10) { $s = 245; continue; } + /* */ $s = 246; continue; + /* if (_r$82 === 10) { */ case 245: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFixed32NoZero]; + /* } */ case 246: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (2)) { */ case 211: + _r$83 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 250; case 250: if($c) { $c = false; _r$83 = _r$83.$blk(); } if (_r$83 && _r$83.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$83 === 13) { $s = 248; continue; } + /* */ $s = 249; continue; + /* if (_r$83 === 13) { */ case 248: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFloatNoZero]; + /* } */ case 249: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (16)) { */ case 212: + _r$84 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 253; case 253: if($c) { $c = false; _r$84 = _r$84.$blk(); } if (_r$84 && _r$84.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$84 === 6) { $s = 251; continue; } + /* */ $s = 252; continue; + /* if (_r$84 === 6) { */ case 251: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSfixed64NoZero]; + /* } */ case 252: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (6)) { */ case 213: + _r$85 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 256; case 256: if($c) { $c = false; _r$85 = _r$85.$blk(); } if (_r$85 && _r$85.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$85 === 11) { $s = 254; continue; } + /* */ $s = 255; continue; + /* if (_r$85 === 11) { */ case 254: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFixed64NoZero]; + /* } */ case 255: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (1)) { */ case 214: + _r$86 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 259; case 259: if($c) { $c = false; _r$86 = _r$86.$blk(); } if (_r$86 && _r$86.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$86 === 14) { $s = 257; continue; } + /* */ $s = 258; continue; + /* if (_r$86 === 14) { */ case 257: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderDoubleNoZero]; + /* } */ case 258: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (9)) { */ case 215: + _r$87 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 263; case 263: if($c) { $c = false; _r$87 = _r$87.$blk(); } if (_r$87 && _r$87.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$87 === 24)) { _v$8 = false; $s = 262; continue s; } + _r$88 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 264; case 264: if($c) { $c = false; _r$88 = _r$88.$blk(); } if (_r$88 && _r$88.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$8 = _r$88; case 262: + /* */ if (_v$8) { $s = 260; continue; } + /* */ $s = 261; continue; + /* if (_v$8) { */ case 260: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderStringNoZeroValidateUTF8]; + /* } */ case 261: + _r$89 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 267; case 267: if($c) { $c = false; _r$89 = _r$89.$blk(); } if (_r$89 && _r$89.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$89 === 24) { $s = 265; continue; } + /* */ $s = 266; continue; + /* if (_r$89 === 24) { */ case 265: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderStringNoZero]; + /* } */ case 266: + _r$90 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 272; case 272: if($c) { $c = false; _r$90 = _r$90.$blk(); } if (_r$90 && _r$90.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$90 === 23)) { _v$10 = false; $s = 271; continue s; } + _r$91 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 273; case 273: if($c) { $c = false; _r$91 = _r$91.$blk(); } if (_r$91 && _r$91.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$92 = _r$91.Kind(); /* */ $s = 274; case 274: if($c) { $c = false; _r$92 = _r$92.$blk(); } if (_r$92 && _r$92.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$10 = _r$92 === 8; case 271: + if (!(_v$10)) { _v$9 = false; $s = 270; continue s; } + _r$93 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 275; case 275: if($c) { $c = false; _r$93 = _r$93.$blk(); } if (_r$93 && _r$93.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$9 = _r$93; case 270: + /* */ if (_v$9) { $s = 268; continue; } + /* */ $s = 269; continue; + /* if (_v$9) { */ case 268: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8]; + /* } */ case 269: + _r$94 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 279; case 279: if($c) { $c = false; _r$94 = _r$94.$blk(); } if (_r$94 && _r$94.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$94 === 23)) { _v$11 = false; $s = 278; continue s; } + _r$95 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 280; case 280: if($c) { $c = false; _r$95 = _r$95.$blk(); } if (_r$95 && _r$95.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$96 = _r$95.Kind(); /* */ $s = 281; case 281: if($c) { $c = false; _r$96 = _r$96.$blk(); } if (_r$96 && _r$96.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$11 = _r$96 === 8; case 278: + /* */ if (_v$11) { $s = 276; continue; } + /* */ $s = 277; continue; + /* if (_v$11) { */ case 276: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBytesNoZero]; + /* } */ case 277: + $s = 217; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (12)) { */ case 216: + _r$97 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 284; case 284: if($c) { $c = false; _r$97 = _r$97.$blk(); } if (_r$97 && _r$97.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$97 === 24) { $s = 282; continue; } + /* */ $s = 283; continue; + /* if (_r$97 === 24) { */ case 282: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderStringNoZero]; + /* } */ case 283: + _r$98 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 288; case 288: if($c) { $c = false; _r$98 = _r$98.$blk(); } if (_r$98 && _r$98.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$98 === 23)) { _v$12 = false; $s = 287; continue s; } + _r$99 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 289; case 289: if($c) { $c = false; _r$99 = _r$99.$blk(); } if (_r$99 && _r$99.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$100 = _r$99.Kind(); /* */ $s = 290; case 290: if($c) { $c = false; _r$100 = _r$100.$blk(); } if (_r$100 && _r$100.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$12 = _r$100 === 8; case 287: + /* */ if (_v$12) { $s = 285; continue; } + /* */ $s = 286; continue; + /* if (_v$12) { */ case 285: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBytesNoZero]; + /* } */ case 286: + /* } */ case 217: + case 199: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if ((_r$14 === 22)) { */ case 8: + _r$101 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 291; case 291: if($c) { $c = false; _r$101 = _r$101.$blk(); } if (_r$101 && _r$101.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ft$3 = _r$101; + _r$102 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 293; case 293: if($c) { $c = false; _r$102 = _r$102.$blk(); } if (_r$102 && _r$102.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _4 = _r$102; + /* */ if (_4 === (8)) { $s = 294; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (14)) { $s = 295; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (5)) { $s = 296; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (17)) { $s = 297; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (13)) { $s = 298; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (3)) { $s = 299; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (18)) { $s = 300; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (4)) { $s = 301; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (15)) { $s = 302; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (7)) { $s = 303; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (2)) { $s = 304; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (16)) { $s = 305; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (6)) { $s = 306; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (1)) { $s = 307; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (9)) { $s = 308; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (12)) { $s = 309; continue; } + /* */ $s = 310; continue; + /* if (_4 === (8)) { */ case 294: + _r$103 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 313; case 313: if($c) { $c = false; _r$103 = _r$103.$blk(); } if (_r$103 && _r$103.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$103 === 1) { $s = 311; continue; } + /* */ $s = 312; continue; + /* if (_r$103 === 1) { */ case 311: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBoolPtr]; + /* } */ case 312: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (14)) { */ case 295: + _r$104 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 316; case 316: if($c) { $c = false; _r$104 = _r$104.$blk(); } if (_r$104 && _r$104.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$104 === 5) { $s = 314; continue; } + /* */ $s = 315; continue; + /* if (_r$104 === 5) { */ case 314: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderEnumPtr]; + /* } */ case 315: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (5)) { */ case 296: + _r$105 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 319; case 319: if($c) { $c = false; _r$105 = _r$105.$blk(); } if (_r$105 && _r$105.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$105 === 5) { $s = 317; continue; } + /* */ $s = 318; continue; + /* if (_r$105 === 5) { */ case 317: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderInt32Ptr]; + /* } */ case 318: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (17)) { */ case 297: + _r$106 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 322; case 322: if($c) { $c = false; _r$106 = _r$106.$blk(); } if (_r$106 && _r$106.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$106 === 5) { $s = 320; continue; } + /* */ $s = 321; continue; + /* if (_r$106 === 5) { */ case 320: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSint32Ptr]; + /* } */ case 321: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (13)) { */ case 298: + _r$107 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 325; case 325: if($c) { $c = false; _r$107 = _r$107.$blk(); } if (_r$107 && _r$107.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$107 === 10) { $s = 323; continue; } + /* */ $s = 324; continue; + /* if (_r$107 === 10) { */ case 323: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderUint32Ptr]; + /* } */ case 324: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (3)) { */ case 299: + _r$108 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 328; case 328: if($c) { $c = false; _r$108 = _r$108.$blk(); } if (_r$108 && _r$108.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$108 === 6) { $s = 326; continue; } + /* */ $s = 327; continue; + /* if (_r$108 === 6) { */ case 326: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderInt64Ptr]; + /* } */ case 327: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (18)) { */ case 300: + _r$109 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 331; case 331: if($c) { $c = false; _r$109 = _r$109.$blk(); } if (_r$109 && _r$109.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$109 === 6) { $s = 329; continue; } + /* */ $s = 330; continue; + /* if (_r$109 === 6) { */ case 329: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSint64Ptr]; + /* } */ case 330: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (4)) { */ case 301: + _r$110 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 334; case 334: if($c) { $c = false; _r$110 = _r$110.$blk(); } if (_r$110 && _r$110.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$110 === 11) { $s = 332; continue; } + /* */ $s = 333; continue; + /* if (_r$110 === 11) { */ case 332: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderUint64Ptr]; + /* } */ case 333: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (15)) { */ case 302: + _r$111 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 337; case 337: if($c) { $c = false; _r$111 = _r$111.$blk(); } if (_r$111 && _r$111.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$111 === 5) { $s = 335; continue; } + /* */ $s = 336; continue; + /* if (_r$111 === 5) { */ case 335: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSfixed32Ptr]; + /* } */ case 336: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (7)) { */ case 303: + _r$112 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 340; case 340: if($c) { $c = false; _r$112 = _r$112.$blk(); } if (_r$112 && _r$112.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$112 === 10) { $s = 338; continue; } + /* */ $s = 339; continue; + /* if (_r$112 === 10) { */ case 338: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFixed32Ptr]; + /* } */ case 339: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (2)) { */ case 304: + _r$113 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 343; case 343: if($c) { $c = false; _r$113 = _r$113.$blk(); } if (_r$113 && _r$113.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$113 === 13) { $s = 341; continue; } + /* */ $s = 342; continue; + /* if (_r$113 === 13) { */ case 341: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFloatPtr]; + /* } */ case 342: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (16)) { */ case 305: + _r$114 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 346; case 346: if($c) { $c = false; _r$114 = _r$114.$blk(); } if (_r$114 && _r$114.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$114 === 6) { $s = 344; continue; } + /* */ $s = 345; continue; + /* if (_r$114 === 6) { */ case 344: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSfixed64Ptr]; + /* } */ case 345: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (6)) { */ case 306: + _r$115 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 349; case 349: if($c) { $c = false; _r$115 = _r$115.$blk(); } if (_r$115 && _r$115.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$115 === 11) { $s = 347; continue; } + /* */ $s = 348; continue; + /* if (_r$115 === 11) { */ case 347: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFixed64Ptr]; + /* } */ case 348: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (1)) { */ case 307: + _r$116 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 352; case 352: if($c) { $c = false; _r$116 = _r$116.$blk(); } if (_r$116 && _r$116.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$116 === 14) { $s = 350; continue; } + /* */ $s = 351; continue; + /* if (_r$116 === 14) { */ case 350: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderDoublePtr]; + /* } */ case 351: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (9)) { */ case 308: + _r$117 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 356; case 356: if($c) { $c = false; _r$117 = _r$117.$blk(); } if (_r$117 && _r$117.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$117 === 24)) { _v$13 = false; $s = 355; continue s; } + _r$118 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 357; case 357: if($c) { $c = false; _r$118 = _r$118.$blk(); } if (_r$118 && _r$118.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$13 = _r$118; case 355: + /* */ if (_v$13) { $s = 353; continue; } + /* */ $s = 354; continue; + /* if (_v$13) { */ case 353: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderStringPtrValidateUTF8]; + /* } */ case 354: + _r$119 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 360; case 360: if($c) { $c = false; _r$119 = _r$119.$blk(); } if (_r$119 && _r$119.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$119 === 24) { $s = 358; continue; } + /* */ $s = 359; continue; + /* if (_r$119 === 24) { */ case 358: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderStringPtr]; + /* } */ case 359: + $s = 310; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (12)) { */ case 309: + _r$120 = ft$3.Kind(); /* */ $s = 363; case 363: if($c) { $c = false; _r$120 = _r$120.$blk(); } if (_r$120 && _r$120.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$120 === 24) { $s = 361; continue; } + /* */ $s = 362; continue; + /* if (_r$120 === 24) { */ case 361: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderStringPtr]; + /* } */ case 362: + /* } */ case 310: + case 292: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + _r$121 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 365; case 365: if($c) { $c = false; _r$121 = _r$121.$blk(); } if (_r$121 && _r$121.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _5 = _r$121; + /* */ if (_5 === (8)) { $s = 366; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (14)) { $s = 367; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (5)) { $s = 368; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (17)) { $s = 369; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (13)) { $s = 370; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (3)) { $s = 371; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (18)) { $s = 372; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (4)) { $s = 373; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (15)) { $s = 374; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (7)) { $s = 375; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (2)) { $s = 376; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (16)) { $s = 377; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (6)) { $s = 378; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (1)) { $s = 379; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (9)) { $s = 380; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (12)) { $s = 381; continue; } + /* */ $s = 382; continue; + /* if (_5 === (8)) { */ case 366: + _r$122 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 385; case 385: if($c) { $c = false; _r$122 = _r$122.$blk(); } if (_r$122 && _r$122.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$122 === 1) { $s = 383; continue; } + /* */ $s = 384; continue; + /* if (_r$122 === 1) { */ case 383: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBool]; + /* } */ case 384: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (14)) { */ case 367: + _r$123 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 388; case 388: if($c) { $c = false; _r$123 = _r$123.$blk(); } if (_r$123 && _r$123.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$123 === 5) { $s = 386; continue; } + /* */ $s = 387; continue; + /* if (_r$123 === 5) { */ case 386: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderEnum]; + /* } */ case 387: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (5)) { */ case 368: + _r$124 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 391; case 391: if($c) { $c = false; _r$124 = _r$124.$blk(); } if (_r$124 && _r$124.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$124 === 5) { $s = 389; continue; } + /* */ $s = 390; continue; + /* if (_r$124 === 5) { */ case 389: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderInt32]; + /* } */ case 390: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (17)) { */ case 369: + _r$125 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 394; case 394: if($c) { $c = false; _r$125 = _r$125.$blk(); } if (_r$125 && _r$125.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$125 === 5) { $s = 392; continue; } + /* */ $s = 393; continue; + /* if (_r$125 === 5) { */ case 392: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSint32]; + /* } */ case 393: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (13)) { */ case 370: + _r$126 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 397; case 397: if($c) { $c = false; _r$126 = _r$126.$blk(); } if (_r$126 && _r$126.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$126 === 10) { $s = 395; continue; } + /* */ $s = 396; continue; + /* if (_r$126 === 10) { */ case 395: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderUint32]; + /* } */ case 396: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (3)) { */ case 371: + _r$127 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 400; case 400: if($c) { $c = false; _r$127 = _r$127.$blk(); } if (_r$127 && _r$127.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$127 === 6) { $s = 398; continue; } + /* */ $s = 399; continue; + /* if (_r$127 === 6) { */ case 398: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderInt64]; + /* } */ case 399: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (18)) { */ case 372: + _r$128 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 403; case 403: if($c) { $c = false; _r$128 = _r$128.$blk(); } if (_r$128 && _r$128.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$128 === 6) { $s = 401; continue; } + /* */ $s = 402; continue; + /* if (_r$128 === 6) { */ case 401: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSint64]; + /* } */ case 402: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (4)) { */ case 373: + _r$129 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 406; case 406: if($c) { $c = false; _r$129 = _r$129.$blk(); } if (_r$129 && _r$129.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$129 === 11) { $s = 404; continue; } + /* */ $s = 405; continue; + /* if (_r$129 === 11) { */ case 404: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderUint64]; + /* } */ case 405: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (15)) { */ case 374: + _r$130 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 409; case 409: if($c) { $c = false; _r$130 = _r$130.$blk(); } if (_r$130 && _r$130.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$130 === 5) { $s = 407; continue; } + /* */ $s = 408; continue; + /* if (_r$130 === 5) { */ case 407: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSfixed32]; + /* } */ case 408: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (7)) { */ case 375: + _r$131 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 412; case 412: if($c) { $c = false; _r$131 = _r$131.$blk(); } if (_r$131 && _r$131.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$131 === 10) { $s = 410; continue; } + /* */ $s = 411; continue; + /* if (_r$131 === 10) { */ case 410: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFixed32]; + /* } */ case 411: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (2)) { */ case 376: + _r$132 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 415; case 415: if($c) { $c = false; _r$132 = _r$132.$blk(); } if (_r$132 && _r$132.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$132 === 13) { $s = 413; continue; } + /* */ $s = 414; continue; + /* if (_r$132 === 13) { */ case 413: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFloat]; + /* } */ case 414: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (16)) { */ case 377: + _r$133 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 418; case 418: if($c) { $c = false; _r$133 = _r$133.$blk(); } if (_r$133 && _r$133.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$133 === 6) { $s = 416; continue; } + /* */ $s = 417; continue; + /* if (_r$133 === 6) { */ case 416: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderSfixed64]; + /* } */ case 417: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (6)) { */ case 378: + _r$134 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 421; case 421: if($c) { $c = false; _r$134 = _r$134.$blk(); } if (_r$134 && _r$134.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$134 === 11) { $s = 419; continue; } + /* */ $s = 420; continue; + /* if (_r$134 === 11) { */ case 419: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderFixed64]; + /* } */ case 420: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (1)) { */ case 379: + _r$135 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 424; case 424: if($c) { $c = false; _r$135 = _r$135.$blk(); } if (_r$135 && _r$135.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$135 === 14) { $s = 422; continue; } + /* */ $s = 423; continue; + /* if (_r$135 === 14) { */ case 422: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderDouble]; + /* } */ case 423: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (9)) { */ case 380: + _r$136 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 428; case 428: if($c) { $c = false; _r$136 = _r$136.$blk(); } if (_r$136 && _r$136.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$136 === 24)) { _v$14 = false; $s = 427; continue s; } + _r$137 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 429; case 429: if($c) { $c = false; _r$137 = _r$137.$blk(); } if (_r$137 && _r$137.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$14 = _r$137; case 427: + /* */ if (_v$14) { $s = 425; continue; } + /* */ $s = 426; continue; + /* if (_v$14) { */ case 425: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderStringValidateUTF8]; + /* } */ case 426: + _r$138 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 432; case 432: if($c) { $c = false; _r$138 = _r$138.$blk(); } if (_r$138 && _r$138.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$138 === 24) { $s = 430; continue; } + /* */ $s = 431; continue; + /* if (_r$138 === 24) { */ case 430: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderString]; + /* } */ case 431: + _r$139 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 437; case 437: if($c) { $c = false; _r$139 = _r$139.$blk(); } if (_r$139 && _r$139.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$139 === 23)) { _v$16 = false; $s = 436; continue s; } + _r$140 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 438; case 438: if($c) { $c = false; _r$140 = _r$140.$blk(); } if (_r$140 && _r$140.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$141 = _r$140.Kind(); /* */ $s = 439; case 439: if($c) { $c = false; _r$141 = _r$141.$blk(); } if (_r$141 && _r$141.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$16 = _r$141 === 8; case 436: + if (!(_v$16)) { _v$15 = false; $s = 435; continue s; } + _r$142 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 440; case 440: if($c) { $c = false; _r$142 = _r$142.$blk(); } if (_r$142 && _r$142.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$15 = _r$142; case 435: + /* */ if (_v$15) { $s = 433; continue; } + /* */ $s = 434; continue; + /* if (_v$15) { */ case 433: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBytesValidateUTF8]; + /* } */ case 434: + _r$143 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 444; case 444: if($c) { $c = false; _r$143 = _r$143.$blk(); } if (_r$143 && _r$143.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$143 === 23)) { _v$17 = false; $s = 443; continue s; } + _r$144 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 445; case 445: if($c) { $c = false; _r$144 = _r$144.$blk(); } if (_r$144 && _r$144.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$145 = _r$144.Kind(); /* */ $s = 446; case 446: if($c) { $c = false; _r$145 = _r$145.$blk(); } if (_r$145 && _r$145.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$17 = _r$145 === 8; case 443: + /* */ if (_v$17) { $s = 441; continue; } + /* */ $s = 442; continue; + /* if (_v$17) { */ case 441: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBytes]; + /* } */ case 442: + $s = 382; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (12)) { */ case 381: + _r$146 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 449; case 449: if($c) { $c = false; _r$146 = _r$146.$blk(); } if (_r$146 && _r$146.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$146 === 24) { $s = 447; continue; } + /* */ $s = 448; continue; + /* if (_r$146 === 24) { */ case 447: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderString]; + /* } */ case 448: + _r$147 = ft.Kind(); /* */ $s = 453; case 453: if($c) { $c = false; _r$147 = _r$147.$blk(); } if (_r$147 && _r$147.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$147 === 23)) { _v$18 = false; $s = 452; continue s; } + _r$148 = ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 454; case 454: if($c) { $c = false; _r$148 = _r$148.$blk(); } if (_r$148 && _r$148.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$149 = _r$148.Kind(); /* */ $s = 455; case 455: if($c) { $c = false; _r$149 = _r$149.$blk(); } if (_r$149 && _r$149.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$18 = _r$149 === 8; case 452: + /* */ if (_v$18) { $s = 450; continue; } + /* */ $s = 451; continue; + /* if (_v$18) { */ case 450: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, coderBytes]; + /* } */ case 451: + /* } */ case 382: + case 364: + /* } */ case 10: + case 1: + _r$150 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 456; case 456: if($c) { $c = false; _r$150 = _r$150.$blk(); } if (_r$150 && _r$150.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$150); + _r$151 = fd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 457; case 457: if($c) { $c = false; _r$151 = _r$151.$blk(); } if (_r$151 && _r$151.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.Cardinality(_r$151); + _r$152 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 458; case 458: if($c) { $c = false; _r$152 = _r$152.$blk(); } if (_r$152 && _r$152.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.Kind(_r$152); + _arg$3 = ft; + _r$153 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: no encoder for %v %v %v/%v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3])); /* */ $s = 459; case 459: if($c) { $c = false; _r$153 = _r$153.$blk(); } if (_r$153 && _r$153.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$153)); + $s = -1; return [ptrType$5.nil, new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError)]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fieldCoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$100, _r$101, _r$102, _r$103, _r$104, _r$105, _r$106, _r$107, _r$108, _r$109, _r$11, _r$110, _r$111, _r$112, _r$113, _r$114, _r$115, _r$116, _r$117, _r$118, _r$119, _r$12, _r$120, _r$121, _r$122, _r$123, _r$124, _r$125, _r$126, _r$127, _r$128, _r$129, _r$13, _r$130, _r$131, _r$132, _r$133, _r$134, _r$135, _r$136, _r$137, _r$138, _r$139, _r$14, _r$140, _r$141, _r$142, _r$143, _r$144, _r$145, _r$146, _r$147, _r$148, _r$149, _r$15, _r$150, _r$151, _r$152, _r$153, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$49, _r$5, _r$50, _r$51, _r$52, _r$53, _r$54, _r$55, _r$56, _r$57, _r$58, _r$59, _r$6, _r$60, _r$61, _r$62, _r$63, _r$64, _r$65, _r$66, _r$67, _r$68, _r$69, _r$7, _r$70, _r$71, _r$72, _r$73, _r$74, _r$75, _r$76, _r$77, _r$78, _r$79, _r$8, _r$80, _r$81, _r$82, _r$83, _r$84, _r$85, _r$86, _r$87, _r$88, _r$89, _r$9, _r$90, _r$91, _r$92, _r$93, _r$94, _r$95, _r$96, _r$97, _r$98, _r$99, _v, _v$1, _v$10, _v$11, _v$12, _v$13, _v$14, _v$15, _v$16, _v$17, _v$18, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, _v$5, _v$6, _v$7, _v$8, _v$9, fd, ft, ft$1, ft$2, ft$3, $s};return $f; + }; + encoderFuncsForValue = function(fd) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$5 === 3)) { _v = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$6 = fd.IsPacked(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$6; case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$7 = fd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$7 === 3)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 9; continue s; } + _r$8 = fd.IsPacked(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$8; case 9: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 2: + _r$9 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$9; + if (_1 === (8)) { + $s = -1; return coderBoolSliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (14)) { + $s = -1; return coderEnumSliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + $s = -1; return coderInt32SliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (17)) { + $s = -1; return coderSint32SliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (13)) { + $s = -1; return coderUint32SliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + $s = -1; return coderInt64SliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + $s = -1; return coderSint64SliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + $s = -1; return coderUint64SliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (15)) { + $s = -1; return coderSfixed32SliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (7)) { + $s = -1; return coderFixed32SliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + $s = -1; return coderFloatSliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + $s = -1; return coderSfixed64SliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + $s = -1; return coderFixed64SliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + $s = -1; return coderDoubleSliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + $s = -1; return coderStringSliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (12)) { + $s = -1; return coderBytesSliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + $s = -1; return coderMessageSliceValue; + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + $s = -1; return coderGroupSliceValue; + } + case 12: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_v$1) { */ case 3: + _r$10 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _2 = _r$10; + if (_2 === (8)) { + $s = -1; return coderBoolPackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (14)) { + $s = -1; return coderEnumPackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (5)) { + $s = -1; return coderInt32PackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (17)) { + $s = -1; return coderSint32PackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (13)) { + $s = -1; return coderUint32PackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (3)) { + $s = -1; return coderInt64PackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (18)) { + $s = -1; return coderSint64PackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (4)) { + $s = -1; return coderUint64PackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (15)) { + $s = -1; return coderSfixed32PackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (7)) { + $s = -1; return coderFixed32PackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (2)) { + $s = -1; return coderFloatPackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (16)) { + $s = -1; return coderSfixed64PackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (6)) { + $s = -1; return coderFixed64PackedSliceValue; + } else if (_2 === (1)) { + $s = -1; return coderDoublePackedSliceValue; + } + case 14: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$11 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _3 = _r$11; + /* */ if (_3 === (8)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (14)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (5)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (17)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (13)) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (3)) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (18)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (4)) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (15)) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (7)) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (2)) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (16)) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (6)) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (1)) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (9)) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (12)) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (11)) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (10)) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (_3 === (8)) { */ case 18: + $s = -1; return coderBoolValue; + /* } else if (_3 === (14)) { */ case 19: + $s = -1; return coderEnumValue; + /* } else if (_3 === (5)) { */ case 20: + $s = -1; return coderInt32Value; + /* } else if (_3 === (17)) { */ case 21: + $s = -1; return coderSint32Value; + /* } else if (_3 === (13)) { */ case 22: + $s = -1; return coderUint32Value; + /* } else if (_3 === (3)) { */ case 23: + $s = -1; return coderInt64Value; + /* } else if (_3 === (18)) { */ case 24: + $s = -1; return coderSint64Value; + /* } else if (_3 === (4)) { */ case 25: + $s = -1; return coderUint64Value; + /* } else if (_3 === (15)) { */ case 26: + $s = -1; return coderSfixed32Value; + /* } else if (_3 === (7)) { */ case 27: + $s = -1; return coderFixed32Value; + /* } else if (_3 === (2)) { */ case 28: + $s = -1; return coderFloatValue; + /* } else if (_3 === (16)) { */ case 29: + $s = -1; return coderSfixed64Value; + /* } else if (_3 === (6)) { */ case 30: + $s = -1; return coderFixed64Value; + /* } else if (_3 === (1)) { */ case 31: + $s = -1; return coderDoubleValue; + /* } else if (_3 === (9)) { */ case 32: + _r$12 = strs.EnforceUTF8(fd); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$12) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (_r$12) { */ case 37: + $s = -1; return coderStringValueValidateUTF8; + /* } */ case 38: + $s = -1; return coderStringValue; + /* } else if (_3 === (12)) { */ case 33: + $s = -1; return coderBytesValue; + /* } else if (_3 === (11)) { */ case 34: + $s = -1; return coderMessageValue; + /* } else if (_3 === (10)) { */ case 35: + $s = -1; return coderGroupValue; + /* } */ case 36: + case 16: + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + _r$13 = fd.FullName(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$13); + _r$14 = fd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new protoreflect.Cardinality(_r$14); + _r$15 = fd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.Kind(_r$15); + _r$16 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid field: no encoder for %v %v %v", new sliceType$1([_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$16)); + $s = -1; return new valueCoderFuncs.ptr($throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encoderFuncsForValue, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeEnum = function(p, f, param) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, f, p, param, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$6; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeEnum, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, f, p, param, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendEnum = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$6; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendEnum, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeEnum = function(b, p, wtyp, f, param) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, out, p, param, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).SetInt((new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeEnum, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, out, p, param, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeEnum = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(src.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeEnum, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeEnumNoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, f, opts, p, size, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((x = _r$6, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x = _r$6, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) { */ case 1: + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$7 = sizeEnum($clone(p, pointer), f, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = _r$7; + $24r = size; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeEnumNoZero, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, f, opts, p, size, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendEnumNoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, f, opts, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((x = _r$6, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x = _r$6, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$7 = appendEnum(b, $clone(p, pointer), f, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendEnumNoZero, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, f, opts, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeEnumNoZero = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, dst, param, param$1, src, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((x = _r$6, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((x = _r$6, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { */ case 1: + _r$7 = $clone(dst.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(src.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeEnumNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, dst, param, param$1, src, x, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeEnumPtr = function(p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, f, opts, p, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = sizeEnum(new pointer.ptr($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)), f, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = _r$6; + $24r = size; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeEnumPtr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, f, opts, p, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendEnumPtr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$5, _r$6, b, f, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new pointer.ptr($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)); + _arg$2 = f; + _arg$3 = $clone(opts, marshalOptions); + _r$6 = appendEnum(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendEnumPtr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$5, _r$6, b, f, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeEnumPtr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, opts, out, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$6) { */ case 1: + _r$7 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = reflect.New(_r$10); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$11, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _arg = b; + _r$12 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new pointer.ptr($clone(_r$12, reflect.Value)); + _arg$2 = wtyp; + _arg$3 = f; + _arg$4 = $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions); + _r$13 = consumeEnum(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$13; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [out, err]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeEnumPtr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, opts, out, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeEnumPtr = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$6) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r$6) { */ case 1: + _r$7 = $clone(dst.v, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = reflect.New(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$9; + _r$10 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(src.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = $clone(_r$11, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$12, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(dst.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$13, reflect.Value).Set($clone(v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeEnumPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, param, param$1, src, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeEnumSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, f, i, llen, opts, p, s, size, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Len(); + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$6 = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = protowire.SizeVarint(((x = _r$7, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((_r$8 + f.tagsize >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeEnumSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, f, i, llen, opts, p, s, size, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendEnumSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, f, i, llen, opts, p, s, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Len(); + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 3; continue; } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$6 = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((x = _r$7, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + _r$8 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$8; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendEnumSlice, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, f, i, llen, opts, p, s, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeEnumSlice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, rv, rv$1, s, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$6 = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.New(_r$6); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$8; + $clone(rv, reflect.Value).SetInt((new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))); + _r$9 = reflect.Append($clone(s, reflect.Value), new sliceType$13([$clone(rv, reflect.Value)])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$10 = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = reflect.New(_r$10); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = $clone(_r$11, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv$1 = _r$12; + $clone(rv$1, reflect.Value).SetInt((new $Int64(v$1.$high, v$1.$low))); + _r$13 = reflect.Append($clone(s, reflect.Value), new sliceType$13([$clone(rv$1, reflect.Value)])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$13, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeEnumSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, rv, rv$1, s, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeEnumSlice = function(dst, src, param, param$1) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, dst, param, param$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, param$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(dst.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value); + _r$7 = $clone(src.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value); + _r$8 = reflect.AppendSlice(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeEnumSlice, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, dst, param, param$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeEnumPackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, f, i, llen, n, opts, p, s, size, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + llen = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Len(); + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$6 = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = protowire.SizeVarint(((x = _r$7, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$8) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeEnumPackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, f, i, llen, n, opts, p, s, size, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendEnumPackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, i, i$1, llen, n, opts, p, s, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p.v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + llen = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Len(); + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$6 = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = protowire.SizeVarint(((x = _r$7, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$8) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen)) { $s = 8; continue; } + _arg = b; + _r$9 = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Index(i$1); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, reflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((x$1 = _r$10, new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + _r$11 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$11; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendEnumPackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, i, i$1, llen, n, opts, p, s, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeMessageSet = function(mi, p, opts) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, ext, mi, num, opts, p, size, u, x, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mi, p, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + if (true) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).Extensions(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ext = _r$6.$get(); + _ref = ext; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + x = $clone(_entry.v, ExtensionField); + _r$7 = getExtensionFieldInfo($clone(x, ExtensionField).Type()); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi = _r$7; + if (xi.funcs.size === $throwNilPointerError) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + _tuple = protowire.DecodeTag(xi.wiretag); + num = _tuple[0]; + size = size + (messageset.SizeField(num)) >> 0; + _r$8 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = xi.funcs.size($clone(_r$8, protoreflect.Value), protowire.SizeTag(3), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + (_r$9) >> 0; + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _r$10 = mi.getUnknownBytes($clone(p, pointer)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u = _r$10; + if (!(u === ptrType$3.nil)) { + size = size + (messageset.SizeUnknown(u.$get())) >> 0; + } + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeMessageSet, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, ext, mi, num, opts, p, size, u, x, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + marshalMessageSet = function(mi, b, p, opts) { + var {$24r, _1, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _keys, _keys$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, err, err$1, err$2, ext, k, k$1, keys, mi, opts, p, u, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mi, b, p, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (true) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (true) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = errors.New("no support for message_set_wire_format", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [b, _r$5]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).Extensions(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ext = _r$7.$get(); + _1 = $keys(ext).length; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 8: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 9: + _ref = ext; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 12: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 13; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 12; continue; + } + x = $clone(_entry.v, ExtensionField); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$8 = marshalMessageSetField(mi, b, $clone(x, ExtensionField), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$8; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + _i++; + $s = 12; continue; + case 13: + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + keys = $makeSlice(sliceType$14, 0, $keys(ext).length); + _ref$1 = ext; + _i$1 = 0; + _keys$1 = $keys(_ref$1); + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _keys$1.length)) { break; } + _entry$1 = _ref$1[_keys$1[_i$1]]; + if (_entry$1 === undefined) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + k = _entry$1.k; + keys = $append(keys, ((k >> 0))); + _i$1++; + } + $r = sort.Ints(keys); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$2 = keys; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 16: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 17; continue; } + k$1 = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _r$9 = marshalMessageSetField(mi, b, $clone((_entry$2 = ext[$Int32.keyFor(((k$1 >> 0)))], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : new ExtensionField.ptr($ifaceNil, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), ptrType$40.nil)), ExtensionField), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$9; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err$1]; + } + _i$2++; + $s = 16; continue; + case 17: + /* } */ case 11: + case 7: + _r$10 = mi.getUnknownBytes($clone(p, pointer)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u = _r$10; + /* */ if (!(u === ptrType$3.nil)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!(u === ptrType$3.nil)) { */ case 20: + err$2 = $ifaceNil; + _r$11 = messageset.AppendUnknown(b, u.$get()); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$11; + b = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err$2]; + } + /* } */ case 21: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: marshalMessageSet, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _keys, _keys$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, err, err$1, err$2, ext, k, k$1, keys, mi, opts, p, u, x, $s};return $f; + }; + marshalMessageSetField = function(mi, b, x, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, mi, num, opts, x, xi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mi, b, x, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = getExtensionFieldInfo($clone(x, ExtensionField).Type()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xi = _r$5; + _tuple = protowire.DecodeTag(xi.wiretag); + num = _tuple[0]; + b = messageset.AppendFieldStart(b, num); + _arg = b; + _r$6 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + _arg$2 = protowire.EncodeTag(3, 2); + _arg$3 = $clone(opts, marshalOptions); + _r$7 = xi.funcs.marshal(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$7; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + b = messageset.AppendFieldEnd(b); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: marshalMessageSetField, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, mi, num, opts, x, xi, $s};return $f; + }; + unmarshalMessageSet = function(mi, b, p, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, ep, err, ext, initialized, mi, opts, out, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mi, b, p, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ext = [ext]; + initialized = [initialized]; + mi = [mi]; + opts = [opts]; + p = [p]; + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (true) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (true) { */ case 1: + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _r$5 = errors.New("no support for message_set_wire_format", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$5; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [out, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = $clone(p[0], pointer).Apply($clone(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, pointer).Extensions(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ep = _r$7; + if (ep.$get() === false) { + ep.$set({}); + } + ext[0] = ep.$get(); + initialized[0] = true; + _r$8 = messageset.Unmarshal(b, true, (function(ext, initialized, mi, opts, p) { return function $b(num, v) { + var {_r$8, _r$9, _tuple, err$1, num, o, u, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {num, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = mi[0].unmarshalExtension(v, num, 2, ext[0], $clone(opts[0], unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$8; + o = $clone(_tuple[0], unmarshalOutput); + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, errUnknown)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, errUnknown)) { */ case 2: + _r$9 = mi[0].mutableUnknownBytes($clone(p[0], pointer)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u = _r$9; + u.$set(protowire.AppendTag(u.$get(), num, 2)); + u.$set($appendSlice(u.$get(), v)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!o.initialized) { + initialized[0] = false; + } + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, err$1, num, o, u, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(ext, initialized, mi, opts, p)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$8; + out.n = b.$length; + out.initialized = initialized[0]; + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = err; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: unmarshalMessageSet, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, ep, err, ext, initialized, mi, opts, out, p, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeCoderMethods = function(t, si) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _i$1, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _v, _v$1, cf, cf$1, cf$2, childMessage, fd, fieldOffset, fields, fs, ft, funcs, i, i$1, isOneof, maxDense, mi, od, oneofs, preallocFields, si, t, wiretag, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, si}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fields = [fields]; + mi = [mi]; + mi[0] = this; + offset.copy(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, invalidOffset); + offset.copy(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, invalidOffset); + offset.copy(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, invalidOffset); + if ($clone(si.sizecacheOffset, offset).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual(si.sizecacheType, sizecacheType)) { + offset.copy(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.sizecacheOffset, si.sizecacheOffset); + } + /* */ if ($clone(si.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid() && ($interfaceIsEqual(si.unknownType, unknownFieldsAType) || $interfaceIsEqual(si.unknownType, unknownFieldsBType))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(si.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid() && ($interfaceIsEqual(si.unknownType, unknownFieldsAType) || $interfaceIsEqual(si.unknownType, unknownFieldsBType))) { */ case 1: + offset.copy(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, si.unknownOffset); + _r$5 = si.unknownType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.unknownPtrKind = _r$5 === 22; + /* } */ case 2: + if ($clone(si.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid() && $interfaceIsEqual(si.extensionType, extensionFieldsType)) { + offset.copy(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, si.extensionOffset); + } + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.coderFields = {}; + _r$6 = mi[0].Desc.Fields(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fields[0] = _r$6; + _r$7 = fields[0].Len(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + preallocFields = $makeSlice(sliceType$30, _r$7); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + _r$8 = fields[0].Len(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$8)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$8)) { $s = 7; continue; } + fd = [fd]; + _r$9 = fields[0].Get(i); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd[0] = _r$9; + _r$10 = fd[0].Number(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fs = $clone((_entry = si.fieldsByNumber[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$10)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : new reflect.StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$14.nil, false)), reflect.StructField); + _r$11 = fd[0].ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$11, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$12 = fd[0].ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.IsSynthetic(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$13; case 11: + isOneof = _v; + /* */ if (isOneof) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (isOneof) { */ case 15: + _r$14 = fd[0].ContainingOneof(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = _r$14.Name(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + reflect.StructField.copy(fs, (_entry$1 = si.oneofsByName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_r$15)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : new reflect.StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$14.nil, false))); + /* } */ case 16: + ft = fs.Type; + wiretag = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _r$16 = fd[0].IsPacked(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$16) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!_r$16) { */ case 19: + _r$17 = fd[0].Number(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$17; + _r$18 = fd[0].Kind(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (_entry$2 = wireTypes[protoreflect.Kind.keyFor(_r$18)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : 0); + _r$19 = protowire.EncodeTag(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + wiretag = _r$19; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else { */ case 20: + _r$20 = fd[0].Number(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = protowire.EncodeTag(_r$20, 2); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + wiretag = _r$21; + /* } */ case 21: + fieldOffset = new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError); + funcs = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + childMessage = ptrType$5.nil; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(ft, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ if (isOneof) { $s = 30; continue; } + _r$22 = fd[0].IsWeak(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$22) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(ft, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 29: + pointerCoderFuncs.copy(funcs, new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, (function(fd, fields, mi) { return function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p; + return 0; + }; })(fd, fields, mi), (function(fd, fields, mi) { return function(b, p, f, opts) { + var b, f, opts, p; + return [sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil]; + }; })(fd, fields, mi), (function(fd, fields, mi) { return function $b(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$23, b, f, opts, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$23 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for " + (_r$23))); + $s = -1; return [new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$23, b, f, opts, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, fields, mi), (function(fd, fields, mi) { return function $b(p, f) { + var {_r$23, f, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$23 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for " + (_r$23))); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$23, f, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, fields, mi), (function(fd, fields, mi) { return function $b(dst, src, f, opts) { + var {_r$23, dst, f, opts, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$23 = fd[0].FullName(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("missing Go struct field for " + (_r$23))); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$23, dst, f, opts, src, $s};return $f; + }; })(fd, fields, mi))); + $s = 33; continue; + /* } else if (isOneof) { */ case 30: + offset.copy(fieldOffset, offsetOf($clone(fs, reflect.StructField), mi[0].Exporter)); + $s = 33; continue; + /* } else if (_r$22) { */ case 31: + offset.copy(fieldOffset, si.weakOffset); + pointerCoderFuncs.copy(funcs, makeWeakMessageFieldCoder(fd[0])); + $s = 33; continue; + /* } else { */ case 32: + offset.copy(fieldOffset, offsetOf($clone(fs, reflect.StructField), mi[0].Exporter)); + _r$23 = fieldCoder(fd[0], ft); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$23; + childMessage = _tuple[0]; + pointerCoderFuncs.copy(funcs, _tuple[1]); + /* } */ case 33: + case 28: + cf = ((i < 0 || i >= preallocFields.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : preallocFields.$array[preallocFields.$offset + i]); + _r$24 = fd[0].Number(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = newFieldValidationInfo(mi[0], $clone(si, structInfo), fd[0], ft); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26 = fd[0].Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (_r$26 === 3) { _v$1 = true; $s = 38; continue s; } + _r$27 = fd[0].HasPresence(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$27; case 38: + _r$28 = fd[0].Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + coderFieldInfo.copy(cf, new coderFieldInfo.ptr($clone(funcs, pointerCoderFuncs), childMessage, ft, $clone(_r$25, validationInfo), _r$24, $clone(fieldOffset, offset), wiretag, protowire.SizeVarint(wiretag), _v$1, _r$28 === 2)); + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields = $append(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields, cf); + _key = cf.num; (mi[0].coderMessageInfo.coderFields || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[protowire.Number.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: cf }; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + _tmp = 0; + _r$29 = mi[0].Desc.Oneofs(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$29; + i$1 = _tmp; + oneofs = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 43: + _r$30 = oneofs.Len(); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$1 < _r$30)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < _r$30)) { $s = 44; continue; } + _r$31 = oneofs.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + od = _r$31; + _r$32 = od.IsSynthetic(); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$32) { $s = 47; continue; } + /* */ $s = 48; continue; + /* if (!_r$32) { */ case 47: + $r = mi[0].initOneofFieldCoders(od, $clone(si, structInfo)); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 48: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 43; continue; + case 44: + _r$33 = messageset.IsMessageSet(mi[0].Desc); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$33) { $s = 51; continue; } + /* */ $s = 52; continue; + /* if (_r$33) { */ case 51: + /* */ if (!$clone(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 54; continue; } + /* */ $s = 55; continue; + /* if (!$clone(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 54: + _r$34 = mi[0].Desc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$34); + _r$35 = fmt.Sprintf("%v: MessageSet with no extensions field", new sliceType$1([_arg$2])); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$35)); + /* } */ case 55: + /* */ if (!$clone(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 58; continue; } + /* */ $s = 59; continue; + /* if (!$clone(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 58: + _r$36 = mi[0].Desc.FullName(); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$36); + _r$37 = fmt.Sprintf("%v: MessageSet with no unknown field", new sliceType$1([_arg$3])); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$37)); + /* } */ case 59: + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.isMessageSet = true; + /* } */ case 52: + $r = sort.Slice(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields, (function(fields, mi) { return function(i$2, j) { + var i$2, j, x, x$1; + return (x = mi[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i$2])).num < (x$1 = mi[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields, ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + j])).num; + }; })(fields, mi)); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + maxDense = 0; + _ref = mi[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cf$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (cf$1.num >= 16 && cf$1.num >= ($imul(2, maxDense))) { + break; + } + maxDense = cf$1.num; + _i++; + } + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.denseCoderFields = $makeSlice(sliceType$16, (maxDense + 1 >> 0)); + _ref$1 = mi[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + cf$2 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (((cf$2.num >> 0)) >= mi[0].coderMessageInfo.denseCoderFields.$length) { + break; + } + (x = mi[0].coderMessageInfo.denseCoderFields, x$1 = cf$2.num, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1] = cf$2)); + _i$1++; + } + _r$38 = mi[0].Desc.Oneofs(); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$39 = _r$38.Len(); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$39 > 0) { $s = 63; continue; } + /* */ $s = 64; continue; + /* if (_r$39 > 0) { */ case 63: + $r = sort.Slice(mi[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields, (function(fields, mi) { return function $b(i$2, j) { + var {$24r, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, fi, fj, i$2, j, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i$2, j}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$40 = fields[0].ByNumber((x$2 = mi[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$2])).num); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fi = _r$40; + _r$41 = fields[0].ByNumber((x$3 = mi[0].coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields, ((j < 0 || j >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + j])).num); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$41 = _r$41.$blk(); } if (_r$41 && _r$41.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fj = _r$41; + _r$42 = order.LegacyFieldOrder(fi, fj); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$42 = _r$42.$blk(); } if (_r$42 && _r$42.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$42; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, fi, fj, i$2, j, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(fields, mi)); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 64: + _r$40 = needsInitCheck(mi[0].Desc); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.needsInitCheck = _r$40; + if (mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Marshal === $throwNilPointerError && mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Size === $throwNilPointerError) { + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags = (x$2 = mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags, x$3 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$3.$high, (x$2.$low | x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Marshal = $methodVal(mi[0], "marshal"); + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Size = $methodVal(mi[0], "size"); + } + if (mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Unmarshal === $throwNilPointerError) { + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags = (x$4 = mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Flags, x$5 = new $Uint64(0, 2), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$5.$high, (x$4.$low | x$5.$low) >>> 0)); + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Unmarshal = $methodVal(mi[0], "unmarshal"); + } + if (mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.CheckInitialized === $throwNilPointerError) { + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.CheckInitialized = $methodVal(mi[0], "checkInitialized"); + } + if (mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Merge === $throwNilPointerError) { + mi[0].coderMessageInfo.methods.Merge = $methodVal(mi[0], "merge"); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.makeCoderMethods, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _i$1, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _v, _v$1, cf, cf$1, cf$2, childMessage, fd, fieldOffset, fields, fs, ft, funcs, i, i$1, isOneof, maxDense, mi, od, oneofs, preallocFields, si, t, wiretag, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.makeCoderMethods = function(t, si) { return this.$val.makeCoderMethods(t, si); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.getUnknownBytes = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, mi, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + /* */ if (mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownPtrKind) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownPtrKind) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).BytesPtr(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6.$get(); + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$7 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return ptrType$3.nil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.getUnknownBytes, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, mi, p, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.getUnknownBytes = function(p) { return this.$val.getUnknownBytes(p); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.mutableUnknownBytes = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, bp, mi, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + /* */ if (mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownPtrKind) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownPtrKind) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).BytesPtr(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bp = _r$6; + if (bp.$get() === ptrType$3.nil) { + bp.$set($newDataPointer(sliceType.nil, ptrType$3)); + } + $s = -1; return bp.$get(); + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$7 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.unknownOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return ptrType$3.nil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.mutableUnknownBytes, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, bp, mi, p, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.mutableUnknownBytes = function(p) { return this.$val.mutableUnknownBytes(p); }; + mapRange = function(v) { + var v; + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).MapRange(); + }; + encoderFuncsForMap = function(fd, ft) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _entry, _entry$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, conv, fd, ft, funcs, keyField, keyFuncs, keyWiretag, mapi, valField, valFuncs, valWiretag, valueMessage, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, ft}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ft = [ft]; + mapi = [mapi]; + valueMessage = ptrType$5.nil; + funcs = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + _r$5 = fd.MapKey(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keyField = _r$5; + _r$6 = fd.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valField = _r$6; + _r$7 = keyField.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = (_entry = wireTypes[protoreflect.Kind.keyFor(_r$7)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0); + _r$8 = protowire.EncodeTag(1, _arg); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keyWiretag = _r$8; + _r$9 = valField.Kind(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (_entry$1 = wireTypes[protoreflect.Kind.keyFor(_r$9)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : 0); + _r$10 = protowire.EncodeTag(2, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valWiretag = _r$10; + _r$11 = encoderFuncsForValue(keyField); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keyFuncs = $clone(_r$11, valueCoderFuncs); + _r$12 = encoderFuncsForValue(valField); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valFuncs = $clone(_r$12, valueCoderFuncs); + _r$13 = newMapConverter(ft[0], fd); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + conv = _r$13; + _r$14 = keyField.Default(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = keyField.Kind(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mapi[0] = new mapInfo.ptr(ft[0], keyWiretag, valWiretag, $clone(keyFuncs, valueCoderFuncs), $clone(valFuncs, valueCoderFuncs), $clone(_r$14, protoreflect.Value), _r$15, conv); + _r$16 = valField.Kind(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$16 === 11) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_r$16 === 11) { */ case 12: + _r$17 = ft[0].Elem(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = getMessageInfo(_r$17); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valueMessage = _r$18; + /* } */ case 13: + pointerCoderFuncs.copy(funcs, new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, (function(ft, mapi) { return function $b(p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, f, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$19 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = $clone(_r$19, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = sizeMap($clone(_r$20, reflect.Value), mapi[0], f, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$21; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, f, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, mapi), (function(ft, mapi) { return function $b(b, p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, b, f, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg$2 = b; + _r$19 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = $clone(_r$19, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$20, reflect.Value); + _arg$4 = mapi[0]; + _arg$5 = f; + _arg$6 = $clone(opts, marshalOptions); + _r$21 = appendMap(_arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$21; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, b, f, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, mapi), (function(ft, mapi) { return function $b(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg$10, _arg$11, _arg$12, _arg$13, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, b, f, mp, opts, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$19 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mp = _r$19; + _r$20 = $clone(mp, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = $clone(_r$20, reflect.Value).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$21) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_r$21) { */ case 2: + _r$22 = $clone(mp, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = reflect.MakeMap(mapi[0].goType); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$22, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$23, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (f.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (f.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { */ case 9: + _arg$2 = b; + _r$24 = $clone(mp, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$24, reflect.Value); + _arg$4 = wtyp; + _arg$5 = mapi[0]; + _arg$6 = f; + _arg$7 = $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions); + _r$25 = consumeMap(_arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$25; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 10: + _arg$8 = b; + _r$26 = $clone(mp, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$9 = $clone(_r$26, reflect.Value); + _arg$10 = wtyp; + _arg$11 = mapi[0]; + _arg$12 = f; + _arg$13 = $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions); + _r$27 = consumeMapOfMessage(_arg$8, _arg$9, _arg$10, _arg$11, _arg$12, _arg$13); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$27; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + $s = -1; return [new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg$10, _arg$11, _arg$12, _arg$13, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, b, f, mp, opts, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, mapi), $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError)); + _r$19 = valField.Kind(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$19; + if (_1 === (11)) { + funcs.merge = mergeMapOfMessage; + } else if (_1 === (12)) { + funcs.merge = mergeMapOfBytes; + } else { + funcs.merge = mergeMap; + } + case 17: + if (!(valFuncs.isInit === $throwNilPointerError)) { + funcs.isInit = (function(ft, mapi) { return function $b(p, f) { + var {$24r, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, f, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$20 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = $clone(_r$20, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = isInitMap($clone(_r$21, reflect.Value), mapi[0], f); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$22; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, f, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, mapi); + } + _tmp = valueMessage; + _tmp$1 = $clone(funcs, pointerCoderFuncs); + valueMessage = _tmp; + pointerCoderFuncs.copy(funcs, _tmp$1); + $s = -1; return [valueMessage, funcs]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encoderFuncsForMap, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _entry, _entry$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, conv, fd, ft, funcs, keyField, keyFuncs, keyWiretag, mapi, valField, valFuncs, valWiretag, valueMessage, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeMap = function(mapv, mapi, f, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, f, iter, key, keySize, mapi, mapv, n, opts, p, valSize, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mapv, mapi, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(mapv, reflect.Value).Len() === 0) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + n = 0; + iter = mapRange($clone(mapv, reflect.Value)); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = iter.Next(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$5)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$5)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$6 = iter.Key(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = mapi.conv.keyConv.PBValueOf($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value).MapKey(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = $clone(_r$8, protoreflect.MapKey); + _r$9 = mapi.keyFuncs.size($clone($clone(key, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value), 1, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keySize = _r$9; + valSize = 0; + _r$10 = iter.Value(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = mapi.conv.valConv.PBValueOf($clone(_r$10, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + value = $clone(_r$11, protoreflect.Value); + /* */ if (f.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (f.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { */ case 10: + _r$12 = mapi.valFuncs.size($clone(value, protoreflect.Value), 1, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valSize = _r$12; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + _r$13 = iter.Value(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = pointerOfValue($clone(_r$13, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = $clone(_r$14, pointer); + valSize = valSize + (1) >> 0; + _r$15 = f.mi.sizePointer($clone(p, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$15); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valSize = valSize + (_r$16) >> 0; + /* } */ case 12: + n = n + ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(keySize + valSize >> 0) >> 0)) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeMap, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, f, iter, key, keySize, mapi, mapv, n, opts, p, valSize, value, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeMap = function(b, mapv, wtyp, mapi, f, opts) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, err, err$1, f, key, mapi, mapv, n, n$1, num, o, o$1, opts, out, v, v$1, val, wtyp, wtyp$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, mapv, wtyp, mapi, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + key = $clone(mapi.keyZero, protoreflect.Value); + _r$5 = mapi.conv.valConv.New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = $clone(_r$5, protoreflect.Value); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple$1[0]; + wtyp$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[2]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (num > 536870911) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + err$1 = errUnknown; + _1 = num; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 5: + v = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + o = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + _r$6 = mapi.keyFuncs.unmarshal(b, $clone(key, protoreflect.Value), num, wtyp$1, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$6; + protoreflect.Value.copy(v, _tuple$2[0]); + unmarshalOutput.copy(o, _tuple$2[1]); + err$1 = _tuple$2[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + protoreflect.Value.copy(key, v); + n$1 = o.n; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 6: + v$1 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + o$1 = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + _r$7 = mapi.valFuncs.unmarshal(b, $clone(val, protoreflect.Value), num, wtyp$1, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$7; + protoreflect.Value.copy(v$1, _tuple$3[0]); + unmarshalOutput.copy(o$1, _tuple$3[1]); + err$1 = _tuple$3[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, v$1); + n$1 = o$1.n; + /* } */ case 7: + case 4: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, errUnknown)) { + n$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp$1, b); + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = err$1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _r$8 = mapi.conv.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone(key, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value); + _r$9 = mapi.conv.valConv.GoValueOf($clone(val, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$9, reflect.Value); + $r = $clone(mapv, reflect.Value).SetMapIndex(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n; + _tmp$12 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$13 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$12); + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeMap, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, err, err$1, f, key, mapi, mapv, n, n$1, num, o, o$1, opts, out, v, v$1, val, wtyp, wtyp$1, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeMapOfMessage = function(b, mapv, wtyp, mapi, f, opts) { + var {_1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, err, err$1, f, key, mapi, mapv, n, n$1, num, o, o$1, opts, out, v, v$1, val, wtyp, wtyp$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, mapv, wtyp, mapi, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + key = $clone(mapi.keyZero, protoreflect.Value); + _r$5 = f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.New(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$6; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeTag(b); + num = _tuple$1[0]; + wtyp$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[2]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (num > 536870911) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + err$1 = errUnknown; + _1 = num; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 6: + v = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + o = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + _r$7 = mapi.keyFuncs.unmarshal(b, $clone(key, protoreflect.Value), num, wtyp$1, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$7; + protoreflect.Value.copy(v, _tuple$2[0]); + unmarshalOutput.copy(o, _tuple$2[1]); + err$1 = _tuple$2[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + protoreflect.Value.copy(key, v); + n$1 = o.n; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 7: + if (!((wtyp$1 === 2))) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + v$1 = sliceType.nil; + _tuple$3 = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + o$1 = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + _r$8 = f.mi.unmarshalPointer(v$1, $clone(pointerOfValue($clone(val, reflect.Value)), pointer), 0, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$8; + unmarshalOutput.copy(o$1, _tuple$4[0]); + err$1 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (o$1.initialized) { + out.initialized = true; + } + /* } */ case 8: + case 5: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, errUnknown)) { + n$1 = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp$1, b); + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$12 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$13 = err$1; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$12); + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + b = $subslice(b, n$1); + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _r$9 = mapi.conv.keyConv.GoValueOf($clone(key, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(mapv, reflect.Value).SetMapIndex($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value), $clone(val, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n; + _tmp$14 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$15 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$14); + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeMapOfMessage, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, err, err$1, f, key, mapi, mapv, n, n$1, num, o, o$1, opts, out, v, v$1, val, wtyp, wtyp$1, $s};return $f; + }; + appendMapItem = function(b, keyrv, valrv, mapi, f, opts) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, b$1, b$2, err, err$1, f, key, key$1, keyrv, mapi, opts, size, size$1, val, val$1, valSize, valrv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, keyrv, valrv, mapi, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (f.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (f.mi === ptrType$5.nil) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = mapi.conv.keyConv.PBValueOf($clone(keyrv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, protoreflect.Value).MapKey(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.MapKey); + _r$7 = mapi.conv.valConv.PBValueOf($clone(valrv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + size = 0; + _r$8 = mapi.keyFuncs.size($clone($clone(key, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value), 1, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + (_r$8) >> 0; + _r$9 = mapi.valFuncs.size($clone(val, protoreflect.Value), 1, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + (_r$9) >> 0; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, size))); + _r$10 = mapi.keyFuncs.marshal(b, $clone($clone(key, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value), mapi.keyWiretag, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$10; + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + _r$11 = mapi.valFuncs.marshal(b$1, $clone(val, protoreflect.Value), mapi.valWiretag, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$11; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$12 = mapi.conv.keyConv.PBValueOf($clone(keyrv, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(_r$12, protoreflect.Value).MapKey(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key$1 = $clone(_r$13, protoreflect.MapKey); + val$1 = $clone(pointerOfValue($clone(valrv, reflect.Value)), pointer); + _r$14 = f.mi.sizePointer($clone(val$1, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valSize = _r$14; + size$1 = 0; + _r$15 = mapi.keyFuncs.size($clone($clone(key$1, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value), 1, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size$1 = size$1 + (_r$15) >> 0; + size$1 = size$1 + ((1 + protowire.SizeBytes(valSize) >> 0)) >> 0; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, size$1))); + _r$16 = mapi.keyFuncs.marshal(b, $clone($clone(key$1, protoreflect.MapKey).Value(), protoreflect.Value), mapi.keyWiretag, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$16; + b$2 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err$1]; + } + b$2 = protowire.AppendVarint(b$2, mapi.valWiretag); + b$2 = protowire.AppendVarint(b$2, (new $Uint64(0, valSize))); + _r$17 = f.mi.marshalAppendPointer(b$2, $clone(val$1, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$17; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendMapItem, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, b$1, b$2, err, err$1, f, key, key$1, keyrv, mapi, opts, size, size$1, val, val$1, valSize, valrv, $s};return $f; + }; + appendMap = function(b, mapv, mapi, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, err, f, iter, mapi, mapv, opts, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, mapv, mapi, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($clone(mapv, reflect.Value).Len() === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + /* */ if ($clone(opts, marshalOptions).Deterministic()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(opts, marshalOptions).Deterministic()) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = appendMapDeterministic(b, $clone(mapv, reflect.Value), mapi, f, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + iter = mapRange($clone(mapv, reflect.Value)); + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + _r$6 = iter.Next(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$6)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$6)) { $s = 6; continue; } + err = $ifaceNil; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$7 = iter.Key(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value); + _r$8 = iter.Value(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value); + _arg$3 = mapi; + _arg$4 = f; + _arg$5 = $clone(opts, marshalOptions); + _r$9 = appendMapItem(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$9; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendMap, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, err, f, iter, mapi, mapv, opts, $s};return $f; + }; + appendMapDeterministic = function(b, mapv, mapi, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, b, err, f, key, keys, mapi, mapv, opts, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, mapv, mapi, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + keys = [keys]; + _r$5 = $clone(mapv, reflect.Value).MapKeys(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keys[0] = _r$5; + $r = sort.Slice(keys[0], (function(keys) { return function $b(i, j) { + var {$24r, _1, _r$6, _r$7, i, j, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + i]), reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return !$clone(((i < 0 || i >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + i]), reflect.Value).Bool() && $clone(((j < 0 || j >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + j]), reflect.Value).Bool(); + /* } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return (x = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + i]), reflect.Value).Int(), x$1 = $clone(((j < 0 || j >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + j]), reflect.Value).Int(), (x.$high < x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low < x$1.$low))); + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return (x$2 = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + i]), reflect.Value).Uint(), x$3 = $clone(((j < 0 || j >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + j]), reflect.Value).Uint(), (x$2.$high < x$3.$high || (x$2.$high === x$3.$high && x$2.$low < x$3.$low))); + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return $clone(((i < 0 || i >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + i]), reflect.Value).Float() < $clone(((j < 0 || j >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + j]), reflect.Value).Float(); + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 6: + _r$6 = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + i]), reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(((j < 0 || j >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + j]), reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6 < _r$7; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 7: + $panic(new $String("invalid kind: " + new reflect.Kind($clone(((i < 0 || i >= keys[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : keys[0].$array[keys[0].$offset + i]), reflect.Value).Kind()).String())); + /* } */ case 8: + case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r$6, _r$7, i, j, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(keys)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = keys[0]; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + key = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + err = $ifaceNil; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + _arg = b; + _arg$1 = $clone(key, reflect.Value); + _r$6 = $clone(mapv, reflect.Value).MapIndex($clone(key, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value); + _arg$3 = mapi; + _arg$4 = f; + _arg$5 = $clone(opts, marshalOptions); + _r$7 = appendMapItem(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendMapDeterministic, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, b, err, f, key, keys, mapi, mapv, opts, $s};return $f; + }; + isInitMap = function(mapv, mapi, f) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, err, err$1, f, iter, iter$1, mapi, mapv, mi, val, val$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mapv, mapi, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = f.mi; + /* */ if (!(mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 1: + $r = mi.init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!mi.coderMessageInfo.needsInitCheck) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + iter = mapRange($clone(mapv, reflect.Value)); + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = iter.Next(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$5)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$5)) { $s = 6; continue; } + _r$6 = iter.Value(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = pointerOfValue($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = $clone(_r$7, pointer); + _r$8 = mi.checkInitializedPointer($clone(val, pointer)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + iter$1 = mapRange($clone(mapv, reflect.Value)); + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + _r$9 = iter$1.Next(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$9)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$9)) { $s = 12; continue; } + _r$10 = iter$1.Value(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = mapi.conv.valConv.PBValueOf($clone(_r$10, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val$1 = $clone(_r$11, protoreflect.Value); + _r$12 = mapi.valFuncs.isInit($clone(val$1, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$12; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isInitMap, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, err, err$1, f, iter, iter$1, mapi, mapv, mi, val, val$1, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeMap = function(dst, src, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, dstm, f, iter, opts, src, srcm, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).AsValueOf(f.ft); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dstm = _r$6; + _r$7 = $clone(src, pointer).AsValueOf(f.ft); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + srcm = _r$8; + if ($clone(srcm, reflect.Value).Len() === 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if ($clone(dstm, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($clone(dstm, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 5: + _r$9 = reflect.MakeMap(f.ft); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(dstm, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + iter = mapRange($clone(srcm, reflect.Value)); + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + _r$10 = iter.Next(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$10)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$10)) { $s = 10; continue; } + _r$11 = iter.Key(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r$11, reflect.Value); + _r$12 = iter.Value(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$12, reflect.Value); + $r = $clone(dstm, reflect.Value).SetMapIndex(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeMap, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, dstm, f, iter, opts, src, srcm, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeMapOfBytes = function(dst, src, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, dstm, f, iter, opts, src, srcm, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).AsValueOf(f.ft); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dstm = _r$6; + _r$7 = $clone(src, pointer).AsValueOf(f.ft); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + srcm = _r$8; + if ($clone(srcm, reflect.Value).Len() === 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if ($clone(dstm, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($clone(dstm, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 5: + _r$9 = reflect.MakeMap(f.ft); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(dstm, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + iter = mapRange($clone(srcm, reflect.Value)); + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + _r$10 = iter.Next(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$10)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$10)) { $s = 10; continue; } + _r$11 = iter.Key(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r$11, reflect.Value); + _arg$1 = new sliceType(emptyBuf); + _r$12 = iter.Value(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $clone(_r$12, reflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$13; + _r$14 = reflect.ValueOf($appendSlice(_arg$1, _arg$2)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$14, reflect.Value); + $r = $clone(dstm, reflect.Value).SetMapIndex(_arg, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeMapOfBytes, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, dstm, f, iter, opts, src, srcm, $s};return $f; + }; + mergeMapOfMessage = function(dst, src, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, dstm, f, iter, opts, src, srcm, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(dst, pointer).AsValueOf(f.ft); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dstm = _r$6; + _r$7 = $clone(src, pointer).AsValueOf(f.ft); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + srcm = _r$8; + if ($clone(srcm, reflect.Value).Len() === 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if ($clone(dstm, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($clone(dstm, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 5: + _r$9 = reflect.MakeMap(f.ft); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(dstm, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + iter = mapRange($clone(srcm, reflect.Value)); + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + _r$10 = iter.Next(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$10)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$10)) { $s = 10; continue; } + _r$11 = f.ft.Elem(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = _r$11.Elem(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = reflect.New(_r$12); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$13; + /* */ if (!(f.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!(f.mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 15: + _arg = $clone(pointerOfValue($clone(val, reflect.Value)), pointer); + _r$14 = iter.Value(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = pointerOfValue($clone(_r$14, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$15, pointer); + _arg$2 = $clone(opts, mergeOptions); + $r = f.mi.mergePointer(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else { */ case 16: + _r$16 = asMessage($clone(val, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$16; + _r$17 = iter.Value(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = asMessage($clone(_r$17, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$18; + $r = $clone(opts, mergeOptions).Merge(_arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 17: + _r$19 = iter.Key(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(dstm, reflect.Value).SetMapIndex($clone(_r$19, reflect.Value), $clone(val, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mergeMapOfMessage, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, dst, dstm, f, iter, opts, src, srcm, val, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBool = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v)) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBool, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBool = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBool, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBool = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(protowire.DecodeBool(v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBool, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBoolNoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === false) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v)) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBoolNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBoolNoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === false) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBoolNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBoolPtr = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BoolPtr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v)) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBoolPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBoolPtr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BoolPtr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBoolPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBoolPtr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BoolPtr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$8.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(false, ptrType$8)); + } + vp.$get().$set(protowire.DecodeBool(v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBoolPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBoolSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BoolSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + size = size + ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v)) >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBoolSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBoolSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BoolSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v)); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBoolSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBoolSlice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BoolSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, protowire.DecodeBool(v)); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), protowire.DecodeBool(v$1))); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBoolSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBoolPackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BoolSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBoolPackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBoolPackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BoolSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + v$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v$1)); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBoolPackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBoolValue = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, opts, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.EncodeBool(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$6); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = tagsize + _r$7 >> 0; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBoolValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, opts, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBoolValue = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.EncodeBool(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$6; + _r$7 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBoolValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBoolValue = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp, x, x$1; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v)), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeBoolSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeBool(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$9); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((tagsize + _r$10 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBoolSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBoolSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeBool(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$9; + _r$10 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBoolSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBoolSliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v$1)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBoolSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBoolPackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = llen; + i = _tmp; + llen$1 = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen$1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeBool(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$9); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$10) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBoolPackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBoolPackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeBool(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$9); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$10) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen)) { $s = 10; continue; } + _r$11 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = $clone(_r$11, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$12 = $clone(v$1, protoreflect.Value).Bool(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = protowire.EncodeBool(_r$12); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$13; + _r$14 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$14; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBoolPackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeEnumValue = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, _r$5))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = tagsize + _r$6 >> 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeEnumValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendEnumValue = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, _r$5)); + _r$6 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendEnumValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeEnumValue = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp, x, x$1; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(((v.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeEnumSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, _r$8))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((tagsize + _r$9 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeEnumSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendEnumSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, _r$8)); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendEnumSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeEnumSliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(((v.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(((v$1.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeEnumSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeEnumPackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = llen; + i = _tmp; + llen$1 = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen$1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, _r$8))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$9) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeEnumPackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendEnumPackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, _r$8))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$9) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen)) { $s = 9; continue; } + _r$10 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = $clone(_r$10, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$11 = $clone(v$1, protoreflect.Value).Enum(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, _r$11)); + _r$12 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$12; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendEnumPackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt32 = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt32 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeInt32 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(((v.$low >> 0))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeInt32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt32NoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt32NoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt32Ptr = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt32Ptr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeInt32Ptr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$11.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(0, ptrType$11)); + } + vp.$get().$set(((v.$low >> 0))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeInt32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt32Slice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + size = size + ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v))) >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt32Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt32Slice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt32Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeInt32Slice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, ((v.$low >> 0))); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), ((v$1.$low >> 0)))); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeInt32Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt32PackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v)))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt32PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt32PackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v)))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + v$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v$1))); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt32PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt32Value = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, (((x = _r$5, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = tagsize + _r$6 >> 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt32Value, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt32Value = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (((x = _r$5, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))); + _r$6 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt32Value, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeInt32Value = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp, x, x$1; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeInt32SliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, (((x = _r$8, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((tagsize + _r$9 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt32SliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (((x = _r$8, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeInt32SliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v$1.$low >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeInt32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt32PackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = llen; + i = _tmp; + llen$1 = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen$1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, (((x = _r$8, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$9) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt32PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt32PackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, (((x = _r$8, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$9) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen)) { $s = 9; continue; } + _r$10 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = $clone(_r$10, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$11 = $clone(v$1, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (((x$1 = _r$11, x$1.$low + ((x$1.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))); + _r$12 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$12; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt32PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint32 = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v)))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint32 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v)))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSint32 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set((((x$2 = protowire.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v.$high & 0, (v.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSint32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint32NoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v)))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint32NoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v)))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint32Ptr = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v)))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint32Ptr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v)))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSint32Ptr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$11.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(0, ptrType$11)); + } + vp.$get().$set((((x$2 = protowire.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v.$high & 0, (v.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSint32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint32Slice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + size = size + ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v)))) >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint32Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint32Slice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v)))); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint32Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSint32Slice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, (((x$2 = protowire.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v.$high & 0, (v.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$3 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$4 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + x$4.$high, x$3.$low + x$4.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), (((x$5 = protowire.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v$1.$high & 0, (v$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$5.$low + ((x$5.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSint32Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint32PackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v))))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint32PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint32PackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v))))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + v$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, v$1)))); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint32PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint32Value = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, opts, tagsize, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, (((x = _r$5, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$6); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = tagsize + _r$7 >> 0; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint32Value, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, opts, tagsize, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint32Value = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, (((x = _r$5, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$6; + _r$7 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint32Value, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSint32Value = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32((((x$2 = protowire.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v.$high & 0, (v.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeSint32SliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, (((x = _r$8, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$9); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((tagsize + _r$10 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint32SliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, (((x = _r$8, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$9; + _r$10 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSint32SliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32((((x$2 = protowire.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v.$high & 0, (v.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2.$low + ((x$2.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$3 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$4 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + x$4.$high, x$3.$low + x$4.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32((((x$5 = protowire.DecodeZigZag(new $Uint64(v$1.$high & 0, (v$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$5.$low + ((x$5.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSint32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint32PackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = llen; + i = _tmp; + llen$1 = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen$1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, (((x = _r$8, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$9); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$10) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint32PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint32PackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, (((x = _r$8, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$9); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$10) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen)) { $s = 10; continue; } + _r$11 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = $clone(_r$11, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$12 = $clone(v$1, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = protowire.EncodeZigZag((new $Int64(0, (((x$1 = _r$12, x$1.$low + ((x$1.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))))); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$13; + _r$14 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$14; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint32PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint32 = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint32 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeUint32 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(((v.$low >>> 0))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeUint32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint32NoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint32NoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint32Ptr = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint32Ptr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeUint32Ptr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$17.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(0, ptrType$17)); + } + vp.$get().$set(((v.$low >>> 0))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeUint32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint32Slice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + size = size + ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v))) >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint32Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint32Slice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint32Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeUint32Slice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, ((v.$low >>> 0))); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), ((v$1.$low >>> 0)))); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeUint32Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint32PackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v)))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint32PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint32PackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, v)))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + v$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, v$1))); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint32PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint32Value = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, ((_r$5.$low >>> 0))))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = tagsize + _r$6 >> 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint32Value, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint32Value = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, ((_r$5.$low >>> 0)))); + _r$6 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint32Value, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeUint32Value = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp, x, x$1; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(((v.$low >>> 0))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeUint32SliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, ((_r$8.$low >>> 0))))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((tagsize + _r$9 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint32SliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, ((_r$8.$low >>> 0)))); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeUint32SliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(((v.$low >>> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(((v$1.$low >>> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeUint32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint32PackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = llen; + i = _tmp; + llen$1 = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen$1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, ((_r$8.$low >>> 0))))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$9) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint32PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint32PackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(0, ((_r$8.$low >>> 0))))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$9) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen)) { $s = 9; continue; } + _r$10 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = $clone(_r$10, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$11 = $clone(v$1, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, ((_r$11.$low >>> 0)))); + _r$12 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$12; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint32PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt64 = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt64 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeInt64 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set((new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeInt64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt64NoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt64NoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt64Ptr = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt64Ptr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeInt64Ptr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$14.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$14)); + } + vp.$get().$set((new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeInt64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt64Slice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + size = size + ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))) >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt64Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt64Slice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt64Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeInt64Slice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, (new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), (new $Int64(v$1.$high, v$1.$low)))); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeInt64Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt64PackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low)))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt64PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt64PackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint((new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low)))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + v$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(v$1.$high, v$1.$low))); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt64PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt64Value = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeVarint(((x = _r$5, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = tagsize + _r$6 >> 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt64Value, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt64Value = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((x = _r$5, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + _r$6 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt64Value, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeInt64Value = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp, x, x$1; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeInt64SliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint(((x = _r$8, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((tagsize + _r$9 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt64SliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((x = _r$8, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeInt64SliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v$1.$high, v$1.$low))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeInt64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeInt64PackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = llen; + i = _tmp; + llen$1 = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen$1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint(((x = _r$8, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$9) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeInt64PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendInt64PackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint(((x = _r$8, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$9) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen)) { $s = 9; continue; } + _r$10 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = $clone(_r$10, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$11 = $clone(v$1, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((x$1 = _r$11, new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + _r$12 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$12; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendInt64PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint64 = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint64 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSint64 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSint64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint64NoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint64NoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint64Ptr = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint64Ptr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSint64Ptr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$14.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$14)); + } + vp.$get().$set(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSint64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint64Slice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + size = size + ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint64Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint64Slice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint64Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSint64Slice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, protowire.DecodeZigZag(v)); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), protowire.DecodeZigZag(v$1))); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSint64Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint64PackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint64PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint64PackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v))) >> 0; + _i++; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + v$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v$1)); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint64PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint64Value = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, opts, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.EncodeZigZag(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$6); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = tagsize + _r$7 >> 0; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint64Value, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, opts, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint64Value = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.EncodeZigZag(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$6; + _r$7 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint64Value, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSint64Value = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp, x, x$1; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v)), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeSint64SliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeZigZag(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$9); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((tagsize + _r$10 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint64SliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeZigZag(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$9; + _r$10 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSint64SliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v$1)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSint64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSint64PackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = llen; + i = _tmp; + llen$1 = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen$1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeZigZag(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$9); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$10) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSint64PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSint64PackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.EncodeZigZag(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$9); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$10) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen)) { $s = 10; continue; } + _r$11 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = $clone(_r$11, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$12 = $clone(v$1, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = protowire.EncodeZigZag(_r$12); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$13; + _r$14 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$14; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSint64PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint64 = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(v) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint64 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeUint64 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(v); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeUint64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint64NoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(v) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint64NoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint64Ptr = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(v) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint64Ptr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeUint64Ptr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$20.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(new $Uint64(0, 0), ptrType$20)); + } + vp.$get().$set(v); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeUint64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint64Slice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + size = size + ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(v) >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint64Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint64Slice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint64Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeUint64Slice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, v); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), v$1)); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeUint64Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint64PackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint(v)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint64PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint64PackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + n = n + (protowire.SizeVarint(v)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + v$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v$1); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint64PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint64Value = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = tagsize + _r$6 >> 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint64Value, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint64Value = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _r$6 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint64Value, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeUint64Value = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp, x, x$1; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n = 2; + } else { + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + } + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeUint64SliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((tagsize + _r$9 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint64SliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$8; + _r$9 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeUint64SliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$1 = 0; + if (b$1.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]))); + n$1 = 1; + } else if (b$1.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b$1.$array[b$1.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + n$1 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 0))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + v$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + n$2 = 0; + if (b.$length >= 1 && (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + v$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + n$2 = 1; + } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { + v$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + n$2 = 2; + } else { + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v$1), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeUint64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeUint64PackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = llen; + i = _tmp; + llen$1 = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen$1)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen$1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$9) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeUint64PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, llen$1, n, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUint64PackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeVarint(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + (_r$9) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(i$1 < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < llen)) { $s = 9; continue; } + _r$10 = list.Get(i$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = $clone(_r$10, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$11 = $clone(v$1, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$11; + _r$12 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$12; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUint64PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, i$1, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, v$1, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed32 = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendSfixed32 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, ((v >>> 0))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSfixed32 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(((v >> 0))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSfixed32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed32NoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSfixed32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSfixed32NoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, ((v >>> 0))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed32Ptr = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendSfixed32Ptr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, ((v >>> 0))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSfixed32Ptr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$11.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(0, ptrType$11)); + } + vp.$get().$set(((v >> 0))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSfixed32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed32Slice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + size = $imul(s.$length, ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSfixed32Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSfixed32Slice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, ((v >>> 0))); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed32Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSfixed32Slice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, ((v >> 0))); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), ((v$1 >> 0)))); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSfixed32Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed32PackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSfixed32PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSfixed32PackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, ((v >>> 0))); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed32PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed32Value = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var opts, tagsize, v; + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + }; + appendSfixed32Value = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((_r$5.$low >>> 0)); + _r$6 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed32Value, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSfixed32Value = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v >> 0))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeSfixed32SliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = $imul(_r$6, ((tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSfixed32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSfixed32SliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((_r$8.$low >>> 0)); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSfixed32SliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(((v$1 >> 0))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSfixed32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed32PackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSfixed32PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSfixed32PackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((_r$8.$low >>> 0)); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed32PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed32 = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendFixed32 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFixed32 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(v); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFixed32, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed32NoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFixed32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFixed32NoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed32NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed32Ptr = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendFixed32Ptr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFixed32Ptr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$17.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(0, ptrType$17)); + } + vp.$get().$set(v); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFixed32Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed32Slice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + size = $imul(s.$length, ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFixed32Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFixed32Slice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, v); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed32Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFixed32Slice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, v); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), v$1)); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFixed32Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed32PackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFixed32PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFixed32PackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, v); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed32PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed32Value = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var opts, tagsize, v; + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + }; + appendFixed32Value = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((_r$5.$low >>> 0)); + _r$6 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed32Value, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFixed32Value = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32((v)), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeFixed32SliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = $imul(_r$6, ((tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFixed32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFixed32SliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((_r$8.$low >>> 0)); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFixed32SliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32((v)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32((v$1)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFixed32SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed32PackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFixed32PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFixed32PackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((_r$8.$low >>> 0)); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed32PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFloat = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendFloat = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFloat, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFloat = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(math.Float32frombits(v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFloat, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFloatNoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v === 0) && !math.Signbit((v))) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFloatNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFloatNoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v === 0) && !math.Signbit((v))) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFloatNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFloatPtr = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendFloatPtr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFloatPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFloatPtr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$23.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(0, ptrType$23)); + } + vp.$get().$set(math.Float32frombits(v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFloatPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFloatSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + size = $imul(s.$length, ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFloatSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFloatSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFloatSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFloatSlice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, math.Float32frombits(v)); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), math.Float32frombits(v$1))); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFloatSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFloatPackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFloatPackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFloatPackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float32Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFloatPackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFloatValue = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var opts, tagsize, v; + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0; + }; + appendFloatValue = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = math.Float32bits(($fround(_r$5))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$6; + _r$7 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFloatValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFloatValue = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits((v))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeFloatSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = $imul(_r$6, ((tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFloatSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFloatSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = math.Float32bits(($fround(_r$8))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$9; + _r$10 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFloatSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFloatSliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits((v))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 5))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits((v$1))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFloatSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFloatPackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFloatPackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFloatPackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed32()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = math.Float32bits(($fround(_r$8))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$9; + _r$10 = protowire.AppendFixed32(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFloatPackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed64 = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendSfixed64 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSfixed64 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set((new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSfixed64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed64NoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSfixed64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSfixed64NoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed64Ptr = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendSfixed64Ptr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSfixed64Ptr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$14.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$14)); + } + vp.$get().$set((new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSfixed64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed64Slice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + size = $imul(s.$length, ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSfixed64Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSfixed64Slice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed64Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSfixed64Slice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, (new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), (new $Int64(v$1.$high, v$1.$low)))); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSfixed64Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed64PackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSfixed64PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSfixed64PackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Int64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, (new $Uint64(v.$high, v.$low))); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed64PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed64Value = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var opts, tagsize, v; + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + }; + appendSfixed64Value = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((x = _r$5, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + _r$6 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed64Value, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSfixed64Value = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeSfixed64SliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = $imul(_r$6, ((tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSfixed64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSfixed64SliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((x = _r$8, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeSfixed64SliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64((new $Int64(v$1.$high, v$1.$low))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeSfixed64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeSfixed64PackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeSfixed64PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendSfixed64PackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Int(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ((x = _r$8, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + _r$9 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSfixed64PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed64 = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendFixed64 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFixed64 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(v); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFixed64, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed64NoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFixed64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFixed64NoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed64NoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed64Ptr = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendFixed64Ptr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFixed64Ptr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$20.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(new $Uint64(0, 0), ptrType$20)); + } + vp.$get().$set(v); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFixed64Ptr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed64Slice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + size = $imul(s.$length, ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFixed64Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFixed64Slice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed64Slice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFixed64Slice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, v); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), v$1)); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFixed64Slice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed64PackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFixed64PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFixed64PackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Uint64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed64PackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed64Value = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var opts, tagsize, v; + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + }; + appendFixed64Value = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _r$6 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed64Value, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFixed64Value = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeFixed64SliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = $imul(_r$6, ((tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFixed64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFixed64SliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$8; + _r$9 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeFixed64SliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v$1), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeFixed64SliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeFixed64PackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeFixed64PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendFixed64PackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Uint(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$8; + _r$9 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendFixed64PackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeDouble = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendDouble = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendDouble, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeDouble = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(math.Float64frombits(v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeDouble, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeDoubleNoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v === 0) && !math.Signbit((v))) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeDoubleNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendDoubleNoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if ((v === 0) && !math.Signbit((v))) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendDoubleNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeDoublePtr = function(p, f, opts) { + var f, opts, p, size; + size = 0; + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + return size; + }; + appendDoublePtr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendDoublePtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeDoublePtr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64Ptr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$26.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer(0, ptrType$26)); + } + vp.$get().$set(math.Float64frombits(v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeDoublePtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeDoubleSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + size = $imul(s.$length, ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeDoubleSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendDoubleSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendDoubleSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeDoubleSlice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (wtyp === 2) { + s = sp.$get(); + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + s = $append(s, math.Float64frombits(v)); + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + } + sp.$set(s); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$8 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$9 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), math.Float64frombits(v$1))); + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeDoubleSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, f, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, p, s, sp, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeDoublePackedSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeDoublePackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, n, opts, p, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + appendDoublePackedSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Float64Slice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + n = $imul(s.$length, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendDoublePackedSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeDoubleValue = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var opts, tagsize, v; + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0; + }; + appendDoubleValue = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = math.Float64bits(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$6; + _r$7 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendDoubleValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeDoubleValue = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v)), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeDoubleSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = $imul(_r$6, ((tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() >> 0))); + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeDoubleSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendDoubleSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = math.Float64bits(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$9; + _r$10 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendDoubleSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeDoubleSliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + /* */ if (wtyp === 2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (wtyp === 2) { */ case 2: + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + b$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(b$1.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b$1.$length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _tuple$1 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b$1); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + n$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n$1 < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1 = $subslice(b$1, n$1); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((wtyp === 1))) { + _tmp$9 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple$2 = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b); + v$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + n$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (n$2 < 0) { + _tmp$12 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$13 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$14 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$12); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$13); + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v$1)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n$2; + _tmp$15 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$16 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$15); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$16); + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeDoubleSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, b$1, err, list, listv, n, n$1, n$2, opts, out, param, v, v$1, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeDoublePackedSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + size = tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeDoublePackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, list, listv, llen, n, opts, size, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendDoublePackedSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + llen = _r$6; + if (llen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + n = $imul(llen, protowire.SizeFixed64()); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, n))); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Float(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = math.Float64bits(_r$8); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$9; + _r$10 = protowire.AppendFixed64(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$10; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendDoublePackedSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, i, list, listv, llen, n, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeString = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(v.length) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeString, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendString = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendString, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeString = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(($bytesToString(v))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeString, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + appendStringValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v); + if (!utf8.ValidString(v)) { + $s = -1; return [b, (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendStringValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeStringValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set(($bytesToString(v))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeStringValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeStringNoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v.length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(v.length) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeStringNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendStringNoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v.length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendStringNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendStringNoZeroValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v.length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v); + if (!utf8.ValidString(v)) { + $s = -1; return [b, (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendStringNoZeroValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeStringPtr = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).StringPtr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(v.length) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeStringPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendStringPtr = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).StringPtr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendStringPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeStringPtr = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).StringPtr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$29.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer("", ptrType$29)); + } + vp.$get().$set(($bytesToString(v))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeStringPtr, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + appendStringPtrValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).StringPtr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get().$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v); + if (!utf8.ValidString(v)) { + $s = -1; return [b, (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendStringPtrValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeStringPtrValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).StringPtr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r$5; + if (vp.$get() === ptrType$29.nil) { + vp.$set($newDataPointer("", ptrType$29)); + } + vp.$get().$set(($bytesToString(v))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeStringPtrValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, vp, wtyp, x, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeStringSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).StringSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + size = size + ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(v.length) >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeStringSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendStringSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).StringSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendStringSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeStringSlice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, sp, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).StringSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), ($bytesToString(v)))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeStringSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, sp, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + appendStringSliceValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).StringSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v); + if (!utf8.ValidString(v)) { + $s = -1; return [b, (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + } + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendStringSliceValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeStringSliceValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, sp, v, wtyp, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).StringSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), ($bytesToString(v)))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeStringSliceValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, sp, v, wtyp, x, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeStringValue = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$5.length); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = tagsize + _r$6 >> 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeStringValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendStringValue = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _r$6 = protowire.AppendString(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendStringValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeStringValue = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfString(($bytesToString(v))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + appendStringValueValidateUTF8 = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, b, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _r$6 = protowire.AppendString(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + _r$7 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = utf8.ValidString(_r$7); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$8) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!_r$8) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [b, (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendStringValueValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, b, opts, v, wiretag, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeStringValueValidateUTF8 = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp, x; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + _tmp$6 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$9 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfString(($bytesToString(v))), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeStringSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$8.length); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((tagsize + _r$9 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeStringSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendStringSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$8; + _r$9 = protowire.AppendString(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendStringSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeStringSliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, list, listv, n, opts, out, param, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfString(($bytesToString(v))), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeStringSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, list, listv, n, opts, out, param, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBytes = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(v.$length) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBytes, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBytes = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBytes, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBytes = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set($appendSlice(new sliceType(emptyBuf), v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBytes, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBytesValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v); + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + $s = -1; return [b, (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBytesValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBytesValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set($appendSlice(new sliceType(emptyBuf), v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBytesValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBytesNoZero = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v.$length === 0) { + size = 0; + $s = -1; return size; + } + size = f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(v.$length) >> 0; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBytesNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, f, opts, p, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBytesNoZero = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v); + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBytesNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBytesNoZero = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set($appendSlice((sliceType.nil), v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBytesNoZero, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5.$get(); + if (v.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v); + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + $s = -1; return [b, (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, b, f, opts, p, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5.$set($appendSlice((sliceType.nil), v)); + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, x, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBytesSlice = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BytesSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + size = size + ((f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(v.$length) >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBytesSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, f, opts, p, s, size, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBytesSlice = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BytesSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBytesSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBytesSlice = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, sp, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BytesSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), $appendSlice(new sliceType(emptyBuf), v))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBytesSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, sp, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBytesSliceValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BytesSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5.$get(); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v); + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + $s = -1; return [b, (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + } + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBytesSliceValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _ref, b, f, opts, p, s, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBytesSliceValidateUTF8 = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, sp, v, wtyp, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + if (!utf8.Valid(v)) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = (x = new errInvalidUTF8.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).BytesSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sp = _r$5; + sp.$set($append(sp.$get(), $appendSlice(new sliceType(emptyBuf), v))); + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBytesSliceValidateUTF8, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, err, f, n, opts, out, p, sp, v, wtyp, x, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeBytesValue = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$5.$length); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = tagsize + _r$6 >> 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBytesValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, opts, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBytesValue = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _r$6 = protowire.AppendBytes(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBytesValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, b, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBytesValue = function(b, param, param$1, wtyp, opts) { + var _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, n, opts, out, param, param$1, v, wtyp; + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [_, out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(new sliceType(emptyBuf), v)), protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + return [_, out, err]; + }; + sizeBytesSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + size = 0; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$8.$length); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + ((tagsize + _r$9 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + size = size; + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeBytesSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, opts, size, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendBytesSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$8 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$8; + _r$9 = protowire.AppendBytes(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendBytesSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, list, listv, llen, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeBytesSliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, list, listv, n, opts, out, param, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBytes($appendSlice(new sliceType(emptyBuf), v)), protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n; + _tmp$6 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeBytesSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, b, err, list, listv, n, opts, out, param, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + errInvalidUTF8.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + return "string field contains invalid UTF-8"; + }; + errInvalidUTF8.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + errInvalidUTF8.ptr.prototype.InvalidUTF8 = function() { + return true; + }; + errInvalidUTF8.prototype.InvalidUTF8 = function() { return this.$val.InvalidUTF8(); }; + errInvalidUTF8.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + return errors.Error; + }; + errInvalidUTF8.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.initOneofFieldCoders = function(od, si) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, cf, fd, fields, first, fs, ft, getInfo, i, lim, mi, needIsInit, num, od, oneofFields, ot, si, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {od, si}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ft = [ft]; + getInfo = [getInfo]; + oneofFields = [oneofFields]; + mi = this; + _r$5 = od.Name(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fs = $clone((_entry = si.oneofsByName[protoreflect.Name.keyFor(_r$5)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : new reflect.StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$14.nil, false)), reflect.StructField); + ft[0] = fs.Type; + oneofFields[0] = {}; + needIsInit = false; + _r$6 = od.Fields(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fields = _r$6; + _tmp = 0; + _r$7 = fields.Len(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$7; + i = _tmp; + lim = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(i < lim)) { break; } */ if(!(i < lim)) { $s = 5; continue; } + cf = [cf]; + ot = [ot]; + _r$8 = od.Fields(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Get(i); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$9; + _r$10 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + num = _r$10; + cf[0] = $clone((_entry$1 = mi.coderMessageInfo.coderFields[protowire.Number.keyFor(num)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : ptrType$6.nil), coderFieldInfo); + ot[0] = (_entry$2 = si.oneofWrappersByNumber[protowire.Number.keyFor(num)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : $ifaceNil); + _r$11 = ot[0].Field(0); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cf[0].ft = _r$11.Type; + _r$12 = fieldCoder(fd, cf[0].ft); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$12; + cf[0].mi = _tuple[0]; + pointerCoderFuncs.copy(cf[0].funcs, _tuple[1]); + _key = ot[0]; (oneofFields[0] || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[reflect.Type.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: cf[0] }; + if (!(cf[0].funcs.isInit === $throwNilPointerError)) { + needIsInit = true; + } + (_entry$3 = mi.coderMessageInfo.coderFields[protowire.Number.keyFor(num)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : ptrType$6.nil).funcs.unmarshal = (function(cf, ft, getInfo, oneofFields, ot) { return function $b(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _tuple$1, _v, _v$1, b, err, f, opts, out, p, vi, vw, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + vw = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0); + _r$13 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $clone(_r$13, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vi = _r$14; + if (!(!$clone(vi, reflect.Value).IsNil())) { _v$1 = false; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$15 = $clone(vi, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = $clone(_r$15, reflect.Value).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !_r$16; case 7: + if (!(_v$1)) { _v = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$17 = $clone(vi, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = $clone(_r$17, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = $clone(_r$18, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = $interfaceIsEqual(_r$19, ot[0]); case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 3: + _r$20 = $clone(vi, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vw = _r$20; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + vw = reflect.New(ot[0]); + /* } */ case 5: + _arg = b; + _r$21 = $clone(pointerOfValue($clone(vw, reflect.Value)), pointer).Apply($clone(zeroOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$21, pointer); + _arg$2 = wtyp; + _arg$3 = cf[0]; + _arg$4 = $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions); + _r$22 = cf[0].funcs.unmarshal(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$22; + out = $clone(_tuple$1[0], unmarshalOutput); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + $r = $clone(vi, reflect.Value).Set($clone(vw, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [out, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _tuple$1, _v, _v$1, b, err, f, opts, out, p, vi, vw, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; })(cf, ft, getInfo, oneofFields, ot); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + getInfo[0] = (function(ft, getInfo, oneofFields) { return function $b(p) { + var {$24r, _entry$4, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$13 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $clone(_r$13, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$14; + if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return [new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)), ptrType$6.nil]; + } + _r$15 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$15; + if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return [new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)), ptrType$6.nil]; + } + _r$16 = $clone(pointerOfValue($clone(v, reflect.Value)), pointer).Apply($clone(zeroOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = $clone(_r$17, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r$16, (_entry$4 = oneofFields[0][reflect.Type.keyFor(_r$18)], _entry$4 !== undefined ? _entry$4.v : ptrType$6.nil)]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry$4, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, getInfo, oneofFields); + _r$13 = od.Fields(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = _r$13.Get(0); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = _r$14.Number(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + first = (_entry$4 = mi.coderMessageInfo.coderFields[protowire.Number.keyFor(_r$15)], _entry$4 !== undefined ? _entry$4.v : ptrType$6.nil); + first.funcs.size = (function(ft, getInfo, oneofFields) { return function $b(p, param, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$16, _r$17, _tuple$1, info, opts, p, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, param, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$16 = getInfo[0]($clone(p, pointer)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$16; + p = $clone(_tuple$1[0], pointer); + info = _tuple$1[1]; + if (info === ptrType$6.nil || info.funcs.size === $throwNilPointerError) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _r$17 = info.funcs.size($clone(p, pointer), info, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$17; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$16, _r$17, _tuple$1, info, opts, p, param, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, getInfo, oneofFields); + first.funcs.marshal = (function(ft, getInfo, oneofFields) { return function $b(b, p, param, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$16, _r$17, _tuple$1, b, info, opts, p, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, param, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$16 = getInfo[0]($clone(p, pointer)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$16; + p = $clone(_tuple$1[0], pointer); + info = _tuple$1[1]; + if (info === ptrType$6.nil || info.funcs.marshal === $throwNilPointerError) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$17 = info.funcs.marshal(b, $clone(p, pointer), info, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$17; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$16, _r$17, _tuple$1, b, info, opts, p, param, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, getInfo, oneofFields); + first.funcs.merge = (function(ft, getInfo, oneofFields) { return function $b(dst, src, param, opts) { + var {_r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, dst, dstinfo, dstp, opts, param, src, srcinfo, srcp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, param, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$16 = getInfo[0]($clone(src, pointer)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$16; + srcp = $clone(_tuple$1[0], pointer); + srcinfo = _tuple$1[1]; + if (srcinfo === ptrType$6.nil || srcinfo.funcs.merge === $throwNilPointerError) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$17 = getInfo[0]($clone(dst, pointer)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$17; + dstp = $clone(_tuple$2[0], pointer); + dstinfo = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!(dstinfo === srcinfo)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(dstinfo === srcinfo)) { */ case 3: + _r$18 = $clone(dst, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = $clone(_r$18, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = $clone(src, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = $clone(_r$20, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = $clone(_r$21, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = $clone(_r$22, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = $clone(_r$23, reflect.Value).Type(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = reflect.New(_r$24); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$19, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$25, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26 = $clone(dst, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = $clone(_r$26, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28 = $clone(_r$27, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29 = pointerOfValue($clone(_r$28, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$30 = $clone(_r$29, pointer).Apply($clone(zeroOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pointer.copy(dstp, _r$30); + /* } */ case 4: + $r = srcinfo.funcs.merge($clone(dstp, pointer), $clone(srcp, pointer), srcinfo, $clone(opts, mergeOptions)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, dst, dstinfo, dstp, opts, param, src, srcinfo, srcp, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, getInfo, oneofFields); + if (needIsInit) { + first.funcs.isInit = (function(ft, getInfo, oneofFields) { return function $b(p, param) { + var {$24r, _r$16, _r$17, _tuple$1, info, p, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$16 = getInfo[0]($clone(p, pointer)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$16; + p = $clone(_tuple$1[0], pointer); + info = _tuple$1[1]; + if (info === ptrType$6.nil || info.funcs.isInit === $throwNilPointerError) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$17 = info.funcs.isInit($clone(p, pointer), info); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$17; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$16, _r$17, _tuple$1, info, p, param, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, getInfo, oneofFields); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.initOneofFieldCoders, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _key, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, cf, fd, fields, first, fs, ft, getInfo, i, lim, mi, needIsInit, num, od, oneofFields, ot, si, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.initOneofFieldCoders = function(od, si) { return this.$val.initOneofFieldCoders(od, si); }; + makeWeakMessageFieldCoder = function(fd) { + var fd, lazyInit, messageType, once; + once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + messageType = $ifaceNil; + lazyInit = (function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = once.Do((function $b() { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, messageName, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.FullName(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + messageName = _r$6; + _r$7 = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(messageName); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + messageType = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, messageName, $s};return $f; + })); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }); + return new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, (function $b(p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, f, m, ok, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.get(f.num); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + $r = lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(messageType, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(messageType, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 4: + _r$7 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.FullName(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$8); + _r$9 = fmt.Sprintf("weak message %v is not linked in", new sliceType$1([_arg])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$9)); + /* } */ case 5: + _r$10 = sizeMessage(m, f.tagsize, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, f, m, ok, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }), (function $b(b, p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, f, m, ok, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.get(f.num); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + } + $r = lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(messageType, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(messageType, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 4: + _r$7 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.FullName(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$8); + _r$9 = fmt.Sprintf("weak message %v is not linked in", new sliceType$1([_arg])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$9)); + /* } */ case 5: + _r$10 = appendMessage(b, m, f.wiretag, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, f, m, ok, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }), (function $b(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, b, f, fs, m, ok, opts, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fs = _r$5; + _tuple = fs.get(f.num); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + $r = lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(messageType, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false), errUnknown]; + } + _r$6 = messageType.New(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Interface(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$7; + fs.set(f.num, m); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$8 = consumeMessage(b, m, wtyp, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, b, f, fs, m, ok, opts, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }), (function $b(p, f) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, f, m, ok, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.get(f.num); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$7 = proto.CheckInitialized(m); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, f, m, ok, p, $s};return $f; + }), (function $b(dst, src, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, dm, dst, f, ok, opts, sm, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(src, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.get(f.num); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + sm = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$7 = $clone(dst, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.get(f.num); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + dm = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 5: + $r = lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(messageType, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(messageType, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 8: + _r$9 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.FullName(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new protoreflect.FullName(_r$10); + _r$11 = fmt.Sprintf("weak message %v is not linked in", new sliceType$1([_arg])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$11)); + /* } */ case 9: + _r$12 = messageType.New(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.Interface(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dm = _r$13; + _r$14 = $clone(dst, pointer).WeakFields(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$14.set(f.num, dm); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + $r = $clone(opts, mergeOptions).Merge(dm, sm); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, dm, dst, f, ok, opts, sm, src, $s};return $f; + })); + }; + makeMessageFieldCoder = function(fd, ft) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, fd, ft, funcs, mi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, ft}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ft = [ft]; + _r$5 = getMessageInfo(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi = _r$5; + /* */ if (!(mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 2: + funcs = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeMessageInfo, appendMessageInfo, consumeMessageInfo, $throwNilPointerError, mergeMessage); + _r$6 = needsInitCheck(mi.Desc); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_r$6) { */ case 5: + funcs.isInit = isInitMessageInfo; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return funcs; + /* } else { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, (function(ft) { return function $b(p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, f, m, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$7 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = asMessage($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$9; + _r$10 = sizeMessage(m, f.tagsize, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, f, m, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft), (function(ft) { return function $b(b, p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, m, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$7 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = asMessage($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$9; + _r$10 = appendMessage(b, m, f.wiretag, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, m, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft), (function(ft) { return function $b(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, mp, opts, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$7 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mp = _r$8; + /* */ if ($clone(mp, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($clone(mp, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 3: + _r$9 = ft[0].Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = reflect.New(_r$9); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(mp, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$10, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + _arg = b; + _r$11 = asMessage($clone(mp, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$11; + _arg$2 = wtyp; + _arg$3 = $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions); + _r$12 = consumeMessage(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$12; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, mp, opts, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft), (function(ft) { return function $b(p, f) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, f, m, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$7 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = asMessage($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$9; + _r$10 = proto.CheckInitialized(m); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, f, m, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft), mergeMessage); + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeMessageFieldCoder, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, fd, ft, funcs, mi, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeMessageInfo = function(p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, f, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = f.mi.sizePointer($clone(_r$5, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$6); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7 + f.tagsize >> 0; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeMessageInfo, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, f, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; + appendMessageInfo = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = f.mi.sizePointer($clone(_r$5, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, _r$6)); + _r$7 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$7; + _arg$2 = b; + _r$8 = $clone(p, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$8, pointer); + _arg$4 = $clone(opts, marshalOptions); + _r$9 = f.mi.marshalAppendPointer(_arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendMessageInfo, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeMessageInfo = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, f, n, o, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$6) { */ case 1: + _r$7 = f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = reflect.New(_r$7); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = pointerOfValue($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(p, pointer).SetPointer($clone(_r$9, pointer)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _arg = v; + _r$10 = $clone(p, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$10, pointer); + _arg$2 = $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions); + _r$11 = f.mi.unmarshalPointer(_arg, _arg$1, 0, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$11; + o = $clone(_tuple$1[0], unmarshalOutput); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = err; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + out.initialized = o.initialized; + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeMessageInfo, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, f, n, o, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + isInitMessageInfo = function(p, f) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, f, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = f.mi.checkInitializedPointer($clone(_r$5, pointer)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isInitMessageInfo, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, f, p, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeMessage = function(m, tagsize, param) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, m, param, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m, tagsize, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = proto.Size(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6 + tagsize >> 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, m, param, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendMessage = function(b, m, wiretag, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, m, opts, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = proto.Size(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (new $Uint64(0, _r$5)); + _r$6 = protowire.AppendVarint(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + _r$7 = $clone($clone(opts, marshalOptions).Options(), proto.MarshalOptions).MarshalAppend(b, m); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, m, opts, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeMessage = function(b, m, wtyp, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, m, n, o, opts, out, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone($clone(opts, unmarshalOptions).Options(), proto.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new structType$4.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), _r$5, v, 0, $ifaceNil, 0)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + o = $clone(_tuple$1[0], structType$5); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = err; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + out.initialized = !((((o.Flags & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeMessage, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, m, n, o, opts, out, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeMessageValue = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, m, opts, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$6; + _r$7 = sizeMessage(m, tagsize, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeMessageValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, m, opts, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendMessageValue = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, m, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$6; + _r$7 = appendMessage(b, m, wiretag, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendMessageValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, m, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeMessageValue = function(b, v, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, b, err, m, opts, out, param, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$6; + _r$7 = consumeMessage(b, m, wtyp, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + out = $clone(_tuple[0], unmarshalOutput); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [v, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeMessageValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, b, err, m, opts, out, param, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + isInitMessageValue = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, m, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$6; + _r$7 = proto.CheckInitialized(m); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isInitMessageValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, m, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeGroupValue = function(v, tagsize, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, m, opts, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$6; + _r$7 = sizeGroup(m, tagsize, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeGroupValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, m, opts, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendGroupValue = function(b, v, wiretag, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, m, opts, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$6; + _r$7 = appendGroup(b, m, wiretag, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendGroupValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, b, m, opts, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeGroupValue = function(b, v, num, wtyp, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, b, err, m, num, opts, out, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, num, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.Interface(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$6; + _r$7 = consumeGroup(b, m, num, wtyp, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + out = $clone(_tuple[0], unmarshalOutput); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [v, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeGroupValue, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, b, err, m, num, opts, out, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + makeGroupFieldCoder = function(fd, ft) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, fd, ft, funcs, mi, num, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, ft}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ft = [ft]; + num = [num]; + _r$5 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + num[0] = _r$5; + _r$6 = getMessageInfo(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi = _r$6; + /* */ if (!(mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 3: + funcs = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeGroupType, appendGroupType, consumeGroupType, $throwNilPointerError, mergeMessage); + _r$7 = needsInitCheck(mi.Desc); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_r$7) { */ case 6: + funcs.isInit = isInitMessageInfo; + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return funcs; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, (function(ft, num) { return function $b(p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$8, _r$9, f, m, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = asMessage($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$10; + _r$11 = sizeGroup(m, f.tagsize, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$11; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$8, _r$9, f, m, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, num), (function(ft, num) { return function $b(b, p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, m, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = asMessage($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$10; + _r$11 = appendGroup(b, m, f.wiretag, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$11; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, m, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, num), (function(ft, num) { return function $b(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, mp, opts, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mp = _r$9; + /* */ if ($clone(mp, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($clone(mp, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 3: + _r$10 = ft[0].Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = reflect.New(_r$10); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(mp, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$11, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + _arg = b; + _r$12 = asMessage($clone(mp, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$12; + _arg$2 = num[0]; + _arg$3 = wtyp; + _arg$4 = $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions); + _r$13 = consumeGroup(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$13; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$8, _r$9, b, f, mp, opts, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, num), (function(ft, num) { return function $b(p, f) { + var {$24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$8, _r$9, f, m, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = $clone(p, pointer).AsValueOf(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = asMessage($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$10; + _r$11 = proto.CheckInitialized(m); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$11; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$8, _r$9, f, m, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, num), mergeMessage); + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeGroupFieldCoder, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, fd, ft, funcs, mi, num, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeGroupType = function(p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, f, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = f.mi.sizePointer($clone(_r$5, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ($imul(2, f.tagsize)) + _r$6 >> 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeGroupType, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, f, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; + appendGroupType = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, b, err, f, opts, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + _arg = b; + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$5, pointer); + _arg$2 = $clone(opts, marshalOptions); + _r$6 = f.mi.marshalAppendPointer(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (x = f.wiretag, new $Uint64(x.$high + 0, x.$low + 1))); + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendGroupType, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, b, err, f, opts, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeGroupType = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, opts, out, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 3))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, pointer).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$6) { */ case 1: + _r$7 = f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = reflect.New(_r$7); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = pointerOfValue($clone(_r$8, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(p, pointer).SetPointer($clone(_r$9, pointer)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _arg = b; + _r$10 = $clone(p, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$10, pointer); + _arg$2 = f.num; + _arg$3 = $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions); + _r$11 = f.mi.unmarshalPointer(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$11; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [out, err]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeGroupType, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, f, opts, out, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeGroup = function(m, tagsize, param) { + var {$24r, _r$5, m, param, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m, tagsize, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = proto.Size(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ($imul(2, tagsize)) + _r$5 >> 0; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeGroup, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, m, param, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendGroup = function(b, m, wiretag, opts) { + var {_r$5, _tuple, b, err, m, opts, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _r$5 = $clone($clone(opts, marshalOptions).Options(), proto.MarshalOptions).MarshalAppend(b, m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, new $Uint64(wiretag.$high + 0, wiretag.$low + 1)); + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendGroup, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _tuple, b, err, m, opts, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeGroup = function(b, m, num, wtyp, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, m, n, num, o, opts, out, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, m, num, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 3))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeGroup(num, b); + b = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = m.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone($clone(opts, unmarshalOptions).Options(), proto.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new structType$4.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), _r$5, b, 0, $ifaceNil, 0)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + o = $clone(_tuple$1[0], structType$5); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = err; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + out.n = n; + out.initialized = !((((o.Flags & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeGroup, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, m, n, num, o, opts, out, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + makeMessageSliceFieldCoder = function(fd, ft) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, fd, ft, funcs, mi, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, ft}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ft = [ft]; + _r$5 = getMessageInfo(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi = _r$5; + /* */ if (!(mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 2: + funcs = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeMessageSliceInfo, appendMessageSliceInfo, consumeMessageSliceInfo, $throwNilPointerError, mergeMessageSlice); + _r$6 = needsInitCheck(mi.Desc); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r$6) { */ case 4: + funcs.isInit = isInitMessageSliceInfo; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return funcs; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, (function(ft) { return function $b(p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$7, f, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$7 = sizeMessageSlice($clone(p, pointer), ft[0], f.tagsize, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$7, f, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft), (function(ft) { return function $b(b, p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$7, b, f, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$7 = appendMessageSlice(b, $clone(p, pointer), f.wiretag, ft[0], $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$7, b, f, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft), (function(ft) { return function $b(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$7, b, f, opts, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$7 = consumeMessageSlice(b, $clone(p, pointer), ft[0], wtyp, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$7, b, f, opts, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft), (function(ft) { return function $b(p, f) { + var {$24r, _r$7, f, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$7 = isInitMessageSlice($clone(p, pointer), ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$7, f, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft), mergeMessageSlice); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeMessageSliceFieldCoder, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, fd, ft, funcs, mi, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeMessageSliceInfo = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + _r$6 = f.mi.sizePointer($clone(v, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + ((_r$7 + f.tagsize >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeMessageSliceInfo, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendMessageSliceInfo = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, b, err, f, opts, p, s, siz, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + _r$6 = f.mi.sizePointer($clone(v, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + siz = _r$6; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, siz))); + _r$7 = f.mi.marshalAppendPointer(b, $clone(v, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendMessageSliceInfo, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, b, err, f, opts, p, s, siz, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeMessageSliceInfo = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, f, m, mp, n, o, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.New(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$7; + _r$8 = pointerOfIface(m); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mp = $clone(_r$8, pointer); + _r$9 = f.mi.unmarshalPointer(v, $clone(mp, pointer), 0, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$9; + o = $clone(_tuple$1[0], unmarshalOutput); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = err; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + $r = $clone(p, pointer).AppendPointerSlice($clone(mp, pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n; + out.initialized = o.initialized; + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeMessageSliceInfo, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, f, m, mp, n, o, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + isInitMessageSliceInfo = function(p, f) { + var {_i, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, err, f, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + _r$6 = f.mi.checkInitializedPointer($clone(v, pointer)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isInitMessageSliceInfo, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, err, f, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeMessageSlice = function(p, goType, tagsize, param) { + var {_i, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, goType, m, n, p, param, s, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, goType, tagsize, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + _r$6 = goType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(v, pointer).AsValueOf(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = asMessage($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$8; + _r$9 = proto.Size(m); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$9); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + ((_r$10 + tagsize >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeMessageSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, goType, m, n, p, param, s, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendMessageSlice = function(b, p, wiretag, goType, opts) { + var {_i, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, b, err, goType, m, opts, p, s, siz, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wiretag, goType, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + _r$6 = goType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(v, pointer).AsValueOf(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = asMessage($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$8; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _r$9 = proto.Size(m); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + siz = _r$9; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, siz))); + _r$10 = $clone($clone(opts, marshalOptions).Options(), proto.MarshalOptions).MarshalAppend(b, m); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$10; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendMessageSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, b, err, goType, m, opts, p, s, siz, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeMessageSlice = function(b, p, goType, wtyp, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, goType, mp, n, o, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, goType, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = goType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.New(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mp = _r$6; + _r$7 = asMessage($clone(mp, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone($clone(opts, unmarshalOptions).Options(), proto.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new structType$4.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), _r$8, v, 0, $ifaceNil, 0)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$9; + o = $clone(_tuple$1[0], structType$5); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = err; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + $r = $clone(p, pointer).AppendPointerSlice($clone(pointerOfValue($clone(mp, reflect.Value)), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n; + out.initialized = !((((o.Flags & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeMessageSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, goType, mp, n, o, opts, out, p, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + isInitMessageSlice = function(p, goType) { + var {_i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, err, goType, m, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, goType}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + _r$6 = goType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(v, pointer).AsValueOf(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = asMessage($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$8; + _r$9 = proto.CheckInitialized(m); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$9; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isInitMessageSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, err, goType, m, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeMessageSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, m, n, opts, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + n = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$9; + _r$10 = proto.Size(m); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = protowire.SizeBytes(_r$10); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + ((_r$11 + tagsize >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeMessageSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, m, n, opts, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendMessageSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, i, list, listv, llen, m, mopts, opts, siz, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + mopts = $clone($clone(opts, marshalOptions).Options(), proto.MarshalOptions); + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$9; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _r$10 = proto.Size(m); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + siz = _r$10; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (new $Uint64(0, siz))); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$11 = $clone(mopts, proto.MarshalOptions).MarshalAppend(b, m); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$11; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendMessageSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, i, list, listv, llen, m, mopts, opts, siz, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeMessageSliceValue = function(b, listv, param, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, list, listv, m, n, o, opts, out, param, v, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, param, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + if (!((wtyp === 2))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b); + v = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _r$6 = list.NewElement(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + _r$7 = $clone(m, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone($clone(opts, unmarshalOptions).Options(), proto.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new structType$4.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), _r$7, v, 0, $ifaceNil, 0)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + o = $clone(_tuple$1[0], structType$5); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = err; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(m, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n; + out.initialized = !((((o.Flags & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + _tmp$9 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeMessageSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, list, listv, m, n, o, opts, out, param, v, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + isInitMessageSliceValue = function(listv) { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, err, i, list, listv, llen, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$9; + _r$10 = proto.CheckInitialized(m); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$10; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isInitMessageSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, err, i, list, listv, llen, m, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeGroupSliceValue = function(listv, tagsize, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, m, n, opts, tagsize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {listv, tagsize, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + n = 0; + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$9; + _r$10 = proto.Size(m); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + ((($imul(2, tagsize)) + _r$10 >> 0)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeGroupSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, list, listv, llen, m, n, opts, tagsize, $s};return $f; + }; + appendGroupSliceValue = function(b, listv, wiretag, opts) { + var {_r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, i, list, listv, llen, m, mopts, opts, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, wiretag, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + mopts = $clone($clone(opts, marshalOptions).Options(), proto.MarshalOptions); + _tmp = 0; + _r$6 = list.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$6; + i = _tmp; + llen = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < llen)) { break; } */ if(!(i < llen)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$7 = list.Get(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone(_r$7, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Interface(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$9; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$10 = $clone(mopts, proto.MarshalOptions).MarshalAppend(b, m); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$10; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, new $Uint64(wiretag.$high + 0, wiretag.$low + 1)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendGroupSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, i, list, listv, llen, m, mopts, opts, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeGroupSliceValue = function(b, listv, num, wtyp, opts) { + var {_, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, list, listv, m, n, num, o, opts, out, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, listv, num, wtyp, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value).List(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + list = _r$5; + if (!((wtyp === 3))) { + _tmp = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$1 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$2 = errUnknown; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeGroup(num, b); + b = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$3 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = errDecode; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$3); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + _r$6 = list.NewElement(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + _r$7 = $clone(m, protoreflect.Value).Message(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $clone($clone(opts, unmarshalOptions).Options(), proto.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new structType$4.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), _r$7, b, 0, $ifaceNil, 0)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + o = $clone(_tuple$1[0], structType$5); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil); + _tmp$7 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$8 = err; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$6); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$7); + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + } + $r = list.Append($clone(m, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n; + out.initialized = !((((o.Flags & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + _tmp$9 = $clone(listv, protoreflect.Value); + _tmp$10 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + protoreflect.Value.copy(_, _tmp$9); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [_, out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeGroupSliceValue, $c: true, $r, _, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, list, listv, m, n, num, o, opts, out, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + makeGroupSliceFieldCoder = function(fd, ft) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, fd, ft, funcs, mi, num, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, ft}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ft = [ft]; + num = [num]; + _r$5 = fd.Number(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + num[0] = _r$5; + _r$6 = getMessageInfo(ft[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mi = _r$6; + /* */ if (!(mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(mi === ptrType$5.nil)) { */ case 3: + funcs = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeGroupSliceInfo, appendGroupSliceInfo, consumeGroupSliceInfo, $throwNilPointerError, mergeMessageSlice); + _r$7 = needsInitCheck(mi.Desc); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_r$7) { */ case 5: + funcs.isInit = isInitMessageSliceInfo; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return funcs; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, (function(ft, num) { return function $b(p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$8, f, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = sizeGroupSlice($clone(p, pointer), ft[0], f.tagsize, $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$8, f, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, num), (function(ft, num) { return function $b(b, p, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$8, b, f, opts, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = appendGroupSlice(b, $clone(p, pointer), f.wiretag, ft[0], $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$8, b, f, opts, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, num), (function(ft, num) { return function $b(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {$24r, _r$8, b, f, opts, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = consumeGroupSlice(b, $clone(p, pointer), num[0], wtyp, ft[0], $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$8, b, f, opts, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, num), (function(ft, num) { return function $b(p, f) { + var {$24r, _r$8, f, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = isInitMessageSlice($clone(p, pointer), ft[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$8, f, p, $s};return $f; + }; })(ft, num), mergeMessageSlice); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeGroupSliceFieldCoder, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, fd, ft, funcs, mi, num, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeGroupSlice = function(p, messageType, tagsize, param) { + var {_i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, m, messageType, n, p, param, s, tagsize, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, messageType, tagsize, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + _r$6 = messageType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(v, pointer).AsValueOf(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = asMessage($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$8; + _r$9 = proto.Size(m); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + ((($imul(2, tagsize)) + _r$9 >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeGroupSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, m, messageType, n, p, param, s, tagsize, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendGroupSlice = function(b, p, wiretag, messageType, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, b, err, m, messageType, opts, p, s, v, wiretag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wiretag, messageType, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + _r$6 = messageType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(v, pointer).AsValueOf(_r$6); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = asMessage($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$8; + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag); + _r$9 = $clone($clone(opts, marshalOptions).Options(), proto.MarshalOptions).MarshalAppend(b, m); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$9; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, new $Uint64(wiretag.$high + 0, wiretag.$low + 1)); + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendGroupSlice, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, b, err, m, messageType, opts, p, s, v, wiretag, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeGroupSlice = function(b, p, num, wtyp, goType, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, goType, mp, n, num, o, opts, out, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, num, wtyp, goType, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((wtyp === 3))) { + _tmp = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$1 = errUnknown; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeGroup(num, b); + b = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if (n < 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$3 = errDecode; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + _r$5 = goType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.New(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mp = _r$6; + _r$7 = asMessage($clone(mp, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone($clone(opts, unmarshalOptions).Options(), proto.UnmarshalOptions).UnmarshalState(new structType$4.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), _r$8, b, 0, $ifaceNil, 0)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$9; + o = $clone(_tuple$1[0], structType$5); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$5 = err; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + $r = $clone(p, pointer).AppendPointerSlice($clone(pointerOfValue($clone(mp, reflect.Value)), pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out.n = n; + out.initialized = !((((o.Flags & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + _tmp$6 = $clone(out, unmarshalOutput); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeGroupSlice, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, goType, mp, n, num, o, opts, out, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + sizeGroupSliceInfo = function(p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + n = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + _r$6 = f.mi.sizePointer($clone(v, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n + ((($imul(2, f.tagsize)) + _r$6 >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sizeGroupSliceInfo, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, f, n, opts, p, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + appendGroupSliceInfo = function(b, p, f, opts) { + var {_i, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _tuple, b, err, f, opts, p, s, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(p, pointer).PointerSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$5; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pointer); + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag); + _r$6 = f.mi.marshalAppendPointer(b, $clone(v, pointer), $clone(opts, marshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + b = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, (x = f.wiretag, new $Uint64(x.$high + 0, x.$low + 1))); + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendGroupSliceInfo, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _tuple, b, err, f, opts, p, s, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeGroupSliceInfo = function(b, p, wtyp, f, opts) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, err, f, m, mp, opts, out, p, wtyp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, p, wtyp, f, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!((wtyp === 3))) { + $s = -1; return [new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false), errUnknown]; + } + _r$5 = f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = reflect.New(_r$5); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$7; + _r$8 = pointerOfIface(m); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mp = $clone(_r$8, pointer); + _r$9 = f.mi.unmarshalPointer(b, $clone(mp, pointer), f.num, $clone(opts, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$9; + out = $clone(_tuple[0], unmarshalOutput); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [out, err]; + } + $r = $clone(p, pointer).AppendPointerSlice($clone(mp, pointer)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [out, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeGroupSliceInfo, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, b, err, f, m, mp, opts, out, p, wtyp, $s};return $f; + }; + asMessage = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, m, ok, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$5, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return m; + } + _r$6 = legacyWrapMessage($clone(v, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Interface(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: asMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, m, ok, v, $s};return $f; + }; + getExtensionFieldInfo = function(xt) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, ok, xi, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {xt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = $assertType(xt, ptrType$53, true); + xi = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r$5 = xi.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return xi.info; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$6 = legacyLoadExtensionFieldInfo(xt); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getExtensionFieldInfo, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, ok, xi, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyLoadExtensionFieldInfo = function(xt) { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, e$1, ok, ok$1, xi, xt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {xt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = legacyExtensionFieldInfoCache.Load(xt); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + xi = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(xi, ptrType$54); + } + _r$6 = xt.TypeDescriptor(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = makeExtensionFieldInfo(_r$6); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$7; + _r$8 = legacyMessageTypeCache.LoadOrStore(xt, e); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + e$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $s = -1; return $assertType(e$1, ptrType$54); + } + $s = -1; return e; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyLoadExtensionFieldInfo, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, e$1, ok, ok$1, xi, xt, $s};return $f; + }; + makeExtensionFieldInfo = function(xd) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, e, wiretag, xd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {xd}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + wiretag = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _r$5 = xd.IsPacked(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$5) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r$5) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = xd.Number(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$6; + _r$7 = xd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (_entry = wireTypes[protoreflect.Kind.keyFor(_r$7)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0); + _r$8 = protowire.EncodeTag(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + wiretag = _r$8; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$9 = xd.Number(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = protowire.EncodeTag(_r$9, 2); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + wiretag = _r$10; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$11 = encoderFuncsForValue(xd); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = new extensionFieldInfo.ptr(wiretag, protowire.SizeVarint(wiretag), false, $clone(_r$11, valueCoderFuncs), new validationInfo.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, 0, 0, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0))); + _r$12 = xd.Kind(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$12; + /* */ if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (14))) { $s = 13; continue; } + _r$13 = xd.Cardinality(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$13 === 3) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (14))) { */ case 13: + e.unmarshalNeedsValue = true; + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else if (_r$13 === 3) { */ case 14: + e.unmarshalNeedsValue = true; + /* } */ case 15: + case 11: + $s = -1; return e; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeExtensionFieldInfo, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _entry, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, e, wiretag, xd, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionField.ptr.prototype.appendLazyBytes = function(xt, xi, num, wtyp, b) { + var b, f, num, wtyp, xi, xt; + f = this; + if (f.lazy === ptrType$40.nil) { + f.lazy = new lazyExtensionValue.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), xi, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), sliceType.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + } + f.typ = xt; + f.lazy.xi = xi; + f.lazy.b = protowire.AppendTag(f.lazy.b, num, wtyp); + f.lazy.b = $appendSlice(f.lazy.b, b); + }; + ExtensionField.prototype.appendLazyBytes = function(xt, xi, num, wtyp, b) { return this.$val.appendLazyBytes(xt, xi, num, wtyp, b); }; + ExtensionField.ptr.prototype.canLazy = function(xt) { + var f, x, xt; + f = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(f.typ, $ifaceNil)) { + return true; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(f.typ, xt) && !(f.lazy === ptrType$40.nil) && (atomic.LoadUint32((x = f.lazy, (x.$ptr_atomicOnce || (x.$ptr_atomicOnce = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.atomicOnce; }, function($v) { this.$target.atomicOnce = $v; }, x))))) === 0)) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + ExtensionField.prototype.canLazy = function(xt) { return this.$val.canLazy(xt); }; + ExtensionField.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, f, n, num, out, tag$1, val, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + f = this; + $r = f.lazy.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(f.lazy.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (atomic.LoadUint32((x = f.lazy, (x.$ptr_atomicOnce || (x.$ptr_atomicOnce = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.atomicOnce; }, function($v) { this.$target.atomicOnce = $v; }, x))))) === 1) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (atomic.LoadUint32((x = f.lazy, (x.$ptr_atomicOnce || (x.$ptr_atomicOnce = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.atomicOnce; }, function($v) { this.$target.atomicOnce = $v; }, x))))) === 1) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!(f.lazy.xi === ptrType$54.nil)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(f.lazy.xi === ptrType$54.nil)) { */ case 5: + b = f.lazy.b; + _r$5 = f.typ.New(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = $clone(_r$5, protoreflect.Value); + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(b.$length > 0)) { $s = 10; continue; } + tag$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + /* */ if ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) < 128) { */ case 11: + tag$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))); + b = $subslice(b, 1); + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (b.$length >= 2 && (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) < 128) { */ case 12: + tag$1 = (x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 127) >>> 0))), x$2 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 7), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)); + b = $subslice(b, 2); + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + n = 0; + _tuple = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b); + tag$1 = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (n < 0) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (n < 0) { */ case 15: + _r$6 = errors.New("bad tag in lazy extension decoding", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(_r$6); + /* } */ case 16: + b = $subslice(b, n); + /* } */ case 14: + num = (($shiftRightUint64(tag$1, 3).$low >> 0)); + wtyp = ((new $Uint64(tag$1.$high & 0, (tag$1.$low & 7) >>> 0).$low << 24 >> 24)); + out = new unmarshalOutput.ptr(0, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$7 = f.lazy.xi.funcs.unmarshal(b, $clone(val, protoreflect.Value), num, wtyp, $clone(lazyUnmarshalOptions, unmarshalOptions)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$7; + protoreflect.Value.copy(val, _tuple$1[0]); + unmarshalOutput.copy(out, _tuple$1[1]); + err = _tuple$1[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 19: + _r$8 = errors.New("decode failure in lazy extension decoding: %v", new sliceType$1([err])); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(_r$8); + /* } */ case 20: + b = $subslice(b, out.n); + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + protoreflect.Value.copy(f.lazy.value, val); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _r$9 = f.lazy.fn(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + protoreflect.Value.copy(f.lazy.value, _r$9); + /* } */ case 7: + f.lazy.xi = ptrType$54.nil; + f.lazy.fn = $throwNilPointerError; + f.lazy.b = sliceType.nil; + atomic.StoreUint32((x$3 = f.lazy, (x$3.$ptr_atomicOnce || (x$3.$ptr_atomicOnce = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.atomicOnce; }, function($v) { this.$target.atomicOnce = $v; }, x$3)))), 1); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: ExtensionField.ptr.prototype.lazyInit, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, f, n, num, out, tag$1, val, wtyp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + ExtensionField.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + ExtensionField.ptr.prototype.Set = function(t, v) { + var f, t, v; + f = this; + f.typ = t; + protoreflect.Value.copy(f.value, v); + f.lazy = ptrType$40.nil; + }; + ExtensionField.prototype.Set = function(t, v) { return this.$val.Set(t, v); }; + ExtensionField.ptr.prototype.SetLazy = function(t, fn) { + var f, fn, t; + f = this; + f.typ = t; + f.lazy = new lazyExtensionValue.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), ptrType$54.nil, new protoreflect.Value.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), "", sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil), sliceType.nil, fn); + }; + ExtensionField.prototype.SetLazy = function(t, fn) { return this.$val.SetLazy(t, fn); }; + ExtensionField.ptr.prototype.Value = function() { + var {f, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + /* */ if (!(f.lazy === ptrType$40.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(f.lazy === ptrType$40.nil)) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (atomic.LoadUint32((x = f.lazy, (x.$ptr_atomicOnce || (x.$ptr_atomicOnce = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.atomicOnce; }, function($v) { this.$target.atomicOnce = $v; }, x))))) === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (atomic.LoadUint32((x = f.lazy, (x.$ptr_atomicOnce || (x.$ptr_atomicOnce = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.atomicOnce; }, function($v) { this.$target.atomicOnce = $v; }, x))))) === 0) { */ case 3: + $r = f.lazyInit(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return f.lazy.value; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return f.value; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ExtensionField.ptr.prototype.Value, $c: true, $r, f, x, $s};return $f; + }; + ExtensionField.prototype.Value = function() { return this.$val.Value(); }; + ExtensionField.ptr.prototype.Type = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.typ; + }; + ExtensionField.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); }; + ExtensionField.ptr.prototype.IsSet = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return !($interfaceIsEqual(f.typ, $ifaceNil)); + }; + ExtensionField.prototype.IsSet = function() { return this.$val.IsSet(); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.checkInitialized = function(in$1) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _tuple, in$1, mi, ms, ok, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + p = new pointer.ptr(new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, 0)); + _tuple = $assertType(in$1.Message, ptrType, true); + ms = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + pointer.copy(p, ms.pointer()); + } else { + pointer.copy(p, $assertType(in$1.Message, ptrType$1).pointer()); + } + _r$5 = mi.checkInitializedPointer($clone(p, pointer)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new structType$8.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr()), _r$5]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.checkInitialized, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _tuple, in$1, mi, ms, ok, p, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.checkInitialized = function(in$1) { return this.$val.checkInitialized(in$1); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.checkInitializedPointer = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _i$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _v, e, err, err$1, f, f$1, fptr, mi, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + $r = mi.init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!mi.coderMessageInfo.needsInitCheck) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($clone(p, pointer).IsNil()) { */ case 2: + _ref = mi.coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + f = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (f.isRequired) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (f.isRequired) { */ case 6: + _r$5 = mi.Desc.Fields(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.ByNumber(f.num); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.FullName(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = errors.RequiredNotSet((_r$7)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + _i++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset).IsValid()) { */ case 13: + _r$9 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(mi.coderMessageInfo.extensionOffset, offset)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, pointer).Extensions(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$10; + _r$11 = mi.isInitExtensions(e); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* } */ case 14: + _ref$1 = mi.coderMessageInfo.orderedCoderFields; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 18: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 19; continue; } + f$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (!f$1.isRequired && f$1.funcs.isInit === $throwNilPointerError) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 18; continue; + } + _r$12 = $clone(p, pointer).Apply($clone(f$1.offset, offset)); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fptr = $clone(_r$12, pointer); + if (!(f$1.isPointer)) { _v = false; $s = 23; continue s; } + _r$13 = $clone(fptr, pointer).Elem(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $clone(_r$13, pointer).IsNil(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$14; case 23: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 21: + /* */ if (f$1.isRequired) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (f$1.isRequired) { */ case 26: + _r$15 = mi.Desc.Fields(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = _r$15.ByNumber(f$1.num); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = _r$16.FullName(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = errors.RequiredNotSet((_r$17)); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$18; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 27: + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 18; continue; + /* } */ case 22: + if (f$1.funcs.isInit === $throwNilPointerError) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 18; continue; + } + _r$19 = f$1.funcs.isInit($clone(fptr, pointer), f$1); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$19; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _i$1++; + $s = 18; continue; + case 19: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.checkInitializedPointer, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _i$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _v, e, err, err$1, f, f$1, fptr, mi, p, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.checkInitializedPointer = function(p) { return this.$val.checkInitializedPointer(p); }; + MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.isInitExtensions = function(ext) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, ei, err, ext, mi, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ext}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mi = this; + if (ext === ptrType$36.nil) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _ref = ext.$get(); + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + x = $clone(_entry.v, ExtensionField); + _r$5 = getExtensionFieldInfo($clone(x, ExtensionField).Type()); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ei = _r$5; + if (ei.funcs.isInit === $throwNilPointerError) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r$6 = x.Value(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = $clone(_r$6, protoreflect.Value); + if (!$clone(v, protoreflect.Value).IsValid()) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r$7 = ei.funcs.isInit($clone(v, protoreflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$7; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MessageInfo.ptr.prototype.isInitExtensions, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, ei, err, ext, mi, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + MessageInfo.prototype.isInitExtensions = function(ext) { return this.$val.isInitExtensions(ext); }; + needsInitCheck = function(md) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, has, md, ok, ok$1, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {md}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + _r$5 = needsInitCheckMap.Load(md); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + v = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(v, $Bool, true); + has = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 4: + $24r = has; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + /* } */ case 3: + $r = needsInitCheckMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(needsInitCheckMu, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$6 = needsInitCheckLocked(md); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$6; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: needsInitCheck, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, has, md, ok, ok$1, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + needsInitCheckLocked = function(md) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, fd, fmd, has, has$1, i, md, ok, ok$1, v, x, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {md}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + has = [has]; + md = [md]; + has[0] = false; + _r$5 = needsInitCheckMap.Load(md[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + v = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(v, $Bool, true); + has$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + has[0] = ok$1 && has$1; + $24r = has[0]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $r = needsInitCheckMap.Store(md[0], (x = new structType$10.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([(function(has, md) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = needsInitCheckMap.Store(md[0], new $Bool(has[0])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(has, md), []]); + _r$6 = md[0].RequiredNumbers(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Len(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7 > 0) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_r$7 > 0) { */ case 6: + has[0] = true; + $24r$1 = has[0]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$8 = md[0].ExtensionRanges(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Len(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$9 > 0) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_r$9 > 0) { */ case 11: + has[0] = true; + $24r$2 = has[0]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 12: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 16: + _r$10 = md[0].Fields(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = _r$10.Len(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$11)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$11)) { $s = 17; continue; } + _r$12 = md[0].Fields(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = _r$12.Get(i); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$13; + _r$14 = fd.IsMap(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$14) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (_r$14) { */ case 22: + _r$15 = fd.MapValue(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd = _r$15; + /* } */ case 23: + _r$16 = fd.Message(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fmd = _r$16; + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(fmd, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 29; continue s; } + _r$17 = needsInitCheckLocked(fmd); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$17; case 29: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 27: + has[0] = true; + $24r$3 = has[0]; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 28: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 16; continue; + case 17: + has[0] = false; + $24r$4 = has[0]; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$4; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return has[0]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: needsInitCheckLocked, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, fd, fmd, has, has$1, i, md, ok, ok$1, v, x, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Export.ptr.prototype.NewError = function(f, x) { + var {$24r, _r$5, f, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = errors.New(f, x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.NewError, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, f, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.NewError = function(f, x) { return this.$val.NewError(f, x); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.EnumOf = function(e) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, e, e$1, e$2, e$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = e; + /* */ if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Enum, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { */ case 1: + e$1 = _ref; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Enum, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + e$2 = _ref; + $s = -1; return e$2; + /* } else { */ case 3: + e$3 = _ref; + _r$5 = reflect.ValueOf(e$3); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = legacyWrapEnum($clone(_r$5, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.EnumOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, e, e$1, e$2, e$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.EnumOf = function(e) { return this.$val.EnumOf(e); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.EnumDescriptorOf = function(e) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, e, e$1, e$2, e$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = e; + /* */ if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Enum, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { */ case 1: + e$1 = _ref; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Enum, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + e$2 = _ref; + _r$5 = e$2.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 3: + e$3 = _ref; + _r$6 = LegacyLoadEnumDesc(reflect.TypeOf(e$3)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$6; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.EnumDescriptorOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, e, e$1, e$2, e$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.EnumDescriptorOf = function(e) { return this.$val.EnumDescriptorOf(e); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.EnumTypeOf = function(e) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, e, e$1, e$2, e$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = e; + /* */ if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Enum, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { */ case 1: + e$1 = _ref; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.Enum, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + e$2 = _ref; + _r$5 = e$2.Type(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 3: + e$3 = _ref; + _r$6 = legacyLoadEnumType(reflect.TypeOf(e$3)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$6; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.EnumTypeOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, e, e$1, e$2, e$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.EnumTypeOf = function(e) { return this.$val.EnumTypeOf(e); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.EnumStringOf = function(ed, n) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, ed, ev, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ed, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = ed.Values(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = _r$5.ByNumber(n); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ev = _r$6; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ev, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ev, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + _r$7 = ev.Name(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (_r$7); + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return strconv.Itoa(((n >> 0))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.EnumStringOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, ed, ev, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.EnumStringOf = function(ed, n) { return this.$val.EnumStringOf(ed, n); }; + legacyMessageWrapper.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var {m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + $r = proto.Reset(m.m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyMessageWrapper.ptr.prototype.Reset, $c: true, $r, m, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyMessageWrapper.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + legacyMessageWrapper.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r$5, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + _r$5 = new Export.ptr().MessageStringOf(m.m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyMessageWrapper.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, m, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyMessageWrapper.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + legacyMessageWrapper.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + var m; + m = this; + }; + legacyMessageWrapper.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageV1Of = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, m, mv, mv$1, mv$2, mv$3, mv$4, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = m; + /* */ if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoiface.MessageV1, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, unwrapper, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { */ case 1: + mv = _ref; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoiface.MessageV1, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + mv$1 = _ref; + $s = -1; return mv$1; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, unwrapper, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + mv$2 = _ref; + _r$5 = mv$2.protoUnwrap(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = new Export.ptr().ProtoMessageV1Of(_r$5); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + mv$3 = _ref; + $s = -1; return (x = new legacyMessageWrapper.ptr(mv$3), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + /* } else { */ case 5: + mv$4 = _ref; + _r$7 = fmt.Sprintf("message %T is neither a v1 or v2 Message", new sliceType$1([m])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$7)); + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageV1Of, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, m, mv, mv$1, mv$2, mv$3, mv$4, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.ProtoMessageV1Of = function(m) { return this.$val.ProtoMessageV1Of(m); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.protoMessageV2Of = function(m) { + var {_r$5, _ref, m, mv, mv$1, mv$2, mv$3, mv$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = m; + /* */ if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, legacyMessageWrapper, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, protoiface.MessageV1, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { */ case 1: + mv = _ref; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoreflect.ProtoMessage, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + mv$1 = _ref; + $s = -1; return mv$1; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, legacyMessageWrapper, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + mv$2 = $clone(_ref.$val, legacyMessageWrapper); + $s = -1; return mv$2.m; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, protoiface.MessageV1, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + mv$3 = _ref; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else { */ case 5: + mv$4 = _ref; + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("message %T is neither a v1 or v2 Message", new sliceType$1([m])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.protoMessageV2Of, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _ref, m, mv, mv$1, mv$2, mv$3, mv$4, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.protoMessageV2Of = function(m) { return this.$val.protoMessageV2Of(m); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageV2Of = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, mv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$5 = $clone((new Export.ptr()), Export).protoMessageV2Of(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mv = _r$5; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mv, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return mv; + } + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(m); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = legacyWrapMessage($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Interface(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessageV2Of, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, mv, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.ProtoMessageV2Of = function(m) { return this.$val.ProtoMessageV2Of(m); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.MessageOf = function(m) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, mv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$5 = $clone((new Export.ptr()), Export).protoMessageV2Of(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mv = _r$5; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mv, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mv, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = mv.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$7 = reflect.ValueOf(m); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = legacyWrapMessage($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.MessageOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, mv, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.MessageOf = function(m) { return this.$val.MessageOf(m); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.MessageDescriptorOf = function(m) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, mv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$5 = $clone((new Export.ptr()), Export).protoMessageV2Of(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mv = _r$5; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mv, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mv, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = mv.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Descriptor(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$8 = LegacyLoadMessageDesc(reflect.TypeOf(m)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.MessageDescriptorOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, mv, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.MessageDescriptorOf = function(m) { return this.$val.MessageDescriptorOf(m); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.MessageTypeOf = function(m) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, mv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(m, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$5 = $clone((new Export.ptr()), Export).protoMessageV2Of(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mv = _r$5; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mv, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(mv, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$6 = mv.ProtoReflect(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = _r$6.Type(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$8 = legacyLoadMessageType(reflect.TypeOf(m), ""); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.MessageTypeOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, m, mv, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.MessageTypeOf = function(m) { return this.$val.MessageTypeOf(m); }; + Export.ptr.prototype.MessageStringOf = function(m) { + var {$24r, _r$5, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = new prototext.MarshalOptions.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), false, "", false, false, false, false, $ifaceNil).Format(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Export.ptr.prototype.MessageStringOf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$5, m, $s};return $f; + }; + Export.prototype.MessageStringOf = function(m) { return this.$val.MessageStringOf(m); }; + weakFields.methods = [{prop: "get", name: "get", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage, $Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$34.methods = [{prop: "set", name: "set", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number, protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [], false)}, {prop: "clear", name: "clear", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([protowire.Number], [], false)}]; + ValidationStatus.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + offset.methods = [{prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + pointer.methods = [{prop: "IsNil", name: "IsNil", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Apply", name: "Apply", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([offset], [pointer], false)}, {prop: "AsValueOf", name: "AsValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Type], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "AsIfaceOf", name: "AsIfaceOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Type], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "Bool", name: "Bool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$8], false)}, {prop: "BoolPtr", name: "BoolPtr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$9], false)}, {prop: "BoolSlice", name: "BoolSlice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$10], false)}, {prop: "Int32", name: "Int32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$11], false)}, {prop: "Int32Ptr", name: "Int32Ptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$12], false)}, {prop: "Int32Slice", name: "Int32Slice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$13], false)}, {prop: "Int64", name: "Int64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$14], false)}, {prop: "Int64Ptr", name: "Int64Ptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$15], false)}, {prop: "Int64Slice", name: "Int64Slice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$16], false)}, {prop: "Uint32", name: "Uint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$17], false)}, {prop: "Uint32Ptr", name: "Uint32Ptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$18], false)}, {prop: "Uint32Slice", name: "Uint32Slice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$19], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$20], false)}, {prop: "Uint64Ptr", name: "Uint64Ptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$21], false)}, {prop: "Uint64Slice", name: "Uint64Slice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$22], false)}, {prop: "Float32", name: "Float32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$23], false)}, {prop: "Float32Ptr", name: "Float32Ptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$24], false)}, {prop: "Float32Slice", name: "Float32Slice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$25], false)}, {prop: "Float64", name: "Float64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$26], false)}, {prop: "Float64Ptr", name: "Float64Ptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$27], false)}, {prop: "Float64Slice", name: "Float64Slice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$28], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$29], false)}, {prop: "StringPtr", name: "StringPtr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$30], false)}, {prop: "StringSlice", name: "StringSlice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$31], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "BytesPtr", name: "BytesPtr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$32], false)}, {prop: "BytesSlice", name: "BytesSlice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$33], false)}, {prop: "WeakFields", name: "WeakFields", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$34], false)}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$36], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [pointer], false)}, {prop: "PointerSlice", name: "PointerSlice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$12], false)}, {prop: "AppendPointerSlice", name: "AppendPointerSlice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pointer], [], false)}, {prop: "SetPointer", name: "SetPointer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pointer], [], false)}]; + ptrType$55.methods = [{prop: "Init", name: "Init", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5], [ptrType$1], false)}]; + ptrType$39.methods = [{prop: "Range", name: "Range", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$17], [], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Clear", name: "Clear", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType], [], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType, protoreflect.Value], [], false)}, {prop: "Mutable", name: "Mutable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "pointer", name: "pointer", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [pointer], false)}, {prop: "messageInfo", name: "messageInfo", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$5], false)}, {prop: "LoadMessageInfo", name: "LoadMessageInfo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$5], false)}, {prop: "StoreMessageInfo", name: "StoreMessageInfo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5], [], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageType], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "protoUnwrap", name: "protoUnwrap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMethods", name: "ProtoMethods", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$56], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessageInfo", name: "ProtoMessageInfo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$5], false)}, {prop: "Range", name: "Range", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$17], [], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Clear", name: "Clear", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value], [], false)}, {prop: "Mutable", name: "Mutable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "NewField", name: "NewField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "WhichOneof", name: "WhichOneof", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.OneofDescriptor], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "GetUnknown", name: "GetUnknown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.RawFields], false)}, {prop: "SetUnknown", name: "SetUnknown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.RawFields], [], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageType], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "protoUnwrap", name: "protoUnwrap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMethods", name: "ProtoMethods", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$56], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessageInfo", name: "ProtoMessageInfo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$5], false)}, {prop: "Range", name: "Range", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$17], [], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Clear", name: "Clear", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value], [], false)}, {prop: "Mutable", name: "Mutable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "NewField", name: "NewField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "WhichOneof", name: "WhichOneof", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.OneofDescriptor], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "GetUnknown", name: "GetUnknown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.RawFields], false)}, {prop: "SetUnknown", name: "SetUnknown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.RawFields], [], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "pointer", name: "pointer", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [pointer], false)}, {prop: "messageInfo", name: "messageInfo", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$5], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "protoUnwrap", name: "protoUnwrap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "validate", name: "validate", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([sliceType, protowire.Number, unmarshalOptions], [unmarshalOutput, ValidationStatus], false)}, {prop: "makeReflectFuncs", name: "makeReflectFuncs", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([reflect.Type, structInfo], [], false)}, {prop: "makeKnownFieldsFunc", name: "makeKnownFieldsFunc", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([structInfo], [], false)}, {prop: "makeUnknownFieldsFunc", name: "makeUnknownFieldsFunc", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([reflect.Type, structInfo], [], false)}, {prop: "makeExtensionFieldsFunc", name: "makeExtensionFieldsFunc", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([reflect.Type, structInfo], [], false)}, {prop: "makeFieldTypes", name: "makeFieldTypes", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([structInfo], [], false)}, {prop: "MessageOf", name: "MessageOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "checkField", name: "checkField", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [ptrType$37, protoreflect.ExtensionType], false)}, {prop: "init", name: "init", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "initOnce", name: "initOnce", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "getPointer", name: "getPointer", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Message], [pointer, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "makeStructInfo", name: "makeStructInfo", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([reflect.Type], [structInfo], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.EnumType], false)}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.MessageType], false)}, {prop: "merge", name: "merge", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([structType$6], [structType$5], false)}, {prop: "mergePointer", name: "mergePointer", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([pointer, pointer, mergeOptions], [], false)}, {prop: "size", name: "size", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([structType], [structType$1], false)}, {prop: "sizePointer", name: "sizePointer", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([pointer, marshalOptions], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "sizePointerSlow", name: "sizePointerSlow", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([pointer, marshalOptions], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([structType$2], [structType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshalAppendPointer", name: "marshalAppendPointer", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([sliceType, pointer, marshalOptions], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "sizeExtensions", name: "sizeExtensions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([ptrType$36, marshalOptions], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "appendExtensions", name: "appendExtensions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([sliceType, ptrType$36, marshalOptions], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([structType$4], [structType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalPointer", name: "unmarshalPointer", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([sliceType, pointer, protowire.Number, unmarshalOptions], [unmarshalOutput, $error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalExtension", name: "unmarshalExtension", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([sliceType, protowire.Number, protowire.Type, mapType$1, unmarshalOptions], [unmarshalOutput, $error], false)}, {prop: "makeCoderMethods", name: "makeCoderMethods", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([reflect.Type, structInfo], [], false)}, {prop: "getUnknownBytes", name: "getUnknownBytes", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([pointer], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "mutableUnknownBytes", name: "mutableUnknownBytes", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([pointer], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "initOneofFieldCoders", name: "initOneofFieldCoders", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.OneofDescriptor, structInfo], [], false)}, {prop: "checkInitialized", name: "checkInitialized", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([structType$7], [structType$8, $error], false)}, {prop: "checkInitializedPointer", name: "checkInitializedPointer", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([pointer], [$error], false)}, {prop: "isInitExtensions", name: "isInitExtensions", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([ptrType$36], [$error], false)}]; + mapEntryType.methods = [{prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.EnumType], false)}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.MessageType], false)}]; + mergeOptions.methods = [{prop: "Merge", name: "Merge", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ProtoMessage, protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [], false)}]; + placeholderEnumValues.methods = [{prop: "ByNumber", name: "ByNumber", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumNumber], [protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor], false)}]; + aberrantMessageType.methods = [{prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "GoType", name: "GoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [reflect.Type], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}]; + aberrantMessage.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageType], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Range", name: "Range", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$17], [], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Clear", name: "Clear", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value], [], false)}, {prop: "Mutable", name: "Mutable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "NewField", name: "NewField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "WhichOneof", name: "WhichOneof", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.OneofDescriptor], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "GetUnknown", name: "GetUnknown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.RawFields], false)}, {prop: "SetUnknown", name: "SetUnknown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.RawFields], [], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMethods", name: "ProtoMethods", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$56], false)}, {prop: "protoUnwrap", name: "protoUnwrap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + resolverOnly.methods = [{prop: "FindFileByPath", name: "FindFileByPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindDescriptorByName", name: "FindDescriptorByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.Descriptor, $error], false)}, {prop: "RegisterFile", name: "RegisterFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FileDescriptor], [$error], false)}]; + placeholderExtension.methods = [{prop: "ParentFile", name: "ParentFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Parent", name: "Parent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Descriptor], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Syntax", name: "Syntax", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Syntax], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Name], false)}, {prop: "FullName", name: "FullName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FullName], false)}, {prop: "IsPlaceholder", name: "IsPlaceholder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protowire.Number], false)}, {prop: "Cardinality", name: "Cardinality", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Cardinality], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Kind], false)}, {prop: "HasJSONName", name: "HasJSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "JSONName", name: "JSONName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "TextName", name: "TextName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "HasPresence", name: "HasPresence", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "HasOptionalKeyword", name: "HasOptionalKeyword", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsExtension", name: "IsExtension", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsWeak", name: "IsWeak", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsPacked", name: "IsPacked", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsList", name: "IsList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsMap", name: "IsMap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "MapKey", name: "MapKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "MapValue", name: "MapValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "HasDefault", name: "HasDefault", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Default", name: "Default", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "DefaultEnumValue", name: "DefaultEnumValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ContainingOneof", name: "ContainingOneof", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.OneofDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ContainingMessage", name: "ContainingMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Enum", name: "Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "ProtoType", name: "ProtoType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoInternal", name: "ProtoInternal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([pragma.DoNotImplement], [], false)}]; + ptrType$58.methods = [{prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumNumber], [protoreflect.Enum], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumType], false)}, {prop: "Number", name: "Number", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumNumber], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Enum], false)}, {prop: "protoUnwrap", name: "protoUnwrap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + ptrType$53.methods = [{prop: "initToLegacy", name: "initToLegacy", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "initFromLegacy", name: "initFromLegacy", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "ValueOf", name: "ValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "InterfaceOf", name: "InterfaceOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "IsValidValue", name: "IsValidValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidInterface", name: "IsValidInterface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "TypeDescriptor", name: "TypeDescriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ExtensionTypeDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [Converter], false)}, {prop: "lazyInitSlow", name: "lazyInitSlow", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$59.methods = [{prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ExtensionType], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.FieldDescriptor], false)}]; + ptrType$60.methods = [{prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumNumber], [protoreflect.Enum], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}]; + marshalOptions.methods = [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [proto.MarshalOptions], false)}, {prop: "Deterministic", name: "Deterministic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "UseCachedSize", name: "UseCachedSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + unmarshalOptions.methods = [{prop: "Options", name: "Options", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [proto.UnmarshalOptions], false)}, {prop: "DiscardUnknown", name: "DiscardUnknown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsDefault", name: "IsDefault", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$52.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$49.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MapKey], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MapKey], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MapKey, protoreflect.Value], [], false)}, {prop: "Clear", name: "Clear", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MapKey], [], false)}, {prop: "Mutable", name: "Mutable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MapKey], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Range", name: "Range", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$18], [], false)}, {prop: "NewValue", name: "NewValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "protoUnwrap", name: "protoUnwrap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + ptrType$61.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$62.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$51.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, protoreflect.Value], [], false)}, {prop: "Append", name: "Append", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendMutable", name: "AppendMutable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Truncate", name: "Truncate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "NewElement", name: "NewElement", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "protoUnwrap", name: "protoUnwrap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + ptrType$63.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$64.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$65.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$66.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$67.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$68.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$69.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$70.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$71.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$72.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$50.methods = [{prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "isNonPointer", name: "isNonPointer", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + errInvalidUTF8.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "InvalidUTF8", name: "InvalidUTF8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ExtensionField.methods = [{prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.ExtensionType], false)}, {prop: "IsSet", name: "IsSet", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$73.methods = [{prop: "appendLazyBytes", name: "appendLazyBytes", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType, ptrType$54, protowire.Number, protowire.Type, sliceType], [], false)}, {prop: "canLazy", name: "canLazy", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType, protoreflect.Value], [], false)}, {prop: "SetLazy", name: "SetLazy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType, funcType$12], [], false)}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]; + Export.methods = [{prop: "HasWeak", name: "HasWeak", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([mapType, protowire.Number], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ClearWeak", name: "ClearWeak", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$35, protowire.Number], [], false)}, {prop: "GetWeak", name: "GetWeak", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([mapType, protowire.Number, protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "SetWeak", name: "SetWeak", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$35, protowire.Number, protoreflect.FullName, protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [], false)}, {prop: "MessageStateOf", name: "MessageStateOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Pointer], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "LegacyEnumName", name: "LegacyEnumName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], [$String], false)}, {prop: "LegacyMessageTypeOf", name: "LegacyMessageTypeOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoiface.MessageV1, protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.MessageType], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalJSONEnum", name: "UnmarshalJSONEnum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, sliceType], [protoreflect.EnumNumber, $error], false)}, {prop: "CompressGZIP", name: "CompressGZIP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "NewError", name: "NewError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$1], [$error], true)}, {prop: "EnumOf", name: "EnumOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoreflect.Enum], false)}, {prop: "EnumDescriptorOf", name: "EnumDescriptorOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "EnumTypeOf", name: "EnumTypeOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoreflect.EnumType], false)}, {prop: "EnumStringOf", name: "EnumStringOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, protoreflect.EnumNumber], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessageV1Of", name: "ProtoMessageV1Of", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoiface.MessageV1], false)}, {prop: "protoMessageV2Of", name: "protoMessageV2Of", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessageV2Of", name: "ProtoMessageV2Of", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoreflect.ProtoMessage], false)}, {prop: "MessageOf", name: "MessageOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "MessageDescriptorOf", name: "MessageDescriptorOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "MessageTypeOf", name: "MessageTypeOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [protoreflect.MessageType], false)}, {prop: "MessageStringOf", name: "MessageStringOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ProtoMessage], [$String], false)}]; + legacyMessageWrapper.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + weakFields.init($Int32, protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + validationInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "mi", name: "mi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: validationType, tag: ""}, {prop: "keyType", name: "keyType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: validationType, tag: ""}, {prop: "valType", name: "valType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: validationType, tag: ""}, {prop: "requiredBit", name: "requiredBit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + Pointer.init([]); + offset.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "index", name: "index", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "export$1", name: "export", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: exporter, tag: ""}]); + pointer.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + atomicNilMessage.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: messageReflectWrapper, tag: ""}]); + fieldInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "fieldDesc", name: "fieldDesc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "has", name: "has", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "clear", name: "clear", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "get", name: "get", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "set", name: "set", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "mutable", name: "mutable", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "newMessage", name: "newMessage", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "newField", name: "newField", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$12, tag: ""}]); + oneofInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "oneofDesc", name: "oneofDesc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.OneofDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "which", name: "which", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$13, tag: ""}]); + reflectMessageInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "fields", name: "fields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "oneofs", name: "oneofs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "fieldTypes", name: "fieldTypes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "denseFields", name: "denseFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$15, tag: ""}, {prop: "rangeInfos", name: "rangeInfos", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "getUnknown", name: "getUnknown", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "setUnknown", name: "setUnknown", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$15, tag: ""}, {prop: "extensionMap", name: "extensionMap", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$16, tag: ""}, {prop: "nilMessage", name: "nilMessage", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomicNilMessage, tag: ""}]); + extensionMap.init($Int32, ExtensionField); + MessageState.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "DoNotCompare", name: "DoNotCompare", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.DoNotCompare, tag: ""}, {prop: "DoNotCopy", name: "DoNotCopy", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.DoNotCopy, tag: ""}, {prop: "atomicMessageInfo", name: "atomicMessageInfo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}]); + messageState.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", name: "NoUnkeyedLiterals", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals, tag: ""}, {prop: "DoNotCompare", name: "DoNotCompare", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.DoNotCompare, tag: ""}, {prop: "DoNotCopy", name: "DoNotCopy", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: pragma.DoNotCopy, tag: ""}, {prop: "atomicMessageInfo", name: "atomicMessageInfo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}]); + messageReflectWrapper.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: pointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "mi", name: "mi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}]); + messageIfaceWrapper.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: pointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "mi", name: "mi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}]); + MessageInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "GoReflectType", name: "GoReflectType", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "Desc", name: "Desc", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "Exporter", name: "Exporter", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: exporter, tag: ""}, {prop: "OneofWrappers", name: "OneofWrappers", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "initMu", name: "initMu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "initDone", name: "initDone", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "reflectMessageInfo", name: "reflectMessageInfo", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: reflectMessageInfo, tag: ""}, {prop: "coderMessageInfo", name: "coderMessageInfo", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: coderMessageInfo, tag: ""}]); + exporter.init([$emptyInterface, $Int], [$emptyInterface], false); + structInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "sizecacheOffset", name: "sizecacheOffset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: offset, tag: ""}, {prop: "sizecacheType", name: "sizecacheType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "weakOffset", name: "weakOffset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: offset, tag: ""}, {prop: "weakType", name: "weakType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "unknownOffset", name: "unknownOffset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: offset, tag: ""}, {prop: "unknownType", name: "unknownType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "extensionOffset", name: "extensionOffset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: offset, tag: ""}, {prop: "extensionType", name: "extensionType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "fieldsByNumber", name: "fieldsByNumber", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "oneofsByName", name: "oneofsByName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "oneofWrappersByType", name: "oneofWrappersByType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "oneofWrappersByNumber", name: "oneofWrappersByNumber", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$8, tag: ""}]); + mapEntryType.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "desc", name: "desc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "valType", name: "valType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}]); + mergeOptions.init("", []); + placeholderEnumValues.init("", [{prop: "EnumValueDescriptors", name: "EnumValueDescriptors", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptors, tag: ""}]); + legacyMarshaler.init([{prop: "Marshal", name: "Marshal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}]); + legacyUnmarshaler.init([{prop: "Unmarshal", name: "Unmarshal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}]); + legacyMerger.init([{prop: "Merge", name: "Merge", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoiface.MessageV1], [], false)}]); + aberrantMessageType.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "t", name: "t", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}]); + aberrantMessage.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + enumV1.init([{prop: "EnumDescriptor", name: "EnumDescriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$14], false)}]); + messageV1.init([{prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$14], false)}]); + resolverOnly.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "reg", name: "reg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$57, tag: ""}]); + placeholderExtension.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.FullName, tag: ""}, {prop: "number", name: "number", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protowire.Number, tag: ""}]); + legacyEnumType.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "desc", name: "desc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Map, tag: ""}]); + legacyEnumWrapper.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "num", name: "num", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.EnumNumber, tag: ""}, {prop: "pbTyp", name: "pbTyp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.EnumType, tag: ""}, {prop: "goTyp", name: "goTyp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}]); + ExtensionInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "init", name: "init", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "desc", name: "desc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: extensionTypeDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "conv", name: "conv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Converter, tag: ""}, {prop: "info", name: "info", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$54, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExtendedType", name: "ExtendedType", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoiface.MessageV1, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExtensionType", name: "ExtensionType", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "Field", name: "Field", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Tag", name: "Tag", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Filename", name: "Filename", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + extensionTypeDescriptor.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "ExtensionDescriptor", name: "ExtensionDescriptor", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, tag: ""}, {prop: "xi", name: "xi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$53, tag: ""}]); + EnumInfo.init("", [{prop: "GoReflectType", name: "GoReflectType", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "Desc", name: "Desc", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, tag: ""}]); + marshalOptions.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "flags", name: "flags", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + 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mapReflect.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "keyConv", name: "keyConv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Converter, tag: ""}, {prop: "valConv", name: "valConv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Converter, tag: ""}]); + listConverter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "c", name: "c", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Converter, tag: ""}]); + listPtrConverter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "c", name: "c", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Converter, tag: ""}]); + listReflect.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "conv", name: "conv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Converter, tag: ""}]); + unwrapper.init([{prop: "protoUnwrap", name: "protoUnwrap", pkg: "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]); + Converter.init([{prop: "GoValueOf", name: "GoValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [reflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "IsValidGo", name: "IsValidGo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValidPB", name: "IsValidPB", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "PBValueOf", name: "PBValueOf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value], [protoreflect.Value], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Value], false)}]); + boolConverter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "def", name: "def", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + int32Converter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "def", name: "def", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + int64Converter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "def", name: "def", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + uint32Converter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "def", name: "def", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + uint64Converter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "def", name: "def", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + float32Converter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "def", name: "def", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + float64Converter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "def", name: "def", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + stringConverter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "def", name: "def", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + bytesConverter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "def", name: "def", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + enumConverter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "def", name: "def", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}]); + messageConverter.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}]); + pointerCoderFuncs.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "mi", name: "mi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$19, tag: ""}, {prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$20, tag: ""}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$21, tag: ""}, {prop: "isInit", name: "isInit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$22, tag: ""}, {prop: "merge", name: "merge", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$23, tag: ""}]); + valueCoderFuncs.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$24, tag: ""}, {prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$25, tag: ""}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$26, tag: ""}, {prop: "isInit", name: "isInit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$27, tag: ""}, {prop: "merge", name: "merge", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$28, tag: ""}]); + coderMessageInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "methods", name: "methods", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: structType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "orderedCoderFields", name: "orderedCoderFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$16, tag: ""}, {prop: "denseCoderFields", name: "denseCoderFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$16, tag: ""}, {prop: "coderFields", name: "coderFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "sizecacheOffset", name: "sizecacheOffset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: offset, tag: ""}, {prop: "unknownOffset", name: "unknownOffset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: offset, tag: ""}, {prop: "unknownPtrKind", name: "unknownPtrKind", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "extensionOffset", name: "extensionOffset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: offset, tag: ""}, {prop: "needsInitCheck", name: "needsInitCheck", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "isMessageSet", name: "isMessageSet", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "numRequiredFields", name: "numRequiredFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + coderFieldInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "funcs", name: "funcs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: pointerCoderFuncs, tag: ""}, {prop: "mi", name: "mi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "ft", name: "ft", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "validation", name: "validation", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: validationInfo, tag: ""}, {prop: "num", name: "num", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protowire.Number, tag: ""}, {prop: "offset", name: "offset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: offset, tag: ""}, {prop: "wiretag", name: "wiretag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "tagsize", name: "tagsize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "isPointer", name: "isPointer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "isRequired", name: "isRequired", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + mapInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "goType", name: "goType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "keyWiretag", name: "keyWiretag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "valWiretag", name: "valWiretag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "keyFuncs", name: "keyFuncs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: valueCoderFuncs, tag: ""}, {prop: "valFuncs", name: "valFuncs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: valueCoderFuncs, tag: ""}, {prop: "keyZero", name: "keyZero", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "keyKind", name: "keyKind", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Kind, tag: ""}, {prop: "conv", name: "conv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$52, tag: ""}]); + errInvalidUTF8.init("", []); + extensionFieldInfo.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "wiretag", name: "wiretag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "tagsize", name: "tagsize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "unmarshalNeedsValue", name: "unmarshalNeedsValue", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "funcs", name: "funcs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: valueCoderFuncs, tag: ""}, {prop: "validation", name: "validation", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: validationInfo, tag: ""}]); + lazyExtensionValue.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "atomicOnce", name: "atomicOnce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "xi", name: "xi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$54, tag: ""}, {prop: "value", name: "value", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "b", name: "b", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "fn", name: "fn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$12, tag: ""}]); + ExtensionField.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.ExtensionType, tag: ""}, {prop: "value", name: "value", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "lazy", name: "lazy", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$40, tag: ""}]); + Export.init("", []); + legacyMessageWrapper.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protoreflect.ProtoMessage, tag: ""}]); + validationState.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl", [{prop: "typ", name: "typ", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: validationType, tag: ""}, {prop: "keyType", name: "keyType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: validationType, tag: ""}, {prop: "valType", name: "valType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: validationType, tag: ""}, {prop: "endGroup", name: "endGroup", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: protowire.Number, tag: ""}, {prop: "mi", name: "mi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "tail", name: "tail", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "requiredMask", name: "requiredMask", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = gzip.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = json.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = prototext.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protowire.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = descopts.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = detrand.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = messageset.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = tag.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = filedesc.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = flags.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = genid.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = order.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pragma.$init(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strs.$init(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = proto.$init(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoregistry.$init(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoiface.$init(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = crc32.$init(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = ioutil.$init(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + legacyMessageTypeCache = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + legacyMessageDescCache = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + aberrantMessageDescLock = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + aberrantMessageDescCache = false; + legacyFileDescCache = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + legacyEnumTypeCache = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + legacyEnumDescCache = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + aberrantEnumDescCache = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + emptyBuf = arrayType.zero(); + legacyExtensionFieldInfoCache = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + needsInitCheckMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + needsInitCheckMap = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + invalidOffset = new offset.ptr(-1, $throwNilPointerError); + zeroOffset = new offset.ptr(0, $throwNilPointerError); + _r = reflect.ValueOf((sliceType.nil)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + nilBytes = _r; + _r$1 = reflect.ValueOf(new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + emptyBytes = _r$1; + sizecacheType = reflect.TypeOf(new $Int32(0)); + weakFieldsType = reflect.TypeOf(new mapType((false))); + unknownFieldsAType = reflect.TypeOf((sliceType.nil)); + unknownFieldsBType = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$3.nil)); + extensionFieldsType = reflect.TypeOf(new mapType$1((false))); + aberrantProtoMethods = new structType$9.ptr(new pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), new $Uint64(0, 1), $throwNilPointerError, legacyMarshal, legacyUnmarshal, legacyMerge, $throwNilPointerError); + _r$2 = errors.New("cannot parse invalid wire-format data", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errDecode = _r$2; + _r$3 = errors.New("exceeded maximum recursion depth", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errRecursionDepth = _r$3; + lazyUnmarshalOptions = new unmarshalOptions.ptr(0, protoregistry.GlobalTypes, 10000); + _r$4 = errors.New("unknown", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errUnknown = _r$4; + boolType = reflect.TypeOf(new $Bool(false)); + int32Type = reflect.TypeOf(new $Int32(0)); + int64Type = reflect.TypeOf(new $Int64(0, 0)); + uint32Type = reflect.TypeOf(new $Uint32(0)); + uint64Type = reflect.TypeOf(new $Uint64(0, 0)); + float32Type = reflect.TypeOf(new $Float32(0)); + float64Type = reflect.TypeOf(new $Float64(0)); + stringType = reflect.TypeOf(new $String("")); + bytesType = reflect.TypeOf((sliceType.nil)); + byteType = reflect.TypeOf(new $Uint8(0)); + boolZero = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(false), protoreflect.Value); + int32Zero = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(0), protoreflect.Value); + int64Zero = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(new $Int64(0, 0)), protoreflect.Value); + uint32Zero = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(0), protoreflect.Value); + uint64Zero = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(new $Uint64(0, 0)), protoreflect.Value); + float32Zero = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(0), protoreflect.Value); + float64Zero = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(0), protoreflect.Value); + stringZero = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfString(""), protoreflect.Value); + bytesZero = $clone(protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(sliceType.nil), protoreflect.Value); + coderEnum = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeEnum, appendEnum, consumeEnum, $throwNilPointerError, mergeEnum); + coderEnumNoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeEnumNoZero, appendEnumNoZero, consumeEnum, $throwNilPointerError, mergeEnumNoZero); + coderEnumPtr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeEnumPtr, appendEnumPtr, consumeEnumPtr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeEnumPtr); + coderEnumSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeEnumSlice, appendEnumSlice, consumeEnumSlice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeEnumSlice); + coderEnumPackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeEnumPackedSlice, appendEnumPackedSlice, consumeEnumSlice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeEnumSlice); + coderBool = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBool, appendBool, consumeBool, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBool); + coderBoolNoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBoolNoZero, appendBoolNoZero, consumeBool, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBoolNoZero); + coderBoolPtr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBoolPtr, appendBoolPtr, consumeBoolPtr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBoolPtr); + coderBoolSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBoolSlice, appendBoolSlice, consumeBoolSlice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBoolSlice); + coderBoolPackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBoolPackedSlice, appendBoolPackedSlice, consumeBoolSlice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBoolSlice); + coderBoolValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeBoolValue, appendBoolValue, consumeBoolValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderBoolSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeBoolSliceValue, appendBoolSliceValue, consumeBoolSliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderBoolPackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeBoolPackedSliceValue, appendBoolPackedSliceValue, consumeBoolSliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderEnumValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeEnumValue, appendEnumValue, consumeEnumValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderEnumSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeEnumSliceValue, appendEnumSliceValue, consumeEnumSliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderEnumPackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeEnumPackedSliceValue, appendEnumPackedSliceValue, consumeEnumSliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderInt32 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeInt32, appendInt32, consumeInt32, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32); + coderInt32NoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeInt32NoZero, appendInt32NoZero, consumeInt32, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32NoZero); + coderInt32Ptr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeInt32Ptr, appendInt32Ptr, consumeInt32Ptr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32Ptr); + coderInt32Slice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeInt32Slice, appendInt32Slice, consumeInt32Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32Slice); + coderInt32PackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeInt32PackedSlice, appendInt32PackedSlice, consumeInt32Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32Slice); + coderInt32Value = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeInt32Value, appendInt32Value, consumeInt32Value, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderInt32SliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeInt32SliceValue, appendInt32SliceValue, consumeInt32SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderInt32PackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeInt32PackedSliceValue, appendInt32PackedSliceValue, consumeInt32SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderSint32 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSint32, appendSint32, consumeSint32, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32); + coderSint32NoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSint32NoZero, appendSint32NoZero, consumeSint32, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32NoZero); + coderSint32Ptr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSint32Ptr, appendSint32Ptr, consumeSint32Ptr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32Ptr); + coderSint32Slice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSint32Slice, appendSint32Slice, consumeSint32Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32Slice); + coderSint32PackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSint32PackedSlice, appendSint32PackedSlice, consumeSint32Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32Slice); + coderSint32Value = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSint32Value, appendSint32Value, consumeSint32Value, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderSint32SliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSint32SliceValue, appendSint32SliceValue, consumeSint32SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderSint32PackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSint32PackedSliceValue, appendSint32PackedSliceValue, consumeSint32SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderUint32 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeUint32, appendUint32, consumeUint32, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint32); + coderUint32NoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeUint32NoZero, appendUint32NoZero, consumeUint32, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint32NoZero); + coderUint32Ptr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeUint32Ptr, appendUint32Ptr, consumeUint32Ptr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint32Ptr); + coderUint32Slice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeUint32Slice, appendUint32Slice, consumeUint32Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint32Slice); + coderUint32PackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeUint32PackedSlice, appendUint32PackedSlice, consumeUint32Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint32Slice); + coderUint32Value = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeUint32Value, appendUint32Value, consumeUint32Value, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderUint32SliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeUint32SliceValue, appendUint32SliceValue, consumeUint32SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderUint32PackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeUint32PackedSliceValue, appendUint32PackedSliceValue, consumeUint32SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderInt64 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeInt64, appendInt64, consumeInt64, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64); + coderInt64NoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeInt64NoZero, appendInt64NoZero, consumeInt64, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64NoZero); + coderInt64Ptr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeInt64Ptr, appendInt64Ptr, consumeInt64Ptr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64Ptr); + coderInt64Slice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeInt64Slice, appendInt64Slice, consumeInt64Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64Slice); + coderInt64PackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeInt64PackedSlice, appendInt64PackedSlice, consumeInt64Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64Slice); + coderInt64Value = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeInt64Value, appendInt64Value, consumeInt64Value, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderInt64SliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeInt64SliceValue, appendInt64SliceValue, consumeInt64SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderInt64PackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeInt64PackedSliceValue, appendInt64PackedSliceValue, consumeInt64SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderSint64 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSint64, appendSint64, consumeSint64, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64); + coderSint64NoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSint64NoZero, appendSint64NoZero, consumeSint64, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64NoZero); + coderSint64Ptr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSint64Ptr, appendSint64Ptr, consumeSint64Ptr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64Ptr); + coderSint64Slice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSint64Slice, appendSint64Slice, consumeSint64Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64Slice); + coderSint64PackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSint64PackedSlice, appendSint64PackedSlice, consumeSint64Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64Slice); + coderSint64Value = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSint64Value, appendSint64Value, consumeSint64Value, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderSint64SliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSint64SliceValue, appendSint64SliceValue, consumeSint64SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderSint64PackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSint64PackedSliceValue, appendSint64PackedSliceValue, consumeSint64SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderUint64 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeUint64, appendUint64, consumeUint64, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint64); + coderUint64NoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeUint64NoZero, appendUint64NoZero, consumeUint64, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint64NoZero); + coderUint64Ptr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeUint64Ptr, appendUint64Ptr, consumeUint64Ptr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint64Ptr); + coderUint64Slice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeUint64Slice, appendUint64Slice, consumeUint64Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint64Slice); + coderUint64PackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeUint64PackedSlice, appendUint64PackedSlice, consumeUint64Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint64Slice); + coderUint64Value = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeUint64Value, appendUint64Value, consumeUint64Value, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderUint64SliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeUint64SliceValue, appendUint64SliceValue, consumeUint64SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderUint64PackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeUint64PackedSliceValue, appendUint64PackedSliceValue, consumeUint64SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderSfixed32 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSfixed32, appendSfixed32, consumeSfixed32, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32); + coderSfixed32NoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSfixed32NoZero, appendSfixed32NoZero, consumeSfixed32, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32NoZero); + coderSfixed32Ptr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSfixed32Ptr, appendSfixed32Ptr, consumeSfixed32Ptr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32Ptr); + coderSfixed32Slice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSfixed32Slice, appendSfixed32Slice, consumeSfixed32Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32Slice); + coderSfixed32PackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSfixed32PackedSlice, appendSfixed32PackedSlice, consumeSfixed32Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt32Slice); + coderSfixed32Value = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSfixed32Value, appendSfixed32Value, consumeSfixed32Value, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderSfixed32SliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSfixed32SliceValue, appendSfixed32SliceValue, consumeSfixed32SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderSfixed32PackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSfixed32PackedSliceValue, appendSfixed32PackedSliceValue, consumeSfixed32SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderFixed32 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFixed32, appendFixed32, consumeFixed32, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint32); + coderFixed32NoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFixed32NoZero, appendFixed32NoZero, consumeFixed32, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint32NoZero); + coderFixed32Ptr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFixed32Ptr, appendFixed32Ptr, consumeFixed32Ptr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint32Ptr); + coderFixed32Slice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFixed32Slice, appendFixed32Slice, consumeFixed32Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint32Slice); + coderFixed32PackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFixed32PackedSlice, appendFixed32PackedSlice, consumeFixed32Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint32Slice); + coderFixed32Value = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeFixed32Value, appendFixed32Value, consumeFixed32Value, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderFixed32SliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeFixed32SliceValue, appendFixed32SliceValue, consumeFixed32SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderFixed32PackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeFixed32PackedSliceValue, appendFixed32PackedSliceValue, consumeFixed32SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderFloat = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFloat, appendFloat, consumeFloat, $throwNilPointerError, mergeFloat32); + coderFloatNoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFloatNoZero, appendFloatNoZero, consumeFloat, $throwNilPointerError, mergeFloat32NoZero); + coderFloatPtr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFloatPtr, appendFloatPtr, consumeFloatPtr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeFloat32Ptr); + coderFloatSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFloatSlice, appendFloatSlice, consumeFloatSlice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeFloat32Slice); + coderFloatPackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFloatPackedSlice, appendFloatPackedSlice, consumeFloatSlice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeFloat32Slice); + coderFloatValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeFloatValue, appendFloatValue, consumeFloatValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderFloatSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeFloatSliceValue, appendFloatSliceValue, consumeFloatSliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderFloatPackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeFloatPackedSliceValue, appendFloatPackedSliceValue, consumeFloatSliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderSfixed64 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSfixed64, appendSfixed64, consumeSfixed64, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64); + coderSfixed64NoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSfixed64NoZero, appendSfixed64NoZero, consumeSfixed64, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64NoZero); + coderSfixed64Ptr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSfixed64Ptr, appendSfixed64Ptr, consumeSfixed64Ptr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64Ptr); + coderSfixed64Slice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSfixed64Slice, appendSfixed64Slice, consumeSfixed64Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64Slice); + coderSfixed64PackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeSfixed64PackedSlice, appendSfixed64PackedSlice, consumeSfixed64Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeInt64Slice); + coderSfixed64Value = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSfixed64Value, appendSfixed64Value, consumeSfixed64Value, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderSfixed64SliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSfixed64SliceValue, appendSfixed64SliceValue, consumeSfixed64SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderSfixed64PackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeSfixed64PackedSliceValue, appendSfixed64PackedSliceValue, consumeSfixed64SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderFixed64 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFixed64, appendFixed64, consumeFixed64, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint64); + coderFixed64NoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFixed64NoZero, appendFixed64NoZero, consumeFixed64, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint64NoZero); + coderFixed64Ptr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFixed64Ptr, appendFixed64Ptr, consumeFixed64Ptr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint64Ptr); + coderFixed64Slice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFixed64Slice, appendFixed64Slice, consumeFixed64Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint64Slice); + coderFixed64PackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeFixed64PackedSlice, appendFixed64PackedSlice, consumeFixed64Slice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeUint64Slice); + coderFixed64Value = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeFixed64Value, appendFixed64Value, consumeFixed64Value, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderFixed64SliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeFixed64SliceValue, appendFixed64SliceValue, consumeFixed64SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderFixed64PackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeFixed64PackedSliceValue, appendFixed64PackedSliceValue, consumeFixed64SliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderDouble = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeDouble, appendDouble, consumeDouble, $throwNilPointerError, mergeFloat64); + coderDoubleNoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeDoubleNoZero, appendDoubleNoZero, consumeDouble, $throwNilPointerError, mergeFloat64NoZero); + coderDoublePtr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeDoublePtr, appendDoublePtr, consumeDoublePtr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeFloat64Ptr); + coderDoubleSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeDoubleSlice, appendDoubleSlice, consumeDoubleSlice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeFloat64Slice); + coderDoublePackedSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeDoublePackedSlice, appendDoublePackedSlice, consumeDoubleSlice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeFloat64Slice); + coderDoubleValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeDoubleValue, appendDoubleValue, consumeDoubleValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderDoubleSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeDoubleSliceValue, appendDoubleSliceValue, consumeDoubleSliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderDoublePackedSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeDoublePackedSliceValue, appendDoublePackedSliceValue, consumeDoubleSliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderString = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeString, appendString, consumeString, $throwNilPointerError, mergeString); + coderStringValidateUTF8 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeString, appendStringValidateUTF8, consumeStringValidateUTF8, $throwNilPointerError, mergeString); + coderStringNoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeStringNoZero, appendStringNoZero, consumeString, $throwNilPointerError, mergeStringNoZero); + coderStringNoZeroValidateUTF8 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeStringNoZero, appendStringNoZeroValidateUTF8, consumeStringValidateUTF8, $throwNilPointerError, mergeStringNoZero); + coderStringPtr = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeStringPtr, appendStringPtr, consumeStringPtr, $throwNilPointerError, mergeStringPtr); + coderStringPtrValidateUTF8 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeStringPtr, appendStringPtrValidateUTF8, consumeStringPtrValidateUTF8, $throwNilPointerError, mergeStringPtr); + coderStringSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeStringSlice, appendStringSlice, consumeStringSlice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeStringSlice); + coderStringSliceValidateUTF8 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeStringSlice, appendStringSliceValidateUTF8, consumeStringSliceValidateUTF8, $throwNilPointerError, mergeStringSlice); + coderStringValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeStringValue, appendStringValue, consumeStringValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderStringValueValidateUTF8 = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeStringValue, appendStringValueValidateUTF8, consumeStringValueValidateUTF8, $throwNilPointerError, mergeScalarValue); + coderStringSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeStringSliceValue, appendStringSliceValue, consumeStringSliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeListValue); + coderBytes = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBytes, appendBytes, consumeBytes, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBytes); + coderBytesValidateUTF8 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBytes, appendBytesValidateUTF8, consumeBytesValidateUTF8, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBytes); + coderBytesNoZero = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBytesNoZero, appendBytesNoZero, consumeBytesNoZero, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBytesNoZero); + coderBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBytesNoZero, appendBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8, consumeBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBytesNoZero); + coderBytesSlice = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBytesSlice, appendBytesSlice, consumeBytesSlice, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBytesSlice); + coderBytesSliceValidateUTF8 = new pointerCoderFuncs.ptr(ptrType$5.nil, sizeBytesSlice, appendBytesSliceValidateUTF8, consumeBytesSliceValidateUTF8, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBytesSlice); + coderBytesValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeBytesValue, appendBytesValue, consumeBytesValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBytesValue); + coderBytesSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeBytesSliceValue, appendBytesSliceValue, consumeBytesSliceValue, $throwNilPointerError, mergeBytesListValue); + wireTypes = $makeMap(protoreflect.Kind.keyFor, [{ k: 8, v: 0 }, { k: 14, v: 0 }, { k: 5, v: 0 }, { k: 17, v: 0 }, { k: 13, v: 0 }, { k: 3, v: 0 }, { k: 18, v: 0 }, { k: 4, v: 0 }, { k: 15, v: 5 }, { k: 7, v: 5 }, { k: 2, v: 5 }, { k: 16, v: 1 }, { k: 6, v: 1 }, { k: 1, v: 1 }, { k: 9, v: 2 }, { k: 12, v: 2 }, { k: 11, v: 2 }, { k: 10, v: 3 }]); + coderMessageValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeMessageValue, appendMessageValue, consumeMessageValue, isInitMessageValue, mergeMessageValue); + coderGroupValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeGroupValue, appendGroupValue, consumeGroupValue, isInitMessageValue, mergeMessageValue); + coderMessageSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeMessageSliceValue, appendMessageSliceValue, consumeMessageSliceValue, isInitMessageSliceValue, mergeMessageListValue); + coderGroupSliceValue = new valueCoderFuncs.ptr(sizeGroupSliceValue, appendGroupSliceValue, consumeGroupSliceValue, isInitMessageSliceValue, mergeMessageListValue); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, descopts, filedesc, impl, protoreflect, protoregistry, reflect, Builder, Out, depIdxs, resolverByIndex, fileRegistry, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, sliceType$5, interfaceType, sliceType$6, sliceType$7, ptrType, goTypeForPBKind; + descopts = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts"]; + filedesc = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc"]; + impl = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + protoregistry = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + Builder = $pkg.Builder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filetype.Builder", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype", true, function(File_, GoTypes_, DependencyIndexes_, EnumInfos_, MessageInfos_, ExtensionInfos_, TypeRegistry_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.File = new filedesc.Builder.ptr("", sliceType.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil); + this.GoTypes = sliceType$1.nil; + this.DependencyIndexes = sliceType$2.nil; + this.EnumInfos = sliceType$3.nil; + this.MessageInfos = sliceType$4.nil; + this.ExtensionInfos = sliceType$5.nil; + this.TypeRegistry = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.File = File_; + this.GoTypes = GoTypes_; + this.DependencyIndexes = DependencyIndexes_; + this.EnumInfos = EnumInfos_; + this.MessageInfos = MessageInfos_; + this.ExtensionInfos = ExtensionInfos_; + this.TypeRegistry = TypeRegistry_; + }); + Out = $pkg.Out = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filetype.Out", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype", true, function(File_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.File = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.File = File_; + }); + depIdxs = $pkg.depIdxs = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "filetype.depIdxs", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype", false, null); + resolverByIndex = $pkg.resolverByIndex = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filetype.resolverByIndex", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype", false, function(goTypes_, depIdxs_, fileRegistry_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.goTypes = sliceType$1.nil; + this.depIdxs = depIdxs.nil; + this.fileRegistry = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.goTypes = goTypes_; + this.depIdxs = depIdxs_; + this.fileRegistry = fileRegistry_; + }); + fileRegistry = $pkg.fileRegistry = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "filetype.fileRegistry", true, "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype", false, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Int32); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(impl.EnumInfo); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(impl.MessageInfo); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(impl.ExtensionInfo); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "RegisterEnum", name: "RegisterEnum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.EnumType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "RegisterExtension", name: "RegisterExtension", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.ExtensionType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "RegisterMessage", name: "RegisterMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.MessageType], [$error], false)}]); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(filedesc.Enum); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType(filedesc.Message); + ptrType = $ptrType(resolverByIndex); + Builder.ptr.prototype.Build = function() { + var {_1, _2, _entry, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _v, depIdx, enumGoTypes, err, err$1, err$2, fbOut, goType, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, j, j$1, messageGoTypes, out, tb, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + out = new Out.ptr($ifaceNil); + tb = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(tb.File.FileRegistry, $ifaceNil)) { + tb.File.FileRegistry = protoregistry.GlobalFiles; + } + tb.File.FileRegistry = new resolverByIndex.ptr(tb.GoTypes, $convertSliceType(tb.DependencyIndexes, depIdxs), tb.File.FileRegistry); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(tb.TypeRegistry, $ifaceNil)) { + tb.TypeRegistry = protoregistry.GlobalTypes; + } + _r = $clone(tb.File, filedesc.Builder).Build(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fbOut = $clone(_r, filedesc.Out); + out.File = fbOut.File; + enumGoTypes = $subslice(tb.GoTypes, 0, fbOut.Enums.$length); + if (!((tb.EnumInfos.$length === fbOut.Enums.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("mismatching enum lengths")); + } + /* */ if (fbOut.Enums.$length > 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (fbOut.Enums.$length > 0) { */ case 2: + _ref = fbOut.Enums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + i = _i; + impl.EnumInfo.copy((x$1 = tb.EnumInfos, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])), new impl.EnumInfo.ptr(reflect.TypeOf(((i < 0 || i >= enumGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : enumGoTypes.$array[enumGoTypes.$offset + i])), (x = fbOut.Enums, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])))); + _r$1 = tb.TypeRegistry.RegisterEnum((x$2 = tb.EnumInfos, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i]))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + _i++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + /* } */ case 3: + messageGoTypes = $subslice($subslice(tb.GoTypes, fbOut.Enums.$length), 0, fbOut.Messages.$length); + if (!((tb.MessageInfos.$length === fbOut.Messages.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("mismatching message lengths")); + } + /* */ if (fbOut.Messages.$length > 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (fbOut.Messages.$length > 0) { */ case 7: + _ref$1 = fbOut.Messages; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 10; continue; } + i$1 = _i$1; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$1]), $ifaceNil)) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 9; continue; + } + (x$3 = tb.MessageInfos, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i$1])).GoReflectType = reflect.TypeOf(((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$1])); + (x$5 = tb.MessageInfos, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + i$1])).Desc = (x$4 = fbOut.Messages, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + i$1])); + _r$2 = tb.TypeRegistry.RegisterMessage((x$6 = tb.MessageInfos, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + i$1]))); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err$1); + } + _i$1++; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + _r$3 = out.File.Path(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$3 === "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto")) { _v = false; $s = 14; continue s; } + _r$4 = out.File.Package(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$4 === "google.protobuf"; case 14: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 12: + _ref$2 = fbOut.Messages; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + i$2 = _i$2; + _1 = (x$7 = fbOut.Messages, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + i$2])).Base.Name(); + if (_1 === ("FileOptions")) { + descopts.File = $assertType(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$2]), protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + } else if (_1 === ("EnumOptions")) { + descopts.Enum = $assertType(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$2]), protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + } else if (_1 === ("EnumValueOptions")) { + descopts.EnumValue = $assertType(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$2]), protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + } else if (_1 === ("MessageOptions")) { + descopts.Message = $assertType(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$2]), protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + } else if (_1 === ("FieldOptions")) { + descopts.Field = $assertType(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$2]), protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + } else if (_1 === ("OneofOptions")) { + descopts.Oneof = $assertType(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$2]), protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + } else if (_1 === ("ExtensionRangeOptions")) { + descopts.ExtensionRange = $assertType(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$2]), protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + } else if (_1 === ("ServiceOptions")) { + descopts.Service = $assertType(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$2]), protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + } else if (_1 === ("MethodOptions")) { + descopts.Method = $assertType(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= messageGoTypes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : messageGoTypes.$array[messageGoTypes.$offset + i$2]), protoreflect.ProtoMessage); + } + _i$2++; + } + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 8: + if (!((tb.ExtensionInfos.$length === fbOut.Extensions.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("mismatching extension lengths")); + } + depIdx = 0; + _ref$3 = fbOut.Extensions; + _i$3 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 17: + /* if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { $s = 18; continue; } + i$3 = _i$3; + goType = $ifaceNil; + _2 = (x$8 = fbOut.Extensions, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$8.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8.$array[x$8.$offset + i$3])).L1.Kind; + if (_2 === (14)) { + j = $methodExpr(depIdxs, "Get")($convertSliceType(tb.DependencyIndexes, depIdxs), 2, depIdx); + goType = reflect.TypeOf((x$9 = tb.GoTypes, ((j < 0 || j >= x$9.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9.$array[x$9.$offset + j]))); + depIdx = depIdx + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((_2 === (11)) || (_2 === (10))) { + j$1 = $methodExpr(depIdxs, "Get")($convertSliceType(tb.DependencyIndexes, depIdxs), 2, depIdx); + goType = reflect.TypeOf((x$10 = tb.GoTypes, ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= x$10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10.$array[x$10.$offset + j$1]))); + depIdx = depIdx + (1) >> 0; + } else { + goType = (_entry = goTypeForPBKind[protoreflect.Kind.keyFor((x$11 = fbOut.Extensions, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$11.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11.$array[x$11.$offset + i$3])).L1.Kind)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + } + if ((x$12 = fbOut.Extensions, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$12.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12.$array[x$12.$offset + i$3])).IsList()) { + goType = reflect.SliceOf(goType); + } + impl.InitExtensionInfo((x$13 = tb.ExtensionInfos, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$13.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$13.$array[x$13.$offset + i$3])), (x$14 = fbOut.Extensions, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$14.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$14.$array[x$14.$offset + i$3])), goType); + _r$5 = tb.TypeRegistry.RegisterExtension((x$15 = tb.ExtensionInfos, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$15.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$15.$array[x$15.$offset + i$3]))); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$5; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err$2); + } + _i$3++; + $s = 17; continue; + case 18: + Out.copy(out, out); + $s = -1; return out; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.Build, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _entry, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _v, depIdx, enumGoTypes, err, err$1, err$2, fbOut, goType, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, j, j$1, messageGoTypes, out, tb, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.Build = function() { return this.$val.Build(); }; + depIdxs.prototype.Get = function(i, j) { + var i, j, x, x$1, x$2; + x = this; + return (x$1 = (x$2 = (((x.$length >> 0)) - i >> 0) - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$2])) + j >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); + }; + $ptrType(depIdxs).prototype.Get = function(i, j) { return this.$get().Get(i, j); }; + resolverByIndex.ptr.prototype.FindEnumByIndex = function(i, j, es, ms) { + var {$24r, _r, depIdx, es, i, j, ms, r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j, es, ms}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + depIdx = ((r.depIdxs.Get(i, j) >> 0)); + /* */ if ((depIdx) < (es.$length + ms.$length >> 0)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((depIdx) < (es.$length + ms.$length >> 0)) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return ((depIdx < 0 || depIdx >= es.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : es.$array[es.$offset + depIdx]); + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r = new impl.Export.ptr().EnumDescriptorOf((x = r.goTypes, ((depIdx < 0 || depIdx >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + depIdx]))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: resolverByIndex.ptr.prototype.FindEnumByIndex, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, depIdx, es, i, j, ms, r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + resolverByIndex.prototype.FindEnumByIndex = function(i, j, es, ms) { return this.$val.FindEnumByIndex(i, j, es, ms); }; + resolverByIndex.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByIndex = function(i, j, es, ms) { + var {$24r, _r, depIdx, es, i, j, ms, r, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i, j, es, ms}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + depIdx = ((r.depIdxs.Get(i, j) >> 0)); + /* */ if (depIdx < (es.$length + ms.$length >> 0)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (depIdx < (es.$length + ms.$length >> 0)) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return (x = depIdx - es.$length >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= ms.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ms.$array[ms.$offset + x])); + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r = new impl.Export.ptr().MessageDescriptorOf((x$1 = r.goTypes, ((depIdx < 0 || depIdx >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + depIdx]))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: resolverByIndex.ptr.prototype.FindMessageByIndex, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, depIdx, es, i, j, ms, r, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + resolverByIndex.prototype.FindMessageByIndex = function(i, j, es, ms) { return this.$val.FindMessageByIndex(i, j, es, ms); }; + Builder.methods = [{prop: "Build", name: "Build", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Out], false)}]; + depIdxs.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int32], [$Int32], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "FindEnumByIndex", name: "FindEnumByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int32, sliceType$6, sliceType$7], [protoreflect.EnumDescriptor], false)}, {prop: "FindMessageByIndex", name: "FindMessageByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int32, sliceType$6, sliceType$7], [protoreflect.MessageDescriptor], false)}]; + Builder.init("", [{prop: "File", name: "File", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: filedesc.Builder, tag: ""}, {prop: "GoTypes", name: "GoTypes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "DependencyIndexes", name: "DependencyIndexes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "EnumInfos", name: "EnumInfos", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "MessageInfos", name: "MessageInfos", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExtensionInfos", name: "ExtensionInfos", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "TypeRegistry", name: "TypeRegistry", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: interfaceType, tag: ""}]); + Out.init("", [{prop: "File", name: "File", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: protoreflect.FileDescriptor, tag: ""}]); + depIdxs.init($Int32); + resolverByIndex.init("google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype", [{prop: "goTypes", name: "goTypes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "depIdxs", name: "depIdxs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: depIdxs, tag: ""}, {prop: "fileRegistry", name: "fileRegistry", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: fileRegistry, tag: ""}]); + fileRegistry.init([{prop: "FindDescriptorByName", name: "FindDescriptorByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FullName], [protoreflect.Descriptor, $error], false)}, {prop: "FindFileByPath", name: "FindFileByPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [protoreflect.FileDescriptor, $error], false)}, {prop: "RegisterFile", name: "RegisterFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([protoreflect.FileDescriptor], [$error], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = descopts.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = filedesc.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = impl.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoregistry.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + goTypeForPBKind = $makeMap(protoreflect.Kind.keyFor, [{ k: 8, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Bool(false)) }, { k: 5, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Int32(0)) }, { k: 17, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Int32(0)) }, { k: 15, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Int32(0)) }, { k: 3, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Int64(0, 0)) }, { k: 18, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Int64(0, 0)) }, { k: 16, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Int64(0, 0)) }, { k: 13, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Uint32(0)) }, { k: 7, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Uint32(0)) }, { k: 4, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Uint64(0, 0)) }, { k: 6, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Uint64(0, 0)) }, { k: 2, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Float32(0)) }, { k: 1, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $Float64(0)) }, { k: 9, v: reflect.TypeOf(new $String("")) }, { k: 12, v: reflect.TypeOf((sliceType.nil)) }]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/version"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fmt, strings; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, filedesc, filetype, impl, version; + filedesc = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc"]; + filetype = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype"]; + impl = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"]; + version = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/version"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = filedesc.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = filetype.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = impl.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = version.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.X = new impl.Export.ptr(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["dnmshared/sharedprotos"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, protoreflect, protoimpl, reflect, sync, Direction, Vec2D, Polygon2D, Vec2DList, Polygon2DList, x, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, sliceType$3, funcType, arrayType, arrayType$1, ptrType$5, sliceType$4, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, sliceType$7, sliceType$8, file_geometry_proto_rawDesc, file_geometry_proto_rawDescOnce, file_geometry_proto_rawDescData, file_geometry_proto_msgTypes, file_geometry_proto_goTypes, file_geometry_proto_depIdxs, file_geometry_proto_rawDescGZIP, init, file_geometry_proto_init; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + protoimpl = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + Direction = $pkg.Direction = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sharedprotos.Direction", true, "dnmshared/sharedprotos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, Dx_, Dy_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.Dx = 0; + this.Dy = 0; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.Dx = Dx_; + this.Dy = Dy_; + }); + Vec2D = $pkg.Vec2D = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sharedprotos.Vec2D", true, "dnmshared/sharedprotos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, X_, Y_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.X = 0; + this.Y = 0; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.X = X_; + this.Y = Y_; + }); + Polygon2D = $pkg.Polygon2D = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sharedprotos.Polygon2D", true, "dnmshared/sharedprotos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, Anchor_, Points_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.Anchor = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Points = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.Anchor = Anchor_; + this.Points = Points_; + }); + Vec2DList = $pkg.Vec2DList = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sharedprotos.Vec2DList", true, "dnmshared/sharedprotos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, Eles_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.Eles = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.Eles = Eles_; + }); + Polygon2DList = $pkg.Polygon2DList = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sharedprotos.Polygon2DList", true, "dnmshared/sharedprotos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, Eles_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.Eles = sliceType$6.nil; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.Eles = Eles_; + }); + x = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sharedprotos.x", true, "dnmshared/sharedprotos", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageInfo); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(Direction); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Vec2D); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Polygon2D); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(Vec2DList); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(Polygon2DList); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Int32); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(sync.Mutex, 0); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageInfo); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Int); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(ptrType$1); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(ptrType$2); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType($Int32); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(sliceType); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].EnumInfo); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].ExtensionInfo); + Direction.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + Direction.copy(x, new Direction.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, 0)); + if (false) { + mi = (0 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 0]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + Direction.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Direction.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Direction.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Direction.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Direction.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + Direction.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + Direction.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (0 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 0]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$5.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Direction.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Direction.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + Direction.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_geometry_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([0])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Direction.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + Direction.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + Direction.ptr.prototype.GetDx = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.Dx; + } + return 0; + }; + Direction.prototype.GetDx = function() { return this.$val.GetDx(); }; + Direction.ptr.prototype.GetDy = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.Dy; + } + return 0; + }; + Direction.prototype.GetDy = function() { return this.$val.GetDy(); }; + Vec2D.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + Vec2D.copy(x, new Vec2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, 0)); + if (false) { + mi = (1 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 1]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + Vec2D.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Vec2D.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Vec2D.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Vec2D.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Vec2D.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + Vec2D.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + Vec2D.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (1 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 1]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$1.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$5.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Vec2D.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Vec2D.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + Vec2D.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_geometry_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([1])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Vec2D.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + Vec2D.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + Vec2D.ptr.prototype.GetX = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$1.nil)) { + return x.X; + } + return 0; + }; + Vec2D.prototype.GetX = function() { return this.$val.GetX(); }; + Vec2D.ptr.prototype.GetY = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$1.nil)) { + return x.Y; + } + return 0; + }; + Vec2D.prototype.GetY = function() { return this.$val.GetY(); }; + Polygon2D.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + Polygon2D.copy(x, new Polygon2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$5.nil)); + if (false) { + mi = (2 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 2]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + Polygon2D.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Polygon2D.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Polygon2D.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Polygon2D.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Polygon2D.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + Polygon2D.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + Polygon2D.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (2 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 2]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$2.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$5.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Polygon2D.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Polygon2D.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + Polygon2D.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_geometry_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([2])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Polygon2D.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + Polygon2D.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + Polygon2D.ptr.prototype.GetAnchor = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$2.nil)) { + return x.Anchor; + } + return ptrType$1.nil; + }; + Polygon2D.prototype.GetAnchor = function() { return this.$val.GetAnchor(); }; + Polygon2D.ptr.prototype.GetPoints = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$2.nil)) { + return x.Points; + } + return sliceType$5.nil; + }; + Polygon2D.prototype.GetPoints = function() { return this.$val.GetPoints(); }; + Vec2DList.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + Vec2DList.copy(x, new Vec2DList.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, sliceType$5.nil)); + if (false) { + mi = (3 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 3]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + Vec2DList.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Vec2DList.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Vec2DList.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Vec2DList.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Vec2DList.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + Vec2DList.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + Vec2DList.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (3 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 3]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$3.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$5.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Vec2DList.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Vec2DList.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + Vec2DList.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_geometry_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([3])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Vec2DList.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + Vec2DList.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + Vec2DList.ptr.prototype.GetEles = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$3.nil)) { + return x.Eles; + } + return sliceType$5.nil; + }; + Vec2DList.prototype.GetEles = function() { return this.$val.GetEles(); }; + Polygon2DList.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + Polygon2DList.copy(x, new Polygon2DList.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, sliceType$6.nil)); + if (false) { + mi = (4 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 4]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + Polygon2DList.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Polygon2DList.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Polygon2DList.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Polygon2DList.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Polygon2DList.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + Polygon2DList.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + Polygon2DList.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (4 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 4]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$4.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$5.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Polygon2DList.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Polygon2DList.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + Polygon2DList.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_geometry_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([4])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Polygon2DList.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + Polygon2DList.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + Polygon2DList.ptr.prototype.GetEles = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$4.nil)) { + return x.Eles; + } + return sliceType$6.nil; + }; + Polygon2DList.prototype.GetEles = function() { return this.$val.GetEles(); }; + file_geometry_proto_rawDescGZIP = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = file_geometry_proto_rawDescOnce.Do((function $b() { + var {_r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).CompressGZIP(file_geometry_proto_rawDescData); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + file_geometry_proto_rawDescData = _r; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r, $s};return $f; + })); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return file_geometry_proto_rawDescData; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: file_geometry_proto_rawDescGZIP, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + init = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = file_geometry_proto_init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: init, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + file_geometry_proto_init = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, out, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual($pkg.File_geometry_proto, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if (true) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (true) { */ case 1: + (0 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 0]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _1, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType); + _1 = i; + if (_1 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (1 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 1]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _2, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$1); + _2 = i; + if (_2 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_2 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_2 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (2 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 2]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _3, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$2); + _3 = i; + if (_3 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_3 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_3 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (3 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 3]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _4, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$3); + _4 = i; + if (_4 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_4 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_4 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (4 >= file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_geometry_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 4]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _5, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$4); + _5 = i; + if (_5 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_5 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_5 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$7(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + /* } */ case 2: + _r = reflect.TypeOf((x$1 = new x.ptr(), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))).PkgPath(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype"].Builder.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc"].Builder.ptr(_r, file_geometry_proto_rawDesc, 0, 5, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil), file_geometry_proto_goTypes, file_geometry_proto_depIdxs, sliceType$7.nil, file_geometry_proto_msgTypes, sliceType$8.nil, $ifaceNil).Build(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out = $clone(_r$1, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype"].Out); + $pkg.File_geometry_proto = out.File; + file_geometry_proto_rawDesc = sliceType.nil; + file_geometry_proto_goTypes = sliceType$2.nil; + file_geometry_proto_depIdxs = sliceType$3.nil; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: file_geometry_proto_init, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, out, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetDx", name: "GetDx", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetDy", name: "GetDy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetX", name: "GetX", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "GetY", name: "GetY", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetAnchor", name: "GetAnchor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "GetPoints", name: "GetPoints", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetEles", name: "GetEles", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetEles", name: "GetEles", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$6], false)}]; + Direction.init("dnmshared/sharedprotos", [{prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState, tag: ""}, {prop: "sizeCache", name: "sizeCache", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "unknownFields", name: "unknownFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Dx", name: "Dx", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: "protobuf:\"varint,1,opt,name=dx,proto3\" json:\"dx,omitempty\""}, {prop: "Dy", name: "Dy", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: "protobuf:\"varint,2,opt,name=dy,proto3\" json:\"dy,omitempty\""}]); + Vec2D.init("dnmshared/sharedprotos", [{prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState, tag: ""}, {prop: "sizeCache", name: "sizeCache", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "unknownFields", name: "unknownFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "X", name: "X", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: "protobuf:\"fixed64,1,opt,name=x,proto3\" json:\"x,omitempty\""}, {prop: "Y", name: "Y", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: "protobuf:\"fixed64,2,opt,name=y,proto3\" json:\"y,omitempty\""}]); + Polygon2D.init("dnmshared/sharedprotos", [{prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState, tag: ""}, {prop: "sizeCache", name: "sizeCache", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "unknownFields", name: "unknownFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Anchor", name: "Anchor", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: "protobuf:\"bytes,1,opt,name=anchor,proto3\" json:\"anchor,omitempty\""}, {prop: "Points", name: "Points", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$5, tag: "protobuf:\"bytes,2,rep,name=points,proto3\" json:\"points,omitempty\""}]); + Vec2DList.init("dnmshared/sharedprotos", [{prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState, tag: ""}, {prop: "sizeCache", name: "sizeCache", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "unknownFields", name: "unknownFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Eles", name: "Eles", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$5, tag: "protobuf:\"bytes,1,rep,name=eles,proto3\" json:\"eles,omitempty\""}]); + Polygon2DList.init("dnmshared/sharedprotos", [{prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState, tag: ""}, {prop: "sizeCache", name: "sizeCache", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "unknownFields", name: "unknownFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Eles", name: "Eles", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$6, tag: "protobuf:\"bytes,1,rep,name=eles,proto3\" json:\"eles,omitempty\""}]); + x.init("", []); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoimpl.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.File_geometry_proto = $ifaceNil; + file_geometry_proto_rawDescOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + file_geometry_proto_rawDesc = new sliceType([10, 14, 103, 101, 111, 109, 101, 116, 114, 121, 46, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 18, 12, 115, 104, 97, 114, 101, 100, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 34, 43, 10, 9, 68, 105, 114, 101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 18, 14, 10, 2, 100, 120, 24, 1, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 2, 100, 120, 18, 14, 10, 2, 100, 121, 24, 2, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 2, 100, 121, 34, 35, 10, 5, 86, 101, 99, 50, 68, 18, 12, 10, 1, 120, 24, 1, 32, 1, 40, 1, 82, 1, 120, 18, 12, 10, 1, 121, 24, 2, 32, 1, 40, 1, 82, 1, 121, 34, 101, 10, 9, 80, 111, 108, 121, 103, 111, 110, 50, 68, 18, 43, 10, 6, 97, 110, 99, 104, 111, 114, 24, 1, 32, 1, 40, 11, 50, 19, 46, 115, 104, 97, 114, 101, 100, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 86, 101, 99, 50, 68, 82, 6, 97, 110, 99, 104, 111, 114, 18, 43, 10, 6, 112, 111, 105, 110, 116, 115, 24, 2, 32, 3, 40, 11, 50, 19, 46, 115, 104, 97, 114, 101, 100, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 86, 101, 99, 50, 68, 82, 6, 112, 111, 105, 110, 116, 115, 34, 52, 10, 9, 86, 101, 99, 50, 68, 76, 105, 115, 116, 18, 39, 10, 4, 101, 108, 101, 115, 24, 1, 32, 3, 40, 11, 50, 19, 46, 115, 104, 97, 114, 101, 100, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 86, 101, 99, 50, 68, 82, 4, 101, 108, 101, 115, 34, 60, 10, 13, 80, 111, 108, 121, 103, 111, 110, 50, 68, 76, 105, 115, 116, 18, 43, 10, 4, 101, 108, 101, 115, 24, 1, 32, 3, 40, 11, 50, 23, 46, 115, 104, 97, 114, 101, 100, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 80, 111, 108, 121, 103, 111, 110, 50, 68, 82, 4, 101, 108, 101, 115, 66, 24, 90, 22, 100, 110, 109, 115, 104, 97, 114, 101, 100, 47, 115, 104, 97, 114, 101, 100, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 98, 6, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 51]); + file_geometry_proto_rawDescData = file_geometry_proto_rawDesc; + file_geometry_proto_msgTypes = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 5); + file_geometry_proto_goTypes = new sliceType$2([(ptrType.nil), (ptrType$1.nil), (ptrType$2.nil), (ptrType$3.nil), (ptrType$4.nil)]); + file_geometry_proto_depIdxs = new sliceType$3([1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0]); + $r = init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["encoding/xml"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bufio, bytes, encoding, errors, fmt, io, reflect, strconv, strings, sync, unicode, utf8, SyntaxError, Name, Attr, Token, StartElement, EndElement, CharData, Comment, ProcInst, Directive, TokenReader, Decoder, stack, typeInfo, fieldInfo, fieldFlags, TagPathError, UnmarshalError, Unmarshaler, UnmarshalerAttr, Marshaler, MarshalerAttr, Encoder, printer, parentStack, UnsupportedTypeError, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, sliceType$4, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, sliceType$5, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, sliceType$6, sliceType$7, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, sliceType$8, ptrType$13, ptrType$14, sliceType$9, ptrType$15, arrayType, ptrType$16, ptrType$17, ptrType$18, mapType, funcType, ptrType$19, ptrType$20, ptrType$21, errRawToken, entity, first, second, escQuot, escApos, escAmp, escLT, escGT, escTab, escNL, escCR, escFFFD, cdataStart, cdataEnd, cdataEscape, tinfoMap, nameType, attrType, unmarshalerType, unmarshalerAttrType, textUnmarshalerType, errExeceededMaxUnmarshalDepth, begComment, endComment, endProcInst, marshalerType, marshalerAttrType, textMarshalerType, ddBytes, x, x$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, makeCopy, isInCharacterRange, isNameByte, isName, isNameString, EscapeText, escapeText, emitCDATA, procInst, getTypeInfo, structFieldInfo, lookupXMLName, min, addFieldInfo, receiverType, copyValue, isValidDirective, defaultStart, indirect, isEmptyValue; + bufio = $packages["bufio"]; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + encoding = $packages["encoding"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + SyntaxError = $pkg.SyntaxError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.SyntaxError", true, "encoding/xml", true, function(Msg_, Line_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Msg = ""; + this.Line = 0; + return; + } + this.Msg = Msg_; + this.Line = Line_; + }); + Name = $pkg.Name = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.Name", true, "encoding/xml", true, function(Space_, Local_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Space = ""; + this.Local = ""; + return; + } + this.Space = Space_; + this.Local = Local_; + }); + Attr = $pkg.Attr = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.Attr", true, "encoding/xml", true, function(Name_, Value_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = new Name.ptr("", ""); + this.Value = ""; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + this.Value = Value_; + }); + Token = $pkg.Token = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "xml.Token", true, "encoding/xml", true, null); + StartElement = $pkg.StartElement = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.StartElement", true, "encoding/xml", true, function(Name_, Attr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = new Name.ptr("", ""); + this.Attr = sliceType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + this.Attr = Attr_; + }); + EndElement = $pkg.EndElement = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.EndElement", true, "encoding/xml", true, function(Name_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = new Name.ptr("", ""); + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + }); + CharData = $pkg.CharData = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "xml.CharData", true, "encoding/xml", true, null); + Comment = $pkg.Comment = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "xml.Comment", true, "encoding/xml", true, null); + ProcInst = $pkg.ProcInst = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.ProcInst", true, "encoding/xml", true, function(Target_, Inst_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Target = ""; + this.Inst = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.Target = Target_; + this.Inst = Inst_; + }); + Directive = $pkg.Directive = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "xml.Directive", true, "encoding/xml", true, null); + TokenReader = $pkg.TokenReader = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "xml.TokenReader", true, "encoding/xml", true, null); + Decoder = $pkg.Decoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.Decoder", true, "encoding/xml", true, function(Strict_, AutoClose_, Entity_, CharsetReader_, DefaultSpace_, r_, t_, buf_, saved_, stk_, free_, needClose_, toClose_, nextToken_, nextByte_, ns_, err_, line_, offset_, unmarshalDepth_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Strict = false; + this.AutoClose = sliceType$2.nil; + this.Entity = false; + this.CharsetReader = $throwNilPointerError; + this.DefaultSpace = ""; + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.t = $ifaceNil; + this.buf = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, 0, 0); + this.saved = ptrType$6.nil; + this.stk = ptrType$7.nil; + this.free = ptrType$7.nil; + this.needClose = false; + this.toClose = new Name.ptr("", ""); + this.nextToken = $ifaceNil; + this.nextByte = 0; + this.ns = false; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.line = 0; + this.offset = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.unmarshalDepth = 0; + return; + } + this.Strict = Strict_; + this.AutoClose = AutoClose_; + this.Entity = Entity_; + this.CharsetReader = CharsetReader_; + this.DefaultSpace = DefaultSpace_; + this.r = r_; + this.t = t_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.saved = saved_; + this.stk = stk_; + this.free = free_; + this.needClose = needClose_; + this.toClose = toClose_; + this.nextToken = nextToken_; + this.nextByte = nextByte_; + this.ns = ns_; + this.err = err_; + this.line = line_; + this.offset = offset_; + this.unmarshalDepth = unmarshalDepth_; + }); + stack = $pkg.stack = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.stack", true, "encoding/xml", false, function(next_, kind_, name_, ok_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.next = ptrType$7.nil; + this.kind = 0; + this.name = new Name.ptr("", ""); + this.ok = false; + return; + } + this.next = next_; + this.kind = kind_; + this.name = name_; + this.ok = ok_; + }); + typeInfo = $pkg.typeInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.typeInfo", true, "encoding/xml", false, function(xmlname_, fields_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.xmlname = ptrType$10.nil; + this.fields = sliceType$6.nil; + return; + } + this.xmlname = xmlname_; + this.fields = fields_; + }); + fieldInfo = $pkg.fieldInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.fieldInfo", true, "encoding/xml", false, function(idx_, name_, xmlns_, flags_, parents_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.idx = sliceType$7.nil; + this.name = ""; + this.xmlns = ""; + this.flags = 0; + this.parents = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.idx = idx_; + this.name = name_; + this.xmlns = xmlns_; + this.flags = flags_; + this.parents = parents_; + }); + fieldFlags = $pkg.fieldFlags = $newType(4, $kindInt, "xml.fieldFlags", true, "encoding/xml", false, null); + TagPathError = $pkg.TagPathError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.TagPathError", true, "encoding/xml", true, function(Struct_, Field1_, Tag1_, Field2_, Tag2_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Struct = $ifaceNil; + this.Field1 = ""; + this.Tag1 = ""; + this.Field2 = ""; + this.Tag2 = ""; + return; + } + this.Struct = Struct_; + this.Field1 = Field1_; + this.Tag1 = Tag1_; + this.Field2 = Field2_; + this.Tag2 = Tag2_; + }); + UnmarshalError = $pkg.UnmarshalError = $newType(8, $kindString, "xml.UnmarshalError", true, "encoding/xml", true, null); + Unmarshaler = $pkg.Unmarshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "xml.Unmarshaler", true, "encoding/xml", true, null); + UnmarshalerAttr = $pkg.UnmarshalerAttr = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "xml.UnmarshalerAttr", true, "encoding/xml", true, null); + Marshaler = $pkg.Marshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "xml.Marshaler", true, "encoding/xml", true, null); + MarshalerAttr = $pkg.MarshalerAttr = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "xml.MarshalerAttr", true, "encoding/xml", true, null); + Encoder = $pkg.Encoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.Encoder", true, "encoding/xml", true, function(p_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.p = new printer.ptr(ptrType$13.nil, ptrType$14.nil, 0, "", "", 0, false, false, false, false, sliceType$2.nil, sliceType$9.nil); + return; + } + this.p = p_; + }); + printer = $pkg.printer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.printer", true, "encoding/xml", false, function(Writer_, encoder_, seq_, indent_, prefix_, depth_, indentedIn_, putNewline_, attrNS_, attrPrefix_, prefixes_, tags_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Writer = ptrType$13.nil; + this.encoder = ptrType$14.nil; + this.seq = 0; + this.indent = ""; + this.prefix = ""; + this.depth = 0; + this.indentedIn = false; + this.putNewline = false; + this.attrNS = false; + this.attrPrefix = false; + this.prefixes = sliceType$2.nil; + this.tags = sliceType$9.nil; + return; + } + this.Writer = Writer_; + this.encoder = encoder_; + this.seq = seq_; + this.indent = indent_; + this.prefix = prefix_; + this.depth = depth_; + this.indentedIn = indentedIn_; + this.putNewline = putNewline_; + this.attrNS = attrNS_; + this.attrPrefix = attrPrefix_; + this.prefixes = prefixes_; + this.tags = tags_; + }); + parentStack = $pkg.parentStack = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.parentStack", true, "encoding/xml", false, function(p_, stack_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.p = ptrType$15.nil; + this.stack = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.p = p_; + this.stack = stack_; + }); + UnsupportedTypeError = $pkg.UnsupportedTypeError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "xml.UnsupportedTypeError", true, "encoding/xml", true, function(Type_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Type = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Type = Type_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType(unicode.Range16); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(unicode.Range32); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(Unmarshaler); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(UnmarshalerAttr); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(Marshaler); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(MarshalerAttr); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(encoding.TextMarshaler); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(Attr); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(bytes.Buffer); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(stack); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(Decoder); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(typeInfo); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(fieldInfo); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(fieldInfo); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType($Int); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(reflect.rtype); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(StartElement); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType(reflect.Value); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(bufio.Writer); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType(Encoder); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType(Name); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(printer); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType(SyntaxError); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType(Name); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(EndElement); + mapType = $mapType($String, $String); + funcType = $funcType([$String, io.Reader], [io.Reader, $error], false); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType(TagPathError); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(parentStack); + ptrType$21 = $ptrType(UnsupportedTypeError); + SyntaxError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "XML syntax error on line " + strconv.Itoa(e.Line) + ": " + e.Msg; + }; + SyntaxError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + StartElement.ptr.prototype.Copy = function() { + var attrs, e; + e = this; + attrs = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, e.Attr.$length); + $copySlice(attrs, e.Attr); + e.Attr = attrs; + return e; + }; + StartElement.prototype.Copy = function() { return this.$val.Copy(); }; + StartElement.ptr.prototype.End = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return new EndElement.ptr($clone(e.Name, Name)); + }; + StartElement.prototype.End = function() { return this.$val.End(); }; + makeCopy = function(b) { + var b, b1; + b1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, b.$length); + $copySlice(b1, b); + return b1; + }; + CharData.prototype.Copy = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return ($convertSliceType(makeCopy($convertSliceType(c, sliceType$3)), CharData)); + }; + $ptrType(CharData).prototype.Copy = function() { return this.$get().Copy(); }; + Comment.prototype.Copy = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return ($convertSliceType(makeCopy($convertSliceType(c, sliceType$3)), Comment)); + }; + $ptrType(Comment).prototype.Copy = function() { return this.$get().Copy(); }; + ProcInst.ptr.prototype.Copy = function() { + var p; + p = this; + p.Inst = makeCopy(p.Inst); + return p; + }; + ProcInst.prototype.Copy = function() { return this.$val.Copy(); }; + Directive.prototype.Copy = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return ($convertSliceType(makeCopy($convertSliceType(d, sliceType$3)), Directive)); + }; + $ptrType(Directive).prototype.Copy = function() { return this.$get().Copy(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Token = function() { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _key, _key$1, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, a, d, err, i, ok, ok$1, ok$2, t, t1, t1$1, t1$2, v, v$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t1 = [t1]; + d = this; + t = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!(d.stk === ptrType$7.nil) && (d.stk.kind === 2)) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, io.EOF]; + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.nextToken, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.nextToken, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + t = d.nextToken; + d.nextToken = $ifaceNil; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$6 = d.rawToken(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + t = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(t, $ifaceNil) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF) && !(d.stk === ptrType$7.nil) && !((d.stk.kind === 2))) { + err = d.syntaxError("unexpected EOF"); + } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!d.Strict) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!d.Strict) { */ case 5: + _r$7 = d.autoClose(t); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$7; + t1$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + d.nextToken = t; + t = t1$1; + } + /* } */ case 6: + _ref = t; + if ($assertType(_ref, StartElement, true)[1]) { + t1$2 = $clone(_ref.$val, StartElement); + _ref$1 = t1$2.Attr; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + a = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]), Attr); + if (a.Name.Space === "xmlns") { + _tuple$2 = (_entry = d.ns[$String.keyFor(a.Name.Local)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + v = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + d.pushNs(a.Name.Local, v, ok$1); + _key = a.Name.Local; (d.ns || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: a.Value }; + } + if (a.Name.Space === "" && a.Name.Local === "xmlns") { + _tuple$3 = (_entry$1 = d.ns[$String.keyFor("")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : ["", false]); + v$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + d.pushNs("", v$1, ok$2); + _key$1 = ""; (d.ns || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: a.Value }; + } + _i++; + } + d.translate(t1$2.Name, true); + _ref$2 = t1$2.Attr; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + i = _i$1; + d.translate((x$2 = t1$2.Attr, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i])).Name, false); + _i$1++; + } + d.pushElement($clone(t1$2.Name, Name)); + t = new t1$2.constructor.elem(t1$2); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, EndElement, true)[1]) { + t1[0] = $clone(_ref.$val, EndElement); + d.translate(t1[0].Name, true); + if (!d.popElement(t1[0])) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + t = new t1[0].constructor.elem(t1[0]); + } + $s = -1; return [t, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.Token, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _key, _key$1, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, a, d, err, i, ok, ok$1, ok$2, t, t1, t1$1, t1$2, v, v$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.Token = function() { return this.$val.Token(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.translate = function(n, isElementName) { + var _entry, _tuple, d, isElementName, n, ok, v; + d = this; + if (n.Space === "xmlns") { + return; + } else if (n.Space === "" && !isElementName) { + return; + } else if (n.Space === "xml") { + n.Space = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"; + } else if (n.Space === "" && n.Local === "xmlns") { + return; + } + _tuple = (_entry = d.ns[$String.keyFor(n.Space)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + v = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + n.Space = v; + } else if (n.Space === "") { + n.Space = d.DefaultSpace; + } + }; + Decoder.prototype.translate = function(n, isElementName) { return this.$val.translate(n, isElementName); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.switchToReader = function(r) { + var _tuple, d, ok, r, rb; + d = this; + _tuple = $assertType(r, io.ByteReader, true); + rb = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + d.r = rb; + } else { + d.r = bufio.NewReader(r); + } + }; + Decoder.prototype.switchToReader = function(r) { return this.$val.switchToReader(r); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.push = function(kind) { + var d, kind, s; + d = this; + s = d.free; + if (!(s === ptrType$7.nil)) { + d.free = s.next; + } else { + s = new stack.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, new Name.ptr("", ""), false); + } + s.next = d.stk; + s.kind = kind; + d.stk = s; + return s; + }; + Decoder.prototype.push = function(kind) { return this.$val.push(kind); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.pop = function() { + var d, s; + d = this; + s = d.stk; + if (!(s === ptrType$7.nil)) { + d.stk = s.next; + s.next = d.free; + d.free = s; + } + return s; + }; + Decoder.prototype.pop = function() { return this.$val.pop(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.pushEOF = function() { + var d, s, start; + d = this; + start = d.stk; + while (true) { + if (!(!((start.kind === 0)))) { break; } + start = start.next; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!(start.next === ptrType$7.nil) && (start.next.kind === 1))) { break; } + start = start.next; + } + s = d.free; + if (!(s === ptrType$7.nil)) { + d.free = s.next; + } else { + s = new stack.ptr(ptrType$7.nil, 0, new Name.ptr("", ""), false); + } + s.kind = 2; + s.next = start.next; + start.next = s; + }; + Decoder.prototype.pushEOF = function() { return this.$val.pushEOF(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.popEOF = function() { + var d; + d = this; + if (d.stk === ptrType$7.nil || !((d.stk.kind === 2))) { + return false; + } + d.pop(); + return true; + }; + Decoder.prototype.popEOF = function() { return this.$val.popEOF(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.pushElement = function(name) { + var d, name, s; + d = this; + s = d.push(0); + Name.copy(s.name, name); + }; + Decoder.prototype.pushElement = function(name) { return this.$val.pushElement(name); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.pushNs = function(local, url, ok) { + var d, local, ok, s, url; + d = this; + s = d.push(1); + s.name.Local = local; + s.name.Space = url; + s.ok = ok; + }; + Decoder.prototype.pushNs = function(local, url, ok) { return this.$val.pushNs(local, url, ok); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.syntaxError = function(msg) { + var d, msg; + d = this; + return new SyntaxError.ptr(msg, d.line); + }; + Decoder.prototype.syntaxError = function(msg) { return this.$val.syntaxError(msg); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.popElement = function(t) { + var _key, d, name, s, s$1, t; + d = this; + s = d.pop(); + name = $clone(t.Name, Name); + if (s === ptrType$7.nil || !((s.kind === 0))) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("unexpected end element "); + return false; + } else if (!(s.name.Local === name.Local)) { + if (!d.Strict) { + d.needClose = true; + Name.copy(d.toClose, t.Name); + Name.copy(t.Name, s.name); + return true; + } + d.err = d.syntaxError("element <" + s.name.Local + "> closed by "); + return false; + } else if (!(s.name.Space === name.Space)) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("element <" + s.name.Local + "> in space " + s.name.Space + "closed by in space " + name.Space); + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!(d.stk === ptrType$7.nil) && !((d.stk.kind === 0)) && !((d.stk.kind === 2)))) { break; } + s$1 = d.pop(); + if (s$1.ok) { + _key = s$1.name.Local; (d.ns || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: s$1.name.Space }; + } else { + delete d.ns[$String.keyFor(s$1.name.Local)]; + } + } + return true; + }; + Decoder.prototype.popElement = function(t) { return this.$val.popElement(t); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.autoClose = function(t) { + var {_i, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, d, et, name, ok, s, t, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + if (d.stk === ptrType$7.nil || !((d.stk.kind === 0))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, false]; + } + _r$6 = strings.ToLower(d.stk.name.Local); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r$6; + _ref = d.AutoClose; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$7 = strings.ToLower(s); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7 === name) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r$7 === name) { */ case 4: + _tuple = $assertType(t, EndElement, true); + et = $clone(_tuple[0], EndElement); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok || !(et.Name.Local === name)) { + $s = -1; return [(x$2 = new EndElement.ptr($clone(d.stk.name, Name)), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)), true]; + } + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + /* } */ case 5: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, false]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.autoClose, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, d, et, name, ok, s, t, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.autoClose = function(t) { return this.$val.autoClose(t); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.RawToken = function() { + var {$24r, _r$6, d, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + if (d.unmarshalDepth > 0) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errRawToken]; + } + _r$6 = d.rawToken(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.RawToken, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, d, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.RawToken = function() { return this.$val.RawToken(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.rawToken = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, a, attr, b, b0, b0$1, b0$2, b1, b1$1, content, d, data, data$1, data$2, data$3, data$4, depth, empty, enc, err, i, i$1, inquote, j, name, name$1, newr, ok, s, target, ver, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.t, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.t, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = d.t.Token(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + if (d.needClose) { + d.needClose = false; + $s = -1; return [(x$2 = new EndElement.ptr($clone(d.toClose, Name)), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)), $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$7 = d.getc(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + /* */ if (!((b === 60))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!((b === 60))) { */ case 6: + d.ungetc(b); + _r$8 = d.text(-1, false); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + data = _r$8; + if (data === sliceType$3.nil) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + $s = -1; return [($convertSliceType(data, CharData)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$9 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$9; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + _1 = b; + /* */ if (_1 === (47)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (63)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (33)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_1 === (47)) { */ case 11: + name = new Name.ptr("", ""); + _r$10 = d.nsname(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$10; + Name.copy(name, _tuple$2[0]); + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!ok) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(d.err, $ifaceNil)) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("expected element name after "); + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + $s = -1; return [(x$3 = new EndElement.ptr($clone(name, Name)), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (63)) { */ case 12: + target = ""; + _r$12 = d.name(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$12; + target = _tuple$4[0]; + ok = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!ok) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(d.err, $ifaceNil)) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("expected target name after > 0)); + /* */ if (target === "xml") { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (target === "xml") { */ case 24: + content = ($bytesToString(data$1)); + ver = procInst("version", content); + /* */ if (!(ver === "") && !(ver === "1.0")) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!(ver === "") && !(ver === "1.0")) { */ case 26: + _r$15 = fmt.Errorf("xml: unsupported version %q; only version 1.0 is supported", new sliceType$5([new $String(ver)])); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d.err = _r$15; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + /* } */ case 27: + enc = procInst("encoding", content); + /* */ if (!(enc === "") && !(enc === "utf-8") && !(enc === "UTF-8") && !strings.EqualFold(enc, "utf-8")) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (!(enc === "") && !(enc === "utf-8") && !(enc === "UTF-8") && !strings.EqualFold(enc, "utf-8")) { */ case 29: + /* */ if (d.CharsetReader === $throwNilPointerError) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (d.CharsetReader === $throwNilPointerError) { */ case 31: + _r$16 = fmt.Errorf("xml: encoding %q declared but Decoder.CharsetReader is nil", new sliceType$5([new $String(enc)])); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d.err = _r$16; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + /* } */ case 32: + _r$17 = d.CharsetReader(enc, $assertType(d.r, io.Reader)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$17; + newr = _tuple$6[0]; + err = _tuple$6[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 35: + _r$18 = fmt.Errorf("xml: opening charset %q: %v", new sliceType$5([new $String(enc), err])); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d.err = _r$18; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + /* } */ case 36: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(newr, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("CharsetReader returned a nil Reader for charset " + enc)); + } + d.switchToReader(newr); + /* } */ case 30: + /* } */ case 25: + $s = -1; return [(x$4 = new ProcInst.ptr(target, data$1), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (33)) { */ case 13: + _r$19 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$7 = _r$19; + b = _tuple$7[0]; + ok = _tuple$7[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + _2 = b; + /* */ if (_2 === (45)) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (91)) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ $s = 42; continue; + /* if (_2 === (45)) { */ case 40: + _r$20 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$8 = _r$20; + b = _tuple$8[0]; + ok = _tuple$8[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + if (!((b === 45))) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid sequence > 0)); + $s = -1; return [($convertSliceType(data$2, Comment)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_2 === (91)) { */ case 41: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 48: + /* if (!(i < 6)) { break; } */ if(!(i < 6)) { $s = 49; continue; } + _r$23 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$10 = _r$23; + b = _tuple$10[0]; + ok = _tuple$10[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + if (!((b === "CDATA[".charCodeAt(i)))) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid > 0; + $s = 48; continue; + case 49: + _r$24 = d.text(-1, true); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + data$3 = _r$24; + if (data$3 === sliceType$3.nil) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + $s = -1; return [($convertSliceType(data$3, CharData)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 42: + case 39: + d.buf.Reset(); + _r$25 = d.buf.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25; + inquote = 0; + depth = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 53: + _r$26 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$11 = _r$26; + b = _tuple$11[0]; + ok = _tuple$11[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + if ((inquote === 0) && (b === 62) && (depth === 0)) { + /* break; */ $s = 54; continue; + } + /* HandleB: */ case 56: + _r$27 = d.buf.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27; + /* */ if ((b === inquote)) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ if (!((inquote === 0))) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ if ((b === 39) || (b === 34)) { $s = 61; continue; } + /* */ if ((b === 62) && (inquote === 0)) { $s = 62; continue; } + /* */ if ((b === 60) && (inquote === 0)) { $s = 63; continue; } + /* */ $s = 64; continue; + /* if ((b === inquote)) { */ case 59: + inquote = 0; + $s = 64; continue; + /* } else if (!((inquote === 0))) { */ case 60: + $s = 64; continue; + /* } else if ((b === 39) || (b === 34)) { */ case 61: + inquote = b; + $s = 64; continue; + /* } else if ((b === 62) && (inquote === 0)) { */ case 62: + depth = depth - (1) >> 0; + $s = 64; continue; + /* } else if ((b === 60) && (inquote === 0)) { */ case 63: + s = "!--"; + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 65: + /* if (!(i$1 < s.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < s.length)) { $s = 66; continue; } + _r$28 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$12 = _r$28; + b = _tuple$12[0]; + ok = _tuple$12[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + /* */ if (!((b === s.charCodeAt(i$1)))) { $s = 68; continue; } + /* */ $s = 69; continue; + /* if (!((b === s.charCodeAt(i$1)))) { */ case 68: + j = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 70: + /* if (!(j < i$1)) { break; } */ if(!(j < i$1)) { $s = 71; continue; } + _r$29 = d.buf.WriteByte(s.charCodeAt(j)); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29; + j = j + (1) >> 0; + $s = 70; continue; + case 71: + depth = depth + (1) >> 0; + /* goto HandleB */ $s = 56; continue; + /* } */ case 69: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 65; continue; + case 66: + d.buf.Truncate(d.buf.Len() - 1 >> 0); + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + b0$2 = _tmp$4; + b1$1 = _tmp$5; + /* while (true) { */ case 73: + _r$30 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$13 = _r$30; + b = _tuple$13[0]; + ok = _tuple$13[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + if ((b0$2 === 45) && (b1$1 === 45) && (b === 62)) { + /* break; */ $s = 74; continue; + } + _tmp$6 = b1$1; + _tmp$7 = b; + b0$2 = _tmp$6; + b1$1 = _tmp$7; + $s = 73; continue; + case 74: + _r$31 = d.buf.WriteByte(32); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$31; + /* } */ case 64: + case 58: + $s = 53; continue; + case 54: + $s = -1; return [($convertSliceType(d.buf.Bytes(), Directive)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 14: + case 10: + d.ungetc(b); + name$1 = new Name.ptr("", ""); + empty = false; + attr = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$32 = d.nsname(); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$14 = _r$32; + Name.copy(name$1, _tuple$14[0]); + ok = _tuple$14[1]; + if (!ok) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(d.err, $ifaceNil)) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("expected element name after <"); + } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + attr = new sliceType$4([]); + /* while (true) { */ case 78: + $r = d.space(); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$33 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$15 = _r$33; + b = _tuple$15[0]; + ok = _tuple$15[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + /* */ if (b === 47) { $s = 82; continue; } + /* */ $s = 83; continue; + /* if (b === 47) { */ case 82: + empty = true; + _r$34 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 84; case 84: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$16 = _r$34; + b = _tuple$16[0]; + ok = _tuple$16[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + if (!((b === 62))) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("expected /> in element"); + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + /* break; */ $s = 79; continue; + /* } */ case 83: + if (b === 62) { + /* break; */ $s = 79; continue; + } + d.ungetc(b); + a = new Attr.ptr(new Name.ptr("", ""), ""); + _r$35 = d.nsname(); /* */ $s = 85; case 85: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$17 = _r$35; + Name.copy(a.Name, _tuple$17[0]); + ok = _tuple$17[1]; + if (!ok) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(d.err, $ifaceNil)) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("expected attribute name in element"); + } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + $r = d.space(); /* */ $s = 86; case 86: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$36 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 87; case 87: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$18 = _r$36; + b = _tuple$18[0]; + ok = _tuple$18[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + /* */ if (!((b === 61))) { $s = 88; continue; } + /* */ $s = 89; continue; + /* if (!((b === 61))) { */ case 88: + if (d.Strict) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("attribute name without = in element"); + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + d.ungetc(b); + a.Value = a.Name.Local; + $s = 90; continue; + /* } else { */ case 89: + $r = d.space(); /* */ $s = 91; case 91: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$37 = d.attrval(); /* */ $s = 92; case 92: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + data$4 = _r$37; + if (data$4 === sliceType$3.nil) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, d.err]; + } + a.Value = ($bytesToString(data$4)); + /* } */ case 90: + attr = $append(attr, a); + $s = 78; continue; + case 79: + if (empty) { + d.needClose = true; + Name.copy(d.toClose, name$1); + } + $s = -1; return [(x$5 = new StartElement.ptr($clone(name$1, Name), attr), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.rawToken, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, a, attr, b, b0, b0$1, b0$2, b1, b1$1, content, d, data, data$1, data$2, data$3, data$4, depth, empty, enc, err, i, i$1, inquote, j, name, name$1, newr, ok, s, target, ver, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.rawToken = function() { return this.$val.rawToken(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.attrval = function() { + var {$24r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, d, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _r$6 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + /* */ if ((b === 34) || (b === 39)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((b === 34) || (b === 39)) { */ case 2: + _r$7 = d.text(((b >> 0)), false); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + if (d.Strict) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("unquoted or missing attribute value in element"); + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + d.ungetc(b); + d.buf.Reset(); + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + _r$8 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + /* */ if (97 <= b && b <= 122 || 65 <= b && b <= 90 || 48 <= b && b <= 57 || (b === 95) || (b === 58) || (b === 45)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (97 <= b && b <= 122 || 65 <= b && b <= 90 || 48 <= b && b <= 57 || (b === 95) || (b === 58) || (b === 45)) { */ case 9: + _r$9 = d.buf.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + d.ungetc(b); + /* break; */ $s = 7; continue; + /* } */ case 11: + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + $s = -1; return d.buf.Bytes(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.attrval, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, d, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.attrval = function() { return this.$val.attrval(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.space = function() { + var {_1, _r$6, _tuple, b, d, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = d.getc(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _1 = b; + if ((_1 === (32)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (9))) { + } else { + d.ungetc(b); + $s = -1; return; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.space, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$6, _tuple, b, d, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.space = function() { return this.$val.space(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.getc = function() { + var {_r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, d, ok, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = 0; + ok = false; + d = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = false; + b = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [b, ok]; + } + /* */ if (d.nextByte >= 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (d.nextByte >= 0) { */ case 1: + b = ((d.nextByte << 24 >>> 24)); + d.nextByte = -1; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$6 = d.r.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + b = _tuple[0]; + d.err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = false; + b = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [b, ok]; + } + /* */ if (!(d.saved === ptrType$6.nil)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(d.saved === ptrType$6.nil)) { */ case 5: + _r$7 = d.saved.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 3: + if (b === 10) { + d.line = d.line + (1) >> 0; + } + d.offset = (x$2 = d.offset, x$3 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + _tmp$4 = b; + _tmp$5 = true; + b = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [b, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.getc, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, d, ok, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.getc = function() { return this.$val.getc(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.InputOffset = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return d.offset; + }; + Decoder.prototype.InputOffset = function() { return this.$val.InputOffset(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.savedOffset = function() { + var d, n; + d = this; + n = d.saved.Len(); + if (d.nextByte >= 0) { + n = n - (1) >> 0; + } + return n; + }; + Decoder.prototype.savedOffset = function() { return this.$val.savedOffset(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.mustgetc = function() { + var {_r$6, _tuple, b, d, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = 0; + ok = false; + d = this; + _r$6 = d.getc(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(d.err, io.EOF)) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("unexpected EOF"); + } + } + $s = -1; return [b, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.mustgetc, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _tuple, b, d, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.mustgetc = function() { return this.$val.mustgetc(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.ungetc = function(b) { + var b, d, x$2, x$3; + d = this; + if (b === 10) { + d.line = d.line - (1) >> 0; + } + d.nextByte = ((b >> 0)); + d.offset = (x$2 = d.offset, x$3 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$2.$high - x$3.$high, x$2.$low - x$3.$low)); + }; + Decoder.prototype.ungetc = function(b) { return this.$val.ungetc(b); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.text = function(quote, cdata) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, b, b0, b1, base, before, buf, cdata, d, data, ent, err, haveText, n, name, ok, ok$1, ok$2, quote, r, r$1, s, s$1, size, start, text, trunc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {quote, cdata}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + b0 = _tmp; + b1 = _tmp$1; + trunc = 0; + d.buf.Reset(); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = d.getc(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + if (cdata) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(d.err, io.EOF)) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("unexpected EOF in CDATA section"); + } + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + /* break Input; */ $s = 2; continue s; + } + if ((b0 === 93) && (b1 === 93) && (b === 62)) { + if (cdata) { + trunc = 2; + /* break Input; */ $s = 2; continue s; + } + d.err = d.syntaxError("unescaped ]]> not in CDATA section"); + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + if ((b === 60) && !cdata) { + if (quote >= 0) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("unescaped < inside quoted string"); + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + d.ungetc(60); + /* break Input; */ $s = 2; continue s; + } + if (quote >= 0 && (b === ((quote << 24 >>> 24)))) { + /* break Input; */ $s = 2; continue s; + } + /* */ if ((b === 38) && !cdata) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((b === 38) && !cdata) { */ case 4: + before = d.buf.Len(); + _r$7 = d.buf.WriteByte(38); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + ok$1 = false; + text = ""; + haveText = false; + _r$8 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok$1) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + /* */ if (b === 35) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (b === 35) { */ case 8: + _r$9 = d.buf.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + _r$10 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$10; + b = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!ok$1) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + base = 10; + /* */ if (b === 120) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (b === 120) { */ case 13: + base = 16; + _r$11 = d.buf.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$12; + b = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!ok$1) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + /* } */ case 14: + start = d.buf.Len(); + /* while (true) { */ case 17: + /* if (!(48 <= b && b <= 57 || (base === 16) && 97 <= b && b <= 102 || (base === 16) && 65 <= b && b <= 70)) { break; } */ if(!(48 <= b && b <= 57 || (base === 16) && 97 <= b && b <= 102 || (base === 16) && 65 <= b && b <= 70)) { $s = 18; continue; } + _r$13 = d.buf.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + _r$14 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$14; + b = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!ok$1) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + $s = 17; continue; + case 18: + /* */ if (!((b === 59))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!((b === 59))) { */ case 21: + d.ungetc(b); + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else { */ case 22: + s = ($bytesToString($subslice(d.buf.Bytes(), start))); + _r$15 = d.buf.WriteByte(59); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + _tuple$5 = strconv.ParseUint(s, base, 64); + n = _tuple$5[0]; + err = _tuple$5[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (n.$high < 0 || (n.$high === 0 && n.$low <= 1114111))) { + text = ($encodeRune(((n.$low >> 0)))); + haveText = true; + } + /* } */ case 23: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + d.ungetc(b); + _r$16 = d.readName(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$16) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (!_r$16) { */ case 25: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + /* } */ case 26: + _r$17 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$17; + b = _tuple$6[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$6[1]; + if (!ok$1) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + /* */ if (!((b === 59))) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (!((b === 59))) { */ case 29: + d.ungetc(b); + $s = 31; continue; + /* } else { */ case 30: + name = $subslice(d.buf.Bytes(), (before + 1 >> 0)); + _r$18 = d.buf.WriteByte(59); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18; + if (isName(name)) { + s$1 = ($bytesToString(name)); + _tuple$7 = (_entry = entity[$String.keyFor(s$1)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + r = _tuple$7[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$7[1]; + if (ok$2) { + text = ($encodeRune(r)); + haveText = true; + } else if (!(d.Entity === false)) { + _tuple$8 = (_entry$1 = d.Entity[$String.keyFor(s$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : ["", false]); + text = _tuple$8[0]; + haveText = _tuple$8[1]; + } + } + /* } */ case 31: + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (haveText) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (haveText) { */ case 33: + d.buf.Truncate(before); + _r$19 = d.buf.Write((new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(text)))); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + b0 = _tmp$2; + b1 = _tmp$3; + /* continue Input; */ $s = 1; continue s; + /* } */ case 34: + if (!d.Strict) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + b0 = _tmp$4; + b1 = _tmp$5; + /* continue Input; */ $s = 1; continue s; + } + ent = ($bytesToString($subslice(d.buf.Bytes(), before))); + if (!((ent.charCodeAt((ent.length - 1 >> 0)) === 59))) { + ent = ent + (" (no semicolon)"); + } + d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid character entity " + ent); + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (b === 13) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ if ((b1 === 13) && (b === 10)) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (b === 13) { */ case 36: + _r$20 = d.buf.WriteByte(10); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20; + $s = 39; continue; + /* } else if ((b1 === 13) && (b === 10)) { */ case 37: + $s = 39; continue; + /* } else { */ case 38: + _r$21 = d.buf.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21; + /* } */ case 39: + _tmp$6 = b1; + _tmp$7 = b; + b0 = _tmp$6; + b1 = _tmp$7; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + data = d.buf.Bytes(); + data = $subslice(data, 0, (data.$length - trunc >> 0)); + buf = data; + /* while (true) { */ case 42: + /* if (!(buf.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(buf.$length > 0)) { $s = 43; continue; } + _tuple$9 = utf8.DecodeRune(buf); + r$1 = _tuple$9[0]; + size = _tuple$9[1]; + if ((r$1 === 65533) && (size === 1)) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid UTF-8"); + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + } + buf = $subslice(buf, size); + /* */ if (!isInCharacterRange(r$1)) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ $s = 45; continue; + /* if (!isInCharacterRange(r$1)) { */ case 44: + _r$22 = fmt.Sprintf("illegal character code %U", new sliceType$5([new $Int32(r$1)])); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = d.syntaxError(_r$22); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d.err = _r$23; + $s = -1; return sliceType$3.nil; + /* } */ case 45: + $s = 42; continue; + case 43: + $s = -1; return data; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.text, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, b, b0, b1, base, before, buf, cdata, d, data, ent, err, haveText, n, name, ok, ok$1, ok$2, quote, r, r$1, s, s$1, size, start, text, trunc, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.text = function(quote, cdata) { return this.$val.text(quote, cdata); }; + isInCharacterRange = function(r) { + var inrange, r; + inrange = false; + inrange = (r === 9) || (r === 10) || (r === 13) || r >= 32 && r <= 55295 || r >= 57344 && r <= 65533 || r >= 65536 && r <= 1114111; + return inrange; + }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.nsname = function() { + var {_r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, local, name, ok, ok$1, s, space, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + name = new Name.ptr("", ""); + ok = false; + d = this; + _r$6 = d.name(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [name, ok]; + } + if (strings.Count(s, ":") > 1) { + name.Local = s; + } else { + _tuple$1 = strings.Cut(s, ":"); + space = _tuple$1[0]; + local = _tuple$1[1]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!ok$1 || space === "" || local === "") { + name.Local = s; + } else { + name.Space = space; + name.Local = local; + } + } + _tmp = $clone(name, Name); + _tmp$1 = true; + Name.copy(name, _tmp); + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [name, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.nsname, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, local, name, ok, ok$1, s, space, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.nsname = function() { return this.$val.nsname(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.name = function() { + var {_r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, d, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = ""; + ok = false; + d = this; + d.buf.Reset(); + _r$6 = d.readName(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$6) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r$6) { */ case 1: + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = false; + s = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [s, ok]; + /* } */ case 2: + b = d.buf.Bytes(); + if (!isName(b)) { + d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid XML name: " + ($bytesToString(b))); + _tmp$2 = ""; + _tmp$3 = false; + s = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [s, ok]; + } + _tmp$4 = ($bytesToString(b)); + _tmp$5 = true; + s = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [s, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.name, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, d, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.name = function() { return this.$val.name(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.readName = function() { + var {_r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, d, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ok = false; + d = this; + b = 0; + _r$6 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return ok; + } + if (b < 128 && !isNameByte(b)) { + d.ungetc(b); + ok = false; + $s = -1; return ok; + } + _r$7 = d.buf.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + _r$8 = d.mustgetc(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return ok; + } + if (b < 128 && !isNameByte(b)) { + d.ungetc(b); + /* break; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + _r$9 = d.buf.WriteByte(b); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + ok = true; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.readName, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, d, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.readName = function() { return this.$val.readName(); }; + isNameByte = function(c) { + var c; + return 65 <= c && c <= 90 || 97 <= c && c <= 122 || 48 <= c && c <= 57 || (c === 95) || (c === 58) || (c === 46) || (c === 45); + }; + isName = function(s) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, c, n, s; + if (s.$length === 0) { + return false; + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune(s); + c = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if ((c === 65533) && (n === 1)) { + return false; + } + if (!unicode.Is(first, c)) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(n < s.$length)) { break; } + s = $subslice(s, n); + _tuple$1 = utf8.DecodeRune(s); + c = _tuple$1[0]; + n = _tuple$1[1]; + if ((c === 65533) && (n === 1)) { + return false; + } + if (!unicode.Is(first, c) && !unicode.Is(second, c)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + isNameString = function(s) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, c, n, s; + if (s.length === 0) { + return false; + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s); + c = _tuple[0]; + n = _tuple[1]; + if ((c === 65533) && (n === 1)) { + return false; + } + if (!unicode.Is(first, c)) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(n < s.length)) { break; } + s = $substring(s, n); + _tuple$1 = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s); + c = _tuple$1[0]; + n = _tuple$1[1]; + if ((c === 65533) && (n === 1)) { + return false; + } + if (!unicode.Is(first, c) && !unicode.Is(second, c)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + EscapeText = function(w, s) { + var {$24r, _r$6, s, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$6 = escapeText(w, s, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EscapeText, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, s, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.EscapeText = EscapeText; + escapeText = function(w, s, escapeNewline) { + var {_1, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, err$1, err$2, esc, escapeNewline, i, last, r, s, w, width, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, s, escapeNewline}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + esc = sliceType$3.nil; + last = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < s.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < s.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(s, i)); + r = _tuple[0]; + width = _tuple[1]; + i = i + (width) >> 0; + switch (0) { default: + _1 = r; + if (_1 === (34)) { + esc = escQuot; + } else if (_1 === (39)) { + esc = escApos; + } else if (_1 === (38)) { + esc = escAmp; + } else if (_1 === (60)) { + esc = escLT; + } else if (_1 === (62)) { + esc = escGT; + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + esc = escTab; + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + if (!escapeNewline) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + esc = escNL; + } else if (_1 === (13)) { + esc = escCR; + } else { + if (!isInCharacterRange(r) || ((r === 65533) && (width === 1))) { + esc = escFFFD; + break; + } + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + } + _r$6 = w.Write($subslice(s, last, (i - width >> 0))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$7 = w.Write(esc); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$7; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + last = i; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$8 = w.Write($subslice(s, last)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$8; + err$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + $s = -1; return err$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: escapeText, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, err$1, err$2, esc, escapeNewline, i, last, r, s, w, width, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.ptr.prototype.EscapeString = function(s) { + var {_1, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, esc, i, last, p, r, s, width, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + esc = sliceType$3.nil; + last = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < s.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(s, i)); + r = _tuple[0]; + width = _tuple[1]; + i = i + (width) >> 0; + switch (0) { default: + _1 = r; + if (_1 === (34)) { + esc = escQuot; + } else if (_1 === (39)) { + esc = escApos; + } else if (_1 === (38)) { + esc = escAmp; + } else if (_1 === (60)) { + esc = escLT; + } else if (_1 === (62)) { + esc = escGT; + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + esc = escTab; + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + esc = escNL; + } else if (_1 === (13)) { + esc = escCR; + } else { + if (!isInCharacterRange(r) || ((r === 65533) && (width === 1))) { + esc = escFFFD; + break; + } + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + } + _r$6 = p.Writer.WriteString($substring(s, last, (i - width >> 0))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = p.Writer.Write(esc); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + last = i; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$8 = p.Writer.WriteString($substring(s, last)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.EscapeString, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, esc, i, last, p, r, s, width, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.EscapeString = function(s) { return this.$val.EscapeString(s); }; + emitCDATA = function(w, s) { + var {_r$10, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, after, before, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, ok, s, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (s.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$6 = w.Write(cdataStart); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + _tuple$1 = bytes.Cut(s, cdataEnd); + before = _tuple$1[0]; + after = _tuple$1[1]; + ok = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!ok) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + _r$7 = w.Write(before); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$7; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$8 = w.Write(cdataEscape); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$8; + err$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + s = after; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _r$9 = w.Write(s); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$9; + err$3 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + _r$10 = w.Write(cdataEnd); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$10; + err$4 = _tuple$5[1]; + $s = -1; return err$4; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: emitCDATA, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, after, before, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, ok, s, w, $s};return $f; + }; + procInst = function(param, s) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, ok, param, s, unquote, v; + param = param + "="; + _tuple = strings.Cut(s, param); + v = _tuple[1]; + if (v === "") { + return ""; + } + if (!((v.charCodeAt(0) === 39)) && !((v.charCodeAt(0) === 34))) { + return ""; + } + _tuple$1 = strings.Cut($substring(v, 1), $substring(v, 0, 1)); + unquote = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!ok) { + return ""; + } + return unquote; + }; + getTypeInfo = function(typ) { + var {_i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, f, finfo, finfo$1, i, inner, n, ok, t, ti, ti$1, tinfo, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$6 = tinfoMap.Load(typ); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + ti = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [$assertType(ti, ptrType$9), $ifaceNil]; + } + tinfo = new typeInfo.ptr(ptrType$10.nil, sliceType$6.nil); + _r$7 = typ.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((_r$7 === 25) && !($interfaceIsEqual(typ, nameType))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((_r$7 === 25) && !($interfaceIsEqual(typ, nameType))) { */ case 2: + _r$8 = typ.NumField(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r$8; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 7; continue; } + f = [f]; + finfo = [finfo]; + _r$9 = typ.Field(i); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f[0] = $clone(_r$9, reflect.StructField); + if ((!$clone(f[0], reflect.StructField).IsExported() && !f[0].Anonymous) || new reflect.StructTag(f[0].Tag).Get("xml") === "-") { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + /* */ if (f[0].Anonymous) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (f[0].Anonymous) { */ case 9: + t = f[0].Type; + _r$10 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$10 === 22) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_r$10 === 22) { */ case 11: + _r$11 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$11; + /* } */ case 12: + _r$12 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$12 === 25) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (_r$12 === 25) { */ case 15: + _r$13 = getTypeInfo(t); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$13; + inner = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$9.nil, err]; + } + if (tinfo.xmlname === ptrType$10.nil) { + tinfo.xmlname = inner.xmlname; + } + _ref = inner.fields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 19: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 20; continue; } + finfo[0] = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), fieldInfo); + finfo[0].idx = $appendSlice(new sliceType$7([i]), finfo[0].idx); + _r$14 = addFieldInfo(typ, tinfo, finfo[0]); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$14; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$9.nil, err$1]; + } + _i++; + $s = 19; continue; + case 20: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 16: + /* } */ case 10: + _r$15 = structFieldInfo(typ, f[0]); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$15; + finfo$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$9.nil, err$2]; + } + if (f[0].Name === "XMLName") { + tinfo.xmlname = finfo$1; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + _r$16 = addFieldInfo(typ, tinfo, finfo$1); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$16; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$9.nil, err$3]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + /* } */ case 3: + _r$17 = tinfoMap.LoadOrStore(typ, tinfo); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$17; + ti$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + $s = -1; return [$assertType(ti$1, ptrType$9), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getTypeInfo, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, f, finfo, finfo$1, i, inner, n, ok, t, ti, ti$1, tinfo, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + structFieldInfo = function(typ, f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _1, _2, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, f, finfo, flag, ftyp, mode, ns, ok, parents, t, tag, tokens, typ, valid, x$2, x$3, xmlname, xmlname$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + finfo = new fieldInfo.ptr(f.Index, "", "", 0, sliceType$2.nil); + tag = new reflect.StructTag(f.Tag).Get("xml"); + _tuple = strings.Cut(tag, " "); + ns = _tuple[0]; + t = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (ok) { + _tmp = ns; + _tmp$1 = t; + finfo.xmlns = _tmp; + tag = _tmp$1; + } + tokens = strings.Split(tag, ","); + /* */ if (tokens.$length === 1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (tokens.$length === 1) { */ case 1: + finfo.flags = 1; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + tag = (0 >= tokens.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tokens.$array[tokens.$offset + 0]); + _ref = $subslice(tokens, 1); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + flag = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _1 = flag; + if (_1 === ("attr")) { + finfo.flags = finfo.flags | (2); + } else if (_1 === ("cdata")) { + finfo.flags = finfo.flags | (4); + } else if (_1 === ("chardata")) { + finfo.flags = finfo.flags | (8); + } else if (_1 === ("innerxml")) { + finfo.flags = finfo.flags | (16); + } else if (_1 === ("comment")) { + finfo.flags = finfo.flags | (32); + } else if (_1 === ("any")) { + finfo.flags = finfo.flags | (64); + } else if (_1 === ("omitempty")) { + finfo.flags = finfo.flags | (128); + } + _i++; + } + valid = true; + mode = finfo.flags & 127; + _2 = mode; + if (_2 === (0)) { + finfo.flags = finfo.flags | (1); + } else if ((_2 === (2)) || (_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (8)) || (_2 === (16)) || (_2 === (32)) || (_2 === (64)) || (_2 === (66))) { + if (f.Name === "XMLName" || !(tag === "") && !((mode === 2))) { + valid = false; + } + } else { + valid = false; + } + if ((finfo.flags & 127) === 64) { + finfo.flags = finfo.flags | (1); + } + if (!(((finfo.flags & 128) === 0)) && ((finfo.flags & 3) === 0)) { + valid = false; + } + /* */ if (!valid) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!valid) { */ case 4: + _r$6 = fmt.Errorf("xml: invalid tag in field %s of type %s: %q", new sliceType$5([new $String(f.Name), typ, new $String(new reflect.StructTag(f.Tag).Get("xml"))])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$10.nil, _r$6]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!(finfo.xmlns === "") && tag === "") { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(finfo.xmlns === "") && tag === "") { */ case 8: + _r$7 = fmt.Errorf("xml: namespace without name in field %s of type %s: %q", new sliceType$5([new $String(f.Name), typ, new $String(new reflect.StructTag(f.Tag).Get("xml"))])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [ptrType$10.nil, _r$7]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + if (f.Name === "XMLName") { + finfo.name = tag; + $s = -1; return [finfo, $ifaceNil]; + } + /* */ if (tag === "") { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (tag === "") { */ case 12: + _r$8 = lookupXMLName(f.Type); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xmlname = _r$8; + if (!(xmlname === ptrType$10.nil)) { + _tmp$2 = xmlname.xmlns; + _tmp$3 = xmlname.name; + finfo.xmlns = _tmp$2; + finfo.name = _tmp$3; + } else { + finfo.name = f.Name; + } + $s = -1; return [finfo, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 13: + parents = strings.Split(tag, ">"); + if ((0 >= parents.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parents.$array[parents.$offset + 0]) === "") { + (0 >= parents.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parents.$array[parents.$offset + 0] = f.Name); + } + /* */ if ((x$2 = parents.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= parents.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parents.$array[parents.$offset + x$2])) === "") { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ((x$2 = parents.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= parents.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parents.$array[parents.$offset + x$2])) === "") { */ case 15: + _r$9 = fmt.Errorf("xml: trailing '>' in field %s of type %s", new sliceType$5([new $String(f.Name), typ])); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [ptrType$10.nil, _r$9]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 16: + finfo.name = (x$3 = parents.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= parents.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parents.$array[parents.$offset + x$3])); + /* */ if (parents.$length > 1) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (parents.$length > 1) { */ case 19: + /* */ if (((finfo.flags & 1)) === 0) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (((finfo.flags & 1)) === 0) { */ case 21: + _r$10 = fmt.Errorf("xml: %s chain not valid with %s flag", new sliceType$5([new $String(tag), new $String(strings.Join($subslice(tokens, 1), ","))])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [ptrType$10.nil, _r$10]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 22: + finfo.parents = $subslice(parents, 0, (parents.$length - 1 >> 0)); + /* } */ case 20: + /* */ if (!(((finfo.flags & 1) === 0))) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (!(((finfo.flags & 1) === 0))) { */ case 25: + ftyp = f.Type; + _r$11 = lookupXMLName(ftyp); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xmlname$1 = _r$11; + /* */ if (!(xmlname$1 === ptrType$10.nil) && !(xmlname$1.name === finfo.name)) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!(xmlname$1 === ptrType$10.nil) && !(xmlname$1.name === finfo.name)) { */ case 28: + _r$12 = fmt.Errorf("xml: name %q in tag of %s.%s conflicts with name %q in %s.XMLName", new sliceType$5([new $String(finfo.name), typ, new $String(f.Name), new $String(xmlname$1.name), ftyp])); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = [ptrType$10.nil, _r$12]; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 29: + /* } */ case 26: + $s = -1; return [finfo, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: structFieldInfo, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _1, _2, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, f, finfo, flag, ftyp, mode, ns, ok, parents, t, tag, tokens, typ, valid, x$2, x$3, xmlname, xmlname$1, $s};return $f; + }; + lookupXMLName = function(typ) { + var {_r$10, _r$11, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, f, finfo, i, n, typ, xmlname, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xmlname = ptrType$10.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = typ.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$6 === 22)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$6 === 22)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$7 = typ.Elem(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + typ = _r$7; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$8 = typ.Kind(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$8 === 25))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!((_r$8 === 25))) { */ case 5: + xmlname = ptrType$10.nil; + $s = -1; return xmlname; + /* } */ case 6: + _tmp = 0; + _r$9 = typ.NumField(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$9; + i = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 10; continue; } + f = [f]; + _r$10 = typ.Field(i); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f[0] = $clone(_r$10, reflect.StructField); + if (!(f[0].Name === "XMLName")) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 9; continue; + } + _r$11 = structFieldInfo(typ, f[0]); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$11; + finfo = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && !(finfo.name === "")) { + xmlname = finfo; + $s = -1; return xmlname; + } + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + case 10: + xmlname = ptrType$10.nil; + $s = -1; return xmlname; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: lookupXMLName, $c: true, $r, _r$10, _r$11, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, f, finfo, i, n, typ, xmlname, $s};return $f; + }; + min = function(a, b) { + var a, b; + if (a <= b) { + return a; + } + return b; + }; + addFieldInfo = function(typ, tinfo, newf) { + var {_i, _i$1, _i$2, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, c, conflicts, f1, f2, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, minl, newf, oldf, oldf$1, p, tinfo, typ, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ, tinfo, newf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + conflicts = sliceType$7.nil; + _ref = tinfo.fields; + _i = 0; + Loop: + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + oldf = (x$2 = tinfo.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i])); + if (!(((oldf.flags & 127) === (newf.flags & 127)))) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if (!(oldf.xmlns === "") && !(newf.xmlns === "") && !(oldf.xmlns === newf.xmlns)) { + _i++; + continue; + } + minl = min(newf.parents.$length, oldf.parents.$length); + p = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(p < minl)) { break; } + if (!((x$3 = oldf.parents, ((p < 0 || p >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + p])) === (x$4 = newf.parents, ((p < 0 || p >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + p])))) { + _i++; + continue Loop; + } + p = p + (1) >> 0; + } + if (oldf.parents.$length > newf.parents.$length) { + if ((x$5 = oldf.parents, x$6 = newf.parents.$length, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + x$6])) === newf.name) { + conflicts = $append(conflicts, i); + } + } else if (oldf.parents.$length < newf.parents.$length) { + if ((x$7 = newf.parents, x$8 = oldf.parents.$length, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + x$8])) === oldf.name) { + conflicts = $append(conflicts, i); + } + } else { + if (newf.name === oldf.name) { + conflicts = $append(conflicts, i); + } + } + _i++; + } + if (conflicts === sliceType$7.nil) { + tinfo.fields = $append(tinfo.fields, newf); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _ref$1 = conflicts; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if ((x$9 = tinfo.fields, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$9.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9.$array[x$9.$offset + i$1])).idx.$length < newf.idx.$length) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _i$1++; + } + _ref$2 = conflicts; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i$2 = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + oldf$1 = (x$10 = tinfo.fields, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10.$array[x$10.$offset + i$2])); + /* */ if (oldf$1.idx.$length === newf.idx.$length) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (oldf$1.idx.$length === newf.idx.$length) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = typ.FieldByIndex(oldf$1.idx); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f1 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.StructField); + _r$7 = typ.FieldByIndex(newf.idx); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f2 = $clone(_r$7, reflect.StructField); + $s = -1; return new TagPathError.ptr(typ, f1.Name, new reflect.StructTag(f1.Tag).Get("xml"), f2.Name, new reflect.StructTag(f2.Tag).Get("xml")); + /* } */ case 4: + _i$2++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + c = conflicts.$length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(c >= 0)) { break; } + i$3 = ((c < 0 || c >= conflicts.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : conflicts.$array[conflicts.$offset + c]); + $copySlice($subslice(tinfo.fields, i$3), $subslice(tinfo.fields, (i$3 + 1 >> 0))); + tinfo.fields = $subslice(tinfo.fields, 0, (tinfo.fields.$length - 1 >> 0)); + c = c - (1) >> 0; + } + tinfo.fields = $append(tinfo.fields, newf); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: addFieldInfo, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, c, conflicts, f1, f2, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, minl, newf, oldf, oldf$1, p, tinfo, typ, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + TagPathError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$6, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$6 = fmt.Sprintf("%s field %q with tag %q conflicts with field %q with tag %q", new sliceType$5([e.Struct, new $String(e.Field1), new $String(e.Tag1), new $String(e.Field2), new $String(e.Tag2)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TagPathError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, e, $s};return $f; + }; + TagPathError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + fieldInfo.ptr.prototype.value = function(v, shouldInitNilPointers) { + var {_i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _v, finfo, i, shouldInitNilPointers, t, v, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, shouldInitNilPointers}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + finfo = this; + _ref = finfo.idx; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + x$2 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (i > 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (i > 0) { */ case 3: + t = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(); + _r$6 = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$6 === 22)) { _v = false; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$7 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = _r$7.Kind(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$8 === 25; case 7: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 5: + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 11: + if (!shouldInitNilPointers) { + $s = -1; return new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + } + _r$9 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = reflect.New(_r$9); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$10, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 12: + _r$11 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$11; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 4: + _r$12 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Field(x$2); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$12; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fieldInfo.ptr.prototype.value, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _v, finfo, i, shouldInitNilPointers, t, v, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + fieldInfo.prototype.value = function(v, shouldInitNilPointers) { return this.$val.value(v, shouldInitNilPointers); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Decode = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$6, d, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _r$6 = d.DecodeElement(v, ptrType$12.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.Decode, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, d, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.Decode = function(v) { return this.$val.Decode(v); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.DecodeElement = function(v, start) { + var {$24r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, d, start, v, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, start}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$6; + if (!(($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("non-pointer passed to Unmarshal"); + } + _r$7 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = d.unmarshal($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value), start, 0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.DecodeElement, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, d, start, v, val, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.DecodeElement = function(v, start) { return this.$val.DecodeElement(v, start); }; + UnmarshalError.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return (e); + }; + $ptrType(UnmarshalError).prototype.Error = function() { return new UnmarshalError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + receiverType = function(val) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, t, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = reflect.TypeOf(val); + _r$6 = t.Name(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(_r$6 === "")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(_r$6 === "")) { */ case 1: + _r$7 = t.String(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$8 = t.String(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = "(" + _r$8 + ")"; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: receiverType, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, t, val, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.unmarshalInterface = function(val, start) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, d, err, start, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val, start}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + d.pushEOF(); + d.unmarshalDepth = d.unmarshalDepth + (1) >> 0; + _r$6 = val.UnmarshalXML(d, $clone(start, StartElement)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + d.unmarshalDepth = d.unmarshalDepth - (1) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + d.popEOF(); + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* */ if (!d.popEOF()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!d.popEOF()) { */ case 2: + _r$7 = receiverType(val); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$7); + _arg$1 = new $String(start.Name.Local); + _r$8 = fmt.Errorf("xml: %s.UnmarshalXML did not consume entire <%s> element", new sliceType$5([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.unmarshalInterface, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, d, err, start, val, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.unmarshalInterface = function(val, start) { return this.$val.unmarshalInterface(val, start); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.unmarshalTextInterface = function(val) { + var {$24r, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, buf, d, depth, err, t, t$1, t$2, t$3, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + buf = sliceType$3.nil; + depth = 1; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(depth > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(depth > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$6 = d.Token(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + t = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _ref = t; + if ($assertType(_ref, CharData, true)[1]) { + t$1 = _ref.$val; + if (depth === 1) { + buf = $appendSlice(buf, $convertSliceType(t$1, sliceType$3)); + } + } else if ($assertType(_ref, StartElement, true)[1]) { + t$2 = $clone(_ref.$val, StartElement); + depth = depth + (1) >> 0; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, EndElement, true)[1]) { + t$3 = $clone(_ref.$val, EndElement); + depth = depth - (1) >> 0; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$7 = val.UnmarshalText(buf); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$7; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.unmarshalTextInterface, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, buf, d, depth, err, t, t$1, t$2, t$3, val, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.unmarshalTextInterface = function(val) { return this.$val.unmarshalTextInterface(val); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.unmarshalAttr = function(val, attr) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, attr, d, err, n, pv, pv$1, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val, attr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { */ case 1: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.New(_r$6); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + _r$8 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$8; + /* } */ case 2: + if (!($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v = false; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$9 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(unmarshalerAttrType); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$9; case 11: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 9: + _r$10 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $assertType(_r$10, UnmarshalerAttr).UnmarshalXMLAttr($clone(attr, Attr)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$11; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r; + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 16: + pv = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Addr(); + if (!($clone(pv, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$1 = false; $s = 20; continue s; } + _r$12 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(unmarshalerAttrType); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$12; case 20: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 18: + _r$13 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $assertType(_r$13, UnmarshalerAttr).UnmarshalXMLAttr($clone(attr, Attr)); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$14; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 17: + if (!($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$2 = false; $s = 27; continue s; } + _r$15 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textUnmarshalerType); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$15; case 27: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 25: + _r$16 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = $assertType(_r$16, encoding.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText((new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(attr.Value)))); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$17; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 26: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 32: + pv$1 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Addr(); + if (!($clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$3 = false; $s = 36; continue s; } + _r$18 = $clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textUnmarshalerType); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = _r$18; case 36: + /* */ if (_v$3) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (_v$3) { */ case 34: + _r$19 = $clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = $assertType(_r$19, encoding.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText((new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(attr.Value)))); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$20; + $s = 40; case 40: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 35: + /* } */ case 33: + _r$21 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Kind(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$21 === 23)) { _v$4 = false; $s = 43; continue s; } + _r$22 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = _r$22.Kind(); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = !((_r$23 === 8)); case 43: + /* */ if (_v$4) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ $s = 42; continue; + /* if (_v$4) { */ case 41: + n = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Len(); + _arg = $clone(val, reflect.Value); + _r$24 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = reflect.Zero(_r$24); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$25, reflect.Value); + _r$26 = reflect.Append(_arg, new sliceType$8([_arg$1])); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$26, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Index(n); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28 = d.unmarshalAttr($clone(_r$27, reflect.Value), $clone(attr, Attr)); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$28; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $clone(val, reflect.Value).SetLen(n); + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 42: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(val, reflect.Value).Type(), attrType)) { $s = 53; continue; } + /* */ $s = 54; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(val, reflect.Value).Type(), attrType)) { */ case 53: + _r$29 = reflect.ValueOf(new attr.constructor.elem(attr)); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$29, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 54: + _r$30 = copyValue($clone(val, reflect.Value), (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(attr.Value)))); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$30; + $s = 58; case 58: return $24r$4; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.unmarshalAttr, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, attr, d, err, n, pv, pv$1, val, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.unmarshalAttr = function(val, attr) { return this.$val.unmarshalAttr(val, attr); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(val, start, depth) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$49, _r$50, _r$51, _r$52, _r$53, _r$54, _r$55, _r$56, _r$57, _r$58, _r$59, _r$6, _r$60, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, _v$5, a, any, comment, consumed, d, data, depth, e, e$1, err, err$1, err$10, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, finfo, finfo$1, finfo$2, finfo$3, fv, handled, i, i$1, n, ok, ok$1, pv, pv$1, pv$2, saveAny, saveComment, saveData, saveXML, saveXMLData, saveXMLIndex, savedOffset, start, strv, strv$1, sv, t, t$1, t$2, t$3, t$4, t$5, t$6, tinfo, tok, tok$1, typ, typ$1, v, val, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val, start, depth}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + if (depth >= 10000) { + $s = -1; return errExeceededMaxUnmarshalDepth; + } + /* */ if (start === ptrType$12.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (start === ptrType$12.nil) { */ case 1: + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + t = [t]; + _r$6 = d.Token(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + tok = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(tok, StartElement, true); + t[0] = $clone(_tuple$1[0], StartElement); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + start = t[0]; + /* break; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) && !$clone(val, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) && !$clone(val, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 6: + _r$7 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$7; + if (($clone(e, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) && !$clone(e, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + val = e; + } + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { */ case 9: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 11: + _r$8 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = reflect.New(_r$8); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$9, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 12: + _r$10 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$10; + /* } */ case 10: + if (!($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v = false; $s = 19; continue s; } + _r$11 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(unmarshalerType); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$11; case 19: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 17: + _r$12 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = d.unmarshalInterface($assertType(_r$12, Unmarshaler), start); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$13; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r; + /* } */ case 18: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 24: + pv = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Addr(); + if (!($clone(pv, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$1 = false; $s = 28; continue s; } + _r$14 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(unmarshalerType); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$14; case 28: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 26: + _r$15 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = d.unmarshalInterface($assertType(_r$15, Unmarshaler), start); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$16; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 27: + /* } */ case 25: + if (!($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$2 = false; $s = 35; continue s; } + _r$17 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textUnmarshalerType); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$17; case 35: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 33: + _r$18 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = d.unmarshalTextInterface($assertType(_r$18, encoding.TextUnmarshaler)); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$19; + $s = 39; case 39: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 34: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 40: + pv$1 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Addr(); + if (!($clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$3 = false; $s = 44; continue s; } + _r$20 = $clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textUnmarshalerType); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = _r$20; case 44: + /* */ if (_v$3) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (_v$3) { */ case 42: + _r$21 = $clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = d.unmarshalTextInterface($assertType(_r$21, encoding.TextUnmarshaler)); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$22; + $s = 48; case 48: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 43: + /* } */ case 41: + data = sliceType$3.nil; + saveData = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + comment = sliceType$3.nil; + saveComment = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + saveXML = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + saveXMLIndex = 0; + saveXMLData = sliceType$3.nil; + saveAny = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + sv = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + tinfo = ptrType$9.nil; + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + v = val; + _1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 51; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (24))) { $s = 52; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 53; continue; } + /* */ $s = 54; continue; + /* if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 50: + _r$23 = d.Skip(); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$23; + $s = 57; case 57: return $24r$4; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 51: + typ = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(); + _r$24 = typ.Elem(); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = _r$24.Kind(); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$25 === 8) { $s = 58; continue; } + /* */ $s = 59; continue; + /* if (_r$25 === 8) { */ case 58: + saveData = v; + /* break; */ $s = 49; continue; + /* } */ case 59: + n = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len(); + _arg = $clone(val, reflect.Value); + _r$26 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = reflect.Zero(_r$26); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$27, reflect.Value); + _r$28 = reflect.Append(_arg, new sliceType$8([_arg$1])); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$28, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Index(n); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$30 = d.unmarshal($clone(_r$29, reflect.Value), start, depth + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$30; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetLen(n); + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (24))) { */ case 52: + saveData = v; + $s = 55; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 53: + typ$1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ$1, nameType)) { $s = 68; continue; } + /* */ $s = 69; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ$1, nameType)) { */ case 68: + _r$31 = reflect.ValueOf((x$2 = start.Name, new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2))); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$31, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 49; continue; + /* } */ case 69: + sv = v; + _r$32 = getTypeInfo(typ$1); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$32; + tinfo = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + /* */ if (!(tinfo.xmlname === ptrType$10.nil)) { $s = 73; continue; } + /* */ $s = 74; continue; + /* if (!(tinfo.xmlname === ptrType$10.nil)) { */ case 73: + finfo = tinfo.xmlname; + if (!(finfo.name === "") && !(finfo.name === start.Name.Local)) { + $s = -1; return new UnmarshalError(("expected element type <" + finfo.name + "> but have <" + start.Name.Local + ">")); + } + if (!(finfo.xmlns === "") && !(finfo.xmlns === start.Name.Space)) { + e$1 = "expected element <" + finfo.name + "> in name space " + finfo.xmlns + " but have "; + if (start.Name.Space === "") { + e$1 = e$1 + ("no name space"); + } else { + e$1 = e$1 + (start.Name.Space); + } + $s = -1; return new UnmarshalError((e$1)); + } + _r$33 = finfo.value($clone(sv, reflect.Value), true); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fv = _r$33; + _r$34 = $clone(fv, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = $assertType(_r$34, Name, true); + ok$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 77; continue; } + /* */ $s = 78; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 77: + _r$35 = reflect.ValueOf((x$3 = start.Name, new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3))); /* */ $s = 79; case 79: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(fv, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$35, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 78: + /* } */ case 74: + _ref = start.Attr; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 81: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 82; continue; } + a = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), Attr); + handled = false; + any = -1; + _ref$1 = tinfo.fields; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 83: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 84; continue; } + i = _i$1; + finfo$1 = (x$4 = tinfo.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + i])); + _2 = finfo$1.flags & 127; + /* */ if (_2 === (2)) { $s = 86; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (66)) { $s = 87; continue; } + /* */ $s = 88; continue; + /* if (_2 === (2)) { */ case 86: + _r$36 = finfo$1.value($clone(sv, reflect.Value), true); /* */ $s = 89; case 89: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + strv = _r$36; + /* */ if (a.Name.Local === finfo$1.name && (finfo$1.xmlns === "" || finfo$1.xmlns === a.Name.Space)) { $s = 90; continue; } + /* */ $s = 91; continue; + /* if (a.Name.Local === finfo$1.name && (finfo$1.xmlns === "" || finfo$1.xmlns === a.Name.Space)) { */ case 90: + _r$37 = d.unmarshalAttr($clone(strv, reflect.Value), $clone(a, Attr)); /* */ $s = 92; case 92: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$37; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + handled = true; + /* } */ case 91: + $s = 88; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (66)) { */ case 87: + if (any === -1) { + any = i; + } + /* } */ case 88: + case 85: + _i$1++; + $s = 83; continue; + case 84: + /* */ if (!handled && any >= 0) { $s = 93; continue; } + /* */ $s = 94; continue; + /* if (!handled && any >= 0) { */ case 93: + finfo$2 = (x$5 = tinfo.fields, ((any < 0 || any >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + any])); + _r$38 = finfo$2.value($clone(sv, reflect.Value), true); /* */ $s = 95; case 95: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + strv$1 = _r$38; + _r$39 = d.unmarshalAttr($clone(strv$1, reflect.Value), $clone(a, Attr)); /* */ $s = 96; case 96: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$39; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + /* } */ case 94: + _i++; + $s = 81; continue; + case 82: + _ref$2 = tinfo.fields; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 97: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 98; continue; } + i$1 = _i$2; + finfo$3 = (x$6 = tinfo.fields, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + i$1])); + _3 = finfo$3.flags & 127; + /* */ if ((_3 === (4)) || (_3 === (8))) { $s = 100; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (32)) { $s = 101; continue; } + /* */ if ((_3 === (64)) || (_3 === (65))) { $s = 102; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (16)) { $s = 103; continue; } + /* */ $s = 104; continue; + /* if ((_3 === (4)) || (_3 === (8))) { */ case 100: + /* */ if (!$clone(saveData, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 105; continue; } + /* */ $s = 106; continue; + /* if (!$clone(saveData, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 105: + _r$40 = finfo$3.value($clone(sv, reflect.Value), true); /* */ $s = 107; case 107: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + saveData = _r$40; + /* } */ case 106: + $s = 104; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (32)) { */ case 101: + /* */ if (!$clone(saveComment, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 108; continue; } + /* */ $s = 109; continue; + /* if (!$clone(saveComment, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 108: + _r$41 = finfo$3.value($clone(sv, reflect.Value), true); /* */ $s = 110; case 110: if($c) { $c = false; _r$41 = _r$41.$blk(); } if (_r$41 && _r$41.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + saveComment = _r$41; + /* } */ case 109: + $s = 104; continue; + /* } else if ((_3 === (64)) || (_3 === (65))) { */ case 102: + /* */ if (!$clone(saveAny, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 111; continue; } + /* */ $s = 112; continue; + /* if (!$clone(saveAny, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 111: + _r$42 = finfo$3.value($clone(sv, reflect.Value), true); /* */ $s = 113; case 113: if($c) { $c = false; _r$42 = _r$42.$blk(); } if (_r$42 && _r$42.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + saveAny = _r$42; + /* } */ case 112: + $s = 104; continue; + /* } else if (_3 === (16)) { */ case 103: + /* */ if (!$clone(saveXML, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 114; continue; } + /* */ $s = 115; continue; + /* if (!$clone(saveXML, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 114: + _r$43 = finfo$3.value($clone(sv, reflect.Value), true); /* */ $s = 116; case 116: if($c) { $c = false; _r$43 = _r$43.$blk(); } if (_r$43 && _r$43.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + saveXML = _r$43; + if (d.saved === ptrType$6.nil) { + saveXMLIndex = 0; + d.saved = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, 0, 0); + } else { + saveXMLIndex = d.savedOffset(); + } + /* } */ case 115: + /* } */ case 104: + case 99: + _i$2++; + $s = 97; continue; + case 98: + $s = 55; continue; + /* } else { */ case 54: + _r$44 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 117; case 117: if($c) { $c = false; _r$44 = _r$44.$blk(); } if (_r$44 && _r$44.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$45 = errors.New("unknown type " + _r$44); /* */ $s = 118; case 118: if($c) { $c = false; _r$45 = _r$45.$blk(); } if (_r$45 && _r$45.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$45; + $s = 119; case 119: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 55: + case 49: + /* while (true) { */ case 120: + t$1 = [t$1]; + savedOffset = 0; + if ($clone(saveXML, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { + savedOffset = d.savedOffset(); + } + _r$46 = d.Token(); /* */ $s = 122; case 122: if($c) { $c = false; _r$46 = _r$46.$blk(); } if (_r$46 && _r$46.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$46; + tok$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + err$5 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$5; + } + _ref$3 = tok$1; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$3, StartElement, true)[1]) { $s = 123; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$3, EndElement, true)[1]) { $s = 124; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$3, CharData, true)[1]) { $s = 125; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$3, Comment, true)[1]) { $s = 126; continue; } + /* */ $s = 127; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$3, StartElement, true)[1]) { */ case 123: + t$1[0] = $clone(_ref$3.$val, StartElement); + consumed = false; + /* */ if ($clone(sv, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 128; continue; } + /* */ $s = 129; continue; + /* if ($clone(sv, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 128: + _r$47 = d.unmarshalPath(tinfo, $clone(sv, reflect.Value), sliceType$2.nil, t$1[0], depth); /* */ $s = 130; case 130: if($c) { $c = false; _r$47 = _r$47.$blk(); } if (_r$47 && _r$47.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$47; + consumed = _tuple$5[0]; + err$5 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$5; + } + /* */ if (!consumed && $clone(saveAny, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 131; continue; } + /* */ $s = 132; continue; + /* if (!consumed && $clone(saveAny, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 131: + consumed = true; + _r$48 = d.unmarshal($clone(saveAny, reflect.Value), t$1[0], depth + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 133; case 133: if($c) { $c = false; _r$48 = _r$48.$blk(); } if (_r$48 && _r$48.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$6 = _r$48; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$6; + } + /* } */ case 132: + /* } */ case 129: + /* */ if (!consumed) { $s = 134; continue; } + /* */ $s = 135; continue; + /* if (!consumed) { */ case 134: + _r$49 = d.Skip(); /* */ $s = 136; case 136: if($c) { $c = false; _r$49 = _r$49.$blk(); } if (_r$49 && _r$49.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$7 = _r$49; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$7, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$7; + } + /* } */ case 135: + $s = 127; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$3, EndElement, true)[1]) { */ case 124: + t$2 = $clone(_ref$3.$val, EndElement); + if ($clone(saveXML, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { + saveXMLData = $subslice(d.saved.Bytes(), saveXMLIndex, savedOffset); + if (saveXMLIndex === 0) { + d.saved = ptrType$6.nil; + } + } + /* break Loop; */ $s = 121; continue s; + $s = 127; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$3, CharData, true)[1]) { */ case 125: + t$3 = _ref$3.$val; + if ($clone(saveData, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { + data = $appendSlice(data, $convertSliceType(t$3, sliceType$3)); + } + $s = 127; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$3, Comment, true)[1]) { */ case 126: + t$4 = _ref$3.$val; + if ($clone(saveComment, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { + comment = $appendSlice(comment, $convertSliceType(t$4, sliceType$3)); + } + /* } */ case 127: + $s = 120; continue; + case 121: + if (!($clone(saveData, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $clone(saveData, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$4 = false; $s = 139; continue s; } + _r$50 = $clone(saveData, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textUnmarshalerType); /* */ $s = 140; case 140: if($c) { $c = false; _r$50 = _r$50.$blk(); } if (_r$50 && _r$50.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = _r$50; case 139: + /* */ if (_v$4) { $s = 137; continue; } + /* */ $s = 138; continue; + /* if (_v$4) { */ case 137: + _r$51 = $clone(saveData, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 141; case 141: if($c) { $c = false; _r$51 = _r$51.$blk(); } if (_r$51 && _r$51.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$52 = $assertType(_r$51, encoding.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText(data); /* */ $s = 142; case 142: if($c) { $c = false; _r$52 = _r$52.$blk(); } if (_r$52 && _r$52.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$8 = _r$52; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$8, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$8; + } + saveData = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + /* } */ case 138: + /* */ if ($clone(saveData, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $clone(saveData, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 143; continue; } + /* */ $s = 144; continue; + /* if ($clone(saveData, reflect.Value).IsValid() && $clone(saveData, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 143: + pv$2 = $clone(saveData, reflect.Value).Addr(); + if (!($clone(pv$2, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$5 = false; $s = 147; continue s; } + _r$53 = $clone(pv$2, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textUnmarshalerType); /* */ $s = 148; case 148: if($c) { $c = false; _r$53 = _r$53.$blk(); } if (_r$53 && _r$53.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$5 = _r$53; case 147: + /* */ if (_v$5) { $s = 145; continue; } + /* */ $s = 146; continue; + /* if (_v$5) { */ case 145: + _r$54 = $clone(pv$2, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 149; case 149: if($c) { $c = false; _r$54 = _r$54.$blk(); } if (_r$54 && _r$54.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$55 = $assertType(_r$54, encoding.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText(data); /* */ $s = 150; case 150: if($c) { $c = false; _r$55 = _r$55.$blk(); } if (_r$55 && _r$55.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$9 = _r$55; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$9, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$9; + } + saveData = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + /* } */ case 146: + /* } */ case 144: + _r$56 = copyValue($clone(saveData, reflect.Value), data); /* */ $s = 151; case 151: if($c) { $c = false; _r$56 = _r$56.$blk(); } if (_r$56 && _r$56.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$10 = _r$56; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$10, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$10; + } + t$5 = saveComment; + _4 = $clone(t$5, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_4 === (24)) { $s = 153; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (23)) { $s = 154; continue; } + /* */ $s = 155; continue; + /* if (_4 === (24)) { */ case 153: + $clone(t$5, reflect.Value).SetString(($bytesToString(comment))); + $s = 155; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (23)) { */ case 154: + _r$57 = reflect.ValueOf(comment); /* */ $s = 156; case 156: if($c) { $c = false; _r$57 = _r$57.$blk(); } if (_r$57 && _r$57.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(t$5, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$57, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 157; case 157: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 155: + case 152: + t$6 = saveXML; + _5 = $clone(t$6, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_5 === (24)) { $s = 159; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (23)) { $s = 160; continue; } + /* */ $s = 161; continue; + /* if (_5 === (24)) { */ case 159: + $clone(t$6, reflect.Value).SetString(($bytesToString(saveXMLData))); + $s = 161; continue; + /* } else if (_5 === (23)) { */ case 160: + _r$58 = $clone(t$6, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 164; case 164: if($c) { $c = false; _r$58 = _r$58.$blk(); } if (_r$58 && _r$58.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$59 = _r$58.Kind(); /* */ $s = 165; case 165: if($c) { $c = false; _r$59 = _r$59.$blk(); } if (_r$59 && _r$59.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$59 === 8) { $s = 162; continue; } + /* */ $s = 163; continue; + /* if (_r$59 === 8) { */ case 162: + _r$60 = reflect.ValueOf(saveXMLData); /* */ $s = 166; case 166: if($c) { $c = false; _r$60 = _r$60.$blk(); } if (_r$60 && _r$60.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(t$6, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$60, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 167; case 167: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 163: + /* } */ case 161: + case 158: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.unmarshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$49, _r$50, _r$51, _r$52, _r$53, _r$54, _r$55, _r$56, _r$57, _r$58, _r$59, _r$6, _r$60, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, _v$5, a, any, comment, consumed, d, data, depth, e, e$1, err, err$1, err$10, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, finfo, finfo$1, finfo$2, finfo$3, fv, handled, i, i$1, n, ok, ok$1, pv, pv$1, pv$2, saveAny, saveComment, saveData, saveXML, saveXMLData, saveXMLIndex, savedOffset, start, strv, strv$1, sv, t, t$1, t$2, t$3, t$4, t$5, t$6, tinfo, tok, tok$1, typ, typ$1, v, val, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.unmarshal = function(val, start, depth) { return this.$val.unmarshal(val, start, depth); }; + copyValue = function(dst, src) { + var {$24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, dst, dst0, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, ftmp, itmp, src, utmp, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = $ifaceNil; + dst0 = dst; + /* */ if ($clone(dst, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(dst, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22) { */ case 1: + /* */ if ($clone(dst, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($clone(dst, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = $clone(dst, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.New(_r$6); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(dst, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + _r$8 = $clone(dst, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dst = _r$8; + /* } */ case 2: + _1 = $clone(dst, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 10: + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 11: + if (src.$length === 0) { + $clone(dst, reflect.Value).SetInt(new $Int64(0, 0)); + err = $ifaceNil; + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$9 = strings.TrimSpace(($bytesToString(src))); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$9; + _r$10 = $clone(dst, reflect.Value).Type().Bits(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$10; + _r$11 = strconv.ParseInt(_arg, 10, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$11; + itmp = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + err = err$1; + $s = -1; return err; + } + $clone(dst, reflect.Value).SetInt(itmp); + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { */ case 12: + if (src.$length === 0) { + $clone(dst, reflect.Value).SetUint(new $Uint64(0, 0)); + err = $ifaceNil; + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$12 = strings.TrimSpace(($bytesToString(src))); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$12; + _r$13 = $clone(dst, reflect.Value).Type().Bits(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$13; + _r$14 = strconv.ParseUint(_arg$2, 10, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$14; + utmp = _tuple$1[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + err = err$2; + $s = -1; return err; + } + $clone(dst, reflect.Value).SetUint(utmp); + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { */ case 13: + if (src.$length === 0) { + $clone(dst, reflect.Value).SetFloat(0); + err = $ifaceNil; + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$15 = strings.TrimSpace(($bytesToString(src))); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$15; + _r$16 = $clone(dst, reflect.Value).Type().Bits(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = _r$16; + _r$17 = strconv.ParseFloat(_arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$17; + ftmp = _tuple$2[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + err = err$3; + $s = -1; return err; + } + $clone(dst, reflect.Value).SetFloat(ftmp); + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 14: + if (src.$length === 0) { + $clone(dst, reflect.Value).SetBool(false); + err = $ifaceNil; + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$18 = strings.TrimSpace(($bytesToString(src))); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = strconv.ParseBool(_r$18); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$19; + value = _tuple$3[0]; + err$4 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + err = err$4; + $s = -1; return err; + } + $clone(dst, reflect.Value).SetBool(value); + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 15: + $clone(dst, reflect.Value).SetString(($bytesToString(src))); + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 16: + if (src.$length === 0) { + src = new sliceType$3([]); + } + $r = $clone(dst, reflect.Value).SetBytes(src); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else { */ case 17: + _r$20 = $clone(dst0, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21 = errors.New("cannot unmarshal into " + _r$20); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$21; + $24r = err; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r; + /* } */ case 18: + case 9: + err = $ifaceNil; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: copyValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, dst, dst0, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, ftmp, itmp, src, utmp, value, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.unmarshalPath = function(tinfo, sv, parents, start, depth) { + var {$24r, _i, _i$1, _r$10, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, consumed, consumed2, d, depth, err, err$1, err$2, finfo, i, j, parents, recurse, start, sv, t, t$1, tinfo, tok, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {tinfo, sv, parents, start, depth}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + consumed = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + recurse = false; + _ref = tinfo.fields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + finfo = (x$2 = tinfo.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i])); + if (((finfo.flags & 1) === 0) || finfo.parents.$length < parents.$length || !(finfo.xmlns === "") && !(finfo.xmlns === start.Name.Space)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _ref$1 = parents; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + j = _i$1; + if (!(((j < 0 || j >= parents.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parents.$array[parents.$offset + j]) === (x$3 = finfo.parents, ((j < 0 || j >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + j])))) { + _i++; + /* continue Loop; */ $s = 1; continue s; + } + _i$1++; + } + /* */ if ((finfo.parents.$length === parents.$length) && finfo.name === start.Name.Local) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ((finfo.parents.$length === parents.$length) && finfo.name === start.Name.Local) { */ case 3: + _tmp = true; + _r$6 = finfo.value($clone(sv, reflect.Value), true); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = d.unmarshal($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value), start, depth + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$7; + consumed = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [consumed, err]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + if (finfo.parents.$length > parents.$length && (x$4 = finfo.parents, x$5 = parents.$length, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5])) === start.Name.Local) { + recurse = true; + parents = $subslice(finfo.parents, 0, (parents.$length + 1 >> 0)); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (!recurse) { + _tmp$2 = false; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + consumed = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [consumed, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + t = [t]; + tok = $ifaceNil; + _r$8 = d.Token(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$8; + tok = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = true; + _tmp$5 = err; + consumed = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [consumed, err]; + } + _ref$2 = tok; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$2, StartElement, true)[1]) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$2, EndElement, true)[1]) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$2, StartElement, true)[1]) { */ case 11: + t[0] = $clone(_ref$2.$val, StartElement); + _r$9 = d.unmarshalPath(tinfo, $clone(sv, reflect.Value), parents, t[0], depth); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$9; + consumed2 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = true; + _tmp$7 = err$1; + consumed = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [consumed, err]; + } + /* */ if (!consumed2) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!consumed2) { */ case 15: + _r$10 = d.Skip(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$10; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$8 = true; + _tmp$9 = err$2; + consumed = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [consumed, err]; + } + /* } */ case 16: + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$2, EndElement, true)[1]) { */ case 12: + t$1 = $clone(_ref$2.$val, EndElement); + _tmp$10 = true; + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + consumed = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [consumed, err]; + /* } */ case 13: + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [consumed, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.unmarshalPath, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _i$1, _r$10, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, consumed, consumed2, d, depth, err, err$1, err$2, finfo, i, j, parents, recurse, start, sv, t, t$1, tinfo, tok, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.unmarshalPath = function(tinfo, sv, parents, start, depth) { return this.$val.unmarshalPath(tinfo, sv, parents, start, depth); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Skip = function() { + var {_r$6, _ref, _tuple, d, depth, err, tok, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + depth = new $Int64(0, 0); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = d.Token(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + tok = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _ref = tok; + if ($assertType(_ref, StartElement, true)[1]) { + depth = (x$2 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(depth.$high + x$2.$high, depth.$low + x$2.$low)); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, EndElement, true)[1]) { + if ((depth.$high === 0 && depth.$low === 0)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + depth = (x$3 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(depth.$high - x$3.$high, depth.$low - x$3.$low)); + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.Skip, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _ref, _tuple, d, depth, err, tok, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.Skip = function() { return this.$val.Skip(); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.Indent = function(prefix, indent) { + var enc, indent, prefix; + enc = this; + enc.p.prefix = prefix; + enc.p.indent = indent; + }; + Encoder.prototype.Indent = function(prefix, indent) { return this.$val.Indent(prefix, indent); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.Encode = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, enc, err, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = enc.p.marshalValue($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value), ptrType$10.nil, ptrType$12.nil); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$7; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$8 = enc.p.Writer.Flush(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.Encode, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, enc, err, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.Encode = function(v) { return this.$val.Encode(v); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.EncodeElement = function(v, start) { + var {$24r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, enc, err, start, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, start}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + start = [start]; + enc = this; + _r$6 = reflect.ValueOf(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = enc.p.marshalValue($clone(_r$6, reflect.Value), ptrType$10.nil, start[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$7; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$8 = enc.p.Writer.Flush(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.EncodeElement, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, enc, err, start, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.EncodeElement = function(v, start) { return this.$val.EncodeElement(v, start); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.EncodeToken = function(t) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, enc, err, err$1, p, t, t$1, t$2, t$3, t$4, t$5, t$6, t$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t$1 = [t$1]; + enc = this; + p = enc.p; + _ref = t; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, StartElement, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, EndElement, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, CharData, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, Comment, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ProcInst, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, Directive, true)[1]) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, StartElement, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + t$1[0] = $clone(_ref.$val, StartElement); + _r$6 = p.writeStart(t$1[0]); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, EndElement, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + t$2 = $clone(_ref.$val, EndElement); + _r$7 = p.writeEnd($clone(t$2.Name, Name)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$7; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, CharData, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + t$3 = _ref.$val; + _r$8 = escapeText(p, $convertSliceType(t$3, sliceType$3), false); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, Comment, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + t$4 = _ref.$val; + /* */ if (bytes.Contains($convertSliceType(t$4, sliceType$3), endComment)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (bytes.Contains($convertSliceType(t$4, sliceType$3), endComment)) { */ case 12: + _r$9 = fmt.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of Comment containing --> marker", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$10 = p.Writer.WriteString(""); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + _r$13 = p.cachedWriteError(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$13; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$1; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ProcInst, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + t$5 = $clone(_ref.$val, ProcInst); + /* */ if (t$5.Target === "xml" && !((p.Writer.Buffered() === 0))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (t$5.Target === "xml" && !((p.Writer.Buffered() === 0))) { */ case 21: + _r$14 = fmt.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of ProcInst xml target only valid for xml declaration, first token encoded", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$14; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 22: + /* */ if (!isNameString(t$5.Target)) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (!isNameString(t$5.Target)) { */ case 25: + _r$15 = fmt.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of ProcInst with invalid Target", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$15; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 26: + /* */ if (bytes.Contains(t$5.Inst, endProcInst)) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (bytes.Contains(t$5.Inst, endProcInst)) { */ case 29: + _r$16 = fmt.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of ProcInst containing ?> marker", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$16; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 30: + _r$17 = p.Writer.WriteString(" 0) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (t$5.Inst.$length > 0) { */ case 35: + _r$19 = p.Writer.WriteByte(32); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + _r$20 = p.Writer.Write(t$5.Inst); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20; + /* } */ case 36: + _r$21 = p.Writer.WriteString("?>"); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, Directive, true)[1]) { */ case 6: + t$6 = _ref.$val; + /* */ if (!isValidDirective(t$6)) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (!isValidDirective(t$6)) { */ case 40: + _r$22 = fmt.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of Directive containing wrong < or > markers", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$22; + $s = 43; case 43: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 41: + _r$23 = p.Writer.WriteString(""); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + t$7 = _ref; + _r$26 = fmt.Errorf("xml: EncodeToken of invalid token type", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = _r$26; + $s = 48; case 48: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$27 = p.cachedWriteError(); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$7 = _r$27; + $s = 50; case 50: return $24r$7; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.EncodeToken, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, enc, err, err$1, p, t, t$1, t$2, t$3, t$4, t$5, t$6, t$7, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.EncodeToken = function(t) { return this.$val.EncodeToken(t); }; + isValidDirective = function(dir) { + var _i, _ref, c, depth, dir, i, incomment, inquote, n; + depth = 0; + inquote = 0; + incomment = false; + _ref = dir; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (incomment) { + if (c === 62) { + n = (1 + i >> 0) - endComment.$length >> 0; + if (n >= 0 && bytes.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(dir, n, (i + 1 >> 0)), sliceType$3), endComment)) { + incomment = false; + } + } + } else if (!((inquote === 0))) { + if (c === inquote) { + inquote = 0; + } + } else if ((c === 39) || (c === 34)) { + inquote = c; + } else if ((c === 60)) { + if ((i + begComment.$length >> 0) < dir.$length && bytes.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(dir, i, (i + begComment.$length >> 0)), sliceType$3), begComment)) { + incomment = true; + } else { + depth = depth + (1) >> 0; + } + } else if ((c === 62)) { + if (depth === 0) { + return false; + } + depth = depth - (1) >> 0; + } + _i++; + } + return (depth === 0) && (inquote === 0) && !incomment; + }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.Flush = function() { + var {$24r, _r$6, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + _r$6 = enc.p.Writer.Flush(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.Flush, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.Flush = function() { return this.$val.Flush(); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.createAttrPrefix = function(url) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _key, _key$1, _r$10, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, i, id, p, prefix, prefix$1, url, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {url}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + prefix = (_entry = p.attrPrefix[$String.keyFor(url)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""); + if (!(prefix === "")) { + $s = -1; return prefix; + } + if (url === "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") { + $s = -1; return "xml"; + } + if (p.attrPrefix === false) { + p.attrPrefix = {}; + p.attrNS = {}; + } + prefix$1 = strings.TrimRight(url, "/"); + i = strings.LastIndex(prefix$1, "/"); + if (i >= 0) { + prefix$1 = $substring(prefix$1, (i + 1 >> 0)); + } + if (prefix$1 === "" || !isName((new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(prefix$1)))) || strings.Contains(prefix$1, ":")) { + prefix$1 = "_"; + } + if (prefix$1.length >= 3 && strings.EqualFold($substring(prefix$1, 0, 3), "xml")) { + prefix$1 = "_" + prefix$1; + } + if (!((_entry$1 = p.attrNS[$String.keyFor(prefix$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : "") === "")) { + p.seq = p.seq + (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + id = prefix$1 + "_" + strconv.Itoa(p.seq); + if ((_entry$2 = p.attrNS[$String.keyFor(id)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : "") === "") { + prefix$1 = id; + break; + } + p.seq = p.seq + (1) >> 0; + } + } + _key = url; (p.attrPrefix || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: prefix$1 }; + _key$1 = prefix$1; (p.attrNS || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: url }; + _r$6 = p.Writer.WriteString("xmlns:"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = p.Writer.WriteString(prefix$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = p.Writer.WriteString("=\""); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = EscapeText(p, (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(url)))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + _r$10 = p.Writer.WriteString("\" "); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + p.prefixes = $append(p.prefixes, prefix$1); + $s = -1; return prefix$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.createAttrPrefix, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _key, _key$1, _r$10, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, i, id, p, prefix, prefix$1, url, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.createAttrPrefix = function(url) { return this.$val.createAttrPrefix(url); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.deleteAttrPrefix = function(prefix) { + var _entry, p, prefix; + p = this; + delete p.attrPrefix[$String.keyFor((_entry = p.attrNS[$String.keyFor(prefix)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""))]; + delete p.attrNS[$String.keyFor(prefix)]; + }; + printer.prototype.deleteAttrPrefix = function(prefix) { return this.$val.deleteAttrPrefix(prefix); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.markPrefix = function() { + var p; + p = this; + p.prefixes = $append(p.prefixes, ""); + }; + printer.prototype.markPrefix = function() { return this.$val.markPrefix(); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.popPrefix = function() { + var p, prefix, x$2, x$3; + p = this; + while (true) { + if (!(p.prefixes.$length > 0)) { break; } + prefix = (x$2 = p.prefixes, x$3 = p.prefixes.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x$3])); + p.prefixes = $subslice(p.prefixes, 0, (p.prefixes.$length - 1 >> 0)); + if (prefix === "") { + break; + } + p.deleteAttrPrefix(prefix); + } + }; + printer.prototype.popPrefix = function() { return this.$val.popPrefix(); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.marshalValue = function(val, finfo, startTemplate) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, b, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err1, finfo, finfo$1, fv, fv$1, i, i$1, i$2, kind, n, name, name$1, ok, p, pv, pv$1, s, start, startTemplate, tinfo, typ, v, val, x$2, xmlname, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val, finfo, startTemplate}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + start = [start]; + p = this; + /* */ if (!(startTemplate === ptrType$12.nil) && startTemplate.Name.Local === "") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(startTemplate === ptrType$12.nil) && startTemplate.Name.Local === "") { */ case 1: + _r$6 = fmt.Errorf("xml: EncodeElement of StartElement with missing name", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + if (!$clone(val, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + if (!(finfo === ptrType$10.nil) && !(((finfo.flags & 128) === 0)) && isEmptyValue($clone(val, reflect.Value))) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) || ($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22))) { break; } */ if(!(($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) || ($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22))) { $s = 6; continue; } + if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$7 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$7; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + kind = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind(); + typ = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type(); + if (!($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v = false; $s = 10; continue s; } + _r$8 = typ.Implements(marshalerType); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$8; case 10: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 8: + _r$9 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $assertType(_r$9, Marshaler); + _r$10 = defaultStart(typ, finfo, startTemplate); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$10, StartElement); + _r$11 = p.marshalInterface(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$11; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 16: + pv = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Addr(); + if (!($clone(pv, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$1 = false; $s = 20; continue s; } + _r$12 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(marshalerType); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$12; case 20: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 18: + _r$13 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = $assertType(_r$13, Marshaler); + _r$14 = defaultStart($clone(pv, reflect.Value).Type(), finfo, startTemplate); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$14, StartElement); + _r$15 = p.marshalInterface(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$15; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 17: + if (!($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$2 = false; $s = 28; continue s; } + _r$16 = typ.Implements(textMarshalerType); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$16; case 28: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 26: + _r$17 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = $assertType(_r$17, encoding.TextMarshaler); + _r$18 = defaultStart(typ, finfo, startTemplate); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = $clone(_r$18, StartElement); + _r$19 = p.marshalTextInterface(_arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$19; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 27: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 34: + pv$1 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Addr(); + if (!($clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$3 = false; $s = 38; continue s; } + _r$20 = $clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textMarshalerType); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = _r$20; case 38: + /* */ if (_v$3) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (_v$3) { */ case 36: + _r$21 = $clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = $assertType(_r$21, encoding.TextMarshaler); + _r$22 = defaultStart($clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).Type(), finfo, startTemplate); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = $clone(_r$22, StartElement); + _r$23 = p.marshalTextInterface(_arg$6, _arg$7); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$23; + $s = 43; case 43: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 37: + /* } */ case 35: + if (!((kind === 23) || (kind === 17))) { _v$4 = false; $s = 46; continue s; } + _r$24 = typ.Elem(); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = _r$24.Kind(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = !((_r$25 === 8)); case 46: + /* */ if (_v$4) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ $s = 45; continue; + /* if (_v$4) { */ case 44: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Len(); + i = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 49: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 50; continue; } + _r$26 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = p.marshalValue($clone(_r$26, reflect.Value), finfo, startTemplate); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$27; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 49; continue; + case 50: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 45: + _r$28 = getTypeInfo(typ); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$28; + tinfo = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + start[0] = new StartElement.ptr(new Name.ptr("", ""), sliceType$4.nil); + /* */ if (!(startTemplate === ptrType$12.nil)) { $s = 54; continue; } + /* */ if (!(tinfo.xmlname === ptrType$10.nil)) { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ $s = 56; continue; + /* if (!(startTemplate === ptrType$12.nil)) { */ case 54: + Name.copy(start[0].Name, startTemplate.Name); + start[0].Attr = $appendSlice(start[0].Attr, startTemplate.Attr); + $s = 56; continue; + /* } else if (!(tinfo.xmlname === ptrType$10.nil)) { */ case 55: + xmlname = tinfo.xmlname; + /* */ if (!(xmlname.name === "")) { $s = 57; continue; } + /* */ $s = 58; continue; + /* if (!(xmlname.name === "")) { */ case 57: + _tmp$2 = xmlname.xmlns; + _tmp$3 = xmlname.name; + start[0].Name.Space = _tmp$2; + start[0].Name.Local = _tmp$3; + $s = 59; continue; + /* } else { */ case 58: + _r$29 = xmlname.value($clone(val, reflect.Value), false); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fv = _r$29; + _r$30 = $clone(fv, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(_r$30, Name, true); + v = $clone(_tuple$1[0], Name); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok && !(v.Local === "")) { + Name.copy(start[0].Name, v); + } + /* } */ case 59: + /* } */ case 56: + if (start[0].Name.Local === "" && !(finfo === ptrType$10.nil)) { + _tmp$4 = finfo.xmlns; + _tmp$5 = finfo.name; + start[0].Name.Space = _tmp$4; + start[0].Name.Local = _tmp$5; + } + /* */ if (start[0].Name.Local === "") { $s = 62; continue; } + /* */ $s = 63; continue; + /* if (start[0].Name.Local === "") { */ case 62: + _r$31 = typ.Name(); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r$31; + i$1 = strings.IndexByte(name, 91); + if (i$1 >= 0) { + name = $substring(name, 0, i$1); + } + if (name === "") { + $s = -1; return new UnsupportedTypeError.ptr(typ); + } + start[0].Name.Local = name; + /* } */ case 63: + _ref = tinfo.fields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 65: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 66; continue; } + i$2 = _i; + finfo$1 = (x$2 = tinfo.fields, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$2])); + if ((finfo$1.flags & 2) === 0) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 65; continue; + } + _r$32 = finfo$1.value($clone(val, reflect.Value), false); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fv$1 = _r$32; + if (!(((finfo$1.flags & 128) === 0)) && (!$clone(fv$1, reflect.Value).IsValid() || isEmptyValue($clone(fv$1, reflect.Value)))) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 65; continue; + } + if (($clone(fv$1, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) && $clone(fv$1, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 65; continue; + } + name$1 = new Name.ptr(finfo$1.xmlns, finfo$1.name); + _r$33 = p.marshalAttr(start[0], $clone(name$1, Name), $clone(fv$1, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$33; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + _i++; + $s = 65; continue; + case 66: + _r$34 = p.writeStart(start[0]); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$34; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 25) { $s = 70; continue; } + /* */ $s = 71; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 25) { */ case 70: + _r$35 = p.marshalStruct(tinfo, $clone(val, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 73; case 73: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$35; + $s = 72; continue; + /* } else { */ case 71: + _r$36 = p.marshalSimple(typ, $clone(val, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$36; + s = _tuple$2[0]; + b = _tuple$2[1]; + err1 = _tuple$2[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 75; continue; } + /* */ if (!(b === sliceType$3.nil)) { $s = 76; continue; } + /* */ $s = 77; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 75: + err$1 = err1; + $s = 78; continue; + /* } else if (!(b === sliceType$3.nil)) { */ case 76: + _r$37 = EscapeText(p, b); /* */ $s = 79; case 79: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$37; + $s = 78; continue; + /* } else { */ case 77: + $r = p.EscapeString(s); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 78: + /* } */ case 72: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$38 = p.writeEnd($clone(start[0].Name, Name)); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$38; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + _r$39 = p.cachedWriteError(); /* */ $s = 82; case 82: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$39; + $s = 83; case 83: return $24r$5; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.marshalValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, b, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err1, finfo, finfo$1, fv, fv$1, i, i$1, i$2, kind, n, name, name$1, ok, p, pv, pv$1, s, start, startTemplate, tinfo, typ, v, val, x$2, xmlname, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.marshalValue = function(val, finfo, startTemplate) { return this.$val.marshalValue(val, finfo, startTemplate); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.marshalAttr = function(start, name, val) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, attr, attr$1, b, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, i, n, name, p, pv, pv$1, s, start, text, text$1, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {start, name, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (!($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$6 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(marshalerAttrType); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$6; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + _r$7 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = $assertType(_r$7, MarshalerAttr).MarshalXMLAttr($clone(name, Name)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$8; + attr = $clone(_tuple[0], Attr); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + if (!(attr.Name.Local === "")) { + start.Attr = $append(start.Attr, attr); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 7: + pv = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Addr(); + if (!($clone(pv, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$1 = false; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$9 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(marshalerAttrType); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$9; case 11: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 9: + _r$10 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $assertType(_r$10, MarshalerAttr).MarshalXMLAttr($clone(name, Name)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$11; + attr$1 = $clone(_tuple$1[0], Attr); + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + if (!(attr$1.Name.Local === "")) { + start.Attr = $append(start.Attr, attr$1); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 8: + if (!($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$2 = false; $s = 17; continue s; } + _r$12 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textMarshalerType); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$12; case 17: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 15: + _r$13 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $assertType(_r$13, encoding.TextMarshaler).MarshalText(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$14; + text = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + start.Attr = $append(start.Attr, new Attr.ptr($clone(name, Name), ($bytesToString(text)))); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 16: + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 21: + pv$1 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Addr(); + if (!($clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$3 = false; $s = 25; continue s; } + _r$15 = $clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textMarshalerType); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = _r$15; case 25: + /* */ if (_v$3) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (_v$3) { */ case 23: + _r$16 = $clone(pv$1, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = $assertType(_r$16, encoding.TextMarshaler).MarshalText(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$17; + text$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + start.Attr = $append(start.Attr, new Attr.ptr($clone(name, Name), ($bytesToString(text$1)))); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 24: + /* } */ case 22: + _1 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (20))) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (20))) { */ case 30: + if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$18 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$18; + /* } */ case 31: + case 29: + if (!($clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind() === 23)) { _v$4 = false; $s = 35; continue s; } + _r$19 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = _r$19.Kind(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = !((_r$20 === 8)); case 35: + /* */ if (_v$4) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (_v$4) { */ case 33: + n = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Len(); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 38: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 39; continue; } + _arg = start; + _arg$1 = $clone(name, Name); + _r$21 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = $clone(_r$21, reflect.Value); + _r$22 = p.marshalAttr(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$22; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 38; continue; + case 39: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 34: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(val, reflect.Value).Type(), attrType)) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(val, reflect.Value).Type(), attrType)) { */ case 42: + _r$23 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + start.Attr = $append(start.Attr, $assertType(_r$23, Attr)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 43: + _r$24 = p.marshalSimple($clone(val, reflect.Value).Type(), $clone(val, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$24; + s = _tuple$4[0]; + b = _tuple$4[1]; + err$5 = _tuple$4[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$5; + } + if (!(b === sliceType$3.nil)) { + s = ($bytesToString(b)); + } + start.Attr = $append(start.Attr, new Attr.ptr($clone(name, Name), s)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.marshalAttr, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, attr, attr$1, b, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, i, n, name, p, pv, pv$1, s, start, text, text$1, val, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.marshalAttr = function(start, name, val) { return this.$val.marshalAttr(start, name, val); }; + defaultStart = function(typ, finfo, startTemplate) { + var {_r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, finfo, start, startTemplate, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ, finfo, startTemplate}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + start = new StartElement.ptr(new Name.ptr("", ""), sliceType$4.nil); + /* */ if (!(startTemplate === ptrType$12.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if (!(finfo === ptrType$10.nil) && !(finfo.name === "")) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$6 = typ.Name(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(_r$6 === "")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(startTemplate === ptrType$12.nil)) { */ case 1: + Name.copy(start.Name, startTemplate.Name); + start.Attr = $appendSlice(start.Attr, startTemplate.Attr); + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (!(finfo === ptrType$10.nil) && !(finfo.name === "")) { */ case 2: + start.Name.Local = finfo.name; + start.Name.Space = finfo.xmlns; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (!(_r$6 === "")) { */ case 3: + _r$7 = typ.Name(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + start.Name.Local = _r$7; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$8 = typ.Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = _r$8.Name(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + start.Name.Local = _r$9; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return start; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: defaultStart, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, finfo, start, startTemplate, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.ptr.prototype.marshalInterface = function(val, start) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, err, n, p, start, val, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val, start}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + p.tags = $append(p.tags, new Name.ptr("", "")); + n = p.tags.$length; + _r$6 = val.MarshalXML(p.encoder, $clone(start, StartElement)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* */ if (p.tags.$length > n) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (p.tags.$length > n) { */ case 2: + _r$7 = receiverType(val); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$7); + _arg$1 = new $String((x$2 = p.tags, x$3 = p.tags.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x$3])).Local); + _r$8 = fmt.Errorf("xml: %s.MarshalXML wrote invalid XML: <%s> not closed", new sliceType$5([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + p.tags = $subslice(p.tags, 0, (n - 1 >> 0)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.marshalInterface, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, err, n, p, start, val, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.marshalInterface = function(val, start) { return this.$val.marshalInterface(val, start); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.marshalTextInterface = function(val, start) { + var {$24r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, err, err$1, p, start, text, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val, start}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + start = [start]; + p = this; + _r$6 = p.writeStart(start[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$7 = val.MarshalText(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + text = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$8 = EscapeText(p, text); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = p.writeEnd($clone(start[0].Name, Name)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.marshalTextInterface, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, err, err$1, p, start, text, val, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.marshalTextInterface = function(val, start) { return this.$val.marshalTextInterface(val, start); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.writeStart = function(start) { + var {$24r, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, attr, name, p, start, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {start}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + /* */ if (start.Name.Local === "") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (start.Name.Local === "") { */ case 1: + _r$6 = fmt.Errorf("xml: start tag with no name", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + p.tags = $append(p.tags, start.Name); + p.markPrefix(); + $r = p.writeIndent(1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = p.Writer.WriteByte(60); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = p.Writer.WriteString(start.Name.Local); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + /* */ if (!(start.Name.Space === "")) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(start.Name.Space === "")) { */ case 8: + _r$9 = p.Writer.WriteString(" xmlns=\""); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + $r = p.EscapeString(start.Name.Space); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = p.Writer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + /* } */ case 9: + _ref = start.Attr; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 14; continue; } + attr = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), Attr); + name = $clone(attr.Name, Name); + if (name.Local === "") { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 13; continue; + } + _r$11 = p.Writer.WriteByte(32); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + /* */ if (!(name.Space === "")) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!(name.Space === "")) { */ case 16: + _r$12 = p.createAttrPrefix(name.Space); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = p.Writer.WriteString(_r$12); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + _r$14 = p.Writer.WriteByte(58); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + /* } */ case 17: + _r$15 = p.Writer.WriteString(name.Local); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + _r$16 = p.Writer.WriteString("=\""); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + $r = p.EscapeString(attr.Value); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = p.Writer.WriteByte(34); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17; + _i++; + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + _r$18 = p.Writer.WriteByte(62); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.writeStart, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, attr, name, p, start, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.writeStart = function(start) { return this.$val.writeStart(start); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.writeEnd = function(name) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, name, p, top, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + /* */ if (name.Local === "") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (name.Local === "") { */ case 1: + _r$6 = fmt.Errorf("xml: end tag with no name", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ((p.tags.$length === 0) || (x$2 = p.tags, x$3 = p.tags.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x$3])).Local === "") { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ((p.tags.$length === 0) || (x$2 = p.tags, x$3 = p.tags.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x$3])).Local === "") { */ case 5: + _r$7 = fmt.Errorf("xml: end tag without start tag", new sliceType$5([new $String(name.Local)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$7; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + top = $clone((x$4 = p.tags, x$5 = p.tags.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5])), Name); + /* */ if (!($equal(top, name, Name))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($equal(top, name, Name))) { */ case 9: + /* */ if (!(top.Local === name.Local)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!(top.Local === name.Local)) { */ case 11: + _r$8 = fmt.Errorf("xml: end tag does not match start tag <%s>", new sliceType$5([new $String(name.Local), new $String(top.Local)])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$8; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 12: + _r$9 = fmt.Errorf("xml: end tag in namespace %s does not match start tag <%s> in namespace %s", new sliceType$5([new $String(name.Local), new $String(name.Space), new $String(top.Local), new $String(top.Space)])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$9; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 10: + p.tags = $subslice(p.tags, 0, (p.tags.$length - 1 >> 0)); + $r = p.writeIndent(-1); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = p.Writer.WriteByte(60); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + _r$11 = p.Writer.WriteByte(47); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = p.Writer.WriteString(name.Local); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + _r$13 = p.Writer.WriteByte(62); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + p.popPrefix(); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.writeEnd, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, name, p, top, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.writeEnd = function(name) { return this.$val.writeEnd(name); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.marshalSimple = function(typ, val) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, bytes$1, p, typ, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _1 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return [strconv.FormatInt($clone(val, reflect.Value).Int(), 10), sliceType$3.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [strconv.FormatUint($clone(val, reflect.Value).Uint(), 10), sliceType$3.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { */ case 4: + _arg = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Float(); + _r$6 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Bits(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$6; + _r$7 = strconv.FormatFloat(_arg, 103, -1, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r$7, sliceType$3.nil, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 5: + _r$8 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [_r$8, sliceType$3.nil, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return [strconv.FormatBool($clone(val, reflect.Value).Bool()), sliceType$3.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 7: + _r$9 = typ.Elem(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.Kind(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$10 === 8))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!((_r$10 === 8))) { */ case 15: + /* break; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 16: + bytes$1 = sliceType$3.nil; + /* */ if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if ($clone(val, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 19: + _r$11 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Slice(0, $clone(val, reflect.Value).Len()); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = $clone(_r$11, reflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bytes$1 = _r$12; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else { */ case 20: + bytes$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, $clone(val, reflect.Value).Len()); + _r$13 = reflect.ValueOf(bytes$1); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = reflect.Copy($clone(_r$13, reflect.Value), $clone(val, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + /* } */ case 21: + $s = -1; return ["", bytes$1, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 8: + _r$15 = typ.Elem(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = _r$15.Kind(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$16 === 8))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!((_r$16 === 8))) { */ case 26: + /* break; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 27: + _r$17 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = ["", _r$17, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 9: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ["", sliceType$3.nil, new UnsupportedTypeError.ptr(typ)]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.marshalSimple, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, bytes$1, p, typ, val, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.marshalSimple = function(typ, val) { return this.$val.marshalSimple(typ, val); }; + indirect = function(vf) { + var {_r$6, vf, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {vf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(($clone(vf, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) || ($clone(vf, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22))) { break; } */ if(!(($clone(vf, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20) || ($clone(vf, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22))) { $s = 2; continue; } + if ($clone(vf, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + $s = -1; return vf; + } + _r$6 = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vf = _r$6; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return vf; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: indirect, $c: true, $r, _r$6, vf, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.ptr.prototype.marshalStruct = function(tinfo, val) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _2, _3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, b, dashDash, dashLast, data, data$1, elem, emit, err, err$1, err$10, err$11, err$12, err$13, err$14, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, finfo, i, iface, k, ok, p, pv, raw, raw$1, s, s$1, scratch, tinfo, val, vf, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {tinfo, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + s = new parentStack.ptr(p, sliceType$2.nil); + _ref = tinfo.fields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + finfo = (x$2 = tinfo.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i])); + if (!(((finfo.flags & 2) === 0))) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r$6 = finfo.value($clone(val, reflect.Value), false); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vf = _r$6; + if (!$clone(vf, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _1 = finfo.flags & 127; + /* */ if ((_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (8))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (32)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (65))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (8))) { */ case 5: + emit = EscapeText; + if ((finfo.flags & 127) === 4) { + emit = emitCDATA; + } + _r$7 = s.trim(finfo.parents); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$7; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + if (!($clone(vf, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v = false; $s = 13; continue s; } + _r$8 = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textMarshalerType); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$8; case 13: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 11: + _r$9 = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $assertType(_r$9, encoding.TextMarshaler).MarshalText(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$10; + data = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$11 = emit(p, data); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 12: + /* */ if ($clone(vf, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if ($clone(vf, reflect.Value).CanAddr()) { */ case 18: + pv = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Addr(); + if (!($clone(pv, reflect.Value).CanInterface())) { _v$1 = false; $s = 22; continue s; } + _r$12 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Type().Implements(textMarshalerType); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$12; case 22: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 20: + _r$13 = $clone(pv, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $assertType(_r$13, encoding.TextMarshaler).MarshalText(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$14; + data$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + _r$15 = emit(p, data$1); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$15; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 21: + /* } */ case 19: + scratch = arrayType.zero(); + _r$16 = indirect($clone(vf, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vf = _r$16; + _2 = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if ((_2 === (2)) || (_2 === (3)) || (_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (5)) || (_2 === (6))) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ if ((_2 === (7)) || (_2 === (8)) || (_2 === (9)) || (_2 === (10)) || (_2 === (11)) || (_2 === (12))) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ if ((_2 === (13)) || (_2 === (14))) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (1)) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (24)) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (23)) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if ((_2 === (2)) || (_2 === (3)) || (_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (5)) || (_2 === (6))) { */ case 29: + _r$17 = emit(p, strconv.AppendInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(scratch), 0, 0), $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Int(), 10)); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$5 = _r$17; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$5; + } + $s = 35; continue; + /* } else if ((_2 === (7)) || (_2 === (8)) || (_2 === (9)) || (_2 === (10)) || (_2 === (11)) || (_2 === (12))) { */ case 30: + _r$18 = emit(p, strconv.AppendUint($subslice(new sliceType$3(scratch), 0, 0), $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Uint(), 10)); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$6 = _r$18; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$6; + } + $s = 35; continue; + /* } else if ((_2 === (13)) || (_2 === (14))) { */ case 31: + _arg = p; + _arg$1 = $subslice(new sliceType$3(scratch), 0, 0); + _arg$2 = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Float(); + _r$19 = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Type().Bits(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$19; + _r$20 = strconv.AppendFloat(_arg$1, _arg$2, 103, -1, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$20; + _r$21 = emit(_arg, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$7 = _r$21; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$7, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$7; + } + $s = 35; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (1)) { */ case 32: + _r$22 = emit(p, strconv.AppendBool($subslice(new sliceType$3(scratch), 0, 0), $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Bool())); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$8 = _r$22; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$8, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$8; + } + $s = 35; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (24)) { */ case 33: + _arg$5 = p; + _r$23 = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(_r$23))); + _r$24 = emit(_arg$5, _arg$6); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$9 = _r$24; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$9, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$9; + } + $s = 35; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (23)) { */ case 34: + _r$25 = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = $assertType(_r$25, sliceType$3, true); + elem = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 45: + _r$26 = emit(p, elem); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$10 = _r$26; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$10, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$10; + } + /* } */ case 46: + /* } */ case 35: + case 28: + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (32)) { */ case 6: + _r$27 = s.trim(finfo.parents); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$11 = _r$27; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$11, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$11; + } + _r$28 = indirect($clone(vf, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vf = _r$28; + k = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Kind(); + if (k === 24) { _v$2 = true; $s = 52; continue s; } + if (!(k === 23)) { _v$3 = false; $s = 53; continue s; } + _r$29 = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Type().Elem(); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$30 = _r$29.Kind(); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = _r$30 === 8; case 53: + _v$2 = _v$3; case 52: + /* */ if (!(_v$2)) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ $s = 51; continue; + /* if (!(_v$2)) { */ case 50: + _r$31 = fmt.Errorf("xml: bad type for comment field of %s", new sliceType$5([$clone(val, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$31; + $s = 57; case 57: return $24r; + /* } */ case 51: + if ($clone(vf, reflect.Value).Len() === 0) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + $r = p.writeIndent(0); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$32 = p.Writer.WriteString(""); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$39; + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 7: + _r$40 = indirect($clone(vf, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vf = _r$40; + _r$41 = $clone(vf, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 82; case 82: if($c) { $c = false; _r$41 = _r$41.$blk(); } if (_r$41 && _r$41.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + iface = _r$41; + _ref$1 = iface; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, sliceType$3, true)[1]) { $s = 83; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $String, true)[1]) { $s = 84; continue; } + /* */ $s = 85; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$1, sliceType$3, true)[1]) { */ case 83: + raw = _ref$1.$val; + _r$42 = p.Writer.Write(raw); /* */ $s = 86; case 86: if($c) { $c = false; _r$42 = _r$42.$blk(); } if (_r$42 && _r$42.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$42; + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + $s = 85; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $String, true)[1]) { */ case 84: + raw$1 = _ref$1.$val; + _r$43 = p.Writer.WriteString(raw$1); /* */ $s = 87; case 87: if($c) { $c = false; _r$43 = _r$43.$blk(); } if (_r$43 && _r$43.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$43; + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 85: + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (65))) { */ case 8: + _r$44 = s.trim(finfo.parents); /* */ $s = 88; case 88: if($c) { $c = false; _r$44 = _r$44.$blk(); } if (_r$44 && _r$44.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$12 = _r$44; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$12, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$12; + } + /* */ if (finfo.parents.$length > s.stack.$length) { $s = 89; continue; } + /* */ $s = 90; continue; + /* if (finfo.parents.$length > s.stack.$length) { */ case 89: + /* */ if (!(($clone(vf, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22)) && !(($clone(vf, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20)) || !$clone(vf, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { $s = 91; continue; } + /* */ $s = 92; continue; + /* if (!(($clone(vf, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22)) && !(($clone(vf, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20)) || !$clone(vf, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { */ case 91: + _r$45 = s.push($subslice(finfo.parents, s.stack.$length)); /* */ $s = 93; case 93: if($c) { $c = false; _r$45 = _r$45.$blk(); } if (_r$45 && _r$45.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$13 = _r$45; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$13, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$13; + } + /* } */ case 92: + /* } */ case 90: + /* } */ case 9: + case 4: + _r$46 = p.marshalValue($clone(vf, reflect.Value), finfo, ptrType$12.nil); /* */ $s = 94; case 94: if($c) { $c = false; _r$46 = _r$46.$blk(); } if (_r$46 && _r$46.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$14 = _r$46; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$14, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$14; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$47 = s.trim(sliceType$2.nil); /* */ $s = 95; case 95: if($c) { $c = false; _r$47 = _r$47.$blk(); } if (_r$47 && _r$47.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$47; + _r$48 = p.cachedWriteError(); /* */ $s = 96; case 96: if($c) { $c = false; _r$48 = _r$48.$blk(); } if (_r$48 && _r$48.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$48; + $s = 97; case 97: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.marshalStruct, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _2, _3, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _i, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, b, dashDash, dashLast, data, data$1, elem, emit, err, err$1, err$10, err$11, err$12, err$13, err$14, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, finfo, i, iface, k, ok, p, pv, raw, raw$1, s, s$1, scratch, tinfo, val, vf, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.marshalStruct = function(tinfo, val) { return this.$val.marshalStruct(tinfo, val); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.cachedWriteError = function() { + var {_r$6, _tuple, err, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$6 = p.Writer.Write(sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.cachedWriteError, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _tuple, err, p, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.cachedWriteError = function() { return this.$val.cachedWriteError(); }; + printer.ptr.prototype.writeIndent = function(depthDelta) { + var {_r$6, _r$7, _r$8, depthDelta, i, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {depthDelta}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if ((p.prefix.length === 0) && (p.indent.length === 0)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if (depthDelta < 0) { + p.depth = p.depth - (1) >> 0; + if (p.indentedIn) { + p.indentedIn = false; + $s = -1; return; + } + p.indentedIn = false; + } + /* */ if (p.putNewline) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p.putNewline) { */ case 1: + _r$6 = p.Writer.WriteByte(10); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + p.putNewline = true; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (p.prefix.length > 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (p.prefix.length > 0) { */ case 5: + _r$7 = p.Writer.WriteString(p.prefix); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (p.indent.length > 0) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (p.indent.length > 0) { */ case 8: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 10: + /* if (!(i < p.depth)) { break; } */ if(!(i < p.depth)) { $s = 11; continue; } + _r$8 = p.Writer.WriteString(p.indent); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 10; continue; + case 11: + /* } */ case 9: + if (depthDelta > 0) { + p.depth = p.depth + (1) >> 0; + p.indentedIn = true; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: printer.ptr.prototype.writeIndent, $c: true, $r, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, depthDelta, i, p, $s};return $f; + }; + printer.prototype.writeIndent = function(depthDelta) { return this.$val.writeIndent(depthDelta); }; + parentStack.ptr.prototype.trim = function(parents) { + var {_r$6, err, i, parents, s, split, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parents}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + split = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(split < parents.$length && split < s.stack.$length)) { break; } + if (!(((split < 0 || split >= parents.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parents.$array[parents.$offset + split]) === (x$2 = s.stack, ((split < 0 || split >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + split])))) { + break; + } + split = split + (1) >> 0; + } + i = s.stack.$length - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i >= split)) { break; } */ if(!(i >= split)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$6 = s.p.writeEnd(new Name.ptr("", (x$3 = s.stack, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i])))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + s.stack = $subslice(s.stack, 0, split); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parentStack.ptr.prototype.trim, $c: true, $r, _r$6, err, i, parents, s, split, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + parentStack.prototype.trim = function(parents) { return this.$val.trim(parents); }; + parentStack.ptr.prototype.push = function(parents) { + var {_r$6, err, i, parents, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parents}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < parents.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < parents.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$6 = s.p.writeStart(new StartElement.ptr(new Name.ptr("", ((i < 0 || i >= parents.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parents.$array[parents.$offset + i])), sliceType$4.nil)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + s.stack = $appendSlice(s.stack, parents); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parentStack.ptr.prototype.push, $c: true, $r, _r$6, err, i, parents, s, $s};return $f; + }; + parentStack.prototype.push = function(parents) { return this.$val.push(parents); }; + UnsupportedTypeError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$6, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$6 = e.Type.String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = "xml: unsupported type: " + _r$6; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnsupportedTypeError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$6, e, $s};return $f; + }; + UnsupportedTypeError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + isEmptyValue = function(v) { + var _1, v, x$2, x$3; + _1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + if ((_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (24))) { + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len() === 0; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return !$clone(v, reflect.Value).Bool(); + } else if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { + return (x$2 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Int(), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0)); + } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12))) { + return (x$3 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Uint(), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0)); + } else if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14))) { + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).Float() === 0; + } else if ((_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (22))) { + return $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil(); + } + return false; + }; + ptrType$16.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + StartElement.methods = [{prop: "Copy", name: "Copy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [StartElement], false)}, {prop: "End", name: "End", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [EndElement], false)}]; + CharData.methods = [{prop: "Copy", name: "Copy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [CharData], false)}]; + Comment.methods = [{prop: "Copy", name: "Copy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Comment], false)}]; + ProcInst.methods = [{prop: "Copy", name: "Copy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ProcInst], false)}]; + Directive.methods = [{prop: "Copy", name: "Copy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Directive], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "Token", name: "Token", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "translate", name: "translate", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([ptrType$17, $Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "switchToReader", name: "switchToReader", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [], false)}, {prop: "push", name: "push", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([$Int], [ptrType$7], false)}, {prop: "pop", name: "pop", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$7], false)}, {prop: "pushEOF", name: "pushEOF", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "popEOF", name: "popEOF", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "pushElement", name: "pushElement", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([Name], [], false)}, {prop: "pushNs", name: "pushNs", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([$String, $String, $Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "syntaxError", name: "syntaxError", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "popElement", name: "popElement", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([ptrType$18], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "autoClose", name: "autoClose", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([Token], [Token, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "RawToken", name: "RawToken", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "rawToken", name: "rawToken", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}, {prop: "attrval", name: "attrval", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "space", name: "space", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "getc", name: "getc", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "InputOffset", name: "InputOffset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "savedOffset", name: "savedOffset", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "mustgetc", name: "mustgetc", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "ungetc", name: "ungetc", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "text", name: "text", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Bool], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "nsname", name: "nsname", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [Name, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "readName", name: "readName", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Decode", name: "Decode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "DecodeElement", name: "DecodeElement", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, ptrType$12], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalInterface", name: "unmarshalInterface", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([Unmarshaler, ptrType$12], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalTextInterface", name: "unmarshalTextInterface", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([encoding.TextUnmarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalAttr", name: "unmarshalAttr", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value, Attr], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value, ptrType$12, $Int], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalPath", name: "unmarshalPath", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, reflect.Value, sliceType$2, ptrType$12, $Int], [$Bool, $error], false)}, {prop: "Skip", name: "Skip", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "value", name: "value", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value, $Bool], [reflect.Value], false)}]; + ptrType$19.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + UnmarshalError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$14.methods = [{prop: "Indent", name: "Indent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "EncodeElement", name: "EncodeElement", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, StartElement], [$error], false)}, {prop: "EncodeToken", name: "EncodeToken", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Token], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Flush", name: "Flush", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$15.methods = [{prop: "EscapeString", name: "EscapeString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "createAttrPrefix", name: "createAttrPrefix", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "deleteAttrPrefix", name: "deleteAttrPrefix", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "markPrefix", name: "markPrefix", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "popPrefix", name: "popPrefix", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "marshalValue", name: "marshalValue", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([reflect.Value, ptrType$10, ptrType$12], [$error], false)}, {prop: "marshalAttr", name: "marshalAttr", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([ptrType$12, Name, reflect.Value], [$error], false)}, {prop: "marshalInterface", name: "marshalInterface", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([Marshaler, StartElement], [$error], false)}, {prop: "marshalTextInterface", name: "marshalTextInterface", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([encoding.TextMarshaler, StartElement], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeStart", name: "writeStart", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([ptrType$12], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeEnd", name: "writeEnd", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([Name], [$error], false)}, {prop: "marshalSimple", name: "marshalSimple", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([reflect.Type, reflect.Value], [$String, sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshalStruct", name: "marshalStruct", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, reflect.Value], [$error], false)}, {prop: "cachedWriteError", name: "cachedWriteError", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeIndent", name: "writeIndent", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}]; + ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "trim", name: "trim", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$error], false)}, {prop: "push", name: "push", pkg: "encoding/xml", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$21.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + SyntaxError.init("", [{prop: "Msg", name: "Msg", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Line", name: "Line", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Name.init("", [{prop: "Space", name: "Space", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Local", name: "Local", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Attr.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Name, tag: ""}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Token.init([]); + StartElement.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Name, tag: ""}, {prop: "Attr", name: "Attr", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}]); + EndElement.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Name, tag: ""}]); + CharData.init($Uint8); + Comment.init($Uint8); + ProcInst.init("", [{prop: "Target", name: "Target", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Inst", name: "Inst", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + Directive.init($Uint8); + TokenReader.init([{prop: "Token", name: "Token", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Token, $error], false)}]); + Decoder.init("encoding/xml", [{prop: "Strict", name: "Strict", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "AutoClose", name: "AutoClose", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Entity", name: "Entity", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "CharsetReader", name: "CharsetReader", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "DefaultSpace", name: "DefaultSpace", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.ByteReader, tag: ""}, {prop: "t", name: "t", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: TokenReader, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: bytes.Buffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "saved", name: "saved", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "stk", name: "stk", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "free", name: "free", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "needClose", name: "needClose", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "toClose", name: "toClose", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Name, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextToken", name: "nextToken", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Token, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextByte", name: "nextByte", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ns", name: "ns", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "line", name: "line", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "offset", name: "offset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "unmarshalDepth", name: "unmarshalDepth", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + stack.init("encoding/xml", [{prop: "next", name: "next", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "kind", name: "kind", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Name, tag: ""}, {prop: "ok", name: "ok", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + typeInfo.init("encoding/xml", [{prop: "xmlname", name: "xmlname", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "fields", name: "fields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}]); + fieldInfo.init("encoding/xml", [{prop: "idx", name: "idx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "xmlns", name: "xmlns", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "flags", name: "flags", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: fieldFlags, tag: ""}, {prop: "parents", name: "parents", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + TagPathError.init("", [{prop: "Struct", name: "Struct", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "Field1", name: "Field1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Tag1", name: "Tag1", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Field2", name: "Field2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Tag2", name: "Tag2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Unmarshaler.init([{prop: "UnmarshalXML", name: "UnmarshalXML", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$8, StartElement], [$error], false)}]); + UnmarshalerAttr.init([{prop: "UnmarshalXMLAttr", name: "UnmarshalXMLAttr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Attr], [$error], false)}]); + Marshaler.init([{prop: "MarshalXML", name: "MarshalXML", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$14, StartElement], [$error], false)}]); + MarshalerAttr.init([{prop: "MarshalXMLAttr", name: "MarshalXMLAttr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Name], [Attr, $error], false)}]); + Encoder.init("encoding/xml", [{prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: printer, tag: ""}]); + printer.init("encoding/xml", [{prop: "Writer", name: "Writer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ptrType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "encoder", name: "encoder", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "seq", name: "seq", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "indent", name: "indent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "prefix", name: "prefix", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "depth", name: "depth", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "indentedIn", name: "indentedIn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "putNewline", name: "putNewline", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "attrNS", name: "attrNS", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "attrPrefix", name: "attrPrefix", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "prefixes", name: "prefixes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "tags", name: "tags", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$9, tag: ""}]); + parentStack.init("encoding/xml", [{prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$15, tag: ""}, {prop: "stack", name: "stack", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + UnsupportedTypeError.init("", [{prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bufio.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = encoding.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tinfoMap = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new $packages["sync/atomic"].Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + errRawToken = errors.New("xml: cannot use RawToken from UnmarshalXML method"); + entity = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "lt", v: 60 }, { k: "gt", v: 62 }, { k: "amp", v: 38 }, { k: "apos", v: 39 }, { k: "quot", v: 34 }]); + first = new unicode.RangeTable.ptr(new sliceType([new unicode.Range16.ptr(58, 58, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(65, 90, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(95, 95, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(97, 122, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(192, 214, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(216, 246, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(248, 255, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(256, 305, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(308, 318, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(321, 328, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(330, 382, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(384, 451, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(461, 496, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(500, 501, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(506, 535, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(592, 680, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(699, 705, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(902, 902, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(904, 906, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(908, 908, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(910, 929, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(931, 974, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(976, 982, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(986, 992, 2), new unicode.Range16.ptr(994, 1011, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1025, 1036, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1038, 1103, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1105, 1116, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1118, 1153, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1168, 1220, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1223, 1224, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1227, 1228, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1232, 1259, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1262, 1269, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1272, 1273, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1329, 1366, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1369, 1369, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1377, 1414, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1488, 1514, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1520, 1522, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1569, 1594, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1601, 1610, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1649, 1719, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1722, 1726, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1728, 1742, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1744, 1747, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1749, 1749, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1765, 1766, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2309, 2361, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2365, 2365, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2392, 2401, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2437, 2444, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2447, 2448, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2451, 2472, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2474, 2480, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2482, 2482, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2486, 2489, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2524, 2525, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2527, 2529, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2544, 2545, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2565, 2570, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2575, 2576, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2579, 2600, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2602, 2608, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2610, 2611, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2613, 2614, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2616, 2617, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2649, 2652, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2654, 2654, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2674, 2676, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2693, 2699, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2701, 2701, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2703, 2705, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2707, 2728, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2730, 2736, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2738, 2739, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2741, 2745, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2749, 2784, 35), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2821, 2828, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2831, 2832, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2835, 2856, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2858, 2864, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2866, 2867, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2870, 2873, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2877, 2877, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2908, 2909, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2911, 2913, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2949, 2954, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2958, 2960, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2962, 2965, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2969, 2970, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2972, 2972, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2974, 2975, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2979, 2980, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2984, 2986, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2990, 2997, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2999, 3001, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3077, 3084, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3086, 3088, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3090, 3112, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3114, 3123, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3125, 3129, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3168, 3169, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3205, 3212, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3214, 3216, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3218, 3240, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3242, 3251, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3253, 3257, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3294, 3294, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3296, 3297, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3333, 3340, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3342, 3344, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3346, 3368, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3370, 3385, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3424, 3425, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3585, 3630, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3632, 3632, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3634, 3635, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3648, 3653, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3713, 3714, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3716, 3716, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3719, 3720, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3722, 3725, 3), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3732, 3735, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3737, 3743, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3745, 3747, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3749, 3751, 2), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3754, 3755, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3757, 3758, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3760, 3760, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3762, 3763, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3773, 3773, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3776, 3780, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3904, 3911, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3913, 3945, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4256, 4293, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4304, 4342, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4352, 4352, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4354, 4355, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4357, 4359, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4361, 4361, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4363, 4364, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4366, 4370, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4412, 4416, 2), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4428, 4432, 2), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4436, 4437, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4441, 4441, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4447, 4449, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4451, 4457, 2), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4461, 4462, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4466, 4467, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4469, 4510, 41), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4520, 4523, 3), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4526, 4527, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4535, 4536, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4538, 4538, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4540, 4546, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4587, 4592, 5), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4601, 4601, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(7680, 7835, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(7840, 7929, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(7936, 7957, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(7960, 7965, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(7968, 8005, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8008, 8013, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8016, 8023, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8025, 8027, 2), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8029, 8029, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8031, 8061, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8064, 8116, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8118, 8124, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8126, 8126, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8130, 8132, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8134, 8140, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8144, 8147, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8150, 8155, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8160, 8172, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8178, 8180, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8182, 8188, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8486, 8486, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8490, 8491, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8494, 8494, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8576, 8578, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(12295, 12295, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(12321, 12329, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(12353, 12436, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(12449, 12538, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(12549, 12588, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(19968, 40869, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(44032, 55203, 1)]), sliceType$1.nil, 0); + second = new unicode.RangeTable.ptr(new sliceType([new unicode.Range16.ptr(45, 46, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(48, 57, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(183, 183, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(720, 721, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(768, 837, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(864, 865, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(903, 903, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1155, 1158, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1425, 1441, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1443, 1465, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1467, 1469, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1471, 1471, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1473, 1474, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1476, 1600, 124), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1611, 1618, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1632, 1641, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1648, 1648, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1750, 1756, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1757, 1759, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1760, 1764, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1767, 1768, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1770, 1773, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(1776, 1785, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2305, 2307, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2364, 2364, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2366, 2380, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2381, 2381, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2385, 2388, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2402, 2403, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2406, 2415, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2433, 2435, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2492, 2492, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2494, 2495, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2496, 2500, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2503, 2504, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2507, 2509, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2519, 2519, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2530, 2531, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2534, 2543, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2562, 2620, 58), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2622, 2623, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2624, 2626, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2631, 2632, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2635, 2637, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2662, 2671, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2672, 2673, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2689, 2691, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2748, 2748, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2750, 2757, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2759, 2761, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2763, 2765, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2790, 2799, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2817, 2819, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2876, 2876, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2878, 2883, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2887, 2888, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2891, 2893, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2902, 2903, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2918, 2927, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(2946, 2947, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3006, 3010, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3014, 3016, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3018, 3021, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3031, 3031, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3047, 3055, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3073, 3075, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3134, 3140, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3142, 3144, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3146, 3149, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3157, 3158, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3174, 3183, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3202, 3203, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3262, 3268, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3270, 3272, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3274, 3277, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3285, 3286, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3302, 3311, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3330, 3331, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3390, 3395, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3398, 3400, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3402, 3405, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3415, 3415, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3430, 3439, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3633, 3633, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3636, 3642, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3654, 3654, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3655, 3662, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3664, 3673, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3761, 3761, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3764, 3769, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3771, 3772, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3782, 3782, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3784, 3789, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3792, 3801, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3864, 3865, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3872, 3881, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3893, 3897, 2), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3902, 3903, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3953, 3972, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3974, 3979, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3984, 3989, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3991, 3991, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(3993, 4013, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4017, 4023, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(4025, 4025, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8400, 8412, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(8417, 12293, 3876), new unicode.Range16.ptr(12330, 12335, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(12337, 12341, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(12441, 12442, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(12445, 12446, 1), new unicode.Range16.ptr(12540, 12542, 1)]), sliceType$1.nil, 0); + escQuot = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("""))); + escApos = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("'"))); + escAmp = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("&"))); + escLT = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("<"))); + escGT = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(">"))); + escTab = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(" "))); + escNL = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(" "))); + escCR = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(" "))); + escFFFD = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("\xEF\xBF\xBD"))); + cdataStart = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(""))); + cdataEscape = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("]]]]>"))); + nameType = reflect.TypeOf((x = new Name.ptr("", ""), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + attrType = reflect.TypeOf((x$1 = new Attr.ptr(new Name.ptr("", ""), ""), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))); + _r = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + unmarshalerType = _r; + _r$1 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$1.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + unmarshalerAttrType = _r$1; + _r$2 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$2.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + textUnmarshalerType = _r$2; + errExeceededMaxUnmarshalDepth = errors.New("exceeded max depth"); + begComment = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(""))); + endProcInst = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("?>"))); + _r$3 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$3.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + marshalerType = _r$3; + _r$4 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$4.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + marshalerAttrType = _r$4; + _r$5 = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType$5.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + textMarshalerType = _r$5; + ddBytes = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("--"))); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["github.com/kvartborg/vector"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, fmt, math, Vector, Axis, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, Dot, axpyUnitaryTo, scalUnitaryTo; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + Vector = $pkg.Vector = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "vector.Vector", true, "github.com/kvartborg/vector", true, null); + Axis = $pkg.Axis = $newType(4, $kindInt, "vector.Axis", true, "github.com/kvartborg/vector", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Float64); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(Vector); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(Axis); + Vector.prototype.Clone = function() { + var clone, v; + v = this; + clone = $makeSlice(Vector, v.$length); + $copySlice(clone, v); + return clone; + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Clone = function() { return this.$get().Clone(); }; + Vector.prototype.Add = function(vs) { + var _i, _ref, dim, i, v, vs; + v = this; + dim = v.$length; + _ref = vs; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + if (((i < 0 || i >= vs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vs.$array[vs.$offset + i]).$length > dim) { + axpyUnitaryTo($convertSliceType(v, sliceType), 1, $convertSliceType(v, sliceType), $convertSliceType($subslice(((i < 0 || i >= vs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vs.$array[vs.$offset + i]), 0, dim), sliceType)); + } else { + axpyUnitaryTo($convertSliceType(v, sliceType), 1, $convertSliceType(v, sliceType), $convertSliceType(((i < 0 || i >= vs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vs.$array[vs.$offset + i]), sliceType)); + } + _i++; + } + return v; + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Add = function(vs) { return this.$get().Add(vs); }; + Vector.prototype.Sub = function(vs) { + var _i, _ref, dim, i, v, vs; + v = this; + dim = v.$length; + _ref = vs; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + if (((i < 0 || i >= vs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vs.$array[vs.$offset + i]).$length > dim) { + axpyUnitaryTo($convertSliceType(v, sliceType), -1, $convertSliceType($subslice(((i < 0 || i >= vs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vs.$array[vs.$offset + i]), 0, dim), sliceType), $convertSliceType(v, sliceType)); + } else { + axpyUnitaryTo($convertSliceType(v, sliceType), -1, $convertSliceType(((i < 0 || i >= vs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vs.$array[vs.$offset + i]), sliceType), $convertSliceType(v, sliceType)); + } + _i++; + } + return v; + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Sub = function(vs) { return this.$get().Sub(vs); }; + Vector.prototype.Scale = function(size) { + var size, v; + v = this; + scalUnitaryTo($convertSliceType(v, sliceType), size, $convertSliceType(v, sliceType)); + return v; + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Scale = function(size) { return this.$get().Scale(size); }; + Vector.prototype.Equal = function(v2) { + var _i, _ref, i, v, v2; + v = this; + if (!((v.$length === v2.$length))) { + return false; + } + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + if (math.Abs(((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) - ((i < 0 || i >= v2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v2.$array[v2.$offset + i])) > 1e-08) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Equal = function(v2) { return this.$get().Equal(v2); }; + Vector.prototype.Magnitude = function() { + var _i, _ref, result, scalar, v; + v = this; + result = 0; + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + scalar = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + result = result + (scalar * scalar); + _i++; + } + return math.Sqrt(result); + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Magnitude = function() { return this.$get().Magnitude(); }; + Vector.prototype.Unit = function() { + var _i, _ref, i, l, v; + v = this; + l = v.Magnitude(); + if (l < 1e-08) { + return v; + } + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i] = ((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) / l); + _i++; + } + return v; + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Unit = function() { return this.$get().Unit(); }; + Dot = function(v1, v2) { + var _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, dim1, dim2, i, result, v1, v2; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = v1.$length; + _tmp$2 = v2.$length; + result = _tmp; + dim1 = _tmp$1; + dim2 = _tmp$2; + if (dim1 > dim2) { + v2 = $appendSlice(v2, $convertSliceType($makeSlice(Vector, (dim1 - dim2 >> 0)), sliceType)); + } + if (dim1 < dim2) { + v1 = $appendSlice(v1, $convertSliceType($makeSlice(Vector, (dim2 - dim1 >> 0)), sliceType)); + } + _ref = v1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + result = result + (((i < 0 || i >= v1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v1.$array[v1.$offset + i]) * ((i < 0 || i >= v2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v2.$array[v2.$offset + i])); + _i++; + } + return result; + }; + $pkg.Dot = Dot; + Vector.prototype.Dot = function(v2) { + var v, v2; + v = this; + return Dot(v, v2); + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Dot = function(v2) { return this.$get().Dot(v2); }; + Vector.prototype.Cross = function(v2) { + var v, v2; + v = this; + if (!((v.$length === 3)) || !((v2.$length === 3))) { + return [Vector.nil, $pkg.ErrNot3Dimensional]; + } + return [new Vector([(1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1]) * (2 >= v2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v2.$array[v2.$offset + 2]) - (2 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 2]) * (1 >= v2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v2.$array[v2.$offset + 1]), (2 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 2]) * (0 >= v2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v2.$array[v2.$offset + 0]) - (0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0]) * (2 >= v2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v2.$array[v2.$offset + 2]), (0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0]) * (2 >= v2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v2.$array[v2.$offset + 2]) - (2 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 2]) * (0 >= v2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v2.$array[v2.$offset + 0])]), $ifaceNil]; + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Cross = function(v2) { return this.$get().Cross(v2); }; + Vector.prototype.Rotate = function(angle, as) { + var _1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, angle, as, axis, cos, dim, sin, v, x, y, z, z$1; + v = this; + _tmp = 2; + _tmp$1 = v.$length; + axis = _tmp; + dim = _tmp$1; + if (dim === 0) { + return v; + } + if (as.$length > 0) { + axis = (0 >= as.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : as.$array[as.$offset + 0]); + } + if ((dim === 1) && !((axis === 2))) { + v = $append(v, 0, 0); + } + if ((dim < 2 && (axis === 2)) || ((dim === 2) && !((axis === 2)))) { + v = $append(v, 0); + } + _tmp$2 = (0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0]); + _tmp$3 = (1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1]); + x = _tmp$2; + y = _tmp$3; + _tmp$4 = math.Cos(angle); + _tmp$5 = math.Sin(angle); + cos = _tmp$4; + sin = _tmp$5; + _1 = axis; + if (_1 === (0)) { + z = (2 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 2]); + (1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1] = y * cos - z * sin); + (2 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 2] = y * sin + z * cos); + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + z$1 = (2 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 2]); + (0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0] = x * cos + z$1 * sin); + (2 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 2] = -x * sin + z$1 * cos); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + (0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0] = x * cos - y * sin); + (1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1] = x * sin + y * cos); + } + if (dim > 3) { + return $subslice(v, 0, 3); + } + return v; + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Rotate = function(angle, as) { return this.$get().Rotate(angle, as); }; + Vector.prototype.String = function() { + var {_i, _r, _ref, i, str, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + str = ""; + v = this; + if (v === Vector.nil) { + str = "[]"; + $s = -1; return str; + } + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + /* */ if (((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) < 1e-08 && ((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) > 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) < 1e-08 && ((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) > 0) { */ case 3: + str = str + ("0 "); + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r = fmt.Sprint(new sliceType$1([new $Float64(((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]))])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + str = str + (_r + " "); + /* } */ case 5: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + str = "[" + $substring(str, 0, (str.length - 1 >> 0)) + "]"; + $s = -1; return str; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Vector.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, i, str, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.String = function() { return this.$get().String(); }; + Vector.prototype.X = function() { + var v; + v = this; + if (v.$length < 1) { + return 0; + } + return (0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0]); + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.X = function() { return this.$get().X(); }; + Vector.prototype.Y = function() { + var v; + v = this; + if (v.$length < 2) { + return 0; + } + return (1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1]); + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Y = function() { return this.$get().Y(); }; + Vector.prototype.Z = function() { + var v; + v = this; + if (v.$length < 3) { + return 0; + } + return (2 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 2]); + }; + $ptrType(Vector).prototype.Z = function() { return this.$get().Z(); }; + axpyUnitaryTo = function(dst, alpha, x, y) { + var _i, _ref, alpha, dim, dst, i, v, x, y; + dim = y.$length; + _ref = x; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (i === dim) { + return; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + i] = alpha * v + ((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i])); + _i++; + } + }; + scalUnitaryTo = function(dst, alpha, x) { + var _i, _ref, alpha, dst, i, x; + _ref = x; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + i] = ((i < 0 || i >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + i]) * (alpha)); + _i++; + } + }; + Vector.methods = [{prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Vector], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [Vector], true)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [Vector], true)}, {prop: "Scale", name: "Scale", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [Vector], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Vector], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Magnitude", name: "Magnitude", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Unit", name: "Unit", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Vector], false)}, {prop: "Dot", name: "Dot", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Vector], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Cross", name: "Cross", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Vector], [Vector, $error], false)}, {prop: "Rotate", name: "Rotate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, sliceType$3], [Vector], true)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "X", name: "X", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Y", name: "Y", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Z", name: "Z", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}]; + Vector.init($Float64); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrNot3Dimensional = errors.New("vector is not 3 dimensional"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["github.com/solarlune/resolv"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, vector, math, sort, Space, Shape, Line, ConvexPolygon, ContactSet, Circle, Projection, Object, Collision, Cell, ptrType, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, ptrType$3, sliceType$5, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, sliceType$6, ptrType$7, mapType, NewSpace, NewLine, NewConvexPolygon, NewContactSet, NewRectangle, NewCircle, NewObject, NewCollision, newCell; + vector = $packages["github.com/kvartborg/vector"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + Space = $pkg.Space = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "resolv.Space", true, "github.com/solarlune/resolv", true, function(Cells_, CellWidth_, CellHeight_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Cells = sliceType$1.nil; + this.CellWidth = 0; + this.CellHeight = 0; + return; + } + this.Cells = Cells_; + this.CellWidth = CellWidth_; + this.CellHeight = CellHeight_; + }); + Shape = $pkg.Shape = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "resolv.Shape", true, "github.com/solarlune/resolv", true, null); + Line = $pkg.Line = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "resolv.Line", true, "github.com/solarlune/resolv", true, function(Start_, End_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Start = vector.Vector.nil; + this.End = vector.Vector.nil; + return; + } + this.Start = Start_; + this.End = End_; + }); + ConvexPolygon = $pkg.ConvexPolygon = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "resolv.ConvexPolygon", true, "github.com/solarlune/resolv", true, function(Points_, X_, Y_, Closed_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Points = sliceType$3.nil; + this.X = 0; + this.Y = 0; + this.Closed = false; + return; + } + this.Points = Points_; + this.X = X_; + this.Y = Y_; + this.Closed = Closed_; + }); + ContactSet = $pkg.ContactSet = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "resolv.ContactSet", true, "github.com/solarlune/resolv", true, function(Points_, MTV_, Center_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Points = sliceType$3.nil; + this.MTV = vector.Vector.nil; + this.Center = vector.Vector.nil; + return; + } + this.Points = Points_; + this.MTV = MTV_; + this.Center = Center_; + }); + Circle = $pkg.Circle = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "resolv.Circle", true, "github.com/solarlune/resolv", true, function(X_, Y_, Radius_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.X = 0; + this.Y = 0; + this.Radius = 0; + return; + } + this.X = X_; + this.Y = Y_; + this.Radius = Radius_; + }); + Projection = $pkg.Projection = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "resolv.Projection", true, "github.com/solarlune/resolv", true, function(Min_, Max_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Min = 0; + this.Max = 0; + return; + } + this.Min = Min_; + this.Max = Max_; + }); + Object = $pkg.Object = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "resolv.Object", true, "github.com/solarlune/resolv", true, function(Shape_, Space_, X_, Y_, W_, H_, TouchingCells_, Data_, ignoreList_, tags_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Shape = $ifaceNil; + this.Space = ptrType$1.nil; + this.X = 0; + this.Y = 0; + this.W = 0; + this.H = 0; + this.TouchingCells = sliceType.nil; + this.Data = $ifaceNil; + this.ignoreList = false; + this.tags = sliceType$6.nil; + return; + } + this.Shape = Shape_; + this.Space = Space_; + this.X = X_; + this.Y = Y_; + this.W = W_; + this.H = H_; + this.TouchingCells = TouchingCells_; + this.Data = Data_; + this.ignoreList = ignoreList_; + this.tags = tags_; + }); + Collision = $pkg.Collision = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "resolv.Collision", true, "github.com/solarlune/resolv", true, function(checkingObject_, dx_, dy_, Objects_, Cells_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.checkingObject = ptrType$2.nil; + this.dx = 0; + this.dy = 0; + this.Objects = sliceType$2.nil; + this.Cells = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.checkingObject = checkingObject_; + this.dx = dx_; + this.dy = dy_; + this.Objects = Objects_; + this.Cells = Cells_; + }); + Cell = $pkg.Cell = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "resolv.Cell", true, "github.com/solarlune/resolv", true, function(X_, Y_, Objects_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.X = 0; + this.Y = 0; + this.Objects = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.X = X_; + this.Y = Y_; + this.Objects = Objects_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(Cell); + sliceType = $sliceType(ptrType); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(sliceType); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Space); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Object); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(ptrType$2); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(vector.Vector); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Float64); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(Line); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(ptrType$3); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(Circle); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(ConvexPolygon); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(ContactSet); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(Collision); + mapType = $mapType(ptrType$2, $Bool); + NewSpace = function(spaceWidth, spaceHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight) { + var _q, _q$1, cellHeight, cellWidth, sp, spaceHeight, spaceWidth; + sp = new Space.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, cellWidth, cellHeight); + sp.Resize((_q = spaceWidth / cellWidth, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), (_q$1 = spaceHeight / cellHeight, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + return sp; + }; + $pkg.NewSpace = NewSpace; + Space.ptr.prototype.Add = function(objects) { + var {_i, _ref, obj, objects, sp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {objects}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sp = this; + _ref = objects; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + obj = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + obj.Space = sp; + $r = obj.Update(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Space.ptr.prototype.Add, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, obj, objects, sp, $s};return $f; + }; + Space.prototype.Add = function(objects) { return this.$val.Add(objects); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.Remove = function(objects) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, cell, obj, objects, sp; + sp = this; + _ref = objects; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + obj = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = obj.TouchingCells; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + cell = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + cell.unregister(obj); + _i$1++; + } + obj.TouchingCells = new sliceType([]); + obj.Space = ptrType$1.nil; + _i++; + } + }; + Space.prototype.Remove = function(objects) { return this.$val.Remove(objects); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.Objects = function() { + var _entry, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _key, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, added, cx, cy, o, objects, objectsAdded, sp, x, x$1, x$2; + sp = this; + objectsAdded = $makeMap(ptrType$2.keyFor, []); + objects = new sliceType$2([]); + _ref = sp.Cells; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cy = _i; + _ref$1 = (x = sp.Cells, ((cy < 0 || cy >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + cy])); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + cx = _i$1; + _ref$2 = (x$1 = (x$2 = sp.Cells, ((cy < 0 || cy >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + cy])), ((cx < 0 || cx >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + cx])).Objects; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + o = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + _tuple = (_entry = objectsAdded[ptrType$2.keyFor(o)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [false, false]); + added = _tuple[1]; + if (!added) { + objects = $append(objects, o); + _key = o; (objectsAdded || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$2.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: true }; + } + _i$2++; + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + return objects; + }; + Space.prototype.Objects = function() { return this.$val.Objects(); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.Resize = function(width, height) { + var height, sp, width, x, x$1, x$2, y; + sp = this; + sp.Cells = new sliceType$1([]); + y = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(y < height)) { break; } + sp.Cells = $append(sp.Cells, new sliceType([])); + x = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(x < width)) { break; } + (x$2 = sp.Cells, ((y < 0 || y >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + y] = $append((x$1 = sp.Cells, ((y < 0 || y >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + y])), newCell(x, y)))); + x = x + (1) >> 0; + } + y = y + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + Space.prototype.Resize = function(width, height) { return this.$val.Resize(width, height); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.Cell = function(x, y) { + var sp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, y; + sp = this; + if (y >= 0 && y < sp.Cells.$length && x >= 0 && x < (x$1 = sp.Cells, ((y < 0 || y >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + y])).$length) { + return (x$2 = (x$3 = sp.Cells, ((y < 0 || y >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + y])), ((x < 0 || x >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x])); + } + return ptrType.nil; + }; + Space.prototype.Cell = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Cell(x, y); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.CheckCells = function(x, y, w, h, tags) { + var _i, _ref, cell, h, ix, iy, obj, sp, tags, w, x, x$1, y; + sp = this; + ix = x; + while (true) { + if (!(ix < (x + w >> 0))) { break; } + iy = y; + while (true) { + if (!(iy < (y + h >> 0))) { break; } + cell = sp.Cell(ix, iy); + if (!(cell === ptrType.nil)) { + if (tags.$length > 0) { + if (cell.ContainsTags(tags)) { + _ref = cell.Objects; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + obj = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (obj.HasTags(tags)) { + return obj; + } + _i++; + } + } + } else if (cell.Occupied()) { + return (x$1 = cell.Objects, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])); + } + } + iy = iy + (1) >> 0; + } + ix = ix + (1) >> 0; + } + return ptrType$2.nil; + }; + Space.prototype.CheckCells = function(x, y, w, h, tags) { return this.$val.CheckCells(x, y, w, h, tags); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.UnregisterAllObjects = function() { + var cell, sp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, y; + sp = this; + y = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(y < sp.Cells.$length)) { break; } + x = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(x < (x$1 = sp.Cells, ((y < 0 || y >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + y])).$length)) { break; } + cell = (x$2 = (x$3 = sp.Cells, ((y < 0 || y >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + y])), ((x < 0 || x >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x])); + sp.Remove(cell.Objects); + x = x + (1) >> 0; + } + y = y + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + Space.prototype.UnregisterAllObjects = function() { return this.$val.UnregisterAllObjects(); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.WorldToSpace = function(x, y) { + var fx, fy, sp, x, y; + sp = this; + fx = ((math.Floor(x / (sp.CellWidth)) >> 0)); + fy = ((math.Floor(y / (sp.CellHeight)) >> 0)); + return [fx, fy]; + }; + Space.prototype.WorldToSpace = function(x, y) { return this.$val.WorldToSpace(x, y); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.SpaceToWorld = function(x, y) { + var fx, fy, sp, x, y; + sp = this; + fx = (($imul(x, sp.CellWidth))); + fy = (($imul(y, sp.CellHeight))); + return [fx, fy]; + }; + Space.prototype.SpaceToWorld = function(x, y) { return this.$val.SpaceToWorld(x, y); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.Height = function() { + var sp; + sp = this; + return sp.Cells.$length; + }; + Space.prototype.Height = function() { return this.$val.Height(); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.Width = function() { + var sp, x; + sp = this; + if (sp.Cells.$length > 0) { + return (x = sp.Cells, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).$length; + } + return 0; + }; + Space.prototype.Width = function() { return this.$val.Width(); }; + Space.ptr.prototype.CellsInLine = function(startX, startY, endX, endY) { + var _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, alternate, c, cell, cells, cx, cy, dv, endCell, endX, endY, p, pX, pY, sp, startX, startY; + sp = this; + cells = new sliceType([]); + cell = sp.Cell(startX, startY); + endCell = sp.Cell(endX, endY); + if (!(cell === ptrType.nil) && !(endCell === ptrType.nil)) { + dv = new vector.Vector([((endX - startX >> 0)), ((endY - startY >> 0))]).Unit(); + (0 >= dv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dv.$array[dv.$offset + 0] = (0 >= dv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dv.$array[dv.$offset + 0]) * (((_q = sp.CellWidth / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))))); + (1 >= dv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dv.$array[dv.$offset + 1] = (1 >= dv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dv.$array[dv.$offset + 1]) * (((_q$1 = sp.CellHeight / 2, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))))); + _tuple = sp.SpaceToWorld(startX, startY); + pX = _tuple[0]; + pY = _tuple[1]; + p = new vector.Vector([pX + ((_q$2 = sp.CellWidth / 2, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))), pY + ((_q$3 = sp.CellHeight / 2, (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))]); + alternate = false; + while (true) { + if (!(!(cell === ptrType.nil))) { break; } + if (cell === endCell) { + cells = $append(cells, cell); + break; + } + cells = $append(cells, cell); + if (alternate) { + (1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1] = (1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1]) + ((1 >= dv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dv.$array[dv.$offset + 1]))); + } else { + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]) + ((0 >= dv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dv.$array[dv.$offset + 0]))); + } + _tuple$1 = sp.WorldToSpace((0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]), (1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1])); + cx = _tuple$1[0]; + cy = _tuple$1[1]; + c = sp.Cell(cx, cy); + if (!(c === cell)) { + cell = c; + } + alternate = !alternate; + } + } + return cells; + }; + Space.prototype.CellsInLine = function(startX, startY, endX, endY) { return this.$val.CellsInLine(startX, startY, endX, endY); }; + NewLine = function(x, y, x2, y2) { + var x, x2, y, y2; + return new Line.ptr(new vector.Vector([x, y]), new vector.Vector([x2, y2])); + }; + $pkg.NewLine = NewLine; + Line.ptr.prototype.Project = function(axis) { + var axis, line; + line = this; + return line.Vector().Scale(axis.Dot(line.Start.Sub(new sliceType$3([line.End])))); + }; + Line.prototype.Project = function(axis) { return this.$val.Project(axis); }; + Line.ptr.prototype.Normal = function() { + var line, v; + line = this; + v = line.Vector(); + return new vector.Vector([(1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1]), -(0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0])]).Unit(); + }; + Line.prototype.Normal = function() { return this.$val.Normal(); }; + Line.ptr.prototype.Vector = function() { + var line; + line = this; + return line.End.Clone().Sub(new sliceType$3([line.Start])).Unit(); + }; + Line.prototype.Vector = function() { return this.$val.Vector(); }; + Line.ptr.prototype.IntersectionPointsLine = function(other) { + var det, dx, dy, gamma, lambda, line, other, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + line = this; + det = ((x = line.End, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) - (x$1 = line.Start, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0]))) * ((x$2 = other.End, (1 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 1])) - (x$3 = other.Start, (1 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 1]))) - ((x$4 = other.End, (0 >= x$4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + 0])) - (x$5 = other.Start, (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0]))) * ((x$6 = line.End, (1 >= x$6.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + 1])) - (x$7 = line.Start, (1 >= x$7.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + 1]))); + if (!((det === 0))) { + lambda = ((((x$8 = line.Start, (1 >= x$8.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8.$array[x$8.$offset + 1])) - (x$9 = other.Start, (1 >= x$9.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9.$array[x$9.$offset + 1]))) * ((x$10 = other.End, (0 >= x$10.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10.$array[x$10.$offset + 0])) - (x$11 = other.Start, (0 >= x$11.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11.$array[x$11.$offset + 0])))) - (((x$12 = line.Start, (0 >= x$12.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12.$array[x$12.$offset + 0])) - (x$13 = other.Start, (0 >= x$13.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$13.$array[x$13.$offset + 0]))) * ((x$14 = other.End, (1 >= x$14.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$14.$array[x$14.$offset + 1])) - (x$15 = other.Start, (1 >= x$15.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$15.$array[x$15.$offset + 1])))) + 1) / det; + gamma = ((((x$16 = line.Start, (1 >= x$16.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$16.$array[x$16.$offset + 1])) - (x$17 = other.Start, (1 >= x$17.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$17.$array[x$17.$offset + 1]))) * ((x$18 = line.End, (0 >= x$18.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$18.$array[x$18.$offset + 0])) - (x$19 = line.Start, (0 >= x$19.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$19.$array[x$19.$offset + 0])))) - (((x$20 = line.Start, (0 >= x$20.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$20.$array[x$20.$offset + 0])) - (x$21 = other.Start, (0 >= x$21.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$21.$array[x$21.$offset + 0]))) * ((x$22 = line.End, (1 >= x$22.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$22.$array[x$22.$offset + 1])) - (x$23 = line.Start, (1 >= x$23.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$23.$array[x$23.$offset + 1])))) + 1) / det; + if ((0 < lambda && lambda < 1) && (0 < gamma && gamma < 1)) { + dx = (x$24 = line.End, (0 >= x$24.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$24.$array[x$24.$offset + 0])) - (x$25 = line.Start, (0 >= x$25.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$25.$array[x$25.$offset + 0])); + dy = (x$26 = line.End, (1 >= x$26.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$26.$array[x$26.$offset + 1])) - (x$27 = line.Start, (1 >= x$27.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$27.$array[x$27.$offset + 1])); + return new vector.Vector([(x$28 = line.Start, (0 >= x$28.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$28.$array[x$28.$offset + 0])) + (lambda * dx), (x$29 = line.Start, (1 >= x$29.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$29.$array[x$29.$offset + 1])) + (lambda * dy)]); + } + } + return vector.Vector.nil; + }; + Line.prototype.IntersectionPointsLine = function(other) { return this.$val.IntersectionPointsLine(other); }; + Line.ptr.prototype.IntersectionPointsCircle = function(circle) { + var a, b, c, circle, cp, det, diff, lEnd, lStart, line, points, t, t$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + line = this; + points = new sliceType$3([]); + cp = new vector.Vector([circle.X, circle.Y]); + lStart = line.Start.Sub(new sliceType$3([cp])); + lEnd = line.End.Sub(new sliceType$3([cp])); + diff = lEnd.Sub(new sliceType$3([lStart])); + a = (0 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 0]) * (0 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 0]) + (1 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 1]) * (1 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 1]); + b = 2 * (((0 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 0]) * (0 >= lStart.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : lStart.$array[lStart.$offset + 0])) + ((1 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 1]) * (1 >= lStart.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : lStart.$array[lStart.$offset + 1]))); + c = ((0 >= lStart.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : lStart.$array[lStart.$offset + 0]) * (0 >= lStart.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : lStart.$array[lStart.$offset + 0])) + ((1 >= lStart.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : lStart.$array[lStart.$offset + 1]) * (1 >= lStart.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : lStart.$array[lStart.$offset + 1])) - (circle.Radius * circle.Radius); + det = b * b - (4 * a * c); + if (det < 0) { + } else if (det === 0) { + t = -b / (2 * a); + if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) { + points = $append(points, new vector.Vector([(x = line.Start, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) + t * (0 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 0]), (x$1 = line.Start, (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1])) + t * (1 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 1])])); + } + } else { + t$1 = (-b + math.Sqrt(det)) / (2 * a); + if (t$1 >= 0 && t$1 <= 1) { + points = $append(points, new vector.Vector([(x$2 = line.Start, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])) + t$1 * (0 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 0]), (x$3 = line.Start, (1 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 1])) + t$1 * (1 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 1])])); + } + t$1 = (-b - math.Sqrt(det)) / (2 * a); + if (t$1 >= 0 && t$1 <= 1) { + points = $append(points, new vector.Vector([(x$4 = line.Start, (0 >= x$4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + 0])) + t$1 * (0 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 0]), (x$5 = line.Start, (1 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 1])) + t$1 * (1 >= diff.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : diff.$array[diff.$offset + 1])])); + } + } + return points; + }; + Line.prototype.IntersectionPointsCircle = function(circle) { return this.$val.IntersectionPointsCircle(circle); }; + NewConvexPolygon = function(points) { + var cp, points; + cp = new ConvexPolygon.ptr(new sliceType$3([]), 0, 0, true); + cp.AddPoints(points); + return cp; + }; + $pkg.NewConvexPolygon = NewConvexPolygon; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.Clone = function() { + var _i, _ref, cp, newPoly, point, points; + cp = this; + points = new sliceType$3([]); + _ref = cp.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + point = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + points = $append(points, point.Clone()); + _i++; + } + newPoly = NewConvexPolygon(sliceType$4.nil); + newPoly.X = cp.X; + newPoly.Y = cp.Y; + newPoly.AddPointsVec(points); + newPoly.Closed = cp.Closed; + return newPoly; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.Clone = function() { return this.$val.Clone(); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.AddPointsVec = function(points) { + var cp, points; + cp = this; + cp.Points = $appendSlice(cp.Points, points); + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.AddPointsVec = function(points) { return this.$val.AddPointsVec(points); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.AddPoints = function(vertexPositions) { + var cp, v, vertexPositions, x; + cp = this; + v = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(v < vertexPositions.$length)) { break; } + cp.Points = $append(cp.Points, new vector.Vector([((v < 0 || v >= vertexPositions.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vertexPositions.$array[vertexPositions.$offset + v]), (x = v + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= vertexPositions.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vertexPositions.$array[vertexPositions.$offset + x]))])); + v = v + (2) >> 0; + } + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.AddPoints = function(vertexPositions) { return this.$val.AddPoints(vertexPositions); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.Lines = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, cp, end, i, line, lines, start, vertices, x; + cp = this; + lines = new sliceType$5([]); + vertices = cp.Transformed(); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < vertices.$length)) { break; } + _tmp = ((i < 0 || i >= vertices.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vertices.$array[vertices.$offset + i]); + _tmp$1 = (0 >= vertices.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vertices.$array[vertices.$offset + 0]); + start = _tmp; + end = _tmp$1; + if (i < (vertices.$length - 1 >> 0)) { + end = (x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= vertices.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vertices.$array[vertices.$offset + x])); + } else if (!cp.Closed) { + break; + } + line = NewLine((0 >= start.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : start.$array[start.$offset + 0]), (1 >= start.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : start.$array[start.$offset + 1]), (0 >= end.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : end.$array[end.$offset + 0]), (1 >= end.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : end.$array[end.$offset + 1])); + lines = $append(lines, line); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return lines; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.Lines = function() { return this.$val.Lines(); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.Transformed = function() { + var _i, _ref, cp, point, transformed; + cp = this; + transformed = new sliceType$3([]); + _ref = cp.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + point = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + transformed = $append(transformed, new vector.Vector([(0 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 0]) + cp.X, (1 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 1]) + cp.Y])); + _i++; + } + return transformed; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.Transformed = function() { return this.$val.Transformed(); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.Bounds = function() { + var bottomRight, cp, i, point, topLeft, transformed, x, x$1; + cp = this; + transformed = cp.Transformed(); + topLeft = new vector.Vector([(x = (0 >= transformed.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : transformed.$array[transformed.$offset + 0]), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])), (x$1 = (0 >= transformed.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : transformed.$array[transformed.$offset + 0]), (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1]))]); + bottomRight = topLeft.Clone(); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < transformed.$length)) { break; } + point = ((i < 0 || i >= transformed.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : transformed.$array[transformed.$offset + i]); + if ((0 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 0]) < (0 >= topLeft.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : topLeft.$array[topLeft.$offset + 0])) { + (0 >= topLeft.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : topLeft.$array[topLeft.$offset + 0] = (0 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 0])); + } else if ((0 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 0]) > (0 >= bottomRight.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bottomRight.$array[bottomRight.$offset + 0])) { + (0 >= bottomRight.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bottomRight.$array[bottomRight.$offset + 0] = (0 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 0])); + } + if ((1 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 1]) < (1 >= topLeft.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : topLeft.$array[topLeft.$offset + 1])) { + (1 >= topLeft.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : topLeft.$array[topLeft.$offset + 1] = (1 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 1])); + } else if ((1 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 1]) > (1 >= bottomRight.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bottomRight.$array[bottomRight.$offset + 1])) { + (1 >= bottomRight.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bottomRight.$array[bottomRight.$offset + 1] = (1 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 1])); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return [topLeft, bottomRight]; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.Bounds = function() { return this.$val.Bounds(); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.Position = function() { + var cp; + cp = this; + return [cp.X, cp.Y]; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.Position = function() { return this.$val.Position(); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.SetPosition = function(x, y) { + var cp, x, y; + cp = this; + cp.X = x; + cp.Y = y; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.SetPosition = function(x, y) { return this.$val.SetPosition(x, y); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.SetPositionVec = function(vec) { + var cp, vec; + cp = this; + cp.X = vec.X(); + cp.Y = vec.Y(); + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.SetPositionVec = function(vec) { return this.$val.SetPositionVec(vec); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.Move = function(x, y) { + var cp, x, y; + cp = this; + cp.X = cp.X + (x); + cp.Y = cp.Y + (y); + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.Move = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Move(x, y); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.MoveVec = function(vec) { + var cp, vec; + cp = this; + cp.X = cp.X + (vec.X()); + cp.Y = cp.Y + (vec.Y()); + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.MoveVec = function(vec) { return this.$val.MoveVec(vec); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.Center = function() { + var _i, _ref, cp, pos, v; + cp = this; + pos = new vector.Vector([0, 0]); + _ref = cp.Transformed(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + pos.Add(new sliceType$3([v])); + _i++; + } + (0 >= pos.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : pos.$array[pos.$offset + 0] = (0 >= pos.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : pos.$array[pos.$offset + 0]) / ((cp.Transformed().$length))); + (1 >= pos.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : pos.$array[pos.$offset + 1] = (1 >= pos.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : pos.$array[pos.$offset + 1]) / ((cp.Transformed().$length))); + return pos; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.Center = function() { return this.$val.Center(); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.Project = function(axis) { + var axis, cp, i, max, min, p, vertices, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + cp = this; + axis = axis.Unit(); + vertices = cp.Transformed(); + min = axis.Dot(new vector.Vector([(x = (0 >= vertices.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vertices.$array[vertices.$offset + 0]), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])), (x$1 = (0 >= vertices.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vertices.$array[vertices.$offset + 0]), (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1]))])); + max = min; + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < vertices.$length)) { break; } + p = axis.Dot(new vector.Vector([(x$2 = ((i < 0 || i >= vertices.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vertices.$array[vertices.$offset + i]), (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])), (x$3 = ((i < 0 || i >= vertices.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vertices.$array[vertices.$offset + i]), (1 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 1]))])); + if (p < min) { + min = p; + } else if (p > max) { + max = p; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return new Projection.ptr(min, max); + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.Project = function(axis) { return this.$val.Project(axis); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.SATAxes = function() { + var _i, _ref, axes, cp, line; + cp = this; + axes = new sliceType$3([]); + _ref = cp.Lines(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + line = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + axes = $append(axes, line.Normal()); + _i++; + } + return axes; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.SATAxes = function() { return this.$val.SATAxes(); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.PointInside = function(point) { + var _i, _ref, contactCount, line, point, pointLine, polygon; + polygon = this; + pointLine = NewLine((0 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 0]), (1 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 1]), (0 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 0]) + 9.99999999999e+11, (1 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 1])); + contactCount = 0; + _ref = polygon.Lines(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + line = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!(line.IntersectionPointsLine(pointLine) === vector.Vector.nil)) { + contactCount = contactCount + (1) >> 0; + } + _i++; + } + return contactCount === 1; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.PointInside = function(point) { return this.$val.PointInside(point); }; + NewContactSet = function() { + return new ContactSet.ptr(new sliceType$3([]), new vector.Vector([0, 0]), new vector.Vector([0, 0])); + }; + $pkg.NewContactSet = NewContactSet; + ContactSet.ptr.prototype.LeftmostPoint = function() { + var _i, _ref, cs, left, point; + cs = this; + left = vector.Vector.nil; + _ref = cs.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + point = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (left === vector.Vector.nil || (0 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 0]) < (0 >= left.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : left.$array[left.$offset + 0])) { + left = point; + } + _i++; + } + return left; + }; + ContactSet.prototype.LeftmostPoint = function() { return this.$val.LeftmostPoint(); }; + ContactSet.ptr.prototype.RightmostPoint = function() { + var _i, _ref, cs, point, right; + cs = this; + right = vector.Vector.nil; + _ref = cs.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + point = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (right === vector.Vector.nil || (0 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 0]) > (0 >= right.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : right.$array[right.$offset + 0])) { + right = point; + } + _i++; + } + return right; + }; + ContactSet.prototype.RightmostPoint = function() { return this.$val.RightmostPoint(); }; + ContactSet.ptr.prototype.TopmostPoint = function() { + var _i, _ref, cs, point, top; + cs = this; + top = vector.Vector.nil; + _ref = cs.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + point = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (top === vector.Vector.nil || (1 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 1]) < (1 >= top.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : top.$array[top.$offset + 1])) { + top = point; + } + _i++; + } + return top; + }; + ContactSet.prototype.TopmostPoint = function() { return this.$val.TopmostPoint(); }; + ContactSet.ptr.prototype.BottommostPoint = function() { + var _i, _ref, bottom, cs, point; + cs = this; + bottom = vector.Vector.nil; + _ref = cs.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + point = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (bottom === vector.Vector.nil || (1 >= point.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : point.$array[point.$offset + 1]) > (1 >= bottom.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bottom.$array[bottom.$offset + 1])) { + bottom = point; + } + _i++; + } + return bottom; + }; + ContactSet.prototype.BottommostPoint = function() { return this.$val.BottommostPoint(); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.Intersection = function(dx, dy, other) { + var {_i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, circle, contactSet, cp, deltaMagnitude, dx, dy, isCircle, isPoly, line, line$1, mtv, ogMagnitude, ogX, ogY, other, otherLine, point, point$1, poly, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dx, dy, other}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cp = this; + contactSet = NewContactSet(); + ogX = cp.X; + ogY = cp.Y; + cp.X = cp.X + (dx); + cp.Y = cp.Y + (dy); + _tuple = $assertType(other, ptrType$4, true); + circle = _tuple[0]; + isCircle = _tuple[1]; + if (isCircle) { + _ref = cp.Lines(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + line = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + contactSet.Points = $appendSlice(contactSet.Points, line.IntersectionPointsCircle(circle)); + _i++; + } + } else { + _tuple$1 = $assertType(other, ptrType$5, true); + poly = _tuple$1[0]; + isPoly = _tuple$1[1]; + if (isPoly) { + _ref$1 = cp.Lines(); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + line$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _ref$2 = poly.Lines(); + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + otherLine = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + point = line$1.IntersectionPointsLine(otherLine); + if (!(point === vector.Vector.nil)) { + contactSet.Points = $append(contactSet.Points, point); + } + _i$2++; + } + _i$1++; + } + } + } + /* */ if (contactSet.Points.$length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (contactSet.Points.$length > 0) { */ case 1: + _ref$3 = contactSet.Points; + _i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } + point$1 = ((_i$3 < 0 || _i$3 >= _ref$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$3.$array[_ref$3.$offset + _i$3]); + contactSet.Center = contactSet.Center.Add(new sliceType$3([point$1])); + _i$3++; + } + (x$1 = contactSet.Center, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0] = (x = contactSet.Center, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) / ((contactSet.Points.$length)))); + (x$3 = contactSet.Center, (1 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 1] = (x$2 = contactSet.Center, (1 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 1])) / ((contactSet.Points.$length)))); + _r = cp.calculateMTV(contactSet, other); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mtv = _r; + if (!(mtv === vector.Vector.nil)) { + contactSet.MTV = mtv; + } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + contactSet = ptrType$6.nil; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!(contactSet === ptrType$6.nil) && (!((dx === 0)) || !((dy === 0)))) { + deltaMagnitude = new vector.Vector([dx, dy]).Magnitude(); + ogMagnitude = contactSet.MTV.Magnitude(); + contactSet.MTV = contactSet.MTV.Unit().Scale(ogMagnitude - deltaMagnitude); + } + cp.X = ogX; + cp.Y = ogY; + $s = -1; return contactSet; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.Intersection, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, circle, contactSet, cp, deltaMagnitude, dx, dy, isCircle, isPoly, line, line$1, mtv, ogMagnitude, ogX, ogY, other, otherLine, point, point$1, poly, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.Intersection = function(dx, dy, other) { return this.$val.Intersection(dx, dy, other); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.calculateMTV = function(contactSet, otherShape) { + var {_i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, axis, axis$1, center, contactSet, cp, delta, other, other$1, otherShape, overlap, overlap$1, smallest, verts, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {contactSet, otherShape}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + center = [center]; + verts = [verts]; + cp = this; + delta = new vector.Vector([0, 0]); + smallest = new vector.Vector([1.7976931348623157e+308, 0]); + _ref = otherShape; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$4, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + other = _ref.$val; + _ref$1 = cp.SATAxes(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + axis = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]); + if (!$clone(cp.Project(axis), Projection).Overlapping($clone(other.Project(axis), Projection))) { + $s = -1; return vector.Vector.nil; + } + overlap = $clone(cp.Project(axis), Projection).Overlap($clone(other.Project(axis), Projection)); + if (smallest.Magnitude() > overlap) { + smallest = axis.Scale(overlap); + } + _i++; + } + _ref$2 = other.SATAxes(); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + axis$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$1]); + if (!$clone(cp.Project(axis$1), Projection).Overlapping($clone(other.Project(axis$1), Projection))) { + $s = -1; return vector.Vector.nil; + } + overlap$1 = $clone(cp.Project(axis$1), Projection).Overlap($clone(other.Project(axis$1), Projection)); + if (smallest.Magnitude() > overlap$1) { + smallest = axis$1.Scale(overlap$1); + } + _i$1++; + } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$4, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + other$1 = _ref.$val; + verts[0] = $appendSlice(new sliceType$3([]), cp.Transformed()); + verts[0] = $append(verts[0], contactSet.Center); + center[0] = new vector.Vector([other$1.X, other$1.Y]); + $r = sort.Slice(verts[0], (function(center, verts) { return function(i, j) { + var i, j; + return ((i < 0 || i >= verts[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : verts[0].$array[verts[0].$offset + i]).Sub(new sliceType$3([center[0]])).Magnitude() < ((j < 0 || j >= verts[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : verts[0].$array[verts[0].$offset + j]).Sub(new sliceType$3([center[0]])).Magnitude(); + }; })(center, verts)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + smallest = new vector.Vector([(0 >= center[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : center[0].$array[center[0].$offset + 0]) - (x = (0 >= verts[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : verts[0].$array[verts[0].$offset + 0]), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])), (1 >= center[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : center[0].$array[center[0].$offset + 1]) - (x$1 = (0 >= verts[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : verts[0].$array[verts[0].$offset + 0]), (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1]))]); + smallest = smallest.Unit().Scale(smallest.Magnitude() - other$1.Radius); + /* } */ case 3: + (0 >= delta.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : delta.$array[delta.$offset + 0] = (0 >= smallest.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : smallest.$array[smallest.$offset + 0])); + (1 >= delta.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : delta.$array[delta.$offset + 1] = (1 >= smallest.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : smallest.$array[smallest.$offset + 1])); + $s = -1; return delta; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.calculateMTV, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, axis, axis$1, center, contactSet, cp, delta, other, other$1, otherShape, overlap, overlap$1, smallest, verts, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.calculateMTV = function(contactSet, otherShape) { return this.$val.calculateMTV(contactSet, otherShape); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.ContainedBy = function(otherShape) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, axis, axis$1, cp, other, otherShape; + cp = this; + _ref = otherShape; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { + other = _ref.$val; + _ref$1 = cp.SATAxes(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + axis = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]); + if (!$clone(cp.Project(axis), Projection).IsInside($clone(other.Project(axis), Projection))) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + _ref$2 = other.SATAxes(); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + axis$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$1]); + if (!$clone(cp.Project(axis$1), Projection).IsInside($clone(other.Project(axis$1), Projection))) { + return false; + } + _i$1++; + } + } + return true; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.ContainedBy = function(otherShape) { return this.$val.ContainedBy(otherShape); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.FlipH = function() { + var _i, _ref, cp, v; + cp = this; + _ref = cp.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + (0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0] = -(0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0])); + _i++; + } + cp.ReverseVertexOrder(); + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.FlipH = function() { return this.$val.FlipH(); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.FlipV = function() { + var _i, _ref, cp, v; + cp = this; + _ref = cp.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + (1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1] = -(1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1])); + _i++; + } + cp.ReverseVertexOrder(); + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.FlipV = function() { return this.$val.FlipV(); }; + ConvexPolygon.ptr.prototype.ReverseVertexOrder = function() { + var cp, i, verts, x, x$1; + cp = this; + verts = new sliceType$3([(x = cp.Points, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]))]); + i = cp.Points.$length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 1)) { break; } + verts = $append(verts, (x$1 = cp.Points, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i]))); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + cp.Points = verts; + }; + ConvexPolygon.prototype.ReverseVertexOrder = function() { return this.$val.ReverseVertexOrder(); }; + NewRectangle = function(x, y, w, h) { + var h, w, x, y; + return NewConvexPolygon(new sliceType$4([x, y, x + w, y, x + w, y + h, x, y + h])); + }; + $pkg.NewRectangle = NewRectangle; + NewCircle = function(x, y, radius) { + var circle, radius, x, y; + circle = new Circle.ptr(x, y, radius); + return circle; + }; + $pkg.NewCircle = NewCircle; + Circle.ptr.prototype.Clone = function() { + var circle; + circle = this; + return NewCircle(circle.X, circle.Y, circle.Radius); + }; + Circle.prototype.Clone = function() { return this.$val.Clone(); }; + Circle.ptr.prototype.Bounds = function() { + var circle; + circle = this; + return [new vector.Vector([circle.X - circle.Radius, circle.Y - circle.Radius]), new vector.Vector([circle.X + circle.Radius, circle.Y + circle.Radius])]; + }; + Circle.prototype.Bounds = function() { return this.$val.Bounds(); }; + Circle.ptr.prototype.Intersection = function(dx, dy, other) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, _ref$1, circle, contactSet, dist, dx, dy, other, ox, oy, point, shape, shape$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dx, dy, other}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + circle = this; + contactSet = ptrType$6.nil; + ox = circle.X; + oy = circle.Y; + circle.X = circle.X + (dx); + circle.Y = circle.Y + (dy); + _ref = other; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$4, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + shape = _ref.$val; + _r = shape.Intersection(-dx, -dy, circle); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + contactSet = _r; + if (!(contactSet === ptrType$6.nil)) { + contactSet.MTV = contactSet.MTV.Scale(-1); + } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$4, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + shape$1 = _ref.$val; + contactSet = NewContactSet(); + contactSet.Points = circle.IntersectionPointsCircle(shape$1); + if (contactSet.Points.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return ptrType$6.nil; + } + contactSet.MTV = new vector.Vector([circle.X - shape$1.X, circle.Y - shape$1.Y]); + dist = contactSet.MTV.Magnitude(); + contactSet.MTV = contactSet.MTV.Unit().Scale(circle.Radius + shape$1.Radius - dist); + _ref$1 = contactSet.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + point = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]); + contactSet.Center = contactSet.Center.Add(new sliceType$3([point])); + _i++; + } + (x$1 = contactSet.Center, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0] = (x = contactSet.Center, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) / ((contactSet.Points.$length)))); + (x$3 = contactSet.Center, (1 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 1] = (x$2 = contactSet.Center, (1 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 1])) / ((contactSet.Points.$length)))); + /* } */ case 3: + circle.X = ox; + circle.Y = oy; + $s = -1; return contactSet; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Circle.ptr.prototype.Intersection, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, _ref$1, circle, contactSet, dist, dx, dy, other, ox, oy, point, shape, shape$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Circle.prototype.Intersection = function(dx, dy, other) { return this.$val.Intersection(dx, dy, other); }; + Circle.ptr.prototype.Move = function(x, y) { + var circle, x, y; + circle = this; + circle.X = circle.X + (x); + circle.Y = circle.Y + (y); + }; + Circle.prototype.Move = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Move(x, y); }; + Circle.ptr.prototype.MoveVec = function(vec) { + var circle, vec; + circle = this; + circle.X = circle.X + (vec.X()); + circle.Y = circle.Y + (vec.Y()); + }; + Circle.prototype.MoveVec = function(vec) { return this.$val.MoveVec(vec); }; + Circle.ptr.prototype.SetPosition = function(x, y) { + var circle, x, y; + circle = this; + circle.X = x; + circle.Y = y; + }; + Circle.prototype.SetPosition = function(x, y) { return this.$val.SetPosition(x, y); }; + Circle.ptr.prototype.SetPositionVec = function(vec) { + var circle, vec; + circle = this; + circle.X = vec.X(); + circle.Y = vec.Y(); + }; + Circle.prototype.SetPositionVec = function(vec) { return this.$val.SetPositionVec(vec); }; + Circle.ptr.prototype.Position = function() { + var circle; + circle = this; + return [circle.X, circle.Y]; + }; + Circle.prototype.Position = function() { return this.$val.Position(); }; + Circle.ptr.prototype.PointInside = function(point) { + var circle, point; + circle = this; + return point.Sub(new sliceType$3([new vector.Vector([circle.X, circle.Y])])).Magnitude() <= circle.Radius; + }; + Circle.prototype.PointInside = function(point) { return this.$val.PointInside(point); }; + Circle.ptr.prototype.IntersectionPointsCircle = function(other) { + var a, circle, d, h, other, x2, y2; + circle = this; + d = math.Sqrt(math.Pow(other.X - circle.X, 2) + math.Pow(other.Y - circle.Y, 2)); + if (d > circle.Radius + other.Radius || d < math.Abs(circle.Radius - other.Radius) || (d === 0) && (circle.Radius === other.Radius)) { + return sliceType$3.nil; + } + a = (math.Pow(circle.Radius, 2) - math.Pow(other.Radius, 2) + math.Pow(d, 2)) / (2 * d); + h = math.Sqrt(math.Pow(circle.Radius, 2) - math.Pow(a, 2)); + x2 = circle.X + a * (other.X - circle.X) / d; + y2 = circle.Y + a * (other.Y - circle.Y) / d; + return new sliceType$3([new vector.Vector([x2 + h * (other.Y - circle.Y) / d, y2 - h * (other.X - circle.X) / d]), new vector.Vector([x2 - h * (other.Y - circle.Y) / d, y2 + h * (other.X - circle.X) / d])]); + }; + Circle.prototype.IntersectionPointsCircle = function(other) { return this.$val.IntersectionPointsCircle(other); }; + Projection.ptr.prototype.Overlapping = function(other) { + var other, projection; + projection = this; + return $clone(projection, Projection).Overlap($clone(other, Projection)) > 0; + }; + Projection.prototype.Overlapping = function(other) { return this.$val.Overlapping(other); }; + Projection.ptr.prototype.Overlap = function(other) { + var other, projection; + projection = this; + return math.Min(projection.Max, other.Max) - math.Max(projection.Min, other.Min); + }; + Projection.prototype.Overlap = function(other) { return this.$val.Overlap(other); }; + Projection.ptr.prototype.IsInside = function(other) { + var other, projection; + projection = this; + return projection.Min >= other.Min && projection.Max <= other.Max; + }; + Projection.prototype.IsInside = function(other) { return this.$val.IsInside(other); }; + NewObject = function(x, y, w, h, tags) { + var h, o, tags, w, x, y; + o = new Object.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$1.nil, x, y, w, h, sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil, $makeMap(ptrType$2.keyFor, []), new sliceType$6([])); + if (tags.$length > 0) { + o.AddTags(tags); + } + return o; + }; + $pkg.NewObject = NewObject; + Object.ptr.prototype.Clone = function() { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r, _ref, k, newObj, obj, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + obj = this; + newObj = NewObject(obj.X, obj.Y, obj.W, obj.H, obj.Tags()); + newObj.Data = obj.Data; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(obj.Shape, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(obj.Shape, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r = obj.Shape.Clone(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = newObj.SetShape(_r); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _ref = obj.ignoreList; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + newObj.AddToIgnoreList(k); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return newObj; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Object.ptr.prototype.Clone, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r, _ref, k, newObj, obj, $s};return $f; + }; + Object.prototype.Clone = function() { return this.$val.Clone(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Update = function() { + var {_tuple, c, cx, cy, ex, ey, obj, space, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + obj = this; + if (!(obj.Space === ptrType$1.nil)) { + space = obj.Space; + obj.Space.Remove(new sliceType$2([obj])); + obj.Space = space; + _tuple = obj.BoundsToSpace(0, 0); + cx = _tuple[0]; + cy = _tuple[1]; + ex = _tuple[2]; + ey = _tuple[3]; + y = cy; + while (true) { + if (!(y <= ey)) { break; } + x = cx; + while (true) { + if (!(x <= ex)) { break; } + c = obj.Space.Cell(x, y); + if (!(c === ptrType.nil)) { + c.register(obj); + obj.TouchingCells = $append(obj.TouchingCells, c); + } + x = x + (1) >> 0; + } + y = y + (1) >> 0; + } + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(obj.Shape, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(obj.Shape, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $r = obj.Shape.SetPosition(obj.X, obj.Y); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Object.ptr.prototype.Update, $c: true, $r, _tuple, c, cx, cy, ex, ey, obj, space, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + Object.prototype.Update = function() { return this.$val.Update(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.AddTags = function(tags) { + var obj, tags; + obj = this; + obj.tags = $appendSlice(obj.tags, tags); + }; + Object.prototype.AddTags = function(tags) { return this.$val.AddTags(tags); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.RemoveTags = function(tags) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, i, obj, t, tag, tags; + obj = this; + _ref = tags; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + tag = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = obj.tags; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i = _i$1; + t = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (t === tag) { + obj.tags = $appendSlice($subslice(obj.tags, 0, i), $subslice(obj.tags, (i + 1 >> 0))); + break; + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + }; + Object.prototype.RemoveTags = function(tags) { return this.$val.RemoveTags(tags); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.HasTags = function(tags) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, obj, t, tag, tags; + obj = this; + _ref = tags; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + tag = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = obj.tags; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + t = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (t === tag) { + return true; + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + Object.prototype.HasTags = function(tags) { return this.$val.HasTags(tags); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Tags = function() { + var obj; + obj = this; + return $appendSlice(new sliceType$6([]), obj.tags); + }; + Object.prototype.Tags = function() { return this.$val.Tags(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.SetShape = function(shape) { + var {obj, shape, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {shape}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + obj = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(obj.Shape, shape))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(obj.Shape, shape))) { */ case 1: + obj.Shape = shape; + $r = obj.Update(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Object.ptr.prototype.SetShape, $c: true, $r, obj, shape, $s};return $f; + }; + Object.prototype.SetShape = function(shape) { return this.$val.SetShape(shape); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.BoundsToSpace = function(dx, dy) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, cx, cy, dx, dy, ex, ey, obj; + obj = this; + _tuple = obj.Space.WorldToSpace(obj.X + dx, obj.Y + dy); + cx = _tuple[0]; + cy = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = obj.Space.WorldToSpace(obj.X + obj.W + dx - 1, obj.Y + obj.H + dy - 1); + ex = _tuple$1[0]; + ey = _tuple$1[1]; + return [cx, cy, ex, ey]; + }; + Object.prototype.BoundsToSpace = function(dx, dy) { return this.$val.BoundsToSpace(dx, dy); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.SharesCells = function(other) { + var _i, _ref, cell, obj, other; + obj = this; + _ref = obj.TouchingCells; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cell = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (cell.Contains(other)) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + Object.prototype.SharesCells = function(other) { return this.$val.SharesCells(other); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.SharesCellsTags = function(tags) { + var _i, _ref, cell, obj, tags; + obj = this; + _ref = obj.TouchingCells; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cell = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (cell.ContainsTags(tags)) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + Object.prototype.SharesCellsTags = function(tags) { return this.$val.SharesCellsTags(tags); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Center = function() { + var obj; + obj = this; + return [obj.X + (obj.W / 2), obj.Y + (obj.H / 2)]; + }; + Object.prototype.Center = function() { return this.$val.Center(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.SetCenter = function(x, y) { + var obj, x, y; + obj = this; + obj.X = x - (obj.W / 2); + obj.Y = y - (obj.H / 2); + }; + Object.prototype.SetCenter = function(x, y) { return this.$val.SetCenter(x, y); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.CellPosition = function() { + var _tuple, obj; + obj = this; + _tuple = obj.Center(); + return obj.Space.WorldToSpace(_tuple[0], _tuple[1]); + }; + Object.prototype.CellPosition = function() { return this.$val.CellPosition(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.SetRight = function(x) { + var obj, x; + obj = this; + obj.X = x - obj.W; + }; + Object.prototype.SetRight = function(x) { return this.$val.SetRight(x); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.SetBottom = function(y) { + var obj, y; + obj = this; + obj.Y = y - obj.H; + }; + Object.prototype.SetBottom = function(y) { return this.$val.SetBottom(y); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Bottom = function() { + var obj; + obj = this; + return obj.Y + obj.H; + }; + Object.prototype.Bottom = function() { return this.$val.Bottom(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Right = function() { + var obj; + obj = this; + return obj.X + obj.W; + }; + Object.prototype.Right = function() { return this.$val.Right(); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.SetBounds = function(topLeft, bottomRight) { + var bottomRight, obj, topLeft; + obj = this; + obj.X = (0 >= topLeft.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : topLeft.$array[topLeft.$offset + 0]); + obj.Y = (1 >= topLeft.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : topLeft.$array[topLeft.$offset + 1]); + obj.W = (0 >= bottomRight.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bottomRight.$array[bottomRight.$offset + 0]) - obj.X; + obj.H = (1 >= bottomRight.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bottomRight.$array[bottomRight.$offset + 1]) - obj.Y; + }; + Object.prototype.SetBounds = function(topLeft, bottomRight) { return this.$val.SetBounds(topLeft, bottomRight); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Check = function(dx, dy, tags) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _key, _key$1, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, added, added$1, c, cc, cellsAdded, ch, cw, cx, cy, dx, dy, ex, ey, ignored, o, obj, objectsAdded, oc, ox, oy, tags, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dx, dy, tags}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = [cc]; + ch = [ch]; + cw = [cw]; + oc = [oc]; + obj = this; + if (obj.Space === ptrType$1.nil) { + $s = -1; return ptrType$7.nil; + } + cc[0] = NewCollision(); + cc[0].checkingObject = obj; + if (dx < 0) { + dx = math.Min(dx, -1); + } else if (dx > 0) { + dx = math.Max(dx, 1); + } + if (dy < 0) { + dy = math.Min(dy, -1); + } else if (dy > 0) { + dy = math.Max(dy, 1); + } + cc[0].dx = dx; + cc[0].dy = dy; + _tuple = obj.BoundsToSpace(dx, dy); + cx = _tuple[0]; + cy = _tuple[1]; + ex = _tuple[2]; + ey = _tuple[3]; + objectsAdded = $makeMap(ptrType$2.keyFor, []); + cellsAdded = $makeMap(ptrType.keyFor, []); + y = cy; + while (true) { + if (!(y <= ey)) { break; } + x = cx; + while (true) { + if (!(x <= ex)) { break; } + c = obj.Space.Cell(x, y); + if (!(c === ptrType.nil)) { + _ref = c.Objects; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + o = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ignored = (_entry = obj.ignoreList[ptrType$2.keyFor(o)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false); + if (o === obj || ignored) { + _i++; + continue; + } + _tuple$1 = (_entry$1 = objectsAdded[ptrType$2.keyFor(o)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [false, false]); + added = _tuple$1[1]; + if (((tags.$length === 0) || o.HasTags(tags)) && !added) { + cc[0].Objects = $append(cc[0].Objects, o); + _key = o; (objectsAdded || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$2.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: true }; + _tuple$2 = (_entry$2 = cellsAdded[ptrType.keyFor(c)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? [_entry$2.v, true] : [false, false]); + added$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!added$1) { + cc[0].Cells = $append(cc[0].Cells, c); + _key$1 = c; (cellsAdded || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: true }; + } + _i++; + continue; + } + _i++; + } + } + x = x + (1) >> 0; + } + y = y + (1) >> 0; + } + if (cc[0].Objects.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return ptrType$7.nil; + } + _tuple$3 = cc[0].checkingObject.Center(); + ox = _tuple$3[0]; + oy = _tuple$3[1]; + oc[0] = new vector.Vector([ox, oy]); + $r = sort.Slice(cc[0].Objects, (function(cc, ch, cw, oc) { return function(i, j) { + var _tuple$4, _tuple$5, i, ix, iy, j, jx, jy, x$1, x$2; + _tuple$4 = (x$1 = cc[0].Objects, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])).Center(); + ix = _tuple$4[0]; + iy = _tuple$4[1]; + _tuple$5 = (x$2 = cc[0].Objects, ((j < 0 || j >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + j])).Center(); + jx = _tuple$5[0]; + jy = _tuple$5[1]; + return new vector.Vector([ix, iy]).Sub(new sliceType$3([oc[0]])).Magnitude() < new vector.Vector([jx, jy]).Sub(new sliceType$3([oc[0]])).Magnitude(); + }; })(cc, ch, cw, oc)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cw[0] = cc[0].checkingObject.Space.CellWidth; + ch[0] = cc[0].checkingObject.Space.CellHeight; + $r = sort.Slice(cc[0].Cells, (function(cc, ch, cw, oc) { return function(i, j) { + var _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, i, j, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + return new vector.Vector([((($imul((x$1 = cc[0].Cells, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])).X, cw[0])) + ((_q = cw[0] / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0)), ((($imul((x$2 = cc[0].Cells, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i])).Y, ch[0])) + ((_q$1 = ch[0] / 2, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0))]).Sub(new sliceType$3([oc[0]])).Magnitude() < new vector.Vector([((($imul((x$3 = cc[0].Cells, ((j < 0 || j >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + j])).X, cw[0])) + ((_q$2 = cw[0] / 2, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0)), ((($imul((x$4 = cc[0].Cells, ((j < 0 || j >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + j])).Y, ch[0])) + ((_q$3 = ch[0] / 2, (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0))]).Sub(new sliceType$3([oc[0]])).Magnitude(); + }; })(cc, ch, cw, oc)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return cc[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Object.ptr.prototype.Check, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _key, _key$1, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, added, added$1, c, cc, cellsAdded, ch, cw, cx, cy, dx, dy, ex, ey, ignored, o, obj, objectsAdded, oc, ox, oy, tags, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + Object.prototype.Check = function(dx, dy, tags) { return this.$val.Check(dx, dy, tags); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.Overlaps = function(other) { + var obj, other; + obj = this; + return other.X <= obj.X + obj.W && other.X + other.W >= obj.X && other.Y <= obj.Y + obj.H && other.Y + other.H >= obj.Y; + }; + Object.prototype.Overlaps = function(other) { return this.$val.Overlaps(other); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.AddToIgnoreList = function(ignoreObj) { + var _key, ignoreObj, obj; + obj = this; + _key = ignoreObj; (obj.ignoreList || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$2.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: true }; + }; + Object.prototype.AddToIgnoreList = function(ignoreObj) { return this.$val.AddToIgnoreList(ignoreObj); }; + Object.ptr.prototype.RemoveFromIgnoreList = function(ignoreObj) { + var ignoreObj, obj; + obj = this; + delete obj.ignoreList[ptrType$2.keyFor(ignoreObj)]; + }; + Object.prototype.RemoveFromIgnoreList = function(ignoreObj) { return this.$val.RemoveFromIgnoreList(ignoreObj); }; + NewCollision = function() { + return new Collision.ptr(ptrType$2.nil, 0, 0, new sliceType$2([]), sliceType.nil); + }; + $pkg.NewCollision = NewCollision; + Collision.ptr.prototype.HasTags = function(tags) { + var _i, _ref, cc, o, tags; + cc = this; + _ref = cc.Objects; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + o = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (o === cc.checkingObject) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if (o.HasTags(tags)) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + Collision.prototype.HasTags = function(tags) { return this.$val.HasTags(tags); }; + Collision.ptr.prototype.ObjectsByTags = function(tags) { + var _i, _ref, cc, o, objects, tags; + cc = this; + objects = new sliceType$2([]); + _ref = cc.Objects; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + o = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (o === cc.checkingObject) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if (o.HasTags(tags)) { + objects = $append(objects, o); + } + _i++; + } + return objects; + }; + Collision.prototype.ObjectsByTags = function(tags) { return this.$val.ObjectsByTags(tags); }; + Collision.ptr.prototype.ContactWithObject = function(object) { + var cc, delta, object; + cc = this; + delta = new vector.Vector([0, 0]); + if (cc.dx < 0) { + (0 >= delta.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : delta.$array[delta.$offset + 0] = object.X + object.W - cc.checkingObject.X); + } else if (cc.dx > 0) { + (0 >= delta.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : delta.$array[delta.$offset + 0] = object.X - cc.checkingObject.W - cc.checkingObject.X); + } + if (cc.dy < 0) { + (1 >= delta.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : delta.$array[delta.$offset + 1] = object.Y + object.H - cc.checkingObject.Y); + } else if (cc.dy > 0) { + (1 >= delta.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : delta.$array[delta.$offset + 1] = object.Y - cc.checkingObject.H - cc.checkingObject.Y); + } + return delta; + }; + Collision.prototype.ContactWithObject = function(object) { return this.$val.ContactWithObject(object); }; + Collision.ptr.prototype.ContactWithCell = function(cell) { + var cc, cell, cx, cy, delta; + cc = this; + delta = new vector.Vector([0, 0]); + cx = (($imul(cell.X, cc.checkingObject.Space.CellWidth))); + cy = (($imul(cell.Y, cc.checkingObject.Space.CellHeight))); + if (cc.dx < 0) { + (0 >= delta.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : delta.$array[delta.$offset + 0] = cx + (cc.checkingObject.Space.CellWidth) - cc.checkingObject.X); + } else if (cc.dx > 0) { + (0 >= delta.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : delta.$array[delta.$offset + 0] = cx - cc.checkingObject.W - cc.checkingObject.X); + } + if (cc.dy < 0) { + (1 >= delta.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : delta.$array[delta.$offset + 1] = cy + (cc.checkingObject.Space.CellHeight) - cc.checkingObject.Y); + } else if (cc.dy > 0) { + (1 >= delta.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : delta.$array[delta.$offset + 1] = cy - cc.checkingObject.H - cc.checkingObject.Y); + } + return delta; + }; + Collision.prototype.ContactWithCell = function(cell) { return this.$val.ContactWithCell(cell); }; + Collision.ptr.prototype.SlideAgainstCell = function(cell, avoidTags) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, avoidTags, cc, ccX, ccY, cell, collidingCell, diffX, diffY, down, hX, hY, left, oX, oY, right, slide, sp, up, x; + cc = this; + sp = cc.checkingObject.Space; + collidingCell = (x = cc.Cells, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + _tuple = sp.SpaceToWorld(collidingCell.X, collidingCell.Y); + ccX = _tuple[0]; + ccY = _tuple[1]; + hX = (sp.CellWidth) / 2; + hY = (sp.CellHeight) / 2; + ccX = ccX + (hX); + ccY = ccY + (hY); + _tuple$1 = cc.checkingObject.Center(); + oX = _tuple$1[0]; + oY = _tuple$1[1]; + diffX = oX - ccX; + diffY = oY - ccY; + left = sp.Cell(collidingCell.X - 1 >> 0, collidingCell.Y); + right = sp.Cell(collidingCell.X + 1 >> 0, collidingCell.Y); + up = sp.Cell(collidingCell.X, collidingCell.Y - 1 >> 0); + down = sp.Cell(collidingCell.X, collidingCell.Y + 1 >> 0); + slide = new vector.Vector([0, 0]); + if (!((cc.dy === 0))) { + if (diffX > 0 && (right === ptrType.nil || !right.ContainsTags(avoidTags))) { + (0 >= slide.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : slide.$array[slide.$offset + 0] = ccX + hX - cc.checkingObject.X); + } else if (diffX < 0 && (left === ptrType.nil || !left.ContainsTags(avoidTags))) { + (0 >= slide.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : slide.$array[slide.$offset + 0] = ccX - hX - (cc.checkingObject.X + cc.checkingObject.W)); + } else { + return vector.Vector.nil; + } + } + if (!((cc.dx === 0))) { + if (diffY > 0 && (down === ptrType.nil || !down.ContainsTags(avoidTags))) { + (1 >= slide.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : slide.$array[slide.$offset + 1] = ccY + hY - cc.checkingObject.Y); + } else if (diffY < 0 && (up === ptrType.nil || !up.ContainsTags(avoidTags))) { + (1 >= slide.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : slide.$array[slide.$offset + 1] = ccY - hY - (cc.checkingObject.Y + cc.checkingObject.H)); + } else { + return vector.Vector.nil; + } + } + return slide; + }; + Collision.prototype.SlideAgainstCell = function(cell, avoidTags) { return this.$val.SlideAgainstCell(cell, avoidTags); }; + newCell = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + return new Cell.ptr(x, y, new sliceType$2([])); + }; + Cell.ptr.prototype.register = function(obj) { + var cell, obj; + cell = this; + if (!cell.Contains(obj)) { + cell.Objects = $append(cell.Objects, obj); + } + }; + Cell.prototype.register = function(obj) { return this.$val.register(obj); }; + Cell.ptr.prototype.unregister = function(obj) { + var _i, _ref, cell, i, o, obj, x, x$1, x$2; + cell = this; + _ref = cell.Objects; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + o = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (o === obj) { + (x$2 = cell.Objects, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i] = (x = cell.Objects, x$1 = cell.Objects.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])))); + cell.Objects = $subslice(cell.Objects, 0, (cell.Objects.$length - 1 >> 0)); + break; + } + _i++; + } + }; + Cell.prototype.unregister = function(obj) { return this.$val.unregister(obj); }; + Cell.ptr.prototype.Contains = function(obj) { + var _i, _ref, cell, o, obj; + cell = this; + _ref = cell.Objects; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + o = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (o === obj) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + Cell.prototype.Contains = function(obj) { return this.$val.Contains(obj); }; + Cell.ptr.prototype.ContainsTags = function(tags) { + var _i, _ref, cell, o, tags; + cell = this; + _ref = cell.Objects; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + o = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (o.HasTags(tags)) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + Cell.prototype.ContainsTags = function(tags) { return this.$val.ContainsTags(tags); }; + Cell.ptr.prototype.Occupied = function() { + var cell; + cell = this; + return cell.Objects.$length > 0; + }; + Cell.prototype.Occupied = function() { return this.$val.Occupied(); }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [], true)}, {prop: "Remove", name: "Remove", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [], true)}, {prop: "Objects", name: "Objects", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "Resize", name: "Resize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Cell", name: "Cell", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "CheckCells", name: "CheckCells", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int, $Int, $Int, sliceType$6], [ptrType$2], true)}, {prop: "UnregisterAllObjects", name: "UnregisterAllObjects", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "WorldToSpace", name: "WorldToSpace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64], [$Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "SpaceToWorld", name: "SpaceToWorld", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Float64, $Float64], false)}, {prop: "Height", name: "Height", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Width", name: "Width", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "CellsInLine", name: "CellsInLine", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int, $Int, $Int], [sliceType], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Project", name: "Project", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([vector.Vector], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "Normal", name: "Normal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "Vector", name: "Vector", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "IntersectionPointsLine", name: "IntersectionPointsLine", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "IntersectionPointsCircle", name: "IntersectionPointsCircle", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [sliceType$3], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Shape], false)}, {prop: "AddPointsVec", name: "AddPointsVec", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [], true)}, {prop: "AddPoints", name: "AddPoints", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [], true)}, {prop: "Lines", name: "Lines", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "Transformed", name: "Transformed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "Bounds", name: "Bounds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [vector.Vector, vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "Position", name: "Position", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64, $Float64], false)}, {prop: "SetPosition", name: "SetPosition", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "SetPositionVec", name: "SetPositionVec", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([vector.Vector], [], false)}, {prop: "Move", name: "Move", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "MoveVec", name: "MoveVec", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([vector.Vector], [], false)}, {prop: "Center", name: "Center", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "Project", name: "Project", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([vector.Vector], [Projection], false)}, {prop: "SATAxes", name: "SATAxes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "PointInside", name: "PointInside", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([vector.Vector], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Intersection", name: "Intersection", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64, Shape], [ptrType$6], false)}, {prop: "calculateMTV", name: "calculateMTV", pkg: "github.com/solarlune/resolv", typ: $funcType([ptrType$6, Shape], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "ContainedBy", name: "ContainedBy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Shape], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "FlipH", name: "FlipH", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "FlipV", name: "FlipV", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ReverseVertexOrder", name: "ReverseVertexOrder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "LeftmostPoint", name: "LeftmostPoint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "RightmostPoint", name: "RightmostPoint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "TopmostPoint", name: "TopmostPoint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "BottommostPoint", name: "BottommostPoint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [vector.Vector], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Shape], false)}, {prop: "Bounds", name: "Bounds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [vector.Vector, vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "Intersection", name: "Intersection", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64, Shape], [ptrType$6], false)}, {prop: "Move", name: "Move", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "MoveVec", name: "MoveVec", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([vector.Vector], [], false)}, {prop: "SetPosition", name: "SetPosition", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "SetPositionVec", name: "SetPositionVec", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([vector.Vector], [], false)}, {prop: "Position", name: "Position", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64, $Float64], false)}, {prop: "PointInside", name: "PointInside", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([vector.Vector], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IntersectionPointsCircle", name: "IntersectionPointsCircle", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [sliceType$3], false)}]; + Projection.methods = [{prop: "Overlapping", name: "Overlapping", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Projection], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Overlap", name: "Overlap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Projection], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "IsInside", name: "IsInside", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Projection], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Update", name: "Update", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "AddTags", name: "AddTags", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [], true)}, {prop: "RemoveTags", name: "RemoveTags", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [], true)}, {prop: "HasTags", name: "HasTags", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [$Bool], true)}, {prop: "Tags", name: "Tags", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$6], false)}, {prop: "SetShape", name: "SetShape", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Shape], [], false)}, {prop: "BoundsToSpace", name: "BoundsToSpace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64], [$Int, $Int, $Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "SharesCells", name: "SharesCells", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "SharesCellsTags", name: "SharesCellsTags", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [$Bool], true)}, {prop: "Center", name: "Center", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64, $Float64], false)}, {prop: "SetCenter", name: "SetCenter", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "CellPosition", name: "CellPosition", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "SetRight", name: "SetRight", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "SetBottom", name: "SetBottom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "Bottom", name: "Bottom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Right", name: "Right", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "SetBounds", name: "SetBounds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([vector.Vector, vector.Vector], [], false)}, {prop: "Check", name: "Check", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64, sliceType$6], [ptrType$7], true)}, {prop: "Overlaps", name: "Overlaps", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "AddToIgnoreList", name: "AddToIgnoreList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [], false)}, {prop: "RemoveFromIgnoreList", name: "RemoveFromIgnoreList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "HasTags", name: "HasTags", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [$Bool], true)}, {prop: "ObjectsByTags", name: "ObjectsByTags", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [sliceType$2], true)}, {prop: "ContactWithObject", name: "ContactWithObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "ContactWithCell", name: "ContactWithCell", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "SlideAgainstCell", name: "SlideAgainstCell", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, sliceType$6], [vector.Vector], true)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "register", name: "register", pkg: "github.com/solarlune/resolv", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [], false)}, {prop: "unregister", name: "unregister", pkg: "github.com/solarlune/resolv", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [], false)}, {prop: "Contains", name: "Contains", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ContainsTags", name: "ContainsTags", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [$Bool], true)}, {prop: "Occupied", name: "Occupied", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + Space.init("", [{prop: "Cells", name: "Cells", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "CellWidth", name: "CellWidth", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "CellHeight", name: "CellHeight", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Shape.init([{prop: "Bounds", name: "Bounds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [vector.Vector, vector.Vector], false)}, {prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Shape], false)}, {prop: "Intersection", name: "Intersection", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64, Shape], [ptrType$6], false)}, {prop: "Position", name: "Position", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64, $Float64], false)}, {prop: "SetPosition", name: "SetPosition", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Float64], [], false)}]); + Line.init("", [{prop: "Start", name: "Start", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: vector.Vector, tag: ""}, {prop: "End", name: "End", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: vector.Vector, tag: ""}]); + ConvexPolygon.init("", [{prop: "Points", name: "Points", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "X", name: "X", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Y", name: "Y", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Closed", name: "Closed", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + ContactSet.init("", [{prop: "Points", name: "Points", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "MTV", name: "MTV", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: vector.Vector, tag: ""}, {prop: "Center", name: "Center", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: vector.Vector, tag: ""}]); + Circle.init("", [{prop: "X", name: "X", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Y", name: "Y", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Radius", name: "Radius", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}]); + Projection.init("", [{prop: "Min", name: "Min", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Max", name: "Max", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}]); + Object.init("github.com/solarlune/resolv", [{prop: "Shape", name: "Shape", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Shape, tag: ""}, {prop: "Space", name: "Space", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "X", name: "X", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Y", name: "Y", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "W", name: "W", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "H", name: "H", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "TouchingCells", name: "TouchingCells", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Data", name: "Data", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "ignoreList", name: "ignoreList", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "tags", name: "tags", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}]); + Collision.init("github.com/solarlune/resolv", [{prop: "checkingObject", name: "checkingObject", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "dx", name: "dx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "dy", name: "dy", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Objects", name: "Objects", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Cells", name: "Cells", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + Cell.init("", [{prop: "X", name: "X", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Y", name: "Y", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Objects", name: "Objects", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = vector.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["flag"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, fmt, io, os, reflect, sort, strconv, strings, time, boolValue, boolFlag, intValue, int64Value, uintValue, uint64Value, stringValue, float64Value, durationValue, funcValue, Value, ErrorHandling, FlagSet, Flag, sliceType, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, sliceType$1, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, sliceType$2, ptrType$13, ptrType$14, ptrType$15, ptrType$16, ptrType$17, ptrType$18, ptrType$19, sliceType$3, funcType, funcType$1, ptrType$20, funcType$2, mapType, errParse, errRange, x, numError, newBoolValue, newIntValue, newInt64Value, newUintValue, newUint64Value, newStringValue, newFloat64Value, newDurationValue, sortFlags, isZeroValue, UnquoteUsage, PrintDefaults, init, commandLineUsage, NewFlagSet; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + boolValue = $pkg.boolValue = $newType(1, $kindBool, "flag.boolValue", true, "flag", false, null); + boolFlag = $pkg.boolFlag = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "flag.boolFlag", true, "flag", false, null); + intValue = $pkg.intValue = $newType(4, $kindInt, "flag.intValue", true, "flag", false, null); + int64Value = $pkg.int64Value = $newType(8, $kindInt64, "flag.int64Value", true, "flag", false, null); + uintValue = $pkg.uintValue = $newType(4, $kindUint, "flag.uintValue", true, "flag", false, null); + uint64Value = $pkg.uint64Value = $newType(8, $kindUint64, "flag.uint64Value", true, "flag", false, null); + stringValue = $pkg.stringValue = $newType(8, $kindString, "flag.stringValue", true, "flag", false, null); + float64Value = $pkg.float64Value = $newType(8, $kindFloat64, "flag.float64Value", true, "flag", false, null); + durationValue = $pkg.durationValue = $newType(8, $kindInt64, "flag.durationValue", true, "flag", false, null); + funcValue = $pkg.funcValue = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "flag.funcValue", true, "flag", false, null); + Value = $pkg.Value = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "flag.Value", true, "flag", true, null); + ErrorHandling = $pkg.ErrorHandling = $newType(4, $kindInt, "flag.ErrorHandling", true, "flag", true, null); + FlagSet = $pkg.FlagSet = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "flag.FlagSet", true, "flag", true, function(Usage_, name_, parsed_, actual_, formal_, args_, errorHandling_, output_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Usage = $throwNilPointerError; + this.name = ""; + this.parsed = false; + this.actual = false; + this.formal = false; + this.args = sliceType$3.nil; + this.errorHandling = 0; + this.output = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Usage = Usage_; + this.name = name_; + this.parsed = parsed_; + this.actual = actual_; + this.formal = formal_; + this.args = args_; + this.errorHandling = errorHandling_; + this.output = output_; + }); + Flag = $pkg.Flag = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "flag.Flag", true, "flag", true, function(Name_, Usage_, Value_, DefValue_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = ""; + this.Usage = ""; + this.Value = $ifaceNil; + this.DefValue = ""; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + this.Usage = Usage_; + this.Value = Value_; + this.DefValue = DefValue_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(strconv.NumError); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(boolValue); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(intValue); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(int64Value); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(uintValue); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(uint64Value); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(stringValue); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(float64Value); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(durationValue); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(time.Duration); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(Flag); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(ptrType$10); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(reflect.rtype); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(strings.Builder); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType($Bool); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType($Int); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType($Int64); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType($Uint); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType($Uint64); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType($String); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType($Float64); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($String); + funcType = $funcType([ptrType$10], [], false); + funcType$1 = $funcType([$String], [$error], false); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(FlagSet); + funcType$2 = $funcType([], [], false); + mapType = $mapType($String, ptrType$10); + numError = function(err) { + var _tuple, err, ne, ok; + _tuple = $assertType(err, ptrType, true); + ne = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return err; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(ne.Err, strconv.ErrSyntax)) { + return errParse; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(ne.Err, strconv.ErrRange)) { + return errRange; + } + return err; + }; + newBoolValue = function(val, p) { + var _ptr, p, val; + p.$set(val); + return ((_ptr = p, new ptrType$1(function() { return _ptr.$get(); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set($v); }, _ptr.$target))); + }; + $ptrType(boolValue).prototype.Set = function(s) { + var _tuple, b, err, s, v; + b = this; + _tuple = strconv.ParseBool(s); + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = errParse; + } + b.$set((v)); + return err; + }; + $ptrType(boolValue).prototype.Get = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return new $Bool((b.$get())); + }; + $ptrType(boolValue).prototype.String = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return strconv.FormatBool((b.$get())); + }; + $ptrType(boolValue).prototype.IsBoolFlag = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return true; + }; + newIntValue = function(val, p) { + var _ptr, p, val; + p.$set(val); + return ((_ptr = p, new ptrType$2(function() { return (_ptr.$get() >> 0); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(($v >> 0)); }, _ptr.$target))); + }; + $ptrType(intValue).prototype.Set = function(s) { + var _tuple, err, i, s, v; + i = this; + _tuple = strconv.ParseInt(s, 0, 32); + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = numError(err); + } + i.$set((((v.$low + ((v.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + return err; + }; + $ptrType(intValue).prototype.Get = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return new $Int(((i.$get() >> 0))); + }; + $ptrType(intValue).prototype.String = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return strconv.Itoa(((i.$get() >> 0))); + }; + newInt64Value = function(val, p) { + var _ptr, p, val, x$1; + p.$set(val); + return ((_ptr = p, new ptrType$3(function() { return (x$1 = _ptr.$get(), new int64Value(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(new $Int64($v.$high, $v.$low)); }, _ptr.$target))); + }; + $ptrType(int64Value).prototype.Set = function(s) { + var _tuple, err, i, s, v; + i = this; + _tuple = strconv.ParseInt(s, 0, 64); + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = numError(err); + } + i.$set((new int64Value(v.$high, v.$low))); + return err; + }; + $ptrType(int64Value).prototype.Get = function() { + var i, x$1; + i = this; + return ((x$1 = i.$get(), new $Int64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + }; + $ptrType(int64Value).prototype.String = function() { + var i, x$1; + i = this; + return strconv.FormatInt(((x$1 = i.$get(), new $Int64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))), 10); + }; + newUintValue = function(val, p) { + var _ptr, p, val; + p.$set(val); + return ((_ptr = p, new ptrType$4(function() { return (_ptr.$get() >>> 0); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(($v >>> 0)); }, _ptr.$target))); + }; + $ptrType(uintValue).prototype.Set = function(s) { + var _tuple, err, i, s, v; + i = this; + _tuple = strconv.ParseUint(s, 0, 32); + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = numError(err); + } + i.$set(((v.$low >>> 0))); + return err; + }; + $ptrType(uintValue).prototype.Get = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return new $Uint(((i.$get() >>> 0))); + }; + $ptrType(uintValue).prototype.String = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return strconv.FormatUint((new $Uint64(0, i.$get())), 10); + }; + newUint64Value = function(val, p) { + var _ptr, p, val, x$1; + p.$set(val); + return ((_ptr = p, new ptrType$5(function() { return (x$1 = _ptr.$get(), new uint64Value(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(new $Uint64($v.$high, $v.$low)); }, _ptr.$target))); + }; + $ptrType(uint64Value).prototype.Set = function(s) { + var _tuple, err, i, s, v; + i = this; + _tuple = strconv.ParseUint(s, 0, 64); + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = numError(err); + } + i.$set((new uint64Value(v.$high, v.$low))); + return err; + }; + $ptrType(uint64Value).prototype.Get = function() { + var i, x$1; + i = this; + return ((x$1 = i.$get(), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + }; + $ptrType(uint64Value).prototype.String = function() { + var i, x$1; + i = this; + return strconv.FormatUint(((x$1 = i.$get(), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))), 10); + }; + newStringValue = function(val, p) { + var _ptr, p, val; + p.$set(val); + return ((_ptr = p, new ptrType$6(function() { return _ptr.$get(); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set($v); }, _ptr.$target))); + }; + $ptrType(stringValue).prototype.Set = function(val) { + var s, val; + s = this; + s.$set((val)); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $ptrType(stringValue).prototype.Get = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return new $String((s.$get())); + }; + $ptrType(stringValue).prototype.String = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return (s.$get()); + }; + newFloat64Value = function(val, p) { + var _ptr, p, val; + p.$set(val); + return ((_ptr = p, new ptrType$7(function() { return _ptr.$get(); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set($v); }, _ptr.$target))); + }; + $ptrType(float64Value).prototype.Set = function(s) { + var _tuple, err, f, s, v; + f = this; + _tuple = strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64); + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = numError(err); + } + f.$set((v)); + return err; + }; + $ptrType(float64Value).prototype.Get = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return new $Float64((f.$get())); + }; + $ptrType(float64Value).prototype.String = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return strconv.FormatFloat((f.$get()), 103, -1, 64); + }; + newDurationValue = function(val, p) { + var _ptr, p, val, x$1; + p.$set(val); + return ((_ptr = p, new ptrType$8(function() { return (x$1 = _ptr.$get(), new durationValue(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(new time.Duration($v.$high, $v.$low)); }, _ptr.$target))); + }; + $ptrType(durationValue).prototype.Set = function(s) { + var _tuple, d, err, s, v; + d = this; + _tuple = time.ParseDuration(s); + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = errParse; + } + d.$set((new durationValue(v.$high, v.$low))); + return err; + }; + $ptrType(durationValue).prototype.Get = function() { + var d, x$1; + d = this; + return ((x$1 = d.$get(), new time.Duration(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + }; + $ptrType(durationValue).prototype.String = function() { + var _ptr, d, x$1; + d = this; + return ((_ptr = d, new ptrType$9(function() { return (x$1 = _ptr.$get(), new time.Duration(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(new durationValue($v.$high, $v.$low)); }, _ptr.$target))).String(); + }; + funcValue.prototype.Set = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, f, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r = f(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: funcValue.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, f, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(funcValue).prototype.Set = function(s) { return new funcValue(this.$get()).Set(s); }; + funcValue.prototype.String = function() { + var f; + f = this.$val; + return ""; + }; + $ptrType(funcValue).prototype.String = function() { return new funcValue(this.$get()).String(); }; + sortFlags = function(flags) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _ref, f, flags, i, result, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {flags}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + result = [result]; + result[0] = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, $keys(flags).length); + i = 0; + _ref = flags; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + f = _entry.v; + ((i < 0 || i >= result[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : result[0].$array[result[0].$offset + i] = f); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + _i++; + } + $r = sort.Slice(result[0], (function(result) { return function(i$1, j) { + var i$1, j; + return ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= result[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : result[0].$array[result[0].$offset + i$1]).Name < ((j < 0 || j >= result[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : result[0].$array[result[0].$offset + j]).Name; + }; })(result)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return result[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sortFlags, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _ref, f, flags, i, result, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Output = function() { + var f; + f = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(f.output, $ifaceNil)) { + return os.Stderr; + } + return f.output; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Output = function() { return this.$val.Output(); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Name = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.name; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.ErrorHandling = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.errorHandling; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.ErrorHandling = function() { return this.$val.ErrorHandling(); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.SetOutput = function(output) { + var f, output; + f = this; + f.output = output; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.SetOutput = function(output) { return this.$val.SetOutput(output); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.VisitAll = function(fn) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, f, flag, fn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r = sortFlags(f.formal); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + flag = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = fn(flag); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.VisitAll, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, f, flag, fn, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.VisitAll = function(fn) { return this.$val.VisitAll(fn); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Visit = function(fn) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, f, flag, fn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r = sortFlags(f.actual); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + flag = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = fn(flag); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Visit, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, f, flag, fn, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Visit = function(fn) { return this.$val.Visit(fn); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Lookup = function(name) { + var _entry, f, name; + f = this; + return (_entry = f.formal[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$10.nil); + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Lookup = function(name) { return this.$val.Lookup(name); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Set = function(name, value) { + var {$24r, _entry, _key, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, f, flag, name, ok, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _tuple = (_entry = f.formal[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + flag = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Errorf("no such flag -%v", new sliceType([new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = flag.Value.Set(value); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + if (f.actual === false) { + f.actual = {}; + } + _key = name; (f.actual || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: flag }; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _key, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, f, flag, name, ok, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Set = function(name, value) { return this.$val.Set(name, value); }; + isZeroValue = function(flag, value) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, flag, typ, value, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {flag, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + typ = reflect.TypeOf(flag.Value); + z = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$11.nil, 0, 0); + _r = typ.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r === 22) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r === 22) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = typ.Elem(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = reflect.New(_r$1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z = _r$2; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$3 = reflect.Zero(typ); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z = _r$3; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = $clone(z, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $assertType(_r$4, Value).String(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = value === _r$5; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isZeroValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, flag, typ, value, z, $s};return $f; + }; + UnquoteUsage = function(flag) { + var _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, flag, i, j, name, usage; + name = ""; + usage = ""; + usage = flag.Usage; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < usage.length)) { break; } + if (usage.charCodeAt(i) === 96) { + j = i + 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < usage.length)) { break; } + if (usage.charCodeAt(j) === 96) { + name = $substring(usage, (i + 1 >> 0), j); + usage = $substring(usage, 0, i) + name + $substring(usage, (j + 1 >> 0)); + _tmp = name; + _tmp$1 = usage; + name = _tmp; + usage = _tmp$1; + return [name, usage]; + } + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + break; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + name = "value"; + _ref = flag.Value; + if ($assertType(_ref, boolFlag, true)[1]) { + name = ""; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$8, true)[1]) { + name = "duration"; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$7, true)[1]) { + name = "float"; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$2, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, ptrType$3, true)[1]) { + name = "int"; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$6, true)[1]) { + name = "string"; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$4, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { + name = "uint"; + } + return [name, usage]; + }; + $pkg.UnquoteUsage = UnquoteUsage; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.PrintDefaults = function() { + var {f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = [f]; + f[0] = this; + $r = f[0].VisitAll((function(f) { return function $b(flag) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, flag, name, ok, usage, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {flag}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = [b]; + b[0] = new strings.Builder.ptr(ptrType$12.nil, sliceType$2.nil); + _r = fmt.Fprintf(b[0], " -%s", new sliceType([new $String(flag.Name)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _tuple = UnquoteUsage(flag); + name = _tuple[0]; + usage = _tuple[1]; + if (name.length > 0) { + b[0].WriteString(" "); + b[0].WriteString(name); + } + if (b[0].Len() <= 4) { + b[0].WriteString("\t"); + } else { + b[0].WriteString("\n \t"); + } + b[0].WriteString(strings.ReplaceAll(usage, "\n", "\n \t")); + _r$1 = isZeroValue(flag, flag.DefValue); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 2: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(flag.Value, ptrType$6, true); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = fmt.Fprintf(b[0], " (default %q)", new sliceType([new $String(flag.DefValue)])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _r$3 = fmt.Fprintf(b[0], " (default %v)", new sliceType([new $String(flag.DefValue)])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = fmt.Fprint(f[0].Output(), new sliceType([new $String(b[0].String()), new $String("\n")])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, flag, name, ok, usage, $s};return $f; + }; })(f)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.PrintDefaults, $c: true, $r, f, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.PrintDefaults = function() { return this.$val.PrintDefaults(); }; + PrintDefaults = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = $pkg.CommandLine.PrintDefaults(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PrintDefaults, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.PrintDefaults = PrintDefaults; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.defaultUsage = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + /* */ if (f.name === "") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (f.name === "") { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Fprintf(f.Output(), "Usage:\n", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Fprintf(f.Output(), "Usage of %s:\n", new sliceType([new $String(f.name)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $r = f.PrintDefaults(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.defaultUsage, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, f, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.defaultUsage = function() { return this.$val.defaultUsage(); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.NFlag = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return $keys(f.actual).length; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.NFlag = function() { return this.$val.NFlag(); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Arg = function(i) { + var f, i, x$1; + f = this; + if (i < 0 || i >= f.args.$length) { + return ""; + } + return (x$1 = f.args, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])); + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Arg = function(i) { return this.$val.Arg(i); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.NArg = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.args.$length; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.NArg = function() { return this.$val.NArg(); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Args = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.args; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Args = function() { return this.$val.Args(); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.BoolVar = function(p, name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $r = f.Var(newBoolValue(value, p), name, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.BoolVar, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.BoolVar = function(p, name, value, usage) { return this.$val.BoolVar(p, name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Bool = function(name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + p = $newDataPointer(false, ptrType$13); + $r = f.BoolVar(p, name, value, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Bool, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Bool = function(name, value, usage) { return this.$val.Bool(name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.IntVar = function(p, name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $r = f.Var(newIntValue(value, p), name, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.IntVar, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.IntVar = function(p, name, value, usage) { return this.$val.IntVar(p, name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Int = function(name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + p = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$14); + $r = f.IntVar(p, name, value, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Int, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Int = function(name, value, usage) { return this.$val.Int(name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Int64Var = function(p, name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $r = f.Var(newInt64Value(value, p), name, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Int64Var, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Int64Var = function(p, name, value, usage) { return this.$val.Int64Var(p, name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Int64 = function(name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + p = $newDataPointer(new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$15); + $r = f.Int64Var(p, name, value, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Int64, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Int64 = function(name, value, usage) { return this.$val.Int64(name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.UintVar = function(p, name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $r = f.Var(newUintValue(value, p), name, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.UintVar, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.UintVar = function(p, name, value, usage) { return this.$val.UintVar(p, name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Uint = function(name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + p = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$16); + $r = f.UintVar(p, name, value, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Uint, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Uint = function(name, value, usage) { return this.$val.Uint(name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Uint64Var = function(p, name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $r = f.Var(newUint64Value(value, p), name, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Uint64Var, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Uint64Var = function(p, name, value, usage) { return this.$val.Uint64Var(p, name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function(name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + p = $newDataPointer(new $Uint64(0, 0), ptrType$17); + $r = f.Uint64Var(p, name, value, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Uint64, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Uint64 = function(name, value, usage) { return this.$val.Uint64(name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.StringVar = function(p, name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $r = f.Var(newStringValue(value, p), name, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.StringVar, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.StringVar = function(p, name, value, usage) { return this.$val.StringVar(p, name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.String = function(name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + p = $newDataPointer("", ptrType$18); + $r = f.StringVar(p, name, value, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.String = function(name, value, usage) { return this.$val.String(name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Float64Var = function(p, name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $r = f.Var(newFloat64Value(value, p), name, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Float64Var, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Float64Var = function(p, name, value, usage) { return this.$val.Float64Var(p, name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Float64 = function(name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + p = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$19); + $r = f.Float64Var(p, name, value, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Float64, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Float64 = function(name, value, usage) { return this.$val.Float64(name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.DurationVar = function(p, name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $r = f.Var(newDurationValue(value, p), name, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.DurationVar, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.DurationVar = function(p, name, value, usage) { return this.$val.DurationVar(p, name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Duration = function(name, value, usage) { + var {f, name, p, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + p = $newDataPointer(new time.Duration(0, 0), ptrType$9); + $r = f.DurationVar(p, name, value, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return p; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Duration, $c: true, $r, f, name, p, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Duration = function(name, value, usage) { return this.$val.Duration(name, value, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Func = function(name, usage, fn) { + var {f, fn, name, usage, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, usage, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $r = f.Var(new funcValue((fn)), name, usage); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Func, $c: true, $r, f, fn, name, usage, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Func = function(name, usage, fn) { return this.$val.Func(name, usage, fn); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Var = function(value, name, usage) { + var {_entry, _key, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, alreadythere, f, flag, msg, name, usage, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {value, name, usage}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(name, "-")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if (strings.Contains(name, "=")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (strings.HasPrefix(name, "-")) { */ case 1: + _r = f.sprintf("flag %q begins with -", new sliceType([new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else if (strings.Contains(name, "=")) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = f.sprintf("flag %q contains =", new sliceType([new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = value.String(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + flag = new Flag.ptr(name, usage, value, _r$2); + _tuple = (_entry = f.formal[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + alreadythere = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (alreadythere) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (alreadythere) { */ case 7: + msg = ""; + /* */ if (f.name === "") { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (f.name === "") { */ case 9: + _r$3 = f.sprintf("flag redefined: %s", new sliceType([new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + msg = _r$3; + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + _r$4 = f.sprintf("%s flag redefined: %s", new sliceType([new $String(f.name), new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + msg = _r$4; + /* } */ case 11: + $panic(new $String(msg)); + /* } */ case 8: + if (f.formal === false) { + f.formal = {}; + } + _key = name; (f.formal || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: flag }; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Var, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, alreadythere, f, flag, msg, name, usage, value, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Var = function(value, name, usage) { return this.$val.Var(value, name, usage); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.sprintf = function(format, a) { + var {_r, _r$1, a, f, format, msg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r = fmt.Sprintf(format, a); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + msg = _r; + _r$1 = fmt.Fprintln(f.Output(), new sliceType([new $String(msg)])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return msg; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.sprintf, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, a, f, format, msg, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.sprintf = function(format, a) { return this.$val.sprintf(format, a); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.failf = function(format, a) { + var {_r, a, f, format, msg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, a}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r = f.sprintf(format, a); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + msg = _r; + $r = f.usage(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return errors.New(msg); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.failf, $c: true, $r, _r, a, f, format, msg, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.failf = function(format, a) { return this.$val.failf(format, a); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.usage = function() { + var {f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + /* */ if (f.Usage === $throwNilPointerError) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (f.Usage === $throwNilPointerError) { */ case 1: + $r = f.defaultUsage(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + $r = f.Usage(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.usage, $c: true, $r, f, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.usage = function() { return this.$val.usage(); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.parseOne = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _entry, _key, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, alreadythere, err, err$1, err$2, f, flag, fv, hasValue, i, m, name, numMinuses, ok, s, value, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (f.args.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + s = (x$1 = f.args, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])); + if (s.length < 2 || !((s.charCodeAt(0) === 45))) { + $s = -1; return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + numMinuses = 1; + if (s.charCodeAt(1) === 45) { + numMinuses = numMinuses + (1) >> 0; + if (s.length === 2) { + f.args = $subslice(f.args, 1); + $s = -1; return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + } + name = $substring(s, numMinuses); + /* */ if ((name.length === 0) || (name.charCodeAt(0) === 45) || (name.charCodeAt(0) === 61)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((name.length === 0) || (name.charCodeAt(0) === 45) || (name.charCodeAt(0) === 61)) { */ case 1: + _r = f.failf("bad flag syntax: %s", new sliceType([new $String(s)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [false, _r]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + f.args = $subslice(f.args, 1); + hasValue = false; + value = ""; + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < name.length)) { break; } + if (name.charCodeAt(i) === 61) { + value = $substring(name, (i + 1 >> 0)); + hasValue = true; + name = $substring(name, 0, i); + break; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + m = f.formal; + _tuple = (_entry = m[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + flag = _tuple[0]; + alreadythere = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!alreadythere) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!alreadythere) { */ case 5: + /* */ if (name === "help" || name === "h") { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (name === "help" || name === "h") { */ case 7: + $r = f.usage(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [false, $pkg.ErrHelp]; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$1 = f.failf("flag provided but not defined: -%s", new sliceType([new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [false, _r$1]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(flag.Value, boolFlag, true); + fv = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!(ok)) { _v = false; $s = 15; continue s; } + _r$2 = fv.IsBoolFlag(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$2; case 15: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 12: + /* */ if (hasValue) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (hasValue) { */ case 17: + _r$3 = fv.Set(value); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 21: + _r$4 = f.failf("invalid boolean value %q for -%s: %v", new sliceType([new $String(value), new $String(name), err])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [false, _r$4]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 22: + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else { */ case 18: + _r$5 = fv.Set("true"); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$5; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 26: + _r$6 = f.failf("invalid boolean flag %s: %v", new sliceType([new $String(name), err$1])); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [false, _r$6]; + $s = 29; case 29: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 27: + /* } */ case 19: + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + if (!hasValue && f.args.$length > 0) { + hasValue = true; + _tmp = (x$2 = f.args, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(f.args, 1); + value = _tmp; + f.args = _tmp$1; + } + /* */ if (!hasValue) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (!hasValue) { */ case 30: + _r$7 = f.failf("flag needs an argument: -%s", new sliceType([new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = [false, _r$7]; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 31: + _r$8 = flag.Value.Set(value); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$8; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 35: + _r$9 = f.failf("invalid value %q for flag -%s: %v", new sliceType([new $String(value), new $String(name), err$2])); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = [false, _r$9]; + $s = 38; case 38: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 36: + /* } */ case 14: + if (f.actual === false) { + f.actual = {}; + } + _key = name; (f.actual || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: flag }; + $s = -1; return [true, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.parseOne, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _entry, _key, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, alreadythere, err, err$1, err$2, f, flag, fv, hasValue, i, m, name, numMinuses, ok, s, value, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.parseOne = function() { return this.$val.parseOne(); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Parse = function(arguments$1) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, arguments$1, err, f, seen, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arguments$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + f.parsed = true; + f.args = arguments$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = f.parseOne(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + seen = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (seen) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _1 = f.errorHandling; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return err; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 6: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.ErrHelp)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.ErrHelp)) { */ case 9: + $r = os.Exit(0); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + $r = os.Exit(2); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 7: + $panic(err); + /* } */ case 8: + case 4: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Parse, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, arguments$1, err, f, seen, $s};return $f; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Parse = function(arguments$1) { return this.$val.Parse(arguments$1); }; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Parsed = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.parsed; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Parsed = function() { return this.$val.Parsed(); }; + init = function() { + $pkg.CommandLine.Usage = commandLineUsage; + }; + commandLineUsage = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = $pkg.Usage(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: commandLineUsage, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + NewFlagSet = function(name, errorHandling) { + var errorHandling, f, name; + f = new FlagSet.ptr($throwNilPointerError, name, false, false, false, sliceType$3.nil, errorHandling, $ifaceNil); + f.Usage = $methodVal(f, "defaultUsage"); + return f; + }; + $pkg.NewFlagSet = NewFlagSet; + FlagSet.ptr.prototype.Init = function(name, errorHandling) { + var errorHandling, f, name; + f = this; + f.name = name; + f.errorHandling = errorHandling; + }; + FlagSet.prototype.Init = function(name, errorHandling) { return this.$val.Init(name, errorHandling); }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "IsBoolFlag", name: "IsBoolFlag", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + funcValue.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "Output", name: "Output", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [io.Writer], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ErrorHandling", name: "ErrorHandling", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ErrorHandling], false)}, {prop: "SetOutput", name: "SetOutput", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [], false)}, {prop: "VisitAll", name: "VisitAll", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType], [], false)}, {prop: "Visit", name: "Visit", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType], [], false)}, {prop: "Lookup", name: "Lookup", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [ptrType$10], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "PrintDefaults", name: "PrintDefaults", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "defaultUsage", name: "defaultUsage", pkg: "flag", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "NFlag", name: "NFlag", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Arg", name: "Arg", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$String], false)}, {prop: "NArg", name: "NArg", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Args", name: "Args", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "BoolVar", name: "BoolVar", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$13, $String, $Bool, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Bool", name: "Bool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool, $String], [ptrType$13], false)}, {prop: "IntVar", name: "IntVar", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$14, $String, $Int, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Int", name: "Int", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int, $String], [ptrType$14], false)}, {prop: "Int64Var", name: "Int64Var", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$15, $String, $Int64, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Int64", name: "Int64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int64, $String], [ptrType$15], false)}, {prop: "UintVar", name: "UintVar", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$16, $String, $Uint, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Uint", name: "Uint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint, $String], [ptrType$16], false)}, {prop: "Uint64Var", name: "Uint64Var", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$17, $String, $Uint64, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint64, $String], [ptrType$17], false)}, {prop: "StringVar", name: "StringVar", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$18, $String, $String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String, $String], [ptrType$18], false)}, {prop: "Float64Var", name: "Float64Var", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$19, $String, $Float64, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Float64", name: "Float64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Float64, $String], [ptrType$19], false)}, {prop: "DurationVar", name: "DurationVar", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, $String, time.Duration, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Duration", name: "Duration", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, time.Duration, $String], [ptrType$9], false)}, {prop: "Func", name: "Func", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String, funcType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "Var", name: "Var", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value, $String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "sprintf", name: "sprintf", pkg: "flag", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [$String], true)}, {prop: "failf", name: "failf", pkg: "flag", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [$error], true)}, {prop: "usage", name: "usage", pkg: "flag", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "parseOne", name: "parseOne", pkg: "flag", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool, $error], false)}, {prop: "Parse", name: "Parse", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Parsed", name: "Parsed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Init", name: "Init", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ErrorHandling], [], false)}]; + boolFlag.init([{prop: "IsBoolFlag", name: "IsBoolFlag", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + funcValue.init([$String], [$error], false); + Value.init([{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + FlagSet.init("flag", [{prop: "Usage", name: "Usage", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "parsed", name: "parsed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "actual", name: "actual", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "formal", name: "formal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "args", name: "args", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "errorHandling", name: "errorHandling", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ErrorHandling, tag: ""}, {prop: "output", name: "output", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}]); + Flag.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Usage", name: "Usage", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "DefValue", name: "DefValue", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrHelp = errors.New("flag: help requested"); + errParse = errors.New("parse error"); + errRange = errors.New("value out of range"); + $pkg.CommandLine = NewFlagSet((x = os.Args, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])), 1); + $pkg.Usage = (function $b() { + var {_r, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = fmt.Fprintf($pkg.CommandLine.Output(), "Usage of %s:\n", new sliceType([new $String((x$1 = os.Args, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $r = PrintDefaults(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r, x$1, $s};return $f; + }); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["go.uber.org/atomic"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, math, atomic, time, Int32, Int64, Uint64, Bool, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, NewInt32, truthy, boolToInt; + math = $packages["math"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + Int32 = $pkg.Int32 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "atomic.Int32", true, "go.uber.org/atomic", true, function(v_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = 0; + return; + } + this.v = v_; + }); + Int64 = $pkg.Int64 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "atomic.Int64", true, "go.uber.org/atomic", true, function(v_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = new $Int64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.v = v_; + }); + Uint64 = $pkg.Uint64 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "atomic.Uint64", true, "go.uber.org/atomic", true, function(v_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.v = v_; + }); + Bool = $pkg.Bool = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "atomic.Bool", true, "go.uber.org/atomic", true, function(v_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = 0; + return; + } + this.v = v_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType($Int32); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType($Int64); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType($Uint32); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType($Uint64); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(Int32); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(Int64); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(Uint64); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(Bool); + NewInt32 = function(i) { + var i; + return new Int32.ptr(i); + }; + $pkg.NewInt32 = NewInt32; + Int32.ptr.prototype.Load = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return atomic.LoadInt32((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i)))); + }; + Int32.prototype.Load = function() { return this.$val.Load(); }; + Int32.ptr.prototype.Add = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + return atomic.AddInt32((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), n); + }; + Int32.prototype.Add = function(n) { return this.$val.Add(n); }; + Int32.ptr.prototype.Sub = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + return atomic.AddInt32((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), -n); + }; + Int32.prototype.Sub = function(n) { return this.$val.Sub(n); }; + Int32.ptr.prototype.Inc = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return i.Add(1); + }; + Int32.prototype.Inc = function() { return this.$val.Inc(); }; + Int32.ptr.prototype.Dec = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return i.Sub(1); + }; + Int32.prototype.Dec = function() { return this.$val.Dec(); }; + Int32.ptr.prototype.CAS = function(old, new$1) { + var i, new$1, old; + i = this; + return atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), old, new$1); + }; + Int32.prototype.CAS = function(old, new$1) { return this.$val.CAS(old, new$1); }; + Int32.ptr.prototype.Store = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + atomic.StoreInt32((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), n); + }; + Int32.prototype.Store = function(n) { return this.$val.Store(n); }; + Int32.ptr.prototype.Swap = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + return atomic.SwapInt32((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), n); + }; + Int32.prototype.Swap = function(n) { return this.$val.Swap(n); }; + Int64.ptr.prototype.Load = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return atomic.LoadInt64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i)))); + }; + Int64.prototype.Load = function() { return this.$val.Load(); }; + Int64.ptr.prototype.Add = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + return atomic.AddInt64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), n); + }; + Int64.prototype.Add = function(n) { return this.$val.Add(n); }; + Int64.ptr.prototype.Sub = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + return atomic.AddInt64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), new $Int64(-n.$high, -n.$low)); + }; + Int64.prototype.Sub = function(n) { return this.$val.Sub(n); }; + Int64.ptr.prototype.Inc = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return i.Add(new $Int64(0, 1)); + }; + Int64.prototype.Inc = function() { return this.$val.Inc(); }; + Int64.ptr.prototype.Dec = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return i.Sub(new $Int64(0, 1)); + }; + Int64.prototype.Dec = function() { return this.$val.Dec(); }; + Int64.ptr.prototype.CAS = function(old, new$1) { + var i, new$1, old; + i = this; + return atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), old, new$1); + }; + Int64.prototype.CAS = function(old, new$1) { return this.$val.CAS(old, new$1); }; + Int64.ptr.prototype.Store = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + atomic.StoreInt64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), n); + }; + Int64.prototype.Store = function(n) { return this.$val.Store(n); }; + Int64.ptr.prototype.Swap = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + return atomic.SwapInt64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), n); + }; + Int64.prototype.Swap = function(n) { return this.$val.Swap(n); }; + Uint64.ptr.prototype.Load = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return atomic.LoadUint64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i)))); + }; + Uint64.prototype.Load = function() { return this.$val.Load(); }; + Uint64.ptr.prototype.Add = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + return atomic.AddUint64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), n); + }; + Uint64.prototype.Add = function(n) { return this.$val.Add(n); }; + Uint64.ptr.prototype.Sub = function(n) { + var i, n, x; + i = this; + return atomic.AddUint64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), (x = new $Uint64(n.$high - 0, n.$low - 1), new $Uint64(~x.$high, ~x.$low >>> 0))); + }; + Uint64.prototype.Sub = function(n) { return this.$val.Sub(n); }; + Uint64.ptr.prototype.Inc = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return i.Add(new $Uint64(0, 1)); + }; + Uint64.prototype.Inc = function() { return this.$val.Inc(); }; + Uint64.ptr.prototype.Dec = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return i.Sub(new $Uint64(0, 1)); + }; + Uint64.prototype.Dec = function() { return this.$val.Dec(); }; + Uint64.ptr.prototype.CAS = function(old, new$1) { + var i, new$1, old; + i = this; + return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), old, new$1); + }; + Uint64.prototype.CAS = function(old, new$1) { return this.$val.CAS(old, new$1); }; + Uint64.ptr.prototype.Store = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + atomic.StoreUint64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), n); + }; + Uint64.prototype.Store = function(n) { return this.$val.Store(n); }; + Uint64.ptr.prototype.Swap = function(n) { + var i, n; + i = this; + return atomic.SwapUint64((i.$ptr_v || (i.$ptr_v = new ptrType$3(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, i))), n); + }; + Uint64.prototype.Swap = function(n) { return this.$val.Swap(n); }; + Bool.ptr.prototype.Load = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return truthy(atomic.LoadUint32((b.$ptr_v || (b.$ptr_v = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, b))))); + }; + Bool.prototype.Load = function() { return this.$val.Load(); }; + Bool.ptr.prototype.CAS = function(old, new$1) { + var b, new$1, old; + b = this; + return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32((b.$ptr_v || (b.$ptr_v = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, b))), boolToInt(old), boolToInt(new$1)); + }; + Bool.prototype.CAS = function(old, new$1) { return this.$val.CAS(old, new$1); }; + Bool.ptr.prototype.Store = function(new$1) { + var b, new$1; + b = this; + atomic.StoreUint32((b.$ptr_v || (b.$ptr_v = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, b))), boolToInt(new$1)); + }; + Bool.prototype.Store = function(new$1) { return this.$val.Store(new$1); }; + Bool.ptr.prototype.Swap = function(new$1) { + var b, new$1; + b = this; + return truthy(atomic.SwapUint32((b.$ptr_v || (b.$ptr_v = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, b))), boolToInt(new$1))); + }; + Bool.prototype.Swap = function(new$1) { return this.$val.Swap(new$1); }; + Bool.ptr.prototype.Toggle = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return truthy(atomic.AddUint32((b.$ptr_v || (b.$ptr_v = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target.v; }, function($v) { this.$target.v = $v; }, b))), 1) - 1 >>> 0); + }; + Bool.prototype.Toggle = function() { return this.$val.Toggle(); }; + truthy = function(n) { + var n; + return ((n & 1) >>> 0) === 1; + }; + boolToInt = function(b) { + var b; + if (b) { + return 1; + } + return 0; + }; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "Load", name: "Load", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "Inc", name: "Inc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "Dec", name: "Dec", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "CAS", name: "CAS", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int32], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Store", name: "Store", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Int32], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "Load", name: "Load", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Inc", name: "Inc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Dec", name: "Dec", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "CAS", name: "CAS", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int64], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Store", name: "Store", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$Int64], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "Load", name: "Load", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Inc", name: "Inc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Dec", name: "Dec", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "CAS", name: "CAS", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64, $Uint64], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Store", name: "Store", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [$Uint64], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "Load", name: "Load", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "CAS", name: "CAS", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool, $Bool], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Store", name: "Store", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Toggle", name: "Toggle", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + Int32.init("go.uber.org/atomic", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}]); + Int64.init("go.uber.org/atomic", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}]); + Uint64.init("go.uber.org/atomic", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + Bool.init("go.uber.org/atomic", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["go.uber.org/multierr"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, fmt, atomic, io, strings, sync, multiError, inspectResult, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType, sliceType$2, ptrType$1, _singlelineSeparator, _multilinePrefix, _multilineSeparator, _multilineIndent, _bufferPool, writePrefixLine, inspect, fromSlice, Append; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + atomic = $packages["go.uber.org/atomic"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + multiError = $pkg.multiError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "multierr.multiError", true, "go.uber.org/multierr", false, function(copyNeeded_, errors_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.copyNeeded = new atomic.Bool.ptr(0); + this.errors = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.copyNeeded = copyNeeded_; + this.errors = errors_; + }); + inspectResult = $pkg.inspectResult = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "multierr.inspectResult", true, "go.uber.org/multierr", false, function(Count_, Capacity_, FirstErrorIdx_, ContainsMultiError_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Count = 0; + this.Capacity = 0; + this.FirstErrorIdx = 0; + this.ContainsMultiError = false; + return; + } + this.Count = Count_; + this.Capacity = Capacity_; + this.FirstErrorIdx = FirstErrorIdx_; + this.ContainsMultiError = ContainsMultiError_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(multiError); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($error); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(bytes.Buffer); + multiError.ptr.prototype.Errors = function() { + var merr; + merr = this; + if (merr === ptrType.nil) { + return sliceType$2.nil; + } + return merr.errors; + }; + multiError.prototype.Errors = function() { return this.$val.Errors(); }; + multiError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {_r, buff, merr, result, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + merr = this; + if (merr === ptrType.nil) { + $s = -1; return ""; + } + _r = _bufferPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buff = $assertType(_r, ptrType$1); + buff.Reset(); + $r = merr.writeSingleline(buff); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + result = buff.String(); + _bufferPool.Put(buff); + $s = -1; return result; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: multiError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, _r, buff, merr, result, $s};return $f; + }; + multiError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + multiError.ptr.prototype.Format = function(f, c) { + var {_r, _v, c, f, merr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + merr = this; + if (!(c === 118)) { _v = false; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r = f.Flag(43); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 4: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $r = merr.writeMultiline(f); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + $r = merr.writeSingleline(f); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: multiError.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, _r, _v, c, f, merr, $s};return $f; + }; + multiError.prototype.Format = function(f, c) { return this.$val.Format(f, c); }; + multiError.ptr.prototype.writeSingleline = function(w) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, first, item, merr, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + merr = this; + first = true; + _ref = merr.errors; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + item = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (first) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (first) { */ case 3: + first = false; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r = w.Write(_singlelineSeparator); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* } */ case 5: + _arg = w; + _r$1 = item.Error(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$1; + _r$2 = io.WriteString(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: multiError.ptr.prototype.writeSingleline, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, first, item, merr, w, $s};return $f; + }; + multiError.prototype.writeSingleline = function(w) { return this.$val.writeSingleline(w); }; + multiError.ptr.prototype.writeMultiline = function(w) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, item, merr, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + merr = this; + _r = w.Write(_multilinePrefix); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _ref = merr.errors; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + item = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = w.Write(_multilineSeparator); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _arg = w; + _arg$1 = _multilineIndent; + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", new sliceType$1([item])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$2; + $r = writePrefixLine(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: multiError.ptr.prototype.writeMultiline, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, item, merr, w, $s};return $f; + }; + multiError.prototype.writeMultiline = function(w) { return this.$val.writeMultiline(w); }; + writePrefixLine = function(w, prefix, s) { + var {_r, _r$1, first, idx, prefix, s, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, prefix, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + first = true; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(s.length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (first) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (first) { */ case 3: + first = false; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r = w.Write(prefix); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* } */ case 5: + idx = strings.IndexByte(s, 10); + if (idx < 0) { + idx = s.length - 1 >> 0; + } + _r$1 = io.WriteString(w, $substring(s, 0, (idx + 1 >> 0))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + s = $substring(s, (idx + 1 >> 0)); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: writePrefixLine, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, first, idx, prefix, s, w, $s};return $f; + }; + inspect = function(errors) { + var _i, _ref, _tuple, err, errors, first, i, merr, ok, res; + res = new inspectResult.ptr(0, 0, 0, false); + first = true; + _ref = errors; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + err = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + _i++; + continue; + } + res.Count = res.Count + (1) >> 0; + if (first) { + first = false; + res.FirstErrorIdx = i; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, ptrType, true); + merr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + res.Capacity = res.Capacity + (merr.errors.$length) >> 0; + res.ContainsMultiError = true; + } else { + res.Capacity = res.Capacity + (1) >> 0; + } + _i++; + } + return res; + }; + fromSlice = function(errors) { + var _1, _i, _ref, _tuple, err, errors, nested, nonNilErrs, ok, res, x; + res = $clone(inspect(errors), inspectResult); + _1 = res.Count; + if (_1 === (0)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return (x = res.FirstErrorIdx, ((x < 0 || x >= errors.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : errors.$array[errors.$offset + x])); + } else if (_1 === (errors.$length)) { + if (!res.ContainsMultiError) { + return new multiError.ptr(new atomic.Bool.ptr(0), errors); + } + } + nonNilErrs = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, res.Capacity); + _ref = $subslice(errors, res.FirstErrorIdx); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + err = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + _i++; + continue; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, ptrType, true); + nested = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + nonNilErrs = $appendSlice(nonNilErrs, nested.errors); + } else { + nonNilErrs = $append(nonNilErrs, err); + } + _i++; + } + return new multiError.ptr(new atomic.Bool.ptr(0), nonNilErrs); + }; + Append = function(left, right) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, errors, errs, l, left, ok, ok$1, right; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(left, $ifaceNil)) { + return right; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(right, $ifaceNil)) { + return left; + } + _tuple = $assertType(right, ptrType, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _tuple$1 = $assertType(left, ptrType, true); + l = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1 && !l.copyNeeded.Swap(true)) { + errs = $append(l.errors, right); + return new multiError.ptr(new atomic.Bool.ptr(0), errs); + } else if (!ok$1) { + return new multiError.ptr(new atomic.Bool.ptr(0), new sliceType$2([left, right])); + } + } + errors = $toNativeArray($kindInterface, [left, right]); + return fromSlice($subslice(new sliceType$2(errors), 0)); + }; + $pkg.Append = Append; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Errors", name: "Errors", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "writeSingleline", name: "writeSingleline", pkg: "go.uber.org/multierr", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [], false)}, {prop: "writeMultiline", name: "writeMultiline", pkg: "go.uber.org/multierr", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [], false)}]; + multiError.init("go.uber.org/multierr", [{prop: "copyNeeded", name: "copyNeeded", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomic.Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "errors", name: "errors", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + inspectResult.init("", [{prop: "Count", name: "Count", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Capacity", name: "Capacity", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "FirstErrorIdx", name: "FirstErrorIdx", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ContainsMultiError", name: "ContainsMultiError", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _singlelineSeparator = (new sliceType($stringToBytes("; "))); + _multilinePrefix = (new sliceType($stringToBytes("the following errors occurred:"))); + _multilineSeparator = (new sliceType($stringToBytes("\n - "))); + _multilineIndent = (new sliceType($stringToBytes(" "))); + _bufferPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, (function() { + return new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType.nil, 0, 0); + })); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["go.uber.org/zap/buffer"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, strconv, sync, Pool, Buffer, ptrType, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, NewPool; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + Pool = $pkg.Pool = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "buffer.Pool", true, "go.uber.org/zap/buffer", true, function(p_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.p = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.p = p_; + }); + Buffer = $pkg.Buffer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "buffer.Buffer", true, "go.uber.org/zap/buffer", true, function(bs_, pool_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.bs = sliceType$1.nil; + this.pool = new Pool.ptr(ptrType.nil); + return; + } + this.bs = bs_; + this.pool = pool_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(sync.Pool); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Buffer); + NewPool = function() { + return new Pool.ptr(new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new Buffer.ptr($makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, 1024), new Pool.ptr(ptrType.nil)); + }))); + }; + $pkg.NewPool = NewPool; + Pool.ptr.prototype.Get = function() { + var {_r, buf, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.p.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = $assertType(_r, ptrType$1); + buf.Reset(); + Pool.copy(buf.pool, p); + $s = -1; return buf; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Pool.ptr.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, _r, buf, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Pool.prototype.Get = function() { return this.$val.Get(); }; + Pool.ptr.prototype.put = function(buf) { + var buf, p; + p = this; + p.p.Put(buf); + }; + Pool.prototype.put = function(buf) { return this.$val.put(buf); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.AppendByte = function(v) { + var b, v; + b = this; + b.bs = $append(b.bs, v); + }; + Buffer.prototype.AppendByte = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendByte(v); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.AppendString = function(s) { + var b, s; + b = this; + b.bs = $appendSlice(b.bs, s); + }; + Buffer.prototype.AppendString = function(s) { return this.$val.AppendString(s); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.AppendInt = function(i) { + var b, i; + b = this; + b.bs = strconv.AppendInt(b.bs, i, 10); + }; + Buffer.prototype.AppendInt = function(i) { return this.$val.AppendInt(i); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.AppendUint = function(i) { + var b, i; + b = this; + b.bs = strconv.AppendUint(b.bs, i, 10); + }; + Buffer.prototype.AppendUint = function(i) { return this.$val.AppendUint(i); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.AppendBool = function(v) { + var b, v; + b = this; + b.bs = strconv.AppendBool(b.bs, v); + }; + Buffer.prototype.AppendBool = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendBool(v); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.AppendFloat = function(f, bitSize) { + var b, bitSize, f; + b = this; + b.bs = strconv.AppendFloat(b.bs, f, 102, -1, bitSize); + }; + Buffer.prototype.AppendFloat = function(f, bitSize) { return this.$val.AppendFloat(f, bitSize); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.bs.$length; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Cap = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.bs.$capacity; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Cap = function() { return this.$val.Cap(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.bs; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return ($bytesToString(b.bs)); + }; + Buffer.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var b; + b = this; + b.bs = $subslice(b.bs, 0, 0); + }; + Buffer.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Write = function(bs) { + var b, bs; + b = this; + b.bs = $appendSlice(b.bs, bs); + return [bs.$length, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Buffer.prototype.Write = function(bs) { return this.$val.Write(bs); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.TrimNewline = function() { + var b, i, x; + b = this; + i = b.bs.$length - 1 >> 0; + if (i >= 0) { + if ((x = b.bs, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])) === 10) { + b.bs = $subslice(b.bs, 0, i); + } + } + }; + Buffer.prototype.TrimNewline = function() { return this.$val.TrimNewline(); }; + Buffer.ptr.prototype.Free = function() { + var b; + b = this; + $clone(b.pool, Pool).put(b); + }; + Buffer.prototype.Free = function() { return this.$val.Free(); }; + Pool.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "put", name: "put", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/buffer", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "AppendByte", name: "AppendByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendString", name: "AppendString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt", name: "AppendInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint", name: "AppendUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendBool", name: "AppendBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendFloat", name: "AppendFloat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Cap", name: "Cap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "TrimNewline", name: "TrimNewline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Free", name: "Free", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + Pool.init("go.uber.org/zap/buffer", [{prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + Buffer.init("go.uber.org/zap/buffer", [{prop: "bs", name: "bs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "pool", name: "pool", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Pool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["go.uber.org/zap/internal/bufferpool"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, buffer, _pool; + buffer = $packages["go.uber.org/zap/buffer"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = buffer.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _pool = $clone(buffer.NewPool(), buffer.Pool); + $pkg.Get = $methodVal($clone(_pool, buffer.Pool), "Get"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["go.uber.org/zap/internal/color"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fmt, Color, sliceType; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + Color = $pkg.Color = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "color.Color", true, "go.uber.org/zap/internal/color", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + Color.prototype.Add = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, c, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this.$val; + _r = fmt.Sprintf("\x1B[%dm%s\x1B[0m", new sliceType([new $Uint8(((c << 24 >>> 24))), new $String(s)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Color.prototype.Add, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, c, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Color).prototype.Add = function(s) { return new Color(this.$get()).Add(s); }; + Color.methods = [{prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, os, real, Exit; + os = $packages["os"]; + Exit = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = real(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Exit, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Exit = Exit; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + real = (function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = os.Exit(1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["go.uber.org/zap/zapcore"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, base64, json, errors, fmt, atomic, multierr, buffer, bufferpool, color, exit, io, math, reflect, strings, sync, time, utf8, WriteSyncer, lockedWriteSyncer, writerWrapper, multiWriteSyncer, counter, counters, sampler, MapObjectEncoder, sliceArrayEncoder, ObjectMarshaler, ArrayMarshaler, Level, LevelEnabler, jsonEncoder, FieldType, Field, errorGroup, errArray, errArrayElem, EntryCaller, Entry, CheckWriteAction, CheckedEntry, LevelEncoder, TimeEncoder, DurationEncoder, CallerEncoder, NameEncoder, EncoderConfig, ObjectEncoder, ArrayEncoder, PrimitiveArrayEncoder, Encoder, Core, nopCore, ioCore, consoleEncoder, sliceType, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, sliceType$1, ptrType$4, sliceType$2, arrayType, arrayType$1, ptrType$5, mapType, sliceType$3, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, sliceType$5, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, sliceType$6, ptrType$15, ptrType$16, ptrType$17, ptrType$18, ptrType$19, ptrType$20, _levelToColor, _unknownLevelColor, _levelToLowercaseColorString, _levelToCapitalColorString, errUnmarshalNilLevel, _jsonPool, _errArrayElemPool, _cePool, _sliceEncoderPool, x, x$1, AddSync, Lock, NewMultiWriteSyncer, newCounters, fnv32a, NewSampler, NewMapObjectEncoder, init, getJSONEncoder, putJSONEncoder, NewJSONEncoder, newJSONEncoder, addFields, encodeError, newErrArrayElem, getCheckedEntry, putCheckedEntry, NewEntryCaller, LowercaseLevelEncoder, LowercaseColorLevelEncoder, CapitalLevelEncoder, CapitalColorLevelEncoder, EpochTimeEncoder, EpochMillisTimeEncoder, EpochNanosTimeEncoder, ISO8601TimeEncoder, SecondsDurationEncoder, NanosDurationEncoder, StringDurationEncoder, FullCallerEncoder, ShortCallerEncoder, FullNameEncoder, NewNopCore, NewCore, getSliceEncoder, putSliceEncoder, NewConsoleEncoder; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + base64 = $packages["encoding/base64"]; + json = $packages["encoding/json"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + atomic = $packages["go.uber.org/atomic"]; + multierr = $packages["go.uber.org/multierr"]; + buffer = $packages["go.uber.org/zap/buffer"]; + bufferpool = $packages["go.uber.org/zap/internal/bufferpool"]; + color = $packages["go.uber.org/zap/internal/color"]; + exit = $packages["go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + WriteSyncer = $pkg.WriteSyncer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zapcore.WriteSyncer", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + lockedWriteSyncer = $pkg.lockedWriteSyncer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.lockedWriteSyncer", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, function(Mutex_, ws_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Mutex = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.ws = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Mutex = Mutex_; + this.ws = ws_; + }); + writerWrapper = $pkg.writerWrapper = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.writerWrapper", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, function(Writer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Writer = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Writer = Writer_; + }); + multiWriteSyncer = $pkg.multiWriteSyncer = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zapcore.multiWriteSyncer", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, null); + counter = $pkg.counter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.counter", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, function(resetAt_, counter_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.resetAt = new atomic.Int64.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0)); + this.counter = new atomic.Uint64.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0)); + return; + } + this.resetAt = resetAt_; + this.counter = counter_; + }); + counters = $pkg.counters = $newType(458752, $kindArray, "zapcore.counters", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, null); + sampler = $pkg.sampler = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.sampler", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, function(Core_, counts_, tick_, first_, thereafter_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Core = $ifaceNil; + this.counts = ptrType$5.nil; + this.tick = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.first = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.thereafter = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.Core = Core_; + this.counts = counts_; + this.tick = tick_; + this.first = first_; + this.thereafter = thereafter_; + }); + MapObjectEncoder = $pkg.MapObjectEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.MapObjectEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, function(Fields_, cur_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Fields = false; + this.cur = false; + return; + } + this.Fields = Fields_; + this.cur = cur_; + }); + sliceArrayEncoder = $pkg.sliceArrayEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.sliceArrayEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, function(elems_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.elems = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.elems = elems_; + }); + ObjectMarshaler = $pkg.ObjectMarshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zapcore.ObjectMarshaler", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + ArrayMarshaler = $pkg.ArrayMarshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zapcore.ArrayMarshaler", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + Level = $pkg.Level = $newType(1, $kindInt8, "zapcore.Level", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + LevelEnabler = $pkg.LevelEnabler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zapcore.LevelEnabler", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + jsonEncoder = $pkg.jsonEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.jsonEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, function(EncoderConfig_, buf_, spaced_, openNamespaces_, reflectBuf_, reflectEnc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.EncoderConfig = ptrType.nil; + this.buf = ptrType$1.nil; + this.spaced = false; + this.openNamespaces = 0; + this.reflectBuf = ptrType$1.nil; + this.reflectEnc = ptrType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.EncoderConfig = EncoderConfig_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.spaced = spaced_; + this.openNamespaces = openNamespaces_; + this.reflectBuf = reflectBuf_; + this.reflectEnc = reflectEnc_; + }); + FieldType = $pkg.FieldType = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "zapcore.FieldType", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + Field = $pkg.Field = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.Field", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, function(Key_, Type_, Integer_, String_, Interface_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Key = ""; + this.Type = 0; + this.Integer = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.String = ""; + this.Interface = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Key = Key_; + this.Type = Type_; + this.Integer = Integer_; + this.String = String_; + this.Interface = Interface_; + }); + errorGroup = $pkg.errorGroup = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zapcore.errorGroup", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, null); + errArray = $pkg.errArray = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zapcore.errArray", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, null); + errArrayElem = $pkg.errArrayElem = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.errArrayElem", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, function(err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.err = err_; + }); + EntryCaller = $pkg.EntryCaller = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.EntryCaller", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, function(Defined_, PC_, File_, Line_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Defined = false; + this.PC = 0; + this.File = ""; + this.Line = 0; + return; + } + this.Defined = Defined_; + this.PC = PC_; + this.File = File_; + this.Line = Line_; + }); + Entry = $pkg.Entry = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.Entry", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, function(Level_, Time_, LoggerName_, Message_, Caller_, Stack_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Level = 0; + this.Time = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$3.nil); + this.LoggerName = ""; + this.Message = ""; + this.Caller = new EntryCaller.ptr(false, 0, "", 0); + this.Stack = ""; + return; + } + this.Level = Level_; + this.Time = Time_; + this.LoggerName = LoggerName_; + this.Message = Message_; + this.Caller = Caller_; + this.Stack = Stack_; + }); + CheckWriteAction = $pkg.CheckWriteAction = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "zapcore.CheckWriteAction", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + CheckedEntry = $pkg.CheckedEntry = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.CheckedEntry", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, function(Entry_, ErrorOutput_, dirty_, should_, cores_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Entry = new Entry.ptr(0, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$3.nil), "", "", new EntryCaller.ptr(false, 0, "", 0), ""); + this.ErrorOutput = $ifaceNil; + this.dirty = false; + this.should = 0; + this.cores = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.Entry = Entry_; + this.ErrorOutput = ErrorOutput_; + this.dirty = dirty_; + this.should = should_; + this.cores = cores_; + }); + LevelEncoder = $pkg.LevelEncoder = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "zapcore.LevelEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + TimeEncoder = $pkg.TimeEncoder = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "zapcore.TimeEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + DurationEncoder = $pkg.DurationEncoder = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "zapcore.DurationEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + CallerEncoder = $pkg.CallerEncoder = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "zapcore.CallerEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + NameEncoder = $pkg.NameEncoder = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "zapcore.NameEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + EncoderConfig = $pkg.EncoderConfig = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.EncoderConfig", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, function(MessageKey_, LevelKey_, TimeKey_, NameKey_, CallerKey_, StacktraceKey_, LineEnding_, EncodeLevel_, EncodeTime_, EncodeDuration_, EncodeCaller_, EncodeName_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.MessageKey = ""; + this.LevelKey = ""; + this.TimeKey = ""; + this.NameKey = ""; + this.CallerKey = ""; + this.StacktraceKey = ""; + this.LineEnding = ""; + this.EncodeLevel = $throwNilPointerError; + this.EncodeTime = $throwNilPointerError; + this.EncodeDuration = $throwNilPointerError; + this.EncodeCaller = $throwNilPointerError; + this.EncodeName = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.MessageKey = MessageKey_; + this.LevelKey = LevelKey_; + this.TimeKey = TimeKey_; + this.NameKey = NameKey_; + this.CallerKey = CallerKey_; + this.StacktraceKey = StacktraceKey_; + this.LineEnding = LineEnding_; + this.EncodeLevel = EncodeLevel_; + this.EncodeTime = EncodeTime_; + this.EncodeDuration = EncodeDuration_; + this.EncodeCaller = EncodeCaller_; + this.EncodeName = EncodeName_; + }); + ObjectEncoder = $pkg.ObjectEncoder = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zapcore.ObjectEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + ArrayEncoder = $pkg.ArrayEncoder = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zapcore.ArrayEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + PrimitiveArrayEncoder = $pkg.PrimitiveArrayEncoder = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + Encoder = $pkg.Encoder = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zapcore.Encoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + Core = $pkg.Core = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zapcore.Core", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", true, null); + nopCore = $pkg.nopCore = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.nopCore", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + ioCore = $pkg.ioCore = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.ioCore", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, function(LevelEnabler_, enc_, out_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.LevelEnabler = $ifaceNil; + this.enc = $ifaceNil; + this.out = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.LevelEnabler = LevelEnabler_; + this.enc = enc_; + this.out = out_; + }); + consoleEncoder = $pkg.consoleEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zapcore.consoleEncoder", true, "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", false, function(jsonEncoder_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.jsonEncoder = ptrType$7.nil; + return; + } + this.jsonEncoder = jsonEncoder_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(EncoderConfig); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(buffer.Buffer); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(json.Encoder); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(time.Location); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(Core); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(lockedWriteSyncer); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(WriteSyncer); + arrayType = $arrayType(counter, 4096); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(arrayType, 7); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(counters); + mapType = $mapType($String, $emptyInterface); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(Level); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(jsonEncoder); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(CheckedEntry); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(errArrayElem); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(sliceArrayEncoder); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(Field); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(counter); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(sampler); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(MapObjectEncoder); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType($error); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(LevelEncoder); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType(TimeEncoder); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType(DurationEncoder); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(CallerEncoder); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType(NameEncoder); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(ioCore); + AddSync = function(w) { + var _ref, w, w$1, w$2, x$2; + _ref = w; + if ($assertType(_ref, WriteSyncer, true)[1]) { + w$1 = _ref; + return w$1; + } else { + w$2 = _ref; + return (x$2 = new writerWrapper.ptr(w$2), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)); + } + }; + $pkg.AddSync = AddSync; + Lock = function(ws) { + var _tuple, ok, ws; + _tuple = $assertType(ws, ptrType$4, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return ws; + } + return new lockedWriteSyncer.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), ws); + }; + $pkg.Lock = Lock; + lockedWriteSyncer.ptr.prototype.Write = function(bs) { + var {_r, _tuple, bs, err, n, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {bs}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.Mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = s.ws.Write(bs); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $r = s.Mutex.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: lockedWriteSyncer.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, bs, err, n, s, $s};return $f; + }; + lockedWriteSyncer.prototype.Write = function(bs) { return this.$val.Write(bs); }; + lockedWriteSyncer.ptr.prototype.Sync = function() { + var {_r, err, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.Mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = s.ws.Sync(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + $r = s.Mutex.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: lockedWriteSyncer.ptr.prototype.Sync, $c: true, $r, _r, err, s, $s};return $f; + }; + lockedWriteSyncer.prototype.Sync = function() { return this.$val.Sync(); }; + writerWrapper.ptr.prototype.Sync = function() { + var w; + w = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + writerWrapper.prototype.Sync = function() { return this.$val.Sync(); }; + NewMultiWriteSyncer = function(ws) { + var ws; + if (ws.$length === 1) { + return (0 >= ws.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ws.$array[ws.$offset + 0]); + } + return ($convertSliceType($appendSlice((sliceType$2.nil), ws), multiWriteSyncer)); + }; + $pkg.NewMultiWriteSyncer = NewMultiWriteSyncer; + multiWriteSyncer.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, _tuple, err, n, nWritten, p, w, writeErr, ws, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ws = this; + writeErr = $ifaceNil; + nWritten = 0; + _ref = ws; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + w = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = w.Write(p); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + writeErr = multierr.Append(writeErr, err); + if ((nWritten === 0) && !((n === 0))) { + nWritten = n; + } else if (n < nWritten) { + nWritten = n; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [nWritten, writeErr]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: multiWriteSyncer.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, _tuple, err, n, nWritten, p, w, writeErr, ws, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(multiWriteSyncer).prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$get().Write(p); }; + multiWriteSyncer.prototype.Sync = function() { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, err, w, ws, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ws = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = ws; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + w = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _arg = err; + _r = w.Sync(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _r$1 = multierr.Append(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: multiWriteSyncer.prototype.Sync, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, err, w, ws, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(multiWriteSyncer).prototype.Sync = function() { return this.$get().Sync(); }; + newCounters = function() { + return arrayType$1.zero(); + }; + counters.prototype.get = function(lvl, key) { + var _r, cs, i, j, key, lvl, x$2, x$3; + cs = this.$val; + i = lvl - -1 << 24 >> 24; + j = (_r = fnv32a(key) % 4096, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + return (x$2 = (x$3 = cs, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[i])), ((j < 0 || j >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[j])); + }; + $ptrType(counters).prototype.get = function(lvl, key) { return (new counters(this.$get())).get(lvl, key); }; + fnv32a = function(s) { + var hash, i, s; + hash = 2166136261; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + hash = (hash ^ (((s.charCodeAt(i) >>> 0)))) >>> 0; + hash = $imul(hash, (16777619)) >>> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return hash; + }; + counter.ptr.prototype.IncCheckReset = function(t, tick) { + var c, newResetAfter, resetAfter, t, tick, tn, x$2; + c = this; + tn = $clone(t, time.Time).UnixNano(); + resetAfter = c.resetAt.Load(); + if ((resetAfter.$high > tn.$high || (resetAfter.$high === tn.$high && resetAfter.$low > tn.$low))) { + return c.counter.Inc(); + } + c.counter.Store(new $Uint64(0, 1)); + newResetAfter = (x$2 = tick.Nanoseconds(), new $Int64(tn.$high + x$2.$high, tn.$low + x$2.$low)); + if (!c.resetAt.CAS(resetAfter, newResetAfter)) { + return c.counter.Inc(); + } + return new $Uint64(0, 1); + }; + counter.prototype.IncCheckReset = function(t, tick) { return this.$val.IncCheckReset(t, tick); }; + NewSampler = function(core, tick, first, thereafter) { + var core, first, thereafter, tick; + return new sampler.ptr(core, newCounters(), tick, (new $Uint64(0, first)), (new $Uint64(0, thereafter))); + }; + $pkg.NewSampler = NewSampler; + sampler.ptr.prototype.With = function(fields) { + var {$24r, _r, fields, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r = s.Core.With(fields); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new sampler.ptr(_r, s.counts, s.tick, s.first, s.thereafter); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sampler.ptr.prototype.With, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, fields, s, $s};return $f; + }; + sampler.prototype.With = function(fields) { return this.$val.With(fields); }; + sampler.ptr.prototype.Check = function(ent, ce) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, ce, counter$1, ent, n, s, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ent, ce}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r = s.Core.Enabled(ent.Level); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return ce; + /* } */ case 2: + counter$1 = new ptrType$5(s.counts).get(ent.Level, ent.Message); + n = counter$1.IncCheckReset($clone(ent.Time, time.Time), s.tick); + if ((x$2 = s.first, (n.$high > x$2.$high || (n.$high === x$2.$high && n.$low > x$2.$low))) && !((x$3 = $div64(((x$4 = s.first, new $Uint64(n.$high - x$4.$high, n.$low - x$4.$low))), s.thereafter, true), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0)))) { + $s = -1; return ce; + } + _r$1 = s.Core.Check($clone(ent, Entry), ce); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sampler.ptr.prototype.Check, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, ce, counter$1, ent, n, s, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + sampler.prototype.Check = function(ent, ce) { return this.$val.Check(ent, ce); }; + NewMapObjectEncoder = function() { + var m; + m = {}; + return new MapObjectEncoder.ptr(m, m); + }; + $pkg.NewMapObjectEncoder = NewMapObjectEncoder; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddArray = function(key, v) { + var {_key, _r, arr, err, key, m, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + arr = new sliceArrayEncoder.ptr($makeSlice(sliceType, 0)); + _r = v.MarshalLogArray(arr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + _key = key; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: arr.elems }; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddArray, $c: true, $r, _key, _r, arr, err, key, m, v, $s};return $f; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddArray = function(key, v) { return this.$val.AddArray(key, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddObject = function(k, v) { + var {$24r, _key, _r, k, m, newMap, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + newMap = NewMapObjectEncoder(); + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new mapType(newMap.Fields) }; + _r = v.MarshalLogObject(newMap); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddObject, $c: true, $r, $24r, _key, _r, k, m, newMap, v, $s};return $f; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddObject = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddObject(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddBinary = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddBinary = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddBinary(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddByteString = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $String(($bytesToString(v))) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddByteString = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddByteString(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddBool = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Bool(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddBool = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddBool(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddDuration = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddDuration = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddDuration(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddComplex128 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddComplex128 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddComplex128(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddComplex64 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddComplex64 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddComplex64(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddFloat64 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Float64(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddFloat64 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddFloat64(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddFloat32 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Float32(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddFloat32 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddFloat32(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddInt = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Int(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddInt = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddInt(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddInt64 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddInt64 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddInt64(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddInt32 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Int32(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddInt32 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddInt32(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddInt16 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Int16(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddInt16 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddInt16(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddInt8 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Int8(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddInt8 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddInt8(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddString = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $String(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddString = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddString(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddTime = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new v.constructor.elem(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddTime = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddTime(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUint = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Uint(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddUint = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUint(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUint64 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddUint64 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUint64(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUint32 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Uint32(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddUint32 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUint32(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUint16 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Uint16(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddUint16 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUint16(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUint8 = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Uint8(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddUint8 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUint8(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUintptr = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new $Uintptr(v) }; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddUintptr = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUintptr(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddReflected = function(k, v) { + var _key, k, m, v; + m = this; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.AddReflected = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddReflected(k, v); }; + MapObjectEncoder.ptr.prototype.OpenNamespace = function(k) { + var _key, k, m, ns; + m = this; + ns = {}; + _key = k; (m.cur || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new mapType(ns) }; + m.cur = ns; + }; + MapObjectEncoder.prototype.OpenNamespace = function(k) { return this.$val.OpenNamespace(k); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendArray = function(v) { + var {_r, enc, err, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + enc = new sliceArrayEncoder.ptr(sliceType.nil); + _r = v.MarshalLogArray(enc); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, enc.elems); + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendArray, $c: true, $r, _r, enc, err, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendArray = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendArray(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendObject = function(v) { + var {_r, err, m, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + m = NewMapObjectEncoder(); + _r = v.MarshalLogObject(m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new mapType(m.Fields)); + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendObject, $c: true, $r, _r, err, m, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendObject = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendObject(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendReflected = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, v); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendReflected = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendReflected(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendBool = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Bool(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendBool = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendBool(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendByteString = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, v); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendByteString = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendByteString(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendComplex128 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, v); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendComplex128 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendComplex128(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendComplex64 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, v); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendComplex64 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendComplex64(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendDuration = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, v); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendDuration = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendDuration(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendFloat64 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Float64(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendFloat64 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendFloat64(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendFloat32 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Float32(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendFloat32 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendFloat32(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendInt = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Int(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendInt = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendInt(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendInt64 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, v); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendInt64 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendInt64(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendInt32 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Int32(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendInt32 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendInt32(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendInt16 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Int16(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendInt16 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendInt16(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendInt8 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Int8(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendInt8 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendInt8(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendString = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $String(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendString = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendString(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendTime = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new v.constructor.elem(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendTime = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendTime(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUint = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Uint(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendUint = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUint(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUint64 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, v); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendUint64 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUint64(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUint32 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Uint32(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendUint32 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUint32(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUint16 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Uint16(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendUint16 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUint16(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUint8 = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Uint8(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendUint8 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUint8(v); }; + sliceArrayEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUintptr = function(v) { + var s, v; + s = this; + s.elems = $append(s.elems, new $Uintptr(v)); + }; + sliceArrayEncoder.prototype.AppendUintptr = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUintptr(v); }; + init = function() { + var {_entry, _i, _key, _key$1, _keys, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, color$1, level, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = _levelToColor; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + level = _entry.k; + color$1 = _entry.v; + _r = new Level(level).String(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = new color.Color(color$1).Add(_r); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = level; (_levelToLowercaseColorString || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[Level.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: _r$1 }; + _r$2 = new Level(level).CapitalString(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = new color.Color(color$1).Add(_r$2); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key$1 = level; (_levelToCapitalColorString || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[Level.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: _r$3 }; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: init, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _key, _key$1, _keys, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, color$1, level, $s};return $f; + }; + Level.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this.$val; + _1 = l; + /* */ if (_1 === (-1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_1 === (-1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "debug"; + /* } else if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "info"; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return "warn"; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return "error"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return "dpanic"; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return "panic"; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return "fatal"; + /* } else { */ case 9: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("Level(%d)", new sliceType([new Level(l)])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } */ case 10: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Level.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, l, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Level).prototype.String = function() { return new Level(this.$get()).String(); }; + Level.prototype.CapitalString = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _r, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this.$val; + _1 = l; + /* */ if (_1 === (-1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_1 === (-1)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return "DEBUG"; + /* } else if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return "INFO"; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return "WARN"; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return "ERROR"; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return "DPANIC"; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 7: + $s = -1; return "PANIC"; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return "FATAL"; + /* } else { */ case 9: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("LEVEL(%d)", new sliceType([new Level(l)])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } */ case 10: + case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Level.prototype.CapitalString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, l, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Level).prototype.CapitalString = function() { return new Level(this.$get()).CapitalString(); }; + Level.prototype.MarshalText = function() { + var {$24r, _r, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this.$val; + _r = new Level(l).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [(new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(_r))), $ifaceNil]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Level.prototype.MarshalText, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, l, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Level).prototype.MarshalText = function() { return new Level(this.$get()).MarshalText(); }; + $ptrType(Level).prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _v, l, text, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {text}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (l === ptrType$6.nil) { + $s = -1; return errUnmarshalNilLevel; + } + if (!(!l.unmarshalText(text))) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = bytes.ToLower(text); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = l.unmarshalText(_r); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized level: %q", new sliceType([text])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(Level).prototype.UnmarshalText, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _v, l, text, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Level).prototype.unmarshalText = function(text) { + var _1, l, text; + l = this; + _1 = ($bytesToString(text)); + if (_1 === ("debug") || _1 === ("DEBUG")) { + l.$set(-1); + } else if (_1 === ("info") || _1 === ("INFO") || _1 === ("")) { + l.$set(0); + } else if (_1 === ("warn") || _1 === ("WARN")) { + l.$set(1); + } else if (_1 === ("error") || _1 === ("ERROR")) { + l.$set(2); + } else if (_1 === ("dpanic") || _1 === ("DPANIC")) { + l.$set(3); + } else if (_1 === ("panic") || _1 === ("PANIC")) { + l.$set(4); + } else if (_1 === ("fatal") || _1 === ("FATAL")) { + l.$set(5); + } else { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(Level).prototype.Set = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, l, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + _r = l.UnmarshalText((new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(s)))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(Level).prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, l, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Level).prototype.Get = function() { + var l; + l = this; + return new Level(l.$get()); + }; + Level.prototype.Enabled = function(lvl) { + var l, lvl; + l = this.$val; + return lvl >= l; + }; + $ptrType(Level).prototype.Enabled = function(lvl) { return new Level(this.$get()).Enabled(lvl); }; + getJSONEncoder = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = _jsonPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r, ptrType$7); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getJSONEncoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + putJSONEncoder = function(enc) { + var enc; + if (!(enc.reflectBuf === ptrType$1.nil)) { + enc.reflectBuf.Free(); + } + enc.EncoderConfig = ptrType.nil; + enc.buf = ptrType$1.nil; + enc.spaced = false; + enc.openNamespaces = 0; + enc.reflectBuf = ptrType$1.nil; + enc.reflectEnc = ptrType$2.nil; + _jsonPool.Put(enc); + }; + NewJSONEncoder = function(cfg) { + var {$24r, _r, cfg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cfg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = newJSONEncoder($clone(cfg, EncoderConfig), false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewJSONEncoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, cfg, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewJSONEncoder = NewJSONEncoder; + newJSONEncoder = function(cfg, spaced) { + var {$24r, _r, cfg, spaced, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cfg, spaced}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cfg = [cfg]; + _r = bufferpool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new jsonEncoder.ptr(cfg[0], _r, spaced, 0, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$2.nil); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newJSONEncoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, cfg, spaced, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddArray = function(key, arr) { + var {$24r, _r, arr, enc, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + _r = enc.AppendArray(arr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddArray, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, arr, enc, key, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddArray = function(key, arr) { return this.$val.AddArray(key, arr); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddObject = function(key, obj) { + var {$24r, _r, enc, key, obj, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, obj}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + _r = enc.AppendObject(obj); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddObject, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, enc, key, obj, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddObject = function(key, obj) { return this.$val.AddObject(key, obj); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddBinary = function(key, val) { + var enc, key, val; + enc = this; + enc.AddString(key, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(val)); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddBinary = function(key, val) { return this.$val.AddBinary(key, val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddByteString = function(key, val) { + var enc, key, val; + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + enc.AppendByteString(val); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddByteString = function(key, val) { return this.$val.AddByteString(key, val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddBool = function(key, val) { + var enc, key, val; + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + enc.AppendBool(val); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddBool = function(key, val) { return this.$val.AddBool(key, val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddComplex128 = function(key, val) { + var enc, key, val; + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + enc.AppendComplex128(val); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddComplex128 = function(key, val) { return this.$val.AddComplex128(key, val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddDuration = function(key, val) { + var {enc, key, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + $r = enc.AppendDuration(val); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddDuration, $c: true, $r, enc, key, val, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddDuration = function(key, val) { return this.$val.AddDuration(key, val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddFloat64 = function(key, val) { + var enc, key, val; + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + enc.AppendFloat64(val); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddFloat64 = function(key, val) { return this.$val.AddFloat64(key, val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddInt64 = function(key, val) { + var enc, key, val; + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + enc.AppendInt64(val); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddInt64 = function(key, val) { return this.$val.AddInt64(key, val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.resetReflectBuf = function() { + var {_r, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + /* */ if (enc.reflectBuf === ptrType$1.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (enc.reflectBuf === ptrType$1.nil) { */ case 1: + _r = bufferpool.Get(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + enc.reflectBuf = _r; + enc.reflectEnc = json.NewEncoder(enc.reflectBuf); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + enc.reflectBuf.Reset(); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.resetReflectBuf, $c: true, $r, _r, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.resetReflectBuf = function() { return this.$val.resetReflectBuf(); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddReflected = function(key, obj) { + var {_r, _tuple, enc, err, key, obj, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, obj}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + $r = enc.resetReflectBuf(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = enc.reflectEnc.Encode(obj); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + enc.reflectBuf.TrimNewline(); + enc.addKey(key); + _tuple = enc.buf.Write(enc.reflectBuf.Bytes()); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddReflected, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, enc, err, key, obj, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddReflected = function(key, obj) { return this.$val.AddReflected(key, obj); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.OpenNamespace = function(key) { + var enc, key; + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + enc.buf.AppendByte(123); + enc.openNamespaces = enc.openNamespaces + (1) >> 0; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.OpenNamespace = function(key) { return this.$val.OpenNamespace(key); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddString = function(key, val) { + var enc, key, val; + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + enc.AppendString(val); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddString = function(key, val) { return this.$val.AddString(key, val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddTime = function(key, val) { + var {enc, key, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + $r = enc.AppendTime($clone(val, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddTime, $c: true, $r, enc, key, val, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddTime = function(key, val) { return this.$val.AddTime(key, val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUint64 = function(key, val) { + var enc, key, val; + enc = this; + enc.addKey(key); + enc.AppendUint64(val); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddUint64 = function(key, val) { return this.$val.AddUint64(key, val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendArray = function(arr) { + var {_r, arr, enc, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + enc.addElementSeparator(); + enc.buf.AppendByte(91); + _r = arr.MarshalLogArray(enc); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + enc.buf.AppendByte(93); + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendArray, $c: true, $r, _r, arr, enc, err, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendArray = function(arr) { return this.$val.AppendArray(arr); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendObject = function(obj) { + var {_r, enc, err, obj, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {obj}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + enc.addElementSeparator(); + enc.buf.AppendByte(123); + _r = obj.MarshalLogObject(enc); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + enc.buf.AppendByte(125); + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendObject, $c: true, $r, _r, enc, err, obj, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendObject = function(obj) { return this.$val.AppendObject(obj); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendBool = function(val) { + var enc, val; + enc = this; + enc.addElementSeparator(); + enc.buf.AppendBool(val); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendBool = function(val) { return this.$val.AppendBool(val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendByteString = function(val) { + var enc, val; + enc = this; + enc.addElementSeparator(); + enc.buf.AppendByte(34); + enc.safeAddByteString(val); + enc.buf.AppendByte(34); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendByteString = function(val) { return this.$val.AppendByteString(val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendComplex128 = function(val) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, enc, i, r, val; + enc = this; + enc.addElementSeparator(); + _tmp = (val.$real); + _tmp$1 = (val.$imag); + r = _tmp; + i = _tmp$1; + enc.buf.AppendByte(34); + enc.buf.AppendFloat(r, 64); + enc.buf.AppendByte(43); + enc.buf.AppendFloat(i, 64); + enc.buf.AppendByte(105); + enc.buf.AppendByte(34); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendComplex128 = function(val) { return this.$val.AppendComplex128(val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendDuration = function(val) { + var {cur, enc, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + cur = enc.buf.Len(); + $r = enc.EncoderConfig.EncodeDuration(val, enc); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (cur === enc.buf.Len()) { + enc.AppendInt64((new $Int64(val.$high, val.$low))); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendDuration, $c: true, $r, cur, enc, val, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendDuration = function(val) { return this.$val.AppendDuration(val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendInt64 = function(val) { + var enc, val; + enc = this; + enc.addElementSeparator(); + enc.buf.AppendInt(val); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendInt64 = function(val) { return this.$val.AppendInt64(val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendReflected = function(val) { + var {_r, _tuple, enc, err, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + $r = enc.resetReflectBuf(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = enc.reflectEnc.Encode(val); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + enc.reflectBuf.TrimNewline(); + enc.addElementSeparator(); + _tuple = enc.buf.Write(enc.reflectBuf.Bytes()); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendReflected, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, enc, err, val, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendReflected = function(val) { return this.$val.AppendReflected(val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendString = function(val) { + var enc, val; + enc = this; + enc.addElementSeparator(); + enc.buf.AppendByte(34); + enc.safeAddString(val); + enc.buf.AppendByte(34); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendString = function(val) { return this.$val.AppendString(val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendTime = function(val) { + var {cur, enc, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + cur = enc.buf.Len(); + $r = enc.EncoderConfig.EncodeTime($clone(val, time.Time), enc); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (cur === enc.buf.Len()) { + enc.AppendInt64($clone(val, time.Time).UnixNano()); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendTime, $c: true, $r, cur, enc, val, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendTime = function(val) { return this.$val.AppendTime(val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUint64 = function(val) { + var enc, val; + enc = this; + enc.addElementSeparator(); + enc.buf.AppendUint(val); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendUint64 = function(val) { return this.$val.AppendUint64(val); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddComplex64 = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddComplex128(k, (new $Complex128(v.$real, v.$imag))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddComplex64 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddComplex64(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddFloat32 = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddFloat64(k, (v)); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddFloat32 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddFloat32(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddInt = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddInt64(k, (new $Int64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddInt = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddInt(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddInt32 = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddInt64(k, (new $Int64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddInt32 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddInt32(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddInt16 = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddInt64(k, (new $Int64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddInt16 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddInt16(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddInt8 = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddInt64(k, (new $Int64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddInt8 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddInt8(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUint = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddUint64(k, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddUint = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUint(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUint32 = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddUint64(k, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddUint32 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUint32(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUint16 = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddUint64(k, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddUint16 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUint16(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUint8 = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddUint64(k, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddUint8 = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUint8(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AddUintptr = function(k, v) { + var enc, k, v; + enc = this; + enc.AddUint64(k, (new $Uint64(0, v.constructor === Number ? v : 1))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AddUintptr = function(k, v) { return this.$val.AddUintptr(k, v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendComplex64 = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.AppendComplex128((new $Complex128(v.$real, v.$imag))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendComplex64 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendComplex64(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendFloat64 = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.appendFloat(v, 64); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendFloat64 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendFloat64(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendFloat32 = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.appendFloat((v), 32); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendFloat32 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendFloat32(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendInt = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.AppendInt64((new $Int64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendInt = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendInt(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendInt32 = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.AppendInt64((new $Int64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendInt32 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendInt32(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendInt16 = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.AppendInt64((new $Int64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendInt16 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendInt16(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendInt8 = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.AppendInt64((new $Int64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendInt8 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendInt8(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUint = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.AppendUint64((new $Uint64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendUint = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUint(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUint32 = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.AppendUint64((new $Uint64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendUint32 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUint32(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUint16 = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.AppendUint64((new $Uint64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendUint16 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUint16(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUint8 = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.AppendUint64((new $Uint64(0, v))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendUint8 = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUint8(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.AppendUintptr = function(v) { + var enc, v; + enc = this; + enc.AppendUint64((new $Uint64(0, v.constructor === Number ? v : 1))); + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.AppendUintptr = function(v) { return this.$val.AppendUintptr(v); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.Clone = function() { + var {_r, clone, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + _r = enc.clone(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clone = _r; + clone.buf.Write(enc.buf.Bytes()); + $s = -1; return clone; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.Clone, $c: true, $r, _r, clone, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.Clone = function() { return this.$val.Clone(); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.clone = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, clone, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + _r = getJSONEncoder(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clone = _r; + clone.EncoderConfig = enc.EncoderConfig; + clone.spaced = enc.spaced; + clone.openNamespaces = enc.openNamespaces; + _r$1 = bufferpool.Get(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clone.buf = _r$1; + $s = -1; return clone; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.clone, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, clone, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.clone = function() { return this.$val.clone(); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.EncodeEntry = function(ent, fields) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, cur, cur$1, cur$2, enc, ent, fields, final$1, nameEncoder, ret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ent, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + enc = this; + _r = enc.clone(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + final$1 = _r; + final$1.buf.AppendByte(123); + /* */ if (!(final$1.EncoderConfig.LevelKey === "")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(final$1.EncoderConfig.LevelKey === "")) { */ case 2: + final$1.addKey(final$1.EncoderConfig.LevelKey); + cur = final$1.buf.Len(); + $r = final$1.EncoderConfig.EncodeLevel(ent.Level, final$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (cur === final$1.buf.Len()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (cur === final$1.buf.Len()) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = new Level(ent.Level).String(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = final$1.AppendString(_r$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!(final$1.EncoderConfig.TimeKey === "")) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(final$1.EncoderConfig.TimeKey === "")) { */ case 9: + $r = final$1.AddTime(final$1.EncoderConfig.TimeKey, $clone(ent.Time, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (!(ent.LoggerName === "") && !(final$1.EncoderConfig.NameKey === "")) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!(ent.LoggerName === "") && !(final$1.EncoderConfig.NameKey === "")) { */ case 12: + final$1.addKey(final$1.EncoderConfig.NameKey); + cur$1 = final$1.buf.Len(); + nameEncoder = final$1.EncoderConfig.EncodeName; + if (nameEncoder === $throwNilPointerError) { + nameEncoder = FullNameEncoder; + } + $r = nameEncoder(ent.LoggerName, final$1); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (cur$1 === final$1.buf.Len()) { + final$1.AppendString(ent.LoggerName); + } + /* } */ case 13: + /* */ if (ent.Caller.Defined && !(final$1.EncoderConfig.CallerKey === "")) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (ent.Caller.Defined && !(final$1.EncoderConfig.CallerKey === "")) { */ case 15: + final$1.addKey(final$1.EncoderConfig.CallerKey); + cur$2 = final$1.buf.Len(); + $r = final$1.EncoderConfig.EncodeCaller($clone(ent.Caller, EntryCaller), final$1); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (cur$2 === final$1.buf.Len()) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (cur$2 === final$1.buf.Len()) { */ case 18: + _r$2 = $clone(ent.Caller, EntryCaller).String(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = final$1.AppendString(_r$2); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 16: + if (!(final$1.EncoderConfig.MessageKey === "")) { + final$1.addKey(enc.EncoderConfig.MessageKey); + final$1.AppendString(ent.Message); + } + if (enc.buf.Len() > 0) { + final$1.addElementSeparator(); + final$1.buf.Write(enc.buf.Bytes()); + } + $r = addFields(final$1, fields); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + final$1.closeOpenNamespaces(); + if (!(ent.Stack === "") && !(final$1.EncoderConfig.StacktraceKey === "")) { + final$1.AddString(final$1.EncoderConfig.StacktraceKey, ent.Stack); + } + final$1.buf.AppendByte(125); + if (!(final$1.EncoderConfig.LineEnding === "")) { + final$1.buf.AppendString(final$1.EncoderConfig.LineEnding); + } else { + final$1.buf.AppendString("\n"); + } + ret = final$1.buf; + putJSONEncoder(final$1); + $s = -1; return [ret, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.EncodeEntry, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, cur, cur$1, cur$2, enc, ent, fields, final$1, nameEncoder, ret, $s};return $f; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.EncodeEntry = function(ent, fields) { return this.$val.EncodeEntry(ent, fields); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.closeOpenNamespaces = function() { + var enc, i; + enc = this; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < enc.openNamespaces)) { break; } + enc.buf.AppendByte(125); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.closeOpenNamespaces = function() { return this.$val.closeOpenNamespaces(); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.addKey = function(key) { + var enc, key; + enc = this; + enc.addElementSeparator(); + enc.buf.AppendByte(34); + enc.safeAddString(key); + enc.buf.AppendByte(34); + enc.buf.AppendByte(58); + if (enc.spaced) { + enc.buf.AppendByte(32); + } + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.addKey = function(key) { return this.$val.addKey(key); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.addElementSeparator = function() { + var _1, enc, last, x$2; + enc = this; + last = enc.buf.Len() - 1 >> 0; + if (last < 0) { + return; + } + _1 = (x$2 = enc.buf.Bytes(), ((last < 0 || last >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + last])); + if ((_1 === (123)) || (_1 === (91)) || (_1 === (58)) || (_1 === (44)) || (_1 === (32))) { + return; + } else { + enc.buf.AppendByte(44); + if (enc.spaced) { + enc.buf.AppendByte(32); + } + } + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.addElementSeparator = function() { return this.$val.addElementSeparator(); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.appendFloat = function(val, bitSize) { + var bitSize, enc, val; + enc = this; + enc.addElementSeparator(); + if (math.IsNaN(val)) { + enc.buf.AppendString("\"NaN\""); + } else if (math.IsInf(val, 1)) { + enc.buf.AppendString("\"+Inf\""); + } else if (math.IsInf(val, -1)) { + enc.buf.AppendString("\"-Inf\""); + } else { + enc.buf.AppendFloat(val, bitSize); + } + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.appendFloat = function(val, bitSize) { return this.$val.appendFloat(val, bitSize); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.safeAddString = function(s) { + var _tuple, enc, i, r, s, size; + enc = this; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (enc.tryAddRuneSelf(s.charCodeAt(i))) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(s, i)); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + if (enc.tryAddRuneError(r, size)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + enc.buf.AppendString($substring(s, i, (i + size >> 0))); + i = i + (size) >> 0; + } + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.safeAddString = function(s) { return this.$val.safeAddString(s); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.safeAddByteString = function(s) { + var _tuple, enc, i, r, s, size; + enc = this; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.$length)) { break; } + if (enc.tryAddRuneSelf(((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]))) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(s, i)); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + if (enc.tryAddRuneError(r, size)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + enc.buf.Write($subslice(s, i, (i + size >> 0))); + i = i + (size) >> 0; + } + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.safeAddByteString = function(s) { return this.$val.safeAddByteString(s); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.tryAddRuneSelf = function(b) { + var _1, b, enc; + enc = this; + if (b >= 128) { + return false; + } + if (32 <= b && !((b === 92)) && !((b === 34))) { + enc.buf.AppendByte(b); + return true; + } + _1 = b; + if ((_1 === (92)) || (_1 === (34))) { + enc.buf.AppendByte(92); + enc.buf.AppendByte(b); + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + enc.buf.AppendByte(92); + enc.buf.AppendByte(110); + } else if (_1 === (13)) { + enc.buf.AppendByte(92); + enc.buf.AppendByte(114); + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + enc.buf.AppendByte(92); + enc.buf.AppendByte(116); + } else { + enc.buf.AppendString("\\u00"); + enc.buf.AppendByte("0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((b >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); + enc.buf.AppendByte("0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((b & 15) >>> 0))); + } + return true; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.tryAddRuneSelf = function(b) { return this.$val.tryAddRuneSelf(b); }; + jsonEncoder.ptr.prototype.tryAddRuneError = function(r, size) { + var enc, r, size; + enc = this; + if ((r === 65533) && (size === 1)) { + enc.buf.AppendString("\\ufffd"); + return true; + } + return false; + }; + jsonEncoder.prototype.tryAddRuneError = function(r, size) { return this.$val.tryAddRuneError(r, size); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.AddTo = function(enc) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, enc, err, f, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + _1 = f.Type; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (9)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (10)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (19)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (21)) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (26)) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + _r = enc.AddArray(f.Key, $assertType(f.Interface, ArrayMarshaler)); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = enc.AddObject(f.Key, $assertType(f.Interface, ObjectMarshaler)); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + $r = enc.AddBinary(f.Key, $assertType(f.Interface, sliceType$3)); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 5: + $r = enc.AddBool(f.Key, (x$2 = f.Integer, (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 1))); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 6: + $r = enc.AddByteString(f.Key, $assertType(f.Interface, sliceType$3)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 7: + $r = enc.AddComplex128(f.Key, $assertType(f.Interface, $Complex128)); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 8: + $r = enc.AddComplex64(f.Key, $assertType(f.Interface, $Complex64)); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 9: + $r = enc.AddDuration(f.Key, ((x$3 = f.Integer, new time.Duration(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (9)) { */ case 10: + $r = enc.AddFloat64(f.Key, math.Float64frombits(((x$4 = f.Integer, new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low))))); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (10)) { */ case 11: + $r = enc.AddFloat32(f.Key, math.Float32frombits(((f.Integer.$low >>> 0)))); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 12: + $r = enc.AddInt64(f.Key, f.Integer); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 13: + $r = enc.AddInt32(f.Key, (((x$5 = f.Integer, x$5.$low + ((x$5.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 14: + $r = enc.AddInt16(f.Key, (((x$6 = f.Integer, x$6.$low + ((x$6.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) << 16 >> 16))); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 15: + $r = enc.AddInt8(f.Key, (((x$7 = f.Integer, x$7.$low + ((x$7.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) << 24 >> 24))); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 16: + $r = enc.AddString(f.Key, f.String); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 17: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(f.Interface, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(f.Interface, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 45: + $r = enc.AddTime(f.Key, $clone($clone(time.Unix(new $Int64(0, 0), f.Integer), time.Time).In($assertType(f.Interface, ptrType$3)), time.Time)); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 47; continue; + /* } else { */ case 46: + $r = enc.AddTime(f.Key, $clone(time.Unix(new $Int64(0, 0), f.Integer), time.Time)); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 47: + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 18: + $r = enc.AddUint64(f.Key, ((x$8 = f.Integer, new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 19: + $r = enc.AddUint32(f.Key, ((f.Integer.$low >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (19)) { */ case 20: + $r = enc.AddUint16(f.Key, ((f.Integer.$low << 16 >>> 16))); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 21: + $r = enc.AddUint8(f.Key, ((f.Integer.$low << 24 >>> 24))); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (21)) { */ case 22: + $r = enc.AddUintptr(f.Key, ((f.Integer.$low >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 23: + _r$2 = enc.AddReflected(f.Key, f.Interface); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 24: + $r = enc.OpenNamespace(f.Key); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 25: + _arg = f.Key; + _r$3 = $assertType(f.Interface, fmt.Stringer).String(); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$3; + $r = enc.AddString(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 26: + _r$4 = encodeError(f.Key, $assertType(f.Interface, $error), enc); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (26)) { */ case 27: + /* break; */ $s = 1; continue; + $s = 29; continue; + /* } else { */ case 28: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("unknown field type: %v", new sliceType([new f.constructor.elem(f)])); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$5)); + /* } */ case 29: + case 1: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 61; continue; } + /* */ $s = 62; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 61: + _r$6 = fmt.Sprintf("%sError", new sliceType([new $String(f.Key)])); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$6; + _r$7 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$7; + $r = enc.AddString(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 62: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.AddTo, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, enc, err, f, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.AddTo = function(enc) { return this.$val.AddTo(enc); }; + Field.ptr.prototype.Equals = function(other) { + var {$24r, _1, _r, f, other, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {other}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (!((f.Type === other.Type))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (!(f.Key === other.Key)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _1 = f.Type; + /* */ if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (5))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (25)) || (_1 === (22))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (5))) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return bytes.Equal($assertType(f.Interface, sliceType$3), $assertType(other.Interface, sliceType$3)); + /* } else if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (25)) || (_1 === (22))) { */ case 3: + _r = reflect.DeepEqual(f.Interface, other.Interface); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return $equal(f, other, Field); + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Field.ptr.prototype.Equals, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, f, other, $s};return $f; + }; + Field.prototype.Equals = function(other) { return this.$val.Equals(other); }; + addFields = function(enc, fields) { + var {_i, _ref, enc, fields, i, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {enc, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = fields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= fields.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + i]), Field).AddTo(enc); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: addFields, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, enc, fields, i, $s};return $f; + }; + encodeError = function(key, err, enc) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, basic, e, e$1, enc, err, key, verbose, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, err, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + basic = _r; + $r = enc.AddString(key, basic); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = err; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, errorGroup, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, fmt.Formatter, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, errorGroup, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + e = _ref; + _arg = key + "Causes"; + _r$1 = e.Errors(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = ($convertSliceType(_r$1, errArray)); + _r$2 = enc.AddArray(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, fmt.Formatter, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + e$1 = _ref; + _r$3 = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", new sliceType([e$1])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + verbose = _r$3; + /* */ if (!(verbose === basic)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!(verbose === basic)) { */ case 10: + $r = enc.AddString(key + "Verbose", verbose); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 11: + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encodeError, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, basic, e, e$1, enc, err, key, verbose, $s};return $f; + }; + errArray.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _ref, arr, el, errs, i, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + errs = this; + _ref = errs; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(((i < 0 || i >= errs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : errs.$array[errs.$offset + i]), $ifaceNil)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r = newErrArrayElem(((i < 0 || i >= errs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : errs.$array[errs.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + el = _r; + _r$1 = arr.AppendObject(el); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + el.Free(); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: errArray.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, arr, el, errs, i, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(errArray).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + newErrArrayElem = function(err) { + var {_r, e, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = _errArrayElemPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = $assertType(_r, ptrType$9); + e.err = err; + $s = -1; return e; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newErrArrayElem, $c: true, $r, _r, e, err, $s};return $f; + }; + errArrayElem.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {$24r, _r, arr, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = arr.AppendObject(e); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: errArrayElem.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, arr, e, $s};return $f; + }; + errArrayElem.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$val.MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + errArrayElem.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject = function(enc) { + var {$24r, _r, e, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = encodeError("error", e.err, enc); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: errArrayElem.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, e, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + errArrayElem.prototype.MarshalLogObject = function(enc) { return this.$val.MarshalLogObject(enc); }; + errArrayElem.ptr.prototype.Free = function() { + var e; + e = this; + e.err = $ifaceNil; + _errArrayElemPool.Put(e); + }; + errArrayElem.prototype.Free = function() { return this.$val.Free(); }; + getCheckedEntry = function() { + var {_r, ce, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = _cePool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = $assertType(_r, ptrType$8); + ce.reset(); + $s = -1; return ce; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getCheckedEntry, $c: true, $r, _r, ce, $s};return $f; + }; + putCheckedEntry = function(ce) { + var ce; + if (ce === ptrType$8.nil) { + return; + } + _cePool.Put(ce); + }; + NewEntryCaller = function(pc, file, line, ok) { + var file, line, ok, pc; + if (!ok) { + return new EntryCaller.ptr(false, 0, "", 0); + } + return new EntryCaller.ptr(true, pc, file, line); + }; + $pkg.NewEntryCaller = NewEntryCaller; + EntryCaller.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, ec, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ec = this; + _r = $clone(ec, EntryCaller).FullPath(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EntryCaller.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, ec, $s};return $f; + }; + EntryCaller.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + EntryCaller.ptr.prototype.FullPath = function() { + var {_r, buf, caller, ec, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ec = this; + if (!ec.Defined) { + $s = -1; return "undefined"; + } + _r = bufferpool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = _r; + buf.AppendString(ec.File); + buf.AppendByte(58); + buf.AppendInt((new $Int64(0, ec.Line))); + caller = buf.String(); + buf.Free(); + $s = -1; return caller; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EntryCaller.ptr.prototype.FullPath, $c: true, $r, _r, buf, caller, ec, $s};return $f; + }; + EntryCaller.prototype.FullPath = function() { return this.$val.FullPath(); }; + EntryCaller.ptr.prototype.TrimmedPath = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, buf, caller, ec, idx, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ec = this; + if (!ec.Defined) { + $s = -1; return "undefined"; + } + idx = strings.LastIndexByte(ec.File, 47); + /* */ if (idx === -1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (idx === -1) { */ case 1: + _r = $clone(ec, EntryCaller).FullPath(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + idx = strings.LastIndexByte($substring(ec.File, 0, idx), 47); + /* */ if (idx === -1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (idx === -1) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = $clone(ec, EntryCaller).FullPath(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$2 = bufferpool.Get(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = _r$2; + buf.AppendString($substring(ec.File, (idx + 1 >> 0))); + buf.AppendByte(58); + buf.AppendInt((new $Int64(0, ec.Line))); + caller = buf.String(); + buf.Free(); + $s = -1; return caller; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EntryCaller.ptr.prototype.TrimmedPath, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, buf, caller, ec, idx, $s};return $f; + }; + EntryCaller.prototype.TrimmedPath = function() { return this.$val.TrimmedPath(); }; + CheckedEntry.ptr.prototype.reset = function() { + var _i, _ref, ce, i, x$2; + ce = this; + Entry.copy(ce.Entry, new Entry.ptr(0, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$3.nil), "", "", new EntryCaller.ptr(false, 0, "", 0), "")); + ce.ErrorOutput = $ifaceNil; + ce.dirty = false; + ce.should = 0; + _ref = ce.cores; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + (x$2 = ce.cores, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i] = $ifaceNil)); + _i++; + } + ce.cores = $subslice(ce.cores, 0, 0); + }; + CheckedEntry.prototype.reset = function() { return this.$val.reset(); }; + CheckedEntry.ptr.prototype.Write = function(fields) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, ce, err, fields, i, msg, should, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ce = this; + if (ce === ptrType$8.nil) { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if (ce.dirty) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ce.dirty) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ce.ErrorOutput, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ce.ErrorOutput, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + _arg = ce.ErrorOutput; + _r = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (x$2 = _r, new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)); + _arg$2 = (x$3 = ce.Entry, new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + _r$1 = fmt.Fprintf(_arg, "%v Unsafe CheckedEntry re-use near Entry %+v.\n", new sliceType([_arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = ce.ErrorOutput.Sync(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + ce.dirty = true; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = ce.cores; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 9; continue; } + i = _i; + _arg$3 = err; + _r$3 = (x$4 = ce.cores, ((i < 0 || i >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + i])).Write($clone(ce.Entry, Entry), fields); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$3; + _r$4 = multierr.Append(_arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$4; + _i++; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ce.ErrorOutput, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ce.ErrorOutput, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + _arg$5 = ce.ErrorOutput; + _r$5 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = (x$5 = _r$5, new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + _arg$7 = err; + _r$6 = fmt.Fprintf(_arg$5, "%v write error: %v\n", new sliceType([_arg$6, _arg$7])); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = ce.ErrorOutput.Sync(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* } */ case 15: + /* } */ case 13: + _tmp = ce.should; + _tmp$1 = ce.Entry.Message; + should = _tmp; + msg = _tmp$1; + putCheckedEntry(ce); + _1 = should; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 20: + $panic(new $String(msg)); + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 21: + $r = exit.Exit(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 22: + case 19: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CheckedEntry.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, ce, err, fields, i, msg, should, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + CheckedEntry.prototype.Write = function(fields) { return this.$val.Write(fields); }; + CheckedEntry.ptr.prototype.AddCore = function(ent, core) { + var {_r, ce, core, ent, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ent, core}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ce = this; + /* */ if (ce === ptrType$8.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ce === ptrType$8.nil) { */ case 1: + _r = getCheckedEntry(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r; + Entry.copy(ce.Entry, ent); + /* } */ case 2: + ce.cores = $append(ce.cores, core); + $s = -1; return ce; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CheckedEntry.ptr.prototype.AddCore, $c: true, $r, _r, ce, core, ent, $s};return $f; + }; + CheckedEntry.prototype.AddCore = function(ent, core) { return this.$val.AddCore(ent, core); }; + CheckedEntry.ptr.prototype.Should = function(ent, should) { + var {_r, ce, ent, should, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ent, should}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ce = this; + /* */ if (ce === ptrType$8.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ce === ptrType$8.nil) { */ case 1: + _r = getCheckedEntry(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r; + Entry.copy(ce.Entry, ent); + /* } */ case 2: + ce.should = should; + $s = -1; return ce; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CheckedEntry.ptr.prototype.Should, $c: true, $r, _r, ce, ent, should, $s};return $f; + }; + CheckedEntry.prototype.Should = function(ent, should) { return this.$val.Should(ent, should); }; + LowercaseLevelEncoder = function(l, enc) { + var {_r, enc, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {l, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = new Level(l).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = enc.AppendString(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: LowercaseLevelEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r, enc, l, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.LowercaseLevelEncoder = LowercaseLevelEncoder; + LowercaseColorLevelEncoder = function(l, enc) { + var {_entry, _r, _r$1, _tuple, enc, l, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {l, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = (_entry = _levelToLowercaseColorString[Level.keyFor(l)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 1: + _r = new Level(l).String(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = new color.Color(_unknownLevelColor).Add(_r); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + $r = enc.AppendString(s); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: LowercaseColorLevelEncoder, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, _r$1, _tuple, enc, l, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.LowercaseColorLevelEncoder = LowercaseColorLevelEncoder; + CapitalLevelEncoder = function(l, enc) { + var {_r, enc, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {l, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = new Level(l).CapitalString(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = enc.AppendString(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CapitalLevelEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r, enc, l, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.CapitalLevelEncoder = CapitalLevelEncoder; + CapitalColorLevelEncoder = function(l, enc) { + var {_entry, _r, _r$1, _tuple, enc, l, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {l, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = (_entry = _levelToCapitalColorString[Level.keyFor(l)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 1: + _r = new Level(l).CapitalString(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = new color.Color(_unknownLevelColor).Add(_r); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + $r = enc.AppendString(s); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CapitalColorLevelEncoder, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, _r$1, _tuple, enc, l, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.CapitalColorLevelEncoder = CapitalColorLevelEncoder; + $ptrType(LevelEncoder).prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var _1, e, text; + e = this; + _1 = ($bytesToString(text)); + if (_1 === ("capital")) { + e.$set(CapitalLevelEncoder); + } else if (_1 === ("capitalColor")) { + e.$set(CapitalColorLevelEncoder); + } else if (_1 === ("color")) { + e.$set(LowercaseColorLevelEncoder); + } else { + e.$set(LowercaseLevelEncoder); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + EpochTimeEncoder = function(t, enc) { + var {enc, nanos, sec, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nanos = $clone(t, time.Time).UnixNano(); + sec = ($flatten64(nanos)) / 1e+09; + $r = enc.AppendFloat64(sec); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EpochTimeEncoder, $c: true, $r, enc, nanos, sec, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.EpochTimeEncoder = EpochTimeEncoder; + EpochMillisTimeEncoder = function(t, enc) { + var {enc, millis, nanos, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nanos = $clone(t, time.Time).UnixNano(); + millis = ($flatten64(nanos)) / 1e+06; + $r = enc.AppendFloat64(millis); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EpochMillisTimeEncoder, $c: true, $r, enc, millis, nanos, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.EpochMillisTimeEncoder = EpochMillisTimeEncoder; + EpochNanosTimeEncoder = function(t, enc) { + var {enc, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = enc.AppendInt64($clone(t, time.Time).UnixNano()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EpochNanosTimeEncoder, $c: true, $r, enc, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.EpochNanosTimeEncoder = EpochNanosTimeEncoder; + ISO8601TimeEncoder = function(t, enc) { + var {_r, enc, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(t, time.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z0700"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = enc.AppendString(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ISO8601TimeEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r, enc, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ISO8601TimeEncoder = ISO8601TimeEncoder; + $ptrType(TimeEncoder).prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var _1, e, text; + e = this; + _1 = ($bytesToString(text)); + if (_1 === ("iso8601") || _1 === ("ISO8601")) { + e.$set(ISO8601TimeEncoder); + } else if (_1 === ("millis")) { + e.$set(EpochMillisTimeEncoder); + } else if (_1 === ("nanos")) { + e.$set(EpochNanosTimeEncoder); + } else { + e.$set(EpochTimeEncoder); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + SecondsDurationEncoder = function(d, enc) { + var {d, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = enc.AppendFloat64(($flatten64(d)) / 1e+09); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SecondsDurationEncoder, $c: true, $r, d, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.SecondsDurationEncoder = SecondsDurationEncoder; + NanosDurationEncoder = function(d, enc) { + var {d, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = enc.AppendInt64((new $Int64(d.$high, d.$low))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NanosDurationEncoder, $c: true, $r, d, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NanosDurationEncoder = NanosDurationEncoder; + StringDurationEncoder = function(d, enc) { + var {d, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = enc.AppendString(d.String()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: StringDurationEncoder, $c: true, $r, d, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.StringDurationEncoder = StringDurationEncoder; + $ptrType(DurationEncoder).prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var _1, e, text; + e = this; + _1 = ($bytesToString(text)); + if (_1 === ("string")) { + e.$set(StringDurationEncoder); + } else if (_1 === ("nanos")) { + e.$set(NanosDurationEncoder); + } else { + e.$set(SecondsDurationEncoder); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + FullCallerEncoder = function(caller, enc) { + var {_r, caller, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {caller, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(caller, EntryCaller).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = enc.AppendString(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FullCallerEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r, caller, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.FullCallerEncoder = FullCallerEncoder; + ShortCallerEncoder = function(caller, enc) { + var {_r, caller, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {caller, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(caller, EntryCaller).TrimmedPath(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = enc.AppendString(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ShortCallerEncoder, $c: true, $r, _r, caller, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ShortCallerEncoder = ShortCallerEncoder; + $ptrType(CallerEncoder).prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var _1, e, text; + e = this; + _1 = ($bytesToString(text)); + if (_1 === ("full")) { + e.$set(FullCallerEncoder); + } else { + e.$set(ShortCallerEncoder); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + FullNameEncoder = function(loggerName, enc) { + var {enc, loggerName, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {loggerName, enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = enc.AppendString(loggerName); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FullNameEncoder, $c: true, $r, enc, loggerName, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.FullNameEncoder = FullNameEncoder; + $ptrType(NameEncoder).prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var _1, e, text; + e = this; + _1 = ($bytesToString(text)); + if (_1 === ("full")) { + e.$set(FullNameEncoder); + } else { + e.$set(FullNameEncoder); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + NewNopCore = function() { + var x$2; + return (x$2 = new nopCore.ptr(), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)); + }; + $pkg.NewNopCore = NewNopCore; + nopCore.ptr.prototype.Enabled = function(param) { + var param; + return false; + }; + nopCore.prototype.Enabled = function(param) { return this.$val.Enabled(param); }; + nopCore.ptr.prototype.With = function(param) { + var n, param; + n = this; + return new n.constructor.elem(n); + }; + nopCore.prototype.With = function(param) { return this.$val.With(param); }; + nopCore.ptr.prototype.Check = function(param, ce) { + var ce, param; + return ce; + }; + nopCore.prototype.Check = function(param, ce) { return this.$val.Check(param, ce); }; + nopCore.ptr.prototype.Write = function(param, param$1) { + var param, param$1; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + nopCore.prototype.Write = function(param, param$1) { return this.$val.Write(param, param$1); }; + nopCore.ptr.prototype.Sync = function() { + return $ifaceNil; + }; + nopCore.prototype.Sync = function() { return this.$val.Sync(); }; + NewCore = function(enc, ws, enab) { + var enab, enc, ws; + return new ioCore.ptr(enab, enc, ws); + }; + $pkg.NewCore = NewCore; + ioCore.ptr.prototype.With = function(fields) { + var {_r, c, clone, fields, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = c.clone(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clone = _r; + $r = addFields(clone.enc, fields); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return clone; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ioCore.ptr.prototype.With, $c: true, $r, _r, c, clone, fields, $s};return $f; + }; + ioCore.prototype.With = function(fields) { return this.$val.With(fields); }; + ioCore.ptr.prototype.Check = function(ent, ce) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, c, ce, ent, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ent, ce}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = c.LevelEnabler.Enabled(ent.Level); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = ce.AddCore($clone(ent, Entry), c); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return ce; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ioCore.ptr.prototype.Check, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, c, ce, ent, $s};return $f; + }; + ioCore.prototype.Check = function(ent, ce) { return this.$val.Check(ent, ce); }; + ioCore.ptr.prototype.Write = function(ent, fields) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, buf, c, ent, err, fields, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ent, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = c.enc.EncodeEntry($clone(ent, Entry), fields); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + buf = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$1 = c.out.Write(buf.Bytes()); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + buf.Free(); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* */ if (ent.Level > 2) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (ent.Level > 2) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = c.Sync(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ioCore.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, buf, c, ent, err, fields, $s};return $f; + }; + ioCore.prototype.Write = function(ent, fields) { return this.$val.Write(ent, fields); }; + ioCore.ptr.prototype.Sync = function() { + var {$24r, _r, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = c.out.Sync(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ioCore.ptr.prototype.Sync, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, c, $s};return $f; + }; + ioCore.prototype.Sync = function() { return this.$val.Sync(); }; + ioCore.ptr.prototype.clone = function() { + var {$24r, _r, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = c.enc.Clone(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new ioCore.ptr(c.LevelEnabler, _r, c.out); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ioCore.ptr.prototype.clone, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, c, $s};return $f; + }; + ioCore.prototype.clone = function() { return this.$val.clone(); }; + getSliceEncoder = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = _sliceEncoderPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r, ptrType$10); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getSliceEncoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + putSliceEncoder = function(e) { + var e; + e.elems = $subslice(e.elems, 0, 0); + _sliceEncoderPool.Put(e); + }; + NewConsoleEncoder = function(cfg) { + var {$24r, _r, cfg, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cfg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = newJSONEncoder($clone(cfg, EncoderConfig), true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x$2 = new consoleEncoder.ptr(_r), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewConsoleEncoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, cfg, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewConsoleEncoder = NewConsoleEncoder; + consoleEncoder.ptr.prototype.Clone = function() { + var {$24r, _r, c, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = c.jsonEncoder.Clone(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x$2 = new consoleEncoder.ptr($assertType(_r, ptrType$7)), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consoleEncoder.ptr.prototype.Clone, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, c, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + consoleEncoder.prototype.Clone = function() { return this.$val.Clone(); }; + consoleEncoder.ptr.prototype.EncodeEntry = function(ent, fields) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, arr, c, ent, fields, i, line, nameEncoder, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ent, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = bufferpool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + line = _r; + _r$1 = getSliceEncoder(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + arr = _r$1; + /* */ if (!(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.TimeKey === "") && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.EncodeTime === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.TimeKey === "") && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.EncodeTime === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 3: + $r = c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.EncodeTime($clone(ent.Time, time.Time), arr); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (!(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.LevelKey === "") && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.EncodeLevel === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.LevelKey === "") && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.EncodeLevel === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 6: + $r = c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.EncodeLevel(ent.Level, arr); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (!(ent.LoggerName === "") && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.NameKey === "")) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(ent.LoggerName === "") && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.NameKey === "")) { */ case 9: + nameEncoder = c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.EncodeName; + if (nameEncoder === $throwNilPointerError) { + nameEncoder = FullNameEncoder; + } + $r = nameEncoder(ent.LoggerName, arr); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (ent.Caller.Defined && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.CallerKey === "") && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.EncodeCaller === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (ent.Caller.Defined && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.CallerKey === "") && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.EncodeCaller === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 12: + $r = c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.EncodeCaller($clone(ent.Caller, EntryCaller), arr); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + _ref = arr.elems; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 15: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 16; continue; } + i = _i; + if (i > 0) { + line.AppendByte(9); + } + _r$2 = fmt.Fprint(line, new sliceType([(x$2 = arr.elems, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i]))])); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _i++; + $s = 15; continue; + case 16: + putSliceEncoder(arr); + if (!(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.MessageKey === "")) { + $clone(c, consoleEncoder).addTabIfNecessary(line); + line.AppendString(ent.Message); + } + $r = $clone(c, consoleEncoder).writeContext(line, fields); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(ent.Stack === "") && !(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.StacktraceKey === "")) { + line.AppendByte(10); + line.AppendString(ent.Stack); + } + if (!(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.LineEnding === "")) { + line.AppendString(c.jsonEncoder.EncoderConfig.LineEnding); + } else { + line.AppendString("\n"); + } + $s = -1; return [line, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consoleEncoder.ptr.prototype.EncodeEntry, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, arr, c, ent, fields, i, line, nameEncoder, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + consoleEncoder.prototype.EncodeEntry = function(ent, fields) { return this.$val.EncodeEntry(ent, fields); }; + consoleEncoder.ptr.prototype.writeContext = function(line, extra) { + var {_r, c, context, extra, line, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {line, extra}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + _r = c.jsonEncoder.Clone(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + context = $assertType(_r, ptrType$7); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(context.buf, "Free"), []]); + $r = addFields(context, extra); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + context.closeOpenNamespaces(); + /* */ if (context.buf.Len() === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (context.buf.Len() === 0) { */ case 3: + $s = 5; case 5: return; + /* } */ case 4: + $clone(c, consoleEncoder).addTabIfNecessary(line); + line.AppendByte(123); + line.Write(context.buf.Bytes()); + line.AppendByte(125); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: consoleEncoder.ptr.prototype.writeContext, $c: true, $r, _r, c, context, extra, line, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + consoleEncoder.prototype.writeContext = function(line, extra) { return this.$val.writeContext(line, extra); }; + consoleEncoder.ptr.prototype.addTabIfNecessary = function(line) { + var c, line; + c = this; + if (line.Len() > 0) { + line.AppendByte(9); + } + }; + consoleEncoder.prototype.addTabIfNecessary = function(line) { return this.$val.addTabIfNecessary(line); }; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + writerWrapper.methods = [{prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + multiWriteSyncer.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$11.methods = [{prop: "IncCheckReset", name: "IncCheckReset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time, time.Duration], [$Uint64], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "get", name: "get", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([Level, $String], [ptrType$11], false)}]; + ptrType$12.methods = [{prop: "With", name: "With", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [Core], false)}, {prop: "Check", name: "Check", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, ptrType$8], [ptrType$8], false)}]; + MapObjectEncoder.methods = [{prop: "AddDuration", name: "AddDuration", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, time.Duration], [], false)}, {prop: "AddTime", name: "AddTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, time.Time], [], false)}]; + ptrType$13.methods = [{prop: "AddArray", name: "AddArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ArrayMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AddObject", name: "AddObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ObjectMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AddBinary", name: "AddBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AddByteString", name: "AddByteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AddBool", name: "AddBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "AddComplex128", name: "AddComplex128", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Complex128], [], false)}, {prop: "AddComplex64", name: "AddComplex64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Complex64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddFloat64", name: "AddFloat64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddFloat32", name: "AddFloat32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Float32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt", name: "AddInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt64", name: "AddInt64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt32", name: "AddInt32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt16", name: "AddInt16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int16], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt8", name: "AddInt8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int8], [], false)}, {prop: "AddString", name: "AddString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint", name: "AddUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint64", name: "AddUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint32", name: "AddUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint16", name: "AddUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint8", name: "AddUint8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUintptr", name: "AddUintptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uintptr], [], false)}, {prop: "AddReflected", name: "AddReflected", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "OpenNamespace", name: "OpenNamespace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}]; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "AppendArray", name: "AppendArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ArrayMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AppendObject", name: "AppendObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ObjectMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AppendReflected", name: "AppendReflected", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AppendBool", name: "AppendBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendByteString", name: "AppendByteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendComplex128", name: "AppendComplex128", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex128], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendComplex64", name: "AppendComplex64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendDuration", name: "AppendDuration", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Duration], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendFloat64", name: "AppendFloat64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendFloat32", name: "AppendFloat32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt", name: "AppendInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt64", name: "AppendInt64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt32", name: "AppendInt32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt16", name: "AppendInt16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int16], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt8", name: "AppendInt8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int8], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendString", name: "AppendString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendTime", name: "AppendTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint", name: "AppendUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint64", name: "AppendUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint32", name: "AppendUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint16", name: "AppendUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint8", name: "AppendUint8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUintptr", name: "AppendUintptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uintptr], [], false)}]; + Level.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "CapitalString", name: "CapitalString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "MarshalText", name: "MarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "Enabled", name: "Enabled", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Level], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unmarshalText", name: "unmarshalText", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "AddArray", name: "AddArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ArrayMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AddObject", name: "AddObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ObjectMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AddBinary", name: "AddBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AddByteString", name: "AddByteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AddBool", name: "AddBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "AddComplex128", name: "AddComplex128", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Complex128], [], false)}, {prop: "AddDuration", name: "AddDuration", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, time.Duration], [], false)}, {prop: "AddFloat64", name: "AddFloat64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt64", name: "AddInt64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "resetReflectBuf", name: "resetReflectBuf", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "AddReflected", name: "AddReflected", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "OpenNamespace", name: "OpenNamespace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "AddString", name: "AddString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "AddTime", name: "AddTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, time.Time], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint64", name: "AddUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendArray", name: "AppendArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ArrayMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AppendObject", name: "AppendObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ObjectMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AppendBool", name: "AppendBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendByteString", name: "AppendByteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendComplex128", name: "AppendComplex128", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex128], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendDuration", name: "AppendDuration", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Duration], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt64", name: "AppendInt64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendReflected", name: "AppendReflected", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AppendString", name: "AppendString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendTime", name: "AppendTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint64", name: "AppendUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddComplex64", name: "AddComplex64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Complex64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddFloat32", name: "AddFloat32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Float32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt", name: "AddInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt32", name: "AddInt32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt16", name: "AddInt16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int16], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt8", name: "AddInt8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int8], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint", name: "AddUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint32", name: "AddUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint16", name: "AddUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint8", name: "AddUint8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUintptr", name: "AddUintptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uintptr], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendComplex64", name: "AppendComplex64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendFloat64", name: "AppendFloat64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendFloat32", name: "AppendFloat32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt", name: "AppendInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt32", name: "AppendInt32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt16", name: "AppendInt16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int16], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt8", name: "AppendInt8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int8], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint", name: "AppendUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint32", name: "AppendUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint16", name: "AppendUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint8", name: "AppendUint8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUintptr", name: "AppendUintptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uintptr], [], false)}, {prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Encoder], false)}, {prop: "clone", name: "clone", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$7], false)}, {prop: "EncodeEntry", name: "EncodeEntry", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, sliceType$5], [ptrType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "truncate", name: "truncate", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "closeOpenNamespaces", name: "closeOpenNamespaces", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "addKey", name: "addKey", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "addElementSeparator", name: "addElementSeparator", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "appendFloat", name: "appendFloat", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([$Float64, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "safeAddString", name: "safeAddString", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "safeAddByteString", name: "safeAddByteString", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "tryAddRuneSelf", name: "tryAddRuneSelf", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "tryAddRuneError", name: "tryAddRuneError", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([$Int32, $Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + Field.methods = [{prop: "AddTo", name: "AddTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ObjectEncoder], [], false)}, {prop: "Equals", name: "Equals", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Field], [$Bool], false)}]; + errArray.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalLogObject", name: "MarshalLogObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ObjectEncoder], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Free", name: "Free", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + EntryCaller.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "FullPath", name: "FullPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "TrimmedPath", name: "TrimmedPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "reset", name: "reset", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [], true)}, {prop: "AddCore", name: "AddCore", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, Core], [ptrType$8], false)}, {prop: "Should", name: "Should", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, CheckWriteAction], [ptrType$8], false)}]; + ptrType$15.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$16.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$17.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$18.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$19.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}]; + nopCore.methods = [{prop: "Enabled", name: "Enabled", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Level], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "With", name: "With", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [Core], false)}, {prop: "Check", name: "Check", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, ptrType$8], [ptrType$8], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, sliceType$5], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "With", name: "With", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [Core], false)}, {prop: "Check", name: "Check", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, ptrType$8], [ptrType$8], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, sliceType$5], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "clone", name: "clone", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$20], false)}]; + consoleEncoder.methods = [{prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Encoder], false)}, {prop: "EncodeEntry", name: "EncodeEntry", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, sliceType$5], [ptrType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeContext", name: "writeContext", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, sliceType$5], [], false)}, {prop: "addTabIfNecessary", name: "addTabIfNecessary", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [], false)}]; + WriteSyncer.init([{prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + lockedWriteSyncer.init("go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", [{prop: "Mutex", name: "Mutex", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "ws", name: "ws", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: WriteSyncer, tag: ""}]); + writerWrapper.init("", [{prop: "Writer", name: "Writer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}]); + multiWriteSyncer.init(WriteSyncer); + counter.init("go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", [{prop: "resetAt", name: "resetAt", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomic.Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "counter", name: "counter", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomic.Uint64, tag: ""}]); + counters.init(arrayType, 7); + sampler.init("go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", [{prop: "Core", name: "Core", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Core, tag: ""}, {prop: "counts", name: "counts", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "tick", name: "tick", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "first", name: "first", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "thereafter", name: "thereafter", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + MapObjectEncoder.init("go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", [{prop: "Fields", name: "Fields", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "cur", name: "cur", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}]); + sliceArrayEncoder.init("go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", [{prop: "elems", name: "elems", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + ObjectMarshaler.init([{prop: "MarshalLogObject", name: "MarshalLogObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ObjectEncoder], [$error], false)}]); + ArrayMarshaler.init([{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]); + LevelEnabler.init([{prop: "Enabled", name: "Enabled", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Level], [$Bool], false)}]); + jsonEncoder.init("go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", [{prop: "EncoderConfig", name: "EncoderConfig", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "spaced", name: "spaced", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "openNamespaces", name: "openNamespaces", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "reflectBuf", name: "reflectBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "reflectEnc", name: "reflectEnc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}]); + Field.init("", [{prop: "Key", name: "Key", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: FieldType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Integer", name: "Integer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "String", name: "String", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}]); + errorGroup.init([{prop: "Errors", name: "Errors", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$6], false)}]); + errArray.init($error); + errArrayElem.init("go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + EntryCaller.init("", [{prop: "Defined", name: "Defined", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "PC", name: "PC", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "File", name: "File", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Line", name: "Line", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + Entry.init("", [{prop: "Level", name: "Level", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Level, tag: ""}, {prop: "Time", name: "Time", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "LoggerName", name: "LoggerName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Caller", name: "Caller", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: EntryCaller, tag: ""}, {prop: "Stack", name: "Stack", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + CheckedEntry.init("go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", [{prop: "Entry", name: "Entry", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Entry, tag: ""}, {prop: "ErrorOutput", name: "ErrorOutput", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: WriteSyncer, tag: ""}, {prop: "dirty", name: "dirty", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "should", name: "should", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: CheckWriteAction, tag: ""}, {prop: "cores", name: "cores", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + LevelEncoder.init([Level, PrimitiveArrayEncoder], [], false); + TimeEncoder.init([time.Time, PrimitiveArrayEncoder], [], false); + DurationEncoder.init([time.Duration, PrimitiveArrayEncoder], [], false); + CallerEncoder.init([EntryCaller, PrimitiveArrayEncoder], [], false); + NameEncoder.init([$String, PrimitiveArrayEncoder], [], false); + EncoderConfig.init("", [{prop: "MessageKey", name: "MessageKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: "json:\"messageKey\" yaml:\"messageKey\""}, {prop: "LevelKey", name: "LevelKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: "json:\"levelKey\" yaml:\"levelKey\""}, {prop: "TimeKey", name: "TimeKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: "json:\"timeKey\" yaml:\"timeKey\""}, {prop: "NameKey", name: "NameKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: "json:\"nameKey\" yaml:\"nameKey\""}, {prop: "CallerKey", name: "CallerKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: "json:\"callerKey\" yaml:\"callerKey\""}, {prop: "StacktraceKey", name: "StacktraceKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: "json:\"stacktraceKey\" yaml:\"stacktraceKey\""}, {prop: "LineEnding", name: "LineEnding", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: "json:\"lineEnding\" yaml:\"lineEnding\""}, {prop: "EncodeLevel", name: "EncodeLevel", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: LevelEncoder, tag: "json:\"levelEncoder\" yaml:\"levelEncoder\""}, {prop: "EncodeTime", name: "EncodeTime", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: TimeEncoder, tag: "json:\"timeEncoder\" yaml:\"timeEncoder\""}, {prop: "EncodeDuration", name: "EncodeDuration", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: DurationEncoder, tag: "json:\"durationEncoder\" yaml:\"durationEncoder\""}, {prop: "EncodeCaller", name: "EncodeCaller", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: CallerEncoder, tag: "json:\"callerEncoder\" yaml:\"callerEncoder\""}, {prop: "EncodeName", name: "EncodeName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: NameEncoder, tag: "json:\"nameEncoder\" yaml:\"nameEncoder\""}]); + ObjectEncoder.init([{prop: "AddArray", name: "AddArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ArrayMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AddBinary", name: "AddBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AddBool", name: "AddBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "AddByteString", name: "AddByteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AddComplex128", name: "AddComplex128", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Complex128], [], false)}, {prop: "AddComplex64", name: "AddComplex64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Complex64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddDuration", name: "AddDuration", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, time.Duration], [], false)}, {prop: "AddFloat32", name: "AddFloat32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Float32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddFloat64", name: "AddFloat64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt", name: "AddInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt16", name: "AddInt16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int16], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt32", name: "AddInt32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt64", name: "AddInt64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt8", name: "AddInt8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int8], [], false)}, {prop: "AddObject", name: "AddObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ObjectMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AddReflected", name: "AddReflected", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AddString", name: "AddString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "AddTime", name: "AddTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, time.Time], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint", name: "AddUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint16", name: "AddUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint32", name: "AddUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint64", name: "AddUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint8", name: "AddUint8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUintptr", name: "AddUintptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uintptr], [], false)}, {prop: "OpenNamespace", name: "OpenNamespace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}]); + ArrayEncoder.init([{prop: "AppendArray", name: "AppendArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ArrayMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AppendBool", name: "AppendBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendByteString", name: "AppendByteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendComplex128", name: "AppendComplex128", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex128], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendComplex64", name: "AppendComplex64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendDuration", name: "AppendDuration", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Duration], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendFloat32", name: "AppendFloat32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendFloat64", name: "AppendFloat64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt", name: "AppendInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt16", name: "AppendInt16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int16], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt32", name: "AppendInt32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt64", name: "AppendInt64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt8", name: "AppendInt8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int8], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendObject", name: "AppendObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ObjectMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AppendReflected", name: "AppendReflected", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AppendString", name: "AppendString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendTime", name: "AppendTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint", name: "AppendUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint16", name: "AppendUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint32", name: "AppendUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint64", name: "AppendUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint8", name: "AppendUint8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUintptr", name: "AppendUintptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uintptr], [], false)}]); + PrimitiveArrayEncoder.init([{prop: "AppendBool", name: "AppendBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendByteString", name: "AppendByteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendComplex128", name: "AppendComplex128", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex128], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendComplex64", name: "AppendComplex64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendFloat32", name: "AppendFloat32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendFloat64", name: "AppendFloat64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt", name: "AppendInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt16", name: "AppendInt16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int16], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt32", name: "AppendInt32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt64", name: "AppendInt64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendInt8", name: "AppendInt8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int8], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendString", name: "AppendString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint", name: "AppendUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint16", name: "AppendUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint32", name: "AppendUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint64", name: "AppendUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUint8", name: "AppendUint8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendUintptr", name: "AppendUintptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uintptr], [], false)}]); + Encoder.init([{prop: "AddArray", name: "AddArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ArrayMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AddBinary", name: "AddBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AddBool", name: "AddBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "AddByteString", name: "AddByteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "AddComplex128", name: "AddComplex128", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Complex128], [], false)}, {prop: "AddComplex64", name: "AddComplex64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Complex64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddDuration", name: "AddDuration", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, time.Duration], [], false)}, {prop: "AddFloat32", name: "AddFloat32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Float32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddFloat64", name: "AddFloat64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt", name: "AddInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt16", name: "AddInt16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int16], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt32", name: "AddInt32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt64", name: "AddInt64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddInt8", name: "AddInt8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int8], [], false)}, {prop: "AddObject", name: "AddObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ObjectMarshaler], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AddReflected", name: "AddReflected", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "AddString", name: "AddString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "AddTime", name: "AddTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, time.Time], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint", name: "AddUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint16", name: "AddUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint32", name: "AddUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint64", name: "AddUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint8", name: "AddUint8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUintptr", name: "AddUintptr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Uintptr], [], false)}, {prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Encoder], false)}, {prop: "EncodeEntry", name: "EncodeEntry", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, sliceType$5], [ptrType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "OpenNamespace", name: "OpenNamespace", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}]); + Core.init([{prop: "Check", name: "Check", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, ptrType$8], [ptrType$8], false)}, {prop: "Enabled", name: "Enabled", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Level], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "With", name: "With", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [Core], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Entry, sliceType$5], [$error], false)}]); + nopCore.init("", []); + ioCore.init("go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", [{prop: "LevelEnabler", name: "LevelEnabler", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: LevelEnabler, tag: ""}, {prop: "enc", name: "enc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Encoder, tag: ""}, {prop: "out", name: "out", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: WriteSyncer, tag: ""}]); + consoleEncoder.init("go.uber.org/zap/zapcore", [{prop: "jsonEncoder", name: "jsonEncoder", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: ptrType$7, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = base64.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = json.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = multierr.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = buffer.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bufferpool.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = color.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = exit.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _unknownLevelColor = 31; + errUnmarshalNilLevel = errors.New("can't unmarshal a nil *Level"); + _levelToColor = $makeMap(Level.keyFor, [{ k: -1, v: 35 }, { k: 0, v: 34 }, { k: 1, v: 33 }, { k: 2, v: 31 }, { k: 3, v: 31 }, { k: 4, v: 31 }, { k: 5, v: 31 }]); + _levelToLowercaseColorString = (x = $keys(_levelToColor).length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _levelToCapitalColorString = (x$1 = $keys(_levelToColor).length, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _jsonPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new jsonEncoder.ptr(ptrType.nil, ptrType$1.nil, false, 0, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$2.nil); + })); + _errArrayElemPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new errArrayElem.ptr($ifaceNil); + })); + _cePool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new CheckedEntry.ptr(new Entry.ptr(0, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$3.nil), "", "", new EntryCaller.ptr(false, 0, "", 0), ""), $ifaceNil, false, 0, $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 4)); + })); + _sliceEncoderPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new sliceArrayEncoder.ptr($makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 2)); + })); + $r = init(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["log"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fmt, nosync, io, os, runtime, atomic, time, Logger, sliceType, ptrType, arrayType, ptrType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$2, std, New, itoa, Printf, Fatalf; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + nosync = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + Logger = $pkg.Logger = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "log.Logger", true, "log", true, function(mu_, prefix_, flag_, out_, buf_, isDiscard_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mu = new nosync.Mutex.ptr(false); + this.prefix = ""; + this.flag = 0; + this.out = $ifaceNil; + this.buf = sliceType.nil; + this.isDiscard = 0; + return; + } + this.mu = mu_; + this.prefix = prefix_; + this.flag = flag_; + this.out = out_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.isDiscard = isDiscard_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType($Int32); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 20); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(sliceType); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Logger); + New = function(out, prefix, flag) { + var flag, l, out, prefix; + l = new Logger.ptr(new nosync.Mutex.ptr(false), prefix, flag, out, sliceType.nil, 0); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(out, io.Discard)) { + l.isDiscard = 1; + } + return l; + }; + $pkg.New = New; + Logger.ptr.prototype.SetOutput = function(w) { + var isDiscard, l, w, $deferred; + /* */ var $err = null; try { $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + l = this; + l.mu.Lock(); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(l.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + l.out = w; + isDiscard = 0; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(w, io.Discard)) { + isDiscard = 1; + } + atomic.StoreInt32((l.$ptr_isDiscard || (l.$ptr_isDiscard = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.isDiscard; }, function($v) { this.$target.isDiscard = $v; }, l))), isDiscard); + /* */ } catch(err) { $err = err; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); } + }; + Logger.prototype.SetOutput = function(w) { return this.$val.SetOutput(w); }; + itoa = function(buf, i, wid) { + var _q, b, bp, buf, i, q, wid; + b = arrayType.zero(); + bp = 19; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 10 || wid > 1)) { break; } + wid = wid - (1) >> 0; + q = (_q = i / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + ((bp < 0 || bp >= b.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b[bp] = ((((48 + i >> 0) - ($imul(q, 10)) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + bp = bp - (1) >> 0; + i = q; + } + ((bp < 0 || bp >= b.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b[bp] = (((48 + i >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + buf.$set($appendSlice(buf.$get(), $subslice(new sliceType(b), bp))); + }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.formatHeader = function(buf, t, file, line) { + var {_q, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, buf, day, file, hour, i, l, line, min, month, sec, short$1, t, year, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {buf, t, file, line}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if ((l.flag & 64) === 0) { + buf.$set($appendSlice(buf.$get(), l.prefix)); + } + /* */ if (!(((l.flag & 7) === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(((l.flag & 7) === 0))) { */ case 1: + if (!(((l.flag & 32) === 0))) { + time.Time.copy(t, $clone(t, time.Time).UTC()); + } + /* */ if (!(((l.flag & 1) === 0))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(((l.flag & 1) === 0))) { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(t, time.Time).Date(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + year = _tuple[0]; + month = _tuple[1]; + day = _tuple[2]; + itoa(buf, year, 4); + buf.$set($append(buf.$get(), 47)); + itoa(buf, ((month >> 0)), 2); + buf.$set($append(buf.$get(), 47)); + itoa(buf, day, 2); + buf.$set($append(buf.$get(), 32)); + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (!(((l.flag & 6) === 0))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(((l.flag & 6) === 0))) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = $clone(t, time.Time).Clock(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + hour = _tuple$1[0]; + min = _tuple$1[1]; + sec = _tuple$1[2]; + itoa(buf, hour, 2); + buf.$set($append(buf.$get(), 58)); + itoa(buf, min, 2); + buf.$set($append(buf.$get(), 58)); + itoa(buf, sec, 2); + if (!(((l.flag & 4) === 0))) { + buf.$set($append(buf.$get(), 46)); + itoa(buf, (_q = $clone(t, time.Time).Nanosecond() / 1000, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 6); + } + buf.$set($append(buf.$get(), 32)); + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 2: + if (!(((l.flag & 24) === 0))) { + if (!(((l.flag & 16) === 0))) { + short$1 = file; + i = file.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0)) { break; } + if (file.charCodeAt(i) === 47) { + short$1 = $substring(file, (i + 1 >> 0)); + break; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + file = short$1; + } + buf.$set($appendSlice(buf.$get(), file)); + buf.$set($append(buf.$get(), 58)); + itoa(buf, line, -1); + buf.$set($appendSlice(buf.$get(), ": ")); + } + if (!(((l.flag & 64) === 0))) { + buf.$set($appendSlice(buf.$get(), l.prefix)); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.formatHeader, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, buf, day, file, hour, i, l, line, min, month, sec, short$1, t, year, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.formatHeader = function(buf, t, file, line) { return this.$val.formatHeader(buf, t, file, line); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Output = function(calldepth, s) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, calldepth, err, file, l, line, now, ok, s, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {calldepth, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + l = this; + _r = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + now = $clone(_r, time.Time); + file = ""; + line = 0; + l.mu.Lock(); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(l.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + if (!(((l.flag & 24) === 0))) { + l.mu.Unlock(); + ok = false; + _tuple = runtime.Caller(calldepth); + file = _tuple[1]; + line = _tuple[2]; + ok = _tuple[3]; + if (!ok) { + file = "???"; + line = 0; + } + l.mu.Lock(); + } + l.buf = $subslice(l.buf, 0, 0); + $r = l.formatHeader((l.$ptr_buf || (l.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, l))), $clone(now, time.Time), file, line); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + l.buf = $appendSlice(l.buf, s); + if ((s.length === 0) || !((s.charCodeAt((s.length - 1 >> 0)) === 10))) { + l.buf = $append(l.buf, 10); + } + _r$1 = l.out.Write(l.buf); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = err; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Output, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, calldepth, err, file, l, line, now, ok, s, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Logger.prototype.Output = function(calldepth, s) { return this.$val.Output(calldepth, s); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Printf = function(format, v) { + var {_arg, _r, _r$1, format, l, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!((atomic.LoadInt32((l.$ptr_isDiscard || (l.$ptr_isDiscard = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.isDiscard; }, function($v) { this.$target.isDiscard = $v; }, l)))) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r = fmt.Sprintf(format, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r; + _r$1 = l.Output(2, _arg); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Printf, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r, _r$1, format, l, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Printf = function(format, v) { return this.$val.Printf(format, v); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Print = function(v) { + var {_arg, _r, _r$1, l, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!((atomic.LoadInt32((l.$ptr_isDiscard || (l.$ptr_isDiscard = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.isDiscard; }, function($v) { this.$target.isDiscard = $v; }, l)))) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r = fmt.Sprint(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r; + _r$1 = l.Output(2, _arg); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Print, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r, _r$1, l, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Print = function(v) { return this.$val.Print(v); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Println = function(v) { + var {_arg, _r, _r$1, l, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!((atomic.LoadInt32((l.$ptr_isDiscard || (l.$ptr_isDiscard = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.isDiscard; }, function($v) { this.$target.isDiscard = $v; }, l)))) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r = fmt.Sprintln(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r; + _r$1 = l.Output(2, _arg); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Println, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r, _r$1, l, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Println = function(v) { return this.$val.Println(v); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Fatal = function(v) { + var {_arg, _r, _r$1, l, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + _r = fmt.Sprint(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r; + _r$1 = l.Output(2, _arg); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $r = os.Exit(1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Fatal, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r, _r$1, l, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Fatal = function(v) { return this.$val.Fatal(v); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Fatalf = function(format, v) { + var {_arg, _r, _r$1, format, l, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + _r = fmt.Sprintf(format, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r; + _r$1 = l.Output(2, _arg); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $r = os.Exit(1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Fatalf, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r, _r$1, format, l, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Fatalf = function(format, v) { return this.$val.Fatalf(format, v); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Fatalln = function(v) { + var {_arg, _r, _r$1, l, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + _r = fmt.Sprintln(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r; + _r$1 = l.Output(2, _arg); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $r = os.Exit(1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Fatalln, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r, _r$1, l, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Fatalln = function(v) { return this.$val.Fatalln(v); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Panic = function(v) { + var {_r, _r$1, l, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + _r = fmt.Sprint(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r; + _r$1 = l.Output(2, s); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $panic(new $String(s)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Panic, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, l, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Panic = function(v) { return this.$val.Panic(v); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Panicf = function(format, v) { + var {_r, _r$1, format, l, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + _r = fmt.Sprintf(format, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r; + _r$1 = l.Output(2, s); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $panic(new $String(s)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Panicf, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, format, l, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Panicf = function(format, v) { return this.$val.Panicf(format, v); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Panicln = function(v) { + var {_r, _r$1, l, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + _r = fmt.Sprintln(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r; + _r$1 = l.Output(2, s); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $panic(new $String(s)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Panicln, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, l, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Panicln = function(v) { return this.$val.Panicln(v); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Flags = function() { + var {$24r, l, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + l = this; + l.mu.Lock(); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(l.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = l.flag; + $s = 1; case 1: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return 0; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Flags, $c: true, $r, $24r, l, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Logger.prototype.Flags = function() { return this.$val.Flags(); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.SetFlags = function(flag) { + var flag, l, $deferred; + /* */ var $err = null; try { $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + l = this; + l.mu.Lock(); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(l.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + l.flag = flag; + /* */ } catch(err) { $err = err; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); } + }; + Logger.prototype.SetFlags = function(flag) { return this.$val.SetFlags(flag); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Prefix = function() { + var {$24r, l, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + l = this; + l.mu.Lock(); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(l.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = l.prefix; + $s = 1; case 1: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return ""; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Prefix, $c: true, $r, $24r, l, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Logger.prototype.Prefix = function() { return this.$val.Prefix(); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.SetPrefix = function(prefix) { + var l, prefix, $deferred; + /* */ var $err = null; try { $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + l = this; + l.mu.Lock(); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(l.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + l.prefix = prefix; + /* */ } catch(err) { $err = err; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); } + }; + Logger.prototype.SetPrefix = function(prefix) { return this.$val.SetPrefix(prefix); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Writer = function() { + var {$24r, l, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + l = this; + l.mu.Lock(); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(l.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = l.out; + $s = 1; case 1: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Writer, $c: true, $r, $24r, l, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Logger.prototype.Writer = function() { return this.$val.Writer(); }; + Printf = function(format, v) { + var {_arg, _r, _r$1, format, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!((atomic.LoadInt32((std.$ptr_isDiscard || (std.$ptr_isDiscard = new ptrType(function() { return this.$target.isDiscard; }, function($v) { this.$target.isDiscard = $v; }, std)))) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r = fmt.Sprintf(format, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r; + _r$1 = std.Output(2, _arg); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Printf, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r, _r$1, format, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Printf = Printf; + Fatalf = function(format, v) { + var {_arg, _r, _r$1, format, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = fmt.Sprintf(format, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r; + _r$1 = std.Output(2, _arg); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $r = os.Exit(1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Fatalf, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r, _r$1, format, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Fatalf = Fatalf; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "SetOutput", name: "SetOutput", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [], false)}, {prop: "formatHeader", name: "formatHeader", pkg: "log", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, time.Time, $String, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Output", name: "Output", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Printf", name: "Printf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$1], [], true)}, {prop: "Print", name: "Print", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], true)}, {prop: "Println", name: "Println", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], true)}, {prop: "Fatal", name: "Fatal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], true)}, {prop: "Fatalf", name: "Fatalf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$1], [], true)}, {prop: "Fatalln", name: "Fatalln", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], true)}, {prop: "Panic", name: "Panic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], true)}, {prop: "Panicf", name: "Panicf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$1], [], true)}, {prop: "Panicln", name: "Panicln", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], true)}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "SetFlags", name: "SetFlags", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Prefix", name: "Prefix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "SetPrefix", name: "SetPrefix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "Writer", name: "Writer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [io.Writer], false)}]; + Logger.init("log", [{prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nosync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "prefix", name: "prefix", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "flag", name: "flag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "out", name: "out", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "isDiscard", name: "isDiscard", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = nosync.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + std = New(os.Stderr, "", 3); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["container/list"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, Element, List, ptrType, ptrType$1, New; + Element = $pkg.Element = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "list.Element", true, "container/list", true, function(next_, prev_, list_, Value_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.next = ptrType$1.nil; + this.prev = ptrType$1.nil; + this.list = ptrType.nil; + this.Value = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.next = next_; + this.prev = prev_; + this.list = list_; + this.Value = Value_; + }); + List = $pkg.List = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "list.List", true, "container/list", true, function(root_, len_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.root = new Element.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType.nil, $ifaceNil); + this.len = 0; + return; + } + this.root = root_; + this.len = len_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(List); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Element); + Element.ptr.prototype.Next = function() { + var e, p; + e = this; + p = e.next; + if (!(e.list === ptrType.nil) && !(p === e.list.root)) { + return p; + } + return ptrType$1.nil; + }; + Element.prototype.Next = function() { return this.$val.Next(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Prev = function() { + var e, p; + e = this; + p = e.prev; + if (!(e.list === ptrType.nil) && !(p === e.list.root)) { + return p; + } + return ptrType$1.nil; + }; + Element.prototype.Prev = function() { return this.$val.Prev(); }; + List.ptr.prototype.Init = function() { + var l; + l = this; + l.root.next = l.root; + l.root.prev = l.root; + l.len = 0; + return l; + }; + List.prototype.Init = function() { return this.$val.Init(); }; + New = function() { + return new List.ptr(new Element.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType.nil, $ifaceNil), 0).Init(); + }; + $pkg.New = New; + List.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var l; + l = this; + return l.len; + }; + List.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + List.ptr.prototype.Front = function() { + var l; + l = this; + if (l.len === 0) { + return ptrType$1.nil; + } + return l.root.next; + }; + List.prototype.Front = function() { return this.$val.Front(); }; + List.ptr.prototype.Back = function() { + var l; + l = this; + if (l.len === 0) { + return ptrType$1.nil; + } + return l.root.prev; + }; + List.prototype.Back = function() { return this.$val.Back(); }; + List.ptr.prototype.lazyInit = function() { + var l; + l = this; + if (l.root.next === ptrType$1.nil) { + l.Init(); + } + }; + List.prototype.lazyInit = function() { return this.$val.lazyInit(); }; + List.ptr.prototype.insert = function(e, at) { + var at, e, l; + l = this; + e.prev = at; + e.next = at.next; + e.prev.next = e; + e.next.prev = e; + e.list = l; + l.len = l.len + (1) >> 0; + return e; + }; + List.prototype.insert = function(e, at) { return this.$val.insert(e, at); }; + List.ptr.prototype.insertValue = function(v, at) { + var at, l, v; + l = this; + return l.insert(new Element.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType.nil, v), at); + }; + List.prototype.insertValue = function(v, at) { return this.$val.insertValue(v, at); }; + List.ptr.prototype.remove = function(e) { + var e, l; + l = this; + e.prev.next = e.next; + e.next.prev = e.prev; + e.next = ptrType$1.nil; + e.prev = ptrType$1.nil; + e.list = ptrType.nil; + l.len = l.len - (1) >> 0; + }; + List.prototype.remove = function(e) { return this.$val.remove(e); }; + List.ptr.prototype.move = function(e, at) { + var at, e, l; + l = this; + if (e === at) { + return; + } + e.prev.next = e.next; + e.next.prev = e.prev; + e.prev = at; + e.next = at.next; + e.prev.next = e; + e.next.prev = e; + }; + List.prototype.move = function(e, at) { return this.$val.move(e, at); }; + List.ptr.prototype.Remove = function(e) { + var e, l; + l = this; + if (e.list === l) { + l.remove(e); + } + return e.Value; + }; + List.prototype.Remove = function(e) { return this.$val.Remove(e); }; + List.ptr.prototype.PushFront = function(v) { + var l, v; + l = this; + l.lazyInit(); + return l.insertValue(v, l.root); + }; + List.prototype.PushFront = function(v) { return this.$val.PushFront(v); }; + List.ptr.prototype.PushBack = function(v) { + var l, v; + l = this; + l.lazyInit(); + return l.insertValue(v, l.root.prev); + }; + List.prototype.PushBack = function(v) { return this.$val.PushBack(v); }; + List.ptr.prototype.InsertBefore = function(v, mark) { + var l, mark, v; + l = this; + if (!(mark.list === l)) { + return ptrType$1.nil; + } + return l.insertValue(v, mark.prev); + }; + List.prototype.InsertBefore = function(v, mark) { return this.$val.InsertBefore(v, mark); }; + List.ptr.prototype.InsertAfter = function(v, mark) { + var l, mark, v; + l = this; + if (!(mark.list === l)) { + return ptrType$1.nil; + } + return l.insertValue(v, mark); + }; + List.prototype.InsertAfter = function(v, mark) { return this.$val.InsertAfter(v, mark); }; + List.ptr.prototype.MoveToFront = function(e) { + var e, l; + l = this; + if (!(e.list === l) || l.root.next === e) { + return; + } + l.move(e, l.root); + }; + List.prototype.MoveToFront = function(e) { return this.$val.MoveToFront(e); }; + List.ptr.prototype.MoveToBack = function(e) { + var e, l; + l = this; + if (!(e.list === l) || l.root.prev === e) { + return; + } + l.move(e, l.root.prev); + }; + List.prototype.MoveToBack = function(e) { return this.$val.MoveToBack(e); }; + List.ptr.prototype.MoveBefore = function(e, mark) { + var e, l, mark; + l = this; + if (!(e.list === l) || e === mark || !(mark.list === l)) { + return; + } + l.move(e, mark.prev); + }; + List.prototype.MoveBefore = function(e, mark) { return this.$val.MoveBefore(e, mark); }; + List.ptr.prototype.MoveAfter = function(e, mark) { + var e, l, mark; + l = this; + if (!(e.list === l) || e === mark || !(mark.list === l)) { + return; + } + l.move(e, mark); + }; + List.prototype.MoveAfter = function(e, mark) { return this.$val.MoveAfter(e, mark); }; + List.ptr.prototype.PushBackList = function(other) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, e, i, l, other; + l = this; + l.lazyInit(); + _tmp = other.Len(); + _tmp$1 = other.Front(); + i = _tmp; + e = _tmp$1; + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0)) { break; } + l.insertValue(e.Value, l.root.prev); + _tmp$2 = i - 1 >> 0; + _tmp$3 = e.Next(); + i = _tmp$2; + e = _tmp$3; + } + }; + List.prototype.PushBackList = function(other) { return this.$val.PushBackList(other); }; + List.ptr.prototype.PushFrontList = function(other) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, e, i, l, other; + l = this; + l.lazyInit(); + _tmp = other.Len(); + _tmp$1 = other.Back(); + i = _tmp; + e = _tmp$1; + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0)) { break; } + l.insertValue(e.Value, l.root); + _tmp$2 = i - 1 >> 0; + _tmp$3 = e.Prev(); + i = _tmp$2; + e = _tmp$3; + } + }; + List.prototype.PushFrontList = function(other) { return this.$val.PushFrontList(other); }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Next", name: "Next", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Prev", name: "Prev", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Init", name: "Init", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Front", name: "Front", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Back", name: "Back", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "lazyInit", name: "lazyInit", pkg: "container/list", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "insert", name: "insert", pkg: "container/list", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "insertValue", name: "insertValue", pkg: "container/list", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "remove", name: "remove", pkg: "container/list", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "move", name: "move", pkg: "container/list", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "Remove", name: "Remove", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "PushFront", name: "PushFront", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "PushBack", name: "PushBack", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "InsertBefore", name: "InsertBefore", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "InsertAfter", name: "InsertAfter", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "MoveToFront", name: "MoveToFront", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "MoveToBack", name: "MoveToBack", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "MoveBefore", name: "MoveBefore", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "MoveAfter", name: "MoveAfter", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "PushBackList", name: "PushBackList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}, {prop: "PushFrontList", name: "PushFrontList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}]; + Element.init("container/list", [{prop: "next", name: "next", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "prev", name: "prev", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "list", name: "list", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}]); + List.init("container/list", [{prop: "root", name: "root", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["context"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, reflectlite, sync, atomic, time, Context, deadlineExceededError, emptyCtx, CancelFunc, canceler, cancelCtx, stringer, timerCtx, valueCtx, ptrType, structType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, chanType, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, chanType$1, mapType, background, todo, goroutines, goroutines$24ptr, cancelCtxKey, cancelCtxKey$24ptr, closedchan, x, Background, WithCancel, newCancelCtx, propagateCancel, parentCancelCtx, removeChild, init, contextName, WithDeadline, WithTimeout, WithValue, stringify, value; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + reflectlite = $packages["internal/reflectlite"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + Context = $pkg.Context = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "context.Context", true, "context", true, null); + deadlineExceededError = $pkg.deadlineExceededError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "context.deadlineExceededError", true, "context", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + emptyCtx = $pkg.emptyCtx = $newType(4, $kindInt, "context.emptyCtx", true, "context", false, null); + CancelFunc = $pkg.CancelFunc = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "context.CancelFunc", true, "context", true, null); + canceler = $pkg.canceler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "context.canceler", true, "context", false, null); + cancelCtx = $pkg.cancelCtx = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "context.cancelCtx", true, "context", false, function(Context_, mu_, done_, children_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Context = $ifaceNil; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.done = new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil); + this.children = false; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Context = Context_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.done = done_; + this.children = children_; + this.err = err_; + }); + stringer = $pkg.stringer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "context.stringer", true, "context", false, null); + timerCtx = $pkg.timerCtx = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "context.timerCtx", true, "context", false, function(cancelCtx_, timer_, deadline_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.cancelCtx = new cancelCtx.ptr($ifaceNil, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, $ifaceNil); + this.timer = ptrType$5.nil; + this.deadline = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil); + return; + } + this.cancelCtx = cancelCtx_; + this.timer = timer_; + this.deadline = deadline_; + }); + valueCtx = $pkg.valueCtx = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "context.valueCtx", true, "context", false, function(Context_, key_, val_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Context = $ifaceNil; + this.key = $ifaceNil; + this.val = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Context = Context_; + this.key = key_; + this.val = val_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(emptyCtx); + structType = $structType("", []); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(time.Location); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType($Int32); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(cancelCtx); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType($Int); + chanType = $chanType(structType, false, false); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(time.Timer); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(valueCtx); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(timerCtx); + chanType$1 = $chanType(structType, false, true); + mapType = $mapType(canceler, structType); + deadlineExceededError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + return "context deadline exceeded"; + }; + deadlineExceededError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + deadlineExceededError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + return true; + }; + deadlineExceededError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + deadlineExceededError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + return true; + }; + deadlineExceededError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + $ptrType(emptyCtx).prototype.Deadline = function() { + var deadline, ok; + deadline = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil); + ok = false; + return [deadline, ok]; + }; + $ptrType(emptyCtx).prototype.Done = function() { + return $chanNil; + }; + $ptrType(emptyCtx).prototype.Err = function() { + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $ptrType(emptyCtx).prototype.Value = function(key) { + var key; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + $ptrType(emptyCtx).prototype.String = function() { + var _1, e; + e = this; + _1 = e; + if (_1 === (background)) { + return "context.Background"; + } else if (_1 === (todo)) { + return "context.TODO"; + } + return "unknown empty Context"; + }; + Background = function() { + return background; + }; + $pkg.Background = Background; + WithCancel = function(parent) { + var {_tmp, _tmp$1, c, cancel, ctx, parent, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parent}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = [c]; + ctx = $ifaceNil; + cancel = $throwNilPointerError; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(parent, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("cannot create context from nil parent")); + } + c[0] = $clone(newCancelCtx(parent), cancelCtx); + $r = propagateCancel(parent, c[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = c[0]; + _tmp$1 = (function(c) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = c[0].cancel(true, $pkg.Canceled); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(c); + ctx = _tmp; + cancel = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [ctx, cancel]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WithCancel, $c: true, $r, _tmp, _tmp$1, c, cancel, ctx, parent, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.WithCancel = WithCancel; + newCancelCtx = function(parent) { + var parent; + return new cancelCtx.ptr(parent, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, $ifaceNil); + }; + propagateCancel = function(parent, child) { + var {_arg, _key, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _tuple, child, done, ok, p, parent, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parent, child}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + child = [child]; + parent = [parent]; + _r = parent[0].Done(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + done = _r; + if (done === $chanNil) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _selection = $select([[done], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = parent[0].Err(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$1; + $r = child[0].cancel(false, _arg); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 3: + /* } */ case 4: + _r$2 = parentCancelCtx(parent[0]); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 8: + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + $r = child[0].cancel(false, p.err); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + if (p.children === false) { + p.children = {}; + } + _key = child[0]; (p.children || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[canceler.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new structType.ptr() }; + /* } */ case 14: + $r = p.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + atomic.AddInt32((goroutines$24ptr || (goroutines$24ptr = new ptrType$2(function() { return goroutines; }, function($v) { goroutines = $v; }))), 1); + $go((function(child, parent) { return function $b() { + var {_arg$1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _selection$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = parent[0].Done(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = child[0].Done(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $select([[_r$3], [_r$4]]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection$1 = _r$5; + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { */ case 4: + _r$6 = parent[0].Err(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$6; + $r = child[0].cancel(false, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { */ case 5: + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg$1, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _selection$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(child, parent), []); + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: propagateCancel, $c: true, $r, _arg, _key, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _tuple, child, done, ok, p, parent, $s};return $f; + }; + parentCancelCtx = function(parent) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, done, ok, p, parent, pdone, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parent}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = parent.Done(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + done = _r; + if (done === closedchan || done === $chanNil) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, false]; + } + _r$1 = parent.Value((cancelCtxKey$24ptr || (cancelCtxKey$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return cancelCtxKey; }, function($v) { cancelCtxKey = $v; })))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$1, ptrType$3, true); + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, false]; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(p.done.Load(), chanType, true); + pdone = _tuple$1[0]; + if (!(pdone === done)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, false]; + } + $s = -1; return [p, true]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parentCancelCtx, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, done, ok, p, parent, pdone, $s};return $f; + }; + removeChild = function(parent, child) { + var {_r, _tuple, child, ok, p, parent, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parent, child}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = parentCancelCtx(parent); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(p.children === false)) { + delete p.children[canceler.keyFor(child)]; + } + $r = p.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: removeChild, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, child, ok, p, parent, $s};return $f; + }; + init = function() { + $close(closedchan); + }; + cancelCtx.ptr.prototype.Value = function(key) { + var {$24r, _r, c, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(key, (cancelCtxKey$24ptr || (cancelCtxKey$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return cancelCtxKey; }, function($v) { cancelCtxKey = $v; }))))) { + $s = -1; return c; + } + _r = value(c.Context, key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cancelCtx.ptr.prototype.Value, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, c, key, $s};return $f; + }; + cancelCtx.prototype.Value = function(key) { return this.$val.Value(key); }; + cancelCtx.ptr.prototype.Done = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, c, d, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + d = c.done.Load(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(d, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $24r = $assertType(d, chanType); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $r = c.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + d = c.done.Load(); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(d, $ifaceNil)) { + d = new chanType(new $Chan(structType, 0)); + c.done.Store(d); + } + $24r$1 = $assertType(d, chanType); + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $chanNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: cancelCtx.ptr.prototype.Done, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, c, d, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + cancelCtx.prototype.Done = function() { return this.$val.Done(); }; + cancelCtx.ptr.prototype.Err = function() { + var {c, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + $r = c.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = c.err; + $r = c.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cancelCtx.ptr.prototype.Err, $c: true, $r, c, err, $s};return $f; + }; + cancelCtx.prototype.Err = function() { return this.$val.Err(); }; + contextName = function(c) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, c, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = $assertType(c, stringer, true); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r = s.String(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = reflectlite.TypeOf(c).String(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: contextName, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, c, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + cancelCtx.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = contextName(c.Context); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r + ".WithCancel"; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cancelCtx.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, c, $s};return $f; + }; + cancelCtx.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + cancelCtx.ptr.prototype.cancel = function(removeFromParent, err) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _ref, _tuple, c, child, d, err, removeFromParent, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {removeFromParent, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("context: internal error: missing cancel error")); + } + $r = c.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(c.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(c.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $r = c.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + c.err = err; + _tuple = $assertType(c.done.Load(), chanType, true); + d = _tuple[0]; + if (d === $chanNil) { + c.done.Store(new chanType(closedchan)); + } else { + $close(d); + } + _ref = c.children; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 6; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + child = _entry.k; + $r = child.cancel(false, err); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + c.children = false; + $r = c.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (removeFromParent) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (removeFromParent) { */ case 9: + $r = removeChild(c.Context, c); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cancelCtx.ptr.prototype.cancel, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _ref, _tuple, c, child, d, err, removeFromParent, $s};return $f; + }; + cancelCtx.prototype.cancel = function(removeFromParent, err) { return this.$val.cancel(removeFromParent, err); }; + WithDeadline = function(parent, d) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, c, cur, d, dur, ok, parent, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parent, d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = [c]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(parent, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("cannot create context from nil parent")); + } + _r = parent.Deadline(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + cur = $clone(_tuple[0], time.Time); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok && $clone(cur, time.Time).Before($clone(d, time.Time))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok && $clone(cur, time.Time).Before($clone(d, time.Time))) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = WithCancel(parent); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + c[0] = new timerCtx.ptr($clone(newCancelCtx(parent), cancelCtx), ptrType$5.nil, $clone(d, time.Time)); + $r = propagateCancel(parent, c[0]); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = time.Until($clone(d, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dur = _r$2; + /* */ if ((dur.$high < 0 || (dur.$high === 0 && dur.$low <= 0))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ((dur.$high < 0 || (dur.$high === 0 && dur.$low <= 0))) { */ case 8: + $r = c[0].cancel(true, $pkg.DeadlineExceeded); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [c[0], (function(c) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = c[0].cancel(false, $pkg.Canceled); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(c)]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + $r = c[0].cancelCtx.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c[0].cancelCtx.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(c[0].cancelCtx.err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(c[0].cancelCtx.err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 13: + _r$3 = time.AfterFunc(dur, (function(c) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = c[0].cancel(true, $pkg.DeadlineExceeded); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(c)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c[0].timer = _r$3; + /* } */ case 14: + $24r$2 = [c[0], (function(c) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = c[0].cancel(true, $pkg.Canceled); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(c)]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: WithDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, c, cur, d, dur, ok, parent, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $pkg.WithDeadline = WithDeadline; + timerCtx.ptr.prototype.Deadline = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, c, deadline, ok; + deadline = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil); + ok = false; + c = this; + _tmp = $clone(c.deadline, time.Time); + _tmp$1 = true; + time.Time.copy(deadline, _tmp); + ok = _tmp$1; + return [deadline, ok]; + }; + timerCtx.prototype.Deadline = function() { return this.$val.Deadline(); }; + timerCtx.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = contextName(c.cancelCtx.Context); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = $clone(c.deadline, time.Time).String(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = time.Until($clone(c.deadline, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = _r$2.String(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r + ".WithDeadline(" + _r$1 + " [" + _r$3 + "])"; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: timerCtx.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, c, $s};return $f; + }; + timerCtx.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + timerCtx.ptr.prototype.cancel = function(removeFromParent, err) { + var {c, err, removeFromParent, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {removeFromParent, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + $r = c.cancelCtx.cancel(false, err); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (removeFromParent) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (removeFromParent) { */ case 2: + $r = removeChild(c.cancelCtx.Context, c); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $r = c.cancelCtx.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(c.timer === ptrType$5.nil)) { + c.timer.Stop(); + c.timer = ptrType$5.nil; + } + $r = c.cancelCtx.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: timerCtx.ptr.prototype.cancel, $c: true, $r, c, err, removeFromParent, $s};return $f; + }; + timerCtx.prototype.cancel = function(removeFromParent, err) { return this.$val.cancel(removeFromParent, err); }; + WithTimeout = function(parent, timeout) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, parent, timeout, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parent, timeout}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = parent; + _r = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = $clone(_r, time.Time).Add(timeout); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$1, time.Time); + _r$2 = WithDeadline(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WithTimeout, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, parent, timeout, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.WithTimeout = WithTimeout; + WithValue = function(parent, key, val) { + var {_r, key, parent, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parent, key, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(parent, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("cannot create context from nil parent")); + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(key, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("nil key")); + } + _r = reflectlite.TypeOf(key).Comparable(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("key is not comparable")); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return new valueCtx.ptr(parent, key, val); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WithValue, $c: true, $r, _r, key, parent, val, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.WithValue = WithValue; + stringify = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r, _ref, s, s$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = v; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, stringer, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, $String, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, stringer, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + s = _ref; + _r = s.String(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, $String, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + s$1 = _ref.$val; + $s = -1; return s$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringify, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _ref, s, s$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + valueCtx.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = contextName(c.Context); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = reflectlite.TypeOf(c.key).String(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = stringify(c.val); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r + ".WithValue(type " + _r$1 + ", val " + _r$2 + ")"; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: valueCtx.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, c, $s};return $f; + }; + valueCtx.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + valueCtx.ptr.prototype.Value = function(key) { + var {$24r, _r, c, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(c.key, key)) { + $s = -1; return c.val; + } + _r = value(c.Context, key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: valueCtx.ptr.prototype.Value, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, c, key, $s};return $f; + }; + valueCtx.prototype.Value = function(key) { return this.$val.Value(key); }; + value = function(c, key) { + var {$24r, _r, _ref, c, ctx, ctx$1, ctx$2, ctx$3, ctx$4, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c, key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _ref = c; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$6, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$3, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$7, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType, true)[1]) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$6, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + ctx = _ref.$val; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(key, ctx.key)) { + $s = -1; return ctx.val; + } + c = ctx.Context; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$3, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + ctx$1 = _ref.$val; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(key, (cancelCtxKey$24ptr || (cancelCtxKey$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return cancelCtxKey; }, function($v) { cancelCtxKey = $v; }))))) { + $s = -1; return c; + } + c = ctx$1.Context; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$7, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + ctx$2 = _ref.$val; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(key, (cancelCtxKey$24ptr || (cancelCtxKey$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return cancelCtxKey; }, function($v) { cancelCtxKey = $v; }))))) { + $s = -1; return ctx$2.cancelCtx; + } + c = ctx$2.cancelCtx.Context; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType, true)[1]) { */ case 6: + ctx$3 = _ref.$val; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else { */ case 7: + ctx$4 = _ref; + _r = c.Value(key); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: value, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _ref, c, ctx, ctx$1, ctx$2, ctx$3, ctx$4, key, $s};return $f; + }; + deadlineExceededError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Deadline", name: "Deadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [time.Time, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Done", name: "Done", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [chanType$1], false)}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "Done", name: "Done", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [chanType$1], false)}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "cancel", name: "cancel", pkg: "context", typ: $funcType([$Bool, $error], [], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "Deadline", name: "Deadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [time.Time, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "cancel", name: "cancel", pkg: "context", typ: $funcType([$Bool, $error], [], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + Context.init([{prop: "Deadline", name: "Deadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [time.Time, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Done", name: "Done", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [chanType$1], false)}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface], false)}]); + deadlineExceededError.init("", []); + CancelFunc.init([], [], false); + canceler.init([{prop: "Done", name: "Done", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [chanType$1], false)}, {prop: "cancel", name: "cancel", pkg: "context", typ: $funcType([$Bool, $error], [], false)}]); + cancelCtx.init("context", [{prop: "Context", name: "Context", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomic.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "children", name: "children", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + stringer.init([{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + timerCtx.init("context", [{prop: "cancelCtx", name: "cancelCtx", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: cancelCtx, tag: ""}, {prop: "timer", name: "timer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "deadline", name: "deadline", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}]); + valueCtx.init("context", [{prop: "Context", name: "Context", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "key", name: "key", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "val", name: "val", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflectlite.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + goroutines = 0; + cancelCtxKey = 0; + $pkg.Canceled = errors.New("context canceled"); + $pkg.DeadlineExceeded = (x = new deadlineExceededError.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + background = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType); + todo = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType); + closedchan = new $Chan(structType, 0); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["math/rand"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, nosync, math, rngSource, Source, Source64, Rand, lockedSource, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, arrayType, ptrType$4, sliceType, ptrType$5, funcType, sliceType$1, rngCooked, globalRand, kn, wn, fn, ke, we, fe, seedrand, NewSource, New, read, Intn, Float64, absInt32; + nosync = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + rngSource = $pkg.rngSource = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rand.rngSource", true, "math/rand", false, function(tap_, feed_, vec_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.tap = 0; + this.feed = 0; + this.vec = arrayType.zero(); + return; + } + this.tap = tap_; + this.feed = feed_; + this.vec = vec_; + }); + Source = $pkg.Source = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "rand.Source", true, "math/rand", true, null); + Source64 = $pkg.Source64 = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "rand.Source64", true, "math/rand", true, null); + Rand = $pkg.Rand = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rand.Rand", true, "math/rand", true, function(src_, s64_, readVal_, readPos_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.src = $ifaceNil; + this.s64 = $ifaceNil; + this.readVal = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.readPos = 0; + return; + } + this.src = src_; + this.s64 = s64_; + this.readVal = readVal_; + this.readPos = readPos_; + }); + lockedSource = $pkg.lockedSource = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rand.lockedSource", true, "math/rand", false, function(lk_, src_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.lk = new nosync.Mutex.ptr(false); + this.src = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.lk = lk_; + this.src = src_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(rngSource); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(lockedSource); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Rand); + arrayType = $arrayType($Int64, 607); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType($Int8); + sliceType = $sliceType($Int); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType($Int64); + funcType = $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + seedrand = function(x) { + var _q, _r, hi, lo, x; + hi = (_q = x / 44488, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + lo = (_r = x % 44488, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + x = ($imul(48271, lo)) - ($imul(3399, hi)) >> 0; + if (x < 0) { + x = x + (2147483647) >> 0; + } + return x; + }; + rngSource.ptr.prototype.Seed = function(seed) { + var i, rng, seed, u, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + rng = this; + rng.tap = 0; + rng.feed = 334; + seed = $div64(seed, new $Int64(0, 2147483647), true); + if ((seed.$high < 0 || (seed.$high === 0 && seed.$low < 0))) { + seed = (x = new $Int64(0, 2147483647), new $Int64(seed.$high + x.$high, seed.$low + x.$low)); + } + if ((seed.$high === 0 && seed.$low === 0)) { + seed = new $Int64(0, 89482311); + } + x$1 = (((seed.$low + ((seed.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + i = -20; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 607)) { break; } + x$1 = seedrand(x$1); + if (i >= 0) { + u = new $Int64(0, 0); + u = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, x$1)), 40); + x$1 = seedrand(x$1); + u = (x$2 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, x$1)), 20), new $Int64(u.$high ^ x$2.$high, (u.$low ^ x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + x$1 = seedrand(x$1); + u = (x$3 = (new $Int64(0, x$1)), new $Int64(u.$high ^ x$3.$high, (u.$low ^ x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + u = (x$4 = ((i < 0 || i >= rngCooked.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : rngCooked[i]), new $Int64(u.$high ^ x$4.$high, (u.$low ^ x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + (x$5 = rng.vec, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[i] = u)); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + rngSource.prototype.Seed = function(seed) { return this.$val.Seed(seed); }; + rngSource.ptr.prototype.Int63 = function() { + var rng, x, x$1; + rng = this; + return ((x = (x$1 = rng.Uint64(), new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 2147483647, (x$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Int64(x.$high, x.$low))); + }; + rngSource.prototype.Int63 = function() { return this.$val.Int63(); }; + rngSource.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function() { + var rng, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8; + rng = this; + rng.tap = rng.tap - (1) >> 0; + if (rng.tap < 0) { + rng.tap = rng.tap + (607) >> 0; + } + rng.feed = rng.feed - (1) >> 0; + if (rng.feed < 0) { + rng.feed = rng.feed + (607) >> 0; + } + x$6 = (x = (x$1 = rng.vec, x$2 = rng.feed, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2])), x$3 = (x$4 = rng.vec, x$5 = rng.tap, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[x$5])), new $Int64(x.$high + x$3.$high, x.$low + x$3.$low)); + (x$7 = rng.vec, x$8 = rng.feed, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= x$7.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7[x$8] = x$6)); + return (new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)); + }; + rngSource.prototype.Uint64 = function() { return this.$val.Uint64(); }; + NewSource = function(seed) { + var rng, seed; + rng = new rngSource.ptr(0, 0, arrayType.zero()); + rng.Seed(seed); + return rng; + }; + $pkg.NewSource = NewSource; + New = function(src) { + var _tuple, s64, src; + _tuple = $assertType(src, Source64, true); + s64 = _tuple[0]; + return new Rand.ptr(src, s64, new $Int64(0, 0), 0); + }; + $pkg.New = New; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Seed = function(seed) { + var {_tuple, lk, ok, r, seed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {seed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _tuple = $assertType(r.src, ptrType$1, true); + lk = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + lk.seedPos(seed, (r.$ptr_readPos || (r.$ptr_readPos = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readPos; }, function($v) { this.$target.readPos = $v; }, r)))); + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = r.src.Seed(seed); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r.readPos = 0; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Seed, $c: true, $r, _tuple, lk, ok, r, seed, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Seed = function(seed) { return this.$val.Seed(seed); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Int63 = function() { + var {$24r, _r, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.src.Int63(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Int63, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Int63 = function() { return this.$val.Int63(); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Uint32 = function() { + var {$24r, _r, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.Int63(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (($shiftRightInt64(_r, 31).$low >>> 0)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Uint32, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Uint32 = function() { return this.$val.Uint32(); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.s64, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.s64, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r = r.s64.Uint64(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = r.Int63(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = r.Int63(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = (x = $shiftRightUint64(((x$1 = _r$1, new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))), 31), x$2 = $shiftLeft64(((x$3 = _r$2, new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low))), 32), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$2.$high, (x.$low | x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Uint64, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Uint64 = function() { return this.$val.Uint64(); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Int31 = function() { + var {$24r, _r, r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.Int63(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (((x = $shiftRightInt64(_r, 32), x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Int31, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Int31 = function() { return this.$val.Int31(); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Int = function() { + var {_r, r, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.Int63(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u = ((_r.$low >>> 0)); + $s = -1; return ((((u << 1 >>> 0) >>> 1 >>> 0) >> 0)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Int, $c: true, $r, _r, r, u, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Int = function() { return this.$val.Int(); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Int63n = function(n) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, max, n, r, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if ((n.$high < 0 || (n.$high === 0 && n.$low <= 0))) { + $panic(new $String("invalid argument to Int63n")); + } + /* */ if ((x = (x$1 = new $Int64(n.$high - 0, n.$low - 1), new $Int64(n.$high & x$1.$high, (n.$low & x$1.$low) >>> 0)), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x = (x$1 = new $Int64(n.$high - 0, n.$low - 1), new $Int64(n.$high & x$1.$high, (n.$low & x$1.$low) >>> 0)), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r = r.Int63(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x$2 = _r, x$3 = new $Int64(n.$high - 0, n.$low - 1), new $Int64(x$2.$high & x$3.$high, (x$2.$low & x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + max = ((x$4 = (x$5 = $div64(new $Uint64(2147483648, 0), (new $Uint64(n.$high, n.$low)), true), new $Uint64(2147483647 - x$5.$high, 4294967295 - x$5.$low)), new $Int64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low))); + _r$1 = r.Int63(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!((v.$high > max.$high || (v.$high === max.$high && v.$low > max.$low)))) { break; } */ if(!((v.$high > max.$high || (v.$high === max.$high && v.$low > max.$low)))) { $s = 7; continue; } + _r$2 = r.Int63(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$2; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + $s = -1; return $div64(v, n, true); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Int63n, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, max, n, r, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Int63n = function(n) { return this.$val.Int63n(n); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Int31n = function(n) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, max, n, r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if (n <= 0) { + $panic(new $String("invalid argument to Int31n")); + } + /* */ if ((n & ((n - 1 >> 0))) === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((n & ((n - 1 >> 0))) === 0) { */ case 1: + _r = r.Int31(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r & ((n - 1 >> 0)); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + max = (((2147483647 - (_r$1 = 2147483648 % ((n >>> 0)), _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >>> 0) >> 0)); + _r$2 = r.Int31(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$2; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(v > max)) { break; } */ if(!(v > max)) { $s = 7; continue; } + _r$3 = r.Int31(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$3; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + $s = -1; return (_r$4 = v % n, _r$4 === _r$4 ? _r$4 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Int31n, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, max, n, r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Int31n = function(n) { return this.$val.Int31n(n); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.int31n = function(n) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, low, n, prod, r, thresh, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.Uint32(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + prod = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, v)), (new $Uint64(0, n))); + low = ((prod.$low >>> 0)); + /* */ if (low < ((n >>> 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (low < ((n >>> 0))) { */ case 2: + thresh = (_r$1 = ((-n >>> 0)) % ((n >>> 0)), _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(low < thresh)) { break; } */ if(!(low < thresh)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$2 = r.Uint32(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$2; + prod = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, v)), (new $Uint64(0, n))); + low = ((prod.$low >>> 0)); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return (($shiftRightUint64(prod, 32).$low >> 0)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.int31n, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, low, n, prod, r, thresh, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.int31n = function(n) { return this.$val.int31n(n); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Intn = function(n) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, n, r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if (n <= 0) { + $panic(new $String("invalid argument to Intn")); + } + /* */ if (n <= 2147483647) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (n <= 2147483647) { */ case 1: + _r = r.Int31n(((n >> 0))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ((_r >> 0)); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = r.Int63n((new $Int64(0, n))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = (((x = _r$1, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Intn, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, n, r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Intn = function(n) { return this.$val.Intn(n); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Float64 = function() { + var {_r, f, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* again: */ case 1: + _r = r.Int63(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = ($flatten64(_r)) / 9.223372036854776e+18; + /* */ if (f === 1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (f === 1) { */ case 3: + /* goto again */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return f; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Float64, $c: true, $r, _r, f, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Float64 = function() { return this.$val.Float64(); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Float32 = function() { + var {_r, f, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* again: */ case 1: + _r = r.Float64(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = ($fround(_r)); + /* */ if (f === 1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (f === 1) { */ case 3: + /* goto again */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return f; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Float32, $c: true, $r, _r, f, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Float32 = function() { return this.$val.Float32(); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Perm = function(n) { + var {_r, i, j, m, n, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + m = $makeSlice(sliceType, n); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = r.Intn(i + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = _r; + ((i < 0 || i >= m.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + i] = ((j < 0 || j >= m.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + j])); + ((j < 0 || j >= m.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + j] = i); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return m; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Perm, $c: true, $r, _r, i, j, m, n, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Perm = function(n) { return this.$val.Perm(n); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Shuffle = function(n, swap) { + var {_r, _r$1, i, j, j$1, n, r, swap, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n, swap}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if (n < 0) { + $panic(new $String("invalid argument to Shuffle")); + } + i = n - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i > 2147483646)) { break; } */ if(!(i > 2147483646)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = r.Int63n((new $Int64(0, (i + 1 >> 0)))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = (((x = _r, x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + $r = swap(i, j); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(i > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i > 0)) { $s = 6; continue; } + _r$1 = r.int31n((((i + 1 >> 0) >> 0))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j$1 = ((_r$1 >> 0)); + $r = swap(i, j$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Shuffle, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, i, j, j$1, n, r, swap, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Shuffle = function(n, swap) { return this.$val.Shuffle(n, swap); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, lk, n, ok, p, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + _tuple = $assertType(r.src, ptrType$1, true); + lk = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r = lk.read(p, (r.$ptr_readVal || (r.$ptr_readVal = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.readVal; }, function($v) { this.$target.readVal = $v; }, r))), (r.$ptr_readPos || (r.$ptr_readPos = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readPos; }, function($v) { this.$target.readPos = $v; }, r)))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = read(p, r.src, (r.$ptr_readVal || (r.$ptr_readVal = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target.readVal; }, function($v) { this.$target.readVal = $v; }, r))), (r.$ptr_readPos || (r.$ptr_readPos = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readPos; }, function($v) { this.$target.readPos = $v; }, r)))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$1; + n = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, lk, n, ok, p, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + read = function(p, src, readVal, readPos) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, n, p, pos, readPos, readVal, rng, src, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, src, readVal, readPos}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + pos = readPos.$get(); + val = readVal.$get(); + _tuple = $assertType(src, ptrType, true); + rng = _tuple[0]; + n = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(n < p.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(n < p.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (pos === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (pos === 0) { */ case 3: + /* */ if (!(rng === ptrType.nil)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(rng === ptrType.nil)) { */ case 5: + val = rng.Int63(); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _r = src.Int63(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r; + /* } */ case 7: + pos = 7; + /* } */ case 4: + ((n < 0 || n >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + n] = ((val.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + val = $shiftRightInt64(val, (8)); + pos = pos - (1) << 24 >> 24; + n = n + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + readPos.$set(pos); + readVal.$set(val); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: read, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, n, p, pos, readPos, readVal, rng, src, val, $s};return $f; + }; + Intn = function(n) { + var {$24r, _r, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = globalRand.Intn(n); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Intn, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, n, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Intn = Intn; + Float64 = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = globalRand.Float64(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Float64, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Float64 = Float64; + lockedSource.ptr.prototype.Int63 = function() { + var n, r; + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + r = this; + r.lk.Lock(); + n = r.src.Int63(); + r.lk.Unlock(); + return n; + }; + lockedSource.prototype.Int63 = function() { return this.$val.Int63(); }; + lockedSource.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function() { + var n, r; + n = new $Uint64(0, 0); + r = this; + r.lk.Lock(); + n = r.src.Uint64(); + r.lk.Unlock(); + return n; + }; + lockedSource.prototype.Uint64 = function() { return this.$val.Uint64(); }; + lockedSource.ptr.prototype.Seed = function(seed) { + var r, seed; + r = this; + r.lk.Lock(); + r.src.Seed(seed); + r.lk.Unlock(); + }; + lockedSource.prototype.Seed = function(seed) { return this.$val.Seed(seed); }; + lockedSource.ptr.prototype.seedPos = function(seed, readPos) { + var r, readPos, seed; + r = this; + r.lk.Lock(); + r.src.Seed(seed); + readPos.$set(0); + r.lk.Unlock(); + }; + lockedSource.prototype.seedPos = function(seed, readPos) { return this.$val.seedPos(seed, readPos); }; + lockedSource.ptr.prototype.read = function(p, readVal, readPos) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, n, p, r, readPos, readVal, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, readVal, readPos}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + r.lk.Lock(); + _r = read(p, r.src, readVal, readPos); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + r.lk.Unlock(); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: lockedSource.ptr.prototype.read, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, n, p, r, readPos, readVal, $s};return $f; + }; + lockedSource.prototype.read = function(p, readVal, readPos) { return this.$val.read(p, readVal, readPos); }; + absInt32 = function(i) { + var i; + if (i < 0) { + return ((-i >>> 0)); + } + return ((i >>> 0)); + }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.NormFloat64 = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, i, j, r, x, x$1, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = r.Uint32(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = ((_r >> 0)); + i = j & 127; + x = (j) * (((i < 0 || i >= wn.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : wn[i])); + if (absInt32(j) < ((i < 0 || i >= kn.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : kn[i])) { + $s = -1; return x; + } + /* */ if (i === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (i === 0) { */ case 4: + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = r.Float64(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = math.Log(_r$1); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x = -_r$2 * 0.29047645161474317; + _r$3 = r.Float64(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = math.Log(_r$3); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y = -_r$4; + if (y + y >= x * x) { + /* break; */ $s = 7; continue; + } + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + if (j > 0) { + $s = -1; return 3.442619855899 + x; + } + $s = -1; return -3.442619855899 - x; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$5 = r.Float64(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($fround(((i < 0 || i >= fn.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fn[i]) + $fround(($fround(_r$5)) * ($fround((x$1 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= fn.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fn[x$1])) - ((i < 0 || i >= fn.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fn[i]))))) < ($fround(math.Exp(-0.5 * x * x)))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ($fround(((i < 0 || i >= fn.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fn[i]) + $fround(($fround(_r$5)) * ($fround((x$1 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= fn.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fn[x$1])) - ((i < 0 || i >= fn.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fn[i]))))) < ($fround(math.Exp(-0.5 * x * x)))) { */ case 12: + $s = -1; return x; + /* } */ case 13: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.NormFloat64, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, i, j, r, x, x$1, y, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.NormFloat64 = function() { return this.$val.NormFloat64(); }; + Rand.ptr.prototype.ExpFloat64 = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, i, j, r, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = r.Uint32(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = _r; + i = (j & 255) >>> 0; + x = (j) * (((i < 0 || i >= we.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : we[i])); + if (j < ((i < 0 || i >= ke.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ke[i])) { + $s = -1; return x; + } + /* */ if (i === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (i === 0) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = r.Float64(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = math.Log(_r$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = 7.69711747013105 - _r$2; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$3 = r.Float64(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($fround(((i < 0 || i >= fe.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fe[i]) + $fround(($fround(_r$3)) * ($fround((x$1 = i - 1 >>> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= fe.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fe[x$1])) - ((i < 0 || i >= fe.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fe[i]))))) < ($fround(math.Exp(-x)))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($fround(((i < 0 || i >= fe.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fe[i]) + $fround(($fround(_r$3)) * ($fround((x$1 = i - 1 >>> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= fe.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fe[x$1])) - ((i < 0 || i >= fe.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fe[i]))))) < ($fround(math.Exp(-x)))) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return x; + /* } */ case 10: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Rand.ptr.prototype.ExpFloat64, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, i, j, r, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Rand.prototype.ExpFloat64 = function() { return this.$val.ExpFloat64(); }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Seed", name: "Seed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "Int63", name: "Int63", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Seed", name: "Seed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "Int63", name: "Int63", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Uint32", name: "Uint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Int31", name: "Int31", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "Int", name: "Int", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Int63n", name: "Int63n", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Int31n", name: "Int31n", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "int31n", name: "int31n", pkg: "math/rand", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "Intn", name: "Intn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Float64", name: "Float64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Float32", name: "Float32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float32], false)}, {prop: "Perm", name: "Perm", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Shuffle", name: "Shuffle", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, funcType], [], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "NormFloat64", name: "NormFloat64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "ExpFloat64", name: "ExpFloat64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Int63", name: "Int63", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Seed", name: "Seed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "seedPos", name: "seedPos", pkg: "math/rand", typ: $funcType([$Int64, ptrType$4], [], false)}, {prop: "read", name: "read", pkg: "math/rand", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$5, ptrType$4], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + rngSource.init("math/rand", [{prop: "tap", name: "tap", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "feed", name: "feed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "vec", name: "vec", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}]); + Source.init([{prop: "Int63", name: "Int63", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Seed", name: "Seed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}]); + Source64.init([{prop: "Int63", name: "Int63", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Seed", name: "Seed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}]); + Rand.init("math/rand", [{prop: "src", name: "src", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Source, tag: ""}, {prop: "s64", name: "s64", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Source64, tag: ""}, {prop: "readVal", name: "readVal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "readPos", name: "readPos", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int8, tag: ""}]); + lockedSource.init("math/rand", [{prop: "lk", name: "lk", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nosync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "src", name: "src", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = nosync.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rngCooked = $toNativeArray($kindInt64, [new $Int64(-973649357, 3952672746), new $Int64(-1065661887, 3130416987), new $Int64(324977939, 3414273807), new $Int64(1241840476, 2806224363), new $Int64(-1477934308, 1997590414), new $Int64(2103305448, 2402795971), new $Int64(1663160183, 1140819369), new $Int64(1120601685, 1788868961), new $Int64(1848035537, 1089001426), new $Int64(1235702047, 873593504), new $Int64(1911387977, 581324885), new $Int64(-1654874170, 1609182556), new $Int64(1069394745, 1241596776), new $Int64(1895445337, 1771189259), new $Int64(-1374618802, 3467012610), new $Int64(-140526423, 2344407434), new $Int64(-1745367887, 782467244), new $Int64(26335124, 3404933915), new $Int64(1063924276, 618867887), new $Int64(-968700782, 520164395), new $Int64(-1591572833, 1341358184), new $Int64(-1515085039, 665794848), new $Int64(1527227641, 3183648150), new $Int64(1781176124, 696329606), new $Int64(1789146075, 4151988961), new $Int64(-2087444114, 998951326), new $Int64(-612324923, 1364957564), new $Int64(63173359, 4090230633), new $Int64(-1498029007, 4009697548), new $Int64(248009524, 2569622517), new $Int64(778703922, 3742421481), new $Int64(-1109106023, 1506914633), new $Int64(1738099768, 1983412561), new $Int64(236311649, 1436266083), new $Int64(-1111517500, 3922894967), new $Int64(-1336974714, 1792680179), new $Int64(563141142, 1188796351), new $Int64(1349617468, 405968250), new $Int64(1044074554, 433754187), new $Int64(870549669, 4073162024), new $Int64(-1094251604, 433121399), new $Int64(2451824, 4162580594), new $Int64(-137262572, 4132415622), new $Int64(-1536231048, 3033822028), new $Int64(2016407895, 824682382), new $Int64(2366218, 3583765414), new $Int64(-624604839, 535386927), new $Int64(1637219058, 2286693689), new $Int64(1453075389, 2968466525), new $Int64(193683513, 1351410206), new $Int64(-283806096, 1412813499), new $Int64(492736522, 4126267639), new $Int64(512765208, 2105529399), new $Int64(2132966268, 2413882233), new $Int64(947457634, 32226200), new $Int64(1149341356, 2032329073), new $Int64(106485445, 1356518208), new $Int64(-2067810156, 3430061722), new $Int64(-1484435135, 3820169661), new $Int64(-1665985194, 2981816134), new $Int64(1017155588, 4184371017), new $Int64(206574701, 2119206761), new $Int64(-852109057, 2472200560), new $Int64(-560457548, 2853524696), new $Int64(1307803389, 1681119904), new $Int64(-174986835, 95608918), new $Int64(392686347, 3690479145), new $Int64(-1205570926, 1397922290), new $Int64(-1159314025, 1516129515), new $Int64(-320178155, 1547420459), new $Int64(1311333971, 1470949486), new $Int64(-1953469798, 1336785672), new $Int64(-45086614, 4131677129), new $Int64(-1392278100, 4246329084), new $Int64(-1142500187, 3788585631), new $Int64(-66478285, 3080389532), new $Int64(-646438364, 2215402037), new $Int64(391002300, 1171593935), new $Int64(1408774047, 1423855166), new $Int64(-519177718, 2276716302), new $Int64(-368453140, 2068027241), new $Int64(1369359303, 3427553297), new $Int64(189241615, 3289637845), new $Int64(1057480830, 3486407650), new $Int64(-1512910664, 3071877822), new $Int64(1159653919, 3363620705), new $Int64(-934256930, 4159821533), new $Int64(-76621938, 1894661), new $Int64(-674493898, 1156868282), new $Int64(348271067, 776219088), new $Int64(-501428838, 2425634259), new $Int64(1716021749, 680510161), new $Int64(-574263456, 1310101429), new $Int64(1095885995, 2964454134), new $Int64(-325695512, 3467098407), new $Int64(1990672920, 2109628894), new $Int64(-2139648704, 1232604732), new $Int64(-1838070714, 3261916179), new $Int64(1699175360, 434597899), new $Int64(235436061, 1624796439), new $Int64(-1626402839, 3589632480), new $Int64(1198416575, 864579159), new $Int64(-1938748161, 1380889830), new $Int64(619206309, 2654509477), new $Int64(1419738251, 1468209306), new $Int64(-1744284772, 100794388), new $Int64(-1191421458, 2991674471), new $Int64(-208666741, 2224662036), new $Int64(-173659161, 977097250), new $Int64(1351320195, 726419512), new $Int64(-183459897, 1747974366), new $Int64(-753095183, 1556430604), new $Int64(-1049492215, 1080776742), new $Int64(-385846958, 280794874), new $Int64(117767733, 919835643), new $Int64(-967009426, 3434019658), new $Int64(-1951414480, 2461941785), new $Int64(133215641, 3615001066), new $Int64(417204809, 3103414427), new $Int64(790056561, 3380809712), new $Int64(-1267681408, 2724693469), new $Int64(547796833, 598827710), new $Int64(-1846559452, 3452273442), new $Int64(-75778224, 649274915), new $Int64(-801301329, 2585724112), new $Int64(-1510934263, 3165579553), new $Int64(1185578221, 2635894283), new $Int64(-52910178, 2053289721), new $Int64(985976581, 3169337108), new $Int64(1170569632, 144717764), new $Int64(1079216270, 1383666384), new $Int64(-124804942, 681540375), new $Int64(1375448925, 537050586), new $Int64(-1964768344, 315246468), new $Int64(226402871, 849323088), new $Int64(-885062465, 45543944), new $Int64(-946445250, 2319052083), new $Int64(-40708194, 3613090841), new $Int64(560472520, 2992171180), new $Int64(-381863169, 2068244785), new $Int64(917538188, 4239862634), new $Int64(-1369555809, 3892253031), new $Int64(720683925, 958186149), new $Int64(-423297785, 1877702262), new $Int64(1357886971, 837674867), new $Int64(1837048883, 1507589294), new $Int64(1905518400, 873336795), new $Int64(-1879761037, 2764496274), new $Int64(-1806480530, 4196182374), new $Int64(-1066765755, 550964545), new $Int64(818747069, 420611474), new $Int64(-1924830376, 204265180), new $Int64(1549974541, 1787046383), new $Int64(1215581865, 3102292318), new $Int64(418321538, 1552199393), new $Int64(1243493047, 980542004), new $Int64(267284263, 3293718720), new $Int64(1179528763, 3771917473), new $Int64(599484404, 2195808264), new $Int64(252818753, 3894702887), new $Int64(-1367475956, 2099949527), new $Int64(1424094358, 338442522), new $Int64(490737398, 637158004), new $Int64(-1727621530, 281976339), new $Int64(574970164, 3619802330), new $Int64(-431930823, 3084554784), new $Int64(-1264611183, 4129772886), new $Int64(-2104399043, 1680378557), new $Int64(-1621962591, 3339087776), new $Int64(1680500332, 4220317857), new $Int64(-1935828963, 2959322499), new $Int64(1675600481, 1488354890), new $Int64(-834863562, 3958162143), new $Int64(-1226511573, 2773705983), new $Int64(1876039582, 225908689), new $Int64(-1183735113, 908216283), new $Int64(-605696219, 3574646075), new $Int64(-1827723091, 1936937569), new $Int64(1519770881, 75492235), new $Int64(816689472, 1935193178), new $Int64(2142521206, 2018250883), new $Int64(455141620, 3943126022), new $Int64(-601399488, 3066544345), new $Int64(1932392669, 2793082663), new $Int64(-1239009361, 3297036421), new $Int64(1640597065, 2206987825), new $Int64(-553246738, 807894872), new $Int64(-1781325307, 766252117), new $Int64(2060649606, 3833114345), new $Int64(845619743, 1255067973), new $Int64(1201145605, 741697208), new $Int64(-1476242608, 2810093753), new $Int64(1109032642, 4229340371), new $Int64(1462188720, 1361684224), new $Int64(-1159399429, 1906263026), new $Int64(475781207, 3904421704), new $Int64(-623537128, 1769075545), new $Int64(1062308525, 2621599764), new $Int64(1279509432, 3431891480), new $Int64(-1742751146, 1871896503), new $Int64(128756421, 1412808876), new $Int64(1605404688, 952876175), new $Int64(-230443691, 1824438899), new $Int64(1662295856, 1005035476), new $Int64(-156574141, 527508597), new $Int64(1288873303, 3066806859), new $Int64(565995893, 3244940914), new $Int64(-889746188, 209092916), new $Int64(-247669406, 1242699167), new $Int64(-713830396, 456723774), new $Int64(1776978905, 1001252870), new $Int64(1468772157, 2026725874), new $Int64(857254202, 2137562569), new $Int64(765939740, 3183366709), new $Int64(1533887628, 2612072960), new $Int64(56977098, 1727148468), new $Int64(-1197583895, 3803658212), new $Int64(1883670356, 479946959), new $Int64(685713571, 1562982345), new $Int64(-1946242443, 1766109365), new $Int64(700596547, 3257093788), new $Int64(-184714929, 2365720207), new $Int64(93384808, 3742754173), new $Int64(-458385235, 2878193673), new $Int64(1096135042, 2174002182), new $Int64(-834260953, 3573511231), new $Int64(-754572527, 1760299077), new $Int64(-1375627191, 2260779833), new $Int64(-866019274, 1452805722), new $Int64(-1229671918, 2940011802), new $Int64(1890251082, 1886183802), new $Int64(893897673, 2514369088), new $Int64(1644345561, 3924317791), new $Int64(-1974867432, 500935732), new $Int64(1403501753, 676580929), new $Int64(-1565912283, 1184984890), new $Int64(-691968413, 1271474274), new $Int64(-1828754738, 3163791473), new $Int64(2051027584, 2842487377), new $Int64(1511537551, 2170968612), new $Int64(573262976, 3535856740), new $Int64(-2053227187, 1488599718), new $Int64(-1180531831, 3408913763), new $Int64(-2086531912, 2501050084), new $Int64(-875130448, 1639124157), new $Int64(-2009482504, 4088176393), new $Int64(1574896563, 3989947576), new $Int64(-165243708, 3414355209), new $Int64(-792329287, 2275136352), new $Int64(-2057774345, 2151835223), new $Int64(-931144933, 1654534827), new $Int64(-679921451, 377892833), new $Int64(-482716010, 660204544), new $Int64(85706799, 390828249), new $Int64(-1422172693, 3402783878), new $Int64(-1468634160, 3717936603), new $Int64(1113532086, 2211058823), new $Int64(1564224320, 2692150867), new $Int64(1952770442, 1928910388), new $Int64(788716862, 3931011137), new $Int64(1083670504, 1112701047), new $Int64(-68150572, 2452299106), new $Int64(-896164822, 2337204777), new $Int64(1774877857, 273889282), new $Int64(1798719843, 1462008793), new $Int64(2138834788, 1554494002), new $Int64(-1194967131, 182675323), new $Int64(-1598554764, 1882802136), new $Int64(589279648, 3700220025), new $Int64(381039426, 3083431543), new $Int64(-851859191, 3622207527), new $Int64(338126939, 432729309), new $Int64(-1667470126, 2391914317), new $Int64(-1849558151, 235747924), new $Int64(2120733629, 3088823825), new $Int64(-745079795, 2314658321), new $Int64(1165929723, 2957634338), new $Int64(501323675, 4117056981), new $Int64(1564699815, 1482500298), new $Int64(-740826490, 840489337), new $Int64(799522364, 3483178565), new $Int64(532129761, 2074004656), new $Int64(724246478, 3643392642), new $Int64(-665153481, 1583624461), new $Int64(-885822954, 287473085), new $Int64(1667835381, 3136843981), new $Int64(1138806821, 1266970974), new $Int64(135185781, 1998688839), new $Int64(392094735, 1492900209), new $Int64(1031326774, 1538112737), new $Int64(-2070568842, 2207265429), new $Int64(-1886797613, 963263315), new $Int64(1671145500, 2295892134), new $Int64(1068469660, 2002560897), new $Int64(-356250305, 1369254035), new $Int64(33436120, 3353312708), new $Int64(57507843, 947771099), new $Int64(-1945755145, 1747061399), new $Int64(1507240140, 2047354631), new $Int64(720000810, 4165367136), new $Int64(479265078, 3388864963), new $Int64(-952181250, 286492130), new $Int64(2045622690, 2795735007), new $Int64(-715730566, 3703961339), new $Int64(-148436487, 1797825479), new $Int64(1429039600, 1116589674), new $Int64(-1665420098, 2593309206), new $Int64(1329049334, 3404995677), new $Int64(-750579440, 3453462936), new $Int64(1014767077, 3016498634), new $Int64(75698599, 1650371545), new $Int64(1592007860, 212344364), new $Int64(1127766888, 3843932156), new $Int64(-748019856, 3573129983), new $Int64(-890581831, 665897820), new $Int64(1071492673, 1675628772), new $Int64(243225682, 2831752928), new $Int64(2120298836, 1486294219), new $Int64(-1954407413, 268782709), new $Int64(-1002123503, 4186179080), new $Int64(624342951, 1613720397), new $Int64(857179861, 2703686015), new $Int64(-911618704, 2205342611), new $Int64(-672703993, 1411666394), new $Int64(-1528454899, 677744900), new $Int64(-1876628533, 4172867247), new $Int64(135494707, 2163418403), new $Int64(849547544, 2841526879), new $Int64(-1117516959, 1082141470), new $Int64(-1770111792, 4046134367), new $Int64(51415528, 2142943655), new $Int64(-249824333, 3124627521), new $Int64(998228909, 219992939), new $Int64(-1078790951, 1756846531), new $Int64(1283749206, 1225118210), new $Int64(-525858006, 1647770243), new $Int64(-2035959705, 444807907), new $Int64(2036369448, 3952076173), new $Int64(53201823, 1461839639), new $Int64(315761893, 3699250910), new $Int64(702974850, 1373688981), new $Int64(734022261, 147523747), new $Int64(-2047330906, 1211276581), new $Int64(1294440951, 2548832680), new $Int64(1144696256, 1995631888), new $Int64(-1992983070, 2011457303), new $Int64(-1351022674, 3057425772), new $Int64(667839456, 81484597), new $Int64(-1681980888, 3646681560), new $Int64(-1372462725, 635548515), new $Int64(602489502, 2508044581), new $Int64(-1794220117, 1014917157), new $Int64(719992433, 3214891315), new $Int64(-1294799037, 959582252), new $Int64(226415134, 3347040449), new $Int64(-362868096, 4102971975), new $Int64(397887437, 4078022210), new $Int64(-536803826, 2851767182), new $Int64(-1398321012, 1540160644), new $Int64(-1549098876, 1057290595), new $Int64(-112592988, 3907769253), new $Int64(579300318, 4248952684), new $Int64(-1054576049, 132554364), new $Int64(-1085862414, 1029351092), new $Int64(697840928, 2583007416), new $Int64(298619124, 1486185789), new $Int64(55905697, 2871589073), new $Int64(2017643612, 723203291), new $Int64(146250550, 2494333952), new $Int64(-1082993397, 2230939180), new $Int64(-1804568072, 3943232912), new $Int64(1768732449, 2181367922), new $Int64(-729261111, 2889274791), new $Int64(1824032949, 2046728161), new $Int64(1653899792, 1376052477), new $Int64(1022327048, 381236993), new $Int64(-1113097690, 3188942166), new $Int64(-74480109, 350070824), new $Int64(144881592, 61758415), new $Int64(-741824226, 3492950336), new $Int64(-2030042720, 3093818430), new $Int64(-453590535, 2962480613), new $Int64(-1912050708, 3154871160), new $Int64(-1636478569, 3228564679), new $Int64(610731502, 888276216), new $Int64(-946702974, 3574998604), new $Int64(-1277068380, 1967526716), new $Int64(-1556147941, 1554691298), new $Int64(-1573024234, 339944798), new $Int64(1223764147, 1154515356), new $Int64(1825645307, 967516237), new $Int64(1546195135, 596588202), new $Int64(-1867600880, 3764362170), new $Int64(-1655392592, 266611402), new $Int64(-393255880, 2047856075), new $Int64(-1000726433, 21444105), new $Int64(-949424754, 3065563181), new $Int64(-232418803, 1140663212), new $Int64(633187674, 2323741028), new $Int64(2126290159, 3103873707), new $Int64(1008658319, 2766828349), new $Int64(-485587503, 1970872996), new $Int64(1628585413, 3766615585), new $Int64(-595148528, 2036813414), new $Int64(-1994877121, 3105536507), new $Int64(13954645, 3396176938), new $Int64(-721402003, 1377154485), new $Int64(-61839181, 3807014186), new $Int64(543009040, 3710110597), new $Int64(-1751425519, 916420443), new $Int64(734556788, 2103831255), new $Int64(-1766161494, 717331943), new $Int64(-1574598896, 3550505941), new $Int64(45939673, 378749927), new $Int64(-1997615719, 611017331), new $Int64(592130075, 758907650), new $Int64(1012992349, 154266815), new $Int64(-1040454942, 1407468696), new $Int64(-1678191250, 970098704), new $Int64(-285057486, 1971660656), new $Int64(998365243, 3332747885), new $Int64(1947089649, 1935189867), new $Int64(1510248801, 203520055), new $Int64(-1305165746, 3916463034), new $Int64(-388598655, 3474113316), new $Int64(1036101639, 316544223), new $Int64(-1773744891, 1650844677), new $Int64(-907191419, 4267565603), new $Int64(-1070275024, 2501167616), new $Int64(-1520651863, 3929401789), new $Int64(-2091360852, 337170252), new $Int64(-960502090, 2061966842), new $Int64(-304190848, 2508461464), new $Int64(-1941471116, 2791377107), new $Int64(1240791848, 1227227588), new $Int64(1813978778, 1709681848), new $Int64(1153692192, 3768820575), new $Int64(-1002297449, 2887126398), new $Int64(-1447111334, 296561685), new $Int64(700300844, 3729960077), new $Int64(-1572311344, 372833036), new $Int64(2078875613, 2409779288), new $Int64(1829161290, 555274064), new $Int64(-1105595719, 4239804901), new $Int64(1839403216, 3723486978), new $Int64(-1649093095, 2145871984), new $Int64(-1582765715, 3565480803), new $Int64(-1568653827, 2197313814), new $Int64(974785092, 3613674566), new $Int64(438638731, 3042093666), new $Int64(-96556264, 3324034321), new $Int64(869420878, 3708873369), new $Int64(946682149, 1698090092), new $Int64(1618900382, 4213940712), new $Int64(-1843479747, 2087477361), new $Int64(-1766167800, 2407950639), new $Int64(-1296225558, 3942568569), new $Int64(-1223900450, 4088074412), new $Int64(723260036, 2964773675), new $Int64(-673921829, 1539178386), new $Int64(1062961552, 2694849566), new $Int64(460977733, 2120273838), new $Int64(-1604570740, 2484608657), new $Int64(880846449, 2956190677), new $Int64(1970902366, 4223313749), new $Int64(662161910, 3502682327), new $Int64(705634754, 4133891139), new $Int64(-1031359300, 1166449596), new $Int64(1038247601, 3362705993), new $Int64(93734798, 3892921029), new $Int64(1876124043, 786869787), new $Int64(1057490746, 1046342263), new $Int64(242763728, 493777327), new $Int64(-853573201, 3304827646), new $Int64(616460742, 125356352), new $Int64(499300063, 74094113), new $Int64(-795586925, 2500816079), new $Int64(-490248444, 514015239), new $Int64(1377565129, 543520454), new $Int64(-2039776725, 3614531153), new $Int64(2056746300, 2356753985), new $Int64(1390062617, 2018141668), new $Int64(131272971, 2087974891), new $Int64(-1502927041, 3166972343), new $Int64(372256200, 1517638666), new $Int64(-935275664, 173466846), new $Int64(-695774461, 4241513471), new $Int64(-1413550842, 2783126920), new $Int64(1972004134, 4167264826), new $Int64(29260506, 3907395640), new $Int64(-910901561, 1539634186), new $Int64(-595957298, 178241987), new $Int64(-113277636, 182168164), new $Int64(-1102530459, 2386154934), new $Int64(1379126408, 4077374341), new $Int64(-2114679722, 1732699140), new $Int64(-421057745, 1041306002), new $Int64(1860414813, 2068001749), new $Int64(1005320202, 3208962910), new $Int64(844054010, 697710380), new $Int64(-1509359403, 2228431183), new $Int64(-810313977, 3554678728), new $Int64(-750989047, 173470263), new $Int64(-85886265, 3848297795), new $Int64(-926936977, 246236185), new $Int64(-1984190461, 2066374846), new $Int64(1771673660, 312890749), new $Int64(703378057, 3573310289), new $Int64(-598851901, 143166754), new $Int64(613554316, 2081511079), new $Int64(1197802104, 486038032), new $Int64(-1906483789, 2982218564), new $Int64(364901986, 1000939191), new $Int64(1902782651, 2750454885), new $Int64(-671844857, 3375313137), new $Int64(-1643868040, 881302957), new $Int64(-1508784745, 2514186393), new $Int64(-1703622845, 360024739), new $Int64(1399671872, 292500025), new $Int64(1381210821, 2276300752), new $Int64(521803381, 4069087683), new $Int64(-1938982667, 1637778212), new $Int64(720490469, 1676670893), new $Int64(1067262482, 3855174429), new $Int64(2114075974, 2067248671), new $Int64(-89426259, 2884561259), new $Int64(-805741095, 2456511185), new $Int64(983726246, 561175414), new $Int64(-1719489563, 432588903), new $Int64(885133709, 4059399550), new $Int64(-93096266, 1075014784), new $Int64(-1733832628, 2728058415), new $Int64(1839142064, 1299703678), new $Int64(1262333188, 2347583393), new $Int64(1285481956, 2468164145), new $Int64(-1158354011, 1140014346), new $Int64(2033889184, 1936972070), new $Int64(-1737578993, 3870530098), new $Int64(-484494257, 1717789158), new $Int64(-232997156, 1153452491), new $Int64(-990424416, 3948827651), new $Int64(-1357145630, 2101413152), new $Int64(1495744672, 3854091229), new $Int64(83644069, 4215565463), new $Int64(-1385277313, 1202710438), new $Int64(-564909037, 2072216740), new $Int64(705690639, 2066751068), new $Int64(-2113583312, 173902580), new $Int64(-741983806, 142459001), new $Int64(172391592, 1889151926), new $Int64(-498943125, 3034199774), new $Int64(1618587731, 516490102), new $Int64(93114264, 3692577783), new $Int64(-2078821353, 2953948865), new $Int64(-320938673, 4041040923), new $Int64(-1942517976, 592046130), new $Int64(-705643640, 384297211), new $Int64(-2051649464, 265863924), new $Int64(2101717619, 1333136237), new $Int64(1499611781, 1406273556), new $Int64(1074670496, 426305476), new $Int64(125704633, 2750898176), new $Int64(488068495, 1633944332), new $Int64(2037723464, 3236349343), new $Int64(-1703423246, 4013676611), new $Int64(1718532237, 2265047407), new $Int64(1433593806, 875071080), new $Int64(-343047503, 1418843655), new $Int64(2009228711, 451657300), new $Int64(1229446621, 1866374663), new $Int64(1653472867, 1551455622), new $Int64(577191481, 3560962459), new $Int64(1669204077, 3347903778), new $Int64(-298327194, 2675874918), new $Int64(-1831355577, 2762991672), new $Int64(530492383, 3689068477), new $Int64(844089962, 4071997905), new $Int64(1508155730, 1381702441), new $Int64(2089931018, 2373284878), new $Int64(-864267462, 2143983064), new $Int64(308739063, 1938207195), new $Int64(1754949306, 1188152253), new $Int64(1272345009, 615870490), new $Int64(742653194, 2662252621), new $Int64(1477718295, 3839976789), new $Int64(-2091334213, 306752547), new $Int64(-1426688067, 2162363077), new $Int64(-57052633, 2767224719), new $Int64(-1471624099, 2628837712), new $Int64(1678405918, 2967771969), new $Int64(1694285728, 499792248), new $Int64(-1744131281, 4285253508), new $Int64(962357072, 2856511070), new $Int64(679471692, 2526409716), new $Int64(-1793706473, 1240875658), new $Int64(-914893422, 2577342868), new $Int64(-1001298215, 4136853496), new $Int64(-1477114974, 2403540137), new $Int64(1372824515, 1371410668), new $Int64(-176562048, 371758825), new $Int64(-441063112, 1528834084), new $Int64(-71688630, 1504757260), new $Int64(-1461820072, 699052551), new $Int64(-505543539, 3347789870), new $Int64(1951619734, 3430604759), new $Int64(2119672219, 1935601723), new $Int64(966789690, 834676166)]); + globalRand = New(new lockedSource.ptr(new nosync.Mutex.ptr(false), $assertType(NewSource(new $Int64(0, 1)), ptrType))); + kn = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [1991057938, 0, 1611602771, 1826899878, 1918584482, 1969227037, 2001281515, 2023368125, 2039498179, 2051788381, 2061460127, 2069267110, 2075699398, 2081089314, 2085670119, 2089610331, 2093034710, 2096037586, 2098691595, 2101053571, 2103168620, 2105072996, 2106796166, 2108362327, 2109791536, 2111100552, 2112303493, 2113412330, 2114437283, 2115387130, 2116269447, 2117090813, 2117856962, 2118572919, 2119243101, 2119871411, 2120461303, 2121015852, 2121537798, 2122029592, 2122493434, 2122931299, 2123344971, 2123736059, 2124106020, 2124456175, 2124787725, 2125101763, 2125399283, 2125681194, 2125948325, 2126201433, 2126441213, 2126668298, 2126883268, 2127086657, 2127278949, 2127460589, 2127631985, 2127793506, 2127945490, 2128088244, 2128222044, 2128347141, 2128463758, 2128572095, 2128672327, 2128764606, 2128849065, 2128925811, 2128994934, 2129056501, 2129110560, 2129157136, 2129196237, 2129227847, 2129251929, 2129268426, 2129277255, 2129278312, 2129271467, 2129256561, 2129233410, 2129201800, 2129161480, 2129112170, 2129053545, 2128985244, 2128906855, 2128817916, 2128717911, 2128606255, 2128482298, 2128345305, 2128194452, 2128028813, 2127847342, 2127648860, 2127432031, 2127195339, 2126937058, 2126655214, 2126347546, 2126011445, 2125643893, 2125241376, 2124799783, 2124314271, 2123779094, 2123187386, 2122530867, 2121799464, 2120980787, 2120059418, 2119015917, 2117825402, 2116455471, 2114863093, 2112989789, 2110753906, 2108037662, 2104664315, 2100355223, 2094642347, 2086670106, 2074676188, 2054300022, 2010539237]); + wn = $toNativeArray($kindFloat32, [1.7290404663583558e-09, 1.2680928529462676e-10, 1.689751810696194e-10, 1.9862687883343e-10, 2.223243117382978e-10, 2.4244936613904144e-10, 2.601613091623989e-10, 2.761198769629658e-10, 2.9073962681813725e-10, 3.042996965518796e-10, 3.169979556627567e-10, 3.289802041894774e-10, 3.4035738116777736e-10, 3.5121602848242617e-10, 3.61625090983253e-10, 3.7164057942185025e-10, 3.813085680537398e-10, 3.906675816178762e-10, 3.997501218933053e-10, 4.0858399996679395e-10, 4.1719308563337165e-10, 4.255982233303257e-10, 4.3381759295968436e-10, 4.4186720948857783e-10, 4.497613115272969e-10, 4.57512583373898e-10, 4.6513240481438345e-10, 4.726310454117311e-10, 4.800177477726209e-10, 4.873009773476156e-10, 4.944885056978876e-10, 5.015873272284921e-10, 5.086040477664255e-10, 5.155446070048697e-10, 5.224146670812502e-10, 5.292193350214802e-10, 5.359634958068682e-10, 5.426517013518151e-10, 5.492881705038144e-10, 5.558769555769061e-10, 5.624218868405251e-10, 5.689264614971989e-10, 5.75394121238304e-10, 5.818281967329142e-10, 5.882316855831959e-10, 5.946076964136182e-10, 6.009590047817426e-10, 6.072883862451306e-10, 6.135985053390414e-10, 6.19892026598734e-10, 6.261713370037114e-10, 6.324390455780815e-10, 6.386973727678935e-10, 6.449488165749528e-10, 6.511955974453087e-10, 6.574400468473129e-10, 6.636843297158634e-10, 6.699307220081607e-10, 6.761814441702541e-10, 6.824387166481927e-10, 6.887046488657234e-10, 6.949815167800466e-10, 7.012714853260604e-10, 7.075767749498141e-10, 7.13899661608508e-10, 7.202424212593428e-10, 7.266072743483676e-10, 7.329966078550854e-10, 7.394128087589991e-10, 7.458582640396116e-10, 7.523354716987285e-10, 7.588469852493063e-10, 7.653954137154528e-10, 7.719834771435785e-10, 7.786139510912449e-10, 7.852897221383159e-10, 7.920137878869582e-10, 7.987892014504894e-10, 8.056192379868321e-10, 8.125072836762115e-10, 8.194568912323064e-10, 8.264716688799467e-10, 8.3355555791087e-10, 8.407127216614185e-10, 8.479473234679347e-10, 8.552640262671218e-10, 8.626675485068347e-10, 8.701631637464402e-10, 8.777562010564566e-10, 8.854524335966119e-10, 8.932581896381464e-10, 9.011799639857543e-10, 9.092249730890956e-10, 9.174008219758889e-10, 9.25715837318819e-10, 9.341788453909317e-10, 9.42799727177146e-10, 9.515889187738935e-10, 9.605578554783278e-10, 9.697193048552322e-10, 9.790869226478094e-10, 9.886760299337993e-10, 9.985036131254788e-10, 1.008588212947359e-09, 1.0189509236369076e-09, 1.0296150598776421e-09, 1.040606933955246e-09, 1.0519566329136865e-09, 1.0636980185552147e-09, 1.0758701707302976e-09, 1.0885182755160372e-09, 1.101694735439196e-09, 1.115461056855338e-09, 1.1298901814171813e-09, 1.1450695946990663e-09, 1.1611052119775422e-09, 1.178127595480305e-09, 1.1962995039027646e-09, 1.2158286599728285e-09, 1.2369856250415978e-09, 1.2601323318151003e-09, 1.2857697129220469e-09, 1.3146201904845611e-09, 1.3477839955200466e-09, 1.3870635751089821e-09, 1.43574030442295e-09, 1.5008658760251592e-09, 1.6030947680434338e-09]); + fn = $toNativeArray($kindFloat32, [1, 0.963599681854248, 0.9362826943397522, 0.9130436182022095, 0.8922816514968872, 0.8732430338859558, 0.8555005788803101, 0.8387836217880249, 0.8229072093963623, 0.8077383041381836, 0.7931770086288452, 0.7791460752487183, 0.7655841708183289, 0.7524415850639343, 0.7396772503852844, 0.7272568941116333, 0.7151514887809753, 0.7033361196517944, 0.6917891502380371, 0.6804918646812439, 0.6694276928901672, 0.6585819721221924, 0.6479418277740479, 0.6374954581260681, 0.6272324919700623, 0.6171433925628662, 0.6072195172309875, 0.5974531769752502, 0.5878370404243469, 0.5783646702766418, 0.5690299868583679, 0.5598273873329163, 0.550751805305481, 0.5417983531951904, 0.5329626798629761, 0.5242405533790588, 0.5156282186508179, 0.5071220397949219, 0.49871864914894104, 0.4904148280620575, 0.48220765590667725, 0.47409430146217346, 0.466072142124176, 0.45813870429992676, 0.45029163360595703, 0.44252872467041016, 0.4348478317260742, 0.42724698781967163, 0.41972434520721436, 0.41227802634239197, 0.40490642189979553, 0.39760786294937134, 0.3903807997703552, 0.3832238018512726, 0.3761354684829712, 0.3691144585609436, 0.36215949058532715, 0.3552693724632263, 0.3484429717063904, 0.3416791558265686, 0.33497685194015503, 0.32833510637283325, 0.3217529058456421, 0.3152293860912323, 0.30876362323760986, 0.3023548424243927, 0.2960021495819092, 0.2897048592567444, 0.28346219658851624, 0.2772735059261322, 0.271138072013855, 0.2650552988052368, 0.25902456045150757, 0.25304529070854187, 0.24711695313453674, 0.24123899638652802, 0.23541094362735748, 0.22963231801986694, 0.22390270233154297, 0.21822164952754974, 0.21258877217769623, 0.20700371265411377, 0.20146611332893372, 0.1959756463766098, 0.19053204357624054, 0.18513499200344086, 0.17978426814079285, 0.1744796335697174, 0.16922089457511902, 0.16400785744190216, 0.1588403731584549, 0.15371830761432648, 0.14864157140254974, 0.14361007511615753, 0.13862377405166626, 0.13368265330791473, 0.12878671288490295, 0.12393598258495331, 0.11913054436445236, 0.11437050998210907, 0.10965602099895477, 0.1049872562289238, 0.10036443918943405, 0.09578784555196762, 0.09125780314207077, 0.08677466958761215, 0.08233889937400818, 0.07795098423957825, 0.07361150532960892, 0.06932111829519272, 0.06508058309555054, 0.06089077144861221, 0.05675266310572624, 0.05266740173101425, 0.048636294901371, 0.044660862535238266, 0.040742866694927216, 0.03688438981771469, 0.03308788686990738, 0.029356317594647408, 0.025693291798233986, 0.02210330404341221, 0.018592102453112602, 0.015167297795414925, 0.011839478276669979, 0.0086244847625494, 0.005548994988203049, 0.0026696291752159595]); + ke = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [3801129273, 0, 2615860924, 3279400049, 3571300752, 3733536696, 3836274812, 3906990442, 3958562475, 3997804264, 4028649213, 4053523342, 4074002619, 4091154507, 4105727352, 4118261130, 4129155133, 4138710916, 4147160435, 4154685009, 4161428406, 4167506077, 4173011791, 4178022498, 4182601930, 4186803325, 4190671498, 4194244443, 4197554582, 4200629752, 4203493986, 4206168142, 4208670408, 4211016720, 4213221098, 4215295924, 4217252177, 4219099625, 4220846988, 4222502074, 4224071896, 4225562770, 4226980400, 4228329951, 4229616109, 4230843138, 4232014925, 4233135020, 4234206673, 4235232866, 4236216336, 4237159604, 4238064994, 4238934652, 4239770563, 4240574564, 4241348362, 4242093539, 4242811568, 4243503822, 4244171579, 4244816032, 4245438297, 4246039419, 4246620374, 4247182079, 4247725394, 4248251127, 4248760037, 4249252839, 4249730206, 4250192773, 4250641138, 4251075867, 4251497493, 4251906522, 4252303431, 4252688672, 4253062674, 4253425844, 4253778565, 4254121205, 4254454110, 4254777611, 4255092022, 4255397640, 4255694750, 4255983622, 4256264513, 4256537670, 4256803325, 4257061702, 4257313014, 4257557464, 4257795244, 4258026541, 4258251531, 4258470383, 4258683258, 4258890309, 4259091685, 4259287526, 4259477966, 4259663135, 4259843154, 4260018142, 4260188212, 4260353470, 4260514019, 4260669958, 4260821380, 4260968374, 4261111028, 4261249421, 4261383632, 4261513736, 4261639802, 4261761900, 4261880092, 4261994441, 4262105003, 4262211835, 4262314988, 4262414513, 4262510454, 4262602857, 4262691764, 4262777212, 4262859239, 4262937878, 4263013162, 4263085118, 4263153776, 4263219158, 4263281289, 4263340187, 4263395872, 4263448358, 4263497660, 4263543789, 4263586755, 4263626565, 4263663224, 4263696735, 4263727099, 4263754314, 4263778377, 4263799282, 4263817020, 4263831582, 4263842955, 4263851124, 4263856071, 4263857776, 4263856218, 4263851370, 4263843206, 4263831695, 4263816804, 4263798497, 4263776735, 4263751476, 4263722676, 4263690284, 4263654251, 4263614520, 4263571032, 4263523724, 4263472530, 4263417377, 4263358192, 4263294892, 4263227394, 4263155608, 4263079437, 4262998781, 4262913534, 4262823581, 4262728804, 4262629075, 4262524261, 4262414220, 4262298801, 4262177846, 4262051187, 4261918645, 4261780032, 4261635148, 4261483780, 4261325704, 4261160681, 4260988457, 4260808763, 4260621313, 4260425802, 4260221905, 4260009277, 4259787550, 4259556329, 4259315195, 4259063697, 4258801357, 4258527656, 4258242044, 4257943926, 4257632664, 4257307571, 4256967906, 4256612870, 4256241598, 4255853155, 4255446525, 4255020608, 4254574202, 4254106002, 4253614578, 4253098370, 4252555662, 4251984571, 4251383021, 4250748722, 4250079132, 4249371435, 4248622490, 4247828790, 4246986404, 4246090910, 4245137315, 4244119963, 4243032411, 4241867296, 4240616155, 4239269214, 4237815118, 4236240596, 4234530035, 4232664930, 4230623176, 4228378137, 4225897409, 4223141146, 4220059768, 4216590757, 4212654085, 4208145538, 4202926710, 4196809522, 4189531420, 4180713890, 4169789475, 4155865042, 4137444620, 4111806704, 4073393724, 4008685917, 3873074895]); + we = $toNativeArray($kindFloat32, [2.0249555365836613e-09, 1.4866739783681027e-11, 2.4409616689036184e-11, 3.1968806074589295e-11, 3.844677007314168e-11, 4.42282044321729e-11, 4.951644302919611e-11, 5.443358958023836e-11, 5.905943789574764e-11, 6.34494193296753e-11, 6.764381416113352e-11, 7.167294535648239e-11, 7.556032188826833e-11, 7.932458162551725e-11, 8.298078890689453e-11, 8.654132271912474e-11, 9.001651507523079e-11, 9.341507428706208e-11, 9.674443190998971e-11, 1.0001099254308699e-10, 1.0322031424037093e-10, 1.0637725422757427e-10, 1.0948611461891744e-10, 1.1255067711157807e-10, 1.1557434870246297e-10, 1.1856014781042035e-10, 1.2151082917633005e-10, 1.2442885610752796e-10, 1.2731647680563896e-10, 1.3017574518325858e-10, 1.330085347417409e-10, 1.3581656632677408e-10, 1.386014220061682e-10, 1.413645728254309e-10, 1.4410737880776736e-10, 1.4683107507629245e-10, 1.4953686899854546e-10, 1.522258291641876e-10, 1.5489899640730442e-10, 1.575573282952547e-10, 1.6020171300645814e-10, 1.628330109637588e-10, 1.6545202707884954e-10, 1.68059510752272e-10, 1.7065616975120435e-10, 1.73242697965037e-10, 1.758197337720091e-10, 1.783878739169964e-10, 1.8094774290045024e-10, 1.834998542005195e-10, 1.8604476292871652e-10, 1.8858298256319017e-10, 1.9111498494872592e-10, 1.9364125580789704e-10, 1.9616222535212557e-10, 1.9867835154840918e-10, 2.011900368525943e-10, 2.0369768372052732e-10, 2.062016807302669e-10, 2.0870240258208383e-10, 2.1120022397624894e-10, 2.136955057352452e-10, 2.1618855317040442e-10, 2.1867974098199738e-10, 2.2116936060356807e-10, 2.2365774510202385e-10, 2.2614519978869652e-10, 2.2863201609713002e-10, 2.3111849933865614e-10, 2.3360494094681883e-10, 2.3609159072179864e-10, 2.3857874009713953e-10, 2.4106666662859766e-10, 2.4355562011635357e-10, 2.460458781161634e-10, 2.485376904282077e-10, 2.5103127909709144e-10, 2.5352694943414633e-10, 2.560248957284017e-10, 2.585253955356137e-10, 2.610286709003873e-10, 2.6353494386732734e-10, 2.6604446423661443e-10, 2.6855745405285347e-10, 2.71074163116225e-10, 2.7359478571575835e-10, 2.7611959940720965e-10, 2.786487707240326e-10, 2.8118254946640775e-10, 2.8372118543451563e-10, 2.8626484516180994e-10, 2.8881380620404684e-10, 2.9136826285025563e-10, 2.9392840938946563e-10, 2.96494523377433e-10, 2.990667713476114e-10, 3.016454031001814e-10, 3.042306406797479e-10, 3.068226783753403e-10, 3.09421765987139e-10, 3.12028125559749e-10, 3.1464195138219964e-10, 3.17263521010247e-10, 3.1989300097734485e-10, 3.225306410836737e-10, 3.2517669112941405e-10, 3.2783134540359526e-10, 3.3049485370639786e-10, 3.3316743808242677e-10, 3.3584937608743815e-10, 3.385408342548857e-10, 3.4124211789610115e-10, 3.4395342130011386e-10, 3.4667499426710435e-10, 3.494071143528288e-10, 3.521500313574677e-10, 3.54903967325626e-10, 3.576691720574843e-10, 3.6044595086437425e-10, 3.632345535464765e-10, 3.660352021483959e-10, 3.688482297370399e-10, 3.716738583570134e-10, 3.7451239331964814e-10, 3.773641121807003e-10, 3.802292924959261e-10, 3.831082673322328e-10, 3.8600128648980103e-10, 3.8890865527996255e-10, 3.9183070676962473e-10, 3.9476774627011935e-10, 3.977200790927782e-10, 4.006880383045086e-10, 4.0367195697221803e-10, 4.066721681628138e-10, 4.0968900494320337e-10, 4.127228558914453e-10, 4.15774054074447e-10, 4.188429603146915e-10, 4.2192993543466173e-10, 4.25035395767992e-10, 4.2815970213716525e-10, 4.313032986313914e-10, 4.3446651831757777e-10, 4.376498607960855e-10, 4.408536868893975e-10, 4.4407846844229937e-10, 4.4732464954400086e-10, 4.5059267428371186e-10, 4.538830145062178e-10, 4.5719619756745544e-10, 4.605326675566346e-10, 4.638929240741163e-10, 4.672775499869886e-10, 4.706869893844612e-10, 4.74121908400349e-10, 4.775827511238617e-10, 4.810701836888143e-10, 4.845848167178701e-10, 4.881271498113904e-10, 4.916979601254923e-10, 4.952977472605369e-10, 4.989272883726414e-10, 5.025872495956207e-10, 5.062783525744408e-10, 5.100013189540675e-10, 5.13756870379467e-10, 5.175458395179078e-10, 5.21369003525507e-10, 5.252272505806843e-10, 5.29121357839557e-10, 5.330522134805449e-10, 5.3702081670437e-10, 5.41028055689452e-10, 5.450749851476644e-10, 5.491624932574268e-10, 5.532918012640664e-10, 5.574638528571541e-10, 5.616799247931681e-10, 5.659410717839819e-10, 5.702485705860738e-10, 5.746036979559221e-10, 5.790077306500052e-10, 5.83462111958255e-10, 5.879682296594524e-10, 5.925275825546805e-10, 5.971417249561739e-10, 6.01812211176167e-10, 6.065408175714992e-10, 6.113292094767075e-10, 6.16179329782085e-10, 6.21092954844471e-10, 6.260721940876124e-10, 6.311191569352559e-10, 6.362359528111483e-10, 6.414249686947926e-10, 6.466885360545405e-10, 6.520292639144998e-10, 6.574497612987784e-10, 6.629528592760892e-10, 6.685415554485985e-10, 6.742187919073217e-10, 6.799880103436351e-10, 6.858525969377638e-10, 6.918161599145378e-10, 6.978825850545434e-10, 7.040559801829716e-10, 7.103406751696184e-10, 7.167412219288849e-10, 7.232625609532306e-10, 7.2990985477972e-10, 7.366885990123251e-10, 7.436047333442275e-10, 7.506645305355164e-10, 7.57874762946642e-10, 7.652426470272644e-10, 7.727759543385559e-10, 7.804830115532013e-10, 7.883728114777e-10, 7.964550685635174e-10, 8.047402189070851e-10, 8.132396422944055e-10, 8.219657177122031e-10, 8.309318788590758e-10, 8.401527806789488e-10, 8.496445214056791e-10, 8.594246980742071e-10, 8.695127395874636e-10, 8.799300732498239e-10, 8.90700457834015e-10, 9.01850316648023e-10, 9.134091816243028e-10, 9.254100818978372e-10, 9.37890431984556e-10, 9.508922538259412e-10, 9.64463842123564e-10, 9.78660263939446e-10, 9.935448019859905e-10, 1.0091912860943353e-09, 1.0256859805934937e-09, 1.0431305819125214e-09, 1.0616465484503124e-09, 1.0813799855569073e-09, 1.1025096391392708e-09, 1.1252564435793033e-09, 1.149898620766976e-09, 1.176793218427008e-09, 1.2064089727203964e-09, 1.2393785997488749e-09, 1.2765849488616254e-09, 1.319313880365769e-09, 1.36954347862428e-09, 1.4305497897382224e-09, 1.5083649884672923e-09, 1.6160853766322703e-09, 1.7921247819074893e-09]); + fe = $toNativeArray($kindFloat32, [1, 0.9381436705589294, 0.900469958782196, 0.8717043399810791, 0.847785472869873, 0.8269932866096497, 0.8084216713905334, 0.7915276288986206, 0.7759568691253662, 0.7614634037017822, 0.7478685975074768, 0.7350381016731262, 0.7228676676750183, 0.7112747430801392, 0.7001926302909851, 0.6895664930343628, 0.6793505549430847, 0.669506311416626, 0.6600008606910706, 0.6508058309555054, 0.6418967247009277, 0.633251965045929, 0.62485271692276, 0.6166821718215942, 0.608725368976593, 0.6009689569473267, 0.5934008955955505, 0.5860103368759155, 0.5787873864173889, 0.5717230439186096, 0.5648092031478882, 0.5580382943153381, 0.5514034032821655, 0.5448982119560242, 0.5385168790817261, 0.5322538614273071, 0.526104211807251, 0.5200631618499756, 0.5141264200210571, 0.5082897543907166, 0.5025495290756226, 0.4969019889831543, 0.4913438558578491, 0.4858720004558563, 0.48048335313796997, 0.4751752018928528, 0.4699448347091675, 0.4647897481918335, 0.4597076177597046, 0.4546961486339569, 0.4497532546520233, 0.44487687945365906, 0.4400651156902313, 0.4353161156177521, 0.4306281507015228, 0.42599955201148987, 0.42142874002456665, 0.4169141948223114, 0.4124544560909271, 0.40804818272590637, 0.4036940038204193, 0.39939069747924805, 0.3951369822025299, 0.39093172550201416, 0.38677382469177246, 0.38266217708587646, 0.378595769405365, 0.37457355856895447, 0.37059465050697327, 0.366658091545105, 0.362762987613678, 0.358908474445343, 0.35509374737739563, 0.35131800174713135, 0.3475804924964905, 0.34388044476509094, 0.34021714329719543, 0.33658990263938904, 0.3329980671405792, 0.3294409513473511, 0.32591795921325684, 0.32242849469184875, 0.3189719021320343, 0.3155476748943329, 0.31215524673461914, 0.3087940812110901, 0.30546361207962036, 0.30216339230537415, 0.29889291524887085, 0.29565170407295227, 0.2924392819404602, 0.2892552316188812, 0.28609907627105713, 0.2829704284667969, 0.27986884117126465, 0.2767939269542694, 0.2737452983856201, 0.2707225978374481, 0.26772540807724, 0.26475343108177185, 0.2618062496185303, 0.258883535861969, 0.2559850215911865, 0.25311028957366943, 0.25025907158851624, 0.24743106961250305, 0.2446259707212448, 0.24184346199035645, 0.23908329010009766, 0.23634515702724457, 0.2336287796497345, 0.23093391954898834, 0.22826029360294342, 0.22560766339302063, 0.22297576069831848, 0.22036437690258026, 0.21777324378490448, 0.21520215272903442, 0.212650865316391, 0.21011915802955627, 0.20760682225227356, 0.20511364936828613, 0.20263944566249847, 0.20018397271633148, 0.19774706661701202, 0.1953285187482834, 0.19292815029621124, 0.19054576754570007, 0.18818120658397675, 0.18583425879478455, 0.18350479006767273, 0.18119260668754578, 0.17889754474163055, 0.17661945521831512, 0.17435817420482635, 0.1721135377883911, 0.16988539695739746, 0.16767361760139465, 0.16547803580760956, 0.16329853236675262, 0.16113494336605072, 0.1589871346950531, 0.15685498714447021, 0.15473836660385132, 0.15263713896274567, 0.1505511850118637, 0.1484803706407547, 0.14642459154129028, 0.1443837285041809, 0.14235764741897583, 0.1403462439775467, 0.13834942877292633, 0.136367067694664, 0.13439907133579254, 0.1324453204870224, 0.1305057406425476, 0.12858019769191742, 0.12666863203048706, 0.12477091699838638, 0.12288697808980942, 0.1210167184472084, 0.11916005611419678, 0.11731690168380737, 0.11548716574907303, 0.11367076635360718, 0.11186762899160385, 0.11007767915725708, 0.1083008274435997, 0.10653700679540634, 0.10478614270687103, 0.1030481606721878, 0.10132300108671188, 0.0996105819940567, 0.09791085124015808, 0.09622374176979065, 0.09454918652772903, 0.09288713335990906, 0.09123751521110535, 0.08960027992725372, 0.08797537535429001, 0.08636274188756943, 0.0847623273730278, 0.08317409455776215, 0.08159798383712769, 0.08003395050764084, 0.07848194986581802, 0.07694194465875626, 0.07541389018297195, 0.07389774918556213, 0.07239348441362381, 0.070901058614254, 0.06942043453454971, 0.06795158982276917, 0.06649449467658997, 0.06504911929368973, 0.06361543387174606, 0.06219341605901718, 0.06078304722905159, 0.0593843050301075, 0.05799717456102371, 0.05662164092063904, 0.05525768920779228, 0.05390531197190285, 0.05256449431180954, 0.05123523622751236, 0.04991753399372101, 0.04861138388514519, 0.047316793352365494, 0.04603376239538193, 0.044762298464775085, 0.04350241273641586, 0.04225412383675575, 0.04101744294166565, 0.039792392402887344, 0.03857899457216263, 0.03737728297710419, 0.03618728369474411, 0.03500903770327568, 0.03384258225560188, 0.0326879620552063, 0.031545232981443405, 0.030414443463087082, 0.0292956605553627, 0.028188949450850487, 0.027094384655356407, 0.02601204626262188, 0.024942025542259216, 0.023884421214461327, 0.022839335724711418, 0.021806888282299042, 0.020787203684449196, 0.019780423492193222, 0.018786700442433357, 0.017806200310587883, 0.016839107498526573, 0.015885621309280396, 0.014945968054234982, 0.01402039173990488, 0.013109165243804455, 0.012212592177093029, 0.011331013403832912, 0.010464809834957123, 0.009614413604140282, 0.008780314587056637, 0.007963077165186405, 0.007163353264331818, 0.0063819061033427715, 0.005619642324745655, 0.004877655766904354, 0.004157294984906912, 0.003460264764726162, 0.0027887988835573196, 0.0021459676790982485, 0.001536299823783338, 0.0009672692976891994, 0.0004541343660093844]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["math/big"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, binary, errors, fmt, nosync, io, math, bits, rand, strconv, strings, divisor, nat, byteReader, Int, Word, arrayType, structType$1, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType$2, sliceType$2, ptrType$3, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, ptrType$4, arrayType$1, ptrType$5, errNoDigits, errInvalSep, leafSize, cacheBase10, natOne, natTwo, karatsubaThreshold, basicSqrThreshold, karatsubaSqrThreshold, natPool, intOne, divWVW, greaterThan, maxPow, pow, divisors, basicMul, karatsubaAdd, karatsubaSub, karatsuba, alias, addAt, max, karatsubaLen, basicSqr, karatsubaSqr, getNat, putNat, same, bigEndianWord, writeMultiple, scanSign, NewInt, low64, lehmerSimulate, lehmerUpdate, euclidUpdate, Jacobi, mulWW, addVV, subVV, addVW, subVW, shlVU, shrVU, mulAddVWW, addMulVVW, mulWW_g, mulAddWWW_g, nlz, addVV_g, subVV_g, addVW_g, addVWlarge, subVW_g, subVWlarge, shlVU_g, shrVU_g, mulAddVWW_g, addMulVVW_g, divWW, reciprocalWord; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + nosync = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/nosync"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + rand = $packages["math/rand"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + divisor = $pkg.divisor = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "big.divisor", true, "math/big", false, function(bbb_, nbits_, ndigits_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.bbb = nat.nil; + this.nbits = 0; + this.ndigits = 0; + return; + } + this.bbb = bbb_; + this.nbits = nbits_; + this.ndigits = ndigits_; + }); + nat = $pkg.nat = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "big.nat", true, "math/big", false, null); + byteReader = $pkg.byteReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "big.byteReader", true, "math/big", false, function(ScanState_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ScanState = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.ScanState = ScanState_; + }); + Int = $pkg.Int = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "big.Int", true, "math/big", true, function(neg_, abs_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.neg = false; + this.abs = nat.nil; + return; + } + this.neg = neg_; + this.abs = abs_; + }); + Word = $pkg.Word = $newType(4, $kindUintptr, "big.Word", true, "math/big", true, null); + arrayType = $arrayType(divisor, 64); + structType$1 = $structType("math/big", [{prop: "Mutex", name: "Mutex", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: nosync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "table", name: "table", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}]); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Int); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(Word); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(nat); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(ptrType$3); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(divisor); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(Word); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(nat, 16); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(rand.Rand); + Int.ptr.prototype.ProbablyPrime = function(n) { + var {$24r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _v, n, r, rA, rB, w, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + if (n < 0) { + $panic(new $String("negative n for ProbablyPrime")); + } + if (x.neg || (x.abs.$length === 0)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + w = (x$1 = x.abs, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])); + if ((x.abs.$length === 1) && w < 64) { + $s = -1; return !((x$2 = (x$3 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), w), new $Uint64(673221152 & x$3.$high, (2693408940 & x$3.$low) >>> 0)), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0))); + } + if (((w & 1) >>> 0) === 0) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + rA = _tmp; + rB = _tmp$1; + _1 = 32; + if (_1 === (32)) { + rA = ((x.abs.modW(4127218095) >>> 0)); + rB = ((x.abs.modW(3948078067) >>> 0)); + } else if (_1 === (64)) { + r = x.abs.modW(820596253); + rA = (((_r = r % 4127218095, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >>> 0)); + rB = (((_r$1 = r % 3948078067, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >>> 0)); + } else { + $panic(new $String("math/big: invalid word size")); + } + if (((_r$2 = rA % 3, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$3 = rA % 5, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$4 = rA % 7, _r$4 === _r$4 ? _r$4 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$5 = rA % 11, _r$5 === _r$5 ? _r$5 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$6 = rA % 13, _r$6 === _r$6 ? _r$6 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$7 = rA % 17, _r$7 === _r$7 ? _r$7 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$8 = rA % 19, _r$8 === _r$8 ? _r$8 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$9 = rA % 23, _r$9 === _r$9 ? _r$9 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$10 = rA % 37, _r$10 === _r$10 ? _r$10 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$11 = rB % 29, _r$11 === _r$11 ? _r$11 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$12 = rB % 31, _r$12 === _r$12 ? _r$12 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$13 = rB % 41, _r$13 === _r$13 ? _r$13 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$14 = rB % 43, _r$14 === _r$14 ? _r$14 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$15 = rB % 47, _r$15 === _r$15 ? _r$15 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) || ((_r$16 = rB % 53, _r$16 === _r$16 ? _r$16 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$17 = x.abs.probablyPrimeMillerRabin(n + 1 >> 0, true); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$17)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$18 = x.abs.probablyPrimeLucas(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$18; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.ProbablyPrime, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _v, n, r, rA, rB, w, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.ProbablyPrime = function(n) { return this.$val.ProbablyPrime(n); }; + nat.prototype.probablyPrimeMillerRabin = function(reps, force2) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, force2, i, j, k, n, nm1, nm3, nm3Len, q, quotient, rand$1, reps, x, x$1, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {reps, force2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = this; + _r = (nat.nil).sub(n, natOne); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + nm1 = _r; + k = nm1.trailingZeroBits(); + q = (nat.nil).shr(nm1, k); + _r$1 = (nat.nil).sub(nm1, natTwo); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + nm3 = _r$1; + rand$1 = rand.New(rand.NewSource(((x = (0 >= n.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : n.$array[n.$offset + 0]), new $Int64(0, x.constructor === Number ? x : 1))))); + _tmp = nat.nil; + _tmp$1 = nat.nil; + _tmp$2 = nat.nil; + x$1 = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + quotient = _tmp$2; + nm3Len = nm3.bitLen(); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < reps)) { break; } */ if(!(i < reps)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((i === (reps - 1 >> 0)) && force2) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ((i === (reps - 1 >> 0)) && force2) { */ case 5: + x$1 = x$1.set(natTwo); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _r$2 = x$1.random(rand$1, nm3, nm3Len); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = x$1.add(x$1, natTwo); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x$1 = _r$3; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$4 = y.expNN(x$1, q, n); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y = _r$4; + if ((y.cmp(natOne) === 0) || (y.cmp(nm1) === 0)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + j = 1; + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* if (!(j < k)) { break; } */ if(!(j < k)) { $s = 12; continue; } + _r$5 = y.sqr(y); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y = _r$5; + _r$6 = quotient.div(y, y, n); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + quotient = _tuple[0]; + y = _tuple[1]; + if (y.cmp(nm1) === 0) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue NextRandom; */ $s = 3; continue s; + } + if (y.cmp(natOne) === 0) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + j = j + (1) >>> 0; + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + $s = -1; return false; + case 4: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.probablyPrimeMillerRabin, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, force2, i, j, k, n, nm1, nm3, nm3Len, q, quotient, rand$1, reps, x, x$1, y, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.probablyPrimeMillerRabin = function(reps, force2) { return this.$get().probablyPrimeMillerRabin(reps, force2); }; + nat.prototype.probablyPrimeLucas = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, d, i, intD, intN, j, n, natP, nm2, p, r, s, t, t1, t1$1, t2, t2$1, t3, vk, vk1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = this; + if ((n.$length === 0) || (n.cmp(natOne) === 0)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if ((((0 >= n.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : n.$array[n.$offset + 0]) & 1) >>> 0) === 0) { + $s = -1; return n.cmp(natTwo) === 0; + } + p = 3; + d = new nat([1]); + t1 = (nat.nil); + intD = new Int.ptr(false, d); + intN = new Int.ptr(false, n); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (p > 10000) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (p > 10000) { */ case 3: + _r = intN.String(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("math/big: internal error: cannot find (D/n) = -1 for " + _r)); + /* } */ case 4: + (0 >= d.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : d.$array[d.$offset + 0] = (($imul(p, p) >>> 0) - 4 >>> 0)); + _r$1 = Jacobi(intD, intN); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = _r$1; + if (j === -1) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (j === 0) { + $s = -1; return (n.$length === 1) && ((0 >= n.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : n.$array[n.$offset + 0]) === (p + 2 >>> 0)); + } + /* */ if (p === 40) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (p === 40) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = t1.sqrt(n); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = t1.sqr(t1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$3; + if (t1.cmp(n) === 0) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + /* } */ case 8: + p = p + (1) >>> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$4 = (nat.nil).add(n, natOne); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$4; + r = ((s.trailingZeroBits() >> 0)); + s = s.shr(s, ((r >>> 0))); + _r$5 = (nat.nil).sub(n, natTwo); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + nm2 = _r$5; + natP = (nat.nil).setWord(p); + vk = (nat.nil).setWord(2); + vk1 = (nat.nil).setWord(p); + t2 = (nat.nil); + i = (s.bitLen()); + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + /* if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i >= 0)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (!((s.bit(((i >>> 0))) === 0))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!((s.bit(((i >>> 0))) === 0))) { */ case 15: + _r$6 = t1.mul(vk, vk1); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$6; + _r$7 = t1.add(t1, n); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$7; + _r$8 = t1.sub(t1, natP); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$8; + _r$9 = t2.div(vk, t1, n); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$9; + t2 = _tuple[0]; + vk = _tuple[1]; + _r$10 = t1.sqr(vk1); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$10; + _r$11 = t1.add(t1, nm2); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$11; + _r$12 = t2.div(vk1, t1, n); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$12; + t2 = _tuple$1[0]; + vk1 = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else { */ case 16: + _r$13 = t1.mul(vk, vk1); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$13; + _r$14 = t1.add(t1, n); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$14; + _r$15 = t1.sub(t1, natP); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$15; + _r$16 = t2.div(vk1, t1, n); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$16; + t2 = _tuple$2[0]; + vk1 = _tuple$2[1]; + _r$17 = t1.sqr(vk); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$17; + _r$18 = t1.add(t1, nm2); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$18; + _r$19 = t2.div(vk, t1, n); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$19; + t2 = _tuple$3[0]; + vk = _tuple$3[1]; + /* } */ case 17: + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + /* */ if ((vk.cmp(natTwo) === 0) || (vk.cmp(nm2) === 0)) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if ((vk.cmp(natTwo) === 0) || (vk.cmp(nm2) === 0)) { */ case 32: + _r$20 = t1.mul(vk, natP); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1$1 = _r$20; + t2$1 = t2.shl(vk1, 1); + if (t1$1.cmp(t2$1) < 0) { + _tmp = t2$1; + _tmp$1 = t1$1; + t1$1 = _tmp; + t2$1 = _tmp$1; + } + _r$21 = t1$1.sub(t1$1, t2$1); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1$1 = _r$21; + t3 = vk1; + vk1 = nat.nil; + $unused(vk1); + _r$22 = t2$1.div(t3, t1$1, n); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$22; + t2$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + t3 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (t3.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + /* } */ case 33: + t = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 37: + /* if (!(t < (r - 1 >> 0))) { break; } */ if(!(t < (r - 1 >> 0))) { $s = 38; continue; } + if (vk.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + if ((vk.$length === 1) && ((0 >= vk.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vk.$array[vk.$offset + 0]) === 2)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$23 = t1.sqr(vk); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$23; + _r$24 = t1.sub(t1, natTwo); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t1 = _r$24; + _r$25 = t2.div(vk, t1, n); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$25; + t2 = _tuple$5[0]; + vk = _tuple$5[1]; + t = t + (1) >> 0; + $s = 37; continue; + case 38: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.probablyPrimeLucas, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, d, i, intD, intN, j, n, natP, nm2, p, r, s, t, t1, t1$1, t2, t2$1, t3, vk, vk1, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.probablyPrimeLucas = function() { return this.$get().probablyPrimeLucas(); }; + nat.prototype.div = function(z2, u, v) { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, q, r, r2, u, v, z, z2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {z2, u, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + q = nat.nil; + r = nat.nil; + z = this; + if (v.$length === 0) { + $panic(new $String("division by zero")); + } + if (u.cmp(v) < 0) { + q = $subslice(z, 0, 0); + r = z2.set(u); + $s = -1; return [q, r]; + } + if (v.$length === 1) { + r2 = 0; + _tuple = z.divW(u, (0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0])); + q = _tuple[0]; + r2 = _tuple[1]; + r = z2.setWord(r2); + $s = -1; return [q, r]; + } + _r = z.divLarge(z2, u, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + q = _tuple$1[0]; + r = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = -1; return [q, r]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.div, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, q, r, r2, u, v, z, z2, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.div = function(z2, u, v) { return this.$get().div(z2, u, v); }; + nat.prototype.divW = function(x, y) { + var m, q, r, x, y, z; + q = nat.nil; + r = 0; + z = this; + m = x.$length; + if ((y === 0)) { + $panic(new $String("division by zero")); + } else if ((y === 1)) { + q = z.set(x); + return [q, r]; + } else if ((m === 0)) { + q = $subslice(z, 0, 0); + return [q, r]; + } + z = z.make(m); + r = divWVW($convertSliceType(z, sliceType$2), 0, $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2), y); + q = z.norm(); + return [q, r]; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.divW = function(x, y) { return this.$get().divW(x, y); }; + nat.prototype.modW = function(d) { + var d, q, r, x; + r = 0; + x = this; + q = nat.nil; + q = q.make(x.$length); + r = divWVW($convertSliceType(q, sliceType$2), 0, $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2), d); + return r; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.modW = function(d) { return this.$get().modW(d); }; + divWVW = function(z, xn, x, y) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, i, qq, r, rec, rr, x, xn, y, z; + r = 0; + r = xn; + if (x.$length === 1) { + _tuple = bits.Div(((r >>> 0)), (((0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)), ((y >>> 0))); + qq = _tuple[0]; + rr = _tuple[1]; + (0 >= z.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + 0] = ((qq >>> 0))); + r = ((rr >>> 0)); + return r; + } + rec = reciprocalWord(y); + i = z.$length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = divWW(r, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]), y, rec); + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = _tuple$1[0]); + r = _tuple$1[1]; + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + r = r; + return r; + }; + nat.prototype.divLarge = function(u, uIn, vIn) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, m, n, q, r, shift, u, uIn, v, vIn, vp, x, x$1, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {u, uIn, vIn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + q = nat.nil; + r = nat.nil; + z = this; + n = vIn.$length; + m = uIn.$length - n >> 0; + shift = nlz((x = n - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= vIn.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vIn.$array[vIn.$offset + x]))); + _r = getNat(n); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + vp = _r; + v = vp.$get(); + shlVU($convertSliceType(v, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(vIn, sliceType$2), shift); + u = u.make(uIn.$length + 1 >> 0); + (x$1 = uIn.$length, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= u.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : u.$array[u.$offset + x$1] = shlVU($convertSliceType($subslice(u, 0, uIn.$length), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(uIn, sliceType$2), shift))); + if (alias(z, u)) { + z = nat.nil; + } + q = z.make(m + 1 >> 0); + /* */ if (n < 100) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (n < 100) { */ case 2: + $r = q.divBasic(u, v); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + $r = q.divRecursive(u, v); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + putNat(vp); + q = q.norm(); + shrVU($convertSliceType(u, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(u, sliceType$2), shift); + r = u.norm(); + _tmp = q; + _tmp$1 = r; + q = _tmp; + r = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [q, r]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.divLarge, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, m, n, q, r, shift, u, uIn, v, vIn, vp, x, x$1, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.divLarge = function(u, uIn, vIn) { return this.$get().divLarge(u, uIn, vIn); }; + nat.prototype.divBasic = function(u, v) { + var {_index, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, c$1, j, m, n, prevRhat, q, qhat, qhatv, qhatvp, qhl, rec, rhat, u, ujn, ujn2, v, vn1, vn2, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x1, x2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {u, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + q = this; + n = v.$length; + m = u.$length - n >> 0; + _r = getNat(n + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + qhatvp = _r; + qhatv = qhatvp.$get(); + vn1 = (x = n - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + x])); + rec = reciprocalWord(vn1); + j = m; + while (true) { + if (!(j >= 0)) { break; } + qhat = 4294967295; + ujn = 0; + if ((j + n >> 0) < u.$length) { + ujn = (x$1 = j + n >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= u.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : u.$array[u.$offset + x$1])); + } + if (!((ujn === vn1))) { + rhat = 0; + _tuple = divWW(ujn, (x$2 = (j + n >> 0) - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= u.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : u.$array[u.$offset + x$2])), vn1, rec); + qhat = _tuple[0]; + rhat = _tuple[1]; + vn2 = (x$3 = n - 2 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + x$3])); + _tuple$1 = mulWW(qhat, vn2); + x1 = _tuple$1[0]; + x2 = _tuple$1[1]; + ujn2 = (x$4 = (j + n >> 0) - 2 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= u.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : u.$array[u.$offset + x$4])); + while (true) { + if (!(greaterThan(x1, x2, rhat, ujn2))) { break; } + qhat = qhat - (1) >>> 0; + prevRhat = rhat; + rhat = rhat + (vn1) >>> 0; + if (rhat < prevRhat) { + break; + } + _tuple$2 = mulWW(qhat, vn2); + x1 = _tuple$2[0]; + x2 = _tuple$2[1]; + } + } + ((n < 0 || n >= qhatv.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : qhatv.$array[qhatv.$offset + n] = mulAddVWW($convertSliceType($subslice(qhatv, 0, n), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(v, sliceType$2), qhat, 0)); + qhl = qhatv.$length; + if ((j + qhl >> 0) > u.$length && (((n < 0 || n >= qhatv.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : qhatv.$array[qhatv.$offset + n]) === 0)) { + qhl = qhl - (1) >> 0; + } + c = subVV($convertSliceType($subslice(u, j, (j + qhl >> 0)), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(u, j), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(qhatv, sliceType$2)); + if (!((c === 0))) { + c$1 = addVV($convertSliceType($subslice(u, j, (j + n >> 0)), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(u, j), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(v, sliceType$2)); + if (n < qhl) { + _index = j + n >> 0; + ((_index < 0 || _index >= u.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : u.$array[u.$offset + _index] = (((_index < 0 || _index >= u.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : u.$array[u.$offset + _index]) + (c$1) >>> 0)); + } + qhat = qhat - (1) >>> 0; + } + if ((j === m) && (m === q.$length) && (qhat === 0)) { + j = j - (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + ((j < 0 || j >= q.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : q.$array[q.$offset + j] = qhat); + j = j - (1) >> 0; + } + putNat(qhatvp); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.divBasic, $c: true, $r, _index, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, c$1, j, m, n, prevRhat, q, qhat, qhatv, qhatvp, qhl, rec, rhat, u, ujn, ujn2, v, vn1, vn2, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x1, x2, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.divBasic = function(u, v) { return this.$get().divBasic(u, v); }; + greaterThan = function(x1, x2, y1, y2) { + var x1, x2, y1, y2; + return x1 > y1 || (x1 === y1) && x2 > y2; + }; + nat.prototype.divRecursive = function(u, v) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, n, recDepth, temps, tmp, u, v, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {u, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + recDepth = $imul(2, bits.Len(((v.$length >>> 0)))); + _r = getNat($imul(3, v.$length)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tmp = _r; + temps = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, recDepth); + z.clear(); + $r = z.divRecursiveStep(u, v, 0, tmp, temps); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = temps; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + n = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!(n === ptrType$3.nil)) { + putNat(n); + } + _i++; + } + putNat(tmp); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.divRecursive, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, n, recDepth, temps, tmp, u, v, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.divRecursive = function(u, v) { return this.$get().divRecursive(u, v); }; + nat.prototype.divRecursiveStep = function(u, v, depth, tmp, temps) { + var {B, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, depth, e, e$1, i, i$1, j, m, n, qhat, qhat$1, qhatv, qhatv$1, s, s$1, temps, tmp, u, uu, v, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {u, v, depth, tmp, temps}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + u = u.norm(); + v = v.norm(); + if (u.$length === 0) { + z.clear(); + $s = -1; return; + } + n = v.$length; + /* */ if (n < 100) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (n < 100) { */ case 1: + $r = z.divBasic(u, v); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + m = u.$length - n >> 0; + if (m < 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + B = (_q = n / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + /* */ if (((depth < 0 || depth >= temps.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : temps.$array[temps.$offset + depth]) === ptrType$3.nil) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (((depth < 0 || depth >= temps.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : temps.$array[temps.$offset + depth]) === ptrType$3.nil) { */ case 4: + _r = getNat(n); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((depth < 0 || depth >= temps.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : temps.$array[temps.$offset + depth] = _r); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + ((depth < 0 || depth >= temps.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : temps.$array[temps.$offset + depth]).$set(((depth < 0 || depth >= temps.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : temps.$array[temps.$offset + depth]).make(B + 1 >> 0)); + /* } */ case 6: + j = m; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(j > B)) { break; } */ if(!(j > B)) { $s = 9; continue; } + s = (B - 1 >> 0); + uu = $subslice(u, (j - B >> 0)); + qhat = ((depth < 0 || depth >= temps.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : temps.$array[temps.$offset + depth]).$get(); + qhat.clear(); + $r = qhat.divRecursiveStep($subslice(uu, s, (B + n >> 0)), $subslice(v, s), depth + 1 >> 0, tmp, temps); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + qhat = qhat.norm(); + qhatv = tmp.make($imul(3, n)); + qhatv.clear(); + _r$1 = qhatv.mul(qhat, $subslice(v, 0, s)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + qhatv = _r$1; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 12: + /* if (!(i < 2)) { break; } */ if(!(i < 2)) { $s = 13; continue; } + e = qhatv.cmp(uu.norm()); + if (e <= 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 13; continue; + } + _r$2 = subVW($convertSliceType(qhat, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(qhat, sliceType$2), 1); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + c = subVV($convertSliceType($subslice(qhatv, 0, s), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(qhatv, 0, s), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(v, 0, s), sliceType$2)); + /* */ if (qhatv.$length > s) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (qhatv.$length > s) { */ case 15: + _r$3 = subVW($convertSliceType($subslice(qhatv, s), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(qhatv, s), sliceType$2), c); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 16: + $r = addAt($subslice(uu, s), $subslice(v, s), 0); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 12; continue; + case 13: + if (qhatv.cmp(uu.norm()) > 0) { + $panic(new $String("impossible")); + } + c$1 = subVV($convertSliceType($subslice(uu, 0, qhatv.$length), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(uu, 0, qhatv.$length), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(qhatv, sliceType$2)); + /* */ if (c$1 > 0) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (c$1 > 0) { */ case 19: + _r$4 = subVW($convertSliceType($subslice(uu, qhatv.$length), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(uu, qhatv.$length), sliceType$2), c$1); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 20: + $r = addAt(z, qhat, j - B >> 0); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = j - (B) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + s$1 = B - 1 >> 0; + qhat$1 = ((depth < 0 || depth >= temps.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : temps.$array[temps.$offset + depth]).$get(); + qhat$1.clear(); + $r = qhat$1.divRecursiveStep($subslice(u, s$1).norm(), $subslice(v, s$1), depth + 1 >> 0, tmp, temps); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + qhat$1 = qhat$1.norm(); + qhatv$1 = tmp.make($imul(3, n)); + qhatv$1.clear(); + _r$5 = qhatv$1.mul(qhat$1, $subslice(v, 0, s$1)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + qhatv$1 = _r$5; + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 25: + /* if (!(i$1 < 2)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < 2)) { $s = 26; continue; } + e$1 = qhatv$1.cmp(u.norm()); + /* */ if (e$1 > 0) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (e$1 > 0) { */ case 27: + _r$6 = subVW($convertSliceType(qhat$1, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(qhat$1, sliceType$2), 1); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + c$2 = subVV($convertSliceType($subslice(qhatv$1, 0, s$1), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(qhatv$1, 0, s$1), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(v, 0, s$1), sliceType$2)); + /* */ if (qhatv$1.$length > s$1) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (qhatv$1.$length > s$1) { */ case 30: + _r$7 = subVW($convertSliceType($subslice(qhatv$1, s$1), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(qhatv$1, s$1), sliceType$2), c$2); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* } */ case 31: + $r = addAt($subslice(u, s$1), $subslice(v, s$1), 0); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 28: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 25; continue; + case 26: + if (qhatv$1.cmp(u.norm()) > 0) { + $panic(new $String("impossible")); + } + c$3 = subVV($convertSliceType($subslice(u, 0, qhatv$1.$length), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(u, 0, qhatv$1.$length), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(qhatv$1, sliceType$2)); + /* */ if (c$3 > 0) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (c$3 > 0) { */ case 34: + _r$8 = subVW($convertSliceType($subslice(u, qhatv$1.$length), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(u, qhatv$1.$length), sliceType$2), c$3); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c$3 = _r$8; + /* } */ case 35: + if (c$3 > 0) { + $panic(new $String("impossible")); + } + $r = addAt(z, qhat$1.norm(), 0); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.divRecursiveStep, $c: true, $r, B, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, depth, e, e$1, i, i$1, j, m, n, qhat, qhat$1, qhatv, qhatv$1, s, s$1, temps, tmp, u, uu, v, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.divRecursiveStep = function(u, v, depth, tmp, temps) { return this.$get().divRecursiveStep(u, v, depth, tmp, temps); }; + maxPow = function(b) { + var _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, max$1, n, p; + p = 0; + n = 0; + _tmp = b; + _tmp$1 = 1; + p = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + max$1 = (_q = 4294967295 / b, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + while (true) { + if (!(p <= max$1)) { break; } + p = $imul(p, (b)) >>> 0; + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + return [p, n]; + }; + pow = function(x, n) { + var n, p, x; + p = 0; + p = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(n > 0)) { break; } + if (!(((n & 1) === 0))) { + p = $imul(p, (x)) >>> 0; + } + x = $imul(x, (x)) >>> 0; + n = (n >> $min((1), 31)) >> 0; + } + return p; + }; + nat.prototype.scan = function(r, base, fracOk) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, b1, base, baseOk, bn, ch, count, d1, di, dp, err, fracOk, i, invalSep, n, prefix, prev, r, res, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r, base, fracOk}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + res = nat.nil; + b = 0; + count = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + z = this; + baseOk = (base === 0) || !fracOk && 2 <= base && base <= 62 || fracOk && ((base === 2) || (base === 8) || (base === 10) || (base === 16)); + /* */ if (!baseOk) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!baseOk) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("invalid number base %d", new sliceType([new $Int(base)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 2: + prev = 46; + invalSep = false; + _r$1 = r.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + ch = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = base; + _tmp$1 = 0; + b = _tmp; + prefix = _tmp$1; + /* */ if (base === 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (base === 0) { */ case 5: + b = 10; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (ch === 48)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (ch === 48)) { */ case 7: + prev = 48; + count = 1; + _r$2 = r.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + ch = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 10: + _1 = ch; + if ((_1 === (98)) || (_1 === (66))) { + _tmp$2 = 2; + _tmp$3 = 98; + b = _tmp$2; + prefix = _tmp$3; + } else if ((_1 === (111)) || (_1 === (79))) { + _tmp$4 = 8; + _tmp$5 = 111; + b = _tmp$4; + prefix = _tmp$5; + } else if ((_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (88))) { + _tmp$6 = 16; + _tmp$7 = 120; + b = _tmp$6; + prefix = _tmp$7; + } else if (!fracOk) { + _tmp$8 = 8; + _tmp$9 = 48; + b = _tmp$8; + prefix = _tmp$9; + } + /* */ if (!((prefix === 0))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!((prefix === 0))) { */ case 12: + count = 0; + /* */ if (!((prefix === 48))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!((prefix === 48))) { */ case 14: + _r$3 = r.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + ch = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* } */ case 15: + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 11: + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 6: + z = $subslice(z, 0, 0); + b1 = ((b >>> 0)); + _tuple$3 = maxPow(b1); + bn = _tuple$3[0]; + n = _tuple$3[1]; + di = 0; + i = 0; + dp = -1; + /* while (true) { */ case 17: + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { break; } */ if(!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if ((ch === 46) && fracOk) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if ((ch === 95) && (base === 0)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if ((ch === 46) && fracOk) { */ case 19: + fracOk = false; + if (prev === 95) { + invalSep = true; + } + prev = 46; + dp = count; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if ((ch === 95) && (base === 0)) { */ case 20: + if (!((prev === 48))) { + invalSep = true; + } + prev = 95; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else { */ case 21: + d1 = 0; + if (48 <= ch && ch <= 57) { + d1 = (((ch - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >>> 0)); + } else if (97 <= ch && ch <= 122) { + d1 = ((((ch - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24) >>> 0)); + } else if (65 <= ch && ch <= 90) { + if (b <= 36) { + d1 = ((((ch - 65 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24) >>> 0)); + } else { + d1 = ((((ch - 65 << 24 >>> 24) + 36 << 24 >>> 24) >>> 0)); + } + } else { + d1 = 63; + } + /* */ if (d1 >= b1) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (d1 >= b1) { */ case 23: + _r$4 = r.UnreadByte(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* break; */ $s = 18; continue; + /* } */ case 24: + prev = 48; + count = count + (1) >> 0; + di = ($imul(di, b1) >>> 0) + d1 >>> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i === n) { + z = z.mulAddWW(z, bn, di); + di = 0; + i = 0; + } + /* } */ case 22: + _r$5 = r.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$5; + ch = _tuple$4[0]; + err = _tuple$4[1]; + $s = 17; continue; + case 18: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + err = $ifaceNil; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (invalSep || (prev === 95))) { + err = errInvalSep; + } + if (count === 0) { + if (prefix === 48) { + _tmp$10 = $subslice(z, 0, 0); + _tmp$11 = 10; + _tmp$12 = 1; + _tmp$13 = err; + res = _tmp$10; + b = _tmp$11; + count = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [res, b, count, err]; + } + err = errNoDigits; + } + if (i > 0) { + z = z.mulAddWW(z, pow(b1, i), di); + } + res = z.norm(); + if (dp >= 0) { + count = dp - count >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return [res, b, count, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.scan, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, b1, base, baseOk, bn, ch, count, d1, di, dp, err, fracOk, i, invalSep, n, prefix, prev, r, res, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.scan = function(r, base, fracOk) { return this.$get().scan(r, base, fracOk); }; + nat.prototype.utoa = function(base) { + var {$24r, _r, base, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {base}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = x.itoa(false, base); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.utoa, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, base, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.utoa = function(base) { return this.$get().utoa(base); }; + nat.prototype.itoa = function(neg, base) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, base, bb, i, k, mask, nbits, ndigits, neg, q, s, shift, table, w, x, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {neg, base}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + if (base < 2 || base > 62) { + $panic(new $String("invalid base")); + } + if (x.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return (new sliceType$1($stringToBytes("0"))); + } + i = (((x.bitLen()) / math.Log2((base)) >> 0)) + 1 >> 0; + if (neg) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + s = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, i); + b = ((base >>> 0)); + /* */ if (b === ((b & (-b >>> 0)) >>> 0)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (b === ((b & (-b >>> 0)) >>> 0)) { */ case 1: + shift = ((bits.TrailingZeros(((b >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + mask = ((((y = shift, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0) - 1 >>> 0)); + w = (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]); + nbits = 32; + k = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(k < x.$length)) { break; } + while (true) { + if (!(nbits >= shift)) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".charCodeAt(((w & mask) >>> 0))); + w = (y$1 = (shift), y$1 < 32 ? (w >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + nbits = nbits - (shift) >>> 0; + } + if (nbits === 0) { + w = ((k < 0 || k >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + k]); + nbits = 32; + } else { + w = (w | (((y$2 = nbits, y$2 < 32 ? (((k < 0 || k >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + k]) << y$2) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".charCodeAt(((w & mask) >>> 0))); + w = (y$3 = ((shift - nbits >>> 0)), y$3 < 32 ? (((k < 0 || k >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + k]) >>> y$3) : 0) >>> 0; + nbits = 32 - ((shift - nbits >>> 0)) >>> 0; + } + k = k + (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!((w === 0)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".charCodeAt(((w & mask) >>> 0))); + w = (y$4 = (shift), y$4 < 32 ? (w >>> y$4) : 0) >>> 0; + } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _tuple = maxPow(b); + bb = _tuple[0]; + ndigits = _tuple[1]; + _r = divisors(x.$length, b, ndigits, bb); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + table = _r; + q = (nat.nil).set(x); + $r = q.convertWords(s, b, ndigits, bb, table); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) === 48)) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + /* } */ case 3: + if (neg) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i] = 45); + } + $s = -1; return $subslice(s, i); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.itoa, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, base, bb, i, k, mask, nbits, ndigits, neg, q, s, shift, table, w, x, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.itoa = function(neg, base) { return this.$get().itoa(neg, base); }; + nat.prototype.convertWords = function(s, b, ndigits, bb, table) { + var {_q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, bb, h, i, index, j, j$1, maxLength, minLength, ndigits, q, r, r$1, s, t, table, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, b, ndigits, bb, table}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + q = this; + /* */ if (!(table === sliceType$4.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(table === sliceType$4.nil)) { */ case 1: + r = nat.nil; + index = table.$length - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(q.$length > leafSize)) { break; } */ if(!(q.$length > leafSize)) { $s = 4; continue; } + maxLength = q.bitLen(); + minLength = maxLength >> 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(index > 0 && (x = index - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + x])).nbits > minLength)) { break; } + index = index - (1) >> 0; + } + if (((index < 0 || index >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + index]).nbits >= maxLength && ((index < 0 || index >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + index]).bbb.cmp(q) >= 0) { + index = index - (1) >> 0; + if (index < 0) { + $panic(new $String("internal inconsistency")); + } + } + _r = q.div(r, q, ((index < 0 || index >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + index]).bbb); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + q = _tuple[0]; + r = _tuple[1]; + h = s.$length - ((index < 0 || index >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + index]).ndigits >> 0; + $r = r.convertWords($subslice(s, h), b, ndigits, bb, $subslice(table, 0, index)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = $subslice(s, 0, h); + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + i = s.$length; + r$1 = 0; + if (b === 10) { + while (true) { + if (!(q.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = q.divW(q, bb); + q = _tuple$1[0]; + r$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < ndigits && i > 0)) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + t = (_q = r$1 / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i] = (48 + (((r$1 - ($imul(t, 10) >>> 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) << 24 >>> 24)); + r$1 = t; + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + } + } else { + while (true) { + if (!(q.$length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple$2 = q.divW(q, bb); + q = _tuple$2[0]; + r$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + j$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j$1 < ndigits && i > 0)) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".charCodeAt((_r$1 = r$1 % b, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))); + r$1 = (_q$1 = r$1 / (b), (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + j$1 = j$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + } + } + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0)) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i] = 48); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.convertWords, $c: true, $r, _q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, bb, h, i, index, j, j$1, maxLength, minLength, ndigits, q, r, r$1, s, t, table, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.convertWords = function(s, b, ndigits, bb, table) { return this.$get().convertWords(s, b, ndigits, bb, table); }; + nat.prototype.expWW = function(x, y) { + var {$24r, _r, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = z.expNN((nat.nil).setWord(x), (nat.nil).setWord(y), nat.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.expWW, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.expWW = function(x, y) { return this.$get().expWW(x, y); }; + divisors = function(m, b, ndigits, bb) { + var {_r, _r$1, b, bb, i, k, larger, m, ndigits, table, words, x, x$1, x$2, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m, b, ndigits, bb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ((leafSize === 0) || m <= leafSize) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$4.nil; + } + k = 1; + words = leafSize; + while (true) { + if (!(words < (m >> 1 >> 0) && k < 64)) { break; } + k = k + (1) >> 0; + words = (y = (1), y < 32 ? (words << y) : 0) >> 0; + } + table = sliceType$4.nil; + if (b === 10) { + cacheBase10.Mutex.Lock(); + table = $subslice(new sliceType$4(cacheBase10.table), 0, k); + } else { + table = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, k); + } + /* */ if ((x = k - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + x])).ndigits === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x = k - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + x])).ndigits === 0) { */ case 1: + larger = nat.nil; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < k)) { break; } */ if(!(i < k)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).ndigits === 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).ndigits === 0) { */ case 5: + /* */ if (i === 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (i === 0) { */ case 7: + _r = (nat.nil).expWW(bb, ((leafSize >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (0 >= table.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + 0]).bbb = _r; + (0 >= table.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + 0]).ndigits = $imul(ndigits, leafSize); + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + _r$1 = (nat.nil).sqr((x$1 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + x$1])).bbb); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).bbb = _r$1; + ((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).ndigits = $imul(2, (x$2 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + x$2])).ndigits); + /* } */ case 9: + larger = (nat.nil).set(((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).bbb); + while (true) { + if (!(mulAddVWW($convertSliceType(larger, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(larger, sliceType$2), b, 0) === 0)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).bbb = ((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).bbb.set(larger); + ((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).ndigits = ((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).ndigits + (1) >> 0; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).nbits = ((i < 0 || i >= table.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + i]).bbb.bitLen(); + /* } */ case 6: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + if (b === 10) { + cacheBase10.Mutex.Unlock(); + } + $s = -1; return table; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: divisors, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, b, bb, i, k, larger, m, ndigits, table, words, x, x$1, x$2, y, $s};return $f; + }; + nat.prototype.clear = function() { + var _i, _ref, i, z; + z = this; + _ref = z; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = 0); + _i++; + } + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.clear = function() { return this.$get().clear(); }; + nat.prototype.norm = function() { + var i, x, z; + z = this; + i = z.$length; + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0 && ((x = i - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + x])) === 0))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return $subslice(z, 0, i); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.norm = function() { return this.$get().norm(); }; + nat.prototype.make = function(n) { + var n, z; + z = this; + if (n <= z.$capacity) { + return $subslice(z, 0, n); + } + if (n === 1) { + return $makeSlice(nat, 1); + } + return $makeSlice(nat, n, (n + 4 >> 0)); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.make = function(n) { return this.$get().make(n); }; + nat.prototype.setWord = function(x) { + var x, z; + z = this; + if (x === 0) { + return $subslice(z, 0, 0); + } + z = z.make(1); + (0 >= z.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + 0] = x); + return z; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.setWord = function(x) { return this.$get().setWord(x); }; + nat.prototype.setUint64 = function(x) { + var w, x, x$1, z; + z = this; + w = ((x.$low >>> 0)); + if ((x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, w.constructor === Number ? w : 1)), (x$1.$high === x.$high && x$1.$low === x.$low))) { + return z.setWord(w); + } + z = z.make(2); + (1 >= z.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + 1] = (($shiftRightUint64(x, 32).$low >>> 0))); + (0 >= z.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + 0] = ((x.$low >>> 0))); + return z; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.setUint64 = function(x) { return this.$get().setUint64(x); }; + nat.prototype.set = function(x) { + var x, z; + z = this; + z = z.make(x.$length); + $copySlice(z, x); + return z; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.set = function(x) { return this.$get().set(x); }; + nat.prototype.add = function(x, y) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, c, m, n, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + m = x.$length; + n = y.$length; + /* */ if (m < n) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((m === 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((n === 0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (m < n) { */ case 2: + _r = z.add(y, x); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else if ((m === 0)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $subslice(z, 0, 0); + /* } else if ((n === 0)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return z.set(x); + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + z = z.make(m + 1 >> 0); + c = addVV($convertSliceType($subslice(z, 0, n), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(y, sliceType$2)); + /* */ if (m > n) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (m > n) { */ case 8: + _r$1 = addVW($convertSliceType($subslice(z, n, m), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(x, n), sliceType$2), c); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c = _r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + ((m < 0 || m >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + m] = c); + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.add, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, c, m, n, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.add = function(x, y) { return this.$get().add(x, y); }; + nat.prototype.sub = function(x, y) { + var {_r, c, m, n, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + m = x.$length; + n = y.$length; + if (m < n) { + $panic(new $String("underflow")); + } else if ((m === 0)) { + $s = -1; return $subslice(z, 0, 0); + } else if ((n === 0)) { + $s = -1; return z.set(x); + } + z = z.make(m); + c = subVV($convertSliceType($subslice(z, 0, n), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(y, sliceType$2)); + /* */ if (m > n) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (m > n) { */ case 1: + _r = subVW($convertSliceType($subslice(z, n), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(x, n), sliceType$2), c); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c = _r; + /* } */ case 2: + if (!((c === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("underflow")); + } + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.sub, $c: true, $r, _r, c, m, n, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.sub = function(x, y) { return this.$get().sub(x, y); }; + nat.prototype.cmp = function(y) { + var i, m, n, r, x, y; + r = 0; + x = this; + m = x.$length; + n = y.$length; + if (!((m === n)) || (m === 0)) { + if (m < n) { + r = -1; + } else if (m > n) { + r = 1; + } + return r; + } + i = m - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0 && (((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) === ((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i])))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + if (((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) < ((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i])) { + r = -1; + } else if (((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) > ((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i])) { + r = 1; + } + return r; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.cmp = function(y) { return this.$get().cmp(y); }; + nat.prototype.mulAddWW = function(x, y, r) { + var m, r, x, y, z; + z = this; + m = x.$length; + if ((m === 0) || (y === 0)) { + return z.setWord(r); + } + z = z.make(m + 1 >> 0); + ((m < 0 || m >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + m] = mulAddVWW($convertSliceType($subslice(z, 0, m), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2), y, r)); + return z.norm(); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.mulAddWW = function(x, y, r) { return this.$get().mulAddWW(x, y, r); }; + basicMul = function(z, x, y) { + var _i, _ref, d, i, x, x$1, y, z; + $subslice(z, 0, (x.$length + y.$length >> 0)).clear(); + _ref = y; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + d = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!((d === 0))) { + (x$1 = x.$length + i >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + x$1] = addMulVVW($convertSliceType($subslice(z, i, (i + x.$length >> 0)), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2), d))); + } + _i++; + } + }; + nat.prototype.montgomery = function(x, y, m, k, n) { + var c, c2, c3, cx, cy, d, i, k, m, n, t, x, x$1, y, z; + z = this; + if (!((x.$length === n)) || !((y.$length === n)) || !((m.$length === n))) { + $panic(new $String("math/big: mismatched montgomery number lengths")); + } + z = z.make($imul(n, 2)); + z.clear(); + c = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + d = ((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i]); + c2 = addMulVVW($convertSliceType($subslice(z, i, (n + i >> 0)), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2), d); + t = $imul(((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i]), k) >>> 0; + c3 = addMulVVW($convertSliceType($subslice(z, i, (n + i >> 0)), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(m, sliceType$2), t); + cx = c + c2 >>> 0; + cy = cx + c3 >>> 0; + (x$1 = n + i >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + x$1] = cy)); + if (cx < c2 || cy < c3) { + c = 1; + } else { + c = 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (!((c === 0))) { + subVV($convertSliceType($subslice(z, 0, n), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(z, n), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(m, sliceType$2)); + } else { + $copySlice($subslice(z, 0, n), $subslice(z, n)); + } + return $subslice(z, 0, n); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.montgomery = function(x, y, m, k, n) { return this.$get().montgomery(x, y, m, k, n); }; + karatsubaAdd = function(z, x, n) { + var {_r, c, n, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {z, x, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = addVV($convertSliceType($subslice(z, 0, n), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(z, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2)); + /* */ if (!((c === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((c === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r = addVW($convertSliceType($subslice(z, n, (n + (n >> 1 >> 0) >> 0)), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(z, n), sliceType$2), c); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: karatsubaAdd, $c: true, $r, _r, c, n, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + karatsubaSub = function(z, x, n) { + var {_r, c, n, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {z, x, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = subVV($convertSliceType($subslice(z, 0, n), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(z, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2)); + /* */ if (!((c === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((c === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r = subVW($convertSliceType($subslice(z, n, (n + (n >> 1 >> 0) >> 0)), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(z, n), sliceType$2), c); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: karatsubaSub, $c: true, $r, _r, c, n, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + karatsuba = function(z, x, y) { + var {_tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, n, n2, p, r, s, x, x0, x1, xd, y, y0, y1, yd, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {z, x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = y.$length; + if (!(((n & 1) === 0)) || n < karatsubaThreshold || n < 2) { + basicMul(z, x, y); + $s = -1; return; + } + n2 = n >> 1 >> 0; + _tmp = $subslice(x, n2); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(x, 0, n2); + x1 = _tmp; + x0 = _tmp$1; + _tmp$2 = $subslice(y, n2); + _tmp$3 = $subslice(y, 0, n2); + y1 = _tmp$2; + y0 = _tmp$3; + $r = karatsuba(z, x0, y0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = karatsuba($subslice(z, n), x1, y1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = 1; + xd = $subslice(z, ($imul(2, n)), (($imul(2, n)) + n2 >> 0)); + if (!((subVV($convertSliceType(xd, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x1, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x0, sliceType$2)) === 0))) { + s = -s; + subVV($convertSliceType(xd, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x0, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x1, sliceType$2)); + } + yd = $subslice(z, (($imul(2, n)) + n2 >> 0), ($imul(3, n))); + if (!((subVV($convertSliceType(yd, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(y0, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(y1, sliceType$2)) === 0))) { + s = -s; + subVV($convertSliceType(yd, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(y1, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(y0, sliceType$2)); + } + p = $subslice(z, ($imul(n, 3))); + $r = karatsuba(p, xd, yd); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = $subslice(z, ($imul(n, 4))); + $copySlice(r, $subslice(z, 0, ($imul(n, 2)))); + $r = karatsubaAdd($subslice(z, n2), r, n); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = karatsubaAdd($subslice(z, n2), $subslice(r, n), n); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (s > 0) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (s > 0) { */ case 6: + $r = karatsubaAdd($subslice(z, n2), p, n); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + $r = karatsubaSub($subslice(z, n2), p, n); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: karatsuba, $c: true, $r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, n, n2, p, r, s, x, x0, x1, xd, y, y0, y1, yd, z, $s};return $f; + }; + alias = function(x, y) { + var x, x$1, x$2, y; + return x.$capacity > 0 && y.$capacity > 0 && (x$1 = $subslice(x, 0, x.$capacity), $indexPtr(x$1.$array, x$1.$offset + (x.$capacity - 1 >> 0), ptrType$4)) === (x$2 = $subslice(y, 0, y.$capacity), $indexPtr(x$2.$array, x$2.$offset + (y.$capacity - 1 >> 0), ptrType$4)); + }; + addAt = function(z, x, i) { + var {_r, c, i, j, n, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {z, x, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = x.$length; + /* */ if (n > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (n > 0) { */ case 1: + c = addVV($convertSliceType($subslice(z, i, (i + n >> 0)), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(z, i), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2)); + /* */ if (!((c === 0))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((c === 0))) { */ case 3: + j = i + n >> 0; + /* */ if (j < z.$length) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (j < z.$length) { */ case 5: + _r = addVW($convertSliceType($subslice(z, j), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(z, j), sliceType$2), c); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: addAt, $c: true, $r, _r, c, i, j, n, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + max = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + if (x > y) { + return x; + } + return y; + }; + karatsubaLen = function(n, threshold) { + var i, n, threshold, y; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(n > threshold)) { break; } + n = (n >> $min((1), 31)) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >>> 0; + } + return (y = i, y < 32 ? (n << y) : 0) >> 0; + }; + nat.prototype.mul = function(x, y) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, i, k, m, n, t, tp, x, x0, x0$1, xi, y, y0, y0$1, y1, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + m = x.$length; + n = y.$length; + /* */ if (m < n) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((m === 0) || (n === 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((n === 1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (m < n) { */ case 2: + _r = z.mul(y, x); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else if ((m === 0) || (n === 0)) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $subslice(z, 0, 0); + /* } else if ((n === 1)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return z.mulAddWW(x, (0 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 0]), 0); + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + if (alias(z, x) || alias(z, y)) { + z = nat.nil; + } + if (n < karatsubaThreshold) { + z = z.make(m + n >> 0); + basicMul(z, x, y); + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + } + k = karatsubaLen(n, karatsubaThreshold); + x0 = $subslice(x, 0, k); + y0 = $subslice(y, 0, k); + z = z.make(max($imul(6, k), m + n >> 0)); + $r = karatsuba(z, x0, y0); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z = $subslice(z, 0, (m + n >> 0)); + $subslice(z, ($imul(2, k))).clear(); + /* */ if (k < n || !((m === n))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (k < n || !((m === n))) { */ case 9: + _r$1 = getNat($imul(3, k)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tp = _r$1; + t = tp.$get(); + x0$1 = x0.norm(); + y1 = $subslice(y, k); + _r$2 = t.mul(x0$1, y1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$2; + $r = addAt(z, t, k); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y0$1 = y0.norm(); + i = k; + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(i < x.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < x.$length)) { $s = 15; continue; } + xi = $subslice(x, i); + if (xi.$length > k) { + xi = $subslice(xi, 0, k); + } + xi = xi.norm(); + _r$3 = t.mul(xi, y0$1); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$3; + $r = addAt(z, t, i); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = t.mul(xi, y1); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$4; + $r = addAt(z, t, i + k >> 0); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = i + (k) >> 0; + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + putNat(tp); + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.mul, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, i, k, m, n, t, tp, x, x0, x0$1, xi, y, y0, y0$1, y1, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.mul = function(x, y) { return this.$get().mul(x, y); }; + basicSqr = function(z, x) { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, i, n, t, tp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {z, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = x.$length; + _r = getNat($imul(2, n)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tp = _r; + t = tp.$get(); + t.clear(); + _tuple = mulWW((0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + (1 >= z.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + 1] = _tuple[0]); + (0 >= z.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + 0] = _tuple[1]); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + d = ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]); + _tuple$1 = mulWW(d, d); + (x$1 = ($imul(2, i)) + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + x$1] = _tuple$1[0])); + (x$2 = $imul(2, i), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + x$2] = _tuple$1[1])); + (x$3 = $imul(2, i), ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + x$3] = addMulVVW($convertSliceType($subslice(t, i, ($imul(2, i))), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(x, 0, i), sliceType$2), d))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + (x$4 = ($imul(2, n)) - 1 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + x$4] = shlVU($convertSliceType($subslice(t, 1, (($imul(2, n)) - 1 >> 0)), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(t, 1, (($imul(2, n)) - 1 >> 0)), sliceType$2), 1))); + addVV($convertSliceType(z, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(z, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(t, sliceType$2)); + putNat(tp); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: basicSqr, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, d, i, n, t, tp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, z, $s};return $f; + }; + karatsubaSqr = function(z, x) { + var {_tmp, _tmp$1, n, n2, p, r, x, x0, x1, xd, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {z, x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = x.$length; + /* */ if (!(((n & 1) === 0)) || n < karatsubaSqrThreshold || n < 2) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(((n & 1) === 0)) || n < karatsubaSqrThreshold || n < 2) { */ case 1: + $r = basicSqr($subslice(z, 0, ($imul(2, n))), x); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + n2 = n >> 1 >> 0; + _tmp = $subslice(x, n2); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(x, 0, n2); + x1 = _tmp; + x0 = _tmp$1; + $r = karatsubaSqr(z, x0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = karatsubaSqr($subslice(z, n), x1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xd = $subslice(z, ($imul(2, n)), (($imul(2, n)) + n2 >> 0)); + if (!((subVV($convertSliceType(xd, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x1, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x0, sliceType$2)) === 0))) { + subVV($convertSliceType(xd, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x0, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x1, sliceType$2)); + } + p = $subslice(z, ($imul(n, 3))); + $r = karatsubaSqr(p, xd); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = $subslice(z, ($imul(n, 4))); + $copySlice(r, $subslice(z, 0, ($imul(n, 2)))); + $r = karatsubaAdd($subslice(z, n2), r, n); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = karatsubaAdd($subslice(z, n2), $subslice(r, n), n); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = karatsubaSub($subslice(z, n2), p, n); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: karatsubaSqr, $c: true, $r, _tmp, _tmp$1, n, n2, p, r, x, x0, x1, xd, z, $s};return $f; + }; + nat.prototype.sqr = function(x) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, d, k, n, t, tp, x, x0, x0$1, x1, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + n = x.$length; + if ((n === 0)) { + $s = -1; return $subslice(z, 0, 0); + } else if ((n === 1)) { + d = (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]); + z = z.make(2); + _tuple = mulWW(d, d); + (1 >= z.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + 1] = _tuple[0]); + (0 >= z.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + 0] = _tuple[1]); + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + } + if (alias(z, x)) { + z = nat.nil; + } + if (n < basicSqrThreshold) { + z = z.make($imul(2, n)); + basicMul(z, x, x); + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + } + /* */ if (n < karatsubaSqrThreshold) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (n < karatsubaSqrThreshold) { */ case 1: + z = z.make($imul(2, n)); + $r = basicSqr(z, x); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + /* } */ case 2: + k = karatsubaLen(n, karatsubaSqrThreshold); + x0 = $subslice(x, 0, k); + z = z.make(max($imul(6, k), $imul(2, n))); + $r = karatsubaSqr(z, x0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z = $subslice(z, 0, ($imul(2, n))); + $subslice(z, ($imul(2, k))).clear(); + /* */ if (k < n) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (k < n) { */ case 5: + _r = getNat($imul(2, k)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tp = _r; + t = tp.$get(); + x0$1 = x0.norm(); + x1 = $subslice(x, k); + _r$1 = t.mul(x0$1, x1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$1; + $r = addAt(z, t, k); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = addAt(z, t, k); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = t.sqr(x1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$2; + $r = addAt(z, t, $imul(2, k)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + putNat(tp); + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.sqr, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, d, k, n, t, tp, x, x0, x0$1, x1, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.sqr = function(x) { return this.$get().sqr(x); }; + nat.prototype.mulRange = function(a, b) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, a, b, m, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + /* */ if ((a.$high === 0 && a.$low === 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((a.$high > b.$high || (a.$high === b.$high && a.$low > b.$low))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((a.$high === b.$high && a.$low === b.$low)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((x = new $Uint64(a.$high + 0, a.$low + 1), (x.$high === b.$high && x.$low === b.$low))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ((a.$high === 0 && a.$low === 0)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return z.setUint64(new $Uint64(0, 0)); + /* } else if ((a.$high > b.$high || (a.$high === b.$high && a.$low > b.$low))) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return z.setUint64(new $Uint64(0, 1)); + /* } else if ((a.$high === b.$high && a.$low === b.$low)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return z.setUint64(a); + /* } else if ((x = new $Uint64(a.$high + 0, a.$low + 1), (x.$high === b.$high && x.$low === b.$low))) { */ case 5: + _r = z.mul((nat.nil).setUint64(a), (nat.nil).setUint64(b)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + m = $div64((new $Uint64(a.$high + b.$high, a.$low + b.$low)), new $Uint64(0, 2), false); + _r$1 = (nat.nil).mulRange(a, m); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$1; + _r$2 = (nat.nil).mulRange(new $Uint64(m.$high + 0, m.$low + 1), b); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = z.mul(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.mulRange, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, a, b, m, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.mulRange = function(a, b) { return this.$get().mulRange(a, b); }; + getNat = function(n) { + var {_r, n, v, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = ptrType$3.nil; + _r = natPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { + z = $assertType(v, ptrType$3); + } + if (z === ptrType$3.nil) { + z = $newDataPointer(nat.nil, ptrType$3); + } + z.$set(z.make(n)); + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getNat, $c: true, $r, _r, n, v, z, $s};return $f; + }; + putNat = function(x) { + var x; + natPool.Put(x); + }; + nat.prototype.bitLen = function() { + var i, x; + x = this; + i = x.$length - 1 >> 0; + if (i >= 0) { + return ($imul(i, 32)) + bits.Len(((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) >>> 0))) >> 0; + } + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.bitLen = function() { return this.$get().bitLen(); }; + nat.prototype.trailingZeroBits = function() { + var i, x; + x = this; + if (x.$length === 0) { + return 0; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) === 0)) { break; } + i = i + (1) >>> 0; + } + return (i * 32 >>> 0) + ((bits.TrailingZeros(((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.trailingZeroBits = function() { return this.$get().trailingZeroBits(); }; + same = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + return (x.$length === y.$length) && x.$length > 0 && $indexPtr(x.$array, x.$offset + 0, ptrType$4) === $indexPtr(y.$array, y.$offset + 0, ptrType$4); + }; + nat.prototype.shl = function(x, s) { + var _q, _r, m, n, s, x, z; + z = this; + if (s === 0) { + if (same(z, x)) { + return z; + } + if (!alias(z, x)) { + return z.set(x); + } + } + m = x.$length; + if (m === 0) { + return $subslice(z, 0, 0); + } + n = m + (((_q = s / 32, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0)) >> 0; + z = z.make(n + 1 >> 0); + ((n < 0 || n >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + n] = shlVU($convertSliceType($subslice(z, (n - m >> 0), n), sliceType$2), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$2), (_r = s % 32, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))); + $subslice(z, 0, (n - m >> 0)).clear(); + return z.norm(); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.shl = function(x, s) { return this.$get().shl(x, s); }; + nat.prototype.shr = function(x, s) { + var _q, _r, m, n, s, x, z; + z = this; + if (s === 0) { + if (same(z, x)) { + return z; + } + if (!alias(z, x)) { + return z.set(x); + } + } + m = x.$length; + n = m - (((_q = s / 32, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0)) >> 0; + if (n <= 0) { + return $subslice(z, 0, 0); + } + z = z.make(n); + shrVU($convertSliceType(z, sliceType$2), $convertSliceType($subslice(x, (m - n >> 0)), sliceType$2), (_r = s % 32, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + return z.norm(); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.shr = function(x, s) { return this.$get().shr(x, s); }; + nat.prototype.setBit = function(x, i, b) { + var _1, _q, _r, b, i, j, m, n, x, y, z; + z = this; + j = (((_q = i / 32, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0)); + m = (y = ((_r = i % 32, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0; + n = x.$length; + _1 = b; + if (_1 === (0)) { + z = z.make(n); + $copySlice(z, x); + if (j >= n) { + return z; + } + ((j < 0 || j >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + j] = ((((j < 0 || j >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + j]) & ~(m)) >>> 0)); + return z.norm(); + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + if (j >= n) { + z = z.make(j + 1 >> 0); + $subslice(z, n).clear(); + } else { + z = z.make(n); + } + $copySlice(z, x); + ((j < 0 || j >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + j] = ((((j < 0 || j >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + j]) | (m)) >>> 0)); + return z; + } + $panic(new $String("set bit is not 0 or 1")); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.setBit = function(x, i, b) { return this.$get().setBit(x, i, b); }; + nat.prototype.bit = function(i) { + var _q, _r, i, j, x, y; + x = this; + j = (_q = i / 32, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (j >= ((x.$length >>> 0))) { + return 0; + } + return ((((((y = ((_r = i % 32, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))), y < 32 ? (((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + j]) >>> y) : 0) >>> 0) & 1) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.bit = function(i) { return this.$get().bit(i); }; + nat.prototype.and = function(x, y) { + var i, m, n, x, y, z; + z = this; + m = x.$length; + n = y.$length; + if (m > n) { + m = n; + } + z = z.make(m); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < m)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) & ((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i])) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return z.norm(); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.and = function(x, y) { return this.$get().and(x, y); }; + nat.prototype.andNot = function(x, y) { + var i, m, n, x, y, z; + z = this; + m = x.$length; + n = y.$length; + if (n > m) { + n = m; + } + z = z.make(m); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) & ~((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i])) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $copySlice($subslice(z, n, m), $subslice(x, n, m)); + return z.norm(); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.andNot = function(x, y) { return this.$get().andNot(x, y); }; + nat.prototype.or = function(x, y) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, i, m, n, s, x, y, z; + z = this; + m = x.$length; + n = y.$length; + s = x; + if (m < n) { + _tmp = m; + _tmp$1 = n; + n = _tmp; + m = _tmp$1; + s = y; + } + z = z.make(m); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) | ((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i])) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $copySlice($subslice(z, n, m), $subslice(s, n, m)); + return z.norm(); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.or = function(x, y) { return this.$get().or(x, y); }; + nat.prototype.xor = function(x, y) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, i, m, n, s, x, y, z; + z = this; + m = x.$length; + n = y.$length; + s = x; + if (m < n) { + _tmp = m; + _tmp$1 = n; + n = _tmp; + m = _tmp$1; + s = y; + } + z = z.make(m); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) ^ ((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i])) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $copySlice($subslice(z, n, m), $subslice(s, n, m)); + return z.norm(); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.xor = function(x, y) { return this.$get().xor(x, y); }; + nat.prototype.random = function(rand$1, limit, n) { + var {_1, _i, _i$1, _index, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _ref$1, bitLengthOfMSW, i, i$1, limit, mask, n, rand$1, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, limit, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + if (alias(z, limit)) { + z = nat.nil; + } + z = z.make(limit.$length); + bitLengthOfMSW = (((_r = n % 32, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >>> 0)); + if (bitLengthOfMSW === 0) { + bitLengthOfMSW = 32; + } + mask = (((((y = bitLengthOfMSW, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0)) - 1 >>> 0)); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _1 = 32; + /* */ if (_1 === (32)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (64)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (32)) { */ case 4: + _ref = z; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 9; continue; } + i = _i; + _r$1 = rand$1.Uint32(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((_r$1 >>> 0))); + _i++; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (64)) { */ case 5: + _ref$1 = z; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 12; continue; } + i$1 = _i$1; + _r$2 = rand$1.Uint32(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i$1] = ((((_r$2 >>> 0)) | 0) >>> 0)); + _i$1++; + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + $panic(new $String("unknown word size")); + /* } */ case 7: + case 3: + _index = limit.$length - 1 >> 0; + ((_index < 0 || _index >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + _index] = ((((_index < 0 || _index >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + _index]) & (mask)) >>> 0)); + if (z.cmp(limit) < 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.random, $c: true, $r, _1, _i, _i$1, _index, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _ref$1, bitLengthOfMSW, i, i$1, limit, mask, n, rand$1, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.random = function(rand$1, limit, n) { return this.$get().random(rand$1, limit, n); }; + nat.prototype.expNN = function(x, y, m) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, i, j, j$1, m, q, r, shift, v, w, x, x$1, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, z, zz, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + if (alias(z, x) || alias(z, y)) { + z = nat.nil; + } + if ((m.$length === 1) && ((0 >= m.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + 0]) === 1)) { + $s = -1; return z.setWord(0); + } + if (y.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return z.setWord(1); + } + /* */ if ((y.$length === 1) && ((0 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 0]) === 1) && !((m.$length === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((y.$length === 1) && ((0 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 0]) === 1) && !((m.$length === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r = (nat.nil).div(z, x, m); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + z = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 2: + if (!((m.$length === 0))) { + z = z.make(m.$length); + } + z = z.set(x); + /* */ if (x.cmp(natOne) > 0 && y.$length > 1 && m.$length > 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (x.cmp(natOne) > 0 && y.$length > 1 && m.$length > 0) { */ case 4: + /* */ if ((((0 >= m.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + 0]) & 1) >>> 0) === 1) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ((((0 >= m.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + 0]) & 1) >>> 0) === 1) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = z.expNNMontgomery(x, y, m); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$2 = z.expNNWindowed(x, y, m); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + v = (x$1 = y.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + x$1])); + shift = nlz(v) + 1 >>> 0; + v = (y$1 = (shift), y$1 < 32 ? (v << y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + q = nat.nil; + w = 32 - ((shift >> 0)) >> 0; + _tmp = nat.nil; + _tmp$1 = nat.nil; + zz = _tmp; + r = _tmp$1; + j = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 12: + /* if (!(j < w)) { break; } */ if(!(j < w)) { $s = 13; continue; } + _r$3 = zz.sqr(z); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zz = _r$3; + _tmp$2 = z; + _tmp$3 = zz; + zz = _tmp$2; + z = _tmp$3; + /* */ if (!((((v & 2147483648) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!((((v & 2147483648) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 15: + _r$4 = zz.mul(z, x); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zz = _r$4; + _tmp$4 = z; + _tmp$5 = zz; + zz = _tmp$4; + z = _tmp$5; + /* } */ case 16: + /* */ if (!((m.$length === 0))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!((m.$length === 0))) { */ case 18: + _r$5 = zz.div(r, z, m); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + zz = _tuple$1[0]; + r = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp$6 = q; + _tmp$7 = z; + _tmp$8 = zz; + _tmp$9 = r; + zz = _tmp$6; + r = _tmp$7; + q = _tmp$8; + z = _tmp$9; + /* } */ case 19: + v = (y$2 = (1), y$2 < 32 ? (v << y$2) : 0) >>> 0; + j = j + (1) >> 0; + $s = 12; continue; + case 13: + i = y.$length - 2 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 21: + /* if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i >= 0)) { $s = 22; continue; } + v = ((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i]); + j$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 23: + /* if (!(j$1 < 32)) { break; } */ if(!(j$1 < 32)) { $s = 24; continue; } + _r$6 = zz.sqr(z); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zz = _r$6; + _tmp$10 = z; + _tmp$11 = zz; + zz = _tmp$10; + z = _tmp$11; + /* */ if (!((((v & 2147483648) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!((((v & 2147483648) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 26: + _r$7 = zz.mul(z, x); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zz = _r$7; + _tmp$12 = z; + _tmp$13 = zz; + zz = _tmp$12; + z = _tmp$13; + /* } */ case 27: + /* */ if (!((m.$length === 0))) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (!((m.$length === 0))) { */ case 29: + _r$8 = zz.div(r, z, m); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$8; + zz = _tuple$2[0]; + r = _tuple$2[1]; + _tmp$14 = q; + _tmp$15 = z; + _tmp$16 = zz; + _tmp$17 = r; + zz = _tmp$14; + r = _tmp$15; + q = _tmp$16; + z = _tmp$17; + /* } */ case 30: + v = (y$3 = (1), y$3 < 32 ? (v << y$3) : 0) >>> 0; + j$1 = j$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 23; continue; + case 24: + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 21; continue; + case 22: + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.expNN, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, i, j, j$1, m, q, r, shift, v, w, x, x$1, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, z, zz, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.expNN = function(x, y, m) { return this.$get().expNN(x, y, m); }; + nat.prototype.expNNWindowed = function(x, y, m) { + var {_q, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, i, i$1, j, m, p, p1, p2, powers, r, x, x$1, y, y$1, yi, z, zz, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _tmp = nat.nil; + _tmp$1 = nat.nil; + zz = _tmp; + r = _tmp$1; + powers = arrayType$1.zero(); + powers[0] = natOne; + powers[1] = x; + i = 2; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < 16)) { break; } */ if(!(i < 16)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tmp$2 = $indexPtr(powers, (_q = i / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ptrType$3); + _tmp$3 = $indexPtr(powers, i, ptrType$3); + _tmp$4 = $indexPtr(powers, (i + 1 >> 0), ptrType$3); + p2 = _tmp$2; + p = _tmp$3; + p1 = _tmp$4; + _r = p.sqr(p2.$get()); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p.$set(_r); + _r$1 = zz.div(r, p.$get(), m); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + zz = _tuple[0]; + r = _tuple[1]; + _tmp$5 = r; + _tmp$6 = p.$get(); + p.$set(_tmp$5); + r = _tmp$6; + _r$2 = p1.mul(p.$get(), x); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p1.$set(_r$2); + _r$3 = zz.div(r, p1.$get(), m); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + zz = _tuple$1[0]; + r = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp$7 = r; + _tmp$8 = p1.$get(); + p1.$set(_tmp$7); + r = _tmp$8; + i = i + (2) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + z = z.setWord(1); + i$1 = y.$length - 1 >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(i$1 >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 >= 0)) { $s = 8; continue; } + yi = ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i$1]); + j = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(j < 32)) { break; } */ if(!(j < 32)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (!((i$1 === (y.$length - 1 >> 0))) || !((j === 0))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!((i$1 === (y.$length - 1 >> 0))) || !((j === 0))) { */ case 11: + _r$4 = zz.sqr(z); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zz = _r$4; + _tmp$9 = z; + _tmp$10 = zz; + zz = _tmp$9; + z = _tmp$10; + _r$5 = zz.div(r, z, m); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$5; + zz = _tuple$2[0]; + r = _tuple$2[1]; + _tmp$11 = r; + _tmp$12 = z; + z = _tmp$11; + r = _tmp$12; + _r$6 = zz.sqr(z); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zz = _r$6; + _tmp$13 = z; + _tmp$14 = zz; + zz = _tmp$13; + z = _tmp$14; + _r$7 = zz.div(r, z, m); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$7; + zz = _tuple$3[0]; + r = _tuple$3[1]; + _tmp$15 = r; + _tmp$16 = z; + z = _tmp$15; + r = _tmp$16; + _r$8 = zz.sqr(z); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zz = _r$8; + _tmp$17 = z; + _tmp$18 = zz; + zz = _tmp$17; + z = _tmp$18; + _r$9 = zz.div(r, z, m); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$9; + zz = _tuple$4[0]; + r = _tuple$4[1]; + _tmp$19 = r; + _tmp$20 = z; + z = _tmp$19; + r = _tmp$20; + _r$10 = zz.sqr(z); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zz = _r$10; + _tmp$21 = z; + _tmp$22 = zz; + zz = _tmp$21; + z = _tmp$22; + _r$11 = zz.div(r, z, m); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$11; + zz = _tuple$5[0]; + r = _tuple$5[1]; + _tmp$23 = r; + _tmp$24 = z; + z = _tmp$23; + r = _tmp$24; + /* } */ case 12: + _r$12 = zz.mul(z, (x$1 = yi >>> 28 >>> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= powers.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : powers[x$1]))); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zz = _r$12; + _tmp$25 = z; + _tmp$26 = zz; + zz = _tmp$25; + z = _tmp$26; + _r$13 = zz.div(r, z, m); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$13; + zz = _tuple$6[0]; + r = _tuple$6[1]; + _tmp$27 = r; + _tmp$28 = z; + z = _tmp$27; + r = _tmp$28; + yi = (y$1 = (4), y$1 < 32 ? (yi << y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + j = j + (4) >> 0; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + i$1 = i$1 - (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return z.norm(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.expNNWindowed, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, i, i$1, j, m, p, p1, p2, powers, r, x, x$1, y, y$1, yi, z, zz, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.expNNWindowed = function(x, y, m) { return this.$get().expNNWindowed(x, y, m); }; + nat.prototype.expNNMontgomery = function(x, y, m) { + var {RR, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, i, i$1, i$2, j, k0, m, numWords, one, powers, rr, t, x, x$1, x$2, y, y$1, y$2, yi, z, zz, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + numWords = m.$length; + /* */ if (x.$length > numWords) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x.$length > numWords) { */ case 1: + _r = (nat.nil).div(nat.nil, x, m); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + x = _tuple[1]; + /* } */ case 2: + if (x.$length < numWords) { + rr = $makeSlice(nat, numWords); + $copySlice(rr, x); + x = rr; + } + k0 = 2 - (0 >= m.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + 0]) >>> 0; + t = (0 >= m.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + 0]) - 1 >>> 0; + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 32)) { break; } + t = $imul(t, (t)) >>> 0; + k0 = $imul(k0, (((t + 1 >>> 0)))) >>> 0; + i = (y$1 = (1), y$1 < 32 ? (i << y$1) : 0) >> 0; + } + k0 = -k0 >>> 0; + RR = (nat.nil).setWord(1); + zz = (nat.nil).shl(RR, ((($imul(($imul(2, numWords)), 32)) >>> 0))); + _r$1 = (nat.nil).div(RR, zz, m); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + RR = _tuple$1[1]; + if (RR.$length < numWords) { + zz = zz.make(numWords); + $copySlice(zz, RR); + RR = zz; + } + one = $makeSlice(nat, numWords); + (0 >= one.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : one.$array[one.$offset + 0] = 1); + powers = arrayType$1.zero(); + powers[0] = powers[0].montgomery(one, RR, m, k0, numWords); + powers[1] = powers[1].montgomery(x, RR, m, k0, numWords); + i$1 = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 16)) { break; } + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= powers.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : powers[i$1] = ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= powers.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : powers[i$1]).montgomery((x$1 = i$1 - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= powers.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : powers[x$1])), powers[1], m, k0, numWords)); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + z = z.make(numWords); + $copySlice(z, powers[0]); + zz = zz.make(numWords); + i$2 = y.$length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 >= 0)) { break; } + yi = ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i$2]); + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 32)) { break; } + if (!((i$2 === (y.$length - 1 >> 0))) || !((j === 0))) { + zz = zz.montgomery(z, z, m, k0, numWords); + z = z.montgomery(zz, zz, m, k0, numWords); + zz = zz.montgomery(z, z, m, k0, numWords); + z = z.montgomery(zz, zz, m, k0, numWords); + } + zz = zz.montgomery(z, (x$2 = yi >>> 28 >>> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= powers.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : powers[x$2])), m, k0, numWords); + _tmp = zz; + _tmp$1 = z; + z = _tmp; + zz = _tmp$1; + yi = (y$2 = (4), y$2 < 32 ? (yi << y$2) : 0) >>> 0; + j = j + (4) >> 0; + } + i$2 = i$2 - (1) >> 0; + } + zz = zz.montgomery(z, one, m, k0, numWords); + /* */ if (zz.cmp(m) >= 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (zz.cmp(m) >= 0) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = zz.sub(zz, m); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zz = _r$2; + /* */ if (zz.cmp(m) >= 0) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (zz.cmp(m) >= 0) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = (nat.nil).div(nat.nil, zz, m); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + zz = _tuple$2[1]; + /* } */ case 9: + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return zz.norm(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.expNNMontgomery, $c: true, $r, RR, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, i, i$1, i$2, j, k0, m, numWords, one, powers, rr, t, x, x$1, x$2, y, y$1, y$2, yi, z, zz, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.expNNMontgomery = function(x, y, m) { return this.$get().expNNMontgomery(x, y, m); }; + nat.prototype.bytes = function(buf) { + var _i, _ref, buf, d, i, j, y, z; + i = 0; + z = this; + i = buf.$length; + _ref = z; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + d = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 4)) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + if (i >= 0) { + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = ((d << 24 >>> 24))); + } else if (!((((d << 24 >>> 24)) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("math/big: buffer too small to fit value")); + } + d = (y = (8), y < 32 ? (d >>> y) : 0) >>> 0; + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + _i++; + } + if (i < 0) { + i = 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(i < buf.$length && (((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i]) === 0))) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return i; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.bytes = function(buf) { return this.$get().bytes(buf); }; + bigEndianWord = function(buf) { + var buf; + if (false) { + return (($clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint64(buf).$low >>> 0)); + } + return (($clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32(buf) >>> 0)); + }; + nat.prototype.setBytes = function(buf) { + var _q, buf, d, i, k, s, x, x$1, y, z; + z = this; + z = z.make((_q = (((buf.$length + 4 >> 0) - 1 >> 0)) / 4, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + i = buf.$length; + k = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 4)) { break; } + ((k < 0 || k >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + k] = bigEndianWord($subslice(buf, (i - 4 >> 0), i))); + i = i - (4) >> 0; + k = k + (1) >> 0; + } + if (i > 0) { + d = 0; + s = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0)) { break; } + d = (d | (((y = s, y < 32 ? ((((x = i - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + x])) >>> 0)) << y) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + i = i - (1) >> 0; + s = s + (8) >>> 0; + } + (x$1 = z.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + x$1] = d)); + } + return z.norm(); + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.setBytes = function(buf) { return this.$get().setBytes(buf); }; + nat.prototype.sqrt = function(x) { + var {_q, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, n, x, z, z1, z2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + if (x.cmp(natOne) <= 0) { + $s = -1; return z.set(x); + } + if (alias(z, x)) { + z = nat.nil; + } + _tmp = nat.nil; + _tmp$1 = nat.nil; + z1 = _tmp; + z2 = _tmp$1; + z1 = z; + z1 = z1.setUint64(new $Uint64(0, 1)); + z1 = z1.shl(z1, (_q = (((x.bitLen() + 1 >> 0) >>> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + n = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = z2.div(nat.nil, x, z1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + z2 = _tuple[0]; + _r$1 = z2.add(z2, z1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z2 = _r$1; + z2 = z2.shr(z2, 1); + if (z2.cmp(z1) >= 0) { + if ((n & 1) === 0) { + $s = -1; return z1; + } + $s = -1; return z.set(z1); + } + _tmp$2 = z2; + _tmp$3 = z1; + z1 = _tmp$2; + z2 = _tmp$3; + n = n + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return nat.nil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nat.prototype.sqrt, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, n, x, z, z1, z2, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(nat).prototype.sqrt = function(x) { return this.$get().sqrt(x); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.GobEncode = function() { + var b, buf, i, x; + x = this; + if (x === ptrType$2.nil) { + return [sliceType$1.nil, $ifaceNil]; + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, (1 + ($imul(x.abs.$length, 4)) >> 0)); + i = x.abs.bytes(buf) - 1 >> 0; + b = 2; + if (x.neg) { + b = (b | (1)) >>> 0; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = b); + return [$subslice(buf, i), $ifaceNil]; + }; + Int.prototype.GobEncode = function() { return this.$val.GobEncode(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.GobDecode = function(buf) { + var {$24r, _r, b, buf, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {buf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + if (buf.$length === 0) { + Int.copy(z, new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + b = (0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]); + /* */ if (!(((b >>> 1 << 24 >>> 24) === 1))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(((b >>> 1 << 24 >>> 24) === 1))) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Errorf("Int.GobDecode: encoding version %d not supported", new sliceType([new $Uint8((b >>> 1 << 24 >>> 24))])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + z.neg = !((((b & 1) >>> 0) === 0)); + z.abs = z.abs.setBytes($subslice(buf, 1)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.GobDecode, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, b, buf, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.GobDecode = function(buf) { return this.$val.GobDecode(buf); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.MarshalText = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, err, text, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + text = sliceType$1.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + x = this; + if (x === ptrType$2.nil) { + _tmp = (new sliceType$1($stringToBytes(""))); + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + text = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [text, err]; + } + _r = x.abs.itoa(x.neg, 10); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + text = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r = [text, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.MarshalText, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, err, text, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.MarshalText = function() { return this.$val.MarshalText(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, ok, text, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {text}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = z.setFromScanner(bytes.NewReader(text), 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("math/big: cannot unmarshal %q into a *big.Int", new sliceType([text])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, ok, text, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { return this.$val.UnmarshalText(text); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.MarshalJSON = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = x.MarshalText(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.MarshalJSON, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.MarshalJSON = function() { return this.$val.MarshalJSON(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSON = function(text) { + var {$24r, _r, text, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {text}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + if (($bytesToString(text)) === "null") { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r = z.UnmarshalText(text); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSON, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, text, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.UnmarshalJSON = function(text) { return this.$val.UnmarshalJSON(text); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Text = function(base) { + var {$24r, _r, base, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {base}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + if (x === ptrType$2.nil) { + $s = -1; return ""; + } + _r = x.abs.itoa(x.neg, base); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ($bytesToString(_r)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Text, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, base, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Text = function(base) { return this.$val.Text(base); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Append = function(buf, base) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, base, buf, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {buf, base}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + if (x === ptrType$2.nil) { + $s = -1; return $appendSlice(buf, ""); + } + _arg = buf; + _r = x.abs.itoa(x.neg, base); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + $24r = $appendSlice(_arg, _arg$1); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Append, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, base, buf, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Append = function(buf, base) { return this.$val.Append(buf, base); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = x.Text(10); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + writeMultiple = function(s, text, count) { + var {_r, b, count, s, text, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, text, count}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (text.length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (text.length > 0) { */ case 1: + b = (new sliceType$1($stringToBytes(text))); + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(count > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(count > 0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r = s.Write(b); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + count = count - (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: writeMultiple, $c: true, $r, _r, b, count, s, text, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Format = function(s, ch) { + var {_1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, base, ch, d, d$1, digits, i, left, length, precision, precisionSet, prefix, right, s, sign, width, widthSet, x, zeros, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, ch}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + base = 0; + _1 = ch; + /* */ if (_1 === (98)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (111)) || (_1 === (79))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (100)) || (_1 === (115)) || (_1 === (118))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (88))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (98)) { */ case 2: + base = 2; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (111)) || (_1 === (79))) { */ case 3: + base = 8; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (100)) || (_1 === (115)) || (_1 === (118))) { */ case 4: + base = 10; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (88))) { */ case 5: + base = 16; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _arg = s; + _arg$1 = new $Int32(ch); + _r = x.String(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new $String(_r); + _r$1 = fmt.Fprintf(_arg, "%%!%c(big.Int=%s)", new sliceType([_arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + /* */ if (x === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (x === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 10: + _r$2 = fmt.Fprint(s, new sliceType([new $String("")])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 11: + sign = ""; + /* */ if (x.neg) { $s = 14; continue; } + _r$3 = s.Flag(43); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 15; continue; } + _r$4 = s.Flag(32); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (x.neg) { */ case 14: + sign = "-"; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_r$3) { */ case 15: + sign = "+"; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_r$4) { */ case 16: + sign = " "; + /* } */ case 17: + case 13: + prefix = ""; + _r$5 = s.Flag(35); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 20: + _2 = ch; + if (_2 === (98)) { + prefix = "0b"; + } else if (_2 === (111)) { + prefix = "0"; + } else if (_2 === (120)) { + prefix = "0x"; + } else if (_2 === (88)) { + prefix = "0X"; + } + /* } */ case 21: + if (ch === 79) { + prefix = "0o"; + } + _r$6 = x.abs.utoa(base); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + digits = _r$6; + if (ch === 88) { + _ref = digits; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + d = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (97 <= d && d <= 122) { + ((i < 0 || i >= digits.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits.$array[digits.$offset + i] = (65 + ((d - 97 << 24 >>> 24)) << 24 >>> 24)); + } + _i++; + } + } + left = 0; + zeros = 0; + right = 0; + _r$7 = s.Precision(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + precision = _tuple[0]; + precisionSet = _tuple[1]; + if (precisionSet) { + if (digits.$length < precision) { + zeros = precision - digits.$length >> 0; + } else if ((digits.$length === 1) && ((0 >= digits.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits.$array[digits.$offset + 0]) === 48) && (precision === 0)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + } + length = ((sign.length + prefix.length >> 0) + zeros >> 0) + digits.$length >> 0; + _r$8 = s.Width(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + width = _tuple$1[0]; + widthSet = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (widthSet && length < width) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (widthSet && length < width) { */ case 26: + d$1 = width - length >> 0; + _r$9 = s.Flag(45); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$9) { $s = 29; continue; } + _r$10 = s.Flag(48); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$10 && !precisionSet) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (_r$9) { */ case 29: + right = d$1; + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else if (_r$10 && !precisionSet) { */ case 30: + zeros = d$1; + $s = 32; continue; + /* } else { */ case 31: + left = d$1; + /* } */ case 32: + case 28: + /* } */ case 27: + $r = writeMultiple(s, " ", left); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = writeMultiple(s, sign, 1); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = writeMultiple(s, prefix, 1); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = writeMultiple(s, "0", zeros); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = s.Write(digits); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + $r = writeMultiple(s, " ", right); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Format, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, base, ch, d, d$1, digits, i, left, length, precision, precisionSet, prefix, right, s, sign, width, widthSet, x, zeros, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Format = function(s, ch) { return this.$val.Format(s, ch); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.scan = function(r, base) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, base, err, neg, r, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r, base}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = scanSign(r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + neg = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, 0, err]; + } + _r$1 = z.abs.scan(r, base, false); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + z.abs = _tuple$1[0]; + base = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, base, err]; + } + z.neg = z.abs.$length > 0 && neg; + $s = -1; return [z, base, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.scan, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, base, err, neg, r, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.scan = function(r, base) { return this.$val.scan(r, base); }; + scanSign = function(r) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, ch, err, neg, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + neg = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + ch = 0; + _r = r.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + ch = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = false; + _tmp$1 = err; + neg = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [neg, err]; + } + _1 = ch; + /* */ if (_1 === (45)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (43)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (45)) { */ case 3: + neg = true; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (43)) { */ case 4: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r$1 = r.UnreadByte(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + case 2: + $s = -1; return [neg, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: scanSign, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, ch, err, neg, r, $s};return $f; + }; + byteReader.ptr.prototype.ReadByte = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, ch, err, r, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.ScanState.ReadRune(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + ch = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!((size === 1)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((size === 1)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("invalid rune %#U", new sliceType([new $Int32(ch)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [((ch << 24 >>> 24)), err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: byteReader.ptr.prototype.ReadByte, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, ch, err, r, size, $s};return $f; + }; + byteReader.prototype.ReadByte = function() { return this.$val.ReadByte(); }; + byteReader.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte = function() { + var {$24r, _r, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.ScanState.UnreadRune(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: byteReader.ptr.prototype.UnreadByte, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, r, $s};return $f; + }; + byteReader.prototype.UnreadByte = function() { return this.$val.UnreadByte(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Scan = function(s, ch) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, base, ch, err, s, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, ch}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + $r = s.SkipSpace(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + base = 0; + _1 = ch; + if (_1 === (98)) { + base = 2; + } else if (_1 === (111)) { + base = 8; + } else if (_1 === (100)) { + base = 10; + } else if ((_1 === (120)) || (_1 === (88))) { + base = 16; + } else if ((_1 === (115)) || (_1 === (118))) { + } else { + $s = -1; return errors.New("Int.Scan: invalid verb"); + } + _r = z.scan((x = new byteReader.ptr(s), new x.constructor.elem(x)), base); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + err = _tuple[2]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Scan, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, base, ch, err, s, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Scan = function(s, ch) { return this.$val.Scan(s, ch); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Sign = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (x.abs.$length === 0) { + return 0; + } + if (x.neg) { + return -1; + } + return 1; + }; + Int.prototype.Sign = function() { return this.$val.Sign(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.SetInt64 = function(x) { + var neg, x, z; + z = this; + neg = false; + if ((x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low < 0))) { + neg = true; + x = new $Int64(-x.$high, -x.$low); + } + z.abs = z.abs.setUint64((new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + z.neg = neg; + return z; + }; + Int.prototype.SetInt64 = function(x) { return this.$val.SetInt64(x); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.SetUint64 = function(x) { + var x, z; + z = this; + z.abs = z.abs.setUint64(x); + z.neg = false; + return z; + }; + Int.prototype.SetUint64 = function(x) { return this.$val.SetUint64(x); }; + NewInt = function(x) { + var x; + return new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).SetInt64(x); + }; + $pkg.NewInt = NewInt; + Int.ptr.prototype.Set = function(x) { + var x, z; + z = this; + if (!(z === x)) { + z.abs = z.abs.set(x.abs); + z.neg = x.neg; + } + return z; + }; + Int.prototype.Set = function(x) { return this.$val.Set(x); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Bits = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return $convertSliceType(x.abs, sliceType$2); + }; + Int.prototype.Bits = function() { return this.$val.Bits(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.SetBits = function(abs) { + var abs, z; + z = this; + z.abs = ($convertSliceType(abs, nat)).norm(); + z.neg = false; + return z; + }; + Int.prototype.SetBits = function(abs) { return this.$val.SetBits(abs); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Abs = function(x) { + var x, z; + z = this; + z.Set(x); + z.neg = false; + return z; + }; + Int.prototype.Abs = function(x) { return this.$val.Abs(x); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Neg = function(x) { + var x, z; + z = this; + z.Set(x); + z.neg = z.abs.$length > 0 && !z.neg; + return z; + }; + Int.prototype.Neg = function(x) { return this.$val.Neg(x); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Add = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, neg, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + neg = x.neg; + /* */ if (x.neg === y.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x.neg === y.neg) { */ case 1: + _r = z.abs.add(x.abs, y.abs); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + /* */ if (x.abs.cmp(y.abs) >= 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (x.abs.cmp(y.abs) >= 0) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = z.abs.sub(x.abs, y.abs); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$1; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + neg = !neg; + _r$2 = z.abs.sub(y.abs, x.abs); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$2; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 3: + z.neg = z.abs.$length > 0 && neg; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Add, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, neg, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Add = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Add(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Sub = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, neg, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + neg = x.neg; + /* */ if (!(x.neg === y.neg)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(x.neg === y.neg)) { */ case 1: + _r = z.abs.add(x.abs, y.abs); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + /* */ if (x.abs.cmp(y.abs) >= 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (x.abs.cmp(y.abs) >= 0) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = z.abs.sub(x.abs, y.abs); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$1; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + neg = !neg; + _r$2 = z.abs.sub(y.abs, x.abs); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$2; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 3: + z.neg = z.abs.$length > 0 && neg; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Sub, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, neg, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Sub = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Sub(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Mul = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + /* */ if (x === y) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x === y) { */ case 1: + _r = z.abs.sqr(x.abs); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r; + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = z.abs.mul(x.abs, y.abs); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$1; + z.neg = z.abs.$length > 0 && !(x.neg === y.neg); + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Mul, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Mul = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Mul(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.MulRange = function(a, b) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, a, b, neg, x, x$1, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + if ((a.$high > b.$high || (a.$high === b.$high && a.$low > b.$low))) { + $s = -1; return z.SetInt64(new $Int64(0, 1)); + } else if ((a.$high < 0 || (a.$high === 0 && a.$low <= 0)) && (b.$high > 0 || (b.$high === 0 && b.$low >= 0))) { + $s = -1; return z.SetInt64(new $Int64(0, 0)); + } + neg = false; + if ((a.$high < 0 || (a.$high === 0 && a.$low < 0))) { + neg = (x = (x$1 = new $Int64(b.$high - a.$high, b.$low - a.$low), new $Int64(x$1.$high & 0, (x$1.$low & 1) >>> 0)), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)); + _tmp = new $Int64(-b.$high, -b.$low); + _tmp$1 = new $Int64(-a.$high, -a.$low); + a = _tmp; + b = _tmp$1; + } + _r = z.abs.mulRange((new $Uint64(a.$high, a.$low)), (new $Uint64(b.$high, b.$low))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r; + z.neg = neg; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.MulRange, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, a, b, neg, x, x$1, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.MulRange = function(a, b) { return this.$val.MulRange(a, b); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Binomial = function(n, k) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, a, b, k, n, x, x$1, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n, k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + a = [a]; + b = [b]; + z = this; + if ((x = $div64(n, new $Int64(0, 2), false), (x.$high < k.$high || (x.$high === k.$high && x.$low < k.$low))) && (k.$high < n.$high || (k.$high === n.$high && k.$low <= n.$low))) { + k = new $Int64(n.$high - k.$high, n.$low - k.$low); + } + _tmp = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + a[0] = $clone(_tmp, Int); + b[0] = $clone(_tmp$1, Int); + _r = a[0].MulRange((x$1 = new $Int64(n.$high - k.$high, n.$low - k.$low), new $Int64(x$1.$high + 0, x$1.$low + 1)), n); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _r$1 = b[0].MulRange(new $Int64(0, 1), k); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = z.Quo(a[0], b[0]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Binomial, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, a, b, k, n, x, x$1, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Binomial = function(n, k) { return this.$val.Binomial(n, k); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Quo = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _tuple, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = z.abs.div(nat.nil, x.abs, y.abs); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + z.abs = _tuple[0]; + z.neg = z.abs.$length > 0 && !(x.neg === y.neg); + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Quo, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Quo = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Quo(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Rem = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _tuple, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = (nat.nil).div(z.abs, x.abs, y.abs); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + z.abs = _tuple[1]; + z.neg = z.abs.$length > 0 && x.neg; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Rem, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Rem = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Rem(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.QuoRem = function(x, y, r) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, r, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = z.abs.div(r.abs, x.abs, y.abs); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + z.abs = _tuple[0]; + r.abs = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = z.abs.$length > 0 && !(x.neg === y.neg); + _tmp$1 = r.abs.$length > 0 && x.neg; + z.neg = _tmp; + r.neg = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [z, r]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.QuoRem, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, r, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.QuoRem = function(x, y, r) { return this.$val.QuoRem(x, y, r); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Div = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, r, x, y, y_neg, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = [r]; + z = this; + y_neg = y.neg; + r[0] = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _r = z.QuoRem(x, y, r[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* */ if (r[0].neg) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (r[0].neg) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (y_neg) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (y_neg) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = z.Add(z, intOne); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r$2 = z.Sub(z, intOne); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Div, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, r, x, y, y_neg, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Div = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Div(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Mod = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, q, x, y, y0, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + y0 = y; + if (z === y || alias(z.abs, y.abs)) { + y0 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).Set(y); + } + q = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _r = q.QuoRem(x, y, z); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* */ if (z.neg) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (z.neg) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (y0.neg) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (y0.neg) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = z.Sub(z, y0); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r$2 = z.Add(z, y0); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Mod, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, q, x, y, y0, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Mod = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Mod(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.DivMod = function(x, y, m) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, m, x, y, y0, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + y0 = y; + if (z === y || alias(z.abs, y.abs)) { + y0 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).Set(y); + } + _r = z.QuoRem(x, y, m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* */ if (m.neg) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (m.neg) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (y0.neg) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (y0.neg) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = z.Add(z, intOne); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = m.Sub(m, y0); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r$3 = z.Sub(z, intOne); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = m.Add(m, y0); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [z, m]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.DivMod, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, m, x, y, y0, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.DivMod = function(x, y, m) { return this.$val.DivMod(x, y, m); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Cmp = function(y) { + var r, x, y; + r = 0; + x = this; + if (x === y) { + } else if (x.neg === y.neg) { + r = x.abs.cmp(y.abs); + if (x.neg) { + r = -r; + } + } else if (x.neg) { + r = -1; + } else { + r = 1; + } + return r; + }; + Int.prototype.Cmp = function(y) { return this.$val.Cmp(y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.CmpAbs = function(y) { + var x, y; + x = this; + return x.abs.cmp(y.abs); + }; + Int.prototype.CmpAbs = function(y) { return this.$val.CmpAbs(y); }; + low64 = function(x) { + var v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + if (x.$length === 0) { + return new $Uint64(0, 0); + } + v = ((x$1 = (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]), new $Uint64(0, x$1.constructor === Number ? x$1 : 1))); + if (true && x.$length > 1) { + return (x$2 = $shiftLeft64(((x$3 = (1 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 1]), new $Uint64(0, x$3.constructor === Number ? x$3 : 1))), 32), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | v.$high, (x$2.$low | v.$low) >>> 0)); + } + return v; + }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Int64 = function() { + var v, x, x$1; + x = this; + v = ((x$1 = low64(x.abs), new $Int64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + if (x.neg) { + v = new $Int64(-v.$high, -v.$low); + } + return v; + }; + Int.prototype.Int64 = function() { return this.$val.Int64(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return low64(x.abs); + }; + Int.prototype.Uint64 = function() { return this.$val.Uint64(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.IsInt64 = function() { + var w, x, x$1, x$2; + x = this; + if (x.abs.$length <= 2) { + w = ((x$1 = low64(x.abs), new $Int64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low))); + return (w.$high > 0 || (w.$high === 0 && w.$low >= 0)) || x.neg && (x$2 = new $Int64(-w.$high, -w.$low), (w.$high === x$2.$high && w.$low === x$2.$low)); + } + return false; + }; + Int.prototype.IsInt64 = function() { return this.$val.IsInt64(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.IsUint64 = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return !x.neg && x.abs.$length <= 2; + }; + Int.prototype.IsUint64 = function() { return this.$val.IsUint64(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.SetString = function(s, base) { + var {$24r, _r, base, s, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, base}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = z.setFromScanner(strings.NewReader(s), base); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.SetString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, base, s, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.SetString = function(s, base) { return this.$val.SetString(s, base); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.setFromScanner = function(r, base) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, base, err, err$1, r, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r, base}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = z.scan(r, base); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, false]; + } + _r$1 = r.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, io.EOF))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, false]; + } + $s = -1; return [z, true]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.setFromScanner, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, base, err, err$1, r, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.setFromScanner = function(r, base) { return this.$val.setFromScanner(r, base); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(buf) { + var buf, z; + z = this; + z.abs = z.abs.setBytes(buf); + z.neg = false; + return z; + }; + Int.prototype.SetBytes = function(buf) { return this.$val.SetBytes(buf); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var buf, x; + x = this; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, ($imul(x.abs.$length, 4))); + return $subslice(buf, x.abs.bytes(buf)); + }; + Int.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.FillBytes = function(buf) { + var _i, _ref, buf, i, x; + x = this; + _ref = buf; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 0); + _i++; + } + x.abs.bytes(buf); + return buf; + }; + Int.prototype.FillBytes = function(buf) { return this.$val.FillBytes(buf); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.BitLen = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return x.abs.bitLen(); + }; + Int.prototype.BitLen = function() { return this.$val.BitLen(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.TrailingZeroBits = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return x.abs.trailingZeroBits(); + }; + Int.prototype.TrailingZeroBits = function() { return this.$val.TrailingZeroBits(); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Exp = function(x, y, m) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, inverse, m, mWords, x, xWords, y, yWords, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + xWords = x.abs; + /* */ if (y.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (y.neg) { */ case 1: + if (m === ptrType$2.nil || (m.abs.$length === 0)) { + $s = -1; return z.SetInt64(new $Int64(0, 1)); + } + _r = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).ModInverse(x, m); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + inverse = _r; + if (inverse === ptrType$2.nil) { + $s = -1; return ptrType$2.nil; + } + xWords = inverse.abs; + /* } */ case 2: + yWords = y.abs; + mWords = nat.nil; + if (!(m === ptrType$2.nil)) { + mWords = m.abs; + } + _r$1 = z.abs.expNN(xWords, yWords, mWords); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$1; + z.neg = z.abs.$length > 0 && x.neg && yWords.$length > 0 && ((((0 >= yWords.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : yWords.$array[yWords.$offset + 0]) & 1) >>> 0) === 1); + /* */ if (z.neg && mWords.$length > 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (z.neg && mWords.$length > 0) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = z.abs.sub(mWords, z.abs); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$2; + z.neg = false; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Exp, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, inverse, m, mWords, x, xWords, y, yWords, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Exp = function(x, y, m) { return this.$val.Exp(x, y, m); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.GCD = function(x, y, a, b) { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, a, b, lenA, lenB, negA, negB, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, a, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + if ((a.abs.$length === 0) || (b.abs.$length === 0)) { + _tmp = a.abs.$length; + _tmp$1 = b.abs.$length; + _tmp$2 = a.neg; + _tmp$3 = b.neg; + lenA = _tmp; + lenB = _tmp$1; + negA = _tmp$2; + negB = _tmp$3; + if (lenA === 0) { + z.Set(b); + } else { + z.Set(a); + } + z.neg = false; + if (!(x === ptrType$2.nil)) { + if (lenA === 0) { + x.SetUint64(new $Uint64(0, 0)); + } else { + x.SetUint64(new $Uint64(0, 1)); + x.neg = negA; + } + } + if (!(y === ptrType$2.nil)) { + if (lenB === 0) { + y.SetUint64(new $Uint64(0, 0)); + } else { + y.SetUint64(new $Uint64(0, 1)); + y.neg = negB; + } + } + $s = -1; return z; + } + _r = z.lehmerGCD(x, y, a, b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.GCD, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, a, b, lenA, lenB, negA, negB, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.GCD = function(x, y, a, b) { return this.$val.GCD(x, y, a, b); }; + lehmerSimulate = function(A, B) { + var A, B, _q, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, a1, a2, even, h, m, n, q, r, u0, u1, u2, v0, v1, v2, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4; + u0 = 0; + u1 = 0; + v0 = 0; + v1 = 0; + even = false; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + a1 = _tmp; + a2 = _tmp$1; + u2 = _tmp$2; + v2 = _tmp$3; + m = B.abs.$length; + n = A.abs.$length; + h = nlz((x = A.abs, x$1 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1]))); + a1 = (((y = h, y < 32 ? ((x$2 = A.abs, x$3 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + x$3])) << y) : 0) >>> 0) | ((y$1 = ((32 - h >>> 0)), y$1 < 32 ? ((x$4 = A.abs, x$5 = n - 2 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5])) >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + if ((n === m)) { + a2 = (((y$2 = h, y$2 < 32 ? ((x$6 = B.abs, x$7 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + x$7])) << y$2) : 0) >>> 0) | ((y$3 = ((32 - h >>> 0)), y$3 < 32 ? ((x$8 = B.abs, x$9 = n - 2 >> 0, ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= x$8.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8.$array[x$8.$offset + x$9])) >>> y$3) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + } else if ((n === (m + 1 >> 0))) { + a2 = (y$4 = ((32 - h >>> 0)), y$4 < 32 ? ((x$10 = B.abs, x$11 = n - 2 >> 0, ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= x$10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10.$array[x$10.$offset + x$11])) >>> y$4) : 0) >>> 0; + } else { + a2 = 0; + } + even = false; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 1; + _tmp$6 = 0; + u0 = _tmp$4; + u1 = _tmp$5; + u2 = _tmp$6; + _tmp$7 = 0; + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = 1; + v0 = _tmp$7; + v1 = _tmp$8; + v2 = _tmp$9; + while (true) { + if (!(a2 >= v2 && (a1 - a2 >>> 0) >= (v1 + v2 >>> 0))) { break; } + _tmp$10 = (_q = a1 / a2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + _tmp$11 = (_r = a1 % a2, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + q = _tmp$10; + r = _tmp$11; + _tmp$12 = a2; + _tmp$13 = r; + a1 = _tmp$12; + a2 = _tmp$13; + _tmp$14 = u1; + _tmp$15 = u2; + _tmp$16 = u1 + ($imul(q, u2) >>> 0) >>> 0; + u0 = _tmp$14; + u1 = _tmp$15; + u2 = _tmp$16; + _tmp$17 = v1; + _tmp$18 = v2; + _tmp$19 = v1 + ($imul(q, v2) >>> 0) >>> 0; + v0 = _tmp$17; + v1 = _tmp$18; + v2 = _tmp$19; + even = !even; + } + return [u0, u1, v0, v1, even]; + }; + lehmerUpdate = function(A, B, q, r, s, t, u0, u1, v0, v1, even) { + var {A, B, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, even, q, r, s, t, u0, u1, v0, v1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {A, B, q, r, s, t, u0, u1, v0, v1, even}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t.abs = t.abs.setWord(u0); + s.abs = s.abs.setWord(v0); + t.neg = !even; + s.neg = even; + _r = t.Mul(A, t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _r$1 = s.Mul(B, s); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + r.abs = r.abs.setWord(u1); + q.abs = q.abs.setWord(v1); + r.neg = even; + q.neg = !even; + _r$2 = r.Mul(A, r); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = q.Mul(B, q); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = A.Add(t, s); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = B.Add(r, q); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: lehmerUpdate, $c: true, $r, A, B, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, even, q, r, s, t, u0, u1, v0, v1, $s};return $f; + }; + euclidUpdate = function(A, B, Ua, Ub, q, r, s, t, extended) { + var {A, B, Ua, Ub, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, extended, q, r, s, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {A, B, Ua, Ub, q, r, s, t, extended}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = q.QuoRem(A, B, r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + q = _tuple[0]; + r = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = $clone(B, Int); + _tmp$1 = $clone(r, Int); + _tmp$2 = $clone(A, Int); + Int.copy(A, _tmp); + Int.copy(B, _tmp$1); + Int.copy(r, _tmp$2); + /* */ if (extended) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (extended) { */ case 2: + t.Set(Ub); + _r$1 = s.Mul(Ub, q); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = Ub.Sub(Ua, s); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + Ua.Set(t); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: euclidUpdate, $c: true, $r, A, B, Ua, Ub, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, extended, q, r, s, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.ptr.prototype.lehmerGCD = function(x, y, a, b) { + var {A, B, Ua, Ub, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, a, aWord, b, bWord, even, even$1, extended, negA, q, q$1, r, r$1, s, t, u0, u1, ua, ub, v0, v1, va, vb, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, a, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _tmp = ptrType$2.nil; + _tmp$1 = ptrType$2.nil; + _tmp$2 = ptrType$2.nil; + _tmp$3 = ptrType$2.nil; + A = _tmp; + B = _tmp$1; + Ua = _tmp$2; + Ub = _tmp$3; + A = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).Abs(a); + B = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).Abs(b); + extended = !(x === ptrType$2.nil) || !(y === ptrType$2.nil); + if (extended) { + Ua = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).SetInt64(new $Int64(0, 1)); + Ub = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + } + q = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + r = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + s = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + t = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + if (A.abs.cmp(B.abs) < 0) { + _tmp$4 = B; + _tmp$5 = A; + A = _tmp$4; + B = _tmp$5; + _tmp$6 = Ua; + _tmp$7 = Ub; + Ub = _tmp$6; + Ua = _tmp$7; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(B.abs.$length > 1)) { break; } */ if(!(B.abs.$length > 1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = lehmerSimulate(A, B); + u0 = _tuple[0]; + u1 = _tuple[1]; + v0 = _tuple[2]; + v1 = _tuple[3]; + even = _tuple[4]; + /* */ if (!((v0 === 0))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((v0 === 0))) { */ case 3: + $r = lehmerUpdate(A, B, q, r, s, t, u0, u1, v0, v1, even); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (extended) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (extended) { */ case 7: + $r = lehmerUpdate(Ua, Ub, q, r, s, t, u0, u1, v0, v1, even); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $r = euclidUpdate(A, B, Ua, Ub, q, r, s, t, extended); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (B.abs.$length > 0) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (B.abs.$length > 0) { */ case 11: + /* */ if (A.abs.$length > 1) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (A.abs.$length > 1) { */ case 13: + $r = euclidUpdate(A, B, Ua, Ub, q, r, s, t, extended); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 14: + /* */ if (B.abs.$length > 0) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (B.abs.$length > 0) { */ case 16: + _tmp$8 = (x$1 = A.abs, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])); + _tmp$9 = (x$2 = B.abs, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])); + aWord = _tmp$8; + bWord = _tmp$9; + /* */ if (extended) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (extended) { */ case 18: + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = 0; + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = 0; + ua = _tmp$10; + ub = _tmp$11; + va = _tmp$12; + vb = _tmp$13; + _tmp$14 = 1; + _tmp$15 = 0; + ua = _tmp$14; + ub = _tmp$15; + _tmp$16 = 0; + _tmp$17 = 1; + va = _tmp$16; + vb = _tmp$17; + even$1 = true; + while (true) { + if (!(!((bWord === 0)))) { break; } + _tmp$18 = (_q = aWord / bWord, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + _tmp$19 = (_r = aWord % bWord, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + q$1 = _tmp$18; + r$1 = _tmp$19; + _tmp$20 = bWord; + _tmp$21 = r$1; + aWord = _tmp$20; + bWord = _tmp$21; + _tmp$22 = ub; + _tmp$23 = ua + ($imul(q$1, ub) >>> 0) >>> 0; + ua = _tmp$22; + ub = _tmp$23; + _tmp$24 = vb; + _tmp$25 = va + ($imul(q$1, vb) >>> 0) >>> 0; + va = _tmp$24; + vb = _tmp$25; + even$1 = !even$1; + } + t.abs = t.abs.setWord(ua); + s.abs = s.abs.setWord(va); + t.neg = !even$1; + s.neg = even$1; + _r$1 = t.Mul(Ua, t); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = s.Mul(Ub, s); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = Ua.Add(t, s); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = 20; continue; + /* } else { */ case 19: + while (true) { + if (!(!((bWord === 0)))) { break; } + _tmp$26 = bWord; + _tmp$27 = (_r$4 = aWord % bWord, _r$4 === _r$4 ? _r$4 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + aWord = _tmp$26; + bWord = _tmp$27; + } + /* } */ case 20: + (x$3 = A.abs, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0] = aWord)); + /* } */ case 17: + /* } */ case 12: + negA = a.neg; + /* */ if (!(y === ptrType$2.nil)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!(y === ptrType$2.nil)) { */ case 24: + if (y === b) { + B.Set(b); + } else { + B = b; + } + _r$5 = y.Mul(a, Ua); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + if (negA) { + y.neg = !y.neg; + } + _r$6 = y.Sub(A, y); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = y.Div(y, B); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* } */ case 25: + if (!(x === ptrType$2.nil)) { + Int.copy(x, Ua); + if (negA) { + x.neg = !x.neg; + } + } + Int.copy(z, A); + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.lehmerGCD, $c: true, $r, A, B, Ua, Ub, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, a, aWord, b, bWord, even, even$1, extended, negA, q, q$1, r, r$1, s, t, u0, u1, ua, ub, v0, v1, va, vb, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.lehmerGCD = function(x, y, a, b) { return this.$val.lehmerGCD(x, y, a, b); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Rand = function(rnd, n) { + var {_r, n, rnd, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rnd, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + z.neg = false; + if (n.neg || (n.abs.$length === 0)) { + z.abs = nat.nil; + $s = -1; return z; + } + _r = z.abs.random(rnd, n.abs, n.abs.bitLen()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Rand, $c: true, $r, _r, n, rnd, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Rand = function(rnd, n) { return this.$val.Rand(rnd, n); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.ModInverse = function(g, n) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, d, g, g2, n, n2, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {g, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = [x]; + z = this; + if (n.neg) { + n2 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + n = n2.Neg(n); + } + /* */ if (g.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (g.neg) { */ case 1: + g2 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _r = g2.Mod(g, n); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + g = _r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tmp = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + d = $clone(_tmp, Int); + x[0] = $clone(_tmp$1, Int); + _r$1 = d.GCD(x[0], ptrType$2.nil, g, n); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + if (!((d.Cmp(intOne) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return ptrType$2.nil; + } + /* */ if (x[0].neg) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (x[0].neg) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = z.Add(x[0], n); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + z.Set(x[0]); + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.ModInverse, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, d, g, g2, n, n2, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.ModInverse = function(g, n) { return this.$val.ModInverse(g, n); }; + Jacobi = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, a, b, bmod8, c, j, s, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + a = [a]; + b = [b]; + c = [c]; + /* */ if ((y.abs.$length === 0) || ((((x$1 = y.abs, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])) & 1) >>> 0) === 0)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((y.abs.$length === 0) || ((((x$1 = y.abs, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])) & 1) >>> 0) === 0)) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("big: invalid 2nd argument to Int.Jacobi: need odd integer but got %s", new sliceType([y])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 2: + _tmp = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _tmp$2 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + a[0] = $clone(_tmp, Int); + b[0] = $clone(_tmp$1, Int); + c[0] = $clone(_tmp$2, Int); + a[0].Set(x); + b[0].Set(y); + j = 1; + if (b[0].neg) { + if (a[0].neg) { + j = -1; + } + b[0].neg = false; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + if (b[0].Cmp(intOne) === 0) { + $s = -1; return j; + } + if (a[0].abs.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _r$1 = a[0].Mod(a[0], b[0]); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + if (a[0].abs.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + s = a[0].abs.trailingZeroBits(); + if (!((((s & 1) >>> 0) === 0))) { + bmod8 = ((x$2 = b[0].abs, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])) & 7) >>> 0; + if ((bmod8 === 3) || (bmod8 === 5)) { + j = -j; + } + } + _r$2 = c[0].Rsh(a[0], s); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + if (((((x$3 = b[0].abs, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0])) & 3) >>> 0) === 3) && ((((x$4 = c[0].abs, (0 >= x$4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + 0])) & 3) >>> 0) === 3)) { + j = -j; + } + a[0].Set(b[0]); + b[0].Set(c[0]); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Jacobi, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, a, b, bmod8, c, j, s, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, y, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Jacobi = Jacobi; + Int.ptr.prototype.modSqrt3Mod4Prime = function(x, p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, e, p, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).Add(p, intOne); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r; + _r$1 = e.Rsh(e, 2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = z.Exp(x, e, p); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.modSqrt3Mod4Prime, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, e, p, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.modSqrt3Mod4Prime = function(x, p) { return this.$val.modSqrt3Mod4Prime(x, p); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.modSqrt5Mod8Prime = function(x, p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, alpha, beta, e, p, tx, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).Rsh(p, 3); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r; + tx = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).Lsh(x, 1); + _r$1 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).Exp(tx, e, p); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + alpha = _r$1; + _r$2 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).Mul(alpha, alpha); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + beta = _r$2; + _r$3 = beta.Mod(beta, p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = beta.Mul(beta, tx); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = beta.Mod(beta, p); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = beta.Sub(beta, intOne); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = beta.Mul(beta, x); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = beta.Mod(beta, p); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = beta.Mul(beta, alpha); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + _r$10 = z.Mod(beta, p); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.modSqrt5Mod8Prime, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, alpha, beta, e, p, tx, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.modSqrt5Mod8Prime = function(x, p) { return this.$val.modSqrt5Mod8Prime(x, p); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.modSqrtTonelliShanks = function(x, p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, e, g, m, n, p, r, s, t, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = [b]; + g = [g]; + n = [n]; + s = [s]; + t = [t]; + y = [y]; + z = this; + s[0] = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _r = s[0].Sub(p, intOne); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + e = s[0].abs.trailingZeroBits(); + _r$1 = s[0].Rsh(s[0], e); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + n[0] = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + n[0].SetInt64(new $Int64(0, 2)); + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = Jacobi(n[0], p); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(!((_r$2 === -1)))) { break; } */ if(!(!((_r$2 === -1)))) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$3 = n[0].Add(n[0], intOne); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _tmp = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _tmp$2 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + _tmp$3 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil); + y[0] = $clone(_tmp, Int); + b[0] = $clone(_tmp$1, Int); + g[0] = $clone(_tmp$2, Int); + t[0] = $clone(_tmp$3, Int); + _r$4 = y[0].Add(s[0], intOne); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = y[0].Rsh(y[0], 1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = y[0].Exp(x, y[0], p); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = b[0].Exp(x, s[0], p); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = g[0].Exp(n[0], s[0], p); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + r = e; + /* while (true) { */ case 12: + m = 0; + t[0].Set(b[0]); + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(!((t[0].Cmp(intOne) === 0)))) { break; } */ if(!(!((t[0].Cmp(intOne) === 0)))) { $s = 15; continue; } + _r$9 = t[0].Mul(t[0], t[0]); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = _r$9.Mod(t[0], p); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + m = m + (1) >>> 0; + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + if (m === 0) { + $s = -1; return z.Set(y[0]); + } + _r$11 = t[0].SetInt64(new $Int64(0, 0)).SetBit(t[0], ((((r - m >>> 0) - 1 >>> 0) >> 0)), 1); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = _r$11.Exp(g[0], t[0], p); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + _r$13 = g[0].Mul(t[0], t[0]); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = _r$13.Mod(g[0], p); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + _r$15 = y[0].Mul(y[0], t[0]); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = _r$15.Mod(y[0], p); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + _r$17 = b[0].Mul(b[0], g[0]); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = _r$17.Mod(b[0], p); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18; + r = m; + $s = 12; continue; + case 13: + $s = -1; return ptrType$2.nil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.modSqrtTonelliShanks, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, e, g, m, n, p, r, s, t, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.modSqrtTonelliShanks = function(x, p) { return this.$val.modSqrtTonelliShanks(x, p); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.ModSqrt = function(x, p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, p, x, x$1, x$2, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + _r = Jacobi(x, p); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r; + if (_1 === (-1)) { + $s = -1; return ptrType$2.nil; + } else if (_1 === (0)) { + $s = -1; return z.SetInt64(new $Int64(0, 0)); + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + /* break; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + case 1: + /* */ if (x.neg || x.Cmp(p) >= 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (x.neg || x.Cmp(p) >= 0) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = new Int.ptr(false, nat.nil).Mod(x, p); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x = _r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (((_r$2 = (x$1 = p.abs, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])) % 4, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 3)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (((_r$3 = (x$2 = p.abs, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])) % 8, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 5)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (((_r$2 = (x$1 = p.abs, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])) % 4, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 3)) { */ case 7: + _r$4 = z.modSqrt3Mod4Prime(x, p); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } else if (((_r$3 = (x$2 = p.abs, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])) % 8, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 5)) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = z.modSqrt5Mod8Prime(x, p); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$5; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } else { */ case 9: + _r$6 = z.modSqrtTonelliShanks(x, p); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$6; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 10: + case 6: + $s = -1; return ptrType$2.nil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.ModSqrt, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, p, x, x$1, x$2, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.ModSqrt = function(x, p) { return this.$val.ModSqrt(x, p); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Lsh = function(x, n) { + var n, x, z; + z = this; + z.abs = z.abs.shl(x.abs, n); + z.neg = x.neg; + return z; + }; + Int.prototype.Lsh = function(x, n) { return this.$val.Lsh(x, n); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Rsh = function(x, n) { + var {_r, _r$1, n, t, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + /* */ if (x.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x.neg) { */ case 1: + _r = z.abs.sub(x.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r; + t = t.shr(t, n); + _r$1 = t.add(t, natOne); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$1; + z.neg = true; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 2: + z.abs = z.abs.shr(x.abs, n); + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Rsh, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, n, t, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Rsh = function(x, n) { return this.$val.Rsh(x, n); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Bit = function(i) { + var {_r, i, t, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + if (i === 0) { + if (x.abs.$length > 0) { + $s = -1; return (((((x$1 = x.abs, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])) & 1) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + } + $s = -1; return 0; + } + if (i < 0) { + $panic(new $String("negative bit index")); + } + /* */ if (x.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x.neg) { */ case 1: + _r = (nat.nil).sub(x.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r; + $s = -1; return (t.bit(((i >>> 0))) ^ 1) >>> 0; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return x.abs.bit(((i >>> 0))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Bit, $c: true, $r, _r, i, t, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Bit = function(i) { return this.$val.Bit(i); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.SetBit = function(x, i, b) { + var {_r, _r$1, b, i, t, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, i, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + if (i < 0) { + $panic(new $String("negative bit index")); + } + /* */ if (x.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x.neg) { */ case 1: + _r = z.abs.sub(x.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r; + t = t.setBit(t, ((i >>> 0)), (b ^ 1) >>> 0); + _r$1 = t.add(t, natOne); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$1; + z.neg = z.abs.$length > 0; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 2: + z.abs = z.abs.setBit(x.abs, ((i >>> 0)), b); + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.SetBit, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, b, i, t, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.SetBit = function(x, i, b) { return this.$val.SetBit(x, i, b); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.And = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, x, x1, y, y1, y1$1, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + /* */ if (x.neg === y.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x.neg === y.neg) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (x.neg) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (x.neg) { */ case 3: + _r = (nat.nil).sub(x.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x1 = _r; + _r$1 = (nat.nil).sub(y.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y1 = _r$1; + _r$2 = z.abs.add(z.abs.or(x1, y1), natOne); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$2; + z.neg = true; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 4: + z.abs = z.abs.and(x.abs, y.abs); + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 2: + if (x.neg) { + _tmp = y; + _tmp$1 = x; + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + } + _r$3 = (nat.nil).sub(y.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y1$1 = _r$3; + z.abs = z.abs.andNot(x.abs, y1$1); + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.And, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, x, x1, y, y1, y1$1, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.And = function(x, y) { return this.$val.And(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.AndNot = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, x, x1, x1$1, y, y1, y1$1, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + /* */ if (x.neg === y.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x.neg === y.neg) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (x.neg) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (x.neg) { */ case 3: + _r = (nat.nil).sub(x.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x1 = _r; + _r$1 = (nat.nil).sub(y.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y1 = _r$1; + z.abs = z.abs.andNot(y1, x1); + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 4: + z.abs = z.abs.andNot(x.abs, y.abs); + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (x.neg) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (x.neg) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = (nat.nil).sub(x.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x1$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = z.abs.add(z.abs.or(x1$1, y.abs), natOne); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$3; + z.neg = true; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$4 = (nat.nil).sub(y.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y1$1 = _r$4; + z.abs = z.abs.and(x.abs, y1$1); + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.AndNot, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, x, x1, x1$1, y, y1, y1$1, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.AndNot = function(x, y) { return this.$val.AndNot(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Or = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, x, x1, y, y1, y1$1, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + /* */ if (x.neg === y.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x.neg === y.neg) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (x.neg) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (x.neg) { */ case 3: + _r = (nat.nil).sub(x.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x1 = _r; + _r$1 = (nat.nil).sub(y.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y1 = _r$1; + _r$2 = z.abs.add(z.abs.and(x1, y1), natOne); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$2; + z.neg = true; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 4: + z.abs = z.abs.or(x.abs, y.abs); + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 2: + if (x.neg) { + _tmp = y; + _tmp$1 = x; + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + } + _r$3 = (nat.nil).sub(y.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y1$1 = _r$3; + _r$4 = z.abs.add(z.abs.andNot(y1$1, x.abs), natOne); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$4; + z.neg = true; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Or, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, x, x1, y, y1, y1$1, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Or = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Or(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Xor = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, x, x1, y, y1, y1$1, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + /* */ if (x.neg === y.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x.neg === y.neg) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (x.neg) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (x.neg) { */ case 3: + _r = (nat.nil).sub(x.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x1 = _r; + _r$1 = (nat.nil).sub(y.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y1 = _r$1; + z.abs = z.abs.xor(x1, y1); + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 4: + z.abs = z.abs.xor(x.abs, y.abs); + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 2: + if (x.neg) { + _tmp = y; + _tmp$1 = x; + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + } + _r$2 = (nat.nil).sub(y.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y1$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = z.abs.add(z.abs.xor(x.abs, y1$1), natOne); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$3; + z.neg = true; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Xor, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, x, x1, y, y1, y1$1, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Xor = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Xor(x, y); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Not = function(x) { + var {_r, _r$1, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + /* */ if (x.neg) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (x.neg) { */ case 1: + _r = z.abs.sub(x.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r; + z.neg = false; + $s = -1; return z; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = z.abs.add(x.abs, natOne); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r$1; + z.neg = true; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Not, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Not = function(x) { return this.$val.Not(x); }; + Int.ptr.prototype.Sqrt = function(x) { + var {_r, x, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + z = this; + if (x.neg) { + $panic(new $String("square root of negative number")); + } + z.neg = false; + _r = z.abs.sqrt(x.abs); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z.abs = _r; + $s = -1; return z; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int.ptr.prototype.Sqrt, $c: true, $r, _r, x, z, $s};return $f; + }; + Int.prototype.Sqrt = function(x) { return this.$val.Sqrt(x); }; + mulWW = function(x, y) { + var _tuple, x, y, z0, z1; + z1 = 0; + z0 = 0; + _tuple = mulWW_g(x, y); + z1 = _tuple[0]; + z0 = _tuple[1]; + return [z1, z0]; + }; + addVV = function(z, x, y) { + var c, x, y, z; + c = 0; + c = addVV_g(z, x, y); + return c; + }; + subVV = function(z, x, y) { + var c, x, y, z; + c = 0; + c = subVV_g(z, x, y); + return c; + }; + addVW = function(z, x, y) { + var {$24r, _r, c, fn, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {z, x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = 0; + fn = addVW_g; + if (z.$length > 32) { + fn = addVWlarge; + } + _r = fn(z, x, y); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c = _r; + $24r = c; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: addVW, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, c, fn, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + subVW = function(z, x, y) { + var {$24r, _r, c, fn, x, y, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {z, x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = 0; + fn = subVW_g; + if (z.$length > 32) { + fn = subVWlarge; + } + _r = fn(z, x, y); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c = _r; + $24r = c; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: subVW, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, c, fn, x, y, z, $s};return $f; + }; + shlVU = function(z, x, s) { + var c, s, x, z; + c = 0; + c = shlVU_g(z, x, s); + return c; + }; + shrVU = function(z, x, s) { + var c, s, x, z; + c = 0; + c = shrVU_g(z, x, s); + return c; + }; + mulAddVWW = function(z, x, y, r) { + var c, r, x, y, z; + c = 0; + c = mulAddVWW_g(z, x, y, r); + return c; + }; + addMulVVW = function(z, x, y) { + var c, x, y, z; + c = 0; + c = addMulVVW_g(z, x, y); + return c; + }; + mulWW_g = function(x, y) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, hi, lo, x, y, z0, z1; + z1 = 0; + z0 = 0; + _tuple = bits.Mul(((x >>> 0)), ((y >>> 0))); + hi = _tuple[0]; + lo = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = ((hi >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((lo >>> 0)); + z1 = _tmp; + z0 = _tmp$1; + return [z1, z0]; + }; + mulAddWWW_g = function(x, y, c) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, cc, hi, lo, x, y, z0, z1; + z1 = 0; + z0 = 0; + _tuple = bits.Mul(((x >>> 0)), ((y >>> 0))); + hi = _tuple[0]; + lo = _tuple[1]; + cc = 0; + _tuple$1 = bits.Add(lo, ((c >>> 0)), 0); + lo = _tuple$1[0]; + cc = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp = (((hi + cc >>> 0) >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((lo >>> 0)); + z1 = _tmp; + z0 = _tmp$1; + return [z1, z0]; + }; + nlz = function(x) { + var x; + return ((bits.LeadingZeros(((x >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + }; + addVV_g = function(z, x, y) { + var _tuple, c, cc, i, x, y, z, zi; + c = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < z.$length && i < x.$length && i < y.$length)) { break; } + _tuple = bits.Add(((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) >>> 0)), ((((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i]) >>> 0)), ((c >>> 0))); + zi = _tuple[0]; + cc = _tuple[1]; + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((zi >>> 0))); + c = ((cc >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return c; + }; + subVV_g = function(z, x, y) { + var _tuple, c, cc, i, x, y, z, zi; + c = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < z.$length && i < x.$length && i < y.$length)) { break; } + _tuple = bits.Sub(((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) >>> 0)), ((((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i]) >>> 0)), ((c >>> 0))); + zi = _tuple[0]; + cc = _tuple[1]; + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((zi >>> 0))); + c = ((cc >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return c; + }; + addVW_g = function(z, x, y) { + var _tuple, c, cc, i, x, y, z, zi; + c = 0; + c = y; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < z.$length && i < x.$length)) { break; } + _tuple = bits.Add(((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) >>> 0)), ((c >>> 0)), 0); + zi = _tuple[0]; + cc = _tuple[1]; + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((zi >>> 0))); + c = ((cc >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return c; + }; + addVWlarge = function(z, x, y) { + var _tuple, c, cc, i, x, y, z, zi; + c = 0; + c = y; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < z.$length && i < x.$length)) { break; } + if (c === 0) { + $copySlice($subslice(z, i), $subslice(x, i)); + return c; + } + _tuple = bits.Add(((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) >>> 0)), ((c >>> 0)), 0); + zi = _tuple[0]; + cc = _tuple[1]; + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((zi >>> 0))); + c = ((cc >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return c; + }; + subVW_g = function(z, x, y) { + var _tuple, c, cc, i, x, y, z, zi; + c = 0; + c = y; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < z.$length && i < x.$length)) { break; } + _tuple = bits.Sub(((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) >>> 0)), ((c >>> 0)), 0); + zi = _tuple[0]; + cc = _tuple[1]; + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((zi >>> 0))); + c = ((cc >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return c; + }; + subVWlarge = function(z, x, y) { + var _tuple, c, cc, i, x, y, z, zi; + c = 0; + c = y; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < z.$length && i < x.$length)) { break; } + if (c === 0) { + $copySlice($subslice(z, i), $subslice(x, i)); + return c; + } + _tuple = bits.Sub(((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) >>> 0)), ((c >>> 0)), 0); + zi = _tuple[0]; + cc = _tuple[1]; + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((zi >>> 0))); + c = ((cc >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return c; + }; + shlVU_g = function(z, x, s) { + var $C5$9D, c, i, s, x, x$1, x$2, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, z; + c = 0; + if (s === 0) { + $copySlice(z, x); + return c; + } + if (z.$length === 0) { + return c; + } + s = (s & (31)) >>> 0; + $C5$9D = 32 - s >>> 0; + $C5$9D = ($C5$9D & (31)) >>> 0; + c = (y = $C5$9D, y < 32 ? ((x$1 = z.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])) >>> y) : 0) >>> 0; + i = z.$length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i > 0)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = ((((y$1 = s, y$1 < 32 ? (((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) << y$1) : 0) >>> 0) | ((y$2 = $C5$9D, y$2 < 32 ? ((x$2 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$2])) >>> y$2) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + (0 >= z.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + 0] = ((y$3 = s, y$3 < 32 ? ((0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]) << y$3) : 0) >>> 0)); + return c; + }; + shrVU_g = function(z, x, s) { + var $C5$9D, c, i, s, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, z; + c = 0; + if (s === 0) { + $copySlice(z, x); + return c; + } + if (z.$length === 0) { + return c; + } + if (!((x.$length === z.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("len(x) != len(z)")); + } + s = (s & (31)) >>> 0; + $C5$9D = 32 - s >>> 0; + $C5$9D = ($C5$9D & (31)) >>> 0; + c = (y = $C5$9D, y < 32 ? ((0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]) << y) : 0) >>> 0; + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < z.$length)) { break; } + (x$2 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + x$2] = ((((y$1 = s, y$1 < 32 ? ((x$1 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])) >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0) | ((y$2 = $C5$9D, y$2 < 32 ? (((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) << y$2) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + (x$4 = z.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + x$4] = ((y$3 = s, y$3 < 32 ? ((x$3 = z.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$3])) >>> y$3) : 0) >>> 0))); + return c; + }; + mulAddVWW_g = function(z, x, y, r) { + var _tuple, c, i, r, x, y, z; + c = 0; + c = r; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < z.$length && i < x.$length)) { break; } + _tuple = mulAddWWW_g(((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]), y, c); + c = _tuple[0]; + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = _tuple[1]); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return c; + }; + addMulVVW_g = function(z, x, y) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, cc, i, lo, x, y, z, z0, z1; + c = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < z.$length && i < x.$length)) { break; } + _tuple = mulAddWWW_g(((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]), y, ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i])); + z1 = _tuple[0]; + z0 = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = bits.Add(((z0 >>> 0)), ((c >>> 0)), 0); + lo = _tuple$1[0]; + cc = _tuple$1[1]; + _tmp = ((cc >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((lo >>> 0)); + c = _tmp; + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = _tmp$1); + c = c + (z1) >>> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return c; + }; + divWW = function(x1, x0, y, m) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, b, c, d, dq0, dq1, m, q, qq, r, r0, r1, s, t0, t1, x0, x1, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4, y$5; + q = 0; + r = 0; + s = nlz(y); + if (!((s === 0))) { + x1 = (((y$1 = s, y$1 < 32 ? (x1 << y$1) : 0) >>> 0) | ((y$2 = ((32 - s >>> 0)), y$2 < 32 ? (x0 >>> y$2) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + x0 = (y$3 = (s), y$3 < 32 ? (x0 << y$3) : 0) >>> 0; + y = (y$4 = (s), y$4 < 32 ? (y << y$4) : 0) >>> 0; + } + d = ((y >>> 0)); + _tuple = bits.Mul(((m >>> 0)), ((x1 >>> 0))); + t1 = _tuple[0]; + t0 = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = bits.Add(t0, ((x0 >>> 0)), 0); + c = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = bits.Add(t1, ((x1 >>> 0)), c); + t1 = _tuple$2[0]; + qq = t1; + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul(d, qq); + dq1 = _tuple$3[0]; + dq0 = _tuple$3[1]; + _tuple$4 = bits.Sub(((x0 >>> 0)), dq0, 0); + r0 = _tuple$4[0]; + b = _tuple$4[1]; + _tuple$5 = bits.Sub(((x1 >>> 0)), dq1, b); + r1 = _tuple$5[0]; + if (!((r1 === 0))) { + qq = qq + (1) >>> 0; + r0 = r0 - (d) >>> 0; + } + if (r0 >= d) { + qq = qq + (1) >>> 0; + r0 = r0 - (d) >>> 0; + } + _tmp = ((qq >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((((y$5 = s, y$5 < 32 ? (r0 >>> y$5) : 0) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + q = _tmp; + r = _tmp$1; + return [q, r]; + }; + reciprocalWord = function(d1) { + var _tuple, d1, rec, u, x0, x1, y; + u = ((((y = nlz(d1), y < 32 ? (d1 << y) : 0) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + x1 = ~u >>> 0; + x0 = 4294967295; + _tuple = bits.Div(x1, x0, u); + rec = _tuple[0]; + return ((rec >>> 0)); + }; + nat.methods = [{prop: "probablyPrimeMillerRabin", name: "probablyPrimeMillerRabin", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Bool], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "probablyPrimeLucas", name: "probablyPrimeLucas", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "div", name: "div", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat, nat], [nat, nat], false)}, {prop: "divW", name: "divW", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, Word], [nat, Word], false)}, {prop: "modW", name: "modW", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([Word], [Word], false)}, {prop: "divLarge", name: "divLarge", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat, nat], [nat, nat], false)}, {prop: "divBasic", name: "divBasic", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat], [], false)}, {prop: "divRecursive", name: "divRecursive", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat], [], false)}, {prop: "divRecursiveStep", name: "divRecursiveStep", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat, $Int, ptrType$3, sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "scan", name: "scan", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([io.ByteScanner, $Int, $Bool], [nat, $Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "utoa", name: "utoa", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "itoa", name: "itoa", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([$Bool, $Int], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "convertWords", name: "convertWords", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, Word, $Int, Word, sliceType$4], [], false)}, {prop: "expWW", name: "expWW", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([Word, Word], [nat], false)}, {prop: "clear", name: "clear", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "norm", name: "norm", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([], [nat], false)}, {prop: "make", name: "make", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([$Int], [nat], false)}, {prop: "setWord", name: "setWord", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([Word], [nat], false)}, {prop: "setUint64", name: "setUint64", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [nat], false)}, {prop: "set", name: "set", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "add", name: "add", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "sub", name: "sub", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "cmp", name: "cmp", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "mulAddWW", name: "mulAddWW", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, Word, Word], [nat], false)}, {prop: "montgomery", name: "montgomery", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat, nat, Word, $Int], [nat], false)}, {prop: "mul", name: "mul", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "sqr", name: "sqr", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "mulRange", name: "mulRange", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([$Uint64, $Uint64], [nat], false)}, {prop: "bitLen", name: "bitLen", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "trailingZeroBits", name: "trailingZeroBits", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint], false)}, {prop: "shl", name: "shl", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, $Uint], [nat], false)}, {prop: "shr", name: "shr", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, $Uint], [nat], false)}, {prop: "setBit", name: "setBit", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, $Uint, $Uint], [nat], false)}, {prop: "bit", name: "bit", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([$Uint], [$Uint], false)}, {prop: "sticky", name: "sticky", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([$Uint], [$Uint], false)}, {prop: "and", name: "and", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "andNot", name: "andNot", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "or", name: "or", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "xor", name: "xor", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "random", name: "random", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5, nat, $Int], [nat], false)}, {prop: "expNN", name: "expNN", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat, nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "expNNWindowed", name: "expNNWindowed", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat, nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "expNNMontgomery", name: "expNNMontgomery", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat, nat, nat], [nat], false)}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "setBytes", name: "setBytes", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [nat], false)}, {prop: "sqrt", name: "sqrt", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([nat], [nat], false)}]; + byteReader.methods = [{prop: "ReadByte", name: "ReadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnreadByte", name: "UnreadByte", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "scaleDenom", name: "scaleDenom", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, nat], [], false)}, {prop: "ProbablyPrime", name: "ProbablyPrime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "GobEncode", name: "GobEncode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "GobDecode", name: "GobDecode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalText", name: "MarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalJSON", name: "MarshalJSON", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalJSON", name: "UnmarshalJSON", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Text", name: "Text", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Append", name: "Append", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Int], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.State, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "scan", name: "scan", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([io.ByteScanner, $Int], [ptrType$2, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Scan", name: "Scan", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([fmt.ScanState, $Int32], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Sign", name: "Sign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "SetInt64", name: "SetInt64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "SetUint64", name: "SetUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Bits", name: "Bits", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "SetBits", name: "SetBits", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Abs", name: "Abs", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Neg", name: "Neg", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Mul", name: "Mul", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "MulRange", name: "MulRange", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int64], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Binomial", name: "Binomial", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int64], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Quo", name: "Quo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Rem", name: "Rem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "QuoRem", name: "QuoRem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2, ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Div", name: "Div", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Mod", name: "Mod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "DivMod", name: "DivMod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2, ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Cmp", name: "Cmp", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "CmpAbs", name: "CmpAbs", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Int64", name: "Int64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "IsInt64", name: "IsInt64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsUint64", name: "IsUint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "SetString", name: "SetString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int], [ptrType$2, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "setFromScanner", name: "setFromScanner", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([io.ByteScanner, $Int], [ptrType$2, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "FillBytes", name: "FillBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "BitLen", name: "BitLen", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "TrailingZeroBits", name: "TrailingZeroBits", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint], false)}, {prop: "Exp", name: "Exp", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "GCD", name: "GCD", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "lehmerGCD", name: "lehmerGCD", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Rand", name: "Rand", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "ModInverse", name: "ModInverse", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "modSqrt3Mod4Prime", name: "modSqrt3Mod4Prime", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "modSqrt5Mod8Prime", name: "modSqrt5Mod8Prime", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "modSqrtTonelliShanks", name: "modSqrtTonelliShanks", pkg: "math/big", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "ModSqrt", name: "ModSqrt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Lsh", name: "Lsh", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, $Uint], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Rsh", name: "Rsh", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, $Uint], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Bit", name: "Bit", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Uint], false)}, {prop: "SetBit", name: "SetBit", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, $Int, $Uint], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "And", name: "And", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "AndNot", name: "AndNot", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Or", name: "Or", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Xor", name: "Xor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Not", name: "Not", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Sqrt", name: "Sqrt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}]; + divisor.init("math/big", [{prop: "bbb", name: "bbb", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nat, tag: ""}, {prop: "nbits", name: "nbits", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ndigits", name: "ndigits", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + nat.init(Word); + byteReader.init("", [{prop: "ScanState", name: "ScanState", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: fmt.ScanState, tag: ""}]); + Int.init("math/big", [{prop: "neg", name: "neg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "abs", name: "abs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nat, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = nosync.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rand.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cacheBase10 = new structType$1.ptr(new nosync.Mutex.ptr(false), arrayType.zero()); + natPool = new nosync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + errNoDigits = errors.New("number has no digits"); + errInvalSep = errors.New("'_' must separate successive digits"); + leafSize = 8; + natOne = new nat([1]); + natTwo = new nat([2]); + karatsubaThreshold = 40; + basicSqrThreshold = 20; + karatsubaSqrThreshold = 260; + intOne = new Int.ptr(false, natOne); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/rand"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, js$1, io, big, js, reader, sliceType, ptrType, ptrType$1, smallPrimesProduct, jsCrypto, uint8Array, Int, init, Read; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + js$1 = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + big = $packages["math/big"]; + js = $packages["syscall/js"]; + reader = $pkg.reader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rand.reader", true, "crypto/rand", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(big.Int); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(reader); + Int = function(rand, max) { + var {_q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, bitLen, bytes, err, k, max, n, rand, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand, max}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = ptrType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (max.Sign() <= 0) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/rand: argument to Int is <= 0")); + } + n = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _r = n.Sub(max, n.SetUint64(new $Uint64(0, 1))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + bitLen = n.BitLen(); + if (bitLen === 0) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + k = (_q = ((bitLen + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + b = (((_r$1 = bitLen % 8, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >>> 0)); + if (b === 0) { + b = 8; + } + bytes = $makeSlice(sliceType, k); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = io.ReadFull(rand, bytes); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = ptrType.nil; + _tmp$1 = err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + (0 >= bytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + 0] = (((0 >= bytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + 0]) & (((((((y = b, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >> 0)) - 1 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)))) >>> 0)); + n.SetBytes(bytes); + if (n.Cmp(max) < 0) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Int, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, bitLen, bytes, err, k, max, n, rand, y, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Int = Int; + init = function() { + $pkg.Reader = new reader.ptr(); + }; + Read = function(b) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, b, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = io.ReadFull($pkg.Reader, b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, b, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Read = Read; + reader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, array, b, crypto, err, n, offset, r, randomBytes, require; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + array = b.$array; + offset = $parseInt(b.$offset) >> 0; + crypto = $global.crypto; + if (crypto === undefined) { + crypto = $global.msCrypto; + } + if (!(crypto === undefined)) { + if (!(crypto.getRandomValues === undefined)) { + n = b.$length; + if (n > 65536) { + n = 65536; + } + crypto.getRandomValues(array.subarray(offset, offset + n >> 0)); + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + } + } + require = $global.require; + if (!(require === undefined)) { + randomBytes = require($externalize("crypto", $String)).randomBytes; + if (!(randomBytes === undefined)) { + array.set(randomBytes(b.$length), offset); + _tmp$2 = b.$length; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, err]; + } + } + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = errors.New("crypto/rand not available in this environment"); + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [n, err]; + }; + reader.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + reader.init("", []); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js$1.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = big.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.Reader = $ifaceNil; + smallPrimesProduct = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetUint64(new $Uint64(3793877372, 820596253)); + jsCrypto = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("crypto"), js.Value); + uint8Array = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("Uint8Array"), js.Value); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, hash, io, strconv, Hash, PublicKey, PrivateKey, Signer, SignerOpts, Decrypter, DecrypterOpts, sliceType, funcType, sliceType$1, digestSizes, hashes, RegisterHash; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + Hash = $pkg.Hash = $newType(4, $kindUint, "crypto.Hash", true, "crypto", true, null); + PublicKey = $pkg.PublicKey = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "crypto.PublicKey", true, "crypto", true, null); + PrivateKey = $pkg.PrivateKey = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "crypto.PrivateKey", true, "crypto", true, null); + Signer = $pkg.Signer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "crypto.Signer", true, "crypto", true, null); + SignerOpts = $pkg.SignerOpts = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "crypto.SignerOpts", true, "crypto", true, null); + Decrypter = $pkg.Decrypter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "crypto.Decrypter", true, "crypto", true, null); + DecrypterOpts = $pkg.DecrypterOpts = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "crypto.DecrypterOpts", true, "crypto", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + funcType = $funcType([], [hash.Hash], false); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(funcType); + Hash.prototype.HashFunc = function() { + var h; + h = this.$val; + return h; + }; + $ptrType(Hash).prototype.HashFunc = function() { return new Hash(this.$get()).HashFunc(); }; + Hash.prototype.String = function() { + var _1, h; + h = this.$val; + _1 = h; + if (_1 === (1)) { + return "MD4"; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + return "MD5"; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + return "SHA-1"; + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + return "SHA-224"; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + return "SHA-256"; + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + return "SHA-384"; + } else if (_1 === (7)) { + return "SHA-512"; + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + return "MD5+SHA1"; + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + return "RIPEMD-160"; + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + return "SHA3-224"; + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + return "SHA3-256"; + } else if (_1 === (12)) { + return "SHA3-384"; + } else if (_1 === (13)) { + return "SHA3-512"; + } else if (_1 === (14)) { + return "SHA-512/224"; + } else if (_1 === (15)) { + return "SHA-512/256"; + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + return "BLAKE2s-256"; + } else if (_1 === (17)) { + return "BLAKE2b-256"; + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + return "BLAKE2b-384"; + } else if (_1 === (19)) { + return "BLAKE2b-512"; + } else { + return "unknown hash value " + strconv.Itoa(((h >> 0))); + } + }; + $ptrType(Hash).prototype.String = function() { return new Hash(this.$get()).String(); }; + Hash.prototype.Size = function() { + var h; + h = this.$val; + if (h > 0 && h < 20) { + return ((((h < 0 || h >= digestSizes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digestSizes.$array[digestSizes.$offset + h]) >> 0)); + } + $panic(new $String("crypto: Size of unknown hash function")); + }; + $ptrType(Hash).prototype.Size = function() { return new Hash(this.$get()).Size(); }; + Hash.prototype.New = function() { + var {$24r, _r, f, h, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + /* */ if (h > 0 && h < 20) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (h > 0 && h < 20) { */ case 1: + f = ((h < 0 || h >= hashes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hashes.$array[hashes.$offset + h]); + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 3: + _r = f(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + $panic(new $String("crypto: requested hash function #" + strconv.Itoa(((h >> 0))) + " is unavailable")); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Hash.prototype.New, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, f, h, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Hash).prototype.New = function() { return new Hash(this.$get()).New(); }; + Hash.prototype.Available = function() { + var h; + h = this.$val; + return h < 20 && !(((h < 0 || h >= hashes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hashes.$array[hashes.$offset + h]) === $throwNilPointerError); + }; + $ptrType(Hash).prototype.Available = function() { return new Hash(this.$get()).Available(); }; + RegisterHash = function(h, f) { + var f, h; + if (h >= 20) { + $panic(new $String("crypto: RegisterHash of unknown hash function")); + } + ((h < 0 || h >= hashes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hashes.$array[hashes.$offset + h] = f); + }; + $pkg.RegisterHash = RegisterHash; + Hash.methods = [{prop: "HashFunc", name: "HashFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Hash], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [hash.Hash], false)}, {prop: "Available", name: "Available", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + PublicKey.init([]); + PrivateKey.init([]); + Signer.init([{prop: "Public", name: "Public", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [PublicKey], false)}, {prop: "Sign", name: "Sign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader, sliceType, SignerOpts], [sliceType, $error], false)}]); + SignerOpts.init([{prop: "HashFunc", name: "HashFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Hash], false)}]); + Decrypter.init([{prop: "Decrypt", name: "Decrypt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader, sliceType, DecrypterOpts], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "Public", name: "Public", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [PublicKey], false)}]); + DecrypterOpts.init([]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + digestSizes = new sliceType([0, 16, 16, 20, 28, 32, 48, 64, 36, 20, 28, 32, 48, 64, 28, 32, 32, 32, 48, 64]); + hashes = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 20); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/internal/subtle"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, js, ptrType, InexactOverlap, AnyOverlap; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + ptrType = $ptrType($Uint8); + InexactOverlap = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + if ((x.$length === 0) || (y.$length === 0) || $indexPtr(x.$array, x.$offset + 0, ptrType) === $indexPtr(y.$array, y.$offset + 0, ptrType)) { + return false; + } + return AnyOverlap(x, y); + }; + $pkg.InexactOverlap = InexactOverlap; + AnyOverlap = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + return x.$length > 0 && y.$length > 0 && x.$array === y.$array && ($parseInt(x.$offset) >> 0) <= ((($parseInt(y.$offset) >> 0) + y.$length >> 0) - 1 >> 0) && ($parseInt(y.$offset) >> 0) <= ((($parseInt(x.$offset) >> 0) + x.$length >> 0) - 1 >> 0); + }; + $pkg.AnyOverlap = AnyOverlap; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/subtle"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, ConstantTimeCompare, ConstantTimeSelect, ConstantTimeByteEq, ConstantTimeEq, ConstantTimeCopy, ConstantTimeLessOrEq; + ConstantTimeCompare = function(x, y) { + var i, v, x, y; + if (!((x.$length === y.$length))) { + return 0; + } + v = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < x.$length)) { break; } + v = (v | (((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) ^ ((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i])) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return ConstantTimeByteEq(v, 0); + }; + $pkg.ConstantTimeCompare = ConstantTimeCompare; + ConstantTimeSelect = function(v, x, y) { + var v, x, y; + return ((~((v - 1 >> 0)) >> 0) & x) | (((v - 1 >> 0)) & y); + }; + $pkg.ConstantTimeSelect = ConstantTimeSelect; + ConstantTimeByteEq = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + return (((((((((x ^ y) << 24 >>> 24) >>> 0)) - 1 >>> 0)) >>> 31 >>> 0) >> 0)); + }; + $pkg.ConstantTimeByteEq = ConstantTimeByteEq; + ConstantTimeEq = function(x, y) { + var x, x$1, y; + return (($shiftRightUint64(((x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, ((((x ^ y) >> 0) >>> 0)))), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - 0, x$1.$low - 1))), 63).$low >> 0)); + }; + $pkg.ConstantTimeEq = ConstantTimeEq; + ConstantTimeCopy = function(v, x, y) { + var i, v, x, xmask, y, ymask; + if (!((x.$length === y.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("subtle: slices have different lengths")); + } + xmask = (((v - 1 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + ymask = (((~((v - 1 >> 0)) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < x.$length)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i] = ((((((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) & xmask) >>> 0) | ((((i < 0 || i >= y.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + i]) & ymask) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + $pkg.ConstantTimeCopy = ConstantTimeCopy; + ConstantTimeLessOrEq = function(x, y) { + var x, x32, y, y32; + x32 = ((x >> 0)); + y32 = ((y >> 0)); + return ((((((((x32 - y32 >> 0) - 1 >> 0)) >> 31 >> 0)) & 1) >> 0)); + }; + $pkg.ConstantTimeLessOrEq = ConstantTimeLessOrEq; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/cipher"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, subtle, subtle$1, binary, errors, io, runtime, StreamReader, AEAD, gcmAble, gcmFieldElement, gcm, ctr, ctrAble, Block, Stream, BlockMode, cbc, cbcEncrypter, cbcEncAble, cbcDecrypter, cbcDecAble, sliceType, sliceType$1, arrayType, arrayType$1, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, errOpen, gcmReductionTable, xorBytes, fastXORBytes, safeXORBytes, fastXORWords, xorWords, NewGCM, newGCMWithNonceAndTagSize, reverseBits, gcmAdd, gcmDouble, gcmInc32, sliceForAppend, NewCTR, dup, newCBC, NewCBCEncrypter, NewCBCDecrypter; + subtle = $packages["crypto/internal/subtle"]; + subtle$1 = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + StreamReader = $pkg.StreamReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "cipher.StreamReader", true, "crypto/cipher", true, function(S_, R_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.S = $ifaceNil; + this.R = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.S = S_; + this.R = R_; + }); + AEAD = $pkg.AEAD = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "cipher.AEAD", true, "crypto/cipher", true, null); + gcmAble = $pkg.gcmAble = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "cipher.gcmAble", true, "crypto/cipher", false, null); + gcmFieldElement = $pkg.gcmFieldElement = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "cipher.gcmFieldElement", true, "crypto/cipher", false, function(low_, high_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.low = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.high = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.low = low_; + this.high = high_; + }); + gcm = $pkg.gcm = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "cipher.gcm", true, "crypto/cipher", false, function(cipher_, nonceSize_, tagSize_, productTable_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.cipher = $ifaceNil; + this.nonceSize = 0; + this.tagSize = 0; + this.productTable = arrayType$1.zero(); + return; + } + this.cipher = cipher_; + this.nonceSize = nonceSize_; + this.tagSize = tagSize_; + this.productTable = productTable_; + }); + ctr = $pkg.ctr = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "cipher.ctr", true, "crypto/cipher", false, function(b_, ctr_, out_, outUsed_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.b = $ifaceNil; + this.ctr = sliceType$1.nil; + this.out = sliceType$1.nil; + this.outUsed = 0; + return; + } + this.b = b_; + this.ctr = ctr_; + this.out = out_; + this.outUsed = outUsed_; + }); + ctrAble = $pkg.ctrAble = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "cipher.ctrAble", true, "crypto/cipher", false, null); + Block = $pkg.Block = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "cipher.Block", true, "crypto/cipher", true, null); + Stream = $pkg.Stream = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "cipher.Stream", true, "crypto/cipher", true, null); + BlockMode = $pkg.BlockMode = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "cipher.BlockMode", true, "crypto/cipher", true, null); + cbc = $pkg.cbc = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "cipher.cbc", true, "crypto/cipher", false, function(b_, blockSize_, iv_, tmp_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.b = $ifaceNil; + this.blockSize = 0; + this.iv = sliceType$1.nil; + this.tmp = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.b = b_; + this.blockSize = blockSize_; + this.iv = iv_; + this.tmp = tmp_; + }); + cbcEncrypter = $pkg.cbcEncrypter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "cipher.cbcEncrypter", true, "crypto/cipher", false, function(b_, blockSize_, iv_, tmp_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.b = $ifaceNil; + this.blockSize = 0; + this.iv = sliceType$1.nil; + this.tmp = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.b = b_; + this.blockSize = blockSize_; + this.iv = iv_; + this.tmp = tmp_; + }); + cbcEncAble = $pkg.cbcEncAble = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "cipher.cbcEncAble", true, "crypto/cipher", false, null); + cbcDecrypter = $pkg.cbcDecrypter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "cipher.cbcDecrypter", true, "crypto/cipher", false, function(b_, blockSize_, iv_, tmp_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.b = $ifaceNil; + this.blockSize = 0; + this.iv = sliceType$1.nil; + this.tmp = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.b = b_; + this.blockSize = blockSize_; + this.iv = iv_; + this.tmp = tmp_; + }); + cbcDecAble = $pkg.cbcDecAble = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "cipher.cbcDecAble", true, "crypto/cipher", false, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint16); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 16); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(gcmFieldElement, 16); + ptrType = $ptrType(cbcEncrypter); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(cbcDecrypter); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(gcmFieldElement); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(arrayType); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(gcm); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(ctr); + xorBytes = function(dst, a, b) { + var a, b, dst, n; + n = a.$length; + if (b.$length < n) { + n = b.$length; + } + if (n === 0) { + return 0; + } + if (false) { + fastXORBytes(dst, a, b, n); + } else { + safeXORBytes(dst, a, b, n); + } + return n; + }; + fastXORBytes = function(dst, a, b, n) { + var _q, _r, a, aw, b, bw, dst, dw, i, i$1, n, w, x; + $unused((x = n - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x]))); + w = (_q = n / 4, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (w > 0) { + dw = dst; + aw = a; + bw = b; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < w)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= dw.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dw.$array[dw.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= aw.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : aw.$array[aw.$offset + i]) ^ ((i < 0 || i >= bw.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bw.$array[bw.$offset + i])) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } + i$1 = (n - (_r = n % 4, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0); + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < n)) { break; } + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + i$1] = ((((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i$1]) ^ ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i$1])) << 24 >>> 24)); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + safeXORBytes = function(dst, a, b, n) { + var a, b, dst, i, n; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i]) ^ ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i])) << 24 >>> 24)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + fastXORWords = function(dst, a, b) { + var _q, a, aw, b, bw, dst, dw, i, n; + dw = dst; + aw = a; + bw = b; + n = (_q = b.$length / 4, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= dw.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dw.$array[dw.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= aw.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : aw.$array[aw.$offset + i]) ^ ((i < 0 || i >= bw.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bw.$array[bw.$offset + i])) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + xorWords = function(dst, a, b) { + var a, b, dst; + if (false) { + fastXORWords(dst, a, b); + } else { + safeXORBytes(dst, a, b, b.$length); + } + }; + StreamReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(dst) { + var {_r, _tuple, dst, err, n, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + _r = r.R.Read(dst); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $r = r.S.XORKeyStream($subslice(dst, 0, n), $subslice(dst, 0, n)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: StreamReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, dst, err, n, r, $s};return $f; + }; + StreamReader.prototype.Read = function(dst) { return this.$val.Read(dst); }; + NewGCM = function(cipher) { + var {$24r, _r, cipher, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cipher}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = newGCMWithNonceAndTagSize(cipher, 12, 16); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewGCM, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, cipher, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewGCM = NewGCM; + newGCMWithNonceAndTagSize = function(cipher, nonceSize, tagSize) { + var {$24r, _q, _r, _r$1, _tuple, cipher, cipher$1, g, i, key, nonceSize, ok, tagSize, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cipher, nonceSize, tagSize}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = [x]; + if (tagSize < 12 || tagSize > 16) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("cipher: incorrect tag size given to GCM")]; + } + if (nonceSize <= 0) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("cipher: the nonce can't have zero length, or the security of the key will be immediately compromised")]; + } + _tuple = $assertType(cipher, gcmAble, true); + cipher$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r = cipher$1.NewGCM(nonceSize, tagSize); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = cipher.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$1 === 16))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!((_r$1 === 16))) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("cipher: NewGCM requires 128-bit block cipher")]; + /* } */ case 6: + key = arrayType.zero(); + $r = cipher.Encrypt(new sliceType$1(key), new sliceType$1(key)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + g = new gcm.ptr(cipher, nonceSize, tagSize, arrayType$1.zero()); + x[0] = new gcmFieldElement.ptr($clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(key), 0, 8)), $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(key), 8))); + gcmFieldElement.copy((x$1 = g.productTable, x$2 = reverseBits(1), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2])), x[0]); + i = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + gcmFieldElement.copy((x$5 = g.productTable, x$6 = reverseBits(i), ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[x$6])), gcmDouble((x$3 = g.productTable, x$4 = reverseBits((_q = i / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))), ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[x$4])))); + gcmFieldElement.copy((x$9 = g.productTable, x$10 = reverseBits(i + 1 >> 0), ((x$10 < 0 || x$10 >= x$9.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9[x$10])), gcmAdd((x$7 = g.productTable, x$8 = reverseBits(i), ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= x$7.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7[x$8])), x[0])); + i = i + (2) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return [g, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newGCMWithNonceAndTagSize, $c: true, $r, $24r, _q, _r, _r$1, _tuple, cipher, cipher$1, g, i, key, nonceSize, ok, tagSize, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + gcm.ptr.prototype.NonceSize = function() { + var g; + g = this; + return g.nonceSize; + }; + gcm.prototype.NonceSize = function() { return this.$val.NonceSize(); }; + gcm.ptr.prototype.Overhead = function() { + var g; + g = this; + return g.tagSize; + }; + gcm.prototype.Overhead = function() { return this.$val.Overhead(); }; + gcm.ptr.prototype.Seal = function(dst, nonce, plaintext, data) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, counter, data, dst, g, nonce, out, plaintext, ret, tag, tagMask, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, nonce, plaintext, data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + counter = [counter]; + tagMask = [tagMask]; + g = this; + if (!((nonce.$length === g.nonceSize))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: incorrect nonce length given to GCM")); + } + _r = g.cipher.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((x = (new $Uint64(0, plaintext.$length)), x$1 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4294967294), (new $Uint64(0, _r))), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low > x$1.$low)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x = (new $Uint64(0, plaintext.$length)), x$1 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4294967294), (new $Uint64(0, _r))), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low > x$1.$low)))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: message too large for GCM")); + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = sliceForAppend(dst, plaintext.$length + g.tagSize >> 0); + ret = _tuple[0]; + out = _tuple[1]; + if (subtle.InexactOverlap(out, plaintext)) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + _tmp = arrayType.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType.zero(); + counter[0] = $clone(_tmp, arrayType); + tagMask[0] = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType); + g.deriveCounter(counter[0], nonce); + $r = g.cipher.Encrypt(new sliceType$1(tagMask[0]), new sliceType$1(counter[0])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + gcmInc32(counter[0]); + $r = g.counterCrypt(out, plaintext, counter[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tag = arrayType.zero(); + g.auth(new sliceType$1(tag), $subslice(out, 0, plaintext.$length), data, tagMask[0]); + $copySlice($subslice(out, plaintext.$length), new sliceType$1(tag)); + $s = -1; return ret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: gcm.ptr.prototype.Seal, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, counter, data, dst, g, nonce, out, plaintext, ret, tag, tagMask, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + gcm.prototype.Seal = function(dst, nonce, plaintext, data) { return this.$val.Seal(dst, nonce, plaintext, data); }; + gcm.ptr.prototype.Open = function(dst, nonce, ciphertext, data) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, ciphertext, counter, data, dst, expectedTag, g, i, nonce, out, ret, tag, tagMask, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, nonce, ciphertext, data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + counter = [counter]; + tagMask = [tagMask]; + g = this; + if (!((nonce.$length === g.nonceSize))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: incorrect nonce length given to GCM")); + } + if (g.tagSize < 12) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: incorrect GCM tag size")); + } + if (ciphertext.$length < g.tagSize) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$1.nil, errOpen]; + } + _r = g.cipher.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((x = (new $Uint64(0, ciphertext.$length)), x$1 = (x$2 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4294967294), (new $Uint64(0, _r))), x$3 = (new $Uint64(0, g.tagSize)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low > x$1.$low)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x = (new $Uint64(0, ciphertext.$length)), x$1 = (x$2 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4294967294), (new $Uint64(0, _r))), x$3 = (new $Uint64(0, g.tagSize)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low > x$1.$low)))) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return [sliceType$1.nil, errOpen]; + /* } */ case 2: + tag = $subslice(ciphertext, (ciphertext.$length - g.tagSize >> 0)); + ciphertext = $subslice(ciphertext, 0, (ciphertext.$length - g.tagSize >> 0)); + _tmp = arrayType.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType.zero(); + counter[0] = $clone(_tmp, arrayType); + tagMask[0] = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType); + g.deriveCounter(counter[0], nonce); + $r = g.cipher.Encrypt(new sliceType$1(tagMask[0]), new sliceType$1(counter[0])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + gcmInc32(counter[0]); + expectedTag = arrayType.zero(); + g.auth(new sliceType$1(expectedTag), ciphertext, data, tagMask[0]); + _tuple = sliceForAppend(dst, ciphertext.$length); + ret = _tuple[0]; + out = _tuple[1]; + if (subtle.InexactOverlap(out, ciphertext)) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + if (!((subtle$1.ConstantTimeCompare($subslice(new sliceType$1(expectedTag), 0, g.tagSize), tag) === 1))) { + _ref = out; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + i] = 0); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [sliceType$1.nil, errOpen]; + } + $r = g.counterCrypt(out, ciphertext, counter[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [ret, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: gcm.ptr.prototype.Open, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, ciphertext, counter, data, dst, expectedTag, g, i, nonce, out, ret, tag, tagMask, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + gcm.prototype.Open = function(dst, nonce, ciphertext, data) { return this.$val.Open(dst, nonce, ciphertext, data); }; + reverseBits = function(i) { + var i; + i = ((((i << 2 >> 0)) & 12)) | ((((i >> 2 >> 0)) & 3)); + i = ((((i << 1 >> 0)) & 10)) | ((((i >> 1 >> 0)) & 5)); + return i; + }; + gcmAdd = function(x, y) { + var x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, y; + return new gcmFieldElement.ptr((x$1 = x.low, x$2 = y.low, new $Uint64(x$1.$high ^ x$2.$high, (x$1.$low ^ x$2.$low) >>> 0)), (x$3 = x.high, x$4 = y.high, new $Uint64(x$3.$high ^ x$4.$high, (x$3.$low ^ x$4.$low) >>> 0))); + }; + gcmDouble = function(x) { + var double$1, msbSet, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + double$1 = new gcmFieldElement.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + msbSet = (x$1 = (x$2 = x.high, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 0, (x$2.$low & 1) >>> 0)), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 1)); + double$1.high = $shiftRightUint64(x.high, 1); + double$1.high = (x$3 = double$1.high, x$4 = $shiftLeft64(x.low, 63), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$4.$high, (x$3.$low | x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + double$1.low = $shiftRightUint64(x.low, 1); + if (msbSet) { + double$1.low = (x$5 = double$1.low, x$6 = new $Uint64(3774873600, 0), new $Uint64(x$5.$high ^ x$6.$high, (x$5.$low ^ x$6.$low) >>> 0)); + } + return double$1; + }; + gcm.ptr.prototype.mul = function(y) { + var g, i, j, msw, t, word, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, z; + g = this; + z = new gcmFieldElement.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 2)) { break; } + word = y.high; + if (i === 1) { + word = y.low; + } + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 64)) { break; } + msw = (x = z.high, new $Uint64(x.$high & 0, (x.$low & 15) >>> 0)); + z.high = $shiftRightUint64(z.high, (4)); + z.high = (x$1 = z.high, x$2 = $shiftLeft64(z.low, 60), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$2.$high, (x$1.$low | x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + z.low = $shiftRightUint64(z.low, (4)); + z.low = (x$3 = z.low, x$4 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (($flatten64(msw) < 0 || $flatten64(msw) >= gcmReductionTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : gcmReductionTable.$array[gcmReductionTable.$offset + $flatten64(msw)]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$3.$high ^ x$4.$high, (x$3.$low ^ x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + t = (x$5 = g.productTable, x$6 = new $Uint64(word.$high & 0, (word.$low & 15) >>> 0), (($flatten64(x$6) < 0 || $flatten64(x$6) >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[$flatten64(x$6)])); + z.low = (x$7 = z.low, x$8 = t.low, new $Uint64(x$7.$high ^ x$8.$high, (x$7.$low ^ x$8.$low) >>> 0)); + z.high = (x$9 = z.high, x$10 = t.high, new $Uint64(x$9.$high ^ x$10.$high, (x$9.$low ^ x$10.$low) >>> 0)); + word = $shiftRightUint64(word, (4)); + j = j + (4) >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + gcmFieldElement.copy(y, z); + }; + gcm.prototype.mul = function(y) { return this.$val.mul(y); }; + gcm.ptr.prototype.updateBlocks = function(y, blocks) { + var blocks, g, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, y; + g = this; + while (true) { + if (!(blocks.$length > 0)) { break; } + y.low = (x = y.low, x$1 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint64(blocks), new $Uint64(x.$high ^ x$1.$high, (x.$low ^ x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + y.high = (x$2 = y.high, x$3 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint64($subslice(blocks, 8)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high ^ x$3.$high, (x$2.$low ^ x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + g.mul(y); + blocks = $subslice(blocks, 16); + } + }; + gcm.prototype.updateBlocks = function(y, blocks) { return this.$val.updateBlocks(y, blocks); }; + gcm.ptr.prototype.update = function(y, data) { + var data, fullBlocks, g, partialBlock, y; + g = this; + fullBlocks = ((data.$length >> 4 >> 0)) << 4 >> 0; + g.updateBlocks(y, $subslice(data, 0, fullBlocks)); + if (!((data.$length === fullBlocks))) { + partialBlock = arrayType.zero(); + $copySlice(new sliceType$1(partialBlock), $subslice(data, fullBlocks)); + g.updateBlocks(y, new sliceType$1(partialBlock)); + } + }; + gcm.prototype.update = function(y, data) { return this.$val.update(y, data); }; + gcmInc32 = function(counterBlock) { + var counterBlock, ctr$1; + ctr$1 = $subslice(new sliceType$1(counterBlock), 12); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32(ctr$1, $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32(ctr$1) + 1 >>> 0); + }; + sliceForAppend = function(in$1, n) { + var head, in$1, n, tail, total; + head = sliceType$1.nil; + tail = sliceType$1.nil; + total = in$1.$length + n >> 0; + if (in$1.$capacity >= total) { + head = $subslice(in$1, 0, total); + } else { + head = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, total); + $copySlice(head, in$1); + } + tail = $subslice(head, in$1.$length); + return [head, tail]; + }; + gcm.ptr.prototype.counterCrypt = function(out, in$1, counter) { + var {counter, g, in$1, mask, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, in$1, counter}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + g = this; + mask = arrayType.zero(); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(in$1.$length >= 16)) { break; } */ if(!(in$1.$length >= 16)) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = g.cipher.Encrypt(new sliceType$1(mask), new sliceType$1(counter)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + gcmInc32(counter); + xorWords(out, in$1, new sliceType$1(mask)); + out = $subslice(out, 16); + in$1 = $subslice(in$1, 16); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (in$1.$length > 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (in$1.$length > 0) { */ case 4: + $r = g.cipher.Encrypt(new sliceType$1(mask), new sliceType$1(counter)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + gcmInc32(counter); + xorBytes(out, in$1, new sliceType$1(mask)); + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: gcm.ptr.prototype.counterCrypt, $c: true, $r, counter, g, in$1, mask, out, $s};return $f; + }; + gcm.prototype.counterCrypt = function(out, in$1, counter) { return this.$val.counterCrypt(out, in$1, counter); }; + gcm.ptr.prototype.deriveCounter = function(counter, nonce) { + var counter, g, nonce, x, x$1, y; + g = this; + if (nonce.$length === 12) { + $copySlice(new sliceType$1(counter), nonce); + counter.nilCheck, counter[15] = 1; + } else { + y = new gcmFieldElement.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + g.update(y, nonce); + y.high = (x = y.high, x$1 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, nonce.$length)), new $Uint64(0, 8)), new $Uint64(x.$high ^ x$1.$high, (x.$low ^ x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + g.mul(y); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(counter), 0, 8), y.low); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(counter), 8), y.high); + } + }; + gcm.prototype.deriveCounter = function(counter, nonce) { return this.$val.deriveCounter(counter, nonce); }; + gcm.ptr.prototype.auth = function(out, ciphertext, additionalData, tagMask) { + var additionalData, ciphertext, g, out, tagMask, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, y; + g = this; + y = new gcmFieldElement.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + g.update(y, additionalData); + g.update(y, ciphertext); + y.low = (x = y.low, x$1 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, additionalData.$length)), new $Uint64(0, 8)), new $Uint64(x.$high ^ x$1.$high, (x.$low ^ x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + y.high = (x$2 = y.high, x$3 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, ciphertext.$length)), new $Uint64(0, 8)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high ^ x$3.$high, (x$2.$low ^ x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + g.mul(y); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64(out, y.low); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(out, 8), y.high); + xorWords(out, out, new sliceType$1(tagMask)); + }; + gcm.prototype.auth = function(out, ciphertext, additionalData, tagMask) { return this.$val.auth(out, ciphertext, additionalData, tagMask); }; + NewCTR = function(block, iv) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, block, bufSize, ctr$1, iv, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {block, iv}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = $assertType(block, ctrAble, true); + ctr$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r = ctr$1.NewCTR(iv); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = block.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((iv.$length === _r$1))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!((iv.$length === _r$1))) { */ case 5: + $panic(new $String("cipher.NewCTR: IV length must equal block size")); + /* } */ case 6: + bufSize = 512; + _r$2 = block.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (bufSize < _r$2) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (bufSize < _r$2) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = block.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bufSize = _r$3; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = -1; return new ctr.ptr(block, dup(iv), $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, bufSize), 0); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewCTR, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, block, bufSize, ctr$1, iv, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewCTR = NewCTR; + ctr.ptr.prototype.refill = function() { + var {_r, bs, i, remain, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + remain = x.out.$length - x.outUsed >> 0; + $copySlice(x.out, $subslice(x.out, x.outUsed)); + x.out = $subslice(x.out, 0, x.out.$capacity); + _r = x.b.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bs = _r; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(remain <= (x.out.$length - bs >> 0))) { break; } */ if(!(remain <= (x.out.$length - bs >> 0))) { $s = 3; continue; } + $r = x.b.Encrypt($subslice(x.out, remain), x.ctr); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + remain = remain + (bs) >> 0; + i = x.ctr.$length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + (x$2 = x.ctr, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i] = ((x$1 = x.ctr, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])) + (1) << 24 >>> 24))); + if (!(((x$3 = x.ctr, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i])) === 0))) { + break; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + x.out = $subslice(x.out, 0, remain); + x.outUsed = 0; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ctr.ptr.prototype.refill, $c: true, $r, _r, bs, i, remain, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + ctr.prototype.refill = function() { return this.$val.refill(); }; + ctr.ptr.prototype.XORKeyStream = function(dst, src) { + var {_r, dst, n, src, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + if (dst.$length < src.$length) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: output smaller than input")); + } + if (subtle.InexactOverlap($subslice(dst, 0, src.$length), src)) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(src.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(src.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = x.b.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (x.outUsed >= (x.out.$length - _r >> 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (x.outUsed >= (x.out.$length - _r >> 0)) { */ case 3: + $r = x.refill(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + n = xorBytes(dst, src, $subslice(x.out, x.outUsed)); + dst = $subslice(dst, n); + src = $subslice(src, n); + x.outUsed = x.outUsed + (n) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ctr.ptr.prototype.XORKeyStream, $c: true, $r, _r, dst, n, src, x, $s};return $f; + }; + ctr.prototype.XORKeyStream = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.XORKeyStream(dst, src); }; + dup = function(p) { + var p, q; + q = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, p.$length); + $copySlice(q, p); + return q; + }; + newCBC = function(b, iv) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, b, iv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, iv}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = b.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = b.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new cbc.ptr(b, _r, dup(iv), $makeSlice(sliceType$1, _r$1)); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newCBC, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, b, iv, $s};return $f; + }; + NewCBCEncrypter = function(b, iv) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, b, cbc$1, iv, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, iv}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = b.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((iv.$length === _r))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((iv.$length === _r))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("cipher.NewCBCEncrypter: IV length must equal block size")); + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(b, cbcEncAble, true); + cbc$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = cbc$1.NewCBCEncrypter(iv); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$2 = newCBC(b, iv); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = ($pointerOfStructConversion(_r$2, ptrType)); + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewCBCEncrypter, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, b, cbc$1, iv, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewCBCEncrypter = NewCBCEncrypter; + cbcEncrypter.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return x.blockSize; + }; + cbcEncrypter.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + cbcEncrypter.ptr.prototype.CryptBlocks = function(dst, src) { + var {_r, dst, iv, src, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + if (!(((_r = src.$length % x.blockSize, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: input not full blocks")); + } + if (dst.$length < src.$length) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: output smaller than input")); + } + if (subtle.InexactOverlap($subslice(dst, 0, src.$length), src)) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + iv = x.iv; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(src.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(src.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + xorBytes($subslice(dst, 0, x.blockSize), $subslice(src, 0, x.blockSize), iv); + $r = x.b.Encrypt($subslice(dst, 0, x.blockSize), $subslice(dst, 0, x.blockSize)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + iv = $subslice(dst, 0, x.blockSize); + src = $subslice(src, x.blockSize); + dst = $subslice(dst, x.blockSize); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $copySlice(x.iv, iv); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cbcEncrypter.ptr.prototype.CryptBlocks, $c: true, $r, _r, dst, iv, src, x, $s};return $f; + }; + cbcEncrypter.prototype.CryptBlocks = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.CryptBlocks(dst, src); }; + cbcEncrypter.ptr.prototype.SetIV = function(iv) { + var iv, x; + x = this; + if (!((iv.$length === x.iv.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("cipher: incorrect length IV")); + } + $copySlice(x.iv, iv); + }; + cbcEncrypter.prototype.SetIV = function(iv) { return this.$val.SetIV(iv); }; + NewCBCDecrypter = function(b, iv) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, b, cbc$1, iv, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, iv}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = b.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((iv.$length === _r))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((iv.$length === _r))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("cipher.NewCBCDecrypter: IV length must equal block size")); + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(b, cbcDecAble, true); + cbc$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = cbc$1.NewCBCDecrypter(iv); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$2 = newCBC(b, iv); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = ($pointerOfStructConversion(_r$2, ptrType$1)); + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewCBCDecrypter, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, b, cbc$1, iv, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewCBCDecrypter = NewCBCDecrypter; + cbcDecrypter.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var x; + x = this; + return x.blockSize; + }; + cbcDecrypter.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + cbcDecrypter.ptr.prototype.CryptBlocks = function(dst, src) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, dst, end, prev, src, start, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + if (!(((_r = src.$length % x.blockSize, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: input not full blocks")); + } + if (dst.$length < src.$length) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: output smaller than input")); + } + if (subtle.InexactOverlap($subslice(dst, 0, src.$length), src)) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/cipher: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + if (src.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + end = src.$length; + start = end - x.blockSize >> 0; + prev = start - x.blockSize >> 0; + $copySlice(x.tmp, $subslice(src, start, end)); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(start > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(start > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = x.b.Decrypt($subslice(dst, start, end), $subslice(src, start, end)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xorBytes($subslice(dst, start, end), $subslice(dst, start, end), $subslice(src, prev, start)); + end = start; + start = prev; + prev = prev - (x.blockSize) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $r = x.b.Decrypt($subslice(dst, start, end), $subslice(src, start, end)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xorBytes($subslice(dst, start, end), $subslice(dst, start, end), x.iv); + _tmp = x.tmp; + _tmp$1 = x.iv; + x.iv = _tmp; + x.tmp = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cbcDecrypter.ptr.prototype.CryptBlocks, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, dst, end, prev, src, start, x, $s};return $f; + }; + cbcDecrypter.prototype.CryptBlocks = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.CryptBlocks(dst, src); }; + cbcDecrypter.ptr.prototype.SetIV = function(iv) { + var iv, x; + x = this; + if (!((iv.$length === x.iv.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("cipher: incorrect length IV")); + } + $copySlice(x.iv, iv); + }; + cbcDecrypter.prototype.SetIV = function(iv) { return this.$val.SetIV(iv); }; + StreamReader.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "NonceSize", name: "NonceSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Overhead", name: "Overhead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Seal", name: "Seal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "Open", name: "Open", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "mul", name: "mul", pkg: "crypto/cipher", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "updateBlocks", name: "updateBlocks", pkg: "crypto/cipher", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "update", name: "update", pkg: "crypto/cipher", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "counterCrypt", name: "counterCrypt", pkg: "crypto/cipher", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$4], [], false)}, {prop: "deriveCounter", name: "deriveCounter", pkg: "crypto/cipher", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "auth", name: "auth", pkg: "crypto/cipher", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$4], [], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "refill", name: "refill", pkg: "crypto/cipher", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "XORKeyStream", name: "XORKeyStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "CryptBlocks", name: "CryptBlocks", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "SetIV", name: "SetIV", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "CryptBlocks", name: "CryptBlocks", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "SetIV", name: "SetIV", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], false)}]; + StreamReader.init("", [{prop: "S", name: "S", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Stream, tag: ""}, {prop: "R", name: "R", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}]); + AEAD.init([{prop: "NonceSize", name: "NonceSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Open", name: "Open", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "Overhead", name: "Overhead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Seal", name: "Seal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [sliceType$1], false)}]); + gcmAble.init([{prop: "NewGCM", name: "NewGCM", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [AEAD, $error], false)}]); + gcmFieldElement.init("crypto/cipher", [{prop: "low", name: "low", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "high", name: "high", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + gcm.init("crypto/cipher", [{prop: "cipher", name: "cipher", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Block, tag: ""}, {prop: "nonceSize", name: "nonceSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "tagSize", name: "tagSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "productTable", name: "productTable", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}]); + ctr.init("crypto/cipher", [{prop: "b", name: "b", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Block, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctr", name: "ctr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "out", name: "out", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "outUsed", name: "outUsed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + ctrAble.init([{prop: "NewCTR", name: "NewCTR", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [Stream], false)}]); + Block.init([{prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Decrypt", name: "Decrypt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "Encrypt", name: "Encrypt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}]); + Stream.init([{prop: "XORKeyStream", name: "XORKeyStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}]); + BlockMode.init([{prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "CryptBlocks", name: "CryptBlocks", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}]); + cbc.init("crypto/cipher", [{prop: "b", name: "b", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Block, tag: ""}, {prop: "blockSize", name: "blockSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "iv", name: "iv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "tmp", name: "tmp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + cbcEncrypter.init("crypto/cipher", [{prop: "b", name: "b", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Block, tag: ""}, {prop: "blockSize", name: "blockSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "iv", name: "iv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "tmp", name: "tmp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + cbcEncAble.init([{prop: "NewCBCEncrypter", name: "NewCBCEncrypter", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [BlockMode], false)}]); + cbcDecrypter.init("crypto/cipher", [{prop: "b", name: "b", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Block, tag: ""}, {prop: "blockSize", name: "blockSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "iv", name: "iv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "tmp", name: "tmp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + cbcDecAble.init([{prop: "NewCBCDecrypter", name: "NewCBCDecrypter", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [BlockMode], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = subtle$1.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errOpen = errors.New("cipher: message authentication failed"); + gcmReductionTable = new sliceType([0, 7200, 14400, 9312, 28800, 27808, 18624, 21728, 57600, 64800, 55616, 50528, 37248, 36256, 43456, 46560]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/aes"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, cipher, subtle, binary, strconv, aesCipher, KeySizeError, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType, powx, sbox0, sbox1, te0, te1, te2, te3, td0, td1, td2, td3, newCipher, NewCipher, newCipherGeneric, encryptBlockGo, decryptBlockGo, subw, rotw, expandKeyGo; + cipher = $packages["crypto/cipher"]; + subtle = $packages["crypto/internal/subtle"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + aesCipher = $pkg.aesCipher = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "aes.aesCipher", true, "crypto/aes", false, function(enc_, dec_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.enc = sliceType.nil; + this.dec = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.enc = enc_; + this.dec = dec_; + }); + KeySizeError = $pkg.KeySizeError = $newType(4, $kindInt, "aes.KeySizeError", true, "crypto/aes", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint32); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(aesCipher); + newCipher = function(key) { + var key; + return newCipherGeneric(key); + }; + KeySizeError.prototype.Error = function() { + var k; + k = this.$val; + return "crypto/aes: invalid key size " + strconv.Itoa(((k >> 0))); + }; + $ptrType(KeySizeError).prototype.Error = function() { return new KeySizeError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + NewCipher = function(key) { + var _1, k, key; + k = key.$length; + switch (0) { default: + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (16)) || (_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (32))) { + break; + } else { + return [$ifaceNil, new KeySizeError(((k >> 0)))]; + } + } + return newCipher(key); + }; + $pkg.NewCipher = NewCipher; + newCipherGeneric = function(key) { + var c, key, n; + n = key.$length + 28 >> 0; + c = new aesCipher.ptr($makeSlice(sliceType, n), $makeSlice(sliceType, n)); + expandKeyGo(key, c.enc, c.dec); + return [c, $ifaceNil]; + }; + aesCipher.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return 16; + }; + aesCipher.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + aesCipher.ptr.prototype.Encrypt = function(dst, src) { + var c, dst, src; + c = this; + if (src.$length < 16) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/aes: input not full block")); + } + if (dst.$length < 16) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/aes: output not full block")); + } + if (subtle.InexactOverlap($subslice(dst, 0, 16), $subslice(src, 0, 16))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/aes: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + encryptBlockGo(c.enc, dst, src); + }; + aesCipher.prototype.Encrypt = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.Encrypt(dst, src); }; + aesCipher.ptr.prototype.Decrypt = function(dst, src) { + var c, dst, src; + c = this; + if (src.$length < 16) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/aes: input not full block")); + } + if (dst.$length < 16) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/aes: output not full block")); + } + if (subtle.InexactOverlap($subslice(dst, 0, 16), $subslice(src, 0, 16))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/aes: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + decryptBlockGo(c.dec, dst, src); + }; + aesCipher.prototype.Decrypt = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.Decrypt(dst, src); }; + encryptBlockGo = function(xk, dst, src) { + var _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, dst, k, nr, r, s0, s1, s2, s3, src, t0, t1, t2, t3, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, xk; + $unused((15 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 15])); + s0 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(src, 0, 4)); + s1 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(src, 4, 8)); + s2 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(src, 8, 12)); + s3 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(src, 12, 16)); + s0 = (s0 ^ ((0 >= xk.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + 0]))) >>> 0; + s1 = (s1 ^ ((1 >= xk.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + 1]))) >>> 0; + s2 = (s2 ^ ((2 >= xk.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + 2]))) >>> 0; + s3 = (s3 ^ ((3 >= xk.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + 3]))) >>> 0; + nr = (_q = xk.$length / 4, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) - 2 >> 0; + k = 4; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + t0 = _tmp; + t1 = _tmp$1; + t2 = _tmp$2; + t3 = _tmp$3; + r = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(r < nr)) { break; } + t0 = ((((((((x = k + 0 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x])) ^ (x$1 = (((s0 >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= te0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te0[x$1]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$2 = (((s1 >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= te1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te1[x$2]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$3 = (((s2 >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= te2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te2[x$3]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$4 = ((s3 << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= te3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te3[x$4]))) >>> 0; + t1 = ((((((((x$5 = k + 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$5])) ^ (x$6 = (((s1 >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= te0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te0[x$6]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$7 = (((s2 >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= te1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te1[x$7]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$8 = (((s3 >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= te2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te2[x$8]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$9 = ((s0 << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= te3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te3[x$9]))) >>> 0; + t2 = ((((((((x$10 = k + 2 >> 0, ((x$10 < 0 || x$10 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$10])) ^ (x$11 = (((s2 >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= te0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te0[x$11]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$12 = (((s3 >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$12 < 0 || x$12 >= te1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te1[x$12]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$13 = (((s0 >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$13 < 0 || x$13 >= te2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te2[x$13]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$14 = ((s1 << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$14 < 0 || x$14 >= te3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te3[x$14]))) >>> 0; + t3 = ((((((((x$15 = k + 3 >> 0, ((x$15 < 0 || x$15 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$15])) ^ (x$16 = (((s3 >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$16 < 0 || x$16 >= te0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te0[x$16]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$17 = (((s0 >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$17 < 0 || x$17 >= te1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te1[x$17]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$18 = (((s1 >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$18 < 0 || x$18 >= te2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te2[x$18]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$19 = ((s2 << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$19 < 0 || x$19 >= te3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te3[x$19]))) >>> 0; + k = k + (4) >> 0; + _tmp$4 = t0; + _tmp$5 = t1; + _tmp$6 = t2; + _tmp$7 = t3; + s0 = _tmp$4; + s1 = _tmp$5; + s2 = _tmp$6; + s3 = _tmp$7; + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } + s0 = (((((((((x$20 = t0 >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x$20 < 0 || x$20 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$20])) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x$21 = ((t1 >>> 16 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$21 < 0 || x$21 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$21])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$22 = ((t2 >>> 8 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$22 < 0 || x$22 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$22])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$23 = (t3 & 255) >>> 0, ((x$23 < 0 || x$23 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$23])) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + s1 = (((((((((x$24 = t1 >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x$24 < 0 || x$24 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$24])) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x$25 = ((t2 >>> 16 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$25 < 0 || x$25 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$25])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$26 = ((t3 >>> 8 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$26 < 0 || x$26 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$26])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$27 = (t0 & 255) >>> 0, ((x$27 < 0 || x$27 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$27])) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + s2 = (((((((((x$28 = t2 >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x$28 < 0 || x$28 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$28])) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x$29 = ((t3 >>> 16 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$29 < 0 || x$29 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$29])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$30 = ((t0 >>> 8 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$30 < 0 || x$30 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$30])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$31 = (t1 & 255) >>> 0, ((x$31 < 0 || x$31 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$31])) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + s3 = (((((((((x$32 = t3 >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x$32 < 0 || x$32 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$32])) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x$33 = ((t0 >>> 16 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$33 < 0 || x$33 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$33])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$34 = ((t1 >>> 8 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$34 < 0 || x$34 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$34])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$35 = (t2 & 255) >>> 0, ((x$35 < 0 || x$35 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$35])) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + s0 = (s0 ^ ((x$36 = k + 0 >> 0, ((x$36 < 0 || x$36 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$36])))) >>> 0; + s1 = (s1 ^ ((x$37 = k + 1 >> 0, ((x$37 < 0 || x$37 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$37])))) >>> 0; + s2 = (s2 ^ ((x$38 = k + 2 >> 0, ((x$38 < 0 || x$38 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$38])))) >>> 0; + s3 = (s3 ^ ((x$39 = k + 3 >> 0, ((x$39 < 0 || x$39 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$39])))) >>> 0; + $unused((15 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 15])); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(dst, 0, 4), s0); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(dst, 4, 8), s1); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(dst, 8, 12), s2); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(dst, 12, 16), s3); + }; + decryptBlockGo = function(xk, dst, src) { + var _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, dst, k, nr, r, s0, s1, s2, s3, src, t0, t1, t2, t3, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, xk; + $unused((15 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 15])); + s0 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(src, 0, 4)); + s1 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(src, 4, 8)); + s2 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(src, 8, 12)); + s3 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(src, 12, 16)); + s0 = (s0 ^ ((0 >= xk.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + 0]))) >>> 0; + s1 = (s1 ^ ((1 >= xk.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + 1]))) >>> 0; + s2 = (s2 ^ ((2 >= xk.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + 2]))) >>> 0; + s3 = (s3 ^ ((3 >= xk.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + 3]))) >>> 0; + nr = (_q = xk.$length / 4, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) - 2 >> 0; + k = 4; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + t0 = _tmp; + t1 = _tmp$1; + t2 = _tmp$2; + t3 = _tmp$3; + r = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(r < nr)) { break; } + t0 = ((((((((x = k + 0 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x])) ^ (x$1 = (((s0 >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= td0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td0[x$1]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$2 = (((s3 >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= td1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td1[x$2]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$3 = (((s2 >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= td2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td2[x$3]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$4 = ((s1 << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= td3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td3[x$4]))) >>> 0; + t1 = ((((((((x$5 = k + 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$5])) ^ (x$6 = (((s1 >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= td0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td0[x$6]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$7 = (((s0 >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= td1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td1[x$7]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$8 = (((s3 >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= td2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td2[x$8]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$9 = ((s2 << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= td3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td3[x$9]))) >>> 0; + t2 = ((((((((x$10 = k + 2 >> 0, ((x$10 < 0 || x$10 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$10])) ^ (x$11 = (((s2 >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= td0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td0[x$11]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$12 = (((s1 >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$12 < 0 || x$12 >= td1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td1[x$12]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$13 = (((s0 >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$13 < 0 || x$13 >= td2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td2[x$13]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$14 = ((s3 << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$14 < 0 || x$14 >= td3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td3[x$14]))) >>> 0; + t3 = ((((((((x$15 = k + 3 >> 0, ((x$15 < 0 || x$15 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$15])) ^ (x$16 = (((s3 >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$16 < 0 || x$16 >= td0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td0[x$16]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$17 = (((s2 >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$17 < 0 || x$17 >= td1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td1[x$17]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$18 = (((s1 >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$18 < 0 || x$18 >= td2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td2[x$18]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$19 = ((s0 << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$19 < 0 || x$19 >= td3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td3[x$19]))) >>> 0; + k = k + (4) >> 0; + _tmp$4 = t0; + _tmp$5 = t1; + _tmp$6 = t2; + _tmp$7 = t3; + s0 = _tmp$4; + s1 = _tmp$5; + s2 = _tmp$6; + s3 = _tmp$7; + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } + s0 = (((((((((x$20 = t0 >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x$20 < 0 || x$20 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$20])) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x$21 = ((t3 >>> 16 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$21 < 0 || x$21 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$21])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$22 = ((t2 >>> 8 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$22 < 0 || x$22 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$22])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$23 = (t1 & 255) >>> 0, ((x$23 < 0 || x$23 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$23])) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + s1 = (((((((((x$24 = t1 >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x$24 < 0 || x$24 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$24])) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x$25 = ((t0 >>> 16 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$25 < 0 || x$25 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$25])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$26 = ((t3 >>> 8 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$26 < 0 || x$26 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$26])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$27 = (t2 & 255) >>> 0, ((x$27 < 0 || x$27 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$27])) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + s2 = (((((((((x$28 = t2 >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x$28 < 0 || x$28 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$28])) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x$29 = ((t1 >>> 16 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$29 < 0 || x$29 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$29])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$30 = ((t0 >>> 8 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$30 < 0 || x$30 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$30])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$31 = (t3 & 255) >>> 0, ((x$31 < 0 || x$31 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$31])) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + s3 = (((((((((x$32 = t3 >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x$32 < 0 || x$32 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$32])) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x$33 = ((t2 >>> 16 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$33 < 0 || x$33 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$33])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$34 = ((t1 >>> 8 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$34 < 0 || x$34 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$34])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$35 = (t0 & 255) >>> 0, ((x$35 < 0 || x$35 >= sbox1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox1[x$35])) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + s0 = (s0 ^ ((x$36 = k + 0 >> 0, ((x$36 < 0 || x$36 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$36])))) >>> 0; + s1 = (s1 ^ ((x$37 = k + 1 >> 0, ((x$37 < 0 || x$37 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$37])))) >>> 0; + s2 = (s2 ^ ((x$38 = k + 2 >> 0, ((x$38 < 0 || x$38 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$38])))) >>> 0; + s3 = (s3 ^ ((x$39 = k + 3 >> 0, ((x$39 < 0 || x$39 >= xk.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xk.$array[xk.$offset + x$39])))) >>> 0; + $unused((15 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 15])); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(dst, 0, 4), s0); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(dst, 4, 8), s1); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(dst, 8, 12), s2); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(dst, 12, 16), s3); + }; + subw = function(w) { + var w, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + return (((((((((x = w >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x])) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x$1 = ((w >>> 16 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$1])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$2 = ((w >>> 8 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$2])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$3 = (w & 255) >>> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$3])) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + }; + rotw = function(w) { + var w; + return ((w << 8 >>> 0) | (w >>> 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + }; + expandKeyGo = function(key, enc, dec) { + var _q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, dec, ei, enc, i, i$1, j, key, n, nk, t, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + i = 0; + nk = (_q = key.$length / 4, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < nk)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= enc.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : enc.$array[enc.$offset + i] = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, ($imul(4, i))))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(i < enc.$length)) { break; } + t = (x = i - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= enc.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : enc.$array[enc.$offset + x])); + if ((_r = i % nk, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) { + t = (subw(rotw(t)) ^ (((((x$1 = (_q$1 = i / nk, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= powx.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : powx[x$1])) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + } else if (nk > 6 && ((_r$1 = i % nk, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 4)) { + t = subw(t); + } + ((i < 0 || i >= enc.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : enc.$array[enc.$offset + i] = (((x$2 = i - nk >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= enc.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : enc.$array[enc.$offset + x$2])) ^ t) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (dec === sliceType.nil) { + return; + } + n = enc.$length; + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < n)) { break; } + ei = (n - i$1 >> 0) - 4 >> 0; + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 4)) { break; } + x$4 = (x$3 = ei + j >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= enc.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : enc.$array[enc.$offset + x$3])); + if (i$1 > 0 && (i$1 + 4 >> 0) < n) { + x$4 = ((((((x$5 = (x$6 = x$4 >>> 24 >>> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$6])), ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= td0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td0[x$5])) ^ (x$7 = (x$8 = ((x$4 >>> 16 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$8])), ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= td1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td1[x$7]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$9 = (x$10 = ((x$4 >>> 8 >>> 0) & 255) >>> 0, ((x$10 < 0 || x$10 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$10])), ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= td2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td2[x$9]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$11 = (x$12 = (x$4 & 255) >>> 0, ((x$12 < 0 || x$12 >= sbox0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sbox0[x$12])), ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= td3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : td3[x$11]))) >>> 0; + } + (x$13 = i$1 + j >> 0, ((x$13 < 0 || x$13 >= dec.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dec.$array[dec.$offset + x$13] = x$4)); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (4) >> 0; + } + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encrypt", name: "Encrypt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "Decrypt", name: "Decrypt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}]; + KeySizeError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + aesCipher.init("crypto/aes", [{prop: "enc", name: "enc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "dec", name: "dec", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = cipher.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + powx = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54, 108, 216, 171, 77, 154, 47]); + sbox0 = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197, 48, 1, 103, 43, 254, 215, 171, 118, 202, 130, 201, 125, 250, 89, 71, 240, 173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192, 183, 253, 147, 38, 54, 63, 247, 204, 52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216, 49, 21, 4, 199, 35, 195, 24, 150, 5, 154, 7, 18, 128, 226, 235, 39, 178, 117, 9, 131, 44, 26, 27, 110, 90, 160, 82, 59, 214, 179, 41, 227, 47, 132, 83, 209, 0, 237, 32, 252, 177, 91, 106, 203, 190, 57, 74, 76, 88, 207, 208, 239, 170, 251, 67, 77, 51, 133, 69, 249, 2, 127, 80, 60, 159, 168, 81, 163, 64, 143, 146, 157, 56, 245, 188, 182, 218, 33, 16, 255, 243, 210, 205, 12, 19, 236, 95, 151, 68, 23, 196, 167, 126, 61, 100, 93, 25, 115, 96, 129, 79, 220, 34, 42, 144, 136, 70, 238, 184, 20, 222, 94, 11, 219, 224, 50, 58, 10, 73, 6, 36, 92, 194, 211, 172, 98, 145, 149, 228, 121, 231, 200, 55, 109, 141, 213, 78, 169, 108, 86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174, 8, 186, 120, 37, 46, 28, 166, 180, 198, 232, 221, 116, 31, 75, 189, 139, 138, 112, 62, 181, 102, 72, 3, 246, 14, 97, 53, 87, 185, 134, 193, 29, 158, 225, 248, 152, 17, 105, 217, 142, 148, 155, 30, 135, 233, 206, 85, 40, 223, 140, 161, 137, 13, 191, 230, 66, 104, 65, 153, 45, 15, 176, 84, 187, 22]); + sbox1 = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [82, 9, 106, 213, 48, 54, 165, 56, 191, 64, 163, 158, 129, 243, 215, 251, 124, 227, 57, 130, 155, 47, 255, 135, 52, 142, 67, 68, 196, 222, 233, 203, 84, 123, 148, 50, 166, 194, 35, 61, 238, 76, 149, 11, 66, 250, 195, 78, 8, 46, 161, 102, 40, 217, 36, 178, 118, 91, 162, 73, 109, 139, 209, 37, 114, 248, 246, 100, 134, 104, 152, 22, 212, 164, 92, 204, 93, 101, 182, 146, 108, 112, 72, 80, 253, 237, 185, 218, 94, 21, 70, 87, 167, 141, 157, 132, 144, 216, 171, 0, 140, 188, 211, 10, 247, 228, 88, 5, 184, 179, 69, 6, 208, 44, 30, 143, 202, 63, 15, 2, 193, 175, 189, 3, 1, 19, 138, 107, 58, 145, 17, 65, 79, 103, 220, 234, 151, 242, 207, 206, 240, 180, 230, 115, 150, 172, 116, 34, 231, 173, 53, 133, 226, 249, 55, 232, 28, 117, 223, 110, 71, 241, 26, 113, 29, 41, 197, 137, 111, 183, 98, 14, 170, 24, 190, 27, 252, 86, 62, 75, 198, 210, 121, 32, 154, 219, 192, 254, 120, 205, 90, 244, 31, 221, 168, 51, 136, 7, 199, 49, 177, 18, 16, 89, 39, 128, 236, 95, 96, 81, 127, 169, 25, 181, 74, 13, 45, 229, 122, 159, 147, 201, 156, 239, 160, 224, 59, 77, 174, 42, 245, 176, 200, 235, 187, 60, 131, 83, 153, 97, 23, 43, 4, 126, 186, 119, 214, 38, 225, 105, 20, 99, 85, 33, 12, 125]); + te0 = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [3328402341, 4168907908, 4000806809, 4135287693, 4294111757, 3597364157, 3731845041, 2445657428, 1613770832, 33620227, 3462883241, 1445669757, 3892248089, 3050821474, 1303096294, 3967186586, 2412431941, 528646813, 2311702848, 4202528135, 4026202645, 2992200171, 2387036105, 4226871307, 1101901292, 3017069671, 1604494077, 1169141738, 597466303, 1403299063, 3832705686, 2613100635, 1974974402, 3791519004, 1033081774, 1277568618, 1815492186, 2118074177, 4126668546, 2211236943, 1748251740, 1369810420, 3521504564, 4193382664, 3799085459, 2883115123, 1647391059, 706024767, 134480908, 2512897874, 1176707941, 2646852446, 806885416, 932615841, 168101135, 798661301, 235341577, 605164086, 461406363, 3756188221, 3454790438, 1311188841, 2142417613, 3933566367, 302582043, 495158174, 1479289972, 874125870, 907746093, 3698224818, 3025820398, 1537253627, 2756858614, 1983593293, 3084310113, 2108928974, 1378429307, 3722699582, 1580150641, 327451799, 2790478837, 3117535592, 0, 3253595436, 1075847264, 3825007647, 2041688520, 3059440621, 3563743934, 2378943302, 1740553945, 1916352843, 2487896798, 2555137236, 2958579944, 2244988746, 3151024235, 3320835882, 1336584933, 3992714006, 2252555205, 2588757463, 1714631509, 293963156, 2319795663, 3925473552, 67240454, 4269768577, 2689618160, 2017213508, 631218106, 1269344483, 2723238387, 1571005438, 2151694528, 93294474, 1066570413, 563977660, 1882732616, 4059428100, 1673313503, 2008463041, 2950355573, 1109467491, 537923632, 3858759450, 4260623118, 3218264685, 2177748300, 403442708, 638784309, 3287084079, 3193921505, 899127202, 2286175436, 773265209, 2479146071, 1437050866, 4236148354, 2050833735, 3362022572, 3126681063, 840505643, 3866325909, 3227541664, 427917720, 2655997905, 2749160575, 1143087718, 1412049534, 999329963, 193497219, 2353415882, 3354324521, 1807268051, 672404540, 2816401017, 3160301282, 369822493, 2916866934, 3688947771, 1681011286, 1949973070, 336202270, 2454276571, 201721354, 1210328172, 3093060836, 2680341085, 3184776046, 1135389935, 3294782118, 965841320, 831886756, 3554993207, 4068047243, 3588745010, 2345191491, 1849112409, 3664604599, 26054028, 2983581028, 2622377682, 1235855840, 3630984372, 2891339514, 4092916743, 3488279077, 3395642799, 4101667470, 1202630377, 268961816, 1874508501, 4034427016, 1243948399, 1546530418, 941366308, 1470539505, 1941222599, 2546386513, 3421038627, 2715671932, 3899946140, 1042226977, 2521517021, 1639824860, 227249030, 260737669, 3765465232, 2084453954, 1907733956, 3429263018, 2420656344, 100860677, 4160157185, 470683154, 3261161891, 1781871967, 2924959737, 1773779408, 394692241, 2579611992, 974986535, 664706745, 3655459128, 3958962195, 731420851, 571543859, 3530123707, 2849626480, 126783113, 865375399, 765172662, 1008606754, 361203602, 3387549984, 2278477385, 2857719295, 1344809080, 2782912378, 59542671, 1503764984, 160008576, 437062935, 1707065306, 3622233649, 2218934982, 3496503480, 2185314755, 697932208, 1512910199, 504303377, 2075177163, 2824099068, 1841019862, 739644986]); + te1 = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [2781242211, 2230877308, 2582542199, 2381740923, 234877682, 3184946027, 2984144751, 1418839493, 1348481072, 50462977, 2848876391, 2102799147, 434634494, 1656084439, 3863849899, 2599188086, 1167051466, 2636087938, 1082771913, 2281340285, 368048890, 3954334041, 3381544775, 201060592, 3963727277, 1739838676, 4250903202, 3930435503, 3206782108, 4149453988, 2531553906, 1536934080, 3262494647, 484572669, 2923271059, 1783375398, 1517041206, 1098792767, 49674231, 1334037708, 1550332980, 4098991525, 886171109, 150598129, 2481090929, 1940642008, 1398944049, 1059722517, 201851908, 1385547719, 1699095331, 1587397571, 674240536, 2704774806, 252314885, 3039795866, 151914247, 908333586, 2602270848, 1038082786, 651029483, 1766729511, 3447698098, 2682942837, 454166793, 2652734339, 1951935532, 775166490, 758520603, 3000790638, 4004797018, 4217086112, 4137964114, 1299594043, 1639438038, 3464344499, 2068982057, 1054729187, 1901997871, 2534638724, 4121318227, 1757008337, 0, 750906861, 1614815264, 535035132, 3363418545, 3988151131, 3201591914, 1183697867, 3647454910, 1265776953, 3734260298, 3566750796, 3903871064, 1250283471, 1807470800, 717615087, 3847203498, 384695291, 3313910595, 3617213773, 1432761139, 2484176261, 3481945413, 283769337, 100925954, 2180939647, 4037038160, 1148730428, 3123027871, 3813386408, 4087501137, 4267549603, 3229630528, 2315620239, 2906624658, 3156319645, 1215313976, 82966005, 3747855548, 3245848246, 1974459098, 1665278241, 807407632, 451280895, 251524083, 1841287890, 1283575245, 337120268, 891687699, 801369324, 3787349855, 2721421207, 3431482436, 959321879, 1469301956, 4065699751, 2197585534, 1199193405, 2898814052, 3887750493, 724703513, 2514908019, 2696962144, 2551808385, 3516813135, 2141445340, 1715741218, 2119445034, 2872807568, 2198571144, 3398190662, 700968686, 3547052216, 1009259540, 2041044702, 3803995742, 487983883, 1991105499, 1004265696, 1449407026, 1316239930, 504629770, 3683797321, 168560134, 1816667172, 3837287516, 1570751170, 1857934291, 4014189740, 2797888098, 2822345105, 2754712981, 936633572, 2347923833, 852879335, 1133234376, 1500395319, 3084545389, 2348912013, 1689376213, 3533459022, 3762923945, 3034082412, 4205598294, 133428468, 634383082, 2949277029, 2398386810, 3913789102, 403703816, 3580869306, 2297460856, 1867130149, 1918643758, 607656988, 4049053350, 3346248884, 1368901318, 600565992, 2090982877, 2632479860, 557719327, 3717614411, 3697393085, 2249034635, 2232388234, 2430627952, 1115438654, 3295786421, 2865522278, 3633334344, 84280067, 33027830, 303828494, 2747425121, 1600795957, 4188952407, 3496589753, 2434238086, 1486471617, 658119965, 3106381470, 953803233, 334231800, 3005978776, 857870609, 3151128937, 1890179545, 2298973838, 2805175444, 3056442267, 574365214, 2450884487, 550103529, 1233637070, 4289353045, 2018519080, 2057691103, 2399374476, 4166623649, 2148108681, 387583245, 3664101311, 836232934, 3330556482, 3100665960, 3280093505, 2955516313, 2002398509, 287182607, 3413881008, 4238890068, 3597515707, 975967766]); + te2 = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [1671808611, 2089089148, 2006576759, 2072901243, 4061003762, 1807603307, 1873927791, 3310653893, 810573872, 16974337, 1739181671, 729634347, 4263110654, 3613570519, 2883997099, 1989864566, 3393556426, 2191335298, 3376449993, 2106063485, 4195741690, 1508618841, 1204391495, 4027317232, 2917941677, 3563566036, 2734514082, 2951366063, 2629772188, 2767672228, 1922491506, 3227229120, 3082974647, 4246528509, 2477669779, 644500518, 911895606, 1061256767, 4144166391, 3427763148, 878471220, 2784252325, 3845444069, 4043897329, 1905517169, 3631459288, 827548209, 356461077, 67897348, 3344078279, 593839651, 3277757891, 405286936, 2527147926, 84871685, 2595565466, 118033927, 305538066, 2157648768, 3795705826, 3945188843, 661212711, 2999812018, 1973414517, 152769033, 2208177539, 745822252, 439235610, 455947803, 1857215598, 1525593178, 2700827552, 1391895634, 994932283, 3596728278, 3016654259, 695947817, 3812548067, 795958831, 2224493444, 1408607827, 3513301457, 0, 3979133421, 543178784, 4229948412, 2982705585, 1542305371, 1790891114, 3410398667, 3201918910, 961245753, 1256100938, 1289001036, 1491644504, 3477767631, 3496721360, 4012557807, 2867154858, 4212583931, 1137018435, 1305975373, 861234739, 2241073541, 1171229253, 4178635257, 33948674, 2139225727, 1357946960, 1011120188, 2679776671, 2833468328, 1374921297, 2751356323, 1086357568, 2408187279, 2460827538, 2646352285, 944271416, 4110742005, 3168756668, 3066132406, 3665145818, 560153121, 271589392, 4279952895, 4077846003, 3530407890, 3444343245, 202643468, 322250259, 3962553324, 1608629855, 2543990167, 1154254916, 389623319, 3294073796, 2817676711, 2122513534, 1028094525, 1689045092, 1575467613, 422261273, 1939203699, 1621147744, 2174228865, 1339137615, 3699352540, 577127458, 712922154, 2427141008, 2290289544, 1187679302, 3995715566, 3100863416, 339486740, 3732514782, 1591917662, 186455563, 3681988059, 3762019296, 844522546, 978220090, 169743370, 1239126601, 101321734, 611076132, 1558493276, 3260915650, 3547250131, 2901361580, 1655096418, 2443721105, 2510565781, 3828863972, 2039214713, 3878868455, 3359869896, 928607799, 1840765549, 2374762893, 3580146133, 1322425422, 2850048425, 1823791212, 1459268694, 4094161908, 3928346602, 1706019429, 2056189050, 2934523822, 135794696, 3134549946, 2022240376, 628050469, 779246638, 472135708, 2800834470, 3032970164, 3327236038, 3894660072, 3715932637, 1956440180, 522272287, 1272813131, 3185336765, 2340818315, 2323976074, 1888542832, 1044544574, 3049550261, 1722469478, 1222152264, 50660867, 4127324150, 236067854, 1638122081, 895445557, 1475980887, 3117443513, 2257655686, 3243809217, 489110045, 2662934430, 3778599393, 4162055160, 2561878936, 288563729, 1773916777, 3648039385, 2391345038, 2493985684, 2612407707, 505560094, 2274497927, 3911240169, 3460925390, 1442818645, 678973480, 3749357023, 2358182796, 2717407649, 2306869641, 219617805, 3218761151, 3862026214, 1120306242, 1756942440, 1103331905, 2578459033, 762796589, 252780047, 2966125488, 1425844308, 3151392187, 372911126]); + te3 = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [1667474886, 2088535288, 2004326894, 2071694838, 4075949567, 1802223062, 1869591006, 3318043793, 808472672, 16843522, 1734846926, 724270422, 4278065639, 3621216949, 2880169549, 1987484396, 3402253711, 2189597983, 3385409673, 2105378810, 4210693615, 1499065266, 1195886990, 4042263547, 2913856577, 3570689971, 2728590687, 2947541573, 2627518243, 2762274643, 1920112356, 3233831835, 3082273397, 4261223649, 2475929149, 640051788, 909531756, 1061110142, 4160160501, 3435941763, 875846760, 2779116625, 3857003729, 4059105529, 1903268834, 3638064043, 825316194, 353713962, 67374088, 3351728789, 589522246, 3284360861, 404236336, 2526454071, 84217610, 2593830191, 117901582, 303183396, 2155911963, 3806477791, 3958056653, 656894286, 2998062463, 1970642922, 151591698, 2206440989, 741110872, 437923380, 454765878, 1852748508, 1515908788, 2694904667, 1381168804, 993742198, 3604373943, 3014905469, 690584402, 3823320797, 791638366, 2223281939, 1398011302, 3520161977, 0, 3991743681, 538992704, 4244381667, 2981218425, 1532751286, 1785380564, 3419096717, 3200178535, 960056178, 1246420628, 1280103576, 1482221744, 3486468741, 3503319995, 4025428677, 2863326543, 4227536621, 1128514950, 1296947098, 859002214, 2240123921, 1162203018, 4193849577, 33687044, 2139062782, 1347481760, 1010582648, 2678045221, 2829640523, 1364325282, 2745433693, 1077985408, 2408548869, 2459086143, 2644360225, 943212656, 4126475505, 3166494563, 3065430391, 3671750063, 555836226, 269496352, 4294908645, 4092792573, 3537006015, 3452783745, 202118168, 320025894, 3974901699, 1600119230, 2543297077, 1145359496, 387397934, 3301201811, 2812801621, 2122220284, 1027426170, 1684319432, 1566435258, 421079858, 1936954854, 1616945344, 2172753945, 1330631070, 3705438115, 572679748, 707427924, 2425400123, 2290647819, 1179044492, 4008585671, 3099120491, 336870440, 3739122087, 1583276732, 185277718, 3688593069, 3772791771, 842159716, 976899700, 168435220, 1229577106, 101059084, 606366792, 1549591736, 3267517855, 3553849021, 2897014595, 1650632388, 2442242105, 2509612081, 3840161747, 2038008818, 3890688725, 3368567691, 926374254, 1835907034, 2374863873, 3587531953, 1313788572, 2846482505, 1819063512, 1448540844, 4109633523, 3941213647, 1701162954, 2054852340, 2930698567, 134748176, 3132806511, 2021165296, 623210314, 774795868, 471606328, 2795958615, 3031746419, 3334885783, 3907527627, 3722280097, 1953799400, 522133822, 1263263126, 3183336545, 2341176845, 2324333839, 1886425312, 1044267644, 3048588401, 1718004428, 1212733584, 50529542, 4143317495, 235803164, 1633788866, 892690282, 1465383342, 3115962473, 2256965911, 3250673817, 488449850, 2661202215, 3789633753, 4177007595, 2560144171, 286339874, 1768537042, 3654906025, 2391705863, 2492770099, 2610673197, 505291324, 2273808917, 3924369609, 3469625735, 1431699370, 673740880, 3755965093, 2358021891, 2711746649, 2307489801, 218961690, 3217021541, 3873845719, 1111672452, 1751693520, 1094828930, 2576986153, 757954394, 252645662, 2964376443, 1414855848, 3149649517, 370555436]); + td0 = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [1374988112, 2118214995, 437757123, 975658646, 1001089995, 530400753, 2902087851, 1273168787, 540080725, 2910219766, 2295101073, 4110568485, 1340463100, 3307916247, 641025152, 3043140495, 3736164937, 632953703, 1172967064, 1576976609, 3274667266, 2169303058, 2370213795, 1809054150, 59727847, 361929877, 3211623147, 2505202138, 3569255213, 1484005843, 1239443753, 2395588676, 1975683434, 4102977912, 2572697195, 666464733, 3202437046, 4035489047, 3374361702, 2110667444, 1675577880, 3843699074, 2538681184, 1649639237, 2976151520, 3144396420, 4269907996, 4178062228, 1883793496, 2403728665, 2497604743, 1383856311, 2876494627, 1917518562, 3810496343, 1716890410, 3001755655, 800440835, 2261089178, 3543599269, 807962610, 599762354, 33778362, 3977675356, 2328828971, 2809771154, 4077384432, 1315562145, 1708848333, 101039829, 3509871135, 3299278474, 875451293, 2733856160, 92987698, 2767645557, 193195065, 1080094634, 1584504582, 3178106961, 1042385657, 2531067453, 3711829422, 1306967366, 2438237621, 1908694277, 67556463, 1615861247, 429456164, 3602770327, 2302690252, 1742315127, 2968011453, 126454664, 3877198648, 2043211483, 2709260871, 2084704233, 4169408201, 0, 159417987, 841739592, 504459436, 1817866830, 4245618683, 260388950, 1034867998, 908933415, 168810852, 1750902305, 2606453969, 607530554, 202008497, 2472011535, 3035535058, 463180190, 2160117071, 1641816226, 1517767529, 470948374, 3801332234, 3231722213, 1008918595, 303765277, 235474187, 4069246893, 766945465, 337553864, 1475418501, 2943682380, 4003061179, 2743034109, 4144047775, 1551037884, 1147550661, 1543208500, 2336434550, 3408119516, 3069049960, 3102011747, 3610369226, 1113818384, 328671808, 2227573024, 2236228733, 3535486456, 2935566865, 3341394285, 496906059, 3702665459, 226906860, 2009195472, 733156972, 2842737049, 294930682, 1206477858, 2835123396, 2700099354, 1451044056, 573804783, 2269728455, 3644379585, 2362090238, 2564033334, 2801107407, 2776292904, 3669462566, 1068351396, 742039012, 1350078989, 1784663195, 1417561698, 4136440770, 2430122216, 775550814, 2193862645, 2673705150, 1775276924, 1876241833, 3475313331, 3366754619, 270040487, 3902563182, 3678124923, 3441850377, 1851332852, 3969562369, 2203032232, 3868552805, 2868897406, 566021896, 4011190502, 3135740889, 1248802510, 3936291284, 699432150, 832877231, 708780849, 3332740144, 899835584, 1951317047, 4236429990, 3767586992, 866637845, 4043610186, 1106041591, 2144161806, 395441711, 1984812685, 1139781709, 3433712980, 3835036895, 2664543715, 1282050075, 3240894392, 1181045119, 2640243204, 25965917, 4203181171, 4211818798, 3009879386, 2463879762, 3910161971, 1842759443, 2597806476, 933301370, 1509430414, 3943906441, 3467192302, 3076639029, 3776767469, 2051518780, 2631065433, 1441952575, 404016761, 1942435775, 1408749034, 1610459739, 3745345300, 2017778566, 3400528769, 3110650942, 941896748, 3265478751, 371049330, 3168937228, 675039627, 4279080257, 967311729, 135050206, 3635733660, 1683407248, 2076935265, 3576870512, 1215061108, 3501741890]); + td1 = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [1347548327, 1400783205, 3273267108, 2520393566, 3409685355, 4045380933, 2880240216, 2471224067, 1428173050, 4138563181, 2441661558, 636813900, 4233094615, 3620022987, 2149987652, 2411029155, 1239331162, 1730525723, 2554718734, 3781033664, 46346101, 310463728, 2743944855, 3328955385, 3875770207, 2501218972, 3955191162, 3667219033, 768917123, 3545789473, 692707433, 1150208456, 1786102409, 2029293177, 1805211710, 3710368113, 3065962831, 401639597, 1724457132, 3028143674, 409198410, 2196052529, 1620529459, 1164071807, 3769721975, 2226875310, 486441376, 2499348523, 1483753576, 428819965, 2274680428, 3075636216, 598438867, 3799141122, 1474502543, 711349675, 129166120, 53458370, 2592523643, 2782082824, 4063242375, 2988687269, 3120694122, 1559041666, 730517276, 2460449204, 4042459122, 2706270690, 3446004468, 3573941694, 533804130, 2328143614, 2637442643, 2695033685, 839224033, 1973745387, 957055980, 2856345839, 106852767, 1371368976, 4181598602, 1033297158, 2933734917, 1179510461, 3046200461, 91341917, 1862534868, 4284502037, 605657339, 2547432937, 3431546947, 2003294622, 3182487618, 2282195339, 954669403, 3682191598, 1201765386, 3917234703, 3388507166, 0, 2198438022, 1211247597, 2887651696, 1315723890, 4227665663, 1443857720, 507358933, 657861945, 1678381017, 560487590, 3516619604, 975451694, 2970356327, 261314535, 3535072918, 2652609425, 1333838021, 2724322336, 1767536459, 370938394, 182621114, 3854606378, 1128014560, 487725847, 185469197, 2918353863, 3106780840, 3356761769, 2237133081, 1286567175, 3152976349, 4255350624, 2683765030, 3160175349, 3309594171, 878443390, 1988838185, 3704300486, 1756818940, 1673061617, 3403100636, 272786309, 1075025698, 545572369, 2105887268, 4174560061, 296679730, 1841768865, 1260232239, 4091327024, 3960309330, 3497509347, 1814803222, 2578018489, 4195456072, 575138148, 3299409036, 446754879, 3629546796, 4011996048, 3347532110, 3252238545, 4270639778, 915985419, 3483825537, 681933534, 651868046, 2755636671, 3828103837, 223377554, 2607439820, 1649704518, 3270937875, 3901806776, 1580087799, 4118987695, 3198115200, 2087309459, 2842678573, 3016697106, 1003007129, 2802849917, 1860738147, 2077965243, 164439672, 4100872472, 32283319, 2827177882, 1709610350, 2125135846, 136428751, 3874428392, 3652904859, 3460984630, 3572145929, 3593056380, 2939266226, 824852259, 818324884, 3224740454, 930369212, 2801566410, 2967507152, 355706840, 1257309336, 4148292826, 243256656, 790073846, 2373340630, 1296297904, 1422699085, 3756299780, 3818836405, 457992840, 3099667487, 2135319889, 77422314, 1560382517, 1945798516, 788204353, 1521706781, 1385356242, 870912086, 325965383, 2358957921, 2050466060, 2388260884, 2313884476, 4006521127, 901210569, 3990953189, 1014646705, 1503449823, 1062597235, 2031621326, 3212035895, 3931371469, 1533017514, 350174575, 2256028891, 2177544179, 1052338372, 741876788, 1606591296, 1914052035, 213705253, 2334669897, 1107234197, 1899603969, 3725069491, 2631447780, 2422494913, 1635502980, 1893020342, 1950903388, 1120974935]); + td2 = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [2807058932, 1699970625, 2764249623, 1586903591, 1808481195, 1173430173, 1487645946, 59984867, 4199882800, 1844882806, 1989249228, 1277555970, 3623636965, 3419915562, 1149249077, 2744104290, 1514790577, 459744698, 244860394, 3235995134, 1963115311, 4027744588, 2544078150, 4190530515, 1608975247, 2627016082, 2062270317, 1507497298, 2200818878, 567498868, 1764313568, 3359936201, 2305455554, 2037970062, 1047239000, 1910319033, 1337376481, 2904027272, 2892417312, 984907214, 1243112415, 830661914, 861968209, 2135253587, 2011214180, 2927934315, 2686254721, 731183368, 1750626376, 4246310725, 1820824798, 4172763771, 3542330227, 48394827, 2404901663, 2871682645, 671593195, 3254988725, 2073724613, 145085239, 2280796200, 2779915199, 1790575107, 2187128086, 472615631, 3029510009, 4075877127, 3802222185, 4107101658, 3201631749, 1646252340, 4270507174, 1402811438, 1436590835, 3778151818, 3950355702, 3963161475, 4020912224, 2667994737, 273792366, 2331590177, 104699613, 95345982, 3175501286, 2377486676, 1560637892, 3564045318, 369057872, 4213447064, 3919042237, 1137477952, 2658625497, 1119727848, 2340947849, 1530455833, 4007360968, 172466556, 266959938, 516552836, 0, 2256734592, 3980931627, 1890328081, 1917742170, 4294704398, 945164165, 3575528878, 958871085, 3647212047, 2787207260, 1423022939, 775562294, 1739656202, 3876557655, 2530391278, 2443058075, 3310321856, 547512796, 1265195639, 437656594, 3121275539, 719700128, 3762502690, 387781147, 218828297, 3350065803, 2830708150, 2848461854, 428169201, 122466165, 3720081049, 1627235199, 648017665, 4122762354, 1002783846, 2117360635, 695634755, 3336358691, 4234721005, 4049844452, 3704280881, 2232435299, 574624663, 287343814, 612205898, 1039717051, 840019705, 2708326185, 793451934, 821288114, 1391201670, 3822090177, 376187827, 3113855344, 1224348052, 1679968233, 2361698556, 1058709744, 752375421, 2431590963, 1321699145, 3519142200, 2734591178, 188127444, 2177869557, 3727205754, 2384911031, 3215212461, 2648976442, 2450346104, 3432737375, 1180849278, 331544205, 3102249176, 4150144569, 2952102595, 2159976285, 2474404304, 766078933, 313773861, 2570832044, 2108100632, 1668212892, 3145456443, 2013908262, 418672217, 3070356634, 2594734927, 1852171925, 3867060991, 3473416636, 3907448597, 2614737639, 919489135, 164948639, 2094410160, 2997825956, 590424639, 2486224549, 1723872674, 3157750862, 3399941250, 3501252752, 3625268135, 2555048196, 3673637356, 1343127501, 4130281361, 3599595085, 2957853679, 1297403050, 81781910, 3051593425, 2283490410, 532201772, 1367295589, 3926170974, 895287692, 1953757831, 1093597963, 492483431, 3528626907, 1446242576, 1192455638, 1636604631, 209336225, 344873464, 1015671571, 669961897, 3375740769, 3857572124, 2973530695, 3747192018, 1933530610, 3464042516, 935293895, 3454686199, 2858115069, 1863638845, 3683022916, 4085369519, 3292445032, 875313188, 1080017571, 3279033885, 621591778, 1233856572, 2504130317, 24197544, 3017672716, 3835484340, 3247465558, 2220981195, 3060847922, 1551124588, 1463996600]); + td3 = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [4104605777, 1097159550, 396673818, 660510266, 2875968315, 2638606623, 4200115116, 3808662347, 821712160, 1986918061, 3430322568, 38544885, 3856137295, 718002117, 893681702, 1654886325, 2975484382, 3122358053, 3926825029, 4274053469, 796197571, 1290801793, 1184342925, 3556361835, 2405426947, 2459735317, 1836772287, 1381620373, 3196267988, 1948373848, 3764988233, 3385345166, 3263785589, 2390325492, 1480485785, 3111247143, 3780097726, 2293045232, 548169417, 3459953789, 3746175075, 439452389, 1362321559, 1400849762, 1685577905, 1806599355, 2174754046, 137073913, 1214797936, 1174215055, 3731654548, 2079897426, 1943217067, 1258480242, 529487843, 1437280870, 3945269170, 3049390895, 3313212038, 923313619, 679998000, 3215307299, 57326082, 377642221, 3474729866, 2041877159, 133361907, 1776460110, 3673476453, 96392454, 878845905, 2801699524, 777231668, 4082475170, 2330014213, 4142626212, 2213296395, 1626319424, 1906247262, 1846563261, 562755902, 3708173718, 1040559837, 3871163981, 1418573201, 3294430577, 114585348, 1343618912, 2566595609, 3186202582, 1078185097, 3651041127, 3896688048, 2307622919, 425408743, 3371096953, 2081048481, 1108339068, 2216610296, 0, 2156299017, 736970802, 292596766, 1517440620, 251657213, 2235061775, 2933202493, 758720310, 265905162, 1554391400, 1532285339, 908999204, 174567692, 1474760595, 4002861748, 2610011675, 3234156416, 3693126241, 2001430874, 303699484, 2478443234, 2687165888, 585122620, 454499602, 151849742, 2345119218, 3064510765, 514443284, 4044981591, 1963412655, 2581445614, 2137062819, 19308535, 1928707164, 1715193156, 4219352155, 1126790795, 600235211, 3992742070, 3841024952, 836553431, 1669664834, 2535604243, 3323011204, 1243905413, 3141400786, 4180808110, 698445255, 2653899549, 2989552604, 2253581325, 3252932727, 3004591147, 1891211689, 2487810577, 3915653703, 4237083816, 4030667424, 2100090966, 865136418, 1229899655, 953270745, 3399679628, 3557504664, 4118925222, 2061379749, 3079546586, 2915017791, 983426092, 2022837584, 1607244650, 2118541908, 2366882550, 3635996816, 972512814, 3283088770, 1568718495, 3499326569, 3576539503, 621982671, 2895723464, 410887952, 2623762152, 1002142683, 645401037, 1494807662, 2595684844, 1335535747, 2507040230, 4293295786, 3167684641, 367585007, 3885750714, 1865862730, 2668221674, 2960971305, 2763173681, 1059270954, 2777952454, 2724642869, 1320957812, 2194319100, 2429595872, 2815956275, 77089521, 3973773121, 3444575871, 2448830231, 1305906550, 4021308739, 2857194700, 2516901860, 3518358430, 1787304780, 740276417, 1699839814, 1592394909, 2352307457, 2272556026, 188821243, 1729977011, 3687994002, 274084841, 3594982253, 3613494426, 2701949495, 4162096729, 322734571, 2837966542, 1640576439, 484830689, 1202797690, 3537852828, 4067639125, 349075736, 3342319475, 4157467219, 4255800159, 1030690015, 1155237496, 2951971274, 1757691577, 607398968, 2738905026, 499347990, 3794078908, 1011452712, 227885567, 2818666809, 213114376, 3034881240, 1455525988, 3414450555, 850817237, 1817998408, 3092726480]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/des"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, cipher, subtle, binary, strconv, sync, KeySizeError, desCipher, tripleDESCipher, arrayType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType, ptrType$1, permutationFunction, permutedChoice1, permutedChoice2, sBoxes, ksRotations, feistelBox, feistelBoxOnce, NewTripleDESCipher, cryptBlock, encryptBlock, decryptBlock, feistel, permuteBlock, initFeistelBox, permuteInitialBlock, permuteFinalBlock, ksRotate, unpack; + cipher = $packages["crypto/cipher"]; + subtle = $packages["crypto/internal/subtle"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + KeySizeError = $pkg.KeySizeError = $newType(4, $kindInt, "des.KeySizeError", true, "crypto/des", true, null); + desCipher = $pkg.desCipher = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "des.desCipher", true, "crypto/des", false, function(subkeys_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.subkeys = arrayType$4.zero(); + return; + } + this.subkeys = subkeys_; + }); + tripleDESCipher = $pkg.tripleDESCipher = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "des.tripleDESCipher", true, "crypto/des", false, function(cipher1_, cipher2_, cipher3_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.cipher1 = new desCipher.ptr(arrayType$4.zero()); + this.cipher2 = new desCipher.ptr(arrayType$4.zero()); + this.cipher3 = new desCipher.ptr(arrayType$4.zero()); + return; + } + this.cipher1 = cipher1_; + this.cipher2 = cipher2_; + this.cipher3 = cipher3_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint32, 64); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(arrayType, 8); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 16); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType(arrayType$2, 4); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint64, 16); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint64); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Uint32); + ptrType = $ptrType(desCipher); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(tripleDESCipher); + KeySizeError.prototype.Error = function() { + var k; + k = this.$val; + return "crypto/des: invalid key size " + strconv.Itoa(((k >> 0))); + }; + $ptrType(KeySizeError).prototype.Error = function() { return new KeySizeError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + desCipher.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return 8; + }; + desCipher.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + desCipher.ptr.prototype.Encrypt = function(dst, src) { + var c, dst, src; + c = this; + if (src.$length < 8) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: input not full block")); + } + if (dst.$length < 8) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: output not full block")); + } + if (subtle.InexactOverlap($subslice(dst, 0, 8), $subslice(src, 0, 8))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + encryptBlock(new sliceType(c.subkeys), dst, src); + }; + desCipher.prototype.Encrypt = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.Encrypt(dst, src); }; + desCipher.ptr.prototype.Decrypt = function(dst, src) { + var c, dst, src; + c = this; + if (src.$length < 8) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: input not full block")); + } + if (dst.$length < 8) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: output not full block")); + } + if (subtle.InexactOverlap($subslice(dst, 0, 8), $subslice(src, 0, 8))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + decryptBlock(new sliceType(c.subkeys), dst, src); + }; + desCipher.prototype.Decrypt = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.Decrypt(dst, src); }; + NewTripleDESCipher = function(key) { + var {c, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!((key.$length === 24))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new KeySizeError(((key.$length >> 0)))]; + } + c = new tripleDESCipher.ptr(new desCipher.ptr(arrayType$4.zero()), new desCipher.ptr(arrayType$4.zero()), new desCipher.ptr(arrayType$4.zero())); + $r = c.cipher1.generateSubkeys($subslice(key, 0, 8)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = c.cipher2.generateSubkeys($subslice(key, 8, 16)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = c.cipher3.generateSubkeys($subslice(key, 16)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewTripleDESCipher, $c: true, $r, c, key, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewTripleDESCipher = NewTripleDESCipher; + tripleDESCipher.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return 8; + }; + tripleDESCipher.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + tripleDESCipher.ptr.prototype.Encrypt = function(dst, src) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, c, dst, i, i$1, i$2, left, preOutput, right, src, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + c = this; + if (src.$length < 8) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: input not full block")); + } + if (dst.$length < 8) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: output not full block")); + } + if (subtle.InexactOverlap($subslice(dst, 0, 8), $subslice(src, 0, 8))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + b = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint64(src); + b = permuteInitialBlock(b); + _tmp = (($shiftRightUint64(b, 32).$low >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((b.$low >>> 0)); + left = _tmp; + right = _tmp$1; + left = (((left << 1 >>> 0)) | ((left >>> 31 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + right = (((right << 1 >>> 0)) | ((right >>> 31 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 8)) { break; } + _tuple = feistel(left, right, (x = c.cipher1.subkeys, x$1 = $imul(2, i), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])), (x$2 = c.cipher1.subkeys, x$3 = ($imul(2, i)) + 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[x$3]))); + left = _tuple[0]; + right = _tuple[1]; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 8)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = feistel(right, left, (x$4 = c.cipher2.subkeys, x$5 = 15 - ($imul(2, i$1)) >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[x$5])), (x$6 = c.cipher2.subkeys, x$7 = 15 - ((($imul(2, i$1)) + 1 >> 0)) >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[x$7]))); + right = _tuple$1[0]; + left = _tuple$1[1]; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 8)) { break; } + _tuple$2 = feistel(left, right, (x$8 = c.cipher3.subkeys, x$9 = $imul(2, i$2), ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[x$9])), (x$10 = c.cipher3.subkeys, x$11 = ($imul(2, i$2)) + 1 >> 0, ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[x$11]))); + left = _tuple$2[0]; + right = _tuple$2[1]; + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + left = (((left << 31 >>> 0)) | ((left >>> 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + right = (((right << 31 >>> 0)) | ((right >>> 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + preOutput = (x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, right)), 32), x$13 = (new $Uint64(0, left)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high | x$13.$high, (x$12.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64(dst, permuteFinalBlock(preOutput)); + }; + tripleDESCipher.prototype.Encrypt = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.Encrypt(dst, src); }; + tripleDESCipher.ptr.prototype.Decrypt = function(dst, src) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, c, dst, i, i$1, i$2, left, preOutput, right, src, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + c = this; + if (src.$length < 8) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: input not full block")); + } + if (dst.$length < 8) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: output not full block")); + } + if (subtle.InexactOverlap($subslice(dst, 0, 8), $subslice(src, 0, 8))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + b = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint64(src); + b = permuteInitialBlock(b); + _tmp = (($shiftRightUint64(b, 32).$low >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((b.$low >>> 0)); + left = _tmp; + right = _tmp$1; + left = (((left << 1 >>> 0)) | ((left >>> 31 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + right = (((right << 1 >>> 0)) | ((right >>> 31 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 8)) { break; } + _tuple = feistel(left, right, (x = c.cipher3.subkeys, x$1 = 15 - ($imul(2, i)) >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])), (x$2 = c.cipher3.subkeys, x$3 = 15 - ((($imul(2, i)) + 1 >> 0)) >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[x$3]))); + left = _tuple[0]; + right = _tuple[1]; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 8)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = feistel(right, left, (x$4 = c.cipher2.subkeys, x$5 = $imul(2, i$1), ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[x$5])), (x$6 = c.cipher2.subkeys, x$7 = ($imul(2, i$1)) + 1 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[x$7]))); + right = _tuple$1[0]; + left = _tuple$1[1]; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 8)) { break; } + _tuple$2 = feistel(left, right, (x$8 = c.cipher1.subkeys, x$9 = 15 - ($imul(2, i$2)) >> 0, ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[x$9])), (x$10 = c.cipher1.subkeys, x$11 = 15 - ((($imul(2, i$2)) + 1 >> 0)) >> 0, ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[x$11]))); + left = _tuple$2[0]; + right = _tuple$2[1]; + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + left = (((left << 31 >>> 0)) | ((left >>> 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + right = (((right << 31 >>> 0)) | ((right >>> 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + preOutput = (x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, right)), 32), x$13 = (new $Uint64(0, left)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high | x$13.$high, (x$12.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64(dst, permuteFinalBlock(preOutput)); + }; + tripleDESCipher.prototype.Decrypt = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.Decrypt(dst, src); }; + cryptBlock = function(subkeys, dst, src, decrypt) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, decrypt, dst, i, i$1, left, preOutput, right, src, subkeys, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + b = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint64(src); + b = permuteInitialBlock(b); + _tmp = (($shiftRightUint64(b, 32).$low >>> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((b.$low >>> 0)); + left = _tmp; + right = _tmp$1; + left = (((left << 1 >>> 0)) | ((left >>> 31 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + right = (((right << 1 >>> 0)) | ((right >>> 31 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + if (decrypt) { + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 8)) { break; } + _tuple = feistel(left, right, (x = 15 - ($imul(2, i)) >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= subkeys.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : subkeys.$array[subkeys.$offset + x])), (x$1 = 15 - ((($imul(2, i)) + 1 >> 0)) >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= subkeys.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : subkeys.$array[subkeys.$offset + x$1]))); + left = _tuple[0]; + right = _tuple[1]; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } else { + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 8)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = feistel(left, right, (x$2 = $imul(2, i$1), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= subkeys.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : subkeys.$array[subkeys.$offset + x$2])), (x$3 = ($imul(2, i$1)) + 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= subkeys.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : subkeys.$array[subkeys.$offset + x$3]))); + left = _tuple$1[0]; + right = _tuple$1[1]; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + } + left = (((left << 31 >>> 0)) | ((left >>> 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + right = (((right << 31 >>> 0)) | ((right >>> 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + preOutput = (x$4 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, right)), 32), x$5 = (new $Uint64(0, left)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$5.$high, (x$4.$low | x$5.$low) >>> 0)); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64(dst, permuteFinalBlock(preOutput)); + }; + encryptBlock = function(subkeys, dst, src) { + var dst, src, subkeys; + cryptBlock(subkeys, dst, src, false); + }; + decryptBlock = function(subkeys, dst, src) { + var dst, src, subkeys; + cryptBlock(subkeys, dst, src, true); + }; + feistel = function(l, r, k0, k1) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, k0, k1, l, lout, r, rout, t, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + lout = 0; + rout = 0; + t = 0; + t = (r ^ (($shiftRightUint64(k0, 32).$low >>> 0))) >>> 0; + l = (l ^ ((((((((x = feistelBox[7], x$1 = (t & 63) >>> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])) ^ (x$2 = feistelBox[5], x$3 = (((t >>> 8 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[x$3]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$4 = feistelBox[3], x$5 = (((t >>> 16 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[x$5]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$6 = feistelBox[1], x$7 = (((t >>> 24 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[x$7]))) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + t = ((((((r << 28 >>> 0)) | ((r >>> 4 >>> 0))) >>> 0)) ^ ((k0.$low >>> 0))) >>> 0; + l = (l ^ ((((((((x$8 = feistelBox[6], x$9 = ((t) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[x$9])) ^ (x$10 = feistelBox[4], x$11 = (((t >>> 8 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[x$11]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$12 = feistelBox[2], x$13 = (((t >>> 16 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$13 < 0 || x$13 >= x$12.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12[x$13]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$14 = feistelBox[0], x$15 = (((t >>> 24 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$15 < 0 || x$15 >= x$14.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$14[x$15]))) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + t = (l ^ (($shiftRightUint64(k1, 32).$low >>> 0))) >>> 0; + r = (r ^ ((((((((x$16 = feistelBox[7], x$17 = (t & 63) >>> 0, ((x$17 < 0 || x$17 >= x$16.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$16[x$17])) ^ (x$18 = feistelBox[5], x$19 = (((t >>> 8 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$19 < 0 || x$19 >= x$18.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$18[x$19]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$20 = feistelBox[3], x$21 = (((t >>> 16 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$21 < 0 || x$21 >= x$20.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$20[x$21]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$22 = feistelBox[1], x$23 = (((t >>> 24 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$23 < 0 || x$23 >= x$22.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$22[x$23]))) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + t = ((((((l << 28 >>> 0)) | ((l >>> 4 >>> 0))) >>> 0)) ^ ((k1.$low >>> 0))) >>> 0; + r = (r ^ ((((((((x$24 = feistelBox[6], x$25 = ((t) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$25 < 0 || x$25 >= x$24.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$24[x$25])) ^ (x$26 = feistelBox[4], x$27 = (((t >>> 8 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$27 < 0 || x$27 >= x$26.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$26[x$27]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$28 = feistelBox[2], x$29 = (((t >>> 16 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$29 < 0 || x$29 >= x$28.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$28[x$29]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$30 = feistelBox[0], x$31 = (((t >>> 24 >>> 0)) & 63) >>> 0, ((x$31 < 0 || x$31 >= x$30.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$30[x$31]))) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + _tmp = l; + _tmp$1 = r; + lout = _tmp; + rout = _tmp$1; + return [lout, rout]; + }; + permuteBlock = function(src, permutation) { + var _i, _ref, bit, block, n, permutation, position, src, x, x$1; + block = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _ref = permutation; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + position = _i; + n = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + bit = (x = $shiftRightUint64(src, n), new $Uint64(x.$high & 0, (x.$low & 1) >>> 0)); + block = (x$1 = $shiftLeft64(bit, (((((permutation.$length - 1 >> 0)) - position >> 0) >>> 0))), new $Uint64(block.$high | x$1.$high, (block.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + _i++; + } + return block; + }; + initFeistelBox = function() { + var _i, _ref, col, f, i, j, row, s, t, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + _ref = sBoxes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 8)) { break; } + s = _i; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 4)) { break; } + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 16)) { break; } + f = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (x = (x$1 = ((s < 0 || s >= sBoxes.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sBoxes[s]), ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i])), ((j < 0 || j >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[j])))), ((4 * ((7 - ((s >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0))); + f = permuteBlock(f, new sliceType$1(permutationFunction)); + row = (((((((i & 2)) << 4 >> 0)) | (i & 1)) << 24 >>> 24)); + col = (((j << 1 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + t = (row | col) >>> 0; + f = (x$2 = $shiftLeft64(f, 1), x$3 = $shiftRightUint64(f, 31), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$3.$high, (x$2.$low | x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + (x$4 = ((s < 0 || s >= feistelBox.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : feistelBox[s]), ((t < 0 || t >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[t] = ((f.$low >>> 0)))); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _i++; + } + }; + permuteInitialBlock = function(block) { + var b1, b2, block, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + b1 = $shiftRightUint64(block, 48); + b2 = $shiftLeft64(block, 48); + block = (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = new $Uint64(b1.$high ^ b2.$high, (b1.$low ^ b2.$low) >>> 0), x$3 = $shiftLeft64(b1, 48), new $Uint64(x$2.$high ^ x$3.$high, (x$2.$low ^ x$3.$low) >>> 0)), x$4 = $shiftRightUint64(b2, 48), new $Uint64(x$1.$high ^ x$4.$high, (x$1.$low ^ x$4.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(block.$high ^ x.$high, (block.$low ^ x.$low) >>> 0)); + b1 = (x$5 = $shiftRightUint64(block, 32), new $Uint64(x$5.$high & 0, (x$5.$low & 16711935) >>> 0)); + b2 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 0, (block.$low & 4278255360) >>> 0); + block = (x$6 = (x$7 = (x$8 = (x$9 = $shiftLeft64(b1, 32), new $Uint64(x$9.$high ^ b2.$high, (x$9.$low ^ b2.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64(b1, 8), new $Uint64(x$8.$high ^ x$10.$high, (x$8.$low ^ x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64(b2, 24), new $Uint64(x$7.$high ^ x$11.$high, (x$7.$low ^ x$11.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(block.$high ^ x$6.$high, (block.$low ^ x$6.$low) >>> 0)); + b1 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 252641280, (block.$low & 252641280) >>> 0); + b2 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 61680, (block.$low & 61680) >>> 0); + block = (x$12 = (x$13 = (x$14 = new $Uint64(b1.$high ^ b2.$high, (b1.$low ^ b2.$low) >>> 0), x$15 = $shiftRightUint64(b1, 12), new $Uint64(x$14.$high ^ x$15.$high, (x$14.$low ^ x$15.$low) >>> 0)), x$16 = $shiftLeft64(b2, 12), new $Uint64(x$13.$high ^ x$16.$high, (x$13.$low ^ x$16.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(block.$high ^ x$12.$high, (block.$low ^ x$12.$low) >>> 0)); + b1 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 855651072, (block.$low & 855651072) >>> 0); + b2 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 13369548, (block.$low & 13369548) >>> 0); + block = (x$17 = (x$18 = (x$19 = new $Uint64(b1.$high ^ b2.$high, (b1.$low ^ b2.$low) >>> 0), x$20 = $shiftRightUint64(b1, 6), new $Uint64(x$19.$high ^ x$20.$high, (x$19.$low ^ x$20.$low) >>> 0)), x$21 = $shiftLeft64(b2, 6), new $Uint64(x$18.$high ^ x$21.$high, (x$18.$low ^ x$21.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(block.$high ^ x$17.$high, (block.$low ^ x$17.$low) >>> 0)); + b1 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 2863311530, (block.$low & 1431655765) >>> 0); + block = (x$22 = (x$23 = (x$24 = $shiftRightUint64(b1, 33), new $Uint64(b1.$high ^ x$24.$high, (b1.$low ^ x$24.$low) >>> 0)), x$25 = $shiftLeft64(b1, 33), new $Uint64(x$23.$high ^ x$25.$high, (x$23.$low ^ x$25.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(block.$high ^ x$22.$high, (block.$low ^ x$22.$low) >>> 0)); + return block; + }; + permuteFinalBlock = function(block) { + var b1, b2, block, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + b1 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 2863311530, (block.$low & 1431655765) >>> 0); + block = (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = $shiftRightUint64(b1, 33), new $Uint64(b1.$high ^ x$2.$high, (b1.$low ^ x$2.$low) >>> 0)), x$3 = $shiftLeft64(b1, 33), new $Uint64(x$1.$high ^ x$3.$high, (x$1.$low ^ x$3.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(block.$high ^ x.$high, (block.$low ^ x.$low) >>> 0)); + b1 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 855651072, (block.$low & 855651072) >>> 0); + b2 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 13369548, (block.$low & 13369548) >>> 0); + block = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = new $Uint64(b1.$high ^ b2.$high, (b1.$low ^ b2.$low) >>> 0), x$7 = $shiftRightUint64(b1, 6), new $Uint64(x$6.$high ^ x$7.$high, (x$6.$low ^ x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64(b2, 6), new $Uint64(x$5.$high ^ x$8.$high, (x$5.$low ^ x$8.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(block.$high ^ x$4.$high, (block.$low ^ x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + b1 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 252641280, (block.$low & 252641280) >>> 0); + b2 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 61680, (block.$low & 61680) >>> 0); + block = (x$9 = (x$10 = (x$11 = new $Uint64(b1.$high ^ b2.$high, (b1.$low ^ b2.$low) >>> 0), x$12 = $shiftRightUint64(b1, 12), new $Uint64(x$11.$high ^ x$12.$high, (x$11.$low ^ x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64(b2, 12), new $Uint64(x$10.$high ^ x$13.$high, (x$10.$low ^ x$13.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(block.$high ^ x$9.$high, (block.$low ^ x$9.$low) >>> 0)); + b1 = (x$14 = $shiftRightUint64(block, 32), new $Uint64(x$14.$high & 0, (x$14.$low & 16711935) >>> 0)); + b2 = new $Uint64(block.$high & 0, (block.$low & 4278255360) >>> 0); + block = (x$15 = (x$16 = (x$17 = (x$18 = $shiftLeft64(b1, 32), new $Uint64(x$18.$high ^ b2.$high, (x$18.$low ^ b2.$low) >>> 0)), x$19 = $shiftLeft64(b1, 8), new $Uint64(x$17.$high ^ x$19.$high, (x$17.$low ^ x$19.$low) >>> 0)), x$20 = $shiftLeft64(b2, 24), new $Uint64(x$16.$high ^ x$20.$high, (x$16.$low ^ x$20.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(block.$high ^ x$15.$high, (block.$low ^ x$15.$low) >>> 0)); + b1 = $shiftRightUint64(block, 48); + b2 = $shiftLeft64(block, 48); + block = (x$21 = (x$22 = (x$23 = new $Uint64(b1.$high ^ b2.$high, (b1.$low ^ b2.$low) >>> 0), x$24 = $shiftLeft64(b1, 48), new $Uint64(x$23.$high ^ x$24.$high, (x$23.$low ^ x$24.$low) >>> 0)), x$25 = $shiftRightUint64(b2, 48), new $Uint64(x$22.$high ^ x$25.$high, (x$22.$low ^ x$25.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(block.$high ^ x$21.$high, (block.$low ^ x$21.$low) >>> 0)); + return block; + }; + ksRotate = function(in$1) { + var i, in$1, last, left, out, right, y, y$1; + out = sliceType$2.nil; + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 16); + last = in$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + left = (((y = ((4 + ((i < 0 || i >= ksRotations.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ksRotations[i]) << 24 >>> 24)), y < 32 ? (last << y) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 4 >>> 0; + right = (y$1 = ((32 - ((i < 0 || i >= ksRotations.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ksRotations[i]) << 24 >>> 24)), y$1 < 32 ? (((last << 4 >>> 0)) >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + i] = ((left | right) >>> 0)); + last = ((i < 0 || i >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + i]); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return out; + }; + desCipher.ptr.prototype.generateSubkeys = function(keyBytes) { + var {c, i, key, keyBytes, leftRotations, pc2Input, permutedKey, rightRotations, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {keyBytes}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + $r = feistelBoxOnce.Do(initFeistelBox); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint64(keyBytes); + permutedKey = permuteBlock(key, new sliceType$1(permutedChoice1)); + leftRotations = ksRotate((($shiftRightUint64(permutedKey, 28).$low >>> 0))); + rightRotations = ksRotate((($shiftLeft64(permutedKey, 4).$low >>> 0)) >>> 4 >>> 0); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + pc2Input = (x = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, ((i < 0 || i >= leftRotations.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : leftRotations.$array[leftRotations.$offset + i]))), 28), x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, ((i < 0 || i >= rightRotations.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : rightRotations.$array[rightRotations.$offset + i]))), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + (x$2 = c.subkeys, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i] = unpack(permuteBlock(pc2Input, new sliceType$1(permutedChoice2))))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: desCipher.ptr.prototype.generateSubkeys, $c: true, $r, c, i, key, keyBytes, leftRotations, pc2Input, permutedKey, rightRotations, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + desCipher.prototype.generateSubkeys = function(keyBytes) { return this.$val.generateSubkeys(keyBytes); }; + unpack = function(x) { + var result, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + result = new $Uint64(0, 0); + result = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = (x$7 = $shiftLeft64(((x$8 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 6), new $Uint64(x$8.$high & 0, (x$8.$low & 255) >>> 0))), 0), x$9 = $shiftLeft64(((x$10 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 18), new $Uint64(x$10.$high & 0, (x$10.$low & 255) >>> 0))), 8), new $Uint64(x$7.$high | x$9.$high, (x$7.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64(((x$12 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 30), new $Uint64(x$12.$high & 0, (x$12.$low & 255) >>> 0))), 16), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$11.$high, (x$6.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64(((x$14 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 42), new $Uint64(x$14.$high & 0, (x$14.$low & 255) >>> 0))), 24), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$13.$high, (x$5.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)), x$15 = $shiftLeft64(((x$16 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 0), new $Uint64(x$16.$high & 0, (x$16.$low & 255) >>> 0))), 32), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$15.$high, (x$4.$low | x$15.$low) >>> 0)), x$17 = $shiftLeft64(((x$18 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 12), new $Uint64(x$18.$high & 0, (x$18.$low & 255) >>> 0))), 40), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$17.$high, (x$3.$low | x$17.$low) >>> 0)), x$19 = $shiftLeft64(((x$20 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 24), new $Uint64(x$20.$high & 0, (x$20.$low & 255) >>> 0))), 48), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$19.$high, (x$2.$low | x$19.$low) >>> 0)), x$21 = $shiftLeft64(((x$22 = $shiftRightUint64(x, 36), new $Uint64(x$22.$high & 0, (x$22.$low & 255) >>> 0))), 56), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$21.$high, (x$1.$low | x$21.$low) >>> 0)); + return result; + }; + KeySizeError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encrypt", name: "Encrypt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "Decrypt", name: "Decrypt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "generateSubkeys", name: "generateSubkeys", pkg: "crypto/des", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encrypt", name: "Encrypt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "Decrypt", name: "Decrypt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [], false)}]; + desCipher.init("crypto/des", [{prop: "subkeys", name: "subkeys", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$4, tag: ""}]); + tripleDESCipher.init("crypto/des", [{prop: "cipher1", name: "cipher1", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: desCipher, tag: ""}, {prop: "cipher2", name: "cipher2", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: desCipher, tag: ""}, {prop: "cipher3", name: "cipher3", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: desCipher, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = cipher.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + feistelBox = arrayType$1.zero(); + feistelBoxOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + permutationFunction = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [16, 25, 12, 11, 3, 20, 4, 15, 31, 17, 9, 6, 27, 14, 1, 22, 30, 24, 8, 18, 0, 5, 29, 23, 13, 19, 2, 26, 10, 21, 28, 7]); + permutedChoice1 = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 55, 63, 6, 14, 22, 30, 38, 46, 54, 62, 5, 13, 21, 29, 37, 45, 53, 61, 4, 12, 20, 28, 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 42, 50, 58, 3, 11, 19, 27, 35, 43, 51, 59, 36, 44, 52, 60]); + permutedChoice2 = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [42, 39, 45, 32, 55, 51, 53, 28, 41, 50, 35, 46, 33, 37, 44, 52, 30, 48, 40, 49, 29, 36, 43, 54, 15, 4, 25, 19, 9, 1, 26, 16, 5, 11, 23, 8, 12, 7, 17, 0, 22, 3, 10, 14, 6, 20, 27, 24]); + sBoxes = $toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindUint8, [14, 4, 13, 1, 2, 15, 11, 8, 3, 10, 6, 12, 5, 9, 0, 7]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 15, 7, 4, 14, 2, 13, 1, 10, 6, 12, 11, 9, 5, 3, 8]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [4, 1, 14, 8, 13, 6, 2, 11, 15, 12, 9, 7, 3, 10, 5, 0]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [15, 12, 8, 2, 4, 9, 1, 7, 5, 11, 3, 14, 10, 0, 6, 13])]), $toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindUint8, [15, 1, 8, 14, 6, 11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2, 13, 12, 0, 5, 10]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [3, 13, 4, 7, 15, 2, 8, 14, 12, 0, 1, 10, 6, 9, 11, 5]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 14, 7, 11, 10, 4, 13, 1, 5, 8, 12, 6, 9, 3, 2, 15]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [13, 8, 10, 1, 3, 15, 4, 2, 11, 6, 7, 12, 0, 5, 14, 9])]), $toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindUint8, [10, 0, 9, 14, 6, 3, 15, 5, 1, 13, 12, 7, 11, 4, 2, 8]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [13, 7, 0, 9, 3, 4, 6, 10, 2, 8, 5, 14, 12, 11, 15, 1]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [13, 6, 4, 9, 8, 15, 3, 0, 11, 1, 2, 12, 5, 10, 14, 7]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [1, 10, 13, 0, 6, 9, 8, 7, 4, 15, 14, 3, 11, 5, 2, 12])]), $toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindUint8, [7, 13, 14, 3, 0, 6, 9, 10, 1, 2, 8, 5, 11, 12, 4, 15]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [13, 8, 11, 5, 6, 15, 0, 3, 4, 7, 2, 12, 1, 10, 14, 9]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [10, 6, 9, 0, 12, 11, 7, 13, 15, 1, 3, 14, 5, 2, 8, 4]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [3, 15, 0, 6, 10, 1, 13, 8, 9, 4, 5, 11, 12, 7, 2, 14])]), $toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindUint8, [2, 12, 4, 1, 7, 10, 11, 6, 8, 5, 3, 15, 13, 0, 14, 9]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [14, 11, 2, 12, 4, 7, 13, 1, 5, 0, 15, 10, 3, 9, 8, 6]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [4, 2, 1, 11, 10, 13, 7, 8, 15, 9, 12, 5, 6, 3, 0, 14]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [11, 8, 12, 7, 1, 14, 2, 13, 6, 15, 0, 9, 10, 4, 5, 3])]), $toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindUint8, [12, 1, 10, 15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0, 13, 3, 4, 14, 7, 5, 11]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [10, 15, 4, 2, 7, 12, 9, 5, 6, 1, 13, 14, 0, 11, 3, 8]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [9, 14, 15, 5, 2, 8, 12, 3, 7, 0, 4, 10, 1, 13, 11, 6]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [4, 3, 2, 12, 9, 5, 15, 10, 11, 14, 1, 7, 6, 0, 8, 13])]), $toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindUint8, [4, 11, 2, 14, 15, 0, 8, 13, 3, 12, 9, 7, 5, 10, 6, 1]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [13, 0, 11, 7, 4, 9, 1, 10, 14, 3, 5, 12, 2, 15, 8, 6]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [1, 4, 11, 13, 12, 3, 7, 14, 10, 15, 6, 8, 0, 5, 9, 2]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [6, 11, 13, 8, 1, 4, 10, 7, 9, 5, 0, 15, 14, 2, 3, 12])]), $toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindUint8, [13, 2, 8, 4, 6, 15, 11, 1, 10, 9, 3, 14, 5, 0, 12, 7]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [1, 15, 13, 8, 10, 3, 7, 4, 12, 5, 6, 11, 0, 14, 9, 2]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [7, 11, 4, 1, 9, 12, 14, 2, 0, 6, 10, 13, 15, 3, 5, 8]), $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [2, 1, 14, 7, 4, 10, 8, 13, 15, 12, 9, 0, 3, 5, 6, 11])])]); + ksRotations = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, subtle, errors, bits, p521Uint1, p521MontgomeryDomainFieldElement, P521Element, p384Uint1, p384MontgomeryDomainFieldElement, P384Element, p224Uint1, p224MontgomeryDomainFieldElement, P224Element, arrayType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, ptrType, arrayType$3, sliceType, ptrType$1, arrayType$4, ptrType$2, arrayType$5, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, p521ZeroEncoding, p521MinusOneEncoding, p384ZeroEncoding, p384MinusOneEncoding, p224ZeroEncoding, p224MinusOneEncoding, p521CmovznzU64, p521Mul, p521Square, p521Add, p521Sub, p521SetOne, p521FromMontgomery, p521ToMontgomery, p521Selectznz, p521ToBytes, p521FromBytes, p521InvertEndianness, p384CmovznzU64, p384Mul, p384Square, p384Add, p384Sub, p384SetOne, p384FromMontgomery, p384ToMontgomery, p384Selectznz, p384ToBytes, p384FromBytes, p384InvertEndianness, p224CmovznzU64, p224Mul, p224Square, p224Add, p224Sub, p224SetOne, p224FromMontgomery, p224ToMontgomery, p224Selectznz, p224ToBytes, p224FromBytes, p224InvertEndianness; + subtle = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + p521Uint1 = $pkg.p521Uint1 = $newType(8, $kindUint64, "fiat.p521Uint1", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", false, null); + p521MontgomeryDomainFieldElement = $pkg.p521MontgomeryDomainFieldElement = $newType(72, $kindArray, "fiat.p521MontgomeryDomainFieldElement", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", false, null); + P521Element = $pkg.P521Element = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fiat.P521Element", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", true, function(x_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.x = arrayType.zero(); + return; + } + this.x = x_; + }); + p384Uint1 = $pkg.p384Uint1 = $newType(8, $kindUint64, "fiat.p384Uint1", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", false, null); + p384MontgomeryDomainFieldElement = $pkg.p384MontgomeryDomainFieldElement = $newType(48, $kindArray, "fiat.p384MontgomeryDomainFieldElement", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", false, null); + P384Element = $pkg.P384Element = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fiat.P384Element", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", true, function(x_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.x = arrayType$1.zero(); + return; + } + this.x = x_; + }); + p224Uint1 = $pkg.p224Uint1 = $newType(8, $kindUint64, "fiat.p224Uint1", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", false, null); + p224MontgomeryDomainFieldElement = $pkg.p224MontgomeryDomainFieldElement = $newType(32, $kindArray, "fiat.p224MontgomeryDomainFieldElement", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", false, null); + P224Element = $pkg.P224Element = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fiat.P224Element", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", true, function(x_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.x = arrayType$2.zero(); + return; + } + this.x = x_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint64, 9); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint64, 6); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint64, 4); + ptrType = $ptrType($Uint64); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 66); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(P521Element); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 48); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(P384Element); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType($Uint8, 28); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(P224Element); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(arrayType$3); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(arrayType$4); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(arrayType$5); + P521Element.ptr.prototype.Invert = function(x) { + var e, s, s$1, s$2, s$3, s$4, s$5, s$6, s$7, s$8, t0, x, z; + e = this; + z = new P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Set(e); + t0 = new P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()); + z.Square(x); + z.Mul(x, z); + t0.Square(z); + s = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s < 2)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s = s + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + t0.Square(z); + s$1 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$1 < 4)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$1 = s$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + t0.Square(z); + s$2 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$2 < 8)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$2 = s$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + t0.Square(z); + s$3 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$3 < 16)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$3 = s$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + t0.Square(z); + s$4 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$4 < 32)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$4 = s$4 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + t0.Square(z); + t0.Mul(x, t0); + s$5 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$5 < 64)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$5 = s$5 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + t0.Square(z); + t0.Mul(x, t0); + s$6 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$6 < 129)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$6 = s$6 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + t0.Square(z); + t0.Mul(x, t0); + s$7 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$7 < 259)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$7 = s$7 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + s$8 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$8 < 2)) { break; } + z.Square(z); + s$8 = s$8 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(x, z); + return e.Set(z); + }; + P521Element.prototype.Invert = function(x) { return this.$val.Invert(x); }; + p521CmovznzU64 = function(out1, arg1, arg2, arg3) { + var arg1, arg2, arg3, out1, x, x$1, x$2, x1, x2; + x1 = $mul64((new $Uint64(arg1.$high, arg1.$low)), new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x2 = (x = new $Uint64(x1.$high & arg3.$high, (x1.$low & arg3.$low) >>> 0), x$1 = (x$2 = new $Uint64(~x1.$high, ~x1.$low >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$2.$high & arg2.$high, (x$2.$low & arg2.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + out1.$set(x2); + }; + p521Mul = function(out1, arg1, arg2) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$100, _tuple$101, _tuple$102, _tuple$103, _tuple$104, _tuple$105, _tuple$106, _tuple$107, _tuple$108, _tuple$109, _tuple$11, _tuple$110, _tuple$111, _tuple$112, _tuple$113, _tuple$114, _tuple$115, _tuple$116, _tuple$117, _tuple$118, _tuple$119, _tuple$12, _tuple$120, _tuple$121, _tuple$122, _tuple$123, _tuple$124, _tuple$125, _tuple$126, _tuple$127, _tuple$128, _tuple$129, _tuple$13, _tuple$130, _tuple$131, _tuple$132, _tuple$133, _tuple$134, _tuple$135, _tuple$136, _tuple$137, _tuple$138, _tuple$139, _tuple$14, _tuple$140, _tuple$141, _tuple$142, _tuple$143, _tuple$144, _tuple$145, _tuple$146, _tuple$147, _tuple$148, _tuple$149, _tuple$15, _tuple$150, _tuple$151, _tuple$152, _tuple$153, _tuple$154, _tuple$155, _tuple$156, _tuple$157, _tuple$158, _tuple$159, _tuple$16, _tuple$160, _tuple$161, _tuple$162, _tuple$163, _tuple$164, _tuple$165, _tuple$166, _tuple$167, _tuple$168, _tuple$169, _tuple$17, _tuple$170, _tuple$171, _tuple$172, _tuple$173, _tuple$174, _tuple$175, _tuple$176, _tuple$177, _tuple$178, _tuple$179, _tuple$18, _tuple$180, _tuple$181, _tuple$182, _tuple$183, _tuple$184, _tuple$185, _tuple$186, _tuple$187, _tuple$188, _tuple$189, _tuple$19, _tuple$190, _tuple$191, _tuple$192, _tuple$193, _tuple$194, _tuple$195, _tuple$196, _tuple$197, _tuple$198, _tuple$199, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$200, _tuple$201, _tuple$202, _tuple$203, _tuple$204, _tuple$205, _tuple$206, _tuple$207, _tuple$208, _tuple$209, _tuple$21, _tuple$210, _tuple$211, _tuple$212, _tuple$213, _tuple$214, _tuple$215, _tuple$216, _tuple$217, _tuple$218, _tuple$219, _tuple$22, _tuple$220, _tuple$221, _tuple$222, _tuple$223, _tuple$224, _tuple$225, _tuple$226, _tuple$227, _tuple$228, _tuple$229, _tuple$23, _tuple$230, _tuple$231, _tuple$232, _tuple$233, _tuple$234, _tuple$235, _tuple$236, _tuple$237, _tuple$238, _tuple$239, _tuple$24, _tuple$240, _tuple$241, _tuple$242, _tuple$243, _tuple$244, _tuple$245, _tuple$246, _tuple$247, _tuple$248, _tuple$249, _tuple$25, _tuple$250, _tuple$251, _tuple$252, _tuple$253, _tuple$254, _tuple$255, _tuple$256, _tuple$257, _tuple$258, _tuple$259, _tuple$26, _tuple$260, _tuple$261, _tuple$262, _tuple$263, _tuple$264, _tuple$265, _tuple$266, _tuple$267, _tuple$268, _tuple$269, _tuple$27, _tuple$270, _tuple$271, _tuple$272, _tuple$273, _tuple$274, _tuple$275, _tuple$276, _tuple$277, _tuple$278, _tuple$279, _tuple$28, _tuple$280, _tuple$281, _tuple$282, _tuple$283, _tuple$284, _tuple$285, _tuple$286, _tuple$287, _tuple$288, _tuple$289, _tuple$29, _tuple$290, _tuple$291, _tuple$292, _tuple$293, _tuple$294, _tuple$295, _tuple$296, _tuple$297, _tuple$298, _tuple$299, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$300, _tuple$301, _tuple$302, _tuple$303, _tuple$304, _tuple$305, _tuple$306, _tuple$307, _tuple$308, _tuple$309, _tuple$31, _tuple$310, _tuple$311, _tuple$312, _tuple$313, _tuple$314, _tuple$315, _tuple$316, _tuple$317, _tuple$318, _tuple$319, _tuple$32, _tuple$320, _tuple$321, _tuple$322, _tuple$323, _tuple$324, _tuple$325, _tuple$326, 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x970, x971, x972, x973, x974, x975, x976, x977, x978, x979, x98, x980, x981, x982, x983, x984, x985, x986, x987, x988, x989, x99, x990, x991, x992, x993, x994, x995, x996, x997, x998, x999; + x1 = arg1[1]; + x2 = arg1[2]; + x3 = arg1[3]; + x4 = arg1[4]; + x5 = arg1[5]; + x6 = arg1[6]; + x7 = arg1[7]; + x8 = arg1[8]; + x9 = arg1[0]; + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x9, arg2[8]); + x11 = _tuple[0]; + x10 = _tuple[1]; + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg2[7]); + x13 = _tuple$1[0]; + x12 = _tuple$1[1]; + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg2[6]); + x15 = _tuple$2[0]; + x14 = _tuple$2[1]; + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg2[5]); + x17 = _tuple$3[0]; + x16 = _tuple$3[1]; + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg2[4]); + x19 = _tuple$4[0]; + x18 = _tuple$4[1]; + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg2[3]); + x21 = _tuple$5[0]; + x20 = _tuple$5[1]; + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg2[2]); + x23 = _tuple$6[0]; + x22 = _tuple$6[1]; + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg2[1]); + x25 = _tuple$7[0]; + x24 = _tuple$7[1]; + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg2[0]); + x27 = _tuple$8[0]; + x26 = _tuple$8[1]; + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Add64(x27, x24, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x28 = _tuple$9[0]; + x29 = _tuple$9[1]; + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Add64(x25, x22, ((x = (new p521Uint1(x29.$high, x29.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x30 = _tuple$10[0]; + x31 = _tuple$10[1]; + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Add64(x23, x20, ((x$1 = (new p521Uint1(x31.$high, x31.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x32 = _tuple$11[0]; + x33 = _tuple$11[1]; + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Add64(x21, x18, ((x$2 = (new p521Uint1(x33.$high, x33.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x34 = _tuple$12[0]; + x35 = _tuple$12[1]; + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Add64(x19, x16, ((x$3 = (new p521Uint1(x35.$high, x35.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x36 = _tuple$13[0]; + x37 = _tuple$13[1]; + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Add64(x17, x14, ((x$4 = (new p521Uint1(x37.$high, x37.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x38 = _tuple$14[0]; + x39 = _tuple$14[1]; + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Add64(x15, x12, ((x$5 = (new p521Uint1(x39.$high, x39.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x40 = _tuple$15[0]; + x41 = _tuple$15[1]; + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Add64(x13, x10, ((x$6 = (new p521Uint1(x41.$high, x41.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x42 = _tuple$16[0]; + x43 = _tuple$16[1]; + x44 = (x$7 = ((x$8 = (new p521Uint1(x43.$high, x43.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low))), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + x11.$high, x$7.$low + x11.$low)); + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x46 = _tuple$17[0]; + x45 = _tuple$17[1]; + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x48 = _tuple$18[0]; + x47 = _tuple$18[1]; + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x50 = _tuple$19[0]; + x49 = _tuple$19[1]; + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x52 = _tuple$20[0]; + x51 = _tuple$20[1]; + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x54 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x54 = _tuple$21[0]; + x53 = _tuple$21[1]; + x55 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x56 = _tuple$22[0]; + x55 = _tuple$22[1]; + x57 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x58 = _tuple$23[0]; + x57 = _tuple$23[1]; + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x60 = _tuple$24[0]; + x59 = _tuple$24[1]; + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x62 = _tuple$25[0]; + x61 = _tuple$25[1]; + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Add64(x62, x59, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x63 = _tuple$26[0]; + x64 = _tuple$26[1]; + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Add64(x60, x57, ((x$9 = (new p521Uint1(x64.$high, x64.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x65 = _tuple$27[0]; + x66 = _tuple$27[1]; + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Add64(x58, x55, ((x$10 = (new p521Uint1(x66.$high, x66.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low)))); + x67 = _tuple$28[0]; + x68 = _tuple$28[1]; + x69 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Add64(x56, x53, ((x$11 = (new p521Uint1(x68.$high, x68.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low)))); + x69 = _tuple$29[0]; + x70 = _tuple$29[1]; + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Add64(x54, x51, ((x$12 = (new p521Uint1(x70.$high, x70.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x71 = _tuple$30[0]; + x72 = _tuple$30[1]; + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Add64(x52, x49, ((x$13 = (new p521Uint1(x72.$high, x72.$low)), new $Uint64(x$13.$high, x$13.$low)))); + x73 = _tuple$31[0]; + x74 = _tuple$31[1]; + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Add64(x50, x47, ((x$14 = (new p521Uint1(x74.$high, x74.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low)))); + x75 = _tuple$32[0]; + x76 = _tuple$32[1]; + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Add64(x48, x45, ((x$15 = (new p521Uint1(x76.$high, x76.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x77 = _tuple$33[0]; + x78 = _tuple$33[1]; + x79 = (x$16 = ((x$17 = (new p521Uint1(x78.$high, x78.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low))), new $Uint64(x$16.$high + x46.$high, x$16.$low + x46.$low)); + x81 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Add64(x26, x61, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x81 = _tuple$34[1]; + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Add64(x28, x63, ((x$18 = (new p521Uint1(x81.$high, x81.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low)))); + x82 = _tuple$35[0]; + x83 = _tuple$35[1]; + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x30, x65, ((x$19 = (new p521Uint1(x83.$high, x83.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x84 = _tuple$36[0]; + x85 = _tuple$36[1]; + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Add64(x32, x67, ((x$20 = (new p521Uint1(x85.$high, x85.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x86 = _tuple$37[0]; + x87 = _tuple$37[1]; + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Add64(x34, x69, ((x$21 = (new p521Uint1(x87.$high, x87.$low)), new $Uint64(x$21.$high, x$21.$low)))); + x88 = _tuple$38[0]; + x89 = _tuple$38[1]; + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x91 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Add64(x36, x71, ((x$22 = (new p521Uint1(x89.$high, x89.$low)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high, x$22.$low)))); + x90 = _tuple$39[0]; + x91 = _tuple$39[1]; + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Add64(x38, x73, ((x$23 = (new p521Uint1(x91.$high, x91.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low)))); + x92 = _tuple$40[0]; + x93 = _tuple$40[1]; + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Add64(x40, x75, ((x$24 = (new p521Uint1(x93.$high, x93.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x94 = _tuple$41[0]; + x95 = _tuple$41[1]; + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Add64(x42, x77, ((x$25 = (new p521Uint1(x95.$high, x95.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x96 = _tuple$42[0]; + x97 = _tuple$42[1]; + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Add64(x44, x79, ((x$26 = (new p521Uint1(x97.$high, x97.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high, x$26.$low)))); + x98 = _tuple$43[0]; + x99 = _tuple$43[1]; + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[8]); + x101 = _tuple$44[0]; + x100 = _tuple$44[1]; + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[7]); + x103 = _tuple$45[0]; + x102 = _tuple$45[1]; + x104 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[6]); + x105 = _tuple$46[0]; + x104 = _tuple$46[1]; + x106 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x107 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[5]); + x107 = _tuple$47[0]; + x106 = _tuple$47[1]; + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x109 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[4]); + x109 = _tuple$48[0]; + x108 = _tuple$48[1]; + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[3]); + x111 = _tuple$49[0]; + x110 = _tuple$49[1]; + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[2]); + x113 = _tuple$50[0]; + x112 = _tuple$50[1]; + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x115 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[1]); + x115 = _tuple$51[0]; + x114 = _tuple$51[1]; + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[0]); + x117 = _tuple$52[0]; + x116 = _tuple$52[1]; + x118 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Add64(x117, x114, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x118 = _tuple$53[0]; + x119 = _tuple$53[1]; + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Add64(x115, x112, ((x$27 = (new p521Uint1(x119.$high, x119.$low)), new $Uint64(x$27.$high, x$27.$low)))); + x120 = _tuple$54[0]; + x121 = _tuple$54[1]; + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Add64(x113, x110, ((x$28 = (new p521Uint1(x121.$high, x121.$low)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high, x$28.$low)))); + x122 = _tuple$55[0]; + x123 = _tuple$55[1]; + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Add64(x111, x108, ((x$29 = (new p521Uint1(x123.$high, x123.$low)), new $Uint64(x$29.$high, x$29.$low)))); + x124 = _tuple$56[0]; + x125 = _tuple$56[1]; + x126 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x109, x106, ((x$30 = (new p521Uint1(x125.$high, x125.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low)))); + x126 = _tuple$57[0]; + x127 = _tuple$57[1]; + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x129 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x107, x104, ((x$31 = (new p521Uint1(x127.$high, x127.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low)))); + x128 = _tuple$58[0]; + x129 = _tuple$58[1]; + x130 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x131 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Add64(x105, x102, ((x$32 = (new p521Uint1(x129.$high, x129.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x130 = _tuple$59[0]; + x131 = _tuple$59[1]; + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Add64(x103, x100, ((x$33 = (new p521Uint1(x131.$high, x131.$low)), new $Uint64(x$33.$high, x$33.$low)))); + x132 = _tuple$60[0]; + x133 = _tuple$60[1]; + x134 = (x$34 = ((x$35 = (new p521Uint1(x133.$high, x133.$low)), new $Uint64(x$35.$high, x$35.$low))), new $Uint64(x$34.$high + x101.$high, x$34.$low + x101.$low)); + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Add64(x82, x116, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x135 = _tuple$61[0]; + x136 = _tuple$61[1]; + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Add64(x84, x118, ((x$36 = (new p521Uint1(x136.$high, x136.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high, x$36.$low)))); + x137 = _tuple$62[0]; + x138 = _tuple$62[1]; + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x140 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Add64(x86, x120, ((x$37 = (new p521Uint1(x138.$high, x138.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high, x$37.$low)))); + x139 = _tuple$63[0]; + x140 = _tuple$63[1]; + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Add64(x88, x122, ((x$38 = (new p521Uint1(x140.$high, x140.$low)), new $Uint64(x$38.$high, x$38.$low)))); + x141 = _tuple$64[0]; + x142 = _tuple$64[1]; + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Add64(x90, x124, ((x$39 = (new p521Uint1(x142.$high, x142.$low)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high, x$39.$low)))); + x143 = _tuple$65[0]; + x144 = _tuple$65[1]; + x145 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x146 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Add64(x92, x126, ((x$40 = (new p521Uint1(x144.$high, x144.$low)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high, x$40.$low)))); + x145 = _tuple$66[0]; + x146 = _tuple$66[1]; + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Add64(x94, x128, ((x$41 = (new p521Uint1(x146.$high, x146.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low)))); + x147 = _tuple$67[0]; + x148 = _tuple$67[1]; + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Add64(x96, x130, ((x$42 = (new p521Uint1(x148.$high, x148.$low)), new $Uint64(x$42.$high, x$42.$low)))); + x149 = _tuple$68[0]; + x150 = _tuple$68[1]; + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Add64(x98, x132, ((x$43 = (new p521Uint1(x150.$high, x150.$low)), new $Uint64(x$43.$high, x$43.$low)))); + x151 = _tuple$69[0]; + x152 = _tuple$69[1]; + x153 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Add64(((x$44 = (new p521Uint1(x99.$high, x99.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low))), x134, ((x$45 = (new p521Uint1(x152.$high, x152.$low)), new $Uint64(x$45.$high, x$45.$low)))); + x153 = _tuple$70[0]; + x154 = _tuple$70[1]; + x155 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x156 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x156 = _tuple$71[0]; + x155 = _tuple$71[1]; + x157 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x158 = _tuple$72[0]; + x157 = _tuple$72[1]; + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x160 = _tuple$73[0]; + x159 = _tuple$73[1]; + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x162 = _tuple$74[0]; + x161 = _tuple$74[1]; + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x164 = _tuple$75[0]; + x163 = _tuple$75[1]; + x165 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x166 = _tuple$76[0]; + x165 = _tuple$76[1]; + x167 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x168 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x168 = _tuple$77[0]; + x167 = _tuple$77[1]; + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x170 = _tuple$78[0]; + x169 = _tuple$78[1]; + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x172 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x172 = _tuple$79[0]; + x171 = _tuple$79[1]; + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x174 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Add64(x172, x169, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x173 = _tuple$80[0]; + x174 = _tuple$80[1]; + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x176 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Add64(x170, x167, ((x$46 = (new p521Uint1(x174.$high, x174.$low)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high, x$46.$low)))); + x175 = _tuple$81[0]; + x176 = _tuple$81[1]; + x177 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x178 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Add64(x168, x165, ((x$47 = (new p521Uint1(x176.$high, x176.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low)))); + x177 = _tuple$82[0]; + x178 = _tuple$82[1]; + x179 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x180 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Add64(x166, x163, ((x$48 = (new p521Uint1(x178.$high, x178.$low)), new $Uint64(x$48.$high, x$48.$low)))); + x179 = _tuple$83[0]; + x180 = _tuple$83[1]; + x181 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x182 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Add64(x164, x161, ((x$49 = (new p521Uint1(x180.$high, x180.$low)), new $Uint64(x$49.$high, x$49.$low)))); + x181 = _tuple$84[0]; + x182 = _tuple$84[1]; + x183 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x184 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$85 = bits.Add64(x162, x159, ((x$50 = (new p521Uint1(x182.$high, x182.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low)))); + x183 = _tuple$85[0]; + x184 = _tuple$85[1]; + x185 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x186 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$86 = bits.Add64(x160, x157, ((x$51 = (new p521Uint1(x184.$high, x184.$low)), new $Uint64(x$51.$high, x$51.$low)))); + x185 = _tuple$86[0]; + x186 = _tuple$86[1]; + x187 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x188 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$87 = bits.Add64(x158, x155, ((x$52 = (new p521Uint1(x186.$high, x186.$low)), new $Uint64(x$52.$high, x$52.$low)))); + x187 = _tuple$87[0]; + x188 = _tuple$87[1]; + x189 = (x$53 = ((x$54 = (new p521Uint1(x188.$high, x188.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low))), new $Uint64(x$53.$high + x156.$high, x$53.$low + x156.$low)); + x191 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$88 = bits.Add64(x135, x171, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x191 = _tuple$88[1]; + x192 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x193 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$89 = bits.Add64(x137, x173, ((x$55 = (new p521Uint1(x191.$high, x191.$low)), new $Uint64(x$55.$high, x$55.$low)))); + x192 = _tuple$89[0]; + x193 = _tuple$89[1]; + x194 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x195 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$90 = bits.Add64(x139, x175, ((x$56 = (new p521Uint1(x193.$high, x193.$low)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high, x$56.$low)))); + x194 = _tuple$90[0]; + x195 = _tuple$90[1]; + x196 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x197 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$91 = bits.Add64(x141, x177, ((x$57 = (new p521Uint1(x195.$high, x195.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low)))); + x196 = _tuple$91[0]; + x197 = _tuple$91[1]; + x198 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x199 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$92 = bits.Add64(x143, x179, ((x$58 = (new p521Uint1(x197.$high, x197.$low)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high, x$58.$low)))); + x198 = _tuple$92[0]; + x199 = _tuple$92[1]; + x200 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x201 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$93 = bits.Add64(x145, x181, ((x$59 = (new p521Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), new $Uint64(x$59.$high, x$59.$low)))); + x200 = _tuple$93[0]; + x201 = _tuple$93[1]; + x202 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x203 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$94 = bits.Add64(x147, x183, ((x$60 = (new p521Uint1(x201.$high, x201.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low)))); + x202 = _tuple$94[0]; + x203 = _tuple$94[1]; + x204 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x205 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$95 = bits.Add64(x149, x185, ((x$61 = (new p521Uint1(x203.$high, x203.$low)), new $Uint64(x$61.$high, x$61.$low)))); + x204 = _tuple$95[0]; + x205 = _tuple$95[1]; + x206 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x207 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$96 = bits.Add64(x151, x187, ((x$62 = (new p521Uint1(x205.$high, x205.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low)))); + x206 = _tuple$96[0]; + x207 = _tuple$96[1]; + x208 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x209 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$97 = bits.Add64(x153, x189, ((x$63 = (new p521Uint1(x207.$high, x207.$low)), new $Uint64(x$63.$high, x$63.$low)))); + x208 = _tuple$97[0]; + x209 = _tuple$97[1]; + x210 = (x$64 = ((x$65 = (new p521Uint1(x209.$high, x209.$low)), new $Uint64(x$65.$high, x$65.$low))), x$66 = ((x$67 = (new p521Uint1(x154.$high, x154.$low)), new $Uint64(x$67.$high, x$67.$low))), new $Uint64(x$64.$high + x$66.$high, x$64.$low + x$66.$low)); + x211 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x212 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$98 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[8]); + x212 = _tuple$98[0]; + x211 = _tuple$98[1]; + x213 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x214 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$99 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[7]); + x214 = _tuple$99[0]; + x213 = _tuple$99[1]; + x215 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x216 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$100 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[6]); + x216 = _tuple$100[0]; + x215 = _tuple$100[1]; + x217 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x218 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$101 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[5]); + x218 = _tuple$101[0]; + x217 = _tuple$101[1]; + x219 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x220 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$102 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[4]); + x220 = _tuple$102[0]; + x219 = _tuple$102[1]; + x221 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x222 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$103 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[3]); + x222 = _tuple$103[0]; + x221 = _tuple$103[1]; + x223 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x224 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$104 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[2]); + x224 = _tuple$104[0]; + x223 = _tuple$104[1]; + x225 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x226 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$105 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[1]); + x226 = _tuple$105[0]; + x225 = _tuple$105[1]; + x227 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x228 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$106 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[0]); + x228 = _tuple$106[0]; + x227 = _tuple$106[1]; + x229 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x230 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$107 = bits.Add64(x228, x225, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x229 = _tuple$107[0]; + x230 = _tuple$107[1]; + x231 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x232 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$108 = bits.Add64(x226, x223, ((x$68 = (new p521Uint1(x230.$high, x230.$low)), new $Uint64(x$68.$high, x$68.$low)))); + x231 = _tuple$108[0]; + x232 = _tuple$108[1]; + x233 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x234 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$109 = bits.Add64(x224, x221, ((x$69 = (new p521Uint1(x232.$high, x232.$low)), new $Uint64(x$69.$high, x$69.$low)))); + x233 = _tuple$109[0]; + x234 = _tuple$109[1]; + x235 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x236 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$110 = bits.Add64(x222, x219, ((x$70 = (new p521Uint1(x234.$high, x234.$low)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high, x$70.$low)))); + x235 = _tuple$110[0]; + x236 = _tuple$110[1]; + x237 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x238 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$111 = bits.Add64(x220, x217, ((x$71 = (new p521Uint1(x236.$high, x236.$low)), new $Uint64(x$71.$high, x$71.$low)))); + x237 = _tuple$111[0]; + x238 = _tuple$111[1]; + x239 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x240 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$112 = bits.Add64(x218, x215, ((x$72 = (new p521Uint1(x238.$high, x238.$low)), new $Uint64(x$72.$high, x$72.$low)))); + x239 = _tuple$112[0]; + x240 = _tuple$112[1]; + x241 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x242 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$113 = bits.Add64(x216, x213, ((x$73 = (new p521Uint1(x240.$high, x240.$low)), new $Uint64(x$73.$high, x$73.$low)))); + x241 = _tuple$113[0]; + x242 = _tuple$113[1]; + x243 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x244 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$114 = bits.Add64(x214, x211, ((x$74 = (new p521Uint1(x242.$high, x242.$low)), new $Uint64(x$74.$high, x$74.$low)))); + x243 = _tuple$114[0]; + x244 = _tuple$114[1]; + x245 = (x$75 = ((x$76 = (new p521Uint1(x244.$high, x244.$low)), new $Uint64(x$76.$high, x$76.$low))), new $Uint64(x$75.$high + x212.$high, x$75.$low + x212.$low)); + x246 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x247 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$115 = bits.Add64(x192, x227, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x246 = _tuple$115[0]; + x247 = _tuple$115[1]; + x248 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x249 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$116 = bits.Add64(x194, x229, ((x$77 = (new p521Uint1(x247.$high, x247.$low)), new $Uint64(x$77.$high, x$77.$low)))); + x248 = _tuple$116[0]; + x249 = _tuple$116[1]; + x250 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x251 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$117 = bits.Add64(x196, x231, ((x$78 = (new p521Uint1(x249.$high, x249.$low)), new $Uint64(x$78.$high, x$78.$low)))); + x250 = _tuple$117[0]; + x251 = _tuple$117[1]; + x252 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x253 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$118 = bits.Add64(x198, x233, ((x$79 = (new p521Uint1(x251.$high, x251.$low)), new $Uint64(x$79.$high, x$79.$low)))); + x252 = _tuple$118[0]; + x253 = _tuple$118[1]; + x254 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x255 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$119 = bits.Add64(x200, x235, ((x$80 = (new p521Uint1(x253.$high, x253.$low)), new $Uint64(x$80.$high, x$80.$low)))); + x254 = _tuple$119[0]; + x255 = _tuple$119[1]; + x256 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x257 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$120 = bits.Add64(x202, x237, ((x$81 = (new p521Uint1(x255.$high, x255.$low)), new $Uint64(x$81.$high, x$81.$low)))); + x256 = _tuple$120[0]; + x257 = _tuple$120[1]; + x258 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x259 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$121 = bits.Add64(x204, x239, ((x$82 = (new p521Uint1(x257.$high, x257.$low)), new $Uint64(x$82.$high, x$82.$low)))); + x258 = _tuple$121[0]; + x259 = _tuple$121[1]; + x260 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x261 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$122 = bits.Add64(x206, x241, ((x$83 = (new p521Uint1(x259.$high, x259.$low)), new $Uint64(x$83.$high, x$83.$low)))); + x260 = _tuple$122[0]; + x261 = _tuple$122[1]; + x262 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x263 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$123 = bits.Add64(x208, x243, ((x$84 = (new p521Uint1(x261.$high, x261.$low)), new $Uint64(x$84.$high, x$84.$low)))); + x262 = _tuple$123[0]; + x263 = _tuple$123[1]; + x264 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x265 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$124 = bits.Add64(x210, x245, ((x$85 = (new p521Uint1(x263.$high, x263.$low)), new $Uint64(x$85.$high, x$85.$low)))); + x264 = _tuple$124[0]; + x265 = _tuple$124[1]; + x266 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x267 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$125 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x267 = _tuple$125[0]; + x266 = _tuple$125[1]; + x268 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x269 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$126 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x269 = _tuple$126[0]; + x268 = _tuple$126[1]; + x270 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x271 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$127 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x271 = _tuple$127[0]; + x270 = _tuple$127[1]; + x272 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x273 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$128 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x273 = _tuple$128[0]; + x272 = _tuple$128[1]; + x274 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x275 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$129 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x275 = _tuple$129[0]; + x274 = _tuple$129[1]; + x276 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x277 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$130 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x277 = _tuple$130[0]; + x276 = _tuple$130[1]; + x278 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x279 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$131 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x279 = _tuple$131[0]; + x278 = _tuple$131[1]; + x280 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x281 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$132 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x281 = _tuple$132[0]; + x280 = _tuple$132[1]; + x282 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x283 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$133 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x283 = _tuple$133[0]; + x282 = _tuple$133[1]; + x284 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x285 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$134 = bits.Add64(x283, x280, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x284 = _tuple$134[0]; + x285 = _tuple$134[1]; + x286 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x287 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$135 = bits.Add64(x281, x278, ((x$86 = (new p521Uint1(x285.$high, x285.$low)), new $Uint64(x$86.$high, x$86.$low)))); + x286 = _tuple$135[0]; + x287 = _tuple$135[1]; + x288 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x289 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$136 = bits.Add64(x279, x276, ((x$87 = (new p521Uint1(x287.$high, x287.$low)), new $Uint64(x$87.$high, x$87.$low)))); + x288 = _tuple$136[0]; + x289 = _tuple$136[1]; + x290 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x291 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$137 = bits.Add64(x277, x274, ((x$88 = (new p521Uint1(x289.$high, x289.$low)), new $Uint64(x$88.$high, x$88.$low)))); + x290 = _tuple$137[0]; + x291 = _tuple$137[1]; + x292 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x293 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$138 = bits.Add64(x275, x272, ((x$89 = (new p521Uint1(x291.$high, x291.$low)), new $Uint64(x$89.$high, x$89.$low)))); + x292 = _tuple$138[0]; + x293 = _tuple$138[1]; + x294 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x295 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$139 = bits.Add64(x273, x270, ((x$90 = (new p521Uint1(x293.$high, x293.$low)), new $Uint64(x$90.$high, x$90.$low)))); + x294 = _tuple$139[0]; + x295 = _tuple$139[1]; + x296 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x297 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$140 = bits.Add64(x271, x268, ((x$91 = (new p521Uint1(x295.$high, x295.$low)), new $Uint64(x$91.$high, x$91.$low)))); + x296 = _tuple$140[0]; + x297 = _tuple$140[1]; + x298 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x299 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$141 = bits.Add64(x269, x266, ((x$92 = (new p521Uint1(x297.$high, x297.$low)), new $Uint64(x$92.$high, x$92.$low)))); + x298 = _tuple$141[0]; + x299 = _tuple$141[1]; + x300 = (x$93 = ((x$94 = (new p521Uint1(x299.$high, x299.$low)), new $Uint64(x$94.$high, x$94.$low))), new $Uint64(x$93.$high + x267.$high, x$93.$low + x267.$low)); + x302 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$142 = bits.Add64(x246, x282, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x302 = _tuple$142[1]; + x303 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x304 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$143 = bits.Add64(x248, x284, ((x$95 = (new p521Uint1(x302.$high, x302.$low)), new $Uint64(x$95.$high, x$95.$low)))); + x303 = _tuple$143[0]; + x304 = _tuple$143[1]; + x305 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x306 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$144 = bits.Add64(x250, x286, ((x$96 = (new p521Uint1(x304.$high, x304.$low)), new $Uint64(x$96.$high, x$96.$low)))); + x305 = _tuple$144[0]; + x306 = _tuple$144[1]; + x307 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x308 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$145 = bits.Add64(x252, x288, ((x$97 = (new p521Uint1(x306.$high, x306.$low)), new $Uint64(x$97.$high, x$97.$low)))); + x307 = _tuple$145[0]; + x308 = _tuple$145[1]; + x309 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x310 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$146 = bits.Add64(x254, x290, ((x$98 = (new p521Uint1(x308.$high, x308.$low)), new $Uint64(x$98.$high, x$98.$low)))); + x309 = _tuple$146[0]; + x310 = _tuple$146[1]; + x311 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x312 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$147 = bits.Add64(x256, x292, ((x$99 = (new p521Uint1(x310.$high, x310.$low)), new $Uint64(x$99.$high, x$99.$low)))); + x311 = _tuple$147[0]; + x312 = _tuple$147[1]; + x313 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x314 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$148 = bits.Add64(x258, x294, ((x$100 = (new p521Uint1(x312.$high, x312.$low)), new $Uint64(x$100.$high, x$100.$low)))); + x313 = _tuple$148[0]; + x314 = _tuple$148[1]; + x315 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x316 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$149 = bits.Add64(x260, x296, ((x$101 = (new p521Uint1(x314.$high, x314.$low)), new $Uint64(x$101.$high, x$101.$low)))); + x315 = _tuple$149[0]; + x316 = _tuple$149[1]; + x317 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x318 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$150 = bits.Add64(x262, x298, ((x$102 = (new p521Uint1(x316.$high, x316.$low)), new $Uint64(x$102.$high, x$102.$low)))); + x317 = _tuple$150[0]; + x318 = _tuple$150[1]; + x319 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x320 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$151 = bits.Add64(x264, x300, ((x$103 = (new p521Uint1(x318.$high, x318.$low)), new $Uint64(x$103.$high, x$103.$low)))); + x319 = _tuple$151[0]; + x320 = _tuple$151[1]; + x321 = (x$104 = ((x$105 = (new p521Uint1(x320.$high, x320.$low)), new $Uint64(x$105.$high, x$105.$low))), x$106 = ((x$107 = (new p521Uint1(x265.$high, x265.$low)), new $Uint64(x$107.$high, x$107.$low))), new $Uint64(x$104.$high + x$106.$high, x$104.$low + x$106.$low)); + x322 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x323 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$152 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[8]); + x323 = _tuple$152[0]; + x322 = _tuple$152[1]; + x324 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x325 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$153 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[7]); + x325 = _tuple$153[0]; + x324 = _tuple$153[1]; + x326 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x327 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$154 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[6]); + x327 = _tuple$154[0]; + x326 = _tuple$154[1]; + x328 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x329 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$155 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[5]); + x329 = _tuple$155[0]; + x328 = _tuple$155[1]; + x330 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x331 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$156 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[4]); + x331 = _tuple$156[0]; + x330 = _tuple$156[1]; + x332 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x333 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$157 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[3]); + x333 = _tuple$157[0]; + x332 = _tuple$157[1]; + x334 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x335 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$158 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[2]); + x335 = _tuple$158[0]; + x334 = _tuple$158[1]; + x336 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x337 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$159 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[1]); + x337 = _tuple$159[0]; + x336 = _tuple$159[1]; + x338 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x339 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$160 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[0]); + x339 = _tuple$160[0]; + x338 = _tuple$160[1]; + x340 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x341 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$161 = bits.Add64(x339, x336, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x340 = _tuple$161[0]; + x341 = _tuple$161[1]; + x342 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x343 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$162 = bits.Add64(x337, x334, ((x$108 = (new p521Uint1(x341.$high, x341.$low)), new $Uint64(x$108.$high, x$108.$low)))); + x342 = _tuple$162[0]; + x343 = _tuple$162[1]; + x344 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x345 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$163 = bits.Add64(x335, x332, ((x$109 = (new p521Uint1(x343.$high, x343.$low)), new $Uint64(x$109.$high, x$109.$low)))); + x344 = _tuple$163[0]; + x345 = _tuple$163[1]; + x346 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x347 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$164 = bits.Add64(x333, x330, ((x$110 = (new p521Uint1(x345.$high, x345.$low)), new $Uint64(x$110.$high, x$110.$low)))); + x346 = _tuple$164[0]; + x347 = _tuple$164[1]; + x348 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x349 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$165 = bits.Add64(x331, x328, ((x$111 = (new p521Uint1(x347.$high, x347.$low)), new $Uint64(x$111.$high, x$111.$low)))); + x348 = _tuple$165[0]; + x349 = _tuple$165[1]; + x350 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x351 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$166 = bits.Add64(x329, x326, ((x$112 = (new p521Uint1(x349.$high, x349.$low)), new $Uint64(x$112.$high, x$112.$low)))); + x350 = _tuple$166[0]; + x351 = _tuple$166[1]; + x352 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x353 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$167 = bits.Add64(x327, x324, ((x$113 = (new p521Uint1(x351.$high, x351.$low)), new $Uint64(x$113.$high, x$113.$low)))); + x352 = _tuple$167[0]; + x353 = _tuple$167[1]; + x354 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x355 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$168 = bits.Add64(x325, x322, ((x$114 = (new p521Uint1(x353.$high, x353.$low)), new $Uint64(x$114.$high, x$114.$low)))); + x354 = _tuple$168[0]; + x355 = _tuple$168[1]; + x356 = (x$115 = ((x$116 = (new p521Uint1(x355.$high, x355.$low)), new $Uint64(x$116.$high, x$116.$low))), new $Uint64(x$115.$high + x323.$high, x$115.$low + x323.$low)); + x357 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x358 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$169 = bits.Add64(x303, x338, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x357 = _tuple$169[0]; + x358 = _tuple$169[1]; + x359 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x360 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$170 = bits.Add64(x305, x340, ((x$117 = (new p521Uint1(x358.$high, x358.$low)), new $Uint64(x$117.$high, x$117.$low)))); + x359 = _tuple$170[0]; + x360 = _tuple$170[1]; + x361 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x362 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$171 = bits.Add64(x307, x342, ((x$118 = (new p521Uint1(x360.$high, x360.$low)), new $Uint64(x$118.$high, x$118.$low)))); + x361 = _tuple$171[0]; + x362 = _tuple$171[1]; + x363 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x364 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$172 = bits.Add64(x309, x344, ((x$119 = (new p521Uint1(x362.$high, x362.$low)), new $Uint64(x$119.$high, x$119.$low)))); + x363 = _tuple$172[0]; + x364 = _tuple$172[1]; + x365 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x366 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$173 = bits.Add64(x311, x346, ((x$120 = (new p521Uint1(x364.$high, x364.$low)), new $Uint64(x$120.$high, x$120.$low)))); + x365 = _tuple$173[0]; + x366 = _tuple$173[1]; + x367 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x368 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$174 = bits.Add64(x313, x348, ((x$121 = (new p521Uint1(x366.$high, x366.$low)), new $Uint64(x$121.$high, x$121.$low)))); + x367 = _tuple$174[0]; + x368 = _tuple$174[1]; + x369 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x370 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$175 = bits.Add64(x315, x350, ((x$122 = (new p521Uint1(x368.$high, x368.$low)), new $Uint64(x$122.$high, x$122.$low)))); + x369 = _tuple$175[0]; + x370 = _tuple$175[1]; + x371 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x372 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$176 = bits.Add64(x317, x352, ((x$123 = (new p521Uint1(x370.$high, x370.$low)), new $Uint64(x$123.$high, x$123.$low)))); + x371 = _tuple$176[0]; + x372 = _tuple$176[1]; + x373 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x374 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$177 = bits.Add64(x319, x354, ((x$124 = (new p521Uint1(x372.$high, x372.$low)), new $Uint64(x$124.$high, x$124.$low)))); + x373 = _tuple$177[0]; + x374 = _tuple$177[1]; + x375 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x376 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$178 = bits.Add64(x321, x356, ((x$125 = (new p521Uint1(x374.$high, x374.$low)), new $Uint64(x$125.$high, x$125.$low)))); + x375 = _tuple$178[0]; + x376 = _tuple$178[1]; + x377 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x378 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$179 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x378 = _tuple$179[0]; + x377 = _tuple$179[1]; + x379 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x380 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$180 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x380 = _tuple$180[0]; + x379 = _tuple$180[1]; + x381 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x382 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$181 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x382 = _tuple$181[0]; + x381 = _tuple$181[1]; + x383 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x384 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$182 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x384 = _tuple$182[0]; + x383 = _tuple$182[1]; + x385 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x386 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$183 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x386 = _tuple$183[0]; + x385 = _tuple$183[1]; + x387 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x388 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$184 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x388 = _tuple$184[0]; + x387 = _tuple$184[1]; + x389 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x390 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$185 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x390 = _tuple$185[0]; + x389 = _tuple$185[1]; + x391 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x392 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$186 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x392 = _tuple$186[0]; + x391 = _tuple$186[1]; + x393 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x394 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$187 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x394 = _tuple$187[0]; + x393 = _tuple$187[1]; + x395 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x396 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$188 = bits.Add64(x394, x391, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x395 = _tuple$188[0]; + x396 = _tuple$188[1]; + x397 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x398 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$189 = bits.Add64(x392, x389, ((x$126 = (new p521Uint1(x396.$high, x396.$low)), new $Uint64(x$126.$high, x$126.$low)))); + x397 = _tuple$189[0]; + x398 = _tuple$189[1]; + x399 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x400 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$190 = bits.Add64(x390, x387, ((x$127 = (new p521Uint1(x398.$high, x398.$low)), new $Uint64(x$127.$high, x$127.$low)))); + x399 = _tuple$190[0]; + x400 = _tuple$190[1]; + x401 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x402 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$191 = bits.Add64(x388, x385, ((x$128 = (new p521Uint1(x400.$high, x400.$low)), new $Uint64(x$128.$high, x$128.$low)))); + x401 = _tuple$191[0]; + x402 = _tuple$191[1]; + x403 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x404 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$192 = bits.Add64(x386, x383, ((x$129 = (new p521Uint1(x402.$high, x402.$low)), new $Uint64(x$129.$high, x$129.$low)))); + x403 = _tuple$192[0]; + x404 = _tuple$192[1]; + x405 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x406 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$193 = bits.Add64(x384, x381, ((x$130 = (new p521Uint1(x404.$high, x404.$low)), new $Uint64(x$130.$high, x$130.$low)))); + x405 = _tuple$193[0]; + x406 = _tuple$193[1]; + x407 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x408 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$194 = bits.Add64(x382, x379, ((x$131 = (new p521Uint1(x406.$high, x406.$low)), new $Uint64(x$131.$high, x$131.$low)))); + x407 = _tuple$194[0]; + x408 = _tuple$194[1]; + x409 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x410 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$195 = bits.Add64(x380, x377, ((x$132 = (new p521Uint1(x408.$high, x408.$low)), new $Uint64(x$132.$high, x$132.$low)))); + x409 = _tuple$195[0]; + x410 = _tuple$195[1]; + x411 = (x$133 = ((x$134 = (new p521Uint1(x410.$high, x410.$low)), new $Uint64(x$134.$high, x$134.$low))), new $Uint64(x$133.$high + x378.$high, x$133.$low + x378.$low)); + x413 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$196 = bits.Add64(x357, x393, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x413 = _tuple$196[1]; + x414 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x415 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$197 = bits.Add64(x359, x395, ((x$135 = (new p521Uint1(x413.$high, x413.$low)), new $Uint64(x$135.$high, x$135.$low)))); + x414 = _tuple$197[0]; + x415 = _tuple$197[1]; + x416 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x417 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$198 = bits.Add64(x361, x397, ((x$136 = (new p521Uint1(x415.$high, x415.$low)), new $Uint64(x$136.$high, x$136.$low)))); + x416 = _tuple$198[0]; + x417 = _tuple$198[1]; + x418 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x419 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$199 = bits.Add64(x363, x399, ((x$137 = (new p521Uint1(x417.$high, x417.$low)), new $Uint64(x$137.$high, x$137.$low)))); + x418 = _tuple$199[0]; + x419 = _tuple$199[1]; + x420 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x421 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$200 = bits.Add64(x365, x401, ((x$138 = (new p521Uint1(x419.$high, x419.$low)), new $Uint64(x$138.$high, x$138.$low)))); + x420 = _tuple$200[0]; + x421 = _tuple$200[1]; + x422 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x423 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$201 = bits.Add64(x367, x403, ((x$139 = (new p521Uint1(x421.$high, x421.$low)), new $Uint64(x$139.$high, x$139.$low)))); + x422 = _tuple$201[0]; + x423 = _tuple$201[1]; + x424 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x425 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$202 = bits.Add64(x369, x405, ((x$140 = (new p521Uint1(x423.$high, x423.$low)), new $Uint64(x$140.$high, x$140.$low)))); + x424 = _tuple$202[0]; + x425 = _tuple$202[1]; + x426 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x427 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$203 = bits.Add64(x371, x407, ((x$141 = (new p521Uint1(x425.$high, x425.$low)), new $Uint64(x$141.$high, x$141.$low)))); + x426 = _tuple$203[0]; + x427 = _tuple$203[1]; + x428 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x429 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$204 = bits.Add64(x373, x409, ((x$142 = (new p521Uint1(x427.$high, x427.$low)), new $Uint64(x$142.$high, x$142.$low)))); + x428 = _tuple$204[0]; + x429 = _tuple$204[1]; + x430 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x431 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$205 = bits.Add64(x375, x411, ((x$143 = (new p521Uint1(x429.$high, x429.$low)), new $Uint64(x$143.$high, x$143.$low)))); + x430 = _tuple$205[0]; + x431 = _tuple$205[1]; + x432 = (x$144 = ((x$145 = (new p521Uint1(x431.$high, x431.$low)), new $Uint64(x$145.$high, x$145.$low))), x$146 = ((x$147 = (new p521Uint1(x376.$high, x376.$low)), new $Uint64(x$147.$high, x$147.$low))), new $Uint64(x$144.$high + x$146.$high, x$144.$low + x$146.$low)); + x433 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x434 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$206 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[8]); + x434 = _tuple$206[0]; + x433 = _tuple$206[1]; + x435 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x436 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$207 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[7]); + x436 = _tuple$207[0]; + x435 = _tuple$207[1]; + x437 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x438 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$208 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[6]); + x438 = _tuple$208[0]; + x437 = _tuple$208[1]; + x439 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x440 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$209 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[5]); + x440 = _tuple$209[0]; + x439 = _tuple$209[1]; + x441 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x442 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$210 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[4]); + x442 = _tuple$210[0]; + x441 = _tuple$210[1]; + x443 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x444 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$211 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[3]); + x444 = _tuple$211[0]; + x443 = _tuple$211[1]; + x445 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x446 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$212 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[2]); + x446 = _tuple$212[0]; + x445 = _tuple$212[1]; + x447 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x448 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$213 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[1]); + x448 = _tuple$213[0]; + x447 = _tuple$213[1]; + x449 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x450 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$214 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[0]); + x450 = _tuple$214[0]; + x449 = _tuple$214[1]; + x451 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x452 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$215 = bits.Add64(x450, x447, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x451 = _tuple$215[0]; + x452 = _tuple$215[1]; + x453 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x454 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$216 = bits.Add64(x448, x445, ((x$148 = (new p521Uint1(x452.$high, x452.$low)), new $Uint64(x$148.$high, x$148.$low)))); + x453 = _tuple$216[0]; + x454 = _tuple$216[1]; + x455 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x456 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$217 = bits.Add64(x446, x443, ((x$149 = (new p521Uint1(x454.$high, x454.$low)), new $Uint64(x$149.$high, x$149.$low)))); + x455 = _tuple$217[0]; + x456 = _tuple$217[1]; + x457 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x458 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$218 = bits.Add64(x444, x441, ((x$150 = (new p521Uint1(x456.$high, x456.$low)), new $Uint64(x$150.$high, x$150.$low)))); + x457 = _tuple$218[0]; + x458 = _tuple$218[1]; + x459 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x460 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$219 = bits.Add64(x442, x439, ((x$151 = (new p521Uint1(x458.$high, x458.$low)), new $Uint64(x$151.$high, x$151.$low)))); + x459 = _tuple$219[0]; + x460 = _tuple$219[1]; + x461 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x462 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$220 = bits.Add64(x440, x437, ((x$152 = (new p521Uint1(x460.$high, x460.$low)), new $Uint64(x$152.$high, x$152.$low)))); + x461 = _tuple$220[0]; + x462 = _tuple$220[1]; + x463 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x464 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$221 = bits.Add64(x438, x435, ((x$153 = (new p521Uint1(x462.$high, x462.$low)), new $Uint64(x$153.$high, x$153.$low)))); + x463 = _tuple$221[0]; + x464 = _tuple$221[1]; + x465 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x466 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$222 = bits.Add64(x436, x433, ((x$154 = (new p521Uint1(x464.$high, x464.$low)), new $Uint64(x$154.$high, x$154.$low)))); + x465 = _tuple$222[0]; + x466 = _tuple$222[1]; + x467 = (x$155 = ((x$156 = (new p521Uint1(x466.$high, x466.$low)), new $Uint64(x$156.$high, x$156.$low))), new $Uint64(x$155.$high + x434.$high, x$155.$low + x434.$low)); + x468 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x469 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$223 = bits.Add64(x414, x449, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x468 = _tuple$223[0]; + x469 = _tuple$223[1]; + x470 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x471 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$224 = bits.Add64(x416, x451, ((x$157 = (new p521Uint1(x469.$high, x469.$low)), new $Uint64(x$157.$high, x$157.$low)))); + x470 = _tuple$224[0]; + x471 = _tuple$224[1]; + x472 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x473 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$225 = bits.Add64(x418, x453, ((x$158 = (new p521Uint1(x471.$high, x471.$low)), new $Uint64(x$158.$high, x$158.$low)))); + x472 = _tuple$225[0]; + x473 = _tuple$225[1]; + x474 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x475 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$226 = bits.Add64(x420, x455, ((x$159 = (new p521Uint1(x473.$high, x473.$low)), new $Uint64(x$159.$high, x$159.$low)))); + x474 = _tuple$226[0]; + x475 = _tuple$226[1]; + x476 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x477 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$227 = bits.Add64(x422, x457, ((x$160 = (new p521Uint1(x475.$high, x475.$low)), new $Uint64(x$160.$high, x$160.$low)))); + x476 = _tuple$227[0]; + x477 = _tuple$227[1]; + x478 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x479 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$228 = bits.Add64(x424, x459, ((x$161 = (new p521Uint1(x477.$high, x477.$low)), new $Uint64(x$161.$high, x$161.$low)))); + x478 = _tuple$228[0]; + x479 = _tuple$228[1]; + x480 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x481 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$229 = bits.Add64(x426, x461, ((x$162 = (new p521Uint1(x479.$high, x479.$low)), new $Uint64(x$162.$high, x$162.$low)))); + x480 = _tuple$229[0]; + x481 = _tuple$229[1]; + x482 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x483 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$230 = bits.Add64(x428, x463, ((x$163 = (new p521Uint1(x481.$high, x481.$low)), new $Uint64(x$163.$high, x$163.$low)))); + x482 = _tuple$230[0]; + x483 = _tuple$230[1]; + x484 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x485 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$231 = bits.Add64(x430, x465, ((x$164 = (new p521Uint1(x483.$high, x483.$low)), new $Uint64(x$164.$high, x$164.$low)))); + x484 = _tuple$231[0]; + x485 = _tuple$231[1]; + x486 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x487 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$232 = bits.Add64(x432, x467, ((x$165 = (new p521Uint1(x485.$high, x485.$low)), new $Uint64(x$165.$high, x$165.$low)))); + x486 = _tuple$232[0]; + x487 = _tuple$232[1]; + x488 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x489 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$233 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x489 = _tuple$233[0]; + x488 = _tuple$233[1]; + x490 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x491 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$234 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x491 = _tuple$234[0]; + x490 = _tuple$234[1]; + x492 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x493 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$235 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x493 = _tuple$235[0]; + x492 = _tuple$235[1]; + x494 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x495 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$236 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x495 = _tuple$236[0]; + x494 = _tuple$236[1]; + x496 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x497 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$237 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x497 = _tuple$237[0]; + x496 = _tuple$237[1]; + x498 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x499 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$238 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x499 = _tuple$238[0]; + x498 = _tuple$238[1]; + x500 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x501 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$239 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x501 = _tuple$239[0]; + x500 = _tuple$239[1]; + x502 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x503 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$240 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x503 = _tuple$240[0]; + x502 = _tuple$240[1]; + x504 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x505 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$241 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x505 = _tuple$241[0]; + x504 = _tuple$241[1]; + x506 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x507 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$242 = bits.Add64(x505, x502, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x506 = _tuple$242[0]; + x507 = _tuple$242[1]; + x508 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x509 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$243 = bits.Add64(x503, x500, ((x$166 = (new p521Uint1(x507.$high, x507.$low)), new $Uint64(x$166.$high, x$166.$low)))); + x508 = _tuple$243[0]; + x509 = _tuple$243[1]; + x510 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x511 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$244 = bits.Add64(x501, x498, ((x$167 = (new p521Uint1(x509.$high, x509.$low)), new $Uint64(x$167.$high, x$167.$low)))); + x510 = _tuple$244[0]; + x511 = _tuple$244[1]; + x512 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x513 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$245 = bits.Add64(x499, x496, ((x$168 = (new p521Uint1(x511.$high, x511.$low)), new $Uint64(x$168.$high, x$168.$low)))); + x512 = _tuple$245[0]; + x513 = _tuple$245[1]; + x514 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x515 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$246 = bits.Add64(x497, x494, ((x$169 = (new p521Uint1(x513.$high, x513.$low)), new $Uint64(x$169.$high, x$169.$low)))); + x514 = _tuple$246[0]; + x515 = _tuple$246[1]; + x516 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x517 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$247 = bits.Add64(x495, x492, ((x$170 = (new p521Uint1(x515.$high, x515.$low)), new $Uint64(x$170.$high, x$170.$low)))); + x516 = _tuple$247[0]; + x517 = _tuple$247[1]; + x518 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x519 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$248 = bits.Add64(x493, x490, ((x$171 = (new p521Uint1(x517.$high, x517.$low)), new $Uint64(x$171.$high, x$171.$low)))); + x518 = _tuple$248[0]; + x519 = _tuple$248[1]; + x520 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x521 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$249 = bits.Add64(x491, x488, ((x$172 = (new p521Uint1(x519.$high, x519.$low)), new $Uint64(x$172.$high, x$172.$low)))); + x520 = _tuple$249[0]; + x521 = _tuple$249[1]; + x522 = (x$173 = ((x$174 = (new p521Uint1(x521.$high, x521.$low)), new $Uint64(x$174.$high, x$174.$low))), new $Uint64(x$173.$high + x489.$high, x$173.$low + x489.$low)); + x524 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$250 = bits.Add64(x468, x504, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x524 = _tuple$250[1]; + x525 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x526 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$251 = bits.Add64(x470, x506, ((x$175 = (new p521Uint1(x524.$high, x524.$low)), new $Uint64(x$175.$high, x$175.$low)))); + x525 = _tuple$251[0]; + x526 = _tuple$251[1]; + x527 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x528 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$252 = bits.Add64(x472, x508, ((x$176 = (new p521Uint1(x526.$high, x526.$low)), new $Uint64(x$176.$high, x$176.$low)))); + x527 = _tuple$252[0]; + x528 = _tuple$252[1]; + x529 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x530 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$253 = bits.Add64(x474, x510, ((x$177 = (new p521Uint1(x528.$high, x528.$low)), new $Uint64(x$177.$high, x$177.$low)))); + x529 = _tuple$253[0]; + x530 = _tuple$253[1]; + x531 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x532 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$254 = bits.Add64(x476, x512, ((x$178 = (new p521Uint1(x530.$high, x530.$low)), new $Uint64(x$178.$high, x$178.$low)))); + x531 = _tuple$254[0]; + x532 = _tuple$254[1]; + x533 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x534 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$255 = bits.Add64(x478, x514, ((x$179 = (new p521Uint1(x532.$high, x532.$low)), new $Uint64(x$179.$high, x$179.$low)))); + x533 = _tuple$255[0]; + x534 = _tuple$255[1]; + x535 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x536 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$256 = bits.Add64(x480, x516, ((x$180 = (new p521Uint1(x534.$high, x534.$low)), new $Uint64(x$180.$high, x$180.$low)))); + x535 = _tuple$256[0]; + x536 = _tuple$256[1]; + x537 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x538 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$257 = bits.Add64(x482, x518, ((x$181 = (new p521Uint1(x536.$high, x536.$low)), new $Uint64(x$181.$high, x$181.$low)))); + x537 = _tuple$257[0]; + x538 = _tuple$257[1]; + x539 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x540 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$258 = bits.Add64(x484, x520, ((x$182 = (new p521Uint1(x538.$high, x538.$low)), new $Uint64(x$182.$high, x$182.$low)))); + x539 = _tuple$258[0]; + x540 = _tuple$258[1]; + x541 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x542 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$259 = bits.Add64(x486, x522, ((x$183 = (new p521Uint1(x540.$high, x540.$low)), new $Uint64(x$183.$high, x$183.$low)))); + x541 = _tuple$259[0]; + x542 = _tuple$259[1]; + x543 = (x$184 = ((x$185 = (new p521Uint1(x542.$high, x542.$low)), new $Uint64(x$185.$high, x$185.$low))), x$186 = ((x$187 = (new p521Uint1(x487.$high, x487.$low)), new $Uint64(x$187.$high, x$187.$low))), new $Uint64(x$184.$high + x$186.$high, x$184.$low + x$186.$low)); + x544 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x545 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$260 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[8]); + x545 = _tuple$260[0]; + x544 = _tuple$260[1]; + x546 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x547 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$261 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[7]); + x547 = _tuple$261[0]; + x546 = _tuple$261[1]; + x548 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x549 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$262 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[6]); + x549 = _tuple$262[0]; + x548 = _tuple$262[1]; + x550 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x551 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$263 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[5]); + x551 = _tuple$263[0]; + x550 = _tuple$263[1]; + x552 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x553 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$264 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[4]); + x553 = _tuple$264[0]; + x552 = _tuple$264[1]; + x554 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x555 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$265 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[3]); + x555 = _tuple$265[0]; + x554 = _tuple$265[1]; + x556 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x557 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$266 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[2]); + x557 = _tuple$266[0]; + x556 = _tuple$266[1]; + x558 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x559 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$267 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[1]); + x559 = _tuple$267[0]; + x558 = _tuple$267[1]; + x560 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x561 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$268 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[0]); + x561 = _tuple$268[0]; + x560 = _tuple$268[1]; + x562 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x563 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$269 = bits.Add64(x561, x558, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x562 = _tuple$269[0]; + x563 = _tuple$269[1]; + x564 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x565 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$270 = bits.Add64(x559, x556, ((x$188 = (new p521Uint1(x563.$high, x563.$low)), new $Uint64(x$188.$high, x$188.$low)))); + x564 = _tuple$270[0]; + x565 = _tuple$270[1]; + x566 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x567 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$271 = bits.Add64(x557, x554, ((x$189 = (new p521Uint1(x565.$high, x565.$low)), new $Uint64(x$189.$high, x$189.$low)))); + x566 = _tuple$271[0]; + x567 = _tuple$271[1]; + x568 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x569 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$272 = bits.Add64(x555, x552, ((x$190 = (new p521Uint1(x567.$high, x567.$low)), new $Uint64(x$190.$high, x$190.$low)))); + x568 = _tuple$272[0]; + x569 = _tuple$272[1]; + x570 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x571 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$273 = bits.Add64(x553, x550, ((x$191 = (new p521Uint1(x569.$high, x569.$low)), new $Uint64(x$191.$high, x$191.$low)))); + x570 = _tuple$273[0]; + x571 = _tuple$273[1]; + x572 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x573 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$274 = bits.Add64(x551, x548, ((x$192 = (new p521Uint1(x571.$high, x571.$low)), new $Uint64(x$192.$high, x$192.$low)))); + x572 = _tuple$274[0]; + x573 = _tuple$274[1]; + x574 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x575 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$275 = bits.Add64(x549, x546, ((x$193 = (new p521Uint1(x573.$high, x573.$low)), new $Uint64(x$193.$high, x$193.$low)))); + x574 = _tuple$275[0]; + x575 = _tuple$275[1]; + x576 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x577 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$276 = bits.Add64(x547, x544, ((x$194 = (new p521Uint1(x575.$high, x575.$low)), new $Uint64(x$194.$high, x$194.$low)))); + x576 = _tuple$276[0]; + x577 = _tuple$276[1]; + x578 = (x$195 = ((x$196 = (new p521Uint1(x577.$high, x577.$low)), new $Uint64(x$196.$high, x$196.$low))), new $Uint64(x$195.$high + x545.$high, x$195.$low + x545.$low)); + x579 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x580 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$277 = bits.Add64(x525, x560, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x579 = _tuple$277[0]; + x580 = _tuple$277[1]; + x581 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x582 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$278 = bits.Add64(x527, x562, ((x$197 = (new p521Uint1(x580.$high, x580.$low)), new $Uint64(x$197.$high, x$197.$low)))); + x581 = _tuple$278[0]; + x582 = _tuple$278[1]; + x583 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x584 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$279 = bits.Add64(x529, x564, ((x$198 = (new p521Uint1(x582.$high, x582.$low)), new $Uint64(x$198.$high, x$198.$low)))); + x583 = _tuple$279[0]; + x584 = _tuple$279[1]; + x585 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x586 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$280 = bits.Add64(x531, x566, ((x$199 = (new p521Uint1(x584.$high, x584.$low)), new $Uint64(x$199.$high, x$199.$low)))); + x585 = _tuple$280[0]; + x586 = _tuple$280[1]; + x587 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x588 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$281 = bits.Add64(x533, x568, ((x$200 = (new p521Uint1(x586.$high, x586.$low)), new $Uint64(x$200.$high, x$200.$low)))); + x587 = _tuple$281[0]; + x588 = _tuple$281[1]; + x589 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x590 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$282 = bits.Add64(x535, x570, ((x$201 = (new p521Uint1(x588.$high, x588.$low)), new $Uint64(x$201.$high, x$201.$low)))); + x589 = _tuple$282[0]; + x590 = _tuple$282[1]; + x591 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x592 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$283 = bits.Add64(x537, x572, ((x$202 = (new p521Uint1(x590.$high, x590.$low)), new $Uint64(x$202.$high, x$202.$low)))); + x591 = _tuple$283[0]; + x592 = _tuple$283[1]; + x593 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x594 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$284 = bits.Add64(x539, x574, ((x$203 = (new p521Uint1(x592.$high, x592.$low)), new $Uint64(x$203.$high, x$203.$low)))); + x593 = _tuple$284[0]; + x594 = _tuple$284[1]; + x595 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x596 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$285 = bits.Add64(x541, x576, ((x$204 = (new p521Uint1(x594.$high, x594.$low)), new $Uint64(x$204.$high, x$204.$low)))); + x595 = _tuple$285[0]; + x596 = _tuple$285[1]; + x597 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x598 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$286 = bits.Add64(x543, x578, ((x$205 = (new p521Uint1(x596.$high, x596.$low)), new $Uint64(x$205.$high, x$205.$low)))); + x597 = _tuple$286[0]; + x598 = _tuple$286[1]; + x599 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x600 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$287 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x600 = _tuple$287[0]; + x599 = _tuple$287[1]; + x601 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x602 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$288 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x602 = _tuple$288[0]; + x601 = _tuple$288[1]; + x603 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x604 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$289 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x604 = _tuple$289[0]; + x603 = _tuple$289[1]; + x605 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x606 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$290 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x606 = _tuple$290[0]; + x605 = _tuple$290[1]; + x607 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x608 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$291 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x608 = _tuple$291[0]; + x607 = _tuple$291[1]; + x609 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x610 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$292 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x610 = _tuple$292[0]; + x609 = _tuple$292[1]; + x611 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x612 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$293 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x612 = _tuple$293[0]; + x611 = _tuple$293[1]; + x613 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x614 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$294 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x614 = _tuple$294[0]; + x613 = _tuple$294[1]; + x615 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x616 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$295 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x616 = _tuple$295[0]; + x615 = _tuple$295[1]; + x617 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x618 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$296 = bits.Add64(x616, x613, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x617 = _tuple$296[0]; + x618 = _tuple$296[1]; + x619 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x620 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$297 = bits.Add64(x614, x611, ((x$206 = (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), new $Uint64(x$206.$high, x$206.$low)))); + x619 = _tuple$297[0]; + x620 = _tuple$297[1]; + x621 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x622 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$298 = bits.Add64(x612, x609, ((x$207 = (new p521Uint1(x620.$high, x620.$low)), new $Uint64(x$207.$high, x$207.$low)))); + x621 = _tuple$298[0]; + x622 = _tuple$298[1]; + x623 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x624 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$299 = bits.Add64(x610, x607, ((x$208 = (new p521Uint1(x622.$high, x622.$low)), new $Uint64(x$208.$high, x$208.$low)))); + x623 = _tuple$299[0]; + x624 = _tuple$299[1]; + x625 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x626 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$300 = bits.Add64(x608, x605, ((x$209 = (new p521Uint1(x624.$high, x624.$low)), new $Uint64(x$209.$high, x$209.$low)))); + x625 = _tuple$300[0]; + x626 = _tuple$300[1]; + x627 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x628 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$301 = bits.Add64(x606, x603, ((x$210 = (new p521Uint1(x626.$high, x626.$low)), new $Uint64(x$210.$high, x$210.$low)))); + x627 = _tuple$301[0]; + x628 = _tuple$301[1]; + x629 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x630 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$302 = bits.Add64(x604, x601, ((x$211 = (new p521Uint1(x628.$high, x628.$low)), new $Uint64(x$211.$high, x$211.$low)))); + x629 = _tuple$302[0]; + x630 = _tuple$302[1]; + x631 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x632 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$303 = bits.Add64(x602, x599, ((x$212 = (new p521Uint1(x630.$high, x630.$low)), new $Uint64(x$212.$high, x$212.$low)))); + x631 = _tuple$303[0]; + x632 = _tuple$303[1]; + x633 = (x$213 = ((x$214 = (new p521Uint1(x632.$high, x632.$low)), new $Uint64(x$214.$high, x$214.$low))), new $Uint64(x$213.$high + x600.$high, x$213.$low + x600.$low)); + x635 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$304 = bits.Add64(x579, x615, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x635 = _tuple$304[1]; + x636 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x637 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$305 = bits.Add64(x581, x617, ((x$215 = (new p521Uint1(x635.$high, x635.$low)), new $Uint64(x$215.$high, x$215.$low)))); + x636 = _tuple$305[0]; + x637 = _tuple$305[1]; + x638 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x639 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$306 = bits.Add64(x583, x619, ((x$216 = (new p521Uint1(x637.$high, x637.$low)), new $Uint64(x$216.$high, x$216.$low)))); + x638 = _tuple$306[0]; + x639 = _tuple$306[1]; + x640 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x641 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$307 = bits.Add64(x585, x621, ((x$217 = (new p521Uint1(x639.$high, x639.$low)), new $Uint64(x$217.$high, x$217.$low)))); + x640 = _tuple$307[0]; + x641 = _tuple$307[1]; + x642 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x643 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$308 = bits.Add64(x587, x623, ((x$218 = (new p521Uint1(x641.$high, x641.$low)), new $Uint64(x$218.$high, x$218.$low)))); + x642 = _tuple$308[0]; + x643 = _tuple$308[1]; + x644 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x645 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$309 = bits.Add64(x589, x625, ((x$219 = (new p521Uint1(x643.$high, x643.$low)), new $Uint64(x$219.$high, x$219.$low)))); + x644 = _tuple$309[0]; + x645 = _tuple$309[1]; + x646 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x647 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$310 = bits.Add64(x591, x627, ((x$220 = (new p521Uint1(x645.$high, x645.$low)), new $Uint64(x$220.$high, x$220.$low)))); + x646 = _tuple$310[0]; + x647 = _tuple$310[1]; + x648 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x649 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$311 = bits.Add64(x593, x629, ((x$221 = (new p521Uint1(x647.$high, x647.$low)), new $Uint64(x$221.$high, x$221.$low)))); + x648 = _tuple$311[0]; + x649 = _tuple$311[1]; + x650 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x651 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$312 = bits.Add64(x595, x631, ((x$222 = (new p521Uint1(x649.$high, x649.$low)), new $Uint64(x$222.$high, x$222.$low)))); + x650 = _tuple$312[0]; + x651 = _tuple$312[1]; + x652 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x653 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$313 = bits.Add64(x597, x633, ((x$223 = (new p521Uint1(x651.$high, x651.$low)), new $Uint64(x$223.$high, x$223.$low)))); + x652 = _tuple$313[0]; + x653 = _tuple$313[1]; + x654 = (x$224 = ((x$225 = (new p521Uint1(x653.$high, x653.$low)), new $Uint64(x$225.$high, x$225.$low))), x$226 = ((x$227 = (new p521Uint1(x598.$high, x598.$low)), new $Uint64(x$227.$high, x$227.$low))), new $Uint64(x$224.$high + x$226.$high, x$224.$low + x$226.$low)); + x655 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x656 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$314 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[8]); + x656 = _tuple$314[0]; + x655 = _tuple$314[1]; + x657 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x658 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$315 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[7]); + x658 = _tuple$315[0]; + x657 = _tuple$315[1]; + x659 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x660 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$316 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[6]); + x660 = _tuple$316[0]; + x659 = _tuple$316[1]; + x661 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x662 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$317 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[5]); + x662 = _tuple$317[0]; + x661 = _tuple$317[1]; + x663 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x664 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$318 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[4]); + x664 = _tuple$318[0]; + x663 = _tuple$318[1]; + x665 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x666 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$319 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[3]); + x666 = _tuple$319[0]; + x665 = _tuple$319[1]; + x667 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x668 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$320 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[2]); + x668 = _tuple$320[0]; + x667 = _tuple$320[1]; + x669 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x670 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$321 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[1]); + x670 = _tuple$321[0]; + x669 = _tuple$321[1]; + x671 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x672 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$322 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[0]); + x672 = _tuple$322[0]; + x671 = _tuple$322[1]; + x673 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x674 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$323 = bits.Add64(x672, x669, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x673 = _tuple$323[0]; + x674 = _tuple$323[1]; + x675 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x676 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$324 = bits.Add64(x670, x667, ((x$228 = (new p521Uint1(x674.$high, x674.$low)), new $Uint64(x$228.$high, x$228.$low)))); + x675 = _tuple$324[0]; + x676 = _tuple$324[1]; + x677 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x678 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$325 = bits.Add64(x668, x665, ((x$229 = (new p521Uint1(x676.$high, x676.$low)), new $Uint64(x$229.$high, x$229.$low)))); + x677 = _tuple$325[0]; + x678 = _tuple$325[1]; + x679 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x680 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$326 = bits.Add64(x666, x663, ((x$230 = (new p521Uint1(x678.$high, x678.$low)), new $Uint64(x$230.$high, x$230.$low)))); + x679 = _tuple$326[0]; + x680 = _tuple$326[1]; + x681 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x682 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$327 = bits.Add64(x664, x661, ((x$231 = (new p521Uint1(x680.$high, x680.$low)), new $Uint64(x$231.$high, x$231.$low)))); + x681 = _tuple$327[0]; + x682 = _tuple$327[1]; + x683 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x684 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$328 = bits.Add64(x662, x659, ((x$232 = (new p521Uint1(x682.$high, x682.$low)), new $Uint64(x$232.$high, x$232.$low)))); + x683 = _tuple$328[0]; + x684 = _tuple$328[1]; + x685 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x686 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$329 = bits.Add64(x660, x657, ((x$233 = (new p521Uint1(x684.$high, x684.$low)), new $Uint64(x$233.$high, x$233.$low)))); + x685 = _tuple$329[0]; + x686 = _tuple$329[1]; + x687 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x688 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$330 = bits.Add64(x658, x655, ((x$234 = (new p521Uint1(x686.$high, x686.$low)), new $Uint64(x$234.$high, x$234.$low)))); + x687 = _tuple$330[0]; + x688 = _tuple$330[1]; + x689 = (x$235 = ((x$236 = (new p521Uint1(x688.$high, x688.$low)), new $Uint64(x$236.$high, x$236.$low))), new $Uint64(x$235.$high + x656.$high, x$235.$low + x656.$low)); + x690 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x691 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$331 = bits.Add64(x636, x671, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x690 = _tuple$331[0]; + x691 = _tuple$331[1]; + x692 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x693 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$332 = bits.Add64(x638, x673, ((x$237 = (new p521Uint1(x691.$high, x691.$low)), new $Uint64(x$237.$high, x$237.$low)))); + x692 = _tuple$332[0]; + x693 = _tuple$332[1]; + x694 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x695 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$333 = bits.Add64(x640, x675, ((x$238 = (new p521Uint1(x693.$high, x693.$low)), new $Uint64(x$238.$high, x$238.$low)))); + x694 = _tuple$333[0]; + x695 = _tuple$333[1]; + x696 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x697 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$334 = bits.Add64(x642, x677, ((x$239 = (new p521Uint1(x695.$high, x695.$low)), new $Uint64(x$239.$high, x$239.$low)))); + x696 = _tuple$334[0]; + x697 = _tuple$334[1]; + x698 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x699 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$335 = bits.Add64(x644, x679, ((x$240 = (new p521Uint1(x697.$high, x697.$low)), new $Uint64(x$240.$high, x$240.$low)))); + x698 = _tuple$335[0]; + x699 = _tuple$335[1]; + x700 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x701 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$336 = bits.Add64(x646, x681, ((x$241 = (new p521Uint1(x699.$high, x699.$low)), new $Uint64(x$241.$high, x$241.$low)))); + x700 = _tuple$336[0]; + x701 = _tuple$336[1]; + x702 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x703 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$337 = bits.Add64(x648, x683, ((x$242 = (new p521Uint1(x701.$high, x701.$low)), new $Uint64(x$242.$high, x$242.$low)))); + x702 = _tuple$337[0]; + x703 = _tuple$337[1]; + x704 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x705 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$338 = bits.Add64(x650, x685, ((x$243 = (new p521Uint1(x703.$high, x703.$low)), new $Uint64(x$243.$high, x$243.$low)))); + x704 = _tuple$338[0]; + x705 = _tuple$338[1]; + x706 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x707 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$339 = bits.Add64(x652, x687, ((x$244 = (new p521Uint1(x705.$high, x705.$low)), new $Uint64(x$244.$high, x$244.$low)))); + x706 = _tuple$339[0]; + x707 = _tuple$339[1]; + x708 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x709 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$340 = bits.Add64(x654, x689, ((x$245 = (new p521Uint1(x707.$high, x707.$low)), new $Uint64(x$245.$high, x$245.$low)))); + x708 = _tuple$340[0]; + x709 = _tuple$340[1]; + x710 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x711 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$341 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x711 = _tuple$341[0]; + x710 = _tuple$341[1]; + x712 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x713 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$342 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x713 = _tuple$342[0]; + x712 = _tuple$342[1]; + x714 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x715 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$343 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x715 = _tuple$343[0]; + x714 = _tuple$343[1]; + x716 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x717 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$344 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x717 = _tuple$344[0]; + x716 = _tuple$344[1]; + x718 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x719 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$345 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x719 = _tuple$345[0]; + x718 = _tuple$345[1]; + x720 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x721 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$346 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x721 = _tuple$346[0]; + x720 = _tuple$346[1]; + x722 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x723 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$347 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x723 = _tuple$347[0]; + x722 = _tuple$347[1]; + x724 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x725 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$348 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x725 = _tuple$348[0]; + x724 = _tuple$348[1]; + x726 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x727 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$349 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x727 = _tuple$349[0]; + x726 = _tuple$349[1]; + x728 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x729 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$350 = bits.Add64(x727, x724, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x728 = _tuple$350[0]; + x729 = _tuple$350[1]; + x730 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x731 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$351 = bits.Add64(x725, x722, ((x$246 = (new p521Uint1(x729.$high, x729.$low)), new $Uint64(x$246.$high, x$246.$low)))); + x730 = _tuple$351[0]; + x731 = _tuple$351[1]; + x732 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x733 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$352 = bits.Add64(x723, x720, ((x$247 = (new p521Uint1(x731.$high, x731.$low)), new $Uint64(x$247.$high, x$247.$low)))); + x732 = _tuple$352[0]; + x733 = _tuple$352[1]; + x734 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x735 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$353 = bits.Add64(x721, x718, ((x$248 = (new p521Uint1(x733.$high, x733.$low)), new $Uint64(x$248.$high, x$248.$low)))); + x734 = _tuple$353[0]; + x735 = _tuple$353[1]; + x736 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x737 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$354 = bits.Add64(x719, x716, ((x$249 = (new p521Uint1(x735.$high, x735.$low)), new $Uint64(x$249.$high, x$249.$low)))); + x736 = _tuple$354[0]; + x737 = _tuple$354[1]; + x738 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x739 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$355 = bits.Add64(x717, x714, ((x$250 = (new p521Uint1(x737.$high, x737.$low)), new $Uint64(x$250.$high, x$250.$low)))); + x738 = _tuple$355[0]; + x739 = _tuple$355[1]; + x740 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x741 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$356 = bits.Add64(x715, x712, ((x$251 = (new p521Uint1(x739.$high, x739.$low)), new $Uint64(x$251.$high, x$251.$low)))); + x740 = _tuple$356[0]; + x741 = _tuple$356[1]; + x742 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x743 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$357 = bits.Add64(x713, x710, ((x$252 = (new p521Uint1(x741.$high, x741.$low)), new $Uint64(x$252.$high, x$252.$low)))); + x742 = _tuple$357[0]; + x743 = _tuple$357[1]; + x744 = (x$253 = ((x$254 = (new p521Uint1(x743.$high, x743.$low)), new $Uint64(x$254.$high, x$254.$low))), new $Uint64(x$253.$high + x711.$high, x$253.$low + x711.$low)); + x746 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$358 = bits.Add64(x690, x726, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x746 = _tuple$358[1]; + x747 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x748 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$359 = bits.Add64(x692, x728, ((x$255 = (new p521Uint1(x746.$high, x746.$low)), new $Uint64(x$255.$high, x$255.$low)))); + x747 = _tuple$359[0]; + x748 = _tuple$359[1]; + x749 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x750 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$360 = bits.Add64(x694, x730, ((x$256 = (new p521Uint1(x748.$high, x748.$low)), new $Uint64(x$256.$high, x$256.$low)))); + x749 = _tuple$360[0]; + x750 = _tuple$360[1]; + x751 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x752 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$361 = bits.Add64(x696, x732, ((x$257 = (new p521Uint1(x750.$high, x750.$low)), new $Uint64(x$257.$high, x$257.$low)))); + x751 = _tuple$361[0]; + x752 = _tuple$361[1]; + x753 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x754 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$362 = bits.Add64(x698, x734, ((x$258 = (new p521Uint1(x752.$high, x752.$low)), new $Uint64(x$258.$high, x$258.$low)))); + x753 = _tuple$362[0]; + x754 = _tuple$362[1]; + x755 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x756 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$363 = bits.Add64(x700, x736, ((x$259 = (new p521Uint1(x754.$high, x754.$low)), new $Uint64(x$259.$high, x$259.$low)))); + x755 = _tuple$363[0]; + x756 = _tuple$363[1]; + x757 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x758 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$364 = bits.Add64(x702, x738, ((x$260 = (new p521Uint1(x756.$high, x756.$low)), new $Uint64(x$260.$high, x$260.$low)))); + x757 = _tuple$364[0]; + x758 = _tuple$364[1]; + x759 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x760 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$365 = bits.Add64(x704, x740, ((x$261 = (new p521Uint1(x758.$high, x758.$low)), new $Uint64(x$261.$high, x$261.$low)))); + x759 = _tuple$365[0]; + x760 = _tuple$365[1]; + x761 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x762 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$366 = bits.Add64(x706, x742, ((x$262 = (new p521Uint1(x760.$high, x760.$low)), new $Uint64(x$262.$high, x$262.$low)))); + x761 = _tuple$366[0]; + x762 = _tuple$366[1]; + x763 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x764 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$367 = bits.Add64(x708, x744, ((x$263 = (new p521Uint1(x762.$high, x762.$low)), new $Uint64(x$263.$high, x$263.$low)))); + x763 = _tuple$367[0]; + x764 = _tuple$367[1]; + x765 = (x$264 = ((x$265 = (new p521Uint1(x764.$high, x764.$low)), new $Uint64(x$265.$high, x$265.$low))), x$266 = ((x$267 = (new p521Uint1(x709.$high, x709.$low)), new $Uint64(x$267.$high, x$267.$low))), new $Uint64(x$264.$high + x$266.$high, x$264.$low + x$266.$low)); + x766 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x767 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$368 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg2[8]); + x767 = _tuple$368[0]; + x766 = _tuple$368[1]; + x768 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x769 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$369 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg2[7]); + x769 = _tuple$369[0]; + x768 = _tuple$369[1]; + x770 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x771 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$370 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg2[6]); + x771 = _tuple$370[0]; + x770 = _tuple$370[1]; + x772 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x773 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$371 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg2[5]); + x773 = _tuple$371[0]; + x772 = _tuple$371[1]; + x774 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x775 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$372 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg2[4]); + x775 = _tuple$372[0]; + x774 = _tuple$372[1]; + x776 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x777 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$373 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg2[3]); + x777 = _tuple$373[0]; + x776 = _tuple$373[1]; + x778 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x779 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$374 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg2[2]); + x779 = _tuple$374[0]; + x778 = _tuple$374[1]; + x780 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x781 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$375 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg2[1]); + x781 = _tuple$375[0]; + x780 = _tuple$375[1]; + x782 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x783 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$376 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg2[0]); + x783 = _tuple$376[0]; + x782 = _tuple$376[1]; + x784 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x785 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$377 = bits.Add64(x783, x780, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x784 = _tuple$377[0]; + x785 = _tuple$377[1]; + x786 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x787 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$378 = bits.Add64(x781, x778, ((x$268 = (new p521Uint1(x785.$high, x785.$low)), new $Uint64(x$268.$high, x$268.$low)))); + x786 = _tuple$378[0]; + x787 = _tuple$378[1]; + x788 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x789 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$379 = bits.Add64(x779, x776, ((x$269 = (new p521Uint1(x787.$high, x787.$low)), new $Uint64(x$269.$high, x$269.$low)))); + x788 = _tuple$379[0]; + x789 = _tuple$379[1]; + x790 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x791 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$380 = bits.Add64(x777, x774, ((x$270 = (new p521Uint1(x789.$high, x789.$low)), new $Uint64(x$270.$high, x$270.$low)))); + x790 = _tuple$380[0]; + x791 = _tuple$380[1]; + x792 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x793 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$381 = bits.Add64(x775, x772, ((x$271 = (new p521Uint1(x791.$high, x791.$low)), new $Uint64(x$271.$high, x$271.$low)))); + x792 = _tuple$381[0]; + x793 = _tuple$381[1]; + x794 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x795 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$382 = bits.Add64(x773, x770, ((x$272 = (new p521Uint1(x793.$high, x793.$low)), new $Uint64(x$272.$high, x$272.$low)))); + x794 = _tuple$382[0]; + x795 = _tuple$382[1]; + x796 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x797 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$383 = bits.Add64(x771, x768, ((x$273 = (new p521Uint1(x795.$high, x795.$low)), new $Uint64(x$273.$high, x$273.$low)))); + x796 = _tuple$383[0]; + x797 = _tuple$383[1]; + x798 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x799 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$384 = bits.Add64(x769, x766, ((x$274 = (new p521Uint1(x797.$high, x797.$low)), new $Uint64(x$274.$high, x$274.$low)))); + x798 = _tuple$384[0]; + x799 = _tuple$384[1]; + x800 = (x$275 = ((x$276 = (new p521Uint1(x799.$high, x799.$low)), new $Uint64(x$276.$high, x$276.$low))), new $Uint64(x$275.$high + x767.$high, x$275.$low + x767.$low)); + x801 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x802 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$385 = bits.Add64(x747, x782, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x801 = _tuple$385[0]; + x802 = _tuple$385[1]; + x803 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x804 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$386 = bits.Add64(x749, x784, ((x$277 = (new p521Uint1(x802.$high, x802.$low)), new $Uint64(x$277.$high, x$277.$low)))); + x803 = _tuple$386[0]; + x804 = _tuple$386[1]; + x805 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x806 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$387 = bits.Add64(x751, x786, ((x$278 = (new p521Uint1(x804.$high, x804.$low)), new $Uint64(x$278.$high, x$278.$low)))); + x805 = _tuple$387[0]; + x806 = _tuple$387[1]; + x807 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x808 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$388 = bits.Add64(x753, x788, ((x$279 = (new p521Uint1(x806.$high, x806.$low)), new $Uint64(x$279.$high, x$279.$low)))); + x807 = _tuple$388[0]; + x808 = _tuple$388[1]; + x809 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x810 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$389 = bits.Add64(x755, x790, ((x$280 = (new p521Uint1(x808.$high, x808.$low)), new $Uint64(x$280.$high, x$280.$low)))); + x809 = _tuple$389[0]; + x810 = _tuple$389[1]; + x811 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x812 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$390 = bits.Add64(x757, x792, ((x$281 = (new p521Uint1(x810.$high, x810.$low)), new $Uint64(x$281.$high, x$281.$low)))); + x811 = _tuple$390[0]; + x812 = _tuple$390[1]; + x813 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x814 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$391 = bits.Add64(x759, x794, ((x$282 = (new p521Uint1(x812.$high, x812.$low)), new $Uint64(x$282.$high, x$282.$low)))); + x813 = _tuple$391[0]; + x814 = _tuple$391[1]; + x815 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x816 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$392 = bits.Add64(x761, x796, ((x$283 = (new p521Uint1(x814.$high, x814.$low)), new $Uint64(x$283.$high, x$283.$low)))); + x815 = _tuple$392[0]; + x816 = _tuple$392[1]; + x817 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x818 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$393 = bits.Add64(x763, x798, ((x$284 = (new p521Uint1(x816.$high, x816.$low)), new $Uint64(x$284.$high, x$284.$low)))); + x817 = _tuple$393[0]; + x818 = _tuple$393[1]; + x819 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x820 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$394 = bits.Add64(x765, x800, ((x$285 = (new p521Uint1(x818.$high, x818.$low)), new $Uint64(x$285.$high, x$285.$low)))); + x819 = _tuple$394[0]; + x820 = _tuple$394[1]; + x821 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x822 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$395 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x822 = _tuple$395[0]; + x821 = _tuple$395[1]; + x823 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x824 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$396 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x824 = _tuple$396[0]; + x823 = _tuple$396[1]; + x825 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x826 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$397 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x826 = _tuple$397[0]; + x825 = _tuple$397[1]; + x827 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x828 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$398 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x828 = _tuple$398[0]; + x827 = _tuple$398[1]; + x829 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x830 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$399 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x830 = _tuple$399[0]; + x829 = _tuple$399[1]; + x831 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x832 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$400 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x832 = _tuple$400[0]; + x831 = _tuple$400[1]; + x833 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x834 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$401 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x834 = _tuple$401[0]; + x833 = _tuple$401[1]; + x835 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x836 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$402 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x836 = _tuple$402[0]; + x835 = _tuple$402[1]; + x837 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x838 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$403 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x838 = _tuple$403[0]; + x837 = _tuple$403[1]; + x839 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x840 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$404 = bits.Add64(x838, x835, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x839 = _tuple$404[0]; + x840 = _tuple$404[1]; + x841 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x842 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$405 = bits.Add64(x836, x833, ((x$286 = (new p521Uint1(x840.$high, x840.$low)), new $Uint64(x$286.$high, x$286.$low)))); + x841 = _tuple$405[0]; + x842 = _tuple$405[1]; + x843 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x844 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$406 = bits.Add64(x834, x831, ((x$287 = (new p521Uint1(x842.$high, x842.$low)), new $Uint64(x$287.$high, x$287.$low)))); + x843 = _tuple$406[0]; + x844 = _tuple$406[1]; + x845 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x846 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$407 = bits.Add64(x832, x829, ((x$288 = (new p521Uint1(x844.$high, x844.$low)), new $Uint64(x$288.$high, x$288.$low)))); + x845 = _tuple$407[0]; + x846 = _tuple$407[1]; + x847 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x848 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$408 = bits.Add64(x830, x827, ((x$289 = (new p521Uint1(x846.$high, x846.$low)), new $Uint64(x$289.$high, x$289.$low)))); + x847 = _tuple$408[0]; + x848 = _tuple$408[1]; + x849 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x850 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$409 = bits.Add64(x828, x825, ((x$290 = (new p521Uint1(x848.$high, x848.$low)), new $Uint64(x$290.$high, x$290.$low)))); + x849 = _tuple$409[0]; + x850 = _tuple$409[1]; + x851 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x852 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$410 = bits.Add64(x826, x823, ((x$291 = (new p521Uint1(x850.$high, x850.$low)), new $Uint64(x$291.$high, x$291.$low)))); + x851 = _tuple$410[0]; + x852 = _tuple$410[1]; + x853 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x854 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$411 = bits.Add64(x824, x821, ((x$292 = (new p521Uint1(x852.$high, x852.$low)), new $Uint64(x$292.$high, x$292.$low)))); + x853 = _tuple$411[0]; + x854 = _tuple$411[1]; + x855 = (x$293 = ((x$294 = (new p521Uint1(x854.$high, x854.$low)), new $Uint64(x$294.$high, x$294.$low))), new $Uint64(x$293.$high + x822.$high, x$293.$low + x822.$low)); + x857 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$412 = bits.Add64(x801, x837, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x857 = _tuple$412[1]; + x858 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x859 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$413 = bits.Add64(x803, x839, ((x$295 = (new p521Uint1(x857.$high, x857.$low)), new $Uint64(x$295.$high, x$295.$low)))); + x858 = _tuple$413[0]; + x859 = _tuple$413[1]; + x860 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x861 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$414 = bits.Add64(x805, x841, ((x$296 = (new p521Uint1(x859.$high, x859.$low)), new $Uint64(x$296.$high, x$296.$low)))); + x860 = _tuple$414[0]; + x861 = _tuple$414[1]; + x862 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x863 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$415 = bits.Add64(x807, x843, ((x$297 = (new p521Uint1(x861.$high, x861.$low)), new $Uint64(x$297.$high, x$297.$low)))); + x862 = _tuple$415[0]; + x863 = _tuple$415[1]; + x864 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x865 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$416 = bits.Add64(x809, x845, ((x$298 = (new p521Uint1(x863.$high, x863.$low)), new $Uint64(x$298.$high, x$298.$low)))); + x864 = _tuple$416[0]; + x865 = _tuple$416[1]; + x866 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x867 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$417 = bits.Add64(x811, x847, ((x$299 = (new p521Uint1(x865.$high, x865.$low)), new $Uint64(x$299.$high, x$299.$low)))); + x866 = _tuple$417[0]; + x867 = _tuple$417[1]; + x868 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x869 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$418 = bits.Add64(x813, x849, ((x$300 = (new p521Uint1(x867.$high, x867.$low)), new $Uint64(x$300.$high, x$300.$low)))); + x868 = _tuple$418[0]; + x869 = _tuple$418[1]; + x870 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x871 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$419 = bits.Add64(x815, x851, ((x$301 = (new p521Uint1(x869.$high, x869.$low)), new $Uint64(x$301.$high, x$301.$low)))); + x870 = _tuple$419[0]; + x871 = _tuple$419[1]; + x872 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x873 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$420 = bits.Add64(x817, x853, ((x$302 = (new p521Uint1(x871.$high, x871.$low)), new $Uint64(x$302.$high, x$302.$low)))); + x872 = _tuple$420[0]; + x873 = _tuple$420[1]; + x874 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x875 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$421 = bits.Add64(x819, x855, ((x$303 = (new p521Uint1(x873.$high, x873.$low)), new $Uint64(x$303.$high, x$303.$low)))); + x874 = _tuple$421[0]; + x875 = _tuple$421[1]; + x876 = (x$304 = ((x$305 = (new p521Uint1(x875.$high, x875.$low)), new $Uint64(x$305.$high, x$305.$low))), x$306 = ((x$307 = (new p521Uint1(x820.$high, x820.$low)), new $Uint64(x$307.$high, x$307.$low))), new $Uint64(x$304.$high + x$306.$high, x$304.$low + x$306.$low)); + x877 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x878 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$422 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg2[8]); + x878 = _tuple$422[0]; + x877 = _tuple$422[1]; + x879 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x880 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$423 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg2[7]); + x880 = _tuple$423[0]; + x879 = _tuple$423[1]; + x881 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x882 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$424 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg2[6]); + x882 = _tuple$424[0]; + x881 = _tuple$424[1]; + x883 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x884 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$425 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg2[5]); + x884 = _tuple$425[0]; + x883 = _tuple$425[1]; + x885 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x886 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$426 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg2[4]); + x886 = _tuple$426[0]; + x885 = _tuple$426[1]; + x887 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x888 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$427 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg2[3]); + x888 = _tuple$427[0]; + x887 = _tuple$427[1]; + x889 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x890 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$428 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg2[2]); + x890 = _tuple$428[0]; + x889 = _tuple$428[1]; + x891 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x892 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$429 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg2[1]); + x892 = _tuple$429[0]; + x891 = _tuple$429[1]; + x893 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x894 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$430 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg2[0]); + x894 = _tuple$430[0]; + x893 = _tuple$430[1]; + x895 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x896 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$431 = bits.Add64(x894, x891, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x895 = _tuple$431[0]; + x896 = _tuple$431[1]; + x897 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x898 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$432 = bits.Add64(x892, x889, ((x$308 = (new p521Uint1(x896.$high, x896.$low)), new $Uint64(x$308.$high, x$308.$low)))); + x897 = _tuple$432[0]; + x898 = _tuple$432[1]; + x899 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x900 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$433 = bits.Add64(x890, x887, ((x$309 = (new p521Uint1(x898.$high, x898.$low)), new $Uint64(x$309.$high, x$309.$low)))); + x899 = _tuple$433[0]; + x900 = _tuple$433[1]; + x901 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x902 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$434 = bits.Add64(x888, x885, ((x$310 = (new p521Uint1(x900.$high, x900.$low)), new $Uint64(x$310.$high, x$310.$low)))); + x901 = _tuple$434[0]; + x902 = _tuple$434[1]; + x903 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x904 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$435 = bits.Add64(x886, x883, ((x$311 = (new p521Uint1(x902.$high, x902.$low)), new $Uint64(x$311.$high, x$311.$low)))); + x903 = _tuple$435[0]; + x904 = _tuple$435[1]; + x905 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x906 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$436 = bits.Add64(x884, x881, ((x$312 = (new p521Uint1(x904.$high, x904.$low)), new $Uint64(x$312.$high, x$312.$low)))); + x905 = _tuple$436[0]; + x906 = _tuple$436[1]; + x907 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x908 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$437 = bits.Add64(x882, x879, ((x$313 = (new p521Uint1(x906.$high, x906.$low)), new $Uint64(x$313.$high, x$313.$low)))); + x907 = _tuple$437[0]; + x908 = _tuple$437[1]; + x909 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x910 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$438 = bits.Add64(x880, x877, ((x$314 = (new p521Uint1(x908.$high, x908.$low)), new $Uint64(x$314.$high, x$314.$low)))); + x909 = _tuple$438[0]; + x910 = _tuple$438[1]; + x911 = (x$315 = ((x$316 = (new p521Uint1(x910.$high, x910.$low)), new $Uint64(x$316.$high, x$316.$low))), new $Uint64(x$315.$high + x878.$high, x$315.$low + x878.$low)); + x912 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x913 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$439 = bits.Add64(x858, x893, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x912 = _tuple$439[0]; + x913 = _tuple$439[1]; + x914 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x915 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$440 = bits.Add64(x860, x895, ((x$317 = (new p521Uint1(x913.$high, x913.$low)), new $Uint64(x$317.$high, x$317.$low)))); + x914 = _tuple$440[0]; + x915 = _tuple$440[1]; + x916 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x917 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$441 = bits.Add64(x862, x897, ((x$318 = (new p521Uint1(x915.$high, x915.$low)), new $Uint64(x$318.$high, x$318.$low)))); + x916 = _tuple$441[0]; + x917 = _tuple$441[1]; + x918 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x919 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$442 = bits.Add64(x864, x899, ((x$319 = (new p521Uint1(x917.$high, x917.$low)), new $Uint64(x$319.$high, x$319.$low)))); + x918 = _tuple$442[0]; + x919 = _tuple$442[1]; + x920 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x921 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$443 = bits.Add64(x866, x901, ((x$320 = (new p521Uint1(x919.$high, x919.$low)), new $Uint64(x$320.$high, x$320.$low)))); + x920 = _tuple$443[0]; + x921 = _tuple$443[1]; + x922 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x923 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$444 = bits.Add64(x868, x903, ((x$321 = (new p521Uint1(x921.$high, x921.$low)), new $Uint64(x$321.$high, x$321.$low)))); + x922 = _tuple$444[0]; + x923 = _tuple$444[1]; + x924 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x925 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$445 = bits.Add64(x870, x905, ((x$322 = (new p521Uint1(x923.$high, x923.$low)), new $Uint64(x$322.$high, x$322.$low)))); + x924 = _tuple$445[0]; + x925 = _tuple$445[1]; + x926 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x927 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$446 = bits.Add64(x872, x907, ((x$323 = (new p521Uint1(x925.$high, x925.$low)), new $Uint64(x$323.$high, x$323.$low)))); + x926 = _tuple$446[0]; + x927 = _tuple$446[1]; + x928 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x929 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$447 = bits.Add64(x874, x909, ((x$324 = (new p521Uint1(x927.$high, x927.$low)), new $Uint64(x$324.$high, x$324.$low)))); + x928 = _tuple$447[0]; + x929 = _tuple$447[1]; + x930 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x931 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$448 = bits.Add64(x876, x911, ((x$325 = (new p521Uint1(x929.$high, x929.$low)), new $Uint64(x$325.$high, x$325.$low)))); + x930 = _tuple$448[0]; + x931 = _tuple$448[1]; + x932 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x933 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$449 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x933 = _tuple$449[0]; + x932 = _tuple$449[1]; + x934 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x935 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$450 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x935 = _tuple$450[0]; + x934 = _tuple$450[1]; + x936 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x937 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$451 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x937 = _tuple$451[0]; + x936 = _tuple$451[1]; + x938 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x939 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$452 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x939 = _tuple$452[0]; + x938 = _tuple$452[1]; + x940 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x941 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$453 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x941 = _tuple$453[0]; + x940 = _tuple$453[1]; + x942 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x943 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$454 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x943 = _tuple$454[0]; + x942 = _tuple$454[1]; + x944 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x945 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$455 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x945 = _tuple$455[0]; + x944 = _tuple$455[1]; + x946 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x947 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$456 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x947 = _tuple$456[0]; + x946 = _tuple$456[1]; + x948 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x949 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$457 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x949 = _tuple$457[0]; + x948 = _tuple$457[1]; + x950 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x951 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$458 = bits.Add64(x949, x946, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x950 = _tuple$458[0]; + x951 = _tuple$458[1]; + x952 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x953 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$459 = bits.Add64(x947, x944, ((x$326 = (new p521Uint1(x951.$high, x951.$low)), new $Uint64(x$326.$high, x$326.$low)))); + x952 = _tuple$459[0]; + x953 = _tuple$459[1]; + x954 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x955 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$460 = bits.Add64(x945, x942, ((x$327 = (new p521Uint1(x953.$high, x953.$low)), new $Uint64(x$327.$high, x$327.$low)))); + x954 = _tuple$460[0]; + x955 = _tuple$460[1]; + x956 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x957 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$461 = bits.Add64(x943, x940, ((x$328 = (new p521Uint1(x955.$high, x955.$low)), new $Uint64(x$328.$high, x$328.$low)))); + x956 = _tuple$461[0]; + x957 = _tuple$461[1]; + x958 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x959 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$462 = bits.Add64(x941, x938, ((x$329 = (new p521Uint1(x957.$high, x957.$low)), new $Uint64(x$329.$high, x$329.$low)))); + x958 = _tuple$462[0]; + x959 = _tuple$462[1]; + x960 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x961 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$463 = bits.Add64(x939, x936, ((x$330 = (new p521Uint1(x959.$high, x959.$low)), new $Uint64(x$330.$high, x$330.$low)))); + x960 = _tuple$463[0]; + x961 = _tuple$463[1]; + x962 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x963 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$464 = bits.Add64(x937, x934, ((x$331 = (new p521Uint1(x961.$high, x961.$low)), new $Uint64(x$331.$high, x$331.$low)))); + x962 = _tuple$464[0]; + x963 = _tuple$464[1]; + x964 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x965 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$465 = bits.Add64(x935, x932, ((x$332 = (new p521Uint1(x963.$high, x963.$low)), new $Uint64(x$332.$high, x$332.$low)))); + x964 = _tuple$465[0]; + x965 = _tuple$465[1]; + x966 = (x$333 = ((x$334 = (new p521Uint1(x965.$high, x965.$low)), new $Uint64(x$334.$high, x$334.$low))), new $Uint64(x$333.$high + x933.$high, x$333.$low + x933.$low)); + x968 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$466 = bits.Add64(x912, x948, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x968 = _tuple$466[1]; + x969 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x970 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$467 = bits.Add64(x914, x950, ((x$335 = (new p521Uint1(x968.$high, x968.$low)), new $Uint64(x$335.$high, x$335.$low)))); + x969 = _tuple$467[0]; + x970 = _tuple$467[1]; + x971 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x972 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$468 = bits.Add64(x916, x952, ((x$336 = (new p521Uint1(x970.$high, x970.$low)), new $Uint64(x$336.$high, x$336.$low)))); + x971 = _tuple$468[0]; + x972 = _tuple$468[1]; + x973 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x974 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$469 = bits.Add64(x918, x954, ((x$337 = (new p521Uint1(x972.$high, x972.$low)), new $Uint64(x$337.$high, x$337.$low)))); + x973 = _tuple$469[0]; + x974 = _tuple$469[1]; + x975 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x976 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$470 = bits.Add64(x920, x956, ((x$338 = (new p521Uint1(x974.$high, x974.$low)), new $Uint64(x$338.$high, x$338.$low)))); + x975 = _tuple$470[0]; + x976 = _tuple$470[1]; + x977 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x978 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$471 = bits.Add64(x922, x958, ((x$339 = (new p521Uint1(x976.$high, x976.$low)), new $Uint64(x$339.$high, x$339.$low)))); + x977 = _tuple$471[0]; + x978 = _tuple$471[1]; + x979 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x980 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$472 = bits.Add64(x924, x960, ((x$340 = (new p521Uint1(x978.$high, x978.$low)), new $Uint64(x$340.$high, x$340.$low)))); + x979 = _tuple$472[0]; + x980 = _tuple$472[1]; + x981 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x982 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$473 = bits.Add64(x926, x962, ((x$341 = (new p521Uint1(x980.$high, x980.$low)), new $Uint64(x$341.$high, x$341.$low)))); + x981 = _tuple$473[0]; + x982 = _tuple$473[1]; + x983 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x984 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$474 = bits.Add64(x928, x964, ((x$342 = (new p521Uint1(x982.$high, x982.$low)), new $Uint64(x$342.$high, x$342.$low)))); + x983 = _tuple$474[0]; + x984 = _tuple$474[1]; + x985 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x986 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$475 = bits.Add64(x930, x966, ((x$343 = (new p521Uint1(x984.$high, x984.$low)), new $Uint64(x$343.$high, x$343.$low)))); + x985 = _tuple$475[0]; + x986 = _tuple$475[1]; + x987 = (x$344 = ((x$345 = (new p521Uint1(x986.$high, x986.$low)), new $Uint64(x$345.$high, x$345.$low))), x$346 = ((x$347 = (new p521Uint1(x931.$high, x931.$low)), new $Uint64(x$347.$high, x$347.$low))), new $Uint64(x$344.$high + x$346.$high, x$344.$low + x$346.$low)); + x988 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x989 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$476 = bits.Sub64(x969, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x988 = _tuple$476[0]; + x989 = _tuple$476[1]; + x990 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x991 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$477 = bits.Sub64(x971, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$348 = (new p521Uint1(x989.$high, x989.$low)), new $Uint64(x$348.$high, x$348.$low)))); + x990 = _tuple$477[0]; + x991 = _tuple$477[1]; + x992 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x993 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$478 = bits.Sub64(x973, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$349 = (new p521Uint1(x991.$high, x991.$low)), new $Uint64(x$349.$high, x$349.$low)))); + x992 = _tuple$478[0]; + x993 = _tuple$478[1]; + x994 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x995 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$479 = bits.Sub64(x975, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$350 = (new p521Uint1(x993.$high, x993.$low)), new $Uint64(x$350.$high, x$350.$low)))); + x994 = _tuple$479[0]; + x995 = _tuple$479[1]; + x996 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x997 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$480 = bits.Sub64(x977, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$351 = (new p521Uint1(x995.$high, x995.$low)), new $Uint64(x$351.$high, x$351.$low)))); + x996 = _tuple$480[0]; + x997 = _tuple$480[1]; + x998 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x999 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$481 = bits.Sub64(x979, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$352 = (new p521Uint1(x997.$high, x997.$low)), new $Uint64(x$352.$high, x$352.$low)))); + x998 = _tuple$481[0]; + x999 = _tuple$481[1]; + x1000 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x1001 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$482 = bits.Sub64(x981, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$353 = (new p521Uint1(x999.$high, x999.$low)), new $Uint64(x$353.$high, x$353.$low)))); + x1000 = _tuple$482[0]; + x1001 = _tuple$482[1]; + x1002 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x1003 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$483 = bits.Sub64(x983, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$354 = (new p521Uint1(x1001.$high, x1001.$low)), new $Uint64(x$354.$high, x$354.$low)))); + x1002 = _tuple$483[0]; + x1003 = _tuple$483[1]; + x1004 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x1005 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$484 = bits.Sub64(x985, new $Uint64(0, 511), ((x$355 = (new p521Uint1(x1003.$high, x1003.$low)), new $Uint64(x$355.$high, x$355.$low)))); + x1004 = _tuple$484[0]; + x1005 = _tuple$484[1]; + x1007 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$485 = bits.Sub64(x987, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$356 = (new p521Uint1(x1005.$high, x1005.$low)), new $Uint64(x$356.$high, x$356.$low)))); + x1007 = _tuple$485[1]; + x1008 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1008$24ptr || (x1008$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1008; }, function($v) { x1008 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x988, x969); + x1009 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1009$24ptr || (x1009$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1009; }, function($v) { x1009 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x990, x971); + x1010 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1010$24ptr || (x1010$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1010; }, function($v) { x1010 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x992, x973); + x1011 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1011$24ptr || (x1011$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1011; }, function($v) { x1011 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x994, x975); + x1012 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1012$24ptr || (x1012$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1012; }, function($v) { x1012 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x996, x977); + x1013 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1013$24ptr || (x1013$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1013; }, function($v) { x1013 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x998, x979); + x1014 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1014$24ptr || (x1014$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1014; }, function($v) { x1014 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x1000, x981); + x1015 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1015$24ptr || (x1015$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1015; }, function($v) { x1015 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x1002, x983); + x1016 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1016$24ptr || (x1016$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1016; }, function($v) { x1016 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x1004, x985); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x1008; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x1009; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x1010; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x1011; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x1012; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x1013; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x1014; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x1015; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x1016; + }; + p521Square = function(out1, arg1) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$100, _tuple$101, _tuple$102, _tuple$103, _tuple$104, _tuple$105, _tuple$106, _tuple$107, _tuple$108, _tuple$109, _tuple$11, _tuple$110, _tuple$111, _tuple$112, _tuple$113, _tuple$114, _tuple$115, _tuple$116, _tuple$117, _tuple$118, _tuple$119, _tuple$12, _tuple$120, _tuple$121, _tuple$122, _tuple$123, _tuple$124, _tuple$125, _tuple$126, _tuple$127, _tuple$128, _tuple$129, _tuple$13, _tuple$130, _tuple$131, _tuple$132, _tuple$133, _tuple$134, _tuple$135, _tuple$136, _tuple$137, _tuple$138, _tuple$139, _tuple$14, _tuple$140, _tuple$141, _tuple$142, _tuple$143, _tuple$144, _tuple$145, _tuple$146, _tuple$147, _tuple$148, _tuple$149, _tuple$15, _tuple$150, _tuple$151, _tuple$152, _tuple$153, _tuple$154, _tuple$155, _tuple$156, _tuple$157, _tuple$158, _tuple$159, _tuple$16, _tuple$160, _tuple$161, _tuple$162, _tuple$163, _tuple$164, _tuple$165, _tuple$166, _tuple$167, _tuple$168, _tuple$169, _tuple$17, _tuple$170, _tuple$171, _tuple$172, _tuple$173, _tuple$174, _tuple$175, _tuple$176, _tuple$177, _tuple$178, _tuple$179, _tuple$18, _tuple$180, _tuple$181, _tuple$182, _tuple$183, _tuple$184, _tuple$185, _tuple$186, _tuple$187, _tuple$188, _tuple$189, _tuple$19, _tuple$190, _tuple$191, _tuple$192, _tuple$193, 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x854, x855, x857, x858, x859, x86, x860, x861, x862, x863, x864, x865, x866, x867, x868, x869, x87, x870, x871, x872, x873, x874, x875, x876, x877, x878, x879, x88, x880, x881, x882, x883, x884, x885, x886, x887, x888, x889, x89, x890, x891, x892, x893, x894, x895, x896, x897, x898, x899, x9, x90, x900, x901, x902, x903, x904, x905, x906, x907, x908, x909, x91, x910, x911, x912, x913, x914, x915, x916, x917, x918, x919, x92, x920, x921, x922, x923, x924, x925, x926, x927, x928, x929, x93, x930, x931, x932, x933, x934, x935, x936, x937, x938, x939, x94, x940, x941, x942, x943, x944, x945, x946, x947, x948, x949, x95, x950, x951, x952, x953, x954, x955, x956, x957, x958, x959, x96, x960, x961, x962, x963, x964, x965, x966, x968, x969, x97, x970, x971, x972, x973, x974, x975, x976, x977, x978, x979, x98, x980, x981, x982, x983, x984, x985, x986, x987, x988, x989, x99, x990, x991, x992, x993, x994, x995, x996, x997, x998, x999; + x1 = arg1[1]; + x2 = arg1[2]; + x3 = arg1[3]; + x4 = arg1[4]; + x5 = arg1[5]; + x6 = arg1[6]; + x7 = arg1[7]; + x8 = arg1[8]; + x9 = arg1[0]; + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x9, arg1[8]); + x11 = _tuple[0]; + x10 = _tuple[1]; + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg1[7]); + x13 = _tuple$1[0]; + x12 = _tuple$1[1]; + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg1[6]); + x15 = _tuple$2[0]; + x14 = _tuple$2[1]; + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg1[5]); + x17 = _tuple$3[0]; + x16 = _tuple$3[1]; + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg1[4]); + x19 = _tuple$4[0]; + x18 = _tuple$4[1]; + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg1[3]); + x21 = _tuple$5[0]; + x20 = _tuple$5[1]; + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg1[2]); + x23 = _tuple$6[0]; + x22 = _tuple$6[1]; + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg1[1]); + x25 = _tuple$7[0]; + x24 = _tuple$7[1]; + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Mul64(x9, arg1[0]); + x27 = _tuple$8[0]; + x26 = _tuple$8[1]; + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Add64(x27, x24, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x28 = _tuple$9[0]; + x29 = _tuple$9[1]; + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Add64(x25, x22, ((x = (new p521Uint1(x29.$high, x29.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x30 = _tuple$10[0]; + x31 = _tuple$10[1]; + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Add64(x23, x20, ((x$1 = (new p521Uint1(x31.$high, x31.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x32 = _tuple$11[0]; + x33 = _tuple$11[1]; + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Add64(x21, x18, ((x$2 = (new p521Uint1(x33.$high, x33.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x34 = _tuple$12[0]; + x35 = _tuple$12[1]; + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Add64(x19, x16, ((x$3 = (new p521Uint1(x35.$high, x35.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x36 = _tuple$13[0]; + x37 = _tuple$13[1]; + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Add64(x17, x14, ((x$4 = (new p521Uint1(x37.$high, x37.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x38 = _tuple$14[0]; + x39 = _tuple$14[1]; + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Add64(x15, x12, ((x$5 = (new p521Uint1(x39.$high, x39.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x40 = _tuple$15[0]; + x41 = _tuple$15[1]; + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Add64(x13, x10, ((x$6 = (new p521Uint1(x41.$high, x41.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x42 = _tuple$16[0]; + x43 = _tuple$16[1]; + x44 = (x$7 = ((x$8 = (new p521Uint1(x43.$high, x43.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low))), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + x11.$high, x$7.$low + x11.$low)); + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x46 = _tuple$17[0]; + x45 = _tuple$17[1]; + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x48 = _tuple$18[0]; + x47 = _tuple$18[1]; + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x50 = _tuple$19[0]; + x49 = _tuple$19[1]; + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x52 = _tuple$20[0]; + x51 = _tuple$20[1]; + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x54 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x54 = _tuple$21[0]; + x53 = _tuple$21[1]; + x55 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x56 = _tuple$22[0]; + x55 = _tuple$22[1]; + x57 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x58 = _tuple$23[0]; + x57 = _tuple$23[1]; + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x60 = _tuple$24[0]; + x59 = _tuple$24[1]; + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Mul64(x26, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x62 = _tuple$25[0]; + x61 = _tuple$25[1]; + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Add64(x62, x59, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x63 = _tuple$26[0]; + x64 = _tuple$26[1]; + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Add64(x60, x57, ((x$9 = (new p521Uint1(x64.$high, x64.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x65 = _tuple$27[0]; + x66 = _tuple$27[1]; + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Add64(x58, x55, ((x$10 = (new p521Uint1(x66.$high, x66.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low)))); + x67 = _tuple$28[0]; + x68 = _tuple$28[1]; + x69 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Add64(x56, x53, ((x$11 = (new p521Uint1(x68.$high, x68.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low)))); + x69 = _tuple$29[0]; + x70 = _tuple$29[1]; + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Add64(x54, x51, ((x$12 = (new p521Uint1(x70.$high, x70.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x71 = _tuple$30[0]; + x72 = _tuple$30[1]; + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Add64(x52, x49, ((x$13 = (new p521Uint1(x72.$high, x72.$low)), new $Uint64(x$13.$high, x$13.$low)))); + x73 = _tuple$31[0]; + x74 = _tuple$31[1]; + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Add64(x50, x47, ((x$14 = (new p521Uint1(x74.$high, x74.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low)))); + x75 = _tuple$32[0]; + x76 = _tuple$32[1]; + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Add64(x48, x45, ((x$15 = (new p521Uint1(x76.$high, x76.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x77 = _tuple$33[0]; + x78 = _tuple$33[1]; + x79 = (x$16 = ((x$17 = (new p521Uint1(x78.$high, x78.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low))), new $Uint64(x$16.$high + x46.$high, x$16.$low + x46.$low)); + x81 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Add64(x26, x61, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x81 = _tuple$34[1]; + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Add64(x28, x63, ((x$18 = (new p521Uint1(x81.$high, x81.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low)))); + x82 = _tuple$35[0]; + x83 = _tuple$35[1]; + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x30, x65, ((x$19 = (new p521Uint1(x83.$high, x83.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x84 = _tuple$36[0]; + x85 = _tuple$36[1]; + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Add64(x32, x67, ((x$20 = (new p521Uint1(x85.$high, x85.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x86 = _tuple$37[0]; + x87 = _tuple$37[1]; + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Add64(x34, x69, ((x$21 = (new p521Uint1(x87.$high, x87.$low)), new $Uint64(x$21.$high, x$21.$low)))); + x88 = _tuple$38[0]; + x89 = _tuple$38[1]; + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x91 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Add64(x36, x71, ((x$22 = (new p521Uint1(x89.$high, x89.$low)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high, x$22.$low)))); + x90 = _tuple$39[0]; + x91 = _tuple$39[1]; + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Add64(x38, x73, ((x$23 = (new p521Uint1(x91.$high, x91.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low)))); + x92 = _tuple$40[0]; + x93 = _tuple$40[1]; + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Add64(x40, x75, ((x$24 = (new p521Uint1(x93.$high, x93.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x94 = _tuple$41[0]; + x95 = _tuple$41[1]; + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Add64(x42, x77, ((x$25 = (new p521Uint1(x95.$high, x95.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x96 = _tuple$42[0]; + x97 = _tuple$42[1]; + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Add64(x44, x79, ((x$26 = (new p521Uint1(x97.$high, x97.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high, x$26.$low)))); + x98 = _tuple$43[0]; + x99 = _tuple$43[1]; + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[8]); + x101 = _tuple$44[0]; + x100 = _tuple$44[1]; + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[7]); + x103 = _tuple$45[0]; + x102 = _tuple$45[1]; + x104 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[6]); + x105 = _tuple$46[0]; + x104 = _tuple$46[1]; + x106 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x107 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[5]); + x107 = _tuple$47[0]; + x106 = _tuple$47[1]; + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x109 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[4]); + x109 = _tuple$48[0]; + x108 = _tuple$48[1]; + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[3]); + x111 = _tuple$49[0]; + x110 = _tuple$49[1]; + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[2]); + x113 = _tuple$50[0]; + x112 = _tuple$50[1]; + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x115 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[1]); + x115 = _tuple$51[0]; + x114 = _tuple$51[1]; + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[0]); + x117 = _tuple$52[0]; + x116 = _tuple$52[1]; + x118 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Add64(x117, x114, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x118 = _tuple$53[0]; + x119 = _tuple$53[1]; + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Add64(x115, x112, ((x$27 = (new p521Uint1(x119.$high, x119.$low)), new $Uint64(x$27.$high, x$27.$low)))); + x120 = _tuple$54[0]; + x121 = _tuple$54[1]; + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Add64(x113, x110, ((x$28 = (new p521Uint1(x121.$high, x121.$low)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high, x$28.$low)))); + x122 = _tuple$55[0]; + x123 = _tuple$55[1]; + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Add64(x111, x108, ((x$29 = (new p521Uint1(x123.$high, x123.$low)), new $Uint64(x$29.$high, x$29.$low)))); + x124 = _tuple$56[0]; + x125 = _tuple$56[1]; + x126 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x109, x106, ((x$30 = (new p521Uint1(x125.$high, x125.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low)))); + x126 = _tuple$57[0]; + x127 = _tuple$57[1]; + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x129 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x107, x104, ((x$31 = (new p521Uint1(x127.$high, x127.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low)))); + x128 = _tuple$58[0]; + x129 = _tuple$58[1]; + x130 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x131 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Add64(x105, x102, ((x$32 = (new p521Uint1(x129.$high, x129.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x130 = _tuple$59[0]; + x131 = _tuple$59[1]; + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Add64(x103, x100, ((x$33 = (new p521Uint1(x131.$high, x131.$low)), new $Uint64(x$33.$high, x$33.$low)))); + x132 = _tuple$60[0]; + x133 = _tuple$60[1]; + x134 = (x$34 = ((x$35 = (new p521Uint1(x133.$high, x133.$low)), new $Uint64(x$35.$high, x$35.$low))), new $Uint64(x$34.$high + x101.$high, x$34.$low + x101.$low)); + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Add64(x82, x116, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x135 = _tuple$61[0]; + x136 = _tuple$61[1]; + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Add64(x84, x118, ((x$36 = (new p521Uint1(x136.$high, x136.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high, x$36.$low)))); + x137 = _tuple$62[0]; + x138 = _tuple$62[1]; + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x140 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Add64(x86, x120, ((x$37 = (new p521Uint1(x138.$high, x138.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high, x$37.$low)))); + x139 = _tuple$63[0]; + x140 = _tuple$63[1]; + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Add64(x88, x122, ((x$38 = (new p521Uint1(x140.$high, x140.$low)), new $Uint64(x$38.$high, x$38.$low)))); + x141 = _tuple$64[0]; + x142 = _tuple$64[1]; + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Add64(x90, x124, ((x$39 = (new p521Uint1(x142.$high, x142.$low)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high, x$39.$low)))); + x143 = _tuple$65[0]; + x144 = _tuple$65[1]; + x145 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x146 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Add64(x92, x126, ((x$40 = (new p521Uint1(x144.$high, x144.$low)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high, x$40.$low)))); + x145 = _tuple$66[0]; + x146 = _tuple$66[1]; + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Add64(x94, x128, ((x$41 = (new p521Uint1(x146.$high, x146.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low)))); + x147 = _tuple$67[0]; + x148 = _tuple$67[1]; + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Add64(x96, x130, ((x$42 = (new p521Uint1(x148.$high, x148.$low)), new $Uint64(x$42.$high, x$42.$low)))); + x149 = _tuple$68[0]; + x150 = _tuple$68[1]; + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Add64(x98, x132, ((x$43 = (new p521Uint1(x150.$high, x150.$low)), new $Uint64(x$43.$high, x$43.$low)))); + x151 = _tuple$69[0]; + x152 = _tuple$69[1]; + x153 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Add64(((x$44 = (new p521Uint1(x99.$high, x99.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low))), x134, ((x$45 = (new p521Uint1(x152.$high, x152.$low)), new $Uint64(x$45.$high, x$45.$low)))); + x153 = _tuple$70[0]; + x154 = _tuple$70[1]; + x155 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x156 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x156 = _tuple$71[0]; + x155 = _tuple$71[1]; + x157 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x158 = _tuple$72[0]; + x157 = _tuple$72[1]; + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x160 = _tuple$73[0]; + x159 = _tuple$73[1]; + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x162 = _tuple$74[0]; + x161 = _tuple$74[1]; + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x164 = _tuple$75[0]; + x163 = _tuple$75[1]; + x165 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x166 = _tuple$76[0]; + x165 = _tuple$76[1]; + x167 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x168 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x168 = _tuple$77[0]; + x167 = _tuple$77[1]; + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x170 = _tuple$78[0]; + x169 = _tuple$78[1]; + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x172 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Mul64(x135, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x172 = _tuple$79[0]; + x171 = _tuple$79[1]; + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x174 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Add64(x172, x169, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x173 = _tuple$80[0]; + x174 = _tuple$80[1]; + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x176 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Add64(x170, x167, ((x$46 = (new p521Uint1(x174.$high, x174.$low)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high, x$46.$low)))); + x175 = _tuple$81[0]; + x176 = _tuple$81[1]; + x177 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x178 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Add64(x168, x165, ((x$47 = (new p521Uint1(x176.$high, x176.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low)))); + x177 = _tuple$82[0]; + x178 = _tuple$82[1]; + x179 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x180 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Add64(x166, x163, ((x$48 = (new p521Uint1(x178.$high, x178.$low)), new $Uint64(x$48.$high, x$48.$low)))); + x179 = _tuple$83[0]; + x180 = _tuple$83[1]; + x181 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x182 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Add64(x164, x161, ((x$49 = (new p521Uint1(x180.$high, x180.$low)), new $Uint64(x$49.$high, x$49.$low)))); + x181 = _tuple$84[0]; + x182 = _tuple$84[1]; + x183 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x184 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$85 = bits.Add64(x162, x159, ((x$50 = (new p521Uint1(x182.$high, x182.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low)))); + x183 = _tuple$85[0]; + x184 = _tuple$85[1]; + x185 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x186 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$86 = bits.Add64(x160, x157, ((x$51 = (new p521Uint1(x184.$high, x184.$low)), new $Uint64(x$51.$high, x$51.$low)))); + x185 = _tuple$86[0]; + x186 = _tuple$86[1]; + x187 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x188 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$87 = bits.Add64(x158, x155, ((x$52 = (new p521Uint1(x186.$high, x186.$low)), new $Uint64(x$52.$high, x$52.$low)))); + x187 = _tuple$87[0]; + x188 = _tuple$87[1]; + x189 = (x$53 = ((x$54 = (new p521Uint1(x188.$high, x188.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low))), new $Uint64(x$53.$high + x156.$high, x$53.$low + x156.$low)); + x191 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$88 = bits.Add64(x135, x171, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x191 = _tuple$88[1]; + x192 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x193 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$89 = bits.Add64(x137, x173, ((x$55 = (new p521Uint1(x191.$high, x191.$low)), new $Uint64(x$55.$high, x$55.$low)))); + x192 = _tuple$89[0]; + x193 = _tuple$89[1]; + x194 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x195 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$90 = bits.Add64(x139, x175, ((x$56 = (new p521Uint1(x193.$high, x193.$low)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high, x$56.$low)))); + x194 = _tuple$90[0]; + x195 = _tuple$90[1]; + x196 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x197 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$91 = bits.Add64(x141, x177, ((x$57 = (new p521Uint1(x195.$high, x195.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low)))); + x196 = _tuple$91[0]; + x197 = _tuple$91[1]; + x198 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x199 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$92 = bits.Add64(x143, x179, ((x$58 = (new p521Uint1(x197.$high, x197.$low)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high, x$58.$low)))); + x198 = _tuple$92[0]; + x199 = _tuple$92[1]; + x200 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x201 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$93 = bits.Add64(x145, x181, ((x$59 = (new p521Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), new $Uint64(x$59.$high, x$59.$low)))); + x200 = _tuple$93[0]; + x201 = _tuple$93[1]; + x202 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x203 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$94 = bits.Add64(x147, x183, ((x$60 = (new p521Uint1(x201.$high, x201.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low)))); + x202 = _tuple$94[0]; + x203 = _tuple$94[1]; + x204 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x205 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$95 = bits.Add64(x149, x185, ((x$61 = (new p521Uint1(x203.$high, x203.$low)), new $Uint64(x$61.$high, x$61.$low)))); + x204 = _tuple$95[0]; + x205 = _tuple$95[1]; + x206 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x207 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$96 = bits.Add64(x151, x187, ((x$62 = (new p521Uint1(x205.$high, x205.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low)))); + x206 = _tuple$96[0]; + x207 = _tuple$96[1]; + x208 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x209 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$97 = bits.Add64(x153, x189, ((x$63 = (new p521Uint1(x207.$high, x207.$low)), new $Uint64(x$63.$high, x$63.$low)))); + x208 = _tuple$97[0]; + x209 = _tuple$97[1]; + x210 = (x$64 = ((x$65 = (new p521Uint1(x209.$high, x209.$low)), new $Uint64(x$65.$high, x$65.$low))), x$66 = ((x$67 = (new p521Uint1(x154.$high, x154.$low)), new $Uint64(x$67.$high, x$67.$low))), new $Uint64(x$64.$high + x$66.$high, x$64.$low + x$66.$low)); + x211 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x212 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$98 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[8]); + x212 = _tuple$98[0]; + x211 = _tuple$98[1]; + x213 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x214 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$99 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[7]); + x214 = _tuple$99[0]; + x213 = _tuple$99[1]; + x215 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x216 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$100 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[6]); + x216 = _tuple$100[0]; + x215 = _tuple$100[1]; + x217 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x218 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$101 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[5]); + x218 = _tuple$101[0]; + x217 = _tuple$101[1]; + x219 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x220 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$102 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[4]); + x220 = _tuple$102[0]; + x219 = _tuple$102[1]; + x221 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x222 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$103 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[3]); + x222 = _tuple$103[0]; + x221 = _tuple$103[1]; + x223 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x224 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$104 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[2]); + x224 = _tuple$104[0]; + x223 = _tuple$104[1]; + x225 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x226 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$105 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[1]); + x226 = _tuple$105[0]; + x225 = _tuple$105[1]; + x227 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x228 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$106 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[0]); + x228 = _tuple$106[0]; + x227 = _tuple$106[1]; + x229 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x230 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$107 = bits.Add64(x228, x225, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x229 = _tuple$107[0]; + x230 = _tuple$107[1]; + x231 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x232 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$108 = bits.Add64(x226, x223, ((x$68 = (new p521Uint1(x230.$high, x230.$low)), new $Uint64(x$68.$high, x$68.$low)))); + x231 = _tuple$108[0]; + x232 = _tuple$108[1]; + x233 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x234 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$109 = bits.Add64(x224, x221, ((x$69 = (new p521Uint1(x232.$high, x232.$low)), new $Uint64(x$69.$high, x$69.$low)))); + x233 = _tuple$109[0]; + x234 = _tuple$109[1]; + x235 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x236 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$110 = bits.Add64(x222, x219, ((x$70 = (new p521Uint1(x234.$high, x234.$low)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high, x$70.$low)))); + x235 = _tuple$110[0]; + x236 = _tuple$110[1]; + x237 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x238 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$111 = bits.Add64(x220, x217, ((x$71 = (new p521Uint1(x236.$high, x236.$low)), new $Uint64(x$71.$high, x$71.$low)))); + x237 = _tuple$111[0]; + x238 = _tuple$111[1]; + x239 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x240 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$112 = bits.Add64(x218, x215, ((x$72 = (new p521Uint1(x238.$high, x238.$low)), new $Uint64(x$72.$high, x$72.$low)))); + x239 = _tuple$112[0]; + x240 = _tuple$112[1]; + x241 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x242 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$113 = bits.Add64(x216, x213, ((x$73 = (new p521Uint1(x240.$high, x240.$low)), new $Uint64(x$73.$high, x$73.$low)))); + x241 = _tuple$113[0]; + x242 = _tuple$113[1]; + x243 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x244 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$114 = bits.Add64(x214, x211, ((x$74 = (new p521Uint1(x242.$high, x242.$low)), new $Uint64(x$74.$high, x$74.$low)))); + x243 = _tuple$114[0]; + x244 = _tuple$114[1]; + x245 = (x$75 = ((x$76 = (new p521Uint1(x244.$high, x244.$low)), new $Uint64(x$76.$high, x$76.$low))), new $Uint64(x$75.$high + x212.$high, x$75.$low + x212.$low)); + x246 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x247 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$115 = bits.Add64(x192, x227, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x246 = _tuple$115[0]; + x247 = _tuple$115[1]; + x248 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x249 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$116 = bits.Add64(x194, x229, ((x$77 = (new p521Uint1(x247.$high, x247.$low)), new $Uint64(x$77.$high, x$77.$low)))); + x248 = _tuple$116[0]; + x249 = _tuple$116[1]; + x250 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x251 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$117 = bits.Add64(x196, x231, ((x$78 = (new p521Uint1(x249.$high, x249.$low)), new $Uint64(x$78.$high, x$78.$low)))); + x250 = _tuple$117[0]; + x251 = _tuple$117[1]; + x252 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x253 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$118 = bits.Add64(x198, x233, ((x$79 = (new p521Uint1(x251.$high, x251.$low)), new $Uint64(x$79.$high, x$79.$low)))); + x252 = _tuple$118[0]; + x253 = _tuple$118[1]; + x254 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x255 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$119 = bits.Add64(x200, x235, ((x$80 = (new p521Uint1(x253.$high, x253.$low)), new $Uint64(x$80.$high, x$80.$low)))); + x254 = _tuple$119[0]; + x255 = _tuple$119[1]; + x256 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x257 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$120 = bits.Add64(x202, x237, ((x$81 = (new p521Uint1(x255.$high, x255.$low)), new $Uint64(x$81.$high, x$81.$low)))); + x256 = _tuple$120[0]; + x257 = _tuple$120[1]; + x258 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x259 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$121 = bits.Add64(x204, x239, ((x$82 = (new p521Uint1(x257.$high, x257.$low)), new $Uint64(x$82.$high, x$82.$low)))); + x258 = _tuple$121[0]; + x259 = _tuple$121[1]; + x260 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x261 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$122 = bits.Add64(x206, x241, ((x$83 = (new p521Uint1(x259.$high, x259.$low)), new $Uint64(x$83.$high, x$83.$low)))); + x260 = _tuple$122[0]; + x261 = _tuple$122[1]; + x262 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x263 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$123 = bits.Add64(x208, x243, ((x$84 = (new p521Uint1(x261.$high, x261.$low)), new $Uint64(x$84.$high, x$84.$low)))); + x262 = _tuple$123[0]; + x263 = _tuple$123[1]; + x264 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x265 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$124 = bits.Add64(x210, x245, ((x$85 = (new p521Uint1(x263.$high, x263.$low)), new $Uint64(x$85.$high, x$85.$low)))); + x264 = _tuple$124[0]; + x265 = _tuple$124[1]; + x266 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x267 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$125 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x267 = _tuple$125[0]; + x266 = _tuple$125[1]; + x268 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x269 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$126 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x269 = _tuple$126[0]; + x268 = _tuple$126[1]; + x270 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x271 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$127 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x271 = _tuple$127[0]; + x270 = _tuple$127[1]; + x272 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x273 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$128 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x273 = _tuple$128[0]; + x272 = _tuple$128[1]; + x274 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x275 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$129 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x275 = _tuple$129[0]; + x274 = _tuple$129[1]; + x276 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x277 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$130 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x277 = _tuple$130[0]; + x276 = _tuple$130[1]; + x278 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x279 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$131 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x279 = _tuple$131[0]; + x278 = _tuple$131[1]; + x280 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x281 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$132 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x281 = _tuple$132[0]; + x280 = _tuple$132[1]; + x282 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x283 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$133 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x283 = _tuple$133[0]; + x282 = _tuple$133[1]; + x284 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x285 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$134 = bits.Add64(x283, x280, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x284 = _tuple$134[0]; + x285 = _tuple$134[1]; + x286 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x287 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$135 = bits.Add64(x281, x278, ((x$86 = (new p521Uint1(x285.$high, x285.$low)), new $Uint64(x$86.$high, x$86.$low)))); + x286 = _tuple$135[0]; + x287 = _tuple$135[1]; + x288 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x289 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$136 = bits.Add64(x279, x276, ((x$87 = (new p521Uint1(x287.$high, x287.$low)), new $Uint64(x$87.$high, x$87.$low)))); + x288 = _tuple$136[0]; + x289 = _tuple$136[1]; + x290 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x291 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$137 = bits.Add64(x277, x274, ((x$88 = (new p521Uint1(x289.$high, x289.$low)), new $Uint64(x$88.$high, x$88.$low)))); + x290 = _tuple$137[0]; + x291 = _tuple$137[1]; + x292 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x293 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$138 = bits.Add64(x275, x272, ((x$89 = (new p521Uint1(x291.$high, x291.$low)), new $Uint64(x$89.$high, x$89.$low)))); + x292 = _tuple$138[0]; + x293 = _tuple$138[1]; + x294 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x295 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$139 = bits.Add64(x273, x270, ((x$90 = (new p521Uint1(x293.$high, x293.$low)), new $Uint64(x$90.$high, x$90.$low)))); + x294 = _tuple$139[0]; + x295 = _tuple$139[1]; + x296 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x297 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$140 = bits.Add64(x271, x268, ((x$91 = (new p521Uint1(x295.$high, x295.$low)), new $Uint64(x$91.$high, x$91.$low)))); + x296 = _tuple$140[0]; + x297 = _tuple$140[1]; + x298 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x299 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$141 = bits.Add64(x269, x266, ((x$92 = (new p521Uint1(x297.$high, x297.$low)), new $Uint64(x$92.$high, x$92.$low)))); + x298 = _tuple$141[0]; + x299 = _tuple$141[1]; + x300 = (x$93 = ((x$94 = (new p521Uint1(x299.$high, x299.$low)), new $Uint64(x$94.$high, x$94.$low))), new $Uint64(x$93.$high + x267.$high, x$93.$low + x267.$low)); + x302 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$142 = bits.Add64(x246, x282, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x302 = _tuple$142[1]; + x303 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x304 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$143 = bits.Add64(x248, x284, ((x$95 = (new p521Uint1(x302.$high, x302.$low)), new $Uint64(x$95.$high, x$95.$low)))); + x303 = _tuple$143[0]; + x304 = _tuple$143[1]; + x305 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x306 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$144 = bits.Add64(x250, x286, ((x$96 = (new p521Uint1(x304.$high, x304.$low)), new $Uint64(x$96.$high, x$96.$low)))); + x305 = _tuple$144[0]; + x306 = _tuple$144[1]; + x307 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x308 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$145 = bits.Add64(x252, x288, ((x$97 = (new p521Uint1(x306.$high, x306.$low)), new $Uint64(x$97.$high, x$97.$low)))); + x307 = _tuple$145[0]; + x308 = _tuple$145[1]; + x309 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x310 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$146 = bits.Add64(x254, x290, ((x$98 = (new p521Uint1(x308.$high, x308.$low)), new $Uint64(x$98.$high, x$98.$low)))); + x309 = _tuple$146[0]; + x310 = _tuple$146[1]; + x311 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x312 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$147 = bits.Add64(x256, x292, ((x$99 = (new p521Uint1(x310.$high, x310.$low)), new $Uint64(x$99.$high, x$99.$low)))); + x311 = _tuple$147[0]; + x312 = _tuple$147[1]; + x313 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x314 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$148 = bits.Add64(x258, x294, ((x$100 = (new p521Uint1(x312.$high, x312.$low)), new $Uint64(x$100.$high, x$100.$low)))); + x313 = _tuple$148[0]; + x314 = _tuple$148[1]; + x315 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x316 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$149 = bits.Add64(x260, x296, ((x$101 = (new p521Uint1(x314.$high, x314.$low)), new $Uint64(x$101.$high, x$101.$low)))); + x315 = _tuple$149[0]; + x316 = _tuple$149[1]; + x317 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x318 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$150 = bits.Add64(x262, x298, ((x$102 = (new p521Uint1(x316.$high, x316.$low)), new $Uint64(x$102.$high, x$102.$low)))); + x317 = _tuple$150[0]; + x318 = _tuple$150[1]; + x319 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x320 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$151 = bits.Add64(x264, x300, ((x$103 = (new p521Uint1(x318.$high, x318.$low)), new $Uint64(x$103.$high, x$103.$low)))); + x319 = _tuple$151[0]; + x320 = _tuple$151[1]; + x321 = (x$104 = ((x$105 = (new p521Uint1(x320.$high, x320.$low)), new $Uint64(x$105.$high, x$105.$low))), x$106 = ((x$107 = (new p521Uint1(x265.$high, x265.$low)), new $Uint64(x$107.$high, x$107.$low))), new $Uint64(x$104.$high + x$106.$high, x$104.$low + x$106.$low)); + x322 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x323 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$152 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[8]); + x323 = _tuple$152[0]; + x322 = _tuple$152[1]; + x324 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x325 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$153 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[7]); + x325 = _tuple$153[0]; + x324 = _tuple$153[1]; + x326 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x327 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$154 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[6]); + x327 = _tuple$154[0]; + x326 = _tuple$154[1]; + x328 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x329 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$155 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[5]); + x329 = _tuple$155[0]; + x328 = _tuple$155[1]; + x330 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x331 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$156 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[4]); + x331 = _tuple$156[0]; + x330 = _tuple$156[1]; + x332 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x333 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$157 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[3]); + x333 = _tuple$157[0]; + x332 = _tuple$157[1]; + x334 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x335 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$158 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[2]); + x335 = _tuple$158[0]; + x334 = _tuple$158[1]; + x336 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x337 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$159 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[1]); + x337 = _tuple$159[0]; + x336 = _tuple$159[1]; + x338 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x339 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$160 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[0]); + x339 = _tuple$160[0]; + x338 = _tuple$160[1]; + x340 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x341 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$161 = bits.Add64(x339, x336, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x340 = _tuple$161[0]; + x341 = _tuple$161[1]; + x342 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x343 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$162 = bits.Add64(x337, x334, ((x$108 = (new p521Uint1(x341.$high, x341.$low)), new $Uint64(x$108.$high, x$108.$low)))); + x342 = _tuple$162[0]; + x343 = _tuple$162[1]; + x344 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x345 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$163 = bits.Add64(x335, x332, ((x$109 = (new p521Uint1(x343.$high, x343.$low)), new $Uint64(x$109.$high, x$109.$low)))); + x344 = _tuple$163[0]; + x345 = _tuple$163[1]; + x346 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x347 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$164 = bits.Add64(x333, x330, ((x$110 = (new p521Uint1(x345.$high, x345.$low)), new $Uint64(x$110.$high, x$110.$low)))); + x346 = _tuple$164[0]; + x347 = _tuple$164[1]; + x348 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x349 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$165 = bits.Add64(x331, x328, ((x$111 = (new p521Uint1(x347.$high, x347.$low)), new $Uint64(x$111.$high, x$111.$low)))); + x348 = _tuple$165[0]; + x349 = _tuple$165[1]; + x350 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x351 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$166 = bits.Add64(x329, x326, ((x$112 = (new p521Uint1(x349.$high, x349.$low)), new $Uint64(x$112.$high, x$112.$low)))); + x350 = _tuple$166[0]; + x351 = _tuple$166[1]; + x352 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x353 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$167 = bits.Add64(x327, x324, ((x$113 = (new p521Uint1(x351.$high, x351.$low)), new $Uint64(x$113.$high, x$113.$low)))); + x352 = _tuple$167[0]; + x353 = _tuple$167[1]; + x354 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x355 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$168 = bits.Add64(x325, x322, ((x$114 = (new p521Uint1(x353.$high, x353.$low)), new $Uint64(x$114.$high, x$114.$low)))); + x354 = _tuple$168[0]; + x355 = _tuple$168[1]; + x356 = (x$115 = ((x$116 = (new p521Uint1(x355.$high, x355.$low)), new $Uint64(x$116.$high, x$116.$low))), new $Uint64(x$115.$high + x323.$high, x$115.$low + x323.$low)); + x357 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x358 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$169 = bits.Add64(x303, x338, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x357 = _tuple$169[0]; + x358 = _tuple$169[1]; + x359 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x360 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$170 = bits.Add64(x305, x340, ((x$117 = (new p521Uint1(x358.$high, x358.$low)), new $Uint64(x$117.$high, x$117.$low)))); + x359 = _tuple$170[0]; + x360 = _tuple$170[1]; + x361 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x362 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$171 = bits.Add64(x307, x342, ((x$118 = (new p521Uint1(x360.$high, x360.$low)), new $Uint64(x$118.$high, x$118.$low)))); + x361 = _tuple$171[0]; + x362 = _tuple$171[1]; + x363 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x364 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$172 = bits.Add64(x309, x344, ((x$119 = (new p521Uint1(x362.$high, x362.$low)), new $Uint64(x$119.$high, x$119.$low)))); + x363 = _tuple$172[0]; + x364 = _tuple$172[1]; + x365 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x366 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$173 = bits.Add64(x311, x346, ((x$120 = (new p521Uint1(x364.$high, x364.$low)), new $Uint64(x$120.$high, x$120.$low)))); + x365 = _tuple$173[0]; + x366 = _tuple$173[1]; + x367 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x368 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$174 = bits.Add64(x313, x348, ((x$121 = (new p521Uint1(x366.$high, x366.$low)), new $Uint64(x$121.$high, x$121.$low)))); + x367 = _tuple$174[0]; + x368 = _tuple$174[1]; + x369 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x370 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$175 = bits.Add64(x315, x350, ((x$122 = (new p521Uint1(x368.$high, x368.$low)), new $Uint64(x$122.$high, x$122.$low)))); + x369 = _tuple$175[0]; + x370 = _tuple$175[1]; + x371 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x372 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$176 = bits.Add64(x317, x352, ((x$123 = (new p521Uint1(x370.$high, x370.$low)), new $Uint64(x$123.$high, x$123.$low)))); + x371 = _tuple$176[0]; + x372 = _tuple$176[1]; + x373 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x374 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$177 = bits.Add64(x319, x354, ((x$124 = (new p521Uint1(x372.$high, x372.$low)), new $Uint64(x$124.$high, x$124.$low)))); + x373 = _tuple$177[0]; + x374 = _tuple$177[1]; + x375 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x376 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$178 = bits.Add64(x321, x356, ((x$125 = (new p521Uint1(x374.$high, x374.$low)), new $Uint64(x$125.$high, x$125.$low)))); + x375 = _tuple$178[0]; + x376 = _tuple$178[1]; + x377 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x378 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$179 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x378 = _tuple$179[0]; + x377 = _tuple$179[1]; + x379 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x380 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$180 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x380 = _tuple$180[0]; + x379 = _tuple$180[1]; + x381 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x382 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$181 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x382 = _tuple$181[0]; + x381 = _tuple$181[1]; + x383 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x384 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$182 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x384 = _tuple$182[0]; + x383 = _tuple$182[1]; + x385 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x386 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$183 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x386 = _tuple$183[0]; + x385 = _tuple$183[1]; + x387 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x388 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$184 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x388 = _tuple$184[0]; + x387 = _tuple$184[1]; + x389 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x390 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$185 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x390 = _tuple$185[0]; + x389 = _tuple$185[1]; + x391 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x392 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$186 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x392 = _tuple$186[0]; + x391 = _tuple$186[1]; + x393 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x394 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$187 = bits.Mul64(x357, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x394 = _tuple$187[0]; + x393 = _tuple$187[1]; + x395 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x396 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$188 = bits.Add64(x394, x391, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x395 = _tuple$188[0]; + x396 = _tuple$188[1]; + x397 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x398 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$189 = bits.Add64(x392, x389, ((x$126 = (new p521Uint1(x396.$high, x396.$low)), new $Uint64(x$126.$high, x$126.$low)))); + x397 = _tuple$189[0]; + x398 = _tuple$189[1]; + x399 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x400 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$190 = bits.Add64(x390, x387, ((x$127 = (new p521Uint1(x398.$high, x398.$low)), new $Uint64(x$127.$high, x$127.$low)))); + x399 = _tuple$190[0]; + x400 = _tuple$190[1]; + x401 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x402 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$191 = bits.Add64(x388, x385, ((x$128 = (new p521Uint1(x400.$high, x400.$low)), new $Uint64(x$128.$high, x$128.$low)))); + x401 = _tuple$191[0]; + x402 = _tuple$191[1]; + x403 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x404 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$192 = bits.Add64(x386, x383, ((x$129 = (new p521Uint1(x402.$high, x402.$low)), new $Uint64(x$129.$high, x$129.$low)))); + x403 = _tuple$192[0]; + x404 = _tuple$192[1]; + x405 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x406 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$193 = bits.Add64(x384, x381, ((x$130 = (new p521Uint1(x404.$high, x404.$low)), new $Uint64(x$130.$high, x$130.$low)))); + x405 = _tuple$193[0]; + x406 = _tuple$193[1]; + x407 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x408 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$194 = bits.Add64(x382, x379, ((x$131 = (new p521Uint1(x406.$high, x406.$low)), new $Uint64(x$131.$high, x$131.$low)))); + x407 = _tuple$194[0]; + x408 = _tuple$194[1]; + x409 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x410 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$195 = bits.Add64(x380, x377, ((x$132 = (new p521Uint1(x408.$high, x408.$low)), new $Uint64(x$132.$high, x$132.$low)))); + x409 = _tuple$195[0]; + x410 = _tuple$195[1]; + x411 = (x$133 = ((x$134 = (new p521Uint1(x410.$high, x410.$low)), new $Uint64(x$134.$high, x$134.$low))), new $Uint64(x$133.$high + x378.$high, x$133.$low + x378.$low)); + x413 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$196 = bits.Add64(x357, x393, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x413 = _tuple$196[1]; + x414 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x415 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$197 = bits.Add64(x359, x395, ((x$135 = (new p521Uint1(x413.$high, x413.$low)), new $Uint64(x$135.$high, x$135.$low)))); + x414 = _tuple$197[0]; + x415 = _tuple$197[1]; + x416 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x417 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$198 = bits.Add64(x361, x397, ((x$136 = (new p521Uint1(x415.$high, x415.$low)), new $Uint64(x$136.$high, x$136.$low)))); + x416 = _tuple$198[0]; + x417 = _tuple$198[1]; + x418 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x419 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$199 = bits.Add64(x363, x399, ((x$137 = (new p521Uint1(x417.$high, x417.$low)), new $Uint64(x$137.$high, x$137.$low)))); + x418 = _tuple$199[0]; + x419 = _tuple$199[1]; + x420 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x421 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$200 = bits.Add64(x365, x401, ((x$138 = (new p521Uint1(x419.$high, x419.$low)), new $Uint64(x$138.$high, x$138.$low)))); + x420 = _tuple$200[0]; + x421 = _tuple$200[1]; + x422 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x423 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$201 = bits.Add64(x367, x403, ((x$139 = (new p521Uint1(x421.$high, x421.$low)), new $Uint64(x$139.$high, x$139.$low)))); + x422 = _tuple$201[0]; + x423 = _tuple$201[1]; + x424 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x425 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$202 = bits.Add64(x369, x405, ((x$140 = (new p521Uint1(x423.$high, x423.$low)), new $Uint64(x$140.$high, x$140.$low)))); + x424 = _tuple$202[0]; + x425 = _tuple$202[1]; + x426 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x427 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$203 = bits.Add64(x371, x407, ((x$141 = (new p521Uint1(x425.$high, x425.$low)), new $Uint64(x$141.$high, x$141.$low)))); + x426 = _tuple$203[0]; + x427 = _tuple$203[1]; + x428 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x429 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$204 = bits.Add64(x373, x409, ((x$142 = (new p521Uint1(x427.$high, x427.$low)), new $Uint64(x$142.$high, x$142.$low)))); + x428 = _tuple$204[0]; + x429 = _tuple$204[1]; + x430 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x431 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$205 = bits.Add64(x375, x411, ((x$143 = (new p521Uint1(x429.$high, x429.$low)), new $Uint64(x$143.$high, x$143.$low)))); + x430 = _tuple$205[0]; + x431 = _tuple$205[1]; + x432 = (x$144 = ((x$145 = (new p521Uint1(x431.$high, x431.$low)), new $Uint64(x$145.$high, x$145.$low))), x$146 = ((x$147 = (new p521Uint1(x376.$high, x376.$low)), new $Uint64(x$147.$high, x$147.$low))), new $Uint64(x$144.$high + x$146.$high, x$144.$low + x$146.$low)); + x433 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x434 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$206 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[8]); + x434 = _tuple$206[0]; + x433 = _tuple$206[1]; + x435 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x436 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$207 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[7]); + x436 = _tuple$207[0]; + x435 = _tuple$207[1]; + x437 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x438 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$208 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[6]); + x438 = _tuple$208[0]; + x437 = _tuple$208[1]; + x439 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x440 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$209 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[5]); + x440 = _tuple$209[0]; + x439 = _tuple$209[1]; + x441 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x442 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$210 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[4]); + x442 = _tuple$210[0]; + x441 = _tuple$210[1]; + x443 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x444 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$211 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[3]); + x444 = _tuple$211[0]; + x443 = _tuple$211[1]; + x445 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x446 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$212 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[2]); + x446 = _tuple$212[0]; + x445 = _tuple$212[1]; + x447 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x448 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$213 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[1]); + x448 = _tuple$213[0]; + x447 = _tuple$213[1]; + x449 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x450 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$214 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[0]); + x450 = _tuple$214[0]; + x449 = _tuple$214[1]; + x451 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x452 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$215 = bits.Add64(x450, x447, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x451 = _tuple$215[0]; + x452 = _tuple$215[1]; + x453 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x454 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$216 = bits.Add64(x448, x445, ((x$148 = (new p521Uint1(x452.$high, x452.$low)), new $Uint64(x$148.$high, x$148.$low)))); + x453 = _tuple$216[0]; + x454 = _tuple$216[1]; + x455 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x456 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$217 = bits.Add64(x446, x443, ((x$149 = (new p521Uint1(x454.$high, x454.$low)), new $Uint64(x$149.$high, x$149.$low)))); + x455 = _tuple$217[0]; + x456 = _tuple$217[1]; + x457 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x458 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$218 = bits.Add64(x444, x441, ((x$150 = (new p521Uint1(x456.$high, x456.$low)), new $Uint64(x$150.$high, x$150.$low)))); + x457 = _tuple$218[0]; + x458 = _tuple$218[1]; + x459 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x460 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$219 = bits.Add64(x442, x439, ((x$151 = (new p521Uint1(x458.$high, x458.$low)), new $Uint64(x$151.$high, x$151.$low)))); + x459 = _tuple$219[0]; + x460 = _tuple$219[1]; + x461 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x462 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$220 = bits.Add64(x440, x437, ((x$152 = (new p521Uint1(x460.$high, x460.$low)), new $Uint64(x$152.$high, x$152.$low)))); + x461 = _tuple$220[0]; + x462 = _tuple$220[1]; + x463 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x464 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$221 = bits.Add64(x438, x435, ((x$153 = (new p521Uint1(x462.$high, x462.$low)), new $Uint64(x$153.$high, x$153.$low)))); + x463 = _tuple$221[0]; + x464 = _tuple$221[1]; + x465 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x466 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$222 = bits.Add64(x436, x433, ((x$154 = (new p521Uint1(x464.$high, x464.$low)), new $Uint64(x$154.$high, x$154.$low)))); + x465 = _tuple$222[0]; + x466 = _tuple$222[1]; + x467 = (x$155 = ((x$156 = (new p521Uint1(x466.$high, x466.$low)), new $Uint64(x$156.$high, x$156.$low))), new $Uint64(x$155.$high + x434.$high, x$155.$low + x434.$low)); + x468 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x469 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$223 = bits.Add64(x414, x449, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x468 = _tuple$223[0]; + x469 = _tuple$223[1]; + x470 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x471 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$224 = bits.Add64(x416, x451, ((x$157 = (new p521Uint1(x469.$high, x469.$low)), new $Uint64(x$157.$high, x$157.$low)))); + x470 = _tuple$224[0]; + x471 = _tuple$224[1]; + x472 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x473 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$225 = bits.Add64(x418, x453, ((x$158 = (new p521Uint1(x471.$high, x471.$low)), new $Uint64(x$158.$high, x$158.$low)))); + x472 = _tuple$225[0]; + x473 = _tuple$225[1]; + x474 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x475 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$226 = bits.Add64(x420, x455, ((x$159 = (new p521Uint1(x473.$high, x473.$low)), new $Uint64(x$159.$high, x$159.$low)))); + x474 = _tuple$226[0]; + x475 = _tuple$226[1]; + x476 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x477 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$227 = bits.Add64(x422, x457, ((x$160 = (new p521Uint1(x475.$high, x475.$low)), new $Uint64(x$160.$high, x$160.$low)))); + x476 = _tuple$227[0]; + x477 = _tuple$227[1]; + x478 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x479 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$228 = bits.Add64(x424, x459, ((x$161 = (new p521Uint1(x477.$high, x477.$low)), new $Uint64(x$161.$high, x$161.$low)))); + x478 = _tuple$228[0]; + x479 = _tuple$228[1]; + x480 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x481 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$229 = bits.Add64(x426, x461, ((x$162 = (new p521Uint1(x479.$high, x479.$low)), new $Uint64(x$162.$high, x$162.$low)))); + x480 = _tuple$229[0]; + x481 = _tuple$229[1]; + x482 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x483 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$230 = bits.Add64(x428, x463, ((x$163 = (new p521Uint1(x481.$high, x481.$low)), new $Uint64(x$163.$high, x$163.$low)))); + x482 = _tuple$230[0]; + x483 = _tuple$230[1]; + x484 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x485 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$231 = bits.Add64(x430, x465, ((x$164 = (new p521Uint1(x483.$high, x483.$low)), new $Uint64(x$164.$high, x$164.$low)))); + x484 = _tuple$231[0]; + x485 = _tuple$231[1]; + x486 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x487 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$232 = bits.Add64(x432, x467, ((x$165 = (new p521Uint1(x485.$high, x485.$low)), new $Uint64(x$165.$high, x$165.$low)))); + x486 = _tuple$232[0]; + x487 = _tuple$232[1]; + x488 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x489 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$233 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x489 = _tuple$233[0]; + x488 = _tuple$233[1]; + x490 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x491 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$234 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x491 = _tuple$234[0]; + x490 = _tuple$234[1]; + x492 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x493 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$235 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x493 = _tuple$235[0]; + x492 = _tuple$235[1]; + x494 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x495 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$236 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x495 = _tuple$236[0]; + x494 = _tuple$236[1]; + x496 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x497 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$237 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x497 = _tuple$237[0]; + x496 = _tuple$237[1]; + x498 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x499 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$238 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x499 = _tuple$238[0]; + x498 = _tuple$238[1]; + x500 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x501 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$239 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x501 = _tuple$239[0]; + x500 = _tuple$239[1]; + x502 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x503 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$240 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x503 = _tuple$240[0]; + x502 = _tuple$240[1]; + x504 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x505 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$241 = bits.Mul64(x468, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x505 = _tuple$241[0]; + x504 = _tuple$241[1]; + x506 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x507 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$242 = bits.Add64(x505, x502, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x506 = _tuple$242[0]; + x507 = _tuple$242[1]; + x508 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x509 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$243 = bits.Add64(x503, x500, ((x$166 = (new p521Uint1(x507.$high, x507.$low)), new $Uint64(x$166.$high, x$166.$low)))); + x508 = _tuple$243[0]; + x509 = _tuple$243[1]; + x510 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x511 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$244 = bits.Add64(x501, x498, ((x$167 = (new p521Uint1(x509.$high, x509.$low)), new $Uint64(x$167.$high, x$167.$low)))); + x510 = _tuple$244[0]; + x511 = _tuple$244[1]; + x512 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x513 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$245 = bits.Add64(x499, x496, ((x$168 = (new p521Uint1(x511.$high, x511.$low)), new $Uint64(x$168.$high, x$168.$low)))); + x512 = _tuple$245[0]; + x513 = _tuple$245[1]; + x514 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x515 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$246 = bits.Add64(x497, x494, ((x$169 = (new p521Uint1(x513.$high, x513.$low)), new $Uint64(x$169.$high, x$169.$low)))); + x514 = _tuple$246[0]; + x515 = _tuple$246[1]; + x516 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x517 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$247 = bits.Add64(x495, x492, ((x$170 = (new p521Uint1(x515.$high, x515.$low)), new $Uint64(x$170.$high, x$170.$low)))); + x516 = _tuple$247[0]; + x517 = _tuple$247[1]; + x518 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x519 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$248 = bits.Add64(x493, x490, ((x$171 = (new p521Uint1(x517.$high, x517.$low)), new $Uint64(x$171.$high, x$171.$low)))); + x518 = _tuple$248[0]; + x519 = _tuple$248[1]; + x520 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x521 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$249 = bits.Add64(x491, x488, ((x$172 = (new p521Uint1(x519.$high, x519.$low)), new $Uint64(x$172.$high, x$172.$low)))); + x520 = _tuple$249[0]; + x521 = _tuple$249[1]; + x522 = (x$173 = ((x$174 = (new p521Uint1(x521.$high, x521.$low)), new $Uint64(x$174.$high, x$174.$low))), new $Uint64(x$173.$high + x489.$high, x$173.$low + x489.$low)); + x524 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$250 = bits.Add64(x468, x504, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x524 = _tuple$250[1]; + x525 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x526 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$251 = bits.Add64(x470, x506, ((x$175 = (new p521Uint1(x524.$high, x524.$low)), new $Uint64(x$175.$high, x$175.$low)))); + x525 = _tuple$251[0]; + x526 = _tuple$251[1]; + x527 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x528 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$252 = bits.Add64(x472, x508, ((x$176 = (new p521Uint1(x526.$high, x526.$low)), new $Uint64(x$176.$high, x$176.$low)))); + x527 = _tuple$252[0]; + x528 = _tuple$252[1]; + x529 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x530 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$253 = bits.Add64(x474, x510, ((x$177 = (new p521Uint1(x528.$high, x528.$low)), new $Uint64(x$177.$high, x$177.$low)))); + x529 = _tuple$253[0]; + x530 = _tuple$253[1]; + x531 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x532 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$254 = bits.Add64(x476, x512, ((x$178 = (new p521Uint1(x530.$high, x530.$low)), new $Uint64(x$178.$high, x$178.$low)))); + x531 = _tuple$254[0]; + x532 = _tuple$254[1]; + x533 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x534 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$255 = bits.Add64(x478, x514, ((x$179 = (new p521Uint1(x532.$high, x532.$low)), new $Uint64(x$179.$high, x$179.$low)))); + x533 = _tuple$255[0]; + x534 = _tuple$255[1]; + x535 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x536 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$256 = bits.Add64(x480, x516, ((x$180 = (new p521Uint1(x534.$high, x534.$low)), new $Uint64(x$180.$high, x$180.$low)))); + x535 = _tuple$256[0]; + x536 = _tuple$256[1]; + x537 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x538 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$257 = bits.Add64(x482, x518, ((x$181 = (new p521Uint1(x536.$high, x536.$low)), new $Uint64(x$181.$high, x$181.$low)))); + x537 = _tuple$257[0]; + x538 = _tuple$257[1]; + x539 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x540 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$258 = bits.Add64(x484, x520, ((x$182 = (new p521Uint1(x538.$high, x538.$low)), new $Uint64(x$182.$high, x$182.$low)))); + x539 = _tuple$258[0]; + x540 = _tuple$258[1]; + x541 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x542 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$259 = bits.Add64(x486, x522, ((x$183 = (new p521Uint1(x540.$high, x540.$low)), new $Uint64(x$183.$high, x$183.$low)))); + x541 = _tuple$259[0]; + x542 = _tuple$259[1]; + x543 = (x$184 = ((x$185 = (new p521Uint1(x542.$high, x542.$low)), new $Uint64(x$185.$high, x$185.$low))), x$186 = ((x$187 = (new p521Uint1(x487.$high, x487.$low)), new $Uint64(x$187.$high, x$187.$low))), new $Uint64(x$184.$high + x$186.$high, x$184.$low + x$186.$low)); + x544 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x545 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$260 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[8]); + x545 = _tuple$260[0]; + x544 = _tuple$260[1]; + x546 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x547 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$261 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[7]); + x547 = _tuple$261[0]; + x546 = _tuple$261[1]; + x548 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x549 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$262 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[6]); + x549 = _tuple$262[0]; + x548 = _tuple$262[1]; + x550 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x551 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$263 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[5]); + x551 = _tuple$263[0]; + x550 = _tuple$263[1]; + x552 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x553 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$264 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[4]); + x553 = _tuple$264[0]; + x552 = _tuple$264[1]; + x554 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x555 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$265 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[3]); + x555 = _tuple$265[0]; + x554 = _tuple$265[1]; + x556 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x557 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$266 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[2]); + x557 = _tuple$266[0]; + x556 = _tuple$266[1]; + x558 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x559 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$267 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[1]); + x559 = _tuple$267[0]; + x558 = _tuple$267[1]; + x560 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x561 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$268 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[0]); + x561 = _tuple$268[0]; + x560 = _tuple$268[1]; + x562 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x563 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$269 = bits.Add64(x561, x558, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x562 = _tuple$269[0]; + x563 = _tuple$269[1]; + x564 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x565 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$270 = bits.Add64(x559, x556, ((x$188 = (new p521Uint1(x563.$high, x563.$low)), new $Uint64(x$188.$high, x$188.$low)))); + x564 = _tuple$270[0]; + x565 = _tuple$270[1]; + x566 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x567 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$271 = bits.Add64(x557, x554, ((x$189 = (new p521Uint1(x565.$high, x565.$low)), new $Uint64(x$189.$high, x$189.$low)))); + x566 = _tuple$271[0]; + x567 = _tuple$271[1]; + x568 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x569 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$272 = bits.Add64(x555, x552, ((x$190 = (new p521Uint1(x567.$high, x567.$low)), new $Uint64(x$190.$high, x$190.$low)))); + x568 = _tuple$272[0]; + x569 = _tuple$272[1]; + x570 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x571 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$273 = bits.Add64(x553, x550, ((x$191 = (new p521Uint1(x569.$high, x569.$low)), new $Uint64(x$191.$high, x$191.$low)))); + x570 = _tuple$273[0]; + x571 = _tuple$273[1]; + x572 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x573 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$274 = bits.Add64(x551, x548, ((x$192 = (new p521Uint1(x571.$high, x571.$low)), new $Uint64(x$192.$high, x$192.$low)))); + x572 = _tuple$274[0]; + x573 = _tuple$274[1]; + x574 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x575 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$275 = bits.Add64(x549, x546, ((x$193 = (new p521Uint1(x573.$high, x573.$low)), new $Uint64(x$193.$high, x$193.$low)))); + x574 = _tuple$275[0]; + x575 = _tuple$275[1]; + x576 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x577 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$276 = bits.Add64(x547, x544, ((x$194 = (new p521Uint1(x575.$high, x575.$low)), new $Uint64(x$194.$high, x$194.$low)))); + x576 = _tuple$276[0]; + x577 = _tuple$276[1]; + x578 = (x$195 = ((x$196 = (new p521Uint1(x577.$high, x577.$low)), new $Uint64(x$196.$high, x$196.$low))), new $Uint64(x$195.$high + x545.$high, x$195.$low + x545.$low)); + x579 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x580 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$277 = bits.Add64(x525, x560, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x579 = _tuple$277[0]; + x580 = _tuple$277[1]; + x581 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x582 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$278 = bits.Add64(x527, x562, ((x$197 = (new p521Uint1(x580.$high, x580.$low)), new $Uint64(x$197.$high, x$197.$low)))); + x581 = _tuple$278[0]; + x582 = _tuple$278[1]; + x583 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x584 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$279 = bits.Add64(x529, x564, ((x$198 = (new p521Uint1(x582.$high, x582.$low)), new $Uint64(x$198.$high, x$198.$low)))); + x583 = _tuple$279[0]; + x584 = _tuple$279[1]; + x585 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x586 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$280 = bits.Add64(x531, x566, ((x$199 = (new p521Uint1(x584.$high, x584.$low)), new $Uint64(x$199.$high, x$199.$low)))); + x585 = _tuple$280[0]; + x586 = _tuple$280[1]; + x587 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x588 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$281 = bits.Add64(x533, x568, ((x$200 = (new p521Uint1(x586.$high, x586.$low)), new $Uint64(x$200.$high, x$200.$low)))); + x587 = _tuple$281[0]; + x588 = _tuple$281[1]; + x589 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x590 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$282 = bits.Add64(x535, x570, ((x$201 = (new p521Uint1(x588.$high, x588.$low)), new $Uint64(x$201.$high, x$201.$low)))); + x589 = _tuple$282[0]; + x590 = _tuple$282[1]; + x591 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x592 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$283 = bits.Add64(x537, x572, ((x$202 = (new p521Uint1(x590.$high, x590.$low)), new $Uint64(x$202.$high, x$202.$low)))); + x591 = _tuple$283[0]; + x592 = _tuple$283[1]; + x593 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x594 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$284 = bits.Add64(x539, x574, ((x$203 = (new p521Uint1(x592.$high, x592.$low)), new $Uint64(x$203.$high, x$203.$low)))); + x593 = _tuple$284[0]; + x594 = _tuple$284[1]; + x595 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x596 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$285 = bits.Add64(x541, x576, ((x$204 = (new p521Uint1(x594.$high, x594.$low)), new $Uint64(x$204.$high, x$204.$low)))); + x595 = _tuple$285[0]; + x596 = _tuple$285[1]; + x597 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x598 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$286 = bits.Add64(x543, x578, ((x$205 = (new p521Uint1(x596.$high, x596.$low)), new $Uint64(x$205.$high, x$205.$low)))); + x597 = _tuple$286[0]; + x598 = _tuple$286[1]; + x599 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x600 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$287 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x600 = _tuple$287[0]; + x599 = _tuple$287[1]; + x601 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x602 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$288 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x602 = _tuple$288[0]; + x601 = _tuple$288[1]; + x603 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x604 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$289 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x604 = _tuple$289[0]; + x603 = _tuple$289[1]; + x605 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x606 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$290 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x606 = _tuple$290[0]; + x605 = _tuple$290[1]; + x607 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x608 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$291 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x608 = _tuple$291[0]; + x607 = _tuple$291[1]; + x609 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x610 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$292 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x610 = _tuple$292[0]; + x609 = _tuple$292[1]; + x611 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x612 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$293 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x612 = _tuple$293[0]; + x611 = _tuple$293[1]; + x613 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x614 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$294 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x614 = _tuple$294[0]; + x613 = _tuple$294[1]; + x615 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x616 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$295 = bits.Mul64(x579, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x616 = _tuple$295[0]; + x615 = _tuple$295[1]; + x617 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x618 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$296 = bits.Add64(x616, x613, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x617 = _tuple$296[0]; + x618 = _tuple$296[1]; + x619 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x620 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$297 = bits.Add64(x614, x611, ((x$206 = (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), new $Uint64(x$206.$high, x$206.$low)))); + x619 = _tuple$297[0]; + x620 = _tuple$297[1]; + x621 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x622 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$298 = bits.Add64(x612, x609, ((x$207 = (new p521Uint1(x620.$high, x620.$low)), new $Uint64(x$207.$high, x$207.$low)))); + x621 = _tuple$298[0]; + x622 = _tuple$298[1]; + x623 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x624 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$299 = bits.Add64(x610, x607, ((x$208 = (new p521Uint1(x622.$high, x622.$low)), new $Uint64(x$208.$high, x$208.$low)))); + x623 = _tuple$299[0]; + x624 = _tuple$299[1]; + x625 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x626 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$300 = bits.Add64(x608, x605, ((x$209 = (new p521Uint1(x624.$high, x624.$low)), new $Uint64(x$209.$high, x$209.$low)))); + x625 = _tuple$300[0]; + x626 = _tuple$300[1]; + x627 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x628 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$301 = bits.Add64(x606, x603, ((x$210 = (new p521Uint1(x626.$high, x626.$low)), new $Uint64(x$210.$high, x$210.$low)))); + x627 = _tuple$301[0]; + x628 = _tuple$301[1]; + x629 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x630 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$302 = bits.Add64(x604, x601, ((x$211 = (new p521Uint1(x628.$high, x628.$low)), new $Uint64(x$211.$high, x$211.$low)))); + x629 = _tuple$302[0]; + x630 = _tuple$302[1]; + x631 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x632 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$303 = bits.Add64(x602, x599, ((x$212 = (new p521Uint1(x630.$high, x630.$low)), new $Uint64(x$212.$high, x$212.$low)))); + x631 = _tuple$303[0]; + x632 = _tuple$303[1]; + x633 = (x$213 = ((x$214 = (new p521Uint1(x632.$high, x632.$low)), new $Uint64(x$214.$high, x$214.$low))), new $Uint64(x$213.$high + x600.$high, x$213.$low + x600.$low)); + x635 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$304 = bits.Add64(x579, x615, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x635 = _tuple$304[1]; + x636 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x637 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$305 = bits.Add64(x581, x617, ((x$215 = (new p521Uint1(x635.$high, x635.$low)), new $Uint64(x$215.$high, x$215.$low)))); + x636 = _tuple$305[0]; + x637 = _tuple$305[1]; + x638 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x639 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$306 = bits.Add64(x583, x619, ((x$216 = (new p521Uint1(x637.$high, x637.$low)), new $Uint64(x$216.$high, x$216.$low)))); + x638 = _tuple$306[0]; + x639 = _tuple$306[1]; + x640 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x641 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$307 = bits.Add64(x585, x621, ((x$217 = (new p521Uint1(x639.$high, x639.$low)), new $Uint64(x$217.$high, x$217.$low)))); + x640 = _tuple$307[0]; + x641 = _tuple$307[1]; + x642 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x643 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$308 = bits.Add64(x587, x623, ((x$218 = (new p521Uint1(x641.$high, x641.$low)), new $Uint64(x$218.$high, x$218.$low)))); + x642 = _tuple$308[0]; + x643 = _tuple$308[1]; + x644 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x645 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$309 = bits.Add64(x589, x625, ((x$219 = (new p521Uint1(x643.$high, x643.$low)), new $Uint64(x$219.$high, x$219.$low)))); + x644 = _tuple$309[0]; + x645 = _tuple$309[1]; + x646 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x647 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$310 = bits.Add64(x591, x627, ((x$220 = (new p521Uint1(x645.$high, x645.$low)), new $Uint64(x$220.$high, x$220.$low)))); + x646 = _tuple$310[0]; + x647 = _tuple$310[1]; + x648 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x649 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$311 = bits.Add64(x593, x629, ((x$221 = (new p521Uint1(x647.$high, x647.$low)), new $Uint64(x$221.$high, x$221.$low)))); + x648 = _tuple$311[0]; + x649 = _tuple$311[1]; + x650 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x651 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$312 = bits.Add64(x595, x631, ((x$222 = (new p521Uint1(x649.$high, x649.$low)), new $Uint64(x$222.$high, x$222.$low)))); + x650 = _tuple$312[0]; + x651 = _tuple$312[1]; + x652 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x653 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$313 = bits.Add64(x597, x633, ((x$223 = (new p521Uint1(x651.$high, x651.$low)), new $Uint64(x$223.$high, x$223.$low)))); + x652 = _tuple$313[0]; + x653 = _tuple$313[1]; + x654 = (x$224 = ((x$225 = (new p521Uint1(x653.$high, x653.$low)), new $Uint64(x$225.$high, x$225.$low))), x$226 = ((x$227 = (new p521Uint1(x598.$high, x598.$low)), new $Uint64(x$227.$high, x$227.$low))), new $Uint64(x$224.$high + x$226.$high, x$224.$low + x$226.$low)); + x655 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x656 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$314 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[8]); + x656 = _tuple$314[0]; + x655 = _tuple$314[1]; + x657 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x658 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$315 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[7]); + x658 = _tuple$315[0]; + x657 = _tuple$315[1]; + x659 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x660 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$316 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[6]); + x660 = _tuple$316[0]; + x659 = _tuple$316[1]; + x661 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x662 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$317 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[5]); + x662 = _tuple$317[0]; + x661 = _tuple$317[1]; + x663 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x664 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$318 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[4]); + x664 = _tuple$318[0]; + x663 = _tuple$318[1]; + x665 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x666 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$319 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[3]); + x666 = _tuple$319[0]; + x665 = _tuple$319[1]; + x667 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x668 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$320 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[2]); + x668 = _tuple$320[0]; + x667 = _tuple$320[1]; + x669 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x670 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$321 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[1]); + x670 = _tuple$321[0]; + x669 = _tuple$321[1]; + x671 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x672 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$322 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[0]); + x672 = _tuple$322[0]; + x671 = _tuple$322[1]; + x673 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x674 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$323 = bits.Add64(x672, x669, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x673 = _tuple$323[0]; + x674 = _tuple$323[1]; + x675 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x676 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$324 = bits.Add64(x670, x667, ((x$228 = (new p521Uint1(x674.$high, x674.$low)), new $Uint64(x$228.$high, x$228.$low)))); + x675 = _tuple$324[0]; + x676 = _tuple$324[1]; + x677 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x678 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$325 = bits.Add64(x668, x665, ((x$229 = (new p521Uint1(x676.$high, x676.$low)), new $Uint64(x$229.$high, x$229.$low)))); + x677 = _tuple$325[0]; + x678 = _tuple$325[1]; + x679 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x680 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$326 = bits.Add64(x666, x663, ((x$230 = (new p521Uint1(x678.$high, x678.$low)), new $Uint64(x$230.$high, x$230.$low)))); + x679 = _tuple$326[0]; + x680 = _tuple$326[1]; + x681 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x682 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$327 = bits.Add64(x664, x661, ((x$231 = (new p521Uint1(x680.$high, x680.$low)), new $Uint64(x$231.$high, x$231.$low)))); + x681 = _tuple$327[0]; + x682 = _tuple$327[1]; + x683 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x684 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$328 = bits.Add64(x662, x659, ((x$232 = (new p521Uint1(x682.$high, x682.$low)), new $Uint64(x$232.$high, x$232.$low)))); + x683 = _tuple$328[0]; + x684 = _tuple$328[1]; + x685 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x686 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$329 = bits.Add64(x660, x657, ((x$233 = (new p521Uint1(x684.$high, x684.$low)), new $Uint64(x$233.$high, x$233.$low)))); + x685 = _tuple$329[0]; + x686 = _tuple$329[1]; + x687 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x688 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$330 = bits.Add64(x658, x655, ((x$234 = (new p521Uint1(x686.$high, x686.$low)), new $Uint64(x$234.$high, x$234.$low)))); + x687 = _tuple$330[0]; + x688 = _tuple$330[1]; + x689 = (x$235 = ((x$236 = (new p521Uint1(x688.$high, x688.$low)), new $Uint64(x$236.$high, x$236.$low))), new $Uint64(x$235.$high + x656.$high, x$235.$low + x656.$low)); + x690 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x691 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$331 = bits.Add64(x636, x671, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x690 = _tuple$331[0]; + x691 = _tuple$331[1]; + x692 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x693 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$332 = bits.Add64(x638, x673, ((x$237 = (new p521Uint1(x691.$high, x691.$low)), new $Uint64(x$237.$high, x$237.$low)))); + x692 = _tuple$332[0]; + x693 = _tuple$332[1]; + x694 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x695 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$333 = bits.Add64(x640, x675, ((x$238 = (new p521Uint1(x693.$high, x693.$low)), new $Uint64(x$238.$high, x$238.$low)))); + x694 = _tuple$333[0]; + x695 = _tuple$333[1]; + x696 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x697 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$334 = bits.Add64(x642, x677, ((x$239 = (new p521Uint1(x695.$high, x695.$low)), new $Uint64(x$239.$high, x$239.$low)))); + x696 = _tuple$334[0]; + x697 = _tuple$334[1]; + x698 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x699 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$335 = bits.Add64(x644, x679, ((x$240 = (new p521Uint1(x697.$high, x697.$low)), new $Uint64(x$240.$high, x$240.$low)))); + x698 = _tuple$335[0]; + x699 = _tuple$335[1]; + x700 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x701 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$336 = bits.Add64(x646, x681, ((x$241 = (new p521Uint1(x699.$high, x699.$low)), new $Uint64(x$241.$high, x$241.$low)))); + x700 = _tuple$336[0]; + x701 = _tuple$336[1]; + x702 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x703 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$337 = bits.Add64(x648, x683, ((x$242 = (new p521Uint1(x701.$high, x701.$low)), new $Uint64(x$242.$high, x$242.$low)))); + x702 = _tuple$337[0]; + x703 = _tuple$337[1]; + x704 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x705 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$338 = bits.Add64(x650, x685, ((x$243 = (new p521Uint1(x703.$high, x703.$low)), new $Uint64(x$243.$high, x$243.$low)))); + x704 = _tuple$338[0]; + x705 = _tuple$338[1]; + x706 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x707 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$339 = bits.Add64(x652, x687, ((x$244 = (new p521Uint1(x705.$high, x705.$low)), new $Uint64(x$244.$high, x$244.$low)))); + x706 = _tuple$339[0]; + x707 = _tuple$339[1]; + x708 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x709 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$340 = bits.Add64(x654, x689, ((x$245 = (new p521Uint1(x707.$high, x707.$low)), new $Uint64(x$245.$high, x$245.$low)))); + x708 = _tuple$340[0]; + x709 = _tuple$340[1]; + x710 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x711 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$341 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x711 = _tuple$341[0]; + x710 = _tuple$341[1]; + x712 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x713 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$342 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x713 = _tuple$342[0]; + x712 = _tuple$342[1]; + x714 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x715 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$343 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x715 = _tuple$343[0]; + x714 = _tuple$343[1]; + x716 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x717 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$344 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x717 = _tuple$344[0]; + x716 = _tuple$344[1]; + x718 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x719 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$345 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x719 = _tuple$345[0]; + x718 = _tuple$345[1]; + x720 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x721 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$346 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x721 = _tuple$346[0]; + x720 = _tuple$346[1]; + x722 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x723 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$347 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x723 = _tuple$347[0]; + x722 = _tuple$347[1]; + x724 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x725 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$348 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x725 = _tuple$348[0]; + x724 = _tuple$348[1]; + x726 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x727 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$349 = bits.Mul64(x690, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x727 = _tuple$349[0]; + x726 = _tuple$349[1]; + x728 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x729 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$350 = bits.Add64(x727, x724, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x728 = _tuple$350[0]; + x729 = _tuple$350[1]; + x730 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x731 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$351 = bits.Add64(x725, x722, ((x$246 = (new p521Uint1(x729.$high, x729.$low)), new $Uint64(x$246.$high, x$246.$low)))); + x730 = _tuple$351[0]; + x731 = _tuple$351[1]; + x732 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x733 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$352 = bits.Add64(x723, x720, ((x$247 = (new p521Uint1(x731.$high, x731.$low)), new $Uint64(x$247.$high, x$247.$low)))); + x732 = _tuple$352[0]; + x733 = _tuple$352[1]; + x734 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x735 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$353 = bits.Add64(x721, x718, ((x$248 = (new p521Uint1(x733.$high, x733.$low)), new $Uint64(x$248.$high, x$248.$low)))); + x734 = _tuple$353[0]; + x735 = _tuple$353[1]; + x736 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x737 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$354 = bits.Add64(x719, x716, ((x$249 = (new p521Uint1(x735.$high, x735.$low)), new $Uint64(x$249.$high, x$249.$low)))); + x736 = _tuple$354[0]; + x737 = _tuple$354[1]; + x738 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x739 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$355 = bits.Add64(x717, x714, ((x$250 = (new p521Uint1(x737.$high, x737.$low)), new $Uint64(x$250.$high, x$250.$low)))); + x738 = _tuple$355[0]; + x739 = _tuple$355[1]; + x740 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x741 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$356 = bits.Add64(x715, x712, ((x$251 = (new p521Uint1(x739.$high, x739.$low)), new $Uint64(x$251.$high, x$251.$low)))); + x740 = _tuple$356[0]; + x741 = _tuple$356[1]; + x742 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x743 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$357 = bits.Add64(x713, x710, ((x$252 = (new p521Uint1(x741.$high, x741.$low)), new $Uint64(x$252.$high, x$252.$low)))); + x742 = _tuple$357[0]; + x743 = _tuple$357[1]; + x744 = (x$253 = ((x$254 = (new p521Uint1(x743.$high, x743.$low)), new $Uint64(x$254.$high, x$254.$low))), new $Uint64(x$253.$high + x711.$high, x$253.$low + x711.$low)); + x746 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$358 = bits.Add64(x690, x726, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x746 = _tuple$358[1]; + x747 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x748 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$359 = bits.Add64(x692, x728, ((x$255 = (new p521Uint1(x746.$high, x746.$low)), new $Uint64(x$255.$high, x$255.$low)))); + x747 = _tuple$359[0]; + x748 = _tuple$359[1]; + x749 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x750 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$360 = bits.Add64(x694, x730, ((x$256 = (new p521Uint1(x748.$high, x748.$low)), new $Uint64(x$256.$high, x$256.$low)))); + x749 = _tuple$360[0]; + x750 = _tuple$360[1]; + x751 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x752 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$361 = bits.Add64(x696, x732, ((x$257 = (new p521Uint1(x750.$high, x750.$low)), new $Uint64(x$257.$high, x$257.$low)))); + x751 = _tuple$361[0]; + x752 = _tuple$361[1]; + x753 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x754 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$362 = bits.Add64(x698, x734, ((x$258 = (new p521Uint1(x752.$high, x752.$low)), new $Uint64(x$258.$high, x$258.$low)))); + x753 = _tuple$362[0]; + x754 = _tuple$362[1]; + x755 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x756 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$363 = bits.Add64(x700, x736, ((x$259 = (new p521Uint1(x754.$high, x754.$low)), new $Uint64(x$259.$high, x$259.$low)))); + x755 = _tuple$363[0]; + x756 = _tuple$363[1]; + x757 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x758 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$364 = bits.Add64(x702, x738, ((x$260 = (new p521Uint1(x756.$high, x756.$low)), new $Uint64(x$260.$high, x$260.$low)))); + x757 = _tuple$364[0]; + x758 = _tuple$364[1]; + x759 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x760 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$365 = bits.Add64(x704, x740, ((x$261 = (new p521Uint1(x758.$high, x758.$low)), new $Uint64(x$261.$high, x$261.$low)))); + x759 = _tuple$365[0]; + x760 = _tuple$365[1]; + x761 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x762 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$366 = bits.Add64(x706, x742, ((x$262 = (new p521Uint1(x760.$high, x760.$low)), new $Uint64(x$262.$high, x$262.$low)))); + x761 = _tuple$366[0]; + x762 = _tuple$366[1]; + x763 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x764 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$367 = bits.Add64(x708, x744, ((x$263 = (new p521Uint1(x762.$high, x762.$low)), new $Uint64(x$263.$high, x$263.$low)))); + x763 = _tuple$367[0]; + x764 = _tuple$367[1]; + x765 = (x$264 = ((x$265 = (new p521Uint1(x764.$high, x764.$low)), new $Uint64(x$265.$high, x$265.$low))), x$266 = ((x$267 = (new p521Uint1(x709.$high, x709.$low)), new $Uint64(x$267.$high, x$267.$low))), new $Uint64(x$264.$high + x$266.$high, x$264.$low + x$266.$low)); + x766 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x767 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$368 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg1[8]); + x767 = _tuple$368[0]; + x766 = _tuple$368[1]; + x768 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x769 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$369 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg1[7]); + x769 = _tuple$369[0]; + x768 = _tuple$369[1]; + x770 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x771 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$370 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg1[6]); + x771 = _tuple$370[0]; + x770 = _tuple$370[1]; + x772 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x773 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$371 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg1[5]); + x773 = _tuple$371[0]; + x772 = _tuple$371[1]; + x774 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x775 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$372 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg1[4]); + x775 = _tuple$372[0]; + x774 = _tuple$372[1]; + x776 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x777 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$373 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg1[3]); + x777 = _tuple$373[0]; + x776 = _tuple$373[1]; + x778 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x779 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$374 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg1[2]); + x779 = _tuple$374[0]; + x778 = _tuple$374[1]; + x780 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x781 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$375 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg1[1]); + x781 = _tuple$375[0]; + x780 = _tuple$375[1]; + x782 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x783 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$376 = bits.Mul64(x7, arg1[0]); + x783 = _tuple$376[0]; + x782 = _tuple$376[1]; + x784 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x785 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$377 = bits.Add64(x783, x780, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x784 = _tuple$377[0]; + x785 = _tuple$377[1]; + x786 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x787 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$378 = bits.Add64(x781, x778, ((x$268 = (new p521Uint1(x785.$high, x785.$low)), new $Uint64(x$268.$high, x$268.$low)))); + x786 = _tuple$378[0]; + x787 = _tuple$378[1]; + x788 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x789 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$379 = bits.Add64(x779, x776, ((x$269 = (new p521Uint1(x787.$high, x787.$low)), new $Uint64(x$269.$high, x$269.$low)))); + x788 = _tuple$379[0]; + x789 = _tuple$379[1]; + x790 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x791 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$380 = bits.Add64(x777, x774, ((x$270 = (new p521Uint1(x789.$high, x789.$low)), new $Uint64(x$270.$high, x$270.$low)))); + x790 = _tuple$380[0]; + x791 = _tuple$380[1]; + x792 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x793 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$381 = bits.Add64(x775, x772, ((x$271 = (new p521Uint1(x791.$high, x791.$low)), new $Uint64(x$271.$high, x$271.$low)))); + x792 = _tuple$381[0]; + x793 = _tuple$381[1]; + x794 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x795 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$382 = bits.Add64(x773, x770, ((x$272 = (new p521Uint1(x793.$high, x793.$low)), new $Uint64(x$272.$high, x$272.$low)))); + x794 = _tuple$382[0]; + x795 = _tuple$382[1]; + x796 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x797 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$383 = bits.Add64(x771, x768, ((x$273 = (new p521Uint1(x795.$high, x795.$low)), new $Uint64(x$273.$high, x$273.$low)))); + x796 = _tuple$383[0]; + x797 = _tuple$383[1]; + x798 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x799 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$384 = bits.Add64(x769, x766, ((x$274 = (new p521Uint1(x797.$high, x797.$low)), new $Uint64(x$274.$high, x$274.$low)))); + x798 = _tuple$384[0]; + x799 = _tuple$384[1]; + x800 = (x$275 = ((x$276 = (new p521Uint1(x799.$high, x799.$low)), new $Uint64(x$276.$high, x$276.$low))), new $Uint64(x$275.$high + x767.$high, x$275.$low + x767.$low)); + x801 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x802 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$385 = bits.Add64(x747, x782, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x801 = _tuple$385[0]; + x802 = _tuple$385[1]; + x803 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x804 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$386 = bits.Add64(x749, x784, ((x$277 = (new p521Uint1(x802.$high, x802.$low)), new $Uint64(x$277.$high, x$277.$low)))); + x803 = _tuple$386[0]; + x804 = _tuple$386[1]; + x805 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x806 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$387 = bits.Add64(x751, x786, ((x$278 = (new p521Uint1(x804.$high, x804.$low)), new $Uint64(x$278.$high, x$278.$low)))); + x805 = _tuple$387[0]; + x806 = _tuple$387[1]; + x807 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x808 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$388 = bits.Add64(x753, x788, ((x$279 = (new p521Uint1(x806.$high, x806.$low)), new $Uint64(x$279.$high, x$279.$low)))); + x807 = _tuple$388[0]; + x808 = _tuple$388[1]; + x809 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x810 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$389 = bits.Add64(x755, x790, ((x$280 = (new p521Uint1(x808.$high, x808.$low)), new $Uint64(x$280.$high, x$280.$low)))); + x809 = _tuple$389[0]; + x810 = _tuple$389[1]; + x811 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x812 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$390 = bits.Add64(x757, x792, ((x$281 = (new p521Uint1(x810.$high, x810.$low)), new $Uint64(x$281.$high, x$281.$low)))); + x811 = _tuple$390[0]; + x812 = _tuple$390[1]; + x813 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x814 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$391 = bits.Add64(x759, x794, ((x$282 = (new p521Uint1(x812.$high, x812.$low)), new $Uint64(x$282.$high, x$282.$low)))); + x813 = _tuple$391[0]; + x814 = _tuple$391[1]; + x815 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x816 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$392 = bits.Add64(x761, x796, ((x$283 = (new p521Uint1(x814.$high, x814.$low)), new $Uint64(x$283.$high, x$283.$low)))); + x815 = _tuple$392[0]; + x816 = _tuple$392[1]; + x817 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x818 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$393 = bits.Add64(x763, x798, ((x$284 = (new p521Uint1(x816.$high, x816.$low)), new $Uint64(x$284.$high, x$284.$low)))); + x817 = _tuple$393[0]; + x818 = _tuple$393[1]; + x819 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x820 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$394 = bits.Add64(x765, x800, ((x$285 = (new p521Uint1(x818.$high, x818.$low)), new $Uint64(x$285.$high, x$285.$low)))); + x819 = _tuple$394[0]; + x820 = _tuple$394[1]; + x821 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x822 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$395 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x822 = _tuple$395[0]; + x821 = _tuple$395[1]; + x823 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x824 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$396 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x824 = _tuple$396[0]; + x823 = _tuple$396[1]; + x825 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x826 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$397 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x826 = _tuple$397[0]; + x825 = _tuple$397[1]; + x827 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x828 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$398 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x828 = _tuple$398[0]; + x827 = _tuple$398[1]; + x829 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x830 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$399 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x830 = _tuple$399[0]; + x829 = _tuple$399[1]; + x831 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x832 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$400 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x832 = _tuple$400[0]; + x831 = _tuple$400[1]; + x833 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x834 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$401 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x834 = _tuple$401[0]; + x833 = _tuple$401[1]; + x835 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x836 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$402 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x836 = _tuple$402[0]; + x835 = _tuple$402[1]; + x837 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x838 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$403 = bits.Mul64(x801, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x838 = _tuple$403[0]; + x837 = _tuple$403[1]; + x839 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x840 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$404 = bits.Add64(x838, x835, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x839 = _tuple$404[0]; + x840 = _tuple$404[1]; + x841 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x842 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$405 = bits.Add64(x836, x833, ((x$286 = (new p521Uint1(x840.$high, x840.$low)), new $Uint64(x$286.$high, x$286.$low)))); + x841 = _tuple$405[0]; + x842 = _tuple$405[1]; + x843 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x844 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$406 = bits.Add64(x834, x831, ((x$287 = (new p521Uint1(x842.$high, x842.$low)), new $Uint64(x$287.$high, x$287.$low)))); + x843 = _tuple$406[0]; + x844 = _tuple$406[1]; + x845 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x846 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$407 = bits.Add64(x832, x829, ((x$288 = (new p521Uint1(x844.$high, x844.$low)), new $Uint64(x$288.$high, x$288.$low)))); + x845 = _tuple$407[0]; + x846 = _tuple$407[1]; + x847 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x848 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$408 = bits.Add64(x830, x827, ((x$289 = (new p521Uint1(x846.$high, x846.$low)), new $Uint64(x$289.$high, x$289.$low)))); + x847 = _tuple$408[0]; + x848 = _tuple$408[1]; + x849 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x850 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$409 = bits.Add64(x828, x825, ((x$290 = (new p521Uint1(x848.$high, x848.$low)), new $Uint64(x$290.$high, x$290.$low)))); + x849 = _tuple$409[0]; + x850 = _tuple$409[1]; + x851 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x852 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$410 = bits.Add64(x826, x823, ((x$291 = (new p521Uint1(x850.$high, x850.$low)), new $Uint64(x$291.$high, x$291.$low)))); + x851 = _tuple$410[0]; + x852 = _tuple$410[1]; + x853 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x854 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$411 = bits.Add64(x824, x821, ((x$292 = (new p521Uint1(x852.$high, x852.$low)), new $Uint64(x$292.$high, x$292.$low)))); + x853 = _tuple$411[0]; + x854 = _tuple$411[1]; + x855 = (x$293 = ((x$294 = (new p521Uint1(x854.$high, x854.$low)), new $Uint64(x$294.$high, x$294.$low))), new $Uint64(x$293.$high + x822.$high, x$293.$low + x822.$low)); + x857 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$412 = bits.Add64(x801, x837, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x857 = _tuple$412[1]; + x858 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x859 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$413 = bits.Add64(x803, x839, ((x$295 = (new p521Uint1(x857.$high, x857.$low)), new $Uint64(x$295.$high, x$295.$low)))); + x858 = _tuple$413[0]; + x859 = _tuple$413[1]; + x860 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x861 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$414 = bits.Add64(x805, x841, ((x$296 = (new p521Uint1(x859.$high, x859.$low)), new $Uint64(x$296.$high, x$296.$low)))); + x860 = _tuple$414[0]; + x861 = _tuple$414[1]; + x862 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x863 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$415 = bits.Add64(x807, x843, ((x$297 = (new p521Uint1(x861.$high, x861.$low)), new $Uint64(x$297.$high, x$297.$low)))); + x862 = _tuple$415[0]; + x863 = _tuple$415[1]; + x864 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x865 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$416 = bits.Add64(x809, x845, ((x$298 = (new p521Uint1(x863.$high, x863.$low)), new $Uint64(x$298.$high, x$298.$low)))); + x864 = _tuple$416[0]; + x865 = _tuple$416[1]; + x866 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x867 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$417 = bits.Add64(x811, x847, ((x$299 = (new p521Uint1(x865.$high, x865.$low)), new $Uint64(x$299.$high, x$299.$low)))); + x866 = _tuple$417[0]; + x867 = _tuple$417[1]; + x868 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x869 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$418 = bits.Add64(x813, x849, ((x$300 = (new p521Uint1(x867.$high, x867.$low)), new $Uint64(x$300.$high, x$300.$low)))); + x868 = _tuple$418[0]; + x869 = _tuple$418[1]; + x870 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x871 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$419 = bits.Add64(x815, x851, ((x$301 = (new p521Uint1(x869.$high, x869.$low)), new $Uint64(x$301.$high, x$301.$low)))); + x870 = _tuple$419[0]; + x871 = _tuple$419[1]; + x872 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x873 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$420 = bits.Add64(x817, x853, ((x$302 = (new p521Uint1(x871.$high, x871.$low)), new $Uint64(x$302.$high, x$302.$low)))); + x872 = _tuple$420[0]; + x873 = _tuple$420[1]; + x874 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x875 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$421 = bits.Add64(x819, x855, ((x$303 = (new p521Uint1(x873.$high, x873.$low)), new $Uint64(x$303.$high, x$303.$low)))); + x874 = _tuple$421[0]; + x875 = _tuple$421[1]; + x876 = (x$304 = ((x$305 = (new p521Uint1(x875.$high, x875.$low)), new $Uint64(x$305.$high, x$305.$low))), x$306 = ((x$307 = (new p521Uint1(x820.$high, x820.$low)), new $Uint64(x$307.$high, x$307.$low))), new $Uint64(x$304.$high + x$306.$high, x$304.$low + x$306.$low)); + x877 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x878 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$422 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg1[8]); + x878 = _tuple$422[0]; + x877 = _tuple$422[1]; + x879 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x880 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$423 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg1[7]); + x880 = _tuple$423[0]; + x879 = _tuple$423[1]; + x881 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x882 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$424 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg1[6]); + x882 = _tuple$424[0]; + x881 = _tuple$424[1]; + x883 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x884 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$425 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg1[5]); + x884 = _tuple$425[0]; + x883 = _tuple$425[1]; + x885 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x886 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$426 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg1[4]); + x886 = _tuple$426[0]; + x885 = _tuple$426[1]; + x887 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x888 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$427 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg1[3]); + x888 = _tuple$427[0]; + x887 = _tuple$427[1]; + x889 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x890 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$428 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg1[2]); + x890 = _tuple$428[0]; + x889 = _tuple$428[1]; + x891 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x892 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$429 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg1[1]); + x892 = _tuple$429[0]; + x891 = _tuple$429[1]; + x893 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x894 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$430 = bits.Mul64(x8, arg1[0]); + x894 = _tuple$430[0]; + x893 = _tuple$430[1]; + x895 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x896 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$431 = bits.Add64(x894, x891, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x895 = _tuple$431[0]; + x896 = _tuple$431[1]; + x897 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x898 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$432 = bits.Add64(x892, x889, ((x$308 = (new p521Uint1(x896.$high, x896.$low)), new $Uint64(x$308.$high, x$308.$low)))); + x897 = _tuple$432[0]; + x898 = _tuple$432[1]; + x899 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x900 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$433 = bits.Add64(x890, x887, ((x$309 = (new p521Uint1(x898.$high, x898.$low)), new $Uint64(x$309.$high, x$309.$low)))); + x899 = _tuple$433[0]; + x900 = _tuple$433[1]; + x901 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x902 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$434 = bits.Add64(x888, x885, ((x$310 = (new p521Uint1(x900.$high, x900.$low)), new $Uint64(x$310.$high, x$310.$low)))); + x901 = _tuple$434[0]; + x902 = _tuple$434[1]; + x903 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x904 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$435 = bits.Add64(x886, x883, ((x$311 = (new p521Uint1(x902.$high, x902.$low)), new $Uint64(x$311.$high, x$311.$low)))); + x903 = _tuple$435[0]; + x904 = _tuple$435[1]; + x905 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x906 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$436 = bits.Add64(x884, x881, ((x$312 = (new p521Uint1(x904.$high, x904.$low)), new $Uint64(x$312.$high, x$312.$low)))); + x905 = _tuple$436[0]; + x906 = _tuple$436[1]; + x907 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x908 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$437 = bits.Add64(x882, x879, ((x$313 = (new p521Uint1(x906.$high, x906.$low)), new $Uint64(x$313.$high, x$313.$low)))); + x907 = _tuple$437[0]; + x908 = _tuple$437[1]; + x909 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x910 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$438 = bits.Add64(x880, x877, ((x$314 = (new p521Uint1(x908.$high, x908.$low)), new $Uint64(x$314.$high, x$314.$low)))); + x909 = _tuple$438[0]; + x910 = _tuple$438[1]; + x911 = (x$315 = ((x$316 = (new p521Uint1(x910.$high, x910.$low)), new $Uint64(x$316.$high, x$316.$low))), new $Uint64(x$315.$high + x878.$high, x$315.$low + x878.$low)); + x912 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x913 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$439 = bits.Add64(x858, x893, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x912 = _tuple$439[0]; + x913 = _tuple$439[1]; + x914 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x915 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$440 = bits.Add64(x860, x895, ((x$317 = (new p521Uint1(x913.$high, x913.$low)), new $Uint64(x$317.$high, x$317.$low)))); + x914 = _tuple$440[0]; + x915 = _tuple$440[1]; + x916 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x917 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$441 = bits.Add64(x862, x897, ((x$318 = (new p521Uint1(x915.$high, x915.$low)), new $Uint64(x$318.$high, x$318.$low)))); + x916 = _tuple$441[0]; + x917 = _tuple$441[1]; + x918 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x919 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$442 = bits.Add64(x864, x899, ((x$319 = (new p521Uint1(x917.$high, x917.$low)), new $Uint64(x$319.$high, x$319.$low)))); + x918 = _tuple$442[0]; + x919 = _tuple$442[1]; + x920 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x921 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$443 = bits.Add64(x866, x901, ((x$320 = (new p521Uint1(x919.$high, x919.$low)), new $Uint64(x$320.$high, x$320.$low)))); + x920 = _tuple$443[0]; + x921 = _tuple$443[1]; + x922 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x923 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$444 = bits.Add64(x868, x903, ((x$321 = (new p521Uint1(x921.$high, x921.$low)), new $Uint64(x$321.$high, x$321.$low)))); + x922 = _tuple$444[0]; + x923 = _tuple$444[1]; + x924 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x925 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$445 = bits.Add64(x870, x905, ((x$322 = (new p521Uint1(x923.$high, x923.$low)), new $Uint64(x$322.$high, x$322.$low)))); + x924 = _tuple$445[0]; + x925 = _tuple$445[1]; + x926 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x927 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$446 = bits.Add64(x872, x907, ((x$323 = (new p521Uint1(x925.$high, x925.$low)), new $Uint64(x$323.$high, x$323.$low)))); + x926 = _tuple$446[0]; + x927 = _tuple$446[1]; + x928 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x929 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$447 = bits.Add64(x874, x909, ((x$324 = (new p521Uint1(x927.$high, x927.$low)), new $Uint64(x$324.$high, x$324.$low)))); + x928 = _tuple$447[0]; + x929 = _tuple$447[1]; + x930 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x931 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$448 = bits.Add64(x876, x911, ((x$325 = (new p521Uint1(x929.$high, x929.$low)), new $Uint64(x$325.$high, x$325.$low)))); + x930 = _tuple$448[0]; + x931 = _tuple$448[1]; + x932 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x933 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$449 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x933 = _tuple$449[0]; + x932 = _tuple$449[1]; + x934 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x935 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$450 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x935 = _tuple$450[0]; + x934 = _tuple$450[1]; + x936 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x937 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$451 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x937 = _tuple$451[0]; + x936 = _tuple$451[1]; + x938 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x939 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$452 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x939 = _tuple$452[0]; + x938 = _tuple$452[1]; + x940 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x941 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$453 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x941 = _tuple$453[0]; + x940 = _tuple$453[1]; + x942 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x943 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$454 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x943 = _tuple$454[0]; + x942 = _tuple$454[1]; + x944 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x945 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$455 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x945 = _tuple$455[0]; + x944 = _tuple$455[1]; + x946 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x947 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$456 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x947 = _tuple$456[0]; + x946 = _tuple$456[1]; + x948 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x949 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$457 = bits.Mul64(x912, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x949 = _tuple$457[0]; + x948 = _tuple$457[1]; + x950 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x951 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$458 = bits.Add64(x949, x946, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x950 = _tuple$458[0]; + x951 = _tuple$458[1]; + x952 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x953 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$459 = bits.Add64(x947, x944, ((x$326 = (new p521Uint1(x951.$high, x951.$low)), new $Uint64(x$326.$high, x$326.$low)))); + x952 = _tuple$459[0]; + x953 = _tuple$459[1]; + x954 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x955 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$460 = bits.Add64(x945, x942, ((x$327 = (new p521Uint1(x953.$high, x953.$low)), new $Uint64(x$327.$high, x$327.$low)))); + x954 = _tuple$460[0]; + x955 = _tuple$460[1]; + x956 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x957 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$461 = bits.Add64(x943, x940, ((x$328 = (new p521Uint1(x955.$high, x955.$low)), new $Uint64(x$328.$high, x$328.$low)))); + x956 = _tuple$461[0]; + x957 = _tuple$461[1]; + x958 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x959 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$462 = bits.Add64(x941, x938, ((x$329 = (new p521Uint1(x957.$high, x957.$low)), new $Uint64(x$329.$high, x$329.$low)))); + x958 = _tuple$462[0]; + x959 = _tuple$462[1]; + x960 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x961 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$463 = bits.Add64(x939, x936, ((x$330 = (new p521Uint1(x959.$high, x959.$low)), new $Uint64(x$330.$high, x$330.$low)))); + x960 = _tuple$463[0]; + x961 = _tuple$463[1]; + x962 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x963 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$464 = bits.Add64(x937, x934, ((x$331 = (new p521Uint1(x961.$high, x961.$low)), new $Uint64(x$331.$high, x$331.$low)))); + x962 = _tuple$464[0]; + x963 = _tuple$464[1]; + x964 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x965 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$465 = bits.Add64(x935, x932, ((x$332 = (new p521Uint1(x963.$high, x963.$low)), new $Uint64(x$332.$high, x$332.$low)))); + x964 = _tuple$465[0]; + x965 = _tuple$465[1]; + x966 = (x$333 = ((x$334 = (new p521Uint1(x965.$high, x965.$low)), new $Uint64(x$334.$high, x$334.$low))), new $Uint64(x$333.$high + x933.$high, x$333.$low + x933.$low)); + x968 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$466 = bits.Add64(x912, x948, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x968 = _tuple$466[1]; + x969 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x970 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$467 = bits.Add64(x914, x950, ((x$335 = (new p521Uint1(x968.$high, x968.$low)), new $Uint64(x$335.$high, x$335.$low)))); + x969 = _tuple$467[0]; + x970 = _tuple$467[1]; + x971 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x972 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$468 = bits.Add64(x916, x952, ((x$336 = (new p521Uint1(x970.$high, x970.$low)), new $Uint64(x$336.$high, x$336.$low)))); + x971 = _tuple$468[0]; + x972 = _tuple$468[1]; + x973 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x974 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$469 = bits.Add64(x918, x954, ((x$337 = (new p521Uint1(x972.$high, x972.$low)), new $Uint64(x$337.$high, x$337.$low)))); + x973 = _tuple$469[0]; + x974 = _tuple$469[1]; + x975 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x976 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$470 = bits.Add64(x920, x956, ((x$338 = (new p521Uint1(x974.$high, x974.$low)), new $Uint64(x$338.$high, x$338.$low)))); + x975 = _tuple$470[0]; + x976 = _tuple$470[1]; + x977 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x978 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$471 = bits.Add64(x922, x958, ((x$339 = (new p521Uint1(x976.$high, x976.$low)), new $Uint64(x$339.$high, x$339.$low)))); + x977 = _tuple$471[0]; + x978 = _tuple$471[1]; + x979 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x980 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$472 = bits.Add64(x924, x960, ((x$340 = (new p521Uint1(x978.$high, x978.$low)), new $Uint64(x$340.$high, x$340.$low)))); + x979 = _tuple$472[0]; + x980 = _tuple$472[1]; + x981 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x982 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$473 = bits.Add64(x926, x962, ((x$341 = (new p521Uint1(x980.$high, x980.$low)), new $Uint64(x$341.$high, x$341.$low)))); + x981 = _tuple$473[0]; + x982 = _tuple$473[1]; + x983 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x984 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$474 = bits.Add64(x928, x964, ((x$342 = (new p521Uint1(x982.$high, x982.$low)), new $Uint64(x$342.$high, x$342.$low)))); + x983 = _tuple$474[0]; + x984 = _tuple$474[1]; + x985 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x986 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$475 = bits.Add64(x930, x966, ((x$343 = (new p521Uint1(x984.$high, x984.$low)), new $Uint64(x$343.$high, x$343.$low)))); + x985 = _tuple$475[0]; + x986 = _tuple$475[1]; + x987 = (x$344 = ((x$345 = (new p521Uint1(x986.$high, x986.$low)), new $Uint64(x$345.$high, x$345.$low))), x$346 = ((x$347 = (new p521Uint1(x931.$high, x931.$low)), new $Uint64(x$347.$high, x$347.$low))), new $Uint64(x$344.$high + x$346.$high, x$344.$low + x$346.$low)); + x988 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x989 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$476 = bits.Sub64(x969, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x988 = _tuple$476[0]; + x989 = _tuple$476[1]; + x990 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x991 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$477 = bits.Sub64(x971, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$348 = (new p521Uint1(x989.$high, x989.$low)), new $Uint64(x$348.$high, x$348.$low)))); + x990 = _tuple$477[0]; + x991 = _tuple$477[1]; + x992 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x993 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$478 = bits.Sub64(x973, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$349 = (new p521Uint1(x991.$high, x991.$low)), new $Uint64(x$349.$high, x$349.$low)))); + x992 = _tuple$478[0]; + x993 = _tuple$478[1]; + x994 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x995 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$479 = bits.Sub64(x975, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$350 = (new p521Uint1(x993.$high, x993.$low)), new $Uint64(x$350.$high, x$350.$low)))); + x994 = _tuple$479[0]; + x995 = _tuple$479[1]; + x996 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x997 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$480 = bits.Sub64(x977, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$351 = (new p521Uint1(x995.$high, x995.$low)), new $Uint64(x$351.$high, x$351.$low)))); + x996 = _tuple$480[0]; + x997 = _tuple$480[1]; + x998 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x999 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$481 = bits.Sub64(x979, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$352 = (new p521Uint1(x997.$high, x997.$low)), new $Uint64(x$352.$high, x$352.$low)))); + x998 = _tuple$481[0]; + x999 = _tuple$481[1]; + x1000 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x1001 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$482 = bits.Sub64(x981, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$353 = (new p521Uint1(x999.$high, x999.$low)), new $Uint64(x$353.$high, x$353.$low)))); + x1000 = _tuple$482[0]; + x1001 = _tuple$482[1]; + x1002 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x1003 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$483 = bits.Sub64(x983, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$354 = (new p521Uint1(x1001.$high, x1001.$low)), new $Uint64(x$354.$high, x$354.$low)))); + x1002 = _tuple$483[0]; + x1003 = _tuple$483[1]; + x1004 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x1005 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$484 = bits.Sub64(x985, new $Uint64(0, 511), ((x$355 = (new p521Uint1(x1003.$high, x1003.$low)), new $Uint64(x$355.$high, x$355.$low)))); + x1004 = _tuple$484[0]; + x1005 = _tuple$484[1]; + x1007 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$485 = bits.Sub64(x987, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$356 = (new p521Uint1(x1005.$high, x1005.$low)), new $Uint64(x$356.$high, x$356.$low)))); + x1007 = _tuple$485[1]; + x1008 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1008$24ptr || (x1008$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1008; }, function($v) { x1008 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x988, x969); + x1009 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1009$24ptr || (x1009$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1009; }, function($v) { x1009 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x990, x971); + x1010 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1010$24ptr || (x1010$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1010; }, function($v) { x1010 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x992, x973); + x1011 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1011$24ptr || (x1011$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1011; }, function($v) { x1011 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x994, x975); + x1012 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1012$24ptr || (x1012$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1012; }, function($v) { x1012 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x996, x977); + x1013 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1013$24ptr || (x1013$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1013; }, function($v) { x1013 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x998, x979); + x1014 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1014$24ptr || (x1014$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1014; }, function($v) { x1014 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x1000, x981); + x1015 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1015$24ptr || (x1015$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1015; }, function($v) { x1015 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x1002, x983); + x1016 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1016$24ptr || (x1016$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1016; }, function($v) { x1016 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x1007.$high, x1007.$low)), x1004, x985); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x1008; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x1009; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x1010; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x1011; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x1012; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x1013; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x1014; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x1015; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x1016; + }; + p521Add = function(out1, arg1, arg2) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, arg1, arg2, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x38, x39, x39$24ptr, x4, x40, x40$24ptr, x41, x41$24ptr, x42, x42$24ptr, x43, x43$24ptr, x44, x44$24ptr, x45, x45$24ptr, x46, x46$24ptr, x47, x47$24ptr, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9; + x1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Add64(arg1[0], arg2[0], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x1 = _tuple[0]; + x2 = _tuple[1]; + x3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Add64(arg1[1], arg2[1], ((x = (new p521Uint1(x2.$high, x2.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x3 = _tuple$1[0]; + x4 = _tuple$1[1]; + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Add64(arg1[2], arg2[2], ((x$1 = (new p521Uint1(x4.$high, x4.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x5 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Add64(arg1[3], arg2[3], ((x$2 = (new p521Uint1(x6.$high, x6.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x7 = _tuple$3[0]; + x8 = _tuple$3[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Add64(arg1[4], arg2[4], ((x$3 = (new p521Uint1(x8.$high, x8.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x9 = _tuple$4[0]; + x10 = _tuple$4[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Add64(arg1[5], arg2[5], ((x$4 = (new p521Uint1(x10.$high, x10.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x11 = _tuple$5[0]; + x12 = _tuple$5[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Add64(arg1[6], arg2[6], ((x$5 = (new p521Uint1(x12.$high, x12.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x13 = _tuple$6[0]; + x14 = _tuple$6[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Add64(arg1[7], arg2[7], ((x$6 = (new p521Uint1(x14.$high, x14.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x15 = _tuple$7[0]; + x16 = _tuple$7[1]; + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Add64(arg1[8], arg2[8], ((x$7 = (new p521Uint1(x16.$high, x16.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x17 = _tuple$8[0]; + x18 = _tuple$8[1]; + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Sub64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x19 = _tuple$9[0]; + x20 = _tuple$9[1]; + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Sub64(x3, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$8 = (new p521Uint1(x20.$high, x20.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x21 = _tuple$10[0]; + x22 = _tuple$10[1]; + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Sub64(x5, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$9 = (new p521Uint1(x22.$high, x22.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x23 = _tuple$11[0]; + x24 = _tuple$11[1]; + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Sub64(x7, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$10 = (new p521Uint1(x24.$high, x24.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low)))); + x25 = _tuple$12[0]; + x26 = _tuple$12[1]; + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Sub64(x9, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$11 = (new p521Uint1(x26.$high, x26.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low)))); + x27 = _tuple$13[0]; + x28 = _tuple$13[1]; + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Sub64(x11, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$12 = (new p521Uint1(x28.$high, x28.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x29 = _tuple$14[0]; + x30 = _tuple$14[1]; + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Sub64(x13, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$13 = (new p521Uint1(x30.$high, x30.$low)), new $Uint64(x$13.$high, x$13.$low)))); + x31 = _tuple$15[0]; + x32 = _tuple$15[1]; + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Sub64(x15, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$14 = (new p521Uint1(x32.$high, x32.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low)))); + x33 = _tuple$16[0]; + x34 = _tuple$16[1]; + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Sub64(x17, new $Uint64(0, 511), ((x$15 = (new p521Uint1(x34.$high, x34.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x35 = _tuple$17[0]; + x36 = _tuple$17[1]; + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Sub64(((x$16 = (new p521Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high, x$16.$low))), new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$17 = (new p521Uint1(x36.$high, x36.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low)))); + x38 = _tuple$18[1]; + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x39$24ptr || (x39$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x39; }, function($v) { x39 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), x19, x1); + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x40$24ptr || (x40$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x40; }, function($v) { x40 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), x21, x3); + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x41$24ptr || (x41$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x41; }, function($v) { x41 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), x23, x5); + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x42$24ptr || (x42$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x42; }, function($v) { x42 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), x25, x7); + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x43$24ptr || (x43$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x43; }, function($v) { x43 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), x27, x9); + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x44$24ptr || (x44$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x44; }, function($v) { x44 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), x29, x11); + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x45$24ptr || (x45$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x45; }, function($v) { x45 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), x31, x13); + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x46$24ptr || (x46$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x46; }, function($v) { x46 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), x33, x15); + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x47$24ptr || (x47$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x47; }, function($v) { x47 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), x35, x17); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x39; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x40; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x41; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x42; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x43; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x44; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x45; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x46; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x47; + }; + p521Sub = function(out1, arg1, arg2) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, arg1, arg2, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x19$24ptr, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9; + x1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Sub64(arg1[0], arg2[0], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x1 = _tuple[0]; + x2 = _tuple[1]; + x3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Sub64(arg1[1], arg2[1], ((x = (new p521Uint1(x2.$high, x2.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x3 = _tuple$1[0]; + x4 = _tuple$1[1]; + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Sub64(arg1[2], arg2[2], ((x$1 = (new p521Uint1(x4.$high, x4.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x5 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Sub64(arg1[3], arg2[3], ((x$2 = (new p521Uint1(x6.$high, x6.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x7 = _tuple$3[0]; + x8 = _tuple$3[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Sub64(arg1[4], arg2[4], ((x$3 = (new p521Uint1(x8.$high, x8.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x9 = _tuple$4[0]; + x10 = _tuple$4[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Sub64(arg1[5], arg2[5], ((x$4 = (new p521Uint1(x10.$high, x10.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x11 = _tuple$5[0]; + x12 = _tuple$5[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Sub64(arg1[6], arg2[6], ((x$5 = (new p521Uint1(x12.$high, x12.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x13 = _tuple$6[0]; + x14 = _tuple$6[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Sub64(arg1[7], arg2[7], ((x$6 = (new p521Uint1(x14.$high, x14.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x15 = _tuple$7[0]; + x16 = _tuple$7[1]; + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Sub64(arg1[8], arg2[8], ((x$7 = (new p521Uint1(x16.$high, x16.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x17 = _tuple$8[0]; + x18 = _tuple$8[1]; + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x19$24ptr || (x19$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x19; }, function($v) { x19 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Add64(x1, x19, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x20 = _tuple$9[0]; + x21 = _tuple$9[1]; + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Add64(x3, x19, ((x$8 = (new p521Uint1(x21.$high, x21.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x22 = _tuple$10[0]; + x23 = _tuple$10[1]; + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Add64(x5, x19, ((x$9 = (new p521Uint1(x23.$high, x23.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x24 = _tuple$11[0]; + x25 = _tuple$11[1]; + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Add64(x7, x19, ((x$10 = (new p521Uint1(x25.$high, x25.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low)))); + x26 = _tuple$12[0]; + x27 = _tuple$12[1]; + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Add64(x9, x19, ((x$11 = (new p521Uint1(x27.$high, x27.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low)))); + x28 = _tuple$13[0]; + x29 = _tuple$13[1]; + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Add64(x11, x19, ((x$12 = (new p521Uint1(x29.$high, x29.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x30 = _tuple$14[0]; + x31 = _tuple$14[1]; + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Add64(x13, x19, ((x$13 = (new p521Uint1(x31.$high, x31.$low)), new $Uint64(x$13.$high, x$13.$low)))); + x32 = _tuple$15[0]; + x33 = _tuple$15[1]; + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Add64(x15, x19, ((x$14 = (new p521Uint1(x33.$high, x33.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low)))); + x34 = _tuple$16[0]; + x35 = _tuple$16[1]; + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Add64(x17, new $Uint64(x19.$high & 0, (x19.$low & 511) >>> 0), ((x$15 = (new p521Uint1(x35.$high, x35.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x36 = _tuple$17[0]; + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x20; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x22; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x24; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x26; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x28; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x30; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x32; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x34; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x36; + }; + p521SetOne = function(out1) { + var out1; + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = new $Uint64(8388608, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + p521FromMontgomery = function(out1, arg1) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$100, _tuple$101, _tuple$102, _tuple$103, _tuple$104, _tuple$105, _tuple$106, _tuple$107, _tuple$108, _tuple$109, _tuple$11, _tuple$110, _tuple$111, _tuple$112, _tuple$113, _tuple$114, _tuple$115, _tuple$116, _tuple$117, _tuple$118, _tuple$119, _tuple$12, _tuple$120, _tuple$121, _tuple$122, _tuple$123, _tuple$124, _tuple$125, _tuple$126, _tuple$127, _tuple$128, _tuple$129, _tuple$13, _tuple$130, _tuple$131, _tuple$132, _tuple$133, _tuple$134, _tuple$135, _tuple$136, _tuple$137, _tuple$138, _tuple$139, _tuple$14, _tuple$140, _tuple$141, _tuple$142, _tuple$143, _tuple$144, _tuple$145, _tuple$146, _tuple$147, _tuple$148, _tuple$149, _tuple$15, _tuple$150, _tuple$151, _tuple$152, _tuple$153, _tuple$154, _tuple$155, _tuple$156, _tuple$157, _tuple$158, _tuple$159, _tuple$16, _tuple$160, _tuple$161, _tuple$162, _tuple$163, _tuple$164, _tuple$165, _tuple$166, _tuple$167, _tuple$168, _tuple$169, _tuple$17, _tuple$170, _tuple$171, _tuple$172, _tuple$173, _tuple$174, _tuple$175, _tuple$176, _tuple$177, _tuple$178, _tuple$179, _tuple$18, _tuple$180, _tuple$181, _tuple$182, _tuple$183, _tuple$184, _tuple$185, _tuple$186, _tuple$187, _tuple$188, _tuple$189, _tuple$19, _tuple$190, _tuple$191, _tuple$192, _tuple$193, _tuple$194, _tuple$195, _tuple$196, _tuple$197, _tuple$198, _tuple$199, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$200, _tuple$201, _tuple$202, _tuple$203, _tuple$204, _tuple$205, _tuple$206, _tuple$207, _tuple$208, _tuple$209, _tuple$21, _tuple$210, _tuple$211, _tuple$212, _tuple$213, _tuple$214, _tuple$215, _tuple$216, _tuple$217, _tuple$218, _tuple$219, _tuple$22, _tuple$220, _tuple$221, _tuple$222, _tuple$223, _tuple$224, _tuple$225, _tuple$226, _tuple$227, _tuple$228, _tuple$229, _tuple$23, _tuple$230, _tuple$231, _tuple$232, _tuple$233, _tuple$234, _tuple$235, _tuple$236, _tuple$237, _tuple$238, _tuple$239, _tuple$24, _tuple$240, _tuple$241, _tuple$242, _tuple$243, _tuple$244, _tuple$245, _tuple$246, _tuple$247, _tuple$248, _tuple$249, _tuple$25, _tuple$250, _tuple$251, _tuple$252, _tuple$253, _tuple$254, _tuple$255, _tuple$256, _tuple$257, _tuple$258, _tuple$259, _tuple$26, _tuple$260, _tuple$261, _tuple$262, _tuple$263, _tuple$264, _tuple$265, _tuple$266, _tuple$267, _tuple$268, _tuple$269, _tuple$27, _tuple$270, _tuple$271, _tuple$272, _tuple$273, _tuple$274, _tuple$275, _tuple$276, _tuple$277, _tuple$278, _tuple$279, _tuple$28, _tuple$280, _tuple$281, _tuple$282, _tuple$283, _tuple$284, _tuple$285, _tuple$286, _tuple$287, _tuple$288, _tuple$289, _tuple$29, _tuple$290, _tuple$291, _tuple$292, _tuple$293, _tuple$294, _tuple$295, _tuple$296, _tuple$297, _tuple$298, _tuple$299, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$300, _tuple$301, _tuple$302, _tuple$303, _tuple$304, _tuple$305, _tuple$306, _tuple$307, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$46, _tuple$47, _tuple$48, _tuple$49, _tuple$5, _tuple$50, _tuple$51, _tuple$52, _tuple$53, _tuple$54, _tuple$55, _tuple$56, _tuple$57, _tuple$58, _tuple$59, _tuple$6, _tuple$60, _tuple$61, _tuple$62, _tuple$63, _tuple$64, _tuple$65, _tuple$66, _tuple$67, _tuple$68, _tuple$69, _tuple$7, _tuple$70, _tuple$71, _tuple$72, _tuple$73, _tuple$74, _tuple$75, _tuple$76, _tuple$77, _tuple$78, _tuple$79, _tuple$8, _tuple$80, _tuple$81, _tuple$82, _tuple$83, _tuple$84, _tuple$85, _tuple$86, _tuple$87, _tuple$88, _tuple$89, _tuple$9, _tuple$90, _tuple$91, _tuple$92, _tuple$93, _tuple$94, _tuple$95, _tuple$96, _tuple$97, _tuple$98, _tuple$99, arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$100, x$101, x$102, x$103, x$104, x$105, x$106, x$107, x$108, x$109, x$11, x$110, x$111, x$112, x$113, x$114, x$115, x$116, x$117, x$118, x$119, x$12, x$120, x$121, x$122, x$123, x$124, x$125, x$126, x$127, x$128, x$129, x$13, x$130, x$131, x$132, x$133, x$134, x$135, x$136, x$137, x$138, x$139, x$14, x$140, x$141, x$142, x$143, x$144, x$145, x$146, x$147, x$148, x$149, x$15, x$150, x$151, x$152, x$153, x$154, x$155, x$156, x$157, x$158, x$159, x$16, x$160, x$161, x$162, x$163, x$164, x$165, x$166, x$167, x$168, x$169, x$17, x$170, x$171, x$172, x$173, x$174, 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x$70, x$71, x$72, x$73, x$74, x$75, x$76, x$77, x$78, x$79, x$8, x$80, x$81, x$82, x$83, x$84, x$85, x$86, x$87, x$88, x$89, x$9, x$90, x$91, x$92, x$93, x$94, x$95, x$96, x$97, x$98, x$99, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x105, x106, x107, x108, x109, x11, x110, x111, x112, x113, x114, x115, x116, x117, x118, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x124, x125, x126, x127, x128, x129, x13, x130, x131, x132, x133, x134, x135, x136, x137, x138, x139, x14, x140, x141, x142, x143, x144, x145, x146, x147, x148, x149, x15, x150, x151, x152, x153, x154, x155, x156, x157, x158, x159, x16, x160, x161, x162, x163, x164, x165, x166, x167, x168, x169, x17, x170, x171, x173, x174, x175, x176, x177, x178, x179, x18, x180, x181, x182, x183, x184, x185, x186, x187, x188, x189, x19, x190, x191, x192, x193, x194, x195, x196, x197, x198, x199, x2, x20, x200, x201, x202, x203, x204, x205, x206, x207, x208, x209, x21, x210, x211, x212, x213, x214, x215, x216, x217, x218, x219, x22, x220, x221, x222, x223, x224, 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$Uint64(0, 511)); + x3 = _tuple[0]; + x2 = _tuple[1]; + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x5 = _tuple$1[0]; + x4 = _tuple$1[1]; + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x7 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x9 = _tuple$3[0]; + x8 = _tuple$3[1]; + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x11 = _tuple$4[0]; + x10 = _tuple$4[1]; + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x13 = _tuple$5[0]; + x12 = _tuple$5[1]; + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x15 = _tuple$6[0]; + x14 = _tuple$6[1]; + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x17 = _tuple$7[0]; + x16 = _tuple$7[1]; + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x19 = _tuple$8[0]; + x18 = _tuple$8[1]; + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Add64(x19, x16, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x20 = _tuple$9[0]; + x21 = _tuple$9[1]; + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Add64(x17, x14, ((x = (new p521Uint1(x21.$high, x21.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x22 = _tuple$10[0]; + x23 = _tuple$10[1]; + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Add64(x15, x12, ((x$1 = (new p521Uint1(x23.$high, x23.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x24 = _tuple$11[0]; + x25 = _tuple$11[1]; + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Add64(x13, x10, ((x$2 = (new p521Uint1(x25.$high, x25.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x26 = _tuple$12[0]; + x27 = _tuple$12[1]; + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Add64(x11, x8, ((x$3 = (new p521Uint1(x27.$high, x27.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x28 = _tuple$13[0]; + x29 = _tuple$13[1]; + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Add64(x9, x6, ((x$4 = (new p521Uint1(x29.$high, x29.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x30 = _tuple$14[0]; + x31 = _tuple$14[1]; + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Add64(x7, x4, ((x$5 = (new p521Uint1(x31.$high, x31.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x32 = _tuple$15[0]; + x33 = _tuple$15[1]; + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Add64(x5, x2, ((x$6 = (new p521Uint1(x33.$high, x33.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x34 = _tuple$16[0]; + x35 = _tuple$16[1]; + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Add64(x1, x18, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x37 = _tuple$17[1]; + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x20, ((x$7 = (new p521Uint1(x37.$high, x37.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x38 = _tuple$18[0]; + x39 = _tuple$18[1]; + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x22, ((x$8 = (new p521Uint1(x39.$high, x39.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x40 = _tuple$19[0]; + x41 = _tuple$19[1]; + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x24, ((x$9 = (new p521Uint1(x41.$high, x41.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x42 = _tuple$20[0]; + x43 = _tuple$20[1]; + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x26, ((x$10 = (new p521Uint1(x43.$high, x43.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low)))); + x44 = _tuple$21[0]; + x45 = _tuple$21[1]; + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x28, ((x$11 = (new p521Uint1(x45.$high, x45.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low)))); + x46 = _tuple$22[0]; + x47 = _tuple$22[1]; + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x30, ((x$12 = (new p521Uint1(x47.$high, x47.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x48 = _tuple$23[0]; + x49 = _tuple$23[1]; + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x32, ((x$13 = (new p521Uint1(x49.$high, x49.$low)), new $Uint64(x$13.$high, x$13.$low)))); + x50 = _tuple$24[0]; + x51 = _tuple$24[1]; + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x34, ((x$14 = (new p521Uint1(x51.$high, x51.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low)))); + x52 = _tuple$25[0]; + x53 = _tuple$25[1]; + x54 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x55 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Add64(x38, arg1[1], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x54 = _tuple$26[0]; + x55 = _tuple$26[1]; + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x57 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Add64(x40, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$15 = (new p521Uint1(x55.$high, x55.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x56 = _tuple$27[0]; + x57 = _tuple$27[1]; + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Add64(x42, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$16 = (new p521Uint1(x57.$high, x57.$low)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high, x$16.$low)))); + x58 = _tuple$28[0]; + x59 = _tuple$28[1]; + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Add64(x44, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$17 = (new p521Uint1(x59.$high, x59.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low)))); + x60 = _tuple$29[0]; + x61 = _tuple$29[1]; + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Add64(x46, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$18 = (new p521Uint1(x61.$high, x61.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low)))); + x62 = _tuple$30[0]; + x63 = _tuple$30[1]; + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Add64(x48, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$19 = (new p521Uint1(x63.$high, x63.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x64 = _tuple$31[0]; + x65 = _tuple$31[1]; + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Add64(x50, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$20 = (new p521Uint1(x65.$high, x65.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x66 = _tuple$32[0]; + x67 = _tuple$32[1]; + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x69 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Add64(x52, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$21 = (new p521Uint1(x67.$high, x67.$low)), new $Uint64(x$21.$high, x$21.$low)))); + x68 = _tuple$33[0]; + x69 = _tuple$33[1]; + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x71 = _tuple$34[0]; + x70 = _tuple$34[1]; + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x73 = _tuple$35[0]; + x72 = _tuple$35[1]; + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x75 = _tuple$36[0]; + x74 = _tuple$36[1]; + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x77 = _tuple$37[0]; + x76 = _tuple$37[1]; + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x79 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x79 = _tuple$38[0]; + x78 = _tuple$38[1]; + x80 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x81 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x81 = _tuple$39[0]; + x80 = _tuple$39[1]; + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x83 = _tuple$40[0]; + x82 = _tuple$40[1]; + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x85 = _tuple$41[0]; + x84 = _tuple$41[1]; + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x87 = _tuple$42[0]; + x86 = _tuple$42[1]; + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Add64(x87, x84, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x88 = _tuple$43[0]; + x89 = _tuple$43[1]; + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x91 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Add64(x85, x82, ((x$22 = (new p521Uint1(x89.$high, x89.$low)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high, x$22.$low)))); + x90 = _tuple$44[0]; + x91 = _tuple$44[1]; + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Add64(x83, x80, ((x$23 = (new p521Uint1(x91.$high, x91.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low)))); + x92 = _tuple$45[0]; + x93 = _tuple$45[1]; + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Add64(x81, x78, ((x$24 = (new p521Uint1(x93.$high, x93.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x94 = _tuple$46[0]; + x95 = _tuple$46[1]; + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Add64(x79, x76, ((x$25 = (new p521Uint1(x95.$high, x95.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x96 = _tuple$47[0]; + x97 = _tuple$47[1]; + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Add64(x77, x74, ((x$26 = (new p521Uint1(x97.$high, x97.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high, x$26.$low)))); + x98 = _tuple$48[0]; + x99 = _tuple$48[1]; + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Add64(x75, x72, ((x$27 = (new p521Uint1(x99.$high, x99.$low)), new $Uint64(x$27.$high, x$27.$low)))); + x100 = _tuple$49[0]; + x101 = _tuple$49[1]; + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Add64(x73, x70, ((x$28 = (new p521Uint1(x101.$high, x101.$low)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high, x$28.$low)))); + x102 = _tuple$50[0]; + x103 = _tuple$50[1]; + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Add64(x54, x86, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x105 = _tuple$51[1]; + x106 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x107 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Add64(x56, x88, ((x$29 = (new p521Uint1(x105.$high, x105.$low)), new $Uint64(x$29.$high, x$29.$low)))); + x106 = _tuple$52[0]; + x107 = _tuple$52[1]; + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x109 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Add64(x58, x90, ((x$30 = (new p521Uint1(x107.$high, x107.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low)))); + x108 = _tuple$53[0]; + x109 = _tuple$53[1]; + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Add64(x60, x92, ((x$31 = (new p521Uint1(x109.$high, x109.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low)))); + x110 = _tuple$54[0]; + x111 = _tuple$54[1]; + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Add64(x62, x94, ((x$32 = (new p521Uint1(x111.$high, x111.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x112 = _tuple$55[0]; + x113 = _tuple$55[1]; + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x115 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Add64(x64, x96, ((x$33 = (new p521Uint1(x113.$high, x113.$low)), new $Uint64(x$33.$high, x$33.$low)))); + x114 = _tuple$56[0]; + x115 = _tuple$56[1]; + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x66, x98, ((x$34 = (new p521Uint1(x115.$high, x115.$low)), new $Uint64(x$34.$high, x$34.$low)))); + x116 = _tuple$57[0]; + x117 = _tuple$57[1]; + x118 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x68, x100, ((x$35 = (new p521Uint1(x117.$high, x117.$low)), new $Uint64(x$35.$high, x$35.$low)))); + x118 = _tuple$58[0]; + x119 = _tuple$58[1]; + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Add64((x$36 = ((x$37 = (new p521Uint1(x69.$high, x69.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high, x$37.$low))), x$38 = (x$39 = ((x$40 = (new p521Uint1(x53.$high, x53.$low)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high, x$40.$low))), x$41 = (x$42 = ((x$43 = (new p521Uint1(x35.$high, x35.$low)), new $Uint64(x$43.$high, x$43.$low))), new $Uint64(x$42.$high + x3.$high, x$42.$low + x3.$low)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high + x$41.$high, x$39.$low + x$41.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high + x$38.$high, x$36.$low + x$38.$low)), x102, ((x$44 = (new p521Uint1(x119.$high, x119.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low)))); + x120 = _tuple$59[0]; + x121 = _tuple$59[1]; + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Add64(x106, arg1[2], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x122 = _tuple$60[0]; + x123 = _tuple$60[1]; + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Add64(x108, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$45 = (new p521Uint1(x123.$high, x123.$low)), new $Uint64(x$45.$high, x$45.$low)))); + x124 = _tuple$61[0]; + x125 = _tuple$61[1]; + x126 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Add64(x110, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$46 = (new p521Uint1(x125.$high, x125.$low)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high, x$46.$low)))); + x126 = _tuple$62[0]; + x127 = _tuple$62[1]; + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x129 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Add64(x112, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$47 = (new p521Uint1(x127.$high, x127.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low)))); + x128 = _tuple$63[0]; + x129 = _tuple$63[1]; + x130 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x131 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Add64(x114, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$48 = (new p521Uint1(x129.$high, x129.$low)), new $Uint64(x$48.$high, x$48.$low)))); + x130 = _tuple$64[0]; + x131 = _tuple$64[1]; + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Add64(x116, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$49 = (new p521Uint1(x131.$high, x131.$low)), new $Uint64(x$49.$high, x$49.$low)))); + x132 = _tuple$65[0]; + x133 = _tuple$65[1]; + x134 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Add64(x118, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$50 = (new p521Uint1(x133.$high, x133.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low)))); + x134 = _tuple$66[0]; + x135 = _tuple$66[1]; + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Add64(x120, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$51 = (new p521Uint1(x135.$high, x135.$low)), new $Uint64(x$51.$high, x$51.$low)))); + x136 = _tuple$67[0]; + x137 = _tuple$67[1]; + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Mul64(x122, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x139 = _tuple$68[0]; + x138 = _tuple$68[1]; + x140 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Mul64(x122, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x141 = _tuple$69[0]; + x140 = _tuple$69[1]; + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Mul64(x122, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x143 = _tuple$70[0]; + x142 = _tuple$70[1]; + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x145 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Mul64(x122, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x145 = _tuple$71[0]; + x144 = _tuple$71[1]; + x146 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Mul64(x122, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x147 = _tuple$72[0]; + x146 = _tuple$72[1]; + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Mul64(x122, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x149 = _tuple$73[0]; + x148 = _tuple$73[1]; + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Mul64(x122, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x151 = _tuple$74[0]; + x150 = _tuple$74[1]; + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x153 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Mul64(x122, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x153 = _tuple$75[0]; + x152 = _tuple$75[1]; + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x155 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Mul64(x122, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x155 = _tuple$76[0]; + x154 = _tuple$76[1]; + x156 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x157 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Add64(x155, x152, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x156 = _tuple$77[0]; + x157 = _tuple$77[1]; + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Add64(x153, x150, ((x$52 = (new p521Uint1(x157.$high, x157.$low)), new $Uint64(x$52.$high, x$52.$low)))); + x158 = _tuple$78[0]; + x159 = _tuple$78[1]; + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Add64(x151, x148, ((x$53 = (new p521Uint1(x159.$high, x159.$low)), new $Uint64(x$53.$high, x$53.$low)))); + x160 = _tuple$79[0]; + x161 = _tuple$79[1]; + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Add64(x149, x146, ((x$54 = (new p521Uint1(x161.$high, x161.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low)))); + x162 = _tuple$80[0]; + x163 = _tuple$80[1]; + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x165 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Add64(x147, x144, ((x$55 = (new p521Uint1(x163.$high, x163.$low)), new $Uint64(x$55.$high, x$55.$low)))); + x164 = _tuple$81[0]; + x165 = _tuple$81[1]; + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x167 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Add64(x145, x142, ((x$56 = (new p521Uint1(x165.$high, x165.$low)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high, x$56.$low)))); + x166 = _tuple$82[0]; + x167 = _tuple$82[1]; + x168 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Add64(x143, x140, ((x$57 = (new p521Uint1(x167.$high, x167.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low)))); + x168 = _tuple$83[0]; + x169 = _tuple$83[1]; + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Add64(x141, x138, ((x$58 = (new p521Uint1(x169.$high, x169.$low)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high, x$58.$low)))); + x170 = _tuple$84[0]; + x171 = _tuple$84[1]; + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$85 = bits.Add64(x122, x154, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x173 = _tuple$85[1]; + x174 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$86 = bits.Add64(x124, x156, ((x$59 = (new p521Uint1(x173.$high, x173.$low)), new $Uint64(x$59.$high, x$59.$low)))); + x174 = _tuple$86[0]; + x175 = _tuple$86[1]; + x176 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x177 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$87 = bits.Add64(x126, x158, ((x$60 = (new p521Uint1(x175.$high, x175.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low)))); + x176 = _tuple$87[0]; + x177 = _tuple$87[1]; + x178 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x179 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$88 = bits.Add64(x128, x160, ((x$61 = (new p521Uint1(x177.$high, x177.$low)), new $Uint64(x$61.$high, x$61.$low)))); + x178 = _tuple$88[0]; + x179 = _tuple$88[1]; + x180 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x181 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$89 = bits.Add64(x130, x162, ((x$62 = (new p521Uint1(x179.$high, x179.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low)))); + x180 = _tuple$89[0]; + x181 = _tuple$89[1]; + x182 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x183 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$90 = bits.Add64(x132, x164, ((x$63 = (new p521Uint1(x181.$high, x181.$low)), new $Uint64(x$63.$high, x$63.$low)))); + x182 = _tuple$90[0]; + x183 = _tuple$90[1]; + x184 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x185 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$91 = bits.Add64(x134, x166, ((x$64 = (new p521Uint1(x183.$high, x183.$low)), new $Uint64(x$64.$high, x$64.$low)))); + x184 = _tuple$91[0]; + x185 = _tuple$91[1]; + x186 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x187 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$92 = bits.Add64(x136, x168, ((x$65 = (new p521Uint1(x185.$high, x185.$low)), new $Uint64(x$65.$high, x$65.$low)))); + x186 = _tuple$92[0]; + x187 = _tuple$92[1]; + x188 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x189 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$93 = bits.Add64((x$66 = ((x$67 = (new p521Uint1(x137.$high, x137.$low)), new $Uint64(x$67.$high, x$67.$low))), x$68 = (x$69 = ((x$70 = (new p521Uint1(x121.$high, x121.$low)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high, x$70.$low))), x$71 = (x$72 = ((x$73 = (new p521Uint1(x103.$high, x103.$low)), new $Uint64(x$73.$high, x$73.$low))), new $Uint64(x$72.$high + x71.$high, x$72.$low + x71.$low)), new $Uint64(x$69.$high + x$71.$high, x$69.$low + x$71.$low)), new $Uint64(x$66.$high + x$68.$high, x$66.$low + x$68.$low)), x170, ((x$74 = (new p521Uint1(x187.$high, x187.$low)), new $Uint64(x$74.$high, x$74.$low)))); + x188 = _tuple$93[0]; + x189 = _tuple$93[1]; + x190 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x191 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$94 = bits.Add64(x174, arg1[3], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x190 = _tuple$94[0]; + x191 = _tuple$94[1]; + x192 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x193 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$95 = bits.Add64(x176, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$75 = (new p521Uint1(x191.$high, x191.$low)), new $Uint64(x$75.$high, x$75.$low)))); + x192 = _tuple$95[0]; + x193 = _tuple$95[1]; + x194 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x195 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$96 = bits.Add64(x178, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$76 = (new p521Uint1(x193.$high, x193.$low)), new $Uint64(x$76.$high, x$76.$low)))); + x194 = _tuple$96[0]; + x195 = _tuple$96[1]; + x196 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x197 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$97 = bits.Add64(x180, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$77 = (new p521Uint1(x195.$high, x195.$low)), new $Uint64(x$77.$high, x$77.$low)))); + x196 = _tuple$97[0]; + x197 = _tuple$97[1]; + x198 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x199 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$98 = bits.Add64(x182, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$78 = (new p521Uint1(x197.$high, x197.$low)), new $Uint64(x$78.$high, x$78.$low)))); + x198 = _tuple$98[0]; + x199 = _tuple$98[1]; + x200 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x201 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$99 = bits.Add64(x184, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$79 = (new p521Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), new $Uint64(x$79.$high, x$79.$low)))); + x200 = _tuple$99[0]; + x201 = _tuple$99[1]; + x202 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x203 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$100 = bits.Add64(x186, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$80 = (new p521Uint1(x201.$high, x201.$low)), new $Uint64(x$80.$high, x$80.$low)))); + x202 = _tuple$100[0]; + x203 = _tuple$100[1]; + x204 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x205 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$101 = bits.Add64(x188, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$81 = (new p521Uint1(x203.$high, x203.$low)), new $Uint64(x$81.$high, x$81.$low)))); + x204 = _tuple$101[0]; + x205 = _tuple$101[1]; + x206 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x207 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$102 = bits.Mul64(x190, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x207 = _tuple$102[0]; + x206 = _tuple$102[1]; + x208 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x209 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$103 = bits.Mul64(x190, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x209 = _tuple$103[0]; + x208 = _tuple$103[1]; + x210 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x211 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$104 = bits.Mul64(x190, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x211 = _tuple$104[0]; + x210 = _tuple$104[1]; + x212 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x213 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$105 = bits.Mul64(x190, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x213 = _tuple$105[0]; + x212 = _tuple$105[1]; + x214 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x215 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$106 = bits.Mul64(x190, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x215 = _tuple$106[0]; + x214 = _tuple$106[1]; + x216 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x217 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$107 = bits.Mul64(x190, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x217 = _tuple$107[0]; + x216 = _tuple$107[1]; + x218 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x219 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$108 = bits.Mul64(x190, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x219 = _tuple$108[0]; + x218 = _tuple$108[1]; + x220 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x221 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$109 = bits.Mul64(x190, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x221 = _tuple$109[0]; + x220 = _tuple$109[1]; + x222 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x223 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$110 = bits.Mul64(x190, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x223 = _tuple$110[0]; + x222 = _tuple$110[1]; + x224 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x225 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$111 = bits.Add64(x223, x220, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x224 = _tuple$111[0]; + x225 = _tuple$111[1]; + x226 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x227 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$112 = bits.Add64(x221, x218, ((x$82 = (new p521Uint1(x225.$high, x225.$low)), new $Uint64(x$82.$high, x$82.$low)))); + x226 = _tuple$112[0]; + x227 = _tuple$112[1]; + x228 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x229 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$113 = bits.Add64(x219, x216, ((x$83 = (new p521Uint1(x227.$high, x227.$low)), new $Uint64(x$83.$high, x$83.$low)))); + x228 = _tuple$113[0]; + x229 = _tuple$113[1]; + x230 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x231 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$114 = bits.Add64(x217, x214, ((x$84 = (new p521Uint1(x229.$high, x229.$low)), new $Uint64(x$84.$high, x$84.$low)))); + x230 = _tuple$114[0]; + x231 = _tuple$114[1]; + x232 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x233 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$115 = bits.Add64(x215, x212, ((x$85 = (new p521Uint1(x231.$high, x231.$low)), new $Uint64(x$85.$high, x$85.$low)))); + x232 = _tuple$115[0]; + x233 = _tuple$115[1]; + x234 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x235 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$116 = bits.Add64(x213, x210, ((x$86 = (new p521Uint1(x233.$high, x233.$low)), new $Uint64(x$86.$high, x$86.$low)))); + x234 = _tuple$116[0]; + x235 = _tuple$116[1]; + x236 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x237 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$117 = bits.Add64(x211, x208, ((x$87 = (new p521Uint1(x235.$high, x235.$low)), new $Uint64(x$87.$high, x$87.$low)))); + x236 = _tuple$117[0]; + x237 = _tuple$117[1]; + x238 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x239 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$118 = bits.Add64(x209, x206, ((x$88 = (new p521Uint1(x237.$high, x237.$low)), new $Uint64(x$88.$high, x$88.$low)))); + x238 = _tuple$118[0]; + x239 = _tuple$118[1]; + x241 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$119 = bits.Add64(x190, x222, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x241 = _tuple$119[1]; + x242 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x243 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$120 = bits.Add64(x192, x224, ((x$89 = (new p521Uint1(x241.$high, x241.$low)), new $Uint64(x$89.$high, x$89.$low)))); + x242 = _tuple$120[0]; + x243 = _tuple$120[1]; + x244 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x245 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$121 = bits.Add64(x194, x226, ((x$90 = (new p521Uint1(x243.$high, x243.$low)), new $Uint64(x$90.$high, x$90.$low)))); + x244 = _tuple$121[0]; + x245 = _tuple$121[1]; + x246 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x247 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$122 = bits.Add64(x196, x228, ((x$91 = (new p521Uint1(x245.$high, x245.$low)), new $Uint64(x$91.$high, x$91.$low)))); + x246 = _tuple$122[0]; + x247 = _tuple$122[1]; + x248 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x249 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$123 = bits.Add64(x198, x230, ((x$92 = (new p521Uint1(x247.$high, x247.$low)), new $Uint64(x$92.$high, x$92.$low)))); + x248 = _tuple$123[0]; + x249 = _tuple$123[1]; + x250 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x251 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$124 = bits.Add64(x200, x232, ((x$93 = (new p521Uint1(x249.$high, x249.$low)), new $Uint64(x$93.$high, x$93.$low)))); + x250 = _tuple$124[0]; + x251 = _tuple$124[1]; + x252 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x253 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$125 = bits.Add64(x202, x234, ((x$94 = (new p521Uint1(x251.$high, x251.$low)), new $Uint64(x$94.$high, x$94.$low)))); + x252 = _tuple$125[0]; + x253 = _tuple$125[1]; + x254 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x255 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$126 = bits.Add64(x204, x236, ((x$95 = (new p521Uint1(x253.$high, x253.$low)), new $Uint64(x$95.$high, x$95.$low)))); + x254 = _tuple$126[0]; + x255 = _tuple$126[1]; + x256 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x257 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$127 = bits.Add64((x$96 = ((x$97 = (new p521Uint1(x205.$high, x205.$low)), new $Uint64(x$97.$high, x$97.$low))), x$98 = (x$99 = ((x$100 = (new p521Uint1(x189.$high, x189.$low)), new $Uint64(x$100.$high, x$100.$low))), x$101 = (x$102 = ((x$103 = (new p521Uint1(x171.$high, x171.$low)), new $Uint64(x$103.$high, x$103.$low))), new $Uint64(x$102.$high + x139.$high, x$102.$low + x139.$low)), new $Uint64(x$99.$high + x$101.$high, x$99.$low + x$101.$low)), new $Uint64(x$96.$high + x$98.$high, x$96.$low + x$98.$low)), x238, ((x$104 = (new p521Uint1(x255.$high, x255.$low)), new $Uint64(x$104.$high, x$104.$low)))); + x256 = _tuple$127[0]; + x257 = _tuple$127[1]; + x258 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x259 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$128 = bits.Add64(x242, arg1[4], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x258 = _tuple$128[0]; + x259 = _tuple$128[1]; + x260 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x261 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$129 = bits.Add64(x244, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$105 = (new p521Uint1(x259.$high, x259.$low)), new $Uint64(x$105.$high, x$105.$low)))); + x260 = _tuple$129[0]; + x261 = _tuple$129[1]; + x262 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x263 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$130 = bits.Add64(x246, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$106 = (new p521Uint1(x261.$high, x261.$low)), new $Uint64(x$106.$high, x$106.$low)))); + x262 = _tuple$130[0]; + x263 = _tuple$130[1]; + x264 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x265 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$131 = bits.Add64(x248, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$107 = (new p521Uint1(x263.$high, x263.$low)), new $Uint64(x$107.$high, x$107.$low)))); + x264 = _tuple$131[0]; + x265 = _tuple$131[1]; + x266 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x267 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$132 = bits.Add64(x250, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$108 = (new p521Uint1(x265.$high, x265.$low)), new $Uint64(x$108.$high, x$108.$low)))); + x266 = _tuple$132[0]; + x267 = _tuple$132[1]; + x268 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x269 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$133 = bits.Add64(x252, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$109 = (new p521Uint1(x267.$high, x267.$low)), new $Uint64(x$109.$high, x$109.$low)))); + x268 = _tuple$133[0]; + x269 = _tuple$133[1]; + x270 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x271 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$134 = bits.Add64(x254, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$110 = (new p521Uint1(x269.$high, x269.$low)), new $Uint64(x$110.$high, x$110.$low)))); + x270 = _tuple$134[0]; + x271 = _tuple$134[1]; + x272 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x273 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$135 = bits.Add64(x256, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$111 = (new p521Uint1(x271.$high, x271.$low)), new $Uint64(x$111.$high, x$111.$low)))); + x272 = _tuple$135[0]; + x273 = _tuple$135[1]; + x274 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x275 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$136 = bits.Mul64(x258, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x275 = _tuple$136[0]; + x274 = _tuple$136[1]; + x276 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x277 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$137 = bits.Mul64(x258, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x277 = _tuple$137[0]; + x276 = _tuple$137[1]; + x278 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x279 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$138 = bits.Mul64(x258, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x279 = _tuple$138[0]; + x278 = _tuple$138[1]; + x280 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x281 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$139 = bits.Mul64(x258, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x281 = _tuple$139[0]; + x280 = _tuple$139[1]; + x282 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x283 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$140 = bits.Mul64(x258, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x283 = _tuple$140[0]; + x282 = _tuple$140[1]; + x284 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x285 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$141 = bits.Mul64(x258, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x285 = _tuple$141[0]; + x284 = _tuple$141[1]; + x286 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x287 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$142 = bits.Mul64(x258, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x287 = _tuple$142[0]; + x286 = _tuple$142[1]; + x288 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x289 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$143 = bits.Mul64(x258, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x289 = _tuple$143[0]; + x288 = _tuple$143[1]; + x290 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x291 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$144 = bits.Mul64(x258, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x291 = _tuple$144[0]; + x290 = _tuple$144[1]; + x292 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x293 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$145 = bits.Add64(x291, x288, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x292 = _tuple$145[0]; + x293 = _tuple$145[1]; + x294 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x295 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$146 = bits.Add64(x289, x286, ((x$112 = (new p521Uint1(x293.$high, x293.$low)), new $Uint64(x$112.$high, x$112.$low)))); + x294 = _tuple$146[0]; + x295 = _tuple$146[1]; + x296 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x297 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$147 = bits.Add64(x287, x284, ((x$113 = (new p521Uint1(x295.$high, x295.$low)), new $Uint64(x$113.$high, x$113.$low)))); + x296 = _tuple$147[0]; + x297 = _tuple$147[1]; + x298 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x299 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$148 = bits.Add64(x285, x282, ((x$114 = (new p521Uint1(x297.$high, x297.$low)), new $Uint64(x$114.$high, x$114.$low)))); + x298 = _tuple$148[0]; + x299 = _tuple$148[1]; + x300 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x301 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$149 = bits.Add64(x283, x280, ((x$115 = (new p521Uint1(x299.$high, x299.$low)), new $Uint64(x$115.$high, x$115.$low)))); + x300 = _tuple$149[0]; + x301 = _tuple$149[1]; + x302 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x303 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$150 = bits.Add64(x281, x278, ((x$116 = (new p521Uint1(x301.$high, x301.$low)), new $Uint64(x$116.$high, x$116.$low)))); + x302 = _tuple$150[0]; + x303 = _tuple$150[1]; + x304 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x305 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$151 = bits.Add64(x279, x276, ((x$117 = (new p521Uint1(x303.$high, x303.$low)), new $Uint64(x$117.$high, x$117.$low)))); + x304 = _tuple$151[0]; + x305 = _tuple$151[1]; + x306 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x307 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$152 = bits.Add64(x277, x274, ((x$118 = (new p521Uint1(x305.$high, x305.$low)), new $Uint64(x$118.$high, x$118.$low)))); + x306 = _tuple$152[0]; + x307 = _tuple$152[1]; + x309 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$153 = bits.Add64(x258, x290, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x309 = _tuple$153[1]; + x310 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x311 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$154 = bits.Add64(x260, x292, ((x$119 = (new p521Uint1(x309.$high, x309.$low)), new $Uint64(x$119.$high, x$119.$low)))); + x310 = _tuple$154[0]; + x311 = _tuple$154[1]; + x312 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x313 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$155 = bits.Add64(x262, x294, ((x$120 = (new p521Uint1(x311.$high, x311.$low)), new $Uint64(x$120.$high, x$120.$low)))); + x312 = _tuple$155[0]; + x313 = _tuple$155[1]; + x314 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x315 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$156 = bits.Add64(x264, x296, ((x$121 = (new p521Uint1(x313.$high, x313.$low)), new $Uint64(x$121.$high, x$121.$low)))); + x314 = _tuple$156[0]; + x315 = _tuple$156[1]; + x316 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x317 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$157 = bits.Add64(x266, x298, ((x$122 = (new p521Uint1(x315.$high, x315.$low)), new $Uint64(x$122.$high, x$122.$low)))); + x316 = _tuple$157[0]; + x317 = _tuple$157[1]; + x318 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x319 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$158 = bits.Add64(x268, x300, ((x$123 = (new p521Uint1(x317.$high, x317.$low)), new $Uint64(x$123.$high, x$123.$low)))); + x318 = _tuple$158[0]; + x319 = _tuple$158[1]; + x320 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x321 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$159 = bits.Add64(x270, x302, ((x$124 = (new p521Uint1(x319.$high, x319.$low)), new $Uint64(x$124.$high, x$124.$low)))); + x320 = _tuple$159[0]; + x321 = _tuple$159[1]; + x322 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x323 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$160 = bits.Add64(x272, x304, ((x$125 = (new p521Uint1(x321.$high, x321.$low)), new $Uint64(x$125.$high, x$125.$low)))); + x322 = _tuple$160[0]; + x323 = _tuple$160[1]; + x324 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x325 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$161 = bits.Add64((x$126 = ((x$127 = (new p521Uint1(x273.$high, x273.$low)), new $Uint64(x$127.$high, x$127.$low))), x$128 = (x$129 = ((x$130 = (new p521Uint1(x257.$high, x257.$low)), new $Uint64(x$130.$high, x$130.$low))), x$131 = (x$132 = ((x$133 = (new p521Uint1(x239.$high, x239.$low)), new $Uint64(x$133.$high, x$133.$low))), new $Uint64(x$132.$high + x207.$high, x$132.$low + x207.$low)), new $Uint64(x$129.$high + x$131.$high, x$129.$low + x$131.$low)), new $Uint64(x$126.$high + x$128.$high, x$126.$low + x$128.$low)), x306, ((x$134 = (new p521Uint1(x323.$high, x323.$low)), new $Uint64(x$134.$high, x$134.$low)))); + x324 = _tuple$161[0]; + x325 = _tuple$161[1]; + x326 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x327 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$162 = bits.Add64(x310, arg1[5], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x326 = _tuple$162[0]; + x327 = _tuple$162[1]; + x328 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x329 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$163 = bits.Add64(x312, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$135 = (new p521Uint1(x327.$high, x327.$low)), new $Uint64(x$135.$high, x$135.$low)))); + x328 = _tuple$163[0]; + x329 = _tuple$163[1]; + x330 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x331 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$164 = bits.Add64(x314, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$136 = (new p521Uint1(x329.$high, x329.$low)), new $Uint64(x$136.$high, x$136.$low)))); + x330 = _tuple$164[0]; + x331 = _tuple$164[1]; + x332 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x333 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$165 = bits.Add64(x316, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$137 = (new p521Uint1(x331.$high, x331.$low)), new $Uint64(x$137.$high, x$137.$low)))); + x332 = _tuple$165[0]; + x333 = _tuple$165[1]; + x334 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x335 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$166 = bits.Add64(x318, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$138 = (new p521Uint1(x333.$high, x333.$low)), new $Uint64(x$138.$high, x$138.$low)))); + x334 = _tuple$166[0]; + x335 = _tuple$166[1]; + x336 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x337 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$167 = bits.Add64(x320, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$139 = (new p521Uint1(x335.$high, x335.$low)), new $Uint64(x$139.$high, x$139.$low)))); + x336 = _tuple$167[0]; + x337 = _tuple$167[1]; + x338 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x339 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$168 = bits.Add64(x322, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$140 = (new p521Uint1(x337.$high, x337.$low)), new $Uint64(x$140.$high, x$140.$low)))); + x338 = _tuple$168[0]; + x339 = _tuple$168[1]; + x340 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x341 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$169 = bits.Add64(x324, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$141 = (new p521Uint1(x339.$high, x339.$low)), new $Uint64(x$141.$high, x$141.$low)))); + x340 = _tuple$169[0]; + x341 = _tuple$169[1]; + x342 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x343 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$170 = bits.Mul64(x326, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x343 = _tuple$170[0]; + x342 = _tuple$170[1]; + x344 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x345 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$171 = bits.Mul64(x326, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x345 = _tuple$171[0]; + x344 = _tuple$171[1]; + x346 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x347 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$172 = bits.Mul64(x326, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x347 = _tuple$172[0]; + x346 = _tuple$172[1]; + x348 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x349 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$173 = bits.Mul64(x326, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x349 = _tuple$173[0]; + x348 = _tuple$173[1]; + x350 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x351 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$174 = bits.Mul64(x326, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x351 = _tuple$174[0]; + x350 = _tuple$174[1]; + x352 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x353 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$175 = bits.Mul64(x326, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x353 = _tuple$175[0]; + x352 = _tuple$175[1]; + x354 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x355 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$176 = bits.Mul64(x326, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x355 = _tuple$176[0]; + x354 = _tuple$176[1]; + x356 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x357 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$177 = bits.Mul64(x326, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x357 = _tuple$177[0]; + x356 = _tuple$177[1]; + x358 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x359 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$178 = bits.Mul64(x326, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x359 = _tuple$178[0]; + x358 = _tuple$178[1]; + x360 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x361 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$179 = bits.Add64(x359, x356, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x360 = _tuple$179[0]; + x361 = _tuple$179[1]; + x362 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x363 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$180 = bits.Add64(x357, x354, ((x$142 = (new p521Uint1(x361.$high, x361.$low)), new $Uint64(x$142.$high, x$142.$low)))); + x362 = _tuple$180[0]; + x363 = _tuple$180[1]; + x364 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x365 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$181 = bits.Add64(x355, x352, ((x$143 = (new p521Uint1(x363.$high, x363.$low)), new $Uint64(x$143.$high, x$143.$low)))); + x364 = _tuple$181[0]; + x365 = _tuple$181[1]; + x366 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x367 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$182 = bits.Add64(x353, x350, ((x$144 = (new p521Uint1(x365.$high, x365.$low)), new $Uint64(x$144.$high, x$144.$low)))); + x366 = _tuple$182[0]; + x367 = _tuple$182[1]; + x368 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x369 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$183 = bits.Add64(x351, x348, ((x$145 = (new p521Uint1(x367.$high, x367.$low)), new $Uint64(x$145.$high, x$145.$low)))); + x368 = _tuple$183[0]; + x369 = _tuple$183[1]; + x370 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x371 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$184 = bits.Add64(x349, x346, ((x$146 = (new p521Uint1(x369.$high, x369.$low)), new $Uint64(x$146.$high, x$146.$low)))); + x370 = _tuple$184[0]; + x371 = _tuple$184[1]; + x372 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x373 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$185 = bits.Add64(x347, x344, ((x$147 = (new p521Uint1(x371.$high, x371.$low)), new $Uint64(x$147.$high, x$147.$low)))); + x372 = _tuple$185[0]; + x373 = _tuple$185[1]; + x374 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x375 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$186 = bits.Add64(x345, x342, ((x$148 = (new p521Uint1(x373.$high, x373.$low)), new $Uint64(x$148.$high, x$148.$low)))); + x374 = _tuple$186[0]; + x375 = _tuple$186[1]; + x377 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$187 = bits.Add64(x326, x358, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x377 = _tuple$187[1]; + x378 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x379 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$188 = bits.Add64(x328, x360, ((x$149 = (new p521Uint1(x377.$high, x377.$low)), new $Uint64(x$149.$high, x$149.$low)))); + x378 = _tuple$188[0]; + x379 = _tuple$188[1]; + x380 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x381 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$189 = bits.Add64(x330, x362, ((x$150 = (new p521Uint1(x379.$high, x379.$low)), new $Uint64(x$150.$high, x$150.$low)))); + x380 = _tuple$189[0]; + x381 = _tuple$189[1]; + x382 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x383 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$190 = bits.Add64(x332, x364, ((x$151 = (new p521Uint1(x381.$high, x381.$low)), new $Uint64(x$151.$high, x$151.$low)))); + x382 = _tuple$190[0]; + x383 = _tuple$190[1]; + x384 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x385 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$191 = bits.Add64(x334, x366, ((x$152 = (new p521Uint1(x383.$high, x383.$low)), new $Uint64(x$152.$high, x$152.$low)))); + x384 = _tuple$191[0]; + x385 = _tuple$191[1]; + x386 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x387 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$192 = bits.Add64(x336, x368, ((x$153 = (new p521Uint1(x385.$high, x385.$low)), new $Uint64(x$153.$high, x$153.$low)))); + x386 = _tuple$192[0]; + x387 = _tuple$192[1]; + x388 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x389 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$193 = bits.Add64(x338, x370, ((x$154 = (new p521Uint1(x387.$high, x387.$low)), new $Uint64(x$154.$high, x$154.$low)))); + x388 = _tuple$193[0]; + x389 = _tuple$193[1]; + x390 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x391 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$194 = bits.Add64(x340, x372, ((x$155 = (new p521Uint1(x389.$high, x389.$low)), new $Uint64(x$155.$high, x$155.$low)))); + x390 = _tuple$194[0]; + x391 = _tuple$194[1]; + x392 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x393 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$195 = bits.Add64((x$156 = ((x$157 = (new p521Uint1(x341.$high, x341.$low)), new $Uint64(x$157.$high, x$157.$low))), x$158 = (x$159 = ((x$160 = (new p521Uint1(x325.$high, x325.$low)), new $Uint64(x$160.$high, x$160.$low))), x$161 = (x$162 = ((x$163 = (new p521Uint1(x307.$high, x307.$low)), new $Uint64(x$163.$high, x$163.$low))), new $Uint64(x$162.$high + x275.$high, x$162.$low + x275.$low)), new $Uint64(x$159.$high + x$161.$high, x$159.$low + x$161.$low)), new $Uint64(x$156.$high + x$158.$high, x$156.$low + x$158.$low)), x374, ((x$164 = (new p521Uint1(x391.$high, x391.$low)), new $Uint64(x$164.$high, x$164.$low)))); + x392 = _tuple$195[0]; + x393 = _tuple$195[1]; + x394 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x395 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$196 = bits.Add64(x378, arg1[6], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x394 = _tuple$196[0]; + x395 = _tuple$196[1]; + x396 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x397 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$197 = bits.Add64(x380, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$165 = (new p521Uint1(x395.$high, x395.$low)), new $Uint64(x$165.$high, x$165.$low)))); + x396 = _tuple$197[0]; + x397 = _tuple$197[1]; + x398 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x399 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$198 = bits.Add64(x382, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$166 = (new p521Uint1(x397.$high, x397.$low)), new $Uint64(x$166.$high, x$166.$low)))); + x398 = _tuple$198[0]; + x399 = _tuple$198[1]; + x400 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x401 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$199 = bits.Add64(x384, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$167 = (new p521Uint1(x399.$high, x399.$low)), new $Uint64(x$167.$high, x$167.$low)))); + x400 = _tuple$199[0]; + x401 = _tuple$199[1]; + x402 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x403 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$200 = bits.Add64(x386, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$168 = (new p521Uint1(x401.$high, x401.$low)), new $Uint64(x$168.$high, x$168.$low)))); + x402 = _tuple$200[0]; + x403 = _tuple$200[1]; + x404 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x405 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$201 = bits.Add64(x388, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$169 = (new p521Uint1(x403.$high, x403.$low)), new $Uint64(x$169.$high, x$169.$low)))); + x404 = _tuple$201[0]; + x405 = _tuple$201[1]; + x406 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x407 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$202 = bits.Add64(x390, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$170 = (new p521Uint1(x405.$high, x405.$low)), new $Uint64(x$170.$high, x$170.$low)))); + x406 = _tuple$202[0]; + x407 = _tuple$202[1]; + x408 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x409 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$203 = bits.Add64(x392, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$171 = (new p521Uint1(x407.$high, x407.$low)), new $Uint64(x$171.$high, x$171.$low)))); + x408 = _tuple$203[0]; + x409 = _tuple$203[1]; + x410 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x411 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$204 = bits.Mul64(x394, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x411 = _tuple$204[0]; + x410 = _tuple$204[1]; + x412 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x413 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$205 = bits.Mul64(x394, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x413 = _tuple$205[0]; + x412 = _tuple$205[1]; + x414 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x415 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$206 = bits.Mul64(x394, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x415 = _tuple$206[0]; + x414 = _tuple$206[1]; + x416 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x417 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$207 = bits.Mul64(x394, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x417 = _tuple$207[0]; + x416 = _tuple$207[1]; + x418 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x419 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$208 = bits.Mul64(x394, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x419 = _tuple$208[0]; + x418 = _tuple$208[1]; + x420 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x421 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$209 = bits.Mul64(x394, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x421 = _tuple$209[0]; + x420 = _tuple$209[1]; + x422 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x423 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$210 = bits.Mul64(x394, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x423 = _tuple$210[0]; + x422 = _tuple$210[1]; + x424 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x425 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$211 = bits.Mul64(x394, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x425 = _tuple$211[0]; + x424 = _tuple$211[1]; + x426 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x427 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$212 = bits.Mul64(x394, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x427 = _tuple$212[0]; + x426 = _tuple$212[1]; + x428 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x429 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$213 = bits.Add64(x427, x424, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x428 = _tuple$213[0]; + x429 = _tuple$213[1]; + x430 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x431 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$214 = bits.Add64(x425, x422, ((x$172 = (new p521Uint1(x429.$high, x429.$low)), new $Uint64(x$172.$high, x$172.$low)))); + x430 = _tuple$214[0]; + x431 = _tuple$214[1]; + x432 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x433 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$215 = bits.Add64(x423, x420, ((x$173 = (new p521Uint1(x431.$high, x431.$low)), new $Uint64(x$173.$high, x$173.$low)))); + x432 = _tuple$215[0]; + x433 = _tuple$215[1]; + x434 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x435 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$216 = bits.Add64(x421, x418, ((x$174 = (new p521Uint1(x433.$high, x433.$low)), new $Uint64(x$174.$high, x$174.$low)))); + x434 = _tuple$216[0]; + x435 = _tuple$216[1]; + x436 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x437 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$217 = bits.Add64(x419, x416, ((x$175 = (new p521Uint1(x435.$high, x435.$low)), new $Uint64(x$175.$high, x$175.$low)))); + x436 = _tuple$217[0]; + x437 = _tuple$217[1]; + x438 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x439 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$218 = bits.Add64(x417, x414, ((x$176 = (new p521Uint1(x437.$high, x437.$low)), new $Uint64(x$176.$high, x$176.$low)))); + x438 = _tuple$218[0]; + x439 = _tuple$218[1]; + x440 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x441 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$219 = bits.Add64(x415, x412, ((x$177 = (new p521Uint1(x439.$high, x439.$low)), new $Uint64(x$177.$high, x$177.$low)))); + x440 = _tuple$219[0]; + x441 = _tuple$219[1]; + x442 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x443 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$220 = bits.Add64(x413, x410, ((x$178 = (new p521Uint1(x441.$high, x441.$low)), new $Uint64(x$178.$high, x$178.$low)))); + x442 = _tuple$220[0]; + x443 = _tuple$220[1]; + x445 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$221 = bits.Add64(x394, x426, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x445 = _tuple$221[1]; + x446 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x447 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$222 = bits.Add64(x396, x428, ((x$179 = (new p521Uint1(x445.$high, x445.$low)), new $Uint64(x$179.$high, x$179.$low)))); + x446 = _tuple$222[0]; + x447 = _tuple$222[1]; + x448 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x449 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$223 = bits.Add64(x398, x430, ((x$180 = (new p521Uint1(x447.$high, x447.$low)), new $Uint64(x$180.$high, x$180.$low)))); + x448 = _tuple$223[0]; + x449 = _tuple$223[1]; + x450 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x451 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$224 = bits.Add64(x400, x432, ((x$181 = (new p521Uint1(x449.$high, x449.$low)), new $Uint64(x$181.$high, x$181.$low)))); + x450 = _tuple$224[0]; + x451 = _tuple$224[1]; + x452 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x453 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$225 = bits.Add64(x402, x434, ((x$182 = (new p521Uint1(x451.$high, x451.$low)), new $Uint64(x$182.$high, x$182.$low)))); + x452 = _tuple$225[0]; + x453 = _tuple$225[1]; + x454 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x455 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$226 = bits.Add64(x404, x436, ((x$183 = (new p521Uint1(x453.$high, x453.$low)), new $Uint64(x$183.$high, x$183.$low)))); + x454 = _tuple$226[0]; + x455 = _tuple$226[1]; + x456 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x457 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$227 = bits.Add64(x406, x438, ((x$184 = (new p521Uint1(x455.$high, x455.$low)), new $Uint64(x$184.$high, x$184.$low)))); + x456 = _tuple$227[0]; + x457 = _tuple$227[1]; + x458 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x459 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$228 = bits.Add64(x408, x440, ((x$185 = (new p521Uint1(x457.$high, x457.$low)), new $Uint64(x$185.$high, x$185.$low)))); + x458 = _tuple$228[0]; + x459 = _tuple$228[1]; + x460 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x461 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$229 = bits.Add64((x$186 = ((x$187 = (new p521Uint1(x409.$high, x409.$low)), new $Uint64(x$187.$high, x$187.$low))), x$188 = (x$189 = ((x$190 = (new p521Uint1(x393.$high, x393.$low)), new $Uint64(x$190.$high, x$190.$low))), x$191 = (x$192 = ((x$193 = (new p521Uint1(x375.$high, x375.$low)), new $Uint64(x$193.$high, x$193.$low))), new $Uint64(x$192.$high + x343.$high, x$192.$low + x343.$low)), new $Uint64(x$189.$high + x$191.$high, x$189.$low + x$191.$low)), new $Uint64(x$186.$high + x$188.$high, x$186.$low + x$188.$low)), x442, ((x$194 = (new p521Uint1(x459.$high, x459.$low)), new $Uint64(x$194.$high, x$194.$low)))); + x460 = _tuple$229[0]; + x461 = _tuple$229[1]; + x462 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x463 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$230 = bits.Add64(x446, arg1[7], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x462 = _tuple$230[0]; + x463 = _tuple$230[1]; + x464 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x465 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$231 = bits.Add64(x448, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$195 = (new p521Uint1(x463.$high, x463.$low)), new $Uint64(x$195.$high, x$195.$low)))); + x464 = _tuple$231[0]; + x465 = _tuple$231[1]; + x466 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x467 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$232 = bits.Add64(x450, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$196 = (new p521Uint1(x465.$high, x465.$low)), new $Uint64(x$196.$high, x$196.$low)))); + x466 = _tuple$232[0]; + x467 = _tuple$232[1]; + x468 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x469 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$233 = bits.Add64(x452, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$197 = (new p521Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), new $Uint64(x$197.$high, x$197.$low)))); + x468 = _tuple$233[0]; + x469 = _tuple$233[1]; + x470 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x471 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$234 = bits.Add64(x454, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$198 = (new p521Uint1(x469.$high, x469.$low)), new $Uint64(x$198.$high, x$198.$low)))); + x470 = _tuple$234[0]; + x471 = _tuple$234[1]; + x472 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x473 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$235 = bits.Add64(x456, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$199 = (new p521Uint1(x471.$high, x471.$low)), new $Uint64(x$199.$high, x$199.$low)))); + x472 = _tuple$235[0]; + x473 = _tuple$235[1]; + x474 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x475 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$236 = bits.Add64(x458, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$200 = (new p521Uint1(x473.$high, x473.$low)), new $Uint64(x$200.$high, x$200.$low)))); + x474 = _tuple$236[0]; + x475 = _tuple$236[1]; + x476 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x477 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$237 = bits.Add64(x460, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$201 = (new p521Uint1(x475.$high, x475.$low)), new $Uint64(x$201.$high, x$201.$low)))); + x476 = _tuple$237[0]; + x477 = _tuple$237[1]; + x478 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x479 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$238 = bits.Mul64(x462, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x479 = _tuple$238[0]; + x478 = _tuple$238[1]; + x480 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x481 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$239 = bits.Mul64(x462, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x481 = _tuple$239[0]; + x480 = _tuple$239[1]; + x482 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x483 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$240 = bits.Mul64(x462, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x483 = _tuple$240[0]; + x482 = _tuple$240[1]; + x484 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x485 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$241 = bits.Mul64(x462, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x485 = _tuple$241[0]; + x484 = _tuple$241[1]; + x486 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x487 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$242 = bits.Mul64(x462, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x487 = _tuple$242[0]; + x486 = _tuple$242[1]; + x488 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x489 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$243 = bits.Mul64(x462, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x489 = _tuple$243[0]; + x488 = _tuple$243[1]; + x490 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x491 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$244 = bits.Mul64(x462, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x491 = _tuple$244[0]; + x490 = _tuple$244[1]; + x492 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x493 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$245 = bits.Mul64(x462, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x493 = _tuple$245[0]; + x492 = _tuple$245[1]; + x494 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x495 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$246 = bits.Mul64(x462, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x495 = _tuple$246[0]; + x494 = _tuple$246[1]; + x496 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x497 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$247 = bits.Add64(x495, x492, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x496 = _tuple$247[0]; + x497 = _tuple$247[1]; + x498 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x499 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$248 = bits.Add64(x493, x490, ((x$202 = (new p521Uint1(x497.$high, x497.$low)), new $Uint64(x$202.$high, x$202.$low)))); + x498 = _tuple$248[0]; + x499 = _tuple$248[1]; + x500 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x501 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$249 = bits.Add64(x491, x488, ((x$203 = (new p521Uint1(x499.$high, x499.$low)), new $Uint64(x$203.$high, x$203.$low)))); + x500 = _tuple$249[0]; + x501 = _tuple$249[1]; + x502 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x503 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$250 = bits.Add64(x489, x486, ((x$204 = (new p521Uint1(x501.$high, x501.$low)), new $Uint64(x$204.$high, x$204.$low)))); + x502 = _tuple$250[0]; + x503 = _tuple$250[1]; + x504 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x505 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$251 = bits.Add64(x487, x484, ((x$205 = (new p521Uint1(x503.$high, x503.$low)), new $Uint64(x$205.$high, x$205.$low)))); + x504 = _tuple$251[0]; + x505 = _tuple$251[1]; + x506 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x507 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$252 = bits.Add64(x485, x482, ((x$206 = (new p521Uint1(x505.$high, x505.$low)), new $Uint64(x$206.$high, x$206.$low)))); + x506 = _tuple$252[0]; + x507 = _tuple$252[1]; + x508 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x509 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$253 = bits.Add64(x483, x480, ((x$207 = (new p521Uint1(x507.$high, x507.$low)), new $Uint64(x$207.$high, x$207.$low)))); + x508 = _tuple$253[0]; + x509 = _tuple$253[1]; + x510 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x511 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$254 = bits.Add64(x481, x478, ((x$208 = (new p521Uint1(x509.$high, x509.$low)), new $Uint64(x$208.$high, x$208.$low)))); + x510 = _tuple$254[0]; + x511 = _tuple$254[1]; + x513 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$255 = bits.Add64(x462, x494, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x513 = _tuple$255[1]; + x514 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x515 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$256 = bits.Add64(x464, x496, ((x$209 = (new p521Uint1(x513.$high, x513.$low)), new $Uint64(x$209.$high, x$209.$low)))); + x514 = _tuple$256[0]; + x515 = _tuple$256[1]; + x516 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x517 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$257 = bits.Add64(x466, x498, ((x$210 = (new p521Uint1(x515.$high, x515.$low)), new $Uint64(x$210.$high, x$210.$low)))); + x516 = _tuple$257[0]; + x517 = _tuple$257[1]; + x518 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x519 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$258 = bits.Add64(x468, x500, ((x$211 = (new p521Uint1(x517.$high, x517.$low)), new $Uint64(x$211.$high, x$211.$low)))); + x518 = _tuple$258[0]; + x519 = _tuple$258[1]; + x520 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x521 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$259 = bits.Add64(x470, x502, ((x$212 = (new p521Uint1(x519.$high, x519.$low)), new $Uint64(x$212.$high, x$212.$low)))); + x520 = _tuple$259[0]; + x521 = _tuple$259[1]; + x522 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x523 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$260 = bits.Add64(x472, x504, ((x$213 = (new p521Uint1(x521.$high, x521.$low)), new $Uint64(x$213.$high, x$213.$low)))); + x522 = _tuple$260[0]; + x523 = _tuple$260[1]; + x524 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x525 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$261 = bits.Add64(x474, x506, ((x$214 = (new p521Uint1(x523.$high, x523.$low)), new $Uint64(x$214.$high, x$214.$low)))); + x524 = _tuple$261[0]; + x525 = _tuple$261[1]; + x526 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x527 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$262 = bits.Add64(x476, x508, ((x$215 = (new p521Uint1(x525.$high, x525.$low)), new $Uint64(x$215.$high, x$215.$low)))); + x526 = _tuple$262[0]; + x527 = _tuple$262[1]; + x528 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x529 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$263 = bits.Add64((x$216 = ((x$217 = (new p521Uint1(x477.$high, x477.$low)), new $Uint64(x$217.$high, x$217.$low))), x$218 = (x$219 = ((x$220 = (new p521Uint1(x461.$high, x461.$low)), new $Uint64(x$220.$high, x$220.$low))), x$221 = (x$222 = ((x$223 = (new p521Uint1(x443.$high, x443.$low)), new $Uint64(x$223.$high, x$223.$low))), new $Uint64(x$222.$high + x411.$high, x$222.$low + x411.$low)), new $Uint64(x$219.$high + x$221.$high, x$219.$low + x$221.$low)), new $Uint64(x$216.$high + x$218.$high, x$216.$low + x$218.$low)), x510, ((x$224 = (new p521Uint1(x527.$high, x527.$low)), new $Uint64(x$224.$high, x$224.$low)))); + x528 = _tuple$263[0]; + x529 = _tuple$263[1]; + x530 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x531 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$264 = bits.Add64(x514, arg1[8], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x530 = _tuple$264[0]; + x531 = _tuple$264[1]; + x532 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x533 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$265 = bits.Add64(x516, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$225 = (new p521Uint1(x531.$high, x531.$low)), new $Uint64(x$225.$high, x$225.$low)))); + x532 = _tuple$265[0]; + x533 = _tuple$265[1]; + x534 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x535 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$266 = bits.Add64(x518, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$226 = (new p521Uint1(x533.$high, x533.$low)), new $Uint64(x$226.$high, x$226.$low)))); + x534 = _tuple$266[0]; + x535 = _tuple$266[1]; + x536 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x537 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$267 = bits.Add64(x520, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$227 = (new p521Uint1(x535.$high, x535.$low)), new $Uint64(x$227.$high, x$227.$low)))); + x536 = _tuple$267[0]; + x537 = _tuple$267[1]; + x538 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x539 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$268 = bits.Add64(x522, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$228 = (new p521Uint1(x537.$high, x537.$low)), new $Uint64(x$228.$high, x$228.$low)))); + x538 = _tuple$268[0]; + x539 = _tuple$268[1]; + x540 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x541 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$269 = bits.Add64(x524, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$229 = (new p521Uint1(x539.$high, x539.$low)), new $Uint64(x$229.$high, x$229.$low)))); + x540 = _tuple$269[0]; + x541 = _tuple$269[1]; + x542 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x543 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$270 = bits.Add64(x526, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$230 = (new p521Uint1(x541.$high, x541.$low)), new $Uint64(x$230.$high, x$230.$low)))); + x542 = _tuple$270[0]; + x543 = _tuple$270[1]; + x544 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x545 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$271 = bits.Add64(x528, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$231 = (new p521Uint1(x543.$high, x543.$low)), new $Uint64(x$231.$high, x$231.$low)))); + x544 = _tuple$271[0]; + x545 = _tuple$271[1]; + x546 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x547 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$272 = bits.Mul64(x530, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x547 = _tuple$272[0]; + x546 = _tuple$272[1]; + x548 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x549 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$273 = bits.Mul64(x530, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x549 = _tuple$273[0]; + x548 = _tuple$273[1]; + x550 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x551 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$274 = bits.Mul64(x530, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x551 = _tuple$274[0]; + x550 = _tuple$274[1]; + x552 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x553 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$275 = bits.Mul64(x530, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x553 = _tuple$275[0]; + x552 = _tuple$275[1]; + x554 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x555 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$276 = bits.Mul64(x530, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x555 = _tuple$276[0]; + x554 = _tuple$276[1]; + x556 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x557 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$277 = bits.Mul64(x530, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x557 = _tuple$277[0]; + x556 = _tuple$277[1]; + x558 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x559 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$278 = bits.Mul64(x530, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x559 = _tuple$278[0]; + x558 = _tuple$278[1]; + x560 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x561 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$279 = bits.Mul64(x530, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x561 = _tuple$279[0]; + x560 = _tuple$279[1]; + x562 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x563 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$280 = bits.Mul64(x530, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x563 = _tuple$280[0]; + x562 = _tuple$280[1]; + x564 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x565 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$281 = bits.Add64(x563, x560, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x564 = _tuple$281[0]; + x565 = _tuple$281[1]; + x566 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x567 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$282 = bits.Add64(x561, x558, ((x$232 = (new p521Uint1(x565.$high, x565.$low)), new $Uint64(x$232.$high, x$232.$low)))); + x566 = _tuple$282[0]; + x567 = _tuple$282[1]; + x568 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x569 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$283 = bits.Add64(x559, x556, ((x$233 = (new p521Uint1(x567.$high, x567.$low)), new $Uint64(x$233.$high, x$233.$low)))); + x568 = _tuple$283[0]; + x569 = _tuple$283[1]; + x570 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x571 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$284 = bits.Add64(x557, x554, ((x$234 = (new p521Uint1(x569.$high, x569.$low)), new $Uint64(x$234.$high, x$234.$low)))); + x570 = _tuple$284[0]; + x571 = _tuple$284[1]; + x572 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x573 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$285 = bits.Add64(x555, x552, ((x$235 = (new p521Uint1(x571.$high, x571.$low)), new $Uint64(x$235.$high, x$235.$low)))); + x572 = _tuple$285[0]; + x573 = _tuple$285[1]; + x574 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x575 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$286 = bits.Add64(x553, x550, ((x$236 = (new p521Uint1(x573.$high, x573.$low)), new $Uint64(x$236.$high, x$236.$low)))); + x574 = _tuple$286[0]; + x575 = _tuple$286[1]; + x576 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x577 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$287 = bits.Add64(x551, x548, ((x$237 = (new p521Uint1(x575.$high, x575.$low)), new $Uint64(x$237.$high, x$237.$low)))); + x576 = _tuple$287[0]; + x577 = _tuple$287[1]; + x578 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x579 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$288 = bits.Add64(x549, x546, ((x$238 = (new p521Uint1(x577.$high, x577.$low)), new $Uint64(x$238.$high, x$238.$low)))); + x578 = _tuple$288[0]; + x579 = _tuple$288[1]; + x581 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$289 = bits.Add64(x530, x562, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x581 = _tuple$289[1]; + x582 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x583 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$290 = bits.Add64(x532, x564, ((x$239 = (new p521Uint1(x581.$high, x581.$low)), new $Uint64(x$239.$high, x$239.$low)))); + x582 = _tuple$290[0]; + x583 = _tuple$290[1]; + x584 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x585 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$291 = bits.Add64(x534, x566, ((x$240 = (new p521Uint1(x583.$high, x583.$low)), new $Uint64(x$240.$high, x$240.$low)))); + x584 = _tuple$291[0]; + x585 = _tuple$291[1]; + x586 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x587 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$292 = bits.Add64(x536, x568, ((x$241 = (new p521Uint1(x585.$high, x585.$low)), new $Uint64(x$241.$high, x$241.$low)))); + x586 = _tuple$292[0]; + x587 = _tuple$292[1]; + x588 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x589 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$293 = bits.Add64(x538, x570, ((x$242 = (new p521Uint1(x587.$high, x587.$low)), new $Uint64(x$242.$high, x$242.$low)))); + x588 = _tuple$293[0]; + x589 = _tuple$293[1]; + x590 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x591 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$294 = bits.Add64(x540, x572, ((x$243 = (new p521Uint1(x589.$high, x589.$low)), new $Uint64(x$243.$high, x$243.$low)))); + x590 = _tuple$294[0]; + x591 = _tuple$294[1]; + x592 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x593 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$295 = bits.Add64(x542, x574, ((x$244 = (new p521Uint1(x591.$high, x591.$low)), new $Uint64(x$244.$high, x$244.$low)))); + x592 = _tuple$295[0]; + x593 = _tuple$295[1]; + x594 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x595 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$296 = bits.Add64(x544, x576, ((x$245 = (new p521Uint1(x593.$high, x593.$low)), new $Uint64(x$245.$high, x$245.$low)))); + x594 = _tuple$296[0]; + x595 = _tuple$296[1]; + x596 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x597 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$297 = bits.Add64((x$246 = ((x$247 = (new p521Uint1(x545.$high, x545.$low)), new $Uint64(x$247.$high, x$247.$low))), x$248 = (x$249 = ((x$250 = (new p521Uint1(x529.$high, x529.$low)), new $Uint64(x$250.$high, x$250.$low))), x$251 = (x$252 = ((x$253 = (new p521Uint1(x511.$high, x511.$low)), new $Uint64(x$253.$high, x$253.$low))), new $Uint64(x$252.$high + x479.$high, x$252.$low + x479.$low)), new $Uint64(x$249.$high + x$251.$high, x$249.$low + x$251.$low)), new $Uint64(x$246.$high + x$248.$high, x$246.$low + x$248.$low)), x578, ((x$254 = (new p521Uint1(x595.$high, x595.$low)), new $Uint64(x$254.$high, x$254.$low)))); + x596 = _tuple$297[0]; + x597 = _tuple$297[1]; + x598 = (x$255 = ((x$256 = (new p521Uint1(x597.$high, x597.$low)), new $Uint64(x$256.$high, x$256.$low))), x$257 = (x$258 = ((x$259 = (new p521Uint1(x579.$high, x579.$low)), new $Uint64(x$259.$high, x$259.$low))), new $Uint64(x$258.$high + x547.$high, x$258.$low + x547.$low)), new $Uint64(x$255.$high + x$257.$high, x$255.$low + x$257.$low)); + x599 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x600 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$298 = bits.Sub64(x582, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x599 = _tuple$298[0]; + x600 = _tuple$298[1]; + x601 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x602 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$299 = bits.Sub64(x584, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$260 = (new p521Uint1(x600.$high, x600.$low)), new $Uint64(x$260.$high, x$260.$low)))); + x601 = _tuple$299[0]; + x602 = _tuple$299[1]; + x603 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x604 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$300 = bits.Sub64(x586, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$261 = (new p521Uint1(x602.$high, x602.$low)), new $Uint64(x$261.$high, x$261.$low)))); + x603 = _tuple$300[0]; + x604 = _tuple$300[1]; + x605 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x606 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$301 = bits.Sub64(x588, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$262 = (new p521Uint1(x604.$high, x604.$low)), new $Uint64(x$262.$high, x$262.$low)))); + x605 = _tuple$301[0]; + x606 = _tuple$301[1]; + x607 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x608 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$302 = bits.Sub64(x590, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$263 = (new p521Uint1(x606.$high, x606.$low)), new $Uint64(x$263.$high, x$263.$low)))); + x607 = _tuple$302[0]; + x608 = _tuple$302[1]; + x609 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x610 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$303 = bits.Sub64(x592, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$264 = (new p521Uint1(x608.$high, x608.$low)), new $Uint64(x$264.$high, x$264.$low)))); + x609 = _tuple$303[0]; + x610 = _tuple$303[1]; + x611 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x612 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$304 = bits.Sub64(x594, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$265 = (new p521Uint1(x610.$high, x610.$low)), new $Uint64(x$265.$high, x$265.$low)))); + x611 = _tuple$304[0]; + x612 = _tuple$304[1]; + x613 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x614 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$305 = bits.Sub64(x596, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$266 = (new p521Uint1(x612.$high, x612.$low)), new $Uint64(x$266.$high, x$266.$low)))); + x613 = _tuple$305[0]; + x614 = _tuple$305[1]; + x615 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x616 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$306 = bits.Sub64(x598, new $Uint64(0, 511), ((x$267 = (new p521Uint1(x614.$high, x614.$low)), new $Uint64(x$267.$high, x$267.$low)))); + x615 = _tuple$306[0]; + x616 = _tuple$306[1]; + x618 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$307 = bits.Sub64(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$268 = (new p521Uint1(x616.$high, x616.$low)), new $Uint64(x$268.$high, x$268.$low)))); + x618 = _tuple$307[1]; + x619 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x619$24ptr || (x619$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x619; }, function($v) { x619 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), x599, x582); + x620 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x620$24ptr || (x620$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x620; }, function($v) { x620 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), x601, x584); + x621 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x621$24ptr || (x621$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x621; }, function($v) { x621 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), x603, x586); + x622 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x622$24ptr || (x622$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x622; }, function($v) { x622 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), x605, x588); + x623 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x623$24ptr || (x623$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x623; }, function($v) { x623 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), x607, x590); + x624 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x624$24ptr || (x624$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x624; }, function($v) { x624 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), x609, x592); + x625 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x625$24ptr || (x625$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x625; }, function($v) { x625 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), x611, x594); + x626 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x626$24ptr || (x626$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x626; }, function($v) { x626 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), x613, x596); + x627 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x627$24ptr || (x627$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x627; }, function($v) { x627 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x618.$high, x618.$low)), x615, x598); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x619; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x620; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x621; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x622; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x623; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x624; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x625; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x626; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x627; + }; + p521ToMontgomery = function(out1, arg1) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$100, _tuple$101, _tuple$102, _tuple$103, _tuple$104, _tuple$105, _tuple$106, _tuple$107, _tuple$108, _tuple$109, _tuple$11, _tuple$110, _tuple$111, _tuple$112, _tuple$113, _tuple$114, _tuple$115, _tuple$116, _tuple$117, _tuple$118, _tuple$119, _tuple$12, _tuple$120, _tuple$121, _tuple$122, _tuple$123, _tuple$124, _tuple$125, _tuple$126, _tuple$127, _tuple$128, _tuple$129, _tuple$13, _tuple$130, _tuple$131, _tuple$132, _tuple$133, _tuple$134, _tuple$135, _tuple$136, _tuple$137, _tuple$138, _tuple$139, _tuple$14, _tuple$140, _tuple$141, _tuple$142, _tuple$143, _tuple$144, _tuple$145, _tuple$146, _tuple$147, _tuple$148, _tuple$149, _tuple$15, _tuple$150, _tuple$151, _tuple$152, _tuple$153, _tuple$154, _tuple$155, _tuple$156, _tuple$157, _tuple$158, _tuple$159, _tuple$16, _tuple$160, _tuple$161, _tuple$162, _tuple$163, _tuple$164, _tuple$165, _tuple$166, _tuple$167, _tuple$168, _tuple$169, _tuple$17, _tuple$170, _tuple$171, _tuple$172, _tuple$173, _tuple$174, _tuple$175, _tuple$176, _tuple$177, _tuple$178, _tuple$179, _tuple$18, _tuple$180, _tuple$181, _tuple$182, _tuple$183, _tuple$184, _tuple$185, _tuple$186, _tuple$187, _tuple$188, _tuple$189, _tuple$19, _tuple$190, _tuple$191, _tuple$192, _tuple$193, _tuple$194, _tuple$195, _tuple$196, _tuple$197, _tuple$198, _tuple$199, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$200, _tuple$201, _tuple$202, _tuple$203, _tuple$204, _tuple$205, _tuple$206, _tuple$207, _tuple$208, _tuple$209, _tuple$21, _tuple$210, _tuple$211, _tuple$212, _tuple$213, _tuple$214, _tuple$215, _tuple$216, _tuple$217, _tuple$218, _tuple$219, _tuple$22, _tuple$220, _tuple$221, _tuple$222, _tuple$223, _tuple$224, _tuple$225, _tuple$226, _tuple$227, _tuple$228, _tuple$229, _tuple$23, _tuple$230, _tuple$231, _tuple$232, _tuple$233, _tuple$234, _tuple$235, _tuple$236, _tuple$237, _tuple$238, _tuple$239, _tuple$24, _tuple$240, _tuple$241, _tuple$242, _tuple$243, _tuple$244, _tuple$245, _tuple$246, _tuple$247, _tuple$248, _tuple$249, _tuple$25, _tuple$250, _tuple$251, _tuple$252, _tuple$253, _tuple$254, _tuple$255, _tuple$256, _tuple$257, _tuple$258, _tuple$259, _tuple$26, _tuple$260, _tuple$261, _tuple$262, _tuple$263, _tuple$264, _tuple$265, _tuple$266, _tuple$267, _tuple$268, _tuple$269, _tuple$27, _tuple$270, _tuple$271, _tuple$272, _tuple$273, _tuple$274, _tuple$275, _tuple$276, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$46, _tuple$47, _tuple$48, _tuple$49, _tuple$5, _tuple$50, _tuple$51, _tuple$52, _tuple$53, _tuple$54, _tuple$55, _tuple$56, _tuple$57, _tuple$58, _tuple$59, _tuple$6, _tuple$60, _tuple$61, _tuple$62, _tuple$63, _tuple$64, _tuple$65, _tuple$66, _tuple$67, _tuple$68, _tuple$69, _tuple$7, _tuple$70, _tuple$71, _tuple$72, _tuple$73, _tuple$74, _tuple$75, _tuple$76, _tuple$77, _tuple$78, _tuple$79, _tuple$8, _tuple$80, _tuple$81, _tuple$82, _tuple$83, _tuple$84, _tuple$85, _tuple$86, _tuple$87, _tuple$88, _tuple$89, _tuple$9, _tuple$90, _tuple$91, _tuple$92, _tuple$93, _tuple$94, _tuple$95, _tuple$96, _tuple$97, _tuple$98, _tuple$99, arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$100, x$101, x$102, x$103, x$104, x$105, x$106, x$107, x$108, x$109, x$11, x$110, x$111, x$112, x$113, x$114, x$115, x$116, x$117, x$118, x$119, x$12, x$120, x$121, x$122, x$123, x$124, x$125, x$126, x$127, x$128, x$129, x$13, x$130, x$131, x$132, x$133, x$134, x$135, x$136, x$137, x$138, x$139, x$14, x$140, x$141, x$142, x$143, x$144, x$145, x$146, x$147, x$148, x$149, x$15, x$150, x$151, x$152, x$153, x$154, x$155, x$156, x$157, x$158, x$159, x$16, 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x$90, x$91, x$92, x$93, x$94, x$95, x$96, x$97, x$98, x$99, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x104, x105, x106, x107, x108, x11, x110, x111, x112, x113, x114, x115, x116, x117, x118, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x124, x125, x126, x127, x128, x129, x13, x130, x131, x132, x133, x134, x135, x136, x137, x138, x139, x14, x140, x141, x142, x143, x144, x145, x146, x147, x148, x149, x15, x150, x151, x152, x153, x154, x155, x156, x157, x158, x159, x16, x160, x161, x162, x163, x164, x165, x166, x167, x168, x169, x17, x170, x171, x172, x173, x174, x175, x176, x178, x179, x18, x180, x181, x182, x183, x184, x185, x186, x187, x188, x189, x19, x190, x191, x192, x193, x194, x195, x196, x197, x198, x199, x2, x20, x200, x201, x202, x203, x204, x205, x206, x207, x208, x209, x21, x210, x211, x212, x213, x214, x215, x216, x217, x218, x219, x22, x220, x221, x222, x223, x224, x225, x226, x227, x228, x229, x23, x230, x231, x232, x233, x234, x235, x236, x237, x238, x239, x24, x240, x241, x242, x243, x244, 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x556$24ptr, x557, x557$24ptr, x558, x558$24ptr, x559, x559$24ptr, x56, x560, x560$24ptr, x561, x561$24ptr, x562, x562$24ptr, x563, x563$24ptr, x564, x564$24ptr, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x81, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90, x91, x92, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(arg1[0], new $Uint64(16384, 0)); + x2 = _tuple[0]; + x1 = _tuple[1]; + x3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(arg1[1], new $Uint64(16384, 0)); + x4 = _tuple$1[0]; + x3 = _tuple$1[1]; + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Add64(x2, x3, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x5 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x8 = _tuple$3[0]; + x7 = _tuple$3[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x10 = _tuple$4[0]; + x9 = _tuple$4[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x12 = _tuple$5[0]; + x11 = _tuple$5[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x14 = _tuple$6[0]; + x13 = _tuple$6[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x16 = _tuple$7[0]; + x15 = _tuple$7[1]; + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x18 = _tuple$8[0]; + x17 = _tuple$8[1]; + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x20 = _tuple$9[0]; + x19 = _tuple$9[1]; + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x22 = _tuple$10[0]; + x21 = _tuple$10[1]; + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x24 = _tuple$11[0]; + x23 = _tuple$11[1]; + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Add64(x24, x21, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x25 = _tuple$12[0]; + x26 = _tuple$12[1]; + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Add64(x22, x19, ((x = (new p521Uint1(x26.$high, x26.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x27 = _tuple$13[0]; + x28 = _tuple$13[1]; + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Add64(x20, x17, ((x$1 = (new p521Uint1(x28.$high, x28.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x29 = _tuple$14[0]; + x30 = _tuple$14[1]; + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Add64(x18, x15, ((x$2 = (new p521Uint1(x30.$high, x30.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x31 = _tuple$15[0]; + x32 = _tuple$15[1]; + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Add64(x16, x13, ((x$3 = (new p521Uint1(x32.$high, x32.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x33 = _tuple$16[0]; + x34 = _tuple$16[1]; + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Add64(x14, x11, ((x$4 = (new p521Uint1(x34.$high, x34.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x35 = _tuple$17[0]; + x36 = _tuple$17[1]; + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Add64(x12, x9, ((x$5 = (new p521Uint1(x36.$high, x36.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x37 = _tuple$18[0]; + x38 = _tuple$18[1]; + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Add64(x10, x7, ((x$6 = (new p521Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x39 = _tuple$19[0]; + x40 = _tuple$19[1]; + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Add64(x1, x23, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x42 = _tuple$20[1]; + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Add64(x5, x25, ((x$7 = (new p521Uint1(x42.$high, x42.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x43 = _tuple$21[0]; + x44 = _tuple$21[1]; + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Add64((x$8 = ((x$9 = (new p521Uint1(x6.$high, x6.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low))), new $Uint64(x$8.$high + x4.$high, x$8.$low + x4.$low)), x27, ((x$10 = (new p521Uint1(x44.$high, x44.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low)))); + x45 = _tuple$22[0]; + x46 = _tuple$22[1]; + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x29, ((x$11 = (new p521Uint1(x46.$high, x46.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low)))); + x47 = _tuple$23[0]; + x48 = _tuple$23[1]; + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x31, ((x$12 = (new p521Uint1(x48.$high, x48.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x49 = _tuple$24[0]; + x50 = _tuple$24[1]; + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x33, ((x$13 = (new p521Uint1(x50.$high, x50.$low)), new $Uint64(x$13.$high, x$13.$low)))); + x51 = _tuple$25[0]; + x52 = _tuple$25[1]; + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x54 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x35, ((x$14 = (new p521Uint1(x52.$high, x52.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low)))); + x53 = _tuple$26[0]; + x54 = _tuple$26[1]; + x55 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x37, ((x$15 = (new p521Uint1(x54.$high, x54.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x55 = _tuple$27[0]; + x56 = _tuple$27[1]; + x57 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x39, ((x$16 = (new p521Uint1(x56.$high, x56.$low)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high, x$16.$low)))); + x57 = _tuple$28[0]; + x58 = _tuple$28[1]; + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Mul64(arg1[2], new $Uint64(16384, 0)); + x60 = _tuple$29[0]; + x59 = _tuple$29[1]; + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Add64(x45, x59, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x61 = _tuple$30[0]; + x62 = _tuple$30[1]; + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Add64(x47, x60, ((x$17 = (new p521Uint1(x62.$high, x62.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low)))); + x63 = _tuple$31[0]; + x64 = _tuple$31[1]; + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Add64(x49, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$18 = (new p521Uint1(x64.$high, x64.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low)))); + x65 = _tuple$32[0]; + x66 = _tuple$32[1]; + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Add64(x51, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$19 = (new p521Uint1(x66.$high, x66.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x67 = _tuple$33[0]; + x68 = _tuple$33[1]; + x69 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Add64(x53, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$20 = (new p521Uint1(x68.$high, x68.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x69 = _tuple$34[0]; + x70 = _tuple$34[1]; + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Add64(x55, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$21 = (new p521Uint1(x70.$high, x70.$low)), new $Uint64(x$21.$high, x$21.$low)))); + x71 = _tuple$35[0]; + x72 = _tuple$35[1]; + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x57, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$22 = (new p521Uint1(x72.$high, x72.$low)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high, x$22.$low)))); + x73 = _tuple$36[0]; + x74 = _tuple$36[1]; + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Mul64(x43, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x76 = _tuple$37[0]; + x75 = _tuple$37[1]; + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Mul64(x43, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x78 = _tuple$38[0]; + x77 = _tuple$38[1]; + x79 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x80 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Mul64(x43, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x80 = _tuple$39[0]; + x79 = _tuple$39[1]; + x81 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Mul64(x43, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x82 = _tuple$40[0]; + x81 = _tuple$40[1]; + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Mul64(x43, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x84 = _tuple$41[0]; + x83 = _tuple$41[1]; + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Mul64(x43, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x86 = _tuple$42[0]; + x85 = _tuple$42[1]; + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Mul64(x43, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x88 = _tuple$43[0]; + x87 = _tuple$43[1]; + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Mul64(x43, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x90 = _tuple$44[0]; + x89 = _tuple$44[1]; + x91 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Mul64(x43, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x92 = _tuple$45[0]; + x91 = _tuple$45[1]; + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Add64(x92, x89, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x93 = _tuple$46[0]; + x94 = _tuple$46[1]; + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Add64(x90, x87, ((x$23 = (new p521Uint1(x94.$high, x94.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low)))); + x95 = _tuple$47[0]; + x96 = _tuple$47[1]; + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Add64(x88, x85, ((x$24 = (new p521Uint1(x96.$high, x96.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x97 = _tuple$48[0]; + x98 = _tuple$48[1]; + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Add64(x86, x83, ((x$25 = (new p521Uint1(x98.$high, x98.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x99 = _tuple$49[0]; + x100 = _tuple$49[1]; + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Add64(x84, x81, ((x$26 = (new p521Uint1(x100.$high, x100.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high, x$26.$low)))); + x101 = _tuple$50[0]; + x102 = _tuple$50[1]; + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x104 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Add64(x82, x79, ((x$27 = (new p521Uint1(x102.$high, x102.$low)), new $Uint64(x$27.$high, x$27.$low)))); + x103 = _tuple$51[0]; + x104 = _tuple$51[1]; + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x106 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Add64(x80, x77, ((x$28 = (new p521Uint1(x104.$high, x104.$low)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high, x$28.$low)))); + x105 = _tuple$52[0]; + x106 = _tuple$52[1]; + x107 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Add64(x78, x75, ((x$29 = (new p521Uint1(x106.$high, x106.$low)), new $Uint64(x$29.$high, x$29.$low)))); + x107 = _tuple$53[0]; + x108 = _tuple$53[1]; + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Add64(x43, x91, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x110 = _tuple$54[1]; + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Add64(x61, x93, ((x$30 = (new p521Uint1(x110.$high, x110.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low)))); + x111 = _tuple$55[0]; + x112 = _tuple$55[1]; + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Add64(x63, x95, ((x$31 = (new p521Uint1(x112.$high, x112.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low)))); + x113 = _tuple$56[0]; + x114 = _tuple$56[1]; + x115 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x65, x97, ((x$32 = (new p521Uint1(x114.$high, x114.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x115 = _tuple$57[0]; + x116 = _tuple$57[1]; + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x118 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x67, x99, ((x$33 = (new p521Uint1(x116.$high, x116.$low)), new $Uint64(x$33.$high, x$33.$low)))); + x117 = _tuple$58[0]; + x118 = _tuple$58[1]; + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Add64(x69, x101, ((x$34 = (new p521Uint1(x118.$high, x118.$low)), new $Uint64(x$34.$high, x$34.$low)))); + x119 = _tuple$59[0]; + x120 = _tuple$59[1]; + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Add64(x71, x103, ((x$35 = (new p521Uint1(x120.$high, x120.$low)), new $Uint64(x$35.$high, x$35.$low)))); + x121 = _tuple$60[0]; + x122 = _tuple$60[1]; + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Add64(x73, x105, ((x$36 = (new p521Uint1(x122.$high, x122.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high, x$36.$low)))); + x123 = _tuple$61[0]; + x124 = _tuple$61[1]; + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x126 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Add64((x$37 = ((x$38 = (new p521Uint1(x74.$high, x74.$low)), new $Uint64(x$38.$high, x$38.$low))), x$39 = (x$40 = ((x$41 = (new p521Uint1(x58.$high, x58.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low))), x$42 = (x$43 = ((x$44 = (new p521Uint1(x40.$high, x40.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low))), new $Uint64(x$43.$high + x8.$high, x$43.$low + x8.$low)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high + x$42.$high, x$40.$low + x$42.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high + x$39.$high, x$37.$low + x$39.$low)), x107, ((x$45 = (new p521Uint1(x124.$high, x124.$low)), new $Uint64(x$45.$high, x$45.$low)))); + x125 = _tuple$62[0]; + x126 = _tuple$62[1]; + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Mul64(arg1[3], new $Uint64(16384, 0)); + x128 = _tuple$63[0]; + x127 = _tuple$63[1]; + x129 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x130 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Add64(x113, x127, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x129 = _tuple$64[0]; + x130 = _tuple$64[1]; + x131 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Add64(x115, x128, ((x$46 = (new p521Uint1(x130.$high, x130.$low)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high, x$46.$low)))); + x131 = _tuple$65[0]; + x132 = _tuple$65[1]; + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x134 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Add64(x117, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$47 = (new p521Uint1(x132.$high, x132.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low)))); + x133 = _tuple$66[0]; + x134 = _tuple$66[1]; + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Add64(x119, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$48 = (new p521Uint1(x134.$high, x134.$low)), new $Uint64(x$48.$high, x$48.$low)))); + x135 = _tuple$67[0]; + x136 = _tuple$67[1]; + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Add64(x121, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$49 = (new p521Uint1(x136.$high, x136.$low)), new $Uint64(x$49.$high, x$49.$low)))); + x137 = _tuple$68[0]; + x138 = _tuple$68[1]; + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x140 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Add64(x123, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$50 = (new p521Uint1(x138.$high, x138.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low)))); + x139 = _tuple$69[0]; + x140 = _tuple$69[1]; + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Add64(x125, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$51 = (new p521Uint1(x140.$high, x140.$low)), new $Uint64(x$51.$high, x$51.$low)))); + x141 = _tuple$70[0]; + x142 = _tuple$70[1]; + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Mul64(x111, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x144 = _tuple$71[0]; + x143 = _tuple$71[1]; + x145 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x146 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Mul64(x111, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x146 = _tuple$72[0]; + x145 = _tuple$72[1]; + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Mul64(x111, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x148 = _tuple$73[0]; + x147 = _tuple$73[1]; + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Mul64(x111, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x150 = _tuple$74[0]; + x149 = _tuple$74[1]; + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Mul64(x111, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x152 = _tuple$75[0]; + x151 = _tuple$75[1]; + x153 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Mul64(x111, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x154 = _tuple$76[0]; + x153 = _tuple$76[1]; + x155 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x156 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Mul64(x111, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x156 = _tuple$77[0]; + x155 = _tuple$77[1]; + x157 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Mul64(x111, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x158 = _tuple$78[0]; + x157 = _tuple$78[1]; + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Mul64(x111, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x160 = _tuple$79[0]; + x159 = _tuple$79[1]; + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Add64(x160, x157, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x161 = _tuple$80[0]; + x162 = _tuple$80[1]; + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Add64(x158, x155, ((x$52 = (new p521Uint1(x162.$high, x162.$low)), new $Uint64(x$52.$high, x$52.$low)))); + x163 = _tuple$81[0]; + x164 = _tuple$81[1]; + x165 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Add64(x156, x153, ((x$53 = (new p521Uint1(x164.$high, x164.$low)), new $Uint64(x$53.$high, x$53.$low)))); + x165 = _tuple$82[0]; + x166 = _tuple$82[1]; + x167 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x168 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Add64(x154, x151, ((x$54 = (new p521Uint1(x166.$high, x166.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low)))); + x167 = _tuple$83[0]; + x168 = _tuple$83[1]; + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Add64(x152, x149, ((x$55 = (new p521Uint1(x168.$high, x168.$low)), new $Uint64(x$55.$high, x$55.$low)))); + x169 = _tuple$84[0]; + x170 = _tuple$84[1]; + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x172 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$85 = bits.Add64(x150, x147, ((x$56 = (new p521Uint1(x170.$high, x170.$low)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high, x$56.$low)))); + x171 = _tuple$85[0]; + x172 = _tuple$85[1]; + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x174 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$86 = bits.Add64(x148, x145, ((x$57 = (new p521Uint1(x172.$high, x172.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low)))); + x173 = _tuple$86[0]; + x174 = _tuple$86[1]; + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x176 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$87 = bits.Add64(x146, x143, ((x$58 = (new p521Uint1(x174.$high, x174.$low)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high, x$58.$low)))); + x175 = _tuple$87[0]; + x176 = _tuple$87[1]; + x178 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$88 = bits.Add64(x111, x159, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x178 = _tuple$88[1]; + x179 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x180 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$89 = bits.Add64(x129, x161, ((x$59 = (new p521Uint1(x178.$high, x178.$low)), new $Uint64(x$59.$high, x$59.$low)))); + x179 = _tuple$89[0]; + x180 = _tuple$89[1]; + x181 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x182 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$90 = bits.Add64(x131, x163, ((x$60 = (new p521Uint1(x180.$high, x180.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low)))); + x181 = _tuple$90[0]; + x182 = _tuple$90[1]; + x183 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x184 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$91 = bits.Add64(x133, x165, ((x$61 = (new p521Uint1(x182.$high, x182.$low)), new $Uint64(x$61.$high, x$61.$low)))); + x183 = _tuple$91[0]; + x184 = _tuple$91[1]; + x185 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x186 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$92 = bits.Add64(x135, x167, ((x$62 = (new p521Uint1(x184.$high, x184.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low)))); + x185 = _tuple$92[0]; + x186 = _tuple$92[1]; + x187 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x188 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$93 = bits.Add64(x137, x169, ((x$63 = (new p521Uint1(x186.$high, x186.$low)), new $Uint64(x$63.$high, x$63.$low)))); + x187 = _tuple$93[0]; + x188 = _tuple$93[1]; + x189 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x190 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$94 = bits.Add64(x139, x171, ((x$64 = (new p521Uint1(x188.$high, x188.$low)), new $Uint64(x$64.$high, x$64.$low)))); + x189 = _tuple$94[0]; + x190 = _tuple$94[1]; + x191 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x192 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$95 = bits.Add64(x141, x173, ((x$65 = (new p521Uint1(x190.$high, x190.$low)), new $Uint64(x$65.$high, x$65.$low)))); + x191 = _tuple$95[0]; + x192 = _tuple$95[1]; + x193 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x194 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$96 = bits.Add64((x$66 = ((x$67 = (new p521Uint1(x142.$high, x142.$low)), new $Uint64(x$67.$high, x$67.$low))), x$68 = (x$69 = ((x$70 = (new p521Uint1(x126.$high, x126.$low)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high, x$70.$low))), x$71 = (x$72 = ((x$73 = (new p521Uint1(x108.$high, x108.$low)), new $Uint64(x$73.$high, x$73.$low))), new $Uint64(x$72.$high + x76.$high, x$72.$low + x76.$low)), new $Uint64(x$69.$high + x$71.$high, x$69.$low + x$71.$low)), new $Uint64(x$66.$high + x$68.$high, x$66.$low + x$68.$low)), x175, ((x$74 = (new p521Uint1(x192.$high, x192.$low)), new $Uint64(x$74.$high, x$74.$low)))); + x193 = _tuple$96[0]; + x194 = _tuple$96[1]; + x195 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x196 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$97 = bits.Mul64(arg1[4], new $Uint64(16384, 0)); + x196 = _tuple$97[0]; + x195 = _tuple$97[1]; + x197 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x198 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$98 = bits.Add64(x181, x195, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x197 = _tuple$98[0]; + x198 = _tuple$98[1]; + x199 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x200 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$99 = bits.Add64(x183, x196, ((x$75 = (new p521Uint1(x198.$high, x198.$low)), new $Uint64(x$75.$high, x$75.$low)))); + x199 = _tuple$99[0]; + x200 = _tuple$99[1]; + x201 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x202 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$100 = bits.Add64(x185, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$76 = (new p521Uint1(x200.$high, x200.$low)), new $Uint64(x$76.$high, x$76.$low)))); + x201 = _tuple$100[0]; + x202 = _tuple$100[1]; + x203 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x204 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$101 = bits.Add64(x187, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$77 = (new p521Uint1(x202.$high, x202.$low)), new $Uint64(x$77.$high, x$77.$low)))); + x203 = _tuple$101[0]; + x204 = _tuple$101[1]; + x205 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x206 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$102 = bits.Add64(x189, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$78 = (new p521Uint1(x204.$high, x204.$low)), new $Uint64(x$78.$high, x$78.$low)))); + x205 = _tuple$102[0]; + x206 = _tuple$102[1]; + x207 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x208 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$103 = bits.Add64(x191, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$79 = (new p521Uint1(x206.$high, x206.$low)), new $Uint64(x$79.$high, x$79.$low)))); + x207 = _tuple$103[0]; + x208 = _tuple$103[1]; + x209 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x210 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$104 = bits.Add64(x193, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$80 = (new p521Uint1(x208.$high, x208.$low)), new $Uint64(x$80.$high, x$80.$low)))); + x209 = _tuple$104[0]; + x210 = _tuple$104[1]; + x211 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x212 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$105 = bits.Mul64(x179, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x212 = _tuple$105[0]; + x211 = _tuple$105[1]; + x213 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x214 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$106 = bits.Mul64(x179, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x214 = _tuple$106[0]; + x213 = _tuple$106[1]; + x215 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x216 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$107 = bits.Mul64(x179, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x216 = _tuple$107[0]; + x215 = _tuple$107[1]; + x217 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x218 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$108 = bits.Mul64(x179, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x218 = _tuple$108[0]; + x217 = _tuple$108[1]; + x219 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x220 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$109 = bits.Mul64(x179, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x220 = _tuple$109[0]; + x219 = _tuple$109[1]; + x221 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x222 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$110 = bits.Mul64(x179, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x222 = _tuple$110[0]; + x221 = _tuple$110[1]; + x223 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x224 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$111 = bits.Mul64(x179, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x224 = _tuple$111[0]; + x223 = _tuple$111[1]; + x225 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x226 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$112 = bits.Mul64(x179, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x226 = _tuple$112[0]; + x225 = _tuple$112[1]; + x227 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x228 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$113 = bits.Mul64(x179, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x228 = _tuple$113[0]; + x227 = _tuple$113[1]; + x229 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x230 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$114 = bits.Add64(x228, x225, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x229 = _tuple$114[0]; + x230 = _tuple$114[1]; + x231 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x232 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$115 = bits.Add64(x226, x223, ((x$81 = (new p521Uint1(x230.$high, x230.$low)), new $Uint64(x$81.$high, x$81.$low)))); + x231 = _tuple$115[0]; + x232 = _tuple$115[1]; + x233 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x234 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$116 = bits.Add64(x224, x221, ((x$82 = (new p521Uint1(x232.$high, x232.$low)), new $Uint64(x$82.$high, x$82.$low)))); + x233 = _tuple$116[0]; + x234 = _tuple$116[1]; + x235 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x236 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$117 = bits.Add64(x222, x219, ((x$83 = (new p521Uint1(x234.$high, x234.$low)), new $Uint64(x$83.$high, x$83.$low)))); + x235 = _tuple$117[0]; + x236 = _tuple$117[1]; + x237 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x238 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$118 = bits.Add64(x220, x217, ((x$84 = (new p521Uint1(x236.$high, x236.$low)), new $Uint64(x$84.$high, x$84.$low)))); + x237 = _tuple$118[0]; + x238 = _tuple$118[1]; + x239 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x240 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$119 = bits.Add64(x218, x215, ((x$85 = (new p521Uint1(x238.$high, x238.$low)), new $Uint64(x$85.$high, x$85.$low)))); + x239 = _tuple$119[0]; + x240 = _tuple$119[1]; + x241 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x242 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$120 = bits.Add64(x216, x213, ((x$86 = (new p521Uint1(x240.$high, x240.$low)), new $Uint64(x$86.$high, x$86.$low)))); + x241 = _tuple$120[0]; + x242 = _tuple$120[1]; + x243 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x244 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$121 = bits.Add64(x214, x211, ((x$87 = (new p521Uint1(x242.$high, x242.$low)), new $Uint64(x$87.$high, x$87.$low)))); + x243 = _tuple$121[0]; + x244 = _tuple$121[1]; + x246 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$122 = bits.Add64(x179, x227, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x246 = _tuple$122[1]; + x247 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x248 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$123 = bits.Add64(x197, x229, ((x$88 = (new p521Uint1(x246.$high, x246.$low)), new $Uint64(x$88.$high, x$88.$low)))); + x247 = _tuple$123[0]; + x248 = _tuple$123[1]; + x249 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x250 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$124 = bits.Add64(x199, x231, ((x$89 = (new p521Uint1(x248.$high, x248.$low)), new $Uint64(x$89.$high, x$89.$low)))); + x249 = _tuple$124[0]; + x250 = _tuple$124[1]; + x251 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x252 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$125 = bits.Add64(x201, x233, ((x$90 = (new p521Uint1(x250.$high, x250.$low)), new $Uint64(x$90.$high, x$90.$low)))); + x251 = _tuple$125[0]; + x252 = _tuple$125[1]; + x253 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x254 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$126 = bits.Add64(x203, x235, ((x$91 = (new p521Uint1(x252.$high, x252.$low)), new $Uint64(x$91.$high, x$91.$low)))); + x253 = _tuple$126[0]; + x254 = _tuple$126[1]; + x255 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x256 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$127 = bits.Add64(x205, x237, ((x$92 = (new p521Uint1(x254.$high, x254.$low)), new $Uint64(x$92.$high, x$92.$low)))); + x255 = _tuple$127[0]; + x256 = _tuple$127[1]; + x257 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x258 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$128 = bits.Add64(x207, x239, ((x$93 = (new p521Uint1(x256.$high, x256.$low)), new $Uint64(x$93.$high, x$93.$low)))); + x257 = _tuple$128[0]; + x258 = _tuple$128[1]; + x259 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x260 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$129 = bits.Add64(x209, x241, ((x$94 = (new p521Uint1(x258.$high, x258.$low)), new $Uint64(x$94.$high, x$94.$low)))); + x259 = _tuple$129[0]; + x260 = _tuple$129[1]; + x261 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x262 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$130 = bits.Add64((x$95 = ((x$96 = (new p521Uint1(x210.$high, x210.$low)), new $Uint64(x$96.$high, x$96.$low))), x$97 = (x$98 = ((x$99 = (new p521Uint1(x194.$high, x194.$low)), new $Uint64(x$99.$high, x$99.$low))), x$100 = (x$101 = ((x$102 = (new p521Uint1(x176.$high, x176.$low)), new $Uint64(x$102.$high, x$102.$low))), new $Uint64(x$101.$high + x144.$high, x$101.$low + x144.$low)), new $Uint64(x$98.$high + x$100.$high, x$98.$low + x$100.$low)), new $Uint64(x$95.$high + x$97.$high, x$95.$low + x$97.$low)), x243, ((x$103 = (new p521Uint1(x260.$high, x260.$low)), new $Uint64(x$103.$high, x$103.$low)))); + x261 = _tuple$130[0]; + x262 = _tuple$130[1]; + x263 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x264 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$131 = bits.Mul64(arg1[5], new $Uint64(16384, 0)); + x264 = _tuple$131[0]; + x263 = _tuple$131[1]; + x265 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x266 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$132 = bits.Add64(x249, x263, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x265 = _tuple$132[0]; + x266 = _tuple$132[1]; + x267 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x268 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$133 = bits.Add64(x251, x264, ((x$104 = (new p521Uint1(x266.$high, x266.$low)), new $Uint64(x$104.$high, x$104.$low)))); + x267 = _tuple$133[0]; + x268 = _tuple$133[1]; + x269 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x270 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$134 = bits.Add64(x253, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$105 = (new p521Uint1(x268.$high, x268.$low)), new $Uint64(x$105.$high, x$105.$low)))); + x269 = _tuple$134[0]; + x270 = _tuple$134[1]; + x271 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x272 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$135 = bits.Add64(x255, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$106 = (new p521Uint1(x270.$high, x270.$low)), new $Uint64(x$106.$high, x$106.$low)))); + x271 = _tuple$135[0]; + x272 = _tuple$135[1]; + x273 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x274 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$136 = bits.Add64(x257, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$107 = (new p521Uint1(x272.$high, x272.$low)), new $Uint64(x$107.$high, x$107.$low)))); + x273 = _tuple$136[0]; + x274 = _tuple$136[1]; + x275 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x276 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$137 = bits.Add64(x259, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$108 = (new p521Uint1(x274.$high, x274.$low)), new $Uint64(x$108.$high, x$108.$low)))); + x275 = _tuple$137[0]; + x276 = _tuple$137[1]; + x277 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x278 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$138 = bits.Add64(x261, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$109 = (new p521Uint1(x276.$high, x276.$low)), new $Uint64(x$109.$high, x$109.$low)))); + x277 = _tuple$138[0]; + x278 = _tuple$138[1]; + x279 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x280 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$139 = bits.Mul64(x247, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x280 = _tuple$139[0]; + x279 = _tuple$139[1]; + x281 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x282 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$140 = bits.Mul64(x247, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x282 = _tuple$140[0]; + x281 = _tuple$140[1]; + x283 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x284 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$141 = bits.Mul64(x247, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x284 = _tuple$141[0]; + x283 = _tuple$141[1]; + x285 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x286 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$142 = bits.Mul64(x247, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x286 = _tuple$142[0]; + x285 = _tuple$142[1]; + x287 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x288 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$143 = bits.Mul64(x247, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x288 = _tuple$143[0]; + x287 = _tuple$143[1]; + x289 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x290 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$144 = bits.Mul64(x247, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x290 = _tuple$144[0]; + x289 = _tuple$144[1]; + x291 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x292 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$145 = bits.Mul64(x247, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x292 = _tuple$145[0]; + x291 = _tuple$145[1]; + x293 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x294 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$146 = bits.Mul64(x247, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x294 = _tuple$146[0]; + x293 = _tuple$146[1]; + x295 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x296 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$147 = bits.Mul64(x247, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x296 = _tuple$147[0]; + x295 = _tuple$147[1]; + x297 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x298 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$148 = bits.Add64(x296, x293, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x297 = _tuple$148[0]; + x298 = _tuple$148[1]; + x299 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x300 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$149 = bits.Add64(x294, x291, ((x$110 = (new p521Uint1(x298.$high, x298.$low)), new $Uint64(x$110.$high, x$110.$low)))); + x299 = _tuple$149[0]; + x300 = _tuple$149[1]; + x301 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x302 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$150 = bits.Add64(x292, x289, ((x$111 = (new p521Uint1(x300.$high, x300.$low)), new $Uint64(x$111.$high, x$111.$low)))); + x301 = _tuple$150[0]; + x302 = _tuple$150[1]; + x303 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x304 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$151 = bits.Add64(x290, x287, ((x$112 = (new p521Uint1(x302.$high, x302.$low)), new $Uint64(x$112.$high, x$112.$low)))); + x303 = _tuple$151[0]; + x304 = _tuple$151[1]; + x305 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x306 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$152 = bits.Add64(x288, x285, ((x$113 = (new p521Uint1(x304.$high, x304.$low)), new $Uint64(x$113.$high, x$113.$low)))); + x305 = _tuple$152[0]; + x306 = _tuple$152[1]; + x307 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x308 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$153 = bits.Add64(x286, x283, ((x$114 = (new p521Uint1(x306.$high, x306.$low)), new $Uint64(x$114.$high, x$114.$low)))); + x307 = _tuple$153[0]; + x308 = _tuple$153[1]; + x309 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x310 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$154 = bits.Add64(x284, x281, ((x$115 = (new p521Uint1(x308.$high, x308.$low)), new $Uint64(x$115.$high, x$115.$low)))); + x309 = _tuple$154[0]; + x310 = _tuple$154[1]; + x311 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x312 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$155 = bits.Add64(x282, x279, ((x$116 = (new p521Uint1(x310.$high, x310.$low)), new $Uint64(x$116.$high, x$116.$low)))); + x311 = _tuple$155[0]; + x312 = _tuple$155[1]; + x314 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$156 = bits.Add64(x247, x295, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x314 = _tuple$156[1]; + x315 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x316 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$157 = bits.Add64(x265, x297, ((x$117 = (new p521Uint1(x314.$high, x314.$low)), new $Uint64(x$117.$high, x$117.$low)))); + x315 = _tuple$157[0]; + x316 = _tuple$157[1]; + x317 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x318 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$158 = bits.Add64(x267, x299, ((x$118 = (new p521Uint1(x316.$high, x316.$low)), new $Uint64(x$118.$high, x$118.$low)))); + x317 = _tuple$158[0]; + x318 = _tuple$158[1]; + x319 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x320 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$159 = bits.Add64(x269, x301, ((x$119 = (new p521Uint1(x318.$high, x318.$low)), new $Uint64(x$119.$high, x$119.$low)))); + x319 = _tuple$159[0]; + x320 = _tuple$159[1]; + x321 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x322 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$160 = bits.Add64(x271, x303, ((x$120 = (new p521Uint1(x320.$high, x320.$low)), new $Uint64(x$120.$high, x$120.$low)))); + x321 = _tuple$160[0]; + x322 = _tuple$160[1]; + x323 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x324 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$161 = bits.Add64(x273, x305, ((x$121 = (new p521Uint1(x322.$high, x322.$low)), new $Uint64(x$121.$high, x$121.$low)))); + x323 = _tuple$161[0]; + x324 = _tuple$161[1]; + x325 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x326 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$162 = bits.Add64(x275, x307, ((x$122 = (new p521Uint1(x324.$high, x324.$low)), new $Uint64(x$122.$high, x$122.$low)))); + x325 = _tuple$162[0]; + x326 = _tuple$162[1]; + x327 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x328 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$163 = bits.Add64(x277, x309, ((x$123 = (new p521Uint1(x326.$high, x326.$low)), new $Uint64(x$123.$high, x$123.$low)))); + x327 = _tuple$163[0]; + x328 = _tuple$163[1]; + x329 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x330 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$164 = bits.Add64((x$124 = ((x$125 = (new p521Uint1(x278.$high, x278.$low)), new $Uint64(x$125.$high, x$125.$low))), x$126 = (x$127 = ((x$128 = (new p521Uint1(x262.$high, x262.$low)), new $Uint64(x$128.$high, x$128.$low))), x$129 = (x$130 = ((x$131 = (new p521Uint1(x244.$high, x244.$low)), new $Uint64(x$131.$high, x$131.$low))), new $Uint64(x$130.$high + x212.$high, x$130.$low + x212.$low)), new $Uint64(x$127.$high + x$129.$high, x$127.$low + x$129.$low)), new $Uint64(x$124.$high + x$126.$high, x$124.$low + x$126.$low)), x311, ((x$132 = (new p521Uint1(x328.$high, x328.$low)), new $Uint64(x$132.$high, x$132.$low)))); + x329 = _tuple$164[0]; + x330 = _tuple$164[1]; + x331 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x332 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$165 = bits.Mul64(arg1[6], new $Uint64(16384, 0)); + x332 = _tuple$165[0]; + x331 = _tuple$165[1]; + x333 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x334 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$166 = bits.Add64(x317, x331, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x333 = _tuple$166[0]; + x334 = _tuple$166[1]; + x335 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x336 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$167 = bits.Add64(x319, x332, ((x$133 = (new p521Uint1(x334.$high, x334.$low)), new $Uint64(x$133.$high, x$133.$low)))); + x335 = _tuple$167[0]; + x336 = _tuple$167[1]; + x337 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x338 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$168 = bits.Add64(x321, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$134 = (new p521Uint1(x336.$high, x336.$low)), new $Uint64(x$134.$high, x$134.$low)))); + x337 = _tuple$168[0]; + x338 = _tuple$168[1]; + x339 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x340 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$169 = bits.Add64(x323, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$135 = (new p521Uint1(x338.$high, x338.$low)), new $Uint64(x$135.$high, x$135.$low)))); + x339 = _tuple$169[0]; + x340 = _tuple$169[1]; + x341 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x342 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$170 = bits.Add64(x325, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$136 = (new p521Uint1(x340.$high, x340.$low)), new $Uint64(x$136.$high, x$136.$low)))); + x341 = _tuple$170[0]; + x342 = _tuple$170[1]; + x343 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x344 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$171 = bits.Add64(x327, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$137 = (new p521Uint1(x342.$high, x342.$low)), new $Uint64(x$137.$high, x$137.$low)))); + x343 = _tuple$171[0]; + x344 = _tuple$171[1]; + x345 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x346 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$172 = bits.Add64(x329, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$138 = (new p521Uint1(x344.$high, x344.$low)), new $Uint64(x$138.$high, x$138.$low)))); + x345 = _tuple$172[0]; + x346 = _tuple$172[1]; + x347 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x348 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$173 = bits.Mul64(x315, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x348 = _tuple$173[0]; + x347 = _tuple$173[1]; + x349 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x350 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$174 = bits.Mul64(x315, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x350 = _tuple$174[0]; + x349 = _tuple$174[1]; + x351 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x352 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$175 = bits.Mul64(x315, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x352 = _tuple$175[0]; + x351 = _tuple$175[1]; + x353 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x354 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$176 = bits.Mul64(x315, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x354 = _tuple$176[0]; + x353 = _tuple$176[1]; + x355 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x356 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$177 = bits.Mul64(x315, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x356 = _tuple$177[0]; + x355 = _tuple$177[1]; + x357 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x358 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$178 = bits.Mul64(x315, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x358 = _tuple$178[0]; + x357 = _tuple$178[1]; + x359 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x360 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$179 = bits.Mul64(x315, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x360 = _tuple$179[0]; + x359 = _tuple$179[1]; + x361 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x362 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$180 = bits.Mul64(x315, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x362 = _tuple$180[0]; + x361 = _tuple$180[1]; + x363 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x364 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$181 = bits.Mul64(x315, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x364 = _tuple$181[0]; + x363 = _tuple$181[1]; + x365 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x366 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$182 = bits.Add64(x364, x361, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x365 = _tuple$182[0]; + x366 = _tuple$182[1]; + x367 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x368 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$183 = bits.Add64(x362, x359, ((x$139 = (new p521Uint1(x366.$high, x366.$low)), new $Uint64(x$139.$high, x$139.$low)))); + x367 = _tuple$183[0]; + x368 = _tuple$183[1]; + x369 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x370 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$184 = bits.Add64(x360, x357, ((x$140 = (new p521Uint1(x368.$high, x368.$low)), new $Uint64(x$140.$high, x$140.$low)))); + x369 = _tuple$184[0]; + x370 = _tuple$184[1]; + x371 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x372 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$185 = bits.Add64(x358, x355, ((x$141 = (new p521Uint1(x370.$high, x370.$low)), new $Uint64(x$141.$high, x$141.$low)))); + x371 = _tuple$185[0]; + x372 = _tuple$185[1]; + x373 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x374 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$186 = bits.Add64(x356, x353, ((x$142 = (new p521Uint1(x372.$high, x372.$low)), new $Uint64(x$142.$high, x$142.$low)))); + x373 = _tuple$186[0]; + x374 = _tuple$186[1]; + x375 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x376 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$187 = bits.Add64(x354, x351, ((x$143 = (new p521Uint1(x374.$high, x374.$low)), new $Uint64(x$143.$high, x$143.$low)))); + x375 = _tuple$187[0]; + x376 = _tuple$187[1]; + x377 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x378 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$188 = bits.Add64(x352, x349, ((x$144 = (new p521Uint1(x376.$high, x376.$low)), new $Uint64(x$144.$high, x$144.$low)))); + x377 = _tuple$188[0]; + x378 = _tuple$188[1]; + x379 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x380 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$189 = bits.Add64(x350, x347, ((x$145 = (new p521Uint1(x378.$high, x378.$low)), new $Uint64(x$145.$high, x$145.$low)))); + x379 = _tuple$189[0]; + x380 = _tuple$189[1]; + x382 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$190 = bits.Add64(x315, x363, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x382 = _tuple$190[1]; + x383 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x384 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$191 = bits.Add64(x333, x365, ((x$146 = (new p521Uint1(x382.$high, x382.$low)), new $Uint64(x$146.$high, x$146.$low)))); + x383 = _tuple$191[0]; + x384 = _tuple$191[1]; + x385 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x386 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$192 = bits.Add64(x335, x367, ((x$147 = (new p521Uint1(x384.$high, x384.$low)), new $Uint64(x$147.$high, x$147.$low)))); + x385 = _tuple$192[0]; + x386 = _tuple$192[1]; + x387 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x388 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$193 = bits.Add64(x337, x369, ((x$148 = (new p521Uint1(x386.$high, x386.$low)), new $Uint64(x$148.$high, x$148.$low)))); + x387 = _tuple$193[0]; + x388 = _tuple$193[1]; + x389 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x390 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$194 = bits.Add64(x339, x371, ((x$149 = (new p521Uint1(x388.$high, x388.$low)), new $Uint64(x$149.$high, x$149.$low)))); + x389 = _tuple$194[0]; + x390 = _tuple$194[1]; + x391 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x392 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$195 = bits.Add64(x341, x373, ((x$150 = (new p521Uint1(x390.$high, x390.$low)), new $Uint64(x$150.$high, x$150.$low)))); + x391 = _tuple$195[0]; + x392 = _tuple$195[1]; + x393 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x394 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$196 = bits.Add64(x343, x375, ((x$151 = (new p521Uint1(x392.$high, x392.$low)), new $Uint64(x$151.$high, x$151.$low)))); + x393 = _tuple$196[0]; + x394 = _tuple$196[1]; + x395 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x396 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$197 = bits.Add64(x345, x377, ((x$152 = (new p521Uint1(x394.$high, x394.$low)), new $Uint64(x$152.$high, x$152.$low)))); + x395 = _tuple$197[0]; + x396 = _tuple$197[1]; + x397 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x398 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$198 = bits.Add64((x$153 = ((x$154 = (new p521Uint1(x346.$high, x346.$low)), new $Uint64(x$154.$high, x$154.$low))), x$155 = (x$156 = ((x$157 = (new p521Uint1(x330.$high, x330.$low)), new $Uint64(x$157.$high, x$157.$low))), x$158 = (x$159 = ((x$160 = (new p521Uint1(x312.$high, x312.$low)), new $Uint64(x$160.$high, x$160.$low))), new $Uint64(x$159.$high + x280.$high, x$159.$low + x280.$low)), new $Uint64(x$156.$high + x$158.$high, x$156.$low + x$158.$low)), new $Uint64(x$153.$high + x$155.$high, x$153.$low + x$155.$low)), x379, ((x$161 = (new p521Uint1(x396.$high, x396.$low)), new $Uint64(x$161.$high, x$161.$low)))); + x397 = _tuple$198[0]; + x398 = _tuple$198[1]; + x399 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x400 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$199 = bits.Mul64(arg1[7], new $Uint64(16384, 0)); + x400 = _tuple$199[0]; + x399 = _tuple$199[1]; + x401 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x402 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$200 = bits.Add64(x385, x399, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x401 = _tuple$200[0]; + x402 = _tuple$200[1]; + x403 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x404 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$201 = bits.Add64(x387, x400, ((x$162 = (new p521Uint1(x402.$high, x402.$low)), new $Uint64(x$162.$high, x$162.$low)))); + x403 = _tuple$201[0]; + x404 = _tuple$201[1]; + x405 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x406 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$202 = bits.Add64(x389, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$163 = (new p521Uint1(x404.$high, x404.$low)), new $Uint64(x$163.$high, x$163.$low)))); + x405 = _tuple$202[0]; + x406 = _tuple$202[1]; + x407 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x408 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$203 = bits.Add64(x391, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$164 = (new p521Uint1(x406.$high, x406.$low)), new $Uint64(x$164.$high, x$164.$low)))); + x407 = _tuple$203[0]; + x408 = _tuple$203[1]; + x409 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x410 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$204 = bits.Add64(x393, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$165 = (new p521Uint1(x408.$high, x408.$low)), new $Uint64(x$165.$high, x$165.$low)))); + x409 = _tuple$204[0]; + x410 = _tuple$204[1]; + x411 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x412 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$205 = bits.Add64(x395, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$166 = (new p521Uint1(x410.$high, x410.$low)), new $Uint64(x$166.$high, x$166.$low)))); + x411 = _tuple$205[0]; + x412 = _tuple$205[1]; + x413 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x414 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$206 = bits.Add64(x397, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$167 = (new p521Uint1(x412.$high, x412.$low)), new $Uint64(x$167.$high, x$167.$low)))); + x413 = _tuple$206[0]; + x414 = _tuple$206[1]; + x415 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x416 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$207 = bits.Mul64(x383, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x416 = _tuple$207[0]; + x415 = _tuple$207[1]; + x417 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x418 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$208 = bits.Mul64(x383, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x418 = _tuple$208[0]; + x417 = _tuple$208[1]; + x419 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x420 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$209 = bits.Mul64(x383, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x420 = _tuple$209[0]; + x419 = _tuple$209[1]; + x421 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x422 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$210 = bits.Mul64(x383, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x422 = _tuple$210[0]; + x421 = _tuple$210[1]; + x423 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x424 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$211 = bits.Mul64(x383, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x424 = _tuple$211[0]; + x423 = _tuple$211[1]; + x425 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x426 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$212 = bits.Mul64(x383, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x426 = _tuple$212[0]; + x425 = _tuple$212[1]; + x427 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x428 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$213 = bits.Mul64(x383, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x428 = _tuple$213[0]; + x427 = _tuple$213[1]; + x429 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x430 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$214 = bits.Mul64(x383, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x430 = _tuple$214[0]; + x429 = _tuple$214[1]; + x431 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x432 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$215 = bits.Mul64(x383, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x432 = _tuple$215[0]; + x431 = _tuple$215[1]; + x433 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x434 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$216 = bits.Add64(x432, x429, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x433 = _tuple$216[0]; + x434 = _tuple$216[1]; + x435 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x436 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$217 = bits.Add64(x430, x427, ((x$168 = (new p521Uint1(x434.$high, x434.$low)), new $Uint64(x$168.$high, x$168.$low)))); + x435 = _tuple$217[0]; + x436 = _tuple$217[1]; + x437 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x438 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$218 = bits.Add64(x428, x425, ((x$169 = (new p521Uint1(x436.$high, x436.$low)), new $Uint64(x$169.$high, x$169.$low)))); + x437 = _tuple$218[0]; + x438 = _tuple$218[1]; + x439 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x440 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$219 = bits.Add64(x426, x423, ((x$170 = (new p521Uint1(x438.$high, x438.$low)), new $Uint64(x$170.$high, x$170.$low)))); + x439 = _tuple$219[0]; + x440 = _tuple$219[1]; + x441 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x442 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$220 = bits.Add64(x424, x421, ((x$171 = (new p521Uint1(x440.$high, x440.$low)), new $Uint64(x$171.$high, x$171.$low)))); + x441 = _tuple$220[0]; + x442 = _tuple$220[1]; + x443 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x444 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$221 = bits.Add64(x422, x419, ((x$172 = (new p521Uint1(x442.$high, x442.$low)), new $Uint64(x$172.$high, x$172.$low)))); + x443 = _tuple$221[0]; + x444 = _tuple$221[1]; + x445 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x446 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$222 = bits.Add64(x420, x417, ((x$173 = (new p521Uint1(x444.$high, x444.$low)), new $Uint64(x$173.$high, x$173.$low)))); + x445 = _tuple$222[0]; + x446 = _tuple$222[1]; + x447 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x448 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$223 = bits.Add64(x418, x415, ((x$174 = (new p521Uint1(x446.$high, x446.$low)), new $Uint64(x$174.$high, x$174.$low)))); + x447 = _tuple$223[0]; + x448 = _tuple$223[1]; + x450 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$224 = bits.Add64(x383, x431, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x450 = _tuple$224[1]; + x451 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x452 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$225 = bits.Add64(x401, x433, ((x$175 = (new p521Uint1(x450.$high, x450.$low)), new $Uint64(x$175.$high, x$175.$low)))); + x451 = _tuple$225[0]; + x452 = _tuple$225[1]; + x453 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x454 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$226 = bits.Add64(x403, x435, ((x$176 = (new p521Uint1(x452.$high, x452.$low)), new $Uint64(x$176.$high, x$176.$low)))); + x453 = _tuple$226[0]; + x454 = _tuple$226[1]; + x455 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x456 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$227 = bits.Add64(x405, x437, ((x$177 = (new p521Uint1(x454.$high, x454.$low)), new $Uint64(x$177.$high, x$177.$low)))); + x455 = _tuple$227[0]; + x456 = _tuple$227[1]; + x457 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x458 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$228 = bits.Add64(x407, x439, ((x$178 = (new p521Uint1(x456.$high, x456.$low)), new $Uint64(x$178.$high, x$178.$low)))); + x457 = _tuple$228[0]; + x458 = _tuple$228[1]; + x459 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x460 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$229 = bits.Add64(x409, x441, ((x$179 = (new p521Uint1(x458.$high, x458.$low)), new $Uint64(x$179.$high, x$179.$low)))); + x459 = _tuple$229[0]; + x460 = _tuple$229[1]; + x461 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x462 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$230 = bits.Add64(x411, x443, ((x$180 = (new p521Uint1(x460.$high, x460.$low)), new $Uint64(x$180.$high, x$180.$low)))); + x461 = _tuple$230[0]; + x462 = _tuple$230[1]; + x463 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x464 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$231 = bits.Add64(x413, x445, ((x$181 = (new p521Uint1(x462.$high, x462.$low)), new $Uint64(x$181.$high, x$181.$low)))); + x463 = _tuple$231[0]; + x464 = _tuple$231[1]; + x465 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x466 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$232 = bits.Add64((x$182 = ((x$183 = (new p521Uint1(x414.$high, x414.$low)), new $Uint64(x$183.$high, x$183.$low))), x$184 = (x$185 = ((x$186 = (new p521Uint1(x398.$high, x398.$low)), new $Uint64(x$186.$high, x$186.$low))), x$187 = (x$188 = ((x$189 = (new p521Uint1(x380.$high, x380.$low)), new $Uint64(x$189.$high, x$189.$low))), new $Uint64(x$188.$high + x348.$high, x$188.$low + x348.$low)), new $Uint64(x$185.$high + x$187.$high, x$185.$low + x$187.$low)), new $Uint64(x$182.$high + x$184.$high, x$182.$low + x$184.$low)), x447, ((x$190 = (new p521Uint1(x464.$high, x464.$low)), new $Uint64(x$190.$high, x$190.$low)))); + x465 = _tuple$232[0]; + x466 = _tuple$232[1]; + x467 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x468 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$233 = bits.Mul64(arg1[8], new $Uint64(16384, 0)); + x468 = _tuple$233[0]; + x467 = _tuple$233[1]; + x469 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x470 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$234 = bits.Add64(x453, x467, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x469 = _tuple$234[0]; + x470 = _tuple$234[1]; + x471 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x472 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$235 = bits.Add64(x455, x468, ((x$191 = (new p521Uint1(x470.$high, x470.$low)), new $Uint64(x$191.$high, x$191.$low)))); + x471 = _tuple$235[0]; + x472 = _tuple$235[1]; + x473 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x474 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$236 = bits.Add64(x457, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$192 = (new p521Uint1(x472.$high, x472.$low)), new $Uint64(x$192.$high, x$192.$low)))); + x473 = _tuple$236[0]; + x474 = _tuple$236[1]; + x475 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x476 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$237 = bits.Add64(x459, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$193 = (new p521Uint1(x474.$high, x474.$low)), new $Uint64(x$193.$high, x$193.$low)))); + x475 = _tuple$237[0]; + x476 = _tuple$237[1]; + x477 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x478 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$238 = bits.Add64(x461, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$194 = (new p521Uint1(x476.$high, x476.$low)), new $Uint64(x$194.$high, x$194.$low)))); + x477 = _tuple$238[0]; + x478 = _tuple$238[1]; + x479 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x480 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$239 = bits.Add64(x463, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$195 = (new p521Uint1(x478.$high, x478.$low)), new $Uint64(x$195.$high, x$195.$low)))); + x479 = _tuple$239[0]; + x480 = _tuple$239[1]; + x481 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x482 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$240 = bits.Add64(x465, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$196 = (new p521Uint1(x480.$high, x480.$low)), new $Uint64(x$196.$high, x$196.$low)))); + x481 = _tuple$240[0]; + x482 = _tuple$240[1]; + x483 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x484 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$241 = bits.Mul64(x451, new $Uint64(0, 511)); + x484 = _tuple$241[0]; + x483 = _tuple$241[1]; + x485 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x486 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$242 = bits.Mul64(x451, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x486 = _tuple$242[0]; + x485 = _tuple$242[1]; + x487 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x488 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$243 = bits.Mul64(x451, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x488 = _tuple$243[0]; + x487 = _tuple$243[1]; + x489 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x490 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$244 = bits.Mul64(x451, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x490 = _tuple$244[0]; + x489 = _tuple$244[1]; + x491 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x492 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$245 = bits.Mul64(x451, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x492 = _tuple$245[0]; + x491 = _tuple$245[1]; + x493 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x494 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$246 = bits.Mul64(x451, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x494 = _tuple$246[0]; + x493 = _tuple$246[1]; + x495 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x496 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$247 = bits.Mul64(x451, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x496 = _tuple$247[0]; + x495 = _tuple$247[1]; + x497 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x498 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$248 = bits.Mul64(x451, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x498 = _tuple$248[0]; + x497 = _tuple$248[1]; + x499 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x500 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$249 = bits.Mul64(x451, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x500 = _tuple$249[0]; + x499 = _tuple$249[1]; + x501 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x502 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$250 = bits.Add64(x500, x497, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x501 = _tuple$250[0]; + x502 = _tuple$250[1]; + x503 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x504 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$251 = bits.Add64(x498, x495, ((x$197 = (new p521Uint1(x502.$high, x502.$low)), new $Uint64(x$197.$high, x$197.$low)))); + x503 = _tuple$251[0]; + x504 = _tuple$251[1]; + x505 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x506 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$252 = bits.Add64(x496, x493, ((x$198 = (new p521Uint1(x504.$high, x504.$low)), new $Uint64(x$198.$high, x$198.$low)))); + x505 = _tuple$252[0]; + x506 = _tuple$252[1]; + x507 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x508 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$253 = bits.Add64(x494, x491, ((x$199 = (new p521Uint1(x506.$high, x506.$low)), new $Uint64(x$199.$high, x$199.$low)))); + x507 = _tuple$253[0]; + x508 = _tuple$253[1]; + x509 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x510 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$254 = bits.Add64(x492, x489, ((x$200 = (new p521Uint1(x508.$high, x508.$low)), new $Uint64(x$200.$high, x$200.$low)))); + x509 = _tuple$254[0]; + x510 = _tuple$254[1]; + x511 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x512 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$255 = bits.Add64(x490, x487, ((x$201 = (new p521Uint1(x510.$high, x510.$low)), new $Uint64(x$201.$high, x$201.$low)))); + x511 = _tuple$255[0]; + x512 = _tuple$255[1]; + x513 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x514 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$256 = bits.Add64(x488, x485, ((x$202 = (new p521Uint1(x512.$high, x512.$low)), new $Uint64(x$202.$high, x$202.$low)))); + x513 = _tuple$256[0]; + x514 = _tuple$256[1]; + x515 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x516 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$257 = bits.Add64(x486, x483, ((x$203 = (new p521Uint1(x514.$high, x514.$low)), new $Uint64(x$203.$high, x$203.$low)))); + x515 = _tuple$257[0]; + x516 = _tuple$257[1]; + x518 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$258 = bits.Add64(x451, x499, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x518 = _tuple$258[1]; + x519 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x520 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$259 = bits.Add64(x469, x501, ((x$204 = (new p521Uint1(x518.$high, x518.$low)), new $Uint64(x$204.$high, x$204.$low)))); + x519 = _tuple$259[0]; + x520 = _tuple$259[1]; + x521 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x522 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$260 = bits.Add64(x471, x503, ((x$205 = (new p521Uint1(x520.$high, x520.$low)), new $Uint64(x$205.$high, x$205.$low)))); + x521 = _tuple$260[0]; + x522 = _tuple$260[1]; + x523 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x524 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$261 = bits.Add64(x473, x505, ((x$206 = (new p521Uint1(x522.$high, x522.$low)), new $Uint64(x$206.$high, x$206.$low)))); + x523 = _tuple$261[0]; + x524 = _tuple$261[1]; + x525 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x526 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$262 = bits.Add64(x475, x507, ((x$207 = (new p521Uint1(x524.$high, x524.$low)), new $Uint64(x$207.$high, x$207.$low)))); + x525 = _tuple$262[0]; + x526 = _tuple$262[1]; + x527 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x528 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$263 = bits.Add64(x477, x509, ((x$208 = (new p521Uint1(x526.$high, x526.$low)), new $Uint64(x$208.$high, x$208.$low)))); + x527 = _tuple$263[0]; + x528 = _tuple$263[1]; + x529 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x530 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$264 = bits.Add64(x479, x511, ((x$209 = (new p521Uint1(x528.$high, x528.$low)), new $Uint64(x$209.$high, x$209.$low)))); + x529 = _tuple$264[0]; + x530 = _tuple$264[1]; + x531 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x532 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$265 = bits.Add64(x481, x513, ((x$210 = (new p521Uint1(x530.$high, x530.$low)), new $Uint64(x$210.$high, x$210.$low)))); + x531 = _tuple$265[0]; + x532 = _tuple$265[1]; + x533 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x534 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$266 = bits.Add64((x$211 = ((x$212 = (new p521Uint1(x482.$high, x482.$low)), new $Uint64(x$212.$high, x$212.$low))), x$213 = (x$214 = ((x$215 = (new p521Uint1(x466.$high, x466.$low)), new $Uint64(x$215.$high, x$215.$low))), x$216 = (x$217 = ((x$218 = (new p521Uint1(x448.$high, x448.$low)), new $Uint64(x$218.$high, x$218.$low))), new $Uint64(x$217.$high + x416.$high, x$217.$low + x416.$low)), new $Uint64(x$214.$high + x$216.$high, x$214.$low + x$216.$low)), new $Uint64(x$211.$high + x$213.$high, x$211.$low + x$213.$low)), x515, ((x$219 = (new p521Uint1(x532.$high, x532.$low)), new $Uint64(x$219.$high, x$219.$low)))); + x533 = _tuple$266[0]; + x534 = _tuple$266[1]; + x535 = (x$220 = ((x$221 = (new p521Uint1(x534.$high, x534.$low)), new $Uint64(x$221.$high, x$221.$low))), x$222 = (x$223 = ((x$224 = (new p521Uint1(x516.$high, x516.$low)), new $Uint64(x$224.$high, x$224.$low))), new $Uint64(x$223.$high + x484.$high, x$223.$low + x484.$low)), new $Uint64(x$220.$high + x$222.$high, x$220.$low + x$222.$low)); + x536 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x537 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$267 = bits.Sub64(x519, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x536 = _tuple$267[0]; + x537 = _tuple$267[1]; + x538 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x539 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$268 = bits.Sub64(x521, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$225 = (new p521Uint1(x537.$high, x537.$low)), new $Uint64(x$225.$high, x$225.$low)))); + x538 = _tuple$268[0]; + x539 = _tuple$268[1]; + x540 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x541 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$269 = bits.Sub64(x523, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$226 = (new p521Uint1(x539.$high, x539.$low)), new $Uint64(x$226.$high, x$226.$low)))); + x540 = _tuple$269[0]; + x541 = _tuple$269[1]; + x542 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x543 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$270 = bits.Sub64(x525, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$227 = (new p521Uint1(x541.$high, x541.$low)), new $Uint64(x$227.$high, x$227.$low)))); + x542 = _tuple$270[0]; + x543 = _tuple$270[1]; + x544 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x545 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$271 = bits.Sub64(x527, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$228 = (new p521Uint1(x543.$high, x543.$low)), new $Uint64(x$228.$high, x$228.$low)))); + x544 = _tuple$271[0]; + x545 = _tuple$271[1]; + x546 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x547 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$272 = bits.Sub64(x529, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$229 = (new p521Uint1(x545.$high, x545.$low)), new $Uint64(x$229.$high, x$229.$low)))); + x546 = _tuple$272[0]; + x547 = _tuple$272[1]; + x548 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x549 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$273 = bits.Sub64(x531, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$230 = (new p521Uint1(x547.$high, x547.$low)), new $Uint64(x$230.$high, x$230.$low)))); + x548 = _tuple$273[0]; + x549 = _tuple$273[1]; + x550 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x551 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$274 = bits.Sub64(x533, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$231 = (new p521Uint1(x549.$high, x549.$low)), new $Uint64(x$231.$high, x$231.$low)))); + x550 = _tuple$274[0]; + x551 = _tuple$274[1]; + x552 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x553 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$275 = bits.Sub64(x535, new $Uint64(0, 511), ((x$232 = (new p521Uint1(x551.$high, x551.$low)), new $Uint64(x$232.$high, x$232.$low)))); + x552 = _tuple$275[0]; + x553 = _tuple$275[1]; + x555 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$276 = bits.Sub64(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$233 = (new p521Uint1(x553.$high, x553.$low)), new $Uint64(x$233.$high, x$233.$low)))); + x555 = _tuple$276[1]; + x556 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x556$24ptr || (x556$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x556; }, function($v) { x556 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x555.$high, x555.$low)), x536, x519); + x557 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x557$24ptr || (x557$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x557; }, function($v) { x557 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x555.$high, x555.$low)), x538, x521); + x558 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x558$24ptr || (x558$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x558; }, function($v) { x558 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x555.$high, x555.$low)), x540, x523); + x559 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x559$24ptr || (x559$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x559; }, function($v) { x559 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x555.$high, x555.$low)), x542, x525); + x560 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x560$24ptr || (x560$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x560; }, function($v) { x560 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x555.$high, x555.$low)), x544, x527); + x561 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x561$24ptr || (x561$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x561; }, function($v) { x561 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x555.$high, x555.$low)), x546, x529); + x562 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x562$24ptr || (x562$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x562; }, function($v) { x562 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x555.$high, x555.$low)), x548, x531); + x563 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x563$24ptr || (x563$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x563; }, function($v) { x563 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x555.$high, x555.$low)), x550, x533); + x564 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x564$24ptr || (x564$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x564; }, function($v) { x564 = $v; }))), (new p521Uint1(x555.$high, x555.$low)), x552, x535); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x556; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x557; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x558; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x559; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x560; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x561; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x562; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x563; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x564; + }; + p521Selectznz = function(out1, arg1, arg2, arg3) { + var arg1, arg2, arg3, out1, x1, x1$24ptr, x2, x2$24ptr, x3, x3$24ptr, x4, x4$24ptr, x5, x5$24ptr, x6, x6$24ptr, x7, x7$24ptr, x8, x8$24ptr, x9, x9$24ptr; + x1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x1$24ptr || (x1$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1; }, function($v) { x1 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[0], arg3[0]); + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x2$24ptr || (x2$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x2; }, function($v) { x2 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[1], arg3[1]); + x3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x3$24ptr || (x3$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x3; }, function($v) { x3 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[2], arg3[2]); + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x4$24ptr || (x4$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x4; }, function($v) { x4 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[3], arg3[3]); + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x5$24ptr || (x5$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x5; }, function($v) { x5 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[4], arg3[4]); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x6$24ptr || (x6$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x6; }, function($v) { x6 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[5], arg3[5]); + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x7$24ptr || (x7$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x7; }, function($v) { x7 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[6], arg3[6]); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x8$24ptr || (x8$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x8; }, function($v) { x8 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[7], arg3[7]); + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p521CmovznzU64((x9$24ptr || (x9$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x9; }, function($v) { x9 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[8], arg3[8]); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x1; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x2; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x3; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x4; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x5; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x6; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x7; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x8; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x9; + }; + p521ToBytes = function(out1, arg1) { + var arg1, out1, x, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x104, x105, x106, x107, x108, x109, x11, x110, x111, x112, x113, x114, x115, x116, x117, x118, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x53, x54, x55, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x81, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90, x91, x92, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = arg1[8]; + x2 = arg1[7]; + x3 = arg1[6]; + x4 = arg1[5]; + x5 = arg1[4]; + x6 = arg1[3]; + x7 = arg1[2]; + x8 = arg1[1]; + x9 = arg1[0]; + x10 = ((((x9.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x11 = $shiftRightUint64(x9, 8); + x12 = ((((x11.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x13 = $shiftRightUint64(x11, 8); + x14 = ((((x13.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x15 = $shiftRightUint64(x13, 8); + x16 = ((((x15.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x17 = $shiftRightUint64(x15, 8); + x18 = ((((x17.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x19 = $shiftRightUint64(x17, 8); + x20 = ((((x19.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x21 = $shiftRightUint64(x19, 8); + x22 = ((((x21.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x23 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x21, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x24 = ((((x8.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x25 = $shiftRightUint64(x8, 8); + x26 = ((((x25.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x27 = $shiftRightUint64(x25, 8); + x28 = ((((x27.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x29 = $shiftRightUint64(x27, 8); + x30 = ((((x29.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x31 = $shiftRightUint64(x29, 8); + x32 = ((((x31.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x33 = $shiftRightUint64(x31, 8); + x34 = ((((x33.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x35 = $shiftRightUint64(x33, 8); + x36 = ((((x35.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x37 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x35, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x38 = ((((x7.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x39 = $shiftRightUint64(x7, 8); + x40 = ((((x39.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x41 = $shiftRightUint64(x39, 8); + x42 = ((((x41.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x43 = $shiftRightUint64(x41, 8); + x44 = ((((x43.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x45 = $shiftRightUint64(x43, 8); + x46 = ((((x45.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x47 = $shiftRightUint64(x45, 8); + x48 = ((((x47.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x49 = $shiftRightUint64(x47, 8); + x50 = ((((x49.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x51 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x49, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x52 = ((((x6.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x53 = $shiftRightUint64(x6, 8); + x54 = ((((x53.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x55 = $shiftRightUint64(x53, 8); + x56 = ((((x55.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x57 = $shiftRightUint64(x55, 8); + x58 = ((((x57.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x59 = $shiftRightUint64(x57, 8); + x60 = ((((x59.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x61 = $shiftRightUint64(x59, 8); + x62 = ((((x61.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x63 = $shiftRightUint64(x61, 8); + x64 = ((((x63.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x65 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x63, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x66 = ((((x5.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x67 = $shiftRightUint64(x5, 8); + x68 = ((((x67.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x69 = $shiftRightUint64(x67, 8); + x70 = ((((x69.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x71 = $shiftRightUint64(x69, 8); + x72 = ((((x71.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x73 = $shiftRightUint64(x71, 8); + x74 = ((((x73.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x75 = $shiftRightUint64(x73, 8); + x76 = ((((x75.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x77 = $shiftRightUint64(x75, 8); + x78 = ((((x77.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x79 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x77, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x80 = ((((x4.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x81 = $shiftRightUint64(x4, 8); + x82 = ((((x81.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x83 = $shiftRightUint64(x81, 8); + x84 = ((((x83.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x85 = $shiftRightUint64(x83, 8); + x86 = ((((x85.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x87 = $shiftRightUint64(x85, 8); + x88 = ((((x87.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x89 = $shiftRightUint64(x87, 8); + x90 = ((((x89.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x91 = $shiftRightUint64(x89, 8); + x92 = ((((x91.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x93 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x91, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x94 = ((((x3.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x95 = $shiftRightUint64(x3, 8); + x96 = ((((x95.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x97 = $shiftRightUint64(x95, 8); + x98 = ((((x97.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x99 = $shiftRightUint64(x97, 8); + x100 = ((((x99.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x101 = $shiftRightUint64(x99, 8); + x102 = ((((x101.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x103 = $shiftRightUint64(x101, 8); + x104 = ((((x103.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x105 = $shiftRightUint64(x103, 8); + x106 = ((((x105.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x107 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x105, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x108 = ((((x2.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x109 = $shiftRightUint64(x2, 8); + x110 = ((((x109.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x111 = $shiftRightUint64(x109, 8); + x112 = ((((x111.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x113 = $shiftRightUint64(x111, 8); + x114 = ((((x113.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x115 = $shiftRightUint64(x113, 8); + x116 = ((((x115.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x117 = $shiftRightUint64(x115, 8); + x118 = ((((x117.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x119 = $shiftRightUint64(x117, 8); + x120 = ((((x119.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x121 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x119, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x122 = ((((x1.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x123 = ((x = $shiftRightUint64(x1, 8), new p521Uint1(x.$high, x.$low))); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x10; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x12; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x14; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x16; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x18; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x20; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x22; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x23; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x24; + out1.nilCheck, out1[9] = x26; + out1.nilCheck, out1[10] = x28; + out1.nilCheck, out1[11] = x30; + out1.nilCheck, out1[12] = x32; + out1.nilCheck, out1[13] = x34; + out1.nilCheck, out1[14] = x36; + out1.nilCheck, out1[15] = x37; + out1.nilCheck, out1[16] = x38; + out1.nilCheck, out1[17] = x40; + out1.nilCheck, out1[18] = x42; + out1.nilCheck, out1[19] = x44; + out1.nilCheck, out1[20] = x46; + out1.nilCheck, out1[21] = x48; + out1.nilCheck, out1[22] = x50; + out1.nilCheck, out1[23] = x51; + out1.nilCheck, out1[24] = x52; + out1.nilCheck, out1[25] = x54; + out1.nilCheck, out1[26] = x56; + out1.nilCheck, out1[27] = x58; + out1.nilCheck, out1[28] = x60; + out1.nilCheck, out1[29] = x62; + out1.nilCheck, out1[30] = x64; + out1.nilCheck, out1[31] = x65; + out1.nilCheck, out1[32] = x66; + out1.nilCheck, out1[33] = x68; + out1.nilCheck, out1[34] = x70; + out1.nilCheck, out1[35] = x72; + out1.nilCheck, out1[36] = x74; + out1.nilCheck, out1[37] = x76; + out1.nilCheck, out1[38] = x78; + out1.nilCheck, out1[39] = x79; + out1.nilCheck, out1[40] = x80; + out1.nilCheck, out1[41] = x82; + out1.nilCheck, out1[42] = x84; + out1.nilCheck, out1[43] = x86; + out1.nilCheck, out1[44] = x88; + out1.nilCheck, out1[45] = x90; + out1.nilCheck, out1[46] = x92; + out1.nilCheck, out1[47] = x93; + out1.nilCheck, out1[48] = x94; + out1.nilCheck, out1[49] = x96; + out1.nilCheck, out1[50] = x98; + out1.nilCheck, out1[51] = x100; + out1.nilCheck, out1[52] = x102; + out1.nilCheck, out1[53] = x104; + out1.nilCheck, out1[54] = x106; + out1.nilCheck, out1[55] = x107; + out1.nilCheck, out1[56] = x108; + out1.nilCheck, out1[57] = x110; + out1.nilCheck, out1[58] = x112; + out1.nilCheck, out1[59] = x114; + out1.nilCheck, out1[60] = x116; + out1.nilCheck, out1[61] = x118; + out1.nilCheck, out1[62] = x120; + out1.nilCheck, out1[63] = x121; + out1.nilCheck, out1[64] = x122; + out1.nilCheck, out1[65] = ((x123.$low << 24 >>> 24)); + }; + p521FromBytes = function(out1, arg1) { + var arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x104, x105, x106, x107, x108, x109, x11, x110, x111, x112, x113, x114, x115, x116, x117, x118, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x53, x54, x55, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x81, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90, x91, x92, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = $shiftLeft64(((x = (new p521Uint1(0, arg1[65])), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))), 8); + x2 = arg1[64]; + x3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[63])), 56); + x4 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[62])), 48); + x5 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[61])), 40); + x6 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[60])), 32); + x7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[59])), 24); + x8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[58])), 16); + x9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[57])), 8); + x10 = arg1[56]; + x11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[55])), 56); + x12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[54])), 48); + x13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[53])), 40); + x14 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[52])), 32); + x15 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[51])), 24); + x16 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[50])), 16); + x17 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[49])), 8); + x18 = arg1[48]; + x19 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[47])), 56); + x20 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[46])), 48); + x21 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[45])), 40); + x22 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[44])), 32); + x23 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[43])), 24); + x24 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[42])), 16); + x25 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[41])), 8); + x26 = arg1[40]; + x27 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[39])), 56); + x28 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[38])), 48); + x29 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[37])), 40); + x30 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[36])), 32); + x31 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[35])), 24); + x32 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[34])), 16); + x33 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[33])), 8); + x34 = arg1[32]; + x35 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[31])), 56); + x36 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[30])), 48); + x37 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[29])), 40); + x38 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[28])), 32); + x39 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[27])), 24); + x40 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[26])), 16); + x41 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[25])), 8); + x42 = arg1[24]; + x43 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[23])), 56); + x44 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[22])), 48); + x45 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[21])), 40); + x46 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[20])), 32); + x47 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[19])), 24); + x48 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[18])), 16); + x49 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[17])), 8); + x50 = arg1[16]; + x51 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[15])), 56); + x52 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[14])), 48); + x53 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[13])), 40); + x54 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[12])), 32); + x55 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[11])), 24); + x56 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[10])), 16); + x57 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[9])), 8); + x58 = arg1[8]; + x59 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[7])), 56); + x60 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[6])), 48); + x61 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[5])), 40); + x62 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[4])), 32); + x63 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[3])), 24); + x64 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[2])), 16); + x65 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[1])), 8); + x66 = arg1[0]; + x67 = (x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, x66)), new $Uint64(x65.$high + x$1.$high, x65.$low + x$1.$low)); + x68 = new $Uint64(x64.$high + x67.$high, x64.$low + x67.$low); + x69 = new $Uint64(x63.$high + x68.$high, x63.$low + x68.$low); + x70 = new $Uint64(x62.$high + x69.$high, x62.$low + x69.$low); + x71 = new $Uint64(x61.$high + x70.$high, x61.$low + x70.$low); + x72 = new $Uint64(x60.$high + x71.$high, x60.$low + x71.$low); + x73 = new $Uint64(x59.$high + x72.$high, x59.$low + x72.$low); + x74 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, x58)), new $Uint64(x57.$high + x$2.$high, x57.$low + x$2.$low)); + x75 = new $Uint64(x56.$high + x74.$high, x56.$low + x74.$low); + x76 = new $Uint64(x55.$high + x75.$high, x55.$low + x75.$low); + x77 = new $Uint64(x54.$high + x76.$high, x54.$low + x76.$low); + x78 = new $Uint64(x53.$high + x77.$high, x53.$low + x77.$low); + x79 = new $Uint64(x52.$high + x78.$high, x52.$low + x78.$low); + x80 = new $Uint64(x51.$high + x79.$high, x51.$low + x79.$low); + x81 = (x$3 = (new $Uint64(0, x50)), new $Uint64(x49.$high + x$3.$high, x49.$low + x$3.$low)); + x82 = new $Uint64(x48.$high + x81.$high, x48.$low + x81.$low); + x83 = new $Uint64(x47.$high + x82.$high, x47.$low + x82.$low); + x84 = new $Uint64(x46.$high + x83.$high, x46.$low + x83.$low); + x85 = new $Uint64(x45.$high + x84.$high, x45.$low + x84.$low); + x86 = new $Uint64(x44.$high + x85.$high, x44.$low + x85.$low); + x87 = new $Uint64(x43.$high + x86.$high, x43.$low + x86.$low); + x88 = (x$4 = (new $Uint64(0, x42)), new $Uint64(x41.$high + x$4.$high, x41.$low + x$4.$low)); + x89 = new $Uint64(x40.$high + x88.$high, x40.$low + x88.$low); + x90 = new $Uint64(x39.$high + x89.$high, x39.$low + x89.$low); + x91 = new $Uint64(x38.$high + x90.$high, x38.$low + x90.$low); + x92 = new $Uint64(x37.$high + x91.$high, x37.$low + x91.$low); + x93 = new $Uint64(x36.$high + x92.$high, x36.$low + x92.$low); + x94 = new $Uint64(x35.$high + x93.$high, x35.$low + x93.$low); + x95 = (x$5 = (new $Uint64(0, x34)), new $Uint64(x33.$high + x$5.$high, x33.$low + x$5.$low)); + x96 = new $Uint64(x32.$high + x95.$high, x32.$low + x95.$low); + x97 = new $Uint64(x31.$high + x96.$high, x31.$low + x96.$low); + x98 = new $Uint64(x30.$high + x97.$high, x30.$low + x97.$low); + x99 = new $Uint64(x29.$high + x98.$high, x29.$low + x98.$low); + x100 = new $Uint64(x28.$high + x99.$high, x28.$low + x99.$low); + x101 = new $Uint64(x27.$high + x100.$high, x27.$low + x100.$low); + x102 = (x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, x26)), new $Uint64(x25.$high + x$6.$high, x25.$low + x$6.$low)); + x103 = new $Uint64(x24.$high + x102.$high, x24.$low + x102.$low); + x104 = new $Uint64(x23.$high + x103.$high, x23.$low + x103.$low); + x105 = new $Uint64(x22.$high + x104.$high, x22.$low + x104.$low); + x106 = new $Uint64(x21.$high + x105.$high, x21.$low + x105.$low); + x107 = new $Uint64(x20.$high + x106.$high, x20.$low + x106.$low); + x108 = new $Uint64(x19.$high + x107.$high, x19.$low + x107.$low); + x109 = (x$7 = (new $Uint64(0, x18)), new $Uint64(x17.$high + x$7.$high, x17.$low + x$7.$low)); + x110 = new $Uint64(x16.$high + x109.$high, x16.$low + x109.$low); + x111 = new $Uint64(x15.$high + x110.$high, x15.$low + x110.$low); + x112 = new $Uint64(x14.$high + x111.$high, x14.$low + x111.$low); + x113 = new $Uint64(x13.$high + x112.$high, x13.$low + x112.$low); + x114 = new $Uint64(x12.$high + x113.$high, x12.$low + x113.$low); + x115 = new $Uint64(x11.$high + x114.$high, x11.$low + x114.$low); + x116 = (x$8 = (new $Uint64(0, x10)), new $Uint64(x9.$high + x$8.$high, x9.$low + x$8.$low)); + x117 = new $Uint64(x8.$high + x116.$high, x8.$low + x116.$low); + x118 = new $Uint64(x7.$high + x117.$high, x7.$low + x117.$low); + x119 = new $Uint64(x6.$high + x118.$high, x6.$low + x118.$low); + x120 = new $Uint64(x5.$high + x119.$high, x5.$low + x119.$low); + x121 = new $Uint64(x4.$high + x120.$high, x4.$low + x120.$low); + x122 = new $Uint64(x3.$high + x121.$high, x3.$low + x121.$low); + x123 = (x$9 = (new $Uint64(0, x2)), new $Uint64(x1.$high + x$9.$high, x1.$low + x$9.$low)); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x73; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x80; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x87; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x94; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x101; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x108; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x115; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x122; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x123; + }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.One = function() { + var e; + e = this; + p521SetOne(e.x); + return e; + }; + P521Element.prototype.One = function() { return this.$val.One(); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(t) { + var e, eBytes, t, tBytes; + e = this; + eBytes = e.Bytes(); + tBytes = t.Bytes(); + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(eBytes, tBytes); + }; + P521Element.prototype.Equal = function(t) { return this.$val.Equal(t); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.IsZero = function() { + var e, eBytes; + e = this; + eBytes = e.Bytes(); + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(eBytes, p521ZeroEncoding); + }; + P521Element.prototype.IsZero = function() { return this.$val.IsZero(); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.Set = function(t) { + var e, t; + e = this; + p521MontgomeryDomainFieldElement.copy(e.x, t.x); + return e; + }; + P521Element.prototype.Set = function(t) { return this.$val.Set(t); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var e, out; + e = this; + out = arrayType$3.zero(); + return e.bytes(out); + }; + P521Element.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.bytes = function(out) { + var e, out, tmp; + e = this; + tmp = arrayType.zero(); + p521FromMontgomery(tmp, e.x); + p521ToBytes(out, (tmp)); + p521InvertEndianness(new sliceType(out)); + return new sliceType(out); + }; + P521Element.prototype.bytes = function(out) { return this.$val.bytes(out); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(v) { + var _i, _ref, e, i, in$1, tmp, v; + e = this; + if (!((v.$length === 66))) { + return [ptrType$1.nil, errors.New("invalid P521Element encoding")]; + } + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + if (((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) < ((i < 0 || i >= p521MinusOneEncoding.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p521MinusOneEncoding.$array[p521MinusOneEncoding.$offset + i])) { + break; + } + if (((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) > ((i < 0 || i >= p521MinusOneEncoding.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p521MinusOneEncoding.$array[p521MinusOneEncoding.$offset + i])) { + return [ptrType$1.nil, errors.New("invalid P521Element encoding")]; + } + _i++; + } + in$1 = arrayType$3.zero(); + $copySlice(new sliceType(in$1), v); + p521InvertEndianness(new sliceType(in$1)); + tmp = arrayType.zero(); + p521FromBytes((tmp), in$1); + p521ToMontgomery(e.x, tmp); + return [e, $ifaceNil]; + }; + P521Element.prototype.SetBytes = function(v) { return this.$val.SetBytes(v); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.Add = function(t1, t2) { + var e, t1, t2; + e = this; + p521Add(e.x, t1.x, t2.x); + return e; + }; + P521Element.prototype.Add = function(t1, t2) { return this.$val.Add(t1, t2); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.Sub = function(t1, t2) { + var e, t1, t2; + e = this; + p521Sub(e.x, t1.x, t2.x); + return e; + }; + P521Element.prototype.Sub = function(t1, t2) { return this.$val.Sub(t1, t2); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.Mul = function(t1, t2) { + var e, t1, t2; + e = this; + p521Mul(e.x, t1.x, t2.x); + return e; + }; + P521Element.prototype.Mul = function(t1, t2) { return this.$val.Mul(t1, t2); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.Square = function(t) { + var e, t; + e = this; + p521Square(e.x, t.x); + return e; + }; + P521Element.prototype.Square = function(t) { return this.$val.Square(t); }; + P521Element.ptr.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { + var a, b, cond, v; + v = this; + p521Selectznz((v.x), (new p521Uint1(0, cond)), (b.x), (a.x)); + return v; + }; + P521Element.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { return this.$val.Select(a, b, cond); }; + p521InvertEndianness = function(v) { + var _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, v, x, x$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < (_q = v.$length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))) { break; } + _tmp = (x = (v.$length - 1 >> 0) - i >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + x])); + _tmp$1 = ((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i] = _tmp); + (x$1 = (v.$length - 1 >> 0) - i >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + x$1] = _tmp$1)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.Invert = function(x) { + var e, s, s$1, s$10, s$2, s$3, s$4, s$5, s$6, s$7, s$8, s$9, t0, t1, t2, t3, x, z; + e = this; + z = new P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Set(e); + t0 = new P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()); + t1 = new P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()); + t2 = new P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()); + t3 = new P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()); + z.Square(x); + z.Mul(x, z); + z.Square(z); + t1.Mul(x, z); + z.Square(t1); + s = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s < 3)) { break; } + z.Square(z); + s = s + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(t1, z); + t0.Square(z); + s$1 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$1 < 6)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$1 = s$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Mul(z, t0); + t2.Square(t0); + s$2 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$2 < 12)) { break; } + t2.Square(t2); + s$2 = s$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Mul(t0, t2); + s$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$3 < 6)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$3 = s$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + t0.Square(z); + t2.Mul(x, t0); + t0.Square(t2); + t0.Mul(x, t0); + t3.Square(t0); + s$4 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$4 < 31)) { break; } + t3.Square(t3); + s$4 = s$4 + (1) >> 0; + } + t2.Mul(t2, t3); + t3.Square(t2); + s$5 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$5 < 63)) { break; } + t3.Square(t3); + s$5 = s$5 + (1) >> 0; + } + t2.Mul(t2, t3); + t3.Square(t2); + s$6 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$6 < 126)) { break; } + t3.Square(t3); + s$6 = s$6 + (1) >> 0; + } + t2.Mul(t2, t3); + s$7 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$7 < 3)) { break; } + t2.Square(t2); + s$7 = s$7 + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Mul(t1, t2); + s$8 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$8 < 33)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + s$8 = s$8 + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Mul(t0, t1); + s$9 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$9 < 94)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$9 = s$9 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + s$10 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$10 < 2)) { break; } + z.Square(z); + s$10 = s$10 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(x, z); + return e.Set(z); + }; + P384Element.prototype.Invert = function(x) { return this.$val.Invert(x); }; + p384CmovznzU64 = function(out1, arg1, arg2, arg3) { + var arg1, arg2, arg3, out1, x, x$1, x$2, x1, x2; + x1 = $mul64((new $Uint64(arg1.$high, arg1.$low)), new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x2 = (x = new $Uint64(x1.$high & arg3.$high, (x1.$low & arg3.$low) >>> 0), x$1 = (x$2 = new $Uint64(~x1.$high, ~x1.$low >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$2.$high & arg2.$high, (x$2.$low & arg2.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + out1.$set(x2); + }; + p384Mul = function(out1, arg1, arg2) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$100, _tuple$101, _tuple$102, _tuple$103, _tuple$104, _tuple$105, _tuple$106, _tuple$107, _tuple$108, _tuple$109, _tuple$11, _tuple$110, _tuple$111, _tuple$112, _tuple$113, _tuple$114, _tuple$115, _tuple$116, _tuple$117, _tuple$118, _tuple$119, _tuple$12, _tuple$120, _tuple$121, _tuple$122, _tuple$123, _tuple$124, _tuple$125, _tuple$126, _tuple$127, _tuple$128, _tuple$129, _tuple$13, _tuple$130, _tuple$131, _tuple$132, _tuple$133, _tuple$134, _tuple$135, _tuple$136, _tuple$137, _tuple$138, _tuple$139, _tuple$14, _tuple$140, _tuple$141, _tuple$142, _tuple$143, _tuple$144, _tuple$145, _tuple$146, _tuple$147, _tuple$148, _tuple$149, _tuple$15, _tuple$150, _tuple$151, _tuple$152, _tuple$153, _tuple$154, _tuple$155, _tuple$156, _tuple$157, _tuple$158, _tuple$159, _tuple$16, _tuple$160, _tuple$161, _tuple$162, _tuple$163, _tuple$164, _tuple$165, _tuple$166, _tuple$167, _tuple$168, _tuple$169, _tuple$17, _tuple$170, _tuple$171, _tuple$172, _tuple$173, _tuple$174, _tuple$175, _tuple$176, _tuple$177, _tuple$178, _tuple$179, _tuple$18, _tuple$180, _tuple$181, _tuple$182, _tuple$183, _tuple$184, _tuple$185, _tuple$186, _tuple$187, _tuple$188, _tuple$189, _tuple$19, _tuple$190, _tuple$191, _tuple$192, _tuple$193, _tuple$194, _tuple$195, _tuple$196, _tuple$197, _tuple$198, _tuple$199, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$200, _tuple$201, _tuple$202, _tuple$203, _tuple$204, _tuple$205, _tuple$206, _tuple$207, _tuple$208, _tuple$209, _tuple$21, _tuple$210, _tuple$211, _tuple$212, _tuple$213, _tuple$214, _tuple$215, _tuple$216, _tuple$217, _tuple$218, _tuple$219, _tuple$22, _tuple$220, _tuple$221, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$46, _tuple$47, _tuple$48, _tuple$49, _tuple$5, _tuple$50, _tuple$51, _tuple$52, _tuple$53, _tuple$54, _tuple$55, _tuple$56, _tuple$57, _tuple$58, _tuple$59, _tuple$6, _tuple$60, _tuple$61, _tuple$62, _tuple$63, _tuple$64, _tuple$65, _tuple$66, _tuple$67, _tuple$68, _tuple$69, _tuple$7, _tuple$70, _tuple$71, _tuple$72, _tuple$73, _tuple$74, _tuple$75, _tuple$76, _tuple$77, _tuple$78, _tuple$79, _tuple$8, _tuple$80, _tuple$81, _tuple$82, _tuple$83, _tuple$84, _tuple$85, _tuple$86, _tuple$87, _tuple$88, _tuple$89, _tuple$9, _tuple$90, _tuple$91, _tuple$92, _tuple$93, _tuple$94, _tuple$95, _tuple$96, _tuple$97, _tuple$98, _tuple$99, arg1, arg2, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$100, x$101, x$102, x$103, x$104, x$105, x$106, x$107, x$108, x$109, x$11, x$110, x$111, x$112, x$113, x$114, x$115, x$116, x$117, x$118, x$119, x$12, x$120, x$121, x$122, x$123, x$124, x$125, x$126, x$127, x$128, x$129, x$13, x$130, x$131, x$132, x$133, x$134, x$135, x$136, x$137, x$138, x$139, x$14, x$140, x$141, x$142, x$143, x$144, x$145, x$146, x$147, x$148, x$149, x$15, x$150, x$151, x$152, x$153, x$154, x$155, x$156, x$157, x$158, x$159, x$16, x$160, x$161, x$162, x$163, x$164, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$73, x$74, x$75, x$76, x$77, x$78, x$79, x$8, x$80, x$81, x$82, x$83, x$84, x$85, x$86, x$87, x$88, x$89, x$9, x$90, x$91, x$92, x$93, x$94, x$95, x$96, x$97, x$98, x$99, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x104, x105, x106, x108, x109, x11, x110, x111, x112, x113, x114, x115, x116, x117, x118, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x124, x125, x126, x127, x128, x129, x13, x130, x132, x133, x134, x135, x136, x137, x138, x139, x14, x140, x141, x142, x143, x144, x145, x146, x147, x148, x149, x15, x150, x151, x152, x153, x154, x155, x156, x157, x158, x159, x16, x160, x161, x162, x163, x164, x165, x166, x167, x168, x169, x17, x170, x171, x172, x173, x174, x175, x176, x177, x178, x179, x18, x180, x181, x182, x183, x185, x186, x187, x188, x189, x19, x190, x191, x192, x193, x194, x195, x196, x197, x198, x199, x2, x20, x200, x201, x202, x203, x204, x205, x206, x207, x209, x21, x210, x211, x212, x213, x214, x215, x216, x217, x218, x219, x22, x220, x221, x222, x223, x224, x225, x226, x227, x228, x229, x23, x230, x231, x232, x233, x234, x235, x236, x237, x238, x239, x24, x240, x241, x242, x243, x244, x245, x246, x247, x248, x249, x25, x250, x251, x252, x253, x254, x255, x256, x257, x258, x259, x26, x260, x262, x263, x264, x265, x266, x267, x268, x269, x27, x270, x271, x272, x273, x274, x275, x276, x277, x278, x279, x28, x280, x281, x282, x283, x284, x286, x287, x288, x289, x29, x290, x291, x292, x293, x294, x295, x296, x297, x298, x299, x3, x30, x300, x301, x302, x303, x304, x305, x306, x307, x308, x309, x310, x311, x312, x313, x314, x315, x316, x317, x318, x319, x32, x320, x321, x322, x323, x324, x325, x326, x327, x328, x329, x33, x330, x331, x332, x333, x334, x335, x336, x337, x339, x34, x340, x341, x342, x343, x344, x345, x346, x347, x348, x349, x35, x350, x351, x352, x353, x354, x355, x356, x357, x358, x359, x36, x360, x361, x363, x364, x365, x366, x367, x368, x369, x37, x370, x371, x372, x373, x374, x375, x376, x377, x378, x379, x38, x380, x381, x382, x383, x384, x385, x386, x387, x388, x389, x39, x390, x391, x392, x393, x394, x395, x396, x397, x398, x399, x4, x40, x400, x401, x402, x403, x404, x405, x406, x407, x408, x409, x41, x410, x411, x412, x413, x414, x416, x417, x418, x419, x42, x420, x421, x422, x423, x424, x425, x426, x427, x428, x429, x43, x430, x431, x432, x433, x434, x435, x436, x437, x438, x44, x440, x441, x442, x443, x444, x445, x446, x447, x448, x449, x45, x450, x451, x452, x453, x454, x455, x456, x457, x458, x459, x46, x460, x461, x462, x463, x464, x465, x467, x468, x468$24ptr, x469, x469$24ptr, x47, x470, x470$24ptr, x471, x471$24ptr, x472, x472$24ptr, x473, x473$24ptr, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x53, x54, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x81, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90, x91, x92, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = arg1[1]; + x2 = arg1[2]; + x3 = arg1[3]; + x4 = arg1[4]; + x5 = arg1[5]; + x6 = arg1[0]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[5]); + x8 = _tuple[0]; + x7 = _tuple[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[4]); + x10 = _tuple$1[0]; + x9 = _tuple$1[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[3]); + x12 = _tuple$2[0]; + x11 = _tuple$2[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[2]); + x14 = _tuple$3[0]; + x13 = _tuple$3[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[1]); + x16 = _tuple$4[0]; + x15 = _tuple$4[1]; + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg2[0]); + x18 = _tuple$5[0]; + x17 = _tuple$5[1]; + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Add64(x18, x15, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x19 = _tuple$6[0]; + x20 = _tuple$6[1]; + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Add64(x16, x13, ((x = (new p384Uint1(x20.$high, x20.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x21 = _tuple$7[0]; + x22 = _tuple$7[1]; + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Add64(x14, x11, ((x$1 = (new p384Uint1(x22.$high, x22.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x23 = _tuple$8[0]; + x24 = _tuple$8[1]; + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Add64(x12, x9, ((x$2 = (new p384Uint1(x24.$high, x24.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x25 = _tuple$9[0]; + x26 = _tuple$9[1]; + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Add64(x10, x7, ((x$3 = (new p384Uint1(x26.$high, x26.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x27 = _tuple$10[0]; + x28 = _tuple$10[1]; + x29 = (x$4 = ((x$5 = (new p384Uint1(x28.$high, x28.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low))), new $Uint64(x$4.$high + x8.$high, x$4.$low + x8.$low)); + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Mul64(x17, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x30 = _tuple$11[1]; + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x33 = _tuple$12[0]; + x32 = _tuple$12[1]; + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x35 = _tuple$13[0]; + x34 = _tuple$13[1]; + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x37 = _tuple$14[0]; + x36 = _tuple$14[1]; + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x39 = _tuple$15[0]; + x38 = _tuple$15[1]; + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x41 = _tuple$16[0]; + x40 = _tuple$16[1]; + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x43 = _tuple$17[0]; + x42 = _tuple$17[1]; + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Add64(x43, x40, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x44 = _tuple$18[0]; + x45 = _tuple$18[1]; + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Add64(x41, x38, ((x$6 = (new p384Uint1(x45.$high, x45.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x46 = _tuple$19[0]; + x47 = _tuple$19[1]; + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Add64(x39, x36, ((x$7 = (new p384Uint1(x47.$high, x47.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x48 = _tuple$20[0]; + x49 = _tuple$20[1]; + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Add64(x37, x34, ((x$8 = (new p384Uint1(x49.$high, x49.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x50 = _tuple$21[0]; + x51 = _tuple$21[1]; + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Add64(x35, x32, ((x$9 = (new p384Uint1(x51.$high, x51.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x52 = _tuple$22[0]; + x53 = _tuple$22[1]; + x54 = (x$10 = ((x$11 = (new p384Uint1(x53.$high, x53.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low))), new $Uint64(x$10.$high + x33.$high, x$10.$low + x33.$low)); + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Add64(x17, x42, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x56 = _tuple$23[1]; + x57 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Add64(x19, x44, ((x$12 = (new p384Uint1(x56.$high, x56.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x57 = _tuple$24[0]; + x58 = _tuple$24[1]; + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Add64(x21, x46, ((x$13 = (new p384Uint1(x58.$high, x58.$low)), new $Uint64(x$13.$high, x$13.$low)))); + x59 = _tuple$25[0]; + x60 = _tuple$25[1]; + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Add64(x23, x48, ((x$14 = (new p384Uint1(x60.$high, x60.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low)))); + x61 = _tuple$26[0]; + x62 = _tuple$26[1]; + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Add64(x25, x50, ((x$15 = (new p384Uint1(x62.$high, x62.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x63 = _tuple$27[0]; + x64 = _tuple$27[1]; + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Add64(x27, x52, ((x$16 = (new p384Uint1(x64.$high, x64.$low)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high, x$16.$low)))); + x65 = _tuple$28[0]; + x66 = _tuple$28[1]; + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Add64(x29, x54, ((x$17 = (new p384Uint1(x66.$high, x66.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low)))); + x67 = _tuple$29[0]; + x68 = _tuple$29[1]; + x69 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[5]); + x70 = _tuple$30[0]; + x69 = _tuple$30[1]; + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[4]); + x72 = _tuple$31[0]; + x71 = _tuple$31[1]; + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[3]); + x74 = _tuple$32[0]; + x73 = _tuple$32[1]; + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[2]); + x76 = _tuple$33[0]; + x75 = _tuple$33[1]; + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[1]); + x78 = _tuple$34[0]; + x77 = _tuple$34[1]; + x79 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x80 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[0]); + x80 = _tuple$35[0]; + x79 = _tuple$35[1]; + x81 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x80, x77, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x81 = _tuple$36[0]; + x82 = _tuple$36[1]; + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Add64(x78, x75, ((x$18 = (new p384Uint1(x82.$high, x82.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low)))); + x83 = _tuple$37[0]; + x84 = _tuple$37[1]; + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Add64(x76, x73, ((x$19 = (new p384Uint1(x84.$high, x84.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x85 = _tuple$38[0]; + x86 = _tuple$38[1]; + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Add64(x74, x71, ((x$20 = (new p384Uint1(x86.$high, x86.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x87 = _tuple$39[0]; + x88 = _tuple$39[1]; + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Add64(x72, x69, ((x$21 = (new p384Uint1(x88.$high, x88.$low)), new $Uint64(x$21.$high, x$21.$low)))); + x89 = _tuple$40[0]; + x90 = _tuple$40[1]; + x91 = (x$22 = ((x$23 = (new p384Uint1(x90.$high, x90.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low))), new $Uint64(x$22.$high + x70.$high, x$22.$low + x70.$low)); + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Add64(x57, x79, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x92 = _tuple$41[0]; + x93 = _tuple$41[1]; + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Add64(x59, x81, ((x$24 = (new p384Uint1(x93.$high, x93.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x94 = _tuple$42[0]; + x95 = _tuple$42[1]; + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Add64(x61, x83, ((x$25 = (new p384Uint1(x95.$high, x95.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x96 = _tuple$43[0]; + x97 = _tuple$43[1]; + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Add64(x63, x85, ((x$26 = (new p384Uint1(x97.$high, x97.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high, x$26.$low)))); + x98 = _tuple$44[0]; + x99 = _tuple$44[1]; + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Add64(x65, x87, ((x$27 = (new p384Uint1(x99.$high, x99.$low)), new $Uint64(x$27.$high, x$27.$low)))); + x100 = _tuple$45[0]; + x101 = _tuple$45[1]; + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Add64(x67, x89, ((x$28 = (new p384Uint1(x101.$high, x101.$low)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high, x$28.$low)))); + x102 = _tuple$46[0]; + x103 = _tuple$46[1]; + x104 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Add64(((x$29 = (new p384Uint1(x68.$high, x68.$low)), new $Uint64(x$29.$high, x$29.$low))), x91, ((x$30 = (new p384Uint1(x103.$high, x103.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low)))); + x104 = _tuple$47[0]; + x105 = _tuple$47[1]; + x106 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Mul64(x92, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x106 = _tuple$48[1]; + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x109 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x109 = _tuple$49[0]; + x108 = _tuple$49[1]; + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x111 = _tuple$50[0]; + x110 = _tuple$50[1]; + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x113 = _tuple$51[0]; + x112 = _tuple$51[1]; + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x115 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x115 = _tuple$52[0]; + x114 = _tuple$52[1]; + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x117 = _tuple$53[0]; + x116 = _tuple$53[1]; + x118 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x119 = _tuple$54[0]; + x118 = _tuple$54[1]; + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Add64(x119, x116, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x120 = _tuple$55[0]; + x121 = _tuple$55[1]; + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Add64(x117, x114, ((x$31 = (new p384Uint1(x121.$high, x121.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low)))); + x122 = _tuple$56[0]; + x123 = _tuple$56[1]; + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x115, x112, ((x$32 = (new p384Uint1(x123.$high, x123.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x124 = _tuple$57[0]; + x125 = _tuple$57[1]; + x126 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x113, x110, ((x$33 = (new p384Uint1(x125.$high, x125.$low)), new $Uint64(x$33.$high, x$33.$low)))); + x126 = _tuple$58[0]; + x127 = _tuple$58[1]; + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x129 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Add64(x111, x108, ((x$34 = (new p384Uint1(x127.$high, x127.$low)), new $Uint64(x$34.$high, x$34.$low)))); + x128 = _tuple$59[0]; + x129 = _tuple$59[1]; + x130 = (x$35 = ((x$36 = (new p384Uint1(x129.$high, x129.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high, x$36.$low))), new $Uint64(x$35.$high + x109.$high, x$35.$low + x109.$low)); + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Add64(x92, x118, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x132 = _tuple$60[1]; + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x134 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Add64(x94, x120, ((x$37 = (new p384Uint1(x132.$high, x132.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high, x$37.$low)))); + x133 = _tuple$61[0]; + x134 = _tuple$61[1]; + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Add64(x96, x122, ((x$38 = (new p384Uint1(x134.$high, x134.$low)), new $Uint64(x$38.$high, x$38.$low)))); + x135 = _tuple$62[0]; + x136 = _tuple$62[1]; + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Add64(x98, x124, ((x$39 = (new p384Uint1(x136.$high, x136.$low)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high, x$39.$low)))); + x137 = _tuple$63[0]; + x138 = _tuple$63[1]; + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x140 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Add64(x100, x126, ((x$40 = (new p384Uint1(x138.$high, x138.$low)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high, x$40.$low)))); + x139 = _tuple$64[0]; + x140 = _tuple$64[1]; + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Add64(x102, x128, ((x$41 = (new p384Uint1(x140.$high, x140.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low)))); + x141 = _tuple$65[0]; + x142 = _tuple$65[1]; + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Add64(x104, x130, ((x$42 = (new p384Uint1(x142.$high, x142.$low)), new $Uint64(x$42.$high, x$42.$low)))); + x143 = _tuple$66[0]; + x144 = _tuple$66[1]; + x145 = (x$43 = ((x$44 = (new p384Uint1(x144.$high, x144.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low))), x$45 = ((x$46 = (new p384Uint1(x105.$high, x105.$low)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high, x$46.$low))), new $Uint64(x$43.$high + x$45.$high, x$43.$low + x$45.$low)); + x146 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[5]); + x147 = _tuple$67[0]; + x146 = _tuple$67[1]; + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[4]); + x149 = _tuple$68[0]; + x148 = _tuple$68[1]; + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[3]); + x151 = _tuple$69[0]; + x150 = _tuple$69[1]; + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x153 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[2]); + x153 = _tuple$70[0]; + x152 = _tuple$70[1]; + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x155 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[1]); + x155 = _tuple$71[0]; + x154 = _tuple$71[1]; + x156 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x157 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[0]); + x157 = _tuple$72[0]; + x156 = _tuple$72[1]; + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Add64(x157, x154, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x158 = _tuple$73[0]; + x159 = _tuple$73[1]; + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Add64(x155, x152, ((x$47 = (new p384Uint1(x159.$high, x159.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low)))); + x160 = _tuple$74[0]; + x161 = _tuple$74[1]; + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Add64(x153, x150, ((x$48 = (new p384Uint1(x161.$high, x161.$low)), new $Uint64(x$48.$high, x$48.$low)))); + x162 = _tuple$75[0]; + x163 = _tuple$75[1]; + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x165 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Add64(x151, x148, ((x$49 = (new p384Uint1(x163.$high, x163.$low)), new $Uint64(x$49.$high, x$49.$low)))); + x164 = _tuple$76[0]; + x165 = _tuple$76[1]; + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x167 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Add64(x149, x146, ((x$50 = (new p384Uint1(x165.$high, x165.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low)))); + x166 = _tuple$77[0]; + x167 = _tuple$77[1]; + x168 = (x$51 = ((x$52 = (new p384Uint1(x167.$high, x167.$low)), new $Uint64(x$52.$high, x$52.$low))), new $Uint64(x$51.$high + x147.$high, x$51.$low + x147.$low)); + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Add64(x133, x156, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x169 = _tuple$78[0]; + x170 = _tuple$78[1]; + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x172 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Add64(x135, x158, ((x$53 = (new p384Uint1(x170.$high, x170.$low)), new $Uint64(x$53.$high, x$53.$low)))); + x171 = _tuple$79[0]; + x172 = _tuple$79[1]; + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x174 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Add64(x137, x160, ((x$54 = (new p384Uint1(x172.$high, x172.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low)))); + x173 = _tuple$80[0]; + x174 = _tuple$80[1]; + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x176 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Add64(x139, x162, ((x$55 = (new p384Uint1(x174.$high, x174.$low)), new $Uint64(x$55.$high, x$55.$low)))); + x175 = _tuple$81[0]; + x176 = _tuple$81[1]; + x177 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x178 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Add64(x141, x164, ((x$56 = (new p384Uint1(x176.$high, x176.$low)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high, x$56.$low)))); + x177 = _tuple$82[0]; + x178 = _tuple$82[1]; + x179 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x180 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Add64(x143, x166, ((x$57 = (new p384Uint1(x178.$high, x178.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low)))); + x179 = _tuple$83[0]; + x180 = _tuple$83[1]; + x181 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x182 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Add64(x145, x168, ((x$58 = (new p384Uint1(x180.$high, x180.$low)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high, x$58.$low)))); + x181 = _tuple$84[0]; + x182 = _tuple$84[1]; + x183 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$85 = bits.Mul64(x169, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x183 = _tuple$85[1]; + x185 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x186 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$86 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x186 = _tuple$86[0]; + x185 = _tuple$86[1]; + x187 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x188 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$87 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x188 = _tuple$87[0]; + x187 = _tuple$87[1]; + x189 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x190 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$88 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x190 = _tuple$88[0]; + x189 = _tuple$88[1]; + x191 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x192 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$89 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x192 = _tuple$89[0]; + x191 = _tuple$89[1]; + x193 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x194 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$90 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x194 = _tuple$90[0]; + x193 = _tuple$90[1]; + x195 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x196 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$91 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x196 = _tuple$91[0]; + x195 = _tuple$91[1]; + x197 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x198 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$92 = bits.Add64(x196, x193, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x197 = _tuple$92[0]; + x198 = _tuple$92[1]; + x199 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x200 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$93 = bits.Add64(x194, x191, ((x$59 = (new p384Uint1(x198.$high, x198.$low)), new $Uint64(x$59.$high, x$59.$low)))); + x199 = _tuple$93[0]; + x200 = _tuple$93[1]; + x201 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x202 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$94 = bits.Add64(x192, x189, ((x$60 = (new p384Uint1(x200.$high, x200.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low)))); + x201 = _tuple$94[0]; + x202 = _tuple$94[1]; + x203 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x204 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$95 = bits.Add64(x190, x187, ((x$61 = (new p384Uint1(x202.$high, x202.$low)), new $Uint64(x$61.$high, x$61.$low)))); + x203 = _tuple$95[0]; + x204 = _tuple$95[1]; + x205 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x206 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$96 = bits.Add64(x188, x185, ((x$62 = (new p384Uint1(x204.$high, x204.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low)))); + x205 = _tuple$96[0]; + x206 = _tuple$96[1]; + x207 = (x$63 = ((x$64 = (new p384Uint1(x206.$high, x206.$low)), new $Uint64(x$64.$high, x$64.$low))), new $Uint64(x$63.$high + x186.$high, x$63.$low + x186.$low)); + x209 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$97 = bits.Add64(x169, x195, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x209 = _tuple$97[1]; + x210 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x211 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$98 = bits.Add64(x171, x197, ((x$65 = (new p384Uint1(x209.$high, x209.$low)), new $Uint64(x$65.$high, x$65.$low)))); + x210 = _tuple$98[0]; + x211 = _tuple$98[1]; + x212 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x213 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$99 = bits.Add64(x173, x199, ((x$66 = (new p384Uint1(x211.$high, x211.$low)), new $Uint64(x$66.$high, x$66.$low)))); + x212 = _tuple$99[0]; + x213 = _tuple$99[1]; + x214 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x215 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$100 = bits.Add64(x175, x201, ((x$67 = (new p384Uint1(x213.$high, x213.$low)), new $Uint64(x$67.$high, x$67.$low)))); + x214 = _tuple$100[0]; + x215 = _tuple$100[1]; + x216 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x217 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$101 = bits.Add64(x177, x203, ((x$68 = (new p384Uint1(x215.$high, x215.$low)), new $Uint64(x$68.$high, x$68.$low)))); + x216 = _tuple$101[0]; + x217 = _tuple$101[1]; + x218 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x219 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$102 = bits.Add64(x179, x205, ((x$69 = (new p384Uint1(x217.$high, x217.$low)), new $Uint64(x$69.$high, x$69.$low)))); + x218 = _tuple$102[0]; + x219 = _tuple$102[1]; + x220 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x221 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$103 = bits.Add64(x181, x207, ((x$70 = (new p384Uint1(x219.$high, x219.$low)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high, x$70.$low)))); + x220 = _tuple$103[0]; + x221 = _tuple$103[1]; + x222 = (x$71 = ((x$72 = (new p384Uint1(x221.$high, x221.$low)), new $Uint64(x$72.$high, x$72.$low))), x$73 = ((x$74 = (new p384Uint1(x182.$high, x182.$low)), new $Uint64(x$74.$high, x$74.$low))), new $Uint64(x$71.$high + x$73.$high, x$71.$low + x$73.$low)); + x223 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x224 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$104 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[5]); + x224 = _tuple$104[0]; + x223 = _tuple$104[1]; + x225 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x226 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$105 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[4]); + x226 = _tuple$105[0]; + x225 = _tuple$105[1]; + x227 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x228 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$106 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[3]); + x228 = _tuple$106[0]; + x227 = _tuple$106[1]; + x229 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x230 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$107 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[2]); + x230 = _tuple$107[0]; + x229 = _tuple$107[1]; + x231 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x232 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$108 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[1]); + x232 = _tuple$108[0]; + x231 = _tuple$108[1]; + x233 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x234 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$109 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[0]); + x234 = _tuple$109[0]; + x233 = _tuple$109[1]; + x235 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x236 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$110 = bits.Add64(x234, x231, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x235 = _tuple$110[0]; + x236 = _tuple$110[1]; + x237 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x238 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$111 = bits.Add64(x232, x229, ((x$75 = (new p384Uint1(x236.$high, x236.$low)), new $Uint64(x$75.$high, x$75.$low)))); + x237 = _tuple$111[0]; + x238 = _tuple$111[1]; + x239 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x240 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$112 = bits.Add64(x230, x227, ((x$76 = (new p384Uint1(x238.$high, x238.$low)), new $Uint64(x$76.$high, x$76.$low)))); + x239 = _tuple$112[0]; + x240 = _tuple$112[1]; + x241 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x242 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$113 = bits.Add64(x228, x225, ((x$77 = (new p384Uint1(x240.$high, x240.$low)), new $Uint64(x$77.$high, x$77.$low)))); + x241 = _tuple$113[0]; + x242 = _tuple$113[1]; + x243 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x244 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$114 = bits.Add64(x226, x223, ((x$78 = (new p384Uint1(x242.$high, x242.$low)), new $Uint64(x$78.$high, x$78.$low)))); + x243 = _tuple$114[0]; + x244 = _tuple$114[1]; + x245 = (x$79 = ((x$80 = (new p384Uint1(x244.$high, x244.$low)), new $Uint64(x$80.$high, x$80.$low))), new $Uint64(x$79.$high + x224.$high, x$79.$low + x224.$low)); + x246 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x247 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$115 = bits.Add64(x210, x233, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x246 = _tuple$115[0]; + x247 = _tuple$115[1]; + x248 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x249 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$116 = bits.Add64(x212, x235, ((x$81 = (new p384Uint1(x247.$high, x247.$low)), new $Uint64(x$81.$high, x$81.$low)))); + x248 = _tuple$116[0]; + x249 = _tuple$116[1]; + x250 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x251 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$117 = bits.Add64(x214, x237, ((x$82 = (new p384Uint1(x249.$high, x249.$low)), new $Uint64(x$82.$high, x$82.$low)))); + x250 = _tuple$117[0]; + x251 = _tuple$117[1]; + x252 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x253 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$118 = bits.Add64(x216, x239, ((x$83 = (new p384Uint1(x251.$high, x251.$low)), new $Uint64(x$83.$high, x$83.$low)))); + x252 = _tuple$118[0]; + x253 = _tuple$118[1]; + x254 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x255 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$119 = bits.Add64(x218, x241, ((x$84 = (new p384Uint1(x253.$high, x253.$low)), new $Uint64(x$84.$high, x$84.$low)))); + x254 = _tuple$119[0]; + x255 = _tuple$119[1]; + x256 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x257 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$120 = bits.Add64(x220, x243, ((x$85 = (new p384Uint1(x255.$high, x255.$low)), new $Uint64(x$85.$high, x$85.$low)))); + x256 = _tuple$120[0]; + x257 = _tuple$120[1]; + x258 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x259 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$121 = bits.Add64(x222, x245, ((x$86 = (new p384Uint1(x257.$high, x257.$low)), new $Uint64(x$86.$high, x$86.$low)))); + x258 = _tuple$121[0]; + x259 = _tuple$121[1]; + x260 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$122 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x260 = _tuple$122[1]; + x262 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x263 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$123 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x263 = _tuple$123[0]; + x262 = _tuple$123[1]; + x264 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x265 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$124 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x265 = _tuple$124[0]; + x264 = _tuple$124[1]; + x266 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x267 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$125 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x267 = _tuple$125[0]; + x266 = _tuple$125[1]; + x268 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x269 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$126 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x269 = _tuple$126[0]; + x268 = _tuple$126[1]; + x270 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x271 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$127 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x271 = _tuple$127[0]; + x270 = _tuple$127[1]; + x272 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x273 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$128 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x273 = _tuple$128[0]; + x272 = _tuple$128[1]; + x274 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x275 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$129 = bits.Add64(x273, x270, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x274 = _tuple$129[0]; + x275 = _tuple$129[1]; + x276 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x277 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$130 = bits.Add64(x271, x268, ((x$87 = (new p384Uint1(x275.$high, x275.$low)), new $Uint64(x$87.$high, x$87.$low)))); + x276 = _tuple$130[0]; + x277 = _tuple$130[1]; + x278 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x279 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$131 = bits.Add64(x269, x266, ((x$88 = (new p384Uint1(x277.$high, x277.$low)), new $Uint64(x$88.$high, x$88.$low)))); + x278 = _tuple$131[0]; + x279 = _tuple$131[1]; + x280 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x281 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$132 = bits.Add64(x267, x264, ((x$89 = (new p384Uint1(x279.$high, x279.$low)), new $Uint64(x$89.$high, x$89.$low)))); + x280 = _tuple$132[0]; + x281 = _tuple$132[1]; + x282 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x283 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$133 = bits.Add64(x265, x262, ((x$90 = (new p384Uint1(x281.$high, x281.$low)), new $Uint64(x$90.$high, x$90.$low)))); + x282 = _tuple$133[0]; + x283 = _tuple$133[1]; + x284 = (x$91 = ((x$92 = (new p384Uint1(x283.$high, x283.$low)), new $Uint64(x$92.$high, x$92.$low))), new $Uint64(x$91.$high + x263.$high, x$91.$low + x263.$low)); + x286 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$134 = bits.Add64(x246, x272, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x286 = _tuple$134[1]; + x287 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x288 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$135 = bits.Add64(x248, x274, ((x$93 = (new p384Uint1(x286.$high, x286.$low)), new $Uint64(x$93.$high, x$93.$low)))); + x287 = _tuple$135[0]; + x288 = _tuple$135[1]; + x289 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x290 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$136 = bits.Add64(x250, x276, ((x$94 = (new p384Uint1(x288.$high, x288.$low)), new $Uint64(x$94.$high, x$94.$low)))); + x289 = _tuple$136[0]; + x290 = _tuple$136[1]; + x291 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x292 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$137 = bits.Add64(x252, x278, ((x$95 = (new p384Uint1(x290.$high, x290.$low)), new $Uint64(x$95.$high, x$95.$low)))); + x291 = _tuple$137[0]; + x292 = _tuple$137[1]; + x293 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x294 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$138 = bits.Add64(x254, x280, ((x$96 = (new p384Uint1(x292.$high, x292.$low)), new $Uint64(x$96.$high, x$96.$low)))); + x293 = _tuple$138[0]; + x294 = _tuple$138[1]; + x295 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x296 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$139 = bits.Add64(x256, x282, ((x$97 = (new p384Uint1(x294.$high, x294.$low)), new $Uint64(x$97.$high, x$97.$low)))); + x295 = _tuple$139[0]; + x296 = _tuple$139[1]; + x297 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x298 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$140 = bits.Add64(x258, x284, ((x$98 = (new p384Uint1(x296.$high, x296.$low)), new $Uint64(x$98.$high, x$98.$low)))); + x297 = _tuple$140[0]; + x298 = _tuple$140[1]; + x299 = (x$99 = ((x$100 = (new p384Uint1(x298.$high, x298.$low)), new $Uint64(x$100.$high, x$100.$low))), x$101 = ((x$102 = (new p384Uint1(x259.$high, x259.$low)), new $Uint64(x$102.$high, x$102.$low))), new $Uint64(x$99.$high + x$101.$high, x$99.$low + x$101.$low)); + x300 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x301 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$141 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[5]); + x301 = _tuple$141[0]; + x300 = _tuple$141[1]; + x302 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x303 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$142 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[4]); + x303 = _tuple$142[0]; + x302 = _tuple$142[1]; + x304 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x305 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$143 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[3]); + x305 = _tuple$143[0]; + x304 = _tuple$143[1]; + x306 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x307 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$144 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[2]); + x307 = _tuple$144[0]; + x306 = _tuple$144[1]; + x308 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x309 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$145 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[1]); + x309 = _tuple$145[0]; + x308 = _tuple$145[1]; + x310 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x311 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$146 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[0]); + x311 = _tuple$146[0]; + x310 = _tuple$146[1]; + x312 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x313 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$147 = bits.Add64(x311, x308, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x312 = _tuple$147[0]; + x313 = _tuple$147[1]; + x314 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x315 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$148 = bits.Add64(x309, x306, ((x$103 = (new p384Uint1(x313.$high, x313.$low)), new $Uint64(x$103.$high, x$103.$low)))); + x314 = _tuple$148[0]; + x315 = _tuple$148[1]; + x316 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x317 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$149 = bits.Add64(x307, x304, ((x$104 = (new p384Uint1(x315.$high, x315.$low)), new $Uint64(x$104.$high, x$104.$low)))); + x316 = _tuple$149[0]; + x317 = _tuple$149[1]; + x318 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x319 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$150 = bits.Add64(x305, x302, ((x$105 = (new p384Uint1(x317.$high, x317.$low)), new $Uint64(x$105.$high, x$105.$low)))); + x318 = _tuple$150[0]; + x319 = _tuple$150[1]; + x320 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x321 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$151 = bits.Add64(x303, x300, ((x$106 = (new p384Uint1(x319.$high, x319.$low)), new $Uint64(x$106.$high, x$106.$low)))); + x320 = _tuple$151[0]; + x321 = _tuple$151[1]; + x322 = (x$107 = ((x$108 = (new p384Uint1(x321.$high, x321.$low)), new $Uint64(x$108.$high, x$108.$low))), new $Uint64(x$107.$high + x301.$high, x$107.$low + x301.$low)); + x323 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x324 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$152 = bits.Add64(x287, x310, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x323 = _tuple$152[0]; + x324 = _tuple$152[1]; + x325 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x326 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$153 = bits.Add64(x289, x312, ((x$109 = (new p384Uint1(x324.$high, x324.$low)), new $Uint64(x$109.$high, x$109.$low)))); + x325 = _tuple$153[0]; + x326 = _tuple$153[1]; + x327 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x328 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$154 = bits.Add64(x291, x314, ((x$110 = (new p384Uint1(x326.$high, x326.$low)), new $Uint64(x$110.$high, x$110.$low)))); + x327 = _tuple$154[0]; + x328 = _tuple$154[1]; + x329 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x330 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$155 = bits.Add64(x293, x316, ((x$111 = (new p384Uint1(x328.$high, x328.$low)), new $Uint64(x$111.$high, x$111.$low)))); + x329 = _tuple$155[0]; + x330 = _tuple$155[1]; + x331 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x332 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$156 = bits.Add64(x295, x318, ((x$112 = (new p384Uint1(x330.$high, x330.$low)), new $Uint64(x$112.$high, x$112.$low)))); + x331 = _tuple$156[0]; + x332 = _tuple$156[1]; + x333 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x334 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$157 = bits.Add64(x297, x320, ((x$113 = (new p384Uint1(x332.$high, x332.$low)), new $Uint64(x$113.$high, x$113.$low)))); + x333 = _tuple$157[0]; + x334 = _tuple$157[1]; + x335 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x336 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$158 = bits.Add64(x299, x322, ((x$114 = (new p384Uint1(x334.$high, x334.$low)), new $Uint64(x$114.$high, x$114.$low)))); + x335 = _tuple$158[0]; + x336 = _tuple$158[1]; + x337 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$159 = bits.Mul64(x323, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x337 = _tuple$159[1]; + x339 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x340 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$160 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x340 = _tuple$160[0]; + x339 = _tuple$160[1]; + x341 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x342 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$161 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x342 = _tuple$161[0]; + x341 = _tuple$161[1]; + x343 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x344 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$162 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x344 = _tuple$162[0]; + x343 = _tuple$162[1]; + x345 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x346 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$163 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x346 = _tuple$163[0]; + x345 = _tuple$163[1]; + x347 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x348 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$164 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x348 = _tuple$164[0]; + x347 = _tuple$164[1]; + x349 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x350 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$165 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x350 = _tuple$165[0]; + x349 = _tuple$165[1]; + x351 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x352 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$166 = bits.Add64(x350, x347, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x351 = _tuple$166[0]; + x352 = _tuple$166[1]; + x353 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x354 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$167 = bits.Add64(x348, x345, ((x$115 = (new p384Uint1(x352.$high, x352.$low)), new $Uint64(x$115.$high, x$115.$low)))); + x353 = _tuple$167[0]; + x354 = _tuple$167[1]; + x355 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x356 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$168 = bits.Add64(x346, x343, ((x$116 = (new p384Uint1(x354.$high, x354.$low)), new $Uint64(x$116.$high, x$116.$low)))); + x355 = _tuple$168[0]; + x356 = _tuple$168[1]; + x357 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x358 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$169 = bits.Add64(x344, x341, ((x$117 = (new p384Uint1(x356.$high, x356.$low)), new $Uint64(x$117.$high, x$117.$low)))); + x357 = _tuple$169[0]; + x358 = _tuple$169[1]; + x359 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x360 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$170 = bits.Add64(x342, x339, ((x$118 = (new p384Uint1(x358.$high, x358.$low)), new $Uint64(x$118.$high, x$118.$low)))); + x359 = _tuple$170[0]; + x360 = _tuple$170[1]; + x361 = (x$119 = ((x$120 = (new p384Uint1(x360.$high, x360.$low)), new $Uint64(x$120.$high, x$120.$low))), new $Uint64(x$119.$high + x340.$high, x$119.$low + x340.$low)); + x363 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$171 = bits.Add64(x323, x349, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x363 = _tuple$171[1]; + x364 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x365 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$172 = bits.Add64(x325, x351, ((x$121 = (new p384Uint1(x363.$high, x363.$low)), new $Uint64(x$121.$high, x$121.$low)))); + x364 = _tuple$172[0]; + x365 = _tuple$172[1]; + x366 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x367 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$173 = bits.Add64(x327, x353, ((x$122 = (new p384Uint1(x365.$high, x365.$low)), new $Uint64(x$122.$high, x$122.$low)))); + x366 = _tuple$173[0]; + x367 = _tuple$173[1]; + x368 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x369 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$174 = bits.Add64(x329, x355, ((x$123 = (new p384Uint1(x367.$high, x367.$low)), new $Uint64(x$123.$high, x$123.$low)))); + x368 = _tuple$174[0]; + x369 = _tuple$174[1]; + x370 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x371 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$175 = bits.Add64(x331, x357, ((x$124 = (new p384Uint1(x369.$high, x369.$low)), new $Uint64(x$124.$high, x$124.$low)))); + x370 = _tuple$175[0]; + x371 = _tuple$175[1]; + x372 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x373 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$176 = bits.Add64(x333, x359, ((x$125 = (new p384Uint1(x371.$high, x371.$low)), new $Uint64(x$125.$high, x$125.$low)))); + x372 = _tuple$176[0]; + x373 = _tuple$176[1]; + x374 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x375 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$177 = bits.Add64(x335, x361, ((x$126 = (new p384Uint1(x373.$high, x373.$low)), new $Uint64(x$126.$high, x$126.$low)))); + x374 = _tuple$177[0]; + x375 = _tuple$177[1]; + x376 = (x$127 = ((x$128 = (new p384Uint1(x375.$high, x375.$low)), new $Uint64(x$128.$high, x$128.$low))), x$129 = ((x$130 = (new p384Uint1(x336.$high, x336.$low)), new $Uint64(x$130.$high, x$130.$low))), new $Uint64(x$127.$high + x$129.$high, x$127.$low + x$129.$low)); + x377 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x378 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$178 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[5]); + x378 = _tuple$178[0]; + x377 = _tuple$178[1]; + x379 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x380 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$179 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[4]); + x380 = _tuple$179[0]; + x379 = _tuple$179[1]; + x381 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x382 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$180 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[3]); + x382 = _tuple$180[0]; + x381 = _tuple$180[1]; + x383 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x384 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$181 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[2]); + x384 = _tuple$181[0]; + x383 = _tuple$181[1]; + x385 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x386 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$182 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[1]); + x386 = _tuple$182[0]; + x385 = _tuple$182[1]; + x387 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x388 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$183 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg2[0]); + x388 = _tuple$183[0]; + x387 = _tuple$183[1]; + x389 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x390 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$184 = bits.Add64(x388, x385, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x389 = _tuple$184[0]; + x390 = _tuple$184[1]; + x391 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x392 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$185 = bits.Add64(x386, x383, ((x$131 = (new p384Uint1(x390.$high, x390.$low)), new $Uint64(x$131.$high, x$131.$low)))); + x391 = _tuple$185[0]; + x392 = _tuple$185[1]; + x393 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x394 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$186 = bits.Add64(x384, x381, ((x$132 = (new p384Uint1(x392.$high, x392.$low)), new $Uint64(x$132.$high, x$132.$low)))); + x393 = _tuple$186[0]; + x394 = _tuple$186[1]; + x395 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x396 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$187 = bits.Add64(x382, x379, ((x$133 = (new p384Uint1(x394.$high, x394.$low)), new $Uint64(x$133.$high, x$133.$low)))); + x395 = _tuple$187[0]; + x396 = _tuple$187[1]; + x397 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x398 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$188 = bits.Add64(x380, x377, ((x$134 = (new p384Uint1(x396.$high, x396.$low)), new $Uint64(x$134.$high, x$134.$low)))); + x397 = _tuple$188[0]; + x398 = _tuple$188[1]; + x399 = (x$135 = ((x$136 = (new p384Uint1(x398.$high, x398.$low)), new $Uint64(x$136.$high, x$136.$low))), new $Uint64(x$135.$high + x378.$high, x$135.$low + x378.$low)); + x400 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x401 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$189 = bits.Add64(x364, x387, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x400 = _tuple$189[0]; + x401 = _tuple$189[1]; + x402 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x403 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$190 = bits.Add64(x366, x389, ((x$137 = (new p384Uint1(x401.$high, x401.$low)), new $Uint64(x$137.$high, x$137.$low)))); + x402 = _tuple$190[0]; + x403 = _tuple$190[1]; + x404 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x405 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$191 = bits.Add64(x368, x391, ((x$138 = (new p384Uint1(x403.$high, x403.$low)), new $Uint64(x$138.$high, x$138.$low)))); + x404 = _tuple$191[0]; + x405 = _tuple$191[1]; + x406 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x407 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$192 = bits.Add64(x370, x393, ((x$139 = (new p384Uint1(x405.$high, x405.$low)), new $Uint64(x$139.$high, x$139.$low)))); + x406 = _tuple$192[0]; + x407 = _tuple$192[1]; + x408 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x409 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$193 = bits.Add64(x372, x395, ((x$140 = (new p384Uint1(x407.$high, x407.$low)), new $Uint64(x$140.$high, x$140.$low)))); + x408 = _tuple$193[0]; + x409 = _tuple$193[1]; + x410 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x411 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$194 = bits.Add64(x374, x397, ((x$141 = (new p384Uint1(x409.$high, x409.$low)), new $Uint64(x$141.$high, x$141.$low)))); + x410 = _tuple$194[0]; + x411 = _tuple$194[1]; + x412 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x413 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$195 = bits.Add64(x376, x399, ((x$142 = (new p384Uint1(x411.$high, x411.$low)), new $Uint64(x$142.$high, x$142.$low)))); + x412 = _tuple$195[0]; + x413 = _tuple$195[1]; + x414 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$196 = bits.Mul64(x400, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x414 = _tuple$196[1]; + x416 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x417 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$197 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x417 = _tuple$197[0]; + x416 = _tuple$197[1]; + x418 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x419 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$198 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x419 = _tuple$198[0]; + x418 = _tuple$198[1]; + x420 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x421 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$199 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x421 = _tuple$199[0]; + x420 = _tuple$199[1]; + x422 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x423 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$200 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x423 = _tuple$200[0]; + x422 = _tuple$200[1]; + x424 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x425 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$201 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x425 = _tuple$201[0]; + x424 = _tuple$201[1]; + x426 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x427 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$202 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x427 = _tuple$202[0]; + x426 = _tuple$202[1]; + x428 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x429 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$203 = bits.Add64(x427, x424, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x428 = _tuple$203[0]; + x429 = _tuple$203[1]; + x430 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x431 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$204 = bits.Add64(x425, x422, ((x$143 = (new p384Uint1(x429.$high, x429.$low)), new $Uint64(x$143.$high, x$143.$low)))); + x430 = _tuple$204[0]; + x431 = _tuple$204[1]; + x432 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x433 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$205 = bits.Add64(x423, x420, ((x$144 = (new p384Uint1(x431.$high, x431.$low)), new $Uint64(x$144.$high, x$144.$low)))); + x432 = _tuple$205[0]; + x433 = _tuple$205[1]; + x434 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x435 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$206 = bits.Add64(x421, x418, ((x$145 = (new p384Uint1(x433.$high, x433.$low)), new $Uint64(x$145.$high, x$145.$low)))); + x434 = _tuple$206[0]; + x435 = _tuple$206[1]; + x436 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x437 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$207 = bits.Add64(x419, x416, ((x$146 = (new p384Uint1(x435.$high, x435.$low)), new $Uint64(x$146.$high, x$146.$low)))); + x436 = _tuple$207[0]; + x437 = _tuple$207[1]; + x438 = (x$147 = ((x$148 = (new p384Uint1(x437.$high, x437.$low)), new $Uint64(x$148.$high, x$148.$low))), new $Uint64(x$147.$high + x417.$high, x$147.$low + x417.$low)); + x440 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$208 = bits.Add64(x400, x426, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x440 = _tuple$208[1]; + x441 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x442 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$209 = bits.Add64(x402, x428, ((x$149 = (new p384Uint1(x440.$high, x440.$low)), new $Uint64(x$149.$high, x$149.$low)))); + x441 = _tuple$209[0]; + x442 = _tuple$209[1]; + x443 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x444 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$210 = bits.Add64(x404, x430, ((x$150 = (new p384Uint1(x442.$high, x442.$low)), new $Uint64(x$150.$high, x$150.$low)))); + x443 = _tuple$210[0]; + x444 = _tuple$210[1]; + x445 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x446 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$211 = bits.Add64(x406, x432, ((x$151 = (new p384Uint1(x444.$high, x444.$low)), new $Uint64(x$151.$high, x$151.$low)))); + x445 = _tuple$211[0]; + x446 = _tuple$211[1]; + x447 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x448 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$212 = bits.Add64(x408, x434, ((x$152 = (new p384Uint1(x446.$high, x446.$low)), new $Uint64(x$152.$high, x$152.$low)))); + x447 = _tuple$212[0]; + x448 = _tuple$212[1]; + x449 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x450 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$213 = bits.Add64(x410, x436, ((x$153 = (new p384Uint1(x448.$high, x448.$low)), new $Uint64(x$153.$high, x$153.$low)))); + x449 = _tuple$213[0]; + x450 = _tuple$213[1]; + x451 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x452 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$214 = bits.Add64(x412, x438, ((x$154 = (new p384Uint1(x450.$high, x450.$low)), new $Uint64(x$154.$high, x$154.$low)))); + x451 = _tuple$214[0]; + x452 = _tuple$214[1]; + x453 = (x$155 = ((x$156 = (new p384Uint1(x452.$high, x452.$low)), new $Uint64(x$156.$high, x$156.$low))), x$157 = ((x$158 = (new p384Uint1(x413.$high, x413.$low)), new $Uint64(x$158.$high, x$158.$low))), new $Uint64(x$155.$high + x$157.$high, x$155.$low + x$157.$low)); + x454 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x455 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$215 = bits.Sub64(x441, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x454 = _tuple$215[0]; + x455 = _tuple$215[1]; + x456 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x457 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$216 = bits.Sub64(x443, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0), ((x$159 = (new p384Uint1(x455.$high, x455.$low)), new $Uint64(x$159.$high, x$159.$low)))); + x456 = _tuple$216[0]; + x457 = _tuple$216[1]; + x458 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x459 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$217 = bits.Sub64(x445, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294), ((x$160 = (new p384Uint1(x457.$high, x457.$low)), new $Uint64(x$160.$high, x$160.$low)))); + x458 = _tuple$217[0]; + x459 = _tuple$217[1]; + x460 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x461 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$218 = bits.Sub64(x447, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$161 = (new p384Uint1(x459.$high, x459.$low)), new $Uint64(x$161.$high, x$161.$low)))); + x460 = _tuple$218[0]; + x461 = _tuple$218[1]; + x462 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x463 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$219 = bits.Sub64(x449, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$162 = (new p384Uint1(x461.$high, x461.$low)), new $Uint64(x$162.$high, x$162.$low)))); + x462 = _tuple$219[0]; + x463 = _tuple$219[1]; + x464 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x465 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$220 = bits.Sub64(x451, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$163 = (new p384Uint1(x463.$high, x463.$low)), new $Uint64(x$163.$high, x$163.$low)))); + x464 = _tuple$220[0]; + x465 = _tuple$220[1]; + x467 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$221 = bits.Sub64(x453, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$164 = (new p384Uint1(x465.$high, x465.$low)), new $Uint64(x$164.$high, x$164.$low)))); + x467 = _tuple$221[1]; + x468 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x468$24ptr || (x468$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x468; }, function($v) { x468 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x454, x441); + x469 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x469$24ptr || (x469$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x469; }, function($v) { x469 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x456, x443); + x470 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x470$24ptr || (x470$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x470; }, function($v) { x470 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x458, x445); + x471 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x471$24ptr || (x471$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x471; }, function($v) { x471 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x460, x447); + x472 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x472$24ptr || (x472$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x472; }, function($v) { x472 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x462, x449); + x473 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x473$24ptr || (x473$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x473; }, function($v) { x473 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x464, x451); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x468; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x469; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x470; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x471; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x472; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x473; + }; + p384Square = function(out1, arg1) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$100, _tuple$101, _tuple$102, _tuple$103, _tuple$104, _tuple$105, _tuple$106, _tuple$107, _tuple$108, _tuple$109, _tuple$11, _tuple$110, _tuple$111, _tuple$112, _tuple$113, _tuple$114, _tuple$115, _tuple$116, _tuple$117, _tuple$118, _tuple$119, _tuple$12, _tuple$120, _tuple$121, _tuple$122, _tuple$123, _tuple$124, _tuple$125, _tuple$126, _tuple$127, _tuple$128, _tuple$129, _tuple$13, _tuple$130, _tuple$131, _tuple$132, _tuple$133, _tuple$134, _tuple$135, _tuple$136, _tuple$137, _tuple$138, _tuple$139, _tuple$14, _tuple$140, _tuple$141, _tuple$142, _tuple$143, _tuple$144, _tuple$145, _tuple$146, _tuple$147, _tuple$148, _tuple$149, _tuple$15, _tuple$150, _tuple$151, _tuple$152, _tuple$153, _tuple$154, _tuple$155, _tuple$156, _tuple$157, _tuple$158, _tuple$159, _tuple$16, _tuple$160, _tuple$161, _tuple$162, _tuple$163, _tuple$164, _tuple$165, _tuple$166, _tuple$167, _tuple$168, _tuple$169, _tuple$17, _tuple$170, _tuple$171, _tuple$172, _tuple$173, _tuple$174, _tuple$175, _tuple$176, _tuple$177, _tuple$178, _tuple$179, _tuple$18, _tuple$180, _tuple$181, _tuple$182, _tuple$183, _tuple$184, _tuple$185, _tuple$186, _tuple$187, _tuple$188, _tuple$189, _tuple$19, _tuple$190, _tuple$191, _tuple$192, _tuple$193, _tuple$194, _tuple$195, _tuple$196, _tuple$197, _tuple$198, _tuple$199, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$200, _tuple$201, _tuple$202, _tuple$203, _tuple$204, _tuple$205, _tuple$206, _tuple$207, _tuple$208, _tuple$209, _tuple$21, _tuple$210, _tuple$211, _tuple$212, _tuple$213, _tuple$214, _tuple$215, _tuple$216, _tuple$217, _tuple$218, _tuple$219, _tuple$22, _tuple$220, _tuple$221, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$46, _tuple$47, _tuple$48, _tuple$49, _tuple$5, _tuple$50, _tuple$51, _tuple$52, _tuple$53, _tuple$54, _tuple$55, _tuple$56, _tuple$57, _tuple$58, _tuple$59, _tuple$6, _tuple$60, _tuple$61, _tuple$62, _tuple$63, _tuple$64, _tuple$65, _tuple$66, _tuple$67, _tuple$68, _tuple$69, _tuple$7, _tuple$70, _tuple$71, _tuple$72, _tuple$73, _tuple$74, _tuple$75, _tuple$76, _tuple$77, _tuple$78, _tuple$79, _tuple$8, _tuple$80, _tuple$81, _tuple$82, _tuple$83, _tuple$84, _tuple$85, _tuple$86, _tuple$87, _tuple$88, _tuple$89, _tuple$9, _tuple$90, _tuple$91, _tuple$92, _tuple$93, _tuple$94, _tuple$95, _tuple$96, _tuple$97, _tuple$98, _tuple$99, arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$100, x$101, x$102, x$103, x$104, x$105, x$106, x$107, x$108, x$109, x$11, x$110, x$111, x$112, x$113, x$114, x$115, x$116, x$117, x$118, x$119, x$12, x$120, x$121, x$122, x$123, x$124, x$125, x$126, x$127, x$128, x$129, x$13, x$130, x$131, x$132, x$133, x$134, x$135, x$136, x$137, x$138, x$139, x$14, x$140, x$141, x$142, x$143, x$144, x$145, x$146, x$147, x$148, x$149, x$15, x$150, x$151, x$152, x$153, x$154, x$155, x$156, x$157, x$158, x$159, x$16, x$160, x$161, x$162, x$163, x$164, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$73, x$74, x$75, x$76, x$77, x$78, x$79, x$8, x$80, x$81, x$82, x$83, x$84, x$85, x$86, x$87, x$88, x$89, x$9, x$90, x$91, x$92, x$93, x$94, x$95, x$96, x$97, x$98, x$99, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x104, x105, x106, x108, x109, x11, x110, x111, x112, x113, x114, x115, x116, x117, x118, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x124, x125, x126, x127, x128, x129, x13, x130, x132, x133, x134, x135, x136, x137, x138, x139, x14, x140, x141, x142, x143, x144, x145, x146, x147, x148, x149, x15, x150, x151, x152, x153, x154, x155, x156, x157, x158, x159, x16, x160, x161, x162, x163, x164, x165, x166, x167, x168, x169, x17, x170, x171, x172, x173, x174, x175, x176, x177, x178, x179, x18, x180, x181, x182, x183, x185, x186, x187, x188, x189, x19, x190, x191, x192, x193, x194, x195, x196, x197, x198, x199, x2, x20, x200, x201, x202, x203, x204, x205, x206, x207, x209, x21, x210, x211, x212, x213, x214, x215, x216, x217, x218, x219, x22, x220, x221, x222, x223, x224, x225, x226, x227, x228, x229, x23, x230, x231, x232, x233, x234, x235, x236, x237, x238, x239, x24, x240, x241, x242, x243, x244, x245, x246, x247, x248, x249, x25, x250, x251, x252, x253, x254, x255, x256, x257, x258, x259, x26, x260, x262, x263, x264, x265, x266, x267, x268, x269, x27, x270, x271, x272, x273, x274, x275, x276, x277, x278, x279, x28, x280, x281, x282, x283, x284, x286, x287, x288, x289, x29, x290, x291, x292, x293, x294, x295, x296, x297, x298, x299, x3, x30, x300, x301, x302, x303, x304, x305, x306, x307, x308, x309, x310, x311, x312, x313, x314, x315, x316, x317, x318, x319, x32, x320, x321, x322, x323, x324, x325, x326, x327, x328, x329, x33, x330, x331, 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x53, x54, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x81, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90, x91, x92, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = arg1[1]; + x2 = arg1[2]; + x3 = arg1[3]; + x4 = arg1[4]; + x5 = arg1[5]; + x6 = arg1[0]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[5]); + x8 = _tuple[0]; + x7 = _tuple[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[4]); + x10 = _tuple$1[0]; + x9 = _tuple$1[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[3]); + x12 = _tuple$2[0]; + x11 = _tuple$2[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[2]); + x14 = _tuple$3[0]; + x13 = _tuple$3[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[1]); + x16 = _tuple$4[0]; + x15 = _tuple$4[1]; + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Mul64(x6, arg1[0]); + x18 = _tuple$5[0]; + x17 = _tuple$5[1]; + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Add64(x18, x15, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x19 = _tuple$6[0]; + x20 = _tuple$6[1]; + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Add64(x16, x13, ((x = (new p384Uint1(x20.$high, x20.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x21 = _tuple$7[0]; + x22 = _tuple$7[1]; + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Add64(x14, x11, ((x$1 = (new p384Uint1(x22.$high, x22.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x23 = _tuple$8[0]; + x24 = _tuple$8[1]; + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Add64(x12, x9, ((x$2 = (new p384Uint1(x24.$high, x24.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x25 = _tuple$9[0]; + x26 = _tuple$9[1]; + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Add64(x10, x7, ((x$3 = (new p384Uint1(x26.$high, x26.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x27 = _tuple$10[0]; + x28 = _tuple$10[1]; + x29 = (x$4 = ((x$5 = (new p384Uint1(x28.$high, x28.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low))), new $Uint64(x$4.$high + x8.$high, x$4.$low + x8.$low)); + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Mul64(x17, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x30 = _tuple$11[1]; + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x33 = _tuple$12[0]; + x32 = _tuple$12[1]; + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x35 = _tuple$13[0]; + x34 = _tuple$13[1]; + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x37 = _tuple$14[0]; + x36 = _tuple$14[1]; + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x39 = _tuple$15[0]; + x38 = _tuple$15[1]; + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x41 = _tuple$16[0]; + x40 = _tuple$16[1]; + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Mul64(x30, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x43 = _tuple$17[0]; + x42 = _tuple$17[1]; + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Add64(x43, x40, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x44 = _tuple$18[0]; + x45 = _tuple$18[1]; + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Add64(x41, x38, ((x$6 = (new p384Uint1(x45.$high, x45.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x46 = _tuple$19[0]; + x47 = _tuple$19[1]; + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Add64(x39, x36, ((x$7 = (new p384Uint1(x47.$high, x47.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x48 = _tuple$20[0]; + x49 = _tuple$20[1]; + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Add64(x37, x34, ((x$8 = (new p384Uint1(x49.$high, x49.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x50 = _tuple$21[0]; + x51 = _tuple$21[1]; + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Add64(x35, x32, ((x$9 = (new p384Uint1(x51.$high, x51.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x52 = _tuple$22[0]; + x53 = _tuple$22[1]; + x54 = (x$10 = ((x$11 = (new p384Uint1(x53.$high, x53.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low))), new $Uint64(x$10.$high + x33.$high, x$10.$low + x33.$low)); + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Add64(x17, x42, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x56 = _tuple$23[1]; + x57 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Add64(x19, x44, ((x$12 = (new p384Uint1(x56.$high, x56.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x57 = _tuple$24[0]; + x58 = _tuple$24[1]; + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Add64(x21, x46, ((x$13 = (new p384Uint1(x58.$high, x58.$low)), new $Uint64(x$13.$high, x$13.$low)))); + x59 = _tuple$25[0]; + x60 = _tuple$25[1]; + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Add64(x23, x48, ((x$14 = (new p384Uint1(x60.$high, x60.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low)))); + x61 = _tuple$26[0]; + x62 = _tuple$26[1]; + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Add64(x25, x50, ((x$15 = (new p384Uint1(x62.$high, x62.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x63 = _tuple$27[0]; + x64 = _tuple$27[1]; + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Add64(x27, x52, ((x$16 = (new p384Uint1(x64.$high, x64.$low)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high, x$16.$low)))); + x65 = _tuple$28[0]; + x66 = _tuple$28[1]; + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Add64(x29, x54, ((x$17 = (new p384Uint1(x66.$high, x66.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low)))); + x67 = _tuple$29[0]; + x68 = _tuple$29[1]; + x69 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[5]); + x70 = _tuple$30[0]; + x69 = _tuple$30[1]; + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[4]); + x72 = _tuple$31[0]; + x71 = _tuple$31[1]; + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[3]); + x74 = _tuple$32[0]; + x73 = _tuple$32[1]; + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[2]); + x76 = _tuple$33[0]; + x75 = _tuple$33[1]; + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[1]); + x78 = _tuple$34[0]; + x77 = _tuple$34[1]; + x79 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x80 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[0]); + x80 = _tuple$35[0]; + x79 = _tuple$35[1]; + x81 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x80, x77, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x81 = _tuple$36[0]; + x82 = _tuple$36[1]; + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Add64(x78, x75, ((x$18 = (new p384Uint1(x82.$high, x82.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low)))); + x83 = _tuple$37[0]; + x84 = _tuple$37[1]; + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Add64(x76, x73, ((x$19 = (new p384Uint1(x84.$high, x84.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x85 = _tuple$38[0]; + x86 = _tuple$38[1]; + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Add64(x74, x71, ((x$20 = (new p384Uint1(x86.$high, x86.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x87 = _tuple$39[0]; + x88 = _tuple$39[1]; + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Add64(x72, x69, ((x$21 = (new p384Uint1(x88.$high, x88.$low)), new $Uint64(x$21.$high, x$21.$low)))); + x89 = _tuple$40[0]; + x90 = _tuple$40[1]; + x91 = (x$22 = ((x$23 = (new p384Uint1(x90.$high, x90.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low))), new $Uint64(x$22.$high + x70.$high, x$22.$low + x70.$low)); + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Add64(x57, x79, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x92 = _tuple$41[0]; + x93 = _tuple$41[1]; + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Add64(x59, x81, ((x$24 = (new p384Uint1(x93.$high, x93.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x94 = _tuple$42[0]; + x95 = _tuple$42[1]; + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Add64(x61, x83, ((x$25 = (new p384Uint1(x95.$high, x95.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x96 = _tuple$43[0]; + x97 = _tuple$43[1]; + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Add64(x63, x85, ((x$26 = (new p384Uint1(x97.$high, x97.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high, x$26.$low)))); + x98 = _tuple$44[0]; + x99 = _tuple$44[1]; + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Add64(x65, x87, ((x$27 = (new p384Uint1(x99.$high, x99.$low)), new $Uint64(x$27.$high, x$27.$low)))); + x100 = _tuple$45[0]; + x101 = _tuple$45[1]; + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Add64(x67, x89, ((x$28 = (new p384Uint1(x101.$high, x101.$low)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high, x$28.$low)))); + x102 = _tuple$46[0]; + x103 = _tuple$46[1]; + x104 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Add64(((x$29 = (new p384Uint1(x68.$high, x68.$low)), new $Uint64(x$29.$high, x$29.$low))), x91, ((x$30 = (new p384Uint1(x103.$high, x103.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low)))); + x104 = _tuple$47[0]; + x105 = _tuple$47[1]; + x106 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Mul64(x92, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x106 = _tuple$48[1]; + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x109 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x109 = _tuple$49[0]; + x108 = _tuple$49[1]; + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x111 = _tuple$50[0]; + x110 = _tuple$50[1]; + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x113 = _tuple$51[0]; + x112 = _tuple$51[1]; + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x115 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x115 = _tuple$52[0]; + x114 = _tuple$52[1]; + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x117 = _tuple$53[0]; + x116 = _tuple$53[1]; + x118 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Mul64(x106, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x119 = _tuple$54[0]; + x118 = _tuple$54[1]; + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Add64(x119, x116, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x120 = _tuple$55[0]; + x121 = _tuple$55[1]; + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Add64(x117, x114, ((x$31 = (new p384Uint1(x121.$high, x121.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low)))); + x122 = _tuple$56[0]; + x123 = _tuple$56[1]; + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x115, x112, ((x$32 = (new p384Uint1(x123.$high, x123.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x124 = _tuple$57[0]; + x125 = _tuple$57[1]; + x126 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x113, x110, ((x$33 = (new p384Uint1(x125.$high, x125.$low)), new $Uint64(x$33.$high, x$33.$low)))); + x126 = _tuple$58[0]; + x127 = _tuple$58[1]; + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x129 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Add64(x111, x108, ((x$34 = (new p384Uint1(x127.$high, x127.$low)), new $Uint64(x$34.$high, x$34.$low)))); + x128 = _tuple$59[0]; + x129 = _tuple$59[1]; + x130 = (x$35 = ((x$36 = (new p384Uint1(x129.$high, x129.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high, x$36.$low))), new $Uint64(x$35.$high + x109.$high, x$35.$low + x109.$low)); + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Add64(x92, x118, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x132 = _tuple$60[1]; + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x134 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Add64(x94, x120, ((x$37 = (new p384Uint1(x132.$high, x132.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high, x$37.$low)))); + x133 = _tuple$61[0]; + x134 = _tuple$61[1]; + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Add64(x96, x122, ((x$38 = (new p384Uint1(x134.$high, x134.$low)), new $Uint64(x$38.$high, x$38.$low)))); + x135 = _tuple$62[0]; + x136 = _tuple$62[1]; + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Add64(x98, x124, ((x$39 = (new p384Uint1(x136.$high, x136.$low)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high, x$39.$low)))); + x137 = _tuple$63[0]; + x138 = _tuple$63[1]; + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x140 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Add64(x100, x126, ((x$40 = (new p384Uint1(x138.$high, x138.$low)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high, x$40.$low)))); + x139 = _tuple$64[0]; + x140 = _tuple$64[1]; + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Add64(x102, x128, ((x$41 = (new p384Uint1(x140.$high, x140.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low)))); + x141 = _tuple$65[0]; + x142 = _tuple$65[1]; + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Add64(x104, x130, ((x$42 = (new p384Uint1(x142.$high, x142.$low)), new $Uint64(x$42.$high, x$42.$low)))); + x143 = _tuple$66[0]; + x144 = _tuple$66[1]; + x145 = (x$43 = ((x$44 = (new p384Uint1(x144.$high, x144.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low))), x$45 = ((x$46 = (new p384Uint1(x105.$high, x105.$low)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high, x$46.$low))), new $Uint64(x$43.$high + x$45.$high, x$43.$low + x$45.$low)); + x146 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[5]); + x147 = _tuple$67[0]; + x146 = _tuple$67[1]; + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[4]); + x149 = _tuple$68[0]; + x148 = _tuple$68[1]; + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[3]); + x151 = _tuple$69[0]; + x150 = _tuple$69[1]; + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x153 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[2]); + x153 = _tuple$70[0]; + x152 = _tuple$70[1]; + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x155 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[1]); + x155 = _tuple$71[0]; + x154 = _tuple$71[1]; + x156 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x157 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[0]); + x157 = _tuple$72[0]; + x156 = _tuple$72[1]; + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Add64(x157, x154, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x158 = _tuple$73[0]; + x159 = _tuple$73[1]; + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Add64(x155, x152, ((x$47 = (new p384Uint1(x159.$high, x159.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low)))); + x160 = _tuple$74[0]; + x161 = _tuple$74[1]; + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Add64(x153, x150, ((x$48 = (new p384Uint1(x161.$high, x161.$low)), new $Uint64(x$48.$high, x$48.$low)))); + x162 = _tuple$75[0]; + x163 = _tuple$75[1]; + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x165 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Add64(x151, x148, ((x$49 = (new p384Uint1(x163.$high, x163.$low)), new $Uint64(x$49.$high, x$49.$low)))); + x164 = _tuple$76[0]; + x165 = _tuple$76[1]; + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x167 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Add64(x149, x146, ((x$50 = (new p384Uint1(x165.$high, x165.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low)))); + x166 = _tuple$77[0]; + x167 = _tuple$77[1]; + x168 = (x$51 = ((x$52 = (new p384Uint1(x167.$high, x167.$low)), new $Uint64(x$52.$high, x$52.$low))), new $Uint64(x$51.$high + x147.$high, x$51.$low + x147.$low)); + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Add64(x133, x156, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x169 = _tuple$78[0]; + x170 = _tuple$78[1]; + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x172 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Add64(x135, x158, ((x$53 = (new p384Uint1(x170.$high, x170.$low)), new $Uint64(x$53.$high, x$53.$low)))); + x171 = _tuple$79[0]; + x172 = _tuple$79[1]; + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x174 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Add64(x137, x160, ((x$54 = (new p384Uint1(x172.$high, x172.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low)))); + x173 = _tuple$80[0]; + x174 = _tuple$80[1]; + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x176 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Add64(x139, x162, ((x$55 = (new p384Uint1(x174.$high, x174.$low)), new $Uint64(x$55.$high, x$55.$low)))); + x175 = _tuple$81[0]; + x176 = _tuple$81[1]; + x177 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x178 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Add64(x141, x164, ((x$56 = (new p384Uint1(x176.$high, x176.$low)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high, x$56.$low)))); + x177 = _tuple$82[0]; + x178 = _tuple$82[1]; + x179 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x180 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Add64(x143, x166, ((x$57 = (new p384Uint1(x178.$high, x178.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low)))); + x179 = _tuple$83[0]; + x180 = _tuple$83[1]; + x181 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x182 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Add64(x145, x168, ((x$58 = (new p384Uint1(x180.$high, x180.$low)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high, x$58.$low)))); + x181 = _tuple$84[0]; + x182 = _tuple$84[1]; + x183 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$85 = bits.Mul64(x169, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x183 = _tuple$85[1]; + x185 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x186 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$86 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x186 = _tuple$86[0]; + x185 = _tuple$86[1]; + x187 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x188 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$87 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x188 = _tuple$87[0]; + x187 = _tuple$87[1]; + x189 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x190 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$88 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x190 = _tuple$88[0]; + x189 = _tuple$88[1]; + x191 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x192 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$89 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x192 = _tuple$89[0]; + x191 = _tuple$89[1]; + x193 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x194 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$90 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x194 = _tuple$90[0]; + x193 = _tuple$90[1]; + x195 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x196 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$91 = bits.Mul64(x183, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x196 = _tuple$91[0]; + x195 = _tuple$91[1]; + x197 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x198 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$92 = bits.Add64(x196, x193, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x197 = _tuple$92[0]; + x198 = _tuple$92[1]; + x199 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x200 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$93 = bits.Add64(x194, x191, ((x$59 = (new p384Uint1(x198.$high, x198.$low)), new $Uint64(x$59.$high, x$59.$low)))); + x199 = _tuple$93[0]; + x200 = _tuple$93[1]; + x201 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x202 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$94 = bits.Add64(x192, x189, ((x$60 = (new p384Uint1(x200.$high, x200.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low)))); + x201 = _tuple$94[0]; + x202 = _tuple$94[1]; + x203 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x204 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$95 = bits.Add64(x190, x187, ((x$61 = (new p384Uint1(x202.$high, x202.$low)), new $Uint64(x$61.$high, x$61.$low)))); + x203 = _tuple$95[0]; + x204 = _tuple$95[1]; + x205 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x206 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$96 = bits.Add64(x188, x185, ((x$62 = (new p384Uint1(x204.$high, x204.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low)))); + x205 = _tuple$96[0]; + x206 = _tuple$96[1]; + x207 = (x$63 = ((x$64 = (new p384Uint1(x206.$high, x206.$low)), new $Uint64(x$64.$high, x$64.$low))), new $Uint64(x$63.$high + x186.$high, x$63.$low + x186.$low)); + x209 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$97 = bits.Add64(x169, x195, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x209 = _tuple$97[1]; + x210 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x211 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$98 = bits.Add64(x171, x197, ((x$65 = (new p384Uint1(x209.$high, x209.$low)), new $Uint64(x$65.$high, x$65.$low)))); + x210 = _tuple$98[0]; + x211 = _tuple$98[1]; + x212 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x213 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$99 = bits.Add64(x173, x199, ((x$66 = (new p384Uint1(x211.$high, x211.$low)), new $Uint64(x$66.$high, x$66.$low)))); + x212 = _tuple$99[0]; + x213 = _tuple$99[1]; + x214 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x215 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$100 = bits.Add64(x175, x201, ((x$67 = (new p384Uint1(x213.$high, x213.$low)), new $Uint64(x$67.$high, x$67.$low)))); + x214 = _tuple$100[0]; + x215 = _tuple$100[1]; + x216 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x217 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$101 = bits.Add64(x177, x203, ((x$68 = (new p384Uint1(x215.$high, x215.$low)), new $Uint64(x$68.$high, x$68.$low)))); + x216 = _tuple$101[0]; + x217 = _tuple$101[1]; + x218 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x219 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$102 = bits.Add64(x179, x205, ((x$69 = (new p384Uint1(x217.$high, x217.$low)), new $Uint64(x$69.$high, x$69.$low)))); + x218 = _tuple$102[0]; + x219 = _tuple$102[1]; + x220 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x221 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$103 = bits.Add64(x181, x207, ((x$70 = (new p384Uint1(x219.$high, x219.$low)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high, x$70.$low)))); + x220 = _tuple$103[0]; + x221 = _tuple$103[1]; + x222 = (x$71 = ((x$72 = (new p384Uint1(x221.$high, x221.$low)), new $Uint64(x$72.$high, x$72.$low))), x$73 = ((x$74 = (new p384Uint1(x182.$high, x182.$low)), new $Uint64(x$74.$high, x$74.$low))), new $Uint64(x$71.$high + x$73.$high, x$71.$low + x$73.$low)); + x223 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x224 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$104 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[5]); + x224 = _tuple$104[0]; + x223 = _tuple$104[1]; + x225 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x226 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$105 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[4]); + x226 = _tuple$105[0]; + x225 = _tuple$105[1]; + x227 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x228 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$106 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[3]); + x228 = _tuple$106[0]; + x227 = _tuple$106[1]; + x229 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x230 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$107 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[2]); + x230 = _tuple$107[0]; + x229 = _tuple$107[1]; + x231 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x232 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$108 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[1]); + x232 = _tuple$108[0]; + x231 = _tuple$108[1]; + x233 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x234 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$109 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[0]); + x234 = _tuple$109[0]; + x233 = _tuple$109[1]; + x235 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x236 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$110 = bits.Add64(x234, x231, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x235 = _tuple$110[0]; + x236 = _tuple$110[1]; + x237 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x238 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$111 = bits.Add64(x232, x229, ((x$75 = (new p384Uint1(x236.$high, x236.$low)), new $Uint64(x$75.$high, x$75.$low)))); + x237 = _tuple$111[0]; + x238 = _tuple$111[1]; + x239 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x240 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$112 = bits.Add64(x230, x227, ((x$76 = (new p384Uint1(x238.$high, x238.$low)), new $Uint64(x$76.$high, x$76.$low)))); + x239 = _tuple$112[0]; + x240 = _tuple$112[1]; + x241 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x242 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$113 = bits.Add64(x228, x225, ((x$77 = (new p384Uint1(x240.$high, x240.$low)), new $Uint64(x$77.$high, x$77.$low)))); + x241 = _tuple$113[0]; + x242 = _tuple$113[1]; + x243 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x244 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$114 = bits.Add64(x226, x223, ((x$78 = (new p384Uint1(x242.$high, x242.$low)), new $Uint64(x$78.$high, x$78.$low)))); + x243 = _tuple$114[0]; + x244 = _tuple$114[1]; + x245 = (x$79 = ((x$80 = (new p384Uint1(x244.$high, x244.$low)), new $Uint64(x$80.$high, x$80.$low))), new $Uint64(x$79.$high + x224.$high, x$79.$low + x224.$low)); + x246 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x247 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$115 = bits.Add64(x210, x233, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x246 = _tuple$115[0]; + x247 = _tuple$115[1]; + x248 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x249 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$116 = bits.Add64(x212, x235, ((x$81 = (new p384Uint1(x247.$high, x247.$low)), new $Uint64(x$81.$high, x$81.$low)))); + x248 = _tuple$116[0]; + x249 = _tuple$116[1]; + x250 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x251 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$117 = bits.Add64(x214, x237, ((x$82 = (new p384Uint1(x249.$high, x249.$low)), new $Uint64(x$82.$high, x$82.$low)))); + x250 = _tuple$117[0]; + x251 = _tuple$117[1]; + x252 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x253 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$118 = bits.Add64(x216, x239, ((x$83 = (new p384Uint1(x251.$high, x251.$low)), new $Uint64(x$83.$high, x$83.$low)))); + x252 = _tuple$118[0]; + x253 = _tuple$118[1]; + x254 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x255 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$119 = bits.Add64(x218, x241, ((x$84 = (new p384Uint1(x253.$high, x253.$low)), new $Uint64(x$84.$high, x$84.$low)))); + x254 = _tuple$119[0]; + x255 = _tuple$119[1]; + x256 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x257 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$120 = bits.Add64(x220, x243, ((x$85 = (new p384Uint1(x255.$high, x255.$low)), new $Uint64(x$85.$high, x$85.$low)))); + x256 = _tuple$120[0]; + x257 = _tuple$120[1]; + x258 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x259 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$121 = bits.Add64(x222, x245, ((x$86 = (new p384Uint1(x257.$high, x257.$low)), new $Uint64(x$86.$high, x$86.$low)))); + x258 = _tuple$121[0]; + x259 = _tuple$121[1]; + x260 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$122 = bits.Mul64(x246, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x260 = _tuple$122[1]; + x262 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x263 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$123 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x263 = _tuple$123[0]; + x262 = _tuple$123[1]; + x264 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x265 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$124 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x265 = _tuple$124[0]; + x264 = _tuple$124[1]; + x266 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x267 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$125 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x267 = _tuple$125[0]; + x266 = _tuple$125[1]; + x268 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x269 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$126 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x269 = _tuple$126[0]; + x268 = _tuple$126[1]; + x270 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x271 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$127 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x271 = _tuple$127[0]; + x270 = _tuple$127[1]; + x272 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x273 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$128 = bits.Mul64(x260, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x273 = _tuple$128[0]; + x272 = _tuple$128[1]; + x274 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x275 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$129 = bits.Add64(x273, x270, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x274 = _tuple$129[0]; + x275 = _tuple$129[1]; + x276 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x277 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$130 = bits.Add64(x271, x268, ((x$87 = (new p384Uint1(x275.$high, x275.$low)), new $Uint64(x$87.$high, x$87.$low)))); + x276 = _tuple$130[0]; + x277 = _tuple$130[1]; + x278 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x279 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$131 = bits.Add64(x269, x266, ((x$88 = (new p384Uint1(x277.$high, x277.$low)), new $Uint64(x$88.$high, x$88.$low)))); + x278 = _tuple$131[0]; + x279 = _tuple$131[1]; + x280 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x281 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$132 = bits.Add64(x267, x264, ((x$89 = (new p384Uint1(x279.$high, x279.$low)), new $Uint64(x$89.$high, x$89.$low)))); + x280 = _tuple$132[0]; + x281 = _tuple$132[1]; + x282 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x283 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$133 = bits.Add64(x265, x262, ((x$90 = (new p384Uint1(x281.$high, x281.$low)), new $Uint64(x$90.$high, x$90.$low)))); + x282 = _tuple$133[0]; + x283 = _tuple$133[1]; + x284 = (x$91 = ((x$92 = (new p384Uint1(x283.$high, x283.$low)), new $Uint64(x$92.$high, x$92.$low))), new $Uint64(x$91.$high + x263.$high, x$91.$low + x263.$low)); + x286 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$134 = bits.Add64(x246, x272, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x286 = _tuple$134[1]; + x287 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x288 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$135 = bits.Add64(x248, x274, ((x$93 = (new p384Uint1(x286.$high, x286.$low)), new $Uint64(x$93.$high, x$93.$low)))); + x287 = _tuple$135[0]; + x288 = _tuple$135[1]; + x289 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x290 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$136 = bits.Add64(x250, x276, ((x$94 = (new p384Uint1(x288.$high, x288.$low)), new $Uint64(x$94.$high, x$94.$low)))); + x289 = _tuple$136[0]; + x290 = _tuple$136[1]; + x291 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x292 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$137 = bits.Add64(x252, x278, ((x$95 = (new p384Uint1(x290.$high, x290.$low)), new $Uint64(x$95.$high, x$95.$low)))); + x291 = _tuple$137[0]; + x292 = _tuple$137[1]; + x293 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x294 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$138 = bits.Add64(x254, x280, ((x$96 = (new p384Uint1(x292.$high, x292.$low)), new $Uint64(x$96.$high, x$96.$low)))); + x293 = _tuple$138[0]; + x294 = _tuple$138[1]; + x295 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x296 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$139 = bits.Add64(x256, x282, ((x$97 = (new p384Uint1(x294.$high, x294.$low)), new $Uint64(x$97.$high, x$97.$low)))); + x295 = _tuple$139[0]; + x296 = _tuple$139[1]; + x297 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x298 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$140 = bits.Add64(x258, x284, ((x$98 = (new p384Uint1(x296.$high, x296.$low)), new $Uint64(x$98.$high, x$98.$low)))); + x297 = _tuple$140[0]; + x298 = _tuple$140[1]; + x299 = (x$99 = ((x$100 = (new p384Uint1(x298.$high, x298.$low)), new $Uint64(x$100.$high, x$100.$low))), x$101 = ((x$102 = (new p384Uint1(x259.$high, x259.$low)), new $Uint64(x$102.$high, x$102.$low))), new $Uint64(x$99.$high + x$101.$high, x$99.$low + x$101.$low)); + x300 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x301 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$141 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[5]); + x301 = _tuple$141[0]; + x300 = _tuple$141[1]; + x302 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x303 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$142 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[4]); + x303 = _tuple$142[0]; + x302 = _tuple$142[1]; + x304 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x305 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$143 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[3]); + x305 = _tuple$143[0]; + x304 = _tuple$143[1]; + x306 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x307 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$144 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[2]); + x307 = _tuple$144[0]; + x306 = _tuple$144[1]; + x308 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x309 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$145 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[1]); + x309 = _tuple$145[0]; + x308 = _tuple$145[1]; + x310 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x311 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$146 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[0]); + x311 = _tuple$146[0]; + x310 = _tuple$146[1]; + x312 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x313 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$147 = bits.Add64(x311, x308, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x312 = _tuple$147[0]; + x313 = _tuple$147[1]; + x314 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x315 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$148 = bits.Add64(x309, x306, ((x$103 = (new p384Uint1(x313.$high, x313.$low)), new $Uint64(x$103.$high, x$103.$low)))); + x314 = _tuple$148[0]; + x315 = _tuple$148[1]; + x316 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x317 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$149 = bits.Add64(x307, x304, ((x$104 = (new p384Uint1(x315.$high, x315.$low)), new $Uint64(x$104.$high, x$104.$low)))); + x316 = _tuple$149[0]; + x317 = _tuple$149[1]; + x318 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x319 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$150 = bits.Add64(x305, x302, ((x$105 = (new p384Uint1(x317.$high, x317.$low)), new $Uint64(x$105.$high, x$105.$low)))); + x318 = _tuple$150[0]; + x319 = _tuple$150[1]; + x320 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x321 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$151 = bits.Add64(x303, x300, ((x$106 = (new p384Uint1(x319.$high, x319.$low)), new $Uint64(x$106.$high, x$106.$low)))); + x320 = _tuple$151[0]; + x321 = _tuple$151[1]; + x322 = (x$107 = ((x$108 = (new p384Uint1(x321.$high, x321.$low)), new $Uint64(x$108.$high, x$108.$low))), new $Uint64(x$107.$high + x301.$high, x$107.$low + x301.$low)); + x323 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x324 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$152 = bits.Add64(x287, x310, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x323 = _tuple$152[0]; + x324 = _tuple$152[1]; + x325 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x326 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$153 = bits.Add64(x289, x312, ((x$109 = (new p384Uint1(x324.$high, x324.$low)), new $Uint64(x$109.$high, x$109.$low)))); + x325 = _tuple$153[0]; + x326 = _tuple$153[1]; + x327 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x328 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$154 = bits.Add64(x291, x314, ((x$110 = (new p384Uint1(x326.$high, x326.$low)), new $Uint64(x$110.$high, x$110.$low)))); + x327 = _tuple$154[0]; + x328 = _tuple$154[1]; + x329 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x330 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$155 = bits.Add64(x293, x316, ((x$111 = (new p384Uint1(x328.$high, x328.$low)), new $Uint64(x$111.$high, x$111.$low)))); + x329 = _tuple$155[0]; + x330 = _tuple$155[1]; + x331 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x332 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$156 = bits.Add64(x295, x318, ((x$112 = (new p384Uint1(x330.$high, x330.$low)), new $Uint64(x$112.$high, x$112.$low)))); + x331 = _tuple$156[0]; + x332 = _tuple$156[1]; + x333 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x334 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$157 = bits.Add64(x297, x320, ((x$113 = (new p384Uint1(x332.$high, x332.$low)), new $Uint64(x$113.$high, x$113.$low)))); + x333 = _tuple$157[0]; + x334 = _tuple$157[1]; + x335 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x336 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$158 = bits.Add64(x299, x322, ((x$114 = (new p384Uint1(x334.$high, x334.$low)), new $Uint64(x$114.$high, x$114.$low)))); + x335 = _tuple$158[0]; + x336 = _tuple$158[1]; + x337 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$159 = bits.Mul64(x323, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x337 = _tuple$159[1]; + x339 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x340 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$160 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x340 = _tuple$160[0]; + x339 = _tuple$160[1]; + x341 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x342 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$161 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x342 = _tuple$161[0]; + x341 = _tuple$161[1]; + x343 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x344 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$162 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x344 = _tuple$162[0]; + x343 = _tuple$162[1]; + x345 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x346 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$163 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x346 = _tuple$163[0]; + x345 = _tuple$163[1]; + x347 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x348 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$164 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x348 = _tuple$164[0]; + x347 = _tuple$164[1]; + x349 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x350 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$165 = bits.Mul64(x337, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x350 = _tuple$165[0]; + x349 = _tuple$165[1]; + x351 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x352 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$166 = bits.Add64(x350, x347, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x351 = _tuple$166[0]; + x352 = _tuple$166[1]; + x353 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x354 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$167 = bits.Add64(x348, x345, ((x$115 = (new p384Uint1(x352.$high, x352.$low)), new $Uint64(x$115.$high, x$115.$low)))); + x353 = _tuple$167[0]; + x354 = _tuple$167[1]; + x355 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x356 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$168 = bits.Add64(x346, x343, ((x$116 = (new p384Uint1(x354.$high, x354.$low)), new $Uint64(x$116.$high, x$116.$low)))); + x355 = _tuple$168[0]; + x356 = _tuple$168[1]; + x357 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x358 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$169 = bits.Add64(x344, x341, ((x$117 = (new p384Uint1(x356.$high, x356.$low)), new $Uint64(x$117.$high, x$117.$low)))); + x357 = _tuple$169[0]; + x358 = _tuple$169[1]; + x359 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x360 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$170 = bits.Add64(x342, x339, ((x$118 = (new p384Uint1(x358.$high, x358.$low)), new $Uint64(x$118.$high, x$118.$low)))); + x359 = _tuple$170[0]; + x360 = _tuple$170[1]; + x361 = (x$119 = ((x$120 = (new p384Uint1(x360.$high, x360.$low)), new $Uint64(x$120.$high, x$120.$low))), new $Uint64(x$119.$high + x340.$high, x$119.$low + x340.$low)); + x363 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$171 = bits.Add64(x323, x349, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x363 = _tuple$171[1]; + x364 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x365 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$172 = bits.Add64(x325, x351, ((x$121 = (new p384Uint1(x363.$high, x363.$low)), new $Uint64(x$121.$high, x$121.$low)))); + x364 = _tuple$172[0]; + x365 = _tuple$172[1]; + x366 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x367 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$173 = bits.Add64(x327, x353, ((x$122 = (new p384Uint1(x365.$high, x365.$low)), new $Uint64(x$122.$high, x$122.$low)))); + x366 = _tuple$173[0]; + x367 = _tuple$173[1]; + x368 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x369 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$174 = bits.Add64(x329, x355, ((x$123 = (new p384Uint1(x367.$high, x367.$low)), new $Uint64(x$123.$high, x$123.$low)))); + x368 = _tuple$174[0]; + x369 = _tuple$174[1]; + x370 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x371 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$175 = bits.Add64(x331, x357, ((x$124 = (new p384Uint1(x369.$high, x369.$low)), new $Uint64(x$124.$high, x$124.$low)))); + x370 = _tuple$175[0]; + x371 = _tuple$175[1]; + x372 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x373 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$176 = bits.Add64(x333, x359, ((x$125 = (new p384Uint1(x371.$high, x371.$low)), new $Uint64(x$125.$high, x$125.$low)))); + x372 = _tuple$176[0]; + x373 = _tuple$176[1]; + x374 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x375 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$177 = bits.Add64(x335, x361, ((x$126 = (new p384Uint1(x373.$high, x373.$low)), new $Uint64(x$126.$high, x$126.$low)))); + x374 = _tuple$177[0]; + x375 = _tuple$177[1]; + x376 = (x$127 = ((x$128 = (new p384Uint1(x375.$high, x375.$low)), new $Uint64(x$128.$high, x$128.$low))), x$129 = ((x$130 = (new p384Uint1(x336.$high, x336.$low)), new $Uint64(x$130.$high, x$130.$low))), new $Uint64(x$127.$high + x$129.$high, x$127.$low + x$129.$low)); + x377 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x378 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$178 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[5]); + x378 = _tuple$178[0]; + x377 = _tuple$178[1]; + x379 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x380 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$179 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[4]); + x380 = _tuple$179[0]; + x379 = _tuple$179[1]; + x381 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x382 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$180 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[3]); + x382 = _tuple$180[0]; + x381 = _tuple$180[1]; + x383 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x384 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$181 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[2]); + x384 = _tuple$181[0]; + x383 = _tuple$181[1]; + x385 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x386 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$182 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[1]); + x386 = _tuple$182[0]; + x385 = _tuple$182[1]; + x387 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x388 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$183 = bits.Mul64(x5, arg1[0]); + x388 = _tuple$183[0]; + x387 = _tuple$183[1]; + x389 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x390 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$184 = bits.Add64(x388, x385, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x389 = _tuple$184[0]; + x390 = _tuple$184[1]; + x391 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x392 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$185 = bits.Add64(x386, x383, ((x$131 = (new p384Uint1(x390.$high, x390.$low)), new $Uint64(x$131.$high, x$131.$low)))); + x391 = _tuple$185[0]; + x392 = _tuple$185[1]; + x393 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x394 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$186 = bits.Add64(x384, x381, ((x$132 = (new p384Uint1(x392.$high, x392.$low)), new $Uint64(x$132.$high, x$132.$low)))); + x393 = _tuple$186[0]; + x394 = _tuple$186[1]; + x395 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x396 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$187 = bits.Add64(x382, x379, ((x$133 = (new p384Uint1(x394.$high, x394.$low)), new $Uint64(x$133.$high, x$133.$low)))); + x395 = _tuple$187[0]; + x396 = _tuple$187[1]; + x397 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x398 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$188 = bits.Add64(x380, x377, ((x$134 = (new p384Uint1(x396.$high, x396.$low)), new $Uint64(x$134.$high, x$134.$low)))); + x397 = _tuple$188[0]; + x398 = _tuple$188[1]; + x399 = (x$135 = ((x$136 = (new p384Uint1(x398.$high, x398.$low)), new $Uint64(x$136.$high, x$136.$low))), new $Uint64(x$135.$high + x378.$high, x$135.$low + x378.$low)); + x400 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x401 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$189 = bits.Add64(x364, x387, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x400 = _tuple$189[0]; + x401 = _tuple$189[1]; + x402 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x403 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$190 = bits.Add64(x366, x389, ((x$137 = (new p384Uint1(x401.$high, x401.$low)), new $Uint64(x$137.$high, x$137.$low)))); + x402 = _tuple$190[0]; + x403 = _tuple$190[1]; + x404 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x405 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$191 = bits.Add64(x368, x391, ((x$138 = (new p384Uint1(x403.$high, x403.$low)), new $Uint64(x$138.$high, x$138.$low)))); + x404 = _tuple$191[0]; + x405 = _tuple$191[1]; + x406 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x407 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$192 = bits.Add64(x370, x393, ((x$139 = (new p384Uint1(x405.$high, x405.$low)), new $Uint64(x$139.$high, x$139.$low)))); + x406 = _tuple$192[0]; + x407 = _tuple$192[1]; + x408 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x409 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$193 = bits.Add64(x372, x395, ((x$140 = (new p384Uint1(x407.$high, x407.$low)), new $Uint64(x$140.$high, x$140.$low)))); + x408 = _tuple$193[0]; + x409 = _tuple$193[1]; + x410 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x411 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$194 = bits.Add64(x374, x397, ((x$141 = (new p384Uint1(x409.$high, x409.$low)), new $Uint64(x$141.$high, x$141.$low)))); + x410 = _tuple$194[0]; + x411 = _tuple$194[1]; + x412 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x413 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$195 = bits.Add64(x376, x399, ((x$142 = (new p384Uint1(x411.$high, x411.$low)), new $Uint64(x$142.$high, x$142.$low)))); + x412 = _tuple$195[0]; + x413 = _tuple$195[1]; + x414 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$196 = bits.Mul64(x400, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x414 = _tuple$196[1]; + x416 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x417 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$197 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x417 = _tuple$197[0]; + x416 = _tuple$197[1]; + x418 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x419 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$198 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x419 = _tuple$198[0]; + x418 = _tuple$198[1]; + x420 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x421 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$199 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x421 = _tuple$199[0]; + x420 = _tuple$199[1]; + x422 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x423 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$200 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x423 = _tuple$200[0]; + x422 = _tuple$200[1]; + x424 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x425 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$201 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x425 = _tuple$201[0]; + x424 = _tuple$201[1]; + x426 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x427 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$202 = bits.Mul64(x414, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x427 = _tuple$202[0]; + x426 = _tuple$202[1]; + x428 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x429 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$203 = bits.Add64(x427, x424, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x428 = _tuple$203[0]; + x429 = _tuple$203[1]; + x430 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x431 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$204 = bits.Add64(x425, x422, ((x$143 = (new p384Uint1(x429.$high, x429.$low)), new $Uint64(x$143.$high, x$143.$low)))); + x430 = _tuple$204[0]; + x431 = _tuple$204[1]; + x432 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x433 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$205 = bits.Add64(x423, x420, ((x$144 = (new p384Uint1(x431.$high, x431.$low)), new $Uint64(x$144.$high, x$144.$low)))); + x432 = _tuple$205[0]; + x433 = _tuple$205[1]; + x434 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x435 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$206 = bits.Add64(x421, x418, ((x$145 = (new p384Uint1(x433.$high, x433.$low)), new $Uint64(x$145.$high, x$145.$low)))); + x434 = _tuple$206[0]; + x435 = _tuple$206[1]; + x436 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x437 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$207 = bits.Add64(x419, x416, ((x$146 = (new p384Uint1(x435.$high, x435.$low)), new $Uint64(x$146.$high, x$146.$low)))); + x436 = _tuple$207[0]; + x437 = _tuple$207[1]; + x438 = (x$147 = ((x$148 = (new p384Uint1(x437.$high, x437.$low)), new $Uint64(x$148.$high, x$148.$low))), new $Uint64(x$147.$high + x417.$high, x$147.$low + x417.$low)); + x440 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$208 = bits.Add64(x400, x426, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x440 = _tuple$208[1]; + x441 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x442 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$209 = bits.Add64(x402, x428, ((x$149 = (new p384Uint1(x440.$high, x440.$low)), new $Uint64(x$149.$high, x$149.$low)))); + x441 = _tuple$209[0]; + x442 = _tuple$209[1]; + x443 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x444 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$210 = bits.Add64(x404, x430, ((x$150 = (new p384Uint1(x442.$high, x442.$low)), new $Uint64(x$150.$high, x$150.$low)))); + x443 = _tuple$210[0]; + x444 = _tuple$210[1]; + x445 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x446 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$211 = bits.Add64(x406, x432, ((x$151 = (new p384Uint1(x444.$high, x444.$low)), new $Uint64(x$151.$high, x$151.$low)))); + x445 = _tuple$211[0]; + x446 = _tuple$211[1]; + x447 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x448 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$212 = bits.Add64(x408, x434, ((x$152 = (new p384Uint1(x446.$high, x446.$low)), new $Uint64(x$152.$high, x$152.$low)))); + x447 = _tuple$212[0]; + x448 = _tuple$212[1]; + x449 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x450 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$213 = bits.Add64(x410, x436, ((x$153 = (new p384Uint1(x448.$high, x448.$low)), new $Uint64(x$153.$high, x$153.$low)))); + x449 = _tuple$213[0]; + x450 = _tuple$213[1]; + x451 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x452 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$214 = bits.Add64(x412, x438, ((x$154 = (new p384Uint1(x450.$high, x450.$low)), new $Uint64(x$154.$high, x$154.$low)))); + x451 = _tuple$214[0]; + x452 = _tuple$214[1]; + x453 = (x$155 = ((x$156 = (new p384Uint1(x452.$high, x452.$low)), new $Uint64(x$156.$high, x$156.$low))), x$157 = ((x$158 = (new p384Uint1(x413.$high, x413.$low)), new $Uint64(x$158.$high, x$158.$low))), new $Uint64(x$155.$high + x$157.$high, x$155.$low + x$157.$low)); + x454 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x455 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$215 = bits.Sub64(x441, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x454 = _tuple$215[0]; + x455 = _tuple$215[1]; + x456 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x457 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$216 = bits.Sub64(x443, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0), ((x$159 = (new p384Uint1(x455.$high, x455.$low)), new $Uint64(x$159.$high, x$159.$low)))); + x456 = _tuple$216[0]; + x457 = _tuple$216[1]; + x458 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x459 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$217 = bits.Sub64(x445, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294), ((x$160 = (new p384Uint1(x457.$high, x457.$low)), new $Uint64(x$160.$high, x$160.$low)))); + x458 = _tuple$217[0]; + x459 = _tuple$217[1]; + x460 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x461 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$218 = bits.Sub64(x447, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$161 = (new p384Uint1(x459.$high, x459.$low)), new $Uint64(x$161.$high, x$161.$low)))); + x460 = _tuple$218[0]; + x461 = _tuple$218[1]; + x462 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x463 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$219 = bits.Sub64(x449, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$162 = (new p384Uint1(x461.$high, x461.$low)), new $Uint64(x$162.$high, x$162.$low)))); + x462 = _tuple$219[0]; + x463 = _tuple$219[1]; + x464 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x465 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$220 = bits.Sub64(x451, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$163 = (new p384Uint1(x463.$high, x463.$low)), new $Uint64(x$163.$high, x$163.$low)))); + x464 = _tuple$220[0]; + x465 = _tuple$220[1]; + x467 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$221 = bits.Sub64(x453, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$164 = (new p384Uint1(x465.$high, x465.$low)), new $Uint64(x$164.$high, x$164.$low)))); + x467 = _tuple$221[1]; + x468 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x468$24ptr || (x468$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x468; }, function($v) { x468 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x454, x441); + x469 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x469$24ptr || (x469$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x469; }, function($v) { x469 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x456, x443); + x470 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x470$24ptr || (x470$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x470; }, function($v) { x470 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x458, x445); + x471 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x471$24ptr || (x471$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x471; }, function($v) { x471 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x460, x447); + x472 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x472$24ptr || (x472$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x472; }, function($v) { x472 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x462, x449); + x473 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x473$24ptr || (x473$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x473; }, function($v) { x473 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x467.$high, x467.$low)), x464, x451); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x468; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x469; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x470; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x471; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x472; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x473; + }; + p384Add = function(out1, arg1, arg2) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, arg1, arg2, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x26, x27, x27$24ptr, x28, x28$24ptr, x29, x29$24ptr, x3, x30, x30$24ptr, x31, x31$24ptr, x32, x32$24ptr, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9; + x1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Add64(arg1[0], arg2[0], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x1 = _tuple[0]; + x2 = _tuple[1]; + x3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Add64(arg1[1], arg2[1], ((x = (new p384Uint1(x2.$high, x2.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x3 = _tuple$1[0]; + x4 = _tuple$1[1]; + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Add64(arg1[2], arg2[2], ((x$1 = (new p384Uint1(x4.$high, x4.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x5 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Add64(arg1[3], arg2[3], ((x$2 = (new p384Uint1(x6.$high, x6.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x7 = _tuple$3[0]; + x8 = _tuple$3[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Add64(arg1[4], arg2[4], ((x$3 = (new p384Uint1(x8.$high, x8.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x9 = _tuple$4[0]; + x10 = _tuple$4[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Add64(arg1[5], arg2[5], ((x$4 = (new p384Uint1(x10.$high, x10.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x11 = _tuple$5[0]; + x12 = _tuple$5[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Sub64(x1, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x13 = _tuple$6[0]; + x14 = _tuple$6[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Sub64(x3, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0), ((x$5 = (new p384Uint1(x14.$high, x14.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x15 = _tuple$7[0]; + x16 = _tuple$7[1]; + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Sub64(x5, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294), ((x$6 = (new p384Uint1(x16.$high, x16.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x17 = _tuple$8[0]; + x18 = _tuple$8[1]; + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Sub64(x7, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$7 = (new p384Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x19 = _tuple$9[0]; + x20 = _tuple$9[1]; + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Sub64(x9, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$8 = (new p384Uint1(x20.$high, x20.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x21 = _tuple$10[0]; + x22 = _tuple$10[1]; + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Sub64(x11, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$9 = (new p384Uint1(x22.$high, x22.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x23 = _tuple$11[0]; + x24 = _tuple$11[1]; + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Sub64(((x$10 = (new p384Uint1(x12.$high, x12.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low))), new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$11 = (new p384Uint1(x24.$high, x24.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low)))); + x26 = _tuple$12[1]; + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x27$24ptr || (x27$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x27; }, function($v) { x27 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x26.$high, x26.$low)), x13, x1); + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x28$24ptr || (x28$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x28; }, function($v) { x28 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x26.$high, x26.$low)), x15, x3); + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x29$24ptr || (x29$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x29; }, function($v) { x29 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x26.$high, x26.$low)), x17, x5); + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x30$24ptr || (x30$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x30; }, function($v) { x30 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x26.$high, x26.$low)), x19, x7); + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x31$24ptr || (x31$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x31; }, function($v) { x31 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x26.$high, x26.$low)), x21, x9); + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x32$24ptr || (x32$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x32; }, function($v) { x32 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x26.$high, x26.$low)), x23, x11); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x27; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x28; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x29; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x30; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x31; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x32; + }; + p384Sub = function(out1, arg1, arg2) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, arg1, arg2, out1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x13$24ptr, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9; + x1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Sub64(arg1[0], arg2[0], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x1 = _tuple[0]; + x2 = _tuple[1]; + x3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Sub64(arg1[1], arg2[1], ((x = (new p384Uint1(x2.$high, x2.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x3 = _tuple$1[0]; + x4 = _tuple$1[1]; + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Sub64(arg1[2], arg2[2], ((x$1 = (new p384Uint1(x4.$high, x4.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x5 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Sub64(arg1[3], arg2[3], ((x$2 = (new p384Uint1(x6.$high, x6.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x7 = _tuple$3[0]; + x8 = _tuple$3[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Sub64(arg1[4], arg2[4], ((x$3 = (new p384Uint1(x8.$high, x8.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x9 = _tuple$4[0]; + x10 = _tuple$4[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Sub64(arg1[5], arg2[5], ((x$4 = (new p384Uint1(x10.$high, x10.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x11 = _tuple$5[0]; + x12 = _tuple$5[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x13$24ptr || (x13$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x13; }, function($v) { x13 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x12.$high, x12.$low)), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Add64(x1, new $Uint64(x13.$high & 0, (x13.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x14 = _tuple$6[0]; + x15 = _tuple$6[1]; + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Add64(x3, new $Uint64(x13.$high & 4294967295, (x13.$low & 0) >>> 0), ((x$5 = (new p384Uint1(x15.$high, x15.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x16 = _tuple$7[0]; + x17 = _tuple$7[1]; + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Add64(x5, new $Uint64(x13.$high & 4294967295, (x13.$low & 4294967294) >>> 0), ((x$6 = (new p384Uint1(x17.$high, x17.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x18 = _tuple$8[0]; + x19 = _tuple$8[1]; + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Add64(x7, x13, ((x$7 = (new p384Uint1(x19.$high, x19.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x20 = _tuple$9[0]; + x21 = _tuple$9[1]; + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Add64(x9, x13, ((x$8 = (new p384Uint1(x21.$high, x21.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x22 = _tuple$10[0]; + x23 = _tuple$10[1]; + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Add64(x11, x13, ((x$9 = (new p384Uint1(x23.$high, x23.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x24 = _tuple$11[0]; + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x14; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x16; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x18; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x20; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x22; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x24; + }; + p384SetOne = function(out1) { + var out1; + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = new $Uint64(4294967295, 1); + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = new $Uint64(0, 4294967295); + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = new $Uint64(0, 1); + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + p384FromMontgomery = function(out1, arg1) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$100, _tuple$101, _tuple$102, _tuple$103, _tuple$104, _tuple$105, _tuple$106, _tuple$107, _tuple$108, _tuple$109, _tuple$11, _tuple$110, _tuple$111, _tuple$112, _tuple$113, _tuple$114, _tuple$115, _tuple$116, _tuple$117, _tuple$118, _tuple$119, _tuple$12, _tuple$120, _tuple$121, _tuple$122, _tuple$123, _tuple$124, _tuple$125, _tuple$126, _tuple$127, _tuple$128, _tuple$129, _tuple$13, _tuple$130, _tuple$131, _tuple$132, _tuple$133, _tuple$134, _tuple$135, _tuple$136, _tuple$137, _tuple$138, _tuple$139, _tuple$14, _tuple$140, _tuple$141, _tuple$142, _tuple$143, _tuple$144, _tuple$145, _tuple$146, _tuple$147, _tuple$148, _tuple$149, _tuple$15, _tuple$150, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$46, _tuple$47, _tuple$48, _tuple$49, _tuple$5, _tuple$50, _tuple$51, _tuple$52, _tuple$53, _tuple$54, _tuple$55, _tuple$56, _tuple$57, _tuple$58, _tuple$59, _tuple$6, _tuple$60, _tuple$61, _tuple$62, _tuple$63, _tuple$64, _tuple$65, _tuple$66, _tuple$67, _tuple$68, _tuple$69, _tuple$7, _tuple$70, _tuple$71, _tuple$72, _tuple$73, _tuple$74, _tuple$75, _tuple$76, _tuple$77, _tuple$78, _tuple$79, _tuple$8, _tuple$80, _tuple$81, _tuple$82, _tuple$83, _tuple$84, _tuple$85, _tuple$86, _tuple$87, _tuple$88, _tuple$89, _tuple$9, _tuple$90, _tuple$91, _tuple$92, _tuple$93, _tuple$94, _tuple$95, _tuple$96, _tuple$97, _tuple$98, _tuple$99, arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$100, x$101, x$102, x$103, x$104, x$105, x$106, x$107, x$108, x$109, x$11, x$110, x$111, x$112, x$113, x$114, x$115, x$116, x$117, x$118, x$119, x$12, x$120, x$121, x$122, x$123, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$73, x$74, x$75, x$76, x$77, x$78, x$79, x$8, x$80, x$81, x$82, x$83, x$84, x$85, x$86, x$87, x$88, x$89, x$9, x$90, x$91, x$92, x$93, x$94, x$95, x$96, x$97, x$98, x$99, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x104, x105, x106, x107, x108, x109, x11, x110, x111, x112, x113, x114, x115, x116, x117, x118, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x124, x125, x127, x128, x129, x13, x130, x131, x132, x133, x134, x135, x136, x137, x138, x139, x14, x140, x141, x142, x143, x144, x145, x146, x147, x148, x149, x15, x150, x151, x152, x154, x155, x156, x157, x158, x159, x16, x160, x161, x162, x163, x164, x165, x166, x167, x168, x169, x17, x170, x171, x172, x173, x174, x175, x177, x178, x179, x18, x180, x181, x182, x183, x184, x185, x186, x187, x188, x189, x19, x190, x191, x192, x193, x194, x195, x196, x197, x198, x199, x2, x20, x200, x201, x202, x204, x205, x206, x207, x208, x209, x21, x210, x211, x212, x213, x214, x215, x216, x217, x218, x219, x22, x220, x221, x222, x223, x224, x225, x227, x228, x229, x23, x230, x231, x232, x233, x234, x235, x236, x237, x238, x239, x24, x240, x241, x242, x243, x244, x245, x246, x247, x248, x249, x25, x250, x251, x252, x254, x255, x256, x257, x258, x259, x260, x261, x262, x263, x264, x265, x266, x267, x268, x269, x27, x270, x271, x272, x273, x274, x275, x277, x278, x279, x28, x280, x281, x282, x283, x284, x285, x286, x287, x288, x289, x29, x290, x291, x292, x293, x294, x295, x296, x297, x298, x299, x30, x300, x301, x303, x304, x304$24ptr, x305, x305$24ptr, x306, x306$24ptr, x307, x307$24ptr, x308, x308$24ptr, x309, x309$24ptr, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x54, x55, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x81, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90, x91, x92, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = arg1[0]; + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x2 = _tuple[1]; + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x5 = _tuple$1[0]; + x4 = _tuple$1[1]; + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x7 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x9 = _tuple$3[0]; + x8 = _tuple$3[1]; + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x11 = _tuple$4[0]; + x10 = _tuple$4[1]; + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x13 = _tuple$5[0]; + x12 = _tuple$5[1]; + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x15 = _tuple$6[0]; + x14 = _tuple$6[1]; + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Add64(x15, x12, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x16 = _tuple$7[0]; + x17 = _tuple$7[1]; + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Add64(x13, x10, ((x = (new p384Uint1(x17.$high, x17.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x18 = _tuple$8[0]; + x19 = _tuple$8[1]; + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Add64(x11, x8, ((x$1 = (new p384Uint1(x19.$high, x19.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x20 = _tuple$9[0]; + x21 = _tuple$9[1]; + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Add64(x9, x6, ((x$2 = (new p384Uint1(x21.$high, x21.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x22 = _tuple$10[0]; + x23 = _tuple$10[1]; + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Add64(x7, x4, ((x$3 = (new p384Uint1(x23.$high, x23.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x24 = _tuple$11[0]; + x25 = _tuple$11[1]; + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Add64(x1, x14, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x27 = _tuple$12[1]; + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x16, ((x$4 = (new p384Uint1(x27.$high, x27.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x28 = _tuple$13[0]; + x29 = _tuple$13[1]; + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x18, ((x$5 = (new p384Uint1(x29.$high, x29.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x30 = _tuple$14[0]; + x31 = _tuple$14[1]; + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x20, ((x$6 = (new p384Uint1(x31.$high, x31.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x32 = _tuple$15[0]; + x33 = _tuple$15[1]; + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x22, ((x$7 = (new p384Uint1(x33.$high, x33.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x34 = _tuple$16[0]; + x35 = _tuple$16[1]; + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x24, ((x$8 = (new p384Uint1(x35.$high, x35.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x36 = _tuple$17[0]; + x37 = _tuple$17[1]; + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), (x$9 = ((x$10 = (new p384Uint1(x25.$high, x25.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low))), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + x5.$high, x$9.$low + x5.$low)), ((x$11 = (new p384Uint1(x37.$high, x37.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low)))); + x38 = _tuple$18[0]; + x39 = _tuple$18[1]; + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Add64(x28, arg1[1], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x40 = _tuple$19[0]; + x41 = _tuple$19[1]; + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Add64(x30, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$12 = (new p384Uint1(x41.$high, x41.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x42 = _tuple$20[0]; + x43 = _tuple$20[1]; + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Add64(x32, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$13 = (new p384Uint1(x43.$high, x43.$low)), new $Uint64(x$13.$high, x$13.$low)))); + x44 = _tuple$21[0]; + x45 = _tuple$21[1]; + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Add64(x34, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$14 = (new p384Uint1(x45.$high, x45.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low)))); + x46 = _tuple$22[0]; + x47 = _tuple$22[1]; + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Add64(x36, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$15 = (new p384Uint1(x47.$high, x47.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x48 = _tuple$23[0]; + x49 = _tuple$23[1]; + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Add64(x38, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$16 = (new p384Uint1(x49.$high, x49.$low)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high, x$16.$low)))); + x50 = _tuple$24[0]; + x51 = _tuple$24[1]; + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Mul64(x40, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x52 = _tuple$25[1]; + x54 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x55 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Mul64(x52, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x55 = _tuple$26[0]; + x54 = _tuple$26[1]; + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x57 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Mul64(x52, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x57 = _tuple$27[0]; + x56 = _tuple$27[1]; + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Mul64(x52, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x59 = _tuple$28[0]; + x58 = _tuple$28[1]; + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Mul64(x52, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x61 = _tuple$29[0]; + x60 = _tuple$29[1]; + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Mul64(x52, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x63 = _tuple$30[0]; + x62 = _tuple$30[1]; + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Mul64(x52, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x65 = _tuple$31[0]; + x64 = _tuple$31[1]; + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Add64(x65, x62, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x66 = _tuple$32[0]; + x67 = _tuple$32[1]; + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x69 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Add64(x63, x60, ((x$17 = (new p384Uint1(x67.$high, x67.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low)))); + x68 = _tuple$33[0]; + x69 = _tuple$33[1]; + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Add64(x61, x58, ((x$18 = (new p384Uint1(x69.$high, x69.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low)))); + x70 = _tuple$34[0]; + x71 = _tuple$34[1]; + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Add64(x59, x56, ((x$19 = (new p384Uint1(x71.$high, x71.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x72 = _tuple$35[0]; + x73 = _tuple$35[1]; + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x57, x54, ((x$20 = (new p384Uint1(x73.$high, x73.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x74 = _tuple$36[0]; + x75 = _tuple$36[1]; + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Add64(x40, x64, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x77 = _tuple$37[1]; + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x79 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Add64(x42, x66, ((x$21 = (new p384Uint1(x77.$high, x77.$low)), new $Uint64(x$21.$high, x$21.$low)))); + x78 = _tuple$38[0]; + x79 = _tuple$38[1]; + x80 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x81 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Add64(x44, x68, ((x$22 = (new p384Uint1(x79.$high, x79.$low)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high, x$22.$low)))); + x80 = _tuple$39[0]; + x81 = _tuple$39[1]; + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Add64(x46, x70, ((x$23 = (new p384Uint1(x81.$high, x81.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low)))); + x82 = _tuple$40[0]; + x83 = _tuple$40[1]; + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Add64(x48, x72, ((x$24 = (new p384Uint1(x83.$high, x83.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x84 = _tuple$41[0]; + x85 = _tuple$41[1]; + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Add64(x50, x74, ((x$25 = (new p384Uint1(x85.$high, x85.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x86 = _tuple$42[0]; + x87 = _tuple$42[1]; + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Add64((x$26 = ((x$27 = (new p384Uint1(x51.$high, x51.$low)), new $Uint64(x$27.$high, x$27.$low))), x$28 = ((x$29 = (new p384Uint1(x39.$high, x39.$low)), new $Uint64(x$29.$high, x$29.$low))), new $Uint64(x$26.$high + x$28.$high, x$26.$low + x$28.$low)), (x$30 = ((x$31 = (new p384Uint1(x75.$high, x75.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low))), new $Uint64(x$30.$high + x55.$high, x$30.$low + x55.$low)), ((x$32 = (new p384Uint1(x87.$high, x87.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x88 = _tuple$43[0]; + x89 = _tuple$43[1]; + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x91 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Add64(x78, arg1[2], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x90 = _tuple$44[0]; + x91 = _tuple$44[1]; + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Add64(x80, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$33 = (new p384Uint1(x91.$high, x91.$low)), new $Uint64(x$33.$high, x$33.$low)))); + x92 = _tuple$45[0]; + x93 = _tuple$45[1]; + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Add64(x82, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$34 = (new p384Uint1(x93.$high, x93.$low)), new $Uint64(x$34.$high, x$34.$low)))); + x94 = _tuple$46[0]; + x95 = _tuple$46[1]; + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Add64(x84, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$35 = (new p384Uint1(x95.$high, x95.$low)), new $Uint64(x$35.$high, x$35.$low)))); + x96 = _tuple$47[0]; + x97 = _tuple$47[1]; + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Add64(x86, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$36 = (new p384Uint1(x97.$high, x97.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high, x$36.$low)))); + x98 = _tuple$48[0]; + x99 = _tuple$48[1]; + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Add64(x88, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$37 = (new p384Uint1(x99.$high, x99.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high, x$37.$low)))); + x100 = _tuple$49[0]; + x101 = _tuple$49[1]; + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Mul64(x90, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x102 = _tuple$50[1]; + x104 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Mul64(x102, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x105 = _tuple$51[0]; + x104 = _tuple$51[1]; + x106 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x107 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Mul64(x102, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x107 = _tuple$52[0]; + x106 = _tuple$52[1]; + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x109 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Mul64(x102, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x109 = _tuple$53[0]; + x108 = _tuple$53[1]; + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Mul64(x102, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x111 = _tuple$54[0]; + x110 = _tuple$54[1]; + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Mul64(x102, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x113 = _tuple$55[0]; + x112 = _tuple$55[1]; + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x115 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Mul64(x102, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x115 = _tuple$56[0]; + x114 = _tuple$56[1]; + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x115, x112, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x116 = _tuple$57[0]; + x117 = _tuple$57[1]; + x118 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x113, x110, ((x$38 = (new p384Uint1(x117.$high, x117.$low)), new $Uint64(x$38.$high, x$38.$low)))); + x118 = _tuple$58[0]; + x119 = _tuple$58[1]; + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Add64(x111, x108, ((x$39 = (new p384Uint1(x119.$high, x119.$low)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high, x$39.$low)))); + x120 = _tuple$59[0]; + x121 = _tuple$59[1]; + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Add64(x109, x106, ((x$40 = (new p384Uint1(x121.$high, x121.$low)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high, x$40.$low)))); + x122 = _tuple$60[0]; + x123 = _tuple$60[1]; + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Add64(x107, x104, ((x$41 = (new p384Uint1(x123.$high, x123.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low)))); + x124 = _tuple$61[0]; + x125 = _tuple$61[1]; + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Add64(x90, x114, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x127 = _tuple$62[1]; + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x129 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Add64(x92, x116, ((x$42 = (new p384Uint1(x127.$high, x127.$low)), new $Uint64(x$42.$high, x$42.$low)))); + x128 = _tuple$63[0]; + x129 = _tuple$63[1]; + x130 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x131 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Add64(x94, x118, ((x$43 = (new p384Uint1(x129.$high, x129.$low)), new $Uint64(x$43.$high, x$43.$low)))); + x130 = _tuple$64[0]; + x131 = _tuple$64[1]; + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Add64(x96, x120, ((x$44 = (new p384Uint1(x131.$high, x131.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low)))); + x132 = _tuple$65[0]; + x133 = _tuple$65[1]; + x134 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Add64(x98, x122, ((x$45 = (new p384Uint1(x133.$high, x133.$low)), new $Uint64(x$45.$high, x$45.$low)))); + x134 = _tuple$66[0]; + x135 = _tuple$66[1]; + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Add64(x100, x124, ((x$46 = (new p384Uint1(x135.$high, x135.$low)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high, x$46.$low)))); + x136 = _tuple$67[0]; + x137 = _tuple$67[1]; + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Add64((x$47 = ((x$48 = (new p384Uint1(x101.$high, x101.$low)), new $Uint64(x$48.$high, x$48.$low))), x$49 = ((x$50 = (new p384Uint1(x89.$high, x89.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low))), new $Uint64(x$47.$high + x$49.$high, x$47.$low + x$49.$low)), (x$51 = ((x$52 = (new p384Uint1(x125.$high, x125.$low)), new $Uint64(x$52.$high, x$52.$low))), new $Uint64(x$51.$high + x105.$high, x$51.$low + x105.$low)), ((x$53 = (new p384Uint1(x137.$high, x137.$low)), new $Uint64(x$53.$high, x$53.$low)))); + x138 = _tuple$68[0]; + x139 = _tuple$68[1]; + x140 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Add64(x128, arg1[3], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x140 = _tuple$69[0]; + x141 = _tuple$69[1]; + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Add64(x130, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$54 = (new p384Uint1(x141.$high, x141.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low)))); + x142 = _tuple$70[0]; + x143 = _tuple$70[1]; + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x145 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Add64(x132, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$55 = (new p384Uint1(x143.$high, x143.$low)), new $Uint64(x$55.$high, x$55.$low)))); + x144 = _tuple$71[0]; + x145 = _tuple$71[1]; + x146 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Add64(x134, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$56 = (new p384Uint1(x145.$high, x145.$low)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high, x$56.$low)))); + x146 = _tuple$72[0]; + x147 = _tuple$72[1]; + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Add64(x136, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$57 = (new p384Uint1(x147.$high, x147.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low)))); + x148 = _tuple$73[0]; + x149 = _tuple$73[1]; + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Add64(x138, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$58 = (new p384Uint1(x149.$high, x149.$low)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high, x$58.$low)))); + x150 = _tuple$74[0]; + x151 = _tuple$74[1]; + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Mul64(x140, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x152 = _tuple$75[1]; + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x155 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Mul64(x152, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x155 = _tuple$76[0]; + x154 = _tuple$76[1]; + x156 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x157 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Mul64(x152, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x157 = _tuple$77[0]; + x156 = _tuple$77[1]; + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Mul64(x152, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x159 = _tuple$78[0]; + x158 = _tuple$78[1]; + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Mul64(x152, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x161 = _tuple$79[0]; + x160 = _tuple$79[1]; + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Mul64(x152, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x163 = _tuple$80[0]; + x162 = _tuple$80[1]; + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x165 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Mul64(x152, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x165 = _tuple$81[0]; + x164 = _tuple$81[1]; + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x167 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Add64(x165, x162, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x166 = _tuple$82[0]; + x167 = _tuple$82[1]; + x168 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Add64(x163, x160, ((x$59 = (new p384Uint1(x167.$high, x167.$low)), new $Uint64(x$59.$high, x$59.$low)))); + x168 = _tuple$83[0]; + x169 = _tuple$83[1]; + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Add64(x161, x158, ((x$60 = (new p384Uint1(x169.$high, x169.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low)))); + x170 = _tuple$84[0]; + x171 = _tuple$84[1]; + x172 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$85 = bits.Add64(x159, x156, ((x$61 = (new p384Uint1(x171.$high, x171.$low)), new $Uint64(x$61.$high, x$61.$low)))); + x172 = _tuple$85[0]; + x173 = _tuple$85[1]; + x174 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$86 = bits.Add64(x157, x154, ((x$62 = (new p384Uint1(x173.$high, x173.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low)))); + x174 = _tuple$86[0]; + x175 = _tuple$86[1]; + x177 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$87 = bits.Add64(x140, x164, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x177 = _tuple$87[1]; + x178 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x179 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$88 = bits.Add64(x142, x166, ((x$63 = (new p384Uint1(x177.$high, x177.$low)), new $Uint64(x$63.$high, x$63.$low)))); + x178 = _tuple$88[0]; + x179 = _tuple$88[1]; + x180 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x181 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$89 = bits.Add64(x144, x168, ((x$64 = (new p384Uint1(x179.$high, x179.$low)), new $Uint64(x$64.$high, x$64.$low)))); + x180 = _tuple$89[0]; + x181 = _tuple$89[1]; + x182 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x183 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$90 = bits.Add64(x146, x170, ((x$65 = (new p384Uint1(x181.$high, x181.$low)), new $Uint64(x$65.$high, x$65.$low)))); + x182 = _tuple$90[0]; + x183 = _tuple$90[1]; + x184 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x185 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$91 = bits.Add64(x148, x172, ((x$66 = (new p384Uint1(x183.$high, x183.$low)), new $Uint64(x$66.$high, x$66.$low)))); + x184 = _tuple$91[0]; + x185 = _tuple$91[1]; + x186 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x187 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$92 = bits.Add64(x150, x174, ((x$67 = (new p384Uint1(x185.$high, x185.$low)), new $Uint64(x$67.$high, x$67.$low)))); + x186 = _tuple$92[0]; + x187 = _tuple$92[1]; + x188 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x189 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$93 = bits.Add64((x$68 = ((x$69 = (new p384Uint1(x151.$high, x151.$low)), new $Uint64(x$69.$high, x$69.$low))), x$70 = ((x$71 = (new p384Uint1(x139.$high, x139.$low)), new $Uint64(x$71.$high, x$71.$low))), new $Uint64(x$68.$high + x$70.$high, x$68.$low + x$70.$low)), (x$72 = ((x$73 = (new p384Uint1(x175.$high, x175.$low)), new $Uint64(x$73.$high, x$73.$low))), new $Uint64(x$72.$high + x155.$high, x$72.$low + x155.$low)), ((x$74 = (new p384Uint1(x187.$high, x187.$low)), new $Uint64(x$74.$high, x$74.$low)))); + x188 = _tuple$93[0]; + x189 = _tuple$93[1]; + x190 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x191 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$94 = bits.Add64(x178, arg1[4], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x190 = _tuple$94[0]; + x191 = _tuple$94[1]; + x192 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x193 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$95 = bits.Add64(x180, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$75 = (new p384Uint1(x191.$high, x191.$low)), new $Uint64(x$75.$high, x$75.$low)))); + x192 = _tuple$95[0]; + x193 = _tuple$95[1]; + x194 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x195 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$96 = bits.Add64(x182, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$76 = (new p384Uint1(x193.$high, x193.$low)), new $Uint64(x$76.$high, x$76.$low)))); + x194 = _tuple$96[0]; + x195 = _tuple$96[1]; + x196 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x197 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$97 = bits.Add64(x184, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$77 = (new p384Uint1(x195.$high, x195.$low)), new $Uint64(x$77.$high, x$77.$low)))); + x196 = _tuple$97[0]; + x197 = _tuple$97[1]; + x198 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x199 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$98 = bits.Add64(x186, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$78 = (new p384Uint1(x197.$high, x197.$low)), new $Uint64(x$78.$high, x$78.$low)))); + x198 = _tuple$98[0]; + x199 = _tuple$98[1]; + x200 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x201 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$99 = bits.Add64(x188, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$79 = (new p384Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), new $Uint64(x$79.$high, x$79.$low)))); + x200 = _tuple$99[0]; + x201 = _tuple$99[1]; + x202 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$100 = bits.Mul64(x190, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x202 = _tuple$100[1]; + x204 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x205 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$101 = bits.Mul64(x202, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x205 = _tuple$101[0]; + x204 = _tuple$101[1]; + x206 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x207 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$102 = bits.Mul64(x202, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x207 = _tuple$102[0]; + x206 = _tuple$102[1]; + x208 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x209 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$103 = bits.Mul64(x202, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x209 = _tuple$103[0]; + x208 = _tuple$103[1]; + x210 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x211 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$104 = bits.Mul64(x202, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x211 = _tuple$104[0]; + x210 = _tuple$104[1]; + x212 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x213 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$105 = bits.Mul64(x202, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x213 = _tuple$105[0]; + x212 = _tuple$105[1]; + x214 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x215 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$106 = bits.Mul64(x202, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x215 = _tuple$106[0]; + x214 = _tuple$106[1]; + x216 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x217 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$107 = bits.Add64(x215, x212, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x216 = _tuple$107[0]; + x217 = _tuple$107[1]; + x218 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x219 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$108 = bits.Add64(x213, x210, ((x$80 = (new p384Uint1(x217.$high, x217.$low)), new $Uint64(x$80.$high, x$80.$low)))); + x218 = _tuple$108[0]; + x219 = _tuple$108[1]; + x220 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x221 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$109 = bits.Add64(x211, x208, ((x$81 = (new p384Uint1(x219.$high, x219.$low)), new $Uint64(x$81.$high, x$81.$low)))); + x220 = _tuple$109[0]; + x221 = _tuple$109[1]; + x222 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x223 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$110 = bits.Add64(x209, x206, ((x$82 = (new p384Uint1(x221.$high, x221.$low)), new $Uint64(x$82.$high, x$82.$low)))); + x222 = _tuple$110[0]; + x223 = _tuple$110[1]; + x224 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x225 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$111 = bits.Add64(x207, x204, ((x$83 = (new p384Uint1(x223.$high, x223.$low)), new $Uint64(x$83.$high, x$83.$low)))); + x224 = _tuple$111[0]; + x225 = _tuple$111[1]; + x227 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$112 = bits.Add64(x190, x214, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x227 = _tuple$112[1]; + x228 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x229 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$113 = bits.Add64(x192, x216, ((x$84 = (new p384Uint1(x227.$high, x227.$low)), new $Uint64(x$84.$high, x$84.$low)))); + x228 = _tuple$113[0]; + x229 = _tuple$113[1]; + x230 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x231 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$114 = bits.Add64(x194, x218, ((x$85 = (new p384Uint1(x229.$high, x229.$low)), new $Uint64(x$85.$high, x$85.$low)))); + x230 = _tuple$114[0]; + x231 = _tuple$114[1]; + x232 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x233 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$115 = bits.Add64(x196, x220, ((x$86 = (new p384Uint1(x231.$high, x231.$low)), new $Uint64(x$86.$high, x$86.$low)))); + x232 = _tuple$115[0]; + x233 = _tuple$115[1]; + x234 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x235 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$116 = bits.Add64(x198, x222, ((x$87 = (new p384Uint1(x233.$high, x233.$low)), new $Uint64(x$87.$high, x$87.$low)))); + x234 = _tuple$116[0]; + x235 = _tuple$116[1]; + x236 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x237 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$117 = bits.Add64(x200, x224, ((x$88 = (new p384Uint1(x235.$high, x235.$low)), new $Uint64(x$88.$high, x$88.$low)))); + x236 = _tuple$117[0]; + x237 = _tuple$117[1]; + x238 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x239 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$118 = bits.Add64((x$89 = ((x$90 = (new p384Uint1(x201.$high, x201.$low)), new $Uint64(x$90.$high, x$90.$low))), x$91 = ((x$92 = (new p384Uint1(x189.$high, x189.$low)), new $Uint64(x$92.$high, x$92.$low))), new $Uint64(x$89.$high + x$91.$high, x$89.$low + x$91.$low)), (x$93 = ((x$94 = (new p384Uint1(x225.$high, x225.$low)), new $Uint64(x$94.$high, x$94.$low))), new $Uint64(x$93.$high + x205.$high, x$93.$low + x205.$low)), ((x$95 = (new p384Uint1(x237.$high, x237.$low)), new $Uint64(x$95.$high, x$95.$low)))); + x238 = _tuple$118[0]; + x239 = _tuple$118[1]; + x240 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x241 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$119 = bits.Add64(x228, arg1[5], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x240 = _tuple$119[0]; + x241 = _tuple$119[1]; + x242 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x243 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$120 = bits.Add64(x230, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$96 = (new p384Uint1(x241.$high, x241.$low)), new $Uint64(x$96.$high, x$96.$low)))); + x242 = _tuple$120[0]; + x243 = _tuple$120[1]; + x244 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x245 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$121 = bits.Add64(x232, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$97 = (new p384Uint1(x243.$high, x243.$low)), new $Uint64(x$97.$high, x$97.$low)))); + x244 = _tuple$121[0]; + x245 = _tuple$121[1]; + x246 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x247 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$122 = bits.Add64(x234, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$98 = (new p384Uint1(x245.$high, x245.$low)), new $Uint64(x$98.$high, x$98.$low)))); + x246 = _tuple$122[0]; + x247 = _tuple$122[1]; + x248 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x249 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$123 = bits.Add64(x236, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$99 = (new p384Uint1(x247.$high, x247.$low)), new $Uint64(x$99.$high, x$99.$low)))); + x248 = _tuple$123[0]; + x249 = _tuple$123[1]; + x250 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x251 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$124 = bits.Add64(x238, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$100 = (new p384Uint1(x249.$high, x249.$low)), new $Uint64(x$100.$high, x$100.$low)))); + x250 = _tuple$124[0]; + x251 = _tuple$124[1]; + x252 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$125 = bits.Mul64(x240, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x252 = _tuple$125[1]; + x254 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x255 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$126 = bits.Mul64(x252, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x255 = _tuple$126[0]; + x254 = _tuple$126[1]; + x256 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x257 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$127 = bits.Mul64(x252, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x257 = _tuple$127[0]; + x256 = _tuple$127[1]; + x258 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x259 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$128 = bits.Mul64(x252, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x259 = _tuple$128[0]; + x258 = _tuple$128[1]; + x260 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x261 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$129 = bits.Mul64(x252, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x261 = _tuple$129[0]; + x260 = _tuple$129[1]; + x262 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x263 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$130 = bits.Mul64(x252, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x263 = _tuple$130[0]; + x262 = _tuple$130[1]; + x264 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x265 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$131 = bits.Mul64(x252, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x265 = _tuple$131[0]; + x264 = _tuple$131[1]; + x266 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x267 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$132 = bits.Add64(x265, x262, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x266 = _tuple$132[0]; + x267 = _tuple$132[1]; + x268 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x269 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$133 = bits.Add64(x263, x260, ((x$101 = (new p384Uint1(x267.$high, x267.$low)), new $Uint64(x$101.$high, x$101.$low)))); + x268 = _tuple$133[0]; + x269 = _tuple$133[1]; + x270 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x271 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$134 = bits.Add64(x261, x258, ((x$102 = (new p384Uint1(x269.$high, x269.$low)), new $Uint64(x$102.$high, x$102.$low)))); + x270 = _tuple$134[0]; + x271 = _tuple$134[1]; + x272 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x273 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$135 = bits.Add64(x259, x256, ((x$103 = (new p384Uint1(x271.$high, x271.$low)), new $Uint64(x$103.$high, x$103.$low)))); + x272 = _tuple$135[0]; + x273 = _tuple$135[1]; + x274 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x275 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$136 = bits.Add64(x257, x254, ((x$104 = (new p384Uint1(x273.$high, x273.$low)), new $Uint64(x$104.$high, x$104.$low)))); + x274 = _tuple$136[0]; + x275 = _tuple$136[1]; + x277 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$137 = bits.Add64(x240, x264, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x277 = _tuple$137[1]; + x278 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x279 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$138 = bits.Add64(x242, x266, ((x$105 = (new p384Uint1(x277.$high, x277.$low)), new $Uint64(x$105.$high, x$105.$low)))); + x278 = _tuple$138[0]; + x279 = _tuple$138[1]; + x280 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x281 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$139 = bits.Add64(x244, x268, ((x$106 = (new p384Uint1(x279.$high, x279.$low)), new $Uint64(x$106.$high, x$106.$low)))); + x280 = _tuple$139[0]; + x281 = _tuple$139[1]; + x282 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x283 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$140 = bits.Add64(x246, x270, ((x$107 = (new p384Uint1(x281.$high, x281.$low)), new $Uint64(x$107.$high, x$107.$low)))); + x282 = _tuple$140[0]; + x283 = _tuple$140[1]; + x284 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x285 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$141 = bits.Add64(x248, x272, ((x$108 = (new p384Uint1(x283.$high, x283.$low)), new $Uint64(x$108.$high, x$108.$low)))); + x284 = _tuple$141[0]; + x285 = _tuple$141[1]; + x286 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x287 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$142 = bits.Add64(x250, x274, ((x$109 = (new p384Uint1(x285.$high, x285.$low)), new $Uint64(x$109.$high, x$109.$low)))); + x286 = _tuple$142[0]; + x287 = _tuple$142[1]; + x288 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x289 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$143 = bits.Add64((x$110 = ((x$111 = (new p384Uint1(x251.$high, x251.$low)), new $Uint64(x$111.$high, x$111.$low))), x$112 = ((x$113 = (new p384Uint1(x239.$high, x239.$low)), new $Uint64(x$113.$high, x$113.$low))), new $Uint64(x$110.$high + x$112.$high, x$110.$low + x$112.$low)), (x$114 = ((x$115 = (new p384Uint1(x275.$high, x275.$low)), new $Uint64(x$115.$high, x$115.$low))), new $Uint64(x$114.$high + x255.$high, x$114.$low + x255.$low)), ((x$116 = (new p384Uint1(x287.$high, x287.$low)), new $Uint64(x$116.$high, x$116.$low)))); + x288 = _tuple$143[0]; + x289 = _tuple$143[1]; + x290 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x291 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$144 = bits.Sub64(x278, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x290 = _tuple$144[0]; + x291 = _tuple$144[1]; + x292 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x293 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$145 = bits.Sub64(x280, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0), ((x$117 = (new p384Uint1(x291.$high, x291.$low)), new $Uint64(x$117.$high, x$117.$low)))); + x292 = _tuple$145[0]; + x293 = _tuple$145[1]; + x294 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x295 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$146 = bits.Sub64(x282, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294), ((x$118 = (new p384Uint1(x293.$high, x293.$low)), new $Uint64(x$118.$high, x$118.$low)))); + x294 = _tuple$146[0]; + x295 = _tuple$146[1]; + x296 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x297 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$147 = bits.Sub64(x284, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$119 = (new p384Uint1(x295.$high, x295.$low)), new $Uint64(x$119.$high, x$119.$low)))); + x296 = _tuple$147[0]; + x297 = _tuple$147[1]; + x298 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x299 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$148 = bits.Sub64(x286, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$120 = (new p384Uint1(x297.$high, x297.$low)), new $Uint64(x$120.$high, x$120.$low)))); + x298 = _tuple$148[0]; + x299 = _tuple$148[1]; + x300 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x301 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$149 = bits.Sub64(x288, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$121 = (new p384Uint1(x299.$high, x299.$low)), new $Uint64(x$121.$high, x$121.$low)))); + x300 = _tuple$149[0]; + x301 = _tuple$149[1]; + x303 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$150 = bits.Sub64(((x$122 = (new p384Uint1(x289.$high, x289.$low)), new $Uint64(x$122.$high, x$122.$low))), new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$123 = (new p384Uint1(x301.$high, x301.$low)), new $Uint64(x$123.$high, x$123.$low)))); + x303 = _tuple$150[1]; + x304 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x304$24ptr || (x304$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x304; }, function($v) { x304 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x303.$high, x303.$low)), x290, x278); + x305 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x305$24ptr || (x305$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x305; }, function($v) { x305 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x303.$high, x303.$low)), x292, x280); + x306 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x306$24ptr || (x306$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x306; }, function($v) { x306 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x303.$high, x303.$low)), x294, x282); + x307 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x307$24ptr || (x307$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x307; }, function($v) { x307 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x303.$high, x303.$low)), x296, x284); + x308 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x308$24ptr || (x308$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x308; }, function($v) { x308 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x303.$high, x303.$low)), x298, x286); + x309 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x309$24ptr || (x309$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x309; }, function($v) { x309 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x303.$high, x303.$low)), x300, x288); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x304; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x305; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x306; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x307; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x308; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x309; + }; + p384ToMontgomery = function(out1, arg1) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$100, _tuple$101, _tuple$102, _tuple$103, _tuple$104, _tuple$105, _tuple$106, _tuple$107, _tuple$108, _tuple$109, _tuple$11, _tuple$110, _tuple$111, _tuple$112, _tuple$113, _tuple$114, _tuple$115, _tuple$116, _tuple$117, _tuple$118, _tuple$119, _tuple$12, _tuple$120, _tuple$121, _tuple$122, _tuple$123, _tuple$124, _tuple$125, _tuple$126, _tuple$127, _tuple$128, _tuple$129, _tuple$13, _tuple$130, _tuple$131, _tuple$132, _tuple$133, _tuple$134, _tuple$135, _tuple$136, _tuple$137, _tuple$138, _tuple$139, _tuple$14, _tuple$140, _tuple$141, _tuple$142, _tuple$143, _tuple$144, _tuple$145, _tuple$146, _tuple$147, _tuple$148, _tuple$149, _tuple$15, _tuple$150, _tuple$151, _tuple$152, _tuple$153, _tuple$154, _tuple$155, _tuple$156, _tuple$157, _tuple$158, _tuple$159, _tuple$16, _tuple$160, _tuple$161, _tuple$162, _tuple$163, _tuple$164, _tuple$165, _tuple$166, _tuple$167, _tuple$168, _tuple$169, _tuple$17, _tuple$170, _tuple$171, _tuple$172, _tuple$173, _tuple$174, _tuple$175, _tuple$176, _tuple$177, _tuple$178, _tuple$179, _tuple$18, _tuple$180, _tuple$181, _tuple$182, _tuple$183, _tuple$184, _tuple$185, _tuple$186, _tuple$187, _tuple$188, _tuple$189, _tuple$19, _tuple$190, _tuple$191, _tuple$192, _tuple$193, _tuple$194, _tuple$195, _tuple$196, _tuple$197, _tuple$198, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$46, _tuple$47, _tuple$48, _tuple$49, _tuple$5, _tuple$50, _tuple$51, _tuple$52, _tuple$53, _tuple$54, _tuple$55, _tuple$56, _tuple$57, _tuple$58, _tuple$59, _tuple$6, _tuple$60, _tuple$61, _tuple$62, _tuple$63, _tuple$64, _tuple$65, _tuple$66, _tuple$67, _tuple$68, _tuple$69, _tuple$7, _tuple$70, _tuple$71, _tuple$72, _tuple$73, _tuple$74, _tuple$75, _tuple$76, _tuple$77, _tuple$78, _tuple$79, _tuple$8, _tuple$80, _tuple$81, _tuple$82, _tuple$83, _tuple$84, _tuple$85, _tuple$86, _tuple$87, _tuple$88, _tuple$89, _tuple$9, _tuple$90, _tuple$91, _tuple$92, _tuple$93, _tuple$94, _tuple$95, _tuple$96, _tuple$97, _tuple$98, _tuple$99, arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$100, x$101, x$102, x$103, x$104, x$105, x$106, x$107, x$108, x$109, x$11, x$110, x$111, x$112, x$113, x$114, x$115, x$116, x$117, x$118, x$119, x$12, x$120, x$121, x$122, x$123, x$124, x$125, x$126, x$127, x$128, x$129, x$13, x$130, x$131, x$132, x$133, x$134, x$135, x$136, x$137, x$138, x$139, x$14, x$140, x$141, x$142, x$143, x$144, x$145, x$146, x$147, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$73, x$74, x$75, x$76, x$77, x$78, x$79, x$8, x$80, x$81, x$82, x$83, x$84, x$85, x$86, x$87, x$88, x$89, x$9, x$90, x$91, x$92, x$93, x$94, x$95, x$96, x$97, x$98, x$99, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x104, x105, x106, x107, x108, x109, x11, x110, x111, x112, x114, x115, x116, x117, x118, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x124, x125, x126, x127, x128, x129, x13, x130, x131, x132, x133, x134, x135, x136, x137, x138, x139, x14, x140, x141, x142, x143, x144, x145, x146, x147, x148, x149, x15, x150, x151, x152, x153, x154, x155, x157, x158, x159, x16, x160, x161, x162, x163, x164, x165, x166, x167, x168, x169, x17, x170, x171, x172, x173, x174, x175, x176, x177, x178, x18, x180, x181, x182, x183, x184, x185, x186, x187, x188, x189, x19, x190, x191, x192, x193, x194, x195, x196, x197, x198, x199, x2, x20, x200, x201, x202, x203, x204, x205, x206, x207, x208, x209, x21, x210, x211, x212, x213, x214, x215, x216, x217, x218, x219, x22, x220, x221, x223, x224, x225, x226, x227, x228, x229, x23, x230, x231, x232, x233, x234, x235, x236, x237, x238, x239, x240, x241, x242, x243, x244, x246, x247, x248, x249, x25, x250, x251, x252, x253, x254, x255, x256, x257, x258, x259, x26, x260, x261, x262, x263, x264, x265, x266, x267, x268, x269, x27, x270, x271, x272, x273, x274, x275, x276, x277, x278, x279, x28, x280, x281, x282, x283, x284, x285, x286, x287, x289, x29, x290, x291, x292, x293, x294, x295, x296, x297, x298, x299, x3, x30, x300, x301, x302, x303, x304, x305, x306, x307, x308, x309, x31, x310, x312, x313, x314, x315, x316, x317, x318, x319, x32, x320, x321, x322, x323, x324, x325, x326, x327, x328, x329, x33, x330, x331, x332, x333, x334, x335, x336, x337, x338, x339, x34, x340, x341, x342, x343, x344, x345, x346, x347, x348, x349, x35, x350, x351, x352, x353, x355, x356, x357, x358, x359, x36, x360, x361, x362, x363, x364, x365, x366, x367, x368, x369, x37, x370, x371, x372, x373, x374, x375, x376, x378, x379, x38, x380, x381, x382, x383, x384, x385, x386, x387, x388, x389, x39, x390, x391, x392, x393, x394, x395, x396, x397, x398, x399, x4, x40, x400, x401, x402, x404, x405, x405$24ptr, x406, x406$24ptr, x407, x407$24ptr, x408, x408$24ptr, x409, x409$24ptr, x41, x410, x410$24ptr, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x53, x54, x55, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x81, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x91, x92, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = arg1[1]; + x2 = arg1[2]; + x3 = arg1[3]; + x4 = arg1[4]; + x5 = arg1[5]; + x6 = arg1[0]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x6, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x8 = _tuple[0]; + x7 = _tuple[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x6, new $Uint64(4294967294, 0)); + x10 = _tuple$1[0]; + x9 = _tuple$1[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x6, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x12 = _tuple$2[0]; + x11 = _tuple$2[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x6, new $Uint64(4294967294, 1)); + x14 = _tuple$3[0]; + x13 = _tuple$3[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Add64(x14, x11, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x15 = _tuple$4[0]; + x16 = _tuple$4[1]; + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Add64(x12, x9, ((x = (new p384Uint1(x16.$high, x16.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x17 = _tuple$5[0]; + x18 = _tuple$5[1]; + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Add64(x10, x7, ((x$1 = (new p384Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x19 = _tuple$6[0]; + x20 = _tuple$6[1]; + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Add64(x8, x6, ((x$2 = (new p384Uint1(x20.$high, x20.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x21 = _tuple$7[0]; + x22 = _tuple$7[1]; + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Mul64(x13, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x23 = _tuple$8[1]; + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Mul64(x23, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x26 = _tuple$9[0]; + x25 = _tuple$9[1]; + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Mul64(x23, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x28 = _tuple$10[0]; + x27 = _tuple$10[1]; + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Mul64(x23, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x30 = _tuple$11[0]; + x29 = _tuple$11[1]; + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Mul64(x23, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x32 = _tuple$12[0]; + x31 = _tuple$12[1]; + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Mul64(x23, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x34 = _tuple$13[0]; + x33 = _tuple$13[1]; + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Mul64(x23, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x36 = _tuple$14[0]; + x35 = _tuple$14[1]; + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Add64(x36, x33, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x37 = _tuple$15[0]; + x38 = _tuple$15[1]; + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Add64(x34, x31, ((x$3 = (new p384Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x39 = _tuple$16[0]; + x40 = _tuple$16[1]; + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Add64(x32, x29, ((x$4 = (new p384Uint1(x40.$high, x40.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x41 = _tuple$17[0]; + x42 = _tuple$17[1]; + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Add64(x30, x27, ((x$5 = (new p384Uint1(x42.$high, x42.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x43 = _tuple$18[0]; + x44 = _tuple$18[1]; + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Add64(x28, x25, ((x$6 = (new p384Uint1(x44.$high, x44.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x45 = _tuple$19[0]; + x46 = _tuple$19[1]; + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Add64(x13, x35, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x48 = _tuple$20[1]; + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Add64(x15, x37, ((x$7 = (new p384Uint1(x48.$high, x48.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x49 = _tuple$21[0]; + x50 = _tuple$21[1]; + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Add64(x17, x39, ((x$8 = (new p384Uint1(x50.$high, x50.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x51 = _tuple$22[0]; + x52 = _tuple$22[1]; + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x54 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Add64(x19, x41, ((x$9 = (new p384Uint1(x52.$high, x52.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x53 = _tuple$23[0]; + x54 = _tuple$23[1]; + x55 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Add64(x21, x43, ((x$10 = (new p384Uint1(x54.$high, x54.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low)))); + x55 = _tuple$24[0]; + x56 = _tuple$24[1]; + x57 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Add64(((x$11 = (new p384Uint1(x22.$high, x22.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low))), x45, ((x$12 = (new p384Uint1(x56.$high, x56.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x57 = _tuple$25[0]; + x58 = _tuple$25[1]; + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), (x$13 = ((x$14 = (new p384Uint1(x46.$high, x46.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low))), new $Uint64(x$13.$high + x26.$high, x$13.$low + x26.$low)), ((x$15 = (new p384Uint1(x58.$high, x58.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x59 = _tuple$26[0]; + x60 = _tuple$26[1]; + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x62 = _tuple$27[0]; + x61 = _tuple$27[1]; + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967294, 0)); + x64 = _tuple$28[0]; + x63 = _tuple$28[1]; + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x66 = _tuple$29[0]; + x65 = _tuple$29[1]; + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967294, 1)); + x68 = _tuple$30[0]; + x67 = _tuple$30[1]; + x69 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Add64(x68, x65, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x69 = _tuple$31[0]; + x70 = _tuple$31[1]; + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Add64(x66, x63, ((x$16 = (new p384Uint1(x70.$high, x70.$low)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high, x$16.$low)))); + x71 = _tuple$32[0]; + x72 = _tuple$32[1]; + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Add64(x64, x61, ((x$17 = (new p384Uint1(x72.$high, x72.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low)))); + x73 = _tuple$33[0]; + x74 = _tuple$33[1]; + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Add64(x62, x1, ((x$18 = (new p384Uint1(x74.$high, x74.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low)))); + x75 = _tuple$34[0]; + x76 = _tuple$34[1]; + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Add64(x49, x67, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x77 = _tuple$35[0]; + x78 = _tuple$35[1]; + x79 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x80 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x51, x69, ((x$19 = (new p384Uint1(x78.$high, x78.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x79 = _tuple$36[0]; + x80 = _tuple$36[1]; + x81 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Add64(x53, x71, ((x$20 = (new p384Uint1(x80.$high, x80.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x81 = _tuple$37[0]; + x82 = _tuple$37[1]; + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Add64(x55, x73, ((x$21 = (new p384Uint1(x82.$high, x82.$low)), new $Uint64(x$21.$high, x$21.$low)))); + x83 = _tuple$38[0]; + x84 = _tuple$38[1]; + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Add64(x57, x75, ((x$22 = (new p384Uint1(x84.$high, x84.$low)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high, x$22.$low)))); + x85 = _tuple$39[0]; + x86 = _tuple$39[1]; + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Add64(x59, ((x$23 = (new p384Uint1(x76.$high, x76.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low))), ((x$24 = (new p384Uint1(x86.$high, x86.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x87 = _tuple$40[0]; + x88 = _tuple$40[1]; + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Mul64(x77, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x89 = _tuple$41[1]; + x91 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Mul64(x89, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x92 = _tuple$42[0]; + x91 = _tuple$42[1]; + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Mul64(x89, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x94 = _tuple$43[0]; + x93 = _tuple$43[1]; + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Mul64(x89, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x96 = _tuple$44[0]; + x95 = _tuple$44[1]; + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Mul64(x89, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x98 = _tuple$45[0]; + x97 = _tuple$45[1]; + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Mul64(x89, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x100 = _tuple$46[0]; + x99 = _tuple$46[1]; + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Mul64(x89, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x102 = _tuple$47[0]; + x101 = _tuple$47[1]; + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x104 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Add64(x102, x99, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x103 = _tuple$48[0]; + x104 = _tuple$48[1]; + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x106 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Add64(x100, x97, ((x$25 = (new p384Uint1(x104.$high, x104.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x105 = _tuple$49[0]; + x106 = _tuple$49[1]; + x107 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Add64(x98, x95, ((x$26 = (new p384Uint1(x106.$high, x106.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high, x$26.$low)))); + x107 = _tuple$50[0]; + x108 = _tuple$50[1]; + x109 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Add64(x96, x93, ((x$27 = (new p384Uint1(x108.$high, x108.$low)), new $Uint64(x$27.$high, x$27.$low)))); + x109 = _tuple$51[0]; + x110 = _tuple$51[1]; + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Add64(x94, x91, ((x$28 = (new p384Uint1(x110.$high, x110.$low)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high, x$28.$low)))); + x111 = _tuple$52[0]; + x112 = _tuple$52[1]; + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Add64(x77, x101, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x114 = _tuple$53[1]; + x115 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Add64(x79, x103, ((x$29 = (new p384Uint1(x114.$high, x114.$low)), new $Uint64(x$29.$high, x$29.$low)))); + x115 = _tuple$54[0]; + x116 = _tuple$54[1]; + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x118 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Add64(x81, x105, ((x$30 = (new p384Uint1(x116.$high, x116.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low)))); + x117 = _tuple$55[0]; + x118 = _tuple$55[1]; + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Add64(x83, x107, ((x$31 = (new p384Uint1(x118.$high, x118.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low)))); + x119 = _tuple$56[0]; + x120 = _tuple$56[1]; + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x85, x109, ((x$32 = (new p384Uint1(x120.$high, x120.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x121 = _tuple$57[0]; + x122 = _tuple$57[1]; + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x87, x111, ((x$33 = (new p384Uint1(x122.$high, x122.$low)), new $Uint64(x$33.$high, x$33.$low)))); + x123 = _tuple$58[0]; + x124 = _tuple$58[1]; + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x126 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Add64((x$34 = ((x$35 = (new p384Uint1(x88.$high, x88.$low)), new $Uint64(x$35.$high, x$35.$low))), x$36 = ((x$37 = (new p384Uint1(x60.$high, x60.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high, x$37.$low))), new $Uint64(x$34.$high + x$36.$high, x$34.$low + x$36.$low)), (x$38 = ((x$39 = (new p384Uint1(x112.$high, x112.$low)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high, x$39.$low))), new $Uint64(x$38.$high + x92.$high, x$38.$low + x92.$low)), ((x$40 = (new p384Uint1(x124.$high, x124.$low)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high, x$40.$low)))); + x125 = _tuple$59[0]; + x126 = _tuple$59[1]; + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x128 = _tuple$60[0]; + x127 = _tuple$60[1]; + x129 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x130 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967294, 0)); + x130 = _tuple$61[0]; + x129 = _tuple$61[1]; + x131 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x132 = _tuple$62[0]; + x131 = _tuple$62[1]; + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x134 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967294, 1)); + x134 = _tuple$63[0]; + x133 = _tuple$63[1]; + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Add64(x134, x131, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x135 = _tuple$64[0]; + x136 = _tuple$64[1]; + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Add64(x132, x129, ((x$41 = (new p384Uint1(x136.$high, x136.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low)))); + x137 = _tuple$65[0]; + x138 = _tuple$65[1]; + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x140 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Add64(x130, x127, ((x$42 = (new p384Uint1(x138.$high, x138.$low)), new $Uint64(x$42.$high, x$42.$low)))); + x139 = _tuple$66[0]; + x140 = _tuple$66[1]; + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Add64(x128, x2, ((x$43 = (new p384Uint1(x140.$high, x140.$low)), new $Uint64(x$43.$high, x$43.$low)))); + x141 = _tuple$67[0]; + x142 = _tuple$67[1]; + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Add64(x115, x133, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x143 = _tuple$68[0]; + x144 = _tuple$68[1]; + x145 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x146 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Add64(x117, x135, ((x$44 = (new p384Uint1(x144.$high, x144.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low)))); + x145 = _tuple$69[0]; + x146 = _tuple$69[1]; + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Add64(x119, x137, ((x$45 = (new p384Uint1(x146.$high, x146.$low)), new $Uint64(x$45.$high, x$45.$low)))); + x147 = _tuple$70[0]; + x148 = _tuple$70[1]; + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Add64(x121, x139, ((x$46 = (new p384Uint1(x148.$high, x148.$low)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high, x$46.$low)))); + x149 = _tuple$71[0]; + x150 = _tuple$71[1]; + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Add64(x123, x141, ((x$47 = (new p384Uint1(x150.$high, x150.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low)))); + x151 = _tuple$72[0]; + x152 = _tuple$72[1]; + x153 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Add64(x125, ((x$48 = (new p384Uint1(x142.$high, x142.$low)), new $Uint64(x$48.$high, x$48.$low))), ((x$49 = (new p384Uint1(x152.$high, x152.$low)), new $Uint64(x$49.$high, x$49.$low)))); + x153 = _tuple$73[0]; + x154 = _tuple$73[1]; + x155 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Mul64(x143, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x155 = _tuple$74[1]; + x157 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Mul64(x155, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x158 = _tuple$75[0]; + x157 = _tuple$75[1]; + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Mul64(x155, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x160 = _tuple$76[0]; + x159 = _tuple$76[1]; + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Mul64(x155, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x162 = _tuple$77[0]; + x161 = _tuple$77[1]; + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Mul64(x155, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x164 = _tuple$78[0]; + x163 = _tuple$78[1]; + x165 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Mul64(x155, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x166 = _tuple$79[0]; + x165 = _tuple$79[1]; + x167 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x168 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Mul64(x155, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x168 = _tuple$80[0]; + x167 = _tuple$80[1]; + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Add64(x168, x165, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x169 = _tuple$81[0]; + x170 = _tuple$81[1]; + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x172 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Add64(x166, x163, ((x$50 = (new p384Uint1(x170.$high, x170.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low)))); + x171 = _tuple$82[0]; + x172 = _tuple$82[1]; + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x174 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Add64(x164, x161, ((x$51 = (new p384Uint1(x172.$high, x172.$low)), new $Uint64(x$51.$high, x$51.$low)))); + x173 = _tuple$83[0]; + x174 = _tuple$83[1]; + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x176 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Add64(x162, x159, ((x$52 = (new p384Uint1(x174.$high, x174.$low)), new $Uint64(x$52.$high, x$52.$low)))); + x175 = _tuple$84[0]; + x176 = _tuple$84[1]; + x177 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x178 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$85 = bits.Add64(x160, x157, ((x$53 = (new p384Uint1(x176.$high, x176.$low)), new $Uint64(x$53.$high, x$53.$low)))); + x177 = _tuple$85[0]; + x178 = _tuple$85[1]; + x180 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$86 = bits.Add64(x143, x167, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x180 = _tuple$86[1]; + x181 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x182 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$87 = bits.Add64(x145, x169, ((x$54 = (new p384Uint1(x180.$high, x180.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low)))); + x181 = _tuple$87[0]; + x182 = _tuple$87[1]; + x183 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x184 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$88 = bits.Add64(x147, x171, ((x$55 = (new p384Uint1(x182.$high, x182.$low)), new $Uint64(x$55.$high, x$55.$low)))); + x183 = _tuple$88[0]; + x184 = _tuple$88[1]; + x185 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x186 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$89 = bits.Add64(x149, x173, ((x$56 = (new p384Uint1(x184.$high, x184.$low)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high, x$56.$low)))); + x185 = _tuple$89[0]; + x186 = _tuple$89[1]; + x187 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x188 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$90 = bits.Add64(x151, x175, ((x$57 = (new p384Uint1(x186.$high, x186.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low)))); + x187 = _tuple$90[0]; + x188 = _tuple$90[1]; + x189 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x190 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$91 = bits.Add64(x153, x177, ((x$58 = (new p384Uint1(x188.$high, x188.$low)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high, x$58.$low)))); + x189 = _tuple$91[0]; + x190 = _tuple$91[1]; + x191 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x192 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$92 = bits.Add64((x$59 = ((x$60 = (new p384Uint1(x154.$high, x154.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low))), x$61 = ((x$62 = (new p384Uint1(x126.$high, x126.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low))), new $Uint64(x$59.$high + x$61.$high, x$59.$low + x$61.$low)), (x$63 = ((x$64 = (new p384Uint1(x178.$high, x178.$low)), new $Uint64(x$64.$high, x$64.$low))), new $Uint64(x$63.$high + x158.$high, x$63.$low + x158.$low)), ((x$65 = (new p384Uint1(x190.$high, x190.$low)), new $Uint64(x$65.$high, x$65.$low)))); + x191 = _tuple$92[0]; + x192 = _tuple$92[1]; + x193 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x194 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$93 = bits.Mul64(x3, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x194 = _tuple$93[0]; + x193 = _tuple$93[1]; + x195 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x196 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$94 = bits.Mul64(x3, new $Uint64(4294967294, 0)); + x196 = _tuple$94[0]; + x195 = _tuple$94[1]; + x197 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x198 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$95 = bits.Mul64(x3, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x198 = _tuple$95[0]; + x197 = _tuple$95[1]; + x199 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x200 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$96 = bits.Mul64(x3, new $Uint64(4294967294, 1)); + x200 = _tuple$96[0]; + x199 = _tuple$96[1]; + x201 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x202 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$97 = bits.Add64(x200, x197, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x201 = _tuple$97[0]; + x202 = _tuple$97[1]; + x203 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x204 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$98 = bits.Add64(x198, x195, ((x$66 = (new p384Uint1(x202.$high, x202.$low)), new $Uint64(x$66.$high, x$66.$low)))); + x203 = _tuple$98[0]; + x204 = _tuple$98[1]; + x205 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x206 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$99 = bits.Add64(x196, x193, ((x$67 = (new p384Uint1(x204.$high, x204.$low)), new $Uint64(x$67.$high, x$67.$low)))); + x205 = _tuple$99[0]; + x206 = _tuple$99[1]; + x207 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x208 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$100 = bits.Add64(x194, x3, ((x$68 = (new p384Uint1(x206.$high, x206.$low)), new $Uint64(x$68.$high, x$68.$low)))); + x207 = _tuple$100[0]; + x208 = _tuple$100[1]; + x209 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x210 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$101 = bits.Add64(x181, x199, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x209 = _tuple$101[0]; + x210 = _tuple$101[1]; + x211 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x212 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$102 = bits.Add64(x183, x201, ((x$69 = (new p384Uint1(x210.$high, x210.$low)), new $Uint64(x$69.$high, x$69.$low)))); + x211 = _tuple$102[0]; + x212 = _tuple$102[1]; + x213 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x214 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$103 = bits.Add64(x185, x203, ((x$70 = (new p384Uint1(x212.$high, x212.$low)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high, x$70.$low)))); + x213 = _tuple$103[0]; + x214 = _tuple$103[1]; + x215 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x216 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$104 = bits.Add64(x187, x205, ((x$71 = (new p384Uint1(x214.$high, x214.$low)), new $Uint64(x$71.$high, x$71.$low)))); + x215 = _tuple$104[0]; + x216 = _tuple$104[1]; + x217 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x218 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$105 = bits.Add64(x189, x207, ((x$72 = (new p384Uint1(x216.$high, x216.$low)), new $Uint64(x$72.$high, x$72.$low)))); + x217 = _tuple$105[0]; + x218 = _tuple$105[1]; + x219 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x220 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$106 = bits.Add64(x191, ((x$73 = (new p384Uint1(x208.$high, x208.$low)), new $Uint64(x$73.$high, x$73.$low))), ((x$74 = (new p384Uint1(x218.$high, x218.$low)), new $Uint64(x$74.$high, x$74.$low)))); + x219 = _tuple$106[0]; + x220 = _tuple$106[1]; + x221 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$107 = bits.Mul64(x209, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x221 = _tuple$107[1]; + x223 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x224 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$108 = bits.Mul64(x221, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x224 = _tuple$108[0]; + x223 = _tuple$108[1]; + x225 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x226 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$109 = bits.Mul64(x221, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x226 = _tuple$109[0]; + x225 = _tuple$109[1]; + x227 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x228 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$110 = bits.Mul64(x221, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x228 = _tuple$110[0]; + x227 = _tuple$110[1]; + x229 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x230 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$111 = bits.Mul64(x221, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x230 = _tuple$111[0]; + x229 = _tuple$111[1]; + x231 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x232 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$112 = bits.Mul64(x221, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x232 = _tuple$112[0]; + x231 = _tuple$112[1]; + x233 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x234 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$113 = bits.Mul64(x221, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x234 = _tuple$113[0]; + x233 = _tuple$113[1]; + x235 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x236 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$114 = bits.Add64(x234, x231, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x235 = _tuple$114[0]; + x236 = _tuple$114[1]; + x237 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x238 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$115 = bits.Add64(x232, x229, ((x$75 = (new p384Uint1(x236.$high, x236.$low)), new $Uint64(x$75.$high, x$75.$low)))); + x237 = _tuple$115[0]; + x238 = _tuple$115[1]; + x239 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x240 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$116 = bits.Add64(x230, x227, ((x$76 = (new p384Uint1(x238.$high, x238.$low)), new $Uint64(x$76.$high, x$76.$low)))); + x239 = _tuple$116[0]; + x240 = _tuple$116[1]; + x241 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x242 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$117 = bits.Add64(x228, x225, ((x$77 = (new p384Uint1(x240.$high, x240.$low)), new $Uint64(x$77.$high, x$77.$low)))); + x241 = _tuple$117[0]; + x242 = _tuple$117[1]; + x243 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x244 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$118 = bits.Add64(x226, x223, ((x$78 = (new p384Uint1(x242.$high, x242.$low)), new $Uint64(x$78.$high, x$78.$low)))); + x243 = _tuple$118[0]; + x244 = _tuple$118[1]; + x246 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$119 = bits.Add64(x209, x233, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x246 = _tuple$119[1]; + x247 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x248 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$120 = bits.Add64(x211, x235, ((x$79 = (new p384Uint1(x246.$high, x246.$low)), new $Uint64(x$79.$high, x$79.$low)))); + x247 = _tuple$120[0]; + x248 = _tuple$120[1]; + x249 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x250 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$121 = bits.Add64(x213, x237, ((x$80 = (new p384Uint1(x248.$high, x248.$low)), new $Uint64(x$80.$high, x$80.$low)))); + x249 = _tuple$121[0]; + x250 = _tuple$121[1]; + x251 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x252 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$122 = bits.Add64(x215, x239, ((x$81 = (new p384Uint1(x250.$high, x250.$low)), new $Uint64(x$81.$high, x$81.$low)))); + x251 = _tuple$122[0]; + x252 = _tuple$122[1]; + x253 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x254 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$123 = bits.Add64(x217, x241, ((x$82 = (new p384Uint1(x252.$high, x252.$low)), new $Uint64(x$82.$high, x$82.$low)))); + x253 = _tuple$123[0]; + x254 = _tuple$123[1]; + x255 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x256 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$124 = bits.Add64(x219, x243, ((x$83 = (new p384Uint1(x254.$high, x254.$low)), new $Uint64(x$83.$high, x$83.$low)))); + x255 = _tuple$124[0]; + x256 = _tuple$124[1]; + x257 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x258 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$125 = bits.Add64((x$84 = ((x$85 = (new p384Uint1(x220.$high, x220.$low)), new $Uint64(x$85.$high, x$85.$low))), x$86 = ((x$87 = (new p384Uint1(x192.$high, x192.$low)), new $Uint64(x$87.$high, x$87.$low))), new $Uint64(x$84.$high + x$86.$high, x$84.$low + x$86.$low)), (x$88 = ((x$89 = (new p384Uint1(x244.$high, x244.$low)), new $Uint64(x$89.$high, x$89.$low))), new $Uint64(x$88.$high + x224.$high, x$88.$low + x224.$low)), ((x$90 = (new p384Uint1(x256.$high, x256.$low)), new $Uint64(x$90.$high, x$90.$low)))); + x257 = _tuple$125[0]; + x258 = _tuple$125[1]; + x259 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x260 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$126 = bits.Mul64(x4, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x260 = _tuple$126[0]; + x259 = _tuple$126[1]; + x261 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x262 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$127 = bits.Mul64(x4, new $Uint64(4294967294, 0)); + x262 = _tuple$127[0]; + x261 = _tuple$127[1]; + x263 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x264 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$128 = bits.Mul64(x4, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x264 = _tuple$128[0]; + x263 = _tuple$128[1]; + x265 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x266 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$129 = bits.Mul64(x4, new $Uint64(4294967294, 1)); + x266 = _tuple$129[0]; + x265 = _tuple$129[1]; + x267 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x268 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$130 = bits.Add64(x266, x263, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x267 = _tuple$130[0]; + x268 = _tuple$130[1]; + x269 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x270 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$131 = bits.Add64(x264, x261, ((x$91 = (new p384Uint1(x268.$high, x268.$low)), new $Uint64(x$91.$high, x$91.$low)))); + x269 = _tuple$131[0]; + x270 = _tuple$131[1]; + x271 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x272 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$132 = bits.Add64(x262, x259, ((x$92 = (new p384Uint1(x270.$high, x270.$low)), new $Uint64(x$92.$high, x$92.$low)))); + x271 = _tuple$132[0]; + x272 = _tuple$132[1]; + x273 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x274 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$133 = bits.Add64(x260, x4, ((x$93 = (new p384Uint1(x272.$high, x272.$low)), new $Uint64(x$93.$high, x$93.$low)))); + x273 = _tuple$133[0]; + x274 = _tuple$133[1]; + x275 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x276 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$134 = bits.Add64(x247, x265, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x275 = _tuple$134[0]; + x276 = _tuple$134[1]; + x277 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x278 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$135 = bits.Add64(x249, x267, ((x$94 = (new p384Uint1(x276.$high, x276.$low)), new $Uint64(x$94.$high, x$94.$low)))); + x277 = _tuple$135[0]; + x278 = _tuple$135[1]; + x279 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x280 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$136 = bits.Add64(x251, x269, ((x$95 = (new p384Uint1(x278.$high, x278.$low)), new $Uint64(x$95.$high, x$95.$low)))); + x279 = _tuple$136[0]; + x280 = _tuple$136[1]; + x281 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x282 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$137 = bits.Add64(x253, x271, ((x$96 = (new p384Uint1(x280.$high, x280.$low)), new $Uint64(x$96.$high, x$96.$low)))); + x281 = _tuple$137[0]; + x282 = _tuple$137[1]; + x283 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x284 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$138 = bits.Add64(x255, x273, ((x$97 = (new p384Uint1(x282.$high, x282.$low)), new $Uint64(x$97.$high, x$97.$low)))); + x283 = _tuple$138[0]; + x284 = _tuple$138[1]; + x285 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x286 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$139 = bits.Add64(x257, ((x$98 = (new p384Uint1(x274.$high, x274.$low)), new $Uint64(x$98.$high, x$98.$low))), ((x$99 = (new p384Uint1(x284.$high, x284.$low)), new $Uint64(x$99.$high, x$99.$low)))); + x285 = _tuple$139[0]; + x286 = _tuple$139[1]; + x287 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$140 = bits.Mul64(x275, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x287 = _tuple$140[1]; + x289 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x290 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$141 = bits.Mul64(x287, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x290 = _tuple$141[0]; + x289 = _tuple$141[1]; + x291 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x292 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$142 = bits.Mul64(x287, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x292 = _tuple$142[0]; + x291 = _tuple$142[1]; + x293 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x294 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$143 = bits.Mul64(x287, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x294 = _tuple$143[0]; + x293 = _tuple$143[1]; + x295 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x296 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$144 = bits.Mul64(x287, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x296 = _tuple$144[0]; + x295 = _tuple$144[1]; + x297 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x298 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$145 = bits.Mul64(x287, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x298 = _tuple$145[0]; + x297 = _tuple$145[1]; + x299 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x300 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$146 = bits.Mul64(x287, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x300 = _tuple$146[0]; + x299 = _tuple$146[1]; + x301 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x302 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$147 = bits.Add64(x300, x297, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x301 = _tuple$147[0]; + x302 = _tuple$147[1]; + x303 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x304 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$148 = bits.Add64(x298, x295, ((x$100 = (new p384Uint1(x302.$high, x302.$low)), new $Uint64(x$100.$high, x$100.$low)))); + x303 = _tuple$148[0]; + x304 = _tuple$148[1]; + x305 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x306 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$149 = bits.Add64(x296, x293, ((x$101 = (new p384Uint1(x304.$high, x304.$low)), new $Uint64(x$101.$high, x$101.$low)))); + x305 = _tuple$149[0]; + x306 = _tuple$149[1]; + x307 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x308 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$150 = bits.Add64(x294, x291, ((x$102 = (new p384Uint1(x306.$high, x306.$low)), new $Uint64(x$102.$high, x$102.$low)))); + x307 = _tuple$150[0]; + x308 = _tuple$150[1]; + x309 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x310 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$151 = bits.Add64(x292, x289, ((x$103 = (new p384Uint1(x308.$high, x308.$low)), new $Uint64(x$103.$high, x$103.$low)))); + x309 = _tuple$151[0]; + x310 = _tuple$151[1]; + x312 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$152 = bits.Add64(x275, x299, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x312 = _tuple$152[1]; + x313 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x314 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$153 = bits.Add64(x277, x301, ((x$104 = (new p384Uint1(x312.$high, x312.$low)), new $Uint64(x$104.$high, x$104.$low)))); + x313 = _tuple$153[0]; + x314 = _tuple$153[1]; + x315 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x316 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$154 = bits.Add64(x279, x303, ((x$105 = (new p384Uint1(x314.$high, x314.$low)), new $Uint64(x$105.$high, x$105.$low)))); + x315 = _tuple$154[0]; + x316 = _tuple$154[1]; + x317 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x318 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$155 = bits.Add64(x281, x305, ((x$106 = (new p384Uint1(x316.$high, x316.$low)), new $Uint64(x$106.$high, x$106.$low)))); + x317 = _tuple$155[0]; + x318 = _tuple$155[1]; + x319 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x320 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$156 = bits.Add64(x283, x307, ((x$107 = (new p384Uint1(x318.$high, x318.$low)), new $Uint64(x$107.$high, x$107.$low)))); + x319 = _tuple$156[0]; + x320 = _tuple$156[1]; + x321 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x322 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$157 = bits.Add64(x285, x309, ((x$108 = (new p384Uint1(x320.$high, x320.$low)), new $Uint64(x$108.$high, x$108.$low)))); + x321 = _tuple$157[0]; + x322 = _tuple$157[1]; + x323 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x324 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$158 = bits.Add64((x$109 = ((x$110 = (new p384Uint1(x286.$high, x286.$low)), new $Uint64(x$110.$high, x$110.$low))), x$111 = ((x$112 = (new p384Uint1(x258.$high, x258.$low)), new $Uint64(x$112.$high, x$112.$low))), new $Uint64(x$109.$high + x$111.$high, x$109.$low + x$111.$low)), (x$113 = ((x$114 = (new p384Uint1(x310.$high, x310.$low)), new $Uint64(x$114.$high, x$114.$low))), new $Uint64(x$113.$high + x290.$high, x$113.$low + x290.$low)), ((x$115 = (new p384Uint1(x322.$high, x322.$low)), new $Uint64(x$115.$high, x$115.$low)))); + x323 = _tuple$158[0]; + x324 = _tuple$158[1]; + x325 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x326 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$159 = bits.Mul64(x5, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x326 = _tuple$159[0]; + x325 = _tuple$159[1]; + x327 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x328 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$160 = bits.Mul64(x5, new $Uint64(4294967294, 0)); + x328 = _tuple$160[0]; + x327 = _tuple$160[1]; + x329 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x330 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$161 = bits.Mul64(x5, new $Uint64(2, 0)); + x330 = _tuple$161[0]; + x329 = _tuple$161[1]; + x331 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x332 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$162 = bits.Mul64(x5, new $Uint64(4294967294, 1)); + x332 = _tuple$162[0]; + x331 = _tuple$162[1]; + x333 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x334 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$163 = bits.Add64(x332, x329, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x333 = _tuple$163[0]; + x334 = _tuple$163[1]; + x335 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x336 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$164 = bits.Add64(x330, x327, ((x$116 = (new p384Uint1(x334.$high, x334.$low)), new $Uint64(x$116.$high, x$116.$low)))); + x335 = _tuple$164[0]; + x336 = _tuple$164[1]; + x337 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x338 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$165 = bits.Add64(x328, x325, ((x$117 = (new p384Uint1(x336.$high, x336.$low)), new $Uint64(x$117.$high, x$117.$low)))); + x337 = _tuple$165[0]; + x338 = _tuple$165[1]; + x339 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x340 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$166 = bits.Add64(x326, x5, ((x$118 = (new p384Uint1(x338.$high, x338.$low)), new $Uint64(x$118.$high, x$118.$low)))); + x339 = _tuple$166[0]; + x340 = _tuple$166[1]; + x341 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x342 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$167 = bits.Add64(x313, x331, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x341 = _tuple$167[0]; + x342 = _tuple$167[1]; + x343 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x344 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$168 = bits.Add64(x315, x333, ((x$119 = (new p384Uint1(x342.$high, x342.$low)), new $Uint64(x$119.$high, x$119.$low)))); + x343 = _tuple$168[0]; + x344 = _tuple$168[1]; + x345 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x346 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$169 = bits.Add64(x317, x335, ((x$120 = (new p384Uint1(x344.$high, x344.$low)), new $Uint64(x$120.$high, x$120.$low)))); + x345 = _tuple$169[0]; + x346 = _tuple$169[1]; + x347 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x348 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$170 = bits.Add64(x319, x337, ((x$121 = (new p384Uint1(x346.$high, x346.$low)), new $Uint64(x$121.$high, x$121.$low)))); + x347 = _tuple$170[0]; + x348 = _tuple$170[1]; + x349 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x350 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$171 = bits.Add64(x321, x339, ((x$122 = (new p384Uint1(x348.$high, x348.$low)), new $Uint64(x$122.$high, x$122.$low)))); + x349 = _tuple$171[0]; + x350 = _tuple$171[1]; + x351 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x352 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$172 = bits.Add64(x323, ((x$123 = (new p384Uint1(x340.$high, x340.$low)), new $Uint64(x$123.$high, x$123.$low))), ((x$124 = (new p384Uint1(x350.$high, x350.$low)), new $Uint64(x$124.$high, x$124.$low)))); + x351 = _tuple$172[0]; + x352 = _tuple$172[1]; + x353 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$173 = bits.Mul64(x341, new $Uint64(1, 1)); + x353 = _tuple$173[1]; + x355 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x356 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$174 = bits.Mul64(x353, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x356 = _tuple$174[0]; + x355 = _tuple$174[1]; + x357 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x358 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$175 = bits.Mul64(x353, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x358 = _tuple$175[0]; + x357 = _tuple$175[1]; + x359 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x360 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$176 = bits.Mul64(x353, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x360 = _tuple$176[0]; + x359 = _tuple$176[1]; + x361 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x362 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$177 = bits.Mul64(x353, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294)); + x362 = _tuple$177[0]; + x361 = _tuple$177[1]; + x363 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x364 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$178 = bits.Mul64(x353, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x364 = _tuple$178[0]; + x363 = _tuple$178[1]; + x365 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x366 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$179 = bits.Mul64(x353, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x366 = _tuple$179[0]; + x365 = _tuple$179[1]; + x367 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x368 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$180 = bits.Add64(x366, x363, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x367 = _tuple$180[0]; + x368 = _tuple$180[1]; + x369 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x370 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$181 = bits.Add64(x364, x361, ((x$125 = (new p384Uint1(x368.$high, x368.$low)), new $Uint64(x$125.$high, x$125.$low)))); + x369 = _tuple$181[0]; + x370 = _tuple$181[1]; + x371 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x372 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$182 = bits.Add64(x362, x359, ((x$126 = (new p384Uint1(x370.$high, x370.$low)), new $Uint64(x$126.$high, x$126.$low)))); + x371 = _tuple$182[0]; + x372 = _tuple$182[1]; + x373 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x374 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$183 = bits.Add64(x360, x357, ((x$127 = (new p384Uint1(x372.$high, x372.$low)), new $Uint64(x$127.$high, x$127.$low)))); + x373 = _tuple$183[0]; + x374 = _tuple$183[1]; + x375 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x376 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$184 = bits.Add64(x358, x355, ((x$128 = (new p384Uint1(x374.$high, x374.$low)), new $Uint64(x$128.$high, x$128.$low)))); + x375 = _tuple$184[0]; + x376 = _tuple$184[1]; + x378 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$185 = bits.Add64(x341, x365, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x378 = _tuple$185[1]; + x379 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x380 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$186 = bits.Add64(x343, x367, ((x$129 = (new p384Uint1(x378.$high, x378.$low)), new $Uint64(x$129.$high, x$129.$low)))); + x379 = _tuple$186[0]; + x380 = _tuple$186[1]; + x381 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x382 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$187 = bits.Add64(x345, x369, ((x$130 = (new p384Uint1(x380.$high, x380.$low)), new $Uint64(x$130.$high, x$130.$low)))); + x381 = _tuple$187[0]; + x382 = _tuple$187[1]; + x383 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x384 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$188 = bits.Add64(x347, x371, ((x$131 = (new p384Uint1(x382.$high, x382.$low)), new $Uint64(x$131.$high, x$131.$low)))); + x383 = _tuple$188[0]; + x384 = _tuple$188[1]; + x385 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x386 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$189 = bits.Add64(x349, x373, ((x$132 = (new p384Uint1(x384.$high, x384.$low)), new $Uint64(x$132.$high, x$132.$low)))); + x385 = _tuple$189[0]; + x386 = _tuple$189[1]; + x387 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x388 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$190 = bits.Add64(x351, x375, ((x$133 = (new p384Uint1(x386.$high, x386.$low)), new $Uint64(x$133.$high, x$133.$low)))); + x387 = _tuple$190[0]; + x388 = _tuple$190[1]; + x389 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x390 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$191 = bits.Add64((x$134 = ((x$135 = (new p384Uint1(x352.$high, x352.$low)), new $Uint64(x$135.$high, x$135.$low))), x$136 = ((x$137 = (new p384Uint1(x324.$high, x324.$low)), new $Uint64(x$137.$high, x$137.$low))), new $Uint64(x$134.$high + x$136.$high, x$134.$low + x$136.$low)), (x$138 = ((x$139 = (new p384Uint1(x376.$high, x376.$low)), new $Uint64(x$139.$high, x$139.$low))), new $Uint64(x$138.$high + x356.$high, x$138.$low + x356.$low)), ((x$140 = (new p384Uint1(x388.$high, x388.$low)), new $Uint64(x$140.$high, x$140.$low)))); + x389 = _tuple$191[0]; + x390 = _tuple$191[1]; + x391 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x392 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$192 = bits.Sub64(x379, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x391 = _tuple$192[0]; + x392 = _tuple$192[1]; + x393 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x394 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$193 = bits.Sub64(x381, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0), ((x$141 = (new p384Uint1(x392.$high, x392.$low)), new $Uint64(x$141.$high, x$141.$low)))); + x393 = _tuple$193[0]; + x394 = _tuple$193[1]; + x395 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x396 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$194 = bits.Sub64(x383, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967294), ((x$142 = (new p384Uint1(x394.$high, x394.$low)), new $Uint64(x$142.$high, x$142.$low)))); + x395 = _tuple$194[0]; + x396 = _tuple$194[1]; + x397 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x398 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$195 = bits.Sub64(x385, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$143 = (new p384Uint1(x396.$high, x396.$low)), new $Uint64(x$143.$high, x$143.$low)))); + x397 = _tuple$195[0]; + x398 = _tuple$195[1]; + x399 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x400 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$196 = bits.Sub64(x387, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$144 = (new p384Uint1(x398.$high, x398.$low)), new $Uint64(x$144.$high, x$144.$low)))); + x399 = _tuple$196[0]; + x400 = _tuple$196[1]; + x401 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x402 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$197 = bits.Sub64(x389, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$145 = (new p384Uint1(x400.$high, x400.$low)), new $Uint64(x$145.$high, x$145.$low)))); + x401 = _tuple$197[0]; + x402 = _tuple$197[1]; + x404 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$198 = bits.Sub64(((x$146 = (new p384Uint1(x390.$high, x390.$low)), new $Uint64(x$146.$high, x$146.$low))), new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$147 = (new p384Uint1(x402.$high, x402.$low)), new $Uint64(x$147.$high, x$147.$low)))); + x404 = _tuple$198[1]; + x405 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x405$24ptr || (x405$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x405; }, function($v) { x405 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x404.$high, x404.$low)), x391, x379); + x406 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x406$24ptr || (x406$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x406; }, function($v) { x406 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x404.$high, x404.$low)), x393, x381); + x407 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x407$24ptr || (x407$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x407; }, function($v) { x407 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x404.$high, x404.$low)), x395, x383); + x408 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x408$24ptr || (x408$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x408; }, function($v) { x408 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x404.$high, x404.$low)), x397, x385); + x409 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x409$24ptr || (x409$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x409; }, function($v) { x409 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x404.$high, x404.$low)), x399, x387); + x410 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x410$24ptr || (x410$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x410; }, function($v) { x410 = $v; }))), (new p384Uint1(x404.$high, x404.$low)), x401, x389); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x405; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x406; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x407; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x408; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x409; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x410; + }; + p384Selectznz = function(out1, arg1, arg2, arg3) { + var arg1, arg2, arg3, out1, x1, x1$24ptr, x2, x2$24ptr, x3, x3$24ptr, x4, x4$24ptr, x5, x5$24ptr, x6, x6$24ptr; + x1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x1$24ptr || (x1$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1; }, function($v) { x1 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[0], arg3[0]); + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x2$24ptr || (x2$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x2; }, function($v) { x2 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[1], arg3[1]); + x3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x3$24ptr || (x3$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x3; }, function($v) { x3 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[2], arg3[2]); + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x4$24ptr || (x4$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x4; }, function($v) { x4 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[3], arg3[3]); + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x5$24ptr || (x5$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x5; }, function($v) { x5 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[4], arg3[4]); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p384CmovznzU64((x6$24ptr || (x6$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x6; }, function($v) { x6 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[5], arg3[5]); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x1; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x2; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x3; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x4; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x5; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x6; + }; + p384ToBytes = function(out1, arg1) { + var arg1, out1, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x53, x54, x55, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x81, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90; + x1 = arg1[5]; + x2 = arg1[4]; + x3 = arg1[3]; + x4 = arg1[2]; + x5 = arg1[1]; + x6 = arg1[0]; + x7 = ((((x6.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x8 = $shiftRightUint64(x6, 8); + x9 = ((((x8.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x10 = $shiftRightUint64(x8, 8); + x11 = ((((x10.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x12 = $shiftRightUint64(x10, 8); + x13 = ((((x12.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x14 = $shiftRightUint64(x12, 8); + x15 = ((((x14.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x16 = $shiftRightUint64(x14, 8); + x17 = ((((x16.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x18 = $shiftRightUint64(x16, 8); + x19 = ((((x18.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x20 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x18, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x21 = ((((x5.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x22 = $shiftRightUint64(x5, 8); + x23 = ((((x22.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x24 = $shiftRightUint64(x22, 8); + x25 = ((((x24.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x26 = $shiftRightUint64(x24, 8); + x27 = ((((x26.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x28 = $shiftRightUint64(x26, 8); + x29 = ((((x28.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x30 = $shiftRightUint64(x28, 8); + x31 = ((((x30.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x32 = $shiftRightUint64(x30, 8); + x33 = ((((x32.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x34 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x32, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x35 = ((((x4.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x36 = $shiftRightUint64(x4, 8); + x37 = ((((x36.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x38 = $shiftRightUint64(x36, 8); + x39 = ((((x38.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x40 = $shiftRightUint64(x38, 8); + x41 = ((((x40.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x42 = $shiftRightUint64(x40, 8); + x43 = ((((x42.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x44 = $shiftRightUint64(x42, 8); + x45 = ((((x44.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x46 = $shiftRightUint64(x44, 8); + x47 = ((((x46.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x48 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x46, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x49 = ((((x3.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x50 = $shiftRightUint64(x3, 8); + x51 = ((((x50.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x52 = $shiftRightUint64(x50, 8); + x53 = ((((x52.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x54 = $shiftRightUint64(x52, 8); + x55 = ((((x54.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x56 = $shiftRightUint64(x54, 8); + x57 = ((((x56.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x58 = $shiftRightUint64(x56, 8); + x59 = ((((x58.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x60 = $shiftRightUint64(x58, 8); + x61 = ((((x60.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x62 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x60, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x63 = ((((x2.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x64 = $shiftRightUint64(x2, 8); + x65 = ((((x64.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x66 = $shiftRightUint64(x64, 8); + x67 = ((((x66.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x68 = $shiftRightUint64(x66, 8); + x69 = ((((x68.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x70 = $shiftRightUint64(x68, 8); + x71 = ((((x70.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x72 = $shiftRightUint64(x70, 8); + x73 = ((((x72.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x74 = $shiftRightUint64(x72, 8); + x75 = ((((x74.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x76 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x74, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x77 = ((((x1.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x78 = $shiftRightUint64(x1, 8); + x79 = ((((x78.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x80 = $shiftRightUint64(x78, 8); + x81 = ((((x80.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x82 = $shiftRightUint64(x80, 8); + x83 = ((((x82.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x84 = $shiftRightUint64(x82, 8); + x85 = ((((x84.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x86 = $shiftRightUint64(x84, 8); + x87 = ((((x86.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x88 = $shiftRightUint64(x86, 8); + x89 = ((((x88.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x90 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x88, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x7; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x9; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x11; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x13; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x15; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x17; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x19; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x20; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x21; + out1.nilCheck, out1[9] = x23; + out1.nilCheck, out1[10] = x25; + out1.nilCheck, out1[11] = x27; + out1.nilCheck, out1[12] = x29; + out1.nilCheck, out1[13] = x31; + out1.nilCheck, out1[14] = x33; + out1.nilCheck, out1[15] = x34; + out1.nilCheck, out1[16] = x35; + out1.nilCheck, out1[17] = x37; + out1.nilCheck, out1[18] = x39; + out1.nilCheck, out1[19] = x41; + out1.nilCheck, out1[20] = x43; + out1.nilCheck, out1[21] = x45; + out1.nilCheck, out1[22] = x47; + out1.nilCheck, out1[23] = x48; + out1.nilCheck, out1[24] = x49; + out1.nilCheck, out1[25] = x51; + out1.nilCheck, out1[26] = x53; + out1.nilCheck, out1[27] = x55; + out1.nilCheck, out1[28] = x57; + out1.nilCheck, out1[29] = x59; + out1.nilCheck, out1[30] = x61; + out1.nilCheck, out1[31] = x62; + out1.nilCheck, out1[32] = x63; + out1.nilCheck, out1[33] = x65; + out1.nilCheck, out1[34] = x67; + out1.nilCheck, out1[35] = x69; + out1.nilCheck, out1[36] = x71; + out1.nilCheck, out1[37] = x73; + out1.nilCheck, out1[38] = x75; + out1.nilCheck, out1[39] = x76; + out1.nilCheck, out1[40] = x77; + out1.nilCheck, out1[41] = x79; + out1.nilCheck, out1[42] = x81; + out1.nilCheck, out1[43] = x83; + out1.nilCheck, out1[44] = x85; + out1.nilCheck, out1[45] = x87; + out1.nilCheck, out1[46] = x89; + out1.nilCheck, out1[47] = x90; + }; + p384FromBytes = function(out1, arg1) { + var arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x53, x54, x55, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x81, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90; + x1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[47])), 56); + x2 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[46])), 48); + x3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[45])), 40); + x4 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[44])), 32); + x5 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[43])), 24); + x6 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[42])), 16); + x7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[41])), 8); + x8 = arg1[40]; + x9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[39])), 56); + x10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[38])), 48); + x11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[37])), 40); + x12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[36])), 32); + x13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[35])), 24); + x14 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[34])), 16); + x15 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[33])), 8); + x16 = arg1[32]; + x17 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[31])), 56); + x18 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[30])), 48); + x19 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[29])), 40); + x20 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[28])), 32); + x21 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[27])), 24); + x22 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[26])), 16); + x23 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[25])), 8); + x24 = arg1[24]; + x25 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[23])), 56); + x26 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[22])), 48); + x27 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[21])), 40); + x28 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[20])), 32); + x29 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[19])), 24); + x30 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[18])), 16); + x31 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[17])), 8); + x32 = arg1[16]; + x33 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[15])), 56); + x34 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[14])), 48); + x35 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[13])), 40); + x36 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[12])), 32); + x37 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[11])), 24); + x38 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[10])), 16); + x39 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[9])), 8); + x40 = arg1[8]; + x41 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[7])), 56); + x42 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[6])), 48); + x43 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[5])), 40); + x44 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[4])), 32); + x45 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[3])), 24); + x46 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[2])), 16); + x47 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[1])), 8); + x48 = arg1[0]; + x49 = (x = (new $Uint64(0, x48)), new $Uint64(x47.$high + x.$high, x47.$low + x.$low)); + x50 = new $Uint64(x46.$high + x49.$high, x46.$low + x49.$low); + x51 = new $Uint64(x45.$high + x50.$high, x45.$low + x50.$low); + x52 = new $Uint64(x44.$high + x51.$high, x44.$low + x51.$low); + x53 = new $Uint64(x43.$high + x52.$high, x43.$low + x52.$low); + x54 = new $Uint64(x42.$high + x53.$high, x42.$low + x53.$low); + x55 = new $Uint64(x41.$high + x54.$high, x41.$low + x54.$low); + x56 = (x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, x40)), new $Uint64(x39.$high + x$1.$high, x39.$low + x$1.$low)); + x57 = new $Uint64(x38.$high + x56.$high, x38.$low + x56.$low); + x58 = new $Uint64(x37.$high + x57.$high, x37.$low + x57.$low); + x59 = new $Uint64(x36.$high + x58.$high, x36.$low + x58.$low); + x60 = new $Uint64(x35.$high + x59.$high, x35.$low + x59.$low); + x61 = new $Uint64(x34.$high + x60.$high, x34.$low + x60.$low); + x62 = new $Uint64(x33.$high + x61.$high, x33.$low + x61.$low); + x63 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, x32)), new $Uint64(x31.$high + x$2.$high, x31.$low + x$2.$low)); + x64 = new $Uint64(x30.$high + x63.$high, x30.$low + x63.$low); + x65 = new $Uint64(x29.$high + x64.$high, x29.$low + x64.$low); + x66 = new $Uint64(x28.$high + x65.$high, x28.$low + x65.$low); + x67 = new $Uint64(x27.$high + x66.$high, x27.$low + x66.$low); + x68 = new $Uint64(x26.$high + x67.$high, x26.$low + x67.$low); + x69 = new $Uint64(x25.$high + x68.$high, x25.$low + x68.$low); + x70 = (x$3 = (new $Uint64(0, x24)), new $Uint64(x23.$high + x$3.$high, x23.$low + x$3.$low)); + x71 = new $Uint64(x22.$high + x70.$high, x22.$low + x70.$low); + x72 = new $Uint64(x21.$high + x71.$high, x21.$low + x71.$low); + x73 = new $Uint64(x20.$high + x72.$high, x20.$low + x72.$low); + x74 = new $Uint64(x19.$high + x73.$high, x19.$low + x73.$low); + x75 = new $Uint64(x18.$high + x74.$high, x18.$low + x74.$low); + x76 = new $Uint64(x17.$high + x75.$high, x17.$low + x75.$low); + x77 = (x$4 = (new $Uint64(0, x16)), new $Uint64(x15.$high + x$4.$high, x15.$low + x$4.$low)); + x78 = new $Uint64(x14.$high + x77.$high, x14.$low + x77.$low); + x79 = new $Uint64(x13.$high + x78.$high, x13.$low + x78.$low); + x80 = new $Uint64(x12.$high + x79.$high, x12.$low + x79.$low); + x81 = new $Uint64(x11.$high + x80.$high, x11.$low + x80.$low); + x82 = new $Uint64(x10.$high + x81.$high, x10.$low + x81.$low); + x83 = new $Uint64(x9.$high + x82.$high, x9.$low + x82.$low); + x84 = (x$5 = (new $Uint64(0, x8)), new $Uint64(x7.$high + x$5.$high, x7.$low + x$5.$low)); + x85 = new $Uint64(x6.$high + x84.$high, x6.$low + x84.$low); + x86 = new $Uint64(x5.$high + x85.$high, x5.$low + x85.$low); + x87 = new $Uint64(x4.$high + x86.$high, x4.$low + x86.$low); + x88 = new $Uint64(x3.$high + x87.$high, x3.$low + x87.$low); + x89 = new $Uint64(x2.$high + x88.$high, x2.$low + x88.$low); + x90 = new $Uint64(x1.$high + x89.$high, x1.$low + x89.$low); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x55; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x62; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x69; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x76; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x83; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x90; + }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.One = function() { + var e; + e = this; + p384SetOne(e.x); + return e; + }; + P384Element.prototype.One = function() { return this.$val.One(); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(t) { + var e, eBytes, t, tBytes; + e = this; + eBytes = e.Bytes(); + tBytes = t.Bytes(); + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(eBytes, tBytes); + }; + P384Element.prototype.Equal = function(t) { return this.$val.Equal(t); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.IsZero = function() { + var e, eBytes; + e = this; + eBytes = e.Bytes(); + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(eBytes, p384ZeroEncoding); + }; + P384Element.prototype.IsZero = function() { return this.$val.IsZero(); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.Set = function(t) { + var e, t; + e = this; + p384MontgomeryDomainFieldElement.copy(e.x, t.x); + return e; + }; + P384Element.prototype.Set = function(t) { return this.$val.Set(t); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var e, out; + e = this; + out = arrayType$4.zero(); + return e.bytes(out); + }; + P384Element.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.bytes = function(out) { + var e, out, tmp; + e = this; + tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + p384FromMontgomery(tmp, e.x); + p384ToBytes(out, (tmp)); + p384InvertEndianness(new sliceType(out)); + return new sliceType(out); + }; + P384Element.prototype.bytes = function(out) { return this.$val.bytes(out); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(v) { + var _i, _ref, e, i, in$1, tmp, v; + e = this; + if (!((v.$length === 48))) { + return [ptrType$2.nil, errors.New("invalid P384Element encoding")]; + } + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + if (((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) < ((i < 0 || i >= p384MinusOneEncoding.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p384MinusOneEncoding.$array[p384MinusOneEncoding.$offset + i])) { + break; + } + if (((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) > ((i < 0 || i >= p384MinusOneEncoding.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p384MinusOneEncoding.$array[p384MinusOneEncoding.$offset + i])) { + return [ptrType$2.nil, errors.New("invalid P384Element encoding")]; + } + _i++; + } + in$1 = arrayType$4.zero(); + $copySlice(new sliceType(in$1), v); + p384InvertEndianness(new sliceType(in$1)); + tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + p384FromBytes((tmp), in$1); + p384ToMontgomery(e.x, tmp); + return [e, $ifaceNil]; + }; + P384Element.prototype.SetBytes = function(v) { return this.$val.SetBytes(v); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.Add = function(t1, t2) { + var e, t1, t2; + e = this; + p384Add(e.x, t1.x, t2.x); + return e; + }; + P384Element.prototype.Add = function(t1, t2) { return this.$val.Add(t1, t2); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.Sub = function(t1, t2) { + var e, t1, t2; + e = this; + p384Sub(e.x, t1.x, t2.x); + return e; + }; + P384Element.prototype.Sub = function(t1, t2) { return this.$val.Sub(t1, t2); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.Mul = function(t1, t2) { + var e, t1, t2; + e = this; + p384Mul(e.x, t1.x, t2.x); + return e; + }; + P384Element.prototype.Mul = function(t1, t2) { return this.$val.Mul(t1, t2); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.Square = function(t) { + var e, t; + e = this; + p384Square(e.x, t.x); + return e; + }; + P384Element.prototype.Square = function(t) { return this.$val.Square(t); }; + P384Element.ptr.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { + var a, b, cond, v; + v = this; + p384Selectznz((v.x), (new p384Uint1(0, cond)), (b.x), (a.x)); + return v; + }; + P384Element.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { return this.$val.Select(a, b, cond); }; + p384InvertEndianness = function(v) { + var _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, v, x, x$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < (_q = v.$length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))) { break; } + _tmp = (x = (v.$length - 1 >> 0) - i >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + x])); + _tmp$1 = ((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i] = _tmp); + (x$1 = (v.$length - 1 >> 0) - i >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + x$1] = _tmp$1)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.Invert = function(x) { + var e, s, s$1, s$2, s$3, s$4, s$5, s$6, s$7, s$8, t0, t1, t2, x, z; + e = this; + z = new P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Set(e); + t0 = new P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()); + t1 = new P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()); + t2 = new P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()); + z.Square(x); + t0.Mul(x, z); + z.Square(t0); + z.Mul(x, z); + t1.Square(z); + s = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s < 3)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + s = s + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Mul(z, t1); + t2.Square(t1); + s$1 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$1 < 6)) { break; } + t2.Square(t2); + s$1 = s$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Mul(t1, t2); + s$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$2 < 2)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + s$2 = s$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Mul(t0, t1); + t1.Square(t0); + s$3 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$3 < 3)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + s$3 = s$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t1); + t1.Square(z); + s$4 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$4 < 14)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + s$4 = s$4 + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Mul(t0, t1); + t1.Square(t0); + s$5 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$5 < 17)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + s$5 = s$5 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t1); + t1.Square(z); + s$6 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$6 < 48)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + s$6 = s$6 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t1); + t1.Square(z); + s$7 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(s$7 < 31)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + s$7 = s$7 + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Mul(t0, t1); + s$8 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s$8 < 97)) { break; } + t0.Square(t0); + s$8 = s$8 + (1) >> 0; + } + z.Mul(z, t0); + return e.Set(z); + }; + P224Element.prototype.Invert = function(x) { return this.$val.Invert(x); }; + p224CmovznzU64 = function(out1, arg1, arg2, arg3) { + var arg1, arg2, arg3, out1, x, x$1, x$2, x1, x2; + x1 = $mul64((new $Uint64(arg1.$high, arg1.$low)), new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x2 = (x = new $Uint64(x1.$high & arg3.$high, (x1.$low & arg3.$low) >>> 0), x$1 = (x$2 = new $Uint64(~x1.$high, ~x1.$low >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$2.$high & arg2.$high, (x$2.$low & arg2.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + out1.$set(x2); + }; + p224Mul = function(out1, arg1, arg2) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$46, _tuple$47, _tuple$48, _tuple$49, _tuple$5, _tuple$50, _tuple$51, _tuple$52, _tuple$53, _tuple$54, _tuple$55, _tuple$56, _tuple$57, _tuple$58, _tuple$59, _tuple$6, _tuple$60, _tuple$61, _tuple$62, _tuple$63, _tuple$64, _tuple$65, _tuple$66, _tuple$67, _tuple$68, _tuple$69, _tuple$7, _tuple$70, _tuple$71, _tuple$72, _tuple$73, _tuple$74, _tuple$75, _tuple$76, _tuple$77, _tuple$78, _tuple$79, _tuple$8, _tuple$80, _tuple$81, _tuple$82, _tuple$83, _tuple$84, _tuple$85, _tuple$86, _tuple$87, _tuple$88, _tuple$89, _tuple$9, _tuple$90, _tuple$91, arg1, arg2, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$8, x$9, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x104, x105, x106, x107, x108, x109, x11, x110, x111, x112, x113, x114, x115, x116, x117, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x124, x125, x126, x127, x128, x129, x13, x131, x132, x133, x134, x135, x136, x137, x138, x139, x14, x140, x141, x142, x143, x144, x145, x146, x147, x148, x149, x15, x150, x151, x152, x153, x154, x155, x156, x157, x158, x159, x16, x160, x161, x162, x163, x164, x165, x166, x168, x169, x17, x170, x171, x172, x173, x174, x175, x176, x177, x178, x18, x180, x181, x182, x183, x184, x185, x186, x187, x188, x189, x19, x190, x191, x192, x193, x194, x195, x196, x197, x199, x2, x20, x200, x200$24ptr, x201, x201$24ptr, x202, x202$24ptr, x203, x203$24ptr, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x31, x32, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x53, x54, x55, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90, x91, x92, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = arg1[1]; + x2 = arg1[2]; + x3 = arg1[3]; + x4 = arg1[0]; + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[3]); + x6 = _tuple[0]; + x5 = _tuple[1]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[2]); + x8 = _tuple$1[0]; + x7 = _tuple$1[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[1]); + x10 = _tuple$2[0]; + x9 = _tuple$2[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg2[0]); + x12 = _tuple$3[0]; + x11 = _tuple$3[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Add64(x12, x9, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x13 = _tuple$4[0]; + x14 = _tuple$4[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Add64(x10, x7, ((x = (new p224Uint1(x14.$high, x14.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x15 = _tuple$5[0]; + x16 = _tuple$5[1]; + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Add64(x8, x5, ((x$1 = (new p224Uint1(x16.$high, x16.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x17 = _tuple$6[0]; + x18 = _tuple$6[1]; + x19 = (x$2 = ((x$3 = (new p224Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low))), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x6.$high, x$2.$low + x6.$low)); + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Mul64(x11, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x20 = _tuple$7[1]; + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Mul64(x20, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x23 = _tuple$8[0]; + x22 = _tuple$8[1]; + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Mul64(x20, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x25 = _tuple$9[0]; + x24 = _tuple$9[1]; + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Mul64(x20, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x27 = _tuple$10[0]; + x26 = _tuple$10[1]; + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Add64(x27, x24, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x28 = _tuple$11[0]; + x29 = _tuple$11[1]; + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Add64(x25, x22, ((x$4 = (new p224Uint1(x29.$high, x29.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x30 = _tuple$12[0]; + x31 = _tuple$12[1]; + x32 = (x$5 = ((x$6 = (new p224Uint1(x31.$high, x31.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low))), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + x23.$high, x$5.$low + x23.$low)); + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Add64(x11, x20, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x34 = _tuple$13[1]; + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Add64(x13, x26, ((x$7 = (new p224Uint1(x34.$high, x34.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x35 = _tuple$14[0]; + x36 = _tuple$14[1]; + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Add64(x15, x28, ((x$8 = (new p224Uint1(x36.$high, x36.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x37 = _tuple$15[0]; + x38 = _tuple$15[1]; + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Add64(x17, x30, ((x$9 = (new p224Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x39 = _tuple$16[0]; + x40 = _tuple$16[1]; + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Add64(x19, x32, ((x$10 = (new p224Uint1(x40.$high, x40.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low)))); + x41 = _tuple$17[0]; + x42 = _tuple$17[1]; + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[3]); + x44 = _tuple$18[0]; + x43 = _tuple$18[1]; + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[2]); + x46 = _tuple$19[0]; + x45 = _tuple$19[1]; + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[1]); + x48 = _tuple$20[0]; + x47 = _tuple$20[1]; + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg2[0]); + x50 = _tuple$21[0]; + x49 = _tuple$21[1]; + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Add64(x50, x47, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x51 = _tuple$22[0]; + x52 = _tuple$22[1]; + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x54 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Add64(x48, x45, ((x$11 = (new p224Uint1(x52.$high, x52.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low)))); + x53 = _tuple$23[0]; + x54 = _tuple$23[1]; + x55 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Add64(x46, x43, ((x$12 = (new p224Uint1(x54.$high, x54.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x55 = _tuple$24[0]; + x56 = _tuple$24[1]; + x57 = (x$13 = ((x$14 = (new p224Uint1(x56.$high, x56.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low))), new $Uint64(x$13.$high + x44.$high, x$13.$low + x44.$low)); + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Add64(x35, x49, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x58 = _tuple$25[0]; + x59 = _tuple$25[1]; + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Add64(x37, x51, ((x$15 = (new p224Uint1(x59.$high, x59.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x60 = _tuple$26[0]; + x61 = _tuple$26[1]; + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Add64(x39, x53, ((x$16 = (new p224Uint1(x61.$high, x61.$low)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high, x$16.$low)))); + x62 = _tuple$27[0]; + x63 = _tuple$27[1]; + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Add64(x41, x55, ((x$17 = (new p224Uint1(x63.$high, x63.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low)))); + x64 = _tuple$28[0]; + x65 = _tuple$28[1]; + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Add64(((x$18 = (new p224Uint1(x42.$high, x42.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low))), x57, ((x$19 = (new p224Uint1(x65.$high, x65.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x66 = _tuple$29[0]; + x67 = _tuple$29[1]; + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Mul64(x58, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x68 = _tuple$30[1]; + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Mul64(x68, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x71 = _tuple$31[0]; + x70 = _tuple$31[1]; + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Mul64(x68, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x73 = _tuple$32[0]; + x72 = _tuple$32[1]; + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Mul64(x68, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x75 = _tuple$33[0]; + x74 = _tuple$33[1]; + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Add64(x75, x72, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x76 = _tuple$34[0]; + x77 = _tuple$34[1]; + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x79 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Add64(x73, x70, ((x$20 = (new p224Uint1(x77.$high, x77.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x78 = _tuple$35[0]; + x79 = _tuple$35[1]; + x80 = (x$21 = ((x$22 = (new p224Uint1(x79.$high, x79.$low)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high, x$22.$low))), new $Uint64(x$21.$high + x71.$high, x$21.$low + x71.$low)); + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x58, x68, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x82 = _tuple$36[1]; + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Add64(x60, x74, ((x$23 = (new p224Uint1(x82.$high, x82.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low)))); + x83 = _tuple$37[0]; + x84 = _tuple$37[1]; + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Add64(x62, x76, ((x$24 = (new p224Uint1(x84.$high, x84.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x85 = _tuple$38[0]; + x86 = _tuple$38[1]; + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Add64(x64, x78, ((x$25 = (new p224Uint1(x86.$high, x86.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x87 = _tuple$39[0]; + x88 = _tuple$39[1]; + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Add64(x66, x80, ((x$26 = (new p224Uint1(x88.$high, x88.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high, x$26.$low)))); + x89 = _tuple$40[0]; + x90 = _tuple$40[1]; + x91 = (x$27 = ((x$28 = (new p224Uint1(x90.$high, x90.$low)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high, x$28.$low))), x$29 = ((x$30 = (new p224Uint1(x67.$high, x67.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low))), new $Uint64(x$27.$high + x$29.$high, x$27.$low + x$29.$low)); + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[3]); + x93 = _tuple$41[0]; + x92 = _tuple$41[1]; + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[2]); + x95 = _tuple$42[0]; + x94 = _tuple$42[1]; + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[1]); + x97 = _tuple$43[0]; + x96 = _tuple$43[1]; + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg2[0]); + x99 = _tuple$44[0]; + x98 = _tuple$44[1]; + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Add64(x99, x96, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x100 = _tuple$45[0]; + x101 = _tuple$45[1]; + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Add64(x97, x94, ((x$31 = (new p224Uint1(x101.$high, x101.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low)))); + x102 = _tuple$46[0]; + x103 = _tuple$46[1]; + x104 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Add64(x95, x92, ((x$32 = (new p224Uint1(x103.$high, x103.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x104 = _tuple$47[0]; + x105 = _tuple$47[1]; + x106 = (x$33 = ((x$34 = (new p224Uint1(x105.$high, x105.$low)), new $Uint64(x$34.$high, x$34.$low))), new $Uint64(x$33.$high + x93.$high, x$33.$low + x93.$low)); + x107 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Add64(x83, x98, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x107 = _tuple$48[0]; + x108 = _tuple$48[1]; + x109 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Add64(x85, x100, ((x$35 = (new p224Uint1(x108.$high, x108.$low)), new $Uint64(x$35.$high, x$35.$low)))); + x109 = _tuple$49[0]; + x110 = _tuple$49[1]; + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Add64(x87, x102, ((x$36 = (new p224Uint1(x110.$high, x110.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high, x$36.$low)))); + x111 = _tuple$50[0]; + x112 = _tuple$50[1]; + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Add64(x89, x104, ((x$37 = (new p224Uint1(x112.$high, x112.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high, x$37.$low)))); + x113 = _tuple$51[0]; + x114 = _tuple$51[1]; + x115 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Add64(x91, x106, ((x$38 = (new p224Uint1(x114.$high, x114.$low)), new $Uint64(x$38.$high, x$38.$low)))); + x115 = _tuple$52[0]; + x116 = _tuple$52[1]; + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Mul64(x107, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x117 = _tuple$53[1]; + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Mul64(x117, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x120 = _tuple$54[0]; + x119 = _tuple$54[1]; + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Mul64(x117, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x122 = _tuple$55[0]; + x121 = _tuple$55[1]; + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Mul64(x117, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x124 = _tuple$56[0]; + x123 = _tuple$56[1]; + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x126 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x124, x121, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x125 = _tuple$57[0]; + x126 = _tuple$57[1]; + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x122, x119, ((x$39 = (new p224Uint1(x126.$high, x126.$low)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high, x$39.$low)))); + x127 = _tuple$58[0]; + x128 = _tuple$58[1]; + x129 = (x$40 = ((x$41 = (new p224Uint1(x128.$high, x128.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low))), new $Uint64(x$40.$high + x120.$high, x$40.$low + x120.$low)); + x131 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Add64(x107, x117, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x131 = _tuple$59[1]; + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Add64(x109, x123, ((x$42 = (new p224Uint1(x131.$high, x131.$low)), new $Uint64(x$42.$high, x$42.$low)))); + x132 = _tuple$60[0]; + x133 = _tuple$60[1]; + x134 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Add64(x111, x125, ((x$43 = (new p224Uint1(x133.$high, x133.$low)), new $Uint64(x$43.$high, x$43.$low)))); + x134 = _tuple$61[0]; + x135 = _tuple$61[1]; + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Add64(x113, x127, ((x$44 = (new p224Uint1(x135.$high, x135.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low)))); + x136 = _tuple$62[0]; + x137 = _tuple$62[1]; + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Add64(x115, x129, ((x$45 = (new p224Uint1(x137.$high, x137.$low)), new $Uint64(x$45.$high, x$45.$low)))); + x138 = _tuple$63[0]; + x139 = _tuple$63[1]; + x140 = (x$46 = ((x$47 = (new p224Uint1(x139.$high, x139.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low))), x$48 = ((x$49 = (new p224Uint1(x116.$high, x116.$low)), new $Uint64(x$49.$high, x$49.$low))), new $Uint64(x$46.$high + x$48.$high, x$46.$low + x$48.$low)); + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[3]); + x142 = _tuple$64[0]; + x141 = _tuple$64[1]; + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[2]); + x144 = _tuple$65[0]; + x143 = _tuple$65[1]; + x145 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x146 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[1]); + x146 = _tuple$66[0]; + x145 = _tuple$66[1]; + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg2[0]); + x148 = _tuple$67[0]; + x147 = _tuple$67[1]; + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Add64(x148, x145, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x149 = _tuple$68[0]; + x150 = _tuple$68[1]; + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Add64(x146, x143, ((x$50 = (new p224Uint1(x150.$high, x150.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low)))); + x151 = _tuple$69[0]; + x152 = _tuple$69[1]; + x153 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Add64(x144, x141, ((x$51 = (new p224Uint1(x152.$high, x152.$low)), new $Uint64(x$51.$high, x$51.$low)))); + x153 = _tuple$70[0]; + x154 = _tuple$70[1]; + x155 = (x$52 = ((x$53 = (new p224Uint1(x154.$high, x154.$low)), new $Uint64(x$53.$high, x$53.$low))), new $Uint64(x$52.$high + x142.$high, x$52.$low + x142.$low)); + x156 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x157 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Add64(x132, x147, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x156 = _tuple$71[0]; + x157 = _tuple$71[1]; + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Add64(x134, x149, ((x$54 = (new p224Uint1(x157.$high, x157.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low)))); + x158 = _tuple$72[0]; + x159 = _tuple$72[1]; + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Add64(x136, x151, ((x$55 = (new p224Uint1(x159.$high, x159.$low)), new $Uint64(x$55.$high, x$55.$low)))); + x160 = _tuple$73[0]; + x161 = _tuple$73[1]; + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Add64(x138, x153, ((x$56 = (new p224Uint1(x161.$high, x161.$low)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high, x$56.$low)))); + x162 = _tuple$74[0]; + x163 = _tuple$74[1]; + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x165 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Add64(x140, x155, ((x$57 = (new p224Uint1(x163.$high, x163.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low)))); + x164 = _tuple$75[0]; + x165 = _tuple$75[1]; + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Mul64(x156, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x166 = _tuple$76[1]; + x168 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Mul64(x166, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x169 = _tuple$77[0]; + x168 = _tuple$77[1]; + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Mul64(x166, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x171 = _tuple$78[0]; + x170 = _tuple$78[1]; + x172 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Mul64(x166, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x173 = _tuple$79[0]; + x172 = _tuple$79[1]; + x174 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Add64(x173, x170, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x174 = _tuple$80[0]; + x175 = _tuple$80[1]; + x176 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x177 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Add64(x171, x168, ((x$58 = (new p224Uint1(x175.$high, x175.$low)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high, x$58.$low)))); + x176 = _tuple$81[0]; + x177 = _tuple$81[1]; + x178 = (x$59 = ((x$60 = (new p224Uint1(x177.$high, x177.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low))), new $Uint64(x$59.$high + x169.$high, x$59.$low + x169.$low)); + x180 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Add64(x156, x166, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x180 = _tuple$82[1]; + x181 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x182 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Add64(x158, x172, ((x$61 = (new p224Uint1(x180.$high, x180.$low)), new $Uint64(x$61.$high, x$61.$low)))); + x181 = _tuple$83[0]; + x182 = _tuple$83[1]; + x183 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x184 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Add64(x160, x174, ((x$62 = (new p224Uint1(x182.$high, x182.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low)))); + x183 = _tuple$84[0]; + x184 = _tuple$84[1]; + x185 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x186 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$85 = bits.Add64(x162, x176, ((x$63 = (new p224Uint1(x184.$high, x184.$low)), new $Uint64(x$63.$high, x$63.$low)))); + x185 = _tuple$85[0]; + x186 = _tuple$85[1]; + x187 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x188 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$86 = bits.Add64(x164, x178, ((x$64 = (new p224Uint1(x186.$high, x186.$low)), new $Uint64(x$64.$high, x$64.$low)))); + x187 = _tuple$86[0]; + x188 = _tuple$86[1]; + x189 = (x$65 = ((x$66 = (new p224Uint1(x188.$high, x188.$low)), new $Uint64(x$66.$high, x$66.$low))), x$67 = ((x$68 = (new p224Uint1(x165.$high, x165.$low)), new $Uint64(x$68.$high, x$68.$low))), new $Uint64(x$65.$high + x$67.$high, x$65.$low + x$67.$low)); + x190 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x191 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$87 = bits.Sub64(x181, new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x190 = _tuple$87[0]; + x191 = _tuple$87[1]; + x192 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x193 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$88 = bits.Sub64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0), ((x$69 = (new p224Uint1(x191.$high, x191.$low)), new $Uint64(x$69.$high, x$69.$low)))); + x192 = _tuple$88[0]; + x193 = _tuple$88[1]; + x194 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x195 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$89 = bits.Sub64(x185, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$70 = (new p224Uint1(x193.$high, x193.$low)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high, x$70.$low)))); + x194 = _tuple$89[0]; + x195 = _tuple$89[1]; + x196 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x197 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$90 = bits.Sub64(x187, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295), ((x$71 = (new p224Uint1(x195.$high, x195.$low)), new $Uint64(x$71.$high, x$71.$low)))); + x196 = _tuple$90[0]; + x197 = _tuple$90[1]; + x199 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$91 = bits.Sub64(x189, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$72 = (new p224Uint1(x197.$high, x197.$low)), new $Uint64(x$72.$high, x$72.$low)))); + x199 = _tuple$91[1]; + x200 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x200$24ptr || (x200$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x200; }, function($v) { x200 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), x190, x181); + x201 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x201$24ptr || (x201$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x201; }, function($v) { x201 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), x192, x183); + x202 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x202$24ptr || (x202$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x202; }, function($v) { x202 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), x194, x185); + x203 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x203$24ptr || (x203$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x203; }, function($v) { x203 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), x196, x187); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x200; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x201; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x202; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x203; + }; + p224Square = function(out1, arg1) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$46, _tuple$47, _tuple$48, _tuple$49, _tuple$5, _tuple$50, _tuple$51, _tuple$52, _tuple$53, _tuple$54, _tuple$55, _tuple$56, _tuple$57, _tuple$58, _tuple$59, _tuple$6, _tuple$60, _tuple$61, _tuple$62, _tuple$63, _tuple$64, _tuple$65, _tuple$66, _tuple$67, _tuple$68, _tuple$69, _tuple$7, _tuple$70, _tuple$71, _tuple$72, _tuple$73, _tuple$74, _tuple$75, _tuple$76, _tuple$77, _tuple$78, _tuple$79, _tuple$8, _tuple$80, _tuple$81, _tuple$82, _tuple$83, _tuple$84, _tuple$85, _tuple$86, _tuple$87, _tuple$88, _tuple$89, _tuple$9, _tuple$90, _tuple$91, arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$8, x$9, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x104, x105, x106, x107, x108, x109, x11, x110, x111, x112, x113, x114, x115, x116, x117, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x124, x125, x126, x127, x128, x129, x13, x131, x132, x133, x134, x135, x136, x137, x138, x139, x14, x140, x141, x142, x143, x144, x145, x146, x147, x148, x149, x15, x150, x151, x152, x153, x154, x155, x156, x157, x158, x159, x16, x160, x161, x162, x163, x164, x165, x166, x168, x169, x17, x170, x171, x172, x173, x174, x175, x176, x177, x178, x18, x180, x181, x182, x183, x184, x185, x186, x187, x188, x189, x19, x190, x191, x192, x193, x194, x195, x196, x197, x199, x2, x20, x200, x200$24ptr, x201, x201$24ptr, x202, x202$24ptr, x203, x203$24ptr, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x31, x32, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x53, x54, x55, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90, x91, x92, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = arg1[1]; + x2 = arg1[2]; + x3 = arg1[3]; + x4 = arg1[0]; + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[3]); + x6 = _tuple[0]; + x5 = _tuple[1]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[2]); + x8 = _tuple$1[0]; + x7 = _tuple$1[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[1]); + x10 = _tuple$2[0]; + x9 = _tuple$2[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x4, arg1[0]); + x12 = _tuple$3[0]; + x11 = _tuple$3[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Add64(x12, x9, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x13 = _tuple$4[0]; + x14 = _tuple$4[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Add64(x10, x7, ((x = (new p224Uint1(x14.$high, x14.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x15 = _tuple$5[0]; + x16 = _tuple$5[1]; + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Add64(x8, x5, ((x$1 = (new p224Uint1(x16.$high, x16.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x17 = _tuple$6[0]; + x18 = _tuple$6[1]; + x19 = (x$2 = ((x$3 = (new p224Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low))), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x6.$high, x$2.$low + x6.$low)); + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Mul64(x11, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x20 = _tuple$7[1]; + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Mul64(x20, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x23 = _tuple$8[0]; + x22 = _tuple$8[1]; + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Mul64(x20, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x25 = _tuple$9[0]; + x24 = _tuple$9[1]; + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Mul64(x20, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x27 = _tuple$10[0]; + x26 = _tuple$10[1]; + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Add64(x27, x24, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x28 = _tuple$11[0]; + x29 = _tuple$11[1]; + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Add64(x25, x22, ((x$4 = (new p224Uint1(x29.$high, x29.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x30 = _tuple$12[0]; + x31 = _tuple$12[1]; + x32 = (x$5 = ((x$6 = (new p224Uint1(x31.$high, x31.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low))), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + x23.$high, x$5.$low + x23.$low)); + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Add64(x11, x20, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x34 = _tuple$13[1]; + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Add64(x13, x26, ((x$7 = (new p224Uint1(x34.$high, x34.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x35 = _tuple$14[0]; + x36 = _tuple$14[1]; + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Add64(x15, x28, ((x$8 = (new p224Uint1(x36.$high, x36.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x37 = _tuple$15[0]; + x38 = _tuple$15[1]; + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Add64(x17, x30, ((x$9 = (new p224Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x39 = _tuple$16[0]; + x40 = _tuple$16[1]; + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Add64(x19, x32, ((x$10 = (new p224Uint1(x40.$high, x40.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low)))); + x41 = _tuple$17[0]; + x42 = _tuple$17[1]; + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[3]); + x44 = _tuple$18[0]; + x43 = _tuple$18[1]; + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[2]); + x46 = _tuple$19[0]; + x45 = _tuple$19[1]; + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[1]); + x48 = _tuple$20[0]; + x47 = _tuple$20[1]; + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Mul64(x1, arg1[0]); + x50 = _tuple$21[0]; + x49 = _tuple$21[1]; + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Add64(x50, x47, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x51 = _tuple$22[0]; + x52 = _tuple$22[1]; + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x54 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Add64(x48, x45, ((x$11 = (new p224Uint1(x52.$high, x52.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low)))); + x53 = _tuple$23[0]; + x54 = _tuple$23[1]; + x55 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Add64(x46, x43, ((x$12 = (new p224Uint1(x54.$high, x54.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low)))); + x55 = _tuple$24[0]; + x56 = _tuple$24[1]; + x57 = (x$13 = ((x$14 = (new p224Uint1(x56.$high, x56.$low)), new $Uint64(x$14.$high, x$14.$low))), new $Uint64(x$13.$high + x44.$high, x$13.$low + x44.$low)); + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Add64(x35, x49, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x58 = _tuple$25[0]; + x59 = _tuple$25[1]; + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Add64(x37, x51, ((x$15 = (new p224Uint1(x59.$high, x59.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low)))); + x60 = _tuple$26[0]; + x61 = _tuple$26[1]; + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Add64(x39, x53, ((x$16 = (new p224Uint1(x61.$high, x61.$low)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high, x$16.$low)))); + x62 = _tuple$27[0]; + x63 = _tuple$27[1]; + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Add64(x41, x55, ((x$17 = (new p224Uint1(x63.$high, x63.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low)))); + x64 = _tuple$28[0]; + x65 = _tuple$28[1]; + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Add64(((x$18 = (new p224Uint1(x42.$high, x42.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low))), x57, ((x$19 = (new p224Uint1(x65.$high, x65.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x66 = _tuple$29[0]; + x67 = _tuple$29[1]; + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Mul64(x58, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x68 = _tuple$30[1]; + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Mul64(x68, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x71 = _tuple$31[0]; + x70 = _tuple$31[1]; + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Mul64(x68, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x73 = _tuple$32[0]; + x72 = _tuple$32[1]; + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Mul64(x68, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x75 = _tuple$33[0]; + x74 = _tuple$33[1]; + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Add64(x75, x72, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x76 = _tuple$34[0]; + x77 = _tuple$34[1]; + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x79 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Add64(x73, x70, ((x$20 = (new p224Uint1(x77.$high, x77.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x78 = _tuple$35[0]; + x79 = _tuple$35[1]; + x80 = (x$21 = ((x$22 = (new p224Uint1(x79.$high, x79.$low)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high, x$22.$low))), new $Uint64(x$21.$high + x71.$high, x$21.$low + x71.$low)); + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x58, x68, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x82 = _tuple$36[1]; + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Add64(x60, x74, ((x$23 = (new p224Uint1(x82.$high, x82.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low)))); + x83 = _tuple$37[0]; + x84 = _tuple$37[1]; + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Add64(x62, x76, ((x$24 = (new p224Uint1(x84.$high, x84.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x85 = _tuple$38[0]; + x86 = _tuple$38[1]; + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Add64(x64, x78, ((x$25 = (new p224Uint1(x86.$high, x86.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x87 = _tuple$39[0]; + x88 = _tuple$39[1]; + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Add64(x66, x80, ((x$26 = (new p224Uint1(x88.$high, x88.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high, x$26.$low)))); + x89 = _tuple$40[0]; + x90 = _tuple$40[1]; + x91 = (x$27 = ((x$28 = (new p224Uint1(x90.$high, x90.$low)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high, x$28.$low))), x$29 = ((x$30 = (new p224Uint1(x67.$high, x67.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low))), new $Uint64(x$27.$high + x$29.$high, x$27.$low + x$29.$low)); + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[3]); + x93 = _tuple$41[0]; + x92 = _tuple$41[1]; + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[2]); + x95 = _tuple$42[0]; + x94 = _tuple$42[1]; + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[1]); + x97 = _tuple$43[0]; + x96 = _tuple$43[1]; + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Mul64(x2, arg1[0]); + x99 = _tuple$44[0]; + x98 = _tuple$44[1]; + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Add64(x99, x96, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x100 = _tuple$45[0]; + x101 = _tuple$45[1]; + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Add64(x97, x94, ((x$31 = (new p224Uint1(x101.$high, x101.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low)))); + x102 = _tuple$46[0]; + x103 = _tuple$46[1]; + x104 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Add64(x95, x92, ((x$32 = (new p224Uint1(x103.$high, x103.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x104 = _tuple$47[0]; + x105 = _tuple$47[1]; + x106 = (x$33 = ((x$34 = (new p224Uint1(x105.$high, x105.$low)), new $Uint64(x$34.$high, x$34.$low))), new $Uint64(x$33.$high + x93.$high, x$33.$low + x93.$low)); + x107 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Add64(x83, x98, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x107 = _tuple$48[0]; + x108 = _tuple$48[1]; + x109 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Add64(x85, x100, ((x$35 = (new p224Uint1(x108.$high, x108.$low)), new $Uint64(x$35.$high, x$35.$low)))); + x109 = _tuple$49[0]; + x110 = _tuple$49[1]; + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Add64(x87, x102, ((x$36 = (new p224Uint1(x110.$high, x110.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high, x$36.$low)))); + x111 = _tuple$50[0]; + x112 = _tuple$50[1]; + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Add64(x89, x104, ((x$37 = (new p224Uint1(x112.$high, x112.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high, x$37.$low)))); + x113 = _tuple$51[0]; + x114 = _tuple$51[1]; + x115 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Add64(x91, x106, ((x$38 = (new p224Uint1(x114.$high, x114.$low)), new $Uint64(x$38.$high, x$38.$low)))); + x115 = _tuple$52[0]; + x116 = _tuple$52[1]; + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Mul64(x107, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x117 = _tuple$53[1]; + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Mul64(x117, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x120 = _tuple$54[0]; + x119 = _tuple$54[1]; + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Mul64(x117, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x122 = _tuple$55[0]; + x121 = _tuple$55[1]; + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Mul64(x117, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x124 = _tuple$56[0]; + x123 = _tuple$56[1]; + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x126 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x124, x121, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x125 = _tuple$57[0]; + x126 = _tuple$57[1]; + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x122, x119, ((x$39 = (new p224Uint1(x126.$high, x126.$low)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high, x$39.$low)))); + x127 = _tuple$58[0]; + x128 = _tuple$58[1]; + x129 = (x$40 = ((x$41 = (new p224Uint1(x128.$high, x128.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low))), new $Uint64(x$40.$high + x120.$high, x$40.$low + x120.$low)); + x131 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Add64(x107, x117, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x131 = _tuple$59[1]; + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Add64(x109, x123, ((x$42 = (new p224Uint1(x131.$high, x131.$low)), new $Uint64(x$42.$high, x$42.$low)))); + x132 = _tuple$60[0]; + x133 = _tuple$60[1]; + x134 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Add64(x111, x125, ((x$43 = (new p224Uint1(x133.$high, x133.$low)), new $Uint64(x$43.$high, x$43.$low)))); + x134 = _tuple$61[0]; + x135 = _tuple$61[1]; + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Add64(x113, x127, ((x$44 = (new p224Uint1(x135.$high, x135.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low)))); + x136 = _tuple$62[0]; + x137 = _tuple$62[1]; + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Add64(x115, x129, ((x$45 = (new p224Uint1(x137.$high, x137.$low)), new $Uint64(x$45.$high, x$45.$low)))); + x138 = _tuple$63[0]; + x139 = _tuple$63[1]; + x140 = (x$46 = ((x$47 = (new p224Uint1(x139.$high, x139.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low))), x$48 = ((x$49 = (new p224Uint1(x116.$high, x116.$low)), new $Uint64(x$49.$high, x$49.$low))), new $Uint64(x$46.$high + x$48.$high, x$46.$low + x$48.$low)); + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[3]); + x142 = _tuple$64[0]; + x141 = _tuple$64[1]; + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[2]); + x144 = _tuple$65[0]; + x143 = _tuple$65[1]; + x145 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x146 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[1]); + x146 = _tuple$66[0]; + x145 = _tuple$66[1]; + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Mul64(x3, arg1[0]); + x148 = _tuple$67[0]; + x147 = _tuple$67[1]; + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Add64(x148, x145, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x149 = _tuple$68[0]; + x150 = _tuple$68[1]; + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Add64(x146, x143, ((x$50 = (new p224Uint1(x150.$high, x150.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low)))); + x151 = _tuple$69[0]; + x152 = _tuple$69[1]; + x153 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Add64(x144, x141, ((x$51 = (new p224Uint1(x152.$high, x152.$low)), new $Uint64(x$51.$high, x$51.$low)))); + x153 = _tuple$70[0]; + x154 = _tuple$70[1]; + x155 = (x$52 = ((x$53 = (new p224Uint1(x154.$high, x154.$low)), new $Uint64(x$53.$high, x$53.$low))), new $Uint64(x$52.$high + x142.$high, x$52.$low + x142.$low)); + x156 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x157 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Add64(x132, x147, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x156 = _tuple$71[0]; + x157 = _tuple$71[1]; + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Add64(x134, x149, ((x$54 = (new p224Uint1(x157.$high, x157.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low)))); + x158 = _tuple$72[0]; + x159 = _tuple$72[1]; + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Add64(x136, x151, ((x$55 = (new p224Uint1(x159.$high, x159.$low)), new $Uint64(x$55.$high, x$55.$low)))); + x160 = _tuple$73[0]; + x161 = _tuple$73[1]; + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Add64(x138, x153, ((x$56 = (new p224Uint1(x161.$high, x161.$low)), new $Uint64(x$56.$high, x$56.$low)))); + x162 = _tuple$74[0]; + x163 = _tuple$74[1]; + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x165 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Add64(x140, x155, ((x$57 = (new p224Uint1(x163.$high, x163.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low)))); + x164 = _tuple$75[0]; + x165 = _tuple$75[1]; + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Mul64(x156, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x166 = _tuple$76[1]; + x168 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Mul64(x166, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x169 = _tuple$77[0]; + x168 = _tuple$77[1]; + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Mul64(x166, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x171 = _tuple$78[0]; + x170 = _tuple$78[1]; + x172 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Mul64(x166, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x173 = _tuple$79[0]; + x172 = _tuple$79[1]; + x174 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Add64(x173, x170, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x174 = _tuple$80[0]; + x175 = _tuple$80[1]; + x176 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x177 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Add64(x171, x168, ((x$58 = (new p224Uint1(x175.$high, x175.$low)), new $Uint64(x$58.$high, x$58.$low)))); + x176 = _tuple$81[0]; + x177 = _tuple$81[1]; + x178 = (x$59 = ((x$60 = (new p224Uint1(x177.$high, x177.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low))), new $Uint64(x$59.$high + x169.$high, x$59.$low + x169.$low)); + x180 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Add64(x156, x166, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x180 = _tuple$82[1]; + x181 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x182 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Add64(x158, x172, ((x$61 = (new p224Uint1(x180.$high, x180.$low)), new $Uint64(x$61.$high, x$61.$low)))); + x181 = _tuple$83[0]; + x182 = _tuple$83[1]; + x183 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x184 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Add64(x160, x174, ((x$62 = (new p224Uint1(x182.$high, x182.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low)))); + x183 = _tuple$84[0]; + x184 = _tuple$84[1]; + x185 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x186 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$85 = bits.Add64(x162, x176, ((x$63 = (new p224Uint1(x184.$high, x184.$low)), new $Uint64(x$63.$high, x$63.$low)))); + x185 = _tuple$85[0]; + x186 = _tuple$85[1]; + x187 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x188 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$86 = bits.Add64(x164, x178, ((x$64 = (new p224Uint1(x186.$high, x186.$low)), new $Uint64(x$64.$high, x$64.$low)))); + x187 = _tuple$86[0]; + x188 = _tuple$86[1]; + x189 = (x$65 = ((x$66 = (new p224Uint1(x188.$high, x188.$low)), new $Uint64(x$66.$high, x$66.$low))), x$67 = ((x$68 = (new p224Uint1(x165.$high, x165.$low)), new $Uint64(x$68.$high, x$68.$low))), new $Uint64(x$65.$high + x$67.$high, x$65.$low + x$67.$low)); + x190 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x191 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$87 = bits.Sub64(x181, new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x190 = _tuple$87[0]; + x191 = _tuple$87[1]; + x192 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x193 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$88 = bits.Sub64(x183, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0), ((x$69 = (new p224Uint1(x191.$high, x191.$low)), new $Uint64(x$69.$high, x$69.$low)))); + x192 = _tuple$88[0]; + x193 = _tuple$88[1]; + x194 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x195 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$89 = bits.Sub64(x185, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$70 = (new p224Uint1(x193.$high, x193.$low)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high, x$70.$low)))); + x194 = _tuple$89[0]; + x195 = _tuple$89[1]; + x196 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x197 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$90 = bits.Sub64(x187, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295), ((x$71 = (new p224Uint1(x195.$high, x195.$low)), new $Uint64(x$71.$high, x$71.$low)))); + x196 = _tuple$90[0]; + x197 = _tuple$90[1]; + x199 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$91 = bits.Sub64(x189, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$72 = (new p224Uint1(x197.$high, x197.$low)), new $Uint64(x$72.$high, x$72.$low)))); + x199 = _tuple$91[1]; + x200 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x200$24ptr || (x200$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x200; }, function($v) { x200 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), x190, x181); + x201 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x201$24ptr || (x201$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x201; }, function($v) { x201 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), x192, x183); + x202 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x202$24ptr || (x202$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x202; }, function($v) { x202 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), x194, x185); + x203 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x203$24ptr || (x203$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x203; }, function($v) { x203 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x199.$high, x199.$low)), x196, x187); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x200; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x201; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x202; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x203; + }; + p224Add = function(out1, arg1, arg2) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, arg1, arg2, out1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x18, x19, x19$24ptr, x2, x20, x20$24ptr, x21, x21$24ptr, x22, x22$24ptr, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9; + x1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Add64(arg1[0], arg2[0], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x1 = _tuple[0]; + x2 = _tuple[1]; + x3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Add64(arg1[1], arg2[1], ((x = (new p224Uint1(x2.$high, x2.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x3 = _tuple$1[0]; + x4 = _tuple$1[1]; + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Add64(arg1[2], arg2[2], ((x$1 = (new p224Uint1(x4.$high, x4.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x5 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Add64(arg1[3], arg2[3], ((x$2 = (new p224Uint1(x6.$high, x6.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x7 = _tuple$3[0]; + x8 = _tuple$3[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Sub64(x1, new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x9 = _tuple$4[0]; + x10 = _tuple$4[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Sub64(x3, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0), ((x$3 = (new p224Uint1(x10.$high, x10.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x11 = _tuple$5[0]; + x12 = _tuple$5[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Sub64(x5, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$4 = (new p224Uint1(x12.$high, x12.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x13 = _tuple$6[0]; + x14 = _tuple$6[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Sub64(x7, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295), ((x$5 = (new p224Uint1(x14.$high, x14.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x15 = _tuple$7[0]; + x16 = _tuple$7[1]; + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Sub64(((x$6 = (new p224Uint1(x8.$high, x8.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low))), new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$7 = (new p224Uint1(x16.$high, x16.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x18 = _tuple$8[1]; + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x19$24ptr || (x19$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x19; }, function($v) { x19 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), x9, x1); + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x20$24ptr || (x20$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x20; }, function($v) { x20 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), x11, x3); + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x21$24ptr || (x21$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x21; }, function($v) { x21 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), x13, x5); + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x22$24ptr || (x22$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x22; }, function($v) { x22 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), x15, x7); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x19; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x20; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x21; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x22; + }; + p224Sub = function(out1, arg1, arg2) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, arg1, arg2, out1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x9$24ptr; + x1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Sub64(arg1[0], arg2[0], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x1 = _tuple[0]; + x2 = _tuple[1]; + x3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Sub64(arg1[1], arg2[1], ((x = (new p224Uint1(x2.$high, x2.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x3 = _tuple$1[0]; + x4 = _tuple$1[1]; + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Sub64(arg1[2], arg2[2], ((x$1 = (new p224Uint1(x4.$high, x4.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x5 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Sub64(arg1[3], arg2[3], ((x$2 = (new p224Uint1(x6.$high, x6.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x7 = _tuple$3[0]; + x8 = _tuple$3[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x9$24ptr || (x9$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x9; }, function($v) { x9 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x8.$high, x8.$low)), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Add64(x1, ((x$3 = (x$4 = (new p224Uint1(x9.$high, x9.$low)), new p224Uint1(x$4.$high & 0, (x$4.$low & 1) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low))), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x10 = _tuple$4[0]; + x11 = _tuple$4[1]; + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Add64(x3, new $Uint64(x9.$high & 4294967295, (x9.$low & 0) >>> 0), ((x$5 = (new p224Uint1(x11.$high, x11.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x12 = _tuple$5[0]; + x13 = _tuple$5[1]; + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Add64(x5, x9, ((x$6 = (new p224Uint1(x13.$high, x13.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x14 = _tuple$6[0]; + x15 = _tuple$6[1]; + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Add64(x7, new $Uint64(x9.$high & 0, (x9.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0), ((x$7 = (new p224Uint1(x15.$high, x15.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x16 = _tuple$7[0]; + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x10; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x12; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x14; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x16; + }; + p224SetOne = function(out1) { + var out1; + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = new $Uint64(4294967295, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295); + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + p224FromMontgomery = function(out1, arg1) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$46, _tuple$47, _tuple$48, _tuple$49, _tuple$5, _tuple$50, _tuple$51, _tuple$52, _tuple$53, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x104, x105, x106, x107, x108, x11, x110, x111, x111$24ptr, x112, x112$24ptr, x113, x113$24ptr, x114, x114$24ptr, x12, x13, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x30, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x53, x54, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90, x91, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = arg1[0]; + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x2 = _tuple[1]; + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x5 = _tuple$1[0]; + x4 = _tuple$1[1]; + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x7 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x9 = _tuple$3[0]; + x8 = _tuple$3[1]; + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Add64(x9, x6, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x10 = _tuple$4[0]; + x11 = _tuple$4[1]; + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Add64(x7, x4, ((x = (new p224Uint1(x11.$high, x11.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x12 = _tuple$5[0]; + x13 = _tuple$5[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Add64(x1, x2, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x15 = _tuple$6[1]; + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x8, ((x$1 = (new p224Uint1(x15.$high, x15.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x16 = _tuple$7[0]; + x17 = _tuple$7[1]; + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x10, ((x$2 = (new p224Uint1(x17.$high, x17.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x18 = _tuple$8[0]; + x19 = _tuple$8[1]; + x20 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Add64(new $Uint64(0, 0), x12, ((x$3 = (new p224Uint1(x19.$high, x19.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x20 = _tuple$9[0]; + x21 = _tuple$9[1]; + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Add64(x16, arg1[1], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x22 = _tuple$10[0]; + x23 = _tuple$10[1]; + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Add64(x18, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$4 = (new p224Uint1(x23.$high, x23.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x24 = _tuple$11[0]; + x25 = _tuple$11[1]; + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Add64(x20, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$5 = (new p224Uint1(x25.$high, x25.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x26 = _tuple$12[0]; + x27 = _tuple$12[1]; + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Mul64(x22, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x28 = _tuple$13[1]; + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x31 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Mul64(x28, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x31 = _tuple$14[0]; + x30 = _tuple$14[1]; + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Mul64(x28, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x33 = _tuple$15[0]; + x32 = _tuple$15[1]; + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Mul64(x28, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x35 = _tuple$16[0]; + x34 = _tuple$16[1]; + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Add64(x35, x32, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x36 = _tuple$17[0]; + x37 = _tuple$17[1]; + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Add64(x33, x30, ((x$6 = (new p224Uint1(x37.$high, x37.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x38 = _tuple$18[0]; + x39 = _tuple$18[1]; + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Add64(x22, x28, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x41 = _tuple$19[1]; + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Add64(x24, x34, ((x$7 = (new p224Uint1(x41.$high, x41.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x42 = _tuple$20[0]; + x43 = _tuple$20[1]; + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Add64(x26, x36, ((x$8 = (new p224Uint1(x43.$high, x43.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x44 = _tuple$21[0]; + x45 = _tuple$21[1]; + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Add64((x$9 = ((x$10 = (new p224Uint1(x27.$high, x27.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high, x$10.$low))), x$11 = (x$12 = ((x$13 = (new p224Uint1(x21.$high, x21.$low)), new $Uint64(x$13.$high, x$13.$low))), x$14 = (x$15 = ((x$16 = (new p224Uint1(x13.$high, x13.$low)), new $Uint64(x$16.$high, x$16.$low))), new $Uint64(x$15.$high + x5.$high, x$15.$low + x5.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high + x$14.$high, x$12.$low + x$14.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + x$11.$high, x$9.$low + x$11.$low)), x38, ((x$17 = (new p224Uint1(x45.$high, x45.$low)), new $Uint64(x$17.$high, x$17.$low)))); + x46 = _tuple$22[0]; + x47 = _tuple$22[1]; + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Add64(x42, arg1[2], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x48 = _tuple$23[0]; + x49 = _tuple$23[1]; + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Add64(x44, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$18 = (new p224Uint1(x49.$high, x49.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low)))); + x50 = _tuple$24[0]; + x51 = _tuple$24[1]; + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Add64(x46, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$19 = (new p224Uint1(x51.$high, x51.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x52 = _tuple$25[0]; + x53 = _tuple$25[1]; + x54 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Mul64(x48, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x54 = _tuple$26[1]; + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x57 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x57 = _tuple$27[0]; + x56 = _tuple$27[1]; + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x59 = _tuple$28[0]; + x58 = _tuple$28[1]; + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Mul64(x54, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x61 = _tuple$29[0]; + x60 = _tuple$29[1]; + x62 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Add64(x61, x58, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x62 = _tuple$30[0]; + x63 = _tuple$30[1]; + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Add64(x59, x56, ((x$20 = (new p224Uint1(x63.$high, x63.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x64 = _tuple$31[0]; + x65 = _tuple$31[1]; + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Add64(x48, x54, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x67 = _tuple$32[1]; + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x69 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Add64(x50, x60, ((x$21 = (new p224Uint1(x67.$high, x67.$low)), new $Uint64(x$21.$high, x$21.$low)))); + x68 = _tuple$33[0]; + x69 = _tuple$33[1]; + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Add64(x52, x62, ((x$22 = (new p224Uint1(x69.$high, x69.$low)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high, x$22.$low)))); + x70 = _tuple$34[0]; + x71 = _tuple$34[1]; + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x73 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Add64((x$23 = ((x$24 = (new p224Uint1(x53.$high, x53.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low))), x$25 = (x$26 = ((x$27 = (new p224Uint1(x47.$high, x47.$low)), new $Uint64(x$27.$high, x$27.$low))), x$28 = (x$29 = ((x$30 = (new p224Uint1(x39.$high, x39.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low))), new $Uint64(x$29.$high + x31.$high, x$29.$low + x31.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high + x$28.$high, x$26.$low + x$28.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high + x$25.$high, x$23.$low + x$25.$low)), x64, ((x$31 = (new p224Uint1(x71.$high, x71.$low)), new $Uint64(x$31.$high, x$31.$low)))); + x72 = _tuple$35[0]; + x73 = _tuple$35[1]; + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x68, arg1[3], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x74 = _tuple$36[0]; + x75 = _tuple$36[1]; + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Add64(x70, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$32 = (new p224Uint1(x75.$high, x75.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high, x$32.$low)))); + x76 = _tuple$37[0]; + x77 = _tuple$37[1]; + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x79 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Add64(x72, new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$33 = (new p224Uint1(x77.$high, x77.$low)), new $Uint64(x$33.$high, x$33.$low)))); + x78 = _tuple$38[0]; + x79 = _tuple$38[1]; + x80 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Mul64(x74, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x80 = _tuple$39[1]; + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Mul64(x80, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x83 = _tuple$40[0]; + x82 = _tuple$40[1]; + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Mul64(x80, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x85 = _tuple$41[0]; + x84 = _tuple$41[1]; + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Mul64(x80, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x87 = _tuple$42[0]; + x86 = _tuple$42[1]; + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Add64(x87, x84, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x88 = _tuple$43[0]; + x89 = _tuple$43[1]; + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x91 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Add64(x85, x82, ((x$34 = (new p224Uint1(x89.$high, x89.$low)), new $Uint64(x$34.$high, x$34.$low)))); + x90 = _tuple$44[0]; + x91 = _tuple$44[1]; + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Add64(x74, x80, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x93 = _tuple$45[1]; + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Add64(x76, x86, ((x$35 = (new p224Uint1(x93.$high, x93.$low)), new $Uint64(x$35.$high, x$35.$low)))); + x94 = _tuple$46[0]; + x95 = _tuple$46[1]; + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Add64(x78, x88, ((x$36 = (new p224Uint1(x95.$high, x95.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high, x$36.$low)))); + x96 = _tuple$47[0]; + x97 = _tuple$47[1]; + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Add64((x$37 = ((x$38 = (new p224Uint1(x79.$high, x79.$low)), new $Uint64(x$38.$high, x$38.$low))), x$39 = (x$40 = ((x$41 = (new p224Uint1(x73.$high, x73.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low))), x$42 = (x$43 = ((x$44 = (new p224Uint1(x65.$high, x65.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low))), new $Uint64(x$43.$high + x57.$high, x$43.$low + x57.$low)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high + x$42.$high, x$40.$low + x$42.$low)), new $Uint64(x$37.$high + x$39.$high, x$37.$low + x$39.$low)), x90, ((x$45 = (new p224Uint1(x97.$high, x97.$low)), new $Uint64(x$45.$high, x$45.$low)))); + x98 = _tuple$48[0]; + x99 = _tuple$48[1]; + x100 = (x$46 = ((x$47 = (new p224Uint1(x99.$high, x99.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low))), x$48 = (x$49 = ((x$50 = (new p224Uint1(x91.$high, x91.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high, x$50.$low))), new $Uint64(x$49.$high + x83.$high, x$49.$low + x83.$low)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high + x$48.$high, x$46.$low + x$48.$low)); + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Sub64(x94, new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x101 = _tuple$49[0]; + x102 = _tuple$49[1]; + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x104 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Sub64(x96, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0), ((x$51 = (new p224Uint1(x102.$high, x102.$low)), new $Uint64(x$51.$high, x$51.$low)))); + x103 = _tuple$50[0]; + x104 = _tuple$50[1]; + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x106 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Sub64(x98, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$52 = (new p224Uint1(x104.$high, x104.$low)), new $Uint64(x$52.$high, x$52.$low)))); + x105 = _tuple$51[0]; + x106 = _tuple$51[1]; + x107 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Sub64(x100, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295), ((x$53 = (new p224Uint1(x106.$high, x106.$low)), new $Uint64(x$53.$high, x$53.$low)))); + x107 = _tuple$52[0]; + x108 = _tuple$52[1]; + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Sub64(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$54 = (new p224Uint1(x108.$high, x108.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low)))); + x110 = _tuple$53[1]; + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x111$24ptr || (x111$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x111; }, function($v) { x111 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x110.$high, x110.$low)), x101, x94); + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x112$24ptr || (x112$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x112; }, function($v) { x112 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x110.$high, x110.$low)), x103, x96); + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x113$24ptr || (x113$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x113; }, function($v) { x113 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x110.$high, x110.$low)), x105, x98); + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x114$24ptr || (x114$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x114; }, function($v) { x114 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x110.$high, x110.$low)), x107, x100); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x111; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x112; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x113; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x114; + }; + p224ToMontgomery = function(out1, arg1) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$33, _tuple$34, _tuple$35, _tuple$36, _tuple$37, _tuple$38, _tuple$39, _tuple$4, _tuple$40, _tuple$41, _tuple$42, _tuple$43, _tuple$44, _tuple$45, _tuple$46, _tuple$47, _tuple$48, _tuple$49, _tuple$5, _tuple$50, _tuple$51, _tuple$52, _tuple$53, _tuple$54, _tuple$55, _tuple$56, _tuple$57, _tuple$58, _tuple$59, _tuple$6, _tuple$60, _tuple$61, _tuple$62, _tuple$63, _tuple$64, _tuple$65, _tuple$66, _tuple$67, _tuple$68, _tuple$69, _tuple$7, _tuple$70, _tuple$71, _tuple$72, _tuple$73, _tuple$74, _tuple$75, _tuple$76, _tuple$77, _tuple$78, _tuple$79, _tuple$8, _tuple$80, _tuple$81, _tuple$82, _tuple$83, _tuple$84, _tuple$9, arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$73, x$74, x$75, x$76, x$77, x$78, x$79, x$8, x$80, x$81, x$9, x1, x10, x100, x101, x102, x103, x105, x106, x107, x108, x109, x11, x110, x111, x112, x113, x114, x116, x117, x118, x119, x12, x120, x121, x122, x123, x124, x125, x126, x127, x128, x129, x13, x130, x131, x132, x133, x134, x135, x136, x137, x138, x139, x14, x140, x141, x142, x143, x144, x145, x147, x148, x149, x15, x150, x151, x152, x153, x154, x155, x156, x158, x159, x16, x160, x161, x162, x163, x164, x165, x166, x167, x168, x169, x17, x170, x171, x172, x173, x175, x176, x176$24ptr, x177, x177$24ptr, x178, x178$24ptr, x179, x179$24ptr, x18, x19, x2, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x53, x54, x55, x56, x57, x58, x59, x6, x60, x61, x63, x64, x65, x66, x67, x68, x69, x7, x70, x71, x72, x74, x75, x76, x77, x78, x79, x8, x80, x81, x82, x83, x84, x85, x86, x87, x88, x89, x9, x90, x91, x92, x93, x94, x95, x96, x97, x98, x99; + x1 = arg1[1]; + x2 = arg1[2]; + x3 = arg1[3]; + x4 = arg1[0]; + x5 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x6 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x4, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x6 = _tuple[0]; + x5 = _tuple[1]; + x7 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x8 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = bits.Mul64(x4, new $Uint64(4294967294, 0)); + x8 = _tuple$1[0]; + x7 = _tuple$1[1]; + x9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x10 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$2 = bits.Mul64(x4, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x10 = _tuple$2[0]; + x9 = _tuple$2[1]; + x11 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$3 = bits.Mul64(x4, new $Uint64(4294967295, 1)); + x12 = _tuple$3[0]; + x11 = _tuple$3[1]; + x13 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x14 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$4 = bits.Add64(x12, x9, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x13 = _tuple$4[0]; + x14 = _tuple$4[1]; + x15 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x16 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$5 = bits.Add64(x10, x7, ((x = (new p224Uint1(x14.$high, x14.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)))); + x15 = _tuple$5[0]; + x16 = _tuple$5[1]; + x17 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x18 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$6 = bits.Add64(x8, x5, ((x$1 = (new p224Uint1(x16.$high, x16.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)))); + x17 = _tuple$6[0]; + x18 = _tuple$6[1]; + x19 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$7 = bits.Mul64(x11, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x19 = _tuple$7[1]; + x21 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x22 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$8 = bits.Mul64(x19, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x22 = _tuple$8[0]; + x21 = _tuple$8[1]; + x23 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x24 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$9 = bits.Mul64(x19, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x24 = _tuple$9[0]; + x23 = _tuple$9[1]; + x25 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x26 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$10 = bits.Mul64(x19, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x26 = _tuple$10[0]; + x25 = _tuple$10[1]; + x27 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x28 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$11 = bits.Add64(x26, x23, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x27 = _tuple$11[0]; + x28 = _tuple$11[1]; + x29 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x30 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$12 = bits.Add64(x24, x21, ((x$2 = (new p224Uint1(x28.$high, x28.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)))); + x29 = _tuple$12[0]; + x30 = _tuple$12[1]; + x32 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$13 = bits.Add64(x11, x19, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x32 = _tuple$13[1]; + x33 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x34 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$14 = bits.Add64(x13, x25, ((x$3 = (new p224Uint1(x32.$high, x32.$low)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high, x$3.$low)))); + x33 = _tuple$14[0]; + x34 = _tuple$14[1]; + x35 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x36 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$15 = bits.Add64(x15, x27, ((x$4 = (new p224Uint1(x34.$high, x34.$low)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low)))); + x35 = _tuple$15[0]; + x36 = _tuple$15[1]; + x37 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x38 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$16 = bits.Add64(x17, x29, ((x$5 = (new p224Uint1(x36.$high, x36.$low)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low)))); + x37 = _tuple$16[0]; + x38 = _tuple$16[1]; + x39 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x40 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$17 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x40 = _tuple$17[0]; + x39 = _tuple$17[1]; + x41 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x42 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$18 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967294, 0)); + x42 = _tuple$18[0]; + x41 = _tuple$18[1]; + x43 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x44 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$19 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x44 = _tuple$19[0]; + x43 = _tuple$19[1]; + x45 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x46 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$20 = bits.Mul64(x1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 1)); + x46 = _tuple$20[0]; + x45 = _tuple$20[1]; + x47 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x48 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$21 = bits.Add64(x46, x43, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x47 = _tuple$21[0]; + x48 = _tuple$21[1]; + x49 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x50 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$22 = bits.Add64(x44, x41, ((x$6 = (new p224Uint1(x48.$high, x48.$low)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low)))); + x49 = _tuple$22[0]; + x50 = _tuple$22[1]; + x51 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x52 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$23 = bits.Add64(x42, x39, ((x$7 = (new p224Uint1(x50.$high, x50.$low)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high, x$7.$low)))); + x51 = _tuple$23[0]; + x52 = _tuple$23[1]; + x53 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x54 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$24 = bits.Add64(x33, x45, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x53 = _tuple$24[0]; + x54 = _tuple$24[1]; + x55 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x56 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$25 = bits.Add64(x35, x47, ((x$8 = (new p224Uint1(x54.$high, x54.$low)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high, x$8.$low)))); + x55 = _tuple$25[0]; + x56 = _tuple$25[1]; + x57 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x58 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$26 = bits.Add64(x37, x49, ((x$9 = (new p224Uint1(x56.$high, x56.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)))); + x57 = _tuple$26[0]; + x58 = _tuple$26[1]; + x59 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x60 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$27 = bits.Add64((x$10 = (x$11 = ((x$12 = (new p224Uint1(x38.$high, x38.$low)), new $Uint64(x$12.$high, x$12.$low))), x$13 = (x$14 = ((x$15 = (new p224Uint1(x18.$high, x18.$low)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high, x$15.$low))), new $Uint64(x$14.$high + x6.$high, x$14.$low + x6.$low)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high + x$13.$high, x$11.$low + x$13.$low)), x$16 = (x$17 = ((x$18 = (new p224Uint1(x30.$high, x30.$low)), new $Uint64(x$18.$high, x$18.$low))), new $Uint64(x$17.$high + x22.$high, x$17.$low + x22.$low)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high + x$16.$high, x$10.$low + x$16.$low)), x51, ((x$19 = (new p224Uint1(x58.$high, x58.$low)), new $Uint64(x$19.$high, x$19.$low)))); + x59 = _tuple$27[0]; + x60 = _tuple$27[1]; + x61 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$28 = bits.Mul64(x53, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x61 = _tuple$28[1]; + x63 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x64 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$29 = bits.Mul64(x61, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x64 = _tuple$29[0]; + x63 = _tuple$29[1]; + x65 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x66 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$30 = bits.Mul64(x61, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x66 = _tuple$30[0]; + x65 = _tuple$30[1]; + x67 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x68 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$31 = bits.Mul64(x61, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x68 = _tuple$31[0]; + x67 = _tuple$31[1]; + x69 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x70 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$32 = bits.Add64(x68, x65, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x69 = _tuple$32[0]; + x70 = _tuple$32[1]; + x71 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x72 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$33 = bits.Add64(x66, x63, ((x$20 = (new p224Uint1(x70.$high, x70.$low)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high, x$20.$low)))); + x71 = _tuple$33[0]; + x72 = _tuple$33[1]; + x74 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$34 = bits.Add64(x53, x61, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x74 = _tuple$34[1]; + x75 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x76 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$35 = bits.Add64(x55, x67, ((x$21 = (new p224Uint1(x74.$high, x74.$low)), new $Uint64(x$21.$high, x$21.$low)))); + x75 = _tuple$35[0]; + x76 = _tuple$35[1]; + x77 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x78 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$36 = bits.Add64(x57, x69, ((x$22 = (new p224Uint1(x76.$high, x76.$low)), new $Uint64(x$22.$high, x$22.$low)))); + x77 = _tuple$36[0]; + x78 = _tuple$36[1]; + x79 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x80 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$37 = bits.Add64(x59, x71, ((x$23 = (new p224Uint1(x78.$high, x78.$low)), new $Uint64(x$23.$high, x$23.$low)))); + x79 = _tuple$37[0]; + x80 = _tuple$37[1]; + x81 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x82 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$38 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x82 = _tuple$38[0]; + x81 = _tuple$38[1]; + x83 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x84 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$39 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967294, 0)); + x84 = _tuple$39[0]; + x83 = _tuple$39[1]; + x85 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x86 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$40 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x86 = _tuple$40[0]; + x85 = _tuple$40[1]; + x87 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x88 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$41 = bits.Mul64(x2, new $Uint64(4294967295, 1)); + x88 = _tuple$41[0]; + x87 = _tuple$41[1]; + x89 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x90 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$42 = bits.Add64(x88, x85, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x89 = _tuple$42[0]; + x90 = _tuple$42[1]; + x91 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x92 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$43 = bits.Add64(x86, x83, ((x$24 = (new p224Uint1(x90.$high, x90.$low)), new $Uint64(x$24.$high, x$24.$low)))); + x91 = _tuple$43[0]; + x92 = _tuple$43[1]; + x93 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x94 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$44 = bits.Add64(x84, x81, ((x$25 = (new p224Uint1(x92.$high, x92.$low)), new $Uint64(x$25.$high, x$25.$low)))); + x93 = _tuple$44[0]; + x94 = _tuple$44[1]; + x95 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x96 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$45 = bits.Add64(x75, x87, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x95 = _tuple$45[0]; + x96 = _tuple$45[1]; + x97 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x98 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$46 = bits.Add64(x77, x89, ((x$26 = (new p224Uint1(x96.$high, x96.$low)), new $Uint64(x$26.$high, x$26.$low)))); + x97 = _tuple$46[0]; + x98 = _tuple$46[1]; + x99 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x100 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$47 = bits.Add64(x79, x91, ((x$27 = (new p224Uint1(x98.$high, x98.$low)), new $Uint64(x$27.$high, x$27.$low)))); + x99 = _tuple$47[0]; + x100 = _tuple$47[1]; + x101 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x102 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$48 = bits.Add64((x$28 = (x$29 = ((x$30 = (new p224Uint1(x80.$high, x80.$low)), new $Uint64(x$30.$high, x$30.$low))), x$31 = (x$32 = ((x$33 = (new p224Uint1(x60.$high, x60.$low)), new $Uint64(x$33.$high, x$33.$low))), x$34 = (x$35 = ((x$36 = (new p224Uint1(x52.$high, x52.$low)), new $Uint64(x$36.$high, x$36.$low))), new $Uint64(x$35.$high + x40.$high, x$35.$low + x40.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high + x$34.$high, x$32.$low + x$34.$low)), new $Uint64(x$29.$high + x$31.$high, x$29.$low + x$31.$low)), x$37 = (x$38 = ((x$39 = (new p224Uint1(x72.$high, x72.$low)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high, x$39.$low))), new $Uint64(x$38.$high + x64.$high, x$38.$low + x64.$low)), new $Uint64(x$28.$high + x$37.$high, x$28.$low + x$37.$low)), x93, ((x$40 = (new p224Uint1(x100.$high, x100.$low)), new $Uint64(x$40.$high, x$40.$low)))); + x101 = _tuple$48[0]; + x102 = _tuple$48[1]; + x103 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$49 = bits.Mul64(x95, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x103 = _tuple$49[1]; + x105 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x106 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$50 = bits.Mul64(x103, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x106 = _tuple$50[0]; + x105 = _tuple$50[1]; + x107 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x108 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$51 = bits.Mul64(x103, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x108 = _tuple$51[0]; + x107 = _tuple$51[1]; + x109 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x110 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$52 = bits.Mul64(x103, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x110 = _tuple$52[0]; + x109 = _tuple$52[1]; + x111 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x112 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$53 = bits.Add64(x110, x107, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x111 = _tuple$53[0]; + x112 = _tuple$53[1]; + x113 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x114 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$54 = bits.Add64(x108, x105, ((x$41 = (new p224Uint1(x112.$high, x112.$low)), new $Uint64(x$41.$high, x$41.$low)))); + x113 = _tuple$54[0]; + x114 = _tuple$54[1]; + x116 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$55 = bits.Add64(x95, x103, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x116 = _tuple$55[1]; + x117 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x118 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$56 = bits.Add64(x97, x109, ((x$42 = (new p224Uint1(x116.$high, x116.$low)), new $Uint64(x$42.$high, x$42.$low)))); + x117 = _tuple$56[0]; + x118 = _tuple$56[1]; + x119 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x120 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$57 = bits.Add64(x99, x111, ((x$43 = (new p224Uint1(x118.$high, x118.$low)), new $Uint64(x$43.$high, x$43.$low)))); + x119 = _tuple$57[0]; + x120 = _tuple$57[1]; + x121 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x122 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$58 = bits.Add64(x101, x113, ((x$44 = (new p224Uint1(x120.$high, x120.$low)), new $Uint64(x$44.$high, x$44.$low)))); + x121 = _tuple$58[0]; + x122 = _tuple$58[1]; + x123 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x124 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$59 = bits.Mul64(x3, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x124 = _tuple$59[0]; + x123 = _tuple$59[1]; + x125 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x126 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$60 = bits.Mul64(x3, new $Uint64(4294967294, 0)); + x126 = _tuple$60[0]; + x125 = _tuple$60[1]; + x127 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x128 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$61 = bits.Mul64(x3, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x128 = _tuple$61[0]; + x127 = _tuple$61[1]; + x129 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x130 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$62 = bits.Mul64(x3, new $Uint64(4294967295, 1)); + x130 = _tuple$62[0]; + x129 = _tuple$62[1]; + x131 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x132 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$63 = bits.Add64(x130, x127, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x131 = _tuple$63[0]; + x132 = _tuple$63[1]; + x133 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x134 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$64 = bits.Add64(x128, x125, ((x$45 = (new p224Uint1(x132.$high, x132.$low)), new $Uint64(x$45.$high, x$45.$low)))); + x133 = _tuple$64[0]; + x134 = _tuple$64[1]; + x135 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x136 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$65 = bits.Add64(x126, x123, ((x$46 = (new p224Uint1(x134.$high, x134.$low)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high, x$46.$low)))); + x135 = _tuple$65[0]; + x136 = _tuple$65[1]; + x137 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x138 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$66 = bits.Add64(x117, x129, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x137 = _tuple$66[0]; + x138 = _tuple$66[1]; + x139 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x140 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$67 = bits.Add64(x119, x131, ((x$47 = (new p224Uint1(x138.$high, x138.$low)), new $Uint64(x$47.$high, x$47.$low)))); + x139 = _tuple$67[0]; + x140 = _tuple$67[1]; + x141 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x142 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$68 = bits.Add64(x121, x133, ((x$48 = (new p224Uint1(x140.$high, x140.$low)), new $Uint64(x$48.$high, x$48.$low)))); + x141 = _tuple$68[0]; + x142 = _tuple$68[1]; + x143 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x144 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$69 = bits.Add64((x$49 = (x$50 = ((x$51 = (new p224Uint1(x122.$high, x122.$low)), new $Uint64(x$51.$high, x$51.$low))), x$52 = (x$53 = ((x$54 = (new p224Uint1(x102.$high, x102.$low)), new $Uint64(x$54.$high, x$54.$low))), x$55 = (x$56 = ((x$57 = (new p224Uint1(x94.$high, x94.$low)), new $Uint64(x$57.$high, x$57.$low))), new $Uint64(x$56.$high + x82.$high, x$56.$low + x82.$low)), new $Uint64(x$53.$high + x$55.$high, x$53.$low + x$55.$low)), new $Uint64(x$50.$high + x$52.$high, x$50.$low + x$52.$low)), x$58 = (x$59 = ((x$60 = (new p224Uint1(x114.$high, x114.$low)), new $Uint64(x$60.$high, x$60.$low))), new $Uint64(x$59.$high + x106.$high, x$59.$low + x106.$low)), new $Uint64(x$49.$high + x$58.$high, x$49.$low + x$58.$low)), x135, ((x$61 = (new p224Uint1(x142.$high, x142.$low)), new $Uint64(x$61.$high, x$61.$low)))); + x143 = _tuple$69[0]; + x144 = _tuple$69[1]; + x145 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$70 = bits.Mul64(x137, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x145 = _tuple$70[1]; + x147 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x148 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$71 = bits.Mul64(x145, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295)); + x148 = _tuple$71[0]; + x147 = _tuple$71[1]; + x149 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x150 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$72 = bits.Mul64(x145, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295)); + x150 = _tuple$72[0]; + x149 = _tuple$72[1]; + x151 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x152 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$73 = bits.Mul64(x145, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0)); + x152 = _tuple$73[0]; + x151 = _tuple$73[1]; + x153 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x154 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$74 = bits.Add64(x152, x149, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x153 = _tuple$74[0]; + x154 = _tuple$74[1]; + x155 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x156 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$75 = bits.Add64(x150, x147, ((x$62 = (new p224Uint1(x154.$high, x154.$low)), new $Uint64(x$62.$high, x$62.$low)))); + x155 = _tuple$75[0]; + x156 = _tuple$75[1]; + x158 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$76 = bits.Add64(x137, x145, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x158 = _tuple$76[1]; + x159 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x160 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$77 = bits.Add64(x139, x151, ((x$63 = (new p224Uint1(x158.$high, x158.$low)), new $Uint64(x$63.$high, x$63.$low)))); + x159 = _tuple$77[0]; + x160 = _tuple$77[1]; + x161 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x162 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$78 = bits.Add64(x141, x153, ((x$64 = (new p224Uint1(x160.$high, x160.$low)), new $Uint64(x$64.$high, x$64.$low)))); + x161 = _tuple$78[0]; + x162 = _tuple$78[1]; + x163 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x164 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$79 = bits.Add64(x143, x155, ((x$65 = (new p224Uint1(x162.$high, x162.$low)), new $Uint64(x$65.$high, x$65.$low)))); + x163 = _tuple$79[0]; + x164 = _tuple$79[1]; + x165 = (x$66 = (x$67 = ((x$68 = (new p224Uint1(x164.$high, x164.$low)), new $Uint64(x$68.$high, x$68.$low))), x$69 = (x$70 = ((x$71 = (new p224Uint1(x144.$high, x144.$low)), new $Uint64(x$71.$high, x$71.$low))), x$72 = (x$73 = ((x$74 = (new p224Uint1(x136.$high, x136.$low)), new $Uint64(x$74.$high, x$74.$low))), new $Uint64(x$73.$high + x124.$high, x$73.$low + x124.$low)), new $Uint64(x$70.$high + x$72.$high, x$70.$low + x$72.$low)), new $Uint64(x$67.$high + x$69.$high, x$67.$low + x$69.$low)), x$75 = (x$76 = ((x$77 = (new p224Uint1(x156.$high, x156.$low)), new $Uint64(x$77.$high, x$77.$low))), new $Uint64(x$76.$high + x148.$high, x$76.$low + x148.$low)), new $Uint64(x$66.$high + x$75.$high, x$66.$low + x$75.$low)); + x166 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x167 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$80 = bits.Sub64(x159, new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x166 = _tuple$80[0]; + x167 = _tuple$80[1]; + x168 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x169 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$81 = bits.Sub64(x161, new $Uint64(4294967295, 0), ((x$78 = (new p224Uint1(x167.$high, x167.$low)), new $Uint64(x$78.$high, x$78.$low)))); + x168 = _tuple$81[0]; + x169 = _tuple$81[1]; + x170 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x171 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$82 = bits.Sub64(x163, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((x$79 = (new p224Uint1(x169.$high, x169.$low)), new $Uint64(x$79.$high, x$79.$low)))); + x170 = _tuple$82[0]; + x171 = _tuple$82[1]; + x172 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + x173 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$83 = bits.Sub64(x165, new $Uint64(0, 4294967295), ((x$80 = (new p224Uint1(x171.$high, x171.$low)), new $Uint64(x$80.$high, x$80.$low)))); + x172 = _tuple$83[0]; + x173 = _tuple$83[1]; + x175 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple$84 = bits.Sub64(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), ((x$81 = (new p224Uint1(x173.$high, x173.$low)), new $Uint64(x$81.$high, x$81.$low)))); + x175 = _tuple$84[1]; + x176 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x176$24ptr || (x176$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x176; }, function($v) { x176 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x175.$high, x175.$low)), x166, x159); + x177 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x177$24ptr || (x177$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x177; }, function($v) { x177 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x175.$high, x175.$low)), x168, x161); + x178 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x178$24ptr || (x178$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x178; }, function($v) { x178 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x175.$high, x175.$low)), x170, x163); + x179 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x179$24ptr || (x179$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x179; }, function($v) { x179 = $v; }))), (new p224Uint1(x175.$high, x175.$low)), x172, x165); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x176; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x177; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x178; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x179; + }; + p224Selectznz = function(out1, arg1, arg2, arg3) { + var arg1, arg2, arg3, out1, x1, x1$24ptr, x2, x2$24ptr, x3, x3$24ptr, x4, x4$24ptr; + x1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x1$24ptr || (x1$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x1; }, function($v) { x1 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[0], arg3[0]); + x2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x2$24ptr || (x2$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x2; }, function($v) { x2 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[1], arg3[1]); + x3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x3$24ptr || (x3$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x3; }, function($v) { x3 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[2], arg3[2]); + x4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + p224CmovznzU64((x4$24ptr || (x4$24ptr = new ptrType(function() { return x4; }, function($v) { x4 = $v; }))), arg1, arg2[3], arg3[3]); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x1; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x2; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x3; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x4; + }; + p224ToBytes = function(out1, arg1) { + var arg1, out1, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x6, x7, x8, x9; + x1 = arg1[3]; + x2 = arg1[2]; + x3 = arg1[1]; + x4 = arg1[0]; + x5 = ((((x4.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x6 = $shiftRightUint64(x4, 8); + x7 = ((((x6.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x8 = $shiftRightUint64(x6, 8); + x9 = ((((x8.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x10 = $shiftRightUint64(x8, 8); + x11 = ((((x10.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x12 = $shiftRightUint64(x10, 8); + x13 = ((((x12.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x14 = $shiftRightUint64(x12, 8); + x15 = ((((x14.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x16 = $shiftRightUint64(x14, 8); + x17 = ((((x16.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x18 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x16, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x19 = ((((x3.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x20 = $shiftRightUint64(x3, 8); + x21 = ((((x20.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x22 = $shiftRightUint64(x20, 8); + x23 = ((((x22.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x24 = $shiftRightUint64(x22, 8); + x25 = ((((x24.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x26 = $shiftRightUint64(x24, 8); + x27 = ((((x26.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x28 = $shiftRightUint64(x26, 8); + x29 = ((((x28.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x30 = $shiftRightUint64(x28, 8); + x31 = ((((x30.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x32 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x30, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x33 = ((((x2.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x34 = $shiftRightUint64(x2, 8); + x35 = ((((x34.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x36 = $shiftRightUint64(x34, 8); + x37 = ((((x36.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x38 = $shiftRightUint64(x36, 8); + x39 = ((((x38.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x40 = $shiftRightUint64(x38, 8); + x41 = ((((x40.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x42 = $shiftRightUint64(x40, 8); + x43 = ((((x42.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x44 = $shiftRightUint64(x42, 8); + x45 = ((((x44.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x46 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x44, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + x47 = ((((x1.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x48 = $shiftRightUint64(x1, 8); + x49 = ((((x48.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x50 = $shiftRightUint64(x48, 8); + x51 = ((((x50.$low << 24 >>> 24)) & 255) >>> 0); + x52 = ((($shiftRightUint64(x50, 8)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x5; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x7; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x9; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x11; + out1.nilCheck, out1[4] = x13; + out1.nilCheck, out1[5] = x15; + out1.nilCheck, out1[6] = x17; + out1.nilCheck, out1[7] = x18; + out1.nilCheck, out1[8] = x19; + out1.nilCheck, out1[9] = x21; + out1.nilCheck, out1[10] = x23; + out1.nilCheck, out1[11] = x25; + out1.nilCheck, out1[12] = x27; + out1.nilCheck, out1[13] = x29; + out1.nilCheck, out1[14] = x31; + out1.nilCheck, out1[15] = x32; + out1.nilCheck, out1[16] = x33; + out1.nilCheck, out1[17] = x35; + out1.nilCheck, out1[18] = x37; + out1.nilCheck, out1[19] = x39; + out1.nilCheck, out1[20] = x41; + out1.nilCheck, out1[21] = x43; + out1.nilCheck, out1[22] = x45; + out1.nilCheck, out1[23] = x46; + out1.nilCheck, out1[24] = x47; + out1.nilCheck, out1[25] = x49; + out1.nilCheck, out1[26] = x51; + out1.nilCheck, out1[27] = x52; + }; + p224FromBytes = function(out1, arg1) { + var arg1, out1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x2, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x3, x30, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x4, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, x48, x49, x5, x50, x51, x52, x6, x7, x8, x9; + x1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[27])), 24); + x2 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[26])), 16); + x3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[25])), 8); + x4 = arg1[24]; + x5 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[23])), 56); + x6 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[22])), 48); + x7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[21])), 40); + x8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[20])), 32); + x9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[19])), 24); + x10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[18])), 16); + x11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[17])), 8); + x12 = arg1[16]; + x13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[15])), 56); + x14 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[14])), 48); + x15 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[13])), 40); + x16 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[12])), 32); + x17 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[11])), 24); + x18 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[10])), 16); + x19 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[9])), 8); + x20 = arg1[8]; + x21 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[7])), 56); + x22 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[6])), 48); + x23 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[5])), 40); + x24 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[4])), 32); + x25 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[3])), 24); + x26 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[2])), 16); + x27 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, arg1[1])), 8); + x28 = arg1[0]; + x29 = (x = (new $Uint64(0, x28)), new $Uint64(x27.$high + x.$high, x27.$low + x.$low)); + x30 = new $Uint64(x26.$high + x29.$high, x26.$low + x29.$low); + x31 = new $Uint64(x25.$high + x30.$high, x25.$low + x30.$low); + x32 = new $Uint64(x24.$high + x31.$high, x24.$low + x31.$low); + x33 = new $Uint64(x23.$high + x32.$high, x23.$low + x32.$low); + x34 = new $Uint64(x22.$high + x33.$high, x22.$low + x33.$low); + x35 = new $Uint64(x21.$high + x34.$high, x21.$low + x34.$low); + x36 = (x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, x20)), new $Uint64(x19.$high + x$1.$high, x19.$low + x$1.$low)); + x37 = new $Uint64(x18.$high + x36.$high, x18.$low + x36.$low); + x38 = new $Uint64(x17.$high + x37.$high, x17.$low + x37.$low); + x39 = new $Uint64(x16.$high + x38.$high, x16.$low + x38.$low); + x40 = new $Uint64(x15.$high + x39.$high, x15.$low + x39.$low); + x41 = new $Uint64(x14.$high + x40.$high, x14.$low + x40.$low); + x42 = new $Uint64(x13.$high + x41.$high, x13.$low + x41.$low); + x43 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, x12)), new $Uint64(x11.$high + x$2.$high, x11.$low + x$2.$low)); + x44 = new $Uint64(x10.$high + x43.$high, x10.$low + x43.$low); + x45 = new $Uint64(x9.$high + x44.$high, x9.$low + x44.$low); + x46 = new $Uint64(x8.$high + x45.$high, x8.$low + x45.$low); + x47 = new $Uint64(x7.$high + x46.$high, x7.$low + x46.$low); + x48 = new $Uint64(x6.$high + x47.$high, x6.$low + x47.$low); + x49 = new $Uint64(x5.$high + x48.$high, x5.$low + x48.$low); + x50 = (x$3 = (new $Uint64(0, x4)), new $Uint64(x3.$high + x$3.$high, x3.$low + x$3.$low)); + x51 = new $Uint64(x2.$high + x50.$high, x2.$low + x50.$low); + x52 = new $Uint64(x1.$high + x51.$high, x1.$low + x51.$low); + out1.nilCheck, out1[0] = x35; + out1.nilCheck, out1[1] = x42; + out1.nilCheck, out1[2] = x49; + out1.nilCheck, out1[3] = x52; + }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.One = function() { + var e; + e = this; + p224SetOne(e.x); + return e; + }; + P224Element.prototype.One = function() { return this.$val.One(); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(t) { + var e, eBytes, t, tBytes; + e = this; + eBytes = e.Bytes(); + tBytes = t.Bytes(); + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(eBytes, tBytes); + }; + P224Element.prototype.Equal = function(t) { return this.$val.Equal(t); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.IsZero = function() { + var e, eBytes; + e = this; + eBytes = e.Bytes(); + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(eBytes, p224ZeroEncoding); + }; + P224Element.prototype.IsZero = function() { return this.$val.IsZero(); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.Set = function(t) { + var e, t; + e = this; + p224MontgomeryDomainFieldElement.copy(e.x, t.x); + return e; + }; + P224Element.prototype.Set = function(t) { return this.$val.Set(t); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var e, out; + e = this; + out = arrayType$5.zero(); + return e.bytes(out); + }; + P224Element.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.bytes = function(out) { + var e, out, tmp; + e = this; + tmp = arrayType$2.zero(); + p224FromMontgomery(tmp, e.x); + p224ToBytes(out, (tmp)); + p224InvertEndianness(new sliceType(out)); + return new sliceType(out); + }; + P224Element.prototype.bytes = function(out) { return this.$val.bytes(out); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(v) { + var _i, _ref, e, i, in$1, tmp, v; + e = this; + if (!((v.$length === 28))) { + return [ptrType$3.nil, errors.New("invalid P224Element encoding")]; + } + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + if (((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) < ((i < 0 || i >= p224MinusOneEncoding.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p224MinusOneEncoding.$array[p224MinusOneEncoding.$offset + i])) { + break; + } + if (((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) > ((i < 0 || i >= p224MinusOneEncoding.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p224MinusOneEncoding.$array[p224MinusOneEncoding.$offset + i])) { + return [ptrType$3.nil, errors.New("invalid P224Element encoding")]; + } + _i++; + } + in$1 = arrayType$5.zero(); + $copySlice(new sliceType(in$1), v); + p224InvertEndianness(new sliceType(in$1)); + tmp = arrayType$2.zero(); + p224FromBytes((tmp), in$1); + p224ToMontgomery(e.x, tmp); + return [e, $ifaceNil]; + }; + P224Element.prototype.SetBytes = function(v) { return this.$val.SetBytes(v); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.Add = function(t1, t2) { + var e, t1, t2; + e = this; + p224Add(e.x, t1.x, t2.x); + return e; + }; + P224Element.prototype.Add = function(t1, t2) { return this.$val.Add(t1, t2); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.Sub = function(t1, t2) { + var e, t1, t2; + e = this; + p224Sub(e.x, t1.x, t2.x); + return e; + }; + P224Element.prototype.Sub = function(t1, t2) { return this.$val.Sub(t1, t2); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.Mul = function(t1, t2) { + var e, t1, t2; + e = this; + p224Mul(e.x, t1.x, t2.x); + return e; + }; + P224Element.prototype.Mul = function(t1, t2) { return this.$val.Mul(t1, t2); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.Square = function(t) { + var e, t; + e = this; + p224Square(e.x, t.x); + return e; + }; + P224Element.prototype.Square = function(t) { return this.$val.Square(t); }; + P224Element.ptr.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { + var a, b, cond, v; + v = this; + p224Selectznz((v.x), (new p224Uint1(0, cond)), (b.x), (a.x)); + return v; + }; + P224Element.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { return this.$val.Select(a, b, cond); }; + p224InvertEndianness = function(v) { + var _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, v, x, x$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < (_q = v.$length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))) { break; } + _tmp = (x = (v.$length - 1 >> 0) - i >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + x])); + _tmp$1 = ((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i] = _tmp); + (x$1 = (v.$length - 1 >> 0) - i >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + x$1] = _tmp$1)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Invert", name: "Invert", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "One", name: "One", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsZero", name: "IsZero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", pkg: "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Mul", name: "Mul", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Square", name: "Square", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Select", name: "Select", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, $Int], [ptrType$1], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Invert", name: "Invert", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "One", name: "One", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsZero", name: "IsZero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", pkg: "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$2, $error], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Mul", name: "Mul", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Square", name: "Square", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Select", name: "Select", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2, $Int], [ptrType$2], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Invert", name: "Invert", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "One", name: "One", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsZero", name: "IsZero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", pkg: "crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", typ: $funcType([ptrType$6], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, ptrType$3], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, ptrType$3], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "Mul", name: "Mul", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, ptrType$3], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "Square", name: "Square", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "Select", name: "Select", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, ptrType$3, $Int], [ptrType$3], false)}]; + p521MontgomeryDomainFieldElement.init($Uint64, 9); + P521Element.init("crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", [{prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: p521MontgomeryDomainFieldElement, tag: ""}]); + p384MontgomeryDomainFieldElement.init($Uint64, 6); + P384Element.init("crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", [{prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: p384MontgomeryDomainFieldElement, tag: ""}]); + p224MontgomeryDomainFieldElement.init($Uint64, 4); + P224Element.init("crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat", [{prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: p224MontgomeryDomainFieldElement, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p521ZeroEncoding = new P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Bytes(); + p521MinusOneEncoding = new P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Sub(new P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()), new P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).One()).Bytes(); + p384ZeroEncoding = new P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Bytes(); + p384MinusOneEncoding = new P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Sub(new P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()), new P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).One()).Bytes(); + p224ZeroEncoding = new P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Bytes(); + p224MinusOneEncoding = new P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Sub(new P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()), new P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).One()).Bytes(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fiat, subtle, errors, P521Point, P384Point, P224Point, arrayType, sliceType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, ptrType, ptrType$1, arrayType$3, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, p521B, p521G, p384B, p384G, p224B, p224G, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, NewP521Point, NewP521Generator, p521CheckOnCurve, NewP384Point, NewP384Generator, p384CheckOnCurve, NewP224Point, NewP224Generator, p224CheckOnCurve; + fiat = $packages["crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat"]; + subtle = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + P521Point = $pkg.P521Point = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nistec.P521Point", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec", true, function(x_, y_, z_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.x = ptrType.nil; + this.y = ptrType.nil; + this.z = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.x = x_; + this.y = y_; + this.z = z_; + }); + P384Point = $pkg.P384Point = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nistec.P384Point", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec", true, function(x_, y_, z_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.x = ptrType$2.nil; + this.y = ptrType$2.nil; + this.z = ptrType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.x = x_; + this.y = y_; + this.z = z_; + }); + P224Point = $pkg.P224Point = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nistec.P224Point", true, "crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec", true, function(x_, y_, z_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.x = ptrType$4.nil; + this.y = ptrType$4.nil; + this.z = ptrType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.x = x_; + this.y = y_; + this.z = z_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint64, 9); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint64, 6); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint64, 4); + ptrType = $ptrType(fiat.P521Element); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(P521Point); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 133); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(fiat.P384Element); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(P384Point); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(fiat.P224Element); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(P224Point); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(arrayType$3); + NewP521Point = function() { + return new P521Point.ptr(new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()), new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).One(), new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero())); + }; + $pkg.NewP521Point = NewP521Point; + NewP521Generator = function() { + return (new P521Point.ptr(new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()), new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()), new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()))).Set(p521G); + }; + $pkg.NewP521Generator = NewP521Generator; + P521Point.ptr.prototype.Set = function(q) { + var p, q; + p = this; + p.x.Set(q.x); + p.y.Set(q.y); + p.z.Set(q.z); + return p; + }; + P521Point.prototype.Set = function(q) { return this.$val.Set(q); }; + P521Point.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(b) { + var _tuple$6, _tuple$7, b, err, err$1, p, x, y; + p = this; + if ((b.$length === 1) && ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 0)) { + return [p.Set(NewP521Point()), $ifaceNil]; + } else if ((b.$length === 133) && ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 4)) { + _tuple$6 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(b, 1, 67)); + x = _tuple$6[0]; + err = _tuple$6[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$1.nil, err]; + } + _tuple$7 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(b, 67)); + y = _tuple$7[0]; + err = _tuple$7[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$1.nil, err]; + } + err$1 = p521CheckOnCurve(x, y); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$1.nil, err$1]; + } + p.x.Set(x); + p.y.Set(y); + p.z.One(); + return [p, $ifaceNil]; + } else if ((b.$length === 67) && ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 0)) { + return [ptrType$1.nil, errors.New("unimplemented")]; + } else { + return [ptrType$1.nil, errors.New("invalid P521 point encoding")]; + } + }; + P521Point.prototype.SetBytes = function(b) { return this.$val.SetBytes(b); }; + p521CheckOnCurve = function(x, y) { + var threeX, x, x3, y, y2; + x3 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Square(x); + x3.Mul(x3, x); + threeX = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Add(x, x); + threeX.Add(threeX, x); + x3.Sub(x3, threeX); + x3.Add(x3, p521B); + y2 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Square(y); + if (!((x3.Equal(y2) === 1))) { + return errors.New("P521 point not on curve"); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + P521Point.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var out, p; + p = this; + out = arrayType$3.zero(); + return p.bytes(out); + }; + P521Point.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + P521Point.ptr.prototype.bytes = function(out) { + var buf, out, p, xx, yy, zinv; + p = this; + if (p.z.IsZero() === 1) { + return $append($subslice(new sliceType(out), 0, 0), 0); + } + zinv = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Invert(p.z); + xx = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Mul(p.x, zinv); + yy = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Mul(p.y, zinv); + buf = $append($subslice(new sliceType(out), 0, 0), 4); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, xx.Bytes()); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, yy.Bytes()); + return buf; + }; + P521Point.prototype.bytes = function(out) { return this.$val.bytes(out); }; + P521Point.ptr.prototype.Add = function(p1, p2) { + var p1, p2, q, t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, x3, y3, z3; + q = this; + t0 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Mul(p1.x, p2.x); + t1 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Mul(p1.y, p2.y); + t2 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Mul(p1.z, p2.z); + t3 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Add(p1.x, p1.y); + t4 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Add(p2.x, p2.y); + t3.Mul(t3, t4); + t4.Add(t0, t1); + t3.Sub(t3, t4); + t4.Add(p1.y, p1.z); + x3 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Add(p2.y, p2.z); + t4.Mul(t4, x3); + x3.Add(t1, t2); + t4.Sub(t4, x3); + x3.Add(p1.x, p1.z); + y3 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Add(p2.x, p2.z); + x3.Mul(x3, y3); + y3.Add(t0, t2); + y3.Sub(x3, y3); + z3 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Mul(p521B, t2); + x3.Sub(y3, z3); + z3.Add(x3, x3); + x3.Add(x3, z3); + z3.Sub(t1, x3); + x3.Add(t1, x3); + y3.Mul(p521B, y3); + t1.Add(t2, t2); + t2.Add(t1, t2); + y3.Sub(y3, t2); + y3.Sub(y3, t0); + t1.Add(y3, y3); + y3.Add(t1, y3); + t1.Add(t0, t0); + t0.Add(t1, t0); + t0.Sub(t0, t2); + t1.Mul(t4, y3); + t2.Mul(t0, y3); + y3.Mul(x3, z3); + y3.Add(y3, t2); + x3.Mul(t3, x3); + x3.Sub(x3, t1); + z3.Mul(t4, z3); + t1.Mul(t3, t0); + z3.Add(z3, t1); + q.x.Set(x3); + q.y.Set(y3); + q.z.Set(z3); + return q; + }; + P521Point.prototype.Add = function(p1, p2) { return this.$val.Add(p1, p2); }; + P521Point.ptr.prototype.Double = function(p) { + var p, q, t0, t1, t2, t3, x3, y3, z3; + q = this; + t0 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Square(p.x); + t1 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Square(p.y); + t2 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Square(p.z); + t3 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Mul(p.x, p.y); + t3.Add(t3, t3); + z3 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Mul(p.x, p.z); + z3.Add(z3, z3); + y3 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Mul(p521B, t2); + y3.Sub(y3, z3); + x3 = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).Add(y3, y3); + y3.Add(x3, y3); + x3.Sub(t1, y3); + y3.Add(t1, y3); + y3.Mul(x3, y3); + x3.Mul(x3, t3); + t3.Add(t2, t2); + t2.Add(t2, t3); + z3.Mul(p521B, z3); + z3.Sub(z3, t2); + z3.Sub(z3, t0); + t3.Add(z3, z3); + z3.Add(z3, t3); + t3.Add(t0, t0); + t0.Add(t3, t0); + t0.Sub(t0, t2); + t0.Mul(t0, z3); + y3.Add(y3, t0); + t0.Mul(p.y, p.z); + t0.Add(t0, t0); + z3.Mul(t0, z3); + x3.Sub(x3, z3); + z3.Mul(t0, t1); + z3.Add(z3, z3); + z3.Add(z3, z3); + q.x.Set(x3); + q.y.Set(y3); + q.z.Set(z3); + return q; + }; + P521Point.prototype.Double = function(p) { return this.$val.Double(p); }; + P521Point.ptr.prototype.Select = function(p1, p2, cond) { + var cond, p1, p2, q; + q = this; + q.x.Select(p1.x, p2.x, cond); + q.y.Select(p1.y, p2.y, cond); + q.z.Select(p1.z, p2.z, cond); + return q; + }; + P521Point.prototype.Select = function(p1, p2, cond) { return this.$val.Select(p1, p2, cond); }; + P521Point.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult = function(q, scalar) { + var _i, _ref, byte$1, cond, cond$1, i, i$1, i$2, p, q, scalar, t, table, x; + p = this; + table = $toNativeArray($kindPtr, [NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point(), NewP521Point()]); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[i]).Add((x = i - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[x])), q); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + t = NewP521Point(); + p.Set(NewP521Point()); + _ref = scalar; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + byte$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 16)) { break; } + cond = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(byte$1 >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24, i$1); + t.Select(((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[i$1]), t, cond); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + p.Add(p, t); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 16)) { break; } + cond$1 = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq((byte$1 & 15) >>> 0, i$2); + t.Select(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[i$2]), t, cond$1); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + p.Add(p, t); + _i++; + } + return p; + }; + P521Point.prototype.ScalarMult = function(q, scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarMult(q, scalar); }; + NewP384Point = function() { + return new P384Point.ptr(new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()), new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).One(), new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero())); + }; + $pkg.NewP384Point = NewP384Point; + NewP384Generator = function() { + return (new P384Point.ptr(new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()), new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()), new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()))).Set(p384G); + }; + $pkg.NewP384Generator = NewP384Generator; + P384Point.ptr.prototype.Set = function(q) { + var p, q; + p = this; + p.x.Set(q.x); + p.y.Set(q.y); + p.z.Set(q.z); + return p; + }; + P384Point.prototype.Set = function(q) { return this.$val.Set(q); }; + P384Point.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(b) { + var _tuple$6, _tuple$7, b, err, err$1, p, x, y; + p = this; + if ((b.$length === 1) && ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 0)) { + return [p.Set(NewP384Point()), $ifaceNil]; + } else if ((b.$length === 97) && ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 4)) { + _tuple$6 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(b, 1, 49)); + x = _tuple$6[0]; + err = _tuple$6[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$3.nil, err]; + } + _tuple$7 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(b, 49)); + y = _tuple$7[0]; + err = _tuple$7[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$3.nil, err]; + } + err$1 = p384CheckOnCurve(x, y); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$3.nil, err$1]; + } + p.x.Set(x); + p.y.Set(y); + p.z.One(); + return [p, $ifaceNil]; + } else if ((b.$length === 49) && ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 0)) { + return [ptrType$3.nil, errors.New("unimplemented")]; + } else { + return [ptrType$3.nil, errors.New("invalid P384 point encoding")]; + } + }; + P384Point.prototype.SetBytes = function(b) { return this.$val.SetBytes(b); }; + p384CheckOnCurve = function(x, y) { + var threeX, x, x3, y, y2; + x3 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Square(x); + x3.Mul(x3, x); + threeX = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Add(x, x); + threeX.Add(threeX, x); + x3.Sub(x3, threeX); + x3.Add(x3, p384B); + y2 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Square(y); + if (!((x3.Equal(y2) === 1))) { + return errors.New("P384 point not on curve"); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + P384Point.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var out, p; + p = this; + out = arrayType$3.zero(); + return p.bytes(out); + }; + P384Point.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + P384Point.ptr.prototype.bytes = function(out) { + var buf, out, p, xx, yy, zinv; + p = this; + if (p.z.IsZero() === 1) { + return $append($subslice(new sliceType(out), 0, 0), 0); + } + zinv = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Invert(p.z); + xx = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Mul(p.x, zinv); + yy = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Mul(p.y, zinv); + buf = $append($subslice(new sliceType(out), 0, 0), 4); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, xx.Bytes()); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, yy.Bytes()); + return buf; + }; + P384Point.prototype.bytes = function(out) { return this.$val.bytes(out); }; + P384Point.ptr.prototype.Add = function(p1, p2) { + var p1, p2, q, t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, x3, y3, z3; + q = this; + t0 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Mul(p1.x, p2.x); + t1 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Mul(p1.y, p2.y); + t2 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Mul(p1.z, p2.z); + t3 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Add(p1.x, p1.y); + t4 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Add(p2.x, p2.y); + t3.Mul(t3, t4); + t4.Add(t0, t1); + t3.Sub(t3, t4); + t4.Add(p1.y, p1.z); + x3 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Add(p2.y, p2.z); + t4.Mul(t4, x3); + x3.Add(t1, t2); + t4.Sub(t4, x3); + x3.Add(p1.x, p1.z); + y3 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Add(p2.x, p2.z); + x3.Mul(x3, y3); + y3.Add(t0, t2); + y3.Sub(x3, y3); + z3 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Mul(p384B, t2); + x3.Sub(y3, z3); + z3.Add(x3, x3); + x3.Add(x3, z3); + z3.Sub(t1, x3); + x3.Add(t1, x3); + y3.Mul(p384B, y3); + t1.Add(t2, t2); + t2.Add(t1, t2); + y3.Sub(y3, t2); + y3.Sub(y3, t0); + t1.Add(y3, y3); + y3.Add(t1, y3); + t1.Add(t0, t0); + t0.Add(t1, t0); + t0.Sub(t0, t2); + t1.Mul(t4, y3); + t2.Mul(t0, y3); + y3.Mul(x3, z3); + y3.Add(y3, t2); + x3.Mul(t3, x3); + x3.Sub(x3, t1); + z3.Mul(t4, z3); + t1.Mul(t3, t0); + z3.Add(z3, t1); + q.x.Set(x3); + q.y.Set(y3); + q.z.Set(z3); + return q; + }; + P384Point.prototype.Add = function(p1, p2) { return this.$val.Add(p1, p2); }; + P384Point.ptr.prototype.Double = function(p) { + var p, q, t0, t1, t2, t3, x3, y3, z3; + q = this; + t0 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Square(p.x); + t1 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Square(p.y); + t2 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Square(p.z); + t3 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Mul(p.x, p.y); + t3.Add(t3, t3); + z3 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Mul(p.x, p.z); + z3.Add(z3, z3); + y3 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Mul(p384B, t2); + y3.Sub(y3, z3); + x3 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).Add(y3, y3); + y3.Add(x3, y3); + x3.Sub(t1, y3); + y3.Add(t1, y3); + y3.Mul(x3, y3); + x3.Mul(x3, t3); + t3.Add(t2, t2); + t2.Add(t2, t3); + z3.Mul(p384B, z3); + z3.Sub(z3, t2); + z3.Sub(z3, t0); + t3.Add(z3, z3); + z3.Add(z3, t3); + t3.Add(t0, t0); + t0.Add(t3, t0); + t0.Sub(t0, t2); + t0.Mul(t0, z3); + y3.Add(y3, t0); + t0.Mul(p.y, p.z); + t0.Add(t0, t0); + z3.Mul(t0, z3); + x3.Sub(x3, z3); + z3.Mul(t0, t1); + z3.Add(z3, z3); + z3.Add(z3, z3); + q.x.Set(x3); + q.y.Set(y3); + q.z.Set(z3); + return q; + }; + P384Point.prototype.Double = function(p) { return this.$val.Double(p); }; + P384Point.ptr.prototype.Select = function(p1, p2, cond) { + var cond, p1, p2, q; + q = this; + q.x.Select(p1.x, p2.x, cond); + q.y.Select(p1.y, p2.y, cond); + q.z.Select(p1.z, p2.z, cond); + return q; + }; + P384Point.prototype.Select = function(p1, p2, cond) { return this.$val.Select(p1, p2, cond); }; + P384Point.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult = function(q, scalar) { + var _i, _ref, byte$1, cond, cond$1, i, i$1, i$2, p, q, scalar, t, table, x; + p = this; + table = $toNativeArray($kindPtr, [NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point(), NewP384Point()]); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[i]).Add((x = i - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[x])), q); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + t = NewP384Point(); + p.Set(NewP384Point()); + _ref = scalar; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + byte$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 16)) { break; } + cond = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(byte$1 >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24, i$1); + t.Select(((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[i$1]), t, cond); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + p.Add(p, t); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 16)) { break; } + cond$1 = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq((byte$1 & 15) >>> 0, i$2); + t.Select(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[i$2]), t, cond$1); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + p.Add(p, t); + _i++; + } + return p; + }; + P384Point.prototype.ScalarMult = function(q, scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarMult(q, scalar); }; + NewP224Point = function() { + return new P224Point.ptr(new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()), new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).One(), new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero())); + }; + $pkg.NewP224Point = NewP224Point; + NewP224Generator = function() { + return (new P224Point.ptr(new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()), new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()), new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()))).Set(p224G); + }; + $pkg.NewP224Generator = NewP224Generator; + P224Point.ptr.prototype.Set = function(q) { + var p, q; + p = this; + p.x.Set(q.x); + p.y.Set(q.y); + p.z.Set(q.z); + return p; + }; + P224Point.prototype.Set = function(q) { return this.$val.Set(q); }; + P224Point.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(b) { + var _tuple$6, _tuple$7, b, err, err$1, p, x, y; + p = this; + if ((b.$length === 1) && ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 0)) { + return [p.Set(NewP224Point()), $ifaceNil]; + } else if ((b.$length === 57) && ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 4)) { + _tuple$6 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(b, 1, 29)); + x = _tuple$6[0]; + err = _tuple$6[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$5.nil, err]; + } + _tuple$7 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).SetBytes($subslice(b, 29)); + y = _tuple$7[0]; + err = _tuple$7[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$5.nil, err]; + } + err$1 = p224CheckOnCurve(x, y); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$5.nil, err$1]; + } + p.x.Set(x); + p.y.Set(y); + p.z.One(); + return [p, $ifaceNil]; + } else if ((b.$length === 29) && ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 0)) { + return [ptrType$5.nil, errors.New("unimplemented")]; + } else { + return [ptrType$5.nil, errors.New("invalid P224 point encoding")]; + } + }; + P224Point.prototype.SetBytes = function(b) { return this.$val.SetBytes(b); }; + p224CheckOnCurve = function(x, y) { + var threeX, x, x3, y, y2; + x3 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Square(x); + x3.Mul(x3, x); + threeX = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Add(x, x); + threeX.Add(threeX, x); + x3.Sub(x3, threeX); + x3.Add(x3, p224B); + y2 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Square(y); + if (!((x3.Equal(y2) === 1))) { + return errors.New("P224 point not on curve"); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + P224Point.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var out, p; + p = this; + out = arrayType$3.zero(); + return p.bytes(out); + }; + P224Point.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + P224Point.ptr.prototype.bytes = function(out) { + var buf, out, p, xx, yy, zinv; + p = this; + if (p.z.IsZero() === 1) { + return $append($subslice(new sliceType(out), 0, 0), 0); + } + zinv = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Invert(p.z); + xx = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Mul(p.x, zinv); + yy = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Mul(p.y, zinv); + buf = $append($subslice(new sliceType(out), 0, 0), 4); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, xx.Bytes()); + buf = $appendSlice(buf, yy.Bytes()); + return buf; + }; + P224Point.prototype.bytes = function(out) { return this.$val.bytes(out); }; + P224Point.ptr.prototype.Add = function(p1, p2) { + var p1, p2, q, t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, x3, y3, z3; + q = this; + t0 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Mul(p1.x, p2.x); + t1 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Mul(p1.y, p2.y); + t2 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Mul(p1.z, p2.z); + t3 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Add(p1.x, p1.y); + t4 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Add(p2.x, p2.y); + t3.Mul(t3, t4); + t4.Add(t0, t1); + t3.Sub(t3, t4); + t4.Add(p1.y, p1.z); + x3 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Add(p2.y, p2.z); + t4.Mul(t4, x3); + x3.Add(t1, t2); + t4.Sub(t4, x3); + x3.Add(p1.x, p1.z); + y3 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Add(p2.x, p2.z); + x3.Mul(x3, y3); + y3.Add(t0, t2); + y3.Sub(x3, y3); + z3 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Mul(p224B, t2); + x3.Sub(y3, z3); + z3.Add(x3, x3); + x3.Add(x3, z3); + z3.Sub(t1, x3); + x3.Add(t1, x3); + y3.Mul(p224B, y3); + t1.Add(t2, t2); + t2.Add(t1, t2); + y3.Sub(y3, t2); + y3.Sub(y3, t0); + t1.Add(y3, y3); + y3.Add(t1, y3); + t1.Add(t0, t0); + t0.Add(t1, t0); + t0.Sub(t0, t2); + t1.Mul(t4, y3); + t2.Mul(t0, y3); + y3.Mul(x3, z3); + y3.Add(y3, t2); + x3.Mul(t3, x3); + x3.Sub(x3, t1); + z3.Mul(t4, z3); + t1.Mul(t3, t0); + z3.Add(z3, t1); + q.x.Set(x3); + q.y.Set(y3); + q.z.Set(z3); + return q; + }; + P224Point.prototype.Add = function(p1, p2) { return this.$val.Add(p1, p2); }; + P224Point.ptr.prototype.Double = function(p) { + var p, q, t0, t1, t2, t3, x3, y3, z3; + q = this; + t0 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Square(p.x); + t1 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Square(p.y); + t2 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Square(p.z); + t3 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Mul(p.x, p.y); + t3.Add(t3, t3); + z3 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Mul(p.x, p.z); + z3.Add(z3, z3); + y3 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Mul(p224B, t2); + y3.Sub(y3, z3); + x3 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).Add(y3, y3); + y3.Add(x3, y3); + x3.Sub(t1, y3); + y3.Add(t1, y3); + y3.Mul(x3, y3); + x3.Mul(x3, t3); + t3.Add(t2, t2); + t2.Add(t2, t3); + z3.Mul(p224B, z3); + z3.Sub(z3, t2); + z3.Sub(z3, t0); + t3.Add(z3, z3); + z3.Add(z3, t3); + t3.Add(t0, t0); + t0.Add(t3, t0); + t0.Sub(t0, t2); + t0.Mul(t0, z3); + y3.Add(y3, t0); + t0.Mul(p.y, p.z); + t0.Add(t0, t0); + z3.Mul(t0, z3); + x3.Sub(x3, z3); + z3.Mul(t0, t1); + z3.Add(z3, z3); + z3.Add(z3, z3); + q.x.Set(x3); + q.y.Set(y3); + q.z.Set(z3); + return q; + }; + P224Point.prototype.Double = function(p) { return this.$val.Double(p); }; + P224Point.ptr.prototype.Select = function(p1, p2, cond) { + var cond, p1, p2, q; + q = this; + q.x.Select(p1.x, p2.x, cond); + q.y.Select(p1.y, p2.y, cond); + q.z.Select(p1.z, p2.z, cond); + return q; + }; + P224Point.prototype.Select = function(p1, p2, cond) { return this.$val.Select(p1, p2, cond); }; + P224Point.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult = function(q, scalar) { + var _i, _ref, byte$1, cond, cond$1, i, i$1, i$2, p, q, scalar, t, table, x; + p = this; + table = $toNativeArray($kindPtr, [NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point(), NewP224Point()]); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[i]).Add((x = i - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[x])), q); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + t = NewP224Point(); + p.Set(NewP224Point()); + _ref = scalar; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + byte$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 16)) { break; } + cond = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(byte$1 >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24, i$1); + t.Select(((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[i$1]), t, cond); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + p.Add(p, t); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + p.Double(p); + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 16)) { break; } + cond$1 = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq((byte$1 & 15) >>> 0, i$2); + t.Select(((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= table.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table[i$2]), t, cond$1); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + p.Add(p, t); + _i++; + } + return p; + }; + P224Point.prototype.ScalarMult = function(q, scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarMult(q, scalar); }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", pkg: "crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec", typ: $funcType([ptrType$6], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Double", name: "Double", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Select", name: "Select", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, $Int], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarMult", name: "ScalarMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, sliceType], [ptrType$1], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", pkg: "crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec", typ: $funcType([ptrType$6], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, ptrType$3], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "Double", name: "Double", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "Select", name: "Select", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, ptrType$3, $Int], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "ScalarMult", name: "ScalarMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, sliceType], [ptrType$3], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5], [ptrType$5], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", pkg: "crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec", typ: $funcType([ptrType$6], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5, ptrType$5], [ptrType$5], false)}, {prop: "Double", name: "Double", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5], [ptrType$5], false)}, {prop: "Select", name: "Select", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5, ptrType$5, $Int], [ptrType$5], false)}, {prop: "ScalarMult", name: "ScalarMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5, sliceType], [ptrType$5], false)}]; + P521Point.init("crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec", [{prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "y", name: "y", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "z", name: "z", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + P384Point.init("crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec", [{prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "y", name: "y", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "z", name: "z", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}]); + P224Point.init("crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec", [{prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "y", name: "y", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "z", name: "z", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fiat.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = new fiat.P521Element.ptr(arrayType.zero()).SetBytes(new sliceType([0, 81, 149, 62, 185, 97, 142, 28, 154, 31, 146, 154, 33, 160, 182, 133, 64, 238, 162, 218, 114, 91, 153, 179, 21, 243, 184, 180, 137, 145, 142, 241, 9, 225, 86, 25, 57, 81, 236, 126, 147, 123, 22, 82, 192, 189, 59, 177, 191, 7, 53, 115, 223, 136, 61, 44, 52, 241, 239, 69, 31, 212, 107, 80, 63, 0])); + p521B = _tuple[0]; + _tuple$1 = NewP521Point().SetBytes(new sliceType([4, 0, 198, 133, 142, 6, 183, 4, 4, 233, 205, 158, 62, 203, 102, 35, 149, 180, 66, 156, 100, 129, 57, 5, 63, 181, 33, 248, 40, 175, 96, 107, 77, 61, 186, 161, 75, 94, 119, 239, 231, 89, 40, 254, 29, 193, 39, 162, 255, 168, 222, 51, 72, 179, 193, 133, 106, 66, 155, 249, 126, 126, 49, 194, 229, 189, 102, 1, 24, 57, 41, 106, 120, 154, 59, 192, 4, 92, 138, 95, 180, 44, 125, 27, 217, 152, 245, 68, 73, 87, 155, 68, 104, 23, 175, 189, 23, 39, 62, 102, 44, 151, 238, 114, 153, 94, 244, 38, 64, 197, 80, 185, 1, 63, 173, 7, 97, 53, 60, 112, 134, 162, 114, 194, 64, 136, 190, 148, 118, 159, 209, 102, 80])); + p521G = _tuple$1[0]; + _tuple$2 = new fiat.P384Element.ptr(arrayType$1.zero()).SetBytes(new sliceType([179, 49, 47, 167, 226, 62, 231, 228, 152, 142, 5, 107, 227, 248, 45, 25, 24, 29, 156, 110, 254, 129, 65, 18, 3, 20, 8, 143, 80, 19, 135, 90, 198, 86, 57, 141, 138, 46, 209, 157, 42, 133, 200, 237, 211, 236, 42, 239])); + p384B = _tuple$2[0]; + _tuple$3 = NewP384Point().SetBytes(new sliceType([4, 170, 135, 202, 34, 190, 139, 5, 55, 142, 177, 199, 30, 243, 32, 173, 116, 110, 29, 59, 98, 139, 167, 155, 152, 89, 247, 65, 224, 130, 84, 42, 56, 85, 2, 242, 93, 191, 85, 41, 108, 58, 84, 94, 56, 114, 118, 10, 183, 54, 23, 222, 74, 150, 38, 44, 111, 93, 158, 152, 191, 146, 146, 220, 41, 248, 244, 29, 189, 40, 154, 20, 124, 233, 218, 49, 19, 181, 240, 184, 192, 10, 96, 177, 206, 29, 126, 129, 157, 122, 67, 29, 124, 144, 234, 14, 95])); + p384G = _tuple$3[0]; + _tuple$4 = new fiat.P224Element.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()).SetBytes(new sliceType([180, 5, 10, 133, 12, 4, 179, 171, 245, 65, 50, 86, 80, 68, 176, 183, 215, 191, 216, 186, 39, 11, 57, 67, 35, 85, 255, 180])); + p224B = _tuple$4[0]; + _tuple$5 = NewP224Point().SetBytes(new sliceType([4, 183, 14, 12, 189, 107, 180, 191, 127, 50, 19, 144, 185, 74, 3, 193, 211, 86, 194, 17, 34, 52, 50, 128, 214, 17, 92, 29, 33, 189, 55, 99, 136, 181, 247, 35, 251, 76, 34, 223, 230, 205, 67, 117, 160, 90, 7, 71, 100, 68, 213, 129, 153, 133, 0, 126, 52])); + p224G = _tuple$5[0]; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/elliptic"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, nistec, rand, io, big, sync, p521Curve, p384Curve, p256Curve, p224Curve, Curve, CurveParams, ptrType, ptrType$1, sliceType, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, arrayType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, arrayType$3, sliceType$1, arrayType$4, arrayType$5, ptrType$4, sliceType$2, p521, p384, p256, p256Params, p256RInverse, p256One, p256One$24ptr, p256Precomputed, p256Zero31, p224, mask, initonce, initP521, p521PointFromAffine, p521PointToAffine, p521RandomPoint, bigFromDecimal, bigFromHex, initP384, p384PointFromAffine, p384PointToAffine, p384RandomPoint, initP256Arch, initP256, p256GetScalar, nonZeroToAllOnes, p256ReduceCarry, p256Sum, p256Diff, p256ReduceDegree, p256Square, p256Mul, p256Assign, p256Invert, p256Scalar3, p256Scalar4, p256Scalar8, p256PointDouble, p256PointAddMixed, p256PointAdd, p256CopyConditional, p256SelectAffinePoint, p256SelectJacobianPoint, p256GetBit, p256ScalarBaseMult, p256PointToAffine, p256ToAffine, p256ScalarMult, p256FromBig, p256ToBig, initP224, p224PointFromAffine, p224PointToAffine, p224RandomPoint, matchesSpecificCurve, zForAffine, GenerateKey, Marshal, Unmarshal, initAll, P224, P256, P384, P521; + nistec = $packages["crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec"]; + rand = $packages["crypto/rand"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + big = $packages["math/big"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + p521Curve = $pkg.p521Curve = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "elliptic.p521Curve", true, "crypto/elliptic", false, function(params_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.params = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.params = params_; + }); + p384Curve = $pkg.p384Curve = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "elliptic.p384Curve", true, "crypto/elliptic", false, function(params_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.params = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.params = params_; + }); + p256Curve = $pkg.p256Curve = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "elliptic.p256Curve", true, "crypto/elliptic", false, function(CurveParams_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.CurveParams = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.CurveParams = CurveParams_; + }); + p224Curve = $pkg.p224Curve = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "elliptic.p224Curve", true, "crypto/elliptic", false, function(params_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.params = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.params = params_; + }); + Curve = $pkg.Curve = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "elliptic.Curve", true, "crypto/elliptic", true, null); + CurveParams = $pkg.CurveParams = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "elliptic.CurveParams", true, "crypto/elliptic", true, function(P_, N_, B_, Gx_, Gy_, BitSize_, Name_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.P = ptrType$1.nil; + this.N = ptrType$1.nil; + this.B = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Gx = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Gy = ptrType$1.nil; + this.BitSize = 0; + this.Name = ""; + return; + } + this.P = P_; + this.N = N_; + this.B = B_; + this.Gx = Gx_; + this.Gy = Gy_; + this.BitSize = BitSize_; + this.Name = Name_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(CurveParams); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(big.Int); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(nistec.P521Point); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(nistec.P384Point); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint32, 9); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint32, 18); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint64, 17); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint32); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType(arrayType$1, 3); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType(arrayType$4, 16); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(nistec.P224Point); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(Curve); + initP521 = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = bigFromDecimal("6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397656052122559640661454554977296311391480858037121987999716643812574028291115057151"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = bigFromDecimal("6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397655394245057746333217197532963996371363321113864768612440380340372808892707005449"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = bigFromHex("0051953eb9618e1c9a1f929a21a0b68540eea2da725b99b315f3b8b489918ef109e156193951ec7e937b1652c0bd3bb1bf073573df883d2c34f1ef451fd46b503f00"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = bigFromHex("00c6858e06b70404e9cd9e3ecb662395b4429c648139053fb521f828af606b4d3dbaa14b5e77efe75928fe1dc127a2ffa8de3348b3c1856a429bf97e7e31c2e5bd66"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = bigFromHex("011839296a789a3bc0045c8a5fb42c7d1bd998f54449579b446817afbd17273e662c97ee72995ef42640c550b9013fad0761353c7086a272c24088be94769fd16650"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p521.params = new CurveParams.ptr(_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, 521, "P-521"); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: initP521, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, $s};return $f; + }; + p521Curve.ptr.prototype.Params = function() { + var curve; + curve = this; + return curve.params; + }; + p521Curve.prototype.Params = function() { return this.$val.Params(); }; + p521Curve.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _tuple, curve, ok, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + if ((x.Sign() === 0) && (y.Sign() === 0)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r = p521PointFromAffine(x, y); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p521Curve.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, curve, ok, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p521Curve.prototype.IsOnCurve = function(x, y) { return this.$val.IsOnCurve(x, y); }; + p521PointFromAffine = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, err, ok, p, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = ptrType$2.nil; + ok = false; + if ((x.Sign() === 0) && (y.Sign() === 0)) { + _tmp = nistec.NewP521Point(); + _tmp$1 = true; + p = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + if (x.Sign() < 0 || y.Sign() < 0) { + _tmp$2 = ptrType$2.nil; + _tmp$3 = false; + p = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + if (x.BitLen() > 521 || y.BitLen() > 521) { + _tmp$4 = ptrType$2.nil; + _tmp$5 = false; + p = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + _r = P521(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = Marshal(_r, x, y); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = nistec.NewP521Point().SetBytes(_r$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + p = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = ptrType$2.nil; + _tmp$7 = false; + p = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + _tmp$8 = p; + _tmp$9 = true; + p = _tmp$8; + ok = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p521PointFromAffine, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, err, ok, p, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p521PointToAffine = function(p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, out, p, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = ptrType$1.nil; + y = ptrType$1.nil; + out = p.Bytes(); + if ((out.$length === 1) && ((0 >= out.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + 0]) === 0)) { + _tmp = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + } + _r = P521(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = Unmarshal(_r, out); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + x = _tuple[0]; + y = _tuple[1]; + if (x === ptrType$1.nil) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: internal error: Unmarshal rejected a valid point encoding")); + } + _tmp$2 = x; + _tmp$3 = y; + x = _tmp$2; + y = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p521PointToAffine, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, out, p, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p521RandomPoint = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = ptrType$1.nil; + y = ptrType$1.nil; + _r = P521(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = GenerateKey(_r, rand.Reader); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + x = _tuple[1]; + y = _tuple[2]; + err = _tuple[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: failed to generate random point")); + } + _tmp = x; + _tmp$1 = y; + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p521RandomPoint, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p521Curve.ptr.prototype.Add = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, ok, p1, p2, x1, x2, y1, y2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x1, y1, x2, y2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = p521PointFromAffine(x1, y1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = p521RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = p521PointFromAffine(x2, y2); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + p2 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = p521RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$4 = p521PointToAffine(p1.Add(p1, p2)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$4; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p521Curve.ptr.prototype.Add, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, ok, p1, p2, x1, x2, y1, y2, $s};return $f; + }; + p521Curve.prototype.Add = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return this.$val.Add(x1, y1, x2, y2); }; + p521Curve.ptr.prototype.Double = function(x1, y1) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, x1, y1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x1, y1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = p521PointFromAffine(x1, y1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = p521RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = p521PointToAffine(p.Double(p)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p521Curve.ptr.prototype.Double, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, x1, y1, $s};return $f; + }; + p521Curve.prototype.Double = function(x1, y1) { return this.$val.Double(x1, y1); }; + p521Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult = function(Bx, By, scalar) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, Bx, By, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, scalar, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {Bx, By, scalar}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = p521PointFromAffine(Bx, By); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = p521RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = p521PointToAffine(p.ScalarMult(p, scalar)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p521Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, Bx, By, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, scalar, $s};return $f; + }; + p521Curve.prototype.ScalarMult = function(Bx, By, scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarMult(Bx, By, scalar); }; + p521Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(scalar) { + var {$24r, _r, p, scalar, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {scalar}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = nistec.NewP521Generator(); + _r = p521PointToAffine(p.ScalarMult(p, scalar)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p521Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, p, scalar, $s};return $f; + }; + p521Curve.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(scalar); }; + bigFromDecimal = function(s) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetString(s, 10); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $panic(new $String("invalid encoding")); + } + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: bigFromDecimal, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + bigFromHex = function(s) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetString(s, 16); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + b = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $panic(new $String("invalid encoding")); + } + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: bigFromHex, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + initP384 = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = bigFromDecimal("39402006196394479212279040100143613805079739270465446667948293404245721771496870329047266088258938001861606973112319"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = bigFromDecimal("39402006196394479212279040100143613805079739270465446667946905279627659399113263569398956308152294913554433653942643"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = bigFromHex("b3312fa7e23ee7e4988e056be3f82d19181d9c6efe8141120314088f5013875ac656398d8a2ed19d2a85c8edd3ec2aef"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = bigFromHex("aa87ca22be8b05378eb1c71ef320ad746e1d3b628ba79b9859f741e082542a385502f25dbf55296c3a545e3872760ab7"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = bigFromHex("3617de4a96262c6f5d9e98bf9292dc29f8f41dbd289a147ce9da3113b5f0b8c00a60b1ce1d7e819d7a431d7c90ea0e5f"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p384.params = new CurveParams.ptr(_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, 384, "P-384"); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: initP384, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, $s};return $f; + }; + p384Curve.ptr.prototype.Params = function() { + var curve; + curve = this; + return curve.params; + }; + p384Curve.prototype.Params = function() { return this.$val.Params(); }; + p384Curve.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _tuple, curve, ok, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + if ((x.Sign() === 0) && (y.Sign() === 0)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r = p384PointFromAffine(x, y); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p384Curve.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, curve, ok, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p384Curve.prototype.IsOnCurve = function(x, y) { return this.$val.IsOnCurve(x, y); }; + p384PointFromAffine = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, err, ok, p, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = ptrType$3.nil; + ok = false; + if ((x.Sign() === 0) && (y.Sign() === 0)) { + _tmp = nistec.NewP384Point(); + _tmp$1 = true; + p = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + if (x.Sign() < 0 || y.Sign() < 0) { + _tmp$2 = ptrType$3.nil; + _tmp$3 = false; + p = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + if (x.BitLen() > 384 || y.BitLen() > 384) { + _tmp$4 = ptrType$3.nil; + _tmp$5 = false; + p = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + _r = P384(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = Marshal(_r, x, y); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = nistec.NewP384Point().SetBytes(_r$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + p = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = ptrType$3.nil; + _tmp$7 = false; + p = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + _tmp$8 = p; + _tmp$9 = true; + p = _tmp$8; + ok = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p384PointFromAffine, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, err, ok, p, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p384PointToAffine = function(p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, out, p, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = ptrType$1.nil; + y = ptrType$1.nil; + out = p.Bytes(); + if ((out.$length === 1) && ((0 >= out.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + 0]) === 0)) { + _tmp = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + } + _r = P384(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = Unmarshal(_r, out); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + x = _tuple[0]; + y = _tuple[1]; + if (x === ptrType$1.nil) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: internal error: Unmarshal rejected a valid point encoding")); + } + _tmp$2 = x; + _tmp$3 = y; + x = _tmp$2; + y = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p384PointToAffine, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, out, p, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p384RandomPoint = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = ptrType$1.nil; + y = ptrType$1.nil; + _r = P384(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = GenerateKey(_r, rand.Reader); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + x = _tuple[1]; + y = _tuple[2]; + err = _tuple[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: failed to generate random point")); + } + _tmp = x; + _tmp$1 = y; + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p384RandomPoint, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p384Curve.ptr.prototype.Add = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, ok, p1, p2, x1, x2, y1, y2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x1, y1, x2, y2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = p384PointFromAffine(x1, y1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = p384RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = p384PointFromAffine(x2, y2); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + p2 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = p384RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$4 = p384PointToAffine(p1.Add(p1, p2)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$4; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p384Curve.ptr.prototype.Add, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, ok, p1, p2, x1, x2, y1, y2, $s};return $f; + }; + p384Curve.prototype.Add = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return this.$val.Add(x1, y1, x2, y2); }; + p384Curve.ptr.prototype.Double = function(x1, y1) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, x1, y1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x1, y1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = p384PointFromAffine(x1, y1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = p384RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = p384PointToAffine(p.Double(p)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p384Curve.ptr.prototype.Double, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, x1, y1, $s};return $f; + }; + p384Curve.prototype.Double = function(x1, y1) { return this.$val.Double(x1, y1); }; + p384Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult = function(Bx, By, scalar) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, Bx, By, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, scalar, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {Bx, By, scalar}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = p384PointFromAffine(Bx, By); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = p384RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = p384PointToAffine(p.ScalarMult(p, scalar)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p384Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, Bx, By, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, scalar, $s};return $f; + }; + p384Curve.prototype.ScalarMult = function(Bx, By, scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarMult(Bx, By, scalar); }; + p384Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(scalar) { + var {$24r, _r, p, scalar, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {scalar}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = nistec.NewP384Generator(); + _r = p384PointToAffine(p.ScalarMult(p, scalar)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p384Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, p, scalar, $s};return $f; + }; + p384Curve.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(scalar); }; + initP256Arch = function() { + p256Curve.copy(p256, new p256Curve.ptr(p256Params)); + }; + initP256 = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p256Params = new CurveParams.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0, "P-256"); + _r = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetString("115792089210356248762697446949407573530086143415290314195533631308867097853951", 10); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p256Params.P = _tuple[0]; + _r$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetString("115792089210356248762697446949407573529996955224135760342422259061068512044369", 10); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + p256Params.N = _tuple$1[0]; + _r$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetString("5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b", 16); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + p256Params.B = _tuple$2[0]; + _r$3 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetString("6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296", 16); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$3; + p256Params.Gx = _tuple$3[0]; + _r$4 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetString("4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5", 16); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$4; + p256Params.Gy = _tuple$4[0]; + p256Params.BitSize = 256; + _r$5 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetString("7fffffff00000001fffffffe8000000100000000ffffffff0000000180000000", 16); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$5; + p256RInverse = _tuple$5[0]; + initP256Arch(); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: initP256, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, $s};return $f; + }; + p256Curve.ptr.prototype.Params = function() { + var curve; + curve = this; + return curve.CurveParams; + }; + p256Curve.prototype.Params = function() { return this.$val.Params(); }; + p256GetScalar = function(out, in$1) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, i, in$1, n, out, scalarBytes, v, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(in$1); + scalarBytes = sliceType.nil; + /* */ if (n.Cmp(p256Params.N) >= 0 || in$1.$length > 32) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (n.Cmp(p256Params.N) >= 0 || in$1.$length > 32) { */ case 1: + _r = n.Mod(n, p256Params.N); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + scalarBytes = n.Bytes(); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + scalarBytes = in$1; + /* } */ case 3: + _ref = scalarBytes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + (x = scalarBytes.$length - ((1 + i >> 0)) >> 0, out.nilCheck, ((x < 0 || x >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[x] = v)); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p256GetScalar, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, i, in$1, n, out, scalarBytes, v, x, $s};return $f; + }; + p256Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(scalar) { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, scalar, scalarReversed, x, x1, y, y1, z1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {scalar}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + scalarReversed = [scalarReversed]; + x1 = [x1]; + y1 = [y1]; + z1 = [z1]; + x = ptrType$1.nil; + y = ptrType$1.nil; + scalarReversed[0] = arrayType.zero(); + $r = p256GetScalar(scalarReversed[0], scalar); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$2 = arrayType$1.zero(); + x1[0] = $clone(_tmp, arrayType$1); + y1[0] = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType$1); + z1[0] = $clone(_tmp$2, arrayType$1); + p256ScalarBaseMult(x1[0], y1[0], z1[0], scalarReversed[0]); + _r = p256ToAffine(x1[0], y1[0], z1[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + x = _tuple[0]; + y = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [x, y]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p256Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, scalar, scalarReversed, x, x1, y, y1, z1, $s};return $f; + }; + p256Curve.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(scalar); }; + p256Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult = function(bigX, bigY, scalar) { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, bigX, bigY, px, py, scalar, scalarReversed, x, x1, y, y1, z1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {bigX, bigY, scalar}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + px = [px]; + py = [py]; + scalarReversed = [scalarReversed]; + x1 = [x1]; + y1 = [y1]; + z1 = [z1]; + x = ptrType$1.nil; + y = ptrType$1.nil; + scalarReversed[0] = arrayType.zero(); + $r = p256GetScalar(scalarReversed[0], scalar); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$2 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$3 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$4 = arrayType$1.zero(); + px[0] = $clone(_tmp, arrayType$1); + py[0] = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType$1); + x1[0] = $clone(_tmp$2, arrayType$1); + y1[0] = $clone(_tmp$3, arrayType$1); + z1[0] = $clone(_tmp$4, arrayType$1); + $r = p256FromBig(px[0], bigX); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p256FromBig(py[0], bigY); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p256ScalarMult(x1[0], y1[0], z1[0], px[0], py[0], scalarReversed[0]); + _r = p256ToAffine(x1[0], y1[0], z1[0]); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + x = _tuple[0]; + y = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [x, y]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p256Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, bigX, bigY, px, py, scalar, scalarReversed, x, x1, y, y1, z1, $s};return $f; + }; + p256Curve.prototype.ScalarMult = function(bigX, bigY, scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarMult(bigX, bigY, scalar); }; + nonZeroToAllOnes = function(x) { + var x; + return ((((x - 1 >>> 0)) >>> 31 >>> 0)) - 1 >>> 0; + }; + p256ReduceCarry = function(inout, carry) { + var carry, carry_mask, inout; + carry_mask = nonZeroToAllOnes(carry); + inout[0] = (inout[0] + ((carry << 1 >>> 0)) >>> 0); + inout[3] = (inout[3] + (((268435456 & carry_mask) >>> 0)) >>> 0); + inout[3] = (inout[3] - ((carry << 11 >>> 0)) >>> 0); + inout[4] = (inout[4] + (((536870911 & carry_mask) >>> 0)) >>> 0); + inout[5] = (inout[5] + (((268435455 & carry_mask) >>> 0)) >>> 0); + inout[6] = (inout[6] + (((536870911 & carry_mask) >>> 0)) >>> 0); + inout[6] = (inout[6] - ((carry << 22 >>> 0)) >>> 0); + inout[7] = (inout[7] - (((1 & carry_mask) >>> 0)) >>> 0); + inout[7] = (inout[7] + ((carry << 25 >>> 0)) >>> 0); + }; + p256Sum = function(out, in$1, in2) { + var carry, i, in$1, in2, out, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + carry = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + out.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[i] = ((x = in$1, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])) + (x$1 = in2, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i])) >>> 0)); + (x$3 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[i] = ((x$2 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = (x$4 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[i])) >>> 29 >>> 0; + (x$6 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[i] = (((x$5 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[i])) & (536870911)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i === 9) { + break; + } + out.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[i] = ((x$7 = in$1, ((i < 0 || i >= x$7.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7[i])) + (x$8 = in2, ((i < 0 || i >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[i])) >>> 0)); + (x$10 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[i] = ((x$9 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$9.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9[i])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = (x$11 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$11.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11[i])) >>> 28 >>> 0; + (x$13 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$13.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$13[i] = (((x$12 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$12.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12[i])) & (268435455)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + p256ReduceCarry(out, carry); + }; + p256Diff = function(out, in$1, in2) { + var carry, i, in$1, in2, out, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + carry = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + out.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[i] = ((x = in$1, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])) - (x$1 = in2, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i])) >>> 0)); + (x$3 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[i] = ((x$2 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])) + (((i < 0 || i >= p256Zero31.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p256Zero31[i])) >>> 0))); + (x$5 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[i] = ((x$4 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[i])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = (x$6 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[i])) >>> 29 >>> 0; + (x$8 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[i] = (((x$7 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$7.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7[i])) & (536870911)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i === 9) { + break; + } + out.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[i] = ((x$9 = in$1, ((i < 0 || i >= x$9.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9[i])) - (x$10 = in2, ((i < 0 || i >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[i])) >>> 0)); + (x$12 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$12.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12[i] = ((x$11 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$11.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11[i])) + (((i < 0 || i >= p256Zero31.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p256Zero31[i])) >>> 0))); + (x$14 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$14.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$14[i] = ((x$13 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$13.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$13[i])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = (x$15 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$15.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$15[i])) >>> 28 >>> 0; + (x$17 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$17.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$17[i] = (((x$16 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$16.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$16[i])) & (268435455)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + p256ReduceCarry(out, carry); + }; + p256ReduceDegree = function(out, tmp) { + var _index, _index$1, _index$10, _index$11, _index$12, _index$13, _index$14, _index$15, _index$16, _index$17, _index$18, _index$19, _index$2, _index$20, _index$21, _index$22, _index$23, _index$24, _index$3, _index$4, _index$5, _index$6, _index$7, _index$8, _index$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, carry, i, i$1, i$2, out, tmp, tmp2, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, xMask; + tmp2 = arrayType$2.zero(); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + carry = _tmp; + x = _tmp$1; + xMask = _tmp$2; + tmp2[0] = ((((tmp[0].$low >>> 0)) & 536870911) >>> 0); + tmp2[1] = (((tmp[0].$low >>> 0)) >>> 29 >>> 0); + tmp2[1] = ((tmp2[1] | ((((((($shiftRightUint64(tmp[0], 32).$low >>> 0)) << 3 >>> 0)) & 268435455) >>> 0))) >>> 0); + tmp2[1] = (tmp2[1] + (((((tmp[1].$low >>> 0)) & 268435455) >>> 0)) >>> 0); + carry = tmp2[1] >>> 28 >>> 0; + tmp2[1] = ((tmp2[1] & (268435455)) >>> 0); + i = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 17)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = (((($shiftRightUint64((x$1 = i - 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= tmp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp[x$1])), 32).$low >>> 0))) >>> 25 >>> 0)); + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = (((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) + ((((((x$2 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= tmp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp[x$2])).$low >>> 0))) >>> 28 >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = (((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) + ((((((($shiftRightUint64((x$3 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= tmp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp[x$3])), 32).$low >>> 0)) << 4 >>> 0)) & 536870911) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = (((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) + (((((((i < 0 || i >= tmp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp[i]).$low >>> 0)) & 536870911) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = (((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) + (carry) >>> 0)); + carry = ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) >>> 29 >>> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) & (536870911)) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i === 17) { + break; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = ((($shiftRightUint64((x$4 = i - 2 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= tmp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp[x$4])), 32).$low >>> 0)) >>> 25 >>> 0)); + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = (((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) + (((((x$5 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= tmp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp[x$5])).$low >>> 0)) >>> 29 >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = (((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) + (((((((($shiftRightUint64((x$6 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= tmp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp[x$6])), 32).$low >>> 0))) << 3 >>> 0)) & 268435455) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = (((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) + (((((((i < 0 || i >= tmp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp[i]).$low >>> 0)) & 268435455) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = (((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) + (carry) >>> 0)); + carry = ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) >>> 28 >>> 0; + ((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i]) & (268435455)) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + tmp2[17] = ((($shiftRightUint64(tmp[15], 32).$low >>> 0)) >>> 25 >>> 0); + tmp2[17] = (tmp2[17] + ((((tmp[16].$low >>> 0)) >>> 29 >>> 0)) >>> 0); + tmp2[17] = (tmp2[17] + (((($shiftRightUint64(tmp[16], 32).$low >>> 0)) << 3 >>> 0)) >>> 0); + tmp2[17] = (tmp2[17] + (carry) >>> 0); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + _index = i$1 + 1 >> 0; + ((_index < 0 || _index >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index] = (((_index < 0 || _index >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index]) + ((((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i$1]) >>> 29 >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + x = (((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i$1]) & 536870911) >>> 0; + xMask = nonZeroToAllOnes(x); + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[i$1] = 0); + _index$1 = i$1 + 3 >> 0; + ((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$1] = (((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$1]) + (((((x << 10 >>> 0)) & 268435455) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$2 = i$1 + 4 >> 0; + ((_index$2 < 0 || _index$2 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$2] = (((_index$2 < 0 || _index$2 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$2]) + (((x >>> 18 >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + _index$3 = i$1 + 6 >> 0; + ((_index$3 < 0 || _index$3 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$3] = (((_index$3 < 0 || _index$3 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$3]) + (((((x << 21 >>> 0)) & 536870911) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$4 = i$1 + 7 >> 0; + ((_index$4 < 0 || _index$4 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$4] = (((_index$4 < 0 || _index$4 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$4]) + ((x >>> 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$5 = i$1 + 7 >> 0; + ((_index$5 < 0 || _index$5 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$5] = (((_index$5 < 0 || _index$5 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$5]) + (((268435456 & xMask) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$6 = i$1 + 8 >> 0; + ((_index$6 < 0 || _index$6 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$6] = (((_index$6 < 0 || _index$6 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$6]) + (((((x - 1 >>> 0)) & xMask) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$7 = i$1 + 7 >> 0; + ((_index$7 < 0 || _index$7 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$7] = (((_index$7 < 0 || _index$7 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$7]) - (((((x << 24 >>> 0)) & 268435455) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$8 = i$1 + 8 >> 0; + ((_index$8 < 0 || _index$8 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$8] = (((_index$8 < 0 || _index$8 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$8]) - ((x >>> 4 >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$9 = i$1 + 8 >> 0; + ((_index$9 < 0 || _index$9 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$9] = (((_index$9 < 0 || _index$9 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$9]) + (((536870912 & xMask) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$10 = i$1 + 8 >> 0; + ((_index$10 < 0 || _index$10 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$10] = (((_index$10 < 0 || _index$10 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$10]) - (x) >>> 0)); + _index$11 = i$1 + 8 >> 0; + ((_index$11 < 0 || _index$11 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$11] = (((_index$11 < 0 || _index$11 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$11]) + (((((x << 28 >>> 0)) & 536870911) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$12 = i$1 + 9 >> 0; + ((_index$12 < 0 || _index$12 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$12] = (((_index$12 < 0 || _index$12 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$12]) + (((((((x >>> 1 >>> 0)) - 1 >>> 0)) & xMask) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + if ((i$1 + 1 >> 0) === 9) { + break; + } + _index$13 = i$1 + 2 >> 0; + ((_index$13 < 0 || _index$13 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$13] = (((_index$13 < 0 || _index$13 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$13]) + (((x$7 = i$1 + 1 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[x$7])) >>> 28 >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + x = ((x$8 = i$1 + 1 >> 0, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[x$8])) & 268435455) >>> 0; + xMask = nonZeroToAllOnes(x); + (x$9 = i$1 + 1 >> 0, ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[x$9] = 0)); + _index$14 = i$1 + 4 >> 0; + ((_index$14 < 0 || _index$14 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$14] = (((_index$14 < 0 || _index$14 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$14]) + (((((x << 11 >>> 0)) & 536870911) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$15 = i$1 + 5 >> 0; + ((_index$15 < 0 || _index$15 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$15] = (((_index$15 < 0 || _index$15 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$15]) + (((x >>> 18 >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + _index$16 = i$1 + 7 >> 0; + ((_index$16 < 0 || _index$16 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$16] = (((_index$16 < 0 || _index$16 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$16]) + (((((x << 21 >>> 0)) & 268435455) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$17 = i$1 + 8 >> 0; + ((_index$17 < 0 || _index$17 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$17] = (((_index$17 < 0 || _index$17 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$17]) + ((x >>> 7 >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$18 = i$1 + 8 >> 0; + ((_index$18 < 0 || _index$18 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$18] = (((_index$18 < 0 || _index$18 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$18]) + (((536870912 & xMask) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$19 = i$1 + 9 >> 0; + ((_index$19 < 0 || _index$19 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$19] = (((_index$19 < 0 || _index$19 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$19]) + (((((x - 1 >>> 0)) & xMask) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$20 = i$1 + 8 >> 0; + ((_index$20 < 0 || _index$20 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$20] = (((_index$20 < 0 || _index$20 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$20]) - (((((x << 25 >>> 0)) & 536870911) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$21 = i$1 + 9 >> 0; + ((_index$21 < 0 || _index$21 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$21] = (((_index$21 < 0 || _index$21 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$21]) - ((x >>> 4 >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$22 = i$1 + 9 >> 0; + ((_index$22 < 0 || _index$22 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$22] = (((_index$22 < 0 || _index$22 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$22]) + (((268435456 & xMask) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + _index$23 = i$1 + 9 >> 0; + ((_index$23 < 0 || _index$23 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$23] = (((_index$23 < 0 || _index$23 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$23]) - (x) >>> 0)); + _index$24 = i$1 + 10 >> 0; + ((_index$24 < 0 || _index$24 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$24] = (((_index$24 < 0 || _index$24 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[_index$24]) + (((((x - 1 >>> 0)) & xMask) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); + i$1 = i$1 + (2) >> 0; + } + carry = 0; + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 8)) { break; } + out.nilCheck, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[i$2] = (x$10 = i$2 + 9 >> 0, ((x$10 < 0 || x$10 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[x$10]))); + (x$12 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$12.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12[i$2] = ((x$11 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$11.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11[i$2])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + (x$15 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$15.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$15[i$2] = ((x$13 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$13.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$13[i$2])) + ((((((x$14 = i$2 + 10 >> 0, ((x$14 < 0 || x$14 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[x$14])) << 28 >>> 0)) & 536870911) >>> 0)) >>> 0))); + carry = (x$16 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$16.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$16[i$2])) >>> 29 >>> 0; + (x$18 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$18.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$18[i$2] = (((x$17 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$17.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$17[i$2])) & (536870911)) >>> 0))); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + out.nilCheck, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[i$2] = ((x$19 = i$2 + 9 >> 0, ((x$19 < 0 || x$19 >= tmp2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : tmp2[x$19])) >>> 1 >>> 0)); + (x$21 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$21.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$21[i$2] = ((x$20 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$20.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$20[i$2])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = (x$22 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$22.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$22[i$2])) >>> 28 >>> 0; + (x$24 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$24.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$24[i$2] = (((x$23 = out, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$23.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$23[i$2])) & (268435455)) >>> 0))); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + out.nilCheck, out[8] = tmp2[17]; + out[8] = (out[8] + (carry) >>> 0); + carry = out[8] >>> 29 >>> 0; + out[8] = ((out[8] & (536870911)) >>> 0); + p256ReduceCarry(out, carry); + }; + p256Square = function(out, in$1) { + var in$1, out, tmp, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + tmp = arrayType$3.zero(); + tmp[0] = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), (new $Uint64(0, in$1[0]))); + tmp[1] = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), 1))); + tmp[2] = (x = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), 1))), x$1 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), 1))), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + tmp[3] = (x$2 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), 1))), x$3 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + tmp[4] = (x$4 = (x$5 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), 1))), x$6 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), 2))), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)), x$7 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), (new $Uint64(0, in$1[2]))), new $Uint64(x$4.$high + x$7.$high, x$4.$low + x$7.$low)); + tmp[5] = (x$8 = (x$9 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), 1))), x$10 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + x$10.$high, x$9.$low + x$10.$low)), x$11 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$8.$high + x$11.$high, x$8.$low + x$11.$low)); + tmp[6] = (x$12 = (x$13 = (x$14 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), 1))), x$15 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), 2))), new $Uint64(x$14.$high + x$15.$high, x$14.$low + x$15.$low)), x$16 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$13.$high + x$16.$high, x$13.$low + x$16.$low)), x$17 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$12.$high + x$17.$high, x$12.$low + x$17.$low)); + tmp[7] = (x$18 = (x$19 = (x$20 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), 1))), x$21 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$20.$high + x$21.$high, x$20.$low + x$21.$low)), x$22 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$19.$high + x$22.$high, x$19.$low + x$22.$low)), x$23 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$18.$high + x$23.$high, x$18.$low + x$23.$low)); + tmp[8] = (x$24 = (x$25 = (x$26 = (x$27 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), 1))), x$28 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), 2))), new $Uint64(x$27.$high + x$28.$high, x$27.$low + x$28.$low)), x$29 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$26.$high + x$29.$high, x$26.$low + x$29.$low)), x$30 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), 2))), new $Uint64(x$25.$high + x$30.$high, x$25.$low + x$30.$low)), x$31 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), (new $Uint64(0, in$1[4]))), new $Uint64(x$24.$high + x$31.$high, x$24.$low + x$31.$low)); + tmp[9] = (x$32 = (x$33 = (x$34 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), 1))), x$35 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$34.$high + x$35.$high, x$34.$low + x$35.$low)), x$36 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$33.$high + x$36.$high, x$33.$low + x$36.$low)), x$37 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$32.$high + x$37.$high, x$32.$low + x$37.$low)); + tmp[10] = (x$38 = (x$39 = (x$40 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), 1))), x$41 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), 2))), new $Uint64(x$40.$high + x$41.$high, x$40.$low + x$41.$low)), x$42 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$39.$high + x$42.$high, x$39.$low + x$42.$low)), x$43 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$38.$high + x$43.$high, x$38.$low + x$43.$low)); + tmp[11] = (x$44 = (x$45 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), 1))), x$46 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$45.$high + x$46.$high, x$45.$low + x$46.$low)), x$47 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$44.$high + x$47.$high, x$44.$low + x$47.$low)); + tmp[12] = (x$48 = (x$49 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), 1))), x$50 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), 2))), new $Uint64(x$49.$high + x$50.$high, x$49.$low + x$50.$low)), x$51 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), (new $Uint64(0, in$1[6]))), new $Uint64(x$48.$high + x$51.$high, x$48.$low + x$51.$low)); + tmp[13] = (x$52 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), 1))), x$53 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$52.$high + x$53.$high, x$52.$low + x$53.$low)); + tmp[14] = (x$54 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), 1))), x$55 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$54.$high + x$55.$high, x$54.$low + x$55.$low)); + tmp[15] = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), 1))); + tmp[16] = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), (new $Uint64(0, in$1[8]))); + p256ReduceDegree(out, $clone(tmp, arrayType$3)); + }; + p256Mul = function(out, in$1, in2) { + var in$1, in2, out, tmp, x, x$1, x$10, x$100, x$101, x$102, x$103, x$104, x$105, x$106, x$107, x$108, x$109, x$11, x$110, x$111, x$112, x$113, x$114, x$115, x$116, x$117, x$118, x$119, x$12, x$120, x$121, x$122, x$123, x$124, x$125, x$126, x$127, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$73, x$74, x$75, x$76, x$77, x$78, x$79, x$8, x$80, x$81, x$82, x$83, x$84, x$85, x$86, x$87, x$88, x$89, x$9, x$90, x$91, x$92, x$93, x$94, x$95, x$96, x$97, x$98, x$99; + tmp = arrayType$3.zero(); + tmp[0] = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), (new $Uint64(0, in2[0]))); + tmp[1] = (x = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[1])), 0))), x$1 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[0])), 0))), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + tmp[2] = (x$2 = (x$3 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[2])), 0))), x$4 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[1])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + x$4.$high, x$3.$low + x$4.$low)), x$5 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[0])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$5.$high, x$2.$low + x$5.$low)); + tmp[3] = (x$6 = (x$7 = (x$8 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[3])), 0))), x$9 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[2])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$8.$high + x$9.$high, x$8.$low + x$9.$low)), x$10 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[1])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + x$10.$high, x$7.$low + x$10.$low)), x$11 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[0])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$6.$high + x$11.$high, x$6.$low + x$11.$low)); + tmp[4] = (x$12 = (x$13 = (x$14 = (x$15 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[4])), 0))), x$16 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[3])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$15.$high + x$16.$high, x$15.$low + x$16.$low)), x$17 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[2])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$14.$high + x$17.$high, x$14.$low + x$17.$low)), x$18 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[1])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$13.$high + x$18.$high, x$13.$low + x$18.$low)), x$19 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[0])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$12.$high + x$19.$high, x$12.$low + x$19.$low)); + tmp[5] = (x$20 = (x$21 = (x$22 = (x$23 = (x$24 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[5])), 0))), x$25 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[4])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$24.$high + x$25.$high, x$24.$low + x$25.$low)), x$26 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[3])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$23.$high + x$26.$high, x$23.$low + x$26.$low)), x$27 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[2])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$22.$high + x$27.$high, x$22.$low + x$27.$low)), x$28 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[1])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$21.$high + x$28.$high, x$21.$low + x$28.$low)), x$29 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[0])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$20.$high + x$29.$high, x$20.$low + x$29.$low)); + tmp[6] = (x$30 = (x$31 = (x$32 = (x$33 = (x$34 = (x$35 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[6])), 0))), x$36 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[5])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$35.$high + x$36.$high, x$35.$low + x$36.$low)), x$37 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[4])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$34.$high + x$37.$high, x$34.$low + x$37.$low)), x$38 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[3])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$33.$high + x$38.$high, x$33.$low + x$38.$low)), x$39 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[2])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$32.$high + x$39.$high, x$32.$low + x$39.$low)), x$40 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[1])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$31.$high + x$40.$high, x$31.$low + x$40.$low)), x$41 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[0])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$30.$high + x$41.$high, x$30.$low + x$41.$low)); + tmp[7] = (x$42 = (x$43 = (x$44 = (x$45 = (x$46 = (x$47 = (x$48 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[7])), 0))), x$49 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[6])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$48.$high + x$49.$high, x$48.$low + x$49.$low)), x$50 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[5])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$47.$high + x$50.$high, x$47.$low + x$50.$low)), x$51 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[4])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$46.$high + x$51.$high, x$46.$low + x$51.$low)), x$52 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[3])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$45.$high + x$52.$high, x$45.$low + x$52.$low)), x$53 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[2])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$44.$high + x$53.$high, x$44.$low + x$53.$low)), x$54 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[1])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$43.$high + x$54.$high, x$43.$low + x$54.$low)), x$55 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[0])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$42.$high + x$55.$high, x$42.$low + x$55.$low)); + tmp[8] = (x$56 = (x$57 = (x$58 = (x$59 = (x$60 = (x$61 = (x$62 = (x$63 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[0])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[8])), 0))), x$64 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[7])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$63.$high + x$64.$high, x$63.$low + x$64.$low)), x$65 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[6])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$62.$high + x$65.$high, x$62.$low + x$65.$low)), x$66 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[5])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$61.$high + x$66.$high, x$61.$low + x$66.$low)), x$67 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[4])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$60.$high + x$67.$high, x$60.$low + x$67.$low)), x$68 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[3])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$59.$high + x$68.$high, x$59.$low + x$68.$low)), x$69 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[2])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$58.$high + x$69.$high, x$58.$low + x$69.$low)), x$70 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[1])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$57.$high + x$70.$high, x$57.$low + x$70.$low)), x$71 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[0])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$56.$high + x$71.$high, x$56.$low + x$71.$low)); + tmp[9] = (x$72 = (x$73 = (x$74 = (x$75 = (x$76 = (x$77 = (x$78 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[1])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[8])), 0))), x$79 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[7])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$78.$high + x$79.$high, x$78.$low + x$79.$low)), x$80 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[6])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$77.$high + x$80.$high, x$77.$low + x$80.$low)), x$81 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[5])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$76.$high + x$81.$high, x$76.$low + x$81.$low)), x$82 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[4])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$75.$high + x$82.$high, x$75.$low + x$82.$low)), x$83 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[3])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$74.$high + x$83.$high, x$74.$low + x$83.$low)), x$84 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[2])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$73.$high + x$84.$high, x$73.$low + x$84.$low)), x$85 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[1])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$72.$high + x$85.$high, x$72.$low + x$85.$low)); + tmp[10] = (x$86 = (x$87 = (x$88 = (x$89 = (x$90 = (x$91 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[2])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[8])), 0))), x$92 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[7])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$91.$high + x$92.$high, x$91.$low + x$92.$low)), x$93 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[6])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$90.$high + x$93.$high, x$90.$low + x$93.$low)), x$94 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[5])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$89.$high + x$94.$high, x$89.$low + x$94.$low)), x$95 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[4])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$88.$high + x$95.$high, x$88.$low + x$95.$low)), x$96 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[3])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$87.$high + x$96.$high, x$87.$low + x$96.$low)), x$97 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[2])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$86.$high + x$97.$high, x$86.$low + x$97.$low)); + tmp[11] = (x$98 = (x$99 = (x$100 = (x$101 = (x$102 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[3])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[8])), 0))), x$103 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[7])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$102.$high + x$103.$high, x$102.$low + x$103.$low)), x$104 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[6])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$101.$high + x$104.$high, x$101.$low + x$104.$low)), x$105 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[5])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$100.$high + x$105.$high, x$100.$low + x$105.$low)), x$106 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[4])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$99.$high + x$106.$high, x$99.$low + x$106.$low)), x$107 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[3])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$98.$high + x$107.$high, x$98.$low + x$107.$low)); + tmp[12] = (x$108 = (x$109 = (x$110 = (x$111 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[4])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[8])), 0))), x$112 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[7])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$111.$high + x$112.$high, x$111.$low + x$112.$low)), x$113 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[6])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$110.$high + x$113.$high, x$110.$low + x$113.$low)), x$114 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[5])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$109.$high + x$114.$high, x$109.$low + x$114.$low)), x$115 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[4])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$108.$high + x$115.$high, x$108.$low + x$115.$low)); + tmp[13] = (x$116 = (x$117 = (x$118 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[5])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[8])), 0))), x$119 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[7])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$118.$high + x$119.$high, x$118.$low + x$119.$low)), x$120 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[6])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$117.$high + x$120.$high, x$117.$low + x$120.$low)), x$121 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[5])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$116.$high + x$121.$high, x$116.$low + x$121.$low)); + tmp[14] = (x$122 = (x$123 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[6])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[8])), 0))), x$124 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[7])), 1))), new $Uint64(x$123.$high + x$124.$high, x$123.$low + x$124.$low)), x$125 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[6])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$122.$high + x$125.$high, x$122.$low + x$125.$low)); + tmp[15] = (x$126 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[7])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[8])), 0))), x$127 = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[7])), 0))), new $Uint64(x$126.$high + x$127.$high, x$126.$low + x$127.$low)); + tmp[16] = $mul64((new $Uint64(0, in$1[8])), ($shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, in2[8])), 0))); + p256ReduceDegree(out, $clone(tmp, arrayType$3)); + }; + p256Assign = function(out, in$1) { + var in$1, out; + arrayType$1.copy(out, in$1); + }; + p256Invert = function(out, in$1) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, e16, e2, e32, e4, e64, e8, ftmp, ftmp2, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, i$5, i$6, in$1, out; + _tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType$1.zero(); + ftmp = $clone(_tmp, arrayType$1); + ftmp2 = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType$1); + _tmp$2 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$3 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$4 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$5 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$6 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$7 = arrayType$1.zero(); + e2 = $clone(_tmp$2, arrayType$1); + e4 = $clone(_tmp$3, arrayType$1); + e8 = $clone(_tmp$4, arrayType$1); + e16 = $clone(_tmp$5, arrayType$1); + e32 = $clone(_tmp$6, arrayType$1); + e64 = $clone(_tmp$7, arrayType$1); + p256Square(ftmp, in$1); + p256Mul(ftmp, in$1, ftmp); + p256Assign(e2, ftmp); + p256Square(ftmp, ftmp); + p256Square(ftmp, ftmp); + p256Mul(ftmp, ftmp, e2); + p256Assign(e4, ftmp); + p256Square(ftmp, ftmp); + p256Square(ftmp, ftmp); + p256Square(ftmp, ftmp); + p256Square(ftmp, ftmp); + p256Mul(ftmp, ftmp, e4); + p256Assign(e8, ftmp); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 8)) { break; } + p256Square(ftmp, ftmp); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + p256Mul(ftmp, ftmp, e8); + p256Assign(e16, ftmp); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 16)) { break; } + p256Square(ftmp, ftmp); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + p256Mul(ftmp, ftmp, e16); + p256Assign(e32, ftmp); + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 32)) { break; } + p256Square(ftmp, ftmp); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + p256Assign(e64, ftmp); + p256Mul(ftmp, ftmp, in$1); + i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 < 192)) { break; } + p256Square(ftmp, ftmp); + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + p256Mul(ftmp2, e64, e32); + i$4 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$4 < 16)) { break; } + p256Square(ftmp2, ftmp2); + i$4 = i$4 + (1) >> 0; + } + p256Mul(ftmp2, ftmp2, e16); + i$5 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$5 < 8)) { break; } + p256Square(ftmp2, ftmp2); + i$5 = i$5 + (1) >> 0; + } + p256Mul(ftmp2, ftmp2, e8); + i$6 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$6 < 4)) { break; } + p256Square(ftmp2, ftmp2); + i$6 = i$6 + (1) >> 0; + } + p256Mul(ftmp2, ftmp2, e4); + p256Square(ftmp2, ftmp2); + p256Square(ftmp2, ftmp2); + p256Mul(ftmp2, ftmp2, e2); + p256Square(ftmp2, ftmp2); + p256Square(ftmp2, ftmp2); + p256Mul(ftmp2, ftmp2, in$1); + p256Mul(out, ftmp2, ftmp); + }; + p256Scalar3 = function(out) { + var carry, i, out, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + carry = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + (x$1 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i] = ($imul((x = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])), (3)) >>> 0))); + (x$3 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[i] = ((x$2 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = (x$4 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[i])) >>> 29 >>> 0; + (x$6 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[i] = (((x$5 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[i])) & (536870911)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i === 9) { + break; + } + (x$8 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[i] = ($imul((x$7 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$7.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7[i])), (3)) >>> 0))); + (x$10 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[i] = ((x$9 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$9.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9[i])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = (x$11 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$11.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11[i])) >>> 28 >>> 0; + (x$13 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$13.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$13[i] = (((x$12 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$12.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12[i])) & (268435455)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + p256ReduceCarry(out, carry); + }; + p256Scalar4 = function(out) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, carry, i, nextCarry, out, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, y$1; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + carry = _tmp; + nextCarry = _tmp$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + nextCarry = (x = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])) >>> 27 >>> 0; + (x$2 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i] = ((y = (2), y < 32 ? ((x$1 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i])) << y) : 0) >>> 0))); + (x$4 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[i] = (((x$3 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[i])) & (536870911)) >>> 0))); + (x$6 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[i] = ((x$5 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[i])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = nextCarry + (((x$7 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$7.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7[i])) >>> 29 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + (x$9 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$9.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9[i] = (((x$8 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[i])) & (536870911)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i === 9) { + break; + } + nextCarry = (x$10 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[i])) >>> 26 >>> 0; + (x$12 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$12.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12[i] = ((y$1 = (2), y$1 < 32 ? ((x$11 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$11.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11[i])) << y$1) : 0) >>> 0))); + (x$14 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$14.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$14[i] = (((x$13 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$13.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$13[i])) & (268435455)) >>> 0))); + (x$16 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$16.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$16[i] = ((x$15 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$15.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$15[i])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = nextCarry + (((x$17 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$17.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$17[i])) >>> 28 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + (x$19 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$19.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$19[i] = (((x$18 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$18.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$18[i])) & (268435455)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + p256ReduceCarry(out, carry); + }; + p256Scalar8 = function(out) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, carry, i, nextCarry, out, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, y$1; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + carry = _tmp; + nextCarry = _tmp$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + nextCarry = (x = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])) >>> 26 >>> 0; + (x$2 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i] = ((y = (3), y < 32 ? ((x$1 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i])) << y) : 0) >>> 0))); + (x$4 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[i] = (((x$3 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[i])) & (536870911)) >>> 0))); + (x$6 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[i] = ((x$5 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[i])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = nextCarry + (((x$7 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$7.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7[i])) >>> 29 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + (x$9 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$9.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9[i] = (((x$8 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[i])) & (536870911)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i === 9) { + break; + } + nextCarry = (x$10 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[i])) >>> 25 >>> 0; + (x$12 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$12.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$12[i] = ((y$1 = (3), y$1 < 32 ? ((x$11 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$11.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11[i])) << y$1) : 0) >>> 0))); + (x$14 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$14.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$14[i] = (((x$13 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$13.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$13[i])) & (268435455)) >>> 0))); + (x$16 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$16.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$16[i] = ((x$15 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$15.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$15[i])) + (carry) >>> 0))); + carry = nextCarry + (((x$17 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$17.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$17[i])) >>> 28 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + (x$19 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$19.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$19[i] = (((x$18 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$18.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$18[i])) & (268435455)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + p256ReduceCarry(out, carry); + }; + p256PointDouble = function(xOut, yOut, zOut, x, y, z) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, alpha, beta, delta, gamma, tmp, tmp2, x, xOut, y, yOut, z, zOut; + _tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$2 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$3 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$4 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$5 = arrayType$1.zero(); + delta = $clone(_tmp, arrayType$1); + gamma = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType$1); + alpha = $clone(_tmp$2, arrayType$1); + beta = $clone(_tmp$3, arrayType$1); + tmp = $clone(_tmp$4, arrayType$1); + tmp2 = $clone(_tmp$5, arrayType$1); + p256Square(delta, z); + p256Square(gamma, y); + p256Mul(beta, x, gamma); + p256Sum(tmp, x, delta); + p256Diff(tmp2, x, delta); + p256Mul(alpha, tmp, tmp2); + p256Scalar3(alpha); + p256Sum(tmp, y, z); + p256Square(tmp, tmp); + p256Diff(tmp, tmp, gamma); + p256Diff(zOut, tmp, delta); + p256Scalar4(beta); + p256Square(xOut, alpha); + p256Diff(xOut, xOut, beta); + p256Diff(xOut, xOut, beta); + p256Diff(tmp, beta, xOut); + p256Mul(tmp, alpha, tmp); + p256Square(tmp2, gamma); + p256Scalar8(tmp2); + p256Diff(yOut, tmp, tmp2); + }; + p256PointAddMixed = function(xOut, yOut, zOut, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, h, i, j, r, rr, s2, tmp, u2, v, x1, x2, xOut, y1, y2, yOut, z1, z1z1, z1z1z1, zOut; + _tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$2 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$3 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$4 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$5 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$6 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$7 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$8 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$9 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$10 = arrayType$1.zero(); + z1z1 = $clone(_tmp, arrayType$1); + z1z1z1 = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType$1); + s2 = $clone(_tmp$2, arrayType$1); + u2 = $clone(_tmp$3, arrayType$1); + h = $clone(_tmp$4, arrayType$1); + i = $clone(_tmp$5, arrayType$1); + j = $clone(_tmp$6, arrayType$1); + r = $clone(_tmp$7, arrayType$1); + rr = $clone(_tmp$8, arrayType$1); + v = $clone(_tmp$9, arrayType$1); + tmp = $clone(_tmp$10, arrayType$1); + p256Square(z1z1, z1); + p256Sum(tmp, z1, z1); + p256Mul(u2, x2, z1z1); + p256Mul(z1z1z1, z1, z1z1); + p256Mul(s2, y2, z1z1z1); + p256Diff(h, u2, x1); + p256Sum(i, h, h); + p256Square(i, i); + p256Mul(j, h, i); + p256Diff(r, s2, y1); + p256Sum(r, r, r); + p256Mul(v, x1, i); + p256Mul(zOut, tmp, h); + p256Square(rr, r); + p256Diff(xOut, rr, j); + p256Diff(xOut, xOut, v); + p256Diff(xOut, xOut, v); + p256Diff(tmp, v, xOut); + p256Mul(yOut, tmp, r); + p256Mul(tmp, y1, j); + p256Diff(yOut, yOut, tmp); + p256Diff(yOut, yOut, tmp); + }; + p256PointAdd = function(xOut, yOut, zOut, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, h, i, j, r, rr, s1, s2, tmp, u1, u2, v, x1, x2, xOut, y1, y2, yOut, z1, z1z1, z1z1z1, z2, z2z2, z2z2z2, zOut; + _tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$2 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$3 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$4 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$5 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$6 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$7 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$8 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$9 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$10 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$11 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$12 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$13 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$14 = arrayType$1.zero(); + z1z1 = $clone(_tmp, arrayType$1); + z1z1z1 = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType$1); + z2z2 = $clone(_tmp$2, arrayType$1); + z2z2z2 = $clone(_tmp$3, arrayType$1); + s1 = $clone(_tmp$4, arrayType$1); + s2 = $clone(_tmp$5, arrayType$1); + u1 = $clone(_tmp$6, arrayType$1); + u2 = $clone(_tmp$7, arrayType$1); + h = $clone(_tmp$8, arrayType$1); + i = $clone(_tmp$9, arrayType$1); + j = $clone(_tmp$10, arrayType$1); + r = $clone(_tmp$11, arrayType$1); + rr = $clone(_tmp$12, arrayType$1); + v = $clone(_tmp$13, arrayType$1); + tmp = $clone(_tmp$14, arrayType$1); + p256Square(z1z1, z1); + p256Square(z2z2, z2); + p256Mul(u1, x1, z2z2); + p256Sum(tmp, z1, z2); + p256Square(tmp, tmp); + p256Diff(tmp, tmp, z1z1); + p256Diff(tmp, tmp, z2z2); + p256Mul(z2z2z2, z2, z2z2); + p256Mul(s1, y1, z2z2z2); + p256Mul(u2, x2, z1z1); + p256Mul(z1z1z1, z1, z1z1); + p256Mul(s2, y2, z1z1z1); + p256Diff(h, u2, u1); + p256Sum(i, h, h); + p256Square(i, i); + p256Mul(j, h, i); + p256Diff(r, s2, s1); + p256Sum(r, r, r); + p256Mul(v, u1, i); + p256Mul(zOut, tmp, h); + p256Square(rr, r); + p256Diff(xOut, rr, j); + p256Diff(xOut, xOut, v); + p256Diff(xOut, xOut, v); + p256Diff(tmp, v, xOut); + p256Mul(yOut, tmp, r); + p256Mul(tmp, s1, j); + p256Diff(yOut, yOut, tmp); + p256Diff(yOut, yOut, tmp); + }; + p256CopyConditional = function(out, in$1, mask$1) { + var i, in$1, mask$1, out, tmp, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 9)) { break; } + tmp = (mask$1 & ((((x = in$1, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])) ^ (x$1 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i]))) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + (x$3 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[i] = (((x$2 = out, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])) ^ (tmp)) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + p256SelectAffinePoint = function(xOut, yOut, table, index) { + var _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, i, i$1, i$2, index, j, j$1, mask$1, table, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, xOut, yOut; + _ref = xOut; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 9)) { break; } + i = _i; + xOut.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= xOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xOut[i] = 0); + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = yOut; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < 9)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + yOut.nilCheck, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= yOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : yOut[i$1] = 0); + _i$1++; + } + i$2 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 16)) { break; } + mask$1 = (i$2 ^ index) >>> 0; + mask$1 = (mask$1 | ((mask$1 >>> 2 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + mask$1 = (mask$1 | ((mask$1 >>> 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + mask$1 = (mask$1 & (1)) >>> 0; + mask$1 = mask$1 - (1) >>> 0; + _ref$2 = xOut; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < 9)) { break; } + j = _i$2; + (x$1 = xOut, ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[j] = (((x = xOut, ((j < 0 || j >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[j])) | ((((0 >= table.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + 0]) & mask$1) >>> 0))) >>> 0))); + table = $subslice(table, 1); + _i$2++; + } + _ref$3 = yOut; + _i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$3 < 9)) { break; } + j$1 = _i$3; + (x$3 = yOut, ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[j$1] = (((x$2 = yOut, ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[j$1])) | ((((0 >= table.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : table.$array[table.$offset + 0]) & mask$1) >>> 0))) >>> 0))); + table = $subslice(table, 1); + _i$3++; + } + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >>> 0; + } + }; + p256SelectJacobianPoint = function(xOut, yOut, zOut, table, index) { + var _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _i$5, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _ref$5, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, index, j, j$1, j$2, mask$1, table, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, xOut, yOut, zOut; + _ref = xOut; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 9)) { break; } + i = _i; + xOut.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= xOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xOut[i] = 0); + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = yOut; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < 9)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + yOut.nilCheck, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= yOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : yOut[i$1] = 0); + _i$1++; + } + _ref$2 = zOut; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < 9)) { break; } + i$2 = _i$2; + zOut.nilCheck, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= zOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : zOut[i$2] = 0); + _i$2++; + } + i$3 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 < 16)) { break; } + mask$1 = (i$3 ^ index) >>> 0; + mask$1 = (mask$1 | ((mask$1 >>> 2 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + mask$1 = (mask$1 | ((mask$1 >>> 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + mask$1 = (mask$1 & (1)) >>> 0; + mask$1 = mask$1 - (1) >>> 0; + _ref$3 = xOut; + _i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$3 < 9)) { break; } + j = _i$3; + (x$3 = xOut, ((j < 0 || j >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[j] = (((x = xOut, ((j < 0 || j >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[j])) | ((((x$1 = (x$2 = table, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i$3]))[0], ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[j])) & mask$1) >>> 0))) >>> 0))); + _i$3++; + } + _ref$4 = yOut; + _i$4 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$4 < 9)) { break; } + j$1 = _i$4; + (x$7 = yOut, ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= x$7.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7[j$1] = (((x$4 = yOut, ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[j$1])) | ((((x$5 = (x$6 = table, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[i$3]))[1], ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[j$1])) & mask$1) >>> 0))) >>> 0))); + _i$4++; + } + _ref$5 = zOut; + _i$5 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$5 < 9)) { break; } + j$2 = _i$5; + (x$11 = zOut, ((j$2 < 0 || j$2 >= x$11.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11[j$2] = (((x$8 = zOut, ((j$2 < 0 || j$2 >= x$8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8[j$2])) | ((((x$9 = (x$10 = table, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$10.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10[i$3]))[2], ((j$2 < 0 || j$2 >= x$9.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9[j$2])) & mask$1) >>> 0))) >>> 0))); + _i$5++; + } + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >>> 0; + } + }; + p256GetBit = function(scalar, bit) { + var bit, scalar, x, x$1, y; + return (((((((y = (((bit & 7) >>> 0)), y < 32 ? (((x = scalar, x$1 = bit >>> 3 >>> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1]))) >>> y) : 0) << 24 >>> 24)) & 1) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + }; + p256ScalarBaseMult = function(xOut, yOut, zOut, scalar) { + var _i, _i$1, _i$2, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, bit0, bit1, bit2, bit3, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, index, j, mask$1, nIsInfinityMask, pIsNoninfiniteMask, px, py, scalar, tableOffset, tx, ty, tz, xOut, yOut, zOut; + nIsInfinityMask = 4294967295; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + pIsNoninfiniteMask = _tmp; + mask$1 = _tmp$1; + tableOffset = _tmp$2; + _tmp$3 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$4 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$5 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$6 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$7 = arrayType$1.zero(); + px = $clone(_tmp$3, arrayType$1); + py = $clone(_tmp$4, arrayType$1); + tx = $clone(_tmp$5, arrayType$1); + ty = $clone(_tmp$6, arrayType$1); + tz = $clone(_tmp$7, arrayType$1); + _ref = xOut; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 9)) { break; } + i = _i; + xOut.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= xOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xOut[i] = 0); + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = yOut; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < 9)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + yOut.nilCheck, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= yOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : yOut[i$1] = 0); + _i$1++; + } + _ref$2 = zOut; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < 9)) { break; } + i$2 = _i$2; + zOut.nilCheck, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= zOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : zOut[i$2] = 0); + _i$2++; + } + i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 < 32)) { break; } + if (!((i$3 === 0))) { + p256PointDouble(xOut, yOut, zOut, xOut, yOut, zOut); + } + tableOffset = 0; + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j <= 32)) { break; } + bit0 = p256GetBit(scalar, (31 - i$3 >>> 0) + j >>> 0); + bit1 = p256GetBit(scalar, (95 - i$3 >>> 0) + j >>> 0); + bit2 = p256GetBit(scalar, (159 - i$3 >>> 0) + j >>> 0); + bit3 = p256GetBit(scalar, (223 - i$3 >>> 0) + j >>> 0); + index = (((((bit0 | ((bit1 << 1 >>> 0))) >>> 0) | ((bit2 << 2 >>> 0))) >>> 0) | ((bit3 << 3 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + p256SelectAffinePoint(px, py, $subslice(new sliceType$1(p256Precomputed), tableOffset), index); + tableOffset = tableOffset + (270) >>> 0; + p256PointAddMixed(tx, ty, tz, xOut, yOut, zOut, px, py); + p256CopyConditional(xOut, px, nIsInfinityMask); + p256CopyConditional(yOut, py, nIsInfinityMask); + p256CopyConditional(zOut, p256One, nIsInfinityMask); + pIsNoninfiniteMask = nonZeroToAllOnes(index); + mask$1 = (pIsNoninfiniteMask & (~nIsInfinityMask >>> 0)) >>> 0; + p256CopyConditional(xOut, tx, mask$1); + p256CopyConditional(yOut, ty, mask$1); + p256CopyConditional(zOut, tz, mask$1); + nIsInfinityMask = (nIsInfinityMask & ~(pIsNoninfiniteMask)) >>> 0; + j = j + (32) >>> 0; + } + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >>> 0; + } + }; + p256PointToAffine = function(xOut, yOut, x, y, z) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, x, xOut, y, yOut, z, zInv, zInvSq; + _tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType$1.zero(); + zInv = $clone(_tmp, arrayType$1); + zInvSq = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType$1); + p256Invert(zInv, z); + p256Square(zInvSq, zInv); + p256Mul(xOut, x, zInvSq); + p256Mul(zInv, zInv, zInvSq); + p256Mul(yOut, y, zInv); + }; + p256ToAffine = function(x, y, z) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, x, xOut, xx, y, yOut, yy, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, z}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xx = [xx]; + yy = [yy]; + xOut = ptrType$1.nil; + yOut = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType$1.zero(); + xx[0] = $clone(_tmp, arrayType$1); + yy[0] = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType$1); + p256PointToAffine(xx[0], yy[0], x, y, z); + _r = p256ToBig(xx[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r; + _r$1 = p256ToBig(yy[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = _r$1; + xOut = _tmp$2; + yOut = _tmp$3; + $24r = [xOut, yOut]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p256ToAffine, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, x, xOut, xx, y, yOut, yy, z, $s};return $f; + }; + p256ScalarMult = function(xOut, yOut, zOut, x, y, scalar) { + var _i, _i$1, _i$2, _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, index, mask$1, nIsInfinityMask, pIsNoninfiniteMask, precomp, px, py, pz, scalar, tx, ty, tz, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, xOut, y, y$1, yOut, zOut; + _tmp = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$2 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$3 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$4 = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp$5 = arrayType$1.zero(); + px = $clone(_tmp, arrayType$1); + py = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType$1); + pz = $clone(_tmp$2, arrayType$1); + tx = $clone(_tmp$3, arrayType$1); + ty = $clone(_tmp$4, arrayType$1); + tz = $clone(_tmp$5, arrayType$1); + precomp = arrayType$5.zero(); + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 0; + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = 0; + nIsInfinityMask = _tmp$6; + index = _tmp$7; + pIsNoninfiniteMask = _tmp$8; + mask$1 = _tmp$9; + arrayType$1.copy(precomp[1][0], x); + arrayType$1.copy(precomp[1][1], y); + arrayType$1.copy(precomp[1][2], p256One); + i = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + p256PointDouble(((i < 0 || i >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[i])[0], ((i < 0 || i >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[i])[1], ((i < 0 || i >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[i])[2], (x$1 = (_q = i / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[x$1]))[0], (x$2 = (_q$1 = i / 2, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[x$2]))[1], (x$3 = (_q$2 = i / 2, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[x$3]))[2]); + p256PointAddMixed((x$4 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[x$4]))[0], (x$5 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[x$5]))[1], (x$6 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[x$6]))[2], ((i < 0 || i >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[i])[0], ((i < 0 || i >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[i])[1], ((i < 0 || i >= precomp.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : precomp[i])[2], x, y); + i = i + (2) >> 0; + } + _ref = xOut; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 9)) { break; } + i$1 = _i; + xOut.nilCheck, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= xOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : xOut[i$1] = 0); + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = yOut; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < 9)) { break; } + i$2 = _i$1; + yOut.nilCheck, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= yOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : yOut[i$2] = 0); + _i$1++; + } + _ref$2 = zOut; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < 9)) { break; } + i$3 = _i$2; + zOut.nilCheck, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= zOut.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : zOut[i$3] = 0); + _i$2++; + } + nIsInfinityMask = 4294967295; + i$4 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$4 < 64)) { break; } + if (!((i$4 === 0))) { + p256PointDouble(xOut, yOut, zOut, xOut, yOut, zOut); + p256PointDouble(xOut, yOut, zOut, xOut, yOut, zOut); + p256PointDouble(xOut, yOut, zOut, xOut, yOut, zOut); + p256PointDouble(xOut, yOut, zOut, xOut, yOut, zOut); + } + index = (((x$7 = scalar, x$8 = 31 - (_q$3 = i$4 / 2, (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= x$7.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7[x$8])) >>> 0)); + if (((i$4 & 1)) === 1) { + index = (index & (15)) >>> 0; + } else { + index = (y$1 = (4), y$1 < 32 ? (index >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0; + } + p256SelectJacobianPoint(px, py, pz, precomp, index); + p256PointAdd(tx, ty, tz, xOut, yOut, zOut, px, py, pz); + p256CopyConditional(xOut, px, nIsInfinityMask); + p256CopyConditional(yOut, py, nIsInfinityMask); + p256CopyConditional(zOut, pz, nIsInfinityMask); + pIsNoninfiniteMask = nonZeroToAllOnes(index); + mask$1 = (pIsNoninfiniteMask & (~nIsInfinityMask >>> 0)) >>> 0; + p256CopyConditional(xOut, tx, mask$1); + p256CopyConditional(yOut, ty, mask$1); + p256CopyConditional(zOut, tz, mask$1); + nIsInfinityMask = (nIsInfinityMask & ~(pIsNoninfiniteMask)) >>> 0; + i$4 = i$4 + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + p256FromBig = function(out, in$1) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, bits, bits$1, i, in$1, out, tmp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + tmp = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Lsh(in$1, 257); + _r = tmp.Mod(tmp, p256Params.P); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < 9)) { break; } */ if(!(i < 9)) { $s = 3; continue; } + bits = tmp.Bits(); + if (bits.$length > 0) { + out.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[i] = (((((0 >= bits.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bits.$array[bits.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) & 536870911) >>> 0)); + } else { + out.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[i] = 0); + } + _r$1 = tmp.Rsh(tmp, 29); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + if (i === 9) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + bits$1 = tmp.Bits(); + if (bits$1.$length > 0) { + out.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[i] = (((((0 >= bits$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bits$1.$array[bits$1.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) & 268435455) >>> 0)); + } else { + out.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= out.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out[i] = 0); + } + _r$2 = tmp.Rsh(tmp, 28); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p256FromBig, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, bits, bits$1, i, in$1, out, tmp, $s};return $f; + }; + p256ToBig = function(in$1) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, in$1, result, tmp, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tmp = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + result = _tmp; + tmp = _tmp$1; + result.SetInt64((new $Int64(0, in$1[8]))); + i = 7; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(i >= 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + if (((i & 1)) === 0) { + result.Lsh(result, 29); + } else { + result.Lsh(result, 28); + } + tmp.SetInt64((new $Int64(0, (x = in$1, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i]))))); + _r = result.Add(result, tmp); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + i = i - (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$1 = result.Mul(result, p256RInverse); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = result.Mod(result, p256Params.P); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return result; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p256ToBig, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, in$1, result, tmp, x, $s};return $f; + }; + initP224 = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = bigFromDecimal("26959946667150639794667015087019630673557916260026308143510066298881"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = bigFromDecimal("26959946667150639794667015087019625940457807714424391721682722368061"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = bigFromHex("b4050a850c04b3abf54132565044b0b7d7bfd8ba270b39432355ffb4"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = bigFromHex("b70e0cbd6bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c21122343280d6115c1d21"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = bigFromHex("bd376388b5f723fb4c22dfe6cd4375a05a07476444d5819985007e34"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p224.params = new CurveParams.ptr(_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, 224, "P-224"); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: initP224, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, $s};return $f; + }; + p224Curve.ptr.prototype.Params = function() { + var curve; + curve = this; + return curve.params; + }; + p224Curve.prototype.Params = function() { return this.$val.Params(); }; + p224Curve.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _tuple, curve, ok, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + if ((x.Sign() === 0) && (y.Sign() === 0)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r = p224PointFromAffine(x, y); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + ok = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p224Curve.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, curve, ok, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p224Curve.prototype.IsOnCurve = function(x, y) { return this.$val.IsOnCurve(x, y); }; + p224PointFromAffine = function(x, y) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, err, ok, p, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = ptrType$4.nil; + ok = false; + if ((x.Sign() === 0) && (y.Sign() === 0)) { + _tmp = nistec.NewP224Point(); + _tmp$1 = true; + p = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + if (x.Sign() < 0 || y.Sign() < 0) { + _tmp$2 = ptrType$4.nil; + _tmp$3 = false; + p = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + if (x.BitLen() > 224 || y.BitLen() > 224) { + _tmp$4 = ptrType$4.nil; + _tmp$5 = false; + p = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + _r = P224(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = Marshal(_r, x, y); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = nistec.NewP224Point().SetBytes(_r$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + p = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = ptrType$4.nil; + _tmp$7 = false; + p = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + } + _tmp$8 = p; + _tmp$9 = true; + p = _tmp$8; + ok = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [p, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p224PointFromAffine, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, err, ok, p, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p224PointToAffine = function(p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, out, p, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = ptrType$1.nil; + y = ptrType$1.nil; + out = p.Bytes(); + if ((out.$length === 1) && ((0 >= out.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + 0]) === 0)) { + _tmp = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + } + _r = P224(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = Unmarshal(_r, out); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + x = _tuple[0]; + y = _tuple[1]; + if (x === ptrType$1.nil) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: internal error: Unmarshal rejected a valid point encoding")); + } + _tmp$2 = x; + _tmp$3 = y; + x = _tmp$2; + y = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p224PointToAffine, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, out, p, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p224RandomPoint = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = ptrType$1.nil; + y = ptrType$1.nil; + _r = P224(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = GenerateKey(_r, rand.Reader); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + x = _tuple[1]; + y = _tuple[2]; + err = _tuple[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/elliptic: failed to generate random point")); + } + _tmp = x; + _tmp$1 = y; + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p224RandomPoint, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + p224Curve.ptr.prototype.Add = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, ok, p1, p2, x1, x2, y1, y2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x1, y1, x2, y2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = p224PointFromAffine(x1, y1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = p224RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = p224PointFromAffine(x2, y2); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + p2 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = p224RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$4 = p224PointToAffine(p1.Add(p1, p2)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$4; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p224Curve.ptr.prototype.Add, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, ok, p1, p2, x1, x2, y1, y2, $s};return $f; + }; + p224Curve.prototype.Add = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return this.$val.Add(x1, y1, x2, y2); }; + p224Curve.ptr.prototype.Double = function(x1, y1) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, x1, y1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x1, y1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = p224PointFromAffine(x1, y1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = p224RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = p224PointToAffine(p.Double(p)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p224Curve.ptr.prototype.Double, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, x1, y1, $s};return $f; + }; + p224Curve.prototype.Double = function(x1, y1) { return this.$val.Double(x1, y1); }; + p224Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult = function(Bx, By, scalar) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, Bx, By, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, scalar, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {Bx, By, scalar}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = p224PointFromAffine(Bx, By); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = p224RandomPoint(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = p224PointToAffine(p.ScalarMult(p, scalar)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p224Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, Bx, By, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, ok, p, scalar, $s};return $f; + }; + p224Curve.prototype.ScalarMult = function(Bx, By, scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarMult(Bx, By, scalar); }; + p224Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(scalar) { + var {$24r, _r, p, scalar, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {scalar}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = nistec.NewP224Generator(); + _r = p224PointToAffine(p.ScalarMult(p, scalar)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: p224Curve.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, p, scalar, $s};return $f; + }; + p224Curve.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(scalar) { return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(scalar); }; + matchesSpecificCurve = function(params, available) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, available, c, params, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {params, available}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = available; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = c.Params(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (params === _r) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (params === _r) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [c, true]; + /* } */ case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, false]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: matchesSpecificCurve, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, available, c, params, $s};return $f; + }; + CurveParams.ptr.prototype.Params = function() { + var curve; + curve = this; + return curve; + }; + CurveParams.prototype.Params = function() { return this.$val.Params(); }; + CurveParams.ptr.prototype.polynomial = function(x) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, curve, threeX, x, x3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + _r = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(x, x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x3 = _r; + _r$1 = x3.Mul(x3, x); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + threeX = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Lsh(x, 1); + _r$2 = threeX.Add(threeX, x); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = x3.Sub(x3, threeX); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = x3.Add(x3, curve.B); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = x3.Mod(x3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return x3; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CurveParams.ptr.prototype.polynomial, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, curve, threeX, x, x3, $s};return $f; + }; + CurveParams.prototype.polynomial = function(x) { return this.$val.polynomial(x); }; + CurveParams.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve = function(x, y) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, curve, ok, specific, x, y, y2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + _r = matchesSpecificCurve(curve, new sliceType$2([new p224.constructor.elem(p224), new p384.constructor.elem(p384), new p521.constructor.elem(p521)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + specific = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = specific.IsOnCurve(x, y); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + if (x.Sign() < 0 || x.Cmp(curve.P) >= 0 || y.Sign() < 0 || y.Cmp(curve.P) >= 0) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(y, y); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y2 = _r$2; + _r$3 = y2.Mod(y2, curve.P); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = curve.polynomial(x); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = _r$4.Cmp(y2); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$5 === 0; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CurveParams.ptr.prototype.IsOnCurve, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, curve, ok, specific, x, y, y2, $s};return $f; + }; + CurveParams.prototype.IsOnCurve = function(x, y) { return this.$val.IsOnCurve(x, y); }; + zForAffine = function(x, y) { + var x, y, z; + z = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + if (!((x.Sign() === 0)) || !((y.Sign() === 0))) { + z.SetInt64(new $Int64(0, 1)); + } + return z; + }; + CurveParams.ptr.prototype.affineFromJacobian = function(x, y, z) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, curve, x, xOut, y, yOut, z, zinv, zinvsq, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, z}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + xOut = ptrType$1.nil; + yOut = ptrType$1.nil; + curve = this; + if (z.Sign() === 0) { + _tmp = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + xOut = _tmp; + yOut = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [xOut, yOut]; + } + _r = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).ModInverse(z, curve.P); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zinv = _r; + _r$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(zinv, zinv); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + zinvsq = _r$1; + _r$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(x, zinvsq); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + xOut = _r$2; + _r$3 = xOut.Mod(xOut, curve.P); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = zinvsq.Mul(zinvsq, zinv); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(y, zinvsq); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + yOut = _r$5; + _r$6 = yOut.Mod(yOut, curve.P); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return [xOut, yOut]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CurveParams.ptr.prototype.affineFromJacobian, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, curve, x, xOut, y, yOut, z, zinv, zinvsq, $s};return $f; + }; + CurveParams.prototype.affineFromJacobian = function(x, y, z) { return this.$val.affineFromJacobian(x, y, z); }; + CurveParams.ptr.prototype.Add = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, curve, ok, specific, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x1, y1, x2, y2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + _r = matchesSpecificCurve(curve, new sliceType$2([new p224.constructor.elem(p224), new p384.constructor.elem(p384), new p521.constructor.elem(p521)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + specific = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = specific.Add(x1, y1, x2, y2); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + z1 = zForAffine(x1, y1); + z2 = zForAffine(x2, y2); + _r$2 = curve.addJacobian(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = curve.affineFromJacobian(_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1], _tuple$1[2]); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CurveParams.ptr.prototype.Add, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, curve, ok, specific, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, $s};return $f; + }; + CurveParams.prototype.Add = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return this.$val.Add(x1, y1, x2, y2); }; + CurveParams.ptr.prototype.addJacobian = function(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, curve, h, i, j, r, s1, s2, u1, u2, v, x1, x2, x3, xEqual, y1, y2, y3, yEqual, z1, z1z1, z2, z2z2, z3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + _tmp = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _tmp$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + x3 = _tmp; + y3 = _tmp$1; + z3 = _tmp$2; + if (z1.Sign() === 0) { + x3.Set(x2); + y3.Set(y2); + z3.Set(z2); + $s = -1; return [x3, y3, z3]; + } + if (z2.Sign() === 0) { + x3.Set(x1); + y3.Set(y1); + z3.Set(z1); + $s = -1; return [x3, y3, z3]; + } + _r = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(z1, z1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z1z1 = _r; + _r$1 = z1z1.Mod(z1z1, curve.P); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(z2, z2); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z2z2 = _r$2; + _r$3 = z2z2.Mod(z2z2, curve.P); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(x1, z2z2); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u1 = _r$4; + _r$5 = u1.Mod(u1, curve.P); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(x2, z1z1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u2 = _r$6; + _r$7 = u2.Mod(u2, curve.P); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Sub(u2, u1); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$8; + xEqual = h.Sign() === 0; + /* */ if (h.Sign() === -1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (h.Sign() === -1) { */ case 10: + _r$9 = h.Add(h, curve.P); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + /* } */ case 11: + i = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Lsh(h, 1); + _r$10 = i.Mul(i, i); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + _r$11 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(h, i); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = _r$11; + _r$12 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(y1, z2); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s1 = _r$12; + _r$13 = s1.Mul(s1, z2z2); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + _r$14 = s1.Mod(s1, curve.P); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + _r$15 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(y2, z1); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s2 = _r$15; + _r$16 = s2.Mul(s2, z1z1); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + _r$17 = s2.Mod(s2, curve.P); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17; + _r$18 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Sub(s2, s1); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = _r$18; + /* */ if (r.Sign() === -1) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (r.Sign() === -1) { */ case 22: + _r$19 = r.Add(r, curve.P); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + /* } */ case 23: + yEqual = r.Sign() === 0; + /* */ if (xEqual && yEqual) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (xEqual && yEqual) { */ case 25: + _r$20 = curve.doubleJacobian(x1, y1, z1); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$20; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r; + /* } */ case 26: + r.Lsh(r, 1); + _r$21 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(u1, i); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$21; + x3.Set(r); + _r$22 = x3.Mul(x3, x3); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22; + _r$23 = x3.Sub(x3, j); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23; + _r$24 = x3.Sub(x3, v); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24; + _r$25 = x3.Sub(x3, v); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25; + _r$26 = x3.Mod(x3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26; + y3.Set(r); + _r$27 = v.Sub(v, x3); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27; + _r$28 = y3.Mul(y3, v); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28; + _r$29 = s1.Mul(s1, j); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29; + s1.Lsh(s1, 1); + _r$30 = y3.Sub(y3, s1); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$30; + _r$31 = y3.Mod(y3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$31; + _r$32 = z3.Add(z1, z2); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$32; + _r$33 = z3.Mul(z3, z3); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$33; + _r$34 = z3.Sub(z3, z1z1); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$34; + _r$35 = z3.Sub(z3, z2z2); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$35; + _r$36 = z3.Mul(z3, h); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$36; + _r$37 = z3.Mod(z3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$37; + $s = -1; return [x3, y3, z3]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CurveParams.ptr.prototype.addJacobian, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, curve, h, i, j, r, s1, s2, u1, u2, v, x1, x2, x3, xEqual, y1, y2, y3, yEqual, z1, z1z1, z2, z2z2, z3, $s};return $f; + }; + CurveParams.prototype.addJacobian = function(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) { return this.$val.addJacobian(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); }; + CurveParams.ptr.prototype.Double = function(x1, y1) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, curve, ok, specific, x1, y1, z1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x1, y1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + _r = matchesSpecificCurve(curve, new sliceType$2([new p224.constructor.elem(p224), new p384.constructor.elem(p384), new p521.constructor.elem(p521)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + specific = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = specific.Double(x1, y1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + z1 = zForAffine(x1, y1); + _r$2 = curve.doubleJacobian(x1, y1, z1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = curve.affineFromJacobian(_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1], _tuple$1[2]); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CurveParams.ptr.prototype.Double, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, curve, ok, specific, x1, y1, z1, $s};return $f; + }; + CurveParams.prototype.Double = function(x1, y1) { return this.$val.Double(x1, y1); }; + CurveParams.ptr.prototype.doubleJacobian = function(x, y, z) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, alpha, alpha2, beta, beta8, curve, delta, gamma, x, x3, y, y3, z, z3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y, z}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + _r = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(z, z); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delta = _r; + _r$1 = delta.Mod(delta, curve.P); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(y, y); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + gamma = _r$2; + _r$3 = gamma.Mod(gamma, curve.P); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Sub(x, delta); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + alpha = _r$4; + /* */ if (alpha.Sign() === -1) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (alpha.Sign() === -1) { */ case 6: + _r$5 = alpha.Add(alpha, curve.P); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$6 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Add(x, delta); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + alpha2 = _r$6; + _r$7 = alpha.Mul(alpha, alpha2); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + alpha2.Set(alpha); + alpha.Lsh(alpha, 1); + _r$8 = alpha.Add(alpha, alpha2); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = alpha2.Mul(x, gamma); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + beta = _r$9; + _r$10 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(alpha, alpha); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + x3 = _r$10; + beta8 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Lsh(beta, 3); + _r$11 = beta8.Mod(beta8, curve.P); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = x3.Sub(x3, beta8); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + /* */ if (x3.Sign() === -1) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (x3.Sign() === -1) { */ case 16: + _r$13 = x3.Add(x3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + /* } */ case 17: + _r$14 = x3.Mod(x3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + _r$15 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Add(y, z); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + z3 = _r$15; + _r$16 = z3.Mul(z3, z3); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + _r$17 = z3.Sub(z3, gamma); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17; + /* */ if (z3.Sign() === -1) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (z3.Sign() === -1) { */ case 23: + _r$18 = z3.Add(z3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18; + /* } */ case 24: + _r$19 = z3.Sub(z3, delta); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + /* */ if (z3.Sign() === -1) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (z3.Sign() === -1) { */ case 27: + _r$20 = z3.Add(z3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20; + /* } */ case 28: + _r$21 = z3.Mod(z3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21; + beta.Lsh(beta, 2); + _r$22 = beta.Sub(beta, x3); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22; + /* */ if (beta.Sign() === -1) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (beta.Sign() === -1) { */ case 32: + _r$23 = beta.Add(beta, curve.P); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23; + /* } */ case 33: + _r$24 = alpha.Mul(alpha, beta); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + y3 = _r$24; + _r$25 = gamma.Mul(gamma, gamma); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25; + gamma.Lsh(gamma, 3); + _r$26 = gamma.Mod(gamma, curve.P); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26; + _r$27 = y3.Sub(y3, gamma); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27; + /* */ if (y3.Sign() === -1) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if (y3.Sign() === -1) { */ case 39: + _r$28 = y3.Add(y3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28; + /* } */ case 40: + _r$29 = y3.Mod(y3, curve.P); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29; + $s = -1; return [x3, y3, z3]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CurveParams.ptr.prototype.doubleJacobian, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, alpha, alpha2, beta, beta8, curve, delta, gamma, x, x3, y, y3, z, z3, $s};return $f; + }; + CurveParams.prototype.doubleJacobian = function(x, y, z) { return this.$val.doubleJacobian(x, y, z); }; + CurveParams.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult = function(Bx, By, k) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, Bx, By, Bz, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, bitNum, byte$1, curve, k, ok, specific, x, y, y$1, z, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {Bx, By, k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + _r = matchesSpecificCurve(curve, new sliceType$2([new p224.constructor.elem(p224), new p256.constructor.elem(p256), new p384.constructor.elem(p384), new p521.constructor.elem(p521)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + specific = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = specific.ScalarMult(Bx, By, k); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + Bz = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetInt64(new $Int64(0, 1)); + _tmp = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _tmp$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + z = _tmp$2; + _ref = k; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 7; continue; } + byte$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + bitNum = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(bitNum < 8)) { break; } */ if(!(bitNum < 8)) { $s = 9; continue; } + _r$2 = curve.doubleJacobian(x, y, z); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + x = _tuple$1[0]; + y = _tuple$1[1]; + z = _tuple$1[2]; + /* */ if (((byte$1 & 128) >>> 0) === 128) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (((byte$1 & 128) >>> 0) === 128) { */ case 11: + _r$3 = curve.addJacobian(Bx, By, Bz, x, y, z); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + x = _tuple$2[0]; + y = _tuple$2[1]; + z = _tuple$2[2]; + /* } */ case 12: + byte$1 = (y$1 = (1), y$1 < 32 ? (byte$1 << y$1) : 0) << 24 >>> 24; + bitNum = bitNum + (1) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + _i++; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + _r$4 = curve.affineFromJacobian(x, y, z); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$4; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CurveParams.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, Bx, By, Bz, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, bitNum, byte$1, curve, k, ok, specific, x, y, y$1, z, $s};return $f; + }; + CurveParams.prototype.ScalarMult = function(Bx, By, k) { return this.$val.ScalarMult(Bx, By, k); }; + CurveParams.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(k) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, curve, k, ok, specific, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curve = this; + _r = matchesSpecificCurve(curve, new sliceType$2([new p224.constructor.elem(p224), new p256.constructor.elem(p256), new p384.constructor.elem(p384), new p521.constructor.elem(p521)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + specific = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = specific.ScalarBaseMult(k); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = curve.ScalarMult(curve.Gx, curve.Gy, k); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CurveParams.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, curve, k, ok, specific, $s};return $f; + }; + CurveParams.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(k) { return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(k); }; + GenerateKey = function(curve, rand$1) { + var {N, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, bitSize, byteLen, curve, err, priv, rand$1, x, x$1, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {curve, rand$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + priv = sliceType.nil; + x = ptrType$1.nil; + y = ptrType$1.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = curve.Params(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + N = _r.N; + bitSize = N.BitLen(); + byteLen = (_q = ((bitSize + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + priv = $makeSlice(sliceType, byteLen); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(x === ptrType$1.nil)) { break; } */ if(!(x === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$1 = io.ReadFull(rand$1, priv); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [priv, x, y, err]; + } + (0 >= priv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : priv.$array[priv.$offset + 0] = (((0 >= priv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : priv.$array[priv.$offset + 0]) & ((x$1 = (_r$2 = bitSize % 8, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= mask.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : mask.$array[mask.$offset + x$1])))) >>> 0)); + (1 >= priv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : priv.$array[priv.$offset + 1] = (((1 >= priv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : priv.$array[priv.$offset + 1]) ^ (66)) << 24 >>> 24)); + if (new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(priv).Cmp(N) >= 0) { + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _r$3 = curve.ScalarBaseMult(priv); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + x = _tuple$1[0]; + y = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [priv, x, y, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: GenerateKey, $c: true, $r, N, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, bitSize, byteLen, curve, err, priv, rand$1, x, x$1, y, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.GenerateKey = GenerateKey; + Marshal = function(curve, x, y) { + var {_q, _r, byteLen, curve, ret, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {curve, x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = curve.Params(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + byteLen = (_q = ((_r.BitSize + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + ret = $makeSlice(sliceType, (1 + ($imul(2, byteLen)) >> 0)); + (0 >= ret.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ret.$array[ret.$offset + 0] = 4); + x.FillBytes($subslice(ret, 1, (1 + byteLen >> 0))); + y.FillBytes($subslice(ret, (1 + byteLen >> 0), (1 + ($imul(2, byteLen)) >> 0))); + $s = -1; return ret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Marshal, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, byteLen, curve, ret, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Marshal = Marshal; + Unmarshal = function(curve, data) { + var {_q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, byteLen, curve, data, p, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {curve, data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = ptrType$1.nil; + y = ptrType$1.nil; + _r = curve.Params(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + byteLen = (_q = ((_r.BitSize + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (!((data.$length === (1 + ($imul(2, byteLen)) >> 0)))) { + _tmp = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$1 = ptrType$1.nil; + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + } + if (!(((0 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 0]) === 4))) { + _tmp$2 = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$3 = ptrType$1.nil; + x = _tmp$2; + y = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + } + _r$1 = curve.Params(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$1.P; + x = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes($subslice(data, 1, (1 + byteLen >> 0))); + y = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes($subslice(data, (1 + byteLen >> 0))); + if (x.Cmp(p) >= 0 || y.Cmp(p) >= 0) { + _tmp$4 = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$5 = ptrType$1.nil; + x = _tmp$4; + y = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + } + _r$2 = curve.IsOnCurve(x, y); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 3: + _tmp$6 = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$7 = ptrType$1.nil; + x = _tmp$6; + y = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [x, y]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Unmarshal, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, byteLen, curve, data, p, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Unmarshal = Unmarshal; + initAll = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = initP224(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = initP256(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = initP384(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = initP521(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: initAll, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + P224 = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = initonce.Do(initAll); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return new p224.constructor.elem(p224); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: P224, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.P224 = P224; + P256 = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = initonce.Do(initAll); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return new p256.constructor.elem(p256); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: P256, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.P256 = P256; + P384 = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = initonce.Do(initAll); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return new p384.constructor.elem(p384); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: P384, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.P384 = P384; + P521 = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = initonce.Do(initAll); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return new p521.constructor.elem(p521); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: P521, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.P521 = P521; + p521Curve.methods = [{prop: "Params", name: "Params", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "IsOnCurve", name: "IsOnCurve", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Double", name: "Double", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarMult", name: "ScalarMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarBaseMult", name: "ScalarBaseMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}]; + p384Curve.methods = [{prop: "Params", name: "Params", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "IsOnCurve", name: "IsOnCurve", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Double", name: "Double", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarMult", name: "ScalarMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarBaseMult", name: "ScalarBaseMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}]; + p256Curve.methods = [{prop: "Params", name: "Params", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "ScalarBaseMult", name: "ScalarBaseMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarMult", name: "ScalarMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}]; + p224Curve.methods = [{prop: "Params", name: "Params", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "IsOnCurve", name: "IsOnCurve", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Double", name: "Double", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarMult", name: "ScalarMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarBaseMult", name: "ScalarBaseMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Params", name: "Params", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "polynomial", name: "polynomial", pkg: "crypto/elliptic", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "IsOnCurve", name: "IsOnCurve", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "affineFromJacobian", name: "affineFromJacobian", pkg: "crypto/elliptic", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "addJacobian", name: "addJacobian", pkg: "crypto/elliptic", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Double", name: "Double", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "doubleJacobian", name: "doubleJacobian", pkg: "crypto/elliptic", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarMult", name: "ScalarMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarBaseMult", name: "ScalarBaseMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}]; + p521Curve.init("crypto/elliptic", [{prop: "params", name: "params", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + p384Curve.init("crypto/elliptic", [{prop: "params", name: "params", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + p256Curve.init("", [{prop: "CurveParams", name: "CurveParams", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + p224Curve.init("crypto/elliptic", [{prop: "params", name: "params", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + Curve.init([{prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Double", name: "Double", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "IsOnCurve", name: "IsOnCurve", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Params", name: "Params", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "ScalarBaseMult", name: "ScalarBaseMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "ScalarMult", name: "ScalarMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, sliceType], [ptrType$1, ptrType$1], false)}]); + CurveParams.init("", [{prop: "P", name: "P", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "N", name: "N", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "B", name: "B", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Gx", name: "Gx", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Gy", name: "Gy", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "BitSize", name: "BitSize", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = nistec.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rand.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = big.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p521 = new p521Curve.ptr(ptrType.nil); + p384 = new p384Curve.ptr(ptrType.nil); + p256 = new p256Curve.ptr(ptrType.nil); + p256Params = ptrType.nil; + p256RInverse = ptrType$1.nil; + p224 = new p224Curve.ptr(ptrType.nil); + initonce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + p256One = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [2, 0, 0, 268433408, 536870911, 268435455, 532676607, 33554431, 0]); + p256Precomputed = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [290596984, 242421057, 230031737, 78635775, 310917853, 212721032, 295599836, 222981803, 51514350, 489335829, 254096764, 434396381, 96936400, 429049253, 170095751, 22329889, 21696699, 11419619, 222406006, 153287761, 37001551, 101408979, 373655214, 216620824, 535072883, 66729676, 99339564, 188755759, 22835391, 358715996, 94529284, 229187216, 215751807, 513877062, 236641822, 248061730, 40859512, 90604670, 168553630, 37024851, 439480858, 226879324, 90992905, 170293760, 190300240, 10025815, 178796492, 101451666, 217734681, 102476702, 92922779, 10691781, 131522279, 43478603, 532943434, 176956491, 484992866, 215358590, 405915872, 123172065, 496412073, 138651209, 205172986, 115533781, 124205610, 395011560, 67124891, 438243778, 7870186, 258227729, 93078495, 255999938, 425934842, 143782578, 305931036, 74112396, 88539357, 94251799, 388871183, 138291069, 185456137, 265411090, 56389202, 435020300, 219799744, 159190848, 184638233, 71951349, 14748830, 54179201, 90859435, 91714381, 501071970, 207073549, 21607325, 40541819, 204857247, 75982029, 124632266, 212120422, 244515755, 443842791, 92184193, 504621904, 256273651, 116484896, 79311219, 202804275, 365646905, 111382033, 121002173, 187258447, 66509915, 5486974, 321045696, 106813439, 60941558, 350622890, 153379607, 466107082, 182025965, 221826634, 260222982, 54653047, 174775689, 76106445, 166814421, 260313327, 455502422, 14152227, 65063826, 238663282, 111317018, 110789974, 518080, 163043539, 3185280, 449863551, 204453341, 213898269, 164542008, 273777244, 228642651, 135456897, 116610665, 111505196, 502845828, 3430432, 343397495, 23354801, 199756881, 203603518, 238413402, 451639968, 204952341, 258456729, 134076345, 421511614, 6366045, 46236905, 29730873, 75111974, 192722006, 155066973, 351520493, 214702793, 402536435, 77105545, 445695234, 49487938, 169309851, 184388732, 135863406, 500019767, 23199936, 276509345, 107743451, 282094082, 261267, 90308643, 376580903, 109796441, 40959228, 262999756, 241033666, 246105707, 50090300, 67630940, 195735859, 158359529, 193509607, 120899987, 31588239, 420833648, 180162304, 273063591, 53033664, 215783594, 30950397, 236240872, 364806751, 9130514, 246676327, 136101161, 197537558, 45546695, 257576489, 324406118, 202074818, 85649040, 222421617, 255761364, 30870187, 16949106, 121510965, 250023868, 181935023, 166511770, 141325342, 266780208, 392647399, 2348054, 528735877, 41804168, 107966648, 404542751, 158035532, 412033845, 173930329, 396852918, 267062899, 357230868, 49540177, 58878809, 194113917, 29829449, 325238538, 237239775, 173413552, 1015183, 495713, 136567250, 136396601, 287878667, 218717445, 193315010, 32289519, 38657156, 238414081, 406919754, 257809469, 58222217, 86139112, 95303012, 88256781, 148453957, 429206180, 160877633, 273786665, 79574169, 86713258, 278868094, 116766395, 528802279, 125439226, 281337663, 39453418, 184844341, 238149222, 208587427, 42902325, 42491940, 326299680, 16080181, 367290444, 254451223, 441087273, 213368497, 187332769, 447880991, 104209615, 113842077, 185816615, 308787572, 71338925, 482342488, 238904593, 13096815, 30177897, 243196699, 89107279, 2855247, 450001456, 215177118, 206574156, 84781712, 11616114, 184986229, 118447302, 373941674, 139088658, 53019708, 68960273, 332604433, 184854584, 225840429, 387167538, 195693571, 138420907, 113046977, 49566585, 25878640, 415883550, 34327194, 107956587, 65991316, 108331218, 226451772, 2997227, 192155704, 235148095, 360879757, 199853559, 28097562, 443192223, 54415606, 224812756, 189496278, 509228953, 112408647, 402282239, 106887472, 2219082, 45315673, 72416791, 188054373, 234221484, 356088815, 164846207, 288014687, 103081518, 177253935, 276753618, 32938942, 125660110, 91493268, 331777276, 156289296, 119886379, 231179651, 68086459, 534655626, 198581654, 220775303, 166165897, 307563584, 123325309, 57143092, 182626656, 152800220, 154428073, 16017903, 187603695, 221030257, 89005890, 8038985, 103901883, 37829774, 88235001, 468532794, 254222964, 526283558, 104949015, 245526642, 164552359, 7239219, 130619730, 226520526, 149071841, 239214106, 68733409, 31180944, 456743990, 169722229, 499445619, 144011060, 239820018, 453851672, 51989046, 113402911, 239342156, 170872490, 176956858, 261258967, 103265812, 121052362, 195126932, 68664323, 130066403, 163798041, 292069893, 146190349, 283373001, 163683314, 92807721, 455819618, 173862682, 356737579, 163398462, 56942669, 122161042, 97105331, 243662629, 67694423, 404017060, 18986011, 220498447, 61887010, 60535146, 209032813, 168001811, 172627817, 18857068, 152560910, 250363304, 379416236, 17569433, 172056915, 259148050, 365781175, 78428889, 99599866, 253038295, 1190737, 285520906, 213382210, 263923967, 111956938, 425804492, 129961897, 9795153, 81850901, 248789496, 66350037, 95217711, 285808310, 7188600, 268270935, 254724780, 212364780, 366392026, 157674697, 479376578, 2045969, 481329397, 47757316, 433176877, 253803846, 26550183, 171333315, 86221861, 265094802, 222617032, 320802651, 184028746, 215612532, 161199640, 47944780, 174534800, 29495521, 395087139, 21447555, 280523837, 159753563, 48711545, 5726520, 156793127, 321990906, 199251222, 167040537, 196486512, 161400209, 227830014, 487028781, 264711691, 117551768, 409175611, 140072120, 303696950, 166199007, 258257961, 163174174, 350418392, 260410682, 155381416, 228964197, 116240383, 178067660, 208004282, 477396614, 240036117, 427939745, 137975385, 86955234, 142427063, 58372379, 433230542, 260916882, 415434047, 143015443, 79775424, 113112410, 82068861, 370483849, 180850370, 442090914, 33721239, 119287041, 43353375, 67400827, 142103949, 131242660, 332936223, 148565975, 329029421, 112716405, 222993886, 267477976, 136140247, 173797224, 192622808, 199703919, 178815297, 228027521, 132622796, 415151985, 225918141, 334829905, 164675959, 29661816]); + p256Zero31 = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [2147483640, 1073741820, 2147483644, 1073750012, 2147483644, 1073741820, 2164260860, 939524092, 2147483644]); + mask = new sliceType([255, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/internal/randutil"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, io, sync, structType, arrayType, sliceType, closedChanOnce, closedChan, MaybeReadByte; + io = $packages["io"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + structType = $structType("", []); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 1); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + MaybeReadByte = function(r) { + var {_r, _r$1, _selection, buf, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = closedChanOnce.Do((function() { + closedChan = new $Chan(structType, 0); + $close(closedChan); + })); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = $select([[closedChan], [closedChan]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 4: + buf = arrayType.zero(); + _r$1 = r.Read(new sliceType(buf)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MaybeReadByte, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _selection, buf, r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.MaybeReadByte = MaybeReadByte; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + closedChanOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + closedChan = $chanNil; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/sha512"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, crypto, binary, errors, hash, bits, digest, sliceType, arrayType, sliceType$1, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, ptrType$3, _K, block, blockGeneric, init, appendUint64, consumeUint64, New, New512_224, New512_256, New384, Sum512; + crypto = $packages["crypto"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + digest = $pkg.digest = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sha512.digest", true, "crypto/sha512", false, function(h_, x_, nx_, len_, function$4_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.h = arrayType$2.zero(); + this.x = arrayType$3.zero(); + this.nx = 0; + this.len = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.function$4 = 0; + return; + } + this.h = h_; + this.x = x_; + this.nx = nx_; + this.len = len_; + this.function$4 = function$4_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint64); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint64, 80); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint64, 8); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 128); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(digest); + block = function(dig, p) { + var dig, p; + blockGeneric(dig, p); + }; + blockGeneric = function(dig, p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, a, b, c, d, dig, e, f, g, h, h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, i, i$1, i$2, j, p, t1, t1$1, t2, t2$1, v1, v2, w, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$7, x$8, x$9; + w = arrayType.zero(); + _tmp = dig.h[0]; + _tmp$1 = dig.h[1]; + _tmp$2 = dig.h[2]; + _tmp$3 = dig.h[3]; + _tmp$4 = dig.h[4]; + _tmp$5 = dig.h[5]; + _tmp$6 = dig.h[6]; + _tmp$7 = dig.h[7]; + h0 = _tmp; + h1 = _tmp$1; + h2 = _tmp$2; + h3 = _tmp$3; + h4 = _tmp$4; + h5 = _tmp$5; + h6 = _tmp$6; + h7 = _tmp$7; + while (true) { + if (!(p.$length >= 128)) { break; } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + j = $imul(i, 8); + ((i < 0 || i >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[i] = (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, ((j < 0 || j >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + j]))), 56), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (x$8 = j + 1 >> 0, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$8])))), 48), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (x$10 = j + 2 >> 0, ((x$10 < 0 || x$10 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$10])))), 40), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$9.$high, (x$5.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (x$12 = j + 3 >> 0, ((x$12 < 0 || x$12 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$12])))), 32), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$11.$high, (x$4.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (x$14 = j + 4 >> 0, ((x$14 < 0 || x$14 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$14])))), 24), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$13.$high, (x$3.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)), x$15 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (x$16 = j + 5 >> 0, ((x$16 < 0 || x$16 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$16])))), 16), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$15.$high, (x$2.$low | x$15.$low) >>> 0)), x$17 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (x$18 = j + 6 >> 0, ((x$18 < 0 || x$18 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$18])))), 8), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$17.$high, (x$1.$low | x$17.$low) >>> 0)), x$19 = (new $Uint64(0, (x$20 = j + 7 >> 0, ((x$20 < 0 || x$20 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$20])))), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$19.$high, (x.$low | x$19.$low) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + i$1 = 16; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 80)) { break; } + v1 = (x$21 = i$1 - 2 >> 0, ((x$21 < 0 || x$21 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$21])); + t1 = (x$22 = (x$23 = bits.RotateLeft64(v1, -19), x$24 = bits.RotateLeft64(v1, -61), new $Uint64(x$23.$high ^ x$24.$high, (x$23.$low ^ x$24.$low) >>> 0)), x$25 = $shiftRightUint64(v1, 6), new $Uint64(x$22.$high ^ x$25.$high, (x$22.$low ^ x$25.$low) >>> 0)); + v2 = (x$26 = i$1 - 15 >> 0, ((x$26 < 0 || x$26 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$26])); + t2 = (x$27 = (x$28 = bits.RotateLeft64(v2, -1), x$29 = bits.RotateLeft64(v2, -8), new $Uint64(x$28.$high ^ x$29.$high, (x$28.$low ^ x$29.$low) >>> 0)), x$30 = $shiftRightUint64(v2, 7), new $Uint64(x$27.$high ^ x$30.$high, (x$27.$low ^ x$30.$low) >>> 0)); + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[i$1] = (x$31 = (x$32 = (x$33 = (x$34 = i$1 - 7 >> 0, ((x$34 < 0 || x$34 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$34])), new $Uint64(t1.$high + x$33.$high, t1.$low + x$33.$low)), new $Uint64(x$32.$high + t2.$high, x$32.$low + t2.$low)), x$35 = (x$36 = i$1 - 16 >> 0, ((x$36 < 0 || x$36 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$36])), new $Uint64(x$31.$high + x$35.$high, x$31.$low + x$35.$low))); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$8 = h0; + _tmp$9 = h1; + _tmp$10 = h2; + _tmp$11 = h3; + _tmp$12 = h4; + _tmp$13 = h5; + _tmp$14 = h6; + _tmp$15 = h7; + a = _tmp$8; + b = _tmp$9; + c = _tmp$10; + d = _tmp$11; + e = _tmp$12; + f = _tmp$13; + g = _tmp$14; + h = _tmp$15; + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 80)) { break; } + t1$1 = (x$37 = (x$38 = (x$39 = (x$40 = (x$41 = (x$42 = bits.RotateLeft64(e, -14), x$43 = bits.RotateLeft64(e, -18), new $Uint64(x$42.$high ^ x$43.$high, (x$42.$low ^ x$43.$low) >>> 0)), x$44 = bits.RotateLeft64(e, -41), new $Uint64(x$41.$high ^ x$44.$high, (x$41.$low ^ x$44.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(h.$high + x$40.$high, h.$low + x$40.$low)), x$45 = (x$46 = new $Uint64(e.$high & f.$high, (e.$low & f.$low) >>> 0), x$47 = (x$48 = new $Uint64(~e.$high, ~e.$low >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$48.$high & g.$high, (x$48.$low & g.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$46.$high ^ x$47.$high, (x$46.$low ^ x$47.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$39.$high + x$45.$high, x$39.$low + x$45.$low)), x$49 = ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= _K.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _K.$array[_K.$offset + i$2]), new $Uint64(x$38.$high + x$49.$high, x$38.$low + x$49.$low)), x$50 = ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[i$2]), new $Uint64(x$37.$high + x$50.$high, x$37.$low + x$50.$low)); + t2$1 = (x$51 = (x$52 = (x$53 = bits.RotateLeft64(a, -28), x$54 = bits.RotateLeft64(a, -34), new $Uint64(x$53.$high ^ x$54.$high, (x$53.$low ^ x$54.$low) >>> 0)), x$55 = bits.RotateLeft64(a, -39), new $Uint64(x$52.$high ^ x$55.$high, (x$52.$low ^ x$55.$low) >>> 0)), x$56 = (x$57 = (x$58 = new $Uint64(a.$high & b.$high, (a.$low & b.$low) >>> 0), x$59 = new $Uint64(a.$high & c.$high, (a.$low & c.$low) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$58.$high ^ x$59.$high, (x$58.$low ^ x$59.$low) >>> 0)), x$60 = new $Uint64(b.$high & c.$high, (b.$low & c.$low) >>> 0), new $Uint64(x$57.$high ^ x$60.$high, (x$57.$low ^ x$60.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$51.$high + x$56.$high, x$51.$low + x$56.$low)); + h = g; + g = f; + f = e; + e = new $Uint64(d.$high + t1$1.$high, d.$low + t1$1.$low); + d = c; + c = b; + b = a; + a = new $Uint64(t1$1.$high + t2$1.$high, t1$1.$low + t2$1.$low); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + h0 = (x$61 = a, new $Uint64(h0.$high + x$61.$high, h0.$low + x$61.$low)); + h1 = (x$62 = b, new $Uint64(h1.$high + x$62.$high, h1.$low + x$62.$low)); + h2 = (x$63 = c, new $Uint64(h2.$high + x$63.$high, h2.$low + x$63.$low)); + h3 = (x$64 = d, new $Uint64(h3.$high + x$64.$high, h3.$low + x$64.$low)); + h4 = (x$65 = e, new $Uint64(h4.$high + x$65.$high, h4.$low + x$65.$low)); + h5 = (x$66 = f, new $Uint64(h5.$high + x$66.$high, h5.$low + x$66.$low)); + h6 = (x$67 = g, new $Uint64(h6.$high + x$67.$high, h6.$low + x$67.$low)); + h7 = (x$68 = h, new $Uint64(h7.$high + x$68.$high, h7.$low + x$68.$low)); + p = $subslice(p, 128); + } + _tmp$16 = h0; + _tmp$17 = h1; + _tmp$18 = h2; + _tmp$19 = h3; + _tmp$20 = h4; + _tmp$21 = h5; + _tmp$22 = h6; + _tmp$23 = h7; + dig.h[0] = _tmp$16; + dig.h[1] = _tmp$17; + dig.h[2] = _tmp$18; + dig.h[3] = _tmp$19; + dig.h[4] = _tmp$20; + dig.h[5] = _tmp$21; + dig.h[6] = _tmp$22; + dig.h[7] = _tmp$23; + }; + init = function() { + crypto.RegisterHash(6, New384); + crypto.RegisterHash(7, New); + crypto.RegisterHash(14, New512_224); + crypto.RegisterHash(15, New512_256); + }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var _1, d; + d = this; + _1 = d.function$4; + if (_1 === (6)) { + d.h[0] = new $Uint64(3418070365, 3238371032); + d.h[1] = new $Uint64(1654270250, 914150663); + d.h[2] = new $Uint64(2438529370, 812702999); + d.h[3] = new $Uint64(355462360, 4144912697); + d.h[4] = new $Uint64(1731405415, 4290775857); + d.h[5] = new $Uint64(2394180231, 1750603025); + d.h[6] = new $Uint64(3675008525, 1694076839); + d.h[7] = new $Uint64(1203062813, 3204075428); + } else if (_1 === (14)) { + d.h[0] = new $Uint64(2352822216, 424955298); + d.h[1] = new $Uint64(1944164710, 2312950998); + d.h[2] = new $Uint64(502970286, 855612546); + d.h[3] = new $Uint64(1738396948, 1479516111); + d.h[4] = new $Uint64(258812777, 2077511080); + d.h[5] = new $Uint64(2011393907, 79989058); + d.h[6] = new $Uint64(1067287976, 1780299464); + d.h[7] = new $Uint64(286451373, 2446758561); + } else if (_1 === (15)) { + d.h[0] = new $Uint64(573645204, 4230739756); + d.h[1] = new $Uint64(2673172387, 3360449730); + d.h[2] = new $Uint64(596883563, 1867755857); + d.h[3] = new $Uint64(2520282905, 1497426621); + d.h[4] = new $Uint64(2519219938, 2827943907); + d.h[5] = new $Uint64(3193839141, 1401305490); + d.h[6] = new $Uint64(721525244, 746961066); + d.h[7] = new $Uint64(246885852, 2177182882); + } else { + d.h[0] = new $Uint64(1779033703, 4089235720); + d.h[1] = new $Uint64(3144134277, 2227873595); + d.h[2] = new $Uint64(1013904242, 4271175723); + d.h[3] = new $Uint64(2773480762, 1595750129); + d.h[4] = new $Uint64(1359893119, 2917565137); + d.h[5] = new $Uint64(2600822924, 725511199); + d.h[6] = new $Uint64(528734635, 4215389547); + d.h[7] = new $Uint64(1541459225, 327033209); + } + d.nx = 0; + d.len = new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + digest.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { + var _1, b, d; + d = this; + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, 204); + _1 = d.function$4; + if (_1 === (6)) { + b = $appendSlice(b, "sha\x04"); + } else if (_1 === (14)) { + b = $appendSlice(b, "sha\x05"); + } else if (_1 === (15)) { + b = $appendSlice(b, "sha\x06"); + } else if (_1 === (7)) { + b = $appendSlice(b, "sha\x07"); + } else { + return [sliceType$1.nil, errors.New("crypto/sha512: invalid hash function")]; + } + b = appendUint64(b, d.h[0]); + b = appendUint64(b, d.h[1]); + b = appendUint64(b, d.h[2]); + b = appendUint64(b, d.h[3]); + b = appendUint64(b, d.h[4]); + b = appendUint64(b, d.h[5]); + b = appendUint64(b, d.h[6]); + b = appendUint64(b, d.h[7]); + b = $appendSlice(b, $subslice(new sliceType$1(d.x), 0, d.nx)); + b = $subslice(b, 0, ((b.$length + 128 >> 0) - (d.nx) >> 0)); + b = appendUint64(b, d.len); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + digest.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { return this.$val.MarshalBinary(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, b, d; + d = this; + if (b.$length < 4) { + return errors.New("crypto/sha512: invalid hash state identifier"); + } + if ((d.function$4 === 6) && ($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, 4))) === "sha\x04") { + } else if ((d.function$4 === 14) && ($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, 4))) === "sha\x05") { + } else if ((d.function$4 === 15) && ($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, 4))) === "sha\x06") { + } else if ((d.function$4 === 7) && ($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, 4))) === "sha\x07") { + } else { + return errors.New("crypto/sha512: invalid hash state identifier"); + } + if (!((b.$length === 204))) { + return errors.New("crypto/sha512: invalid hash state size"); + } + b = $subslice(b, 4); + _tuple = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple[0]; + d.h[0] = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$1[0]; + d.h[1] = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$2[0]; + d.h[2] = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$3[0]; + d.h[3] = _tuple$3[1]; + _tuple$4 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$4[0]; + d.h[4] = _tuple$4[1]; + _tuple$5 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$5[0]; + d.h[5] = _tuple$5[1]; + _tuple$6 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$6[0]; + d.h[6] = _tuple$6[1]; + _tuple$7 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$7[0]; + d.h[7] = _tuple$7[1]; + b = $subslice(b, $copySlice(new sliceType$1(d.x), b)); + _tuple$8 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$8[0]; + d.len = _tuple$8[1]; + d.nx = (($div64(d.len, new $Uint64(0, 128), true).$low >> 0)); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + digest.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(b); }; + appendUint64 = function(b, x) { + var a, b, x; + a = arrayType$1.zero(); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64(new sliceType$1(a), x); + return $appendSlice(b, new sliceType$1(a)); + }; + consumeUint64 = function(b) { + var b, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + x$14 = (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$8.$high, (x$5.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$9.$high, (x$4.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 32), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$10.$high, (x$3.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 40), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$11.$high, (x$2.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$12.$high, (x$1.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), 56), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$13.$high, (x.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + return [$subslice(b, 8), x$14]; + }; + New = function() { + var d; + d = new digest.ptr(arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), 7); + d.Reset(); + return d; + }; + $pkg.New = New; + New512_224 = function() { + var d; + d = new digest.ptr(arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), 14); + d.Reset(); + return d; + }; + $pkg.New512_224 = New512_224; + New512_256 = function() { + var d; + d = new digest.ptr(arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), 15); + d.Reset(); + return d; + }; + $pkg.New512_256 = New512_256; + New384 = function() { + var d; + d = new digest.ptr(arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), 6); + d.Reset(); + return d; + }; + $pkg.New384 = New384; + digest.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var _1, d; + d = this; + _1 = d.function$4; + if (_1 === (14)) { + return 28; + } else if (_1 === (15)) { + return 32; + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + return 48; + } else { + return 64; + } + }; + digest.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return 128; + }; + digest.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var d, err, n, n$1, nn, p, x, x$1; + nn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + nn = p.$length; + d.len = (x = d.len, x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, nn)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + if (d.nx > 0) { + n = $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$1(d.x), d.nx), p); + d.nx = d.nx + (n) >> 0; + if (d.nx === 128) { + block(d, new sliceType$1(d.x)); + d.nx = 0; + } + p = $subslice(p, n); + } + if (p.$length >= 128) { + n$1 = (p.$length & ~127) >> 0; + block(d, $subslice(p, 0, n$1)); + p = $subslice(p, n$1); + } + if (p.$length > 0) { + d.nx = $copySlice(new sliceType$1(d.x), p); + } + return [nn, err]; + }; + digest.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { + var _1, d, d0, hash$1, in$1; + d = this; + d0 = new digest.ptr(arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), 0); + digest.copy(d0, d); + hash$1 = $clone(d0.checkSum(), arrayType$4); + _1 = d0.function$4; + if (_1 === (6)) { + return $appendSlice(in$1, $subslice(new sliceType$1(hash$1), 0, 48)); + } else if (_1 === (14)) { + return $appendSlice(in$1, $subslice(new sliceType$1(hash$1), 0, 28)); + } else if (_1 === (15)) { + return $appendSlice(in$1, $subslice(new sliceType$1(hash$1), 0, 32)); + } else { + return $appendSlice(in$1, new sliceType$1(hash$1)); + } + }; + digest.prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { return this.$val.Sum(in$1); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.checkSum = function() { + var d, digest$1, len, tmp, x, x$1, x$2; + d = this; + len = d.len; + tmp = arrayType$3.zero(); + tmp[0] = 128; + if ((x = $div64(len, new $Uint64(0, 128), true), (x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low < 112)))) { + d.Write($subslice(new sliceType$1(tmp), 0, $flatten64((x$1 = $div64(len, new $Uint64(0, 128), true), new $Uint64(0 - x$1.$high, 112 - x$1.$low))))); + } else { + d.Write($subslice(new sliceType$1(tmp), 0, $flatten64((x$2 = $div64(len, new $Uint64(0, 128), true), new $Uint64(0 - x$2.$high, 240 - x$2.$low))))); + } + len = $shiftLeft64(len, (3)); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(tmp), 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(tmp), 8), len); + d.Write($subslice(new sliceType$1(tmp), 0, 16)); + if (!((d.nx === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("d.nx != 0")); + } + digest$1 = arrayType$4.zero(); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 0), d.h[0]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 8), d.h[1]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 16), d.h[2]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 24), d.h[3]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 32), d.h[4]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 40), d.h[5]); + if (!((d.function$4 === 6))) { + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 48), d.h[6]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 56), d.h[7]); + } + return digest$1; + }; + digest.prototype.checkSum = function() { return this.$val.checkSum(); }; + Sum512 = function(data) { + var d, data; + d = new digest.ptr(arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), 7); + d.Reset(); + d.Write(data); + return d.checkSum(); + }; + $pkg.Sum512 = Sum512; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "checkSum", name: "checkSum", pkg: "crypto/sha512", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$4], false)}]; + digest.init("crypto/sha512", [{prop: "h", name: "h", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "nx", name: "nx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "function$4", name: "function", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: crypto.Hash, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = crypto.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _K = new sliceType([new $Uint64(1116352408, 3609767458), new $Uint64(1899447441, 602891725), new $Uint64(3049323471, 3964484399), new $Uint64(3921009573, 2173295548), new $Uint64(961987163, 4081628472), new $Uint64(1508970993, 3053834265), new $Uint64(2453635748, 2937671579), new $Uint64(2870763221, 3664609560), new $Uint64(3624381080, 2734883394), new $Uint64(310598401, 1164996542), new $Uint64(607225278, 1323610764), new $Uint64(1426881987, 3590304994), new $Uint64(1925078388, 4068182383), new $Uint64(2162078206, 991336113), new $Uint64(2614888103, 633803317), new $Uint64(3248222580, 3479774868), new $Uint64(3835390401, 2666613458), new $Uint64(4022224774, 944711139), new $Uint64(264347078, 2341262773), new $Uint64(604807628, 2007800933), new $Uint64(770255983, 1495990901), new $Uint64(1249150122, 1856431235), new $Uint64(1555081692, 3175218132), new $Uint64(1996064986, 2198950837), new $Uint64(2554220882, 3999719339), new $Uint64(2821834349, 766784016), new $Uint64(2952996808, 2566594879), new $Uint64(3210313671, 3203337956), new $Uint64(3336571891, 1034457026), new $Uint64(3584528711, 2466948901), new $Uint64(113926993, 3758326383), new $Uint64(338241895, 168717936), new $Uint64(666307205, 1188179964), new $Uint64(773529912, 1546045734), new $Uint64(1294757372, 1522805485), new $Uint64(1396182291, 2643833823), new $Uint64(1695183700, 2343527390), new $Uint64(1986661051, 1014477480), new $Uint64(2177026350, 1206759142), new $Uint64(2456956037, 344077627), new $Uint64(2730485921, 1290863460), new $Uint64(2820302411, 3158454273), new $Uint64(3259730800, 3505952657), new $Uint64(3345764771, 106217008), new $Uint64(3516065817, 3606008344), new $Uint64(3600352804, 1432725776), new $Uint64(4094571909, 1467031594), new $Uint64(275423344, 851169720), new $Uint64(430227734, 3100823752), new $Uint64(506948616, 1363258195), new $Uint64(659060556, 3750685593), new $Uint64(883997877, 3785050280), new $Uint64(958139571, 3318307427), new $Uint64(1322822218, 3812723403), new $Uint64(1537002063, 2003034995), new $Uint64(1747873779, 3602036899), new $Uint64(1955562222, 1575990012), new $Uint64(2024104815, 1125592928), new $Uint64(2227730452, 2716904306), new $Uint64(2361852424, 442776044), new $Uint64(2428436474, 593698344), new $Uint64(2756734187, 3733110249), new $Uint64(3204031479, 2999351573), new $Uint64(3329325298, 3815920427), new $Uint64(3391569614, 3928383900), new $Uint64(3515267271, 566280711), new $Uint64(3940187606, 3454069534), new $Uint64(4118630271, 4000239992), new $Uint64(116418474, 1914138554), new $Uint64(174292421, 2731055270), new $Uint64(289380356, 3203993006), new $Uint64(460393269, 320620315), new $Uint64(685471733, 587496836), new $Uint64(852142971, 1086792851), new $Uint64(1017036298, 365543100), new $Uint64(1126000580, 2618297676), new $Uint64(1288033470, 3409855158), new $Uint64(1501505948, 4234509866), new $Uint64(1607167915, 987167468), new $Uint64(1816402316, 1246189591)]); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["encoding/asn1"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, errors, fmt, math, big, reflect, sort, strconv, strings, time, utf16, utf8, encoder, byteEncoder, bytesEncoder, stringEncoder, multiEncoder, setEncoder, taggedEncoder, int64Encoder, bitStringEncoder, oidEncoder, tagAndLength, fieldParameters, StructuralError, SyntaxError, BitString, ObjectIdentifier, Enumerated, Flag, RawValue, RawContent, invalidUnmarshalError, sliceType, ptrType, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, sliceType$2, arrayType, sliceType$3, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, sliceType$4, arrayType$1, sliceType$5, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, byte00Encoder, byteFFEncoder, bigOne, bitStringType, objectIdentifierType, enumeratedType, flagType, timeType, rawValueType, rawContentsType, bigIntType, x, x$1, x$2, base128IntLength, appendBase128Int, makeBigInt, appendLength, lengthLength, appendTagAndLength, makeObjectIdentifier, makePrintableString, makeIA5String, makeNumericString, makeUTF8String, appendTwoDigits, appendFourDigits, outsideUTCRange, makeUTCTime, makeGeneralizedTime, appendUTCTime, appendGeneralizedTime, appendTimeCommon, stripTagAndLength, makeBody, makeField, Marshal, MarshalWithParams, parseFieldParameters, getUniversalType, parseBool, checkInteger, parseInt64, parseInt32, parseBigInt, parseBitString, parseObjectIdentifier, parseBase128Int, parseUTCTime, parseGeneralizedTime, parseNumericString, isNumeric, parsePrintableString, isPrintable, parseIA5String, parseT61String, parseUTF8String, parseBMPString, parseTagAndLength, parseSequenceOf, invalidLength, parseField, canHaveDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, Unmarshal, UnmarshalWithParams; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + big = $packages["math/big"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + utf16 = $packages["unicode/utf16"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + encoder = $pkg.encoder = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "asn1.encoder", true, "encoding/asn1", false, null); + byteEncoder = $pkg.byteEncoder = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "asn1.byteEncoder", true, "encoding/asn1", false, null); + bytesEncoder = $pkg.bytesEncoder = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "asn1.bytesEncoder", true, "encoding/asn1", false, null); + stringEncoder = $pkg.stringEncoder = $newType(8, $kindString, "asn1.stringEncoder", true, "encoding/asn1", false, null); + multiEncoder = $pkg.multiEncoder = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "asn1.multiEncoder", true, "encoding/asn1", false, null); + setEncoder = $pkg.setEncoder = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "asn1.setEncoder", true, "encoding/asn1", false, null); + taggedEncoder = $pkg.taggedEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "asn1.taggedEncoder", true, "encoding/asn1", false, function(scratch_, tag_, body_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.scratch = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.tag = $ifaceNil; + this.body = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.scratch = scratch_; + this.tag = tag_; + this.body = body_; + }); + int64Encoder = $pkg.int64Encoder = $newType(8, $kindInt64, "asn1.int64Encoder", true, "encoding/asn1", false, null); + bitStringEncoder = $pkg.bitStringEncoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "asn1.bitStringEncoder", true, "encoding/asn1", false, function(Bytes_, BitLength_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Bytes = sliceType.nil; + this.BitLength = 0; + return; + } + this.Bytes = Bytes_; + this.BitLength = BitLength_; + }); + oidEncoder = $pkg.oidEncoder = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "asn1.oidEncoder", true, "encoding/asn1", false, null); + tagAndLength = $pkg.tagAndLength = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "asn1.tagAndLength", true, "encoding/asn1", false, function(class$0_, tag_, length_, isCompound_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.class$0 = 0; + this.tag = 0; + this.length = 0; + this.isCompound = false; + return; + } + this.class$0 = class$0_; + this.tag = tag_; + this.length = length_; + this.isCompound = isCompound_; + }); + fieldParameters = $pkg.fieldParameters = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "asn1.fieldParameters", true, "encoding/asn1", false, function(optional_, explicit_, application_, private$3_, defaultValue_, tag_, stringType_, timeType_, set_, omitEmpty_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.optional = false; + this.explicit = false; + this.application = false; + this.private$3 = false; + this.defaultValue = ptrType$2.nil; + this.tag = ptrType$3.nil; + this.stringType = 0; + this.timeType = 0; + this.set = false; + this.omitEmpty = false; + return; + } + this.optional = optional_; + this.explicit = explicit_; + this.application = application_; + this.private$3 = private$3_; + this.defaultValue = defaultValue_; + this.tag = tag_; + this.stringType = stringType_; + this.timeType = timeType_; + this.set = set_; + this.omitEmpty = omitEmpty_; + }); + StructuralError = $pkg.StructuralError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "asn1.StructuralError", true, "encoding/asn1", true, function(Msg_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Msg = ""; + return; + } + this.Msg = Msg_; + }); + SyntaxError = $pkg.SyntaxError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "asn1.SyntaxError", true, "encoding/asn1", true, function(Msg_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Msg = ""; + return; + } + this.Msg = Msg_; + }); + BitString = $pkg.BitString = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "asn1.BitString", true, "encoding/asn1", true, function(Bytes_, BitLength_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Bytes = sliceType.nil; + this.BitLength = 0; + return; + } + this.Bytes = Bytes_; + this.BitLength = BitLength_; + }); + ObjectIdentifier = $pkg.ObjectIdentifier = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "asn1.ObjectIdentifier", true, "encoding/asn1", true, null); + Enumerated = $pkg.Enumerated = $newType(4, $kindInt, "asn1.Enumerated", true, "encoding/asn1", true, null); + Flag = $pkg.Flag = $newType(1, $kindBool, "asn1.Flag", true, "encoding/asn1", true, null); + RawValue = $pkg.RawValue = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "asn1.RawValue", true, "encoding/asn1", true, function(Class_, Tag_, IsCompound_, Bytes_, FullBytes_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Class = 0; + this.Tag = 0; + this.IsCompound = false; + this.Bytes = sliceType.nil; + this.FullBytes = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.Class = Class_; + this.Tag = Tag_; + this.IsCompound = IsCompound_; + this.Bytes = Bytes_; + this.FullBytes = FullBytes_; + }); + RawContent = $pkg.RawContent = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "asn1.RawContent", true, "encoding/asn1", true, null); + invalidUnmarshalError = $pkg.invalidUnmarshalError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "asn1.invalidUnmarshalError", true, "encoding/asn1", false, function(Type_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Type = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Type = Type_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(time.Location); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(sliceType); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(big.Int); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(encoder); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Int); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType($Int64); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType($Int); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($Uint16); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(reflect.rtype); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(RawValue); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(ObjectIdentifier); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(BitString); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(time.Time); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(Enumerated); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(Flag); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(ptrType$1); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(taggedEncoder); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(invalidUnmarshalError); + byteEncoder.prototype.Len = function() { + var c; + c = this.$val; + return 1; + }; + $ptrType(byteEncoder).prototype.Len = function() { return new byteEncoder(this.$get()).Len(); }; + byteEncoder.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { + var c, dst; + c = this.$val; + (0 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 0] = ((c << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + $ptrType(byteEncoder).prototype.Encode = function(dst) { return new byteEncoder(this.$get()).Encode(dst); }; + bytesEncoder.prototype.Len = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.$length; + }; + $ptrType(bytesEncoder).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + bytesEncoder.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { + var b, dst; + b = this; + if (!(($copySlice(dst, b) === b.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("internal error")); + } + }; + $ptrType(bytesEncoder).prototype.Encode = function(dst) { return this.$get().Encode(dst); }; + stringEncoder.prototype.Len = function() { + var s; + s = this.$val; + return s.length; + }; + $ptrType(stringEncoder).prototype.Len = function() { return new stringEncoder(this.$get()).Len(); }; + stringEncoder.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { + var dst, s; + s = this.$val; + if (!(($copyString(dst, s) === s.length))) { + $panic(new $String("internal error")); + } + }; + $ptrType(stringEncoder).prototype.Encode = function(dst) { return new stringEncoder(this.$get()).Encode(dst); }; + multiEncoder.prototype.Len = function() { + var {_i, _r, _ref, e, m, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + size = 0; + _ref = m; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + e = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = e.Len(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + (_r) >> 0; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: multiEncoder.prototype.Len, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, e, m, size, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(multiEncoder).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + multiEncoder.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, dst, e, m, off, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + off = 0; + _ref = m; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + e = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = e.Encode($subslice(dst, off)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = e.Len(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + off = off + (_r) >> 0; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: multiEncoder.prototype.Encode, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, dst, e, m, off, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(multiEncoder).prototype.Encode = function(dst) { return this.$get().Encode(dst); }; + setEncoder.prototype.Len = function() { + var {_i, _r, _ref, e, s, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + size = 0; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + e = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = e.Len(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + size = size + (_r) >> 0; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return size; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: setEncoder.prototype.Len, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, e, s, size, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(setEncoder).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + setEncoder.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, b, dst, e, i, l, off, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = [l]; + s = this; + l[0] = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, s.$length); + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + e = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = e.Len(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((i < 0 || i >= l[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : l[0].$array[l[0].$offset + i] = $makeSlice(sliceType, _r)); + $r = e.Encode(((i < 0 || i >= l[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : l[0].$array[l[0].$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $r = sort.Slice(l[0], (function(l) { return function(i$1, j) { + var i$1, j; + return bytes.Compare(((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= l[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : l[0].$array[l[0].$offset + i$1]), ((j < 0 || j >= l[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : l[0].$array[l[0].$offset + j])) < 0; + }; })(l)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + off = 0; + _ref$1 = l[0]; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + $copySlice($subslice(dst, off), b); + off = off + (b.$length) >> 0; + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: setEncoder.prototype.Encode, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, b, dst, e, i, l, off, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(setEncoder).prototype.Encode = function(dst) { return this.$get().Encode(dst); }; + taggedEncoder.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r = t.tag.Len(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = t.body.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r + _r$1 >> 0; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: taggedEncoder.ptr.prototype.Len, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + taggedEncoder.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + taggedEncoder.ptr.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { + var {_r, dst, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + $r = t.tag.Encode(dst); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = t.tag.Len(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = t.body.Encode($subslice(dst, _r)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: taggedEncoder.ptr.prototype.Encode, $c: true, $r, _r, dst, t, $s};return $f; + }; + taggedEncoder.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { return this.$val.Encode(dst); }; + int64Encoder.prototype.Len = function() { + var i, n; + i = this; + n = 1; + while (true) { + if (!((i.$high > 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low > 127)))) { break; } + n = n + (1) >> 0; + i = $shiftRightInt64(i, (8)); + } + while (true) { + if (!((i.$high < -1 || (i.$high === -1 && i.$low < 4294967168)))) { break; } + n = n + (1) >> 0; + i = $shiftRightInt64(i, (8)); + } + return n; + }; + $ptrType(int64Encoder).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + int64Encoder.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { + var dst, i, j, n; + i = this; + n = i.Len(); + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < n)) { break; } + ((j < 0 || j >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + j] = (($shiftRightInt64(i, ((($imul((((n - 1 >> 0) - j >> 0)), 8)) >>> 0))).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + $ptrType(int64Encoder).prototype.Encode = function(dst) { return this.$get().Encode(dst); }; + base128IntLength = function(n) { + var i, l, n; + if ((n.$high === 0 && n.$low === 0)) { + return 1; + } + l = 0; + i = n; + while (true) { + if (!((i.$high > 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low > 0)))) { break; } + l = l + (1) >> 0; + i = $shiftRightInt64(i, (7)); + } + return l; + }; + appendBase128Int = function(dst, n) { + var dst, i, l, n, o; + l = base128IntLength(n); + i = l - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + o = (($shiftRightInt64(n, ((($imul(i, 7)) >>> 0))).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + o = (o & (127)) >>> 0; + if (!((i === 0))) { + o = (o | (128)) >>> 0; + } + dst = $append(dst, o); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return dst; + }; + makeBigInt = function(n) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, bytes$1, bytes$2, i, n, nMinus1, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (n === ptrType$1.nil) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("empty integer"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3))]; + } + /* */ if (n.Sign() < 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if (n.Sign() === 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (n.Sign() < 0) { */ case 1: + nMinus1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Neg(n); + _r = nMinus1.Sub(nMinus1, bigOne); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + bytes$1 = nMinus1.Bytes(); + _ref = bytes$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= bytes$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= bytes$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + i]) ^ (255)) << 24 >>> 24)); + _i++; + } + if ((bytes$1.$length === 0) || ((((0 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 0]) & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) { + $s = -1; return [($convertSliceType(new sliceType$2([byteFFEncoder, ($convertSliceType(bytes$1, bytesEncoder))]), multiEncoder)), $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = -1; return [($convertSliceType(bytes$1, bytesEncoder)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (n.Sign() === 0) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return [byte00Encoder, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 3: + bytes$2 = n.Bytes(); + if (bytes$2.$length > 0 && !(((((0 >= bytes$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$2.$array[bytes$2.$offset + 0]) & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return [($convertSliceType(new sliceType$2([byte00Encoder, ($convertSliceType(bytes$2, bytesEncoder))]), multiEncoder)), $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = -1; return [($convertSliceType(bytes$2, bytesEncoder)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeBigInt, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, bytes$1, bytes$2, i, n, nMinus1, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + appendLength = function(dst, i) { + var dst, i, n; + n = lengthLength(i); + while (true) { + if (!(n > 0)) { break; } + dst = $append(dst, ((((i >> $min(((($imul(((n - 1 >> 0)), 8)) >>> 0)), 31)) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + n = n - (1) >> 0; + } + return dst; + }; + lengthLength = function(i) { + var i, numBytes; + numBytes = 0; + numBytes = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i > 255)) { break; } + numBytes = numBytes + (1) >> 0; + i = (i >> $min((8), 31)) >> 0; + } + return numBytes; + }; + appendTagAndLength = function(dst, t) { + var b, dst, l, t; + b = ((t.class$0 << 24 >>> 24)) << 6 << 24 >>> 24; + if (t.isCompound) { + b = (b | (32)) >>> 0; + } + if (t.tag >= 31) { + b = (b | (31)) >>> 0; + dst = $append(dst, b); + dst = appendBase128Int(dst, (new $Int64(0, t.tag))); + } else { + b = (b | (((t.tag << 24 >>> 24)))) >>> 0; + dst = $append(dst, b); + } + if (t.length >= 128) { + l = lengthLength(t.length); + dst = $append(dst, (128 | ((l << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0); + dst = appendLength(dst, t.length); + } else { + dst = $append(dst, ((t.length << 24 >>> 24))); + } + return dst; + }; + bitStringEncoder.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.Bytes.$length + 1 >> 0; + }; + bitStringEncoder.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + bitStringEncoder.ptr.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { + var _r, _r$1, b, dst; + b = this; + (0 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 0] = (((_r = ((8 - (_r$1 = b.BitLength % 8, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0)) % 8, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24))); + if (!(($copySlice($subslice(dst, 1), b.Bytes) === b.Bytes.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("internal error")); + } + }; + bitStringEncoder.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { return this.$val.Encode(dst); }; + oidEncoder.prototype.Len = function() { + var i, l, oid; + oid = this; + l = base128IntLength((new $Int64(0, (($imul((0 >= oid.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + 0]), 40)) + (1 >= oid.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + 1]) >> 0)))); + i = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(i < oid.$length)) { break; } + l = l + (base128IntLength((new $Int64(0, ((i < 0 || i >= oid.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + i]))))) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return l; + }; + $ptrType(oidEncoder).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + oidEncoder.prototype.Encode = function(dst) { + var dst, i, oid; + oid = this; + dst = appendBase128Int($subslice(dst, 0, 0), (new $Int64(0, (($imul((0 >= oid.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + 0]), 40)) + (1 >= oid.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + 1]) >> 0)))); + i = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(i < oid.$length)) { break; } + dst = appendBase128Int(dst, (new $Int64(0, ((i < 0 || i >= oid.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + i])))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + $ptrType(oidEncoder).prototype.Encode = function(dst) { return this.$get().Encode(dst); }; + makeObjectIdentifier = function(oid) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, e, err, oid, x$3; + e = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (oid.$length < 2 || (0 >= oid.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + 0]) > 2 || ((0 >= oid.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + 0]) < 2 && (1 >= oid.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + 1]) >= 40)) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("invalid object identifier"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + e = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [e, err]; + } + _tmp$2 = ($convertSliceType(oid, oidEncoder)); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [e, err]; + }; + makePrintableString = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, e, err, i, s, x$3; + e = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (!isPrintable(s.charCodeAt(i), true, false)) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("PrintableString contains invalid character"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + e = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [e, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$2 = new stringEncoder((s)); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [e, err]; + }; + makeIA5String = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, e, err, i, s, x$3; + e = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) > 127) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("IA5String contains invalid character"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + e = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [e, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$2 = new stringEncoder((s)); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [e, err]; + }; + makeNumericString = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, e, err, i, s, x$3; + e = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (!isNumeric(s.charCodeAt(i))) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("NumericString contains invalid character"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + e = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [e, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$2 = new stringEncoder((s)); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [e, err]; + }; + makeUTF8String = function(s) { + var s; + return new stringEncoder((s)); + }; + appendTwoDigits = function(dst, v) { + var _q, _r, _r$1, dst, v; + return $append(dst, (((48 + (_r = ((_q = v / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) % 10, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((48 + (_r$1 = v % 10, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + appendFourDigits = function(dst, v) { + var _i, _q, _r, _ref, bytes$1, dst, i, v, x$3; + bytes$1 = arrayType.zero(); + _ref = bytes$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 4)) { break; } + i = _i; + (x$3 = 3 - i >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= bytes$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1[x$3] = (48 + (((_r = v % 10, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) << 24 >>> 24))); + v = (_q = v / (10), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + _i++; + } + return $appendSlice(dst, new sliceType(bytes$1)); + }; + outsideUTCRange = function(t) { + var {_r, t, year, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(t, time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + year = _r; + $s = -1; return year < 1950 || year >= 2050; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: outsideUTCRange, $c: true, $r, _r, t, year, $s};return $f; + }; + makeUTCTime = function(t) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, dst, e, err, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + dst = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 18); + _r = appendUTCTime(dst, $clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + dst = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = err; + e = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + _tmp$2 = ($convertSliceType(dst, bytesEncoder)); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeUTCTime, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, dst, e, err, t, $s};return $f; + }; + makeGeneralizedTime = function(t) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, dst, e, err, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + dst = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 20); + _r = appendGeneralizedTime(dst, $clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + dst = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = err; + e = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + _tmp$2 = ($convertSliceType(dst, bytesEncoder)); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeGeneralizedTime, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, dst, e, err, t, $s};return $f; + }; + appendUTCTime = function(dst, t) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, dst, err, ret, t, x$3, year, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ret = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = $clone(t, time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + year = _r; + if (1950 <= year && year < 2000) { + dst = appendTwoDigits(dst, year - 1900 >> 0); + } else if (2000 <= year && year < 2050) { + dst = appendTwoDigits(dst, year - 2000 >> 0); + } else { + _tmp = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$1 = (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("cannot represent time as UTCTime"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + ret = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + _r$1 = appendTimeCommon(dst, $clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r$1; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + ret = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r = [ret, err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendUTCTime, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, dst, err, ret, t, x$3, year, $s};return $f; + }; + appendGeneralizedTime = function(dst, t) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, dst, err, ret, t, x$3, year, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ret = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = $clone(t, time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + year = _r; + if (year < 0 || year > 9999) { + _tmp = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$1 = (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("cannot represent time as GeneralizedTime"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + ret = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + dst = appendFourDigits(dst, year); + _r$1 = appendTimeCommon(dst, $clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r$1; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + ret = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r = [ret, err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendGeneralizedTime, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, dst, err, ret, t, x$3, year, $s};return $f; + }; + appendTimeCommon = function(dst, t) { + var {_q, _q$1, _q$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, day, dst, hour, min, month, offset, offsetMinutes, sec, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(t, time.Time).Date(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + month = _tuple[1]; + day = _tuple[2]; + dst = appendTwoDigits(dst, ((month >> 0))); + dst = appendTwoDigits(dst, day); + _r$1 = $clone(t, time.Time).Clock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + hour = _tuple$1[0]; + min = _tuple$1[1]; + sec = _tuple$1[2]; + dst = appendTwoDigits(dst, hour); + dst = appendTwoDigits(dst, min); + dst = appendTwoDigits(dst, sec); + _r$2 = $clone(t, time.Time).Zone(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + offset = _tuple$2[1]; + if (((_q = offset / 60, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0)) { + $s = -1; return $append(dst, 90); + } else if (offset > 0) { + dst = $append(dst, 43); + } else if (offset < 0) { + dst = $append(dst, 45); + } + offsetMinutes = (_q$1 = offset / 60, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (offsetMinutes < 0) { + offsetMinutes = -offsetMinutes; + } + dst = appendTwoDigits(dst, (_q$2 = offsetMinutes / 60, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + dst = appendTwoDigits(dst, (_r$3 = offsetMinutes % 60, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + $s = -1; return dst; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendTimeCommon, $c: true, $r, _q, _q$1, _q$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, day, dst, hour, min, month, offset, offsetMinutes, sec, t, $s};return $f; + }; + stripTagAndLength = function(in$1) { + var _tuple, err, in$1, offset; + _tuple = parseTagAndLength(in$1, 0); + offset = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return in$1; + } + return $subslice(in$1, offset); + }; + makeBody = function(value, params) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, _v, bytes$1, e, err, fp, i, i$1, i$2, l, m, m$1, n, n1, params, s, sliceType$4, startingField, t, t$1, v, value, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {value, params}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _1 = $clone(value, reflect.Value).Type(); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (flagType))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (timeType))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (bitStringType))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (objectIdentifierType))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (bigIntType))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (flagType))) { */ case 2: + _tmp = (bytesEncoder.nil); + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (timeType))) { */ case 3: + _r = $clone(value, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = $clone($assertType(_r, time.Time), time.Time); + if (params.timeType === 24) { _v = true; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$1 = outsideUTCRange($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1; case 11: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 9: + _r$2 = makeGeneralizedTime($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + e = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [e, err]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$3 = makeUTCTime($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + e = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r$1 = [e, err]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$1; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (bitStringType))) { */ case 4: + _r$4 = $clone(value, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = (x$3 = ($clone($assertType(_r$4, BitString), bitStringEncoder)), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r$2 = [e, err]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (objectIdentifierType))) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = $clone(value, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = makeObjectIdentifier($convertSliceType($assertType(_r$5, ObjectIdentifier), sliceType$3)); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$6; + e = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + $24r$3 = [e, err]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$3; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (bigIntType))) { */ case 6: + _r$7 = $clone(value, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = makeBigInt($assertType(_r$7, ptrType$1)); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$8; + e = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + $24r$4 = [e, err]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + v = value; + _2 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_2 === (1)) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ if ((_2 === (2)) || (_2 === (3)) || (_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (5)) || (_2 === (6))) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (25)) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (23)) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (24)) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (_2 === (1)) { */ case 26: + if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Bool()) { + _tmp$4 = byteFFEncoder; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + _tmp$6 = byte00Encoder; + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } else if ((_2 === (2)) || (_2 === (3)) || (_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (5)) || (_2 === (6))) { */ case 27: + _tmp$8 = ((x$4 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Int(), new int64Encoder(x$4.$high, x$4.$low))); + _tmp$9 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } else if (_2 === (25)) { */ case 28: + t$1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 32: + _r$9 = t$1.NumField(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$9)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$9)) { $s = 33; continue; } + _r$10 = t$1.Field(i); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.StructField).IsExported(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$11) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (!_r$11) { */ case 35: + _tmp$10 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$11 = (x$5 = new StructuralError.ptr("struct contains unexported fields"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + e = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } */ case 36: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 32; continue; + case 33: + startingField = 0; + _r$12 = t$1.NumField(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r$12; + if (n === 0) { + _tmp$12 = (bytesEncoder.nil); + _tmp$13 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + _r$13 = t$1.Field(0); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$13.Type, rawContentsType)) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$13.Type, rawContentsType)) { */ case 40: + _r$14 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Field(0); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$14; + /* */ if ($clone(s, reflect.Value).Len() > 0) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ $s = 45; continue; + /* if ($clone(s, reflect.Value).Len() > 0) { */ case 44: + _r$15 = $clone(s, reflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bytes$1 = _r$15; + _tmp$14 = ($convertSliceType(stripTagAndLength(bytes$1), bytesEncoder)); + _tmp$15 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } */ case 45: + startingField = 1; + /* } */ case 41: + n1 = n - startingField >> 0; + _3 = n1; + /* */ if (_3 === (0)) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (1)) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (_3 === (0)) { */ case 48: + _tmp$16 = (bytesEncoder.nil); + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } else if (_3 === (1)) { */ case 49: + _r$16 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Field(startingField); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = $clone(_r$16, reflect.Value); + _r$17 = t$1.Field(startingField); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = new reflect.StructTag(_r$17.Tag).Get("asn1"); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = parseFieldParameters(_r$18); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$19, fieldParameters); + _r$20 = makeField(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$20; + e = _tuple$4[0]; + err = _tuple$4[1]; + $24r$5 = [e, err]; + $s = 57; case 57: return $24r$5; + /* } else { */ case 50: + m = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, n1); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 58: + /* if (!(i$1 < n1)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < n1)) { $s = 59; continue; } + _r$21 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Field(i$1 + startingField >> 0); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = $clone(_r$21, reflect.Value); + _r$22 = t$1.Field(i$1 + startingField >> 0); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = new reflect.StructTag(_r$22.Tag).Get("asn1"); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = parseFieldParameters(_r$23); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = $clone(_r$24, fieldParameters); + _r$25 = makeField(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$25; + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= m.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + i$1] = _tuple$5[0]); + err = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$18 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$19 = err; + e = _tmp$18; + err = _tmp$19; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 58; continue; + case 59: + _tmp$20 = ($convertSliceType(m, multiEncoder)); + _tmp$21 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$20; + err = _tmp$21; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } */ case 51: + case 47: + $s = 31; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (23)) { */ case 29: + sliceType$4 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(); + _r$26 = sliceType$4.Elem(); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = _r$26.Kind(); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$27 === 8) { $s = 65; continue; } + /* */ $s = 66; continue; + /* if (_r$27 === 8) { */ case 65: + _r$28 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Bytes(); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$22 = ($convertSliceType(_r$28, bytesEncoder)); + _tmp$23 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$22; + err = _tmp$23; + $24r$6 = [e, err]; + $s = 70; case 70: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 66: + fp = new fieldParameters.ptr(false, false, false, false, ptrType$2.nil, ptrType$3.nil, 0, 0, false, false); + l = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Len(); + _4 = l; + /* */ if (_4 === (0)) { $s = 72; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (1)) { $s = 73; continue; } + /* */ $s = 74; continue; + /* if (_4 === (0)) { */ case 72: + _tmp$24 = (bytesEncoder.nil); + _tmp$25 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$24; + err = _tmp$25; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } else if (_4 === (1)) { */ case 73: + _r$29 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Index(0); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$30 = makeField($clone(_r$29, reflect.Value), $clone(fp, fieldParameters)); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$30; + e = _tuple$6[0]; + err = _tuple$6[1]; + $24r$7 = [e, err]; + $s = 78; case 78: return $24r$7; + /* } else { */ case 74: + m$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, l); + i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 79: + /* if (!(i$2 < l)) { break; } */ if(!(i$2 < l)) { $s = 80; continue; } + _r$31 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Index(i$2); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$32 = makeField($clone(_r$31, reflect.Value), $clone(fp, fieldParameters)); /* */ $s = 82; case 82: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$7 = _r$32; + ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= m$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m$1.$array[m$1.$offset + i$2] = _tuple$7[0]); + err = _tuple$7[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$26 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$27 = err; + e = _tmp$26; + err = _tmp$27; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 79; continue; + case 80: + if (params.set) { + _tmp$28 = ($convertSliceType(m$1, setEncoder)); + _tmp$29 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$28; + err = _tmp$29; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + _tmp$30 = ($convertSliceType(m$1, multiEncoder)); + _tmp$31 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$30; + err = _tmp$31; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } */ case 75: + case 71: + $s = 31; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (24)) { */ case 30: + _5 = params.stringType; + /* */ if (_5 === (22)) { $s = 84; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (19)) { $s = 85; continue; } + /* */ if (_5 === (18)) { $s = 86; continue; } + /* */ $s = 87; continue; + /* if (_5 === (22)) { */ case 84: + _r$33 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 89; case 89: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$34 = makeIA5String(_r$33); /* */ $s = 90; case 90: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$8 = _r$34; + e = _tuple$8[0]; + err = _tuple$8[1]; + $24r$8 = [e, err]; + $s = 91; case 91: return $24r$8; + /* } else if (_5 === (19)) { */ case 85: + _r$35 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 92; case 92: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$36 = makePrintableString(_r$35); /* */ $s = 93; case 93: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$9 = _r$36; + e = _tuple$9[0]; + err = _tuple$9[1]; + $24r$9 = [e, err]; + $s = 94; case 94: return $24r$9; + /* } else if (_5 === (18)) { */ case 86: + _r$37 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 95; case 95: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$38 = makeNumericString(_r$37); /* */ $s = 96; case 96: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$10 = _r$38; + e = _tuple$10[0]; + err = _tuple$10[1]; + $24r$10 = [e, err]; + $s = 97; case 97: return $24r$10; + /* } else { */ case 87: + _r$39 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 98; case 98: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$40 = makeUTF8String(_r$39); /* */ $s = 99; case 99: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$32 = _r$40; + _tmp$33 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$32; + err = _tmp$33; + $24r$11 = [e, err]; + $s = 100; case 100: return $24r$11; + /* } */ case 88: + case 83: + /* } */ case 31: + case 25: + _tmp$34 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$35 = (x$6 = new StructuralError.ptr("unknown Go type"), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + e = _tmp$34; + err = _tmp$35; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeBody, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, _v, bytes$1, e, err, fp, i, i$1, i$2, l, m, m$1, n, n1, params, s, sliceType$4, startingField, t, t$1, v, value, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + makeField = function(v, params) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _rune, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, bodyLen, class$1, defaultValue, e, err, isCompound, matchAny, ok, params, r, rv, t, t$1, tag, tt, v, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, params}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (!$clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!$clone(v, reflect.Value).IsValid()) { */ case 1: + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _r = fmt.Errorf("asn1: cannot marshal nil value", new sliceType$4([])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r; + e = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [e, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + if (!($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 20)) { _v = false; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().NumMethod(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1 === 0; case 7: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = makeField($clone(_r$2, reflect.Value), $clone(params, fieldParameters)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + e = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r$1 = [e, err]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + if (($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 23) && ($clone(v, reflect.Value).Len() === 0) && params.omitEmpty) { + _tmp$2 = (bytesEncoder.nil); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + /* */ if (params.optional && !(params.defaultValue === ptrType$2.nil) && canHaveDefaultValue($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind())) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (params.optional && !(params.defaultValue === ptrType$2.nil) && canHaveDefaultValue($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind())) { */ case 12: + _r$4 = $clone(reflect.New($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()), reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + defaultValue = _r$4; + $clone(defaultValue, reflect.Value).SetInt(params.defaultValue.$get()); + _r$5 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$5; + _r$6 = $clone(defaultValue, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$6; + _r$7 = reflect.DeepEqual(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (_r$7) { */ case 15: + _tmp$4 = (bytesEncoder.nil); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } */ case 16: + /* } */ case 13: + /* */ if (params.optional && params.defaultValue === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (params.optional && params.defaultValue === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 20: + _r$8 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$8; + _r$9 = reflect.Zero($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = $clone(_r$9, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$10; + _r$11 = reflect.DeepEqual(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$11) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (_r$11) { */ case 22: + _tmp$6 = (bytesEncoder.nil); + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } */ case 23: + /* } */ case 21: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), rawValueType)) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(), rawValueType)) { */ case 28: + _r$12 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = $clone($assertType(_r$12, RawValue), RawValue); + if (!((rv.FullBytes.$length === 0))) { + _tmp$8 = ($convertSliceType(rv.FullBytes, bytesEncoder)); + _tmp$9 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + t = new taggedEncoder.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil); + t.tag = ($convertSliceType(appendTagAndLength($subslice(new sliceType(t.scratch), 0, 0), new tagAndLength.ptr(rv.Class, rv.Tag, rv.Bytes.$length, rv.IsCompound)), bytesEncoder)); + t.body = ($convertSliceType(rv.Bytes, bytesEncoder)); + _tmp$10 = t; + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } */ case 29: + _r$13 = getUniversalType($clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$13; + matchAny = _tuple$1[0]; + tag = _tuple$1[1]; + isCompound = _tuple$1[2]; + ok = _tuple$1[3]; + /* */ if (!ok || matchAny) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (!ok || matchAny) { */ case 32: + _tmp$12 = $ifaceNil; + _r$14 = fmt.Sprintf("unknown Go type: %v", new sliceType$4([$clone(v, reflect.Value).Type()])); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$13 = (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr(_r$14), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + e = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $24r$2 = [e, err]; + $s = 35; case 35: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 33: + if (!((params.timeType === 0)) && !((tag === 23))) { + _tmp$14 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$15 = (x$4 = new StructuralError.ptr("explicit time type given to non-time member"), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + e = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + if (!((params.stringType === 0)) && !((tag === 19))) { + _tmp$16 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$17 = (x$5 = new StructuralError.ptr("explicit string type given to non-string member"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + e = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + _1 = tag; + /* */ if (_1 === (19)) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if (_1 === (19)) { */ case 37: + /* */ if (params.stringType === 0) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (params.stringType === 0) { */ case 40: + _r$15 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r$15; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 44: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.length)) { $s = 45; continue; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + r = _rune[0]; + /* */ if (r >= 128 || !isPrintable(((r << 24 >>> 24)), false, false)) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ $s = 47; continue; + /* if (r >= 128 || !isPrintable(((r << 24 >>> 24)), false, false)) { */ case 46: + _r$16 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).String(); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = utf8.ValidString(_r$16); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$17) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ $s = 49; continue; + /* if (!_r$17) { */ case 48: + _tmp$18 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$19 = errors.New("asn1: string not valid UTF-8"); + e = _tmp$18; + err = _tmp$19; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } */ case 49: + tag = 12; + /* break; */ $s = 45; continue; + /* } */ case 47: + _i += _rune[1]; + $s = 44; continue; + case 45: + $s = 42; continue; + /* } else { */ case 41: + tag = params.stringType; + /* } */ case 42: + $s = 39; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 38: + if (params.timeType === 24) { _v$1 = true; $s = 54; continue s; } + _r$18 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = outsideUTCRange($clone($assertType(_r$18, time.Time), time.Time)); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$19; case 54: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 52; continue; } + /* */ $s = 53; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 52: + tag = 24; + /* } */ case 53: + /* } */ case 39: + case 36: + if (params.set) { + if (!((tag === 16))) { + _tmp$20 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$21 = (x$6 = new StructuralError.ptr("non sequence tagged as set"), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + e = _tmp$20; + err = _tmp$21; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + tag = 17; + } + if ((tag === 17) && !params.set) { + params.set = true; + } + t$1 = new taggedEncoder.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil); + _r$20 = makeBody($clone(v, reflect.Value), $clone(params, fieldParameters)); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$20; + t$1.body = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$22 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$23 = err; + e = _tmp$22; + err = _tmp$23; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + } + _r$21 = t$1.body.Len(); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bodyLen = _r$21; + class$1 = 0; + /* */ if (!(params.tag === ptrType$3.nil)) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ $s = 60; continue; + /* if (!(params.tag === ptrType$3.nil)) { */ case 59: + if (params.application) { + class$1 = 1; + } else if (params.private$3) { + class$1 = 3; + } else { + class$1 = 2; + } + /* */ if (params.explicit) { $s = 61; continue; } + /* */ $s = 62; continue; + /* if (params.explicit) { */ case 61: + t$1.tag = ($convertSliceType(appendTagAndLength($subslice(new sliceType(t$1.scratch), 0, 0), new tagAndLength.ptr(0, tag, bodyLen, isCompound)), bytesEncoder)); + tt = new taggedEncoder.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil); + tt.body = t$1; + _arg$4 = $subslice(new sliceType(tt.scratch), 0, 0); + _r$22 = t$1.tag.Len(); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = new tagAndLength.ptr(class$1, params.tag.$get(), bodyLen + _r$22 >> 0, true); + _r$23 = appendTagAndLength(_arg$4, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tt.tag = ($convertSliceType(_r$23, bytesEncoder)); + _tmp$24 = tt; + _tmp$25 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$24; + err = _tmp$25; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* } */ case 62: + tag = params.tag.$get(); + /* } */ case 60: + t$1.tag = ($convertSliceType(appendTagAndLength($subslice(new sliceType(t$1.scratch), 0, 0), new tagAndLength.ptr(class$1, tag, bodyLen, isCompound)), bytesEncoder)); + _tmp$26 = t$1; + _tmp$27 = $ifaceNil; + e = _tmp$26; + err = _tmp$27; + $s = -1; return [e, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: makeField, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _rune, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, bodyLen, class$1, defaultValue, e, err, isCompound, matchAny, ok, params, r, rv, t, t$1, tag, tt, v, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + Marshal = function(val) { + var {$24r, _r, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = MarshalWithParams(val, ""); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Marshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, val, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Marshal = Marshal; + MarshalWithParams = function(val, params) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, b, e, err, params, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val, params}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = reflect.ValueOf(val); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = makeField($clone(_r, reflect.Value), $clone(parseFieldParameters(params), fieldParameters)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + e = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + _r$2 = e.Len(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, _r$2); + $r = e.Encode(b); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [b, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MarshalWithParams, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, b, e, err, params, val, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.MarshalWithParams = MarshalWithParams; + parseFieldParameters = function(str) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, err$1, i, i$1, part, ret, str; + ret = new fieldParameters.ptr(false, false, false, false, ptrType$2.nil, ptrType$3.nil, 0, 0, false, false); + part = ""; + while (true) { + if (!(str.length > 0)) { break; } + _tuple = strings.Cut(str, ","); + part = _tuple[0]; + str = _tuple[1]; + if (part === "optional") { + ret.optional = true; + } else if (part === "explicit") { + ret.explicit = true; + if (ret.tag === ptrType$3.nil) { + ret.tag = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$3); + } + } else if (part === "generalized") { + ret.timeType = 24; + } else if (part === "utc") { + ret.timeType = 23; + } else if (part === "ia5") { + ret.stringType = 22; + } else if (part === "printable") { + ret.stringType = 19; + } else if (part === "numeric") { + ret.stringType = 18; + } else if (part === "utf8") { + ret.stringType = 12; + } else if (strings.HasPrefix(part, "default:")) { + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseInt($substring(part, 8), 10, 64); + i = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + ret.defaultValue = $newDataPointer(new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2); + ret.defaultValue.$set(i); + } + } else if (strings.HasPrefix(part, "tag:")) { + _tuple$2 = strconv.Atoi($substring(part, 4)); + i$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + ret.tag = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$3); + ret.tag.$set(i$1); + } + } else if (part === "set") { + ret.set = true; + } else if (part === "application") { + ret.application = true; + if (ret.tag === ptrType$3.nil) { + ret.tag = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$3); + } + } else if (part === "private") { + ret.private$3 = true; + if (ret.tag === ptrType$3.nil) { + ret.tag = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$3); + } + } else if (part === "omitempty") { + ret.omitEmpty = true; + } + } + return ret; + }; + getUniversalType = function(t) { + var {_1, _2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, isCompound, matchAny, ok, t, tagNumber, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + matchAny = false; + tagNumber = 0; + isCompound = false; + ok = false; + _1 = t; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (rawValueType))) { + _tmp = true; + _tmp$1 = -1; + _tmp$2 = false; + _tmp$3 = true; + matchAny = _tmp; + tagNumber = _tmp$1; + isCompound = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (objectIdentifierType))) { + _tmp$4 = false; + _tmp$5 = 6; + _tmp$6 = false; + _tmp$7 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$4; + tagNumber = _tmp$5; + isCompound = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (bitStringType))) { + _tmp$8 = false; + _tmp$9 = 3; + _tmp$10 = false; + _tmp$11 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$8; + tagNumber = _tmp$9; + isCompound = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (timeType))) { + _tmp$12 = false; + _tmp$13 = 23; + _tmp$14 = false; + _tmp$15 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$12; + tagNumber = _tmp$13; + isCompound = _tmp$14; + ok = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (enumeratedType))) { + _tmp$16 = false; + _tmp$17 = 10; + _tmp$18 = false; + _tmp$19 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$16; + tagNumber = _tmp$17; + isCompound = _tmp$18; + ok = _tmp$19; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (bigIntType))) { + _tmp$20 = false; + _tmp$21 = 2; + _tmp$22 = false; + _tmp$23 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$20; + tagNumber = _tmp$21; + isCompound = _tmp$22; + ok = _tmp$23; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + } + _r = t.Kind(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _2 = _r; + /* */ if (_2 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_2 === (2)) || (_2 === (3)) || (_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (5)) || (_2 === (6))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (25)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (23)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (24)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_2 === (1)) { */ case 3: + _tmp$24 = false; + _tmp$25 = 1; + _tmp$26 = false; + _tmp$27 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$24; + tagNumber = _tmp$25; + isCompound = _tmp$26; + ok = _tmp$27; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + /* } else if ((_2 === (2)) || (_2 === (3)) || (_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (5)) || (_2 === (6))) { */ case 4: + _tmp$28 = false; + _tmp$29 = 2; + _tmp$30 = false; + _tmp$31 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$28; + tagNumber = _tmp$29; + isCompound = _tmp$30; + ok = _tmp$31; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + /* } else if (_2 === (25)) { */ case 5: + _tmp$32 = false; + _tmp$33 = 16; + _tmp$34 = true; + _tmp$35 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$32; + tagNumber = _tmp$33; + isCompound = _tmp$34; + ok = _tmp$35; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + /* } else if (_2 === (23)) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = t.Elem(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.Kind(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2 === 8) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_r$2 === 8) { */ case 9: + _tmp$36 = false; + _tmp$37 = 4; + _tmp$38 = false; + _tmp$39 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$36; + tagNumber = _tmp$37; + isCompound = _tmp$38; + ok = _tmp$39; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$3 = t.Name(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = strings.HasSuffix(_r$3, "SET"); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_r$4) { */ case 13: + _tmp$40 = false; + _tmp$41 = 17; + _tmp$42 = true; + _tmp$43 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$40; + tagNumber = _tmp$41; + isCompound = _tmp$42; + ok = _tmp$43; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + /* } */ case 14: + _tmp$44 = false; + _tmp$45 = 16; + _tmp$46 = true; + _tmp$47 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$44; + tagNumber = _tmp$45; + isCompound = _tmp$46; + ok = _tmp$47; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + /* } else if (_2 === (24)) { */ case 7: + _tmp$48 = false; + _tmp$49 = 19; + _tmp$50 = false; + _tmp$51 = true; + matchAny = _tmp$48; + tagNumber = _tmp$49; + isCompound = _tmp$50; + ok = _tmp$51; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + /* } */ case 8: + case 1: + _tmp$52 = false; + _tmp$53 = 0; + _tmp$54 = false; + _tmp$55 = false; + matchAny = _tmp$52; + tagNumber = _tmp$53; + isCompound = _tmp$54; + ok = _tmp$55; + $s = -1; return [matchAny, tagNumber, isCompound, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getUniversalType, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, isCompound, matchAny, ok, t, tagNumber, $s};return $f; + }; + StructuralError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "asn1: structure error: " + e.Msg; + }; + StructuralError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + SyntaxError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "asn1: syntax error: " + e.Msg; + }; + SyntaxError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + parseBool = function(bytes$1) { + var _1, bytes$1, err, ret, x$3, x$4; + ret = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!((bytes$1.$length === 1))) { + err = (x$3 = new SyntaxError.ptr("invalid boolean"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + return [ret, err]; + } + _1 = (0 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 0]); + if (_1 === (0)) { + ret = false; + } else if (_1 === (255)) { + ret = true; + } else { + err = (x$4 = new SyntaxError.ptr("invalid boolean"), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + } + return [ret, err]; + }; + checkInteger = function(bytes$1) { + var bytes$1, x$3, x$4; + if (bytes$1.$length === 0) { + return (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("empty integer"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + } + if (bytes$1.$length === 1) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + if ((((0 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 0]) === 0) && ((((1 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 1]) & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) || (((0 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 0]) === 255) && ((((1 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 1]) & 128) >>> 0) === 128))) { + return (x$4 = new StructuralError.ptr("integer not minimally-encoded"), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + parseInt64 = function(bytes$1) { + var bytes$1, bytesRead, err, ret, x$3, x$4; + ret = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + err = checkInteger(bytes$1); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ret, err]; + } + if (bytes$1.$length > 8) { + err = (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("integer too large"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + return [ret, err]; + } + bytesRead = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(bytesRead < bytes$1.$length)) { break; } + ret = $shiftLeft64(ret, (8)); + ret = (x$4 = (new $Int64(0, ((bytesRead < 0 || bytesRead >= bytes$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + bytesRead]))), new $Int64(ret.$high | x$4.$high, (ret.$low | x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + bytesRead = bytesRead + (1) >> 0; + } + ret = $shiftLeft64(ret, ((64 - (((bytes$1.$length << 24 >>> 24)) * 8 << 24 >>> 24) << 24 >>> 24))); + ret = $shiftRightInt64(ret, ((64 - (((bytes$1.$length << 24 >>> 24)) * 8 << 24 >>> 24) << 24 >>> 24))); + return [ret, err]; + }; + parseInt32 = function(bytes$1) { + var _tuple, bytes$1, err, err$1, ret64, x$3, x$4; + err = checkInteger(bytes$1); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [0, err]; + } + _tuple = parseInt64(bytes$1); + ret64 = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + return [0, err$1]; + } + if (!((x$3 = (new $Int64(0, (((ret64.$low + ((ret64.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))), (ret64.$high === x$3.$high && ret64.$low === x$3.$low)))) { + return [0, (x$4 = new StructuralError.ptr("integer too large"), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4))]; + } + return [(((ret64.$low + ((ret64.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)), $ifaceNil]; + }; + parseBigInt = function(bytes$1) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, bytes$1, err, i, notBytes, ret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {bytes$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = checkInteger(bytes$1); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$1.nil, err]; + } + ret = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + /* */ if (bytes$1.$length > 0 && ((((0 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 0]) & 128) >>> 0) === 128)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (bytes$1.$length > 0 && ((((0 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 0]) & 128) >>> 0) === 128)) { */ case 1: + notBytes = $makeSlice(sliceType, bytes$1.$length); + _ref = notBytes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= notBytes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : notBytes.$array[notBytes.$offset + i] = (~((i < 0 || i >= bytes$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + i]) << 24 >>> 24)); + _i++; + } + ret.SetBytes(notBytes); + _r = ret.Add(ret, bigOne); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + ret.Neg(ret); + $s = -1; return [ret, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 2: + ret.SetBytes(bytes$1); + $s = -1; return [ret, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseBigInt, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, bytes$1, err, i, notBytes, ret, $s};return $f; + }; + BitString.ptr.prototype.At = function(i) { + var _q, _r, b, i, x$3, x$4, y, y$1; + b = this; + if (i < 0 || i >= b.BitLength) { + return 0; + } + x$3 = (_q = i / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + y = 7 - (((_r = i % 8, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + return ((((y$1 = y, y$1 < 32 ? ((x$4 = b.Bytes, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$3])) >>> y$1) : 0) << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)) & 1; + }; + BitString.prototype.At = function(i) { return this.$val.At(i); }; + BitString.ptr.prototype.RightAlign = function() { + var _r, a, b, i, shift, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, y, y$1, y$2; + b = this; + shift = (((8 - ((_r = b.BitLength % 8, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0) >>> 0)); + if ((shift === 8) || (b.Bytes.$length === 0)) { + return b.Bytes; + } + a = $makeSlice(sliceType, b.Bytes.$length); + (0 >= a.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + 0] = ((y = shift, y < 32 ? ((x$3 = b.Bytes, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0])) >>> y) : 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < b.Bytes.$length)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = ((y$1 = ((8 - shift >>> 0)), y$1 < 32 ? ((x$4 = b.Bytes, x$5 = i - 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5])) << y$1) : 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + ((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i]) | (((y$2 = shift, y$2 < 32 ? ((x$6 = b.Bytes, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + i])) >>> y$2) : 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return a; + }; + BitString.prototype.RightAlign = function() { return this.$val.RightAlign(); }; + parseBitString = function(bytes$1) { + var bytes$1, err, paddingBits, ret, x$3, x$4, x$5, y; + ret = new BitString.ptr(sliceType.nil, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + if (bytes$1.$length === 0) { + err = (x$3 = new SyntaxError.ptr("zero length BIT STRING"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + return [ret, err]; + } + paddingBits = (((0 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 0]) >> 0)); + if (paddingBits > 7 || (bytes$1.$length === 1) && paddingBits > 0 || !(((((x$4 = bytes$1.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= bytes$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + x$4])) & (((((y = (0 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 0]), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) << 24 >>> 24)) - 1 << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0) === 0))) { + err = (x$5 = new SyntaxError.ptr("invalid padding bits in BIT STRING"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + return [ret, err]; + } + ret.BitLength = ($imul(((bytes$1.$length - 1 >> 0)), 8)) - paddingBits >> 0; + ret.Bytes = $subslice(bytes$1, 1); + return [ret, err]; + }; + ObjectIdentifier.prototype.Equal = function(other) { + var i, oi, other; + oi = this; + if (!((oi.$length === other.$length))) { + return false; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < oi.$length)) { break; } + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= oi.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oi.$array[oi.$offset + i]) === ((i < 0 || i >= other.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : other.$array[other.$offset + i])))) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(ObjectIdentifier).prototype.Equal = function(other) { return this.$get().Equal(other); }; + ObjectIdentifier.prototype.String = function() { + var _i, _ref, i, oi, s, v; + oi = this; + s = ""; + _ref = oi; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (i > 0) { + s = s + ("."); + } + s = s + (strconv.Itoa(v)); + _i++; + } + return s; + }; + $ptrType(ObjectIdentifier).prototype.String = function() { return this.$get().String(); }; + parseObjectIdentifier = function(bytes$1) { + var _q, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, bytes$1, err, i, offset, s, v, x$3; + s = ObjectIdentifier.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (bytes$1.$length === 0) { + err = (x$3 = new SyntaxError.ptr("zero length OBJECT IDENTIFIER"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + return [s, err]; + } + s = $convertSliceType($makeSlice(sliceType$3, (bytes$1.$length + 1 >> 0)), ObjectIdentifier); + _tuple = parseBase128Int(bytes$1, 0); + v = _tuple[0]; + offset = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [s, err]; + } + if (v < 80) { + (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0] = (_q = v / 40, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1] = (_r = v % 40, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + } else { + (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0] = 2); + (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1] = (v - 80 >> 0)); + } + i = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(offset < bytes$1.$length)) { break; } + _tuple$1 = parseBase128Int(bytes$1, offset); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + offset = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [s, err]; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i] = v); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + s = $subslice(s, 0, i); + return [s, err]; + }; + parseBase128Int = function(bytes$1, initOffset) { + var b, bytes$1, err, initOffset, offset, ret, ret64, shifted, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7; + ret = 0; + offset = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + offset = initOffset; + ret64 = new $Int64(0, 0); + shifted = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(offset < bytes$1.$length)) { break; } + if (shifted === 5) { + err = (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("base 128 integer too large"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + ret64 = $shiftLeft64(ret64, (7)); + b = ((offset < 0 || offset >= bytes$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + offset]); + if ((shifted === 0) && (b === 128)) { + err = (x$4 = new SyntaxError.ptr("integer is not minimally encoded"), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + ret64 = (x$5 = (new $Int64(0, ((b & 127) >>> 0))), new $Int64(ret64.$high | x$5.$high, (ret64.$low | x$5.$low) >>> 0)); + offset = offset + (1) >> 0; + if (((b & 128) >>> 0) === 0) { + ret = (((ret64.$low + ((ret64.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + if ((ret64.$high > 0 || (ret64.$high === 0 && ret64.$low > 2147483647))) { + err = (x$6 = new StructuralError.ptr("base 128 integer too large"), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + } + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + shifted = shifted + (1) >> 0; + } + err = (x$7 = new SyntaxError.ptr("truncated base 128 integer"), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7)); + return [ret, offset, err]; + }; + parseUTCTime = function(bytes$1) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, bytes$1, err, formatStr, ret, s, serialized, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {bytes$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ret = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + err = $ifaceNil; + s = ($bytesToString(bytes$1)); + formatStr = "0601021504Z0700"; + _r = time.Parse(formatStr, s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + time.Time.copy(ret, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + formatStr = "060102150405Z0700"; + _r$1 = time.Parse(formatStr, s); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + time.Time.copy(ret, _tuple$1[0]); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + _r$2 = $clone(ret, time.Time).Format(formatStr); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serialized = _r$2; + /* */ if (!(serialized === s)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(serialized === s)) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("asn1: time did not serialize back to the original value and may be invalid: given %q, but serialized as %q", new sliceType$4([new $String(s), new $String(serialized)])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$4 = $clone(ret, time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4 >= 2050) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_r$4 >= 2050) { */ case 9: + _r$5 = $clone(ret, time.Time).AddDate(-100, 0, 0); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + time.Time.copy(ret, _r$5); + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseUTCTime, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, bytes$1, err, formatStr, ret, s, serialized, $s};return $f; + }; + parseGeneralizedTime = function(bytes$1) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, bytes$1, err, ret, s, serialized, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {bytes$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ret = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + err = $ifaceNil; + s = ($bytesToString(bytes$1)); + _r = time.Parse("20060102150405Z0700", s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + time.Time.copy(ret, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + _r$1 = $clone(ret, time.Time).Format("20060102150405Z0700"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serialized = _r$1; + /* */ if (!(serialized === s)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(serialized === s)) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("asn1: time did not serialize back to the original value and may be invalid: given %q, but serialized as %q", new sliceType$4([new $String(s), new $String(serialized)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseGeneralizedTime, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, bytes$1, err, ret, s, serialized, $s};return $f; + }; + parseNumericString = function(bytes$1) { + var _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, bytes$1, err, ret, x$3; + ret = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = bytes$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!isNumeric(b)) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = (x$3 = new SyntaxError.ptr("NumericString contains invalid character"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + ret = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [ret, err]; + } + _i++; + } + _tmp$2 = ($bytesToString(bytes$1)); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + ret = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [ret, err]; + }; + isNumeric = function(b) { + var b; + return 48 <= b && b <= 57 || (b === 32); + }; + parsePrintableString = function(bytes$1) { + var _i, _ref, b, bytes$1, err, ret, x$3; + ret = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = bytes$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!isPrintable(b, true, true)) { + err = (x$3 = new SyntaxError.ptr("PrintableString contains invalid character"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + return [ret, err]; + } + _i++; + } + ret = ($bytesToString(bytes$1)); + return [ret, err]; + }; + isPrintable = function(b, asterisk, ampersand) { + var ampersand, asterisk, b; + return 97 <= b && b <= 122 || 65 <= b && b <= 90 || 48 <= b && b <= 57 || 39 <= b && b <= 41 || 43 <= b && b <= 47 || (b === 32) || (b === 58) || (b === 61) || (b === 63) || ((asterisk) && (b === 42)) || ((ampersand) && (b === 38)); + }; + parseIA5String = function(bytes$1) { + var _i, _ref, b, bytes$1, err, ret, x$3; + ret = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = bytes$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (b >= 128) { + err = (x$3 = new SyntaxError.ptr("IA5String contains invalid character"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + return [ret, err]; + } + _i++; + } + ret = ($bytesToString(bytes$1)); + return [ret, err]; + }; + parseT61String = function(bytes$1) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, bytes$1, err, ret; + ret = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = ($bytesToString(bytes$1)); + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + ret = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [ret, err]; + }; + parseUTF8String = function(bytes$1) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, bytes$1, err, ret; + ret = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!utf8.Valid(bytes$1)) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = errors.New("asn1: invalid UTF-8 string"); + ret = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [ret, err]; + } + _tmp$2 = ($bytesToString(bytes$1)); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + ret = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [ret, err]; + }; + parseBMPString = function(bmpString) { + var _q, _r, bmpString, l, s, x$3, x$4; + if (!(((_r = bmpString.$length % 2, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { + return ["", errors.New("pkcs12: odd-length BMP string")]; + } + l = bmpString.$length; + if (l >= 2 && ((x$3 = l - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= bmpString.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bmpString.$array[bmpString.$offset + x$3])) === 0) && ((x$4 = l - 2 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= bmpString.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bmpString.$array[bmpString.$offset + x$4])) === 0)) { + bmpString = $subslice(bmpString, 0, (l - 2 >> 0)); + } + s = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 0, (_q = bmpString.$length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + while (true) { + if (!(bmpString.$length > 0)) { break; } + s = $append(s, ((((0 >= bmpString.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bmpString.$array[bmpString.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16) + (((1 >= bmpString.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bmpString.$array[bmpString.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 16 >>> 16); + bmpString = $subslice(bmpString, 2); + } + return [($runesToString(utf16.Decode(s))), $ifaceNil]; + }; + parseTagAndLength = function(bytes$1, initOffset) { + var _tuple, b, bytes$1, err, i, initOffset, numBytes, offset, ret, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y; + ret = new tagAndLength.ptr(0, 0, 0, false); + offset = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + offset = initOffset; + if (offset >= bytes$1.$length) { + err = errors.New("asn1: internal error in parseTagAndLength"); + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + b = ((offset < 0 || offset >= bytes$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + offset]); + offset = offset + (1) >> 0; + ret.class$0 = (((b >>> 6 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)); + ret.isCompound = ((b & 32) >>> 0) === 32; + ret.tag = ((((b & 31) >>> 0) >> 0)); + if (ret.tag === 31) { + _tuple = parseBase128Int(bytes$1, offset); + ret.tag = _tuple[0]; + offset = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + if (ret.tag < 31) { + err = (x$3 = new SyntaxError.ptr("non-minimal tag"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + } + if (offset >= bytes$1.$length) { + err = (x$4 = new SyntaxError.ptr("truncated tag or length"), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + b = ((offset < 0 || offset >= bytes$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + offset]); + offset = offset + (1) >> 0; + if (((b & 128) >>> 0) === 0) { + ret.length = ((((b & 127) >>> 0) >> 0)); + } else { + numBytes = ((((b & 127) >>> 0) >> 0)); + if (numBytes === 0) { + err = (x$5 = new SyntaxError.ptr("indefinite length found (not DER)"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + ret.length = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < numBytes)) { break; } + if (offset >= bytes$1.$length) { + err = (x$6 = new SyntaxError.ptr("truncated tag or length"), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + b = ((offset < 0 || offset >= bytes$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + offset]); + offset = offset + (1) >> 0; + if (ret.length >= 8388608) { + err = (x$7 = new StructuralError.ptr("length too large"), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7)); + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + ret.length = (y = (8), y < 32 ? (ret.length << y) : 0) >> 0; + ret.length = ret.length | (((b >> 0))); + if (ret.length === 0) { + err = (x$8 = new StructuralError.ptr("superfluous leading zeros in length"), new x$8.constructor.elem(x$8)); + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (ret.length < 128) { + err = (x$9 = new StructuralError.ptr("non-minimal length"), new x$9.constructor.elem(x$9)); + return [ret, offset, err]; + } + } + return [ret, offset, err]; + }; + parseSequenceOf = function(bytes$1, sliceType$6, elemType) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, bytes$1, compoundType, elemType, err, expectedTag, i, matchAny, numElements, offset, offset$1, ok, params, ret, sliceType$6, t, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {bytes$1, sliceType$6, elemType}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ret = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType$4.nil, 0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = getUniversalType(elemType); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + matchAny = _tuple[0]; + expectedTag = _tuple[1]; + compoundType = _tuple[2]; + ok = _tuple[3]; + if (!ok) { + err = (x$3 = new StructuralError.ptr("unknown Go type for slice"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + numElements = 0; + offset = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(offset < bytes$1.$length)) { break; } + t = new tagAndLength.ptr(0, 0, 0, false); + _tuple$1 = parseTagAndLength(bytes$1, offset); + tagAndLength.copy(t, _tuple$1[0]); + offset = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + _1 = t.tag; + if ((_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (27)) || (_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (30))) { + t.tag = 19; + } else if ((_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (23))) { + t.tag = 23; + } + if (!matchAny && (!((t.class$0 === 0)) || !(t.isCompound === compoundType) || !((t.tag === expectedTag)))) { + err = (x$4 = new StructuralError.ptr("sequence tag mismatch"), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + if (invalidLength(offset, t.length, bytes$1.$length)) { + err = (x$5 = new SyntaxError.ptr("truncated sequence"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + offset = offset + (t.length) >> 0; + numElements = numElements + (1) >> 0; + } + _r$1 = reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType$6, numElements, numElements); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ret = _r$1; + params = new fieldParameters.ptr(false, false, false, false, ptrType$2.nil, ptrType$3.nil, 0, 0, false, false); + offset$1 = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(i < numElements)) { break; } */ if(!(i < numElements)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _r$2 = $clone(ret, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = parseField($clone(_r$2, reflect.Value), bytes$1, offset$1, $clone(params, fieldParameters)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + offset$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return [ret, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseSequenceOf, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, bytes$1, compoundType, elemType, err, expectedTag, i, matchAny, numElements, offset, offset$1, ok, params, ret, sliceType$6, t, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + invalidLength = function(offset, length, sliceLength) { + var length, offset, sliceLength; + return (offset + length >> 0) < offset || (offset + length >> 0) > sliceLength; + }; + parseField = function(v, bytes$1, initOffset, params) { + var {_1, _2, _3, _4, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, _v, _v$1, bytes$1, bytes$2, compoundType, err, err1, err1$1, err1$2, err1$3, err1$4, err1$5, expectedClass, expectedClass$1, expectedTag, field, fieldType, i, i$1, ifaceType, initOffset, innerBytes, innerBytes$1, innerOffset, matchAny, matchAnyClassAndTag, newSlice, offset, ok, ok$1, ok1, params, parsedBool, parsedInt, parsedInt$1, parsedInt$2, parsedInt$3, result, sliceType$6, structType, t, t$1, universalTag, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, v$5, v$6, v$7, v$8, val, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, bytes$1, initOffset, params}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + offset = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + offset = initOffset; + fieldType = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type(); + if (offset === bytes$1.$length) { + if (!setDefaultValue($clone(v, reflect.Value), $clone(params, fieldParameters))) { + err = (x$3 = new SyntaxError.ptr("sequence truncated"), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + } + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + ifaceType = fieldType; + _r = ifaceType.Kind(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r === 20)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$1 = ifaceType.NumMethod(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1 === 0; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + t = new tagAndLength.ptr(0, 0, 0, false); + _tuple = parseTagAndLength(bytes$1, offset); + tagAndLength.copy(t, _tuple[0]); + offset = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + if (invalidLength(offset, t.length, bytes$1.$length)) { + err = (x$4 = new SyntaxError.ptr("data truncated"), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + result = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (!t.isCompound && (t.class$0 === 0)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!t.isCompound && (t.class$0 === 0)) { */ case 6: + innerBytes = $subslice(bytes$1, offset, (offset + t.length >> 0)); + _1 = t.tag; + /* */ if (_1 === (19)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (30)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_1 === (19)) { */ case 9: + _tuple$1 = parsePrintableString(innerBytes); + result = new $String(_tuple$1[0]); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 10: + _tuple$2 = parseNumericString(innerBytes); + result = new $String(_tuple$2[0]); + err = _tuple$2[1]; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 11: + _tuple$3 = parseIA5String(innerBytes); + result = new $String(_tuple$3[0]); + err = _tuple$3[1]; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 12: + _tuple$4 = parseT61String(innerBytes); + result = new $String(_tuple$4[0]); + err = _tuple$4[1]; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 13: + _tuple$5 = parseUTF8String(innerBytes); + result = new $String(_tuple$5[0]); + err = _tuple$5[1]; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 14: + _tuple$6 = parseInt64(innerBytes); + result = _tuple$6[0]; + err = _tuple$6[1]; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 15: + _tuple$7 = parseBitString(innerBytes); + result = new _tuple$7[0].constructor.elem(_tuple$7[0]); + err = _tuple$7[1]; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 16: + _tuple$8 = parseObjectIdentifier(innerBytes); + result = _tuple$8[0]; + err = _tuple$8[1]; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 17: + _r$2 = parseUTCTime(innerBytes); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$9 = _r$2; + result = new _tuple$9[0].constructor.elem(_tuple$9[0]); + err = _tuple$9[1]; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 18: + _r$3 = parseGeneralizedTime(innerBytes); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$10 = _r$3; + result = new _tuple$10[0].constructor.elem(_tuple$10[0]); + err = _tuple$10[1]; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 19: + result = innerBytes; + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (30)) { */ case 20: + _tuple$11 = parseBMPString(innerBytes); + result = new $String(_tuple$11[0]); + err = _tuple$11[1]; + /* } */ case 21: + case 8: + /* } */ case 7: + offset = offset + (t.length) >> 0; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(result, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(result, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 24: + _r$4 = reflect.ValueOf(result); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$4, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 25: + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple$12 = parseTagAndLength(bytes$1, offset); + t$1 = $clone(_tuple$12[0], tagAndLength); + offset = _tuple$12[1]; + err = _tuple$12[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + if (params.explicit) { + expectedClass = 2; + if (params.application) { + expectedClass = 1; + } + if (offset === bytes$1.$length) { + err = (x$5 = new StructuralError.ptr("explicit tag has no child"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + if ((t$1.class$0 === expectedClass) && (t$1.tag === params.tag.$get()) && ((t$1.length === 0) || t$1.isCompound)) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(fieldType, rawValueType)) { + } else if (t$1.length > 0) { + _tuple$13 = parseTagAndLength(bytes$1, offset); + tagAndLength.copy(t$1, _tuple$13[0]); + offset = _tuple$13[1]; + err = _tuple$13[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + } else { + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fieldType, flagType))) { + err = (x$6 = new StructuralError.ptr("zero length explicit tag was not an asn1.Flag"), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetBool(true); + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + } else { + ok = setDefaultValue($clone(v, reflect.Value), $clone(params, fieldParameters)); + if (ok) { + offset = initOffset; + } else { + err = (x$7 = new StructuralError.ptr("explicitly tagged member didn't match"), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7)); + } + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + } + _r$5 = getUniversalType(fieldType); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$14 = _r$5; + matchAny = _tuple$14[0]; + universalTag = _tuple$14[1]; + compoundType = _tuple$14[2]; + ok1 = _tuple$14[3]; + /* */ if (!ok1) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (!ok1) { */ case 29: + _r$6 = fmt.Sprintf("unknown Go type: %v", new sliceType$4([fieldType])); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = (x$8 = new StructuralError.ptr(_r$6), new x$8.constructor.elem(x$8)); + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } */ case 30: + if (universalTag === 19) { + if (t$1.class$0 === 0) { + _2 = t$1.tag; + if ((_2 === (22)) || (_2 === (27)) || (_2 === (20)) || (_2 === (12)) || (_2 === (18)) || (_2 === (30))) { + universalTag = t$1.tag; + } + } else if (!((params.stringType === 0))) { + universalTag = params.stringType; + } + } + if ((universalTag === 23) && (t$1.tag === 24) && (t$1.class$0 === 0)) { + universalTag = 24; + } + if (params.set) { + universalTag = 17; + } + matchAnyClassAndTag = matchAny; + expectedClass$1 = 0; + expectedTag = universalTag; + if (!params.explicit && !(params.tag === ptrType$3.nil)) { + expectedClass$1 = 2; + expectedTag = params.tag.$get(); + matchAnyClassAndTag = false; + } + if (!params.explicit && params.application && !(params.tag === ptrType$3.nil)) { + expectedClass$1 = 1; + expectedTag = params.tag.$get(); + matchAnyClassAndTag = false; + } + if (!params.explicit && params.private$3 && !(params.tag === ptrType$3.nil)) { + expectedClass$1 = 3; + expectedTag = params.tag.$get(); + matchAnyClassAndTag = false; + } + /* */ if (!matchAnyClassAndTag && (!((t$1.class$0 === expectedClass$1)) || !((t$1.tag === expectedTag))) || (!matchAny && !(t$1.isCompound === compoundType))) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (!matchAnyClassAndTag && (!((t$1.class$0 === expectedClass$1)) || !((t$1.tag === expectedTag))) || (!matchAny && !(t$1.isCompound === compoundType))) { */ case 32: + ok$1 = setDefaultValue($clone(v, reflect.Value), $clone(params, fieldParameters)); + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 34: + offset = initOffset; + $s = 36; continue; + /* } else { */ case 35: + _arg = new $Int(expectedTag); + _arg$1 = new t$1.constructor.elem(t$1); + _arg$2 = new params.constructor.elem(params); + _r$7 = fieldType.Name(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = new $String(_r$7); + _arg$4 = new $Int(offset); + _r$8 = fmt.Sprintf("tags don't match (%d vs %+v) %+v %s @%d", new sliceType$4([_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4])); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = (x$9 = new StructuralError.ptr(_r$8), new x$9.constructor.elem(x$9)); + /* } */ case 36: + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } */ case 33: + if (invalidLength(offset, t$1.length, bytes$1.$length)) { + err = (x$10 = new SyntaxError.ptr("data truncated"), new x$10.constructor.elem(x$10)); + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + innerBytes$1 = $subslice(bytes$1, offset, (offset + t$1.length >> 0)); + offset = offset + (t$1.length) >> 0; + _r$9 = $clone($clone(v, reflect.Value).Addr(), reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r$9; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$6, true)[1]) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$7, true)[1]) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$8, true)[1]) { $s = 43; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$9, true)[1]) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$10, true)[1]) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ $s = 47; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { */ case 40: + v$1 = _ref.$val; + RawValue.copy(v$1, new RawValue.ptr(t$1.class$0, t$1.tag, t$1.isCompound, innerBytes$1, $subslice(bytes$1, initOffset, offset))); + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$6, true)[1]) { */ case 41: + v$2 = _ref.$val; + _tuple$15 = parseObjectIdentifier(innerBytes$1); + v$2.$set(_tuple$15[0]); + err = _tuple$15[1]; + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$7, true)[1]) { */ case 42: + v$3 = _ref.$val; + _tuple$16 = parseBitString(innerBytes$1); + BitString.copy(v$3, _tuple$16[0]); + err = _tuple$16[1]; + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$8, true)[1]) { */ case 43: + v$4 = _ref.$val; + /* */ if (universalTag === 23) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ $s = 49; continue; + /* if (universalTag === 23) { */ case 48: + _r$10 = parseUTCTime(innerBytes$1); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$17 = _r$10; + time.Time.copy(v$4, _tuple$17[0]); + err = _tuple$17[1]; + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } */ case 49: + _r$11 = parseGeneralizedTime(innerBytes$1); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$18 = _r$11; + time.Time.copy(v$4, _tuple$18[0]); + err = _tuple$18[1]; + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$9, true)[1]) { */ case 44: + v$5 = _ref.$val; + _tuple$19 = parseInt32(innerBytes$1); + parsedInt = _tuple$19[0]; + err1 = _tuple$19[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err1, $ifaceNil)) { + v$5.$set(((parsedInt >> 0))); + } + err = err1; + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$10, true)[1]) { */ case 45: + v$6 = _ref.$val; + v$6.$set(true); + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 46: + v$7 = _ref.$val; + _r$12 = parseBigInt(innerBytes$1); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$20 = _r$12; + parsedInt$1 = _tuple$20[0]; + err1$1 = _tuple$20[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err1$1, $ifaceNil)) { + v$7.$set(parsedInt$1); + } + err = err1$1; + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } */ case 47: + val = v; + _3 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Kind(); + /* */ if (_3 === (1)) { $s = 54; continue; } + /* */ if ((_3 === (2)) || (_3 === (5)) || (_3 === (6))) { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (25)) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (23)) { $s = 57; continue; } + /* */ if (_3 === (24)) { $s = 58; continue; } + /* */ $s = 59; continue; + /* if (_3 === (1)) { */ case 54: + _tuple$21 = parseBool(innerBytes$1); + parsedBool = _tuple$21[0]; + err1$2 = _tuple$21[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err1$2, $ifaceNil)) { + $clone(val, reflect.Value).SetBool(parsedBool); + } + err = err1$2; + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } else if ((_3 === (2)) || (_3 === (5)) || (_3 === (6))) { */ case 55: + _r$13 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Type().Size(); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$13 === 4) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ $s = 61; continue; + /* if (_r$13 === 4) { */ case 60: + _tuple$22 = parseInt32(innerBytes$1); + parsedInt$2 = _tuple$22[0]; + err1$3 = _tuple$22[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err1$3, $ifaceNil)) { + $clone(val, reflect.Value).SetInt((new $Int64(0, parsedInt$2))); + } + err = err1$3; + $s = 62; continue; + /* } else { */ case 61: + _tuple$23 = parseInt64(innerBytes$1); + parsedInt$3 = _tuple$23[0]; + err1$4 = _tuple$23[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err1$4, $ifaceNil)) { + $clone(val, reflect.Value).SetInt(parsedInt$3); + } + err = err1$4; + /* } */ case 62: + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } else if (_3 === (25)) { */ case 56: + structType = fieldType; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 64: + _r$14 = structType.NumField(); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i < _r$14)) { break; } */ if(!(i < _r$14)) { $s = 65; continue; } + _r$15 = structType.Field(i); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = $clone(_r$15, reflect.StructField).IsExported(); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$16) { $s = 67; continue; } + /* */ $s = 68; continue; + /* if (!_r$16) { */ case 67: + err = (x$11 = new StructuralError.ptr("struct contains unexported fields"), new x$11.constructor.elem(x$11)); + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } */ case 68: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 64; continue; + case 65: + _r$17 = structType.NumField(); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$17 > 0)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 73; continue s; } + _r$18 = structType.Field(0); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = $interfaceIsEqual(_r$18.Type, rawContentsType); case 73: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 71; continue; } + /* */ $s = 72; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 71: + bytes$2 = $subslice(bytes$1, initOffset, offset); + _r$19 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Field(0); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = reflect.ValueOf(($convertSliceType(bytes$2, RawContent))); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$19, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$20, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 78; case 78: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 72: + innerOffset = 0; + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 79: + _r$21 = structType.NumField(); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(i$1 < _r$21)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < _r$21)) { $s = 80; continue; } + _r$22 = structType.Field(i$1); /* */ $s = 82; case 82: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + field = $clone(_r$22, reflect.StructField); + if ((i$1 === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(field.Type, rawContentsType)) { + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 79; continue; + } + _r$23 = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Field(i$1); /* */ $s = 83; case 83: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = parseField($clone(_r$23, reflect.Value), innerBytes$1, innerOffset, $clone(parseFieldParameters(new reflect.StructTag(field.Tag).Get("asn1")), fieldParameters)); /* */ $s = 84; case 84: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$24 = _r$24; + innerOffset = _tuple$24[0]; + err = _tuple$24[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 79; continue; + case 80: + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } else if (_3 === (23)) { */ case 57: + sliceType$6 = fieldType; + _r$25 = sliceType$6.Elem(); /* */ $s = 87; case 87: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26 = _r$25.Kind(); /* */ $s = 88; case 88: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$26 === 8) { $s = 85; continue; } + /* */ $s = 86; continue; + /* if (_r$26 === 8) { */ case 85: + _r$27 = reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType$6, innerBytes$1.$length, innerBytes$1.$length); /* */ $s = 89; case 89: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$27, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 90; case 90: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = $clone(val, reflect.Value); + _r$28 = reflect.ValueOf(innerBytes$1); /* */ $s = 91; case 91: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = $clone(_r$28, reflect.Value); + _r$29 = reflect.Copy(_arg$5, _arg$6); /* */ $s = 92; case 92: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29; + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } */ case 86: + _arg$7 = innerBytes$1; + _arg$8 = sliceType$6; + _r$30 = sliceType$6.Elem(); /* */ $s = 93; case 93: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$9 = _r$30; + _r$31 = parseSequenceOf(_arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9); /* */ $s = 94; case 94: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$25 = _r$31; + newSlice = _tuple$25[0]; + err1$5 = _tuple$25[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err1$5, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 95; continue; } + /* */ $s = 96; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err1$5, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 95: + $r = $clone(val, reflect.Value).Set($clone(newSlice, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 97; case 97: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 96: + err = err1$5; + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } else if (_3 === (24)) { */ case 58: + v$8 = ""; + _4 = universalTag; + /* */ if (_4 === (19)) { $s = 99; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (18)) { $s = 100; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (22)) { $s = 101; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (20)) { $s = 102; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (12)) { $s = 103; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (27)) { $s = 104; continue; } + /* */ if (_4 === (30)) { $s = 105; continue; } + /* */ $s = 106; continue; + /* if (_4 === (19)) { */ case 99: + _tuple$26 = parsePrintableString(innerBytes$1); + v$8 = _tuple$26[0]; + err = _tuple$26[1]; + $s = 107; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (18)) { */ case 100: + _tuple$27 = parseNumericString(innerBytes$1); + v$8 = _tuple$27[0]; + err = _tuple$27[1]; + $s = 107; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (22)) { */ case 101: + _tuple$28 = parseIA5String(innerBytes$1); + v$8 = _tuple$28[0]; + err = _tuple$28[1]; + $s = 107; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (20)) { */ case 102: + _tuple$29 = parseT61String(innerBytes$1); + v$8 = _tuple$29[0]; + err = _tuple$29[1]; + $s = 107; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (12)) { */ case 103: + _tuple$30 = parseUTF8String(innerBytes$1); + v$8 = _tuple$30[0]; + err = _tuple$30[1]; + $s = 107; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (27)) { */ case 104: + _tuple$31 = parseT61String(innerBytes$1); + v$8 = _tuple$31[0]; + err = _tuple$31[1]; + $s = 107; continue; + /* } else if (_4 === (30)) { */ case 105: + _tuple$32 = parseBMPString(innerBytes$1); + v$8 = _tuple$32[0]; + err = _tuple$32[1]; + $s = 107; continue; + /* } else { */ case 106: + _r$32 = fmt.Sprintf("internal error: unknown string type %d", new sliceType$4([new $Int(universalTag)])); /* */ $s = 108; case 108: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = (x$12 = new SyntaxError.ptr(_r$32), new x$12.constructor.elem(x$12)); + /* } */ case 107: + case 98: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $clone(val, reflect.Value).SetString(v$8); + } + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* } */ case 59: + case 53: + _r$33 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Type().String(); /* */ $s = 109; case 109: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = (x$13 = new StructuralError.ptr("unsupported: " + _r$33), new x$13.constructor.elem(x$13)); + $s = -1; return [offset, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseField, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _3, _4, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _arg$8, _arg$9, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$26, _tuple$27, _tuple$28, _tuple$29, _tuple$3, _tuple$30, _tuple$31, _tuple$32, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, _v, _v$1, bytes$1, bytes$2, compoundType, err, err1, err1$1, err1$2, err1$3, err1$4, err1$5, expectedClass, expectedClass$1, expectedTag, field, fieldType, i, i$1, ifaceType, initOffset, innerBytes, innerBytes$1, innerOffset, matchAny, matchAnyClassAndTag, newSlice, offset, ok, ok$1, ok1, params, parsedBool, parsedInt, parsedInt$1, parsedInt$2, parsedInt$3, result, sliceType$6, structType, t, t$1, universalTag, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, v$4, v$5, v$6, v$7, v$8, val, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + canHaveDefaultValue = function(k) { + var _1, k; + _1 = k; + if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + setDefaultValue = function(v, params) { + var ok, params, v; + ok = false; + if (!params.optional) { + return ok; + } + ok = true; + if (params.defaultValue === ptrType$2.nil) { + return ok; + } + if (canHaveDefaultValue($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind())) { + $clone(v, reflect.Value).SetInt(params.defaultValue.$get()); + } + return ok; + }; + Unmarshal = function(b, val) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, b, err, rest, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rest = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = UnmarshalWithParams(b, val, ""); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + rest = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [rest, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Unmarshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, b, err, rest, val, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Unmarshal = Unmarshal; + invalidUnmarshalError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(e.Type, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return "asn1: Unmarshal recipient value is nil"; + } + _r = e.Type.Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 22))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 22))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = e.Type.String(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = "asn1: Unmarshal recipient value is non-pointer " + _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = e.Type.String(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = "asn1: Unmarshal recipient value is nil " + _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: invalidUnmarshalError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, e, $s};return $f; + }; + invalidUnmarshalError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + UnmarshalWithParams = function(b, val, params) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, offset, params, rest, v, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, val, params}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rest = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = reflect.ValueOf(val); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + if (!(($clone(v, reflect.Value).Kind() === 22)) || $clone(v, reflect.Value).IsNil()) { + _tmp = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$1 = new invalidUnmarshalError.ptr(reflect.TypeOf(val)); + rest = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [rest, err]; + } + _r$1 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = parseField($clone(_r$1, reflect.Value), b, 0, $clone(parseFieldParameters(params), fieldParameters)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + offset = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$3 = err; + rest = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [rest, err]; + } + _tmp$4 = $subslice(b, offset); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + rest = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [rest, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnmarshalWithParams, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, err, offset, params, rest, v, val, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.UnmarshalWithParams = UnmarshalWithParams; + byteEncoder.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}]; + bytesEncoder.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}]; + stringEncoder.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}]; + multiEncoder.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}]; + setEncoder.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}]; + ptrType$12.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}]; + int64Encoder.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}]; + bitStringEncoder.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}]; + oidEncoder.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}]; + StructuralError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + SyntaxError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + BitString.methods = [{prop: "At", name: "At", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "RightAlign", name: "RightAlign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}]; + ObjectIdentifier.methods = [{prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ObjectIdentifier], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$13.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + encoder.init([{prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}]); + bytesEncoder.init($Uint8); + multiEncoder.init(encoder); + setEncoder.init(encoder); + taggedEncoder.init("encoding/asn1", [{prop: "scratch", name: "scratch", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "tag", name: "tag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: encoder, tag: ""}, {prop: "body", name: "body", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: encoder, tag: ""}]); + bitStringEncoder.init("", [{prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "BitLength", name: "BitLength", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + oidEncoder.init($Int); + tagAndLength.init("encoding/asn1", [{prop: "class$0", name: "class", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "tag", name: "tag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "length", name: "length", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "isCompound", name: "isCompound", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + fieldParameters.init("encoding/asn1", [{prop: "optional", name: "optional", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "explicit", name: "explicit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "application", name: "application", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "private$3", name: "private", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "defaultValue", name: "defaultValue", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "tag", name: "tag", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "stringType", name: "stringType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "timeType", name: "timeType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "set", name: "set", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "omitEmpty", name: "omitEmpty", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + StructuralError.init("", [{prop: "Msg", name: "Msg", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + SyntaxError.init("", [{prop: "Msg", name: "Msg", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + BitString.init("", [{prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "BitLength", name: "BitLength", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + ObjectIdentifier.init($Int); + RawValue.init("", [{prop: "Class", name: "Class", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Tag", name: "Tag", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsCompound", name: "IsCompound", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "FullBytes", name: "FullBytes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + RawContent.init($Uint8); + invalidUnmarshalError.init("", [{prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: reflect.Type, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = big.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf16.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + byte00Encoder = new byteEncoder(0); + byteFFEncoder = new byteEncoder(255); + bigOne = big.NewInt(new $Int64(0, 1)); + $pkg.NullRawValue = new RawValue.ptr(0, 5, false, sliceType.nil, sliceType.nil); + $pkg.NullBytes = new sliceType([5, 0]); + bitStringType = reflect.TypeOf((x = new BitString.ptr(sliceType.nil, 0), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + objectIdentifierType = reflect.TypeOf(new ObjectIdentifier([])); + enumeratedType = reflect.TypeOf(new Enumerated(0)); + flagType = reflect.TypeOf(new Flag(false)); + timeType = reflect.TypeOf((x$1 = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))); + rawValueType = reflect.TypeOf((x$2 = new RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType.nil, sliceType.nil), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2))); + rawContentsType = reflect.TypeOf((RawContent.nil)); + bigIntType = reflect.TypeOf(new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil)); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte/asn1"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, Tag; + Tag = $pkg.Tag = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "asn1.Tag", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte/asn1", true, null); + Tag.prototype.Constructed = function() { + var t; + t = this.$val; + return (t | 32) >>> 0; + }; + $ptrType(Tag).prototype.Constructed = function() { return new Tag(this.$get()).Constructed(); }; + Tag.prototype.ContextSpecific = function() { + var t; + t = this.$val; + return (t | 128) >>> 0; + }; + $ptrType(Tag).prototype.ContextSpecific = function() { return new Tag(this.$get()).ContextSpecific(); }; + Tag.methods = [{prop: "Constructed", name: "Constructed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Tag], false)}, {prop: "ContextSpecific", name: "ContextSpecific", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Tag], false)}]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, asn1, errors, fmt, big, reflect, time, asn1$1, String, Builder, BuilderContinuation, BuildError, MarshalingValue, ptrType, sliceType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, sliceType$1, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, sliceType$2, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, ptrType$14, bigIntType, bigOne, _r, NewFixedBuilder, isValidOID, checkASN1Integer, asn1Signed, asn1Unsigned; + asn1 = $packages["encoding/asn1"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + big = $packages["math/big"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + asn1$1 = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte/asn1"]; + String = $pkg.String = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "cryptobyte.String", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", true, null); + Builder = $pkg.Builder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "cryptobyte.Builder", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", true, function(err_, result_, fixedSize_, child_, offset_, pendingLenLen_, pendingIsASN1_, inContinuation_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.result = sliceType.nil; + this.fixedSize = false; + this.child = ptrType$1.nil; + this.offset = 0; + this.pendingLenLen = 0; + this.pendingIsASN1 = false; + this.inContinuation = ptrType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.err = err_; + this.result = result_; + this.fixedSize = fixedSize_; + this.child = child_; + this.offset = offset_; + this.pendingLenLen = pendingLenLen_; + this.pendingIsASN1 = pendingIsASN1_; + this.inContinuation = inContinuation_; + }); + BuilderContinuation = $pkg.BuilderContinuation = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "cryptobyte.BuilderContinuation", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", true, null); + BuildError = $pkg.BuildError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "cryptobyte.BuildError", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", true, function(Err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Err = Err_; + }); + MarshalingValue = $pkg.MarshalingValue = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "cryptobyte.MarshalingValue", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", true, null); + ptrType = $ptrType(big.Int); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Builder); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType($Bool); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType($Uint8); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(String); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType($Int64); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType($Uint64); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Int); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType($Int); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(asn1$1.Tag); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType($Uint32); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(sliceType); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType($Uint16); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(asn1.ObjectIdentifier); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(time.Time); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType(asn1.BitString); + $ptrType(String).prototype.read = function(n) { + var n, s, v; + s = this; + if (s.$get().$length < n || n < 0) { + return sliceType.nil; + } + v = $subslice((s.$get()), 0, n); + s.$set($subslice((s.$get()), n)); + return $convertSliceType(v, sliceType); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.Skip = function(n) { + var n, s; + s = this; + return !(s.read(n) === sliceType.nil); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadUint8 = function(out) { + var out, s, v; + s = this; + v = s.read(1); + if (v === sliceType.nil) { + return false; + } + out.$set(((0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0]))); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadUint16 = function(out) { + var out, s, v; + s = this; + v = s.read(2); + if (v === sliceType.nil) { + return false; + } + out.$set((((((0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16) | (((1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16))) >>> 0); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadUint24 = function(out) { + var out, s, v; + s = this; + v = s.read(3); + if (v === sliceType.nil) { + return false; + } + out.$set((((((((0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0) | ((((1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((2 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 2]) >>> 0))) >>> 0); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadUint32 = function(out) { + var out, s, v; + s = this; + v = s.read(4); + if (v === sliceType.nil) { + return false; + } + out.$set((((((((((0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((2 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((3 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 3]) >>> 0))) >>> 0); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.readUnsigned = function(out, length) { + var i, length, out, result, s, v, y; + s = this; + v = s.read(length); + if (v === sliceType.nil) { + return false; + } + result = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < length)) { break; } + result = (y = (8), y < 32 ? (result << y) : 0) >>> 0; + result = (result | (((((i < 0 || i >= v.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + i]) >>> 0)))) >>> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + out.$set(result); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.readLengthPrefixed = function(lenLen, outChild) { + var _i, _ref, b, lenBytes, lenLen, length, outChild, s, v; + s = this; + lenBytes = s.read(lenLen); + if (lenBytes === sliceType.nil) { + return false; + } + length = 0; + _ref = lenBytes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + length = length << 8 >>> 0; + length = (length | ((b >>> 0))) >>> 0; + _i++; + } + v = s.read(((length >> 0))); + if (v === sliceType.nil) { + return false; + } + outChild.$set($convertSliceType(v, String)); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadUint8LengthPrefixed = function(out) { + var out, s; + s = this; + return s.readLengthPrefixed(1, out); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed = function(out) { + var out, s; + s = this; + return s.readLengthPrefixed(2, out); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadUint24LengthPrefixed = function(out) { + var out, s; + s = this; + return s.readLengthPrefixed(3, out); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadBytes = function(out, n) { + var n, out, s, v; + s = this; + v = s.read(n); + if (v === sliceType.nil) { + return false; + } + out.$set(v); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.CopyBytes = function(out) { + var n, out, s, v; + s = this; + n = out.$length; + v = s.read(n); + if (v === sliceType.nil) { + return false; + } + return $copySlice(out, v) === n; + }; + String.prototype.Empty = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return s.$length === 0; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.Empty = function() { return this.$get().Empty(); }; + NewFixedBuilder = function(buffer) { + var buffer; + return new Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, buffer, true, ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$2.nil); + }; + $pkg.NewFixedBuilder = NewFixedBuilder; + Builder.ptr.prototype.SetError = function(err) { + var b, err; + b = this; + b.err = err; + }; + Builder.prototype.SetError = function(err) { return this.$val.SetError(err); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var b; + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [sliceType.nil, b.err]; + } + return [$subslice(b.result, b.offset), $ifaceNil]; + }; + Builder.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.BytesOrPanic = function() { + var b; + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(b.err); + } + return $subslice(b.result, b.offset); + }; + Builder.prototype.BytesOrPanic = function() { return this.$val.BytesOrPanic(); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint8 = function(v) { + var b, v; + b = this; + b.add(new sliceType([(v)])); + }; + Builder.prototype.AddUint8 = function(v) { return this.$val.AddUint8(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint16 = function(v) { + var b, v; + b = this; + b.add(new sliceType([(((v >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24)), ((v << 24 >>> 24))])); + }; + Builder.prototype.AddUint16 = function(v) { return this.$val.AddUint16(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint24 = function(v) { + var b, v; + b = this; + b.add(new sliceType([(((v >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((v >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((v << 24 >>> 24))])); + }; + Builder.prototype.AddUint24 = function(v) { return this.$val.AddUint24(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint32 = function(v) { + var b, v; + b = this; + b.add(new sliceType([(((v >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((v >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((v >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((v << 24 >>> 24))])); + }; + Builder.prototype.AddUint32 = function(v) { return this.$val.AddUint32(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddBytes = function(v) { + var b, v; + b = this; + b.add(v); + }; + Builder.prototype.AddBytes = function(v) { return this.$val.AddBytes(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint8LengthPrefixed = function(f) { + var {b, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + $r = b.addLengthPrefixed(1, false, f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint8LengthPrefixed, $c: true, $r, b, f, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddUint8LengthPrefixed = function(f) { return this.$val.AddUint8LengthPrefixed(f); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint16LengthPrefixed = function(f) { + var {b, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + $r = b.addLengthPrefixed(2, false, f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint16LengthPrefixed, $c: true, $r, b, f, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddUint16LengthPrefixed = function(f) { return this.$val.AddUint16LengthPrefixed(f); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint24LengthPrefixed = function(f) { + var {b, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + $r = b.addLengthPrefixed(3, false, f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint24LengthPrefixed, $c: true, $r, b, f, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddUint24LengthPrefixed = function(f) { return this.$val.AddUint24LengthPrefixed(f); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint32LengthPrefixed = function(f) { + var {b, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + $r = b.addLengthPrefixed(4, false, f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddUint32LengthPrefixed, $c: true, $r, b, f, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddUint32LengthPrefixed = function(f) { return this.$val.AddUint32LengthPrefixed(f); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.callContinuation = function(f, arg) { + var {arg, b, f, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, arg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + b = [b]; + b[0] = this; + /* */ if (!b[0].inContinuation.$get()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!b[0].inContinuation.$get()) { */ case 1: + b[0].inContinuation.$set(true); + $deferred.push([(function(b) { return function() { + var _tuple, buildError, ok, r; + b[0].inContinuation.$set(false); + r = $recover(); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(r, $ifaceNil)) { + return; + } + _tuple = $assertType(r, BuildError, true); + buildError = $clone(_tuple[0], BuildError); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + b[0].err = buildError.Err; + } else { + $panic(r); + } + }; })(b), []]); + /* } */ case 2: + $r = f(arg); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.callContinuation, $c: true, $r, arg, b, f, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Builder.prototype.callContinuation = function(f, arg) { return this.$val.callContinuation(f, arg); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.addLengthPrefixed = function(lenLen, isASN1, f) { + var {b, f, isASN1, lenLen, offset, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {lenLen, isASN1, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + offset = b.result.$length; + b.add($makeSlice(sliceType, lenLen)); + if (b.inContinuation === ptrType$2.nil) { + b.inContinuation = $newDataPointer(false, ptrType$2); + } + b.child = new Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, b.result, b.fixedSize, ptrType$1.nil, offset, lenLen, isASN1, b.inContinuation); + $r = b.callContinuation(f, b.child); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b.flushChild(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(b.child === ptrType$1.nil)) { + $panic(new $String("cryptobyte: internal error")); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.addLengthPrefixed, $c: true, $r, b, f, isASN1, lenLen, offset, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.addLengthPrefixed = function(lenLen, isASN1, f) { return this.$val.addLengthPrefixed(lenLen, isASN1, f); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.flushChild = function() { + var {_r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, child, childStart, extraBytes, i, l, lenByte, lenLen, length, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (b.child === ptrType$1.nil) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = b.child.flushChild(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + child = b.child; + b.child = ptrType$1.nil; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(child.err, $ifaceNil))) { + b.err = child.err; + $s = -1; return; + } + length = (child.result.$length - child.pendingLenLen >> 0) - child.offset >> 0; + if (length < 0) { + $panic(new $String("cryptobyte: internal error")); + } + if (child.pendingIsASN1) { + if (!((child.pendingLenLen === 1))) { + $panic(new $String("cryptobyte: internal error")); + } + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + lenLen = _tmp; + lenByte = _tmp$1; + if ((x = (new $Int64(0, length)), (x.$high > 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low > 4294967294)))) { + b.err = errors.New("pending ASN.1 child too long"); + $s = -1; return; + } else if (length > 16777215) { + lenLen = 5; + lenByte = 132; + } else if (length > 65535) { + lenLen = 4; + lenByte = 131; + } else if (length > 255) { + lenLen = 3; + lenByte = 130; + } else if (length > 127) { + lenLen = 2; + lenByte = 129; + } else { + lenLen = 1; + lenByte = ((length << 24 >>> 24)); + length = 0; + } + (x$1 = child.result, x$2 = child.offset, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + x$2] = lenByte)); + extraBytes = (((lenLen - 1 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)); + if (!((extraBytes === 0))) { + child.add($makeSlice(sliceType, extraBytes)); + childStart = child.offset + child.pendingLenLen >> 0; + $copySlice($subslice(child.result, (childStart + extraBytes >> 0)), $subslice(child.result, childStart)); + } + child.offset = child.offset + (1) >> 0; + child.pendingLenLen = extraBytes; + } + l = length; + i = child.pendingLenLen - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + (x$3 = child.result, x$4 = child.offset + i >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + x$4] = ((l << 24 >>> 24)))); + l = (l >> $min((8), 31)) >> 0; + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + /* */ if (!((l === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((l === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("cryptobyte: pending child length %d exceeds %d-byte length prefix", new sliceType$1([new $Int(length), new $Int(child.pendingLenLen)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b.err = _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + if (b.fixedSize && !((x$5 = b.result, $indexPtr(x$5.$array, x$5.$offset + 0, ptrType$3)) === (x$6 = child.result, $indexPtr(x$6.$array, x$6.$offset + 0, ptrType$3)))) { + $panic(new $String("cryptobyte: BuilderContinuation reallocated a fixed-size buffer")); + } + b.result = child.result; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.flushChild, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, child, childStart, extraBytes, i, l, lenByte, lenLen, length, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.flushChild = function() { return this.$val.flushChild(); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.add = function(bytes) { + var b, bytes; + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + return; + } + if (!(b.child === ptrType$1.nil)) { + $panic(new $String("cryptobyte: attempted write while child is pending")); + } + if ((b.result.$length + bytes.$length >> 0) < bytes.$length) { + b.err = errors.New("cryptobyte: length overflow"); + } + if (b.fixedSize && (b.result.$length + bytes.$length >> 0) > b.result.$capacity) { + b.err = errors.New("cryptobyte: Builder is exceeding its fixed-size buffer"); + return; + } + b.result = $appendSlice(b.result, bytes); + }; + Builder.prototype.add = function(bytes) { return this.$val.add(bytes); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.Unwrite = function(n) { + var b, length, n; + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + return; + } + if (!(b.child === ptrType$1.nil)) { + $panic(new $String("cryptobyte: attempted unwrite while child is pending")); + } + length = (b.result.$length - b.pendingLenLen >> 0) - b.offset >> 0; + if (length < 0) { + $panic(new $String("cryptobyte: internal error")); + } + if (n > length) { + $panic(new $String("cryptobyte: attempted to unwrite more than was written")); + } + b.result = $subslice(b.result, 0, (b.result.$length - n >> 0)); + }; + Builder.prototype.Unwrite = function(n) { return this.$val.Unwrite(n); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddValue = function(v) { + var {_r$1, b, err, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + _r$1 = v.Marshal(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + b.err = err; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddValue, $c: true, $r, _r$1, b, err, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddValue = function(v) { return this.$val.AddValue(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Int64 = function(v) { + var {b, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + $r = b.addASN1Signed(2, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Int64, $c: true, $r, b, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1Int64 = function(v) { return this.$val.AddASN1Int64(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Int64WithTag = function(v, tag) { + var {b, tag, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, tag}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + $r = b.addASN1Signed(tag, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Int64WithTag, $c: true, $r, b, tag, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1Int64WithTag = function(v, tag) { return this.$val.AddASN1Int64WithTag(v, tag); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Enum = function(v) { + var {b, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + $r = b.addASN1Signed(10, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Enum, $c: true, $r, b, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1Enum = function(v) { return this.$val.AddASN1Enum(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.addASN1Signed = function(tag, v) { + var {b, tag, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {tag, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + b = this; + $r = b.AddASN1(tag, (function(v) { return function(c) { + var c, i, i$1, length, x; + length = 1; + i = v[0]; + while (true) { + if (!((i.$high > 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low >= 128)) || (i.$high < -1 || (i.$high === -1 && i.$low < 4294967168)))) { break; } + length = length + (1) >> 0; + i = $shiftRightInt64(i, (8)); + } + while (true) { + if (!(length > 0)) { break; } + i$1 = (x = $shiftRightInt64(v[0], ((($imul(((length - 1 >> 0)), 8)) >>> 0))), new $Int64(x.$high & 0, (x.$low & 255) >>> 0)); + c.AddUint8(((i$1.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + length = length - (1) >> 0; + } + }; })(v)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.addASN1Signed, $c: true, $r, b, tag, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.addASN1Signed = function(tag, v) { return this.$val.addASN1Signed(tag, v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Uint64 = function(v) { + var {b, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + b = this; + $r = b.AddASN1(2, (function(v) { return function(c) { + var c, i, i$1, length, x; + length = 1; + i = v[0]; + while (true) { + if (!((i.$high > 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low >= 128)))) { break; } + length = length + (1) >> 0; + i = $shiftRightUint64(i, (8)); + } + while (true) { + if (!(length > 0)) { break; } + i$1 = (x = $shiftRightUint64(v[0], ((($imul(((length - 1 >> 0)), 8)) >>> 0))), new $Uint64(x.$high & 0, (x.$low & 255) >>> 0)); + c.AddUint8(((i$1.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + length = length - (1) >> 0; + } + }; })(v)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Uint64, $c: true, $r, b, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1Uint64 = function(v) { return this.$val.AddASN1Uint64(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1BigInt = function(n) { + var {b, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = [n]; + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = b.AddASN1(2, (function(n) { return function $b(c) { + var {_i, _r$1, _ref, bytes, bytes$1, c, i, nMinus1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (n[0].Sign() < 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if (n[0].Sign() === 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (n[0].Sign() < 0) { */ case 1: + nMinus1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Neg(n[0]); + _r$1 = nMinus1.Sub(nMinus1, bigOne); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + bytes = nMinus1.Bytes(); + _ref = bytes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= bytes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= bytes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + i]) ^ (255)) << 24 >>> 24)); + _i++; + } + if ((bytes.$length === 0) || ((((0 >= bytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + 0]) & 128) >>> 0) === 0)) { + c.add(new sliceType([255])); + } + c.add(bytes); + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (n[0].Sign() === 0) { */ case 2: + c.add(new sliceType([0])); + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + bytes$1 = n[0].Bytes(); + if (!(((((0 >= bytes$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes$1.$array[bytes$1.$offset + 0]) & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + c.add(new sliceType([0])); + } + c.add(bytes$1); + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _ref, bytes, bytes$1, c, i, nMinus1, $s};return $f; + }; })(n)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1BigInt, $c: true, $r, b, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1BigInt = function(n) { return this.$val.AddASN1BigInt(n); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1OctetString = function(bytes) { + var {b, bytes, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {bytes}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + bytes = [bytes]; + b = this; + $r = b.AddASN1(4, (function(bytes) { return function(c) { + var c; + c.AddBytes(bytes[0]); + }; })(bytes)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1OctetString, $c: true, $r, b, bytes, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1OctetString = function(bytes) { return this.$val.AddASN1OctetString(bytes); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1GeneralizedTime = function(t) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _v, b, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = [t]; + b = this; + _r$1 = $clone(t[0], time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (_r$1 < 0) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$2 = $clone(t[0], time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$2 > 9999; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("cryptobyte: cannot represent %v as a GeneralizedTime", new sliceType$1([new t[0].constructor.elem(t[0])])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b.err = _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + $r = b.AddASN1(24, (function(t) { return function $b(c) { + var {_r$4, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$4 = $clone(t[0], time.Time).Format("20060102150405Z0700"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = c.AddBytes((new sliceType($stringToBytes(_r$4)))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$4, c, $s};return $f; + }; })(t)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1GeneralizedTime, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _v, b, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1GeneralizedTime = function(t) { return this.$val.AddASN1GeneralizedTime(t); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1UTCTime = function(t) { + var {b, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = [b]; + t = [t]; + b[0] = this; + $r = b[0].AddASN1(23, (function(b, t) { return function $b(c) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _v, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = $clone(t[0], time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (_r$1 < 1950) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$2 = $clone(t[0], time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$2 >= 2050; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("cryptobyte: cannot represent %v as a UTCTime", new sliceType$1([new t[0].constructor.elem(t[0])])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b[0].err = _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = $clone(t[0], time.Time).Format("060102150405Z0700"); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = c.AddBytes((new sliceType($stringToBytes(_r$4)))); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _v, c, $s};return $f; + }; })(b, t)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1UTCTime, $c: true, $r, b, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1UTCTime = function(t) { return this.$val.AddASN1UTCTime(t); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1BitString = function(data) { + var {b, data, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + data = [data]; + b = this; + $r = b.AddASN1(3, (function(data) { return function(b$1) { + var b$1; + b$1.AddUint8(0); + b$1.AddBytes(data[0]); + }; })(data)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1BitString, $c: true, $r, b, data, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1BitString = function(data) { return this.$val.AddASN1BitString(data); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.addBase128Int = function(n) { + var b, i, i$1, length, n, o; + b = this; + length = 0; + if ((n.$high === 0 && n.$low === 0)) { + length = 1; + } else { + i = n; + while (true) { + if (!((i.$high > 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low > 0)))) { break; } + length = length + (1) >> 0; + i = $shiftRightInt64(i, (7)); + } + } + i$1 = length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 >= 0)) { break; } + o = (($shiftRightInt64(n, ((($imul(i$1, 7)) >>> 0))).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + o = (o & (127)) >>> 0; + if (!((i$1 === 0))) { + o = (o | (128)) >>> 0; + } + b.add(new sliceType([o])); + i$1 = i$1 - (1) >> 0; + } + }; + Builder.prototype.addBase128Int = function(n) { return this.$val.addBase128Int(n); }; + isValidOID = function(oid) { + var _i, _ref, oid, v; + if (oid.$length < 2) { + return false; + } + if ((0 >= oid.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + 0]) > 2 || ((0 >= oid.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + 0]) <= 1 && (1 >= oid.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid.$array[oid.$offset + 1]) >= 40)) { + return false; + } + _ref = oid; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (v < 0) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1ObjectIdentifier = function(oid) { + var {b, oid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {oid}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + oid = [oid]; + b = this; + $r = b.AddASN1(6, (function(oid) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {_i, _r$1, _ref, b$1, v, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!isValidOID(oid[0])) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!isValidOID(oid[0])) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("cryptobyte: invalid OID: %v", new sliceType$1([oid[0]])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1.err = _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + b$1.addBase128Int((x = $mul64((new $Int64(0, (0 >= oid[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid[0].$array[oid[0].$offset + 0]))), new $Int64(0, 40)), x$1 = (new $Int64(0, (1 >= oid[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : oid[0].$array[oid[0].$offset + 1]))), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low))); + _ref = $subslice(oid[0], 2); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b$1.addBase128Int((new $Int64(0, v))); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _ref, b$1, v, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(oid)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1ObjectIdentifier, $c: true, $r, b, oid, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1ObjectIdentifier = function(oid) { return this.$val.AddASN1ObjectIdentifier(oid); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Boolean = function(v) { + var {b, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = [v]; + b = this; + $r = b.AddASN1(1, (function(v) { return function(b$1) { + var b$1; + if (v[0]) { + b$1.AddUint8(255); + } else { + b$1.AddUint8(0); + } + }; })(v)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1Boolean, $c: true, $r, b, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1Boolean = function(v) { return this.$val.AddASN1Boolean(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1NULL = function() { + var b; + b = this; + b.add(new sliceType([5, 0])); + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1NULL = function() { return this.$val.AddASN1NULL(); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.MarshalASN1 = function(v) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, b, bytes, err, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$1 = asn1.Marshal(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + bytes = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + b.err = err; + $s = -1; return; + } + b.AddBytes(bytes); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.MarshalASN1, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, b, bytes, err, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.MarshalASN1 = function(v) { return this.$val.MarshalASN1(v); }; + Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1 = function(tag, f) { + var {_r$1, b, f, tag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {tag, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if (((tag & 31) >>> 0) === 31) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (((tag & 31) >>> 0) === 31) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("cryptobyte: high-tag number identifier octects not supported: 0x%x", new sliceType$1([new asn1$1.Tag(tag)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b.err = _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + b.AddUint8(((tag << 24 >>> 24))); + $r = b.addLengthPrefixed(1, true, f); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Builder.ptr.prototype.AddASN1, $c: true, $r, _r$1, b, f, tag, $s};return $f; + }; + Builder.prototype.AddASN1 = function(tag, f) { return this.$val.AddASN1(tag, f); }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1Boolean = function(out) { + var _1, bytes, bytes$24ptr, out, s; + s = this; + bytes = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadASN1((bytes$24ptr || (bytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return bytes; }, function($v) { bytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), 1) || !((bytes.$length === 1))) { + return false; + } + _1 = (0 >= bytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + 0]); + if (_1 === (0)) { + out.$set(false); + } else if (_1 === (255)) { + out.$set(true); + } else { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1Integer = function(out) { + var {$24r, _1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, i, out, s, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = [i]; + u = [u]; + s = this; + _r$1 = reflect.TypeOf(out).Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$1 === 22))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r$1 === 22))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("out is not a pointer")); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = reflect.ValueOf(out); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(_r$2, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = $clone(_r$3, reflect.Value).Kind(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$4; + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6))) { */ case 8: + i[0] = new $Int64(0, 0); + if (!s.readASN1Int64((i.$ptr || (i.$ptr = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, i))))) { _v = true; $s = 14; continue s; } + _r$5 = reflect.ValueOf(out); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).OverflowInt(i[0]); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$7; case 14: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 12: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$8 = reflect.ValueOf(out); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$9, reflect.Value).SetInt(i[0]); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if ((_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { */ case 9: + u[0] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + if (!s.readASN1Uint64((u.$ptr || (u.$ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, u))))) { _v$1 = true; $s = 23; continue s; } + _r$10 = reflect.ValueOf(out); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $clone(_r$10, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = $clone(_r$11, reflect.Value).OverflowUint(u[0]); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$12; case 23: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 21: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 22: + _r$13 = reflect.ValueOf(out); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = $clone(_r$13, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$14, reflect.Value).SetUint(u[0]); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 10: + _r$15 = reflect.TypeOf(out).Elem(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$15, bigIntType)) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$15, bigIntType)) { */ case 30: + _r$16 = s.readASN1BigInt($assertType(out, ptrType)); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$16; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r; + /* } */ case 31: + /* } */ case 11: + case 4: + $panic(new $String("out does not point to an integer type")); + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1Integer, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, _v$1, i, out, s, u, $s};return $f; + }; + checkASN1Integer = function(bytes) { + var bytes; + if (bytes.$length === 0) { + return false; + } + if (bytes.$length === 1) { + return true; + } + if (((0 >= bytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + 0]) === 0) && ((((1 >= bytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + 1]) & 128) >>> 0) === 0) || ((0 >= bytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + 0]) === 255) && ((((1 >= bytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + 1]) & 128) >>> 0) === 128)) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.readASN1BigInt = function(out) { + var {_i, _r$1, _ref, b, bytes, i, neg, out, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + bytes = [bytes]; + s = this; + bytes[0] = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadASN1((bytes.$ptr || (bytes.$ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, bytes))), 2) || !checkASN1Integer($convertSliceType(bytes[0], sliceType))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + /* */ if ((((0 >= bytes[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes[0].$array[bytes[0].$offset + 0]) & 128) >>> 0) === 128) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((((0 >= bytes[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes[0].$array[bytes[0].$offset + 0]) & 128) >>> 0) === 128) { */ case 1: + neg = $makeSlice(sliceType, bytes[0].$length); + _ref = bytes[0]; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= neg.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : neg.$array[neg.$offset + i] = (~b << 24 >>> 24)); + _i++; + } + out.SetBytes(neg); + _r$1 = out.Add(out, bigOne); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + out.Neg(out); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + out.SetBytes($convertSliceType(bytes[0], sliceType)); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(String).prototype.readASN1BigInt, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _ref, b, bytes, i, neg, out, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.readASN1Int64 = function(out) { + var bytes, bytes$24ptr, out, s; + s = this; + bytes = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadASN1((bytes$24ptr || (bytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return bytes; }, function($v) { bytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), 2) || !checkASN1Integer($convertSliceType(bytes, sliceType)) || !asn1Signed(out, $convertSliceType(bytes, sliceType))) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + asn1Signed = function(out, n) { + var i, length, n, out, x, x$1; + length = n.$length; + if (length > 8) { + return false; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < length)) { break; } + out.$set($shiftLeft64(out.$get(), (8))); + out.$set((x = out.$get(), x$1 = (new $Int64(0, ((i < 0 || i >= n.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : n.$array[n.$offset + i]))), new $Int64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + out.$set($shiftLeft64(out.$get(), ((64 - (((length << 24 >>> 24)) * 8 << 24 >>> 24) << 24 >>> 24)))); + out.$set($shiftRightInt64(out.$get(), ((64 - (((length << 24 >>> 24)) * 8 << 24 >>> 24) << 24 >>> 24)))); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.readASN1Uint64 = function(out) { + var bytes, bytes$24ptr, out, s; + s = this; + bytes = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadASN1((bytes$24ptr || (bytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return bytes; }, function($v) { bytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), 2) || !checkASN1Integer($convertSliceType(bytes, sliceType)) || !asn1Unsigned(out, $convertSliceType(bytes, sliceType))) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + asn1Unsigned = function(out, n) { + var i, length, n, out, x, x$1; + length = n.$length; + if (length > 9 || (length === 9) && !(((0 >= n.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : n.$array[n.$offset + 0]) === 0))) { + return false; + } + if (!(((((0 >= n.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : n.$array[n.$offset + 0]) & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { + return false; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < length)) { break; } + out.$set($shiftLeft64(out.$get(), (8))); + out.$set((x = out.$get(), x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, ((i < 0 || i >= n.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : n.$array[n.$offset + i]))), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1Int64WithTag = function(out, tag) { + var bytes, bytes$24ptr, out, s, tag; + s = this; + bytes = String.nil; + return s.ReadASN1((bytes$24ptr || (bytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return bytes; }, function($v) { bytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), tag) && checkASN1Integer($convertSliceType(bytes, sliceType)) && asn1Signed(out, $convertSliceType(bytes, sliceType)); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1Enum = function(out) { + var bytes, bytes$24ptr, i, i$24ptr, out, s, x; + s = this; + bytes = String.nil; + i = new $Int64(0, 0); + if (!s.ReadASN1((bytes$24ptr || (bytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return bytes; }, function($v) { bytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), 10) || !checkASN1Integer($convertSliceType(bytes, sliceType)) || !asn1Signed((i$24ptr || (i$24ptr = new ptrType$5(function() { return i; }, function($v) { i = $v; }))), $convertSliceType(bytes, sliceType))) { + return false; + } + if (!((x = (new $Int64(0, (((i.$low + ((i.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)))), (x.$high === i.$high && x.$low === i.$low)))) { + return false; + } + out.$set((((i.$low + ((i.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.readBase128Int = function(out) { + var b, i, out, ret, s, x, y; + s = this; + ret = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(s.$get().$length > 0)) { break; } + if (i === 5) { + return false; + } + if (ret >= 16777216) { + return false; + } + ret = (y = (7), y < 32 ? (ret << y) : 0) >> 0; + b = (x = s.read(1), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + ret = ret | (((((b & 127) >>> 0) >> 0))); + if (((b & 128) >>> 0) === 0) { + out.$set(ret); + return true; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier = function(out) { + var _q, _r$1, bytes, bytes$24ptr, components, i, out, s, v, v$24ptr; + s = this; + bytes = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadASN1((bytes$24ptr || (bytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return bytes; }, function($v) { bytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), 6) || (bytes.$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + components = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, (bytes.$length + 1 >> 0)); + v = 0; + if (!(bytes$24ptr || (bytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return bytes; }, function($v) { bytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))).readBase128Int((v$24ptr || (v$24ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return v; }, function($v) { v = $v; }))))) { + return false; + } + if (v < 80) { + (0 >= components.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : components.$array[components.$offset + 0] = (_q = v / 40, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + (1 >= components.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : components.$array[components.$offset + 1] = (_r$1 = v % 40, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + } else { + (0 >= components.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : components.$array[components.$offset + 0] = 2); + (1 >= components.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : components.$array[components.$offset + 1] = (v - 80 >> 0)); + } + i = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(bytes.$length > 0)) { break; } + if (!(bytes$24ptr || (bytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return bytes; }, function($v) { bytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))).readBase128Int((v$24ptr || (v$24ptr = new ptrType$7(function() { return v; }, function($v) { v = $v; }))))) { + return false; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= components.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : components.$array[components.$offset + i] = v); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + out.$set($convertSliceType($subslice(components, 0, i), asn1.ObjectIdentifier)); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1GeneralizedTime = function(out) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, bytes, err, out, res, s, serialized, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + bytes = [bytes]; + s = this; + bytes[0] = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadASN1((bytes.$ptr || (bytes.$ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, bytes))), 24)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + t = ($bytesToString(bytes[0])); + _r$1 = time.Parse("20060102150405Z0700", t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + res = $clone(_tuple[0], time.Time); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$2 = $clone(res, time.Time).Format("20060102150405Z0700"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serialized = _r$2; + if (!(serialized === t)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + time.Time.copy(out, res); + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1GeneralizedTime, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, bytes, err, out, res, s, serialized, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1UTCTime = function(out) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, bytes, err, formatStr, out, res, s, serialized, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + bytes = [bytes]; + s = this; + bytes[0] = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadASN1((bytes.$ptr || (bytes.$ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, bytes))), 23)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + t = ($bytesToString(bytes[0])); + formatStr = "060102150405Z0700"; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$1 = time.Parse(formatStr, t); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + res = $clone(_tuple[0], time.Time); + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + formatStr = "0601021504Z0700"; + _r$2 = time.Parse(formatStr, t); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + time.Time.copy(res, _tuple$1[0]); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$3 = $clone(res, time.Time).Format(formatStr); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serialized = _r$3; + if (!(serialized === t)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$4 = $clone(res, time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4 >= 2050) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_r$4 >= 2050) { */ case 6: + _r$5 = $clone(res, time.Time).AddDate(-100, 0, 0); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + time.Time.copy(res, _r$5); + /* } */ case 7: + time.Time.copy(out, res); + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1UTCTime, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, bytes, err, formatStr, out, res, s, serialized, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1BitString = function(out) { + var _q, bytes, bytes$24ptr, out, paddingBits, s, x, y; + s = this; + bytes = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadASN1((bytes$24ptr || (bytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return bytes; }, function($v) { bytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), 3) || (bytes.$length === 0) || !(((_q = ($imul(bytes.$length, 8)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === bytes.$length))) { + return false; + } + paddingBits = ((0 >= bytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + 0])); + bytes = $subslice(bytes, 1); + if (paddingBits > 7 || (bytes.$length === 0) && !((paddingBits === 0)) || bytes.$length > 0 && !(((((x = bytes.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= bytes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + x])) & ((((y = paddingBits, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) << 24 >>> 24) - 1 << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0) === 0))) { + return false; + } + out.BitLength = ($imul(bytes.$length, 8)) - ((paddingBits >> 0)) >> 0; + out.Bytes = $convertSliceType(bytes, sliceType); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1BitStringAsBytes = function(out) { + var bytes, bytes$24ptr, out, paddingBits, s; + s = this; + bytes = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadASN1((bytes$24ptr || (bytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return bytes; }, function($v) { bytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), 3) || (bytes.$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + paddingBits = ((0 >= bytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bytes.$array[bytes.$offset + 0])); + if (!((paddingBits === 0))) { + return false; + } + out.$set($convertSliceType($subslice(bytes, 1), sliceType)); + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1Bytes = function(out, tag) { + var _ptr, out, s, tag; + s = this; + return s.ReadASN1(((_ptr = out, new ptrType$4(function() { return $convertSliceType(_ptr.$get(), String); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set($convertSliceType($v, sliceType)); }, _ptr.$target))), tag); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1 = function(out, tag) { + var out, s, t, t$24ptr, tag; + s = this; + t = 0; + if (!s.ReadAnyASN1(out, (t$24ptr || (t$24ptr = new ptrType$8(function() { return t; }, function($v) { t = $v; })))) || !((t === tag))) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadASN1Element = function(out, tag) { + var out, s, t, t$24ptr, tag; + s = this; + t = 0; + if (!s.ReadAnyASN1Element(out, (t$24ptr || (t$24ptr = new ptrType$8(function() { return t; }, function($v) { t = $v; })))) || !((t === tag))) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadAnyASN1 = function(out, outTag) { + var out, outTag, s; + s = this; + return s.readASN1(out, outTag, true); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadAnyASN1Element = function(out, outTag) { + var out, outTag, s; + s = this; + return s.readASN1(out, outTag, false); + }; + String.prototype.PeekASN1Tag = function(tag) { + var s, tag; + s = this; + if (s.$length === 0) { + return false; + } + return (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) << 24 >>> 24)) === tag; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.PeekASN1Tag = function(tag) { return this.$get().PeekASN1Tag(tag); }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.SkipASN1 = function(tag) { + var s, tag, unused, unused$24ptr; + s = this; + unused = String.nil; + return s.ReadASN1((unused$24ptr || (unused$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return unused; }, function($v) { unused = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), tag); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadOptionalASN1 = function(out, outPresent, tag) { + var out, outPresent, present, s, tag; + s = this; + present = s.PeekASN1Tag(tag); + if (!(outPresent === ptrType$2.nil)) { + outPresent.$set(present); + } + if (present && !s.ReadASN1(out, tag)) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.SkipOptionalASN1 = function(tag) { + var s, tag, unused, unused$24ptr; + s = this; + if (!s.PeekASN1Tag(tag)) { + return true; + } + unused = String.nil; + return s.ReadASN1((unused$24ptr || (unused$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return unused; }, function($v) { unused = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), tag); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadOptionalASN1Integer = function(out, tag, defaultValue) { + var {_1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, defaultValue, i, out, present, s, tag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, tag, defaultValue}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = [i]; + present = [present]; + s = this; + _r$1 = reflect.TypeOf(out).Kind(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$1 === 22))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r$1 === 22))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("out is not a pointer")); + /* } */ case 2: + present[0] = false; + i[0] = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadOptionalASN1((i.$ptr || (i.$ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, i))), (present.$ptr || (present.$ptr = new ptrType$2(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, present))), tag)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + /* */ if (!present[0]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!present[0]) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = reflect.ValueOf(out); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(_r$2, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = $clone(_r$3, reflect.Value).Kind(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _1 = _r$4; + /* */ if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11))) { */ case 10: + _r$5 = reflect.ValueOf(out); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, reflect.Value).Elem(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = reflect.ValueOf(defaultValue); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$6, reflect.Value).Set($clone(_r$7, reflect.Value)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 11: + _r$8 = reflect.TypeOf(out).Elem(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$8, bigIntType))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$8, bigIntType))) { */ case 18: + $panic(new $String("invalid integer type")); + /* } */ case 19: + _r$9 = reflect.TypeOf(defaultValue).Kind(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!((_r$9 === 22))) { _v = true; $s = 23; continue s; } + _r$10 = reflect.TypeOf(defaultValue).Elem(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$10, bigIntType)); case 23: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 21: + $panic(new $String("out points to big.Int, but defaultValue does not")); + /* } */ case 22: + $assertType(out, ptrType).Set($assertType(defaultValue, ptrType)); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else { */ case 12: + $panic(new $String("invalid integer type")); + /* } */ case 13: + case 6: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$11 = (i.$ptr || (i.$ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, i))).ReadASN1Integer(out); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$11 || !i[0].Empty()) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!_r$11 || !i[0].Empty()) { */ case 26: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 27: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadOptionalASN1Integer, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _v, defaultValue, i, out, present, s, tag, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadOptionalASN1OctetString = function(out, outPresent, tag) { + var child, child$24ptr, oct, oct$24ptr, out, outPresent, present, present$24ptr, s, tag; + s = this; + present = false; + child = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadOptionalASN1((child$24ptr || (child$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return child; }, function($v) { child = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), (present$24ptr || (present$24ptr = new ptrType$2(function() { return present; }, function($v) { present = $v; }))), tag)) { + return false; + } + if (!(outPresent === ptrType$2.nil)) { + outPresent.$set(present); + } + if (present) { + oct = String.nil; + if (!(child$24ptr || (child$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return child; }, function($v) { child = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))).ReadASN1((oct$24ptr || (oct$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return oct; }, function($v) { oct = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), 4) || !child.Empty()) { + return false; + } + out.$set($convertSliceType(oct, sliceType)); + } else { + out.$set(sliceType.nil); + } + return true; + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.ReadOptionalASN1Boolean = function(out, defaultValue) { + var child, child$24ptr, defaultValue, out, present, present$24ptr, s; + s = this; + present = false; + child = String.nil; + if (!s.ReadOptionalASN1((child$24ptr || (child$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return child; }, function($v) { child = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))), (present$24ptr || (present$24ptr = new ptrType$2(function() { return present; }, function($v) { present = $v; }))), 1)) { + return false; + } + if (!present) { + out.$set(defaultValue); + return true; + } + return s.ReadASN1Boolean(out); + }; + $ptrType(String).prototype.readASN1 = function(out, outTag, skipHeader) { + var _ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, headerLen, len32, len32$24ptr, lenByte, lenBytes, lenBytes$24ptr, lenLen, length, out, outTag, s, skipHeader, tag, x, x$1, y; + s = this; + if (s.$get().$length < 2) { + return false; + } + _tmp = (x = s.$get(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + _tmp$1 = (x$1 = s.$get(), (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1])); + tag = _tmp; + lenByte = _tmp$1; + if (((tag & 31) >>> 0) === 31) { + return false; + } + if (!(outTag === ptrType$8.nil)) { + outTag.$set(((tag << 24 >>> 24))); + } + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + length = _tmp$2; + headerLen = _tmp$3; + if (((lenByte & 128) >>> 0) === 0) { + length = ((lenByte >>> 0)) + 2 >>> 0; + headerLen = 2; + } else { + lenLen = (lenByte & 127) >>> 0; + len32 = 0; + if ((lenLen === 0) || lenLen > 4 || s.$get().$length < (((2 + lenLen << 24 >>> 24) >> 0))) { + return false; + } + lenBytes = ($subslice((s.$get()), 2, (2 + lenLen << 24 >>> 24))); + if (!(lenBytes$24ptr || (lenBytes$24ptr = new ptrType$4(function() { return lenBytes; }, function($v) { lenBytes = $convertSliceType($v, String); }))).readUnsigned((len32$24ptr || (len32$24ptr = new ptrType$9(function() { return len32; }, function($v) { len32 = $v; }))), ((lenLen >> 0)))) { + return false; + } + if (len32 < 128) { + return false; + } + if (((y = ((((lenLen - 1 << 24 >>> 24)) * 8 << 24 >>> 24)), y < 32 ? (len32 >>> y) : 0) >>> 0) === 0) { + return false; + } + headerLen = 2 + ((lenLen >>> 0)) >>> 0; + if ((headerLen + len32 >>> 0) < len32) { + return false; + } + length = headerLen + len32 >>> 0; + } + if (((length >> 0)) < 0 || !s.ReadBytes(((_ptr = out, new ptrType$10(function() { return $convertSliceType(_ptr.$get(), sliceType); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set($convertSliceType($v, String)); }, _ptr.$target))), ((length >> 0)))) { + return false; + } + if (skipHeader && !out.Skip(((headerLen >> 0)))) { + $panic(new $String("cryptobyte: internal error")); + } + return true; + }; + String.methods = [{prop: "Empty", name: "Empty", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "PeekASN1Tag", name: "PeekASN1Tag", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([asn1$1.Tag], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "read", name: "read", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Skip", name: "Skip", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadUint8", name: "ReadUint8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadUint16", name: "ReadUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadUint24", name: "ReadUint24", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadUint32", name: "ReadUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "readUnsigned", name: "readUnsigned", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "readLengthPrefixed", name: "readLengthPrefixed", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([$Int, ptrType$4], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadUint8LengthPrefixed", name: "ReadUint8LengthPrefixed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadUint16LengthPrefixed", name: "ReadUint16LengthPrefixed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadUint24LengthPrefixed", name: "ReadUint24LengthPrefixed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadBytes", name: "ReadBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "CopyBytes", name: "CopyBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1Boolean", name: "ReadASN1Boolean", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1Integer", name: "ReadASN1Integer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "readASN1BigInt", name: "readASN1BigInt", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "readASN1Int64", name: "readASN1Int64", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "readASN1Uint64", name: "readASN1Uint64", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([ptrType$6], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1Int64WithTag", name: "ReadASN1Int64WithTag", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$5, asn1$1.Tag], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1Enum", name: "ReadASN1Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$7], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "readBase128Int", name: "readBase128Int", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([ptrType$7], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier", name: "ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$12], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1GeneralizedTime", name: "ReadASN1GeneralizedTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$13], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1UTCTime", name: "ReadASN1UTCTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$13], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1BitString", name: "ReadASN1BitString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$14], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1BitStringAsBytes", name: "ReadASN1BitStringAsBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1Bytes", name: "ReadASN1Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, asn1$1.Tag], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1", name: "ReadASN1", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, asn1$1.Tag], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadASN1Element", name: "ReadASN1Element", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, asn1$1.Tag], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadAnyASN1", name: "ReadAnyASN1", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$8], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadAnyASN1Element", name: "ReadAnyASN1Element", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$8], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "SkipASN1", name: "SkipASN1", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([asn1$1.Tag], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadOptionalASN1", name: "ReadOptionalASN1", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$2, asn1$1.Tag], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "SkipOptionalASN1", name: "SkipOptionalASN1", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([asn1$1.Tag], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadOptionalASN1Integer", name: "ReadOptionalASN1Integer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface, asn1$1.Tag, $emptyInterface], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadOptionalASN1OctetString", name: "ReadOptionalASN1OctetString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, ptrType$2, asn1$1.Tag], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadOptionalASN1Boolean", name: "ReadOptionalASN1Boolean", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, $Bool], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "readASN1", name: "readASN1", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$8, $Bool], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "SetError", name: "SetError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "BytesOrPanic", name: "BytesOrPanic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "AddUint8", name: "AddUint8", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint16", name: "AddUint16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint24", name: "AddUint24", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint32", name: "AddUint32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AddBytes", name: "AddBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint8LengthPrefixed", name: "AddUint8LengthPrefixed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([BuilderContinuation], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint16LengthPrefixed", name: "AddUint16LengthPrefixed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([BuilderContinuation], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint24LengthPrefixed", name: "AddUint24LengthPrefixed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([BuilderContinuation], [], false)}, {prop: "AddUint32LengthPrefixed", name: "AddUint32LengthPrefixed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([BuilderContinuation], [], false)}, {prop: "callContinuation", name: "callContinuation", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([BuilderContinuation, ptrType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "addLengthPrefixed", name: "addLengthPrefixed", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Bool, BuilderContinuation], [], false)}, {prop: "flushChild", name: "flushChild", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "add", name: "add", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Unwrite", name: "Unwrite", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "AddValue", name: "AddValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([MarshalingValue], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1Int64", name: "AddASN1Int64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1Int64WithTag", name: "AddASN1Int64WithTag", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, asn1$1.Tag], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1Enum", name: "AddASN1Enum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "addASN1Signed", name: "addASN1Signed", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([asn1$1.Tag, $Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1Uint64", name: "AddASN1Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1BigInt", name: "AddASN1BigInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1OctetString", name: "AddASN1OctetString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1GeneralizedTime", name: "AddASN1GeneralizedTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1UTCTime", name: "AddASN1UTCTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1BitString", name: "AddASN1BitString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], false)}, {prop: "addBase128Int", name: "addBase128Int", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1ObjectIdentifier", name: "AddASN1ObjectIdentifier", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([asn1.ObjectIdentifier], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1Boolean", name: "AddASN1Boolean", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1NULL", name: "AddASN1NULL", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "MarshalASN1", name: "MarshalASN1", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "AddASN1", name: "AddASN1", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([asn1$1.Tag, BuilderContinuation], [], false)}]; + String.init($Uint8); + Builder.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "result", name: "result", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "fixedSize", name: "fixedSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "child", name: "child", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "offset", name: "offset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "pendingLenLen", name: "pendingLenLen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "pendingIsASN1", name: "pendingIsASN1", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "inContinuation", name: "inContinuation", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}]); + BuilderContinuation.init([ptrType$1], [], false); + BuildError.init("", [{prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + MarshalingValue.init([{prop: "Marshal", name: "Marshal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [$error], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = asn1.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = big.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = asn1$1.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = reflect.TypeOf((ptrType.nil)).Elem(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bigIntType = _r; + bigOne = big.NewInt(new $Int64(0, 1)); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/ecdsa"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, crypto, aes, cipher, elliptic, randutil, sha512, errors, io, big, cryptobyte, asn1, invertible, combinedMult, PublicKey, PrivateKey, zr, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, sliceType, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, one, errZeroParam, zeroReader, sign, verify, randFieldElement, hashToInt, fermatInverse, Sign, signGeneric, Verify, verifyGeneric, VerifyASN1; + crypto = $packages["crypto"]; + aes = $packages["crypto/aes"]; + cipher = $packages["crypto/cipher"]; + elliptic = $packages["crypto/elliptic"]; + randutil = $packages["crypto/internal/randutil"]; + sha512 = $packages["crypto/sha512"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + big = $packages["math/big"]; + cryptobyte = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte"]; + asn1 = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte/asn1"]; + invertible = $pkg.invertible = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "ecdsa.invertible", true, "crypto/ecdsa", false, null); + combinedMult = $pkg.combinedMult = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "ecdsa.combinedMult", true, "crypto/ecdsa", false, null); + PublicKey = $pkg.PublicKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "ecdsa.PublicKey", true, "crypto/ecdsa", true, function(Curve_, X_, Y_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Curve = $ifaceNil; + this.X = ptrType.nil; + this.Y = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.Curve = Curve_; + this.X = X_; + this.Y = Y_; + }); + PrivateKey = $pkg.PrivateKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "ecdsa.PrivateKey", true, "crypto/ecdsa", true, function(PublicKey_, D_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.PublicKey = new PublicKey.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType.nil, ptrType.nil); + this.D = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.PublicKey = PublicKey_; + this.D = D_; + }); + zr = $pkg.zr = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "ecdsa.zr", true, "crypto/ecdsa", false, function(Reader_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Reader = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Reader = Reader_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(big.Int); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(PublicKey); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(PrivateKey); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(cryptobyte.Builder); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType($Bool); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(cryptobyte.String); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(zr); + sign = function(priv, csprng, c, hash) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, c, csprng, err, hash, priv, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {priv, csprng, c, hash}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = ptrType.nil; + s = ptrType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = signGeneric(priv, csprng, c, hash); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + r = _tuple[0]; + s = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + $24r = [r, s, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sign, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, c, csprng, err, hash, priv, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + verify = function(pub, c, hash, r, s) { + var {$24r, _r, c, hash, pub, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pub, c, hash, r, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = verifyGeneric(pub, c, hash, r, s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: verify, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, c, hash, pub, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + PublicKey.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(x) { + var _tuple, ok, pub, x, xx; + pub = this; + _tuple = $assertType(x, ptrType$1, true); + xx = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return false; + } + return (pub.X.Cmp(xx.X) === 0) && (pub.Y.Cmp(xx.Y) === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(pub.Curve, xx.Curve); + }; + PublicKey.prototype.Equal = function(x) { return this.$val.Equal(x); }; + PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Public = function() { + var priv; + priv = this; + return priv.PublicKey; + }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Public = function() { return this.$val.Public(); }; + PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(x) { + var _tuple, ok, priv, x, xx; + priv = this; + _tuple = $assertType(x, ptrType$2, true); + xx = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return false; + } + return priv.PublicKey.Equal(xx.PublicKey) && (priv.D.Cmp(xx.D) === 0); + }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Equal = function(x) { return this.$val.Equal(x); }; + PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Sign = function(rand, digest, opts) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, digest, err, opts, priv, r, rand, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand, digest, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = [r]; + s = [s]; + priv = this; + _r = Sign(rand, priv, digest); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + r[0] = _tuple[0]; + s[0] = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType.nil, false, ptrType$3.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$4.nil); + $r = b.AddASN1(48, (function(r, s) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {b$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$1.AddASN1BigInt(r[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b$1.AddASN1BigInt(s[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(r, s)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return b.Bytes(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Sign, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, digest, err, opts, priv, r, rand, s, $s};return $f; + }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Sign = function(rand, digest, opts) { return this.$val.Sign(rand, digest, opts); }; + randFieldElement = function(c, rand) { + var {_q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, b, c, err, k, n, params, rand, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c, rand}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + k = ptrType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = c.Params(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + params = _r; + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, ((_q = params.BitSize / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 8 >> 0)); + _r$1 = io.ReadFull(rand, b); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [k, err]; + } + k = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(b); + _r$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Sub(params.N, one); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r$2; + _r$3 = k.Mod(k, n); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = k.Add(k, one); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = -1; return [k, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: randFieldElement, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, b, c, err, k, n, params, rand, $s};return $f; + }; + hashToInt = function(hash, c) { + var {_q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, c, excess, hash, orderBits, orderBytes, ret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hash, c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = c.Params(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = _r.N.BitLen(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + orderBits = _r$1; + orderBytes = (_q = ((orderBits + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (hash.$length > orderBytes) { + hash = $subslice(hash, 0, orderBytes); + } + ret = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(hash); + excess = ($imul(hash.$length, 8)) - orderBits >> 0; + /* */ if (excess > 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (excess > 0) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = ret.Rsh(ret, ((excess >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return ret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: hashToInt, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, c, excess, hash, orderBits, orderBytes, ret, $s};return $f; + }; + fermatInverse = function(k, N) { + var {$24r, N, _r, _r$1, k, nMinus2, two, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k, N}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + two = big.NewInt(new $Int64(0, 2)); + _r = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Sub(N, two); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + nMinus2 = _r; + _r$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Exp(k, nMinus2, N); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fermatInverse, $c: true, $r, $24r, N, _r, _r$1, k, nMinus2, two, $s};return $f; + }; + Sign = function(rand, priv, hash) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, block, c, csprng, entropy, err, hash, key, md, priv, r, rand, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand, priv, hash}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + csprng = [csprng]; + r = ptrType.nil; + s = ptrType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + $r = randutil.MaybeReadByte(rand); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + entropy = $makeSlice(sliceType, 32); + _r = io.ReadFull(rand, entropy); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [r, s, err]; + } + md = sha512.New(); + _r$1 = md.Write(priv.D.Bytes()); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = md.Write(entropy); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = md.Write(hash); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = md.Sum(sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = $subslice(_r$4, 0, 32); + _tuple$1 = aes.NewCipher(key); + block = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = ptrType.nil; + _tmp$1 = ptrType.nil; + _tmp$2 = err; + r = _tmp; + s = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [r, s, err]; + } + _r$5 = cipher.NewCTR(block, (new sliceType($stringToBytes("IV for ECDSA CTR")))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + csprng[0] = new cipher.StreamReader.ptr(_r$5, zeroReader); + c = priv.PublicKey.Curve; + _r$6 = sign(priv, csprng[0], c, hash); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$6; + r = _tuple$2[0]; + s = _tuple$2[1]; + err = _tuple$2[2]; + $24r = [r, s, err]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Sign, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, block, c, csprng, entropy, err, hash, key, md, priv, r, rand, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Sign = Sign; + signGeneric = function(priv, csprng, c, hash) { + var {N, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, csprng, e, err, hash, in$1, k, kInv, ok, priv, r, s, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {priv, csprng, c, hash}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = ptrType.nil; + s = ptrType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = c.Params(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + N = _r.N; + if (N.Sign() === 0) { + _tmp = ptrType.nil; + _tmp$1 = ptrType.nil; + _tmp$2 = errZeroParam; + r = _tmp; + s = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [r, s, err]; + } + _tmp$3 = ptrType.nil; + _tmp$4 = ptrType.nil; + k = _tmp$3; + kInv = _tmp$4; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = randFieldElement(c, (x = csprng, new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + k = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + r = ptrType.nil; + $s = -1; return [r, s, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(priv.PublicKey.Curve, invertible, true); + in$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = in$1.Inverse(k); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + kInv = _r$2; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + _r$3 = fermatInverse(k, N); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + kInv = _r$3; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$4 = priv.PublicKey.Curve.ScalarBaseMult(k.Bytes()); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + r = _tuple$2[0]; + _r$5 = r.Mod(r, N); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + if (!((r.Sign() === 0))) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + _r$6 = hashToInt(hash, c); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$6; + _r$7 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul(priv.D, r); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$7; + _r$8 = s.Add(s, e); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = s.Mul(s, kInv); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + _r$10 = s.Mod(s, N); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + if (!((s.Sign() === 0))) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [r, s, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: signGeneric, $c: true, $r, N, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, csprng, e, err, hash, in$1, k, kInv, ok, priv, r, s, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Verify = function(pub, hash, r, s) { + var {$24r, N, _r, _r$1, c, hash, pub, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pub, hash, r, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = pub.Curve; + _r = c.Params(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + N = _r.N; + if (r.Sign() <= 0 || s.Sign() <= 0) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (r.Cmp(N) >= 0 || s.Cmp(N) >= 0) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$1 = verify(pub, c, hash, r, s); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Verify, $c: true, $r, $24r, N, _r, _r$1, c, hash, pub, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Verify = Verify; + verifyGeneric = function(pub, c, hash, r, s) { + var {N, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, c, e, hash, in$1, ok, ok$1, opt, pub, r, s, u1, u2, w, x, x1, x2, y, y1, y2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pub, c, hash, r, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = hashToInt(hash, c); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r; + w = ptrType.nil; + _r$1 = c.Params(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + N = _r$1.N; + _tuple = $assertType(c, invertible, true); + in$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = in$1.Inverse(s); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + w = _r$2; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$3 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).ModInverse(s, N); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + w = _r$3; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$4 = e.Mul(e, w); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u1 = _r$4; + _r$5 = u1.Mod(u1, N); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = w.Mul(r, w); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + u2 = _r$6; + _r$7 = u2.Mod(u2, N); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _tmp = ptrType.nil; + _tmp$1 = ptrType.nil; + x = _tmp; + y = _tmp$1; + _tuple$1 = $assertType(c, combinedMult, true); + opt = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 12: + _r$8 = opt.CombinedMult(pub.X, pub.Y, u1.Bytes(), u2.Bytes()); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$8; + x = _tuple$2[0]; + y = _tuple$2[1]; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + _r$9 = c.ScalarBaseMult(u1.Bytes()); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$9; + x1 = _tuple$3[0]; + y1 = _tuple$3[1]; + _r$10 = c.ScalarMult(pub.X, pub.Y, u2.Bytes()); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$10; + x2 = _tuple$4[0]; + y2 = _tuple$4[1]; + _r$11 = c.Add(x1, y1, x2, y2); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$11; + x = _tuple$5[0]; + y = _tuple$5[1]; + /* } */ case 14: + if ((x.Sign() === 0) && (y.Sign() === 0)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$12 = x.Mod(x, N); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + $s = -1; return x.Cmp(r) === 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: verifyGeneric, $c: true, $r, N, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, c, e, hash, in$1, ok, ok$1, opt, pub, r, s, u1, u2, w, x, x1, x2, y, y1, y2, $s};return $f; + }; + VerifyASN1 = function(pub, hash, sig) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _v, _v$1, hash, inner, input, input$24ptr, pub, r, s, sig, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pub, hash, sig}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + inner = [inner]; + _tmp = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _tmp$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + r = _tmp; + s = _tmp$1; + inner[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + input = ($convertSliceType(sig, cryptobyte.String)); + if (!(input$24ptr || (input$24ptr = new ptrType$5(function() { return input; }, function($v) { input = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1((inner.$ptr || (inner.$ptr = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, inner))), 48) || !input.Empty()) { _v$1 = true; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r = (inner.$ptr || (inner.$ptr = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, inner))).ReadASN1Integer(r); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !_r; case 4: + if (_v$1) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$1 = (inner.$ptr || (inner.$ptr = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, inner))).ReadASN1Integer(s); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v || !inner[0].Empty()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v || !inner[0].Empty()) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = Verify(pub, hash, r, s); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: VerifyASN1, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _v, _v$1, hash, inner, input, input$24ptr, pub, r, s, sig, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.VerifyASN1 = VerifyASN1; + zr.ptr.prototype.Read = function(dst) { + var _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, dst, err, i, n, z; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + z = this; + _ref = dst; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + i] = 0); + _i++; + } + _tmp = dst.$length; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + zr.prototype.Read = function(dst) { return this.$val.Read(dst); }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([crypto.PublicKey], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Public", name: "Public", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [crypto.PublicKey], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([crypto.PrivateKey], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Sign", name: "Sign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader, sliceType, crypto.SignerOpts], [sliceType, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + invertible.init([{prop: "Inverse", name: "Inverse", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}]); + combinedMult.init([{prop: "CombinedMult", name: "CombinedMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType, sliceType, sliceType], [ptrType, ptrType], false)}]); + PublicKey.init("", [{prop: "Curve", name: "Curve", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: elliptic.Curve, tag: ""}, {prop: "X", name: "X", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Y", name: "Y", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + PrivateKey.init("", [{prop: "PublicKey", name: "PublicKey", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: PublicKey, tag: ""}, {prop: "D", name: "D", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + zr.init("", [{prop: "Reader", name: "Reader", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = crypto.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = aes.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cipher.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = elliptic.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = randutil.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sha512.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = big.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cryptobyte.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = asn1.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + one = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetInt64(new $Int64(0, 1)); + errZeroParam = errors.New("zero parameter"); + zeroReader = new zr.ptr($ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, subtle, binary, bits, uint128, Element, arrayType, arrayType$1, sliceType, ptrType, ptrType$1, feZero, feOne, sqrtM1, mul64, addMul64, shiftRightBy51, feMulGeneric, feSquareGeneric, feMul, feSquare, mask64Bits, mul51; + subtle = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + uint128 = $pkg.uint128 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "field.uint128", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field", false, function(lo_, hi_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.lo = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.hi = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.lo = lo_; + this.hi = hi_; + }); + Element = $pkg.Element = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "field.Element", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field", true, function(l0_, l1_, l2_, l3_, l4_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.l0 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.l1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.l2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.l3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.l4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.l0 = l0_; + this.l1 = l1_; + this.l2 = l2_; + this.l3 = l3_; + this.l4 = l4_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(Element); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(arrayType); + mul64 = function(a, b) { + var _tuple, a, b, hi, lo; + _tuple = bits.Mul64(a, b); + hi = _tuple[0]; + lo = _tuple[1]; + return new uint128.ptr(lo, hi); + }; + addMul64 = function(v, a, b) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, a, b, c, hi, lo, v; + _tuple = bits.Mul64(a, b); + hi = _tuple[0]; + lo = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = bits.Add64(lo, v.lo, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + lo = _tuple$1[0]; + c = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = bits.Add64(hi, v.hi, c); + hi = _tuple$2[0]; + return new uint128.ptr(lo, hi); + }; + shiftRightBy51 = function(a) { + var a, x, x$1; + return (x = $shiftLeft64(a.hi, 13), x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(a.lo, 51), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + feMulGeneric = function(v, a, b) { + var a, a0, a1, a1_19, a2, a2_19, a3, a3_19, a4, a4_19, b, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, rr0, rr1, rr2, rr3, rr4, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + a0 = a.l0; + a1 = a.l1; + a2 = a.l2; + a3 = a.l3; + a4 = a.l4; + b0 = b.l0; + b1 = b.l1; + b2 = b.l2; + b3 = b.l3; + b4 = b.l4; + a1_19 = $mul64(a1, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + a2_19 = $mul64(a2, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + a3_19 = $mul64(a3, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + a4_19 = $mul64(a4, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + r0 = $clone(mul64(a0, b0), uint128); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), a1_19, b4)); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), a2_19, b3)); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), a3_19, b2)); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), a4_19, b1)); + r1 = $clone(mul64(a0, b1), uint128); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), a1, b0)); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), a2_19, b4)); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), a3_19, b3)); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), a4_19, b2)); + r2 = $clone(mul64(a0, b2), uint128); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), a1, b1)); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), a2, b0)); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), a3_19, b4)); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), a4_19, b3)); + r3 = $clone(mul64(a0, b3), uint128); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), a1, b2)); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), a2, b1)); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), a3, b0)); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), a4_19, b4)); + r4 = $clone(mul64(a0, b4), uint128); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), a1, b3)); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), a2, b2)); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), a3, b1)); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), a4, b0)); + c0 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r0, uint128)); + c1 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r1, uint128)); + c2 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r2, uint128)); + c3 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r3, uint128)); + c4 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r4, uint128)); + rr0 = (x = (x$1 = r0.lo, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 524287, (x$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2 = $mul64(c4, new $Uint64(0, 19)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$2.$high, x.$low + x$2.$low)); + rr1 = (x$3 = (x$4 = r1.lo, new $Uint64(x$4.$high & 524287, (x$4.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + c0.$high, x$3.$low + c0.$low)); + rr2 = (x$5 = (x$6 = r2.lo, new $Uint64(x$6.$high & 524287, (x$6.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + c1.$high, x$5.$low + c1.$low)); + rr3 = (x$7 = (x$8 = r3.lo, new $Uint64(x$8.$high & 524287, (x$8.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + c2.$high, x$7.$low + c2.$low)); + rr4 = (x$9 = (x$10 = r4.lo, new $Uint64(x$10.$high & 524287, (x$10.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + c3.$high, x$9.$low + c3.$low)); + Element.copy(v, new Element.ptr(rr0, rr1, rr2, rr3, rr4)); + v.carryPropagate(); + }; + feSquareGeneric = function(v, a) { + var a, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, l0, l0_2, l1, l1_2, l1_38, l2, l2_38, l3, l3_19, l3_38, l4, l4_19, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, rr0, rr1, rr2, rr3, rr4, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + l0 = a.l0; + l1 = a.l1; + l2 = a.l2; + l3 = a.l3; + l4 = a.l4; + l0_2 = $mul64(l0, new $Uint64(0, 2)); + l1_2 = $mul64(l1, new $Uint64(0, 2)); + l1_38 = $mul64(l1, new $Uint64(0, 38)); + l2_38 = $mul64(l2, new $Uint64(0, 38)); + l3_38 = $mul64(l3, new $Uint64(0, 38)); + l3_19 = $mul64(l3, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + l4_19 = $mul64(l4, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + r0 = $clone(mul64(l0, l0), uint128); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), l1_38, l4)); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), l2_38, l3)); + r1 = $clone(mul64(l0_2, l1), uint128); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), l2_38, l4)); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), l3_19, l3)); + r2 = $clone(mul64(l0_2, l2), uint128); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), l1, l1)); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), l3_38, l4)); + r3 = $clone(mul64(l0_2, l3), uint128); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), l1_2, l2)); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), l4_19, l4)); + r4 = $clone(mul64(l0_2, l4), uint128); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), l1_2, l3)); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), l2, l2)); + c0 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r0, uint128)); + c1 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r1, uint128)); + c2 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r2, uint128)); + c3 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r3, uint128)); + c4 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r4, uint128)); + rr0 = (x = (x$1 = r0.lo, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 524287, (x$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2 = $mul64(c4, new $Uint64(0, 19)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$2.$high, x.$low + x$2.$low)); + rr1 = (x$3 = (x$4 = r1.lo, new $Uint64(x$4.$high & 524287, (x$4.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + c0.$high, x$3.$low + c0.$low)); + rr2 = (x$5 = (x$6 = r2.lo, new $Uint64(x$6.$high & 524287, (x$6.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + c1.$high, x$5.$low + c1.$low)); + rr3 = (x$7 = (x$8 = r3.lo, new $Uint64(x$8.$high & 524287, (x$8.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + c2.$high, x$7.$low + c2.$low)); + rr4 = (x$9 = (x$10 = r4.lo, new $Uint64(x$10.$high & 524287, (x$10.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + c3.$high, x$9.$low + c3.$low)); + Element.copy(v, new Element.ptr(rr0, rr1, rr2, rr3, rr4)); + v.carryPropagate(); + }; + Element.ptr.prototype.carryPropagateGeneric = function() { + var c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + c0 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l0, 51); + c1 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l1, 51); + c2 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l2, 51); + c3 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l3, 51); + c4 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l4, 51); + v.l0 = (x = (x$1 = v.l0, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 524287, (x$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2 = $mul64(c4, new $Uint64(0, 19)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$2.$high, x.$low + x$2.$low)); + v.l1 = (x$3 = (x$4 = v.l1, new $Uint64(x$4.$high & 524287, (x$4.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + c0.$high, x$3.$low + c0.$low)); + v.l2 = (x$5 = (x$6 = v.l2, new $Uint64(x$6.$high & 524287, (x$6.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + c1.$high, x$5.$low + c1.$low)); + v.l3 = (x$7 = (x$8 = v.l3, new $Uint64(x$8.$high & 524287, (x$8.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + c2.$high, x$7.$low + c2.$low)); + v.l4 = (x$9 = (x$10 = v.l4, new $Uint64(x$10.$high & 524287, (x$10.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + c3.$high, x$9.$low + c3.$low)); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.carryPropagateGeneric = function() { return this.$val.carryPropagateGeneric(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.carryPropagate = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return v.carryPropagateGeneric(); + }; + Element.prototype.carryPropagate = function() { return this.$val.carryPropagate(); }; + feMul = function(v, x, y) { + var v, x, y; + feMulGeneric(v, x, y); + }; + feSquare = function(v, x) { + var v, x; + feSquareGeneric(v, x); + }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var v; + v = this; + Element.copy(v, feZero); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.One = function() { + var v; + v = this; + Element.copy(v, feOne); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.One = function() { return this.$val.One(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.reduce = function() { + var c, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + v.carryPropagate(); + c = $shiftRightUint64(((x = v.l0, new $Uint64(x.$high + 0, x.$low + 19))), 51); + c = $shiftRightUint64(((x$1 = v.l1, new $Uint64(x$1.$high + c.$high, x$1.$low + c.$low))), 51); + c = $shiftRightUint64(((x$2 = v.l2, new $Uint64(x$2.$high + c.$high, x$2.$low + c.$low))), 51); + c = $shiftRightUint64(((x$3 = v.l3, new $Uint64(x$3.$high + c.$high, x$3.$low + c.$low))), 51); + c = $shiftRightUint64(((x$4 = v.l4, new $Uint64(x$4.$high + c.$high, x$4.$low + c.$low))), 51); + v.l0 = (x$5 = v.l0, x$6 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 19), c), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)); + v.l1 = (x$7 = v.l1, x$8 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l0, 51), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + x$8.$high, x$7.$low + x$8.$low)); + v.l0 = (x$9 = v.l0, new $Uint64(x$9.$high & 524287, (x$9.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + v.l2 = (x$10 = v.l2, x$11 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l1, 51), new $Uint64(x$10.$high + x$11.$high, x$10.$low + x$11.$low)); + v.l1 = (x$12 = v.l1, new $Uint64(x$12.$high & 524287, (x$12.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + v.l3 = (x$13 = v.l3, x$14 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l2, 51), new $Uint64(x$13.$high + x$14.$high, x$13.$low + x$14.$low)); + v.l2 = (x$15 = v.l2, new $Uint64(x$15.$high & 524287, (x$15.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + v.l4 = (x$16 = v.l4, x$17 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l3, 51), new $Uint64(x$16.$high + x$17.$high, x$16.$low + x$17.$low)); + v.l3 = (x$18 = v.l3, new $Uint64(x$18.$high & 524287, (x$18.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + v.l4 = (x$19 = v.l4, new $Uint64(x$19.$high & 524287, (x$19.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.reduce = function() { return this.$val.reduce(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Add = function(a, b) { + var a, b, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + v.l0 = (x = a.l0, x$1 = b.l0, new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + v.l1 = (x$2 = a.l1, x$3 = b.l1, new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + v.l2 = (x$4 = a.l2, x$5 = b.l2, new $Uint64(x$4.$high + x$5.$high, x$4.$low + x$5.$low)); + v.l3 = (x$6 = a.l3, x$7 = b.l3, new $Uint64(x$6.$high + x$7.$high, x$6.$low + x$7.$low)); + v.l4 = (x$8 = a.l4, x$9 = b.l4, new $Uint64(x$8.$high + x$9.$high, x$8.$low + x$9.$low)); + return v.carryPropagateGeneric(); + }; + Element.prototype.Add = function(a, b) { return this.$val.Add(a, b); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Subtract = function(a, b) { + var a, b, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + v.l0 = (x = (x$1 = a.l0, new $Uint64(x$1.$high + 1048575, x$1.$low + 4294967258)), x$2 = b.l0, new $Uint64(x.$high - x$2.$high, x.$low - x$2.$low)); + v.l1 = (x$3 = (x$4 = a.l1, new $Uint64(x$4.$high + 1048575, x$4.$low + 4294967294)), x$5 = b.l1, new $Uint64(x$3.$high - x$5.$high, x$3.$low - x$5.$low)); + v.l2 = (x$6 = (x$7 = a.l2, new $Uint64(x$7.$high + 1048575, x$7.$low + 4294967294)), x$8 = b.l2, new $Uint64(x$6.$high - x$8.$high, x$6.$low - x$8.$low)); + v.l3 = (x$9 = (x$10 = a.l3, new $Uint64(x$10.$high + 1048575, x$10.$low + 4294967294)), x$11 = b.l3, new $Uint64(x$9.$high - x$11.$high, x$9.$low - x$11.$low)); + v.l4 = (x$12 = (x$13 = a.l4, new $Uint64(x$13.$high + 1048575, x$13.$low + 4294967294)), x$14 = b.l4, new $Uint64(x$12.$high - x$14.$high, x$12.$low - x$14.$low)); + return v.carryPropagate(); + }; + Element.prototype.Subtract = function(a, b) { return this.$val.Subtract(a, b); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Negate = function(a) { + var a, v; + v = this; + return v.Subtract(feZero, a); + }; + Element.prototype.Negate = function(a) { return this.$val.Negate(a); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Invert = function(z) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, i$5, i$6, t, v, z, z11, z2, z2_100_0, z2_10_0, z2_20_0, z2_50_0, z2_5_0, z9; + v = this; + _tmp = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$3 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$4 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$5 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$6 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$7 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$8 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + z2 = $clone(_tmp, Element); + z9 = $clone(_tmp$1, Element); + z11 = $clone(_tmp$2, Element); + z2_5_0 = $clone(_tmp$3, Element); + z2_10_0 = $clone(_tmp$4, Element); + z2_20_0 = $clone(_tmp$5, Element); + z2_50_0 = $clone(_tmp$6, Element); + z2_100_0 = $clone(_tmp$7, Element); + t = $clone(_tmp$8, Element); + z2.Square(z); + t.Square(z2); + t.Square(t); + z9.Multiply(t, z); + z11.Multiply(z9, z2); + t.Square(z11); + z2_5_0.Multiply(t, z9); + t.Square(z2_5_0); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 4)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + z2_10_0.Multiply(t, z2_5_0); + t.Square(z2_10_0); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 9)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + z2_20_0.Multiply(t, z2_10_0); + t.Square(z2_20_0); + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 19)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + t.Multiply(t, z2_20_0); + t.Square(t); + i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 < 9)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + z2_50_0.Multiply(t, z2_10_0); + t.Square(z2_50_0); + i$4 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$4 < 49)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$4 = i$4 + (1) >> 0; + } + z2_100_0.Multiply(t, z2_50_0); + t.Square(z2_100_0); + i$5 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$5 < 99)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$5 = i$5 + (1) >> 0; + } + t.Multiply(t, z2_100_0); + t.Square(t); + i$6 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$6 < 49)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$6 = i$6 + (1) >> 0; + } + t.Multiply(t, z2_50_0); + t.Square(t); + t.Square(t); + t.Square(t); + t.Square(t); + t.Square(t); + return v.Multiply(t, z11); + }; + Element.prototype.Invert = function(z) { return this.$val.Invert(z); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Set = function(a) { + var a, v; + v = this; + Element.copy(v, a); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Set = function(a) { return this.$val.Set(a); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { + var v, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + if (!((x.$length === 32))) { + $panic(new $String("edwards25519: invalid field element input size")); + } + v.l0 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(x, 0, 8)); + v.l0 = (x$1 = v.l0, x$2 = new $Uint64(524287, 4294967295), new $Uint64(x$1.$high & x$2.$high, (x$1.$low & x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l1 = $shiftRightUint64($clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(x, 6, 14)), 3); + v.l1 = (x$3 = v.l1, x$4 = new $Uint64(524287, 4294967295), new $Uint64(x$3.$high & x$4.$high, (x$3.$low & x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l2 = $shiftRightUint64($clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(x, 12, 20)), 6); + v.l2 = (x$5 = v.l2, x$6 = new $Uint64(524287, 4294967295), new $Uint64(x$5.$high & x$6.$high, (x$5.$low & x$6.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l3 = $shiftRightUint64($clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(x, 19, 27)), 1); + v.l3 = (x$7 = v.l3, x$8 = new $Uint64(524287, 4294967295), new $Uint64(x$7.$high & x$8.$high, (x$7.$low & x$8.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l4 = $shiftRightUint64($clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(x, 24, 32)), 12); + v.l4 = (x$9 = v.l4, x$10 = new $Uint64(524287, 4294967295), new $Uint64(x$9.$high & x$10.$high, (x$9.$low & x$10.$low) >>> 0)); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { return this.$val.SetBytes(x); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var out, v; + v = this; + out = arrayType.zero(); + return v.bytes(out); + }; + Element.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.bytes = function(out) { + var _i, _i$1, _q, _r, _ref, _ref$1, bb, bitsOffset, buf, i, i$1, l, off, out, t, v, x, x$1; + v = this; + t = $clone(v, Element); + t.reduce(); + buf = arrayType$1.zero(); + _ref = $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [t.l0, t.l1, t.l2, t.l3, t.l4]); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 5)) { break; } + i = _i; + l = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref[_i]); + bitsOffset = $imul(i, 51); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint64(new sliceType(buf), $shiftLeft64(l, (((_r = bitsOffset % 8, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >>> 0)))); + _ref$1 = buf; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < 8)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + bb = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1[_i$1]); + off = (_q = bitsOffset / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + i$1 >> 0; + if (off >= 32) { + break; + } + (x$1 = out, ((off < 0 || off >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[off] = (((x = out, ((off < 0 || off >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[off])) | (bb)) >>> 0))); + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + return new sliceType(out); + }; + Element.prototype.bytes = function(out) { return this.$val.bytes(out); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(u) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, sa, sv, u, v; + v = this; + _tmp = u.Bytes(); + _tmp$1 = v.Bytes(); + sa = _tmp; + sv = _tmp$1; + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(sa, sv); + }; + Element.prototype.Equal = function(u) { return this.$val.Equal(u); }; + mask64Bits = function(cond) { + var cond, x, x$1; + return (x = (x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, cond)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - 0, x$1.$low - 1)), new $Uint64(~x.$high, ~x.$low >>> 0)); + }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { + var a, b, cond, m, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + m = mask64Bits(cond); + v.l0 = (x = (x$1 = a.l0, new $Uint64(m.$high & x$1.$high, (m.$low & x$1.$low) >>> 0)), x$2 = (x$3 = new $Uint64(~m.$high, ~m.$low >>> 0), x$4 = b.l0, new $Uint64(x$3.$high & x$4.$high, (x$3.$low & x$4.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$2.$high, (x.$low | x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l1 = (x$5 = (x$6 = a.l1, new $Uint64(m.$high & x$6.$high, (m.$low & x$6.$low) >>> 0)), x$7 = (x$8 = new $Uint64(~m.$high, ~m.$low >>> 0), x$9 = b.l1, new $Uint64(x$8.$high & x$9.$high, (x$8.$low & x$9.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$7.$high, (x$5.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l2 = (x$10 = (x$11 = a.l2, new $Uint64(m.$high & x$11.$high, (m.$low & x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = (x$13 = new $Uint64(~m.$high, ~m.$low >>> 0), x$14 = b.l2, new $Uint64(x$13.$high & x$14.$high, (x$13.$low & x$14.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high | x$12.$high, (x$10.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l3 = (x$15 = (x$16 = a.l3, new $Uint64(m.$high & x$16.$high, (m.$low & x$16.$low) >>> 0)), x$17 = (x$18 = new $Uint64(~m.$high, ~m.$low >>> 0), x$19 = b.l3, new $Uint64(x$18.$high & x$19.$high, (x$18.$low & x$19.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high | x$17.$high, (x$15.$low | x$17.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l4 = (x$20 = (x$21 = a.l4, new $Uint64(m.$high & x$21.$high, (m.$low & x$21.$low) >>> 0)), x$22 = (x$23 = new $Uint64(~m.$high, ~m.$low >>> 0), x$24 = b.l4, new $Uint64(x$23.$high & x$24.$high, (x$23.$low & x$24.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high | x$22.$high, (x$20.$low | x$22.$low) >>> 0)); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { return this.$val.Select(a, b, cond); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Swap = function(u, cond) { + var cond, m, t, u, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + m = mask64Bits(cond); + t = (x = (x$1 = v.l0, x$2 = u.l0, new $Uint64(x$1.$high ^ x$2.$high, (x$1.$low ^ x$2.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(m.$high & x.$high, (m.$low & x.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l0 = (x$3 = v.l0, x$4 = t, new $Uint64(x$3.$high ^ x$4.$high, (x$3.$low ^ x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + u.l0 = (x$5 = u.l0, x$6 = t, new $Uint64(x$5.$high ^ x$6.$high, (x$5.$low ^ x$6.$low) >>> 0)); + t = (x$7 = (x$8 = v.l1, x$9 = u.l1, new $Uint64(x$8.$high ^ x$9.$high, (x$8.$low ^ x$9.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(m.$high & x$7.$high, (m.$low & x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l1 = (x$10 = v.l1, x$11 = t, new $Uint64(x$10.$high ^ x$11.$high, (x$10.$low ^ x$11.$low) >>> 0)); + u.l1 = (x$12 = u.l1, x$13 = t, new $Uint64(x$12.$high ^ x$13.$high, (x$12.$low ^ x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + t = (x$14 = (x$15 = v.l2, x$16 = u.l2, new $Uint64(x$15.$high ^ x$16.$high, (x$15.$low ^ x$16.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(m.$high & x$14.$high, (m.$low & x$14.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l2 = (x$17 = v.l2, x$18 = t, new $Uint64(x$17.$high ^ x$18.$high, (x$17.$low ^ x$18.$low) >>> 0)); + u.l2 = (x$19 = u.l2, x$20 = t, new $Uint64(x$19.$high ^ x$20.$high, (x$19.$low ^ x$20.$low) >>> 0)); + t = (x$21 = (x$22 = v.l3, x$23 = u.l3, new $Uint64(x$22.$high ^ x$23.$high, (x$22.$low ^ x$23.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(m.$high & x$21.$high, (m.$low & x$21.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l3 = (x$24 = v.l3, x$25 = t, new $Uint64(x$24.$high ^ x$25.$high, (x$24.$low ^ x$25.$low) >>> 0)); + u.l3 = (x$26 = u.l3, x$27 = t, new $Uint64(x$26.$high ^ x$27.$high, (x$26.$low ^ x$27.$low) >>> 0)); + t = (x$28 = (x$29 = v.l4, x$30 = u.l4, new $Uint64(x$29.$high ^ x$30.$high, (x$29.$low ^ x$30.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(m.$high & x$28.$high, (m.$low & x$28.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l4 = (x$31 = v.l4, x$32 = t, new $Uint64(x$31.$high ^ x$32.$high, (x$31.$low ^ x$32.$low) >>> 0)); + u.l4 = (x$33 = u.l4, x$34 = t, new $Uint64(x$33.$high ^ x$34.$high, (x$33.$low ^ x$34.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + Element.prototype.Swap = function(u, cond) { return this.$val.Swap(u, cond); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.IsNegative = function() { + var v, x; + v = this; + return (((((x = v.Bytes(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) & 1) >>> 0) >> 0)); + }; + Element.prototype.IsNegative = function() { return this.$val.IsNegative(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Absolute = function(u) { + var u, v; + v = this; + return v.Select(new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).Negate(u), u, u.IsNegative()); + }; + Element.prototype.Absolute = function(u) { return this.$val.Absolute(u); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Multiply = function(x, y) { + var v, x, y; + v = this; + feMul(v, x, y); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Multiply = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Multiply(x, y); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Square = function(x) { + var v, x; + v = this; + feSquare(v, x); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Square = function(x) { return this.$val.Square(x); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Mult32 = function(x, y) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, v, x, x$1, x0hi, x0lo, x1hi, x1lo, x2hi, x2lo, x3hi, x3lo, x4hi, x4lo, y; + v = this; + _tuple = mul51(x.l0, y); + x0lo = _tuple[0]; + x0hi = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = mul51(x.l1, y); + x1lo = _tuple$1[0]; + x1hi = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = mul51(x.l2, y); + x2lo = _tuple$2[0]; + x2hi = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = mul51(x.l3, y); + x3lo = _tuple$3[0]; + x3hi = _tuple$3[1]; + _tuple$4 = mul51(x.l4, y); + x4lo = _tuple$4[0]; + x4hi = _tuple$4[1]; + v.l0 = (x$1 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 19), x4hi), new $Uint64(x0lo.$high + x$1.$high, x0lo.$low + x$1.$low)); + v.l1 = new $Uint64(x1lo.$high + x0hi.$high, x1lo.$low + x0hi.$low); + v.l2 = new $Uint64(x2lo.$high + x1hi.$high, x2lo.$low + x1hi.$low); + v.l3 = new $Uint64(x3lo.$high + x2hi.$high, x3lo.$low + x2hi.$low); + v.l4 = new $Uint64(x4lo.$high + x3hi.$high, x4lo.$low + x3hi.$low); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Mult32 = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Mult32(x, y); }; + mul51 = function(a, b) { + var _tuple, a, b, hi, lo, mh, ml, x, x$1; + lo = new $Uint64(0, 0); + hi = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(a, (new $Uint64(0, b))); + mh = _tuple[0]; + ml = _tuple[1]; + lo = new $Uint64(ml.$high & 524287, (ml.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0); + hi = (x = $shiftLeft64(mh, 13), x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(ml, 51), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + return [lo, hi]; + }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Pow22523 = function(x) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, i$5, i$6, t0, t1, t2, v, x; + v = this; + _tmp = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + t0 = $clone(_tmp, Element); + t1 = $clone(_tmp$1, Element); + t2 = $clone(_tmp$2, Element); + t0.Square(x); + t1.Square(t0); + t1.Square(t1); + t1.Multiply(x, t1); + t0.Multiply(t0, t1); + t0.Square(t0); + t0.Multiply(t1, t0); + t1.Square(t0); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 5)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Multiply(t1, t0); + t1.Square(t0); + i$1 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 10)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Multiply(t1, t0); + t2.Square(t1); + i$2 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 20)) { break; } + t2.Square(t2); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Multiply(t2, t1); + t1.Square(t1); + i$3 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 < 10)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Multiply(t1, t0); + t1.Square(t0); + i$4 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$4 < 50)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + i$4 = i$4 + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Multiply(t1, t0); + t2.Square(t1); + i$5 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$5 < 100)) { break; } + t2.Square(t2); + i$5 = i$5 + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Multiply(t2, t1); + t1.Square(t1); + i$6 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$6 < 50)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + i$6 = i$6 + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Multiply(t1, t0); + t0.Square(t0); + t0.Square(t0); + return v.Multiply(t0, x); + }; + Element.prototype.Pow22523 = function(x) { return this.$val.Pow22523(x); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.SqrtRatio = function(u, v) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, a, b, check, correctSignSqrt, flippedSignSqrt, flippedSignSqrtI, r, rPrime, rr, u, uNeg, uv3, uv7, v, v2, wasSquare; + rr = ptrType.nil; + wasSquare = 0; + r = this; + _tmp = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + a = $clone(_tmp, Element); + b = $clone(_tmp$1, Element); + v2 = a.Square(v); + uv3 = b.Multiply(u, b.Multiply(v2, v)); + uv7 = a.Multiply(uv3, a.Square(v2)); + r.Multiply(uv3, r.Pow22523(uv7)); + check = a.Multiply(v, a.Square(r)); + uNeg = b.Negate(u); + correctSignSqrt = check.Equal(u); + flippedSignSqrt = check.Equal(uNeg); + flippedSignSqrtI = check.Equal(uNeg.Multiply(uNeg, sqrtM1)); + rPrime = b.Multiply(r, sqrtM1); + r.Select(rPrime, r, flippedSignSqrt | flippedSignSqrtI); + r.Absolute(r); + _tmp$2 = r; + _tmp$3 = correctSignSqrt | flippedSignSqrt; + rr = _tmp$2; + wasSquare = _tmp$3; + return [rr, wasSquare]; + }; + Element.prototype.SqrtRatio = function(u, v) { return this.$val.SqrtRatio(u, v); }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "carryPropagateGeneric", name: "carryPropagateGeneric", pkg: "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "carryPropagate", name: "carryPropagate", pkg: "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "One", name: "One", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "reduce", name: "reduce", pkg: "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Subtract", name: "Subtract", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Negate", name: "Negate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Invert", name: "Invert", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", pkg: "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Select", name: "Select", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType, $Int], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "IsNegative", name: "IsNegative", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Absolute", name: "Absolute", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Multiply", name: "Multiply", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Square", name: "Square", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Mult32", name: "Mult32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, $Uint32], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Pow22523", name: "Pow22523", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "SqrtRatio", name: "SqrtRatio", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType], [ptrType, $Int], false)}]; + uint128.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field", [{prop: "lo", name: "lo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "hi", name: "hi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + Element.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field", [{prop: "l0", name: "l0", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "l1", name: "l1", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "l2", name: "l2", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "l3", name: "l3", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "l4", name: "l4", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + feZero = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + feOne = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + sqrtM1 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(400167, 1242472624), new $Uint64(54693, 4237236381), new $Uint64(520030, 2629635168), new $Uint64(492949, 2793426078), new $Uint64(178226, 1208286237)); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, field, subtle, binary, errors, sync, projLookupTable, affineLookupTable, nafLookupTable5, nafLookupTable8, Scalar, projP1xP1, projP2, Point, incomparable, projCached, affineCached, arrayType, arrayType$1, structType, arrayType$2, structType$1, sliceType, funcType, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, ptrType, sliceType$1, arrayType$5, arrayType$6, arrayType$7, arrayType$8, ptrType$1, arrayType$9, arrayType$10, arrayType$11, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, basepointTablePrecomp, basepointNafTablePrecomp, scZero, scOne, scMinusOne, identity, generator, feOne, d, d2, _tuple, _tuple$1, basepointTable, basepointNafTable, NewScalar, isReduced, load3, load4, scMulAdd, scReduce, checkInitialized, NewIdentityPoint, NewGeneratorPoint, copyFieldElement; + field = $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"]; + subtle = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + projLookupTable = $pkg.projLookupTable = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "edwards25519.projLookupTable", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", false, function(points_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.points = arrayType$5.zero(); + return; + } + this.points = points_; + }); + affineLookupTable = $pkg.affineLookupTable = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "edwards25519.affineLookupTable", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", false, function(points_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.points = arrayType.zero(); + return; + } + this.points = points_; + }); + nafLookupTable5 = $pkg.nafLookupTable5 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "edwards25519.nafLookupTable5", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", false, function(points_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.points = arrayType$5.zero(); + return; + } + this.points = points_; + }); + nafLookupTable8 = $pkg.nafLookupTable8 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "edwards25519.nafLookupTable8", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", false, function(points_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.points = arrayType$2.zero(); + return; + } + this.points = points_; + }); + Scalar = $pkg.Scalar = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "edwards25519.Scalar", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", true, function(s_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = arrayType$7.zero(); + return; + } + this.s = s_; + }); + projP1xP1 = $pkg.projP1xP1 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "edwards25519.projP1xP1", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", false, function(X_, Y_, Z_, T_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.X = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.Y = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.Z = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.T = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + return; + } + this.X = X_; + this.Y = Y_; + this.Z = Z_; + this.T = T_; + }); + projP2 = $pkg.projP2 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "edwards25519.projP2", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", false, function(X_, Y_, Z_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.X = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.Y = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.Z = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + return; + } + this.X = X_; + this.Y = Y_; + this.Z = Z_; + }); + Point = $pkg.Point = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "edwards25519.Point", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", true, function(x_, y_, z_, t_, _$4_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.x = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.y = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.z = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.t = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this._$4 = arrayType$3.zero(); + return; + } + this.x = x_; + this.y = y_; + this.z = z_; + this.t = t_; + this._$4 = _$4_; + }); + incomparable = $pkg.incomparable = $newType(0, $kindArray, "edwards25519.incomparable", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", false, null); + projCached = $pkg.projCached = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "edwards25519.projCached", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", false, function(YplusX_, YminusX_, Z_, T2d_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.YplusX = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.YminusX = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.Z = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.T2d = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + return; + } + this.YplusX = YplusX_; + this.YminusX = YminusX_; + this.Z = Z_; + this.T2d = T2d_; + }); + affineCached = $pkg.affineCached = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "edwards25519.affineCached", true, "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", false, function(YplusX_, YminusX_, T2d_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.YplusX = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.YminusX = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.T2d = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + return; + } + this.YplusX = YplusX_; + this.YminusX = YminusX_; + this.T2d = T2d_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType(affineCached, 8); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(affineLookupTable, 32); + structType = $structType("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", [{prop: "table", name: "table", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "initOnce", name: "initOnce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}]); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType(affineCached, 64); + structType$1 = $structType("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", [{prop: "table", name: "table", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: nafLookupTable8, tag: ""}, {prop: "initOnce", name: "initOnce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}]); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Int8, 64); + ptrType = $ptrType(Point); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(ptrType); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType(projCached, 8); + arrayType$6 = $arrayType($Int8, 256); + arrayType$7 = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + arrayType$8 = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Scalar); + arrayType$9 = $arrayType($Int64, 23); + arrayType$10 = $arrayType($Int64, 17); + arrayType$11 = $arrayType($Uint64, 5); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(projCached); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(projLookupTable); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(affineCached); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(affineLookupTable); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(nafLookupTable5); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(nafLookupTable8); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(projP1xP1); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(projP2); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(arrayType$7); + projLookupTable.ptr.prototype.FromP3 = function(q) { + var i, q, tmpP1xP1, tmpP3, v, x, x$1, x$2; + v = this; + v.points[0].FromP3(q); + tmpP3 = new Point.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$3.zero()); + tmpP1xP1 = new projP1xP1.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 7)) { break; } + (x = v.points, x$1 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])).FromP3(tmpP3.fromP1xP1(tmpP1xP1.Add(q, (x$2 = v.points, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i]))))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + projLookupTable.prototype.FromP3 = function(q) { return this.$val.FromP3(q); }; + affineLookupTable.ptr.prototype.FromP3 = function(q) { + var i, q, tmpP1xP1, tmpP3, v, x, x$1, x$2; + v = this; + v.points[0].FromP3(q); + tmpP3 = new Point.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$3.zero()); + tmpP1xP1 = new projP1xP1.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 7)) { break; } + (x = v.points, x$1 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])).FromP3(tmpP3.fromP1xP1(tmpP1xP1.AddAffine(q, (x$2 = v.points, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i]))))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + affineLookupTable.prototype.FromP3 = function(q) { return this.$val.FromP3(q); }; + nafLookupTable5.ptr.prototype.FromP3 = function(q) { + var i, q, q2, tmpP1xP1, tmpP3, v, x, x$1, x$2; + v = this; + v.points[0].FromP3(q); + q2 = new Point.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$3.zero()); + q2.Add(q, q); + tmpP3 = new Point.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$3.zero()); + tmpP1xP1 = new projP1xP1.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 7)) { break; } + (x = v.points, x$1 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])).FromP3(tmpP3.fromP1xP1(tmpP1xP1.Add(q2, (x$2 = v.points, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i]))))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + nafLookupTable5.prototype.FromP3 = function(q) { return this.$val.FromP3(q); }; + nafLookupTable8.ptr.prototype.FromP3 = function(q) { + var i, q, q2, tmpP1xP1, tmpP3, v, x, x$1, x$2; + v = this; + v.points[0].FromP3(q); + q2 = new Point.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$3.zero()); + q2.Add(q, q); + tmpP3 = new Point.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$3.zero()); + tmpP1xP1 = new projP1xP1.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 63)) { break; } + (x = v.points, x$1 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])).FromP3(tmpP3.fromP1xP1(tmpP1xP1.AddAffine(q2, (x$2 = v.points, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i]))))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + }; + nafLookupTable8.prototype.FromP3 = function(q) { return this.$val.FromP3(q); }; + projLookupTable.ptr.prototype.SelectInto = function(dest, x) { + var cond, dest, j, v, x, x$1, x$2, xabs, xmask; + v = this; + xmask = x >> 7 << 24 >> 24; + xabs = ((((((x + xmask << 24 >> 24)) ^ xmask) << 24 >> 24) << 24 >>> 24)); + dest.Zero(); + j = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(j <= 8)) { break; } + cond = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(xabs, ((j << 24 >>> 24))); + dest.Select((x$1 = v.points, x$2 = j - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2])), dest, cond); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + dest.CondNeg((((xmask & 1) >> 0))); + }; + projLookupTable.prototype.SelectInto = function(dest, x) { return this.$val.SelectInto(dest, x); }; + affineLookupTable.ptr.prototype.SelectInto = function(dest, x) { + var cond, dest, j, v, x, x$1, x$2, xabs, xmask; + v = this; + xmask = x >> 7 << 24 >> 24; + xabs = ((((((x + xmask << 24 >> 24)) ^ xmask) << 24 >> 24) << 24 >>> 24)); + dest.Zero(); + j = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(j <= 8)) { break; } + cond = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(xabs, ((j << 24 >>> 24))); + dest.Select((x$1 = v.points, x$2 = j - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2])), dest, cond); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + dest.CondNeg((((xmask & 1) >> 0))); + }; + affineLookupTable.prototype.SelectInto = function(dest, x) { return this.$val.SelectInto(dest, x); }; + nafLookupTable5.ptr.prototype.SelectInto = function(dest, x) { + var _q, dest, v, x, x$1, x$2; + v = this; + projCached.copy(dest, (x$1 = v.points, x$2 = (_q = x / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2]))); + }; + nafLookupTable5.prototype.SelectInto = function(dest, x) { return this.$val.SelectInto(dest, x); }; + nafLookupTable8.ptr.prototype.SelectInto = function(dest, x) { + var _q, dest, v, x, x$1, x$2; + v = this; + affineCached.copy(dest, (x$1 = v.points, x$2 = (_q = x / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2]))); + }; + nafLookupTable8.prototype.SelectInto = function(dest, x) { return this.$val.SelectInto(dest, x); }; + basepointTable = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = basepointTablePrecomp.initOnce.Do((function() { + var i, j, p, x; + p = NewGeneratorPoint(); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 32)) { break; } + (x = basepointTablePrecomp.table, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])).FromP3(p); + j = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 8)) { break; } + p.Add(p, p); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + })); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return basepointTablePrecomp.table; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: basepointTable, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + Point.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(x) { + var {_q, _q$1, _r, basepointTable$1, digits, i, i$1, multiple, tmp1, tmp2, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + _r = basepointTable(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + basepointTable$1 = _r; + digits = $clone(x.signedRadix16(), arrayType$4); + multiple = new affineCached.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + tmp1 = new projP1xP1.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + tmp2 = new projP2.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + v.Set(NewIdentityPoint()); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 64)) { break; } + (x$1 = basepointTable$1, x$2 = (_q = i / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2])).SelectInto(multiple, ((i < 0 || i >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[i])); + tmp1.AddAffine(v, multiple); + v.fromP1xP1(tmp1); + i = i + (2) >> 0; + } + tmp2.FromP3(v); + tmp1.Double(tmp2); + tmp2.FromP1xP1(tmp1); + tmp1.Double(tmp2); + tmp2.FromP1xP1(tmp1); + tmp1.Double(tmp2); + tmp2.FromP1xP1(tmp1); + tmp1.Double(tmp2); + v.fromP1xP1(tmp1); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 64)) { break; } + (x$3 = basepointTable$1, x$4 = (_q$1 = i$1 / 2, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[x$4])).SelectInto(multiple, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[i$1])); + tmp1.AddAffine(v, multiple); + v.fromP1xP1(tmp1); + i$1 = i$1 + (2) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Point.ptr.prototype.ScalarBaseMult, $c: true, $r, _q, _q$1, _r, basepointTable$1, digits, i, i$1, multiple, tmp1, tmp2, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + Point.prototype.ScalarBaseMult = function(x) { return this.$val.ScalarBaseMult(x); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.ScalarMult = function(x, q) { + var digits, i, multiple, q, table, tmp1, tmp2, v, x; + v = this; + checkInitialized(new sliceType$1([q])); + table = new projLookupTable.ptr(arrayType$5.zero()); + table.FromP3(q); + digits = $clone(x.signedRadix16(), arrayType$4); + multiple = new projCached.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + tmp1 = new projP1xP1.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + tmp2 = new projP2.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + table.SelectInto(multiple, digits[63]); + v.Set(NewIdentityPoint()); + tmp1.Add(v, multiple); + i = 62; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + tmp2.FromP1xP1(tmp1); + tmp1.Double(tmp2); + tmp2.FromP1xP1(tmp1); + tmp1.Double(tmp2); + tmp2.FromP1xP1(tmp1); + tmp1.Double(tmp2); + tmp2.FromP1xP1(tmp1); + tmp1.Double(tmp2); + v.fromP1xP1(tmp1); + table.SelectInto(multiple, ((i < 0 || i >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[i])); + tmp1.Add(v, multiple); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + v.fromP1xP1(tmp1); + return v; + }; + Point.prototype.ScalarMult = function(x, q) { return this.$val.ScalarMult(x, q); }; + basepointNafTable = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = basepointNafTablePrecomp.initOnce.Do((function() { + basepointNafTablePrecomp.table.FromP3(NewGeneratorPoint()); + })); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return basepointNafTablePrecomp.table; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: basepointNafTable, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + Point.ptr.prototype.VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult = function(a, A, b) { + var {A, _r, a, aNaf, aTable, b, bNaf, basepointNafTable$1, i, j, multA, multB, tmp1, tmp2, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {a, A, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this; + checkInitialized(new sliceType$1([A])); + _r = basepointNafTable(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + basepointNafTable$1 = _r; + aTable = new nafLookupTable5.ptr(arrayType$5.zero()); + aTable.FromP3(A); + aNaf = $clone(a.nonAdjacentForm(5), arrayType$6); + bNaf = $clone(b.nonAdjacentForm(8), arrayType$6); + i = 255; + j = i; + while (true) { + if (!(j >= 0)) { break; } + if (!((((j < 0 || j >= aNaf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : aNaf[j]) === 0)) || !((((j < 0 || j >= bNaf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bNaf[j]) === 0))) { + break; + } + j = j - (1) >> 0; + } + multA = new projCached.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + multB = new affineCached.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + tmp1 = new projP1xP1.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + tmp2 = new projP2.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))); + tmp2.Zero(); + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + tmp1.Double(tmp2); + if (((i < 0 || i >= aNaf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : aNaf[i]) > 0) { + v.fromP1xP1(tmp1); + aTable.SelectInto(multA, ((i < 0 || i >= aNaf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : aNaf[i])); + tmp1.Add(v, multA); + } else if (((i < 0 || i >= aNaf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : aNaf[i]) < 0) { + v.fromP1xP1(tmp1); + aTable.SelectInto(multA, -((i < 0 || i >= aNaf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : aNaf[i])); + tmp1.Sub(v, multA); + } + if (((i < 0 || i >= bNaf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bNaf[i]) > 0) { + v.fromP1xP1(tmp1); + basepointNafTable$1.SelectInto(multB, ((i < 0 || i >= bNaf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bNaf[i])); + tmp1.AddAffine(v, multB); + } else if (((i < 0 || i >= bNaf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bNaf[i]) < 0) { + v.fromP1xP1(tmp1); + basepointNafTable$1.SelectInto(multB, -((i < 0 || i >= bNaf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bNaf[i])); + tmp1.SubAffine(v, multB); + } + tmp2.FromP1xP1(tmp1); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + v.fromP2(tmp2); + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Point.ptr.prototype.VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult, $c: true, $r, A, _r, a, aNaf, aTable, b, bNaf, basepointNafTable$1, i, j, multA, multB, tmp1, tmp2, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Point.prototype.VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult = function(a, A, b) { return this.$val.VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult(a, A, b); }; + NewScalar = function() { + return new Scalar.ptr(arrayType$7.zero()); + }; + $pkg.NewScalar = NewScalar; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.MultiplyAdd = function(x, y, z) { + var s, x, y, z; + s = this; + scMulAdd(s.s, x.s, y.s, z.s); + return s; + }; + Scalar.prototype.MultiplyAdd = function(x, y, z) { return this.$val.MultiplyAdd(x, y, z); }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.Add = function(x, y) { + var s, x, y; + s = this; + scMulAdd(s.s, scOne.s, x.s, y.s); + return s; + }; + Scalar.prototype.Add = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Add(x, y); }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.Subtract = function(x, y) { + var s, x, y; + s = this; + scMulAdd(s.s, scMinusOne.s, y.s, x.s); + return s; + }; + Scalar.prototype.Subtract = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Subtract(x, y); }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.Negate = function(x) { + var s, x; + s = this; + scMulAdd(s.s, scMinusOne.s, x.s, scZero.s); + return s; + }; + Scalar.prototype.Negate = function(x) { return this.$val.Negate(x); }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.Multiply = function(x, y) { + var s, x, y; + s = this; + scMulAdd(s.s, x.s, y.s, scZero.s); + return s; + }; + Scalar.prototype.Multiply = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Multiply(x, y); }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.Set = function(x) { + var s, x; + s = this; + Scalar.copy(s, x); + return s; + }; + Scalar.prototype.Set = function(x) { return this.$val.Set(x); }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.SetUniformBytes = function(x) { + var s, wideBytes, x; + s = this; + if (!((x.$length === 64))) { + $panic(new $String("edwards25519: invalid SetUniformBytes input length")); + } + wideBytes = arrayType$8.zero(); + $copySlice(new sliceType(wideBytes), x); + scReduce(s.s, wideBytes); + return s; + }; + Scalar.prototype.SetUniformBytes = function(x) { return this.$val.SetUniformBytes(x); }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.SetCanonicalBytes = function(x) { + var s, ss, x; + s = this; + if (!((x.$length === 32))) { + return [ptrType$1.nil, errors.New("invalid scalar length")]; + } + ss = new Scalar.ptr(arrayType$7.zero()); + $copySlice(new sliceType(ss.s), x); + if (!isReduced(ss)) { + return [ptrType$1.nil, errors.New("invalid scalar encoding")]; + } + arrayType$7.copy(s.s, ss.s); + return [s, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Scalar.prototype.SetCanonicalBytes = function(x) { return this.$val.SetCanonicalBytes(x); }; + isReduced = function(s) { + var i, s, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + i = 31; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + if ((x = s.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])) > (x$1 = scMinusOne.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i]))) { + return false; + } else if ((x$2 = s.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])) < (x$3 = scMinusOne.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[i]))) { + return true; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.SetBytesWithClamping = function(x) { + var s, wideBytes, x; + s = this; + if (!((x.$length === 32))) { + $panic(new $String("edwards25519: invalid SetBytesWithClamping input length")); + } + wideBytes = arrayType$8.zero(); + $copySlice(new sliceType(wideBytes), x); + wideBytes[0] = ((wideBytes[0] & (248)) >>> 0); + wideBytes[31] = ((wideBytes[31] & (63)) >>> 0); + wideBytes[31] = ((wideBytes[31] | (64)) >>> 0); + scReduce(s.s, wideBytes); + return s; + }; + Scalar.prototype.SetBytesWithClamping = function(x) { return this.$val.SetBytesWithClamping(x); }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var buf, s; + s = this; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, 32); + $copySlice(buf, new sliceType(s.s)); + return buf; + }; + Scalar.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(t) { + var s, t; + s = this; + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(new sliceType(s.s), new sliceType(t.s)); + }; + Scalar.prototype.Equal = function(t) { return this.$val.Equal(t); }; + load3 = function(in$1) { + var in$1, r, x, x$1; + r = (new $Int64(0, (0 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 0]))); + r = (x = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (1 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 1]))), 8), new $Int64(r.$high | x.$high, (r.$low | x.$low) >>> 0)); + r = (x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (2 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 2]))), 16), new $Int64(r.$high | x$1.$high, (r.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + return r; + }; + load4 = function(in$1) { + var in$1, r, x, x$1, x$2; + r = (new $Int64(0, (0 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 0]))); + r = (x = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (1 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 1]))), 8), new $Int64(r.$high | x.$high, (r.$low | x.$low) >>> 0)); + r = (x$1 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (2 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 2]))), 16), new $Int64(r.$high | x$1.$high, (r.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + r = (x$2 = $shiftLeft64((new $Int64(0, (3 >= in$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + 3]))), 24), new $Int64(r.$high | x$2.$high, (r.$low | x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + return r; + }; + scMulAdd = function(s, a, b, c) { + var a, a0, a1, a10, a11, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, b, b0, b1, b10, b11, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, c, c0, c1, c10, c11, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, carry, s, s0, s1, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19, s2, s20, s21, s22, s23, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, x, x$1, x$10, x$100, x$101, x$102, x$103, x$104, x$105, x$106, x$107, x$108, x$109, x$11, x$110, x$111, x$112, x$113, x$114, x$115, x$116, x$117, x$118, x$119, x$12, x$120, x$121, x$122, x$123, x$124, x$125, x$126, x$127, x$128, x$129, x$13, x$130, x$131, x$132, x$133, x$134, x$135, x$136, x$137, x$138, x$139, x$14, x$140, x$141, x$142, x$143, x$144, x$145, x$146, x$147, x$148, x$149, x$15, x$150, x$151, x$152, x$153, x$154, x$155, x$156, x$157, x$158, x$159, x$16, x$160, x$161, x$162, x$163, x$164, x$165, x$166, x$167, x$168, x$169, x$17, x$170, x$171, x$172, x$173, x$174, x$175, x$176, x$177, x$178, x$179, x$18, x$180, x$181, x$182, x$183, x$184, x$185, x$186, x$187, x$188, x$189, x$19, x$190, x$191, x$192, x$193, x$194, x$195, x$196, x$197, x$198, x$199, x$2, x$20, x$200, x$201, x$202, x$203, x$204, x$205, x$206, x$207, x$208, x$209, x$21, x$210, x$211, x$212, x$213, x$214, x$215, x$216, x$217, x$218, x$219, x$22, x$220, x$221, x$222, x$223, x$224, x$225, x$226, x$227, x$228, x$229, x$23, x$230, x$231, x$232, x$233, x$234, x$235, x$236, x$237, x$238, x$239, x$24, x$240, x$241, x$242, x$243, x$244, x$245, x$246, x$247, x$248, x$249, x$25, x$250, x$251, x$252, x$253, x$254, x$255, x$256, x$257, x$258, x$259, x$26, x$260, x$261, x$262, x$263, x$264, x$265, x$266, x$267, x$268, x$269, x$27, x$270, x$271, x$272, x$273, x$274, x$275, x$276, x$277, x$278, x$279, x$28, x$280, x$281, x$282, x$283, x$284, x$285, x$286, x$287, x$288, x$289, x$29, x$290, x$291, x$292, x$293, x$294, x$295, x$296, x$297, x$298, x$299, x$3, x$30, x$300, x$301, x$302, x$303, x$304, x$305, x$306, x$307, x$308, x$309, x$31, x$310, x$311, x$312, x$313, x$314, x$315, x$316, x$317, x$318, x$319, x$32, x$320, x$321, x$322, x$323, x$324, x$325, x$326, x$327, x$328, x$329, x$33, x$330, x$331, x$332, x$333, x$334, x$335, x$336, x$337, x$338, x$339, x$34, x$340, x$341, x$342, x$343, x$344, x$345, x$346, x$347, x$348, x$349, x$35, x$350, x$351, x$352, x$353, x$354, x$355, x$356, x$357, x$358, x$359, x$36, x$360, x$361, x$362, x$363, x$364, x$365, x$366, x$367, x$368, x$369, x$37, x$370, x$371, x$372, x$373, x$374, x$375, x$376, x$377, x$378, x$379, x$38, x$380, x$381, x$382, x$383, x$384, x$385, x$386, x$387, x$388, x$389, x$39, x$390, x$391, x$392, x$393, x$394, x$395, x$396, x$397, x$398, x$399, x$4, x$40, x$400, x$401, x$402, x$403, x$404, x$405, x$406, x$407, x$408, x$409, x$41, x$410, x$411, x$412, x$413, x$414, x$415, x$416, x$417, x$418, x$419, x$42, x$420, x$421, x$422, x$423, x$424, x$425, x$426, x$427, x$428, x$429, x$43, x$430, x$431, x$432, x$433, x$434, x$435, x$436, x$437, x$438, x$439, x$44, x$440, x$441, x$442, x$443, x$444, x$445, x$446, x$447, x$448, x$449, x$45, x$450, x$451, x$452, x$453, x$454, x$455, x$456, x$457, x$458, x$459, x$46, x$460, x$461, x$462, x$463, x$464, x$465, x$466, x$467, x$468, x$469, x$47, x$470, x$471, x$472, x$473, x$474, x$475, x$476, x$477, x$478, x$479, x$48, x$480, x$481, x$482, x$483, x$484, x$485, x$486, x$487, x$488, x$489, x$49, x$490, x$491, x$492, x$493, x$494, x$495, x$496, x$497, x$498, x$499, x$5, x$50, x$500, x$501, x$502, x$503, x$504, x$505, x$506, x$507, x$508, x$509, x$51, x$510, x$511, x$512, x$513, x$514, x$515, x$516, x$517, x$518, x$519, x$52, x$520, x$521, x$522, x$523, x$524, x$525, x$526, x$527, x$528, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$73, x$74, x$75, x$76, x$77, x$78, x$79, x$8, x$80, x$81, x$82, x$83, x$84, x$85, x$86, x$87, x$88, x$89, x$9, x$90, x$91, x$92, x$93, x$94, x$95, x$96, x$97, x$98, x$99; + a0 = (x = load3(new sliceType(a)), new $Int64(0 & x.$high, (2097151 & x.$low) >>> 0)); + a1 = (x$1 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(a), 2)), 5), new $Int64(0 & x$1.$high, (2097151 & x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + a2 = (x$2 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(a), 5)), 2), new $Int64(0 & x$2.$high, (2097151 & x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + a3 = (x$3 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(a), 7)), 7), new $Int64(0 & x$3.$high, (2097151 & x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + a4 = (x$4 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(a), 10)), 4), new $Int64(0 & x$4.$high, (2097151 & x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + a5 = (x$5 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(a), 13)), 1), new $Int64(0 & x$5.$high, (2097151 & x$5.$low) >>> 0)); + a6 = (x$6 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(a), 15)), 6), new $Int64(0 & x$6.$high, (2097151 & x$6.$low) >>> 0)); + a7 = (x$7 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(a), 18)), 3), new $Int64(0 & x$7.$high, (2097151 & x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + a8 = (x$8 = load3($subslice(new sliceType(a), 21)), new $Int64(0 & x$8.$high, (2097151 & x$8.$low) >>> 0)); + a9 = (x$9 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(a), 23)), 5), new $Int64(0 & x$9.$high, (2097151 & x$9.$low) >>> 0)); + a10 = (x$10 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(a), 26)), 2), new $Int64(0 & x$10.$high, (2097151 & x$10.$low) >>> 0)); + a11 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(a), 28)), 7); + b0 = (x$11 = load3(new sliceType(b)), new $Int64(0 & x$11.$high, (2097151 & x$11.$low) >>> 0)); + b1 = (x$12 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(b), 2)), 5), new $Int64(0 & x$12.$high, (2097151 & x$12.$low) >>> 0)); + b2 = (x$13 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(b), 5)), 2), new $Int64(0 & x$13.$high, (2097151 & x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + b3 = (x$14 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(b), 7)), 7), new $Int64(0 & x$14.$high, (2097151 & x$14.$low) >>> 0)); + b4 = (x$15 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(b), 10)), 4), new $Int64(0 & x$15.$high, (2097151 & x$15.$low) >>> 0)); + b5 = (x$16 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(b), 13)), 1), new $Int64(0 & x$16.$high, (2097151 & x$16.$low) >>> 0)); + b6 = (x$17 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(b), 15)), 6), new $Int64(0 & x$17.$high, (2097151 & x$17.$low) >>> 0)); + b7 = (x$18 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(b), 18)), 3), new $Int64(0 & x$18.$high, (2097151 & x$18.$low) >>> 0)); + b8 = (x$19 = load3($subslice(new sliceType(b), 21)), new $Int64(0 & x$19.$high, (2097151 & x$19.$low) >>> 0)); + b9 = (x$20 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(b), 23)), 5), new $Int64(0 & x$20.$high, (2097151 & x$20.$low) >>> 0)); + b10 = (x$21 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(b), 26)), 2), new $Int64(0 & x$21.$high, (2097151 & x$21.$low) >>> 0)); + b11 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(b), 28)), 7); + c0 = (x$22 = load3(new sliceType(c)), new $Int64(0 & x$22.$high, (2097151 & x$22.$low) >>> 0)); + c1 = (x$23 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(c), 2)), 5), new $Int64(0 & x$23.$high, (2097151 & x$23.$low) >>> 0)); + c2 = (x$24 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(c), 5)), 2), new $Int64(0 & x$24.$high, (2097151 & x$24.$low) >>> 0)); + c3 = (x$25 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(c), 7)), 7), new $Int64(0 & x$25.$high, (2097151 & x$25.$low) >>> 0)); + c4 = (x$26 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(c), 10)), 4), new $Int64(0 & x$26.$high, (2097151 & x$26.$low) >>> 0)); + c5 = (x$27 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(c), 13)), 1), new $Int64(0 & x$27.$high, (2097151 & x$27.$low) >>> 0)); + c6 = (x$28 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(c), 15)), 6), new $Int64(0 & x$28.$high, (2097151 & x$28.$low) >>> 0)); + c7 = (x$29 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(c), 18)), 3), new $Int64(0 & x$29.$high, (2097151 & x$29.$low) >>> 0)); + c8 = (x$30 = load3($subslice(new sliceType(c), 21)), new $Int64(0 & x$30.$high, (2097151 & x$30.$low) >>> 0)); + c9 = (x$31 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(c), 23)), 5), new $Int64(0 & x$31.$high, (2097151 & x$31.$low) >>> 0)); + c10 = (x$32 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(c), 26)), 2), new $Int64(0 & x$32.$high, (2097151 & x$32.$low) >>> 0)); + c11 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(c), 28)), 7); + carry = arrayType$9.zero(); + s0 = (x$33 = $mul64(a0, b0), new $Int64(c0.$high + x$33.$high, c0.$low + x$33.$low)); + s1 = (x$34 = (x$35 = $mul64(a0, b1), new $Int64(c1.$high + x$35.$high, c1.$low + x$35.$low)), x$36 = $mul64(a1, b0), new $Int64(x$34.$high + x$36.$high, x$34.$low + x$36.$low)); + s2 = (x$37 = (x$38 = (x$39 = $mul64(a0, b2), new $Int64(c2.$high + x$39.$high, c2.$low + x$39.$low)), x$40 = $mul64(a1, b1), new $Int64(x$38.$high + x$40.$high, x$38.$low + x$40.$low)), x$41 = $mul64(a2, b0), new $Int64(x$37.$high + x$41.$high, x$37.$low + x$41.$low)); + s3 = (x$42 = (x$43 = (x$44 = (x$45 = $mul64(a0, b3), new $Int64(c3.$high + x$45.$high, c3.$low + x$45.$low)), x$46 = $mul64(a1, b2), new $Int64(x$44.$high + x$46.$high, x$44.$low + x$46.$low)), x$47 = $mul64(a2, b1), new $Int64(x$43.$high + x$47.$high, x$43.$low + x$47.$low)), x$48 = $mul64(a3, b0), new $Int64(x$42.$high + x$48.$high, x$42.$low + x$48.$low)); + s4 = (x$49 = (x$50 = (x$51 = (x$52 = (x$53 = $mul64(a0, b4), new $Int64(c4.$high + x$53.$high, c4.$low + x$53.$low)), x$54 = $mul64(a1, b3), new $Int64(x$52.$high + x$54.$high, x$52.$low + x$54.$low)), x$55 = $mul64(a2, b2), new $Int64(x$51.$high + x$55.$high, x$51.$low + x$55.$low)), x$56 = $mul64(a3, b1), new $Int64(x$50.$high + x$56.$high, x$50.$low + x$56.$low)), x$57 = $mul64(a4, b0), new $Int64(x$49.$high + x$57.$high, x$49.$low + x$57.$low)); + s5 = (x$58 = (x$59 = (x$60 = (x$61 = (x$62 = (x$63 = $mul64(a0, b5), new $Int64(c5.$high + x$63.$high, c5.$low + x$63.$low)), x$64 = $mul64(a1, b4), new $Int64(x$62.$high + x$64.$high, x$62.$low + x$64.$low)), x$65 = $mul64(a2, b3), new $Int64(x$61.$high + x$65.$high, x$61.$low + x$65.$low)), x$66 = $mul64(a3, b2), new $Int64(x$60.$high + x$66.$high, x$60.$low + x$66.$low)), x$67 = $mul64(a4, b1), new $Int64(x$59.$high + x$67.$high, x$59.$low + x$67.$low)), x$68 = $mul64(a5, b0), new $Int64(x$58.$high + x$68.$high, x$58.$low + x$68.$low)); + s6 = (x$69 = (x$70 = (x$71 = (x$72 = (x$73 = (x$74 = (x$75 = $mul64(a0, b6), new $Int64(c6.$high + x$75.$high, c6.$low + x$75.$low)), x$76 = $mul64(a1, b5), new $Int64(x$74.$high + x$76.$high, x$74.$low + x$76.$low)), x$77 = $mul64(a2, b4), new $Int64(x$73.$high + x$77.$high, x$73.$low + x$77.$low)), x$78 = $mul64(a3, b3), new $Int64(x$72.$high + x$78.$high, x$72.$low + x$78.$low)), x$79 = $mul64(a4, b2), new $Int64(x$71.$high + x$79.$high, x$71.$low + x$79.$low)), x$80 = $mul64(a5, b1), new $Int64(x$70.$high + x$80.$high, x$70.$low + x$80.$low)), x$81 = $mul64(a6, b0), new $Int64(x$69.$high + x$81.$high, x$69.$low + x$81.$low)); + s7 = (x$82 = (x$83 = (x$84 = (x$85 = (x$86 = (x$87 = (x$88 = (x$89 = $mul64(a0, b7), new $Int64(c7.$high + x$89.$high, c7.$low + x$89.$low)), x$90 = $mul64(a1, b6), new $Int64(x$88.$high + x$90.$high, x$88.$low + x$90.$low)), x$91 = $mul64(a2, b5), new $Int64(x$87.$high + x$91.$high, x$87.$low + x$91.$low)), x$92 = $mul64(a3, b4), new $Int64(x$86.$high + x$92.$high, x$86.$low + x$92.$low)), x$93 = $mul64(a4, b3), new $Int64(x$85.$high + x$93.$high, x$85.$low + x$93.$low)), x$94 = $mul64(a5, b2), new $Int64(x$84.$high + x$94.$high, x$84.$low + x$94.$low)), x$95 = $mul64(a6, b1), new $Int64(x$83.$high + x$95.$high, x$83.$low + x$95.$low)), x$96 = $mul64(a7, b0), new $Int64(x$82.$high + x$96.$high, x$82.$low + x$96.$low)); + s8 = (x$97 = (x$98 = (x$99 = (x$100 = (x$101 = (x$102 = (x$103 = (x$104 = (x$105 = $mul64(a0, b8), new $Int64(c8.$high + x$105.$high, c8.$low + x$105.$low)), x$106 = $mul64(a1, b7), new $Int64(x$104.$high + x$106.$high, x$104.$low + x$106.$low)), x$107 = $mul64(a2, b6), new $Int64(x$103.$high + x$107.$high, x$103.$low + x$107.$low)), x$108 = $mul64(a3, b5), new $Int64(x$102.$high + x$108.$high, x$102.$low + x$108.$low)), x$109 = $mul64(a4, b4), new $Int64(x$101.$high + x$109.$high, x$101.$low + x$109.$low)), x$110 = $mul64(a5, b3), new $Int64(x$100.$high + x$110.$high, x$100.$low + x$110.$low)), x$111 = $mul64(a6, b2), new $Int64(x$99.$high + x$111.$high, x$99.$low + x$111.$low)), x$112 = $mul64(a7, b1), new $Int64(x$98.$high + x$112.$high, x$98.$low + x$112.$low)), x$113 = $mul64(a8, b0), new $Int64(x$97.$high + x$113.$high, x$97.$low + x$113.$low)); + s9 = (x$114 = (x$115 = (x$116 = (x$117 = (x$118 = (x$119 = (x$120 = (x$121 = (x$122 = (x$123 = $mul64(a0, b9), new $Int64(c9.$high + x$123.$high, c9.$low + x$123.$low)), x$124 = $mul64(a1, b8), new $Int64(x$122.$high + x$124.$high, x$122.$low + x$124.$low)), x$125 = $mul64(a2, b7), new $Int64(x$121.$high + x$125.$high, x$121.$low + x$125.$low)), x$126 = $mul64(a3, b6), new $Int64(x$120.$high + x$126.$high, x$120.$low + x$126.$low)), x$127 = $mul64(a4, b5), new $Int64(x$119.$high + x$127.$high, x$119.$low + x$127.$low)), x$128 = $mul64(a5, b4), new $Int64(x$118.$high + x$128.$high, x$118.$low + x$128.$low)), x$129 = $mul64(a6, b3), new $Int64(x$117.$high + x$129.$high, x$117.$low + x$129.$low)), x$130 = $mul64(a7, b2), new $Int64(x$116.$high + x$130.$high, x$116.$low + x$130.$low)), x$131 = $mul64(a8, b1), new $Int64(x$115.$high + x$131.$high, x$115.$low + x$131.$low)), x$132 = $mul64(a9, b0), new $Int64(x$114.$high + x$132.$high, x$114.$low + x$132.$low)); + s10 = (x$133 = (x$134 = (x$135 = (x$136 = (x$137 = (x$138 = (x$139 = (x$140 = (x$141 = (x$142 = (x$143 = $mul64(a0, b10), new $Int64(c10.$high + x$143.$high, c10.$low + x$143.$low)), x$144 = $mul64(a1, b9), new $Int64(x$142.$high + x$144.$high, x$142.$low + x$144.$low)), x$145 = $mul64(a2, b8), new $Int64(x$141.$high + x$145.$high, x$141.$low + x$145.$low)), x$146 = $mul64(a3, b7), new $Int64(x$140.$high + x$146.$high, x$140.$low + x$146.$low)), x$147 = $mul64(a4, b6), new $Int64(x$139.$high + x$147.$high, x$139.$low + x$147.$low)), x$148 = $mul64(a5, b5), new $Int64(x$138.$high + x$148.$high, x$138.$low + x$148.$low)), x$149 = $mul64(a6, b4), new $Int64(x$137.$high + x$149.$high, x$137.$low + x$149.$low)), x$150 = $mul64(a7, b3), new $Int64(x$136.$high + x$150.$high, x$136.$low + x$150.$low)), x$151 = $mul64(a8, b2), new $Int64(x$135.$high + x$151.$high, x$135.$low + x$151.$low)), x$152 = $mul64(a9, b1), new $Int64(x$134.$high + x$152.$high, x$134.$low + x$152.$low)), x$153 = $mul64(a10, b0), new $Int64(x$133.$high + x$153.$high, x$133.$low + x$153.$low)); + s11 = (x$154 = (x$155 = (x$156 = (x$157 = (x$158 = (x$159 = (x$160 = (x$161 = (x$162 = (x$163 = (x$164 = (x$165 = $mul64(a0, b11), new $Int64(c11.$high + x$165.$high, c11.$low + x$165.$low)), x$166 = $mul64(a1, b10), new $Int64(x$164.$high + x$166.$high, x$164.$low + x$166.$low)), x$167 = $mul64(a2, b9), new $Int64(x$163.$high + x$167.$high, x$163.$low + x$167.$low)), x$168 = $mul64(a3, b8), new $Int64(x$162.$high + x$168.$high, x$162.$low + x$168.$low)), x$169 = $mul64(a4, b7), new $Int64(x$161.$high + x$169.$high, x$161.$low + x$169.$low)), x$170 = $mul64(a5, b6), new $Int64(x$160.$high + x$170.$high, x$160.$low + x$170.$low)), x$171 = $mul64(a6, b5), new $Int64(x$159.$high + x$171.$high, x$159.$low + x$171.$low)), x$172 = $mul64(a7, b4), new $Int64(x$158.$high + x$172.$high, x$158.$low + x$172.$low)), x$173 = $mul64(a8, b3), new $Int64(x$157.$high + x$173.$high, x$157.$low + x$173.$low)), x$174 = $mul64(a9, b2), new $Int64(x$156.$high + x$174.$high, x$156.$low + x$174.$low)), x$175 = $mul64(a10, b1), new $Int64(x$155.$high + x$175.$high, x$155.$low + x$175.$low)), x$176 = $mul64(a11, b0), new $Int64(x$154.$high + x$176.$high, x$154.$low + x$176.$low)); + s12 = (x$177 = (x$178 = (x$179 = (x$180 = (x$181 = (x$182 = (x$183 = (x$184 = (x$185 = (x$186 = $mul64(a1, b11), x$187 = $mul64(a2, b10), new $Int64(x$186.$high + x$187.$high, x$186.$low + x$187.$low)), x$188 = $mul64(a3, b9), new $Int64(x$185.$high + x$188.$high, x$185.$low + x$188.$low)), x$189 = $mul64(a4, b8), new $Int64(x$184.$high + x$189.$high, x$184.$low + x$189.$low)), x$190 = $mul64(a5, b7), new $Int64(x$183.$high + x$190.$high, x$183.$low + x$190.$low)), x$191 = $mul64(a6, b6), new $Int64(x$182.$high + x$191.$high, x$182.$low + x$191.$low)), x$192 = $mul64(a7, b5), new $Int64(x$181.$high + x$192.$high, x$181.$low + x$192.$low)), x$193 = $mul64(a8, b4), new $Int64(x$180.$high + x$193.$high, x$180.$low + x$193.$low)), x$194 = $mul64(a9, b3), new $Int64(x$179.$high + x$194.$high, x$179.$low + x$194.$low)), x$195 = $mul64(a10, b2), new $Int64(x$178.$high + x$195.$high, x$178.$low + x$195.$low)), x$196 = $mul64(a11, b1), new $Int64(x$177.$high + x$196.$high, x$177.$low + x$196.$low)); + s13 = (x$197 = (x$198 = (x$199 = (x$200 = (x$201 = (x$202 = (x$203 = (x$204 = (x$205 = $mul64(a2, b11), x$206 = $mul64(a3, b10), new $Int64(x$205.$high + x$206.$high, x$205.$low + x$206.$low)), x$207 = $mul64(a4, b9), new $Int64(x$204.$high + x$207.$high, x$204.$low + x$207.$low)), x$208 = $mul64(a5, b8), new $Int64(x$203.$high + x$208.$high, x$203.$low + x$208.$low)), x$209 = $mul64(a6, b7), new $Int64(x$202.$high + x$209.$high, x$202.$low + x$209.$low)), x$210 = $mul64(a7, b6), new $Int64(x$201.$high + x$210.$high, x$201.$low + x$210.$low)), x$211 = $mul64(a8, b5), new $Int64(x$200.$high + x$211.$high, x$200.$low + x$211.$low)), x$212 = $mul64(a9, b4), new $Int64(x$199.$high + x$212.$high, x$199.$low + x$212.$low)), x$213 = $mul64(a10, b3), new $Int64(x$198.$high + x$213.$high, x$198.$low + x$213.$low)), x$214 = $mul64(a11, b2), new $Int64(x$197.$high + x$214.$high, x$197.$low + x$214.$low)); + s14 = (x$215 = (x$216 = (x$217 = (x$218 = (x$219 = (x$220 = (x$221 = (x$222 = $mul64(a3, b11), x$223 = $mul64(a4, b10), new $Int64(x$222.$high + x$223.$high, x$222.$low + x$223.$low)), x$224 = $mul64(a5, b9), new $Int64(x$221.$high + x$224.$high, x$221.$low + x$224.$low)), x$225 = $mul64(a6, b8), new $Int64(x$220.$high + x$225.$high, x$220.$low + x$225.$low)), x$226 = $mul64(a7, b7), new $Int64(x$219.$high + x$226.$high, x$219.$low + x$226.$low)), x$227 = $mul64(a8, b6), new $Int64(x$218.$high + x$227.$high, x$218.$low + x$227.$low)), x$228 = $mul64(a9, b5), new $Int64(x$217.$high + x$228.$high, x$217.$low + x$228.$low)), x$229 = $mul64(a10, b4), new $Int64(x$216.$high + x$229.$high, x$216.$low + x$229.$low)), x$230 = $mul64(a11, b3), new $Int64(x$215.$high + x$230.$high, x$215.$low + x$230.$low)); + s15 = (x$231 = (x$232 = (x$233 = (x$234 = (x$235 = (x$236 = (x$237 = $mul64(a4, b11), x$238 = $mul64(a5, b10), new $Int64(x$237.$high + x$238.$high, x$237.$low + x$238.$low)), x$239 = $mul64(a6, b9), new $Int64(x$236.$high + x$239.$high, x$236.$low + x$239.$low)), x$240 = $mul64(a7, b8), new $Int64(x$235.$high + x$240.$high, x$235.$low + x$240.$low)), x$241 = $mul64(a8, b7), new $Int64(x$234.$high + x$241.$high, x$234.$low + x$241.$low)), x$242 = $mul64(a9, b6), new $Int64(x$233.$high + x$242.$high, x$233.$low + x$242.$low)), x$243 = $mul64(a10, b5), new $Int64(x$232.$high + x$243.$high, x$232.$low + x$243.$low)), x$244 = $mul64(a11, b4), new $Int64(x$231.$high + x$244.$high, x$231.$low + x$244.$low)); + s16 = (x$245 = (x$246 = (x$247 = (x$248 = (x$249 = (x$250 = $mul64(a5, b11), x$251 = $mul64(a6, b10), new $Int64(x$250.$high + x$251.$high, x$250.$low + x$251.$low)), x$252 = $mul64(a7, b9), new $Int64(x$249.$high + x$252.$high, x$249.$low + x$252.$low)), x$253 = $mul64(a8, b8), new $Int64(x$248.$high + x$253.$high, x$248.$low + x$253.$low)), x$254 = $mul64(a9, b7), new $Int64(x$247.$high + x$254.$high, x$247.$low + x$254.$low)), x$255 = $mul64(a10, b6), new $Int64(x$246.$high + x$255.$high, x$246.$low + x$255.$low)), x$256 = $mul64(a11, b5), new $Int64(x$245.$high + x$256.$high, x$245.$low + x$256.$low)); + s17 = (x$257 = (x$258 = (x$259 = (x$260 = (x$261 = $mul64(a6, b11), x$262 = $mul64(a7, b10), new $Int64(x$261.$high + x$262.$high, x$261.$low + x$262.$low)), x$263 = $mul64(a8, b9), new $Int64(x$260.$high + x$263.$high, x$260.$low + x$263.$low)), x$264 = $mul64(a9, b8), new $Int64(x$259.$high + x$264.$high, x$259.$low + x$264.$low)), x$265 = $mul64(a10, b7), new $Int64(x$258.$high + x$265.$high, x$258.$low + x$265.$low)), x$266 = $mul64(a11, b6), new $Int64(x$257.$high + x$266.$high, x$257.$low + x$266.$low)); + s18 = (x$267 = (x$268 = (x$269 = (x$270 = $mul64(a7, b11), x$271 = $mul64(a8, b10), new $Int64(x$270.$high + x$271.$high, x$270.$low + x$271.$low)), x$272 = $mul64(a9, b9), new $Int64(x$269.$high + x$272.$high, x$269.$low + x$272.$low)), x$273 = $mul64(a10, b8), new $Int64(x$268.$high + x$273.$high, x$268.$low + x$273.$low)), x$274 = $mul64(a11, b7), new $Int64(x$267.$high + x$274.$high, x$267.$low + x$274.$low)); + s19 = (x$275 = (x$276 = (x$277 = $mul64(a8, b11), x$278 = $mul64(a9, b10), new $Int64(x$277.$high + x$278.$high, x$277.$low + x$278.$low)), x$279 = $mul64(a10, b9), new $Int64(x$276.$high + x$279.$high, x$276.$low + x$279.$low)), x$280 = $mul64(a11, b8), new $Int64(x$275.$high + x$280.$high, x$275.$low + x$280.$low)); + s20 = (x$281 = (x$282 = $mul64(a9, b11), x$283 = $mul64(a10, b10), new $Int64(x$282.$high + x$283.$high, x$282.$low + x$283.$low)), x$284 = $mul64(a11, b9), new $Int64(x$281.$high + x$284.$high, x$281.$low + x$284.$low)); + s21 = (x$285 = $mul64(a10, b11), x$286 = $mul64(a11, b10), new $Int64(x$285.$high + x$286.$high, x$285.$low + x$286.$low)); + s22 = $mul64(a11, b11); + s23 = new $Int64(0, 0); + carry[0] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s0.$high + 0, s0.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s1 = (x$287 = carry[0], new $Int64(s1.$high + x$287.$high, s1.$low + x$287.$low)); + s0 = (x$288 = $shiftLeft64(carry[0], 21), new $Int64(s0.$high - x$288.$high, s0.$low - x$288.$low)); + carry[2] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s2.$high + 0, s2.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s3 = (x$289 = carry[2], new $Int64(s3.$high + x$289.$high, s3.$low + x$289.$low)); + s2 = (x$290 = $shiftLeft64(carry[2], 21), new $Int64(s2.$high - x$290.$high, s2.$low - x$290.$low)); + carry[4] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s4.$high + 0, s4.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s5 = (x$291 = carry[4], new $Int64(s5.$high + x$291.$high, s5.$low + x$291.$low)); + s4 = (x$292 = $shiftLeft64(carry[4], 21), new $Int64(s4.$high - x$292.$high, s4.$low - x$292.$low)); + carry[6] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s6.$high + 0, s6.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s7 = (x$293 = carry[6], new $Int64(s7.$high + x$293.$high, s7.$low + x$293.$low)); + s6 = (x$294 = $shiftLeft64(carry[6], 21), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$294.$high, s6.$low - x$294.$low)); + carry[8] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s8.$high + 0, s8.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s9 = (x$295 = carry[8], new $Int64(s9.$high + x$295.$high, s9.$low + x$295.$low)); + s8 = (x$296 = $shiftLeft64(carry[8], 21), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$296.$high, s8.$low - x$296.$low)); + carry[10] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s10.$high + 0, s10.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s11 = (x$297 = carry[10], new $Int64(s11.$high + x$297.$high, s11.$low + x$297.$low)); + s10 = (x$298 = $shiftLeft64(carry[10], 21), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$298.$high, s10.$low - x$298.$low)); + carry[12] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s12.$high + 0, s12.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s13 = (x$299 = carry[12], new $Int64(s13.$high + x$299.$high, s13.$low + x$299.$low)); + s12 = (x$300 = $shiftLeft64(carry[12], 21), new $Int64(s12.$high - x$300.$high, s12.$low - x$300.$low)); + carry[14] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s14.$high + 0, s14.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s15 = (x$301 = carry[14], new $Int64(s15.$high + x$301.$high, s15.$low + x$301.$low)); + s14 = (x$302 = $shiftLeft64(carry[14], 21), new $Int64(s14.$high - x$302.$high, s14.$low - x$302.$low)); + carry[16] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s16.$high + 0, s16.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s17 = (x$303 = carry[16], new $Int64(s17.$high + x$303.$high, s17.$low + x$303.$low)); + s16 = (x$304 = $shiftLeft64(carry[16], 21), new $Int64(s16.$high - x$304.$high, s16.$low - x$304.$low)); + carry[18] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s18.$high + 0, s18.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s19 = (x$305 = carry[18], new $Int64(s19.$high + x$305.$high, s19.$low + x$305.$low)); + s18 = (x$306 = $shiftLeft64(carry[18], 21), new $Int64(s18.$high - x$306.$high, s18.$low - x$306.$low)); + carry[20] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s20.$high + 0, s20.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s21 = (x$307 = carry[20], new $Int64(s21.$high + x$307.$high, s21.$low + x$307.$low)); + s20 = (x$308 = $shiftLeft64(carry[20], 21), new $Int64(s20.$high - x$308.$high, s20.$low - x$308.$low)); + carry[22] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s22.$high + 0, s22.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s23 = (x$309 = carry[22], new $Int64(s23.$high + x$309.$high, s23.$low + x$309.$low)); + s22 = (x$310 = $shiftLeft64(carry[22], 21), new $Int64(s22.$high - x$310.$high, s22.$low - x$310.$low)); + carry[1] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s1.$high + 0, s1.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s2 = (x$311 = carry[1], new $Int64(s2.$high + x$311.$high, s2.$low + x$311.$low)); + s1 = (x$312 = $shiftLeft64(carry[1], 21), new $Int64(s1.$high - x$312.$high, s1.$low - x$312.$low)); + carry[3] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s3.$high + 0, s3.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s4 = (x$313 = carry[3], new $Int64(s4.$high + x$313.$high, s4.$low + x$313.$low)); + s3 = (x$314 = $shiftLeft64(carry[3], 21), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$314.$high, s3.$low - x$314.$low)); + carry[5] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s5.$high + 0, s5.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s6 = (x$315 = carry[5], new $Int64(s6.$high + x$315.$high, s6.$low + x$315.$low)); + s5 = (x$316 = $shiftLeft64(carry[5], 21), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$316.$high, s5.$low - x$316.$low)); + carry[7] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s7.$high + 0, s7.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s8 = (x$317 = carry[7], new $Int64(s8.$high + x$317.$high, s8.$low + x$317.$low)); + s7 = (x$318 = $shiftLeft64(carry[7], 21), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$318.$high, s7.$low - x$318.$low)); + carry[9] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s9.$high + 0, s9.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s10 = (x$319 = carry[9], new $Int64(s10.$high + x$319.$high, s10.$low + x$319.$low)); + s9 = (x$320 = $shiftLeft64(carry[9], 21), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$320.$high, s9.$low - x$320.$low)); + carry[11] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s11.$high + 0, s11.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s12 = (x$321 = carry[11], new $Int64(s12.$high + x$321.$high, s12.$low + x$321.$low)); + s11 = (x$322 = $shiftLeft64(carry[11], 21), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$322.$high, s11.$low - x$322.$low)); + carry[13] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s13.$high + 0, s13.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s14 = (x$323 = carry[13], new $Int64(s14.$high + x$323.$high, s14.$low + x$323.$low)); + s13 = (x$324 = $shiftLeft64(carry[13], 21), new $Int64(s13.$high - x$324.$high, s13.$low - x$324.$low)); + carry[15] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s15.$high + 0, s15.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s16 = (x$325 = carry[15], new $Int64(s16.$high + x$325.$high, s16.$low + x$325.$low)); + s15 = (x$326 = $shiftLeft64(carry[15], 21), new $Int64(s15.$high - x$326.$high, s15.$low - x$326.$low)); + carry[17] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s17.$high + 0, s17.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s18 = (x$327 = carry[17], new $Int64(s18.$high + x$327.$high, s18.$low + x$327.$low)); + s17 = (x$328 = $shiftLeft64(carry[17], 21), new $Int64(s17.$high - x$328.$high, s17.$low - x$328.$low)); + carry[19] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s19.$high + 0, s19.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s20 = (x$329 = carry[19], new $Int64(s20.$high + x$329.$high, s20.$low + x$329.$low)); + s19 = (x$330 = $shiftLeft64(carry[19], 21), new $Int64(s19.$high - x$330.$high, s19.$low - x$330.$low)); + carry[21] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s21.$high + 0, s21.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s22 = (x$331 = carry[21], new $Int64(s22.$high + x$331.$high, s22.$low + x$331.$low)); + s21 = (x$332 = $shiftLeft64(carry[21], 21), new $Int64(s21.$high - x$332.$high, s21.$low - x$332.$low)); + s11 = (x$333 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s11.$high + x$333.$high, s11.$low + x$333.$low)); + s12 = (x$334 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s12.$high + x$334.$high, s12.$low + x$334.$low)); + s13 = (x$335 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s13.$high + x$335.$high, s13.$low + x$335.$low)); + s14 = (x$336 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s14.$high - x$336.$high, s14.$low - x$336.$low)); + s15 = (x$337 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s15.$high + x$337.$high, s15.$low + x$337.$low)); + s16 = (x$338 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s16.$high - x$338.$high, s16.$low - x$338.$low)); + s23 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s10 = (x$339 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s10.$high + x$339.$high, s10.$low + x$339.$low)); + s11 = (x$340 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s11.$high + x$340.$high, s11.$low + x$340.$low)); + s12 = (x$341 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s12.$high + x$341.$high, s12.$low + x$341.$low)); + s13 = (x$342 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s13.$high - x$342.$high, s13.$low - x$342.$low)); + s14 = (x$343 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s14.$high + x$343.$high, s14.$low + x$343.$low)); + s15 = (x$344 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s15.$high - x$344.$high, s15.$low - x$344.$low)); + s22 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s9 = (x$345 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s9.$high + x$345.$high, s9.$low + x$345.$low)); + s10 = (x$346 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s10.$high + x$346.$high, s10.$low + x$346.$low)); + s11 = (x$347 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s11.$high + x$347.$high, s11.$low + x$347.$low)); + s12 = (x$348 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s12.$high - x$348.$high, s12.$low - x$348.$low)); + s13 = (x$349 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s13.$high + x$349.$high, s13.$low + x$349.$low)); + s14 = (x$350 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s14.$high - x$350.$high, s14.$low - x$350.$low)); + s21 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s8 = (x$351 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s8.$high + x$351.$high, s8.$low + x$351.$low)); + s9 = (x$352 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s9.$high + x$352.$high, s9.$low + x$352.$low)); + s10 = (x$353 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s10.$high + x$353.$high, s10.$low + x$353.$low)); + s11 = (x$354 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$354.$high, s11.$low - x$354.$low)); + s12 = (x$355 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s12.$high + x$355.$high, s12.$low + x$355.$low)); + s13 = (x$356 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s13.$high - x$356.$high, s13.$low - x$356.$low)); + s20 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s7 = (x$357 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s7.$high + x$357.$high, s7.$low + x$357.$low)); + s8 = (x$358 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s8.$high + x$358.$high, s8.$low + x$358.$low)); + s9 = (x$359 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s9.$high + x$359.$high, s9.$low + x$359.$low)); + s10 = (x$360 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$360.$high, s10.$low - x$360.$low)); + s11 = (x$361 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s11.$high + x$361.$high, s11.$low + x$361.$low)); + s12 = (x$362 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s12.$high - x$362.$high, s12.$low - x$362.$low)); + s19 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s6 = (x$363 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s6.$high + x$363.$high, s6.$low + x$363.$low)); + s7 = (x$364 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s7.$high + x$364.$high, s7.$low + x$364.$low)); + s8 = (x$365 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s8.$high + x$365.$high, s8.$low + x$365.$low)); + s9 = (x$366 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$366.$high, s9.$low - x$366.$low)); + s10 = (x$367 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s10.$high + x$367.$high, s10.$low + x$367.$low)); + s11 = (x$368 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$368.$high, s11.$low - x$368.$low)); + s18 = new $Int64(0, 0); + carry[6] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s6.$high + 0, s6.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s7 = (x$369 = carry[6], new $Int64(s7.$high + x$369.$high, s7.$low + x$369.$low)); + s6 = (x$370 = $shiftLeft64(carry[6], 21), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$370.$high, s6.$low - x$370.$low)); + carry[8] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s8.$high + 0, s8.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s9 = (x$371 = carry[8], new $Int64(s9.$high + x$371.$high, s9.$low + x$371.$low)); + s8 = (x$372 = $shiftLeft64(carry[8], 21), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$372.$high, s8.$low - x$372.$low)); + carry[10] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s10.$high + 0, s10.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s11 = (x$373 = carry[10], new $Int64(s11.$high + x$373.$high, s11.$low + x$373.$low)); + s10 = (x$374 = $shiftLeft64(carry[10], 21), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$374.$high, s10.$low - x$374.$low)); + carry[12] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s12.$high + 0, s12.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s13 = (x$375 = carry[12], new $Int64(s13.$high + x$375.$high, s13.$low + x$375.$low)); + s12 = (x$376 = $shiftLeft64(carry[12], 21), new $Int64(s12.$high - x$376.$high, s12.$low - x$376.$low)); + carry[14] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s14.$high + 0, s14.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s15 = (x$377 = carry[14], new $Int64(s15.$high + x$377.$high, s15.$low + x$377.$low)); + s14 = (x$378 = $shiftLeft64(carry[14], 21), new $Int64(s14.$high - x$378.$high, s14.$low - x$378.$low)); + carry[16] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s16.$high + 0, s16.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s17 = (x$379 = carry[16], new $Int64(s17.$high + x$379.$high, s17.$low + x$379.$low)); + s16 = (x$380 = $shiftLeft64(carry[16], 21), new $Int64(s16.$high - x$380.$high, s16.$low - x$380.$low)); + carry[7] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s7.$high + 0, s7.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s8 = (x$381 = carry[7], new $Int64(s8.$high + x$381.$high, s8.$low + x$381.$low)); + s7 = (x$382 = $shiftLeft64(carry[7], 21), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$382.$high, s7.$low - x$382.$low)); + carry[9] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s9.$high + 0, s9.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s10 = (x$383 = carry[9], new $Int64(s10.$high + x$383.$high, s10.$low + x$383.$low)); + s9 = (x$384 = $shiftLeft64(carry[9], 21), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$384.$high, s9.$low - x$384.$low)); + carry[11] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s11.$high + 0, s11.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s12 = (x$385 = carry[11], new $Int64(s12.$high + x$385.$high, s12.$low + x$385.$low)); + s11 = (x$386 = $shiftLeft64(carry[11], 21), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$386.$high, s11.$low - x$386.$low)); + carry[13] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s13.$high + 0, s13.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s14 = (x$387 = carry[13], new $Int64(s14.$high + x$387.$high, s14.$low + x$387.$low)); + s13 = (x$388 = $shiftLeft64(carry[13], 21), new $Int64(s13.$high - x$388.$high, s13.$low - x$388.$low)); + carry[15] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s15.$high + 0, s15.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s16 = (x$389 = carry[15], new $Int64(s16.$high + x$389.$high, s16.$low + x$389.$low)); + s15 = (x$390 = $shiftLeft64(carry[15], 21), new $Int64(s15.$high - x$390.$high, s15.$low - x$390.$low)); + s5 = (x$391 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s5.$high + x$391.$high, s5.$low + x$391.$low)); + s6 = (x$392 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s6.$high + x$392.$high, s6.$low + x$392.$low)); + s7 = (x$393 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s7.$high + x$393.$high, s7.$low + x$393.$low)); + s8 = (x$394 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$394.$high, s8.$low - x$394.$low)); + s9 = (x$395 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s9.$high + x$395.$high, s9.$low + x$395.$low)); + s10 = (x$396 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$396.$high, s10.$low - x$396.$low)); + s17 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s4 = (x$397 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$397.$high, s4.$low + x$397.$low)); + s5 = (x$398 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s5.$high + x$398.$high, s5.$low + x$398.$low)); + s6 = (x$399 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s6.$high + x$399.$high, s6.$low + x$399.$low)); + s7 = (x$400 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$400.$high, s7.$low - x$400.$low)); + s8 = (x$401 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s8.$high + x$401.$high, s8.$low + x$401.$low)); + s9 = (x$402 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$402.$high, s9.$low - x$402.$low)); + s16 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s3 = (x$403 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s3.$high + x$403.$high, s3.$low + x$403.$low)); + s4 = (x$404 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$404.$high, s4.$low + x$404.$low)); + s5 = (x$405 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s5.$high + x$405.$high, s5.$low + x$405.$low)); + s6 = (x$406 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$406.$high, s6.$low - x$406.$low)); + s7 = (x$407 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s7.$high + x$407.$high, s7.$low + x$407.$low)); + s8 = (x$408 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$408.$high, s8.$low - x$408.$low)); + s15 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s2 = (x$409 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s2.$high + x$409.$high, s2.$low + x$409.$low)); + s3 = (x$410 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s3.$high + x$410.$high, s3.$low + x$410.$low)); + s4 = (x$411 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$411.$high, s4.$low + x$411.$low)); + s5 = (x$412 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$412.$high, s5.$low - x$412.$low)); + s6 = (x$413 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s6.$high + x$413.$high, s6.$low + x$413.$low)); + s7 = (x$414 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$414.$high, s7.$low - x$414.$low)); + s14 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s1 = (x$415 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s1.$high + x$415.$high, s1.$low + x$415.$low)); + s2 = (x$416 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s2.$high + x$416.$high, s2.$low + x$416.$low)); + s3 = (x$417 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s3.$high + x$417.$high, s3.$low + x$417.$low)); + s4 = (x$418 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s4.$high - x$418.$high, s4.$low - x$418.$low)); + s5 = (x$419 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s5.$high + x$419.$high, s5.$low + x$419.$low)); + s6 = (x$420 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$420.$high, s6.$low - x$420.$low)); + s13 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s0 = (x$421 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s0.$high + x$421.$high, s0.$low + x$421.$low)); + s1 = (x$422 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s1.$high + x$422.$high, s1.$low + x$422.$low)); + s2 = (x$423 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s2.$high + x$423.$high, s2.$low + x$423.$low)); + s3 = (x$424 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$424.$high, s3.$low - x$424.$low)); + s4 = (x$425 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$425.$high, s4.$low + x$425.$low)); + s5 = (x$426 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$426.$high, s5.$low - x$426.$low)); + s12 = new $Int64(0, 0); + carry[0] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s0.$high + 0, s0.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s1 = (x$427 = carry[0], new $Int64(s1.$high + x$427.$high, s1.$low + x$427.$low)); + s0 = (x$428 = $shiftLeft64(carry[0], 21), new $Int64(s0.$high - x$428.$high, s0.$low - x$428.$low)); + carry[2] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s2.$high + 0, s2.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s3 = (x$429 = carry[2], new $Int64(s3.$high + x$429.$high, s3.$low + x$429.$low)); + s2 = (x$430 = $shiftLeft64(carry[2], 21), new $Int64(s2.$high - x$430.$high, s2.$low - x$430.$low)); + carry[4] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s4.$high + 0, s4.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s5 = (x$431 = carry[4], new $Int64(s5.$high + x$431.$high, s5.$low + x$431.$low)); + s4 = (x$432 = $shiftLeft64(carry[4], 21), new $Int64(s4.$high - x$432.$high, s4.$low - x$432.$low)); + carry[6] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s6.$high + 0, s6.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s7 = (x$433 = carry[6], new $Int64(s7.$high + x$433.$high, s7.$low + x$433.$low)); + s6 = (x$434 = $shiftLeft64(carry[6], 21), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$434.$high, s6.$low - x$434.$low)); + carry[8] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s8.$high + 0, s8.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s9 = (x$435 = carry[8], new $Int64(s9.$high + x$435.$high, s9.$low + x$435.$low)); + s8 = (x$436 = $shiftLeft64(carry[8], 21), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$436.$high, s8.$low - x$436.$low)); + carry[10] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s10.$high + 0, s10.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s11 = (x$437 = carry[10], new $Int64(s11.$high + x$437.$high, s11.$low + x$437.$low)); + s10 = (x$438 = $shiftLeft64(carry[10], 21), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$438.$high, s10.$low - x$438.$low)); + carry[1] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s1.$high + 0, s1.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s2 = (x$439 = carry[1], new $Int64(s2.$high + x$439.$high, s2.$low + x$439.$low)); + s1 = (x$440 = $shiftLeft64(carry[1], 21), new $Int64(s1.$high - x$440.$high, s1.$low - x$440.$low)); + carry[3] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s3.$high + 0, s3.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s4 = (x$441 = carry[3], new $Int64(s4.$high + x$441.$high, s4.$low + x$441.$low)); + s3 = (x$442 = $shiftLeft64(carry[3], 21), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$442.$high, s3.$low - x$442.$low)); + carry[5] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s5.$high + 0, s5.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s6 = (x$443 = carry[5], new $Int64(s6.$high + x$443.$high, s6.$low + x$443.$low)); + s5 = (x$444 = $shiftLeft64(carry[5], 21), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$444.$high, s5.$low - x$444.$low)); + carry[7] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s7.$high + 0, s7.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s8 = (x$445 = carry[7], new $Int64(s8.$high + x$445.$high, s8.$low + x$445.$low)); + s7 = (x$446 = $shiftLeft64(carry[7], 21), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$446.$high, s7.$low - x$446.$low)); + carry[9] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s9.$high + 0, s9.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s10 = (x$447 = carry[9], new $Int64(s10.$high + x$447.$high, s10.$low + x$447.$low)); + s9 = (x$448 = $shiftLeft64(carry[9], 21), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$448.$high, s9.$low - x$448.$low)); + carry[11] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s11.$high + 0, s11.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s12 = (x$449 = carry[11], new $Int64(s12.$high + x$449.$high, s12.$low + x$449.$low)); + s11 = (x$450 = $shiftLeft64(carry[11], 21), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$450.$high, s11.$low - x$450.$low)); + s0 = (x$451 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s0.$high + x$451.$high, s0.$low + x$451.$low)); + s1 = (x$452 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s1.$high + x$452.$high, s1.$low + x$452.$low)); + s2 = (x$453 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s2.$high + x$453.$high, s2.$low + x$453.$low)); + s3 = (x$454 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$454.$high, s3.$low - x$454.$low)); + s4 = (x$455 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$455.$high, s4.$low + x$455.$low)); + s5 = (x$456 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$456.$high, s5.$low - x$456.$low)); + s12 = new $Int64(0, 0); + carry[0] = $shiftRightInt64(s0, 21); + s1 = (x$457 = carry[0], new $Int64(s1.$high + x$457.$high, s1.$low + x$457.$low)); + s0 = (x$458 = $shiftLeft64(carry[0], 21), new $Int64(s0.$high - x$458.$high, s0.$low - x$458.$low)); + carry[1] = $shiftRightInt64(s1, 21); + s2 = (x$459 = carry[1], new $Int64(s2.$high + x$459.$high, s2.$low + x$459.$low)); + s1 = (x$460 = $shiftLeft64(carry[1], 21), new $Int64(s1.$high - x$460.$high, s1.$low - x$460.$low)); + carry[2] = $shiftRightInt64(s2, 21); + s3 = (x$461 = carry[2], new $Int64(s3.$high + x$461.$high, s3.$low + x$461.$low)); + s2 = (x$462 = $shiftLeft64(carry[2], 21), new $Int64(s2.$high - x$462.$high, s2.$low - x$462.$low)); + carry[3] = $shiftRightInt64(s3, 21); + s4 = (x$463 = carry[3], new $Int64(s4.$high + x$463.$high, s4.$low + x$463.$low)); + s3 = (x$464 = $shiftLeft64(carry[3], 21), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$464.$high, s3.$low - x$464.$low)); + carry[4] = $shiftRightInt64(s4, 21); + s5 = (x$465 = carry[4], new $Int64(s5.$high + x$465.$high, s5.$low + x$465.$low)); + s4 = (x$466 = $shiftLeft64(carry[4], 21), new $Int64(s4.$high - x$466.$high, s4.$low - x$466.$low)); + carry[5] = $shiftRightInt64(s5, 21); + s6 = (x$467 = carry[5], new $Int64(s6.$high + x$467.$high, s6.$low + x$467.$low)); + s5 = (x$468 = $shiftLeft64(carry[5], 21), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$468.$high, s5.$low - x$468.$low)); + carry[6] = $shiftRightInt64(s6, 21); + s7 = (x$469 = carry[6], new $Int64(s7.$high + x$469.$high, s7.$low + x$469.$low)); + s6 = (x$470 = $shiftLeft64(carry[6], 21), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$470.$high, s6.$low - x$470.$low)); + carry[7] = $shiftRightInt64(s7, 21); + s8 = (x$471 = carry[7], new $Int64(s8.$high + x$471.$high, s8.$low + x$471.$low)); + s7 = (x$472 = $shiftLeft64(carry[7], 21), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$472.$high, s7.$low - x$472.$low)); + carry[8] = $shiftRightInt64(s8, 21); + s9 = (x$473 = carry[8], new $Int64(s9.$high + x$473.$high, s9.$low + x$473.$low)); + s8 = (x$474 = $shiftLeft64(carry[8], 21), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$474.$high, s8.$low - x$474.$low)); + carry[9] = $shiftRightInt64(s9, 21); + s10 = (x$475 = carry[9], new $Int64(s10.$high + x$475.$high, s10.$low + x$475.$low)); + s9 = (x$476 = $shiftLeft64(carry[9], 21), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$476.$high, s9.$low - x$476.$low)); + carry[10] = $shiftRightInt64(s10, 21); + s11 = (x$477 = carry[10], new $Int64(s11.$high + x$477.$high, s11.$low + x$477.$low)); + s10 = (x$478 = $shiftLeft64(carry[10], 21), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$478.$high, s10.$low - x$478.$low)); + carry[11] = $shiftRightInt64(s11, 21); + s12 = (x$479 = carry[11], new $Int64(s12.$high + x$479.$high, s12.$low + x$479.$low)); + s11 = (x$480 = $shiftLeft64(carry[11], 21), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$480.$high, s11.$low - x$480.$low)); + s0 = (x$481 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s0.$high + x$481.$high, s0.$low + x$481.$low)); + s1 = (x$482 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s1.$high + x$482.$high, s1.$low + x$482.$low)); + s2 = (x$483 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s2.$high + x$483.$high, s2.$low + x$483.$low)); + s3 = (x$484 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$484.$high, s3.$low - x$484.$low)); + s4 = (x$485 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$485.$high, s4.$low + x$485.$low)); + s5 = (x$486 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$486.$high, s5.$low - x$486.$low)); + s12 = new $Int64(0, 0); + carry[0] = $shiftRightInt64(s0, 21); + s1 = (x$487 = carry[0], new $Int64(s1.$high + x$487.$high, s1.$low + x$487.$low)); + s0 = (x$488 = $shiftLeft64(carry[0], 21), new $Int64(s0.$high - x$488.$high, s0.$low - x$488.$low)); + carry[1] = $shiftRightInt64(s1, 21); + s2 = (x$489 = carry[1], new $Int64(s2.$high + x$489.$high, s2.$low + x$489.$low)); + s1 = (x$490 = $shiftLeft64(carry[1], 21), new $Int64(s1.$high - x$490.$high, s1.$low - x$490.$low)); + carry[2] = $shiftRightInt64(s2, 21); + s3 = (x$491 = carry[2], new $Int64(s3.$high + x$491.$high, s3.$low + x$491.$low)); + s2 = (x$492 = $shiftLeft64(carry[2], 21), new $Int64(s2.$high - x$492.$high, s2.$low - x$492.$low)); + carry[3] = $shiftRightInt64(s3, 21); + s4 = (x$493 = carry[3], new $Int64(s4.$high + x$493.$high, s4.$low + x$493.$low)); + s3 = (x$494 = $shiftLeft64(carry[3], 21), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$494.$high, s3.$low - x$494.$low)); + carry[4] = $shiftRightInt64(s4, 21); + s5 = (x$495 = carry[4], new $Int64(s5.$high + x$495.$high, s5.$low + x$495.$low)); + s4 = (x$496 = $shiftLeft64(carry[4], 21), new $Int64(s4.$high - x$496.$high, s4.$low - x$496.$low)); + carry[5] = $shiftRightInt64(s5, 21); + s6 = (x$497 = carry[5], new $Int64(s6.$high + x$497.$high, s6.$low + x$497.$low)); + s5 = (x$498 = $shiftLeft64(carry[5], 21), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$498.$high, s5.$low - x$498.$low)); + carry[6] = $shiftRightInt64(s6, 21); + s7 = (x$499 = carry[6], new $Int64(s7.$high + x$499.$high, s7.$low + x$499.$low)); + s6 = (x$500 = $shiftLeft64(carry[6], 21), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$500.$high, s6.$low - x$500.$low)); + carry[7] = $shiftRightInt64(s7, 21); + s8 = (x$501 = carry[7], new $Int64(s8.$high + x$501.$high, s8.$low + x$501.$low)); + s7 = (x$502 = $shiftLeft64(carry[7], 21), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$502.$high, s7.$low - x$502.$low)); + carry[8] = $shiftRightInt64(s8, 21); + s9 = (x$503 = carry[8], new $Int64(s9.$high + x$503.$high, s9.$low + x$503.$low)); + s8 = (x$504 = $shiftLeft64(carry[8], 21), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$504.$high, s8.$low - x$504.$low)); + carry[9] = $shiftRightInt64(s9, 21); + s10 = (x$505 = carry[9], new $Int64(s10.$high + x$505.$high, s10.$low + x$505.$low)); + s9 = (x$506 = $shiftLeft64(carry[9], 21), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$506.$high, s9.$low - x$506.$low)); + carry[10] = $shiftRightInt64(s10, 21); + s11 = (x$507 = carry[10], new $Int64(s11.$high + x$507.$high, s11.$low + x$507.$low)); + s10 = (x$508 = $shiftLeft64(carry[10], 21), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$508.$high, s10.$low - x$508.$low)); + s.nilCheck, s[0] = (($shiftRightInt64(s0, 0).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[1] = (($shiftRightInt64(s0, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[2] = (((x$509 = $shiftRightInt64(s0, 16), x$510 = $shiftLeft64(s1, 5), new $Int64(x$509.$high | x$510.$high, (x$509.$low | x$510.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[3] = (($shiftRightInt64(s1, 3).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[4] = (($shiftRightInt64(s1, 11).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[5] = (((x$511 = $shiftRightInt64(s1, 19), x$512 = $shiftLeft64(s2, 2), new $Int64(x$511.$high | x$512.$high, (x$511.$low | x$512.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[6] = (($shiftRightInt64(s2, 6).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[7] = (((x$513 = $shiftRightInt64(s2, 14), x$514 = $shiftLeft64(s3, 7), new $Int64(x$513.$high | x$514.$high, (x$513.$low | x$514.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[8] = (($shiftRightInt64(s3, 1).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[9] = (($shiftRightInt64(s3, 9).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[10] = (((x$515 = $shiftRightInt64(s3, 17), x$516 = $shiftLeft64(s4, 4), new $Int64(x$515.$high | x$516.$high, (x$515.$low | x$516.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[11] = (($shiftRightInt64(s4, 4).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[12] = (($shiftRightInt64(s4, 12).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[13] = (((x$517 = $shiftRightInt64(s4, 20), x$518 = $shiftLeft64(s5, 1), new $Int64(x$517.$high | x$518.$high, (x$517.$low | x$518.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[14] = (($shiftRightInt64(s5, 7).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[15] = (((x$519 = $shiftRightInt64(s5, 15), x$520 = $shiftLeft64(s6, 6), new $Int64(x$519.$high | x$520.$high, (x$519.$low | x$520.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[16] = (($shiftRightInt64(s6, 2).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[17] = (($shiftRightInt64(s6, 10).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[18] = (((x$521 = $shiftRightInt64(s6, 18), x$522 = $shiftLeft64(s7, 3), new $Int64(x$521.$high | x$522.$high, (x$521.$low | x$522.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[19] = (($shiftRightInt64(s7, 5).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[20] = (($shiftRightInt64(s7, 13).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[21] = (($shiftRightInt64(s8, 0).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[22] = (($shiftRightInt64(s8, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[23] = (((x$523 = $shiftRightInt64(s8, 16), x$524 = $shiftLeft64(s9, 5), new $Int64(x$523.$high | x$524.$high, (x$523.$low | x$524.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[24] = (($shiftRightInt64(s9, 3).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[25] = (($shiftRightInt64(s9, 11).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[26] = (((x$525 = $shiftRightInt64(s9, 19), x$526 = $shiftLeft64(s10, 2), new $Int64(x$525.$high | x$526.$high, (x$525.$low | x$526.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[27] = (($shiftRightInt64(s10, 6).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[28] = (((x$527 = $shiftRightInt64(s10, 14), x$528 = $shiftLeft64(s11, 7), new $Int64(x$527.$high | x$528.$high, (x$527.$low | x$528.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[29] = (($shiftRightInt64(s11, 1).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[30] = (($shiftRightInt64(s11, 9).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + s.nilCheck, s[31] = (($shiftRightInt64(s11, 17).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + }; + scReduce = function(out, s) { + var carry, out, s, s0, s1, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19, s2, s20, s21, s22, s23, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, x, x$1, x$10, x$100, x$101, x$102, x$103, x$104, x$105, x$106, x$107, x$108, x$109, x$11, x$110, x$111, x$112, x$113, x$114, x$115, x$116, x$117, x$118, x$119, x$12, x$120, x$121, x$122, x$123, x$124, x$125, x$126, x$127, x$128, x$129, x$13, x$130, x$131, x$132, x$133, x$134, x$135, x$136, x$137, x$138, x$139, x$14, x$140, x$141, x$142, x$143, x$144, x$145, x$146, x$147, x$148, x$149, x$15, x$150, x$151, x$152, x$153, x$154, x$155, x$156, x$157, x$158, x$159, x$16, x$160, x$161, x$162, x$163, x$164, x$165, x$166, x$167, x$168, x$169, x$17, x$170, x$171, x$172, x$173, x$174, x$175, x$176, x$177, x$178, x$179, x$18, x$180, x$181, x$182, x$183, x$184, x$185, x$186, x$187, x$188, x$189, x$19, x$190, x$191, x$192, x$193, x$194, x$195, x$196, x$197, x$198, x$199, x$2, x$20, x$200, x$201, x$202, x$203, x$204, x$205, x$206, x$207, x$208, x$209, x$21, x$210, x$211, x$212, x$213, x$214, x$215, x$216, x$217, x$218, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$35, x$36, x$37, x$38, x$39, x$4, x$40, x$41, x$42, x$43, x$44, x$45, x$46, x$47, x$48, x$49, x$5, x$50, x$51, x$52, x$53, x$54, x$55, x$56, x$57, x$58, x$59, x$6, x$60, x$61, x$62, x$63, x$64, x$65, x$66, x$67, x$68, x$69, x$7, x$70, x$71, x$72, x$73, x$74, x$75, x$76, x$77, x$78, x$79, x$8, x$80, x$81, x$82, x$83, x$84, x$85, x$86, x$87, x$88, x$89, x$9, x$90, x$91, x$92, x$93, x$94, x$95, x$96, x$97, x$98, x$99; + s0 = (x = load3(new sliceType(s)), new $Int64(0 & x.$high, (2097151 & x.$low) >>> 0)); + s1 = (x$1 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 2)), 5), new $Int64(0 & x$1.$high, (2097151 & x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + s2 = (x$2 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(s), 5)), 2), new $Int64(0 & x$2.$high, (2097151 & x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + s3 = (x$3 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 7)), 7), new $Int64(0 & x$3.$high, (2097151 & x$3.$low) >>> 0)); + s4 = (x$4 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 10)), 4), new $Int64(0 & x$4.$high, (2097151 & x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + s5 = (x$5 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(s), 13)), 1), new $Int64(0 & x$5.$high, (2097151 & x$5.$low) >>> 0)); + s6 = (x$6 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 15)), 6), new $Int64(0 & x$6.$high, (2097151 & x$6.$low) >>> 0)); + s7 = (x$7 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(s), 18)), 3), new $Int64(0 & x$7.$high, (2097151 & x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + s8 = (x$8 = load3($subslice(new sliceType(s), 21)), new $Int64(0 & x$8.$high, (2097151 & x$8.$low) >>> 0)); + s9 = (x$9 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 23)), 5), new $Int64(0 & x$9.$high, (2097151 & x$9.$low) >>> 0)); + s10 = (x$10 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(s), 26)), 2), new $Int64(0 & x$10.$high, (2097151 & x$10.$low) >>> 0)); + s11 = (x$11 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 28)), 7), new $Int64(0 & x$11.$high, (2097151 & x$11.$low) >>> 0)); + s12 = (x$12 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 31)), 4), new $Int64(0 & x$12.$high, (2097151 & x$12.$low) >>> 0)); + s13 = (x$13 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(s), 34)), 1), new $Int64(0 & x$13.$high, (2097151 & x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + s14 = (x$14 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 36)), 6), new $Int64(0 & x$14.$high, (2097151 & x$14.$low) >>> 0)); + s15 = (x$15 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(s), 39)), 3), new $Int64(0 & x$15.$high, (2097151 & x$15.$low) >>> 0)); + s16 = (x$16 = load3($subslice(new sliceType(s), 42)), new $Int64(0 & x$16.$high, (2097151 & x$16.$low) >>> 0)); + s17 = (x$17 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 44)), 5), new $Int64(0 & x$17.$high, (2097151 & x$17.$low) >>> 0)); + s18 = (x$18 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(s), 47)), 2), new $Int64(0 & x$18.$high, (2097151 & x$18.$low) >>> 0)); + s19 = (x$19 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 49)), 7), new $Int64(0 & x$19.$high, (2097151 & x$19.$low) >>> 0)); + s20 = (x$20 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 52)), 4), new $Int64(0 & x$20.$high, (2097151 & x$20.$low) >>> 0)); + s21 = (x$21 = $shiftRightInt64(load3($subslice(new sliceType(s), 55)), 1), new $Int64(0 & x$21.$high, (2097151 & x$21.$low) >>> 0)); + s22 = (x$22 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 57)), 6), new $Int64(0 & x$22.$high, (2097151 & x$22.$low) >>> 0)); + s23 = $shiftRightInt64(load4($subslice(new sliceType(s), 60)), 3); + s11 = (x$23 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s11.$high + x$23.$high, s11.$low + x$23.$low)); + s12 = (x$24 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s12.$high + x$24.$high, s12.$low + x$24.$low)); + s13 = (x$25 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s13.$high + x$25.$high, s13.$low + x$25.$low)); + s14 = (x$26 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s14.$high - x$26.$high, s14.$low - x$26.$low)); + s15 = (x$27 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s15.$high + x$27.$high, s15.$low + x$27.$low)); + s16 = (x$28 = $mul64(s23, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s16.$high - x$28.$high, s16.$low - x$28.$low)); + s23 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s10 = (x$29 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s10.$high + x$29.$high, s10.$low + x$29.$low)); + s11 = (x$30 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s11.$high + x$30.$high, s11.$low + x$30.$low)); + s12 = (x$31 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s12.$high + x$31.$high, s12.$low + x$31.$low)); + s13 = (x$32 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s13.$high - x$32.$high, s13.$low - x$32.$low)); + s14 = (x$33 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s14.$high + x$33.$high, s14.$low + x$33.$low)); + s15 = (x$34 = $mul64(s22, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s15.$high - x$34.$high, s15.$low - x$34.$low)); + s22 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s9 = (x$35 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s9.$high + x$35.$high, s9.$low + x$35.$low)); + s10 = (x$36 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s10.$high + x$36.$high, s10.$low + x$36.$low)); + s11 = (x$37 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s11.$high + x$37.$high, s11.$low + x$37.$low)); + s12 = (x$38 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s12.$high - x$38.$high, s12.$low - x$38.$low)); + s13 = (x$39 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s13.$high + x$39.$high, s13.$low + x$39.$low)); + s14 = (x$40 = $mul64(s21, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s14.$high - x$40.$high, s14.$low - x$40.$low)); + s21 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s8 = (x$41 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s8.$high + x$41.$high, s8.$low + x$41.$low)); + s9 = (x$42 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s9.$high + x$42.$high, s9.$low + x$42.$low)); + s10 = (x$43 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s10.$high + x$43.$high, s10.$low + x$43.$low)); + s11 = (x$44 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$44.$high, s11.$low - x$44.$low)); + s12 = (x$45 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s12.$high + x$45.$high, s12.$low + x$45.$low)); + s13 = (x$46 = $mul64(s20, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s13.$high - x$46.$high, s13.$low - x$46.$low)); + s20 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s7 = (x$47 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s7.$high + x$47.$high, s7.$low + x$47.$low)); + s8 = (x$48 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s8.$high + x$48.$high, s8.$low + x$48.$low)); + s9 = (x$49 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s9.$high + x$49.$high, s9.$low + x$49.$low)); + s10 = (x$50 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$50.$high, s10.$low - x$50.$low)); + s11 = (x$51 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s11.$high + x$51.$high, s11.$low + x$51.$low)); + s12 = (x$52 = $mul64(s19, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s12.$high - x$52.$high, s12.$low - x$52.$low)); + s19 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s6 = (x$53 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s6.$high + x$53.$high, s6.$low + x$53.$low)); + s7 = (x$54 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s7.$high + x$54.$high, s7.$low + x$54.$low)); + s8 = (x$55 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s8.$high + x$55.$high, s8.$low + x$55.$low)); + s9 = (x$56 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$56.$high, s9.$low - x$56.$low)); + s10 = (x$57 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s10.$high + x$57.$high, s10.$low + x$57.$low)); + s11 = (x$58 = $mul64(s18, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$58.$high, s11.$low - x$58.$low)); + s18 = new $Int64(0, 0); + carry = arrayType$10.zero(); + carry[6] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s6.$high + 0, s6.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s7 = (x$59 = carry[6], new $Int64(s7.$high + x$59.$high, s7.$low + x$59.$low)); + s6 = (x$60 = $shiftLeft64(carry[6], 21), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$60.$high, s6.$low - x$60.$low)); + carry[8] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s8.$high + 0, s8.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s9 = (x$61 = carry[8], new $Int64(s9.$high + x$61.$high, s9.$low + x$61.$low)); + s8 = (x$62 = $shiftLeft64(carry[8], 21), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$62.$high, s8.$low - x$62.$low)); + carry[10] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s10.$high + 0, s10.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s11 = (x$63 = carry[10], new $Int64(s11.$high + x$63.$high, s11.$low + x$63.$low)); + s10 = (x$64 = $shiftLeft64(carry[10], 21), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$64.$high, s10.$low - x$64.$low)); + carry[12] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s12.$high + 0, s12.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s13 = (x$65 = carry[12], new $Int64(s13.$high + x$65.$high, s13.$low + x$65.$low)); + s12 = (x$66 = $shiftLeft64(carry[12], 21), new $Int64(s12.$high - x$66.$high, s12.$low - x$66.$low)); + carry[14] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s14.$high + 0, s14.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s15 = (x$67 = carry[14], new $Int64(s15.$high + x$67.$high, s15.$low + x$67.$low)); + s14 = (x$68 = $shiftLeft64(carry[14], 21), new $Int64(s14.$high - x$68.$high, s14.$low - x$68.$low)); + carry[16] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s16.$high + 0, s16.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s17 = (x$69 = carry[16], new $Int64(s17.$high + x$69.$high, s17.$low + x$69.$low)); + s16 = (x$70 = $shiftLeft64(carry[16], 21), new $Int64(s16.$high - x$70.$high, s16.$low - x$70.$low)); + carry[7] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s7.$high + 0, s7.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s8 = (x$71 = carry[7], new $Int64(s8.$high + x$71.$high, s8.$low + x$71.$low)); + s7 = (x$72 = $shiftLeft64(carry[7], 21), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$72.$high, s7.$low - x$72.$low)); + carry[9] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s9.$high + 0, s9.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s10 = (x$73 = carry[9], new $Int64(s10.$high + x$73.$high, s10.$low + x$73.$low)); + s9 = (x$74 = $shiftLeft64(carry[9], 21), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$74.$high, s9.$low - x$74.$low)); + carry[11] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s11.$high + 0, s11.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s12 = (x$75 = carry[11], new $Int64(s12.$high + x$75.$high, s12.$low + x$75.$low)); + s11 = (x$76 = $shiftLeft64(carry[11], 21), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$76.$high, s11.$low - x$76.$low)); + carry[13] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s13.$high + 0, s13.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s14 = (x$77 = carry[13], new $Int64(s14.$high + x$77.$high, s14.$low + x$77.$low)); + s13 = (x$78 = $shiftLeft64(carry[13], 21), new $Int64(s13.$high - x$78.$high, s13.$low - x$78.$low)); + carry[15] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s15.$high + 0, s15.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s16 = (x$79 = carry[15], new $Int64(s16.$high + x$79.$high, s16.$low + x$79.$low)); + s15 = (x$80 = $shiftLeft64(carry[15], 21), new $Int64(s15.$high - x$80.$high, s15.$low - x$80.$low)); + s5 = (x$81 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s5.$high + x$81.$high, s5.$low + x$81.$low)); + s6 = (x$82 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s6.$high + x$82.$high, s6.$low + x$82.$low)); + s7 = (x$83 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s7.$high + x$83.$high, s7.$low + x$83.$low)); + s8 = (x$84 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$84.$high, s8.$low - x$84.$low)); + s9 = (x$85 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s9.$high + x$85.$high, s9.$low + x$85.$low)); + s10 = (x$86 = $mul64(s17, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$86.$high, s10.$low - x$86.$low)); + s17 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s4 = (x$87 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$87.$high, s4.$low + x$87.$low)); + s5 = (x$88 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s5.$high + x$88.$high, s5.$low + x$88.$low)); + s6 = (x$89 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s6.$high + x$89.$high, s6.$low + x$89.$low)); + s7 = (x$90 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$90.$high, s7.$low - x$90.$low)); + s8 = (x$91 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s8.$high + x$91.$high, s8.$low + x$91.$low)); + s9 = (x$92 = $mul64(s16, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$92.$high, s9.$low - x$92.$low)); + s16 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s3 = (x$93 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s3.$high + x$93.$high, s3.$low + x$93.$low)); + s4 = (x$94 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$94.$high, s4.$low + x$94.$low)); + s5 = (x$95 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s5.$high + x$95.$high, s5.$low + x$95.$low)); + s6 = (x$96 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$96.$high, s6.$low - x$96.$low)); + s7 = (x$97 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s7.$high + x$97.$high, s7.$low + x$97.$low)); + s8 = (x$98 = $mul64(s15, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$98.$high, s8.$low - x$98.$low)); + s15 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s2 = (x$99 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s2.$high + x$99.$high, s2.$low + x$99.$low)); + s3 = (x$100 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s3.$high + x$100.$high, s3.$low + x$100.$low)); + s4 = (x$101 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$101.$high, s4.$low + x$101.$low)); + s5 = (x$102 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$102.$high, s5.$low - x$102.$low)); + s6 = (x$103 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s6.$high + x$103.$high, s6.$low + x$103.$low)); + s7 = (x$104 = $mul64(s14, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$104.$high, s7.$low - x$104.$low)); + s14 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s1 = (x$105 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s1.$high + x$105.$high, s1.$low + x$105.$low)); + s2 = (x$106 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s2.$high + x$106.$high, s2.$low + x$106.$low)); + s3 = (x$107 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s3.$high + x$107.$high, s3.$low + x$107.$low)); + s4 = (x$108 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s4.$high - x$108.$high, s4.$low - x$108.$low)); + s5 = (x$109 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s5.$high + x$109.$high, s5.$low + x$109.$low)); + s6 = (x$110 = $mul64(s13, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$110.$high, s6.$low - x$110.$low)); + s13 = new $Int64(0, 0); + s0 = (x$111 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s0.$high + x$111.$high, s0.$low + x$111.$low)); + s1 = (x$112 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s1.$high + x$112.$high, s1.$low + x$112.$low)); + s2 = (x$113 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s2.$high + x$113.$high, s2.$low + x$113.$low)); + s3 = (x$114 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$114.$high, s3.$low - x$114.$low)); + s4 = (x$115 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$115.$high, s4.$low + x$115.$low)); + s5 = (x$116 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$116.$high, s5.$low - x$116.$low)); + s12 = new $Int64(0, 0); + carry[0] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s0.$high + 0, s0.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s1 = (x$117 = carry[0], new $Int64(s1.$high + x$117.$high, s1.$low + x$117.$low)); + s0 = (x$118 = $shiftLeft64(carry[0], 21), new $Int64(s0.$high - x$118.$high, s0.$low - x$118.$low)); + carry[2] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s2.$high + 0, s2.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s3 = (x$119 = carry[2], new $Int64(s3.$high + x$119.$high, s3.$low + x$119.$low)); + s2 = (x$120 = $shiftLeft64(carry[2], 21), new $Int64(s2.$high - x$120.$high, s2.$low - x$120.$low)); + carry[4] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s4.$high + 0, s4.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s5 = (x$121 = carry[4], new $Int64(s5.$high + x$121.$high, s5.$low + x$121.$low)); + s4 = (x$122 = $shiftLeft64(carry[4], 21), new $Int64(s4.$high - x$122.$high, s4.$low - x$122.$low)); + carry[6] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s6.$high + 0, s6.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s7 = (x$123 = carry[6], new $Int64(s7.$high + x$123.$high, s7.$low + x$123.$low)); + s6 = (x$124 = $shiftLeft64(carry[6], 21), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$124.$high, s6.$low - x$124.$low)); + carry[8] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s8.$high + 0, s8.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s9 = (x$125 = carry[8], new $Int64(s9.$high + x$125.$high, s9.$low + x$125.$low)); + s8 = (x$126 = $shiftLeft64(carry[8], 21), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$126.$high, s8.$low - x$126.$low)); + carry[10] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s10.$high + 0, s10.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s11 = (x$127 = carry[10], new $Int64(s11.$high + x$127.$high, s11.$low + x$127.$low)); + s10 = (x$128 = $shiftLeft64(carry[10], 21), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$128.$high, s10.$low - x$128.$low)); + carry[1] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s1.$high + 0, s1.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s2 = (x$129 = carry[1], new $Int64(s2.$high + x$129.$high, s2.$low + x$129.$low)); + s1 = (x$130 = $shiftLeft64(carry[1], 21), new $Int64(s1.$high - x$130.$high, s1.$low - x$130.$low)); + carry[3] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s3.$high + 0, s3.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s4 = (x$131 = carry[3], new $Int64(s4.$high + x$131.$high, s4.$low + x$131.$low)); + s3 = (x$132 = $shiftLeft64(carry[3], 21), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$132.$high, s3.$low - x$132.$low)); + carry[5] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s5.$high + 0, s5.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s6 = (x$133 = carry[5], new $Int64(s6.$high + x$133.$high, s6.$low + x$133.$low)); + s5 = (x$134 = $shiftLeft64(carry[5], 21), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$134.$high, s5.$low - x$134.$low)); + carry[7] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s7.$high + 0, s7.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s8 = (x$135 = carry[7], new $Int64(s8.$high + x$135.$high, s8.$low + x$135.$low)); + s7 = (x$136 = $shiftLeft64(carry[7], 21), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$136.$high, s7.$low - x$136.$low)); + carry[9] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s9.$high + 0, s9.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s10 = (x$137 = carry[9], new $Int64(s10.$high + x$137.$high, s10.$low + x$137.$low)); + s9 = (x$138 = $shiftLeft64(carry[9], 21), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$138.$high, s9.$low - x$138.$low)); + carry[11] = $shiftRightInt64((new $Int64(s11.$high + 0, s11.$low + 1048576)), 21); + s12 = (x$139 = carry[11], new $Int64(s12.$high + x$139.$high, s12.$low + x$139.$low)); + s11 = (x$140 = $shiftLeft64(carry[11], 21), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$140.$high, s11.$low - x$140.$low)); + s0 = (x$141 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s0.$high + x$141.$high, s0.$low + x$141.$low)); + s1 = (x$142 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s1.$high + x$142.$high, s1.$low + x$142.$low)); + s2 = (x$143 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s2.$high + x$143.$high, s2.$low + x$143.$low)); + s3 = (x$144 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$144.$high, s3.$low - x$144.$low)); + s4 = (x$145 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$145.$high, s4.$low + x$145.$low)); + s5 = (x$146 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$146.$high, s5.$low - x$146.$low)); + s12 = new $Int64(0, 0); + carry[0] = $shiftRightInt64(s0, 21); + s1 = (x$147 = carry[0], new $Int64(s1.$high + x$147.$high, s1.$low + x$147.$low)); + s0 = (x$148 = $shiftLeft64(carry[0], 21), new $Int64(s0.$high - x$148.$high, s0.$low - x$148.$low)); + carry[1] = $shiftRightInt64(s1, 21); + s2 = (x$149 = carry[1], new $Int64(s2.$high + x$149.$high, s2.$low + x$149.$low)); + s1 = (x$150 = $shiftLeft64(carry[1], 21), new $Int64(s1.$high - x$150.$high, s1.$low - x$150.$low)); + carry[2] = $shiftRightInt64(s2, 21); + s3 = (x$151 = carry[2], new $Int64(s3.$high + x$151.$high, s3.$low + x$151.$low)); + s2 = (x$152 = $shiftLeft64(carry[2], 21), new $Int64(s2.$high - x$152.$high, s2.$low - x$152.$low)); + carry[3] = $shiftRightInt64(s3, 21); + s4 = (x$153 = carry[3], new $Int64(s4.$high + x$153.$high, s4.$low + x$153.$low)); + s3 = (x$154 = $shiftLeft64(carry[3], 21), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$154.$high, s3.$low - x$154.$low)); + carry[4] = $shiftRightInt64(s4, 21); + s5 = (x$155 = carry[4], new $Int64(s5.$high + x$155.$high, s5.$low + x$155.$low)); + s4 = (x$156 = $shiftLeft64(carry[4], 21), new $Int64(s4.$high - x$156.$high, s4.$low - x$156.$low)); + carry[5] = $shiftRightInt64(s5, 21); + s6 = (x$157 = carry[5], new $Int64(s6.$high + x$157.$high, s6.$low + x$157.$low)); + s5 = (x$158 = $shiftLeft64(carry[5], 21), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$158.$high, s5.$low - x$158.$low)); + carry[6] = $shiftRightInt64(s6, 21); + s7 = (x$159 = carry[6], new $Int64(s7.$high + x$159.$high, s7.$low + x$159.$low)); + s6 = (x$160 = $shiftLeft64(carry[6], 21), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$160.$high, s6.$low - x$160.$low)); + carry[7] = $shiftRightInt64(s7, 21); + s8 = (x$161 = carry[7], new $Int64(s8.$high + x$161.$high, s8.$low + x$161.$low)); + s7 = (x$162 = $shiftLeft64(carry[7], 21), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$162.$high, s7.$low - x$162.$low)); + carry[8] = $shiftRightInt64(s8, 21); + s9 = (x$163 = carry[8], new $Int64(s9.$high + x$163.$high, s9.$low + x$163.$low)); + s8 = (x$164 = $shiftLeft64(carry[8], 21), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$164.$high, s8.$low - x$164.$low)); + carry[9] = $shiftRightInt64(s9, 21); + s10 = (x$165 = carry[9], new $Int64(s10.$high + x$165.$high, s10.$low + x$165.$low)); + s9 = (x$166 = $shiftLeft64(carry[9], 21), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$166.$high, s9.$low - x$166.$low)); + carry[10] = $shiftRightInt64(s10, 21); + s11 = (x$167 = carry[10], new $Int64(s11.$high + x$167.$high, s11.$low + x$167.$low)); + s10 = (x$168 = $shiftLeft64(carry[10], 21), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$168.$high, s10.$low - x$168.$low)); + carry[11] = $shiftRightInt64(s11, 21); + s12 = (x$169 = carry[11], new $Int64(s12.$high + x$169.$high, s12.$low + x$169.$low)); + s11 = (x$170 = $shiftLeft64(carry[11], 21), new $Int64(s11.$high - x$170.$high, s11.$low - x$170.$low)); + s0 = (x$171 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 666643)), new $Int64(s0.$high + x$171.$high, s0.$low + x$171.$low)); + s1 = (x$172 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 470296)), new $Int64(s1.$high + x$172.$high, s1.$low + x$172.$low)); + s2 = (x$173 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 654183)), new $Int64(s2.$high + x$173.$high, s2.$low + x$173.$low)); + s3 = (x$174 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 997805)), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$174.$high, s3.$low - x$174.$low)); + s4 = (x$175 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 136657)), new $Int64(s4.$high + x$175.$high, s4.$low + x$175.$low)); + s5 = (x$176 = $mul64(s12, new $Int64(0, 683901)), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$176.$high, s5.$low - x$176.$low)); + s12 = new $Int64(0, 0); + carry[0] = $shiftRightInt64(s0, 21); + s1 = (x$177 = carry[0], new $Int64(s1.$high + x$177.$high, s1.$low + x$177.$low)); + s0 = (x$178 = $shiftLeft64(carry[0], 21), new $Int64(s0.$high - x$178.$high, s0.$low - x$178.$low)); + carry[1] = $shiftRightInt64(s1, 21); + s2 = (x$179 = carry[1], new $Int64(s2.$high + x$179.$high, s2.$low + x$179.$low)); + s1 = (x$180 = $shiftLeft64(carry[1], 21), new $Int64(s1.$high - x$180.$high, s1.$low - x$180.$low)); + carry[2] = $shiftRightInt64(s2, 21); + s3 = (x$181 = carry[2], new $Int64(s3.$high + x$181.$high, s3.$low + x$181.$low)); + s2 = (x$182 = $shiftLeft64(carry[2], 21), new $Int64(s2.$high - x$182.$high, s2.$low - x$182.$low)); + carry[3] = $shiftRightInt64(s3, 21); + s4 = (x$183 = carry[3], new $Int64(s4.$high + x$183.$high, s4.$low + x$183.$low)); + s3 = (x$184 = $shiftLeft64(carry[3], 21), new $Int64(s3.$high - x$184.$high, s3.$low - x$184.$low)); + carry[4] = $shiftRightInt64(s4, 21); + s5 = (x$185 = carry[4], new $Int64(s5.$high + x$185.$high, s5.$low + x$185.$low)); + s4 = (x$186 = $shiftLeft64(carry[4], 21), new $Int64(s4.$high - x$186.$high, s4.$low - x$186.$low)); + carry[5] = $shiftRightInt64(s5, 21); + s6 = (x$187 = carry[5], new $Int64(s6.$high + x$187.$high, s6.$low + x$187.$low)); + s5 = (x$188 = $shiftLeft64(carry[5], 21), new $Int64(s5.$high - x$188.$high, s5.$low - x$188.$low)); + carry[6] = $shiftRightInt64(s6, 21); + s7 = (x$189 = carry[6], new $Int64(s7.$high + x$189.$high, s7.$low + x$189.$low)); + s6 = (x$190 = $shiftLeft64(carry[6], 21), new $Int64(s6.$high - x$190.$high, s6.$low - x$190.$low)); + carry[7] = $shiftRightInt64(s7, 21); + s8 = (x$191 = carry[7], new $Int64(s8.$high + x$191.$high, s8.$low + x$191.$low)); + s7 = (x$192 = $shiftLeft64(carry[7], 21), new $Int64(s7.$high - x$192.$high, s7.$low - x$192.$low)); + carry[8] = $shiftRightInt64(s8, 21); + s9 = (x$193 = carry[8], new $Int64(s9.$high + x$193.$high, s9.$low + x$193.$low)); + s8 = (x$194 = $shiftLeft64(carry[8], 21), new $Int64(s8.$high - x$194.$high, s8.$low - x$194.$low)); + carry[9] = $shiftRightInt64(s9, 21); + s10 = (x$195 = carry[9], new $Int64(s10.$high + x$195.$high, s10.$low + x$195.$low)); + s9 = (x$196 = $shiftLeft64(carry[9], 21), new $Int64(s9.$high - x$196.$high, s9.$low - x$196.$low)); + carry[10] = $shiftRightInt64(s10, 21); + s11 = (x$197 = carry[10], new $Int64(s11.$high + x$197.$high, s11.$low + x$197.$low)); + s10 = (x$198 = $shiftLeft64(carry[10], 21), new $Int64(s10.$high - x$198.$high, s10.$low - x$198.$low)); + out.nilCheck, out[0] = (($shiftRightInt64(s0, 0).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[1] = (($shiftRightInt64(s0, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[2] = (((x$199 = $shiftRightInt64(s0, 16), x$200 = $shiftLeft64(s1, 5), new $Int64(x$199.$high | x$200.$high, (x$199.$low | x$200.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[3] = (($shiftRightInt64(s1, 3).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[4] = (($shiftRightInt64(s1, 11).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[5] = (((x$201 = $shiftRightInt64(s1, 19), x$202 = $shiftLeft64(s2, 2), new $Int64(x$201.$high | x$202.$high, (x$201.$low | x$202.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[6] = (($shiftRightInt64(s2, 6).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[7] = (((x$203 = $shiftRightInt64(s2, 14), x$204 = $shiftLeft64(s3, 7), new $Int64(x$203.$high | x$204.$high, (x$203.$low | x$204.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[8] = (($shiftRightInt64(s3, 1).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[9] = (($shiftRightInt64(s3, 9).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[10] = (((x$205 = $shiftRightInt64(s3, 17), x$206 = $shiftLeft64(s4, 4), new $Int64(x$205.$high | x$206.$high, (x$205.$low | x$206.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[11] = (($shiftRightInt64(s4, 4).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[12] = (($shiftRightInt64(s4, 12).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[13] = (((x$207 = $shiftRightInt64(s4, 20), x$208 = $shiftLeft64(s5, 1), new $Int64(x$207.$high | x$208.$high, (x$207.$low | x$208.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[14] = (($shiftRightInt64(s5, 7).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[15] = (((x$209 = $shiftRightInt64(s5, 15), x$210 = $shiftLeft64(s6, 6), new $Int64(x$209.$high | x$210.$high, (x$209.$low | x$210.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[16] = (($shiftRightInt64(s6, 2).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[17] = (($shiftRightInt64(s6, 10).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[18] = (((x$211 = $shiftRightInt64(s6, 18), x$212 = $shiftLeft64(s7, 3), new $Int64(x$211.$high | x$212.$high, (x$211.$low | x$212.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[19] = (($shiftRightInt64(s7, 5).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[20] = (($shiftRightInt64(s7, 13).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[21] = (($shiftRightInt64(s8, 0).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[22] = (($shiftRightInt64(s8, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[23] = (((x$213 = $shiftRightInt64(s8, 16), x$214 = $shiftLeft64(s9, 5), new $Int64(x$213.$high | x$214.$high, (x$213.$low | x$214.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[24] = (($shiftRightInt64(s9, 3).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[25] = (($shiftRightInt64(s9, 11).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[26] = (((x$215 = $shiftRightInt64(s9, 19), x$216 = $shiftLeft64(s10, 2), new $Int64(x$215.$high | x$216.$high, (x$215.$low | x$216.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[27] = (($shiftRightInt64(s10, 6).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[28] = (((x$217 = $shiftRightInt64(s10, 14), x$218 = $shiftLeft64(s11, 7), new $Int64(x$217.$high | x$218.$high, (x$217.$low | x$218.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[29] = (($shiftRightInt64(s11, 1).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[30] = (($shiftRightInt64(s11, 9).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + out.nilCheck, out[31] = (($shiftRightInt64(s11, 17).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.nonAdjacentForm = function(w) { + var _q, _r, bitBuf, carry, digits, i, indexBit, indexU64, naf, pos, s, w, width, window, windowMask, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + s = this; + if (s.s[31] > 127) { + $panic(new $String("scalar has high bit set illegally")); + } + if (w < 2) { + $panic(new $String("w must be at least 2 by the definition of NAF")); + } else if (w > 8) { + $panic(new $String("NAF digits must fit in int8")); + } + naf = arrayType$6.zero(); + digits = arrayType$11.zero(); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 4)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[i] = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new sliceType(s.s), ($imul(i, 8))))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + width = ($shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), w)); + windowMask = (new $Uint64(width.$high - 0, width.$low - 1)); + pos = 0; + carry = new $Uint64(0, 0); + while (true) { + if (!(pos < 256)) { break; } + indexU64 = (_q = pos / 64, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + indexBit = (_r = pos % 64, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + bitBuf = new $Uint64(0, 0); + if (indexBit < (64 - w >>> 0)) { + bitBuf = $shiftRightUint64(((indexU64 < 0 || indexU64 >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[indexU64]), indexBit); + } else { + bitBuf = (x = $shiftRightUint64(((indexU64 < 0 || indexU64 >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[indexU64]), indexBit), x$1 = $shiftLeft64((x$2 = 1 + indexU64 >>> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[x$2])), ((64 - indexBit >>> 0))), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + } + window = (x$3 = new $Uint64(bitBuf.$high & windowMask.$high, (bitBuf.$low & windowMask.$low) >>> 0), new $Uint64(carry.$high + x$3.$high, carry.$low + x$3.$low)); + if ((x$4 = new $Uint64(window.$high & 0, (window.$low & 1) >>> 0), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0))) { + pos = pos + (1) >>> 0; + continue; + } + if ((x$5 = $div64(width, new $Uint64(0, 2), false), (window.$high < x$5.$high || (window.$high === x$5.$high && window.$low < x$5.$low)))) { + carry = new $Uint64(0, 0); + ((pos < 0 || pos >= naf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : naf[pos] = ((window.$low << 24 >> 24))); + } else { + carry = new $Uint64(0, 1); + ((pos < 0 || pos >= naf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : naf[pos] = (((window.$low << 24 >> 24)) - ((width.$low << 24 >> 24)) << 24 >> 24)); + } + pos = pos + (w) >>> 0; + } + return naf; + }; + Scalar.prototype.nonAdjacentForm = function(w) { return this.$val.nonAdjacentForm(w); }; + Scalar.ptr.prototype.signedRadix16 = function() { + var _index, carry, digits, i, i$1, s, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + s = this; + if (s.s[31] > 127) { + $panic(new $String("scalar has high bit set illegally")); + } + digits = arrayType$4.zero(); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 32)) { break; } + (x$1 = $imul(2, i), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[x$1] = (((((x = s.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])) & 15) >>> 0) << 24 >> 24)))); + (x$3 = ($imul(2, i)) + 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[x$3] = (((((((x$2 = s.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])) >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24)) & 15) >>> 0) << 24 >> 24)))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 63)) { break; } + carry = ((((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[i$1]) + 8 << 24 >> 24)) >> 4 << 24 >> 24; + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[i$1] = (((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[i$1]) - ((carry << 4 << 24 >> 24)) << 24 >> 24)); + _index = i$1 + 1 >> 0; + ((_index < 0 || _index >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[_index] = (((_index < 0 || _index >= digits.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digits[_index]) + (carry) << 24 >> 24)); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + return digits; + }; + Scalar.prototype.signedRadix16 = function() { return this.$val.signedRadix16(); }; + checkInitialized = function(points) { + var _i, _ref, p, points; + _ref = points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + p = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if ($equal(p.x, (new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))), field.Element) && $equal(p.y, (new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))), field.Element)) { + $panic(new $String("edwards25519: use of uninitialized Point")); + } + _i++; + } + }; + projP2.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var v; + v = this; + v.X.Zero(); + v.Y.One(); + v.Z.One(); + return v; + }; + projP2.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + NewIdentityPoint = function() { + return new Point.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$3.zero()).Set(identity); + }; + $pkg.NewIdentityPoint = NewIdentityPoint; + NewGeneratorPoint = function() { + return new Point.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$3.zero()).Set(generator); + }; + $pkg.NewGeneratorPoint = NewGeneratorPoint; + projCached.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var v; + v = this; + v.YplusX.One(); + v.YminusX.One(); + v.Z.One(); + v.T2d.Zero(); + return v; + }; + projCached.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + affineCached.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var v; + v = this; + v.YplusX.One(); + v.YminusX.One(); + v.T2d.Zero(); + return v; + }; + affineCached.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.Set = function(u) { + var u, v; + v = this; + Point.copy(v, u); + return v; + }; + Point.prototype.Set = function(u) { return this.$val.Set(u); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var buf, v; + v = this; + buf = arrayType$7.zero(); + return v.bytes(buf); + }; + Point.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.bytes = function(buf) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, buf, out, v, x, y, zInv; + v = this; + checkInitialized(new sliceType$1([v])); + _tmp = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + zInv = $clone(_tmp, field.Element); + x = $clone(_tmp$1, field.Element); + y = $clone(_tmp$2, field.Element); + zInv.Invert(v.z); + x.Multiply(v.x, zInv); + y.Multiply(v.y, zInv); + out = copyFieldElement(buf, y); + (31 >= out.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + 31] = (((31 >= out.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + 31]) | ((((x.IsNegative() << 7 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)))) >>> 0)); + return out; + }; + Point.prototype.bytes = function(buf) { return this.$val.bytes(buf); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { + var _tuple$2, u, v, vv, wasSquare, x, xx, xxNeg, y, y2; + v = this; + if (!((x.$length === 32))) { + return [ptrType.nil, errors.New("edwards25519: invalid point encoding length")]; + } + y = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).SetBytes(x); + y2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).Square(y); + u = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).Subtract(y2, feOne); + vv = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).Multiply(y2, d); + vv = vv.Add(vv, feOne); + _tuple$2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).SqrtRatio(u, vv); + xx = _tuple$2[0]; + wasSquare = _tuple$2[1]; + if (wasSquare === 0) { + return [ptrType.nil, errors.New("edwards25519: invalid point encoding")]; + } + xxNeg = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).Negate(xx); + xx = xx.Select(xxNeg, xx, ((((31 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 31]) >>> 7 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0))); + v.x.Set(xx); + v.y.Set(y); + v.z.One(); + v.t.Multiply(xx, y); + return [v, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Point.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { return this.$val.SetBytes(x); }; + copyFieldElement = function(buf, v) { + var buf, v; + $copySlice(new sliceType(buf), v.Bytes()); + return new sliceType(buf); + }; + projP2.ptr.prototype.FromP1xP1 = function(p) { + var p, v; + v = this; + v.X.Multiply(p.X, p.T); + v.Y.Multiply(p.Y, p.Z); + v.Z.Multiply(p.Z, p.T); + return v; + }; + projP2.prototype.FromP1xP1 = function(p) { return this.$val.FromP1xP1(p); }; + projP2.ptr.prototype.FromP3 = function(p) { + var p, v; + v = this; + v.X.Set(p.x); + v.Y.Set(p.y); + v.Z.Set(p.z); + return v; + }; + projP2.prototype.FromP3 = function(p) { return this.$val.FromP3(p); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.fromP1xP1 = function(p) { + var p, v; + v = this; + v.x.Multiply(p.X, p.T); + v.y.Multiply(p.Y, p.Z); + v.z.Multiply(p.Z, p.T); + v.t.Multiply(p.X, p.Y); + return v; + }; + Point.prototype.fromP1xP1 = function(p) { return this.$val.fromP1xP1(p); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.fromP2 = function(p) { + var p, v; + v = this; + v.x.Multiply(p.X, p.Z); + v.y.Multiply(p.Y, p.Z); + v.z.Square(p.Z); + v.t.Multiply(p.X, p.Y); + return v; + }; + Point.prototype.fromP2 = function(p) { return this.$val.fromP2(p); }; + projCached.ptr.prototype.FromP3 = function(p) { + var p, v; + v = this; + v.YplusX.Add(p.y, p.x); + v.YminusX.Subtract(p.y, p.x); + v.Z.Set(p.z); + v.T2d.Multiply(p.t, d2); + return v; + }; + projCached.prototype.FromP3 = function(p) { return this.$val.FromP3(p); }; + affineCached.ptr.prototype.FromP3 = function(p) { + var invZ, p, v; + v = this; + v.YplusX.Add(p.y, p.x); + v.YminusX.Subtract(p.y, p.x); + v.T2d.Multiply(p.t, d2); + invZ = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + invZ.Invert(p.z); + v.YplusX.Multiply(v.YplusX, invZ); + v.YminusX.Multiply(v.YminusX, invZ); + v.T2d.Multiply(v.T2d, invZ); + return v; + }; + affineCached.prototype.FromP3 = function(p) { return this.$val.FromP3(p); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.Add = function(p, q) { + var p, q, qCached, result, v; + v = this; + checkInitialized(new sliceType$1([p, q])); + qCached = new projCached.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))).FromP3(q); + result = new projP1xP1.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))).Add(p, qCached); + return v.fromP1xP1(result); + }; + Point.prototype.Add = function(p, q) { return this.$val.Add(p, q); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.Subtract = function(p, q) { + var p, q, qCached, result, v; + v = this; + checkInitialized(new sliceType$1([p, q])); + qCached = new projCached.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))).FromP3(q); + result = new projP1xP1.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0))).Sub(p, qCached); + return v.fromP1xP1(result); + }; + Point.prototype.Subtract = function(p, q) { return this.$val.Subtract(p, q); }; + projP1xP1.ptr.prototype.Add = function(p, q) { + var MM, PP, TT2d, YminusX, YplusX, ZZ2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, p, q, v; + v = this; + _tmp = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$3 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$4 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$5 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + YplusX = $clone(_tmp, field.Element); + YminusX = $clone(_tmp$1, field.Element); + PP = $clone(_tmp$2, field.Element); + MM = $clone(_tmp$3, field.Element); + TT2d = $clone(_tmp$4, field.Element); + ZZ2 = $clone(_tmp$5, field.Element); + YplusX.Add(p.y, p.x); + YminusX.Subtract(p.y, p.x); + PP.Multiply(YplusX, q.YplusX); + MM.Multiply(YminusX, q.YminusX); + TT2d.Multiply(p.t, q.T2d); + ZZ2.Multiply(p.z, q.Z); + ZZ2.Add(ZZ2, ZZ2); + v.X.Subtract(PP, MM); + v.Y.Add(PP, MM); + v.Z.Add(ZZ2, TT2d); + v.T.Subtract(ZZ2, TT2d); + return v; + }; + projP1xP1.prototype.Add = function(p, q) { return this.$val.Add(p, q); }; + projP1xP1.ptr.prototype.Sub = function(p, q) { + var MM, PP, TT2d, YminusX, YplusX, ZZ2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, p, q, v; + v = this; + _tmp = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$3 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$4 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$5 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + YplusX = $clone(_tmp, field.Element); + YminusX = $clone(_tmp$1, field.Element); + PP = $clone(_tmp$2, field.Element); + MM = $clone(_tmp$3, field.Element); + TT2d = $clone(_tmp$4, field.Element); + ZZ2 = $clone(_tmp$5, field.Element); + YplusX.Add(p.y, p.x); + YminusX.Subtract(p.y, p.x); + PP.Multiply(YplusX, q.YminusX); + MM.Multiply(YminusX, q.YplusX); + TT2d.Multiply(p.t, q.T2d); + ZZ2.Multiply(p.z, q.Z); + ZZ2.Add(ZZ2, ZZ2); + v.X.Subtract(PP, MM); + v.Y.Add(PP, MM); + v.Z.Subtract(ZZ2, TT2d); + v.T.Add(ZZ2, TT2d); + return v; + }; + projP1xP1.prototype.Sub = function(p, q) { return this.$val.Sub(p, q); }; + projP1xP1.ptr.prototype.AddAffine = function(p, q) { + var MM, PP, TT2d, YminusX, YplusX, Z2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, p, q, v; + v = this; + _tmp = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$3 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$4 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$5 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + YplusX = $clone(_tmp, field.Element); + YminusX = $clone(_tmp$1, field.Element); + PP = $clone(_tmp$2, field.Element); + MM = $clone(_tmp$3, field.Element); + TT2d = $clone(_tmp$4, field.Element); + Z2 = $clone(_tmp$5, field.Element); + YplusX.Add(p.y, p.x); + YminusX.Subtract(p.y, p.x); + PP.Multiply(YplusX, q.YplusX); + MM.Multiply(YminusX, q.YminusX); + TT2d.Multiply(p.t, q.T2d); + Z2.Add(p.z, p.z); + v.X.Subtract(PP, MM); + v.Y.Add(PP, MM); + v.Z.Add(Z2, TT2d); + v.T.Subtract(Z2, TT2d); + return v; + }; + projP1xP1.prototype.AddAffine = function(p, q) { return this.$val.AddAffine(p, q); }; + projP1xP1.ptr.prototype.SubAffine = function(p, q) { + var MM, PP, TT2d, YminusX, YplusX, Z2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, p, q, v; + v = this; + _tmp = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$3 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$4 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$5 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + YplusX = $clone(_tmp, field.Element); + YminusX = $clone(_tmp$1, field.Element); + PP = $clone(_tmp$2, field.Element); + MM = $clone(_tmp$3, field.Element); + TT2d = $clone(_tmp$4, field.Element); + Z2 = $clone(_tmp$5, field.Element); + YplusX.Add(p.y, p.x); + YminusX.Subtract(p.y, p.x); + PP.Multiply(YplusX, q.YminusX); + MM.Multiply(YminusX, q.YplusX); + TT2d.Multiply(p.t, q.T2d); + Z2.Add(p.z, p.z); + v.X.Subtract(PP, MM); + v.Y.Add(PP, MM); + v.Z.Subtract(Z2, TT2d); + v.T.Add(Z2, TT2d); + return v; + }; + projP1xP1.prototype.SubAffine = function(p, q) { return this.$val.SubAffine(p, q); }; + projP1xP1.ptr.prototype.Double = function(p) { + var XX, XplusYsq, YY, ZZ2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, p, v; + v = this; + _tmp = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$3 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + XX = $clone(_tmp, field.Element); + YY = $clone(_tmp$1, field.Element); + ZZ2 = $clone(_tmp$2, field.Element); + XplusYsq = $clone(_tmp$3, field.Element); + XX.Square(p.X); + YY.Square(p.Y); + ZZ2.Square(p.Z); + ZZ2.Add(ZZ2, ZZ2); + XplusYsq.Add(p.X, p.Y); + XplusYsq.Square(XplusYsq); + v.Y.Add(YY, XX); + v.Z.Subtract(YY, XX); + v.X.Subtract(XplusYsq, v.Y); + v.T.Subtract(ZZ2, v.Z); + return v; + }; + projP1xP1.prototype.Double = function(p) { return this.$val.Double(p); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.Negate = function(p) { + var p, v; + v = this; + checkInitialized(new sliceType$1([p])); + v.x.Negate(p.x); + v.y.Set(p.y); + v.z.Set(p.z); + v.t.Negate(p.t); + return v; + }; + Point.prototype.Negate = function(p) { return this.$val.Negate(p); }; + Point.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(u) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, t1, t2, t3, t4, u, v; + v = this; + checkInitialized(new sliceType$1([v, u])); + _tmp = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$3 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + t1 = $clone(_tmp, field.Element); + t2 = $clone(_tmp$1, field.Element); + t3 = $clone(_tmp$2, field.Element); + t4 = $clone(_tmp$3, field.Element); + t1.Multiply(v.x, u.z); + t2.Multiply(u.x, v.z); + t3.Multiply(v.y, u.z); + t4.Multiply(u.y, v.z); + return t1.Equal(t2) & t3.Equal(t4); + }; + Point.prototype.Equal = function(u) { return this.$val.Equal(u); }; + projCached.ptr.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { + var a, b, cond, v; + v = this; + v.YplusX.Select(a.YplusX, b.YplusX, cond); + v.YminusX.Select(a.YminusX, b.YminusX, cond); + v.Z.Select(a.Z, b.Z, cond); + v.T2d.Select(a.T2d, b.T2d, cond); + return v; + }; + projCached.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { return this.$val.Select(a, b, cond); }; + affineCached.ptr.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { + var a, b, cond, v; + v = this; + v.YplusX.Select(a.YplusX, b.YplusX, cond); + v.YminusX.Select(a.YminusX, b.YminusX, cond); + v.T2d.Select(a.T2d, b.T2d, cond); + return v; + }; + affineCached.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { return this.$val.Select(a, b, cond); }; + projCached.ptr.prototype.CondNeg = function(cond) { + var cond, v; + v = this; + v.YplusX.Swap(v.YminusX, cond); + v.T2d.Select(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).Negate(v.T2d), v.T2d, cond); + return v; + }; + projCached.prototype.CondNeg = function(cond) { return this.$val.CondNeg(cond); }; + affineCached.ptr.prototype.CondNeg = function(cond) { + var cond, v; + v = this; + v.YplusX.Swap(v.YminusX, cond); + v.T2d.Select(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).Negate(v.T2d), v.T2d, cond); + return v; + }; + affineCached.prototype.CondNeg = function(cond) { return this.$val.CondNeg(cond); }; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "FromP3", name: "FromP3", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}, {prop: "SelectInto", name: "SelectInto", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, $Int8], [], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "FromP3", name: "FromP3", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}, {prop: "SelectInto", name: "SelectInto", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, $Int8], [], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "FromP3", name: "FromP3", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}, {prop: "SelectInto", name: "SelectInto", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, $Int8], [], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "FromP3", name: "FromP3", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}, {prop: "SelectInto", name: "SelectInto", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, $Int8], [], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "MultiplyAdd", name: "MultiplyAdd", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Subtract", name: "Subtract", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Negate", name: "Negate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Multiply", name: "Multiply", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "SetUniformBytes", name: "SetUniformBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "SetCanonicalBytes", name: "SetCanonicalBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "SetBytesWithClamping", name: "SetBytesWithClamping", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "nonAdjacentForm", name: "nonAdjacentForm", pkg: "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", typ: $funcType([$Uint], [arrayType$6], false)}, {prop: "signedRadix16", name: "signedRadix16", pkg: "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$4], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType$2], [ptrType$8], false)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType$2], [ptrType$8], false)}, {prop: "AddAffine", name: "AddAffine", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType$4], [ptrType$8], false)}, {prop: "SubAffine", name: "SubAffine", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType$4], [ptrType$8], false)}, {prop: "Double", name: "Double", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9], [ptrType$8], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$9], false)}, {prop: "FromP1xP1", name: "FromP1xP1", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$8], [ptrType$9], false)}, {prop: "FromP3", name: "FromP3", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType$9], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "ScalarBaseMult", name: "ScalarBaseMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "ScalarMult", name: "ScalarMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult", name: "VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1, ptrType, ptrType$1], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", pkg: "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType, $error], false)}, {prop: "fromP1xP1", name: "fromP1xP1", pkg: "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", typ: $funcType([ptrType$8], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "fromP2", name: "fromP2", pkg: "crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Subtract", name: "Subtract", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Negate", name: "Negate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [$Int], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "FromP3", name: "FromP3", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Select", name: "Select", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, ptrType$2, $Int], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "CondNeg", name: "CondNeg", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [ptrType$2], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$4], false)}, {prop: "FromP3", name: "FromP3", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType$4], false)}, {prop: "Select", name: "Select", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$4, $Int], [ptrType$4], false)}, {prop: "CondNeg", name: "CondNeg", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [ptrType$4], false)}]; + projLookupTable.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", [{prop: "points", name: "points", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$5, tag: ""}]); + affineLookupTable.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", [{prop: "points", name: "points", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}]); + nafLookupTable5.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", [{prop: "points", name: "points", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$5, tag: ""}]); + nafLookupTable8.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", [{prop: "points", name: "points", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}]); + Scalar.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$7, tag: ""}]); + projP1xP1.init("", [{prop: "X", name: "X", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "Y", name: "Y", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "Z", name: "Z", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "T", name: "T", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}]); + projP2.init("", [{prop: "X", name: "X", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "Y", name: "Y", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "Z", name: "Z", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}]); + Point.init("crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519", [{prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "y", name: "y", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "z", name: "z", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "t", name: "t", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "_$4", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: incomparable, tag: ""}]); + incomparable.init(funcType, 0); + projCached.init("", [{prop: "YplusX", name: "YplusX", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "YminusX", name: "YminusX", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "Z", name: "Z", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "T2d", name: "T2d", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}]); + affineCached.init("", [{prop: "YplusX", name: "YplusX", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "YminusX", name: "YminusX", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}, {prop: "T2d", name: "T2d", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: field.Element, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = field.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + basepointTablePrecomp = new structType.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0))); + basepointNafTablePrecomp = new structType$1.ptr(new nafLookupTable8.ptr(arrayType$2.zero()), new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0))); + scZero = new Scalar.ptr($toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])); + scOne = new Scalar.ptr($toNativeArray($kindUint8, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])); + scMinusOne = new Scalar.ptr($toNativeArray($kindUint8, [236, 211, 245, 92, 26, 99, 18, 88, 214, 156, 247, 162, 222, 249, 222, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16])); + feOne = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).One(); + d = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).SetBytes(new sliceType([163, 120, 89, 19, 202, 77, 235, 117, 171, 216, 65, 65, 77, 10, 112, 0, 152, 232, 121, 119, 121, 64, 199, 140, 115, 254, 111, 43, 238, 108, 3, 82])); + _tuple = new Point.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$3.zero()).SetBytes(new sliceType([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])); + identity = _tuple[0]; + _tuple$1 = new Point.ptr(new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$3.zero()).SetBytes(new sliceType([88, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102])); + generator = _tuple$1[0]; + d2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).Add(d, d); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/ed25519"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, crypto, edwards25519, rand, sha512, errors, io, strconv, PublicKey, PrivateKey, sliceType, arrayType, funcType, arrayType$1, NewKeyFromSeed, newKeyFromSeed, Sign, sign, Verify; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + crypto = $packages["crypto"]; + edwards25519 = $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519"]; + rand = $packages["crypto/rand"]; + sha512 = $packages["crypto/sha512"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + PublicKey = $pkg.PublicKey = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "ed25519.PublicKey", true, "crypto/ed25519", true, null); + PrivateKey = $pkg.PrivateKey = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "ed25519.PrivateKey", true, "crypto/ed25519", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + PublicKey.prototype.Equal = function(x) { + var _tuple, ok, pub, x, xx; + pub = this; + _tuple = $assertType(x, PublicKey, true); + xx = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return false; + } + return bytes.Equal($convertSliceType(pub, sliceType), $convertSliceType(xx, sliceType)); + }; + $ptrType(PublicKey).prototype.Equal = function(x) { return this.$get().Equal(x); }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Public = function() { + var priv, publicKey; + priv = this; + publicKey = $makeSlice(sliceType, 32); + $copySlice(publicKey, $subslice(priv, 32)); + return ($convertSliceType(publicKey, PublicKey)); + }; + $ptrType(PrivateKey).prototype.Public = function() { return this.$get().Public(); }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Equal = function(x) { + var _tuple, ok, priv, x, xx; + priv = this; + _tuple = $assertType(x, PrivateKey, true); + xx = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return false; + } + return bytes.Equal($convertSliceType(priv, sliceType), $convertSliceType(xx, sliceType)); + }; + $ptrType(PrivateKey).prototype.Equal = function(x) { return this.$get().Equal(x); }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Seed = function() { + var priv, seed; + priv = this; + seed = $makeSlice(sliceType, 32); + $copySlice(seed, $subslice(priv, 0, 32)); + return seed; + }; + $ptrType(PrivateKey).prototype.Seed = function() { return this.$get().Seed(); }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Sign = function(rand$1, message, opts) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, err, message, opts, priv, rand$1, signature, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, message, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + signature = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + priv = this; + _r = opts.HashFunc(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((_r === 0))) { */ case 1: + _tmp = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$1 = errors.New("ed25519: cannot sign hashed message"); + signature = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [signature, err]; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = Sign(priv, message); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r$1; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + signature = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r = [signature, err]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PrivateKey.prototype.Sign, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, err, message, opts, priv, rand$1, signature, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(PrivateKey).prototype.Sign = function(rand$1, message, opts) { return this.$get().Sign(rand$1, message, opts); }; + NewKeyFromSeed = function(seed) { + var {privateKey, seed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {seed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + privateKey = $makeSlice(sliceType, 64); + $r = newKeyFromSeed(privateKey, seed); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $convertSliceType(privateKey, PrivateKey); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewKeyFromSeed, $c: true, $r, privateKey, seed, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewKeyFromSeed = NewKeyFromSeed; + newKeyFromSeed = function(privateKey, seed) { + var {A, _r, h, l, privateKey, publicKey, s, seed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {privateKey, seed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = seed.$length; + if (!((l === 32))) { + $panic(new $String("ed25519: bad seed length: " + strconv.Itoa(l))); + } + h = $clone(sha512.Sum512(seed), arrayType); + s = edwards25519.NewScalar().SetBytesWithClamping($subslice(new sliceType(h), 0, 32)); + _r = (new edwards25519.Point.ptr(new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$1.zero())).ScalarBaseMult(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + A = _r; + publicKey = A.Bytes(); + $copySlice(privateKey, seed); + $copySlice($subslice(privateKey, 32), publicKey); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newKeyFromSeed, $c: true, $r, A, _r, h, l, privateKey, publicKey, s, seed, $s};return $f; + }; + Sign = function(privateKey, message) { + var {message, privateKey, signature, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {privateKey, message}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + signature = $makeSlice(sliceType, 64); + $r = sign(signature, $convertSliceType(privateKey, sliceType), message); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return signature; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Sign, $c: true, $r, message, privateKey, signature, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Sign = Sign; + sign = function(signature, privateKey, message) { + var {R, S, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, h, hramDigest, k, kh, l, message, messageDigest, mh, prefix, privateKey, publicKey, r, s, seed, signature, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {signature, privateKey, message}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = privateKey.$length; + if (!((l === 64))) { + $panic(new $String("ed25519: bad private key length: " + strconv.Itoa(l))); + } + _tmp = $subslice(privateKey, 0, 32); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(privateKey, 32); + seed = _tmp; + publicKey = _tmp$1; + h = $clone(sha512.Sum512(seed), arrayType); + s = edwards25519.NewScalar().SetBytesWithClamping($subslice(new sliceType(h), 0, 32)); + prefix = $subslice(new sliceType(h), 32); + mh = sha512.New(); + _r = mh.Write(prefix); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _r$1 = mh.Write(message); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + messageDigest = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 64); + _r$2 = mh.Sum(messageDigest); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + messageDigest = _r$2; + r = edwards25519.NewScalar().SetUniformBytes(messageDigest); + _r$3 = (new edwards25519.Point.ptr(new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$1.zero())).ScalarBaseMult(r); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + R = _r$3; + kh = sha512.New(); + _r$4 = kh.Write(R.Bytes()); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = kh.Write(publicKey); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = kh.Write(message); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + hramDigest = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 64); + _r$7 = kh.Sum(hramDigest); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hramDigest = _r$7; + k = edwards25519.NewScalar().SetUniformBytes(hramDigest); + S = edwards25519.NewScalar().MultiplyAdd(k, s, r); + $copySlice($subslice(signature, 0, 32), R.Bytes()); + $copySlice($subslice(signature, 32), S.Bytes()); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sign, $c: true, $r, R, S, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, h, hramDigest, k, kh, l, message, messageDigest, mh, prefix, privateKey, publicKey, r, s, seed, signature, $s};return $f; + }; + Verify = function(publicKey, message, sig) { + var {A, R, S, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, hramDigest, k, kh, l, message, minusA, publicKey, sig, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {publicKey, message, sig}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = publicKey.$length; + if (!((l === 32))) { + $panic(new $String("ed25519: bad public key length: " + strconv.Itoa(l))); + } + if (!((sig.$length === 64)) || !(((((63 >= sig.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sig.$array[sig.$offset + 63]) & 224) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _tuple = (new edwards25519.Point.ptr(new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$1.zero())).SetBytes($convertSliceType(publicKey, sliceType)); + A = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + kh = sha512.New(); + _r = kh.Write($subslice(sig, 0, 32)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _r$1 = kh.Write($convertSliceType(publicKey, sliceType)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = kh.Write(message); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + hramDigest = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 64); + _r$3 = kh.Sum(hramDigest); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hramDigest = _r$3; + k = edwards25519.NewScalar().SetUniformBytes(hramDigest); + _tuple$1 = edwards25519.NewScalar().SetCanonicalBytes($subslice(sig, 32)); + S = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + minusA = (new edwards25519.Point.ptr(new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$1.zero())).Negate(A); + _r$4 = (new edwards25519.Point.ptr(new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), new $packages["crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field"].Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), arrayType$1.zero())).VarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult(k, minusA, S); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + R = _r$4; + $s = -1; return bytes.Equal($subslice(sig, 0, 32), R.Bytes()); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Verify, $c: true, $r, A, R, S, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, hramDigest, k, kh, l, message, minusA, publicKey, sig, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Verify = Verify; + PublicKey.methods = [{prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([crypto.PublicKey], [$Bool], false)}]; + PrivateKey.methods = [{prop: "Public", name: "Public", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [crypto.PublicKey], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([crypto.PrivateKey], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Seed", name: "Seed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Sign", name: "Sign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader, sliceType, crypto.SignerOpts], [sliceType, $error], false)}]; + PublicKey.init($Uint8); + PrivateKey.init($Uint8); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = crypto.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = edwards25519.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rand.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sha512.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/hmac"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, subtle, hash, marshalable, hmac, sliceType, ptrType, New, Equal; + subtle = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + marshalable = $pkg.marshalable = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "hmac.marshalable", true, "crypto/hmac", false, null); + hmac = $pkg.hmac = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "hmac.hmac", true, "crypto/hmac", false, function(opad_, ipad_, outer_, inner_, marshaled_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.opad = sliceType.nil; + this.ipad = sliceType.nil; + this.outer = $ifaceNil; + this.inner = $ifaceNil; + this.marshaled = false; + return; + } + this.opad = opad_; + this.ipad = ipad_; + this.outer = outer_; + this.inner = inner_; + this.marshaled = marshaled_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(hmac); + hmac.ptr.prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, err, h, in$1, origLen, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + origLen = in$1.$length; + _r = h.inner.Sum(in$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + in$1 = _r; + /* */ if (h.marshaled) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (h.marshaled) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = $assertType(h.outer, marshalable).UnmarshalBinary(h.opad); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + $r = h.outer.Reset(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = h.outer.Write(h.opad); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$3 = h.outer.Write($subslice(in$1, origLen)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = h.outer.Sum($subslice(in$1, 0, origLen)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: hmac.ptr.prototype.Sum, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, err, h, in$1, origLen, $s};return $f; + }; + hmac.prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { return this.$val.Sum(in$1); }; + hmac.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, err, h, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + h = this; + _r = h.inner.Write(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: hmac.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, err, h, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + hmac.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + hmac.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var {$24r, _r, h, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + _r = h.outer.Size(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: hmac.ptr.prototype.Size, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, h, $s};return $f; + }; + hmac.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + hmac.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var {$24r, _r, h, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + _r = h.inner.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: hmac.ptr.prototype.BlockSize, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, h, $s};return $f; + }; + hmac.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + hmac.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, err$1, h, imarshal, innerOK, marshalableInner, marshalableOuter, omarshal, outerOK, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + /* */ if (h.marshaled) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (h.marshaled) { */ case 1: + _r = $assertType(h.inner, marshalable).UnmarshalBinary(h.ipad); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + $r = h.inner.Reset(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = h.inner.Write(h.ipad); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _tuple = $assertType(h.inner, marshalable, true); + marshalableInner = _tuple[0]; + innerOK = _tuple[1]; + if (!innerOK) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(h.outer, marshalable, true); + marshalableOuter = _tuple$1[0]; + outerOK = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!outerOK) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$2 = marshalableInner.MarshalBinary(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + imarshal = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = h.outer.Reset(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = h.outer.Write(h.opad); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = marshalableOuter.MarshalBinary(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + omarshal = _tuple$3[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + h.ipad = imarshal; + h.opad = omarshal; + h.marshaled = true; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: hmac.ptr.prototype.Reset, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, err$1, h, imarshal, innerOK, marshalableInner, marshalableOuter, omarshal, outerOK, $s};return $f; + }; + hmac.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + New = function(h, key) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, blocksize, h, hm, i, i$1, key, unique, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {h, key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hm = [hm]; + unique = [unique]; + hm[0] = new hmac.ptr(sliceType.nil, sliceType.nil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, false); + _r = h(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hm[0].outer = _r; + _r$1 = h(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hm[0].inner = _r$1; + unique[0] = true; + $r = (function(hm, unique) { return function() { + var $deferred; + /* */ var $err = null; try { $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $deferred.push([(function(hm, unique) { return function() { + $unused($recover()); + }; })(hm, unique), []]); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(hm[0].outer, hm[0].inner)) { + unique[0] = false; + } + /* */ } catch(err) { $err = err; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); } + }; })(hm, unique)(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!unique[0]) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/hmac: hash generation function does not produce unique values")); + } + _r$2 = hm[0].inner.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + blocksize = _r$2; + hm[0].ipad = $makeSlice(sliceType, blocksize); + hm[0].opad = $makeSlice(sliceType, blocksize); + /* */ if (key.$length > blocksize) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (key.$length > blocksize) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = hm[0].outer.Write(key); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = hm[0].outer.Sum(sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r$4; + /* } */ case 6: + $copySlice(hm[0].ipad, key); + $copySlice(hm[0].opad, key); + _ref = hm[0].ipad; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + (x$1 = hm[0].ipad, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i] = (((x = hm[0].ipad, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])) ^ (54)) << 24 >>> 24))); + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = hm[0].opad; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + (x$3 = hm[0].opad, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i$1] = (((x$2 = hm[0].opad, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1])) ^ (92)) << 24 >>> 24))); + _i$1++; + } + _r$5 = hm[0].inner.Write(hm[0].ipad); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return hm[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: New, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, blocksize, h, hm, i, i$1, key, unique, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.New = New; + Equal = function(mac1, mac2) { + var mac1, mac2; + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(mac1, mac2) === 1; + }; + $pkg.Equal = Equal; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + marshalable.init([{prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}]); + hmac.init("crypto/hmac", [{prop: "opad", name: "opad", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "ipad", name: "ipad", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "outer", name: "outer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "inner", name: "inner", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "marshaled", name: "marshaled", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/md5"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, crypto, binary, errors, hash, bits, digest, sliceType, arrayType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, ptrType, block, blockGeneric, init, appendUint64, appendUint32, consumeUint64, consumeUint32, New; + crypto = $packages["crypto"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + digest = $pkg.digest = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "md5.digest", true, "crypto/md5", false, function(s_, x_, nx_, len_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = arrayType$2.zero(); + this.x = arrayType$3.zero(); + this.nx = 0; + this.len = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.s = s_; + this.x = x_; + this.nx = nx_; + this.len = len_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint32, 4); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 16); + ptrType = $ptrType(digest); + block = function(dig, p) { + var dig, p; + blockGeneric(dig, p); + }; + blockGeneric = function(dig, p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, a, aa, b, bb, c, cc, d, dd, dig, i, p, q, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, xa, xb, xc, xd, xe, xf; + _tmp = dig.s[0]; + _tmp$1 = dig.s[1]; + _tmp$2 = dig.s[2]; + _tmp$3 = dig.s[3]; + a = _tmp; + b = _tmp$1; + c = _tmp$2; + d = _tmp$3; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i <= (p.$length - 64 >> 0))) { break; } + q = $subslice(p, i); + q = $subslice(q, 0, 64, 64); + _tmp$4 = a; + _tmp$5 = b; + _tmp$6 = c; + _tmp$7 = d; + aa = _tmp$4; + bb = _tmp$5; + cc = _tmp$6; + dd = _tmp$7; + x0 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 0)); + x1 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 4)); + x2 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 8)); + x3 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 12)); + x4 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 16)); + x5 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 20)); + x6 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 24)); + x7 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 28)); + x8 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 32)); + x9 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 36)); + xa = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 40)); + xb = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 44)); + xc = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 48)); + xd = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 52)); + xe = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 56)); + xf = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(q, 60)); + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0)) & b) >>> 0)) ^ d) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x0 >>> 0) + 3614090360 >>> 0, 7) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0)) & a) >>> 0)) ^ c) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + x1 >>> 0) + 3905402710 >>> 0, 12) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) ^ b) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + x2 >>> 0) + 606105819 >>> 0, 17) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0)) & c) >>> 0)) ^ a) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + x3 >>> 0) + 3250441966 >>> 0, 22) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0)) & b) >>> 0)) ^ d) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x4 >>> 0) + 4118548399 >>> 0, 7) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0)) & a) >>> 0)) ^ c) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + x5 >>> 0) + 1200080426 >>> 0, 12) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) ^ b) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + x6 >>> 0) + 2821735955 >>> 0, 17) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0)) & c) >>> 0)) ^ a) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + x7 >>> 0) + 4249261313 >>> 0, 22) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0)) & b) >>> 0)) ^ d) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x8 >>> 0) + 1770035416 >>> 0, 7) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0)) & a) >>> 0)) ^ c) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + x9 >>> 0) + 2336552879 >>> 0, 12) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) ^ b) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + xa >>> 0) + 4294925233 >>> 0, 17) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0)) & c) >>> 0)) ^ a) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + xb >>> 0) + 2304563134 >>> 0, 22) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0)) & b) >>> 0)) ^ d) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + xc >>> 0) + 1804603682 >>> 0, 7) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0)) & a) >>> 0)) ^ c) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + xd >>> 0) + 4254626195 >>> 0, 12) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) ^ b) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + xe >>> 0) + 2792965006 >>> 0, 17) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0)) & c) >>> 0)) ^ a) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + xf >>> 0) + 1236535329 >>> 0, 22) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) ^ c) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x1 >>> 0) + 4129170786 >>> 0, 5) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0)) & c) >>> 0)) ^ b) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + x6 >>> 0) + 3225465664 >>> 0, 9) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0)) & b) >>> 0)) ^ a) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + xb >>> 0) + 643717713 >>> 0, 14) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0)) & a) >>> 0)) ^ d) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + x0 >>> 0) + 3921069994 >>> 0, 20) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) ^ c) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x5 >>> 0) + 3593408605 >>> 0, 5) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0)) & c) >>> 0)) ^ b) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + xa >>> 0) + 38016083 >>> 0, 9) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0)) & b) >>> 0)) ^ a) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + xf >>> 0) + 3634488961 >>> 0, 14) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0)) & a) >>> 0)) ^ d) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + x4 >>> 0) + 3889429448 >>> 0, 20) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) ^ c) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x9 >>> 0) + 568446438 >>> 0, 5) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0)) & c) >>> 0)) ^ b) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + xe >>> 0) + 3275163606 >>> 0, 9) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0)) & b) >>> 0)) ^ a) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + x3 >>> 0) + 4107603335 >>> 0, 14) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0)) & a) >>> 0)) ^ d) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + x8 >>> 0) + 1163531501 >>> 0, 20) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) ^ c) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + xd >>> 0) + 2850285829 >>> 0, 5) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0)) & c) >>> 0)) ^ b) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + x2 >>> 0) + 4243563512 >>> 0, 9) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0)) & b) >>> 0)) ^ a) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + x7 >>> 0) + 1735328473 >>> 0, 14) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0)) & a) >>> 0)) ^ d) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + xc >>> 0) + 2368359562 >>> 0, 20) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0) ^ d) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x5 >>> 0) + 4294588738 >>> 0, 4) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0) ^ c) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + x8 >>> 0) + 2272392833 >>> 0, 11) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0) ^ b) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + xb >>> 0) + 1839030562 >>> 0, 16) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0) ^ a) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + xe >>> 0) + 4259657740 >>> 0, 23) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0) ^ d) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x1 >>> 0) + 2763975236 >>> 0, 4) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0) ^ c) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + x4 >>> 0) + 1272893353 >>> 0, 11) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0) ^ b) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + x7 >>> 0) + 4139469664 >>> 0, 16) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0) ^ a) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + xa >>> 0) + 3200236656 >>> 0, 23) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0) ^ d) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + xd >>> 0) + 681279174 >>> 0, 4) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0) ^ c) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + x0 >>> 0) + 3936430074 >>> 0, 11) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0) ^ b) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + x3 >>> 0) + 3572445317 >>> 0, 16) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0) ^ a) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + x6 >>> 0) + 76029189 >>> 0, 23) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((b ^ c) >>> 0) ^ d) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x9 >>> 0) + 3654602809 >>> 0, 4) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((a ^ b) >>> 0) ^ c) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + xc >>> 0) + 3873151461 >>> 0, 11) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((d ^ a) >>> 0) ^ b) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + xf >>> 0) + 530742520 >>> 0, 16) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((((c ^ d) >>> 0) ^ a) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + x2 >>> 0) + 3299628645 >>> 0, 23) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((c ^ (((b | (~d >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x0 >>> 0) + 4096336452 >>> 0, 6) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((b ^ (((a | (~c >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + x7 >>> 0) + 1126891415 >>> 0, 10) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((a ^ (((d | (~b >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + xe >>> 0) + 2878612391 >>> 0, 15) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((d ^ (((c | (~a >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + x5 >>> 0) + 4237533241 >>> 0, 21) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((c ^ (((b | (~d >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + xc >>> 0) + 1700485571 >>> 0, 6) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((b ^ (((a | (~c >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + x3 >>> 0) + 2399980690 >>> 0, 10) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((a ^ (((d | (~b >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + xa >>> 0) + 4293915773 >>> 0, 15) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((d ^ (((c | (~a >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + x1 >>> 0) + 2240044497 >>> 0, 21) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((c ^ (((b | (~d >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x8 >>> 0) + 1873313359 >>> 0, 6) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((b ^ (((a | (~c >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + xf >>> 0) + 4264355552 >>> 0, 10) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((a ^ (((d | (~b >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + x6 >>> 0) + 2734768916 >>> 0, 15) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((d ^ (((c | (~a >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + xd >>> 0) + 1309151649 >>> 0, 21) >>> 0; + a = b + bits.RotateLeft32((((((c ^ (((b | (~d >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + a >>> 0) + x4 >>> 0) + 4149444226 >>> 0, 6) >>> 0; + d = a + bits.RotateLeft32((((((b ^ (((a | (~c >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + d >>> 0) + xb >>> 0) + 3174756917 >>> 0, 10) >>> 0; + c = d + bits.RotateLeft32((((((a ^ (((d | (~b >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + c >>> 0) + x2 >>> 0) + 718787259 >>> 0, 15) >>> 0; + b = c + bits.RotateLeft32((((((d ^ (((c | (~a >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) + b >>> 0) + x9 >>> 0) + 3951481745 >>> 0, 21) >>> 0; + a = a + (aa) >>> 0; + b = b + (bb) >>> 0; + c = c + (cc) >>> 0; + d = d + (dd) >>> 0; + i = i + (64) >> 0; + } + _tmp$8 = a; + _tmp$9 = b; + _tmp$10 = c; + _tmp$11 = d; + dig.s[0] = _tmp$8; + dig.s[1] = _tmp$9; + dig.s[2] = _tmp$10; + dig.s[3] = _tmp$11; + }; + init = function() { + crypto.RegisterHash(2, New); + }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var d; + d = this; + d.s[0] = 1732584193; + d.s[1] = 4023233417; + d.s[2] = 2562383102; + d.s[3] = 271733878; + d.nx = 0; + d.len = new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + digest.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { + var b, d; + d = this; + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 92); + b = $appendSlice(b, "md5\x01"); + b = appendUint32(b, d.s[0]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.s[1]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.s[2]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.s[3]); + b = $appendSlice(b, $subslice(new sliceType(d.x), 0, d.nx)); + b = $subslice(b, 0, ((b.$length + 64 >> 0) - d.nx >> 0)); + b = appendUint64(b, d.len); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + digest.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { return this.$val.MarshalBinary(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, d; + d = this; + if (b.$length < 4 || !(($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, 4))) === "md5\x01")) { + return errors.New("crypto/md5: invalid hash state identifier"); + } + if (!((b.$length === 92))) { + return errors.New("crypto/md5: invalid hash state size"); + } + b = $subslice(b, 4); + _tuple = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple[0]; + d.s[0] = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$1[0]; + d.s[1] = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$2[0]; + d.s[2] = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$3[0]; + d.s[3] = _tuple$3[1]; + b = $subslice(b, $copySlice(new sliceType(d.x), b)); + _tuple$4 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$4[0]; + d.len = _tuple$4[1]; + d.nx = (($div64(d.len, new $Uint64(0, 64), true).$low >> 0)); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + digest.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(b); }; + appendUint64 = function(b, x) { + var a, b, x; + a = arrayType.zero(); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64(new sliceType(a), x); + return $appendSlice(b, new sliceType(a)); + }; + appendUint32 = function(b, x) { + var a, b, x; + a = arrayType$1.zero(); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32(new sliceType(a), x); + return $appendSlice(b, new sliceType(a)); + }; + consumeUint64 = function(b) { + var b; + return [$subslice(b, 8), $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint64($subslice(b, 0, 8))]; + }; + consumeUint32 = function(b) { + var b; + return [$subslice(b, 4), $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(b, 0, 4))]; + }; + New = function() { + var d; + d = new digest.ptr(arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + d.Reset(); + return d; + }; + $pkg.New = New; + digest.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return 16; + }; + digest.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return 64; + }; + digest.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var d, err, n, n$1, nn, p, x, x$1; + nn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + nn = p.$length; + d.len = (x = d.len, x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, nn)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + if (d.nx > 0) { + n = $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType(d.x), d.nx), p); + d.nx = d.nx + (n) >> 0; + if (d.nx === 64) { + if (false) { + block(d, new sliceType(d.x)); + } else { + blockGeneric(d, new sliceType(d.x)); + } + d.nx = 0; + } + p = $subslice(p, n); + } + if (p.$length >= 64) { + n$1 = (p.$length & ~63) >> 0; + if (false) { + block(d, $subslice(p, 0, n$1)); + } else { + blockGeneric(d, $subslice(p, 0, n$1)); + } + p = $subslice(p, n$1); + } + if (p.$length > 0) { + d.nx = $copySlice(new sliceType(d.x), p); + } + return [nn, err]; + }; + digest.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { + var d, d0, hash$1, in$1; + d = this; + d0 = $clone(d, digest); + hash$1 = $clone(d0.checkSum(), arrayType$4); + return $appendSlice(in$1, new sliceType(hash$1)); + }; + digest.prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { return this.$val.Sum(in$1); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.checkSum = function() { + var d, digest$1, pad, tmp, x, x$1; + d = this; + tmp = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); + pad = $div64(((x = d.len, new $Uint64(0 - x.$high, 55 - x.$low))), new $Uint64(0, 64), true); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType(tmp), $flatten64(new $Uint64(0 + pad.$high, 1 + pad.$low))), $shiftLeft64(d.len, 3)); + d.Write($subslice(new sliceType(tmp), 0, $flatten64((x$1 = new $Uint64(0 + pad.$high, 1 + pad.$low), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + 0, x$1.$low + 8))))); + if (!((d.nx === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("d.nx != 0")); + } + digest$1 = arrayType$4.zero(); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType(digest$1), 0), d.s[0]); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType(digest$1), 4), d.s[1]); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType(digest$1), 8), d.s[2]); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType(digest$1), 12), d.s[3]); + return digest$1; + }; + digest.prototype.checkSum = function() { return this.$val.checkSum(); }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "checkSum", name: "checkSum", pkg: "crypto/md5", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$4], false)}]; + digest.init("crypto/md5", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "nx", name: "nx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = crypto.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/rc4"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, subtle, strconv, Cipher, KeySizeError, ptrType, arrayType, sliceType, NewCipher; + subtle = $packages["crypto/internal/subtle"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + Cipher = $pkg.Cipher = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rc4.Cipher", true, "crypto/rc4", true, function(s_, i_, j_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = arrayType.zero(); + this.i = 0; + this.j = 0; + return; + } + this.s = s_; + this.i = i_; + this.j = j_; + }); + KeySizeError = $pkg.KeySizeError = $newType(4, $kindInt, "rc4.KeySizeError", true, "crypto/rc4", true, null); + ptrType = $ptrType(Cipher); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint32, 256); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + KeySizeError.prototype.Error = function() { + var k; + k = this.$val; + return "crypto/rc4: invalid key size " + strconv.Itoa(((k >> 0))); + }; + $ptrType(KeySizeError).prototype.Error = function() { return new KeySizeError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + NewCipher = function(key) { + var _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, c, i, i$1, j, k, key, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + k = key.$length; + if (k < 1 || k > 256) { + return [ptrType.nil, new KeySizeError(((k >> 0)))]; + } + c = new Cipher.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, 0); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 256)) { break; } + (x = c.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i] = ((i >>> 0)))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + j = 0; + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 256)) { break; } + j = j + (((((x$1 = c.s, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i$1])) << 24 >>> 24)) + (x$2 = (_r = i$1 % k, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= key.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : key.$array[key.$offset + x$2])) << 24 >>> 24)) << 24 >>> 24; + _tmp = (x$3 = c.s, ((j < 0 || j >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[j])); + _tmp$1 = (x$4 = c.s, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[i$1])); + (x$5 = c.s, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[i$1] = _tmp)); + (x$6 = c.s, ((j < 0 || j >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[j] = _tmp$1)); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + return [c, $ifaceNil]; + }; + $pkg.NewCipher = NewCipher; + Cipher.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, c, i, x; + c = this; + _ref = c.s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 256)) { break; } + i = _i; + (x = c.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i] = 0)); + _i++; + } + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + c.i = _tmp; + c.j = _tmp$1; + }; + Cipher.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Cipher.ptr.prototype.XORKeyStream = function(dst, src) { + var _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, c, dst, i, j, k, src, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, y; + c = this; + if (src.$length === 0) { + return; + } + if (subtle.InexactOverlap($subslice(dst, 0, src.$length), src)) { + $panic(new $String("crypto/rc4: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + _tmp = c.i; + _tmp$1 = c.j; + i = _tmp; + j = _tmp$1; + $unused((x = src.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x]))); + dst = $subslice(dst, 0, src.$length); + _ref = src; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + k = _i; + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + i = i + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + x$2 = (x$1 = c.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i])); + j = j + (((x$2 << 24 >>> 24))) << 24 >>> 24; + y = (x$3 = c.s, ((j < 0 || j >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[j])); + _tmp$2 = y; + _tmp$3 = x$2; + (x$4 = c.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[i] = _tmp$2)); + (x$5 = c.s, ((j < 0 || j >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[j] = _tmp$3)); + ((k < 0 || k >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + k] = ((v ^ (((x$6 = c.s, x$7 = (((x$2 + y >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[x$7])) << 24 >>> 24))) << 24 >>> 24)); + _i++; + } + _tmp$4 = i; + _tmp$5 = j; + c.i = _tmp$4; + c.j = _tmp$5; + }; + Cipher.prototype.XORKeyStream = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.XORKeyStream(dst, src); }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "XORKeyStream", name: "XORKeyStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType], [], false)}]; + KeySizeError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Cipher.init("crypto/rc4", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "i", name: "i", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "j", name: "j", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/rsa"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, crypto, randutil, rand, subtle, errors, hash, io, math, big, PublicKey, OAEPOptions, PrivateKey, PrecomputedValues, CRTValue, PSSOptions, PKCS1v15DecryptOptions, sliceType, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, arrayType, arrayType$1, bigZero, bigOne, errPublicModulus, errPublicExponentSmall, errPublicExponentLarge, hashPrefixes, checkPub, incCounter, mgf1XOR, encrypt, decrypt, decryptAndCheck, DecryptOAEP, emsaPSSEncode, emsaPSSVerify, signPSSWithSalt, SignPSS, VerifyPSS, EncryptPKCS1v15, DecryptPKCS1v15, DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey, decryptPKCS1v15, nonZeroRandomBytes, SignPKCS1v15, VerifyPKCS1v15, pkcs1v15HashInfo; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + crypto = $packages["crypto"]; + randutil = $packages["crypto/internal/randutil"]; + rand = $packages["crypto/rand"]; + subtle = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + big = $packages["math/big"]; + PublicKey = $pkg.PublicKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rsa.PublicKey", true, "crypto/rsa", true, function(N_, E_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.N = ptrType$1.nil; + this.E = 0; + return; + } + this.N = N_; + this.E = E_; + }); + OAEPOptions = $pkg.OAEPOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rsa.OAEPOptions", true, "crypto/rsa", true, function(Hash_, Label_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Hash = 0; + this.Label = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.Hash = Hash_; + this.Label = Label_; + }); + PrivateKey = $pkg.PrivateKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rsa.PrivateKey", true, "crypto/rsa", true, function(PublicKey_, D_, Primes_, Precomputed_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.PublicKey = new PublicKey.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0); + this.D = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Primes = sliceType$1.nil; + this.Precomputed = new PrecomputedValues.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$2.nil); + return; + } + this.PublicKey = PublicKey_; + this.D = D_; + this.Primes = Primes_; + this.Precomputed = Precomputed_; + }); + PrecomputedValues = $pkg.PrecomputedValues = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rsa.PrecomputedValues", true, "crypto/rsa", true, function(Dp_, Dq_, Qinv_, CRTValues_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Dp = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Dq = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Qinv = ptrType$1.nil; + this.CRTValues = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.Dp = Dp_; + this.Dq = Dq_; + this.Qinv = Qinv_; + this.CRTValues = CRTValues_; + }); + CRTValue = $pkg.CRTValue = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rsa.CRTValue", true, "crypto/rsa", true, function(Exp_, Coeff_, R_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Exp = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Coeff = ptrType$1.nil; + this.R = ptrType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.Exp = Exp_; + this.Coeff = Coeff_; + this.R = R_; + }); + PSSOptions = $pkg.PSSOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rsa.PSSOptions", true, "crypto/rsa", true, function(SaltLength_, Hash_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.SaltLength = 0; + this.Hash = 0; + return; + } + this.SaltLength = SaltLength_; + this.Hash = Hash_; + }); + PKCS1v15DecryptOptions = $pkg.PKCS1v15DecryptOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "rsa.PKCS1v15DecryptOptions", true, "crypto/rsa", true, function(SessionKeyLen_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.SessionKeyLen = 0; + return; + } + this.SessionKeyLen = SessionKeyLen_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(PublicKey); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(big.Int); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(PrivateKey); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(PSSOptions); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(OAEPOptions); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(PKCS1v15DecryptOptions); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(ptrType$1); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(CRTValue); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + PublicKey.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var _q, pub; + pub = this; + return (_q = ((pub.N.BitLen() + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + }; + PublicKey.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + PublicKey.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(x) { + var _tuple, ok, pub, x, xx; + pub = this; + _tuple = $assertType(x, ptrType, true); + xx = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return false; + } + return (pub.N.Cmp(xx.N) === 0) && (pub.E === xx.E); + }; + PublicKey.prototype.Equal = function(x) { return this.$val.Equal(x); }; + checkPub = function(pub) { + var pub; + if (pub.N === ptrType$1.nil) { + return errPublicModulus; + } + if (pub.E < 2) { + return errPublicExponentSmall; + } + if (pub.E > 2147483647) { + return errPublicExponentLarge; + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Public = function() { + var priv; + priv = this; + return priv.PublicKey; + }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Public = function() { return this.$val.Public(); }; + PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(x) { + var _i, _ref, _tuple, i, ok, priv, x, x$1, x$2, xx; + priv = this; + _tuple = $assertType(x, ptrType$2, true); + xx = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return false; + } + if (!priv.PublicKey.Equal(xx.PublicKey) || !((priv.D.Cmp(xx.D) === 0))) { + return false; + } + if (!((priv.Primes.$length === xx.Primes.$length))) { + return false; + } + _ref = priv.Primes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + if (!(((x$1 = priv.Primes, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])).Cmp((x$2 = xx.Primes, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i]))) === 0))) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Equal = function(x) { return this.$val.Equal(x); }; + PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Sign = function(rand$1, digest, opts) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, digest, ok, opts, priv, pssOpts, rand$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, digest, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + priv = this; + _tuple = $assertType(opts, ptrType$3, true); + pssOpts = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r = SignPSS(rand$1, priv, pssOpts.Hash, digest, pssOpts); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _arg = rand$1; + _arg$1 = priv; + _r$1 = opts.HashFunc(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$1; + _arg$3 = digest; + _r$2 = SignPKCS1v15(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Sign, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, digest, ok, opts, priv, pssOpts, rand$1, $s};return $f; + }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Sign = function(rand$1, digest, opts) { return this.$val.Sign(rand$1, digest, opts); }; + PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Decrypt = function(rand$1, ciphertext, opts) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, ciphertext, err, err$1, err$2, l, opts, opts$1, opts$2, opts$3, plaintext, priv, rand$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, ciphertext, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + plaintext = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + priv = this; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(opts, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(opts, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 1: + _r = DecryptPKCS1v15(rand$1, priv, ciphertext); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + plaintext = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [plaintext, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _ref = opts; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$4, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$4, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + opts$1 = _ref.$val; + _r$1 = new crypto.Hash(opts$1.Hash).New(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = DecryptOAEP(_r$1, rand$1, priv, ciphertext, opts$1.Label); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + plaintext = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r$1 = [plaintext, err]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { */ case 6: + opts$2 = _ref.$val; + l = opts$2.SessionKeyLen; + /* */ if (l > 0) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (l > 0) { */ case 12: + plaintext = $makeSlice(sliceType, l); + _r$3 = io.ReadFull(rand$1, plaintext); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + plaintext = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [plaintext, err]; + } + _r$4 = DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey(rand$1, priv, ciphertext, plaintext); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$4; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$3 = err$2; + plaintext = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [plaintext, err]; + } + _tmp$4 = plaintext; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + plaintext = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [plaintext, err]; + /* } else { */ case 13: + _r$5 = DecryptPKCS1v15(rand$1, priv, ciphertext); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$5; + plaintext = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + $24r$2 = [plaintext, err]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 14: + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + opts$3 = _ref; + _tmp$6 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$7 = errors.New("crypto/rsa: invalid options for Decrypt"); + plaintext = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [plaintext, err]; + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return [plaintext, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Decrypt, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, ciphertext, err, err$1, err$2, l, opts, opts$1, opts$2, opts$3, plaintext, priv, rand$1, $s};return $f; + }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Decrypt = function(rand$1, ciphertext, opts) { return this.$val.Decrypt(rand$1, ciphertext, opts); }; + PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Validate = function() { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, congruence, de, err, modulus, pminus1, prime, prime$1, priv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + priv = this; + err = checkPub(priv.PublicKey); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + modulus = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Set(bigOne); + _ref = priv.Primes; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + prime = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (prime.Cmp(bigOne) <= 0) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("crypto/rsa: invalid prime value"); + } + _r = modulus.Mul(modulus, prime); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (!((modulus.Cmp(priv.PublicKey.N) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("crypto/rsa: invalid modulus"); + } + congruence = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + de = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetInt64((new $Int64(0, priv.PublicKey.E))); + _r$1 = de.Mul(de, priv.D); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _ref$1 = priv.Primes; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 6; continue; } + prime$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Sub(prime$1, bigOne); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pminus1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = congruence.Mod(de, pminus1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + if (!((congruence.Cmp(bigOne) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("crypto/rsa: invalid exponents"); + } + _i$1++; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Validate, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, congruence, de, err, modulus, pminus1, prime, prime$1, priv, $s};return $f; + }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Validate = function() { return this.$val.Validate(); }; + incCounter = function(c) { + var c; + c[3] = (c[3] + (1) << 24 >>> 24); + if (!((c[3] === 0))) { + return; + } + c[2] = (c[2] + (1) << 24 >>> 24); + if (!((c[2] === 0))) { + return; + } + c[1] = (c[1] + (1) << 24 >>> 24); + if (!((c[1] === 0))) { + return; + } + c[0] = (c[0] + (1) << 24 >>> 24); + }; + mgf1XOR = function(out, hash$1, seed) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, counter, digest, done, hash$1, i, out, seed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, hash$1, seed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + counter = [counter]; + counter[0] = arrayType.zero(); + digest = sliceType.nil; + done = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(done < out.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(done < out.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = hash$1.Write(seed); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _r$1 = hash$1.Write($subslice(new sliceType(counter[0]), 0, 4)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = hash$1.Sum($subslice(digest, 0, 0)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + digest = _r$2; + $r = hash$1.Reset(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < digest.$length && done < out.$length)) { break; } + ((done < 0 || done >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + done] = ((((done < 0 || done >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + done]) ^ (((i < 0 || i >= digest.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest.$array[digest.$offset + i]))) << 24 >>> 24)); + done = done + (1) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + incCounter(counter[0]); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mgf1XOR, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, counter, digest, done, hash$1, i, out, seed, $s};return $f; + }; + encrypt = function(c, pub, m) { + var {_r, c, e, m, pub, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c, pub, m}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = big.NewInt((new $Int64(0, pub.E))); + _r = c.Exp(m, e, pub.N); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return c; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encrypt, $c: true, $r, _r, c, e, m, pub, $s};return $f; + }; + PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Precompute = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, i, prime, priv, r, values, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + priv = this; + if (!(priv.Precomputed.Dp === ptrType$1.nil)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Sub((x = priv.Primes, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])), bigOne); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + priv.Precomputed.Dp = _r; + _r$1 = priv.Precomputed.Dp.Mod(priv.D, priv.Precomputed.Dp); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Sub((x$1 = priv.Primes, (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1])), bigOne); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + priv.Precomputed.Dq = _r$2; + _r$3 = priv.Precomputed.Dq.Mod(priv.D, priv.Precomputed.Dq); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).ModInverse((x$2 = priv.Primes, (1 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 1])), (x$3 = priv.Primes, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0]))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + priv.Precomputed.Qinv = _r$4; + _r$5 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Mul((x$4 = priv.Primes, (0 >= x$4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + 0])), (x$5 = priv.Primes, (1 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 1]))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = _r$5; + priv.Precomputed.CRTValues = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, (priv.Primes.$length - 2 >> 0)); + i = 2; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(i < priv.Primes.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < priv.Primes.$length)) { $s = 8; continue; } + prime = (x$6 = priv.Primes, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + i])); + values = (x$7 = priv.Precomputed.CRTValues, x$8 = i - 2 >> 0, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + x$8])); + _r$6 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Sub(prime, bigOne); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + values.Exp = _r$6; + _r$7 = values.Exp.Mod(priv.D, values.Exp); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + values.R = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Set(r); + _r$8 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).ModInverse(r, prime); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + values.Coeff = _r$8; + _r$9 = r.Mul(r, prime); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PrivateKey.ptr.prototype.Precompute, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, i, prime, priv, r, values, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s};return $f; + }; + PrivateKey.prototype.Precompute = function() { return this.$val.Precompute(); }; + decrypt = function(random, priv, c) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, bigE, c, cCopy, err, i, ir, m, m2, ok, prime, priv, r, random, rpowe, values, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {random, priv, c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = ptrType$1.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (c.Cmp(priv.PublicKey.N) > 0) { + err = $pkg.ErrDecryption; + $s = -1; return [m, err]; + } + if (priv.PublicKey.N.Sign() === 0) { + _tmp = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrDecryption; + m = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [m, err]; + } + ir = ptrType$1.nil; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(random, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(random, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $r = randutil.MaybeReadByte(random); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = ptrType$1.nil; + ir = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + _r = rand.Int(random, priv.PublicKey.N); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + r = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [m, err]; + } + if (r.Cmp(bigZero) === 0) { + r = bigOne; + } + _r$1 = ir.ModInverse(r, priv.PublicKey.N); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ok = _r$1; + if (!(ok === ptrType$1.nil)) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + bigE = big.NewInt((new $Int64(0, priv.PublicKey.E))); + _r$2 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Exp(r, bigE, priv.PublicKey.N); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rpowe = _r$2; + cCopy = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Set(c); + _r$3 = cCopy.Mul(cCopy, rpowe); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = cCopy.Mod(cCopy, priv.PublicKey.N); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + c = cCopy; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (priv.Precomputed.Dp === ptrType$1.nil) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (priv.Precomputed.Dp === ptrType$1.nil) { */ case 11: + _r$5 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Exp(c, priv.D, priv.PublicKey.N); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$5; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else { */ case 12: + _r$6 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Exp(c, priv.Precomputed.Dp, (x = priv.Primes, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]))); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r$6; + _r$7 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).Exp(c, priv.Precomputed.Dq, (x$1 = priv.Primes, (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1]))); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m2 = _r$7; + _r$8 = m.Sub(m, m2); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + /* */ if (m.Sign() < 0) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (m.Sign() < 0) { */ case 18: + _r$9 = m.Add(m, (x$2 = priv.Primes, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0]))); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + /* } */ case 19: + _r$10 = m.Mul(m, priv.Precomputed.Qinv); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + _r$11 = m.Mod(m, (x$3 = priv.Primes, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0]))); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = m.Mul(m, (x$4 = priv.Primes, (1 >= x$4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + 1]))); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + _r$13 = m.Add(m, m2); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + _ref = priv.Precomputed.CRTValues; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 25: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 26; continue; } + i = _i; + values = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), CRTValue); + prime = (x$5 = priv.Primes, x$6 = 2 + i >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + x$6])); + _r$14 = m2.Exp(c, values.Exp, prime); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + _r$15 = m2.Sub(m2, m); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + _r$16 = m2.Mul(m2, values.Coeff); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + _r$17 = m2.Mod(m2, prime); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17; + /* */ if (m2.Sign() < 0) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (m2.Sign() < 0) { */ case 31: + _r$18 = m2.Add(m2, prime); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18; + /* } */ case 32: + _r$19 = m2.Mul(m2, values.R); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + _r$20 = m.Add(m, m2); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20; + _i++; + $s = 25; continue; + case 26: + /* } */ case 13: + /* */ if (!(ir === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (!(ir === ptrType$1.nil)) { */ case 36: + _r$21 = m.Mul(m, ir); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21; + _r$22 = m.Mod(m, priv.PublicKey.N); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22; + /* } */ case 37: + $s = -1; return [m, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decrypt, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, bigE, c, cCopy, err, i, ir, m, m2, ok, prime, priv, r, random, rpowe, values, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + decryptAndCheck = function(random, priv, c) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, c, check, err, m, priv, random, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {random, priv, c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = ptrType$1.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = decrypt(random, priv, c); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + m = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$1 = err; + m = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [m, err]; + } + _r$1 = encrypt(new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil), priv.PublicKey, m); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + check = _r$1; + if (!((c.Cmp(check) === 0))) { + _tmp$2 = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$3 = errors.New("rsa: internal error"); + m = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [m, err]; + } + _tmp$4 = m; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + m = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [m, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decryptAndCheck, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, c, check, err, m, priv, random, $s};return $f; + }; + DecryptOAEP = function(hash$1, random, priv, ciphertext, label) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _v, c, ciphertext, db, em, equals0, equals1, err, err$1, firstByteIsZero, hash$1, i, index, invalid, k, lHash, lHash2, lHash2Good, label, lookingForIndex, m, priv, random, rest, seed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hash$1, random, priv, ciphertext, label}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = checkPub(priv.PublicKey); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + k = priv.PublicKey.Size(); + if (ciphertext.$length > k) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = hash$1.Size(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = k < (($imul(_r, 2)) + 2 >> 0); case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, $pkg.ErrDecryption]; + /* } */ case 2: + c = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(ciphertext); + _r$1 = decrypt(random, priv, c); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + m = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err$1]; + } + _r$2 = hash$1.Write(label); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = hash$1.Sum(sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + lHash = _r$3; + $r = hash$1.Reset(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + em = m.FillBytes($makeSlice(sliceType, k)); + firstByteIsZero = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq((0 >= em.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + 0]), 0); + _r$4 = hash$1.Size(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + seed = $subslice(em, 1, (_r$4 + 1 >> 0)); + _r$5 = hash$1.Size(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + db = $subslice(em, (_r$5 + 1 >> 0)); + $r = mgf1XOR(seed, hash$1, db); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = mgf1XOR(db, hash$1, seed); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = hash$1.Size(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + lHash2 = $subslice(db, 0, _r$6); + lHash2Good = subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(lHash, lHash2); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + lookingForIndex = _tmp; + index = _tmp$1; + invalid = _tmp$2; + lookingForIndex = 1; + _r$7 = hash$1.Size(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rest = $subslice(db, _r$7); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < rest.$length)) { break; } + equals0 = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(((i < 0 || i >= rest.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : rest.$array[rest.$offset + i]), 0); + equals1 = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(((i < 0 || i >= rest.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : rest.$array[rest.$offset + i]), 1); + index = subtle.ConstantTimeSelect(lookingForIndex & equals1, i, index); + lookingForIndex = subtle.ConstantTimeSelect(equals1, 0, lookingForIndex); + invalid = subtle.ConstantTimeSelect((lookingForIndex & ~equals0) >> 0, 1, invalid); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (!(((((((firstByteIsZero & lHash2Good) & ~invalid) >> 0) & ~lookingForIndex) >> 0) === 1))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, $pkg.ErrDecryption]; + } + $s = -1; return [$subslice(rest, (index + 1 >> 0)), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: DecryptOAEP, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _v, c, ciphertext, db, em, equals0, equals1, err, err$1, firstByteIsZero, hash$1, i, index, invalid, k, lHash, lHash2, lHash2Good, label, lookingForIndex, m, priv, random, rest, seed, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.DecryptOAEP = DecryptOAEP; + emsaPSSEncode = function(mHash, emBits, salt, hash$1) { + var {_q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, db, em, emBits, emLen, h, hLen, hash$1, mHash, prefix, psLen, sLen, salt, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mHash, emBits, salt, hash$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = hash$1.Size(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hLen = _r; + sLen = salt.$length; + emLen = (_q = ((emBits + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (!((mHash.$length === hLen))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, errors.New("crypto/rsa: input must be hashed with given hash")]; + } + if (emLen < ((hLen + sLen >> 0) + 2 >> 0)) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, errors.New("crypto/rsa: key size too small for PSS signature")]; + } + em = $makeSlice(sliceType, emLen); + psLen = ((emLen - sLen >> 0) - hLen >> 0) - 2 >> 0; + db = $subslice(em, 0, ((psLen + 1 >> 0) + sLen >> 0)); + h = $subslice(em, ((psLen + 1 >> 0) + sLen >> 0), (emLen - 1 >> 0)); + prefix = arrayType$1.zero(); + _r$1 = hash$1.Write(new sliceType(prefix)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = hash$1.Write(mHash); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = hash$1.Write(salt); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = hash$1.Sum($subslice(h, 0, 0)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$4; + $r = hash$1.Reset(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ((psLen < 0 || psLen >= db.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : db.$array[db.$offset + psLen] = 1); + $copySlice($subslice(db, (psLen + 1 >> 0)), salt); + $r = mgf1XOR(db, hash$1, h); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (0 >= db.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : db.$array[db.$offset + 0] = (((0 >= db.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : db.$array[db.$offset + 0]) & (((y = ((($imul(8, emLen)) - emBits >> 0)), y < 32 ? (255 >>> y) : 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0)); + (x = emLen - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= em.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + x] = 188)); + $s = -1; return [em, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: emsaPSSEncode, $c: true, $r, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, db, em, emBits, emLen, h, hLen, hash$1, mHash, prefix, psLen, sLen, salt, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + emsaPSSVerify = function(mHash, em, emBits, sLen, hash$1) { + var {_i, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, bitMask, db, e, em, emBits, emLen, h, h0, hLen, hash$1, mHash, prefix, psLen, psLen$1, sLen, salt, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mHash, em, emBits, sLen, hash$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = hash$1.Size(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hLen = _r; + if (sLen === -1) { + sLen = hLen; + } + emLen = (_q = ((emBits + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (!((emLen === em.$length))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("rsa: internal error: inconsistent length"); + } + if (!((hLen === mHash.$length))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + if (emLen < ((hLen + sLen >> 0) + 2 >> 0)) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + if (!(((x = emLen - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= em.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + x])) === 188))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + db = $subslice(em, 0, ((emLen - hLen >> 0) - 1 >> 0)); + h = $subslice(em, ((emLen - hLen >> 0) - 1 >> 0), (emLen - 1 >> 0)); + bitMask = (y = ((($imul(8, emLen)) - emBits >> 0)), y < 32 ? (255 >>> y) : 0) << 24 >>> 24; + if (!(((((0 >= em.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + 0]) & (~bitMask << 24 >>> 24)) >>> 0) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + $r = mgf1XOR(db, hash$1, h); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (0 >= db.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : db.$array[db.$offset + 0] = (((0 >= db.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : db.$array[db.$offset + 0]) & (bitMask)) >>> 0)); + if (sLen === 0) { + psLen = bytes.IndexByte(db, 1); + if (psLen < 0) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + sLen = (db.$length - psLen >> 0) - 1 >> 0; + } + psLen$1 = ((emLen - hLen >> 0) - sLen >> 0) - 2 >> 0; + _ref = $subslice(db, 0, psLen$1); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + e = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!((e === 0))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + _i++; + } + if (!((((psLen$1 < 0 || psLen$1 >= db.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : db.$array[db.$offset + psLen$1]) === 1))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + salt = $subslice(db, (db.$length - sLen >> 0)); + prefix = arrayType$1.zero(); + _r$1 = hash$1.Write(new sliceType(prefix)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = hash$1.Write(mHash); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = hash$1.Write(salt); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = hash$1.Sum(sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h0 = _r$4; + if (!bytes.Equal(h0, h)) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: emsaPSSVerify, $c: true, $r, _i, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, bitMask, db, e, em, emBits, emLen, h, h0, hLen, hash$1, mHash, prefix, psLen, psLen$1, sLen, salt, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + signPSSWithSalt = function(rand$1, priv, hash$1, hashed, salt) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, em, emBits, err, hash$1, hashed, m, priv, rand$1, s, salt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, priv, hash$1, hashed, salt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + emBits = priv.PublicKey.N.BitLen() - 1 >> 0; + _arg = hashed; + _arg$1 = emBits; + _arg$2 = salt; + _r = new crypto.Hash(hash$1).New(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r; + _r$1 = emsaPSSEncode(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + em = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + m = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(em); + _r$2 = decryptAndCheck(rand$1, priv, m); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + c = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + s = $makeSlice(sliceType, priv.PublicKey.Size()); + $s = -1; return [c.FillBytes(s), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: signPSSWithSalt, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, em, emBits, err, hash$1, hashed, m, priv, rand$1, s, salt, $s};return $f; + }; + PSSOptions.ptr.prototype.HashFunc = function() { + var opts; + opts = this; + return opts.Hash; + }; + PSSOptions.prototype.HashFunc = function() { return this.$val.HashFunc(); }; + PSSOptions.ptr.prototype.saltLength = function() { + var opts; + opts = this; + if (opts === ptrType$3.nil) { + return 0; + } + return opts.SaltLength; + }; + PSSOptions.prototype.saltLength = function() { return this.$val.saltLength(); }; + SignPSS = function(rand$1, priv, hash$1, digest, opts) { + var {$24r, _1, _q, _r, _r$1, _tuple, digest, err, hash$1, opts, priv, rand$1, salt, saltLength, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, priv, hash$1, digest, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!(opts === ptrType$3.nil) && !((opts.Hash === 0))) { + hash$1 = opts.Hash; + } + saltLength = opts.saltLength(); + _1 = saltLength; + if (_1 === (0)) { + saltLength = ((_q = (((priv.PublicKey.N.BitLen() - 1 >> 0) + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) - 2 >> 0) - new crypto.Hash(hash$1).Size() >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (-1)) { + saltLength = new crypto.Hash(hash$1).Size(); + } + salt = $makeSlice(sliceType, saltLength); + _r = io.ReadFull(rand$1, salt); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + _r$1 = signPSSWithSalt(rand$1, priv, hash$1, digest, salt); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SignPSS, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _q, _r, _r$1, _tuple, digest, err, hash$1, opts, priv, rand$1, salt, saltLength, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.SignPSS = SignPSS; + VerifyPSS = function(pub, hash$1, digest, sig, opts) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, digest, em, emBits, emLen, hash$1, m, opts, pub, s, sig, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pub, hash$1, digest, sig, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!((sig.$length === pub.Size()))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + s = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(sig); + _r = encrypt(new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil), pub, s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r; + emBits = pub.N.BitLen() - 1 >> 0; + emLen = (_q = ((emBits + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (m.BitLen() > ($imul(emLen, 8))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + em = m.FillBytes($makeSlice(sliceType, emLen)); + _arg = digest; + _arg$1 = em; + _arg$2 = emBits; + _arg$3 = opts.saltLength(); + _r$1 = new crypto.Hash(hash$1).New(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$1; + _r$2 = emsaPSSVerify(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: VerifyPSS, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _q, _r, _r$1, _r$2, digest, em, emBits, emLen, hash$1, m, opts, pub, s, sig, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.VerifyPSS = VerifyPSS; + EncryptPKCS1v15 = function(rand$1, pub, msg) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, c, em, err, err$1, k, m, mm, msg, ps, pub, rand$1, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, pub, msg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = randutil.MaybeReadByte(rand$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = checkPub(pub); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + k = pub.Size(); + if (msg.$length > (k - 11 >> 0)) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, $pkg.ErrMessageTooLong]; + } + em = $makeSlice(sliceType, k); + (1 >= em.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + 1] = 2); + _tmp = $subslice(em, 2, ((em.$length - msg.$length >> 0) - 1 >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(em, (em.$length - msg.$length >> 0)); + ps = _tmp; + mm = _tmp$1; + _r = nonZeroRandomBytes(ps, rand$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err$1]; + } + (x = (em.$length - msg.$length >> 0) - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= em.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + x] = 0)); + $copySlice(mm, msg); + m = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(em); + _r$1 = encrypt(new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil), pub, m); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c = _r$1; + $s = -1; return [c.FillBytes(em), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: EncryptPKCS1v15, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, c, em, err, err$1, k, m, mm, msg, ps, pub, rand$1, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.EncryptPKCS1v15 = EncryptPKCS1v15; + DecryptPKCS1v15 = function(rand$1, priv, ciphertext) { + var {_r, _tuple, ciphertext, err, err$1, index, out, priv, rand$1, valid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, priv, ciphertext}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = checkPub(priv.PublicKey); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + _r = decryptPKCS1v15(rand$1, priv, ciphertext); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + valid = _tuple[0]; + out = _tuple[1]; + index = _tuple[2]; + err$1 = _tuple[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err$1]; + } + if (valid === 0) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, $pkg.ErrDecryption]; + } + $s = -1; return [$subslice(out, index), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: DecryptPKCS1v15, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, ciphertext, err, err$1, index, out, priv, rand$1, valid, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.DecryptPKCS1v15 = DecryptPKCS1v15; + DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey = function(rand$1, priv, ciphertext, key) { + var {_r, _tuple, ciphertext, em, err, err$1, index, k, key, priv, rand$1, valid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, priv, ciphertext, key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = checkPub(priv.PublicKey); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + k = priv.PublicKey.Size(); + if ((k - (((key.$length + 3 >> 0) + 8 >> 0)) >> 0) < 0) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrDecryption; + } + _r = decryptPKCS1v15(rand$1, priv, ciphertext); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + valid = _tuple[0]; + em = _tuple[1]; + index = _tuple[2]; + err$1 = _tuple[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + if (!((em.$length === k))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrDecryption; + } + valid = valid & (subtle.ConstantTimeEq((((em.$length - index >> 0) >> 0)), ((key.$length >> 0)))); + subtle.ConstantTimeCopy(valid, key, $subslice(em, (em.$length - key.$length >> 0))); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, ciphertext, em, err, err$1, index, k, key, priv, rand$1, valid, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey = DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey; + decryptPKCS1v15 = function(rand$1, priv, ciphertext) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, c, ciphertext, em, equals0, err, firstByteIsZero, i, index, k, lookingForIndex, m, priv, rand$1, secondByteIsTwo, valid, validPS, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, priv, ciphertext}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + valid = 0; + em = sliceType.nil; + index = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + k = priv.PublicKey.Size(); + if (k < 11) { + err = $pkg.ErrDecryption; + $s = -1; return [valid, em, index, err]; + } + c = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(ciphertext); + _r = decrypt(rand$1, priv, c); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + m = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [valid, em, index, err]; + } + em = m.FillBytes($makeSlice(sliceType, k)); + firstByteIsZero = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq((0 >= em.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + 0]), 0); + secondByteIsTwo = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq((1 >= em.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + 1]), 2); + lookingForIndex = 1; + i = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(i < em.$length)) { break; } + equals0 = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(((i < 0 || i >= em.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + i]), 0); + index = subtle.ConstantTimeSelect(lookingForIndex & equals0, i, index); + lookingForIndex = subtle.ConstantTimeSelect(equals0, 0, lookingForIndex); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + validPS = subtle.ConstantTimeLessOrEq(10, index); + valid = ((firstByteIsZero & secondByteIsTwo) & (((~lookingForIndex >> 0) & 1))) & validPS; + index = subtle.ConstantTimeSelect(valid, index + 1 >> 0, 0); + _tmp = valid; + _tmp$1 = em; + _tmp$2 = index; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + valid = _tmp; + em = _tmp$1; + index = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [valid, em, index, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decryptPKCS1v15, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, c, ciphertext, em, equals0, err, firstByteIsZero, i, index, k, lookingForIndex, m, priv, rand$1, secondByteIsTwo, valid, validPS, $s};return $f; + }; + nonZeroRandomBytes = function(s, rand$1) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, i, rand$1, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, rand$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = io.ReadFull(rand$1, s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < s.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < s.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) === 0)) { break; } */ if(!(((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) === 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$1 = io.ReadFull(rand$1, $subslice(s, i, (i + 1 >> 0))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) ^ (66)) << 24 >>> 24)); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nonZeroRandomBytes, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, i, rand$1, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SignPKCS1v15 = function(rand$1, priv, hash$1, hashed) { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, em, err, hash$1, hashLen, hashed, i, k, m, prefix, priv, rand$1, tLen, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, priv, hash$1, hashed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = pkcs1v15HashInfo(hash$1, hashed.$length); + hashLen = _tuple[0]; + prefix = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + tLen = prefix.$length + hashLen >> 0; + k = priv.PublicKey.Size(); + if (k < (tLen + 11 >> 0)) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, $pkg.ErrMessageTooLong]; + } + em = $makeSlice(sliceType, k); + (1 >= em.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + 1] = 1); + i = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(i < ((k - tLen >> 0) - 1 >> 0))) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= em.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + i] = 255); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $copySlice($subslice(em, (k - tLen >> 0), (k - hashLen >> 0)), prefix); + $copySlice($subslice(em, (k - hashLen >> 0), k), hashed); + m = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(em); + _r = decryptAndCheck(rand$1, priv, m); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + c = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [c.FillBytes(em), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SignPKCS1v15, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, em, err, hash$1, hashLen, hashed, i, k, m, prefix, priv, rand$1, tLen, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.SignPKCS1v15 = SignPKCS1v15; + VerifyPKCS1v15 = function(pub, hash$1, hashed, sig) { + var {_r, _tuple, c, em, err, hash$1, hashLen, hashed, i, k, m, ok, prefix, pub, sig, tLen, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pub, hash$1, hashed, sig}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = pkcs1v15HashInfo(hash$1, hashed.$length); + hashLen = _tuple[0]; + prefix = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + tLen = prefix.$length + hashLen >> 0; + k = pub.Size(); + if (k < (tLen + 11 >> 0)) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + if (!((k === sig.$length))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + c = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(sig); + _r = encrypt(new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil), pub, c); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = _r; + em = m.FillBytes($makeSlice(sliceType, k)); + ok = subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq((0 >= em.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + 0]), 0); + ok = ok & (subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq((1 >= em.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + 1]), 1)); + ok = ok & (subtle.ConstantTimeCompare($subslice(em, (k - hashLen >> 0), k), hashed)); + ok = ok & (subtle.ConstantTimeCompare($subslice(em, (k - tLen >> 0), (k - hashLen >> 0)), prefix)); + ok = ok & (subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq((x = (k - tLen >> 0) - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= em.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + x])), 0)); + i = 2; + while (true) { + if (!(i < ((k - tLen >> 0) - 1 >> 0))) { break; } + ok = ok & (subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(((i < 0 || i >= em.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : em.$array[em.$offset + i]), 255)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (!((ok === 1))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrVerification; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: VerifyPKCS1v15, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, c, em, err, hash$1, hashLen, hashed, i, k, m, ok, prefix, pub, sig, tLen, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.VerifyPKCS1v15 = VerifyPKCS1v15; + pkcs1v15HashInfo = function(hash$1, inLen) { + var _entry, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, err, hash$1, hashLen, inLen, ok, prefix; + hashLen = 0; + prefix = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (hash$1 === 0) { + _tmp = inLen; + _tmp$1 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + hashLen = _tmp; + prefix = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [hashLen, prefix, err]; + } + hashLen = new crypto.Hash(hash$1).Size(); + if (!((inLen === hashLen))) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$5 = errors.New("crypto/rsa: input must be hashed message"); + hashLen = _tmp$3; + prefix = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [hashLen, prefix, err]; + } + _tuple = (_entry = hashPrefixes[crypto.Hash.keyFor(hash$1)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType.nil, false]); + prefix = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$8 = errors.New("crypto/rsa: unsupported hash function"); + hashLen = _tmp$6; + prefix = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [hashLen, prefix, err]; + } + return [hashLen, prefix, err]; + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([crypto.PublicKey], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Public", name: "Public", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [crypto.PublicKey], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([crypto.PrivateKey], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Sign", name: "Sign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader, sliceType, crypto.SignerOpts], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "Decrypt", name: "Decrypt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader, sliceType, crypto.DecrypterOpts], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "Validate", name: "Validate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Precompute", name: "Precompute", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "HashFunc", name: "HashFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [crypto.Hash], false)}, {prop: "saltLength", name: "saltLength", pkg: "crypto/rsa", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}]; + PublicKey.init("", [{prop: "N", name: "N", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "E", name: "E", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + OAEPOptions.init("", [{prop: "Hash", name: "Hash", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: crypto.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "Label", name: "Label", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + PrivateKey.init("", [{prop: "PublicKey", name: "PublicKey", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: PublicKey, tag: ""}, {prop: "D", name: "D", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Primes", name: "Primes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Precomputed", name: "Precomputed", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: PrecomputedValues, tag: ""}]); + PrecomputedValues.init("", [{prop: "Dp", name: "Dp", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Dq", name: "Dq", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Qinv", name: "Qinv", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "CRTValues", name: "CRTValues", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + CRTValue.init("", [{prop: "Exp", name: "Exp", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Coeff", name: "Coeff", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "R", name: "R", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]); + PSSOptions.init("", [{prop: "SaltLength", name: "SaltLength", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Hash", name: "Hash", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: crypto.Hash, tag: ""}]); + PKCS1v15DecryptOptions.init("", [{prop: "SessionKeyLen", name: "SessionKeyLen", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = crypto.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = randutil.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rand.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = big.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bigZero = big.NewInt(new $Int64(0, 0)); + bigOne = big.NewInt(new $Int64(0, 1)); + errPublicModulus = errors.New("crypto/rsa: missing public modulus"); + errPublicExponentSmall = errors.New("crypto/rsa: public exponent too small"); + errPublicExponentLarge = errors.New("crypto/rsa: public exponent too large"); + $pkg.ErrMessageTooLong = errors.New("crypto/rsa: message too long for RSA public key size"); + $pkg.ErrDecryption = errors.New("crypto/rsa: decryption error"); + $pkg.ErrVerification = errors.New("crypto/rsa: verification error"); + hashPrefixes = $makeMap(crypto.Hash.keyFor, [{ k: 2, v: new sliceType([48, 32, 48, 12, 6, 8, 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 2, 5, 5, 0, 4, 16]) }, { k: 3, v: new sliceType([48, 33, 48, 9, 6, 5, 43, 14, 3, 2, 26, 5, 0, 4, 20]) }, { k: 4, v: new sliceType([48, 45, 48, 13, 6, 9, 96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 4, 5, 0, 4, 28]) }, { k: 5, v: new sliceType([48, 49, 48, 13, 6, 9, 96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 0, 4, 32]) }, { k: 6, v: new sliceType([48, 65, 48, 13, 6, 9, 96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 2, 5, 0, 4, 48]) }, { k: 7, v: new sliceType([48, 81, 48, 13, 6, 9, 96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 3, 5, 0, 4, 64]) }, { k: 8, v: new sliceType([]) }, { k: 9, v: new sliceType([48, 32, 48, 8, 6, 6, 40, 207, 6, 3, 0, 49, 4, 20]) }]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/sha1"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, crypto, binary, errors, hash, bits, digest, arrayType, sliceType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, arrayType$5, ptrType, block, blockGeneric, init, appendUint64, appendUint32, consumeUint64, consumeUint32, New; + crypto = $packages["crypto"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + digest = $pkg.digest = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sha1.digest", true, "crypto/sha1", false, function(h_, x_, nx_, len_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.h = arrayType$3.zero(); + this.x = arrayType$4.zero(); + this.nx = 0; + this.len = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.h = h_; + this.x = x_; + this.nx = nx_; + this.len = len_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint32, 16); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint32, 5); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType($Uint8, 20); + ptrType = $ptrType(digest); + block = function(dig, p) { + var dig, p; + blockGeneric(dig, p); + }; + blockGeneric = function(dig, p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, a, b, c, d, dig, e, f, f$1, f$2, f$3, f$4, h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, i, i$1, j, p, t, t$1, t$2, t$3, t$4, tmp, tmp$1, tmp$2, tmp$3, w, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + w = arrayType.zero(); + _tmp = dig.h[0]; + _tmp$1 = dig.h[1]; + _tmp$2 = dig.h[2]; + _tmp$3 = dig.h[3]; + _tmp$4 = dig.h[4]; + h0 = _tmp; + h1 = _tmp$1; + h2 = _tmp$2; + h3 = _tmp$3; + h4 = _tmp$4; + while (true) { + if (!(p.$length >= 64)) { break; } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + j = $imul(i, 4); + ((i < 0 || i >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[i] = (((((((((((j < 0 || j >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + j]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x = j + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$1 = j + 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$1])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$2 = j + 3 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$2])) >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$5 = h0; + _tmp$6 = h1; + _tmp$7 = h2; + _tmp$8 = h3; + _tmp$9 = h4; + a = _tmp$5; + b = _tmp$6; + c = _tmp$7; + d = _tmp$8; + e = _tmp$9; + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 16)) { break; } + f = (((b & c) >>> 0) | ((((~b >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + t = (((bits.RotateLeft32(a, 5) + f >>> 0) + e >>> 0) + (x$3 = i$1 & 15, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$3])) >>> 0) + 1518500249 >>> 0; + _tmp$10 = t; + _tmp$11 = a; + _tmp$12 = bits.RotateLeft32(b, 30); + _tmp$13 = c; + _tmp$14 = d; + a = _tmp$10; + b = _tmp$11; + c = _tmp$12; + d = _tmp$13; + e = _tmp$14; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 20)) { break; } + tmp = ((((((x$4 = ((i$1 - 3 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$4])) ^ (x$5 = ((i$1 - 8 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$5]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$6 = ((i$1 - 14 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$6]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$7 = (i$1) & 15, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$7]))) >>> 0; + (x$8 = i$1 & 15, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$8] = (((tmp << 1 >>> 0) | (tmp >>> 31 >>> 0)) >>> 0))); + f$1 = (((b & c) >>> 0) | ((((~b >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + t$1 = (((bits.RotateLeft32(a, 5) + f$1 >>> 0) + e >>> 0) + (x$9 = i$1 & 15, ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$9])) >>> 0) + 1518500249 >>> 0; + _tmp$15 = t$1; + _tmp$16 = a; + _tmp$17 = bits.RotateLeft32(b, 30); + _tmp$18 = c; + _tmp$19 = d; + a = _tmp$15; + b = _tmp$16; + c = _tmp$17; + d = _tmp$18; + e = _tmp$19; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 40)) { break; } + tmp$1 = ((((((x$10 = ((i$1 - 3 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$10 < 0 || x$10 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$10])) ^ (x$11 = ((i$1 - 8 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$11]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$12 = ((i$1 - 14 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$12 < 0 || x$12 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$12]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$13 = (i$1) & 15, ((x$13 < 0 || x$13 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$13]))) >>> 0; + (x$14 = i$1 & 15, ((x$14 < 0 || x$14 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$14] = (((tmp$1 << 1 >>> 0) | (tmp$1 >>> 31 >>> 0)) >>> 0))); + f$2 = (((b ^ c) >>> 0) ^ d) >>> 0; + t$2 = (((bits.RotateLeft32(a, 5) + f$2 >>> 0) + e >>> 0) + (x$15 = i$1 & 15, ((x$15 < 0 || x$15 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$15])) >>> 0) + 1859775393 >>> 0; + _tmp$20 = t$2; + _tmp$21 = a; + _tmp$22 = bits.RotateLeft32(b, 30); + _tmp$23 = c; + _tmp$24 = d; + a = _tmp$20; + b = _tmp$21; + c = _tmp$22; + d = _tmp$23; + e = _tmp$24; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 60)) { break; } + tmp$2 = ((((((x$16 = ((i$1 - 3 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$16 < 0 || x$16 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$16])) ^ (x$17 = ((i$1 - 8 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$17 < 0 || x$17 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$17]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$18 = ((i$1 - 14 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$18 < 0 || x$18 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$18]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$19 = (i$1) & 15, ((x$19 < 0 || x$19 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$19]))) >>> 0; + (x$20 = i$1 & 15, ((x$20 < 0 || x$20 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$20] = (((tmp$2 << 1 >>> 0) | (tmp$2 >>> 31 >>> 0)) >>> 0))); + f$3 = (((((((b | c) >>> 0)) & d) >>> 0)) | (((b & c) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + t$3 = (((bits.RotateLeft32(a, 5) + f$3 >>> 0) + e >>> 0) + (x$21 = i$1 & 15, ((x$21 < 0 || x$21 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$21])) >>> 0) + 2400959708 >>> 0; + _tmp$25 = t$3; + _tmp$26 = a; + _tmp$27 = bits.RotateLeft32(b, 30); + _tmp$28 = c; + _tmp$29 = d; + a = _tmp$25; + b = _tmp$26; + c = _tmp$27; + d = _tmp$28; + e = _tmp$29; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 80)) { break; } + tmp$3 = ((((((x$22 = ((i$1 - 3 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$22 < 0 || x$22 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$22])) ^ (x$23 = ((i$1 - 8 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$23 < 0 || x$23 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$23]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$24 = ((i$1 - 14 >> 0)) & 15, ((x$24 < 0 || x$24 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$24]))) >>> 0) ^ (x$25 = (i$1) & 15, ((x$25 < 0 || x$25 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$25]))) >>> 0; + (x$26 = i$1 & 15, ((x$26 < 0 || x$26 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$26] = (((tmp$3 << 1 >>> 0) | (tmp$3 >>> 31 >>> 0)) >>> 0))); + f$4 = (((b ^ c) >>> 0) ^ d) >>> 0; + t$4 = (((bits.RotateLeft32(a, 5) + f$4 >>> 0) + e >>> 0) + (x$27 = i$1 & 15, ((x$27 < 0 || x$27 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$27])) >>> 0) + 3395469782 >>> 0; + _tmp$30 = t$4; + _tmp$31 = a; + _tmp$32 = bits.RotateLeft32(b, 30); + _tmp$33 = c; + _tmp$34 = d; + a = _tmp$30; + b = _tmp$31; + c = _tmp$32; + d = _tmp$33; + e = _tmp$34; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + h0 = h0 + (a) >>> 0; + h1 = h1 + (b) >>> 0; + h2 = h2 + (c) >>> 0; + h3 = h3 + (d) >>> 0; + h4 = h4 + (e) >>> 0; + p = $subslice(p, 64); + } + _tmp$35 = h0; + _tmp$36 = h1; + _tmp$37 = h2; + _tmp$38 = h3; + _tmp$39 = h4; + dig.h[0] = _tmp$35; + dig.h[1] = _tmp$36; + dig.h[2] = _tmp$37; + dig.h[3] = _tmp$38; + dig.h[4] = _tmp$39; + }; + init = function() { + crypto.RegisterHash(3, New); + }; + digest.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { + var b, d; + d = this; + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 96); + b = $appendSlice(b, "sha\x01"); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[0]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[1]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[2]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[3]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[4]); + b = $appendSlice(b, $subslice(new sliceType(d.x), 0, d.nx)); + b = $subslice(b, 0, ((b.$length + 64 >> 0) - (d.nx) >> 0)); + b = appendUint64(b, d.len); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + digest.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { return this.$val.MarshalBinary(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, b, d; + d = this; + if (b.$length < 4 || !(($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, 4))) === "sha\x01")) { + return errors.New("crypto/sha1: invalid hash state identifier"); + } + if (!((b.$length === 96))) { + return errors.New("crypto/sha1: invalid hash state size"); + } + b = $subslice(b, 4); + _tuple = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple[0]; + d.h[0] = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$1[0]; + d.h[1] = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$2[0]; + d.h[2] = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$3[0]; + d.h[3] = _tuple$3[1]; + _tuple$4 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$4[0]; + d.h[4] = _tuple$4[1]; + b = $subslice(b, $copySlice(new sliceType(d.x), b)); + _tuple$5 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$5[0]; + d.len = _tuple$5[1]; + d.nx = (($div64(d.len, new $Uint64(0, 64), true).$low >> 0)); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + digest.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(b); }; + appendUint64 = function(b, x) { + var a, b, x; + a = arrayType$1.zero(); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64(new sliceType(a), x); + return $appendSlice(b, new sliceType(a)); + }; + appendUint32 = function(b, x) { + var a, b, x; + a = arrayType$2.zero(); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32(new sliceType(a), x); + return $appendSlice(b, new sliceType(a)); + }; + consumeUint64 = function(b) { + var b, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + x$14 = (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$8.$high, (x$5.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$9.$high, (x$4.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 32), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$10.$high, (x$3.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 40), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$11.$high, (x$2.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$12.$high, (x$1.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), 56), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$13.$high, (x.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + return [$subslice(b, 8), x$14]; + }; + consumeUint32 = function(b) { + var b, x; + $unused((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3])); + x = ((((((((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]) >>> 0)) | ((((2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + return [$subslice(b, 4), x]; + }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var d; + d = this; + d.h[0] = 1732584193; + d.h[1] = 4023233417; + d.h[2] = 2562383102; + d.h[3] = 271733878; + d.h[4] = 3285377520; + d.nx = 0; + d.len = new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + digest.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + New = function() { + var d; + d = new digest.ptr(arrayType$3.zero(), arrayType$4.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + d.Reset(); + return d; + }; + $pkg.New = New; + digest.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return 20; + }; + digest.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return 64; + }; + digest.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var d, err, n, n$1, nn, p, x, x$1; + nn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + nn = p.$length; + d.len = (x = d.len, x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, nn)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + if (d.nx > 0) { + n = $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType(d.x), d.nx), p); + d.nx = d.nx + (n) >> 0; + if (d.nx === 64) { + block(d, new sliceType(d.x)); + d.nx = 0; + } + p = $subslice(p, n); + } + if (p.$length >= 64) { + n$1 = (p.$length & ~63) >> 0; + block(d, $subslice(p, 0, n$1)); + p = $subslice(p, n$1); + } + if (p.$length > 0) { + d.nx = $copySlice(new sliceType(d.x), p); + } + return [nn, err]; + }; + digest.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { + var d, d0, hash$1, in$1; + d = this; + d0 = $clone(d, digest); + hash$1 = $clone(d0.checkSum(), arrayType$5); + return $appendSlice(in$1, new sliceType(hash$1)); + }; + digest.prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { return this.$val.Sum(in$1); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.checkSum = function() { + var d, digest$1, len, tmp, x, x$1, x$2; + d = this; + len = d.len; + tmp = arrayType$4.zero(); + tmp[0] = 128; + if ((x = $div64(len, new $Uint64(0, 64), true), (x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low < 56)))) { + d.Write($subslice(new sliceType(tmp), 0, $flatten64((x$1 = $div64(len, new $Uint64(0, 64), true), new $Uint64(0 - x$1.$high, 56 - x$1.$low))))); + } else { + d.Write($subslice(new sliceType(tmp), 0, $flatten64((x$2 = $div64(len, new $Uint64(0, 64), true), new $Uint64(0 - x$2.$high, 120 - x$2.$low))))); + } + len = $shiftLeft64(len, (3)); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64(new sliceType(tmp), len); + d.Write($subslice(new sliceType(tmp), 0, 8)); + if (!((d.nx === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("d.nx != 0")); + } + digest$1 = arrayType$5.zero(); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType(digest$1), 0), d.h[0]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType(digest$1), 4), d.h[1]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType(digest$1), 8), d.h[2]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType(digest$1), 12), d.h[3]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType(digest$1), 16), d.h[4]); + return digest$1; + }; + digest.prototype.checkSum = function() { return this.$val.checkSum(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.ConstantTimeSum = function(in$1) { + var d, d0, hash$1, in$1; + d = this; + d0 = $clone(d, digest); + hash$1 = $clone(d0.constSum(), arrayType$5); + return $appendSlice(in$1, new sliceType(hash$1)); + }; + digest.prototype.ConstantTimeSum = function(in$1) { return this.$val.ConstantTimeSum(in$1); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.constSum = function() { + var _i, _i$1, _index, _index$1, _index$2, _index$3, _ref, _ref$1, d, digest$1, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, l, length, mask, mask1b, nx, s, s$1, separator, t, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + d = this; + length = arrayType$1.zero(); + l = $shiftLeft64(d.len, 3); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 8)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= length.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : length[i] = (($shiftRightUint64(l, ((56 - (8 * i >>> 0) >>> 0))).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + i = i + (1) >>> 0; + } + nx = ((d.nx << 24 >>> 24)); + t = nx - 56 << 24 >>> 24; + mask1b = (((((t << 24 >> 24)) >> 7 << 24 >> 24) << 24 >>> 24)); + separator = 128; + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 64)) { break; } + mask = ((((((i$1 - nx << 24 >>> 24) << 24 >> 24)) >> 7 << 24 >> 24) << 24 >>> 24)); + (x$1 = d.x, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i$1] = ((((((~mask << 24 >>> 24) & separator) >>> 0)) | (((mask & (x = d.x, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i$1]))) >>> 0))) >>> 0))); + separator = (separator & (mask)) >>> 0; + if (i$1 >= 56) { + (x$4 = d.x, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[i$1] = (((x$2 = d.x, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i$1])) | (((mask1b & (x$3 = i$1 - 56 << 24 >>> 24, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= length.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : length[x$3]))) >>> 0))) >>> 0))); + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + block(d, new sliceType(d.x)); + digest$1 = arrayType$5.zero(); + _ref = d.h; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 5)) { break; } + i$2 = _i; + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref[_i]); + (x$5 = $imul(i$2, 4), ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[x$5] = ((mask1b & (((s >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0))); + (x$6 = ($imul(i$2, 4)) + 1 >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[x$6] = ((mask1b & (((s >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0))); + (x$7 = ($imul(i$2, 4)) + 2 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[x$7] = ((mask1b & (((s >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0))); + (x$8 = ($imul(i$2, 4)) + 3 >> 0, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[x$8] = ((mask1b & ((s << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0))); + _i++; + } + i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 < 64)) { break; } + if (i$3 < 56) { + (x$9 = d.x, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$9.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9[i$3] = separator)); + separator = 0; + } else { + (x$11 = d.x, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$11.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11[i$3] = (x$10 = i$3 - 56 << 24 >>> 24, ((x$10 < 0 || x$10 >= length.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : length[x$10])))); + } + i$3 = i$3 + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + block(d, new sliceType(d.x)); + _ref$1 = d.h; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < 5)) { break; } + i$4 = _i$1; + s$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1[_i$1]); + _index = $imul(i$4, 4); + ((_index < 0 || _index >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[_index] = ((((_index < 0 || _index >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[_index]) | ((((~mask1b << 24 >>> 24) & (((s$1 >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + _index$1 = ($imul(i$4, 4)) + 1 >> 0; + ((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[_index$1] = ((((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[_index$1]) | ((((~mask1b << 24 >>> 24) & (((s$1 >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + _index$2 = ($imul(i$4, 4)) + 2 >> 0; + ((_index$2 < 0 || _index$2 >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[_index$2] = ((((_index$2 < 0 || _index$2 >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[_index$2]) | ((((~mask1b << 24 >>> 24) & (((s$1 >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + _index$3 = ($imul(i$4, 4)) + 3 >> 0; + ((_index$3 < 0 || _index$3 >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[_index$3] = ((((_index$3 < 0 || _index$3 >= digest$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : digest$1[_index$3]) | ((((~mask1b << 24 >>> 24) & ((s$1 << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + _i$1++; + } + return digest$1; + }; + digest.prototype.constSum = function() { return this.$val.constSum(); }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "checkSum", name: "checkSum", pkg: "crypto/sha1", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$5], false)}, {prop: "ConstantTimeSum", name: "ConstantTimeSum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "constSum", name: "constSum", pkg: "crypto/sha1", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$5], false)}]; + digest.init("crypto/sha1", [{prop: "h", name: "h", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "nx", name: "nx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = crypto.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/sha256"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, crypto, binary, errors, hash, bits, digest, sliceType, arrayType, sliceType$1, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, arrayType$5, arrayType$6, ptrType, ptrType$1, _K, block, blockGeneric, init, appendUint64, appendUint32, consumeUint64, consumeUint32, New, New224, Sum224; + crypto = $packages["crypto"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + digest = $pkg.digest = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sha256.digest", true, "crypto/sha256", false, function(h_, x_, nx_, len_, is224_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.h = arrayType$3.zero(); + this.x = arrayType$4.zero(); + this.nx = 0; + this.len = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.is224 = false; + return; + } + this.h = h_; + this.x = x_; + this.nx = nx_; + this.len = len_; + this.is224 = is224_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint32); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint32, 64); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint32, 8); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + arrayType$6 = $arrayType($Uint8, 28); + ptrType = $ptrType(arrayType$6); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(digest); + block = function(dig, p) { + var dig, p; + blockGeneric(dig, p); + }; + blockGeneric = function(dig, p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, a, b, c, d, dig, e, f, g, h, h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, i, i$1, i$2, j, p, t1, t1$1, t2, t2$1, v1, v2, w, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + w = arrayType.zero(); + _tmp = dig.h[0]; + _tmp$1 = dig.h[1]; + _tmp$2 = dig.h[2]; + _tmp$3 = dig.h[3]; + _tmp$4 = dig.h[4]; + _tmp$5 = dig.h[5]; + _tmp$6 = dig.h[6]; + _tmp$7 = dig.h[7]; + h0 = _tmp; + h1 = _tmp$1; + h2 = _tmp$2; + h3 = _tmp$3; + h4 = _tmp$4; + h5 = _tmp$5; + h6 = _tmp$6; + h7 = _tmp$7; + while (true) { + if (!(p.$length >= 64)) { break; } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + j = $imul(i, 4); + ((i < 0 || i >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[i] = (((((((((((j < 0 || j >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + j]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0) | ((((x = j + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x])) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((x$1 = j + 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$1])) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((x$2 = j + 3 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$2])) >>> 0))) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + i$1 = 16; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 64)) { break; } + v1 = (x$3 = i$1 - 2 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$3])); + t1 = ((((bits.RotateLeft32(v1, -17)) ^ (bits.RotateLeft32(v1, -19))) >>> 0) ^ ((v1 >>> 10 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + v2 = (x$4 = i$1 - 15 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$4])); + t2 = ((((bits.RotateLeft32(v2, -7)) ^ (bits.RotateLeft32(v2, -18))) >>> 0) ^ ((v2 >>> 3 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[i$1] = (((t1 + (x$5 = i$1 - 7 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$5])) >>> 0) + t2 >>> 0) + (x$6 = i$1 - 16 >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[x$6])) >>> 0)); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$8 = h0; + _tmp$9 = h1; + _tmp$10 = h2; + _tmp$11 = h3; + _tmp$12 = h4; + _tmp$13 = h5; + _tmp$14 = h6; + _tmp$15 = h7; + a = _tmp$8; + b = _tmp$9; + c = _tmp$10; + d = _tmp$11; + e = _tmp$12; + f = _tmp$13; + g = _tmp$14; + h = _tmp$15; + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 64)) { break; } + t1$1 = (((h + ((((((bits.RotateLeft32(e, -6)) ^ (bits.RotateLeft32(e, -11))) >>> 0) ^ (bits.RotateLeft32(e, -25))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) + ((((((e & f) >>> 0)) ^ ((((~e >>> 0) & g) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) + ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= _K.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _K.$array[_K.$offset + i$2]) >>> 0) + ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= w.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : w[i$2]) >>> 0; + t2$1 = ((((((bits.RotateLeft32(a, -2)) ^ (bits.RotateLeft32(a, -13))) >>> 0) ^ (bits.RotateLeft32(a, -22))) >>> 0)) + ((((((((a & b) >>> 0)) ^ (((a & c) >>> 0))) >>> 0) ^ (((b & c) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + h = g; + g = f; + f = e; + e = d + t1$1 >>> 0; + d = c; + c = b; + b = a; + a = t1$1 + t2$1 >>> 0; + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + h0 = h0 + (a) >>> 0; + h1 = h1 + (b) >>> 0; + h2 = h2 + (c) >>> 0; + h3 = h3 + (d) >>> 0; + h4 = h4 + (e) >>> 0; + h5 = h5 + (f) >>> 0; + h6 = h6 + (g) >>> 0; + h7 = h7 + (h) >>> 0; + p = $subslice(p, 64); + } + _tmp$16 = h0; + _tmp$17 = h1; + _tmp$18 = h2; + _tmp$19 = h3; + _tmp$20 = h4; + _tmp$21 = h5; + _tmp$22 = h6; + _tmp$23 = h7; + dig.h[0] = _tmp$16; + dig.h[1] = _tmp$17; + dig.h[2] = _tmp$18; + dig.h[3] = _tmp$19; + dig.h[4] = _tmp$20; + dig.h[5] = _tmp$21; + dig.h[6] = _tmp$22; + dig.h[7] = _tmp$23; + }; + init = function() { + crypto.RegisterHash(4, New224); + crypto.RegisterHash(5, New); + }; + digest.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { + var b, d; + d = this; + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, 108); + if (d.is224) { + b = $appendSlice(b, "sha\x02"); + } else { + b = $appendSlice(b, "sha\x03"); + } + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[0]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[1]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[2]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[3]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[4]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[5]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[6]); + b = appendUint32(b, d.h[7]); + b = $appendSlice(b, $subslice(new sliceType$1(d.x), 0, d.nx)); + b = $subslice(b, 0, ((b.$length + 64 >> 0) - (d.nx) >> 0)); + b = appendUint64(b, d.len); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + digest.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { return this.$val.MarshalBinary(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, b, d; + d = this; + if (b.$length < 4 || (d.is224 && !(($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, 4))) === "sha\x02")) || (!d.is224 && !(($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, 4))) === "sha\x03"))) { + return errors.New("crypto/sha256: invalid hash state identifier"); + } + if (!((b.$length === 108))) { + return errors.New("crypto/sha256: invalid hash state size"); + } + b = $subslice(b, 4); + _tuple = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple[0]; + d.h[0] = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$1[0]; + d.h[1] = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$2[0]; + d.h[2] = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$3[0]; + d.h[3] = _tuple$3[1]; + _tuple$4 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$4[0]; + d.h[4] = _tuple$4[1]; + _tuple$5 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$5[0]; + d.h[5] = _tuple$5[1]; + _tuple$6 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$6[0]; + d.h[6] = _tuple$6[1]; + _tuple$7 = consumeUint32(b); + b = _tuple$7[0]; + d.h[7] = _tuple$7[1]; + b = $subslice(b, $copySlice(new sliceType$1(d.x), b)); + _tuple$8 = consumeUint64(b); + b = _tuple$8[0]; + d.len = _tuple$8[1]; + d.nx = (($div64(d.len, new $Uint64(0, 64), true).$low >> 0)); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + digest.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(b); }; + appendUint64 = function(b, x) { + var a, b, x; + a = arrayType$1.zero(); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64(new sliceType$1(a), x); + return $appendSlice(b, new sliceType$1(a)); + }; + appendUint32 = function(b, x) { + var a, b, x; + a = arrayType$2.zero(); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32(new sliceType$1(a), x); + return $appendSlice(b, new sliceType$1(a)); + }; + consumeUint64 = function(b) { + var b, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + x$14 = (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$8.$high, (x$5.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$9.$high, (x$4.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 32), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$10.$high, (x$3.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 40), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$11.$high, (x$2.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$12.$high, (x$1.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), 56), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$13.$high, (x.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + return [$subslice(b, 8), x$14]; + }; + consumeUint32 = function(b) { + var b, x; + $unused((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3])); + x = ((((((((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]) >>> 0)) | ((((2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + return [$subslice(b, 4), x]; + }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var d; + d = this; + if (!d.is224) { + d.h[0] = 1779033703; + d.h[1] = 3144134277; + d.h[2] = 1013904242; + d.h[3] = 2773480762; + d.h[4] = 1359893119; + d.h[5] = 2600822924; + d.h[6] = 528734635; + d.h[7] = 1541459225; + } else { + d.h[0] = 3238371032; + d.h[1] = 914150663; + d.h[2] = 812702999; + d.h[3] = 4144912697; + d.h[4] = 4290775857; + d.h[5] = 1750603025; + d.h[6] = 1694076839; + d.h[7] = 3204075428; + } + d.nx = 0; + d.len = new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + digest.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + New = function() { + var d; + d = new digest.ptr(arrayType$3.zero(), arrayType$4.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), false); + d.Reset(); + return d; + }; + $pkg.New = New; + New224 = function() { + var d; + d = new digest.ptr(arrayType$3.zero(), arrayType$4.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), false); + d.is224 = true; + d.Reset(); + return d; + }; + $pkg.New224 = New224; + digest.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var d; + d = this; + if (!d.is224) { + return 32; + } + return 28; + }; + digest.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return 64; + }; + digest.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var d, err, n, n$1, nn, p, x, x$1; + nn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + nn = p.$length; + d.len = (x = d.len, x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, nn)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + if (d.nx > 0) { + n = $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$1(d.x), d.nx), p); + d.nx = d.nx + (n) >> 0; + if (d.nx === 64) { + block(d, new sliceType$1(d.x)); + d.nx = 0; + } + p = $subslice(p, n); + } + if (p.$length >= 64) { + n$1 = (p.$length & ~63) >> 0; + block(d, $subslice(p, 0, n$1)); + p = $subslice(p, n$1); + } + if (p.$length > 0) { + d.nx = $copySlice(new sliceType$1(d.x), p); + } + return [nn, err]; + }; + digest.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { + var d, d0, hash$1, in$1; + d = this; + d0 = $clone(d, digest); + hash$1 = $clone(d0.checkSum(), arrayType$5); + if (d0.is224) { + return $appendSlice(in$1, $subslice(new sliceType$1(hash$1), 0, 28)); + } + return $appendSlice(in$1, new sliceType$1(hash$1)); + }; + digest.prototype.Sum = function(in$1) { return this.$val.Sum(in$1); }; + digest.ptr.prototype.checkSum = function() { + var d, digest$1, len, tmp, x, x$1, x$2; + d = this; + len = d.len; + tmp = arrayType$4.zero(); + tmp[0] = 128; + if ((x = $div64(len, new $Uint64(0, 64), true), (x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low < 56)))) { + d.Write($subslice(new sliceType$1(tmp), 0, $flatten64((x$1 = $div64(len, new $Uint64(0, 64), true), new $Uint64(0 - x$1.$high, 56 - x$1.$low))))); + } else { + d.Write($subslice(new sliceType$1(tmp), 0, $flatten64((x$2 = $div64(len, new $Uint64(0, 64), true), new $Uint64(0 - x$2.$high, 120 - x$2.$low))))); + } + len = $shiftLeft64(len, (3)); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint64(new sliceType$1(tmp), len); + d.Write($subslice(new sliceType$1(tmp), 0, 8)); + if (!((d.nx === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("d.nx != 0")); + } + digest$1 = arrayType$5.zero(); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 0), d.h[0]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 4), d.h[1]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 8), d.h[2]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 12), d.h[3]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 16), d.h[4]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 20), d.h[5]); + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 24), d.h[6]); + if (!d.is224) { + $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).PutUint32($subslice(new sliceType$1(digest$1), 28), d.h[7]); + } + return digest$1; + }; + digest.prototype.checkSum = function() { return this.$val.checkSum(); }; + Sum224 = function(data) { + var ap, d, data, sum; + d = new digest.ptr(arrayType$3.zero(), arrayType$4.zero(), 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), false); + d.is224 = true; + d.Reset(); + d.Write(data); + sum = $clone(d.checkSum(), arrayType$5); + ap = ($sliceToGoArray(new sliceType$1(sum), ptrType)); + return ap; + }; + $pkg.Sum224 = Sum224; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "checkSum", name: "checkSum", pkg: "crypto/sha256", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$5], false)}]; + digest.init("crypto/sha256", [{prop: "h", name: "h", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "nx", name: "nx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "is224", name: "is224", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = crypto.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _K = new sliceType([1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298]); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/dsa"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, randutil, errors, io, big, Parameters, PublicKey, ptrType; + randutil = $packages["crypto/internal/randutil"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + big = $packages["math/big"]; + Parameters = $pkg.Parameters = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "dsa.Parameters", true, "crypto/dsa", true, function(P_, Q_, G_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.P = ptrType.nil; + this.Q = ptrType.nil; + this.G = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.P = P_; + this.Q = Q_; + this.G = G_; + }); + PublicKey = $pkg.PublicKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "dsa.PublicKey", true, "crypto/dsa", true, function(Parameters_, Y_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Parameters = new Parameters.ptr(ptrType.nil, ptrType.nil, ptrType.nil); + this.Y = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.Parameters = Parameters_; + this.Y = Y_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(big.Int); + Parameters.init("", [{prop: "P", name: "P", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Q", name: "Q", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "G", name: "G", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + PublicKey.init("", [{prop: "Parameters", name: "Parameters", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Parameters, tag: ""}, {prop: "Y", name: "Y", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = randutil.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = big.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrInvalidPublicKey = errors.New("crypto/dsa: invalid public key"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["encoding/hex"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, fmt, io, strings, sliceType$1, EncodedLen, Encode, EncodeToString; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + EncodedLen = function(n) { + var n; + return $imul(n, 2); + }; + $pkg.EncodedLen = EncodedLen; + Encode = function(dst, src) { + var _i, _ref, dst, j, src, v, x; + j = 0; + _ref = src; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ((j < 0 || j >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + j] = "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((v >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); + (x = j + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x] = "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((v & 15) >>> 0)))); + j = j + (2) >> 0; + _i++; + } + return $imul(src.$length, 2); + }; + $pkg.Encode = Encode; + EncodeToString = function(src) { + var dst, src; + dst = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, EncodedLen(src.$length)); + Encode(dst, src); + return ($bytesToString(dst)); + }; + $pkg.EncodeToString = EncodeToString; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrLength = errors.New("encoding/hex: odd length hex string"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/x509/pkix"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, asn1, hex, fmt, big, time, AlgorithmIdentifier, RDNSequence, RelativeDistinguishedNameSET, AttributeTypeAndValue, Extension, Name, CertificateList, TBSCertificateList, RevokedCertificate, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, sliceType$8, sliceType$9, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, attributeTypeNames, oidCountry, oidOrganization, oidOrganizationalUnit, oidCommonName, oidSerialNumber, oidLocality, oidProvince, oidStreetAddress, oidPostalCode, oidInAttributeTypeAndValue; + asn1 = $packages["encoding/asn1"]; + hex = $packages["encoding/hex"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + big = $packages["math/big"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + AlgorithmIdentifier = $pkg.AlgorithmIdentifier = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier", true, "crypto/x509/pkix", true, function(Algorithm_, Parameters_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Algorithm = asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil; + this.Parameters = new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$6.nil, sliceType$6.nil); + return; + } + this.Algorithm = Algorithm_; + this.Parameters = Parameters_; + }); + RDNSequence = $pkg.RDNSequence = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "pkix.RDNSequence", true, "crypto/x509/pkix", true, null); + RelativeDistinguishedNameSET = $pkg.RelativeDistinguishedNameSET = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "pkix.RelativeDistinguishedNameSET", true, "crypto/x509/pkix", true, null); + AttributeTypeAndValue = $pkg.AttributeTypeAndValue = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue", true, "crypto/x509/pkix", true, function(Type_, Value_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Type = asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil; + this.Value = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Type = Type_; + this.Value = Value_; + }); + Extension = $pkg.Extension = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "pkix.Extension", true, "crypto/x509/pkix", true, function(Id_, Critical_, Value_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Id = asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil; + this.Critical = false; + this.Value = sliceType$6.nil; + return; + } + this.Id = Id_; + this.Critical = Critical_; + this.Value = Value_; + }); + Name = $pkg.Name = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "pkix.Name", true, "crypto/x509/pkix", true, function(Country_, Organization_, OrganizationalUnit_, Locality_, Province_, StreetAddress_, PostalCode_, SerialNumber_, CommonName_, Names_, ExtraNames_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Country = sliceType$4.nil; + this.Organization = sliceType$4.nil; + this.OrganizationalUnit = sliceType$4.nil; + this.Locality = sliceType$4.nil; + this.Province = sliceType$4.nil; + this.StreetAddress = sliceType$4.nil; + this.PostalCode = sliceType$4.nil; + this.SerialNumber = ""; + this.CommonName = ""; + this.Names = sliceType$3.nil; + this.ExtraNames = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.Country = Country_; + this.Organization = Organization_; + this.OrganizationalUnit = OrganizationalUnit_; + this.Locality = Locality_; + this.Province = Province_; + this.StreetAddress = StreetAddress_; + this.PostalCode = PostalCode_; + this.SerialNumber = SerialNumber_; + this.CommonName = CommonName_; + this.Names = Names_; + this.ExtraNames = ExtraNames_; + }); + CertificateList = $pkg.CertificateList = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "pkix.CertificateList", true, "crypto/x509/pkix", true, function(TBSCertList_, SignatureAlgorithm_, SignatureValue_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.TBSCertList = new TBSCertificateList.ptr(asn1.RawContent.nil, 0, new AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$6.nil, sliceType$6.nil)), RDNSequence.nil, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil), sliceType$8.nil, sliceType$9.nil); + this.SignatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$6.nil, sliceType$6.nil)); + this.SignatureValue = new asn1.BitString.ptr(sliceType$6.nil, 0); + return; + } + this.TBSCertList = TBSCertList_; + this.SignatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm_; + this.SignatureValue = SignatureValue_; + }); + TBSCertificateList = $pkg.TBSCertificateList = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "pkix.TBSCertificateList", true, "crypto/x509/pkix", true, function(Raw_, Version_, Signature_, Issuer_, ThisUpdate_, NextUpdate_, RevokedCertificates_, Extensions_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Raw = asn1.RawContent.nil; + this.Version = 0; + this.Signature = new AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$6.nil, sliceType$6.nil)); + this.Issuer = RDNSequence.nil; + this.ThisUpdate = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil); + this.NextUpdate = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil); + this.RevokedCertificates = sliceType$8.nil; + this.Extensions = sliceType$9.nil; + return; + } + this.Raw = Raw_; + this.Version = Version_; + this.Signature = Signature_; + this.Issuer = Issuer_; + this.ThisUpdate = ThisUpdate_; + this.NextUpdate = NextUpdate_; + this.RevokedCertificates = RevokedCertificates_; + this.Extensions = Extensions_; + }); + RevokedCertificate = $pkg.RevokedCertificate = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "pkix.RevokedCertificate", true, "crypto/x509/pkix", true, function(SerialNumber_, RevocationTime_, Extensions_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.SerialNumber = ptrType$4.nil; + this.RevocationTime = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$2.nil); + this.Extensions = sliceType$9.nil; + return; + } + this.SerialNumber = SerialNumber_; + this.RevocationTime = RevocationTime_; + this.Extensions = Extensions_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Int); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Int32); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(AttributeTypeAndValue); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(RelativeDistinguishedNameSET); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(RDNSequence); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Name); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(time.Location); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType(RevokedCertificate); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType(Extension); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(CertificateList); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(big.Int); + RDNSequence.prototype.String = function() { + var {_1, _entry, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, derBytes, err, escape, escaped, i, j, k, oidString, ok, r, rdn, s, tv, typeName, valueString, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + s = ""; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < r.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < r.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + rdn = (x = (r.$length - 1 >> 0) - i >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= r.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : r.$array[r.$offset + x])); + if (i > 0) { + s = s + (","); + } + _ref = rdn; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + j = _i; + tv = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), AttributeTypeAndValue); + if (j > 0) { + s = s + ("+"); + } + oidString = tv.Type.String(); + _tuple = (_entry = attributeTypeNames[$String.keyFor(oidString)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + typeName = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 5: + _r = asn1.Marshal(tv.Value); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + derBytes = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + s = s + (oidString + "=#" + hex.EncodeToString(derBytes)); + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + typeName = oidString; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprint(new sliceType$1([tv.Value])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valueString = _r$1; + escaped = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, valueString.length); + _ref$1 = valueString; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref$1, _i$1); + k = _i$1; + c = _rune[0]; + escape = false; + _1 = c; + if ((_1 === (44)) || (_1 === (43)) || (_1 === (34)) || (_1 === (92)) || (_1 === (60)) || (_1 === (62)) || (_1 === (59))) { + escape = true; + } else if (_1 === (32)) { + escape = (k === 0) || (k === (valueString.length - 1 >> 0)); + } else if (_1 === (35)) { + escape = k === 0; + } + if (escape) { + escaped = $append(escaped, 92, c); + } else { + escaped = $append(escaped, c); + } + _i$1 += _rune[1]; + } + s = s + (typeName + "=" + ($runesToString(escaped))); + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RDNSequence.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, derBytes, err, escape, escaped, i, j, k, oidString, ok, r, rdn, s, tv, typeName, valueString, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(RDNSequence).prototype.String = function() { return this.$get().String(); }; + Name.ptr.prototype.FillFromRDNSequence = function(rdns) { + var _1, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, atv, n, ok, rdn, rdns, t, value; + n = this; + _ref = rdns.$get(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + rdn = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (rdn.$length === 0) { + _i++; + continue; + } + _ref$1 = rdn; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + atv = $clone(((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]), AttributeTypeAndValue); + n.Names = $append(n.Names, atv); + _tuple = $assertType(atv.Value, $String, true); + value = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + t = atv.Type; + if ((t.$length === 4) && ((0 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 0]) === 2) && ((1 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 1]) === 5) && ((2 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 2]) === 4)) { + _1 = (3 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 3]); + if (_1 === (3)) { + n.CommonName = value; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + n.SerialNumber = value; + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + n.Country = $append(n.Country, value); + } else if (_1 === (7)) { + n.Locality = $append(n.Locality, value); + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + n.Province = $append(n.Province, value); + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + n.StreetAddress = $append(n.StreetAddress, value); + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + n.Organization = $append(n.Organization, value); + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + n.OrganizationalUnit = $append(n.OrganizationalUnit, value); + } else if (_1 === (17)) { + n.PostalCode = $append(n.PostalCode, value); + } + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + }; + Name.prototype.FillFromRDNSequence = function(rdns) { return this.$val.FillFromRDNSequence(rdns); }; + Name.ptr.prototype.appendRDNs = function(in$1, values, oid) { + var _i, _ref, i, in$1, n, oid, s, value, values; + n = this; + if ((values.$length === 0) || oidInAttributeTypeAndValue(oid, n.ExtraNames)) { + return in$1; + } + s = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, values.$length); + _ref = values; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + value = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]).Type = oid; + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]).Value = new $String(value); + _i++; + } + return $append(in$1, $convertSliceType(s, RelativeDistinguishedNameSET)); + }; + Name.prototype.appendRDNs = function(in$1, values, oid) { return this.$val.appendRDNs(in$1, values, oid); }; + Name.ptr.prototype.ToRDNSequence = function() { + var _i, _ref, atv, n, ret; + ret = RDNSequence.nil; + n = this; + ret = $clone(n, Name).appendRDNs(ret, n.Country, $convertSliceType(oidCountry, asn1.ObjectIdentifier)); + ret = $clone(n, Name).appendRDNs(ret, n.Province, $convertSliceType(oidProvince, asn1.ObjectIdentifier)); + ret = $clone(n, Name).appendRDNs(ret, n.Locality, $convertSliceType(oidLocality, asn1.ObjectIdentifier)); + ret = $clone(n, Name).appendRDNs(ret, n.StreetAddress, $convertSliceType(oidStreetAddress, asn1.ObjectIdentifier)); + ret = $clone(n, Name).appendRDNs(ret, n.PostalCode, $convertSliceType(oidPostalCode, asn1.ObjectIdentifier)); + ret = $clone(n, Name).appendRDNs(ret, n.Organization, $convertSliceType(oidOrganization, asn1.ObjectIdentifier)); + ret = $clone(n, Name).appendRDNs(ret, n.OrganizationalUnit, $convertSliceType(oidOrganizationalUnit, asn1.ObjectIdentifier)); + if (n.CommonName.length > 0) { + ret = $clone(n, Name).appendRDNs(ret, new sliceType$4([n.CommonName]), $convertSliceType(oidCommonName, asn1.ObjectIdentifier)); + } + if (n.SerialNumber.length > 0) { + ret = $clone(n, Name).appendRDNs(ret, new sliceType$4([n.SerialNumber]), $convertSliceType(oidSerialNumber, asn1.ObjectIdentifier)); + } + _ref = n.ExtraNames; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + atv = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), AttributeTypeAndValue); + ret = $append(ret, $convertSliceType(new sliceType$3([$clone(atv, AttributeTypeAndValue)]), RelativeDistinguishedNameSET)); + _i++; + } + ret = ret; + return ret; + }; + Name.prototype.ToRDNSequence = function() { return this.$val.ToRDNSequence(); }; + Name.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _1, _i, _r, _ref, atv, n, rdns, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = this; + rdns = RDNSequence.nil; + if (n.ExtraNames === sliceType$3.nil) { + _ref = n.Names; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + atv = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), AttributeTypeAndValue); + t = atv.Type; + if ((t.$length === 4) && ((0 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 0]) === 2) && ((1 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 1]) === 5) && ((2 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 2]) === 4)) { + _1 = (3 >= t.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + 3]); + if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (17))) { + _i++; + continue; + } + } + rdns = $append(rdns, $convertSliceType(new sliceType$3([$clone(atv, AttributeTypeAndValue)]), RelativeDistinguishedNameSET)); + _i++; + } + } + rdns = $appendSlice(rdns, $convertSliceType($clone(n, Name).ToRDNSequence(), sliceType$5)); + _r = rdns.String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Name.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _i, _r, _ref, atv, n, rdns, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Name.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + oidInAttributeTypeAndValue = function(oid, atv) { + var _i, _ref, a, atv, oid; + _ref = atv; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + a = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), AttributeTypeAndValue); + if (a.Type.Equal(oid)) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + CertificateList.ptr.prototype.HasExpired = function(now) { + var certList, now; + certList = this; + return !$clone(now, time.Time).Before($clone(certList.TBSCertList.NextUpdate, time.Time)); + }; + CertificateList.prototype.HasExpired = function(now) { return this.$val.HasExpired(now); }; + RDNSequence.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Name.methods = [{prop: "appendRDNs", name: "appendRDNs", pkg: "crypto/x509/pkix", typ: $funcType([RDNSequence, sliceType$4, asn1.ObjectIdentifier], [RDNSequence], false)}, {prop: "ToRDNSequence", name: "ToRDNSequence", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [RDNSequence], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "FillFromRDNSequence", name: "FillFromRDNSequence", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "HasExpired", name: "HasExpired", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$Bool], false)}]; + AlgorithmIdentifier.init("", [{prop: "Algorithm", name: "Algorithm", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: asn1.ObjectIdentifier, tag: ""}, {prop: "Parameters", name: "Parameters", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: asn1.RawValue, tag: "asn1:\"optional\""}]); + RDNSequence.init(RelativeDistinguishedNameSET); + RelativeDistinguishedNameSET.init(AttributeTypeAndValue); + AttributeTypeAndValue.init("", [{prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: asn1.ObjectIdentifier, tag: ""}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}]); + Extension.init("", [{prop: "Id", name: "Id", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: asn1.ObjectIdentifier, tag: ""}, {prop: "Critical", name: "Critical", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: "asn1:\"optional\""}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}]); + Name.init("", [{prop: "Country", name: "Country", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "Organization", name: "Organization", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "OrganizationalUnit", name: "OrganizationalUnit", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "Locality", name: "Locality", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "Province", name: "Province", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "StreetAddress", name: "StreetAddress", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "PostalCode", name: "PostalCode", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "SerialNumber", name: "SerialNumber", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "CommonName", name: "CommonName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Names", name: "Names", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExtraNames", name: "ExtraNames", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + CertificateList.init("", [{prop: "TBSCertList", name: "TBSCertList", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: TBSCertificateList, tag: ""}, {prop: "SignatureAlgorithm", name: "SignatureAlgorithm", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: AlgorithmIdentifier, tag: ""}, {prop: "SignatureValue", name: "SignatureValue", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: asn1.BitString, tag: ""}]); + TBSCertificateList.init("", [{prop: "Raw", name: "Raw", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: asn1.RawContent, tag: ""}, {prop: "Version", name: "Version", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: "asn1:\"optional,default:0\""}, {prop: "Signature", name: "Signature", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: AlgorithmIdentifier, tag: ""}, {prop: "Issuer", name: "Issuer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: RDNSequence, tag: ""}, {prop: "ThisUpdate", name: "ThisUpdate", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "NextUpdate", name: "NextUpdate", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: "asn1:\"optional\""}, {prop: "RevokedCertificates", name: "RevokedCertificates", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$8, tag: "asn1:\"optional\""}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$9, tag: "asn1:\"tag:0,optional,explicit\""}]); + RevokedCertificate.init("", [{prop: "SerialNumber", name: "SerialNumber", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "RevocationTime", name: "RevocationTime", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$9, tag: "asn1:\"optional\""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = asn1.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hex.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = big.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + attributeTypeNames = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "", v: "C" }, { k: "", v: "O" }, { k: "", v: "OU" }, { k: "", v: "CN" }, { k: "", v: "SERIALNUMBER" }, { k: "", v: "L" }, { k: "", v: "ST" }, { k: "", v: "STREET" }, { k: "", v: "POSTALCODE" }]); + oidCountry = new sliceType([2, 5, 4, 6]); + oidOrganization = new sliceType([2, 5, 4, 10]); + oidOrganizationalUnit = new sliceType([2, 5, 4, 11]); + oidCommonName = new sliceType([2, 5, 4, 3]); + oidSerialNumber = new sliceType([2, 5, 4, 5]); + oidLocality = new sliceType([2, 5, 4, 7]); + oidProvince = new sliceType([2, 5, 4, 8]); + oidStreetAddress = new sliceType([2, 5, 4, 9]); + oidPostalCode = new sliceType([2, 5, 4, 17]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["encoding/pem"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, base64, errors, io, sort, strings, Block, sliceType, ptrType, mapType, pemStart, pemEnd, pemEndOfLine, colon, getLine, removeSpacesAndTabs, Decode; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + base64 = $packages["encoding/base64"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + Block = $pkg.Block = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "pem.Block", true, "encoding/pem", true, function(Type_, Headers_, Bytes_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Type = ""; + this.Headers = false; + this.Bytes = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.Type = Type_; + this.Headers = Headers_; + this.Bytes = Bytes_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(Block); + mapType = $mapType($String, $String); + getLine = function(data) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, data, i, j, line, rest, x; + line = sliceType.nil; + rest = sliceType.nil; + i = bytes.IndexByte(data, 10); + j = 0; + if (i < 0) { + i = data.$length; + j = i; + } else { + j = i + 1 >> 0; + if (i > 0 && ((x = i - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + x])) === 13)) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + } + _tmp = bytes.TrimRight($subslice(data, 0, i), " \t"); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(data, j); + line = _tmp; + rest = _tmp$1; + return [line, rest]; + }; + removeSpacesAndTabs = function(data) { + var _i, _ref, b, data, n, result; + if (!bytes.ContainsAny(data, " \t")) { + return data; + } + result = $makeSlice(sliceType, data.$length); + n = 0; + _ref = data; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if ((b === 32) || (b === 9)) { + _i++; + continue; + } + ((n < 0 || n >= result.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : result.$array[result.$offset + n] = b); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + _i++; + } + return $subslice(result, 0, n); + }; + Decode = function(data) { + var {_key, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, after, base64Data, data, endIndex, endTrailer, endTrailerIndex, endTrailerLen, err, key, line, n, next, ok, ok$1, p, rest, restOfEndLine, s, typeLine, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = ptrType.nil; + rest = sliceType.nil; + rest = data; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + if (bytes.HasPrefix(rest, $subslice(pemStart, 1))) { + rest = $subslice(rest, (pemStart.$length - 1 >> 0)); + } else { + _tuple = bytes.Cut(rest, pemStart); + after = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (ok) { + rest = after; + } else { + _tmp = ptrType.nil; + _tmp$1 = data; + p = _tmp; + rest = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [p, rest]; + } + } + typeLine = sliceType.nil; + _tuple$1 = getLine(rest); + typeLine = _tuple$1[0]; + rest = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!bytes.HasSuffix(typeLine, pemEndOfLine)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + typeLine = $subslice(typeLine, 0, (typeLine.$length - pemEndOfLine.$length >> 0)); + p = new Block.ptr(($bytesToString(typeLine)), {}, sliceType.nil); + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + if (rest.$length === 0) { + _tmp$2 = ptrType.nil; + _tmp$3 = data; + p = _tmp$2; + rest = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [p, rest]; + } + _tuple$2 = getLine(rest); + line = _tuple$2[0]; + next = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = bytes.Cut(line, colon); + key = _tuple$3[0]; + val = _tuple$3[1]; + ok$1 = _tuple$3[2]; + if (!ok$1) { + /* break; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + _r = bytes.TrimSpace(key); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r; + _r$1 = bytes.TrimSpace(val); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r$1; + _key = ($bytesToString(key)); (p.Headers || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: ($bytesToString(val)) }; + rest = next; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + endIndex = _tmp$4; + endTrailerIndex = _tmp$5; + if (($keys(p.Headers).length === 0) && bytes.HasPrefix(rest, $subslice(pemEnd, 1))) { + endIndex = 0; + endTrailerIndex = pemEnd.$length - 1 >> 0; + } else { + endIndex = bytes.Index(rest, pemEnd); + endTrailerIndex = endIndex + pemEnd.$length >> 0; + } + if (endIndex < 0) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + endTrailer = $subslice(rest, endTrailerIndex); + endTrailerLen = typeLine.$length + pemEndOfLine.$length >> 0; + if (endTrailer.$length < endTrailerLen) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + restOfEndLine = $subslice(endTrailer, endTrailerLen); + endTrailer = $subslice(endTrailer, 0, endTrailerLen); + if (!bytes.HasPrefix(endTrailer, typeLine) || !bytes.HasSuffix(endTrailer, pemEndOfLine)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _tuple$4 = getLine(restOfEndLine); + s = _tuple$4[0]; + if (!((s.$length === 0))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + base64Data = removeSpacesAndTabs($subslice(rest, 0, endIndex)); + p.Bytes = $makeSlice(sliceType, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(base64Data.$length)); + _tuple$5 = base64.StdEncoding.Decode(p.Bytes, base64Data); + n = _tuple$5[0]; + err = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + p.Bytes = $subslice(p.Bytes, 0, n); + _tuple$6 = getLine($subslice(rest, ((endIndex + pemEnd.$length >> 0) - 1 >> 0))); + rest = _tuple$6[1]; + _tmp$6 = p; + _tmp$7 = rest; + p = _tmp$6; + rest = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [p, rest]; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [p, rest]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decode, $c: true, $r, _key, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, after, base64Data, data, endIndex, endTrailer, endTrailerIndex, endTrailerLen, err, key, line, n, next, ok, ok$1, p, rest, restOfEndLine, s, typeLine, val, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Decode = Decode; + Block.init("", [{prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Headers", name: "Headers", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = base64.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pemStart = (new sliceType($stringToBytes("\n-----BEGIN "))); + pemEnd = (new sliceType($stringToBytes("\n-----END "))); + pemEndOfLine = (new sliceType($stringToBytes("-----"))); + colon = (new sliceType($stringToBytes(":"))); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/godebug"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, os, Get, get; + os = $packages["os"]; + Get = function(key) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = os.Getenv("GODEBUG"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = get(_r, key); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, key, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Get = Get; + get = function(s, key) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, afterKey, b, i, i$1, key, s, val; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < ((s.length - key.length >> 0) - 1 >> 0))) { break; } + if (i > 0 && !((s.charCodeAt((i - 1 >> 0)) === 44))) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + afterKey = $substring(s, (i + key.length >> 0)); + if (!((afterKey.charCodeAt(0) === 61)) || !($substring(s, i, (i + key.length >> 0)) === key)) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + val = $substring(afterKey, 1); + _ref = val; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i$1 = _i; + b = _rune[0]; + if (b === 44) { + return $substring(val, 0, i$1); + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return val; + } + return ""; + }; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/nettrace"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, TraceKey, LookupIPAltResolverKey, Trace, funcType, sliceType, funcType$1, funcType$2, funcType$3; + TraceKey = $pkg.TraceKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nettrace.TraceKey", true, "internal/nettrace", true, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + LookupIPAltResolverKey = $pkg.LookupIPAltResolverKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nettrace.LookupIPAltResolverKey", true, "internal/nettrace", true, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + Trace = $pkg.Trace = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nettrace.Trace", true, "internal/nettrace", true, function(DNSStart_, DNSDone_, ConnectStart_, ConnectDone_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.DNSStart = $throwNilPointerError; + this.DNSDone = $throwNilPointerError; + this.ConnectStart = $throwNilPointerError; + this.ConnectDone = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.DNSStart = DNSStart_; + this.DNSDone = DNSDone_; + this.ConnectStart = ConnectStart_; + this.ConnectDone = ConnectDone_; + }); + funcType = $funcType([$String], [], false); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + funcType$1 = $funcType([sliceType, $Bool, $error], [], false); + funcType$2 = $funcType([$String, $String], [], false); + funcType$3 = $funcType([$String, $String, $error], [], false); + TraceKey.init("", []); + LookupIPAltResolverKey.init("", []); + Trace.init("", [{prop: "DNSStart", name: "DNSStart", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "DNSDone", name: "DNSDone", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "ConnectStart", name: "ConnectStart", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "ConnectDone", name: "ConnectDone", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/singleflight"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, sync, call, Group, Result, ptrType, chanType, sliceType, funcType, chanType$1, ptrType$1, mapType; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + call = $pkg.call = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "singleflight.call", true, "internal/singleflight", false, function(wg_, val_, err_, dups_, chans_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.wg = new sync.WaitGroup.ptr(0, $chanNil, new $Uint64(0, 0), 0); + this.val = $ifaceNil; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.dups = 0; + this.chans = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.wg = wg_; + this.val = val_; + this.err = err_; + this.dups = dups_; + this.chans = chans_; + }); + Group = $pkg.Group = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "singleflight.Group", true, "internal/singleflight", true, function(mu_, m_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.m = false; + return; + } + this.mu = mu_; + this.m = m_; + }); + Result = $pkg.Result = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "singleflight.Result", true, "internal/singleflight", true, function(Val_, Err_, Shared_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Val = $ifaceNil; + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + this.Shared = false; + return; + } + this.Val = Val_; + this.Err = Err_; + this.Shared = Shared_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(call); + chanType = $chanType(Result, true, false); + sliceType = $sliceType(chanType); + funcType = $funcType([], [$emptyInterface, $error], false); + chanType$1 = $chanType(Result, false, true); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Group); + mapType = $mapType($String, ptrType); + Group.ptr.prototype.Do = function(key, fn) { + var {_entry, _key, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, c, c$1, err, fn, g, key, ok, shared, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + shared = false; + g = this; + $r = g.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (g.m === false) { + g.m = {}; + } + _tuple = (_entry = g.m[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType.nil, false]); + c = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + c.dups = c.dups + (1) >> 0; + $r = g.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = c.wg.Wait(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = c.val; + _tmp$1 = c.err; + _tmp$2 = true; + v = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + shared = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [v, err, shared]; + /* } */ case 3: + c$1 = new call.ptr(new sync.WaitGroup.ptr(0, $chanNil, new $Uint64(0, 0), 0), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, 0, sliceType.nil); + c$1.wg.Add(1); + _key = key; (g.m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: c$1 }; + $r = g.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = g.doCall(c$1, key, fn); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = c$1.val; + _tmp$4 = c$1.err; + _tmp$5 = c$1.dups > 0; + v = _tmp$3; + err = _tmp$4; + shared = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [v, err, shared]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Group.ptr.prototype.Do, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, c, c$1, err, fn, g, key, ok, shared, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Group.prototype.Do = function(key, fn) { return this.$val.Do(key, fn); }; + Group.ptr.prototype.DoChan = function(key, fn) { + var {_entry, _key, _tuple, c, c$1, ch, fn, g, key, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + g = this; + ch = new $Chan(Result, 1); + $r = g.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (g.m === false) { + g.m = {}; + } + _tuple = (_entry = g.m[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType.nil, false]); + c = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + c.dups = c.dups + (1) >> 0; + c.chans = $append(c.chans, ch); + $r = g.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [ch, false]; + /* } */ case 3: + c$1 = new call.ptr(new sync.WaitGroup.ptr(0, $chanNil, new $Uint64(0, 0), 0), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, 0, new sliceType([ch])); + c$1.wg.Add(1); + _key = key; (g.m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: c$1 }; + $r = g.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $go($methodVal(g, "doCall"), [c$1, key, fn]); + $s = -1; return [ch, true]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Group.ptr.prototype.DoChan, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _tuple, c, c$1, ch, fn, g, key, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + Group.prototype.DoChan = function(key, fn) { return this.$val.DoChan(key, fn); }; + Group.ptr.prototype.doCall = function(c, key, fn) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, _tuple, c, ch, fn, g, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c, key, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + g = this; + _r = fn(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + c.val = _tuple[0]; + c.err = _tuple[1]; + c.wg.Done(); + $r = g.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delete g.m[$String.keyFor(key)]; + _ref = c.chans; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + ch = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = $send(ch, $clone(new Result.ptr(c.val, c.err, c.dups > 0), Result)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $r = g.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Group.ptr.prototype.doCall, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, _tuple, c, ch, fn, g, key, $s};return $f; + }; + Group.prototype.doCall = function(c, key, fn) { return this.$val.doCall(c, key, fn); }; + Group.ptr.prototype.ForgetUnshared = function(key) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _tuple, c, g, key, ok, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + g = this; + $r = g.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(g.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + _tuple = (_entry = g.m[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType.nil, false]); + c = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + $24r = true; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (c.dups === 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (c.dups === 0) { */ case 5: + delete g.m[$String.keyFor(key)]; + $24r$1 = true; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + $24r$2 = false; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Group.ptr.prototype.ForgetUnshared, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _tuple, c, g, key, ok, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Group.prototype.ForgetUnshared = function(key) { return this.$val.ForgetUnshared(key); }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Do", name: "Do", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, funcType], [$emptyInterface, $error, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "DoChan", name: "DoChan", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, funcType], [chanType$1, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "doCall", name: "doCall", pkg: "internal/singleflight", typ: $funcType([ptrType, $String, funcType], [], false)}, {prop: "ForgetUnshared", name: "ForgetUnshared", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}]; + call.init("internal/singleflight", [{prop: "wg", name: "wg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.WaitGroup, tag: ""}, {prop: "val", name: "val", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "dups", name: "dups", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "chans", name: "chans", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + Group.init("internal/singleflight", [{prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}]); + Result.init("", [{prop: "Val", name: "Val", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "Shared", name: "Shared", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["internal/intern"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, godebug, runtime, sync, Value, key, funcType, arrayType, ptrType, valSafe, _r, safeMap; + godebug = $packages["internal/godebug"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + Value = $pkg.Value = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "intern.Value", true, "internal/intern", true, function(_$0_, cmpVal_, resurrected_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.cmpVal = $ifaceNil; + this.resurrected = false; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.cmpVal = cmpVal_; + this.resurrected = resurrected_; + }); + key = $pkg.key = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "intern.key", true, "internal/intern", false, function(s_, cmpVal_, isString_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = ""; + this.cmpVal = $ifaceNil; + this.isString = false; + return; + } + this.s = s_; + this.cmpVal = cmpVal_; + this.isString = isString_; + }); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + ptrType = $ptrType(Value); + Value.ptr.prototype.Get = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return v.cmpVal; + }; + Value.prototype.Get = function() { return this.$val.Get(); }; + key.ptr.prototype.Value = function() { + var k; + k = this; + if (k.isString) { + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), new $String(k.s), false); + } + return new Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), k.cmpVal, false); + }; + key.prototype.Value = function() { return this.$val.Value(); }; + safeMap = function() { + var {_r$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = godebug.Get("intern"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1 === "leaky") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$1 === "leaky") { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return $makeMap(key.keyFor, []); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: safeMap, $c: true, $r, _r$1, $s};return $f; + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + key.methods = [{prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}]; + Value.init("internal/intern", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "cmpVal", name: "cmpVal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "resurrected", name: "resurrected", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + key.init("internal/intern", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "cmpVal", name: "cmpVal", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "isString", name: "isString", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = godebug.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = safeMap(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valSafe = _r; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["net/netip"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, bytealg, intern, itoa, math, bits, strconv, uint128, parseAddrError, AddrPort, Prefix, Addr, funcType, arrayType, ptrType$1, arrayType$1, sliceType, arrayType$2, ptrType$2, arrayType$3, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, z0, z4, z6noz, mask6, IPv6Unspecified, IPv4Unspecified, AddrFrom4, AddrFrom16, ipv6Slice, ParseAddr, parseIPv4, parseIPv6, AddrFromSlice, appendDecimal, appendHex, appendHexPad, AddrPortFrom, splitAddrPort, ParseAddrPort, joinHostPort, PrefixFrom, ParsePrefix, stringsLastIndexByte, beUint64, bePutUint64, bePutUint32, leUint16, lePutUint16; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + bytealg = $packages["internal/bytealg"]; + intern = $packages["internal/intern"]; + itoa = $packages["internal/itoa"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + uint128 = $pkg.uint128 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "netip.uint128", true, "net/netip", false, function(hi_, lo_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.hi = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.lo = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.hi = hi_; + this.lo = lo_; + }); + parseAddrError = $pkg.parseAddrError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "netip.parseAddrError", true, "net/netip", false, function(in$0_, msg_, at_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.in$0 = ""; + this.msg = ""; + this.at = ""; + return; + } + this.in$0 = in$0_; + this.msg = msg_; + this.at = at_; + }); + AddrPort = $pkg.AddrPort = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "netip.AddrPort", true, "net/netip", true, function(ip_, port_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ip = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + this.port = 0; + return; + } + this.ip = ip_; + this.port = port_; + }); + Prefix = $pkg.Prefix = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "netip.Prefix", true, "net/netip", true, function(ip_, bits_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ip = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + this.bits = 0; + return; + } + this.ip = ip_; + this.bits = bits_; + }); + Addr = $pkg.Addr = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "netip.Addr", true, "net/netip", true, function(addr_, z_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.addr = new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.z = ""; + return; + } + this.addr = addr_; + this.z = z_; + }); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType($Uint64); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 16); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(arrayType$1); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType(ptrType$1, 2); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(uint128); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(AddrPort); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(Prefix); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(Addr); + mask6 = function(n) { + var n, x; + return new uint128.ptr((x = $shiftRightUint64(new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), n), new $Uint64(~x.$high, ~x.$low >>> 0)), $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), ((128 - n >> 0)))); + }; + uint128.ptr.prototype.isZero = function() { + var u, x, x$1, x$2; + u = this; + return (x = (x$1 = u.hi, x$2 = u.lo, new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$2.$high, (x$1.$low | x$2.$low) >>> 0)), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)); + }; + uint128.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.$val.isZero(); }; + uint128.ptr.prototype.and = function(m) { + var m, u, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + u = this; + return new uint128.ptr((x = u.hi, x$1 = m.hi, new $Uint64(x.$high & x$1.$high, (x.$low & x$1.$low) >>> 0)), (x$2 = u.lo, x$3 = m.lo, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & x$3.$high, (x$2.$low & x$3.$low) >>> 0))); + }; + uint128.prototype.and = function(m) { return this.$val.and(m); }; + uint128.ptr.prototype.xor = function(m) { + var m, u, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + u = this; + return new uint128.ptr((x = u.hi, x$1 = m.hi, new $Uint64(x.$high ^ x$1.$high, (x.$low ^ x$1.$low) >>> 0)), (x$2 = u.lo, x$3 = m.lo, new $Uint64(x$2.$high ^ x$3.$high, (x$2.$low ^ x$3.$low) >>> 0))); + }; + uint128.prototype.xor = function(m) { return this.$val.xor(m); }; + uint128.ptr.prototype.subOne = function() { + var _tuple, borrow, lo, u, x; + u = this; + _tuple = bits.Sub64(u.lo, new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + lo = _tuple[0]; + borrow = _tuple[1]; + return new uint128.ptr((x = u.hi, new $Uint64(x.$high - borrow.$high, x.$low - borrow.$low)), lo); + }; + uint128.prototype.subOne = function() { return this.$val.subOne(); }; + uint128.ptr.prototype.addOne = function() { + var _tuple, carry, lo, u, x; + u = this; + _tuple = bits.Add64(u.lo, new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + lo = _tuple[0]; + carry = _tuple[1]; + return new uint128.ptr((x = u.hi, new $Uint64(x.$high + carry.$high, x.$low + carry.$low)), lo); + }; + uint128.prototype.addOne = function() { return this.$val.addOne(); }; + uint128.ptr.prototype.halves = function() { + var u; + u = this; + return $toNativeArray($kindPtr, [(u.$ptr_hi || (u.$ptr_hi = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.hi; }, function($v) { this.$target.hi = $v; }, u))), (u.$ptr_lo || (u.$ptr_lo = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.lo; }, function($v) { this.$target.lo = $v; }, u)))]); + }; + uint128.prototype.halves = function() { return this.$val.halves(); }; + IPv6Unspecified = function() { + return new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), z6noz); + }; + $pkg.IPv6Unspecified = IPv6Unspecified; + IPv4Unspecified = function() { + return AddrFrom4(arrayType$1.zero()); + }; + $pkg.IPv4Unspecified = IPv4Unspecified; + AddrFrom4 = function(addr) { + var addr, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + return new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, addr[0])), 24), new $Uint64(65535 | x$3.$high, (0 | x$3.$low) >>> 0)), x$4 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, addr[1])), 16), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$4.$high, (x$2.$low | x$4.$low) >>> 0)), x$5 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, addr[2])), 8), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$5.$high, (x$1.$low | x$5.$low) >>> 0)), x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, addr[3])), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$6.$high, (x.$low | x$6.$low) >>> 0))), z4); + }; + $pkg.AddrFrom4 = AddrFrom4; + AddrFrom16 = function(addr) { + var addr; + return new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(beUint64($subslice(new sliceType(addr), 0, 8)), beUint64($subslice(new sliceType(addr), 8))), z6noz); + }; + $pkg.AddrFrom16 = AddrFrom16; + ipv6Slice = function(addr) { + var addr; + return new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(beUint64($subslice(addr, 0, 8)), beUint64($subslice(addr, 8))), z6noz); + }; + ParseAddr = function(s) { + var {$24r, _1, _r, i, s, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < s.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _1 = s.charCodeAt(i); + /* */ if (_1 === (46)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (58)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (37)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_1 === (46)) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return parseIPv4(s); + /* } else if (_1 === (58)) { */ case 5: + _r = parseIPv6(s); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (37)) { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x = new parseAddrError.ptr(s, "missing IPv6 address", ""), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + /* } */ case 7: + case 3: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$1 = new parseAddrError.ptr(s, "unable to parse IP", ""), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ParseAddr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, i, s, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ParseAddr = ParseAddr; + parseAddrError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, err, q, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = this; + q = strconv.Quote; + /* */ if (!(err.at === "")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(err.at === "")) { */ case 1: + _r = q(err.in$0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = q(err.at); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = "ParseAddr(" + _r + "): " + err.msg + " (at " + _r$1 + ")"; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = q(err.in$0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = "ParseAddr(" + _r$2 + "): " + err.msg; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseAddrError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, err, q, $s};return $f; + }; + parseAddrError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + parseIPv4 = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, digLen, err, fields, i, ip, pos, s, val, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + ip = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + err = $ifaceNil; + fields = arrayType$1.zero(); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + val = _tmp; + pos = _tmp$1; + digLen = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) >= 48 && s.charCodeAt(i) <= 57) { + if ((digLen === 1) && (val === 0)) { + _tmp$2 = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + _tmp$3 = (x = new parseAddrError.ptr(s, "IPv4 field has octet with leading zero", ""), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + Addr.copy(ip, _tmp$2); + err = _tmp$3; + return [ip, err]; + } + val = (($imul(val, 10)) + ((s.charCodeAt(i) >> 0)) >> 0) - 48 >> 0; + digLen = digLen + (1) >> 0; + if (val > 255) { + _tmp$4 = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + _tmp$5 = (x$1 = new parseAddrError.ptr(s, "IPv4 field has value >255", ""), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1)); + Addr.copy(ip, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + return [ip, err]; + } + } else if (s.charCodeAt(i) === 46) { + if ((i === 0) || (i === (s.length - 1 >> 0)) || (s.charCodeAt((i - 1 >> 0)) === 46)) { + _tmp$6 = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + _tmp$7 = (x$2 = new parseAddrError.ptr(s, "IPv4 field must have at least one digit", $substring(s, i)), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)); + Addr.copy(ip, _tmp$6); + err = _tmp$7; + return [ip, err]; + } + if (pos === 3) { + _tmp$8 = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + _tmp$9 = (x$3 = new parseAddrError.ptr(s, "IPv4 address too long", ""), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + Addr.copy(ip, _tmp$8); + err = _tmp$9; + return [ip, err]; + } + ((pos < 0 || pos >= fields.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields[pos] = ((val << 24 >>> 24))); + pos = pos + (1) >> 0; + val = 0; + digLen = 0; + } else { + _tmp$10 = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + _tmp$11 = (x$4 = new parseAddrError.ptr(s, "unexpected character", $substring(s, i)), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + Addr.copy(ip, _tmp$10); + err = _tmp$11; + return [ip, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (pos < 3) { + _tmp$12 = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + _tmp$13 = (x$5 = new parseAddrError.ptr(s, "IPv4 address too short", ""), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + Addr.copy(ip, _tmp$12); + err = _tmp$13; + return [ip, err]; + } + fields[3] = ((val << 24 >>> 24)); + _tmp$14 = $clone(AddrFrom4($clone(fields, arrayType$1)), Addr); + _tmp$15 = $ifaceNil; + Addr.copy(ip, _tmp$14); + err = _tmp$15; + return [ip, err]; + }; + parseIPv6 = function(in$1) { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, acc, c, ellipsis, err, i, in$1, ip, ip4, j, j$1, n, off, s, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, zone, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = in$1; + zone = ""; + i = bytealg.IndexByteString(s, 37); + if (!((i === -1))) { + _tmp = $substring(s, 0, i); + _tmp$1 = $substring(s, (i + 1 >> 0)); + s = _tmp; + zone = _tmp$1; + if (zone === "") { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "zone must be a non-empty string", ""), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + } + } + ip = arrayType$2.zero(); + ellipsis = -1; + if (s.length >= 2 && (s.charCodeAt(0) === 58) && (s.charCodeAt(1) === 58)) { + ellipsis = 0; + s = $substring(s, 2); + if (s.length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [$clone(IPv6Unspecified(), Addr).WithZone(zone), $ifaceNil]; + } + } + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < 16)) { break; } */ if(!(i < 16)) { $s = 2; continue; } + off = 0; + acc = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(off < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(off); + if (c >= 48 && c <= 57) { + acc = ((acc << 4 >>> 0)) + (((c - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + } else if (c >= 97 && c <= 102) { + acc = ((acc << 4 >>> 0)) + ((((c - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + } else if (c >= 65 && c <= 70) { + acc = ((acc << 4 >>> 0)) + ((((c - 65 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + } else { + break; + } + if (acc > 65535) { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$1 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "IPv6 field has value >=2^16", s), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))]; + } + off = off + (1) >> 0; + } + if (off === 0) { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$2 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "each colon-separated field must have at least one digit", s), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2))]; + } + /* */ if (off < s.length && (s.charCodeAt(off) === 46)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (off < s.length && (s.charCodeAt(off) === 46)) { */ case 3: + if (ellipsis < 0 && !((i === 12))) { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$3 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "embedded IPv4 address must replace the final 2 fields of the address", s), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3))]; + } + if ((i + 4 >> 0) > 16) { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$4 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "too many hex fields to fit an embedded IPv4 at the end of the address", s), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4))]; + } + _tuple = parseIPv4(s); + ip4 = $clone(_tuple[0], Addr); + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + _r = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$5 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, _r, s), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + ((i < 0 || i >= ip.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip[i] = $clone(ip4, Addr).v4(0)); + (x$6 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= ip.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip[x$6] = $clone(ip4, Addr).v4(1))); + (x$7 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= ip.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip[x$7] = $clone(ip4, Addr).v4(2))); + (x$8 = i + 3 >> 0, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= ip.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip[x$8] = $clone(ip4, Addr).v4(3))); + s = ""; + i = i + (4) >> 0; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + ((i < 0 || i >= ip.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip[i] = (((acc >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (x$9 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= ip.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip[x$9] = ((acc << 24 >>> 24)))); + i = i + (2) >> 0; + s = $substring(s, off); + if (s.length === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (!((s.charCodeAt(0) === 58))) { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$10 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "unexpected character, want colon", s), new x$10.constructor.elem(x$10))]; + } else if (s.length === 1) { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$11 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "colon must be followed by more characters", s), new x$11.constructor.elem(x$11))]; + } + s = $substring(s, 1); + if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 58) { + if (ellipsis >= 0) { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$12 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "multiple :: in address", s), new x$12.constructor.elem(x$12))]; + } + ellipsis = i; + s = $substring(s, 1); + if (s.length === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (!((s.length === 0))) { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$13 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "trailing garbage after address", s), new x$13.constructor.elem(x$13))]; + } + if (i < 16) { + if (ellipsis < 0) { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$14 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "address string too short", ""), new x$14.constructor.elem(x$14))]; + } + n = 16 - i >> 0; + j = i - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j >= ellipsis)) { break; } + (x$15 = j + n >> 0, ((x$15 < 0 || x$15 >= ip.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip[x$15] = ((j < 0 || j >= ip.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip[j]))); + j = j - (1) >> 0; + } + j$1 = (ellipsis + n >> 0) - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j$1 >= ellipsis)) { break; } + ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= ip.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip[j$1] = 0); + j$1 = j$1 - (1) >> 0; + } + } else if (ellipsis >= 0) { + $s = -1; return [new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), (x$16 = new parseAddrError.ptr(in$1, "the :: must expand to at least one field of zeros", ""), new x$16.constructor.elem(x$16))]; + } + $s = -1; return [$clone(AddrFrom16($clone(ip, arrayType$2)), Addr).WithZone(zone), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseIPv6, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, acc, c, ellipsis, err, i, in$1, ip, ip4, j, j$1, n, off, s, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, zone, $s};return $f; + }; + AddrFromSlice = function(slice) { + var _1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, ip, ok, slice; + ip = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + ok = false; + _1 = slice.$length; + if (_1 === (4)) { + _tmp = $clone(AddrFrom4($clone(($sliceToGoArray(slice, ptrType$2)), arrayType$1)), Addr); + _tmp$1 = true; + Addr.copy(ip, _tmp); + ok = _tmp$1; + return [ip, ok]; + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(ipv6Slice(slice), Addr); + _tmp$3 = true; + Addr.copy(ip, _tmp$2); + ok = _tmp$3; + return [ip, ok]; + } + _tmp$4 = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + _tmp$5 = false; + Addr.copy(ip, _tmp$4); + ok = _tmp$5; + return [ip, ok]; + }; + $pkg.AddrFromSlice = AddrFromSlice; + Addr.ptr.prototype.v4 = function(i) { + var i, ip; + ip = this; + return (($shiftRightUint64(ip.addr.lo, ((((3 - i << 24 >>> 24)) * 8 << 24 >>> 24))).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + }; + Addr.prototype.v4 = function(i) { return this.$val.v4(i); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.v6 = function(i) { + var _q, _r, _r$1, i, ip, x, x$1; + ip = this; + return (($shiftRightUint64(((x = ip.addr.halves(), x$1 = (_r = ((_q = i / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) % 2, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1]))).$get(), ((((7 - (_r$1 = i % 8, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) * 8 << 24 >>> 24))).$low << 24 >>> 24)); + }; + Addr.prototype.v6 = function(i) { return this.$val.v6(i); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.v6u16 = function(i) { + var _q, _r, _r$1, i, ip, x, x$1; + ip = this; + return (($shiftRightUint64(((x = ip.addr.halves(), x$1 = (_r = ((_q = i / 4, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) % 2, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1]))).$get(), ((((3 - (_r$1 = i % 4, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24)) * 16 << 24 >>> 24))).$low << 16 >>> 16)); + }; + Addr.prototype.v6u16 = function(i) { return this.$val.v6u16(i); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.isZero = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + return ip.z === z0; + }; + Addr.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.$val.isZero(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + return !(ip.z === z0); + }; + Addr.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.BitLen = function() { + var _1, ip; + ip = this; + _1 = ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + return 0; + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + return 32; + } + return 128; + }; + Addr.prototype.BitLen = function() { return this.$val.BitLen(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.Compare = function(ip2) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, f1, f2, hi1, hi2, ip, ip2, lo1, lo2, za, zb; + ip = this; + _tmp = $clone(ip, Addr).BitLen(); + _tmp$1 = $clone(ip2, Addr).BitLen(); + f1 = _tmp; + f2 = _tmp$1; + if (f1 < f2) { + return -1; + } + if (f1 > f2) { + return 1; + } + _tmp$2 = ip.addr.hi; + _tmp$3 = ip2.addr.hi; + hi1 = _tmp$2; + hi2 = _tmp$3; + if ((hi1.$high < hi2.$high || (hi1.$high === hi2.$high && hi1.$low < hi2.$low))) { + return -1; + } + if ((hi1.$high > hi2.$high || (hi1.$high === hi2.$high && hi1.$low > hi2.$low))) { + return 1; + } + _tmp$4 = ip.addr.lo; + _tmp$5 = ip2.addr.lo; + lo1 = _tmp$4; + lo2 = _tmp$5; + if ((lo1.$high < lo2.$high || (lo1.$high === lo2.$high && lo1.$low < lo2.$low))) { + return -1; + } + if ((lo1.$high > lo2.$high || (lo1.$high === lo2.$high && lo1.$low > lo2.$low))) { + return 1; + } + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is6()) { + _tmp$6 = $clone(ip, Addr).Zone(); + _tmp$7 = $clone(ip2, Addr).Zone(); + za = _tmp$6; + zb = _tmp$7; + if (za < zb) { + return -1; + } + if (za > zb) { + return 1; + } + } + return 0; + }; + Addr.prototype.Compare = function(ip2) { return this.$val.Compare(ip2); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.Less = function(ip2) { + var ip, ip2; + ip = this; + return $clone(ip, Addr).Compare($clone(ip2, Addr)) === -1; + }; + Addr.prototype.Less = function(ip2) { return this.$val.Less(ip2); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.Is4 = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + return ip.z === z4; + }; + Addr.prototype.Is4 = function() { return this.$val.Is4(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.Is4In6 = function() { + var ip, x, x$1; + ip = this; + return $clone(ip, Addr).Is6() && (x = ip.addr.hi, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)) && (x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(ip.addr.lo, 32), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 65535)); + }; + Addr.prototype.Is4In6 = function() { return this.$val.Is4In6(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.Is6 = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + return !(ip.z === z0) && !(ip.z === z4); + }; + Addr.prototype.Is6 = function() { return this.$val.Is6(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.Unmap = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4In6()) { + ip.z = z4; + } + return ip; + }; + Addr.prototype.Unmap = function() { return this.$val.Unmap(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.withoutZone = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if (!$clone(ip, Addr).Is6()) { + return ip; + } + ip.z = z6noz; + return ip; + }; + Addr.prototype.withoutZone = function() { return this.$val.withoutZone(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.hasZone = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + return !(ip.z === z0) && !(ip.z === z4) && !(ip.z === z6noz); + }; + Addr.prototype.hasZone = function() { return this.$val.hasZone(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.IsLinkLocalUnicast = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4()) { + return ($clone(ip, Addr).v4(0) === 169) && ($clone(ip, Addr).v4(1) === 254); + } + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is6()) { + return (($clone(ip, Addr).v6u16(0) & 65472) >>> 0) === 65152; + } + return false; + }; + Addr.prototype.IsLinkLocalUnicast = function() { return this.$val.IsLinkLocalUnicast(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.IsLoopback = function() { + var ip, x, x$1; + ip = this; + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4()) { + return $clone(ip, Addr).v4(0) === 127; + } + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is6()) { + return (x = ip.addr.hi, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)) && (x$1 = ip.addr.lo, (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 1)); + } + return false; + }; + Addr.prototype.IsLoopback = function() { return this.$val.IsLoopback(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.IsMulticast = function() { + var ip, x; + ip = this; + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4()) { + return (($clone(ip, Addr).v4(0) & 240) >>> 0) === 224; + } + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is6()) { + return (x = $shiftRightUint64(ip.addr.hi, 56), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 255)); + } + return false; + }; + Addr.prototype.IsMulticast = function() { return this.$val.IsMulticast(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is6()) { + return (($clone(ip, Addr).v6u16(0) & 65295) >>> 0) === 65281; + } + return false; + }; + Addr.prototype.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast = function() { return this.$val.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.IsLinkLocalMulticast = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4()) { + return ($clone(ip, Addr).v4(0) === 224) && ($clone(ip, Addr).v4(1) === 0) && ($clone(ip, Addr).v4(2) === 0); + } + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is6()) { + return (($clone(ip, Addr).v6u16(0) & 65295) >>> 0) === 65282; + } + return false; + }; + Addr.prototype.IsLinkLocalMulticast = function() { return this.$val.IsLinkLocalMulticast(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.IsGlobalUnicast = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if (ip.z === z0) { + return false; + } + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4() && ($equal(ip, IPv4Unspecified(), Addr) || $equal(ip, AddrFrom4($toNativeArray($kindUint8, [255, 255, 255, 255])), Addr))) { + return false; + } + return !($equal(ip, IPv6Unspecified(), Addr)) && !$clone(ip, Addr).IsLoopback() && !$clone(ip, Addr).IsMulticast() && !$clone(ip, Addr).IsLinkLocalUnicast(); + }; + Addr.prototype.IsGlobalUnicast = function() { return this.$val.IsGlobalUnicast(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.IsPrivate = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4()) { + return ($clone(ip, Addr).v4(0) === 10) || (($clone(ip, Addr).v4(0) === 172) && ((($clone(ip, Addr).v4(1) & 240) >>> 0) === 16)) || (($clone(ip, Addr).v4(0) === 192) && ($clone(ip, Addr).v4(1) === 168)); + } + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is6()) { + return (($clone(ip, Addr).v6(0) & 254) >>> 0) === 252; + } + return false; + }; + Addr.prototype.IsPrivate = function() { return this.$val.IsPrivate(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.IsUnspecified = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + return $equal(ip, IPv4Unspecified(), Addr) || $equal(ip, IPv6Unspecified(), Addr); + }; + Addr.prototype.IsUnspecified = function() { return this.$val.IsUnspecified(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.Prefix = function(b) { + var _1, b, effectiveBits, ip; + ip = this; + if (b < 0) { + return [new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), errors.New("negative Prefix bits")]; + } + effectiveBits = b; + _1 = ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + return [new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), $ifaceNil]; + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + if (b > 32) { + return [new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), errors.New("prefix length " + itoa.Itoa(b) + " too large for IPv4")]; + } + effectiveBits = effectiveBits + (96) >> 0; + } else if (b > 128) { + return [new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), errors.New("prefix length " + itoa.Itoa(b) + " too large for IPv6")]; + } + uint128.copy(ip.addr, $clone(ip.addr, uint128).and($clone(mask6(effectiveBits), uint128))); + return [PrefixFrom($clone(ip, Addr), b), $ifaceNil]; + }; + Addr.prototype.Prefix = function(b) { return this.$val.Prefix(b); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.As16 = function() { + var a16, ip; + a16 = arrayType$2.zero(); + ip = this; + bePutUint64($subslice(new sliceType(a16), 0, 8), ip.addr.hi); + bePutUint64($subslice(new sliceType(a16), 8), ip.addr.lo); + arrayType$2.copy(a16, a16); + return a16; + }; + Addr.prototype.As16 = function() { return this.$val.As16(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.As4 = function() { + var a4, ip; + a4 = arrayType$1.zero(); + ip = this; + if (ip.z === z4 || $clone(ip, Addr).Is4In6()) { + bePutUint32(new sliceType(a4), ((ip.addr.lo.$low >>> 0))); + arrayType$1.copy(a4, a4); + return a4; + } + if (ip.z === z0) { + $panic(new $String("As4 called on IP zero value")); + } + $panic(new $String("As4 called on IPv6 address")); + }; + Addr.prototype.As4 = function() { return this.$val.As4(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.AsSlice = function() { + var _1, ip, ret, ret$1; + ip = this; + _1 = ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + return sliceType.nil; + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + ret = arrayType$1.zero(); + bePutUint32(new sliceType(ret), ((ip.addr.lo.$low >>> 0))); + return new sliceType(ret); + } else { + ret$1 = arrayType$2.zero(); + bePutUint64($subslice(new sliceType(ret$1), 0, 8), ip.addr.hi); + bePutUint64($subslice(new sliceType(ret$1), 8), ip.addr.lo); + return new sliceType(ret$1); + } + }; + Addr.prototype.AsSlice = function() { return this.$val.AsSlice(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.Next = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + uint128.copy(ip.addr, $clone(ip.addr, uint128).addOne()); + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4()) { + if (((ip.addr.lo.$low >>> 0)) === 0) { + return new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + } + } else { + if ($clone(ip.addr, uint128).isZero()) { + return new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + } + } + return ip; + }; + Addr.prototype.Next = function() { return this.$val.Next(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.Prev = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4()) { + if (((ip.addr.lo.$low >>> 0)) === 0) { + return new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + } + } else if ($clone(ip.addr, uint128).isZero()) { + return new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + } + uint128.copy(ip.addr, $clone(ip.addr, uint128).subOne()); + return ip; + }; + Addr.prototype.Prev = function() { return this.$val.Prev(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var _1, ip, z; + ip = this; + _1 = ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + return "invalid IP"; + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + return $clone(ip, Addr).string4(); + } else { + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4In6()) { + z = $clone(ip, Addr).Zone(); + if (!(z === "")) { + return "::ffff:" + $clone($clone(ip, Addr).Unmap(), Addr).String() + "%" + z; + } else { + return "::ffff:" + $clone($clone(ip, Addr).Unmap(), Addr).String(); + } + } + return $clone(ip, Addr).string6(); + } + }; + Addr.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.AppendTo = function(b) { + var _1, b, ip, z; + ip = this; + _1 = ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + return b; + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + return $clone(ip, Addr).appendTo4(b); + } else { + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4In6()) { + b = $appendSlice(b, "::ffff:"); + b = $clone($clone(ip, Addr).Unmap(), Addr).appendTo4(b); + z = $clone(ip, Addr).Zone(); + if (!(z === "")) { + b = $append(b, 37); + b = $appendSlice(b, z); + } + return b; + } + return $clone(ip, Addr).appendTo6(b); + } + }; + Addr.prototype.AppendTo = function(b) { return this.$val.AppendTo(b); }; + appendDecimal = function(b, x) { + var _q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, b, x; + if (x >= 100) { + b = $append(b, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((_q = x / 100, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))); + } + if (x >= 10) { + b = $append(b, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((_r = (_q$1 = x / 10, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) % 10, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))); + } + return $append(b, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((_r$1 = x % 10, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")))); + }; + appendHex = function(b, x) { + var b, x; + if (x >= 4096) { + b = $append(b, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((x >>> 12 << 16 >>> 16))); + } + if (x >= 256) { + b = $append(b, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((x >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) & 15) >>> 0))); + } + if (x >= 16) { + b = $append(b, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((x >>> 4 << 16 >>> 16) & 15) >>> 0))); + } + return $append(b, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((x & 15) >>> 0))); + }; + appendHexPad = function(b, x) { + var b, x; + return $append(b, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((x >>> 12 << 16 >>> 16)), "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((x >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) & 15) >>> 0)), "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((x >>> 4 << 16 >>> 16) & 15) >>> 0)), "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((x & 15) >>> 0))); + }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.string4 = function() { + var ip, ret; + ip = this; + ret = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 15); + ret = $clone(ip, Addr).appendTo4(ret); + return ($bytesToString(ret)); + }; + Addr.prototype.string4 = function() { return this.$val.string4(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.appendTo4 = function(ret) { + var ip, ret; + ip = this; + ret = appendDecimal(ret, $clone(ip, Addr).v4(0)); + ret = $append(ret, 46); + ret = appendDecimal(ret, $clone(ip, Addr).v4(1)); + ret = $append(ret, 46); + ret = appendDecimal(ret, $clone(ip, Addr).v4(2)); + ret = $append(ret, 46); + ret = appendDecimal(ret, $clone(ip, Addr).v4(3)); + return ret; + }; + Addr.prototype.appendTo4 = function(ret) { return this.$val.appendTo4(ret); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.string6 = function() { + var ip, ret; + ip = this; + ret = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 46); + ret = $clone(ip, Addr).appendTo6(ret); + return ($bytesToString(ret)); + }; + Addr.prototype.string6 = function() { return this.$val.string6(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.appendTo6 = function(ret) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, i, i$1, ip, j, l, ret, zeroEnd, zeroStart; + ip = this; + _tmp = 255; + _tmp$1 = 255; + zeroStart = _tmp; + zeroEnd = _tmp$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 8)) { break; } + j = i; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 8 && ($clone(ip, Addr).v6u16(j) === 0))) { break; } + j = j + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + l = j - i << 24 >>> 24; + if (l >= 2 && l > (zeroEnd - zeroStart << 24 >>> 24)) { + _tmp$2 = i; + _tmp$3 = j; + zeroStart = _tmp$2; + zeroEnd = _tmp$3; + } + i = i + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 8)) { break; } + if (i$1 === zeroStart) { + ret = $append(ret, 58, 58); + i$1 = zeroEnd; + if (i$1 >= 8) { + break; + } + } else if (i$1 > 0) { + ret = $append(ret, 58); + } + ret = appendHex(ret, $clone(ip, Addr).v6u16(i$1)); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + if (!(ip.z === z6noz)) { + ret = $append(ret, 37); + ret = $appendSlice(ret, $clone(ip, Addr).Zone()); + } + return ret; + }; + Addr.prototype.appendTo6 = function(ret) { return this.$val.appendTo6(ret); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.StringExpanded = function() { + var _1, i, ip, ret; + ip = this; + _1 = ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0) || _1 === (z4)) { + return $clone(ip, Addr).String(); + } + ret = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 39); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 8)) { break; } + if (i > 0) { + ret = $append(ret, 58); + } + ret = appendHexPad(ret, $clone(ip, Addr).v6u16(i)); + i = i + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + if (!(ip.z === z6noz)) { + ret = $append(ret, 37); + ret = $appendSlice(ret, $clone(ip, Addr).Zone()); + } + return ($bytesToString(ret)); + }; + Addr.prototype.StringExpanded = function() { return this.$val.StringExpanded(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.MarshalText = function() { + var _1, b, b$1, ip, max, max$1, z; + ip = this; + _1 = ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + return [(new sliceType($stringToBytes(""))), $ifaceNil]; + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + max = 15; + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, max); + return [$clone(ip, Addr).appendTo4(b), $ifaceNil]; + } else { + max$1 = 46; + b$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, max$1); + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4In6()) { + b$1 = $appendSlice(b$1, "::ffff:"); + b$1 = $clone($clone(ip, Addr).Unmap(), Addr).appendTo4(b$1); + z = $clone(ip, Addr).Zone(); + if (!(z === "")) { + b$1 = $append(b$1, 37); + b$1 = $appendSlice(b$1, z); + } + return [b$1, $ifaceNil]; + } + return [$clone(ip, Addr).appendTo6(b$1), $ifaceNil]; + } + }; + Addr.prototype.MarshalText = function() { return this.$val.MarshalText(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, ip, text, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {text}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ip = this; + if (text.$length === 0) { + Addr.copy(ip, new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), "")); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = ParseAddr(($bytesToString(text))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + Addr.copy(ip, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Addr.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, ip, text, $s};return $f; + }; + Addr.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { return this.$val.UnmarshalText(text); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes = function(trailingBytes) { + var _1, b, ip, trailingBytes, z; + ip = this; + b = sliceType.nil; + _1 = ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, trailingBytes); + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, (4 + trailingBytes >> 0)); + bePutUint32(b, ((ip.addr.lo.$low >>> 0))); + } else { + z = $clone(ip, Addr).Zone(); + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, ((16 + z.length >> 0) + trailingBytes >> 0)); + bePutUint64($subslice(b, 0, 8), ip.addr.hi); + bePutUint64($subslice(b, 8), ip.addr.lo); + $copyString($subslice(b, 16), z); + } + return b; + }; + Addr.prototype.marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes = function(trailingBytes) { return this.$val.marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes(trailingBytes); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + return [$clone(ip, Addr).marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes(0), $ifaceNil]; + }; + Addr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { return this.$val.MarshalBinary(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { + var b, ip, n; + ip = this; + n = b.$length; + if ((n === 0)) { + Addr.copy(ip, new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), "")); + return $ifaceNil; + } else if ((n === 4)) { + Addr.copy(ip, AddrFrom4($clone(($sliceToGoArray(b, ptrType$2)), arrayType$1))); + return $ifaceNil; + } else if ((n === 16)) { + Addr.copy(ip, ipv6Slice(b)); + return $ifaceNil; + } else if (n > 16) { + Addr.copy(ip, $clone(ipv6Slice($subslice(b, 0, 16)), Addr).WithZone(($bytesToString($subslice(b, 16))))); + return $ifaceNil; + } + return errors.New("unexpected slice size"); + }; + Addr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(b); }; + AddrPortFrom = function(ip, port) { + var ip, port; + return new AddrPort.ptr($clone(ip, Addr), port); + }; + $pkg.AddrPortFrom = AddrPortFrom; + AddrPort.ptr.prototype.Addr = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.ip; + }; + AddrPort.prototype.Addr = function() { return this.$val.Addr(); }; + AddrPort.ptr.prototype.Port = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.port; + }; + AddrPort.prototype.Port = function() { return this.$val.Port(); }; + splitAddrPort = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, err, i, ip, port, s, v6; + ip = ""; + port = ""; + v6 = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + i = stringsLastIndexByte(s, 58); + if (i === -1) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = false; + _tmp$3 = errors.New("not an ip:port"); + ip = _tmp; + port = _tmp$1; + v6 = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [ip, port, v6, err]; + } + _tmp$4 = $substring(s, 0, i); + _tmp$5 = $substring(s, (i + 1 >> 0)); + ip = _tmp$4; + port = _tmp$5; + if (ip.length === 0) { + _tmp$6 = ""; + _tmp$7 = ""; + _tmp$8 = false; + _tmp$9 = errors.New("no IP"); + ip = _tmp$6; + port = _tmp$7; + v6 = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + return [ip, port, v6, err]; + } + if (port.length === 0) { + _tmp$10 = ""; + _tmp$11 = ""; + _tmp$12 = false; + _tmp$13 = errors.New("no port"); + ip = _tmp$10; + port = _tmp$11; + v6 = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + return [ip, port, v6, err]; + } + if (ip.charCodeAt(0) === 91) { + if (ip.length < 2 || !((ip.charCodeAt((ip.length - 1 >> 0)) === 93))) { + _tmp$14 = ""; + _tmp$15 = ""; + _tmp$16 = false; + _tmp$17 = errors.New("missing ]"); + ip = _tmp$14; + port = _tmp$15; + v6 = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + return [ip, port, v6, err]; + } + ip = $substring(ip, 1, (ip.length - 1 >> 0)); + v6 = true; + } + _tmp$18 = ip; + _tmp$19 = port; + _tmp$20 = v6; + _tmp$21 = $ifaceNil; + ip = _tmp$18; + port = _tmp$19; + v6 = _tmp$20; + err = _tmp$21; + return [ip, port, v6, err]; + }; + ParseAddrPort = function(s) { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, ip, ipp, port, port16, s, v6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ipp = new AddrPort.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + _tuple = splitAddrPort(s); + ip = _tuple[0]; + port = _tuple[1]; + v6 = _tuple[2]; + err = _tuple[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ipp, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseUint(port, 10, 16); + port16 = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ipp, errors.New("invalid port " + strconv.Quote(port) + " parsing " + strconv.Quote(s))]; + } + ipp.port = ((port16.$low << 16 >>> 16)); + _r = ParseAddr(ip); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r; + Addr.copy(ipp.ip, _tuple$2[0]); + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new AddrPort.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), err]; + } + if (v6 && $clone(ipp.ip, Addr).Is4()) { + $s = -1; return [new AddrPort.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), errors.New("invalid ip:port " + strconv.Quote(s) + ", square brackets can only be used with IPv6 addresses")]; + } else if (!v6 && $clone(ipp.ip, Addr).Is6()) { + $s = -1; return [new AddrPort.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), errors.New("invalid ip:port " + strconv.Quote(s) + ", IPv6 addresses must be surrounded by square brackets")]; + } + $s = -1; return [ipp, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ParseAddrPort, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, ip, ipp, port, port16, s, v6, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ParseAddrPort = ParseAddrPort; + AddrPort.ptr.prototype.isZero = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return $equal(p, new AddrPort.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), AddrPort); + }; + AddrPort.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.$val.isZero(); }; + AddrPort.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return $clone(p.ip, Addr).IsValid(); + }; + AddrPort.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + AddrPort.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var _1, _i, _ref, a, buf, i, p; + p = this; + _1 = p.ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + return "invalid AddrPort"; + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + a = $clone($clone(p.ip, Addr).As4(), arrayType$1); + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, 21); + _ref = a; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 4)) { break; } + i = _i; + buf = strconv.AppendUint(buf, (new $Uint64(0, ((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a[i]))), 10); + buf = $append(buf, "...:".charCodeAt(i)); + _i++; + } + buf = strconv.AppendUint(buf, (new $Uint64(0, p.port)), 10); + return ($bytesToString(buf)); + } else { + return joinHostPort($clone(p.ip, Addr).String(), itoa.Itoa(((p.port >> 0)))); + } + }; + AddrPort.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + joinHostPort = function(host, port) { + var host, port; + if (bytealg.IndexByteString(host, 58) >= 0) { + return "[" + host + "]:" + port; + } + return host + ":" + port; + }; + AddrPort.ptr.prototype.AppendTo = function(b) { + var _1, b, p, z; + p = this; + _1 = p.ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + return b; + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + b = $clone(p.ip, Addr).appendTo4(b); + } else { + if ($clone(p.ip, Addr).Is4In6()) { + b = $appendSlice(b, "[::ffff:"); + b = $clone($clone(p.ip, Addr).Unmap(), Addr).appendTo4(b); + z = $clone(p.ip, Addr).Zone(); + if (!(z === "")) { + b = $append(b, 37); + b = $appendSlice(b, z); + } + } else { + b = $append(b, 91); + b = $clone(p.ip, Addr).appendTo6(b); + } + b = $append(b, 93); + } + b = $append(b, 58); + b = strconv.AppendInt(b, (new $Int64(0, p.port)), 10); + return b; + }; + AddrPort.prototype.AppendTo = function(b) { return this.$val.AppendTo(b); }; + AddrPort.ptr.prototype.MarshalText = function() { + var _1, b, max, p; + p = this; + max = 0; + _1 = p.ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + max = 21; + } else { + max = 54; + } + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, max); + b = $clone(p, AddrPort).AppendTo(b); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + AddrPort.prototype.MarshalText = function() { return this.$val.MarshalText(); }; + AddrPort.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, p, text, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {text}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (text.$length === 0) { + AddrPort.copy(p, new AddrPort.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = ParseAddrPort(($bytesToString(text))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + AddrPort.copy(p, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: AddrPort.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, p, text, $s};return $f; + }; + AddrPort.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { return this.$val.UnmarshalText(text); }; + AddrPort.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { + var b, p; + p = this; + b = $clone($clone(p, AddrPort).Addr(), Addr).marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes(2); + lePutUint16($subslice(b, (b.$length - 2 >> 0)), $clone(p, AddrPort).Port()); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + AddrPort.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { return this.$val.MarshalBinary(); }; + AddrPort.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { + var addr, b, err, p; + p = this; + if (b.$length < 2) { + return errors.New("unexpected slice size"); + } + addr = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + err = addr.UnmarshalBinary($subslice(b, 0, (b.$length - 2 >> 0))); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return err; + } + AddrPort.copy(p, AddrPortFrom($clone(addr, Addr), leUint16($subslice(b, (b.$length - 2 >> 0))))); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + AddrPort.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(b); }; + PrefixFrom = function(ip, bits$1) { + var b16, bits$1, ip; + if (bits$1 < 0 || bits$1 > $clone(ip, Addr).BitLen()) { + bits$1 = -1; + } + b16 = ((bits$1 << 16 >> 16)); + return new Prefix.ptr($clone($clone(ip, Addr).withoutZone(), Addr), b16); + }; + $pkg.PrefixFrom = PrefixFrom; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.Addr = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.ip; + }; + Prefix.prototype.Addr = function() { return this.$val.Addr(); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.Bits = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return ((p.bits >> 0)); + }; + Prefix.prototype.Bits = function() { return this.$val.Bits(); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return !$clone(p.ip, Addr).isZero() && p.bits >= 0 && ((p.bits >> 0)) <= $clone(p.ip, Addr).BitLen(); + }; + Prefix.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.isZero = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return $equal(p, new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), Prefix); + }; + Prefix.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.$val.isZero(); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.IsSingleIP = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return !((p.bits === 0)) && (((p.bits >> 0)) === $clone(p.ip, Addr).BitLen()); + }; + Prefix.prototype.IsSingleIP = function() { return this.$val.IsSingleIP(); }; + ParsePrefix = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, bits$1, bitsStr, err, i, ip, maxBits, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = stringsLastIndexByte(s, 47); + if (i < 0) { + $s = -1; return [new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), errors.New("netip.ParsePrefix(" + strconv.Quote(s) + "): no '/'")]; + } + _r = ParseAddr($substring(s, 0, i)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + ip = $clone(_tuple[0], Addr); + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = errors.New("netip.ParsePrefix(" + strconv.Quote(s) + "): " + _r$1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), _r$2]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + bitsStr = $substring(s, (i + 1 >> 0)); + _tuple$1 = strconv.Atoi(bitsStr); + bits$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), errors.New("netip.ParsePrefix(" + strconv.Quote(s) + ": bad bits after slash: " + strconv.Quote(bitsStr))]; + } + maxBits = 32; + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is6()) { + maxBits = 128; + } + if (bits$1 < 0 || bits$1 > maxBits) { + $s = -1; return [new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0), errors.New("netip.ParsePrefix(" + strconv.Quote(s) + ": prefix length out of range")]; + } + $s = -1; return [PrefixFrom($clone(ip, Addr), bits$1), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ParsePrefix, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, bits$1, bitsStr, err, i, ip, maxBits, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ParsePrefix = ParsePrefix; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.Masked = function() { + var _tuple, err, m, p; + p = this; + _tuple = $clone(p.ip, Addr).Prefix(((p.bits >> 0))); + m = $clone(_tuple[0], Prefix); + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + return m; + } + return new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + }; + Prefix.prototype.Masked = function() { return this.$val.Masked(); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.Contains = function(ip) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, f1, f2, ip, p, x, x$1; + p = this; + if (!$clone(p, Prefix).IsValid() || $clone(ip, Addr).hasZone()) { + return false; + } + _tmp = $clone(p.ip, Addr).BitLen(); + _tmp$1 = $clone(ip, Addr).BitLen(); + f1 = _tmp; + f2 = _tmp$1; + if ((f1 === 0) || (f2 === 0) || !((f1 === f2))) { + return false; + } + if ($clone(ip, Addr).Is4()) { + return (($shiftRightUint64(((x = ip.addr.lo, x$1 = p.ip.addr.lo, new $Uint64(x.$high ^ x$1.$high, (x.$low ^ x$1.$low) >>> 0))), ((((32 - p.bits << 16 >> 16)) & 63))).$low >>> 0)) === 0; + } else { + return $clone($clone($clone(ip.addr, uint128).xor($clone(p.ip.addr, uint128)), uint128).and($clone(mask6(((p.bits >> 0))), uint128)), uint128).isZero(); + } + }; + Prefix.prototype.Contains = function(ip) { return this.$val.Contains(ip); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.Overlaps = function(o) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, err, minBits, o, p; + p = this; + if (!$clone(p, Prefix).IsValid() || !$clone(o, Prefix).IsValid()) { + return false; + } + if ($equal(p, o, Prefix)) { + return true; + } + if (!($clone(p.ip, Addr).Is4() === $clone(o.ip, Addr).Is4())) { + return false; + } + minBits = 0; + if (p.bits < o.bits) { + minBits = p.bits; + } else { + minBits = o.bits; + } + if (minBits === 0) { + return true; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = $clone(p.ip, Addr).Prefix(((minBits >> 0))); + Prefix.copy(p, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return false; + } + _tuple$1 = $clone(o.ip, Addr).Prefix(((minBits >> 0))); + Prefix.copy(o, _tuple$1[0]); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return false; + } + return $equal(p.ip, o.ip, Addr); + }; + Prefix.prototype.Overlaps = function(o) { return this.$val.Overlaps(o); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.AppendTo = function(b) { + var b, p; + p = this; + if ($clone(p, Prefix).isZero()) { + return b; + } + if (!$clone(p, Prefix).IsValid()) { + return $appendSlice(b, "invalid Prefix"); + } + if (p.ip.z === z4) { + b = $clone(p.ip, Addr).appendTo4(b); + } else { + if ($clone(p.ip, Addr).Is4In6()) { + b = $appendSlice(b, "::ffff:"); + b = $clone($clone(p.ip, Addr).Unmap(), Addr).appendTo4(b); + } else { + b = $clone(p.ip, Addr).appendTo6(b); + } + } + b = $append(b, 47); + b = appendDecimal(b, ((p.bits << 24 >>> 24))); + return b; + }; + Prefix.prototype.AppendTo = function(b) { return this.$val.AppendTo(b); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.MarshalText = function() { + var _1, b, max, p; + p = this; + max = 0; + _1 = p.ip.z; + if (_1 === (z0)) { + } else if (_1 === (z4)) { + max = 18; + } else { + max = 50; + } + b = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, max); + b = $clone(p, Prefix).AppendTo(b); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Prefix.prototype.MarshalText = function() { return this.$val.MarshalText(); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, p, text, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {text}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + if (text.$length === 0) { + Prefix.copy(p, new Prefix.ptr(new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0)); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = ParsePrefix(($bytesToString(text))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + Prefix.copy(p, _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Prefix.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, p, text, $s};return $f; + }; + Prefix.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { return this.$val.UnmarshalText(text); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { + var b, p, x; + p = this; + b = $clone($clone($clone(p, Prefix).Addr(), Addr).withoutZone(), Addr).marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes(1); + (x = b.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x] = (($clone(p, Prefix).Bits() << 24 >>> 24)))); + return [b, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Prefix.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { return this.$val.MarshalBinary(); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { + var addr, b, err, p, x; + p = this; + if (b.$length < 1) { + return errors.New("unexpected slice size"); + } + addr = new Addr.ptr(new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + err = addr.UnmarshalBinary($subslice(b, 0, (b.$length - 1 >> 0))); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return err; + } + Prefix.copy(p, PrefixFrom($clone(addr, Addr), (((x = b.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x])) >> 0)))); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Prefix.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(b) { return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(b); }; + Prefix.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var p; + p = this; + if (!$clone(p, Prefix).IsValid()) { + return "invalid Prefix"; + } + return $clone(p.ip, Addr).String() + "/" + itoa.Itoa(((p.bits >> 0))); + }; + Prefix.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + stringsLastIndexByte = function(s, b) { + var b, i, s; + i = s.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) === b) { + return i; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return -1; + }; + beUint64 = function(b) { + var b, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + return (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7]))), x$7 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6]))), 8), new $Uint64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5]))), 16), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$8.$high, (x$5.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4]))), 24), new $Uint64(x$4.$high | x$9.$high, (x$4.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]))), 32), new $Uint64(x$3.$high | x$10.$high, (x$3.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]))), 40), new $Uint64(x$2.$high | x$11.$high, (x$2.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]))), 48), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$12.$high, (x$1.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]))), 56), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$13.$high, (x.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + bePutUint64 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + $unused((7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7])); + (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 56).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 48).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 40).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 32).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (4 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 4] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 24).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (5 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 5] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 16).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (6 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 6] = (($shiftRightUint64(v, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + (7 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 7] = ((v.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + bePutUint32 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + $unused((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3])); + (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0] = (((v >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1] = (((v >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2] = (((v >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3] = ((v << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + leUint16 = function(b) { + var b; + $unused((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1])); + return ((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) | ((((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16)) >>> 0; + }; + lePutUint16 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + $unused((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1])); + (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0] = ((v << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1] = (((v >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.Zone = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if (ip.z === z4 || ip.z === z6noz) { + return ""; + } + return ip.z; + }; + Addr.prototype.Zone = function() { return this.$val.Zone(); }; + Addr.ptr.prototype.WithZone = function(zone) { + var ip, zone; + ip = this; + if (!$clone(ip, Addr).Is6()) { + return ip; + } + if (zone === "") { + ip.z = z6noz; + return ip; + } + ip.z = zone; + return ip; + }; + Addr.prototype.WithZone = function(zone) { return this.$val.WithZone(zone); }; + uint128.methods = [{prop: "isZero", name: "isZero", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "and", name: "and", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([uint128], [uint128], false)}, {prop: "xor", name: "xor", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([uint128], [uint128], false)}, {prop: "or", name: "or", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([uint128], [uint128], false)}, {prop: "not", name: "not", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [uint128], false)}, {prop: "subOne", name: "subOne", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [uint128], false)}, {prop: "addOne", name: "addOne", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [uint128], false)}, {prop: "commonPrefixLen", name: "commonPrefixLen", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([uint128], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "bitsSetFrom", name: "bitsSetFrom", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [uint128], false)}, {prop: "bitsClearedFrom", name: "bitsClearedFrom", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [uint128], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "halves", name: "halves", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$3], false)}]; + parseAddrError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + AddrPort.methods = [{prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "Port", name: "Port", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "isZero", name: "isZero", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "AppendTo", name: "AppendTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "MarshalText", name: "MarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}]; + Prefix.methods = [{prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "Bits", name: "Bits", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "isZero", name: "isZero", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsSingleIP", name: "IsSingleIP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Masked", name: "Masked", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Prefix], false)}, {prop: "Contains", name: "Contains", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Addr], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Overlaps", name: "Overlaps", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Prefix], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "AppendTo", name: "AppendTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "MarshalText", name: "MarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}]; + Addr.methods = [{prop: "v4", name: "v4", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "v6", name: "v6", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "v6u16", name: "v6u16", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "isZero", name: "isZero", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "BitLen", name: "BitLen", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Compare", name: "Compare", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Addr], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Less", name: "Less", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Addr], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "lessOrEq", name: "lessOrEq", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([Addr], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Is4", name: "Is4", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Is4In6", name: "Is4In6", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Is6", name: "Is6", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Unmap", name: "Unmap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "withoutZone", name: "withoutZone", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "hasZone", name: "hasZone", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsLinkLocalUnicast", name: "IsLinkLocalUnicast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsLoopback", name: "IsLoopback", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsMulticast", name: "IsMulticast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsInterfaceLocalMulticast", name: "IsInterfaceLocalMulticast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsLinkLocalMulticast", name: "IsLinkLocalMulticast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsGlobalUnicast", name: "IsGlobalUnicast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsPrivate", name: "IsPrivate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsUnspecified", name: "IsUnspecified", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Prefix", name: "Prefix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Prefix, $error], false)}, {prop: "As16", name: "As16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$2], false)}, {prop: "As4", name: "As4", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$1], false)}, {prop: "AsSlice", name: "AsSlice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Next", name: "Next", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "Prev", name: "Prev", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "AppendTo", name: "AppendTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "string4", name: "string4", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "appendTo4", name: "appendTo4", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "string6", name: "string6", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "appendTo6", name: "appendTo6", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "StringExpanded", name: "StringExpanded", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "MarshalText", name: "MarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes", name: "marshalBinaryWithTrailingBytes", pkg: "net/netip", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "Zone", name: "Zone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "WithZone", name: "WithZone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Addr], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}]; + uint128.init("net/netip", [{prop: "hi", name: "hi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "lo", name: "lo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + parseAddrError.init("net/netip", [{prop: "in$0", name: "in", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "msg", name: "msg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "at", name: "at", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + AddrPort.init("net/netip", [{prop: "ip", name: "ip", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Addr, tag: ""}, {prop: "port", name: "port", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}]); + Prefix.init("net/netip", [{prop: "ip", name: "ip", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Addr, tag: ""}, {prop: "bits", name: "bits", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int16, tag: ""}]); + Addr.init("net/netip", [{prop: "addr", name: "addr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: uint128, tag: ""}, {prop: "z", name: "z", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytealg.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = intern.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = itoa.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $unused(new intern.Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), $ifaceNil, false)); + $unused(new intern.Value.ptr(arrayType.zero(), $ifaceNil, false)); + z0 = ""; + z4 = "\x00ipv4"; + z6noz = "\x00ipv6noz"; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, errBaseLen, errCalcLen, errReserved, errTooManyPtr, errInvalidPtr, errNilResouceBody, errResourceLen, errSegTooLong, errZeroSegLen, errResTooLong, errTooManyQuestions, errTooManyAnswers, errTooManyAuthorities, errTooManyAdditionals, errNonCanonicalName, errStringTooLong, errCompressedSRV; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrNotStarted = errors.New("parsing/packing of this type isn't available yet"); + $pkg.ErrSectionDone = errors.New("parsing/packing of this section has completed"); + errBaseLen = errors.New("insufficient data for base length type"); + errCalcLen = errors.New("insufficient data for calculated length type"); + errReserved = errors.New("segment prefix is reserved"); + errTooManyPtr = errors.New("too many pointers (>10)"); + errInvalidPtr = errors.New("invalid pointer"); + errNilResouceBody = errors.New("nil resource body"); + errResourceLen = errors.New("insufficient data for resource body length"); + errSegTooLong = errors.New("segment length too long"); + errZeroSegLen = errors.New("zero length segment"); + errResTooLong = errors.New("resource length too long"); + errTooManyQuestions = errors.New("too many Questions to pack (>65535)"); + errTooManyAnswers = errors.New("too many Answers to pack (>65535)"); + errTooManyAuthorities = errors.New("too many Authorities to pack (>65535)"); + errTooManyAdditionals = errors.New("too many Additionals to pack (>65535)"); + errNonCanonicalName = errors.New("name is not in canonical format (it must end with a .)"); + errStringTooLong = errors.New("character string exceeds maximum length (255)"); + errCompressedSRV = errors.New("compressed name in SRV resource data"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["net"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, context, errors, bytealg, itoa, nettrace, poll, singleflight, io, netip, os, runtime, sort, sync, syscall, time, dnsmessage, UnixAddr, UnixConn, UnixListener, UDPAddr, addrPortUDPAddr, UDPConn, TCPAddr, TCPConn, TCPListener, sockaddr, rawConn, rawListener, file, netFD, bufferedPipe, Addr, Conn, conn, PacketConn, Listener, Error, OpError, timeout, temporary, ParseError, AddrError, UnknownNetworkError, timeoutError, DNSError, writerOnly, HardwareAddr, Resolver, onlyValuesCtx, ipStackCapabilities, addrList, IPAddr, IPConn, IP, IPMask, IPNet, Interface, Flags, ipv6ZoneCache, SRV, MX, NS, Dialer, sysDialer, ListenConfig, sysListener, dialResult, ptrType, sliceType, ptrType$2, sliceType$1, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, arrayType, arrayType$1, ptrType$13, ptrType$14, ptrType$15, ptrType$16, ptrType$17, ptrType$18, ptrType$19, ptrType$20, structType$2, ptrType$22, ptrType$23, ptrType$24, sliceType$2, ptrType$25, ptrType$26, ptrType$27, ptrType$28, sliceType$3, ptrType$29, sliceType$4, ptrType$30, sliceType$5, ptrType$31, sliceType$6, arrayType$2, sliceType$7, ptrType$32, sliceType$8, ptrType$33, funcType, sliceType$9, structType$3, sliceType$10, ptrType$34, ptrType$35, sliceType$11, sliceType$12, funcType$1, funcType$2, ptrType$36, chanType$5, chanType$6, ptrType$39, ptrType$40, ptrType$42, funcType$3, ptrType$43, funcType$4, ptrType$44, ptrType$45, mapType$1, mapType$2, ptrType$46, funcType$5, ptrType$47, ptrType$48, ptrType$49, onceReadServices, listenersMu, listeners, portCounterMu, portCounter, netGo, errNoSuitableAddress, errMissingAddress, errCanceled, aLongTimeAgo, errTimeout, errNoSuchHost, errClosed, protocols, services, dnsWaitGroup, errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, ipStackCaps, v4InV6Prefix, classAMask, classBMask, classCMask, errInvalidInterface, errInvalidInterfaceIndex, errInvalidInterfaceName, errNoSuchInterface, errNoSuchMulticastInterface, flagNames, zoneCache, testHookDialTCP, testHookLookupIP, testHookSetKeepAlive, setReadMsgCloseOnExec, unixSocket, sotypeToNet, ResolveUnixAddr, newUnixConn, UDPAddrFromAddrPort, newUDPConn, setNoDelay, setKeepAlivePeriod, selfConnect, spuriousENOTAVAIL, newTCPConn, splice, setReadBuffer, setWriteBuffer, setKeepAlive, setLinger, sendFile, newRawConn, newRawListener, readServices, goLookupPort, parsePort, open, countAnyByte, splitAtBytes, getFields, dtoi, xtoi, appendHex, last, lowerASCIIBytes, nextPort, socket, newBufferedPipe, sysSocket, mapErr, genericReadFrom, lookupProtocol, lookupProtocolMap, lookupPortMap, withUnexpiredValuesPreserved, lookupIPReturn, ipAddrsEface, favoriteAddrFamily, internetSocket, ipToSockaddrInet4, ipToSockaddrInet6, ipToSockaddr, addrPortToSockaddrInet4, addrPortToSockaddrInet6, supportsIPv4, supportsIPv4map, isIPv4, filterAddrList, ipv4only, ipv6only, SplitHostPort, splitHostZone, JoinHostPort, loopbackIP, stripIPv4Header, newIPConn, IPv4, IPv4Mask, CIDRMask, isZeros, allFF, ubtoa, hexString, ipEmptyString, simpleMaskLength, networkNumberAndMask, parseIPv4, parseIPv6Zone, parseIPv6, ParseIP, parseIPZone, ParseCIDR, interfaceTable, interfaceAddrTable, interfaceMulticastAddrTable, isConnError, isDomainName, minNonzeroTime, partialDeadline, parseNetwork, Dial, Listen, init; + context = $packages["context"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + bytealg = $packages["internal/bytealg"]; + itoa = $packages["internal/itoa"]; + nettrace = $packages["internal/nettrace"]; + poll = $packages["internal/poll"]; + singleflight = $packages["internal/singleflight"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + netip = $packages["net/netip"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + syscall = $packages["syscall"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + dnsmessage = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage"]; + UnixAddr = $pkg.UnixAddr = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.UnixAddr", true, "net", true, function(Name_, Net_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = ""; + this.Net = ""; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + this.Net = Net_; + }); + UnixConn = $pkg.UnixConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.UnixConn", true, "net", true, function(conn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.conn = new conn.ptr(ptrType$3.nil); + return; + } + this.conn = conn_; + }); + UnixListener = $pkg.UnixListener = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.UnixListener", true, "net", true, function(fd_, path_, unlink_, unlinkOnce_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fd = ptrType$3.nil; + this.path = ""; + this.unlink = false; + this.unlinkOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + return; + } + this.fd = fd_; + this.path = path_; + this.unlink = unlink_; + this.unlinkOnce = unlinkOnce_; + }); + UDPAddr = $pkg.UDPAddr = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.UDPAddr", true, "net", true, function(IP_, Port_, Zone_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.IP = IP.nil; + this.Port = 0; + this.Zone = ""; + return; + } + this.IP = IP_; + this.Port = Port_; + this.Zone = Zone_; + }); + addrPortUDPAddr = $pkg.addrPortUDPAddr = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.addrPortUDPAddr", true, "net", false, function(AddrPort_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.AddrPort = new netip.AddrPort.ptr(new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + return; + } + this.AddrPort = AddrPort_; + }); + UDPConn = $pkg.UDPConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.UDPConn", true, "net", true, function(conn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.conn = new conn.ptr(ptrType$3.nil); + return; + } + this.conn = conn_; + }); + TCPAddr = $pkg.TCPAddr = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.TCPAddr", true, "net", true, function(IP_, Port_, Zone_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.IP = IP.nil; + this.Port = 0; + this.Zone = ""; + return; + } + this.IP = IP_; + this.Port = Port_; + this.Zone = Zone_; + }); + TCPConn = $pkg.TCPConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.TCPConn", true, "net", true, function(conn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.conn = new conn.ptr(ptrType$3.nil); + return; + } + this.conn = conn_; + }); + TCPListener = $pkg.TCPListener = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.TCPListener", true, "net", true, function(fd_, lc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fd = ptrType$3.nil; + this.lc = new ListenConfig.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new time.Duration(0, 0)); + return; + } + this.fd = fd_; + this.lc = lc_; + }); + sockaddr = $pkg.sockaddr = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "net.sockaddr", true, "net", false, null); + rawConn = $pkg.rawConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.rawConn", true, "net", false, function(fd_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fd = ptrType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.fd = fd_; + }); + rawListener = $pkg.rawListener = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.rawListener", true, "net", false, function(rawConn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rawConn = new rawConn.ptr(ptrType$3.nil); + return; + } + this.rawConn = rawConn_; + }); + file = $pkg.file = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.file", true, "net", false, function(file_, data_, atEOF_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.file = ptrType$7.nil; + this.data = sliceType$1.nil; + this.atEOF = false; + return; + } + this.file = file_; + this.data = data_; + this.atEOF = atEOF_; + }); + netFD = $pkg.netFD = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.netFD", true, "net", false, function(r_, w_, incoming_, closedMu_, closed_, listener_, family_, sotype_, net_, laddr_, raddr_, pfd_, isConnected_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.r = ptrType$23.nil; + this.w = ptrType$23.nil; + this.incoming = $chanNil; + this.closedMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.closed = false; + this.listener = false; + this.family = 0; + this.sotype = 0; + this.net = ""; + this.laddr = $ifaceNil; + this.raddr = $ifaceNil; + this.pfd = new poll.FD.ptr(new poll.fdMutex.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0), 0, new poll.pollDesc.ptr(ptrType$24.nil, false), ptrType$25.nil, 0, 0, false, false, false); + this.isConnected = false; + return; + } + this.r = r_; + this.w = w_; + this.incoming = incoming_; + this.closedMu = closedMu_; + this.closed = closed_; + this.listener = listener_; + this.family = family_; + this.sotype = sotype_; + this.net = net_; + this.laddr = laddr_; + this.raddr = raddr_; + this.pfd = pfd_; + this.isConnected = isConnected_; + }); + bufferedPipe = $pkg.bufferedPipe = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.bufferedPipe", true, "net", false, function(softLimit_, mu_, buf_, closed_, rCond_, wCond_, rDeadline_, wDeadline_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.softLimit = 0; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.buf = sliceType$1.nil; + this.closed = false; + this.rCond = new sync.Cond.ptr(new sync.noCopy.ptr(), $ifaceNil, new sync.notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, $chanNil); + this.wCond = new sync.Cond.ptr(new sync.noCopy.ptr(), $ifaceNil, new sync.notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, $chanNil); + this.rDeadline = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + this.wDeadline = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + return; + } + this.softLimit = softLimit_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.closed = closed_; + this.rCond = rCond_; + this.wCond = wCond_; + this.rDeadline = rDeadline_; + this.wDeadline = wDeadline_; + }); + Addr = $pkg.Addr = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "net.Addr", true, "net", true, null); + Conn = $pkg.Conn = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "net.Conn", true, "net", true, null); + conn = $pkg.conn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.conn", true, "net", false, function(fd_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.fd = ptrType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.fd = fd_; + }); + PacketConn = $pkg.PacketConn = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "net.PacketConn", true, "net", true, null); + Listener = $pkg.Listener = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "net.Listener", true, "net", true, null); + Error = $pkg.Error = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "net.Error", true, "net", true, null); + OpError = $pkg.OpError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.OpError", true, "net", true, function(Op_, Net_, Source_, Addr_, Err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Op = ""; + this.Net = ""; + this.Source = $ifaceNil; + this.Addr = $ifaceNil; + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Op = Op_; + this.Net = Net_; + this.Source = Source_; + this.Addr = Addr_; + this.Err = Err_; + }); + timeout = $pkg.timeout = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "net.timeout", true, "net", false, null); + temporary = $pkg.temporary = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "net.temporary", true, "net", false, null); + ParseError = $pkg.ParseError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.ParseError", true, "net", true, function(Type_, Text_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Type = ""; + this.Text = ""; + return; + } + this.Type = Type_; + this.Text = Text_; + }); + AddrError = $pkg.AddrError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.AddrError", true, "net", true, function(Err_, Addr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Err = ""; + this.Addr = ""; + return; + } + this.Err = Err_; + this.Addr = Addr_; + }); + UnknownNetworkError = $pkg.UnknownNetworkError = $newType(8, $kindString, "net.UnknownNetworkError", true, "net", true, null); + timeoutError = $pkg.timeoutError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.timeoutError", true, "net", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + DNSError = $pkg.DNSError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.DNSError", true, "net", true, function(Err_, Name_, Server_, IsTimeout_, IsTemporary_, IsNotFound_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Err = ""; + this.Name = ""; + this.Server = ""; + this.IsTimeout = false; + this.IsTemporary = false; + this.IsNotFound = false; + return; + } + this.Err = Err_; + this.Name = Name_; + this.Server = Server_; + this.IsTimeout = IsTimeout_; + this.IsTemporary = IsTemporary_; + this.IsNotFound = IsNotFound_; + }); + writerOnly = $pkg.writerOnly = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.writerOnly", true, "net", false, function(Writer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Writer = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Writer = Writer_; + }); + HardwareAddr = $pkg.HardwareAddr = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "net.HardwareAddr", true, "net", true, null); + Resolver = $pkg.Resolver = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.Resolver", true, "net", true, function(PreferGo_, StrictErrors_, Dial_, lookupGroup_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.PreferGo = false; + this.StrictErrors = false; + this.Dial = $throwNilPointerError; + this.lookupGroup = new singleflight.Group.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false); + return; + } + this.PreferGo = PreferGo_; + this.StrictErrors = StrictErrors_; + this.Dial = Dial_; + this.lookupGroup = lookupGroup_; + }); + onlyValuesCtx = $pkg.onlyValuesCtx = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.onlyValuesCtx", true, "net", false, function(Context_, lookupValues_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Context = $ifaceNil; + this.lookupValues = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Context = Context_; + this.lookupValues = lookupValues_; + }); + ipStackCapabilities = $pkg.ipStackCapabilities = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.ipStackCapabilities", true, "net", false, function(Once_, ipv4Enabled_, ipv6Enabled_, ipv4MappedIPv6Enabled_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.ipv4Enabled = false; + this.ipv6Enabled = false; + this.ipv4MappedIPv6Enabled = false; + return; + } + this.Once = Once_; + this.ipv4Enabled = ipv4Enabled_; + this.ipv6Enabled = ipv6Enabled_; + this.ipv4MappedIPv6Enabled = ipv4MappedIPv6Enabled_; + }); + addrList = $pkg.addrList = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "net.addrList", true, "net", false, null); + IPAddr = $pkg.IPAddr = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.IPAddr", true, "net", true, function(IP_, Zone_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.IP = IP.nil; + this.Zone = ""; + return; + } + this.IP = IP_; + this.Zone = Zone_; + }); + IPConn = $pkg.IPConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.IPConn", true, "net", true, function(conn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.conn = new conn.ptr(ptrType$3.nil); + return; + } + this.conn = conn_; + }); + IP = $pkg.IP = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "net.IP", true, "net", true, null); + IPMask = $pkg.IPMask = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "net.IPMask", true, "net", true, null); + IPNet = $pkg.IPNet = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.IPNet", true, "net", true, function(IP_, Mask_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.IP = IP.nil; + this.Mask = IPMask.nil; + return; + } + this.IP = IP_; + this.Mask = Mask_; + }); + Interface = $pkg.Interface = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.Interface", true, "net", true, function(Index_, MTU_, Name_, HardwareAddr_, Flags_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Index = 0; + this.MTU = 0; + this.Name = ""; + this.HardwareAddr = HardwareAddr.nil; + this.Flags = 0; + return; + } + this.Index = Index_; + this.MTU = MTU_; + this.Name = Name_; + this.HardwareAddr = HardwareAddr_; + this.Flags = Flags_; + }); + Flags = $pkg.Flags = $newType(4, $kindUint, "net.Flags", true, "net", true, null); + ipv6ZoneCache = $pkg.ipv6ZoneCache = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.ipv6ZoneCache", true, "net", false, function(RWMutex_, lastFetched_, toIndex_, toName_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.RWMutex = new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.lastFetched = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + this.toIndex = false; + this.toName = false; + return; + } + this.RWMutex = RWMutex_; + this.lastFetched = lastFetched_; + this.toIndex = toIndex_; + this.toName = toName_; + }); + SRV = $pkg.SRV = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.SRV", true, "net", true, function(Target_, Port_, Priority_, Weight_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Target = ""; + this.Port = 0; + this.Priority = 0; + this.Weight = 0; + return; + } + this.Target = Target_; + this.Port = Port_; + this.Priority = Priority_; + this.Weight = Weight_; + }); + MX = $pkg.MX = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.MX", true, "net", true, function(Host_, Pref_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Host = ""; + this.Pref = 0; + return; + } + this.Host = Host_; + this.Pref = Pref_; + }); + NS = $pkg.NS = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.NS", true, "net", true, function(Host_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Host = ""; + return; + } + this.Host = Host_; + }); + Dialer = $pkg.Dialer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.Dialer", true, "net", true, function(Timeout_, Deadline_, LocalAddr_, DualStack_, FallbackDelay_, KeepAlive_, Resolver_, Cancel_, Control_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Timeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.Deadline = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + this.LocalAddr = $ifaceNil; + this.DualStack = false; + this.FallbackDelay = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.KeepAlive = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.Resolver = ptrType$9.nil; + this.Cancel = $chanNil; + this.Control = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.Timeout = Timeout_; + this.Deadline = Deadline_; + this.LocalAddr = LocalAddr_; + this.DualStack = DualStack_; + this.FallbackDelay = FallbackDelay_; + this.KeepAlive = KeepAlive_; + this.Resolver = Resolver_; + this.Cancel = Cancel_; + this.Control = Control_; + }); + sysDialer = $pkg.sysDialer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.sysDialer", true, "net", false, function(Dialer_, network_, address_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Dialer = new Dialer.ptr(new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), $ifaceNil, false, new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), ptrType$9.nil, $chanNil, $throwNilPointerError); + this.network = ""; + this.address = ""; + return; + } + this.Dialer = Dialer_; + this.network = network_; + this.address = address_; + }); + ListenConfig = $pkg.ListenConfig = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.ListenConfig", true, "net", true, function(Control_, KeepAlive_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Control = $throwNilPointerError; + this.KeepAlive = new time.Duration(0, 0); + return; + } + this.Control = Control_; + this.KeepAlive = KeepAlive_; + }); + sysListener = $pkg.sysListener = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.sysListener", true, "net", false, function(ListenConfig_, network_, address_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ListenConfig = new ListenConfig.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new time.Duration(0, 0)); + this.network = ""; + this.address = ""; + return; + } + this.ListenConfig = ListenConfig_; + this.network = network_; + this.address = address_; + }); + dialResult = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "net.dialResult", true, "net", false, function(Conn_, error_, primary_, done_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Conn = $ifaceNil; + this.error = $ifaceNil; + this.primary = false; + this.done = false; + return; + } + this.Conn = Conn_; + this.error = error_; + this.primary = primary_; + this.done = done_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(time.Location); + sliceType = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(onlyValuesCtx); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(netFD); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(syscall.SockaddrUnix); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(UnixAddr); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(UnixConn); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(os.File); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(UnixListener); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(Resolver); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(syscall.SockaddrInet4); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(syscall.SockaddrInet6); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(UDPAddr); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 16); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(UDPConn); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType(Interface); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(TCPAddr); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType(TCPConn); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType(OpError); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(os.SyscallError); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType(TCPListener); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(rawConn); + structType$2 = $structType("", []); + ptrType$22 = $ptrType(file); + ptrType$23 = $ptrType(bufferedPipe); + ptrType$24 = $ptrType(poll.FD); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(syscall.Iovec); + ptrType$25 = $ptrType(sliceType$2); + ptrType$26 = $ptrType(conn); + ptrType$27 = $ptrType(AddrError); + ptrType$28 = $ptrType(DNSError); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(IPAddr); + ptrType$29 = $ptrType(SRV); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(ptrType$29); + ptrType$30 = $ptrType(MX); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(ptrType$30); + ptrType$31 = $ptrType(NS); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(ptrType$31); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 25); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType(IP); + ptrType$32 = $ptrType(IPAddr); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType(netip.Addr); + ptrType$33 = $ptrType(nettrace.Trace); + funcType = $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [sliceType$3, $error], false); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + structType$3 = $structType("net", [{prop: "laddr", name: "laddr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: TCPAddr, tag: ""}, {prop: "value", name: "value", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + sliceType$10 = $sliceType(structType$3); + ptrType$34 = $ptrType(IPConn); + ptrType$35 = $ptrType(IPNet); + sliceType$11 = $sliceType(Interface); + sliceType$12 = $sliceType(Addr); + funcType$1 = $funcType([$Uintptr], [], false); + funcType$2 = $funcType([$Uintptr], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$36 = $ptrType(rawListener); + chanType$5 = $chanType(structType$2, false, true); + chanType$6 = $chanType(ptrType$3, false, false); + ptrType$39 = $ptrType(ParseError); + ptrType$40 = $ptrType(timeoutError); + ptrType$42 = $ptrType(singleflight.Group); + funcType$3 = $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [Conn, $error], false); + ptrType$43 = $ptrType(ipStackCapabilities); + funcType$4 = $funcType([Addr], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$44 = $ptrType(IP); + ptrType$45 = $ptrType(ipv6ZoneCache); + mapType$1 = $mapType($String, $Int); + mapType$2 = $mapType($Int, $String); + ptrType$46 = $ptrType(Dialer); + funcType$5 = $funcType([$String, $String, syscall.RawConn], [$error], false); + ptrType$47 = $ptrType(sysDialer); + ptrType$48 = $ptrType(ListenConfig); + ptrType$49 = $ptrType(sysListener); + setReadMsgCloseOnExec = function(oob) { + var oob; + }; + unixSocket = function(ctx, net, laddr, raddr, mode, ctrlFn) { + var {_1, _2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _v, _v$1, ctrlFn, ctx, err, fd, laddr, mode, net, raddr, sotype, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, net, laddr, raddr, mode, ctrlFn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sotype = 0; + _1 = net; + if (_1 === ("unix")) { + sotype = 1; + } else if (_1 === ("unixgram")) { + sotype = 2; + } else if (_1 === ("unixpacket")) { + sotype = 4; + } else { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, new UnknownNetworkError((net))]; + } + _2 = mode; + /* */ if (_2 === ("dial")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === ("listen")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_2 === ("dial")) { */ case 2: + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(laddr, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 8; continue s; } + _r = laddr.isWildcard(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 8: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 6: + laddr = $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 7: + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(raddr, $ifaceNil)))) { _v$1 = false; $s = 12; continue s; } + _r$1 = raddr.isWildcard(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$1; case 12: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 10: + raddr = $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 11: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(raddr, $ifaceNil) && (!((sotype === 2)) || $interfaceIsEqual(laddr, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, errMissingAddress]; + } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === ("listen")) { */ case 3: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, errors.New("unknown mode: " + mode)]; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + _r$2 = socket(ctx, net, 1, sotype, 0, false, laddr, raddr, ctrlFn); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [fd, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: unixSocket, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _v, _v$1, ctrlFn, ctx, err, fd, laddr, mode, net, raddr, sotype, $s};return $f; + }; + sotypeToNet = function(sotype) { + var _1, sotype; + _1 = sotype; + if (_1 === (1)) { + return "unix"; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + return "unixgram"; + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + return "unixpacket"; + } else { + $panic(new $String("sotypeToNet unknown socket type")); + } + }; + UnixAddr.ptr.prototype.family = function() { + var a; + a = this; + return 1; + }; + UnixAddr.prototype.family = function() { return this.$val.family(); }; + UnixAddr.ptr.prototype.sockaddr = function(family) { + var a, family; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$5.nil) { + return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + return [new syscall.SockaddrUnix.ptr(a.Name), $ifaceNil]; + }; + UnixAddr.prototype.sockaddr = function(family) { return this.$val.sockaddr(family); }; + UnixAddr.ptr.prototype.toLocal = function(net) { + var a, net; + a = this; + return a; + }; + UnixAddr.prototype.toLocal = function(net) { return this.$val.toLocal(net); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.readFrom = function(b) { + var _ref, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, sa, sa$1; + c = this; + addr = ptrType$5.nil; + _tuple = c.conn.fd.readFrom(b); + n = _tuple[0]; + sa = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + _ref = sa; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$4, true)[1]) { + sa$1 = _ref.$val; + if (!(sa$1.Name === "")) { + addr = new UnixAddr.ptr(sa$1.Name, sotypeToNet(c.conn.fd.sotype)); + } + } + return [n, addr, err]; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.readFrom = function(b) { return this.$val.readFrom(b); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.readMsg = function(b, oob) { + var _ref, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, flags, n, oob, oobn, sa, sa$1; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + flags = 0; + addr = ptrType$5.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + sa = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = c.conn.fd.readMsg(b, oob, 0); + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + flags = _tuple[2]; + sa = _tuple[3]; + err = _tuple[4]; + if (true && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && oobn > 0) { + setReadMsgCloseOnExec($subslice(oob, 0, oobn)); + } + _ref = sa; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$4, true)[1]) { + sa$1 = _ref.$val; + if (!(sa$1.Name === "")) { + addr = new UnixAddr.ptr(sa$1.Name, sotypeToNet(c.conn.fd.sotype)); + } + } + return [n, oobn, flags, addr, err]; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.readMsg = function(b, oob) { return this.$val.readMsg(b, oob); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.writeTo = function(b, addr) { + var addr, b, c, sa; + c = this; + if (c.conn.fd.isConnected) { + return [0, $pkg.ErrWriteToConnected]; + } + if (addr === ptrType$5.nil) { + return [0, errMissingAddress]; + } + if (!(addr.Net === sotypeToNet(c.conn.fd.sotype))) { + return [0, new syscall.Errno(97)]; + } + sa = new syscall.SockaddrUnix.ptr(addr.Name); + return c.conn.fd.writeTo(b, sa); + }; + UnixConn.prototype.writeTo = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.writeTo(b, addr); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.writeMsg = function(b, oob, addr) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, sa; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if ((c.conn.fd.sotype === 2) && c.conn.fd.isConnected) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = $pkg.ErrWriteToConnected; + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [n, oobn, err]; + } + sa = $ifaceNil; + if (!(addr === ptrType$5.nil)) { + if (!(addr.Net === sotypeToNet(c.conn.fd.sotype))) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = new syscall.Errno(97); + n = _tmp$3; + oobn = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [n, oobn, err]; + } + sa = new syscall.SockaddrUnix.ptr(addr.Name); + } + _tuple = c.conn.fd.writeMsg(b, oob, sa); + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + return [n, oobn, err]; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.writeMsg = function(b, oob, addr) { return this.$val.writeMsg(b, oob, addr); }; + sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialUnix = function(ctx, laddr, raddr) { + var {_r, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, raddr, sd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, laddr, raddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + _r = unixSocket(ctx, sd.network, laddr, raddr, "dial", sd.Dialer.Control); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$6.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [newUnixConn(fd), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialUnix, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, raddr, sd, $s};return $f; + }; + sysDialer.prototype.dialUnix = function(ctx, laddr, raddr) { return this.$val.dialUnix(ctx, laddr, raddr); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.accept = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, fd, ln, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ln = this; + _r = ln.fd.accept(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$6.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [newUnixConn(fd), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnixListener.ptr.prototype.accept, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, fd, ln, $s};return $f; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.accept = function() { return this.$val.accept(); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.close = function() { + var {$24r, _r, ln, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ln = [ln]; + ln[0] = this; + $r = ln[0].unlinkOnce.Do((function(ln) { return function $b() { + var {_r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!((ln[0].path.charCodeAt(0) === 64)) && ln[0].unlink) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((ln[0].path.charCodeAt(0) === 64)) && ln[0].unlink) { */ case 1: + _r = syscall.Unlink(ln[0].path); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; })(ln)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = ln[0].fd.Close(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnixListener.ptr.prototype.close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, ln, $s};return $f; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.close = function() { return this.$val.close(); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.file = function() { + var _tuple, err, f, ln; + ln = this; + _tuple = ln.fd.dup(); + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$7.nil, err]; + } + return [f, $ifaceNil]; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.file = function() { return this.$val.file(); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.SetUnlinkOnClose = function(unlink) { + var l, unlink; + l = this; + l.unlink = unlink; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.SetUnlinkOnClose = function(unlink) { return this.$val.SetUnlinkOnClose(unlink); }; + sysListener.ptr.prototype.listenUnix = function(ctx, laddr) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, sl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, laddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sl = this; + _r = unixSocket(ctx, sl.network, laddr, $ifaceNil, "listen", sl.ListenConfig.Control); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$8.nil, err]; + } + _r$1 = fd.laddr.String(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new UnixListener.ptr(fd, _r$1, true, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0))), $ifaceNil]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sysListener.ptr.prototype.listenUnix, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, sl, $s};return $f; + }; + sysListener.prototype.listenUnix = function(ctx, laddr) { return this.$val.listenUnix(ctx, laddr); }; + sysListener.ptr.prototype.listenUnixgram = function(ctx, laddr) { + var {_r, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, sl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, laddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sl = this; + _r = unixSocket(ctx, sl.network, laddr, $ifaceNil, "listen", sl.ListenConfig.Control); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$6.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [newUnixConn(fd), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sysListener.ptr.prototype.listenUnixgram, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, sl, $s};return $f; + }; + sysListener.prototype.listenUnixgram = function(ctx, laddr) { return this.$val.listenUnixgram(ctx, laddr); }; + UnixAddr.ptr.prototype.Network = function() { + var a; + a = this; + return a.Net; + }; + UnixAddr.prototype.Network = function() { return this.$val.Network(); }; + UnixAddr.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$5.nil) { + return ""; + } + return a.Name; + }; + UnixAddr.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + UnixAddr.ptr.prototype.isWildcard = function() { + var a; + a = this; + return a === ptrType$5.nil || a.Name === ""; + }; + UnixAddr.prototype.isWildcard = function() { return this.$val.isWildcard(); }; + UnixAddr.ptr.prototype.opAddr = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$5.nil) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return a; + }; + UnixAddr.prototype.opAddr = function() { return this.$val.opAddr(); }; + ResolveUnixAddr = function(network, address) { + var _1, address, network; + _1 = network; + if (_1 === ("unix") || _1 === ("unixgram") || _1 === ("unixpacket")) { + return [new UnixAddr.ptr(address, network), $ifaceNil]; + } else { + return [ptrType$5.nil, new UnknownNetworkError((network))]; + } + }; + $pkg.ResolveUnixAddr = ResolveUnixAddr; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { + var _returncast, c; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return [$ifaceNil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _returncast = newRawConn(c.conn.fd); + return [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { return this.$val.SyscallConn(); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.CloseRead = function() { + var {_r, c, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.conn.fd.closeRead(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("close", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnixConn.ptr.prototype.CloseRead, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, $s};return $f; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.CloseRead = function() { return this.$val.CloseRead(); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite = function() { + var {_r, c, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.conn.fd.closeWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("close", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnixConn.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, $s};return $f; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.CloseWrite = function() { return this.$val.CloseWrite(); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFromUnix = function(b) { + var _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return [0, ptrType$5.nil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _tuple = c.readFrom(b); + n = _tuple[0]; + addr = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("read", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + return [n, addr, err]; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.ReadFromUnix = function(b) { return this.$val.ReadFromUnix(b); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(b) { + var _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return [0, $ifaceNil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _tuple = c.readFrom(b); + n = _tuple[0]; + addr = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("read", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + if (addr === ptrType$5.nil) { + return [n, $ifaceNil, err]; + } + return [n, addr, err]; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.ReadFrom = function(b) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(b); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgUnix = function(b, oob) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, flags, n, oob, oobn; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + flags = 0; + addr = ptrType$5.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = ptrType$5.nil; + _tmp$4 = new syscall.Errno(22); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + flags = _tmp$2; + addr = _tmp$3; + err = _tmp$4; + return [n, oobn, flags, addr, err]; + } + _tuple = c.readMsg(b, oob); + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + flags = _tuple[2]; + addr = _tuple[3]; + err = _tuple[4]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("read", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + return [n, oobn, flags, addr, err]; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.ReadMsgUnix = function(b, oob) { return this.$val.ReadMsgUnix(b, oob); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.WriteToUnix = function(b, addr) { + var _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return [0, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _tuple = c.writeTo(b, addr); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, addr.opAddr(), err); + } + return [n, err]; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.WriteToUnix = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.WriteToUnix(b, addr); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.WriteTo = function(b, addr) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, a, addr, b, c, err, n, ok; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return [0, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _tuple = $assertType(addr, ptrType$5, true); + a = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return [0, new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, addr, new syscall.Errno(22))]; + } + _tuple$1 = c.writeTo(b, a); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, a.opAddr(), err); + } + return [n, err]; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.WriteTo = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.WriteTo(b, addr); }; + UnixConn.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgUnix = function(b, oob, addr) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = new syscall.Errno(22); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _tuple = c.writeMsg(b, oob, addr); + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, addr.opAddr(), err); + } + return [n, oobn, err]; + }; + UnixConn.prototype.WriteMsgUnix = function(b, oob, addr) { return this.$val.WriteMsgUnix(b, oob, addr); }; + newUnixConn = function(fd) { + var fd; + return new UnixConn.ptr(new conn.ptr(fd)); + }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.ok = function() { + var ln; + ln = this; + return !(ln === ptrType$8.nil) && !(ln.fd === ptrType$3.nil); + }; + UnixListener.prototype.ok = function() { return this.$val.ok(); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { + var _returncast, l; + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + return [$ifaceNil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _returncast = newRawListener(l.fd); + return [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { return this.$val.SyscallConn(); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.AcceptUnix = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, c, err, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$6.nil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = l.accept(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$6.nil, new OpError.ptr("accept", l.fd.net, $ifaceNil, l.fd.laddr, err)]; + } + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnixListener.ptr.prototype.AcceptUnix, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, c, err, l, $s};return $f; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.AcceptUnix = function() { return this.$val.AcceptUnix(); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.Accept = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, c, err, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = l.accept(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new OpError.ptr("accept", l.fd.net, $ifaceNil, l.fd.laddr, err)]; + } + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnixListener.ptr.prototype.Accept, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, c, err, l, $s};return $f; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.Accept = function() { return this.$val.Accept(); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r, err, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = l.close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("close", l.fd.net, $ifaceNil, l.fd.laddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnixListener.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r, err, l, $s};return $f; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.Addr = function() { + var l; + l = this; + return l.fd.laddr; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.Addr = function() { return this.$val.Addr(); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { + var {_r, err, l, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = l.fd.pfd.SetDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("set", l.fd.net, $ifaceNil, l.fd.laddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnixListener.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline, $c: true, $r, _r, err, l, t, $s};return $f; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetDeadline(t); }; + UnixListener.ptr.prototype.File = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, f, l; + f = ptrType$7.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + _tmp = ptrType$7.nil; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(22); + f = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [f, err]; + } + _tuple = l.file(); + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("file", l.fd.net, $ifaceNil, l.fd.laddr, err); + } + return [f, err]; + }; + UnixListener.prototype.File = function() { return this.$val.File(); }; + UDPAddr.ptr.prototype.family = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$12.nil || a.IP.$length <= 4) { + return 2; + } + if (!(a.IP.To4() === IP.nil)) { + return 2; + } + return 3; + }; + UDPAddr.prototype.family = function() { return this.$val.family(); }; + UDPAddr.ptr.prototype.sockaddr = function(family) { + var {$24r, _r, a, family, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {family}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$12.nil) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r = ipToSockaddr(family, a.IP, a.Port, a.Zone); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPAddr.ptr.prototype.sockaddr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, a, family, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPAddr.prototype.sockaddr = function(family) { return this.$val.sockaddr(family); }; + UDPAddr.ptr.prototype.toLocal = function(net) { + var a, net; + a = this; + return new UDPAddr.ptr(loopbackIP(net), a.Port, a.Zone); + }; + UDPAddr.prototype.toLocal = function(net) { return this.$val.toLocal(net); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.readFrom = function(b, addr) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, from, from$1, ip, ip$1, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + from = [from]; + from$1 = [from$1]; + c = this; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _1 = c.conn.fd.family; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + from[0] = new syscall.SockaddrInet4.ptr(0, arrayType.zero()); + _tuple = c.conn.fd.readFromInet4(b, from[0]); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + ip = $clone(from[0].Addr, arrayType); + UDPAddr.copy(addr, new UDPAddr.ptr($convertSliceType(new sliceType$1(ip), IP), from[0].Port, "")); + } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + from$1[0] = new syscall.SockaddrInet6.ptr(0, 0, arrayType$1.zero()); + _tuple$1 = c.conn.fd.readFromInet6(b, from$1[0]); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 5: + ip$1 = $clone(from$1[0].Addr, arrayType$1); + _r = zoneCache.name(((from$1[0].ZoneId >> 0))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + UDPAddr.copy(addr, new UDPAddr.ptr($convertSliceType(new sliceType$1(ip$1), IP), from$1[0].Port, _r)); + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + addr = ptrType$12.nil; + } + $s = -1; return [n, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.readFrom, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, from, from$1, ip, ip$1, n, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.readFrom = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.readFrom(b, addr); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.readFromAddrPort = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, from, from$1, ip, n, port, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + from = [from]; + from$1 = [from$1]; + n = 0; + addr = new netip.AddrPort.ptr(new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + ip = new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""); + port = 0; + _1 = c.conn.fd.family; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + from[0] = new syscall.SockaddrInet4.ptr(0, arrayType.zero()); + _tuple = c.conn.fd.readFromInet4(b, from[0]); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + netip.Addr.copy(ip, netip.AddrFrom4($clone(from[0].Addr, arrayType))); + port = from[0].Port; + } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + from$1[0] = new syscall.SockaddrInet6.ptr(0, 0, arrayType$1.zero()); + _tuple$1 = c.conn.fd.readFromInet6(b, from$1[0]); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 5: + _r = zoneCache.name(((from$1[0].ZoneId >> 0))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = $clone(netip.AddrFrom16($clone(from$1[0].Addr, arrayType$1)), netip.Addr).WithZone(_r); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + netip.Addr.copy(ip, _r$1); + port = from$1[0].Port; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + netip.AddrPort.copy(addr, netip.AddrPortFrom($clone(ip, netip.Addr), ((port << 16 >>> 16)))); + } + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = $clone(addr, netip.AddrPort); + _tmp$2 = err; + n = _tmp; + netip.AddrPort.copy(addr, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [n, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.readFromAddrPort, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, from, from$1, ip, n, port, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.readFromAddrPort = function(b) { return this.$val.readFromAddrPort(b); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.readMsg = function(b, oob) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, flags, ip, ip$1, n, oob, oobn, sa, sa$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sa = [sa]; + sa$1 = [sa$1]; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + flags = 0; + addr = new netip.AddrPort.ptr(new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + _1 = c.conn.fd.family; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + sa[0] = new syscall.SockaddrInet4.ptr(0, arrayType.zero()); + _tuple = c.conn.fd.readMsgInet4(b, oob, 0, sa[0]); + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + flags = _tuple[2]; + err = _tuple[3]; + ip = $clone(netip.AddrFrom4($clone(sa[0].Addr, arrayType)), netip.Addr); + netip.AddrPort.copy(addr, netip.AddrPortFrom($clone(ip, netip.Addr), ((sa[0].Port << 16 >>> 16)))); + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + sa$1[0] = new syscall.SockaddrInet6.ptr(0, 0, arrayType$1.zero()); + _tuple$1 = c.conn.fd.readMsgInet6(b, oob, 0, sa$1[0]); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + oobn = _tuple$1[1]; + flags = _tuple$1[2]; + err = _tuple$1[3]; + _r = zoneCache.name(((sa$1[0].ZoneId >> 0))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = $clone(netip.AddrFrom16($clone(sa$1[0].Addr, arrayType$1)), netip.Addr).WithZone(_r); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ip$1 = $clone(_r$1, netip.Addr); + netip.AddrPort.copy(addr, netip.AddrPortFrom($clone(ip$1, netip.Addr), ((sa$1[0].Port << 16 >>> 16)))); + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, flags, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.readMsg, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, flags, ip, ip$1, n, oob, oobn, sa, sa$1, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.readMsg = function(b, oob) { return this.$val.readMsg(b, oob); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.writeTo = function(b, addr) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, err$1, sa, sa$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sa = [sa]; + sa$1 = [sa$1]; + c = this; + if (c.conn.fd.isConnected) { + $s = -1; return [0, $pkg.ErrWriteToConnected]; + } + if (addr === ptrType$12.nil) { + $s = -1; return [0, errMissingAddress]; + } + _1 = c.conn.fd.family; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + _tuple = ipToSockaddrInet4(addr.IP, addr.Port); + sa[0] = $clone(_tuple[0], syscall.SockaddrInet4); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + $s = -1; return c.conn.fd.writeToInet4(b, sa[0]); + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + _r = ipToSockaddrInet6(addr.IP, addr.Port, addr.Zone); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + sa$1[0] = $clone(_tuple$1[0], syscall.SockaddrInet6); + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err$1]; + } + $s = -1; return c.conn.fd.writeToInet6(b, sa$1[0]); + /* } else { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [0, new AddrError.ptr("invalid address family", addr.IP.String())]; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.writeTo, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, err$1, sa, sa$1, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.writeTo = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.writeTo(b, addr); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.writeToAddrPort = function(b, addr) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, err$1, sa, sa$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sa = [sa]; + sa$1 = [sa$1]; + c = this; + if (c.conn.fd.isConnected) { + $s = -1; return [0, $pkg.ErrWriteToConnected]; + } + if (!$clone(addr, netip.AddrPort).IsValid()) { + $s = -1; return [0, errMissingAddress]; + } + _1 = c.conn.fd.family; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + _tuple = addrPortToSockaddrInet4($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort)); + sa[0] = $clone(_tuple[0], syscall.SockaddrInet4); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + $s = -1; return c.conn.fd.writeToInet4(b, sa[0]); + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + _r = addrPortToSockaddrInet6($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + sa$1[0] = $clone(_tuple$1[0], syscall.SockaddrInet6); + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err$1]; + } + $s = -1; return c.conn.fd.writeToInet6(b, sa$1[0]); + /* } else { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [0, new AddrError.ptr("invalid address family", $clone($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort).Addr(), netip.Addr).String())]; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.writeToAddrPort, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, err$1, sa, sa$1, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.writeToAddrPort = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.writeToAddrPort(b, addr); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.writeMsg = function(b, oob, addr) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, sa, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (c.conn.fd.isConnected && !(addr === ptrType$12.nil)) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = $pkg.ErrWriteToConnected; + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + if (!c.conn.fd.isConnected && addr === ptrType$12.nil) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = errMissingAddress; + n = _tmp$3; + oobn = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _r = addr.sockaddr(c.conn.fd.family); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + sa = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 0; + _tmp$8 = err; + n = _tmp$6; + oobn = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = c.conn.fd.writeMsg(b, oob, sa); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + oobn = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.writeMsg, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, sa, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.writeMsg = function(b, oob, addr) { return this.$val.writeMsg(b, oob, addr); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.writeMsgAddrPort = function(b, oob, addr) { + var {_1, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, addr, b, c, err, err$1, err$2, n, oob, oobn, sa, sa$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sa = [sa]; + sa$1 = [sa$1]; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (c.conn.fd.isConnected && $clone(addr, netip.AddrPort).IsValid()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = $pkg.ErrWriteToConnected; + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + if (!c.conn.fd.isConnected && !$clone(addr, netip.AddrPort).IsValid()) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = errMissingAddress; + n = _tmp$3; + oobn = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _1 = c.conn.fd.family; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + _tuple = addrPortToSockaddrInet4($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort)); + sa[0] = $clone(_tuple[0], syscall.SockaddrInet4); + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 0; + _tmp$8 = err$1; + n = _tmp$6; + oobn = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = c.conn.fd.writeMsgInet4(b, oob, sa[0]); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + oobn = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + _r = addrPortToSockaddrInet6($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r; + sa$1[0] = $clone(_tuple$2[0], syscall.SockaddrInet6); + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$9 = 0; + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = err$2; + n = _tmp$9; + oobn = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _tuple$3 = c.conn.fd.writeMsgInet6(b, oob, sa$1[0]); + n = _tuple$3[0]; + oobn = _tuple$3[1]; + err = _tuple$3[2]; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = 0; + _tmp$14 = new AddrError.ptr("invalid address family", $clone($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort).Addr(), netip.Addr).String()); + n = _tmp$12; + oobn = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.writeMsgAddrPort, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, addr, b, c, err, err$1, err$2, n, oob, oobn, sa, sa$1, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.writeMsgAddrPort = function(b, oob, addr) { return this.$val.writeMsgAddrPort(b, oob, addr); }; + sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialUDP = function(ctx, laddr, raddr) { + var {_r, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, raddr, sd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, laddr, raddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + _r = internetSocket(ctx, sd.network, laddr, raddr, 2, 0, "dial", sd.Dialer.Control); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$13.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [newUDPConn(fd), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialUDP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, raddr, sd, $s};return $f; + }; + sysDialer.prototype.dialUDP = function(ctx, laddr, raddr) { return this.$val.dialUDP(ctx, laddr, raddr); }; + sysListener.ptr.prototype.listenUDP = function(ctx, laddr) { + var {_r, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, sl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, laddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sl = this; + _r = internetSocket(ctx, sl.network, laddr, $ifaceNil, 2, 0, "listen", sl.ListenConfig.Control); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$13.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [newUDPConn(fd), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sysListener.ptr.prototype.listenUDP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, sl, $s};return $f; + }; + sysListener.prototype.listenUDP = function(ctx, laddr) { return this.$val.listenUDP(ctx, laddr); }; + UDPAddr.ptr.prototype.AddrPort = function() { + var _tuple, a, na; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$12.nil) { + return new netip.AddrPort.ptr(new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + } + _tuple = netip.AddrFromSlice($convertSliceType(a.IP, sliceType$1)); + na = $clone(_tuple[0], netip.Addr); + netip.Addr.copy(na, $clone(na, netip.Addr).WithZone(a.Zone)); + return netip.AddrPortFrom($clone(na, netip.Addr), ((a.Port << 16 >>> 16))); + }; + UDPAddr.prototype.AddrPort = function() { return this.$val.AddrPort(); }; + UDPAddr.ptr.prototype.Network = function() { + var a; + a = this; + return "udp"; + }; + UDPAddr.prototype.Network = function() { return this.$val.Network(); }; + UDPAddr.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var a, ip; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$12.nil) { + return ""; + } + ip = ipEmptyString(a.IP); + if (!(a.Zone === "")) { + return JoinHostPort(ip + "%" + a.Zone, itoa.Itoa(a.Port)); + } + return JoinHostPort(ip, itoa.Itoa(a.Port)); + }; + UDPAddr.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + UDPAddr.ptr.prototype.isWildcard = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$12.nil || a.IP === IP.nil) { + return true; + } + return a.IP.IsUnspecified(); + }; + UDPAddr.prototype.isWildcard = function() { return this.$val.isWildcard(); }; + UDPAddr.ptr.prototype.opAddr = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$12.nil) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return a; + }; + UDPAddr.prototype.opAddr = function() { return this.$val.opAddr(); }; + UDPAddrFromAddrPort = function(addr) { + var addr; + return new UDPAddr.ptr($convertSliceType($clone($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort).Addr(), netip.Addr).AsSlice(), IP), (($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort).Port() >> 0)), $clone($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort).Addr(), netip.Addr).Zone()); + }; + $pkg.UDPAddrFromAddrPort = UDPAddrFromAddrPort; + addrPortUDPAddr.ptr.prototype.Network = function() { + return "udp"; + }; + addrPortUDPAddr.prototype.Network = function() { return this.$val.Network(); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { + var _returncast, c; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return [$ifaceNil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _returncast = newRawConn(c.conn.fd); + return [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { return this.$val.SyscallConn(); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFromUDP = function(b) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + addr = ptrType$12.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + _r = c.readFromUDP(b, new UDPAddr.ptr(IP.nil, 0, "")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + addr = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + $24r = [n, addr, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFromUDP, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.ReadFromUDP = function(b) { return this.$val.ReadFromUDP(b); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.readFromUDP = function(b, addr) { + var {_r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [0, ptrType$12.nil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = c.readFrom(b, addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + addr = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("read", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.readFromUDP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.readFromUDP = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.readFromUDP(b, addr); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(b) { + var {_r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = c.readFromUDP(b, new UDPAddr.ptr(IP.nil, 0, "")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + addr = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (addr === ptrType$12.nil) { + $s = -1; return [n, $ifaceNil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [n, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.ReadFrom = function(b) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(b); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFromUDPAddrPort = function(b) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + addr = new netip.AddrPort.ptr(new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new netip.AddrPort.ptr(new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + _tmp$2 = new syscall.Errno(22); + n = _tmp; + netip.AddrPort.copy(addr, _tmp$1); + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [n, addr, err]; + } + _r = c.readFromAddrPort(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + netip.AddrPort.copy(addr, _tuple[1]); + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("read", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + _tmp$3 = n; + _tmp$4 = $clone(addr, netip.AddrPort); + _tmp$5 = err; + n = _tmp$3; + netip.AddrPort.copy(addr, _tmp$4); + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFromUDPAddrPort, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.ReadFromUDPAddrPort = function(b) { return this.$val.ReadFromUDPAddrPort(b); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgUDP = function(b, oob) { + var {_r, _tuple, addr, ap, b, c, err, flags, n, oob, oobn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + flags = 0; + addr = ptrType$12.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + ap = new netip.AddrPort.ptr(new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + _r = c.ReadMsgUDPAddrPort(b, oob); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + flags = _tuple[2]; + netip.AddrPort.copy(ap, _tuple[3]); + err = _tuple[4]; + if ($clone(ap, netip.AddrPort).IsValid()) { + addr = UDPAddrFromAddrPort($clone(ap, netip.AddrPort)); + } + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, flags, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgUDP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, addr, ap, b, c, err, flags, n, oob, oobn, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.ReadMsgUDP = function(b, oob) { return this.$val.ReadMsgUDP(b, oob); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgUDPAddrPort = function(b, oob) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, flags, n, oob, oobn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + flags = 0; + addr = new netip.AddrPort.ptr(new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = new netip.AddrPort.ptr(new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + _tmp$4 = new syscall.Errno(22); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + flags = _tmp$2; + netip.AddrPort.copy(addr, _tmp$3); + err = _tmp$4; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, flags, addr, err]; + } + _r = c.readMsg(b, oob); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + flags = _tuple[2]; + netip.AddrPort.copy(addr, _tuple[3]); + err = _tuple[4]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("read", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, flags, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgUDPAddrPort, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, flags, n, oob, oobn, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.ReadMsgUDPAddrPort = function(b, oob) { return this.$val.ReadMsgUDPAddrPort(b, oob); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteToUDP = function(b, addr) { + var {_r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [0, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = c.writeTo(b, addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, addr.opAddr(), err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteToUDP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.WriteToUDP = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.WriteToUDP(b, addr); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteToUDPAddrPort = function(b, addr) { + var {_r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [0, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = c.writeToAddrPort(b, $clone(addr, netip.AddrPort)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, (x = new addrPortUDPAddr.ptr($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort)), new x.constructor.elem(x)), err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteToUDPAddrPort, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, x, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.WriteToUDPAddrPort = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.WriteToUDPAddrPort(b, addr); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteTo = function(b, addr) { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, addr, b, c, err, n, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [0, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _tuple = $assertType(addr, ptrType$12, true); + a = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [0, new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, addr, new syscall.Errno(22))]; + } + _r = c.writeTo(b, a); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, a.opAddr(), err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteTo, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, addr, b, c, err, n, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.WriteTo = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.WriteTo(b, addr); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgUDP = function(b, oob, addr) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = new syscall.Errno(22); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _r = c.writeMsg(b, oob, addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, addr.opAddr(), err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgUDP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.WriteMsgUDP = function(b, oob, addr) { return this.$val.WriteMsgUDP(b, oob, addr); }; + UDPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgUDPAddrPort = function(b, oob, addr) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = new syscall.Errno(22); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _r = c.writeMsgAddrPort(b, oob, $clone(addr, netip.AddrPort)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, (x = new addrPortUDPAddr.ptr($clone(addr, netip.AddrPort)), new x.constructor.elem(x)), err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UDPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgUDPAddrPort, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, x, $s};return $f; + }; + UDPConn.prototype.WriteMsgUDPAddrPort = function(b, oob, addr) { return this.$val.WriteMsgUDPAddrPort(b, oob, addr); }; + newUDPConn = function(fd) { + var fd; + return new UDPConn.ptr(new conn.ptr(fd)); + }; + setNoDelay = function(fd, noDelay) { + var fd, noDelay; + return new syscall.Errno(92); + }; + setKeepAlivePeriod = function(fd, d) { + var d, fd; + return new syscall.Errno(92); + }; + TCPAddr.ptr.prototype.family = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$15.nil || a.IP.$length <= 4) { + return 2; + } + if (!(a.IP.To4() === IP.nil)) { + return 2; + } + return 3; + }; + TCPAddr.prototype.family = function() { return this.$val.family(); }; + TCPAddr.ptr.prototype.sockaddr = function(family) { + var {$24r, _r, a, family, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {family}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$15.nil) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r = ipToSockaddr(family, a.IP, a.Port, a.Zone); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPAddr.ptr.prototype.sockaddr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, a, family, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPAddr.prototype.sockaddr = function(family) { return this.$val.sockaddr(family); }; + TCPAddr.ptr.prototype.toLocal = function(net) { + var a, net; + a = this; + return new TCPAddr.ptr(loopbackIP(net), a.Port, a.Zone); + }; + TCPAddr.prototype.toLocal = function(net) { return this.$val.toLocal(net); }; + TCPConn.ptr.prototype.readFrom = function(r) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, err$1, handled, handled$1, n, n$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _tuple = splice(c.conn.fd, r); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + handled = _tuple[2]; + if (handled) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = sendFile(c.conn.fd, r); + n$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + handled$1 = _tuple$1[2]; + if (handled$1) { + $s = -1; return [n$1, err$1]; + } + _r = genericReadFrom(c, r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPConn.ptr.prototype.readFrom, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, err$1, handled, handled$1, n, n$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPConn.prototype.readFrom = function(r) { return this.$val.readFrom(r); }; + sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialTCP = function(ctx, laddr, raddr) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, ctx, laddr, raddr, sd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, laddr, raddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + /* */ if (!(testHookDialTCP === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(testHookDialTCP === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r = testHookDialTCP(ctx, sd.network, laddr, raddr); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = sd.doDialTCP(ctx, laddr, raddr); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialTCP, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, ctx, laddr, raddr, sd, $s};return $f; + }; + sysDialer.prototype.dialTCP = function(ctx, laddr, raddr) { return this.$val.dialTCP(ctx, laddr, raddr); }; + sysDialer.ptr.prototype.doDialTCP = function(ctx, laddr, raddr) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, ctx, err, fd, i, laddr, raddr, sd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, laddr, raddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + _r = internetSocket(ctx, sd.network, laddr, raddr, 1, 0, "dial", sd.Dialer.Control); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < 2 && (laddr === ptrType$15.nil || (laddr.Port === 0)) && (selfConnect(fd, err) || spuriousENOTAVAIL(err)))) { break; } */ if(!(i < 2 && (laddr === ptrType$15.nil || (laddr.Port === 0)) && (selfConnect(fd, err) || spuriousENOTAVAIL(err)))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = fd.Close(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$2 = internetSocket(ctx, sd.network, laddr, raddr, 1, 0, "dial", sd.Dialer.Control); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + fd = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$16.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [newTCPConn(fd), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sysDialer.ptr.prototype.doDialTCP, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, ctx, err, fd, i, laddr, raddr, sd, $s};return $f; + }; + sysDialer.prototype.doDialTCP = function(ctx, laddr, raddr) { return this.$val.doDialTCP(ctx, laddr, raddr); }; + selfConnect = function(fd, err) { + var err, fd, l, r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return false; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(fd.laddr, $ifaceNil) || $interfaceIsEqual(fd.raddr, $ifaceNil)) { + return true; + } + l = $assertType(fd.laddr, ptrType$15); + r = $assertType(fd.raddr, ptrType$15); + return (l.Port === r.Port) && l.IP.Equal(r.IP); + }; + spuriousENOTAVAIL = function(err) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, err, ok, ok$1, op, sys; + _tuple = $assertType(err, ptrType$17, true); + op = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + err = op.Err; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(err, ptrType$18, true); + sys = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1) { + err = sys.Err; + } + return $interfaceIsEqual(err, new syscall.Errno(99)); + }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.ok = function() { + var ln; + ln = this; + return !(ln === ptrType$19.nil) && !(ln.fd === ptrType$3.nil); + }; + TCPListener.prototype.ok = function() { return this.$val.ok(); }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.accept = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, fd, ka, ln, tc, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ln = this; + _r = ln.fd.accept(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$16.nil, err]; + } + tc = newTCPConn(fd); + if ((x = ln.lc.KeepAlive, (x.$high > 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low >= 0)))) { + setKeepAlive(fd, true); + ka = ln.lc.KeepAlive; + if ((x$1 = ln.lc.KeepAlive, (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0))) { + ka = new time.Duration(3, 2115098112); + } + setKeepAlivePeriod(fd, ka); + } + $s = -1; return [tc, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPListener.ptr.prototype.accept, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, fd, ka, ln, tc, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPListener.prototype.accept = function() { return this.$val.accept(); }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.close = function() { + var {$24r, _r, ln, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ln = this; + _r = ln.fd.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPListener.ptr.prototype.close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, ln, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPListener.prototype.close = function() { return this.$val.close(); }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.file = function() { + var _tuple, err, f, ln; + ln = this; + _tuple = ln.fd.dup(); + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [ptrType$7.nil, err]; + } + return [f, $ifaceNil]; + }; + TCPListener.prototype.file = function() { return this.$val.file(); }; + sysListener.ptr.prototype.listenTCP = function(ctx, laddr) { + var {_r, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, sl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, laddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sl = this; + _r = internetSocket(ctx, sl.network, laddr, $ifaceNil, 1, 0, "listen", sl.ListenConfig.Control); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$19.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [new TCPListener.ptr(fd, $clone(sl.ListenConfig, ListenConfig)), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sysListener.ptr.prototype.listenTCP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, ctx, err, fd, laddr, sl, $s};return $f; + }; + sysListener.prototype.listenTCP = function(ctx, laddr) { return this.$val.listenTCP(ctx, laddr); }; + TCPAddr.ptr.prototype.AddrPort = function() { + var _tuple, a, na; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$15.nil) { + return new netip.AddrPort.ptr(new netip.Addr.ptr(new netip.uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)), ""), 0); + } + _tuple = netip.AddrFromSlice($convertSliceType(a.IP, sliceType$1)); + na = $clone(_tuple[0], netip.Addr); + netip.Addr.copy(na, $clone(na, netip.Addr).WithZone(a.Zone)); + return netip.AddrPortFrom($clone(na, netip.Addr), ((a.Port << 16 >>> 16))); + }; + TCPAddr.prototype.AddrPort = function() { return this.$val.AddrPort(); }; + TCPAddr.ptr.prototype.Network = function() { + var a; + a = this; + return "tcp"; + }; + TCPAddr.prototype.Network = function() { return this.$val.Network(); }; + TCPAddr.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var a, ip; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$15.nil) { + return ""; + } + ip = ipEmptyString(a.IP); + if (!(a.Zone === "")) { + return JoinHostPort(ip + "%" + a.Zone, itoa.Itoa(a.Port)); + } + return JoinHostPort(ip, itoa.Itoa(a.Port)); + }; + TCPAddr.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + TCPAddr.ptr.prototype.isWildcard = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$15.nil || a.IP === IP.nil) { + return true; + } + return a.IP.IsUnspecified(); + }; + TCPAddr.prototype.isWildcard = function() { return this.$val.isWildcard(); }; + TCPAddr.ptr.prototype.opAddr = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$15.nil) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return a; + }; + TCPAddr.prototype.opAddr = function() { return this.$val.opAddr(); }; + TCPConn.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { + var _returncast, c; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return [$ifaceNil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _returncast = newRawConn(c.conn.fd); + return [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + }; + TCPConn.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { return this.$val.SyscallConn(); }; + TCPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { + var {_r, _tuple, c, err, n, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(0, 0), new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = c.readFrom(r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("readfrom", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, c, err, n, r, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPConn.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(r); }; + TCPConn.ptr.prototype.CloseRead = function() { + var {_r, c, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.conn.fd.closeRead(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("close", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPConn.ptr.prototype.CloseRead, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPConn.prototype.CloseRead = function() { return this.$val.CloseRead(); }; + TCPConn.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite = function() { + var {_r, c, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.conn.fd.closeWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("close", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPConn.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPConn.prototype.CloseWrite = function() { return this.$val.CloseWrite(); }; + TCPConn.ptr.prototype.SetLinger = function(sec) { + var c, err, sec; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + err = setLinger(c.conn.fd, sec); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return new OpError.ptr("set", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + TCPConn.prototype.SetLinger = function(sec) { return this.$val.SetLinger(sec); }; + TCPConn.ptr.prototype.SetKeepAlive = function(keepalive) { + var c, err, keepalive; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + err = setKeepAlive(c.conn.fd, keepalive); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return new OpError.ptr("set", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + TCPConn.prototype.SetKeepAlive = function(keepalive) { return this.$val.SetKeepAlive(keepalive); }; + TCPConn.ptr.prototype.SetKeepAlivePeriod = function(d) { + var c, d, err; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + err = setKeepAlivePeriod(c.conn.fd, d); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return new OpError.ptr("set", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + TCPConn.prototype.SetKeepAlivePeriod = function(d) { return this.$val.SetKeepAlivePeriod(d); }; + TCPConn.ptr.prototype.SetNoDelay = function(noDelay) { + var c, err, noDelay; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + err = setNoDelay(c.conn.fd, noDelay); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return new OpError.ptr("set", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + TCPConn.prototype.SetNoDelay = function(noDelay) { return this.$val.SetNoDelay(noDelay); }; + newTCPConn = function(fd) { + var c, fd; + c = new TCPConn.ptr(new conn.ptr(fd)); + setNoDelay(c.conn.fd, true); + return c; + }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { + var _returncast, l; + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + return [$ifaceNil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _returncast = newRawListener(l.fd); + return [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + }; + TCPListener.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { return this.$val.SyscallConn(); }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.AcceptTCP = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, c, err, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$16.nil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = l.accept(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$16.nil, new OpError.ptr("accept", l.fd.net, $ifaceNil, l.fd.laddr, err)]; + } + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPListener.ptr.prototype.AcceptTCP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, c, err, l, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPListener.prototype.AcceptTCP = function() { return this.$val.AcceptTCP(); }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.Accept = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, c, err, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = l.accept(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new OpError.ptr("accept", l.fd.net, $ifaceNil, l.fd.laddr, err)]; + } + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPListener.ptr.prototype.Accept, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, c, err, l, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPListener.prototype.Accept = function() { return this.$val.Accept(); }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r, err, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = l.close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("close", l.fd.net, $ifaceNil, l.fd.laddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPListener.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r, err, l, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPListener.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.Addr = function() { + var l; + l = this; + return l.fd.laddr; + }; + TCPListener.prototype.Addr = function() { return this.$val.Addr(); }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { + var {_r, err, l, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = l.fd.pfd.SetDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("set", l.fd.net, $ifaceNil, l.fd.laddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: TCPListener.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline, $c: true, $r, _r, err, l, t, $s};return $f; + }; + TCPListener.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetDeadline(t); }; + TCPListener.ptr.prototype.File = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, err, f, l; + f = ptrType$7.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + l = this; + if (!l.ok()) { + _tmp = ptrType$7.nil; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(22); + f = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [f, err]; + } + _tuple = l.file(); + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = ptrType$7.nil; + _tmp$3 = new OpError.ptr("file", l.fd.net, $ifaceNil, l.fd.laddr, err); + f = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [f, err]; + } + return [f, err]; + }; + TCPListener.prototype.File = function() { return this.$val.File(); }; + splice = function(c, r) { + var c, r; + return [new $Int64(0, 0), $ifaceNil, false]; + }; + setReadBuffer = function(fd, bytes) { + var bytes, fd; + return new syscall.Errno(92); + }; + setWriteBuffer = function(fd, bytes) { + var bytes, fd; + return new syscall.Errno(92); + }; + setKeepAlive = function(fd, keepalive) { + var fd, keepalive; + return new syscall.Errno(92); + }; + setLinger = function(fd, sec) { + var fd, sec; + return new syscall.Errno(92); + }; + sendFile = function(c, r) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, c, err, handled, n, r; + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + handled = false; + _tmp = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$2 = false; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + handled = _tmp$2; + return [n, err, handled]; + }; + rawConn.ptr.prototype.ok = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return !(c === ptrType$20.nil) && !(c.fd === ptrType$3.nil); + }; + rawConn.prototype.ok = function() { return this.$val.ok(); }; + rawConn.ptr.prototype.Control = function(f) { + var {_r, c, err, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.fd.pfd.RawControl(f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + runtime.KeepAlive(c.fd); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("raw-control", c.fd.net, $ifaceNil, c.fd.laddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rawConn.ptr.prototype.Control, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, f, $s};return $f; + }; + rawConn.prototype.Control = function(f) { return this.$val.Control(f); }; + rawConn.ptr.prototype.Read = function(f) { + var {_r, c, err, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.fd.pfd.RawRead(f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + runtime.KeepAlive(c.fd); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("raw-read", c.fd.net, c.fd.laddr, c.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rawConn.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, f, $s};return $f; + }; + rawConn.prototype.Read = function(f) { return this.$val.Read(f); }; + rawConn.ptr.prototype.Write = function(f) { + var {_r, c, err, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.fd.pfd.RawWrite(f); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + runtime.KeepAlive(c.fd); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("raw-write", c.fd.net, c.fd.laddr, c.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rawConn.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, f, $s};return $f; + }; + rawConn.prototype.Write = function(f) { return this.$val.Write(f); }; + newRawConn = function(fd) { + var fd; + return [new rawConn.ptr(fd), $ifaceNil]; + }; + rawListener.ptr.prototype.Read = function(param) { + var l, param; + l = this; + return new syscall.Errno(22); + }; + rawListener.prototype.Read = function(param) { return this.$val.Read(param); }; + rawListener.ptr.prototype.Write = function(param) { + var l, param; + l = this; + return new syscall.Errno(22); + }; + rawListener.prototype.Write = function(param) { return this.$val.Write(param); }; + newRawListener = function(fd) { + var fd; + return [new rawListener.ptr(new rawConn.ptr(fd)), $ifaceNil]; + }; + readServices = function() { + var {_entry, _key, _key$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, err, f, file$1, i, i$1, j, line, m, netw, ok, ok$1, ok1, port, portnet, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + _r = open("/etc/services"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + file$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(file$1, "close"), []]); + _r$1 = file$1.readLine(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + line = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(ok)) { break; } */ if(!(ok)) { $s = 7; continue; } + i = bytealg.IndexByteString(line, 35); + if (i >= 0) { + line = $substring(line, 0, i); + } + f = getFields(line); + /* */ if (f.$length < 2) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (f.$length < 2) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = file$1.readLine(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + line = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 9: + portnet = (1 >= f.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : f.$array[f.$offset + 1]); + _tuple$3 = dtoi(portnet); + port = _tuple$3[0]; + j = _tuple$3[1]; + ok$1 = _tuple$3[2]; + /* */ if (!ok$1 || port <= 0 || j >= portnet.length || !((portnet.charCodeAt(j) === 47))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!ok$1 || port <= 0 || j >= portnet.length || !((portnet.charCodeAt(j) === 47))) { */ case 11: + _r$3 = file$1.readLine(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$3; + line = _tuple$4[0]; + ok = _tuple$4[1]; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 12: + netw = $substring(portnet, (j + 1 >> 0)); + _tuple$5 = (_entry = services[$String.keyFor(netw)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [false, false]); + m = _tuple$5[0]; + ok1 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!ok1) { + m = {}; + _key = netw; (services || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: m }; + } + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < f.$length)) { break; } + if (!((i$1 === 1))) { + _key$1 = ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= f.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : f.$array[f.$offset + i$1]); (m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: port }; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + _r$4 = file$1.readLine(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$4; + line = _tuple$6[0]; + ok = _tuple$6[1]; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: readServices, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _key$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, err, f, file$1, i, i$1, j, line, m, netw, ok, ok$1, ok1, port, portnet, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + goLookupPort = function(network, service) { + var {_tuple, err, network, port, service, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {network, service}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + port = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + $r = onceReadServices.Do(readServices); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = lookupPortMap(network, service); + port = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [port, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: goLookupPort, $c: true, $r, _tuple, err, network, port, service, $s};return $f; + }; + parsePort = function(service) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, d, n, needsLookup, neg, nn, port, service; + port = 0; + needsLookup = false; + if (service === "") { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = false; + port = _tmp; + needsLookup = _tmp$1; + return [port, needsLookup]; + } + neg = false; + if (service.charCodeAt(0) === 43) { + service = $substring(service, 1); + } else if (service.charCodeAt(0) === 45) { + neg = true; + service = $substring(service, 1); + } + n = 0; + _ref = service; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + d = _rune[0]; + if (48 <= d && d <= 57) { + d = d - (48) >> 0; + } else { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = true; + port = _tmp$2; + needsLookup = _tmp$3; + return [port, needsLookup]; + } + if (n >= 1073741824) { + n = 4294967295; + break; + } + n = $imul(n, (10)) >>> 0; + nn = n + ((d >>> 0)) >>> 0; + if (nn < n || nn > 4294967295) { + n = 4294967295; + break; + } + n = nn; + _i += _rune[1]; + } + if (!neg && n >= 1073741824) { + port = 1073741823; + } else if (neg && n > 1073741824) { + port = 1073741824; + } else { + port = ((n >> 0)); + } + if (neg) { + port = -port; + } + _tmp$4 = port; + _tmp$5 = false; + port = _tmp$4; + needsLookup = _tmp$5; + return [port, needsLookup]; + }; + file.ptr.prototype.close = function() { + var {_r, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r = f.file.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: file.ptr.prototype.close, $c: true, $r, _r, f, $s};return $f; + }; + file.prototype.close = function() { return this.$val.close(); }; + file.ptr.prototype.getLineFromData = function() { + var data, f, i, n, ok, s; + s = ""; + ok = false; + f = this; + data = f.data; + i = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < data.$length)) { break; } + if (((i < 0 || i >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + i]) === 10) { + s = ($bytesToString($subslice(data, 0, i))); + ok = true; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + n = data.$length - i >> 0; + $copySlice($subslice(data, 0), $subslice(data, i)); + f.data = $subslice(data, 0, n); + return [s, ok]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (f.atEOF && f.data.$length > 0) { + s = ($bytesToString(data)); + f.data = $subslice(f.data, 0, 0); + ok = true; + } + return [s, ok]; + }; + file.prototype.getLineFromData = function() { return this.$val.getLineFromData(); }; + file.ptr.prototype.readLine = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, f, ln, n, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = ""; + ok = false; + f = this; + _tuple = f.getLineFromData(); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [s, ok]; + } + /* */ if (f.data.$length < f.data.$capacity) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (f.data.$length < f.data.$capacity) { */ case 1: + ln = f.data.$length; + _r = io.ReadFull(f.file, $subslice(f.data, ln, f.data.$capacity)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (n >= 0) { + f.data = $subslice(f.data, 0, (ln + n >> 0)); + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF) || $interfaceIsEqual(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF)) { + f.atEOF = true; + } + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple$2 = f.getLineFromData(); + s = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + $s = -1; return [s, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: file.ptr.prototype.readLine, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, f, ln, n, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + file.prototype.readLine = function() { return this.$val.readLine(); }; + open = function(name) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, fd, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = os.Open(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + fd = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$22.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [new file.ptr(fd, $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, 65536), false), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: open, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, fd, name, $s};return $f; + }; + countAnyByte = function(s, t) { + var i, n, s, t; + n = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (bytealg.IndexByteString(t, s.charCodeAt(i)) >= 0) { + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return n; + }; + splitAtBytes = function(s, t) { + var a, i, last$1, n, s, t; + a = $makeSlice(sliceType, (1 + countAnyByte(s, t) >> 0)); + n = 0; + last$1 = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (bytealg.IndexByteString(t, s.charCodeAt(i)) >= 0) { + if (last$1 < i) { + ((n < 0 || n >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + n] = $substring(s, last$1, i)); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + last$1 = i + 1 >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (last$1 < s.length) { + ((n < 0 || n >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + n] = $substring(s, last$1)); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + return $subslice(a, 0, n); + }; + getFields = function(s) { + var s; + return splitAtBytes(s, " \r\t\n"); + }; + dtoi = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, i, n, ok, s; + n = 0; + i = 0; + ok = false; + n = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length && 48 <= s.charCodeAt(i) && s.charCodeAt(i) <= 57)) { break; } + n = ($imul(n, 10)) + (((s.charCodeAt(i) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)) >> 0; + if (n >= 16777215) { + _tmp = 16777215; + _tmp$1 = i; + _tmp$2 = false; + n = _tmp; + i = _tmp$1; + ok = _tmp$2; + return [n, i, ok]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (i === 0) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = false; + n = _tmp$3; + i = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [n, i, ok]; + } + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = i; + _tmp$8 = true; + n = _tmp$6; + i = _tmp$7; + ok = _tmp$8; + return [n, i, ok]; + }; + xtoi = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, i, n, ok, s; + n = 0; + i = 0; + ok = false; + n = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (48 <= s.charCodeAt(i) && s.charCodeAt(i) <= 57) { + n = $imul(n, (16)); + n = n + ((((s.charCodeAt(i) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0))) >> 0; + } else if (97 <= s.charCodeAt(i) && s.charCodeAt(i) <= 102) { + n = $imul(n, (16)); + n = n + (((((s.charCodeAt(i) - 97 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)) + 10 >> 0)) >> 0; + } else if (65 <= s.charCodeAt(i) && s.charCodeAt(i) <= 70) { + n = $imul(n, (16)); + n = n + (((((s.charCodeAt(i) - 65 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)) + 10 >> 0)) >> 0; + } else { + break; + } + if (n >= 16777215) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = i; + _tmp$2 = false; + n = _tmp; + i = _tmp$1; + ok = _tmp$2; + return [n, i, ok]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (i === 0) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = i; + _tmp$5 = false; + n = _tmp$3; + i = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [n, i, ok]; + } + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = i; + _tmp$8 = true; + n = _tmp$6; + i = _tmp$7; + ok = _tmp$8; + return [n, i, ok]; + }; + appendHex = function(dst, i) { + var dst, i, j, v, y; + if (i === 0) { + return $append(dst, 48); + } + j = 7; + while (true) { + if (!(j >= 0)) { break; } + v = (y = ((($imul(j, 4)) >>> 0)), y < 32 ? (i >>> y) : 0) >>> 0; + if (v > 0) { + dst = $append(dst, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((v & 15) >>> 0))); + } + j = j - (1) >> 0; + } + return dst; + }; + last = function(s, b) { + var b, i, s; + i = s.length; + i = i - (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) === b) { + break; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return i; + }; + lowerASCIIBytes = function(x) { + var _i, _ref, b, i, x; + _ref = x; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (65 <= b && b <= 90) { + ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i] = (((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i]) + (32) << 24 >>> 24)); + } + _i++; + } + }; + nextPort = function() { + var {$24r, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $r = portCounterMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(portCounterMu, "Unlock"), []]); + portCounter = portCounter + (1) >> 0; + $24r = portCounter; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return 0; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: nextPort, $c: true, $r, $24r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + socket = function(ctx, net, family, sotype, proto, ipv6only$1, laddr, raddr, ctrlFn) { + var {_entry, _key, _r, _r$1, _tuple, ctrlFn, ctx, family, fd, fd2, ipv6only$1, l, l$1, laddr, net, ok, proto, raddr, sotype, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, net, family, sotype, proto, ipv6only$1, laddr, raddr, ctrlFn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = new netFD.ptr(ptrType$23.nil, ptrType$23.nil, $chanNil, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, family, sotype, net, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, new poll.FD.ptr(new poll.fdMutex.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0), 0, new poll.pollDesc.ptr(ptrType$24.nil, false), ptrType$25.nil, 0, 0, false, false, false), false); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(laddr, $ifaceNil)) && $interfaceIsEqual(raddr, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(laddr, $ifaceNil)) && $interfaceIsEqual(raddr, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 1: + l = $assertType(laddr, ptrType$15); + _r = nextPort(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd.laddr = new TCPAddr.ptr(l.IP, _r, l.Zone); + fd.listener = true; + fd.incoming = new $Chan(ptrType$3, 1024); + $r = listenersMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = $assertType(fd.laddr, ptrType$15).String(); (listeners || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: fd }; + $r = listenersMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [fd, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = nextPort(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fd.laddr = new TCPAddr.ptr(IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), _r$1, ""); + fd.raddr = raddr; + fd.r = newBufferedPipe(65536); + fd.w = newBufferedPipe(65536); + fd2 = new netFD.ptr(ptrType$23.nil, ptrType$23.nil, $chanNil, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, fd.family, sotype, net, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, new poll.FD.ptr(new poll.fdMutex.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0), 0, new poll.pollDesc.ptr(ptrType$24.nil, false), ptrType$25.nil, 0, 0, false, false, false), false); + fd2.laddr = fd.raddr; + fd2.raddr = fd.laddr; + fd2.r = fd.w; + fd2.w = fd.r; + $r = listenersMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = listeners[$String.keyFor($assertType(fd.raddr, ptrType$15).String())], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$3.nil, false]); + l$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 8: + $r = listenersMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, new syscall.Errno(111)]; + /* } */ case 9: + $r = $send(l$1.incoming, fd2); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = listenersMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [fd, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: socket, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _r, _r$1, _tuple, ctrlFn, ctx, family, fd, fd2, ipv6only$1, l, l$1, laddr, net, ok, proto, raddr, sotype, $s};return $f; + }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, err, fd, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _r = fd.r.Read(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: netFD.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, err, fd, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + netFD.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, err, fd, nn, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _r = fd.w.Write(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + nn = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [nn, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: netFD.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, err, fd, nn, p, $s};return $f; + }; + netFD.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r, fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + $r = fd.closedMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (fd.closed) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (fd.closed) { */ case 2: + $r = fd.closedMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 3: + fd.closed = true; + $r = fd.closedMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (fd.listener) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (fd.listener) { */ case 6: + $r = listenersMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = fd.laddr.String(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delete listeners[$String.keyFor(_r)]; + $close(fd.incoming); + fd.listener = false; + $r = listenersMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 7: + $r = fd.r.Close(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fd.w.Close(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: netFD.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + netFD.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.closeRead = function() { + var {fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + $r = fd.r.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: netFD.ptr.prototype.closeRead, $c: true, $r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + netFD.prototype.closeRead = function() { return this.$val.closeRead(); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.closeWrite = function() { + var {fd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + $r = fd.w.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: netFD.ptr.prototype.closeWrite, $c: true, $r, fd, $s};return $f; + }; + netFD.prototype.closeWrite = function() { return this.$val.closeWrite(); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.accept = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, c, fd, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + _r = $recv(fd.incoming); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + c = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: netFD.ptr.prototype.accept, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, c, fd, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + netFD.prototype.accept = function() { return this.$val.accept(); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { + var {fd, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + $r = fd.r.SetReadDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fd.w.SetWriteDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: netFD.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline, $c: true, $r, fd, t, $s};return $f; + }; + netFD.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetDeadline(t); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { + var {fd, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + $r = fd.r.SetReadDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: netFD.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline, $c: true, $r, fd, t, $s};return $f; + }; + netFD.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(t); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { + var {fd, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = this; + $r = fd.w.SetWriteDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: netFD.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline, $c: true, $r, fd, t, $s};return $f; + }; + netFD.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(t); }; + newBufferedPipe = function(softLimit) { + var p, softLimit; + p = new bufferedPipe.ptr(softLimit, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), sliceType$1.nil, false, new sync.Cond.ptr(new sync.noCopy.ptr(), $ifaceNil, new sync.notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, $chanNil), new sync.Cond.ptr(new sync.noCopy.ptr(), $ifaceNil, new sync.notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, $chanNil), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); + p.rCond.L = p.mu; + p.wCond.L = p.mu; + return p; + }; + bufferedPipe.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, b, d, n, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (p.closed && (p.buf.$length === 0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (p.closed && (p.buf.$length === 0)) { */ case 4: + $24r = [0, io.EOF]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (!$clone(p.rDeadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!$clone(p.rDeadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { */ case 7: + _r = time.Until($clone(p.rDeadline, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = _r; + /* */ if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low <= 0))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low <= 0))) { */ case 10: + $24r$1 = [0, new syscall.Errno(11)]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + _r$1 = time.AfterFunc(d, $methodVal(p.rCond, "Broadcast")); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + if (p.buf.$length > 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + $r = p.rCond.Wait(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + n = $copySlice(b, p.buf); + p.buf = $subslice(p.buf, n); + $r = p.wCond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [n, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: bufferedPipe.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, b, d, n, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + bufferedPipe.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); }; + bufferedPipe.ptr.prototype.Write = function(b) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, b, d, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (p.closed) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (p.closed) { */ case 4: + $24r = [0, new syscall.Errno(107)]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (!$clone(p.wDeadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!$clone(p.wDeadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { */ case 7: + _r = time.Until($clone(p.wDeadline, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = _r; + /* */ if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low <= 0))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low <= 0))) { */ case 10: + $24r$1 = [0, new syscall.Errno(11)]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + _r$1 = time.AfterFunc(d, $methodVal(p.wCond, "Broadcast")); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + if (p.buf.$length <= p.softLimit) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + $r = p.wCond.Wait(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + p.buf = $appendSlice(p.buf, b); + $r = p.rCond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [b.$length, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: bufferedPipe.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, b, d, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + bufferedPipe.prototype.Write = function(b) { return this.$val.Write(b); }; + bufferedPipe.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + p.closed = true; + $r = p.rCond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.wCond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: bufferedPipe.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + bufferedPipe.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + bufferedPipe.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { + var {p, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + time.Time.copy(p.rDeadline, t); + $r = p.rCond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: bufferedPipe.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline, $c: true, $r, p, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + bufferedPipe.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(t); }; + bufferedPipe.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { + var {p, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + time.Time.copy(p.wDeadline, t); + $r = p.wCond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: bufferedPipe.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline, $c: true, $r, p, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + bufferedPipe.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(t); }; + sysSocket = function(family, sotype, proto) { + var family, proto, sotype; + return [0, new syscall.Errno(38)]; + }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.readFrom = function(p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, err, fd, n, p, sa; + n = 0; + sa = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$2 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + sa = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [n, sa, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.readFrom = function(p) { return this.$val.readFrom(p); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.readFromInet4 = function(p, sa) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, n, p, sa; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.readFromInet4 = function(p, sa) { return this.$val.readFromInet4(p, sa); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.readFromInet6 = function(p, sa) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, n, p, sa; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.readFromInet6 = function(p, sa) { return this.$val.readFromInet6(p, sa); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.readMsg = function(p, oob, flags) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, err, fd, flags, n, oob, oobn, p, retflags, sa; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + retflags = 0; + sa = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$4 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + retflags = _tmp$2; + sa = _tmp$3; + err = _tmp$4; + return [n, oobn, retflags, sa, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.readMsg = function(p, oob, flags) { return this.$val.readMsg(p, oob, flags); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.readMsgInet4 = function(p, oob, flags, sa) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, err, fd, flags, n, oob, oobn, p, retflags, sa; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + retflags = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + retflags = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, oobn, retflags, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.readMsgInet4 = function(p, oob, flags, sa) { return this.$val.readMsgInet4(p, oob, flags, sa); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.readMsgInet6 = function(p, oob, flags, sa) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, err, fd, flags, n, oob, oobn, p, retflags, sa; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + retflags = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + retflags = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, oobn, retflags, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.readMsgInet6 = function(p, oob, flags, sa) { return this.$val.readMsgInet6(p, oob, flags, sa); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.writeMsgInet4 = function(p, oob, sa) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, err, fd, n, oob, oobn, p, sa; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [n, oobn, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.writeMsgInet4 = function(p, oob, sa) { return this.$val.writeMsgInet4(p, oob, sa); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.writeMsgInet6 = function(p, oob, sa) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, err, fd, n, oob, oobn, p, sa; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [n, oobn, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.writeMsgInet6 = function(p, oob, sa) { return this.$val.writeMsgInet6(p, oob, sa); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.writeTo = function(p, sa) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, n, p, sa; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.writeTo = function(p, sa) { return this.$val.writeTo(p, sa); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.writeToInet4 = function(p, sa) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, n, p, sa; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.writeToInet4 = function(p, sa) { return this.$val.writeToInet4(p, sa); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.writeToInet6 = function(p, sa) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fd, n, p, sa; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.writeToInet6 = function(p, sa) { return this.$val.writeToInet6(p, sa); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.writeMsg = function(p, oob, sa) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, err, fd, n, oob, oobn, p, sa; + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = new syscall.Errno(38); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [n, oobn, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.writeMsg = function(p, oob, sa) { return this.$val.writeMsg(p, oob, sa); }; + netFD.ptr.prototype.dup = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, f, fd; + f = ptrType$7.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + fd = this; + _tmp = ptrType$7.nil; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(38); + f = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [f, err]; + }; + netFD.prototype.dup = function() { return this.$val.dup(); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.ok = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return !(c === ptrType$26.nil) && !(c.fd === ptrType$3.nil); + }; + conn.prototype.ok = function() { return this.$val.ok(); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, c, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [0, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = c.fd.Read(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("read", c.fd.net, c.fd.laddr, c.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, c, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.Write = function(b) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, c, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [0, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = c.fd.Write(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.fd.net, c.fd.laddr, c.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, c, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.Write = function(b) { return this.$val.Write(b); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r, c, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.fd.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("close", c.fd.net, c.fd.laddr, c.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.LocalAddr = function() { + var c; + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return c.fd.laddr; + }; + conn.prototype.LocalAddr = function() { return this.$val.LocalAddr(); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.RemoteAddr = function() { + var c; + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return c.fd.raddr; + }; + conn.prototype.RemoteAddr = function() { return this.$val.RemoteAddr(); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { + var {_r, c, err, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.fd.SetDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("set", c.fd.net, $ifaceNil, c.fd.laddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, t, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetDeadline(t); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { + var {_r, c, err, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.fd.SetReadDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("set", c.fd.net, $ifaceNil, c.fd.laddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, t, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(t); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { + var {_r, c, err, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + $s = -1; return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + _r = c.fd.SetWriteDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return new OpError.ptr("set", c.fd.net, $ifaceNil, c.fd.laddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline, $c: true, $r, _r, c, err, t, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(t); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.SetReadBuffer = function(bytes) { + var bytes, c, err; + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + err = setReadBuffer(c.fd, bytes); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return new OpError.ptr("set", c.fd.net, $ifaceNil, c.fd.laddr, err); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + conn.prototype.SetReadBuffer = function(bytes) { return this.$val.SetReadBuffer(bytes); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.SetWriteBuffer = function(bytes) { + var bytes, c, err; + c = this; + if (!c.ok()) { + return new syscall.Errno(22); + } + err = setWriteBuffer(c.fd, bytes); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return new OpError.ptr("set", c.fd.net, $ifaceNil, c.fd.laddr, err); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + conn.prototype.SetWriteBuffer = function(bytes) { return this.$val.SetWriteBuffer(bytes); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.File = function() { + var _tuple, c, err, f; + f = ptrType$7.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + _tuple = c.fd.dup(); + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("file", c.fd.net, c.fd.laddr, c.fd.raddr, err); + } + return [f, err]; + }; + conn.prototype.File = function() { return this.$val.File(); }; + mapErr = function(err) { + var _1, err; + _1 = err; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (context.Canceled))) { + return errCanceled; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (context.DeadlineExceeded))) { + return errTimeout; + } else { + return err; + } + }; + OpError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.Err; + }; + OpError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + OpError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, e, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + if (e === ptrType$17.nil) { + $s = -1; return ""; + } + s = e.Op; + if (!(e.Net === "")) { + s = s + (" " + e.Net); + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.Source, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.Source, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r = e.Source.String(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = s + (" " + _r); + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.Addr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.Addr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.Source, $ifaceNil))) { + s = s + ("->"); + } else { + s = s + (" "); + } + _r$1 = e.Addr.String(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = s + (_r$1); + /* } */ case 5: + _r$2 = e.Err.Error(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = s + (": " + _r$2); + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: OpError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, e, s, $s};return $f; + }; + OpError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + OpError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, e, ne, ok, ok$1, ok$2, t, t$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _tuple = $assertType(e.Err, ptrType$18, true); + ne = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(ne.Err, timeout, true); + t = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!(ok$1)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = t.Timeout(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 3: + $24r = _v; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple$2 = $assertType(e.Err, timeout, true); + t$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!(ok$2)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$1 = t$1.Timeout(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$1; case 6: + $24r$1 = _v$1; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: OpError.ptr.prototype.Timeout, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, e, ne, ok, ok$1, ok$2, t, t$1, $s};return $f; + }; + OpError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + OpError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, e, ne, ok, ok$1, ok$2, t, t$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + if (e.Op === "accept" && isConnError(e.Err)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + _tuple = $assertType(e.Err, ptrType$18, true); + ne = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(ne.Err, temporary, true); + t = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!(ok$1)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = t.Temporary(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 3: + $24r = _v; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple$2 = $assertType(e.Err, temporary, true); + t$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!(ok$2)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$1 = t$1.Temporary(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$1; case 6: + $24r$1 = _v$1; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: OpError.ptr.prototype.Temporary, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, e, ne, ok, ok$1, ok$2, t, t$1, $s};return $f; + }; + OpError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + ParseError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "invalid " + e.Type + ": " + e.Text; + }; + ParseError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + ParseError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return false; + }; + ParseError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + ParseError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return false; + }; + ParseError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + AddrError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e, s; + e = this; + if (e === ptrType$27.nil) { + return ""; + } + s = e.Err; + if (!(e.Addr === "")) { + s = "address " + e.Addr + ": " + s; + } + return s; + }; + AddrError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + AddrError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return false; + }; + AddrError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + AddrError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return false; + }; + AddrError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + UnknownNetworkError.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return "unknown network " + (e); + }; + $ptrType(UnknownNetworkError).prototype.Error = function() { return new UnknownNetworkError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + UnknownNetworkError.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return false; + }; + $ptrType(UnknownNetworkError).prototype.Timeout = function() { return new UnknownNetworkError(this.$get()).Timeout(); }; + UnknownNetworkError.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return false; + }; + $ptrType(UnknownNetworkError).prototype.Temporary = function() { return new UnknownNetworkError(this.$get()).Temporary(); }; + timeoutError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "i/o timeout"; + }; + timeoutError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + timeoutError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return true; + }; + timeoutError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + timeoutError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return true; + }; + timeoutError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + DNSError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e, s; + e = this; + if (e === ptrType$28.nil) { + return ""; + } + s = "lookup " + e.Name; + if (!(e.Server === "")) { + s = s + (" on " + e.Server); + } + s = s + (": " + e.Err); + return s; + }; + DNSError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + DNSError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.IsTimeout; + }; + DNSError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + DNSError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.IsTimeout || e.IsTemporary; + }; + DNSError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + genericReadFrom = function(w, r) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, err, n, r, w, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = io.Copy((x = new writerOnly.ptr(w), new x.constructor.elem(x)), r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: genericReadFrom, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, err, n, r, w, x, $s};return $f; + }; + HardwareAddr.prototype.String = function() { + var _i, _ref, a, b, buf, i; + a = this; + if (a.$length === 0) { + return ""; + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, (($imul(a.$length, 3)) - 1 >> 0)); + _ref = a; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (i > 0) { + buf = $append(buf, 58); + } + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((b >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); + buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((b & 15) >>> 0))); + _i++; + } + return ($bytesToString(buf)); + }; + $ptrType(HardwareAddr).prototype.String = function() { return this.$get().String(); }; + lookupProtocol = function(ctx, name) { + var _tuple, ctx, err, name, proto; + proto = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = lookupProtocolMap(name); + proto = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + return [proto, err]; + }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupHost = function(ctx, host) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, addrs, ctx, err, host; + addrs = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(92); + addrs = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [addrs, err]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.lookupHost = function(ctx, host) { return this.$val.lookupHost(ctx, host); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupIP = function(ctx, network, host) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, addrs, ctx, err, host, network; + addrs = sliceType$3.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = sliceType$3.nil; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(92); + addrs = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [addrs, err]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.lookupIP = function(ctx, network, host) { return this.$val.lookupIP(ctx, network, host); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupPort = function(ctx, network, service) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, ctx, err, network, port, service, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, service}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + port = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = goLookupPort(network, service); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + port = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [port, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupPort, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, ctx, err, network, port, service, $s};return $f; + }; + Resolver.prototype.lookupPort = function(ctx, network, service) { return this.$val.lookupPort(ctx, network, service); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupCNAME = function(ctx, name) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, cname, ctx, err, name; + cname = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(92); + cname = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [cname, err]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.lookupCNAME = function(ctx, name) { return this.$val.lookupCNAME(ctx, name); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupSRV = function(ctx, service, proto, name) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, cname, ctx, err, name, proto, service, srvs; + cname = ""; + srvs = sliceType$4.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$2 = new syscall.Errno(92); + cname = _tmp; + srvs = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [cname, srvs, err]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.lookupSRV = function(ctx, service, proto, name) { return this.$val.lookupSRV(ctx, service, proto, name); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupMX = function(ctx, name) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, ctx, err, mxs, name; + mxs = sliceType$5.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(92); + mxs = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [mxs, err]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.lookupMX = function(ctx, name) { return this.$val.lookupMX(ctx, name); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupNS = function(ctx, name) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, ctx, err, name, nss; + nss = sliceType$6.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = sliceType$6.nil; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(92); + nss = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [nss, err]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.lookupNS = function(ctx, name) { return this.$val.lookupNS(ctx, name); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupTXT = function(ctx, name) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, ctx, err, name, txts; + txts = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(92); + txts = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [txts, err]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.lookupTXT = function(ctx, name) { return this.$val.lookupTXT(ctx, name); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupAddr = function(ctx, addr) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, addr, ctx, err, ptrs; + ptrs = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = sliceType.nil; + _tmp$1 = new syscall.Errno(92); + ptrs = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [ptrs, err]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.lookupAddr = function(ctx, addr) { return this.$val.lookupAddr(ctx, addr); }; + lookupProtocolMap = function(name) { + var _entry, _tuple, found, lowerProtocol, n, name, proto; + lowerProtocol = arrayType$2.zero(); + n = $copyString(new sliceType$1(lowerProtocol), name); + lowerASCIIBytes($subslice(new sliceType$1(lowerProtocol), 0, n)); + _tuple = (_entry = protocols[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType$1(lowerProtocol), 0, n))))], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + proto = _tuple[0]; + found = _tuple[1]; + if (!found || !((n === name.length))) { + return [0, new AddrError.ptr("unknown IP protocol specified", name)]; + } + return [proto, $ifaceNil]; + }; + lookupPortMap = function(network, service) { + var _1, _entry, _entry$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, error, lowerService, m, n, network, ok, ok$1, port, port$1, service; + port = 0; + error = $ifaceNil; + _1 = network; + if (_1 === ("tcp4") || _1 === ("tcp6")) { + network = "tcp"; + } else if (_1 === ("udp4") || _1 === ("udp6")) { + network = "udp"; + } + _tuple = (_entry = services[$String.keyFor(network)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [false, false]); + m = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + lowerService = arrayType$2.zero(); + n = $copyString(new sliceType$1(lowerService), service); + lowerASCIIBytes($subslice(new sliceType$1(lowerService), 0, n)); + _tuple$1 = (_entry$1 = m[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType$1(lowerService), 0, n))))], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [0, false]); + port$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1 && (n === service.length)) { + _tmp = port$1; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + port = _tmp; + error = _tmp$1; + return [port, error]; + } + } + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = new AddrError.ptr("unknown port", network + "/" + service); + port = _tmp$2; + error = _tmp$3; + return [port, error]; + }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.getLookupGroup = function() { + var r; + r = this; + if (r === ptrType$9.nil) { + return $pkg.DefaultResolver.lookupGroup; + } + return r.lookupGroup; + }; + Resolver.prototype.getLookupGroup = function() { return this.$val.getLookupGroup(); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupHost = function(ctx, host) { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, addrs, ctx, err, host, ip, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, host}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + addrs = sliceType.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + /* */ if (host === "") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (host === "") { */ case 1: + _tmp = sliceType.nil; + _r = errNoSuchHost.Error(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = new DNSError.ptr(_r, host, "", false, false, true); + addrs = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [addrs, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = parseIPZone(host); + ip = _tuple[0]; + if (!(ip === IP.nil)) { + _tmp$2 = new sliceType([host]); + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + addrs = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [addrs, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = r.lookupHost(ctx, host); + addrs = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = -1; return [addrs, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupHost, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, addrs, ctx, err, host, ip, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupHost = function(ctx, host) { return this.$val.LookupHost(ctx, host); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupIPAddr = function(ctx, host) { + var {$24r, _r, ctx, host, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, host}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.lookupIPAddr(ctx, "ip", host); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupIPAddr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, ctx, host, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupIPAddr = function(ctx, host) { return this.$val.LookupIPAddr(ctx, host); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupIP = function(ctx, network, host) { + var {_1, _i, _r, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, addrs, afnet, ctx, err, host, ips, network, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, host}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _tuple = parseNetwork(ctx, network, false); + afnet = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$7.nil, err]; + } + _1 = afnet; + if (_1 === ("ip") || _1 === ("ip4") || _1 === ("ip6")) { + } else { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$7.nil, new UnknownNetworkError((network))]; + } + _r = r.internetAddrList(ctx, afnet, host); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + addrs = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$7.nil, err]; + } + ips = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, 0, addrs.$length); + _ref = addrs; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + addr = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ips = $append(ips, $assertType(addr, ptrType$32).IP); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [ips, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupIP, $c: true, $r, _1, _i, _r, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, addrs, afnet, ctx, err, host, ips, network, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupIP = function(ctx, network, host) { return this.$val.LookupIP(ctx, network, host); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupNetIP = function(ctx, network, host) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, ctx, err, host, ip, ips, network, ok, r, ret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, host}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.LookupIP(ctx, network, host); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + ips = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$8.nil, err]; + } + ret = $makeSlice(sliceType$8, 0, ips.$length); + _ref = ips; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + ip = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _tuple$1 = netip.AddrFromSlice($convertSliceType(ip, sliceType$1)); + a = $clone(_tuple$1[0], netip.Addr); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + ret = $append(ret, a); + } + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [ret, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupNetIP, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, ctx, err, host, ip, ips, network, ok, r, ret, $s};return $f; + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupNetIP = function(ctx, network, host) { return this.$val.LookupNetIP(ctx, network, host); }; + onlyValuesCtx.ptr.prototype.Value = function(key) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _selection, key, ovc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ovc = this; + _r = ovc.lookupValues.Done(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = $select([[_r], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = ovc.lookupValues.Value(key); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: onlyValuesCtx.ptr.prototype.Value, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _selection, key, ovc, $s};return $f; + }; + onlyValuesCtx.prototype.Value = function(key) { return this.$val.Value(key); }; + withUnexpiredValuesPreserved = function(lookupCtx) { + var lookupCtx; + return new onlyValuesCtx.ptr(context.Background(), lookupCtx); + }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupIPAddr = function(ctx, network, host) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, addrs, alt, called, ch, ctx, ctxErr, err, err$1, host, ip, isTimeout, lookupGroupCancel, lookupGroupCtx, lookupKey, network, ok, ok$1, r, r$1, resolverFunc, terr, trace, x, x$1, zone, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, host}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ch = [ch]; + host = [host]; + lookupGroupCancel = [lookupGroupCancel]; + lookupGroupCtx = [lookupGroupCtx]; + network = [network]; + resolverFunc = [resolverFunc]; + r = this; + /* */ if (host[0] === "") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (host[0] === "") { */ case 1: + _r = errNoSuchHost.Error(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [sliceType$3.nil, new DNSError.ptr(_r, host[0], "", false, false, true)]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = parseIPZone(host[0]); + ip = _tuple[0]; + zone = _tuple[1]; + if (!(ip === IP.nil)) { + $s = -1; return [new sliceType$3([new IPAddr.ptr(ip, zone)]), $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$1 = ctx.Value((x = new nettrace.TraceKey.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(_r$1, ptrType$33, true); + trace = _tuple$1[0]; + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$33.nil) && !(trace.DNSStart === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$33.nil) && !(trace.DNSStart === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 6: + $r = trace.DNSStart(host[0]); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + resolverFunc[0] = $methodVal(r, "lookupIP"); + _r$2 = ctx.Value((x$1 = new nettrace.LookupIPAltResolverKey.ptr(), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = $assertType(_r$2, funcType, true); + alt = _tuple$2[0]; + if (!(alt === $throwNilPointerError)) { + resolverFunc[0] = alt; + } + _r$3 = context.WithCancel(withUnexpiredValuesPreserved(ctx)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$3; + lookupGroupCtx[0] = _tuple$3[0]; + lookupGroupCancel[0] = _tuple$3[1]; + lookupKey = network[0] + "\x00" + host[0]; + dnsWaitGroup.Add(1); + _r$4 = r.getLookupGroup().DoChan(lookupKey, (function(ch, host, lookupGroupCancel, lookupGroupCtx, network, resolverFunc) { return function $b() { + var {$24r$1, _r$4, _returncast, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(dnsWaitGroup, "Done"), []]); + _r$4 = testHookLookupIP(lookupGroupCtx[0], resolverFunc[0], network[0], host[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _returncast = _r$4; + $24r$1 = [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$1, _r$4, _returncast, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; })(ch, host, lookupGroupCancel, lookupGroupCtx, network, resolverFunc)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$4; + ch[0] = _tuple$4[0]; + called = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!called) { + dnsWaitGroup.Done(); + } + _r$5 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $select([[_r$5], [ch[0]]]); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$6; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 14: + _r$7 = r.getLookupGroup().ForgetUnshared(lookupKey); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_r$7) { */ case 17: + $r = lookupGroupCancel[0](); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else { */ case 18: + $go((function(ch, host, lookupGroupCancel, lookupGroupCtx, network, resolverFunc) { return function $b() { + var {_r$8, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$8 = $recv(ch[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8[0]; + $r = lookupGroupCancel[0](); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$8, $s};return $f; + }; })(ch, host, lookupGroupCancel, lookupGroupCtx, network, resolverFunc), []); + /* } */ case 19: + _r$8 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctxErr = _r$8; + _r$9 = mapErr(ctxErr).Error(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = new DNSError.ptr(_r$9, host[0], "", $interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr, context.DeadlineExceeded), false, false); + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$33.nil) && !(trace.DNSDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$33.nil) && !(trace.DNSDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 24: + $r = trace.DNSDone(sliceType$9.nil, false, err); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 25: + $s = -1; return [sliceType$3.nil, err]; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 15: + r$1 = $clone(_selection[1][0], singleflight.Result); + $r = lookupGroupCancel[0](); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = r$1.Err; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 28: + _tuple$5 = $assertType(err$1, ptrType$28, true); + ok = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 30: + isTimeout = false; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, context.DeadlineExceeded)) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, context.DeadlineExceeded)) { */ case 32: + isTimeout = true; + $s = 34; continue; + /* } else { */ case 33: + _tuple$6 = $assertType(err$1, timeout, true); + terr = _tuple$6[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$6[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 35: + _r$10 = terr.Timeout(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isTimeout = _r$10; + /* } */ case 36: + /* } */ case 34: + _r$11 = err$1.Error(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = new DNSError.ptr(_r$11, host[0], "", isTimeout, false, false); + /* } */ case 31: + /* } */ case 29: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$33.nil) && !(trace.DNSDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$33.nil) && !(trace.DNSDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 39: + _tuple$7 = $assertType(r$1.Val, sliceType$3, true); + addrs = _tuple$7[0]; + $r = trace.DNSDone(ipAddrsEface(addrs), r$1.Shared, err$1); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 40: + $s = -1; return lookupIPReturn(r$1.Val, err$1, r$1.Shared); + /* } */ case 16: + $s = -1; return [sliceType$3.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Resolver.ptr.prototype.lookupIPAddr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, addrs, alt, called, ch, ctx, ctxErr, err, err$1, host, ip, isTimeout, lookupGroupCancel, lookupGroupCtx, lookupKey, network, ok, ok$1, r, r$1, resolverFunc, terr, trace, x, x$1, zone, $s};return $f; + }; + Resolver.prototype.lookupIPAddr = function(ctx, network, host) { return this.$val.lookupIPAddr(ctx, network, host); }; + lookupIPReturn = function(addrsi, err, shared) { + var addrs, addrsi, clone, err, shared; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [sliceType$3.nil, err]; + } + addrs = $assertType(addrsi, sliceType$3); + if (shared) { + clone = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, addrs.$length); + $copySlice(clone, addrs); + addrs = clone; + } + return [addrs, $ifaceNil]; + }; + ipAddrsEface = function(addrs) { + var _i, _ref, addrs, i, s, v; + s = $makeSlice(sliceType$9, addrs.$length); + _ref = addrs; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + v = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), IPAddr); + ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i] = new v.constructor.elem(v)); + _i++; + } + return s; + }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupPort = function(ctx, network, service) { + var {_1, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, ctx, err, needsLookup, network, port, r, service, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, service}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + port = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + _tuple = parsePort(service); + port = _tuple[0]; + needsLookup = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (needsLookup) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (needsLookup) { */ case 1: + _1 = network; + if (_1 === ("tcp") || _1 === ("tcp4") || _1 === ("tcp6") || _1 === ("udp") || _1 === ("udp4") || _1 === ("udp6")) { + } else if (_1 === ("")) { + network = "ip"; + } else { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = new AddrError.ptr("unknown network", network); + port = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [port, err]; + } + _r = r.lookupPort(ctx, network, service); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + port = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = err; + port = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [port, err]; + } + /* } */ case 2: + if (0 > port || port > 65535) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = new AddrError.ptr("invalid port", service); + port = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [port, err]; + } + _tmp$6 = port; + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + port = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [port, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupPort, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, ctx, err, needsLookup, network, port, r, service, $s};return $f; + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupPort = function(ctx, network, service) { return this.$val.LookupPort(ctx, network, service); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupCNAME = function(ctx, host) { + var _tuple, cname, ctx, err, host, r; + r = this; + _tuple = r.lookupCNAME(ctx, host); + cname = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return ["", err]; + } + if (!isDomainName(cname)) { + return ["", new DNSError.ptr(errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, host, "", false, false, false)]; + } + return [cname, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupCNAME = function(ctx, host) { return this.$val.LookupCNAME(ctx, host); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupSRV = function(ctx, service, proto, name) { + var _i, _ref, _tuple, addr, addrs, cname, ctx, err, filteredAddrs, name, proto, r, service; + r = this; + _tuple = r.lookupSRV(ctx, service, proto, name); + cname = _tuple[0]; + addrs = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return ["", sliceType$4.nil, err]; + } + if (!(cname === "") && !isDomainName(cname)) { + return ["", sliceType$4.nil, new DNSError.ptr("SRV header name is invalid", name, "", false, false, false)]; + } + filteredAddrs = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, 0, addrs.$length); + _ref = addrs; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + addr = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (addr === ptrType$29.nil) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if (!isDomainName(addr.Target)) { + _i++; + continue; + } + filteredAddrs = $append(filteredAddrs, addr); + _i++; + } + if (!((addrs.$length === filteredAddrs.$length))) { + return [cname, filteredAddrs, new DNSError.ptr(errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, name, "", false, false, false)]; + } + return [cname, filteredAddrs, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupSRV = function(ctx, service, proto, name) { return this.$val.LookupSRV(ctx, service, proto, name); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupMX = function(ctx, name) { + var _i, _ref, _tuple, ctx, err, filteredMX, mx, name, r, records; + r = this; + _tuple = r.lookupMX(ctx, name); + records = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [sliceType$5.nil, err]; + } + filteredMX = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 0, records.$length); + _ref = records; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + mx = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (mx === ptrType$30.nil) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if (!isDomainName(mx.Host)) { + _i++; + continue; + } + filteredMX = $append(filteredMX, mx); + _i++; + } + if (!((records.$length === filteredMX.$length))) { + return [filteredMX, new DNSError.ptr(errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, name, "", false, false, false)]; + } + return [filteredMX, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupMX = function(ctx, name) { return this.$val.LookupMX(ctx, name); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupNS = function(ctx, name) { + var _i, _ref, _tuple, ctx, err, filteredNS, name, ns, r, records; + r = this; + _tuple = r.lookupNS(ctx, name); + records = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [sliceType$6.nil, err]; + } + filteredNS = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, 0, records.$length); + _ref = records; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + ns = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (ns === ptrType$31.nil) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if (!isDomainName(ns.Host)) { + _i++; + continue; + } + filteredNS = $append(filteredNS, ns); + _i++; + } + if (!((records.$length === filteredNS.$length))) { + return [filteredNS, new DNSError.ptr(errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, name, "", false, false, false)]; + } + return [filteredNS, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupNS = function(ctx, name) { return this.$val.LookupNS(ctx, name); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupTXT = function(ctx, name) { + var ctx, name, r; + r = this; + return r.lookupTXT(ctx, name); + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupTXT = function(ctx, name) { return this.$val.LookupTXT(ctx, name); }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.LookupAddr = function(ctx, addr) { + var _i, _ref, _tuple, addr, ctx, err, filteredNames, name, names, r; + r = this; + _tuple = r.lookupAddr(ctx, addr); + names = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + filteredNames = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, names.$length); + _ref = names; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + name = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (isDomainName(name)) { + filteredNames = $append(filteredNames, name); + } + _i++; + } + if (!((names.$length === filteredNames.$length))) { + return [filteredNames, new DNSError.ptr(errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, addr, "", false, false, false)]; + } + return [filteredNames, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Resolver.prototype.LookupAddr = function(ctx, addr) { return this.$val.LookupAddr(ctx, addr); }; + ipStackCapabilities.ptr.prototype.probe = function() { + var {_1, _2, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, err$1, err$2, i, p, probes, s, s$1, sa, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + _tuple = sysSocket(2, 1, 6); + s = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + _1 = err; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, new syscall.Errno((97))) || $interfaceIsEqual(_1, new syscall.Errno((93)))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, new syscall.Errno((97))) || $interfaceIsEqual(_1, new syscall.Errno((93)))) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 3: + _r = poll.CloseFunc(s); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + p.ipv4Enabled = true; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + probes = new sliceType$10([new structType$3.ptr(new TCPAddr.ptr(ParseIP("::1"), 0, ""), 1), new structType$3.ptr(new TCPAddr.ptr(IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), 0, ""), 0)]); + _2 = "js"; + if (_2 === ("dragonfly") || _2 === ("openbsd")) { + probes = $subslice(probes, 0, 1); + } + _ref = probes; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 7; continue; } + i = _i; + _tuple$1 = sysSocket(3, 1, 6); + s$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + $deferred.push([poll.CloseFunc, [s$1]]); + syscall.SetsockoptInt(s$1, 41, 1, ((i < 0 || i >= probes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : probes.$array[probes.$offset + i]).value); + _r$1 = ((i < 0 || i >= probes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : probes.$array[probes.$offset + i]).laddr.sockaddr(3); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$1; + sa = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + err$2 = syscall.Bind(s$1, sa); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + if (i === 0) { + p.ipv6Enabled = true; + } else { + p.ipv4MappedIPv6Enabled = true; + } + _i++; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: ipStackCapabilities.ptr.prototype.probe, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, err$1, err$2, i, p, probes, s, s$1, sa, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + ipStackCapabilities.prototype.probe = function() { return this.$val.probe(); }; + favoriteAddrFamily = function(network, laddr, raddr, mode) { + var {$24r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, _v$5, family, ipv6only$1, laddr, mode, network, raddr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {network, laddr, raddr, mode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + family = 0; + ipv6only$1 = false; + _1 = network.charCodeAt((network.length - 1 >> 0)); + if (_1 === (52)) { + _tmp = 2; + _tmp$1 = false; + family = _tmp; + ipv6only$1 = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [family, ipv6only$1]; + } else if (_1 === (54)) { + _tmp$2 = 3; + _tmp$3 = true; + family = _tmp$2; + ipv6only$1 = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [family, ipv6only$1]; + } + if (!(mode === "listen")) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(laddr, $ifaceNil)) { _v$1 = true; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r = laddr.isWildcard(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r; case 4: + _v = _v$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = supportsIPv4map(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (_r$1) { _v$2 = true; $s = 8; continue s; } + _r$2 = supportsIPv4(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = !_r$2; case 8: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 6: + _tmp$4 = 3; + _tmp$5 = false; + family = _tmp$4; + ipv6only$1 = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [family, ipv6only$1]; + /* } */ case 7: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(laddr, $ifaceNil)) { + _tmp$6 = 2; + _tmp$7 = false; + family = _tmp$6; + ipv6only$1 = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [family, ipv6only$1]; + } + _r$3 = laddr.family(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$8 = _r$3; + _tmp$9 = false; + family = _tmp$8; + ipv6only$1 = _tmp$9; + $24r = [family, ipv6only$1]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(laddr, $ifaceNil)) { _v$4 = true; $s = 16; continue s; } + _r$4 = laddr.family(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = _r$4 === 2; case 16: + if (!(_v$4)) { _v$3 = false; $s = 15; continue s; } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(raddr, $ifaceNil)) { _v$5 = true; $s = 18; continue s; } + _r$5 = raddr.family(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$5 = _r$5 === 2; case 18: + _v$3 = _v$5; case 15: + /* */ if (_v$3) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_v$3) { */ case 13: + _tmp$10 = 2; + _tmp$11 = false; + family = _tmp$10; + ipv6only$1 = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [family, ipv6only$1]; + /* } */ case 14: + _tmp$12 = 3; + _tmp$13 = false; + family = _tmp$12; + ipv6only$1 = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [family, ipv6only$1]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: favoriteAddrFamily, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, _v$5, family, ipv6only$1, laddr, mode, network, raddr, $s};return $f; + }; + internetSocket = function(ctx, net, laddr, raddr, sotype, proto, mode, ctrlFn) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, ctrlFn, ctx, err, family, fd, ipv6only$1, laddr, mode, net, proto, raddr, sotype, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, net, laddr, raddr, sotype, proto, mode, ctrlFn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = ptrType$3.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (!(false && mode === "dial")) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = raddr.isWildcard(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = raddr.toLocal(net); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + raddr = _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = favoriteAddrFamily(net, laddr, raddr, mode); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + family = _tuple[0]; + ipv6only$1 = _tuple[1]; + _r$3 = socket(ctx, net, family, sotype, proto, ipv6only$1, laddr, raddr, ctrlFn); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + fd = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [fd, err]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: internetSocket, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, ctrlFn, ctx, err, family, fd, ipv6only$1, laddr, mode, net, proto, raddr, sotype, $s};return $f; + }; + ipToSockaddrInet4 = function(ip, port) { + var ip, ip4, port, sa; + if (ip.$length === 0) { + ip = $pkg.IPv4zero; + } + ip4 = ip.To4(); + if (ip4 === IP.nil) { + return [new syscall.SockaddrInet4.ptr(0, arrayType.zero()), new AddrError.ptr("non-IPv4 address", ip.String())]; + } + sa = new syscall.SockaddrInet4.ptr(port, arrayType.zero()); + $copySlice(new sliceType$1(sa.Addr), ip4); + return [sa, $ifaceNil]; + }; + ipToSockaddrInet6 = function(ip, port, zone) { + var {_r, ip, ip6, port, sa, zone, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ip, port, zone}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ((ip.$length === 0) || ip.Equal($pkg.IPv4zero)) { + ip = $pkg.IPv6zero; + } + ip6 = ip.To16(); + if (ip6 === IP.nil) { + $s = -1; return [new syscall.SockaddrInet6.ptr(0, 0, arrayType$1.zero()), new AddrError.ptr("non-IPv6 address", ip.String())]; + } + _r = zoneCache.index(zone); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sa = new syscall.SockaddrInet6.ptr(port, ((_r >>> 0)), arrayType$1.zero()); + $copySlice(new sliceType$1(sa.Addr), ip6); + $s = -1; return [sa, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ipToSockaddrInet6, $c: true, $r, _r, ip, ip6, port, sa, zone, $s};return $f; + }; + ipToSockaddr = function(family, ip, port, zone) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, family, ip, port, sa, sa$1, zone, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {family, ip, port, zone}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sa = [sa]; + sa$1 = [sa$1]; + _1 = family; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 2: + _tuple = ipToSockaddrInet4(ip, port); + sa[0] = $clone(_tuple[0], syscall.SockaddrInet4); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [sa[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + _r = ipToSockaddrInet6(ip, port, zone); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + sa$1[0] = $clone(_tuple$1[0], syscall.SockaddrInet6); + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err$1]; + } + $s = -1; return [sa$1[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new AddrError.ptr("invalid address family", ip.String())]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ipToSockaddr, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, family, ip, port, sa, sa$1, zone, $s};return $f; + }; + addrPortToSockaddrInet4 = function(ap) { + var addr, ap, sa; + addr = $clone($clone(ap, netip.AddrPort).Addr(), netip.Addr); + if (!$clone(addr, netip.Addr).Is4()) { + return [new syscall.SockaddrInet4.ptr(0, arrayType.zero()), new AddrError.ptr("non-IPv4 address", $clone(addr, netip.Addr).String())]; + } + sa = new syscall.SockaddrInet4.ptr((($clone(ap, netip.AddrPort).Port() >> 0)), $clone($clone(addr, netip.Addr).As4(), arrayType)); + return [sa, $ifaceNil]; + }; + addrPortToSockaddrInet6 = function(ap) { + var {_r, addr, ap, sa, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ap}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + addr = $clone($clone(ap, netip.AddrPort).Addr(), netip.Addr); + if (!$clone(addr, netip.Addr).IsValid()) { + $s = -1; return [new syscall.SockaddrInet6.ptr(0, 0, arrayType$1.zero()), new AddrError.ptr("non-IPv6 address", $clone(addr, netip.Addr).String())]; + } + _r = zoneCache.index($clone(addr, netip.Addr).Zone()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sa = new syscall.SockaddrInet6.ptr((($clone(ap, netip.AddrPort).Port() >> 0)), ((_r >>> 0)), $clone($clone(addr, netip.Addr).As16(), arrayType$1)); + $s = -1; return [sa, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: addrPortToSockaddrInet6, $c: true, $r, _r, addr, ap, sa, $s};return $f; + }; + supportsIPv4 = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = ipStackCaps.Once.Do($methodVal(ipStackCaps, "probe")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return ipStackCaps.ipv4Enabled; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: supportsIPv4, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + supportsIPv4map = function() { + var {_1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = "js"; + if (_1 === ("dragonfly") || _1 === ("openbsd")) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + $r = ipStackCaps.Once.Do($methodVal(ipStackCaps, "probe")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return ipStackCaps.ipv4MappedIPv6Enabled; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: supportsIPv4map, $c: true, $r, _1, $s};return $f; + }; + isIPv4 = function(addr) { + var _ref, addr, addr$1, addr$2, addr$3; + _ref = addr; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$15, true)[1]) { + addr$1 = _ref.$val; + return !(addr$1.IP.To4() === IP.nil); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { + addr$2 = _ref.$val; + return !(addr$2.IP.To4() === IP.nil); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$32, true)[1]) { + addr$3 = _ref.$val; + return !(addr$3.IP.To4() === IP.nil); + } + return false; + }; + addrList.prototype.first = function(strategy) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, addr, addrs, strategy, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {strategy}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + addrs = this; + _ref = addrs; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + addr = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = strategy(addr); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return addr; + /* } */ case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return (0 >= addrs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : addrs.$array[addrs.$offset + 0]); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: addrList.prototype.first, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, addr, addrs, strategy, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(addrList).prototype.first = function(strategy) { return this.$get().first(strategy); }; + addrList.prototype.partition = function(strategy) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, addr, addrs, fallbacks, i, label, primaries, primaryLabel, strategy, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {strategy}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + primaries = addrList.nil; + fallbacks = addrList.nil; + addrs = this; + primaryLabel = false; + _ref = addrs; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + addr = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = strategy(addr); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + label = _r; + if ((i === 0) || label === primaryLabel) { + primaryLabel = label; + primaries = $append(primaries, addr); + } else { + fallbacks = $append(fallbacks, addr); + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [primaries, fallbacks]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: addrList.prototype.partition, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, addr, addrs, fallbacks, i, label, primaries, primaryLabel, strategy, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(addrList).prototype.partition = function(strategy) { return this.$get().partition(strategy); }; + filterAddrList = function(filter, ips, inetaddr, originalAddr) { + var {$24r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _v, addrs, filter, inetaddr, ip, ips, originalAddr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {filter, ips, inetaddr, originalAddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + addrs = addrList.nil; + _ref = ips; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + ip = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), IPAddr); + if (filter === $throwNilPointerError) { _v = true; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r = filter($clone(ip, IPAddr)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 5: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = inetaddr($clone(ip, IPAddr)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + addrs = $append(addrs, _r$1); + /* } */ case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (addrs.$length === 0) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (addrs.$length === 0) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = errNoSuitableAddress.Error(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [addrList.nil, new AddrError.ptr(_r$2, originalAddr)]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = -1; return [addrs, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: filterAddrList, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _v, addrs, filter, inetaddr, ip, ips, originalAddr, $s};return $f; + }; + ipv4only = function(addr) { + var addr; + return !(addr.IP.To4() === IP.nil); + }; + ipv6only = function(addr) { + var addr; + return (addr.IP.$length === 16) && addr.IP.To4() === IP.nil; + }; + SplitHostPort = function(hostport) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, addrErr, end, err, host, hostport, i, j, k, port, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hostport}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + host = ""; + port = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + addrErr = (function(addr, why) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, addr, err$1, host$1, port$1, why; + host$1 = ""; + port$1 = ""; + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = new AddrError.ptr(why, addr); + host$1 = _tmp; + port$1 = _tmp$1; + err$1 = _tmp$2; + return [host$1, port$1, err$1]; + }); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + j = _tmp; + k = _tmp$1; + i = last(hostport, 58); + /* */ if (i < 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (i < 0) { */ case 1: + _r = addrErr(hostport, "missing port in address"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + host = _tuple[0]; + port = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + $24r = [host, port, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (hostport.charCodeAt(0) === 91) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (hostport.charCodeAt(0) === 91) { */ case 5: + end = bytealg.IndexByteString(hostport, 93); + /* */ if (end < 0) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (end < 0) { */ case 8: + _r$1 = addrErr(hostport, "missing ']' in address"); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + host = _tuple$1[0]; + port = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + $24r$1 = [host, port, err]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + _1 = end + 1 >> 0; + /* */ if (_1 === (hostport.length)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (i)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (_1 === (hostport.length)) { */ case 13: + _r$2 = addrErr(hostport, "missing port in address"); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + host = _tuple$2[0]; + port = _tuple$2[1]; + err = _tuple$2[2]; + $24r$2 = [host, port, err]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } else if (_1 === (i)) { */ case 14: + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else { */ case 15: + /* */ if (hostport.charCodeAt((end + 1 >> 0)) === 58) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (hostport.charCodeAt((end + 1 >> 0)) === 58) { */ case 19: + _r$3 = addrErr(hostport, "too many colons in address"); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$3; + host = _tuple$3[0]; + port = _tuple$3[1]; + err = _tuple$3[2]; + $24r$3 = [host, port, err]; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 20: + _r$4 = addrErr(hostport, "missing port in address"); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$4; + host = _tuple$4[0]; + port = _tuple$4[1]; + err = _tuple$4[2]; + $24r$4 = [host, port, err]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 16: + case 12: + host = $substring(hostport, 1, end); + _tmp$2 = 1; + _tmp$3 = end + 1 >> 0; + j = _tmp$2; + k = _tmp$3; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + host = $substring(hostport, 0, i); + /* */ if (bytealg.IndexByteString(host, 58) >= 0) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (bytealg.IndexByteString(host, 58) >= 0) { */ case 25: + _r$5 = addrErr(hostport, "too many colons in address"); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$5; + host = _tuple$5[0]; + port = _tuple$5[1]; + err = _tuple$5[2]; + $24r$5 = [host, port, err]; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 26: + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (bytealg.IndexByteString($substring(hostport, j), 91) >= 0) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (bytealg.IndexByteString($substring(hostport, j), 91) >= 0) { */ case 29: + _r$6 = addrErr(hostport, "unexpected '[' in address"); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$6; + host = _tuple$6[0]; + port = _tuple$6[1]; + err = _tuple$6[2]; + $24r$6 = [host, port, err]; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 30: + /* */ if (bytealg.IndexByteString($substring(hostport, k), 93) >= 0) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (bytealg.IndexByteString($substring(hostport, k), 93) >= 0) { */ case 33: + _r$7 = addrErr(hostport, "unexpected ']' in address"); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$7 = _r$7; + host = _tuple$7[0]; + port = _tuple$7[1]; + err = _tuple$7[2]; + $24r$7 = [host, port, err]; + $s = 36; case 36: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 34: + port = $substring(hostport, (i + 1 >> 0)); + _tmp$4 = host; + _tmp$5 = port; + _tmp$6 = $ifaceNil; + host = _tmp$4; + port = _tmp$5; + err = _tmp$6; + $s = -1; return [host, port, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SplitHostPort, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, addrErr, end, err, host, hostport, i, j, k, port, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.SplitHostPort = SplitHostPort; + splitHostZone = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, host, i, s, zone; + host = ""; + zone = ""; + i = last(s, 37); + if (i > 0) { + _tmp = $substring(s, 0, i); + _tmp$1 = $substring(s, (i + 1 >> 0)); + host = _tmp; + zone = _tmp$1; + } else { + host = s; + } + return [host, zone]; + }; + JoinHostPort = function(host, port) { + var host, port; + if (bytealg.IndexByteString(host, 58) >= 0) { + return "[" + host + "]:" + port; + } + return host + ":" + port; + }; + $pkg.JoinHostPort = JoinHostPort; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.internetAddrList = function(ctx, net, addr) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, addr, ctx, err, filter, host, inetaddr, ips, net, port, portnum, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, net, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + net = [net]; + portnum = [portnum]; + r = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + host = _tmp; + port = _tmp$1; + portnum[0] = 0; + _1 = net[0]; + /* */ if (_1 === ("tcp") || _1 === ("tcp4") || _1 === ("tcp6") || _1 === ("udp") || _1 === ("udp4") || _1 === ("udp6")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("ip") || _1 === ("ip4") || _1 === ("ip6")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("tcp") || _1 === ("tcp4") || _1 === ("tcp6") || _1 === ("udp") || _1 === ("udp4") || _1 === ("udp6")) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (!(addr === "")) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(addr === "")) { */ case 6: + _r = SplitHostPort(addr); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + host = _tuple[0]; + port = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [addrList.nil, err]; + } + _r$1 = r.LookupPort(ctx, net[0], port); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + portnum[0] = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [addrList.nil, err]; + } + /* } */ case 7: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("ip") || _1 === ("ip4") || _1 === ("ip6")) { */ case 3: + if (!(addr === "")) { + host = addr; + } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [addrList.nil, new UnknownNetworkError((net[0]))]; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + inetaddr = (function(net, portnum) { return function(ip) { + var _2, ip; + _2 = net[0]; + if (_2 === ("tcp") || _2 === ("tcp4") || _2 === ("tcp6")) { + return new TCPAddr.ptr(ip.IP, portnum[0], ip.Zone); + } else if (_2 === ("udp") || _2 === ("udp4") || _2 === ("udp6")) { + return new UDPAddr.ptr(ip.IP, portnum[0], ip.Zone); + } else if (_2 === ("ip") || _2 === ("ip4") || _2 === ("ip6")) { + return new IPAddr.ptr(ip.IP, ip.Zone); + } else { + $panic(new $String("unexpected network: " + net[0])); + } + }; })(net, portnum); + /* */ if (host === "") { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (host === "") { */ case 10: + _r$2 = inetaddr(new IPAddr.ptr(IP.nil, "")); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new addrList([_r$2]), $ifaceNil]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r; + /* } */ case 11: + _r$3 = r.lookupIPAddr(ctx, net[0], host); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + ips = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [addrList.nil, err]; + } + if ((ips.$length === 1) && (0 >= ips.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ips.$array[ips.$offset + 0]).IP.Equal($pkg.IPv6unspecified)) { + ips = $append(ips, new IPAddr.ptr($pkg.IPv4zero, "")); + } + filter = $throwNilPointerError; + if (!(net[0] === "") && (net[0].charCodeAt((net[0].length - 1 >> 0)) === 52)) { + filter = ipv4only; + } + if (!(net[0] === "") && (net[0].charCodeAt((net[0].length - 1 >> 0)) === 54)) { + filter = ipv6only; + } + _r$4 = filterAddrList(filter, ips, inetaddr, host); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$4; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Resolver.ptr.prototype.internetAddrList, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, addr, ctx, err, filter, host, inetaddr, ips, net, port, portnum, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Resolver.prototype.internetAddrList = function(ctx, net, addr) { return this.$val.internetAddrList(ctx, net, addr); }; + loopbackIP = function(net) { + var net; + if (!(net === "") && (net.charCodeAt((net.length - 1 >> 0)) === 54)) { + return $pkg.IPv6loopback; + } + return new IP([127, 0, 0, 1]); + }; + IPAddr.ptr.prototype.family = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$32.nil || a.IP.$length <= 4) { + return 2; + } + if (!(a.IP.To4() === IP.nil)) { + return 2; + } + return 3; + }; + IPAddr.prototype.family = function() { return this.$val.family(); }; + IPAddr.ptr.prototype.sockaddr = function(family) { + var {$24r, _r, a, family, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {family}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$32.nil) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r = ipToSockaddr(family, a.IP, 0, a.Zone); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPAddr.ptr.prototype.sockaddr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, a, family, $s};return $f; + }; + IPAddr.prototype.sockaddr = function(family) { return this.$val.sockaddr(family); }; + IPAddr.ptr.prototype.toLocal = function(net) { + var a, net; + a = this; + return new IPAddr.ptr(loopbackIP(net), a.Zone); + }; + IPAddr.prototype.toLocal = function(net) { return this.$val.toLocal(net); }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.readFrom = function(b) { + var {_r, _ref, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, sa, sa$1, sa$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + addr = ptrType$32.nil; + _tuple = c.conn.fd.readFrom(b); + n = _tuple[0]; + sa = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + _ref = sa; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$10, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$10, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + sa$1 = _ref.$val; + addr = new IPAddr.ptr($convertSliceType($subslice(new sliceType$1(sa$1.Addr), 0), IP), ""); + n = stripIPv4Header(n, b); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + sa$2 = _ref.$val; + _r = zoneCache.name(((sa$2.ZoneId >> 0))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + addr = new IPAddr.ptr($convertSliceType($subslice(new sliceType$1(sa$2.Addr), 0), IP), _r); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [n, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPConn.ptr.prototype.readFrom, $c: true, $r, _r, _ref, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, sa, sa$1, sa$2, $s};return $f; + }; + IPConn.prototype.readFrom = function(b) { return this.$val.readFrom(b); }; + stripIPv4Header = function(n, b) { + var b, l, n; + if (b.$length < 20) { + return n; + } + l = (((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) & 15) >>> 0) >> 0)) << 2 >> 0; + if (20 > l || l > b.$length) { + return n; + } + if (!((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24) === 4))) { + return n; + } + $copySlice(b, $subslice(b, l)); + return n - l >> 0; + }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.readMsg = function(b, oob) { + var {_r, _ref, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, flags, n, oob, oobn, sa, sa$1, sa$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + flags = 0; + addr = ptrType$32.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + sa = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = c.conn.fd.readMsg(b, oob, 0); + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + flags = _tuple[2]; + sa = _tuple[3]; + err = _tuple[4]; + _ref = sa; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$10, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$10, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + sa$1 = _ref.$val; + addr = new IPAddr.ptr($convertSliceType($subslice(new sliceType$1(sa$1.Addr), 0), IP), ""); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + sa$2 = _ref.$val; + _r = zoneCache.name(((sa$2.ZoneId >> 0))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + addr = new IPAddr.ptr($convertSliceType($subslice(new sliceType$1(sa$2.Addr), 0), IP), _r); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, flags, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPConn.ptr.prototype.readMsg, $c: true, $r, _r, _ref, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, flags, n, oob, oobn, sa, sa$1, sa$2, $s};return $f; + }; + IPConn.prototype.readMsg = function(b, oob) { return this.$val.readMsg(b, oob); }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.writeTo = function(b, addr) { + var {_r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, sa, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (c.conn.fd.isConnected) { + $s = -1; return [0, $pkg.ErrWriteToConnected]; + } + if (addr === ptrType$32.nil) { + $s = -1; return [0, errMissingAddress]; + } + _r = addr.sockaddr(c.conn.fd.family); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + sa = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, err]; + } + $s = -1; return c.conn.fd.writeTo(b, sa); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPConn.ptr.prototype.writeTo, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, sa, $s};return $f; + }; + IPConn.prototype.writeTo = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.writeTo(b, addr); }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.writeMsg = function(b, oob, addr) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, sa, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (c.conn.fd.isConnected) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = $pkg.ErrWriteToConnected; + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + if (addr === ptrType$32.nil) { + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = errMissingAddress; + n = _tmp$3; + oobn = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _r = addr.sockaddr(c.conn.fd.family); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + sa = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 0; + _tmp$8 = err; + n = _tmp$6; + oobn = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = c.conn.fd.writeMsg(b, oob, sa); + n = _tuple$1[0]; + oobn = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPConn.ptr.prototype.writeMsg, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, sa, $s};return $f; + }; + IPConn.prototype.writeMsg = function(b, oob, addr) { return this.$val.writeMsg(b, oob, addr); }; + sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialIP = function(ctx, laddr, raddr) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, ctx, err, fd, laddr, network, proto, raddr, sd, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, laddr, raddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sd = this; + _tuple = parseNetwork(ctx, sd.network, true); + network = _tuple[0]; + proto = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$34.nil, err]; + } + _1 = network; + if (_1 === ("ip") || _1 === ("ip4") || _1 === ("ip6")) { + } else { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$34.nil, new UnknownNetworkError((sd.network))]; + } + _r = internetSocket(ctx, network, laddr, raddr, 3, proto, "dial", sd.Dialer.Control); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + fd = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$34.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [newIPConn(fd), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialIP, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, ctx, err, fd, laddr, network, proto, raddr, sd, $s};return $f; + }; + sysDialer.prototype.dialIP = function(ctx, laddr, raddr) { return this.$val.dialIP(ctx, laddr, raddr); }; + sysListener.ptr.prototype.listenIP = function(ctx, laddr) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, ctx, err, fd, laddr, network, proto, sl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, laddr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sl = this; + _tuple = parseNetwork(ctx, sl.network, true); + network = _tuple[0]; + proto = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$34.nil, err]; + } + _1 = network; + if (_1 === ("ip") || _1 === ("ip4") || _1 === ("ip6")) { + } else { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$34.nil, new UnknownNetworkError((sl.network))]; + } + _r = internetSocket(ctx, network, laddr, $ifaceNil, 3, proto, "listen", sl.ListenConfig.Control); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + fd = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$34.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [newIPConn(fd), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sysListener.ptr.prototype.listenIP, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, ctx, err, fd, laddr, network, proto, sl, $s};return $f; + }; + sysListener.prototype.listenIP = function(ctx, laddr) { return this.$val.listenIP(ctx, laddr); }; + IPAddr.ptr.prototype.Network = function() { + var a; + a = this; + return "ip"; + }; + IPAddr.prototype.Network = function() { return this.$val.Network(); }; + IPAddr.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var a, ip; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$32.nil) { + return ""; + } + ip = ipEmptyString(a.IP); + if (!(a.Zone === "")) { + return ip + "%" + a.Zone; + } + return ip; + }; + IPAddr.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + IPAddr.ptr.prototype.isWildcard = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$32.nil || a.IP === IP.nil) { + return true; + } + return a.IP.IsUnspecified(); + }; + IPAddr.prototype.isWildcard = function() { return this.$val.isWildcard(); }; + IPAddr.ptr.prototype.opAddr = function() { + var a; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$32.nil) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return a; + }; + IPAddr.prototype.opAddr = function() { return this.$val.opAddr(); }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { + var _returncast, c; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + return [$ifaceNil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _returncast = newRawConn(c.conn.fd); + return [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + }; + IPConn.prototype.SyscallConn = function() { return this.$val.SyscallConn(); }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFromIP = function(b) { + var {_r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [0, ptrType$32.nil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = c.readFrom(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + addr = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("read", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFromIP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + IPConn.prototype.ReadFromIP = function(b) { return this.$val.ReadFromIP(b); }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(b) { + var {_r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = c.readFrom(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + addr = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("read", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + if (addr === ptrType$32.nil) { + $s = -1; return [n, $ifaceNil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [n, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + IPConn.prototype.ReadFrom = function(b) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(b); }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgIP = function(b, oob) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, flags, n, oob, oobn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + flags = 0; + addr = ptrType$32.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = ptrType$32.nil; + _tmp$4 = new syscall.Errno(22); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + flags = _tmp$2; + addr = _tmp$3; + err = _tmp$4; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, flags, addr, err]; + } + _r = c.readMsg(b, oob); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + flags = _tuple[2]; + addr = _tuple[3]; + err = _tuple[4]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("read", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, c.conn.fd.raddr, err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, flags, addr, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPConn.ptr.prototype.ReadMsgIP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, flags, n, oob, oobn, $s};return $f; + }; + IPConn.prototype.ReadMsgIP = function(b, oob) { return this.$val.ReadMsgIP(b, oob); }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteToIP = function(b, addr) { + var {_r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [0, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _r = c.writeTo(b, addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, addr.opAddr(), err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteToIP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + IPConn.prototype.WriteToIP = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.WriteToIP(b, addr); }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteTo = function(b, addr) { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, addr, b, c, err, n, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + $s = -1; return [0, new syscall.Errno(22)]; + } + _tuple = $assertType(addr, ptrType$32, true); + a = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [0, new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, addr, new syscall.Errno(22))]; + } + _r = c.writeTo(b, a); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, a.opAddr(), err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteTo, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, addr, b, c, err, n, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + IPConn.prototype.WriteTo = function(b, addr) { return this.$val.WriteTo(b, addr); }; + IPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgIP = function(b, oob, addr) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, oob, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + oobn = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (!c.conn.ok()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = new syscall.Errno(22); + n = _tmp; + oobn = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + } + _r = c.writeMsg(b, oob, addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + oobn = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("write", c.conn.fd.net, c.conn.fd.laddr, addr.opAddr(), err); + } + $s = -1; return [n, oobn, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: IPConn.ptr.prototype.WriteMsgIP, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, addr, b, c, err, n, oob, oobn, $s};return $f; + }; + IPConn.prototype.WriteMsgIP = function(b, oob, addr) { return this.$val.WriteMsgIP(b, oob, addr); }; + newIPConn = function(fd) { + var fd; + return new IPConn.ptr(new conn.ptr(fd)); + }; + IPv4 = function(a, b, c, d) { + var a, b, c, d, p; + p = $makeSlice(IP, 16); + $copySlice(p, v4InV6Prefix); + (12 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 12] = a); + (13 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 13] = b); + (14 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 14] = c); + (15 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 15] = d); + return p; + }; + $pkg.IPv4 = IPv4; + IPv4Mask = function(a, b, c, d) { + var a, b, c, d, p; + p = $makeSlice(IPMask, 4); + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = a); + (1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1] = b); + (2 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 2] = c); + (3 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 3] = d); + return p; + }; + $pkg.IPv4Mask = IPv4Mask; + CIDRMask = function(ones, bits) { + var _q, bits, i, l, m, n, ones, y; + if (!((bits === 32)) && !((bits === 128))) { + return IPMask.nil; + } + if (ones < 0 || ones > bits) { + return IPMask.nil; + } + l = (_q = bits / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + m = $makeSlice(IPMask, l); + n = ((ones >>> 0)); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < l)) { break; } + if (n >= 8) { + ((i < 0 || i >= m.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + i] = 255); + n = n - (8) >>> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= m.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + i] = (~(((y = n, y < 32 ? (255 >>> y) : 0) << 24 >>> 24)) << 24 >>> 24)); + n = 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return m; + }; + $pkg.CIDRMask = CIDRMask; + IP.prototype.IsUnspecified = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + return ip.Equal($pkg.IPv4zero) || ip.Equal($pkg.IPv6unspecified); + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.IsUnspecified = function() { return this.$get().IsUnspecified(); }; + IP.prototype.IsLoopback = function() { + var ip, ip4; + ip = this; + ip4 = ip.To4(); + if (!(ip4 === IP.nil)) { + return (0 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 0]) === 127; + } + return ip.Equal($pkg.IPv6loopback); + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.IsLoopback = function() { return this.$get().IsLoopback(); }; + IP.prototype.IsPrivate = function() { + var ip, ip4; + ip = this; + ip4 = ip.To4(); + if (!(ip4 === IP.nil)) { + return ((0 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 0]) === 10) || (((0 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 0]) === 172) && ((((1 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 1]) & 240) >>> 0) === 16)) || (((0 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 0]) === 192) && ((1 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 1]) === 168)); + } + return (ip.$length === 16) && ((((0 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 0]) & 254) >>> 0) === 252); + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.IsPrivate = function() { return this.$get().IsPrivate(); }; + IP.prototype.IsMulticast = function() { + var ip, ip4; + ip = this; + ip4 = ip.To4(); + if (!(ip4 === IP.nil)) { + return (((0 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 0]) & 240) >>> 0) === 224; + } + return (ip.$length === 16) && ((0 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 0]) === 255); + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.IsMulticast = function() { return this.$get().IsMulticast(); }; + IP.prototype.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + return (ip.$length === 16) && ((0 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 0]) === 255) && ((((1 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 1]) & 15) >>> 0) === 1); + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast = function() { return this.$get().IsInterfaceLocalMulticast(); }; + IP.prototype.IsLinkLocalMulticast = function() { + var ip, ip4; + ip = this; + ip4 = ip.To4(); + if (!(ip4 === IP.nil)) { + return ((0 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 0]) === 224) && ((1 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 1]) === 0) && ((2 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 2]) === 0); + } + return (ip.$length === 16) && ((0 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 0]) === 255) && ((((1 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 1]) & 15) >>> 0) === 2); + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.IsLinkLocalMulticast = function() { return this.$get().IsLinkLocalMulticast(); }; + IP.prototype.IsLinkLocalUnicast = function() { + var ip, ip4; + ip = this; + ip4 = ip.To4(); + if (!(ip4 === IP.nil)) { + return ((0 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 0]) === 169) && ((1 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 1]) === 254); + } + return (ip.$length === 16) && ((0 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 0]) === 254) && ((((1 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 1]) & 192) >>> 0) === 128); + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.IsLinkLocalUnicast = function() { return this.$get().IsLinkLocalUnicast(); }; + IP.prototype.IsGlobalUnicast = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + return ((ip.$length === 4) || (ip.$length === 16)) && !ip.Equal($pkg.IPv4bcast) && !ip.IsUnspecified() && !ip.IsLoopback() && !ip.IsMulticast() && !ip.IsLinkLocalUnicast(); + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.IsGlobalUnicast = function() { return this.$get().IsGlobalUnicast(); }; + isZeros = function(p) { + var i, p; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < p.$length)) { break; } + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + i]) === 0))) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + IP.prototype.To4 = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if (ip.$length === 4) { + return ip; + } + if ((ip.$length === 16) && isZeros($subslice(ip, 0, 10)) && ((10 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 10]) === 255) && ((11 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 11]) === 255)) { + return $subslice(ip, 12, 16); + } + return IP.nil; + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.To4 = function() { return this.$get().To4(); }; + IP.prototype.To16 = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if (ip.$length === 4) { + return IPv4((0 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 0]), (1 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 1]), (2 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 2]), (3 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 3])); + } + if (ip.$length === 16) { + return ip; + } + return IP.nil; + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.To16 = function() { return this.$get().To16(); }; + IP.prototype.DefaultMask = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + ip = ip.To4(); + if (ip === IP.nil) { + return IPMask.nil; + } + if ((0 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 0]) < 128) { + return classAMask; + } else if ((0 >= ip.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + 0]) < 192) { + return classBMask; + } else { + return classCMask; + } + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.DefaultMask = function() { return this.$get().DefaultMask(); }; + allFF = function(b) { + var _i, _ref, b, c; + _ref = b; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!((c === 255))) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + IP.prototype.Mask = function(mask) { + var i, ip, mask, n, out; + ip = this; + if ((mask.$length === 16) && (ip.$length === 4) && allFF($convertSliceType($subslice(mask, 0, 12), sliceType$1))) { + mask = $subslice(mask, 12); + } + if ((mask.$length === 4) && (ip.$length === 16) && bytealg.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(ip, 0, 12), sliceType$1), v4InV6Prefix)) { + ip = $subslice(ip, 12); + } + n = ip.$length; + if (!((n === mask.$length))) { + return IP.nil; + } + out = $makeSlice(IP, n); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < n)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + i]) & ((i < 0 || i >= mask.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : mask.$array[mask.$offset + i])) >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return out; + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.Mask = function(mask) { return this.$get().Mask(mask); }; + ubtoa = function(dst, start, v) { + var _q, _q$1, _q$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, dst, start, v, x, x$1, x$2; + if (v < 10) { + ((start < 0 || start >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + start] = (v + 48 << 24 >>> 24)); + return 1; + } else if (v < 100) { + (x = start + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x] = ((_r = v % 10, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 << 24 >>> 24))); + ((start < 0 || start >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + start] = ((_q = v / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 << 24 >>> 24)); + return 2; + } + (x$1 = start + 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$1] = ((_r$1 = v % 10, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 << 24 >>> 24))); + (x$2 = start + 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + x$2] = ((_r$2 = ((_q$1 = v / 10, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) % 10, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 << 24 >>> 24))); + ((start < 0 || start >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + start] = ((_q$2 = v / 100, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 << 24 >>> 24)); + return 3; + }; + IP.prototype.String = function() { + var b, b$1, e0, e1, i, i$1, ip, j, n, p, p4, x, x$1; + ip = this; + p = ip; + if (ip.$length === 0) { + return ""; + } + p4 = p.To4(); + if (p4.$length === 4) { + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 15); + n = ubtoa(b, 0, (0 >= p4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p4.$array[p4.$offset + 0])); + ((n < 0 || n >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + n] = 46); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + n = n + (ubtoa(b, n, (1 >= p4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p4.$array[p4.$offset + 1]))) >> 0; + ((n < 0 || n >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + n] = 46); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + n = n + (ubtoa(b, n, (2 >= p4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p4.$array[p4.$offset + 2]))) >> 0; + ((n < 0 || n >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + n] = 46); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + n = n + (ubtoa(b, n, (3 >= p4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p4.$array[p4.$offset + 3]))) >> 0; + return ($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, n))); + } + if (!((p.$length === 16))) { + return "?" + hexString($convertSliceType(ip, sliceType$1)); + } + e0 = -1; + e1 = -1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + j = i; + while (true) { + if (!(j < 16 && (((j < 0 || j >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + j]) === 0) && ((x = j + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x])) === 0))) { break; } + j = j + (2) >> 0; + } + if (j > i && (j - i >> 0) > (e1 - e0 >> 0)) { + e0 = i; + e1 = j; + i = j; + } + i = i + (2) >> 0; + } + if ((e1 - e0 >> 0) <= 2) { + e0 = -1; + e1 = -1; + } + b$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, 39); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 16)) { break; } + if (i$1 === e0) { + b$1 = $append(b$1, 58, 58); + i$1 = e1; + if (i$1 >= 16) { + break; + } + } else if (i$1 > 0) { + b$1 = $append(b$1, 58); + } + b$1 = appendHex(b$1, (((((((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + i$1]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) | (((x$1 = i$1 + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= p.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + x$1])) >>> 0))) >>> 0); + i$1 = i$1 + (2) >> 0; + } + return ($bytesToString(b$1)); + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.String = function() { return this.$get().String(); }; + hexString = function(b) { + var _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, i, s, tn, x, x$1; + s = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, ($imul(b.$length, 2))); + _ref = b; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + tn = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _tmp = "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((tn >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24)); + _tmp$1 = "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((tn & 15) >>> 0)); + (x = $imul(i, 2), ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x] = _tmp)); + (x$1 = ($imul(i, 2)) + 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x$1] = _tmp$1)); + _i++; + } + return ($bytesToString(s)); + }; + ipEmptyString = function(ip) { + var ip; + if (ip.$length === 0) { + return ""; + } + return ip.String(); + }; + IP.prototype.MarshalText = function() { + var ip; + ip = this; + if (ip.$length === 0) { + return [(new sliceType$1($stringToBytes(""))), $ifaceNil]; + } + if (!((ip.$length === 4)) && !((ip.$length === 16))) { + return [sliceType$1.nil, new AddrError.ptr("invalid IP address", hexString($convertSliceType(ip, sliceType$1)))]; + } + return [(new sliceType$1($stringToBytes(ip.String()))), $ifaceNil]; + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.MarshalText = function() { return this.$get().MarshalText(); }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var ip, s, text, x; + ip = this; + if (text.$length === 0) { + ip.$set(IP.nil); + return $ifaceNil; + } + s = ($bytesToString(text)); + x = ParseIP(s); + if (x === IP.nil) { + return new ParseError.ptr("IP address", s); + } + ip.$set(x); + return $ifaceNil; + }; + IP.prototype.Equal = function(x) { + var ip, x; + ip = this; + if (ip.$length === x.$length) { + return bytealg.Equal($convertSliceType(ip, sliceType$1), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$1)); + } + if ((ip.$length === 4) && (x.$length === 16)) { + return bytealg.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(x, 0, 12), sliceType$1), v4InV6Prefix) && bytealg.Equal($convertSliceType(ip, sliceType$1), $convertSliceType($subslice(x, 12), sliceType$1)); + } + if ((ip.$length === 16) && (x.$length === 4)) { + return bytealg.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(ip, 0, 12), sliceType$1), v4InV6Prefix) && bytealg.Equal($convertSliceType($subslice(ip, 12), sliceType$1), $convertSliceType(x, sliceType$1)); + } + return false; + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.Equal = function(x) { return this.$get().Equal(x); }; + IP.prototype.matchAddrFamily = function(x) { + var ip, x; + ip = this; + return !(ip.To4() === IP.nil) && !(x.To4() === IP.nil) || !(ip.To16() === IP.nil) && ip.To4() === IP.nil && !(x.To16() === IP.nil) && x.To4() === IP.nil; + }; + $ptrType(IP).prototype.matchAddrFamily = function(x) { return this.$get().matchAddrFamily(x); }; + simpleMaskLength = function(mask) { + var _i, _ref, i, mask, n, v, y; + n = 0; + _ref = mask; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (v === 255) { + n = n + (8) >> 0; + _i++; + continue; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!((((v & 128) >>> 0) === 0)))) { break; } + n = n + (1) >> 0; + v = (y = (1), y < 32 ? (v << y) : 0) << 24 >>> 24; + } + if (!((v === 0))) { + return -1; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < mask.$length)) { break; } + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= mask.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : mask.$array[mask.$offset + i]) === 0))) { + return -1; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + break; + } + return n; + }; + IPMask.prototype.Size = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, bits, m, ones; + ones = 0; + bits = 0; + m = this; + _tmp = simpleMaskLength(m); + _tmp$1 = $imul(m.$length, 8); + ones = _tmp; + bits = _tmp$1; + if (ones === -1) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + ones = _tmp$2; + bits = _tmp$3; + return [ones, bits]; + } + return [ones, bits]; + }; + $ptrType(IPMask).prototype.Size = function() { return this.$get().Size(); }; + IPMask.prototype.String = function() { + var m; + m = this; + if (m.$length === 0) { + return ""; + } + return hexString($convertSliceType(m, sliceType$1)); + }; + $ptrType(IPMask).prototype.String = function() { return this.$get().String(); }; + networkNumberAndMask = function(n) { + var _1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, ip, m, n; + ip = IP.nil; + m = IPMask.nil; + ip = n.IP.To4(); + if (ip === IP.nil) { + ip = n.IP; + if (!((ip.$length === 16))) { + _tmp = IP.nil; + _tmp$1 = IPMask.nil; + ip = _tmp; + m = _tmp$1; + return [ip, m]; + } + } + m = n.Mask; + _1 = m.$length; + if (_1 === (4)) { + if (!((ip.$length === 4))) { + _tmp$2 = IP.nil; + _tmp$3 = IPMask.nil; + ip = _tmp$2; + m = _tmp$3; + return [ip, m]; + } + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + if (ip.$length === 4) { + m = $subslice(m, 12); + } + } else { + _tmp$4 = IP.nil; + _tmp$5 = IPMask.nil; + ip = _tmp$4; + m = _tmp$5; + return [ip, m]; + } + return [ip, m]; + }; + IPNet.ptr.prototype.Contains = function(ip) { + var _tuple, i, ip, l, m, n, nn, x; + n = this; + _tuple = networkNumberAndMask(n); + nn = _tuple[0]; + m = _tuple[1]; + x = ip.To4(); + if (!(x === IP.nil)) { + ip = x; + } + l = ip.$length; + if (!((l === nn.$length))) { + return false; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < l)) { break; } + if (!((((((i < 0 || i >= nn.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nn.$array[nn.$offset + i]) & ((i < 0 || i >= m.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + i])) >>> 0) === ((((i < 0 || i >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + i]) & ((i < 0 || i >= m.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : m.$array[m.$offset + i])) >>> 0)))) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + IPNet.prototype.Contains = function(ip) { return this.$val.Contains(ip); }; + IPNet.ptr.prototype.Network = function() { + var n; + n = this; + return "ip+net"; + }; + IPNet.prototype.Network = function() { return this.$val.Network(); }; + IPNet.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var _tuple, l, m, n, nn; + n = this; + if (n === ptrType$35.nil) { + return ""; + } + _tuple = networkNumberAndMask(n); + nn = _tuple[0]; + m = _tuple[1]; + if (nn === IP.nil || m === IPMask.nil) { + return ""; + } + l = simpleMaskLength(m); + if (l === -1) { + return nn.String() + "/" + m.String(); + } + return nn.String() + "/" + itoa.Uitoa(((l >>> 0))); + }; + IPNet.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + parseIPv4 = function(s) { + var _tuple, c, i, n, ok, p, s; + p = arrayType.zero(); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 4)) { break; } + if (s.length === 0) { + return IP.nil; + } + if (i > 0) { + if (!((s.charCodeAt(0) === 46))) { + return IP.nil; + } + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + _tuple = dtoi(s); + n = _tuple[0]; + c = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (!ok || n > 255) { + return IP.nil; + } + if (c > 1 && (s.charCodeAt(0) === 48)) { + return IP.nil; + } + s = $substring(s, c); + ((i < 0 || i >= p.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p[i] = ((n << 24 >>> 24))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (!((s.length === 0))) { + return IP.nil; + } + return IPv4(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]); + }; + parseIPv6Zone = function(s) { + var _tuple, s, zone; + _tuple = splitHostZone(s); + s = _tuple[0]; + zone = _tuple[1]; + return [parseIPv6(s), zone]; + }; + parseIPv6 = function(s) { + var _tuple, c, ellipsis, i, ip, ip4, j, j$1, n, n$1, ok, s, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4; + ip = IP.nil; + ip = $makeSlice(IP, 16); + ellipsis = -1; + if (s.length >= 2 && (s.charCodeAt(0) === 58) && (s.charCodeAt(1) === 58)) { + ellipsis = 0; + s = $substring(s, 2); + if (s.length === 0) { + ip = ip; + return ip; + } + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 16)) { break; } + _tuple = xtoi(s); + n = _tuple[0]; + c = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (!ok || n > 65535) { + ip = IP.nil; + return ip; + } + if (c < s.length && (s.charCodeAt(c) === 46)) { + if (ellipsis < 0 && !((i === 12))) { + ip = IP.nil; + return ip; + } + if ((i + 4 >> 0) > 16) { + ip = IP.nil; + return ip; + } + ip4 = parseIPv4(s); + if (ip4 === IP.nil) { + ip = IP.nil; + return ip; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + i] = (12 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 12])); + (x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + x] = (13 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 13]))); + (x$1 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + x$1] = (14 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 14]))); + (x$2 = i + 3 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + x$2] = (15 >= ip4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip4.$array[ip4.$offset + 15]))); + s = ""; + i = i + (4) >> 0; + break; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + i] = (((n >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (x$3 = i + 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + x$3] = ((n << 24 >>> 24)))); + i = i + (2) >> 0; + s = $substring(s, c); + if (s.length === 0) { + break; + } + if (!((s.charCodeAt(0) === 58)) || (s.length === 1)) { + ip = IP.nil; + return ip; + } + s = $substring(s, 1); + if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 58) { + if (ellipsis >= 0) { + ip = IP.nil; + return ip; + } + ellipsis = i; + s = $substring(s, 1); + if (s.length === 0) { + break; + } + } + } + if (!((s.length === 0))) { + ip = IP.nil; + return ip; + } + if (i < 16) { + if (ellipsis < 0) { + ip = IP.nil; + return ip; + } + n$1 = 16 - i >> 0; + j = i - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j >= ellipsis)) { break; } + (x$4 = j + n$1 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + x$4] = ((j < 0 || j >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + j]))); + j = j - (1) >> 0; + } + j$1 = (ellipsis + n$1 >> 0) - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j$1 >= ellipsis)) { break; } + ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + j$1] = 0); + j$1 = j$1 - (1) >> 0; + } + } else if (ellipsis >= 0) { + ip = IP.nil; + return ip; + } + ip = ip; + return ip; + }; + ParseIP = function(s) { + var _1, i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + _1 = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (_1 === (46)) { + return parseIPv4(s); + } else if (_1 === (58)) { + return parseIPv6(s); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return IP.nil; + }; + $pkg.ParseIP = ParseIP; + parseIPZone = function(s) { + var _1, i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + _1 = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (_1 === (46)) { + return [parseIPv4(s), ""]; + } else if (_1 === (58)) { + return parseIPv6Zone(s); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return [IP.nil, ""]; + }; + ParseCIDR = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, addr, i, ip, iplen, m, mask, n, ok, s; + i = bytealg.IndexByteString(s, 47); + if (i < 0) { + return [IP.nil, ptrType$35.nil, new ParseError.ptr("CIDR address", s)]; + } + _tmp = $substring(s, 0, i); + _tmp$1 = $substring(s, (i + 1 >> 0)); + addr = _tmp; + mask = _tmp$1; + iplen = 4; + ip = parseIPv4(addr); + if (ip === IP.nil) { + iplen = 16; + ip = parseIPv6(addr); + } + _tuple = dtoi(mask); + n = _tuple[0]; + i = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (ip === IP.nil || !ok || !((i === mask.length)) || n < 0 || n > ($imul(8, iplen))) { + return [IP.nil, ptrType$35.nil, new ParseError.ptr("CIDR address", s)]; + } + m = CIDRMask(n, $imul(8, iplen)); + return [ip, new IPNet.ptr(ip.Mask(m), m), $ifaceNil]; + }; + $pkg.ParseCIDR = ParseCIDR; + interfaceTable = function(ifindex) { + var ifindex; + return [sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil]; + }; + interfaceAddrTable = function(ifi) { + var ifi; + return [sliceType$12.nil, $ifaceNil]; + }; + interfaceMulticastAddrTable = function(ifi) { + var ifi; + return [sliceType$12.nil, $ifaceNil]; + }; + Flags.prototype.String = function() { + var _i, _ref, f, i, name, s, y; + f = this.$val; + s = ""; + _ref = flagNames; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + name = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!((((f & (((y = ((i >>> 0)), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0) === 0))) { + if (!(s === "")) { + s = s + ("|"); + } + s = s + (name); + } + _i++; + } + if (s === "") { + s = "0"; + } + return s; + }; + $ptrType(Flags).prototype.String = function() { return new Flags(this.$get()).String(); }; + Interface.ptr.prototype.Addrs = function() { + var _tuple, err, ifat, ifi; + ifi = this; + if (ifi === ptrType$14.nil) { + return [sliceType$12.nil, new OpError.ptr("route", "ip+net", $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, errInvalidInterface)]; + } + _tuple = interfaceAddrTable(ifi); + ifat = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("route", "ip+net", $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, err); + } + return [ifat, err]; + }; + Interface.prototype.Addrs = function() { return this.$val.Addrs(); }; + Interface.ptr.prototype.MulticastAddrs = function() { + var _tuple, err, ifat, ifi; + ifi = this; + if (ifi === ptrType$14.nil) { + return [sliceType$12.nil, new OpError.ptr("route", "ip+net", $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, errInvalidInterface)]; + } + _tuple = interfaceMulticastAddrTable(ifi); + ifat = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = new OpError.ptr("route", "ip+net", $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, err); + } + return [ifat, err]; + }; + Interface.prototype.MulticastAddrs = function() { return this.$val.MulticastAddrs(); }; + ipv6ZoneCache.ptr.prototype.update = function(ift, force) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _i, _key, _key$1, _r, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, force, ifi, ift, now, ok, updated, x, x$1, zc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ift, force}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + updated = false; + zc = this; + $r = zc.RWMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(zc.RWMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + _r = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + now = $clone(_r, time.Time); + /* */ if (!force && $clone(zc.lastFetched, time.Time).After($clone($clone(now, time.Time).Add(new time.Duration(-14, 129542144)), time.Time))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!force && $clone(zc.lastFetched, time.Time).After($clone($clone(now, time.Time).Add(new time.Duration(-14, 129542144)), time.Time))) { */ case 3: + updated = false; + $24r = updated; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + time.Time.copy(zc.lastFetched, now); + /* */ if (ift.$length === 0) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (ift.$length === 0) { */ case 6: + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = interfaceTable(0); + ift = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + updated = false; + $24r$1 = updated; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + /* } */ case 7: + zc.toIndex = (x = ift.$length, ((x < 0 || x > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + zc.toName = (x$1 = ift.$length, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = ift; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + ifi = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), Interface); + _key = ifi.Name; (zc.toIndex || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: ifi.Index }; + _tuple$1 = (_entry = zc.toName[$Int.keyFor(ifi.Index)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + _key$1 = ifi.Index; (zc.toName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Int.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: ifi.Name }; + } + _i++; + } + updated = true; + $24r$2 = updated; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return updated; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: ipv6ZoneCache.ptr.prototype.update, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _i, _key, _key$1, _r, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, force, ifi, ift, now, ok, updated, x, x$1, zc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + ipv6ZoneCache.prototype.update = function(ift, force) { return this.$val.update(ift, force); }; + ipv6ZoneCache.ptr.prototype.name = function(index) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, index, name, ok, updated, zc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {index}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + zc = this; + if (index === 0) { + $s = -1; return ""; + } + _r = zoneCache.update(sliceType$11.nil, false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + updated = _r; + $r = zoneCache.RWMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = zoneCache.toName[$Int.keyFor(index)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + name = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + $r = zoneCache.RWMutex.RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!ok && !updated) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!ok && !updated) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = zoneCache.update(sliceType$11.nil, true); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $r = zoneCache.RWMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = (_entry$1 = zoneCache.toName[$Int.keyFor(index)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : ["", false]); + name = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + $r = zoneCache.RWMutex.RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + if (!ok) { + name = itoa.Uitoa(((index >>> 0))); + } + $s = -1; return name; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ipv6ZoneCache.ptr.prototype.name, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, index, name, ok, updated, zc, $s};return $f; + }; + ipv6ZoneCache.prototype.name = function(index) { return this.$val.name(index); }; + ipv6ZoneCache.ptr.prototype.index = function(name) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, index, name, ok, updated, zc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + zc = this; + if (name === "") { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _r = zoneCache.update(sliceType$11.nil, false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + updated = _r; + $r = zoneCache.RWMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = zoneCache.toIndex[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]); + index = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + $r = zoneCache.RWMutex.RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!ok && !updated) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!ok && !updated) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = zoneCache.update(sliceType$11.nil, true); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $r = zoneCache.RWMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = (_entry$1 = zoneCache.toIndex[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [0, false]); + index = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + $r = zoneCache.RWMutex.RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + if (!ok) { + _tuple$2 = dtoi(name); + index = _tuple$2[0]; + } + $s = -1; return index; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ipv6ZoneCache.ptr.prototype.index, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, index, name, ok, updated, zc, $s};return $f; + }; + ipv6ZoneCache.prototype.index = function(name) { return this.$val.index(name); }; + isConnError = function(err) { + var _tuple, err, ok, se; + _tuple = $assertType(err, syscall.Errno, true); + se = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return (se === 104) || (se === 103); + } + return false; + }; + isDomainName = function(s) { + var c, i, l, last$1, nonNumeric, partlen, s; + if (s === ".") { + return true; + } + l = s.length; + if ((l === 0) || l > 254 || (l === 254) && !((s.charCodeAt((l - 1 >> 0)) === 46))) { + return false; + } + last$1 = 46; + nonNumeric = false; + partlen = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (97 <= c && c <= 122 || 65 <= c && c <= 90 || (c === 95)) { + nonNumeric = true; + partlen = partlen + (1) >> 0; + } else if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + partlen = partlen + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((c === 45)) { + if (last$1 === 46) { + return false; + } + partlen = partlen + (1) >> 0; + nonNumeric = true; + } else if ((c === 46)) { + if ((last$1 === 46) || (last$1 === 45)) { + return false; + } + if (partlen > 63 || (partlen === 0)) { + return false; + } + partlen = 0; + } else { + return false; + } + last$1 = c; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if ((last$1 === 45) || partlen > 63) { + return false; + } + return nonNumeric; + }; + Dialer.ptr.prototype.dualStack = function() { + var d, x; + d = this; + return (x = d.FallbackDelay, (x.$high > 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low >= 0))); + }; + Dialer.prototype.dualStack = function() { return this.$val.dualStack(); }; + minNonzeroTime = function(a, b) { + var a, b; + if ($clone(a, time.Time).IsZero()) { + return b; + } + if ($clone(b, time.Time).IsZero() || $clone(a, time.Time).Before($clone(b, time.Time))) { + return a; + } + return b; + }; + Dialer.ptr.prototype.deadline = function(ctx, now) { + var {_r, _tuple, ctx, d, d$1, earliest, now, ok, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, now}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + earliest = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + d = this; + if (!((x = d.Timeout, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { + time.Time.copy(earliest, $clone(now, time.Time).Add(d.Timeout)); + } + _r = ctx.Deadline(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + d$1 = $clone(_tuple[0], time.Time); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + time.Time.copy(earliest, minNonzeroTime($clone(earliest, time.Time), $clone(d$1, time.Time))); + } + time.Time.copy(earliest, minNonzeroTime($clone(earliest, time.Time), $clone(d.Deadline, time.Time))); + $s = -1; return earliest; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Dialer.ptr.prototype.deadline, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, ctx, d, d$1, earliest, now, ok, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Dialer.prototype.deadline = function(ctx, now) { return this.$val.deadline(ctx, now); }; + Dialer.ptr.prototype.resolver = function() { + var d; + d = this; + if (!(d.Resolver === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return d.Resolver; + } + return $pkg.DefaultResolver; + }; + Dialer.prototype.resolver = function() { return this.$val.resolver(); }; + partialDeadline = function(now, deadline, addrsRemaining) { + var addrsRemaining, deadline, now, timeRemaining, timeout$1; + if ($clone(deadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { + return [deadline, $ifaceNil]; + } + timeRemaining = $clone(deadline, time.Time).Sub($clone(now, time.Time)); + if ((timeRemaining.$high < 0 || (timeRemaining.$high === 0 && timeRemaining.$low <= 0))) { + return [new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), errTimeout]; + } + timeout$1 = $div64(timeRemaining, (new time.Duration(0, addrsRemaining)), false); + if ((timeout$1.$high < 0 || (timeout$1.$high === 0 && timeout$1.$low < 2000000000))) { + if ((timeRemaining.$high < 0 || (timeRemaining.$high === 0 && timeRemaining.$low < 2000000000))) { + timeout$1 = timeRemaining; + } else { + timeout$1 = new time.Duration(0, 2000000000); + } + } + return [$clone(now, time.Time).Add(timeout$1), $ifaceNil]; + }; + Dialer.ptr.prototype.fallbackDelay = function() { + var d, x; + d = this; + if ((x = d.FallbackDelay, (x.$high > 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low > 0)))) { + return d.FallbackDelay; + } else { + return new time.Duration(0, 300000000); + } + }; + Dialer.prototype.fallbackDelay = function() { return this.$val.fallbackDelay(); }; + parseNetwork = function(ctx, network, needsProto) { + var _1, _2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, afnet, ctx, err, i, i$1, needsProto, network, ok, proto, proto$1, protostr; + afnet = ""; + proto = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + i = last(network, 58); + if (i < 0) { + _1 = network; + if (_1 === ("tcp") || _1 === ("tcp4") || _1 === ("tcp6")) { + } else if (_1 === ("udp") || _1 === ("udp4") || _1 === ("udp6")) { + } else if (_1 === ("ip") || _1 === ("ip4") || _1 === ("ip6")) { + if (needsProto) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = new UnknownNetworkError((network)); + afnet = _tmp; + proto = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [afnet, proto, err]; + } + } else if (_1 === ("unix") || _1 === ("unixgram") || _1 === ("unixpacket")) { + } else { + _tmp$3 = ""; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = new UnknownNetworkError((network)); + afnet = _tmp$3; + proto = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [afnet, proto, err]; + } + _tmp$6 = network; + _tmp$7 = 0; + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + afnet = _tmp$6; + proto = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [afnet, proto, err]; + } + afnet = $substring(network, 0, i); + _2 = afnet; + if (_2 === ("ip") || _2 === ("ip4") || _2 === ("ip6")) { + protostr = $substring(network, (i + 1 >> 0)); + _tuple = dtoi(protostr); + proto$1 = _tuple[0]; + i$1 = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (!ok || !((i$1 === protostr.length))) { + _tuple$1 = lookupProtocol(ctx, protostr); + proto$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$9 = ""; + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = err; + afnet = _tmp$9; + proto = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + return [afnet, proto, err]; + } + } + _tmp$12 = afnet; + _tmp$13 = proto$1; + _tmp$14 = $ifaceNil; + afnet = _tmp$12; + proto = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + return [afnet, proto, err]; + } + _tmp$15 = ""; + _tmp$16 = 0; + _tmp$17 = new UnknownNetworkError((network)); + afnet = _tmp$15; + proto = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + return [afnet, proto, err]; + }; + Resolver.ptr.prototype.resolveAddrList = function(ctx, op, network, addr, hint) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, addr, addr$1, addr$2, addr$3, addr$4, addr$5, addrs, afnet, ctx, err, err$1, hint, hint$1, hint$2, hint$3, ip, naddrs, network, op, r, tcp, udp, wildcard, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, op, network, addr, hint}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _tuple = parseNetwork(ctx, network, true); + afnet = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [addrList.nil, err]; + } + if (op === "dial" && addr === "") { + $s = -1; return [addrList.nil, errMissingAddress]; + } + _1 = afnet; + /* */ if (_1 === ("unix") || _1 === ("unixgram") || _1 === ("unixpacket")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("unix") || _1 === ("unixgram") || _1 === ("unixpacket")) { */ case 2: + _tuple$1 = ResolveUnixAddr(afnet, addr); + addr$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [addrList.nil, err$1]; + } + if (!(op === "dial" && !($interfaceIsEqual(hint, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r = hint.Network(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !(addr$1.Network() === _r); case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = hint.String(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [addrList.nil, new AddrError.ptr("mismatched local address type", _r$1)]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [new addrList([addr$1]), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 3: + case 1: + _r$2 = r.internetAddrList(ctx, afnet, addr); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + addrs = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || !(op === "dial") || $interfaceIsEqual(hint, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [addrs, err]; + } + tcp = ptrType$15.nil; + udp = ptrType$12.nil; + ip = ptrType$32.nil; + wildcard = false; + _ref = hint; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$15, true)[1]) { + hint$1 = _ref.$val; + tcp = hint$1; + wildcard = tcp.isWildcard(); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { + hint$2 = _ref.$val; + udp = hint$2; + wildcard = udp.isWildcard(); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$32, true)[1]) { + hint$3 = _ref.$val; + ip = hint$3; + wildcard = ip.isWildcard(); + } + naddrs = $subslice(addrs, 0, 0); + _ref$1 = addrs; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 12; continue; } + addr$2 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]); + _r$3 = addr$2.Network(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = hint.Network(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(_r$3 === _r$4)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!(_r$3 === _r$4)) { */ case 13: + _r$5 = hint.String(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [addrList.nil, new AddrError.ptr("mismatched local address type", _r$5)]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 14: + _ref$2 = addr$2; + if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$15, true)[1]) { + addr$3 = _ref$2.$val; + if (!wildcard && !addr$3.isWildcard() && !addr$3.IP.matchAddrFamily(tcp.IP)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 11; continue; + } + naddrs = $append(naddrs, addr$3); + } else if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { + addr$4 = _ref$2.$val; + if (!wildcard && !addr$4.isWildcard() && !addr$4.IP.matchAddrFamily(udp.IP)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 11; continue; + } + naddrs = $append(naddrs, addr$4); + } else if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$32, true)[1]) { + addr$5 = _ref$2.$val; + if (!wildcard && !addr$5.isWildcard() && !addr$5.IP.matchAddrFamily(ip.IP)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 11; continue; + } + naddrs = $append(naddrs, addr$5); + } + _i++; + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + /* */ if (naddrs.$length === 0) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (naddrs.$length === 0) { */ case 19: + _r$6 = errNoSuitableAddress.Error(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = hint.String(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [addrList.nil, new AddrError.ptr(_r$6, _r$7)]; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 20: + $s = -1; return [naddrs, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Resolver.ptr.prototype.resolveAddrList, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, addr, addr$1, addr$2, addr$3, addr$4, addr$5, addrs, afnet, ctx, err, err$1, hint, hint$1, hint$2, hint$3, ip, naddrs, network, op, r, tcp, udp, wildcard, $s};return $f; + }; + Resolver.prototype.resolveAddrList = function(ctx, op, network, addr, hint) { return this.$val.resolveAddrList(ctx, op, network, addr, hint); }; + Dial = function(network, address) { + var {$24r, _r, address, d, network, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {network, address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = new Dialer.ptr(new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), $ifaceNil, false, new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), ptrType$9.nil, $chanNil, $throwNilPointerError); + _r = d.Dial(network, address); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Dial, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, address, d, network, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Dial = Dial; + Dialer.ptr.prototype.Dial = function(network, address) { + var {$24r, _r, address, d, network, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {network, address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _r = d.DialContext(context.Background(), network, address); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Dialer.ptr.prototype.Dial, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, address, d, network, $s};return $f; + }; + Dialer.prototype.Dial = function(network, address) { return this.$val.Dial(network, address); }; + Dialer.ptr.prototype.DialContext = function(ctx, network, address) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, address, addrs, c, cancel, cancel$1, ctx, d, d$1, deadline, err, fallbacks, ka, network, ok, ok$1, oldCancel, primaries, resolveCtx, sd, shadow, subCtx, subCtx$1, tc, trace, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cancel = [cancel]; + oldCancel = [oldCancel]; + shadow = [shadow]; + subCtx = [subCtx]; + d = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(ctx, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("nil context")); + } + _arg = ctx; + _r = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r, time.Time); + _r$1 = d.deadline(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + deadline = $clone(_r$1, time.Time); + /* */ if (!$clone(deadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!$clone(deadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = ctx.Deadline(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + d$1 = $clone(_tuple[0], time.Time); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok || $clone(deadline, time.Time).Before($clone(d$1, time.Time))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!ok || $clone(deadline, time.Time).Before($clone(d$1, time.Time))) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = context.WithDeadline(ctx, $clone(deadline, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + subCtx$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + cancel$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + $deferred.push([cancel$1, []]); + ctx = subCtx$1; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 4: + oldCancel[0] = d.Cancel; + /* */ if (!(oldCancel[0] === $chanNil)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(oldCancel[0] === $chanNil)) { */ case 9: + _r$4 = context.WithCancel(ctx); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + subCtx[0] = _tuple$2[0]; + cancel[0] = _tuple$2[1]; + $deferred.push([cancel[0], []]); + $go((function(cancel, oldCancel, shadow, subCtx) { return function $b() { + var {_r$5, _r$6, _selection, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$5 = subCtx[0].Done(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $select([[oldCancel[0]], [_r$5]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$6; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 3: + $r = cancel[0](); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 4: + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, _selection, $s};return $f; + }; })(cancel, oldCancel, shadow, subCtx), []); + ctx = subCtx[0]; + /* } */ case 10: + resolveCtx = ctx; + _r$5 = ctx.Value((x = new nettrace.TraceKey.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$33, true); + trace = _tuple$3[0]; + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$33.nil)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$33.nil)) { */ case 13: + shadow[0] = $clone(trace, nettrace.Trace); + shadow[0].ConnectStart = $throwNilPointerError; + shadow[0].ConnectDone = $throwNilPointerError; + _r$6 = context.WithValue(resolveCtx, (x$1 = new nettrace.TraceKey.ptr(), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1)), shadow[0]); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + resolveCtx = _r$6; + /* } */ case 14: + _r$7 = d.resolver().resolveAddrList(resolveCtx, "dial", network, address, d.LocalAddr); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$7; + addrs = _tuple$4[0]; + err = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 17: + $24r = [$ifaceNil, new OpError.ptr("dial", network, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, err)]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r; + /* } */ case 18: + sd = new sysDialer.ptr($clone(d, Dialer), network, address); + _tmp = addrList.nil; + _tmp$1 = addrList.nil; + primaries = _tmp; + fallbacks = _tmp$1; + /* */ if (d.dualStack() && network === "tcp") { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (d.dualStack() && network === "tcp") { */ case 20: + _r$8 = addrs.partition(isIPv4); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$8; + primaries = _tuple$5[0]; + fallbacks = _tuple$5[1]; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else { */ case 21: + primaries = addrs; + /* } */ case 22: + c = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (fallbacks.$length > 0) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (fallbacks.$length > 0) { */ case 24: + _r$9 = sd.dialParallel(ctx, primaries, fallbacks); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$9; + c = _tuple$6[0]; + err = _tuple$6[1]; + $s = 26; continue; + /* } else { */ case 25: + _r$10 = sd.dialSerial(ctx, primaries); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$7 = _r$10; + c = _tuple$7[0]; + err = _tuple$7[1]; + /* } */ case 26: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 29: + $24r$1 = [$ifaceNil, err]; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 30: + _tuple$8 = $assertType(c, ptrType$16, true); + tc = _tuple$8[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$8[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1 && (x$2 = d.KeepAlive, (x$2.$high > 0 || (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low >= 0)))) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (ok$1 && (x$2 = d.KeepAlive, (x$2.$high > 0 || (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low >= 0)))) { */ case 32: + setKeepAlive(tc.conn.fd, true); + ka = d.KeepAlive; + if ((x$3 = d.KeepAlive, (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0))) { + ka = new time.Duration(3, 2115098112); + } + setKeepAlivePeriod(tc.conn.fd, ka); + $r = testHookSetKeepAlive(ka); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 33: + $24r$2 = [c, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 35; case 35: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Dialer.ptr.prototype.DialContext, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, address, addrs, c, cancel, cancel$1, ctx, d, d$1, deadline, err, fallbacks, ka, network, ok, ok$1, oldCancel, primaries, resolveCtx, sd, shadow, subCtx, subCtx$1, tc, trace, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Dialer.prototype.DialContext = function(ctx, network, address) { return this.$val.DialContext(ctx, network, address); }; + sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialParallel = function(ctx, primaries, fallbacks) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, ctx, fallback, fallbackCancel, fallbackCtx, fallbackTimer, fallbacks, primaries, primary, primaryCancel, primaryCtx, res, results, returned, sd, startRacer, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, primaries, fallbacks}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fallbacks = [fallbacks]; + primaries = [primaries]; + results = [results]; + returned = [returned]; + sd = [sd]; + sd[0] = this; + /* */ if (fallbacks[0].$length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (fallbacks[0].$length === 0) { */ case 1: + _r = sd[0].dialSerial(ctx, primaries[0]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + returned[0] = new $Chan(structType$2, 0); + $deferred.push([function(_arg) { $close(_arg); }, [returned[0]]]); + results[0] = new $Chan(dialResult, 0); + startRacer = (function(fallbacks, primaries, results, returned, sd) { return function $b(ctx$1, primary) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, _tuple, c, ctx$1, err, primary, ras, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx$1, primary}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ras = primaries[0]; + if (!primary) { + ras = fallbacks[0]; + } + _r$1 = sd[0].dialSerial(ctx$1, ras); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + _r$2 = $select([[results[0], new dialResult.ptr(c, err, primary, true)], [returned[0]]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$2; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 3: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 4: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(c, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(c, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = c.Close(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, _tuple, c, ctx$1, err, primary, ras, $s};return $f; + }; })(fallbacks, primaries, results, returned, sd); + _tmp = new dialResult.ptr($ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, false, false); + _tmp$1 = new dialResult.ptr($ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, false, false); + primary = $clone(_tmp, dialResult); + fallback = $clone(_tmp$1, dialResult); + _r$1 = context.WithCancel(ctx); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + primaryCtx = _tuple[0]; + primaryCancel = _tuple[1]; + $deferred.push([primaryCancel, []]); + $go(startRacer, [primaryCtx, true]); + _r$2 = time.NewTimer(sd[0].Dialer.fallbackDelay()); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fallbackTimer = _r$2; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(fallbackTimer, "Stop"), []]); + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = $select([[fallbackTimer.C], [results[0]]]); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$3; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 10: + _r$4 = context.WithCancel(ctx); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + fallbackCtx = _tuple$1[0]; + fallbackCancel = _tuple$1[1]; + $deferred.push([fallbackCancel, []]); + $go(startRacer, [fallbackCtx, false]); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 11: + res = $clone(_selection[1][0], dialResult); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(res.error, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(res.error, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 14: + $24r$1 = [res.Conn, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 15: + if (res.primary) { + dialResult.copy(primary, res); + } else { + dialResult.copy(fallback, res); + } + /* */ if (primary.done && fallback.done) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (primary.done && fallback.done) { */ case 17: + $24r$2 = [$ifaceNil, primary.error]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 18: + /* */ if (res.primary && fallbackTimer.Stop()) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (res.primary && fallbackTimer.Stop()) { */ case 20: + _r$5 = fallbackTimer.Reset(new time.Duration(0, 0)); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 21: + /* } */ case 12: + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialParallel, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, ctx, fallback, fallbackCancel, fallbackCtx, fallbackTimer, fallbacks, primaries, primary, primaryCancel, primaryCtx, res, results, returned, sd, startRacer, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + sysDialer.prototype.dialParallel = function(ctx, primaries, fallbacks) { return this.$val.dialParallel(ctx, primaries, fallbacks); }; + sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialSerial = function(ctx, ras) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, cancel, ctx, deadline, dialCtx, err, err$1, firstErr, hasDeadline, i, partialDeadline$1, ra, ras, sd, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, ras}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + sd = this; + firstErr = $ifaceNil; + _ref = ras; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + ra = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = $select([[_r], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = mapErr(_r$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [$ifaceNil, new OpError.ptr("dial", sd.network, sd.Dialer.LocalAddr, ra, _r$2)]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 5: + /* } */ case 6: + dialCtx = ctx; + _r$3 = ctx.Deadline(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + deadline = $clone(_tuple[0], time.Time); + hasDeadline = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (hasDeadline) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (hasDeadline) { */ case 11: + _r$4 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = partialDeadline($clone(_r$4, time.Time), $clone(deadline, time.Time), ras.$length - i >> 0); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + partialDeadline$1 = $clone(_tuple$1[0], time.Time); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(firstErr, $ifaceNil)) { + firstErr = new OpError.ptr("dial", sd.network, sd.Dialer.LocalAddr, ra, err); + } + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + /* */ if ($clone(partialDeadline$1, time.Time).Before($clone(deadline, time.Time))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ($clone(partialDeadline$1, time.Time).Before($clone(deadline, time.Time))) { */ case 15: + cancel = $throwNilPointerError; + _r$6 = context.WithDeadline(ctx, $clone(partialDeadline$1, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$6; + dialCtx = _tuple$2[0]; + cancel = _tuple$2[1]; + $deferred.push([cancel, []]); + /* } */ case 16: + /* } */ case 12: + _r$7 = sd.dialSingle(dialCtx, ra); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$7; + c = _tuple$3[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 19: + $24r$1 = [c, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 20: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(firstErr, $ifaceNil)) { + firstErr = err$1; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(firstErr, $ifaceNil)) { + firstErr = new OpError.ptr("dial", sd.network, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, errMissingAddress); + } + $24r$2 = [$ifaceNil, firstErr]; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialSerial, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, cancel, ctx, deadline, dialCtx, err, err$1, firstErr, hasDeadline, i, partialDeadline$1, ra, ras, sd, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + sysDialer.prototype.dialSerial = function(ctx, ras) { return this.$val.dialSerial(ctx, ras); }; + sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialSingle = function(ctx, ra) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, c, ctx, err, la, la$1, la$2, la$3, la$4, ra, ra$1, ra$2, ra$3, ra$4, ra$5, raStr, sd, trace, x, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, ra}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + err = [err]; + raStr = [raStr]; + sd = [sd]; + trace = [trace]; + c = $ifaceNil; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + sd[0] = this; + _r = ctx.Value((x = new nettrace.TraceKey.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r, ptrType$33, true); + trace[0] = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$33.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$33.nil)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = ra.String(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + raStr[0] = _r$1; + /* */ if (!(trace[0].ConnectStart === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0].ConnectStart === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 5: + $r = trace[0].ConnectStart(sd[0].network, raStr[0]); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (!(trace[0].ConnectDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0].ConnectDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 8: + $deferred.push([(function(err, raStr, sd, trace) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = trace[0].ConnectDone(sd[0].network, raStr[0], err[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(err, raStr, sd, trace), []]); + /* } */ case 9: + /* } */ case 3: + la = sd[0].Dialer.LocalAddr; + _ref = ra; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$15, true)[1]) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$32, true)[1]) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$15, true)[1]) { */ case 10: + ra$1 = _ref.$val; + _tuple$1 = $assertType(la, ptrType$15, true); + la$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + _r$2 = sd[0].dialTCP(ctx, la$1, ra$1); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + c = _tuple$2[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$2[1]; + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { */ case 11: + ra$2 = _ref.$val; + _tuple$3 = $assertType(la, ptrType$12, true); + la$2 = _tuple$3[0]; + _r$3 = sd[0].dialUDP(ctx, la$2, ra$2); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$3; + c = _tuple$4[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$4[1]; + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$32, true)[1]) { */ case 12: + ra$3 = _ref.$val; + _tuple$5 = $assertType(la, ptrType$32, true); + la$3 = _tuple$5[0]; + _r$4 = sd[0].dialIP(ctx, la$3, ra$3); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$4; + c = _tuple$6[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$6[1]; + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { */ case 13: + ra$4 = _ref.$val; + _tuple$7 = $assertType(la, ptrType$5, true); + la$4 = _tuple$7[0]; + _r$5 = sd[0].dialUnix(ctx, la$4, ra$4); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$8 = _r$5; + c = _tuple$8[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$8[1]; + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else { */ case 14: + ra$5 = _ref; + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = new OpError.ptr("dial", sd[0].network, la, ra$5, new AddrError.ptr("unexpected address type", sd[0].address)); + c = _tmp; + err[0] = _tmp$1; + $24r = [c, err[0]]; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r; + /* } */ case 15: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 21: + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$3 = new OpError.ptr("dial", sd[0].network, la, ra, err[0]); + c = _tmp$2; + err[0] = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [c, err[0]]; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 22: + _tmp$4 = c; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + c = _tmp$4; + err[0] = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [c, err[0]]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [c, err[0]]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: sysDialer.ptr.prototype.dialSingle, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, c, ctx, err, la, la$1, la$2, la$3, la$4, ra, ra$1, ra$2, ra$3, ra$4, ra$5, raStr, sd, trace, x, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + sysDialer.prototype.dialSingle = function(ctx, ra) { return this.$val.dialSingle(ctx, ra); }; + ListenConfig.ptr.prototype.Listen = function(ctx, network, address) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, address, addrs, ctx, err, l, la, la$1, la$2, la$3, lc, network, sl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + lc = this; + _r = $pkg.DefaultResolver.resolveAddrList(ctx, "listen", network, address, $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + addrs = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new OpError.ptr("listen", network, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, err)]; + } + sl = new sysListener.ptr($clone(lc, ListenConfig), network, address); + l = $ifaceNil; + _r$1 = addrs.first(isIPv4); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + la = _r$1; + _ref = la; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$15, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$15, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + la$1 = _ref.$val; + _r$2 = sl.listenTCP(ctx, la$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + l = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + la$2 = _ref.$val; + _r$3 = sl.listenUnix(ctx, la$2); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + l = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + la$3 = _ref; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new OpError.ptr("listen", sl.network, $ifaceNil, la$3, new AddrError.ptr("unexpected address type", address))]; + /* } */ case 6: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new OpError.ptr("listen", sl.network, $ifaceNil, la, err)]; + } + $s = -1; return [l, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ListenConfig.ptr.prototype.Listen, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, address, addrs, ctx, err, l, la, la$1, la$2, la$3, lc, network, sl, $s};return $f; + }; + ListenConfig.prototype.Listen = function(ctx, network, address) { return this.$val.Listen(ctx, network, address); }; + ListenConfig.ptr.prototype.ListenPacket = function(ctx, network, address) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, address, addrs, c, ctx, err, la, la$1, la$2, la$3, la$4, lc, network, sl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + lc = this; + _r = $pkg.DefaultResolver.resolveAddrList(ctx, "listen", network, address, $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + addrs = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new OpError.ptr("listen", network, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, err)]; + } + sl = new sysListener.ptr($clone(lc, ListenConfig), network, address); + c = $ifaceNil; + _r$1 = addrs.first(isIPv4); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + la = _r$1; + _ref = la; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$32, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + la$1 = _ref.$val; + _r$2 = sl.listenUDP(ctx, la$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + c = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$32, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + la$2 = _ref.$val; + _r$3 = sl.listenIP(ctx, la$2); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + c = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$5, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + la$3 = _ref.$val; + _r$4 = sl.listenUnixgram(ctx, la$3); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + c = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + la$4 = _ref; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new OpError.ptr("listen", sl.network, $ifaceNil, la$4, new AddrError.ptr("unexpected address type", address))]; + /* } */ case 7: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new OpError.ptr("listen", sl.network, $ifaceNil, la, err)]; + } + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ListenConfig.ptr.prototype.ListenPacket, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, address, addrs, c, ctx, err, la, la$1, la$2, la$3, la$4, lc, network, sl, $s};return $f; + }; + ListenConfig.prototype.ListenPacket = function(ctx, network, address) { return this.$val.ListenPacket(ctx, network, address); }; + Listen = function(network, address) { + var {$24r, _r, address, lc, network, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {network, address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + lc = new ListenConfig.ptr($throwNilPointerError, new time.Duration(0, 0)); + _r = lc.Listen(context.Background(), network, address); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Listen, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, address, lc, network, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Listen = Listen; + init = function() { + netGo = true; + }; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "family", name: "family", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "sockaddr", name: "sockaddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$Int], [syscall.Sockaddr, $error], false)}, {prop: "toLocal", name: "toLocal", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$String], [sockaddr], false)}, {prop: "Network", name: "Network", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "isWildcard", name: "isWildcard", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "opAddr", name: "opAddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "readFrom", name: "readFrom", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, ptrType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "readMsg", name: "readMsg", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [$Int, $Int, $Int, ptrType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeTo", name: "writeTo", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeMsg", name: "writeMsg", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$5], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "SyscallConn", name: "SyscallConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [syscall.RawConn, $error], false)}, {prop: "CloseRead", name: "CloseRead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "CloseWrite", name: "CloseWrite", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFromUnix", name: "ReadFromUnix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, ptrType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, Addr, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadMsgUnix", name: "ReadMsgUnix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [$Int, $Int, $Int, ptrType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteToUnix", name: "WriteToUnix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, Addr], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteMsgUnix", name: "WriteMsgUnix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$5], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "accept", name: "accept", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$6, $error], false)}, {prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "file", name: "file", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$7, $error], false)}, {prop: "SetUnlinkOnClose", name: "SetUnlinkOnClose", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "ok", name: "ok", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "SyscallConn", name: "SyscallConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [syscall.RawConn, $error], false)}, {prop: "AcceptUnix", name: "AcceptUnix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$6, $error], false)}, {prop: "Accept", name: "Accept", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "SetDeadline", name: "SetDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "File", name: "File", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$7, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$12.methods = [{prop: "family", name: "family", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "sockaddr", name: "sockaddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$Int], [syscall.Sockaddr, $error], false)}, {prop: "toLocal", name: "toLocal", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$String], [sockaddr], false)}, {prop: "AddrPort", name: "AddrPort", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [netip.AddrPort], false)}, {prop: "Network", name: "Network", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "isWildcard", name: "isWildcard", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "opAddr", name: "opAddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}]; + addrPortUDPAddr.methods = [{prop: "Network", name: "Network", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$13.methods = [{prop: "readFrom", name: "readFrom", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$12], [$Int, ptrType$12, $error], false)}, {prop: "readFromAddrPort", name: "readFromAddrPort", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, netip.AddrPort, $error], false)}, {prop: "readMsg", name: "readMsg", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [$Int, $Int, $Int, netip.AddrPort, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeTo", name: "writeTo", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$12], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeToAddrPort", name: "writeToAddrPort", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, netip.AddrPort], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeMsg", name: "writeMsg", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$12], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeMsgAddrPort", name: "writeMsgAddrPort", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, netip.AddrPort], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "SyscallConn", name: "SyscallConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [syscall.RawConn, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFromUDP", name: "ReadFromUDP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, ptrType$12, $error], false)}, {prop: "readFromUDP", name: "readFromUDP", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$12], [$Int, ptrType$12, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, Addr, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFromUDPAddrPort", name: "ReadFromUDPAddrPort", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, netip.AddrPort, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadMsgUDP", name: "ReadMsgUDP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [$Int, $Int, $Int, ptrType$12, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadMsgUDPAddrPort", name: "ReadMsgUDPAddrPort", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [$Int, $Int, $Int, netip.AddrPort, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteToUDP", name: "WriteToUDP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$12], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteToUDPAddrPort", name: "WriteToUDPAddrPort", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, netip.AddrPort], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, Addr], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteMsgUDP", name: "WriteMsgUDP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$12], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteMsgUDPAddrPort", name: "WriteMsgUDPAddrPort", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, netip.AddrPort], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$15.methods = [{prop: "family", name: "family", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "sockaddr", name: "sockaddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$Int], [syscall.Sockaddr, $error], false)}, {prop: "toLocal", name: "toLocal", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$String], [sockaddr], false)}, {prop: "AddrPort", name: "AddrPort", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [netip.AddrPort], false)}, {prop: "Network", name: "Network", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "isWildcard", name: "isWildcard", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "opAddr", name: "opAddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}]; + ptrType$16.methods = [{prop: "readFrom", name: "readFrom", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "SyscallConn", name: "SyscallConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [syscall.RawConn, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "CloseRead", name: "CloseRead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "CloseWrite", name: "CloseWrite", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetLinger", name: "SetLinger", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetKeepAlive", name: "SetKeepAlive", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetKeepAlivePeriod", name: "SetKeepAlivePeriod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Duration], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetNoDelay", name: "SetNoDelay", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$19.methods = [{prop: "ok", name: "ok", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "accept", name: "accept", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$16, $error], false)}, {prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "file", name: "file", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$7, $error], false)}, {prop: "SyscallConn", name: "SyscallConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [syscall.RawConn, $error], false)}, {prop: "AcceptTCP", name: "AcceptTCP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$16, $error], false)}, {prop: "Accept", name: "Accept", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "SetDeadline", name: "SetDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "File", name: "File", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$7, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "ok", name: "ok", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Control", name: "Control", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$1], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$2], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$2], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$36.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$2], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$2], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$22.methods = [{prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "getLineFromData", name: "getLineFromData", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "readLine", name: "readLine", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "closeRead", name: "closeRead", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "closeWrite", name: "closeWrite", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "accept", name: "accept", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "SetDeadline", name: "SetDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetReadDeadline", name: "SetReadDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetWriteDeadline", name: "SetWriteDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readFrom", name: "readFrom", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, syscall.Sockaddr, $error], false)}, {prop: "readFromInet4", name: "readFromInet4", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$10], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "readFromInet6", name: "readFromInet6", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$11], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "readMsg", name: "readMsg", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, $Int], [$Int, $Int, $Int, syscall.Sockaddr, $error], false)}, {prop: "readMsgInet4", name: "readMsgInet4", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, $Int, ptrType$10], [$Int, $Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "readMsgInet6", name: "readMsgInet6", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, $Int, ptrType$11], [$Int, $Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeMsgInet4", name: "writeMsgInet4", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$10], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeMsgInet6", name: "writeMsgInet6", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$11], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeTo", name: "writeTo", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, syscall.Sockaddr], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeToInet4", name: "writeToInet4", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$10], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeToInet6", name: "writeToInet6", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$11], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeMsg", name: "writeMsg", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, syscall.Sockaddr], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "dup", name: "dup", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$7, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$23.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "SetReadDeadline", name: "SetReadDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [], false)}, {prop: "SetWriteDeadline", name: "SetWriteDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [], false)}]; + ptrType$26.methods = [{prop: "ok", name: "ok", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "LocalAddr", name: "LocalAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "RemoteAddr", name: "RemoteAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "SetDeadline", name: "SetDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetReadDeadline", name: "SetReadDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetWriteDeadline", name: "SetWriteDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetReadBuffer", name: "SetReadBuffer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetWriteBuffer", name: "SetWriteBuffer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$error], false)}, {prop: "File", name: "File", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$7, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$17.methods = [{prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$39.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$27.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + UnknownNetworkError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$40.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$28.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + HardwareAddr.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "lookupHost", name: "lookupHost", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "lookupIP", name: "lookupIP", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "lookupPort", name: "lookupPort", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "lookupCNAME", name: "lookupCNAME", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [$String, $error], false)}, {prop: "lookupSRV", name: "lookupSRV", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String, $String], [$String, sliceType$4, $error], false)}, {prop: "lookupMX", name: "lookupMX", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "lookupNS", name: "lookupNS", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType$6, $error], false)}, {prop: "lookupTXT", name: "lookupTXT", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "lookupAddr", name: "lookupAddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "preferGo", name: "preferGo", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "strictErrors", name: "strictErrors", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "getLookupGroup", name: "getLookupGroup", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$42], false)}, {prop: "LookupHost", name: "LookupHost", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "LookupIPAddr", name: "LookupIPAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "LookupIP", name: "LookupIP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [sliceType$7, $error], false)}, {prop: "LookupNetIP", name: "LookupNetIP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [sliceType$8, $error], false)}, {prop: "lookupIPAddr", name: "lookupIPAddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "LookupPort", name: "LookupPort", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "LookupCNAME", name: "LookupCNAME", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [$String, $error], false)}, {prop: "LookupSRV", name: "LookupSRV", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String, $String], [$String, sliceType$4, $error], false)}, {prop: "LookupMX", name: "LookupMX", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "LookupNS", name: "LookupNS", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType$6, $error], false)}, {prop: "LookupTXT", name: "LookupTXT", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "LookupAddr", name: "LookupAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "internetAddrList", name: "internetAddrList", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [addrList, $error], false)}, {prop: "resolveAddrList", name: "resolveAddrList", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String, $String, Addr], [addrList, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [$emptyInterface], false)}]; + ptrType$43.methods = [{prop: "probe", name: "probe", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + addrList.methods = [{prop: "forResolve", name: "forResolve", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "first", name: "first", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([funcType$4], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "partition", name: "partition", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([funcType$4], [addrList, addrList], false)}]; + ptrType$32.methods = [{prop: "family", name: "family", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "sockaddr", name: "sockaddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$Int], [syscall.Sockaddr, $error], false)}, {prop: "toLocal", name: "toLocal", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$String], [sockaddr], false)}, {prop: "Network", name: "Network", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "isWildcard", name: "isWildcard", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "opAddr", name: "opAddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}]; + ptrType$34.methods = [{prop: "readFrom", name: "readFrom", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, ptrType$32, $error], false)}, {prop: "readMsg", name: "readMsg", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [$Int, $Int, $Int, ptrType$32, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeTo", name: "writeTo", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$32], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeMsg", name: "writeMsg", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$32], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "SyscallConn", name: "SyscallConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [syscall.RawConn, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFromIP", name: "ReadFromIP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, ptrType$32, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, Addr, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadMsgIP", name: "ReadMsgIP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [$Int, $Int, $Int, ptrType$32, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteToIP", name: "WriteToIP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, ptrType$32], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, Addr], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteMsgIP", name: "WriteMsgIP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$32], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}]; + IP.methods = [{prop: "IsUnspecified", name: "IsUnspecified", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsLoopback", name: "IsLoopback", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsPrivate", name: "IsPrivate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsMulticast", name: "IsMulticast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsInterfaceLocalMulticast", name: "IsInterfaceLocalMulticast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsLinkLocalMulticast", name: "IsLinkLocalMulticast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsLinkLocalUnicast", name: "IsLinkLocalUnicast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsGlobalUnicast", name: "IsGlobalUnicast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "To4", name: "To4", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [IP], false)}, {prop: "To16", name: "To16", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [IP], false)}, {prop: "DefaultMask", name: "DefaultMask", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [IPMask], false)}, {prop: "Mask", name: "Mask", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([IPMask], [IP], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "MarshalText", name: "MarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([IP], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "matchAddrFamily", name: "matchAddrFamily", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([IP], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$44.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$error], false)}]; + IPMask.methods = [{prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$35.methods = [{prop: "Contains", name: "Contains", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([IP], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Network", name: "Network", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$14.methods = [{prop: "Addrs", name: "Addrs", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$12, $error], false)}, {prop: "MulticastAddrs", name: "MulticastAddrs", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$12, $error], false)}]; + Flags.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$45.methods = [{prop: "update", name: "update", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([sliceType$11, $Bool], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$String], false)}, {prop: "index", name: "index", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int], false)}]; + ptrType$46.methods = [{prop: "dualStack", name: "dualStack", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "deadline", name: "deadline", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, time.Time], [time.Time], false)}, {prop: "resolver", name: "resolver", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$9], false)}, {prop: "fallbackDelay", name: "fallbackDelay", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [time.Duration], false)}, {prop: "Dial", name: "Dial", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "DialContext", name: "DialContext", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [Conn, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$47.methods = [{prop: "dialUnix", name: "dialUnix", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$5, ptrType$5], [ptrType$6, $error], false)}, {prop: "dialUDP", name: "dialUDP", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$12, ptrType$12], [ptrType$13, $error], false)}, {prop: "dialTCP", name: "dialTCP", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$15, ptrType$15], [ptrType$16, $error], false)}, {prop: "doDialTCP", name: "doDialTCP", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$15, ptrType$15], [ptrType$16, $error], false)}, {prop: "dialIP", name: "dialIP", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$32, ptrType$32], [ptrType$34, $error], false)}, {prop: "dialParallel", name: "dialParallel", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, addrList, addrList], [Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "dialSerial", name: "dialSerial", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, addrList], [Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "dialSingle", name: "dialSingle", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, Addr], [Conn, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$48.methods = [{prop: "Listen", name: "Listen", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [Listener, $error], false)}, {prop: "ListenPacket", name: "ListenPacket", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [PacketConn, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$49.methods = [{prop: "listenUnix", name: "listenUnix", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$5], [ptrType$8, $error], false)}, {prop: "listenUnixgram", name: "listenUnixgram", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$5], [ptrType$6, $error], false)}, {prop: "listenUDP", name: "listenUDP", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$12], [ptrType$13, $error], false)}, {prop: "listenMulticastUDP", name: "listenMulticastUDP", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$14, ptrType$12], [ptrType$13, $error], false)}, {prop: "listenTCP", name: "listenTCP", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$15], [ptrType$19, $error], false)}, {prop: "listenIP", name: "listenIP", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$32], [ptrType$34, $error], false)}]; + UnixAddr.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Net", name: "Net", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + UnixConn.init("net", [{prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: conn, tag: ""}]); + UnixListener.init("net", [{prop: "fd", name: "fd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "path", name: "path", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "unlink", name: "unlink", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "unlinkOnce", name: "unlinkOnce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}]); + UDPAddr.init("", [{prop: "IP", name: "IP", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: IP, tag: ""}, {prop: "Port", name: "Port", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Zone", name: "Zone", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + addrPortUDPAddr.init("", [{prop: "AddrPort", name: "AddrPort", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: netip.AddrPort, tag: ""}]); + UDPConn.init("net", [{prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: conn, tag: ""}]); + TCPAddr.init("", [{prop: "IP", name: "IP", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: IP, tag: ""}, {prop: "Port", name: "Port", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Zone", name: "Zone", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + TCPConn.init("net", [{prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: conn, tag: ""}]); + TCPListener.init("net", [{prop: "fd", name: "fd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "lc", name: "lc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ListenConfig, tag: ""}]); + sockaddr.init([{prop: "Network", name: "Network", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "family", name: "family", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "isWildcard", name: "isWildcard", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "sockaddr", name: "sockaddr", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$Int], [syscall.Sockaddr, $error], false)}, {prop: "toLocal", name: "toLocal", pkg: "net", typ: $funcType([$String], [sockaddr], false)}]); + rawConn.init("net", [{prop: "fd", name: "fd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}]); + rawListener.init("net", [{prop: "rawConn", name: "rawConn", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: rawConn, tag: ""}]); + file.init("net", [{prop: "file", name: "file", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "data", name: "data", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "atEOF", name: "atEOF", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + netFD.init("net", [{prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$23, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$23, tag: ""}, {prop: "incoming", name: "incoming", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "closedMu", name: "closedMu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "closed", name: "closed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "listener", name: "listener", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "family", name: "family", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "sotype", name: "sotype", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "net", name: "net", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "laddr", name: "laddr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Addr, tag: ""}, {prop: "raddr", name: "raddr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Addr, tag: ""}, {prop: "pfd", name: "pfd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: poll.FD, tag: ""}, {prop: "isConnected", name: "isConnected", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + bufferedPipe.init("net", [{prop: "softLimit", name: "softLimit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "closed", name: "closed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "rCond", name: "rCond", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Cond, tag: ""}, {prop: "wCond", name: "wCond", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Cond, tag: ""}, {prop: "rDeadline", name: "rDeadline", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "wDeadline", name: "wDeadline", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}]); + Addr.init([{prop: "Network", name: "Network", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]); + Conn.init([{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "LocalAddr", name: "LocalAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "RemoteAddr", name: "RemoteAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "SetDeadline", name: "SetDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetReadDeadline", name: "SetReadDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetWriteDeadline", name: "SetWriteDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + conn.init("net", [{prop: "fd", name: "fd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}]); + PacketConn.init([{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "LocalAddr", name: "LocalAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, Addr, $error], false)}, {prop: "SetDeadline", name: "SetDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetReadDeadline", name: "SetReadDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetWriteDeadline", name: "SetWriteDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, Addr], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + Listener.init([{prop: "Accept", name: "Accept", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Addr], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]); + Error.init([{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]); + OpError.init("", [{prop: "Op", name: "Op", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Net", name: "Net", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Source", name: "Source", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Addr, tag: ""}, {prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Addr, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + timeout.init([{prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]); + temporary.init([{prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]); + ParseError.init("", [{prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Text", name: "Text", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + AddrError.init("", [{prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + timeoutError.init("", []); + DNSError.init("", [{prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Server", name: "Server", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsTimeout", name: "IsTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsTemporary", name: "IsTemporary", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsNotFound", name: "IsNotFound", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + writerOnly.init("", [{prop: "Writer", name: "Writer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}]); + HardwareAddr.init($Uint8); + Resolver.init("net", [{prop: "PreferGo", name: "PreferGo", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "StrictErrors", name: "StrictErrors", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Dial", name: "Dial", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "lookupGroup", name: "lookupGroup", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: singleflight.Group, tag: ""}]); + onlyValuesCtx.init("net", [{prop: "Context", name: "Context", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "lookupValues", name: "lookupValues", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}]); + ipStackCapabilities.init("net", [{prop: "Once", name: "Once", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "ipv4Enabled", name: "ipv4Enabled", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ipv6Enabled", name: "ipv6Enabled", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ipv4MappedIPv6Enabled", name: "ipv4MappedIPv6Enabled", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + addrList.init(Addr); + IPAddr.init("", [{prop: "IP", name: "IP", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: IP, tag: ""}, {prop: "Zone", name: "Zone", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + IPConn.init("net", [{prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: conn, tag: ""}]); + IP.init($Uint8); + IPMask.init($Uint8); + IPNet.init("", [{prop: "IP", name: "IP", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: IP, tag: ""}, {prop: "Mask", name: "Mask", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: IPMask, tag: ""}]); + Interface.init("", [{prop: "Index", name: "Index", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "MTU", name: "MTU", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "HardwareAddr", name: "HardwareAddr", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: HardwareAddr, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Flags, tag: ""}]); + ipv6ZoneCache.init("net", [{prop: "RWMutex", name: "RWMutex", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: sync.RWMutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastFetched", name: "lastFetched", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "toIndex", name: "toIndex", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "toName", name: "toName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$2, tag: ""}]); + SRV.init("", [{prop: "Target", name: "Target", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Port", name: "Port", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "Priority", name: "Priority", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "Weight", name: "Weight", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}]); + MX.init("", [{prop: "Host", name: "Host", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Pref", name: "Pref", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}]); + NS.init("", [{prop: "Host", name: "Host", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Dialer.init("", [{prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "Deadline", name: "Deadline", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "LocalAddr", name: "LocalAddr", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Addr, tag: ""}, {prop: "DualStack", name: "DualStack", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "FallbackDelay", name: "FallbackDelay", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "KeepAlive", name: "KeepAlive", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "Resolver", name: "Resolver", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "Cancel", name: "Cancel", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: chanType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "Control", name: "Control", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$5, tag: ""}]); + sysDialer.init("net", [{prop: "Dialer", name: "Dialer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Dialer, tag: ""}, {prop: "network", name: "network", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "address", name: "address", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + ListenConfig.init("", [{prop: "Control", name: "Control", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "KeepAlive", name: "KeepAlive", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}]); + sysListener.init("net", [{prop: "ListenConfig", name: "ListenConfig", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ListenConfig, tag: ""}, {prop: "network", name: "network", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "address", name: "address", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + dialResult.init("net", [{prop: "Conn", name: "Conn", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Conn, tag: ""}, {prop: "error", name: "error", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "primary", name: "primary", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = context.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytealg.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = itoa.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = nettrace.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = poll.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = singleflight.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = netip.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = syscall.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = dnsmessage.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + onceReadServices = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + listenersMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + portCounterMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + netGo = false; + dnsWaitGroup = new sync.WaitGroup.ptr(0, $chanNil, new $Uint64(0, 0), 0); + ipStackCaps = new ipStackCapabilities.ptr(new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), false, false, false); + testHookDialTCP = $throwNilPointerError; + listeners = {}; + portCounter = 0; + errNoSuitableAddress = errors.New("no suitable address found"); + errMissingAddress = errors.New("missing address"); + errCanceled = errors.New("operation was canceled"); + $pkg.ErrWriteToConnected = errors.New("use of WriteTo with pre-connected connection"); + aLongTimeAgo = $clone(time.Unix(new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(0, 0)), time.Time); + errTimeout = new timeoutError.ptr(); + errNoSuchHost = errors.New("no such host"); + errClosed = $clone(poll.ErrNetClosing, poll.errNetClosing); + $pkg.ErrClosed = new errClosed.constructor.elem(errClosed); + protocols = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "icmp", v: 1 }, { k: "igmp", v: 2 }, { k: "tcp", v: 6 }, { k: "udp", v: 17 }, { k: "ipv6-icmp", v: 58 }]); + services = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "udp", v: $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "domain", v: 53 }]) }, { k: "tcp", v: $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "ftp", v: 21 }, { k: "ftps", v: 990 }, { k: "gopher", v: 70 }, { k: "http", v: 80 }, { k: "https", v: 443 }, { k: "imap2", v: 143 }, { k: "imap3", v: 220 }, { k: "imaps", v: 993 }, { k: "pop3", v: 110 }, { k: "pop3s", v: 995 }, { k: "smtp", v: 25 }, { k: "ssh", v: 22 }, { k: "telnet", v: 23 }]) }]); + $pkg.DefaultResolver = new Resolver.ptr(false, false, $throwNilPointerError, new singleflight.Group.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false)); + errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail = "DNS response contained records which contain invalid names"; + v4InV6Prefix = new sliceType$1([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255]); + $pkg.IPv4bcast = IPv4(255, 255, 255, 255); + $pkg.IPv4allsys = IPv4(224, 0, 0, 1); + $pkg.IPv4allrouter = IPv4(224, 0, 0, 2); + $pkg.IPv4zero = IPv4(0, 0, 0, 0); + $pkg.IPv6zero = new IP([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); + $pkg.IPv6unspecified = new IP([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); + $pkg.IPv6loopback = new IP([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]); + classAMask = IPv4Mask(255, 0, 0, 0); + classBMask = IPv4Mask(255, 255, 0, 0); + classCMask = IPv4Mask(255, 255, 255, 0); + errInvalidInterface = errors.New("invalid network interface"); + errInvalidInterfaceIndex = errors.New("invalid network interface index"); + errInvalidInterfaceName = errors.New("invalid network interface name"); + errNoSuchInterface = errors.New("no such network interface"); + errNoSuchMulticastInterface = errors.New("no such multicast network interface"); + flagNames = new sliceType(["up", "broadcast", "loopback", "pointtopoint", "multicast"]); + zoneCache = new ipv6ZoneCache.ptr(new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), {}, {}); + testHookLookupIP = (function $b(ctx, fn, network, host) { + var {$24r, _r, ctx, fn, host, network, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, fn, network, host}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = fn(ctx, network, host); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, ctx, fn, host, network, $s};return $f; + }); + testHookSetKeepAlive = (function(param) { + var param; + }); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["net/url"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, fmt, sort, strconv, strings, Error, EscapeError, InvalidHostError, URL, Userinfo, Values, sliceType, interfaceType, interfaceType$1, ptrType, sliceType$1, arrayType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, sliceType$2, ptrType$3, ishex, unhex, shouldEscape, QueryUnescape, unescape, QueryEscape, escape, User, UserPassword, getScheme, Parse, ParseRequestURI, parse, parseAuthority, parseHost, validEncoded, validOptionalPort, ParseQuery, parseQuery, resolvePath, splitHostPort, validUserinfo, stringContainsCTLByte; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + Error = $pkg.Error = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "url.Error", true, "net/url", true, function(Op_, URL_, Err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Op = ""; + this.URL = ""; + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Op = Op_; + this.URL = URL_; + this.Err = Err_; + }); + EscapeError = $pkg.EscapeError = $newType(8, $kindString, "url.EscapeError", true, "net/url", true, null); + InvalidHostError = $pkg.InvalidHostError = $newType(8, $kindString, "url.InvalidHostError", true, "net/url", true, null); + URL = $pkg.URL = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "url.URL", true, "net/url", true, function(Scheme_, Opaque_, User_, Host_, Path_, RawPath_, ForceQuery_, RawQuery_, Fragment_, RawFragment_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Scheme = ""; + this.Opaque = ""; + this.User = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Host = ""; + this.Path = ""; + this.RawPath = ""; + this.ForceQuery = false; + this.RawQuery = ""; + this.Fragment = ""; + this.RawFragment = ""; + return; + } + this.Scheme = Scheme_; + this.Opaque = Opaque_; + this.User = User_; + this.Host = Host_; + this.Path = Path_; + this.RawPath = RawPath_; + this.ForceQuery = ForceQuery_; + this.RawQuery = RawQuery_; + this.Fragment = Fragment_; + this.RawFragment = RawFragment_; + }); + Userinfo = $pkg.Userinfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "url.Userinfo", true, "net/url", true, function(username_, password_, passwordSet_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.username = ""; + this.password = ""; + this.passwordSet = false; + return; + } + this.username = username_; + this.password = password_; + this.passwordSet = passwordSet_; + }); + Values = $pkg.Values = $newType(4, $kindMap, "url.Values", true, "net/url", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]); + interfaceType$1 = $interfaceType([{prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]); + ptrType = $ptrType(strings.Builder); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Userinfo); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(URL); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(Error); + Error.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.Err; + }; + Error.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + Error.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = fmt.Sprintf("%s %q: %s", new sliceType([new $String(e.Op), new $String(e.URL), e.Err])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Error.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + Error.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + Error.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, _v, e, ok, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _tuple = $assertType(e.Err, interfaceType, true); + t = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!(ok)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r = t.Timeout(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Error.ptr.prototype.Timeout, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, _v, e, ok, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Error.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + Error.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, _v, e, ok, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _tuple = $assertType(e.Err, interfaceType$1, true); + t = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!(ok)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r = t.Temporary(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Error.ptr.prototype.Temporary, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, _v, e, ok, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Error.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + ishex = function(c) { + var c; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + return true; + } else if (97 <= c && c <= 102) { + return true; + } else if (65 <= c && c <= 70) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + unhex = function(c) { + var c; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + return c - 48 << 24 >>> 24; + } else if (97 <= c && c <= 102) { + return (c - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + } else if (65 <= c && c <= 70) { + return (c - 65 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + } + return 0; + }; + EscapeError.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return "invalid URL escape " + strconv.Quote((e)); + }; + $ptrType(EscapeError).prototype.Error = function() { return new EscapeError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + InvalidHostError.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return "invalid character " + strconv.Quote((e)) + " in host name"; + }; + $ptrType(InvalidHostError).prototype.Error = function() { return new InvalidHostError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + shouldEscape = function(c, mode) { + var _1, _2, _3, _4, c, mode; + if (97 <= c && c <= 122 || 65 <= c && c <= 90 || 48 <= c && c <= 57) { + return false; + } + if ((mode === 3) || (mode === 4)) { + _1 = c; + if ((_1 === (33)) || (_1 === (36)) || (_1 === (38)) || (_1 === (39)) || (_1 === (40)) || (_1 === (41)) || (_1 === (42)) || (_1 === (43)) || (_1 === (44)) || (_1 === (59)) || (_1 === (61)) || (_1 === (58)) || (_1 === (91)) || (_1 === (93)) || (_1 === (60)) || (_1 === (62)) || (_1 === (34))) { + return false; + } + } + _2 = c; + if ((_2 === (45)) || (_2 === (95)) || (_2 === (46)) || (_2 === (126))) { + return false; + } else if ((_2 === (36)) || (_2 === (38)) || (_2 === (43)) || (_2 === (44)) || (_2 === (47)) || (_2 === (58)) || (_2 === (59)) || (_2 === (61)) || (_2 === (63)) || (_2 === (64))) { + _3 = mode; + if (_3 === (1)) { + return c === 63; + } else if (_3 === (2)) { + return (c === 47) || (c === 59) || (c === 44) || (c === 63); + } else if (_3 === (5)) { + return (c === 64) || (c === 47) || (c === 63) || (c === 58); + } else if (_3 === (6)) { + return true; + } else if (_3 === (7)) { + return false; + } + } + if (mode === 7) { + _4 = c; + if ((_4 === (33)) || (_4 === (40)) || (_4 === (41)) || (_4 === (42))) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + QueryUnescape = function(s) { + var s; + return unescape(s, 6); + }; + $pkg.QueryUnescape = QueryUnescape; + unescape = function(s, mode) { + var _1, _2, hasPlus, i, i$1, mode, n, s, t, v; + n = 0; + hasPlus = false; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + _1 = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (_1 === (37)) { + n = n + (1) >> 0; + if ((i + 2 >> 0) >= s.length || !ishex(s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0))) || !ishex(s.charCodeAt((i + 2 >> 0)))) { + s = $substring(s, i); + if (s.length > 3) { + s = $substring(s, 0, 3); + } + return ["", new EscapeError((s))]; + } + if ((mode === 3) && unhex(s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0))) < 8 && !($substring(s, i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "%25")) { + return ["", new EscapeError(($substring(s, i, (i + 3 >> 0))))]; + } + if (mode === 4) { + v = ((unhex(s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0))) << 4 << 24 >>> 24) | unhex(s.charCodeAt((i + 2 >> 0)))) >>> 0; + if (!($substring(s, i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "%25") && !((v === 32)) && shouldEscape(v, 3)) { + return ["", new EscapeError(($substring(s, i, (i + 3 >> 0))))]; + } + } + i = i + (3) >> 0; + } else if (_1 === (43)) { + hasPlus = mode === 6; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } else { + if (((mode === 3) || (mode === 4)) && s.charCodeAt(i) < 128 && shouldEscape(s.charCodeAt(i), mode)) { + return ["", new InvalidHostError(($substring(s, i, (i + 1 >> 0))))]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + } + if ((n === 0) && !hasPlus) { + return [s, $ifaceNil]; + } + t = new strings.Builder.ptr(ptrType.nil, sliceType$1.nil); + t.Grow(s.length - ($imul(2, n)) >> 0); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.length)) { break; } + _2 = s.charCodeAt(i$1); + if (_2 === (37)) { + t.WriteByte(((unhex(s.charCodeAt((i$1 + 1 >> 0))) << 4 << 24 >>> 24) | unhex(s.charCodeAt((i$1 + 2 >> 0)))) >>> 0); + i$1 = i$1 + (2) >> 0; + } else if (_2 === (43)) { + if (mode === 6) { + t.WriteByte(32); + } else { + t.WriteByte(43); + } + } else { + t.WriteByte(s.charCodeAt(i$1)); + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + return [t.String(), $ifaceNil]; + }; + QueryEscape = function(s) { + var s; + return escape(s, 6); + }; + $pkg.QueryEscape = QueryEscape; + escape = function(s, mode) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, buf, c, c$1, hexCount, i, i$1, i$2, j, mode, required, s, spaceCount, t, x, x$1; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + spaceCount = _tmp; + hexCount = _tmp$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (shouldEscape(c, mode)) { + if ((c === 32) && (mode === 6)) { + spaceCount = spaceCount + (1) >> 0; + } else { + hexCount = hexCount + (1) >> 0; + } + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if ((spaceCount === 0) && (hexCount === 0)) { + return s; + } + buf = arrayType.zero(); + t = sliceType$1.nil; + required = s.length + ($imul(2, hexCount)) >> 0; + if (required <= 64) { + t = $subslice(new sliceType$1(buf), 0, required); + } else { + t = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, required); + } + if (hexCount === 0) { + $copyString(t, s); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i$1) === 32) { + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + i$1] = 43); + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + return ($bytesToString(t)); + } + j = 0; + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < s.length)) { break; } + c$1 = s.charCodeAt(i$2); + if ((c$1 === 32) && (mode === 6)) { + ((j < 0 || j >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + j] = 43); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } else if (shouldEscape(c$1, mode)) { + ((j < 0 || j >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + j] = 37); + (x = j + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + x] = "0123456789ABCDEF".charCodeAt((c$1 >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24)))); + (x$1 = j + 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + x$1] = "0123456789ABCDEF".charCodeAt(((c$1 & 15) >>> 0)))); + j = j + (3) >> 0; + } else { + ((j < 0 || j >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + j] = s.charCodeAt(i$2)); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + return ($bytesToString(t)); + }; + User = function(username) { + var username; + return new Userinfo.ptr(username, "", false); + }; + $pkg.User = User; + UserPassword = function(username, password) { + var password, username; + return new Userinfo.ptr(username, password, true); + }; + $pkg.UserPassword = UserPassword; + Userinfo.ptr.prototype.Username = function() { + var u; + u = this; + if (u === ptrType$1.nil) { + return ""; + } + return u.username; + }; + Userinfo.prototype.Username = function() { return this.$val.Username(); }; + Userinfo.ptr.prototype.Password = function() { + var u; + u = this; + if (u === ptrType$1.nil) { + return ["", false]; + } + return [u.password, u.passwordSet]; + }; + Userinfo.prototype.Password = function() { return this.$val.Password(); }; + Userinfo.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var s, u; + u = this; + if (u === ptrType$1.nil) { + return ""; + } + s = escape(u.username, 5); + if (u.passwordSet) { + s = s + (":" + escape(u.password, 5)); + } + return s; + }; + Userinfo.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + getScheme = function(rawURL) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c, err, i, path, rawURL, scheme; + scheme = ""; + path = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < rawURL.length)) { break; } + c = rawURL.charCodeAt(i); + if (97 <= c && c <= 122 || 65 <= c && c <= 90) { + } else if (48 <= c && c <= 57 || (c === 43) || (c === 45) || (c === 46)) { + if (i === 0) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = rawURL; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + scheme = _tmp; + path = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [scheme, path, err]; + } + } else if ((c === 58)) { + if (i === 0) { + _tmp$3 = ""; + _tmp$4 = ""; + _tmp$5 = errors.New("missing protocol scheme"); + scheme = _tmp$3; + path = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [scheme, path, err]; + } + _tmp$6 = $substring(rawURL, 0, i); + _tmp$7 = $substring(rawURL, (i + 1 >> 0)); + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + scheme = _tmp$6; + path = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [scheme, path, err]; + } else { + _tmp$9 = ""; + _tmp$10 = rawURL; + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + scheme = _tmp$9; + path = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + return [scheme, path, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$12 = ""; + _tmp$13 = rawURL; + _tmp$14 = $ifaceNil; + scheme = _tmp$12; + path = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + return [scheme, path, err]; + }; + Parse = function(rawURL) { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, frag, rawURL, u, url, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rawURL}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = strings.Cut(rawURL, "#"); + u = _tuple[0]; + frag = _tuple[1]; + _r = parse(u, false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r; + url = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, new Error.ptr("parse", u, err)]; + } + if (frag === "") { + $s = -1; return [url, $ifaceNil]; + } + err = url.setFragment(frag); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, new Error.ptr("parse", rawURL, err)]; + } + $s = -1; return [url, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Parse, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, frag, rawURL, u, url, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Parse = Parse; + ParseRequestURI = function(rawURL) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, rawURL, url, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rawURL}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = parse(rawURL, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + url = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, new Error.ptr("parse", rawURL, err)]; + } + $s = -1; return [url, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ParseRequestURI, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, rawURL, url, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ParseRequestURI = ParseRequestURI; + parse = function(rawURL, viaRequest) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, authority, err, err$1, i, rawURL, rest, segment, url, viaRequest, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rawURL, viaRequest}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rest = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (stringContainsCTLByte(rawURL)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, errors.New("net/url: invalid control character in URL")]; + } + if (rawURL === "" && viaRequest) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, errors.New("empty url")]; + } + url = new URL.ptr("", "", ptrType$1.nil, "", "", "", false, "", "", ""); + if (rawURL === "*") { + url.Path = "*"; + $s = -1; return [url, $ifaceNil]; + } + _tuple = getScheme(rawURL); + url.Scheme = _tuple[0]; + rest = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, err]; + } + _r = strings.ToLower(url.Scheme); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + url.Scheme = _r; + if (strings.HasSuffix(rest, "?") && (strings.Count(rest, "?") === 1)) { + url.ForceQuery = true; + rest = $substring(rest, 0, (rest.length - 1 >> 0)); + } else { + _tuple$1 = strings.Cut(rest, "?"); + rest = _tuple$1[0]; + url.RawQuery = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (!strings.HasPrefix(rest, "/")) { + if (!(url.Scheme === "")) { + url.Opaque = rest; + $s = -1; return [url, $ifaceNil]; + } + if (viaRequest) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, errors.New("invalid URI for request")]; + } + _tuple$2 = strings.Cut(rest, "/"); + segment = _tuple$2[0]; + if (strings.Contains(segment, ":")) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, errors.New("first path segment in URL cannot contain colon")]; + } + } + /* */ if ((!(url.Scheme === "") || !viaRequest && !strings.HasPrefix(rest, "///")) && strings.HasPrefix(rest, "//")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((!(url.Scheme === "") || !viaRequest && !strings.HasPrefix(rest, "///")) && strings.HasPrefix(rest, "//")) { */ case 2: + authority = ""; + _tmp = $substring(rest, 2); + _tmp$1 = ""; + authority = _tmp; + rest = _tmp$1; + i = strings.Index(authority, "/"); + if (i >= 0) { + _tmp$2 = $substring(authority, 0, i); + _tmp$3 = $substring(authority, i); + authority = _tmp$2; + rest = _tmp$3; + } + _r$1 = parseAuthority(authority); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$1; + url.User = _tuple$3[0]; + url.Host = _tuple$3[1]; + err = _tuple$3[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, err]; + } + /* } */ case 3: + err$1 = url.setPath(rest); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, err$1]; + } + $s = -1; return [url, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parse, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, authority, err, err$1, i, rawURL, rest, segment, url, viaRequest, $s};return $f; + }; + parseAuthority = function(authority) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, authority, err, host, i, password, user, userinfo, username, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {authority}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + user = ptrType$1.nil; + host = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + i = strings.LastIndex(authority, "@"); + /* */ if (i < 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (i < 0) { */ case 1: + _r = parseHost(authority); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + host = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$1 = parseHost($substring(authority, (i + 1 >> 0))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + host = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = err; + user = _tmp; + host = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [user, host, err]; + } + if (i < 0) { + _tmp$3 = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$4 = host; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + user = _tmp$3; + host = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [user, host, err]; + } + userinfo = $substring(authority, 0, i); + if (!validUserinfo(userinfo)) { + _tmp$6 = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$7 = ""; + _tmp$8 = errors.New("net/url: invalid userinfo"); + user = _tmp$6; + host = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [user, host, err]; + } + if (!strings.Contains(userinfo, ":")) { + _tuple$2 = unescape(userinfo, 5); + userinfo = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$9 = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$10 = ""; + _tmp$11 = err; + user = _tmp$9; + host = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [user, host, err]; + } + user = User(userinfo); + } else { + _tuple$3 = strings.Cut(userinfo, ":"); + username = _tuple$3[0]; + password = _tuple$3[1]; + _tuple$4 = unescape(username, 5); + username = _tuple$4[0]; + err = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$12 = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$13 = ""; + _tmp$14 = err; + user = _tmp$12; + host = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [user, host, err]; + } + _tuple$5 = unescape(password, 5); + password = _tuple$5[0]; + err = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$15 = ptrType$1.nil; + _tmp$16 = ""; + _tmp$17 = err; + user = _tmp$15; + host = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [user, host, err]; + } + user = UserPassword(username, password); + } + _tmp$18 = user; + _tmp$19 = host; + _tmp$20 = $ifaceNil; + user = _tmp$18; + host = _tmp$19; + err = _tmp$20; + $s = -1; return [user, host, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseAuthority, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, authority, err, host, i, password, user, userinfo, username, $s};return $f; + }; + parseHost = function(host) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, colonPort, colonPort$1, err, err$1, host, host1, host2, host3, i, i$1, zone, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {host}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(host, "[")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (strings.HasPrefix(host, "[")) { */ case 1: + i = strings.LastIndex(host, "]"); + if (i < 0) { + $s = -1; return ["", errors.New("missing ']' in host")]; + } + colonPort = $substring(host, (i + 1 >> 0)); + /* */ if (!validOptionalPort(colonPort)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!validOptionalPort(colonPort)) { */ case 4: + _r = fmt.Errorf("invalid port %q after host", new sliceType([new $String(colonPort)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ["", _r]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + zone = strings.Index($substring(host, 0, i), "%25"); + if (zone >= 0) { + _tuple = unescape($substring(host, 0, zone), 3); + host1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ["", err]; + } + _tuple$1 = unescape($substring(host, zone, i), 4); + host2 = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ["", err]; + } + _tuple$2 = unescape($substring(host, i), 3); + host3 = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ["", err]; + } + $s = -1; return [host1 + host2 + host3, $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + i$1 = strings.LastIndex(host, ":"); + /* */ if (!((i$1 === -1))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!((i$1 === -1))) { */ case 8: + colonPort$1 = $substring(host, i$1); + /* */ if (!validOptionalPort(colonPort$1)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!validOptionalPort(colonPort$1)) { */ case 10: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("invalid port %q after host", new sliceType([new $String(colonPort$1)])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = ["", _r$1]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + /* } */ case 9: + /* } */ case 3: + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _tuple$3 = unescape(host, 3); + host = _tuple$3[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ["", err$1]; + } + $s = -1; return [host, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseHost, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, colonPort, colonPort$1, err, err$1, host, host1, host2, host3, i, i$1, zone, $s};return $f; + }; + URL.ptr.prototype.setPath = function(p) { + var _tuple, err, escp, p, path, u; + u = this; + _tuple = unescape(p, 1); + path = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return err; + } + u.Path = path; + escp = escape(path, 1); + if (p === escp) { + u.RawPath = ""; + } else { + u.RawPath = p; + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + URL.prototype.setPath = function(p) { return this.$val.setPath(p); }; + URL.ptr.prototype.EscapedPath = function() { + var _tuple, err, p, u; + u = this; + if (!(u.RawPath === "") && validEncoded(u.RawPath, 1)) { + _tuple = unescape(u.RawPath, 1); + p = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && p === u.Path) { + return u.RawPath; + } + } + if (u.Path === "*") { + return "*"; + } + return escape(u.Path, 1); + }; + URL.prototype.EscapedPath = function() { return this.$val.EscapedPath(); }; + validEncoded = function(s, mode) { + var _1, i, mode, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + _1 = s.charCodeAt(i); + if ((_1 === (33)) || (_1 === (36)) || (_1 === (38)) || (_1 === (39)) || (_1 === (40)) || (_1 === (41)) || (_1 === (42)) || (_1 === (43)) || (_1 === (44)) || (_1 === (59)) || (_1 === (61)) || (_1 === (58)) || (_1 === (64))) { + } else if ((_1 === (91)) || (_1 === (93))) { + } else if (_1 === (37)) { + } else if (shouldEscape(s.charCodeAt(i), mode)) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + URL.ptr.prototype.setFragment = function(f) { + var _tuple, err, escf, f, frag, u; + u = this; + _tuple = unescape(f, 7); + frag = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + return err; + } + u.Fragment = frag; + escf = escape(frag, 7); + if (f === escf) { + u.RawFragment = ""; + } else { + u.RawFragment = f; + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + URL.prototype.setFragment = function(f) { return this.$val.setFragment(f); }; + URL.ptr.prototype.EscapedFragment = function() { + var _tuple, err, f, u; + u = this; + if (!(u.RawFragment === "") && validEncoded(u.RawFragment, 7)) { + _tuple = unescape(u.RawFragment, 7); + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && f === u.Fragment) { + return u.RawFragment; + } + } + return escape(u.Fragment, 7); + }; + URL.prototype.EscapedFragment = function() { return this.$val.EscapedFragment(); }; + validOptionalPort = function(port) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, b, port; + if (port === "") { + return true; + } + if (!((port.charCodeAt(0) === 58))) { + return false; + } + _ref = $substring(port, 1); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + b = _rune[0]; + if (b < 48 || b > 57) { + return false; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return true; + }; + URL.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var _tuple, buf, h, path, segment, u, ui; + u = this; + buf = new strings.Builder.ptr(ptrType.nil, sliceType$1.nil); + if (!(u.Scheme === "")) { + buf.WriteString(u.Scheme); + buf.WriteByte(58); + } + if (!(u.Opaque === "")) { + buf.WriteString(u.Opaque); + } else { + if (!(u.Scheme === "") || !(u.Host === "") || !(u.User === ptrType$1.nil)) { + if (!(u.Host === "") || !(u.Path === "") || !(u.User === ptrType$1.nil)) { + buf.WriteString("//"); + } + ui = u.User; + if (!(ui === ptrType$1.nil)) { + buf.WriteString(ui.String()); + buf.WriteByte(64); + } + h = u.Host; + if (!(h === "")) { + buf.WriteString(escape(h, 3)); + } + } + path = u.EscapedPath(); + if (!(path === "") && !((path.charCodeAt(0) === 47)) && !(u.Host === "")) { + buf.WriteByte(47); + } + if (buf.Len() === 0) { + _tuple = strings.Cut(path, "/"); + segment = _tuple[0]; + if (strings.Contains(segment, ":")) { + buf.WriteString("./"); + } + } + buf.WriteString(path); + } + if (u.ForceQuery || !(u.RawQuery === "")) { + buf.WriteByte(63); + buf.WriteString(u.RawQuery); + } + if (!(u.Fragment === "")) { + buf.WriteByte(35); + buf.WriteString(u.EscapedFragment()); + } + return buf.String(); + }; + URL.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + URL.ptr.prototype.Redacted = function() { + var _tuple, has, ru, u; + u = this; + if (u === ptrType$2.nil) { + return ""; + } + ru = $clone(u, URL); + _tuple = ru.User.Password(); + has = _tuple[1]; + if (has) { + ru.User = UserPassword(ru.User.Username(), "xxxxx"); + } + return ru.String(); + }; + URL.prototype.Redacted = function() { return this.$val.Redacted(); }; + Values.prototype.Get = function(key) { + var _entry, key, v, vs; + v = this.$val; + if (v === false) { + return ""; + } + vs = (_entry = v[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (vs.$length === 0) { + return ""; + } + return (0 >= vs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vs.$array[vs.$offset + 0]); + }; + $ptrType(Values).prototype.Get = function(key) { return new Values(this.$get()).Get(key); }; + Values.prototype.Set = function(key, value) { + var _key, key, v, value; + v = this.$val; + _key = key; (v || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new sliceType$2([value]) }; + }; + $ptrType(Values).prototype.Set = function(key, value) { return new Values(this.$get()).Set(key, value); }; + Values.prototype.Add = function(key, value) { + var _entry, _key, key, v, value; + v = this.$val; + _key = key; (v || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $append((_entry = v[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil), value) }; + }; + $ptrType(Values).prototype.Add = function(key, value) { return new Values(this.$get()).Add(key, value); }; + Values.prototype.Del = function(key) { + var key, v; + v = this.$val; + delete v[$String.keyFor(key)]; + }; + $ptrType(Values).prototype.Del = function(key) { return new Values(this.$get()).Del(key); }; + Values.prototype.Has = function(key) { + var _entry, _tuple, key, ok, v; + v = this.$val; + _tuple = (_entry = v[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + return ok; + }; + $ptrType(Values).prototype.Has = function(key) { return new Values(this.$get()).Has(key); }; + ParseQuery = function(query) { + var {_r, err, m, query, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {query}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = {}; + _r = parseQuery(m, query); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + $s = -1; return [m, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ParseQuery, $c: true, $r, _r, err, m, query, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ParseQuery = ParseQuery; + parseQuery = function(m, query) { + var {_entry, _key, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, err1, key, m, query, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {m, query}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = $ifaceNil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(!(query === ""))) { break; } */ if(!(!(query === ""))) { $s = 2; continue; } + key = ""; + _tuple = strings.Cut(query, "&"); + key = _tuple[0]; + query = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (strings.Contains(key, ";")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (strings.Contains(key, ";")) { */ case 3: + _r = fmt.Errorf("invalid semicolon separator in query", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + if (key === "") { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _tuple$1 = strings.Cut(key, "="); + key = _tuple$1[0]; + value = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = QueryUnescape(key); + key = _tuple$2[0]; + err1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err1, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = err1; + } + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _tuple$3 = QueryUnescape(value); + value = _tuple$3[0]; + err1 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err1, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = err1; + } + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _key = key; (m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $append((_entry = m[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil), value) }; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + err = err; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseQuery, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, err1, key, m, query, value, $s};return $f; + }; + Values.prototype.Encode = function() { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, buf, k, k$1, keyEscaped, keys, v, v$1, vs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = this.$val; + if (v === false) { + $s = -1; return ""; + } + buf = new strings.Builder.ptr(ptrType.nil, sliceType$1.nil); + keys = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, $keys(v).length); + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + keys = $append(keys, k); + _i++; + } + $r = sort.Strings(keys); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$1 = keys; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + k$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + vs = (_entry$1 = v[$String.keyFor(k$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil); + keyEscaped = QueryEscape(k$1); + _ref$2 = vs; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + v$1 = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + if (buf.Len() > 0) { + buf.WriteByte(38); + } + buf.WriteString(keyEscaped); + buf.WriteByte(61); + buf.WriteString(QueryEscape(v$1)); + _i$2++; + } + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return buf.String(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Values.prototype.Encode, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, buf, k, k$1, keyEscaped, keys, v, v$1, vs, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Values).prototype.Encode = function() { return new Values(this.$get()).Encode(); }; + resolvePath = function(base, ref) { + var _tuple, base, dst, elem, first, found, full, i, index, r, ref, remaining, str; + full = ""; + if (ref === "") { + full = base; + } else if (!((ref.charCodeAt(0) === 47))) { + i = strings.LastIndex(base, "/"); + full = $substring(base, 0, (i + 1 >> 0)) + ref; + } else { + full = ref; + } + if (full === "") { + return ""; + } + elem = ""; + dst = new strings.Builder.ptr(ptrType.nil, sliceType$1.nil); + first = true; + remaining = full; + dst.WriteByte(47); + found = true; + while (true) { + if (!(found)) { break; } + _tuple = strings.Cut(remaining, "/"); + elem = _tuple[0]; + remaining = _tuple[1]; + found = _tuple[2]; + if (elem === ".") { + first = false; + continue; + } + if (elem === "..") { + str = $substring(dst.String(), 1); + index = strings.LastIndexByte(str, 47); + dst.Reset(); + dst.WriteByte(47); + if (index === -1) { + first = true; + } else { + dst.WriteString($substring(str, 0, index)); + } + } else { + if (!first) { + dst.WriteByte(47); + } + dst.WriteString(elem); + first = false; + } + } + if (elem === "." || elem === "..") { + dst.WriteByte(47); + } + r = dst.String(); + if (r.length > 1 && (r.charCodeAt(1) === 47)) { + r = $substring(r, 1); + } + return r; + }; + URL.ptr.prototype.IsAbs = function() { + var u; + u = this; + return !(u.Scheme === ""); + }; + URL.prototype.IsAbs = function() { return this.$val.IsAbs(); }; + URL.ptr.prototype.Parse = function(ref) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, ref, refURL, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ref}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + u = this; + _r = Parse(ref); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + refURL = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$2.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [u.ResolveReference(refURL), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: URL.ptr.prototype.Parse, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, ref, refURL, u, $s};return $f; + }; + URL.prototype.Parse = function(ref) { return this.$val.Parse(ref); }; + URL.ptr.prototype.ResolveReference = function(ref) { + var ref, u, url; + u = this; + url = $clone(ref, URL); + if (ref.Scheme === "") { + url.Scheme = u.Scheme; + } + if (!(ref.Scheme === "") || !(ref.Host === "") || !(ref.User === ptrType$1.nil)) { + url.setPath(resolvePath(ref.EscapedPath(), "")); + return url; + } + if (!(ref.Opaque === "")) { + url.User = ptrType$1.nil; + url.Host = ""; + url.Path = ""; + return url; + } + if (ref.Path === "" && !ref.ForceQuery && ref.RawQuery === "") { + url.RawQuery = u.RawQuery; + if (ref.Fragment === "") { + url.Fragment = u.Fragment; + url.RawFragment = u.RawFragment; + } + } + url.Host = u.Host; + url.User = u.User; + url.setPath(resolvePath(u.EscapedPath(), ref.EscapedPath())); + return url; + }; + URL.prototype.ResolveReference = function(ref) { return this.$val.ResolveReference(ref); }; + URL.ptr.prototype.Query = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, u, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + u = this; + _r = ParseQuery(u.RawQuery); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + v = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: URL.ptr.prototype.Query, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, u, v, $s};return $f; + }; + URL.prototype.Query = function() { return this.$val.Query(); }; + URL.ptr.prototype.RequestURI = function() { + var result, u; + u = this; + result = u.Opaque; + if (result === "") { + result = u.EscapedPath(); + if (result === "") { + result = "/"; + } + } else { + if (strings.HasPrefix(result, "//")) { + result = u.Scheme + ":" + result; + } + } + if (u.ForceQuery || !(u.RawQuery === "")) { + result = result + ("?" + u.RawQuery); + } + return result; + }; + URL.prototype.RequestURI = function() { return this.$val.RequestURI(); }; + URL.ptr.prototype.Hostname = function() { + var _tuple, host, u; + u = this; + _tuple = splitHostPort(u.Host); + host = _tuple[0]; + return host; + }; + URL.prototype.Hostname = function() { return this.$val.Hostname(); }; + URL.ptr.prototype.Port = function() { + var _tuple, port, u; + u = this; + _tuple = splitHostPort(u.Host); + port = _tuple[1]; + return port; + }; + URL.prototype.Port = function() { return this.$val.Port(); }; + splitHostPort = function(hostPort) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, colon, host, hostPort, port; + host = ""; + port = ""; + host = hostPort; + colon = strings.LastIndexByte(host, 58); + if (!((colon === -1)) && validOptionalPort($substring(host, colon))) { + _tmp = $substring(host, 0, colon); + _tmp$1 = $substring(host, (colon + 1 >> 0)); + host = _tmp; + port = _tmp$1; + } + if (strings.HasPrefix(host, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(host, "]")) { + host = $substring(host, 1, (host.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + return [host, port]; + }; + URL.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, text, u; + text = sliceType$1.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + u = this; + _tmp = (new sliceType$1($stringToBytes(u.String()))); + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + text = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [text, err]; + }; + URL.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { return this.$val.MarshalBinary(); }; + URL.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(text) { + var {_r, _tuple, err, text, u, u1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {text}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + u = this; + _r = Parse(($bytesToString(text))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + u1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + URL.copy(u, u1); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: URL.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, text, u, u1, $s};return $f; + }; + URL.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(text) { return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(text); }; + validUserinfo = function(s) { + var _1, _i, _ref, _rune, r, s; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + r = _rune[0]; + if (65 <= r && r <= 90) { + _i += _rune[1]; + continue; + } + if (97 <= r && r <= 122) { + _i += _rune[1]; + continue; + } + if (48 <= r && r <= 57) { + _i += _rune[1]; + continue; + } + _1 = r; + if ((_1 === (45)) || (_1 === (46)) || (_1 === (95)) || (_1 === (58)) || (_1 === (126)) || (_1 === (33)) || (_1 === (36)) || (_1 === (38)) || (_1 === (39)) || (_1 === (40)) || (_1 === (41)) || (_1 === (42)) || (_1 === (43)) || (_1 === (44)) || (_1 === (59)) || (_1 === (61)) || (_1 === (37)) || (_1 === (64))) { + _i += _rune[1]; + continue; + } else { + return false; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return true; + }; + stringContainsCTLByte = function(s) { + var b, i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + b = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (b < 32 || (b === 127)) { + return true; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + }; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + EscapeError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + InvalidHostError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "setPath", name: "setPath", pkg: "net/url", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "EscapedPath", name: "EscapedPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "setFragment", name: "setFragment", pkg: "net/url", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "EscapedFragment", name: "EscapedFragment", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Redacted", name: "Redacted", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "IsAbs", name: "IsAbs", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Parse", name: "Parse", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [ptrType$2, $error], false)}, {prop: "ResolveReference", name: "ResolveReference", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2], [ptrType$2], false)}, {prop: "Query", name: "Query", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Values], false)}, {prop: "RequestURI", name: "RequestURI", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Hostname", name: "Hostname", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Port", name: "Port", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Username", name: "Username", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Password", name: "Password", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Values.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Del", name: "Del", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Encode", name: "Encode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + Error.init("", [{prop: "Op", name: "Op", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "URL", name: "URL", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + URL.init("", [{prop: "Scheme", name: "Scheme", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Opaque", name: "Opaque", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "User", name: "User", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Host", name: "Host", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Path", name: "Path", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "RawPath", name: "RawPath", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "ForceQuery", name: "ForceQuery", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "RawQuery", name: "RawQuery", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Fragment", name: "Fragment", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "RawFragment", name: "RawFragment", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Userinfo.init("net/url", [{prop: "username", name: "username", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "password", name: "password", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "passwordSet", name: "passwordSet", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + Values.init($String, sliceType$2); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["path/filepath"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, fs, os, runtime, sort, strings, syscall, utf8, lazybuf, sliceType$1, ptrType, volumeNameLen, join, Clean, FromSlash, Join, Base, VolumeName; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fs = $packages["io/fs"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + syscall = $packages["syscall"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + lazybuf = $pkg.lazybuf = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "filepath.lazybuf", true, "path/filepath", false, function(path_, buf_, w_, volAndPath_, volLen_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.path = ""; + this.buf = sliceType$1.nil; + this.w = 0; + this.volAndPath = ""; + this.volLen = 0; + return; + } + this.path = path_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.w = w_; + this.volAndPath = volAndPath_; + this.volLen = volLen_; + }); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(lazybuf); + volumeNameLen = function(path) { + var path; + return 0; + }; + join = function(elem) { + var _i, _ref, e, elem, i; + _ref = elem; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + e = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!(e === "")) { + return Clean(strings.Join($subslice(elem, i), "/")); + } + _i++; + } + return ""; + }; + lazybuf.ptr.prototype.index = function(i) { + var b, i, x; + b = this; + if (!(b.buf === sliceType$1.nil)) { + return (x = b.buf, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + } + return b.path.charCodeAt(i); + }; + lazybuf.prototype.index = function(i) { return this.$val.index(i); }; + lazybuf.ptr.prototype.append = function(c) { + var b, c, x, x$1; + b = this; + if (b.buf === sliceType$1.nil) { + if (b.w < b.path.length && (b.path.charCodeAt(b.w) === c)) { + b.w = b.w + (1) >> 0; + return; + } + b.buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, b.path.length); + $copyString(b.buf, $substring(b.path, 0, b.w)); + } + (x = b.buf, x$1 = b.w, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1] = c)); + b.w = b.w + (1) >> 0; + }; + lazybuf.prototype.append = function(c) { return this.$val.append(c); }; + lazybuf.ptr.prototype.string = function() { + var b; + b = this; + if (b.buf === sliceType$1.nil) { + return $substring(b.volAndPath, 0, (b.volLen + b.w >> 0)); + } + return $substring(b.volAndPath, 0, b.volLen) + ($bytesToString($subslice(b.buf, 0, b.w))); + }; + lazybuf.prototype.string = function() { return this.$val.string(); }; + Clean = function(path) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, dotdot, n, originalPath, out, path, r, rooted, volLen; + originalPath = path; + volLen = volumeNameLen(path); + path = $substring(path, volLen); + if (path === "") { + if (volLen > 1 && !((originalPath.charCodeAt(1) === 58))) { + return FromSlash(originalPath); + } + return originalPath + "."; + } + rooted = os.IsPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(0)); + n = path.length; + out = new lazybuf.ptr(path, sliceType$1.nil, 0, originalPath, volLen); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + r = _tmp; + dotdot = _tmp$1; + if (rooted) { + out.append(47); + _tmp$2 = 1; + _tmp$3 = 1; + r = _tmp$2; + dotdot = _tmp$3; + } + while (true) { + if (!(r < n)) { break; } + if (os.IsPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(r))) { + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((path.charCodeAt(r) === 46) && ((r + 1 >> 0) === n)) { + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((path.charCodeAt(r) === 46) && os.IsPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt((r + 1 >> 0)))) { + r = r + (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(r < path.length && os.IsPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(r)))) { break; } + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } + if ((out.w === 0) && volumeNameLen($substring(path, r)) > 0) { + out.append(46); + } + } else if ((path.charCodeAt(r) === 46) && (path.charCodeAt((r + 1 >> 0)) === 46) && (((r + 2 >> 0) === n) || os.IsPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt((r + 2 >> 0))))) { + r = r + (2) >> 0; + if (out.w > dotdot) { + out.w = out.w - (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(out.w > dotdot && !os.IsPathSeparator(out.index(out.w)))) { break; } + out.w = out.w - (1) >> 0; + } + } else if (!rooted) { + if (out.w > 0) { + out.append(47); + } + out.append(46); + out.append(46); + dotdot = out.w; + } + } else { + if (rooted && !((out.w === 1)) || !rooted && !((out.w === 0))) { + out.append(47); + } + while (true) { + if (!(r < n && !os.IsPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(r)))) { break; } + out.append(path.charCodeAt(r)); + r = r + (1) >> 0; + } + } + } + if (out.w === 0) { + out.append(46); + } + return FromSlash(out.string()); + }; + $pkg.Clean = Clean; + FromSlash = function(path) { + var path; + if (true) { + return path; + } + return strings.ReplaceAll(path, "/", "/"); + }; + $pkg.FromSlash = FromSlash; + Join = function(elem) { + var elem; + return join(elem); + }; + $pkg.Join = Join; + Base = function(path) { + var i, path; + if (path === "") { + return "."; + } + while (true) { + if (!(path.length > 0 && os.IsPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt((path.length - 1 >> 0))))) { break; } + path = $substring(path, 0, (path.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + path = $substring(path, VolumeName(path).length); + i = path.length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0 && !os.IsPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(i)))) { break; } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + if (i >= 0) { + path = $substring(path, (i + 1 >> 0)); + } + if (path === "") { + return "/"; + } + return path; + }; + $pkg.Base = Base; + VolumeName = function(path) { + var path; + return $substring(path, 0, volumeNameLen(path)); + }; + $pkg.VolumeName = VolumeName; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "index", name: "index", pkg: "path/filepath", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "append", name: "append", pkg: "path/filepath", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "string", name: "string", pkg: "path/filepath", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + lazybuf.init("path/filepath", [{prop: "path", name: "path", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "volAndPath", name: "volAndPath", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "volLen", name: "volLen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fs.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = syscall.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrBadPattern = errors.New("syntax error in pattern"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/x509"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, crypto, aes, cipher, des, dsa, ecdsa, ed25519, elliptic, md5, rsa, sha1, sha256, sha512, pkix, asn1, hex, pem, errors, fmt, godebug, io, fs, big, net, url, os, filepath, reflect, runtime, strconv, strings, sync, time, unicode, utf16, utf8, cryptobyte, asn1$1, publicKeyInfo, authKeyId, SignatureAlgorithm, PublicKeyAlgorithm, pssParameters, KeyUsage, ExtKeyUsage, Certificate, InsecureAlgorithmError, ConstraintViolationError, UnhandledCriticalExtension, InvalidReason, CertificateInvalidError, HostnameError, UnknownAuthorityError, SystemRootsError, VerifyOptions, rfc2821Mailbox, ecPrivateKey, pkcs8, pkcs1PrivateKey, pkcs1AdditionalRSAPrime, pkcs1PublicKey, sum224, CertPool, lazyCert, ptrType, structType, sliceType, sliceType$1, structType$1, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, sliceType$6, ptrType$4, sliceType$8, ptrType$6, sliceType$11, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, sliceType$13, ptrType$9, sliceType$15, sliceType$18, ptrType$13, sliceType$19, ptrType$14, ptrType$16, ptrType$17, sliceType$20, sliceType$21, sliceType$22, ptrType$18, ptrType$19, sliceType$23, sliceType$24, ptrType$20, ptrType$21, sliceType$25, sliceType$26, sliceType$27, ptrType$23, ptrType$24, sliceType$28, sliceType$29, structType$3, sliceType$30, funcType, ptrType$25, mapType, funcType$2, mapType$1, mapType$2, publicKeyAlgoName, oidSignatureMD2WithRSA, oidSignatureMD5WithRSA, oidSignatureSHA1WithRSA, oidSignatureSHA256WithRSA, oidSignatureSHA384WithRSA, oidSignatureSHA512WithRSA, oidSignatureRSAPSS, oidSignatureDSAWithSHA1, oidSignatureDSAWithSHA256, oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA1, oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA256, oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA384, oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA512, oidSignatureEd25519, oidSHA256, oidSHA384, oidSHA512, oidMGF1, oidISOSignatureSHA1WithRSA, signatureAlgorithmDetails, hashToPSSParameters, oidPublicKeyRSA, oidPublicKeyDSA, oidPublicKeyECDSA, oidPublicKeyEd25519, oidNamedCurveP224, oidNamedCurveP256, oidNamedCurveP384, oidNamedCurveP521, oidExtKeyUsageAny, oidExtKeyUsageServerAuth, oidExtKeyUsageClientAuth, oidExtKeyUsageCodeSigning, oidExtKeyUsageEmailProtection, oidExtKeyUsageIPSECEndSystem, oidExtKeyUsageIPSECTunnel, oidExtKeyUsageIPSECUser, oidExtKeyUsageTimeStamping, oidExtKeyUsageOCSPSigning, oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftServerGatedCrypto, oidExtKeyUsageNetscapeServerGatedCrypto, oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftCommercialCodeSigning, oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftKernelCodeSigning, extKeyUsageOIDs, debugAllowSHA1, oidExtensionAuthorityKeyId, oidExtensionSubjectAltName, oidExtensionNameConstraints, oidExtensionAuthorityInfoAccess, oidAuthorityInfoAccessOcsp, oidAuthorityInfoAccessIssuers, errNotParsed, certFiles, certDirectories, once, systemRoots, systemRootsErr, _r, getSignatureAlgorithmFromAI, getPublicKeyAlgorithmFromOID, namedCurveFromOID, extKeyUsageFromOID, signaturePublicKeyAlgoMismatchError, checkSignature, oidInExtensions, isIA5String, signingParamsForPublicKey, parseRFC2821Mailbox, domainToReverseLabels, matchEmailConstraint, matchURIConstraint, matchIPConstraint, matchDomainConstraint, appendToFreshChain, validHostnamePattern, validHostnameInput, validHostname, matchExactly, matchHostnames, toLowerCaseASCII, checkChainForKeyUsage, ParseECPrivateKey, parseECPrivateKey, loadSystemRoots, readUniqueDirectoryEntries, isSameDirSymlink, systemRootsPool, initSystemRoots, ParsePKCS8PrivateKey, ParsePKCS1PrivateKey, isPrintable, parseASN1String, parseName, parseAI, parseValidity, parseExtension, parsePublicKey, parseKeyUsageExtension, parseBasicConstraintsExtension, forEachSAN, parseSANExtension, parseExtKeyUsageExtension, parseCertificatePoliciesExtension, isValidIPMask, parseNameConstraintsExtension, processExtensions, parseCertificate, ParseCertificate, NewCertPool; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + crypto = $packages["crypto"]; + aes = $packages["crypto/aes"]; + cipher = $packages["crypto/cipher"]; + des = $packages["crypto/des"]; + dsa = $packages["crypto/dsa"]; + ecdsa = $packages["crypto/ecdsa"]; + ed25519 = $packages["crypto/ed25519"]; + elliptic = $packages["crypto/elliptic"]; + md5 = $packages["crypto/md5"]; + rsa = $packages["crypto/rsa"]; + sha1 = $packages["crypto/sha1"]; + sha256 = $packages["crypto/sha256"]; + sha512 = $packages["crypto/sha512"]; + pkix = $packages["crypto/x509/pkix"]; + asn1 = $packages["encoding/asn1"]; + hex = $packages["encoding/hex"]; + pem = $packages["encoding/pem"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + godebug = $packages["internal/godebug"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + fs = $packages["io/fs"]; + big = $packages["math/big"]; + net = $packages["net"]; + url = $packages["net/url"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + filepath = $packages["path/filepath"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + utf16 = $packages["unicode/utf16"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + cryptobyte = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte"]; + asn1$1 = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte/asn1"]; + publicKeyInfo = $pkg.publicKeyInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.publicKeyInfo", true, "crypto/x509", false, function(Raw_, Algorithm_, PublicKey_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Raw = asn1.RawContent.nil; + this.Algorithm = new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)); + this.PublicKey = new asn1.BitString.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0); + return; + } + this.Raw = Raw_; + this.Algorithm = Algorithm_; + this.PublicKey = PublicKey_; + }); + authKeyId = $pkg.authKeyId = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.authKeyId", true, "crypto/x509", false, function(Id_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Id = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.Id = Id_; + }); + SignatureAlgorithm = $pkg.SignatureAlgorithm = $newType(4, $kindInt, "x509.SignatureAlgorithm", true, "crypto/x509", true, null); + PublicKeyAlgorithm = $pkg.PublicKeyAlgorithm = $newType(4, $kindInt, "x509.PublicKeyAlgorithm", true, "crypto/x509", true, null); + pssParameters = $pkg.pssParameters = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.pssParameters", true, "crypto/x509", false, function(Hash_, MGF_, SaltLength_, TrailerField_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Hash = new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)); + this.MGF = new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)); + this.SaltLength = 0; + this.TrailerField = 0; + return; + } + this.Hash = Hash_; + this.MGF = MGF_; + this.SaltLength = SaltLength_; + this.TrailerField = TrailerField_; + }); + KeyUsage = $pkg.KeyUsage = $newType(4, $kindInt, "x509.KeyUsage", true, "crypto/x509", true, null); + ExtKeyUsage = $pkg.ExtKeyUsage = $newType(4, $kindInt, "x509.ExtKeyUsage", true, "crypto/x509", true, null); + Certificate = $pkg.Certificate = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.Certificate", true, "crypto/x509", true, function(Raw_, RawTBSCertificate_, RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo_, RawSubject_, RawIssuer_, Signature_, SignatureAlgorithm_, PublicKeyAlgorithm_, PublicKey_, Version_, SerialNumber_, Issuer_, Subject_, NotBefore_, NotAfter_, KeyUsage_, Extensions_, ExtraExtensions_, UnhandledCriticalExtensions_, ExtKeyUsage_, UnknownExtKeyUsage_, BasicConstraintsValid_, IsCA_, MaxPathLen_, MaxPathLenZero_, SubjectKeyId_, AuthorityKeyId_, OCSPServer_, IssuingCertificateURL_, DNSNames_, EmailAddresses_, IPAddresses_, URIs_, PermittedDNSDomainsCritical_, PermittedDNSDomains_, ExcludedDNSDomains_, PermittedIPRanges_, ExcludedIPRanges_, PermittedEmailAddresses_, ExcludedEmailAddresses_, PermittedURIDomains_, ExcludedURIDomains_, CRLDistributionPoints_, PolicyIdentifiers_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Raw = sliceType$1.nil; + this.RawTBSCertificate = sliceType$1.nil; + this.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo = sliceType$1.nil; + this.RawSubject = sliceType$1.nil; + this.RawIssuer = sliceType$1.nil; + this.Signature = sliceType$1.nil; + this.SignatureAlgorithm = 0; + this.PublicKeyAlgorithm = 0; + this.PublicKey = $ifaceNil; + this.Version = 0; + this.SerialNumber = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Issuer = new pkix.Name.ptr(sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, "", "", sliceType$15.nil, sliceType$15.nil); + this.Subject = new pkix.Name.ptr(sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, "", "", sliceType$15.nil, sliceType$15.nil); + this.NotBefore = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil); + this.NotAfter = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil); + this.KeyUsage = 0; + this.Extensions = sliceType$8.nil; + this.ExtraExtensions = sliceType$8.nil; + this.UnhandledCriticalExtensions = sliceType$11.nil; + this.ExtKeyUsage = sliceType$22.nil; + this.UnknownExtKeyUsage = sliceType$11.nil; + this.BasicConstraintsValid = false; + this.IsCA = false; + this.MaxPathLen = 0; + this.MaxPathLenZero = false; + this.SubjectKeyId = sliceType$1.nil; + this.AuthorityKeyId = sliceType$1.nil; + this.OCSPServer = sliceType$4.nil; + this.IssuingCertificateURL = sliceType$4.nil; + this.DNSNames = sliceType$4.nil; + this.EmailAddresses = sliceType$4.nil; + this.IPAddresses = sliceType$18.nil; + this.URIs = sliceType$19.nil; + this.PermittedDNSDomainsCritical = false; + this.PermittedDNSDomains = sliceType$4.nil; + this.ExcludedDNSDomains = sliceType$4.nil; + this.PermittedIPRanges = sliceType$28.nil; + this.ExcludedIPRanges = sliceType$28.nil; + this.PermittedEmailAddresses = sliceType$4.nil; + this.ExcludedEmailAddresses = sliceType$4.nil; + this.PermittedURIDomains = sliceType$4.nil; + this.ExcludedURIDomains = sliceType$4.nil; + this.CRLDistributionPoints = sliceType$4.nil; + this.PolicyIdentifiers = sliceType$11.nil; + return; + } + this.Raw = Raw_; + this.RawTBSCertificate = RawTBSCertificate_; + this.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo = RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo_; + this.RawSubject = RawSubject_; + this.RawIssuer = RawIssuer_; + this.Signature = Signature_; + this.SignatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm_; + this.PublicKeyAlgorithm = PublicKeyAlgorithm_; + this.PublicKey = PublicKey_; + this.Version = Version_; + this.SerialNumber = SerialNumber_; + this.Issuer = Issuer_; + this.Subject = Subject_; + this.NotBefore = NotBefore_; + this.NotAfter = NotAfter_; + this.KeyUsage = KeyUsage_; + this.Extensions = Extensions_; + this.ExtraExtensions = ExtraExtensions_; + this.UnhandledCriticalExtensions = UnhandledCriticalExtensions_; + this.ExtKeyUsage = ExtKeyUsage_; + this.UnknownExtKeyUsage = UnknownExtKeyUsage_; + this.BasicConstraintsValid = BasicConstraintsValid_; + this.IsCA = IsCA_; + this.MaxPathLen = MaxPathLen_; + this.MaxPathLenZero = MaxPathLenZero_; + this.SubjectKeyId = SubjectKeyId_; + this.AuthorityKeyId = AuthorityKeyId_; + this.OCSPServer = OCSPServer_; + this.IssuingCertificateURL = IssuingCertificateURL_; + this.DNSNames = DNSNames_; + this.EmailAddresses = EmailAddresses_; + this.IPAddresses = IPAddresses_; + this.URIs = URIs_; + this.PermittedDNSDomainsCritical = PermittedDNSDomainsCritical_; + this.PermittedDNSDomains = PermittedDNSDomains_; + this.ExcludedDNSDomains = ExcludedDNSDomains_; + this.PermittedIPRanges = PermittedIPRanges_; + this.ExcludedIPRanges = ExcludedIPRanges_; + this.PermittedEmailAddresses = PermittedEmailAddresses_; + this.ExcludedEmailAddresses = ExcludedEmailAddresses_; + this.PermittedURIDomains = PermittedURIDomains_; + this.ExcludedURIDomains = ExcludedURIDomains_; + this.CRLDistributionPoints = CRLDistributionPoints_; + this.PolicyIdentifiers = PolicyIdentifiers_; + }); + InsecureAlgorithmError = $pkg.InsecureAlgorithmError = $newType(4, $kindInt, "x509.InsecureAlgorithmError", true, "crypto/x509", true, null); + ConstraintViolationError = $pkg.ConstraintViolationError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.ConstraintViolationError", true, "crypto/x509", true, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + UnhandledCriticalExtension = $pkg.UnhandledCriticalExtension = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.UnhandledCriticalExtension", true, "crypto/x509", true, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + InvalidReason = $pkg.InvalidReason = $newType(4, $kindInt, "x509.InvalidReason", true, "crypto/x509", true, null); + CertificateInvalidError = $pkg.CertificateInvalidError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.CertificateInvalidError", true, "crypto/x509", true, function(Cert_, Reason_, Detail_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Cert = ptrType$4.nil; + this.Reason = 0; + this.Detail = ""; + return; + } + this.Cert = Cert_; + this.Reason = Reason_; + this.Detail = Detail_; + }); + HostnameError = $pkg.HostnameError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.HostnameError", true, "crypto/x509", true, function(Certificate_, Host_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Certificate = ptrType$4.nil; + this.Host = ""; + return; + } + this.Certificate = Certificate_; + this.Host = Host_; + }); + UnknownAuthorityError = $pkg.UnknownAuthorityError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.UnknownAuthorityError", true, "crypto/x509", true, function(Cert_, hintErr_, hintCert_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Cert = ptrType$4.nil; + this.hintErr = $ifaceNil; + this.hintCert = ptrType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.Cert = Cert_; + this.hintErr = hintErr_; + this.hintCert = hintCert_; + }); + SystemRootsError = $pkg.SystemRootsError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.SystemRootsError", true, "crypto/x509", true, function(Err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Err = Err_; + }); + VerifyOptions = $pkg.VerifyOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.VerifyOptions", true, "crypto/x509", true, function(DNSName_, Intermediates_, Roots_, CurrentTime_, KeyUsages_, MaxConstraintComparisions_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.DNSName = ""; + this.Intermediates = ptrType.nil; + this.Roots = ptrType.nil; + this.CurrentTime = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil); + this.KeyUsages = sliceType$22.nil; + this.MaxConstraintComparisions = 0; + return; + } + this.DNSName = DNSName_; + this.Intermediates = Intermediates_; + this.Roots = Roots_; + this.CurrentTime = CurrentTime_; + this.KeyUsages = KeyUsages_; + this.MaxConstraintComparisions = MaxConstraintComparisions_; + }); + rfc2821Mailbox = $pkg.rfc2821Mailbox = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.rfc2821Mailbox", true, "crypto/x509", false, function(local_, domain_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.local = ""; + this.domain = ""; + return; + } + this.local = local_; + this.domain = domain_; + }); + ecPrivateKey = $pkg.ecPrivateKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.ecPrivateKey", true, "crypto/x509", false, function(Version_, PrivateKey_, NamedCurveOID_, PublicKey_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Version = 0; + this.PrivateKey = sliceType$1.nil; + this.NamedCurveOID = asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil; + this.PublicKey = new asn1.BitString.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0); + return; + } + this.Version = Version_; + this.PrivateKey = PrivateKey_; + this.NamedCurveOID = NamedCurveOID_; + this.PublicKey = PublicKey_; + }); + pkcs8 = $pkg.pkcs8 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.pkcs8", true, "crypto/x509", false, function(Version_, Algo_, PrivateKey_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Version = 0; + this.Algo = new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)); + this.PrivateKey = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.Version = Version_; + this.Algo = Algo_; + this.PrivateKey = PrivateKey_; + }); + pkcs1PrivateKey = $pkg.pkcs1PrivateKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.pkcs1PrivateKey", true, "crypto/x509", false, function(Version_, N_, E_, D_, P_, Q_, Dp_, Dq_, Qinv_, AdditionalPrimes_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Version = 0; + this.N = ptrType$1.nil; + this.E = 0; + this.D = ptrType$1.nil; + this.P = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Q = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Dp = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Dq = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Qinv = ptrType$1.nil; + this.AdditionalPrimes = sliceType$23.nil; + return; + } + this.Version = Version_; + this.N = N_; + this.E = E_; + this.D = D_; + this.P = P_; + this.Q = Q_; + this.Dp = Dp_; + this.Dq = Dq_; + this.Qinv = Qinv_; + this.AdditionalPrimes = AdditionalPrimes_; + }); + pkcs1AdditionalRSAPrime = $pkg.pkcs1AdditionalRSAPrime = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.pkcs1AdditionalRSAPrime", true, "crypto/x509", false, function(Prime_, Exp_, Coeff_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Prime = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Exp = ptrType$1.nil; + this.Coeff = ptrType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.Prime = Prime_; + this.Exp = Exp_; + this.Coeff = Coeff_; + }); + pkcs1PublicKey = $pkg.pkcs1PublicKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.pkcs1PublicKey", true, "crypto/x509", false, function(N_, E_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.N = ptrType$1.nil; + this.E = 0; + return; + } + this.N = N_; + this.E = E_; + }); + sum224 = $pkg.sum224 = $newType(28, $kindArray, "x509.sum224", true, "crypto/x509", false, null); + CertPool = $pkg.CertPool = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.CertPool", true, "crypto/x509", true, function(byName_, lazyCerts_, haveSum_, systemPool_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.byName = false; + this.lazyCerts = sliceType$29.nil; + this.haveSum = false; + this.systemPool = false; + return; + } + this.byName = byName_; + this.lazyCerts = lazyCerts_; + this.haveSum = haveSum_; + this.systemPool = systemPool_; + }); + lazyCert = $pkg.lazyCert = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "x509.lazyCert", true, "crypto/x509", false, function(rawSubject_, getCert_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rawSubject = sliceType$1.nil; + this.getCert = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.rawSubject = rawSubject_; + this.getCert = getCert_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(CertPool); + structType = $structType("crypto/x509", [{prop: "algo", name: "algo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: SignatureAlgorithm, tag: ""}, {prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "oid", name: "oid", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: asn1.ObjectIdentifier, tag: ""}, {prop: "pubKeyAlgo", name: "pubKeyAlgo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: PublicKeyAlgorithm, tag: ""}, {prop: "hash", name: "hash", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: crypto.Hash, tag: ""}]); + sliceType = $sliceType(structType); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + structType$1 = $structType("crypto/x509", [{prop: "extKeyUsage", name: "extKeyUsage", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ExtKeyUsage, tag: ""}, {prop: "oid", name: "oid", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: asn1.ObjectIdentifier, tag: ""}]); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(structType$1); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Int); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(big.Int); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(rsa.PublicKey); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(ecdsa.PublicKey); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(Certificate); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType(pkix.Extension); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType($Bool); + sliceType$11 = $sliceType(asn1.ObjectIdentifier); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(time.Location); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(pem.Block); + sliceType$13 = $sliceType(pkix.RevokedCertificate); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(pkix.CertificateList); + sliceType$15 = $sliceType(pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue); + sliceType$18 = $sliceType(net.IP); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(url.URL); + sliceType$19 = $sliceType(ptrType$13); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType(pkix.RDNSequence); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType($Int); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType(net.IPNet); + sliceType$20 = $sliceType(ptrType$4); + sliceType$21 = $sliceType(sliceType$20); + sliceType$22 = $sliceType(ExtKeyUsage); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(asn1.ObjectIdentifier); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType(ecdsa.PrivateKey); + sliceType$23 = $sliceType(pkcs1AdditionalRSAPrime); + sliceType$24 = $sliceType(fs.DirEntry); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(sliceType$1); + ptrType$21 = $ptrType(rsa.PrivateKey); + sliceType$25 = $sliceType(ptrType$1); + sliceType$26 = $sliceType(rsa.CRTValue); + sliceType$27 = $sliceType($Uint16); + ptrType$23 = $ptrType(cryptobyte.String); + ptrType$24 = $ptrType(asn1$1.Tag); + sliceType$28 = $sliceType(ptrType$17); + sliceType$29 = $sliceType(lazyCert); + structType$3 = $structType("crypto/x509", [{prop: "Once", name: "Once", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}]); + sliceType$30 = $sliceType(sliceType$1); + funcType = $funcType([$emptyInterface, $emptyInterface], [$Bool, $error], false); + ptrType$25 = $ptrType(VerifyOptions); + mapType = $mapType(ptrType$4, sliceType$21); + funcType$2 = $funcType([], [ptrType$4, $error], false); + mapType$1 = $mapType($String, sliceType$3); + mapType$2 = $mapType(sum224, $Bool); + SignatureAlgorithm.prototype.isRSAPSS = function() { + var _1, algo; + algo = this.$val; + _1 = algo; + if ((_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14)) || (_1 === (15))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + $ptrType(SignatureAlgorithm).prototype.isRSAPSS = function() { return new SignatureAlgorithm(this.$get()).isRSAPSS(); }; + SignatureAlgorithm.prototype.String = function() { + var _i, _ref, algo, details; + algo = this.$val; + _ref = signatureAlgorithmDetails; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + details = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), structType); + if (details.algo === algo) { + return details.name; + } + _i++; + } + return strconv.Itoa(((algo >> 0))); + }; + $ptrType(SignatureAlgorithm).prototype.String = function() { return new SignatureAlgorithm(this.$get()).String(); }; + PublicKeyAlgorithm.prototype.String = function() { + var algo; + algo = this.$val; + if (0 < algo && ((algo >> 0)) < 5) { + return ((algo < 0 || algo >= publicKeyAlgoName.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : publicKeyAlgoName[algo]); + } + return strconv.Itoa(((algo >> 0))); + }; + $ptrType(PublicKeyAlgorithm).prototype.String = function() { return new PublicKeyAlgorithm(this.$get()).String(); }; + getSignatureAlgorithmFromAI = function(ai) { + var {_i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, ai, details, err, err$1, mgf1HashFunc, params, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ai}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mgf1HashFunc = [mgf1HashFunc]; + params = [params]; + if (ai.Algorithm.Equal(oidSignatureEd25519)) { + if (!((ai.Parameters.FullBytes.$length === 0))) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + } + if (!ai.Algorithm.Equal(oidSignatureRSAPSS)) { + _ref = signatureAlgorithmDetails; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + details = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), structType); + if (ai.Algorithm.Equal(details.oid)) { + $s = -1; return details.algo; + } + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return 0; + } + params[0] = new pssParameters.ptr(new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)), new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)), 0, 0); + _r$1 = asn1.Unmarshal(ai.Parameters.FullBytes, params[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + mgf1HashFunc[0] = new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)); + _r$2 = asn1.Unmarshal(params[0].MGF.Parameters.FullBytes, mgf1HashFunc[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + if ((!((params[0].Hash.Parameters.FullBytes.$length === 0)) && !bytes.Equal(params[0].Hash.Parameters.FullBytes, asn1.NullBytes)) || !params[0].MGF.Algorithm.Equal(oidMGF1) || !mgf1HashFunc[0].Algorithm.Equal(params[0].Hash.Algorithm) || (!((mgf1HashFunc[0].Parameters.FullBytes.$length === 0)) && !bytes.Equal(mgf1HashFunc[0].Parameters.FullBytes, asn1.NullBytes)) || !((params[0].TrailerField === 1))) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + if (params[0].Hash.Algorithm.Equal(oidSHA256) && (params[0].SaltLength === 32)) { + $s = -1; return 13; + } else if (params[0].Hash.Algorithm.Equal(oidSHA384) && (params[0].SaltLength === 48)) { + $s = -1; return 14; + } else if (params[0].Hash.Algorithm.Equal(oidSHA512) && (params[0].SaltLength === 64)) { + $s = -1; return 15; + } + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getSignatureAlgorithmFromAI, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, ai, details, err, err$1, mgf1HashFunc, params, $s};return $f; + }; + getPublicKeyAlgorithmFromOID = function(oid) { + var oid; + if (oid.Equal(oidPublicKeyRSA)) { + return 1; + } else if (oid.Equal(oidPublicKeyDSA)) { + return 2; + } else if (oid.Equal(oidPublicKeyECDSA)) { + return 3; + } else if (oid.Equal(oidPublicKeyEd25519)) { + return 4; + } + return 0; + }; + namedCurveFromOID = function(oid) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, oid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {oid}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (oid.Equal(oidNamedCurveP224)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (oid.Equal(oidNamedCurveP256)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (oid.Equal(oidNamedCurveP384)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (oid.Equal(oidNamedCurveP521)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (oid.Equal(oidNamedCurveP224)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = elliptic.P224(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } else if (oid.Equal(oidNamedCurveP256)) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = elliptic.P256(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (oid.Equal(oidNamedCurveP384)) { */ case 4: + _r$3 = elliptic.P384(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$3; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } else if (oid.Equal(oidNamedCurveP521)) { */ case 5: + _r$4 = elliptic.P521(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$4; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: namedCurveFromOID, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, oid, $s};return $f; + }; + extKeyUsageFromOID = function(oid) { + var _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, eku, oid, ok, pair; + eku = 0; + ok = false; + _ref = extKeyUsageOIDs; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + pair = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), structType$1); + if (oid.Equal(pair.oid)) { + _tmp = pair.extKeyUsage; + _tmp$1 = true; + eku = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [eku, ok]; + } + _i++; + } + return [eku, ok]; + }; + InsecureAlgorithmError.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, override, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this.$val; + override = ""; + if ((((e >> 0)) === 3) || (((e >> 0)) === 9)) { + override = " (temporarily override with GODEBUG=x509sha1=1)"; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("x509: cannot verify signature: insecure algorithm %v", new sliceType$6([new SignatureAlgorithm(((e >> 0)))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1 + override; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InsecureAlgorithmError.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, override, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(InsecureAlgorithmError).prototype.Error = function() { return new InsecureAlgorithmError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + ConstraintViolationError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + return "x509: invalid signature: parent certificate cannot sign this kind of certificate"; + }; + ConstraintViolationError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(other) { + var c, other; + c = this; + if (c === ptrType$4.nil || other === ptrType$4.nil) { + return c === other; + } + return bytes.Equal(c.Raw, other.Raw); + }; + Certificate.prototype.Equal = function(other) { return this.$val.Equal(other); }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.hasSANExtension = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return oidInExtensions($convertSliceType(oidExtensionSubjectAltName, asn1.ObjectIdentifier), c.Extensions); + }; + Certificate.prototype.hasSANExtension = function() { return this.$val.hasSANExtension(); }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.CheckSignatureFrom = function(parent) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, parent, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parent}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if ((parent.Version === 3) && !parent.BasicConstraintsValid || parent.BasicConstraintsValid && !parent.IsCA) { + $s = -1; return (x = new ConstraintViolationError.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + } + if (!((parent.KeyUsage === 0)) && ((parent.KeyUsage & 32) === 0)) { + $s = -1; return (x$1 = new ConstraintViolationError.ptr(), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1)); + } + if (parent.PublicKeyAlgorithm === 0) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm; + } + _r$1 = checkSignature(c.SignatureAlgorithm, c.RawTBSCertificate, c.Signature, parent.PublicKey, debugAllowSHA1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Certificate.ptr.prototype.CheckSignatureFrom, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, parent, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.prototype.CheckSignatureFrom = function(parent) { return this.$val.CheckSignatureFrom(parent); }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.CheckSignature = function(algo, signed, signature) { + var {$24r, _r$1, algo, c, signature, signed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {algo, signed, signature}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = checkSignature(algo, signed, signature, c.PublicKey, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Certificate.ptr.prototype.CheckSignature, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, algo, c, signature, signed, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.prototype.CheckSignature = function(algo, signed, signature) { return this.$val.CheckSignature(algo, signed, signature); }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.hasNameConstraints = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return oidInExtensions($convertSliceType(oidExtensionNameConstraints, asn1.ObjectIdentifier), c.Extensions); + }; + Certificate.prototype.hasNameConstraints = function() { return this.$val.hasNameConstraints(); }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.getSANExtension = function() { + var _i, _ref, c, e; + c = this; + _ref = c.Extensions; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + e = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pkix.Extension); + if (e.Id.Equal($convertSliceType(oidExtensionSubjectAltName, asn1.ObjectIdentifier))) { + return e.Value; + } + _i++; + } + return sliceType$1.nil; + }; + Certificate.prototype.getSANExtension = function() { return this.$val.getSANExtension(); }; + signaturePublicKeyAlgoMismatchError = function(expectedPubKeyAlgo, pubKey) { + var {$24r, _r$1, expectedPubKeyAlgo, pubKey, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {expectedPubKeyAlgo, pubKey}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("x509: signature algorithm specifies an %s public key, but have public key of type %T", new sliceType$6([new $String(new PublicKeyAlgorithm(expectedPubKeyAlgo).String()), pubKey])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: signaturePublicKeyAlgoMismatchError, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, expectedPubKeyAlgo, pubKey, $s};return $f; + }; + checkSignature = function(algo, signed, signature, publicKey, allowSHA1) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, algo, allowSHA1, details, err, h, hashType, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pubKeyAlgo, publicKey, signature, signed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {algo, signed, signature, publicKey, allowSHA1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = $ifaceNil; + hashType = 0; + pubKeyAlgo = 0; + _ref = signatureAlgorithmDetails; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + details = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), structType); + if (details.algo === algo) { + hashType = details.hash; + pubKeyAlgo = details.pubKeyAlgo; + } + _i++; + } + _1 = hashType; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 2: + if (!((pubKeyAlgo === 4))) { + err = $pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm; + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + err = new InsecureAlgorithmError(((algo >> 0))); + $s = -1; return err; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 4: + if (!allowSHA1) { + err = new InsecureAlgorithmError(((algo >> 0))); + $s = -1; return err; + } + if (!new crypto.Hash(hashType).Available()) { + err = $pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm; + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$1 = new crypto.Hash(hashType).New(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$1; + _r$2 = h.Write(signed); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = h.Sum(sliceType$1.nil); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$3; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + if (!new crypto.Hash(hashType).Available()) { + err = $pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm; + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$4 = new crypto.Hash(hashType).New(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$4; + _r$5 = h.Write(signed); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = h.Sum(sliceType$1.nil); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$6; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + _ref$1 = publicKey; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$2, true)[1]) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$3, true)[1]) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$2, true)[1]) { */ case 13: + pub = _ref$1.$val; + /* */ if (!((pubKeyAlgo === 1))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!((pubKeyAlgo === 1))) { */ case 17: + _r$7 = signaturePublicKeyAlgoMismatchError(pubKeyAlgo, pub); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$7; + $24r = err; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r; + /* } */ case 18: + /* */ if (new SignatureAlgorithm(algo).isRSAPSS()) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (new SignatureAlgorithm(algo).isRSAPSS()) { */ case 21: + _r$8 = rsa.VerifyPSS(pub, hashType, signed, signature, new rsa.PSSOptions.ptr(-1, 0)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$8; + $24r$1 = err; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r$1; + /* } else { */ case 22: + _r$9 = rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15(pub, hashType, signed, signature); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$9; + $24r$2 = err; + $s = 27; case 27: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 23: + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$3, true)[1]) { */ case 14: + pub$1 = _ref$1.$val; + /* */ if (!((pubKeyAlgo === 3))) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!((pubKeyAlgo === 3))) { */ case 28: + _r$10 = signaturePublicKeyAlgoMismatchError(pubKeyAlgo, pub$1); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$10; + $24r$3 = err; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 29: + _r$11 = ecdsa.VerifyASN1(pub$1, signed, signature); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$11) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (!_r$11) { */ case 32: + err = errors.New("x509: ECDSA verification failure"); + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 33: + $s = -1; return err; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { */ case 15: + pub$2 = _ref$1.$val; + /* */ if (!((pubKeyAlgo === 4))) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (!((pubKeyAlgo === 4))) { */ case 35: + _r$12 = signaturePublicKeyAlgoMismatchError(pubKeyAlgo, pub$2); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$12; + $24r$4 = err; + $s = 38; case 38: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 36: + _r$13 = ed25519.Verify(pub$2, signed, signature); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$13) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if (!_r$13) { */ case 39: + err = errors.New("x509: Ed25519 verification failure"); + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 40: + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 16: + err = $pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: checkSignature, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, algo, allowSHA1, details, err, h, hashType, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pubKeyAlgo, publicKey, signature, signed, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.CheckCRLSignature = function(crl) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, algo, c, crl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {crl}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = getSignatureAlgorithmFromAI($clone(crl.SignatureAlgorithm, pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + algo = _r$1; + _r$2 = c.CheckSignature(algo, $convertSliceType(crl.TBSCertList.Raw, sliceType$1), $clone(crl.SignatureValue, asn1.BitString).RightAlign()); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Certificate.ptr.prototype.CheckCRLSignature, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, algo, c, crl, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.prototype.CheckCRLSignature = function(crl) { return this.$val.CheckCRLSignature(crl); }; + UnhandledCriticalExtension.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var h; + h = this; + return "x509: unhandled critical extension"; + }; + UnhandledCriticalExtension.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + oidInExtensions = function(oid, extensions) { + var _i, _ref, e, extensions, oid; + _ref = extensions; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + e = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pkix.Extension); + if (e.Id.Equal(oid)) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + isIA5String = function(s) { + var {$24r, _i, _r$1, _ref, _rune, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + r = _rune[0]; + /* */ if (r > 127) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (r > 127) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("x509: %q cannot be encoded as an IA5String", new sliceType$6([new $String(s)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + _i += _rune[1]; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isIA5String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r$1, _ref, _rune, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + signingParamsForPublicKey = function(pub, requestedSigAlgo) { + var {_1, _entry, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _v, details, err, found, hashFunc, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pub$3, pub$4, pubType, requestedSigAlgo, sigAlgo, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pub, requestedSigAlgo}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hashFunc = 0; + sigAlgo = new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)); + err = $ifaceNil; + pubType = 0; + _ref = pub; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$2, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$3, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$2, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + pub$1 = _ref.$val; + pubType = 1; + hashFunc = 5; + sigAlgo.Algorithm = oidSignatureSHA256WithRSA; + asn1.RawValue.copy(sigAlgo.Parameters, asn1.NullRawValue); + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$3, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + pub$2 = _ref.$val; + pubType = 3; + _1 = pub$2.Curve; + _r$1 = elliptic.P224(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$1))) { _v = true; $s = 12; continue s; } + _r$2 = elliptic.P256(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = $interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$2)); case 12: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 7; continue; } + _r$3 = elliptic.P384(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$3))) { $s = 8; continue; } + _r$4 = elliptic.P521(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$4))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 7: + hashFunc = 5; + sigAlgo.Algorithm = oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA256; + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$3))) { */ case 8: + hashFunc = 6; + sigAlgo.Algorithm = oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA384; + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$4))) { */ case 9: + hashFunc = 7; + sigAlgo.Algorithm = oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA512; + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + err = errors.New("x509: unknown elliptic curve"); + /* } */ case 11: + case 6: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + pub$3 = _ref.$val; + pubType = 4; + sigAlgo.Algorithm = oidSignatureEd25519; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + pub$4 = _ref; + err = errors.New("x509: only RSA, ECDSA and Ed25519 keys supported"); + /* } */ case 5: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [hashFunc, sigAlgo, err]; + } + if (requestedSigAlgo === 0) { + $s = -1; return [hashFunc, sigAlgo, err]; + } + found = false; + _ref$1 = signatureAlgorithmDetails; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + details = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]), structType); + if (details.algo === requestedSigAlgo) { + if (!((details.pubKeyAlgo === pubType))) { + err = errors.New("x509: requested SignatureAlgorithm does not match private key type"); + $s = -1; return [hashFunc, sigAlgo, err]; + } + _tmp = details.oid; + _tmp$1 = details.hash; + sigAlgo.Algorithm = _tmp; + hashFunc = _tmp$1; + if ((hashFunc === 0) && !((pubType === 4))) { + err = errors.New("x509: cannot sign with hash function requested"); + $s = -1; return [hashFunc, sigAlgo, err]; + } + if (new SignatureAlgorithm(requestedSigAlgo).isRSAPSS()) { + asn1.RawValue.copy(sigAlgo.Parameters, (_entry = hashToPSSParameters[crypto.Hash.keyFor(hashFunc)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil))); + } + found = true; + break; + } + _i++; + } + if (!found) { + err = errors.New("x509: unknown SignatureAlgorithm"); + } + $s = -1; return [hashFunc, sigAlgo, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: signingParamsForPublicKey, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _v, details, err, found, hashFunc, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pub$3, pub$4, pubType, requestedSigAlgo, sigAlgo, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.CreateCRL = function(rand, priv, revokedCerts, now, expiry) { + var {$24r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, aki, c, crlBytes, err, expiry, h, hashFunc, i, key, now, ok, priv, rand, rc, revokedCerts, revokedCertsUTC, signature, signatureAlgorithm, signed, tbsCertList, tbsCertListContents, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand, priv, revokedCerts, now, expiry}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + crlBytes = sliceType$1.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + _tuple = $assertType(priv, crypto.Signer, true); + key = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _tmp = sliceType$1.nil; + _tmp$1 = errors.New("x509: certificate private key does not implement crypto.Signer"); + crlBytes = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [crlBytes, err]; + } + _r$1 = key.Public(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = signingParamsForPublicKey(_r$1, 0); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + hashFunc = _tuple$1[0]; + signatureAlgorithm = $clone(_tuple$1[1], pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier); + err = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = sliceType$1.nil; + _tmp$3 = err; + crlBytes = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [crlBytes, err]; + } + revokedCertsUTC = $makeSlice(sliceType$13, revokedCerts.$length); + _ref = revokedCerts; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + rc = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pkix.RevokedCertificate); + time.Time.copy(rc.RevocationTime, $clone(rc.RevocationTime, time.Time).UTC()); + pkix.RevokedCertificate.copy(((i < 0 || i >= revokedCertsUTC.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : revokedCertsUTC.$array[revokedCertsUTC.$offset + i]), rc); + _i++; + } + tbsCertList = new pkix.TBSCertificateList.ptr(asn1.RawContent.nil, 1, $clone(signatureAlgorithm, pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier), $clone(c.Subject, pkix.Name).ToRDNSequence(), $clone($clone(now, time.Time).UTC(), time.Time), $clone($clone(expiry, time.Time).UTC(), time.Time), revokedCertsUTC, sliceType$8.nil); + /* */ if (c.SubjectKeyId.$length > 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (c.SubjectKeyId.$length > 0) { */ case 3: + aki = new pkix.Extension.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, false, sliceType$1.nil); + aki.Id = $convertSliceType(oidExtensionAuthorityKeyId, asn1.ObjectIdentifier); + _r$3 = asn1.Marshal((x = new authKeyId.ptr(c.SubjectKeyId), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + aki.Value = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [crlBytes, err]; + } + tbsCertList.Extensions = $append(tbsCertList.Extensions, aki); + /* } */ case 4: + _r$4 = asn1.Marshal(new tbsCertList.constructor.elem(tbsCertList)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + tbsCertListContents = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [crlBytes, err]; + } + signed = tbsCertListContents; + /* */ if (!((hashFunc === 0))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((hashFunc === 0))) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = new crypto.Hash(hashFunc).New(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$5; + _r$6 = h.Write(signed); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = h.Sum(sliceType$1.nil); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$7; + /* } */ case 8: + signature = sliceType$1.nil; + _r$8 = key.Sign(rand, signed, new crypto.Hash(hashFunc)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$8; + signature = _tuple$4[0]; + err = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [crlBytes, err]; + } + _r$9 = asn1.Marshal((x$1 = new pkix.CertificateList.ptr($clone(tbsCertList, pkix.TBSCertificateList), $clone(signatureAlgorithm, pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier), new asn1.BitString.ptr(signature, $imul(signature.$length, 8))), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$9; + crlBytes = _tuple$5[0]; + err = _tuple$5[1]; + $24r = [crlBytes, err]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Certificate.ptr.prototype.CreateCRL, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, aki, c, crlBytes, err, expiry, h, hashFunc, i, key, now, ok, priv, rand, rc, revokedCerts, revokedCertsUTC, signature, signatureAlgorithm, signed, tbsCertList, tbsCertListContents, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.prototype.CreateCRL = function(rand, priv, revokedCerts, now, expiry) { return this.$val.CreateCRL(rand, priv, revokedCerts, now, expiry); }; + CertificateInvalidError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var _1, e; + e = this; + _1 = e.Reason; + if (_1 === (0)) { + return "x509: certificate is not authorized to sign other certificates"; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return "x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: " + e.Detail; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + return "x509: a root or intermediate certificate is not authorized to sign for this name: " + e.Detail; + } else if (_1 === (9)) { + return "x509: a root or intermediate certificate is not authorized for an extended key usage: " + e.Detail; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + return "x509: too many intermediates for path length constraint"; + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + return "x509: certificate specifies an incompatible key usage"; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + return "x509: issuer name does not match subject from issuing certificate"; + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + return "x509: issuer has name constraints but leaf doesn't have a SAN extension"; + } else if (_1 === (7)) { + return "x509: issuer has name constraints but leaf contains unknown or unconstrained name: " + e.Detail; + } + return "x509: unknown error"; + }; + CertificateInvalidError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + HostnameError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var _i, _ref, c, h, ip, san, valid; + h = this; + c = h.Certificate; + if (!c.hasSANExtension() && matchHostnames(c.Subject.CommonName, h.Host)) { + return "x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs instead"; + } + valid = ""; + ip = net.ParseIP(h.Host); + if (!(ip === net.IP.nil)) { + if (c.IPAddresses.$length === 0) { + return "x509: cannot validate certificate for " + h.Host + " because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"; + } + _ref = c.IPAddresses; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + san = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (valid.length > 0) { + valid = valid + (", "); + } + valid = valid + (san.String()); + _i++; + } + } else { + valid = strings.Join(c.DNSNames, ", "); + } + if (valid.length === 0) { + return "x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match " + h.Host; + } + return "x509: certificate is valid for " + valid + ", not " + h.Host; + }; + HostnameError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + UnknownAuthorityError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, certName, e, s, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + s = "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.hintErr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.hintErr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + certName = e.hintCert.Subject.CommonName; + /* */ if (certName.length === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (certName.length === 0) { */ case 3: + /* */ if (e.hintCert.Subject.Organization.$length > 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (e.hintCert.Subject.Organization.$length > 0) { */ case 5: + certName = (x = e.hintCert.Subject.Organization, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _r$1 = e.hintCert.SerialNumber.String(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + certName = "serial:" + _r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 4: + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf(" (possibly because of %q while trying to verify candidate authority certificate %q)", new sliceType$6([e.hintErr, new $String(certName)])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = s + (_r$2); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: UnknownAuthorityError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, certName, e, s, x, $s};return $f; + }; + UnknownAuthorityError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + SystemRootsError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, msg, se, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + se = this; + msg = "x509: failed to load system roots and no roots provided"; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(se.Err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(se.Err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = se.Err.Error(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = msg + "; " + _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return msg; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SystemRootsError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, msg, se, $s};return $f; + }; + SystemRootsError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + SystemRootsError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var se; + se = this; + return se.Err; + }; + SystemRootsError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + parseRFC2821Mailbox = function(in$1) { + var _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, c, c$1, in$1, localPartBytes, mailbox, ok, ok$1, twoDots, x; + mailbox = new rfc2821Mailbox.ptr("", ""); + ok = false; + if (in$1.length === 0) { + _tmp = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$1 = false; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp); + ok = _tmp$1; + return [mailbox, ok]; + } + localPartBytes = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, (_q = in$1.length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + if (in$1.charCodeAt(0) === 34) { + in$1 = $substring(in$1, 1); + QuotedString: + while (true) { + if (in$1.length === 0) { + _tmp$2 = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$3 = false; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp$2); + ok = _tmp$3; + return [mailbox, ok]; + } + c = in$1.charCodeAt(0); + in$1 = $substring(in$1, 1); + if ((c === 34)) { + break QuotedString; + } else if ((c === 92)) { + if (in$1.length === 0) { + _tmp$4 = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$5 = false; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp$4); + ok = _tmp$5; + return [mailbox, ok]; + } + if ((in$1.charCodeAt(0) === 11) || (in$1.charCodeAt(0) === 12) || (1 <= in$1.charCodeAt(0) && in$1.charCodeAt(0) <= 9) || (14 <= in$1.charCodeAt(0) && in$1.charCodeAt(0) <= 127)) { + localPartBytes = $append(localPartBytes, in$1.charCodeAt(0)); + in$1 = $substring(in$1, 1); + } else { + _tmp$6 = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$7 = false; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp$6); + ok = _tmp$7; + return [mailbox, ok]; + } + } else if ((c === 11) || (c === 12) || (c === 32) || (c === 33) || (c === 127) || (1 <= c && c <= 8) || (14 <= c && c <= 31) || (35 <= c && c <= 91) || (93 <= c && c <= 126)) { + localPartBytes = $append(localPartBytes, c); + } else { + _tmp$8 = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$9 = false; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp$8); + ok = _tmp$9; + return [mailbox, ok]; + } + } + } else { + NextChar: + while (true) { + if (!(in$1.length > 0)) { break; } + c$1 = in$1.charCodeAt(0); + if ((c$1 === 92)) { + in$1 = $substring(in$1, 1); + if (in$1.length === 0) { + _tmp$10 = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$11 = false; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp$10); + ok = _tmp$11; + return [mailbox, ok]; + } + localPartBytes = $append(localPartBytes, in$1.charCodeAt(0)); + in$1 = $substring(in$1, 1); + } else if ((48 <= c$1 && c$1 <= 57) || (97 <= c$1 && c$1 <= 122) || (65 <= c$1 && c$1 <= 90) || (c$1 === 33) || (c$1 === 35) || (c$1 === 36) || (c$1 === 37) || (c$1 === 38) || (c$1 === 39) || (c$1 === 42) || (c$1 === 43) || (c$1 === 45) || (c$1 === 47) || (c$1 === 61) || (c$1 === 63) || (c$1 === 94) || (c$1 === 95) || (c$1 === 96) || (c$1 === 123) || (c$1 === 124) || (c$1 === 125) || (c$1 === 126) || (c$1 === 46)) { + localPartBytes = $append(localPartBytes, in$1.charCodeAt(0)); + in$1 = $substring(in$1, 1); + } else { + break NextChar; + } + } + if (localPartBytes.$length === 0) { + _tmp$12 = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$13 = false; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp$12); + ok = _tmp$13; + return [mailbox, ok]; + } + twoDots = new sliceType$1([46, 46]); + if (((0 >= localPartBytes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : localPartBytes.$array[localPartBytes.$offset + 0]) === 46) || ((x = localPartBytes.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= localPartBytes.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : localPartBytes.$array[localPartBytes.$offset + x])) === 46) || bytes.Contains(localPartBytes, twoDots)) { + _tmp$14 = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$15 = false; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp$14); + ok = _tmp$15; + return [mailbox, ok]; + } + } + if ((in$1.length === 0) || !((in$1.charCodeAt(0) === 64))) { + _tmp$16 = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$17 = false; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp$16); + ok = _tmp$17; + return [mailbox, ok]; + } + in$1 = $substring(in$1, 1); + _tuple = domainToReverseLabels(in$1); + ok$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok$1) { + _tmp$18 = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$19 = false; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp$18); + ok = _tmp$19; + return [mailbox, ok]; + } + mailbox.local = ($bytesToString(localPartBytes)); + mailbox.domain = in$1; + _tmp$20 = $clone(mailbox, rfc2821Mailbox); + _tmp$21 = true; + rfc2821Mailbox.copy(mailbox, _tmp$20); + ok = _tmp$21; + return [mailbox, ok]; + }; + domainToReverseLabels = function(domain) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, c, domain, i, label, ok, reverseLabels; + reverseLabels = sliceType$4.nil; + ok = false; + while (true) { + if (!(domain.length > 0)) { break; } + i = strings.LastIndexByte(domain, 46); + if (i === -1) { + reverseLabels = $append(reverseLabels, domain); + domain = ""; + } else { + reverseLabels = $append(reverseLabels, $substring(domain, (i + 1 >> 0))); + domain = $substring(domain, 0, i); + } + } + if (reverseLabels.$length > 0 && ((0 >= reverseLabels.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : reverseLabels.$array[reverseLabels.$offset + 0]).length === 0)) { + _tmp = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$1 = false; + reverseLabels = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [reverseLabels, ok]; + } + _ref = reverseLabels; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + label = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (label.length === 0) { + _tmp$2 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$3 = false; + reverseLabels = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [reverseLabels, ok]; + } + _ref$1 = label; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref$1, _i$1); + c = _rune[0]; + if (c < 33 || c > 126) { + _tmp$4 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$5 = false; + reverseLabels = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [reverseLabels, ok]; + } + _i$1 += _rune[1]; + } + _i++; + } + _tmp$6 = reverseLabels; + _tmp$7 = true; + reverseLabels = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + return [reverseLabels, ok]; + }; + matchEmailConstraint = function(mailbox, constraint) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, constraint, constraintMailbox, mailbox, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mailbox, constraint}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (strings.Contains(constraint, "@")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (strings.Contains(constraint, "@")) { */ case 1: + _tuple = parseRFC2821Mailbox(constraint); + constraintMailbox = $clone(_tuple[0], rfc2821Mailbox); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("x509: internal error: cannot parse constraint %q", new sliceType$6([new $String(constraint)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [false, _r$1]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [mailbox.local === constraintMailbox.local && strings.EqualFold(mailbox.domain, constraintMailbox.domain), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = matchDomainConstraint(mailbox.domain, constraint); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: matchEmailConstraint, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, constraint, constraintMailbox, mailbox, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + matchURIConstraint = function(uri, constraint) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, constraint, err, host, uri, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {uri, constraint}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + host = uri.Host; + /* */ if (host.length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (host.length === 0) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("URI with empty host (%q) cannot be matched against constraints", new sliceType$6([new $String(uri.String())])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [false, _r$1]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (strings.Contains(host, ":") && !strings.HasSuffix(host, "]")) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (strings.Contains(host, ":") && !strings.HasSuffix(host, "]")) { */ case 5: + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$2 = net.SplitHostPort(uri.Host); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + host = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [false, err]; + } + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(host, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(host, "]") || !(net.ParseIP(host) === net.IP.nil)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (strings.HasPrefix(host, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(host, "]") || !(net.ParseIP(host) === net.IP.nil)) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("URI with IP (%q) cannot be matched against constraints", new sliceType$6([new $String(uri.String())])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [false, _r$3]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$4 = matchDomainConstraint(host, constraint); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$4; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: matchURIConstraint, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, constraint, err, host, uri, $s};return $f; + }; + matchIPConstraint = function(ip, constraint) { + var _i, _ref, constraint, i, ip, mask, x, x$1; + if (!((ip.$length === constraint.IP.$length))) { + return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + _ref = ip; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + mask = (x = constraint.Mask, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + if (!((((((i < 0 || i >= ip.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ip.$array[ip.$offset + i]) & mask) >>> 0) === (((x$1 = constraint.IP, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])) & mask) >>> 0)))) { + return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + _i++; + } + return [true, $ifaceNil]; + }; + matchDomainConstraint = function(domain, constraint) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, constraint, constraintLabel, constraintLabels, domain, domainLabels, i, mustHaveSubdomains, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {domain, constraint}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (constraint.length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [true, $ifaceNil]; + } + _tuple = domainToReverseLabels(domain); + domainLabels = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("x509: internal error: cannot parse domain %q", new sliceType$6([new $String(domain)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [false, _r$1]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + mustHaveSubdomains = false; + if (constraint.charCodeAt(0) === 46) { + mustHaveSubdomains = true; + constraint = $substring(constraint, 1); + } + _tuple$1 = domainToReverseLabels(constraint); + constraintLabels = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("x509: internal error: cannot parse domain %q", new sliceType$6([new $String(constraint)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [false, _r$2]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + if (domainLabels.$length < constraintLabels.$length || (mustHaveSubdomains && (domainLabels.$length === constraintLabels.$length))) { + $s = -1; return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + _ref = constraintLabels; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + constraintLabel = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!strings.EqualFold(constraintLabel, ((i < 0 || i >= domainLabels.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : domainLabels.$array[domainLabels.$offset + i]))) { + $s = -1; return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [true, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: matchDomainConstraint, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, constraint, constraintLabel, constraintLabels, domain, domainLabels, i, mustHaveSubdomains, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.checkNameConstraints = function(count, maxConstraintComparisons, nameType, name, parsedName, match, permitted, excluded) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, constraint, constraint$1, count, err, err$1, excluded, excludedValue, i, i$1, match, match$1, maxConstraintComparisons, name, nameType, ok, parsedName, permitted, permittedValue, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {count, maxConstraintComparisons, nameType, name, parsedName, match, permitted, excluded}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = reflect.ValueOf(excluded); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + excludedValue = _r$1; + count.$set(count.$get() + ($clone(excludedValue, reflect.Value).Len()) >> 0); + if (count.$get() > maxConstraintComparisons) { + $s = -1; return (x = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c, 8, ""), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + } + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < $clone(excludedValue, reflect.Value).Len())) { break; } */ if(!(i < $clone(excludedValue, reflect.Value).Len())) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$2 = $clone(excludedValue, reflect.Value).Index(i); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(_r$2, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + constraint = _r$3; + _r$4 = match(parsedName, constraint); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + match$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x$1 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c, 2, _r$5), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1)); + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (match$1) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (match$1) { */ case 11: + _r$6 = fmt.Sprintf("%s %q is excluded by constraint %q", new sliceType$6([new $String(nameType), new $String(name), constraint])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = (x$2 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c, 2, _r$6), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)); + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 12: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _r$7 = reflect.ValueOf(permitted); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + permittedValue = _r$7; + count.$set(count.$get() + ($clone(permittedValue, reflect.Value).Len()) >> 0); + if (count.$get() > maxConstraintComparisons) { + $s = -1; return (x$3 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c, 8, ""), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + } + ok = true; + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 16: + /* if (!(i$1 < $clone(permittedValue, reflect.Value).Len())) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < $clone(permittedValue, reflect.Value).Len())) { $s = 17; continue; } + _r$8 = $clone(permittedValue, reflect.Value).Index(i$1); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + constraint$1 = _r$9; + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _r$10 = match(parsedName, constraint$1); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$10; + ok = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 21: + _r$11 = err$1.Error(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = (x$4 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c, 2, _r$11), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 22: + if (ok) { + /* break; */ $s = 17; continue; + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 16; continue; + case 17: + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 25: + _r$12 = fmt.Sprintf("%s %q is not permitted by any constraint", new sliceType$6([new $String(nameType), new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = (x$5 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c, 2, _r$12), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 26: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Certificate.ptr.prototype.checkNameConstraints, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, constraint, constraint$1, count, err, err$1, excluded, excludedValue, i, i$1, match, match$1, maxConstraintComparisons, name, nameType, ok, parsedName, permitted, permittedValue, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.prototype.checkNameConstraints = function(count, maxConstraintComparisons, nameType, name, parsedName, match, permitted, excluded) { return this.$val.checkNameConstraints(count, maxConstraintComparisons, nameType, name, parsedName, match, permitted, excluded); }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.isValid = function(certType, currentChain, opts) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, certType, child, comparisonCount, currentChain, err, leaf, maxConstraintComparisons, now, numIntermediates, opts, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {certType, currentChain, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = [c]; + comparisonCount = [comparisonCount]; + maxConstraintComparisons = [maxConstraintComparisons]; + c[0] = this; + if (c[0].UnhandledCriticalExtensions.$length > 0) { + $s = -1; return (x = new UnhandledCriticalExtension.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + } + if (currentChain.$length > 0) { + child = (x$1 = currentChain.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= currentChain.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : currentChain.$array[currentChain.$offset + x$1])); + if (!bytes.Equal(child.RawIssuer, c[0].RawSubject)) { + $s = -1; return (x$2 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c[0], 5, ""), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)); + } + } + now = $clone(opts.CurrentTime, time.Time); + /* */ if ($clone(now, time.Time).IsZero()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(now, time.Time).IsZero()) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + time.Time.copy(now, _r$1); + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ($clone(now, time.Time).Before($clone(c[0].NotBefore, time.Time))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($clone(now, time.Time).After($clone(c[0].NotAfter, time.Time))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($clone(now, time.Time).Before($clone(c[0].NotBefore, time.Time))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = $clone(now, time.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$2); + _r$3 = $clone(c[0].NotBefore, time.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new $String(_r$3); + _r$4 = fmt.Sprintf("current time %s is before %s", new sliceType$6([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (x$3 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c[0], 1, _r$4), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3)); + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } else if ($clone(now, time.Time).After($clone(c[0].NotAfter, time.Time))) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = $clone(now, time.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new $String(_r$5); + _r$6 = $clone(c[0].NotAfter, time.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = new $String(_r$6); + _r$7 = fmt.Sprintf("current time %s is after %s", new sliceType$6([_arg$2, _arg$3])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = (x$4 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c[0], 1, _r$7), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + maxConstraintComparisons[0] = opts.MaxConstraintComparisions; + if (maxConstraintComparisons[0] === 0) { + maxConstraintComparisons[0] = 250000; + } + comparisonCount[0] = 0; + leaf = ptrType$4.nil; + if ((certType === 1) || (certType === 2)) { + if (currentChain.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: internal error: empty chain when appending CA cert"); + } + leaf = (0 >= currentChain.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : currentChain.$array[currentChain.$offset + 0]); + } + /* */ if (((certType === 1) || (certType === 2)) && c[0].hasNameConstraints() && leaf.hasSANExtension()) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (((certType === 1) || (certType === 2)) && c[0].hasNameConstraints() && leaf.hasSANExtension()) { */ case 15: + _r$8 = forEachSAN($convertSliceType(leaf.getSANExtension(), cryptobyte.String), (function(c, comparisonCount, maxConstraintComparisons) { return function $b(tag, data) { + var {$24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, data, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, ip, l, mailbox, name, name$1, name$2, ok, ok$1, tag, uri, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {tag, data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = tag; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + name = ($bytesToString(data)); + _tuple = parseRFC2821Mailbox(name); + mailbox = $clone(_tuple[0], rfc2821Mailbox); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 7: + _r$8 = fmt.Errorf("x509: cannot parse rfc822Name %q", new sliceType$6([new mailbox.constructor.elem(mailbox)])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$8; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$9 = c[0].checkNameConstraints((comparisonCount.$ptr || (comparisonCount.$ptr = new ptrType$16(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, comparisonCount))), maxConstraintComparisons[0], "email address", name, new mailbox.constructor.elem(mailbox), (function(c, comparisonCount, maxConstraintComparisons) { return function $b(parsedName, constraint) { + var {$24r$3, _r$9, constraint, parsedName, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parsedName, constraint}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$9 = matchEmailConstraint($clone($assertType(parsedName, rfc2821Mailbox), rfc2821Mailbox), $assertType(constraint, $String)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$9; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$3, _r$9, constraint, parsedName, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, comparisonCount, maxConstraintComparisons), c[0].PermittedEmailAddresses, c[0].ExcludedEmailAddresses); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$9; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + name$1 = ($bytesToString(data)); + _tuple$1 = domainToReverseLabels(name$1); + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 12: + _r$10 = fmt.Errorf("x509: cannot parse dnsName %q", new sliceType$6([new $String(name$1)])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$10; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$11 = c[0].checkNameConstraints((comparisonCount.$ptr || (comparisonCount.$ptr = new ptrType$16(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, comparisonCount))), maxConstraintComparisons[0], "DNS name", name$1, new $String(name$1), (function(c, comparisonCount, maxConstraintComparisons) { return function $b(parsedName, constraint) { + var {$24r$4, _r$11, constraint, parsedName, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parsedName, constraint}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$11 = matchDomainConstraint($assertType(parsedName, $String), $assertType(constraint, $String)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$11; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r$4; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$4, _r$11, constraint, parsedName, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, comparisonCount, maxConstraintComparisons), c[0].PermittedDNSDomains, c[0].ExcludedDNSDomains); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 4: + name$2 = ($bytesToString(data)); + _r$12 = url.Parse(name$2); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$12; + uri = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + _r$13 = fmt.Errorf("x509: internal error: URI SAN %q failed to parse", new sliceType$6([new $String(name$2)])); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$13; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 19: + _r$14 = c[0].checkNameConstraints((comparisonCount.$ptr || (comparisonCount.$ptr = new ptrType$16(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, comparisonCount))), maxConstraintComparisons[0], "URI", name$2, uri, (function(c, comparisonCount, maxConstraintComparisons) { return function $b(parsedName, constraint) { + var {$24r$5, _r$14, constraint, parsedName, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {parsedName, constraint}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$14 = matchURIConstraint($assertType(parsedName, ptrType$13), $assertType(constraint, $String)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$14; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r$5; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$5, _r$14, constraint, parsedName, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, comparisonCount, maxConstraintComparisons), c[0].PermittedURIDomains, c[0].ExcludedURIDomains); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$14; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 5: + ip = ($convertSliceType(data, net.IP)); + l = ip.$length; + /* */ if (!((l === 4)) && !((l === 16))) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (!((l === 4)) && !((l === 16))) { */ case 23: + _r$15 = fmt.Errorf("x509: internal error: IP SAN %x failed to parse", new sliceType$6([data])); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$15; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 24: + _r$16 = c[0].checkNameConstraints((comparisonCount.$ptr || (comparisonCount.$ptr = new ptrType$16(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, comparisonCount))), maxConstraintComparisons[0], "IP address", ip.String(), ip, (function(c, comparisonCount, maxConstraintComparisons) { return function(parsedName, constraint) { + var constraint, parsedName; + return matchIPConstraint($assertType(parsedName, net.IP), $assertType(constraint, ptrType$17)); + }; })(c, comparisonCount, maxConstraintComparisons), c[0].PermittedIPRanges, c[0].ExcludedIPRanges); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$16; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, data, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, ip, l, mailbox, name, name$1, name$2, ok, ok$1, tag, uri, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, comparisonCount, maxConstraintComparisons)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* } */ case 16: + if ((certType === 1) && (!c[0].BasicConstraintsValid || !c[0].IsCA)) { + $s = -1; return (x$5 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c[0], 0, ""), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + } + if (c[0].BasicConstraintsValid && c[0].MaxPathLen >= 0) { + numIntermediates = currentChain.$length - 1 >> 0; + if (numIntermediates > c[0].MaxPathLen) { + $s = -1; return (x$6 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c[0], 3, ""), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + } + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Certificate.ptr.prototype.isValid, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, certType, child, comparisonCount, currentChain, err, leaf, maxConstraintComparisons, now, numIntermediates, opts, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.prototype.isValid = function(certType, currentChain, opts) { return this.$val.isValid(certType, currentChain, opts); }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.Verify = function(opts) { + var {$24r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, c$1, candidate, candidateChains, chains, err, err$1, err$2, i, keyUsages, opts, platformChains, usage, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + opts = [opts]; + chains = sliceType$21.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (c.Raw.$length === 0) { + _tmp = sliceType$21.nil; + _tmp$1 = errNotParsed; + chains = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + } + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < opts[0].Intermediates.len())) { break; } */ if(!(i < opts[0].Intermediates.len())) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$1 = opts[0].Intermediates.cert(i); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + c$1 = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _tmp$2 = sliceType$21.nil; + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("crypto/x509: error fetching intermediate: %w", new sliceType$6([err$1])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = _r$2; + chains = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r = [chains, err]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + if (c$1.Raw.$length === 0) { + _tmp$4 = sliceType$21.nil; + _tmp$5 = errNotParsed; + chains = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (false) { + if (opts[0].Roots === ptrType.nil) { + _tuple$1 = c.systemVerify(opts[0]); + chains = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + } + if (!(opts[0].Roots === ptrType.nil) && opts[0].Roots.systemPool) { + _tuple$2 = c.systemVerify(opts[0]); + platformChains = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil) || (opts[0].Roots.len() === 0)) { + _tmp$6 = platformChains; + _tmp$7 = err$2; + chains = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + } + } + } + /* */ if (opts[0].Roots === ptrType.nil) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (opts[0].Roots === ptrType.nil) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = systemRootsPool(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + opts[0].Roots = _r$3; + if (opts[0].Roots === ptrType.nil) { + _tmp$8 = sliceType$21.nil; + _tmp$9 = (x = new SystemRootsError.ptr(systemRootsErr), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + chains = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + } + /* } */ case 9: + _r$4 = c.isValid(0, sliceType$20.nil, opts[0]); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$4; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + } + if (opts[0].DNSName.length > 0) { + err = c.VerifyHostname(opts[0].DNSName); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + } + } + candidateChains = sliceType$21.nil; + /* */ if (opts[0].Roots.contains(c)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (opts[0].Roots.contains(c)) { */ case 12: + candidateChains = $append(candidateChains, new sliceType$20([c])); + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else { */ case 13: + _r$5 = c.buildChains(false, new sliceType$20([c]), ptrType$16.nil, opts[0]); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$5; + candidateChains = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$10 = sliceType$21.nil; + _tmp$11 = err; + chains = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + } + /* } */ case 14: + keyUsages = opts[0].KeyUsages; + if (keyUsages.$length === 0) { + keyUsages = new sliceType$22([1]); + } + _ref = keyUsages; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + usage = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (usage === 0) { + _tmp$12 = candidateChains; + _tmp$13 = $ifaceNil; + chains = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + } + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = candidateChains; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + candidate = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (checkChainForKeyUsage(candidate, keyUsages)) { + chains = $append(chains, candidate); + } + _i$1++; + } + if (chains.$length === 0) { + _tmp$14 = sliceType$21.nil; + _tmp$15 = (x$1 = new CertificateInvalidError.ptr(c, 4, ""), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1)); + chains = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + } + _tmp$16 = chains; + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + chains = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + $s = -1; return [chains, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Certificate.ptr.prototype.Verify, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, c$1, candidate, candidateChains, chains, err, err$1, err$2, i, keyUsages, opts, platformChains, usage, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.prototype.Verify = function(opts) { return this.$val.Verify(opts); }; + appendToFreshChain = function(chain, cert) { + var cert, chain, n, x; + n = $makeSlice(sliceType$20, (chain.$length + 1 >> 0)); + $copySlice(n, chain); + (x = chain.$length, ((x < 0 || x >= n.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : n.$array[n.$offset + x] = cert)); + return n; + }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.buildChains = function(cache, currentChain, sigChecks, opts) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _ref$1, c, cache, chains, considerCandidate, currentChain, err, hintCert, hintErr, intermediate, opts, root, sigChecks, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cache, currentChain, sigChecks, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = [c]; + cache = [cache]; + chains = [chains]; + currentChain = [currentChain]; + err = [err]; + hintCert = [hintCert]; + hintErr = [hintErr]; + opts = [opts]; + sigChecks = [sigChecks]; + chains[0] = sliceType$21.nil; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + c[0] = this; + hintErr[0] = $ifaceNil; + hintCert[0] = ptrType$4.nil; + considerCandidate = (function(c, cache, chains, currentChain, err, hintCert, hintErr, opts, sigChecks) { return function $b(certType, candidate) { + var {_1, _entry, _i, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, candidate, cert, certType, childChains, err$1, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {certType, candidate}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = currentChain[0]; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cert = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (cert.Equal(candidate)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _i++; + } + if (sigChecks[0] === ptrType$16.nil) { + sigChecks[0] = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$16); + } + sigChecks[0].$set(sigChecks[0].$get() + (1) >> 0); + if (sigChecks[0].$get() > 100) { + err[0] = errors.New("x509: signature check attempts limit reached while verifying certificate chain"); + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$1 = c[0].CheckSignatureFrom(candidate); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(hintErr[0], $ifaceNil)) { + hintErr[0] = err$1; + hintCert[0] = candidate; + } + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$2 = candidate.isValid(certType, currentChain[0], opts[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _1 = certType; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + chains[0] = $append(chains[0], appendToFreshChain(currentChain[0], candidate)); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 5: + if (cache[0] === false) { + cache[0] = {}; + } + _tuple = (_entry = cache[0][ptrType$4.keyFor(candidate)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$21.nil, false]); + childChains = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = candidate.buildChains(cache[0], appendToFreshChain(currentChain[0], candidate), sigChecks[0], opts[0]); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + childChains = _tuple$1[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$1[1]; + _key = candidate; (cache[0] || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$4.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: childChains }; + /* } */ case 8: + chains[0] = $appendSlice(chains[0], childChains); + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _i, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, candidate, cert, certType, childChains, err$1, ok, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, cache, chains, currentChain, err, hintCert, hintErr, opts, sigChecks); + _r$1 = opts[0].Roots.findPotentialParents(c[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r$1; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + root = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = considerCandidate(2, root); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _r$2 = opts[0].Intermediates.findPotentialParents(c[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$1 = _r$2; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 7; continue; } + intermediate = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + $r = considerCandidate(1, intermediate); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$1++; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + if (chains[0].$length > 0) { + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + } + if ((chains[0].$length === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil)) { + err[0] = (x = new UnknownAuthorityError.ptr(c[0], hintErr[0], hintCert[0]), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + } + $s = -1; return [chains[0], err[0]]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Certificate.ptr.prototype.buildChains, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _ref$1, c, cache, chains, considerCandidate, currentChain, err, hintCert, hintErr, intermediate, opts, root, sigChecks, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.prototype.buildChains = function(cache, currentChain, sigChecks, opts) { return this.$val.buildChains(cache, currentChain, sigChecks, opts); }; + validHostnamePattern = function(host) { + var host; + return validHostname(host, true); + }; + validHostnameInput = function(host) { + var host; + return validHostname(host, false); + }; + validHostname = function(host, isPattern) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, c, host, i, isPattern, j, part; + if (!isPattern) { + host = strings.TrimSuffix(host, "."); + } + if (host.length === 0) { + return false; + } + _ref = strings.Split(host, "."); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + part = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (part === "") { + return false; + } + if (isPattern && (i === 0) && part === "*") { + _i++; + continue; + } + _ref$1 = part; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref$1, _i$1); + j = _i$1; + c = _rune[0]; + if (97 <= c && c <= 122) { + _i$1 += _rune[1]; + continue; + } + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + _i$1 += _rune[1]; + continue; + } + if (65 <= c && c <= 90) { + _i$1 += _rune[1]; + continue; + } + if ((c === 45) && !((j === 0))) { + _i$1 += _rune[1]; + continue; + } + if (c === 95) { + _i$1 += _rune[1]; + continue; + } + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + matchExactly = function(hostA, hostB) { + var hostA, hostB; + if (hostA === "" || hostA === "." || hostB === "" || hostB === ".") { + return false; + } + return toLowerCaseASCII(hostA) === toLowerCaseASCII(hostB); + }; + matchHostnames = function(pattern, host) { + var _i, _ref, host, hostParts, i, pattern, patternPart, patternParts; + pattern = toLowerCaseASCII(pattern); + host = toLowerCaseASCII(strings.TrimSuffix(host, ".")); + if ((pattern.length === 0) || (host.length === 0)) { + return false; + } + patternParts = strings.Split(pattern, "."); + hostParts = strings.Split(host, "."); + if (!((patternParts.$length === hostParts.$length))) { + return false; + } + _ref = patternParts; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + patternPart = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if ((i === 0) && patternPart === "*") { + _i++; + continue; + } + if (!(patternPart === ((i < 0 || i >= hostParts.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hostParts.$array[hostParts.$offset + i]))) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + toLowerCaseASCII = function(in$1) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, c, c$1, i, in$1, isAlreadyLowerCase, out; + isAlreadyLowerCase = true; + _ref = in$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + c = _rune[0]; + if (c === 65533) { + isAlreadyLowerCase = false; + break; + } + if (65 <= c && c <= 90) { + isAlreadyLowerCase = false; + break; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + if (isAlreadyLowerCase) { + return in$1; + } + out = (new sliceType$1($stringToBytes(in$1))); + _ref$1 = out; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i = _i$1; + c$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (65 <= c$1 && c$1 <= 90) { + ((i < 0 || i >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + i] = (((i < 0 || i >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + i]) + (32) << 24 >>> 24)); + } + _i$1++; + } + return ($bytesToString(out)); + }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.VerifyHostname = function(h) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, c, candidate, candidateIP, candidateName, h, ip, match, validCandidateName, x, x$1; + c = this; + candidateIP = h; + if (h.length >= 3 && (h.charCodeAt(0) === 91) && (h.charCodeAt((h.length - 1 >> 0)) === 93)) { + candidateIP = $substring(h, 1, (h.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + ip = net.ParseIP(candidateIP); + if (!(ip === net.IP.nil)) { + _ref = c.IPAddresses; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + candidate = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (ip.Equal(candidate)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + _i++; + } + return (x = new HostnameError.ptr(c, candidateIP), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + } + candidateName = toLowerCaseASCII(h); + validCandidateName = validHostnameInput(candidateName); + _ref$1 = c.DNSNames; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + match = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (validCandidateName && validHostnamePattern(match)) { + if (matchHostnames(match, candidateName)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + } else { + if (matchExactly(match, candidateName)) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + } + _i$1++; + } + return (x$1 = new HostnameError.ptr(c, h), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1)); + }; + Certificate.prototype.VerifyHostname = function(h) { return this.$val.VerifyHostname(h); }; + checkChainForKeyUsage = function(chain, keyUsages) { + var _i, _i$1, _i$2, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, cert, chain, i, i$1, keyUsages, requestedUsage, usage, usage$1, usages, usagesRemaining; + usages = $makeSlice(sliceType$22, keyUsages.$length); + $copySlice(usages, keyUsages); + if (chain.$length === 0) { + return false; + } + usagesRemaining = usages.$length; + i = chain.$length - 1 >> 0; + NextCert: + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + cert = ((i < 0 || i >= chain.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : chain.$array[chain.$offset + i]); + if ((cert.ExtKeyUsage.$length === 0) && (cert.UnknownExtKeyUsage.$length === 0)) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + _ref = cert.ExtKeyUsage; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + usage = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (usage === 0) { + i = i - (1) >> 0; + continue NextCert; + } + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = usages; + _i$1 = 0; + NextRequestedUsage: + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + requestedUsage = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (requestedUsage === -1) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + _ref$2 = cert.ExtKeyUsage; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + usage$1 = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + if (requestedUsage === usage$1) { + _i$1++; + continue NextRequestedUsage; + } + _i$2++; + } + ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= usages.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : usages.$array[usages.$offset + i$1] = -1); + usagesRemaining = usagesRemaining - (1) >> 0; + if (usagesRemaining === 0) { + return false; + } + _i$1++; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + ParseECPrivateKey = function(der) { + var {$24r, _r$1, der, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {der}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = parseECPrivateKey(ptrType$18.nil, der); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ParseECPrivateKey, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, der, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ParseECPrivateKey = ParseECPrivateKey; + parseECPrivateKey = function(namedCurveOID, der) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _q, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, curve, curveOrder, der, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, k, key, namedCurveOID, priv, privKey, privateKey$1, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {namedCurveOID, der}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + privKey = [privKey]; + key = ptrType$19.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + privKey[0] = new ecPrivateKey.ptr(0, sliceType$1.nil, asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.BitString.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0)); + _r$1 = asn1.Unmarshal(der, privKey[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = asn1.Unmarshal(der, new pkcs8.ptr(0, new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)), sliceType$1.nil)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + _tmp = ptrType$19.nil; + _tmp$1 = errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS8PrivateKey instead for this key format)"); + key = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + } + _r$3 = asn1.Unmarshal(der, new pkcs1PrivateKey.ptr(0, ptrType$1.nil, 0, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$23.nil)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + err$3 = _tuple$2[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil)) { + _tmp$2 = ptrType$19.nil; + _tmp$3 = errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS1PrivateKey instead for this key format)"); + key = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + } + _tmp$4 = ptrType$19.nil; + _r$4 = err$1.Error(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = errors.New("x509: failed to parse EC private key: " + _r$4); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$5 = _r$5; + key = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r = [key, err]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!((privKey[0].Version === 1))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!((privKey[0].Version === 1))) { */ case 9: + _tmp$6 = ptrType$19.nil; + _r$6 = fmt.Errorf("x509: unknown EC private key version %d", new sliceType$6([new $Int(privKey[0].Version)])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$7 = _r$6; + key = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $24r$1 = [key, err]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + curve = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (!(namedCurveOID === ptrType$18.nil)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!(namedCurveOID === ptrType$18.nil)) { */ case 13: + _r$7 = namedCurveFromOID(namedCurveOID.$get()); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + curve = _r$7; + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else { */ case 14: + _r$8 = namedCurveFromOID(privKey[0].NamedCurveOID); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + curve = _r$8; + /* } */ case 15: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(curve, $ifaceNil)) { + _tmp$8 = ptrType$19.nil; + _tmp$9 = errors.New("x509: unknown elliptic curve"); + key = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + } + k = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil).SetBytes(privKey[0].PrivateKey); + _r$9 = curve.Params(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + curveOrder = _r$9.N; + if (k.Cmp(curveOrder) >= 0) { + _tmp$10 = ptrType$19.nil; + _tmp$11 = errors.New("x509: invalid elliptic curve private key value"); + key = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + } + priv = new ecdsa.PrivateKey.ptr(new ecdsa.PublicKey.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil), ptrType$1.nil); + priv.PublicKey.Curve = curve; + priv.D = k; + privateKey$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, (_q = ((curveOrder.BitLen() + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + while (true) { + if (!(privKey[0].PrivateKey.$length > privateKey$1.$length)) { break; } + if (!(((x = privKey[0].PrivateKey, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 0))) { + _tmp$12 = ptrType$19.nil; + _tmp$13 = errors.New("x509: invalid private key length"); + key = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + } + privKey[0].PrivateKey = $subslice(privKey[0].PrivateKey, 1); + } + $copySlice($subslice(privateKey$1, (privateKey$1.$length - privKey[0].PrivateKey.$length >> 0)), privKey[0].PrivateKey); + _r$10 = curve.ScalarBaseMult(privateKey$1); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$10; + priv.PublicKey.X = _tuple$3[0]; + priv.PublicKey.Y = _tuple$3[1]; + _tmp$14 = priv; + _tmp$15 = $ifaceNil; + key = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseECPrivateKey, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _q, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, curve, curveOrder, der, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, k, key, namedCurveOID, priv, privKey, privateKey$1, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.systemVerify = function(opts) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, c, chains, err, opts; + chains = sliceType$21.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + _tmp = sliceType$21.nil; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + chains = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [chains, err]; + }; + Certificate.prototype.systemVerify = function(opts) { return this.$val.systemVerify(opts); }; + loadSystemRoots = function() { + var {_i, _i$1, _i$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, d, data, data$1, directory, dirs, err, err$1, err$2, f, fi, file, files, firstErr, fis, roots, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + roots = NewCertPool(); + files = certFiles; + _r$1 = os.Getenv("SSL_CERT_FILE"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f = _r$1; + if (!(f === "")) { + files = new sliceType$4([f]); + } + firstErr = $ifaceNil; + _ref = files; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + file = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$2 = os.ReadFile(file); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + data = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = roots.AppendCertsFromPEM(data); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + /* } */ case 6: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(firstErr, $ifaceNil) && !os.IsNotExist(err)) { + firstErr = err; + } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + dirs = certDirectories; + _r$4 = os.Getenv("SSL_CERT_DIR"); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = _r$4; + if (!(d === "")) { + dirs = strings.Split(d, ":"); + } + _ref$1 = dirs; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 10; continue; } + directory = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$5 = readUniqueDirectoryEntries(directory); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + fis = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(firstErr, $ifaceNil) && !os.IsNotExist(err$1)) { + firstErr = err$1; + } + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 9; continue; + } + _ref$2 = fis; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 12: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 13; continue; } + fi = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + _r$6 = fi.Name(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = os.ReadFile(directory + "/" + _r$6); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$7; + data$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 16: + _r$8 = roots.AppendCertsFromPEM(data$1); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + /* } */ case 17: + _i$2++; + $s = 12; continue; + case 13: + _i$1++; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + if (roots.len() > 0 || $interfaceIsEqual(firstErr, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [roots, $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = -1; return [ptrType.nil, firstErr]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: loadSystemRoots, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, d, data, data$1, directory, dirs, err, err$1, err$2, f, fi, file, files, firstErr, fis, roots, $s};return $f; + }; + readUniqueDirectoryEntries = function(dir) { + var {_i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, dir, err, f, files, uniq, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dir}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = os.ReadDir(dir); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + files = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$24.nil, err]; + } + uniq = $subslice(files, 0, 0); + _ref = files; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + f = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$2 = isSameDirSymlink(f, dir); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 4: + uniq = $append(uniq, f); + /* } */ case 5: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [uniq, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: readUniqueDirectoryEntries, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, dir, err, f, files, uniq, $s};return $f; + }; + isSameDirSymlink = function(f, dir) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, dir, err, f, target, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, dir}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = f.Type(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (((_r$1 & 134217728) >>> 0) === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (((_r$1 & 134217728) >>> 0) === 0) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 2: + _arg = dir; + _r$2 = f.Name(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = filepath.Join(new sliceType$4([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = os.Readlink(_r$3); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + target = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && !strings.Contains(target, "/"); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isSameDirSymlink, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, dir, err, f, target, $s};return $f; + }; + systemRootsPool = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = once.Do(initSystemRoots); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return systemRoots; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: systemRootsPool, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + initSystemRoots = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = loadSystemRoots(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + systemRoots = _tuple[0]; + systemRootsErr = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(systemRootsErr, $ifaceNil))) { + systemRoots = ptrType.nil; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: initSystemRoots, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, $s};return $f; + }; + ParsePKCS8PrivateKey = function(der) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, bytes$1, curvePrivateKey, der, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, key, l, l$1, namedCurveOID, privKey, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {der}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + curvePrivateKey = [curvePrivateKey]; + privKey = [privKey]; + key = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + privKey[0] = new pkcs8.ptr(0, new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)), sliceType$1.nil); + _r$1 = asn1.Unmarshal(der, privKey[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = asn1.Unmarshal(der, new ecPrivateKey.ptr(0, sliceType$1.nil, asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.BitString.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParseECPrivateKey instead for this key format)"); + key = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + } + _r$3 = asn1.Unmarshal(der, new pkcs1PrivateKey.ptr(0, ptrType$1.nil, 0, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$23.nil)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + err$3 = _tuple$2[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil)) { + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$3 = errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS1PrivateKey instead for this key format)"); + key = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + } + _tmp$4 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$5 = err$1; + key = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (privKey[0].Algo.Algorithm.Equal(oidPublicKeyRSA)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (privKey[0].Algo.Algorithm.Equal(oidPublicKeyECDSA)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (privKey[0].Algo.Algorithm.Equal(oidPublicKeyEd25519)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (privKey[0].Algo.Algorithm.Equal(oidPublicKeyRSA)) { */ case 7: + _r$4 = ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(privKey[0].PrivateKey); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + key = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 13: + _tmp$6 = $ifaceNil; + _r$5 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = errors.New("x509: failed to parse RSA private key embedded in PKCS#8: " + _r$5); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$7 = _r$6; + key = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $24r = [key, err]; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r; + /* } */ case 14: + _tmp$8 = key; + _tmp$9 = $ifaceNil; + key = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + /* } else if (privKey[0].Algo.Algorithm.Equal(oidPublicKeyECDSA)) { */ case 8: + bytes$1 = privKey[0].Algo.Parameters.FullBytes; + namedCurveOID = $newDataPointer(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, ptrType$18); + _r$7 = asn1.Unmarshal(bytes$1, namedCurveOID); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$7; + err$4 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + namedCurveOID = ptrType$18.nil; + } + _r$8 = parseECPrivateKey(namedCurveOID, privKey[0].PrivateKey); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$8; + key = _tuple$5[0]; + err = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 20: + _tmp$10 = $ifaceNil; + _r$9 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = errors.New("x509: failed to parse EC private key embedded in PKCS#8: " + _r$9); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$11 = _r$10; + key = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $24r$1 = [key, err]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 21: + _tmp$12 = key; + _tmp$13 = $ifaceNil; + key = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + /* } else if (privKey[0].Algo.Algorithm.Equal(oidPublicKeyEd25519)) { */ case 9: + l = privKey[0].Algo.Parameters.FullBytes.$length; + if (!((l === 0))) { + _tmp$14 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$15 = errors.New("x509: invalid Ed25519 private key parameters"); + key = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + } + curvePrivateKey[0] = sliceType$1.nil; + _r$11 = asn1.Unmarshal(privKey[0].PrivateKey, (curvePrivateKey.$ptr || (curvePrivateKey.$ptr = new ptrType$20(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, curvePrivateKey)))); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$11; + err$5 = _tuple$6[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 26: + _tmp$16 = $ifaceNil; + _r$12 = fmt.Errorf("x509: invalid Ed25519 private key: %v", new sliceType$6([err$5])); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$17 = _r$12; + key = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + $24r$2 = [key, err]; + $s = 29; case 29: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 27: + l$1 = curvePrivateKey[0].$length; + /* */ if (!((l$1 === 32))) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (!((l$1 === 32))) { */ case 30: + _tmp$18 = $ifaceNil; + _r$13 = fmt.Errorf("x509: invalid Ed25519 private key length: %d", new sliceType$6([new $Int(l$1)])); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$19 = _r$13; + key = _tmp$18; + err = _tmp$19; + $24r$3 = [key, err]; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 31: + _r$14 = ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(curvePrivateKey[0]); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$20 = _r$14; + _tmp$21 = $ifaceNil; + key = _tmp$20; + err = _tmp$21; + $24r$4 = [key, err]; + $s = 35; case 35: return $24r$4; + /* } else { */ case 10: + _tmp$22 = $ifaceNil; + _r$15 = fmt.Errorf("x509: PKCS#8 wrapping contained private key with unknown algorithm: %v", new sliceType$6([privKey[0].Algo.Algorithm])); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$23 = _r$15; + key = _tmp$22; + err = _tmp$23; + $24r$5 = [key, err]; + $s = 37; case 37: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 11: + case 6: + $s = -1; return [key, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ParsePKCS8PrivateKey, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, bytes$1, curvePrivateKey, der, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, key, l, l$1, namedCurveOID, privKey, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey = ParsePKCS8PrivateKey; + ParsePKCS1PrivateKey = function(der) { + var {_i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, a, der, err, err$1, err$2, i, key, priv, rest, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {der}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + priv = [priv]; + priv[0] = new pkcs1PrivateKey.ptr(0, ptrType$1.nil, 0, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$23.nil); + _r$1 = asn1.Unmarshal(der, priv[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + rest = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (rest.$length > 0) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$21.nil, (x = new asn1.SyntaxError.ptr("trailing data"), new x.constructor.elem(x))]; + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = asn1.Unmarshal(der, new ecPrivateKey.ptr(0, sliceType$1.nil, asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.BitString.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$21.nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParseECPrivateKey instead for this key format)")]; + } + _r$3 = asn1.Unmarshal(der, new pkcs8.ptr(0, new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)), sliceType$1.nil)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$21.nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS8PrivateKey instead for this key format)")]; + } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$21.nil, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if (priv[0].Version > 1) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$21.nil, errors.New("x509: unsupported private key version")]; + } + if (priv[0].N.Sign() <= 0 || priv[0].D.Sign() <= 0 || priv[0].P.Sign() <= 0 || priv[0].Q.Sign() <= 0) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$21.nil, errors.New("x509: private key contains zero or negative value")]; + } + key = new rsa.PrivateKey.ptr(new rsa.PublicKey.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0), ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$25.nil, new rsa.PrecomputedValues.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, sliceType$26.nil)); + rsa.PublicKey.copy(key.PublicKey, new rsa.PublicKey.ptr(priv[0].N, priv[0].E)); + key.D = priv[0].D; + key.Primes = $makeSlice(sliceType$25, (2 + priv[0].AdditionalPrimes.$length >> 0)); + (x$1 = key.Primes, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0] = priv[0].P)); + (x$2 = key.Primes, (1 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 1] = priv[0].Q)); + _ref = priv[0].AdditionalPrimes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + a = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pkcs1AdditionalRSAPrime); + if (a.Prime.Sign() <= 0) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$21.nil, errors.New("x509: private key contains zero or negative prime")]; + } + (x$3 = key.Primes, x$4 = i + 2 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + x$4] = a.Prime)); + _i++; + } + _r$4 = key.Validate(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$4; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$21.nil, err]; + } + $r = key.Precompute(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [key, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ParsePKCS1PrivateKey, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, a, der, err, err$1, err$2, i, key, priv, rest, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey = ParsePKCS1PrivateKey; + isPrintable = function(b) { + var b; + return 97 <= b && b <= 122 || 65 <= b && b <= 90 || 48 <= b && b <= 57 || 39 <= b && b <= 41 || 43 <= b && b <= 47 || (b === 32) || (b === 58) || (b === 61) || (b === 63) || (b === 42) || (b === 38); + }; + parseASN1String = function(tag, value) { + var {$24r, _1, _i, _i$1, _q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, b, b$1, l, s, s$1, tag, value, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {tag, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = tag; + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (19)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (30)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (18)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString(value)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (19)) { */ case 3: + _ref = value; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!isPrintable(b)) { + $s = -1; return ["", errors.New("invalid PrintableString")]; + } + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString(value)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 4: + if (!utf8.Valid(value)) { + $s = -1; return ["", errors.New("invalid UTF-8 string")]; + } + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString(value)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (30)) { */ case 5: + if (!(((_r$1 = value.$length % 2, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return ["", errors.New("invalid BMPString")]; + } + l = value.$length; + if (l >= 2 && ((x = l - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= value.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : value.$array[value.$offset + x])) === 0) && ((x$1 = l - 2 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= value.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : value.$array[value.$offset + x$1])) === 0)) { + value = $subslice(value, 0, (l - 2 >> 0)); + } + s = $makeSlice(sliceType$27, 0, (_q = value.$length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + while (true) { + if (!(value.$length > 0)) { break; } + s = $append(s, ((((0 >= value.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : value.$array[value.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16) + (((1 >= value.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : value.$array[value.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 16 >>> 16); + value = $subslice(value, 2); + } + $s = -1; return [($runesToString(utf16.Decode(s))), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 6: + s$1 = ($bytesToString(value)); + _r$2 = isIA5String(s$1); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(_r$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return ["", errors.New("invalid IA5String")]; + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return [s$1, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (18)) { */ case 7: + _ref$1 = value; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + b$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (!(48 <= b$1 && b$1 <= 57 || (b$1 === 32))) { + $s = -1; return ["", errors.New("invalid NumericString")]; + } + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString(value)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 8: + case 1: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("unsupported string type: %v", new sliceType$6([new asn1$1.Tag(tag)])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ["", _r$3]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseASN1String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _i, _i$1, _q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, b, b$1, l, s, s$1, tag, value, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + parseName = function(raw) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, atav, attr, err, raw, rawValue, rdnSeq, rdnSet, set, valueTag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {raw}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + raw = [raw]; + rdnSeq = [rdnSeq]; + if (!(raw.$ptr || (raw.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, raw))).ReadASN1((raw.$ptr || (raw.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, raw))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$14.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence")]; + } + rdnSeq[0] = pkix.RDNSequence.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(!raw[0].Empty())) { break; } */ if(!(!raw[0].Empty())) { $s = 2; continue; } + set = [set]; + rdnSet = pkix.RelativeDistinguishedNameSET.nil; + set[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(raw.$ptr || (raw.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, raw))).ReadASN1((set.$ptr || (set.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, set))), 49)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$14.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence")]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(!set[0].Empty())) { break; } */ if(!(!set[0].Empty())) { $s = 4; continue; } + atav = [atav]; + rawValue = [rawValue]; + valueTag = [valueTag]; + atav[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(set.$ptr || (set.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, set))).ReadASN1((atav.$ptr || (atav.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, atav))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$14.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute")]; + } + attr = new pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, $ifaceNil); + if (!(atav.$ptr || (atav.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, atav))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((attr.$ptr_Type || (attr.$ptr_Type = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.Type; }, function($v) { this.$target.Type = $v; }, attr))))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$14.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute type")]; + } + rawValue[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + valueTag[0] = 0; + if (!(atav.$ptr || (atav.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, atav))).ReadAnyASN1((rawValue.$ptr || (rawValue.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, rawValue))), (valueTag.$ptr || (valueTag.$ptr = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, valueTag))))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$14.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute value")]; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$1 = parseASN1String(valueTag[0], $convertSliceType(rawValue[0], sliceType$1)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + attr.Value = new $String(_tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute value: %s", new sliceType$6([err])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$14.nil, _r$2]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + rdnSet = $append(rdnSet, attr); + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + rdnSeq[0] = $append(rdnSeq[0], rdnSet); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [(rdnSeq.$ptr || (rdnSeq.$ptr = new ptrType$14(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, rdnSeq))), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, atav, attr, err, raw, rawValue, rdnSeq, rdnSet, set, valueTag, $s};return $f; + }; + parseAI = function(der) { + var ai, der, der$24ptr, params, params$24ptr, tag, tag$24ptr; + ai = new pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil)); + if (!(der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((ai.$ptr_Algorithm || (ai.$ptr_Algorithm = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.Algorithm; }, function($v) { this.$target.Algorithm = $v; }, ai))))) { + return [ai, errors.New("x509: malformed OID")]; + } + if (der.Empty()) { + return [ai, $ifaceNil]; + } + params = cryptobyte.String.nil; + tag = 0; + if (!(der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadAnyASN1Element((params$24ptr || (params$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return params; }, function($v) { params = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (tag$24ptr || (tag$24ptr = new ptrType$24(function() { return tag; }, function($v) { tag = $v; }))))) { + return [ai, errors.New("x509: malformed parameters")]; + } + ai.Parameters.Tag = ((tag >> 0)); + ai.Parameters.FullBytes = $convertSliceType(params, sliceType$1); + return [ai, $ifaceNil]; + }; + parseValidity = function(der) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, der, err, extract, notAfter, notBefore, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {der}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + der = [der]; + extract = (function(der) { return function $b() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, formatStr, s, serialized, t, utc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = [t]; + utc = [utc]; + t[0] = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil); + /* */ if (der[0].PeekASN1Tag(23)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (der[0].PeekASN1Tag(24)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (der[0].PeekASN1Tag(23)) { */ case 2: + utc[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadASN1((utc.$ptr || (utc.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, utc))), 23)) { + $s = -1; return [t[0], errors.New("x509: malformed UTCTime")]; + } + s = ($bytesToString(utc[0])); + formatStr = "0601021504Z0700"; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$1 = time.Parse(formatStr, s); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + time.Time.copy(t[0], _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + formatStr = "060102150405Z0700"; + _r$2 = time.Parse(formatStr, s); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + time.Time.copy(t[0], _tuple$1[0]); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* } */ case 8: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [t[0], err]; + } + _r$3 = $clone(t[0], time.Time).Format(formatStr); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serialized = _r$3; + if (!(serialized === s)) { + $s = -1; return [t[0], errors.New("x509: malformed UTCTime")]; + } + _r$4 = $clone(t[0], time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4 >= 2050) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_r$4 >= 2050) { */ case 11: + _r$5 = $clone(t[0], time.Time).AddDate(-100, 0, 0); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + time.Time.copy(t[0], _r$5); + /* } */ case 12: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (der[0].PeekASN1Tag(24)) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = (der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadASN1GeneralizedTime(t[0]); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$6) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!_r$6) { */ case 15: + $s = -1; return [t[0], errors.New("x509: malformed GeneralizedTime")]; + /* } */ case 16: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [t[0], errors.New("x509: unsupported time format")]; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [t[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, formatStr, s, serialized, t, utc, $s};return $f; + }; })(der); + _r$1 = extract(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + notBefore = $clone(_tuple[0], time.Time); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil), err]; + } + _r$2 = extract(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + notAfter = $clone(_tuple$1[0], time.Time); + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil), err]; + } + $s = -1; return [notBefore, notAfter, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseValidity, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, der, err, extract, notAfter, notBefore, $s};return $f; + }; + parseExtension = function(der) { + var der, der$24ptr, ext, val, val$24ptr; + ext = new pkix.Extension.ptr(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, false, sliceType$1.nil); + if (!(der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((ext.$ptr_Id || (ext.$ptr_Id = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.Id; }, function($v) { this.$target.Id = $v; }, ext))))) { + return [ext, errors.New("x509: malformed extension OID field")]; + } + if (der.PeekASN1Tag(1)) { + if (!(der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1Boolean((ext.$ptr_Critical || (ext.$ptr_Critical = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target.Critical; }, function($v) { this.$target.Critical = $v; }, ext))))) { + return [ext, errors.New("x509: malformed extension critical field")]; + } + } + val = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1((val$24ptr || (val$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return val; }, function($v) { val = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), 4)) { + return [ext, errors.New("x509: malformed extension value field")]; + } + ext.Value = $convertSliceType(val, sliceType$1); + return [ext, $ifaceNil]; + }; + parsePublicKey = function(algo, keyData) { + var {_1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _v, _v$1, _v$2, algo, der, keyData, namedCurve, namedCurveOID, p, paramsDer, paramsDer$1, paramsDer$24ptr, pub, pub$1, pub$2, x, y, y$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {algo, keyData}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + der = [der]; + paramsDer = [paramsDer]; + der[0] = ($convertSliceType($clone(keyData.PublicKey, asn1.BitString).RightAlign(), cryptobyte.String)); + _1 = algo; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + if (!bytes.Equal(keyData.Algorithm.Parameters.FullBytes, asn1.NullBytes)) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: RSA key missing NULL parameters")]; + } + p = new pkcs1PublicKey.ptr(new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil), 0); + if (!(der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadASN1((der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: invalid RSA public key")]; + } + _r$1 = (der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadASN1Integer(p.N); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: invalid RSA modulus")]; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$2 = (der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadASN1Integer((p.$ptr_E || (p.$ptr_E = new ptrType$16(function() { return this.$target.E; }, function($v) { this.$target.E = $v; }, p)))); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: invalid RSA public exponent")]; + /* } */ case 12: + if (p.N.Sign() <= 0) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: RSA modulus is not a positive number")]; + } + if (p.E <= 0) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: RSA public exponent is not a positive number")]; + } + pub = new rsa.PublicKey.ptr(p.N, p.E); + $s = -1; return [pub, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + paramsDer$1 = ($convertSliceType(keyData.Algorithm.Parameters.FullBytes, cryptobyte.String)); + namedCurveOID = $newDataPointer(asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil, ptrType$18); + if (!(paramsDer$24ptr || (paramsDer$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return paramsDer$1; }, function($v) { paramsDer$1 = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier(namedCurveOID)) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: invalid ECDSA parameters")]; + } + _r$3 = namedCurveFromOID(namedCurveOID.$get()); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + namedCurve = _r$3; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(namedCurve, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: unsupported elliptic curve")]; + } + _r$4 = elliptic.Unmarshal(namedCurve, $convertSliceType(der[0], sliceType$1)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + x = _tuple[0]; + y = _tuple[1]; + if (x === ptrType$1.nil) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: failed to unmarshal elliptic curve point")]; + } + pub$1 = new ecdsa.PublicKey.ptr(namedCurve, x, y); + $s = -1; return [pub$1, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 4: + if (!((keyData.Algorithm.Parameters.FullBytes.$length === 0))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: Ed25519 key encoded with illegal parameters")]; + } + if (!((der[0].$length === 32))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: wrong Ed25519 public key size")]; + } + $s = -1; return [($convertSliceType(der[0], ed25519.PublicKey)), $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 5: + y$1 = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _r$5 = (der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadASN1Integer(y$1); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$5) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!_r$5) { */ case 16: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: invalid DSA public key")]; + /* } */ case 17: + pub$2 = new dsa.PublicKey.ptr(new dsa.Parameters.ptr(new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil), new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil), new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil)), y$1); + paramsDer[0] = ($convertSliceType(keyData.Algorithm.Parameters.FullBytes, cryptobyte.String)); + if (!(paramsDer.$ptr || (paramsDer.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, paramsDer))).ReadASN1((paramsDer.$ptr || (paramsDer.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, paramsDer))), 48)) { _v$2 = true; $s = 23; continue s; } + _r$6 = (paramsDer.$ptr || (paramsDer.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, paramsDer))).ReadASN1Integer(pub$2.Parameters.P); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = !_r$6; case 23: + if (_v$2) { _v$1 = true; $s = 22; continue s; } + _r$7 = (paramsDer.$ptr || (paramsDer.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, paramsDer))).ReadASN1Integer(pub$2.Parameters.Q); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !_r$7; case 22: + if (_v$1) { _v = true; $s = 21; continue s; } + _r$8 = (paramsDer.$ptr || (paramsDer.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, paramsDer))).ReadASN1Integer(pub$2.Parameters.G); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$8; case 21: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 19: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: invalid DSA parameters")]; + /* } */ case 20: + if (pub$2.Y.Sign() <= 0 || pub$2.Parameters.P.Sign() <= 0 || pub$2.Parameters.Q.Sign() <= 0 || pub$2.Parameters.G.Sign() <= 0) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("x509: zero or negative DSA parameter")]; + } + $s = -1; return [pub$2, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parsePublicKey, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _v, _v$1, _v$2, algo, der, keyData, namedCurve, namedCurveOID, p, paramsDer, paramsDer$1, paramsDer$24ptr, pub, pub$1, pub$2, x, y, y$1, $s};return $f; + }; + parseKeyUsageExtension = function(der) { + var der, der$24ptr, i, usage, usageBits, y; + usageBits = new asn1.BitString.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0); + if (!(der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1BitString(usageBits)) { + return [0, errors.New("x509: invalid key usage")]; + } + usage = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 9)) { break; } + if (!(($clone(usageBits, asn1.BitString).At(i) === 0))) { + usage = usage | (((y = ((i >>> 0)), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >> 0)); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return [((usage >> 0)), $ifaceNil]; + }; + parseBasicConstraintsExtension = function(der) { + var {_r$1, der, isCA, maxPathLen, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {der}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + der = [der]; + isCA = [isCA]; + maxPathLen = [maxPathLen]; + isCA[0] = false; + if (!(der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadASN1((der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [false, 0, errors.New("x509: invalid basic constraints a")]; + } + if (der[0].PeekASN1Tag(1)) { + if (!(der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadASN1Boolean((isCA.$ptr || (isCA.$ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, isCA))))) { + $s = -1; return [false, 0, errors.New("x509: invalid basic constraints b")]; + } + } + maxPathLen[0] = -1; + /* */ if (!der[0].Empty() && der[0].PeekASN1Tag(2)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!der[0].Empty() && der[0].PeekASN1Tag(2)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = (der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadASN1Integer((maxPathLen.$ptr || (maxPathLen.$ptr = new ptrType$16(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, maxPathLen)))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [false, 0, errors.New("x509: invalid basic constraints c")]; + /* } */ case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return [isCA[0], maxPathLen[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseBasicConstraintsExtension, $c: true, $r, _r$1, der, isCA, maxPathLen, $s};return $f; + }; + forEachSAN = function(der, callback) { + var {_r$1, callback, der, err, san, tag, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {der, callback}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + der = [der]; + if (!(der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadASN1((der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid subject alternative names"); + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(!der[0].Empty())) { break; } */ if(!(!der[0].Empty())) { $s = 2; continue; } + san = [san]; + tag = [tag]; + san[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + tag[0] = 0; + if (!(der.$ptr || (der.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, der))).ReadAnyASN1((san.$ptr || (san.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, san))), (tag.$ptr || (tag.$ptr = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tag))))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid subject alternative name"); + } + _r$1 = callback(((((tag[0] ^ 128) << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)), $convertSliceType(san[0], sliceType$1)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: forEachSAN, $c: true, $r, _r$1, callback, der, err, san, tag, $s};return $f; + }; + parseSANExtension = function(der) { + var {_r$1, der, dnsNames, emailAddresses, err, ipAddresses, uris, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {der}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dnsNames = [dnsNames]; + emailAddresses = [emailAddresses]; + ipAddresses = [ipAddresses]; + uris = [uris]; + dnsNames[0] = sliceType$4.nil; + emailAddresses[0] = sliceType$4.nil; + ipAddresses[0] = sliceType$18.nil; + uris[0] = sliceType$19.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$1 = forEachSAN(der, (function(dnsNames, emailAddresses, ipAddresses, uris) { return function $b(tag, data) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, data, email, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, name, ok, tag, uri, uriStr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {tag, data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = tag; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (7)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 2: + email = ($bytesToString(data)); + _r$1 = isIA5String(email); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: SAN rfc822Name is malformed"); + } + emailAddresses[0] = $append(emailAddresses[0], email); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + name = ($bytesToString(data)); + _r$2 = isIA5String(name); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: SAN dNSName is malformed"); + } + dnsNames[0] = $append(dnsNames[0], (name)); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 4: + uriStr = ($bytesToString(data)); + _r$3 = isIA5String(uriStr); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: SAN uniformResourceIdentifier is malformed"); + } + _r$4 = url.Parse(uriStr); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + uri = _tuple[0]; + err$4 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 11: + _r$5 = fmt.Errorf("x509: cannot parse URI %q: %s", new sliceType$6([new $String(uriStr), err$4])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } */ case 12: + /* */ if (uri.Host.length > 0) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (uri.Host.length > 0) { */ case 15: + _tuple$1 = domainToReverseLabels(uri.Host); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 17: + _r$6 = fmt.Errorf("x509: cannot parse URI %q: invalid domain", new sliceType$6([new $String(uriStr)])); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$6; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 18: + /* } */ case 16: + uris[0] = $append(uris[0], uri); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (7)) { */ case 5: + _2 = data.$length; + if ((_2 === (4)) || (_2 === (16))) { + ipAddresses[0] = $append(ipAddresses[0], $convertSliceType(data, net.IP)); + } else { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: cannot parse IP address of length " + strconv.Itoa(data.$length)); + } + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, data, email, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, name, ok, tag, uri, uriStr, $s};return $f; + }; })(dnsNames, emailAddresses, ipAddresses, uris)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + $s = -1; return [dnsNames[0], emailAddresses[0], ipAddresses[0], uris[0], err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseSANExtension, $c: true, $r, _r$1, der, dnsNames, emailAddresses, err, ipAddresses, uris, $s};return $f; + }; + parseExtKeyUsageExtension = function(der) { + var _tuple, der, der$24ptr, eku, extKeyUsage, extKeyUsages, ok, unknownUsages; + extKeyUsages = sliceType$22.nil; + unknownUsages = sliceType$11.nil; + if (!(der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1((der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), 48)) { + return [sliceType$22.nil, sliceType$11.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid extended key usages")]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!der.Empty())) { break; } + eku = [eku]; + eku[0] = asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil; + if (!(der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((eku.$ptr || (eku.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, eku))))) { + return [sliceType$22.nil, sliceType$11.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid extended key usages")]; + } + _tuple = extKeyUsageFromOID(eku[0]); + extKeyUsage = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + extKeyUsages = $append(extKeyUsages, extKeyUsage); + } else { + unknownUsages = $append(unknownUsages, eku[0]); + } + } + return [extKeyUsages, unknownUsages, $ifaceNil]; + }; + parseCertificatePoliciesExtension = function(der) { + var cp, der, der$24ptr, oid, oids; + oids = sliceType$11.nil; + if (!(der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1((der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), 48)) { + return [sliceType$11.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid certificate policies")]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!der.Empty())) { break; } + cp = [cp]; + oid = [oid]; + cp[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(der$24ptr || (der$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return der; }, function($v) { der = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1((cp.$ptr || (cp.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, cp))), 48)) { + return [sliceType$11.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid certificate policies")]; + } + oid[0] = asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil; + if (!(cp.$ptr || (cp.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, cp))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((oid.$ptr || (oid.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, oid))))) { + return [sliceType$11.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid certificate policies")]; + } + oids = $append(oids, oid[0]); + } + return [oids, $ifaceNil]; + }; + isValidIPMask = function(mask) { + var _1, _i, _ref, b, mask, seenZero; + seenZero = false; + _ref = mask; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (seenZero) { + if (!((b === 0))) { + return false; + } + _i++; + continue; + } + _1 = b; + if ((_1 === (0)) || (_1 === (128)) || (_1 === (192)) || (_1 === (224)) || (_1 === (240)) || (_1 === (248)) || (_1 === (252)) || (_1 === (254))) { + seenZero = true; + } else if (_1 === (255)) { + } else { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + return true; + }; + parseNameConstraintsExtension = function(out, e) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, excluded, getValues, haveExcluded, havePermitted, out, outer, outer$24ptr, permitted, toplevel, unhandled, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, e}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + excluded = [excluded]; + haveExcluded = [haveExcluded]; + havePermitted = [havePermitted]; + permitted = [permitted]; + toplevel = [toplevel]; + unhandled = [unhandled]; + unhandled[0] = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + outer = ($convertSliceType(e.Value, cryptobyte.String)); + _tmp = cryptobyte.String.nil; + _tmp$1 = cryptobyte.String.nil; + _tmp$2 = cryptobyte.String.nil; + toplevel[0] = _tmp; + permitted[0] = _tmp$1; + excluded[0] = _tmp$2; + _tmp$3 = false; + _tmp$4 = false; + havePermitted[0] = _tmp$3; + haveExcluded[0] = _tmp$4; + if (!(outer$24ptr || (outer$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return outer; }, function($v) { outer = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1((toplevel.$ptr || (toplevel.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, toplevel))), 48) || !outer.Empty() || !(toplevel.$ptr || (toplevel.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, toplevel))).ReadOptionalASN1((permitted.$ptr || (permitted.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, permitted))), (havePermitted.$ptr || (havePermitted.$ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, havePermitted))), new asn1$1.Tag(new asn1$1.Tag(0).ContextSpecific()).Constructed()) || !(toplevel.$ptr || (toplevel.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, toplevel))).ReadOptionalASN1((excluded.$ptr || (excluded.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, excluded))), (haveExcluded.$ptr || (haveExcluded.$ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, haveExcluded))), new asn1$1.Tag(new asn1$1.Tag(1).ContextSpecific()).Constructed()) || !toplevel[0].Empty()) { + _tmp$5 = false; + _tmp$6 = errors.New("x509: invalid NameConstraints extension"); + unhandled[0] = _tmp$5; + err = _tmp$6; + $s = -1; return [unhandled[0], err]; + } + if (!havePermitted[0] && !haveExcluded[0] || (permitted[0].$length === 0) && (excluded[0].$length === 0)) { + _tmp$7 = false; + _tmp$8 = errors.New("x509: empty name constraints extension"); + unhandled[0] = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [unhandled[0], err]; + } + getValues = (function(excluded, haveExcluded, havePermitted, permitted, toplevel, unhandled) { return function $b(subtrees) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _2, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$56, _tmp$57, _tmp$58, _tmp$59, _tmp$60, _tmp$61, _tmp$62, _tmp$63, _tmp$64, _tmp$65, _tmp$66, _tmp$67, _tmp$68, _tmp$69, _tmp$70, _tmp$71, _tmp$72, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, constraint, dnsNames, dnsTag, domain, domain$1, domain$2, emailTag, emails, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, ip, ipTag, ips, l, mask, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, seq, subtrees, subtrees$24ptr, tag, trimmedDomain, trimmedDomain$1, uriDomains, uriTag, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {subtrees}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dnsNames = sliceType$4.nil; + ips = sliceType$28.nil; + emails = sliceType$4.nil; + uriDomains = sliceType$4.nil; + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(!subtrees.Empty())) { break; } */ if(!(!subtrees.Empty())) { $s = 2; continue; } + seq = [seq]; + tag = [tag]; + value = [value]; + _tmp$9 = cryptobyte.String.nil; + _tmp$10 = cryptobyte.String.nil; + seq[0] = _tmp$9; + value[0] = _tmp$10; + tag[0] = 0; + /* */ if (!(subtrees$24ptr || (subtrees$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return subtrees; }, function($v) { subtrees = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1((seq.$ptr || (seq.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, seq))), 48) || !(seq.$ptr || (seq.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, seq))).ReadAnyASN1((value.$ptr || (value.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, value))), (tag.$ptr || (tag.$ptr = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tag))))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(subtrees$24ptr || (subtrees$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return subtrees; }, function($v) { subtrees = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1((seq.$ptr || (seq.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, seq))), 48) || !(seq.$ptr || (seq.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, seq))).ReadAnyASN1((value.$ptr || (value.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, value))), (tag.$ptr || (tag.$ptr = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tag))))) { */ case 3: + _tmp$11 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$12 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$13 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$14 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("x509: invalid NameConstraints extension", new sliceType$6([])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$15 = _r$1; + dnsNames = _tmp$11; + ips = _tmp$12; + emails = _tmp$13; + uriDomains = _tmp$14; + err$1 = _tmp$15; + $24r = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + dnsTag = new asn1$1.Tag(2).ContextSpecific(); + emailTag = new asn1$1.Tag(1).ContextSpecific(); + ipTag = new asn1$1.Tag(7).ContextSpecific(); + uriTag = new asn1$1.Tag(6).ContextSpecific(); + _1 = tag[0]; + /* */ if (_1 === (dnsTag)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (ipTag)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (emailTag)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (uriTag)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_1 === (dnsTag)) { */ case 8: + domain = ($bytesToString(value[0])); + _r$2 = isIA5String(domain); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$2; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 15: + _tmp$16 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$17 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$18 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$19 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$3 = err$2.Error(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = errors.New("x509: invalid constraint value: " + _r$3); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$20 = _r$4; + dnsNames = _tmp$16; + ips = _tmp$17; + emails = _tmp$18; + uriDomains = _tmp$19; + err$1 = _tmp$20; + $24r$1 = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 16: + trimmedDomain = domain; + if (trimmedDomain.length > 0 && (trimmedDomain.charCodeAt(0) === 46)) { + trimmedDomain = $substring(trimmedDomain, 1); + } + _tuple = domainToReverseLabels(trimmedDomain); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 20: + _tmp$21 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$22 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$23 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$24 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$5 = fmt.Errorf("x509: failed to parse dnsName constraint %q", new sliceType$6([new $String(domain)])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$25 = _r$5; + dnsNames = _tmp$21; + ips = _tmp$22; + emails = _tmp$23; + uriDomains = _tmp$24; + err$1 = _tmp$25; + $24r$2 = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 21: + dnsNames = $append(dnsNames, domain); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (ipTag)) { */ case 9: + l = value[0].$length; + _tmp$26 = sliceType$1.nil; + _tmp$27 = sliceType$1.nil; + ip = _tmp$26; + mask = _tmp$27; + _2 = l; + /* */ if (_2 === (8)) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (32)) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (_2 === (8)) { */ case 25: + ip = $convertSliceType($subslice(value[0], 0, 4), sliceType$1); + mask = $convertSliceType($subslice(value[0], 4), sliceType$1); + $s = 28; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (32)) { */ case 26: + ip = $convertSliceType($subslice(value[0], 0, 16), sliceType$1); + mask = $convertSliceType($subslice(value[0], 16), sliceType$1); + $s = 28; continue; + /* } else { */ case 27: + _tmp$28 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$29 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$30 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$31 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$6 = fmt.Errorf("x509: IP constraint contained value of length %d", new sliceType$6([new $Int(l)])); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$32 = _r$6; + dnsNames = _tmp$28; + ips = _tmp$29; + emails = _tmp$30; + uriDomains = _tmp$31; + err$1 = _tmp$32; + $24r$3 = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 30; case 30: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 28: + case 24: + /* */ if (!isValidIPMask(mask)) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!isValidIPMask(mask)) { */ case 31: + _tmp$33 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$34 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$35 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$36 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$7 = fmt.Errorf("x509: IP constraint contained invalid mask %x", new sliceType$6([mask])); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$37 = _r$7; + dnsNames = _tmp$33; + ips = _tmp$34; + emails = _tmp$35; + uriDomains = _tmp$36; + err$1 = _tmp$37; + $24r$4 = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 32: + ips = $append(ips, new net.IPNet.ptr(($convertSliceType(ip, net.IP)), ($convertSliceType(mask, net.IPMask)))); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (emailTag)) { */ case 10: + constraint = ($bytesToString(value[0])); + _r$8 = isIA5String(constraint); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$8; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 36: + _tmp$38 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$39 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$40 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$41 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$9 = err$3.Error(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = errors.New("x509: invalid constraint value: " + _r$9); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$42 = _r$10; + dnsNames = _tmp$38; + ips = _tmp$39; + emails = _tmp$40; + uriDomains = _tmp$41; + err$1 = _tmp$42; + $24r$5 = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 40; case 40: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 37: + /* */ if (strings.Contains(constraint, "@")) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ $s = 42; continue; + /* if (strings.Contains(constraint, "@")) { */ case 41: + _tuple$1 = parseRFC2821Mailbox(constraint); + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ $s = 45; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 44: + _tmp$43 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$44 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$45 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$46 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$11 = fmt.Errorf("x509: failed to parse rfc822Name constraint %q", new sliceType$6([new $String(constraint)])); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$47 = _r$11; + dnsNames = _tmp$43; + ips = _tmp$44; + emails = _tmp$45; + uriDomains = _tmp$46; + err$1 = _tmp$47; + $24r$6 = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 47; case 47: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 45: + $s = 43; continue; + /* } else { */ case 42: + domain$1 = constraint; + if (domain$1.length > 0 && (domain$1.charCodeAt(0) === 46)) { + domain$1 = $substring(domain$1, 1); + } + _tuple$2 = domainToReverseLabels(domain$1); + ok$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$2) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ $s = 49; continue; + /* if (!ok$2) { */ case 48: + _tmp$48 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$49 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$50 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$51 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$12 = fmt.Errorf("x509: failed to parse rfc822Name constraint %q", new sliceType$6([new $String(constraint)])); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$52 = _r$12; + dnsNames = _tmp$48; + ips = _tmp$49; + emails = _tmp$50; + uriDomains = _tmp$51; + err$1 = _tmp$52; + $24r$7 = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 51; case 51: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 49: + /* } */ case 43: + emails = $append(emails, constraint); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (uriTag)) { */ case 11: + domain$2 = ($bytesToString(value[0])); + _r$13 = isIA5String(domain$2); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$13; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 53; continue; } + /* */ $s = 54; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 53: + _tmp$53 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$54 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$55 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$56 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$14 = err$4.Error(); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = errors.New("x509: invalid constraint value: " + _r$14); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$57 = _r$15; + dnsNames = _tmp$53; + ips = _tmp$54; + emails = _tmp$55; + uriDomains = _tmp$56; + err$1 = _tmp$57; + $24r$8 = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 57; case 57: return $24r$8; + /* } */ case 54: + /* */ if (!(net.ParseIP(domain$2) === net.IP.nil)) { $s = 58; continue; } + /* */ $s = 59; continue; + /* if (!(net.ParseIP(domain$2) === net.IP.nil)) { */ case 58: + _tmp$58 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$59 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$60 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$61 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$16 = fmt.Errorf("x509: failed to parse URI constraint %q: cannot be IP address", new sliceType$6([new $String(domain$2)])); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$62 = _r$16; + dnsNames = _tmp$58; + ips = _tmp$59; + emails = _tmp$60; + uriDomains = _tmp$61; + err$1 = _tmp$62; + $24r$9 = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 61; case 61: return $24r$9; + /* } */ case 59: + trimmedDomain$1 = domain$2; + if (trimmedDomain$1.length > 0 && (trimmedDomain$1.charCodeAt(0) === 46)) { + trimmedDomain$1 = $substring(trimmedDomain$1, 1); + } + _tuple$3 = domainToReverseLabels(trimmedDomain$1); + ok$3 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$3) { $s = 62; continue; } + /* */ $s = 63; continue; + /* if (!ok$3) { */ case 62: + _tmp$63 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$64 = sliceType$28.nil; + _tmp$65 = sliceType$4.nil; + _tmp$66 = sliceType$4.nil; + _r$17 = fmt.Errorf("x509: failed to parse URI constraint %q", new sliceType$6([new $String(domain$2)])); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$67 = _r$17; + dnsNames = _tmp$63; + ips = _tmp$64; + emails = _tmp$65; + uriDomains = _tmp$66; + err$1 = _tmp$67; + $24r$10 = [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + $s = 65; case 65: return $24r$10; + /* } */ case 63: + uriDomains = $append(uriDomains, domain$2); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else { */ case 12: + unhandled[0] = true; + /* } */ case 13: + case 7: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _tmp$68 = dnsNames; + _tmp$69 = ips; + _tmp$70 = emails; + _tmp$71 = uriDomains; + _tmp$72 = $ifaceNil; + dnsNames = _tmp$68; + ips = _tmp$69; + emails = _tmp$70; + uriDomains = _tmp$71; + err$1 = _tmp$72; + $s = -1; return [dnsNames, ips, emails, uriDomains, err$1]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _2, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$56, _tmp$57, _tmp$58, _tmp$59, _tmp$60, _tmp$61, _tmp$62, _tmp$63, _tmp$64, _tmp$65, _tmp$66, _tmp$67, _tmp$68, _tmp$69, _tmp$70, _tmp$71, _tmp$72, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, constraint, dnsNames, dnsTag, domain, domain$1, domain$2, emailTag, emails, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, ip, ipTag, ips, l, mask, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, seq, subtrees, subtrees$24ptr, tag, trimmedDomain, trimmedDomain$1, uriDomains, uriTag, value, $s};return $f; + }; })(excluded, haveExcluded, havePermitted, permitted, toplevel, unhandled); + _r$1 = getValues(permitted[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + out.PermittedDNSDomains = _tuple[0]; + out.PermittedIPRanges = _tuple[1]; + out.PermittedEmailAddresses = _tuple[2]; + out.PermittedURIDomains = _tuple[3]; + err = _tuple[4]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$9 = false; + _tmp$10 = err; + unhandled[0] = _tmp$9; + err = _tmp$10; + $s = -1; return [unhandled[0], err]; + } + _r$2 = getValues(excluded[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + out.ExcludedDNSDomains = _tuple$1[0]; + out.ExcludedIPRanges = _tuple$1[1]; + out.ExcludedEmailAddresses = _tuple$1[2]; + out.ExcludedURIDomains = _tuple$1[3]; + err = _tuple$1[4]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$11 = false; + _tmp$12 = err; + unhandled[0] = _tmp$11; + err = _tmp$12; + $s = -1; return [unhandled[0], err]; + } + out.PermittedDNSDomainsCritical = e.Critical; + _tmp$13 = unhandled[0]; + _tmp$14 = $ifaceNil; + unhandled[0] = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [unhandled[0], err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseNameConstraintsExtension, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, excluded, getValues, haveExcluded, havePermitted, out, outer, outer$24ptr, permitted, toplevel, unhandled, $s};return $f; + }; + processExtensions = function(out) { + var {_1, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, aiaDER, akid, dpDER, dpNameDER, dpNamePresent, e, err, method, out, skid, unhandled, uri, val, val$1, val$2, val$24ptr, val$24ptr$1, val$3, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = out.Extensions; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + akid = [akid]; + skid = [skid]; + val = [val]; + val$1 = [val$1]; + e = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pkix.Extension); + unhandled = false; + /* */ if ((e.Id.$length === 4) && ((x = e.Id, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 2) && ((x$1 = e.Id, (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1])) === 5) && ((x$2 = e.Id, (2 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 2])) === 29)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (e.Id.Equal($convertSliceType(oidExtensionAuthorityInfoAccess, asn1.ObjectIdentifier))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((e.Id.$length === 4) && ((x = e.Id, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 2) && ((x$1 = e.Id, (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1])) === 5) && ((x$2 = e.Id, (2 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 2])) === 29)) { */ case 3: + _1 = (x$3 = e.Id, (3 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 3])); + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (19)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (17)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (30)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (31)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (35)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (37)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (32)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 8: + _tuple = parseKeyUsageExtension($convertSliceType(e.Value, cryptobyte.String)); + out.KeyUsage = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (19)) { */ case 9: + _r$1 = parseBasicConstraintsExtension($convertSliceType(e.Value, cryptobyte.String)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + out.IsCA = _tuple$1[0]; + out.MaxPathLen = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + out.BasicConstraintsValid = true; + out.MaxPathLenZero = out.MaxPathLen === 0; + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (17)) { */ case 10: + _r$2 = parseSANExtension($convertSliceType(e.Value, cryptobyte.String)); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + out.DNSNames = _tuple$2[0]; + out.EmailAddresses = _tuple$2[1]; + out.IPAddresses = _tuple$2[2]; + out.URIs = _tuple$2[3]; + err = _tuple$2[4]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + if ((out.DNSNames.$length === 0) && (out.EmailAddresses.$length === 0) && (out.IPAddresses.$length === 0) && (out.URIs.$length === 0)) { + unhandled = true; + } + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (30)) { */ case 11: + _r$3 = parseNameConstraintsExtension(out, $clone(e, pkix.Extension)); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$3; + unhandled = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (31)) { */ case 12: + val[0] = ($convertSliceType(e.Value, cryptobyte.String)); + if (!(val.$ptr || (val.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, val))).ReadASN1((val.$ptr || (val.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, val))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution points"); + } + while (true) { + if (!(!val[0].Empty())) { break; } + dpDER = [dpDER]; + dpNameDER = [dpNameDER]; + dpNamePresent = [dpNamePresent]; + dpDER[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(val.$ptr || (val.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, val))).ReadASN1((dpDER.$ptr || (dpDER.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, dpDER))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point"); + } + dpNameDER[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + dpNamePresent[0] = false; + if (!(dpDER.$ptr || (dpDER.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, dpDER))).ReadOptionalASN1((dpNameDER.$ptr || (dpNameDER.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, dpNameDER))), (dpNamePresent.$ptr || (dpNamePresent.$ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, dpNamePresent))), new asn1$1.Tag(new asn1$1.Tag(0).Constructed()).ContextSpecific())) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point"); + } + if (!dpNamePresent[0]) { + continue; + } + if (!(dpNameDER.$ptr || (dpNameDER.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, dpNameDER))).ReadASN1((dpNameDER.$ptr || (dpNameDER.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, dpNameDER))), new asn1$1.Tag(new asn1$1.Tag(0).Constructed()).ContextSpecific())) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point"); + } + while (true) { + if (!(!dpNameDER[0].Empty())) { break; } + uri = [uri]; + if (!dpNameDER[0].PeekASN1Tag(new asn1$1.Tag(6).ContextSpecific())) { + break; + } + uri[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(dpNameDER.$ptr || (dpNameDER.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, dpNameDER))).ReadASN1((uri.$ptr || (uri.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, uri))), new asn1$1.Tag(6).ContextSpecific())) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point"); + } + out.CRLDistributionPoints = $append(out.CRLDistributionPoints, ($bytesToString(uri[0]))); + } + } + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (35)) { */ case 13: + val$2 = ($convertSliceType(e.Value, cryptobyte.String)); + akid[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(val$24ptr || (val$24ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return val$2; }, function($v) { val$2 = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1((akid.$ptr || (akid.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, akid))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid authority key identifier"); + } + if (akid[0].PeekASN1Tag(new asn1$1.Tag(0).ContextSpecific())) { + if (!(akid.$ptr || (akid.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, akid))).ReadASN1((akid.$ptr || (akid.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, akid))), new asn1$1.Tag(0).ContextSpecific())) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid authority key identifier"); + } + out.AuthorityKeyId = $convertSliceType(akid[0], sliceType$1); + } + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (37)) { */ case 14: + _tuple$4 = parseExtKeyUsageExtension($convertSliceType(e.Value, cryptobyte.String)); + out.ExtKeyUsage = _tuple$4[0]; + out.UnknownExtKeyUsage = _tuple$4[1]; + err = _tuple$4[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 15: + val$3 = ($convertSliceType(e.Value, cryptobyte.String)); + skid[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(val$24ptr$1 || (val$24ptr$1 = new ptrType$23(function() { return val$3; }, function($v) { val$3 = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadASN1((skid.$ptr || (skid.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, skid))), 4)) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid subject key identifier"); + } + out.SubjectKeyId = $convertSliceType(skid[0], sliceType$1); + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (32)) { */ case 16: + _tuple$5 = parseCertificatePoliciesExtension($convertSliceType(e.Value, cryptobyte.String)); + out.PolicyIdentifiers = _tuple$5[0]; + err = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else { */ case 17: + unhandled = true; + /* } */ case 18: + case 7: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (e.Id.Equal($convertSliceType(oidExtensionAuthorityInfoAccess, asn1.ObjectIdentifier))) { */ case 4: + val$1[0] = ($convertSliceType(e.Value, cryptobyte.String)); + if (!(val$1.$ptr || (val$1.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, val$1))).ReadASN1((val$1.$ptr || (val$1.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, val$1))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid authority info access"); + } + while (true) { + if (!(!val$1[0].Empty())) { break; } + aiaDER = [aiaDER]; + method = [method]; + aiaDER[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(val$1.$ptr || (val$1.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, val$1))).ReadASN1((aiaDER.$ptr || (aiaDER.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, aiaDER))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid authority info access"); + } + method[0] = asn1.ObjectIdentifier.nil; + if (!(aiaDER.$ptr || (aiaDER.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, aiaDER))).ReadASN1ObjectIdentifier((method.$ptr || (method.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, method))))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid authority info access"); + } + if (!aiaDER[0].PeekASN1Tag(new asn1$1.Tag(6).ContextSpecific())) { + continue; + } + if (!(aiaDER.$ptr || (aiaDER.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, aiaDER))).ReadASN1((aiaDER.$ptr || (aiaDER.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, aiaDER))), new asn1$1.Tag(6).ContextSpecific())) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("x509: invalid authority info access"); + } + if (method[0].Equal(oidAuthorityInfoAccessOcsp)) { + out.OCSPServer = $append(out.OCSPServer, ($bytesToString(aiaDER[0]))); + } else if (method[0].Equal(oidAuthorityInfoAccessIssuers)) { + out.IssuingCertificateURL = $append(out.IssuingCertificateURL, ($bytesToString(aiaDER[0]))); + } + } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + unhandled = true; + /* } */ case 6: + if (e.Critical && unhandled) { + out.UnhandledCriticalExtensions = $append(out.UnhandledCriticalExtensions, e.Id); + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: processExtensions, $c: true, $r, _1, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, aiaDER, akid, dpDER, dpNameDER, dpNamePresent, e, err, method, out, skid, unhandled, uri, val, val$1, val$2, val$24ptr, val$24ptr$1, val$3, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + parseCertificate = function(der) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, cert, der, err, err$1, ext, extension, extensions, input, issuerRDNs, issuerSeq, outerSigAISeq, pkAI, pkAISeq, present, serial, sigAI, sigAISeq, signature, spk, spki, subjectRDNs, subjectSeq, tbs, validity$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {der}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + extensions = [extensions]; + input = [input]; + issuerSeq = [issuerSeq]; + outerSigAISeq = [outerSigAISeq]; + pkAISeq = [pkAISeq]; + present = [present]; + sigAISeq = [sigAISeq]; + signature = [signature]; + spk = [spk]; + spki = [spki]; + subjectSeq = [subjectSeq]; + tbs = [tbs]; + validity$1 = [validity$1]; + cert = new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, 0, ptrType$1.nil, new pkix.Name.ptr(sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, "", "", sliceType$15.nil, sliceType$15.nil), new pkix.Name.ptr(sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, "", "", sliceType$15.nil, sliceType$15.nil), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil), 0, sliceType$8.nil, sliceType$8.nil, sliceType$11.nil, sliceType$22.nil, sliceType$11.nil, false, false, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$18.nil, sliceType$19.nil, false, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$28.nil, sliceType$28.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + input[0] = ($convertSliceType(der, cryptobyte.String)); + if (!(input.$ptr || (input.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, input))).ReadASN1Element((input.$ptr || (input.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, input))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed certificate")]; + } + cert.Raw = $convertSliceType(input[0], sliceType$1); + if (!(input.$ptr || (input.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, input))).ReadASN1((input.$ptr || (input.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, input))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed certificate")]; + } + tbs[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(input.$ptr || (input.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, input))).ReadASN1Element((tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed tbs certificate")]; + } + cert.RawTBSCertificate = $convertSliceType(tbs[0], sliceType$1); + if (!(tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).ReadASN1((tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed tbs certificate")]; + } + _r$1 = (tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).ReadOptionalASN1Integer((cert.$ptr_Version || (cert.$ptr_Version = new ptrType$16(function() { return this.$target.Version; }, function($v) { this.$target.Version = $v; }, cert))), new asn1$1.Tag(new asn1$1.Tag(0).Constructed()).ContextSpecific(), new $Int(0)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed version")]; + /* } */ case 2: + if (cert.Version < 0) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed version")]; + } + cert.Version = cert.Version + (1) >> 0; + if (cert.Version > 3) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: invalid version")]; + } + serial = new big.Int.ptr(false, big.nat.nil); + _r$2 = (tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).ReadASN1Integer(serial); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed serial number")]; + /* } */ case 5: + cert.SerialNumber = serial; + sigAISeq[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).ReadASN1((sigAISeq.$ptr || (sigAISeq.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAISeq))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed signature algorithm identifier")]; + } + outerSigAISeq[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(input.$ptr || (input.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, input))).ReadASN1((outerSigAISeq.$ptr || (outerSigAISeq.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, outerSigAISeq))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed algorithm identifier")]; + } + if (!bytes.Equal($convertSliceType(outerSigAISeq[0], sliceType$1), $convertSliceType(sigAISeq[0], sliceType$1))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: inner and outer signature algorithm identifiers don't match")]; + } + _tuple = parseAI(sigAISeq[0]); + sigAI = $clone(_tuple[0], pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, err]; + } + _r$3 = getSignatureAlgorithmFromAI($clone(sigAI, pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cert.SignatureAlgorithm = _r$3; + issuerSeq[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).ReadASN1Element((issuerSeq.$ptr || (issuerSeq.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, issuerSeq))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed issuer")]; + } + cert.RawIssuer = $convertSliceType(issuerSeq[0], sliceType$1); + _r$4 = parseName(issuerSeq[0]); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + issuerRDNs = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, err]; + } + cert.Issuer.FillFromRDNSequence(issuerRDNs); + validity$1[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).ReadASN1((validity$1.$ptr || (validity$1.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, validity$1))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed validity")]; + } + _r$5 = parseValidity(validity$1[0]); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$5; + time.Time.copy(cert.NotBefore, _tuple$2[0]); + time.Time.copy(cert.NotAfter, _tuple$2[1]); + err = _tuple$2[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, err]; + } + subjectSeq[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).ReadASN1Element((subjectSeq.$ptr || (subjectSeq.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, subjectSeq))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed issuer")]; + } + cert.RawSubject = $convertSliceType(subjectSeq[0], sliceType$1); + _r$6 = parseName(subjectSeq[0]); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$6; + subjectRDNs = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, err]; + } + cert.Subject.FillFromRDNSequence(subjectRDNs); + spki[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).ReadASN1Element((spki.$ptr || (spki.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, spki))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed spki")]; + } + cert.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo = $convertSliceType(spki[0], sliceType$1); + if (!(spki.$ptr || (spki.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, spki))).ReadASN1((spki.$ptr || (spki.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, spki))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed spki")]; + } + pkAISeq[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(spki.$ptr || (spki.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, spki))).ReadASN1((pkAISeq.$ptr || (pkAISeq.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, pkAISeq))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed public key algorithm identifier")]; + } + _tuple$4 = parseAI(pkAISeq[0]); + pkAI = $clone(_tuple$4[0], pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier); + err = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, err]; + } + cert.PublicKeyAlgorithm = getPublicKeyAlgorithmFromOID(pkAI.Algorithm); + spk[0] = new asn1.BitString.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0); + if (!(spki.$ptr || (spki.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, spki))).ReadASN1BitString(spk[0])) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed subjectPublicKey")]; + } + _r$7 = parsePublicKey(cert.PublicKeyAlgorithm, new publicKeyInfo.ptr(asn1.RawContent.nil, $clone(pkAI, pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier), $clone(spk[0], asn1.BitString))); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$7; + cert.PublicKey = _tuple$5[0]; + err = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, err]; + } + /* */ if (cert.Version > 1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (cert.Version > 1) { */ case 12: + if (!(tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).SkipOptionalASN1(new asn1$1.Tag(1).ContextSpecific())) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed issuerUniqueID")]; + } + if (!(tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).SkipOptionalASN1(new asn1$1.Tag(2).ContextSpecific())) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed subjectUniqueID")]; + } + /* */ if (cert.Version === 3) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (cert.Version === 3) { */ case 14: + extensions[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + present[0] = false; + if (!(tbs.$ptr || (tbs.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, tbs))).ReadOptionalASN1((extensions.$ptr || (extensions.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extensions))), (present.$ptr || (present.$ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, present))), new asn1$1.Tag(new asn1$1.Tag(3).Constructed()).ContextSpecific())) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extensions")]; + } + /* */ if (present[0]) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (present[0]) { */ case 16: + if (!(extensions.$ptr || (extensions.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extensions))).ReadASN1((extensions.$ptr || (extensions.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extensions))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extensions")]; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!extensions[0].Empty())) { break; } + extension = [extension]; + extension[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extensions.$ptr || (extensions.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extensions))).ReadASN1((extension.$ptr || (extension.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extension))), 48)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extension")]; + } + _tuple$6 = parseExtension(extension[0]); + ext = $clone(_tuple$6[0], pkix.Extension); + err$1 = _tuple$6[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, err$1]; + } + cert.Extensions = $append(cert.Extensions, ext); + } + _r$8 = processExtensions(cert); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, err]; + } + /* } */ case 17: + /* } */ case 15: + /* } */ case 13: + signature[0] = new asn1.BitString.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0); + if (!(input.$ptr || (input.$ptr = new ptrType$23(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, input))).ReadASN1BitString(signature[0])) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: malformed signature")]; + } + cert.Signature = $clone(signature[0], asn1.BitString).RightAlign(); + $s = -1; return [cert, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseCertificate, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, cert, der, err, err$1, ext, extension, extensions, input, issuerRDNs, issuerSeq, outerSigAISeq, pkAI, pkAISeq, present, serial, sigAI, sigAISeq, signature, spk, spki, subjectRDNs, subjectSeq, tbs, validity$1, $s};return $f; + }; + ParseCertificate = function(der) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, cert, der, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {der}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = parseCertificate(der); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + cert = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, err]; + } + if (!((der.$length === cert.Raw.$length))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$4.nil, errors.New("x509: trailing data")]; + } + $s = -1; return [cert, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ParseCertificate, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, cert, der, err, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ParseCertificate = ParseCertificate; + NewCertPool = function() { + return new CertPool.ptr({}, sliceType$29.nil, {}, false); + }; + $pkg.NewCertPool = NewCertPool; + CertPool.ptr.prototype.len = function() { + var s; + s = this; + if (s === ptrType.nil) { + return 0; + } + return s.lazyCerts.$length; + }; + CertPool.prototype.len = function() { return this.$val.len(); }; + CertPool.ptr.prototype.cert = function(n) { + var {$24r, _r$1, n, s, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r$1 = (x = s.lazyCerts, ((n < 0 || n >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + n])).getCert(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CertPool.ptr.prototype.cert, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, n, s, x, $s};return $f; + }; + CertPool.prototype.cert = function(n) { return this.$val.cert(n); }; + CertPool.ptr.prototype.findPotentialParents = function(cert) { + var {_entry, _i, _r$1, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, c, candidate, candidates, cert, err, found, kidMatch, matchingKeyID, mismatchKeyID, oneKeyID, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cert}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + if (s === ptrType.nil) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$20.nil; + } + _tmp = sliceType$20.nil; + _tmp$1 = sliceType$20.nil; + _tmp$2 = sliceType$20.nil; + matchingKeyID = _tmp; + oneKeyID = _tmp$1; + mismatchKeyID = _tmp$2; + _ref = (_entry = s.byName[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString(cert.RawIssuer)))], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$3.nil); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = s.cert(c); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + candidate = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + kidMatch = bytes.Equal(candidate.SubjectKeyId, cert.AuthorityKeyId); + if (kidMatch) { + matchingKeyID = $append(matchingKeyID, candidate); + } else if (((candidate.SubjectKeyId.$length === 0) && cert.AuthorityKeyId.$length > 0) || (candidate.SubjectKeyId.$length > 0 && (cert.AuthorityKeyId.$length === 0))) { + oneKeyID = $append(oneKeyID, candidate); + } else { + mismatchKeyID = $append(mismatchKeyID, candidate); + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + found = (matchingKeyID.$length + oneKeyID.$length >> 0) + mismatchKeyID.$length >> 0; + if (found === 0) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$20.nil; + } + candidates = $makeSlice(sliceType$20, 0, found); + candidates = $appendSlice(candidates, matchingKeyID); + candidates = $appendSlice(candidates, oneKeyID); + candidates = $appendSlice(candidates, mismatchKeyID); + $s = -1; return candidates; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CertPool.ptr.prototype.findPotentialParents, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _r$1, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, c, candidate, candidates, cert, err, found, kidMatch, matchingKeyID, mismatchKeyID, oneKeyID, s, $s};return $f; + }; + CertPool.prototype.findPotentialParents = function(cert) { return this.$val.findPotentialParents(cert); }; + CertPool.ptr.prototype.contains = function(cert) { + var _entry, cert, s; + s = this; + if (s === ptrType.nil) { + return false; + } + return (_entry = s.haveSum[sum224.keyFor(sha256.Sum224(cert.Raw))], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false); + }; + CertPool.prototype.contains = function(cert) { return this.$val.contains(cert); }; + CertPool.ptr.prototype.AddCert = function(cert) { + var cert, s; + s = this; + if (cert === ptrType$4.nil) { + $panic(new $String("adding nil Certificate to CertPool")); + } + s.addCertFunc($clone(sha256.Sum224(cert.Raw), sum224), ($bytesToString(cert.RawSubject)), (function() { + return [cert, $ifaceNil]; + })); + }; + CertPool.prototype.AddCert = function(cert) { return this.$val.AddCert(cert); }; + CertPool.ptr.prototype.addCertFunc = function(rawSum224, rawSubject, getCert) { + var _entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, getCert, rawSubject, rawSum224, s; + s = this; + if (getCert === $throwNilPointerError) { + $panic(new $String("getCert can't be nil")); + } + if ((_entry = s.haveSum[sum224.keyFor(rawSum224)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false)) { + return; + } + _key = $clone(rawSum224, sum224); (s.haveSum || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[sum224.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: true }; + s.lazyCerts = $append(s.lazyCerts, new lazyCert.ptr((new sliceType$1($stringToBytes(rawSubject))), getCert)); + _key$1 = rawSubject; (s.byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $append((_entry$1 = s.byName[$String.keyFor(rawSubject)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$3.nil), s.lazyCerts.$length - 1 >> 0) }; + }; + CertPool.prototype.addCertFunc = function(rawSum224, rawSubject, getCert) { return this.$val.addCertFunc(rawSum224, rawSubject, getCert); }; + CertPool.ptr.prototype.AppendCertsFromPEM = function(pemCerts) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, block, cert, certBytes, err, lazyCert$1, ok, pemCerts, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pemCerts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ok = false; + s = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(pemCerts.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(pemCerts.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + certBytes = [certBytes]; + lazyCert$1 = [lazyCert$1]; + block = ptrType$8.nil; + _r$1 = pem.Decode(pemCerts); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + block = _tuple[0]; + pemCerts = _tuple[1]; + if (block === ptrType$8.nil) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (!(block.Type === "CERTIFICATE") || !(($keys(block.Headers).length === 0))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + certBytes[0] = block.Bytes; + _r$2 = ParseCertificate(certBytes[0]); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + cert = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + lazyCert$1[0] = new structType$3.ptr(new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), ptrType$4.nil); + s.addCertFunc($clone(sha256.Sum224(cert.Raw), sum224), ($bytesToString(cert.RawSubject)), (function(certBytes, lazyCert$1) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = lazyCert$1[0].Once.Do((function(certBytes, lazyCert$1) { return function $b() { + var {_r$3, _tuple$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = ParseCertificate(certBytes[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + lazyCert$1[0].v = _tuple$2[0]; + certBytes[0] = sliceType$1.nil; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _tuple$2, $s};return $f; + }; })(certBytes, lazyCert$1)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [lazyCert$1[0].v, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(certBytes, lazyCert$1)); + ok = true; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + ok = ok; + $s = -1; return ok; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CertPool.ptr.prototype.AppendCertsFromPEM, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, block, cert, certBytes, err, lazyCert$1, ok, pemCerts, s, $s};return $f; + }; + CertPool.prototype.AppendCertsFromPEM = function(pemCerts) { return this.$val.AppendCertsFromPEM(pemCerts); }; + CertPool.ptr.prototype.Subjects = function() { + var _i, _ref, i, lc, res, s; + s = this; + res = $makeSlice(sliceType$30, s.len()); + _ref = s.lazyCerts; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + lc = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), lazyCert); + ((i < 0 || i >= res.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : res.$array[res.$offset + i] = lc.rawSubject); + _i++; + } + return res; + }; + CertPool.prototype.Subjects = function() { return this.$val.Subjects(); }; + SignatureAlgorithm.methods = [{prop: "isRSAPSS", name: "isRSAPSS", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + PublicKeyAlgorithm.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "hasSANExtension", name: "hasSANExtension", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "CheckSignatureFrom", name: "CheckSignatureFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [$error], false)}, {prop: "CheckSignature", name: "CheckSignature", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([SignatureAlgorithm, sliceType$1, sliceType$1], [$error], false)}, {prop: "hasNameConstraints", name: "hasNameConstraints", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "getSANExtension", name: "getSANExtension", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$1], false)}, {prop: "CheckCRLSignature", name: "CheckCRLSignature", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$9], [$error], false)}, {prop: "CreateCRL", name: "CreateCRL", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader, $emptyInterface, sliceType$13, time.Time, time.Time], [sliceType$1, $error], false)}, {prop: "checkNameConstraints", name: "checkNameConstraints", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([ptrType$16, $Int, $String, $String, $emptyInterface, funcType, $emptyInterface, $emptyInterface], [$error], false)}, {prop: "isValid", name: "isValid", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([$Int, sliceType$20, ptrType$25], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Verify", name: "Verify", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([VerifyOptions], [sliceType$21, $error], false)}, {prop: "buildChains", name: "buildChains", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([mapType, sliceType$20, ptrType$16, ptrType$25], [sliceType$21, $error], false)}, {prop: "VerifyHostname", name: "VerifyHostname", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "systemVerify", name: "systemVerify", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([ptrType$25], [sliceType$21, $error], false)}]; + InsecureAlgorithmError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ConstraintViolationError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + UnhandledCriticalExtension.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + CertificateInvalidError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + HostnameError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + UnknownAuthorityError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + SystemRootsError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "len", name: "len", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "cert", name: "cert", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([$Int], [ptrType$4, $error], false)}, {prop: "copy", name: "copy", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "findPotentialParents", name: "findPotentialParents", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [sliceType$20], false)}, {prop: "contains", name: "contains", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "AddCert", name: "AddCert", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [], false)}, {prop: "addCertFunc", name: "addCertFunc", pkg: "crypto/x509", typ: $funcType([sum224, $String, funcType$2], [], false)}, {prop: "AppendCertsFromPEM", name: "AppendCertsFromPEM", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Subjects", name: "Subjects", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$30], false)}]; + publicKeyInfo.init("", [{prop: "Raw", name: "Raw", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: asn1.RawContent, tag: ""}, {prop: "Algorithm", name: "Algorithm", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier, tag: ""}, {prop: "PublicKey", name: "PublicKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: asn1.BitString, tag: ""}]); + authKeyId.init("", [{prop: "Id", name: "Id", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: "asn1:\"optional,tag:0\""}]); + pssParameters.init("", [{prop: "Hash", name: "Hash", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier, tag: "asn1:\"explicit,tag:0\""}, {prop: "MGF", name: "MGF", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier, tag: "asn1:\"explicit,tag:1\""}, {prop: "SaltLength", name: "SaltLength", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: "asn1:\"explicit,tag:2\""}, {prop: "TrailerField", name: "TrailerField", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: "asn1:\"optional,explicit,tag:3,default:1\""}]); + Certificate.init("", [{prop: "Raw", name: "Raw", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "RawTBSCertificate", name: "RawTBSCertificate", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo", name: "RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "RawSubject", name: "RawSubject", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "RawIssuer", name: "RawIssuer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Signature", name: "Signature", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "SignatureAlgorithm", name: "SignatureAlgorithm", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: SignatureAlgorithm, tag: ""}, {prop: "PublicKeyAlgorithm", name: "PublicKeyAlgorithm", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: PublicKeyAlgorithm, tag: ""}, {prop: "PublicKey", name: "PublicKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "Version", name: "Version", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "SerialNumber", name: "SerialNumber", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Issuer", name: "Issuer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: pkix.Name, tag: ""}, {prop: "Subject", name: "Subject", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: pkix.Name, tag: ""}, {prop: "NotBefore", name: "NotBefore", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "NotAfter", name: "NotAfter", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "KeyUsage", name: "KeyUsage", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: KeyUsage, tag: ""}, {prop: "Extensions", name: "Extensions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExtraExtensions", name: "ExtraExtensions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "UnhandledCriticalExtensions", name: "UnhandledCriticalExtensions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExtKeyUsage", name: "ExtKeyUsage", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$22, tag: ""}, {prop: "UnknownExtKeyUsage", name: "UnknownExtKeyUsage", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "BasicConstraintsValid", name: "BasicConstraintsValid", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsCA", name: "IsCA", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxPathLen", name: "MaxPathLen", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxPathLenZero", name: "MaxPathLenZero", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "SubjectKeyId", name: "SubjectKeyId", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "AuthorityKeyId", name: "AuthorityKeyId", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "OCSPServer", name: "OCSPServer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "IssuingCertificateURL", name: "IssuingCertificateURL", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "DNSNames", name: "DNSNames", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "EmailAddresses", name: "EmailAddresses", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "IPAddresses", name: "IPAddresses", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$18, tag: ""}, {prop: "URIs", name: "URIs", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$19, tag: ""}, {prop: "PermittedDNSDomainsCritical", name: "PermittedDNSDomainsCritical", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "PermittedDNSDomains", name: "PermittedDNSDomains", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExcludedDNSDomains", name: "ExcludedDNSDomains", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "PermittedIPRanges", name: "PermittedIPRanges", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$28, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExcludedIPRanges", name: "ExcludedIPRanges", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$28, tag: ""}, {prop: "PermittedEmailAddresses", name: "PermittedEmailAddresses", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExcludedEmailAddresses", name: "ExcludedEmailAddresses", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "PermittedURIDomains", name: "PermittedURIDomains", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExcludedURIDomains", name: "ExcludedURIDomains", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "CRLDistributionPoints", name: "CRLDistributionPoints", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "PolicyIdentifiers", name: "PolicyIdentifiers", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}]); + ConstraintViolationError.init("", []); + UnhandledCriticalExtension.init("", []); + CertificateInvalidError.init("", [{prop: "Cert", name: "Cert", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "Reason", name: "Reason", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: InvalidReason, tag: ""}, {prop: "Detail", name: "Detail", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + HostnameError.init("", [{prop: "Certificate", name: "Certificate", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "Host", name: "Host", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + UnknownAuthorityError.init("crypto/x509", [{prop: "Cert", name: "Cert", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "hintErr", name: "hintErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "hintCert", name: "hintCert", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}]); + SystemRootsError.init("", [{prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + VerifyOptions.init("", [{prop: "DNSName", name: "DNSName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Intermediates", name: "Intermediates", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Roots", name: "Roots", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "CurrentTime", name: "CurrentTime", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "KeyUsages", name: "KeyUsages", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$22, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxConstraintComparisions", name: "MaxConstraintComparisions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + rfc2821Mailbox.init("crypto/x509", [{prop: "local", name: "local", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "domain", name: "domain", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + ecPrivateKey.init("", [{prop: "Version", name: "Version", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "PrivateKey", name: "PrivateKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "NamedCurveOID", name: "NamedCurveOID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: asn1.ObjectIdentifier, tag: "asn1:\"optional,explicit,tag:0\""}, {prop: "PublicKey", name: "PublicKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: asn1.BitString, tag: "asn1:\"optional,explicit,tag:1\""}]); + pkcs8.init("", [{prop: "Version", name: "Version", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Algo", name: "Algo", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier, tag: ""}, {prop: "PrivateKey", name: "PrivateKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + pkcs1PrivateKey.init("", [{prop: "Version", name: "Version", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "N", name: "N", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "E", name: "E", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "D", name: "D", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "P", name: "P", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Q", name: "Q", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Dp", name: "Dp", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: "asn1:\"optional\""}, {prop: "Dq", name: "Dq", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: "asn1:\"optional\""}, {prop: "Qinv", name: "Qinv", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: "asn1:\"optional\""}, {prop: "AdditionalPrimes", name: "AdditionalPrimes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$23, tag: "asn1:\"optional,omitempty\""}]); + pkcs1AdditionalRSAPrime.init("", [{prop: "Prime", name: "Prime", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Exp", name: "Exp", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "Coeff", name: "Coeff", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]); + pkcs1PublicKey.init("", [{prop: "N", name: "N", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "E", name: "E", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + sum224.init($Uint8, 28); + CertPool.init("crypto/x509", [{prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "lazyCerts", name: "lazyCerts", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$29, tag: ""}, {prop: "haveSum", name: "haveSum", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "systemPool", name: "systemPool", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + lazyCert.init("crypto/x509", [{prop: "rawSubject", name: "rawSubject", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "getCert", name: "getCert", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = crypto.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = aes.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cipher.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = des.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = dsa.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = ecdsa.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = ed25519.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = elliptic.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = md5.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rsa.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sha1.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sha256.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sha512.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pkix.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = asn1.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hex.$init(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pem.$init(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = godebug.$init(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fs.$init(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = big.$init(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = net.$init(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = url.$init(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = filepath.$init(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf16.$init(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cryptobyte.$init(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = asn1$1.$init(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + systemRoots = ptrType.nil; + systemRootsErr = $ifaceNil; + publicKeyAlgoName = $toNativeArray($kindString, ["", "RSA", "DSA", "ECDSA", "Ed25519"]); + oidSignatureMD2WithRSA = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 2]); + oidSignatureMD5WithRSA = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 4]); + oidSignatureSHA1WithRSA = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 5]); + oidSignatureSHA256WithRSA = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 11]); + oidSignatureSHA384WithRSA = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 12]); + oidSignatureSHA512WithRSA = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 13]); + oidSignatureRSAPSS = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 10]); + oidSignatureDSAWithSHA1 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 10040, 4, 3]); + oidSignatureDSAWithSHA256 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([2, 16, 840, 1, 101, 3, 4, 3, 2]); + oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA1 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 10045, 4, 1]); + oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA256 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 10045, 4, 3, 2]); + oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA384 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 10045, 4, 3, 3]); + oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA512 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 10045, 4, 3, 4]); + oidSignatureEd25519 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 101, 112]); + oidSHA256 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([2, 16, 840, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 1]); + oidSHA384 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([2, 16, 840, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 2]); + oidSHA512 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([2, 16, 840, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 3]); + oidMGF1 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 8]); + oidISOSignatureSHA1WithRSA = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 14, 3, 2, 29]); + signatureAlgorithmDetails = new sliceType([new structType.ptr(1, "MD2-RSA", oidSignatureMD2WithRSA, 1, 0), new structType.ptr(2, "MD5-RSA", oidSignatureMD5WithRSA, 1, 2), new structType.ptr(3, "SHA1-RSA", oidSignatureSHA1WithRSA, 1, 3), new structType.ptr(3, "SHA1-RSA", oidISOSignatureSHA1WithRSA, 1, 3), new structType.ptr(4, "SHA256-RSA", oidSignatureSHA256WithRSA, 1, 5), new structType.ptr(5, "SHA384-RSA", oidSignatureSHA384WithRSA, 1, 6), new structType.ptr(6, "SHA512-RSA", oidSignatureSHA512WithRSA, 1, 7), new structType.ptr(13, "SHA256-RSAPSS", oidSignatureRSAPSS, 1, 5), new structType.ptr(14, "SHA384-RSAPSS", oidSignatureRSAPSS, 1, 6), new structType.ptr(15, "SHA512-RSAPSS", oidSignatureRSAPSS, 1, 7), new structType.ptr(7, "DSA-SHA1", oidSignatureDSAWithSHA1, 2, 3), new structType.ptr(8, "DSA-SHA256", oidSignatureDSAWithSHA256, 2, 5), new structType.ptr(9, "ECDSA-SHA1", oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA1, 3, 3), new structType.ptr(10, "ECDSA-SHA256", oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA256, 3, 5), new structType.ptr(11, "ECDSA-SHA384", oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA384, 3, 6), new structType.ptr(12, "ECDSA-SHA512", oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA512, 3, 7), new structType.ptr(16, "Ed25519", oidSignatureEd25519, 4, 0)]); + hashToPSSParameters = $makeMap(crypto.Hash.keyFor, [{ k: 5, v: new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, new sliceType$1([48, 52, 160, 15, 48, 13, 6, 9, 96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 0, 161, 28, 48, 26, 6, 9, 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 8, 48, 13, 6, 9, 96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 0, 162, 3, 2, 1, 32])) }, { k: 6, v: new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, new sliceType$1([48, 52, 160, 15, 48, 13, 6, 9, 96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 2, 5, 0, 161, 28, 48, 26, 6, 9, 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 8, 48, 13, 6, 9, 96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 2, 5, 0, 162, 3, 2, 1, 48])) }, { k: 7, v: new asn1.RawValue.ptr(0, 0, false, sliceType$1.nil, new sliceType$1([48, 52, 160, 15, 48, 13, 6, 9, 96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 3, 5, 0, 161, 28, 48, 26, 6, 9, 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 8, 48, 13, 6, 9, 96, 134, 72, 1, 101, 3, 4, 2, 3, 5, 0, 162, 3, 2, 1, 64])) }]); + oidPublicKeyRSA = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 1]); + oidPublicKeyDSA = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 10040, 4, 1]); + oidPublicKeyECDSA = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 10045, 2, 1]); + oidPublicKeyEd25519 = oidSignatureEd25519; + oidNamedCurveP224 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 132, 0, 33]); + oidNamedCurveP256 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 2, 840, 10045, 3, 1, 7]); + oidNamedCurveP384 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 132, 0, 34]); + oidNamedCurveP521 = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 132, 0, 35]); + oidExtKeyUsageAny = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([2, 5, 29, 37, 0]); + oidExtKeyUsageServerAuth = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 1]); + oidExtKeyUsageClientAuth = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 2]); + oidExtKeyUsageCodeSigning = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 3]); + oidExtKeyUsageEmailProtection = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 4]); + oidExtKeyUsageIPSECEndSystem = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 5]); + oidExtKeyUsageIPSECTunnel = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 6]); + oidExtKeyUsageIPSECUser = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 7]); + oidExtKeyUsageTimeStamping = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 8]); + oidExtKeyUsageOCSPSigning = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 9]); + oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftServerGatedCrypto = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 311, 10, 3, 3]); + oidExtKeyUsageNetscapeServerGatedCrypto = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([2, 16, 840, 1, 113730, 4, 1]); + oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftCommercialCodeSigning = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 311, 2, 1, 22]); + oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftKernelCodeSigning = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 311, 61, 1, 1]); + extKeyUsageOIDs = new sliceType$2([new structType$1.ptr(0, oidExtKeyUsageAny), new structType$1.ptr(1, oidExtKeyUsageServerAuth), new structType$1.ptr(2, oidExtKeyUsageClientAuth), new structType$1.ptr(3, oidExtKeyUsageCodeSigning), new structType$1.ptr(4, oidExtKeyUsageEmailProtection), new structType$1.ptr(5, oidExtKeyUsageIPSECEndSystem), new structType$1.ptr(6, oidExtKeyUsageIPSECTunnel), new structType$1.ptr(7, oidExtKeyUsageIPSECUser), new structType$1.ptr(8, oidExtKeyUsageTimeStamping), new structType$1.ptr(9, oidExtKeyUsageOCSPSigning), new structType$1.ptr(10, oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftServerGatedCrypto), new structType$1.ptr(11, oidExtKeyUsageNetscapeServerGatedCrypto), new structType$1.ptr(12, oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftCommercialCodeSigning), new structType$1.ptr(13, oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftKernelCodeSigning)]); + $pkg.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm = errors.New("x509: cannot verify signature: algorithm unimplemented"); + _r = godebug.Get("x509sha1"); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + debugAllowSHA1 = _r === "1"; + oidExtensionAuthorityKeyId = new sliceType$3([2, 5, 29, 35]); + oidExtensionSubjectAltName = new sliceType$3([2, 5, 29, 17]); + oidExtensionNameConstraints = new sliceType$3([2, 5, 29, 30]); + oidExtensionAuthorityInfoAccess = new sliceType$3([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 1, 1]); + oidAuthorityInfoAccessOcsp = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 48, 1]); + oidAuthorityInfoAccessIssuers = new asn1.ObjectIdentifier([1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 48, 2]); + errNotParsed = errors.New("x509: missing ASN.1 contents; use ParseCertificate"); + certFiles = new sliceType$4([]); + certDirectories = new sliceType$4([]); + $pkg.IncorrectPasswordError = errors.New("x509: decryption password incorrect"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, js, reflect, ptrType, InexactOverlap, AnyOverlap; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + ptrType = $ptrType($Uint8); + InexactOverlap = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + if ((x.$length === 0) || (y.$length === 0) || $indexPtr(x.$array, x.$offset + 0, ptrType) === $indexPtr(y.$array, y.$offset + 0, ptrType)) { + return false; + } + return AnyOverlap(x, y); + }; + $pkg.InexactOverlap = InexactOverlap; + AnyOverlap = function(x, y) { + var x, y; + return x.$length > 0 && y.$length > 0 && x.$array === y.$array && ($parseInt(x.$offset) >> 0) <= ((($parseInt(y.$offset) >> 0) + y.$length >> 0) - 1 >> 0) && ($parseInt(y.$offset) >> 0) <= ((($parseInt(x.$offset) >> 0) + x.$length >> 0) - 1 >> 0); + }; + $pkg.AnyOverlap = AnyOverlap; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, cipher, binary, errors, bits, runtime, subtle, Cipher, ptrType, arrayType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, sliceType, addXor, NewUnauthenticatedCipher, newUnauthenticatedCipher, quarterRound, HChaCha20, hChaCha20; + cipher = $packages["crypto/cipher"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + subtle = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle"]; + Cipher = $pkg.Cipher = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "chacha20.Cipher", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20", true, function(key_, counter_, nonce_, buf_, len_, overflow_, precompDone_, p1_, p5_, p9_, p13_, p2_, p6_, p10_, p14_, p3_, p7_, p11_, p15_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.key = arrayType.zero(); + this.counter = 0; + this.nonce = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.buf = arrayType$2.zero(); + this.len = 0; + this.overflow = false; + this.precompDone = false; + this.p1 = 0; + this.p5 = 0; + this.p9 = 0; + this.p13 = 0; + this.p2 = 0; + this.p6 = 0; + this.p10 = 0; + this.p14 = 0; + this.p3 = 0; + this.p7 = 0; + this.p11 = 0; + this.p15 = 0; + return; + } + this.key = key_; + this.counter = counter_; + this.nonce = nonce_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.len = len_; + this.overflow = overflow_; + this.precompDone = precompDone_; + this.p1 = p1_; + this.p5 = p5_; + this.p9 = p9_; + this.p13 = p13_; + this.p2 = p2_; + this.p6 = p6_; + this.p10 = p10_; + this.p14 = p14_; + this.p3 = p3_; + this.p7 = p7_; + this.p11 = p11_; + this.p15 = p15_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(Cipher); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint32, 8); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint32, 3); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + addXor = function(dst, src, a, b) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, a, b, dst, src, v; + $unused((3 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 3])); + $unused((3 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 3])); + if (false) { + v = (((0 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)); + v = (v | (((((1 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + v = (v | (((((2 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + v = (v | (((((3 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 3]) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 0))) >>> 0; + v = (v ^ ((a + b >>> 0))) >>> 0; + (0 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 0] = ((v << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 1] = (((v >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 2] = (((v >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 3] = (((v >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + } else { + a = a + (b) >>> 0; + (0 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 0] = (((0 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 0]) ^ ((a << 24 >>> 24))) << 24 >>> 24)); + (1 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 1] = (((1 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 1]) ^ (((a >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) << 24 >>> 24)); + (2 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 2] = (((2 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 2]) ^ (((a >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) << 24 >>> 24)); + (3 >= dst.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + 3] = (((3 >= src.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + 3]) ^ (((a >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24))) << 24 >>> 24)); + } + }; + Cipher.ptr.prototype.xorKeyStreamBlocks = function(dst, src) { + var dst, s, src; + s = this; + s.xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric(dst, src); + }; + Cipher.prototype.xorKeyStreamBlocks = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.xorKeyStreamBlocks(dst, src); }; + NewUnauthenticatedCipher = function(key, nonce) { + var c, key, nonce; + c = new Cipher.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, arrayType$1.zero(), arrayType$2.zero(), 0, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + return newUnauthenticatedCipher(c, key, nonce); + }; + $pkg.NewUnauthenticatedCipher = NewUnauthenticatedCipher; + newUnauthenticatedCipher = function(c, key, nonce) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, c, cNonce, key, nonce; + if (!((key.$length === 32))) { + return [ptrType.nil, errors.New("chacha20: wrong key size")]; + } + if (nonce.$length === 24) { + _tuple = HChaCha20(key, $subslice(nonce, 0, 16)); + key = _tuple[0]; + cNonce = $makeSlice(sliceType, 12); + $copySlice($subslice(cNonce, 4, 12), $subslice(nonce, 16, 24)); + nonce = cNonce; + } else if (!((nonce.$length === 12))) { + return [ptrType.nil, errors.New("chacha20: wrong nonce size")]; + } + _tmp = $subslice(key, 0, 32); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(nonce, 0, 12); + key = _tmp; + nonce = _tmp$1; + arrayType.copy(c.key, $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [$clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 0, 4)), $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 4, 8)), $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 8, 12)), $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 12, 16)), $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 16, 20)), $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 20, 24)), $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 24, 28)), $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 28, 32))])); + arrayType$1.copy(c.nonce, $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [$clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(nonce, 0, 4)), $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(nonce, 4, 8)), $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(nonce, 8, 12))])); + return [c, $ifaceNil]; + }; + quarterRound = function(a, b, c, d) { + var a, b, c, d; + a = a + (b) >>> 0; + d = (d ^ (a)) >>> 0; + d = bits.RotateLeft32(d, 16); + c = c + (d) >>> 0; + b = (b ^ (c)) >>> 0; + b = bits.RotateLeft32(b, 12); + a = a + (b) >>> 0; + d = (d ^ (a)) >>> 0; + d = bits.RotateLeft32(d, 8); + c = c + (d) >>> 0; + b = (b ^ (c)) >>> 0; + b = bits.RotateLeft32(b, 7); + return [a, b, c, d]; + }; + Cipher.ptr.prototype.SetCounter = function(counter) { + var _q, counter, outputCounter, s; + s = this; + outputCounter = s.counter - (_q = ((s.len >>> 0)) / 64, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >>> 0; + if (s.overflow || counter < outputCounter) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20: SetCounter attempted to rollback counter")); + } + if (counter < s.counter) { + s.len = $imul((((s.counter - counter >>> 0) >> 0)), 64); + } else { + s.counter = counter; + s.len = 0; + } + }; + Cipher.prototype.SetCounter = function(counter) { return this.$val.SetCounter(counter); }; + Cipher.ptr.prototype.XORKeyStream = function(dst, src) { + var _i, _q, _r, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, buf, dst, full, i, keyStream, numBlocks, numBlocks$1, s, src, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8; + s = this; + if (src.$length === 0) { + return; + } + if (dst.$length < src.$length) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20: output smaller than input")); + } + dst = $subslice(dst, 0, src.$length); + if (subtle.InexactOverlap(dst, src)) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + if (!((s.len === 0))) { + keyStream = $subslice(new sliceType(s.buf), (64 - s.len >> 0)); + if (src.$length < keyStream.$length) { + keyStream = $subslice(keyStream, 0, src.$length); + } + $unused((x = keyStream.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + x]))); + _ref = keyStream; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= src.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : src.$array[src.$offset + i]) ^ b) << 24 >>> 24)); + _i++; + } + s.len = s.len - (keyStream.$length) >> 0; + _tmp = $subslice(dst, keyStream.$length); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(src, keyStream.$length); + dst = _tmp; + src = _tmp$1; + } + if (src.$length === 0) { + return; + } + numBlocks = $div64(((x$1 = (x$2 = (new $Uint64(0, src.$length)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + 0, x$2.$low + 64)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - 0, x$1.$low - 1))), new $Uint64(0, 64), false); + if (s.overflow || (x$3 = (x$4 = (new $Uint64(0, s.counter)), new $Uint64(x$4.$high + numBlocks.$high, x$4.$low + numBlocks.$low)), (x$3.$high > 1 || (x$3.$high === 1 && x$3.$low > 0)))) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20: counter overflow")); + } else if ((x$5 = (x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, s.counter)), new $Uint64(x$6.$high + numBlocks.$high, x$6.$low + numBlocks.$low)), (x$5.$high === 1 && x$5.$low === 0))) { + s.overflow = true; + } + full = src.$length - (_r = src.$length % 64, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + if (full > 0) { + s.xorKeyStreamBlocks($subslice(dst, 0, full), $subslice(src, 0, full)); + } + _tmp$2 = $subslice(dst, full); + _tmp$3 = $subslice(src, full); + dst = _tmp$2; + src = _tmp$3; + if ((x$7 = (x$8 = (new $Uint64(0, s.counter)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high + 0, x$8.$low + 1)), (x$7.$high > 1 || (x$7.$high === 1 && x$7.$low > 0)))) { + arrayType$2.copy(s.buf, arrayType$2.zero()); + numBlocks$1 = (_q = (((src.$length + 64 >> 0) - 1 >> 0)) / 64, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + buf = $subslice(new sliceType(s.buf), (64 - ($imul(numBlocks$1, 64)) >> 0)); + $copySlice(buf, src); + s.xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric(buf, buf); + s.len = buf.$length - $copySlice(dst, buf) >> 0; + return; + } + if (src.$length > 0) { + arrayType$2.copy(s.buf, arrayType$2.zero()); + $copySlice(new sliceType(s.buf), src); + s.xorKeyStreamBlocks(new sliceType(s.buf), new sliceType(s.buf)); + s.len = 64 - $copySlice(dst, new sliceType(s.buf)) >> 0; + } + }; + Cipher.prototype.XORKeyStream = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.XORKeyStream(dst, src); }; + Cipher.ptr.prototype.xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric = function(dst, src) { + var _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, c0, c1, c10, c11, c13, c14, c15, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, dst, fcr0, fcr12, fcr4, fcr8, i, s, src, x0, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9; + s = this; + if (!((dst.$length === src.$length)) || !(((_r = dst.$length % 64, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20: internal error: wrong dst and/or src length")); + } + _tmp = 1634760805; + _tmp$1 = 857760878; + _tmp$2 = 2036477234; + _tmp$3 = 1797285236; + c0 = _tmp; + c1 = _tmp$1; + c2 = _tmp$2; + c3 = _tmp$3; + _tmp$4 = s.key[0]; + _tmp$5 = s.key[1]; + _tmp$6 = s.key[2]; + _tmp$7 = s.key[3]; + c4 = _tmp$4; + c5 = _tmp$5; + c6 = _tmp$6; + c7 = _tmp$7; + _tmp$8 = s.key[4]; + _tmp$9 = s.key[5]; + _tmp$10 = s.key[6]; + _tmp$11 = s.key[7]; + c8 = _tmp$8; + c9 = _tmp$9; + c10 = _tmp$10; + c11 = _tmp$11; + $unused(s.counter); + _tmp$13 = s.nonce[0]; + _tmp$14 = s.nonce[1]; + _tmp$15 = s.nonce[2]; + c13 = _tmp$13; + c14 = _tmp$14; + c15 = _tmp$15; + if (!s.precompDone) { + _tuple = quarterRound(c1, c5, c9, c13); + s.p1 = _tuple[0]; + s.p5 = _tuple[1]; + s.p9 = _tuple[2]; + s.p13 = _tuple[3]; + _tuple$1 = quarterRound(c2, c6, c10, c14); + s.p2 = _tuple$1[0]; + s.p6 = _tuple$1[1]; + s.p10 = _tuple$1[2]; + s.p14 = _tuple$1[3]; + _tuple$2 = quarterRound(c3, c7, c11, c15); + s.p3 = _tuple$2[0]; + s.p7 = _tuple$2[1]; + s.p11 = _tuple$2[2]; + s.p15 = _tuple$2[3]; + s.precompDone = true; + } + while (true) { + if (!(src.$length >= 64 && dst.$length >= 64)) { break; } + _tuple$3 = quarterRound(c0, c4, c8, s.counter); + fcr0 = _tuple$3[0]; + fcr4 = _tuple$3[1]; + fcr8 = _tuple$3[2]; + fcr12 = _tuple$3[3]; + _tuple$4 = quarterRound(fcr0, s.p5, s.p10, s.p15); + x0 = _tuple$4[0]; + x5 = _tuple$4[1]; + x10 = _tuple$4[2]; + x15 = _tuple$4[3]; + _tuple$5 = quarterRound(s.p1, s.p6, s.p11, fcr12); + x1 = _tuple$5[0]; + x6 = _tuple$5[1]; + x11 = _tuple$5[2]; + x12 = _tuple$5[3]; + _tuple$6 = quarterRound(s.p2, s.p7, fcr8, s.p13); + x2 = _tuple$6[0]; + x7 = _tuple$6[1]; + x8 = _tuple$6[2]; + x13 = _tuple$6[3]; + _tuple$7 = quarterRound(s.p3, fcr4, s.p9, s.p14); + x3 = _tuple$7[0]; + x4 = _tuple$7[1]; + x9 = _tuple$7[2]; + x14 = _tuple$7[3]; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 9)) { break; } + _tuple$8 = quarterRound(x0, x4, x8, x12); + x0 = _tuple$8[0]; + x4 = _tuple$8[1]; + x8 = _tuple$8[2]; + x12 = _tuple$8[3]; + _tuple$9 = quarterRound(x1, x5, x9, x13); + x1 = _tuple$9[0]; + x5 = _tuple$9[1]; + x9 = _tuple$9[2]; + x13 = _tuple$9[3]; + _tuple$10 = quarterRound(x2, x6, x10, x14); + x2 = _tuple$10[0]; + x6 = _tuple$10[1]; + x10 = _tuple$10[2]; + x14 = _tuple$10[3]; + _tuple$11 = quarterRound(x3, x7, x11, x15); + x3 = _tuple$11[0]; + x7 = _tuple$11[1]; + x11 = _tuple$11[2]; + x15 = _tuple$11[3]; + _tuple$12 = quarterRound(x0, x5, x10, x15); + x0 = _tuple$12[0]; + x5 = _tuple$12[1]; + x10 = _tuple$12[2]; + x15 = _tuple$12[3]; + _tuple$13 = quarterRound(x1, x6, x11, x12); + x1 = _tuple$13[0]; + x6 = _tuple$13[1]; + x11 = _tuple$13[2]; + x12 = _tuple$13[3]; + _tuple$14 = quarterRound(x2, x7, x8, x13); + x2 = _tuple$14[0]; + x7 = _tuple$14[1]; + x8 = _tuple$14[2]; + x13 = _tuple$14[3]; + _tuple$15 = quarterRound(x3, x4, x9, x14); + x3 = _tuple$15[0]; + x4 = _tuple$15[1]; + x9 = _tuple$15[2]; + x14 = _tuple$15[3]; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + addXor($subslice(dst, 0, 4), $subslice(src, 0, 4), x0, c0); + addXor($subslice(dst, 4, 8), $subslice(src, 4, 8), x1, c1); + addXor($subslice(dst, 8, 12), $subslice(src, 8, 12), x2, c2); + addXor($subslice(dst, 12, 16), $subslice(src, 12, 16), x3, c3); + addXor($subslice(dst, 16, 20), $subslice(src, 16, 20), x4, c4); + addXor($subslice(dst, 20, 24), $subslice(src, 20, 24), x5, c5); + addXor($subslice(dst, 24, 28), $subslice(src, 24, 28), x6, c6); + addXor($subslice(dst, 28, 32), $subslice(src, 28, 32), x7, c7); + addXor($subslice(dst, 32, 36), $subslice(src, 32, 36), x8, c8); + addXor($subslice(dst, 36, 40), $subslice(src, 36, 40), x9, c9); + addXor($subslice(dst, 40, 44), $subslice(src, 40, 44), x10, c10); + addXor($subslice(dst, 44, 48), $subslice(src, 44, 48), x11, c11); + addXor($subslice(dst, 48, 52), $subslice(src, 48, 52), x12, s.counter); + addXor($subslice(dst, 52, 56), $subslice(src, 52, 56), x13, c13); + addXor($subslice(dst, 56, 60), $subslice(src, 56, 60), x14, c14); + addXor($subslice(dst, 60, 64), $subslice(src, 60, 64), x15, c15); + s.counter = s.counter + (1) >>> 0; + _tmp$16 = $subslice(src, 64); + _tmp$17 = $subslice(dst, 64); + src = _tmp$16; + dst = _tmp$17; + } + }; + Cipher.prototype.xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric(dst, src); }; + HChaCha20 = function(key, nonce) { + var key, nonce, out; + out = $makeSlice(sliceType, 32); + return hChaCha20(out, key, nonce); + }; + $pkg.HChaCha20 = HChaCha20; + hChaCha20 = function(out, key, nonce) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, i, key, nonce, out, x0, x1, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9; + if (!((key.$length === 32))) { + return [sliceType.nil, errors.New("chacha20: wrong HChaCha20 key size")]; + } + if (!((nonce.$length === 16))) { + return [sliceType.nil, errors.New("chacha20: wrong HChaCha20 nonce size")]; + } + _tmp = 1634760805; + _tmp$1 = 857760878; + _tmp$2 = 2036477234; + _tmp$3 = 1797285236; + x0 = _tmp; + x1 = _tmp$1; + x2 = _tmp$2; + x3 = _tmp$3; + x4 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 0, 4)); + x5 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 4, 8)); + x6 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 8, 12)); + x7 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 12, 16)); + x8 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 16, 20)); + x9 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 20, 24)); + x10 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 24, 28)); + x11 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(key, 28, 32)); + x12 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(nonce, 0, 4)); + x13 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(nonce, 4, 8)); + x14 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(nonce, 8, 12)); + x15 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32($subslice(nonce, 12, 16)); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 10)) { break; } + _tuple = quarterRound(x0, x4, x8, x12); + x0 = _tuple[0]; + x4 = _tuple[1]; + x8 = _tuple[2]; + x12 = _tuple[3]; + _tuple$1 = quarterRound(x1, x5, x9, x13); + x1 = _tuple$1[0]; + x5 = _tuple$1[1]; + x9 = _tuple$1[2]; + x13 = _tuple$1[3]; + _tuple$2 = quarterRound(x2, x6, x10, x14); + x2 = _tuple$2[0]; + x6 = _tuple$2[1]; + x10 = _tuple$2[2]; + x14 = _tuple$2[3]; + _tuple$3 = quarterRound(x3, x7, x11, x15); + x3 = _tuple$3[0]; + x7 = _tuple$3[1]; + x11 = _tuple$3[2]; + x15 = _tuple$3[3]; + _tuple$4 = quarterRound(x0, x5, x10, x15); + x0 = _tuple$4[0]; + x5 = _tuple$4[1]; + x10 = _tuple$4[2]; + x15 = _tuple$4[3]; + _tuple$5 = quarterRound(x1, x6, x11, x12); + x1 = _tuple$5[0]; + x6 = _tuple$5[1]; + x11 = _tuple$5[2]; + x12 = _tuple$5[3]; + _tuple$6 = quarterRound(x2, x7, x8, x13); + x2 = _tuple$6[0]; + x7 = _tuple$6[1]; + x8 = _tuple$6[2]; + x13 = _tuple$6[3]; + _tuple$7 = quarterRound(x3, x4, x9, x14); + x3 = _tuple$7[0]; + x4 = _tuple$7[1]; + x9 = _tuple$7[2]; + x14 = _tuple$7[3]; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $unused((31 >= out.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + 31])); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(out, 0, 4), x0); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(out, 4, 8), x1); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(out, 8, 12), x2); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(out, 12, 16), x3); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(out, 16, 20), x12); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(out, 20, 24), x13); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(out, 24, 28), x14); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint32($subslice(out, 28, 32), x15); + return [out, $ifaceNil]; + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "xorKeyStreamBlocks", name: "xorKeyStreamBlocks", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType], [], false)}, {prop: "SetCounter", name: "SetCounter", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "XORKeyStream", name: "XORKeyStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType], [], false)}, {prop: "xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric", name: "xorKeyStreamBlocksGeneric", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType], [], false)}]; + Cipher.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20", [{prop: "key", name: "key", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "counter", name: "counter", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "nonce", name: "nonce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "overflow", name: "overflow", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "precompDone", name: "precompDone", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "p1", name: "p1", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p5", name: "p5", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p9", name: "p9", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p13", name: "p13", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p2", name: "p2", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p6", name: "p6", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p10", name: "p10", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p14", name: "p14", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p3", name: "p3", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p7", name: "p7", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p11", name: "p11", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p15", name: "p15", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = cipher.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, subtle, binary, bits, macState, macGeneric, uint128, MAC, mac, arrayType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, sliceType, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, initialize, mul64, add128, shiftRightBy2, updateGeneric, select64, finalize, New, bitsAdd64, bitsSub64, bitsMul64; + subtle = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + macState = $pkg.macState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "poly1305.macState", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305", false, function(h_, r_, s_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.h = arrayType.zero(); + this.r = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.s = arrayType$1.zero(); + return; + } + this.h = h_; + this.r = r_; + this.s = s_; + }); + macGeneric = $pkg.macGeneric = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "poly1305.macGeneric", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305", false, function(macState_, buffer_, offset_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.macState = new macState.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), arrayType$1.zero()); + this.buffer = arrayType$2.zero(); + this.offset = 0; + return; + } + this.macState = macState_; + this.buffer = buffer_; + this.offset = offset_; + }); + uint128 = $pkg.uint128 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "poly1305.uint128", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305", false, function(lo_, hi_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.lo = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.hi = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.lo = lo_; + this.hi = hi_; + }); + MAC = $pkg.MAC = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "poly1305.MAC", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305", true, function(mac_, finalized_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mac = new mac.ptr(new macGeneric.ptr(new macState.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), arrayType$1.zero()), arrayType$2.zero(), 0)); + this.finalized = false; + return; + } + this.mac = mac_; + this.finalized = finalized_; + }); + mac = $pkg.mac = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "poly1305.mac", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305", false, function(macGeneric_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.macGeneric = new macGeneric.ptr(new macState.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), arrayType$1.zero()), arrayType$2.zero(), 0); + return; + } + this.macGeneric = macGeneric_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint64, 3); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint64, 2); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 16); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(arrayType$2); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(macGeneric); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(MAC); + macGeneric.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var _r, h, n, n$1, nn, p; + h = this; + nn = p.$length; + if (h.offset > 0) { + n = $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType(h.buffer), h.offset), p); + if ((h.offset + n >> 0) < 16) { + h.offset = h.offset + (n) >> 0; + return [nn, $ifaceNil]; + } + p = $subslice(p, n); + h.offset = 0; + updateGeneric(h.macState, new sliceType(h.buffer)); + } + n$1 = p.$length - ((_r = p.$length % 16, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0; + if (n$1 > 0) { + updateGeneric(h.macState, $subslice(p, 0, n$1)); + p = $subslice(p, n$1); + } + if (p.$length > 0) { + h.offset = h.offset + ($copySlice($subslice(new sliceType(h.buffer), h.offset), p)) >> 0; + } + return [nn, $ifaceNil]; + }; + macGeneric.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + macGeneric.ptr.prototype.Sum = function(out) { + var h, out, state; + h = this; + state = $clone(h.macState, macState); + if (h.offset > 0) { + updateGeneric(state, $subslice(new sliceType(h.buffer), 0, h.offset)); + } + finalize(out, state.h, state.s); + }; + macGeneric.prototype.Sum = function(out) { return this.$val.Sum(out); }; + initialize = function(key, m) { + var key, m, x, x$1; + m.r[0] = (x = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new sliceType(key), 0, 8)), new $Uint64(x.$high & 268435452, (x.$low & 268435455) >>> 0)); + m.r[1] = (x$1 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new sliceType(key), 8, 16)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 268435452, (x$1.$low & 268435452) >>> 0)); + m.s[0] = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new sliceType(key), 16, 24)); + m.s[1] = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new sliceType(key), 24, 32)); + }; + mul64 = function(a, b) { + var _tuple, a, b, hi, lo; + _tuple = bitsMul64(a, b); + hi = _tuple[0]; + lo = _tuple[1]; + return new uint128.ptr(lo, hi); + }; + add128 = function(a, b) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, a, b, c, hi, lo; + _tuple = bitsAdd64(a.lo, b.lo, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + lo = _tuple[0]; + c = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = bitsAdd64(a.hi, b.hi, c); + hi = _tuple$1[0]; + c = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!((c.$high === 0 && c.$low === 0))) { + $panic(new $String("poly1305: unexpected overflow")); + } + return new uint128.ptr(lo, hi); + }; + shiftRightBy2 = function(a) { + var a, x, x$1, x$2; + a.lo = (x = $shiftRightUint64(a.lo, 2), x$1 = $shiftLeft64(((x$2 = a.hi, new $Uint64(x$2.$high & 0, (x$2.$low & 3) >>> 0))), 62), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + a.hi = $shiftRightUint64(a.hi, 2); + return a; + }; + updateGeneric = function(state, msg) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, buf, c, cc, h0, h0r0, h0r1, h1, h1r0, h1r1, h2, h2r0, h2r1, m0, m1, m2, m3, msg, r0, r1, state, t0, t1, t2, t3, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6; + _tmp = state.h[0]; + _tmp$1 = state.h[1]; + _tmp$2 = state.h[2]; + h0 = _tmp; + h1 = _tmp$1; + h2 = _tmp$2; + _tmp$3 = state.r[0]; + _tmp$4 = state.r[1]; + r0 = _tmp$3; + r1 = _tmp$4; + while (true) { + if (!(msg.$length > 0)) { break; } + c = new $Uint64(0, 0); + if (msg.$length >= 16) { + _tuple = bitsAdd64(h0, $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(msg, 0, 8)), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + h0 = _tuple[0]; + c = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = bitsAdd64(h1, $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(msg, 8, 16)), c); + h1 = _tuple$1[0]; + c = _tuple$1[1]; + h2 = (x = new $Uint64(c.$high + 0, c.$low + 1), new $Uint64(h2.$high + x.$high, h2.$low + x.$low)); + msg = $subslice(msg, 16); + } else { + buf = arrayType$2.zero(); + $copySlice(new sliceType(buf), msg); + (x$1 = msg.$length, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= buf.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf[x$1] = 1)); + _tuple$2 = bitsAdd64(h0, $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new sliceType(buf), 0, 8)), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + h0 = _tuple$2[0]; + c = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = bitsAdd64(h1, $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(new sliceType(buf), 8, 16)), c); + h1 = _tuple$3[0]; + c = _tuple$3[1]; + h2 = (x$2 = c, new $Uint64(h2.$high + x$2.$high, h2.$low + x$2.$low)); + msg = sliceType.nil; + } + h0r0 = $clone(mul64(h0, r0), uint128); + h1r0 = $clone(mul64(h1, r0), uint128); + h2r0 = $clone(mul64(h2, r0), uint128); + h0r1 = $clone(mul64(h0, r1), uint128); + h1r1 = $clone(mul64(h1, r1), uint128); + h2r1 = $clone(mul64(h2, r1), uint128); + if (!((x$3 = h2r0.hi, (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0)))) { + $panic(new $String("poly1305: unexpected overflow")); + } + if (!((x$4 = h2r1.hi, (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0)))) { + $panic(new $String("poly1305: unexpected overflow")); + } + m0 = $clone(h0r0, uint128); + m1 = $clone(add128($clone(h1r0, uint128), $clone(h0r1, uint128)), uint128); + m2 = $clone(add128($clone(h2r0, uint128), $clone(h1r1, uint128)), uint128); + m3 = $clone(h2r1, uint128); + t0 = m0.lo; + _tuple$4 = bitsAdd64(m1.lo, m0.hi, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + t1 = _tuple$4[0]; + c = _tuple$4[1]; + _tuple$5 = bitsAdd64(m2.lo, m1.hi, c); + t2 = _tuple$5[0]; + c = _tuple$5[1]; + _tuple$6 = bitsAdd64(m3.lo, m2.hi, c); + t3 = _tuple$6[0]; + _tmp$5 = t0; + _tmp$6 = t1; + _tmp$7 = new $Uint64(t2.$high & 0, (t2.$low & 3) >>> 0); + h0 = _tmp$5; + h1 = _tmp$6; + h2 = _tmp$7; + cc = new uint128.ptr(new $Uint64(t2.$high & 4294967295, (t2.$low & 4294967292) >>> 0), t3); + _tuple$7 = bitsAdd64(h0, cc.lo, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + h0 = _tuple$7[0]; + c = _tuple$7[1]; + _tuple$8 = bitsAdd64(h1, cc.hi, c); + h1 = _tuple$8[0]; + c = _tuple$8[1]; + h2 = (x$5 = c, new $Uint64(h2.$high + x$5.$high, h2.$low + x$5.$low)); + uint128.copy(cc, shiftRightBy2($clone(cc, uint128))); + _tuple$9 = bitsAdd64(h0, cc.lo, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + h0 = _tuple$9[0]; + c = _tuple$9[1]; + _tuple$10 = bitsAdd64(h1, cc.hi, c); + h1 = _tuple$10[0]; + c = _tuple$10[1]; + h2 = (x$6 = c, new $Uint64(h2.$high + x$6.$high, h2.$low + x$6.$low)); + } + _tmp$8 = h0; + _tmp$9 = h1; + _tmp$10 = h2; + state.h[0] = _tmp$8; + state.h[1] = _tmp$9; + state.h[2] = _tmp$10; + }; + select64 = function(v, x, y) { + var v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, y; + return (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = new $Uint64(v.$high - 0, v.$low - 1), new $Uint64(~x$3.$high, ~x$3.$low >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high & x.$high, (x$2.$low & x.$low) >>> 0)), x$4 = (x$5 = new $Uint64(v.$high - 0, v.$low - 1), new $Uint64(x$5.$high & y.$high, (x$5.$low & y.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high | x$4.$high, (x$1.$low | x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + finalize = function(out, h, s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, c, h, h0, h1, h2, hMinusP0, hMinusP1, out, s; + _tmp = h[0]; + _tmp$1 = h[1]; + _tmp$2 = h[2]; + h0 = _tmp; + h1 = _tmp$1; + h2 = _tmp$2; + _tuple = bitsSub64(h0, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967291), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + hMinusP0 = _tuple[0]; + b = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = bitsSub64(h1, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), b); + hMinusP1 = _tuple$1[0]; + b = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = bitsSub64(h2, new $Uint64(0, 3), b); + b = _tuple$2[1]; + h0 = select64(b, h0, hMinusP0); + h1 = select64(b, h1, hMinusP1); + _tuple$3 = bitsAdd64(h0, s[0], new $Uint64(0, 0)); + h0 = _tuple$3[0]; + c = _tuple$3[1]; + _tuple$4 = bitsAdd64(h1, s[1], c); + h1 = _tuple$4[0]; + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType(out), 0, 8), h0); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint64($subslice(new sliceType(out), 8, 16), h1); + }; + New = function(key) { + var key, m; + m = new MAC.ptr(new mac.ptr(new macGeneric.ptr(new macState.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), arrayType$1.zero()), arrayType$2.zero(), 0)), false); + initialize(key, m.mac.macGeneric.macState); + return m; + }; + $pkg.New = New; + MAC.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var h; + h = this; + return 16; + }; + MAC.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + MAC.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var _tuple, err, h, n, p; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + h = this; + if (h.finalized) { + $panic(new $String("poly1305: write to MAC after Sum or Verify")); + } + _tuple = h.mac.macGeneric.Write(p); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + return [n, err]; + }; + MAC.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + MAC.ptr.prototype.Sum = function(b) { + var b, h, mac$1; + h = this; + mac$1 = arrayType$2.zero(); + h.mac.macGeneric.Sum(mac$1); + h.finalized = true; + return $appendSlice(b, new sliceType(mac$1)); + }; + MAC.prototype.Sum = function(b) { return this.$val.Sum(b); }; + MAC.ptr.prototype.Verify = function(expected) { + var expected, h, mac$1; + h = this; + mac$1 = arrayType$2.zero(); + h.mac.macGeneric.Sum(mac$1); + h.finalized = true; + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(expected, new sliceType(mac$1)) === 1; + }; + MAC.prototype.Verify = function(expected) { return this.$val.Verify(expected); }; + bitsAdd64 = function(x, y, carry) { + var _tuple, carry, carryOut, sum, x, y; + sum = new $Uint64(0, 0); + carryOut = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Add64(x, y, carry); + sum = _tuple[0]; + carryOut = _tuple[1]; + return [sum, carryOut]; + }; + bitsSub64 = function(x, y, borrow) { + var _tuple, borrow, borrowOut, diff, x, y; + diff = new $Uint64(0, 0); + borrowOut = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Sub64(x, y, borrow); + diff = _tuple[0]; + borrowOut = _tuple[1]; + return [diff, borrowOut]; + }; + bitsMul64 = function(x, y) { + var _tuple, hi, lo, x, y; + hi = new $Uint64(0, 0); + lo = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(x, y); + hi = _tuple[0]; + lo = _tuple[1]; + return [hi, lo]; + }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Verify", name: "Verify", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Bool], false)}]; + macState.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305", [{prop: "h", name: "h", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}]); + macGeneric.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305", [{prop: "macState", name: "macState", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: macState, tag: ""}, {prop: "buffer", name: "buffer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "offset", name: "offset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + uint128.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305", [{prop: "lo", name: "lo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "hi", name: "hi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + MAC.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305", [{prop: "mac", name: "mac", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: mac, tag: ""}, {prop: "finalized", name: "finalized", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + mac.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305", [{prop: "macGeneric", name: "macGeneric", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: macGeneric, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, cipher, binary, errors, chacha20, poly1305, subtle, chacha20poly1305, arrayType, sliceType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, ptrType$1, errOpen, writeWithPadding, writeUint64, New, sliceForAppend; + cipher = $packages["crypto/cipher"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + chacha20 = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20"]; + poly1305 = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305"]; + subtle = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle"]; + chacha20poly1305 = $pkg.chacha20poly1305 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "chacha20poly1305.chacha20poly1305", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305", false, function(key_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.key = arrayType.zero(); + return; + } + this.key = key_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 16); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(chacha20poly1305); + chacha20poly1305.ptr.prototype.seal = function(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData) { + var additionalData, c, dst, nonce, plaintext; + c = this; + return c.sealGeneric(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData); + }; + chacha20poly1305.prototype.seal = function(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData) { return this.$val.seal(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData); }; + chacha20poly1305.ptr.prototype.open = function(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData) { + var additionalData, c, ciphertext, dst, nonce; + c = this; + return c.openGeneric(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData); + }; + chacha20poly1305.prototype.open = function(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData) { return this.$val.open(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData); }; + writeWithPadding = function(p, b) { + var _r, b, buf, p, padLen, rem; + p.Write(b); + rem = (_r = b.$length % 16, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (!((rem === 0))) { + buf = arrayType$1.zero(); + padLen = 16 - rem >> 0; + p.Write($subslice(new sliceType(buf), 0, padLen)); + } + }; + writeUint64 = function(p, n) { + var buf, n, p; + buf = arrayType$2.zero(); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint64(new sliceType(buf), (new $Uint64(0, n))); + p.Write(new sliceType(buf)); + }; + chacha20poly1305.ptr.prototype.sealGeneric = function(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, additionalData, c, ciphertext, dst, nonce, out, p, plaintext, polyKey, ret, s, tag; + c = this; + _tuple = sliceForAppend(dst, plaintext.$length + 16 >> 0); + ret = _tuple[0]; + out = _tuple[1]; + _tmp = $subslice(out, 0, plaintext.$length); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(out, plaintext.$length); + ciphertext = _tmp; + tag = _tmp$1; + if (subtle.InexactOverlap(out, plaintext)) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + polyKey = arrayType.zero(); + _tuple$1 = chacha20.NewUnauthenticatedCipher(new sliceType(c.key), nonce); + s = _tuple$1[0]; + s.XORKeyStream(new sliceType(polyKey), new sliceType(polyKey)); + s.SetCounter(1); + s.XORKeyStream(ciphertext, plaintext); + p = poly1305.New(polyKey); + writeWithPadding(p, additionalData); + writeWithPadding(p, ciphertext); + writeUint64(p, additionalData.$length); + writeUint64(p, plaintext.$length); + p.Sum($subslice(tag, 0, 0)); + return ret; + }; + chacha20poly1305.prototype.sealGeneric = function(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData) { return this.$val.sealGeneric(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData); }; + chacha20poly1305.ptr.prototype.openGeneric = function(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData) { + var _i, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, additionalData, c, ciphertext, dst, i, nonce, out, p, polyKey, ret, s, tag; + c = this; + tag = $subslice(ciphertext, (ciphertext.$length - 16 >> 0)); + ciphertext = $subslice(ciphertext, 0, (ciphertext.$length - 16 >> 0)); + polyKey = arrayType.zero(); + _tuple = chacha20.NewUnauthenticatedCipher(new sliceType(c.key), nonce); + s = _tuple[0]; + s.XORKeyStream(new sliceType(polyKey), new sliceType(polyKey)); + s.SetCounter(1); + p = poly1305.New(polyKey); + writeWithPadding(p, additionalData); + writeWithPadding(p, ciphertext); + writeUint64(p, additionalData.$length); + writeUint64(p, ciphertext.$length); + _tuple$1 = sliceForAppend(dst, ciphertext.$length); + ret = _tuple$1[0]; + out = _tuple$1[1]; + if (subtle.InexactOverlap(out, ciphertext)) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: invalid buffer overlap")); + } + if (!p.Verify(tag)) { + _ref = out; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + ((i < 0 || i >= out.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : out.$array[out.$offset + i] = 0); + _i++; + } + return [sliceType.nil, errOpen]; + } + s.XORKeyStream(out, ciphertext); + return [ret, $ifaceNil]; + }; + chacha20poly1305.prototype.openGeneric = function(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData) { return this.$val.openGeneric(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData); }; + New = function(key) { + var key, ret; + if (!((key.$length === 32))) { + return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("chacha20poly1305: bad key length")]; + } + ret = new chacha20poly1305.ptr(arrayType.zero()); + $copySlice(new sliceType(ret.key), key); + return [ret, $ifaceNil]; + }; + $pkg.New = New; + chacha20poly1305.ptr.prototype.NonceSize = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return 12; + }; + chacha20poly1305.prototype.NonceSize = function() { return this.$val.NonceSize(); }; + chacha20poly1305.ptr.prototype.Overhead = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return 16; + }; + chacha20poly1305.prototype.Overhead = function() { return this.$val.Overhead(); }; + chacha20poly1305.ptr.prototype.Seal = function(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData) { + var additionalData, c, dst, nonce, plaintext, x; + c = this; + if (!((nonce.$length === 12))) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: bad nonce length passed to Seal")); + } + if ((x = (new $Uint64(0, plaintext.$length)), (x.$high > 63 || (x.$high === 63 && x.$low > 4294967232)))) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: plaintext too large")); + } + return c.seal(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData); + }; + chacha20poly1305.prototype.Seal = function(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData) { return this.$val.Seal(dst, nonce, plaintext, additionalData); }; + chacha20poly1305.ptr.prototype.Open = function(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData) { + var additionalData, c, ciphertext, dst, nonce, x; + c = this; + if (!((nonce.$length === 12))) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: bad nonce length passed to Open")); + } + if (ciphertext.$length < 16) { + return [sliceType.nil, errOpen]; + } + if ((x = (new $Uint64(0, ciphertext.$length)), (x.$high > 63 || (x.$high === 63 && x.$low > 4294967248)))) { + $panic(new $String("chacha20poly1305: ciphertext too large")); + } + return c.open(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData); + }; + chacha20poly1305.prototype.Open = function(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData) { return this.$val.Open(dst, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData); }; + sliceForAppend = function(in$1, n) { + var head, in$1, n, tail, total; + head = sliceType.nil; + tail = sliceType.nil; + total = in$1.$length + n >> 0; + if (in$1.$capacity >= total) { + head = $subslice(in$1, 0, total); + } else { + head = $makeSlice(sliceType, total); + $copySlice(head, in$1); + } + tail = $subslice(head, in$1.$length); + return [head, tail]; + }; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "seal", name: "seal", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType, sliceType, sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "open", name: "open", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType, sliceType, sliceType], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "sealGeneric", name: "sealGeneric", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType, sliceType, sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "openGeneric", name: "openGeneric", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType, sliceType, sliceType], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "NonceSize", name: "NonceSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Overhead", name: "Overhead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Seal", name: "Seal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType, sliceType, sliceType], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Open", name: "Open", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType, sliceType, sliceType], [sliceType, $error], false)}]; + chacha20poly1305.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305", [{prop: "key", name: "key", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = cipher.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = chacha20.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = poly1305.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errOpen = errors.New("chacha20poly1305: message authentication failed"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, subtle, binary, bits, uint128, Element, arrayType, arrayType$1, sliceType, ptrType, ptrType$1, feZero, feOne, sqrtM1, mul64, addMul64, shiftRightBy51, feMulGeneric, feSquareGeneric, feMul, feSquare, mask64Bits, mul51; + subtle = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + bits = $packages["math/bits"]; + uint128 = $pkg.uint128 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "field.uint128", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field", false, function(lo_, hi_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.lo = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.hi = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.lo = lo_; + this.hi = hi_; + }); + Element = $pkg.Element = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "field.Element", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field", true, function(l0_, l1_, l2_, l3_, l4_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.l0 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.l1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.l2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.l3 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.l4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.l0 = l0_; + this.l1 = l1_; + this.l2 = l2_; + this.l3 = l3_; + this.l4 = l4_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(Element); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(arrayType); + mul64 = function(a, b) { + var _tuple, a, b, hi, lo; + _tuple = bits.Mul64(a, b); + hi = _tuple[0]; + lo = _tuple[1]; + return new uint128.ptr(lo, hi); + }; + addMul64 = function(v, a, b) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, a, b, c, hi, lo, v; + _tuple = bits.Mul64(a, b); + hi = _tuple[0]; + lo = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = bits.Add64(lo, v.lo, new $Uint64(0, 0)); + lo = _tuple$1[0]; + c = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = bits.Add64(hi, v.hi, c); + hi = _tuple$2[0]; + return new uint128.ptr(lo, hi); + }; + shiftRightBy51 = function(a) { + var a, x, x$1; + return (x = $shiftLeft64(a.hi, 13), x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(a.lo, 51), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + feMulGeneric = function(v, a, b) { + var a, a0, a1, a1_19, a2, a2_19, a3, a3_19, a4, a4_19, b, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, rr0, rr1, rr2, rr3, rr4, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + a0 = a.l0; + a1 = a.l1; + a2 = a.l2; + a3 = a.l3; + a4 = a.l4; + b0 = b.l0; + b1 = b.l1; + b2 = b.l2; + b3 = b.l3; + b4 = b.l4; + a1_19 = $mul64(a1, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + a2_19 = $mul64(a2, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + a3_19 = $mul64(a3, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + a4_19 = $mul64(a4, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + r0 = $clone(mul64(a0, b0), uint128); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), a1_19, b4)); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), a2_19, b3)); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), a3_19, b2)); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), a4_19, b1)); + r1 = $clone(mul64(a0, b1), uint128); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), a1, b0)); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), a2_19, b4)); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), a3_19, b3)); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), a4_19, b2)); + r2 = $clone(mul64(a0, b2), uint128); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), a1, b1)); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), a2, b0)); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), a3_19, b4)); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), a4_19, b3)); + r3 = $clone(mul64(a0, b3), uint128); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), a1, b2)); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), a2, b1)); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), a3, b0)); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), a4_19, b4)); + r4 = $clone(mul64(a0, b4), uint128); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), a1, b3)); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), a2, b2)); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), a3, b1)); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), a4, b0)); + c0 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r0, uint128)); + c1 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r1, uint128)); + c2 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r2, uint128)); + c3 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r3, uint128)); + c4 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r4, uint128)); + rr0 = (x = (x$1 = r0.lo, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 524287, (x$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2 = $mul64(c4, new $Uint64(0, 19)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$2.$high, x.$low + x$2.$low)); + rr1 = (x$3 = (x$4 = r1.lo, new $Uint64(x$4.$high & 524287, (x$4.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + c0.$high, x$3.$low + c0.$low)); + rr2 = (x$5 = (x$6 = r2.lo, new $Uint64(x$6.$high & 524287, (x$6.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + c1.$high, x$5.$low + c1.$low)); + rr3 = (x$7 = (x$8 = r3.lo, new $Uint64(x$8.$high & 524287, (x$8.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + c2.$high, x$7.$low + c2.$low)); + rr4 = (x$9 = (x$10 = r4.lo, new $Uint64(x$10.$high & 524287, (x$10.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + c3.$high, x$9.$low + c3.$low)); + Element.copy(v, new Element.ptr(rr0, rr1, rr2, rr3, rr4)); + v.carryPropagate(); + }; + feSquareGeneric = function(v, a) { + var a, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, l0, l0_2, l1, l1_2, l1_38, l2, l2_38, l3, l3_19, l3_38, l4, l4_19, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, rr0, rr1, rr2, rr3, rr4, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + l0 = a.l0; + l1 = a.l1; + l2 = a.l2; + l3 = a.l3; + l4 = a.l4; + l0_2 = $mul64(l0, new $Uint64(0, 2)); + l1_2 = $mul64(l1, new $Uint64(0, 2)); + l1_38 = $mul64(l1, new $Uint64(0, 38)); + l2_38 = $mul64(l2, new $Uint64(0, 38)); + l3_38 = $mul64(l3, new $Uint64(0, 38)); + l3_19 = $mul64(l3, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + l4_19 = $mul64(l4, new $Uint64(0, 19)); + r0 = $clone(mul64(l0, l0), uint128); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), l1_38, l4)); + uint128.copy(r0, addMul64($clone(r0, uint128), l2_38, l3)); + r1 = $clone(mul64(l0_2, l1), uint128); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), l2_38, l4)); + uint128.copy(r1, addMul64($clone(r1, uint128), l3_19, l3)); + r2 = $clone(mul64(l0_2, l2), uint128); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), l1, l1)); + uint128.copy(r2, addMul64($clone(r2, uint128), l3_38, l4)); + r3 = $clone(mul64(l0_2, l3), uint128); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), l1_2, l2)); + uint128.copy(r3, addMul64($clone(r3, uint128), l4_19, l4)); + r4 = $clone(mul64(l0_2, l4), uint128); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), l1_2, l3)); + uint128.copy(r4, addMul64($clone(r4, uint128), l2, l2)); + c0 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r0, uint128)); + c1 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r1, uint128)); + c2 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r2, uint128)); + c3 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r3, uint128)); + c4 = shiftRightBy51($clone(r4, uint128)); + rr0 = (x = (x$1 = r0.lo, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 524287, (x$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2 = $mul64(c4, new $Uint64(0, 19)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$2.$high, x.$low + x$2.$low)); + rr1 = (x$3 = (x$4 = r1.lo, new $Uint64(x$4.$high & 524287, (x$4.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + c0.$high, x$3.$low + c0.$low)); + rr2 = (x$5 = (x$6 = r2.lo, new $Uint64(x$6.$high & 524287, (x$6.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + c1.$high, x$5.$low + c1.$low)); + rr3 = (x$7 = (x$8 = r3.lo, new $Uint64(x$8.$high & 524287, (x$8.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + c2.$high, x$7.$low + c2.$low)); + rr4 = (x$9 = (x$10 = r4.lo, new $Uint64(x$10.$high & 524287, (x$10.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + c3.$high, x$9.$low + c3.$low)); + Element.copy(v, new Element.ptr(rr0, rr1, rr2, rr3, rr4)); + v.carryPropagate(); + }; + Element.ptr.prototype.carryPropagateGeneric = function() { + var c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + c0 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l0, 51); + c1 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l1, 51); + c2 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l2, 51); + c3 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l3, 51); + c4 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l4, 51); + v.l0 = (x = (x$1 = v.l0, new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 524287, (x$1.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), x$2 = $mul64(c4, new $Uint64(0, 19)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$2.$high, x.$low + x$2.$low)); + v.l1 = (x$3 = (x$4 = v.l1, new $Uint64(x$4.$high & 524287, (x$4.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + c0.$high, x$3.$low + c0.$low)); + v.l2 = (x$5 = (x$6 = v.l2, new $Uint64(x$6.$high & 524287, (x$6.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + c1.$high, x$5.$low + c1.$low)); + v.l3 = (x$7 = (x$8 = v.l3, new $Uint64(x$8.$high & 524287, (x$8.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + c2.$high, x$7.$low + c2.$low)); + v.l4 = (x$9 = (x$10 = v.l4, new $Uint64(x$10.$high & 524287, (x$10.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + c3.$high, x$9.$low + c3.$low)); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.carryPropagateGeneric = function() { return this.$val.carryPropagateGeneric(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.carryPropagate = function() { + var v; + v = this; + return v.carryPropagateGeneric(); + }; + Element.prototype.carryPropagate = function() { return this.$val.carryPropagate(); }; + feMul = function(v, x, y) { + var v, x, y; + feMulGeneric(v, x, y); + }; + feSquare = function(v, x) { + var v, x; + feSquareGeneric(v, x); + }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Zero = function() { + var v; + v = this; + Element.copy(v, feZero); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Zero = function() { return this.$val.Zero(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.One = function() { + var v; + v = this; + Element.copy(v, feOne); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.One = function() { return this.$val.One(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.reduce = function() { + var c, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + v.carryPropagate(); + c = $shiftRightUint64(((x = v.l0, new $Uint64(x.$high + 0, x.$low + 19))), 51); + c = $shiftRightUint64(((x$1 = v.l1, new $Uint64(x$1.$high + c.$high, x$1.$low + c.$low))), 51); + c = $shiftRightUint64(((x$2 = v.l2, new $Uint64(x$2.$high + c.$high, x$2.$low + c.$low))), 51); + c = $shiftRightUint64(((x$3 = v.l3, new $Uint64(x$3.$high + c.$high, x$3.$low + c.$low))), 51); + c = $shiftRightUint64(((x$4 = v.l4, new $Uint64(x$4.$high + c.$high, x$4.$low + c.$low))), 51); + v.l0 = (x$5 = v.l0, x$6 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 19), c), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)); + v.l1 = (x$7 = v.l1, x$8 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l0, 51), new $Uint64(x$7.$high + x$8.$high, x$7.$low + x$8.$low)); + v.l0 = (x$9 = v.l0, new $Uint64(x$9.$high & 524287, (x$9.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + v.l2 = (x$10 = v.l2, x$11 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l1, 51), new $Uint64(x$10.$high + x$11.$high, x$10.$low + x$11.$low)); + v.l1 = (x$12 = v.l1, new $Uint64(x$12.$high & 524287, (x$12.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + v.l3 = (x$13 = v.l3, x$14 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l2, 51), new $Uint64(x$13.$high + x$14.$high, x$13.$low + x$14.$low)); + v.l2 = (x$15 = v.l2, new $Uint64(x$15.$high & 524287, (x$15.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + v.l4 = (x$16 = v.l4, x$17 = $shiftRightUint64(v.l3, 51), new $Uint64(x$16.$high + x$17.$high, x$16.$low + x$17.$low)); + v.l3 = (x$18 = v.l3, new $Uint64(x$18.$high & 524287, (x$18.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + v.l4 = (x$19 = v.l4, new $Uint64(x$19.$high & 524287, (x$19.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0)); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.reduce = function() { return this.$val.reduce(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Add = function(a, b) { + var a, b, v, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + v.l0 = (x = a.l0, x$1 = b.l0, new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + v.l1 = (x$2 = a.l1, x$3 = b.l1, new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)); + v.l2 = (x$4 = a.l2, x$5 = b.l2, new $Uint64(x$4.$high + x$5.$high, x$4.$low + x$5.$low)); + v.l3 = (x$6 = a.l3, x$7 = b.l3, new $Uint64(x$6.$high + x$7.$high, x$6.$low + x$7.$low)); + v.l4 = (x$8 = a.l4, x$9 = b.l4, new $Uint64(x$8.$high + x$9.$high, x$8.$low + x$9.$low)); + return v.carryPropagateGeneric(); + }; + Element.prototype.Add = function(a, b) { return this.$val.Add(a, b); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Subtract = function(a, b) { + var a, b, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + v.l0 = (x = (x$1 = a.l0, new $Uint64(x$1.$high + 1048575, x$1.$low + 4294967258)), x$2 = b.l0, new $Uint64(x.$high - x$2.$high, x.$low - x$2.$low)); + v.l1 = (x$3 = (x$4 = a.l1, new $Uint64(x$4.$high + 1048575, x$4.$low + 4294967294)), x$5 = b.l1, new $Uint64(x$3.$high - x$5.$high, x$3.$low - x$5.$low)); + v.l2 = (x$6 = (x$7 = a.l2, new $Uint64(x$7.$high + 1048575, x$7.$low + 4294967294)), x$8 = b.l2, new $Uint64(x$6.$high - x$8.$high, x$6.$low - x$8.$low)); + v.l3 = (x$9 = (x$10 = a.l3, new $Uint64(x$10.$high + 1048575, x$10.$low + 4294967294)), x$11 = b.l3, new $Uint64(x$9.$high - x$11.$high, x$9.$low - x$11.$low)); + v.l4 = (x$12 = (x$13 = a.l4, new $Uint64(x$13.$high + 1048575, x$13.$low + 4294967294)), x$14 = b.l4, new $Uint64(x$12.$high - x$14.$high, x$12.$low - x$14.$low)); + return v.carryPropagate(); + }; + Element.prototype.Subtract = function(a, b) { return this.$val.Subtract(a, b); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Negate = function(a) { + var a, v; + v = this; + return v.Subtract(feZero, a); + }; + Element.prototype.Negate = function(a) { return this.$val.Negate(a); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Invert = function(z) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, i$5, i$6, t, v, z, z11, z2, z2_100_0, z2_10_0, z2_20_0, z2_50_0, z2_5_0, z9; + v = this; + _tmp = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$3 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$4 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$5 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$6 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$7 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$8 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + z2 = $clone(_tmp, Element); + z9 = $clone(_tmp$1, Element); + z11 = $clone(_tmp$2, Element); + z2_5_0 = $clone(_tmp$3, Element); + z2_10_0 = $clone(_tmp$4, Element); + z2_20_0 = $clone(_tmp$5, Element); + z2_50_0 = $clone(_tmp$6, Element); + z2_100_0 = $clone(_tmp$7, Element); + t = $clone(_tmp$8, Element); + z2.Square(z); + t.Square(z2); + t.Square(t); + z9.Multiply(t, z); + z11.Multiply(z9, z2); + t.Square(z11); + z2_5_0.Multiply(t, z9); + t.Square(z2_5_0); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 4)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + z2_10_0.Multiply(t, z2_5_0); + t.Square(z2_10_0); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 9)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + z2_20_0.Multiply(t, z2_10_0); + t.Square(z2_20_0); + i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 19)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + t.Multiply(t, z2_20_0); + t.Square(t); + i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 < 9)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + z2_50_0.Multiply(t, z2_10_0); + t.Square(z2_50_0); + i$4 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$4 < 49)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$4 = i$4 + (1) >> 0; + } + z2_100_0.Multiply(t, z2_50_0); + t.Square(z2_100_0); + i$5 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$5 < 99)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$5 = i$5 + (1) >> 0; + } + t.Multiply(t, z2_100_0); + t.Square(t); + i$6 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$6 < 49)) { break; } + t.Square(t); + i$6 = i$6 + (1) >> 0; + } + t.Multiply(t, z2_50_0); + t.Square(t); + t.Square(t); + t.Square(t); + t.Square(t); + t.Square(t); + return v.Multiply(t, z11); + }; + Element.prototype.Invert = function(z) { return this.$val.Invert(z); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Set = function(a) { + var a, v; + v = this; + Element.copy(v, a); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Set = function(a) { return this.$val.Set(a); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { + var v, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + if (!((x.$length === 32))) { + $panic(new $String("edwards25519: invalid field element input size")); + } + v.l0 = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(x, 0, 8)); + v.l0 = (x$1 = v.l0, x$2 = new $Uint64(524287, 4294967295), new $Uint64(x$1.$high & x$2.$high, (x$1.$low & x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l1 = $shiftRightUint64($clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(x, 6, 14)), 3); + v.l1 = (x$3 = v.l1, x$4 = new $Uint64(524287, 4294967295), new $Uint64(x$3.$high & x$4.$high, (x$3.$low & x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l2 = $shiftRightUint64($clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(x, 12, 20)), 6); + v.l2 = (x$5 = v.l2, x$6 = new $Uint64(524287, 4294967295), new $Uint64(x$5.$high & x$6.$high, (x$5.$low & x$6.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l3 = $shiftRightUint64($clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(x, 19, 27)), 1); + v.l3 = (x$7 = v.l3, x$8 = new $Uint64(524287, 4294967295), new $Uint64(x$7.$high & x$8.$high, (x$7.$low & x$8.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l4 = $shiftRightUint64($clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint64($subslice(x, 24, 32)), 12); + v.l4 = (x$9 = v.l4, x$10 = new $Uint64(524287, 4294967295), new $Uint64(x$9.$high & x$10.$high, (x$9.$low & x$10.$low) >>> 0)); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { return this.$val.SetBytes(x); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() { + var out, v; + v = this; + out = arrayType.zero(); + return v.bytes(out); + }; + Element.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.bytes = function(out) { + var _i, _i$1, _q, _r, _ref, _ref$1, bb, bitsOffset, buf, i, i$1, l, off, out, t, v, x, x$1; + v = this; + t = $clone(v, Element); + t.reduce(); + buf = arrayType$1.zero(); + _ref = $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [t.l0, t.l1, t.l2, t.l3, t.l4]); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 5)) { break; } + i = _i; + l = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref[_i]); + bitsOffset = $imul(i, 51); + $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).PutUint64(new sliceType(buf), $shiftLeft64(l, (((_r = bitsOffset % 8, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >>> 0)))); + _ref$1 = buf; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < 8)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + bb = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1[_i$1]); + off = (_q = bitsOffset / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + i$1 >> 0; + if (off >= 32) { + break; + } + (x$1 = out, ((off < 0 || off >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[off] = (((x = out, ((off < 0 || off >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[off])) | (bb)) >>> 0))); + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + return new sliceType(out); + }; + Element.prototype.bytes = function(out) { return this.$val.bytes(out); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(u) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, sa, sv, u, v; + v = this; + _tmp = u.Bytes(); + _tmp$1 = v.Bytes(); + sa = _tmp; + sv = _tmp$1; + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(sa, sv); + }; + Element.prototype.Equal = function(u) { return this.$val.Equal(u); }; + mask64Bits = function(cond) { + var cond, x, x$1; + return (x = (x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, cond)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - 0, x$1.$low - 1)), new $Uint64(~x.$high, ~x.$low >>> 0)); + }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { + var a, b, cond, m, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + m = mask64Bits(cond); + v.l0 = (x = (x$1 = a.l0, new $Uint64(m.$high & x$1.$high, (m.$low & x$1.$low) >>> 0)), x$2 = (x$3 = new $Uint64(~m.$high, ~m.$low >>> 0), x$4 = b.l0, new $Uint64(x$3.$high & x$4.$high, (x$3.$low & x$4.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$2.$high, (x.$low | x$2.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l1 = (x$5 = (x$6 = a.l1, new $Uint64(m.$high & x$6.$high, (m.$low & x$6.$low) >>> 0)), x$7 = (x$8 = new $Uint64(~m.$high, ~m.$low >>> 0), x$9 = b.l1, new $Uint64(x$8.$high & x$9.$high, (x$8.$low & x$9.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$7.$high, (x$5.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l2 = (x$10 = (x$11 = a.l2, new $Uint64(m.$high & x$11.$high, (m.$low & x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = (x$13 = new $Uint64(~m.$high, ~m.$low >>> 0), x$14 = b.l2, new $Uint64(x$13.$high & x$14.$high, (x$13.$low & x$14.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$10.$high | x$12.$high, (x$10.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l3 = (x$15 = (x$16 = a.l3, new $Uint64(m.$high & x$16.$high, (m.$low & x$16.$low) >>> 0)), x$17 = (x$18 = new $Uint64(~m.$high, ~m.$low >>> 0), x$19 = b.l3, new $Uint64(x$18.$high & x$19.$high, (x$18.$low & x$19.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$15.$high | x$17.$high, (x$15.$low | x$17.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l4 = (x$20 = (x$21 = a.l4, new $Uint64(m.$high & x$21.$high, (m.$low & x$21.$low) >>> 0)), x$22 = (x$23 = new $Uint64(~m.$high, ~m.$low >>> 0), x$24 = b.l4, new $Uint64(x$23.$high & x$24.$high, (x$23.$low & x$24.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$20.$high | x$22.$high, (x$20.$low | x$22.$low) >>> 0)); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Select = function(a, b, cond) { return this.$val.Select(a, b, cond); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Swap = function(u, cond) { + var cond, m, t, u, v, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$24, x$25, x$26, x$27, x$28, x$29, x$3, x$30, x$31, x$32, x$33, x$34, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + v = this; + m = mask64Bits(cond); + t = (x = (x$1 = v.l0, x$2 = u.l0, new $Uint64(x$1.$high ^ x$2.$high, (x$1.$low ^ x$2.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(m.$high & x.$high, (m.$low & x.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l0 = (x$3 = v.l0, x$4 = t, new $Uint64(x$3.$high ^ x$4.$high, (x$3.$low ^ x$4.$low) >>> 0)); + u.l0 = (x$5 = u.l0, x$6 = t, new $Uint64(x$5.$high ^ x$6.$high, (x$5.$low ^ x$6.$low) >>> 0)); + t = (x$7 = (x$8 = v.l1, x$9 = u.l1, new $Uint64(x$8.$high ^ x$9.$high, (x$8.$low ^ x$9.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(m.$high & x$7.$high, (m.$low & x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l1 = (x$10 = v.l1, x$11 = t, new $Uint64(x$10.$high ^ x$11.$high, (x$10.$low ^ x$11.$low) >>> 0)); + u.l1 = (x$12 = u.l1, x$13 = t, new $Uint64(x$12.$high ^ x$13.$high, (x$12.$low ^ x$13.$low) >>> 0)); + t = (x$14 = (x$15 = v.l2, x$16 = u.l2, new $Uint64(x$15.$high ^ x$16.$high, (x$15.$low ^ x$16.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(m.$high & x$14.$high, (m.$low & x$14.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l2 = (x$17 = v.l2, x$18 = t, new $Uint64(x$17.$high ^ x$18.$high, (x$17.$low ^ x$18.$low) >>> 0)); + u.l2 = (x$19 = u.l2, x$20 = t, new $Uint64(x$19.$high ^ x$20.$high, (x$19.$low ^ x$20.$low) >>> 0)); + t = (x$21 = (x$22 = v.l3, x$23 = u.l3, new $Uint64(x$22.$high ^ x$23.$high, (x$22.$low ^ x$23.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(m.$high & x$21.$high, (m.$low & x$21.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l3 = (x$24 = v.l3, x$25 = t, new $Uint64(x$24.$high ^ x$25.$high, (x$24.$low ^ x$25.$low) >>> 0)); + u.l3 = (x$26 = u.l3, x$27 = t, new $Uint64(x$26.$high ^ x$27.$high, (x$26.$low ^ x$27.$low) >>> 0)); + t = (x$28 = (x$29 = v.l4, x$30 = u.l4, new $Uint64(x$29.$high ^ x$30.$high, (x$29.$low ^ x$30.$low) >>> 0)), new $Uint64(m.$high & x$28.$high, (m.$low & x$28.$low) >>> 0)); + v.l4 = (x$31 = v.l4, x$32 = t, new $Uint64(x$31.$high ^ x$32.$high, (x$31.$low ^ x$32.$low) >>> 0)); + u.l4 = (x$33 = u.l4, x$34 = t, new $Uint64(x$33.$high ^ x$34.$high, (x$33.$low ^ x$34.$low) >>> 0)); + }; + Element.prototype.Swap = function(u, cond) { return this.$val.Swap(u, cond); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.IsNegative = function() { + var v, x; + v = this; + return (((((x = v.Bytes(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) & 1) >>> 0) >> 0)); + }; + Element.prototype.IsNegative = function() { return this.$val.IsNegative(); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Absolute = function(u) { + var u, v; + v = this; + return v.Select(new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)).Negate(u), u, u.IsNegative()); + }; + Element.prototype.Absolute = function(u) { return this.$val.Absolute(u); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Multiply = function(x, y) { + var v, x, y; + v = this; + feMul(v, x, y); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Multiply = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Multiply(x, y); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Square = function(x) { + var v, x; + v = this; + feSquare(v, x); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Square = function(x) { return this.$val.Square(x); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Mult32 = function(x, y) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, v, x, x$1, x0hi, x0lo, x1hi, x1lo, x2hi, x2lo, x3hi, x3lo, x4hi, x4lo, y; + v = this; + _tuple = mul51(x.l0, y); + x0lo = _tuple[0]; + x0hi = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = mul51(x.l1, y); + x1lo = _tuple$1[0]; + x1hi = _tuple$1[1]; + _tuple$2 = mul51(x.l2, y); + x2lo = _tuple$2[0]; + x2hi = _tuple$2[1]; + _tuple$3 = mul51(x.l3, y); + x3lo = _tuple$3[0]; + x3hi = _tuple$3[1]; + _tuple$4 = mul51(x.l4, y); + x4lo = _tuple$4[0]; + x4hi = _tuple$4[1]; + v.l0 = (x$1 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 19), x4hi), new $Uint64(x0lo.$high + x$1.$high, x0lo.$low + x$1.$low)); + v.l1 = new $Uint64(x1lo.$high + x0hi.$high, x1lo.$low + x0hi.$low); + v.l2 = new $Uint64(x2lo.$high + x1hi.$high, x2lo.$low + x1hi.$low); + v.l3 = new $Uint64(x3lo.$high + x2hi.$high, x3lo.$low + x2hi.$low); + v.l4 = new $Uint64(x4lo.$high + x3hi.$high, x4lo.$low + x3hi.$low); + return v; + }; + Element.prototype.Mult32 = function(x, y) { return this.$val.Mult32(x, y); }; + mul51 = function(a, b) { + var _tuple, a, b, hi, lo, mh, ml, x, x$1; + lo = new $Uint64(0, 0); + hi = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tuple = bits.Mul64(a, (new $Uint64(0, b))); + mh = _tuple[0]; + ml = _tuple[1]; + lo = new $Uint64(ml.$high & 524287, (ml.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0); + hi = (x = $shiftLeft64(mh, 13), x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(ml, 51), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0)); + return [lo, hi]; + }; + Element.ptr.prototype.Pow22523 = function(x) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, i$5, i$6, t0, t1, t2, v, x; + v = this; + _tmp = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + t0 = $clone(_tmp, Element); + t1 = $clone(_tmp$1, Element); + t2 = $clone(_tmp$2, Element); + t0.Square(x); + t1.Square(t0); + t1.Square(t1); + t1.Multiply(x, t1); + t0.Multiply(t0, t1); + t0.Square(t0); + t0.Multiply(t1, t0); + t1.Square(t0); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 5)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Multiply(t1, t0); + t1.Square(t0); + i$1 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < 10)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Multiply(t1, t0); + t2.Square(t1); + i$2 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$2 < 20)) { break; } + t2.Square(t2); + i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Multiply(t2, t1); + t1.Square(t1); + i$3 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$3 < 10)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + i$3 = i$3 + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Multiply(t1, t0); + t1.Square(t0); + i$4 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$4 < 50)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + i$4 = i$4 + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Multiply(t1, t0); + t2.Square(t1); + i$5 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$5 < 100)) { break; } + t2.Square(t2); + i$5 = i$5 + (1) >> 0; + } + t1.Multiply(t2, t1); + t1.Square(t1); + i$6 = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i$6 < 50)) { break; } + t1.Square(t1); + i$6 = i$6 + (1) >> 0; + } + t0.Multiply(t1, t0); + t0.Square(t0); + t0.Square(t0); + return v.Multiply(t0, x); + }; + Element.prototype.Pow22523 = function(x) { return this.$val.Pow22523(x); }; + Element.ptr.prototype.SqrtRatio = function(u, v) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, a, b, check, correctSignSqrt, flippedSignSqrt, flippedSignSqrtI, r, rPrime, rr, u, uNeg, uv3, uv7, v, v2, wasSquare; + rr = ptrType.nil; + wasSquare = 0; + r = this; + _tmp = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + a = $clone(_tmp, Element); + b = $clone(_tmp$1, Element); + v2 = a.Square(v); + uv3 = b.Multiply(u, b.Multiply(v2, v)); + uv7 = a.Multiply(uv3, a.Square(v2)); + r.Multiply(uv3, r.Pow22523(uv7)); + check = a.Multiply(v, a.Square(r)); + uNeg = b.Negate(u); + correctSignSqrt = check.Equal(u); + flippedSignSqrt = check.Equal(uNeg); + flippedSignSqrtI = check.Equal(uNeg.Multiply(uNeg, sqrtM1)); + rPrime = b.Multiply(r, sqrtM1); + r.Select(rPrime, r, flippedSignSqrt | flippedSignSqrtI); + r.Absolute(r); + _tmp$2 = r; + _tmp$3 = correctSignSqrt | flippedSignSqrt; + rr = _tmp$2; + wasSquare = _tmp$3; + return [rr, wasSquare]; + }; + Element.prototype.SqrtRatio = function(u, v) { return this.$val.SqrtRatio(u, v); }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "carryPropagateGeneric", name: "carryPropagateGeneric", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "carryPropagate", name: "carryPropagate", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Zero", name: "Zero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "One", name: "One", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "reduce", name: "reduce", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Subtract", name: "Subtract", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Negate", name: "Negate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Invert", name: "Invert", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [sliceType], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Select", name: "Select", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType, $Int], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "IsNegative", name: "IsNegative", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Absolute", name: "Absolute", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Multiply", name: "Multiply", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Square", name: "Square", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Mult32", name: "Mult32", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, $Uint32], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Pow22523", name: "Pow22523", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "SqrtRatio", name: "SqrtRatio", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType, ptrType], [ptrType, $Int], false)}]; + uint128.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field", [{prop: "lo", name: "lo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "hi", name: "hi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + Element.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field", [{prop: "l0", name: "l0", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "l1", name: "l1", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "l2", name: "l2", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "l3", name: "l3", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "l4", name: "l4", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bits.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + feZero = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + feOne = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + sqrtM1 = new Element.ptr(new $Uint64(400167, 1242472624), new $Uint64(54693, 4237236381), new $Uint64(520030, 2629635168), new $Uint64(492949, 2793426078), new $Uint64(178226, 1208286237)); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, subtle, fmt, field, sliceType, arrayType, sliceType$1, ptrType, basePoint, basePoint$24ptr, ScalarMult, ScalarBaseMult, init, checkBasepoint, X25519, x25519; + subtle = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + field = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field"]; + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType($Uint8); + ScalarMult = function(dst, scalar, point) { + var _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, b, dst, e, point, pos, scalar, swap, tmp0, tmp1, x, x1, x2, x3, y, z2, z3; + e = arrayType.zero(); + $copySlice(new sliceType(e), new sliceType(scalar)); + e[0] = ((e[0] & (248)) >>> 0); + e[31] = ((e[31] & (127)) >>> 0); + e[31] = ((e[31] | (64)) >>> 0); + _tmp = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$1 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$2 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$3 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$4 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$5 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + _tmp$6 = new field.Element.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0)); + x1 = $clone(_tmp, field.Element); + x2 = $clone(_tmp$1, field.Element); + z2 = $clone(_tmp$2, field.Element); + x3 = $clone(_tmp$3, field.Element); + z3 = $clone(_tmp$4, field.Element); + tmp0 = $clone(_tmp$5, field.Element); + tmp1 = $clone(_tmp$6, field.Element); + x1.SetBytes(new sliceType(point)); + x2.One(); + x3.Set(x1); + z3.One(); + swap = 0; + pos = 254; + while (true) { + if (!(pos >= 0)) { break; } + b = (y = (((pos & 7) >>> 0)), y < 32 ? ((x = (_q = pos / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), ((x < 0 || x >= e.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : e[x])) >>> y) : 0) << 24 >>> 24; + b = (b & (1)) >>> 0; + swap = (swap ^ (((b >> 0)))) >> 0; + x2.Swap(x3, swap); + z2.Swap(z3, swap); + swap = ((b >> 0)); + tmp0.Subtract(x3, z3); + tmp1.Subtract(x2, z2); + x2.Add(x2, z2); + z2.Add(x3, z3); + z3.Multiply(tmp0, x2); + z2.Multiply(z2, tmp1); + tmp0.Square(tmp1); + tmp1.Square(x2); + x3.Add(z3, z2); + z2.Subtract(z3, z2); + x2.Multiply(tmp1, tmp0); + tmp1.Subtract(tmp1, tmp0); + z2.Square(z2); + z3.Mult32(tmp1, 121666); + x3.Square(x3); + tmp0.Add(tmp0, z3); + z3.Multiply(x1, z2); + z2.Multiply(tmp1, tmp0); + pos = pos - (1) >> 0; + } + x2.Swap(x3, swap); + z2.Swap(z3, swap); + z2.Invert(z2); + x2.Multiply(x2, z2); + $copySlice(new sliceType(dst), x2.Bytes()); + }; + $pkg.ScalarMult = ScalarMult; + ScalarBaseMult = function(dst, scalar) { + var dst, scalar; + ScalarMult(dst, scalar, basePoint); + }; + $pkg.ScalarBaseMult = ScalarBaseMult; + init = function() { + $pkg.Basepoint = new sliceType(basePoint); + }; + checkBasepoint = function() { + if (!((subtle.ConstantTimeCompare($pkg.Basepoint, new sliceType([9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) === 1))) { + $panic(new $String("curve25519: global Basepoint value was modified")); + } + }; + X25519 = function(scalar, point) { + var {$24r, _r, dst, point, scalar, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {scalar, point}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dst = [dst]; + dst[0] = arrayType.zero(); + _r = x25519(dst[0], scalar, point); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: X25519, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, dst, point, scalar, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.X25519 = X25519; + x25519 = function(dst, scalar, point) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, base, dst, in$1, l, l$1, point, scalar, zero, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, scalar, point}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + base = [base]; + in$1 = [in$1]; + in$1[0] = arrayType.zero(); + l = scalar.$length; + /* */ if (!((l === 32))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((l === 32))) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Errorf("bad scalar length: %d, expected %d", new sliceType$1([new $Int(l), new $Int(32)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [sliceType.nil, _r]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + l$1 = point.$length; + /* */ if (!((l$1 === 32))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!((l$1 === 32))) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("bad point length: %d, expected %d", new sliceType$1([new $Int(l$1), new $Int(32)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [sliceType.nil, _r$1]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + $copySlice(new sliceType(in$1[0]), scalar); + /* */ if ($indexPtr(point.$array, point.$offset + 0, ptrType) === $indexPtr($pkg.Basepoint.$array, $pkg.Basepoint.$offset + 0, ptrType)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($indexPtr(point.$array, point.$offset + 0, ptrType) === $indexPtr($pkg.Basepoint.$array, $pkg.Basepoint.$offset + 0, ptrType)) { */ case 9: + checkBasepoint(); + ScalarBaseMult(dst, in$1[0]); + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + _tmp = arrayType.zero(); + _tmp$1 = arrayType.zero(); + base[0] = $clone(_tmp, arrayType); + zero = $clone(_tmp$1, arrayType); + $copySlice(new sliceType(base[0]), point); + ScalarMult(dst, in$1[0], base[0]); + /* */ if (subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(new sliceType(dst), new sliceType(zero)) === 1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(new sliceType(dst), new sliceType(zero)) === 1) { */ case 12: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("bad input point: low order point", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [sliceType.nil, _r$2]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 11: + $s = -1; return [new sliceType(dst), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: x25519, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, base, dst, in$1, l, l$1, point, scalar, zero, $s};return $f; + }; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = field.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.Basepoint = sliceType.nil; + basePoint = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, hmac, errors, hash, io, hkdf, sliceType, ptrType, Extract, Expand; + hmac = $packages["crypto/hmac"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + hkdf = $pkg.hkdf = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "hkdf.hkdf", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf", false, function(expander_, size_, info_, counter_, prev_, buf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.expander = $ifaceNil; + this.size = 0; + this.info = sliceType.nil; + this.counter = 0; + this.prev = sliceType.nil; + this.buf = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.expander = expander_; + this.size = size_; + this.info = info_; + this.counter = counter_; + this.prev = prev_; + this.buf = buf_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(hkdf); + Extract = function(hash$1, secret, salt) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, extractor, hash$1, salt, secret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hash$1, secret, salt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (salt === sliceType.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (salt === sliceType.nil) { */ case 1: + _r = hash$1(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = _r.Size(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + salt = $makeSlice(sliceType, _r$1); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = hmac.New(hash$1, salt); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + extractor = _r$2; + _r$3 = extractor.Write(secret); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = extractor.Sum(sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Extract, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, extractor, hash$1, salt, secret, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Extract = Extract; + hkdf.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, f, n, need, p, remains, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + need = p.$length; + remains = f.buf.$length + ($imul(((((255 - f.counter << 24 >>> 24) + 1 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)), f.size)) >> 0; + if (remains < need) { + $s = -1; return [0, errors.New("hkdf: entropy limit reached")]; + } + n = $copySlice(p, f.buf); + p = $subslice(p, n); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(p.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(p.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + $r = f.expander.Reset(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = f.expander.Write(f.prev); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _r$1 = f.expander.Write(f.info); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = f.expander.Write(new sliceType([f.counter])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = f.expander.Sum($subslice(f.prev, 0, 0)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + f.prev = _r$3; + f.counter = f.counter + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + f.buf = f.prev; + n = $copySlice(p, f.buf); + p = $subslice(p, n); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + f.buf = $subslice(f.buf, n); + $s = -1; return [need, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: hkdf.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, f, n, need, p, remains, $s};return $f; + }; + hkdf.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + Expand = function(hash$1, pseudorandomKey, info) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, expander, hash$1, info, pseudorandomKey, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hash$1, pseudorandomKey, info}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = hmac.New(hash$1, pseudorandomKey); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + expander = _r; + _r$1 = expander.Size(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new hkdf.ptr(expander, _r$1, info, 1, sliceType.nil, sliceType.nil); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Expand, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, expander, hash$1, info, pseudorandomKey, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Expand = Expand; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + hkdf.init("vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf", [{prop: "expander", name: "expander", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "info", name: "info", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "counter", name: "counter", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "prev", name: "prev", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = hmac.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["crypto/tls"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, list, context, crypto, aes, cipher, des, ecdsa, ed25519, elliptic, hmac, md5, rand, rc4, rsa, sha1, sha256, sha512, subtle, x509, binary, pem, errors, fmt, hash, cpu, godebug, io, big, net, os, runtime, strconv, strings, sync, atomic, time, chacha20poly1305, cryptobyte, curve25519, hkdf, listener, Dialer, sessionState, sessionStateTLS13, finishedHash, ecdheParameters, nistParameters, x25519Parameters, keyAgreement, rsaKeyAgreement, ecdheKeyAgreement, serverHandshakeStateTLS13, serverHandshakeState, marshalingFunction, clientHelloMsg, serverHelloMsg, encryptedExtensionsMsg, endOfEarlyDataMsg, keyUpdateMsg, newSessionTicketMsgTLS13, certificateRequestMsgTLS13, certificateMsg, certificateMsgTLS13, serverKeyExchangeMsg, certificateStatusMsg, serverHelloDoneMsg, clientKeyExchangeMsg, finishedMsg, certificateRequestMsg, certificateVerifyMsg, newSessionTicketMsg, helloRequestMsg, clientHandshakeStateTLS13, clientHandshakeState, Conn, halfConn, permanentError, cbcMode, RecordHeaderError, atLeastReader, recordType, CurveID, keyShare, pskIdentity, ConnectionState, ClientAuthType, ClientSessionState, ClientSessionCache, SignatureScheme, ClientHelloInfo, CertificateRequestInfo, RenegotiationSupport, Config, ticketKey, Certificate, cipherSuite, cipherSuiteTLS13, aead, prefixNonceAEAD, xorNonceAEAD, constantTimeHash, cthWrapper, alert, binaryMarshaler, sliceType, ptrType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, arrayType, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, ptrType$1, sliceType$7, ptrType$2, sliceType$8, ptrType$3, sliceType$9, structType, sliceType$10, ptrType$4, sliceType$11, ptrType$5, sliceType$12, sliceType$13, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, ptrType$14, ptrType$15, ptrType$16, ptrType$17, ptrType$18, ptrType$19, ptrType$20, ptrType$21, ptrType$22, ptrType$23, ptrType$24, ptrType$25, ptrType$26, ptrType$27, ptrType$28, ptrType$29, ptrType$30, ptrType$31, ptrType$32, ptrType$33, ptrType$34, sliceType$14, sliceType$15, sliceType$16, ptrType$35, ptrType$36, ptrType$37, ptrType$38, ptrType$39, ptrType$40, ptrType$41, arrayType$5, ptrType$42, arrayType$6, ptrType$43, ptrType$44, ptrType$45, ptrType$46, structType$1, arrayType$7, ptrType$51, ptrType$52, ptrType$53, ptrType$54, ptrType$55, funcType, ptrType$56, ptrType$57, ptrType$58, ptrType$59, ptrType$60, ptrType$61, ptrType$62, ptrType$63, ptrType$64, funcType$1, funcType$2, ptrType$65, ptrType$66, ptrType$67, ptrType$68, ptrType$69, sliceType$18, funcType$3, mapType, funcType$4, funcType$5, funcType$6, funcType$7, funcType$8, funcType$9, funcType$10, funcType$11, funcType$12, ptrType$71, ptrType$72, ptrType$73, masterSecretLabel, keyExpansionLabel, clientFinishedLabel, serverFinishedLabel, errClientKeyExchange, errServerKeyExchange, outBufPool, errShutdown, errEarlyCloseWrite, _SignatureScheme_index_8, _CurveID_index_0, _ClientAuthType_index, directSigning, supportedSignatureAlgorithms, helloRetryRequestRandom, testingOnlyForceDowngradeCanary, deprecatedSessionTicketKey, supportedVersions, debugEnableTLS10, defaultCurvePreferences, errNoCertificates, writerMutex, emptyConfig, emptyConfig$24ptr, cipherSuites, cipherSuitesTLS13, cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder, cipherSuitesPreferenceOrderNoAES, disabledCipherSuites, defaultCipherSuitesLen, defaultCipherSuites, defaultCipherSuitesTLS13, defaultCipherSuitesTLS13NoAES, hasGCMAsmAMD64, hasGCMAsmARM64, hasGCMAsmS390X, hasAESGCMHardwareSupport, aesgcmCiphers, signaturePadding, rsaSignatureSchemes, alertText, _r, Server, Client, NewListener, dial, LoadX509KeyPair, X509KeyPair, parsePrivateKey, splitPreMasterSecret, pHash, prf10, prf12, prfAndHashForVersion, prfForVersion, masterFromPreMasterSecret, keysFromMasterSecret, newFinishedHash, noExportedKeyingMaterial, ekmFromMasterSecret, generateECDHEParameters, curveForCurveID, sha1Hash, md5SHA1Hash, hashForServerKeyExchange, cloneHash, illegalClientHelloChange, negotiateALPN, supportsECDHE, clientHelloInfo, addBytesWithLength, addUint64, readUint64, readUint8LengthPrefixed, readUint16LengthPrefixed, readUint24LengthPrefixed, marshalCertificate, unmarshalCertificate, checkALPN, certificateRequestInfoFromMsg, clientSessionCacheKey, hostnameInSNI, extractPadding, roundUp, sliceForAppend, requiresClientCert, supportedVersionsFromMax, defaultConfig, unexpectedMessageError, isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm, selectCipherSuite, aesgcmPreferred, cipherRC4, cipher3DES, cipherAES, macSHA1, macSHA256, aeadAESGCM, aeadAESGCMTLS13, aeadChaCha20Poly1305, newConstantTimeHash, tls10MAC, rsaKA, ecdheECDSAKA, ecdheRSAKA, mutualCipherSuite, cipherSuiteByID, mutualCipherSuiteTLS13, cipherSuiteTLS13ByID, verifyHandshakeSignature, signedMessage, typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme, legacyTypeAndHashFromPublicKey, signatureSchemesForCertificate, selectSignatureScheme, unsupportedCertificateError; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + list = $packages["container/list"]; + context = $packages["context"]; + crypto = $packages["crypto"]; + aes = $packages["crypto/aes"]; + cipher = $packages["crypto/cipher"]; + des = $packages["crypto/des"]; + ecdsa = $packages["crypto/ecdsa"]; + ed25519 = $packages["crypto/ed25519"]; + elliptic = $packages["crypto/elliptic"]; + hmac = $packages["crypto/hmac"]; + md5 = $packages["crypto/md5"]; + rand = $packages["crypto/rand"]; + rc4 = $packages["crypto/rc4"]; + rsa = $packages["crypto/rsa"]; + sha1 = $packages["crypto/sha1"]; + sha256 = $packages["crypto/sha256"]; + sha512 = $packages["crypto/sha512"]; + subtle = $packages["crypto/subtle"]; + x509 = $packages["crypto/x509"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + pem = $packages["encoding/pem"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + hash = $packages["hash"]; + cpu = $packages["internal/cpu"]; + godebug = $packages["internal/godebug"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + big = $packages["math/big"]; + net = $packages["net"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + chacha20poly1305 = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305"]; + cryptobyte = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte"]; + curve25519 = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519"]; + hkdf = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf"]; + listener = $pkg.listener = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.listener", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(Listener_, config_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Listener = $ifaceNil; + this.config = ptrType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.Listener = Listener_; + this.config = config_; + }); + Dialer = $pkg.Dialer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.Dialer", true, "crypto/tls", true, function(NetDialer_, Config_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.NetDialer = ptrType$9.nil; + this.Config = ptrType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.NetDialer = NetDialer_; + this.Config = Config_; + }); + sessionState = $pkg.sessionState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.sessionState", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(vers_, cipherSuite_, createdAt_, masterSecret_, certificates_, usedOldKey_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.vers = 0; + this.cipherSuite = 0; + this.createdAt = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.masterSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.certificates = sliceType$11.nil; + this.usedOldKey = false; + return; + } + this.vers = vers_; + this.cipherSuite = cipherSuite_; + this.createdAt = createdAt_; + this.masterSecret = masterSecret_; + this.certificates = certificates_; + this.usedOldKey = usedOldKey_; + }); + sessionStateTLS13 = $pkg.sessionStateTLS13 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.sessionStateTLS13", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(cipherSuite_, createdAt_, resumptionSecret_, certificate_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.cipherSuite = 0; + this.createdAt = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.resumptionSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.certificate = new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil); + return; + } + this.cipherSuite = cipherSuite_; + this.createdAt = createdAt_; + this.resumptionSecret = resumptionSecret_; + this.certificate = certificate_; + }); + finishedHash = $pkg.finishedHash = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.finishedHash", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(client_, server_, clientMD5_, serverMD5_, buffer_, version_, prf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.client = $ifaceNil; + this.server = $ifaceNil; + this.clientMD5 = $ifaceNil; + this.serverMD5 = $ifaceNil; + this.buffer = sliceType$5.nil; + this.version = 0; + this.prf = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.client = client_; + this.server = server_; + this.clientMD5 = clientMD5_; + this.serverMD5 = serverMD5_; + this.buffer = buffer_; + this.version = version_; + this.prf = prf_; + }); + ecdheParameters = $pkg.ecdheParameters = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "tls.ecdheParameters", true, "crypto/tls", false, null); + nistParameters = $pkg.nistParameters = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.nistParameters", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(privateKey_, x_, y_, curveID_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.privateKey = sliceType$5.nil; + this.x = ptrType$21.nil; + this.y = ptrType$21.nil; + this.curveID = 0; + return; + } + this.privateKey = privateKey_; + this.x = x_; + this.y = y_; + this.curveID = curveID_; + }); + x25519Parameters = $pkg.x25519Parameters = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.x25519Parameters", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(privateKey_, publicKey_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.privateKey = sliceType$5.nil; + this.publicKey = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.privateKey = privateKey_; + this.publicKey = publicKey_; + }); + keyAgreement = $pkg.keyAgreement = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "tls.keyAgreement", true, "crypto/tls", false, null); + rsaKeyAgreement = $pkg.rsaKeyAgreement = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.rsaKeyAgreement", true, "crypto/tls", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + ecdheKeyAgreement = $pkg.ecdheKeyAgreement = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.ecdheKeyAgreement", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(version_, isRSA_, params_, ckx_, preMasterSecret_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.version = 0; + this.isRSA = false; + this.params = $ifaceNil; + this.ckx = ptrType$23.nil; + this.preMasterSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.version = version_; + this.isRSA = isRSA_; + this.params = params_; + this.ckx = ckx_; + this.preMasterSecret = preMasterSecret_; + }); + serverHandshakeStateTLS13 = $pkg.serverHandshakeStateTLS13 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.serverHandshakeStateTLS13", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(c_, ctx_, clientHello_, hello_, sentDummyCCS_, usingPSK_, suite_, cert_, sigAlg_, earlySecret_, sharedKey_, handshakeSecret_, masterSecret_, trafficSecret_, transcript_, clientFinished_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.c = ptrType$6.nil; + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + this.clientHello = ptrType$26.nil; + this.hello = ptrType$30.nil; + this.sentDummyCCS = false; + this.usingPSK = false; + this.suite = ptrType$2.nil; + this.cert = ptrType$31.nil; + this.sigAlg = 0; + this.earlySecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.sharedKey = sliceType$5.nil; + this.handshakeSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.masterSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.trafficSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.transcript = $ifaceNil; + this.clientFinished = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.c = c_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + this.clientHello = clientHello_; + this.hello = hello_; + this.sentDummyCCS = sentDummyCCS_; + this.usingPSK = usingPSK_; + this.suite = suite_; + this.cert = cert_; + this.sigAlg = sigAlg_; + this.earlySecret = earlySecret_; + this.sharedKey = sharedKey_; + this.handshakeSecret = handshakeSecret_; + this.masterSecret = masterSecret_; + this.trafficSecret = trafficSecret_; + this.transcript = transcript_; + this.clientFinished = clientFinished_; + }); + serverHandshakeState = $pkg.serverHandshakeState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.serverHandshakeState", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(c_, ctx_, clientHello_, hello_, suite_, ecdheOk_, ecSignOk_, rsaDecryptOk_, rsaSignOk_, sessionState_, finishedHash_, masterSecret_, cert_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.c = ptrType$6.nil; + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + this.clientHello = ptrType$26.nil; + this.hello = ptrType$30.nil; + this.suite = ptrType$3.nil; + this.ecdheOk = false; + this.ecSignOk = false; + this.rsaDecryptOk = false; + this.rsaSignOk = false; + this.sessionState = ptrType$32.nil; + this.finishedHash = new finishedHash.ptr($ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, 0, $throwNilPointerError); + this.masterSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.cert = ptrType$31.nil; + return; + } + this.c = c_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + this.clientHello = clientHello_; + this.hello = hello_; + this.suite = suite_; + this.ecdheOk = ecdheOk_; + this.ecSignOk = ecSignOk_; + this.rsaDecryptOk = rsaDecryptOk_; + this.rsaSignOk = rsaSignOk_; + this.sessionState = sessionState_; + this.finishedHash = finishedHash_; + this.masterSecret = masterSecret_; + this.cert = cert_; + }); + marshalingFunction = $pkg.marshalingFunction = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "tls.marshalingFunction", true, "crypto/tls", false, null); + clientHelloMsg = $pkg.clientHelloMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.clientHelloMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, vers_, random_, sessionId_, cipherSuites_, compressionMethods_, serverName_, ocspStapling_, supportedCurves_, supportedPoints_, ticketSupported_, sessionTicket_, supportedSignatureAlgorithms_, supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert_, secureRenegotiationSupported_, secureRenegotiation_, alpnProtocols_, scts_, supportedVersions_, cookie_, keyShares_, earlyData_, pskModes_, pskIdentities_, pskBinders_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.vers = 0; + this.random = sliceType$5.nil; + this.sessionId = sliceType$5.nil; + this.cipherSuites = sliceType$2.nil; + this.compressionMethods = sliceType$5.nil; + this.serverName = ""; + this.ocspStapling = false; + this.supportedCurves = sliceType$3.nil; + this.supportedPoints = sliceType$5.nil; + this.ticketSupported = false; + this.sessionTicket = sliceType$5.nil; + this.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = sliceType$7.nil; + this.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert = sliceType$7.nil; + this.secureRenegotiationSupported = false; + this.secureRenegotiation = sliceType$5.nil; + this.alpnProtocols = sliceType$1.nil; + this.scts = false; + this.supportedVersions = sliceType$2.nil; + this.cookie = sliceType$5.nil; + this.keyShares = sliceType$15.nil; + this.earlyData = false; + this.pskModes = sliceType$5.nil; + this.pskIdentities = sliceType$16.nil; + this.pskBinders = sliceType$11.nil; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.vers = vers_; + this.random = random_; + this.sessionId = sessionId_; + this.cipherSuites = cipherSuites_; + this.compressionMethods = compressionMethods_; + this.serverName = serverName_; + this.ocspStapling = ocspStapling_; + this.supportedCurves = supportedCurves_; + this.supportedPoints = supportedPoints_; + this.ticketSupported = ticketSupported_; + this.sessionTicket = sessionTicket_; + this.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = supportedSignatureAlgorithms_; + this.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert = supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert_; + this.secureRenegotiationSupported = secureRenegotiationSupported_; + this.secureRenegotiation = secureRenegotiation_; + this.alpnProtocols = alpnProtocols_; + this.scts = scts_; + this.supportedVersions = supportedVersions_; + this.cookie = cookie_; + this.keyShares = keyShares_; + this.earlyData = earlyData_; + this.pskModes = pskModes_; + this.pskIdentities = pskIdentities_; + this.pskBinders = pskBinders_; + }); + serverHelloMsg = $pkg.serverHelloMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.serverHelloMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, vers_, random_, sessionId_, cipherSuite_, compressionMethod_, ocspStapling_, ticketSupported_, secureRenegotiationSupported_, secureRenegotiation_, alpnProtocol_, scts_, supportedVersion_, serverShare_, selectedIdentityPresent_, selectedIdentity_, supportedPoints_, cookie_, selectedGroup_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.vers = 0; + this.random = sliceType$5.nil; + this.sessionId = sliceType$5.nil; + this.cipherSuite = 0; + this.compressionMethod = 0; + this.ocspStapling = false; + this.ticketSupported = false; + this.secureRenegotiationSupported = false; + this.secureRenegotiation = sliceType$5.nil; + this.alpnProtocol = ""; + this.scts = sliceType$11.nil; + this.supportedVersion = 0; + this.serverShare = new keyShare.ptr(0, sliceType$5.nil); + this.selectedIdentityPresent = false; + this.selectedIdentity = 0; + this.supportedPoints = sliceType$5.nil; + this.cookie = sliceType$5.nil; + this.selectedGroup = 0; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.vers = vers_; + this.random = random_; + this.sessionId = sessionId_; + this.cipherSuite = cipherSuite_; + this.compressionMethod = compressionMethod_; + this.ocspStapling = ocspStapling_; + this.ticketSupported = ticketSupported_; + this.secureRenegotiationSupported = secureRenegotiationSupported_; + this.secureRenegotiation = secureRenegotiation_; + this.alpnProtocol = alpnProtocol_; + this.scts = scts_; + this.supportedVersion = supportedVersion_; + this.serverShare = serverShare_; + this.selectedIdentityPresent = selectedIdentityPresent_; + this.selectedIdentity = selectedIdentity_; + this.supportedPoints = supportedPoints_; + this.cookie = cookie_; + this.selectedGroup = selectedGroup_; + }); + encryptedExtensionsMsg = $pkg.encryptedExtensionsMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.encryptedExtensionsMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, alpnProtocol_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.alpnProtocol = ""; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.alpnProtocol = alpnProtocol_; + }); + endOfEarlyDataMsg = $pkg.endOfEarlyDataMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.endOfEarlyDataMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + keyUpdateMsg = $pkg.keyUpdateMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.keyUpdateMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, updateRequested_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.updateRequested = false; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.updateRequested = updateRequested_; + }); + newSessionTicketMsgTLS13 = $pkg.newSessionTicketMsgTLS13 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.newSessionTicketMsgTLS13", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, lifetime_, ageAdd_, nonce_, label_, maxEarlyData_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.lifetime = 0; + this.ageAdd = 0; + this.nonce = sliceType$5.nil; + this.label = sliceType$5.nil; + this.maxEarlyData = 0; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.lifetime = lifetime_; + this.ageAdd = ageAdd_; + this.nonce = nonce_; + this.label = label_; + this.maxEarlyData = maxEarlyData_; + }); + certificateRequestMsgTLS13 = $pkg.certificateRequestMsgTLS13 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.certificateRequestMsgTLS13", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, ocspStapling_, scts_, supportedSignatureAlgorithms_, supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert_, certificateAuthorities_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.ocspStapling = false; + this.scts = false; + this.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = sliceType$7.nil; + this.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert = sliceType$7.nil; + this.certificateAuthorities = sliceType$11.nil; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.ocspStapling = ocspStapling_; + this.scts = scts_; + this.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = supportedSignatureAlgorithms_; + this.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert = supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert_; + this.certificateAuthorities = certificateAuthorities_; + }); + certificateMsg = $pkg.certificateMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.certificateMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, certificates_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.certificates = sliceType$11.nil; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.certificates = certificates_; + }); + certificateMsgTLS13 = $pkg.certificateMsgTLS13 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.certificateMsgTLS13", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, certificate_, ocspStapling_, scts_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.certificate = new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil); + this.ocspStapling = false; + this.scts = false; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.certificate = certificate_; + this.ocspStapling = ocspStapling_; + this.scts = scts_; + }); + serverKeyExchangeMsg = $pkg.serverKeyExchangeMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.serverKeyExchangeMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, key_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.key = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.key = key_; + }); + certificateStatusMsg = $pkg.certificateStatusMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.certificateStatusMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, response_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.response = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.response = response_; + }); + serverHelloDoneMsg = $pkg.serverHelloDoneMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.serverHelloDoneMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + clientKeyExchangeMsg = $pkg.clientKeyExchangeMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.clientKeyExchangeMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, ciphertext_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.ciphertext = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.ciphertext = ciphertext_; + }); + finishedMsg = $pkg.finishedMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.finishedMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, verifyData_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.verifyData = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.verifyData = verifyData_; + }); + certificateRequestMsg = $pkg.certificateRequestMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.certificateRequestMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, hasSignatureAlgorithm_, certificateTypes_, supportedSignatureAlgorithms_, certificateAuthorities_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.hasSignatureAlgorithm = false; + this.certificateTypes = sliceType$5.nil; + this.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = sliceType$7.nil; + this.certificateAuthorities = sliceType$11.nil; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.hasSignatureAlgorithm = hasSignatureAlgorithm_; + this.certificateTypes = certificateTypes_; + this.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = supportedSignatureAlgorithms_; + this.certificateAuthorities = certificateAuthorities_; + }); + certificateVerifyMsg = $pkg.certificateVerifyMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.certificateVerifyMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, hasSignatureAlgorithm_, signatureAlgorithm_, signature_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.hasSignatureAlgorithm = false; + this.signatureAlgorithm = 0; + this.signature = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.hasSignatureAlgorithm = hasSignatureAlgorithm_; + this.signatureAlgorithm = signatureAlgorithm_; + this.signature = signature_; + }); + newSessionTicketMsg = $pkg.newSessionTicketMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.newSessionTicketMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(raw_, ticket_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + this.ticket = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.raw = raw_; + this.ticket = ticket_; + }); + helloRequestMsg = $pkg.helloRequestMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.helloRequestMsg", true, "crypto/tls", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + clientHandshakeStateTLS13 = $pkg.clientHandshakeStateTLS13 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.clientHandshakeStateTLS13", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(c_, ctx_, serverHello_, hello_, ecdheParams_, session_, earlySecret_, binderKey_, certReq_, usingPSK_, sentDummyCCS_, suite_, transcript_, masterSecret_, trafficSecret_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.c = ptrType$6.nil; + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + this.serverHello = ptrType$30.nil; + this.hello = ptrType$26.nil; + this.ecdheParams = $ifaceNil; + this.session = ptrType$37.nil; + this.earlySecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.binderKey = sliceType$5.nil; + this.certReq = ptrType$39.nil; + this.usingPSK = false; + this.sentDummyCCS = false; + this.suite = ptrType$2.nil; + this.transcript = $ifaceNil; + this.masterSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.trafficSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.c = c_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + this.serverHello = serverHello_; + this.hello = hello_; + this.ecdheParams = ecdheParams_; + this.session = session_; + this.earlySecret = earlySecret_; + this.binderKey = binderKey_; + this.certReq = certReq_; + this.usingPSK = usingPSK_; + this.sentDummyCCS = sentDummyCCS_; + this.suite = suite_; + this.transcript = transcript_; + this.masterSecret = masterSecret_; + this.trafficSecret = trafficSecret_; + }); + clientHandshakeState = $pkg.clientHandshakeState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.clientHandshakeState", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(c_, ctx_, serverHello_, hello_, suite_, finishedHash_, masterSecret_, session_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.c = ptrType$6.nil; + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + this.serverHello = ptrType$30.nil; + this.hello = ptrType$26.nil; + this.suite = ptrType$3.nil; + this.finishedHash = new finishedHash.ptr($ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, 0, $throwNilPointerError); + this.masterSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.session = ptrType$37.nil; + return; + } + this.c = c_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + this.serverHello = serverHello_; + this.hello = hello_; + this.suite = suite_; + this.finishedHash = finishedHash_; + this.masterSecret = masterSecret_; + this.session = session_; + }); + Conn = $pkg.Conn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.Conn", true, "crypto/tls", true, function(conn_, isClient_, handshakeFn_, handshakeStatus_, handshakeMutex_, handshakeErr_, vers_, haveVers_, config_, handshakes_, didResume_, cipherSuite_, ocspResponse_, scts_, peerCertificates_, verifiedChains_, serverName_, secureRenegotiation_, ekm_, resumptionSecret_, ticketKeys_, clientFinishedIsFirst_, closeNotifyErr_, closeNotifySent_, clientFinished_, serverFinished_, clientProtocol_, in$27_, out_, rawInput_, input_, hand_, buffering_, sendBuf_, bytesSent_, packetsSent_, retryCount_, activeCall_, tmp_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.conn = $ifaceNil; + this.isClient = false; + this.handshakeFn = $throwNilPointerError; + this.handshakeStatus = 0; + this.handshakeMutex = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.handshakeErr = $ifaceNil; + this.vers = 0; + this.haveVers = false; + this.config = ptrType$4.nil; + this.handshakes = 0; + this.didResume = false; + this.cipherSuite = 0; + this.ocspResponse = sliceType$5.nil; + this.scts = sliceType$11.nil; + this.peerCertificates = sliceType$12.nil; + this.verifiedChains = sliceType$13.nil; + this.serverName = ""; + this.secureRenegotiation = false; + this.ekm = $throwNilPointerError; + this.resumptionSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.ticketKeys = sliceType$4.nil; + this.clientFinishedIsFirst = false; + this.closeNotifyErr = $ifaceNil; + this.closeNotifySent = false; + this.clientFinished = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.serverFinished = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.clientProtocol = ""; + this.in$27 = new halfConn.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $ifaceNil, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil); + this.out = new halfConn.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $ifaceNil, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil); + this.rawInput = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0); + this.input = new bytes.Reader.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new $Int64(0, 0), 0); + this.hand = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0); + this.buffering = false; + this.sendBuf = sliceType$5.nil; + this.bytesSent = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.packetsSent = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.retryCount = 0; + this.activeCall = 0; + this.tmp = arrayType$4.zero(); + return; + } + this.conn = conn_; + this.isClient = isClient_; + this.handshakeFn = handshakeFn_; + this.handshakeStatus = handshakeStatus_; + this.handshakeMutex = handshakeMutex_; + this.handshakeErr = handshakeErr_; + this.vers = vers_; + this.haveVers = haveVers_; + this.config = config_; + this.handshakes = handshakes_; + this.didResume = didResume_; + this.cipherSuite = cipherSuite_; + this.ocspResponse = ocspResponse_; + this.scts = scts_; + this.peerCertificates = peerCertificates_; + this.verifiedChains = verifiedChains_; + this.serverName = serverName_; + this.secureRenegotiation = secureRenegotiation_; + this.ekm = ekm_; + this.resumptionSecret = resumptionSecret_; + this.ticketKeys = ticketKeys_; + this.clientFinishedIsFirst = clientFinishedIsFirst_; + this.closeNotifyErr = closeNotifyErr_; + this.closeNotifySent = closeNotifySent_; + this.clientFinished = clientFinished_; + this.serverFinished = serverFinished_; + this.clientProtocol = clientProtocol_; + this.in$27 = in$27_; + this.out = out_; + this.rawInput = rawInput_; + this.input = input_; + this.hand = hand_; + this.buffering = buffering_; + this.sendBuf = sendBuf_; + this.bytesSent = bytesSent_; + this.packetsSent = packetsSent_; + this.retryCount = retryCount_; + this.activeCall = activeCall_; + this.tmp = tmp_; + }); + halfConn = $pkg.halfConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.halfConn", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(Mutex_, err_, version_, cipher_, mac_, seq_, scratchBuf_, nextCipher_, nextMac_, trafficSecret_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Mutex = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.version = 0; + this.cipher = $ifaceNil; + this.mac = $ifaceNil; + this.seq = arrayType$2.zero(); + this.scratchBuf = arrayType$3.zero(); + this.nextCipher = $ifaceNil; + this.nextMac = $ifaceNil; + this.trafficSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.Mutex = Mutex_; + this.err = err_; + this.version = version_; + this.cipher = cipher_; + this.mac = mac_; + this.seq = seq_; + this.scratchBuf = scratchBuf_; + this.nextCipher = nextCipher_; + this.nextMac = nextMac_; + this.trafficSecret = trafficSecret_; + }); + permanentError = $pkg.permanentError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.permanentError", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.err = err_; + }); + cbcMode = $pkg.cbcMode = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "tls.cbcMode", true, "crypto/tls", false, null); + RecordHeaderError = $pkg.RecordHeaderError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.RecordHeaderError", true, "crypto/tls", true, function(Msg_, RecordHeader_, Conn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Msg = ""; + this.RecordHeader = arrayType$6.zero(); + this.Conn = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Msg = Msg_; + this.RecordHeader = RecordHeader_; + this.Conn = Conn_; + }); + atLeastReader = $pkg.atLeastReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.atLeastReader", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(R_, N_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.R = $ifaceNil; + this.N = new $Int64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.R = R_; + this.N = N_; + }); + recordType = $pkg.recordType = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "tls.recordType", true, "crypto/tls", false, null); + CurveID = $pkg.CurveID = $newType(2, $kindUint16, "tls.CurveID", true, "crypto/tls", true, null); + keyShare = $pkg.keyShare = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.keyShare", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(group_, data_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.group = 0; + this.data = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.group = group_; + this.data = data_; + }); + pskIdentity = $pkg.pskIdentity = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.pskIdentity", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(label_, obfuscatedTicketAge_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.label = sliceType$5.nil; + this.obfuscatedTicketAge = 0; + return; + } + this.label = label_; + this.obfuscatedTicketAge = obfuscatedTicketAge_; + }); + ConnectionState = $pkg.ConnectionState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.ConnectionState", true, "crypto/tls", true, function(Version_, HandshakeComplete_, DidResume_, CipherSuite_, NegotiatedProtocol_, NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual_, ServerName_, PeerCertificates_, VerifiedChains_, SignedCertificateTimestamps_, OCSPResponse_, TLSUnique_, ekm_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Version = 0; + this.HandshakeComplete = false; + this.DidResume = false; + this.CipherSuite = 0; + this.NegotiatedProtocol = ""; + this.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual = false; + this.ServerName = ""; + this.PeerCertificates = sliceType$12.nil; + this.VerifiedChains = sliceType$13.nil; + this.SignedCertificateTimestamps = sliceType$11.nil; + this.OCSPResponse = sliceType$5.nil; + this.TLSUnique = sliceType$5.nil; + this.ekm = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.Version = Version_; + this.HandshakeComplete = HandshakeComplete_; + this.DidResume = DidResume_; + this.CipherSuite = CipherSuite_; + this.NegotiatedProtocol = NegotiatedProtocol_; + this.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual = NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual_; + this.ServerName = ServerName_; + this.PeerCertificates = PeerCertificates_; + this.VerifiedChains = VerifiedChains_; + this.SignedCertificateTimestamps = SignedCertificateTimestamps_; + this.OCSPResponse = OCSPResponse_; + this.TLSUnique = TLSUnique_; + this.ekm = ekm_; + }); + ClientAuthType = $pkg.ClientAuthType = $newType(4, $kindInt, "tls.ClientAuthType", true, "crypto/tls", true, null); + ClientSessionState = $pkg.ClientSessionState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.ClientSessionState", true, "crypto/tls", true, function(sessionTicket_, vers_, cipherSuite_, masterSecret_, serverCertificates_, verifiedChains_, receivedAt_, ocspResponse_, scts_, nonce_, useBy_, ageAdd_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.sessionTicket = sliceType$5.nil; + this.vers = 0; + this.cipherSuite = 0; + this.masterSecret = sliceType$5.nil; + this.serverCertificates = sliceType$12.nil; + this.verifiedChains = sliceType$13.nil; + this.receivedAt = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil); + this.ocspResponse = sliceType$5.nil; + this.scts = sliceType$11.nil; + this.nonce = sliceType$5.nil; + this.useBy = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil); + this.ageAdd = 0; + return; + } + this.sessionTicket = sessionTicket_; + this.vers = vers_; + this.cipherSuite = cipherSuite_; + this.masterSecret = masterSecret_; + this.serverCertificates = serverCertificates_; + this.verifiedChains = verifiedChains_; + this.receivedAt = receivedAt_; + this.ocspResponse = ocspResponse_; + this.scts = scts_; + this.nonce = nonce_; + this.useBy = useBy_; + this.ageAdd = ageAdd_; + }); + ClientSessionCache = $pkg.ClientSessionCache = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "tls.ClientSessionCache", true, "crypto/tls", true, null); + SignatureScheme = $pkg.SignatureScheme = $newType(2, $kindUint16, "tls.SignatureScheme", true, "crypto/tls", true, null); + ClientHelloInfo = $pkg.ClientHelloInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.ClientHelloInfo", true, "crypto/tls", true, function(CipherSuites_, ServerName_, SupportedCurves_, SupportedPoints_, SignatureSchemes_, SupportedProtos_, SupportedVersions_, Conn_, config_, ctx_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.CipherSuites = sliceType$2.nil; + this.ServerName = ""; + this.SupportedCurves = sliceType$3.nil; + this.SupportedPoints = sliceType$5.nil; + this.SignatureSchemes = sliceType$7.nil; + this.SupportedProtos = sliceType$1.nil; + this.SupportedVersions = sliceType$2.nil; + this.Conn = $ifaceNil; + this.config = ptrType$4.nil; + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.CipherSuites = CipherSuites_; + this.ServerName = ServerName_; + this.SupportedCurves = SupportedCurves_; + this.SupportedPoints = SupportedPoints_; + this.SignatureSchemes = SignatureSchemes_; + this.SupportedProtos = SupportedProtos_; + this.SupportedVersions = SupportedVersions_; + this.Conn = Conn_; + this.config = config_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + }); + CertificateRequestInfo = $pkg.CertificateRequestInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.CertificateRequestInfo", true, "crypto/tls", true, function(AcceptableCAs_, SignatureSchemes_, Version_, ctx_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.AcceptableCAs = sliceType$11.nil; + this.SignatureSchemes = sliceType$7.nil; + this.Version = 0; + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.AcceptableCAs = AcceptableCAs_; + this.SignatureSchemes = SignatureSchemes_; + this.Version = Version_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + }); + RenegotiationSupport = $pkg.RenegotiationSupport = $newType(4, $kindInt, "tls.RenegotiationSupport", true, "crypto/tls", true, null); + Config = $pkg.Config = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.Config", true, "crypto/tls", true, function(Rand_, Time_, Certificates_, NameToCertificate_, GetCertificate_, GetClientCertificate_, GetConfigForClient_, VerifyPeerCertificate_, VerifyConnection_, RootCAs_, NextProtos_, ServerName_, ClientAuth_, ClientCAs_, InsecureSkipVerify_, CipherSuites_, PreferServerCipherSuites_, SessionTicketsDisabled_, SessionTicketKey_, ClientSessionCache_, MinVersion_, MaxVersion_, CurvePreferences_, DynamicRecordSizingDisabled_, Renegotiation_, KeyLogWriter_, mutex_, sessionTicketKeys_, autoSessionTicketKeys_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Rand = $ifaceNil; + this.Time = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Certificates = sliceType.nil; + this.NameToCertificate = false; + this.GetCertificate = $throwNilPointerError; + this.GetClientCertificate = $throwNilPointerError; + this.GetConfigForClient = $throwNilPointerError; + this.VerifyPeerCertificate = $throwNilPointerError; + this.VerifyConnection = $throwNilPointerError; + this.RootCAs = ptrType.nil; + this.NextProtos = sliceType$1.nil; + this.ServerName = ""; + this.ClientAuth = 0; + this.ClientCAs = ptrType.nil; + this.InsecureSkipVerify = false; + this.CipherSuites = sliceType$2.nil; + this.PreferServerCipherSuites = false; + this.SessionTicketsDisabled = false; + this.SessionTicketKey = arrayType.zero(); + this.ClientSessionCache = $ifaceNil; + this.MinVersion = 0; + this.MaxVersion = 0; + this.CurvePreferences = sliceType$3.nil; + this.DynamicRecordSizingDisabled = false; + this.Renegotiation = 0; + this.KeyLogWriter = $ifaceNil; + this.mutex = new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.sessionTicketKeys = sliceType$4.nil; + this.autoSessionTicketKeys = sliceType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.Rand = Rand_; + this.Time = Time_; + this.Certificates = Certificates_; + this.NameToCertificate = NameToCertificate_; + this.GetCertificate = GetCertificate_; + this.GetClientCertificate = GetClientCertificate_; + this.GetConfigForClient = GetConfigForClient_; + this.VerifyPeerCertificate = VerifyPeerCertificate_; + this.VerifyConnection = VerifyConnection_; + this.RootCAs = RootCAs_; + this.NextProtos = NextProtos_; + this.ServerName = ServerName_; + this.ClientAuth = ClientAuth_; + this.ClientCAs = ClientCAs_; + this.InsecureSkipVerify = InsecureSkipVerify_; + this.CipherSuites = CipherSuites_; + this.PreferServerCipherSuites = PreferServerCipherSuites_; + this.SessionTicketsDisabled = SessionTicketsDisabled_; + this.SessionTicketKey = SessionTicketKey_; + this.ClientSessionCache = ClientSessionCache_; + this.MinVersion = MinVersion_; + this.MaxVersion = MaxVersion_; + this.CurvePreferences = CurvePreferences_; + this.DynamicRecordSizingDisabled = DynamicRecordSizingDisabled_; + this.Renegotiation = Renegotiation_; + this.KeyLogWriter = KeyLogWriter_; + this.mutex = mutex_; + this.sessionTicketKeys = sessionTicketKeys_; + this.autoSessionTicketKeys = autoSessionTicketKeys_; + }); + ticketKey = $pkg.ticketKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.ticketKey", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(keyName_, aesKey_, hmacKey_, created_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.keyName = arrayType$4.zero(); + this.aesKey = arrayType$4.zero(); + this.hmacKey = arrayType$4.zero(); + this.created = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil); + return; + } + this.keyName = keyName_; + this.aesKey = aesKey_; + this.hmacKey = hmacKey_; + this.created = created_; + }); + Certificate = $pkg.Certificate = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.Certificate", true, "crypto/tls", true, function(Certificate_, PrivateKey_, SupportedSignatureAlgorithms_, OCSPStaple_, SignedCertificateTimestamps_, Leaf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Certificate = sliceType$11.nil; + this.PrivateKey = $ifaceNil; + this.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms = sliceType$7.nil; + this.OCSPStaple = sliceType$5.nil; + this.SignedCertificateTimestamps = sliceType$11.nil; + this.Leaf = ptrType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.Certificate = Certificate_; + this.PrivateKey = PrivateKey_; + this.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms = SupportedSignatureAlgorithms_; + this.OCSPStaple = OCSPStaple_; + this.SignedCertificateTimestamps = SignedCertificateTimestamps_; + this.Leaf = Leaf_; + }); + cipherSuite = $pkg.cipherSuite = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.cipherSuite", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(id_, keyLen_, macLen_, ivLen_, ka_, flags_, cipher_, mac_, aead_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.id = 0; + this.keyLen = 0; + this.macLen = 0; + this.ivLen = 0; + this.ka = $throwNilPointerError; + this.flags = 0; + this.cipher = $throwNilPointerError; + this.mac = $throwNilPointerError; + this.aead = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.id = id_; + this.keyLen = keyLen_; + this.macLen = macLen_; + this.ivLen = ivLen_; + this.ka = ka_; + this.flags = flags_; + this.cipher = cipher_; + this.mac = mac_; + this.aead = aead_; + }); + cipherSuiteTLS13 = $pkg.cipherSuiteTLS13 = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.cipherSuiteTLS13", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(id_, keyLen_, aead_, hash_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.id = 0; + this.keyLen = 0; + this.aead = $throwNilPointerError; + this.hash = 0; + return; + } + this.id = id_; + this.keyLen = keyLen_; + this.aead = aead_; + this.hash = hash_; + }); + aead = $pkg.aead = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "tls.aead", true, "crypto/tls", false, null); + prefixNonceAEAD = $pkg.prefixNonceAEAD = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.prefixNonceAEAD", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(nonce_, aead_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.nonce = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.aead = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.nonce = nonce_; + this.aead = aead_; + }); + xorNonceAEAD = $pkg.xorNonceAEAD = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.xorNonceAEAD", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(nonceMask_, aead_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.nonceMask = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.aead = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.nonceMask = nonceMask_; + this.aead = aead_; + }); + constantTimeHash = $pkg.constantTimeHash = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "tls.constantTimeHash", true, "crypto/tls", false, null); + cthWrapper = $pkg.cthWrapper = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "tls.cthWrapper", true, "crypto/tls", false, function(h_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.h = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.h = h_; + }); + alert = $pkg.alert = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "tls.alert", true, "crypto/tls", false, null); + binaryMarshaler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "tls.binaryMarshaler", true, "crypto/tls", false, null); + sliceType = $sliceType(Certificate); + ptrType = $ptrType(x509.CertPool); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Uint16); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(CurveID); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(ticketKey); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(sliceType$5); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType(SignatureScheme); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(cipherSuiteTLS13); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType(ptrType$2); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(cipherSuite); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType(ptrType$3); + structType = $structType("crypto/tls", [{prop: "scheme", name: "scheme", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: SignatureScheme, tag: ""}, {prop: "minModulusBytes", name: "minModulusBytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxVersion", name: "maxVersion", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}]); + sliceType$10 = $sliceType(structType); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(Config); + sliceType$11 = $sliceType(sliceType$5); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(x509.Certificate); + sliceType$12 = $sliceType(ptrType$5); + sliceType$13 = $sliceType(sliceType$12); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 12); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 13); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 16); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(Conn); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(time.Location); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(net.Resolver); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(net.Dialer); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(pem.Block); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(rsa.PublicKey); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(ecdsa.PublicKey); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(rsa.PrivateKey); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType(ecdsa.PrivateKey); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(cryptobyte.Builder); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType($Bool); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType(cryptobyte.String); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType($Uint16); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType($Uint64); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType($Uint8); + ptrType$21 = $ptrType(big.Int); + ptrType$22 = $ptrType(serverKeyExchangeMsg); + ptrType$23 = $ptrType(clientKeyExchangeMsg); + ptrType$24 = $ptrType($Uint32); + ptrType$25 = $ptrType(keyShare); + ptrType$26 = $ptrType(clientHelloMsg); + ptrType$27 = $ptrType(certificateMsgTLS13); + ptrType$28 = $ptrType(certificateVerifyMsg); + ptrType$29 = $ptrType(finishedMsg); + ptrType$30 = $ptrType(serverHelloMsg); + ptrType$31 = $ptrType(Certificate); + ptrType$32 = $ptrType(sessionState); + ptrType$33 = $ptrType(certificateRequestMsg); + ptrType$34 = $ptrType(certificateMsg); + sliceType$14 = $sliceType(x509.ExtKeyUsage); + sliceType$15 = $sliceType(keyShare); + sliceType$16 = $sliceType(pskIdentity); + ptrType$35 = $ptrType(CurveID); + ptrType$36 = $ptrType(SignatureScheme); + ptrType$37 = $ptrType(ClientSessionState); + ptrType$38 = $ptrType(encryptedExtensionsMsg); + ptrType$39 = $ptrType(certificateRequestMsgTLS13); + ptrType$40 = $ptrType(certificateStatusMsg); + ptrType$41 = $ptrType(serverHelloDoneMsg); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType($Uint8, 24); + ptrType$42 = $ptrType(newSessionTicketMsg); + arrayType$6 = $arrayType($Uint8, 5); + ptrType$43 = $ptrType($Int32); + ptrType$44 = $ptrType(helloRequestMsg); + ptrType$45 = $ptrType(newSessionTicketMsgTLS13); + ptrType$46 = $ptrType(keyUpdateMsg); + structType$1 = $structType("", []); + arrayType$7 = $arrayType($Uint8, 64); + ptrType$51 = $ptrType(ed25519.PrivateKey); + ptrType$52 = $ptrType(listener); + ptrType$53 = $ptrType(Dialer); + ptrType$54 = $ptrType(sessionStateTLS13); + ptrType$55 = $ptrType(finishedHash); + funcType = $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [], false); + ptrType$56 = $ptrType(nistParameters); + ptrType$57 = $ptrType(x25519Parameters); + ptrType$58 = $ptrType(ecdheKeyAgreement); + ptrType$59 = $ptrType(serverHandshakeStateTLS13); + ptrType$60 = $ptrType(serverHandshakeState); + ptrType$61 = $ptrType(endOfEarlyDataMsg); + ptrType$62 = $ptrType(clientHandshakeStateTLS13); + ptrType$63 = $ptrType(clientHandshakeState); + ptrType$64 = $ptrType(CertificateRequestInfo); + funcType$1 = $funcType([context.Context], [$error], false); + funcType$2 = $funcType([$String, sliceType$5, $Int], [sliceType$5, $error], false); + ptrType$65 = $ptrType(halfConn); + ptrType$66 = $ptrType(permanentError); + ptrType$67 = $ptrType(atLeastReader); + ptrType$68 = $ptrType(ConnectionState); + ptrType$69 = $ptrType(ClientHelloInfo); + sliceType$18 = $sliceType(arrayType); + funcType$3 = $funcType([], [time.Time], false); + mapType = $mapType($String, ptrType$31); + funcType$4 = $funcType([ptrType$69], [ptrType$31, $error], false); + funcType$5 = $funcType([ptrType$64], [ptrType$31, $error], false); + funcType$6 = $funcType([ptrType$69], [ptrType$4, $error], false); + funcType$7 = $funcType([sliceType$11, sliceType$13], [$error], false); + funcType$8 = $funcType([ConnectionState], [$error], false); + funcType$9 = $funcType([$Uint16], [keyAgreement], false); + funcType$10 = $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5, $Bool], [$emptyInterface], false); + funcType$11 = $funcType([sliceType$5], [hash.Hash], false); + funcType$12 = $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [aead], false); + ptrType$71 = $ptrType(prefixNonceAEAD); + ptrType$72 = $ptrType(xorNonceAEAD); + ptrType$73 = $ptrType(cthWrapper); + Server = function(conn, config) { + var c, config, conn; + c = new Conn.ptr(conn, false, $throwNilPointerError, 0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $ifaceNil, 0, false, config, 0, false, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, sliceType$12.nil, sliceType$13.nil, "", false, $throwNilPointerError, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$4.nil, false, $ifaceNil, false, arrayType$1.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), "", new halfConn.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $ifaceNil, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil), new halfConn.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $ifaceNil, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil), new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0), new bytes.Reader.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new $Int64(0, 0), 0), new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0), false, sliceType$5.nil, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, arrayType$4.zero()); + c.handshakeFn = $methodVal(c, "serverHandshake"); + return c; + }; + $pkg.Server = Server; + Client = function(conn, config) { + var c, config, conn; + c = new Conn.ptr(conn, true, $throwNilPointerError, 0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $ifaceNil, 0, false, config, 0, false, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, sliceType$12.nil, sliceType$13.nil, "", false, $throwNilPointerError, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$4.nil, false, $ifaceNil, false, arrayType$1.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), "", new halfConn.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $ifaceNil, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil), new halfConn.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $ifaceNil, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, arrayType$2.zero(), arrayType$3.zero(), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil), new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0), new bytes.Reader.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new $Int64(0, 0), 0), new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0), false, sliceType$5.nil, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, arrayType$4.zero()); + c.handshakeFn = $methodVal(c, "clientHandshake"); + return c; + }; + $pkg.Client = Client; + listener.ptr.prototype.Accept = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, c, err, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + _r$1 = l.Listener.Accept(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [Server(c, l.config), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: listener.ptr.prototype.Accept, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, c, err, l, $s};return $f; + }; + listener.prototype.Accept = function() { return this.$val.Accept(); }; + NewListener = function(inner, config) { + var config, inner, l; + l = new listener.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$4.nil); + l.Listener = inner; + l.config = config; + return l; + }; + $pkg.NewListener = NewListener; + dial = function(ctx, netDialer, network, addr, config) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, addr, c, cancel, cancel$1, colonPos, config, conn, ctx, err, err$1, hostname, netDialer, network, rawConn, x, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, netDialer, network, addr, config}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + /* */ if (!((x = netDialer.Timeout, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((x = netDialer.Timeout, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)))) { */ case 1: + cancel = $throwNilPointerError; + _r$1 = context.WithTimeout(ctx, netDialer.Timeout); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + ctx = _tuple[0]; + cancel = _tuple[1]; + $deferred.push([cancel, []]); + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!$clone(netDialer.Deadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!$clone(netDialer.Deadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { */ case 4: + cancel$1 = $throwNilPointerError; + _r$2 = context.WithDeadline(ctx, $clone(netDialer.Deadline, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + ctx = _tuple$1[0]; + cancel$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + $deferred.push([cancel$1, []]); + /* } */ case 5: + _r$3 = netDialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + rawConn = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + $24r = [ptrType$6.nil, err]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 9: + colonPos = strings.LastIndex(addr, ":"); + if (colonPos === -1) { + colonPos = addr.length; + } + hostname = $substring(addr, 0, colonPos); + if (config === ptrType$4.nil) { + config = defaultConfig(); + } + /* */ if (config.ServerName === "") { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (config.ServerName === "") { */ case 11: + _r$4 = config.Clone(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c = _r$4; + c.ServerName = hostname; + config = c; + /* } */ case 12: + conn = Client(rawConn, config); + _r$5 = conn.HandshakeContext(ctx); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$5; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 15: + _r$6 = rawConn.Close(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $24r$1 = [ptrType$6.nil, err$1]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 16: + $24r$2 = [conn, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [ptrType$6.nil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: dial, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, addr, c, cancel, cancel$1, colonPos, config, conn, ctx, err, err$1, hostname, netDialer, network, rawConn, x, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Dialer.ptr.prototype.Dial = function(network, addr) { + var {$24r, _r$1, addr, d, network, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {network, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _r$1 = d.DialContext(context.Background(), network, addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Dialer.ptr.prototype.Dial, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, addr, d, network, $s};return $f; + }; + Dialer.prototype.Dial = function(network, addr) { return this.$val.Dial(network, addr); }; + Dialer.ptr.prototype.netDialer = function() { + var d; + d = this; + if (!(d.NetDialer === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return d.NetDialer; + } + return new net.Dialer.ptr(new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil), $ifaceNil, false, new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), ptrType$8.nil, $chanNil, $throwNilPointerError); + }; + Dialer.prototype.netDialer = function() { return this.$val.netDialer(); }; + Dialer.ptr.prototype.DialContext = function(ctx, network, addr) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, addr, c, ctx, d, err, network, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + _r$1 = dial(ctx, d.netDialer(), network, addr, d.Config); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Dialer.ptr.prototype.DialContext, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, addr, c, ctx, d, err, network, $s};return $f; + }; + Dialer.prototype.DialContext = function(ctx, network, addr) { return this.$val.DialContext(ctx, network, addr); }; + LoadX509KeyPair = function(certFile, keyFile) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, certFile, certPEMBlock, err, keyFile, keyPEMBlock, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {certFile, keyFile}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = os.ReadFile(certFile); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + certPEMBlock = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil), err]; + } + _r$2 = os.ReadFile(keyFile); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + keyPEMBlock = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil), err]; + } + _r$3 = X509KeyPair(certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: LoadX509KeyPair, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, certFile, certPEMBlock, err, keyFile, keyPEMBlock, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.LoadX509KeyPair = LoadX509KeyPair; + X509KeyPair = function(certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, cert, certDERBlock, certPEMBlock, err, fail, keyDERBlock, keyPEMBlock, ok, ok$1, ok$2, priv, priv$1, priv$2, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pub$3, skippedBlockTypes, x, x509Cert, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fail = (function(err) { + var err; + return [new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil), err]; + }); + cert = new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil); + skippedBlockTypes = sliceType$1.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + certDERBlock = ptrType$10.nil; + _r$1 = pem.Decode(certPEMBlock); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + certDERBlock = _tuple[0]; + certPEMBlock = _tuple[1]; + if (certDERBlock === ptrType$10.nil) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (certDERBlock.Type === "CERTIFICATE") { + cert.Certificate = $append(cert.Certificate, certDERBlock.Bytes); + } else { + skippedBlockTypes = $append(skippedBlockTypes, certDERBlock.Type); + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (cert.Certificate.$length === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (cert.Certificate.$length === 0) { */ case 4: + /* */ if (skippedBlockTypes.$length === 0) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (skippedBlockTypes.$length === 0) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = fail(errors.New("tls: failed to find any PEM data in certificate input")); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if ((skippedBlockTypes.$length === 1) && strings.HasSuffix((0 >= skippedBlockTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : skippedBlockTypes.$array[skippedBlockTypes.$offset + 0]), "PRIVATE KEY")) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ((skippedBlockTypes.$length === 1) && strings.HasSuffix((0 >= skippedBlockTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : skippedBlockTypes.$array[skippedBlockTypes.$offset + 0]), "PRIVATE KEY")) { */ case 10: + _r$3 = fail(errors.New("tls: failed to find certificate PEM data in certificate input, but did find a private key; PEM inputs may have been switched")); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + _r$4 = fmt.Errorf("tls: failed to find \"CERTIFICATE\" PEM block in certificate input after skipping PEM blocks of the following types: %v", new sliceType$6([skippedBlockTypes])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = fail(_r$4); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$5; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + skippedBlockTypes = $subslice(skippedBlockTypes, 0, 0); + keyDERBlock = ptrType$10.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 17: + _r$6 = pem.Decode(keyPEMBlock); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + keyDERBlock = _tuple$1[0]; + keyPEMBlock = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (keyDERBlock === ptrType$10.nil) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (keyDERBlock === ptrType$10.nil) { */ case 20: + /* */ if (skippedBlockTypes.$length === 0) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (skippedBlockTypes.$length === 0) { */ case 22: + _r$7 = fail(errors.New("tls: failed to find any PEM data in key input")); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$7; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 23: + /* */ if ((skippedBlockTypes.$length === 1) && (0 >= skippedBlockTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : skippedBlockTypes.$array[skippedBlockTypes.$offset + 0]) === "CERTIFICATE") { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if ((skippedBlockTypes.$length === 1) && (0 >= skippedBlockTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : skippedBlockTypes.$array[skippedBlockTypes.$offset + 0]) === "CERTIFICATE") { */ case 26: + _r$8 = fail(errors.New("tls: found a certificate rather than a key in the PEM for the private key")); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$8; + $s = 29; case 29: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 27: + _r$9 = fmt.Errorf("tls: failed to find PEM block with type ending in \"PRIVATE KEY\" in key input after skipping PEM blocks of the following types: %v", new sliceType$6([skippedBlockTypes])); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = fail(_r$9); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$10; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 21: + if (keyDERBlock.Type === "PRIVATE KEY" || strings.HasSuffix(keyDERBlock.Type, " PRIVATE KEY")) { + /* break; */ $s = 18; continue; + } + skippedBlockTypes = $append(skippedBlockTypes, keyDERBlock.Type); + $s = 17; continue; + case 18: + _r$11 = x509.ParseCertificate((x = cert.Certificate, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]))); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$11; + x509Cert = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 34: + _r$12 = fail(err); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = _r$12; + $s = 37; case 37: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 35: + _r$13 = parsePrivateKey(keyDERBlock.Bytes); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$13; + cert.PrivateKey = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 39: + _r$14 = fail(err); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$7 = _r$14; + $s = 42; case 42: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 40: + _ref = x509Cert.PublicKey; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 43; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 43: + pub = _ref.$val; + _tuple$4 = $assertType(cert.PrivateKey, ptrType$13, true); + priv = _tuple$4[0]; + ok = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ $s = 49; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 48: + _r$15 = fail(errors.New("tls: private key type does not match public key type")); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$8 = _r$15; + $s = 51; case 51: return $24r$8; + /* } */ case 49: + /* */ if (!((pub.N.Cmp(priv.PublicKey.N) === 0))) { $s = 52; continue; } + /* */ $s = 53; continue; + /* if (!((pub.N.Cmp(priv.PublicKey.N) === 0))) { */ case 52: + _r$16 = fail(errors.New("tls: private key does not match public key")); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$9 = _r$16; + $s = 55; case 55: return $24r$9; + /* } */ case 53: + $s = 47; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { */ case 44: + pub$1 = _ref.$val; + _tuple$5 = $assertType(cert.PrivateKey, ptrType$14, true); + priv$1 = _tuple$5[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ $s = 57; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 56: + _r$17 = fail(errors.New("tls: private key type does not match public key type")); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$10 = _r$17; + $s = 59; case 59: return $24r$10; + /* } */ case 57: + /* */ if (!((pub$1.X.Cmp(priv$1.PublicKey.X) === 0)) || !((pub$1.Y.Cmp(priv$1.PublicKey.Y) === 0))) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ $s = 61; continue; + /* if (!((pub$1.X.Cmp(priv$1.PublicKey.X) === 0)) || !((pub$1.Y.Cmp(priv$1.PublicKey.Y) === 0))) { */ case 60: + _r$18 = fail(errors.New("tls: private key does not match public key")); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$11 = _r$18; + $s = 63; case 63: return $24r$11; + /* } */ case 61: + $s = 47; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { */ case 45: + pub$2 = _ref.$val; + _tuple$6 = $assertType(cert.PrivateKey, ed25519.PrivateKey, true); + priv$2 = _tuple$6[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$6[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$2) { $s = 64; continue; } + /* */ $s = 65; continue; + /* if (!ok$2) { */ case 64: + _r$19 = fail(errors.New("tls: private key type does not match public key type")); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$12 = _r$19; + $s = 67; case 67: return $24r$12; + /* } */ case 65: + /* */ if (!bytes.Equal($convertSliceType($assertType(priv$2.Public(), ed25519.PublicKey), sliceType$5), $convertSliceType(pub$2, sliceType$5))) { $s = 68; continue; } + /* */ $s = 69; continue; + /* if (!bytes.Equal($convertSliceType($assertType(priv$2.Public(), ed25519.PublicKey), sliceType$5), $convertSliceType(pub$2, sliceType$5))) { */ case 68: + _r$20 = fail(errors.New("tls: private key does not match public key")); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$13 = _r$20; + $s = 71; case 71: return $24r$13; + /* } */ case 69: + $s = 47; continue; + /* } else { */ case 46: + pub$3 = _ref; + _r$21 = fail(errors.New("tls: unknown public key algorithm")); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$14 = _r$21; + $s = 73; case 73: return $24r$14; + /* } */ case 47: + $s = -1; return [cert, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: X509KeyPair, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, cert, certDERBlock, certPEMBlock, err, fail, keyDERBlock, keyPEMBlock, ok, ok$1, ok$2, priv, priv$1, priv$2, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pub$3, skippedBlockTypes, x, x509Cert, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.X509KeyPair = X509KeyPair; + parsePrivateKey = function(der) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, der, err, err$1, err$2, key, key$1, key$2, key$3, key$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {der}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(der); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + key = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [key, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$2 = x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(der); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + key$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + _ref = key$1; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$13, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, ptrType$14, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, ed25519.PrivateKey, true)[1]) { + key$2 = _ref; + $s = -1; return [key$2, $ifaceNil]; + } else { + key$3 = _ref; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("tls: found unknown private key type in PKCS#8 wrapping")]; + } + } + _r$3 = x509.ParseECPrivateKey(der); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + key$4 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [key$4, $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("tls: failed to parse private key")]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parsePrivateKey, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, der, err, err$1, err$2, key, key$1, key$2, key$3, key$4, $s};return $f; + }; + sessionState.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = [b]; + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + b[0] = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b[0].AddUint16(m[0].vers); + b[0].AddUint16(m[0].cipherSuite); + addUint64(b[0], m[0].createdAt); + $r = b[0].AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(b, m) { return function(b$1) { + var b$1; + b$1.AddBytes(m[0].masterSecret); + }; })(b, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b[0].AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(b, m) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {_i, _ref, b$1, cert, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cert = [cert]; + _ref = m[0].certificates; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + cert[0] = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = b$1.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(b, cert, m) { return function(b$2) { + var b$2; + b$2.AddBytes(cert[0]); + }; })(b, cert, m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, b$1, cert, $s};return $f; + }; })(b, m)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return b[0].BytesOrPanic(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sessionState.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + sessionState.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + sessionState.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var cert, certList, certList$24ptr, data, m, ok, s, s$24ptr; + m = this; + sessionState.copy(m, new sessionState.ptr(0, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, m.usedOldKey)); + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + ok = (s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((m.$ptr_vers || (m.$ptr_vers = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.vers; }, function($v) { this.$target.vers = $v; }, m)))) && (s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((m.$ptr_cipherSuite || (m.$ptr_cipherSuite = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.cipherSuite; }, function($v) { this.$target.cipherSuite = $v; }, m)))) && readUint64((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_createdAt || (m.$ptr_createdAt = new ptrType$19(function() { return this.$target.createdAt; }, function($v) { this.$target.createdAt = $v; }, m)))) && readUint16LengthPrefixed((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_masterSecret || (m.$ptr_masterSecret = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.masterSecret; }, function($v) { this.$target.masterSecret = $v; }, m)))) && !((m.masterSecret.$length === 0)); + if (!ok) { + return false; + } + certList = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint24LengthPrefixed((certList$24ptr || (certList$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return certList; }, function($v) { certList = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))))) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!certList.Empty())) { break; } + cert = [cert]; + cert[0] = sliceType$5.nil; + if (!readUint24LengthPrefixed((certList$24ptr || (certList$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return certList; }, function($v) { certList = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (cert.$ptr || (cert.$ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, cert))))) { + return false; + } + m.certificates = $append(m.certificates, cert[0]); + } + return s.Empty(); + }; + sessionState.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + sessionStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = [b]; + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + b[0] = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b[0].AddUint16(772); + b[0].AddUint8(0); + b[0].AddUint16(m[0].cipherSuite); + addUint64(b[0], m[0].createdAt); + $r = b[0].AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(b, m) { return function(b$1) { + var b$1; + b$1.AddBytes(m[0].resumptionSecret); + }; })(b, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = marshalCertificate(b[0], $clone(m[0].certificate, Certificate)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return b[0].BytesOrPanic(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sessionStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + sessionStateTLS13.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + sessionStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var data, m, revision, revision$24ptr, s, s$24ptr, version, version$24ptr; + m = this; + sessionStateTLS13.copy(m, new sessionStateTLS13.ptr(0, new $Uint64(0, 0), sliceType$5.nil, new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil))); + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + version = 0; + revision = 0; + return (s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((version$24ptr || (version$24ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return version; }, function($v) { version = $v; })))) && (version === 772) && (s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint8((revision$24ptr || (revision$24ptr = new ptrType$20(function() { return revision; }, function($v) { revision = $v; })))) && (revision === 0) && (s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((m.$ptr_cipherSuite || (m.$ptr_cipherSuite = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.cipherSuite; }, function($v) { this.$target.cipherSuite = $v; }, m)))) && readUint64((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_createdAt || (m.$ptr_createdAt = new ptrType$19(function() { return this.$target.createdAt; }, function($v) { this.$target.createdAt = $v; }, m)))) && readUint8LengthPrefixed((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_resumptionSecret || (m.$ptr_resumptionSecret = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.resumptionSecret; }, function($v) { this.$target.resumptionSecret = $v; }, m)))) && !((m.resumptionSecret.$length === 0)) && unmarshalCertificate((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), m.certificate) && s.Empty(); + }; + sessionStateTLS13.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.encryptTicket = function(state) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, block, c, encrypted, err, err$1, iv, key, keyName, mac, macBytes, state, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {state}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (c.ticketKeys.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, errors.New("tls: internal error: session ticket keys unavailable")]; + } + encrypted = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, ((32 + state.$length >> 0) + 32 >> 0)); + keyName = $subslice(encrypted, 0, 16); + iv = $subslice(encrypted, 16, 32); + macBytes = $subslice(encrypted, (encrypted.$length - 32 >> 0)); + _r$1 = io.ReadFull(c.config.rand(), iv); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, err]; + } + key = $clone((x = c.ticketKeys, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])), ticketKey); + $copySlice(keyName, new sliceType$5(key.keyName)); + _tuple$1 = aes.NewCipher(new sliceType$5(key.aesKey)); + block = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = err$1.Error(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = errors.New("tls: failed to create cipher while encrypting ticket: " + _r$2); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [sliceType$5.nil, _r$3]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = cipher.NewCTR(block, iv); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$4.XORKeyStream($subslice(encrypted, 32), state); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = hmac.New(sha256.New, new sliceType$5(key.hmacKey)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mac = _r$5; + _r$6 = mac.Write($subslice(encrypted, 0, (encrypted.$length - 32 >> 0))); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = mac.Sum($subslice(macBytes, 0, 0)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = -1; return [encrypted, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.encryptTicket, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, block, c, encrypted, err, err$1, iv, key, keyName, mac, macBytes, state, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.encryptTicket = function(state) { return this.$val.encryptTicket(state); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.decryptTicket = function(encrypted) { + var {_i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, block, c, candidateKey, ciphertext, encrypted, err, expected, i, iv, key, keyIndex, keyName, mac, macBytes, plaintext, usedOldKey, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {encrypted}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + plaintext = sliceType$5.nil; + usedOldKey = false; + c = this; + if (encrypted.$length < 64) { + _tmp = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$1 = false; + plaintext = _tmp; + usedOldKey = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [plaintext, usedOldKey]; + } + keyName = $subslice(encrypted, 0, 16); + iv = $subslice(encrypted, 16, 32); + macBytes = $subslice(encrypted, (encrypted.$length - 32 >> 0)); + ciphertext = $subslice(encrypted, 32, (encrypted.$length - 32 >> 0)); + keyIndex = -1; + _ref = c.ticketKeys; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + candidateKey = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), ticketKey); + if (bytes.Equal(keyName, new sliceType$5(candidateKey.keyName))) { + keyIndex = i; + break; + } + _i++; + } + if (keyIndex === -1) { + _tmp$2 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$3 = false; + plaintext = _tmp$2; + usedOldKey = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [plaintext, usedOldKey]; + } + key = (x = c.ticketKeys, ((keyIndex < 0 || keyIndex >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + keyIndex])); + _r$1 = hmac.New(sha256.New, new sliceType$5(key.hmacKey)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mac = _r$1; + _r$2 = mac.Write($subslice(encrypted, 0, (encrypted.$length - 32 >> 0))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = mac.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + expected = _r$3; + if (!((subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(macBytes, expected) === 1))) { + _tmp$4 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$5 = false; + plaintext = _tmp$4; + usedOldKey = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [plaintext, usedOldKey]; + } + _tuple = aes.NewCipher(new sliceType$5(key.aesKey)); + block = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$7 = false; + plaintext = _tmp$6; + usedOldKey = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [plaintext, usedOldKey]; + } + plaintext = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, ciphertext.$length); + _r$4 = cipher.NewCTR(block, iv); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$4.XORKeyStream(plaintext, ciphertext); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$8 = plaintext; + _tmp$9 = keyIndex > 0; + plaintext = _tmp$8; + usedOldKey = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [plaintext, usedOldKey]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.decryptTicket, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, block, c, candidateKey, ciphertext, encrypted, err, expected, i, iv, key, keyIndex, keyName, mac, macBytes, plaintext, usedOldKey, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.decryptTicket = function(encrypted) { return this.$val.decryptTicket(encrypted); }; + splitPreMasterSecret = function(secret) { + var _q, _q$1, s1, s2, secret; + s1 = sliceType$5.nil; + s2 = sliceType$5.nil; + s1 = $subslice(secret, 0, (_q = ((secret.$length + 1 >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + s2 = $subslice(secret, (_q$1 = secret.$length / 2, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + return [s1, s2]; + }; + pHash = function(result, secret, seed, hash$1) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, a, b, h, hash$1, j, result, secret, seed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {result, secret, seed, hash$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = hmac.New(hash$1, secret); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$1; + _r$2 = h.Write(seed); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = h.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + a = _r$3; + j = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(j < result.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(j < result.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + $r = h.Reset(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = h.Write(a); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = h.Write(seed); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = h.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$6; + $copySlice($subslice(result, j), b); + j = j + (b.$length) >> 0; + $r = h.Reset(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = h.Write(a); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = h.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + a = _r$8; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: pHash, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, a, b, h, hash$1, j, result, secret, seed, $s};return $f; + }; + prf10 = function(result, secret, label, seed) { + var {_i, _ref, _tuple, b, hashMD5, hashSHA1, i, label, labelAndSeed, result, result2, s1, s2, secret, seed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {result, secret, label, seed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hashSHA1 = sha1.New; + hashMD5 = md5.New; + labelAndSeed = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (label.$length + seed.$length >> 0)); + $copySlice(labelAndSeed, label); + $copySlice($subslice(labelAndSeed, label.$length), seed); + _tuple = splitPreMasterSecret(secret); + s1 = _tuple[0]; + s2 = _tuple[1]; + $r = pHash(result, s1, labelAndSeed, hashMD5); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + result2 = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, result.$length); + $r = pHash(result2, s2, labelAndSeed, hashSHA1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = result2; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= result.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : result.$array[result.$offset + i] = ((((i < 0 || i >= result.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : result.$array[result.$offset + i]) ^ (b)) << 24 >>> 24)); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: prf10, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, _tuple, b, hashMD5, hashSHA1, i, label, labelAndSeed, result, result2, s1, s2, secret, seed, $s};return $f; + }; + prf12 = function(hashFunc) { + var hashFunc; + return (function $b(result, secret, label, seed) { + var {label, labelAndSeed, result, secret, seed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {result, secret, label, seed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + labelAndSeed = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (label.$length + seed.$length >> 0)); + $copySlice(labelAndSeed, label); + $copySlice($subslice(labelAndSeed, label.$length), seed); + $r = pHash(result, secret, labelAndSeed, hashFunc); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, label, labelAndSeed, result, secret, seed, $s};return $f; + }); + }; + prfAndHashForVersion = function(version, suite) { + var _1, suite, version; + _1 = version; + if ((_1 === (769)) || (_1 === (770))) { + return [prf10, 0]; + } else if (_1 === (771)) { + if (!(((suite.flags & 8) === 0))) { + return [prf12(sha512.New384), 6]; + } + return [prf12(sha256.New), 5]; + } else { + $panic(new $String("unknown version")); + } + }; + prfForVersion = function(version, suite) { + var _tuple, prf, suite, version; + _tuple = prfAndHashForVersion(version, suite); + prf = _tuple[0]; + return prf; + }; + masterFromPreMasterSecret = function(version, suite, preMasterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom) { + var {clientRandom, masterSecret, preMasterSecret, seed, serverRandom, suite, version, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {version, suite, preMasterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + seed = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 0, (clientRandom.$length + serverRandom.$length >> 0)); + seed = $appendSlice(seed, clientRandom); + seed = $appendSlice(seed, serverRandom); + masterSecret = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 48); + $r = prfForVersion(version, suite)(masterSecret, preMasterSecret, masterSecretLabel, seed); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return masterSecret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: masterFromPreMasterSecret, $c: true, $r, clientRandom, masterSecret, preMasterSecret, seed, serverRandom, suite, version, $s};return $f; + }; + keysFromMasterSecret = function(version, suite, masterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom, macLen, keyLen, ivLen) { + var {clientIV, clientKey, clientMAC, clientRandom, ivLen, keyLen, keyMaterial, macLen, masterSecret, n, seed, serverIV, serverKey, serverMAC, serverRandom, suite, version, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {version, suite, masterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom, macLen, keyLen, ivLen}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + clientMAC = sliceType$5.nil; + serverMAC = sliceType$5.nil; + clientKey = sliceType$5.nil; + serverKey = sliceType$5.nil; + clientIV = sliceType$5.nil; + serverIV = sliceType$5.nil; + seed = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 0, (serverRandom.$length + clientRandom.$length >> 0)); + seed = $appendSlice(seed, serverRandom); + seed = $appendSlice(seed, clientRandom); + n = (($imul(2, macLen)) + ($imul(2, keyLen)) >> 0) + ($imul(2, ivLen)) >> 0; + keyMaterial = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, n); + $r = prfForVersion(version, suite)(keyMaterial, masterSecret, keyExpansionLabel, seed); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clientMAC = $subslice(keyMaterial, 0, macLen); + keyMaterial = $subslice(keyMaterial, macLen); + serverMAC = $subslice(keyMaterial, 0, macLen); + keyMaterial = $subslice(keyMaterial, macLen); + clientKey = $subslice(keyMaterial, 0, keyLen); + keyMaterial = $subslice(keyMaterial, keyLen); + serverKey = $subslice(keyMaterial, 0, keyLen); + keyMaterial = $subslice(keyMaterial, keyLen); + clientIV = $subslice(keyMaterial, 0, ivLen); + keyMaterial = $subslice(keyMaterial, ivLen); + serverIV = $subslice(keyMaterial, 0, ivLen); + $s = -1; return [clientMAC, serverMAC, clientKey, serverKey, clientIV, serverIV]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: keysFromMasterSecret, $c: true, $r, clientIV, clientKey, clientMAC, clientRandom, ivLen, keyLen, keyMaterial, macLen, masterSecret, n, seed, serverIV, serverKey, serverMAC, serverRandom, suite, version, $s};return $f; + }; + newFinishedHash = function(version, cipherSuite$1) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, buffer, cipherSuite$1, hash$1, prf, version, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {version, cipherSuite$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + buffer = sliceType$5.nil; + if (version >= 771) { + buffer = new sliceType$5([]); + } + _tuple = prfAndHashForVersion(version, cipherSuite$1); + prf = _tuple[0]; + hash$1 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!((hash$1 === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((hash$1 === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = new crypto.Hash(hash$1).New(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = new crypto.Hash(hash$1).New(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new finishedHash.ptr(_r$1, _r$2, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, buffer, version, prf); + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return new finishedHash.ptr(sha1.New(), sha1.New(), md5.New(), md5.New(), buffer, version, prf); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newFinishedHash, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, buffer, cipherSuite$1, hash$1, prf, version, $s};return $f; + }; + finishedHash.ptr.prototype.Write = function(msg) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, err, h, msg, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + h = this; + _r$1 = h.client.Write(msg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = h.server.Write(msg); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* */ if (h.version < 771) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (h.version < 771) { */ case 3: + _r$3 = h.clientMD5.Write(msg); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = h.serverMD5.Write(msg); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 4: + if (!(h.buffer === sliceType$5.nil)) { + h.buffer = $appendSlice(h.buffer, msg); + } + _tmp = msg.$length; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: finishedHash.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, err, h, msg, n, $s};return $f; + }; + finishedHash.prototype.Write = function(msg) { return this.$val.Write(msg); }; + finishedHash.ptr.prototype.Sum = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, h, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + /* */ if (h.version >= 771) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (h.version >= 771) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = h.client.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 0, 36); + _r$2 = h.clientMD5.Sum(out); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out = _r$2; + _r$3 = h.client.Sum(out); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: finishedHash.ptr.prototype.Sum, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, h, out, $s};return $f; + }; + finishedHash.prototype.Sum = function() { return this.$val.Sum(); }; + finishedHash.ptr.prototype.clientSum = function(masterSecret) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, h, masterSecret, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {masterSecret}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 12); + _arg = out; + _arg$1 = masterSecret; + _arg$2 = clientFinishedLabel; + _r$1 = $clone(h, finishedHash).Sum(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$1; + $r = h.prf(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return out; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: finishedHash.ptr.prototype.clientSum, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, h, masterSecret, out, $s};return $f; + }; + finishedHash.prototype.clientSum = function(masterSecret) { return this.$val.clientSum(masterSecret); }; + finishedHash.ptr.prototype.serverSum = function(masterSecret) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, h, masterSecret, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {masterSecret}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 12); + _arg = out; + _arg$1 = masterSecret; + _arg$2 = serverFinishedLabel; + _r$1 = $clone(h, finishedHash).Sum(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$1; + $r = h.prf(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return out; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: finishedHash.ptr.prototype.serverSum, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, h, masterSecret, out, $s};return $f; + }; + finishedHash.prototype.serverSum = function(masterSecret) { return this.$val.serverSum(masterSecret); }; + finishedHash.ptr.prototype.hashForClientCertificate = function(sigType, hashAlg, masterSecret) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, h, hash$1, hashAlg, masterSecret, sigType, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {sigType, hashAlg, masterSecret}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + if ((h.version >= 771 || (sigType === 228)) && h.buffer === sliceType$5.nil) { + $panic(new $String("tls: handshake hash for a client certificate requested after discarding the handshake buffer")); + } + if (sigType === 228) { + $s = -1; return h.buffer; + } + /* */ if (h.version >= 771) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (h.version >= 771) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = new crypto.Hash(hashAlg).New(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hash$1 = _r$1; + _r$2 = hash$1.Write(h.buffer); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = hash$1.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (sigType === 227) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (sigType === 227) { */ case 7: + _r$4 = h.server.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$4; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$5 = $clone(h, finishedHash).Sum(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$5; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: finishedHash.ptr.prototype.hashForClientCertificate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, h, hash$1, hashAlg, masterSecret, sigType, $s};return $f; + }; + finishedHash.prototype.hashForClientCertificate = function(sigType, hashAlg, masterSecret) { return this.$val.hashForClientCertificate(sigType, hashAlg, masterSecret); }; + finishedHash.ptr.prototype.discardHandshakeBuffer = function() { + var h; + h = this; + h.buffer = sliceType$5.nil; + }; + finishedHash.prototype.discardHandshakeBuffer = function() { return this.$val.discardHandshakeBuffer(); }; + noExportedKeyingMaterial = function(label, context$1, length) { + var context$1, label, length; + return [sliceType$5.nil, errors.New("crypto/tls: ExportKeyingMaterial is unavailable when renegotiation is enabled")]; + }; + ekmFromMasterSecret = function(version, suite, masterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom) { + var clientRandom, masterSecret, serverRandom, suite, version; + return (function $b(label, context$1, length) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _r$1, _r$2, context$1, keyMaterial, label, length, seed, seedLen, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {label, context$1, length}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = label; + /* */ if (_1 === ("client finished") || _1 === ("server finished") || _1 === ("master secret") || _1 === ("key expansion")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("client finished") || _1 === ("server finished") || _1 === ("master secret") || _1 === ("key expansion")) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("crypto/tls: reserved ExportKeyingMaterial label: %s", new sliceType$6([new $String(label)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [sliceType$5.nil, _r$1]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + case 1: + seedLen = serverRandom.$length + clientRandom.$length >> 0; + if (!(context$1 === sliceType$5.nil)) { + seedLen = seedLen + ((2 + context$1.$length >> 0)) >> 0; + } + seed = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 0, seedLen); + seed = $appendSlice(seed, clientRandom); + seed = $appendSlice(seed, serverRandom); + /* */ if (!(context$1 === sliceType$5.nil)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(context$1 === sliceType$5.nil)) { */ case 6: + /* */ if (context$1.$length >= 65536) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (context$1.$length >= 65536) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("crypto/tls: ExportKeyingMaterial context too long", new sliceType$6([])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [sliceType$5.nil, _r$2]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + seed = $append(seed, (((context$1.$length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((context$1.$length << 24 >>> 24))); + seed = $appendSlice(seed, context$1); + /* } */ case 7: + keyMaterial = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, length); + $r = prfForVersion(version, suite)(keyMaterial, masterSecret, (new sliceType$5($stringToBytes(label))), seed); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [keyMaterial, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _r$1, _r$2, context$1, keyMaterial, label, length, seed, seedLen, $s};return $f; + }); + }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.expandLabel = function(secret, label, context$1, length) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, c, context$1, err, hkdfLabel, label, length, n, out, secret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {secret, label, context$1, length}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + context$1 = [context$1]; + label = [label]; + c = this; + hkdfLabel = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + hkdfLabel.AddUint16(((length << 16 >>> 16))); + $r = hkdfLabel.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(context$1, label) { return function(b) { + var b; + b.AddBytes((new sliceType$5($stringToBytes("tls13 ")))); + b.AddBytes((new sliceType$5($stringToBytes(label[0])))); + }; })(context$1, label)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hkdfLabel.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(context$1, label) { return function(b) { + var b; + b.AddBytes(context$1[0]); + }; })(context$1, label)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, length); + _r$1 = hkdf.Expand($methodVal(new crypto.Hash(c.hash), "New"), secret, hkdfLabel.BytesOrPanic()); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.Read(out); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || !((n === length))) { + $panic(new $String("tls: HKDF-Expand-Label invocation failed unexpectedly")); + } + $s = -1; return out; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.expandLabel, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, c, context$1, err, hkdfLabel, label, length, n, out, secret, $s};return $f; + }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.prototype.expandLabel = function(secret, label, context$1, length) { return this.$val.expandLabel(secret, label, context$1, length); }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.deriveSecret = function(secret, label, transcript) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, c, label, secret, transcript, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {secret, label, transcript}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(transcript, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(transcript, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = new crypto.Hash(c.hash).New(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + transcript = _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + _arg = secret; + _arg$1 = label; + _r$2 = transcript.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$2; + _arg$3 = new crypto.Hash(c.hash).Size(); + _r$3 = c.expandLabel(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.deriveSecret, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, c, label, secret, transcript, $s};return $f; + }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.prototype.deriveSecret = function(secret, label, transcript) { return this.$val.deriveSecret(secret, label, transcript); }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.extract = function(newSecret, currentSecret) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, currentSecret, newSecret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {newSecret, currentSecret}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (newSecret === sliceType$5.nil) { + newSecret = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, new crypto.Hash(c.hash).Size()); + } + _r$1 = hkdf.Extract($methodVal(new crypto.Hash(c.hash), "New"), newSecret, currentSecret); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.extract, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, currentSecret, newSecret, $s};return $f; + }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.prototype.extract = function(newSecret, currentSecret) { return this.$val.extract(newSecret, currentSecret); }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.nextTrafficSecret = function(trafficSecret) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, trafficSecret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {trafficSecret}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.expandLabel(trafficSecret, "traffic upd", sliceType$5.nil, new crypto.Hash(c.hash).Size()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.nextTrafficSecret, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, trafficSecret, $s};return $f; + }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.prototype.nextTrafficSecret = function(trafficSecret) { return this.$val.nextTrafficSecret(trafficSecret); }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.trafficKey = function(trafficSecret) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, c, iv, key, trafficSecret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {trafficSecret}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + key = sliceType$5.nil; + iv = sliceType$5.nil; + c = this; + _r$1 = c.expandLabel(trafficSecret, "key", sliceType$5.nil, c.keyLen); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r$1; + _r$2 = c.expandLabel(trafficSecret, "iv", sliceType$5.nil, 12); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + iv = _r$2; + $s = -1; return [key, iv]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.trafficKey, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, c, iv, key, trafficSecret, $s};return $f; + }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.prototype.trafficKey = function(trafficSecret) { return this.$val.trafficKey(trafficSecret); }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.finishedHash = function(baseKey, transcript) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, baseKey, c, finishedKey, transcript, verifyData, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {baseKey, transcript}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.expandLabel(baseKey, "finished", sliceType$5.nil, new crypto.Hash(c.hash).Size()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + finishedKey = _r$1; + _r$2 = hmac.New($methodVal(new crypto.Hash(c.hash), "New"), finishedKey); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + verifyData = _r$2; + _r$3 = transcript.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = verifyData.Write(_r$3); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = verifyData.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.finishedHash, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, baseKey, c, finishedKey, transcript, verifyData, $s};return $f; + }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.prototype.finishedHash = function(baseKey, transcript) { return this.$val.finishedHash(baseKey, transcript); }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.exportKeyingMaterial = function(masterSecret, transcript) { + var {_r$1, c, expMasterSecret, masterSecret, transcript, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {masterSecret, transcript}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = [c]; + expMasterSecret = [expMasterSecret]; + c[0] = this; + _r$1 = c[0].deriveSecret(masterSecret, "exp master", transcript); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + expMasterSecret[0] = _r$1; + $s = -1; return (function(c, expMasterSecret) { return function $b(label, context$1, length) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, context$1, h, label, length, secret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {label, context$1, length}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = c[0].deriveSecret(expMasterSecret[0], label, $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + secret = _r$2; + _r$3 = new crypto.Hash(c[0].hash).New(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$3; + _r$4 = h.Write(context$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _arg = secret; + _r$5 = h.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$5; + _arg$2 = length; + _r$6 = c[0].expandLabel(_arg, "exporter", _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r$6, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, context$1, h, label, length, secret, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, expMasterSecret); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr.prototype.exportKeyingMaterial, $c: true, $r, _r$1, c, expMasterSecret, masterSecret, transcript, $s};return $f; + }; + cipherSuiteTLS13.prototype.exportKeyingMaterial = function(masterSecret, transcript) { return this.$val.exportKeyingMaterial(masterSecret, transcript); }; + generateECDHEParameters = function(rand$1, curveID) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, curve, curveID, err, err$1, err$2, ok, p, privateKey, publicKey, rand$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rand$1, curveID}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (curveID === 29) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (curveID === 29) { */ case 1: + privateKey = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 32); + _r$1 = io.ReadFull(rand$1, privateKey); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + _r$2 = curve25519.X25519(privateKey, curve25519.Basepoint); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + publicKey = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err$1]; + } + $s = -1; return [new x25519Parameters.ptr(privateKey, publicKey), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = curveForCurveID(curveID); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + curve = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("tls: internal error: unsupported curve")]; + } + p = new nistParameters.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, ptrType$21.nil, ptrType$21.nil, curveID); + err$2 = $ifaceNil; + _r$4 = elliptic.GenerateKey(curve, rand$1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + p.privateKey = _tuple$3[0]; + p.x = _tuple$3[1]; + p.y = _tuple$3[2]; + err$2 = _tuple$3[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err$2]; + } + $s = -1; return [p, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: generateECDHEParameters, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, curve, curveID, err, err$1, err$2, ok, p, privateKey, publicKey, rand$1, $s};return $f; + }; + curveForCurveID = function(id) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, id, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {id}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = id; + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (25)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = elliptic.P256(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r$1, true]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = elliptic.P384(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [_r$2, true]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_1 === (25)) { */ case 4: + _r$3 = elliptic.P521(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [_r$3, true]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } else { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, false]; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, false]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: curveForCurveID, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, id, $s};return $f; + }; + nistParameters.ptr.prototype.CurveID = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.curveID; + }; + nistParameters.prototype.CurveID = function() { return this.$val.CurveID(); }; + nistParameters.ptr.prototype.PublicKey = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, curve, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$1 = curveForCurveID(p.curveID); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + curve = _tuple[0]; + _r$2 = elliptic.Marshal(curve, p.x, p.y); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nistParameters.ptr.prototype.PublicKey, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, curve, p, $s};return $f; + }; + nistParameters.prototype.PublicKey = function() { return this.$val.PublicKey(); }; + nistParameters.ptr.prototype.SharedKey = function(peerPublicKey) { + var {_q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, curve, p, peerPublicKey, sharedKey, x, xShared, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {peerPublicKey}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$1 = curveForCurveID(p.curveID); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + curve = _tuple[0]; + _r$2 = elliptic.Unmarshal(curve, peerPublicKey); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + x = _tuple$1[0]; + y = _tuple$1[1]; + if (x === ptrType$21.nil) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$5.nil; + } + _r$3 = curve.ScalarMult(x, y, p.privateKey); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + xShared = _tuple$2[0]; + _r$4 = curve.Params(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sharedKey = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (_q = ((_r$4.BitSize + 7 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + $s = -1; return xShared.FillBytes(sharedKey); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nistParameters.ptr.prototype.SharedKey, $c: true, $r, _q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, curve, p, peerPublicKey, sharedKey, x, xShared, y, $s};return $f; + }; + nistParameters.prototype.SharedKey = function(peerPublicKey) { return this.$val.SharedKey(peerPublicKey); }; + x25519Parameters.ptr.prototype.CurveID = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return 29; + }; + x25519Parameters.prototype.CurveID = function() { return this.$val.CurveID(); }; + x25519Parameters.ptr.prototype.PublicKey = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.publicKey; + }; + x25519Parameters.prototype.PublicKey = function() { return this.$val.PublicKey(); }; + x25519Parameters.ptr.prototype.SharedKey = function(peerPublicKey) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, p, peerPublicKey, sharedKey, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {peerPublicKey}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$1 = curve25519.X25519(p.privateKey, peerPublicKey); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + sharedKey = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$5.nil; + } + $s = -1; return sharedKey; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: x25519Parameters.ptr.prototype.SharedKey, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, p, peerPublicKey, sharedKey, $s};return $f; + }; + x25519Parameters.prototype.SharedKey = function(peerPublicKey) { return this.$val.SharedKey(peerPublicKey); }; + rsaKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.generateServerKeyExchange = function(config, cert, clientHello, hello) { + var cert, clientHello, config, hello, ka; + ka = this; + return [ptrType$22.nil, $ifaceNil]; + }; + rsaKeyAgreement.prototype.generateServerKeyExchange = function(config, cert, clientHello, hello) { return this.$val.generateServerKeyExchange(config, cert, clientHello, hello); }; + rsaKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.processClientKeyExchange = function(config, cert, ckx, version) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, cert, ciphertext, ciphertextLen, ckx, config, err, ka, ok, preMasterSecret, priv, version, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {config, cert, ckx, version}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ka = this; + if (ckx.ciphertext.$length < 2) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, errClientKeyExchange]; + } + ciphertextLen = ((((x = ckx.ciphertext, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) >> 0)) << 8 >> 0) | (((x$1 = ckx.ciphertext, (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1])) >> 0)); + if (!((ciphertextLen === (ckx.ciphertext.$length - 2 >> 0)))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, errClientKeyExchange]; + } + ciphertext = $subslice(ckx.ciphertext, 2); + _tuple = $assertType(cert.PrivateKey, crypto.Decrypter, true); + priv = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, errors.New("tls: certificate private key does not implement crypto.Decrypter")]; + } + _r$1 = priv.Decrypt(config.rand(), ciphertext, new rsa.PKCS1v15DecryptOptions.ptr(48)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + preMasterSecret = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [preMasterSecret, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rsaKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.processClientKeyExchange, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, cert, ciphertext, ciphertextLen, ckx, config, err, ka, ok, preMasterSecret, priv, version, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + rsaKeyAgreement.prototype.processClientKeyExchange = function(config, cert, ckx, version) { return this.$val.processClientKeyExchange(config, cert, ckx, version); }; + rsaKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.processServerKeyExchange = function(config, clientHello, serverHello, cert, skx) { + var cert, clientHello, config, ka, serverHello, skx; + ka = this; + return errors.New("tls: unexpected ServerKeyExchange"); + }; + rsaKeyAgreement.prototype.processServerKeyExchange = function(config, clientHello, serverHello, cert, skx) { return this.$val.processServerKeyExchange(config, clientHello, serverHello, cert, skx); }; + rsaKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.generateClientKeyExchange = function(config, clientHello, cert) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, cert, ckx, clientHello, config, encrypted, err, ka, ok, preMasterSecret, rsaKey, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {config, clientHello, cert}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ka = this; + preMasterSecret = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 48); + (0 >= preMasterSecret.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : preMasterSecret.$array[preMasterSecret.$offset + 0] = (((clientHello.vers >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= preMasterSecret.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : preMasterSecret.$array[preMasterSecret.$offset + 1] = ((clientHello.vers << 24 >>> 24))); + _r$1 = io.ReadFull(config.rand(), $subslice(preMasterSecret, 2)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, ptrType$23.nil, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(cert.PublicKey, ptrType$11, true); + rsaKey = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, ptrType$23.nil, errors.New("tls: server certificate contains incorrect key type for selected ciphersuite")]; + } + _r$2 = rsa.EncryptPKCS1v15(config.rand(), rsaKey, preMasterSecret); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + encrypted = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, ptrType$23.nil, err]; + } + ckx = new clientKeyExchangeMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + ckx.ciphertext = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (encrypted.$length + 2 >> 0)); + (x = ckx.ciphertext, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0] = (((encrypted.$length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)))); + (x$1 = ckx.ciphertext, (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1] = ((encrypted.$length << 24 >>> 24)))); + $copySlice($subslice(ckx.ciphertext, 2), encrypted); + $s = -1; return [preMasterSecret, ckx, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rsaKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.generateClientKeyExchange, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, cert, ckx, clientHello, config, encrypted, err, ka, ok, preMasterSecret, rsaKey, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + rsaKeyAgreement.prototype.generateClientKeyExchange = function(config, clientHello, cert) { return this.$val.generateClientKeyExchange(config, clientHello, cert); }; + sha1Hash = function(slices) { + var {$24r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, hsha1, slice, slices, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {slices}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hsha1 = sha1.New(); + _ref = slices; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + slice = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = hsha1.Write(slice); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$2 = hsha1.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sha1Hash, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, hsha1, slice, slices, $s};return $f; + }; + md5SHA1Hash = function(slices) { + var {_i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, hmd5, md5sha1, slice, slices, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {slices}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + md5sha1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 36); + hmd5 = md5.New(); + _ref = slices; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + slice = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = hmd5.Write(slice); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$2 = hmd5.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $copySlice(md5sha1, _r$2); + _r$3 = sha1Hash(slices); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $copySlice($subslice(md5sha1, 16), _r$3); + $s = -1; return md5sha1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: md5SHA1Hash, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, hmd5, md5sha1, slice, slices, $s};return $f; + }; + hashForServerKeyExchange = function(sigType, hashFunc, version, slices) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, digest, h, hashFunc, sigType, signed, slice, slice$1, slices, version, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {sigType, hashFunc, version, slices}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (sigType === 228) { + signed = sliceType$5.nil; + _ref = slices; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + slice = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + signed = $appendSlice(signed, slice); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return signed; + } + /* */ if (version >= 771) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (version >= 771) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = new crypto.Hash(hashFunc).New(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$1; + _ref$1 = slices; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + slice$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$2 = h.Write(slice$1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _i$1++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + _r$3 = h.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + digest = _r$3; + $s = -1; return digest; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (sigType === 227) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (sigType === 227) { */ case 8: + _r$4 = sha1Hash(slices); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$5 = md5SHA1Hash(slices); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$5; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: hashForServerKeyExchange, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, digest, h, hashFunc, sigType, signed, slice, slice$1, slices, version, $s};return $f; + }; + ecdheKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.generateServerKeyExchange = function(config, cert, clientHello, hello) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, c, cert, clientHello, config, curveID, ecdhePublic, err, hello, k, ka, ok, ok$1, params, priv, serverECDHEParams, sig, sigAndHashLen, sigHash, sigType, signOpts, signatureAlgorithm, signed, skx, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {config, cert, clientHello, hello}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ka = this; + curveID = 0; + _ref = clientHello.supportedCurves; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (config.supportsCurve(c)) { + curveID = c; + break; + } + _i++; + } + if (curveID === 0) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$22.nil, errors.New("tls: no supported elliptic curves offered")]; + } + _r$1 = curveForCurveID(curveID); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!((curveID === 29)) && !ok) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$22.nil, errors.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve")]; + } + _r$2 = generateECDHEParameters(config.rand(), curveID); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + params = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$22.nil, err]; + } + ka.params = params; + _r$3 = params.PublicKey(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ecdhePublic = _r$3; + serverECDHEParams = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (4 + ecdhePublic.$length >> 0)); + (0 >= serverECDHEParams.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : serverECDHEParams.$array[serverECDHEParams.$offset + 0] = 3); + (1 >= serverECDHEParams.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : serverECDHEParams.$array[serverECDHEParams.$offset + 1] = (((curveID >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= serverECDHEParams.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : serverECDHEParams.$array[serverECDHEParams.$offset + 2] = ((curveID << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= serverECDHEParams.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : serverECDHEParams.$array[serverECDHEParams.$offset + 3] = ((ecdhePublic.$length << 24 >>> 24))); + $copySlice($subslice(serverECDHEParams, 4), ecdhePublic); + _tuple$2 = $assertType(cert.PrivateKey, crypto.Signer, true); + priv = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 4: + _r$4 = fmt.Errorf("tls: certificate private key of type %T does not implement crypto.Signer", new sliceType$6([cert.PrivateKey])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$22.nil, _r$4]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + signatureAlgorithm = 0; + sigType = 0; + sigHash = 0; + /* */ if (ka.version >= 771) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (ka.version >= 771) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = selectSignatureScheme(ka.version, cert, clientHello.supportedSignatureAlgorithms); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$5; + signatureAlgorithm = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$22.nil, err]; + } + _r$6 = typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme(signatureAlgorithm); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$6; + sigType = _tuple$4[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$4[1]; + err = _tuple$4[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$22.nil, err]; + } + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + _r$7 = priv.Public(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = legacyTypeAndHashFromPublicKey(_r$7); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$8; + sigType = _tuple$5[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$5[1]; + err = _tuple$5[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$22.nil, err]; + } + /* } */ case 10: + if (!(((sigType === 225) || (sigType === 226)) === ka.isRSA)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$22.nil, errors.New("tls: certificate cannot be used with the selected cipher suite")]; + } + _r$9 = hashForServerKeyExchange(sigType, sigHash, ka.version, new sliceType$11([clientHello.random, hello.random, serverECDHEParams])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$9; + signOpts = (new crypto.Hash(sigHash)); + if (sigType === 226) { + signOpts = new rsa.PSSOptions.ptr(-1, sigHash); + } + _r$10 = priv.Sign(config.rand(), signed, signOpts); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$10; + sig = _tuple$6[0]; + err = _tuple$6[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 17: + _r$11 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = errors.New("tls: failed to sign ECDHE parameters: " + _r$11); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [ptrType$22.nil, _r$12]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 18: + skx = new serverKeyExchangeMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + sigAndHashLen = 0; + if (ka.version >= 771) { + sigAndHashLen = 2; + } + skx.key = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (((serverECDHEParams.$length + sigAndHashLen >> 0) + 2 >> 0) + sig.$length >> 0)); + $copySlice(skx.key, serverECDHEParams); + k = $subslice(skx.key, serverECDHEParams.$length); + if (ka.version >= 771) { + (0 >= k.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : k.$array[k.$offset + 0] = (((signatureAlgorithm >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= k.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : k.$array[k.$offset + 1] = ((signatureAlgorithm << 24 >>> 24))); + k = $subslice(k, 2); + } + (0 >= k.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : k.$array[k.$offset + 0] = (((sig.$length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= k.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : k.$array[k.$offset + 1] = ((sig.$length << 24 >>> 24))); + $copySlice($subslice(k, 2), sig); + $s = -1; return [skx, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ecdheKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.generateServerKeyExchange, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, c, cert, clientHello, config, curveID, ecdhePublic, err, hello, k, ka, ok, ok$1, params, priv, serverECDHEParams, sig, sigAndHashLen, sigHash, sigType, signOpts, signatureAlgorithm, signed, skx, $s};return $f; + }; + ecdheKeyAgreement.prototype.generateServerKeyExchange = function(config, cert, clientHello, hello) { return this.$val.generateServerKeyExchange(config, cert, clientHello, hello); }; + ecdheKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.processClientKeyExchange = function(config, cert, ckx, version) { + var {_r$1, cert, ckx, config, ka, preMasterSecret, version, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {config, cert, ckx, version}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ka = this; + if ((ckx.ciphertext.$length === 0) || !(((((x = ckx.ciphertext, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) >> 0)) === (ckx.ciphertext.$length - 1 >> 0)))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, errClientKeyExchange]; + } + _r$1 = ka.params.SharedKey($subslice(ckx.ciphertext, 1)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + preMasterSecret = _r$1; + if (preMasterSecret === sliceType$5.nil) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, errClientKeyExchange]; + } + $s = -1; return [preMasterSecret, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ecdheKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.processClientKeyExchange, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cert, ckx, config, ka, preMasterSecret, version, x, $s};return $f; + }; + ecdheKeyAgreement.prototype.processClientKeyExchange = function(config, cert, ckx, version) { return this.$val.processClientKeyExchange(config, cert, ckx, version); }; + ecdheKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.processServerKeyExchange = function(config, clientHello, serverHello, cert, skx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, cert, clientHello, config, curveID, err, err$1, ka, ok, ourPublicKey, params, publicKey, publicLen, serverECDHEParams, serverHello, sig, sigHash, sigLen, sigType, signatureAlgorithm, signed, skx, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {config, clientHello, serverHello, cert, skx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ka = this; + if (skx.key.$length < 4) { + $s = -1; return errServerKeyExchange; + } + if (!(((x = skx.key, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 3))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported curve"); + } + curveID = (((((x$1 = skx.key, (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1])) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16) | (((x$2 = skx.key, (2 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 2])) << 16 >>> 16))) >>> 0; + publicLen = (((x$3 = skx.key, (3 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 3])) >> 0)); + if ((publicLen + 4 >> 0) > skx.key.$length) { + $s = -1; return errServerKeyExchange; + } + serverECDHEParams = $subslice(skx.key, 0, (4 + publicLen >> 0)); + publicKey = $subslice(serverECDHEParams, 4); + sig = $subslice(skx.key, (4 + publicLen >> 0)); + if (sig.$length < 2) { + $s = -1; return errServerKeyExchange; + } + _r$1 = curveForCurveID(curveID); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!((curveID === 29)) && !ok) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported curve"); + } + _r$2 = generateECDHEParameters(config.rand(), curveID); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + params = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + ka.params = params; + _r$3 = params.SharedKey(publicKey); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ka.preMasterSecret = _r$3; + if (ka.preMasterSecret === sliceType$5.nil) { + $s = -1; return errServerKeyExchange; + } + _r$4 = params.PublicKey(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ourPublicKey = _r$4; + ka.ckx = new clientKeyExchangeMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + ka.ckx.ciphertext = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (1 + ourPublicKey.$length >> 0)); + (x$4 = ka.ckx.ciphertext, (0 >= x$4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + 0] = ((ourPublicKey.$length << 24 >>> 24)))); + $copySlice($subslice(ka.ckx.ciphertext, 1), ourPublicKey); + sigType = 0; + sigHash = 0; + /* */ if (ka.version >= 771) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (ka.version >= 771) { */ case 5: + signatureAlgorithm = (((((0 >= sig.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sig.$array[sig.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16) | (((1 >= sig.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sig.$array[sig.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16))) >>> 0; + sig = $subslice(sig, 2); + if (sig.$length < 2) { + $s = -1; return errServerKeyExchange; + } + if (!isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm(signatureAlgorithm, clientHello.supportedSignatureAlgorithms)) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: certificate used with invalid signature algorithm"); + } + _r$5 = typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme(signatureAlgorithm); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$5; + sigType = _tuple$2[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$2[1]; + err = _tuple$2[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _r$6 = legacyTypeAndHashFromPublicKey(cert.PublicKey); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$6; + sigType = _tuple$3[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$3[1]; + err = _tuple$3[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* } */ case 7: + if (!(((sigType === 225) || (sigType === 226)) === ka.isRSA)) { + $s = -1; return errServerKeyExchange; + } + sigLen = ((((0 >= sig.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sig.$array[sig.$offset + 0]) >> 0)) << 8 >> 0) | (((1 >= sig.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sig.$array[sig.$offset + 1]) >> 0)); + if (!(((sigLen + 2 >> 0) === sig.$length))) { + $s = -1; return errServerKeyExchange; + } + sig = $subslice(sig, 2); + _r$7 = hashForServerKeyExchange(sigType, sigHash, ka.version, new sliceType$11([clientHello.random, serverHello.random, serverECDHEParams])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$7; + _r$8 = verifyHandshakeSignature(sigType, cert.PublicKey, sigHash, signed, sig); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$8; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + _r$9 = err$1.Error(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = errors.New("tls: invalid signature by the server certificate: " + _r$9); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* } */ case 13: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ecdheKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.processServerKeyExchange, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, cert, clientHello, config, curveID, err, err$1, ka, ok, ourPublicKey, params, publicKey, publicLen, serverECDHEParams, serverHello, sig, sigHash, sigLen, sigType, signatureAlgorithm, signed, skx, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + ecdheKeyAgreement.prototype.processServerKeyExchange = function(config, clientHello, serverHello, cert, skx) { return this.$val.processServerKeyExchange(config, clientHello, serverHello, cert, skx); }; + ecdheKeyAgreement.ptr.prototype.generateClientKeyExchange = function(config, clientHello, cert) { + var cert, clientHello, config, ka; + ka = this; + if (ka.ckx === ptrType$23.nil) { + return [sliceType$5.nil, ptrType$23.nil, errors.New("tls: missing ServerKeyExchange message")]; + } + return [ka.preMasterSecret, ka.ckx, $ifaceNil]; + }; + ecdheKeyAgreement.prototype.generateClientKeyExchange = function(config, clientHello, cert) { return this.$val.generateClientKeyExchange(config, clientHello, cert); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.handshake = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, hs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.processClientHello(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$2 = hs.checkForResumption(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$3 = hs.pickCertificate(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + c.buffering = true; + _r$4 = hs.sendServerParameters(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$4; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + _r$5 = hs.sendServerCertificate(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$5; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + _r$6 = hs.sendServerFinished(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$5 = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$5; + } + _r$7 = c.flush(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + err$6 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$6; + } + _r$8 = hs.readClientCertificate(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$7 = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$7, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$7; + } + _r$9 = hs.readClientFinished(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$8 = _r$9; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$8, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$8; + } + atomic.StoreUint32((c.$ptr_handshakeStatus || (c.$ptr_handshakeStatus = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target.handshakeStatus; }, function($v) { this.$target.handshakeStatus = $v; }, c))), 1); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.handshake, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, hs, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.handshake = function() { return this.$val.handshake(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.processClientHello = function() { + var {_i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, clientKeyShare, err, err$1, err$2, group, hs, id, ks, ok, params, preferenceList, preferredGroup, selectedGroup, suiteID, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + hs.hello = new serverHelloMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0, false, false, false, sliceType$5.nil, "", sliceType$11.nil, 0, new keyShare.ptr(0, sliceType$5.nil), false, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0); + hs.hello.vers = 771; + hs.hello.supportedVersion = c.vers; + /* */ if (hs.clientHello.supportedVersions.$length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (hs.clientHello.supportedVersions.$length === 0) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client used the legacy version field to negotiate TLS 1.3"); + /* } */ case 2: + _ref = hs.clientHello.cipherSuites; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + id = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (id === 22016) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (id === 22016) { */ case 6: + /* */ if (c.vers < c.config.maxSupportedVersion(false)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (c.vers < c.config.maxSupportedVersion(false)) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(86); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client using inappropriate protocol fallback"); + /* } */ case 9: + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 7: + _i++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + /* */ if (!((hs.clientHello.compressionMethods.$length === 1)) || !(((x = hs.clientHello.compressionMethods, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 0))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!((hs.clientHello.compressionMethods.$length === 1)) || !(((x = hs.clientHello.compressionMethods, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 0))) { */ case 11: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: TLS 1.3 client supports illegal compression methods"); + /* } */ case 12: + hs.hello.random = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 32); + _r$4 = io.ReadFull(c.config.rand(), hs.hello.random); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 15: + _r$5 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 16: + /* */ if (!((hs.clientHello.secureRenegotiation.$length === 0))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!((hs.clientHello.secureRenegotiation.$length === 0))) { */ case 18: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: initial handshake had non-empty renegotiation extension"); + /* } */ case 19: + /* */ if (hs.clientHello.earlyData) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (hs.clientHello.earlyData) { */ case 21: + _r$7 = c.sendAlert(110); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client sent unexpected early data"); + /* } */ case 22: + hs.hello.sessionId = hs.clientHello.sessionId; + hs.hello.compressionMethod = 0; + preferenceList = defaultCipherSuitesTLS13; + if (!hasAESGCMHardwareSupport || !aesgcmPreferred(hs.clientHello.cipherSuites)) { + preferenceList = defaultCipherSuitesTLS13NoAES; + } + _ref$1 = preferenceList; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + suiteID = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + hs.suite = mutualCipherSuiteTLS13(hs.clientHello.cipherSuites, suiteID); + if (!(hs.suite === ptrType$2.nil)) { + break; + } + _i$1++; + } + /* */ if (hs.suite === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (hs.suite === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 24: + _r$8 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: no cipher suite supported by both client and server"); + /* } */ case 25: + c.cipherSuite = hs.suite.id; + hs.hello.cipherSuite = hs.suite.id; + _r$9 = new crypto.Hash(hs.suite.hash).New(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.transcript = _r$9; + selectedGroup = 0; + clientKeyShare = ptrType$25.nil; + _ref$2 = c.config.curvePreferences(); + _i$2 = 0; + GroupSelection: + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + ks = [ks]; + preferredGroup = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + _ref$3 = hs.clientHello.keyShares; + _i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } + ks[0] = $clone(((_i$3 < 0 || _i$3 >= _ref$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$3.$array[_ref$3.$offset + _i$3]), keyShare); + if (ks[0].group === preferredGroup) { + selectedGroup = ks[0].group; + clientKeyShare = ks[0]; + break GroupSelection; + } + _i$3++; + } + if (!((selectedGroup === 0))) { + _i$2++; + continue; + } + _ref$4 = hs.clientHello.supportedCurves; + _i$4 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$4 < _ref$4.$length)) { break; } + group = ((_i$4 < 0 || _i$4 >= _ref$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$4.$array[_ref$4.$offset + _i$4]); + if (group === preferredGroup) { + selectedGroup = group; + break; + } + _i$4++; + } + _i$2++; + } + /* */ if (selectedGroup === 0) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (selectedGroup === 0) { */ case 28: + _r$10 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: no ECDHE curve supported by both client and server"); + /* } */ case 29: + /* */ if (clientKeyShare === ptrType$25.nil) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (clientKeyShare === ptrType$25.nil) { */ case 31: + _r$11 = hs.doHelloRetryRequest(selectedGroup); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + clientKeyShare = (x$1 = hs.clientHello.keyShares, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])); + /* } */ case 32: + _r$12 = curveForCurveID(selectedGroup); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$12; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!((selectedGroup === 29)) && !ok) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (!((selectedGroup === 29)) && !ok) { */ case 35: + _r$13 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve"); + /* } */ case 36: + _r$14 = generateECDHEParameters(c.config.rand(), selectedGroup); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$14; + params = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 39: + _r$15 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + $s = -1; return err$2; + /* } */ case 40: + _r$16 = params.PublicKey(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keyShare.copy(hs.hello.serverShare, new keyShare.ptr(selectedGroup, _r$16)); + _r$17 = params.SharedKey(clientKeyShare.data); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.sharedKey = _r$17; + /* */ if (hs.sharedKey === sliceType$5.nil) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ $s = 45; continue; + /* if (hs.sharedKey === sliceType$5.nil) { */ case 44: + _r$18 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: invalid client key share"); + /* } */ case 45: + c.serverName = hs.clientHello.serverName; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.processClientHello, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, clientKeyShare, err, err$1, err$2, group, hs, id, ks, ok, params, preferenceList, preferredGroup, selectedGroup, suiteID, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.processClientHello = function() { return this.$val.processClientHello(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.checkForResumption = function() { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, binderKey, c, createdAt, err, hs, i, identity, mode, modeOK, needClientCerts, ok, plaintext, psk, pskBinder, pskSuite, sessionHasClientCerts, sessionState$1, transcript, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + if (c.config.SessionTicketsDisabled) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + modeOK = false; + _ref = hs.clientHello.pskModes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + mode = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (mode === 1) { + modeOK = true; + break; + } + _i++; + } + if (!modeOK) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (!((hs.clientHello.pskIdentities.$length === hs.clientHello.pskBinders.$length))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((hs.clientHello.pskIdentities.$length === hs.clientHello.pskBinders.$length))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: invalid or missing PSK binders"); + /* } */ case 2: + if (hs.clientHello.pskIdentities.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _ref$1 = hs.clientHello.pskIdentities; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + i = _i$1; + identity = $clone(((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]), pskIdentity); + if (i >= 5) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + _r$2 = c.decryptTicket(identity.label); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + plaintext = _tuple[0]; + if (plaintext === sliceType$5.nil) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + sessionState$1 = new sessionStateTLS13.ptr(0, new $Uint64(0, 0), sliceType$5.nil, new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil)); + ok = sessionState$1.unmarshal(plaintext); + if (!ok) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + createdAt = $clone(time.Unix(((x = sessionState$1.createdAt, new $Int64(x.$high, x.$low))), new $Int64(0, 0)), time.Time); + _r$3 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = $clone(_r$3, time.Time).Sub($clone(createdAt, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((x$1 = _r$4, (x$1.$high > 140815 || (x$1.$high === 140815 && x$1.$low > 4180213760)))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ((x$1 = _r$4, (x$1.$high > 140815 || (x$1.$high === 140815 && x$1.$low > 4180213760)))) { */ case 7: + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + /* } */ case 8: + pskSuite = cipherSuiteTLS13ByID(sessionState$1.cipherSuite); + if (pskSuite === ptrType$2.nil || !((pskSuite.hash === hs.suite.hash))) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + sessionHasClientCerts = !((sessionState$1.certificate.Certificate.$length === 0)); + needClientCerts = requiresClientCert(c.config.ClientAuth); + if (needClientCerts && !sessionHasClientCerts) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + if (sessionHasClientCerts && (c.config.ClientAuth === 0)) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + _r$5 = hs.suite.expandLabel(sessionState$1.resumptionSecret, "resumption", sliceType$5.nil, new crypto.Hash(hs.suite.hash).Size()); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + psk = _r$5; + _r$6 = hs.suite.extract(psk, sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.earlySecret = _r$6; + _r$7 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(hs.earlySecret, "res binder", $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + binderKey = _r$7; + _r$8 = cloneHash(hs.transcript, hs.suite.hash); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + transcript = _r$8; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(transcript, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(transcript, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 15: + _r$9 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: internal error: failed to clone hash"); + /* } */ case 16: + _r$10 = hs.clientHello.marshalWithoutBinders(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = transcript.Write(_r$10); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = hs.suite.finishedHash(binderKey, transcript); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pskBinder = _r$12; + /* */ if (!hmac.Equal((x$2 = hs.clientHello.pskBinders, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i])), pskBinder)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!hmac.Equal((x$2 = hs.clientHello.pskBinders, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i])), pskBinder)) { */ case 21: + _r$13 = c.sendAlert(51); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: invalid PSK binder"); + /* } */ case 22: + c.didResume = true; + _r$14 = c.processCertsFromClient($clone(sessionState$1.certificate, Certificate)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$14; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + hs.hello.selectedIdentityPresent = true; + hs.hello.selectedIdentity = ((i << 16 >>> 16)); + hs.usingPSK = true; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + case 5: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.checkForResumption, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, binderKey, c, createdAt, err, hs, i, identity, mode, modeOK, needClientCerts, ok, plaintext, psk, pskBinder, pskSuite, sessionHasClientCerts, sessionState$1, transcript, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.checkForResumption = function() { return this.$val.checkForResumption(); }; + cloneHash = function(in$1, h) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, err$1, h, in$1, marshaler, ok, out, state, unmarshaler, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1, h}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = $assertType(in$1, binaryMarshaler, true); + marshaler = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$1 = marshaler.MarshalBinary(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + state = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$2 = new crypto.Hash(h).New(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out = _r$2; + _tuple$2 = $assertType(out, binaryMarshaler, true); + unmarshaler = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$3 = unmarshaler.UnmarshalBinary(state); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + $s = -1; return out; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cloneHash, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, err$1, h, in$1, marshaler, ok, out, state, unmarshaler, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.pickCertificate = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, certificate, err, hs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + if (hs.usingPSK) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (hs.clientHello.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (hs.clientHello.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length === 0) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(109); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.config.getCertificate(clientHelloInfo(hs.ctx, c, hs.clientHello)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + certificate = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errNoCertificates)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errNoCertificates)) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(112); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + _r$4 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$5 = selectSignatureScheme(c.vers, certificate, hs.clientHello.supportedSignatureAlgorithms); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + hs.sigAlg = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 15: + hs.cert = certificate; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.pickCertificate, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, certificate, err, hs, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.pickCertificate = function() { return this.$val.pickCertificate(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, hs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + if (hs.sentDummyCCS) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + hs.sentDummyCCS = true; + _r$1 = hs.c.writeRecord(20, new sliceType$5([1])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, hs, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec = function() { return this.$val.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.doHelloRetryRequest = function(selectedGroup) { + var {$24r, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, chHash, clientHello, err, err$1, err$2, helloRetryRequest, hs, msg, ok, selectedGroup, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {selectedGroup}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.clientHello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = hs.transcript.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + chHash = _r$3; + $r = hs.transcript.Reset(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = hs.transcript.Write(new sliceType$5([254, 0, 0, ((chHash.$length << 24 >>> 24))])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = hs.transcript.Write(chHash); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + helloRetryRequest = new serverHelloMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, hs.hello.vers, helloRetryRequestRandom, hs.hello.sessionId, hs.hello.cipherSuite, hs.hello.compressionMethod, false, false, false, sliceType$5.nil, "", sliceType$11.nil, hs.hello.supportedVersion, new keyShare.ptr(0, sliceType$5.nil), false, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, selectedGroup); + _r$6 = helloRetryRequest.marshal(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$6); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = helloRetryRequest.marshal(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$8; + _r$9 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$9; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$10 = hs.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$10; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$11 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$11; + msg = _tuple$1[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + _tuple$2 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$26, true); + clientHello = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 13: + _r$12 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + _r$13 = unexpectedMessageError(clientHello, msg); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$13; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r; + /* } */ case 14: + /* */ if (!((clientHello.keyShares.$length === 1)) || !(((x = clientHello.keyShares, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).group === selectedGroup))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!((clientHello.keyShares.$length === 1)) || !(((x = clientHello.keyShares, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).group === selectedGroup))) { */ case 18: + _r$14 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client sent invalid key share in second ClientHello"); + /* } */ case 19: + /* */ if (clientHello.earlyData) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (clientHello.earlyData) { */ case 21: + _r$15 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client indicated early data in second ClientHello"); + /* } */ case 22: + /* */ if (illegalClientHelloChange(clientHello, hs.clientHello)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (illegalClientHelloChange(clientHello, hs.clientHello)) { */ case 24: + _r$16 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client illegally modified second ClientHello"); + /* } */ case 25: + hs.clientHello = clientHello; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.doHelloRetryRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, chHash, clientHello, err, err$1, err$2, helloRetryRequest, hs, msg, ok, selectedGroup, x, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.doHelloRetryRequest = function(selectedGroup) { return this.$val.doHelloRetryRequest(selectedGroup); }; + illegalClientHelloChange = function(ch, ch1) { + var _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _i$5, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _ref$5, ch, ch1, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, i$5, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9; + if (!((ch.supportedVersions.$length === ch1.supportedVersions.$length)) || !((ch.cipherSuites.$length === ch1.cipherSuites.$length)) || !((ch.supportedCurves.$length === ch1.supportedCurves.$length)) || !((ch.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length === ch1.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length)) || !((ch.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert.$length === ch1.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert.$length)) || !((ch.alpnProtocols.$length === ch1.alpnProtocols.$length))) { + return true; + } + _ref = ch.supportedVersions; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + if (!(((x = ch.supportedVersions, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])) === (x$1 = ch1.supportedVersions, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i]))))) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = ch.cipherSuites; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + if (!(((x$2 = ch.cipherSuites, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1])) === (x$3 = ch1.cipherSuites, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i$1]))))) { + return true; + } + _i$1++; + } + _ref$2 = ch.supportedCurves; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + i$2 = _i$2; + if (!(((x$4 = ch.supportedCurves, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + i$2])) === (x$5 = ch1.supportedCurves, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + i$2]))))) { + return true; + } + _i$2++; + } + _ref$3 = ch.supportedSignatureAlgorithms; + _i$3 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } + i$3 = _i$3; + if (!(((x$6 = ch.supportedSignatureAlgorithms, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + i$3])) === (x$7 = ch1.supportedSignatureAlgorithms, ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + i$3]))))) { + return true; + } + _i$3++; + } + _ref$4 = ch.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert; + _i$4 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$4 < _ref$4.$length)) { break; } + i$4 = _i$4; + if (!(((x$8 = ch.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert, ((i$4 < 0 || i$4 >= x$8.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8.$array[x$8.$offset + i$4])) === (x$9 = ch1.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert, ((i$4 < 0 || i$4 >= x$9.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$9.$array[x$9.$offset + i$4]))))) { + return true; + } + _i$4++; + } + _ref$5 = ch.alpnProtocols; + _i$5 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$5 < _ref$5.$length)) { break; } + i$5 = _i$5; + if (!((x$10 = ch.alpnProtocols, ((i$5 < 0 || i$5 >= x$10.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$10.$array[x$10.$offset + i$5])) === (x$11 = ch1.alpnProtocols, ((i$5 < 0 || i$5 >= x$11.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$11.$array[x$11.$offset + i$5])))) { + return true; + } + _i$5++; + } + return !((ch.vers === ch1.vers)) || !bytes.Equal(ch.random, ch1.random) || !bytes.Equal(ch.sessionId, ch1.sessionId) || !bytes.Equal(ch.compressionMethods, ch1.compressionMethods) || !(ch.serverName === ch1.serverName) || !(ch.ocspStapling === ch1.ocspStapling) || !bytes.Equal(ch.supportedPoints, ch1.supportedPoints) || !(ch.ticketSupported === ch1.ticketSupported) || !bytes.Equal(ch.sessionTicket, ch1.sessionTicket) || !(ch.secureRenegotiationSupported === ch1.secureRenegotiationSupported) || !bytes.Equal(ch.secureRenegotiation, ch1.secureRenegotiation) || !(ch.scts === ch1.scts) || !bytes.Equal(ch.cookie, ch1.cookie) || !bytes.Equal(ch.pskModes, ch1.pskModes); + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendServerParameters = function() { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, clientSecret, earlySecret, encryptedExtensions, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, hs, selectedProto, serverSecret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.clientHello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = hs.hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$3); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = hs.hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$5; + _r$6 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$7 = hs.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$7; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + earlySecret = hs.earlySecret; + /* */ if (earlySecret === sliceType$5.nil) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (earlySecret === sliceType$5.nil) { */ case 8: + _r$8 = hs.suite.extract(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + earlySecret = _r$8; + /* } */ case 9: + _arg$1 = hs.sharedKey; + _r$9 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(earlySecret, "derived", $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$9; + _r$10 = hs.suite.extract(_arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.handshakeSecret = _r$10; + _r$11 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(hs.handshakeSecret, "c hs traffic", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clientSecret = _r$11; + $r = c.in$27.setTrafficSecret(hs.suite, clientSecret); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(hs.handshakeSecret, "s hs traffic", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serverSecret = _r$12; + $r = c.out.setTrafficSecret(hs.suite, serverSecret); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = c.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET", hs.clientHello.random, clientSecret); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$13; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + _r$14 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + $s = -1; return err$2; + /* } */ case 19: + _r$15 = c.config.writeKeyLog("SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET", hs.clientHello.random, serverSecret); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$15; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 22: + _r$16 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + $s = -1; return err$2; + /* } */ case 23: + encryptedExtensions = new encryptedExtensionsMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, ""); + _r$17 = negotiateALPN(c.config.NextProtos, hs.clientHello.alpnProtocols); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$17; + selectedProto = _tuple$1[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 26: + _r$18 = c.sendAlert(120); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18; + $s = -1; return err$2; + /* } */ case 27: + encryptedExtensions.alpnProtocol = selectedProto; + c.clientProtocol = selectedProto; + _r$19 = encryptedExtensions.marshal(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$19); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20; + _r$21 = encryptedExtensions.marshal(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$21; + _r$22 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$22; + err$3 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendServerParameters, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, clientSecret, earlySecret, encryptedExtensions, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, hs, selectedProto, serverSecret, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.sendServerParameters = function() { return this.$val.sendServerParameters(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.requestClientCert = function() { + var hs; + hs = this; + return hs.c.config.ClientAuth >= 1 && !hs.usingPSK; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.requestClientCert = function() { return this.$val.requestClientCert(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendServerCertificate = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _q, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, c, certMsg, certReq, certVerifyMsg, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, hs, ok, public$1, rsaKey, sig, sigHash, sigType, signOpts, signed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + if (hs.usingPSK) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (hs.requestClientCert()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (hs.requestClientCert()) { */ case 1: + certReq = new certificateRequestMsgTLS13.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, false, false, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + certReq.ocspStapling = true; + certReq.scts = true; + certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = supportedSignatureAlgorithms; + if (!(c.config.ClientCAs === ptrType.nil)) { + certReq.certificateAuthorities = c.config.ClientCAs.Subjects(); + } + _r$1 = certReq.marshal(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = certReq.marshal(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$3; + _r$4 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* } */ case 2: + certMsg = new certificateMsgTLS13.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil), false, false); + Certificate.copy(certMsg.certificate, hs.cert); + certMsg.scts = hs.clientHello.scts && hs.cert.SignedCertificateTimestamps.$length > 0; + certMsg.ocspStapling = hs.clientHello.ocspStapling && hs.cert.OCSPStaple.$length > 0; + _r$5 = certMsg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$5); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = certMsg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$7; + _r$8 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + certVerifyMsg = new certificateVerifyMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, false, 0, sliceType$5.nil); + certVerifyMsg.hasSignatureAlgorithm = true; + certVerifyMsg.signatureAlgorithm = hs.sigAlg; + _r$9 = typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme(hs.sigAlg); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$9; + sigType = _tuple$2[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$2[1]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + _r$10 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$11 = signedMessage(sigHash, "TLS 1.3, server CertificateVerify\x00", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$11; + signOpts = (new crypto.Hash(sigHash)); + if (sigType === 226) { + signOpts = new rsa.PSSOptions.ptr(-1, sigHash); + } + _r$12 = $assertType(hs.cert.PrivateKey, crypto.Signer).Sign(c.config.rand(), signed, signOpts); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$12; + sig = _tuple$3[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + _r$13 = $assertType(hs.cert.PrivateKey, crypto.Signer).Public(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + public$1 = _r$13; + _tuple$4 = $assertType(public$1, ptrType$11, true); + rsaKey = _tuple$4[0]; + ok = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (ok && (sigType === 226) && (_q = rsaKey.N.BitLen() / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) < (($imul(new crypto.Hash(sigHash).Size(), 2)) + 2 >> 0)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (ok && (sigType === 226) && (_q = rsaKey.N.BitLen() / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) < (($imul(new crypto.Hash(sigHash).Size(), 2)) + 2 >> 0)) { */ case 21: + _r$14 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else { */ case 22: + _r$15 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + /* } */ case 23: + _r$16 = err$2.Error(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17 = errors.New("tls: failed to sign handshake: " + _r$16); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$17; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 19: + certVerifyMsg.signature = sig; + _r$18 = certVerifyMsg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$18); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + _r$20 = certVerifyMsg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$20; + _r$21 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$21; + err$3 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendServerCertificate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _q, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, c, certMsg, certReq, certVerifyMsg, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, hs, ok, public$1, rsaKey, sig, sigHash, sigType, signOpts, signed, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.sendServerCertificate = function() { return this.$val.sendServerCertificate(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendServerFinished = function() { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, err, err$1, err$2, finished, hs, serverSecret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.suite.finishedHash(c.out.trafficSecret, hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + finished = new finishedMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, _r$1); + _r$2 = finished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$2); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = finished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$4; + _r$5 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _arg$1 = sliceType$5.nil; + _r$6 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(hs.handshakeSecret, "derived", $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$6; + _r$7 = hs.suite.extract(_arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.masterSecret = _r$7; + _r$8 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(hs.masterSecret, "c ap traffic", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.trafficSecret = _r$8; + _r$9 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(hs.masterSecret, "s ap traffic", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serverSecret = _r$9; + $r = c.out.setTrafficSecret(hs.suite, serverSecret); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = c.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0", hs.clientHello.random, hs.trafficSecret); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$10; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + _r$11 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$12 = c.config.writeKeyLog("SERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0", hs.clientHello.random, serverSecret); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$12; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 16: + _r$13 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* } */ case 17: + _r$14 = hs.suite.exportKeyingMaterial(hs.masterSecret, hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c.ekm = _r$14; + /* */ if (!hs.requestClientCert()) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!hs.requestClientCert()) { */ case 20: + _r$15 = hs.sendSessionTickets(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$15; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + /* } */ case 21: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendServerFinished, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, err, err$1, err$2, finished, hs, serverSecret, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.sendServerFinished = function() { return this.$val.sendServerFinished(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.shouldSendSessionTickets = function() { + var _i, _ref, hs, pskMode; + hs = this; + if (hs.c.config.SessionTicketsDisabled) { + return false; + } + _ref = hs.clientHello.pskModes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + pskMode = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (pskMode === 1) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.shouldSendSessionTickets = function() { return this.$val.shouldSendSessionTickets(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendSessionTickets = function() { + var {_arg, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, ageAdd, c, cert, certsFromClient, err, err$1, finishedMsg$1, hs, m, resumptionSecret, state, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.suite.finishedHash(c.in$27.trafficSecret, hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.clientFinished = _r$1; + finishedMsg$1 = new finishedMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, hs.clientFinished); + _r$2 = finishedMsg$1.marshal(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$2); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + if (!hs.shouldSendSessionTickets()) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$4 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(hs.masterSecret, "res master", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + resumptionSecret = _r$4; + m = new newSessionTicketMsgTLS13.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0); + certsFromClient = sliceType$11.nil; + _ref = c.peerCertificates; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cert = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + certsFromClient = $append(certsFromClient, cert.Raw); + _i++; + } + _r$5 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, time.Time).Unix(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + state = new sessionStateTLS13.ptr(hs.suite.id, ((x = _r$6, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))), resumptionSecret, new Certificate.ptr(certsFromClient, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, c.ocspResponse, c.scts, ptrType$5.nil)); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$7 = state.marshal(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = c.encryptTicket(_r$7); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$8; + m.label = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + m.lifetime = 604800; + ageAdd = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 4); + _r$9 = hs.c.config.rand().Read(ageAdd); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$9; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + m.ageAdd = $clone(binary.LittleEndian, binary.littleEndian).Uint32(ageAdd); + _r$10 = m.marshal(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$10; + _r$11 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$11; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendSessionTickets, $c: true, $r, _arg, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, ageAdd, c, cert, certsFromClient, err, err$1, finishedMsg$1, hs, m, resumptionSecret, state, x, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.sendSessionTickets = function() { return this.$val.sendSessionTickets(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.readClientCertificate = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, c, certMsg, certVerify, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, hs, msg, ok, ok$1, sigHash, sigType, signed, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + /* */ if (!hs.requestClientCert()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!hs.requestClientCert()) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = c.config.VerifyConnection($clone(c.connectionStateLocked(), ConnectionState)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$27, true); + certMsg = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 10: + _r$4 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = unexpectedMessageError(certMsg, msg); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$5; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } */ case 11: + _r$6 = certMsg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$6); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = c.processCertsFromClient($clone(certMsg.certificate, Certificate)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + /* */ if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 18: + _r$9 = c.config.VerifyConnection($clone(c.connectionStateLocked(), ConnectionState)); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$9; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 21: + _r$10 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + $s = -1; return err$3; + /* } */ case 22: + /* } */ case 19: + /* */ if (!((certMsg.certificate.Certificate.$length === 0))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!((certMsg.certificate.Certificate.$length === 0))) { */ case 24: + _r$11 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$11; + msg = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _tuple$3 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$28, true); + certVerify = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 27: + _r$12 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + _r$13 = unexpectedMessageError(certVerify, msg); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$13; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 28: + /* */ if (!isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm(certVerify.signatureAlgorithm, supportedSignatureAlgorithms)) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (!isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm(certVerify.signatureAlgorithm, supportedSignatureAlgorithms)) { */ case 32: + _r$14 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client certificate used with invalid signature algorithm"); + /* } */ case 33: + _r$15 = typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme(certVerify.signatureAlgorithm); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$15; + sigType = _tuple$4[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$4[1]; + err$4 = _tuple$4[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 36: + _r$16 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$16; + $s = 39; case 39: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 37: + /* */ if ((sigType === 225) || (sigHash === 3)) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if ((sigType === 225) || (sigHash === 3)) { */ case 40: + _r$17 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client certificate used with invalid signature algorithm"); + /* } */ case 41: + _r$18 = signedMessage(sigHash, "TLS 1.3, client CertificateVerify\x00", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$18; + _r$19 = verifyHandshakeSignature(sigType, (x = c.peerCertificates, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).PublicKey, sigHash, signed, certVerify.signature); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$5 = _r$19; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 45: + _r$20 = c.sendAlert(51); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20; + _r$21 = err$5.Error(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22 = errors.New("tls: invalid signature by the client certificate: " + _r$21); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$22; + $s = 50; case 50: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 46: + _r$23 = certVerify.marshal(); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$23); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24; + /* } */ case 25: + _r$25 = hs.sendSessionTickets(); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$6 = _r$25; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$6; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.readClientCertificate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, c, certMsg, certVerify, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, hs, msg, ok, ok$1, sigHash, sigType, signed, x, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.readClientCertificate = function() { return this.$val.readClientCertificate(); }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.readClientFinished = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, finished, hs, msg, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$29, true); + finished = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = unexpectedMessageError(finished, msg); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!hmac.Equal(hs.clientFinished, finished.verifyData)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!hmac.Equal(hs.clientFinished, finished.verifyData)) { */ case 7: + _r$4 = c.sendAlert(51); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: invalid client finished hash"); + /* } */ case 8: + $r = c.in$27.setTrafficSecret(hs.suite, hs.trafficSecret); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.readClientFinished, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, finished, hs, msg, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.readClientFinished = function() { return this.$val.readClientFinished(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.serverHandshake = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, c, clientHello, ctx, err, hs, hs$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.readClientHello(ctx); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + clientHello = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* */ if (c.vers === 772) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (c.vers === 772) { */ case 2: + hs = new serverHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr(c, ctx, clientHello, ptrType$30.nil, false, false, ptrType$2.nil, ptrType$31.nil, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil); + _r$2 = hs.handshake(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + hs$1 = new serverHandshakeState.ptr(c, ctx, clientHello, ptrType$30.nil, ptrType$3.nil, false, false, false, false, ptrType$32.nil, new finishedHash.ptr($ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, 0, $throwNilPointerError), sliceType$5.nil, ptrType$31.nil); + _r$3 = hs$1.handshake(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.serverHandshake, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, c, clientHello, ctx, err, hs, hs$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.serverHandshake = function(ctx) { return this.$val.serverHandshake(ctx); }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.handshake = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, err$1, err$10, err$11, err$12, err$13, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, hs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.processClientHello(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + c.buffering = true; + _r$2 = hs.checkForResumption(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_r$2) { */ case 2: + c.didResume = true; + _r$3 = hs.doResumeHandshake(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$4 = hs.establishKeys(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$4; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + _r$5 = hs.sendSessionTicket(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$5; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + _r$6 = hs.sendFinished(new sliceType$5(c.serverFinished)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + _r$7 = c.flush(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + err$5 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$5; + } + c.clientFinishedIsFirst = false; + _r$8 = hs.readFinished(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$6 = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$6; + } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r$9 = hs.pickCipherSuite(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$7 = _r$9; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$7, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$7; + } + _r$10 = hs.doFullHandshake(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$8 = _r$10; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$8, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$8; + } + _r$11 = hs.establishKeys(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$9 = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$9, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$9; + } + _r$12 = hs.readFinished(new sliceType$5(c.clientFinished)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$10 = _r$12; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$10, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$10; + } + c.clientFinishedIsFirst = true; + c.buffering = true; + _r$13 = hs.sendSessionTicket(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$11 = _r$13; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$11, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$11; + } + _r$14 = hs.sendFinished(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$12 = _r$14; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$12, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$12; + } + _r$15 = c.flush(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$15; + err$13 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$13, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$13; + } + /* } */ case 4: + c.ekm = ekmFromMasterSecret(c.vers, hs.suite, hs.masterSecret, hs.clientHello.random, hs.hello.random); + atomic.StoreUint32((c.$ptr_handshakeStatus || (c.$ptr_handshakeStatus = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target.handshakeStatus; }, function($v) { this.$target.handshakeStatus = $v; }, c))), 1); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.handshake, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, err$1, err$10, err$11, err$12, err$13, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, hs, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.handshake = function() { return this.$val.handshake(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.readClientHello = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, chi, clientHello, clientVersions, configForClient, ctx, err, msg, ok, originalConfig, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$26.nil, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$26, true); + clientHello = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = unexpectedMessageError(clientHello, msg); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$26.nil, _r$3]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + configForClient = ptrType$4.nil; + originalConfig = c.config; + /* */ if (!(c.config.GetConfigForClient === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.GetConfigForClient === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 7: + chi = clientHelloInfo(ctx, c, clientHello); + _r$4 = c.config.GetConfigForClient(chi); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + configForClient = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (!(configForClient === ptrType$4.nil)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + _r$5 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$26.nil, err]; + /* } else if (!(configForClient === ptrType$4.nil)) { */ case 11: + c.config = configForClient; + /* } */ case 12: + /* } */ case 8: + _r$6 = originalConfig.ticketKeys(configForClient); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c.ticketKeys = _r$6; + clientVersions = clientHello.supportedVersions; + if (clientHello.supportedVersions.$length === 0) { + clientVersions = supportedVersionsFromMax(clientHello.vers); + } + _tuple$3 = c.config.mutualVersion(false, clientVersions); + c.vers = _tuple$3[0]; + ok = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 15: + _r$7 = c.sendAlert(70); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = fmt.Errorf("tls: client offered only unsupported versions: %x", new sliceType$6([clientVersions])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [ptrType$26.nil, _r$8]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 16: + c.haveVers = true; + c.in$27.version = c.vers; + c.out.version = c.vers; + $s = -1; return [clientHello, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.readClientHello, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, chi, clientHello, clientVersions, configForClient, ctx, err, msg, ok, originalConfig, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.readClientHello = function(ctx) { return this.$val.readClientHello(ctx); }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.processClientHello = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, c, compression, err, foundCompression, hs, maxVers, ok, ok$1, priv, priv$1, selectedProto, serverRandom, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + hs.hello = new serverHelloMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0, false, false, false, sliceType$5.nil, "", sliceType$11.nil, 0, new keyShare.ptr(0, sliceType$5.nil), false, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0); + hs.hello.vers = c.vers; + foundCompression = false; + _ref = hs.clientHello.compressionMethods; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + compression = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (compression === 0) { + foundCompression = true; + break; + } + _i++; + } + /* */ if (!foundCompression) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!foundCompression) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client does not support uncompressed connections"); + /* } */ case 2: + hs.hello.random = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 32); + serverRandom = hs.hello.random; + maxVers = c.config.maxSupportedVersion(false); + if (maxVers >= 771 && c.vers < maxVers || testingOnlyForceDowngradeCanary) { + if (c.vers === 771) { + $copyString($subslice(serverRandom, 24), "DOWNGRD\x01"); + } else { + $copyString($subslice(serverRandom, 24), "DOWNGRD\x00"); + } + serverRandom = $subslice(serverRandom, 0, 24); + } + _r$2 = io.ReadFull(c.config.rand(), serverRandom); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (!((hs.clientHello.secureRenegotiation.$length === 0))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!((hs.clientHello.secureRenegotiation.$length === 0))) { */ case 8: + _r$4 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: initial handshake had non-empty renegotiation extension"); + /* } */ case 9: + hs.hello.secureRenegotiationSupported = hs.clientHello.secureRenegotiationSupported; + hs.hello.compressionMethod = 0; + if (hs.clientHello.serverName.length > 0) { + c.serverName = hs.clientHello.serverName; + } + _r$5 = negotiateALPN(c.config.NextProtos, hs.clientHello.alpnProtocols); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + selectedProto = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(120); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 13: + hs.hello.alpnProtocol = selectedProto; + c.clientProtocol = selectedProto; + _r$7 = c.config.getCertificate(clientHelloInfo(hs.ctx, c, hs.clientHello)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$7; + hs.cert = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 16: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errNoCertificates)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errNoCertificates)) { */ case 18: + _r$8 = c.sendAlert(112); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = 20; continue; + /* } else { */ case 19: + _r$9 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + /* } */ case 20: + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 17: + if (hs.clientHello.scts) { + hs.hello.scts = hs.cert.SignedCertificateTimestamps; + } + hs.ecdheOk = supportsECDHE(c.config, hs.clientHello.supportedCurves, hs.clientHello.supportedPoints); + if (hs.ecdheOk && hs.clientHello.supportedPoints.$length > 0) { + hs.hello.supportedPoints = new sliceType$5([0]); + } + _tuple$3 = $assertType(hs.cert.PrivateKey, crypto.Signer, true); + priv = _tuple$3[0]; + ok = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 23: + _r$10 = priv.Public(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$1 = _r$10; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { */ case 26: + hs.ecSignOk = true; + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { */ case 27: + hs.ecSignOk = true; + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 28: + hs.rsaSignOk = true; + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else { */ case 29: + _r$11 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = priv.Public(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$12; + _r$13 = fmt.Errorf("tls: unsupported signing key type (%T)", new sliceType$6([_arg])); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$13; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r; + /* } */ case 30: + /* } */ case 24: + _tuple$4 = $assertType(hs.cert.PrivateKey, crypto.Decrypter, true); + priv$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 35: + _r$14 = priv$1.Public(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$2 = _r$14; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 38: + hs.rsaDecryptOk = true; + $s = 40; continue; + /* } else { */ case 39: + _r$15 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + _r$16 = priv$1.Public(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$16; + _r$17 = fmt.Errorf("tls: unsupported decryption key type (%T)", new sliceType$6([_arg$1])); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$17; + $s = 44; case 44: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 40: + /* } */ case 36: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.processClientHello, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, c, compression, err, foundCompression, hs, maxVers, ok, ok$1, priv, priv$1, selectedProto, serverRandom, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.processClientHello = function() { return this.$val.processClientHello(); }; + negotiateALPN = function(serverProtos, clientProtos) { + var {$24r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, c, clientProtos, http11fallback, s, serverProtos, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {serverProtos, clientProtos}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ((serverProtos.$length === 0) || (clientProtos.$length === 0)) { + $s = -1; return ["", $ifaceNil]; + } + http11fallback = false; + _ref = serverProtos; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = clientProtos; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + c = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (s === c) { + $s = -1; return [s, $ifaceNil]; + } + if (s === "h2" && c === "http/1.1") { + http11fallback = true; + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + if (http11fallback) { + $s = -1; return ["", $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("tls: client requested unsupported application protocols (%s)", new sliceType$6([clientProtos])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ["", _r$1]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: negotiateALPN, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, c, clientProtos, http11fallback, s, serverProtos, $s};return $f; + }; + supportsECDHE = function(c, supportedCurves, supportedPoints) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, c, curve, pointFormat, supportedCurves, supportedPoints, supportsCurve, supportsPointFormat; + supportsCurve = false; + _ref = supportedCurves; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + curve = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (c.supportsCurve(curve)) { + supportsCurve = true; + break; + } + _i++; + } + supportsPointFormat = false; + _ref$1 = supportedPoints; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + pointFormat = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (pointFormat === 0) { + supportsPointFormat = true; + break; + } + _i$1++; + } + if (supportedPoints.$length === 0) { + supportsPointFormat = true; + } + return supportsCurve && supportsPointFormat; + }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.pickCipherSuite = function() { + var {_i, _i$1, _i$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, c, configCipherSuites, hs, id, id$1, preferenceList, preferenceOrder, suiteID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + preferenceOrder = cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder; + if (!hasAESGCMHardwareSupport || !aesgcmPreferred(hs.clientHello.cipherSuites)) { + preferenceOrder = cipherSuitesPreferenceOrderNoAES; + } + configCipherSuites = c.config.cipherSuites(); + preferenceList = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, configCipherSuites.$length); + _ref = preferenceOrder; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + suiteID = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = configCipherSuites; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + id = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (id === suiteID) { + preferenceList = $append(preferenceList, id); + break; + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + _r$1 = selectCipherSuite(preferenceList, hs.clientHello.cipherSuites, $methodVal(hs, "cipherSuiteOk")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.suite = _r$1; + /* */ if (hs.suite === ptrType$3.nil) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (hs.suite === ptrType$3.nil) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: no cipher suite supported by both client and server"); + /* } */ case 3: + c.cipherSuite = hs.suite.id; + _ref$2 = hs.clientHello.cipherSuites; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 6; continue; } + id$1 = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + /* */ if (id$1 === 22016) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (id$1 === 22016) { */ case 7: + /* */ if (hs.clientHello.vers < c.config.maxSupportedVersion(false)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (hs.clientHello.vers < c.config.maxSupportedVersion(false)) { */ case 9: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(86); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client using inappropriate protocol fallback"); + /* } */ case 10: + /* break; */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 8: + _i$2++; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.pickCipherSuite, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, c, configCipherSuites, hs, id, id$1, preferenceList, preferenceOrder, suiteID, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.pickCipherSuite = function() { return this.$val.pickCipherSuite(); }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.cipherSuiteOk = function(c) { + var c, hs; + hs = this; + if (!(((c.flags & 1) === 0))) { + if (!hs.ecdheOk) { + return false; + } + if (!(((c.flags & 2) === 0))) { + if (!hs.ecSignOk) { + return false; + } + } else if (!hs.rsaSignOk) { + return false; + } + } else if (!hs.rsaDecryptOk) { + return false; + } + if (hs.c.vers < 771 && !(((c.flags & 4) === 0))) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.cipherSuiteOk = function(c) { return this.$val.cipherSuiteOk(c); }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.checkForResumption = function() { + var {_i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tuple, c, cipherSuiteOk, createdAt, hs, id, needClientCerts, ok, plaintext, sessionHasClientCerts, usedOldKey, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + if (c.config.SessionTicketsDisabled) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$1 = c.decryptTicket(hs.clientHello.sessionTicket); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + plaintext = _tuple[0]; + usedOldKey = _tuple[1]; + if (plaintext === sliceType$5.nil) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + hs.sessionState = new sessionState.ptr(0, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, usedOldKey); + ok = hs.sessionState.unmarshal(plaintext); + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + createdAt = $clone(time.Unix(((x = hs.sessionState.createdAt, new $Int64(x.$high, x.$low))), new $Int64(0, 0)), time.Time); + _r$2 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(_r$2, time.Time).Sub($clone(createdAt, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((x$1 = _r$3, (x$1.$high > 140815 || (x$1.$high === 140815 && x$1.$low > 4180213760)))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((x$1 = _r$3, (x$1.$high > 140815 || (x$1.$high === 140815 && x$1.$low > 4180213760)))) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((c.vers === hs.sessionState.vers))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + cipherSuiteOk = false; + _ref = hs.clientHello.cipherSuites; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + id = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (id === hs.sessionState.cipherSuite) { + cipherSuiteOk = true; + break; + } + _i++; + } + if (!cipherSuiteOk) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$4 = selectCipherSuite(new sliceType$2([hs.sessionState.cipherSuite]), c.config.cipherSuites(), $methodVal(hs, "cipherSuiteOk")); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.suite = _r$4; + if (hs.suite === ptrType$3.nil) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + sessionHasClientCerts = !((hs.sessionState.certificates.$length === 0)); + needClientCerts = requiresClientCert(c.config.ClientAuth); + if (needClientCerts && !sessionHasClientCerts) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (sessionHasClientCerts && (c.config.ClientAuth === 0)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.checkForResumption, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tuple, c, cipherSuiteOk, createdAt, hs, id, needClientCerts, ok, plaintext, sessionHasClientCerts, usedOldKey, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.checkForResumption = function() { return this.$val.checkForResumption(); }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.doResumeHandshake = function() { + var {_arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, err, err$1, err$2, hs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + hs.hello.cipherSuite = hs.suite.id; + c.cipherSuite = hs.suite.id; + hs.hello.sessionId = hs.clientHello.sessionId; + hs.hello.ticketSupported = hs.sessionState.usedOldKey; + _r$1 = newFinishedHash(c.vers, hs.suite); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + finishedHash.copy(hs.finishedHash, _r$1); + hs.finishedHash.discardHandshakeBuffer(); + _r$2 = hs.clientHello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$2); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = hs.hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$4); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = hs.hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$6; + _r$7 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$8 = c.processCertsFromClient(new Certificate.ptr(hs.sessionState.certificates, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + /* */ if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 9: + _r$9 = c.config.VerifyConnection($clone(c.connectionStateLocked(), ConnectionState)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$9; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + _r$10 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + $s = -1; return err$2; + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 10: + hs.masterSecret = hs.sessionState.masterSecret; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.doResumeHandshake, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, err, err$1, err$2, hs, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.doResumeHandshake = function() { return this.$val.doResumeHandshake(); }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.doFullHandshake = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$49, _r$5, _r$50, _r$51, _r$52, _r$53, _r$54, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, c, certMsg, certMsg$1, certReq, certStatus, certVerify, ckx, err, err$1, err$10, err$11, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, helloDone, hs, keyAgreement$1, msg, ok, ok$1, ok$2, preMasterSecret, pub, sigHash, sigType, signed, skx, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + if (hs.clientHello.ocspStapling && hs.cert.OCSPStaple.$length > 0) { + hs.hello.ocspStapling = true; + } + hs.hello.ticketSupported = hs.clientHello.ticketSupported && !c.config.SessionTicketsDisabled; + hs.hello.cipherSuite = hs.suite.id; + _r$1 = newFinishedHash(hs.c.vers, hs.suite); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + finishedHash.copy(hs.finishedHash, _r$1); + if (c.config.ClientAuth === 0) { + hs.finishedHash.discardHandshakeBuffer(); + } + _r$2 = hs.clientHello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$2); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = hs.hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$4); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = hs.hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$6; + _r$7 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$7; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + certMsg = new certificateMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + certMsg.certificates = hs.cert.Certificate; + _r$8 = hs.finishedHash.Write(certMsg.marshal()); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = c.writeRecord(22, certMsg.marshal()); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$9; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + /* */ if (hs.hello.ocspStapling) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (hs.hello.ocspStapling) { */ case 10: + certStatus = new certificateStatusMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + certStatus.response = hs.cert.OCSPStaple; + _r$10 = certStatus.marshal(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$10); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = certStatus.marshal(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$12; + _r$13 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$13; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + /* } */ case 11: + _r$14 = hs.suite.ka(c.vers); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keyAgreement$1 = _r$14; + _r$15 = keyAgreement$1.generateServerKeyExchange(c.config, hs.cert, hs.clientHello, hs.hello); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$15; + skx = _tuple$3[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + _r$16 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + $s = -1; return err$3; + /* } */ case 19: + /* */ if (!(skx === ptrType$22.nil)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!(skx === ptrType$22.nil)) { */ case 21: + _r$17 = hs.finishedHash.Write(skx.marshal()); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17; + _r$18 = c.writeRecord(22, skx.marshal()); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$18; + err$4 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + /* } */ case 22: + certReq = ptrType$33.nil; + /* */ if (c.config.ClientAuth >= 1) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (c.config.ClientAuth >= 1) { */ case 25: + certReq = new certificateRequestMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, false, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + certReq.certificateTypes = new sliceType$5([1, 64]); + if (c.vers >= 771) { + certReq.hasSignatureAlgorithm = true; + certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = supportedSignatureAlgorithms; + } + if (!(c.config.ClientCAs === ptrType.nil)) { + certReq.certificateAuthorities = c.config.ClientCAs.Subjects(); + } + _r$19 = hs.finishedHash.Write(certReq.marshal()); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + _r$20 = c.writeRecord(22, certReq.marshal()); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$20; + err$5 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$5; + } + /* } */ case 26: + helloDone = new serverHelloDoneMsg.ptr(); + _r$21 = hs.finishedHash.Write(helloDone.marshal()); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21; + _r$22 = c.writeRecord(22, helloDone.marshal()); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$22; + err$6 = _tuple$6[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$6; + } + _r$23 = c.flush(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$7 = _r$23; + err$7 = _tuple$7[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$7, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$7; + } + pub = $ifaceNil; + _r$24 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$8 = _r$24; + msg = _tuple$8[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$8[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + /* */ if (c.config.ClientAuth >= 1) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (c.config.ClientAuth >= 1) { */ case 33: + _tuple$9 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$34, true); + certMsg$1 = _tuple$9[0]; + ok = _tuple$9[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 35: + _r$25 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25; + _r$26 = unexpectedMessageError(certMsg$1, msg); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$26; + $s = 39; case 39: return $24r; + /* } */ case 36: + _r$27 = hs.finishedHash.Write(certMsg$1.marshal()); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27; + _r$28 = c.processCertsFromClient(new Certificate.ptr(certMsg$1.certificates, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil)); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$8 = _r$28; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$8, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$8; + } + if (!((certMsg$1.certificates.$length === 0))) { + pub = (x = c.peerCertificates, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).PublicKey; + } + _r$29 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$10 = _r$29; + msg = _tuple$10[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$10[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + /* } */ case 34: + /* */ if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 43; continue; } + /* */ $s = 44; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 43: + _r$30 = c.config.VerifyConnection($clone(c.connectionStateLocked(), ConnectionState)); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$9 = _r$30; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$9, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ $s = 47; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$9, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 46: + _r$31 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$31; + $s = -1; return err$9; + /* } */ case 47: + /* } */ case 44: + _tuple$11 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$23, true); + ckx = _tuple$11[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$11[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 49: + _r$32 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$32; + _r$33 = unexpectedMessageError(ckx, msg); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$33; + $s = 53; case 53: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 50: + _r$34 = hs.finishedHash.Write(ckx.marshal()); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$34; + _r$35 = keyAgreement$1.processClientKeyExchange(c.config, hs.cert, ckx, c.vers); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$12 = _r$35; + preMasterSecret = _tuple$12[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$12[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ $s = 57; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 56: + _r$36 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$36; + $s = -1; return err$3; + /* } */ case 57: + _r$37 = masterFromPreMasterSecret(c.vers, hs.suite, preMasterSecret, hs.clientHello.random, hs.hello.random); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.masterSecret = _r$37; + _r$38 = c.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_RANDOM", hs.clientHello.random, hs.masterSecret); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$10 = _r$38; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$10, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 61; continue; } + /* */ $s = 62; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$10, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 61: + _r$39 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$39; + $s = -1; return err$10; + /* } */ case 62: + /* */ if (c.peerCertificates.$length > 0) { $s = 64; continue; } + /* */ $s = 65; continue; + /* if (c.peerCertificates.$length > 0) { */ case 64: + _r$40 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$13 = _r$40; + msg = _tuple$13[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$13[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + _tuple$14 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$28, true); + certVerify = _tuple$14[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$14[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$2) { $s = 67; continue; } + /* */ $s = 68; continue; + /* if (!ok$2) { */ case 67: + _r$41 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; _r$41 = _r$41.$blk(); } if (_r$41 && _r$41.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$41; + _r$42 = unexpectedMessageError(certVerify, msg); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$42 = _r$42.$blk(); } if (_r$42 && _r$42.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$42; + $s = 71; case 71: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 68: + sigType = 0; + sigHash = 0; + /* */ if (c.vers >= 771) { $s = 72; continue; } + /* */ $s = 73; continue; + /* if (c.vers >= 771) { */ case 72: + /* */ if (!isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm(certVerify.signatureAlgorithm, certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms)) { $s = 75; continue; } + /* */ $s = 76; continue; + /* if (!isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm(certVerify.signatureAlgorithm, certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms)) { */ case 75: + _r$43 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$43 = _r$43.$blk(); } if (_r$43 && _r$43.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$43; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client certificate used with invalid signature algorithm"); + /* } */ case 76: + _r$44 = typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme(certVerify.signatureAlgorithm); /* */ $s = 78; case 78: if($c) { $c = false; _r$44 = _r$44.$blk(); } if (_r$44 && _r$44.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$15 = _r$44; + sigType = _tuple$15[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$15[1]; + err$3 = _tuple$15[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 79; continue; } + /* */ $s = 80; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 79: + _r$45 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; _r$45 = _r$45.$blk(); } if (_r$45 && _r$45.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$45; + $s = 82; case 82: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 80: + $s = 74; continue; + /* } else { */ case 73: + _r$46 = legacyTypeAndHashFromPublicKey(pub); /* */ $s = 83; case 83: if($c) { $c = false; _r$46 = _r$46.$blk(); } if (_r$46 && _r$46.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$16 = _r$46; + sigType = _tuple$16[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$16[1]; + err$3 = _tuple$16[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 84; continue; } + /* */ $s = 85; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 84: + _r$47 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 86; case 86: if($c) { $c = false; _r$47 = _r$47.$blk(); } if (_r$47 && _r$47.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$47; + $s = -1; return err$3; + /* } */ case 85: + /* } */ case 74: + _r$48 = $clone(hs.finishedHash, finishedHash).hashForClientCertificate(sigType, sigHash, hs.masterSecret); /* */ $s = 87; case 87: if($c) { $c = false; _r$48 = _r$48.$blk(); } if (_r$48 && _r$48.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$48; + _r$49 = verifyHandshakeSignature(sigType, pub, sigHash, signed, certVerify.signature); /* */ $s = 88; case 88: if($c) { $c = false; _r$49 = _r$49.$blk(); } if (_r$49 && _r$49.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$11 = _r$49; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$11, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 89; continue; } + /* */ $s = 90; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$11, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 89: + _r$50 = c.sendAlert(51); /* */ $s = 91; case 91: if($c) { $c = false; _r$50 = _r$50.$blk(); } if (_r$50 && _r$50.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$50; + _r$51 = err$11.Error(); /* */ $s = 92; case 92: if($c) { $c = false; _r$51 = _r$51.$blk(); } if (_r$51 && _r$51.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$52 = errors.New("tls: invalid signature by the client certificate: " + _r$51); /* */ $s = 93; case 93: if($c) { $c = false; _r$52 = _r$52.$blk(); } if (_r$52 && _r$52.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$52; + $s = 94; case 94: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 90: + _r$53 = certVerify.marshal(); /* */ $s = 95; case 95: if($c) { $c = false; _r$53 = _r$53.$blk(); } if (_r$53 && _r$53.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$54 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$53); /* */ $s = 96; case 96: if($c) { $c = false; _r$54 = _r$54.$blk(); } if (_r$54 && _r$54.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$54; + /* } */ case 65: + hs.finishedHash.discardHandshakeBuffer(); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.doFullHandshake, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$49, _r$5, _r$50, _r$51, _r$52, _r$53, _r$54, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, c, certMsg, certMsg$1, certReq, certStatus, certVerify, ckx, err, err$1, err$10, err$11, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, helloDone, hs, keyAgreement$1, msg, ok, ok$1, ok$2, preMasterSecret, pub, sigHash, sigType, signed, skx, x, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.doFullHandshake = function() { return this.$val.doFullHandshake(); }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.establishKeys = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, c, clientCipher, clientHash, clientIV, clientKey, clientMAC, hs, serverCipher, serverHash, serverIV, serverKey, serverMAC, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = keysFromMasterSecret(c.vers, hs.suite, hs.masterSecret, hs.clientHello.random, hs.hello.random, hs.suite.macLen, hs.suite.keyLen, hs.suite.ivLen); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + clientMAC = _tuple[0]; + serverMAC = _tuple[1]; + clientKey = _tuple[2]; + serverKey = _tuple[3]; + clientIV = _tuple[4]; + serverIV = _tuple[5]; + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + clientCipher = _tmp; + serverCipher = _tmp$1; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + clientHash = _tmp$2; + serverHash = _tmp$3; + /* */ if (hs.suite.aead === $throwNilPointerError) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (hs.suite.aead === $throwNilPointerError) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = hs.suite.cipher(clientKey, clientIV, true); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clientCipher = _r$2; + _r$3 = hs.suite.mac(clientMAC); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clientHash = _r$3; + _r$4 = hs.suite.cipher(serverKey, serverIV, false); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serverCipher = _r$4; + _r$5 = hs.suite.mac(serverMAC); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serverHash = _r$5; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r$6 = hs.suite.aead(clientKey, clientIV); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clientCipher = _r$6; + _r$7 = hs.suite.aead(serverKey, serverIV); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serverCipher = _r$7; + /* } */ case 4: + c.in$27.prepareCipherSpec(c.vers, clientCipher, clientHash); + c.out.prepareCipherSpec(c.vers, serverCipher, serverHash); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.establishKeys, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, c, clientCipher, clientHash, clientIV, clientKey, clientMAC, hs, serverCipher, serverHash, serverIV, serverKey, serverMAC, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.establishKeys = function() { return this.$val.establishKeys(); }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.readFinished = function(out) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, clientFinished, err, err$1, hs, msg, ok, out, verify, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = c.readChangeCipherSpec(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$2 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$29, true); + clientFinished = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 3: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = unexpectedMessageError(clientFinished, msg); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$5 = $clone(hs.finishedHash, finishedHash).clientSum(hs.masterSecret); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + verify = _r$5; + /* */ if (!((verify.$length === clientFinished.verifyData.$length)) || !((subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(verify, clientFinished.verifyData) === 1))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!((verify.$length === clientFinished.verifyData.$length)) || !((subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(verify, clientFinished.verifyData) === 1))) { */ case 9: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client's Finished message is incorrect"); + /* } */ case 10: + _r$7 = clientFinished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$7); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $copySlice(out, verify); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.readFinished, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, clientFinished, err, err$1, hs, msg, ok, out, verify, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.readFinished = function(out) { return this.$val.readFinished(out); }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.sendSessionTicket = function() { + var {_i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, cert, certsFromClient, createdAt, err, err$1, hs, m, state, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + if (!hs.hello.ticketSupported) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + c = hs.c; + m = new newSessionTicketMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + _r$1 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, time.Time).Unix(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + createdAt = ((x = _r$2, new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low))); + if (!(hs.sessionState === ptrType$32.nil)) { + createdAt = hs.sessionState.createdAt; + } + certsFromClient = sliceType$11.nil; + _ref = c.peerCertificates; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cert = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + certsFromClient = $append(certsFromClient, cert.Raw); + _i++; + } + state = new sessionState.ptr(c.vers, hs.suite.id, createdAt, hs.masterSecret, certsFromClient, false); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$3 = state.marshal(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = c.encryptTicket(_r$3); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + m.ticket = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$5 = hs.finishedHash.Write(m.marshal()); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = c.writeRecord(22, m.marshal()); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.sendSessionTicket, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, cert, certsFromClient, createdAt, err, err$1, hs, m, state, x, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.sendSessionTicket = function() { return this.$val.sendSessionTicket(); }; + serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.sendFinished = function(out) { + var {_arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, err$1, finished, hs, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = c.writeRecord(20, new sliceType$5([1])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + finished = new finishedMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + _r$2 = $clone(hs.finishedHash, finishedHash).serverSum(hs.masterSecret); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + finished.verifyData = _r$2; + _r$3 = finished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$3); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = finished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$5; + _r$6 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $copySlice(out, finished.verifyData); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.sendFinished, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, err$1, finished, hs, out, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHandshakeState.prototype.sendFinished = function(out) { return this.$val.sendFinished(out); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.processCertsFromClient = function(certificate) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, asn1Data, c, cert, certificate, certificates, certs, chains, err, err$1, err$2, i, opts, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {certificate}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + certificates = certificate.Certificate; + certs = $makeSlice(sliceType$12, certificates.$length); + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = certificates; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + asn1Data = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = x509.ParseCertificate(asn1Data); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + ((i < 0 || i >= certs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : certs.$array[certs.$offset + i] = _tuple[0]); + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = errors.New("tls: failed to parse client certificate: " + _r$3); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if ((certs.$length === 0) && requiresClientCert(c.config.ClientAuth)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ((certs.$length === 0) && requiresClientCert(c.config.ClientAuth)) { */ case 10: + _r$5 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: client didn't provide a certificate"); + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if (c.config.ClientAuth >= 3 && certs.$length > 0) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (c.config.ClientAuth >= 3 && certs.$length > 0) { */ case 13: + _r$6 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + opts = new x509.VerifyOptions.ptr("", x509.NewCertPool(), c.config.ClientCAs, $clone(_r$6, time.Time), new sliceType$14([2]), 0); + _ref$1 = $subslice(certs, 1); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + cert = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + opts.Intermediates.AddCert(cert); + _i$1++; + } + _r$7 = (0 >= certs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : certs.$array[certs.$offset + 0]).Verify($clone(opts, x509.VerifyOptions)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$7; + chains = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 17: + _r$8 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = err$1.Error(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = errors.New("tls: failed to verify client certificate: " + _r$9); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$10; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 18: + c.verifiedChains = chains; + /* } */ case 14: + c.peerCertificates = certs; + c.ocspResponse = certificate.OCSPStaple; + c.scts = certificate.SignedCertificateTimestamps; + /* */ if (certs.$length > 0) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (certs.$length > 0) { */ case 23: + _ref$2 = (0 >= certs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : certs.$array[certs.$offset + 0]).PublicKey; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$12, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$11, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$2, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$12, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$11, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$2, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { */ case 25: + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else { */ case 26: + _r$11 = c.sendAlert(43); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = fmt.Errorf("tls: client certificate contains an unsupported public key of type %T", new sliceType$6([(0 >= certs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : certs.$array[certs.$offset + 0]).PublicKey])); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$12; + $s = 30; case 30: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 27: + /* } */ case 24: + /* */ if (!(c.config.VerifyPeerCertificate === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.VerifyPeerCertificate === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 31: + _r$13 = c.config.VerifyPeerCertificate(certificates, c.verifiedChains); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$13; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 34: + _r$14 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + $s = -1; return err$2; + /* } */ case 35: + /* } */ case 32: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.processCertsFromClient, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, asn1Data, c, cert, certificate, certificates, certs, chains, err, err$1, err$2, i, opts, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.processCertsFromClient = function(certificate) { return this.$val.processCertsFromClient(certificate); }; + clientHelloInfo = function(ctx, c, clientHello) { + var c, clientHello, ctx, supportedVersions$1; + supportedVersions$1 = clientHello.supportedVersions; + if (clientHello.supportedVersions.$length === 0) { + supportedVersions$1 = supportedVersionsFromMax(clientHello.vers); + } + return new ClientHelloInfo.ptr(clientHello.cipherSuites, clientHello.serverName, clientHello.supportedCurves, clientHello.supportedPoints, clientHello.supportedSignatureAlgorithms, clientHello.alpnProtocols, supportedVersions$1, c.conn, c.config, ctx); + }; + marshalingFunction.prototype.Marshal = function(b) { + var {$24r, _r$1, b, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r$1 = f(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: marshalingFunction.prototype.Marshal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, b, f, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(marshalingFunction).prototype.Marshal = function(b) { return new marshalingFunction(this.$get()).Marshal(b); }; + addBytesWithLength = function(b, v, n) { + var {b, n, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, v, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = [n]; + v = [v]; + $r = b.AddValue(new marshalingFunction(((function(n, v) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {$24r, _r$1, b$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!((v[0].$length === n[0]))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((v[0].$length === n[0]))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("invalid value length: expected %d, got %d", new sliceType$6([new $Int(n[0]), new $Int(v[0].$length)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + b$1.AddBytes(v[0]); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, b$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(n, v)))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: addBytesWithLength, $c: true, $r, b, n, v, $s};return $f; + }; + addUint64 = function(b, v) { + var b, v; + b.AddUint32((($shiftRightUint64(v, 32).$low >>> 0))); + b.AddUint32(((v.$low >>> 0))); + }; + readUint64 = function(s, out) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, hi, hi$24ptr, lo, lo$24ptr, out, s, x, x$1; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + hi = _tmp; + lo = _tmp$1; + if (!s.ReadUint32((hi$24ptr || (hi$24ptr = new ptrType$24(function() { return hi; }, function($v) { hi = $v; })))) || !s.ReadUint32((lo$24ptr || (lo$24ptr = new ptrType$24(function() { return lo; }, function($v) { lo = $v; }))))) { + return false; + } + out.$set((x = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, hi)), 32), x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, lo)), new $Uint64(x.$high | x$1.$high, (x.$low | x$1.$low) >>> 0))); + return true; + }; + readUint8LengthPrefixed = function(s, out) { + var _ptr, out, s; + return s.ReadUint8LengthPrefixed(((_ptr = out, new ptrType$17(function() { return $convertSliceType(_ptr.$get(), cryptobyte.String); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set($convertSliceType($v, sliceType$5)); }, _ptr.$target)))); + }; + readUint16LengthPrefixed = function(s, out) { + var _ptr, out, s; + return s.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed(((_ptr = out, new ptrType$17(function() { return $convertSliceType(_ptr.$get(), cryptobyte.String); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set($convertSliceType($v, sliceType$5)); }, _ptr.$target)))); + }; + readUint24LengthPrefixed = function(s, out) { + var _ptr, out, s; + return s.ReadUint24LengthPrefixed(((_ptr = out, new ptrType$17(function() { return $convertSliceType(_ptr.$get(), cryptobyte.String); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set($convertSliceType($v, sliceType$5)); }, _ptr.$target)))); + }; + clientHelloMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b.AddUint8(1); + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {b$1, bWithoutExtensions, extensionsPresent, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + extensionsPresent = [extensionsPresent]; + b$1.AddUint16(m[0].vers); + $r = addBytesWithLength(b$1, m[0].random, 32); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b$1.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$2) { + var b$2; + b$2.AddBytes(m[0].sessionId); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b$1.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$2) { + var _i, _ref, b$2, suite; + _ref = m[0].cipherSuites; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + suite = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b$2.AddUint16(suite); + _i++; + } + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b$1.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$2) { + var b$2; + b$2.AddBytes(m[0].compressionMethods); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + extensionsPresent[0] = false; + bWithoutExtensions = $clone(b$1, cryptobyte.Builder); + $r = b$1.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$2) { + var {b$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (m[0].serverName.length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (m[0].serverName.length > 0) { */ case 1: + b$2.AddUint16(0); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$4) { + var {b$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b$4.AddUint8(0); + $r = b$4.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$5) { + var b$5; + b$5.AddBytes((new sliceType$5($stringToBytes(m[0].serverName)))); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$4, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (m[0].ocspStapling) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (m[0].ocspStapling) { */ case 4: + b$2.AddUint16(5); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$3) { + var b$3; + b$3.AddUint8(1); + b$3.AddUint16(0); + b$3.AddUint16(0); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (m[0].supportedCurves.$length > 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (m[0].supportedCurves.$length > 0) { */ case 7: + b$2.AddUint16(10); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var _i, _ref, b$4, curve; + _ref = m[0].supportedCurves; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + curve = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b$4.AddUint16(((curve << 16 >>> 16))); + _i++; + } + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (m[0].supportedPoints.$length > 0) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (m[0].supportedPoints.$length > 0) { */ case 10: + b$2.AddUint16(11); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var b$4; + b$4.AddBytes(m[0].supportedPoints); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if (m[0].ticketSupported) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (m[0].ticketSupported) { */ case 13: + b$2.AddUint16(35); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$3) { + var b$3; + b$3.AddBytes(m[0].sessionTicket); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 14: + /* */ if (m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length > 0) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length > 0) { */ case 16: + b$2.AddUint16(13); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var _i, _ref, b$4, sigAlgo; + _ref = m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithms; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + sigAlgo = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b$4.AddUint16(((sigAlgo << 16 >>> 16))); + _i++; + } + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 17: + /* */ if (m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert.$length > 0) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert.$length > 0) { */ case 19: + b$2.AddUint16(50); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var _i, _ref, b$4, sigAlgo; + _ref = m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + sigAlgo = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b$4.AddUint16(((sigAlgo << 16 >>> 16))); + _i++; + } + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 20: + /* */ if (m[0].secureRenegotiationSupported) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (m[0].secureRenegotiationSupported) { */ case 22: + b$2.AddUint16(65281); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var b$4; + b$4.AddBytes(m[0].secureRenegotiation); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 23: + /* */ if (m[0].alpnProtocols.$length > 0) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (m[0].alpnProtocols.$length > 0) { */ case 25: + b$2.AddUint16(16); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$4) { + var {_i, _ref, b$4, proto, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + proto = [proto]; + _ref = m[0].alpnProtocols; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + proto[0] = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = b$4.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m, proto) { return function(b$5) { + var b$5; + b$5.AddBytes((new sliceType$5($stringToBytes(proto[0])))); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m, proto)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, b$4, proto, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 26: + if (m[0].scts) { + b$2.AddUint16(18); + b$2.AddUint16(0); + } + /* */ if (m[0].supportedVersions.$length > 0) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (m[0].supportedVersions.$length > 0) { */ case 28: + b$2.AddUint16(43); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var _i, _ref, b$4, vers; + _ref = m[0].supportedVersions; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + vers = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b$4.AddUint16(vers); + _i++; + } + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 29: + /* */ if (m[0].cookie.$length > 0) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (m[0].cookie.$length > 0) { */ case 31: + b$2.AddUint16(44); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var b$4; + b$4.AddBytes(m[0].cookie); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 32: + /* */ if (m[0].keyShares.$length > 0) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (m[0].keyShares.$length > 0) { */ case 34: + b$2.AddUint16(51); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$4) { + var {_i, _ref, b$4, ks, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ks = [ks]; + _ref = m[0].keyShares; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + ks[0] = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), keyShare); + b$4.AddUint16(((ks[0].group << 16 >>> 16))); + $r = b$4.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, ks, m) { return function(b$5) { + var b$5; + b$5.AddBytes(ks[0].data); + }; })(extensionsPresent, ks, m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, b$4, ks, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 35: + if (m[0].earlyData) { + b$2.AddUint16(42); + b$2.AddUint16(0); + } + /* */ if (m[0].pskModes.$length > 0) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (m[0].pskModes.$length > 0) { */ case 37: + b$2.AddUint16(45); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var b$4; + b$4.AddBytes(m[0].pskModes); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 38: + /* */ if (m[0].pskIdentities.$length > 0) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (m[0].pskIdentities.$length > 0) { */ case 40: + b$2.AddUint16(41); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$4) { + var {_i, _ref, b$4, psk, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + psk = [psk]; + _ref = m[0].pskIdentities; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + psk[0] = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), pskIdentity); + $r = b$4.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m, psk) { return function(b$5) { + var b$5; + b$5.AddBytes(psk[0].label); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m, psk)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$4.AddUint32(psk[0].obfuscatedTicketAge); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, b$4, psk, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$4) { + var {_i, _ref, b$4, binder, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + binder = [binder]; + _ref = m[0].pskBinders; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + binder[0] = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = b$4.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(binder, extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$5) { + var b$5; + b$5.AddBytes(binder[0]); + }; })(binder, extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, b$4, binder, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 41: + extensionsPresent[0] = b$2.BytesOrPanic().$length > 2; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$2, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!extensionsPresent[0]) { + cryptobyte.Builder.copy(b$1, bWithoutExtensions); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$1, bWithoutExtensions, extensionsPresent, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m[0].raw = b.BytesOrPanic(); + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHelloMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHelloMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + clientHelloMsg.ptr.prototype.marshalWithoutBinders = function() { + var {_i, _r$1, _ref, binder, bindersLen, fullMessage, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = this; + bindersLen = 2; + _ref = m.pskBinders; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + binder = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + bindersLen = bindersLen + (1) >> 0; + bindersLen = bindersLen + (binder.$length) >> 0; + _i++; + } + _r$1 = m.marshal(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fullMessage = _r$1; + $s = -1; return $subslice(fullMessage, 0, (fullMessage.$length - bindersLen >> 0)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHelloMsg.ptr.prototype.marshalWithoutBinders, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _ref, binder, bindersLen, fullMessage, m, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHelloMsg.prototype.marshalWithoutBinders = function() { return this.$val.marshalWithoutBinders(); }; + clientHelloMsg.ptr.prototype.updateBinders = function(pskBinders) { + var {_i, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, b, err, i, lenWithoutBinders, m, out, pskBinders, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pskBinders}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + if (!((pskBinders.$length === m[0].pskBinders.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("tls: internal error: pskBinders length mismatch")); + } + _ref = m[0].pskBinders; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= pskBinders.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : pskBinders.$array[pskBinders.$offset + i]).$length === (x = m[0].pskBinders, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])).$length))) { + $panic(new $String("tls: internal error: pskBinders length mismatch")); + } + _i++; + } + m[0].pskBinders = pskBinders; + /* */ if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = m[0].marshalWithoutBinders(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + lenWithoutBinders = _r$1.$length; + b = cryptobyte.NewFixedBuilder($subslice(m[0].raw, 0, lenWithoutBinders)); + $r = b.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {_i$1, _ref$1, b$1, binder, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + binder = [binder]; + _ref$1 = m[0].pskBinders; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + binder[0] = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + $r = b$1.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(binder, m) { return function(b$2) { + var b$2; + b$2.AddBytes(binder[0]); + }; })(binder, m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$1++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i$1, _ref$1, b$1, binder, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = b.Bytes(); + out = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || !((out.$length === m[0].raw.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("tls: internal error: failed to update binders")); + } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHelloMsg.ptr.prototype.updateBinders, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, b, err, i, lenWithoutBinders, m, out, pskBinders, x, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHelloMsg.prototype.updateBinders = function(pskBinders) { return this.$val.updateBinders(pskBinders); }; + clientHelloMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var _1, _ptr, binder, binders, cipherSuites$1, cipherSuites$24ptr, clientShares, curve, curves, data, extData, extension, extensions, extensions$24ptr, identities, ignored, ks, m, nameList, nameType, proto, protoList, psk, s, s$24ptr, serverName, sigAndAlg, sigAndAlg$1, sigAndAlgs, sigAndAlgs$1, statusType, suite, vers, versList; + m = this; + clientHelloMsg.copy(m, new clientHelloMsg.ptr(data, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$2.nil, sliceType$5.nil, "", false, sliceType$3.nil, sliceType$5.nil, false, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$7.nil, false, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$1.nil, false, sliceType$2.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$15.nil, false, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$16.nil, sliceType$11.nil)); + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).Skip(4) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((m.$ptr_vers || (m.$ptr_vers = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.vers; }, function($v) { this.$target.vers = $v; }, m)))) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadBytes((m.$ptr_random || (m.$ptr_random = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.random; }, function($v) { this.$target.random = $v; }, m))), 32) || !readUint8LengthPrefixed((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_sessionId || (m.$ptr_sessionId = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.sessionId; }, function($v) { this.$target.sessionId = $v; }, m))))) { + return false; + } + cipherSuites$1 = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((cipherSuites$24ptr || (cipherSuites$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return cipherSuites$1; }, function($v) { cipherSuites$1 = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))))) { + return false; + } + m.cipherSuites = new sliceType$2([]); + m.secureRenegotiationSupported = false; + while (true) { + if (!(!cipherSuites$1.Empty())) { break; } + suite = [suite]; + suite[0] = 0; + if (!(cipherSuites$24ptr || (cipherSuites$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return cipherSuites$1; }, function($v) { cipherSuites$1 = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((suite.$ptr || (suite.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, suite))))) { + return false; + } + if (suite[0] === 255) { + m.secureRenegotiationSupported = true; + } + m.cipherSuites = $append(m.cipherSuites, suite[0]); + } + if (!readUint8LengthPrefixed((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_compressionMethods || (m.$ptr_compressionMethods = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.compressionMethods; }, function($v) { this.$target.compressionMethods = $v; }, m))))) { + return false; + } + if (s.Empty()) { + return true; + } + extensions = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); })))) || !s.Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!extensions.Empty())) { break; } + binders = [binders]; + clientShares = [clientShares]; + curves = [curves]; + extData = [extData]; + extension = [extension]; + identities = [identities]; + ignored = [ignored]; + nameList = [nameList]; + protoList = [protoList]; + sigAndAlgs = [sigAndAlgs]; + sigAndAlgs$1 = [sigAndAlgs$1]; + statusType = [statusType]; + versList = [versList]; + extension[0] = 0; + extData[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((extension.$ptr || (extension.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extension)))) || !(extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))))) { + return false; + } + _1 = extension[0]; + if (_1 === (0)) { + nameList[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((nameList.$ptr || (nameList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, nameList)))) || nameList[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!nameList[0].Empty())) { break; } + nameType = [nameType]; + serverName = [serverName]; + nameType[0] = 0; + serverName[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(nameList.$ptr || (nameList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, nameList))).ReadUint8((nameType.$ptr || (nameType.$ptr = new ptrType$20(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, nameType)))) || !(nameList.$ptr || (nameList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, nameList))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((serverName.$ptr || (serverName.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, serverName)))) || serverName[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + if (!((nameType[0] === 0))) { + continue; + } + if (!((m.serverName.length === 0))) { + return false; + } + m.serverName = ($bytesToString(serverName[0])); + if (strings.HasSuffix(m.serverName, ".")) { + return false; + } + } + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + statusType[0] = 0; + ignored[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint8((statusType.$ptr || (statusType.$ptr = new ptrType$20(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, statusType)))) || !(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((ignored.$ptr || (ignored.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, ignored)))) || !(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((ignored.$ptr || (ignored.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, ignored))))) { + return false; + } + m.ocspStapling = statusType[0] === 1; + } else if (_1 === (10)) { + curves[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((curves.$ptr || (curves.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, curves)))) || curves[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!curves[0].Empty())) { break; } + curve = [curve]; + curve[0] = 0; + if (!(curves.$ptr || (curves.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, curves))).ReadUint16((curve.$ptr || (curve.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, curve))))) { + return false; + } + m.supportedCurves = $append(m.supportedCurves, ((curve[0] << 16 >>> 16))); + } + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + if (!readUint8LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))), (m.$ptr_supportedPoints || (m.$ptr_supportedPoints = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.supportedPoints; }, function($v) { this.$target.supportedPoints = $v; }, m)))) || (m.supportedPoints.$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + } else if (_1 === (35)) { + m.ticketSupported = true; + (extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadBytes((m.$ptr_sessionTicket || (m.$ptr_sessionTicket = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.sessionTicket; }, function($v) { this.$target.sessionTicket = $v; }, m))), extData[0].$length); + } else if (_1 === (13)) { + sigAndAlgs[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((sigAndAlgs.$ptr || (sigAndAlgs.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlgs)))) || sigAndAlgs[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!sigAndAlgs[0].Empty())) { break; } + sigAndAlg = [sigAndAlg]; + sigAndAlg[0] = 0; + if (!(sigAndAlgs.$ptr || (sigAndAlgs.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlgs))).ReadUint16((sigAndAlg.$ptr || (sigAndAlg.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlg))))) { + return false; + } + m.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = $append(m.supportedSignatureAlgorithms, ((sigAndAlg[0] << 16 >>> 16))); + } + } else if (_1 === (50)) { + sigAndAlgs$1[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((sigAndAlgs$1.$ptr || (sigAndAlgs$1.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlgs$1)))) || sigAndAlgs$1[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!sigAndAlgs$1[0].Empty())) { break; } + sigAndAlg$1 = [sigAndAlg$1]; + sigAndAlg$1[0] = 0; + if (!(sigAndAlgs$1.$ptr || (sigAndAlgs$1.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlgs$1))).ReadUint16((sigAndAlg$1.$ptr || (sigAndAlg$1.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlg$1))))) { + return false; + } + m.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert = $append(m.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert, ((sigAndAlg$1[0] << 16 >>> 16))); + } + } else if (_1 === (65281)) { + if (!readUint8LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))), (m.$ptr_secureRenegotiation || (m.$ptr_secureRenegotiation = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.secureRenegotiation; }, function($v) { this.$target.secureRenegotiation = $v; }, m))))) { + return false; + } + m.secureRenegotiationSupported = true; + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + protoList[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((protoList.$ptr || (protoList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, protoList)))) || protoList[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!protoList[0].Empty())) { break; } + proto = [proto]; + proto[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(protoList.$ptr || (protoList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, protoList))).ReadUint8LengthPrefixed((proto.$ptr || (proto.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, proto)))) || proto[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + m.alpnProtocols = $append(m.alpnProtocols, ($bytesToString(proto[0]))); + } + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + m.scts = true; + } else if (_1 === (43)) { + versList[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint8LengthPrefixed((versList.$ptr || (versList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, versList)))) || versList[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!versList[0].Empty())) { break; } + vers = [vers]; + vers[0] = 0; + if (!(versList.$ptr || (versList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, versList))).ReadUint16((vers.$ptr || (vers.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, vers))))) { + return false; + } + m.supportedVersions = $append(m.supportedVersions, vers[0]); + } + } else if (_1 === (44)) { + if (!readUint16LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))), (m.$ptr_cookie || (m.$ptr_cookie = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.cookie; }, function($v) { this.$target.cookie = $v; }, m)))) || (m.cookie.$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + } else if (_1 === (51)) { + clientShares[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((clientShares.$ptr || (clientShares.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, clientShares))))) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!clientShares[0].Empty())) { break; } + ks = new keyShare.ptr(0, sliceType$5.nil); + if (!(clientShares.$ptr || (clientShares.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, clientShares))).ReadUint16(((_ptr = (ks.$ptr_group || (ks.$ptr_group = new ptrType$35(function() { return this.$target.group; }, function($v) { this.$target.group = $v; }, ks))), new ptrType$18(function() { return (_ptr.$get() << 16 >>> 16); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(($v << 16 >>> 16)); }, _ptr.$target)))) || !readUint16LengthPrefixed((clientShares.$ptr || (clientShares.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, clientShares))), (ks.$ptr_data || (ks.$ptr_data = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.data; }, function($v) { this.$target.data = $v; }, ks)))) || (ks.data.$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + m.keyShares = $append(m.keyShares, ks); + } + } else if (_1 === (42)) { + m.earlyData = true; + } else if (_1 === (45)) { + if (!readUint8LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))), (m.$ptr_pskModes || (m.$ptr_pskModes = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.pskModes; }, function($v) { this.$target.pskModes = $v; }, m))))) { + return false; + } + } else if (_1 === (41)) { + if (!extensions.Empty()) { + return false; + } + identities[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((identities.$ptr || (identities.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, identities)))) || identities[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!identities[0].Empty())) { break; } + psk = new pskIdentity.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0); + if (!readUint16LengthPrefixed((identities.$ptr || (identities.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, identities))), (psk.$ptr_label || (psk.$ptr_label = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.label; }, function($v) { this.$target.label = $v; }, psk)))) || !(identities.$ptr || (identities.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, identities))).ReadUint32((psk.$ptr_obfuscatedTicketAge || (psk.$ptr_obfuscatedTicketAge = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target.obfuscatedTicketAge; }, function($v) { this.$target.obfuscatedTicketAge = $v; }, psk)))) || (psk.label.$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + m.pskIdentities = $append(m.pskIdentities, psk); + } + binders[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((binders.$ptr || (binders.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, binders)))) || binders[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!binders[0].Empty())) { break; } + binder = [binder]; + binder[0] = sliceType$5.nil; + if (!readUint8LengthPrefixed((binders.$ptr || (binders.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, binders))), (binder.$ptr || (binder.$ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, binder)))) || (binder[0].$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + m.pskBinders = $append(m.pskBinders, binder[0]); + } + } else { + continue; + } + if (!extData[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + clientHelloMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + serverHelloMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b.AddUint8(2); + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {b$1, bWithoutExtensions, extensionsPresent, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + extensionsPresent = [extensionsPresent]; + b$1.AddUint16(m[0].vers); + $r = addBytesWithLength(b$1, m[0].random, 32); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b$1.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$2) { + var b$2; + b$2.AddBytes(m[0].sessionId); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b$1.AddUint16(m[0].cipherSuite); + b$1.AddUint8(m[0].compressionMethod); + extensionsPresent[0] = false; + bWithoutExtensions = $clone(b$1, cryptobyte.Builder); + $r = b$1.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$2) { + var {b$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (m[0].ocspStapling) { + b$2.AddUint16(5); + b$2.AddUint16(0); + } + if (m[0].ticketSupported) { + b$2.AddUint16(35); + b$2.AddUint16(0); + } + /* */ if (m[0].secureRenegotiationSupported) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (m[0].secureRenegotiationSupported) { */ case 1: + b$2.AddUint16(65281); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var b$4; + b$4.AddBytes(m[0].secureRenegotiation); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (m[0].alpnProtocol.length > 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (m[0].alpnProtocol.length > 0) { */ case 4: + b$2.AddUint16(16); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$4) { + var {b$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$4.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$5) { + var b$5; + b$5.AddBytes((new sliceType$5($stringToBytes(m[0].alpnProtocol)))); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$4, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (m[0].scts.$length > 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (m[0].scts.$length > 0) { */ case 7: + b$2.AddUint16(18); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$4) { + var {_i, _ref, b$4, sct, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sct = [sct]; + _ref = m[0].scts; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + sct[0] = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = b$4.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m, sct) { return function(b$5) { + var b$5; + b$5.AddBytes(sct[0]); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m, sct)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, b$4, sct, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (!((m[0].supportedVersion === 0))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!((m[0].supportedVersion === 0))) { */ case 10: + b$2.AddUint16(43); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$3) { + var b$3; + b$3.AddUint16(m[0].supportedVersion); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if (!((m[0].serverShare.group === 0))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!((m[0].serverShare.group === 0))) { */ case 13: + b$2.AddUint16(51); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b$3.AddUint16(((m[0].serverShare.group << 16 >>> 16))); + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var b$4; + b$4.AddBytes(m[0].serverShare.data); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 14: + /* */ if (m[0].selectedIdentityPresent) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (m[0].selectedIdentityPresent) { */ case 16: + b$2.AddUint16(41); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$3) { + var b$3; + b$3.AddUint16(m[0].selectedIdentity); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 17: + /* */ if (m[0].cookie.$length > 0) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (m[0].cookie.$length > 0) { */ case 19: + b$2.AddUint16(44); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var b$4; + b$4.AddBytes(m[0].cookie); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 20: + /* */ if (!((m[0].selectedGroup === 0))) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!((m[0].selectedGroup === 0))) { */ case 22: + b$2.AddUint16(51); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$3) { + var b$3; + b$3.AddUint16(((m[0].selectedGroup << 16 >>> 16))); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 23: + /* */ if (m[0].supportedPoints.$length > 0) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (m[0].supportedPoints.$length > 0) { */ case 25: + b$2.AddUint16(11); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(extensionsPresent, m) { return function(b$4) { + var b$4; + b$4.AddBytes(m[0].supportedPoints); + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 26: + extensionsPresent[0] = b$2.BytesOrPanic().$length > 2; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$2, $s};return $f; + }; })(extensionsPresent, m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!extensionsPresent[0]) { + cryptobyte.Builder.copy(b$1, bWithoutExtensions); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$1, bWithoutExtensions, extensionsPresent, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m[0].raw = b.BytesOrPanic(); + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: serverHelloMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + serverHelloMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + serverHelloMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var _1, _ptr, _ptr$1, data, extData, extension, extensions, extensions$24ptr, m, proto, protoList, s, s$24ptr, sct, sctList, x, x$1; + m = this; + serverHelloMsg.copy(m, new serverHelloMsg.ptr(data, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0, false, false, false, sliceType$5.nil, "", sliceType$11.nil, 0, new keyShare.ptr(0, sliceType$5.nil), false, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0)); + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).Skip(4) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((m.$ptr_vers || (m.$ptr_vers = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.vers; }, function($v) { this.$target.vers = $v; }, m)))) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadBytes((m.$ptr_random || (m.$ptr_random = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.random; }, function($v) { this.$target.random = $v; }, m))), 32) || !readUint8LengthPrefixed((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_sessionId || (m.$ptr_sessionId = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.sessionId; }, function($v) { this.$target.sessionId = $v; }, m)))) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((m.$ptr_cipherSuite || (m.$ptr_cipherSuite = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.cipherSuite; }, function($v) { this.$target.cipherSuite = $v; }, m)))) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint8((m.$ptr_compressionMethod || (m.$ptr_compressionMethod = new ptrType$20(function() { return this.$target.compressionMethod; }, function($v) { this.$target.compressionMethod = $v; }, m))))) { + return false; + } + if (s.Empty()) { + return true; + } + extensions = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); })))) || !s.Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!extensions.Empty())) { break; } + extData = [extData]; + extension = [extension]; + proto = [proto]; + protoList = [protoList]; + sctList = [sctList]; + extension[0] = 0; + extData[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((extension.$ptr || (extension.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extension)))) || !(extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))))) { + return false; + } + _1 = extension[0]; + if (_1 === (5)) { + m.ocspStapling = true; + } else if (_1 === (35)) { + m.ticketSupported = true; + } else if (_1 === (65281)) { + if (!readUint8LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))), (m.$ptr_secureRenegotiation || (m.$ptr_secureRenegotiation = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.secureRenegotiation; }, function($v) { this.$target.secureRenegotiation = $v; }, m))))) { + return false; + } + m.secureRenegotiationSupported = true; + } else if (_1 === (16)) { + protoList[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((protoList.$ptr || (protoList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, protoList)))) || protoList[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + proto[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(protoList.$ptr || (protoList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, protoList))).ReadUint8LengthPrefixed((proto.$ptr || (proto.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, proto)))) || proto[0].Empty() || !protoList[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + m.alpnProtocol = ($bytesToString(proto[0])); + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + sctList[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((sctList.$ptr || (sctList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sctList)))) || sctList[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!sctList[0].Empty())) { break; } + sct = [sct]; + sct[0] = sliceType$5.nil; + if (!readUint16LengthPrefixed((sctList.$ptr || (sctList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sctList))), (sct.$ptr || (sct.$ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sct)))) || (sct[0].$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + m.scts = $append(m.scts, sct[0]); + } + } else if (_1 === (43)) { + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16((m.$ptr_supportedVersion || (m.$ptr_supportedVersion = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.supportedVersion; }, function($v) { this.$target.supportedVersion = $v; }, m))))) { + return false; + } + } else if (_1 === (44)) { + if (!readUint16LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))), (m.$ptr_cookie || (m.$ptr_cookie = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.cookie; }, function($v) { this.$target.cookie = $v; }, m)))) || (m.cookie.$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + } else if (_1 === (51)) { + if (extData[0].$length === 2) { + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16(((_ptr = (m.$ptr_selectedGroup || (m.$ptr_selectedGroup = new ptrType$35(function() { return this.$target.selectedGroup; }, function($v) { this.$target.selectedGroup = $v; }, m))), new ptrType$18(function() { return (_ptr.$get() << 16 >>> 16); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(($v << 16 >>> 16)); }, _ptr.$target))))) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16(((_ptr$1 = (x = m.serverShare, (x.$ptr_group || (x.$ptr_group = new ptrType$35(function() { return this.$target.group; }, function($v) { this.$target.group = $v; }, x)))), new ptrType$18(function() { return (_ptr$1.$get() << 16 >>> 16); }, function($v) { _ptr$1.$set(($v << 16 >>> 16)); }, _ptr$1.$target)))) || !readUint16LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))), (x$1 = m.serverShare, (x$1.$ptr_data || (x$1.$ptr_data = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.data; }, function($v) { this.$target.data = $v; }, x$1)))))) { + return false; + } + } + } else if (_1 === (41)) { + m.selectedIdentityPresent = true; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16((m.$ptr_selectedIdentity || (m.$ptr_selectedIdentity = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.selectedIdentity; }, function($v) { this.$target.selectedIdentity = $v; }, m))))) { + return false; + } + } else if (_1 === (11)) { + if (!readUint8LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))), (m.$ptr_supportedPoints || (m.$ptr_supportedPoints = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.supportedPoints; }, function($v) { this.$target.supportedPoints = $v; }, m)))) || (m.supportedPoints.$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + } else { + continue; + } + if (!extData[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + serverHelloMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + encryptedExtensionsMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b.AddUint8(8); + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {b$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$1.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$2) { + var {b$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (m[0].alpnProtocol.length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (m[0].alpnProtocol.length > 0) { */ case 1: + b$2.AddUint16(16); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$4) { + var {b$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$4.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function(b$5) { + var b$5; + b$5.AddBytes((new sliceType$5($stringToBytes(m[0].alpnProtocol)))); + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$4, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$2, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m[0].raw = b.BytesOrPanic(); + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: encryptedExtensionsMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + encryptedExtensionsMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + encryptedExtensionsMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var _1, data, extData, extension, extensions, extensions$24ptr, m, proto, protoList, s, s$24ptr; + m = this; + encryptedExtensionsMsg.copy(m, new encryptedExtensionsMsg.ptr(data, "")); + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + extensions = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).Skip(4) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); })))) || !s.Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!extensions.Empty())) { break; } + extData = [extData]; + extension = [extension]; + proto = [proto]; + protoList = [protoList]; + extension[0] = 0; + extData[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((extension.$ptr || (extension.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extension)))) || !(extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))))) { + return false; + } + _1 = extension[0]; + if (_1 === (16)) { + protoList[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((protoList.$ptr || (protoList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, protoList)))) || protoList[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + proto[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(protoList.$ptr || (protoList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, protoList))).ReadUint8LengthPrefixed((proto.$ptr || (proto.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, proto)))) || proto[0].Empty() || !protoList[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + m.alpnProtocol = ($bytesToString(proto[0])); + } else { + continue; + } + if (!extData[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + encryptedExtensionsMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + endOfEarlyDataMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var m, x; + m = this; + x = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 4); + (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0] = 5); + return x; + }; + endOfEarlyDataMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + endOfEarlyDataMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var data, m; + m = this; + return data.$length === 4; + }; + endOfEarlyDataMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + keyUpdateMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b.AddUint8(24); + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function(b$1) { + var b$1; + if (m[0].updateRequested) { + b$1.AddUint8(1); + } else { + b$1.AddUint8(0); + } + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m[0].raw = b.BytesOrPanic(); + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: keyUpdateMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + keyUpdateMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + keyUpdateMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var _1, data, m, s, s$24ptr, updateRequested, updateRequested$24ptr; + m = this; + m.raw = data; + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + updateRequested = 0; + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).Skip(4) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint8((updateRequested$24ptr || (updateRequested$24ptr = new ptrType$20(function() { return updateRequested; }, function($v) { updateRequested = $v; })))) || !s.Empty()) { + return false; + } + _1 = updateRequested; + if (_1 === (0)) { + m.updateRequested = false; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + m.updateRequested = true; + } else { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + keyUpdateMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + newSessionTicketMsgTLS13.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b.AddUint8(4); + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {b$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b$1.AddUint32(m[0].lifetime); + b$1.AddUint32(m[0].ageAdd); + $r = b$1.AddUint8LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function(b$2) { + var b$2; + b$2.AddBytes(m[0].nonce); + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b$1.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function(b$2) { + var b$2; + b$2.AddBytes(m[0].label); + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b$1.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$2) { + var {b$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (m[0].maxEarlyData > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (m[0].maxEarlyData > 0) { */ case 1: + b$2.AddUint16(42); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function(b$3) { + var b$3; + b$3.AddUint32(m[0].maxEarlyData); + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$2, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m[0].raw = b.BytesOrPanic(); + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newSessionTicketMsgTLS13.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + newSessionTicketMsgTLS13.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + newSessionTicketMsgTLS13.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var _1, data, extData, extension, extensions, extensions$24ptr, m, s, s$24ptr; + m = this; + newSessionTicketMsgTLS13.copy(m, new newSessionTicketMsgTLS13.ptr(data, 0, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0)); + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + extensions = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).Skip(4) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint32((m.$ptr_lifetime || (m.$ptr_lifetime = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target.lifetime; }, function($v) { this.$target.lifetime = $v; }, m)))) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint32((m.$ptr_ageAdd || (m.$ptr_ageAdd = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target.ageAdd; }, function($v) { this.$target.ageAdd = $v; }, m)))) || !readUint8LengthPrefixed((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_nonce || (m.$ptr_nonce = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.nonce; }, function($v) { this.$target.nonce = $v; }, m)))) || !readUint16LengthPrefixed((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_label || (m.$ptr_label = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.label; }, function($v) { this.$target.label = $v; }, m)))) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); })))) || !s.Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!extensions.Empty())) { break; } + extData = [extData]; + extension = [extension]; + extension[0] = 0; + extData[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((extension.$ptr || (extension.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extension)))) || !(extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))))) { + return false; + } + _1 = extension[0]; + if (_1 === (42)) { + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint32((m.$ptr_maxEarlyData || (m.$ptr_maxEarlyData = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target.maxEarlyData; }, function($v) { this.$target.maxEarlyData = $v; }, m))))) { + return false; + } + } else { + continue; + } + if (!extData[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + newSessionTicketMsgTLS13.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + certificateRequestMsgTLS13.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b.AddUint8(13); + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {b$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b$1.AddUint8(0); + $r = b$1.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$2) { + var {b$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (m[0].ocspStapling) { + b$2.AddUint16(5); + b$2.AddUint16(0); + } + if (m[0].scts) { + b$2.AddUint16(18); + b$2.AddUint16(0); + } + /* */ if (m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length > 0) { */ case 1: + b$2.AddUint16(13); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function(b$4) { + var _i, _ref, b$4, sigAlgo; + _ref = m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithms; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + sigAlgo = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b$4.AddUint16(((sigAlgo << 16 >>> 16))); + _i++; + } + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert.$length > 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert.$length > 0) { */ case 4: + b$2.AddUint16(50); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function(b$4) { + var _i, _ref, b$4, sigAlgo; + _ref = m[0].supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + sigAlgo = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b$4.AddUint16(((sigAlgo << 16 >>> 16))); + _i++; + } + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (m[0].certificateAuthorities.$length > 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (m[0].certificateAuthorities.$length > 0) { */ case 7: + b$2.AddUint16(47); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$4) { + var {_i, _ref, b$4, ca, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ca = [ca]; + _ref = m[0].certificateAuthorities; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + ca[0] = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = b$4.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(ca, m) { return function(b$5) { + var b$5; + b$5.AddBytes(ca[0]); + }; })(ca, m)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, b$4, ca, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$2, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m[0].raw = b.BytesOrPanic(); + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: certificateRequestMsgTLS13.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + certificateRequestMsgTLS13.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + certificateRequestMsgTLS13.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var _1, _tmp, _tmp$1, auths, ca, context$1, context$24ptr, data, extData, extension, extensions, extensions$24ptr, m, s, s$24ptr, sigAndAlg, sigAndAlg$1, sigAndAlgs, sigAndAlgs$1; + m = this; + certificateRequestMsgTLS13.copy(m, new certificateRequestMsgTLS13.ptr(data, false, false, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$11.nil)); + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + _tmp = cryptobyte.String.nil; + _tmp$1 = cryptobyte.String.nil; + context$1 = _tmp; + extensions = _tmp$1; + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).Skip(4) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint8LengthPrefixed((context$24ptr || (context$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return context$1; }, function($v) { context$1 = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); })))) || !context$1.Empty() || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); })))) || !s.Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!extensions.Empty())) { break; } + auths = [auths]; + extData = [extData]; + extension = [extension]; + sigAndAlgs = [sigAndAlgs]; + sigAndAlgs$1 = [sigAndAlgs$1]; + extension[0] = 0; + extData[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16((extension.$ptr || (extension.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extension)))) || !(extensions$24ptr || (extensions$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return extensions; }, function($v) { extensions = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))))) { + return false; + } + _1 = extension[0]; + if (_1 === (5)) { + m.ocspStapling = true; + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + m.scts = true; + } else if (_1 === (13)) { + sigAndAlgs[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((sigAndAlgs.$ptr || (sigAndAlgs.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlgs)))) || sigAndAlgs[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!sigAndAlgs[0].Empty())) { break; } + sigAndAlg = [sigAndAlg]; + sigAndAlg[0] = 0; + if (!(sigAndAlgs.$ptr || (sigAndAlgs.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlgs))).ReadUint16((sigAndAlg.$ptr || (sigAndAlg.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlg))))) { + return false; + } + m.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = $append(m.supportedSignatureAlgorithms, ((sigAndAlg[0] << 16 >>> 16))); + } + } else if (_1 === (50)) { + sigAndAlgs$1[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((sigAndAlgs$1.$ptr || (sigAndAlgs$1.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlgs$1)))) || sigAndAlgs$1[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!sigAndAlgs$1[0].Empty())) { break; } + sigAndAlg$1 = [sigAndAlg$1]; + sigAndAlg$1[0] = 0; + if (!(sigAndAlgs$1.$ptr || (sigAndAlgs$1.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlgs$1))).ReadUint16((sigAndAlg$1.$ptr || (sigAndAlg$1.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sigAndAlg$1))))) { + return false; + } + m.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert = $append(m.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert, ((sigAndAlg$1[0] << 16 >>> 16))); + } + } else if (_1 === (47)) { + auths[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((auths.$ptr || (auths.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, auths)))) || auths[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!auths[0].Empty())) { break; } + ca = [ca]; + ca[0] = sliceType$5.nil; + if (!readUint16LengthPrefixed((auths.$ptr || (auths.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, auths))), (ca.$ptr || (ca.$ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, ca)))) || (ca[0].$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + m.certificateAuthorities = $append(m.certificateAuthorities, ca[0]); + } + } else { + continue; + } + if (!extData[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + certificateRequestMsgTLS13.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + certificateMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, certificateOctets, i, length, m, slice, slice$1, x, y; + x = sliceType$5.nil; + m = this; + if (!(m.raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + x = m.raw; + return x; + } + i = 0; + _ref = m.certificates; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + slice = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + i = i + (slice.$length) >> 0; + _i++; + } + length = (3 + ($imul(3, m.certificates.$length)) >> 0) + i >> 0; + x = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (4 + length >> 0)); + (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0] = 11); + (1 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 1] = (((length >> 16 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 2] = (((length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 3] = ((length << 24 >>> 24))); + certificateOctets = length - 3 >> 0; + (4 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 4] = (((certificateOctets >> 16 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (5 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 5] = (((certificateOctets >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (6 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 6] = ((certificateOctets << 24 >>> 24))); + y = $subslice(x, 7); + _ref$1 = m.certificates; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + slice$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + (0 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 0] = (((slice$1.$length >> 16 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 1] = (((slice$1.$length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 2] = ((slice$1.$length << 24 >>> 24))); + $copySlice($subslice(y, 3), slice$1); + y = $subslice(y, (3 + slice$1.$length >> 0)); + _i$1++; + } + m.raw = x; + return x; + }; + certificateMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + certificateMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var certLen, certLen$1, certsLen, d, data, i, m, numCerts, x; + m = this; + if (data.$length < 7) { + return false; + } + m.raw = data; + certsLen = (((((((4 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 4]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0) | ((((5 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 5]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((6 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 6]) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + if (!((((data.$length >>> 0)) === (certsLen + 7 >>> 0)))) { + return false; + } + numCerts = 0; + d = $subslice(data, 7); + while (true) { + if (!(certsLen > 0)) { break; } + if (d.$length < 4) { + return false; + } + certLen = (((((((0 >= d.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : d.$array[d.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0) | ((((1 >= d.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : d.$array[d.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((2 >= d.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : d.$array[d.$offset + 2]) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + if (((d.$length >>> 0)) < (3 + certLen >>> 0)) { + return false; + } + d = $subslice(d, (3 + certLen >>> 0)); + certsLen = certsLen - ((3 + certLen >>> 0)) >>> 0; + numCerts = numCerts + (1) >> 0; + } + m.certificates = $makeSlice(sliceType$11, numCerts); + d = $subslice(data, 7); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < numCerts)) { break; } + certLen$1 = (((((((0 >= d.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : d.$array[d.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0) | ((((1 >= d.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : d.$array[d.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((2 >= d.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : d.$array[d.$offset + 2]) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + (x = m.certificates, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i] = $subslice(d, 3, (3 + certLen$1 >>> 0)))); + d = $subslice(d, (3 + certLen$1 >>> 0)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + certificateMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + certificateMsgTLS13.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b.AddUint8(11); + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {b$1, certificate, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b$1.AddUint8(0); + certificate = $clone(m[0].certificate, Certificate); + if (!m[0].ocspStapling) { + certificate.OCSPStaple = sliceType$5.nil; + } + if (!m[0].scts) { + certificate.SignedCertificateTimestamps = sliceType$11.nil; + } + $r = marshalCertificate(b$1, $clone(certificate, Certificate)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$1, certificate, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m[0].raw = b.BytesOrPanic(); + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: certificateMsgTLS13.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + certificateMsgTLS13.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + marshalCertificate = function(b, certificate) { + var {b, certificate, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, certificate}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + certificate = [certificate]; + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(certificate) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {_i, _ref, b$1, cert, i, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cert = [cert]; + i = [i]; + _ref = certificate[0].Certificate; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i[0] = _i; + cert[0] = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = b$1.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(cert, certificate, i) { return function(b$2) { + var b$2; + b$2.AddBytes(cert[0]); + }; })(cert, certificate, i)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = b$1.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(cert, certificate, i) { return function $b(b$2) { + var {b$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$2}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (i[0] > 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if (!(certificate[0].OCSPStaple === sliceType$5.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(certificate[0].OCSPStaple === sliceType$5.nil)) { */ case 1: + b$2.AddUint16(5); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(cert, certificate, i) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b$3.AddUint8(1); + $r = b$3.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(cert, certificate, i) { return function(b$4) { + var b$4; + b$4.AddBytes(certificate[0].OCSPStaple); + }; })(cert, certificate, i)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(cert, certificate, i)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!(certificate[0].SignedCertificateTimestamps === sliceType$11.nil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(certificate[0].SignedCertificateTimestamps === sliceType$11.nil)) { */ case 4: + b$2.AddUint16(18); + $r = b$2.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(cert, certificate, i) { return function $b(b$3) { + var {b$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$3}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = b$3.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(cert, certificate, i) { return function $b(b$4) { + var {_i$1, _ref$1, b$4, sct, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$4}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sct = [sct]; + _ref$1 = certificate[0].SignedCertificateTimestamps; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + sct[0] = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + $r = b$4.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(cert, certificate, i, sct) { return function(b$5) { + var b$5; + b$5.AddBytes(sct[0]); + }; })(cert, certificate, i, sct)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$1++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i$1, _ref$1, b$4, sct, $s};return $f; + }; })(cert, certificate, i)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$3, $s};return $f; + }; })(cert, certificate, i)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$2, $s};return $f; + }; })(cert, certificate, i)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, b$1, cert, i, $s};return $f; + }; })(certificate)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: marshalCertificate, $c: true, $r, b, certificate, $s};return $f; + }; + certificateMsgTLS13.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var context$1, context$24ptr, data, m, s, s$24ptr; + m = this; + certificateMsgTLS13.copy(m, new certificateMsgTLS13.ptr(data, new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil), false, false)); + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + context$1 = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).Skip(4) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint8LengthPrefixed((context$24ptr || (context$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return context$1; }, function($v) { context$1 = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); })))) || !context$1.Empty() || !unmarshalCertificate((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), m.certificate) || !s.Empty()) { + return false; + } + m.scts = !(m.certificate.SignedCertificateTimestamps === sliceType$11.nil); + m.ocspStapling = !(m.certificate.OCSPStaple === sliceType$5.nil); + return true; + }; + certificateMsgTLS13.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + unmarshalCertificate = function(s, certificate) { + var _1, cert, certList, certList$24ptr, certificate, extData, extension, extensions, s, sct, sctList, statusType; + certList = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!s.ReadUint24LengthPrefixed((certList$24ptr || (certList$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return certList; }, function($v) { certList = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))))) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!certList.Empty())) { break; } + cert = [cert]; + extensions = [extensions]; + cert[0] = sliceType$5.nil; + extensions[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!readUint24LengthPrefixed((certList$24ptr || (certList$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return certList; }, function($v) { certList = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (cert.$ptr || (cert.$ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, cert)))) || !(certList$24ptr || (certList$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return certList; }, function($v) { certList = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extensions.$ptr || (extensions.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extensions))))) { + return false; + } + certificate.Certificate = $append(certificate.Certificate, cert[0]); + while (true) { + if (!(!extensions[0].Empty())) { break; } + extData = [extData]; + extension = [extension]; + sctList = [sctList]; + statusType = [statusType]; + extension[0] = 0; + extData[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extensions.$ptr || (extensions.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extensions))).ReadUint16((extension.$ptr || (extension.$ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extension)))) || !(extensions.$ptr || (extensions.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extensions))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))))) { + return false; + } + if (certificate.Certificate.$length > 1) { + continue; + } + _1 = extension[0]; + if (_1 === (5)) { + statusType[0] = 0; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint8((statusType.$ptr || (statusType.$ptr = new ptrType$20(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, statusType)))) || !((statusType[0] === 1)) || !readUint24LengthPrefixed((extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))), (certificate.$ptr_OCSPStaple || (certificate.$ptr_OCSPStaple = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.OCSPStaple; }, function($v) { this.$target.OCSPStaple = $v; }, certificate)))) || (certificate.OCSPStaple.$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + } else if (_1 === (18)) { + sctList[0] = cryptobyte.String.nil; + if (!(extData.$ptr || (extData.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, extData))).ReadUint16LengthPrefixed((sctList.$ptr || (sctList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sctList)))) || sctList[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + while (true) { + if (!(!sctList[0].Empty())) { break; } + sct = [sct]; + sct[0] = sliceType$5.nil; + if (!readUint16LengthPrefixed((sctList.$ptr || (sctList.$ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sctList))), (sct.$ptr || (sct.$ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, sct)))) || (sct[0].$length === 0)) { + return false; + } + certificate.SignedCertificateTimestamps = $append(certificate.SignedCertificateTimestamps, sct[0]); + } + } else { + continue; + } + if (!extData[0].Empty()) { + return false; + } + } + } + return true; + }; + serverKeyExchangeMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var length, m, x; + m = this; + if (!(m.raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + return m.raw; + } + length = m.key.$length; + x = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (length + 4 >> 0)); + (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0] = 12); + (1 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 1] = (((length >> 16 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 2] = (((length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 3] = ((length << 24 >>> 24))); + $copySlice($subslice(x, 4), m.key); + m.raw = x; + return x; + }; + serverKeyExchangeMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + serverKeyExchangeMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var data, m; + m = this; + m.raw = data; + if (data.$length < 4) { + return false; + } + m.key = $subslice(data, 4); + return true; + }; + serverKeyExchangeMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + certificateStatusMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b.AddUint8(22); + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {b$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b$1.AddUint8(1); + $r = b$1.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function(b$2) { + var b$2; + b$2.AddBytes(m[0].response); + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m[0].raw = b.BytesOrPanic(); + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: certificateStatusMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + certificateStatusMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + certificateStatusMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var data, m, s, s$24ptr, statusType, statusType$24ptr; + m = this; + m.raw = data; + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + statusType = 0; + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).Skip(4) || !(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint8((statusType$24ptr || (statusType$24ptr = new ptrType$20(function() { return statusType; }, function($v) { statusType = $v; })))) || !((statusType === 1)) || !readUint24LengthPrefixed((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_response || (m.$ptr_response = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.response; }, function($v) { this.$target.response = $v; }, m)))) || (m.response.$length === 0) || !s.Empty()) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + certificateStatusMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + serverHelloDoneMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var m, x; + m = this; + x = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 4); + (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0] = 14); + return x; + }; + serverHelloDoneMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + serverHelloDoneMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var data, m; + m = this; + return data.$length === 4; + }; + serverHelloDoneMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + clientKeyExchangeMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var length, m, x; + m = this; + if (!(m.raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + return m.raw; + } + length = m.ciphertext.$length; + x = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (length + 4 >> 0)); + (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0] = 16); + (1 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 1] = (((length >> 16 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 2] = (((length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 3] = ((length << 24 >>> 24))); + $copySlice($subslice(x, 4), m.ciphertext); + m.raw = x; + return x; + }; + clientKeyExchangeMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + clientKeyExchangeMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var data, l, m; + m = this; + m.raw = data; + if (data.$length < 4) { + return false; + } + l = (((((1 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 1]) >> 0)) << 16 >> 0) | ((((2 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 2]) >> 0)) << 8 >> 0)) | (((3 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 3]) >> 0)); + if (!((l === (data.$length - 4 >> 0)))) { + return false; + } + m.ciphertext = $subslice(data, 4); + return true; + }; + clientKeyExchangeMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + finishedMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + m[0] = this; + if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b.AddUint8(20); + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function(b$1) { + var b$1; + b$1.AddBytes(m[0].verifyData); + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m[0].raw = b.BytesOrPanic(); + $s = -1; return m[0].raw; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: finishedMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, $s};return $f; + }; + finishedMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + finishedMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var data, m, s, s$24ptr; + m = this; + m.raw = data; + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + return (s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).Skip(1) && readUint24LengthPrefixed((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_verifyData || (m.$ptr_verifyData = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.verifyData; }, function($v) { this.$target.verifyData = $v; }, m)))) && s.Empty(); + }; + finishedMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + certificateRequestMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var _i, _i$1, _i$2, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, ca, ca$1, casLength, length, m, n, sigAlgo, x, y; + x = sliceType$5.nil; + m = this; + if (!(m.raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + x = m.raw; + return x; + } + length = (1 + m.certificateTypes.$length >> 0) + 2 >> 0; + casLength = 0; + _ref = m.certificateAuthorities; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + ca = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + casLength = casLength + ((2 + ca.$length >> 0)) >> 0; + _i++; + } + length = length + (casLength) >> 0; + if (m.hasSignatureAlgorithm) { + length = length + ((2 + ($imul(2, m.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length)) >> 0)) >> 0; + } + x = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (4 + length >> 0)); + (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0] = 13); + (1 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 1] = (((length >> 16 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 2] = (((length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 3] = ((length << 24 >>> 24))); + (4 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 4] = ((m.certificateTypes.$length << 24 >>> 24))); + $copySlice($subslice(x, 5), m.certificateTypes); + y = $subslice(x, (5 + m.certificateTypes.$length >> 0)); + if (m.hasSignatureAlgorithm) { + n = $imul(m.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length, 2); + (0 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 0] = (((n >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 1] = ((n << 24 >>> 24))); + y = $subslice(y, 2); + _ref$1 = m.supportedSignatureAlgorithms; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + sigAlgo = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + (0 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 0] = (((sigAlgo >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 1] = ((sigAlgo << 24 >>> 24))); + y = $subslice(y, 2); + _i$1++; + } + } + (0 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 0] = (((casLength >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 1] = ((casLength << 24 >>> 24))); + y = $subslice(y, 2); + _ref$2 = m.certificateAuthorities; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + ca$1 = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + (0 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 0] = (((ca$1.$length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (1 >= y.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : y.$array[y.$offset + 1] = ((ca$1.$length << 24 >>> 24))); + y = $subslice(y, 2); + $copySlice(y, ca$1); + y = $subslice(y, ca$1.$length); + _i$2++; + } + m.raw = x; + return x; + }; + certificateRequestMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + certificateRequestMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var _i, _q, _ref, caLen, cas, casLength, data, i, length, m, numCertTypes, numSigAlgos, sigAndHashLen, x; + m = this; + m.raw = data; + if (data.$length < 5) { + return false; + } + length = (((((((1 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0) | ((((2 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((3 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 3]) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + if (!(((((data.$length >>> 0)) - 4 >>> 0) === length))) { + return false; + } + numCertTypes = (((4 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 4]) >> 0)); + data = $subslice(data, 5); + if ((numCertTypes === 0) || data.$length <= numCertTypes) { + return false; + } + m.certificateTypes = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, numCertTypes); + if (!(($copySlice(m.certificateTypes, data) === numCertTypes))) { + return false; + } + data = $subslice(data, numCertTypes); + if (m.hasSignatureAlgorithm) { + if (data.$length < 2) { + return false; + } + sigAndHashLen = (((((0 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16) | (((1 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16))) >>> 0; + data = $subslice(data, 2); + if (!((((sigAndHashLen & 1) >>> 0) === 0))) { + return false; + } + if (data.$length < ((sigAndHashLen >> 0))) { + return false; + } + numSigAlgos = (_q = sigAndHashLen / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + m.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, numSigAlgos); + _ref = m.supportedSignatureAlgorithms; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + (x = m.supportedSignatureAlgorithms, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i] = ((((((0 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16) | (((1 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16))) >>> 0))); + data = $subslice(data, 2); + _i++; + } + } + if (data.$length < 2) { + return false; + } + casLength = (((((0 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16) | (((1 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16))) >>> 0; + data = $subslice(data, 2); + if (data.$length < ((casLength >> 0))) { + return false; + } + cas = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, casLength); + $copySlice(cas, data); + data = $subslice(data, casLength); + m.certificateAuthorities = sliceType$11.nil; + while (true) { + if (!(cas.$length > 0)) { break; } + if (cas.$length < 2) { + return false; + } + caLen = (((((0 >= cas.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : cas.$array[cas.$offset + 0]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16) | (((1 >= cas.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : cas.$array[cas.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16))) >>> 0; + cas = $subslice(cas, 2); + if (cas.$length < ((caLen >> 0))) { + return false; + } + m.certificateAuthorities = $append(m.certificateAuthorities, $subslice(cas, 0, caLen)); + cas = $subslice(cas, caLen); + } + return data.$length === 0; + }; + certificateRequestMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + certificateVerifyMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var {b, m, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + m = [m]; + x = sliceType$5.nil; + m[0] = this; + if (!(m[0].raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + x = m[0].raw; + $s = -1; return x; + } + b = new cryptobyte.Builder.ptr($ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, false, ptrType$15.nil, 0, 0, false, ptrType$16.nil); + b.AddUint8(15); + $r = b.AddUint24LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function $b(b$1) { + var {b$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (m[0].hasSignatureAlgorithm) { + b$1.AddUint16(((m[0].signatureAlgorithm << 16 >>> 16))); + } + $r = b$1.AddUint16LengthPrefixed((function(m) { return function(b$2) { + var b$2; + b$2.AddBytes(m[0].signature); + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, b$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(m)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m[0].raw = b.BytesOrPanic(); + x = m[0].raw; + $s = -1; return x; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: certificateVerifyMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal, $c: true, $r, b, m, x, $s};return $f; + }; + certificateVerifyMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + certificateVerifyMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var _ptr, data, m, s, s$24ptr; + m = this; + m.raw = data; + s = ($convertSliceType(data, cryptobyte.String)); + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).Skip(4)) { + return false; + } + if (m.hasSignatureAlgorithm) { + if (!(s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))).ReadUint16(((_ptr = (m.$ptr_signatureAlgorithm || (m.$ptr_signatureAlgorithm = new ptrType$36(function() { return this.$target.signatureAlgorithm; }, function($v) { this.$target.signatureAlgorithm = $v; }, m))), new ptrType$18(function() { return (_ptr.$get() << 16 >>> 16); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(($v << 16 >>> 16)); }, _ptr.$target))))) { + return false; + } + } + return readUint16LengthPrefixed((s$24ptr || (s$24ptr = new ptrType$17(function() { return s; }, function($v) { s = $convertSliceType($v, cryptobyte.String); }))), (m.$ptr_signature || (m.$ptr_signature = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.signature; }, function($v) { this.$target.signature = $v; }, m)))) && s.Empty(); + }; + certificateVerifyMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + newSessionTicketMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + var length, m, ticketLen, x; + x = sliceType$5.nil; + m = this; + if (!(m.raw === sliceType$5.nil)) { + x = m.raw; + return x; + } + ticketLen = m.ticket.$length; + length = 6 + ticketLen >> 0; + x = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, (4 + length >> 0)); + (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0] = 4); + (1 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 1] = (((length >> 16 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 2] = (((length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 3] = ((length << 24 >>> 24))); + (8 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 8] = (((ticketLen >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (9 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 9] = ((ticketLen << 24 >>> 24))); + $copySlice($subslice(x, 10), m.ticket); + m.raw = x; + return x; + }; + newSessionTicketMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + newSessionTicketMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var data, length, m, ticketLen; + m = this; + m.raw = data; + if (data.$length < 10) { + return false; + } + length = (((((((1 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0) | ((((2 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 2]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((3 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 3]) >>> 0))) >>> 0; + if (!(((((data.$length >>> 0)) - 4 >>> 0) === length))) { + return false; + } + ticketLen = ((((8 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 8]) >> 0)) << 8 >> 0) + (((9 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 9]) >> 0)) >> 0; + if (!(((data.$length - 10 >> 0) === ticketLen))) { + return false; + } + m.ticket = $subslice(data, 10); + return true; + }; + newSessionTicketMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + helloRequestMsg.ptr.prototype.marshal = function() { + return new sliceType$5([0, 0, 0, 0]); + }; + helloRequestMsg.prototype.marshal = function() { return this.$val.marshal(); }; + helloRequestMsg.ptr.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { + var data; + return data.$length === 4; + }; + helloRequestMsg.prototype.unmarshal = function(data) { return this.$val.unmarshal(data); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.handshake = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, err, err$1, err$10, err$11, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, hs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + /* */ if (c.handshakes > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (c.handshakes > 0) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(70); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server selected TLS 1.3 in a renegotiation"); + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(hs.ecdheParams, $ifaceNil) || !((hs.hello.keyShares.$length === 1))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(hs.ecdheParams, $ifaceNil) || !((hs.hello.keyShares.$length === 1))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$3 = hs.checkServerHelloOrHRR(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$4 = new crypto.Hash(hs.suite.hash).New(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.transcript = _r$4; + _r$5 = hs.hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$5); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + /* */ if (bytes.Equal(hs.serverHello.random, helloRetryRequestRandom)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (bytes.Equal(hs.serverHello.random, helloRetryRequestRandom)) { */ case 12: + _r$7 = hs.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$7; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$8 = hs.processHelloRetryRequest(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + /* } */ case 13: + _r$9 = hs.serverHello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$9); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + c.buffering = true; + _r$11 = hs.processServerHello(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + _r$12 = hs.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$12; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + _r$13 = hs.establishHandshakeKeys(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$5 = _r$13; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$5; + } + _r$14 = hs.readServerParameters(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$6 = _r$14; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$6; + } + _r$15 = hs.readServerCertificate(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$7 = _r$15; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$7, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$7; + } + _r$16 = hs.readServerFinished(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$8 = _r$16; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$8, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$8; + } + _r$17 = hs.sendClientCertificate(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$9 = _r$17; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$9, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$9; + } + _r$18 = hs.sendClientFinished(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$10 = _r$18; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$10, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$10; + } + _r$19 = c.flush(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$19; + err$11 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$11, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$11; + } + atomic.StoreUint32((c.$ptr_handshakeStatus || (c.$ptr_handshakeStatus = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target.handshakeStatus; }, function($v) { this.$target.handshakeStatus = $v; }, c))), 1); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.handshake, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, err, err$1, err$10, err$11, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, hs, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.handshake = function() { return this.$val.handshake(); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.checkServerHelloOrHRR = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, hs, selectedSuite, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + /* */ if (hs.serverHello.supportedVersion === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (hs.serverHello.supportedVersion === 0) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(109); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server selected TLS 1.3 using the legacy version field"); + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!((hs.serverHello.supportedVersion === 772))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((hs.serverHello.supportedVersion === 772))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server selected an invalid version after a HelloRetryRequest"); + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (!((hs.serverHello.vers === 771))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((hs.serverHello.vers === 771))) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server sent an incorrect legacy version"); + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (hs.serverHello.ocspStapling || hs.serverHello.ticketSupported || hs.serverHello.secureRenegotiationSupported || !((hs.serverHello.secureRenegotiation.$length === 0)) || !((hs.serverHello.alpnProtocol.length === 0)) || !((hs.serverHello.scts.$length === 0))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (hs.serverHello.ocspStapling || hs.serverHello.ticketSupported || hs.serverHello.secureRenegotiationSupported || !((hs.serverHello.secureRenegotiation.$length === 0)) || !((hs.serverHello.alpnProtocol.length === 0)) || !((hs.serverHello.scts.$length === 0))) { */ case 10: + _r$4 = c.sendAlert(110); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server sent a ServerHello extension forbidden in TLS 1.3"); + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if (!bytes.Equal(hs.hello.sessionId, hs.serverHello.sessionId)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!bytes.Equal(hs.hello.sessionId, hs.serverHello.sessionId)) { */ case 13: + _r$5 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server did not echo the legacy session ID"); + /* } */ case 14: + /* */ if (!((hs.serverHello.compressionMethod === 0))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!((hs.serverHello.compressionMethod === 0))) { */ case 16: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported compression format"); + /* } */ case 17: + selectedSuite = mutualCipherSuiteTLS13(hs.hello.cipherSuites, hs.serverHello.cipherSuite); + /* */ if (!(hs.suite === ptrType$2.nil) && !(selectedSuite === hs.suite)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!(hs.suite === ptrType$2.nil) && !(selectedSuite === hs.suite)) { */ case 19: + _r$7 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server changed cipher suite after a HelloRetryRequest"); + /* } */ case 20: + /* */ if (selectedSuite === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (selectedSuite === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 22: + _r$8 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server chose an unconfigured cipher suite"); + /* } */ case 23: + hs.suite = selectedSuite; + c.cipherSuite = hs.suite.id; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.checkServerHelloOrHRR, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, hs, selectedSuite, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.checkServerHelloOrHRR = function() { return this.$val.checkServerHelloOrHRR(); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, hs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + if (hs.sentDummyCCS) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + hs.sentDummyCCS = true; + _r$1 = hs.c.writeRecord(20, new sliceType$5([1])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, hs, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec = function() { return this.$val.sendDummyChangeCipherSpec(); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.processHelloRetryRequest = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, c, chHash, curveID, curveOK, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, hs, id, msg, ok, ok$1, params, pskBinders, pskSuite, serverHello, ticketAge, transcript, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.transcript.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + chHash = _r$1; + $r = hs.transcript.Reset(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = hs.transcript.Write(new sliceType$5([254, 0, 0, ((chHash.$length << 24 >>> 24))])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = hs.transcript.Write(chHash); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = hs.serverHello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$4); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* */ if ((hs.serverHello.selectedGroup === 0) && hs.serverHello.cookie === sliceType$5.nil) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ((hs.serverHello.selectedGroup === 0) && hs.serverHello.cookie === sliceType$5.nil) { */ case 7: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server sent an unnecessary HelloRetryRequest message"); + /* } */ case 8: + if (!(hs.serverHello.cookie === sliceType$5.nil)) { + hs.hello.cookie = hs.serverHello.cookie; + } + /* */ if (!((hs.serverHello.serverShare.group === 0))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!((hs.serverHello.serverShare.group === 0))) { */ case 10: + _r$7 = c.sendAlert(50); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: received malformed key_share extension"); + /* } */ case 11: + curveID = hs.serverHello.selectedGroup; + /* */ if (!((curveID === 0))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!((curveID === 0))) { */ case 13: + curveOK = false; + _ref = hs.hello.supportedCurves; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + id = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (id === curveID) { + curveOK = true; + break; + } + _i++; + } + /* */ if (!curveOK) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!curveOK) { */ case 15: + _r$8 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported group"); + /* } */ case 16: + _r$9 = hs.ecdheParams.CurveID(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$9 === curveID) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (_r$9 === curveID) { */ case 18: + _r$10 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server sent an unnecessary HelloRetryRequest key_share"); + /* } */ case 19: + _r$11 = curveForCurveID(curveID); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$11; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!((curveID === 29)) && !ok) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (!((curveID === 29)) && !ok) { */ case 23: + _r$12 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve"); + /* } */ case 24: + _r$13 = generateECDHEParameters(c.config.rand(), curveID); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$13; + params = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 27: + _r$14 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 28: + hs.ecdheParams = params; + _r$15 = params.PublicKey(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.hello.keyShares = new sliceType$15([new keyShare.ptr(curveID, _r$15)]); + /* } */ case 14: + hs.hello.raw = sliceType$5.nil; + /* */ if (hs.hello.pskIdentities.$length > 0) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (hs.hello.pskIdentities.$length > 0) { */ case 31: + pskSuite = cipherSuiteTLS13ByID(hs.session.cipherSuite); + /* */ if (pskSuite === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (pskSuite === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 33: + _r$16 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$16; + $s = 36; case 36: return $24r; + /* } */ case 34: + /* */ if (pskSuite.hash === hs.suite.hash) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (pskSuite.hash === hs.suite.hash) { */ case 37: + _r$17 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = $clone(_r$17, time.Time).Sub($clone(hs.session.receivedAt, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ticketAge = (($div64(_r$18, new time.Duration(0, 1000000), false).$low >>> 0)); + (x = hs.hello.pskIdentities, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).obfuscatedTicketAge = ticketAge + hs.session.ageAdd >>> 0; + _r$19 = new crypto.Hash(hs.suite.hash).New(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + transcript = _r$19; + _r$20 = transcript.Write(new sliceType$5([254, 0, 0, ((chHash.$length << 24 >>> 24))])); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20; + _r$21 = transcript.Write(chHash); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21; + _r$22 = hs.serverHello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = transcript.Write(_r$22); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23; + _r$24 = hs.hello.marshalWithoutBinders(); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = transcript.Write(_r$24); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25; + _r$26 = hs.suite.finishedHash(hs.binderKey, transcript); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pskBinders = new sliceType$11([_r$26]); + $r = hs.hello.updateBinders(pskBinders); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 39; continue; + /* } else { */ case 38: + hs.hello.pskIdentities = sliceType$16.nil; + hs.hello.pskBinders = sliceType$11.nil; + /* } */ case 39: + /* } */ case 32: + _r$27 = hs.hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$27); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28; + _r$29 = hs.hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$29; + _r$30 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$30; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$31 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$31; + msg = _tuple$3[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + _tuple$4 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$30, true); + serverHello = _tuple$4[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ $s = 57; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 56: + _r$32 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$32; + _r$33 = unexpectedMessageError(serverHello, msg); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$33; + $s = 60; case 60: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 57: + hs.serverHello = serverHello; + _r$34 = hs.checkServerHelloOrHRR(); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$34; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.processHelloRetryRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, c, chHash, curveID, curveOK, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, hs, id, msg, ok, ok$1, params, pskBinders, pskSuite, serverHello, ticketAge, transcript, x, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.processHelloRetryRequest = function() { return this.$val.processHelloRetryRequest(); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.processServerHello = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, hs, pskSuite, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + /* */ if (bytes.Equal(hs.serverHello.random, helloRetryRequestRandom)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (bytes.Equal(hs.serverHello.random, helloRetryRequestRandom)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server sent two HelloRetryRequest messages"); + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!((hs.serverHello.cookie.$length === 0))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((hs.serverHello.cookie.$length === 0))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(110); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server sent a cookie in a normal ServerHello"); + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (!((hs.serverHello.selectedGroup === 0))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((hs.serverHello.selectedGroup === 0))) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(50); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: malformed key_share extension"); + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (hs.serverHello.serverShare.group === 0) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (hs.serverHello.serverShare.group === 0) { */ case 10: + _r$4 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server did not send a key share"); + /* } */ case 11: + _r$5 = hs.ecdheParams.CurveID(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((hs.serverHello.serverShare.group === _r$5))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!((hs.serverHello.serverShare.group === _r$5))) { */ case 13: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported group"); + /* } */ case 14: + if (!hs.serverHello.selectedIdentityPresent) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (((hs.serverHello.selectedIdentity >> 0)) >= hs.hello.pskIdentities.$length) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (((hs.serverHello.selectedIdentity >> 0)) >= hs.hello.pskIdentities.$length) { */ case 17: + _r$7 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server selected an invalid PSK"); + /* } */ case 18: + /* */ if (!((hs.hello.pskIdentities.$length === 1)) || hs.session === ptrType$37.nil) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!((hs.hello.pskIdentities.$length === 1)) || hs.session === ptrType$37.nil) { */ case 20: + _r$8 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r; + /* } */ case 21: + pskSuite = cipherSuiteTLS13ByID(hs.session.cipherSuite); + /* */ if (pskSuite === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (pskSuite === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 24: + _r$9 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$9; + $s = 27; case 27: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 25: + /* */ if (!((pskSuite.hash === hs.suite.hash))) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!((pskSuite.hash === hs.suite.hash))) { */ case 28: + _r$10 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server selected an invalid PSK and cipher suite pair"); + /* } */ case 29: + hs.usingPSK = true; + c.didResume = true; + c.peerCertificates = hs.session.serverCertificates; + c.verifiedChains = hs.session.verifiedChains; + c.ocspResponse = hs.session.ocspResponse; + c.scts = hs.session.scts; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.processServerHello, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, hs, pskSuite, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.processServerHello = function() { return this.$val.processServerHello(); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.establishHandshakeKeys = function() { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, clientSecret, earlySecret, err, handshakeSecret, hs, serverSecret, sharedKey, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.ecdheParams.SharedKey(hs.serverHello.serverShare.data); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sharedKey = _r$1; + /* */ if (sharedKey === sliceType$5.nil) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (sharedKey === sliceType$5.nil) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: invalid server key share"); + /* } */ case 3: + earlySecret = hs.earlySecret; + /* */ if (!hs.usingPSK) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!hs.usingPSK) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = hs.suite.extract(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + earlySecret = _r$3; + /* } */ case 6: + _arg = sharedKey; + _r$4 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(earlySecret, "derived", $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$4; + _r$5 = hs.suite.extract(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + handshakeSecret = _r$5; + _r$6 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(handshakeSecret, "c hs traffic", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clientSecret = _r$6; + $r = c.out.setTrafficSecret(hs.suite, clientSecret); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(handshakeSecret, "s hs traffic", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serverSecret = _r$7; + $r = c.in$27.setTrafficSecret(hs.suite, serverSecret); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = c.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET", hs.hello.random, clientSecret); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$8; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 15: + _r$9 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 16: + _r$10 = c.config.writeKeyLog("SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET", hs.hello.random, serverSecret); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$10; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 19: + _r$11 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 20: + _arg$2 = sliceType$5.nil; + _r$12 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(handshakeSecret, "derived", $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$12; + _r$13 = hs.suite.extract(_arg$2, _arg$3); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.masterSecret = _r$13; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.establishHandshakeKeys, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, clientSecret, earlySecret, err, handshakeSecret, hs, serverSecret, sharedKey, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.establishHandshakeKeys = function() { return this.$val.establishHandshakeKeys(); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.readServerParameters = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, encryptedExtensions, err, err$1, hs, msg, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$38, true); + encryptedExtensions = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = unexpectedMessageError(encryptedExtensions, msg); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = encryptedExtensions.marshal(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$4); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + err$1 = checkALPN(hs.hello.alpnProtocols, encryptedExtensions.alpnProtocol); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(110); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* } */ case 10: + c.clientProtocol = encryptedExtensions.alpnProtocol; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.readServerParameters, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, encryptedExtensions, err, err$1, hs, msg, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.readServerParameters = function() { return this.$val.readServerParameters(); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.readServerCertificate = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, c, certMsg, certReq, certVerify, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, hs, msg, ok, sigHash, sigType, signed, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + /* */ if (hs.usingPSK) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (hs.usingPSK) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = c.config.VerifyConnection($clone(c.connectionStateLocked(), ConnectionState)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$39, true); + certReq = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 10: + _r$4 = certReq.marshal(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$4); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + hs.certReq = certReq; + _r$6 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$6; + msg = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + /* } */ case 11: + _tuple$3 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$27, true); + certMsg = _tuple$3[0]; + ok = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 15: + _r$7 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = unexpectedMessageError(certMsg, msg); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$8; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r; + /* } */ case 16: + /* */ if (certMsg.certificate.Certificate.$length === 0) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (certMsg.certificate.Certificate.$length === 0) { */ case 20: + _r$9 = c.sendAlert(50); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: received empty certificates message"); + /* } */ case 21: + _r$10 = certMsg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$10); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + c.scts = certMsg.certificate.SignedCertificateTimestamps; + c.ocspResponse = certMsg.certificate.OCSPStaple; + _r$12 = c.verifyServerCertificate(certMsg.certificate.Certificate); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$12; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + _r$13 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$13; + msg = _tuple$4[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _tuple$5 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$28, true); + certVerify = _tuple$5[0]; + ok = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 27: + _r$14 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + _r$15 = unexpectedMessageError(certVerify, msg); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$15; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 28: + /* */ if (!isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm(certVerify.signatureAlgorithm, supportedSignatureAlgorithms)) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (!isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm(certVerify.signatureAlgorithm, supportedSignatureAlgorithms)) { */ case 32: + _r$16 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: certificate used with invalid signature algorithm"); + /* } */ case 33: + _r$17 = typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme(certVerify.signatureAlgorithm); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$17; + sigType = _tuple$6[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$6[1]; + err$1 = _tuple$6[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 36: + _r$18 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$18; + $s = 39; case 39: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 37: + /* */ if ((sigType === 225) || (sigHash === 3)) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if ((sigType === 225) || (sigHash === 3)) { */ case 40: + _r$19 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: certificate used with invalid signature algorithm"); + /* } */ case 41: + _r$20 = signedMessage(sigHash, "TLS 1.3, server CertificateVerify\x00", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$20; + _r$21 = verifyHandshakeSignature(sigType, (x = c.peerCertificates, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).PublicKey, sigHash, signed, certVerify.signature); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$21; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 45: + _r$22 = c.sendAlert(51); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22; + _r$23 = err$3.Error(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = errors.New("tls: invalid signature by the server certificate: " + _r$23); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$24; + $s = 50; case 50: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 46: + _r$25 = certVerify.marshal(); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$25); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.readServerCertificate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, c, certMsg, certReq, certVerify, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, hs, msg, ok, sigHash, sigType, signed, x, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.readServerCertificate = function() { return this.$val.readServerCertificate(); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.readServerFinished = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, expectedMAC, finished, hs, msg, ok, serverSecret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$29, true); + finished = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = unexpectedMessageError(finished, msg); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = hs.suite.finishedHash(c.in$27.trafficSecret, hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + expectedMAC = _r$4; + /* */ if (!hmac.Equal(expectedMAC, finished.verifyData)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!hmac.Equal(expectedMAC, finished.verifyData)) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = c.sendAlert(51); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: invalid server finished hash"); + /* } */ case 9: + _r$6 = finished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$6); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(hs.masterSecret, "c ap traffic", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.trafficSecret = _r$8; + _r$9 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(hs.masterSecret, "s ap traffic", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serverSecret = _r$9; + $r = c.in$27.setTrafficSecret(hs.suite, serverSecret); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = c.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0", hs.hello.random, hs.trafficSecret); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$10; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 17: + _r$11 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 18: + _r$12 = c.config.writeKeyLog("SERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0", hs.hello.random, serverSecret); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$12; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 21: + _r$13 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 22: + _r$14 = hs.suite.exportKeyingMaterial(hs.masterSecret, hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c.ekm = _r$14; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.readServerFinished, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, expectedMAC, finished, hs, msg, ok, serverSecret, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.readServerFinished = function() { return this.$val.readServerFinished(); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendClientCertificate = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, c, cert, certMsg, certVerifyMsg, err, err$1, err$2, hs, sig, sigHash, sigType, signOpts, signed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + if (hs.certReq === ptrType$39.nil) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$1 = c.getClientCertificate(new CertificateRequestInfo.ptr(hs.certReq.certificateAuthorities, hs.certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms, c.vers, hs.ctx)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + cert = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + certMsg = new certificateMsgTLS13.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil), false, false); + Certificate.copy(certMsg.certificate, cert); + certMsg.scts = hs.certReq.scts && cert.SignedCertificateTimestamps.$length > 0; + certMsg.ocspStapling = hs.certReq.ocspStapling && cert.OCSPStaple.$length > 0; + _r$2 = certMsg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$2); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = certMsg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$4; + _r$5 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + if (cert.Certificate.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + certVerifyMsg = new certificateVerifyMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, false, 0, sliceType$5.nil); + certVerifyMsg.hasSignatureAlgorithm = true; + _r$6 = selectSignatureScheme(c.vers, cert, hs.certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$6; + certVerifyMsg.signatureAlgorithm = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _r$7 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$8 = typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme(certVerifyMsg.signatureAlgorithm); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$8; + sigType = _tuple$3[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$3[1]; + err = _tuple$3[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 11: + _r$9 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$9; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } */ case 12: + _r$10 = signedMessage(sigHash, "TLS 1.3, client CertificateVerify\x00", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$10; + signOpts = (new crypto.Hash(sigHash)); + if (sigType === 226) { + signOpts = new rsa.PSSOptions.ptr(-1, sigHash); + } + _r$11 = $assertType(cert.PrivateKey, crypto.Signer).Sign(c.config.rand(), signed, signOpts); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$11; + sig = _tuple$4[0]; + err = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 17: + _r$12 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + _r$13 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = errors.New("tls: failed to sign handshake: " + _r$13); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$14; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 18: + certVerifyMsg.signature = sig; + _r$15 = certVerifyMsg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$15); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + _r$17 = certVerifyMsg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$17; + _r$18 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$18; + err$2 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendClientCertificate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, c, cert, certMsg, certVerifyMsg, err, err$1, err$2, hs, sig, sigHash, sigType, signOpts, signed, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.sendClientCertificate = function() { return this.$val.sendClientCertificate(); }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendClientFinished = function() { + var {_arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, c, err, finished, hs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.suite.finishedHash(c.out.trafficSecret, hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + finished = new finishedMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, _r$1); + _r$2 = finished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = hs.transcript.Write(_r$2); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = finished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$4; + _r$5 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $r = c.out.setTrafficSecret(hs.suite, hs.trafficSecret); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!c.config.SessionTicketsDisabled && !($interfaceIsEqual(c.config.ClientSessionCache, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!c.config.SessionTicketsDisabled && !($interfaceIsEqual(c.config.ClientSessionCache, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _r$6 = hs.suite.deriveSecret(hs.masterSecret, "res master", hs.transcript); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c.resumptionSecret = _r$6; + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr.prototype.sendClientFinished, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, c, err, finished, hs, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.prototype.sendClientFinished = function() { return this.$val.sendClientFinished(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.handleNewSessionTicket = function(msg) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, cacheKey, cipherSuite$1, lifetime, msg, session, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!c.isClient) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!c.isClient) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: received new session ticket from a client"); + /* } */ case 2: + if (c.config.SessionTicketsDisabled || $interfaceIsEqual(c.config.ClientSessionCache, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + if (msg.lifetime === 0) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + lifetime = $mul64((new time.Duration(0, msg.lifetime)), new time.Duration(0, 1000000000)); + /* */ if ((lifetime.$high > 140815 || (lifetime.$high === 140815 && lifetime.$low > 4180213760))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((lifetime.$high > 140815 || (lifetime.$high === 140815 && lifetime.$low > 4180213760))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: received a session ticket with invalid lifetime"); + /* } */ case 5: + cipherSuite$1 = cipherSuiteTLS13ByID(c.cipherSuite); + /* */ if (cipherSuite$1 === ptrType$2.nil || c.resumptionSecret === sliceType$5.nil) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (cipherSuite$1 === ptrType$2.nil || c.resumptionSecret === sliceType$5.nil) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$4 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, time.Time).Add(lifetime); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + session = new ClientSessionState.ptr(msg.label, c.vers, c.cipherSuite, c.resumptionSecret, c.peerCertificates, c.verifiedChains, $clone(_r$4, time.Time), c.ocspResponse, c.scts, msg.nonce, $clone(_r$6, time.Time), msg.ageAdd); + _r$7 = c.conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = clientSessionCacheKey(_r$7, c.config); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cacheKey = _r$8; + $r = c.config.ClientSessionCache.Put(cacheKey, session); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.handleNewSessionTicket, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, c, cacheKey, cipherSuite$1, lifetime, msg, session, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.handleNewSessionTicket = function(msg) { return this.$val.handleNewSessionTicket(msg); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.makeClientHello = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, clientHelloVersion, config, configCipherSuites, curveID, err, err$1, hello, l, nextProtosLength, ok, params, preferenceOrder, proto, suite, suiteId, supportedVersions$1, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + config = c.config; + if ((config.ServerName.length === 0) && !config.InsecureSkipVerify) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$26.nil, $ifaceNil, errors.New("tls: either ServerName or InsecureSkipVerify must be specified in the tls.Config")]; + } + nextProtosLength = 0; + _ref = config.NextProtos; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + proto = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + l = proto.length; + if ((l === 0) || l > 255) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$26.nil, $ifaceNil, errors.New("tls: invalid NextProtos value")]; + } else { + nextProtosLength = nextProtosLength + ((1 + l >> 0)) >> 0; + } + _i++; + } + if (nextProtosLength > 65535) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$26.nil, $ifaceNil, errors.New("tls: NextProtos values too large")]; + } + supportedVersions$1 = config.supportedVersions(true); + if (supportedVersions$1.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$26.nil, $ifaceNil, errors.New("tls: no supported versions satisfy MinVersion and MaxVersion")]; + } + clientHelloVersion = config.maxSupportedVersion(true); + if (clientHelloVersion > 771) { + clientHelloVersion = 771; + } + hello = new clientHelloMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, clientHelloVersion, $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 32), $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 32), sliceType$2.nil, new sliceType$5([0]), hostnameInSNI(config.ServerName), true, config.curvePreferences(), new sliceType$5([0]), false, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$7.nil, true, sliceType$5.nil, config.NextProtos, true, supportedVersions$1, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$15.nil, false, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$16.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + if (c.handshakes > 0) { + hello.secureRenegotiation = new sliceType$5(c.clientFinished); + } + preferenceOrder = cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder; + if (!hasAESGCMHardwareSupport) { + preferenceOrder = cipherSuitesPreferenceOrderNoAES; + } + configCipherSuites = config.cipherSuites(); + hello.cipherSuites = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, configCipherSuites.$length); + _ref$1 = preferenceOrder; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + suiteId = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + suite = mutualCipherSuite(configCipherSuites, suiteId); + if (suite === ptrType$3.nil) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + if (hello.vers < 771 && !(((suite.flags & 4) === 0))) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + hello.cipherSuites = $append(hello.cipherSuites, suiteId); + _i$1++; + } + _r$1 = io.ReadFull(config.rand(), hello.random); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = errors.New("tls: short read from Rand: " + _r$2); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$26.nil, $ifaceNil, _r$3]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = io.ReadFull(config.rand(), hello.sessionId); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = err$1.Error(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = errors.New("tls: short read from Rand: " + _r$5); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [ptrType$26.nil, $ifaceNil, _r$6]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + if (hello.vers >= 771) { + hello.supportedSignatureAlgorithms = supportedSignatureAlgorithms; + } + params = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if ((x = hello.supportedVersions, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 772) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ((x = hello.supportedVersions, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 772) { */ case 13: + if (hasAESGCMHardwareSupport) { + hello.cipherSuites = $appendSlice(hello.cipherSuites, defaultCipherSuitesTLS13); + } else { + hello.cipherSuites = $appendSlice(hello.cipherSuites, defaultCipherSuitesTLS13NoAES); + } + curveID = (x$1 = config.curvePreferences(), (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])); + _r$7 = curveForCurveID(curveID); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$7; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!((curveID === 29)) && !ok) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$26.nil, $ifaceNil, errors.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve")]; + } + _r$8 = generateECDHEParameters(config.rand(), curveID); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$8; + params = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$26.nil, $ifaceNil, err]; + } + _r$9 = params.PublicKey(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hello.keyShares = new sliceType$15([new keyShare.ptr(curveID, _r$9)]); + /* } */ case 14: + $s = -1; return [hello, params, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.makeClientHello, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, clientHelloVersion, config, configCipherSuites, curveID, err, err$1, hello, l, nextProtosLength, ok, params, preferenceOrder, proto, suite, suiteId, supportedVersions$1, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.makeClientHello = function() { return this.$val.makeClientHello(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.clientHandshake = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, binderKey, c, cacheKey, ctx, earlySecret, ecdheParams, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, hello, hs, hs$1, maxVers, msg, ok, serverHello, session, tls11Downgrade, tls12Downgrade, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = [c]; + cacheKey = [cacheKey]; + err = [err]; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + c[0] = this; + if (c[0].config === ptrType$4.nil) { + c[0].config = defaultConfig(); + } + c[0].didResume = false; + _r$1 = c[0].makeClientHello(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + hello = _tuple[0]; + ecdheParams = _tuple[1]; + err[0] = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r = err[0]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + c[0].serverName = hello.serverName; + _r$2 = c[0].loadSession(hello); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + cacheKey[0] = _tuple$1[0]; + session = _tuple$1[1]; + earlySecret = _tuple$1[2]; + binderKey = _tuple$1[3]; + /* */ if (!(cacheKey[0] === "") && !(session === ptrType$37.nil)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(cacheKey[0] === "") && !(session === ptrType$37.nil)) { */ case 6: + $deferred.push([(function(c, cacheKey, err) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $r = c[0].config.ClientSessionCache.Put(cacheKey[0], ptrType$37.nil); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, cacheKey, err), []]); + /* } */ case 7: + _r$3 = hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$3; + _r$4 = c[0].writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + err[0] = err$1; + $24r$1 = err[0]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + _r$5 = c[0].readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$5; + msg = _tuple$3[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$2 = err[0]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 15: + _tuple$4 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$30, true); + serverHello = _tuple$4[0]; + ok = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 17: + _r$6 = c[0].sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = unexpectedMessageError(serverHello, msg); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$7; + $24r$3 = err[0]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 18: + _r$8 = c[0].pickTLSVersion(serverHello); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$8; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 23: + err[0] = err$2; + $24r$4 = err[0]; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 24: + maxVers = c[0].config.maxSupportedVersion(true); + tls12Downgrade = ($bytesToString($subslice(serverHello.random, 24))) === "DOWNGRD\x01"; + tls11Downgrade = ($bytesToString($subslice(serverHello.random, 24))) === "DOWNGRD\x00"; + /* */ if ((maxVers === 772) && c[0].vers <= 771 && (tls12Downgrade || tls11Downgrade) || (maxVers === 771) && c[0].vers <= 770 && tls11Downgrade) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if ((maxVers === 772) && c[0].vers <= 771 && (tls12Downgrade || tls11Downgrade) || (maxVers === 771) && c[0].vers <= 770 && tls11Downgrade) { */ case 26: + _r$9 = c[0].sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + err[0] = errors.New("tls: downgrade attempt detected, possibly due to a MitM attack or a broken middlebox"); + $24r$5 = err[0]; + $s = 29; case 29: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 27: + /* */ if (c[0].vers === 772) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (c[0].vers === 772) { */ case 30: + hs = new clientHandshakeStateTLS13.ptr(c[0], ctx, serverHello, hello, ecdheParams, session, earlySecret, binderKey, ptrType$39.nil, false, false, ptrType$2.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + _r$10 = hs.handshake(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$10; + $24r$6 = err[0]; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 31: + hs$1 = new clientHandshakeState.ptr(c[0], ctx, serverHello, hello, ptrType$3.nil, new finishedHash.ptr($ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$5.nil, 0, $throwNilPointerError), sliceType$5.nil, session); + _r$11 = hs$1.handshake(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$11; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 35: + err[0] = err$3; + $24r$7 = err[0]; + $s = 37; case 37: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 36: + /* */ if (!(cacheKey[0] === "") && !(hs$1.session === ptrType$37.nil) && !(session === hs$1.session)) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if (!(cacheKey[0] === "") && !(hs$1.session === ptrType$37.nil) && !(session === hs$1.session)) { */ case 38: + $r = c[0].config.ClientSessionCache.Put(cacheKey[0], hs$1.session); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 39: + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $24r$8 = err[0]; + $s = 41; case 41: return $24r$8; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return err[0]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.clientHandshake, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, binderKey, c, cacheKey, ctx, earlySecret, ecdheParams, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, hello, hs, hs$1, maxVers, msg, ok, serverHello, session, tls11Downgrade, tls12Downgrade, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.clientHandshake = function(ctx) { return this.$val.clientHandshake(ctx); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.loadSession = function(hello) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, binderKey, c, cacheKey, cipherSuite$1, cipherSuiteOk, earlySecret, err, hello, identity, offeredID, offeredSuite, ok, psk, pskBinders, serverCert, session, ticketAge, transcript, v, versOk, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hello}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cacheKey = ""; + session = ptrType$37.nil; + earlySecret = sliceType$5.nil; + binderKey = sliceType$5.nil; + c = this; + if (c.config.SessionTicketsDisabled || $interfaceIsEqual(c.config.ClientSessionCache, $ifaceNil)) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$2 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$3 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp; + session = _tmp$1; + earlySecret = _tmp$2; + binderKey = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + } + hello.ticketSupported = true; + if ((x = hello.supportedVersions, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === 772) { + hello.pskModes = new sliceType$5([1]); + } + if (!((c.handshakes === 0))) { + _tmp$4 = ""; + _tmp$5 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$6 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$7 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp$4; + session = _tmp$5; + earlySecret = _tmp$6; + binderKey = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + } + _r$1 = c.conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = clientSessionCacheKey(_r$1, c.config); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cacheKey = _r$2; + _r$3 = c.config.ClientSessionCache.Get(cacheKey); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + session = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok || session === ptrType$37.nil) { + _tmp$8 = cacheKey; + _tmp$9 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$10 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$11 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp$8; + session = _tmp$9; + earlySecret = _tmp$10; + binderKey = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + } + versOk = false; + _ref = hello.supportedVersions; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (v === session.vers) { + versOk = true; + break; + } + _i++; + } + if (!versOk) { + _tmp$12 = cacheKey; + _tmp$13 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$14 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$15 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp$12; + session = _tmp$13; + earlySecret = _tmp$14; + binderKey = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + } + /* */ if (!c.config.InsecureSkipVerify) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!c.config.InsecureSkipVerify) { */ case 4: + if (session.verifiedChains.$length === 0) { + _tmp$16 = cacheKey; + _tmp$17 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$18 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$19 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp$16; + session = _tmp$17; + earlySecret = _tmp$18; + binderKey = _tmp$19; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + } + serverCert = (x$1 = session.serverCertificates, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])); + _r$4 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $clone(_r$4, time.Time).After($clone(serverCert.NotAfter, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 6: + $r = c.config.ClientSessionCache.Put(cacheKey, ptrType$37.nil); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$20 = cacheKey; + _tmp$21 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$22 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$23 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp$20; + session = _tmp$21; + earlySecret = _tmp$22; + binderKey = _tmp$23; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + /* } */ case 7: + err = serverCert.VerifyHostname(c.config.ServerName); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$24 = cacheKey; + _tmp$25 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$26 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$27 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp$24; + session = _tmp$25; + earlySecret = _tmp$26; + binderKey = _tmp$27; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + } + /* } */ case 5: + if (!((session.vers === 772))) { + if (mutualCipherSuite(hello.cipherSuites, session.cipherSuite) === ptrType$3.nil) { + _tmp$28 = cacheKey; + _tmp$29 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$30 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$31 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp$28; + session = _tmp$29; + earlySecret = _tmp$30; + binderKey = _tmp$31; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + } + hello.sessionTicket = session.sessionTicket; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + } + _r$6 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $clone(_r$6, time.Time).After($clone(session.useBy, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$7) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_r$7) { */ case 11: + $r = c.config.ClientSessionCache.Put(cacheKey, ptrType$37.nil); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$32 = cacheKey; + _tmp$33 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$34 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$35 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp$32; + session = _tmp$33; + earlySecret = _tmp$34; + binderKey = _tmp$35; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + /* } */ case 12: + cipherSuite$1 = cipherSuiteTLS13ByID(session.cipherSuite); + if (cipherSuite$1 === ptrType$2.nil) { + _tmp$36 = cacheKey; + _tmp$37 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$38 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$39 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp$36; + session = _tmp$37; + earlySecret = _tmp$38; + binderKey = _tmp$39; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + } + cipherSuiteOk = false; + _ref$1 = hello.cipherSuites; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + offeredID = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + offeredSuite = cipherSuiteTLS13ByID(offeredID); + if (!(offeredSuite === ptrType$2.nil) && (offeredSuite.hash === cipherSuite$1.hash)) { + cipherSuiteOk = true; + break; + } + _i$1++; + } + if (!cipherSuiteOk) { + _tmp$40 = cacheKey; + _tmp$41 = ptrType$37.nil; + _tmp$42 = sliceType$5.nil; + _tmp$43 = sliceType$5.nil; + cacheKey = _tmp$40; + session = _tmp$41; + earlySecret = _tmp$42; + binderKey = _tmp$43; + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + } + _r$8 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, time.Time).Sub($clone(session.receivedAt, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ticketAge = (($div64(_r$9, new time.Duration(0, 1000000), false).$low >>> 0)); + identity = new pskIdentity.ptr(session.sessionTicket, ticketAge + session.ageAdd >>> 0); + hello.pskIdentities = new sliceType$16([$clone(identity, pskIdentity)]); + hello.pskBinders = new sliceType$11([$makeSlice(sliceType$5, new crypto.Hash(cipherSuite$1.hash).Size())]); + _r$10 = cipherSuite$1.expandLabel(session.masterSecret, "resumption", session.nonce, new crypto.Hash(cipherSuite$1.hash).Size()); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + psk = _r$10; + _r$11 = cipherSuite$1.extract(psk, sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + earlySecret = _r$11; + _r$12 = cipherSuite$1.deriveSecret(earlySecret, "res binder", $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + binderKey = _r$12; + _r$13 = new crypto.Hash(cipherSuite$1.hash).New(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + transcript = _r$13; + _r$14 = hello.marshalWithoutBinders(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = transcript.Write(_r$14); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + _r$16 = cipherSuite$1.finishedHash(binderKey, transcript); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pskBinders = new sliceType$11([_r$16]); + $r = hello.updateBinders(pskBinders); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [cacheKey, session, earlySecret, binderKey]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.loadSession, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, binderKey, c, cacheKey, cipherSuite$1, cipherSuiteOk, earlySecret, err, hello, identity, offeredID, offeredSuite, ok, psk, pskBinders, serverCert, session, ticketAge, transcript, v, versOk, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.loadSession = function(hello) { return this.$val.loadSession(hello); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.pickTLSVersion = function(serverHello) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, c, ok, peerVersion, serverHello, vers, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {serverHello}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + peerVersion = serverHello.vers; + if (!((serverHello.supportedVersion === 0))) { + peerVersion = serverHello.supportedVersion; + } + _tuple = c.config.mutualVersion(true, new sliceType$2([peerVersion])); + vers = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(70); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("tls: server selected unsupported protocol version %x", new sliceType$6([new $Uint16(peerVersion)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + c.vers = vers; + c.haveVers = true; + c.in$27.version = vers; + c.out.version = vers; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.pickTLSVersion, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, c, ok, peerVersion, serverHello, vers, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.pickTLSVersion = function(serverHello) { return this.$val.pickTLSVersion(serverHello); }; + clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.handshake = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, err, err$1, err$10, err$11, err$12, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, hs, isResume, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.processServerHello(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + isResume = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$2 = newFinishedHash(c.vers, hs.suite); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + finishedHash.copy(hs.finishedHash, _r$2); + if (isResume || ((c.config.Certificates.$length === 0) && c.config.GetClientCertificate === $throwNilPointerError)) { + hs.finishedHash.discardHandshakeBuffer(); + } + _r$3 = hs.hello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$3); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = hs.serverHello.marshal(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$5); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + c.buffering = true; + c.didResume = isResume; + /* */ if (isResume) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (isResume) { */ case 7: + _r$7 = hs.establishKeys(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$7; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$8 = hs.readSessionTicket(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + _r$9 = hs.readFinished(new sliceType$5(c.serverFinished)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$9; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + c.clientFinishedIsFirst = false; + /* */ if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 13: + _r$10 = c.config.VerifyConnection($clone(c.connectionStateLocked(), ConnectionState)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$10; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 16: + _r$11 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + $s = -1; return err$4; + /* } */ case 17: + /* } */ case 14: + _r$12 = hs.sendFinished(new sliceType$5(c.clientFinished)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$5 = _r$12; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$5; + } + _r$13 = c.flush(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$13; + err$6 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$6; + } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + _r$14 = hs.doFullHandshake(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$7 = _r$14; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$7, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$7; + } + _r$15 = hs.establishKeys(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$8 = _r$15; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$8, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$8; + } + _r$16 = hs.sendFinished(new sliceType$5(c.clientFinished)); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$9 = _r$16; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$9, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$9; + } + _r$17 = c.flush(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$17; + err$10 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$10, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$10; + } + c.clientFinishedIsFirst = true; + _r$18 = hs.readSessionTicket(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$11 = _r$18; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$11, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$11; + } + _r$19 = hs.readFinished(new sliceType$5(c.serverFinished)); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$12 = _r$19; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$12, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$12; + } + /* } */ case 9: + c.ekm = ekmFromMasterSecret(c.vers, hs.suite, hs.masterSecret, hs.hello.random, hs.serverHello.random); + atomic.StoreUint32((c.$ptr_handshakeStatus || (c.$ptr_handshakeStatus = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target.handshakeStatus; }, function($v) { this.$target.handshakeStatus = $v; }, c))), 1); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.handshake, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, err, err$1, err$10, err$11, err$12, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, err$8, err$9, hs, isResume, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeState.prototype.handshake = function() { return this.$val.handshake(); }; + clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.pickCipherSuite = function() { + var {_r$1, hs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + hs.suite = mutualCipherSuite(hs.hello.cipherSuites, hs.serverHello.cipherSuite); + /* */ if (hs.suite === ptrType$3.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (hs.suite === ptrType$3.nil) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = hs.c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server chose an unconfigured cipher suite"); + /* } */ case 2: + hs.c.cipherSuite = hs.suite.id; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.pickCipherSuite, $c: true, $r, _r$1, hs, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeState.prototype.pickCipherSuite = function() { return this.$val.pickCipherSuite(); }; + clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.doFullHandshake = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$49, _r$5, _r$50, _r$51, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, c, certMsg, certReq, certRequested, certVerify, chainToSend, ckx, cri, cs, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, hs, key, keyAgreement$1, msg, ok, ok$1, preMasterSecret, shd, sigHash, sigType, signOpts, signatureAlgorithm, signed, skx, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$34, true); + certMsg = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok || (certMsg.certificates.$length === 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok || (certMsg.certificates.$length === 0)) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = unexpectedMessageError(certMsg, msg); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = hs.finishedHash.Write(certMsg.marshal()); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$5; + msg = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _tuple$3 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$40, true); + cs = _tuple$3[0]; + ok = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 9: + /* */ if (!hs.serverHello.ocspStapling) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!hs.serverHello.ocspStapling) { */ case 11: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: received unexpected CertificateStatus message"); + /* } */ case 12: + _r$7 = cs.marshal(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$7); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + c.ocspResponse = cs.response; + _r$9 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$9; + msg = _tuple$4[0]; + err = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (c.handshakes === 0) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (c.handshakes === 0) { */ case 17: + _r$10 = c.verifyServerCertificate(certMsg.certificates); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$10; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else { */ case 18: + /* */ if (!bytes.Equal((x = c.peerCertificates, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).Raw, (x$1 = certMsg.certificates, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!bytes.Equal((x = c.peerCertificates, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).Raw, (x$1 = certMsg.certificates, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])))) { */ case 21: + _r$11 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server's identity changed during renegotiation"); + /* } */ case 22: + /* } */ case 19: + _r$12 = hs.suite.ka(c.vers); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keyAgreement$1 = _r$12; + _tuple$5 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$22, true); + skx = _tuple$5[0]; + ok = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 25: + _r$13 = hs.finishedHash.Write(skx.marshal()); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + _r$14 = keyAgreement$1.processServerKeyExchange(c.config, hs.hello, hs.serverHello, (x$2 = c.peerCertificates, (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])), skx); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$14; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 29: + _r$15 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 30: + _r$16 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$16; + msg = _tuple$6[0]; + err = _tuple$6[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* } */ case 26: + chainToSend = ptrType$31.nil; + certRequested = false; + _tuple$7 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$33, true); + certReq = _tuple$7[0]; + ok = _tuple$7[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 33: + certRequested = true; + _r$17 = hs.finishedHash.Write(certReq.marshal()); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17; + _r$18 = certificateRequestInfoFromMsg(hs.ctx, c.vers, certReq); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cri = _r$18; + _r$19 = c.getClientCertificate(cri); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$8 = _r$19; + chainToSend = _tuple$8[0]; + err = _tuple$8[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 38: + _r$20 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 39: + _r$21 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$9 = _r$21; + msg = _tuple$9[0]; + err = _tuple$9[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* } */ case 34: + _tuple$10 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$41, true); + shd = _tuple$10[0]; + ok = _tuple$10[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 42: + _r$22 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22; + _r$23 = unexpectedMessageError(shd, msg); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$23; + $s = 46; case 46: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 43: + _r$24 = hs.finishedHash.Write(shd.marshal()); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24; + /* */ if (certRequested) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ $s = 49; continue; + /* if (certRequested) { */ case 48: + certMsg = new certificateMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + certMsg.certificates = chainToSend.Certificate; + _r$25 = hs.finishedHash.Write(certMsg.marshal()); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25; + _r$26 = c.writeRecord(22, certMsg.marshal()); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$11 = _r$26; + err$2 = _tuple$11[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + /* } */ case 49: + _r$27 = keyAgreement$1.generateClientKeyExchange(c.config, hs.hello, (x$3 = c.peerCertificates, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0]))); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$12 = _r$27; + preMasterSecret = _tuple$12[0]; + ckx = _tuple$12[1]; + err = _tuple$12[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 53; continue; } + /* */ $s = 54; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 53: + _r$28 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 54: + /* */ if (!(ckx === ptrType$23.nil)) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ $s = 57; continue; + /* if (!(ckx === ptrType$23.nil)) { */ case 56: + _r$29 = hs.finishedHash.Write(ckx.marshal()); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29; + _r$30 = c.writeRecord(22, ckx.marshal()); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$13 = _r$30; + err$3 = _tuple$13[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + /* } */ case 57: + /* */ if (!(chainToSend === ptrType$31.nil) && chainToSend.Certificate.$length > 0) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ $s = 61; continue; + /* if (!(chainToSend === ptrType$31.nil) && chainToSend.Certificate.$length > 0) { */ case 60: + certVerify = new certificateVerifyMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, false, 0, sliceType$5.nil); + _tuple$14 = $assertType(chainToSend.PrivateKey, crypto.Signer, true); + key = _tuple$14[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$14[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 62; continue; } + /* */ $s = 63; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 62: + _r$31 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$31; + _r$32 = fmt.Errorf("tls: client certificate private key of type %T does not implement crypto.Signer", new sliceType$6([chainToSend.PrivateKey])); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$32; + $s = 66; case 66: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 63: + sigType = 0; + sigHash = 0; + /* */ if (c.vers >= 771) { $s = 67; continue; } + /* */ $s = 68; continue; + /* if (c.vers >= 771) { */ case 67: + _r$33 = selectSignatureScheme(c.vers, chainToSend, certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$15 = _r$33; + signatureAlgorithm = _tuple$15[0]; + err$4 = _tuple$15[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 71; continue; } + /* */ $s = 72; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 71: + _r$34 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 73; case 73: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$34; + $s = -1; return err$4; + /* } */ case 72: + _r$35 = typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme(signatureAlgorithm); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$16 = _r$35; + sigType = _tuple$16[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$16[1]; + err$4 = _tuple$16[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 75; continue; } + /* */ $s = 76; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 75: + _r$36 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$36; + $s = 78; case 78: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 76: + certVerify.hasSignatureAlgorithm = true; + certVerify.signatureAlgorithm = signatureAlgorithm; + $s = 69; continue; + /* } else { */ case 68: + _r$37 = key.Public(); /* */ $s = 79; case 79: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$38 = legacyTypeAndHashFromPublicKey(_r$37); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$17 = _r$38; + sigType = _tuple$17[0]; + sigHash = _tuple$17[1]; + err = _tuple$17[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 81; continue; } + /* */ $s = 82; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 81: + _r$39 = c.sendAlert(47); /* */ $s = 83; case 83: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$39; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 82: + /* } */ case 69: + _r$40 = $clone(hs.finishedHash, finishedHash).hashForClientCertificate(sigType, sigHash, hs.masterSecret); /* */ $s = 84; case 84: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + signed = _r$40; + signOpts = (new crypto.Hash(sigHash)); + if (sigType === 226) { + signOpts = new rsa.PSSOptions.ptr(-1, sigHash); + } + _r$41 = key.Sign(c.config.rand(), signed, signOpts); /* */ $s = 85; case 85: if($c) { $c = false; _r$41 = _r$41.$blk(); } if (_r$41 && _r$41.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$18 = _r$41; + certVerify.signature = _tuple$18[0]; + err = _tuple$18[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 86; continue; } + /* */ $s = 87; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 86: + _r$42 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 88; case 88: if($c) { $c = false; _r$42 = _r$42.$blk(); } if (_r$42 && _r$42.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$42; + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 87: + _r$43 = certVerify.marshal(); /* */ $s = 89; case 89: if($c) { $c = false; _r$43 = _r$43.$blk(); } if (_r$43 && _r$43.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$44 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$43); /* */ $s = 90; case 90: if($c) { $c = false; _r$44 = _r$44.$blk(); } if (_r$44 && _r$44.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$44; + _r$45 = certVerify.marshal(); /* */ $s = 91; case 91: if($c) { $c = false; _r$45 = _r$45.$blk(); } if (_r$45 && _r$45.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$45; + _r$46 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 92; case 92: if($c) { $c = false; _r$46 = _r$46.$blk(); } if (_r$46 && _r$46.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$19 = _r$46; + err$5 = _tuple$19[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$5; + } + /* } */ case 61: + _r$47 = masterFromPreMasterSecret(c.vers, hs.suite, preMasterSecret, hs.hello.random, hs.serverHello.random); /* */ $s = 93; case 93: if($c) { $c = false; _r$47 = _r$47.$blk(); } if (_r$47 && _r$47.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.masterSecret = _r$47; + _r$48 = c.config.writeKeyLog("CLIENT_RANDOM", hs.hello.random, hs.masterSecret); /* */ $s = 94; case 94: if($c) { $c = false; _r$48 = _r$48.$blk(); } if (_r$48 && _r$48.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$6 = _r$48; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 95; continue; } + /* */ $s = 96; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 95: + _r$49 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 97; case 97: if($c) { $c = false; _r$49 = _r$49.$blk(); } if (_r$49 && _r$49.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$49; + _r$50 = err$6.Error(); /* */ $s = 98; case 98: if($c) { $c = false; _r$50 = _r$50.$blk(); } if (_r$50 && _r$50.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$51 = errors.New("tls: failed to write to key log: " + _r$50); /* */ $s = 99; case 99: if($c) { $c = false; _r$51 = _r$51.$blk(); } if (_r$51 && _r$51.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$51; + $s = 100; case 100: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 96: + hs.finishedHash.discardHandshakeBuffer(); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.doFullHandshake, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$41, _r$42, _r$43, _r$44, _r$45, _r$46, _r$47, _r$48, _r$49, _r$5, _r$50, _r$51, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, c, certMsg, certReq, certRequested, certVerify, chainToSend, ckx, cri, cs, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, hs, key, keyAgreement$1, msg, ok, ok$1, preMasterSecret, shd, sigHash, sigType, signOpts, signatureAlgorithm, signed, skx, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeState.prototype.doFullHandshake = function() { return this.$val.doFullHandshake(); }; + clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.establishKeys = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, c, clientCipher, clientHash, clientIV, clientKey, clientMAC, hs, serverCipher, serverHash, serverIV, serverKey, serverMAC, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = keysFromMasterSecret(c.vers, hs.suite, hs.masterSecret, hs.hello.random, hs.serverHello.random, hs.suite.macLen, hs.suite.keyLen, hs.suite.ivLen); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + clientMAC = _tuple[0]; + serverMAC = _tuple[1]; + clientKey = _tuple[2]; + serverKey = _tuple[3]; + clientIV = _tuple[4]; + serverIV = _tuple[5]; + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + clientCipher = _tmp; + serverCipher = _tmp$1; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + clientHash = _tmp$2; + serverHash = _tmp$3; + /* */ if (!(hs.suite.cipher === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(hs.suite.cipher === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = hs.suite.cipher(clientKey, clientIV, false); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clientCipher = _r$2; + _r$3 = hs.suite.mac(clientMAC); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clientHash = _r$3; + _r$4 = hs.suite.cipher(serverKey, serverIV, true); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serverCipher = _r$4; + _r$5 = hs.suite.mac(serverMAC); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serverHash = _r$5; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + _r$6 = hs.suite.aead(clientKey, clientIV); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clientCipher = _r$6; + _r$7 = hs.suite.aead(serverKey, serverIV); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + serverCipher = _r$7; + /* } */ case 4: + c.in$27.prepareCipherSpec(c.vers, serverCipher, serverHash); + c.out.prepareCipherSpec(c.vers, clientCipher, clientHash); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.establishKeys, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, c, clientCipher, clientHash, clientIV, clientKey, clientMAC, hs, serverCipher, serverHash, serverIV, serverKey, serverMAC, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeState.prototype.establishKeys = function() { return this.$val.establishKeys(); }; + clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.serverResumedSession = function() { + var hs; + hs = this; + return !(hs.session === ptrType$37.nil) && !(hs.hello.sessionId === sliceType$5.nil) && bytes.Equal(hs.serverHello.sessionId, hs.hello.sessionId); + }; + clientHandshakeState.prototype.serverResumedSession = function() { return this.$val.serverResumedSession(); }; + clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.processServerHello = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, err, err$1, expectedSecureRenegotiation, hs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = hs.pickCipherSuite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [false, err]; + } + /* */ if (!((hs.serverHello.compressionMethod === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((hs.serverHello.compressionMethod === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return [false, errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported compression format")]; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if ((c.handshakes === 0) && hs.serverHello.secureRenegotiationSupported) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ((c.handshakes === 0) && hs.serverHello.secureRenegotiationSupported) { */ case 5: + c.secureRenegotiation = true; + /* */ if (!((hs.serverHello.secureRenegotiation.$length === 0))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((hs.serverHello.secureRenegotiation.$length === 0))) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return [false, errors.New("tls: initial handshake had non-empty renegotiation extension")]; + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (c.handshakes > 0 && c.secureRenegotiation) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (c.handshakes > 0 && c.secureRenegotiation) { */ case 10: + expectedSecureRenegotiation = arrayType$5.zero(); + $copySlice(new sliceType$5(expectedSecureRenegotiation), new sliceType$5(c.clientFinished)); + $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$5(expectedSecureRenegotiation), 12), new sliceType$5(c.serverFinished)); + /* */ if (!bytes.Equal(hs.serverHello.secureRenegotiation, new sliceType$5(expectedSecureRenegotiation))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!bytes.Equal(hs.serverHello.secureRenegotiation, new sliceType$5(expectedSecureRenegotiation))) { */ case 12: + _r$4 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = -1; return [false, errors.New("tls: incorrect renegotiation extension contents")]; + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 11: + err$1 = checkALPN(hs.hello.alpnProtocols, hs.serverHello.alpnProtocol); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 15: + _r$5 = c.sendAlert(110); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = -1; return [false, err$1]; + /* } */ case 16: + c.clientProtocol = hs.serverHello.alpnProtocol; + c.scts = hs.serverHello.scts; + if (!hs.serverResumedSession()) { + $s = -1; return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + /* */ if (!((hs.session.vers === c.vers))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!((hs.session.vers === c.vers))) { */ case 18: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return [false, errors.New("tls: server resumed a session with a different version")]; + /* } */ case 19: + /* */ if (!((hs.session.cipherSuite === hs.suite.id))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!((hs.session.cipherSuite === hs.suite.id))) { */ case 21: + _r$7 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = -1; return [false, errors.New("tls: server resumed a session with a different cipher suite")]; + /* } */ case 22: + hs.masterSecret = hs.session.masterSecret; + c.peerCertificates = hs.session.serverCertificates; + c.verifiedChains = hs.session.verifiedChains; + c.ocspResponse = hs.session.ocspResponse; + if ((c.scts.$length === 0) && !((hs.session.scts.$length === 0))) { + c.scts = hs.session.scts; + } + $s = -1; return [true, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.processServerHello, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, c, err, err$1, expectedSecureRenegotiation, hs, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeState.prototype.processServerHello = function() { return this.$val.processServerHello(); }; + checkALPN = function(clientProtos, serverProto) { + var _i, _ref, clientProtos, proto, serverProto; + if (serverProto === "") { + return $ifaceNil; + } + if (clientProtos.$length === 0) { + return errors.New("tls: server advertised unrequested ALPN extension"); + } + _ref = clientProtos; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + proto = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (proto === serverProto) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + _i++; + } + return errors.New("tls: server selected unadvertised ALPN protocol"); + }; + clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.readFinished = function(out) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, err$1, hs, msg, ok, out, serverFinished, verify, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = c.readChangeCipherSpec(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$2 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$29, true); + serverFinished = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 3: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = unexpectedMessageError(serverFinished, msg); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$5 = $clone(hs.finishedHash, finishedHash).serverSum(hs.masterSecret); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + verify = _r$5; + /* */ if (!((verify.$length === serverFinished.verifyData.$length)) || !((subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(verify, serverFinished.verifyData) === 1))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!((verify.$length === serverFinished.verifyData.$length)) || !((subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(verify, serverFinished.verifyData) === 1))) { */ case 9: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(40); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return errors.New("tls: server's Finished message was incorrect"); + /* } */ case 10: + _r$7 = serverFinished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$7); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $copySlice(out, verify); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.readFinished, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, err$1, hs, msg, ok, out, serverFinished, verify, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeState.prototype.readFinished = function(out) { return this.$val.readFinished(out); }; + clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.readSessionTicket = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, hs, msg, ok, sessionTicketMsg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + if (!hs.serverHello.ticketSupported) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$42, true); + sessionTicketMsg = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = unexpectedMessageError(sessionTicketMsg, msg); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = hs.finishedHash.Write(sessionTicketMsg.marshal()); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs.session = new ClientSessionState.ptr(sessionTicketMsg.ticket, c.vers, hs.suite.id, hs.masterSecret, c.peerCertificates, c.verifiedChains, $clone(_r$5, time.Time), c.ocspResponse, c.scts, sliceType$5.nil, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil), 0); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.readSessionTicket, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, hs, msg, ok, sessionTicketMsg, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeState.prototype.readSessionTicket = function() { return this.$val.readSessionTicket(); }; + clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.sendFinished = function(out) { + var {_arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, err$1, finished, hs, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hs = this; + c = hs.c; + _r$1 = c.writeRecord(20, new sliceType$5([1])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + finished = new finishedMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + _r$2 = $clone(hs.finishedHash, finishedHash).clientSum(hs.masterSecret); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + finished.verifyData = _r$2; + _r$3 = finished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = hs.finishedHash.Write(_r$3); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = finished.marshal(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$5; + _r$6 = c.writeRecord(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $copySlice(out, finished.verifyData); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientHandshakeState.ptr.prototype.sendFinished, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, err$1, finished, hs, out, $s};return $f; + }; + clientHandshakeState.prototype.sendFinished = function(out) { return this.$val.sendFinished(out); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.verifyServerCertificate = function(certificates) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, asn1Data, c, cert, cert$1, certificates, certs, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, i, opts, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {certificates}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + certs = $makeSlice(sliceType$12, certificates.$length); + _ref = certificates; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + asn1Data = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = x509.ParseCertificate(asn1Data); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + cert = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = errors.New("tls: failed to parse certificate from server: " + _r$3); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + ((i < 0 || i >= certs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : certs.$array[certs.$offset + i] = cert); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (!c.config.InsecureSkipVerify) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!c.config.InsecureSkipVerify) { */ case 10: + _r$5 = c.config.time(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + opts = new x509.VerifyOptions.ptr(c.config.ServerName, x509.NewCertPool(), c.config.RootCAs, $clone(_r$5, time.Time), sliceType$14.nil, 0); + _ref$1 = $subslice(certs, 1); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + cert$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + opts.Intermediates.AddCert(cert$1); + _i$1++; + } + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _r$6 = (0 >= certs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : certs.$array[certs.$offset + 0]).Verify($clone(opts, x509.VerifyOptions)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + c.verifiedChains = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + _r$7 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* } */ case 15: + /* } */ case 11: + _ref$2 = (0 >= certs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : certs.$array[certs.$offset + 0]).PublicKey; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$11, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$12, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$2, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* switch (0) { default: if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$11, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$12, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref$2, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { */ case 17: + /* break; */ $s = 19; continue; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else { */ case 18: + _r$8 = c.sendAlert(43); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = fmt.Errorf("tls: server's certificate contains an unsupported type of public key: %T", new sliceType$6([(0 >= certs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : certs.$array[certs.$offset + 0]).PublicKey])); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$9; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$1; + /* } } */ case 19: + c.peerCertificates = certs; + /* */ if (!(c.config.VerifyPeerCertificate === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.VerifyPeerCertificate === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 23: + _r$10 = c.config.VerifyPeerCertificate(certificates, c.verifiedChains); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$10; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 26: + _r$11 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + $s = -1; return err$2; + /* } */ case 27: + /* } */ case 24: + /* */ if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.VerifyConnection === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 29: + _r$12 = c.config.VerifyConnection($clone(c.connectionStateLocked(), ConnectionState)); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$12; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 32: + _r$13 = c.sendAlert(42); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + $s = -1; return err$3; + /* } */ case 33: + /* } */ case 30: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.verifyServerCertificate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, asn1Data, c, cert, cert$1, certificates, certs, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, i, opts, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.verifyServerCertificate = function(certificates) { return this.$val.verifyServerCertificate(certificates); }; + certificateRequestInfoFromMsg = function(ctx, vers, certReq) { + var {_1, _2, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, certReq, certType, cri, ctx, ecAvail, err, rsaAvail, sigScheme, sigType, vers, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, vers, certReq}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cri = new CertificateRequestInfo.ptr(certReq.certificateAuthorities, sliceType$7.nil, vers, ctx); + _tmp = false; + _tmp$1 = false; + rsaAvail = _tmp; + ecAvail = _tmp$1; + _ref = certReq.certificateTypes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + certType = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _1 = certType; + if (_1 === (1)) { + rsaAvail = true; + } else if (_1 === (64)) { + ecAvail = true; + } + _i++; + } + if (!certReq.hasSignatureAlgorithm) { + if (rsaAvail && ecAvail) { + cri.SignatureSchemes = new sliceType$7([1027, 1283, 1539, 1025, 1281, 1537, 513]); + } else if (rsaAvail) { + cri.SignatureSchemes = new sliceType$7([1025, 1281, 1537, 513]); + } else if (ecAvail) { + cri.SignatureSchemes = new sliceType$7([1027, 1283, 1539]); + } + $s = -1; return cri; + } + cri.SignatureSchemes = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, 0, certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms.$length); + _ref$1 = certReq.supportedSignatureAlgorithms; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + sigScheme = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$1 = typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme(sigScheme); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + sigType = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _2 = sigType; + if ((_2 === (227)) || (_2 === (228))) { + if (ecAvail) { + cri.SignatureSchemes = $append(cri.SignatureSchemes, sigScheme); + } + } else if ((_2 === (226)) || (_2 === (225))) { + if (rsaAvail) { + cri.SignatureSchemes = $append(cri.SignatureSchemes, sigScheme); + } + } + _i$1++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return cri; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: certificateRequestInfoFromMsg, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, certReq, certType, cri, ctx, ecAvail, err, rsaAvail, sigScheme, sigType, vers, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.getClientCertificate = function(cri) { + var {$24r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, c, chain, cri, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cri}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + chain = [chain]; + c = this; + /* */ if (!(c.config.GetClientCertificate === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(c.config.GetClientCertificate === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.config.GetClientCertificate(cri); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _ref = c.config.Certificates; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 6; continue; } + chain[0] = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), Certificate); + _r$2 = cri.SupportsCertificate(chain[0]); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + $s = -1; return [chain[0], $ifaceNil]; + case 6: + $s = -1; return [new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.getClientCertificate, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, c, chain, cri, err, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.getClientCertificate = function(cri) { return this.$val.getClientCertificate(cri); }; + clientSessionCacheKey = function(serverAddr, config) { + var {$24r, _r$1, config, serverAddr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {serverAddr, config}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (config.ServerName.length > 0) { + $s = -1; return config.ServerName; + } + _r$1 = serverAddr.String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: clientSessionCacheKey, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, config, serverAddr, $s};return $f; + }; + hostnameInSNI = function(name) { + var host, i, name; + host = name; + if (host.length > 0 && (host.charCodeAt(0) === 91) && (host.charCodeAt((host.length - 1 >> 0)) === 93)) { + host = $substring(host, 1, (host.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + i = strings.LastIndex(host, "%"); + if (i > 0) { + host = $substring(host, 0, i); + } + if (!(net.ParseIP(host) === net.IP.nil)) { + return ""; + } + while (true) { + if (!(name.length > 0 && (name.charCodeAt((name.length - 1 >> 0)) === 46))) { break; } + name = $substring(name, 0, (name.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + return name; + }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.LocalAddr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.conn.LocalAddr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.LocalAddr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.LocalAddr = function() { return this.$val.LocalAddr(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.RemoteAddr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.RemoteAddr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.RemoteAddr = function() { return this.$val.RemoteAddr(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.conn.SetDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.SetDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.SetDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetDeadline(t); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.conn.SetReadDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.SetReadDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.SetReadDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetReadDeadline(t); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.conn.SetWriteDeadline($clone(t, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.SetWriteDeadline, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.SetWriteDeadline = function(t) { return this.$val.SetWriteDeadline(t); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.NetConn = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.conn; + }; + Conn.prototype.NetConn = function() { return this.$val.NetConn(); }; + permanentError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$1 = e.err.Error(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: permanentError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + permanentError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + permanentError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.err; + }; + permanentError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + permanentError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$1 = e.err.Timeout(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: permanentError.ptr.prototype.Timeout, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + permanentError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + permanentError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return false; + }; + permanentError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + halfConn.ptr.prototype.setErrorLocked = function(err) { + var _tuple, e, err, hc, ok; + hc = this; + _tuple = $assertType(err, net.Error, true); + e = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + hc.err = new permanentError.ptr(e); + } else { + hc.err = err; + } + return hc.err; + }; + halfConn.prototype.setErrorLocked = function(err) { return this.$val.setErrorLocked(err); }; + halfConn.ptr.prototype.prepareCipherSpec = function(version, cipher$1, mac) { + var cipher$1, hc, mac, version; + hc = this; + hc.version = version; + hc.nextCipher = cipher$1; + hc.nextMac = mac; + }; + halfConn.prototype.prepareCipherSpec = function(version, cipher$1, mac) { return this.$val.prepareCipherSpec(version, cipher$1, mac); }; + halfConn.ptr.prototype.changeCipherSpec = function() { + var _i, _ref, hc, i, x; + hc = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(hc.nextCipher, $ifaceNil) || (hc.version === 772)) { + return new alert(80); + } + hc.cipher = hc.nextCipher; + hc.mac = hc.nextMac; + hc.nextCipher = $ifaceNil; + hc.nextMac = $ifaceNil; + _ref = hc.seq; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 8)) { break; } + i = _i; + (x = hc.seq, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i] = 0)); + _i++; + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + halfConn.prototype.changeCipherSpec = function() { return this.$val.changeCipherSpec(); }; + halfConn.ptr.prototype.setTrafficSecret = function(suite, secret) { + var {_i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, hc, i, iv, key, secret, suite, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {suite, secret}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hc = this; + hc.trafficSecret = secret; + _r$1 = suite.trafficKey(secret); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + key = _tuple[0]; + iv = _tuple[1]; + _r$2 = suite.aead(key, iv); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hc.cipher = _r$2; + _ref = hc.seq; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 8)) { break; } + i = _i; + (x = hc.seq, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i] = 0)); + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: halfConn.ptr.prototype.setTrafficSecret, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, hc, i, iv, key, secret, suite, x, $s};return $f; + }; + halfConn.prototype.setTrafficSecret = function(suite, secret) { return this.$val.setTrafficSecret(suite, secret); }; + halfConn.ptr.prototype.incSeq = function() { + var hc, i, x, x$1, x$2; + hc = this; + i = 7; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + (x$1 = hc.seq, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i] = ((x = hc.seq, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])) + (1) << 24 >>> 24))); + if (!(((x$2 = hc.seq, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])) === 0))) { + return; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + $panic(new $String("TLS: sequence number wraparound")); + }; + halfConn.prototype.incSeq = function() { return this.$val.incSeq(); }; + halfConn.ptr.prototype.explicitNonceLen = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, hc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hc = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(hc.cipher, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + _ref = hc.cipher; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, cipher.Stream, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, aead, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, cbcMode, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, cipher.Stream, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + c = _ref; + $s = -1; return 0; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, aead, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + c$1 = _ref; + _r$1 = c$1.explicitNonceLen(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, cbcMode, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + c$2 = _ref; + /* */ if (hc.version >= 770) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (hc.version >= 770) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = c$2.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* } else { */ case 4: + c$3 = _ref; + $panic(new $String("unknown cipher type")); + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: halfConn.ptr.prototype.explicitNonceLen, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, hc, $s};return $f; + }; + halfConn.prototype.explicitNonceLen = function() { return this.$val.explicitNonceLen(); }; + extractPadding = function(payload) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, b, good, i, mask, paddingLen, payload, t, t$1, toCheck, toRemove, x, x$1; + toRemove = 0; + good = 0; + if (payload.$length < 1) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + toRemove = _tmp; + good = _tmp$1; + return [toRemove, good]; + } + paddingLen = (x = payload.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= payload.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : payload.$array[payload.$offset + x])); + t = (((payload.$length - 1 >> 0) >>> 0)) - ((paddingLen >>> 0)) >>> 0; + good = ((((((~t >>> 0) >> 0)) >> 31 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + toCheck = 256; + if (toCheck > payload.$length) { + toCheck = payload.$length; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < toCheck)) { break; } + t$1 = ((paddingLen >>> 0)) - ((i >>> 0)) >>> 0; + mask = ((((((~t$1 >>> 0) >> 0)) >> 31 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + b = (x$1 = (payload.$length - 1 >> 0) - i >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= payload.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : payload.$array[payload.$offset + x$1])); + good = (good & ~(((((mask & paddingLen) >>> 0) ^ ((mask & b) >>> 0)) << 24 >>> 24))) << 24 >>> 24; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + good = (good & ((good << 4 << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0; + good = (good & ((good << 2 << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0; + good = (good & ((good << 1 << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0; + good = (((((good << 24 >> 24)) >> 7 << 24 >> 24) << 24 >>> 24)); + paddingLen = (paddingLen & (good)) >>> 0; + toRemove = ((paddingLen >> 0)) + 1 >> 0; + return [toRemove, good]; + }; + roundUp = function(a, b) { + var _r$1, _r$2, a, b; + return a + (_r$1 = ((b - (_r$2 = a % b, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0)) % b, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + }; + halfConn.ptr.prototype.decrypt = function(record) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, additionalData, blockSize, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, err, explicitNonceLen, hc, i, localMAC, macAndPaddingGood, macSize, minPayload, n, n$1, nonce, paddingGood, paddingLen, payload, plaintext, record, remoteMAC, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {record}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hc = this; + plaintext = sliceType$5.nil; + typ = (((0 >= record.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : record.$array[record.$offset + 0]) << 24 >>> 24)); + payload = $subslice(record, 5); + if ((hc.version === 772) && (typ === 20)) { + $s = -1; return [payload, typ, $ifaceNil]; + } + paddingGood = 255; + paddingLen = 0; + _r$1 = hc.explicitNonceLen(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + explicitNonceLen = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(hc.cipher, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(hc.cipher, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _ref = hc.cipher; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, cipher.Stream, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, aead, true)[1]) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, cbcMode, true)[1]) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, cipher.Stream, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + c = _ref; + $r = c.XORKeyStream(payload, payload); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, aead, true)[1]) { */ case 6: + c$1 = _ref; + if (payload.$length < explicitNonceLen) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, 0, new alert(20)]; + } + nonce = $subslice(payload, 0, explicitNonceLen); + if (nonce.$length === 0) { + nonce = new sliceType$5(hc.seq); + } + payload = $subslice(payload, explicitNonceLen); + additionalData = sliceType$5.nil; + /* */ if (hc.version === 772) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (hc.version === 772) { */ case 11: + additionalData = $subslice(record, 0, 5); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else { */ case 12: + additionalData = $appendSlice($subslice(new sliceType$5(hc.scratchBuf), 0, 0), new sliceType$5(hc.seq)); + additionalData = $appendSlice(additionalData, $subslice(record, 0, 3)); + _r$2 = c$1.Overhead(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = payload.$length - _r$2 >> 0; + additionalData = $append(additionalData, (((n >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((n << 24 >>> 24))); + /* } */ case 13: + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$3 = c$1.Open($subslice(payload, 0, 0), nonce, payload, additionalData); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + plaintext = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, 0, new alert(20)]; + } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, cbcMode, true)[1]) { */ case 7: + c$2 = _ref; + _r$4 = c$2.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + blockSize = _r$4; + _r$5 = hc.mac.Size(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = roundUp(_r$5 + 1 >> 0, blockSize); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + minPayload = explicitNonceLen + _r$6 >> 0; + if (!(((_r$7 = payload.$length % blockSize, _r$7 === _r$7 ? _r$7 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0)) || payload.$length < minPayload) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, 0, new alert(20)]; + } + /* */ if (explicitNonceLen > 0) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (explicitNonceLen > 0) { */ case 19: + $r = c$2.SetIV($subslice(payload, 0, explicitNonceLen)); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + payload = $subslice(payload, explicitNonceLen); + /* } */ case 20: + $r = c$2.CryptBlocks(payload, payload); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = extractPadding(payload); + paddingLen = _tuple$1[0]; + paddingGood = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + c$3 = _ref; + $panic(new $String("unknown cipher type")); + /* } */ case 9: + if (hc.version === 772) { + if (!((typ === 23))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, 0, new alert(10)]; + } + if (plaintext.$length > 16385) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, 0, new alert(22)]; + } + i = plaintext.$length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + if (!((((i < 0 || i >= plaintext.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : plaintext.$array[plaintext.$offset + i]) === 0))) { + typ = ((((i < 0 || i >= plaintext.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : plaintext.$array[plaintext.$offset + i]) << 24 >>> 24)); + plaintext = $subslice(plaintext, 0, i); + break; + } + if (i === 0) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, 0, new alert(10)]; + } + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + plaintext = payload; + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(hc.mac, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(hc.mac, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 23: + _r$8 = hc.mac.Size(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + macSize = _r$8; + if (payload.$length < macSize) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, 0, new alert(20)]; + } + n$1 = (payload.$length - macSize >> 0) - paddingLen >> 0; + n$1 = subtle.ConstantTimeSelect((((((n$1 >>> 0)) >>> 31 >>> 0) >> 0)), 0, n$1); + (3 >= record.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : record.$array[record.$offset + 3] = (((n$1 >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (4 >= record.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : record.$array[record.$offset + 4] = ((n$1 << 24 >>> 24))); + remoteMAC = $subslice(payload, n$1, (n$1 + macSize >> 0)); + _r$9 = tls10MAC(hc.mac, $subslice(new sliceType$5(hc.scratchBuf), 0, 0), new sliceType$5(hc.seq), $subslice(record, 0, 5), $subslice(payload, 0, n$1), $subslice(payload, (n$1 + macSize >> 0))); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + localMAC = _r$9; + macAndPaddingGood = subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(localMAC, remoteMAC) & ((paddingGood >> 0)); + if (!((macAndPaddingGood === 1))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, 0, new alert(20)]; + } + plaintext = $subslice(payload, 0, n$1); + /* } */ case 24: + hc.incSeq(); + $s = -1; return [plaintext, typ, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: halfConn.ptr.prototype.decrypt, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, additionalData, blockSize, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, err, explicitNonceLen, hc, i, localMAC, macAndPaddingGood, macSize, minPayload, n, n$1, nonce, paddingGood, paddingLen, payload, plaintext, record, remoteMAC, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + halfConn.prototype.decrypt = function(record) { return this.$val.decrypt(record); }; + sliceForAppend = function(in$1, n) { + var head, in$1, n, tail, total; + head = sliceType$5.nil; + tail = sliceType$5.nil; + total = in$1.$length + n >> 0; + if (in$1.$capacity >= total) { + head = $subslice(in$1, 0, total); + } else { + head = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, total); + $copySlice(head, in$1); + } + tail = $subslice(head, in$1.$length); + return [head, tail]; + }; + halfConn.ptr.prototype.encrypt = function(record, payload, rand$1) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, additionalData, blockSize, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, dst, err, explicitNonce, explicitNonceLen, hc, i, isCBC, mac, mac$1, n, n$1, nonce, paddingLen, payload, plaintextLen, rand$1, record, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {record, payload, rand$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hc = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(hc.cipher, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [$appendSlice(record, payload), $ifaceNil]; + } + explicitNonce = sliceType$5.nil; + _r$1 = hc.explicitNonceLen(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + explicitNonceLen = _r$1; + /* */ if (explicitNonceLen > 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (explicitNonceLen > 0) { */ case 2: + _tuple = sliceForAppend(record, explicitNonceLen); + record = _tuple[0]; + explicitNonce = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = $assertType(hc.cipher, cbcMode, true); + isCBC = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!isCBC && explicitNonceLen < 16) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!isCBC && explicitNonceLen < 16) { */ case 4: + $copySlice(explicitNonce, new sliceType$5(hc.seq)); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r$2 = io.ReadFull(rand$1, explicitNonce); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$5.nil, err]; + } + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 3: + dst = sliceType$5.nil; + _ref = hc.cipher; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, cipher.Stream, true)[1]) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, aead, true)[1]) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, cbcMode, true)[1]) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, cipher.Stream, true)[1]) { */ case 8: + c = _ref; + _r$3 = tls10MAC(hc.mac, $subslice(new sliceType$5(hc.scratchBuf), 0, 0), new sliceType$5(hc.seq), $subslice(record, 0, 5), payload, sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mac = _r$3; + _tuple$3 = sliceForAppend(record, payload.$length + mac.$length >> 0); + record = _tuple$3[0]; + dst = _tuple$3[1]; + $r = c.XORKeyStream($subslice(dst, 0, payload.$length), payload); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = c.XORKeyStream($subslice(dst, payload.$length), mac); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, aead, true)[1]) { */ case 9: + c$1 = _ref; + nonce = explicitNonce; + if (nonce.$length === 0) { + nonce = new sliceType$5(hc.seq); + } + /* */ if (hc.version === 772) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (hc.version === 772) { */ case 16: + record = $appendSlice(record, payload); + record = $append(record, (0 >= record.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : record.$array[record.$offset + 0])); + (0 >= record.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : record.$array[record.$offset + 0] = 23); + _r$4 = c$1.Overhead(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = (payload.$length + 1 >> 0) + _r$4 >> 0; + (3 >= record.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : record.$array[record.$offset + 3] = (((n >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (4 >= record.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : record.$array[record.$offset + 4] = ((n << 24 >>> 24))); + _r$5 = c$1.Seal($subslice(record, 0, 5), nonce, $subslice(record, 5), $subslice(record, 0, 5)); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + record = _r$5; + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else { */ case 17: + additionalData = $appendSlice($subslice(new sliceType$5(hc.scratchBuf), 0, 0), new sliceType$5(hc.seq)); + additionalData = $appendSlice(additionalData, $subslice(record, 0, 5)); + _r$6 = c$1.Seal(record, nonce, payload, additionalData); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + record = _r$6; + /* } */ case 18: + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, cbcMode, true)[1]) { */ case 10: + c$2 = _ref; + _r$7 = tls10MAC(hc.mac, $subslice(new sliceType$5(hc.scratchBuf), 0, 0), new sliceType$5(hc.seq), $subslice(record, 0, 5), payload, sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mac$1 = _r$7; + _r$8 = c$2.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + blockSize = _r$8; + plaintextLen = payload.$length + mac$1.$length >> 0; + paddingLen = blockSize - (_r$9 = plaintextLen % blockSize, _r$9 === _r$9 ? _r$9 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + _tuple$4 = sliceForAppend(record, plaintextLen + paddingLen >> 0); + record = _tuple$4[0]; + dst = _tuple$4[1]; + $copySlice(dst, payload); + $copySlice($subslice(dst, payload.$length), mac$1); + i = plaintextLen; + while (true) { + if (!(i < dst.$length)) { break; } + ((i < 0 || i >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + i] = (((paddingLen - 1 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + /* */ if (explicitNonce.$length > 0) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (explicitNonce.$length > 0) { */ case 24: + $r = c$2.SetIV(explicitNonce); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 25: + $r = c$2.CryptBlocks(dst, dst); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + c$3 = _ref; + $panic(new $String("unknown cipher type")); + /* } */ case 12: + n$1 = record.$length - 5 >> 0; + (3 >= record.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : record.$array[record.$offset + 3] = (((n$1 >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (4 >= record.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : record.$array[record.$offset + 4] = ((n$1 << 24 >>> 24))); + hc.incSeq(); + $s = -1; return [record, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: halfConn.ptr.prototype.encrypt, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, additionalData, blockSize, c, c$1, c$2, c$3, dst, err, explicitNonce, explicitNonceLen, hc, i, isCBC, mac, mac$1, n, n$1, nonce, paddingLen, payload, plaintextLen, rand$1, record, $s};return $f; + }; + halfConn.prototype.encrypt = function(record, payload, rand$1) { return this.$val.encrypt(record, payload, rand$1); }; + RecordHeaderError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return "tls: " + e.Msg; + }; + RecordHeaderError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.newRecordHeaderError = function(conn, msg) { + var c, conn, err, msg; + err = new RecordHeaderError.ptr("", arrayType$6.zero(), $ifaceNil); + c = this; + err.Msg = msg; + err.Conn = conn; + $copySlice(new sliceType$5(err.RecordHeader), c.rawInput.Bytes()); + RecordHeaderError.copy(err, err); + return err; + }; + Conn.prototype.newRecordHeaderError = function(conn, msg) { return this.$val.newRecordHeaderError(conn, msg); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.readRecord = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.readRecordOrCCS(false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.readRecord, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.readRecord = function() { return this.$val.readRecord(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.readChangeCipherSpec = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.readRecordOrCCS(true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.readChangeCipherSpec, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.readChangeCipherSpec = function() { return this.$val.readChangeCipherSpec(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.readRecordOrCCS = function(expectChangeCipherSpec) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$15, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _2, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, c, data, e, e$1, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, expectChangeCipherSpec, handshakeComplete, hdr, msg, msg$1, n, ok, ok$1, record, typ, vers, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {expectChangeCipherSpec}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(c.in$27.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return c.in$27.err; + } + handshakeComplete = c.handshakeComplete(); + if (!((c.input.Len() === 0))) { + $s = -1; return c.in$27.setErrorLocked(errors.New("tls: internal error: attempted to read record with pending application data")); + } + c.input.Reset(sliceType$5.nil); + _r$1 = c.readFromUntil(c.conn, 5); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) && (c.rawInput.Len() === 0)) { + err = io.EOF; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, net.Error, true); + e = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { _v = true; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$2 = e.Temporary(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$2; case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + c.in$27.setErrorLocked(err); + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 3: + hdr = $subslice(c.rawInput.Bytes(), 0, 5); + typ = (((0 >= hdr.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hdr.$array[hdr.$offset + 0]) << 24 >>> 24)); + /* */ if (!handshakeComplete && (typ === 128)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!handshakeComplete && (typ === 128)) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(70); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return c.in$27.setErrorLocked((x = c.newRecordHeaderError($ifaceNil, "unsupported SSLv2 handshake received"), new x.constructor.elem(x))); + /* } */ case 9: + vers = (((((1 >= hdr.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hdr.$array[hdr.$offset + 1]) << 16 >>> 16)) << 8 << 16 >>> 16) | (((2 >= hdr.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hdr.$array[hdr.$offset + 2]) << 16 >>> 16))) >>> 0; + n = ((((3 >= hdr.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hdr.$array[hdr.$offset + 3]) >> 0)) << 8 >> 0) | (((4 >= hdr.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hdr.$array[hdr.$offset + 4]) >> 0)); + /* */ if (c.haveVers && !((c.vers === 772)) && !((vers === c.vers))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (c.haveVers && !((c.vers === 772)) && !((vers === c.vers))) { */ case 11: + _r$4 = c.sendAlert(70); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("received record with version %x when expecting version %x", new sliceType$6([new $Uint16(vers), new $Uint16(c.vers)])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + msg = _r$5; + $s = -1; return c.in$27.setErrorLocked((x$1 = c.newRecordHeaderError($ifaceNil, msg), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))); + /* } */ case 12: + if (!c.haveVers) { + if ((!((typ === 21)) && !((typ === 22))) || vers >= 4096) { + $s = -1; return c.in$27.setErrorLocked((x$2 = c.newRecordHeaderError(c.conn, "first record does not look like a TLS handshake"), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2))); + } + } + /* */ if ((c.vers === 772) && n > 16640 || n > 18432) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ((c.vers === 772) && n > 16640 || n > 18432) { */ case 15: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(22); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = fmt.Sprintf("oversized record received with length %d", new sliceType$6([new $Int(n)])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + msg$1 = _r$7; + $s = -1; return c.in$27.setErrorLocked((x$3 = c.newRecordHeaderError($ifaceNil, msg$1), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3))); + /* } */ case 16: + _r$8 = c.readFromUntil(c.conn, 5 + n >> 0); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$8; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 20: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(err$1, net.Error, true); + e$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok$1) { _v$1 = true; $s = 24; continue s; } + _r$9 = e$1.Temporary(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !_r$9; case 24: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 22: + c.in$27.setErrorLocked(err$1); + /* } */ case 23: + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* } */ case 21: + record = c.rawInput.Next(5 + n >> 0); + _r$10 = c.in$27.decrypt(record); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$10; + data = _tuple$2[0]; + typ = _tuple$2[1]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 27: + _r$11 = c.sendAlert($assertType(err$2, alert)); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$11); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$12; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r; + /* } */ case 28: + /* */ if (data.$length > 16384) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (data.$length > 16384) { */ case 32: + _r$13 = c.sendAlert(22); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$13); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$14; + $s = 36; case 36: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 33: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(c.in$27.cipher, $ifaceNil) && (typ === 23)) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(c.in$27.cipher, $ifaceNil) && (typ === 23)) { */ case 37: + _r$15 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$15); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$16; + $s = 41; case 41: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 38: + if (!((typ === 21)) && !((typ === 20)) && data.$length > 0) { + c.retryCount = 0; + } + /* */ if ((c.vers === 772) && !((typ === 22)) && c.hand.Len() > 0) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if ((c.vers === 772) && !((typ === 22)) && c.hand.Len() > 0) { */ case 42: + _r$17 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$17); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$18; + $s = 46; case 46: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 43: + _1 = typ; + /* */ if (_1 === (21)) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (23)) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 51; continue; } + /* */ $s = 52; continue; + /* if (_1 === (21)) { */ case 48: + /* */ if (!((data.$length === 2))) { $s = 54; continue; } + /* */ $s = 55; continue; + /* if (!((data.$length === 2))) { */ case 54: + _r$19 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$19); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$20; + $s = 58; case 58: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 55: + if ((((1 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 1]) << 24 >>> 24)) === 0) { + $s = -1; return c.in$27.setErrorLocked(io.EOF); + } + if (c.vers === 772) { + $s = -1; return c.in$27.setErrorLocked(new net.OpError.ptr("remote error", "", $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, new alert((((1 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 1]) << 24 >>> 24))))); + } + _2 = (0 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 0]); + /* */ if (_2 === (1)) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (2)) { $s = 61; continue; } + /* */ $s = 62; continue; + /* if (_2 === (1)) { */ case 60: + _r$21 = c.retryReadRecord(expectChangeCipherSpec); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$21; + $s = 65; case 65: return $24r$5; + /* } else if (_2 === (2)) { */ case 61: + $s = -1; return c.in$27.setErrorLocked(new net.OpError.ptr("remote error", "", $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, new alert((((1 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 1]) << 24 >>> 24))))); + /* } else { */ case 62: + _r$22 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$22); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = _r$23; + $s = 68; case 68: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 63: + case 59: + $s = 53; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 49: + /* */ if (!((data.$length === 1)) || !(((0 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 0]) === 1))) { $s = 69; continue; } + /* */ $s = 70; continue; + /* if (!((data.$length === 1)) || !(((0 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 0]) === 1))) { */ case 69: + _r$24 = c.sendAlert(50); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$24); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$7 = _r$25; + $s = 73; case 73: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 70: + /* */ if (c.hand.Len() > 0) { $s = 74; continue; } + /* */ $s = 75; continue; + /* if (c.hand.Len() > 0) { */ case 74: + _r$26 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$26); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$8 = _r$27; + $s = 78; case 78: return $24r$8; + /* } */ case 75: + /* */ if (c.vers === 772) { $s = 79; continue; } + /* */ $s = 80; continue; + /* if (c.vers === 772) { */ case 79: + _r$28 = c.retryReadRecord(expectChangeCipherSpec); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$9 = _r$28; + $s = 82; case 82: return $24r$9; + /* } */ case 80: + /* */ if (!expectChangeCipherSpec) { $s = 83; continue; } + /* */ $s = 84; continue; + /* if (!expectChangeCipherSpec) { */ case 83: + _r$29 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 85; case 85: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$30 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$29); /* */ $s = 86; case 86: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$10 = _r$30; + $s = 87; case 87: return $24r$10; + /* } */ case 84: + err$3 = c.in$27.changeCipherSpec(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 88; continue; } + /* */ $s = 89; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 88: + _r$31 = c.sendAlert($assertType(err$3, alert)); /* */ $s = 90; case 90: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$32 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$31); /* */ $s = 91; case 91: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$11 = _r$32; + $s = 92; case 92: return $24r$11; + /* } */ case 89: + $s = 53; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (23)) { */ case 50: + /* */ if (!handshakeComplete || expectChangeCipherSpec) { $s = 93; continue; } + /* */ $s = 94; continue; + /* if (!handshakeComplete || expectChangeCipherSpec) { */ case 93: + _r$33 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 95; case 95: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$34 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$33); /* */ $s = 96; case 96: if($c) { $c = false; _r$34 = _r$34.$blk(); } if (_r$34 && _r$34.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$12 = _r$34; + $s = 97; case 97: return $24r$12; + /* } */ case 94: + /* */ if (data.$length === 0) { $s = 98; continue; } + /* */ $s = 99; continue; + /* if (data.$length === 0) { */ case 98: + _r$35 = c.retryReadRecord(expectChangeCipherSpec); /* */ $s = 100; case 100: if($c) { $c = false; _r$35 = _r$35.$blk(); } if (_r$35 && _r$35.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$13 = _r$35; + $s = 101; case 101: return $24r$13; + /* } */ case 99: + c.input.Reset(data); + $s = 53; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 51: + /* */ if ((data.$length === 0) || expectChangeCipherSpec) { $s = 102; continue; } + /* */ $s = 103; continue; + /* if ((data.$length === 0) || expectChangeCipherSpec) { */ case 102: + _r$36 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 104; case 104: if($c) { $c = false; _r$36 = _r$36.$blk(); } if (_r$36 && _r$36.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$37 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$36); /* */ $s = 105; case 105: if($c) { $c = false; _r$37 = _r$37.$blk(); } if (_r$37 && _r$37.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$14 = _r$37; + $s = 106; case 106: return $24r$14; + /* } */ case 103: + _r$38 = c.hand.Write(data); /* */ $s = 107; case 107: if($c) { $c = false; _r$38 = _r$38.$blk(); } if (_r$38 && _r$38.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$38; + $s = 53; continue; + /* } else { */ case 52: + _r$39 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 108; case 108: if($c) { $c = false; _r$39 = _r$39.$blk(); } if (_r$39 && _r$39.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$40 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$39); /* */ $s = 109; case 109: if($c) { $c = false; _r$40 = _r$40.$blk(); } if (_r$40 && _r$40.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$15 = _r$40; + $s = 110; case 110: return $24r$15; + /* } */ case 53: + case 47: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.readRecordOrCCS, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$15, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _1, _2, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$36, _r$37, _r$38, _r$39, _r$4, _r$40, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, c, data, e, e$1, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, expectChangeCipherSpec, handshakeComplete, hdr, msg, msg$1, n, ok, ok$1, record, typ, vers, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.readRecordOrCCS = function(expectChangeCipherSpec) { return this.$val.readRecordOrCCS(expectChangeCipherSpec); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.retryReadRecord = function(expectChangeCipherSpec) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, c, expectChangeCipherSpec, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {expectChangeCipherSpec}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + c.retryCount = c.retryCount + (1) >> 0; + /* */ if (c.retryCount > 16) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (c.retryCount > 16) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return c.in$27.setErrorLocked(errors.New("tls: too many ignored records")); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.readRecordOrCCS(expectChangeCipherSpec); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.retryReadRecord, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, c, expectChangeCipherSpec, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.retryReadRecord = function(expectChangeCipherSpec) { return this.$val.retryReadRecord(expectChangeCipherSpec); }; + atLeastReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, n, p, r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if ((x = r.N, (x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low <= 0)))) { + $s = -1; return [0, io.EOF]; + } + _r$1 = r.R.Read(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + r.N = (x$1 = r.N, x$2 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$1.$high - x$2.$high, x$1.$low - x$2.$low)); + if ((x$3 = r.N, (x$3.$high > 0 || (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low > 0))) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + $s = -1; return [n, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + } + if ((x$4 = r.N, (x$4.$high < 0 || (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low <= 0))) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [n, io.EOF]; + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: atLeastReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, n, p, r, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + atLeastReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.readFromUntil = function(r, n) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, c, err, n, needs, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (c.rawInput.Len() >= n) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + needs = n - c.rawInput.Len() >> 0; + $r = c.rawInput.Grow(needs + 512 >> 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = c.rawInput.ReadFrom(new atLeastReader.ptr(r, (new $Int64(0, needs)))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.readFromUntil, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, c, err, n, needs, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.readFromUntil = function(r, n) { return this.$val.readFromUntil(r, n); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.sendAlertLocked = function(err) { + var {_1, _r$1, _tuple, c, err, writeErr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _1 = err; + if ((_1 === (100)) || (_1 === (0))) { + c.tmp[0] = 1; + } else { + c.tmp[0] = 2; + } + c.tmp[1] = ((err << 24 >>> 24)); + _r$1 = c.writeRecordLocked(21, $subslice(new sliceType$5(c.tmp), 0, 2)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + writeErr = _tuple[1]; + if (err === 0) { + $s = -1; return writeErr; + } + $s = -1; return c.out.setErrorLocked(new net.OpError.ptr("local error", "", $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, new alert(err))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.sendAlertLocked, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, _tuple, c, err, writeErr, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.sendAlertLocked = function(err) { return this.$val.sendAlertLocked(err); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.sendAlert = function(err) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, err, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + $r = c.out.Mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.out.Mutex, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$1 = c.sendAlertLocked(err); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.sendAlert, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, err, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.sendAlert = function(err) { return this.$val.sendAlert(err); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.maxPayloadSizeForWrite = function(typ) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, blockSize, c, ciph, ciph$1, ciph$2, ciph$3, n, payloadBytes, pkt, typ, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (c.config.DynamicRecordSizingDisabled || !((typ === 23))) { + $s = -1; return 16384; + } + if ((x = c.bytesSent, (x.$high > 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low >= 131072)))) { + $s = -1; return 16384; + } + _r$1 = c.out.explicitNonceLen(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + payloadBytes = 1203 - _r$1 >> 0; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(c.out.cipher, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(c.out.cipher, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _ref = c.out.cipher; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, cipher.Stream, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, cipher.AEAD, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, cbcMode, true)[1]) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, cipher.Stream, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + ciph = _ref; + _r$2 = c.out.mac.Size(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + payloadBytes = payloadBytes - (_r$2) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, cipher.AEAD, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + ciph$1 = _ref; + _r$3 = ciph$1.Overhead(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + payloadBytes = payloadBytes - (_r$3) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, cbcMode, true)[1]) { */ case 6: + ciph$2 = _ref; + _r$4 = ciph$2.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + blockSize = _r$4; + payloadBytes = ((payloadBytes & (~((blockSize - 1 >> 0)) >> 0))) - 1 >> 0; + _r$5 = c.out.mac.Size(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + payloadBytes = payloadBytes - (_r$5) >> 0; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + ciph$3 = _ref; + $panic(new $String("unknown cipher type")); + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 3: + if (c.vers === 772) { + payloadBytes = payloadBytes - (1) >> 0; + } + pkt = c.packetsSent; + c.packetsSent = (x$1 = c.packetsSent, x$2 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)); + if ((pkt.$high > 0 || (pkt.$high === 0 && pkt.$low > 1000))) { + $s = -1; return 16384; + } + n = $imul(payloadBytes, (((x$3 = new $Int64(pkt.$high + 0, pkt.$low + 1), x$3.$low + ((x$3.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); + if (n > 16384) { + n = 16384; + } + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.maxPayloadSizeForWrite, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, blockSize, c, ciph, ciph$1, ciph$2, ciph$3, n, payloadBytes, pkt, typ, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.maxPayloadSizeForWrite = function(typ) { return this.$val.maxPayloadSizeForWrite(typ); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.write = function(data) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, c, data, err, n, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (c.buffering) { + c.sendBuf = $appendSlice(c.sendBuf, data); + $s = -1; return [data.$length, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$1 = c.conn.Write(data); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + c.bytesSent = (x = c.bytesSent, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.write, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, c, data, err, n, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.write = function(data) { return this.$val.write(data); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.flush = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, c, err, n, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (c.sendBuf.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$1 = c.conn.Write(c.sendBuf); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + c.bytesSent = (x = c.bytesSent, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + c.sendBuf = sliceType$5.nil; + c.buffering = false; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.flush, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, c, err, n, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.flush = function() { return this.$val.flush(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.writeRecordLocked = function(typ, data) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, data, err, err$1, err$2, m, maxPayload, n, outBuf, outBufPtr, typ, vers, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ, data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + outBuf = [outBuf]; + outBufPtr = [outBufPtr]; + c = this; + _r$1 = outBufPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + outBufPtr[0] = $assertType(_r$1, ptrType$1); + outBuf[0] = outBufPtr[0].$get(); + $deferred.push([(function(outBuf, outBufPtr) { return function() { + outBufPtr[0].$set(outBuf[0]); + outBufPool.Put(outBufPtr[0]); + }; })(outBuf, outBufPtr), []]); + n = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(data.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(data.$length > 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + m = data.$length; + _r$2 = c.maxPayloadSizeForWrite(typ); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + maxPayload = _r$2; + if (m > maxPayload) { + m = maxPayload; + } + _tuple = sliceForAppend($subslice(outBuf[0], 0, 0), 5); + outBuf[0] = _tuple[1]; + (0 >= outBuf[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : outBuf[0].$array[outBuf[0].$offset + 0] = ((typ << 24 >>> 24))); + vers = c.vers; + if (vers === 0) { + vers = 769; + } else if (vers === 772) { + vers = 771; + } + (1 >= outBuf[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : outBuf[0].$array[outBuf[0].$offset + 1] = (((vers >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24))); + (2 >= outBuf[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : outBuf[0].$array[outBuf[0].$offset + 2] = ((vers << 24 >>> 24))); + (3 >= outBuf[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : outBuf[0].$array[outBuf[0].$offset + 3] = (((m >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24))); + (4 >= outBuf[0].$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : outBuf[0].$array[outBuf[0].$offset + 4] = ((m << 24 >>> 24))); + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$3 = c.out.encrypt(outBuf[0], $subslice(data, 0, m), c.config.rand()); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + outBuf[0] = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$4 = c.write(outBuf[0]); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + $24r$1 = [n, err$1]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + n = n + (m) >> 0; + data = $subslice(data, m); + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + /* */ if ((typ === 20) && !((c.vers === 772))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ((typ === 20) && !((c.vers === 772))) { */ case 13: + err$2 = c.out.changeCipherSpec(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 15: + _r$5 = c.sendAlertLocked($assertType(err$2, alert)); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [n, _r$5]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 16: + /* } */ case 14: + $24r$3 = [n, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.writeRecordLocked, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, data, err, err$1, err$2, m, maxPayload, n, outBuf, outBufPtr, typ, vers, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.writeRecordLocked = function(typ, data) { return this.$val.writeRecordLocked(typ, data); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.writeRecord = function(typ, data) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, data, typ, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {typ, data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + $r = c.out.Mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.out.Mutex, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$1 = c.writeRecordLocked(typ, data); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.writeRecord, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, data, typ, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.writeRecord = function(typ, data) { return this.$val.writeRecord(typ, data); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.readHandshake = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, data, err, err$1, m, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(c.hand.Len() < 4)) { break; } */ if(!(c.hand.Len() < 4)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$1 = c.readRecord(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + data = c.hand.Bytes(); + n = (((((1 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 1]) >> 0)) << 16 >> 0) | ((((2 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 2]) >> 0)) << 8 >> 0)) | (((3 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 3]) >> 0)); + /* */ if (n > 65536) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (n > 65536) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = c.sendAlertLocked(80); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("tls: handshake message of length %d bytes exceeds maximum of %d bytes", new sliceType$6([new $Int(n), new $Int(65536)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$3); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [$ifaceNil, _r$4]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + /* while (true) { */ case 10: + /* if (!(c.hand.Len() < (4 + n >> 0))) { break; } */ if(!(c.hand.Len() < (4 + n >> 0))) { $s = 11; continue; } + _r$5 = c.readRecord(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$5; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err$1]; + } + $s = 10; continue; + case 11: + data = c.hand.Next(4 + n >> 0); + m = $ifaceNil; + _1 = (0 >= data.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + 0]); + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (11)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (13)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (22)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (12)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (14)) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (16)) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (15)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (20)) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (8)) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (24)) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 14: + m = new helloRequestMsg.ptr(); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 15: + m = new clientHelloMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$2.nil, sliceType$5.nil, "", false, sliceType$3.nil, sliceType$5.nil, false, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$7.nil, false, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$1.nil, false, sliceType$2.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$15.nil, false, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$16.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 16: + m = new serverHelloMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0, false, false, false, sliceType$5.nil, "", sliceType$11.nil, 0, new keyShare.ptr(0, sliceType$5.nil), false, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 17: + if (c.vers === 772) { + m = new newSessionTicketMsgTLS13.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, 0); + } else { + m = new newSessionTicketMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + } + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (11)) { */ case 18: + if (c.vers === 772) { + m = new certificateMsgTLS13.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, new Certificate.ptr(sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil, ptrType$5.nil), false, false); + } else { + m = new certificateMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + } + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (13)) { */ case 19: + if (c.vers === 772) { + m = new certificateRequestMsgTLS13.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, false, false, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + } else { + m = new certificateRequestMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, c.vers >= 771, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$7.nil, sliceType$11.nil); + } + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (22)) { */ case 20: + m = new certificateStatusMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (12)) { */ case 21: + m = new serverKeyExchangeMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (14)) { */ case 22: + m = new serverHelloDoneMsg.ptr(); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (16)) { */ case 23: + m = new clientKeyExchangeMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (15)) { */ case 24: + m = new certificateVerifyMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, c.vers >= 771, 0, sliceType$5.nil); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (20)) { */ case 25: + m = new finishedMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (8)) { */ case 26: + m = new encryptedExtensionsMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, ""); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 27: + m = new endOfEarlyDataMsg.ptr(); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (24)) { */ case 28: + m = new keyUpdateMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, false); + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else { */ case 29: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$6); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [$ifaceNil, _r$7]; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 30: + case 13: + data = $appendSlice((sliceType$5.nil), data); + _r$8 = m.unmarshal(data); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$8) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!_r$8) { */ case 34: + _r$9 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$9); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [$ifaceNil, _r$10]; + $s = 39; case 39: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 35: + $s = -1; return [m, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.readHandshake, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, c, data, err, err$1, m, n, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.readHandshake = function() { return this.$val.readHandshake(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.Write = function(b) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, c, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, m, n, n$1, ok, x, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + x = atomic.LoadInt32((c.$ptr_activeCall || (c.$ptr_activeCall = new ptrType$43(function() { return this.$target.activeCall; }, function($v) { this.$target.activeCall = $v; }, c)))); + /* */ if (!(((x & 1) === 0))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(((x & 1) === 0))) { */ case 3: + $24r = [0, net.ErrClosed]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((c.$ptr_activeCall || (c.$ptr_activeCall = new ptrType$43(function() { return this.$target.activeCall; }, function($v) { this.$target.activeCall = $v; }, c))), x, x + 2 >> 0)) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $deferred.push([atomic.AddInt32, [(c.$ptr_activeCall || (c.$ptr_activeCall = new ptrType$43(function() { return this.$target.activeCall; }, function($v) { this.$target.activeCall = $v; }, c))), -2]]); + _r$1 = c.Handshake(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + $24r$1 = [0, err]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + $r = c.out.Mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.out.Mutex, "Unlock"), []]); + err$1 = c.out.err; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 11: + $24r$2 = [0, err$1]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 12: + /* */ if (!c.handshakeComplete()) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!c.handshakeComplete()) { */ case 14: + $24r$3 = [0, new alert(80)]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 15: + /* */ if (c.closeNotifySent) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (c.closeNotifySent) { */ case 17: + $24r$4 = [0, errShutdown]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 18: + m = 0; + /* */ if (b.$length > 1 && (c.vers === 769)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (b.$length > 1 && (c.vers === 769)) { */ case 20: + _tuple = $assertType(c.out.cipher, cipher.BlockMode, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 22: + _r$2 = c.writeRecordLocked(23, $subslice(b, 0, 1)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 25: + $24r$5 = [n, c.out.setErrorLocked(err$2)]; + $s = 27; case 27: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 26: + _tmp = 1; + _tmp$1 = $subslice(b, 1); + m = _tmp; + b = _tmp$1; + /* } */ case 23: + /* } */ case 21: + _r$3 = c.writeRecordLocked(23, b); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + n$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$2[1]; + $24r$6 = [n$1 + m >> 0, c.out.setErrorLocked(err$3)]; + $s = 29; case 29: return $24r$6; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, c, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, m, n, n$1, ok, x, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.Write = function(b) { return this.$val.Write(b); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.handleRenegotiation = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, helloReq, msg, ok, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + /* */ if (c.vers === 772) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (c.vers === 772) { */ case 1: + $24r = errors.New("tls: internal error: unexpected renegotiation"); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = err; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(msg, ptrType$44, true); + helloReq = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = unexpectedMessageError(helloReq, msg); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$3; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 9: + /* */ if (!c.isClient) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!c.isClient) { */ case 13: + _r$4 = c.sendAlert(100); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$4; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 14: + _1 = c.config.Renegotiation; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 18: + _r$5 = c.sendAlert(100); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$5; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$4; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 19: + /* */ if (c.handshakes > 1) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (c.handshakes > 1) { */ case 25: + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(100); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$6; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 26: + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 20: + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else { */ case 21: + _r$7 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $24r$6 = errors.New("tls: unknown Renegotiation value"); + $s = 30; case 30: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 22: + case 17: + $r = c.handshakeMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.handshakeMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + atomic.StoreUint32((c.$ptr_handshakeStatus || (c.$ptr_handshakeStatus = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target.handshakeStatus; }, function($v) { this.$target.handshakeStatus = $v; }, c))), 0); + _r$8 = c.clientHandshake(context.Background()); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c.handshakeErr = _r$8; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(c.handshakeErr, $ifaceNil)) { + c.handshakes = c.handshakes + (1) >> 0; + } + $24r$7 = c.handshakeErr; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$7; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.handleRenegotiation, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, err, helloReq, msg, ok, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.handleRenegotiation = function() { return this.$val.handleRenegotiation(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.handlePostHandshakeMessage = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, c, err, msg, msg$1, msg$2, msg$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + /* */ if (!((c.vers === 772))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((c.vers === 772))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.handleRenegotiation(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = c.readHandshake(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + msg = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + c.retryCount = c.retryCount + (1) >> 0; + /* */ if (c.retryCount > 16) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (c.retryCount > 16) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return c.in$27.setErrorLocked(errors.New("tls: too many non-advancing records")); + /* } */ case 7: + _ref = msg; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$45, true)[1]) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$46, true)[1]) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$45, true)[1]) { */ case 9: + msg$1 = _ref.$val; + _r$4 = c.handleNewSessionTicket(msg$1); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$4; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$46, true)[1]) { */ case 10: + msg$2 = _ref.$val; + _r$5 = c.handleKeyUpdate(msg$2); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$5; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$2; + /* } else { */ case 11: + msg$3 = _ref; + _r$6 = c.sendAlert(10); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = fmt.Errorf("tls: received unexpected handshake message of type %T", new sliceType$6([msg$3])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$7; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 12: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.handlePostHandshakeMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, c, err, msg, msg$1, msg$2, msg$3, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.handlePostHandshakeMessage = function() { return this.$val.handlePostHandshakeMessage(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.handleKeyUpdate = function(keyUpdate) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, c, cipherSuite$1, err, keyUpdate, msg, newSecret, newSecret$1, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {keyUpdate}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + cipherSuite$1 = cipherSuiteTLS13ByID(c.cipherSuite); + /* */ if (cipherSuite$1 === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (cipherSuite$1 === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.sendAlert(80); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = c.in$27.setErrorLocked(_r$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = cipherSuite$1.nextTrafficSecret(c.in$27.trafficSecret); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + newSecret = _r$3; + $r = c.in$27.setTrafficSecret(cipherSuite$1, newSecret); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (keyUpdate.updateRequested) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (keyUpdate.updateRequested) { */ case 8: + $r = c.out.Mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.out.Mutex, "Unlock"), []]); + msg = new keyUpdateMsg.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, false); + _r$4 = msg.marshal(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$4; + _r$5 = c.writeRecordLocked(22, _arg); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 13: + c.out.setErrorLocked(err); + $24r$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 14: + _r$6 = cipherSuite$1.nextTrafficSecret(c.out.trafficSecret); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + newSecret$1 = _r$6; + $r = c.out.setTrafficSecret(cipherSuite$1, newSecret$1); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 9: + $24r$2 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.handleKeyUpdate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, c, cipherSuite$1, err, keyUpdate, msg, newSecret, newSecret$1, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.handleKeyUpdate = function(keyUpdate) { return this.$val.handleKeyUpdate(keyUpdate); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, b, c, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, n, x, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + _r$1 = c.Handshake(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [0, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (b.$length === 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (b.$length === 0) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [0, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + $r = c.in$27.Mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.in$27.Mutex, "Unlock"), []]); + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(c.input.Len() === 0)) { break; } */ if(!(c.input.Len() === 0)) { $s = 10; continue; } + _r$2 = c.readRecord(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$2; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + $24r$2 = [0, err$1]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 13: + /* while (true) { */ case 15: + /* if (!(c.hand.Len() > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(c.hand.Len() > 0)) { $s = 16; continue; } + _r$3 = c.handlePostHandshakeMessage(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$3; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + $24r$3 = [0, err$2]; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 19: + $s = 15; continue; + case 16: + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + _tuple = c.input.Read(b); + n = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (!((n === 0)) && (c.input.Len() === 0) && c.rawInput.Len() > 0 && ((((x = c.rawInput.Bytes(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) << 24 >>> 24)) === 21)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!((n === 0)) && (c.input.Len() === 0) && c.rawInput.Len() > 0 && ((((x = c.rawInput.Bytes(), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) << 24 >>> 24)) === 21)) { */ case 21: + _r$4 = c.readRecord(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$4; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 24: + $24r$4 = [n, err$3]; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 25: + /* } */ case 22: + $24r$5 = [n, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 27; case 27: return $24r$5; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, b, c, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, n, x, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, alertErr, c, err, err$1, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + x = 0; + while (true) { + x = atomic.LoadInt32((c.$ptr_activeCall || (c.$ptr_activeCall = new ptrType$43(function() { return this.$target.activeCall; }, function($v) { this.$target.activeCall = $v; }, c)))); + if (!(((x & 1) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return net.ErrClosed; + } + if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((c.$ptr_activeCall || (c.$ptr_activeCall = new ptrType$43(function() { return this.$target.activeCall; }, function($v) { this.$target.activeCall = $v; }, c))), x, x | 1)) { + break; + } + } + /* */ if (!((x === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((x === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.conn.Close(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + alertErr = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (c.handshakeComplete()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (c.handshakeComplete()) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = c.closeNotify(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("tls: failed to send closeNotify alert (but connection was closed anyway): %w", new sliceType$6([err])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + alertErr = _r$3; + /* } */ case 9: + /* } */ case 6: + _r$4 = c.conn.Close(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$4; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = -1; return alertErr; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, alertErr, c, err, err$1, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!c.handshakeComplete()) { + $s = -1; return errEarlyCloseWrite; + } + _r$1 = c.closeNotify(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.CloseWrite, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.CloseWrite = function() { return this.$val.CloseWrite(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.closeNotify = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + $r = c.out.Mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.out.Mutex, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (!c.closeNotifySent) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!c.closeNotifySent) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, time.Time).Add(new time.Duration(1, 705032704)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = c.SetWriteDeadline($clone(_r$2, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = c.sendAlertLocked(0); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c.closeNotifyErr = _r$4; + c.closeNotifySent = true; + _r$5 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = c.SetWriteDeadline($clone(_r$5, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + /* } */ case 3: + $24r = c.closeNotifyErr; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.closeNotify, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, c, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.closeNotify = function() { return this.$val.closeNotify(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.Handshake = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.HandshakeContext(context.Background()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.Handshake, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.Handshake = function() { return this.$val.Handshake(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.HandshakeContext = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, ctx, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.handshakeContext(ctx); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.HandshakeContext, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, ctx, $s};return $f; + }; + Conn.prototype.HandshakeContext = function(ctx) { return this.$val.HandshakeContext(ctx); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.handshakeContext = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, c, cancel, ctx, done, err, handshakeCtx, interruptRes, ret, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = [c]; + done = [done]; + handshakeCtx = [handshakeCtx]; + interruptRes = [interruptRes]; + ret = [ret]; + ret[0] = $ifaceNil; + c[0] = this; + /* */ if (c[0].handshakeComplete()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (c[0].handshakeComplete()) { */ case 1: + ret[0] = $ifaceNil; + $24r = ret[0]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = context.WithCancel(ctx); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + handshakeCtx[0] = _tuple[0]; + cancel = _tuple[1]; + $deferred.push([cancel, []]); + _r$2 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(_r$2 === $chanNil)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(_r$2 === $chanNil)) { */ case 5: + done[0] = new $Chan(structType$1, 0); + interruptRes[0] = new $Chan($error, 1); + $deferred.push([(function(c, done, handshakeCtx, interruptRes, ret) { return function $b() { + var {_r$3, ctxErr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $close(done[0]); + _r$3 = $recv(interruptRes[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctxErr = _r$3[0]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr, $ifaceNil))) { + ret[0] = ctxErr; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$3, ctxErr, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, done, handshakeCtx, interruptRes, ret), []]); + $go((function(c, done, handshakeCtx, interruptRes, ret) { return function $b() { + var {_r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _selection, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$3 = handshakeCtx[0].Done(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = $select([[_r$3], [done[0]]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$4; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 3: + _r$5 = c[0].conn.Close(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $unused(_r$5); + _r$6 = handshakeCtx[0].Err(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $send(interruptRes[0], _r$6); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 4: + $r = $send(interruptRes[0], $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _selection, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, done, handshakeCtx, interruptRes, ret), []); + /* } */ case 6: + $r = c[0].handshakeMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c[0].handshakeMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + err = c[0].handshakeErr; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + ret[0] = err; + $24r$1 = ret[0]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (c[0].handshakeComplete()) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (c[0].handshakeComplete()) { */ case 12: + ret[0] = $ifaceNil; + $24r$2 = ret[0]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 13: + $r = c[0].in$27.Mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c[0].in$27.Mutex, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$3 = c[0].handshakeFn(handshakeCtx[0]); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c[0].handshakeErr = _r$3; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(c[0].handshakeErr, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(c[0].handshakeErr, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 17: + c[0].handshakes = c[0].handshakes + (1) >> 0; + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else { */ case 18: + _r$4 = c[0].flush(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 19: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(c[0].handshakeErr, $ifaceNil) && !c[0].handshakeComplete()) { + c[0].handshakeErr = errors.New("tls: internal error: handshake should have had a result"); + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(c[0].handshakeErr, $ifaceNil)) && c[0].handshakeComplete()) { + $panic(new $String("tls: internal error: handshake returned an error but is marked successful")); + } + ret[0] = c[0].handshakeErr; + $24r$3 = ret[0]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return ret[0]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.handshakeContext, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, c, cancel, ctx, done, err, handshakeCtx, interruptRes, ret, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.handshakeContext = function(ctx) { return this.$val.handshakeContext(ctx); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.ConnectionState = function() { + var {$24r, c, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + $r = c.handshakeMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.handshakeMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = c.connectionStateLocked(); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return new ConnectionState.ptr(0, false, false, 0, "", false, "", sliceType$12.nil, sliceType$13.nil, sliceType$11.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, $throwNilPointerError); } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.ConnectionState, $c: true, $r, $24r, c, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.ConnectionState = function() { return this.$val.ConnectionState(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.connectionStateLocked = function() { + var c, state; + c = this; + state = new ConnectionState.ptr(0, false, false, 0, "", false, "", sliceType$12.nil, sliceType$13.nil, sliceType$11.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$5.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + state.HandshakeComplete = c.handshakeComplete(); + state.Version = c.vers; + state.NegotiatedProtocol = c.clientProtocol; + state.DidResume = c.didResume; + state.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual = true; + state.ServerName = c.serverName; + state.CipherSuite = c.cipherSuite; + state.PeerCertificates = c.peerCertificates; + state.VerifiedChains = c.verifiedChains; + state.SignedCertificateTimestamps = c.scts; + state.OCSPResponse = c.ocspResponse; + if (!c.didResume && !((c.vers === 772))) { + if (c.clientFinishedIsFirst) { + state.TLSUnique = new sliceType$5(c.clientFinished); + } else { + state.TLSUnique = new sliceType$5(c.serverFinished); + } + } + if (!((c.config.Renegotiation === 0))) { + state.ekm = noExportedKeyingMaterial; + } else { + state.ekm = c.ekm; + } + return state; + }; + Conn.prototype.connectionStateLocked = function() { return this.$val.connectionStateLocked(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.OCSPResponse = function() { + var {$24r, c, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + $r = c.handshakeMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.handshakeMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = c.ocspResponse; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return sliceType$5.nil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.OCSPResponse, $c: true, $r, $24r, c, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.OCSPResponse = function() { return this.$val.OCSPResponse(); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.VerifyHostname = function(host) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, c, host, x, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {host}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + $r = c.handshakeMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.handshakeMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (!c.isClient) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!c.isClient) { */ case 2: + $24r = errors.New("tls: VerifyHostname called on TLS server connection"); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!c.handshakeComplete()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!c.handshakeComplete()) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = errors.New("tls: handshake has not yet been performed"); + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (c.verifiedChains.$length === 0) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (c.verifiedChains.$length === 0) { */ case 8: + $24r$2 = errors.New("tls: handshake did not verify certificate chain"); + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 9: + $24r$3 = (x = c.peerCertificates, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])).VerifyHostname(host); + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Conn.ptr.prototype.VerifyHostname, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, c, host, x, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Conn.prototype.VerifyHostname = function(host) { return this.$val.VerifyHostname(host); }; + Conn.ptr.prototype.handshakeComplete = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return atomic.LoadUint32((c.$ptr_handshakeStatus || (c.$ptr_handshakeStatus = new ptrType$24(function() { return this.$target.handshakeStatus; }, function($v) { this.$target.handshakeStatus = $v; }, c)))) === 1; + }; + Conn.prototype.handshakeComplete = function() { return this.$val.handshakeComplete(); }; + SignatureScheme.prototype.String = function() { + var i, x; + i = this.$val; + if ((i === 513)) { + return "PKCS1WithSHA1"; + } else if ((i === 515)) { + return "ECDSAWithSHA1"; + } else if ((i === 1025)) { + return "PKCS1WithSHA256"; + } else if ((i === 1027)) { + return "ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256"; + } else if ((i === 1281)) { + return "PKCS1WithSHA384"; + } else if ((i === 1283)) { + return "ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384"; + } else if ((i === 1537)) { + return "PKCS1WithSHA512"; + } else if ((i === 1539)) { + return "ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512"; + } else if (2052 <= i && i <= 2055) { + i = i - (2052) << 16 >>> 16; + return $substring("PSSWithSHA256PSSWithSHA384PSSWithSHA512Ed25519", ((i < 0 || i >= _SignatureScheme_index_8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _SignatureScheme_index_8[i]), (x = i + 1 << 16 >>> 16, ((x < 0 || x >= _SignatureScheme_index_8.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _SignatureScheme_index_8[x]))); + } else { + return "SignatureScheme(" + strconv.FormatInt((new $Int64(0, i)), 10) + ")"; + } + }; + $ptrType(SignatureScheme).prototype.String = function() { return new SignatureScheme(this.$get()).String(); }; + CurveID.prototype.String = function() { + var i, x; + i = this.$val; + if (23 <= i && i <= 25) { + i = i - (23) << 16 >>> 16; + return $substring("CurveP256CurveP384CurveP521", ((i < 0 || i >= _CurveID_index_0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _CurveID_index_0[i]), (x = i + 1 << 16 >>> 16, ((x < 0 || x >= _CurveID_index_0.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _CurveID_index_0[x]))); + } else if ((i === 29)) { + return "X25519"; + } else { + return "CurveID(" + strconv.FormatInt((new $Int64(0, i)), 10) + ")"; + } + }; + $ptrType(CurveID).prototype.String = function() { return new CurveID(this.$get()).String(); }; + ClientAuthType.prototype.String = function() { + var i, x; + i = this.$val; + if (i < 0 || i >= 5) { + return "ClientAuthType(" + strconv.FormatInt((new $Int64(0, i)), 10) + ")"; + } + return $substring("NoClientCertRequestClientCertRequireAnyClientCertVerifyClientCertIfGivenRequireAndVerifyClientCert", ((i < 0 || i >= _ClientAuthType_index.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ClientAuthType_index[i]), (x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= _ClientAuthType_index.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ClientAuthType_index[x]))); + }; + $ptrType(ClientAuthType).prototype.String = function() { return new ClientAuthType(this.$get()).String(); }; + ConnectionState.ptr.prototype.ExportKeyingMaterial = function(label, context$1, length) { + var {$24r, _r$1, context$1, cs, label, length, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {label, context$1, length}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cs = this; + _r$1 = cs.ekm(label, context$1, length); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ConnectionState.ptr.prototype.ExportKeyingMaterial, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, context$1, cs, label, length, $s};return $f; + }; + ConnectionState.prototype.ExportKeyingMaterial = function(label, context$1, length) { return this.$val.ExportKeyingMaterial(label, context$1, length); }; + requiresClientCert = function(c) { + var _1, c; + _1 = c; + if ((_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (4))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + ClientHelloInfo.ptr.prototype.Context = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.ctx; + }; + ClientHelloInfo.prototype.Context = function() { return this.$val.Context(); }; + CertificateRequestInfo.ptr.prototype.Context = function() { + var c; + c = this; + return c.ctx; + }; + CertificateRequestInfo.prototype.Context = function() { return this.$val.Context(); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.ticketKeyFromBytes = function(b) { + var {_r$1, b, c, hashed, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + key = new ticketKey.ptr(arrayType$4.zero(), arrayType$4.zero(), arrayType$4.zero(), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$7.nil)); + c = this; + hashed = $clone(sha512.Sum512(new sliceType$5(b)), arrayType$7); + $copySlice(new sliceType$5(key.keyName), $subslice(new sliceType$5(hashed), 0, 16)); + $copySlice(new sliceType$5(key.aesKey), $subslice(new sliceType$5(hashed), 16, 32)); + $copySlice(new sliceType$5(key.hmacKey), $subslice(new sliceType$5(hashed), 32, 48)); + _r$1 = c.time(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + time.Time.copy(key.created, _r$1); + ticketKey.copy(key, key); + $s = -1; return key; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.ticketKeyFromBytes, $c: true, $r, _r$1, b, c, hashed, key, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.ticketKeyFromBytes = function(b) { return this.$val.ticketKeyFromBytes(b); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.Clone = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, c, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + /* */ if (c === ptrType$4.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (c === ptrType$4.nil) { */ case 1: + $24r = ptrType$4.nil; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $r = c.mutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + $24r$1 = new Config.ptr(c.Rand, c.Time, c.Certificates, c.NameToCertificate, c.GetCertificate, c.GetClientCertificate, c.GetConfigForClient, c.VerifyPeerCertificate, c.VerifyConnection, c.RootCAs, c.NextProtos, c.ServerName, c.ClientAuth, c.ClientCAs, c.InsecureSkipVerify, c.CipherSuites, c.PreferServerCipherSuites, c.SessionTicketsDisabled, $clone(c.SessionTicketKey, arrayType), c.ClientSessionCache, c.MinVersion, c.MaxVersion, c.CurvePreferences, c.DynamicRecordSizingDisabled, c.Renegotiation, c.KeyLogWriter, new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0), c.sessionTicketKeys, c.autoSessionTicketKeys); + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return ptrType$4.nil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.Clone, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, c, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Config.prototype.Clone = function() { return this.$val.Clone(); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, c, err, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + /* */ if (!($equal(c.SessionTicketKey, arrayType.zero(), arrayType)) && (bytes.HasPrefix(new sliceType$5(c.SessionTicketKey), deprecatedSessionTicketKey) || c.sessionTicketKeys.$length > 0)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($equal(c.SessionTicketKey, arrayType.zero(), arrayType)) && (bytes.HasPrefix(new sliceType$5(c.SessionTicketKey), deprecatedSessionTicketKey) || c.sessionTicketKeys.$length > 0)) { */ case 1: + $s = 3; case 3: return; + /* } */ case 2: + $r = c.mutex.RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mutex, "RLock"), []]); + $r = c.mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mutex, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if ($equal(c.SessionTicketKey, arrayType.zero(), arrayType)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (!bytes.HasPrefix(new sliceType$5(c.SessionTicketKey), deprecatedSessionTicketKey) && (c.sessionTicketKeys.$length === 0)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ($equal(c.SessionTicketKey, arrayType.zero(), arrayType)) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = io.ReadFull(c.rand(), new sliceType$5(c.SessionTicketKey)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf("tls: unable to generate random session ticket key: %v", new sliceType$6([err])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$2)); + /* } */ case 11: + $copySlice(new sliceType$5(c.SessionTicketKey), deprecatedSessionTicketKey); + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (!bytes.HasPrefix(new sliceType$5(c.SessionTicketKey), deprecatedSessionTicketKey) && (c.sessionTicketKeys.$length === 0)) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = c.ticketKeyFromBytes($clone(c.SessionTicketKey, arrayType)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c.sessionTicketKeys = new sliceType$4([$clone(_r$3, ticketKey)]); + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, c, err, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Config.prototype.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked = function() { return this.$val.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked(); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.ticketKeys = function(configForClient) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _v, _v$1, c, configForClient, err, k, newKey, ret, valid, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {configForClient}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + /* */ if (!(configForClient === ptrType$4.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(configForClient === ptrType$4.nil)) { */ case 1: + $r = configForClient.mutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (configForClient.SessionTicketsDisabled) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (configForClient.SessionTicketsDisabled) { */ case 4: + $24r = sliceType$4.nil; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + $r = configForClient.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((configForClient.sessionTicketKeys.$length === 0))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!((configForClient.sessionTicketKeys.$length === 0))) { */ case 8: + ret = configForClient.sessionTicketKeys; + $r = configForClient.mutex.RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = ret; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + $r = configForClient.mutex.RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $r = c.mutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* */ if (c.SessionTicketsDisabled) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (c.SessionTicketsDisabled) { */ case 14: + $24r$2 = sliceType$4.nil; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 15: + $r = c.initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((c.sessionTicketKeys.$length === 0))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!((c.sessionTicketKeys.$length === 0))) { */ case 18: + $24r$3 = c.sessionTicketKeys; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 19: + if (!(c.autoSessionTicketKeys.$length > 0)) { _v = false; $s = 23; continue s; } + _r$1 = c.time(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, time.Time).Sub($clone((x$1 = c.autoSessionTicketKeys, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])).created, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = (x = _r$2, (x.$high < 20116 || (x.$high === 20116 && x.$low < 2437873664))); case 23: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 21: + $24r$4 = c.autoSessionTicketKeys; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 22: + $r = c.mutex.RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mutex, "RLock"), []]); + $r = c.mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mutex, "Unlock"), []]); + if (c.autoSessionTicketKeys.$length === 0) { _v$1 = true; $s = 31; continue s; } + _r$3 = c.time(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = $clone(_r$3, time.Time).Sub($clone((x$3 = c.autoSessionTicketKeys, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0])).created, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = (x$2 = _r$4, (x$2.$high > 20116 || (x$2.$high === 20116 && x$2.$low >= 2437873664))); case 31: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 29: + newKey = arrayType.zero(); + _r$5 = io.ReadFull(c.rand(), new sliceType$5(newKey)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 35: + _r$6 = fmt.Sprintf("unable to generate random session ticket key: %v", new sliceType$6([err])); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$6)); + /* } */ case 36: + valid = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, 0, (c.autoSessionTicketKeys.$length + 1 >> 0)); + _r$7 = c.ticketKeyFromBytes($clone(newKey, arrayType)); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + valid = $append(valid, _r$7); + _ref = c.autoSessionTicketKeys; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 39: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 40; continue; } + k = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), ticketKey); + _r$8 = c.time(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $clone(_r$8, time.Time).Sub($clone(k.created, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((x$4 = _r$9, (x$4.$high < 140815 || (x$4.$high === 140815 && x$4.$low < 4180213760)))) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ $s = 42; continue; + /* if ((x$4 = _r$9, (x$4.$high < 140815 || (x$4.$high === 140815 && x$4.$low < 4180213760)))) { */ case 41: + valid = $append(valid, k); + /* } */ case 42: + _i++; + $s = 39; continue; + case 40: + c.autoSessionTicketKeys = valid; + /* } */ case 30: + $24r$5 = c.autoSessionTicketKeys; + $s = 45; case 45: return $24r$5; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return sliceType$4.nil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.ticketKeys, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _v, _v$1, c, configForClient, err, k, newKey, ret, valid, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Config.prototype.ticketKeys = function(configForClient) { return this.$val.ticketKeys(configForClient); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.SetSessionTicketKeys = function(keys) { + var {_i, _r$1, _ref, bytes$1, c, i, keys, newKeys, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {keys}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (keys.$length === 0) { + $panic(new $String("tls: keys must have at least one key")); + } + newKeys = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, keys.$length); + _ref = keys; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + bytes$1 = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), arrayType); + _r$1 = c.ticketKeyFromBytes($clone(bytes$1, arrayType)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ticketKey.copy(((i < 0 || i >= newKeys.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : newKeys.$array[newKeys.$offset + i]), _r$1); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $r = c.mutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c.sessionTicketKeys = newKeys; + $r = c.mutex.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.SetSessionTicketKeys, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _ref, bytes$1, c, i, keys, newKeys, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.SetSessionTicketKeys = function(keys) { return this.$val.SetSessionTicketKeys(keys); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.rand = function() { + var c, r; + c = this; + r = c.Rand; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(r, $ifaceNil)) { + return rand.Reader; + } + return r; + }; + Config.prototype.rand = function() { return this.$val.rand(); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.time = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + t = c.Time; + if (t === $throwNilPointerError) { + t = time.Now; + } + _r$1 = t(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.time, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.time = function() { return this.$val.time(); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.cipherSuites = function() { + var c; + c = this; + if (!(c.CipherSuites === sliceType$2.nil)) { + return c.CipherSuites; + } + return defaultCipherSuites; + }; + Config.prototype.cipherSuites = function() { return this.$val.cipherSuites(); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.supportedVersions = function(isClient) { + var _i, _ref, c, isClient, v, versions; + c = this; + versions = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, supportedVersions.$length); + _ref = supportedVersions; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if ((c === ptrType$4.nil || (c.MinVersion === 0)) && !debugEnableTLS10 && isClient && v < 771) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if (!(c === ptrType$4.nil) && !((c.MinVersion === 0)) && v < c.MinVersion) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if (!(c === ptrType$4.nil) && !((c.MaxVersion === 0)) && v > c.MaxVersion) { + _i++; + continue; + } + versions = $append(versions, v); + _i++; + } + return versions; + }; + Config.prototype.supportedVersions = function(isClient) { return this.$val.supportedVersions(isClient); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.maxSupportedVersion = function(isClient) { + var c, isClient, supportedVersions$1; + c = this; + supportedVersions$1 = c.supportedVersions(isClient); + if (supportedVersions$1.$length === 0) { + return 0; + } + return (0 >= supportedVersions$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : supportedVersions$1.$array[supportedVersions$1.$offset + 0]); + }; + Config.prototype.maxSupportedVersion = function(isClient) { return this.$val.maxSupportedVersion(isClient); }; + supportedVersionsFromMax = function(maxVersion) { + var _i, _ref, maxVersion, v, versions; + versions = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, supportedVersions.$length); + _ref = supportedVersions; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (v > maxVersion) { + _i++; + continue; + } + versions = $append(versions, v); + _i++; + } + return versions; + }; + Config.ptr.prototype.curvePreferences = function() { + var c; + c = this; + if (c === ptrType$4.nil || (c.CurvePreferences.$length === 0)) { + return defaultCurvePreferences; + } + return c.CurvePreferences; + }; + Config.prototype.curvePreferences = function() { return this.$val.curvePreferences(); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.supportsCurve = function(curve) { + var _i, _ref, c, cc, curve; + c = this; + _ref = c.curvePreferences(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cc = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (cc === curve) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + Config.prototype.supportsCurve = function(curve) { return this.$val.supportsCurve(curve); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.mutualVersion = function(isClient, peerVersions) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, c, isClient, peerVersion, peerVersions, supportedVersions$1, v; + c = this; + supportedVersions$1 = c.supportedVersions(isClient); + _ref = peerVersions; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + peerVersion = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = supportedVersions$1; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (v === peerVersion) { + return [v, true]; + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + return [0, false]; + }; + Config.prototype.mutualVersion = function(isClient, peerVersions) { return this.$val.mutualVersion(isClient, peerVersions); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.getCertificate = function(clientHello) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, cert, cert$1, cert$2, cert$3, clientHello, err, err$1, labels, name, ok, ok$1, wildcardName, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {clientHello}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cert = [cert]; + c = this; + /* */ if (!(c.GetCertificate === $throwNilPointerError) && ((c.Certificates.$length === 0) || clientHello.ServerName.length > 0)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(c.GetCertificate === $throwNilPointerError) && ((c.Certificates.$length === 0) || clientHello.ServerName.length > 0)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.GetCertificate(clientHello); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + cert$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!(cert$1 === ptrType$31.nil) || !($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [cert$1, err]; + } + /* } */ case 2: + if (c.Certificates.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$31.nil, errNoCertificates]; + } + if (c.Certificates.$length === 1) { + $s = -1; return [(x = c.Certificates, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])), $ifaceNil]; + } + /* */ if (!(c.NameToCertificate === false)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(c.NameToCertificate === false)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = strings.ToLower(clientHello.ServerName); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r$2; + _tuple$1 = (_entry = c.NameToCertificate[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$31.nil, false]); + cert$2 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [cert$2, $ifaceNil]; + } + if (name.length > 0) { + labels = strings.Split(name, "."); + (0 >= labels.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : labels.$array[labels.$offset + 0] = "*"); + wildcardName = strings.Join(labels, "."); + _tuple$2 = (_entry$1 = c.NameToCertificate[$String.keyFor(wildcardName)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [ptrType$31.nil, false]); + cert$3 = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $s = -1; return [cert$3, $ifaceNil]; + } + } + /* } */ case 5: + _ref = c.Certificates; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 8; continue; } + cert[0] = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), Certificate); + _r$3 = clientHello.SupportsCertificate(cert[0]); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$3; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [cert[0], $ifaceNil]; + } + _i++; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return [(x$1 = c.Certificates, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.getCertificate, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, c, cert, cert$1, cert$2, cert$3, clientHello, err, err$1, labels, name, ok, ok$1, wildcardName, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.getCertificate = function(clientHello) { return this.$val.getCertificate(clientHello); }; + ClientHelloInfo.ptr.prototype.SupportsCertificate = function(c) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, c$1, chi, cipherSuite$1, config, curve, curveOk, ecdsaCipherSuite, err, err$1, err$2, ok, ok$1, priv, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pub$3, supportsRSAFallback, vers, x509Cert, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = [c]; + chi = [chi]; + config = [config]; + ecdsaCipherSuite = [ecdsaCipherSuite]; + vers = [vers]; + chi[0] = this; + config[0] = chi[0].config; + if (config[0] === ptrType$4.nil) { + config[0] = new Config.ptr($ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, sliceType.nil, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType.nil, sliceType$1.nil, "", 0, ptrType.nil, false, sliceType$2.nil, false, false, arrayType.zero(), $ifaceNil, 0, 0, sliceType$3.nil, false, 0, $ifaceNil, new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0), sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil); + } + _tuple = config[0].mutualVersion(false, chi[0].SupportedVersions); + vers[0] = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("no mutually supported protocol versions"); + } + /* */ if (!(chi[0].ServerName === "")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(chi[0].ServerName === "")) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c[0].leaf(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + x509Cert = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("failed to parse certificate: %w", new sliceType$6([err])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + err$1 = x509Cert.VerifyHostname(chi[0].ServerName); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("certificate is not valid for requested server name: %w", new sliceType$6([err$1])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + /* } */ case 2: + supportsRSAFallback = (function(c, chi, config, ecdsaCipherSuite, vers) { return function $b(unsupported) { + var {_r$4, _r$5, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, ok$1, ok$2, priv, rsaCipherSuite, unsupported, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {unsupported}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (vers[0] === 772) { + $s = -1; return unsupported; + } + _tuple$2 = $assertType(c[0].PrivateKey, crypto.Decrypter, true); + priv = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 1: + _r$4 = priv.Public(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = $assertType(_r$4, ptrType$11, true); + ok$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!ok$2) { + $s = -1; return unsupported; + } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return unsupported; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$5 = selectCipherSuite(chi[0].CipherSuites, config[0].cipherSuites(), (function(c, chi, config, ecdsaCipherSuite, vers) { return function(c$1) { + var c$1; + if (!(((c$1.flags & 1) === 0))) { + return false; + } + if (vers[0] < 771 && !(((c$1.flags & 4) === 0))) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; })(c, chi, config, ecdsaCipherSuite, vers)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rsaCipherSuite = _r$5; + if (rsaCipherSuite === ptrType$3.nil) { + $s = -1; return unsupported; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, ok$1, ok$2, priv, rsaCipherSuite, unsupported, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, chi, config, ecdsaCipherSuite, vers); + /* */ if (chi[0].SignatureSchemes.$length > 0) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (chi[0].SignatureSchemes.$length > 0) { */ case 12: + _r$4 = selectSignatureScheme(vers[0], c[0], chi[0].SignatureSchemes); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 15: + _r$5 = supportsRSAFallback(err$2); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$5; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 16: + /* } */ case 13: + if (vers[0] === 772) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (!supportsECDHE(config[0], chi[0].SupportedCurves, chi[0].SupportedPoints)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!supportsECDHE(config[0], chi[0].SupportedCurves, chi[0].SupportedPoints)) { */ case 19: + _r$6 = supportsRSAFallback(errors.New("client doesn't support ECDHE, can only use legacy RSA key exchange")); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$6; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 20: + ecdsaCipherSuite[0] = false; + _tuple$3 = $assertType(c[0].PrivateKey, crypto.Signer, true); + priv = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 23: + _r$7 = priv.Public(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r$7; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { */ case 27: + pub = _ref.$val; + curve = 0; + _1 = pub.Curve; + _r$8 = elliptic.P256(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$8))) { $s = 33; continue; } + _r$9 = elliptic.P384(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$9))) { $s = 34; continue; } + _r$10 = elliptic.P521(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$10))) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$8))) { */ case 33: + curve = 23; + $s = 37; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$9))) { */ case 34: + curve = 24; + $s = 37; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$10))) { */ case 35: + curve = 25; + $s = 37; continue; + /* } else { */ case 36: + _r$11 = unsupportedCertificateError(c[0]); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = supportsRSAFallback(_r$11); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$12; + $s = 43; case 43: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 37: + case 32: + curveOk = false; + _ref$1 = chi[0].SupportedCurves; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + c$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]); + if ((c$1 === curve) && config[0].supportsCurve(c$1)) { + curveOk = true; + break; + } + _i++; + } + if (!curveOk) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("client doesn't support certificate curve"); + } + ecdsaCipherSuite[0] = true; + $s = 31; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { */ case 28: + pub$1 = _ref.$val; + if (vers[0] < 771 || (chi[0].SignatureSchemes.$length === 0)) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("connection doesn't support Ed25519"); + } + ecdsaCipherSuite[0] = true; + $s = 31; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 29: + pub$2 = _ref.$val; + $s = 31; continue; + /* } else { */ case 30: + pub$3 = _ref; + _r$13 = unsupportedCertificateError(c[0]); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14 = supportsRSAFallback(_r$13); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$14; + $s = 46; case 46: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 31: + $s = 25; continue; + /* } else { */ case 24: + _r$15 = unsupportedCertificateError(c[0]); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = supportsRSAFallback(_r$15); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = _r$16; + $s = 49; case 49: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 25: + _r$17 = selectCipherSuite(chi[0].CipherSuites, config[0].cipherSuites(), (function(c, chi, config, ecdsaCipherSuite, vers) { return function(c$2) { + var c$2; + if ((c$2.flags & 1) === 0) { + return false; + } + if (!(((c$2.flags & 2) === 0))) { + if (!ecdsaCipherSuite[0]) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (ecdsaCipherSuite[0]) { + return false; + } + } + if (vers[0] < 771 && !(((c$2.flags & 4) === 0))) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; })(c, chi, config, ecdsaCipherSuite, vers)); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cipherSuite$1 = _r$17; + /* */ if (cipherSuite$1 === ptrType$3.nil) { $s = 51; continue; } + /* */ $s = 52; continue; + /* if (cipherSuite$1 === ptrType$3.nil) { */ case 51: + _r$18 = supportsRSAFallback(errors.New("client doesn't support any cipher suites compatible with the certificate")); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$7 = _r$18; + $s = 54; case 54: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 52: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ClientHelloInfo.ptr.prototype.SupportsCertificate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, c$1, chi, cipherSuite$1, config, curve, curveOk, ecdsaCipherSuite, err, err$1, err$2, ok, ok$1, priv, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pub$3, supportsRSAFallback, vers, x509Cert, $s};return $f; + }; + ClientHelloInfo.prototype.SupportsCertificate = function(c) { return this.$val.SupportsCertificate(c); }; + CertificateRequestInfo.ptr.prototype.SupportsCertificate = function(c) { + var {$24r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, ca, cert, cri, err, err$1, j, x509Cert, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cri = this; + _r$1 = selectSignatureScheme(cri.Version, c, cri.SignatureSchemes); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + if (cri.AcceptableCAs.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _ref = c.Certificate; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + j = _i; + cert = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + x509Cert = c.Leaf; + /* */ if (!((j === 0)) || x509Cert === ptrType$5.nil) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((j === 0)) || x509Cert === ptrType$5.nil) { */ case 4: + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _r$2 = x509.ParseCertificate(cert); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + x509Cert = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("failed to parse certificate #%d in the chain: %w", new sliceType$6([new $Int(j), err$1])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 5: + _ref$1 = cri.AcceptableCAs; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + ca = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (bytes.Equal(x509Cert.RawIssuer, ca)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return errors.New("chain is not signed by an acceptable CA"); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CertificateRequestInfo.ptr.prototype.SupportsCertificate, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, ca, cert, cri, err, err$1, j, x509Cert, $s};return $f; + }; + CertificateRequestInfo.prototype.SupportsCertificate = function(c) { return this.$val.SupportsCertificate(c); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.BuildNameToCertificate = function() { + var {_i, _i$1, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, c, cert, err, i, san, x, x509Cert, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + c.NameToCertificate = {}; + _ref = c.Certificates; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + cert = (x = c.Certificates, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i])); + _r$1 = cert.leaf(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + x509Cert = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + if (!(x509Cert.Subject.CommonName === "") && (x509Cert.DNSNames.$length === 0)) { + _key = x509Cert.Subject.CommonName; (c.NameToCertificate || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: cert }; + } + _ref$1 = x509Cert.DNSNames; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + san = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _key$1 = san; (c.NameToCertificate || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: cert }; + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.BuildNameToCertificate, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, c, cert, err, i, san, x, x509Cert, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.BuildNameToCertificate = function() { return this.$val.BuildNameToCertificate(); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.writeKeyLog = function(label, clientRandom, secret) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, c, clientRandom, err, label, logLine, secret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {label, clientRandom, secret}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(c.KeyLogWriter, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("%s %x %x\n", new sliceType$6([new $String(label), clientRandom, secret])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + logLine = (new sliceType$5($stringToBytes(_r$1))); + $r = writerMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = c.KeyLogWriter.Write(logLine); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + err = _tuple[1]; + $r = writerMutex.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.writeKeyLog, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, c, clientRandom, err, label, logLine, secret, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.writeKeyLog = function(label, clientRandom, secret) { return this.$val.writeKeyLog(label, clientRandom, secret); }; + Certificate.ptr.prototype.leaf = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!(c.Leaf === ptrType$5.nil)) { + $s = -1; return [c.Leaf, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$1 = x509.ParseCertificate((x = c.Certificate, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Certificate.ptr.prototype.leaf, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Certificate.prototype.leaf = function() { return this.$val.leaf(); }; + defaultConfig = function() { + return emptyConfig; + }; + unexpectedMessageError = function(wanted, got) { + var {$24r, _r$1, got, wanted, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {wanted, got}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("tls: received unexpected handshake message of type %T when waiting for %T", new sliceType$6([got, wanted])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: unexpectedMessageError, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, got, wanted, $s};return $f; + }; + isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm = function(sigAlg, supportedSignatureAlgorithms$1) { + var _i, _ref, s, sigAlg, supportedSignatureAlgorithms$1; + _ref = supportedSignatureAlgorithms$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (s === sigAlg) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + selectCipherSuite = function(ids, supportedIDs, ok) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _v, candidate, id, ids, ok, suppID, supportedIDs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ids, supportedIDs, ok}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = ids; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + id = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + candidate = cipherSuiteByID(id); + if (candidate === ptrType$3.nil) { _v = true; $s = 5; continue s; } + _r$1 = ok(candidate); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$1; case 5: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 3: + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + _ref$1 = supportedIDs; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + suppID = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (id === suppID) { + $s = -1; return candidate; + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return ptrType$3.nil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: selectCipherSuite, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _v, candidate, id, ids, ok, suppID, supportedIDs, $s};return $f; + }; + aesgcmPreferred = function(ciphers) { + var _entry, _entry$1, _i, _ref, c, c$1, cID, ciphers; + _ref = ciphers; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cID = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + c = cipherSuiteByID(cID); + if (!(c === ptrType$3.nil)) { + return (_entry = aesgcmCiphers[$Uint16.keyFor(cID)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false); + } + c$1 = cipherSuiteTLS13ByID(cID); + if (!(c$1 === ptrType$2.nil)) { + return (_entry$1 = aesgcmCiphers[$Uint16.keyFor(cID)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : false); + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + cipherRC4 = function(key, iv, isRead) { + var _tuple, cipher$1, isRead, iv, key; + _tuple = rc4.NewCipher(key); + cipher$1 = _tuple[0]; + return cipher$1; + }; + cipher3DES = function(key, iv, isRead) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, block, isRead, iv, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, iv, isRead}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = des.NewTripleDESCipher(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + block = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (isRead) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (isRead) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$3 = cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, iv); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cipher3DES, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, block, isRead, iv, key, $s};return $f; + }; + cipherAES = function(key, iv, isRead) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, block, isRead, iv, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, iv, isRead}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = aes.NewCipher(key); + block = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (isRead) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (isRead) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, iv); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cipherAES, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, block, isRead, iv, key, $s};return $f; + }; + macSHA1 = function(key) { + var {$24r, _r$1, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = hmac.New(newConstantTimeHash(sha1.New), key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: macSHA1, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, key, $s};return $f; + }; + macSHA256 = function(key) { + var {$24r, _r$1, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = hmac.New(sha256.New, key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: macSHA256, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, key, $s};return $f; + }; + prefixNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.NonceSize = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return 8; + }; + prefixNonceAEAD.prototype.NonceSize = function() { return this.$val.NonceSize(); }; + prefixNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Overhead = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r$1 = f.aead.Overhead(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: prefixNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Overhead, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, f, $s};return $f; + }; + prefixNonceAEAD.prototype.Overhead = function() { return this.$val.Overhead(); }; + prefixNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.explicitNonceLen = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return f.NonceSize(); + }; + prefixNonceAEAD.prototype.explicitNonceLen = function() { return this.$val.explicitNonceLen(); }; + prefixNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Seal = function(out, nonce, plaintext, additionalData) { + var {$24r, _r$1, additionalData, f, nonce, out, plaintext, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, nonce, plaintext, additionalData}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$5(f.nonce), 4), nonce); + _r$1 = f.aead.Seal(out, new sliceType$5(f.nonce), plaintext, additionalData); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: prefixNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Seal, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, additionalData, f, nonce, out, plaintext, $s};return $f; + }; + prefixNonceAEAD.prototype.Seal = function(out, nonce, plaintext, additionalData) { return this.$val.Seal(out, nonce, plaintext, additionalData); }; + prefixNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Open = function(out, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData) { + var {$24r, _r$1, additionalData, ciphertext, f, nonce, out, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$5(f.nonce), 4), nonce); + _r$1 = f.aead.Open(out, new sliceType$5(f.nonce), ciphertext, additionalData); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: prefixNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Open, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, additionalData, ciphertext, f, nonce, out, $s};return $f; + }; + prefixNonceAEAD.prototype.Open = function(out, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData) { return this.$val.Open(out, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData); }; + xorNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.NonceSize = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return 8; + }; + xorNonceAEAD.prototype.NonceSize = function() { return this.$val.NonceSize(); }; + xorNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Overhead = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r$1 = f.aead.Overhead(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: xorNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Overhead, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, f, $s};return $f; + }; + xorNonceAEAD.prototype.Overhead = function() { return this.$val.Overhead(); }; + xorNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.explicitNonceLen = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return 0; + }; + xorNonceAEAD.prototype.explicitNonceLen = function() { return this.$val.explicitNonceLen(); }; + xorNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Seal = function(out, nonce, plaintext, additionalData) { + var {_i, _i$1, _index, _index$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, additionalData, b, b$1, f, i, i$1, nonce, out, plaintext, result, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, nonce, plaintext, additionalData}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _ref = nonce; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _index = 4 + i >> 0; + (x$1 = f.nonceMask, ((_index < 0 || _index >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[_index] = (((x = f.nonceMask, ((_index < 0 || _index >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[_index])) ^ (b)) << 24 >>> 24))); + _i++; + } + _r$1 = f.aead.Seal(out, new sliceType$5(f.nonceMask), plaintext, additionalData); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + result = _r$1; + _ref$1 = nonce; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + b$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _index$1 = 4 + i$1 >> 0; + (x$3 = f.nonceMask, ((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[_index$1] = (((x$2 = f.nonceMask, ((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[_index$1])) ^ (b$1)) << 24 >>> 24))); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return result; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: xorNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Seal, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _index, _index$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, additionalData, b, b$1, f, i, i$1, nonce, out, plaintext, result, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + xorNonceAEAD.prototype.Seal = function(out, nonce, plaintext, additionalData) { return this.$val.Seal(out, nonce, plaintext, additionalData); }; + xorNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Open = function(out, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData) { + var {_i, _i$1, _index, _index$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, additionalData, b, b$1, ciphertext, err, f, i, i$1, nonce, out, result, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _ref = nonce; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _index = 4 + i >> 0; + (x$1 = f.nonceMask, ((_index < 0 || _index >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[_index] = (((x = f.nonceMask, ((_index < 0 || _index >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[_index])) ^ (b)) << 24 >>> 24))); + _i++; + } + _r$1 = f.aead.Open(out, new sliceType$5(f.nonceMask), ciphertext, additionalData); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + result = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + _ref$1 = nonce; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + b$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _index$1 = 4 + i$1 >> 0; + (x$3 = f.nonceMask, ((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[_index$1] = (((x$2 = f.nonceMask, ((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[_index$1])) ^ (b$1)) << 24 >>> 24))); + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return [result, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: xorNonceAEAD.ptr.prototype.Open, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _index, _index$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, additionalData, b, b$1, ciphertext, err, f, i, i$1, nonce, out, result, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + xorNonceAEAD.prototype.Open = function(out, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData) { return this.$val.Open(out, nonce, ciphertext, additionalData); }; + aeadAESGCM = function(key, noncePrefix) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, aead$1, aes$1, err, key, noncePrefix, ret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, noncePrefix}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!((noncePrefix.$length === 4))) { + $panic(new $String("tls: internal error: wrong nonce length")); + } + _tuple = aes.NewCipher(key); + aes$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + _r$1 = cipher.NewGCM(aes$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + aead$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + ret = new prefixNonceAEAD.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), aead$1); + $copySlice(new sliceType$5(ret.nonce), noncePrefix); + $s = -1; return ret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aeadAESGCM, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, aead$1, aes$1, err, key, noncePrefix, ret, $s};return $f; + }; + aeadAESGCMTLS13 = function(key, nonceMask) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, aead$1, aes$1, err, key, nonceMask, ret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, nonceMask}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!((nonceMask.$length === 12))) { + $panic(new $String("tls: internal error: wrong nonce length")); + } + _tuple = aes.NewCipher(key); + aes$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + _r$1 = cipher.NewGCM(aes$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + aead$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + ret = new xorNonceAEAD.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), aead$1); + $copySlice(new sliceType$5(ret.nonceMask), nonceMask); + $s = -1; return ret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: aeadAESGCMTLS13, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, aead$1, aes$1, err, key, nonceMask, ret, $s};return $f; + }; + aeadChaCha20Poly1305 = function(key, nonceMask) { + var _tuple, aead$1, err, key, nonceMask, ret; + if (!((nonceMask.$length === 12))) { + $panic(new $String("tls: internal error: wrong nonce length")); + } + _tuple = chacha20poly1305.New(key); + aead$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err); + } + ret = new xorNonceAEAD.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), aead$1); + $copySlice(new sliceType$5(ret.nonceMask), nonceMask); + return ret; + }; + cthWrapper.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.h.Size(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cthWrapper.ptr.prototype.Size, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, $s};return $f; + }; + cthWrapper.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + cthWrapper.ptr.prototype.BlockSize = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.h.BlockSize(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cthWrapper.ptr.prototype.BlockSize, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, $s};return $f; + }; + cthWrapper.prototype.BlockSize = function() { return this.$val.BlockSize(); }; + cthWrapper.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var {c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + $r = c.h.Reset(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cthWrapper.ptr.prototype.Reset, $c: true, $r, c, $s};return $f; + }; + cthWrapper.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + cthWrapper.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.h.Write(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cthWrapper.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, p, $s};return $f; + }; + cthWrapper.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + cthWrapper.ptr.prototype.Sum = function(b) { + var {$24r, _r$1, b, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.h.ConstantTimeSum(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cthWrapper.ptr.prototype.Sum, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, b, c, $s};return $f; + }; + cthWrapper.prototype.Sum = function(b) { return this.$val.Sum(b); }; + newConstantTimeHash = function(h) { + var h; + return (function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = h(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new cthWrapper.ptr($assertType(_r$1, constantTimeHash)); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, $s};return $f; + }); + }; + tls10MAC = function(h, out, seq, header, data, extra) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, data, extra, h, header, out, res, seq, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {h, out, seq, header, data, extra}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = h.Reset(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = h.Write(seq); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = h.Write(header); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = h.Write(data); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = h.Sum(out); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + res = _r$4; + /* */ if (!(extra === sliceType$5.nil)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(extra === sliceType$5.nil)) { */ case 6: + _r$5 = h.Write(extra); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return res; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: tls10MAC, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, data, extra, h, header, out, res, seq, $s};return $f; + }; + rsaKA = function(version) { + var version, x; + return (x = new rsaKeyAgreement.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + }; + ecdheECDSAKA = function(version) { + var version; + return new ecdheKeyAgreement.ptr(version, false, $ifaceNil, ptrType$23.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + }; + ecdheRSAKA = function(version) { + var version; + return new ecdheKeyAgreement.ptr(version, true, $ifaceNil, ptrType$23.nil, sliceType$5.nil); + }; + mutualCipherSuite = function(have, want) { + var _i, _ref, have, id, want; + _ref = have; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + id = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (id === want) { + return cipherSuiteByID(id); + } + _i++; + } + return ptrType$3.nil; + }; + cipherSuiteByID = function(id) { + var _i, _ref, cipherSuite$1, id; + _ref = cipherSuites; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cipherSuite$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (cipherSuite$1.id === id) { + return cipherSuite$1; + } + _i++; + } + return ptrType$3.nil; + }; + mutualCipherSuiteTLS13 = function(have, want) { + var _i, _ref, have, id, want; + _ref = have; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + id = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (id === want) { + return cipherSuiteTLS13ByID(id); + } + _i++; + } + return ptrType$2.nil; + }; + cipherSuiteTLS13ByID = function(id) { + var _i, _ref, cipherSuite$1, id; + _ref = cipherSuitesTLS13; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cipherSuite$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (cipherSuite$1.id === id) { + return cipherSuite$1; + } + _i++; + } + return ptrType$2.nil; + }; + verifyHandshakeSignature = function(sigType, pubkey, hashFunc, signed, sig) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, err$1, hashFunc, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, pubKey, pubKey$1, pubKey$2, pubKey$3, pubkey, sig, sigType, signOpts, signed, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {sigType, pubkey, hashFunc, signed, sig}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = sigType; + /* */ if (_1 === (227)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (228)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (225)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (226)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (227)) { */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(pubkey, ptrType$12, true); + pubKey = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 8: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("expected an ECDSA public key, got %T", new sliceType$6([pubkey])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$2 = ecdsa.VerifyASN1(pubKey, signed, sig); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 12: + $s = -1; return errors.New("ECDSA verification failure"); + /* } */ case 13: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (228)) { */ case 3: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(pubkey, ed25519.PublicKey, true); + pubKey$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 15: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("expected an Ed25519 public key, got %T", new sliceType$6([pubkey])); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 16: + _r$4 = ed25519.Verify(pubKey$1, signed, sig); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$4) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!_r$4) { */ case 19: + $s = -1; return errors.New("Ed25519 verification failure"); + /* } */ case 20: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (225)) { */ case 4: + _tuple$2 = $assertType(pubkey, ptrType$11, true); + pubKey$2 = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$2) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!ok$2) { */ case 22: + _r$5 = fmt.Errorf("expected an RSA public key, got %T", new sliceType$6([pubkey])); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$5; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 23: + _r$6 = rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15(pubKey$2, hashFunc, signed, sig); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (226)) { */ case 5: + _tuple$3 = $assertType(pubkey, ptrType$11, true); + pubKey$3 = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$3 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$3) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!ok$3) { */ case 27: + _r$7 = fmt.Errorf("expected an RSA public key, got %T", new sliceType$6([pubkey])); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$7; + $s = 30; case 30: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 28: + signOpts = new rsa.PSSOptions.ptr(-1, 0); + _r$8 = rsa.VerifyPSS(pubKey$3, hashFunc, signed, sig, signOpts); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + $s = -1; return errors.New("internal error: unknown signature type"); + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: verifyHandshakeSignature, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, err, err$1, hashFunc, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, pubKey, pubKey$1, pubKey$2, pubKey$3, pubkey, sig, sigType, signOpts, signed, $s};return $f; + }; + signedMessage = function(sigHash, context$1, transcript) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, context$1, h, sigHash, transcript, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {sigHash, context$1, transcript}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (sigHash === directSigning) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (sigHash === directSigning) { */ case 1: + b = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0); + _r$1 = b.Write(signaturePadding); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = io.WriteString(b, context$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = transcript.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = b.Write(_r$3); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = -1; return b.Bytes(); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$5 = new crypto.Hash(sigHash).New(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$5; + _r$6 = h.Write(signaturePadding); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = io.WriteString(h, context$1); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = transcript.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = h.Write(_r$8); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + _r$10 = h.Sum(sliceType$5.nil); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$10; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: signedMessage, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, b, context$1, h, sigHash, transcript, $s};return $f; + }; + typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme = function(signatureAlgorithm) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _2, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, err, hash$1, sigType, signatureAlgorithm, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {signatureAlgorithm}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sigType = 0; + hash$1 = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _1 = signatureAlgorithm; + /* */ if ((_1 === (513)) || (_1 === (1025)) || (_1 === (1281)) || (_1 === (1537))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (2052)) || (_1 === (2053)) || (_1 === (2054))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (515)) || (_1 === (1027)) || (_1 === (1283)) || (_1 === (1539))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2055)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ((_1 === (513)) || (_1 === (1025)) || (_1 === (1281)) || (_1 === (1537))) { */ case 2: + sigType = 225; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (2052)) || (_1 === (2053)) || (_1 === (2054))) { */ case 3: + sigType = 226; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (515)) || (_1 === (1027)) || (_1 === (1283)) || (_1 === (1539))) { */ case 4: + sigType = 227; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2055)) { */ case 5: + sigType = 228; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("unsupported signature algorithm: %v", new sliceType$6([new SignatureScheme(signatureAlgorithm)])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r$1; + sigType = _tmp; + hash$1 = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $24r = [sigType, hash$1, err]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + _2 = signatureAlgorithm; + /* */ if ((_2 === (513)) || (_2 === (515))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if ((_2 === (1025)) || (_2 === (2052)) || (_2 === (1027))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if ((_2 === (1281)) || (_2 === (2053)) || (_2 === (1283))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if ((_2 === (1537)) || (_2 === (2054)) || (_2 === (1539))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_2 === (2055)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ((_2 === (513)) || (_2 === (515))) { */ case 11: + hash$1 = 3; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if ((_2 === (1025)) || (_2 === (2052)) || (_2 === (1027))) { */ case 12: + hash$1 = 5; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if ((_2 === (1281)) || (_2 === (2053)) || (_2 === (1283))) { */ case 13: + hash$1 = 6; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if ((_2 === (1537)) || (_2 === (2054)) || (_2 === (1539))) { */ case 14: + hash$1 = 7; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_2 === (2055)) { */ case 15: + hash$1 = directSigning; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else { */ case 16: + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("unsupported signature algorithm: %v", new sliceType$6([new SignatureScheme(signatureAlgorithm)])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$5 = _r$2; + sigType = _tmp$3; + hash$1 = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r$1 = [sigType, hash$1, err]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 17: + case 10: + _tmp$6 = sigType; + _tmp$7 = hash$1; + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + sigType = _tmp$6; + hash$1 = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [sigType, hash$1, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _2, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, err, hash$1, sigType, signatureAlgorithm, $s};return $f; + }; + legacyTypeAndHashFromPublicKey = function(pub) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, err, hash$1, pub, sigType, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pub}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sigType = 0; + hash$1 = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = pub; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + _tmp = 225; + _tmp$1 = 8; + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + sigType = _tmp; + hash$1 = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [sigType, hash$1, err]; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + _tmp$3 = 227; + _tmp$4 = 3; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + sigType = _tmp$3; + hash$1 = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [sigType, hash$1, err]; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 0; + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("tls: Ed25519 public keys are not supported before TLS 1.2", new sliceType$6([])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$8 = _r$1; + sigType = _tmp$6; + hash$1 = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + $24r = [sigType, hash$1, err]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _tmp$9 = 0; + _tmp$10 = 0; + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("tls: unsupported public key: %T", new sliceType$6([pub])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$11 = _r$2; + sigType = _tmp$9; + hash$1 = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $24r$1 = [sigType, hash$1, err]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [sigType, hash$1, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: legacyTypeAndHashFromPublicKey, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, err, hash$1, pub, sigType, $s};return $f; + }; + signatureSchemesForCertificate = function(version, cert) { + var {_1, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, candidate, cert, filteredSigAlgs, ok, priv, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pub$3, sigAlg, sigAlgs, size, version, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {version, cert}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = $assertType(cert.PrivateKey, crypto.Signer, true); + priv = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$7.nil; + } + sigAlgs = sliceType$7.nil; + _r$1 = priv.Public(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r$1; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* switch (0) { default: if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + pub = _ref.$val; + if (!((version === 772))) { + sigAlgs = new sliceType$7([1027, 1283, 1539, 515]); + /* break; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + _1 = pub.Curve; + _r$2 = elliptic.P256(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$2))) { $s = 8; continue; } + _r$3 = elliptic.P384(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$3))) { $s = 9; continue; } + _r$4 = elliptic.P521(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$4))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$2))) { */ case 8: + sigAlgs = new sliceType$7([1027]); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$3))) { */ case 9: + sigAlgs = new sliceType$7([1283]); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$4))) { */ case 10: + sigAlgs = new sliceType$7([1539]); + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return sliceType$7.nil; + /* } */ case 12: + case 7: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + pub$1 = _ref.$val; + size = pub$1.Size(); + sigAlgs = $makeSlice(sliceType$7, 0, rsaSignatureSchemes.$length); + _ref$1 = rsaSignatureSchemes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + candidate = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]), structType); + if (size >= candidate.minModulusBytes && version <= candidate.maxVersion) { + sigAlgs = $append(sigAlgs, candidate.scheme); + } + _i++; + } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + pub$2 = _ref.$val; + sigAlgs = new sliceType$7([2055]); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + pub$3 = _ref; + $s = -1; return sliceType$7.nil; + /* } } */ case 6: + if (!(cert.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms === sliceType$7.nil)) { + filteredSigAlgs = sliceType$7.nil; + _ref$2 = sigAlgs; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } + sigAlg = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$1]); + if (isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm(sigAlg, cert.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms)) { + filteredSigAlgs = $append(filteredSigAlgs, sigAlg); + } + _i$1++; + } + $s = -1; return filteredSigAlgs; + } + $s = -1; return sigAlgs; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: signatureSchemesForCertificate, $c: true, $r, _1, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, candidate, cert, filteredSigAlgs, ok, priv, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pub$3, sigAlg, sigAlgs, size, version, $s};return $f; + }; + selectSignatureScheme = function(vers, c, peerAlgs) { + var {$24r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, c, peerAlgs, preferredAlg, supportedAlgs, vers, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {vers, c, peerAlgs}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = signatureSchemesForCertificate(vers, c); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + supportedAlgs = _r$1; + /* */ if (supportedAlgs.$length === 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (supportedAlgs.$length === 0) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = unsupportedCertificateError(c); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [0, _r$2]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + if ((peerAlgs.$length === 0) && (vers === 771)) { + peerAlgs = new sliceType$7([513, 515]); + } + _ref = peerAlgs; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + preferredAlg = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm(preferredAlg, supportedAlgs)) { + $s = -1; return [preferredAlg, $ifaceNil]; + } + _i++; + } + $s = -1; return [0, errors.New("tls: peer doesn't support any of the certificate's signature algorithms")]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: selectSignatureScheme, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, c, peerAlgs, preferredAlg, supportedAlgs, vers, $s};return $f; + }; + unsupportedCertificateError = function(cert) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _1, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, cert, ok, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pub$3, signer, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cert}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = cert.PrivateKey; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, rsa.PrivateKey, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, ecdsa.PrivateKey, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$51, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, rsa.PrivateKey, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, ecdsa.PrivateKey, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("tls: unsupported certificate: private key is %T, expected *%T", new sliceType$6([cert.PrivateKey, cert.PrivateKey])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$51, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("tls: unsupported certificate: private key is *ed25519.PrivateKey, expected ed25519.PrivateKey", new sliceType$6([])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + _tuple = $assertType(cert.PrivateKey, crypto.Signer, true); + signer = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("tls: certificate private key (%T) does not implement crypto.Signer", new sliceType$6([cert.PrivateKey])); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$3; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$4 = signer.Public(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$1 = _r$4; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$12, true)[1]) { */ case 13: + pub = _ref$1.$val; + _1 = pub.Curve; + _r$5 = elliptic.P256(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$5))) { $s = 19; continue; } + _r$6 = elliptic.P384(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$6))) { $s = 20; continue; } + _r$7 = elliptic.P521(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$7))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$5))) { */ case 19: + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$6))) { */ case 20: + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (_r$7))) { */ case 21: + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else { */ case 22: + _r$8 = pub.Curve.Params(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$8.Name); + _r$9 = fmt.Errorf("tls: unsupported certificate curve (%s)", new sliceType$6([_arg])); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$9; + $s = 29; case 29: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 23: + case 18: + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 14: + pub$1 = _ref$1.$val; + _r$10 = fmt.Errorf("tls: certificate RSA key size too small for supported signature algorithms", new sliceType$6([])); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$10; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$4; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, ed25519.PublicKey, true)[1]) { */ case 15: + pub$2 = _ref$1.$val; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else { */ case 16: + pub$3 = _ref$1; + _r$11 = fmt.Errorf("tls: unsupported certificate key (%T)", new sliceType$6([pub$3])); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$11; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 17: + /* */ if (!(cert.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms === sliceType$7.nil)) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!(cert.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms === sliceType$7.nil)) { */ case 34: + _r$12 = fmt.Errorf("tls: peer doesn't support the certificate custom signature algorithms", new sliceType$6([])); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = _r$12; + $s = 37; case 37: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 35: + _r$13 = fmt.Errorf("tls: internal error: unsupported key (%T)", new sliceType$6([cert.PrivateKey])); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$7 = _r$13; + $s = 39; case 39: return $24r$7; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: unsupportedCertificateError, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _1, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, cert, ok, pub, pub$1, pub$2, pub$3, signer, $s};return $f; + }; + alert.prototype.String = function() { + var _entry, _tuple, e, ok, s; + e = this.$val; + _tuple = (_entry = alertText[alert.keyFor(e)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return "tls: " + s; + } + return "tls: alert(" + strconv.Itoa(((e >> 0))) + ")"; + }; + $ptrType(alert).prototype.String = function() { return new alert(this.$get()).String(); }; + alert.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this.$val; + return new alert(e).String(); + }; + $ptrType(alert).prototype.Error = function() { return new alert(this.$get()).Error(); }; + ptrType$52.methods = [{prop: "Accept", name: "Accept", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [net.Conn, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$53.methods = [{prop: "Dial", name: "Dial", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [net.Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "netDialer", name: "netDialer", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$9], false)}, {prop: "DialContext", name: "DialContext", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [net.Conn, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$32.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$54.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + finishedHash.methods = [{prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "clientSum", name: "clientSum", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "serverSum", name: "serverSum", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "hashForClientCertificate", name: "hashForClientCertificate", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([$Uint8, crypto.Hash, sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}]; + ptrType$55.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "discardHandshakeBuffer", name: "discardHandshakeBuffer", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$56.methods = [{prop: "CurveID", name: "CurveID", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [CurveID], false)}, {prop: "PublicKey", name: "PublicKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "SharedKey", name: "SharedKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}]; + ptrType$57.methods = [{prop: "CurveID", name: "CurveID", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [CurveID], false)}, {prop: "PublicKey", name: "PublicKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "SharedKey", name: "SharedKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}]; + rsaKeyAgreement.methods = [{prop: "generateServerKeyExchange", name: "generateServerKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$31, ptrType$26, ptrType$30], [ptrType$22, $error], false)}, {prop: "processClientKeyExchange", name: "processClientKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$31, ptrType$23, $Uint16], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "processServerKeyExchange", name: "processServerKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$26, ptrType$30, ptrType$5, ptrType$22], [$error], false)}, {prop: "generateClientKeyExchange", name: "generateClientKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$26, ptrType$5], [sliceType$5, ptrType$23, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$58.methods = [{prop: "generateServerKeyExchange", name: "generateServerKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$31, ptrType$26, ptrType$30], [ptrType$22, $error], false)}, {prop: "processClientKeyExchange", name: "processClientKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$31, ptrType$23, $Uint16], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "processServerKeyExchange", name: "processServerKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$26, ptrType$30, ptrType$5, ptrType$22], [$error], false)}, {prop: "generateClientKeyExchange", name: "generateClientKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$26, ptrType$5], [sliceType$5, ptrType$23, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$59.methods = [{prop: "handshake", name: "handshake", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processClientHello", name: "processClientHello", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "checkForResumption", name: "checkForResumption", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "pickCertificate", name: "pickCertificate", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendDummyChangeCipherSpec", name: "sendDummyChangeCipherSpec", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "doHelloRetryRequest", name: "doHelloRetryRequest", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([CurveID], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendServerParameters", name: "sendServerParameters", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "requestClientCert", name: "requestClientCert", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "sendServerCertificate", name: "sendServerCertificate", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendServerFinished", name: "sendServerFinished", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "shouldSendSessionTickets", name: "shouldSendSessionTickets", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "sendSessionTickets", name: "sendSessionTickets", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readClientCertificate", name: "readClientCertificate", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readClientFinished", name: "readClientFinished", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$60.methods = [{prop: "handshake", name: "handshake", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processClientHello", name: "processClientHello", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "pickCipherSuite", name: "pickCipherSuite", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "cipherSuiteOk", name: "cipherSuiteOk", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "checkForResumption", name: "checkForResumption", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "doResumeHandshake", name: "doResumeHandshake", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "doFullHandshake", name: "doFullHandshake", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "establishKeys", name: "establishKeys", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readFinished", name: "readFinished", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendSessionTicket", name: "sendSessionTicket", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendFinished", name: "sendFinished", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$error], false)}]; + marshalingFunction.methods = [{prop: "Marshal", name: "Marshal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$15], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$26.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "marshalWithoutBinders", name: "marshalWithoutBinders", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "updateBinders", name: "updateBinders", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$11], [], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$30.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$38.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$61.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$46.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$45.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$39.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$34.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$27.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$22.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$40.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$41.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$23.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$29.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$33.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$28.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$42.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$44.methods = [{prop: "marshal", name: "marshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "unmarshal", name: "unmarshal", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$62.methods = [{prop: "handshake", name: "handshake", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "checkServerHelloOrHRR", name: "checkServerHelloOrHRR", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendDummyChangeCipherSpec", name: "sendDummyChangeCipherSpec", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processHelloRetryRequest", name: "processHelloRetryRequest", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processServerHello", name: "processServerHello", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "establishHandshakeKeys", name: "establishHandshakeKeys", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readServerParameters", name: "readServerParameters", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readServerCertificate", name: "readServerCertificate", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readServerFinished", name: "readServerFinished", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendClientCertificate", name: "sendClientCertificate", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendClientFinished", name: "sendClientFinished", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$63.methods = [{prop: "handshake", name: "handshake", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "pickCipherSuite", name: "pickCipherSuite", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "doFullHandshake", name: "doFullHandshake", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "establishKeys", name: "establishKeys", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "serverResumedSession", name: "serverResumedSession", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "processServerHello", name: "processServerHello", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool, $error], false)}, {prop: "readFinished", name: "readFinished", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readSessionTicket", name: "readSessionTicket", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendFinished", name: "sendFinished", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "encryptTicket", name: "encryptTicket", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "decryptTicket", name: "decryptTicket", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "serverHandshake", name: "serverHandshake", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readClientHello", name: "readClientHello", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [ptrType$26, $error], false)}, {prop: "processCertsFromClient", name: "processCertsFromClient", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([Certificate], [$error], false)}, {prop: "handleNewSessionTicket", name: "handleNewSessionTicket", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$45], [$error], false)}, {prop: "makeClientHello", name: "makeClientHello", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$26, ecdheParameters, $error], false)}, {prop: "clientHandshake", name: "clientHandshake", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [$error], false)}, {prop: "loadSession", name: "loadSession", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$26], [$String, ptrType$37, sliceType$5, sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "pickTLSVersion", name: "pickTLSVersion", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$30], [$error], false)}, {prop: "verifyServerCertificate", name: "verifyServerCertificate", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$11], [$error], false)}, {prop: "getClientCertificate", name: "getClientCertificate", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$64], [ptrType$31, $error], false)}, {prop: "LocalAddr", name: "LocalAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [net.Addr], false)}, {prop: "RemoteAddr", name: "RemoteAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [net.Addr], false)}, {prop: "SetDeadline", name: "SetDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetReadDeadline", name: "SetReadDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "SetWriteDeadline", name: "SetWriteDeadline", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [$error], false)}, {prop: "NetConn", name: "NetConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [net.Conn], false)}, {prop: "newRecordHeaderError", name: "newRecordHeaderError", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([net.Conn, $String], [RecordHeaderError], false)}, {prop: "readRecord", name: "readRecord", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readChangeCipherSpec", name: "readChangeCipherSpec", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readRecordOrCCS", name: "readRecordOrCCS", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "retryReadRecord", name: "retryReadRecord", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readFromUntil", name: "readFromUntil", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([io.Reader, $Int], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendAlertLocked", name: "sendAlertLocked", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([alert], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendAlert", name: "sendAlert", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([alert], [$error], false)}, {prop: "maxPayloadSizeForWrite", name: "maxPayloadSizeForWrite", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([recordType], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "write", name: "write", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "flush", name: "flush", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeRecordLocked", name: "writeRecordLocked", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([recordType, sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeRecord", name: "writeRecord", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([recordType, sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "readHandshake", name: "readHandshake", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "handleRenegotiation", name: "handleRenegotiation", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "handlePostHandshakeMessage", name: "handlePostHandshakeMessage", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "handleKeyUpdate", name: "handleKeyUpdate", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$46], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "CloseWrite", name: "CloseWrite", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "closeNotify", name: "closeNotify", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Handshake", name: "Handshake", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "HandshakeContext", name: "HandshakeContext", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [$error], false)}, {prop: "handshakeContext", name: "handshakeContext", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [$error], false)}, {prop: "ConnectionState", name: "ConnectionState", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ConnectionState], false)}, {prop: "connectionStateLocked", name: "connectionStateLocked", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [ConnectionState], false)}, {prop: "OCSPResponse", name: "OCSPResponse", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "VerifyHostname", name: "VerifyHostname", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "handshakeComplete", name: "handshakeComplete", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$65.methods = [{prop: "setErrorLocked", name: "setErrorLocked", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([$error], [$error], false)}, {prop: "prepareCipherSpec", name: "prepareCipherSpec", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([$Uint16, $emptyInterface, hash.Hash], [], false)}, {prop: "changeCipherSpec", name: "changeCipherSpec", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "setTrafficSecret", name: "setTrafficSecret", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$2, sliceType$5], [], false)}, {prop: "incSeq", name: "incSeq", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "explicitNonceLen", name: "explicitNonceLen", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "decrypt", name: "decrypt", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5, recordType, $error], false)}, {prop: "encrypt", name: "encrypt", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5, io.Reader], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$66.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + RecordHeaderError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$67.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + CurveID.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$68.methods = [{prop: "ExportKeyingMaterial", name: "ExportKeyingMaterial", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$5, $Int], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}]; + ClientAuthType.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + SignatureScheme.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$69.methods = [{prop: "Context", name: "Context", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [context.Context], false)}, {prop: "SupportsCertificate", name: "SupportsCertificate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$31], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$64.methods = [{prop: "Context", name: "Context", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [context.Context], false)}, {prop: "SupportsCertificate", name: "SupportsCertificate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$31], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "ticketKeyFromBytes", name: "ticketKeyFromBytes", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([arrayType], [ticketKey], false)}, {prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$4], false)}, {prop: "initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked", name: "initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ticketKeys", name: "ticketKeys", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4], [sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "SetSessionTicketKeys", name: "SetSessionTicketKeys", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$18], [], false)}, {prop: "rand", name: "rand", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [io.Reader], false)}, {prop: "time", name: "time", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [time.Time], false)}, {prop: "cipherSuites", name: "cipherSuites", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "supportedVersions", name: "supportedVersions", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "maxSupportedVersion", name: "maxSupportedVersion", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "curvePreferences", name: "curvePreferences", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "supportsCurve", name: "supportsCurve", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([CurveID], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "mutualVersion", name: "mutualVersion", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([$Bool, sliceType$2], [$Uint16, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "getCertificate", name: "getCertificate", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$69], [ptrType$31, $error], false)}, {prop: "BuildNameToCertificate", name: "BuildNameToCertificate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "writeKeyLog", name: "writeKeyLog", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$31.methods = [{prop: "leaf", name: "leaf", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$5, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "expandLabel", name: "expandLabel", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, $String, sliceType$5, $Int], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "deriveSecret", name: "deriveSecret", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, $String, hash.Hash], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "extract", name: "extract", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "nextTrafficSecret", name: "nextTrafficSecret", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "trafficKey", name: "trafficKey", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5, sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "finishedHash", name: "finishedHash", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, hash.Hash], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "exportKeyingMaterial", name: "exportKeyingMaterial", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, hash.Hash], [funcType$2], false)}]; + ptrType$71.methods = [{prop: "NonceSize", name: "NonceSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Overhead", name: "Overhead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "explicitNonceLen", name: "explicitNonceLen", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Seal", name: "Seal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "Open", name: "Open", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$72.methods = [{prop: "NonceSize", name: "NonceSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Overhead", name: "Overhead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "explicitNonceLen", name: "explicitNonceLen", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Seal", name: "Seal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "Open", name: "Open", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$73.methods = [{prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}]; + alert.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + listener.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "Listener", name: "Listener", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: net.Listener, tag: ""}, {prop: "config", name: "config", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}]); + Dialer.init("", [{prop: "NetDialer", name: "NetDialer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "Config", name: "Config", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}]); + sessionState.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "vers", name: "vers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "cipherSuite", name: "cipherSuite", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "createdAt", name: "createdAt", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "masterSecret", name: "masterSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "certificates", name: "certificates", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "usedOldKey", name: "usedOldKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + sessionStateTLS13.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "cipherSuite", name: "cipherSuite", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "createdAt", name: "createdAt", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "resumptionSecret", name: "resumptionSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "certificate", name: "certificate", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Certificate, tag: ""}]); + finishedHash.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "client", name: "client", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "server", name: "server", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "clientMD5", name: "clientMD5", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "serverMD5", name: "serverMD5", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "buffer", name: "buffer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "version", name: "version", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "prf", name: "prf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}]); + ecdheParameters.init([{prop: "CurveID", name: "CurveID", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [CurveID], false)}, {prop: "PublicKey", name: "PublicKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "SharedKey", name: "SharedKey", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}]); + nistParameters.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "privateKey", name: "privateKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "x", name: "x", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$21, tag: ""}, {prop: "y", name: "y", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$21, tag: ""}, {prop: "curveID", name: "curveID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: CurveID, tag: ""}]); + x25519Parameters.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "privateKey", name: "privateKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "publicKey", name: "publicKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + keyAgreement.init([{prop: "generateClientKeyExchange", name: "generateClientKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$26, ptrType$5], [sliceType$5, ptrType$23, $error], false)}, {prop: "generateServerKeyExchange", name: "generateServerKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$31, ptrType$26, ptrType$30], [ptrType$22, $error], false)}, {prop: "processClientKeyExchange", name: "processClientKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$31, ptrType$23, $Uint16], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "processServerKeyExchange", name: "processServerKeyExchange", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([ptrType$4, ptrType$26, ptrType$30, ptrType$5, ptrType$22], [$error], false)}]); + rsaKeyAgreement.init("", []); + ecdheKeyAgreement.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "version", name: "version", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "isRSA", name: "isRSA", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "params", name: "params", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ecdheParameters, tag: ""}, {prop: "ckx", name: "ckx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$23, tag: ""}, {prop: "preMasterSecret", name: "preMasterSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + serverHandshakeStateTLS13.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "c", name: "c", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "clientHello", name: "clientHello", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$26, tag: ""}, {prop: "hello", name: "hello", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$30, tag: ""}, {prop: "sentDummyCCS", name: "sentDummyCCS", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "usingPSK", name: "usingPSK", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "suite", name: "suite", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "cert", name: "cert", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$31, tag: ""}, {prop: "sigAlg", name: "sigAlg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: SignatureScheme, tag: ""}, {prop: "earlySecret", name: "earlySecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "sharedKey", name: "sharedKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "handshakeSecret", name: "handshakeSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "masterSecret", name: "masterSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "trafficSecret", name: "trafficSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "transcript", name: "transcript", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "clientFinished", name: "clientFinished", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + serverHandshakeState.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "c", name: "c", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "clientHello", name: "clientHello", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$26, tag: ""}, {prop: "hello", name: "hello", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$30, tag: ""}, {prop: "suite", name: "suite", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "ecdheOk", name: "ecdheOk", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ecSignOk", name: "ecSignOk", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "rsaDecryptOk", name: "rsaDecryptOk", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "rsaSignOk", name: "rsaSignOk", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sessionState", name: "sessionState", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$32, tag: ""}, {prop: "finishedHash", name: "finishedHash", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: finishedHash, tag: ""}, {prop: "masterSecret", name: "masterSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "cert", name: "cert", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$31, tag: ""}]); + marshalingFunction.init([ptrType$15], [$error], false); + clientHelloMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "vers", name: "vers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "random", name: "random", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "sessionId", name: "sessionId", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "cipherSuites", name: "cipherSuites", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "compressionMethods", name: "compressionMethods", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "serverName", name: "serverName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "ocspStapling", name: "ocspStapling", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "supportedCurves", name: "supportedCurves", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "supportedPoints", name: "supportedPoints", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "ticketSupported", name: "ticketSupported", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sessionTicket", name: "sessionTicket", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "supportedSignatureAlgorithms", name: "supportedSignatureAlgorithms", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert", name: "supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "secureRenegotiationSupported", name: "secureRenegotiationSupported", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "secureRenegotiation", name: "secureRenegotiation", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "alpnProtocols", name: "alpnProtocols", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "scts", name: "scts", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "supportedVersions", name: "supportedVersions", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "cookie", name: "cookie", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "keyShares", name: "keyShares", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$15, tag: ""}, {prop: "earlyData", name: "earlyData", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "pskModes", name: "pskModes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "pskIdentities", name: "pskIdentities", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$16, tag: ""}, {prop: "pskBinders", name: "pskBinders", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}]); + serverHelloMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "vers", name: "vers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "random", name: "random", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "sessionId", name: "sessionId", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "cipherSuite", name: "cipherSuite", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "compressionMethod", name: "compressionMethod", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "ocspStapling", name: "ocspStapling", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ticketSupported", name: "ticketSupported", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "secureRenegotiationSupported", name: "secureRenegotiationSupported", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "secureRenegotiation", name: "secureRenegotiation", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "alpnProtocol", name: "alpnProtocol", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "scts", name: "scts", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "supportedVersion", name: "supportedVersion", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "serverShare", name: "serverShare", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: keyShare, tag: ""}, {prop: "selectedIdentityPresent", name: "selectedIdentityPresent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "selectedIdentity", name: "selectedIdentity", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "supportedPoints", name: "supportedPoints", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "cookie", name: "cookie", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "selectedGroup", name: "selectedGroup", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: CurveID, tag: ""}]); + encryptedExtensionsMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "alpnProtocol", name: "alpnProtocol", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + endOfEarlyDataMsg.init("", []); + keyUpdateMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "updateRequested", name: "updateRequested", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + newSessionTicketMsgTLS13.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "lifetime", name: "lifetime", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "ageAdd", name: "ageAdd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "nonce", name: "nonce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "label", name: "label", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxEarlyData", name: "maxEarlyData", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + certificateRequestMsgTLS13.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "ocspStapling", name: "ocspStapling", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "scts", name: "scts", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "supportedSignatureAlgorithms", name: "supportedSignatureAlgorithms", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert", name: "supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "certificateAuthorities", name: "certificateAuthorities", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}]); + certificateMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "certificates", name: "certificates", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}]); + certificateMsgTLS13.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "certificate", name: "certificate", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Certificate, tag: ""}, {prop: "ocspStapling", name: "ocspStapling", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "scts", name: "scts", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + serverKeyExchangeMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "key", name: "key", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + certificateStatusMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "response", name: "response", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + serverHelloDoneMsg.init("", []); + clientKeyExchangeMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "ciphertext", name: "ciphertext", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + finishedMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "verifyData", name: "verifyData", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + certificateRequestMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "hasSignatureAlgorithm", name: "hasSignatureAlgorithm", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "certificateTypes", name: "certificateTypes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "supportedSignatureAlgorithms", name: "supportedSignatureAlgorithms", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "certificateAuthorities", name: "certificateAuthorities", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}]); + certificateVerifyMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "hasSignatureAlgorithm", name: "hasSignatureAlgorithm", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "signatureAlgorithm", name: "signatureAlgorithm", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: SignatureScheme, tag: ""}, {prop: "signature", name: "signature", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + newSessionTicketMsg.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "raw", name: "raw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "ticket", name: "ticket", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + helloRequestMsg.init("", []); + clientHandshakeStateTLS13.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "c", name: "c", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "serverHello", name: "serverHello", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$30, tag: ""}, {prop: "hello", name: "hello", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$26, tag: ""}, {prop: "ecdheParams", name: "ecdheParams", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ecdheParameters, tag: ""}, {prop: "session", name: "session", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$37, tag: ""}, {prop: "earlySecret", name: "earlySecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "binderKey", name: "binderKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "certReq", name: "certReq", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$39, tag: ""}, {prop: "usingPSK", name: "usingPSK", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sentDummyCCS", name: "sentDummyCCS", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "suite", name: "suite", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "transcript", name: "transcript", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "masterSecret", name: "masterSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "trafficSecret", name: "trafficSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + clientHandshakeState.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "c", name: "c", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "serverHello", name: "serverHello", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$30, tag: ""}, {prop: "hello", name: "hello", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$26, tag: ""}, {prop: "suite", name: "suite", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "finishedHash", name: "finishedHash", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: finishedHash, tag: ""}, {prop: "masterSecret", name: "masterSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "session", name: "session", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$37, tag: ""}]); + Conn.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}, {prop: "isClient", name: "isClient", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "handshakeFn", name: "handshakeFn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "handshakeStatus", name: "handshakeStatus", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "handshakeMutex", name: "handshakeMutex", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "handshakeErr", name: "handshakeErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "vers", name: "vers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "haveVers", name: "haveVers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "config", name: "config", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "handshakes", name: "handshakes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "didResume", name: "didResume", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "cipherSuite", name: "cipherSuite", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "ocspResponse", name: "ocspResponse", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "scts", name: "scts", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "peerCertificates", name: "peerCertificates", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$12, tag: ""}, {prop: "verifiedChains", name: "verifiedChains", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "serverName", name: "serverName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "secureRenegotiation", name: "secureRenegotiation", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ekm", name: "ekm", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "resumptionSecret", name: "resumptionSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "ticketKeys", name: "ticketKeys", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "clientFinishedIsFirst", name: "clientFinishedIsFirst", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "closeNotifyErr", name: "closeNotifyErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "closeNotifySent", name: "closeNotifySent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "clientFinished", name: "clientFinished", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "serverFinished", name: "serverFinished", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "clientProtocol", name: "clientProtocol", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "in$27", name: "in", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: halfConn, tag: ""}, {prop: "out", name: "out", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: halfConn, tag: ""}, {prop: "rawInput", name: "rawInput", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: bytes.Buffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "input", name: "input", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: bytes.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "hand", name: "hand", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: bytes.Buffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "buffering", name: "buffering", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sendBuf", name: "sendBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "bytesSent", name: "bytesSent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "packetsSent", name: "packetsSent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "retryCount", name: "retryCount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "activeCall", name: "activeCall", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "tmp", name: "tmp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$4, tag: ""}]); + halfConn.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "Mutex", name: "Mutex", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "version", name: "version", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "cipher", name: "cipher", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "mac", name: "mac", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "seq", name: "seq", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "scratchBuf", name: "scratchBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextCipher", name: "nextCipher", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextMac", name: "nextMac", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: hash.Hash, tag: ""}, {prop: "trafficSecret", name: "trafficSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + permanentError.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: net.Error, tag: ""}]); + cbcMode.init([{prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "CryptBlocks", name: "CryptBlocks", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [], false)}, {prop: "SetIV", name: "SetIV", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [], false)}]); + RecordHeaderError.init("", [{prop: "Msg", name: "Msg", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "RecordHeader", name: "RecordHeader", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: arrayType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "Conn", name: "Conn", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}]); + atLeastReader.init("", [{prop: "R", name: "R", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "N", name: "N", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}]); + keyShare.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "group", name: "group", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: CurveID, tag: ""}, {prop: "data", name: "data", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + pskIdentity.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "label", name: "label", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "obfuscatedTicketAge", name: "obfuscatedTicketAge", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + ConnectionState.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "Version", name: "Version", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "HandshakeComplete", name: "HandshakeComplete", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "DidResume", name: "DidResume", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "CipherSuite", name: "CipherSuite", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "NegotiatedProtocol", name: "NegotiatedProtocol", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual", name: "NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ServerName", name: "ServerName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "PeerCertificates", name: "PeerCertificates", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$12, tag: ""}, {prop: "VerifiedChains", name: "VerifiedChains", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "SignedCertificateTimestamps", name: "SignedCertificateTimestamps", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "OCSPResponse", name: "OCSPResponse", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLSUnique", name: "TLSUnique", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "ekm", name: "ekm", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}]); + ClientSessionState.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "sessionTicket", name: "sessionTicket", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "vers", name: "vers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "cipherSuite", name: "cipherSuite", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "masterSecret", name: "masterSecret", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "serverCertificates", name: "serverCertificates", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$12, tag: ""}, {prop: "verifiedChains", name: "verifiedChains", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "receivedAt", name: "receivedAt", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "ocspResponse", name: "ocspResponse", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "scts", name: "scts", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "nonce", name: "nonce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "useBy", name: "useBy", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "ageAdd", name: "ageAdd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + ClientSessionCache.init([{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [ptrType$37, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Put", name: "Put", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ptrType$37], [], false)}]); + ClientHelloInfo.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "CipherSuites", name: "CipherSuites", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "ServerName", name: "ServerName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "SupportedCurves", name: "SupportedCurves", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "SupportedPoints", name: "SupportedPoints", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "SignatureSchemes", name: "SignatureSchemes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "SupportedProtos", name: "SupportedProtos", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "SupportedVersions", name: "SupportedVersions", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Conn", name: "Conn", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}, {prop: "config", name: "config", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}]); + CertificateRequestInfo.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "AcceptableCAs", name: "AcceptableCAs", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "SignatureSchemes", name: "SignatureSchemes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "Version", name: "Version", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}]); + Config.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "Rand", name: "Rand", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "Time", name: "Time", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "Certificates", name: "Certificates", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "NameToCertificate", name: "NameToCertificate", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "GetCertificate", name: "GetCertificate", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "GetClientCertificate", name: "GetClientCertificate", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "GetConfigForClient", name: "GetConfigForClient", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "VerifyPeerCertificate", name: "VerifyPeerCertificate", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "VerifyConnection", name: "VerifyConnection", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "RootCAs", name: "RootCAs", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "NextProtos", name: "NextProtos", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "ServerName", name: "ServerName", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "ClientAuth", name: "ClientAuth", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ClientAuthType, tag: ""}, {prop: "ClientCAs", name: "ClientCAs", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "InsecureSkipVerify", name: "InsecureSkipVerify", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "CipherSuites", name: "CipherSuites", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "PreferServerCipherSuites", name: "PreferServerCipherSuites", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "SessionTicketsDisabled", name: "SessionTicketsDisabled", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "SessionTicketKey", name: "SessionTicketKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "ClientSessionCache", name: "ClientSessionCache", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ClientSessionCache, tag: ""}, {prop: "MinVersion", name: "MinVersion", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxVersion", name: "MaxVersion", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "CurvePreferences", name: "CurvePreferences", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "DynamicRecordSizingDisabled", name: "DynamicRecordSizingDisabled", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Renegotiation", name: "Renegotiation", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: RenegotiationSupport, tag: ""}, {prop: "KeyLogWriter", name: "KeyLogWriter", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}, {prop: "mutex", name: "mutex", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.RWMutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "sessionTicketKeys", name: "sessionTicketKeys", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "autoSessionTicketKeys", name: "autoSessionTicketKeys", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}]); + ticketKey.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "keyName", name: "keyName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "aesKey", name: "aesKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "hmacKey", name: "hmacKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "created", name: "created", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}]); + Certificate.init("", [{prop: "Certificate", name: "Certificate", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "PrivateKey", name: "PrivateKey", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: crypto.PrivateKey, tag: ""}, {prop: "SupportedSignatureAlgorithms", name: "SupportedSignatureAlgorithms", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "OCSPStaple", name: "OCSPStaple", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "SignedCertificateTimestamps", name: "SignedCertificateTimestamps", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "Leaf", name: "Leaf", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}]); + cipherSuite.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "id", name: "id", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "keyLen", name: "keyLen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "macLen", name: "macLen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ivLen", name: "ivLen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ka", name: "ka", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "flags", name: "flags", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "cipher", name: "cipher", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "mac", name: "mac", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "aead", name: "aead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$12, tag: ""}]); + cipherSuiteTLS13.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "id", name: "id", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "keyLen", name: "keyLen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "aead", name: "aead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$12, tag: ""}, {prop: "hash", name: "hash", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: crypto.Hash, tag: ""}]); + aead.init([{prop: "NonceSize", name: "NonceSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Open", name: "Open", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "Overhead", name: "Overhead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Seal", name: "Seal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "explicitNonceLen", name: "explicitNonceLen", pkg: "crypto/tls", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}]); + prefixNonceAEAD.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "nonce", name: "nonce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "aead", name: "aead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: cipher.AEAD, tag: ""}]); + xorNonceAEAD.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "nonceMask", name: "nonceMask", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "aead", name: "aead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: cipher.AEAD, tag: ""}]); + constantTimeHash.init([{prop: "BlockSize", name: "BlockSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ConstantTimeSum", name: "ConstantTimeSum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Sum", name: "Sum", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + cthWrapper.init("crypto/tls", [{prop: "h", name: "h", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: constantTimeHash, tag: ""}]); + binaryMarshaler.init([{prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$5], [$error], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = list.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = context.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = crypto.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = aes.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cipher.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = des.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = ecdsa.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = ed25519.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = elliptic.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hmac.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = md5.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rand.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rc4.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rsa.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sha1.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sha256.$init(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sha512.$init(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = subtle.$init(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = x509.$init(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pem.$init(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hash.$init(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cpu.$init(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = godebug.$init(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = big.$init(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = net.$init(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = chacha20poly1305.$init(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cryptobyte.$init(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = curve25519.$init(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hkdf.$init(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + testingOnlyForceDowngradeCanary = false; + writerMutex = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + emptyConfig = new Config.ptr($ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, sliceType.nil, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType.nil, sliceType$1.nil, "", 0, ptrType.nil, false, sliceType$2.nil, false, false, arrayType.zero(), $ifaceNil, 0, 0, sliceType$3.nil, false, 0, $ifaceNil, new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0), sliceType$4.nil, sliceType$4.nil); + masterSecretLabel = (new sliceType$5($stringToBytes("master secret"))); + keyExpansionLabel = (new sliceType$5($stringToBytes("key expansion"))); + clientFinishedLabel = (new sliceType$5($stringToBytes("client finished"))); + serverFinishedLabel = (new sliceType$5($stringToBytes("server finished"))); + errClientKeyExchange = errors.New("tls: invalid ClientKeyExchange message"); + errServerKeyExchange = errors.New("tls: invalid ServerKeyExchange message"); + outBufPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType$6.nil, (function() { + return $newDataPointer(sliceType$5.nil, ptrType$1); + })); + errShutdown = errors.New("tls: protocol is shutdown"); + errEarlyCloseWrite = errors.New("tls: CloseWrite called before handshake complete"); + _SignatureScheme_index_8 = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 13, 26, 39, 46]); + _CurveID_index_0 = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 9, 18, 27]); + _ClientAuthType_index = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 12, 29, 49, 72, 98]); + directSigning = 0; + helloRetryRequestRandom = new sliceType$5([207, 33, 173, 116, 229, 154, 97, 17, 190, 29, 140, 2, 30, 101, 184, 145, 194, 162, 17, 22, 122, 187, 140, 94, 7, 158, 9, 226, 200, 168, 51, 156]); + supportedSignatureAlgorithms = new sliceType$7([2052, 1027, 2055, 2053, 2054, 1025, 1281, 1537, 1283, 1539, 513, 515]); + deprecatedSessionTicketKey = (new sliceType$5($stringToBytes("DEPRECATED"))); + supportedVersions = new sliceType$2([772, 771, 770, 769]); + _r = godebug.Get("tls10default"); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + debugEnableTLS10 = _r === "1"; + defaultCurvePreferences = new sliceType$3([29, 23, 24, 25]); + errNoCertificates = errors.New("tls: no certificates configured"); + hasGCMAsmAMD64 = cpu.X86.HasAES && cpu.X86.HasPCLMULQDQ; + hasGCMAsmARM64 = cpu.ARM64.HasAES && cpu.ARM64.HasPMULL; + hasGCMAsmS390X = cpu.S390X.HasAES && cpu.S390X.HasAESCBC && cpu.S390X.HasAESCTR && (cpu.S390X.HasGHASH || cpu.S390X.HasAESGCM); + hasAESGCMHardwareSupport = false && hasGCMAsmAMD64 || false && hasGCMAsmARM64 || false && hasGCMAsmS390X; + disabledCipherSuites = new sliceType$2([49187, 49191, 60, 49159, 49169, 5]); + aesgcmCiphers = $makeMap($Uint16.keyFor, [{ k: 49199, v: true }, { k: 49200, v: true }, { k: 49195, v: true }, { k: 49196, v: true }, { k: 4865, v: true }, { k: 4866, v: true }]); + cipherSuitesTLS13 = new sliceType$8([new cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr(4865, 16, aeadAESGCMTLS13, 5), new cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr(4867, 32, aeadChaCha20Poly1305, 5), new cipherSuiteTLS13.ptr(4866, 32, aeadAESGCMTLS13, 6)]); + defaultCipherSuitesTLS13 = new sliceType$2([4865, 4866, 4867]); + defaultCipherSuitesTLS13NoAES = new sliceType$2([4867, 4865, 4866]); + cipherSuites = new sliceType$9([new cipherSuite.ptr(52392, 32, 0, 12, ecdheRSAKA, 5, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, aeadChaCha20Poly1305), new cipherSuite.ptr(52393, 32, 0, 12, ecdheECDSAKA, 7, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, aeadChaCha20Poly1305), new cipherSuite.ptr(49199, 16, 0, 4, ecdheRSAKA, 5, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, aeadAESGCM), new cipherSuite.ptr(49195, 16, 0, 4, ecdheECDSAKA, 7, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, aeadAESGCM), new cipherSuite.ptr(49200, 32, 0, 4, ecdheRSAKA, 13, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, aeadAESGCM), new cipherSuite.ptr(49196, 32, 0, 4, ecdheECDSAKA, 15, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, aeadAESGCM), new cipherSuite.ptr(49191, 16, 32, 16, ecdheRSAKA, 5, cipherAES, macSHA256, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(49171, 16, 20, 16, ecdheRSAKA, 1, cipherAES, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(49187, 16, 32, 16, ecdheECDSAKA, 7, cipherAES, macSHA256, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(49161, 16, 20, 16, ecdheECDSAKA, 3, cipherAES, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(49172, 32, 20, 16, ecdheRSAKA, 1, cipherAES, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(49162, 32, 20, 16, ecdheECDSAKA, 3, cipherAES, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(156, 16, 0, 4, rsaKA, 4, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, aeadAESGCM), new cipherSuite.ptr(157, 32, 0, 4, rsaKA, 12, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, aeadAESGCM), new cipherSuite.ptr(60, 16, 32, 16, rsaKA, 4, cipherAES, macSHA256, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(47, 16, 20, 16, rsaKA, 0, cipherAES, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(53, 32, 20, 16, rsaKA, 0, cipherAES, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(49170, 24, 20, 8, ecdheRSAKA, 1, cipher3DES, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(10, 24, 20, 8, rsaKA, 0, cipher3DES, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(5, 16, 20, 0, rsaKA, 0, cipherRC4, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(49169, 16, 20, 0, ecdheRSAKA, 1, cipherRC4, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError), new cipherSuite.ptr(49159, 16, 20, 0, ecdheECDSAKA, 3, cipherRC4, macSHA1, $throwNilPointerError)]); + cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder = new sliceType$2([49195, 49199, 49196, 49200, 52393, 52392, 49161, 49171, 49162, 49172, 156, 157, 47, 53, 49170, 10, 49187, 49191, 60, 49159, 49169, 5]); + cipherSuitesPreferenceOrderNoAES = new sliceType$2([52393, 52392, 49195, 49199, 49196, 49200, 49161, 49171, 49162, 49172, 156, 157, 47, 53, 49170, 10, 49187, 49191, 60, 49159, 49169, 5]); + defaultCipherSuitesLen = cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder.$length - disabledCipherSuites.$length >> 0; + defaultCipherSuites = $subslice(cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder, 0, defaultCipherSuitesLen); + signaturePadding = new sliceType$5([32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]); + rsaSignatureSchemes = new sliceType$10([new structType.ptr(2052, ($imul(new crypto.Hash(5).Size(), 2)) + 2 >> 0, 772), new structType.ptr(2053, ($imul(new crypto.Hash(6).Size(), 2)) + 2 >> 0, 772), new structType.ptr(2054, ($imul(new crypto.Hash(7).Size(), 2)) + 2 >> 0, 772), new structType.ptr(1025, (19 + new crypto.Hash(5).Size() >> 0) + 11 >> 0, 771), new structType.ptr(1281, (19 + new crypto.Hash(6).Size() >> 0) + 11 >> 0, 771), new structType.ptr(1537, (19 + new crypto.Hash(7).Size() >> 0) + 11 >> 0, 771), new structType.ptr(513, (15 + new crypto.Hash(3).Size() >> 0) + 11 >> 0, 771)]); + alertText = $makeMap(alert.keyFor, [{ k: 0, v: "close notify" }, { k: 10, v: "unexpected message" }, { k: 20, v: "bad record MAC" }, { k: 21, v: "decryption failed" }, { k: 22, v: "record overflow" }, { k: 30, v: "decompression failure" }, { k: 40, v: "handshake failure" }, { k: 42, v: "bad certificate" }, { k: 43, v: "unsupported certificate" }, { k: 44, v: "revoked certificate" }, { k: 45, v: "expired certificate" }, { k: 46, v: "unknown certificate" }, { k: 47, v: "illegal parameter" }, { k: 48, v: "unknown certificate authority" }, { k: 49, v: "access denied" }, { k: 50, v: "error decoding message" }, { k: 51, v: "error decrypting message" }, { k: 60, v: "export restriction" }, { k: 70, v: "protocol version not supported" }, { k: 71, v: "insufficient security level" }, { k: 80, v: "internal error" }, { k: 86, v: "inappropriate fallback" }, { k: 90, v: "user canceled" }, { k: 100, v: "no renegotiation" }, { k: 109, v: "missing extension" }, { k: 110, v: "unsupported extension" }, { k: 111, v: "certificate unobtainable" }, { k: 112, v: "unrecognized name" }, { k: 113, v: "bad certificate status response" }, { k: 114, v: "bad certificate hash value" }, { k: 115, v: "unknown PSK identity" }, { k: 116, v: "certificate required" }, { k: 120, v: "no application protocol" }]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["mime"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bufio, bytes, base64, errors, fmt, io, os, sort, strings, sync, unicode, utf8, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType, mimeGlobs, typeFiles, mimeTypes, mimeTypes$24ptr, mimeTypesLower, mimeTypesLower$24ptr, extensionsMu, extensions, extensions$24ptr, osInitMime, errInvalidWord, maxBase64Len, init, loadMimeGlobsFile, loadMimeFile, initMimeUnix, setExtensionType, FormatMediaType, checkMediaTypeDisposition, ParseMediaType, decode2231Enc, isNotTokenChar, consumeToken, consumeValue, consumeMediaParam, percentHexUnescape, ishex, unhex, isTSpecial, isTokenChar, isToken, needsEncoding; + bufio = $packages["bufio"]; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + base64 = $packages["encoding/base64"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + sliceType = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(strings.Builder); + init = function() { + osInitMime = initMimeUnix; + }; + loadMimeGlobsFile = function(filename) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, extension, f, fields, filename, ok, scanner, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {filename}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + _r = os.Open(filename); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = err; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(f, "Close"), []]); + scanner = bufio.NewScanner(f); + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = scanner.Scan(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$1)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$1)) { $s = 6; continue; } + fields = strings.Split(scanner.Text(), ":"); + if (fields.$length < 3 || (0 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 0]).length < 1 || (2 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 2]).length < 2) { + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } else if (((0 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 0]).charCodeAt(0) === 35) || !(((2 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 2]).charCodeAt(0) === 42))) { + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + extension = $substring((2 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 2]), 1); + _r$2 = mimeTypes.Load(new $String(extension)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + _r$3 = setExtensionType(extension, (1 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 1])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + err$1 = scanner.Err(); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err$1); + } + $24r$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: loadMimeGlobsFile, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, extension, f, fields, filename, ok, scanner, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + loadMimeFile = function(filename) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, err, err$1, ext, f, fields, filename, mimeType, scanner, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {filename}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + _r = os.Open(filename); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(f, "Close"), []]); + scanner = bufio.NewScanner(f); + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = scanner.Scan(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$1)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$1)) { $s = 6; continue; } + _r$2 = strings.Fields(scanner.Text()); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fields = _r$2; + if (fields.$length <= 1 || ((0 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 0]).charCodeAt(0) === 35)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + mimeType = (0 >= fields.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fields.$array[fields.$offset + 0]); + _ref = $subslice(fields, 1); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 10; continue; } + ext = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (ext.charCodeAt(0) === 35) { + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + _r$3 = setExtensionType("." + ext, mimeType); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _i++; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + err$1 = scanner.Err(); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $panic(err$1); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: loadMimeFile, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, err, err$1, ext, f, fields, filename, mimeType, scanner, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + initMimeUnix = function() { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, err, filename, filename$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = mimeGlobs; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + filename = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = loadMimeGlobsFile(filename); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _ref$1 = typeFiles; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + filename$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + $r = loadMimeFile(filename$1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$1++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: initMimeUnix, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _ref, _ref$1, err, filename, filename$1, $s};return $f; + }; + setExtensionType = function(extension, mimeType) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _i, _key, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, ei, err, extLower, extension, exts, justType, mimeType, ok, param, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {extension, mimeType}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + _r = ParseMediaType(mimeType); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + justType = _tuple[0]; + param = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = err; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(mimeType, "text/") && (_entry = param[$String.keyFor("charset")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : "") === "") { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (strings.HasPrefix(mimeType, "text/") && (_entry = param[$String.keyFor("charset")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : "") === "") { */ case 5: + _key = "charset"; (param || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: "utf-8" }; + _r$1 = FormatMediaType(mimeType, param); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mimeType = _r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$2 = strings.ToLower(extension); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + extLower = _r$2; + $r = mimeTypes.Store(new $String(extension), new $String(mimeType)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = mimeTypesLower.Store(new $String(extLower), new $String(mimeType)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = extensionsMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(extensionsMu, "Unlock"), []]); + exts = sliceType.nil; + _r$3 = extensions.Load(new $String(justType)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + ei = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + exts = $assertType(ei, sliceType); + } + _ref = exts; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 14; continue; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (v === extLower) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (v === extLower) { */ case 15: + $24r$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 16: + _i++; + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + $r = extensions.Store(new $String(justType), $append(exts, extLower)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: setExtensionType, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _i, _key, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, ei, err, extLower, extension, exts, justType, mimeType, ok, param, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + FormatMediaType = function(t, param) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _v, a, attribute, attrs, b, ch, character, index, index$1, major, needEnc, offset, offset$1, ok, param, sub, t, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = new strings.Builder.ptr(ptrType.nil, sliceType$1.nil); + _tuple = strings.Cut(t, "/"); + major = _tuple[0]; + sub = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 1: + _r = isToken(t); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$1 = strings.ToLower(t); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = b.WriteString(_r$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$3 = isToken(major); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!_r$3) { _v = true; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$4 = isToken(sub); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$4; case 11: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$5 = strings.ToLower(major); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = b.WriteString(_r$5); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + b.WriteByte(47); + _r$7 = strings.ToLower(sub); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = b.WriteString(_r$7); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + /* } */ case 3: + attrs = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, $keys(param).length); + _ref = param; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + a = _entry.k; + attrs = $append(attrs, a); + _i++; + } + $r = sort.Strings(attrs); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$1 = attrs; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 19: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 20; continue; } + attribute = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + value = (_entry$1 = param[$String.keyFor(attribute)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : ""); + b.WriteByte(59); + b.WriteByte(32); + _r$9 = isToken(attribute); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$9) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!_r$9) { */ case 21: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* } */ case 22: + _r$10 = strings.ToLower(attribute); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = b.WriteString(_r$10); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + needEnc = needsEncoding(value); + if (needEnc) { + b.WriteByte(42); + } + b.WriteByte(61); + if (needEnc) { + b.WriteString("utf-8''"); + offset = 0; + index = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(index < value.length)) { break; } + ch = value.charCodeAt(index); + if (ch <= 32 || ch >= 127 || (ch === 42) || (ch === 39) || (ch === 37) || isTSpecial(((ch >> 0)))) { + b.WriteString($substring(value, offset, index)); + offset = index + 1 >> 0; + b.WriteByte(37); + b.WriteByte("0123456789ABCDEF".charCodeAt((ch >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24))); + b.WriteByte("0123456789ABCDEF".charCodeAt(((ch & 15) >>> 0))); + } + index = index + (1) >> 0; + } + b.WriteString($substring(value, offset)); + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 19; continue; + } + _r$12 = isToken(value); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$12) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (_r$12) { */ case 26: + b.WriteString(value); + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 19; continue; + /* } */ case 27: + b.WriteByte(34); + offset$1 = 0; + index$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(index$1 < value.length)) { break; } + character = value.charCodeAt(index$1); + if ((character === 34) || (character === 92)) { + b.WriteString($substring(value, offset$1, index$1)); + offset$1 = index$1; + b.WriteByte(92); + } + index$1 = index$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + b.WriteString($substring(value, offset$1)); + b.WriteByte(34); + _i$1++; + $s = 19; continue; + case 20: + $s = -1; return b.String(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FormatMediaType, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _v, a, attribute, attrs, b, ch, character, index, index$1, major, needEnc, offset, offset$1, ok, param, sub, t, value, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.FormatMediaType = FormatMediaType; + checkMediaTypeDisposition = function(s) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, rest, s, subtype, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = consumeToken(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + typ = _tuple[0]; + rest = _tuple[1]; + if (typ === "") { + $s = -1; return errors.New("mime: no media type"); + } + if (rest === "") { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + if (!strings.HasPrefix(rest, "/")) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("mime: expected slash after first token"); + } + _r$1 = consumeToken($substring(rest, 1)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + subtype = _tuple$1[0]; + rest = _tuple$1[1]; + if (subtype === "") { + $s = -1; return errors.New("mime: expected token after slash"); + } + if (!(rest === "")) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("mime: unexpected content after media subtype"); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: checkMediaTypeDisposition, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, rest, s, subtype, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + ParseMediaType = function(v) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _entry$5, _entry$6, _i, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _keys, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, base, baseName, buf, continuation, decv, decv$1, decv$2, encodedPart, err, exists, key, key$1, mediatype, n, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, ok$4, ok$5, ok$6, params, pieceMap, pmap, rest, simplePart, singlePartKey, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, valid, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mediatype = ""; + params = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = strings.Cut(v, ";"); + base = _tuple[0]; + _r = strings.ToLower(base); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = strings.TrimSpace(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mediatype = _r$1; + _r$2 = checkMediaTypeDisposition(mediatype); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = false; + _tmp$2 = err; + mediatype = _tmp; + params = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [mediatype, params, err]; + } + params = {}; + continuation = false; + v = $substring(v, base.length); + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(v.length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(v.length > 0)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$3 = strings.TrimLeftFunc(v, unicode.IsSpace); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$3; + if (v.length === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + _r$4 = consumeMediaParam(v); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + key = _tuple$1[0]; + value = _tuple$1[1]; + rest = _tuple$1[2]; + /* */ if (key === "") { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (key === "") { */ case 8: + _r$5 = strings.TrimSpace(rest); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5 === ";") { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_r$5 === ";") { */ case 10: + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 11: + _tmp$3 = mediatype; + _tmp$4 = false; + _tmp$5 = $pkg.ErrInvalidMediaParameter; + mediatype = _tmp$3; + params = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [mediatype, params, err]; + /* } */ case 9: + pmap = params; + _tuple$2 = strings.Cut(key, "*"); + baseName = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[2]; + if (ok) { + if (continuation === false) { + continuation = {}; + } + ok$1 = false; + _tuple$3 = (_entry = continuation[$String.keyFor(baseName)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [false, false]); + pmap = _tuple$3[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!ok$1) { + _key = baseName; (continuation || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: {} }; + pmap = (_entry$1 = continuation[$String.keyFor(baseName)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : false); + } + } + _tuple$4 = (_entry$2 = pmap[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? [_entry$2.v, true] : ["", false]); + exists = _tuple$4[1]; + if (exists) { + _tmp$6 = ""; + _tmp$7 = false; + _tmp$8 = errors.New("mime: duplicate parameter name"); + mediatype = _tmp$6; + params = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [mediatype, params, err]; + } + _key$1 = key; (pmap || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: value }; + v = rest; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + buf = new strings.Builder.ptr(ptrType.nil, sliceType$1.nil); + _ref = continuation; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 14; continue; } + _entry$3 = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry$3 === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 13; continue; + } + key$1 = _entry$3.k; + pieceMap = _entry$3.v; + singlePartKey = key$1 + "*"; + _tuple$5 = (_entry$4 = pieceMap[$String.keyFor(singlePartKey)], _entry$4 !== undefined ? [_entry$4.v, true] : ["", false]); + v$1 = _tuple$5[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (ok$2) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (ok$2) { */ case 15: + _r$6 = decode2231Enc(v$1); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$6; + decv = _tuple$6[0]; + ok$3 = _tuple$6[1]; + if (ok$3) { + _key$2 = key$1; (params || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$2)] = { k: _key$2, v: decv }; + } + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 13; continue; + /* } */ case 16: + buf.Reset(); + valid = false; + n = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 18: + _r$7 = fmt.Sprintf("%s*%d", new sliceType$2([new $String(key$1), new $Int(n)])); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + simplePart = _r$7; + _tuple$7 = (_entry$5 = pieceMap[$String.keyFor(simplePart)], _entry$5 !== undefined ? [_entry$5.v, true] : ["", false]); + v$2 = _tuple$7[0]; + ok$4 = _tuple$7[1]; + if (ok$4) { + valid = true; + buf.WriteString(v$2); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 18; continue; + } + encodedPart = simplePart + "*"; + _tuple$8 = (_entry$6 = pieceMap[$String.keyFor(encodedPart)], _entry$6 !== undefined ? [_entry$6.v, true] : ["", false]); + v$3 = _tuple$8[0]; + ok$5 = _tuple$8[1]; + if (!ok$5) { + /* break; */ $s = 19; continue; + } + valid = true; + /* */ if (n === 0) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (n === 0) { */ case 21: + _r$8 = decode2231Enc(v$3); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$9 = _r$8; + decv$1 = _tuple$9[0]; + ok$6 = _tuple$9[1]; + if (ok$6) { + buf.WriteString(decv$1); + } + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else { */ case 22: + _r$9 = percentHexUnescape(v$3); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$10 = _r$9; + decv$2 = _tuple$10[0]; + buf.WriteString(decv$2); + /* } */ case 23: + n = n + (1) >> 0; + $s = 18; continue; + case 19: + if (valid) { + _key$3 = key$1; (params || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$3)] = { k: _key$3, v: buf.String() }; + } + _i++; + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + $s = -1; return [mediatype, params, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ParseMediaType, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _entry$4, _entry$5, _entry$6, _i, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _keys, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, base, baseName, buf, continuation, decv, decv$1, decv$2, encodedPart, err, exists, key, key$1, mediatype, n, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, ok$4, ok$5, ok$6, params, pieceMap, pmap, rest, simplePart, singlePartKey, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, valid, value, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ParseMediaType = ParseMediaType; + decode2231Enc = function(v) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, charset, encv, err, sv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sv = strings.SplitN(v, "'", 3); + if (!((sv.$length === 3))) { + $s = -1; return ["", false]; + } + _r = strings.ToLower((0 >= sv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sv.$array[sv.$offset + 0])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + charset = _r; + if (charset.length === 0) { + $s = -1; return ["", false]; + } + if (!(charset === "us-ascii") && !(charset === "utf-8")) { + $s = -1; return ["", false]; + } + _r$1 = percentHexUnescape((2 >= sv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : sv.$array[sv.$offset + 2])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + encv = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ["", false]; + } + $s = -1; return [encv, true]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decode2231Enc, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, charset, encv, err, sv, v, $s};return $f; + }; + isNotTokenChar = function(r) { + var r; + return !isTokenChar(r); + }; + consumeToken = function(v) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, notPos, rest, token, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + token = ""; + rest = ""; + _r = strings.IndexFunc(v, isNotTokenChar); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + notPos = _r; + if (notPos === -1) { + _tmp = v; + _tmp$1 = ""; + token = _tmp; + rest = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [token, rest]; + } + if (notPos === 0) { + _tmp$2 = ""; + _tmp$3 = v; + token = _tmp$2; + rest = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [token, rest]; + } + _tmp$4 = $substring(v, 0, notPos); + _tmp$5 = $substring(v, notPos); + token = _tmp$4; + rest = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [token, rest]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeToken, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, notPos, rest, token, v, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeValue = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, buffer, i, r, rest, v, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + value = ""; + rest = ""; + if (v === "") { + $s = -1; return [value, rest]; + } + /* */ if (!((v.charCodeAt(0) === 34))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((v.charCodeAt(0) === 34))) { */ case 1: + _r = consumeToken(v); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + value = _tuple[0]; + rest = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [value, rest]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + buffer = new strings.Builder.ptr(ptrType.nil, sliceType$1.nil); + i = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < v.length)) { break; } + r = v.charCodeAt(i); + if (r === 34) { + _tmp = buffer.String(); + _tmp$1 = $substring(v, (i + 1 >> 0)); + value = _tmp; + rest = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [value, rest]; + } + if ((r === 92) && (i + 1 >> 0) < v.length && isTSpecial(((v.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) >> 0)))) { + buffer.WriteByte(v.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0))); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if ((r === 13) || (r === 10)) { + _tmp$2 = ""; + _tmp$3 = v; + value = _tmp$2; + rest = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [value, rest]; + } + buffer.WriteByte(v.charCodeAt(i)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$4 = ""; + _tmp$5 = v; + value = _tmp$4; + rest = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [value, rest]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeValue, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, buffer, i, r, rest, v, value, $s};return $f; + }; + consumeMediaParam = function(v) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, param, rest, rest2, v, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + param = ""; + value = ""; + rest = ""; + _r = strings.TrimLeftFunc(v, unicode.IsSpace); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rest = _r; + if (!strings.HasPrefix(rest, ";")) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = v; + param = _tmp; + value = _tmp$1; + rest = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [param, value, rest]; + } + rest = $substring(rest, 1); + _r$1 = strings.TrimLeftFunc(rest, unicode.IsSpace); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rest = _r$1; + _r$2 = consumeToken(rest); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + param = _tuple[0]; + rest = _tuple[1]; + _r$3 = strings.ToLower(param); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + param = _r$3; + if (param === "") { + _tmp$3 = ""; + _tmp$4 = ""; + _tmp$5 = v; + param = _tmp$3; + value = _tmp$4; + rest = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [param, value, rest]; + } + _r$4 = strings.TrimLeftFunc(rest, unicode.IsSpace); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rest = _r$4; + if (!strings.HasPrefix(rest, "=")) { + _tmp$6 = ""; + _tmp$7 = ""; + _tmp$8 = v; + param = _tmp$6; + value = _tmp$7; + rest = _tmp$8; + $s = -1; return [param, value, rest]; + } + rest = $substring(rest, 1); + _r$5 = strings.TrimLeftFunc(rest, unicode.IsSpace); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rest = _r$5; + _r$6 = consumeValue(rest); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + value = _tuple$1[0]; + rest2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (value === "" && rest2 === rest) { + _tmp$9 = ""; + _tmp$10 = ""; + _tmp$11 = v; + param = _tmp$9; + value = _tmp$10; + rest = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [param, value, rest]; + } + rest = rest2; + _tmp$12 = param; + _tmp$13 = value; + _tmp$14 = rest; + param = _tmp$12; + value = _tmp$13; + rest = _tmp$14; + $s = -1; return [param, value, rest]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: consumeMediaParam, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, param, rest, rest2, v, value, $s};return $f; + }; + percentHexUnescape = function(s) { + var {$24r, _1, _r, i, i$1, j, percents, s, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + percents = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < s.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + if (!((s.charCodeAt(i) === 37))) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + percents = percents + (1) >> 0; + /* */ if ((i + 2 >> 0) >= s.length || !ishex(s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0))) || !ishex(s.charCodeAt((i + 2 >> 0)))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ((i + 2 >> 0) >= s.length || !ishex(s.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0))) || !ishex(s.charCodeAt((i + 2 >> 0)))) { */ case 3: + s = $substring(s, i); + if (s.length > 3) { + s = $substring(s, 0, 3); + } + _r = fmt.Errorf("mime: bogus characters after %%: %q", new sliceType$2([new $String(s)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ["", _r]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + i = i + (3) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (percents === 0) { + $s = -1; return [s, $ifaceNil]; + } + t = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, (s.length - ($imul(2, percents)) >> 0)); + j = 0; + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.length)) { break; } + _1 = s.charCodeAt(i$1); + if (_1 === (37)) { + ((j < 0 || j >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + j] = (((unhex(s.charCodeAt((i$1 + 1 >> 0))) << 4 << 24 >>> 24) | unhex(s.charCodeAt((i$1 + 2 >> 0)))) >>> 0)); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + i$1 = i$1 + (3) >> 0; + } else { + ((j < 0 || j >= t.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : t.$array[t.$offset + j] = s.charCodeAt(i$1)); + j = j + (1) >> 0; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + } + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString(t)), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: percentHexUnescape, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r, i, i$1, j, percents, s, t, $s};return $f; + }; + ishex = function(c) { + var c; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + return true; + } else if (97 <= c && c <= 102) { + return true; + } else if (65 <= c && c <= 70) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + unhex = function(c) { + var c; + if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + return c - 48 << 24 >>> 24; + } else if (97 <= c && c <= 102) { + return (c - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + } else if (65 <= c && c <= 70) { + return (c - 65 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + } + return 0; + }; + isTSpecial = function(r) { + var r; + return strings.ContainsRune("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?=", r); + }; + isTokenChar = function(r) { + var r; + return r > 32 && r < 127 && !isTSpecial(r); + }; + isToken = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (s === "") { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r = strings.IndexFunc(s, isNotTokenChar); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r < 0; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isToken, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + needsEncoding = function(s) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, b, s; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + b = _rune[0]; + if ((b < 32 || b > 126) && !((b === 9))) { + return true; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return false; + }; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bufio.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = base64.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mimeTypes = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new $packages["sync/atomic"].Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + mimeTypesLower = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new $packages["sync/atomic"].Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + extensionsMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + extensions = new sync.Map.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new $packages["sync/atomic"].Value.ptr($ifaceNil), false, 0); + osInitMime = $throwNilPointerError; + mimeGlobs = new sliceType(["/usr/local/share/mime/globs2", "/usr/share/mime/globs2"]); + typeFiles = new sliceType(["/etc/mime.types", "/etc/apache2/mime.types", "/etc/apache/mime.types", "/etc/httpd/conf/mime.types"]); + $pkg.ErrInvalidMediaParameter = errors.New("mime: invalid media parameter"); + errInvalidWord = errors.New("mime: invalid RFC 2047 encoded-word"); + maxBase64Len = base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(63); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["mime/quotedprintable"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bufio, bytes, fmt, io, Reader, sliceType, ptrType, sliceType$1, ptrType$2, crlf, lf, softSuffix, NewReader, fromHex, readHexByte, isQPDiscardWhitespace; + bufio = $packages["bufio"]; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + Reader = $pkg.Reader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "quotedprintable.Reader", true, "mime/quotedprintable", true, function(br_, rerr_, line_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.br = ptrType.nil; + this.rerr = $ifaceNil; + this.line = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.br = br_; + this.rerr = rerr_; + this.line = line_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(bufio.Reader); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Reader); + NewReader = function(r) { + var r; + return new Reader.ptr(bufio.NewReader(r), $ifaceNil, sliceType.nil); + }; + $pkg.NewReader = NewReader; + fromHex = function(b) { + var {$24r, _r, b, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (b >= 48 && b <= 57) { + $s = -1; return [b - 48 << 24 >>> 24, $ifaceNil]; + } else if (b >= 65 && b <= 70) { + $s = -1; return [(b - 65 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24, $ifaceNil]; + } else if (b >= 97 && b <= 102) { + $s = -1; return [(b - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r = fmt.Errorf("quotedprintable: invalid hex byte 0x%02x", new sliceType$1([new $Uint8(b)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [0, _r]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fromHex, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, b, $s};return $f; + }; + readHexByte = function(v) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, hb, lb, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (v.$length < 2) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + b = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 0; + hb = _tmp$2; + lb = _tmp$3; + _r = fromHex((0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + hb = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = err; + b = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + _r$1 = fromHex((1 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 1])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + lb = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = err; + b = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + } + _tmp$8 = ((hb << 4 << 24 >>> 24) | lb) >>> 0; + _tmp$9 = $ifaceNil; + b = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [b, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: readHexByte, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, hb, lb, v, $s};return $f; + }; + isQPDiscardWhitespace = function(r) { + var _1, r; + _1 = r; + if ((_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (32)) || (_1 === (9))) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, hasCR, hasLF, n, p, r, rightStripped, wholeLine, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(p.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(p.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (r.line.$length === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (r.line.$length === 0) { */ case 3: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.rerr, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = r.rerr; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r = r.br.ReadSlice(10); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + r.line = _tuple[0]; + r.rerr = _tuple[1]; + hasLF = bytes.HasSuffix(r.line, lf); + hasCR = bytes.HasSuffix(r.line, crlf); + wholeLine = r.line; + _r$1 = bytes.TrimRightFunc(wholeLine, isQPDiscardWhitespace); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r.line = _r$1; + /* */ if (bytes.HasSuffix(r.line, softSuffix)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (hasLF) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (bytes.HasSuffix(r.line, softSuffix)) { */ case 7: + rightStripped = $subslice(wholeLine, r.line.$length); + r.line = $subslice(r.line, 0, (r.line.$length - 1 >> 0)); + /* */ if (!bytes.HasPrefix(rightStripped, lf) && !bytes.HasPrefix(rightStripped, crlf) && !((rightStripped.$length === 0) && r.line.$length > 0 && $interfaceIsEqual(r.rerr, io.EOF))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!bytes.HasPrefix(rightStripped, lf) && !bytes.HasPrefix(rightStripped, crlf) && !((rightStripped.$length === 0) && r.line.$length > 0 && $interfaceIsEqual(r.rerr, io.EOF))) { */ case 10: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("quotedprintable: invalid bytes after =: %q", new sliceType$1([rightStripped])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r.rerr = _r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (hasLF) { */ case 8: + if (hasCR) { + r.line = $append(r.line, 13, 10); + } else { + r.line = $append(r.line, 10); + } + /* } */ case 9: + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + b = (x = r.line, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if ((b === 61)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if ((b === 9) || (b === 13) || (b === 10)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (b >= 128) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (b < 32 || b > 126) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if ((b === 61)) { */ case 14: + _r$3 = readHexByte($subslice(r.line, 1)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + b = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if (r.line.$length >= 2 && !(((x$1 = r.line, (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1])) === 13)) && !(((x$2 = r.line, (1 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 1])) === 10))) { + b = 61; + /* break; */ $s = 13; continue; + } + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + r.line = $subslice(r.line, 2); + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if ((b === 9) || (b === 13) || (b === 10)) { */ case 15: + /* break; */ $s = 13; continue; + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (b >= 128) { */ case 16: + /* break; */ $s = 13; continue; + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else if (b < 32 || b > 126) { */ case 17: + _tmp$4 = n; + _r$4 = fmt.Errorf("quotedprintable: invalid unescaped byte 0x%02x in body", new sliceType$1([new $Uint8(b)])); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$5 = _r$4; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r; + /* } */ case 18: + case 13: + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = b); + p = $subslice(p, 1); + r.line = $subslice(r.line, 1); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, hasCR, hasLF, n, p, r, rightStripped, wholeLine, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + Reader.init("mime/quotedprintable", [{prop: "br", name: "br", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "rerr", name: "rerr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "line", name: "line", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bufio.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + crlf = (new sliceType($stringToBytes("\r\n"))); + lf = (new sliceType($stringToBytes("\n"))); + softSuffix = (new sliceType($stringToBytes("="))); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["net/textproto"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bufio, bytes, fmt, io, net, strconv, strings, sync, Error, ProtocolError, Reader, dotReader, MIMEHeader, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$6, sliceType$2, ptrType$7, funcType, colon, nl, commonHeader, commonHeaderOnce, isTokenTable, TrimString, isASCIISpace, isASCIILetter, NewReader, trim, parseCodeLine, noValidation, mustHaveFieldNameColon, CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey, validHeaderFieldByte, canonicalMIMEHeaderKey, initCommonHeader; + bufio = $packages["bufio"]; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + net = $packages["net"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + Error = $pkg.Error = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "textproto.Error", true, "net/textproto", true, function(Code_, Msg_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Code = 0; + this.Msg = ""; + return; + } + this.Code = Code_; + this.Msg = Msg_; + }); + ProtocolError = $pkg.ProtocolError = $newType(8, $kindString, "textproto.ProtocolError", true, "net/textproto", true, null); + Reader = $pkg.Reader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "textproto.Reader", true, "net/textproto", true, function(R_, dot_, buf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.R = ptrType$3.nil; + this.dot = ptrType$4.nil; + this.buf = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.R = R_; + this.dot = dot_; + this.buf = buf_; + }); + dotReader = $pkg.dotReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "textproto.dotReader", true, "net/textproto", false, function(r_, state_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.r = ptrType$6.nil; + this.state = 0; + return; + } + this.r = r_; + this.state = state_; + }); + MIMEHeader = $pkg.MIMEHeader = $newType(4, $kindMap, "textproto.MIMEHeader", true, "net/textproto", true, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(bufio.Reader); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(dotReader); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(Reader); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(Error); + funcType = $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false); + Error.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = fmt.Sprintf("%03d %s", new sliceType$1([new $Int(e.Code), new $String(e.Msg)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Error.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + Error.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + ProtocolError.prototype.Error = function() { + var p; + p = this.$val; + return (p); + }; + $ptrType(ProtocolError).prototype.Error = function() { return new ProtocolError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + TrimString = function(s) { + var s; + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0 && isASCIISpace(s.charCodeAt(0)))) { break; } + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0 && isASCIISpace(s.charCodeAt((s.length - 1 >> 0))))) { break; } + s = $substring(s, 0, (s.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + return s; + }; + $pkg.TrimString = TrimString; + isASCIISpace = function(b) { + var b; + return (b === 32) || (b === 9) || (b === 10) || (b === 13); + }; + isASCIILetter = function(b) { + var b; + b = (b | (32)) >>> 0; + return 97 <= b && b <= 122; + }; + NewReader = function(r) { + var {r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = commonHeaderOnce.Do(initCommonHeader); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return new Reader.ptr(r, ptrType$4.nil, sliceType.nil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewReader, $c: true, $r, r, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewReader = NewReader; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadLine = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, line, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.readLineSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + line = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString(line)), err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadLine, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, line, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadLine = function() { return this.$val.ReadLine(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadLineBytes = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, buf, err, line, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.readLineSlice(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + line = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!(line === sliceType.nil)) { + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, line.$length); + $copySlice(buf, line); + line = buf; + } + $s = -1; return [line, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadLineBytes, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, buf, err, line, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadLineBytes = function() { return this.$val.ReadLineBytes(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.readLineSlice = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, l, line, more, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + $r = r.closeDot(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + line = sliceType.nil; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + _r = r.R.ReadLine(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + l = _tuple[0]; + more = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + if (line === sliceType.nil && !more) { + $s = -1; return [l, $ifaceNil]; + } + line = $appendSlice(line, l); + if (!more) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [line, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.readLineSlice, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, l, line, more, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.readLineSlice = function() { return this.$val.readLineSlice(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadContinuedLine = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, line, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.readContinuedLineSlice(noValidation); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + line = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [($bytesToString(line)), err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadContinuedLine, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, line, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadContinuedLine = function() { return this.$val.ReadContinuedLine(); }; + trim = function(s) { + var i, n, s, x, x$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.$length && ((((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) === 32) || (((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]) === 9)))) { break; } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + n = s.$length; + while (true) { + if (!(n > i && (((x = n - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x])) === 32) || ((x$1 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + x$1])) === 9)))) { break; } + n = n - (1) >> 0; + } + return $subslice(s, i, n); + }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadContinuedLineBytes = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, buf, err, line, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.readContinuedLineSlice(noValidation); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + line = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!(line === sliceType.nil)) { + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, line.$length); + $copySlice(buf, line); + line = buf; + } + $s = -1; return [line, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadContinuedLineBytes, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, buf, err, line, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadContinuedLineBytes = function() { return this.$val.ReadContinuedLineBytes(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.readContinuedLineSlice = function(validateFirstLine) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, err$1, err$2, line, line$1, peek, r, validateFirstLine, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {validateFirstLine}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* */ if (validateFirstLine === $throwNilPointerError) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (validateFirstLine === $throwNilPointerError) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Errorf("missing validateFirstLine func", new sliceType$1([])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [sliceType.nil, _r]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = r.readLineSlice(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + line = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + if (line.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [line, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$2 = validateFirstLine(line); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err$1]; + } + /* */ if (r.R.Buffered() > 1) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (r.R.Buffered() > 1) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = r.R.Peek(2); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + peek = _tuple$1[0]; + if (peek.$length > 0 && (isASCIILetter((0 >= peek.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : peek.$array[peek.$offset + 0])) || ((0 >= peek.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : peek.$array[peek.$offset + 0]) === 10)) || (peek.$length === 2) && ((0 >= peek.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : peek.$array[peek.$offset + 0]) === 13) && ((1 >= peek.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : peek.$array[peek.$offset + 1]) === 10)) { + $s = -1; return [trim(line), $ifaceNil]; + } + /* } */ case 8: + r.buf = $appendSlice($subslice(r.buf, 0, 0), trim(line)); + /* while (true) { */ case 10: + _r$4 = r.skipSpace(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* if (!(_r$4 > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(_r$4 > 0)) { $s = 11; continue; } + _r$5 = r.readLineSlice(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$5; + line$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 11; continue; + } + r.buf = $append(r.buf, 32); + r.buf = $appendSlice(r.buf, trim(line$1)); + $s = 10; continue; + case 11: + $s = -1; return [r.buf, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.readContinuedLineSlice, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, err$1, err$2, line, line$1, peek, r, validateFirstLine, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.readContinuedLineSlice = function(validateFirstLine) { return this.$val.readContinuedLineSlice(validateFirstLine); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.skipSpace = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, c, err, n, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + n = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = r.R.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (!((c === 32)) && !((c === 9))) { + r.R.UnreadByte(); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + n = n + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.skipSpace, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, c, err, n, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.skipSpace = function() { return this.$val.skipSpace(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.readCodeLine = function(expectCode) { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, code, continued, err, expectCode, line, message, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {expectCode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + code = 0; + continued = false; + message = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + _r = r.ReadLine(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + line = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [code, continued, message, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = parseCodeLine(line, expectCode); + code = _tuple$1[0]; + continued = _tuple$1[1]; + message = _tuple$1[2]; + err = _tuple$1[3]; + $s = -1; return [code, continued, message, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.readCodeLine, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, code, continued, err, expectCode, line, message, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.readCodeLine = function(expectCode) { return this.$val.readCodeLine(expectCode); }; + parseCodeLine = function(line, expectCode) { + var _q, _q$1, _tuple, code, continued, err, expectCode, line, message; + code = 0; + continued = false; + message = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (line.length < 4 || !((line.charCodeAt(3) === 32)) && !((line.charCodeAt(3) === 45))) { + err = new ProtocolError(("short response: " + line)); + return [code, continued, message, err]; + } + continued = line.charCodeAt(3) === 45; + _tuple = strconv.Atoi($substring(line, 0, 3)); + code = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || code < 100) { + err = new ProtocolError(("invalid response code: " + line)); + return [code, continued, message, err]; + } + message = $substring(line, 4); + if (1 <= expectCode && expectCode < 10 && !(((_q = code / 100, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === expectCode)) || 10 <= expectCode && expectCode < 100 && !(((_q$1 = code / 10, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === expectCode)) || 100 <= expectCode && expectCode < 1000 && !((code === expectCode))) { + err = new Error.ptr(code, message); + } + return [code, continued, message, err]; + }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadCodeLine = function(expectCode) { + var {_r, _tuple, code, continued, err, expectCode, message, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {expectCode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + code = 0; + message = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + _r = r.readCodeLine(expectCode); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + code = _tuple[0]; + continued = _tuple[1]; + message = _tuple[2]; + err = _tuple[3]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && continued) { + err = new ProtocolError(("unexpected multi-line response: " + message)); + } + $s = -1; return [code, message, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadCodeLine, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, code, continued, err, expectCode, message, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadCodeLine = function(expectCode) { return this.$val.ReadCodeLine(expectCode); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadResponse = function(expectCode) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, code, code2, continued, err, err$1, expectCode, line, message, moreMessage, multi, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {expectCode}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + code = 0; + message = ""; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + _r = r.readCodeLine(expectCode); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + code = _tuple[0]; + continued = _tuple[1]; + message = _tuple[2]; + err = _tuple[3]; + multi = continued; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(continued)) { break; } */ if(!(continued)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$1 = r.ReadLine(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + line = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = err$1; + code = _tmp; + message = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [code, message, err]; + } + code2 = 0; + moreMessage = ""; + _tuple$2 = parseCodeLine(line, 0); + code2 = _tuple$2[0]; + continued = _tuple$2[1]; + moreMessage = _tuple$2[2]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[3]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) || !((code2 === code))) { + message = message + ("\n" + strings.TrimRight(line, "\r\n")); + continued = true; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + message = message + ("\n" + moreMessage); + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && multi && !(message === "")) { + err = new Error.ptr(code, message); + } + $s = -1; return [code, message, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadResponse, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, code, code2, continued, err, err$1, expectCode, line, message, moreMessage, multi, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadResponse = function(expectCode) { return this.$val.ReadResponse(expectCode); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.DotReader = function() { + var {r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + $r = r.closeDot(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r.dot = new dotReader.ptr(r, 0); + $s = -1; return r.dot; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.DotReader, $c: true, $r, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.DotReader = function() { return this.$val.DotReader(); }; + dotReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) { + var {_1, _r, _tuple, b, br, c, d, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + br = d.r.R; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(n < b.$length && !((d.state === 5)))) { break; } */ if(!(n < b.$length && !((d.state === 5)))) { $s = 2; continue; } + c = 0; + _r = br.ReadByte(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + switch (0) { default: + _1 = d.state; + if (_1 === (0)) { + if (c === 46) { + d.state = 1; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + if (c === 13) { + d.state = 3; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + d.state = 4; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + if (c === 13) { + d.state = 2; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + if (c === 10) { + d.state = 5; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + d.state = 4; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + if (c === 10) { + d.state = 5; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + br.UnreadByte(); + c = 13; + d.state = 4; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + if (c === 10) { + d.state = 0; + break; + } + br.UnreadByte(); + c = 13; + d.state = 4; + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + if (c === 13) { + d.state = 3; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + if (c === 10) { + d.state = 0; + } + } + } + ((n < 0 || n >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + n] = c); + n = n + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (d.state === 5)) { + err = io.EOF; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && d.r.dot === d) { + d.r.dot = ptrType$4.nil; + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: dotReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tuple, b, br, c, d, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + dotReader.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.closeDot = function() { + var {_r, buf, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if (r.dot === ptrType$4.nil) { + $s = -1; return; + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, 128); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(!(r.dot === ptrType$4.nil))) { break; } */ if(!(!(r.dot === ptrType$4.nil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = r.dot.Read(buf); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.closeDot, $c: true, $r, _r, buf, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.closeDot = function() { return this.$val.closeDot(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadDotBytes = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.DotReader(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = io.ReadAll(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadDotBytes, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadDotBytes = function() { return this.$val.ReadDotBytes(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadDotLines = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, line, r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + v = sliceType$2.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + line = ""; + _r = r.ReadLine(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + line = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + if (line.length > 0 && (line.charCodeAt(0) === 46)) { + if (line.length === 1) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + line = $substring(line, 1); + } + v = $append(v, line); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [v, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadDotLines, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, line, r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadDotLines = function() { return this.$val.ReadDotLines(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadMIMEHeader = function() { + var {_entry, _key, _key$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, buf, err, err$1, err$2, hint, k, key, kv, line, m, ok, r, strs, v, value, vv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + strs = sliceType$2.nil; + _r = r.upcomingHeaderNewlines(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hint = _r; + if (hint > 0) { + strs = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, hint); + } + m = ((hint < 0 || hint > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {}); + _r$1 = r.R.Peek(1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + buf = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (((0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]) === 32) || ((0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]) === 9))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (((0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]) === 32) || ((0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]) === 9))) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = r.readLineSlice(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + line = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [m, err$1]; + } + $s = -1; return [m, new ProtocolError(("malformed MIME header initial line: " + ($bytesToString(line))))]; + /* } */ case 4: + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = r.readContinuedLineSlice(mustHaveFieldNameColon); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + kv = _tuple$2[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (kv.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [m, err$2]; + } + _tuple$3 = bytes.Cut(kv, colon); + k = _tuple$3[0]; + v = _tuple$3[1]; + ok = _tuple$3[2]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [m, new ProtocolError(("malformed MIME header line: " + ($bytesToString(kv))))]; + } + key = canonicalMIMEHeaderKey(k); + if (key === "") { + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + value = strings.TrimLeft(($bytesToString(v)), " \t"); + vv = (_entry = m[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (vv === sliceType$2.nil && strs.$length > 0) { + _tmp = $subslice(strs, 0, 1, 1); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(strs, 1); + vv = _tmp; + strs = _tmp$1; + (0 >= vv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv.$array[vv.$offset + 0] = value); + _key = key; (m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: vv }; + } else { + _key$1 = key; (m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $append(vv, value) }; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [m, err$2]; + } + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + $s = -1; return [false, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadMIMEHeader, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _key$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, buf, err, err$1, err$2, hint, k, key, kv, line, m, ok, r, strs, v, value, vv, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadMIMEHeader = function() { return this.$val.ReadMIMEHeader(); }; + noValidation = function(param) { + var param; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + mustHaveFieldNameColon = function(line) { + var {$24r, _r, line, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {line}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (bytes.IndexByte(line, 58) < 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (bytes.IndexByte(line, 58) < 0) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("malformed MIME header: missing colon: %q", new sliceType$1([line])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new ProtocolError((_r)); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: mustHaveFieldNameColon, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, line, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.upcomingHeaderNewlines = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, n, peek, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + r = this; + _r = r.R.Peek(1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + s = r.R.Buffered(); + if (s === 0) { + $s = -1; return n; + } + _r$1 = r.R.Peek(s); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + peek = _tuple[0]; + n = bytes.Count(peek, nl); + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.upcomingHeaderNewlines, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, n, peek, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.upcomingHeaderNewlines = function() { return this.$val.upcomingHeaderNewlines(); }; + CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey = function(s) { + var {c, i, s, upper, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = commonHeaderOnce.Do(initCommonHeader); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + upper = true; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (!validHeaderFieldByte(c)) { + $s = -1; return s; + } + if (upper && 97 <= c && c <= 122) { + $s = -1; return canonicalMIMEHeaderKey((new sliceType($stringToBytes(s)))); + } + if (!upper && 65 <= c && c <= 90) { + $s = -1; return canonicalMIMEHeaderKey((new sliceType($stringToBytes(s)))); + } + upper = c === 45; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return s; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey, $c: true, $r, c, i, s, upper, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey = CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey; + validHeaderFieldByte = function(b) { + var b; + return ((b >> 0)) < 127 && ((b < 0 || b >= isTokenTable.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : isTokenTable[b]); + }; + canonicalMIMEHeaderKey = function(a) { + var _entry, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, a, c, c$1, i, upper, v; + _ref = a; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (validHeaderFieldByte(c)) { + _i++; + continue; + } + return ($bytesToString(a)); + } + upper = true; + _ref$1 = a; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i = _i$1; + c$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (upper && 97 <= c$1 && c$1 <= 122) { + c$1 = c$1 - (32) << 24 >>> 24; + } else if (!upper && 65 <= c$1 && c$1 <= 90) { + c$1 = c$1 + (32) << 24 >>> 24; + } + ((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = c$1); + upper = c$1 === 45; + _i$1++; + } + v = (_entry = commonHeader[$String.keyFor(($bytesToString(a)))], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""); + if (!(v === "")) { + return v; + } + return ($bytesToString(a)); + }; + initCommonHeader = function() { + var _i, _key, _ref, v; + commonHeader = {}; + _ref = new sliceType$2(["Accept", "Accept-Charset", "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Language", "Accept-Ranges", "Cache-Control", "Cc", "Connection", "Content-Id", "Content-Language", "Content-Length", "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "Content-Type", "Cookie", "Date", "Dkim-Signature", "Etag", "Expires", "From", "Host", "If-Modified-Since", "If-None-Match", "In-Reply-To", "Last-Modified", "Location", "Message-Id", "Mime-Version", "Pragma", "Received", "Return-Path", "Server", "Set-Cookie", "Subject", "To", "User-Agent", "Via", "X-Forwarded-For", "X-Imforwards", "X-Powered-By"]); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _key = v; (commonHeader || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + _i++; + } + }; + MIMEHeader.prototype.Add = function(key, value) { + var {_entry, _key, _r, h, key, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + _r = CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r; + _key = key; (h || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $append((_entry = h[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil), value) }; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MIMEHeader.prototype.Add, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _r, h, key, value, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(MIMEHeader).prototype.Add = function(key, value) { return new MIMEHeader(this.$get()).Add(key, value); }; + MIMEHeader.prototype.Set = function(key, value) { + var {_key, _r, h, key, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + _r = CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = _r; (h || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new sliceType$2([value]) }; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MIMEHeader.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, _key, _r, h, key, value, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(MIMEHeader).prototype.Set = function(key, value) { return new MIMEHeader(this.$get()).Set(key, value); }; + MIMEHeader.prototype.Get = function(key) { + var {_entry, _r, h, key, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + if (h === false) { + $s = -1; return ""; + } + _r = CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = (_entry = h[$String.keyFor(_r)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (v.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return ""; + } + $s = -1; return (0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0]); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MIMEHeader.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, h, key, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(MIMEHeader).prototype.Get = function(key) { return new MIMEHeader(this.$get()).Get(key); }; + MIMEHeader.prototype.Values = function(key) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r, h, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + if (h === false) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$2.nil; + } + _r = CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = (_entry = h[$String.keyFor(_r)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MIMEHeader.prototype.Values, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r, h, key, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(MIMEHeader).prototype.Values = function(key) { return new MIMEHeader(this.$get()).Values(key); }; + MIMEHeader.prototype.Del = function(key) { + var {_r, h, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + _r = CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delete h[$String.keyFor(_r)]; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MIMEHeader.prototype.Del, $c: true, $r, _r, h, key, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(MIMEHeader).prototype.Del = function(key) { return new MIMEHeader(this.$get()).Del(key); }; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ProtocolError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "ReadLine", name: "ReadLine", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadLineBytes", name: "ReadLineBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "readLineSlice", name: "readLineSlice", pkg: "net/textproto", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadContinuedLine", name: "ReadContinuedLine", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadContinuedLineBytes", name: "ReadContinuedLineBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "readContinuedLineSlice", name: "readContinuedLineSlice", pkg: "net/textproto", typ: $funcType([funcType], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "skipSpace", name: "skipSpace", pkg: "net/textproto", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "readCodeLine", name: "readCodeLine", pkg: "net/textproto", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int, $Bool, $String, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadCodeLine", name: "ReadCodeLine", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int, $String, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadResponse", name: "ReadResponse", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int, $String, $error], false)}, {prop: "DotReader", name: "DotReader", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [io.Reader], false)}, {prop: "closeDot", name: "closeDot", pkg: "net/textproto", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ReadDotBytes", name: "ReadDotBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadDotLines", name: "ReadDotLines", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$2, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadMIMEHeader", name: "ReadMIMEHeader", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [MIMEHeader, $error], false)}, {prop: "upcomingHeaderNewlines", name: "upcomingHeaderNewlines", pkg: "net/textproto", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + MIMEHeader.methods = [{prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Values", name: "Values", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "Del", name: "Del", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}]; + Error.init("", [{prop: "Code", name: "Code", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Msg", name: "Msg", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Reader.init("net/textproto", [{prop: "R", name: "R", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "dot", name: "dot", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + dotReader.init("net/textproto", [{prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + MIMEHeader.init($String, sliceType$2); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bufio.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = net.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + commonHeader = false; + commonHeaderOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + colon = (new sliceType($stringToBytes(":"))); + nl = (new sliceType($stringToBytes("\n"))); + isTokenTable = $toNativeArray($kindBool, [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false, true]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["mime/multipart"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bufio, bytes, rand, errors, fmt, io, math, mime, quotedprintable, textproto, os, filepath, sort, strings, Part, stickyErrorReader, partReader, Reader, Form, FileHeader, File, sectionReadCloser, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, sliceType$3, ptrType$6, sliceType$4, mapType, ptrType$7, mapType$1, mapType$2, ptrType$8, quoteEscaper, emptyParams, NewReader, newPart, scanUntilBoundary, matchAfterPrefix, skipLWSPChar; + bufio = $packages["bufio"]; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + rand = $packages["crypto/rand"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + mime = $packages["mime"]; + quotedprintable = $packages["mime/quotedprintable"]; + textproto = $packages["net/textproto"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + filepath = $packages["path/filepath"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + Part = $pkg.Part = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "multipart.Part", true, "mime/multipart", true, function(Header_, mr_, disposition_, dispositionParams_, r_, n_, total_, err_, readErr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Header = false; + this.mr = ptrType$4.nil; + this.disposition = ""; + this.dispositionParams = false; + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.n = 0; + this.total = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.readErr = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Header = Header_; + this.mr = mr_; + this.disposition = disposition_; + this.dispositionParams = dispositionParams_; + this.r = r_; + this.n = n_; + this.total = total_; + this.err = err_; + this.readErr = readErr_; + }); + stickyErrorReader = $pkg.stickyErrorReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "multipart.stickyErrorReader", true, "mime/multipart", false, function(r_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.r = r_; + this.err = err_; + }); + partReader = $pkg.partReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "multipart.partReader", true, "mime/multipart", false, function(p_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.p = ptrType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.p = p_; + }); + Reader = $pkg.Reader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "multipart.Reader", true, "mime/multipart", true, function(bufReader_, currentPart_, partsRead_, nl_, nlDashBoundary_, dashBoundaryDash_, dashBoundary_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.bufReader = ptrType$2.nil; + this.currentPart = ptrType$3.nil; + this.partsRead = 0; + this.nl = sliceType$1.nil; + this.nlDashBoundary = sliceType$1.nil; + this.dashBoundaryDash = sliceType$1.nil; + this.dashBoundary = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.bufReader = bufReader_; + this.currentPart = currentPart_; + this.partsRead = partsRead_; + this.nl = nl_; + this.nlDashBoundary = nlDashBoundary_; + this.dashBoundaryDash = dashBoundaryDash_; + this.dashBoundary = dashBoundary_; + }); + Form = $pkg.Form = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "multipart.Form", true, "mime/multipart", true, function(Value_, File_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Value = false; + this.File = false; + return; + } + this.Value = Value_; + this.File = File_; + }); + FileHeader = $pkg.FileHeader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "multipart.FileHeader", true, "mime/multipart", true, function(Filename_, Header_, Size_, content_, tmpfile_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Filename = ""; + this.Header = false; + this.Size = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.content = sliceType$1.nil; + this.tmpfile = ""; + return; + } + this.Filename = Filename_; + this.Header = Header_; + this.Size = Size_; + this.content = content_; + this.tmpfile = tmpfile_; + }); + File = $pkg.File = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "multipart.File", true, "mime/multipart", true, null); + sectionReadCloser = $pkg.sectionReadCloser = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "multipart.sectionReadCloser", true, "mime/multipart", false, function(SectionReader_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.SectionReader = ptrType$8.nil; + return; + } + this.SectionReader = SectionReader_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(bufio.Reader); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(Part); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(Reader); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(Form); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(io.Reader); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(FileHeader); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(ptrType$6); + mapType = $mapType($String, $String); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(stickyErrorReader); + mapType$1 = $mapType($String, sliceType); + mapType$2 = $mapType($String, sliceType$4); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(io.SectionReader); + Part.ptr.prototype.FormName = function() { + var {_entry, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + /* */ if (p.dispositionParams === false) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p.dispositionParams === false) { */ case 1: + $r = p.parseContentDisposition(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + if (!(p.disposition === "form-data")) { + $s = -1; return ""; + } + $s = -1; return (_entry = p.dispositionParams[$String.keyFor("name")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Part.ptr.prototype.FormName, $c: true, $r, _entry, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Part.prototype.FormName = function() { return this.$val.FormName(); }; + Part.ptr.prototype.FileName = function() { + var {_entry, filename, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + /* */ if (p.dispositionParams === false) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p.dispositionParams === false) { */ case 1: + $r = p.parseContentDisposition(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + filename = (_entry = p.dispositionParams[$String.keyFor("filename")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""); + if (filename === "") { + $s = -1; return ""; + } + $s = -1; return filepath.Base(filename); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Part.ptr.prototype.FileName, $c: true, $r, _entry, filename, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Part.prototype.FileName = function() { return this.$val.FileName(); }; + Part.ptr.prototype.parseContentDisposition = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, err, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = new textproto.MIMEHeader(p.Header).Get("Content-Disposition"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$1 = mime.ParseMediaType(v); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + p.disposition = _tuple[0]; + p.dispositionParams = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + p.dispositionParams = emptyParams; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Part.ptr.prototype.parseContentDisposition, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, err, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Part.prototype.parseContentDisposition = function() { return this.$val.parseContentDisposition(); }; + NewReader = function(r, boundary) { + var b, boundary, r; + b = (new sliceType$1($stringToBytes("\r\n--" + boundary + "--"))); + return new Reader.ptr(bufio.NewReaderSize(new stickyErrorReader.ptr(r, $ifaceNil), 4096), ptrType$3.nil, 0, $subslice(b, 0, 2), $subslice(b, 0, (b.$length - 2 >> 0)), $subslice(b, 2), $subslice(b, 2, (b.$length - 2 >> 0))); + }; + $pkg.NewReader = NewReader; + stickyErrorReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, n, p, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + _ = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = r.err; + n = _tmp; + _ = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, _]; + } + _r = r.r.Read(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + r.err = _tuple[1]; + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = r.err; + n = _tmp$2; + _ = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, _]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stickyErrorReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, n, p, r, $s};return $f; + }; + stickyErrorReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + newPart = function(mr, rawPart) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, bp, err, mr, rawPart, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {mr, rawPart}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + bp = new Part.ptr({}, mr, "", false, $ifaceNil, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil); + _r = bp.populateHeaders(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, err]; + } + bp.r = (x = new partReader.ptr(bp), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + /* */ if (!rawPart) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!rawPart) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = new textproto.MIMEHeader(bp.Header).Get("Content-Transfer-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = strings.EqualFold(_r$1, "quoted-printable"); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r$2) { */ case 4: + $r = new textproto.MIMEHeader(bp.Header).Del("Content-Transfer-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bp.r = quotedprintable.NewReader(bp.r); + /* } */ case 5: + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [bp, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newPart, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, bp, err, mr, rawPart, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Part.ptr.prototype.populateHeaders = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, bp, err, header, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + bp = this; + _r = textproto.NewReader(bp.mr.bufReader); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = _r; + _r$1 = r.ReadMIMEHeader(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + header = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + bp.Header = header; + } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Part.ptr.prototype.populateHeaders, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, bp, err, header, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Part.prototype.populateHeaders = function() { return this.$val.populateHeaders(); }; + Part.ptr.prototype.Read = function(d) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, d, err, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + p = this; + _r = p.r.Read(d); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Part.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, d, err, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Part.prototype.Read = function(d) { return this.$val.Read(d); }; + partReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(d) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, br, d, n, p, peek, pr, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + pr = this; + p = pr.p; + br = p.mr.bufReader; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!((p.n === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil))) { break; } */ if(!((p.n === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = br.Peek(br.Buffered()); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + peek = _tuple[0]; + _tuple$1 = scanUntilBoundary(peek, p.mr.dashBoundary, p.mr.nlDashBoundary, p.total, p.readErr); + p.n = _tuple$1[0]; + p.err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if ((p.n === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ((p.n === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = br.Peek(peek.$length + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$1; + p.readErr = _tuple$2[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(p.readErr, io.EOF)) { + p.readErr = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (p.n === 0) { + $s = -1; return [0, p.err]; + } + n = d.$length; + if (n > p.n) { + n = p.n; + } + _r$2 = br.Read($subslice(d, 0, n)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$3[0]; + p.total = (x = p.total, x$1 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low)); + p.n = p.n - (n) >> 0; + if (p.n === 0) { + $s = -1; return [n, p.err]; + } + $s = -1; return [n, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: partReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, br, d, n, p, peek, pr, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + partReader.prototype.Read = function(d) { return this.$val.Read(d); }; + scanUntilBoundary = function(buf, dashBoundary, nlDashBoundary, total, readErr) { + var _1, _2, buf, dashBoundary, i, i$1, nlDashBoundary, readErr, total; + if ((total.$high === 0 && total.$low === 0)) { + if (bytes.HasPrefix(buf, dashBoundary)) { + _1 = matchAfterPrefix(buf, dashBoundary, readErr); + if (_1 === (-1)) { + return [dashBoundary.$length, $ifaceNil]; + } else if (_1 === (0)) { + return [0, $ifaceNil]; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return [0, io.EOF]; + } + } + if (bytes.HasPrefix(dashBoundary, buf)) { + return [0, readErr]; + } + } + i = bytes.Index(buf, nlDashBoundary); + if (i >= 0) { + _2 = matchAfterPrefix($subslice(buf, i), nlDashBoundary, readErr); + if (_2 === (-1)) { + return [i + nlDashBoundary.$length >> 0, $ifaceNil]; + } else if (_2 === (0)) { + return [i, $ifaceNil]; + } else if (_2 === (1)) { + return [i, io.EOF]; + } + } + if (bytes.HasPrefix(nlDashBoundary, buf)) { + return [0, readErr]; + } + i$1 = bytes.LastIndexByte(buf, (0 >= nlDashBoundary.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nlDashBoundary.$array[nlDashBoundary.$offset + 0])); + if (i$1 >= 0 && bytes.HasPrefix(nlDashBoundary, $subslice(buf, i$1))) { + return [i$1, $ifaceNil]; + } + return [buf.$length, readErr]; + }; + matchAfterPrefix = function(buf, prefix, readErr) { + var buf, c, prefix, readErr, x; + if (buf.$length === prefix.$length) { + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(readErr, $ifaceNil))) { + return 1; + } + return 0; + } + c = (x = prefix.$length, ((x < 0 || x >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + x])); + if ((c === 32) || (c === 9) || (c === 13) || (c === 10) || (c === 45)) { + return 1; + } + return -1; + }; + Part.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = io.Copy(io.Discard, p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Part.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r, p, $s};return $f; + }; + Part.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.NextPart = function() { + var {$24r, _r, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.nextPart(false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.NextPart, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.NextPart = function() { return this.$val.NextPart(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.NextRawPart = function() { + var {$24r, _r, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.nextPart(true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.NextRawPart, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.NextRawPart = function() { return this.$val.NextRawPart(); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.nextPart = function(rawPart) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, bp, err, err$1, expectNewPart, line, r, rawPart, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rawPart}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* */ if (!(r.currentPart === ptrType$3.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(r.currentPart === ptrType$3.nil)) { */ case 1: + _r = r.currentPart.Close(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (($bytesToString(r.dashBoundary)) === "--") { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (($bytesToString(r.dashBoundary)) === "--") { */ case 4: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("multipart: boundary is empty", new sliceType$2([])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$3.nil, _r$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + expectNewPart = false; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = r.bufReader.ReadSlice(10); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + line = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF) && r.isFinalBoundary(line)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, io.EOF]; + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 11: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("multipart: NextPart: %v", new sliceType$2([err])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [ptrType$3.nil, _r$3]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 12: + /* */ if (r.isBoundaryDelimiterLine(line)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (r.isBoundaryDelimiterLine(line)) { */ case 15: + r.partsRead = r.partsRead + (1) >> 0; + _r$4 = newPart(r, rawPart); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + bp = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, err$1]; + } + r.currentPart = bp; + $s = -1; return [bp, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 16: + if (r.isFinalBoundary(line)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, io.EOF]; + } + /* */ if (expectNewPart) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (expectNewPart) { */ case 18: + _r$5 = fmt.Errorf("multipart: expecting a new Part; got line %q", new sliceType$2([new $String(($bytesToString(line)))])); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [ptrType$3.nil, _r$5]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 19: + if (r.partsRead === 0) { + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if (bytes.Equal(line, r.nl)) { + expectNewPart = true; + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + _r$6 = fmt.Errorf("multipart: unexpected line in Next(): %q", new sliceType$2([line])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [ptrType$3.nil, _r$6]; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r$3; + case 9: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$3.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.nextPart, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, bp, err, err$1, expectNewPart, line, r, rawPart, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.nextPart = function(rawPart) { return this.$val.nextPart(rawPart); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.isFinalBoundary = function(line) { + var line, mr, rest; + mr = this; + if (!bytes.HasPrefix(line, mr.dashBoundaryDash)) { + return false; + } + rest = $subslice(line, mr.dashBoundaryDash.$length); + rest = skipLWSPChar(rest); + return (rest.$length === 0) || bytes.Equal(rest, mr.nl); + }; + Reader.prototype.isFinalBoundary = function(line) { return this.$val.isFinalBoundary(line); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.isBoundaryDelimiterLine = function(line) { + var line, mr, rest, ret; + ret = false; + mr = this; + if (!bytes.HasPrefix(line, mr.dashBoundary)) { + ret = false; + return ret; + } + rest = $subslice(line, mr.dashBoundary.$length); + rest = skipLWSPChar(rest); + if ((mr.partsRead === 0) && (rest.$length === 1) && ((0 >= rest.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : rest.$array[rest.$offset + 0]) === 10)) { + mr.nl = $subslice(mr.nl, 1); + mr.nlDashBoundary = $subslice(mr.nlDashBoundary, 1); + } + ret = bytes.Equal(rest, mr.nl); + return ret; + }; + Reader.prototype.isBoundaryDelimiterLine = function(line) { return this.$val.isBoundaryDelimiterLine(line); }; + skipLWSPChar = function(b) { + var b; + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0 && (((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 32) || ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 9)))) { break; } + b = $subslice(b, 1); + } + return b; + }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadForm = function(maxMemory) { + var {$24r, _r, maxMemory, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {maxMemory}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r = r.readForm(maxMemory); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.ReadForm, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, maxMemory, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Reader.prototype.ReadForm = function(maxMemory) { return this.$val.ReadForm(maxMemory); }; + Reader.ptr.prototype.readForm = function(maxMemory) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, cerr, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, fh, file, filename, form, maxMemory, maxValueBytes, n, n$1, name, p, r, size, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {maxMemory}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + err = [err]; + form = [form]; + _ = ptrType$5.nil; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + form[0] = new Form.ptr({}, {}); + $deferred.push([(function(err, form) { return function $b() { + var {_r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r = form[0].RemoveAll(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; })(err, form), []]); + maxValueBytes = new $Int64(maxMemory.$high + 0, maxMemory.$low + 10485760); + if ((maxValueBytes.$high < 0 || (maxValueBytes.$high === 0 && maxValueBytes.$low <= 0))) { + if ((maxMemory.$high < 0 || (maxMemory.$high === 0 && maxMemory.$low < 0))) { + maxValueBytes = new $Int64(0, 0); + } else { + maxValueBytes = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + } + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + b = [b]; + _r = r.NextPart(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, io.EOF)) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _tmp = ptrType$5.nil; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + _ = _tmp; + err[0] = _tmp$1; + $24r = [_, err[0]]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$1 = p.FormName(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r$1; + if (name === "") { + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r$2 = p.FileName(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + filename = _r$2; + b[0] = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0, 0); + /* */ if (filename === "") { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (filename === "") { */ case 9: + _r$3 = io.CopyN(b[0], p, new $Int64(maxValueBytes.$high + 0, maxValueBytes.$low + 1)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, io.EOF))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, io.EOF))) { */ case 12: + _tmp$2 = ptrType$5.nil; + _tmp$3 = err$2; + _ = _tmp$2; + err[0] = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [_, err[0]]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 13: + maxValueBytes = (x = n, new $Int64(maxValueBytes.$high - x.$high, maxValueBytes.$low - x.$low)); + /* */ if ((maxValueBytes.$high < 0 || (maxValueBytes.$high === 0 && maxValueBytes.$low < 0))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ((maxValueBytes.$high < 0 || (maxValueBytes.$high === 0 && maxValueBytes.$low < 0))) { */ case 15: + _tmp$4 = ptrType$5.nil; + _tmp$5 = $pkg.ErrMessageTooLarge; + _ = _tmp$4; + err[0] = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [_, err[0]]; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 16: + _key = name; (form[0].Value || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $append((_entry = form[0].Value[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType.nil), b[0].String()) }; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 10: + fh = new FileHeader.ptr(filename, p.Header, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$1.nil, ""); + _r$4 = io.CopyN(b[0], p, new $Int64(maxMemory.$high + 0, maxMemory.$low + 1)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + n$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, io.EOF))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, io.EOF))) { */ case 19: + _tmp$6 = ptrType$5.nil; + _tmp$7 = err$1; + _ = _tmp$6; + err[0] = _tmp$7; + $24r$3 = [_, err[0]]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 20: + /* */ if ((n$1.$high > maxMemory.$high || (n$1.$high === maxMemory.$high && n$1.$low > maxMemory.$low))) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if ((n$1.$high > maxMemory.$high || (n$1.$high === maxMemory.$high && n$1.$low > maxMemory.$low))) { */ case 22: + _r$5 = os.CreateTemp("", "multipart-"); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$5; + file = _tuple$3[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 26: + _tmp$8 = ptrType$5.nil; + _tmp$9 = err$3; + _ = _tmp$8; + err[0] = _tmp$9; + $24r$4 = [_, err[0]]; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 27: + _r$6 = io.Copy(file, io.MultiReader(new sliceType$3([b[0], p]))); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$6; + size = _tuple$4[0]; + err$3 = _tuple$4[1]; + _r$7 = file.Close(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cerr = _r$7; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil)) { + err$3 = cerr; + } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 31: + _r$8 = os.Remove(file.Name()); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _tmp$10 = ptrType$5.nil; + _tmp$11 = err$3; + _ = _tmp$10; + err[0] = _tmp$11; + $24r$5 = [_, err[0]]; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 32: + fh.tmpfile = file.Name(); + fh.Size = size; + $s = 24; continue; + /* } else { */ case 23: + fh.content = b[0].Bytes(); + fh.Size = (new $Int64(0, fh.content.$length)); + maxMemory = (x$1 = n$1, new $Int64(maxMemory.$high - x$1.$high, maxMemory.$low - x$1.$low)); + maxValueBytes = (x$2 = n$1, new $Int64(maxValueBytes.$high - x$2.$high, maxValueBytes.$low - x$2.$low)); + /* } */ case 24: + _key$1 = name; (form[0].File || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $append((_entry$1 = form[0].File[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$4.nil), fh) }; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _tmp$12 = form[0]; + _tmp$13 = $ifaceNil; + _ = _tmp$12; + err[0] = _tmp$13; + $24r$6 = [_, err[0]]; + $s = 35; case 35: return $24r$6; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [_, err[0]]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Reader.ptr.prototype.readForm, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, cerr, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, fh, file, filename, form, maxMemory, maxValueBytes, n, n$1, name, p, r, size, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Reader.prototype.readForm = function(maxMemory) { return this.$val.readForm(maxMemory); }; + Form.ptr.prototype.RemoveAll = function() { + var {_entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r, _ref, _ref$1, e, err, f, fh, fhs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = f.File; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + fhs = _entry.v; + _ref$1 = fhs; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + fh = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + /* */ if (!(fh.tmpfile === "")) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(fh.tmpfile === "")) { */ case 5: + _r = os.Remove(fh.tmpfile); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = e; + } + /* } */ case 6: + _i$1++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.ptr.prototype.RemoveAll, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r, _ref, _ref$1, e, err, f, fh, fhs, $s};return $f; + }; + Form.prototype.RemoveAll = function() { return this.$val.RemoveAll(); }; + FileHeader.ptr.prototype.Open = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _returncast, b, fh, r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fh = this; + b = fh.content; + if (!(b === sliceType$1.nil)) { + r = io.NewSectionReader(bytes.NewReader(b), new $Int64(0, 0), (new $Int64(0, b.$length))); + $s = -1; return [(x = new sectionReadCloser.ptr(r), new x.constructor.elem(x)), $ifaceNil]; + } + _r = os.Open(fh.tmpfile); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _returncast = _r; + $24r = [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FileHeader.ptr.prototype.Open, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _returncast, b, fh, r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + FileHeader.prototype.Open = function() { return this.$val.Open(); }; + sectionReadCloser.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var rc; + rc = this; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + sectionReadCloser.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "FormName", name: "FormName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "FileName", name: "FileName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "parseContentDisposition", name: "parseContentDisposition", pkg: "mime/multipart", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "populateHeaders", name: "populateHeaders", pkg: "mime/multipart", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + partReader.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "NextPart", name: "NextPart", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "NextRawPart", name: "NextRawPart", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "nextPart", name: "nextPart", pkg: "mime/multipart", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [ptrType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "isFinalBoundary", name: "isFinalBoundary", pkg: "mime/multipart", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "isBoundaryDelimiterLine", name: "isBoundaryDelimiterLine", pkg: "mime/multipart", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadForm", name: "ReadForm", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [ptrType$5, $error], false)}, {prop: "readForm", name: "readForm", pkg: "mime/multipart", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [ptrType$5, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "RemoveAll", name: "RemoveAll", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "Open", name: "Open", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [File, $error], false)}]; + sectionReadCloser.methods = [{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + Part.init("mime/multipart", [{prop: "Header", name: "Header", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: textproto.MIMEHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "mr", name: "mr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "disposition", name: "disposition", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "dispositionParams", name: "dispositionParams", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "n", name: "n", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "total", name: "total", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "readErr", name: "readErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + stickyErrorReader.init("mime/multipart", [{prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + partReader.init("mime/multipart", [{prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}]); + Reader.init("mime/multipart", [{prop: "bufReader", name: "bufReader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "currentPart", name: "currentPart", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "partsRead", name: "partsRead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "nl", name: "nl", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "nlDashBoundary", name: "nlDashBoundary", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "dashBoundaryDash", name: "dashBoundaryDash", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "dashBoundary", name: "dashBoundary", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + Form.init("", [{prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: mapType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "File", name: "File", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: mapType$2, tag: ""}]); + FileHeader.init("mime/multipart", [{prop: "Filename", name: "Filename", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Header", name: "Header", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: textproto.MIMEHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "content", name: "content", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "tmpfile", name: "tmpfile", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + File.init([{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadAt", name: "ReadAt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Seek", name: "Seek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int], [$Int64, $error], false)}]); + sectionReadCloser.init("", [{prop: "SectionReader", name: "SectionReader", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ptrType$8, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bufio.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rand.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = mime.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = quotedprintable.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = textproto.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = filepath.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + quoteEscaper = strings.NewReplacer(new sliceType(["\\", "\\\\", "\"", "\\\""])); + emptyParams = {}; + $pkg.ErrMessageTooLarge = errors.New("multipart: message too large"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["net/http/httptrace"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, context, tls, nettrace, net, textproto, reflect, time, clientEventContextKey, ClientTrace, WroteRequestInfo, DNSStartInfo, DNSDoneInfo, GotConnInfo, ptrType, sliceType, funcType, funcType$1, funcType$2, funcType$3, funcType$4, funcType$5, funcType$6, funcType$7, funcType$8, funcType$9, sliceType$1, funcType$10, funcType$11, ContextClientTrace; + context = $packages["context"]; + tls = $packages["crypto/tls"]; + nettrace = $packages["internal/nettrace"]; + net = $packages["net"]; + textproto = $packages["net/textproto"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + clientEventContextKey = $pkg.clientEventContextKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httptrace.clientEventContextKey", true, "net/http/httptrace", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + ClientTrace = $pkg.ClientTrace = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httptrace.ClientTrace", true, "net/http/httptrace", true, function(GetConn_, GotConn_, PutIdleConn_, GotFirstResponseByte_, Got100Continue_, Got1xxResponse_, DNSStart_, DNSDone_, ConnectStart_, ConnectDone_, TLSHandshakeStart_, TLSHandshakeDone_, WroteHeaderField_, WroteHeaders_, Wait100Continue_, WroteRequest_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.GetConn = $throwNilPointerError; + this.GotConn = $throwNilPointerError; + this.PutIdleConn = $throwNilPointerError; + this.GotFirstResponseByte = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Got100Continue = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Got1xxResponse = $throwNilPointerError; + this.DNSStart = $throwNilPointerError; + this.DNSDone = $throwNilPointerError; + this.ConnectStart = $throwNilPointerError; + this.ConnectDone = $throwNilPointerError; + this.TLSHandshakeStart = $throwNilPointerError; + this.TLSHandshakeDone = $throwNilPointerError; + this.WroteHeaderField = $throwNilPointerError; + this.WroteHeaders = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Wait100Continue = $throwNilPointerError; + this.WroteRequest = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.GetConn = GetConn_; + this.GotConn = GotConn_; + this.PutIdleConn = PutIdleConn_; + this.GotFirstResponseByte = GotFirstResponseByte_; + this.Got100Continue = Got100Continue_; + this.Got1xxResponse = Got1xxResponse_; + this.DNSStart = DNSStart_; + this.DNSDone = DNSDone_; + this.ConnectStart = ConnectStart_; + this.ConnectDone = ConnectDone_; + this.TLSHandshakeStart = TLSHandshakeStart_; + this.TLSHandshakeDone = TLSHandshakeDone_; + this.WroteHeaderField = WroteHeaderField_; + this.WroteHeaders = WroteHeaders_; + this.Wait100Continue = Wait100Continue_; + this.WroteRequest = WroteRequest_; + }); + WroteRequestInfo = $pkg.WroteRequestInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httptrace.WroteRequestInfo", true, "net/http/httptrace", true, function(Err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Err = Err_; + }); + DNSStartInfo = $pkg.DNSStartInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httptrace.DNSStartInfo", true, "net/http/httptrace", true, function(Host_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Host = ""; + return; + } + this.Host = Host_; + }); + DNSDoneInfo = $pkg.DNSDoneInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httptrace.DNSDoneInfo", true, "net/http/httptrace", true, function(Addrs_, Err_, Coalesced_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Addrs = sliceType.nil; + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + this.Coalesced = false; + return; + } + this.Addrs = Addrs_; + this.Err = Err_; + this.Coalesced = Coalesced_; + }); + GotConnInfo = $pkg.GotConnInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httptrace.GotConnInfo", true, "net/http/httptrace", true, function(Conn_, Reused_, WasIdle_, IdleTime_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Conn = $ifaceNil; + this.Reused = false; + this.WasIdle = false; + this.IdleTime = new time.Duration(0, 0); + return; + } + this.Conn = Conn_; + this.Reused = Reused_; + this.WasIdle = WasIdle_; + this.IdleTime = IdleTime_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(ClientTrace); + sliceType = $sliceType(net.IPAddr); + funcType = $funcType([$String], [], false); + funcType$1 = $funcType([GotConnInfo], [], false); + funcType$2 = $funcType([$error], [], false); + funcType$3 = $funcType([], [], false); + funcType$4 = $funcType([$Int, textproto.MIMEHeader], [$error], false); + funcType$5 = $funcType([DNSStartInfo], [], false); + funcType$6 = $funcType([DNSDoneInfo], [], false); + funcType$7 = $funcType([$String, $String], [], false); + funcType$8 = $funcType([$String, $String, $error], [], false); + funcType$9 = $funcType([tls.ConnectionState, $error], [], false); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($String); + funcType$10 = $funcType([$String, sliceType$1], [], false); + funcType$11 = $funcType([WroteRequestInfo], [], false); + ContextClientTrace = function(ctx) { + var {_r, _tuple, ctx, trace, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = ctx.Value((x = new clientEventContextKey.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r, ptrType, true); + trace = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return trace; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ContextClientTrace, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, ctx, trace, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ContextClientTrace = ContextClientTrace; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "compose", name: "compose", pkg: "net/http/httptrace", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}, {prop: "hasNetHooks", name: "hasNetHooks", pkg: "net/http/httptrace", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + clientEventContextKey.init("", []); + ClientTrace.init("", [{prop: "GetConn", name: "GetConn", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "GotConn", name: "GotConn", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "PutIdleConn", name: "PutIdleConn", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "GotFirstResponseByte", name: "GotFirstResponseByte", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "Got100Continue", name: "Got100Continue", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "Got1xxResponse", name: "Got1xxResponse", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "DNSStart", name: "DNSStart", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "DNSDone", name: "DNSDone", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "ConnectStart", name: "ConnectStart", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "ConnectDone", name: "ConnectDone", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLSHandshakeStart", name: "TLSHandshakeStart", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLSHandshakeDone", name: "TLSHandshakeDone", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "WroteHeaderField", name: "WroteHeaderField", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "WroteHeaders", name: "WroteHeaders", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "Wait100Continue", name: "Wait100Continue", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "WroteRequest", name: "WroteRequest", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$11, tag: ""}]); + WroteRequestInfo.init("", [{prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + DNSStartInfo.init("", [{prop: "Host", name: "Host", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + DNSDoneInfo.init("", [{prop: "Addrs", name: "Addrs", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "Coalesced", name: "Coalesced", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + GotConnInfo.init("", [{prop: "Conn", name: "Conn", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}, {prop: "Reused", name: "Reused", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "WasIdle", name: "WasIdle", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IdleTime", name: "IdleTime", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = context.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = tls.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = nettrace.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = net.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = textproto.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["net/http/internal"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bufio, bytes, errors, fmt, io, chunkedReader, chunkedWriter, FlushAfterChunkWriter, sliceType, ptrType, arrayType, sliceType$1, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, semi, NewChunkedReader, readChunkLine, trimTrailingWhitespace, isASCIISpace, removeChunkExtension, NewChunkedWriter, parseHexUint; + bufio = $packages["bufio"]; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + chunkedReader = $pkg.chunkedReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "internal.chunkedReader", true, "net/http/internal", false, function(r_, n_, err_, buf_, checkEnd_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.r = ptrType.nil; + this.n = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.buf = arrayType.zero(); + this.checkEnd = false; + return; + } + this.r = r_; + this.n = n_; + this.err = err_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.checkEnd = checkEnd_; + }); + chunkedWriter = $pkg.chunkedWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "internal.chunkedWriter", true, "net/http/internal", false, function(Wire_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Wire = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Wire = Wire_; + }); + FlushAfterChunkWriter = $pkg.FlushAfterChunkWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "internal.FlushAfterChunkWriter", true, "net/http/internal", true, function(Writer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Writer = ptrType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.Writer = Writer_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(bufio.Reader); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 2); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(FlushAfterChunkWriter); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(chunkedReader); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(chunkedWriter); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(bufio.Writer); + NewChunkedReader = function(r) { + var _tuple, br, ok, r; + _tuple = $assertType(r, ptrType, true); + br = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + br = bufio.NewReader(r); + } + return new chunkedReader.ptr(br, new $Uint64(0, 0), $ifaceNil, arrayType.zero(), false); + }; + $pkg.NewChunkedReader = NewChunkedReader; + chunkedReader.ptr.prototype.beginChunk = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, cr, line, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cr = this; + line = sliceType.nil; + _r = readChunkLine(cr.r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + line = _tuple[0]; + cr.err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cr.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _tuple$1 = parseHexUint(line); + cr.n = _tuple$1[0]; + cr.err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cr.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if ((x = cr.n, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) { + cr.err = io.EOF; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chunkedReader.ptr.prototype.beginChunk, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, cr, line, x, $s};return $f; + }; + chunkedReader.prototype.beginChunk = function() { return this.$val.beginChunk(); }; + chunkedReader.ptr.prototype.chunkHeaderAvailable = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, cr, n, peek, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cr = this; + n = cr.r.Buffered(); + /* */ if (n > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (n > 0) { */ case 1: + _r = cr.r.Peek(n); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + peek = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return bytes.IndexByte(peek, 10) >= 0; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chunkedReader.ptr.prototype.chunkHeaderAvailable, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, cr, n, peek, $s};return $f; + }; + chunkedReader.prototype.chunkHeaderAvailable = function() { return this.$val.chunkHeaderAvailable(); }; + chunkedReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, b, cr, err, n, n0, rbuf, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + cr = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cr.err, $ifaceNil))) { break; } */ if(!($interfaceIsEqual(cr.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (cr.checkEnd) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (cr.checkEnd) { */ case 3: + if (n > 0 && cr.r.Buffered() < 2) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _r = io.ReadFull(cr.r, $subslice(new sliceType(cr.buf), 0, 2)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + cr.err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(cr.err, $ifaceNil)) { + if (!(($bytesToString(new sliceType(cr.buf))) === "\r\n")) { + cr.err = errors.New("malformed chunked encoding"); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + } else { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(cr.err, io.EOF)) { + cr.err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + cr.checkEnd = false; + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if ((x = cr.n, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ((x = cr.n, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) { */ case 6: + if (!(n > 0)) { _v = false; $s = 10; continue s; } + _r$1 = cr.chunkHeaderAvailable(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$1; case 10: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 8: + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 9: + $r = cr.beginChunk(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 7: + if (b.$length === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + rbuf = b; + if ((x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, rbuf.$length)), x$2 = cr.n, (x$1.$high > x$2.$high || (x$1.$high === x$2.$high && x$1.$low > x$2.$low)))) { + rbuf = $subslice(rbuf, 0, $flatten64(cr.n)); + } + n0 = 0; + _r$2 = cr.r.Read(rbuf); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + n0 = _tuple$1[0]; + cr.err = _tuple$1[1]; + n = n + (n0) >> 0; + b = $subslice(b, n0); + cr.n = (x$3 = cr.n, x$4 = (new $Uint64(0, n0)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high - x$4.$high, x$3.$low - x$4.$low)); + if ((x$5 = cr.n, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)) && $interfaceIsEqual(cr.err, $ifaceNil)) { + cr.checkEnd = true; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(cr.err, io.EOF)) { + cr.err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = cr.err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chunkedReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, b, cr, err, n, n0, rbuf, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + chunkedReader.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); }; + readChunkLine = function(b) { + var {_r, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = b.ReadSlice(10); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, bufio.ErrBufferFull)) { + err = $pkg.ErrLineTooLong; + } + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + if (p.$length >= 4096) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, $pkg.ErrLineTooLong]; + } + p = trimTrailingWhitespace(p); + _tuple$1 = removeChunkExtension(p); + p = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [p, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: readChunkLine, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, p, $s};return $f; + }; + trimTrailingWhitespace = function(b) { + var b, x; + while (true) { + if (!(b.$length > 0 && isASCIISpace((x = b.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x]))))) { break; } + b = $subslice(b, 0, (b.$length - 1 >> 0)); + } + return b; + }; + isASCIISpace = function(b) { + var b; + return (b === 32) || (b === 9) || (b === 10) || (b === 13); + }; + removeChunkExtension = function(p) { + var _tuple, p; + _tuple = bytes.Cut(p, semi); + p = _tuple[0]; + return [p, $ifaceNil]; + }; + NewChunkedWriter = function(w) { + var w; + return new chunkedWriter.ptr(w); + }; + $pkg.NewChunkedWriter = NewChunkedWriter; + chunkedWriter.ptr.prototype.Write = function(data) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, bw, cw, data, err, n, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + cw = this; + if (data.$length === 0) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r = fmt.Fprintf(cw.Wire, "%x\r\n", new sliceType$1([new $Int(data.$length)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$1 = cw.Wire.Write(data); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if (!((n === data.$length))) { + err = io.ErrShortWrite; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$2 = io.WriteString(cw.Wire, "\r\n"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _tuple$3 = $assertType(cw.Wire, ptrType$1, true); + bw = _tuple$3[0]; + ok = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 4: + _r$3 = bw.Writer.Flush(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chunkedWriter.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, bw, cw, data, err, n, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + chunkedWriter.prototype.Write = function(data) { return this.$val.Write(data); }; + chunkedWriter.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, cw, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cw = this; + _r = io.WriteString(cw.Wire, "0\r\n"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chunkedWriter.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, cw, err, $s};return $f; + }; + chunkedWriter.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + parseHexUint = function(v) { + var _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, b, err, i, n, v, x; + n = new $Uint64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (48 <= b && b <= 57) { + b = b - 48 << 24 >>> 24; + } else if (97 <= b && b <= 102) { + b = (b - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + } else if (65 <= b && b <= 70) { + b = (b - 65 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + } else { + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = errors.New("invalid byte in chunk length"); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + } + if (i === 16) { + _tmp$2 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$3 = errors.New("http chunk length too large"); + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, err]; + } + n = $shiftLeft64(n, (4)); + n = (x = (new $Uint64(0, b)), new $Uint64(n.$high | x.$high, (n.$low | x.$low) >>> 0)); + _i++; + } + return [n, err]; + }; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "beginChunk", name: "beginChunk", pkg: "net/http/internal", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "chunkHeaderAvailable", name: "chunkHeaderAvailable", pkg: "net/http/internal", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + chunkedReader.init("net/http/internal", [{prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "n", name: "n", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "checkEnd", name: "checkEnd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + chunkedWriter.init("", [{prop: "Wire", name: "Wire", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}]); + FlushAfterChunkWriter.init("", [{prop: "Writer", name: "Writer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bufio.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrLineTooLong = errors.New("header line too long"); + semi = (new sliceType($stringToBytes(";"))); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["net/http/internal/ascii"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, strings, unicode, EqualFold, lower, IsPrint, Is, ToLower; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + unicode = $packages["unicode"]; + EqualFold = function(s, t) { + var i, s, t; + if (!((s.length === t.length))) { + return false; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (!((lower(s.charCodeAt(i)) === lower(t.charCodeAt(i))))) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.EqualFold = EqualFold; + lower = function(b) { + var b; + if (65 <= b && b <= 90) { + return b + 32 << 24 >>> 24; + } + return b; + }; + IsPrint = function(s) { + var i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) < 32 || s.charCodeAt(i) > 126) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.IsPrint = IsPrint; + Is = function(s) { + var i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) > 127) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.Is = Is; + ToLower = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, lower$1, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + lower$1 = ""; + ok = false; + if (!IsPrint(s)) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = false; + lower$1 = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [lower$1, ok]; + } + _r = strings.ToLower(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r; + _tmp$3 = true; + lower$1 = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + $24r = [lower$1, ok]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ToLower, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, lower$1, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ToLower = ToLower; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = unicode.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, errors, io, utf8, errInconsistentByteCount, errShortInternal; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.ErrShortDst = errors.New("transform: short destination buffer"); + $pkg.ErrShortSrc = errors.New("transform: short source buffer"); + $pkg.ErrEndOfSpan = errors.New("transform: input and output are not identical"); + errInconsistentByteCount = errors.New("transform: inconsistent byte count returned"); + errShortInternal = errors.New("transform: short internal buffer"); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, list, fmt, log, sort, utf8, Class, bidiTrie, Properties, arrayType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType$4, bidiValues, bidiIndex, trie, controlByteToClass, newBidiTrie, LookupRune, Lookup, LookupString; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + list = $packages["container/list"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + log = $packages["log"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + Class = $pkg.Class = $newType(4, $kindUint, "bidi.Class", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", true, null); + bidiTrie = $pkg.bidiTrie = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "bidi.bidiTrie", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + Properties = $pkg.Properties = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "bidi.Properties", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", true, function(entry_, last_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.entry = 0; + this.last = 0; + return; + } + this.entry = entry_; + this.last = last_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 4); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(Class); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(bidiTrie); + newBidiTrie = function(i) { + var i; + return new bidiTrie.ptr(); + }; + bidiTrie.ptr.prototype.lookupValue = function(n, b) { + var b, n, t, x; + t = this; + return ((x = (n << 6 >>> 0) + ((b >>> 0)) >>> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= bidiValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiValues[x]))); + }; + bidiTrie.prototype.lookupValue = function(n, b) { return this.$val.lookupValue(n, b); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.Class = function() { + var c, p, x; + p = this; + c = ((((p.entry & 15) >>> 0) >>> 0)); + if (c === 14) { + c = (x = (p.last & 15) >>> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= controlByteToClass.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : controlByteToClass[x])); + } + return c; + }; + Properties.prototype.Class = function() { return this.$val.Class(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.IsBracket = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return !((((p.entry & 240) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + Properties.prototype.IsBracket = function() { return this.$val.IsBracket(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.IsOpeningBracket = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return !((((p.entry & 16) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + Properties.prototype.IsOpeningBracket = function() { return this.$val.IsOpeningBracket(); }; + LookupRune = function(r) { + var _tuple, buf, n, p, r, size; + p = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + size = 0; + buf = arrayType.zero(); + n = utf8.EncodeRune(new sliceType$1(buf), r); + _tuple = Lookup($subslice(new sliceType$1(buf), 0, n)); + Properties.copy(p, _tuple[0]); + size = _tuple[1]; + return [p, size]; + }; + $pkg.LookupRune = LookupRune; + Lookup = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c0, c1, c1$1, c1$2, c2, c2$1, c3, i, i$1, i$2, o, o$1, p, s, sz; + p = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + sz = 0; + c0 = (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]); + if (c0 < 128) { + _tmp = new Properties.ptr(((c0 < 0 || c0 >= bidiValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiValues[c0]), 0); + _tmp$1 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp); + sz = _tmp$1; + return [p, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 194) { + _tmp$2 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$3 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$2); + sz = _tmp$3; + return [p, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 224) { + if (s.$length < 2) { + _tmp$4 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$5 = 0; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$4); + sz = _tmp$5; + return [p, sz]; + } + i = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[c0]); + c1 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1 < 128 || 192 <= c1) { + _tmp$6 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$7 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$6); + sz = _tmp$7; + return [p, sz]; + } + _tmp$8 = new Properties.ptr(trie.lookupValue(((i >>> 0)), c1), 0); + _tmp$9 = 2; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$8); + sz = _tmp$9; + return [p, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 240) { + if (s.$length < 3) { + _tmp$10 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$11 = 0; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$10); + sz = _tmp$11; + return [p, sz]; + } + i$1 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[c0]); + c1$1 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1$1 < 128 || 192 <= c1$1) { + _tmp$12 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$13 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$12); + sz = _tmp$13; + return [p, sz]; + } + o = (((i$1 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$1 = ((o < 0 || o >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[o]); + c2 = (2 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 2]); + if (c2 < 128 || 192 <= c2) { + _tmp$14 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$15 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$14); + sz = _tmp$15; + return [p, sz]; + } + _tmp$16 = new Properties.ptr(trie.lookupValue(((i$1 >>> 0)), c2), c2); + _tmp$17 = 3; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$16); + sz = _tmp$17; + return [p, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 248) { + if (s.$length < 4) { + _tmp$18 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$19 = 0; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$18); + sz = _tmp$19; + return [p, sz]; + } + i$2 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[c0]); + c1$2 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1$2 < 128 || 192 <= c1$2) { + _tmp$20 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$21 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$20); + sz = _tmp$21; + return [p, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$2 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[o$1]); + c2$1 = (2 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 2]); + if (c2$1 < 128 || 192 <= c2$1) { + _tmp$22 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$23 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$22); + sz = _tmp$23; + return [p, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c2$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[o$1]); + c3 = (3 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 3]); + if (c3 < 128 || 192 <= c3) { + _tmp$24 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$25 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$24); + sz = _tmp$25; + return [p, sz]; + } + _tmp$26 = new Properties.ptr(trie.lookupValue(((i$2 >>> 0)), c3), 0); + _tmp$27 = 4; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$26); + sz = _tmp$27; + return [p, sz]; + } + _tmp$28 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$29 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$28); + sz = _tmp$29; + return [p, sz]; + }; + $pkg.Lookup = Lookup; + LookupString = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c0, c1, c1$1, c1$2, c2, c2$1, c3, i, i$1, i$2, o, o$1, p, s, sz; + p = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + sz = 0; + c0 = s.charCodeAt(0); + if (c0 < 128) { + _tmp = new Properties.ptr(((c0 < 0 || c0 >= bidiValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiValues[c0]), 0); + _tmp$1 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp); + sz = _tmp$1; + return [p, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 194) { + _tmp$2 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$3 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$2); + sz = _tmp$3; + return [p, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 224) { + if (s.length < 2) { + _tmp$4 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$5 = 0; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$4); + sz = _tmp$5; + return [p, sz]; + } + i = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[c0]); + c1 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1 < 128 || 192 <= c1) { + _tmp$6 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$7 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$6); + sz = _tmp$7; + return [p, sz]; + } + _tmp$8 = new Properties.ptr(trie.lookupValue(((i >>> 0)), c1), 0); + _tmp$9 = 2; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$8); + sz = _tmp$9; + return [p, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 240) { + if (s.length < 3) { + _tmp$10 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$11 = 0; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$10); + sz = _tmp$11; + return [p, sz]; + } + i$1 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[c0]); + c1$1 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1$1 < 128 || 192 <= c1$1) { + _tmp$12 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$13 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$12); + sz = _tmp$13; + return [p, sz]; + } + o = (((i$1 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$1 = ((o < 0 || o >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[o]); + c2 = s.charCodeAt(2); + if (c2 < 128 || 192 <= c2) { + _tmp$14 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$15 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$14); + sz = _tmp$15; + return [p, sz]; + } + _tmp$16 = new Properties.ptr(trie.lookupValue(((i$1 >>> 0)), c2), c2); + _tmp$17 = 3; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$16); + sz = _tmp$17; + return [p, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 248) { + if (s.length < 4) { + _tmp$18 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$19 = 0; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$18); + sz = _tmp$19; + return [p, sz]; + } + i$2 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[c0]); + c1$2 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1$2 < 128 || 192 <= c1$2) { + _tmp$20 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$21 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$20); + sz = _tmp$21; + return [p, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$2 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[o$1]); + c2$1 = s.charCodeAt(2); + if (c2$1 < 128 || 192 <= c2$1) { + _tmp$22 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$23 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$22); + sz = _tmp$23; + return [p, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c2$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= bidiIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bidiIndex[o$1]); + c3 = s.charCodeAt(3); + if (c3 < 128 || 192 <= c3) { + _tmp$24 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$25 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$24); + sz = _tmp$25; + return [p, sz]; + } + _tmp$26 = new Properties.ptr(trie.lookupValue(((i$2 >>> 0)), c3), 0); + _tmp$27 = 4; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$26); + sz = _tmp$27; + return [p, sz]; + } + _tmp$28 = new Properties.ptr(0, 0); + _tmp$29 = 1; + Properties.copy(p, _tmp$28); + sz = _tmp$29; + return [p, sz]; + }; + $pkg.LookupString = LookupString; + Class.methods = [{prop: "in$", name: "in", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [$Bool], true)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "lookup", name: "lookup", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Uint8, $Int], false)}, {prop: "lookupUnsafe", name: "lookupUnsafe", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "lookupString", name: "lookupString", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Uint8, $Int], false)}, {prop: "lookupStringUnsafe", name: "lookupStringUnsafe", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "lookupValue", name: "lookupValue", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Uint8], [$Uint8], false)}]; + Properties.methods = [{prop: "Class", name: "Class", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Class], false)}, {prop: "IsBracket", name: "IsBracket", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsOpeningBracket", name: "IsOpeningBracket", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "reverseBracket", name: "reverseBracket", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Int32], false)}]; + bidiTrie.init("", []); + Properties.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi", [{prop: "entry", name: "entry", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "last", name: "last", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = list.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = log.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bidiValues = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 8, 7, 8, 9, 7, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 58, 42, 10, 3, 6, 3, 6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 10, 74, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 10, 74, 10, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 7, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 6, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 4, 4, 2, 2, 10, 0, 10, 10, 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errors = $packages["errors"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + transform = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform"]; + bidi = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi"]; + ruleState = $pkg.ruleState = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "bidirule.ruleState", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule", false, null); + ruleTransition = $pkg.ruleTransition = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "bidirule.ruleTransition", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule", false, function(next_, mask_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.next = 0; + this.mask = 0; + return; + } + this.next = next_; + this.mask = mask_; + }); + Transformer = $pkg.Transformer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "bidirule.Transformer", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule", true, function(state_, hasRTL_, seen_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = 0; + this.hasRTL = false; + this.seen = 0; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.hasRTL = hasRTL_; + this.seen = seen_; + }); + arrayType = $arrayType(bidi.Properties, 128); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(ruleTransition, 2); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType = $ptrType(Transformer); + Transformer.ptr.prototype.isFinal = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return (t.state === 2) || (t.state === 4) || (t.state === 0); + }; + Transformer.prototype.isFinal = function() { return this.$val.isFinal(); }; + DirectionString = function(s) { + var _tuple, c, e, i, s, sz; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + _tuple = bidi.LookupString($substring(s, i)); + e = $clone(_tuple[0], bidi.Properties); + sz = _tuple[1]; + if (sz === 0) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + c = $clone(e, bidi.Properties).Class(); + if ((c === 1) || (c === 13) || (c === 5)) { + return 1; + } + i = i + (sz) >> 0; + } + return 0; + }; + $pkg.DirectionString = DirectionString; + ValidString = function(s) { + var _tuple, n, ok, s, t; + t = new Transformer.ptr(0, false, 0); + _tuple = t.advanceString(s); + n = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok || n < s.length) { + return false; + } + return t.isFinal(); + }; + $pkg.ValidString = ValidString; + Transformer.ptr.prototype.isRTL = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return !((((t.seen & 8226) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + Transformer.prototype.isRTL = function() { return this.$val.isRTL(); }; + Transformer.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var t; + t = this; + Transformer.copy(t, new Transformer.ptr(0, false, 0)); + }; + Transformer.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Transformer.ptr.prototype.Transform = function(dst, src, atEOF) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, atEOF, dst, err, err1, n, nDst, nSrc, src, t; + nDst = 0; + nSrc = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + t = this; + if (dst.$length < src.$length) { + src = $subslice(src, 0, dst.$length); + atEOF = false; + err = transform.ErrShortDst; + } + _tuple = t.Span(src, atEOF); + n = _tuple[0]; + err1 = _tuple[1]; + $copySlice(dst, $subslice(src, 0, n)); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) || !($interfaceIsEqual(err1, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err1, transform.ErrShortSrc))) { + err = err1; + } + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = n; + _tmp$2 = err; + nDst = _tmp; + nSrc = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [nDst, nSrc, err]; + }; + Transformer.prototype.Transform = function(dst, src, atEOF) { return this.$val.Transform(dst, src, atEOF); }; + Transformer.ptr.prototype.Span = function(src, atEOF) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, atEOF, err, n, ok, src, t; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + t = this; + if ((t.state === 5) && t.isRTL()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrInvalid; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + } + _tuple = t.advance(src); + n = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + switch (0) { default: + if (!ok) { + err = $pkg.ErrInvalid; + } else if (n < src.$length) { + if (!atEOF) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc; + break; + } + err = $pkg.ErrInvalid; + } else if (!t.isFinal()) { + err = $pkg.ErrInvalid; + } + } + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, err]; + }; + Transformer.prototype.Span = function(src, atEOF) { return this.$val.Span(src, atEOF); }; + init = function() { + var _i, _ref, _tuple, i, p; + _ref = asciiTable; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 128)) { break; } + i = _i; + _tuple = bidi.LookupRune(((i >> 0))); + p = $clone(_tuple[0], bidi.Properties); + bidi.Properties.copy(((i < 0 || i >= asciiTable.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiTable[i]), p); + _i++; + } + }; + Transformer.ptr.prototype.advance = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, c, e, n, ok, s, sz, t, tr, x, x$1, y; + n = 0; + ok = false; + t = this; + e = new bidi.Properties.ptr(0, 0); + sz = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(n < s.$length)) { break; } + if (((n < 0 || n >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + n]) < 128) { + _tmp = $clone((x = ((n < 0 || n >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + n]), ((x < 0 || x >= asciiTable.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiTable[x])), bidi.Properties); + _tmp$1 = 1; + bidi.Properties.copy(e, _tmp); + sz = _tmp$1; + } else { + _tuple = bidi.Lookup($subslice(s, n)); + bidi.Properties.copy(e, _tuple[0]); + sz = _tuple[1]; + if (sz <= 1) { + if (sz === 1) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = false; + n = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [n, ok]; + } + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = true; + n = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [n, ok]; + } + } + c = (((y = $clone(e, bidi.Properties).Class(), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) << 16 >>> 16)); + t.seen = (t.seen | (c)) >>> 0; + if (((t.seen & 36) >>> 0) === 36) { + t.state = 5; + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = false; + n = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + return [n, ok]; + } + tr = $clone((x$1 = t.state, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= transitions.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : transitions[x$1])), arrayType$1); + if (!((((tr[0].mask & c) >>> 0) === 0))) { + t.state = tr[0].next; + } else if (!((((tr[1].mask & c) >>> 0) === 0))) { + t.state = tr[1].next; + } else { + t.state = 5; + if (t.isRTL()) { + _tmp$8 = n; + _tmp$9 = false; + n = _tmp$8; + ok = _tmp$9; + return [n, ok]; + } + } + n = n + (sz) >> 0; + } + _tmp$10 = n; + _tmp$11 = true; + n = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [n, ok]; + }; + Transformer.prototype.advance = function(s) { return this.$val.advance(s); }; + Transformer.ptr.prototype.advanceString = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, c, e, n, ok, s, sz, t, tr, x, x$1, y; + n = 0; + ok = false; + t = this; + e = new bidi.Properties.ptr(0, 0); + sz = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(n < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(n) < 128) { + _tmp = $clone((x = s.charCodeAt(n), ((x < 0 || x >= asciiTable.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : asciiTable[x])), bidi.Properties); + _tmp$1 = 1; + bidi.Properties.copy(e, _tmp); + sz = _tmp$1; + } else { + _tuple = bidi.LookupString($substring(s, n)); + bidi.Properties.copy(e, _tuple[0]); + sz = _tuple[1]; + if (sz <= 1) { + if (sz === 1) { + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = false; + n = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [n, ok]; + } + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = true; + n = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [n, ok]; + } + } + c = (((y = $clone(e, bidi.Properties).Class(), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) << 16 >>> 16)); + t.seen = (t.seen | (c)) >>> 0; + if (((t.seen & 36) >>> 0) === 36) { + t.state = 5; + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = false; + n = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + return [n, ok]; + } + tr = $clone((x$1 = t.state, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= transitions.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : transitions[x$1])), arrayType$1); + if (!((((tr[0].mask & c) >>> 0) === 0))) { + t.state = tr[0].next; + } else if (!((((tr[1].mask & c) >>> 0) === 0))) { + t.state = tr[1].next; + } else { + t.state = 5; + if (t.isRTL()) { + _tmp$8 = n; + _tmp$9 = false; + n = _tmp$8; + ok = _tmp$9; + return [n, ok]; + } + } + n = n + (sz) >> 0; + } + _tmp$10 = n; + _tmp$11 = true; + n = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [n, ok]; + }; + Transformer.prototype.advanceString = function(s) { return this.$val.advanceString(s); }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "isFinal", name: "isFinal", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "isRTL", name: "isRTL", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Transform", name: "Transform", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, sliceType, $Bool], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Span", name: "Span", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType, $Bool], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "advance", name: "advance", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$Int, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "advanceString", name: "advanceString", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $Bool], false)}]; + ruleTransition.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule", [{prop: "next", name: "next", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ruleState, tag: ""}, {prop: "mask", name: "mask", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}]); + Transformer.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule", [{prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ruleState, tag: ""}, {prop: "hasRTL", name: "hasRTL", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "seen", name: "seen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = transform.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bidi.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + asciiTable = arrayType.zero(); + $pkg.ErrInvalid = errors.New("bidirule: failed Bidi Rule"); + transitions = $toNativeArray($kindArray, [$toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new ruleTransition.ptr(2, 1), new ruleTransition.ptr(4, 8194)]), $toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new ruleTransition.ptr(2, 5), new ruleTransition.ptr(1, 7256)]), $toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new ruleTransition.ptr(2, 4101), new ruleTransition.ptr(1, 3160)]), $toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new ruleTransition.ptr(4, 8230), new ruleTransition.ptr(3, 7256)]), $toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new ruleTransition.ptr(4, 12326), new ruleTransition.ptr(3, 3160)]), $toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new ruleTransition.ptr(5, 0), new ruleTransition.ptr(5, 0)])]); + init(); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, binary, fmt, io, sync, utf8, transform, valueRange, sparseBlocks, nfcTrie, nfkcTrie, normWriter, normReader, Form, Iter, iterFunc, input, Properties, lookupFunc, formInfo, qcInfo, ssState, streamSafe, reorderBuffer, insertErr, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType, sliceType$3, arrayType, arrayType$1, sliceType$4, ptrType$1, arrayType$2, sliceType$5, arrayType$3, sliceType$6, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, funcType, nfcSparse, nfkcSparse, nfcData, nfkcData, errs, ccc, decomps, nfcValues, nfcIndex, nfcSparseOffset, nfcSparseValues, nfkcValues, nfkcIndex, nfkcSparseOffset, nfkcSparseValues, recompMap, recompMapOnce, formTable, flushTransform, newNfcTrie, newNfkcTrie, cmpNormalBytes, patchTail, appendQuick, doAppend, doAppendInner, lastBoundary, decomposeSegment, lastRuneStart, decomposeToLastBoundary, nextASCIIBytes, nextASCIIString, nextHangul, nextDone, nextMulti, nextMultiNorm, nextDecomposed, doNormDecomposed, nextCGJDecompose, nextComposed, doNormComposed, nextCGJCompose, inputBytes, inputString, buildRecompMap, combine, lookupInfoNFC, lookupInfoNFKC, compInfo, appendFlush, isHangul, isHangulString, isJamoVT, decomposeHangul; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + transform = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform"]; + valueRange = $pkg.valueRange = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.valueRange", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, function(value_, lo_, hi_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.value = 0; + this.lo = 0; + this.hi = 0; + return; + } + this.value = value_; + this.lo = lo_; + this.hi = hi_; + }); + sparseBlocks = $pkg.sparseBlocks = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.sparseBlocks", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, function(values_, offset_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.values = sliceType$2.nil; + this.offset = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.values = values_; + this.offset = offset_; + }); + nfcTrie = $pkg.nfcTrie = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.nfcTrie", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + nfkcTrie = $pkg.nfkcTrie = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.nfkcTrie", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + normWriter = $pkg.normWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.normWriter", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, function(rb_, w_, buf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rb = new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, new formInfo.ptr(0, false, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError), new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), 0, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), sliceType$4.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + this.w = $ifaceNil; + this.buf = sliceType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.rb = rb_; + this.w = w_; + this.buf = buf_; + }); + normReader = $pkg.normReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.normReader", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, function(rb_, r_, inbuf_, outbuf_, bufStart_, lastBoundary_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rb = new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, new formInfo.ptr(0, false, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError), new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), 0, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), sliceType$4.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.inbuf = sliceType$4.nil; + this.outbuf = sliceType$4.nil; + this.bufStart = 0; + this.lastBoundary = 0; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.rb = rb_; + this.r = r_; + this.inbuf = inbuf_; + this.outbuf = outbuf_; + this.bufStart = bufStart_; + this.lastBoundary = lastBoundary_; + this.err = err_; + }); + Form = $pkg.Form = $newType(4, $kindInt, "norm.Form", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", true, null); + Iter = $pkg.Iter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.Iter", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", true, function(rb_, buf_, info_, next_, asciiF_, p_, multiSeg_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rb = new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, new formInfo.ptr(0, false, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError), new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), 0, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), sliceType$4.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + this.buf = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.info = new Properties.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.next = $throwNilPointerError; + this.asciiF = $throwNilPointerError; + this.p = 0; + this.multiSeg = sliceType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.rb = rb_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.info = info_; + this.next = next_; + this.asciiF = asciiF_; + this.p = p_; + this.multiSeg = multiSeg_; + }); + iterFunc = $pkg.iterFunc = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "norm.iterFunc", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, null); + input = $pkg.input = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.input", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, function(str_, bytes_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.str = ""; + this.bytes = sliceType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.str = str_; + this.bytes = bytes_; + }); + Properties = $pkg.Properties = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.Properties", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", true, function(pos_, size_, ccc_, tccc_, nLead_, flags_, index_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.pos = 0; + this.size = 0; + this.ccc = 0; + this.tccc = 0; + this.nLead = 0; + this.flags = 0; + this.index = 0; + return; + } + this.pos = pos_; + this.size = size_; + this.ccc = ccc_; + this.tccc = tccc_; + this.nLead = nLead_; + this.flags = flags_; + this.index = index_; + }); + lookupFunc = $pkg.lookupFunc = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "norm.lookupFunc", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, null); + formInfo = $pkg.formInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.formInfo", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, function(form_, composing_, compatibility_, info_, nextMain_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.form = 0; + this.composing = false; + this.compatibility = false; + this.info = $throwNilPointerError; + this.nextMain = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.form = form_; + this.composing = composing_; + this.compatibility = compatibility_; + this.info = info_; + this.nextMain = nextMain_; + }); + qcInfo = $pkg.qcInfo = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "norm.qcInfo", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, null); + ssState = $pkg.ssState = $newType(4, $kindInt, "norm.ssState", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, null); + streamSafe = $pkg.streamSafe = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "norm.streamSafe", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, null); + reorderBuffer = $pkg.reorderBuffer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "norm.reorderBuffer", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, function(rune_, byte$1_, nbyte_, ss_, nrune_, f_, src_, nsrc_, tmpBytes_, out_, flushF_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rune = arrayType.zero(); + this.byte$1 = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.nbyte = 0; + this.ss = 0; + this.nrune = 0; + this.f = new formInfo.ptr(0, false, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + this.src = new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil); + this.nsrc = 0; + this.tmpBytes = new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil); + this.out = sliceType$4.nil; + this.flushF = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.rune = rune_; + this.byte$1 = byte$1_; + this.nbyte = nbyte_; + this.ss = ss_; + this.nrune = nrune_; + this.f = f_; + this.src = src_; + this.nsrc = nsrc_; + this.tmpBytes = tmpBytes_; + this.out = out_; + this.flushF = flushF_; + }); + insertErr = $pkg.insertErr = $newType(4, $kindInt, "norm.insertErr", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", false, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($error); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint16); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(valueRange); + ptrType = $ptrType(formInfo); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(ptrType); + arrayType = $arrayType(Properties, 32); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 128); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(streamSafe); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType(Properties, 31); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(Properties); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(sparseBlocks); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(nfcTrie); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(nfkcTrie); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(normWriter); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(normReader); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(Iter); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(input); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(reorderBuffer); + funcType = $funcType([ptrType$9], [$Bool], false); + sparseBlocks.ptr.prototype.lookup = function(n, b) { + var _q, b, header, hi, lo, m, n, offset, r, t, x, x$1, x$2; + t = this; + offset = (x = t.offset, ((n < 0 || n >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + n])); + header = $clone((x$1 = t.values, ((offset < 0 || offset >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + offset])), valueRange); + lo = offset + 1 << 16 >>> 16; + hi = lo + ((header.lo << 16 >>> 16)) << 16 >>> 16; + while (true) { + if (!(lo < hi)) { break; } + m = lo + (_q = ((hi - lo << 16 >>> 16)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 16 >>> 16; + r = $clone((x$2 = t.values, ((m < 0 || m >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + m])), valueRange); + if (r.lo <= b && b <= r.hi) { + return r.value + ((((b - r.lo << 24 >>> 24) << 16 >>> 16)) * header.value << 16 >>> 16) << 16 >>> 16; + } + if (b < r.lo) { + hi = m; + } else { + lo = m + 1 << 16 >>> 16; + } + } + return 0; + }; + sparseBlocks.prototype.lookup = function(n, b) { return this.$val.lookup(n, b); }; + Form.prototype.Reset = function() { + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.Reset = function() { return new Form(this.$get()).Reset(); }; + Form.prototype.Transform = function(dst, src, atEOF) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, atEOF, b, dst, eof, err, f, i, n, nDst, nSrc, ns, ok, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, atEOF}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nDst = 0; + nSrc = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this.$val; + b = src; + eof = atEOF; + ns = dst.$length; + if (ns < b.$length) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst; + eof = false; + b = $subslice(b, 0, ns); + } + _r = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]).quickSpan($clone(inputBytes(b), input), 0, b.$length, eof); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + i = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + n = $copySlice(dst, $subslice(b, 0, i)); + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = new Form(f).transform($subslice(dst, n), $subslice(src, n), atEOF); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + nDst = _tuple$1[0]; + nSrc = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + _tmp = nDst + n >> 0; + _tmp$1 = nSrc + n >> 0; + _tmp$2 = err; + nDst = _tmp; + nSrc = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [nDst, nSrc, err]; + /* } */ case 3: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && n < src.$length && !atEOF) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc; + } + _tmp$3 = n; + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = err; + nDst = _tmp$3; + nSrc = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [nDst, nSrc, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.Transform, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, atEOF, b, dst, eof, err, f, i, n, nDst, nSrc, ns, ok, src, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.Transform = function(dst, src, atEOF) { return new Form(this.$get()).Transform(dst, src, atEOF); }; + flushTransform = function(rb) { + var rb; + if (rb.out.$length < ($imul(rb.nrune, 4))) { + return false; + } + rb.out = $subslice(rb.out, rb.flushCopy(rb.out)); + return true; + }; + Form.prototype.transform = function(dst, src, atEOF) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, atEOF, dst, end, eof, err, f, n, n$1, nDst, nSrc, ok, rb, src, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src, atEOF}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb = [rb]; + nDst = 0; + nSrc = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this.$val; + rb[0] = new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, new formInfo.ptr(0, false, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError), new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), 0, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), sliceType$4.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + rb[0].init(f, src); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + rb[0].setFlusher($subslice(dst, nDst), flushTransform); + _r = decomposeSegment(rb[0], nSrc, atEOF); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + end = _r; + if (end < 0) { + _tmp = nDst; + _tmp$1 = nSrc; + _tmp$2 = (x = -end, ((x < 0 || x >= errs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : errs.$array[errs.$offset + x])); + nDst = _tmp; + nSrc = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [nDst, nSrc, err]; + } + nDst = dst.$length - rb[0].out.$length >> 0; + nSrc = end; + end = rb[0].nsrc; + eof = atEOF; + n = (nSrc + dst.$length >> 0) - nDst >> 0; + if (n < end) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst; + end = n; + eof = false; + } + _r$1 = rb[0].f.quickSpan($clone(rb[0].src, input), nSrc, end, eof); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + end = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + n$1 = $copySlice($subslice(dst, nDst), $subslice(rb[0].src.bytes, nSrc, end)); + nSrc = nSrc + (n$1) >> 0; + nDst = nDst + (n$1) >> 0; + if (ok) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && n$1 < rb[0].nsrc && !atEOF) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc; + } + _tmp$3 = nDst; + _tmp$4 = nSrc; + _tmp$5 = err; + nDst = _tmp$3; + nSrc = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [nDst, nSrc, err]; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [nDst, nSrc, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.transform, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, atEOF, dst, end, eof, err, f, n, n$1, nDst, nSrc, ok, rb, src, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.transform = function(dst, src, atEOF) { return new Form(this.$get()).transform(dst, src, atEOF); }; + nfcTrie.ptr.prototype.lookup = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c0, c1, c1$1, c1$2, c2, c2$1, c3, i, i$1, i$2, o, o$1, s, sz, t, v; + v = 0; + sz = 0; + t = this; + c0 = (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]); + if (c0 < 128) { + _tmp = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfcValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcValues[c0]); + _tmp$1 = 1; + v = _tmp; + sz = _tmp$1; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 194) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 1; + v = _tmp$2; + sz = _tmp$3; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 224) { + if (s.$length < 2) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + v = _tmp$4; + sz = _tmp$5; + return [v, sz]; + } + i = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[c0]); + c1 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1 < 128 || 192 <= c1) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 1; + v = _tmp$6; + sz = _tmp$7; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$8 = t.lookupValue(((i >>> 0)), c1); + _tmp$9 = 2; + v = _tmp$8; + sz = _tmp$9; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 240) { + if (s.$length < 3) { + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = 0; + v = _tmp$10; + sz = _tmp$11; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$1 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[c0]); + c1$1 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1$1 < 128 || 192 <= c1$1) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = 1; + v = _tmp$12; + sz = _tmp$13; + return [v, sz]; + } + o = (((i$1 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$1 = ((o < 0 || o >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[o]); + c2 = (2 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 2]); + if (c2 < 128 || 192 <= c2) { + _tmp$14 = 0; + _tmp$15 = 2; + v = _tmp$14; + sz = _tmp$15; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$16 = t.lookupValue(((i$1 >>> 0)), c2); + _tmp$17 = 3; + v = _tmp$16; + sz = _tmp$17; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 248) { + if (s.$length < 4) { + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = 0; + v = _tmp$18; + sz = _tmp$19; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$2 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[c0]); + c1$2 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1$2 < 128 || 192 <= c1$2) { + _tmp$20 = 0; + _tmp$21 = 1; + v = _tmp$20; + sz = _tmp$21; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$2 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[o$1]); + c2$1 = (2 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 2]); + if (c2$1 < 128 || 192 <= c2$1) { + _tmp$22 = 0; + _tmp$23 = 2; + v = _tmp$22; + sz = _tmp$23; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c2$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[o$1]); + c3 = (3 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 3]); + if (c3 < 128 || 192 <= c3) { + _tmp$24 = 0; + _tmp$25 = 3; + v = _tmp$24; + sz = _tmp$25; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$26 = t.lookupValue(((i$2 >>> 0)), c3); + _tmp$27 = 4; + v = _tmp$26; + sz = _tmp$27; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$28 = 0; + _tmp$29 = 1; + v = _tmp$28; + sz = _tmp$29; + return [v, sz]; + }; + nfcTrie.prototype.lookup = function(s) { return this.$val.lookup(s); }; + nfcTrie.ptr.prototype.lookupString = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c0, c1, c1$1, c1$2, c2, c2$1, c3, i, i$1, i$2, o, o$1, s, sz, t, v; + v = 0; + sz = 0; + t = this; + c0 = s.charCodeAt(0); + if (c0 < 128) { + _tmp = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfcValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcValues[c0]); + _tmp$1 = 1; + v = _tmp; + sz = _tmp$1; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 194) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 1; + v = _tmp$2; + sz = _tmp$3; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 224) { + if (s.length < 2) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + v = _tmp$4; + sz = _tmp$5; + return [v, sz]; + } + i = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[c0]); + c1 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1 < 128 || 192 <= c1) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 1; + v = _tmp$6; + sz = _tmp$7; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$8 = t.lookupValue(((i >>> 0)), c1); + _tmp$9 = 2; + v = _tmp$8; + sz = _tmp$9; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 240) { + if (s.length < 3) { + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = 0; + v = _tmp$10; + sz = _tmp$11; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$1 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[c0]); + c1$1 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1$1 < 128 || 192 <= c1$1) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = 1; + v = _tmp$12; + sz = _tmp$13; + return [v, sz]; + } + o = (((i$1 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$1 = ((o < 0 || o >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[o]); + c2 = s.charCodeAt(2); + if (c2 < 128 || 192 <= c2) { + _tmp$14 = 0; + _tmp$15 = 2; + v = _tmp$14; + sz = _tmp$15; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$16 = t.lookupValue(((i$1 >>> 0)), c2); + _tmp$17 = 3; + v = _tmp$16; + sz = _tmp$17; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 248) { + if (s.length < 4) { + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = 0; + v = _tmp$18; + sz = _tmp$19; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$2 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[c0]); + c1$2 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1$2 < 128 || 192 <= c1$2) { + _tmp$20 = 0; + _tmp$21 = 1; + v = _tmp$20; + sz = _tmp$21; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$2 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[o$1]); + c2$1 = s.charCodeAt(2); + if (c2$1 < 128 || 192 <= c2$1) { + _tmp$22 = 0; + _tmp$23 = 2; + v = _tmp$22; + sz = _tmp$23; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c2$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= nfcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcIndex[o$1]); + c3 = s.charCodeAt(3); + if (c3 < 128 || 192 <= c3) { + _tmp$24 = 0; + _tmp$25 = 3; + v = _tmp$24; + sz = _tmp$25; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$26 = t.lookupValue(((i$2 >>> 0)), c3); + _tmp$27 = 4; + v = _tmp$26; + sz = _tmp$27; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$28 = 0; + _tmp$29 = 1; + v = _tmp$28; + sz = _tmp$29; + return [v, sz]; + }; + nfcTrie.prototype.lookupString = function(s) { return this.$val.lookupString(s); }; + newNfcTrie = function(i) { + var i; + return new nfcTrie.ptr(); + }; + nfcTrie.ptr.prototype.lookupValue = function(n, b) { + var b, n, t, x; + t = this; + if (n < 46) { + return ((x = (n << 6 >>> 0) + ((b >>> 0)) >>> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= nfcValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfcValues[x]))); + } else { + n = n - (46) >>> 0; + return (nfcSparse.lookup(n, b)); + } + }; + nfcTrie.prototype.lookupValue = function(n, b) { return this.$val.lookupValue(n, b); }; + nfkcTrie.ptr.prototype.lookup = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c0, c1, c1$1, c1$2, c2, c2$1, c3, i, i$1, i$2, o, o$1, s, sz, t, v; + v = 0; + sz = 0; + t = this; + c0 = (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]); + if (c0 < 128) { + _tmp = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfkcValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcValues[c0]); + _tmp$1 = 1; + v = _tmp; + sz = _tmp$1; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 194) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 1; + v = _tmp$2; + sz = _tmp$3; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 224) { + if (s.$length < 2) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + v = _tmp$4; + sz = _tmp$5; + return [v, sz]; + } + i = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[c0]); + c1 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1 < 128 || 192 <= c1) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 1; + v = _tmp$6; + sz = _tmp$7; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$8 = t.lookupValue(((i >>> 0)), c1); + _tmp$9 = 2; + v = _tmp$8; + sz = _tmp$9; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 240) { + if (s.$length < 3) { + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = 0; + v = _tmp$10; + sz = _tmp$11; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$1 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[c0]); + c1$1 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1$1 < 128 || 192 <= c1$1) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = 1; + v = _tmp$12; + sz = _tmp$13; + return [v, sz]; + } + o = (((i$1 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$1 = ((o < 0 || o >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[o]); + c2 = (2 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 2]); + if (c2 < 128 || 192 <= c2) { + _tmp$14 = 0; + _tmp$15 = 2; + v = _tmp$14; + sz = _tmp$15; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$16 = t.lookupValue(((i$1 >>> 0)), c2); + _tmp$17 = 3; + v = _tmp$16; + sz = _tmp$17; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 248) { + if (s.$length < 4) { + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = 0; + v = _tmp$18; + sz = _tmp$19; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$2 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[c0]); + c1$2 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1$2 < 128 || 192 <= c1$2) { + _tmp$20 = 0; + _tmp$21 = 1; + v = _tmp$20; + sz = _tmp$21; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$2 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[o$1]); + c2$1 = (2 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 2]); + if (c2$1 < 128 || 192 <= c2$1) { + _tmp$22 = 0; + _tmp$23 = 2; + v = _tmp$22; + sz = _tmp$23; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c2$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[o$1]); + c3 = (3 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 3]); + if (c3 < 128 || 192 <= c3) { + _tmp$24 = 0; + _tmp$25 = 3; + v = _tmp$24; + sz = _tmp$25; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$26 = t.lookupValue(((i$2 >>> 0)), c3); + _tmp$27 = 4; + v = _tmp$26; + sz = _tmp$27; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$28 = 0; + _tmp$29 = 1; + v = _tmp$28; + sz = _tmp$29; + return [v, sz]; + }; + nfkcTrie.prototype.lookup = function(s) { return this.$val.lookup(s); }; + nfkcTrie.ptr.prototype.lookupString = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c0, c1, c1$1, c1$2, c2, c2$1, c3, i, i$1, i$2, o, o$1, s, sz, t, v; + v = 0; + sz = 0; + t = this; + c0 = s.charCodeAt(0); + if (c0 < 128) { + _tmp = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfkcValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcValues[c0]); + _tmp$1 = 1; + v = _tmp; + sz = _tmp$1; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 194) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 1; + v = _tmp$2; + sz = _tmp$3; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 224) { + if (s.length < 2) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + v = _tmp$4; + sz = _tmp$5; + return [v, sz]; + } + i = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[c0]); + c1 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1 < 128 || 192 <= c1) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 1; + v = _tmp$6; + sz = _tmp$7; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$8 = t.lookupValue(((i >>> 0)), c1); + _tmp$9 = 2; + v = _tmp$8; + sz = _tmp$9; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 240) { + if (s.length < 3) { + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = 0; + v = _tmp$10; + sz = _tmp$11; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$1 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[c0]); + c1$1 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1$1 < 128 || 192 <= c1$1) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = 1; + v = _tmp$12; + sz = _tmp$13; + return [v, sz]; + } + o = (((i$1 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$1 = ((o < 0 || o >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[o]); + c2 = s.charCodeAt(2); + if (c2 < 128 || 192 <= c2) { + _tmp$14 = 0; + _tmp$15 = 2; + v = _tmp$14; + sz = _tmp$15; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$16 = t.lookupValue(((i$1 >>> 0)), c2); + _tmp$17 = 3; + v = _tmp$16; + sz = _tmp$17; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 248) { + if (s.length < 4) { + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = 0; + v = _tmp$18; + sz = _tmp$19; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$2 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[c0]); + c1$2 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1$2 < 128 || 192 <= c1$2) { + _tmp$20 = 0; + _tmp$21 = 1; + v = _tmp$20; + sz = _tmp$21; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$2 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[o$1]); + c2$1 = s.charCodeAt(2); + if (c2$1 < 128 || 192 <= c2$1) { + _tmp$22 = 0; + _tmp$23 = 2; + v = _tmp$22; + sz = _tmp$23; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c2$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= nfkcIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcIndex[o$1]); + c3 = s.charCodeAt(3); + if (c3 < 128 || 192 <= c3) { + _tmp$24 = 0; + _tmp$25 = 3; + v = _tmp$24; + sz = _tmp$25; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$26 = t.lookupValue(((i$2 >>> 0)), c3); + _tmp$27 = 4; + v = _tmp$26; + sz = _tmp$27; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$28 = 0; + _tmp$29 = 1; + v = _tmp$28; + sz = _tmp$29; + return [v, sz]; + }; + nfkcTrie.prototype.lookupString = function(s) { return this.$val.lookupString(s); }; + newNfkcTrie = function(i) { + var i; + return new nfkcTrie.ptr(); + }; + nfkcTrie.ptr.prototype.lookupValue = function(n, b) { + var b, n, t, x; + t = this; + if (n < 92) { + return ((x = (n << 6 >>> 0) + ((b >>> 0)) >>> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= nfkcValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nfkcValues[x]))); + } else { + n = n - (92) >>> 0; + return (nfkcSparse.lookup(n, b)); + } + }; + nfkcTrie.prototype.lookupValue = function(n, b) { return this.$val.lookupValue(n, b); }; + normWriter.ptr.prototype.Write = function(data) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, bn, data, err, i, m, n, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(data.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(data.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + m = data.$length; + if (m > 4000) { + m = 4000; + } + input.copy(w.rb.src, inputBytes($subslice(data, 0, m))); + w.rb.nsrc = m; + _r = doAppend(w.rb, w.buf, 0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + w.buf = _r; + data = $subslice(data, m); + n = n + (m) >> 0; + _r$1 = lastBoundary(w.rb.f, w.buf); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = _r$1; + if (i === -1) { + i = 0; + } + /* */ if (i > 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (i > 0) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = w.w.Write($subslice(w.buf, 0, i)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + bn = $copySlice(w.buf, $subslice(w.buf, i)); + w.buf = $subslice(w.buf, 0, bn); + /* } */ case 6: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: normWriter.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, bn, data, err, i, m, n, w, $s};return $f; + }; + normWriter.prototype.Write = function(data) { return this.$val.Write(data); }; + normWriter.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + /* */ if (w.buf.$length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (w.buf.$length > 0) { */ case 1: + _r = w.w.Write(w.buf); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: normWriter.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, w, $s};return $f; + }; + normWriter.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + Form.prototype.Writer = function(w) { + var f, w, wr; + f = this.$val; + wr = new normWriter.ptr(new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, new formInfo.ptr(0, false, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError), new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), 0, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), sliceType$4.nil, $throwNilPointerError), w, sliceType$4.nil); + wr.rb.init(f, sliceType$4.nil); + return wr; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.Writer = function(w) { return new Form(this.$get()).Writer(w); }; + normReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, n, n$1, outn, p, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + if ((r.lastBoundary - r.bufStart >> 0) > 0) { + n = $copySlice(p, $subslice(r.outbuf, r.bufStart, r.lastBoundary)); + r.bufStart = r.bufStart + (n) >> 0; + if ((r.lastBoundary - r.bufStart >> 0) > 0) { + $s = -1; return [n, $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = -1; return [n, r.err]; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [0, r.err]; + } + outn = $copySlice(r.outbuf, $subslice(r.outbuf, r.lastBoundary)); + r.outbuf = $subslice(r.outbuf, 0, outn); + r.bufStart = 0; + _r = r.r.Read(r.inbuf); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + input.copy(r.rb.src, inputBytes($subslice(r.inbuf, 0, n$1))); + _tmp = n$1; + _tmp$1 = err; + r.rb.nsrc = _tmp; + r.err = _tmp$1; + /* */ if (n$1 > 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (n$1 > 0) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = doAppend(r.rb, r.outbuf, 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r.outbuf = _r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { */ case 7: + r.lastBoundary = r.outbuf.$length; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + _r$2 = lastBoundary(r.rb.f, r.outbuf); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r.lastBoundary = _r$2; + if (r.lastBoundary === -1) { + r.lastBoundary = 0; + } + /* } */ case 9: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [0, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: normReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, n, n$1, outn, p, r, $s};return $f; + }; + normReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + Form.prototype.Reader = function(r) { + var buf, f, r, rr; + f = this.$val; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, 4000); + rr = new normReader.ptr(new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, new formInfo.ptr(0, false, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError), new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), 0, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), sliceType$4.nil, $throwNilPointerError), r, buf, sliceType$4.nil, 0, 0, $ifaceNil); + rr.rb.init(f, buf); + return rr; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.Reader = function(r) { return new Form(this.$get()).Reader(r); }; + Form.prototype.Bytes = function(b) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, b, f, ft, n, ok, out, rb, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb = [rb]; + f = this.$val; + src = $clone(inputBytes(b), input); + ft = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]); + _r = ft.quickSpan($clone(src, input), 0, b.$length, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return b; + } + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, n, b.$length); + $copySlice(out, $subslice(b, 0, n)); + rb[0] = new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, $clone(ft, formInfo), $clone(src, input), b.$length, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), out, appendFlush); + _r$1 = doAppendInner(rb[0], n); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.Bytes, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, b, f, ft, n, ok, out, rb, src, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.Bytes = function(b) { return new Form(this.$get()).Bytes(b); }; + Form.prototype.String = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, f, ft, n, ok, out, rb, s, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb = [rb]; + f = this.$val; + src = $clone(inputString(s), input); + ft = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]); + _r = ft.quickSpan($clone(src, input), 0, s.length, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return s; + } + out = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, n, s.length); + $copyString(out, $substring(s, 0, n)); + rb[0] = new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, $clone(ft, formInfo), $clone(src, input), s.length, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), out, appendFlush); + _r$1 = doAppendInner(rb[0], n); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ($bytesToString(_r$1)); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, f, ft, n, ok, out, rb, s, src, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.String = function(s) { return new Form(this.$get()).String(s); }; + Form.prototype.IsNormal = function(b) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, bp, f, ft, ok, rb, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb = [rb]; + f = this.$val; + src = $clone(inputBytes(b), input); + ft = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]); + _r = ft.quickSpan($clone(src, input), 0, b.$length, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + bp = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + rb[0] = new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, $clone(ft, formInfo), $clone(src, input), b.$length, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), sliceType$4.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + rb[0].setFlusher(sliceType$4.nil, cmpNormalBytes); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(bp < b.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(bp < b.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + rb[0].out = $subslice(b, bp); + _r$1 = decomposeSegment(rb[0], bp, true); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bp = _r$1; + if (bp < 0) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$2 = rb[0].f.quickSpan($clone(rb[0].src, input), bp, b.$length, true); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + bp = _tuple$1[0]; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.IsNormal, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, bp, f, ft, ok, rb, src, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.IsNormal = function(b) { return new Form(this.$get()).IsNormal(b); }; + cmpNormalBytes = function(rb) { + var b, i, info, p, pe, rb, x, x$1; + b = rb.out; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < rb.nrune)) { break; } + info = $clone((x = rb.rune, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])), Properties); + if (((info.size >> 0)) > b.$length) { + return false; + } + p = info.pos; + pe = p + info.size << 24 >>> 24; + while (true) { + if (!(p < pe)) { break; } + if (!(((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === (x$1 = rb.byte$1, ((p < 0 || p >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[p]))))) { + return false; + } + b = $subslice(b, 1); + p = p + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + Form.prototype.IsNormalString = function(s) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, bp, f, ft, ok, rb, s, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + bp = [bp]; + rb = [rb]; + s = [s]; + f = this.$val; + src = $clone(inputString(s[0]), input); + ft = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]); + _r = ft.quickSpan($clone(src, input), 0, s[0].length, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + bp[0] = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + rb[0] = new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, $clone(ft, formInfo), $clone(src, input), s[0].length, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), sliceType$4.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + rb[0].setFlusher(sliceType$4.nil, (function(bp, rb, s) { return function(rb$1) { + var i, info, p, pe, rb$1, x, x$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < rb$1.nrune)) { break; } + info = $clone((x = rb$1.rune, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])), Properties); + if ((bp[0] + ((info.size >> 0)) >> 0) > s[0].length) { + return false; + } + p = info.pos; + pe = p + info.size << 24 >>> 24; + while (true) { + if (!(p < pe)) { break; } + if (!((s[0].charCodeAt(bp[0]) === (x$1 = rb$1.byte$1, ((p < 0 || p >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[p]))))) { + return false; + } + bp[0] = bp[0] + (1) >> 0; + p = p + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; })(bp, rb, s)); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(bp[0] < s[0].length)) { break; } */ if(!(bp[0] < s[0].length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$1 = decomposeSegment(rb[0], bp[0], true); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bp[0] = _r$1; + if (bp[0] < 0) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$2 = rb[0].f.quickSpan($clone(rb[0].src, input), bp[0], s[0].length, true); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + bp[0] = _tuple$1[0]; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.IsNormalString, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, bp, f, ft, ok, rb, s, src, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.IsNormalString = function(s) { return new Form(this.$get()).IsNormalString(s); }; + patchTail = function(rb) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, buf, end, extra, info, p, rb, s, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = lastRuneStart(rb.f, rb.out); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + info = $clone(_tuple[0], Properties); + p = _tuple[1]; + if ((p === -1) || (info.size === 0)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + end = p + ((info.size >> 0)) >> 0; + extra = rb.out.$length - end >> 0; + /* */ if (extra > 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (extra > 0) { */ case 2: + x = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, 0); + x = $appendSlice(x, $subslice(rb.out, (rb.out.$length - extra >> 0))); + rb.out = $subslice(rb.out, 0, end); + $r = decomposeToLastBoundary(rb); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = rb.doFlush(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + rb.out = $appendSlice(rb.out, x); + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 3: + buf = $subslice(rb.out, p); + rb.out = $subslice(rb.out, 0, p); + $r = decomposeToLastBoundary(rb); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = (rb.$ptr_ss || (rb.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, rb))).next($clone(info, Properties)); + /* */ if (s === 1) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (s === 2) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (s === 1) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = rb.doFlush(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + (rb.$ptr_ss || (rb.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, rb))).first($clone(info, Properties)); + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (s === 2) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = rb.doFlush(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + rb.insertCGJ(); + rb.ss = 0; + /* } */ case 9: + $r = rb.insertUnsafe($clone(inputBytes(buf), input), 0, $clone(info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: patchTail, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, buf, end, extra, info, p, rb, s, x, $s};return $f; + }; + appendQuick = function(rb, i) { + var {_r, _tuple, end, i, rb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rb, i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (rb.nsrc === i) { + $s = -1; return i; + } + _r = rb.f.quickSpan($clone(rb.src, input), i, rb.nsrc, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + end = _tuple[0]; + rb.out = rb.src.appendSlice(rb.out, i, end); + $s = -1; return end; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendQuick, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, end, i, rb, $s};return $f; + }; + Form.prototype.Append = function(out, src) { + var {$24r, _r, f, out, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r = new Form(f).doAppend(out, $clone(inputBytes(src), input), src.$length); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.Append, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, f, out, src, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.Append = function(out, src) { return new Form(this.$get()).Append(out, src); }; + Form.prototype.doAppend = function(out, src, n) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, f, ft, n, out, p, rb, rb$1, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, src, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb = [rb]; + rb$1 = [rb$1]; + f = this.$val; + if (n === 0) { + $s = -1; return out; + } + ft = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]); + /* */ if (out.$length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (out.$length === 0) { */ case 1: + _r = ft.quickSpan($clone(src, input), 0, n, true); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + p = _tuple[0]; + out = src.appendSlice(out, 0, p); + if (p === n) { + $s = -1; return out; + } + rb[0] = new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, $clone(ft, formInfo), $clone(src, input), n, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), out, appendFlush); + _r$1 = doAppendInner(rb[0], p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + rb$1[0] = new reorderBuffer.ptr(arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), 0, 0, 0, $clone(ft, formInfo), $clone(src, input), n, new input.ptr("", sliceType$4.nil), sliceType$4.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + _r$2 = doAppend(rb$1[0], out, 0); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.doAppend, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, f, ft, n, out, p, rb, rb$1, src, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.doAppend = function(out, src, n) { return new Form(this.$get()).doAppend(out, src, n); }; + doAppend = function(rb, out, p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, doMerge, fd, info, n, out, p, q, rb, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rb, out, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb.setFlusher(out, appendFlush); + _tmp = $clone(rb.src, input); + _tmp$1 = rb.nsrc; + src = $clone(_tmp, input); + n = _tmp$1; + doMerge = out.$length > 0; + q = src.skipContinuationBytes(p); + /* */ if (q > p) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (q > p) { */ case 1: + rb.out = src.appendSlice(rb.out, p, q); + p = q; + _r = patchTail(rb); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + doMerge = _r; + /* } */ case 2: + fd = rb.f; + /* */ if (doMerge) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (doMerge) { */ case 4: + info = new Properties.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + /* */ if (p < n) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (p < n) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = fd.info($clone(src, input), p); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(info, _r$1); + /* */ if (!$clone(info, Properties).BoundaryBefore() || $clone(info, Properties).nLeadingNonStarters() > 0) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!$clone(info, Properties).BoundaryBefore() || $clone(info, Properties).nLeadingNonStarters() > 0) { */ case 9: + /* */ if (p === 0) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (p === 0) { */ case 11: + $r = decomposeToLastBoundary(rb); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 12: + _r$2 = decomposeSegment(rb, p, true); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$2; + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (info.size === 0) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (info.size === 0) { */ case 15: + _r$3 = rb.doFlush(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return src.appendSlice(rb.out, p, n); + /* } */ case 16: + /* */ if (rb.nrune > 0) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (rb.nrune > 0) { */ case 18: + _r$4 = doAppendInner(rb, p); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r; + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 5: + _r$5 = appendQuick(rb, p); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$5; + _r$6 = doAppendInner(rb, p); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$6; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: doAppend, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, doMerge, fd, info, n, out, p, q, rb, src, $s};return $f; + }; + doAppendInner = function(rb, p) { + var {_r, _r$1, n, p, rb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rb, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = rb.nsrc; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(p < n)) { break; } */ if(!(p < n)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = decomposeSegment(rb, p, true); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r; + _r$1 = appendQuick(rb, p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$1; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return rb.out; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: doAppendInner, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, n, p, rb, $s};return $f; + }; + Form.prototype.AppendString = function(out, src) { + var {$24r, _r, f, out, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {out, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r = new Form(f).doAppend(out, $clone(inputString(src), input), src.length); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.AppendString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, f, out, src, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.AppendString = function(out, src) { return new Form(this.$get()).AppendString(out, src); }; + Form.prototype.QuickSpan = function(b) { + var {_r, _tuple, b, f, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]).quickSpan($clone(inputBytes(b), input), 0, b.$length, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.QuickSpan, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, b, f, n, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.QuickSpan = function(b) { return new Form(this.$get()).QuickSpan(b); }; + Form.prototype.Span = function(b, atEOF) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, atEOF, b, err, f, n, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, atEOF}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this.$val; + _r = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]).quickSpan($clone(inputBytes(b), input), 0, b.$length, atEOF); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (n < b.$length) { + if (!ok) { + err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan; + } else { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc; + } + } + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.Span, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, atEOF, b, err, f, n, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.Span = function(b, atEOF) { return new Form(this.$get()).Span(b, atEOF); }; + Form.prototype.SpanString = function(s, atEOF) { + var {_r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, atEOF, err, f, n, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, atEOF}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + f = this.$val; + _r = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]).quickSpan($clone(inputString(s), input), 0, s.length, atEOF); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (n < s.length) { + if (!ok) { + err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan; + } else { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc; + } + } + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.SpanString, $c: true, $r, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, atEOF, err, f, n, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.SpanString = function(s, atEOF) { return new Form(this.$get()).SpanString(s, atEOF); }; + formInfo.ptr.prototype.quickSpan = function(src, i, end, atEOF) { + var {_1, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, atEOF, end, f, i, info, j, lastCC, lastSegStart, n, ok, src, ss, ss$24ptr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {src, i, end, atEOF}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + ok = false; + f = this; + lastCC = 0; + ss = 0; + lastSegStart = i; + n = end; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 2; continue; } + j = src.skipASCII(i, n); + if (!((i === j))) { + i = j; + lastSegStart = i - 1 >> 0; + lastCC = 0; + ss = 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r = f.info($clone(src, input), i); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + info = $clone(_r, Properties); + if (info.size === 0) { + if (atEOF) { + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = true; + n = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, ok]; + } + _tmp$2 = lastSegStart; + _tmp$3 = true; + n = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, ok]; + } + _1 = (ss$24ptr || (ss$24ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return ss; }, function($v) { ss = $v; }))).next($clone(info, Properties)); + if (_1 === (1)) { + lastSegStart = i; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + _tmp$4 = lastSegStart; + _tmp$5 = false; + n = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, ok]; + } else if (_1 === (0)) { + if (lastCC > info.ccc) { + _tmp$6 = lastSegStart; + _tmp$7 = false; + n = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, ok]; + } + } + if (f.composing) { + if (!$clone(info, Properties).isYesC()) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + } else { + if (!$clone(info, Properties).isYesD()) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + } + lastCC = info.ccc; + i = i + (((info.size >> 0))) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (i === n) { + if (!atEOF) { + n = lastSegStart; + } + _tmp$8 = n; + _tmp$9 = true; + n = _tmp$8; + ok = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [n, ok]; + } + _tmp$10 = lastSegStart; + _tmp$11 = false; + n = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [n, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: formInfo.ptr.prototype.quickSpan, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, atEOF, end, f, i, info, j, lastCC, lastSegStart, n, ok, src, ss, ss$24ptr, $s};return $f; + }; + formInfo.prototype.quickSpan = function(src, i, end, atEOF) { return this.$val.quickSpan(src, i, end, atEOF); }; + Form.prototype.QuickSpanString = function(s) { + var {_r, _tuple, f, n, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]).quickSpan($clone(inputString(s), input), 0, s.length, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + n = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return n; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.QuickSpanString, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, f, n, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.QuickSpanString = function(s) { return new Form(this.$get()).QuickSpanString(s); }; + Form.prototype.FirstBoundary = function(b) { + var {$24r, _r, b, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r = new Form(f).firstBoundary($clone(inputBytes(b), input), b.$length); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.FirstBoundary, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, b, f, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.FirstBoundary = function(b) { return new Form(this.$get()).FirstBoundary(b); }; + Form.prototype.firstBoundary = function(src, nsrc) { + var {_r, f, fd, i, info, nsrc, s, src, ss, ss$24ptr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {src, nsrc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + i = src.skipContinuationBytes(0); + if (i >= nsrc) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } + fd = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]); + ss = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r = fd.info($clone(src, input), i); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + info = $clone(_r, Properties); + if (info.size === 0) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } + s = (ss$24ptr || (ss$24ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return ss; }, function($v) { ss = $v; }))).next($clone(info, Properties)); + if (!((s === 0))) { + $s = -1; return i; + } + i = i + (((info.size >> 0))) >> 0; + if (i >= nsrc) { + if (!$clone(info, Properties).BoundaryAfter() && !new streamSafe(ss).isMax()) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } + $s = -1; return nsrc; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.firstBoundary, $c: true, $r, _r, f, fd, i, info, nsrc, s, src, ss, ss$24ptr, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.firstBoundary = function(src, nsrc) { return new Form(this.$get()).firstBoundary(src, nsrc); }; + Form.prototype.FirstBoundaryInString = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, f, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r = new Form(f).firstBoundary($clone(inputString(s), input), s.length); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.FirstBoundaryInString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, f, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.FirstBoundaryInString = function(s) { return new Form(this.$get()).FirstBoundaryInString(s); }; + Form.prototype.NextBoundary = function(b, atEOF) { + var {$24r, _r, atEOF, b, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, atEOF}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r = new Form(f).nextBoundary($clone(inputBytes(b), input), b.$length, atEOF); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.NextBoundary, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, atEOF, b, f, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.NextBoundary = function(b, atEOF) { return new Form(this.$get()).NextBoundary(b, atEOF); }; + Form.prototype.NextBoundaryInString = function(s, atEOF) { + var {$24r, _r, atEOF, f, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, atEOF}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r = new Form(f).nextBoundary($clone(inputString(s), input), s.length, atEOF); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.NextBoundaryInString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, atEOF, f, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.NextBoundaryInString = function(s, atEOF) { return new Form(this.$get()).NextBoundaryInString(s, atEOF); }; + Form.prototype.nextBoundary = function(src, nsrc, atEOF) { + var {_r, _r$1, atEOF, f, fd, i, info, nsrc, s, src, ss, ss$24ptr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {src, nsrc, atEOF}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + if (nsrc === 0) { + if (atEOF) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + $s = -1; return -1; + } + fd = ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]); + _r = fd.info($clone(src, input), 0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + info = $clone(_r, Properties); + if (info.size === 0) { + if (atEOF) { + $s = -1; return 1; + } + $s = -1; return -1; + } + ss = 0; + (ss$24ptr || (ss$24ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return ss; }, function($v) { ss = $v; }))).first($clone(info, Properties)); + i = ((info.size >> 0)); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(i < nsrc)) { break; } */ if(!(i < nsrc)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _r$1 = fd.info($clone(src, input), i); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(info, _r$1); + if (info.size === 0) { + if (atEOF) { + $s = -1; return i; + } + $s = -1; return -1; + } + s = (ss$24ptr || (ss$24ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return ss; }, function($v) { ss = $v; }))).next($clone(info, Properties)); + if (!((s === 0))) { + $s = -1; return i; + } + i = i + (((info.size >> 0))) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + if (!atEOF && !$clone(info, Properties).BoundaryAfter() && !new streamSafe(ss).isMax()) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } + $s = -1; return nsrc; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.nextBoundary, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, atEOF, f, fd, i, info, nsrc, s, src, ss, ss$24ptr, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.nextBoundary = function(src, nsrc, atEOF) { return new Form(this.$get()).nextBoundary(src, nsrc, atEOF); }; + Form.prototype.LastBoundary = function(b) { + var {$24r, _r, b, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + _r = lastBoundary(((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f]), b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Form.prototype.LastBoundary, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, b, f, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.LastBoundary = function(b) { return new Form(this.$get()).LastBoundary(b); }; + lastBoundary = function(fd, b) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, fd, i, info, p, ss, ss$24ptr, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = b.$length; + _r = lastRuneStart(fd, b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + info = $clone(_tuple[0], Properties); + p = _tuple[1]; + if (p === -1) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } + /* */ if (info.size === 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (info.size === 0) { */ case 2: + if (p === 0) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } + i = p; + _r$1 = lastRuneStart(fd, $subslice(b, 0, i)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + Properties.copy(info, _tuple$1[0]); + p = _tuple$1[1]; + if (p === -1) { + $s = -1; return i; + } + /* } */ case 3: + if (!(((p + ((info.size >> 0)) >> 0) === i))) { + $s = -1; return i; + } + if ($clone(info, Properties).BoundaryAfter()) { + $s = -1; return i; + } + ss = 0; + v = (ss$24ptr || (ss$24ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return ss; }, function($v) { ss = $v; }))).backwards($clone(info, Properties)); + i = p; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(i >= 0 && !((v === 1)))) { break; } */ if(!(i >= 0 && !((v === 1)))) { $s = 6; continue; } + _r$2 = lastRuneStart(fd, $subslice(b, 0, i)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + Properties.copy(info, _tuple$2[0]); + p = _tuple$2[1]; + v = (ss$24ptr || (ss$24ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return ss; }, function($v) { ss = $v; }))).backwards($clone(info, Properties)); + if (v === 2) { + /* break; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + if (!(((p + ((info.size >> 0)) >> 0) === i))) { + if (p === -1) { + $s = -1; return -1; + } + $s = -1; return i; + } + i = p; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return i; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: lastBoundary, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, fd, i, info, p, ss, ss$24ptr, v, $s};return $f; + }; + decomposeSegment = function(rb, sp, atEOF) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, atEOF, err, err$1, info, rb, s, s$1, sp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rb, sp, atEOF}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = rb.f.info($clone(rb.src, input), sp); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + info = $clone(_r, Properties); + if (info.size === 0) { + $s = -1; return 0; + } + s = (rb.$ptr_ss || (rb.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, rb))).next($clone(info, Properties)); + /* */ if (s === 1) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (s === 2) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (s === 1) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (rb.nrune > 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (rb.nrune > 0) { */ case 5: + /* goto end */ $s = 7; continue; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (s === 2) { */ case 3: + rb.insertCGJ(); + /* goto end */ $s = 7; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$1 = rb.insertFlush($clone(rb.src, input), sp, $clone(info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!((err === 0))) { + $s = -1; return ((err >> 0)); + } + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + sp = sp + (((info.size >> 0))) >> 0; + if (sp >= rb.nsrc) { + if (!atEOF && !$clone(info, Properties).BoundaryAfter()) { + $s = -1; return -2; + } + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + _r$2 = rb.f.info($clone(rb.src, input), sp); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(info, _r$2); + if (info.size === 0) { + if (!atEOF) { + $s = -1; return -2; + } + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + s$1 = (rb.$ptr_ss || (rb.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, rb))).next($clone(info, Properties)); + if (s$1 === 1) { + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } else if (s$1 === 2) { + rb.insertCGJ(); + /* break; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + _r$3 = rb.insertFlush($clone(rb.src, input), sp, $clone(info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$3; + if (!((err$1 === 0))) { + $s = -1; return ((err$1 >> 0)); + } + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + /* end: */ case 7: + _r$4 = rb.doFlush(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$4) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!_r$4) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return -1; + /* } */ case 14: + $s = -1; return sp; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decomposeSegment, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, atEOF, err, err$1, info, rb, s, s$1, sp, $s};return $f; + }; + lastRuneStart = function(fd, buf) { + var {$24r, _r, buf, fd, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fd, buf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = buf.$length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(p >= 0 && !utf8.RuneStart(((p < 0 || p >= buf.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + p])))) { break; } + p = p - (1) >> 0; + } + if (p < 0) { + $s = -1; return [new Properties.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), -1]; + } + _r = fd.info($clone(inputBytes(buf), input), p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, p]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: lastRuneStart, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, buf, fd, p, $s};return $f; + }; + decomposeToLastBoundary = function(rb) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, add, buf, cp, fd, i, info, p, padd, rb, ss, ss$24ptr, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rb}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fd = rb.f; + _r = lastRuneStart(fd, rb.out); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + info = $clone(_tuple[0], Properties); + i = _tuple[1]; + if (!((((info.size >> 0)) === (rb.out.$length - i >> 0)))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if ($clone(info, Properties).BoundaryAfter()) { + $s = -1; return; + } + add = arrayType$2.zero(); + padd = 0; + ss = 0; + p = rb.out.$length; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + Properties.copy(((padd < 0 || padd >= add.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : add[padd]), info); + v = (ss$24ptr || (ss$24ptr = new ptrType$1(function() { return ss; }, function($v) { ss = $v; }))).backwards($clone(info, Properties)); + if (v === 2) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + padd = padd + (1) >> 0; + p = p - (((info.size >> 0))) >> 0; + if ((v === 1) || p < 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + _r$1 = lastRuneStart(fd, $subslice(rb.out, 0, p)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + Properties.copy(info, _tuple$1[0]); + i = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!((((info.size >> 0)) === (p - i >> 0)))) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + rb.ss = ss; + buf = arrayType$1.zero(); + cp = $subslice(new sliceType$4(buf), 0, $copySlice(new sliceType$4(buf), $subslice(rb.out, p))); + rb.out = $subslice(rb.out, 0, p); + padd = padd - (1) >> 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(padd >= 0)) { break; } */ if(!(padd >= 0)) { $s = 6; continue; } + Properties.copy(info, ((padd < 0 || padd >= add.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : add[padd])); + $r = rb.insertUnsafe($clone(inputBytes(cp), input), 0, $clone(info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cp = $subslice(cp, info.size); + padd = padd - (1) >> 0; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: decomposeToLastBoundary, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, add, buf, cp, fd, i, info, p, padd, rb, ss, ss$24ptr, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Iter.ptr.prototype.Init = function(f, src) { + var {_r, f, i, src, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = this; + i.p = 0; + if (src.$length === 0) { + i.setDone(); + i.rb.nsrc = 0; + $s = -1; return; + } + i.multiSeg = sliceType$4.nil; + i.rb.init(f, src); + i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain; + i.asciiF = nextASCIIBytes; + _r = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r); + (x = i.rb, (x.$ptr_ss || (x.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x)))).first($clone(i.info, Properties)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Iter.ptr.prototype.Init, $c: true, $r, _r, f, i, src, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Iter.prototype.Init = function(f, src) { return this.$val.Init(f, src); }; + Iter.ptr.prototype.InitString = function(f, src) { + var {_r, f, i, src, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = this; + i.p = 0; + if (src.length === 0) { + i.setDone(); + i.rb.nsrc = 0; + $s = -1; return; + } + i.multiSeg = sliceType$4.nil; + i.rb.initString(f, src); + i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain; + i.asciiF = nextASCIIString; + _r = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r); + (x = i.rb, (x.$ptr_ss || (x.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x)))).first($clone(i.info, Properties)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Iter.ptr.prototype.InitString, $c: true, $r, _r, f, i, src, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Iter.prototype.InitString = function(f, src) { return this.$val.InitString(f, src); }; + Iter.ptr.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, abs, i, offset, whence, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {offset, whence}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = this; + abs = new $Int64(0, 0); + _1 = whence; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 2: + abs = offset; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 3: + abs = (x = (new $Int64(0, i.p)), new $Int64(x.$high + offset.$high, x.$low + offset.$low)); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 4: + abs = (x$1 = (new $Int64(0, i.rb.nsrc)), new $Int64(x$1.$high + offset.$high, x$1.$low + offset.$low)); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r = fmt.Errorf("norm: invalid whence", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new $Int64(0, 0), _r]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + /* */ if ((abs.$high < 0 || (abs.$high === 0 && abs.$low < 0))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ((abs.$high < 0 || (abs.$high === 0 && abs.$low < 0))) { */ case 9: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("norm: negative position", new sliceType$5([])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [new $Int64(0, 0), _r$1]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + if ((((abs.$low + ((abs.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)) >= i.rb.nsrc) { + i.setDone(); + $s = -1; return [(new $Int64(0, i.p)), $ifaceNil]; + } + i.p = (((abs.$low + ((abs.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + i.multiSeg = sliceType$4.nil; + i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain; + _r$2 = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r$2); + (x$2 = i.rb, (x$2.$ptr_ss || (x$2.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x$2)))).first($clone(i.info, Properties)); + $s = -1; return [abs, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Iter.ptr.prototype.Seek, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, abs, i, offset, whence, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Iter.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { return this.$val.Seek(offset, whence); }; + Iter.ptr.prototype.returnSlice = function(a, b) { + var a, b, i; + i = this; + if (i.rb.src.bytes === sliceType$4.nil) { + return $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, $copyString(new sliceType$4(i.buf), $substring(i.rb.src.str, a, b))); + } + return $subslice(i.rb.src.bytes, a, b); + }; + Iter.prototype.returnSlice = function(a, b) { return this.$val.returnSlice(a, b); }; + Iter.ptr.prototype.Pos = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return i.p; + }; + Iter.prototype.Pos = function() { return this.$val.Pos(); }; + Iter.ptr.prototype.setDone = function() { + var i; + i = this; + i.next = nextDone; + i.p = i.rb.nsrc; + }; + Iter.prototype.setDone = function() { return this.$val.setDone(); }; + Iter.ptr.prototype.Done = function() { + var i; + i = this; + return i.p >= i.rb.nsrc; + }; + Iter.prototype.Done = function() { return this.$val.Done(); }; + Iter.ptr.prototype.Next = function() { + var {$24r, _r, i, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = this; + _r = i.next(i); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Iter.ptr.prototype.Next, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, i, $s};return $f; + }; + Iter.prototype.Next = function() { return this.$val.Next(); }; + nextASCIIBytes = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, i, p, p0, p0$1, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = i.p + 1 >> 0; + if (p >= i.rb.nsrc) { + p0 = i.p; + i.setDone(); + $s = -1; return $subslice(i.rb.src.bytes, p0, p); + } + if ((x = i.rb.src.bytes, ((p < 0 || p >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + p])) < 128) { + p0$1 = i.p; + i.p = p; + $s = -1; return $subslice(i.rb.src.bytes, p0$1, p); + } + _r = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r); + i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain; + _r$1 = i.next(i); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nextASCIIBytes, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, i, p, p0, p0$1, x, $s};return $f; + }; + nextASCIIString = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, i, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = i.p + 1 >> 0; + if (p >= i.rb.nsrc) { + i.buf[0] = i.rb.src.str.charCodeAt(i.p); + i.setDone(); + $s = -1; return $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, 1); + } + if (i.rb.src.str.charCodeAt(p) < 128) { + i.buf[0] = i.rb.src.str.charCodeAt(i.p); + i.p = p; + $s = -1; return $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, 1); + } + _r = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r); + i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain; + _r$1 = i.next(i); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nextASCIIString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, i, p, $s};return $f; + }; + nextHangul = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, i, next, p, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = i.p; + next = p + 3 >> 0; + /* */ if (next >= i.rb.nsrc) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if (i.rb.src.hangul(next) === 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (next >= i.rb.nsrc) { */ case 1: + i.setDone(); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else if (i.rb.src.hangul(next) === 0) { */ case 2: + (x = i.rb, (x.$ptr_ss || (x.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x)))).next($clone(i.info, Properties)); + _r = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r); + i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain; + _r$1 = i.next(i); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + i.p = next; + $s = -1; return $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, decomposeHangul(new sliceType$4(i.buf), i.rb.src.hangul(p))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nextHangul, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, i, next, p, x, $s};return $f; + }; + nextDone = function(i) { + var i; + return sliceType$4.nil; + }; + nextMulti = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, d, i, info, j, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + j = 0; + d = i.multiSeg; + j = 1; + while (true) { + if (!(j < d.$length && !utf8.RuneStart(((j < 0 || j >= d.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : d.$array[d.$offset + j])))) { break; } + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(j < d.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(j < d.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = i.rb.f.info(new input.ptr("", d), j); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + info = $clone(_r, Properties); + if ($clone(info, Properties).BoundaryBefore()) { + i.multiSeg = $subslice(d, j); + $s = -1; return $subslice(d, 0, j); + } + j = j + (((info.size >> 0))) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain; + _r$1 = i.next(i); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nextMulti, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, d, i, info, j, $s};return $f; + }; + nextMultiNorm = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, d, i, info, j, seg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + j = 0; + d = i.multiSeg; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(j < d.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(j < d.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = i.rb.f.info(new input.ptr("", d), j); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + info = $clone(_r, Properties); + /* */ if ($clone(info, Properties).BoundaryBefore()) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($clone(info, Properties).BoundaryBefore()) { */ case 4: + $r = i.rb.compose(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + seg = $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, i.rb.flushCopy(new sliceType$4(i.buf))); + $r = i.rb.insertUnsafe(new input.ptr("", d), j, $clone(info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i.multiSeg = $subslice(d, (j + ((info.size >> 0)) >> 0)); + $s = -1; return seg; + /* } */ case 5: + $r = i.rb.insertUnsafe(new input.ptr("", d), j, $clone(info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + j = j + (((info.size >> 0))) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + i.multiSeg = sliceType$4.nil; + i.next = nextComposed; + _r$1 = doNormComposed(i); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nextMultiNorm, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, d, i, info, j, seg, $s};return $f; + }; + nextDecomposed = function(i) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, d, i, inCopyStart, next, outCopyStart, outp, p, p$1, p$2, prevCC, prevCC$1, r, sz, v, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + next = sliceType$4.nil; + outp = 0; + _tmp = i.p; + _tmp$1 = 0; + inCopyStart = _tmp; + outCopyStart = _tmp$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + sz = ((i.info.size >> 0)); + /* */ if (sz <= 1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (sz <= 1) { */ case 3: + i.rb.ss = 0; + p = i.p; + i.p = i.p + (1) >> 0; + if (i.p >= i.rb.nsrc) { + i.setDone(); + next = i.returnSlice(p, i.p); + $s = -1; return next; + } else if (i.rb.src._byte(i.p) < 128) { + i.next = i.asciiF; + next = i.returnSlice(p, i.p); + $s = -1; return next; + } + outp = outp + (1) >> 0; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + d = $clone(i.info, Properties).Decomposition(); + /* */ if (!(d === sliceType$4.nil)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(d === sliceType$4.nil)) { */ case 6: + p$1 = outp + d.$length >> 0; + /* */ if (outp > 0) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if ($clone(i.info, Properties).multiSegment()) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (outp > 0) { */ case 9: + i.rb.src.copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), outCopyStart), inCopyStart, i.p); + if (p$1 > 128) { + next = $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, outp); + $s = -1; return next; + } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if ($clone(i.info, Properties).multiSegment()) { */ case 10: + /* */ if (i.multiSeg === sliceType$4.nil) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (i.multiSeg === sliceType$4.nil) { */ case 12: + i.multiSeg = d; + i.next = nextMulti; + _r = nextMulti(i); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + next = _r; + $24r = next; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r; + /* } */ case 13: + d = i.multiSeg; + i.multiSeg = sliceType$4.nil; + p$1 = d.$length; + /* } */ case 11: + prevCC = i.info.tccc; + i.p = i.p + (sz) >> 0; + /* */ if (i.p >= i.rb.nsrc) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (i.p >= i.rb.nsrc) { */ case 16: + i.setDone(); + Properties.copy(i.info, new Properties.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + $s = 18; continue; + /* } else { */ case 17: + _r$1 = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r$1); + /* } */ case 18: + _1 = (x = i.rb, (x.$ptr_ss || (x.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x)))).next($clone(i.info, Properties)); + if (_1 === (2)) { + i.next = nextCGJDecompose; + if (outp > 0) { + $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), outp), d); + next = $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, p$1); + $s = -1; return next; + } + next = d; + $s = -1; return next; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + if (outp > 0) { + $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), outp), d); + next = $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, p$1); + $s = -1; return next; + } + next = d; + $s = -1; return next; + } + $copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), outp), d); + outp = p$1; + _tmp$2 = i.p; + _tmp$3 = outp; + inCopyStart = _tmp$2; + outCopyStart = _tmp$3; + /* */ if (i.info.ccc < prevCC) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (i.info.ccc < prevCC) { */ case 20: + /* goto doNorm */ $s = 22; continue; + /* } */ case 21: + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + r = i.rb.src.hangul(i.p); + if (!((r === 0))) { + outp = decomposeHangul(new sliceType$4(i.buf), r); + i.p = i.p + (3) >> 0; + _tmp$4 = i.p; + _tmp$5 = outp; + inCopyStart = _tmp$4; + outCopyStart = _tmp$5; + if (i.p >= i.rb.nsrc) { + i.setDone(); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } else if (!((i.rb.src.hangul(i.p) === 0))) { + i.next = nextHangul; + next = $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, outp); + $s = -1; return next; + } + } else { + p$2 = outp + sz >> 0; + if (p$2 > 128) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + outp = p$2; + i.p = i.p + (sz) >> 0; + } + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 5: + if (i.p >= i.rb.nsrc) { + i.setDone(); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + prevCC$1 = i.info.tccc; + _r$2 = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r$2); + v = (x$1 = i.rb, (x$1.$ptr_ss || (x$1.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x$1)))).next($clone(i.info, Properties)); + if (v === 1) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } else if (v === 2) { + i.next = nextCGJDecompose; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + /* */ if (i.info.ccc < prevCC$1) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (i.info.ccc < prevCC$1) { */ case 24: + /* goto doNorm */ $s = 22; continue; + /* } */ case 25: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + if (outCopyStart === 0) { + next = i.returnSlice(inCopyStart, i.p); + $s = -1; return next; + } else if (inCopyStart < i.p) { + i.rb.src.copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), outCopyStart), inCopyStart, i.p); + } + next = $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, outp); + $s = -1; return next; + /* doNorm: */ case 22: + i.rb.src.copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), outCopyStart), inCopyStart, i.p); + _r$3 = i.rb.insertDecomposed($subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, outp)); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = doNormDecomposed(i); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + next = _r$4; + $24r$1 = next; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nextDecomposed, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, d, i, inCopyStart, next, outCopyStart, outp, p, p$1, p$2, prevCC, prevCC$1, r, sz, v, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + doNormDecomposed = function(i) { + var {_r, i, s, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + $r = i.rb.insertUnsafe($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p, $clone(i.info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i.p = i.p + (((i.info.size >> 0))) >> 0; + if (i.p >= i.rb.nsrc) { + i.setDone(); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _r = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r); + if (i.info.ccc === 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + s = (x = i.rb, (x.$ptr_ss || (x.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x)))).next($clone(i.info, Properties)); + if (s === 2) { + i.next = nextCGJDecompose; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, i.rb.flushCopy(new sliceType$4(i.buf))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: doNormDecomposed, $c: true, $r, _r, i, s, x, $s};return $f; + }; + nextCGJDecompose = function(i) { + var {_r, buf, i, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i.rb.ss = 0; + i.rb.insertCGJ(); + i.next = nextDecomposed; + (x = i.rb, (x.$ptr_ss || (x.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x)))).first($clone(i.info, Properties)); + _r = doNormDecomposed(i); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = _r; + $s = -1; return buf; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nextCGJDecompose, $c: true, $r, _r, buf, i, x, $s};return $f; + }; + nextComposed = function(i) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, d, i, info, outp, p, prevCC, startp, sz, v, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = i.p; + outp = _tmp; + startp = _tmp$1; + prevCC = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (!$clone(i.info, Properties).isYesC()) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!$clone(i.info, Properties).isYesC()) { */ case 3: + /* goto doNorm */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + prevCC = i.info.tccc; + sz = ((i.info.size >> 0)); + if (sz === 0) { + sz = 1; + } + p = outp + sz >> 0; + if (p > 128) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + outp = p; + i.p = i.p + (sz) >> 0; + if (i.p >= i.rb.nsrc) { + i.setDone(); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } else if (i.rb.src._byte(i.p) < 128) { + i.rb.ss = 0; + i.next = i.asciiF; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _r = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r); + v = (x = i.rb, (x.$ptr_ss || (x.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x)))).next($clone(i.info, Properties)); + if (v === 1) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } else if (v === 2) { + i.next = nextCGJCompose; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + /* */ if (i.info.ccc < prevCC) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (i.info.ccc < prevCC) { */ case 7: + /* goto doNorm */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 8: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return i.returnSlice(startp, i.p); + /* doNorm: */ case 5: + i.p = startp; + _r$1 = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r$1); + (x$1 = i.rb, (x$1.$ptr_ss || (x$1.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x$1)))).first($clone(i.info, Properties)); + /* */ if ($clone(i.info, Properties).multiSegment()) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ($clone(i.info, Properties).multiSegment()) { */ case 10: + d = $clone(i.info, Properties).Decomposition(); + _r$2 = i.rb.f.info(new input.ptr("", d), 0); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + info = $clone(_r$2, Properties); + $r = i.rb.insertUnsafe(new input.ptr("", d), 0, $clone(info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i.multiSeg = $subslice(d, ((info.size >> 0))); + i.next = nextMultiNorm; + _r$3 = nextMultiNorm(i); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r; + /* } */ case 11: + (x$2 = i.rb, (x$2.$ptr_ss || (x$2.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x$2)))).first($clone(i.info, Properties)); + $r = i.rb.insertUnsafe($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p, $clone(i.info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = doNormComposed(i); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$4; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nextComposed, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, d, i, info, outp, p, prevCC, startp, sz, v, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + doNormComposed = function(i) { + var {_r, i, s, seg, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + i.p = i.p + (((i.info.size >> 0))) >> 0; + if (i.p >= i.rb.nsrc) { + i.setDone(); + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _r = i.rb.f.info($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + Properties.copy(i.info, _r); + s = (x = i.rb, (x.$ptr_ss || (x.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x)))).next($clone(i.info, Properties)); + if (s === 1) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } else if (s === 2) { + i.next = nextCGJCompose; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + $r = i.rb.insertUnsafe($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p, $clone(i.info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $r = i.rb.compose(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + seg = $subslice(new sliceType$4(i.buf), 0, i.rb.flushCopy(new sliceType$4(i.buf))); + $s = -1; return seg; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: doNormComposed, $c: true, $r, _r, i, s, seg, x, $s};return $f; + }; + nextCGJCompose = function(i) { + var {$24r, _r, i, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {i}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i.rb.ss = 0; + i.rb.insertCGJ(); + i.next = nextComposed; + (x = i.rb, (x.$ptr_ss || (x.$ptr_ss = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.ss; }, function($v) { this.$target.ss = $v; }, x)))).first($clone(i.info, Properties)); + $r = i.rb.insertUnsafe($clone(i.rb.src, input), i.p, $clone(i.info, Properties)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r = doNormComposed(i); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: nextCGJCompose, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, i, x, $s};return $f; + }; + inputBytes = function(str) { + var str; + return new input.ptr("", str); + }; + inputString = function(str) { + var str; + return new input.ptr(str, sliceType$4.nil); + }; + input.ptr.prototype.setBytes = function(str) { + var in$1, str; + in$1 = this; + in$1.str = ""; + in$1.bytes = str; + }; + input.prototype.setBytes = function(str) { return this.$val.setBytes(str); }; + input.ptr.prototype.setString = function(str) { + var in$1, str; + in$1 = this; + in$1.str = str; + in$1.bytes = sliceType$4.nil; + }; + input.prototype.setString = function(str) { return this.$val.setString(str); }; + input.ptr.prototype._byte = function(p) { + var in$1, p, x; + in$1 = this; + if (in$1.bytes === sliceType$4.nil) { + return in$1.str.charCodeAt(p); + } + return (x = in$1.bytes, ((p < 0 || p >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + p])); + }; + input.prototype._byte = function(p) { return this.$val._byte(p); }; + input.ptr.prototype.skipASCII = function(p, max) { + var in$1, max, p, x; + in$1 = this; + if (in$1.bytes === sliceType$4.nil) { + while (true) { + if (!(p < max && in$1.str.charCodeAt(p) < 128)) { break; } + p = p + (1) >> 0; + } + } else { + while (true) { + if (!(p < max && (x = in$1.bytes, ((p < 0 || p >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + p])) < 128)) { break; } + p = p + (1) >> 0; + } + } + return p; + }; + input.prototype.skipASCII = function(p, max) { return this.$val.skipASCII(p, max); }; + input.ptr.prototype.skipContinuationBytes = function(p) { + var in$1, p, x; + in$1 = this; + if (in$1.bytes === sliceType$4.nil) { + while (true) { + if (!(p < in$1.str.length && !utf8.RuneStart(in$1.str.charCodeAt(p)))) { break; } + p = p + (1) >> 0; + } + } else { + while (true) { + if (!(p < in$1.bytes.$length && !utf8.RuneStart((x = in$1.bytes, ((p < 0 || p >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + p]))))) { break; } + p = p + (1) >> 0; + } + } + return p; + }; + input.prototype.skipContinuationBytes = function(p) { return this.$val.skipContinuationBytes(p); }; + input.ptr.prototype.appendSlice = function(buf, b, e) { + var b, buf, e, i, in$1; + in$1 = this; + if (!(in$1.bytes === sliceType$4.nil)) { + return $appendSlice(buf, $subslice(in$1.bytes, b, e)); + } + i = b; + while (true) { + if (!(i < e)) { break; } + buf = $append(buf, in$1.str.charCodeAt(i)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return buf; + }; + input.prototype.appendSlice = function(buf, b, e) { return this.$val.appendSlice(buf, b, e); }; + input.ptr.prototype.copySlice = function(buf, b, e) { + var b, buf, e, in$1; + in$1 = this; + if (in$1.bytes === sliceType$4.nil) { + return $copyString(buf, $substring(in$1.str, b, e)); + } + return $copySlice(buf, $subslice(in$1.bytes, b, e)); + }; + input.prototype.copySlice = function(buf, b, e) { return this.$val.copySlice(buf, b, e); }; + input.ptr.prototype.charinfoNFC = function(p) { + var in$1, p; + in$1 = this; + if (in$1.bytes === sliceType$4.nil) { + return nfcData.lookupString($substring(in$1.str, p)); + } + return nfcData.lookup($subslice(in$1.bytes, p)); + }; + input.prototype.charinfoNFC = function(p) { return this.$val.charinfoNFC(p); }; + input.ptr.prototype.charinfoNFKC = function(p) { + var in$1, p; + in$1 = this; + if (in$1.bytes === sliceType$4.nil) { + return nfkcData.lookupString($substring(in$1.str, p)); + } + return nfkcData.lookup($subslice(in$1.bytes, p)); + }; + input.prototype.charinfoNFKC = function(p) { return this.$val.charinfoNFKC(p); }; + input.ptr.prototype.hangul = function(p) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, in$1, p, r, size; + r = 0; + in$1 = this; + size = 0; + if (in$1.bytes === sliceType$4.nil) { + if (!isHangulString($substring(in$1.str, p))) { + r = 0; + return r; + } + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(in$1.str, p)); + r = _tuple[0]; + size = _tuple[1]; + } else { + if (!isHangul($subslice(in$1.bytes, p))) { + r = 0; + return r; + } + _tuple$1 = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(in$1.bytes, p)); + r = _tuple$1[0]; + size = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if (!((size === 3))) { + r = 0; + return r; + } + r = r; + return r; + }; + input.prototype.hangul = function(p) { return this.$val.hangul(p); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.BoundaryBefore = function() { + var p; + p = this; + if ((p.ccc === 0) && !$clone(p, Properties).combinesBackward()) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + Properties.prototype.BoundaryBefore = function() { return this.$val.BoundaryBefore(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.BoundaryAfter = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return $clone(p, Properties).isInert(); + }; + Properties.prototype.BoundaryAfter = function() { return this.$val.BoundaryAfter(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.isYesC = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return ((p.flags & 16) >>> 0) === 0; + }; + Properties.prototype.isYesC = function() { return this.$val.isYesC(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.isYesD = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return ((p.flags & 4) >>> 0) === 0; + }; + Properties.prototype.isYesD = function() { return this.$val.isYesD(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.combinesBackward = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return !((((p.flags & 8) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + Properties.prototype.combinesBackward = function() { return this.$val.combinesBackward(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.hasDecomposition = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return !((((p.flags & 4) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + Properties.prototype.hasDecomposition = function() { return this.$val.hasDecomposition(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.isInert = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return (((p.flags & 63) >>> 0) === 0) && (p.ccc === 0); + }; + Properties.prototype.isInert = function() { return this.$val.isInert(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.multiSegment = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.index >= 6256 && p.index < 12151; + }; + Properties.prototype.multiSegment = function() { return this.$val.multiSegment(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.nLeadingNonStarters = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return p.nLead; + }; + Properties.prototype.nLeadingNonStarters = function() { return this.$val.nLeadingNonStarters(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.nTrailingNonStarters = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return ((((p.flags & 3) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + }; + Properties.prototype.nTrailingNonStarters = function() { return this.$val.nTrailingNonStarters(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.Decomposition = function() { + var i, n, p; + p = this; + if (p.index === 0) { + return sliceType$4.nil; + } + i = p.index; + n = (((i < 0 || i >= decomps.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : decomps[i]) & 63) >>> 0; + i = i + (1) << 16 >>> 16; + return $subslice(new sliceType$4(decomps), i, (i + ((n << 16 >>> 16)) << 16 >>> 16)); + }; + Properties.prototype.Decomposition = function() { return this.$val.Decomposition(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return ((p.size >> 0)); + }; + Properties.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.CCC = function() { + var p, x; + p = this; + if (p.index >= 19087) { + return 0; + } + return (x = p.ccc, ((x < 0 || x >= ccc.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ccc[x])); + }; + Properties.prototype.CCC = function() { return this.$val.CCC(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.LeadCCC = function() { + var p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.ccc, ((x < 0 || x >= ccc.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ccc[x])); + }; + Properties.prototype.LeadCCC = function() { return this.$val.LeadCCC(); }; + Properties.ptr.prototype.TrailCCC = function() { + var p, x; + p = this; + return (x = p.tccc, ((x < 0 || x >= ccc.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ccc[x])); + }; + Properties.prototype.TrailCCC = function() { return this.$val.TrailCCC(); }; + buildRecompMap = function() { + var _key, buf, i, key, val; + recompMap = {}; + buf = arrayType$3.zero(); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < 7528)) { break; } + $copyString(new sliceType$4(buf), 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i, (i + 8 >> 0))); + key = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(new sliceType$4(buf), 0, 4)); + val = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(new sliceType$4(buf), 4)); + _key = key; (recompMap || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: ((val >> 0)) }; + i = i + (8) >> 0; + } + }; + combine = function(a, b) { + var _entry, a, b, key; + key = (((((a << 16 >>> 16)) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0) + ((((b << 16 >>> 16)) >>> 0)) >>> 0; + if (recompMap === false) { + $panic(new $String("caller error")); + } + return (_entry = recompMap[$Uint32.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0); + }; + lookupInfoNFC = function(b, i) { + var _tuple, b, i, sz, v; + _tuple = b.charinfoNFC(i); + v = _tuple[0]; + sz = _tuple[1]; + return compInfo(v, sz); + }; + lookupInfoNFKC = function(b, i) { + var _tuple, b, i, sz, v; + _tuple = b.charinfoNFKC(i); + v = _tuple[0]; + sz = _tuple[1]; + return compInfo(v, sz); + }; + Form.prototype.Properties = function(s) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, f, s; + f = this.$val; + if ((f === 0) || (f === 1)) { + _tuple = nfcData.lookup(s); + return compInfo(_tuple[0], _tuple[1]); + } + _tuple$1 = nfkcData.lookup(s); + return compInfo(_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1]); + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.Properties = function(s) { return new Form(this.$get()).Properties(s); }; + Form.prototype.PropertiesString = function(s) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, f, s; + f = this.$val; + if ((f === 0) || (f === 1)) { + _tuple = nfcData.lookupString(s); + return compInfo(_tuple[0], _tuple[1]); + } + _tuple$1 = nfkcData.lookupString(s); + return compInfo(_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1]); + }; + $ptrType(Form).prototype.PropertiesString = function(s) { return new Form(this.$get()).PropertiesString(s); }; + compInfo = function(v, sz) { + var c, f, h, p, p$1, sz, v, x; + if (v === 0) { + return new Properties.ptr(0, ((sz << 24 >>> 24)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + } else if (v >= 32768) { + p = new Properties.ptr(0, ((sz << 24 >>> 24)), ((v << 24 >>> 24)), ((v << 24 >>> 24)), 0, (((v >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24)), 0); + if (p.ccc > 0 || $clone(p, Properties).combinesBackward()) { + p.nLead = ((((p.flags & 3) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + } + return p; + } + h = ((v < 0 || v >= decomps.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : decomps[v]); + f = (((((((h & 192) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) >>> 2 << 24 >>> 24)) | 4) >>> 0; + p$1 = new Properties.ptr(0, ((sz << 24 >>> 24)), 0, 0, 0, f, v); + if (v >= 11435) { + v = v + ((((((h & 63) >>> 0) << 16 >>> 16)) + 1 << 16 >>> 16)) << 16 >>> 16; + c = ((v < 0 || v >= decomps.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : decomps[v]); + p$1.tccc = c >>> 2 << 24 >>> 24; + p$1.flags = (p$1.flags | (((((c & 3) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)))) >>> 0; + if (v >= 18885) { + p$1.nLead = (c & 3) >>> 0; + if (v >= 19126) { + p$1.flags = (p$1.flags & (3)) >>> 0; + p$1.index = 0; + return p$1; + } + p$1.ccc = (x = v + 1 << 16 >>> 16, ((x < 0 || x >= decomps.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : decomps[x])); + } + } + return p$1; + }; + $ptrType(streamSafe).prototype.first = function(p) { + var p, ss; + ss = this; + ss.$set((($clone(p, Properties).nTrailingNonStarters() << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + $ptrType(streamSafe).prototype.next = function(p) { + var n, p, ss; + ss = this; + if (ss.$get() > 30) { + $panic(new $String("streamSafe was not reset")); + } + n = $clone(p, Properties).nLeadingNonStarters(); + ss.$set(ss.$get() + (((n << 24 >>> 24))) << 24 >>> 24); + if (ss.$get() > 30) { + ss.$set(0); + return 2; + } + if (n === 0) { + ss.$set((($clone(p, Properties).nTrailingNonStarters() << 24 >>> 24))); + return 1; + } + return 0; + }; + $ptrType(streamSafe).prototype.backwards = function(p) { + var c, p, ss; + ss = this; + if (ss.$get() > 30) { + $panic(new $String("streamSafe was not reset")); + } + c = ss.$get() + (($clone(p, Properties).nTrailingNonStarters() << 24 >>> 24)) << 24 >>> 24; + if (c > 30) { + return 2; + } + ss.$set(c); + if ($clone(p, Properties).nLeadingNonStarters() === 0) { + return 1; + } + return 0; + }; + streamSafe.prototype.isMax = function() { + var ss; + ss = this.$val; + return ss === 30; + }; + $ptrType(streamSafe).prototype.isMax = function() { return new streamSafe(this.$get()).isMax(); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.init = function(f, src) { + var f, rb, src; + rb = this; + formInfo.copy(rb.f, ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f])); + rb.src.setBytes(src); + rb.nsrc = src.$length; + rb.ss = 0; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.init = function(f, src) { return this.$val.init(f, src); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.initString = function(f, src) { + var f, rb, src; + rb = this; + formInfo.copy(rb.f, ((f < 0 || f >= formTable.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : formTable.$array[formTable.$offset + f])); + rb.src.setString(src); + rb.nsrc = src.length; + rb.ss = 0; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.initString = function(f, src) { return this.$val.initString(f, src); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.setFlusher = function(out, f) { + var f, out, rb; + rb = this; + rb.out = out; + rb.flushF = f; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.setFlusher = function(out, f) { return this.$val.setFlusher(out, f); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.reset = function() { + var rb; + rb = this; + rb.nrune = 0; + rb.nbyte = 0; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.reset = function() { return this.$val.reset(); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.doFlush = function() { + var {_r, rb, res, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb = this; + /* */ if (rb.f.composing) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (rb.f.composing) { */ case 1: + $r = rb.compose(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r = rb.flushF(rb); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + res = _r; + rb.reset(); + $s = -1; return res; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.doFlush, $c: true, $r, _r, rb, res, $s};return $f; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.doFlush = function() { return this.$val.doFlush(); }; + appendFlush = function(rb) { + var end, i, rb, start, x, x$1; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < rb.nrune)) { break; } + start = (x = rb.rune, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])).pos; + end = start + (x$1 = rb.rune, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i])).size << 24 >>> 24; + rb.out = $appendSlice(rb.out, $subslice(new sliceType$4(rb.byte$1), start, end)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.flushCopy = function(buf) { + var buf, i, p, rb, runep, x; + rb = this; + p = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < rb.nrune)) { break; } + runep = $clone((x = rb.rune, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])), Properties); + p = p + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, p), $subslice(new sliceType$4(rb.byte$1), runep.pos, (runep.pos + runep.size << 24 >>> 24)))) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + rb.reset(); + return p; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.flushCopy = function(buf) { return this.$val.flushCopy(buf); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.insertOrdered = function(info) { + var b, cc, info, n, pos, rb, x, x$1; + rb = this; + n = rb.nrune; + b = new sliceType$6(rb.rune); + cc = info.ccc; + if (cc > 0) { + while (true) { + if (!(n > 0)) { break; } + if ((x = n - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x])).ccc <= cc) { + break; + } + Properties.copy(((n < 0 || n >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + n]), (x$1 = n - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x$1]))); + n = n - (1) >> 0; + } + } + rb.nrune = rb.nrune + (1) >> 0; + pos = (rb.nbyte); + rb.nbyte = rb.nbyte + (4) << 24 >>> 24; + info.pos = pos; + Properties.copy(((n < 0 || n >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + n]), info); + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.insertOrdered = function(info) { return this.$val.insertOrdered(info); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.insertFlush = function(src, i, info) { + var {$24r, _r, i, info, rb, rune, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {src, i, info}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb = this; + rune = src.hangul(i); + if (!((rune === 0))) { + rb.decomposeHangul(rune); + $s = -1; return 0; + } + /* */ if ($clone(info, Properties).hasDecomposition()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(info, Properties).hasDecomposition()) { */ case 1: + _r = rb.insertDecomposed($clone(info, Properties).Decomposition()); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + rb.insertSingle($clone(src, input), i, $clone(info, Properties)); + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.insertFlush, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, i, info, rb, rune, src, $s};return $f; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.insertFlush = function(src, i, info) { return this.$val.insertFlush(src, i, info); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.insertUnsafe = function(src, i, info) { + var {_r, i, info, rb, rune, src, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {src, i, info}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb = this; + rune = src.hangul(i); + if (!((rune === 0))) { + rb.decomposeHangul(rune); + } + /* */ if ($clone(info, Properties).hasDecomposition()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone(info, Properties).hasDecomposition()) { */ case 1: + _r = rb.insertDecomposed($clone(info, Properties).Decomposition()); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + rb.insertSingle($clone(src, input), i, $clone(info, Properties)); + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.insertUnsafe, $c: true, $r, _r, i, info, rb, rune, src, $s};return $f; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.insertUnsafe = function(src, i, info) { return this.$val.insertUnsafe(src, i, info); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.insertDecomposed = function(dcomp) { + var {_r, _r$1, _v, dcomp, i, info, rb, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dcomp}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb = this; + rb.tmpBytes.setBytes(dcomp); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < dcomp.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < dcomp.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r = rb.f.info($clone(rb.tmpBytes, input), i); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + info = $clone(_r, Properties); + if (!($clone(info, Properties).BoundaryBefore() && rb.nrune > 0)) { _v = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$1 = rb.doFlush(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$1; case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return -1; + /* } */ case 5: + i = i + ($copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$4(rb.byte$1), rb.nbyte), $subslice(dcomp, i, (i + ((info.size >> 0)) >> 0)))) >> 0; + rb.insertOrdered($clone(info, Properties)); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.insertDecomposed, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _v, dcomp, i, info, rb, $s};return $f; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.insertDecomposed = function(dcomp) { return this.$val.insertDecomposed(dcomp); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.insertSingle = function(src, i, info) { + var i, info, rb, src; + rb = this; + src.copySlice($subslice(new sliceType$4(rb.byte$1), rb.nbyte), i, i + ((info.size >> 0)) >> 0); + rb.insertOrdered($clone(info, Properties)); + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.insertSingle = function(src, i, info) { return this.$val.insertSingle(src, i, info); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.insertCGJ = function() { + var rb; + rb = this; + rb.insertSingle(new input.ptr("\xCD\x8F", sliceType$4.nil), 0, new Properties.ptr(0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.insertCGJ = function() { return this.$val.insertCGJ(); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.appendRune = function(r) { + var bn, r, rb, sz, x, x$1; + rb = this; + bn = rb.nbyte; + sz = utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(new sliceType$4(rb.byte$1), bn), (r)); + rb.nbyte = rb.nbyte + (4) << 24 >>> 24; + Properties.copy((x = rb.rune, x$1 = rb.nrune, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[x$1])), new Properties.ptr(bn, ((sz << 24 >>> 24)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + rb.nrune = rb.nrune + (1) >> 0; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.appendRune = function(r) { return this.$val.appendRune(r); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.assignRune = function(pos, r) { + var bn, pos, r, rb, sz, x, x$1; + rb = this; + bn = (x = rb.rune, ((pos < 0 || pos >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[pos])).pos; + sz = utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(new sliceType$4(rb.byte$1), bn), (r)); + Properties.copy((x$1 = rb.rune, ((pos < 0 || pos >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[pos])), new Properties.ptr(bn, ((sz << 24 >>> 24)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.assignRune = function(pos, r) { return this.$val.assignRune(pos, r); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.runeAt = function(n) { + var _tuple, inf, n, r, rb, x; + rb = this; + inf = $clone((x = rb.rune, ((n < 0 || n >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[n])), Properties); + _tuple = utf8.DecodeRune($subslice(new sliceType$4(rb.byte$1), inf.pos, (inf.pos + inf.size << 24 >>> 24))); + r = _tuple[0]; + return r; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.runeAt = function(n) { return this.$val.runeAt(n); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.bytesAt = function(n) { + var inf, n, rb, x; + rb = this; + inf = $clone((x = rb.rune, ((n < 0 || n >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[n])), Properties); + return $subslice(new sliceType$4(rb.byte$1), inf.pos, (((inf.pos >> 0)) + ((inf.size >> 0)) >> 0)); + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.bytesAt = function(n) { return this.$val.bytesAt(n); }; + isHangul = function(b) { + var b, b0, b1; + if (b.$length < 3) { + return false; + } + b0 = (0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]); + if (b0 < 234) { + return false; + } + b1 = (1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]); + if ((b0 === 234)) { + return b1 >= 176; + } else if (b0 < 237) { + return true; + } else if (b0 > 237) { + return false; + } else if (b1 < 158) { + return true; + } + return (b1 === 158) && (2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]) < 164; + }; + isHangulString = function(b) { + var b, b0, b1; + if (b.length < 3) { + return false; + } + b0 = b.charCodeAt(0); + if (b0 < 234) { + return false; + } + b1 = b.charCodeAt(1); + if ((b0 === 234)) { + return b1 >= 176; + } else if (b0 < 237) { + return true; + } else if (b0 > 237) { + return false; + } else if (b1 < 158) { + return true; + } + return (b1 === 158) && b.charCodeAt(2) < 164; + }; + isJamoVT = function(b) { + var b; + return ((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 225) && (((((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) & 252) >>> 0)) === 132); + }; + decomposeHangul = function(buf, r) { + var _q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, buf, r, x; + r = r - (44032) >> 0; + x = (_r = r % 28, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + r = (_q = r / (28), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + utf8.EncodeRune(buf, 4352 + (_q$1 = r / 21, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0); + utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(buf, 3), 4449 + (_r$1 = r % 21, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0); + if (!((x === 0))) { + utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(buf, 6), 4519 + x >> 0); + return 9; + } + return 6; + }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.decomposeHangul = function(r) { + var _q, _q$1, _r, _r$1, r, rb, x; + rb = this; + r = r - (44032) >> 0; + x = (_r = r % 28, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + r = (_q = r / (28), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + rb.appendRune(4352 + (_q$1 = r / 21, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0); + rb.appendRune(4449 + (_r$1 = r % 21, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0); + if (!((x === 0))) { + rb.appendRune(4519 + x >> 0); + } + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.decomposeHangul = function(r) { return this.$val.decomposeHangul(r); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.combineHangul = function(s, i, k) { + var _r, b, bn, cccB, cccC, i, k, l, rb, s, v, x; + rb = this; + b = new sliceType$6(rb.rune); + bn = rb.nrune; + while (true) { + if (!(i < bn)) { break; } + cccB = (x = k - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x])).ccc; + cccC = ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i]).ccc; + if (cccB === 0) { + s = k - 1 >> 0; + } + if (!((s === (k - 1 >> 0))) && cccB >= cccC) { + Properties.copy(((k < 0 || k >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + k]), ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i])); + k = k + (1) >> 0; + } else { + l = rb.runeAt(s); + v = rb.runeAt(i); + if (4352 <= l && l < 4371 && 4449 <= v && v < 4470) { + rb.assignRune(s, (44032 + ($imul(((l - 4352 >> 0)), 588)) >> 0) + ($imul(((v - 4449 >> 0)), 28)) >> 0); + } else if (44032 <= l && l < 55204 && 4519 < v && v < 4547 && (((_r = ((l - 44032 >> 0)) % 28, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) === 0)) { + rb.assignRune(s, (l + v >> 0) - 4519 >> 0); + } else { + Properties.copy(((k < 0 || k >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + k]), ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i])); + k = k + (1) >> 0; + } + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + rb.nrune = k; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.combineHangul = function(s, i, k) { return this.$val.combineHangul(s, i, k); }; + reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.compose = function() { + var {_tmp, _tmp$1, b, blocked, bn, cccB, cccC, combined, i, ii, k, rb, s, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rb = this; + $r = recompMapOnce.Do(buildRecompMap); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bn = rb.nrune; + if (bn === 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + k = 1; + b = new sliceType$6(rb.rune); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 1; + s = _tmp; + i = _tmp$1; + while (true) { + if (!(i < bn)) { break; } + if (isJamoVT(rb.bytesAt(i))) { + rb.combineHangul(s, i, k); + $s = -1; return; + } + ii = $clone(((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i]), Properties); + if ($clone(ii, Properties).combinesBackward()) { + cccB = (x = k - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x])).ccc; + cccC = ii.ccc; + blocked = false; + if (cccB === 0) { + s = k - 1 >> 0; + } else { + blocked = !((s === (k - 1 >> 0))) && cccB >= cccC; + } + if (!blocked) { + combined = combine(rb.runeAt(s), rb.runeAt(i)); + if (!((combined === 0))) { + rb.assignRune(s, combined); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + } + } + Properties.copy(((k < 0 || k >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + k]), ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + i])); + k = k + (1) >> 0; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + rb.nrune = k; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: reorderBuffer.ptr.prototype.compose, $c: true, $r, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, blocked, bn, cccB, cccC, combined, i, ii, k, rb, s, x, $s};return $f; + }; + reorderBuffer.prototype.compose = function() { return this.$val.compose(); }; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "lookup", name: "lookup", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Uint8], [$Uint16], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "lookup", name: "lookup", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Uint16, $Int], false)}, {prop: "lookupUnsafe", name: "lookupUnsafe", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "lookupString", name: "lookupString", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Uint16, $Int], false)}, {prop: "lookupStringUnsafe", name: "lookupStringUnsafe", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "lookupValue", name: "lookupValue", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Uint8], [$Uint16], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "lookup", name: "lookup", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Uint16, $Int], false)}, {prop: "lookupUnsafe", name: "lookupUnsafe", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "lookupString", name: "lookupString", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Uint16, $Int], false)}, {prop: "lookupStringUnsafe", name: "lookupStringUnsafe", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "lookupValue", name: "lookupValue", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Uint8], [$Uint16], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + Form.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Transform", name: "Transform", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, sliceType$4, $Bool], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "transform", name: "transform", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, sliceType$4, $Bool], [$Int, $Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Writer", name: "Writer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [io.WriteCloser], false)}, {prop: "Reader", name: "Reader", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [io.Reader], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "IsNormal", name: "IsNormal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsNormalString", name: "IsNormalString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Append", name: "Append", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, sliceType$4], [sliceType$4], true)}, {prop: "doAppend", name: "doAppend", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, input, $Int], [sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "AppendString", name: "AppendString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, $String], [sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "QuickSpan", name: "QuickSpan", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Span", name: "Span", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, $Bool], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "SpanString", name: "SpanString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "QuickSpanString", name: "QuickSpanString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "FirstBoundary", name: "FirstBoundary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "firstBoundary", name: "firstBoundary", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([input, $Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "FirstBoundaryInString", name: "FirstBoundaryInString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NextBoundary", name: "NextBoundary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, $Bool], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NextBoundaryInString", name: "NextBoundaryInString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "nextBoundary", name: "nextBoundary", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([input, $Int, $Bool], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "LastBoundary", name: "LastBoundary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Properties", name: "Properties", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [Properties], false)}, {prop: "PropertiesString", name: "PropertiesString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Properties], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "Init", name: "Init", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Form, sliceType$4], [], false)}, {prop: "InitString", name: "InitString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Form, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Seek", name: "Seek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "returnSlice", name: "returnSlice", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "Pos", name: "Pos", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "setDone", name: "setDone", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Done", name: "Done", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Next", name: "Next", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$4], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "setBytes", name: "setBytes", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [], false)}, {prop: "setString", name: "setString", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "_byte", name: "_byte", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "skipASCII", name: "skipASCII", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "skipContinuationBytes", name: "skipContinuationBytes", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "appendSlice", name: "appendSlice", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, $Int, $Int], [sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "copySlice", name: "copySlice", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, $Int, $Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "charinfoNFC", name: "charinfoNFC", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Uint16, $Int], false)}, {prop: "charinfoNFKC", name: "charinfoNFKC", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Uint16, $Int], false)}, {prop: "hangul", name: "hangul", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int32], false)}]; + Properties.methods = [{prop: "BoundaryBefore", name: "BoundaryBefore", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "BoundaryAfter", name: "BoundaryAfter", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "isYesC", name: "isYesC", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "isYesD", name: "isYesD", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "combinesForward", name: "combinesForward", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "combinesBackward", name: "combinesBackward", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "hasDecomposition", name: "hasDecomposition", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "isInert", name: "isInert", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "multiSegment", name: "multiSegment", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "nLeadingNonStarters", name: "nLeadingNonStarters", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "nTrailingNonStarters", name: "nTrailingNonStarters", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "Decomposition", name: "Decomposition", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "CCC", name: "CCC", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "LeadCCC", name: "LeadCCC", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8], false)}, {prop: "TrailCCC", name: "TrailCCC", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint8], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "quickSpan", name: "quickSpan", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([input, $Int, $Int, $Bool], [$Int, $Bool], false)}]; + streamSafe.methods = [{prop: "isMax", name: "isMax", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "first", name: "first", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([Properties], [], false)}, {prop: "next", name: "next", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([Properties], [ssState], false)}, {prop: "backwards", name: "backwards", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([Properties], [ssState], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "init", name: "init", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([Form, sliceType$4], [], false)}, {prop: "initString", name: "initString", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([Form, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "setFlusher", name: "setFlusher", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, funcType], [], false)}, {prop: "reset", name: "reset", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "doFlush", name: "doFlush", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "flush", name: "flush", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "flushCopy", name: "flushCopy", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "insertOrdered", name: "insertOrdered", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([Properties], [], false)}, {prop: "insertFlush", name: "insertFlush", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([input, $Int, Properties], [insertErr], false)}, {prop: "insertUnsafe", name: "insertUnsafe", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([input, $Int, Properties], [], false)}, {prop: "insertDecomposed", name: "insertDecomposed", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [insertErr], false)}, {prop: "insertSingle", name: "insertSingle", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([input, $Int, Properties], [], false)}, {prop: "insertCGJ", name: "insertCGJ", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "appendRune", name: "appendRune", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "assignRune", name: "assignRune", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "runeAt", name: "runeAt", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "bytesAt", name: "bytesAt", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "decomposeHangul", name: "decomposeHangul", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "combineHangul", name: "combineHangul", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "compose", name: "compose", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + valueRange.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", [{prop: "value", name: "value", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "lo", name: "lo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "hi", name: "hi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + sparseBlocks.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", [{prop: "values", name: "values", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "offset", name: "offset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + nfcTrie.init("", []); + nfkcTrie.init("", []); + normWriter.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", [{prop: "rb", name: "rb", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reorderBuffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}]); + normReader.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", [{prop: "rb", name: "rb", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reorderBuffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "inbuf", name: "inbuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "outbuf", name: "outbuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "bufStart", name: "bufStart", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastBoundary", name: "lastBoundary", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + Iter.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", [{prop: "rb", name: "rb", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: reorderBuffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "info", name: "info", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Properties, tag: ""}, {prop: "next", name: "next", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: iterFunc, tag: ""}, {prop: "asciiF", name: "asciiF", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: iterFunc, tag: ""}, {prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "multiSeg", name: "multiSeg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}]); + iterFunc.init([ptrType$7], [sliceType$4], false); + input.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", [{prop: "str", name: "str", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}]); + Properties.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", [{prop: "pos", name: "pos", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "ccc", name: "ccc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "tccc", name: "tccc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "nLead", name: "nLead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "flags", name: "flags", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: qcInfo, tag: ""}, {prop: "index", name: "index", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}]); + lookupFunc.init([input, $Int], [Properties], false); + formInfo.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", [{prop: "form", name: "form", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Form, tag: ""}, {prop: "composing", name: "composing", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "compatibility", name: "compatibility", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "info", name: "info", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: lookupFunc, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextMain", name: "nextMain", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: iterFunc, tag: ""}]); + reorderBuffer.init("vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm", [{prop: "rune", name: "rune", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "byte$1", name: "byte", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "nbyte", name: "nbyte", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "ss", name: "ss", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: streamSafe, tag: ""}, {prop: "nrune", name: "nrune", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "f", name: "f", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: formInfo, tag: ""}, {prop: "src", name: "src", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: input, tag: ""}, {prop: "nsrc", name: "nsrc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "tmpBytes", name: "tmpBytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: input, tag: ""}, {prop: "out", name: "out", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "flushF", name: "flushF", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = transform.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + recompMap = false; + recompMapOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + nfcData = newNfcTrie(0); + nfkcData = newNfkcTrie(0); + errs = new sliceType([$ifaceNil, transform.ErrShortDst, transform.ErrShortSrc]); + ccc = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 84, 91, 103, 107, 118, 122, 129, 130, 132, 202, 214, 216, 218, 220, 222, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 233, 234, 240]); + decomps = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [0, 65, 32, 65, 33, 65, 34, 65, 35, 65, 36, 65, 37, 65, 38, 65, 39, 65, 40, 65, 41, 65, 42, 65, 43, 65, 44, 65, 45, 65, 46, 65, 47, 65, 48, 65, 49, 65, 50, 65, 51, 65, 52, 65, 53, 65, 54, 65, 55, 65, 56, 65, 57, 65, 58, 65, 59, 65, 60, 65, 61, 65, 62, 65, 63, 65, 64, 65, 65, 65, 66, 65, 67, 65, 68, 65, 69, 65, 70, 65, 71, 65, 72, 65, 73, 65, 74, 65, 75, 65, 76, 65, 77, 65, 78, 65, 79, 65, 80, 65, 81, 65, 82, 65, 83, 65, 84, 65, 85, 65, 86, 65, 87, 65, 88, 65, 89, 65, 90, 65, 91, 65, 92, 65, 93, 65, 94, 65, 95, 65, 96, 65, 97, 65, 98, 65, 99, 65, 100, 65, 101, 65, 102, 65, 103, 65, 104, 65, 105, 65, 106, 65, 107, 65, 108, 65, 109, 65, 110, 65, 111, 65, 112, 65, 113, 65, 114, 65, 115, 65, 116, 65, 117, 65, 118, 65, 119, 65, 120, 65, 121, 65, 122, 65, 123, 65, 124, 65, 125, 65, 126, 66, 194, 162, 66, 194, 163, 66, 194, 165, 66, 194, 166, 66, 194, 172, 66, 194, 183, 66, 195, 134, 66, 195, 176, 66, 196, 166, 66, 196, 167, 66, 196, 177, 66, 197, 139, 66, 197, 147, 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2962, 2978, 1518, 1514, 2982, 5806, 2986, 3006, 3010, 3014, 3010, 3026, 3030, 3046, 3038, 3042, 3050, 3054, 3058, 3070, 3074, 3098, 3106, 3122, 3142, 5821, 3138, 3126, 3150, 3158, 3178, 5826, 3186, 3174, 3166, 1522, 3194, 3202, 3210, 3198, 1526, 3226, 3234, 5831, 3278, 3330, 3294, 1538, 3306, 1534, 1530, 1990, 1994, 3334, 3310, 4526, 1638, 3346, 3350, 3354, 3374, 3366, 5856, 1542, 3394, 3382, 3410, 3418, 5866, 3422, 3402, 3430, 1546, 3434, 3438, 3442, 3454, 5871, 3462, 1550, 3474, 5876, 3478, 1554, 3490, 3502, 3514, 3518, 5881, 5776, 5886, 3550, 5891, 3562, 3570, 3554, 3582, 3598, 3614, 3602, 3606, 3618, 3622, 5896, 3594, 3646, 3650, 1558, 3670, 3666, 5901, 3638, 3698, 5906, 5911, 3702, 3722, 3718, 3714, 1562, 3726, 3742, 3738, 3750, 5716, 3766, 5916, 3778, 5926, 3798, 3810, 3830, 5931, 3850, 3854, 5936, 5941, 3882, 3898, 1566, 3902, 1570, 1570, 3926, 3930, 3938, 3942, 3954, 1574, 3978, 5946, 4006, 5951, 4018, 5796, 4034, 5956, 5961, 5966, 1578, 1582, 4090, 5976, 5971, 5981, 5986, 4098, 4102, 4102, 4110, 1590, 4114, 1594, 1598, 5996, 4134, 4142, 4154, 1602, 6001, 4190, 6006, 6011, 4222, 4246, 1606, 4254, 4258, 4262, 6016, 6021, 6021, 4286, 1610, 6026, 4306, 4310, 1614, 6031, 4338, 1618, 4354, 4346, 4362, 6041, 4386, 1622, 4398, 4406, 4422, 1626, 6051, 6056, 1630, 6061, 4446, 6066, 4458, 4470, 4478, 6071, 6076, 4498, 6081, 4506, 5841, 1634, 4530, 4534, 1642, 4538, 2614, 6086, 6091, 5846, 5851, 4570, 4574, 5110, 1646, 4618, 4614, 4622, 2114, 4626, 4630, 4634, 4642, 6096, 4638, 4646, 4666, 4670, 4650, 4674, 4694, 4714, 4662, 4682, 4686, 4690, 6101, 6111, 6106, 1650, 4722, 4726, 4734, 6131, 4738, 6116, 1654, 1658, 6121, 6126, 1662, 4770, 4774, 4778, 4782, 4794, 4790, 4802, 4798, 4814, 4806, 4810, 4818, 1666, 4826, 4830, 1670, 4846, 4850, 6136, 4862, 4866, 1674, 4878, 1470, 6141, 6146, 1678, 1682, 4922, 4946, 4974, 4990, 6151, 5010, 5014, 5038, 5050, 6161, 5731, 5062, 5058, 5070, 5736, 5082, 5094, 6166, 6171, 5158, 5170, 5178, 6176, 5182, 5226, 5238, 5242, 5234, 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valueRange.ptr(33070, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 183, 185), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(5, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 130, 131), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 136, 137), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 171, 177), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 150, 153), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 155, 163), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 165, 167), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 169, 173), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 153, 155), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 168, 168), new valueRange.ptr(16111, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(16119, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(16127, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(39171, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(8, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 145, 145), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(17715, 152, 159), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(8, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11435, 139, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(17779, 156, 157), new valueRange.ptr(17795, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(17835, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(17843, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(8, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(17803, 153, 155), new valueRange.ptr(17827, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11459, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(11451, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(11467, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 150, 151), new valueRange.ptr(17851, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(17859, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(11475, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11483, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(11499, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(11491, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(6145, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(16135, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(33057, 149, 150), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(11507, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(11515, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11523, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(12135, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(11759, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 149, 150), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11531, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(11547, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(11539, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(27613, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39173, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 153, 153), new valueRange.ptr(16143, 154, 154), new valueRange.ptr(12143, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(11770, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(11555, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33059, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33060, 136, 139), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33061, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33062, 136, 139), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 152, 153), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(33068, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(0, 16, 0), new valueRange.ptr(9802, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(9809, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(9816, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(9823, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(9830, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(9795, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(33063, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(33064, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(19099, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(33065, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(19108, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(17867, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(33280, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(17875, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(33280, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(33064, 186, 189), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33064, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(19117, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 130, 131), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(9844, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(9851, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(9858, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(9865, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(9872, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(9837, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(11563, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 185, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 128, 146), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(47360, 161, 181), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 168, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 157, 159), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33074, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(4, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33071, 185, 186), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 152, 152), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 181, 188), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 180), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 181, 186), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(11635, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(11643, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(11651, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 173, 179), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 170, 171), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 144, 146), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 149, 153), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 154, 155), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 156, 159), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 162, 168), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(4, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(1078, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 144, 145), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 146, 147), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 148, 151), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 152, 154), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 155, 156), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 165, 166), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 168, 168), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 170, 171), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 172, 175), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(17042, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(443, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(87, 170, 171), new valueRange.ptr(7, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(15312, 154, 155), new valueRange.ptr(15326, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(14, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(15333, 141, 142), new valueRange.ptr(15340, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(25585, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(15354, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(15361, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(15368, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(15375, 164, 165), new valueRange.ptr(15382, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(7, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(15487, 160, 161), new valueRange.ptr(15529, 162, 163), new valueRange.ptr(15571, 170, 173), new valueRange.ptr(4, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(1166, 169, 170), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(17652, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 175, 177), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33069, 170, 170), new valueRange.ptr(33074, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(33076, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(33071, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(33072, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 143, 163), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 174, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 142, 142), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 180, 189), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 160, 177), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 171, 173), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 183, 184), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 129, 155), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 157, 183), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 185, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 147), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 149, 175), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 177, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 139), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 141, 167), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 168, 168), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 169, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 133, 159), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 161, 187), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 151), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 152, 152), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 153, 179), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 181, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 145, 171), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 173, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 137, 163), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 165, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 137, 163), new valueRange.ptr(6, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(17319, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(33046, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(17433, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(17415, 170, 171), new valueRange.ptr(17675, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(17683, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(17247, 174, 177), new valueRange.ptr(17277, 178, 180), new valueRange.ptr(17301, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(17313, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(17325, 185, 187), new valueRange.ptr(17349, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(17355, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(6, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(17361, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(17373, 131, 132), new valueRange.ptr(17391, 134, 137), new valueRange.ptr(17427, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(17295, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(17271, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(17343, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(17385, 142, 142), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 164, 165), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 155, 157), new valueRange.ptr(33280, 158, 163), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 153, 153), new valueRange.ptr(33280, 178, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 188, 189), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 160, 166), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 167, 173), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 137, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 176, 178), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 182, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 129, 140), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 181, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 165, 166), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 170, 175), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 130, 135), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 138, 143), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 146, 151), new valueRange.ptr(19126, 154, 156), new valueRange.ptr(33024, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 182, 186), new valueRange.ptr(45, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 185, 186), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 164, 167), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 171, 172), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 136, 138), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 141, 144), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(6142, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 153, 153), new valueRange.ptr(16975, 154, 154), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 155, 155), new valueRange.ptr(16985, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(16995, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 185, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(11659, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(11669, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 177, 178), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 179, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(2, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 169, 170), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11679, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(11689, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 166, 172), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(27469, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(11709, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(11699, 188, 189), new valueRange.ptr(11719, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(11729, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(11739, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(11749, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 189, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 153, 153), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 176, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 182), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33026, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(17891, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(17901, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(17953, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(17967, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(17981, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(17995, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(18009, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(33068, 165, 166), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 167, 169), new valueRange.ptr(33073, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(33068, 174, 178), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 133, 137), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 138, 139), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 170, 173), new valueRange.ptr(17911, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(17921, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(18023, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(18051, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(18037, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(18065, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 130, 132), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 136, 152), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 155, 161), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 163, 164), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 166, 170), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 172, 175), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 144, 150), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new 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1362, 1366, 1370, 1374, 1378, 1382, 1386, 1394, 1402, 1410, 1414, 1418, 1422, 1426, 1430, 1434, 1438, 1442, 1446, 9984, 11033, 10677, 11049, 10381, 12027, 10391, 10401, 12095, 10690, 10411, 10421, 10431, 10729, 10742, 10703, 10716, 11968, 10755, 10768, 11211, 9921, 11230, 11249, 11065, 10781, 11268, 11287, 10794, 10441, 10451, 11982, 10807, 11081, 12044, 10461, 10471, 10820, 10481, 10491, 9942, 9949, 10501, 10511, 11306, 10833, 11097, 11325, 10846, 10531, 10521, 12115, 10859, 11344, 10541, 11113, 10551, 10885, 10561, 10898, 12061, 10872, 11129, 10911, 9956, 12078, 10571, 10581, 10924, 10591, 10601, 10611, 11145, 10937, 9963, 11363, 11943, 11161, 10950, 11996, 10621, 10631, 10963, 9970, 10976, 11177, 9977, 11382, 10641, 7357, 7377, 7392, 7407, 7422, 7437, 7452, 7467, 7482, 7497, 8600, 8618, 8636, 8648, 8660, 8672, 8684, 8696, 8708, 8720, 8780, 8792, 8804, 8816, 8828, 7194, 6604, 6457, 7146, 6733, 6748, 6610, 7170, 7174, 6499, 9998, 10012, 9991, 10005, 10989, 6736, 6712, 7270, 6688, 6649, 6508, 6523, 6475, 7158, 7512, 6739, 6715, 7274, 7286, 6700, 6658, 6490, 7202, 7094, 7074, 7122, 7290, 6703, 6607, 6661, 6628, 6727, 7294, 6706, 6598, 6664, 7234, 7162, 6682, 7210, 7238, 7166, 6685, 7214, 8942, 8962, 6556, 7206, 7098, 7078, 7246, 10019, 10170, 6751, 6730, 7298, 6709, 6742, 6718, 7278, 6691, 6652, 6535, 6745, 6721, 7282, 6694, 6655, 6538, 7218, 7102, 7507, 6460, 6592, 6595, 8955, 7066, 6601, 6478, 6631, 6481, 6640, 6511, 6514, 6667, 6673, 6676, 7222, 6679, 6697, 7230, 7242, 6550, 7517, 7106, 6553, 6754, 6571, 6586, 8936, 8930, 7367, 7382, 7397, 7412, 7427, 7442, 7457, 7472, 7487, 8588, 8606, 8624, 8642, 8654, 8666, 8678, 8690, 8702, 8714, 8774, 8786, 8798, 8810, 8822, 8834, 8840, 8846, 8852, 8858, 8876, 8882, 7190, 4986, 3326, 5078, 5026, 3674, 1774, 2274, 5678, 5678, 2574, 5218, 2374, 2570, 3058, 4050, 4450, 4762, 4822, 4874, 5150, 3446, 3586, 3758, 3910, 4706, 5194, 5494, 1810, 2230, 3466, 3794, 4758, 5574, 2742, 3706, 4742, 4890, 3110, 4542, 4834, 2850, 3346, 3610, 3870, 5162, 1874, 2026, 2134, 3214, 3458, 3790, 4082, 4474, 4750, 4774, 5066, 5362, 5542, 5570, 4142, 4206, 4390, 4678, 5246, 5582, 4942, 2506, 2878, 4318, 4510, 3842, 4150, 5018, 5354, 2502, 2706, 3450, 3630, 3682, 4374, 4414, 5290, 2130, 4522, 2038, 2034, 4250, 4394, 4702, 5298, 4970, 3114, 3446, 4954, 1786, 2662, 2966, 3890, 4018, 2166, 4158, 1890, 2938, 1754, 3566, 3238, 4370, 2250, 2486, 4094, 4710, 4926, 3514, 5114, 3558, 3130, 4638, 3162, 4014, 1838, 1962, 2030, 3414, 4350, 4598, 4938, 5214, 2142, 2322, 2586, 2866, 3266, 3710, 4162, 5274, 5502, 5586, 5610, 2106, 3318, 3494, 5102, 2814, 3034, 3062, 3206, 3694, 3770, 3946, 4238, 4402, 4502, 5086, 4718, 5126, 5250, 2066, 2110, 2342, 3754, 4854, 4926, 2846, 2958, 3154, 3506, 4314, 3878, 1854, 2434, 2662, 2762, 2970, 3906, 3934, 4462, 4494, 5222, 5350, 5366, 5426, 1878, 4226, 5202, 5326, 2994, 1818, 1914, 2666, 2698, 3250, 3446, 3782, 4046, 4730, 5146, 5670, 3302, 5286, 2102, 3378, 3390, 3602, 3658, 3918, 4010, 4138, 4366, 5438, 1970, 3078, 5302, 1898, 2734, 3634, 5090, 2922, 3002, 3398, 3890, 5310, 2074, 2306, 2714, 3286, 3362, 3426, 3574, 3914, 4030, 4442, 4858, 4870, 5210, 5338, 2182, 3662, 2310, 3786, 3950, 4746, 5314, 5550, 5590, 3386, 3626, 4550, 4282, 4294, 4330, 3866, 3746, 4966, 1846, 4654, 2078, 2062, 2830, 3118, 4342, 2646, 3590, 3314, 5098, 4842, 5294, 4902, 2858, 1930, 2398, 0, 0, 2482, 0, 3298, 0, 0, 2042, 3874, 4070, 4170, 4198, 4202, 4222, 5374, 4334, 4466, 0, 4754, 0, 4950, 0, 0, 5130, 5174, 0, 0, 0, 5458, 5462, 5466, 5566, 5166, 5322, 1882, 1918, 1938, 2126, 2138, 2202, 2382, 2410, 2418, 2478, 2490, 2710, 2718, 2982, 3022, 3030, 3054, 3226, 3274, 3306, 3418, 3614, 3642, 3690, 3774, 3806, 3922, 4146, 4174, 4182, 4178, 4186, 4190, 4194, 4214, 4218, 4254, 4274, 4302, 4402, 4410, 4418, 4438, 4478, 4558, 4610, 4610, 4714, 4882, 4906, 4958, 4962, 5030, 5034, 5122, 5130, 5342, 5410, 5434, 2974, 5921, 4582, 0, 0, 1762, 2022, 1958, 1870, 1934, 1978, 2122, 2150, 2382, 2362, 2378, 2406, 2482, 2498, 2566, 2578, 2606, 2622, 2854, 2862, 2910, 2942, 2990, 3014, 2998, 3030, 3018, 3054, 3082, 3170, 3182, 3190, 3230, 3298, 3346, 3350, 3370, 3498, 3514, 3602, 3678, 3670, 3690, 3718, 3774, 4118, 3810, 3862, 3874, 3938, 3966, 4002, 4038, 4042, 4070, 4074, 4090, 4110, 4106, 4154, 4278, 4302, 4326, 4382, 4402, 4430, 4478, 4658, 4698, 4814, 4886, 4898, 4906, 4930, 4950, 4934, 4958, 4954, 4946, 4962, 4974, 5034, 5094, 5142, 5198, 5230, 5306, 5342, 5374, 5394, 5410, 5422, 5434, 5518, 5678, 5816, 5811, 5861, 1546, 1586, 1590, 5991, 6036, 6156, 5658, 5674, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6619, 6622, 6625, 7182, 7186, 6757, 6757, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7547, 7532, 7537, 7552, 7542, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17319, 33046, 17433, 560, 536, 545, 548, 551, 554, 557, 563, 566, 23, 17415, 17421, 17675, 17683, 17247, 17253, 17259, 17265, 17277, 17283, 17289, 17301, 17307, 0, 17313, 17325, 17331, 17337, 17349, 0, 17355, 0, 17361, 17367, 0, 17373, 17379, 0, 17391, 17397, 17403, 17409, 17427, 17295, 17271, 17343, 17385, 7557, 668, 668, 677, 677, 677, 677, 680, 680, 680, 680, 686, 686, 686, 686, 674, 674, 674, 674, 683, 683, 683, 683, 671, 671, 671, 671, 722, 722, 722, 722, 725, 725, 725, 725, 692, 692, 692, 692, 689, 689, 689, 689, 695, 695, 695, 695, 698, 698, 698, 698, 707, 707, 704, 704, 710, 710, 701, 701, 716, 716, 713, 713, 728, 728, 728, 728, 734, 734, 734, 734, 740, 740, 740, 740, 737, 737, 737, 737, 743, 743, 746, 746, 746, 746, 17541, 17541, 752, 752, 752, 752, 749, 749, 749, 749, 779, 779, 17535, 17535, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 731, 731, 731, 731, 761, 761, 758, 758, 764, 764, 8277, 770, 770, 755, 755, 767, 767, 776, 776, 776, 776, 656, 656, 9648, 9648, 9760, 9760, 9711, 9711, 9739, 9739, 9732, 9732, 9746, 9746, 9753, 9753, 9753, 9718, 9718, 9718, 773, 773, 773, 773, 9655, 9662, 9690, 9718, 9725, 7567, 7572, 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2662, 2670, 5771, 2678, 2682, 2898, 2690, 1490, 2702, 2718, 2730, 2726, 5781, 2738, 5786, 2750, 2746, 2754, 2770, 2774, 1494, 2790, 2798, 2802, 2806, 1498, 5791, 1502, 2834, 2838, 2842, 2850, 6246, 2874, 5801, 5801, 4570, 2890, 2890, 1506, 5836, 6046, 2906, 2914, 1510, 2934, 2950, 2954, 2962, 2978, 1518, 1514, 2982, 5806, 2986, 3006, 3010, 3014, 3010, 3026, 3030, 3046, 3038, 3042, 3050, 3054, 3058, 3070, 3074, 3098, 3106, 3122, 3142, 5821, 3138, 3126, 3150, 3158, 3178, 5826, 3186, 3174, 3166, 1522, 3194, 3202, 3210, 3198, 1526, 3226, 3234, 5831, 3278, 3330, 3294, 1538, 3306, 1534, 1530, 1990, 1994, 3334, 3310, 4526, 1638, 3346, 3350, 3354, 3374, 3366, 5856, 1542, 3394, 3382, 3410, 3418, 5866, 3422, 3402, 3430, 1546, 3434, 3438, 3442, 3454, 5871, 3462, 1550, 3474, 5876, 3478, 1554, 3490, 3502, 3514, 3518, 5881, 5776, 5886, 3550, 5891, 3562, 3570, 3554, 3582, 3598, 3614, 3602, 3606, 3618, 3622, 5896, 3594, 3646, 3650, 1558, 3670, 3666, 5901, 3638, 3698, 5906, 5911, 3702, 3722, 3718, 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162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(14430, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(14442, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(14436, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(14448, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(0, 14, 0), new valueRange.ptr(14466, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(14454, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(14460, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 149, 149), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 150, 156), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 159, 162), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 167, 168), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 170, 170), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 171, 172), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33056, 145, 145), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 183, 185), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(5, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 130, 131), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 136, 137), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 171, 177), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 150, 153), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 155, 163), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 165, 167), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 169, 173), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 153, 155), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 168, 168), new valueRange.ptr(16111, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(16119, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(16127, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(39171, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(8, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 145, 145), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(17715, 152, 159), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(8, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11435, 139, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(17779, 156, 157), new valueRange.ptr(17795, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(17835, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(17843, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(8, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(17803, 153, 155), new valueRange.ptr(17827, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11459, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(11451, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(11467, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 150, 151), new valueRange.ptr(17851, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(17859, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(11475, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11483, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(11499, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(11491, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(6145, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(16135, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(33057, 149, 150), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(11507, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(11515, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11523, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(12135, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(11759, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 149, 150), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11531, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(11547, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(11539, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(27613, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39173, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 153, 153), new valueRange.ptr(16143, 154, 154), new valueRange.ptr(12143, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(11770, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(11555, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(9767, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(33059, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33060, 136, 139), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(9788, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(33061, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33062, 136, 139), new valueRange.ptr(9774, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(9781, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(782, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 152, 153), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(33068, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(0, 16, 0), new valueRange.ptr(9802, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(9809, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(9816, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(9823, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(9830, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(9795, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(33063, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(33064, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(19099, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(33065, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(19108, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(17867, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(17931, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(17875, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(17942, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(33064, 186, 189), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33064, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(19117, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 130, 131), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(9844, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(9851, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(9858, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(9865, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(9872, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(9837, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(11563, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 185, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(786, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 128, 146), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(47360, 161, 181), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 168, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 157, 159), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33074, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(4, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33071, 185, 186), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 152, 152), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 181, 188), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 180), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 181, 186), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(11635, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(11643, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(11651, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 173, 179), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 170, 171), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 144, 146), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 149, 153), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 154, 155), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 156, 159), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 162, 168), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(2, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(67, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(209, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(69, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(73, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(230, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(79, 179, 186), new valueRange.ptr(95, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(239, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(97, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(101, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(1, 128, 138), new valueRange.ptr(1086, 145, 145), new valueRange.ptr(17074, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(29, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(6262, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(7010, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(1, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(9879, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(10251, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(9886, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(10261, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(6256, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(17024, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(2, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(6454, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(6451, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(6259, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(10651, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(1, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(33, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(147, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(41, 180, 185), new valueRange.ptr(23, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(1130, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(59, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(17, 189, 190), new valueRange.ptr(157, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(2, 15, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(23, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(1130, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(59, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(17, 141, 142), new valueRange.ptr(131, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(139, 145, 145), new valueRange.ptr(159, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(177, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(260, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(145, 149, 149), new valueRange.ptr(151, 150, 153), new valueRange.ptr(161, 154, 154), new valueRange.ptr(167, 155, 156), new valueRange.ptr(6559, 168, 168), new valueRange.ptr(0, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 144, 145), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 146, 147), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 148, 151), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 152, 154), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 155, 156), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 165, 166), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 168, 168), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 170, 171), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 172, 175), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(7, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8582, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(15312, 154, 155), new valueRange.ptr(15326, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(14, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(15333, 141, 142), new valueRange.ptr(15340, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(378, 14, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(15354, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(15361, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(15368, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(15375, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(15382, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(9893, 172, 173), new valueRange.ptr(9900, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(10281, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(7, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(15487, 160, 161), new valueRange.ptr(15529, 162, 163), new valueRange.ptr(15571, 170, 173), new valueRange.ptr(4, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(1166, 169, 170), new valueRange.ptr(2, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(87, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(131, 144, 169), new valueRange.ptr(33, 170, 170), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(10664, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(614, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(7058, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(6448, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(17652, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(149, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(109, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 175, 177), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(1154, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(3526, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(5682, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(4, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(5530, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(5554, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(5578, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(5594, 134, 137), new valueRange.ptr(5614, 138, 140), new valueRange.ptr(5634, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(5642, 142, 142), new valueRange.ptr(5650, 143, 144), new valueRange.ptr(5662, 145, 147), new valueRange.ptr(5678, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(5686, 149, 149), new valueRange.ptr(4, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(1, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(33069, 170, 170), new valueRange.ptr(33074, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(33076, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(33071, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(33072, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(33072, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(1206, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(2186, 184, 186), new valueRange.ptr(6, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(790, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(794, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(19026, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(798, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(19032, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(802, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(806, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(810, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(19044, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 180, 189), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(530, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(533, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(5694, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(12, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(215, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 160, 177), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 171, 173), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 183, 184), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(8, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(5690, 156, 157), new valueRange.ptr(293, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(5702, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(350, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 129, 155), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 157, 183), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 185, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 147), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 149, 175), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 177, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 139), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 141, 167), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 168, 168), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 169, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 133, 159), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 161, 187), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 151), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 152, 152), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 153, 179), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 181, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 145, 171), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 173, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 137, 163), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 165, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(58624, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(50688, 137, 163), new valueRange.ptr(2, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(3, 129, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 182, 186), new valueRange.ptr(45, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 185, 186), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 164, 167), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 171, 172), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 136, 138), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 141, 144), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(6142, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 153, 153), new valueRange.ptr(16975, 154, 154), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 155, 155), new valueRange.ptr(16985, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(16995, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 185, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(11659, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(11669, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 177, 178), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 179, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(2, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 169, 170), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(11679, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(11689, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 166, 172), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(27469, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(11709, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(11699, 188, 189), new valueRange.ptr(11719, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(11729, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(11739, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(39168, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(40960, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(11749, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 189, 190), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 153, 153), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33029, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 176, 180), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 176, 182), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33026, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(17891, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(17901, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(17953, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(17967, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(17981, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(17995, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(18009, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(33068, 165, 166), new valueRange.ptr(33025, 167, 169), new valueRange.ptr(33073, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(33068, 174, 178), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 133, 137), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 138, 139), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 170, 173), new valueRange.ptr(17911, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(17921, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(18023, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(18051, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(18037, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(18065, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 130, 132), new valueRange.ptr(2, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(67, 128, 153), new valueRange.ptr(131, 154, 179), new valueRange.ptr(67, 180, 191), new valueRange.ptr(2, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(91, 128, 141), new valueRange.ptr(131, 142, 148), new valueRange.ptr(147, 150, 167), new valueRange.ptr(67, 168, 191), new valueRange.ptr(2, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(115, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(131, 130, 155), new valueRange.ptr(67, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(71, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(79, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(85, 165, 166), new valueRange.ptr(93, 169, 172), new valueRange.ptr(103, 174, 181), new valueRange.ptr(131, 182, 185), new valueRange.ptr(141, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(145, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(2, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(151, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(161, 133, 143), new valueRange.ptr(67, 144, 169), new valueRange.ptr(131, 170, 191), new valueRange.ptr(2, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(175, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(67, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(73, 135, 138), new valueRange.ptr(85, 141, 148), new valueRange.ptr(103, 150, 156), new valueRange.ptr(131, 158, 183), new valueRange.ptr(67, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(73, 187, 190), new valueRange.ptr(2, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(83, 128, 132), new valueRange.ptr(95, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(103, 138, 144), new valueRange.ptr(131, 146, 171), new valueRange.ptr(67, 172, 191), new valueRange.ptr(2, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(107, 128, 133), new valueRange.ptr(131, 134, 159), new valueRange.ptr(67, 160, 185), new valueRange.ptr(131, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(2, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(143, 128, 147), new valueRange.ptr(67, 148, 173), new valueRange.ptr(131, 174, 191), new valueRange.ptr(2, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(167, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(67, 136, 161), new valueRange.ptr(131, 162, 187), new valueRange.ptr(67, 188, 191), new valueRange.ptr(2, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(75, 128, 149), new valueRange.ptr(131, 150, 175), new valueRange.ptr(67, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(3, 15, 0), new valueRange.ptr(443, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(1122, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(446, 130, 154), new valueRange.ptr(1118, 155, 155), new valueRange.ptr(458, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(467, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(473, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(509, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(494, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(491, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(374, 162, 178), new valueRange.ptr(395, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(425, 180, 186), new valueRange.ptr(1122, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(446, 188, 191), new valueRange.ptr(3, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(458, 128, 148), new valueRange.ptr(1118, 149, 149), new valueRange.ptr(458, 150, 150), new valueRange.ptr(467, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(473, 152, 152), new valueRange.ptr(509, 153, 153), new valueRange.ptr(494, 154, 154), new valueRange.ptr(491, 155, 155), new valueRange.ptr(374, 156, 172), new valueRange.ptr(395, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(425, 174, 180), new valueRange.ptr(1122, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(446, 182, 191), new valueRange.ptr(3, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(476, 128, 142), new valueRange.ptr(1118, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(458, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(467, 145, 145), new valueRange.ptr(473, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(509, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(494, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(491, 149, 149), new valueRange.ptr(374, 150, 166), new valueRange.ptr(395, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(425, 168, 174), new valueRange.ptr(1122, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(446, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(3, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(494, 128, 136), new valueRange.ptr(1118, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(458, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(467, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(473, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(509, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(494, 142, 142), new valueRange.ptr(491, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(374, 144, 160), new valueRange.ptr(395, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(425, 162, 168), new valueRange.ptr(1122, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(446, 170, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 136, 152), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 155, 161), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 163, 164), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 166, 170), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 172, 175), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33070, 144, 150), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33075, 132, 137), new valueRange.ptr(33027, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(2, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(99, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(6484, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(6535, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(6562, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(6568, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(7110, 142, 142), new valueRange.ptr(6580, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(6526, 170, 170), new valueRange.ptr(6529, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(6532, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(6466, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(40, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(10351, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(10291, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(10301, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(10321, 131, 132), new valueRange.ptr(10331, 133, 134), new valueRange.ptr(10311, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(10341, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(2930, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(2282, 145, 145), new valueRange.ptr(2, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(33, 176, 185)]); + nfkcSparse = new sparseBlocks.ptr(new sliceType$2(nfkcSparseValues), nfkcSparseOffset); + formTable = new sliceType$3([new formInfo.ptr(0, true, false, lookupInfoNFC, nextComposed), new formInfo.ptr(1, false, false, lookupInfoNFC, nextDecomposed), new formInfo.ptr(2, true, true, lookupInfoNFKC, nextComposed), new formInfo.ptr(3, false, true, lookupInfoNFKC, nextDecomposed)]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, fmt, math, strings, utf8, bidirule, bidi, norm, info, category, valueRange, sparseBlocks, idnaTrie, options, Profile, labelError, runeError, labelIter, joinState, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType, arrayType, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, ptrType$1, ptrType$3, funcType, funcType$1, funcType$2, ptrType$4, idnaSparse, trie, mappings, xorData, idnaValues, idnaIndex, idnaSparseOffset, idnaSparseValues, punycode, lookup, joinStates, punyError, decode, encode, madd, decodeDigit, encodeDigit, adapt, ToASCII, validateAndMap, validateFromPunycode, ascii; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + bidirule = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule"]; + bidi = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi"]; + norm = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm"]; + info = $pkg.info = $newType(2, $kindUint16, "idna.info", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", false, null); + category = $pkg.category = $newType(2, $kindUint16, "idna.category", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", false, null); + valueRange = $pkg.valueRange = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "idna.valueRange", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", false, function(value_, lo_, hi_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.value = 0; + this.lo = 0; + this.hi = 0; + return; + } + this.value = value_; + this.lo = lo_; + this.hi = hi_; + }); + sparseBlocks = $pkg.sparseBlocks = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "idna.sparseBlocks", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", false, function(values_, offset_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.values = sliceType$1.nil; + this.offset = sliceType.nil; + return; + } + this.values = values_; + this.offset = offset_; + }); + idnaTrie = $pkg.idnaTrie = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "idna.idnaTrie", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + options = $pkg.options = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "idna.options", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", false, function(transitional_, useSTD3Rules_, checkHyphens_, checkJoiners_, verifyDNSLength_, removeLeadingDots_, trie_, fromPuny_, mapping_, bidirule_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.transitional = false; + this.useSTD3Rules = false; + this.checkHyphens = false; + this.checkJoiners = false; + this.verifyDNSLength = false; + this.removeLeadingDots = false; + this.trie = ptrType.nil; + this.fromPuny = $throwNilPointerError; + this.mapping = $throwNilPointerError; + this.bidirule = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.transitional = transitional_; + this.useSTD3Rules = useSTD3Rules_; + this.checkHyphens = checkHyphens_; + this.checkJoiners = checkJoiners_; + this.verifyDNSLength = verifyDNSLength_; + this.removeLeadingDots = removeLeadingDots_; + this.trie = trie_; + this.fromPuny = fromPuny_; + this.mapping = mapping_; + this.bidirule = bidirule_; + }); + Profile = $pkg.Profile = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "idna.Profile", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", true, function(options_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.options = new options.ptr(false, false, false, false, false, false, ptrType.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + return; + } + this.options = options_; + }); + labelError = $pkg.labelError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "idna.labelError", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", false, function(label_, code__) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.label = ""; + this.code_ = ""; + return; + } + this.label = label_; + this.code_ = code__; + }); + runeError = $pkg.runeError = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "idna.runeError", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", false, null); + labelIter = $pkg.labelIter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "idna.labelIter", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", false, function(orig_, slice_, curStart_, curEnd_, i_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.orig = ""; + this.slice = sliceType$6.nil; + this.curStart = 0; + this.curEnd = 0; + this.i = 0; + return; + } + this.orig = orig_; + this.slice = slice_; + this.curStart = curStart_; + this.curEnd = curEnd_; + this.i = i_; + }); + joinState = $pkg.joinState = $newType(1, $kindInt8, "idna.joinState", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", false, null); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint16); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(valueRange); + ptrType = $ptrType(idnaTrie); + arrayType = $arrayType(joinState, 8); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(arrayType); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Int32); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(sparseBlocks); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(Profile); + funcType = $funcType([ptrType$3, $String], [$error], false); + funcType$1 = $funcType([ptrType$3, $String], [$String, $Bool, $error], false); + funcType$2 = $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(labelIter); + info.prototype.isMapped = function() { + var c; + c = this.$val; + return !((((c & 3) >>> 0) === 0)); + }; + $ptrType(info).prototype.isMapped = function() { return new info(this.$get()).isMapped(); }; + info.prototype.category = function() { + var c, small; + c = this.$val; + small = (c & 3) >>> 0; + if (!((small === 0))) { + return ((small << 16 >>> 16)); + } + return ((((c & 248) >>> 0) << 16 >>> 16)); + }; + $ptrType(info).prototype.category = function() { return new info(this.$get()).category(); }; + info.prototype.joinType = function() { + var c; + c = this.$val; + if (new info(c).isMapped()) { + return 0; + } + return (((c >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16)) & 7) >>> 0; + }; + $ptrType(info).prototype.joinType = function() { return new info(this.$get()).joinType(); }; + info.prototype.isModifier = function() { + var c; + c = this.$val; + return ((c & 4099) >>> 0) === 4096; + }; + $ptrType(info).prototype.isModifier = function() { return new info(this.$get()).isModifier(); }; + info.prototype.isViramaModifier = function() { + var c; + c = this.$val; + return ((c & 6147) >>> 0) === 6144; + }; + $ptrType(info).prototype.isViramaModifier = function() { return new info(this.$get()).isViramaModifier(); }; + info.prototype.appendMapping = function(b, s) { + var _index, b, c, index, p, s, s$1; + c = this.$val; + index = (((c >>> 3 << 16 >>> 16) >> 0)); + if (((c & 4) >>> 0) === 0) { + s$1 = $substring(mappings, index); + return $appendSlice(b, $substring(s$1, 1, (s$1.charCodeAt(0) + 1 << 24 >>> 24))); + } + b = $appendSlice(b, s); + if (((c & 57344) >>> 0) === 57344) { + _index = b.$length - 1 >> 0; + ((_index < 0 || _index >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + _index] = ((((_index < 0 || _index >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + _index]) ^ (((index << 24 >>> 24)))) << 24 >>> 24)); + } else { + p = b.$length - ((xorData.charCodeAt(index) >> 0)) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(p < b.$length)) { break; } + index = index + (1) >> 0; + ((p < 0 || p >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + p] = ((((p < 0 || p >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + p]) ^ (xorData.charCodeAt(index))) << 24 >>> 24)); + p = p + (1) >> 0; + } + } + return b; + }; + $ptrType(info).prototype.appendMapping = function(b, s) { return new info(this.$get()).appendMapping(b, s); }; + sparseBlocks.ptr.prototype.lookup = function(n, b) { + var _q, b, header, hi, lo, m, n, offset, r, t, x, x$1, x$2; + t = this; + offset = (x = t.offset, ((n < 0 || n >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + n])); + header = $clone((x$1 = t.values, ((offset < 0 || offset >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + offset])), valueRange); + lo = offset + 1 << 16 >>> 16; + hi = lo + ((header.lo << 16 >>> 16)) << 16 >>> 16; + while (true) { + if (!(lo < hi)) { break; } + m = lo + (_q = ((hi - lo << 16 >>> 16)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 16 >>> 16; + r = $clone((x$2 = t.values, ((m < 0 || m >= x$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + m])), valueRange); + if (r.lo <= b && b <= r.hi) { + return r.value + ((((b - r.lo << 24 >>> 24) << 16 >>> 16)) * header.value << 16 >>> 16) << 16 >>> 16; + } + if (b < r.lo) { + hi = m; + } else { + lo = m + 1 << 16 >>> 16; + } + } + return 0; + }; + sparseBlocks.prototype.lookup = function(n, b) { return this.$val.lookup(n, b); }; + idnaTrie.ptr.prototype.lookup = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c0, c1, c1$1, c1$2, c2, c2$1, c3, i, i$1, i$2, o, o$1, s, sz, t, v; + v = 0; + sz = 0; + t = this; + c0 = (0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]); + if (c0 < 128) { + _tmp = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= idnaValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaValues[c0]); + _tmp$1 = 1; + v = _tmp; + sz = _tmp$1; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 194) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 1; + v = _tmp$2; + sz = _tmp$3; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 224) { + if (s.$length < 2) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + v = _tmp$4; + sz = _tmp$5; + return [v, sz]; + } + i = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[c0]); + c1 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1 < 128 || 192 <= c1) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 1; + v = _tmp$6; + sz = _tmp$7; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$8 = t.lookupValue(((i >>> 0)), c1); + _tmp$9 = 2; + v = _tmp$8; + sz = _tmp$9; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 240) { + if (s.$length < 3) { + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = 0; + v = _tmp$10; + sz = _tmp$11; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$1 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[c0]); + c1$1 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1$1 < 128 || 192 <= c1$1) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = 1; + v = _tmp$12; + sz = _tmp$13; + return [v, sz]; + } + o = (((i$1 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$1 = ((o < 0 || o >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[o]); + c2 = (2 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 2]); + if (c2 < 128 || 192 <= c2) { + _tmp$14 = 0; + _tmp$15 = 2; + v = _tmp$14; + sz = _tmp$15; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$16 = t.lookupValue(((i$1 >>> 0)), c2); + _tmp$17 = 3; + v = _tmp$16; + sz = _tmp$17; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 248) { + if (s.$length < 4) { + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = 0; + v = _tmp$18; + sz = _tmp$19; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$2 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[c0]); + c1$2 = (1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]); + if (c1$2 < 128 || 192 <= c1$2) { + _tmp$20 = 0; + _tmp$21 = 1; + v = _tmp$20; + sz = _tmp$21; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$2 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[o$1]); + c2$1 = (2 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 2]); + if (c2$1 < 128 || 192 <= c2$1) { + _tmp$22 = 0; + _tmp$23 = 2; + v = _tmp$22; + sz = _tmp$23; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c2$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[o$1]); + c3 = (3 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 3]); + if (c3 < 128 || 192 <= c3) { + _tmp$24 = 0; + _tmp$25 = 3; + v = _tmp$24; + sz = _tmp$25; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$26 = t.lookupValue(((i$2 >>> 0)), c3); + _tmp$27 = 4; + v = _tmp$26; + sz = _tmp$27; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$28 = 0; + _tmp$29 = 1; + v = _tmp$28; + sz = _tmp$29; + return [v, sz]; + }; + idnaTrie.prototype.lookup = function(s) { return this.$val.lookup(s); }; + idnaTrie.ptr.prototype.lookupString = function(s) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c0, c1, c1$1, c1$2, c2, c2$1, c3, i, i$1, i$2, o, o$1, s, sz, t, v; + v = 0; + sz = 0; + t = this; + c0 = s.charCodeAt(0); + if (c0 < 128) { + _tmp = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= idnaValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaValues[c0]); + _tmp$1 = 1; + v = _tmp; + sz = _tmp$1; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 194) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = 1; + v = _tmp$2; + sz = _tmp$3; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 224) { + if (s.length < 2) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + v = _tmp$4; + sz = _tmp$5; + return [v, sz]; + } + i = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[c0]); + c1 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1 < 128 || 192 <= c1) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 1; + v = _tmp$6; + sz = _tmp$7; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$8 = t.lookupValue(((i >>> 0)), c1); + _tmp$9 = 2; + v = _tmp$8; + sz = _tmp$9; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 240) { + if (s.length < 3) { + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = 0; + v = _tmp$10; + sz = _tmp$11; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$1 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[c0]); + c1$1 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1$1 < 128 || 192 <= c1$1) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = 1; + v = _tmp$12; + sz = _tmp$13; + return [v, sz]; + } + o = (((i$1 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$1 = ((o < 0 || o >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[o]); + c2 = s.charCodeAt(2); + if (c2 < 128 || 192 <= c2) { + _tmp$14 = 0; + _tmp$15 = 2; + v = _tmp$14; + sz = _tmp$15; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$16 = t.lookupValue(((i$1 >>> 0)), c2); + _tmp$17 = 3; + v = _tmp$16; + sz = _tmp$17; + return [v, sz]; + } else if (c0 < 248) { + if (s.length < 4) { + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = 0; + v = _tmp$18; + sz = _tmp$19; + return [v, sz]; + } + i$2 = ((c0 < 0 || c0 >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[c0]); + c1$2 = s.charCodeAt(1); + if (c1$2 < 128 || 192 <= c1$2) { + _tmp$20 = 0; + _tmp$21 = 1; + v = _tmp$20; + sz = _tmp$21; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c1$2 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[o$1]); + c2$1 = s.charCodeAt(2); + if (c2$1 < 128 || 192 <= c2$1) { + _tmp$22 = 0; + _tmp$23 = 2; + v = _tmp$22; + sz = _tmp$23; + return [v, sz]; + } + o$1 = (((i$2 >>> 0)) << 6 >>> 0) + ((c2$1 >>> 0)) >>> 0; + i$2 = ((o$1 < 0 || o$1 >= idnaIndex.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaIndex[o$1]); + c3 = s.charCodeAt(3); + if (c3 < 128 || 192 <= c3) { + _tmp$24 = 0; + _tmp$25 = 3; + v = _tmp$24; + sz = _tmp$25; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$26 = t.lookupValue(((i$2 >>> 0)), c3); + _tmp$27 = 4; + v = _tmp$26; + sz = _tmp$27; + return [v, sz]; + } + _tmp$28 = 0; + _tmp$29 = 1; + v = _tmp$28; + sz = _tmp$29; + return [v, sz]; + }; + idnaTrie.prototype.lookupString = function(s) { return this.$val.lookupString(s); }; + idnaTrie.ptr.prototype.lookupValue = function(n, b) { + var b, n, t, x; + t = this; + if (n < 126) { + return ((x = (n << 6 >>> 0) + ((b >>> 0)) >>> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= idnaValues.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : idnaValues[x]))); + } else { + n = n - (126) >>> 0; + return (idnaSparse.lookup(n, b)); + } + }; + idnaTrie.prototype.lookupValue = function(n, b) { return this.$val.lookupValue(n, b); }; + punyError = function(s) { + var s; + return new labelError.ptr(s, "A3"); + }; + decode = function(encoded) { + var _i, _q, _r, _ref, _rune, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, bias, digit, encoded, i, k, n, ok, oldI, output, overflow, pos, r, t, w, x; + if (encoded === "") { + return ["", $ifaceNil]; + } + pos = 1 + strings.LastIndex(encoded, "-") >> 0; + if (pos === 1) { + return ["", punyError(encoded)]; + } + if (pos === encoded.length) { + return [$substring(encoded, 0, (encoded.length - 1 >> 0)), $ifaceNil]; + } + output = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, encoded.length); + if (!((pos === 0))) { + _ref = $substring(encoded, 0, (pos - 1 >> 0)); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + r = _rune[0]; + output = $append(output, r); + _i += _rune[1]; + } + } + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 128; + _tmp$2 = 72; + i = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + bias = _tmp$2; + overflow = false; + while (true) { + if (!(pos < encoded.length)) { break; } + _tmp$3 = i; + _tmp$4 = 1; + oldI = _tmp$3; + w = _tmp$4; + k = 36; + while (true) { + if (pos === encoded.length) { + return ["", punyError(encoded)]; + } + _tuple = decodeDigit(encoded.charCodeAt(pos)); + digit = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return ["", punyError(encoded)]; + } + pos = pos + (1) >> 0; + _tuple$1 = madd(i, digit, w); + i = _tuple$1[0]; + overflow = _tuple$1[1]; + if (overflow) { + return ["", punyError(encoded)]; + } + t = k - bias >> 0; + if (k <= bias) { + t = 1; + } else if (k >= (bias + 26 >> 0)) { + t = 26; + } + if (digit < t) { + break; + } + _tuple$2 = madd(0, w, 36 - t >> 0); + w = _tuple$2[0]; + overflow = _tuple$2[1]; + if (overflow) { + return ["", punyError(encoded)]; + } + k = k + (36) >> 0; + } + if (output.$length >= 1024) { + return ["", punyError(encoded)]; + } + x = (((output.$length + 1 >> 0) >> 0)); + bias = adapt(i - oldI >> 0, x, oldI === 0); + n = n + ((_q = i / x, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0; + i = (_r = i % (x), _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + if (n < 0 || n > 1114111) { + return ["", punyError(encoded)]; + } + output = $append(output, 0); + $copySlice($subslice(output, (i + 1 >> 0)), $subslice(output, i)); + ((i < 0 || i >= output.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : output.$array[output.$offset + i] = n); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return [($runesToString(output)), $ifaceNil]; + }; + encode = function(prefix, s) { + var _i, _i$1, _i$2, _q, _r, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _rune, _rune$1, _rune$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tuple, b, bias, delta, h, k, m, n, output, overflow, prefix, q, r, r$1, r$2, remaining, s, t; + output = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, prefix.length, ((prefix.length + 1 >> 0) + ($imul(2, s.length)) >> 0)); + $copyString(output, prefix); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 128; + _tmp$2 = 72; + delta = _tmp; + n = _tmp$1; + bias = _tmp$2; + _tmp$3 = 0; + _tmp$4 = 0; + b = _tmp$3; + remaining = _tmp$4; + _ref = s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + r = _rune[0]; + if (r < 128) { + b = b + (1) >> 0; + output = $append(output, ((r << 24 >>> 24))); + } else { + remaining = remaining + (1) >> 0; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + h = b; + if (b > 0) { + output = $append(output, 45); + } + overflow = false; + while (true) { + if (!(!((remaining === 0)))) { break; } + m = 2147483647; + _ref$1 = s; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.length)) { break; } + _rune$1 = $decodeRune(_ref$1, _i$1); + r$1 = _rune$1[0]; + if (m > r$1 && r$1 >= n) { + m = r$1; + } + _i$1 += _rune$1[1]; + } + _tuple = madd(delta, m - n >> 0, h + 1 >> 0); + delta = _tuple[0]; + overflow = _tuple[1]; + if (overflow) { + return ["", punyError(s)]; + } + n = m; + _ref$2 = s; + _i$2 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.length)) { break; } + _rune$2 = $decodeRune(_ref$2, _i$2); + r$2 = _rune$2[0]; + if (r$2 < n) { + delta = delta + (1) >> 0; + if (delta < 0) { + return ["", punyError(s)]; + } + _i$2 += _rune$2[1]; + continue; + } + if (r$2 > n) { + _i$2 += _rune$2[1]; + continue; + } + q = delta; + k = 36; + while (true) { + t = k - bias >> 0; + if (k <= bias) { + t = 1; + } else if (k >= (bias + 26 >> 0)) { + t = 26; + } + if (q < t) { + break; + } + output = $append(output, encodeDigit(t + (_r = ((q - t >> 0)) % ((36 - t >> 0)), _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0)); + q = (_q = ((q - t >> 0)) / ((36 - t >> 0)), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + k = k + (36) >> 0; + } + output = $append(output, encodeDigit(q)); + bias = adapt(delta, h + 1 >> 0, h === b); + delta = 0; + h = h + (1) >> 0; + remaining = remaining - (1) >> 0; + _i$2 += _rune$2[1]; + } + delta = delta + (1) >> 0; + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + return [($bytesToString(output)), $ifaceNil]; + }; + madd = function(a, b, c) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, a, b, c, next, overflow, p, x, x$1; + next = 0; + overflow = false; + p = $mul64((new $Int64(0, b)), (new $Int64(0, c))); + if ((x = (x$1 = (new $Int64(0, a)), new $Int64(0 - x$1.$high, 2147483647 - x$1.$low)), (p.$high > x.$high || (p.$high === x.$high && p.$low > x.$low)))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = true; + next = _tmp; + overflow = _tmp$1; + return [next, overflow]; + } + _tmp$2 = a + (((p.$low + ((p.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)) >> 0; + _tmp$3 = false; + next = _tmp$2; + overflow = _tmp$3; + return [next, overflow]; + }; + decodeDigit = function(x) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, digit, ok, x; + digit = 0; + ok = false; + if (48 <= x && x <= 57) { + _tmp = (((x - 22 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = true; + digit = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [digit, ok]; + } else if (65 <= x && x <= 90) { + _tmp$2 = (((x - 65 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)); + _tmp$3 = true; + digit = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [digit, ok]; + } else if (97 <= x && x <= 122) { + _tmp$4 = (((x - 97 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0)); + _tmp$5 = true; + digit = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [digit, ok]; + } + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = false; + digit = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + return [digit, ok]; + }; + encodeDigit = function(digit) { + var digit; + if (0 <= digit && digit < 26) { + return (((digit + 97 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + } else if (26 <= digit && digit < 36) { + return (((digit + 22 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + } + $panic(new $String("idna: internal error in punycode encoding")); + }; + adapt = function(delta, numPoints, firstTime) { + var _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _q$4, delta, firstTime, k, numPoints; + if (firstTime) { + delta = (_q = delta / (700), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + } else { + delta = (_q$1 = delta / (2), (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + } + delta = delta + ((_q$2 = delta / numPoints, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) >> 0; + k = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(delta > 455)) { break; } + delta = (_q$3 = delta / (35), (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + k = k + (36) >> 0; + } + return k + (_q$4 = ($imul(36, delta)) / ((delta + 38 >> 0)), (_q$4 === _q$4 && _q$4 !== 1/0 && _q$4 !== -1/0) ? _q$4 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0; + }; + ToASCII = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $pkg.Punycode.process(s, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ToASCII, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ToASCII = ToASCII; + Profile.ptr.prototype.ToASCII = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, p, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r = p.process(s, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Profile.ptr.prototype.ToASCII, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, p, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Profile.prototype.ToASCII = function(s) { return this.$val.ToASCII(s); }; + Profile.ptr.prototype.ToUnicode = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r, p, pp, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + pp = $clone(p, Profile); + pp.options.transitional = false; + _r = pp.process(s, false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Profile.ptr.prototype.ToUnicode, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, p, pp, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Profile.prototype.ToUnicode = function(s) { return this.$val.ToUnicode(s); }; + Profile.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var p, s; + p = this; + s = ""; + if (p.options.transitional) { + s = "Transitional"; + } else { + s = "NonTransitional"; + } + if (p.options.useSTD3Rules) { + s = s + (":UseSTD3Rules"); + } + if (p.options.checkHyphens) { + s = s + (":CheckHyphens"); + } + if (p.options.checkJoiners) { + s = s + (":CheckJoiners"); + } + if (p.options.verifyDNSLength) { + s = s + (":VerifyDNSLength"); + } + return s; + }; + Profile.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + labelError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = fmt.Sprintf("idna: invalid label %q", new sliceType$5([new $String(e.label)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: labelError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + labelError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + runeError.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this.$val; + _r = fmt.Sprintf("idna: disallowed rune %U", new sliceType$5([new runeError(e)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: runeError.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(runeError).prototype.Error = function() { return new runeError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + Profile.ptr.prototype.process = function(s, toASCII) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, a, err, err2, err2$1, isBidi, label, label$1, labels, n, n$1, p, s, toASCII, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, toASCII}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + isBidi = false; + /* */ if (!(p.options.mapping === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(p.options.mapping === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r = p.options.mapping(p, s); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + s = _tuple[0]; + isBidi = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* } */ case 2: + if (p.options.removeLeadingDots) { + while (true) { + if (!(s.length > 0 && (s.charCodeAt(0) === 46))) { break; } + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && p.options.verifyDNSLength && s === "") { + err = new labelError.ptr(s, "A4"); + } + labels = new labelIter.ptr(s, sliceType$6.nil, 0, 0, 0); + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(!labels.done())) { break; } */ if(!(!labels.done())) { $s = 5; continue; } + label = labels.label(); + if (label === "") { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && p.options.verifyDNSLength) { + err = new labelError.ptr(s, "A4"); + } + labels.next(); + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(label, "xn--")) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (strings.HasPrefix(label, "xn--")) { */ case 6: + _tuple$1 = decode($substring(label, 4)); + u = _tuple$1[0]; + err2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err2, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = err2; + } + labels.next(); + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + isBidi = isBidi || !((bidirule.DirectionString(u) === 0)); + labels.set(u); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && !(p.options.fromPuny === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && !(p.options.fromPuny === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 9: + _r$1 = p.options.fromPuny(p, u); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = p.validateLabel(u); + } + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 7: + err = p.validateLabel(label); + /* } */ case 8: + labels.next(); + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + /* */ if (isBidi && !(p.options.bidirule === $throwNilPointerError) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (isBidi && !(p.options.bidirule === $throwNilPointerError) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 12: + labels.reset(); + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(!labels.done())) { break; } */ if(!(!labels.done())) { $s = 15; continue; } + _r$2 = p.options.bidirule(labels.label()); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 16: + err = new labelError.ptr(s, "B"); + /* break; */ $s = 15; continue; + /* } */ case 17: + labels.next(); + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + /* } */ case 13: + if (toASCII) { + labels.reset(); + while (true) { + if (!(!labels.done())) { break; } + label$1 = labels.label(); + if (!ascii(label$1)) { + _tuple$2 = encode("xn--", label$1); + a = _tuple$2[0]; + err2$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = err2$1; + } + label$1 = a; + labels.set(a); + } + n = label$1.length; + if (p.options.verifyDNSLength && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && ((n === 0) || n > 63)) { + err = new labelError.ptr(label$1, "A4"); + } + labels.next(); + } + } + s = labels.result(); + if (toASCII && p.options.verifyDNSLength && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + n$1 = s.length; + if (n$1 > 0 && (s.charCodeAt((n$1 - 1 >> 0)) === 46)) { + n$1 = n$1 - (1) >> 0; + } + if (s.length < 1 || n$1 > 253) { + err = new labelError.ptr(s, "A4"); + } + } + $s = -1; return [s, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Profile.ptr.prototype.process, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, a, err, err2, err2$1, isBidi, label, label$1, labels, n, n$1, p, s, toASCII, u, $s};return $f; + }; + Profile.prototype.process = function(s, toASCII) { return this.$val.process(s, toASCII); }; + info.prototype.isBidi = function(s) { + var _1, _tuple, c, p, s; + c = this.$val; + if (!new info(c).isMapped()) { + return ((c & 6144) >>> 0) === 2048; + } + _tuple = bidi.LookupString(s); + p = $clone(_tuple[0], bidi.Properties); + _1 = $clone(p, bidi.Properties).Class(); + if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (5))) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + $ptrType(info).prototype.isBidi = function(s) { return new info(this.$get()).isBidi(s); }; + validateAndMap = function(p, s) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, bidi$1, combinedInfoBits, err, i, k, p, r, s, start, sz, v, vm, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + vm = ""; + bidi$1 = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = sliceType$4.nil; + k = 0; + combinedInfoBits = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + _tuple = trie.lookupString($substring(s, i)); + v = _tuple[0]; + sz = _tuple[1]; + if (sz === 0) { + b = $appendSlice(b, $substring(s, k, i)); + b = $appendSlice(b, "\xEF\xBF\xBD"); + k = s.length; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = new runeError(65533); + } + break; + } + combinedInfoBits = (combinedInfoBits | (((v << 16 >>> 16)))) >>> 0; + bidi$1 = bidi$1 || new info(((v << 16 >>> 16))).isBidi($substring(s, i)); + start = i; + i = i + (sz) >> 0; + _1 = p.simplify(new info(((v << 16 >>> 16))).category()); + if (_1 === (8)) { + continue; + } else if (_1 === (64)) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + _tuple$1 = utf8.DecodeRuneInString($substring(s, start)); + r = _tuple$1[0]; + err = new runeError(((r >> 0))); + } + continue; + } else if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (3))) { + b = $appendSlice(b, $substring(s, k, start)); + b = new info(((v << 16 >>> 16))).appendMapping(b, $substring(s, start, i)); + } else if (_1 === (192)) { + b = $appendSlice(b, $substring(s, k, start)); + } else if (_1 === (0)) { + b = $appendSlice(b, $substring(s, k, start)); + b = $appendSlice(b, "\xEF\xBF\xBD"); + } + k = i; + } + /* */ if (k === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (k === 0) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (!((((combinedInfoBits & 8192) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((((combinedInfoBits & 8192) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 4: + _r = new norm.Form(0).String(s); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + b = $appendSlice(b, $substring(s, k)); + _r$1 = new norm.Form(0).QuickSpan(b); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((_r$1 === b.$length))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((_r$1 === b.$length))) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = new norm.Form(0).Bytes(b); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = _r$2; + /* } */ case 8: + s = ($bytesToString(b)); + /* } */ case 3: + _tmp = s; + _tmp$1 = bidi$1; + _tmp$2 = err; + vm = _tmp; + bidi$1 = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [vm, bidi$1, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: validateAndMap, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, bidi$1, combinedInfoBits, err, i, k, p, r, s, start, sz, v, vm, $s};return $f; + }; + labelIter.ptr.prototype.reset = function() { + var l; + l = this; + l.curStart = 0; + l.curEnd = 0; + l.i = 0; + }; + labelIter.prototype.reset = function() { return this.$val.reset(); }; + labelIter.ptr.prototype.done = function() { + var l; + l = this; + return l.curStart >= l.orig.length; + }; + labelIter.prototype.done = function() { return this.$val.done(); }; + labelIter.ptr.prototype.result = function() { + var l; + l = this; + if (!(l.slice === sliceType$6.nil)) { + return strings.Join(l.slice, "."); + } + return l.orig; + }; + labelIter.prototype.result = function() { return this.$val.result(); }; + labelIter.ptr.prototype.label = function() { + var l, p, x, x$1; + l = this; + if (!(l.slice === sliceType$6.nil)) { + return (x = l.slice, x$1 = l.i, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); + } + p = strings.IndexByte($substring(l.orig, l.curStart), 46); + l.curEnd = l.curStart + p >> 0; + if (p === -1) { + l.curEnd = l.orig.length; + } + return $substring(l.orig, l.curStart, l.curEnd); + }; + labelIter.prototype.label = function() { return this.$val.label(); }; + labelIter.ptr.prototype.next = function() { + var l, x, x$1; + l = this; + l.i = l.i + (1) >> 0; + if (!(l.slice === sliceType$6.nil)) { + if (l.i >= l.slice.$length || (l.i === (l.slice.$length - 1 >> 0)) && (x = l.slice, x$1 = l.i, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])) === "") { + l.curStart = l.orig.length; + } + } else { + l.curStart = l.curEnd + 1 >> 0; + if ((l.curStart === (l.orig.length - 1 >> 0)) && (l.orig.charCodeAt(l.curStart) === 46)) { + l.curStart = l.orig.length; + } + } + }; + labelIter.prototype.next = function() { return this.$val.next(); }; + labelIter.ptr.prototype.set = function(s) { + var l, s, x, x$1; + l = this; + if (l.slice === sliceType$6.nil) { + l.slice = strings.Split(l.orig, "."); + } + (x = l.slice, x$1 = l.i, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1] = s)); + }; + labelIter.prototype.set = function(s) { return this.$val.set(s); }; + Profile.ptr.prototype.simplify = function(cat) { + var _1, cat, p; + p = this; + _1 = cat; + if (_1 === (2)) { + if (p.options.useSTD3Rules) { + cat = 64; + } else { + cat = 1; + } + } else if (_1 === (128)) { + if (p.options.useSTD3Rules) { + cat = 64; + } else { + cat = 8; + } + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + if (!p.options.transitional) { + cat = 8; + } + } else if ((_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (40))) { + cat = 8; + } + return cat; + }; + Profile.prototype.simplify = function(cat) { return this.$val.simplify(cat); }; + validateFromPunycode = function(p, s) { + var {_r, _tuple, c, i, p, s, sz, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = new norm.Form(0).IsNormalString(s); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return new labelError.ptr(s, "V1"); + /* } */ case 2: + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + _tuple = trie.lookupString($substring(s, i)); + v = _tuple[0]; + sz = _tuple[1]; + if (sz === 0) { + $s = -1; return new runeError(65533); + } + c = p.simplify(new info(((v << 16 >>> 16))).category()); + if (!((c === 8)) && !((c === 3))) { + $s = -1; return new labelError.ptr(s, "V6"); + } + i = i + (sz) >> 0; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: validateFromPunycode, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, c, i, p, s, sz, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Profile.ptr.prototype.validateLabel = function(s) { + var _tuple, _tuple$1, err, i, jt, p, s, st, sz, trie$1, v, x, x$1; + err = $ifaceNil; + p = this; + if (s === "") { + if (p.options.verifyDNSLength) { + err = new labelError.ptr(s, "A4"); + return err; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + return err; + } + if (p.options.checkHyphens) { + if (s.length > 4 && (s.charCodeAt(2) === 45) && (s.charCodeAt(3) === 45)) { + err = new labelError.ptr(s, "V2"); + return err; + } + if ((s.charCodeAt(0) === 45) || (s.charCodeAt((s.length - 1 >> 0)) === 45)) { + err = new labelError.ptr(s, "V3"); + return err; + } + } + if (!p.options.checkJoiners) { + err = $ifaceNil; + return err; + } + trie$1 = p.options.trie; + _tuple = trie$1.lookupString(s); + v = _tuple[0]; + sz = _tuple[1]; + x = ((v << 16 >>> 16)); + if (new info(x).isModifier()) { + err = new labelError.ptr(s, "V5"); + return err; + } + if ((strings.Index(s, "\xE2\x80\x8D") === -1) && (strings.Index(s, "\xE2\x80\x8C") === -1)) { + err = $ifaceNil; + return err; + } + st = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + jt = new info(x).joinType(); + if ($substring(s, i, (i + sz >> 0)) === "\xE2\x80\x8D") { + jt = 5; + } else if ($substring(s, i, (i + sz >> 0)) === "\xE2\x80\x8C") { + jt = 6; + } + st = (x$1 = ((st < 0 || st >= joinStates.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : joinStates.$array[joinStates.$offset + st]), ((jt < 0 || jt >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[jt])); + if (new info(x).isViramaModifier()) { + st = ((st < 0 || st >= joinStates.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : joinStates.$array[joinStates.$offset + st])[7]; + } + i = i + (sz) >> 0; + if (i === s.length) { + break; + } + _tuple$1 = trie$1.lookupString($substring(s, i)); + v = _tuple$1[0]; + sz = _tuple$1[1]; + x = ((v << 16 >>> 16)); + } + if ((st === 5) || (st === 4)) { + err = new labelError.ptr(s, "C"); + return err; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + return err; + }; + Profile.prototype.validateLabel = function(s) { return this.$val.validateLabel(s); }; + ascii = function(s) { + var i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) >= 128) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + info.methods = [{prop: "isMapped", name: "isMapped", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "category", name: "category", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [category], false)}, {prop: "joinType", name: "joinType", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [info], false)}, {prop: "isModifier", name: "isModifier", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "isViramaModifier", name: "isViramaModifier", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "appendMapping", name: "appendMapping", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4, $String], [sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "isBidi", name: "isBidi", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "lookup", name: "lookup", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Uint8], [$Uint16], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "lookup", name: "lookup", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Uint16, $Int], false)}, {prop: "lookupUnsafe", name: "lookupUnsafe", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "lookupString", name: "lookupString", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Uint16, $Int], false)}, {prop: "lookupStringUnsafe", name: "lookupStringUnsafe", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Uint16], false)}, {prop: "lookupValue", name: "lookupValue", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Uint8], [$Uint16], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "ToASCII", name: "ToASCII", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String, $error], false)}, {prop: "ToUnicode", name: "ToUnicode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String, $error], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "process", name: "process", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([$String, $Bool], [$String, $error], false)}, {prop: "simplify", name: "simplify", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([category], [category], false)}, {prop: "validateLabel", name: "validateLabel", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([$String], [$error], false)}]; + labelError.methods = [{prop: "code", name: "code", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + runeError.methods = [{prop: "code", name: "code", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "reset", name: "reset", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "done", name: "done", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "result", name: "result", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "label", name: "label", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "next", name: "next", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "set", name: "set", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}]; + valueRange.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", [{prop: "value", name: "value", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "lo", name: "lo", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "hi", name: "hi", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + sparseBlocks.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", [{prop: "values", name: "values", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "offset", name: "offset", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}]); + idnaTrie.init("", []); + options.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", [{prop: "transitional", name: "transitional", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "useSTD3Rules", name: "useSTD3Rules", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "checkHyphens", name: "checkHyphens", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "checkJoiners", name: "checkJoiners", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "verifyDNSLength", name: "verifyDNSLength", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "removeLeadingDots", name: "removeLeadingDots", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "trie", name: "trie", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "fromPuny", name: "fromPuny", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "mapping", name: "mapping", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "bidirule", name: "bidirule", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$2, tag: ""}]); + Profile.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", [{prop: "options", name: "options", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: options, tag: ""}]); + labelError.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", [{prop: "label", name: "label", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "code_", name: "code_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + labelIter.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna", [{prop: "orig", name: "orig", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "slice", name: "slice", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "curStart", name: "curStart", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "curEnd", name: "curEnd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "i", name: "i", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bidirule.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bidi.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = norm.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trie = new idnaTrie.ptr(); + mappings = "\x00\x01 \x03 \xCC\x88\x01a\x03 \xCC\x84\x012\x013\x03 \xCC\x81\x03 \xCC\xA7\x011\x01o\x051\xE2\x81\x844\x051\xE2\x81\x842\x053\xE2\x81\x844\x03i\xCC\x87\x03l\xC2\xB7\x03\xCA\xBCn\x01s\x03d\xC5\xBE\x03\xE2\xB1\xA5\x03\xE2\xB1\xA6\x01h\x01j\x01r\x01w\x01y\x03 \xCC\x86\x03 \xCC\x87\x03 \xCC\x8A\x03 \xCC\xA8\x03 \xCC\x83\x03 \xCC\x8B\x01l\x01x\x04\xCC\x88\xCC\x81\x03 \xCE\xB9\x01;\x05 \xCC\x88\xCC\x81\x04\xD5\xA5\xD6\x82\x04\xD8\xA7\xD9\xB4\x04\xD9\x88\xD9\xB4\x04\xDB\x87\xD9\xB4\x04\xD9\x8A\xD9\xB4\x06\xE0\xA4\x95\xE0\xA4\xBC\x06\xE0\xA4\x96\xE0\xA4\xBC\x06\xE0\xA4\x97\xE0\xA4\xBC\x06\xE0\xA4\x9C\xE0\xA4\xBC\x06\xE0\xA4\xA1\xE0\xA4\xBC\x06\xE0\xA4\xA2\xE0\xA4\xBC\x06\xE0\xA4\xAB\xE0\xA4\xBC\x06\xE0\xA4\xAF\xE0\xA4\xBC\x06\xE0\xA6\xA1\xE0\xA6\xBC\x06\xE0\xA6\xA2\xE0\xA6\xBC\x06\xE0\xA6\xAF\xE0\xA6\xBC\x06\xE0\xA8\xB2\xE0\xA8\xBC\x06\xE0\xA8\xB8\xE0\xA8\xBC\x06\xE0\xA8\x96\xE0\xA8\xBC\x06\xE0\xA8\x97\xE0\xA8\xBC\x06\xE0\xA8\x9C\xE0\xA8\xBC\x06\xE0\xA8\xAB\xE0\xA8\xBC\x06\xE0\xAC\xA1\xE0\xAC\xBC\x06\xE0\xAC\xA2\xE0\xAC\xBC\x06\xE0\xB9\x8D\xE0\xB8\xB2\x06\xE0\xBB\x8D\xE0\xBA\xB2\x06\xE0\xBA\xAB\xE0\xBA\x99\x06\xE0\xBA\xAB\xE0\xBA\xA1\x06\xE0\xBD\x82\xE0\xBE\xB7\x06\xE0\xBD\x8C\xE0\xBE\xB7\x06\xE0\xBD\x91\xE0\xBE\xB7\x06\xE0\xBD\x96\xE0\xBE\xB7\x06\xE0\xBD\x9B\xE0\xBE\xB7\x06\xE0\xBD\x80\xE0\xBE\xB5\x06\xE0\xBD\xB1\xE0\xBD\xB2\x06\xE0\xBD\xB1\xE0\xBD\xB4\x06\xE0\xBE\xB2\xE0\xBE\x80\t\xE0\xBE\xB2\xE0\xBD\xB1\xE0\xBE\x80\x06\xE0\xBE\xB3\xE0\xBE\x80\t\xE0\xBE\xB3\xE0\xBD\xB1\xE0\xBE\x80\x06\xE0\xBD\xB1\xE0\xBE\x80\x06\xE0\xBE\x92\xE0\xBE\xB7\x06\xE0\xBE\x9C\xE0\xBE\xB7\x06\xE0\xBE\xA1\xE0\xBE\xB7\x06\xE0\xBE\xA6\xE0\xBE\xB7\x06\xE0\xBE\xAB\xE0\xBE\xB7\x06\xE0\xBE\x90\xE0\xBE\xB5\x02\xD0\xB2\x02\xD0\xB4\x02\xD0\xBE\x02\xD1\x81\x02\xD1\x82\x02\xD1\x8A\x02\xD1\xA3\x02\xC3\xA6\x01b\x01d\x01e\x02\xC7\x9D\x01g\x01i\x01k\x01m\x01n\x02\xC8\xA3\x01p\x01t\x01u\x02\xC9\x90\x02\xC9\x91\x02\xC9\x99\x02\xC9\x9B\x02\xC9\x9C\x02\xC5\x8B\x02\xC9\x94\x02\xC9\xAF\x01v\x02\xCE\xB2\x02\xCE\xB3\x02\xCE\xB4\x02\xCF\x86\x02\xCF\x87\x02\xCF\x81\x02\xD0\xBD\x02\xC9\x92\x01c\x02\xC9\x95\x02\xC3\xB0\x01f\x02\xC9\x9F\x02\xC9\xA1\x02\xC9\xA5\x02\xC9\xA8\x02\xC9\xA9\x02\xC9\xAA\x02\xCA\x9D\x02\xC9\xAD\x02\xCA\x9F\x02\xC9\xB1\x02\xC9\xB0\x02\xC9\xB2\x02\xC9\xB3\x02\xC9\xB4\x02\xC9\xB5\x02\xC9\xB8\x02\xCA\x82\x02\xCA\x83\x02\xC6\xAB\x02\xCA\x89\x02\xCA\x8A\x02\xCA\x8B\x02\xCA\x8C\x01z\x02\xCA\x90\x02\xCA\x91\x02\xCA\x92\x02\xCE\xB8\x02ss\x02\xCE\xAC\x02\xCE\xAD\x02\xCE\xAE\x02\xCE\xAF\x02\xCF\x8C\x02\xCF\x8D\x02\xCF\x8E\x05\xE1\xBC\x80\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\x81\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\x82\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\x83\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\x84\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\x85\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\x86\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\x87\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\xA0\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\xA1\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\xA2\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\xA3\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\xA4\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\xA5\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\xA6\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBC\xA7\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBD\xA0\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBD\xA1\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBD\xA2\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBD\xA3\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBD\xA4\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBD\xA5\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBD\xA6\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBD\xA7\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBD\xB0\xCE\xB9\x04\xCE\xB1\xCE\xB9\x04\xCE\xAC\xCE\xB9\x05\xE1\xBE\xB6\xCE\xB9\x02\xCE\xB9\x05 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valueRange.ptr(64, 136, 146), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 147, 161), new valueRange.ptr(2112, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 163, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(8, 132, 185), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(8, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 15, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 129, 130), new valueRange.ptr(64, 131, 133), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 134, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 138, 140), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(64, 145, 150), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(64, 152, 165), new valueRange.ptr(8, 166, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 186), new 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valueRange.ptr(12296, 130, 131), new valueRange.ptr(64, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(8, 133, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 153), new valueRange.ptr(8, 154, 177), new valueRange.ptr(64, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(8, 179, 187), new valueRange.ptr(64, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(8, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(64, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 16, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 137), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(64, 139, 142), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 143, 145), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 146, 148), new valueRange.ptr(64, 149, 149), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 150, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 152, 159), new valueRange.ptr(64, 160, 165), new valueRange.ptr(8, 166, 175), new valueRange.ptr(64, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(24, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(64, 181, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(8, 129, 176), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(8, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(2289, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 180, 185), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(64, 187, 190), new valueRange.ptr(24, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 135, 142), new valueRange.ptr(24, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(24, 154, 155), new valueRange.ptr(64, 156, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 132), new valueRange.ptr(64, 133, 133), new valueRange.ptr(8, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 136, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 155), new valueRange.ptr(2401, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(2457, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(8, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(64, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 16, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(24, 129, 138), new valueRange.ptr(8, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(57405, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(24, 141, 151), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 152, 153), new valueRange.ptr(24, 154, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 169), new valueRange.ptr(24, 170, 180), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(24, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(24, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(24, 186, 189), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 133), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(24, 135, 140), new valueRange.ptr(64, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(24, 142, 154), new valueRange.ptr(64, 155, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 170), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 171, 172), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 173, 176), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 178, 183), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 185, 186), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 189, 190), new valueRange.ptr(8, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 14, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(24, 138, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 149), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 150, 151), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 152, 153), new valueRange.ptr(8, 154, 157), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 158, 160), new valueRange.ptr(8, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 162, 164), new valueRange.ptr(8, 165, 166), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 167, 173), new valueRange.ptr(8, 174, 176), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 177, 180), new valueRange.ptr(8, 181, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 131, 132), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 133, 134), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 135, 140), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(8, 142, 142), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 154, 156), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(24, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(64, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(1373, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(64, 136, 140), new valueRange.ptr(1373, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 186), new valueRange.ptr(24, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(57605, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(8, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 158), new valueRange.ptr(64, 159, 160), new valueRange.ptr(8216, 161, 181), new valueRange.ptr(24, 182, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 167), new valueRange.ptr(8216, 168, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8216, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(24, 131, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(8, 138, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(8, 152, 152), new valueRange.ptr(64, 153, 153), new valueRange.ptr(8, 154, 157), new valueRange.ptr(64, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(8, 138, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 176), new valueRange.ptr(64, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(8, 178, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 183), new valueRange.ptr(8, 184, 190), new valueRange.ptr(64, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(64, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(8, 130, 133), new valueRange.ptr(64, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(8, 136, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(8, 152, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 144), new valueRange.ptr(64, 145, 145), new valueRange.ptr(8, 146, 149), new valueRange.ptr(64, 150, 151), new valueRange.ptr(8, 152, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 154), new valueRange.ptr(64, 155, 156), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 157, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 188), new valueRange.ptr(64, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 183), new valueRange.ptr(57413, 184, 189), new valueRange.ptr(64, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(8, 129, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 172), new valueRange.ptr(24, 173, 174), new valueRange.ptr(8, 175, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(8, 129, 154), new valueRange.ptr(24, 155, 156), new valueRange.ptr(64, 157, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 170), new valueRange.ptr(24, 171, 176), new valueRange.ptr(8, 177, 184), new valueRange.ptr(64, 185, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 140), new valueRange.ptr(64, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(8, 142, 145), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 146, 147), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(64, 149, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 177), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(24, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 145), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 146, 147), new valueRange.ptr(64, 148, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 172), new valueRange.ptr(64, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(8, 174, 176), new valueRange.ptr(64, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(64, 180, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 179), new valueRange.ptr(13120, 180, 181), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 183, 189), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 16, 0), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 128, 133), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 135, 136), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 137, 145), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(24, 148, 150), new valueRange.ptr(8, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(24, 152, 155), new valueRange.ptr(8, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(64, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 169), new valueRange.ptr(64, 170, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 185), new valueRange.ptr(64, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 133), new valueRange.ptr(64, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(536, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(24, 136, 138), new valueRange.ptr(13248, 139, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 159), new valueRange.ptr(520, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(520, 128, 184), new valueRange.ptr(64, 185, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 132), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 133, 134), new valueRange.ptr(520, 135, 168), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(520, 170, 170), new valueRange.ptr(64, 171, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 158), new valueRange.ptr(64, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 160, 162), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 163, 166), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 167, 168), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 169, 171), new valueRange.ptr(64, 172, 175), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 179, 184), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 185, 187), new valueRange.ptr(64, 188, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(64, 129, 131), new valueRange.ptr(24, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(8, 134, 173), new valueRange.ptr(64, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 180), new valueRange.ptr(64, 181, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 171), new valueRange.ptr(64, 172, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(64, 138, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(40, 154, 154), new valueRange.ptr(64, 155, 157), new valueRange.ptr(24, 158, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 150), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 151, 152), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 153, 154), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 155, 155), new valueRange.ptr(64, 156, 157), new valueRange.ptr(24, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 15, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 148), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 149, 149), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 150, 150), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 152, 158), new valueRange.ptr(64, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 163, 164), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 165, 172), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 173, 178), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 179, 188), new valueRange.ptr(64, 189, 190), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(64, 138, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 166), new valueRange.ptr(8, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(24, 168, 173), new valueRange.ptr(64, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 176, 189), new valueRange.ptr(13080, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(64, 129, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(8, 133, 179), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 182, 186), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(14344, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(8, 133, 139), new valueRange.ptr(64, 140, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(24, 154, 170), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 171, 179), new valueRange.ptr(24, 180, 188), new valueRange.ptr(64, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(8, 131, 160), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 162, 165), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 166, 167), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 168, 169), new valueRange.ptr(14344, 170, 170), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 172, 173), new valueRange.ptr(8, 174, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 165), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 168, 169), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 170, 172), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 175, 177), new valueRange.ptr(14344, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(64, 180, 187), new valueRange.ptr(24, 188, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 163), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 164, 171), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 172, 179), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 180, 181), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 182, 183), new valueRange.ptr(64, 184, 186), new valueRange.ptr(24, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(64, 138, 140), new valueRange.ptr(8, 141, 189), new valueRange.ptr(24, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(3625, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(3649, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(3673, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(3697, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(3721, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(3745, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(3769, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(1405, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 143), new valueRange.ptr(1437, 144, 186), new valueRange.ptr(64, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(1437, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 16, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(64, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 144, 146), new valueRange.ptr(24, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 148, 160), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 162, 168), new valueRange.ptr(8, 169, 172), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(8, 174, 179), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(8, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(8, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(64, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 185), new valueRange.ptr(64, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(57413, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 149), new valueRange.ptr(64, 150, 151), new valueRange.ptr(57413, 152, 157), new valueRange.ptr(64, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 167), new valueRange.ptr(57413, 168, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 183), new valueRange.ptr(57413, 184, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(13080, 144, 176), new valueRange.ptr(64, 177, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(64, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(8, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(24, 133, 136), new valueRange.ptr(9409, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(24, 138, 139), new valueRange.ptr(64, 140, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 171), new valueRange.ptr(9457, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(9513, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(24, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(9593, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(9649, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(24, 177, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 159), new valueRange.ptr(128, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(24, 161, 173), new valueRange.ptr(128, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 168), new valueRange.ptr(2525, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(2557, 170, 170), new valueRange.ptr(24, 171, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 166), new valueRange.ptr(64, 167, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 139), new valueRange.ptr(10433, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(24, 141, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 179), new valueRange.ptr(3710, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(10538, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(3742, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(24, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 155), new valueRange.ptr(10561, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(24, 157, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 179), new valueRange.ptr(64, 180, 181), new valueRange.ptr(24, 182, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 149), new valueRange.ptr(64, 150, 150), new valueRange.ptr(24, 151, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(57733, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(1013, 144, 159), new valueRange.ptr(3773, 160, 174), new valueRange.ptr(64, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 165), new valueRange.ptr(64, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(8, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(64, 168, 172), new valueRange.ptr(8, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(64, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 167), new valueRange.ptr(64, 168, 174), new valueRange.ptr(57461, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(64, 177, 190), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 166), new valueRange.ptr(64, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(8, 168, 174), new valueRange.ptr(64, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(8, 184, 190), new valueRange.ptr(64, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(8, 136, 142), new valueRange.ptr(64, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(8, 152, 158), new valueRange.ptr(64, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 174), new valueRange.ptr(8, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 146), new valueRange.ptr(64, 147, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 154), new valueRange.ptr(24, 155, 158), new valueRange.ptr(3829, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 178), new valueRange.ptr(3861, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(64, 180, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(3893, 128, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(5941, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(6421, 144, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(7957, 128, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(8, 129, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 152), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 153, 154), new valueRange.ptr(10722, 155, 155), new valueRange.ptr(10762, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(8, 157, 158), new valueRange.ptr(10801, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(8, 161, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 190), new valueRange.ptr(10857, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 14, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 132), new valueRange.ptr(8, 133, 175), new valueRange.ptr(64, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(10805, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(10837, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(10869, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(10901, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(10869, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(10933, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(10965, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(10997, 184, 185), new valueRange.ptr(11029, 186, 187), new valueRange.ptr(11061, 188, 189), new valueRange.ptr(11029, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 163), new valueRange.ptr(64, 164, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(48, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(10914, 128, 157), new valueRange.ptr(12378, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(64, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(12450, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 188), new valueRange.ptr(64, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 140), new valueRange.ptr(64, 141, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 189), new valueRange.ptr(24, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 140), new valueRange.ptr(24, 141, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 171), new valueRange.ptr(64, 172, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 165), new valueRange.ptr(24, 166, 175), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(24, 178, 183), new valueRange.ptr(64, 184, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 16, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(57357, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(8, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(1013, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(4905, 133, 133), new valueRange.ptr(17533, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(57469, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(8, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(57373, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(8, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(64, 139, 180), new valueRange.ptr(57373, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(8, 182, 183), new valueRange.ptr(8201, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(28353, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(8, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 15, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(8, 131, 133), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(8, 135, 138), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(8, 140, 162), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 163, 164), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 165, 166), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(24, 168, 171), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(64, 173, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 185), new valueRange.ptr(64, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(520, 128, 177), new valueRange.ptr(264, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(8, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(24, 180, 183), new valueRange.ptr(64, 184, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(8, 130, 179), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 180, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 14, 0), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 133, 133), new valueRange.ptr(64, 134, 141), new valueRange.ptr(24, 142, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 159), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 160, 177), new valueRange.ptr(8, 178, 183), new valueRange.ptr(24, 184, 186), new valueRange.ptr(8, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(24, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(8, 189, 190), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 165), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 166, 173), new valueRange.ptr(24, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 135, 145), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(14344, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(64, 148, 158), new valueRange.ptr(24, 159, 188), new valueRange.ptr(64, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(8, 132, 178), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 180, 181), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 182, 185), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 186, 187), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 188, 189), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(14344, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(24, 129, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 142), new valueRange.ptr(8, 143, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 157), new valueRange.ptr(24, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 164), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(8, 166, 190), new valueRange.ptr(64, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 168), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 169, 174), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 175, 176), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 177, 178), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 179, 180), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 16, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(8, 132, 139), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 155), new valueRange.ptr(24, 156, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 182), new valueRange.ptr(24, 183, 185), new valueRange.ptr(8, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(8, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 175), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(8, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 178, 180), new valueRange.ptr(8, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 183, 184), new valueRange.ptr(8, 185, 189), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 15, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(8, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(64, 131, 154), new valueRange.ptr(8, 155, 157), new valueRange.ptr(24, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 170), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 172, 173), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(8, 178, 180), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(8, 129, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 136), new valueRange.ptr(8, 137, 142), new valueRange.ptr(64, 143, 144), new valueRange.ptr(8, 145, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 166), new valueRange.ptr(64, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(8, 168, 174), new valueRange.ptr(64, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 154), new valueRange.ptr(24, 155, 155), new valueRange.ptr(17565, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(17589, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(10609, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(57453, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 168), new valueRange.ptr(28377, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(24, 170, 171), new valueRange.ptr(64, 172, 175), new valueRange.ptr(17613, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(17645, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(17677, 144, 159), new valueRange.ptr(17709, 160, 175), new valueRange.ptr(17677, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 162), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 163, 164), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 166, 167), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 168, 168), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 169, 170), new valueRange.ptr(24, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(64, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 185), new valueRange.ptr(64, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 163), new valueRange.ptr(64, 164, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 138), new valueRange.ptr(24, 139, 187), new valueRange.ptr(64, 188, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(17741, 128, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(19789, 128, 148), new valueRange.ptr(19213, 149, 149), new valueRange.ptr(20461, 150, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(21805, 128, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(23853, 128, 132), new valueRange.ptr(22157, 133, 133), new valueRange.ptr(24013, 134, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(27533, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(27981, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(28045, 145, 171), new valueRange.ptr(28401, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(28909, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(64, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(64, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(28941, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(29453, 128, 173), new valueRange.ptr(25965, 174, 174), new valueRange.ptr(30925, 175, 181), new valueRange.ptr(28557, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(31149, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(40, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(31857, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(31793, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(31977, 132, 191), new valueRange.ptr(56, 15, 0), new valueRange.ptr(40449, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(40617, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(40673, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(40729, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(64, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(64, 145, 145), new valueRange.ptr(41177, 146, 151), new valueRange.ptr(41457, 152, 156), new valueRange.ptr(41681, 157, 179), new valueRange.ptr(40337, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(40449, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(42969, 182, 187), new valueRange.ptr(43193, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(43081, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(43305, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 139), new valueRange.ptr(64, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(8, 141, 166), new valueRange.ptr(64, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(8, 168, 186), new valueRange.ptr(64, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(8, 188, 189), new valueRange.ptr(64, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(8, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 157), new valueRange.ptr(64, 158, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 186), new valueRange.ptr(64, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(64, 131, 134), new valueRange.ptr(24, 135, 179), new valueRange.ptr(64, 180, 182), new valueRange.ptr(24, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 142), new valueRange.ptr(64, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 156), new valueRange.ptr(64, 157, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(64, 161, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 188), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(64, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 156), new valueRange.ptr(64, 157, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 144), new valueRange.ptr(64, 145, 159), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(24, 161, 187), new valueRange.ptr(64, 188, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 163), new valueRange.ptr(64, 164, 172), new valueRange.ptr(8, 173, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(24, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(8, 130, 137), new valueRange.ptr(24, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(64, 139, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 181), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 182, 186), new valueRange.ptr(64, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 157), new valueRange.ptr(64, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(24, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(64, 132, 135), new valueRange.ptr(8, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 149), new valueRange.ptr(64, 150, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(57669, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(57797, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(57669, 144, 151), new valueRange.ptr(35597, 152, 159), new valueRange.ptr(35621, 160, 167), new valueRange.ptr(8, 168, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 157), new valueRange.ptr(64, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 169), new valueRange.ptr(64, 170, 175), new valueRange.ptr(35621, 176, 183), new valueRange.ptr(35597, 184, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(57669, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(57797, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(57669, 144, 147), new valueRange.ptr(64, 148, 151), new valueRange.ptr(8, 152, 187), new valueRange.ptr(64, 188, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 167), new valueRange.ptr(64, 168, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 163), new valueRange.ptr(64, 164, 174), new valueRange.ptr(24, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(64, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 149), new valueRange.ptr(64, 150, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 167), new valueRange.ptr(64, 168, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 133), new valueRange.ptr(64, 134, 135), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 138, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 183, 184), new valueRange.ptr(64, 185, 187), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(64, 189, 190), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 149), new valueRange.ptr(64, 150, 150), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 151, 159), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 160, 182), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 158), new valueRange.ptr(64, 159, 166), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 167, 175), new valueRange.ptr(64, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 159), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 160, 178), new valueRange.ptr(64, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 180, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 186), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 149), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 150, 155), new valueRange.ptr(64, 156, 158), new valueRange.ptr(24, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 160, 185), new valueRange.ptr(64, 186, 190), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 183), new valueRange.ptr(64, 184, 187), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 188, 189), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(64, 144, 145), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 146, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 15, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 129, 131), new valueRange.ptr(64, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 133, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 139), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 140, 143), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 144, 147), new valueRange.ptr(64, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 149, 151), new valueRange.ptr(64, 152, 152), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 153, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 183), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 184, 186), new valueRange.ptr(64, 187, 190), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 128, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 143), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 144, 152), new valueRange.ptr(64, 153, 159), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 160, 188), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 156), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 157, 159), new valueRange.ptr(64, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 184), new valueRange.ptr(24, 185, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 149), new valueRange.ptr(64, 150, 151), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 152, 159), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 160, 178), new valueRange.ptr(64, 179, 183), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 184, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(989, 128, 178), new valueRange.ptr(64, 179, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 178), new valueRange.ptr(64, 179, 185), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2312, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 129, 161), new valueRange.ptr(3080, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 164, 167), new valueRange.ptr(64, 168, 175), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 176, 185), new valueRange.ptr(64, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 159), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 160, 190), new valueRange.ptr(64, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 169), new valueRange.ptr(64, 170, 170), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 171, 172), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(64, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(64, 178, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 156), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 157, 166), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 167, 167), new valueRange.ptr(64, 168, 175), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 176, 178), new valueRange.ptr(3080, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 180, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 128, 132), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 133, 133), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 134, 144), new valueRange.ptr(2584, 145, 147), new valueRange.ptr(3096, 148, 148), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 149, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 175), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(3080, 180, 182), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(3080, 185, 186), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(3080, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(3080, 130, 131), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 133, 136), new valueRange.ptr(3096, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(2584, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(2328, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(64, 140, 159), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 160, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(8, 131, 183), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 184, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 133), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(24, 135, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 145), new valueRange.ptr(24, 146, 165), new valueRange.ptr(8, 166, 175), new valueRange.ptr(64, 176, 190), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(8, 131, 175), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 176, 178), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 179, 182), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 183, 184), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(24, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(64, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(24, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(64, 130, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 168), new valueRange.ptr(64, 169, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 185), new valueRange.ptr(64, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(8, 131, 166), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 167, 171), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 173, 178), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 179, 180), new valueRange.ptr(64, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(8, 182, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(8, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 133, 134), new valueRange.ptr(8, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(64, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 178), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(24, 180, 181), new valueRange.ptr(8, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(8, 131, 178), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 179, 181), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 182, 190), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 14, 0), new valueRange.ptr(14344, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(8, 129, 132), new valueRange.ptr(24, 133, 136), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 137, 140), new valueRange.ptr(24, 141, 141), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 142, 142), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 154), new valueRange.ptr(24, 155, 155), new valueRange.ptr(8, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(24, 157, 159), new valueRange.ptr(64, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(24, 161, 180), new valueRange.ptr(64, 181, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 145), new valueRange.ptr(64, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(8, 147, 171), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 172, 174), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 175, 177), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(14344, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 182, 183), new valueRange.ptr(24, 184, 189), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(64, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(8, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(8, 138, 141), new valueRange.ptr(64, 142, 142), new valueRange.ptr(8, 143, 157), new valueRange.ptr(64, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(8, 159, 168), new valueRange.ptr(24, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(64, 170, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 158), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 160, 162), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 163, 169), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 170, 170), new valueRange.ptr(64, 171, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 185), new valueRange.ptr(64, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 180), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 181, 183), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 184, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 14, 0), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 131, 132), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 133, 133), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(8, 135, 138), new valueRange.ptr(24, 139, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(24, 154, 155), new valueRange.ptr(64, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(24, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(8, 159, 161), new valueRange.ptr(64, 162, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 175), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 176, 178), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 179, 184), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 187, 190), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(8, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(24, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(8, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(64, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 174), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 175, 177), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 178, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 183), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 184, 187), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 188, 189), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(24, 129, 151), new valueRange.ptr(8, 152, 155), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 156, 157), new valueRange.ptr(64, 158, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 7, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 175), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 176, 178), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 179, 186), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 187, 188), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(24, 129, 131), new valueRange.ptr(8, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(64, 133, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 172), new valueRange.ptr(64, 173, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 170), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 176, 181), new valueRange.ptr(14344, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(8, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(64, 185, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(64, 138, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 154), new valueRange.ptr(64, 155, 156), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 157, 159), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 160, 161), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 162, 165), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 167, 170), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(64, 172, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 185), new valueRange.ptr(24, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 171), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 172, 174), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 175, 183), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(24, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(64, 188, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 159), new valueRange.ptr(1181, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 169), new valueRange.ptr(24, 170, 178), new valueRange.ptr(64, 179, 190), new valueRange.ptr(8, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(8, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(24, 132, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 167), new valueRange.ptr(64, 168, 169), new valueRange.ptr(8, 170, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 144), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 145, 147), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 148, 151), new valueRange.ptr(64, 152, 153), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 154, 155), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 156, 159), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(8, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(24, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(8, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(64, 165, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 129, 138), new valueRange.ptr(8, 139, 178), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 181, 184), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(8, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 187, 190), new valueRange.ptr(24, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(64, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 145, 150), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 151, 152), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 153, 155), new valueRange.ptr(8, 156, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 138, 150), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 152, 152), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 153, 153), new valueRange.ptr(24, 154, 156), new valueRange.ptr(8, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(24, 158, 162), new valueRange.ptr(64, 163, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 184), new valueRange.ptr(64, 185, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 137), new valueRange.ptr(8, 138, 174), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 176, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 184, 189), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(24, 129, 133), new valueRange.ptr(64, 134, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(24, 154, 172), new valueRange.ptr(64, 173, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(8, 178, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(64, 144, 145), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 146, 167), new valueRange.ptr(64, 168, 168), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 170, 176), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 178, 179), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(8, 136, 137), new valueRange.ptr(64, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(8, 139, 176), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 177, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 185), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(64, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 188, 189), new valueRange.ptr(64, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 12, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(8, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(64, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 165), new valueRange.ptr(64, 166, 166), new valueRange.ptr(8, 167, 168), new valueRange.ptr(64, 169, 169), new valueRange.ptr(8, 170, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 138, 142), new valueRange.ptr(64, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 144, 145), new valueRange.ptr(64, 146, 146), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 147, 148), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 149, 149), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 150, 150), new valueRange.ptr(15112, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(8, 152, 152), new valueRange.ptr(64, 153, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 169), new valueRange.ptr(64, 170, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 178), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 179, 180), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 181, 182), new valueRange.ptr(24, 183, 184), new valueRange.ptr(64, 185, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(64, 177, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 177), new valueRange.ptr(64, 178, 190), new valueRange.ptr(24, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 174), new valueRange.ptr(64, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 180), new valueRange.ptr(64, 181, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(64, 132, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 174), new valueRange.ptr(64, 175, 175), new valueRange.ptr(832, 176, 184), new valueRange.ptr(64, 185, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 158), new valueRange.ptr(64, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 169), new valueRange.ptr(64, 170, 173), new valueRange.ptr(24, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(64, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 173), new valueRange.ptr(64, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 176, 180), new valueRange.ptr(24, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 175), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 176, 182), new valueRange.ptr(24, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(24, 132, 133), new valueRange.ptr(64, 134, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 154), new valueRange.ptr(24, 155, 161), new valueRange.ptr(64, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(8, 163, 183), new valueRange.ptr(64, 184, 188), new valueRange.ptr(8, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(64, 144, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(57605, 128, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 154), new valueRange.ptr(64, 155, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 138), new valueRange.ptr(64, 139, 142), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 145, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(64, 136, 142), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 143, 146), new valueRange.ptr(8, 147, 159), new valueRange.ptr(64, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 161), new valueRange.ptr(24, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(8, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(64, 165, 175), new valueRange.ptr(12296, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(64, 178, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 183), new valueRange.ptr(64, 184, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 149), new valueRange.ptr(64, 150, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 158), new valueRange.ptr(64, 159, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 146), new valueRange.ptr(64, 147, 163), new valueRange.ptr(8, 164, 167), new valueRange.ptr(64, 168, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 187), new valueRange.ptr(64, 188, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 170), new valueRange.ptr(64, 171, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 188), new valueRange.ptr(64, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 9, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 143), new valueRange.ptr(8, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 155), new valueRange.ptr(24, 156, 156), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 157, 158), new valueRange.ptr(24, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(960, 160, 163), new valueRange.ptr(64, 164, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 166), new valueRange.ptr(64, 167, 168), new valueRange.ptr(24, 169, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 14, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 157), new valueRange.ptr(46601, 158, 158), new valueRange.ptr(46673, 159, 159), new valueRange.ptr(46745, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(46849, 161, 161), new valueRange.ptr(46953, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(47057, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(47161, 164, 164), new valueRange.ptr(12312, 165, 166), new valueRange.ptr(13080, 167, 169), new valueRange.ptr(24, 170, 172), new valueRange.ptr(12312, 173, 178), new valueRange.ptr(832, 179, 186), new valueRange.ptr(13080, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 11, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13080, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(24, 131, 132), new valueRange.ptr(13080, 133, 139), new valueRange.ptr(24, 140, 169), new valueRange.ptr(13080, 170, 173), new valueRange.ptr(24, 174, 186), new valueRange.ptr(47265, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(47337, 188, 188), new valueRange.ptr(47409, 189, 189), new valueRange.ptr(47513, 190, 190), new valueRange.ptr(47617, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(47721, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(24, 129, 168), new valueRange.ptr(64, 169, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 129), new valueRange.ptr(13080, 130, 132), new valueRange.ptr(24, 133, 133), new valueRange.ptr(64, 134, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 179), new valueRange.ptr(64, 180, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 184), new valueRange.ptr(64, 185, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 182), new valueRange.ptr(24, 183, 186), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 172), new valueRange.ptr(24, 173, 180), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(24, 182, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(24, 133, 139), new valueRange.ptr(64, 140, 154), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 155, 159), new valueRange.ptr(64, 160, 160), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 161, 175), new valueRange.ptr(64, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 10, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 136, 152), new valueRange.ptr(64, 153, 154), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 155, 161), new valueRange.ptr(64, 162, 162), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 163, 164), new valueRange.ptr(64, 165, 165), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 166, 170), new valueRange.ptr(64, 171, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 172), new valueRange.ptr(64, 173, 175), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 176, 182), new valueRange.ptr(8, 183, 189), new valueRange.ptr(64, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(64, 138, 141), new valueRange.ptr(8, 142, 142), new valueRange.ptr(24, 143, 143), new valueRange.ptr(64, 144, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 171), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 172, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 185), new valueRange.ptr(64, 186, 190), new valueRange.ptr(24, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 128, 132), new valueRange.ptr(64, 133, 134), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 135, 143), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 144, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2568, 128, 131), new valueRange.ptr(13064, 132, 138), new valueRange.ptr(2824, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(64, 140, 143), new valueRange.ptr(2056, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 157), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(64, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 176), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 177, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 128, 180), new valueRange.ptr(64, 181, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(2072, 129, 189), new valueRange.ptr(64, 190, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(64, 178, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 171), new valueRange.ptr(64, 172, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 147), new valueRange.ptr(64, 148, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 174), new valueRange.ptr(64, 175, 176), new valueRange.ptr(24, 177, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(24, 129, 143), new valueRange.ptr(64, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(24, 145, 181), new valueRange.ptr(64, 182, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 143), new valueRange.ptr(49705, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(24, 145, 173), new valueRange.ptr(64, 174, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 165), new valueRange.ptr(24, 166, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 15, 0), new valueRange.ptr(51281, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(51361, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(51441, 130, 130), new valueRange.ptr(51521, 131, 131), new valueRange.ptr(51601, 132, 132), new valueRange.ptr(51681, 133, 133), new valueRange.ptr(51761, 134, 134), new valueRange.ptr(51841, 135, 135), new valueRange.ptr(51921, 136, 136), new valueRange.ptr(64, 137, 143), new valueRange.ptr(52001, 144, 144), new valueRange.ptr(52033, 145, 145), new valueRange.ptr(64, 146, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 165), new valueRange.ptr(64, 166, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 151), new valueRange.ptr(64, 152, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 172), new valueRange.ptr(64, 173, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 188), new valueRange.ptr(64, 189, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 179), new valueRange.ptr(64, 180, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 152), new valueRange.ptr(64, 153, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 171), new valueRange.ptr(64, 172, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 139), new valueRange.ptr(64, 140, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 5, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(64, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 153), new valueRange.ptr(64, 154, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 135), new valueRange.ptr(64, 136, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 173), new valueRange.ptr(64, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(64, 178, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 184), new valueRange.ptr(64, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(24, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 139), new valueRange.ptr(64, 140, 140), new valueRange.ptr(24, 141, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 8, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 147), new valueRange.ptr(64, 148, 159), new valueRange.ptr(24, 160, 173), new valueRange.ptr(64, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 180), new valueRange.ptr(64, 181, 183), new valueRange.ptr(24, 184, 186), new valueRange.ptr(64, 187, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 6, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 134), new valueRange.ptr(64, 135, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 168), new valueRange.ptr(64, 169, 175), new valueRange.ptr(24, 176, 182), new valueRange.ptr(64, 183, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 130), new valueRange.ptr(64, 131, 143), new valueRange.ptr(24, 144, 150), new valueRange.ptr(64, 151, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 146), new valueRange.ptr(64, 147, 147), new valueRange.ptr(24, 148, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 13, 0), new valueRange.ptr(24, 128, 138), new valueRange.ptr(64, 139, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8001, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(201, 177, 177), new valueRange.ptr(105, 178, 178), new valueRange.ptr(121, 179, 179), new valueRange.ptr(8017, 180, 180), new valueRange.ptr(8033, 181, 181), new valueRange.ptr(8049, 182, 182), new valueRange.ptr(8065, 183, 183), new valueRange.ptr(8081, 184, 184), new valueRange.ptr(8097, 185, 185), new valueRange.ptr(64, 186, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 157), new valueRange.ptr(64, 158, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 180), new valueRange.ptr(64, 181, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 157), new valueRange.ptr(64, 158, 159), new valueRange.ptr(8, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 3, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 161), new valueRange.ptr(64, 162, 175), new valueRange.ptr(8, 176, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 160), new valueRange.ptr(64, 161, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 15, 0), new valueRange.ptr(57121, 128, 137), new valueRange.ptr(36405, 138, 138), new valueRange.ptr(57441, 139, 156), new valueRange.ptr(36437, 157, 157), new valueRange.ptr(58017, 158, 162), new valueRange.ptr(36469, 163, 163), new valueRange.ptr(58177, 164, 171), new valueRange.ptr(32525, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(58433, 173, 175), new valueRange.ptr(36501, 176, 176), new valueRange.ptr(58529, 177, 182), new valueRange.ptr(36533, 183, 185), new valueRange.ptr(58721, 186, 186), new valueRange.ptr(36629, 187, 187), new valueRange.ptr(58753, 188, 191), new valueRange.ptr(32, 16, 0), new valueRange.ptr(37813, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(61697, 129, 134), new valueRange.ptr(37845, 135, 138), new valueRange.ptr(55905, 139, 139), new valueRange.ptr(61889, 140, 150), new valueRange.ptr(37973, 151, 151), new valueRange.ptr(62241, 152, 163), new valueRange.ptr(38005, 164, 166), new valueRange.ptr(62625, 167, 170), new valueRange.ptr(38101, 171, 171), new valueRange.ptr(62753, 172, 172), new valueRange.ptr(38133, 173, 173), new valueRange.ptr(62785, 174, 175), new valueRange.ptr(38165, 176, 177), new valueRange.ptr(62849, 178, 190), new valueRange.ptr(8256, 191, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(8, 128, 138), new valueRange.ptr(64, 139, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 4, 0), new valueRange.ptr(64, 128, 128), new valueRange.ptr(832, 129, 129), new valueRange.ptr(64, 130, 159), new valueRange.ptr(832, 160, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(832, 128, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 1, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13248, 128, 191), new valueRange.ptr(0, 2, 0), new valueRange.ptr(13248, 128, 175), new valueRange.ptr(64, 176, 191)]); + idnaSparse = new sparseBlocks.ptr(new sliceType$1(idnaSparseValues), idnaSparseOffset); + punycode = new Profile.ptr(new options.ptr(false, false, false, false, false, false, ptrType.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError)); + $pkg.Punycode = punycode; + joinStates = new sliceType$2([$toNativeArray($kindInt8, [0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 5, 5, 1]), $toNativeArray($kindInt8, [0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), $toNativeArray($kindInt8, [0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 5, 4, 3]), $toNativeArray($kindInt8, [0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0]), $toNativeArray($kindInt8, [0, 5, 2, 4, 0, 5, 5, 4]), $toNativeArray($kindInt8, [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5])]); + lookup = new Profile.ptr(new options.ptr(false, true, true, true, false, false, trie, validateFromPunycode, validateAndMap, bidirule.ValidString)); + $pkg.Lookup = lookup; + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, net, textproto, strings, utf8, idna, isTokenTable, validHostByte, badTrailer, IsTokenRune, HeaderValuesContainsToken, isOWS, trimOWS, headerValueContainsToken, lowerASCII, tokenEqual, isLWS, isCTL, ValidHeaderFieldName, ValidHostHeader, ValidHeaderFieldValue, isASCII, PunycodeHostPort, ValidTrailerHeader; + net = $packages["net"]; + textproto = $packages["net/textproto"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + idna = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna"]; + IsTokenRune = function(r) { + var i, r; + i = ((r >> 0)); + return i < 127 && ((i < 0 || i >= isTokenTable.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : isTokenTable[i]); + }; + $pkg.IsTokenRune = IsTokenRune; + HeaderValuesContainsToken = function(values, token) { + var _i, _ref, token, v, values; + _ref = values; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (headerValueContainsToken(v, token)) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + $pkg.HeaderValuesContainsToken = HeaderValuesContainsToken; + isOWS = function(b) { + var b; + return (b === 32) || (b === 9); + }; + trimOWS = function(x) { + var x; + while (true) { + if (!(x.length > 0 && isOWS(x.charCodeAt(0)))) { break; } + x = $substring(x, 1); + } + while (true) { + if (!(x.length > 0 && isOWS(x.charCodeAt((x.length - 1 >> 0))))) { break; } + x = $substring(x, 0, (x.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + return x; + }; + headerValueContainsToken = function(v, token) { + var comma, token, v; + comma = strings.IndexByte(v, 44); + while (true) { + if (!(!((comma === -1)))) { break; } + if (tokenEqual(trimOWS($substring(v, 0, comma)), token)) { + return true; + } + v = $substring(v, (comma + 1 >> 0)); + comma = strings.IndexByte(v, 44); + } + return tokenEqual(trimOWS(v), token); + }; + lowerASCII = function(b) { + var b; + if (65 <= b && b <= 90) { + return b + 32 << 24 >>> 24; + } + return b; + }; + tokenEqual = function(t1, t2) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, b, i, t1, t2; + if (!((t1.length === t2.length))) { + return false; + } + _ref = t1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + i = _i; + b = _rune[0]; + if (b >= 128) { + return false; + } + if (!((lowerASCII(((b << 24 >>> 24))) === lowerASCII(t2.charCodeAt(i))))) { + return false; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return true; + }; + isLWS = function(b) { + var b; + return (b === 32) || (b === 9); + }; + isCTL = function(b) { + var b; + return b < 32 || (b === 127); + }; + ValidHeaderFieldName = function(v) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, r, v; + if (v.length === 0) { + return false; + } + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + r = _rune[0]; + if (!IsTokenRune(r)) { + return false; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.ValidHeaderFieldName = ValidHeaderFieldName; + ValidHostHeader = function(h) { + var h, i, x; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < h.length)) { break; } + if (!(x = h.charCodeAt(i), ((x < 0 || x >= validHostByte.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : validHostByte[x]))) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.ValidHostHeader = ValidHostHeader; + ValidHeaderFieldValue = function(v) { + var b, i, v; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < v.length)) { break; } + b = v.charCodeAt(i); + if (isCTL(b) && !isLWS(b)) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + $pkg.ValidHeaderFieldValue = ValidHeaderFieldValue; + isASCII = function(s) { + var i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) >= 128) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + PunycodeHostPort = function(v) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, host, port, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (isASCII(v)) { + $s = -1; return [v, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r = net.SplitHostPort(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + host = _tuple[0]; + port = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + host = v; + port = ""; + } + _r$1 = idna.ToASCII(host); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + host = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ["", err]; + } + if (port === "") { + $s = -1; return [host, $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = -1; return [net.JoinHostPort(host, port), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PunycodeHostPort, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, host, port, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.PunycodeHostPort = PunycodeHostPort; + ValidTrailerHeader = function(name) { + var {_entry, _r, name, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + name = _r; + if (strings.HasPrefix(name, "If-") || (_entry = badTrailer[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ValidTrailerHeader, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, name, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ValidTrailerHeader = ValidTrailerHeader; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = net.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = textproto.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = idna.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + isTokenTable = $toNativeArray($kindBool, [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false, true]); + validHostByte = $toNativeArray($kindBool, [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false, false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]); + badTrailer = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "Authorization", v: true }, { k: "Cache-Control", v: true }, { k: "Connection", v: true }, { k: "Content-Encoding", v: true }, { k: "Content-Length", v: true }, { k: "Content-Range", v: true }, { k: "Content-Type", v: true }, { k: "Expect", v: true }, { k: "Host", v: true }, { k: "Keep-Alive", v: true }, { k: "Max-Forwards", v: true }, { k: "Pragma", v: true }, { k: "Proxy-Authenticate", v: true }, { k: "Proxy-Authorization", v: true }, { k: "Proxy-Connection", v: true }, { k: "Range", v: true }, { k: "Realm", v: true }, { k: "Te", v: true }, { k: "Trailer", v: true }, { k: "Transfer-Encoding", v: true }, { k: "Www-Authenticate", v: true }]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, fmt, net, url, os, strings, utf8, idna, Config, config, matcher, allMatch, cidrMatch, ipMatch, domainMatch, sliceType, ptrType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType$1, funcType, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, portMap, FromEnvironment, getEnvAny, parseProxy, canonicalAddr, idnaASCII, isASCII; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + net = $packages["net"]; + url = $packages["net/url"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + idna = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna"]; + Config = $pkg.Config = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httpproxy.Config", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", true, function(HTTPProxy_, HTTPSProxy_, NoProxy_, CGI_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.HTTPProxy = ""; + this.HTTPSProxy = ""; + this.NoProxy = ""; + this.CGI = false; + return; + } + this.HTTPProxy = HTTPProxy_; + this.HTTPSProxy = HTTPSProxy_; + this.NoProxy = NoProxy_; + this.CGI = CGI_; + }); + config = $pkg.config = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httpproxy.config", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", false, function(Config_, httpsProxy_, httpProxy_, ipMatchers_, domainMatchers_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Config = new Config.ptr("", "", "", false); + this.httpsProxy = ptrType.nil; + this.httpProxy = ptrType.nil; + this.ipMatchers = sliceType$1.nil; + this.domainMatchers = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.Config = Config_; + this.httpsProxy = httpsProxy_; + this.httpProxy = httpProxy_; + this.ipMatchers = ipMatchers_; + this.domainMatchers = domainMatchers_; + }); + matcher = $pkg.matcher = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "httpproxy.matcher", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", false, null); + allMatch = $pkg.allMatch = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httpproxy.allMatch", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + cidrMatch = $pkg.cidrMatch = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httpproxy.cidrMatch", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", false, function(cidr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.cidr = ptrType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.cidr = cidr_; + }); + ipMatch = $pkg.ipMatch = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httpproxy.ipMatch", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", false, function(ip_, port_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ip = net.IP.nil; + this.port = ""; + return; + } + this.ip = ip_; + this.port = port_; + }); + domainMatch = $pkg.domainMatch = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "httpproxy.domainMatch", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", false, function(host_, port_, matchHost_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.host = ""; + this.port = ""; + this.matchHost = false; + return; + } + this.host = host_; + this.port = port_; + this.matchHost = matchHost_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($String); + ptrType = $ptrType(url.URL); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(matcher); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(net.IPNet); + funcType = $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType, $error], false); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(Config); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(config); + FromEnvironment = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = getEnvAny(new sliceType(["HTTP_PROXY", "http_proxy"])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = getEnvAny(new sliceType(["HTTPS_PROXY", "https_proxy"])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = getEnvAny(new sliceType(["NO_PROXY", "no_proxy"])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = os.Getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new Config.ptr(_r, _r$1, _r$2, !(_r$3 === "")); + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: FromEnvironment, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.FromEnvironment = FromEnvironment; + getEnvAny = function(names) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, n, names, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {names}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = names; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + n = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = os.Getenv(n); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + val = _r; + if (!(val === "")) { + $s = -1; return val; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getEnvAny, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, n, names, val, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.ptr.prototype.ProxyFunc = function() { + var {cfg, cfg1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cfg = this; + cfg1 = new config.ptr($clone(cfg, Config), ptrType.nil, ptrType.nil, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil); + $r = cfg1.init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $methodVal(cfg1, "proxyForURL"); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.ProxyFunc, $c: true, $r, cfg, cfg1, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.ProxyFunc = function() { return this.$val.ProxyFunc(); }; + config.ptr.prototype.proxyForURL = function(reqURL) { + var {_r, _r$1, cfg, proxy, reqURL, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {reqURL}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cfg = this; + proxy = ptrType.nil; + if (reqURL.Scheme === "https") { + proxy = cfg.httpsProxy; + } else if (reqURL.Scheme === "http") { + proxy = cfg.httpProxy; + if (!(proxy === ptrType.nil) && cfg.Config.CGI) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType.nil, errors.New("refusing to use HTTP_PROXY value in CGI environment; see golang.org/s/cgihttpproxy")]; + } + } + if (proxy === ptrType.nil) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType.nil, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r = canonicalAddr(reqURL); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = cfg.useProxy(_r); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return [ptrType.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return [proxy, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: config.ptr.prototype.proxyForURL, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, cfg, proxy, reqURL, $s};return $f; + }; + config.prototype.proxyForURL = function(reqURL) { return this.$val.proxyForURL(reqURL); }; + parseProxy = function(proxy) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, proxy, proxyURL, proxyURL$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {proxy}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (proxy === "") { + $s = -1; return [ptrType.nil, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r = url.Parse(proxy); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + proxyURL = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || (!(proxyURL.Scheme === "http") && !(proxyURL.Scheme === "https") && !(proxyURL.Scheme === "socks5"))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || (!(proxyURL.Scheme === "http") && !(proxyURL.Scheme === "https") && !(proxyURL.Scheme === "socks5"))) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = url.Parse("http://" + proxy); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + proxyURL$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return [proxyURL$1, $ifaceNil]; + } + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("invalid proxy address %q: %v", new sliceType$2([new $String(proxy), err])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType.nil, _r$2]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return [proxyURL, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseProxy, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, proxy, proxyURL, proxyURL$1, $s};return $f; + }; + config.ptr.prototype.useProxy = function(addr) { + var {_i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, addr, cfg, err, host, ip, m, m$1, port, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cfg = this; + if (addr.length === 0) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + _r = net.SplitHostPort(addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + host = _tuple[0]; + port = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + $s = -1; return false; + } + ip = net.ParseIP(host); + if (!(ip === net.IP.nil)) { + if (ip.IsLoopback()) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + } + _r$1 = strings.TrimSpace(host); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = strings.ToLower(_r$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + addr = _r$2; + /* */ if (!(ip === net.IP.nil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(ip === net.IP.nil)) { */ case 4: + _ref = cfg.ipMatchers; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 7; continue; } + m = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$3 = m.match(addr, port, ip); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 8: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 9: + _i++; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + /* } */ case 5: + _ref$1 = cfg.domainMatchers; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 12; continue; } + m$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$4 = m$1.match(addr, port, ip); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (_r$4) { */ case 13: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 14: + _i$1++; + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: config.ptr.prototype.useProxy, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, addr, cfg, err, host, ip, m, m$1, port, $s};return $f; + }; + config.prototype.useProxy = function(addr) { return this.$val.useProxy(addr); }; + config.ptr.prototype.init = function() { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, matchHost, p, parsed, parsed$1, phost, pip, pnet, pport, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r = parseProxy(c.Config.HTTPProxy); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + parsed = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + c.httpProxy = parsed; + } + _r$1 = parseProxy(c.Config.HTTPSProxy); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + parsed$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + c.httpsProxy = parsed$1; + } + _ref = strings.Split(c.Config.NoProxy, ","); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + p = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$2 = strings.TrimSpace(p); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = strings.ToLower(_r$2); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = _r$3; + if (p.length === 0) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + if (p === "*") { + c.ipMatchers = new sliceType$1([(x = new allMatch.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x))]); + c.domainMatchers = new sliceType$1([(x$1 = new allMatch.ptr(), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))]); + $s = -1; return; + } + _tuple$2 = net.ParseCIDR(p); + pnet = _tuple$2[1]; + err$2 = _tuple$2[2]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + c.ipMatchers = $append(c.ipMatchers, (x$2 = new cidrMatch.ptr(pnet), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2))); + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + _r$4 = net.SplitHostPort(p); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + phost = _tuple$3[0]; + pport = _tuple$3[1]; + err$3 = _tuple$3[2]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil)) { + if (phost.length === 0) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + if ((phost.charCodeAt(0) === 91) && (phost.charCodeAt((phost.length - 1 >> 0)) === 93)) { + phost = $substring(phost, 1, (phost.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + } else { + phost = p; + } + pip = net.ParseIP(phost); + if (!(pip === net.IP.nil)) { + c.ipMatchers = $append(c.ipMatchers, (x$3 = new ipMatch.ptr(pip, pport), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3))); + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + if (phost.length === 0) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + if (strings.HasPrefix(phost, "*.")) { + phost = $substring(phost, 1); + } + matchHost = false; + if (!((phost.charCodeAt(0) === 46))) { + matchHost = true; + phost = "." + phost; + } + c.domainMatchers = $append(c.domainMatchers, (x$4 = new domainMatch.ptr(phost, pport, matchHost), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4))); + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: config.ptr.prototype.init, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, c, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, matchHost, p, parsed, parsed$1, phost, pip, pnet, pport, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s};return $f; + }; + config.prototype.init = function() { return this.$val.init(); }; + canonicalAddr = function(url$1) { + var {_entry, _r, _tuple, addr, err, port, url$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {url$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + addr = url$1.Hostname(); + _r = idnaASCII(addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + addr = v; + } + port = url$1.Port(); + if (port === "") { + port = (_entry = portMap[$String.keyFor(url$1.Scheme)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""); + } + $s = -1; return net.JoinHostPort(addr, port); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: canonicalAddr, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r, _tuple, addr, err, port, url$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + idnaASCII = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (isASCII(v)) { + $s = -1; return [v, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r = idna.Lookup.ToASCII(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: idnaASCII, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + isASCII = function(s) { + var i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) >= 128) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + allMatch.ptr.prototype.match = function(host, port, ip) { + var a, host, ip, port; + a = this; + return true; + }; + allMatch.prototype.match = function(host, port, ip) { return this.$val.match(host, port, ip); }; + cidrMatch.ptr.prototype.match = function(host, port, ip) { + var host, ip, m, port; + m = this; + return m.cidr.Contains(ip); + }; + cidrMatch.prototype.match = function(host, port, ip) { return this.$val.match(host, port, ip); }; + ipMatch.ptr.prototype.match = function(host, port, ip) { + var host, ip, m, port; + m = this; + if (m.ip.Equal(ip)) { + return m.port === "" || m.port === port; + } + return false; + }; + ipMatch.prototype.match = function(host, port, ip) { return this.$val.match(host, port, ip); }; + domainMatch.ptr.prototype.match = function(host, port, ip) { + var host, ip, m, port; + m = this; + if (strings.HasSuffix(host, m.host) || (m.matchHost && host === $substring(m.host, 1))) { + return m.port === "" || m.port === port; + } + return false; + }; + domainMatch.prototype.match = function(host, port, ip) { return this.$val.match(host, port, ip); }; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "ProxyFunc", name: "ProxyFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [funcType], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "proxyForURL", name: "proxyForURL", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [ptrType, $error], false)}, {prop: "useProxy", name: "useProxy", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "init", name: "init", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + allMatch.methods = [{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", typ: $funcType([$String, $String, net.IP], [$Bool], false)}]; + cidrMatch.methods = [{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", typ: $funcType([$String, $String, net.IP], [$Bool], false)}]; + ipMatch.methods = [{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", typ: $funcType([$String, $String, net.IP], [$Bool], false)}]; + domainMatch.methods = [{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", typ: $funcType([$String, $String, net.IP], [$Bool], false)}]; + Config.init("", [{prop: "HTTPProxy", name: "HTTPProxy", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "HTTPSProxy", name: "HTTPSProxy", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "NoProxy", name: "NoProxy", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "CGI", name: "CGI", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + config.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", [{prop: "Config", name: "Config", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: Config, tag: ""}, {prop: "httpsProxy", name: "httpsProxy", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "httpProxy", name: "httpProxy", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "ipMatchers", name: "ipMatchers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "domainMatchers", name: "domainMatchers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + matcher.init([{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", typ: $funcType([$String, $String, net.IP], [$Bool], false)}]); + allMatch.init("", []); + cidrMatch.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", [{prop: "cidr", name: "cidr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]); + ipMatch.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", [{prop: "ip", name: "ip", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: net.IP, tag: ""}, {prop: "port", name: "port", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + domainMatch.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy", [{prop: "host", name: "host", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "port", name: "port", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "matchHost", name: "matchHost", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = net.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = url.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = idna.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + portMap = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "http", v: "80" }, { k: "https", v: "443" }, { k: "socks5", v: "1080" }]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, errors, fmt, io, sync, headerFieldTable, pairNameValue, incomparable, node, DecodingError, InvalidIndexError, HeaderField, Decoder, dynamicTable, indexType, Encoder, ptrType, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType$1, arrayType, ptrType$2, funcType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, ptrType$3, mapType, mapType$1, funcType$1, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, staticTable, staticTableEntries, huffmanCodes, huffmanCodeLen, bufPool, buildRootOnce, lazyRootHuffmanNode, errNeedMore, errVarintOverflow, newStaticTable, huffmanDecode, newInternalNode, getRootHuffmanNode, buildRootHuffmanNode, AppendHuffmanString, HuffmanEncodeLength, appendByteToHuffmanCode, NewDecoder, readVarInt, NewEncoder, appendIndexed, appendNewName, appendIndexedName, appendTableSize, appendVarInt, appendHpackString, encodeTypeByte; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + headerFieldTable = $pkg.headerFieldTable = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "hpack.headerFieldTable", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", false, function(ents_, evictCount_, byName_, byNameValue_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ents = sliceType$2.nil; + this.evictCount = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.byName = false; + this.byNameValue = false; + return; + } + this.ents = ents_; + this.evictCount = evictCount_; + this.byName = byName_; + this.byNameValue = byNameValue_; + }); + pairNameValue = $pkg.pairNameValue = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "hpack.pairNameValue", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", false, function(name_, value_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + this.value = ""; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.value = value_; + }); + incomparable = $pkg.incomparable = $newType(0, $kindArray, "hpack.incomparable", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", false, null); + node = $pkg.node = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "hpack.node", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", false, function(_$0_, children_, codeLen_, sym_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType$1.zero(); + this.children = ptrType$2.nil; + this.codeLen = 0; + this.sym = 0; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.children = children_; + this.codeLen = codeLen_; + this.sym = sym_; + }); + DecodingError = $pkg.DecodingError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "hpack.DecodingError", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", true, function(Err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Err = Err_; + }); + InvalidIndexError = $pkg.InvalidIndexError = $newType(4, $kindInt, "hpack.InvalidIndexError", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", true, null); + HeaderField = $pkg.HeaderField = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "hpack.HeaderField", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", true, function(Name_, Value_, Sensitive_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = ""; + this.Value = ""; + this.Sensitive = false; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + this.Value = Value_; + this.Sensitive = Sensitive_; + }); + Decoder = $pkg.Decoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "hpack.Decoder", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", true, function(dynTab_, emit_, emitEnabled_, maxStrLen_, buf_, saveBuf_, firstField_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.dynTab = new dynamicTable.ptr(new headerFieldTable.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0), false, false), 0, 0, 0); + this.emit = $throwNilPointerError; + this.emitEnabled = false; + this.maxStrLen = 0; + this.buf = sliceType$1.nil; + this.saveBuf = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0, 0); + this.firstField = false; + return; + } + this.dynTab = dynTab_; + this.emit = emit_; + this.emitEnabled = emitEnabled_; + this.maxStrLen = maxStrLen_; + this.buf = buf_; + this.saveBuf = saveBuf_; + this.firstField = firstField_; + }); + dynamicTable = $pkg.dynamicTable = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "hpack.dynamicTable", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", false, function(table_, size_, maxSize_, allowedMaxSize_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.table = new headerFieldTable.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0), false, false); + this.size = 0; + this.maxSize = 0; + this.allowedMaxSize = 0; + return; + } + this.table = table_; + this.size = size_; + this.maxSize = maxSize_; + this.allowedMaxSize = allowedMaxSize_; + }); + indexType = $pkg.indexType = $newType(4, $kindInt, "hpack.indexType", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", false, null); + Encoder = $pkg.Encoder = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "hpack.Encoder", true, "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", true, function(dynTab_, minSize_, maxSizeLimit_, tableSizeUpdate_, w_, buf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.dynTab = new dynamicTable.ptr(new headerFieldTable.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0), false, false), 0, 0, 0); + this.minSize = 0; + this.maxSizeLimit = 0; + this.tableSizeUpdate = false; + this.w = $ifaceNil; + this.buf = sliceType$1.nil; + return; + } + this.dynTab = dynTab_; + this.minSize = minSize_; + this.maxSizeLimit = maxSizeLimit_; + this.tableSizeUpdate = tableSizeUpdate_; + this.w = w_; + this.buf = buf_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(node); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(HeaderField); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(bytes.Buffer); + arrayType = $arrayType(ptrType, 256); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(arrayType); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType(node, 256); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(headerFieldTable); + mapType = $mapType($String, $Uint64); + mapType$1 = $mapType(pairNameValue, $Uint64); + funcType$1 = $funcType([HeaderField], [], false); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(Decoder); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(dynamicTable); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(Encoder); + headerFieldTable.ptr.prototype.init = function() { + var t; + t = this; + t.byName = {}; + t.byNameValue = {}; + }; + headerFieldTable.prototype.init = function() { return this.$val.init(); }; + headerFieldTable.ptr.prototype.len = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.ents.$length; + }; + headerFieldTable.prototype.len = function() { return this.$val.len(); }; + headerFieldTable.ptr.prototype.addEntry = function(f) { + var _key, _key$1, f, id, t, x, x$1, x$2; + t = this; + id = (x = (x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, t.len())), x$2 = t.evictCount, new $Uint64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)), new $Uint64(x.$high + 0, x.$low + 1)); + _key = f.Name; (t.byName || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: id }; + _key$1 = new pairNameValue.ptr(f.Name, f.Value); (t.byNameValue || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[pairNameValue.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: id }; + t.ents = $append(t.ents, f); + }; + headerFieldTable.prototype.addEntry = function(f) { return this.$val.addEntry(f); }; + headerFieldTable.ptr.prototype.evictOldest = function(n) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _r, f, id, k, k$1, n, p, t, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + /* */ if (n > t.len()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (n > t.len()) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("evictOldest(%v) on table with %v entries", new sliceType([new $Int(n), new $Int(t.len())])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 2: + k = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(k < n)) { break; } + f = $clone((x = t.ents, ((k < 0 || k >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + k])), HeaderField); + id = (x$1 = (x$2 = t.evictCount, x$3 = (new $Uint64(0, k)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + 0, x$1.$low + 1)); + if ((x$4 = (_entry = t.byName[$String.keyFor(f.Name)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : new $Uint64(0, 0)), (x$4.$high === id.$high && x$4.$low === id.$low))) { + delete t.byName[$String.keyFor(f.Name)]; + } + p = $clone(new pairNameValue.ptr(f.Name, f.Value), pairNameValue); + if ((x$5 = (_entry$1 = t.byNameValue[pairNameValue.keyFor(p)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : new $Uint64(0, 0)), (x$5.$high === id.$high && x$5.$low === id.$low))) { + delete t.byNameValue[pairNameValue.keyFor(p)]; + } + k = k + (1) >> 0; + } + $copySlice(t.ents, $subslice(t.ents, n)); + k$1 = t.len() - n >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(k$1 < t.len())) { break; } + HeaderField.copy((x$6 = t.ents, ((k$1 < 0 || k$1 >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + k$1])), new HeaderField.ptr("", "", false)); + k$1 = k$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + t.ents = $subslice(t.ents, 0, (t.len() - n >> 0)); + if ((x$7 = (x$8 = t.evictCount, x$9 = (new $Uint64(0, n)), new $Uint64(x$8.$high + x$9.$high, x$8.$low + x$9.$low)), x$10 = t.evictCount, (x$7.$high < x$10.$high || (x$7.$high === x$10.$high && x$7.$low < x$10.$low)))) { + $panic(new $String("evictCount overflow")); + } + t.evictCount = (x$11 = t.evictCount, x$12 = (new $Uint64(0, n)), new $Uint64(x$11.$high + x$12.$high, x$11.$low + x$12.$low)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: headerFieldTable.ptr.prototype.evictOldest, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _r, f, id, k, k$1, n, p, t, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + headerFieldTable.prototype.evictOldest = function(n) { return this.$val.evictOldest(n); }; + headerFieldTable.ptr.prototype.search = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _entry, _entry$1, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, f, i, id, id$1, nameValueMatch, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = new $Uint64(0, 0); + nameValueMatch = false; + t = this; + /* */ if (!f.Sensitive) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!f.Sensitive) { */ case 1: + id = (_entry = t.byNameValue[pairNameValue.keyFor(new pairNameValue.ptr(f.Name, f.Value))], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : new $Uint64(0, 0)); + /* */ if (!((id.$high === 0 && id.$low === 0))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((id.$high === 0 && id.$low === 0))) { */ case 3: + _r = t.idToIndex(id); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = _r; + _tmp$1 = true; + i = _tmp; + nameValueMatch = _tmp$1; + $24r = [i, nameValueMatch]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + /* } */ case 2: + id$1 = (_entry$1 = t.byName[$String.keyFor(f.Name)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : new $Uint64(0, 0)); + /* */ if (!((id$1.$high === 0 && id$1.$low === 0))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((id$1.$high === 0 && id$1.$low === 0))) { */ case 7: + _r$1 = t.idToIndex(id$1); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r$1; + _tmp$3 = false; + i = _tmp$2; + nameValueMatch = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [i, nameValueMatch]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + _tmp$4 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$5 = false; + i = _tmp$4; + nameValueMatch = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [i, nameValueMatch]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: headerFieldTable.ptr.prototype.search, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _entry, _entry$1, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, f, i, id, id$1, nameValueMatch, t, $s};return $f; + }; + headerFieldTable.prototype.search = function(f) { return this.$val.search(f); }; + headerFieldTable.ptr.prototype.idToIndex = function(id) { + var {_r, id, k, t, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {id}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + /* */ if ((x = t.evictCount, (id.$high < x.$high || (id.$high === x.$high && id.$low <= x.$low)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x = t.evictCount, (id.$high < x.$high || (id.$high === x.$high && id.$low <= x.$low)))) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Sprintf("id (%v) <= evictCount (%v)", new sliceType([id, t.evictCount])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r)); + /* } */ case 2: + k = (x$1 = (x$2 = t.evictCount, new $Uint64(id.$high - x$2.$high, id.$low - x$2.$low)), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - 0, x$1.$low - 1)); + if (!(t === staticTable)) { + $s = -1; return (x$3 = (new $Uint64(0, t.len())), new $Uint64(x$3.$high - k.$high, x$3.$low - k.$low)); + } + $s = -1; return new $Uint64(k.$high + 0, k.$low + 1); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: headerFieldTable.ptr.prototype.idToIndex, $c: true, $r, _r, id, k, t, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, $s};return $f; + }; + headerFieldTable.prototype.idToIndex = function(id) { return this.$val.idToIndex(id); }; + newStaticTable = function() { + var _i, _ref, e, t; + t = new headerFieldTable.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0), false, false); + t.init(); + _ref = new sliceType$2(staticTableEntries); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + e = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), HeaderField); + t.addEntry($clone(e, HeaderField)); + _i++; + } + return t; + }; + huffmanDecode = function(buf, maxLen, v) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, b, buf, cbits, cur, idx, mask, maxLen, n, rootHuffmanNode, sbits, v, x, x$1, x$2, y, y$1, y$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {buf, maxLen, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = getRootHuffmanNode(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rootHuffmanNode = _r; + n = rootHuffmanNode; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = 0; + cur = _tmp; + cbits = _tmp$1; + sbits = _tmp$2; + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + cur = ((cur << 8 >>> 0) | ((b >>> 0))) >>> 0; + cbits = cbits + (8) << 24 >>> 24; + sbits = sbits + (8) << 24 >>> 24; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(cbits >= 8)) { break; } */ if(!(cbits >= 8)) { $s = 5; continue; } + idx = ((((y = ((cbits - 8 << 24 >>> 24)), y < 32 ? (cur >>> y) : 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + n = (x = n.children, ((idx < 0 || idx >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[idx])); + if (n === ptrType.nil) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrInvalidHuffman; + } + /* */ if (n.children === ptrType$2.nil) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (n.children === ptrType$2.nil) { */ case 6: + if (!((maxLen === 0)) && (buf.Len() === maxLen)) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrStringLength; + } + _r$1 = buf.WriteByte(n.sym); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + cbits = cbits - (n.codeLen) << 24 >>> 24; + n = rootHuffmanNode; + sbits = cbits; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + cbits = cbits - (8) << 24 >>> 24; + /* } */ case 8: + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + /* while (true) { */ case 10: + /* if (!(cbits > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(cbits > 0)) { $s = 11; continue; } + n = (x$1 = n.children, x$2 = ((((y$1 = ((8 - cbits << 24 >>> 24)), y$1 < 32 ? (cur << y$1) : 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[x$2])); + if (n === ptrType.nil) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrInvalidHuffman; + } + if (!(n.children === ptrType$2.nil) || n.codeLen > cbits) { + /* break; */ $s = 11; continue; + } + if (!((maxLen === 0)) && (buf.Len() === maxLen)) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrStringLength; + } + _r$2 = buf.WriteByte(n.sym); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + cbits = cbits - (n.codeLen) << 24 >>> 24; + n = rootHuffmanNode; + sbits = cbits; + $s = 10; continue; + case 11: + if (sbits > 7) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrInvalidHuffman; + } + mask = ((((y$2 = cbits, y$2 < 32 ? (1 << y$2) : 0) >>> 0) - 1 >>> 0)); + if (!((((cur & mask) >>> 0) === mask))) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrInvalidHuffman; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: huffmanDecode, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, b, buf, cbits, cur, idx, mask, maxLen, n, rootHuffmanNode, sbits, v, x, x$1, x$2, y, y$1, y$2, $s};return $f; + }; + newInternalNode = function() { + return new node.ptr(arrayType$1.zero(), arrayType.zero(), 0, 0); + }; + getRootHuffmanNode = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = buildRootOnce.Do(buildRootHuffmanNode); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return lazyRootHuffmanNode; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: getRootHuffmanNode, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + buildRootHuffmanNode = function() { + var _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, code, codeLen, cur, end, i, i$1, leaves, shift, start, sym, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, y, y$1, y$2; + if (false) { + $panic(new $String("unexpected size")); + } + lazyRootHuffmanNode = newInternalNode(); + leaves = arrayType$2.zero(); + _ref = huffmanCodes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 256)) { break; } + sym = _i; + code = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref[_i]); + codeLen = ((sym < 0 || sym >= huffmanCodeLen.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : huffmanCodeLen[sym]); + cur = lazyRootHuffmanNode; + while (true) { + if (!(codeLen > 8)) { break; } + codeLen = codeLen - (8) << 24 >>> 24; + i = ((((y = codeLen, y < 32 ? (code >>> y) : 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + if ((x = cur.children, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x[i])) === ptrType.nil) { + (x$1 = cur.children, x$1.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1[i] = newInternalNode())); + } + cur = (x$2 = cur.children, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2[i])); + } + shift = 8 - codeLen << 24 >>> 24; + _tmp = ((((((y$1 = shift, y$1 < 32 ? (code << y$1) : 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = (((y$2 = shift, y$2 < 32 ? (1 << y$2) : 0) >> 0)); + start = _tmp; + end = _tmp$1; + (x$3 = leaves, ((sym < 0 || sym >= x$3.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3[sym])).sym = ((sym << 24 >>> 24)); + (x$4 = leaves, ((sym < 0 || sym >= x$4.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4[sym])).codeLen = codeLen; + i$1 = start; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < (start + end >> 0))) { break; } + (x$6 = cur.children, x$6.nilCheck, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$6.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6[i$1] = (x$5 = leaves, ((sym < 0 || sym >= x$5.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5[sym])))); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + _i++; + } + }; + AppendHuffmanString = function(dst, s) { + var _index, _tuple, code, dst, i, nbits, rembits, s, t, y; + rembits = 8; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (rembits === 8) { + dst = $append(dst, 0); + } + _tuple = appendByteToHuffmanCode(dst, rembits, s.charCodeAt(i)); + dst = _tuple[0]; + rembits = _tuple[1]; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (rembits < 8) { + code = 1073741823; + nbits = 30; + t = ((((y = ((nbits - rembits << 24 >>> 24)), y < 32 ? (code >>> y) : 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + _index = dst.$length - 1 >> 0; + ((_index < 0 || _index >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + _index] = ((((_index < 0 || _index >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + _index]) | (t)) >>> 0)); + } + return dst; + }; + $pkg.AppendHuffmanString = AppendHuffmanString; + HuffmanEncodeLength = function(s) { + var i, n, s, x, x$1; + n = new $Uint64(0, 0); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + n = (x = (new $Uint64(0, (x$1 = s.charCodeAt(i), ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= huffmanCodeLen.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : huffmanCodeLen[x$1])))), new $Uint64(n.$high + x.$high, n.$low + x.$low)); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return $div64((new $Uint64(n.$high + 0, n.$low + 7)), new $Uint64(0, 8), false); + }; + $pkg.HuffmanEncodeLength = HuffmanEncodeLength; + appendByteToHuffmanCode = function(dst, rembits, c) { + var _index, _index$1, c, code, dst, nbits, rembits, t, t$1, y, y$1; + code = ((c < 0 || c >= huffmanCodes.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : huffmanCodes[c]); + nbits = ((c < 0 || c >= huffmanCodeLen.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : huffmanCodeLen[c]); + while (true) { + if (rembits > nbits) { + t = ((((y = ((rembits - nbits << 24 >>> 24)), y < 32 ? (code << y) : 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + _index = dst.$length - 1 >> 0; + ((_index < 0 || _index >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + _index] = ((((_index < 0 || _index >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + _index]) | (t)) >>> 0)); + rembits = rembits - (nbits) << 24 >>> 24; + break; + } + t$1 = ((((y$1 = ((nbits - rembits << 24 >>> 24)), y$1 < 32 ? (code >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)); + _index$1 = dst.$length - 1 >> 0; + ((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + _index$1] = ((((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + _index$1]) | (t$1)) >>> 0)); + nbits = nbits - (rembits) << 24 >>> 24; + rembits = 8; + if (nbits === 0) { + break; + } + dst = $append(dst, 0); + } + return [dst, rembits]; + }; + DecodingError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r, de, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + de = this; + _r = fmt.Sprintf("decoding error: %v", new sliceType([de.Err])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: DecodingError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, de, $s};return $f; + }; + DecodingError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + InvalidIndexError.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this.$val; + _r = fmt.Sprintf("invalid indexed representation index %d", new sliceType([new $Int(((e >> 0)))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InvalidIndexError.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(InvalidIndexError).prototype.Error = function() { return new InvalidIndexError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + HeaderField.ptr.prototype.IsPseudo = function() { + var hf; + hf = this; + return !((hf.Name.length === 0)) && (hf.Name.charCodeAt(0) === 58); + }; + HeaderField.prototype.IsPseudo = function() { return this.$val.IsPseudo(); }; + HeaderField.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, hf, suffix, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hf = this; + suffix = ""; + if (hf.Sensitive) { + suffix = " (sensitive)"; + } + _r = fmt.Sprintf("header field %q = %q%s", new sliceType([new $String(hf.Name), new $String(hf.Value), new $String(suffix)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: HeaderField.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, hf, suffix, $s};return $f; + }; + HeaderField.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + HeaderField.ptr.prototype.Size = function() { + var hf; + hf = this; + return ((((hf.Name.length + hf.Value.length >> 0) + 32 >> 0) >>> 0)); + }; + HeaderField.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); }; + NewDecoder = function(maxDynamicTableSize, emitFunc) { + var {d, emitFunc, maxDynamicTableSize, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {maxDynamicTableSize, emitFunc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = new Decoder.ptr(new dynamicTable.ptr(new headerFieldTable.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0), false, false), 0, 0, 0), emitFunc, true, 0, sliceType$1.nil, new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0, 0), true); + d.dynTab.table.init(); + d.dynTab.allowedMaxSize = maxDynamicTableSize; + $r = d.dynTab.setMaxSize(maxDynamicTableSize); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return d; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewDecoder, $c: true, $r, d, emitFunc, maxDynamicTableSize, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewDecoder = NewDecoder; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.SetMaxStringLength = function(n) { + var d, n; + d = this; + d.maxStrLen = n; + }; + Decoder.prototype.SetMaxStringLength = function(n) { return this.$val.SetMaxStringLength(n); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.SetEmitFunc = function(emitFunc) { + var d, emitFunc; + d = this; + d.emit = emitFunc; + }; + Decoder.prototype.SetEmitFunc = function(emitFunc) { return this.$val.SetEmitFunc(emitFunc); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.SetEmitEnabled = function(v) { + var d, v; + d = this; + d.emitEnabled = v; + }; + Decoder.prototype.SetEmitEnabled = function(v) { return this.$val.SetEmitEnabled(v); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.EmitEnabled = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return d.emitEnabled; + }; + Decoder.prototype.EmitEnabled = function() { return this.$val.EmitEnabled(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSize = function(v) { + var {d, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + $r = d.dynTab.setMaxSize(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSize, $c: true, $r, d, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSize = function(v) { return this.$val.SetMaxDynamicTableSize(v); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize = function(v) { + var d, v; + d = this; + d.dynTab.allowedMaxSize = v; + }; + Decoder.prototype.SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize = function(v) { return this.$val.SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize(v); }; + dynamicTable.ptr.prototype.setMaxSize = function(v) { + var {dt, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dt = this; + dt.maxSize = v; + $r = dt.evict(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: dynamicTable.ptr.prototype.setMaxSize, $c: true, $r, dt, v, $s};return $f; + }; + dynamicTable.prototype.setMaxSize = function(v) { return this.$val.setMaxSize(v); }; + dynamicTable.ptr.prototype.add = function(f) { + var {dt, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dt = this; + dt.table.addEntry($clone(f, HeaderField)); + dt.size = dt.size + ($clone(f, HeaderField).Size()) >>> 0; + $r = dt.evict(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: dynamicTable.ptr.prototype.add, $c: true, $r, dt, f, $s};return $f; + }; + dynamicTable.prototype.add = function(f) { return this.$val.add(f); }; + dynamicTable.ptr.prototype.evict = function() { + var {dt, n, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + dt = this; + n = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(dt.size > dt.maxSize && n < dt.table.len())) { break; } + dt.size = dt.size - ($clone((x = dt.table.ents, ((n < 0 || n >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + n])), HeaderField).Size()) >>> 0; + n = n + (1) >> 0; + } + $r = dt.table.evictOldest(n); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: dynamicTable.ptr.prototype.evict, $c: true, $r, dt, n, x, $s};return $f; + }; + dynamicTable.prototype.evict = function() { return this.$val.evict(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.maxTableIndex = function() { + var d; + d = this; + return d.dynTab.table.len() + staticTable.len() >> 0; + }; + Decoder.prototype.maxTableIndex = function() { return this.$val.maxTableIndex(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.at = function(i) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, d, dt, hf, i, ok, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + hf = new HeaderField.ptr("", "", false); + ok = false; + d = this; + if ((i.$high === 0 && i.$low === 0)) { + return [hf, ok]; + } + if ((x = (new $Uint64(0, staticTable.len())), (i.$high < x.$high || (i.$high === x.$high && i.$low <= x.$low)))) { + _tmp = $clone((x$1 = staticTable.ents, x$2 = new $Uint64(i.$high - 0, i.$low - 1), (($flatten64(x$2) < 0 || $flatten64(x$2) >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + $flatten64(x$2)])), HeaderField); + _tmp$1 = true; + HeaderField.copy(hf, _tmp); + ok = _tmp$1; + return [hf, ok]; + } + if ((x$3 = (new $Uint64(0, d.maxTableIndex())), (i.$high > x$3.$high || (i.$high === x$3.$high && i.$low > x$3.$low)))) { + return [hf, ok]; + } + dt = $clone(d.dynTab.table, headerFieldTable); + _tmp$2 = $clone((x$4 = dt.ents, x$5 = dt.len() - ((((i.$low >> 0)) - staticTable.len() >> 0)) >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5])), HeaderField); + _tmp$3 = true; + HeaderField.copy(hf, _tmp$2); + ok = _tmp$3; + return [hf, ok]; + }; + Decoder.prototype.at = function(i) { return this.$val.at(i); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.DecodeFull = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, d, err, err$1, hf, p, saveFunc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + d = [d]; + hf = [hf]; + saveFunc = [saveFunc]; + d[0] = this; + hf[0] = sliceType$2.nil; + saveFunc[0] = d[0].emit; + $deferred.push([(function(d, hf, saveFunc) { return function() { + d[0].emit = saveFunc[0]; + }; })(d, hf, saveFunc), []]); + d[0].emit = (function(d, hf, saveFunc) { return function(f) { + var f; + hf[0] = $append(hf[0], f); + }; })(d, hf, saveFunc); + _r = d[0].Write(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = [sliceType$2.nil, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + err$1 = d[0].Close(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = [sliceType$2.nil, err$1]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + $24r$2 = [hf[0], $ifaceNil]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [sliceType$2.nil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.DecodeFull, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r, _tuple, d, err, err$1, hf, p, saveFunc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Decoder.prototype.DecodeFull = function(p) { return this.$val.DecodeFull(p); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var d, x; + d = this; + if (d.saveBuf.Len() > 0) { + d.saveBuf.Reset(); + return (x = new DecodingError.ptr(errors.New("truncated headers")), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + } + d.firstField = true; + return $ifaceNil; + }; + Decoder.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, d, err, n, p, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + if (p.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* */ if (d.saveBuf.Len() === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (d.saveBuf.Len() === 0) { */ case 1: + d.buf = p; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r = d.saveBuf.Write(p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + d.buf = d.saveBuf.Bytes(); + d.saveBuf.Reset(); + /* } */ case 3: + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(d.buf.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(d.buf.$length > 0)) { $s = 6; continue; } + _r$1 = d.parseHeaderFieldRepr(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errNeedMore)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errNeedMore)) { */ case 8: + if (!((d.maxStrLen === 0)) && (x = (new $Int64(0, d.buf.$length)), x$1 = $mul64(new $Int64(0, 2), ((x$2 = (new $Int64(0, d.maxStrLen)), new $Int64(x$2.$high + 0, x$2.$low + 8)))), (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low > x$1.$low)))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrStringLength; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$2 = d.saveBuf.Write(d.buf); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _tmp$2 = p.$length; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 9: + d.firstField = false; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + _tmp$4 = p.$length; + _tmp$5 = err; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, d, err, n, p, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + indexType.prototype.indexed = function() { + var v; + v = this.$val; + return v === 0; + }; + $ptrType(indexType).prototype.indexed = function() { return new indexType(this.$get()).indexed(); }; + indexType.prototype.sensitive = function() { + var v; + v = this.$val; + return v === 2; + }; + $ptrType(indexType).prototype.sensitive = function() { return new indexType(this.$get()).sensitive(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseHeaderFieldRepr = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, b, d, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + b = (x = d.buf, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])); + /* */ if (!((((b & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((((b & 192) >>> 0) === 64)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((((b & 240) >>> 0) === 0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((((b & 240) >>> 0) === 16)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ((((b & 224) >>> 0) === 32)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!((((b & 128) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r = d.parseFieldIndexed(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } else if ((((b & 192) >>> 0) === 64)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = d.parseFieldLiteral(6, 0); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } else if ((((b & 240) >>> 0) === 0)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = d.parseFieldLiteral(4, 1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$2; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } else if ((((b & 240) >>> 0) === 16)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = d.parseFieldLiteral(4, 2); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$3; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* } else if ((((b & 224) >>> 0) === 32)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = d.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$4; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + $s = -1; return (x$1 = new DecodingError.ptr(errors.New("invalid encoding")), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseHeaderFieldRepr, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, b, d, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseHeaderFieldRepr = function() { return this.$val.parseHeaderFieldRepr(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseFieldIndexed = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, buf, d, err, hf, idx, ok, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + buf = d.buf; + _tuple = readVarInt(7, buf); + idx = _tuple[0]; + buf = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _tuple$1 = d.at(idx); + hf = $clone(_tuple$1[0], HeaderField); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return (x = new DecodingError.ptr(new InvalidIndexError(((idx.$low >> 0)))), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + } + d.buf = buf; + _r = d.callEmit(new HeaderField.ptr(hf.Name, hf.Value, false)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseFieldIndexed, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, _tuple$1, buf, d, err, hf, idx, ok, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseFieldIndexed = function() { return this.$val.parseFieldIndexed(); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseFieldLiteral = function(n, it) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, buf, d, err, hf, ihf, it, n, nameIdx, ok, wantStr, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n, it}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + buf = d.buf; + _tuple = readVarInt(n, buf); + nameIdx = _tuple[0]; + buf = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + hf = new HeaderField.ptr("", "", false); + wantStr = d.emitEnabled || new indexType(it).indexed(); + /* */ if ((nameIdx.$high > 0 || (nameIdx.$high === 0 && nameIdx.$low > 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((nameIdx.$high > 0 || (nameIdx.$high === 0 && nameIdx.$low > 0))) { */ case 1: + _tuple$1 = d.at(nameIdx); + ihf = $clone(_tuple$1[0], HeaderField); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return (x = new DecodingError.ptr(new InvalidIndexError(((nameIdx.$low >> 0)))), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + } + hf.Name = ihf.Name; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r = d.readString(buf, wantStr); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r; + hf.Name = _tuple$2[0]; + buf = _tuple$2[1]; + err = _tuple$2[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* } */ case 3: + _r$1 = d.readString(buf, wantStr); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$1; + hf.Value = _tuple$3[0]; + buf = _tuple$3[1]; + err = _tuple$3[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + d.buf = buf; + /* */ if (new indexType(it).indexed()) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (new indexType(it).indexed()) { */ case 6: + $r = d.dynTab.add($clone(hf, HeaderField)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + hf.Sensitive = new indexType(it).sensitive(); + _r$2 = d.callEmit($clone(hf, HeaderField)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseFieldLiteral, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, buf, d, err, hf, ihf, it, n, nameIdx, ok, wantStr, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseFieldLiteral = function(n, it) { return this.$val.parseFieldLiteral(n, it); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.callEmit = function(hf) { + var {d, hf, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + if (!((d.maxStrLen === 0))) { + if (hf.Name.length > d.maxStrLen || hf.Value.length > d.maxStrLen) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrStringLength; + } + } + /* */ if (d.emitEnabled) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (d.emitEnabled) { */ case 1: + $r = d.emit($clone(hf, HeaderField)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.callEmit, $c: true, $r, d, hf, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.callEmit = function(hf) { return this.$val.callEmit(hf); }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate = function() { + var {_tuple, buf, d, err, size, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + if (!d.firstField && d.dynTab.size > 0) { + $s = -1; return (x = new DecodingError.ptr(errors.New("dynamic table size update MUST occur at the beginning of a header block")), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + } + buf = d.buf; + _tuple = readVarInt(5, buf); + size = _tuple[0]; + buf = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + if ((x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, d.dynTab.allowedMaxSize)), (size.$high > x$1.$high || (size.$high === x$1.$high && size.$low > x$1.$low)))) { + $s = -1; return (x$2 = new DecodingError.ptr(errors.New("dynamic table size update too large")), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2)); + } + $r = d.dynTab.setMaxSize(((size.$low >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d.buf = buf; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate, $c: true, $r, _tuple, buf, d, err, size, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + Decoder.prototype.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate = function() { return this.$val.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate(); }; + readVarInt = function(n, p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, b, err, i, m, n, origP, p, remain, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5; + i = new $Uint64(0, 0); + remain = sliceType$1.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (n < 1 || n > 8) { + $panic(new $String("bad n")); + } + if (p.$length === 0) { + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = p; + _tmp$2 = errNeedMore; + i = _tmp; + remain = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [i, remain, err]; + } + i = (new $Uint64(0, (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]))); + if (n < 8) { + i = (x = (x$1 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), $flatten64((new $Uint64(0, n)))), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - 0, x$1.$low - 1)), new $Uint64(i.$high & x.$high, (i.$low & x.$low) >>> 0)); + } + if ((x$2 = (x$3 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), $flatten64((new $Uint64(0, n)))), new $Uint64(x$3.$high - 0, x$3.$low - 1)), (i.$high < x$2.$high || (i.$high === x$2.$high && i.$low < x$2.$low)))) { + _tmp$3 = i; + _tmp$4 = $subslice(p, 1); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + i = _tmp$3; + remain = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [i, remain, err]; + } + origP = p; + p = $subslice(p, 1); + m = new $Uint64(0, 0); + while (true) { + if (!(p.$length > 0)) { break; } + b = (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]); + p = $subslice(p, 1); + i = (x$4 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(0, ((b & 127) >>> 0))), $flatten64(m)), new $Uint64(i.$high + x$4.$high, i.$low + x$4.$low)); + if (((b & 128) >>> 0) === 0) { + _tmp$6 = i; + _tmp$7 = p; + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + i = _tmp$6; + remain = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + return [i, remain, err]; + } + m = (x$5 = new $Uint64(0, 7), new $Uint64(m.$high + x$5.$high, m.$low + x$5.$low)); + if ((m.$high > 0 || (m.$high === 0 && m.$low >= 63))) { + _tmp$9 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$10 = origP; + _tmp$11 = new errVarintOverflow.constructor.elem(errVarintOverflow); + i = _tmp$9; + remain = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + return [i, remain, err]; + } + } + _tmp$12 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$13 = origP; + _tmp$14 = errNeedMore; + i = _tmp$12; + remain = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + return [i, remain, err]; + }; + Decoder.ptr.prototype.readString = function(p, wantStr) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, buf, d, err, err$1, isHuff, p, remain, s, strLen, wantStr, x, x$1, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p, wantStr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + s = ""; + remain = sliceType$1.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + /* */ if (p.$length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (p.$length === 0) { */ case 1: + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = p; + _tmp$2 = errNeedMore; + s = _tmp; + remain = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $24r = [s, remain, err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + isHuff = !(((((0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]) & 128) >>> 0) === 0)); + _tuple = readVarInt(7, p); + strLen = _tuple[0]; + p = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _tmp$3 = ""; + _tmp$4 = p; + _tmp$5 = err; + s = _tmp$3; + remain = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r$1 = [s, remain, err]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (!((d.maxStrLen === 0)) && (x = (new $Uint64(0, d.maxStrLen)), (strLen.$high > x.$high || (strLen.$high === x.$high && strLen.$low > x.$low)))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((d.maxStrLen === 0)) && (x = (new $Uint64(0, d.maxStrLen)), (strLen.$high > x.$high || (strLen.$high === x.$high && strLen.$low > x.$low)))) { */ case 7: + _tmp$6 = ""; + _tmp$7 = sliceType$1.nil; + _tmp$8 = $pkg.ErrStringLength; + s = _tmp$6; + remain = _tmp$7; + err = _tmp$8; + $24r$2 = [s, remain, err]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if ((x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, p.$length)), (x$1.$high < strLen.$high || (x$1.$high === strLen.$high && x$1.$low < strLen.$low)))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if ((x$1 = (new $Uint64(0, p.$length)), (x$1.$high < strLen.$high || (x$1.$high === strLen.$high && x$1.$low < strLen.$low)))) { */ case 10: + _tmp$9 = ""; + _tmp$10 = p; + _tmp$11 = errNeedMore; + s = _tmp$9; + remain = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $24r$3 = [s, remain, err]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if (!isHuff) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!isHuff) { */ case 13: + if (wantStr) { + s = ($bytesToString($subslice(p, 0, $flatten64(strLen)))); + } + _tmp$12 = s; + _tmp$13 = $subslice(p, $flatten64(strLen)); + _tmp$14 = $ifaceNil; + s = _tmp$12; + remain = _tmp$13; + err = _tmp$14; + $24r$4 = [s, remain, err]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 14: + /* */ if (wantStr) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (wantStr) { */ case 16: + _r = bufPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = $assertType(_r, ptrType$1); + buf.Reset(); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(bufPool, "Put"), [buf]]); + _r$1 = huffmanDecode(buf, d.maxStrLen, $subslice(p, 0, $flatten64(strLen))); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 20: + buf.Reset(); + _tmp$15 = ""; + _tmp$16 = sliceType$1.nil; + _tmp$17 = err$1; + s = _tmp$15; + remain = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + $24r$5 = [s, remain, err]; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 21: + s = buf.String(); + buf.Reset(); + /* } */ case 17: + _tmp$18 = s; + _tmp$19 = $subslice(p, $flatten64(strLen)); + _tmp$20 = $ifaceNil; + s = _tmp$18; + remain = _tmp$19; + err = _tmp$20; + $24r$6 = [s, remain, err]; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r$6; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [s, remain, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Decoder.ptr.prototype.readString, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, buf, d, err, err$1, isHuff, p, remain, s, strLen, wantStr, x, x$1, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Decoder.prototype.readString = function(p, wantStr) { return this.$val.readString(p, wantStr); }; + NewEncoder = function(w) { + var {e, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = new Encoder.ptr(new dynamicTable.ptr(new headerFieldTable.ptr(sliceType$2.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0), false, false), 0, 0, 0), 4294967295, 4096, false, w, sliceType$1.nil); + e.dynTab.table.init(); + $r = e.dynTab.setMaxSize(4096); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return e; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewEncoder, $c: true, $r, e, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewEncoder = NewEncoder; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteField = function(f) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, f, idx, indexing, n, nameValueMatch, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + e.buf = $subslice(e.buf, 0, 0); + if (e.tableSizeUpdate) { + e.tableSizeUpdate = false; + if (e.minSize < e.dynTab.maxSize) { + e.buf = appendTableSize(e.buf, e.minSize); + } + e.minSize = 4294967295; + e.buf = appendTableSize(e.buf, e.dynTab.maxSize); + } + _r = e.searchTable($clone(f, HeaderField)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + idx = _tuple[0]; + nameValueMatch = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (nameValueMatch) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (nameValueMatch) { */ case 2: + e.buf = appendIndexed(e.buf, idx); + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + indexing = e.shouldIndex($clone(f, HeaderField)); + /* */ if (indexing) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (indexing) { */ case 5: + $r = e.dynTab.add($clone(f, HeaderField)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + if ((idx.$high === 0 && idx.$low === 0)) { + e.buf = appendNewName(e.buf, $clone(f, HeaderField), indexing); + } else { + e.buf = appendIndexedName(e.buf, $clone(f, HeaderField), idx, indexing); + } + /* } */ case 4: + _r$1 = e.w.Write(e.buf); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && !((n === e.buf.$length))) { + err = io.ErrShortWrite; + } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.WriteField, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, f, idx, indexing, n, nameValueMatch, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.WriteField = function(f) { return this.$val.WriteField(f); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.searchTable = function(f) { + var {_r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, f, i, j, nameValueMatch, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = new $Uint64(0, 0); + nameValueMatch = false; + e = this; + _r = staticTable.search($clone(f, HeaderField)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + i = _tuple[0]; + nameValueMatch = _tuple[1]; + if (nameValueMatch) { + _tmp = i; + _tmp$1 = true; + i = _tmp; + nameValueMatch = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [i, nameValueMatch]; + } + _r$1 = e.dynTab.table.search($clone(f, HeaderField)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + j = _tuple$1[0]; + nameValueMatch = _tuple$1[1]; + if (nameValueMatch || ((i.$high === 0 && i.$low === 0) && !((j.$high === 0 && j.$low === 0)))) { + _tmp$2 = (x = (new $Uint64(0, staticTable.len())), new $Uint64(j.$high + x.$high, j.$low + x.$low)); + _tmp$3 = nameValueMatch; + i = _tmp$2; + nameValueMatch = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [i, nameValueMatch]; + } + _tmp$4 = i; + _tmp$5 = false; + i = _tmp$4; + nameValueMatch = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [i, nameValueMatch]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.searchTable, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, f, i, j, nameValueMatch, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.searchTable = function(f) { return this.$val.searchTable(f); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSize = function(v) { + var {e, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + if (v > e.maxSizeLimit) { + v = e.maxSizeLimit; + } + if (v < e.minSize) { + e.minSize = v; + } + e.tableSizeUpdate = true; + $r = e.dynTab.setMaxSize(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSize, $c: true, $r, e, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSize = function(v) { return this.$val.SetMaxDynamicTableSize(v); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit = function(v) { + var {e, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + e.maxSizeLimit = v; + /* */ if (e.dynTab.maxSize > v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (e.dynTab.maxSize > v) { */ case 1: + e.tableSizeUpdate = true; + $r = e.dynTab.setMaxSize(v); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Encoder.ptr.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit, $c: true, $r, e, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Encoder.prototype.SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit = function(v) { return this.$val.SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit(v); }; + Encoder.ptr.prototype.shouldIndex = function(f) { + var e, f; + e = this; + return !f.Sensitive && $clone(f, HeaderField).Size() <= e.dynTab.maxSize; + }; + Encoder.prototype.shouldIndex = function(f) { return this.$val.shouldIndex(f); }; + appendIndexed = function(dst, i) { + var dst, first, i; + first = dst.$length; + dst = appendVarInt(dst, 7, i); + ((first < 0 || first >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + first] = ((((first < 0 || first >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + first]) | (128)) >>> 0)); + return dst; + }; + appendNewName = function(dst, f, indexing) { + var dst, f, indexing; + dst = $append(dst, encodeTypeByte(indexing, f.Sensitive)); + dst = appendHpackString(dst, f.Name); + return appendHpackString(dst, f.Value); + }; + appendIndexedName = function(dst, f, i, indexing) { + var dst, f, first, i, indexing, n; + first = dst.$length; + n = 0; + if (indexing) { + n = 6; + } else { + n = 4; + } + dst = appendVarInt(dst, n, i); + ((first < 0 || first >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + first] = ((((first < 0 || first >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + first]) | (encodeTypeByte(indexing, f.Sensitive))) >>> 0)); + return appendHpackString(dst, f.Value); + }; + appendTableSize = function(dst, v) { + var dst, first, v; + first = dst.$length; + dst = appendVarInt(dst, 5, (new $Uint64(0, v))); + ((first < 0 || first >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + first] = ((((first < 0 || first >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + first]) | (32)) >>> 0)); + return dst; + }; + appendVarInt = function(dst, n, i) { + var dst, i, k, n, x, x$1, x$2; + k = ((x = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), n), new $Uint64(x.$high - 0, x.$low - 1))); + if ((i.$high < k.$high || (i.$high === k.$high && i.$low < k.$low))) { + return $append(dst, ((i.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + } + dst = $append(dst, ((k.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + i = (x$1 = k, new $Uint64(i.$high - x$1.$high, i.$low - x$1.$low)); + while (true) { + if (!((i.$high > 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low >= 128)))) { break; } + dst = $append(dst, (((x$2 = new $Uint64(i.$high & 0, (i.$low & 127) >>> 0), new $Uint64(0 | x$2.$high, (128 | x$2.$low) >>> 0)).$low << 24 >>> 24))); + i = $shiftRightUint64(i, (7)); + } + return $append(dst, ((i.$low << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + appendHpackString = function(dst, s) { + var dst, first, huffmanLength, s, x; + huffmanLength = HuffmanEncodeLength(s); + if ((x = (new $Uint64(0, s.length)), (huffmanLength.$high < x.$high || (huffmanLength.$high === x.$high && huffmanLength.$low < x.$low)))) { + first = dst.$length; + dst = appendVarInt(dst, 7, huffmanLength); + dst = AppendHuffmanString(dst, s); + ((first < 0 || first >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + first] = ((((first < 0 || first >= dst.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : dst.$array[dst.$offset + first]) | (128)) >>> 0)); + } else { + dst = appendVarInt(dst, 7, (new $Uint64(0, s.length))); + dst = $appendSlice(dst, s); + } + return dst; + }; + encodeTypeByte = function(indexing, sensitive) { + var indexing, sensitive; + if (sensitive) { + return 16; + } + if (indexing) { + return 64; + } + return 0; + }; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "init", name: "init", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "len", name: "len", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "addEntry", name: "addEntry", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([HeaderField], [], false)}, {prop: "evictOldest", name: "evictOldest", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "search", name: "search", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([HeaderField], [$Uint64, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "idToIndex", name: "idToIndex", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [$Uint64], false)}]; + DecodingError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + InvalidIndexError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + HeaderField.methods = [{prop: "IsPseudo", name: "IsPseudo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "SetMaxStringLength", name: "SetMaxStringLength", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "SetEmitFunc", name: "SetEmitFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "SetEmitEnabled", name: "SetEmitEnabled", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "EmitEnabled", name: "EmitEnabled", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "SetMaxDynamicTableSize", name: "SetMaxDynamicTableSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize", name: "SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "maxTableIndex", name: "maxTableIndex", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "at", name: "at", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [HeaderField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "DecodeFull", name: "DecodeFull", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [sliceType$2, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "parseHeaderFieldRepr", name: "parseHeaderFieldRepr", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "parseFieldIndexed", name: "parseFieldIndexed", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "parseFieldLiteral", name: "parseFieldLiteral", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([$Uint8, indexType], [$error], false)}, {prop: "callEmit", name: "callEmit", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([HeaderField], [$error], false)}, {prop: "parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate", name: "parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readString", name: "readString", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Bool], [$String, sliceType$1, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "setMaxSize", name: "setMaxSize", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "add", name: "add", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([HeaderField], [], false)}, {prop: "evict", name: "evict", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + indexType.methods = [{prop: "indexed", name: "indexed", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "sensitive", name: "sensitive", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "WriteField", name: "WriteField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([HeaderField], [$error], false)}, {prop: "searchTable", name: "searchTable", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([HeaderField], [$Uint64, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "SetMaxDynamicTableSize", name: "SetMaxDynamicTableSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit", name: "SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "shouldIndex", name: "shouldIndex", pkg: "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", typ: $funcType([HeaderField], [$Bool], false)}]; + headerFieldTable.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", [{prop: "ents", name: "ents", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "evictCount", name: "evictCount", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "byName", name: "byName", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "byNameValue", name: "byNameValue", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$1, tag: ""}]); + pairNameValue.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "value", name: "value", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + incomparable.init(funcType, 0); + node.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "children", name: "children", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "codeLen", name: "codeLen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "sym", name: "sym", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + DecodingError.init("", [{prop: "Err", name: "Err", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + HeaderField.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Sensitive", name: "Sensitive", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + Decoder.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", [{prop: "dynTab", name: "dynTab", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: dynamicTable, tag: ""}, {prop: "emit", name: "emit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "emitEnabled", name: "emitEnabled", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxStrLen", name: "maxStrLen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "saveBuf", name: "saveBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: bytes.Buffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "firstField", name: "firstField", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + dynamicTable.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", [{prop: "table", name: "table", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: headerFieldTable, tag: ""}, {prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxSize", name: "maxSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "allowedMaxSize", name: "allowedMaxSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + Encoder.init("vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack", [{prop: "dynTab", name: "dynTab", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: dynamicTable, tag: ""}, {prop: "minSize", name: "minSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxSizeLimit", name: "maxSizeLimit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "tableSizeUpdate", name: "tableSizeUpdate", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}, {prop: "buf", name: "buf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buildRootOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + lazyRootHuffmanNode = ptrType.nil; + staticTableEntries = $toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new HeaderField.ptr(":authority", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":method", "GET", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":method", "POST", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":path", "/", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":path", "/index.html", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":scheme", "http", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":scheme", "https", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":status", "200", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":status", "204", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":status", "206", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":status", "304", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":status", "400", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":status", "404", false), new HeaderField.ptr(":status", "500", false), new HeaderField.ptr("accept-charset", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate", false), new HeaderField.ptr("accept-language", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("accept-ranges", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("accept", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("access-control-allow-origin", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("age", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("allow", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("authorization", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("cache-control", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("content-disposition", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("content-encoding", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("content-language", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("content-length", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("content-location", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("content-range", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("content-type", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("cookie", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("date", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("etag", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("expect", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("expires", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("from", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("host", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("if-match", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("if-modified-since", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("if-none-match", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("if-range", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("if-unmodified-since", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("last-modified", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("link", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("location", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("max-forwards", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("proxy-authenticate", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("proxy-authorization", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("range", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("referer", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("refresh", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("retry-after", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("server", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("set-cookie", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("strict-transport-security", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("transfer-encoding", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("user-agent", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("vary", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("via", "", false), new HeaderField.ptr("www-authenticate", "", false)]); + staticTable = newStaticTable(); + huffmanCodes = $toNativeArray($kindUint32, [8184, 8388568, 268435426, 268435427, 268435428, 268435429, 268435430, 268435431, 268435432, 16777194, 1073741820, 268435433, 268435434, 1073741821, 268435435, 268435436, 268435437, 268435438, 268435439, 268435440, 268435441, 268435442, 1073741822, 268435443, 268435444, 268435445, 268435446, 268435447, 268435448, 268435449, 268435450, 268435451, 20, 1016, 1017, 4090, 8185, 21, 248, 2042, 1018, 1019, 249, 2043, 250, 22, 23, 24, 0, 1, 2, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 92, 251, 32764, 32, 4091, 1020, 8186, 33, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 252, 115, 253, 8187, 524272, 8188, 16380, 34, 32765, 3, 35, 4, 36, 5, 37, 38, 39, 6, 116, 117, 40, 41, 42, 7, 43, 118, 44, 8, 9, 45, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 32766, 2044, 16381, 8189, 268435452, 1048550, 4194258, 1048551, 1048552, 4194259, 4194260, 4194261, 8388569, 4194262, 8388570, 8388571, 8388572, 8388573, 8388574, 16777195, 8388575, 16777196, 16777197, 4194263, 8388576, 16777198, 8388577, 8388578, 8388579, 8388580, 2097116, 4194264, 8388581, 4194265, 8388582, 8388583, 16777199, 4194266, 2097117, 1048553, 4194267, 4194268, 8388584, 8388585, 2097118, 8388586, 4194269, 4194270, 16777200, 2097119, 4194271, 8388587, 8388588, 2097120, 2097121, 4194272, 2097122, 8388589, 4194273, 8388590, 8388591, 1048554, 4194274, 4194275, 4194276, 8388592, 4194277, 4194278, 8388593, 67108832, 67108833, 1048555, 524273, 4194279, 8388594, 4194280, 33554412, 67108834, 67108835, 67108836, 134217694, 134217695, 67108837, 16777201, 33554413, 524274, 2097123, 67108838, 134217696, 134217697, 67108839, 134217698, 16777202, 2097124, 2097125, 67108840, 67108841, 268435453, 134217699, 134217700, 134217701, 1048556, 16777203, 1048557, 2097126, 4194281, 2097127, 2097128, 8388595, 4194282, 4194283, 33554414, 33554415, 16777204, 16777205, 67108842, 8388596, 67108843, 134217702, 67108844, 67108845, 134217703, 134217704, 134217705, 134217706, 134217707, 268435454, 134217708, 134217709, 134217710, 134217711, 134217712, 67108846]); + huffmanCodeLen = $toNativeArray($kindUint8, [13, 23, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 24, 30, 28, 28, 30, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 30, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 6, 10, 10, 12, 13, 6, 8, 11, 10, 10, 8, 11, 8, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 15, 6, 12, 10, 13, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 13, 19, 13, 14, 6, 15, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 15, 11, 14, 13, 28, 20, 22, 20, 20, 22, 22, 22, 23, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 23, 24, 24, 22, 23, 24, 23, 23, 23, 23, 21, 22, 23, 22, 23, 23, 24, 22, 21, 20, 22, 22, 23, 23, 21, 23, 22, 22, 24, 21, 22, 23, 23, 21, 21, 22, 21, 23, 22, 23, 23, 20, 22, 22, 22, 23, 22, 22, 23, 26, 26, 20, 19, 22, 23, 22, 25, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 26, 24, 25, 19, 21, 26, 27, 27, 26, 27, 24, 21, 21, 26, 26, 28, 27, 27, 27, 20, 24, 20, 21, 22, 21, 21, 23, 22, 22, 25, 25, 24, 24, 26, 23, 26, 27, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 26]); + bufPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0, 0); + })); + $pkg.ErrInvalidHuffman = errors.New("hpack: invalid Huffman-encoded data"); + $pkg.ErrStringLength = errors.New("hpack: string too long"); + errNeedMore = errors.New("need more data"); + errVarintOverflow = new DecodingError.ptr(errors.New("varint integer overflow")); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["net/http"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bufio, bytes, gzip, list, context, rand$1, tls, base64, binary, errors, fmt, js$1, godebug, io, fs, ioutil, log, math, rand, mime, multipart, net, httptrace, internal, ascii, textproto, url, os, path, filepath, reflect, runtime, sort, strconv, strings, sync, atomic, js, time, utf8, httpguts, httpproxy, hpack, idna, Transport, cancelKey, h2Transport, transportRequest, readTrackingBody, transportReadFromServerError, wantConn, wantConnQueue, erringRoundTripper, persistConnWriter, connectMethod, connectMethodKey, persistConn, readWriteCloserBody, nothingWrittenError, responseAndError, requestAndChan, writeRequest, httpError, tLogKey, bodyEOFSignal, gzipReader, tlsHandshakeTimeoutError, fakeLocker, connLRU, errorReader, byteReader, transferWriter, transferReader, unsupportedTEError, body, bodyLocked, finishAsyncByteRead, bufioFlushWriter, socksCommand, socksAuthMethod, socksReply, socksAddr, socksConn, socksDialer, socksUsernamePassword, sniffSig, exactSig, maskedSig, htmlSig, mp4Sig, textSig, Handler, ResponseWriter, conn, chunkWriter, response, atomicBool, writerOnly, readResult, connReader, expectContinueReader, extraHeader, closeWriter, statusError, HandlerFunc, redirectHandler, ServeMux, muxEntry, Server, ConnState, serverHandler, onceCloseListener, globalOptionsHandler, initALPNRequest, loggingConn, checkConnErrorWriter, streamReader, arrayReader, Response, ProtocolError, Request, requestBodyReadError, maxBytesReader, incomparable, contextKey, noBody, PushOptions, Header, stringWriter, keyValues, headerSorter, http2ClientConnPool, http2clientConnPoolIdleCloser, http2clientConnPool, http2dialCall, http2addConnCall, http2noDialClientConnPool, http2dataBuffer, http2ErrCode, http2ConnectionError, http2StreamError, http2goAwayFlowError, http2connError, http2pseudoHeaderError, http2duplicatePseudoHeaderError, http2headerFieldNameError, http2headerFieldValueError, http2flow, http2FrameType, http2Flags, http2FrameHeader, http2Frame, http2Framer, http2frameCache, http2DataFrame, http2SettingsFrame, http2PingFrame, http2GoAwayFrame, http2UnknownFrame, http2WindowUpdateFrame, http2HeadersFrame, http2HeadersFrameParam, http2PriorityFrame, http2PriorityParam, http2RSTStreamFrame, http2ContinuationFrame, http2PushPromiseFrame, http2PushPromiseParam, http2MetaHeadersFrame, http2goroutineLock, http2streamState, http2Setting, http2SettingID, http2gate, http2closeWaiter, http2bufferedWriter, http2httpError, http2connectionStater, http2sorter, http2incomparable, http2pipe, http2pipeBuffer, http2Server, http2serverInternalState, http2ServeConnOpts, http2serverConn, http2stream, http2readFrameResult, http2frameWriteResult, http2serverMessage, http2requestParam, http2bodyReadMsg, http2requestBody, http2responseWriter, http2responseWriterState, http2chunkWriter, http2startPushRequest, http2Transport, http2ClientConn, http2clientStream, http2stickyErrWriter, http2noCachedConnError, http2RoundTripOpt, http2ClientConnState, http2clientConnIdleState, http2clientConnReadLoop, http2GoAwayError, http2transportResponseBody, http2missingBody, http2erringRoundTripper, http2gzipReader, http2noDialH2RoundTripper, http2writeFramer, http2writeContext, http2flushFrameWriter, http2writeSettings, http2writeGoAway, http2writeData, http2handlerPanicRST, http2writePingAck, http2writeSettingsAck, http2writeResHeaders, http2writePushPromise, http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame, http2writeWindowUpdate, http2WriteScheduler, http2OpenStreamOptions, http2FrameWriteRequest, http2writeQueue, http2writeQueuePool, http2PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig, http2priorityNodeState, http2priorityNode, http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings, http2priorityWriteScheduler, http2randomWriteScheduler, Cookie, SameSite, RoundTripper, noTransport, XHRTransport, requestTooLarger, baseContexter, I, ptrType, ptrType$1, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, ptrType$6, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, ptrType$9, sliceType$7, funcType, arrayType, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, ptrType$14, ptrType$15, chanType, ptrType$16, mapType, ptrType$17, ptrType$18, ptrType$19, ptrType$20, ptrType$21, ptrType$22, ptrType$23, ptrType$24, sliceType$8, sliceType$9, ptrType$25, structType, ptrType$26, sliceType$10, sliceType$11, ptrType$27, ptrType$28, ptrType$29, ptrType$30, sliceType$12, ptrType$31, ptrType$32, ptrType$33, funcType$1, sliceType$13, ptrType$34, sliceType$14, arrayType$1, sliceType$15, sliceType$16, ptrType$35, arrayType$2, sliceType$17, ptrType$36, ptrType$37, ptrType$38, ptrType$39, ptrType$40, ptrType$41, ptrType$42, ptrType$43, ptrType$44, ptrType$45, ptrType$46, ptrType$47, structType$1, ptrType$48, ptrType$49, ptrType$50, ptrType$51, ptrType$52, ptrType$53, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, arrayType$5, sliceType$18, ptrType$54, ptrType$55, ptrType$56, ptrType$57, arrayType$6, ptrType$58, sliceType$19, ptrType$59, ptrType$60, ptrType$61, structType$2, ptrType$62, ptrType$63, ptrType$64, ptrType$65, ptrType$66, sliceType$20, ptrType$67, ptrType$68, sliceType$21, ptrType$69, ptrType$70, ptrType$71, ptrType$72, ptrType$73, arrayType$7, ptrType$74, ptrType$75, arrayType$8, sliceType$22, ptrType$76, ptrType$77, ptrType$78, ptrType$79, ptrType$80, ptrType$81, ptrType$82, ptrType$83, ptrType$84, ptrType$85, ptrType$86, ptrType$87, ptrType$88, ptrType$89, ptrType$90, funcType$2, ptrType$91, ptrType$92, ptrType$93, ptrType$94, ptrType$95, ptrType$96, ptrType$97, ptrType$98, ptrType$99, ptrType$100, ptrType$101, ptrType$102, interfaceType, ptrType$103, sliceType$23, ptrType$104, sliceType$24, ptrType$105, ptrType$106, sliceType$25, ptrType$107, ptrType$108, sliceType$29, ptrType$111, ptrType$113, funcType$3, ptrType$114, funcType$4, mapType$1, mapType$2, mapType$3, mapType$4, funcType$5, funcType$6, funcType$7, funcType$8, mapType$5, funcType$9, chanType$1, ptrType$115, ptrType$116, chanType$2, funcType$10, chanType$3, chanType$4, funcType$11, ptrType$117, chanType$5, chanType$6, chanType$7, ptrType$118, funcType$12, funcType$13, ptrType$119, ptrType$120, mapType$6, ptrType$121, chanType$8, ptrType$122, ptrType$123, funcType$14, ptrType$124, ptrType$125, ptrType$126, chanType$9, ptrType$127, chanType$10, ptrType$128, funcType$15, ptrType$129, mapType$7, funcType$16, mapType$8, funcType$17, funcType$18, funcType$19, mapType$9, mapType$10, ptrType$131, ptrType$132, ptrType$133, ptrType$134, ptrType$135, funcType$20, ptrType$136, mapType$11, mapType$12, mapType$13, mapType$14, mapType$15, ptrType$137, funcType$21, ptrType$138, funcType$22, funcType$23, ptrType$139, ptrType$140, funcType$24, mapType$16, chanType$11, chanType$12, chanType$13, chanType$14, chanType$15, mapType$17, mapType$18, funcType$25, mapType$19, mapType$20, funcType$26, ptrType$141, ptrType$142, ptrType$143, funcType$27, ptrType$144, funcType$28, ptrType$145, mapType$21, ptrType$146, mapType$22, ptrType$151, mapType$23, errCannotRewind, envProxyOnce, envProxyFuncValue, errKeepAlivesDisabled, errConnBroken, errCloseIdle, errTooManyIdle, errTooManyIdleHost, errCloseIdleConns, errReadLoopExiting, errIdleConnTimeout, errServerClosedIdle, zeroDialer, errCallerOwnsConn, errTimeout, errRequestCanceled, errRequestCanceledConn, testHookEnterRoundTrip, testHookWaitResLoop, testHookRoundTripRetried, testHookPrePendingDial, testHookPostPendingDial, testHookMu, testHookReadLoopBeforeNextRead, portMap, errReadOnClosedResBody, suppressedHeaders304, suppressedHeadersNoBody, singleCRLF, doubleCRLF, errTrailerEOF, nopCloserType, statusText, socksnoDeadline, socksaLongTimeAgo, sniffSignatures, mp4ftype, mp4, crlf, colonSpace, bufioReaderPool, bufioWriter2kPool, bufioWriter2kPool$24ptr, bufioWriter4kPool, bufioWriter4kPool$24ptr, copyBufPool, errTooLarge, extraHeaderKeys, headerContentLength, headerDate, htmlReplacer, defaultServeMux, defaultServeMux$24ptr, stateName, silenceSemWarnContextKey, testHookServerServe, uniqNameMu, uniqNameNext, uint8Array, jsFetchMissing, errClosed, respExcludeHeader, reqWriteExcludeHeader, multipartByReader, errMissingHost, textprotoReaderPool, aLongTimeAgo, omitBundledHTTP2, headerNewlineToSpace, headerSorterPool, http2dataChunkSizeClasses, http2dataChunkPools, http2errReadEmpty, http2errCodeName, http2errFromPeer, http2errMixPseudoHeaderTypes, http2errPseudoAfterRegular, http2padZeros, http2frameName, http2flagName, http2frameParsers, http2fhBytes, http2ErrFrameTooLarge, http2errStreamID, http2errDepStreamID, http2errPadLength, http2errPadBytes, http2DebugGoroutines, http2goroutineSpace, http2littleBuf, http2commonBuildOnce, http2commonLowerHeader, http2commonCanonHeader, http2VerboseLogs, http2logFrameWrites, http2logFrameReads, http2inTests, http2clientPreface, http2stateName, http2settingName, http2bufWriterPool, http2errTimeout, http2sorterPool, http2errClosedPipeWrite, http2errClientDisconnected, http2errClosedBody, http2errHandlerComplete, http2errStreamClosed, http2responseWriterStatePool, http2testHookOnConn, http2testHookGetServerConn, http2testHookOnPanicMu, http2testHookOnPanic, http2settingsTimerMsg, http2idleTimerMsg, http2shutdownTimerMsg, http2gracefulShutdownMsg, http2errPrefaceTimeout, http2errChanPool, http2writeDataPool, http2errHandlerPanicked, http2goAwayTimeout, http2ErrRecursivePush, http2ErrPushLimitReached, http2connHeaders, http2got1xxFuncForTests, http2ErrNoCachedConn, http2errClientConnClosed, http2errClientConnUnusable, http2errClientConnGotGoAway, http2shutdownEnterWaitStateHook, http2errRequestCanceled, http2errStopReqBodyWrite, http2errStopReqBodyWriteAndCancel, http2errReqBodyTooLong, http2bufPool, http2errNilRequestURL, http2errClosedResponseBody, http2errResponseHeaderListSize, http2errRequestHeaderListSize, http2noBody, errSeeker, errNoOverlap, unixEpochTime, errMissingSeek, errMissingReadDir, cookieNameSanitizer, x, x$1, x$2, _r, x$4, defaultTransportDialContext, ProxyFromEnvironment, setupRewindBody, rewindBody, envProxyFunc, is408Message, newReadWriteCloserBody, nop, canonicalAddr, cloneTLSConfig, newTransferWriter, noResponseBodyExpected, bodyAllowedForStatus, suppressedHeaders, readTransfer, chunked, isIdentity, isUnsupportedTEError, fixLength, shouldClose, fixTrailer, seeUpcomingDoubleCRLF, mergeSetHeader, parseContentLength, isKnownInMemoryReader, StatusText, sockssplitHostPort, socksNewDialer, DetectContentType, isWS, isTT, bufioWriterPool, newBufioReader, putBufioReader, newBufioWriterSize, putBufioWriter, appendTime, http1ServerSupportsRequest, checkWriteHeaderCode, relevantCaller, foreachHeaderElement, writeStatusLine, validNextProto, badRequestError, isCommonNetReadError, registerOnHitEOF, requestBodyRemains, Error, NotFound, NotFoundHandler, Redirect, htmlEscape, RedirectHandler, cleanPath, stripHostPort, appendSorted, newLoggingConn, numLeadingCRorLF, strSliceContains, tlsRecordHeaderLooksLikeHTTP, ReadResponse, fixPragmaCacheControl, isProtocolSwitchResponse, isProtocolSwitchHeader, badStringError, valueOrDefault, idnaASCII, cleanHost, removeZone, ParseHTTPVersion, validMethod, parseBasicAuth, parseRequestLine, newTextprotoReader, putTextprotoReader, readRequest, MaxBytesReader, copyValues, parsePostForm, requestMethodUsuallyLacksBody, hasPort, isNotToken, stringContainsCTLByte, hexEscapeNonASCII, CanonicalHeaderKey, hasToken, isTokenBoundary, http2asciiEqualFold, http2lower, http2isASCIIPrint, http2asciiToLower, http2isBadCipher, http2filterOutClientConn, http2shouldRetryDial, http2getDataBufferChunk, http2putDataBufferChunk, http2streamError, http2typeFrameParser, http2readFrameHeader, http2NewFramer, http2terminalReadFrameError, http2parseDataFrame, http2validStreamIDOrZero, http2validStreamID, http2parseSettingsFrame, http2parsePingFrame, http2parseGoAwayFrame, http2parseUnknownFrame, http2parseWindowUpdateFrame, http2parseHeadersFrame, http2parsePriorityFrame, http2parseRSTStreamFrame, http2parseContinuationFrame, http2parsePushPromise, http2readByte, http2readUint32, http2summarizeFrame, http2traceHasWroteHeaderField, http2traceWroteHeaderField, http2traceGot1xxResponseFunc, http2newGoroutineLock, http2curGoroutineID, http2parseUintBytes, http2cutoff64, http2buildCommonHeaderMapsOnce, http2buildCommonHeaderMaps, http2lowerHeader, init, http2validWireHeaderFieldName, http2httpCodeString, http2newBufferedWriter, http2mustUint31, http2bodyAllowedForStatus, http2validPseudoPath, http2ConfigureServer, http2serverConnBaseContext, http2errno, http2isClosedConnError, http2handleHeaderListTooLong, http2checkWriteHeaderCode, http2cloneHeader, http2foreachHeaderElement, http2checkValidHTTP2RequestHeaders, http2new400Handler, http2h1ServerKeepAlivesDisabled, http2configureTransports, http2isNoCachedConnError, http2authorityAddr, http2shouldRetryRequest, http2canRetryError, http2commaSeparatedTrailers, http2checkConnHeaders, http2actualContentLength, http2shouldSendReqContentLength, http2isEOFOrNetReadError, http2strSliceContains, http2isConnectionCloseRequest, http2registerHTTPSProtocol, http2traceGetConn, http2traceGotConn, http2traceWroteHeaders, http2traceGot100Continue, http2traceWait100Continue, http2traceWroteRequest, http2traceFirstResponseByte, http2writeEndsStream, http2splitHeaderBlock, http2encKV, http2encodeHeaders, http2NewPriorityWriteScheduler, http2NewRandomWriteScheduler, readSetCookies, readCookies, validCookieDomain, validCookieExpires, isCookieDomainName, sanitizeCookieName, sanitizeCookieValue, validCookieValueByte, sanitizeCookiePath, validCookiePathByte, sanitizeOrWarn, parseCookieValue, isCookieNameValid, cloneURLValues, cloneURL, cloneMultipartForm, cloneMultipartFileHeader, basicAuth; + bufio = $packages["bufio"]; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + gzip = $packages["compress/gzip"]; + list = $packages["container/list"]; + context = $packages["context"]; + rand$1 = $packages["crypto/rand"]; + tls = $packages["crypto/tls"]; + base64 = $packages["encoding/base64"]; + binary = $packages["encoding/binary"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + js$1 = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + godebug = $packages["internal/godebug"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + fs = $packages["io/fs"]; + ioutil = $packages["io/ioutil"]; + log = $packages["log"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + rand = $packages["math/rand"]; + mime = $packages["mime"]; + multipart = $packages["mime/multipart"]; + net = $packages["net"]; + httptrace = $packages["net/http/httptrace"]; + internal = $packages["net/http/internal"]; + ascii = $packages["net/http/internal/ascii"]; + textproto = $packages["net/textproto"]; + url = $packages["net/url"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + path = $packages["path"]; + filepath = $packages["path/filepath"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"]; + js = $packages["syscall/js"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"]; + httpguts = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts"]; + httpproxy = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy"]; + hpack = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack"]; + idna = $packages["vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna"]; + Transport = $pkg.Transport = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.Transport", true, "net/http", true, function(idleMu_, closeIdle_, idleConn_, idleConnWait_, idleLRU_, reqMu_, reqCanceler_, altMu_, altProto_, connsPerHostMu_, connsPerHost_, connsPerHostWait_, Proxy_, DialContext_, Dial_, DialTLSContext_, DialTLS_, TLSClientConfig_, TLSHandshakeTimeout_, DisableKeepAlives_, DisableCompression_, MaxIdleConns_, MaxIdleConnsPerHost_, MaxConnsPerHost_, IdleConnTimeout_, ResponseHeaderTimeout_, ExpectContinueTimeout_, TLSNextProto_, ProxyConnectHeader_, GetProxyConnectHeader_, MaxResponseHeaderBytes_, WriteBufferSize_, ReadBufferSize_, nextProtoOnce_, h2transport_, tlsNextProtoWasNil_, ForceAttemptHTTP2_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.idleMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.closeIdle = false; + this.idleConn = false; + this.idleConnWait = false; + this.idleLRU = new connLRU.ptr(ptrType$3.nil, false); + this.reqMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.reqCanceler = false; + this.altMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.altProto = new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil); + this.connsPerHostMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.connsPerHost = false; + this.connsPerHostWait = false; + this.Proxy = $throwNilPointerError; + this.DialContext = $throwNilPointerError; + this.Dial = $throwNilPointerError; + this.DialTLSContext = $throwNilPointerError; + this.DialTLS = $throwNilPointerError; + this.TLSClientConfig = ptrType$4.nil; + this.TLSHandshakeTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.DisableKeepAlives = false; + this.DisableCompression = false; + this.MaxIdleConns = 0; + this.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 0; + this.MaxConnsPerHost = 0; + this.IdleConnTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.ResponseHeaderTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.ExpectContinueTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.TLSNextProto = false; + this.ProxyConnectHeader = false; + this.GetProxyConnectHeader = $throwNilPointerError; + this.MaxResponseHeaderBytes = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.WriteBufferSize = 0; + this.ReadBufferSize = 0; + this.nextProtoOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.h2transport = $ifaceNil; + this.tlsNextProtoWasNil = false; + this.ForceAttemptHTTP2 = false; + return; + } + this.idleMu = idleMu_; + this.closeIdle = closeIdle_; + this.idleConn = idleConn_; + this.idleConnWait = idleConnWait_; + this.idleLRU = idleLRU_; + this.reqMu = reqMu_; + this.reqCanceler = reqCanceler_; + this.altMu = altMu_; + this.altProto = altProto_; + this.connsPerHostMu = connsPerHostMu_; + this.connsPerHost = connsPerHost_; + this.connsPerHostWait = connsPerHostWait_; + this.Proxy = Proxy_; + this.DialContext = DialContext_; + this.Dial = Dial_; + this.DialTLSContext = DialTLSContext_; + this.DialTLS = DialTLS_; + this.TLSClientConfig = TLSClientConfig_; + this.TLSHandshakeTimeout = TLSHandshakeTimeout_; + this.DisableKeepAlives = DisableKeepAlives_; + this.DisableCompression = DisableCompression_; + this.MaxIdleConns = MaxIdleConns_; + this.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = MaxIdleConnsPerHost_; + this.MaxConnsPerHost = MaxConnsPerHost_; + this.IdleConnTimeout = IdleConnTimeout_; + this.ResponseHeaderTimeout = ResponseHeaderTimeout_; + this.ExpectContinueTimeout = ExpectContinueTimeout_; + this.TLSNextProto = TLSNextProto_; + this.ProxyConnectHeader = ProxyConnectHeader_; + this.GetProxyConnectHeader = GetProxyConnectHeader_; + this.MaxResponseHeaderBytes = MaxResponseHeaderBytes_; + this.WriteBufferSize = WriteBufferSize_; + this.ReadBufferSize = ReadBufferSize_; + this.nextProtoOnce = nextProtoOnce_; + this.h2transport = h2transport_; + this.tlsNextProtoWasNil = tlsNextProtoWasNil_; + this.ForceAttemptHTTP2 = ForceAttemptHTTP2_; + }); + cancelKey = $pkg.cancelKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.cancelKey", true, "net/http", false, function(req_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.req = ptrType$11.nil; + return; + } + this.req = req_; + }); + h2Transport = $pkg.h2Transport = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.h2Transport", true, "net/http", false, null); + transportRequest = $pkg.transportRequest = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.transportRequest", true, "net/http", false, function(Request_, extra_, trace_, cancelKey_, mu_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Request = ptrType$11.nil; + this.extra = false; + this.trace = ptrType$19.nil; + this.cancelKey = new cancelKey.ptr(ptrType$11.nil); + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Request = Request_; + this.extra = extra_; + this.trace = trace_; + this.cancelKey = cancelKey_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.err = err_; + }); + readTrackingBody = $pkg.readTrackingBody = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.readTrackingBody", true, "net/http", false, function(ReadCloser_, didRead_, didClose_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ReadCloser = $ifaceNil; + this.didRead = false; + this.didClose = false; + return; + } + this.ReadCloser = ReadCloser_; + this.didRead = didRead_; + this.didClose = didClose_; + }); + transportReadFromServerError = $pkg.transportReadFromServerError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.transportReadFromServerError", true, "net/http", false, function(err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.err = err_; + }); + wantConn = $pkg.wantConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.wantConn", true, "net/http", false, function(cm_, key_, ctx_, ready_, beforeDial_, afterDial_, mu_, pc_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.cm = new connectMethod.ptr(arrayType.zero(), ptrType$17.nil, "", "", false); + this.key = new connectMethodKey.ptr("", "", "", false); + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + this.ready = $chanNil; + this.beforeDial = $throwNilPointerError; + this.afterDial = $throwNilPointerError; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.pc = ptrType$22.nil; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.cm = cm_; + this.key = key_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + this.ready = ready_; + this.beforeDial = beforeDial_; + this.afterDial = afterDial_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.pc = pc_; + this.err = err_; + }); + wantConnQueue = $pkg.wantConnQueue = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.wantConnQueue", true, "net/http", false, function(head_, headPos_, tail_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.head = sliceType$8.nil; + this.headPos = 0; + this.tail = sliceType$8.nil; + return; + } + this.head = head_; + this.headPos = headPos_; + this.tail = tail_; + }); + erringRoundTripper = $pkg.erringRoundTripper = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.erringRoundTripper", true, "net/http", false, null); + persistConnWriter = $pkg.persistConnWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.persistConnWriter", true, "net/http", false, function(pc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.pc = ptrType$22.nil; + return; + } + this.pc = pc_; + }); + connectMethod = $pkg.connectMethod = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.connectMethod", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, proxyURL_, targetScheme_, targetAddr_, onlyH1_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.proxyURL = ptrType$17.nil; + this.targetScheme = ""; + this.targetAddr = ""; + this.onlyH1 = false; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.proxyURL = proxyURL_; + this.targetScheme = targetScheme_; + this.targetAddr = targetAddr_; + this.onlyH1 = onlyH1_; + }); + connectMethodKey = $pkg.connectMethodKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.connectMethodKey", true, "net/http", false, function(proxy_, scheme_, addr_, onlyH1_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.proxy = ""; + this.scheme = ""; + this.addr = ""; + this.onlyH1 = false; + return; + } + this.proxy = proxy_; + this.scheme = scheme_; + this.addr = addr_; + this.onlyH1 = onlyH1_; + }); + persistConn = $pkg.persistConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.persistConn", true, "net/http", false, function(alt_, t_, cacheKey_, conn_, tlsState_, br_, bw_, nwrite_, reqch_, writech_, closech_, isProxy_, sawEOF_, readLimit_, writeErrCh_, writeLoopDone_, idleAt_, idleTimer_, mu_, numExpectedResponses_, closed_, canceledErr_, broken_, reused_, mutateHeaderFunc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.alt = $ifaceNil; + this.t = ptrType$27.nil; + this.cacheKey = new connectMethodKey.ptr("", "", "", false); + this.conn = $ifaceNil; + this.tlsState = ptrType$28.nil; + this.br = ptrType$29.nil; + this.bw = ptrType$14.nil; + this.nwrite = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.reqch = $chanNil; + this.writech = $chanNil; + this.closech = $chanNil; + this.isProxy = false; + this.sawEOF = false; + this.readLimit = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.writeErrCh = $chanNil; + this.writeLoopDone = $chanNil; + this.idleAt = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + this.idleTimer = ptrType$25.nil; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.numExpectedResponses = 0; + this.closed = $ifaceNil; + this.canceledErr = $ifaceNil; + this.broken = false; + this.reused = false; + this.mutateHeaderFunc = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.alt = alt_; + this.t = t_; + this.cacheKey = cacheKey_; + this.conn = conn_; + this.tlsState = tlsState_; + this.br = br_; + this.bw = bw_; + this.nwrite = nwrite_; + this.reqch = reqch_; + this.writech = writech_; + this.closech = closech_; + this.isProxy = isProxy_; + this.sawEOF = sawEOF_; + this.readLimit = readLimit_; + this.writeErrCh = writeErrCh_; + this.writeLoopDone = writeLoopDone_; + this.idleAt = idleAt_; + this.idleTimer = idleTimer_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.numExpectedResponses = numExpectedResponses_; + this.closed = closed_; + this.canceledErr = canceledErr_; + this.broken = broken_; + this.reused = reused_; + this.mutateHeaderFunc = mutateHeaderFunc_; + }); + readWriteCloserBody = $pkg.readWriteCloserBody = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.readWriteCloserBody", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, br_, ReadWriteCloser_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.br = ptrType$29.nil; + this.ReadWriteCloser = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.br = br_; + this.ReadWriteCloser = ReadWriteCloser_; + }); + nothingWrittenError = $pkg.nothingWrittenError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.nothingWrittenError", true, "net/http", false, function(error_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.error = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.error = error_; + }); + responseAndError = $pkg.responseAndError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.responseAndError", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, res_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.res = ptrType$18.nil; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.res = res_; + this.err = err_; + }); + requestAndChan = $pkg.requestAndChan = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.requestAndChan", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, req_, cancelKey_, ch_, addedGzip_, continueCh_, callerGone_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.req = ptrType$11.nil; + this.cancelKey = new cancelKey.ptr(ptrType$11.nil); + this.ch = $chanNil; + this.addedGzip = false; + this.continueCh = $chanNil; + this.callerGone = $chanNil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.req = req_; + this.cancelKey = cancelKey_; + this.ch = ch_; + this.addedGzip = addedGzip_; + this.continueCh = continueCh_; + this.callerGone = callerGone_; + }); + writeRequest = $pkg.writeRequest = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.writeRequest", true, "net/http", false, function(req_, ch_, continueCh_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.req = ptrType$114.nil; + this.ch = $chanNil; + this.continueCh = $chanNil; + return; + } + this.req = req_; + this.ch = ch_; + this.continueCh = continueCh_; + }); + httpError = $pkg.httpError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.httpError", true, "net/http", false, function(err_, timeout_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = ""; + this.timeout = false; + return; + } + this.err = err_; + this.timeout = timeout_; + }); + tLogKey = $pkg.tLogKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.tLogKey", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + bodyEOFSignal = $pkg.bodyEOFSignal = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.bodyEOFSignal", true, "net/http", false, function(body_, mu_, closed_, rerr_, fn_, earlyCloseFn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.body = $ifaceNil; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.closed = false; + this.rerr = $ifaceNil; + this.fn = $throwNilPointerError; + this.earlyCloseFn = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.body = body_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.closed = closed_; + this.rerr = rerr_; + this.fn = fn_; + this.earlyCloseFn = earlyCloseFn_; + }); + gzipReader = $pkg.gzipReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.gzipReader", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, body_, zr_, zerr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.body = ptrType$32.nil; + this.zr = ptrType$33.nil; + this.zerr = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.body = body_; + this.zr = zr_; + this.zerr = zerr_; + }); + tlsHandshakeTimeoutError = $pkg.tlsHandshakeTimeoutError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.tlsHandshakeTimeoutError", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + fakeLocker = $pkg.fakeLocker = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.fakeLocker", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + connLRU = $pkg.connLRU = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.connLRU", true, "net/http", false, function(ll_, m_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ll = ptrType$3.nil; + this.m = false; + return; + } + this.ll = ll_; + this.m = m_; + }); + errorReader = $pkg.errorReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.errorReader", true, "net/http", false, function(err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.err = err_; + }); + byteReader = $pkg.byteReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.byteReader", true, "net/http", false, function(b_, done_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.b = 0; + this.done = false; + return; + } + this.b = b_; + this.done = done_; + }); + transferWriter = $pkg.transferWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.transferWriter", true, "net/http", false, function(Method_, Body_, BodyCloser_, ResponseToHEAD_, ContentLength_, Close_, TransferEncoding_, Header_, Trailer_, IsResponse_, bodyReadError_, FlushHeaders_, ByteReadCh_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Method = ""; + this.Body = $ifaceNil; + this.BodyCloser = $ifaceNil; + this.ResponseToHEAD = false; + this.ContentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.Close = false; + this.TransferEncoding = sliceType$2.nil; + this.Header = false; + this.Trailer = false; + this.IsResponse = false; + this.bodyReadError = $ifaceNil; + this.FlushHeaders = false; + this.ByteReadCh = $chanNil; + return; + } + this.Method = Method_; + this.Body = Body_; + this.BodyCloser = BodyCloser_; + this.ResponseToHEAD = ResponseToHEAD_; + this.ContentLength = ContentLength_; + this.Close = Close_; + this.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding_; + this.Header = Header_; + this.Trailer = Trailer_; + this.IsResponse = IsResponse_; + this.bodyReadError = bodyReadError_; + this.FlushHeaders = FlushHeaders_; + this.ByteReadCh = ByteReadCh_; + }); + transferReader = $pkg.transferReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.transferReader", true, "net/http", false, function(Header_, StatusCode_, RequestMethod_, ProtoMajor_, ProtoMinor_, Body_, ContentLength_, Chunked_, Close_, Trailer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Header = false; + this.StatusCode = 0; + this.RequestMethod = ""; + this.ProtoMajor = 0; + this.ProtoMinor = 0; + this.Body = $ifaceNil; + this.ContentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.Chunked = false; + this.Close = false; + this.Trailer = false; + return; + } + this.Header = Header_; + this.StatusCode = StatusCode_; + this.RequestMethod = RequestMethod_; + this.ProtoMajor = ProtoMajor_; + this.ProtoMinor = ProtoMinor_; + this.Body = Body_; + this.ContentLength = ContentLength_; + this.Chunked = Chunked_; + this.Close = Close_; + this.Trailer = Trailer_; + }); + unsupportedTEError = $pkg.unsupportedTEError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.unsupportedTEError", true, "net/http", false, function(err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = ""; + return; + } + this.err = err_; + }); + body = $pkg.body = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.body", true, "net/http", false, function(src_, hdr_, r_, closing_, doEarlyClose_, mu_, sawEOF_, closed_, earlyClose_, onHitEOF_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.src = $ifaceNil; + this.hdr = $ifaceNil; + this.r = ptrType$29.nil; + this.closing = false; + this.doEarlyClose = false; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.sawEOF = false; + this.closed = false; + this.earlyClose = false; + this.onHitEOF = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.src = src_; + this.hdr = hdr_; + this.r = r_; + this.closing = closing_; + this.doEarlyClose = doEarlyClose_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.sawEOF = sawEOF_; + this.closed = closed_; + this.earlyClose = earlyClose_; + this.onHitEOF = onHitEOF_; + }); + bodyLocked = $pkg.bodyLocked = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.bodyLocked", true, "net/http", false, function(b_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.b = ptrType$52.nil; + return; + } + this.b = b_; + }); + finishAsyncByteRead = $pkg.finishAsyncByteRead = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.finishAsyncByteRead", true, "net/http", false, function(tw_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.tw = ptrType$35.nil; + return; + } + this.tw = tw_; + }); + bufioFlushWriter = $pkg.bufioFlushWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.bufioFlushWriter", true, "net/http", false, function(w_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.w = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.w = w_; + }); + socksCommand = $pkg.socksCommand = $newType(4, $kindInt, "http.socksCommand", true, "net/http", false, null); + socksAuthMethod = $pkg.socksAuthMethod = $newType(4, $kindInt, "http.socksAuthMethod", true, "net/http", false, null); + socksReply = $pkg.socksReply = $newType(4, $kindInt, "http.socksReply", true, "net/http", false, null); + socksAddr = $pkg.socksAddr = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.socksAddr", true, "net/http", false, function(Name_, IP_, Port_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = ""; + this.IP = net.IP.nil; + this.Port = 0; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + this.IP = IP_; + this.Port = Port_; + }); + socksConn = $pkg.socksConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.socksConn", true, "net/http", false, function(Conn_, boundAddr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Conn = $ifaceNil; + this.boundAddr = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Conn = Conn_; + this.boundAddr = boundAddr_; + }); + socksDialer = $pkg.socksDialer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.socksDialer", true, "net/http", false, function(cmd_, proxyNetwork_, proxyAddress_, ProxyDial_, AuthMethods_, Authenticate_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.cmd = 0; + this.proxyNetwork = ""; + this.proxyAddress = ""; + this.ProxyDial = $throwNilPointerError; + this.AuthMethods = sliceType$12.nil; + this.Authenticate = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.cmd = cmd_; + this.proxyNetwork = proxyNetwork_; + this.proxyAddress = proxyAddress_; + this.ProxyDial = ProxyDial_; + this.AuthMethods = AuthMethods_; + this.Authenticate = Authenticate_; + }); + socksUsernamePassword = $pkg.socksUsernamePassword = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.socksUsernamePassword", true, "net/http", false, function(Username_, Password_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Username = ""; + this.Password = ""; + return; + } + this.Username = Username_; + this.Password = Password_; + }); + sniffSig = $pkg.sniffSig = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.sniffSig", true, "net/http", false, null); + exactSig = $pkg.exactSig = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.exactSig", true, "net/http", false, function(sig_, ct_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.sig = sliceType$3.nil; + this.ct = ""; + return; + } + this.sig = sig_; + this.ct = ct_; + }); + maskedSig = $pkg.maskedSig = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.maskedSig", true, "net/http", false, function(mask_, pat_, skipWS_, ct_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mask = sliceType$3.nil; + this.pat = sliceType$3.nil; + this.skipWS = false; + this.ct = ""; + return; + } + this.mask = mask_; + this.pat = pat_; + this.skipWS = skipWS_; + this.ct = ct_; + }); + htmlSig = $pkg.htmlSig = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "http.htmlSig", true, "net/http", false, null); + mp4Sig = $pkg.mp4Sig = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.mp4Sig", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + textSig = $pkg.textSig = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.textSig", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + Handler = $pkg.Handler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.Handler", true, "net/http", true, null); + ResponseWriter = $pkg.ResponseWriter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.ResponseWriter", true, "net/http", true, null); + conn = $pkg.conn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.conn", true, "net/http", false, function(server_, cancelCtx_, rwc_, remoteAddr_, tlsState_, werr_, r_, bufr_, bufw_, lastMethod_, curReq_, curState_, mu_, hijackedv_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.server = ptrType$46.nil; + this.cancelCtx = $throwNilPointerError; + this.rwc = $ifaceNil; + this.remoteAddr = ""; + this.tlsState = ptrType$28.nil; + this.werr = $ifaceNil; + this.r = ptrType$47.nil; + this.bufr = ptrType$29.nil; + this.bufw = ptrType$14.nil; + this.lastMethod = ""; + this.curReq = new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil); + this.curState = new structType$1.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0)); + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.hijackedv = false; + return; + } + this.server = server_; + this.cancelCtx = cancelCtx_; + this.rwc = rwc_; + this.remoteAddr = remoteAddr_; + this.tlsState = tlsState_; + this.werr = werr_; + this.r = r_; + this.bufr = bufr_; + this.bufw = bufw_; + this.lastMethod = lastMethod_; + this.curReq = curReq_; + this.curState = curState_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.hijackedv = hijackedv_; + }); + chunkWriter = $pkg.chunkWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.chunkWriter", true, "net/http", false, function(res_, header_, wroteHeader_, chunking_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.res = ptrType$49.nil; + this.header = false; + this.wroteHeader = false; + this.chunking = false; + return; + } + this.res = res_; + this.header = header_; + this.wroteHeader = wroteHeader_; + this.chunking = chunking_; + }); + response = $pkg.response = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.response", true, "net/http", false, function(conn_, req_, reqBody_, cancelCtx_, wroteHeader_, wroteContinue_, wants10KeepAlive_, wantsClose_, canWriteContinue_, writeContinueMu_, w_, cw_, handlerHeader_, calledHeader_, written_, contentLength_, status_, closeAfterReply_, requestBodyLimitHit_, trailers_, handlerDone_, dateBuf_, clenBuf_, statusBuf_, closeNotifyCh_, didCloseNotify_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.conn = ptrType$53.nil; + this.req = ptrType$11.nil; + this.reqBody = $ifaceNil; + this.cancelCtx = $throwNilPointerError; + this.wroteHeader = false; + this.wroteContinue = false; + this.wants10KeepAlive = false; + this.wantsClose = false; + this.canWriteContinue = 0; + this.writeContinueMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.w = ptrType$14.nil; + this.cw = new chunkWriter.ptr(ptrType$49.nil, false, false, false); + this.handlerHeader = false; + this.calledHeader = false; + this.written = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.contentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.status = 0; + this.closeAfterReply = false; + this.requestBodyLimitHit = false; + this.trailers = sliceType$2.nil; + this.handlerDone = 0; + this.dateBuf = arrayType$3.zero(); + this.clenBuf = arrayType$4.zero(); + this.statusBuf = arrayType$5.zero(); + this.closeNotifyCh = $chanNil; + this.didCloseNotify = 0; + return; + } + this.conn = conn_; + this.req = req_; + this.reqBody = reqBody_; + this.cancelCtx = cancelCtx_; + this.wroteHeader = wroteHeader_; + this.wroteContinue = wroteContinue_; + this.wants10KeepAlive = wants10KeepAlive_; + this.wantsClose = wantsClose_; + this.canWriteContinue = canWriteContinue_; + this.writeContinueMu = writeContinueMu_; + this.w = w_; + this.cw = cw_; + this.handlerHeader = handlerHeader_; + this.calledHeader = calledHeader_; + this.written = written_; + this.contentLength = contentLength_; + this.status = status_; + this.closeAfterReply = closeAfterReply_; + this.requestBodyLimitHit = requestBodyLimitHit_; + this.trailers = trailers_; + this.handlerDone = handlerDone_; + this.dateBuf = dateBuf_; + this.clenBuf = clenBuf_; + this.statusBuf = statusBuf_; + this.closeNotifyCh = closeNotifyCh_; + this.didCloseNotify = didCloseNotify_; + }); + atomicBool = $pkg.atomicBool = $newType(4, $kindInt32, "http.atomicBool", true, "net/http", false, null); + writerOnly = $pkg.writerOnly = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.writerOnly", true, "net/http", false, function(Writer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Writer = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Writer = Writer_; + }); + readResult = $pkg.readResult = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.readResult", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, n_, err_, b_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.n = 0; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.b = 0; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.n = n_; + this.err = err_; + this.b = b_; + }); + connReader = $pkg.connReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.connReader", true, "net/http", false, function(conn_, mu_, hasByte_, byteBuf_, cond_, inRead_, aborted_, remain_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.conn = ptrType$53.nil; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.hasByte = false; + this.byteBuf = arrayType$2.zero(); + this.cond = ptrType$48.nil; + this.inRead = false; + this.aborted = false; + this.remain = new $Int64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.conn = conn_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.hasByte = hasByte_; + this.byteBuf = byteBuf_; + this.cond = cond_; + this.inRead = inRead_; + this.aborted = aborted_; + this.remain = remain_; + }); + expectContinueReader = $pkg.expectContinueReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.expectContinueReader", true, "net/http", false, function(resp_, readCloser_, closed_, sawEOF_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.resp = ptrType$49.nil; + this.readCloser = $ifaceNil; + this.closed = 0; + this.sawEOF = 0; + return; + } + this.resp = resp_; + this.readCloser = readCloser_; + this.closed = closed_; + this.sawEOF = sawEOF_; + }); + extraHeader = $pkg.extraHeader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.extraHeader", true, "net/http", false, function(contentType_, connection_, transferEncoding_, date_, contentLength_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.contentType = ""; + this.connection = ""; + this.transferEncoding = ""; + this.date = sliceType$3.nil; + this.contentLength = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.contentType = contentType_; + this.connection = connection_; + this.transferEncoding = transferEncoding_; + this.date = date_; + this.contentLength = contentLength_; + }); + closeWriter = $pkg.closeWriter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.closeWriter", true, "net/http", false, null); + statusError = $pkg.statusError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.statusError", true, "net/http", false, function(code_, text_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.code = 0; + this.text = ""; + return; + } + this.code = code_; + this.text = text_; + }); + HandlerFunc = $pkg.HandlerFunc = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "http.HandlerFunc", true, "net/http", true, null); + redirectHandler = $pkg.redirectHandler = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.redirectHandler", true, "net/http", false, function(url_, code_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.url = ""; + this.code = 0; + return; + } + this.url = url_; + this.code = code_; + }); + ServeMux = $pkg.ServeMux = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.ServeMux", true, "net/http", true, function(mu_, m_, es_, hosts_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mu = new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.m = false; + this.es = sliceType$1.nil; + this.hosts = false; + return; + } + this.mu = mu_; + this.m = m_; + this.es = es_; + this.hosts = hosts_; + }); + muxEntry = $pkg.muxEntry = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.muxEntry", true, "net/http", false, function(h_, pattern_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.h = $ifaceNil; + this.pattern = ""; + return; + } + this.h = h_; + this.pattern = pattern_; + }); + Server = $pkg.Server = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.Server", true, "net/http", true, function(Addr_, Handler_, TLSConfig_, ReadTimeout_, ReadHeaderTimeout_, WriteTimeout_, IdleTimeout_, MaxHeaderBytes_, TLSNextProto_, ConnState_, ErrorLog_, BaseContext_, ConnContext_, inShutdown_, disableKeepAlives_, nextProtoOnce_, nextProtoErr_, mu_, listeners_, activeConn_, doneChan_, onShutdown_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Addr = ""; + this.Handler = $ifaceNil; + this.TLSConfig = ptrType$4.nil; + this.ReadTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.ReadHeaderTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.WriteTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.IdleTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.MaxHeaderBytes = 0; + this.TLSNextProto = false; + this.ConnState = $throwNilPointerError; + this.ErrorLog = ptrType$58.nil; + this.BaseContext = $throwNilPointerError; + this.ConnContext = $throwNilPointerError; + this.inShutdown = 0; + this.disableKeepAlives = 0; + this.nextProtoOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.nextProtoErr = $ifaceNil; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.listeners = false; + this.activeConn = false; + this.doneChan = $chanNil; + this.onShutdown = sliceType$19.nil; + return; + } + this.Addr = Addr_; + this.Handler = Handler_; + this.TLSConfig = TLSConfig_; + this.ReadTimeout = ReadTimeout_; + this.ReadHeaderTimeout = ReadHeaderTimeout_; + this.WriteTimeout = WriteTimeout_; + this.IdleTimeout = IdleTimeout_; + this.MaxHeaderBytes = MaxHeaderBytes_; + this.TLSNextProto = TLSNextProto_; + this.ConnState = ConnState_; + this.ErrorLog = ErrorLog_; + this.BaseContext = BaseContext_; + this.ConnContext = ConnContext_; + this.inShutdown = inShutdown_; + this.disableKeepAlives = disableKeepAlives_; + this.nextProtoOnce = nextProtoOnce_; + this.nextProtoErr = nextProtoErr_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.listeners = listeners_; + this.activeConn = activeConn_; + this.doneChan = doneChan_; + this.onShutdown = onShutdown_; + }); + ConnState = $pkg.ConnState = $newType(4, $kindInt, "http.ConnState", true, "net/http", true, null); + serverHandler = $pkg.serverHandler = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.serverHandler", true, "net/http", false, function(srv_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.srv = ptrType$46.nil; + return; + } + this.srv = srv_; + }); + onceCloseListener = $pkg.onceCloseListener = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.onceCloseListener", true, "net/http", false, function(Listener_, once_, closeErr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Listener = $ifaceNil; + this.once = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.closeErr = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Listener = Listener_; + this.once = once_; + this.closeErr = closeErr_; + }); + globalOptionsHandler = $pkg.globalOptionsHandler = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.globalOptionsHandler", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + initALPNRequest = $pkg.initALPNRequest = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.initALPNRequest", true, "net/http", false, function(ctx_, c_, h_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + this.c = ptrType$30.nil; + this.h = new serverHandler.ptr(ptrType$46.nil); + return; + } + this.ctx = ctx_; + this.c = c_; + this.h = h_; + }); + loggingConn = $pkg.loggingConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.loggingConn", true, "net/http", false, function(name_, Conn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + this.Conn = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + this.Conn = Conn_; + }); + checkConnErrorWriter = $pkg.checkConnErrorWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.checkConnErrorWriter", true, "net/http", false, function(c_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.c = ptrType$53.nil; + return; + } + this.c = c_; + }); + streamReader = $pkg.streamReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.streamReader", true, "net/http", false, function(pending_, stream_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.pending = sliceType$3.nil; + this.stream = new js.Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType.zero()); + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.pending = pending_; + this.stream = stream_; + this.err = err_; + }); + arrayReader = $pkg.arrayReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.arrayReader", true, "net/http", false, function(arrayPromise_, pending_, read_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.arrayPromise = new js.Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType.zero()); + this.pending = sliceType$3.nil; + this.read = false; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.arrayPromise = arrayPromise_; + this.pending = pending_; + this.read = read_; + this.err = err_; + }); + Response = $pkg.Response = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.Response", true, "net/http", true, function(Status_, StatusCode_, Proto_, ProtoMajor_, ProtoMinor_, Header_, Body_, ContentLength_, TransferEncoding_, Close_, Uncompressed_, Trailer_, Request_, TLS_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Status = ""; + this.StatusCode = 0; + this.Proto = ""; + this.ProtoMajor = 0; + this.ProtoMinor = 0; + this.Header = false; + this.Body = $ifaceNil; + this.ContentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.TransferEncoding = sliceType$2.nil; + this.Close = false; + this.Uncompressed = false; + this.Trailer = false; + this.Request = ptrType$11.nil; + this.TLS = ptrType$28.nil; + return; + } + this.Status = Status_; + this.StatusCode = StatusCode_; + this.Proto = Proto_; + this.ProtoMajor = ProtoMajor_; + this.ProtoMinor = ProtoMinor_; + this.Header = Header_; + this.Body = Body_; + this.ContentLength = ContentLength_; + this.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding_; + this.Close = Close_; + this.Uncompressed = Uncompressed_; + this.Trailer = Trailer_; + this.Request = Request_; + this.TLS = TLS_; + }); + ProtocolError = $pkg.ProtocolError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.ProtocolError", true, "net/http", true, function(ErrorString_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ErrorString = ""; + return; + } + this.ErrorString = ErrorString_; + }); + Request = $pkg.Request = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.Request", true, "net/http", true, function(Method_, URL_, Proto_, ProtoMajor_, ProtoMinor_, Header_, Body_, GetBody_, ContentLength_, TransferEncoding_, Close_, Host_, Form_, PostForm_, MultipartForm_, Trailer_, RemoteAddr_, RequestURI_, TLS_, Cancel_, Response_, ctx_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Method = ""; + this.URL = ptrType$17.nil; + this.Proto = ""; + this.ProtoMajor = 0; + this.ProtoMinor = 0; + this.Header = false; + this.Body = $ifaceNil; + this.GetBody = $throwNilPointerError; + this.ContentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.TransferEncoding = sliceType$2.nil; + this.Close = false; + this.Host = ""; + this.Form = false; + this.PostForm = false; + this.MultipartForm = ptrType$31.nil; + this.Trailer = false; + this.RemoteAddr = ""; + this.RequestURI = ""; + this.TLS = ptrType$28.nil; + this.Cancel = $chanNil; + this.Response = ptrType$18.nil; + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Method = Method_; + this.URL = URL_; + this.Proto = Proto_; + this.ProtoMajor = ProtoMajor_; + this.ProtoMinor = ProtoMinor_; + this.Header = Header_; + this.Body = Body_; + this.GetBody = GetBody_; + this.ContentLength = ContentLength_; + this.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding_; + this.Close = Close_; + this.Host = Host_; + this.Form = Form_; + this.PostForm = PostForm_; + this.MultipartForm = MultipartForm_; + this.Trailer = Trailer_; + this.RemoteAddr = RemoteAddr_; + this.RequestURI = RequestURI_; + this.TLS = TLS_; + this.Cancel = Cancel_; + this.Response = Response_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + }); + requestBodyReadError = $pkg.requestBodyReadError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.requestBodyReadError", true, "net/http", false, function(error_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.error = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.error = error_; + }); + maxBytesReader = $pkg.maxBytesReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.maxBytesReader", true, "net/http", false, function(w_, r_, n_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.w = $ifaceNil; + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.n = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.w = w_; + this.r = r_; + this.n = n_; + this.err = err_; + }); + incomparable = $pkg.incomparable = $newType(0, $kindArray, "http.incomparable", true, "net/http", false, null); + contextKey = $pkg.contextKey = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.contextKey", true, "net/http", false, function(name_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.name = ""; + return; + } + this.name = name_; + }); + noBody = $pkg.noBody = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.noBody", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + PushOptions = $pkg.PushOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.PushOptions", true, "net/http", true, function(Method_, Header_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Method = ""; + this.Header = false; + return; + } + this.Method = Method_; + this.Header = Header_; + }); + Header = $pkg.Header = $newType(4, $kindMap, "http.Header", true, "net/http", true, null); + stringWriter = $pkg.stringWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.stringWriter", true, "net/http", false, function(w_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.w = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.w = w_; + }); + keyValues = $pkg.keyValues = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.keyValues", true, "net/http", false, function(key_, values_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.key = ""; + this.values = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.key = key_; + this.values = values_; + }); + headerSorter = $pkg.headerSorter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.headerSorter", true, "net/http", false, function(kvs_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.kvs = sliceType$6.nil; + return; + } + this.kvs = kvs_; + }); + http2ClientConnPool = $pkg.http2ClientConnPool = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.http2ClientConnPool", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2clientConnPoolIdleCloser = $pkg.http2clientConnPoolIdleCloser = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.http2clientConnPoolIdleCloser", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2clientConnPool = $pkg.http2clientConnPool = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2clientConnPool", true, "net/http", false, function(t_, mu_, conns_, dialing_, keys_, addConnCalls_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.t = ptrType$102.nil; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.conns = false; + this.dialing = false; + this.keys = false; + this.addConnCalls = false; + return; + } + this.t = t_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.conns = conns_; + this.dialing = dialing_; + this.keys = keys_; + this.addConnCalls = addConnCalls_; + }); + http2dialCall = $pkg.http2dialCall = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2dialCall", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, p_, ctx_, done_, res_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.p = ptrType$9.nil; + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + this.done = $chanNil; + this.res = ptrType$68.nil; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.p = p_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + this.done = done_; + this.res = res_; + this.err = err_; + }); + http2addConnCall = $pkg.http2addConnCall = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2addConnCall", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, p_, done_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.p = ptrType$9.nil; + this.done = $chanNil; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.p = p_; + this.done = done_; + this.err = err_; + }); + http2noDialClientConnPool = $pkg.http2noDialClientConnPool = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2noDialClientConnPool", true, "net/http", false, function(http2clientConnPool_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2clientConnPool = ptrType$9.nil; + return; + } + this.http2clientConnPool = http2clientConnPool_; + }); + http2dataBuffer = $pkg.http2dataBuffer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2dataBuffer", true, "net/http", false, function(chunks_, r_, w_, size_, expected_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.chunks = sliceType$5.nil; + this.r = 0; + this.w = 0; + this.size = 0; + this.expected = new $Int64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.chunks = chunks_; + this.r = r_; + this.w = w_; + this.size = size_; + this.expected = expected_; + }); + http2ErrCode = $pkg.http2ErrCode = $newType(4, $kindUint32, "http.http2ErrCode", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2ConnectionError = $pkg.http2ConnectionError = $newType(4, $kindUint32, "http.http2ConnectionError", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2StreamError = $pkg.http2StreamError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2StreamError", true, "net/http", false, function(StreamID_, Code_, Cause_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.StreamID = 0; + this.Code = 0; + this.Cause = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.StreamID = StreamID_; + this.Code = Code_; + this.Cause = Cause_; + }); + http2goAwayFlowError = $pkg.http2goAwayFlowError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2goAwayFlowError", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + http2connError = $pkg.http2connError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2connError", true, "net/http", false, function(Code_, Reason_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Code = 0; + this.Reason = ""; + return; + } + this.Code = Code_; + this.Reason = Reason_; + }); + http2pseudoHeaderError = $pkg.http2pseudoHeaderError = $newType(8, $kindString, "http.http2pseudoHeaderError", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2duplicatePseudoHeaderError = $pkg.http2duplicatePseudoHeaderError = $newType(8, $kindString, "http.http2duplicatePseudoHeaderError", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2headerFieldNameError = $pkg.http2headerFieldNameError = $newType(8, $kindString, "http.http2headerFieldNameError", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2headerFieldValueError = $pkg.http2headerFieldValueError = $newType(8, $kindString, "http.http2headerFieldValueError", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2flow = $pkg.http2flow = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2flow", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, n_, conn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.n = 0; + this.conn = ptrType$71.nil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.n = n_; + this.conn = conn_; + }); + http2FrameType = $pkg.http2FrameType = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "http.http2FrameType", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2Flags = $pkg.http2Flags = $newType(1, $kindUint8, "http.http2Flags", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2FrameHeader = $pkg.http2FrameHeader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2FrameHeader", true, "net/http", false, function(valid_, Type_, Flags_, Length_, StreamID_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.valid = false; + this.Type = 0; + this.Flags = 0; + this.Length = 0; + this.StreamID = 0; + return; + } + this.valid = valid_; + this.Type = Type_; + this.Flags = Flags_; + this.Length = Length_; + this.StreamID = StreamID_; + }); + http2Frame = $pkg.http2Frame = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.http2Frame", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2Framer = $pkg.http2Framer = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2Framer", true, "net/http", false, function(r_, lastFrame_, errDetail_, countError_, lastHeaderStream_, maxReadSize_, headerBuf_, getReadBuf_, readBuf_, maxWriteSize_, w_, wbuf_, AllowIllegalWrites_, AllowIllegalReads_, ReadMetaHeaders_, MaxHeaderListSize_, logReads_, logWrites_, debugFramer_, debugFramerBuf_, debugReadLoggerf_, debugWriteLoggerf_, frameCache_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.r = $ifaceNil; + this.lastFrame = $ifaceNil; + this.errDetail = $ifaceNil; + this.countError = $throwNilPointerError; + this.lastHeaderStream = 0; + this.maxReadSize = 0; + this.headerBuf = arrayType$7.zero(); + this.getReadBuf = $throwNilPointerError; + this.readBuf = sliceType$3.nil; + this.maxWriteSize = 0; + this.w = $ifaceNil; + this.wbuf = sliceType$3.nil; + this.AllowIllegalWrites = false; + this.AllowIllegalReads = false; + this.ReadMetaHeaders = ptrType$74.nil; + this.MaxHeaderListSize = 0; + this.logReads = false; + this.logWrites = false; + this.debugFramer = ptrType$72.nil; + this.debugFramerBuf = ptrType$40.nil; + this.debugReadLoggerf = $throwNilPointerError; + this.debugWriteLoggerf = $throwNilPointerError; + this.frameCache = ptrType$73.nil; + return; + } + this.r = r_; + this.lastFrame = lastFrame_; + this.errDetail = errDetail_; + this.countError = countError_; + this.lastHeaderStream = lastHeaderStream_; + this.maxReadSize = maxReadSize_; + this.headerBuf = headerBuf_; + this.getReadBuf = getReadBuf_; + this.readBuf = readBuf_; + this.maxWriteSize = maxWriteSize_; + this.w = w_; + this.wbuf = wbuf_; + this.AllowIllegalWrites = AllowIllegalWrites_; + this.AllowIllegalReads = AllowIllegalReads_; + this.ReadMetaHeaders = ReadMetaHeaders_; + this.MaxHeaderListSize = MaxHeaderListSize_; + this.logReads = logReads_; + this.logWrites = logWrites_; + this.debugFramer = debugFramer_; + this.debugFramerBuf = debugFramerBuf_; + this.debugReadLoggerf = debugReadLoggerf_; + this.debugWriteLoggerf = debugWriteLoggerf_; + this.frameCache = frameCache_; + }); + http2frameCache = $pkg.http2frameCache = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2frameCache", true, "net/http", false, function(dataFrame_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.dataFrame = new http2DataFrame.ptr(new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0), sliceType$3.nil); + return; + } + this.dataFrame = dataFrame_; + }); + http2DataFrame = $pkg.http2DataFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2DataFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, data_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.data = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.data = data_; + }); + http2SettingsFrame = $pkg.http2SettingsFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2SettingsFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, p_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.p = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.p = p_; + }); + http2PingFrame = $pkg.http2PingFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2PingFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, Data_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.Data = arrayType$8.zero(); + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.Data = Data_; + }); + http2GoAwayFrame = $pkg.http2GoAwayFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2GoAwayFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, LastStreamID_, ErrCode_, debugData_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.LastStreamID = 0; + this.ErrCode = 0; + this.debugData = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.LastStreamID = LastStreamID_; + this.ErrCode = ErrCode_; + this.debugData = debugData_; + }); + http2UnknownFrame = $pkg.http2UnknownFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2UnknownFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, p_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.p = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.p = p_; + }); + http2WindowUpdateFrame = $pkg.http2WindowUpdateFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2WindowUpdateFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, Increment_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.Increment = 0; + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.Increment = Increment_; + }); + http2HeadersFrame = $pkg.http2HeadersFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2HeadersFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, Priority_, headerFragBuf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.Priority = new http2PriorityParam.ptr(0, false, 0); + this.headerFragBuf = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.Priority = Priority_; + this.headerFragBuf = headerFragBuf_; + }); + http2HeadersFrameParam = $pkg.http2HeadersFrameParam = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2HeadersFrameParam", true, "net/http", false, function(StreamID_, BlockFragment_, EndStream_, EndHeaders_, PadLength_, Priority_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.StreamID = 0; + this.BlockFragment = sliceType$3.nil; + this.EndStream = false; + this.EndHeaders = false; + this.PadLength = 0; + this.Priority = new http2PriorityParam.ptr(0, false, 0); + return; + } + this.StreamID = StreamID_; + this.BlockFragment = BlockFragment_; + this.EndStream = EndStream_; + this.EndHeaders = EndHeaders_; + this.PadLength = PadLength_; + this.Priority = Priority_; + }); + http2PriorityFrame = $pkg.http2PriorityFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2PriorityFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, http2PriorityParam_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.http2PriorityParam = new http2PriorityParam.ptr(0, false, 0); + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.http2PriorityParam = http2PriorityParam_; + }); + http2PriorityParam = $pkg.http2PriorityParam = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2PriorityParam", true, "net/http", false, function(StreamDep_, Exclusive_, Weight_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.StreamDep = 0; + this.Exclusive = false; + this.Weight = 0; + return; + } + this.StreamDep = StreamDep_; + this.Exclusive = Exclusive_; + this.Weight = Weight_; + }); + http2RSTStreamFrame = $pkg.http2RSTStreamFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2RSTStreamFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, ErrCode_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.ErrCode = 0; + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.ErrCode = ErrCode_; + }); + http2ContinuationFrame = $pkg.http2ContinuationFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2ContinuationFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, headerFragBuf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.headerFragBuf = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.headerFragBuf = headerFragBuf_; + }); + http2PushPromiseFrame = $pkg.http2PushPromiseFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2PushPromiseFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2FrameHeader_, PromiseID_, headerFragBuf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2FrameHeader = new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); + this.PromiseID = 0; + this.headerFragBuf = sliceType$3.nil; + return; + } + this.http2FrameHeader = http2FrameHeader_; + this.PromiseID = PromiseID_; + this.headerFragBuf = headerFragBuf_; + }); + http2PushPromiseParam = $pkg.http2PushPromiseParam = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2PushPromiseParam", true, "net/http", false, function(StreamID_, PromiseID_, BlockFragment_, EndHeaders_, PadLength_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.StreamID = 0; + this.PromiseID = 0; + this.BlockFragment = sliceType$3.nil; + this.EndHeaders = false; + this.PadLength = 0; + return; + } + this.StreamID = StreamID_; + this.PromiseID = PromiseID_; + this.BlockFragment = BlockFragment_; + this.EndHeaders = EndHeaders_; + this.PadLength = PadLength_; + }); + http2MetaHeadersFrame = $pkg.http2MetaHeadersFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2MetaHeadersFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(http2HeadersFrame_, Fields_, Truncated_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2HeadersFrame = ptrType$75.nil; + this.Fields = sliceType$22.nil; + this.Truncated = false; + return; + } + this.http2HeadersFrame = http2HeadersFrame_; + this.Fields = Fields_; + this.Truncated = Truncated_; + }); + http2goroutineLock = $pkg.http2goroutineLock = $newType(8, $kindUint64, "http.http2goroutineLock", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2streamState = $pkg.http2streamState = $newType(4, $kindInt, "http.http2streamState", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2Setting = $pkg.http2Setting = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2Setting", true, "net/http", false, function(ID_, Val_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.ID = 0; + this.Val = 0; + return; + } + this.ID = ID_; + this.Val = Val_; + }); + http2SettingID = $pkg.http2SettingID = $newType(2, $kindUint16, "http.http2SettingID", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2gate = $pkg.http2gate = $newType(4, $kindChan, "http.http2gate", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2closeWaiter = $pkg.http2closeWaiter = $newType(4, $kindChan, "http.http2closeWaiter", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2bufferedWriter = $pkg.http2bufferedWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2bufferedWriter", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, w_, bw_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.w = $ifaceNil; + this.bw = ptrType$14.nil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.w = w_; + this.bw = bw_; + }); + http2httpError = $pkg.http2httpError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2httpError", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, msg_, timeout_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.msg = ""; + this.timeout = false; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.msg = msg_; + this.timeout = timeout_; + }); + http2connectionStater = $pkg.http2connectionStater = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.http2connectionStater", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2sorter = $pkg.http2sorter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2sorter", true, "net/http", false, function(v_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.v = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.v = v_; + }); + http2incomparable = $pkg.http2incomparable = $newType(0, $kindArray, "http.http2incomparable", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2pipe = $pkg.http2pipe = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2pipe", true, "net/http", false, function(mu_, c_, b_, unread_, err_, breakErr_, donec_, readFn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.c = new sync.Cond.ptr(new sync.noCopy.ptr(), $ifaceNil, new sync.notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, $chanNil); + this.b = $ifaceNil; + this.unread = 0; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.breakErr = $ifaceNil; + this.donec = $chanNil; + this.readFn = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.mu = mu_; + this.c = c_; + this.b = b_; + this.unread = unread_; + this.err = err_; + this.breakErr = breakErr_; + this.donec = donec_; + this.readFn = readFn_; + }); + http2pipeBuffer = $pkg.http2pipeBuffer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.http2pipeBuffer", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2Server = $pkg.http2Server = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2Server", true, "net/http", false, function(MaxHandlers_, MaxConcurrentStreams_, MaxReadFrameSize_, PermitProhibitedCipherSuites_, IdleTimeout_, MaxUploadBufferPerConnection_, MaxUploadBufferPerStream_, NewWriteScheduler_, CountError_, state_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.MaxHandlers = 0; + this.MaxConcurrentStreams = 0; + this.MaxReadFrameSize = 0; + this.PermitProhibitedCipherSuites = false; + this.IdleTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.MaxUploadBufferPerConnection = 0; + this.MaxUploadBufferPerStream = 0; + this.NewWriteScheduler = $throwNilPointerError; + this.CountError = $throwNilPointerError; + this.state = ptrType$60.nil; + return; + } + this.MaxHandlers = MaxHandlers_; + this.MaxConcurrentStreams = MaxConcurrentStreams_; + this.MaxReadFrameSize = MaxReadFrameSize_; + this.PermitProhibitedCipherSuites = PermitProhibitedCipherSuites_; + this.IdleTimeout = IdleTimeout_; + this.MaxUploadBufferPerConnection = MaxUploadBufferPerConnection_; + this.MaxUploadBufferPerStream = MaxUploadBufferPerStream_; + this.NewWriteScheduler = NewWriteScheduler_; + this.CountError = CountError_; + this.state = state_; + }); + http2serverInternalState = $pkg.http2serverInternalState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2serverInternalState", true, "net/http", false, function(mu_, activeConns_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.activeConns = false; + return; + } + this.mu = mu_; + this.activeConns = activeConns_; + }); + http2ServeConnOpts = $pkg.http2ServeConnOpts = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2ServeConnOpts", true, "net/http", false, function(Context_, BaseConfig_, Handler_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Context = $ifaceNil; + this.BaseConfig = ptrType$46.nil; + this.Handler = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.Context = Context_; + this.BaseConfig = BaseConfig_; + this.Handler = Handler_; + }); + http2serverConn = $pkg.http2serverConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2serverConn", true, "net/http", false, function(srv_, hs_, conn_, bw_, handler_, baseCtx_, framer_, doneServing_, readFrameCh_, wantWriteFrameCh_, wroteFrameCh_, bodyReadCh_, serveMsgCh_, flow_, inflow_, tlsState_, remoteAddrStr_, writeSched_, serveG_, pushEnabled_, sawFirstSettings_, needToSendSettingsAck_, unackedSettings_, queuedControlFrames_, clientMaxStreams_, advMaxStreams_, curClientStreams_, curPushedStreams_, maxClientStreamID_, maxPushPromiseID_, streams_, initialStreamSendWindowSize_, maxFrameSize_, headerTableSize_, peerMaxHeaderListSize_, canonHeader_, writingFrame_, writingFrameAsync_, needsFrameFlush_, inGoAway_, inFrameScheduleLoop_, needToSendGoAway_, goAwayCode_, shutdownTimer_, idleTimer_, headerWriteBuf_, hpackEncoder_, shutdownOnce_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.srv = ptrType$86.nil; + this.hs = ptrType$46.nil; + this.conn = $ifaceNil; + this.bw = ptrType$88.nil; + this.handler = $ifaceNil; + this.baseCtx = $ifaceNil; + this.framer = ptrType$72.nil; + this.doneServing = $chanNil; + this.readFrameCh = $chanNil; + this.wantWriteFrameCh = $chanNil; + this.wroteFrameCh = $chanNil; + this.bodyReadCh = $chanNil; + this.serveMsgCh = $chanNil; + this.flow = new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil); + this.inflow = new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil); + this.tlsState = ptrType$28.nil; + this.remoteAddrStr = ""; + this.writeSched = $ifaceNil; + this.serveG = new http2goroutineLock(0, 0); + this.pushEnabled = false; + this.sawFirstSettings = false; + this.needToSendSettingsAck = false; + this.unackedSettings = 0; + this.queuedControlFrames = 0; + this.clientMaxStreams = 0; + this.advMaxStreams = 0; + this.curClientStreams = 0; + this.curPushedStreams = 0; + this.maxClientStreamID = 0; + this.maxPushPromiseID = 0; + this.streams = false; + this.initialStreamSendWindowSize = 0; + this.maxFrameSize = 0; + this.headerTableSize = 0; + this.peerMaxHeaderListSize = 0; + this.canonHeader = false; + this.writingFrame = false; + this.writingFrameAsync = false; + this.needsFrameFlush = false; + this.inGoAway = false; + this.inFrameScheduleLoop = false; + this.needToSendGoAway = false; + this.goAwayCode = 0; + this.shutdownTimer = ptrType$25.nil; + this.idleTimer = ptrType$25.nil; + this.headerWriteBuf = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, 0, 0); + this.hpackEncoder = ptrType$89.nil; + this.shutdownOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + return; + } + this.srv = srv_; + this.hs = hs_; + this.conn = conn_; + this.bw = bw_; + this.handler = handler_; + this.baseCtx = baseCtx_; + this.framer = framer_; + this.doneServing = doneServing_; + this.readFrameCh = readFrameCh_; + this.wantWriteFrameCh = wantWriteFrameCh_; + this.wroteFrameCh = wroteFrameCh_; + this.bodyReadCh = bodyReadCh_; + this.serveMsgCh = serveMsgCh_; + this.flow = flow_; + this.inflow = inflow_; + this.tlsState = tlsState_; + this.remoteAddrStr = remoteAddrStr_; + this.writeSched = writeSched_; + this.serveG = serveG_; + this.pushEnabled = pushEnabled_; + this.sawFirstSettings = sawFirstSettings_; + this.needToSendSettingsAck = needToSendSettingsAck_; + this.unackedSettings = unackedSettings_; + this.queuedControlFrames = queuedControlFrames_; + this.clientMaxStreams = clientMaxStreams_; + this.advMaxStreams = advMaxStreams_; + this.curClientStreams = curClientStreams_; + this.curPushedStreams = curPushedStreams_; + this.maxClientStreamID = maxClientStreamID_; + this.maxPushPromiseID = maxPushPromiseID_; + this.streams = streams_; + this.initialStreamSendWindowSize = initialStreamSendWindowSize_; + this.maxFrameSize = maxFrameSize_; + this.headerTableSize = headerTableSize_; + this.peerMaxHeaderListSize = peerMaxHeaderListSize_; + this.canonHeader = canonHeader_; + this.writingFrame = writingFrame_; + this.writingFrameAsync = writingFrameAsync_; + this.needsFrameFlush = needsFrameFlush_; + this.inGoAway = inGoAway_; + this.inFrameScheduleLoop = inFrameScheduleLoop_; + this.needToSendGoAway = needToSendGoAway_; + this.goAwayCode = goAwayCode_; + this.shutdownTimer = shutdownTimer_; + this.idleTimer = idleTimer_; + this.headerWriteBuf = headerWriteBuf_; + this.hpackEncoder = hpackEncoder_; + this.shutdownOnce = shutdownOnce_; + }); + http2stream = $pkg.http2stream = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2stream", true, "net/http", false, function(sc_, id_, body_, cw_, ctx_, cancelCtx_, bodyBytes_, declBodyBytes_, flow_, inflow_, state_, resetQueued_, gotTrailerHeader_, wroteHeaders_, writeDeadline_, trailer_, reqTrailer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.sc = ptrType$13.nil; + this.id = 0; + this.body = ptrType$97.nil; + this.cw = $chanNil; + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + this.cancelCtx = $throwNilPointerError; + this.bodyBytes = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.declBodyBytes = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.flow = new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil); + this.inflow = new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil); + this.state = 0; + this.resetQueued = false; + this.gotTrailerHeader = false; + this.wroteHeaders = false; + this.writeDeadline = ptrType$25.nil; + this.trailer = false; + this.reqTrailer = false; + return; + } + this.sc = sc_; + this.id = id_; + this.body = body_; + this.cw = cw_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + this.cancelCtx = cancelCtx_; + this.bodyBytes = bodyBytes_; + this.declBodyBytes = declBodyBytes_; + this.flow = flow_; + this.inflow = inflow_; + this.state = state_; + this.resetQueued = resetQueued_; + this.gotTrailerHeader = gotTrailerHeader_; + this.wroteHeaders = wroteHeaders_; + this.writeDeadline = writeDeadline_; + this.trailer = trailer_; + this.reqTrailer = reqTrailer_; + }); + http2readFrameResult = $pkg.http2readFrameResult = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2readFrameResult", true, "net/http", false, function(f_, err_, readMore_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.f = $ifaceNil; + this.err = $ifaceNil; + this.readMore = $throwNilPointerError; + return; + } + this.f = f_; + this.err = err_; + this.readMore = readMore_; + }); + http2frameWriteResult = $pkg.http2frameWriteResult = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2frameWriteResult", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, wr_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.wr = new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil); + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.wr = wr_; + this.err = err_; + }); + http2serverMessage = $pkg.http2serverMessage = $newType(4, $kindInt, "http.http2serverMessage", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2requestParam = $pkg.http2requestParam = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2requestParam", true, "net/http", false, function(method_, scheme_, authority_, path_, header_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.method = ""; + this.scheme = ""; + this.authority = ""; + this.path = ""; + this.header = false; + return; + } + this.method = method_; + this.scheme = scheme_; + this.authority = authority_; + this.path = path_; + this.header = header_; + }); + http2bodyReadMsg = $pkg.http2bodyReadMsg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2bodyReadMsg", true, "net/http", false, function(st_, n_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.st = ptrType$10.nil; + this.n = 0; + return; + } + this.st = st_; + this.n = n_; + }); + http2requestBody = $pkg.http2requestBody = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2requestBody", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, stream_, conn_, closed_, sawEOF_, pipe_, needsContinue_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.stream = ptrType$10.nil; + this.conn = ptrType$13.nil; + this.closed = false; + this.sawEOF = false; + this.pipe = ptrType$97.nil; + this.needsContinue = false; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.stream = stream_; + this.conn = conn_; + this.closed = closed_; + this.sawEOF = sawEOF_; + this.pipe = pipe_; + this.needsContinue = needsContinue_; + }); + http2responseWriter = $pkg.http2responseWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2responseWriter", true, "net/http", false, function(rws_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rws = ptrType$99.nil; + return; + } + this.rws = rws_; + }); + http2responseWriterState = $pkg.http2responseWriterState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2responseWriterState", true, "net/http", false, function(stream_, req_, body_, conn_, bw_, handlerHeader_, snapHeader_, trailers_, status_, wroteHeader_, sentHeader_, handlerDone_, dirty_, sentContentLen_, wroteBytes_, closeNotifierMu_, closeNotifierCh_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.stream = ptrType$10.nil; + this.req = ptrType$11.nil; + this.body = ptrType$12.nil; + this.conn = ptrType$13.nil; + this.bw = ptrType$14.nil; + this.handlerHeader = false; + this.snapHeader = false; + this.trailers = sliceType$2.nil; + this.status = 0; + this.wroteHeader = false; + this.sentHeader = false; + this.handlerDone = false; + this.dirty = false; + this.sentContentLen = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.wroteBytes = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.closeNotifierMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.closeNotifierCh = $chanNil; + return; + } + this.stream = stream_; + this.req = req_; + this.body = body_; + this.conn = conn_; + this.bw = bw_; + this.handlerHeader = handlerHeader_; + this.snapHeader = snapHeader_; + this.trailers = trailers_; + this.status = status_; + this.wroteHeader = wroteHeader_; + this.sentHeader = sentHeader_; + this.handlerDone = handlerDone_; + this.dirty = dirty_; + this.sentContentLen = sentContentLen_; + this.wroteBytes = wroteBytes_; + this.closeNotifierMu = closeNotifierMu_; + this.closeNotifierCh = closeNotifierCh_; + }); + http2chunkWriter = $pkg.http2chunkWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2chunkWriter", true, "net/http", false, function(rws_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.rws = ptrType$99.nil; + return; + } + this.rws = rws_; + }); + http2startPushRequest = $pkg.http2startPushRequest = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2startPushRequest", true, "net/http", false, function(parent_, method_, url_, header_, done_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.parent = ptrType$10.nil; + this.method = ""; + this.url = ptrType$17.nil; + this.header = false; + this.done = $chanNil; + return; + } + this.parent = parent_; + this.method = method_; + this.url = url_; + this.header = header_; + this.done = done_; + }); + http2Transport = $pkg.http2Transport = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2Transport", true, "net/http", false, function(DialTLS_, TLSClientConfig_, ConnPool_, DisableCompression_, AllowHTTP_, MaxHeaderListSize_, StrictMaxConcurrentStreams_, ReadIdleTimeout_, PingTimeout_, WriteByteTimeout_, CountError_, t1_, connPoolOnce_, connPoolOrDef_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.DialTLS = $throwNilPointerError; + this.TLSClientConfig = ptrType$4.nil; + this.ConnPool = $ifaceNil; + this.DisableCompression = false; + this.AllowHTTP = false; + this.MaxHeaderListSize = 0; + this.StrictMaxConcurrentStreams = false; + this.ReadIdleTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.PingTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.WriteByteTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.CountError = $throwNilPointerError; + this.t1 = ptrType$27.nil; + this.connPoolOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.connPoolOrDef = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.DialTLS = DialTLS_; + this.TLSClientConfig = TLSClientConfig_; + this.ConnPool = ConnPool_; + this.DisableCompression = DisableCompression_; + this.AllowHTTP = AllowHTTP_; + this.MaxHeaderListSize = MaxHeaderListSize_; + this.StrictMaxConcurrentStreams = StrictMaxConcurrentStreams_; + this.ReadIdleTimeout = ReadIdleTimeout_; + this.PingTimeout = PingTimeout_; + this.WriteByteTimeout = WriteByteTimeout_; + this.CountError = CountError_; + this.t1 = t1_; + this.connPoolOnce = connPoolOnce_; + this.connPoolOrDef = connPoolOrDef_; + }); + http2ClientConn = $pkg.http2ClientConn = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2ClientConn", true, "net/http", false, function(t_, tconn_, tlsState_, reused_, singleUse_, getConnCalled_, readerDone_, readerErr_, idleTimeout_, idleTimer_, mu_, cond_, flow_, inflow_, doNotReuse_, closing_, closed_, seenSettings_, wantSettingsAck_, goAway_, goAwayDebug_, streams_, streamsReserved_, nextStreamID_, pendingRequests_, pings_, br_, lastActive_, lastIdle_, maxFrameSize_, maxConcurrentStreams_, peerMaxHeaderListSize_, initialWindowSize_, reqHeaderMu_, wmu_, bw_, fr_, werr_, hbuf_, henc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.t = ptrType$102.nil; + this.tconn = $ifaceNil; + this.tlsState = ptrType$28.nil; + this.reused = 0; + this.singleUse = false; + this.getConnCalled = false; + this.readerDone = $chanNil; + this.readerErr = $ifaceNil; + this.idleTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.idleTimer = ptrType$25.nil; + this.mu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.cond = ptrType$48.nil; + this.flow = new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil); + this.inflow = new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil); + this.doNotReuse = false; + this.closing = false; + this.closed = false; + this.seenSettings = false; + this.wantSettingsAck = false; + this.goAway = ptrType$82.nil; + this.goAwayDebug = ""; + this.streams = false; + this.streamsReserved = 0; + this.nextStreamID = 0; + this.pendingRequests = 0; + this.pings = false; + this.br = ptrType$29.nil; + this.lastActive = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + this.lastIdle = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + this.maxFrameSize = 0; + this.maxConcurrentStreams = 0; + this.peerMaxHeaderListSize = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.initialWindowSize = 0; + this.reqHeaderMu = $chanNil; + this.wmu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + this.bw = ptrType$14.nil; + this.fr = ptrType$72.nil; + this.werr = $ifaceNil; + this.hbuf = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, 0, 0); + this.henc = ptrType$89.nil; + return; + } + this.t = t_; + this.tconn = tconn_; + this.tlsState = tlsState_; + this.reused = reused_; + this.singleUse = singleUse_; + this.getConnCalled = getConnCalled_; + this.readerDone = readerDone_; + this.readerErr = readerErr_; + this.idleTimeout = idleTimeout_; + this.idleTimer = idleTimer_; + this.mu = mu_; + this.cond = cond_; + this.flow = flow_; + this.inflow = inflow_; + this.doNotReuse = doNotReuse_; + this.closing = closing_; + this.closed = closed_; + this.seenSettings = seenSettings_; + this.wantSettingsAck = wantSettingsAck_; + this.goAway = goAway_; + this.goAwayDebug = goAwayDebug_; + this.streams = streams_; + this.streamsReserved = streamsReserved_; + this.nextStreamID = nextStreamID_; + this.pendingRequests = pendingRequests_; + this.pings = pings_; + this.br = br_; + this.lastActive = lastActive_; + this.lastIdle = lastIdle_; + this.maxFrameSize = maxFrameSize_; + this.maxConcurrentStreams = maxConcurrentStreams_; + this.peerMaxHeaderListSize = peerMaxHeaderListSize_; + this.initialWindowSize = initialWindowSize_; + this.reqHeaderMu = reqHeaderMu_; + this.wmu = wmu_; + this.bw = bw_; + this.fr = fr_; + this.werr = werr_; + this.hbuf = hbuf_; + this.henc = henc_; + }); + http2clientStream = $pkg.http2clientStream = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2clientStream", true, "net/http", false, function(cc_, ctx_, reqCancel_, trace_, ID_, bufPipe_, requestedGzip_, isHead_, abortOnce_, abort_, abortErr_, peerClosed_, donec_, on100_, respHeaderRecv_, res_, flow_, inflow_, bytesRemain_, readErr_, reqBody_, reqBodyContentLength_, reqBodyClosed_, sentEndStream_, sentHeaders_, firstByte_, pastHeaders_, pastTrailers_, num1xx_, readClosed_, readAborted_, trailer_, resTrailer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.cc = ptrType$68.nil; + this.ctx = $ifaceNil; + this.reqCancel = $chanNil; + this.trace = ptrType$19.nil; + this.ID = 0; + this.bufPipe = new http2pipe.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new sync.Cond.ptr(new sync.noCopy.ptr(), $ifaceNil, new sync.notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, $chanNil), $ifaceNil, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $chanNil, $throwNilPointerError); + this.requestedGzip = false; + this.isHead = false; + this.abortOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + this.abort = $chanNil; + this.abortErr = $ifaceNil; + this.peerClosed = $chanNil; + this.donec = $chanNil; + this.on100 = $chanNil; + this.respHeaderRecv = $chanNil; + this.res = ptrType$18.nil; + this.flow = new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil); + this.inflow = new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil); + this.bytesRemain = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.readErr = $ifaceNil; + this.reqBody = $ifaceNil; + this.reqBodyContentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.reqBodyClosed = false; + this.sentEndStream = false; + this.sentHeaders = false; + this.firstByte = false; + this.pastHeaders = false; + this.pastTrailers = false; + this.num1xx = 0; + this.readClosed = false; + this.readAborted = false; + this.trailer = false; + this.resTrailer = ptrType$38.nil; + return; + } + this.cc = cc_; + this.ctx = ctx_; + this.reqCancel = reqCancel_; + this.trace = trace_; + this.ID = ID_; + this.bufPipe = bufPipe_; + this.requestedGzip = requestedGzip_; + this.isHead = isHead_; + this.abortOnce = abortOnce_; + this.abort = abort_; + this.abortErr = abortErr_; + this.peerClosed = peerClosed_; + this.donec = donec_; + this.on100 = on100_; + this.respHeaderRecv = respHeaderRecv_; + this.res = res_; + this.flow = flow_; + this.inflow = inflow_; + this.bytesRemain = bytesRemain_; + this.readErr = readErr_; + this.reqBody = reqBody_; + this.reqBodyContentLength = reqBodyContentLength_; + this.reqBodyClosed = reqBodyClosed_; + this.sentEndStream = sentEndStream_; + this.sentHeaders = sentHeaders_; + this.firstByte = firstByte_; + this.pastHeaders = pastHeaders_; + this.pastTrailers = pastTrailers_; + this.num1xx = num1xx_; + this.readClosed = readClosed_; + this.readAborted = readAborted_; + this.trailer = trailer_; + this.resTrailer = resTrailer_; + }); + http2stickyErrWriter = $pkg.http2stickyErrWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2stickyErrWriter", true, "net/http", false, function(conn_, timeout_, err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.conn = $ifaceNil; + this.timeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + this.err = ptrType$85.nil; + return; + } + this.conn = conn_; + this.timeout = timeout_; + this.err = err_; + }); + http2noCachedConnError = $pkg.http2noCachedConnError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2noCachedConnError", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + http2RoundTripOpt = $pkg.http2RoundTripOpt = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2RoundTripOpt", true, "net/http", false, function(OnlyCachedConn_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.OnlyCachedConn = false; + return; + } + this.OnlyCachedConn = OnlyCachedConn_; + }); + http2ClientConnState = $pkg.http2ClientConnState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2ClientConnState", true, "net/http", false, function(Closed_, Closing_, StreamsActive_, StreamsReserved_, StreamsPending_, MaxConcurrentStreams_, LastIdle_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Closed = false; + this.Closing = false; + this.StreamsActive = 0; + this.StreamsReserved = 0; + this.StreamsPending = 0; + this.MaxConcurrentStreams = 0; + this.LastIdle = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + return; + } + this.Closed = Closed_; + this.Closing = Closing_; + this.StreamsActive = StreamsActive_; + this.StreamsReserved = StreamsReserved_; + this.StreamsPending = StreamsPending_; + this.MaxConcurrentStreams = MaxConcurrentStreams_; + this.LastIdle = LastIdle_; + }); + http2clientConnIdleState = $pkg.http2clientConnIdleState = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2clientConnIdleState", true, "net/http", false, function(canTakeNewRequest_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.canTakeNewRequest = false; + return; + } + this.canTakeNewRequest = canTakeNewRequest_; + }); + http2clientConnReadLoop = $pkg.http2clientConnReadLoop = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2clientConnReadLoop", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, cc_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.cc = ptrType$68.nil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.cc = cc_; + }); + http2GoAwayError = $pkg.http2GoAwayError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2GoAwayError", true, "net/http", false, function(LastStreamID_, ErrCode_, DebugData_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.LastStreamID = 0; + this.ErrCode = 0; + this.DebugData = ""; + return; + } + this.LastStreamID = LastStreamID_; + this.ErrCode = ErrCode_; + this.DebugData = DebugData_; + }); + http2transportResponseBody = $pkg.http2transportResponseBody = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2transportResponseBody", true, "net/http", false, function(cs_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.cs = ptrType$104.nil; + return; + } + this.cs = cs_; + }); + http2missingBody = $pkg.http2missingBody = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2missingBody", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + http2erringRoundTripper = $pkg.http2erringRoundTripper = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2erringRoundTripper", true, "net/http", false, function(err_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.err = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.err = err_; + }); + http2gzipReader = $pkg.http2gzipReader = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2gzipReader", true, "net/http", false, function(_$0_, body_, zr_, zerr_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this._$0 = arrayType.zero(); + this.body = $ifaceNil; + this.zr = ptrType$33.nil; + this.zerr = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this._$0 = _$0_; + this.body = body_; + this.zr = zr_; + this.zerr = zerr_; + }); + http2noDialH2RoundTripper = $pkg.http2noDialH2RoundTripper = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2noDialH2RoundTripper", true, "net/http", false, function(http2Transport_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.http2Transport = ptrType$102.nil; + return; + } + this.http2Transport = http2Transport_; + }); + http2writeFramer = $pkg.http2writeFramer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.http2writeFramer", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2writeContext = $pkg.http2writeContext = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.http2writeContext", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2flushFrameWriter = $pkg.http2flushFrameWriter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2flushFrameWriter", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + http2writeSettings = $pkg.http2writeSettings = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "http.http2writeSettings", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2writeGoAway = $pkg.http2writeGoAway = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2writeGoAway", true, "net/http", false, function(maxStreamID_, code_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.maxStreamID = 0; + this.code = 0; + return; + } + this.maxStreamID = maxStreamID_; + this.code = code_; + }); + http2writeData = $pkg.http2writeData = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2writeData", true, "net/http", false, function(streamID_, p_, endStream_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.streamID = 0; + this.p = sliceType$3.nil; + this.endStream = false; + return; + } + this.streamID = streamID_; + this.p = p_; + this.endStream = endStream_; + }); + http2handlerPanicRST = $pkg.http2handlerPanicRST = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2handlerPanicRST", true, "net/http", false, function(StreamID_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.StreamID = 0; + return; + } + this.StreamID = StreamID_; + }); + http2writePingAck = $pkg.http2writePingAck = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2writePingAck", true, "net/http", false, function(pf_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.pf = ptrType$81.nil; + return; + } + this.pf = pf_; + }); + http2writeSettingsAck = $pkg.http2writeSettingsAck = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2writeSettingsAck", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + http2writeResHeaders = $pkg.http2writeResHeaders = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2writeResHeaders", true, "net/http", false, function(streamID_, httpResCode_, h_, trailers_, endStream_, date_, contentType_, contentLength_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.streamID = 0; + this.httpResCode = 0; + this.h = false; + this.trailers = sliceType$2.nil; + this.endStream = false; + this.date = ""; + this.contentType = ""; + this.contentLength = ""; + return; + } + this.streamID = streamID_; + this.httpResCode = httpResCode_; + this.h = h_; + this.trailers = trailers_; + this.endStream = endStream_; + this.date = date_; + this.contentType = contentType_; + this.contentLength = contentLength_; + }); + http2writePushPromise = $pkg.http2writePushPromise = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2writePushPromise", true, "net/http", false, function(streamID_, method_, url_, h_, allocatePromisedID_, promisedID_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.streamID = 0; + this.method = ""; + this.url = ptrType$17.nil; + this.h = false; + this.allocatePromisedID = $throwNilPointerError; + this.promisedID = 0; + return; + } + this.streamID = streamID_; + this.method = method_; + this.url = url_; + this.h = h_; + this.allocatePromisedID = allocatePromisedID_; + this.promisedID = promisedID_; + }); + http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame = $pkg.http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame", true, "net/http", false, function(streamID_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.streamID = 0; + return; + } + this.streamID = streamID_; + }); + http2writeWindowUpdate = $pkg.http2writeWindowUpdate = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2writeWindowUpdate", true, "net/http", false, function(streamID_, n_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.streamID = 0; + this.n = 0; + return; + } + this.streamID = streamID_; + this.n = n_; + }); + http2WriteScheduler = $pkg.http2WriteScheduler = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.http2WriteScheduler", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2OpenStreamOptions = $pkg.http2OpenStreamOptions = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2OpenStreamOptions", true, "net/http", false, function(PusherID_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.PusherID = 0; + return; + } + this.PusherID = PusherID_; + }); + http2FrameWriteRequest = $pkg.http2FrameWriteRequest = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2FrameWriteRequest", true, "net/http", false, function(write_, stream_, done_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.write = $ifaceNil; + this.stream = ptrType$10.nil; + this.done = $chanNil; + return; + } + this.write = write_; + this.stream = stream_; + this.done = done_; + }); + http2writeQueue = $pkg.http2writeQueue = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2writeQueue", true, "net/http", false, function(s_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.s = sliceType$24.nil; + return; + } + this.s = s_; + }); + http2writeQueuePool = $pkg.http2writeQueuePool = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "http.http2writeQueuePool", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig = $pkg.http2PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig", true, "net/http", false, function(MaxClosedNodesInTree_, MaxIdleNodesInTree_, ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.MaxClosedNodesInTree = 0; + this.MaxIdleNodesInTree = 0; + this.ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites = false; + return; + } + this.MaxClosedNodesInTree = MaxClosedNodesInTree_; + this.MaxIdleNodesInTree = MaxIdleNodesInTree_; + this.ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites = ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites_; + }); + http2priorityNodeState = $pkg.http2priorityNodeState = $newType(4, $kindInt, "http.http2priorityNodeState", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2priorityNode = $pkg.http2priorityNode = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2priorityNode", true, "net/http", false, function(q_, id_, weight_, state_, bytes_, subtreeBytes_, parent_, kids_, prev_, next_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.q = new http2writeQueue.ptr(sliceType$24.nil); + this.id = 0; + this.weight = 0; + this.state = 0; + this.bytes = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.subtreeBytes = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.parent = ptrType$106.nil; + this.kids = ptrType$106.nil; + this.prev = ptrType$106.nil; + this.next = ptrType$106.nil; + return; + } + this.q = q_; + this.id = id_; + this.weight = weight_; + this.state = state_; + this.bytes = bytes_; + this.subtreeBytes = subtreeBytes_; + this.parent = parent_; + this.kids = kids_; + this.prev = prev_; + this.next = next_; + }); + http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings = $pkg.http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "http.http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings", true, "net/http", false, null); + http2priorityWriteScheduler = $pkg.http2priorityWriteScheduler = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2priorityWriteScheduler", true, "net/http", false, function(root_, nodes_, maxID_, closedNodes_, idleNodes_, maxClosedNodesInTree_, maxIdleNodesInTree_, writeThrottleLimit_, enableWriteThrottle_, tmp_, queuePool_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.root = new http2priorityNode.ptr(new http2writeQueue.ptr(sliceType$24.nil), 0, 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil); + this.nodes = false; + this.maxID = 0; + this.closedNodes = sliceType$25.nil; + this.idleNodes = sliceType$25.nil; + this.maxClosedNodesInTree = 0; + this.maxIdleNodesInTree = 0; + this.writeThrottleLimit = 0; + this.enableWriteThrottle = false; + this.tmp = sliceType$25.nil; + this.queuePool = http2writeQueuePool.nil; + return; + } + this.root = root_; + this.nodes = nodes_; + this.maxID = maxID_; + this.closedNodes = closedNodes_; + this.idleNodes = idleNodes_; + this.maxClosedNodesInTree = maxClosedNodesInTree_; + this.maxIdleNodesInTree = maxIdleNodesInTree_; + this.writeThrottleLimit = writeThrottleLimit_; + this.enableWriteThrottle = enableWriteThrottle_; + this.tmp = tmp_; + this.queuePool = queuePool_; + }); + http2randomWriteScheduler = $pkg.http2randomWriteScheduler = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.http2randomWriteScheduler", true, "net/http", false, function(zero_, sq_, queuePool_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.zero = new http2writeQueue.ptr(sliceType$24.nil); + this.sq = false; + this.queuePool = http2writeQueuePool.nil; + return; + } + this.zero = zero_; + this.sq = sq_; + this.queuePool = queuePool_; + }); + Cookie = $pkg.Cookie = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.Cookie", true, "net/http", true, function(Name_, Value_, Path_, Domain_, Expires_, RawExpires_, MaxAge_, Secure_, HttpOnly_, SameSite_, Raw_, Unparsed_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Name = ""; + this.Value = ""; + this.Path = ""; + this.Domain = ""; + this.Expires = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + this.RawExpires = ""; + this.MaxAge = 0; + this.Secure = false; + this.HttpOnly = false; + this.SameSite = 0; + this.Raw = ""; + this.Unparsed = sliceType$2.nil; + return; + } + this.Name = Name_; + this.Value = Value_; + this.Path = Path_; + this.Domain = Domain_; + this.Expires = Expires_; + this.RawExpires = RawExpires_; + this.MaxAge = MaxAge_; + this.Secure = Secure_; + this.HttpOnly = HttpOnly_; + this.SameSite = SameSite_; + this.Raw = Raw_; + this.Unparsed = Unparsed_; + }); + SameSite = $pkg.SameSite = $newType(4, $kindInt, "http.SameSite", true, "net/http", true, null); + RoundTripper = $pkg.RoundTripper = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.RoundTripper", true, "net/http", true, null); + noTransport = $pkg.noTransport = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.noTransport", true, "net/http", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + XHRTransport = $pkg.XHRTransport = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "http.XHRTransport", true, "net/http", true, function(inflight_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.inflight = false; + return; + } + this.inflight = inflight_; + }); + requestTooLarger = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.requestTooLarger", true, "net/http", false, null); + baseContexter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.baseContexter", true, "net/http", false, null); + I = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "http.I", true, "net/http", true, null); + ptrType = $ptrType(time.Location); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(net.Resolver); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(muxEntry); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(sync.Mutex); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(list.List); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(tls.Config); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(sniffSig); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(sliceType$3); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(sliceType$3); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(keyValues); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(http2clientConnPool); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType($Int); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(http2stream); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(Request); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(http2requestBody); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(http2serverConn); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType(bufio.Writer); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(http2serverMessage); + chanType = $chanType($error, false, false); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType(http2responseWriter); + mapType = $mapType($String, RoundTripper); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType(url.URL); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(Response); + ptrType$19 = $ptrType(httptrace.ClientTrace); + ptrType$20 = $ptrType(readTrackingBody); + ptrType$21 = $ptrType(url.Userinfo); + ptrType$22 = $ptrType(persistConn); + ptrType$23 = $ptrType(list.Element); + ptrType$24 = $ptrType(wantConn); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType(ptrType$24); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType(ptrType$22); + ptrType$25 = $ptrType(time.Timer); + structType = $structType("", []); + ptrType$26 = $ptrType($packages["crypto/x509"].Certificate); + sliceType$10 = $sliceType(ptrType$26); + sliceType$11 = $sliceType(sliceType$10); + ptrType$27 = $ptrType(Transport); + ptrType$28 = $ptrType(tls.ConnectionState); + ptrType$29 = $ptrType(bufio.Reader); + ptrType$30 = $ptrType(tls.Conn); + sliceType$12 = $sliceType(socksAuthMethod); + ptrType$31 = $ptrType(multipart.Form); + ptrType$32 = $ptrType(bodyEOFSignal); + ptrType$33 = $ptrType(gzip.Reader); + funcType$1 = $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true); + sliceType$13 = $sliceType(tls.Certificate); + ptrType$34 = $ptrType($packages["crypto/x509"].CertPool); + sliceType$14 = $sliceType($Uint16); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 32); + sliceType$15 = $sliceType(tls.CurveID); + sliceType$16 = $sliceType(tls.ticketKey); + ptrType$35 = $ptrType(transferWriter); + arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 1); + sliceType$17 = $sliceType(io.Reader); + ptrType$36 = $ptrType(unsupportedTEError); + ptrType$37 = $ptrType(io.LimitedReader); + ptrType$38 = $ptrType(Header); + ptrType$39 = $ptrType(bytes.Reader); + ptrType$40 = $ptrType(bytes.Buffer); + ptrType$41 = $ptrType(strings.Reader); + ptrType$42 = $ptrType(socksAddr); + ptrType$43 = $ptrType(socksConn); + ptrType$44 = $ptrType(bufio.ReadWriter); + ptrType$45 = $ptrType($Int32); + ptrType$46 = $ptrType(Server); + ptrType$47 = $ptrType(connReader); + structType$1 = $structType("net/http", [{prop: "atomic", name: "atomic", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}]); + ptrType$48 = $ptrType(sync.Cond); + ptrType$49 = $ptrType(response); + ptrType$50 = $ptrType(sync.Pool); + ptrType$51 = $ptrType(atomicBool); + ptrType$52 = $ptrType(body); + ptrType$53 = $ptrType(conn); + arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 29); + arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 10); + arrayType$5 = $arrayType($Uint8, 3); + sliceType$18 = $sliceType($Uintptr); + ptrType$54 = $ptrType(runtime.Func); + ptrType$55 = $ptrType(expectContinueReader); + ptrType$56 = $ptrType($Uint64); + ptrType$57 = $ptrType(net.OpError); + arrayType$6 = $arrayType($Uint8, 5); + ptrType$58 = $ptrType(log.Logger); + sliceType$19 = $sliceType(funcType); + ptrType$59 = $ptrType(net.Listener); + ptrType$60 = $ptrType(http2serverInternalState); + ptrType$61 = $ptrType(http2PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig); + structType$2 = $structType("", [{prop: "Reader", name: "Reader", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "Closer", name: "Closer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: io.Closer, tag: ""}]); + ptrType$62 = $ptrType(Cookie); + ptrType$63 = $ptrType(multipart.Reader); + ptrType$64 = $ptrType(textproto.Reader); + ptrType$65 = $ptrType(maxBytesReader); + ptrType$66 = $ptrType(multipart.FileHeader); + sliceType$20 = $sliceType(ptrType$66); + ptrType$67 = $ptrType(headerSorter); + ptrType$68 = $ptrType(http2ClientConn); + sliceType$21 = $sliceType(ptrType$68); + ptrType$69 = $ptrType(http2dialCall); + ptrType$70 = $ptrType(http2addConnCall); + ptrType$71 = $ptrType(http2flow); + ptrType$72 = $ptrType(http2Framer); + ptrType$73 = $ptrType(http2frameCache); + arrayType$7 = $arrayType($Uint8, 9); + ptrType$74 = $ptrType(hpack.Decoder); + ptrType$75 = $ptrType(http2HeadersFrame); + arrayType$8 = $arrayType($Uint8, 8); + sliceType$22 = $sliceType(hpack.HeaderField); + ptrType$76 = $ptrType(http2MetaHeadersFrame); + ptrType$77 = $ptrType(http2ContinuationFrame); + ptrType$78 = $ptrType(http2SettingsFrame); + ptrType$79 = $ptrType(http2DataFrame); + ptrType$80 = $ptrType(http2WindowUpdateFrame); + ptrType$81 = $ptrType(http2PingFrame); + ptrType$82 = $ptrType(http2GoAwayFrame); + ptrType$83 = $ptrType(http2RSTStreamFrame); + ptrType$84 = $ptrType(net.Dialer); + ptrType$85 = $ptrType($error); + ptrType$86 = $ptrType(http2Server); + ptrType$87 = $ptrType(http2ServeConnOpts); + ptrType$88 = $ptrType(http2bufferedWriter); + ptrType$89 = $ptrType(hpack.Encoder); + ptrType$90 = $ptrType(os.SyscallError); + funcType$2 = $funcType([$Int], [], false); + ptrType$91 = $ptrType(http2startPushRequest); + ptrType$92 = $ptrType(http2writeData); + ptrType$93 = $ptrType(http2writeResHeaders); + ptrType$94 = $ptrType(http2writePushPromise); + ptrType$95 = $ptrType(http2PriorityFrame); + ptrType$96 = $ptrType(http2PushPromiseFrame); + ptrType$97 = $ptrType(http2pipe); + ptrType$98 = $ptrType(http2closeWaiter); + ptrType$99 = $ptrType(http2responseWriterState); + ptrType$100 = $ptrType(http2sorter); + ptrType$101 = $ptrType(PushOptions); + ptrType$102 = $ptrType(http2Transport); + interfaceType = $interfaceType([{prop: "IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError", name: "IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]); + ptrType$103 = $ptrType($Uint32); + sliceType$23 = $sliceType(http2Setting); + ptrType$104 = $ptrType(http2clientStream); + sliceType$24 = $sliceType(http2FrameWriteRequest); + ptrType$105 = $ptrType(http2writeQueue); + ptrType$106 = $ptrType(http2priorityNode); + sliceType$25 = $sliceType(ptrType$106); + ptrType$107 = $ptrType(http2writeQueuePool); + ptrType$108 = $ptrType(sliceType$25); + sliceType$29 = $sliceType(ptrType$62); + ptrType$111 = $ptrType(strings.Builder); + ptrType$113 = $ptrType(js$1.Object); + funcType$3 = $funcType([ptrType$113], [], false); + ptrType$114 = $ptrType(transportRequest); + funcType$4 = $funcType([$error], [], false); + mapType$1 = $mapType(connectMethodKey, sliceType$9); + mapType$2 = $mapType(connectMethodKey, wantConnQueue); + mapType$3 = $mapType(cancelKey, funcType$4); + mapType$4 = $mapType(connectMethodKey, $Int); + funcType$5 = $funcType([ptrType$11], [ptrType$17, $error], false); + funcType$6 = $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [net.Conn, $error], false); + funcType$7 = $funcType([$String, $String], [net.Conn, $error], false); + funcType$8 = $funcType([$String, ptrType$30], [RoundTripper], false); + mapType$5 = $mapType($String, funcType$8); + funcType$9 = $funcType([context.Context, ptrType$17, $String], [Header, $error], false); + chanType$1 = $chanType(structType, false, false); + ptrType$115 = $ptrType(wantConnQueue); + ptrType$116 = $ptrType(connectMethod); + chanType$2 = $chanType(structType, false, true); + funcType$10 = $funcType([], [$Bool], false); + chanType$3 = $chanType(requestAndChan, false, false); + chanType$4 = $chanType(writeRequest, false, false); + funcType$11 = $funcType([Header], [], false); + ptrType$117 = $ptrType(readWriteCloserBody); + chanType$5 = $chanType(responseAndError, false, false); + chanType$6 = $chanType(structType, true, false); + chanType$7 = $chanType($error, true, false); + ptrType$118 = $ptrType(httpError); + funcType$12 = $funcType([$error], [$error], false); + funcType$13 = $funcType([], [$error], false); + ptrType$119 = $ptrType(gzipReader); + ptrType$120 = $ptrType(connLRU); + mapType$6 = $mapType(ptrType$22, ptrType$23); + ptrType$121 = $ptrType(byteReader); + chanType$8 = $chanType(readResult, false, false); + ptrType$122 = $ptrType(transferReader); + ptrType$123 = $ptrType(socksDialer); + funcType$14 = $funcType([context.Context, io.ReadWriter, socksAuthMethod], [$error], false); + ptrType$124 = $ptrType(socksUsernamePassword); + ptrType$125 = $ptrType(exactSig); + ptrType$126 = $ptrType(maskedSig); + chanType$9 = $chanType($Bool, false, true); + ptrType$127 = $ptrType(chunkWriter); + chanType$10 = $chanType($Bool, false, false); + ptrType$128 = $ptrType(redirectHandler); + funcType$15 = $funcType([ResponseWriter, ptrType$11], [], false); + ptrType$129 = $ptrType(ServeMux); + mapType$7 = $mapType($String, muxEntry); + funcType$16 = $funcType([ptrType$46, ptrType$30, Handler], [], false); + mapType$8 = $mapType($String, funcType$16); + funcType$17 = $funcType([net.Conn, ConnState], [], false); + funcType$18 = $funcType([net.Listener], [context.Context], false); + funcType$19 = $funcType([context.Context, net.Conn], [context.Context], false); + mapType$9 = $mapType(ptrType$59, structType); + mapType$10 = $mapType(ptrType$53, structType); + ptrType$131 = $ptrType(onceCloseListener); + ptrType$132 = $ptrType(loggingConn); + ptrType$133 = $ptrType(streamReader); + ptrType$134 = $ptrType(arrayReader); + ptrType$135 = $ptrType(ProtocolError); + funcType$20 = $funcType([], [io.ReadCloser, $error], false); + ptrType$136 = $ptrType(contextKey); + mapType$11 = $mapType($String, $Bool); + mapType$12 = $mapType($String, sliceType$21); + mapType$13 = $mapType($String, ptrType$69); + mapType$14 = $mapType(ptrType$68, sliceType$2); + mapType$15 = $mapType($String, ptrType$70); + ptrType$137 = $ptrType(http2dataBuffer); + funcType$21 = $funcType([$String], [], false); + ptrType$138 = $ptrType(http2FrameHeader); + funcType$22 = $funcType([$Uint32], [sliceType$3], false); + funcType$23 = $funcType([http2Setting], [$error], false); + ptrType$139 = $ptrType(http2UnknownFrame); + ptrType$140 = $ptrType(http2httpError); + funcType$24 = $funcType([], [http2WriteScheduler], false); + mapType$16 = $mapType(ptrType$13, structType); + chanType$11 = $chanType(http2readFrameResult, false, false); + chanType$12 = $chanType(http2FrameWriteRequest, false, false); + chanType$13 = $chanType(http2frameWriteResult, false, false); + chanType$14 = $chanType(http2bodyReadMsg, false, false); + chanType$15 = $chanType($emptyInterface, false, false); + mapType$17 = $mapType($Uint32, ptrType$10); + mapType$18 = $mapType($String, $String); + funcType$25 = $funcType([$String, $String, ptrType$4], [net.Conn, $error], false); + mapType$19 = $mapType($Uint32, ptrType$104); + mapType$20 = $mapType(arrayType$8, chanType$1); + funcType$26 = $funcType([$Int, textproto.MIMEHeader], [$error], false); + ptrType$141 = $ptrType(http2clientConnReadLoop); + ptrType$142 = $ptrType(http2gzipReader); + ptrType$143 = $ptrType(http2writeGoAway); + funcType$27 = $funcType([], [$Uint32, $error], false); + ptrType$144 = $ptrType(http2FrameWriteRequest); + funcType$28 = $funcType([ptrType$106, $Bool], [$Bool], false); + ptrType$145 = $ptrType(http2priorityWriteScheduler); + mapType$21 = $mapType($Uint32, ptrType$106); + ptrType$146 = $ptrType(http2randomWriteScheduler); + mapType$22 = $mapType($Uint32, ptrType$105); + ptrType$151 = $ptrType(XHRTransport); + mapType$23 = $mapType(ptrType$11, ptrType$113); + defaultTransportDialContext = function(dialer) { + var dialer; + return $throwNilPointerError; + }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.writeBufferSize = function() { + var t; + t = this; + if (t.WriteBufferSize > 0) { + return t.WriteBufferSize; + } + return 4096; + }; + Transport.prototype.writeBufferSize = function() { return this.$val.writeBufferSize(); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.readBufferSize = function() { + var t; + t = this; + if (t.ReadBufferSize > 0) { + return t.ReadBufferSize; + } + return 4096; + }; + Transport.prototype.readBufferSize = function() { return this.$val.readBufferSize(); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.Clone = function() { + var {_entry, _i, _key, _keys, _r$1, _ref, k, npm, t, t2, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + $r = t.nextProtoOnce.Do($methodVal(t, "onceSetNextProtoDefaults")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t2 = new Transport.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, false, new connLRU.ptr(ptrType$3.nil, false), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, t.Proxy, t.DialContext, t.Dial, t.DialTLSContext, t.DialTLS, ptrType$4.nil, t.TLSHandshakeTimeout, t.DisableKeepAlives, t.DisableCompression, t.MaxIdleConns, t.MaxIdleConnsPerHost, t.MaxConnsPerHost, t.IdleConnTimeout, t.ResponseHeaderTimeout, t.ExpectContinueTimeout, false, new Header(t.ProxyConnectHeader).Clone(), t.GetProxyConnectHeader, t.MaxResponseHeaderBytes, t.WriteBufferSize, t.ReadBufferSize, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), $ifaceNil, false, t.ForceAttemptHTTP2); + /* */ if (!(t.TLSClientConfig === ptrType$4.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(t.TLSClientConfig === ptrType$4.nil)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = t.TLSClientConfig.Clone(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t2.TLSClientConfig = _r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!t.tlsNextProtoWasNil) { + npm = $makeMap($String.keyFor, []); + _ref = t.TLSNextProto; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + v = _entry.v; + _key = k; (npm || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + _i++; + } + t2.TLSNextProto = npm; + } + $s = -1; return t2; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.Clone, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _key, _keys, _r$1, _ref, k, npm, t, t2, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.Clone = function() { return this.$val.Clone(); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.hasCustomTLSDialer = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return !(t.DialTLS === $throwNilPointerError) || !(t.DialTLSContext === $throwNilPointerError); + }; + Transport.prototype.hasCustomTLSDialer = function() { return this.$val.hasCustomTLSDialer(); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults = function() { + var {_entry, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, altProto, err, h2i, limit1, ok, rv, t, t2, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + t.tlsNextProtoWasNil = t.TLSNextProto === false; + _r$1 = godebug.Get("http2client"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1 === "0") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$1 === "0") { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(t.altProto.Load(), mapType, true); + altProto = _tuple[0]; + _r$2 = reflect.ValueOf((_entry = altProto[$String.keyFor("https")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$2; + if (!($clone(rv, reflect.Value).IsValid())) { _v$1 = false; $s = 8; continue s; } + _r$3 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type().Kind(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$3 === 25; case 8: + if (!(_v$1)) { _v = false; $s = 7; continue s; } + _r$4 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Type().NumField(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$4 === 1; case 7: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 5: + _r$5 = $clone(rv, reflect.Value).Field(0); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$5; + /* */ if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).CanInterface()) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ($clone(v, reflect.Value).CanInterface()) { */ case 12: + _r$6 = $clone(v, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(_r$6, h2Transport, true); + h2i = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + t.h2transport = h2i; + $s = -1; return; + } + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 6: + if (!(t.TLSNextProto === false)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if (!t.ForceAttemptHTTP2 && (!(t.TLSClientConfig === ptrType$4.nil) || !(t.Dial === $throwNilPointerError) || !(t.DialContext === $throwNilPointerError) || t.hasCustomTLSDialer())) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if (omitBundledHTTP2) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$7 = http2configureTransports(t); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$7; + t2 = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 16: + $r = log.Printf("Error enabling Transport HTTP/2 support: %v", new sliceType([err])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 17: + t.h2transport = t2; + limit1 = t.MaxResponseHeaderBytes; + if (!((limit1.$high === 0 && limit1.$low === 0)) && (t2.MaxHeaderListSize === 0)) { + if ((limit1.$high > 0 || (limit1.$high === 0 && limit1.$low >= 4294967295))) { + t2.MaxHeaderListSize = 4294967295; + } else { + t2.MaxHeaderListSize = ((limit1.$low >>> 0)); + } + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _v, _v$1, altProto, err, h2i, limit1, ok, rv, t, t2, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults = function() { return this.$val.onceSetNextProtoDefaults(); }; + ProxyFromEnvironment = function(req) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, req, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = envProxyFunc(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1(req.URL); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ProxyFromEnvironment, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, req, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ProxyFromEnvironment = ProxyFromEnvironment; + transportRequest.ptr.prototype.extraHeaders = function() { + var tr; + tr = this; + if (tr.extra === false) { + tr.extra = {}; + } + return tr.extra; + }; + transportRequest.prototype.extraHeaders = function() { return this.$val.extraHeaders(); }; + transportRequest.ptr.prototype.setError = function(err) { + var {err, tr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + tr = this; + $r = tr.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(tr.err, $ifaceNil)) { + tr.err = err; + } + $r = tr.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: transportRequest.ptr.prototype.setError, $c: true, $r, err, tr, $s};return $f; + }; + transportRequest.prototype.setError = function(err) { return this.$val.setError(err); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.useRegisteredProtocol = function(req) { + var {_r$1, _v, req, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (!(req.URL.Scheme === "https")) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$1 = req.requiresHTTP1(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.useRegisteredProtocol, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _v, req, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.useRegisteredProtocol = function(req) { return this.$val.useRegisteredProtocol(req); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.alternateRoundTripper = function(req) { + var {_entry, _r$1, _tuple, altProto, req, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = t.useRegisteredProtocol(req); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(t.altProto.Load(), mapType, true); + altProto = _tuple[0]; + $s = -1; return (_entry = altProto[$String.keyFor(req.URL.Scheme)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $ifaceNil); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.alternateRoundTripper, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, altProto, req, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.alternateRoundTripper = function(req) { return this.$val.alternateRoundTripper(req); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.roundTrip = function(req) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _v, altRT, cancelKey$1, cm, ctx, e, e$1, err, err$1, err$2, isHTTP, k, ok, ok$1, origReq, pconn, req, resp, resp$1, scheme, t, trace, treq, v, vv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + $r = t.nextProtoOnce.Do($methodVal(t, "onceSetNextProtoDefaults")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctx = req.Context(); + _r$1 = httptrace.ContextClientTrace(ctx); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trace = _r$1; + /* */ if (req.URL === ptrType$17.nil) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (req.URL === ptrType$17.nil) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, errors.New("http: nil Request.URL")]; + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (req.Header === false) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (req.Header === false) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, errors.New("http: nil Request.Header")]; + /* } */ case 7: + scheme = req.URL.Scheme; + isHTTP = scheme === "http" || scheme === "https"; + /* */ if (isHTTP) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (isHTTP) { */ case 9: + _ref = req.Header; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 12; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 11; continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + /* */ if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName(k)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName(k)) { */ case 13: + _r$4 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = fmt.Errorf("net/http: invalid header field name %q", new sliceType([new $String(k)])); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$18.nil, _r$5]; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r; + /* } */ case 14: + _ref$1 = vv; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 18: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 19; continue; } + v = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + /* */ if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(v)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(v)) { */ case 20: + _r$6 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = fmt.Errorf("net/http: invalid header field value %q for key %v", new sliceType([new $String(v), new $String(k)])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [ptrType$18.nil, _r$7]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 21: + _i$1++; + $s = 18; continue; + case 19: + _i++; + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + /* } */ case 10: + origReq = req; + cancelKey$1 = new cancelKey.ptr(origReq); + req = setupRewindBody(req); + _r$8 = t.alternateRoundTripper(req); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + altRT = _r$8; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(altRT, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(altRT, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 26: + _r$9 = altRT.RoundTrip(req); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$9; + resp = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.ErrSkipAltProtocol))) { + $s = -1; return [resp, err]; + } + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + _r$10 = rewindBody(req); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$10; + req = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err$1]; + } + /* } */ case 27: + /* */ if (!isHTTP) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (!isHTTP) { */ case 30: + _r$11 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + _r$12 = badStringError("unsupported protocol scheme", scheme); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [ptrType$18.nil, _r$12]; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 31: + if (!(!(req.Method === ""))) { _v = false; $s = 37; continue s; } + _r$13 = validMethod(req.Method); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$13; case 37: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 35: + _r$14 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + _r$15 = fmt.Errorf("net/http: invalid method %q", new sliceType([new $String(req.Method)])); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [ptrType$18.nil, _r$15]; + $s = 41; case 41: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 36: + /* */ if (req.URL.Host === "") { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (req.URL.Host === "") { */ case 42: + _r$16 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, errors.New("http: no Host in request URL")]; + /* } */ case 43: + /* while (true) { */ case 45: + _r$17 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = $select([[_r$17], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 48: + _r$18 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18; + _r$19 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = [ptrType$18.nil, _r$19]; + $s = 53; case 53: return $24r$4; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 49: + /* } */ case 50: + treq = new transportRequest.ptr(req, false, trace, $clone(cancelKey$1, cancelKey), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $ifaceNil); + _r$20 = t.connectMethodForRequest(treq); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$20; + cm = $clone(_tuple$2[0], connectMethod); + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ $s = 56; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 55: + _r$21 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err$2]; + /* } */ case 56: + _r$22 = t.getConn(treq, $clone(cm, connectMethod)); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$22; + pconn = _tuple$3[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ $s = 60; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 59: + $r = t.setReqCanceler($clone(cancelKey$1, cancelKey), $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err$2]; + /* } */ case 60: + resp$1 = ptrType$18.nil; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(pconn.alt, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 63; continue; } + /* */ $s = 64; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(pconn.alt, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 63: + $r = t.setReqCanceler($clone(cancelKey$1, cancelKey), $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24 = pconn.alt.RoundTrip(req); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$24; + resp$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + $s = 65; continue; + /* } else { */ case 64: + _r$25 = pconn.roundTrip(treq); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$25; + resp$1 = _tuple$5[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$5[1]; + /* } */ case 65: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + resp$1.Request = origReq; + $s = -1; return [resp$1, $ifaceNil]; + } + /* */ if (http2isNoCachedConnError(err$2)) { $s = 69; continue; } + _r$26 = pconn.shouldRetryRequest(req, err$2); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$26) { $s = 70; continue; } + /* */ $s = 71; continue; + /* if (http2isNoCachedConnError(err$2)) { */ case 69: + _r$27 = t.removeIdleConn(pconn); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$27) { $s = 73; continue; } + /* */ $s = 74; continue; + /* if (_r$27) { */ case 73: + $r = t.decConnsPerHost($clone(pconn.cacheKey, connectMethodKey)); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 74: + $s = 71; continue; + /* } else if (!_r$26) { */ case 70: + _tuple$6 = $assertType(err$2, nothingWrittenError, true); + e = $clone(_tuple$6[0], nothingWrittenError); + ok = _tuple$6[1]; + if (ok) { + err$2 = e.error; + } + _tuple$7 = $assertType(err$2, transportReadFromServerError, true); + e$1 = $clone(_tuple$7[0], transportReadFromServerError); + ok$1 = _tuple$7[1]; + if (ok$1) { + err$2 = e$1.err; + } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err$2]; + /* } */ case 71: + $r = testHookRoundTripRetried(); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$28 = rewindBody(req); /* */ $s = 78; case 78: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$8 = _r$28; + req = _tuple$8[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$8[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err$2]; + } + $s = 45; continue; + case 46: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.roundTrip, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _v, altRT, cancelKey$1, cm, ctx, e, e$1, err, err$1, err$2, isHTTP, k, ok, ok$1, origReq, pconn, req, resp, resp$1, scheme, t, trace, treq, v, vv, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.roundTrip = function(req) { return this.$val.roundTrip(req); }; + readTrackingBody.ptr.prototype.Read = function(data) { + var {$24r, _r$1, data, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + r.didRead = true; + _r$1 = r.ReadCloser.Read(data); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: readTrackingBody.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, data, r, $s};return $f; + }; + readTrackingBody.prototype.Read = function(data) { return this.$val.Read(data); }; + readTrackingBody.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + r.didClose = true; + _r$1 = r.ReadCloser.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: readTrackingBody.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + readTrackingBody.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + setupRewindBody = function(req) { + var newReq, req; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(req.Body, $ifaceNil) || $interfaceIsEqual(req.Body, new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))) { + return req; + } + newReq = $clone(req, Request); + newReq.Body = new readTrackingBody.ptr(req.Body, false, false); + return newReq; + }; + rewindBody = function(req) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, body$1, err, newReq, req, rewound, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + newReq = [newReq]; + rewound = ptrType$11.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(req.Body, $ifaceNil) || $interfaceIsEqual(req.Body, new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody)) || (!$assertType(req.Body, ptrType$20).didRead && !$assertType(req.Body, ptrType$20).didClose)) { + _tmp = req; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + rewound = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [rewound, err]; + } + /* */ if (!$assertType(req.Body, ptrType$20).didClose) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!$assertType(req.Body, ptrType$20).didClose) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = req.closeBody(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + if (req.GetBody === $throwNilPointerError) { + _tmp$2 = ptrType$11.nil; + _tmp$3 = errCannotRewind; + rewound = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [rewound, err]; + } + _r$2 = req.GetBody(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + body$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$4 = ptrType$11.nil; + _tmp$5 = err; + rewound = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [rewound, err]; + } + newReq[0] = $clone(req, Request); + newReq[0].Body = new readTrackingBody.ptr(body$1, false, false); + _tmp$6 = newReq[0]; + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + rewound = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [rewound, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: rewindBody, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, body$1, err, newReq, req, rewound, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.shouldRetryRequest = function(req, err) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, ok, ok$1, pc, req, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + pc = this; + if (http2isNoCachedConnError(err)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errMissingHost)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$1 = pc.isReused(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(err, nothingWrittenError, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return (x$5 = req.outgoingLength(), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)) || !(req.GetBody === $throwNilPointerError); + } + if (!req.isReplayable()) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(err, transportReadFromServerError, true); + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errServerClosedIdle)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.shouldRetryRequest, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, ok, ok$1, pc, req, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.prototype.shouldRetryRequest = function(req, err) { return this.$val.shouldRetryRequest(req, err); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.RegisterProtocol = function(scheme, rt) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _key$1, _keys, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, exists, k, newMap, oldMap, rt, scheme, t, v, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {scheme, rt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + t = this; + $r = t.altMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t.altMu, "Unlock"), []]); + _tuple = $assertType(t.altProto.Load(), mapType, true); + oldMap = _tuple[0]; + _tuple$1 = (_entry = oldMap[$String.keyFor(scheme)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$ifaceNil, false]); + exists = _tuple$1[1]; + if (exists) { + $panic(new $String("protocol " + scheme + " already registered")); + } + newMap = {}; + _ref = oldMap; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry$1 = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry$1 === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry$1.k; + v = _entry$1.v; + _key = k; (newMap || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + _i++; + } + _key$1 = scheme; (newMap || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: rt }; + t.altProto.Store(new mapType(newMap)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.RegisterProtocol, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _key$1, _keys, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, exists, k, newMap, oldMap, rt, scheme, t, v, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.RegisterProtocol = function(scheme, rt) { return this.$val.RegisterProtocol(scheme, rt); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.CloseIdleConnections = function() { + var {_entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, conns, m, pconn, t, t2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + $r = t.nextProtoOnce.Do($methodVal(t, "onceSetNextProtoDefaults")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = t.idleMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = t.idleConn; + t.idleConn = false; + t.closeIdle = true; + connLRU.copy(t.idleLRU, new connLRU.ptr(ptrType$3.nil, false)); + $r = t.idleMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = m; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + } + conns = _entry.v; + _ref$1 = conns; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 7; continue; } + pconn = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + $r = pconn.close(errCloseIdleConns); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$1++; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + _i++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + t2 = t.h2transport; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(t2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(t2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + $r = t2.CloseIdleConnections(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.CloseIdleConnections, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, conns, m, pconn, t, t2, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.CloseIdleConnections = function() { return this.$val.CloseIdleConnections(); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.CancelRequest = function(req) { + var {_r$1, req, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = t.cancelRequest(new cancelKey.ptr(req), errRequestCanceled); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.CancelRequest, $c: true, $r, _r$1, req, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.CancelRequest = function(req) { return this.$val.CancelRequest(req); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.cancelRequest = function(key, err) { + var {$24r, _entry, cancel, err, key, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + t = this; + $r = t.reqMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t.reqMu, "Unlock"), []]); + cancel = (_entry = t.reqCanceler[cancelKey.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $throwNilPointerError); + delete t.reqCanceler[cancelKey.keyFor(key)]; + /* */ if (!(cancel === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(cancel === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + $r = cancel(err); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $24r = !(cancel === $throwNilPointerError); + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.cancelRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, cancel, err, key, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.cancelRequest = function(key, err) { return this.$val.cancelRequest(key, err); }; + envProxyFunc = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = envProxyOnce.Do((function $b() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = httpproxy.FromEnvironment(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.ProxyFunc(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + envProxyFuncValue = _r$2; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, $s};return $f; + })); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return envProxyFuncValue; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: envProxyFunc, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.connectMethodForRequest = function(treq) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, cm, err, t, treq, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {treq}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cm = new connectMethod.ptr(arrayType.zero(), ptrType$17.nil, "", "", false); + err = $ifaceNil; + t = this; + cm.targetScheme = treq.Request.URL.Scheme; + _r$1 = canonicalAddr(treq.Request.URL); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cm.targetAddr = _r$1; + /* */ if (!(t.Proxy === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(t.Proxy === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = t.Proxy(treq.Request); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + cm.proxyURL = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$3 = treq.Request.requiresHTTP1(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cm.onlyH1 = _r$3; + _tmp = $clone(cm, connectMethod); + _tmp$1 = err; + connectMethod.copy(cm, _tmp); + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [cm, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.connectMethodForRequest, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, cm, err, t, treq, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.connectMethodForRequest = function(treq) { return this.$val.connectMethodForRequest(treq); }; + connectMethod.ptr.prototype.proxyAuth = function() { + var _tuple, cm, password, u, username; + cm = this; + if (cm.proxyURL === ptrType$17.nil) { + return ""; + } + u = cm.proxyURL.User; + if (!(u === ptrType$21.nil)) { + username = u.Username(); + _tuple = u.Password(); + password = _tuple[0]; + return "Basic " + basicAuth(username, password); + } + return ""; + }; + connectMethod.prototype.proxyAuth = function() { return this.$val.proxyAuth(); }; + transportReadFromServerError.ptr.prototype.Unwrap = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.err; + }; + transportReadFromServerError.prototype.Unwrap = function() { return this.$val.Unwrap(); }; + transportReadFromServerError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("net/http: Transport failed to read from server: %v", new sliceType([e.err])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: transportReadFromServerError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + transportReadFromServerError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.putOrCloseIdleConn = function(pconn) { + var {_r$1, err, pconn, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pconn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = t.tryPutIdleConn(pconn); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $r = pconn.close(err); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.putOrCloseIdleConn, $c: true, $r, _r$1, err, pconn, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.putOrCloseIdleConn = function(pconn) { return this.$val.putOrCloseIdleConn(pconn); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.maxIdleConnsPerHost = function() { + var t, v; + t = this; + v = t.MaxIdleConnsPerHost; + if (!((v === 0))) { + return v; + } + return 2; + }; + Transport.prototype.maxIdleConnsPerHost = function() { return this.$val.maxIdleConnsPerHost(); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.tryPutIdleConn = function(pconn) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _tuple, done, exist, idles, key, ok, oldest, pconn, q, t, w, w$1, x$5, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pconn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + t = this; + /* */ if (t.DisableKeepAlives || t.MaxIdleConnsPerHost < 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (t.DisableKeepAlives || t.MaxIdleConnsPerHost < 0) { */ case 1: + $24r = errKeepAlivesDisabled; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = pconn.isBroken(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 4: + $24r$1 = errConnBroken; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $r = pconn.markReused(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = t.idleMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t.idleMu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(pconn.alt, $ifaceNil)) && !((_entry = t.idleLRU.m[ptrType$22.keyFor(pconn)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$23.nil) === ptrType$23.nil)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(pconn.alt, $ifaceNil)) && !((_entry = t.idleLRU.m[ptrType$22.keyFor(pconn)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$23.nil) === ptrType$23.nil)) { */ case 10: + $24r$2 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + key = $clone(pconn.cacheKey, connectMethodKey); + _tuple = (_entry$1 = t.idleConnWait[connectMethodKey.keyFor(key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [new wantConnQueue.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, 0, sliceType$8.nil), false]); + q = $clone(_tuple[0], wantConnQueue); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 13: + done = false; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(pconn.alt, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(pconn.alt, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 15: + /* while (true) { */ case 18: + /* if (!(q.len() > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(q.len() > 0)) { $s = 19; continue; } + w = q.popFront(); + _r$2 = w.tryDeliver(pconn, $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (_r$2) { */ case 20: + done = true; + /* break; */ $s = 19; continue; + /* } */ case 21: + $s = 18; continue; + case 19: + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else { */ case 16: + /* while (true) { */ case 23: + /* if (!(q.len() > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(q.len() > 0)) { $s = 24; continue; } + w$1 = q.popFront(); + _r$3 = w$1.tryDeliver(pconn, $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = 23; continue; + case 24: + /* } */ case 17: + if (q.len() === 0) { + delete t.idleConnWait[connectMethodKey.keyFor(key)]; + } else { + _key = $clone(key, connectMethodKey); (t.idleConnWait || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[connectMethodKey.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $clone(q, wantConnQueue) }; + } + /* */ if (done) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (done) { */ case 26: + $24r$3 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 27: + /* } */ case 14: + /* */ if (t.closeIdle) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (t.closeIdle) { */ case 29: + $24r$4 = errCloseIdle; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 30: + if (t.idleConn === false) { + t.idleConn = {}; + } + idles = (_entry$2 = t.idleConn[connectMethodKey.keyFor(key)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : sliceType$9.nil); + /* */ if (idles.$length >= t.maxIdleConnsPerHost()) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (idles.$length >= t.maxIdleConnsPerHost()) { */ case 32: + $24r$5 = errTooManyIdleHost; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 33: + _ref = idles; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 35: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 36; continue; } + exist = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (exist === pconn) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (exist === pconn) { */ case 37: + $r = log.Fatalf("dup idle pconn %p in freelist", new sliceType([pconn])); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 38: + _i++; + $s = 35; continue; + case 36: + _key$1 = $clone(key, connectMethodKey); (t.idleConn || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[connectMethodKey.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $append(idles, pconn) }; + t.idleLRU.add(pconn); + /* */ if (!((t.MaxIdleConns === 0)) && t.idleLRU.len() > t.MaxIdleConns) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (!((t.MaxIdleConns === 0)) && t.idleLRU.len() > t.MaxIdleConns) { */ case 40: + oldest = t.idleLRU.removeOldest(); + $r = oldest.close(errTooManyIdle); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t.removeIdleConnLocked(oldest); + /* } */ case 41: + /* */ if ((x$5 = t.IdleConnTimeout, (x$5.$high > 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low > 0))) && $interfaceIsEqual(pconn.alt, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 43; continue; } + /* */ $s = 44; continue; + /* if ((x$5 = t.IdleConnTimeout, (x$5.$high > 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low > 0))) && $interfaceIsEqual(pconn.alt, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 43: + /* */ if (!(pconn.idleTimer === ptrType$25.nil)) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (!(pconn.idleTimer === ptrType$25.nil)) { */ case 45: + _r$4 = pconn.idleTimer.Reset(t.IdleConnTimeout); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $s = 47; continue; + /* } else { */ case 46: + _r$5 = time.AfterFunc(t.IdleConnTimeout, $methodVal(pconn, "closeConnIfStillIdle")); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pconn.idleTimer = _r$5; + /* } */ case 47: + /* } */ case 44: + _r$6 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + time.Time.copy(pconn.idleAt, _r$6); + $24r$6 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 51; case 51: return $24r$6; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.tryPutIdleConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _tuple, done, exist, idles, key, ok, oldest, pconn, q, t, w, w$1, x$5, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.tryPutIdleConn = function(pconn) { return this.$val.tryPutIdleConn(pconn); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.queueForIdleConn = function(w) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, delivered, delivered$1, list$1, ok, oldTime, pconn, q, stop, t, tooOld, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + delivered = false; + t = this; + /* */ if (t.DisableKeepAlives) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (t.DisableKeepAlives) { */ case 1: + delivered = false; + $24r = delivered; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $r = t.idleMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t.idleMu, "Unlock"), []]); + t.closeIdle = false; + /* */ if (w === ptrType$24.nil) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (w === ptrType$24.nil) { */ case 5: + delivered = false; + $24r$1 = delivered; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + oldTime = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + /* */ if ((x$5 = t.IdleConnTimeout, (x$5.$high > 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low > 0)))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ((x$5 = t.IdleConnTimeout, (x$5.$high > 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low > 0)))) { */ case 8: + _r$1 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, time.Time).Add((x$6 = t.IdleConnTimeout, new time.Duration(-x$6.$high, -x$6.$low))); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + time.Time.copy(oldTime, _r$2); + /* } */ case 9: + _tuple = (_entry = t.idleConn[connectMethodKey.keyFor(w.key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$9.nil, false]); + list$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 12: + stop = false; + delivered$1 = false; + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(list$1.$length > 0 && !stop)) { break; } */ if(!(list$1.$length > 0 && !stop)) { $s = 15; continue; } + pconn = (x$7 = list$1.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= list$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : list$1.$array[list$1.$offset + x$7])); + tooOld = !$clone(oldTime, time.Time).IsZero() && $clone($clone(pconn.idleAt, time.Time).Round(new time.Duration(0, 0)), time.Time).Before($clone(oldTime, time.Time)); + /* */ if (tooOld) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (tooOld) { */ case 16: + $go($methodVal(pconn, "closeConnIfStillIdle"), []); + /* } */ case 17: + _r$3 = pconn.isBroken(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3 || tooOld) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (_r$3 || tooOld) { */ case 18: + list$1 = $subslice(list$1, 0, (list$1.$length - 1 >> 0)); + /* continue; */ $s = 14; continue; + /* } */ case 19: + _r$4 = w.tryDeliver(pconn, $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delivered$1 = _r$4; + if (delivered$1) { + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(pconn.alt, $ifaceNil))) { + } else { + t.idleLRU.remove(pconn); + list$1 = $subslice(list$1, 0, (list$1.$length - 1 >> 0)); + } + } + stop = true; + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + if (list$1.$length > 0) { + _key = $clone(w.key, connectMethodKey); (t.idleConn || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[connectMethodKey.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: list$1 }; + } else { + delete t.idleConn[connectMethodKey.keyFor(w.key)]; + } + /* */ if (stop) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (stop) { */ case 22: + delivered = delivered$1; + $24r$2 = delivered; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 23: + /* } */ case 13: + if (t.idleConnWait === false) { + t.idleConnWait = {}; + } + q = $clone((_entry$1 = t.idleConnWait[connectMethodKey.keyFor(w.key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : new wantConnQueue.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, 0, sliceType$8.nil)), wantConnQueue); + q.cleanFront(); + q.pushBack(w); + _key$1 = $clone(w.key, connectMethodKey); (t.idleConnWait || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[connectMethodKey.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $clone(q, wantConnQueue) }; + delivered = false; + $24r$3 = delivered; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return delivered; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.queueForIdleConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, delivered, delivered$1, list$1, ok, oldTime, pconn, q, stop, t, tooOld, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.queueForIdleConn = function(w) { return this.$val.queueForIdleConn(w); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.removeIdleConn = function(pconn) { + var {$24r, pconn, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pconn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + t = this; + $r = t.idleMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t.idleMu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = t.removeIdleConnLocked(pconn); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.removeIdleConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, pconn, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.removeIdleConn = function(pconn) { return this.$val.removeIdleConn(pconn); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.removeIdleConnLocked = function(pconn) { + var _1, _entry, _i, _key, _ref, i, key, pconn, pconns, removed, t, v; + t = this; + if (!(pconn.idleTimer === ptrType$25.nil)) { + pconn.idleTimer.Stop(); + } + t.idleLRU.remove(pconn); + key = $clone(pconn.cacheKey, connectMethodKey); + pconns = (_entry = t.idleConn[connectMethodKey.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$9.nil); + removed = false; + _1 = pconns.$length; + if (_1 === (0)) { + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + if ((0 >= pconns.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : pconns.$array[pconns.$offset + 0]) === pconn) { + delete t.idleConn[connectMethodKey.keyFor(key)]; + removed = true; + } + } else { + _ref = pconns; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!(v === pconn)) { + _i++; + continue; + } + $copySlice($subslice(pconns, i), $subslice(pconns, (i + 1 >> 0))); + _key = $clone(key, connectMethodKey); (t.idleConn || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[connectMethodKey.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $subslice(pconns, 0, (pconns.$length - 1 >> 0)) }; + removed = true; + break; + } + } + return removed; + }; + Transport.prototype.removeIdleConnLocked = function(pconn) { return this.$val.removeIdleConnLocked(pconn); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.setReqCanceler = function(key, fn) { + var {_key, fn, key, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + t = this; + $r = t.reqMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t.reqMu, "Unlock"), []]); + if (t.reqCanceler === false) { + t.reqCanceler = {}; + } + if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { + _key = $clone(key, cancelKey); (t.reqCanceler || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[cancelKey.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: fn }; + } else { + delete t.reqCanceler[cancelKey.keyFor(key)]; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.setReqCanceler, $c: true, $r, _key, fn, key, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.setReqCanceler = function(key, fn) { return this.$val.setReqCanceler(key, fn); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.replaceReqCanceler = function(key, fn) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _entry, _key, _tuple, fn, key, ok, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + t = this; + $r = t.reqMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t.reqMu, "Unlock"), []]); + _tuple = (_entry = t.reqCanceler[cancelKey.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$throwNilPointerError, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + $24r = false; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { + _key = $clone(key, cancelKey); (t.reqCanceler || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[cancelKey.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: fn }; + } else { + delete t.reqCanceler[cancelKey.keyFor(key)]; + } + $24r$1 = true; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.replaceReqCanceler, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _entry, _key, _tuple, fn, key, ok, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.replaceReqCanceler = function(key, fn) { return this.$val.replaceReqCanceler(key, fn); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.dial = function(ctx, network, addr) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, addr, c, ctx, err, network, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + /* */ if (!(t.DialContext === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(t.DialContext === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = t.DialContext(ctx, network, addr); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!(t.Dial === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(t.Dial === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = t.Dial(network, addr); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(c, $ifaceNil) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = errors.New("net/http: Transport.Dial hook returned (nil, nil)"); + } + $s = -1; return [c, err]; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$3 = zeroDialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.dial, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, addr, c, ctx, err, network, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.dial = function(ctx, network, addr) { return this.$val.dial(ctx, network, addr); }; + wantConn.ptr.prototype.waiting = function() { + var _selection, w; + w = this; + _selection = $select([[w.ready], []]); + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + return false; + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + return true; + } + }; + wantConn.prototype.waiting = function() { return this.$val.waiting(); }; + wantConn.ptr.prototype.tryDeliver = function(pc, err) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, err, pc, w, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pc, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + w = this; + $r = w.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(w.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (!(w.pc === ptrType$22.nil) || !($interfaceIsEqual(w.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(w.pc === ptrType$22.nil) || !($interfaceIsEqual(w.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = false; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + w.pc = pc; + w.err = err; + if (w.pc === ptrType$22.nil && $interfaceIsEqual(w.err, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("net/http: internal error: misuse of tryDeliver")); + } + $close(w.ready); + $24r$1 = true; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: wantConn.ptr.prototype.tryDeliver, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, err, pc, w, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + wantConn.prototype.tryDeliver = function(pc, err) { return this.$val.tryDeliver(pc, err); }; + wantConn.ptr.prototype.cancel = function(t, err) { + var {err, pc, t, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + $r = w.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (w.pc === ptrType$22.nil && $interfaceIsEqual(w.err, $ifaceNil)) { + $close(w.ready); + } + pc = w.pc; + w.pc = ptrType$22.nil; + w.err = err; + $r = w.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(pc === ptrType$22.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(pc === ptrType$22.nil)) { */ case 3: + $r = t.putOrCloseIdleConn(pc); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: wantConn.ptr.prototype.cancel, $c: true, $r, err, pc, t, w, $s};return $f; + }; + wantConn.prototype.cancel = function(t, err) { return this.$val.cancel(t, err); }; + wantConnQueue.ptr.prototype.len = function() { + var q; + q = this; + return (q.head.$length - q.headPos >> 0) + q.tail.$length >> 0; + }; + wantConnQueue.prototype.len = function() { return this.$val.len(); }; + wantConnQueue.ptr.prototype.pushBack = function(w) { + var q, w; + q = this; + q.tail = $append(q.tail, w); + }; + wantConnQueue.prototype.pushBack = function(w) { return this.$val.pushBack(w); }; + wantConnQueue.ptr.prototype.popFront = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, q, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8; + q = this; + if (q.headPos >= q.head.$length) { + if (q.tail.$length === 0) { + return ptrType$24.nil; + } + _tmp = q.tail; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = $subslice(q.head, 0, 0); + q.head = _tmp; + q.headPos = _tmp$1; + q.tail = _tmp$2; + } + w = (x$5 = q.head, x$6 = q.headPos, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + x$6])); + (x$7 = q.head, x$8 = q.headPos, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + x$8] = ptrType$24.nil)); + q.headPos = q.headPos + (1) >> 0; + return w; + }; + wantConnQueue.prototype.popFront = function() { return this.$val.popFront(); }; + wantConnQueue.ptr.prototype.peekFront = function() { + var q, x$5, x$6, x$7; + q = this; + if (q.headPos < q.head.$length) { + return (x$5 = q.head, x$6 = q.headPos, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + x$6])); + } + if (q.tail.$length > 0) { + return (x$7 = q.tail, (0 >= x$7.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + 0])); + } + return ptrType$24.nil; + }; + wantConnQueue.prototype.peekFront = function() { return this.$val.peekFront(); }; + wantConnQueue.ptr.prototype.cleanFront = function() { + var cleaned, q, w; + cleaned = false; + q = this; + while (true) { + w = q.peekFront(); + if (w === ptrType$24.nil || w.waiting()) { + cleaned = cleaned; + return cleaned; + } + q.popFront(); + cleaned = true; + } + }; + wantConnQueue.prototype.cleanFront = function() { return this.$val.cleanFront(); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.customDialTLS = function(ctx, network, addr) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, conn$1, ctx, err, network, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + conn$1 = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + t = this; + /* */ if (!(t.DialTLSContext === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(t.DialTLSContext === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = t.DialTLSContext(ctx, network, addr); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + conn$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$2 = t.DialTLS(network, addr); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + conn$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* } */ case 3: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(conn$1, $ifaceNil) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = errors.New("net/http: Transport.DialTLS or DialTLSContext returned (nil, nil)"); + } + $s = -1; return [conn$1, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.customDialTLS, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, conn$1, ctx, err, network, t, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.customDialTLS = function(ctx, network, addr) { return this.$val.customDialTLS(ctx, network, addr); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.getConn = function(treq, cm) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _selection$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, cancelc, cm, ctx, delivered, err, err$1, err$2, pc, pc$1, req, t, trace, treq, w, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {treq, cm}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cancelc = [cancelc]; + err = [err]; + t = [t]; + w = [w]; + pc = ptrType$22.nil; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + t[0] = this; + req = treq.Request; + trace = treq.trace; + ctx = req.Context(); + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.GetConn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.GetConn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = cm.addr(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = trace.GetConn(_r$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + w[0] = new wantConn.ptr($clone(cm, connectMethod), $clone(cm.key(), connectMethodKey), ctx, new $Chan(structType, 1), testHookPrePendingDial, testHookPostPendingDial, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), ptrType$22.nil, $ifaceNil); + $deferred.push([(function(cancelc, err, t, w) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $r = w[0].cancel(t[0], err[0]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(cancelc, err, t, w), []]); + _r$2 = t[0].queueForIdleConn(w[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delivered = _r$2; + /* */ if (delivered) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (delivered) { */ case 6: + pc$1 = w[0].pc; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(pc$1.alt, $ifaceNil) && !(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.GotConn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(pc$1.alt, $ifaceNil) && !(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.GotConn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = pc$1.gotIdleConnTrace($clone(pc$1.idleAt, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = trace.GotConn($clone(_r$3, httptrace.GotConnInfo)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 9: + $r = t[0].setReqCanceler($clone(treq.cancelKey, cancelKey), (function(cancelc, err, t, w) { return function(param) { + var param; + }; })(cancelc, err, t, w)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = pc$1; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + pc = _tmp; + err[0] = _tmp$1; + $24r = [pc, err[0]]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + cancelc[0] = new $Chan($error, 1); + $r = t[0].setReqCanceler($clone(treq.cancelKey, cancelKey), (function(cancelc, err, t, w) { return function $b(err$1) { + var {err$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = $send(cancelc[0], err$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, err$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(cancelc, err, t, w)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = t[0].queueForDial(w[0]); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = req.Context().Done(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $select([[w[0].ready], [req.Cancel], [_r$4], [cancelc[0]]]); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$5; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 3) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 18: + /* */ if (!(w[0].pc === ptrType$22.nil) && $interfaceIsEqual(w[0].pc.alt, $ifaceNil) && !(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.GotConn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (!(w[0].pc === ptrType$22.nil) && $interfaceIsEqual(w[0].pc.alt, $ifaceNil) && !(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.GotConn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 23: + _r$6 = w[0].pc.isReused(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = trace.GotConn(new httptrace.GotConnInfo.ptr(w[0].pc.conn, _r$6, false, new time.Duration(0, 0))); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 24: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(w[0].err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(w[0].err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 27: + _r$7 = req.Context().Done(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection$1 = $select([[req.Cancel], [_r$7], [cancelc[0]], []]); + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 2) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 3) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { */ case 30: + _tmp$2 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$3 = errRequestCanceledConn; + pc = _tmp$2; + err[0] = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [pc, err[0]]; + $s = 35; case 35: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { */ case 31: + _tmp$4 = ptrType$22.nil; + _r$8 = req.Context().Err(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$5 = _r$8; + pc = _tmp$4; + err[0] = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [pc, err[0]]; + $s = 37; case 37: return $24r$2; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 2) { */ case 32: + err$1 = _selection$1[1][0]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, errRequestCanceled)) { + err$1 = errRequestCanceledConn; + } + _tmp$6 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$7 = err$1; + pc = _tmp$6; + err[0] = _tmp$7; + $24r$3 = [pc, err[0]]; + $s = 38; case 38: return $24r$3; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 3) { */ case 33: + /* } */ case 34: + /* } */ case 28: + _tmp$8 = w[0].pc; + _tmp$9 = w[0].err; + pc = _tmp$8; + err[0] = _tmp$9; + $24r$4 = [pc, err[0]]; + $s = 39; case 39: return $24r$4; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 19: + _tmp$10 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$11 = errRequestCanceledConn; + pc = _tmp$10; + err[0] = _tmp$11; + $24r$5 = [pc, err[0]]; + $s = 40; case 40: return $24r$5; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 20: + _tmp$12 = ptrType$22.nil; + _r$9 = req.Context().Err(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$13 = _r$9; + pc = _tmp$12; + err[0] = _tmp$13; + $24r$6 = [pc, err[0]]; + $s = 42; case 42: return $24r$6; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 3) { */ case 21: + err$2 = _selection[1][0]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, errRequestCanceled)) { + err$2 = errRequestCanceledConn; + } + _tmp$14 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$15 = err$2; + pc = _tmp$14; + err[0] = _tmp$15; + $24r$7 = [pc, err[0]]; + $s = 43; case 43: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 22: + $s = -1; return [pc, err[0]]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [pc, err[0]]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.getConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _selection$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, cancelc, cm, ctx, delivered, err, err$1, err$2, pc, pc$1, req, t, trace, treq, w, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.getConn = function(treq, cm) { return this.$val.getConn(treq, cm); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.queueForDial = function(w) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, n, q, t, w, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + t = this; + $r = w.beforeDial(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (t.MaxConnsPerHost <= 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (t.MaxConnsPerHost <= 0) { */ case 2: + $go($methodVal(t, "dialConnFor"), [w]); + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + $r = t.connsPerHostMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t.connsPerHostMu, "Unlock"), []]); + n = (_entry = t.connsPerHost[connectMethodKey.keyFor(w.key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0); + /* */ if (n < t.MaxConnsPerHost) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (n < t.MaxConnsPerHost) { */ case 6: + if (t.connsPerHost === false) { + t.connsPerHost = {}; + } + _key = $clone(w.key, connectMethodKey); (t.connsPerHost || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[connectMethodKey.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: n + 1 >> 0 }; + $go($methodVal(t, "dialConnFor"), [w]); + $s = 8; case 8: return; + /* } */ case 7: + if (t.connsPerHostWait === false) { + t.connsPerHostWait = {}; + } + q = $clone((_entry$1 = t.connsPerHostWait[connectMethodKey.keyFor(w.key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : new wantConnQueue.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, 0, sliceType$8.nil)), wantConnQueue); + q.cleanFront(); + q.pushBack(w); + _key$1 = $clone(w.key, connectMethodKey); (t.connsPerHostWait || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[connectMethodKey.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $clone(q, wantConnQueue) }; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.queueForDial, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, n, q, t, w, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.queueForDial = function(w) { return this.$val.queueForDial(w); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.dialConnFor = function(w) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, delivered, err, pc, t, w, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + t = this; + $deferred.push([w.afterDial, []]); + _r$1 = t.dialConn(w.ctx, $clone(w.cm, connectMethod)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + pc = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + _r$2 = w.tryDeliver(pc, err); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delivered = _r$2; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (!delivered || !($interfaceIsEqual(pc.alt, $ifaceNil)))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (!delivered || !($interfaceIsEqual(pc.alt, $ifaceNil)))) { */ case 3: + $r = t.putOrCloseIdleConn(pc); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + $r = t.decConnsPerHost($clone(w.key, connectMethodKey)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.dialConnFor, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, delivered, err, pc, t, w, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.dialConnFor = function(w) { return this.$val.dialConnFor(w); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.decConnsPerHost = function(key) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, done, key, n, q, t, w, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + t = this; + /* */ if (t.MaxConnsPerHost <= 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (t.MaxConnsPerHost <= 0) { */ case 1: + $s = 3; case 3: return; + /* } */ case 2: + $r = t.connsPerHostMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t.connsPerHostMu, "Unlock"), []]); + n = (_entry = t.connsPerHost[connectMethodKey.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0); + if (n === 0) { + $panic(new $String("net/http: internal error: connCount underflow")); + } + q = $clone((_entry$1 = t.connsPerHostWait[connectMethodKey.keyFor(key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : new wantConnQueue.ptr(sliceType$8.nil, 0, sliceType$8.nil)), wantConnQueue); + /* */ if (q.len() > 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (q.len() > 0) { */ case 5: + done = false; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(q.len() > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(q.len() > 0)) { $s = 8; continue; } + w = q.popFront(); + if (w.waiting()) { + $go($methodVal(t, "dialConnFor"), [w]); + done = true; + /* break; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + if (q.len() === 0) { + delete t.connsPerHostWait[connectMethodKey.keyFor(key)]; + } else { + _key = $clone(key, connectMethodKey); (t.connsPerHostWait || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[connectMethodKey.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $clone(q, wantConnQueue) }; + } + /* */ if (done) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (done) { */ case 9: + $s = 11; case 11: return; + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 6: + n = n - (1) >> 0; + if (n === 0) { + delete t.connsPerHost[connectMethodKey.keyFor(key)]; + } else { + _key$1 = $clone(key, connectMethodKey); (t.connsPerHost || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[connectMethodKey.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: n }; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.decConnsPerHost, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _key$1, done, key, n, q, t, w, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.decConnsPerHost = function(key) { return this.$val.decConnsPerHost(key); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.addTLS = function(ctx, name, trace) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, cfg, cs, ctx, d, err, errc, name, pconn, plainConn, timer, tlsConn, trace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, name, trace}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cs = [cs]; + ctx = [ctx]; + errc = [errc]; + timer = [timer]; + tlsConn = [tlsConn]; + trace = [trace]; + pconn = this; + _r$1 = cloneTLSConfig(pconn.t.TLSClientConfig); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cfg = _r$1; + if (cfg.ServerName === "") { + cfg.ServerName = name; + } + if (pconn.cacheKey.onlyH1) { + cfg.NextProtos = sliceType$2.nil; + } + plainConn = pconn.conn; + tlsConn[0] = tls.Client(plainConn, cfg); + errc[0] = new $Chan($error, 2); + timer[0] = ptrType$25.nil; + d = pconn.t.TLSHandshakeTimeout; + /* */ if (!((d.$high === 0 && d.$low === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((d.$high === 0 && d.$low === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = time.AfterFunc(d, (function(cs, ctx, errc, timer, tlsConn, trace) { return function $b() { + var {x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = $send(errc[0], (x$5 = new tlsHandshakeTimeoutError.ptr(), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; })(cs, ctx, errc, timer, tlsConn, trace)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + timer[0] = _r$2; + /* } */ case 3: + $go((function(cs, ctx, errc, timer, tlsConn, trace) { return function $b() { + var {_r$3, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].TLSHandshakeStart === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].TLSHandshakeStart === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = trace[0].TLSHandshakeStart(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = tlsConn[0].HandshakeContext(ctx[0]); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!(timer[0] === ptrType$25.nil)) { + timer[0].Stop(); + } + $r = $send(errc[0], err); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$3, err, $s};return $f; + }; })(cs, ctx, errc, timer, tlsConn, trace), []); + _r$3 = $recv(errc[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3[0]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = plainConn.Close(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* */ if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].TLSHandshakeDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].TLSHandshakeDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 9: + $r = trace[0].TLSHandshakeDone(new tls.ConnectionState.ptr(0, false, false, 0, "", false, "", sliceType$10.nil, sliceType$11.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$3.nil, sliceType$3.nil, $throwNilPointerError), err); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return err; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$5 = tlsConn[0].ConnectionState(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cs[0] = $clone(_r$5, tls.ConnectionState); + /* */ if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].TLSHandshakeDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].TLSHandshakeDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 13: + $r = trace[0].TLSHandshakeDone($clone(cs[0], tls.ConnectionState), $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 14: + pconn.tlsState = cs[0]; + pconn.conn = tlsConn[0]; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.addTLS, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, cfg, cs, ctx, d, err, errc, name, pconn, plainConn, timer, tlsConn, trace, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.prototype.addTLS = function(ctx, name, trace) { return this.$val.addTLS(ctx, name, trace); }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.dialConn = function(ctx, cm) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, alt, auth, cancel, cm, conn$1, conn$2, conn$3, connectCtx, connectReq, cs, ctx, d, didReadResponse, e, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, firstTLSHost, hdr, newCtx, next, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, pa, pa$1, pconn, resp, s, t, tc, text, trace, u, wrapErr, x$5, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, cm}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cm = [cm]; + conn$1 = [conn$1]; + connectReq = [connectReq]; + cs = [cs]; + didReadResponse = [didReadResponse]; + err = [err]; + pa = [pa]; + resp = [resp]; + pconn = ptrType$22.nil; + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + t = this; + pconn = new persistConn.ptr($ifaceNil, t, $clone(cm[0].key(), connectMethodKey), $ifaceNil, ptrType$28.nil, ptrType$29.nil, ptrType$14.nil, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Chan(requestAndChan, 1), new $Chan(writeRequest, 1), new $Chan(structType, 0), false, false, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Chan($error, 1), new $Chan(structType, 0), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), ptrType$25.nil, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, false, false, $throwNilPointerError); + _r$1 = httptrace.ContextClientTrace(ctx); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trace = _r$1; + wrapErr = (function(cm, conn$1, connectReq, cs, didReadResponse, err, pa, resp) { return function(err$2) { + var err$2; + if (!(cm[0].proxyURL === ptrType$17.nil)) { + return new net.OpError.ptr("proxyconnect", "tcp", $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, err$2); + } + return err$2; + }; })(cm, conn$1, connectReq, cs, didReadResponse, err, pa, resp); + /* */ if (cm[0].scheme() === "https" && t.hasCustomTLSDialer()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (cm[0].scheme() === "https" && t.hasCustomTLSDialer()) { */ case 2: + err$2 = $ifaceNil; + _arg = ctx; + _r$2 = cm[0].addr(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = t.customDialTLS(_arg, "tcp", _arg$1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + pconn.conn = _tuple[0]; + err$2 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _tmp = ptrType$22.nil; + _r$4 = wrapErr(err$2); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$4; + pconn = _tmp; + err$1 = _tmp$1; + $24r = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(pconn.conn, ptrType$30, true); + tc = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 11: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.TLSHandshakeStart === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.TLSHandshakeStart === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 13: + $r = trace.TLSHandshakeStart(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 14: + _r$5 = tc.HandshakeContext(ctx); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$3 = _r$5; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 17: + $go($methodVal(pconn.conn, "Close"), []); + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.TLSHandshakeDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.TLSHandshakeDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 19: + $r = trace.TLSHandshakeDone(new tls.ConnectionState.ptr(0, false, false, 0, "", false, "", sliceType$10.nil, sliceType$11.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$3.nil, sliceType$3.nil, $throwNilPointerError), err$3); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 20: + _tmp$2 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$3 = err$3; + pconn = _tmp$2; + err$1 = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 18: + _r$6 = tc.ConnectionState(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cs[0] = $clone(_r$6, tls.ConnectionState); + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.TLSHandshakeDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.TLSHandshakeDone === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 24: + $r = trace.TLSHandshakeDone($clone(cs[0], tls.ConnectionState), $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 25: + pconn.tlsState = cs[0]; + /* } */ case 12: + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + _arg$2 = ctx; + _r$7 = cm[0].addr(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$7; + _r$8 = t.dial(_arg$2, "tcp", _arg$3); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$8; + conn$2 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$4 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 29: + _tmp$4 = ptrType$22.nil; + _r$9 = wrapErr(err$4); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$5 = _r$9; + pconn = _tmp$4; + err$1 = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 30: + pconn.conn = conn$2; + /* */ if (cm[0].scheme() === "https") { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (cm[0].scheme() === "https") { */ case 33: + firstTLSHost = ""; + _r$10 = cm[0].addr(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = net.SplitHostPort(_r$10); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$11; + firstTLSHost = _tuple$3[0]; + err$4 = _tuple$3[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 37: + _tmp$6 = ptrType$22.nil; + _r$12 = wrapErr(err$4); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$7 = _r$12; + pconn = _tmp$6; + err$1 = _tmp$7; + $24r$3 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 40; case 40: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 38: + _r$13 = pconn.addTLS(ctx, firstTLSHost, trace); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$4 = _r$13; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 42: + _tmp$8 = ptrType$22.nil; + _r$14 = wrapErr(err$4); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$9 = _r$14; + pconn = _tmp$8; + err$1 = _tmp$9; + $24r$4 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 45; case 45: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 43: + /* } */ case 34: + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (cm[0].proxyURL === ptrType$17.nil) { $s = 47; continue; } + /* */ if (cm[0].proxyURL.Scheme === "socks5") { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ if (cm[0].targetScheme === "http") { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ if (cm[0].targetScheme === "https") { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ $s = 51; continue; + /* if (cm[0].proxyURL === ptrType$17.nil) { */ case 47: + $s = 51; continue; + /* } else if (cm[0].proxyURL.Scheme === "socks5") { */ case 48: + conn$3 = pconn.conn; + _r$15 = conn$3.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = _r$15.String(); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$16; + _r$17 = socksNewDialer("tcp", _arg$4); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + d = _r$17; + u = cm[0].proxyURL.User; + if (!(u === ptrType$21.nil)) { + auth = new socksUsernamePassword.ptr(u.Username(), ""); + _tuple$4 = u.Password(); + auth.Password = _tuple$4[0]; + d.AuthMethods = new sliceType$12([0, 2]); + d.Authenticate = $methodVal(auth, "Authenticate"); + } + _r$18 = d.DialWithConn(ctx, conn$3, "tcp", cm[0].targetAddr); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$18; + err$5 = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ $s = 57; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$5, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 56: + _r$19 = conn$3.Close(); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$19; + _tmp$10 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$11 = err$5; + pconn = _tmp$10; + err$1 = _tmp$11; + $24r$5 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 59; case 59: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 57: + $s = 51; continue; + /* } else if (cm[0].targetScheme === "http") { */ case 49: + pconn.isProxy = true; + pa[0] = cm[0].proxyAuth(); + if (!(pa[0] === "")) { + pconn.mutateHeaderFunc = (function(cm, conn$1, connectReq, cs, didReadResponse, err, pa, resp) { return function $b(h) { + var {h, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {h}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = new Header(h).Set("Proxy-Authorization", pa[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, h, $s};return $f; + }; })(cm, conn$1, connectReq, cs, didReadResponse, err, pa, resp); + } + $s = 51; continue; + /* } else if (cm[0].targetScheme === "https") { */ case 50: + conn$1[0] = pconn.conn; + hdr = false; + /* */ if (!(t.GetProxyConnectHeader === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ $s = 61; continue; + /* if (!(t.GetProxyConnectHeader === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 60: + err$6 = $ifaceNil; + _r$20 = t.GetProxyConnectHeader(ctx, cm[0].proxyURL, cm[0].targetAddr); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$20; + hdr = _tuple$6[0]; + err$6 = _tuple$6[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 64; continue; } + /* */ $s = 65; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$6, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 64: + _r$21 = conn$1[0].Close(); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21; + _tmp$12 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$13 = err$6; + pconn = _tmp$12; + err$1 = _tmp$13; + $24r$6 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 67; case 67: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 65: + $s = 62; continue; + /* } else { */ case 61: + hdr = t.ProxyConnectHeader; + /* } */ case 62: + if (hdr === false) { + hdr = {}; + } + pa$1 = cm[0].proxyAuth(); + /* */ if (!(pa$1 === "")) { $s = 68; continue; } + /* */ $s = 69; continue; + /* if (!(pa$1 === "")) { */ case 68: + hdr = new Header(hdr).Clone(); + $r = new Header(hdr).Set("Proxy-Authorization", pa$1); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 69: + connectReq[0] = new Request.ptr("CONNECT", new url.URL.ptr("", cm[0].targetAddr, ptrType$21.nil, "", "", "", false, "", "", ""), "", 0, 0, hdr, $ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$2.nil, false, cm[0].targetAddr, false, false, ptrType$31.nil, false, "", "", ptrType$28.nil, $chanNil, ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil); + connectCtx = ctx; + _r$22 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 73; case 73: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$22 === $chanNil) { $s = 71; continue; } + /* */ $s = 72; continue; + /* if (_r$22 === $chanNil) { */ case 71: + _r$23 = context.WithTimeout(ctx, new time.Duration(13, 4165425152)); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$7 = _r$23; + newCtx = _tuple$7[0]; + cancel = _tuple$7[1]; + $deferred.push([cancel, []]); + connectCtx = newCtx; + /* } */ case 72: + didReadResponse[0] = new $Chan(structType, 0); + resp[0] = ptrType$18.nil; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $go((function(cm, conn$1, connectReq, cs, didReadResponse, err, pa, resp) { return function $b() { + var {_arg$5, _r$24, _r$25, _tuple$8, br, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $deferred.push([function(_arg$5) { $close(_arg$5); }, [didReadResponse[0]]]); + _r$24 = connectReq[0].Write(conn$1[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$24; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + br = bufio.NewReader(conn$1[0]); + _r$25 = ReadResponse(br, connectReq[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$8 = _r$25; + resp[0] = _tuple$8[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$8[1]; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg$5, _r$24, _r$25, _tuple$8, br, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; })(cm, conn$1, connectReq, cs, didReadResponse, err, pa, resp), []); + _r$24 = connectCtx.Done(); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$25 = $select([[_r$24], [didReadResponse[0]]]); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$25; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 77; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 78; continue; } + /* */ $s = 79; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 77: + _r$26 = conn$1[0].Close(); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26; + _r$27 = $recv(didReadResponse[0]); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27[0]; + _tmp$14 = ptrType$22.nil; + _r$28 = connectCtx.Err(); /* */ $s = 82; case 82: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$15 = _r$28; + pconn = _tmp$14; + err$1 = _tmp$15; + $24r$7 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 83; case 83: return $24r$7; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 78: + /* } */ case 79: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 84; continue; } + /* */ $s = 85; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 84: + _r$29 = conn$1[0].Close(); /* */ $s = 86; case 86: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$29; + _tmp$16 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$17 = err[0]; + pconn = _tmp$16; + err$1 = _tmp$17; + $24r$8 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 87; case 87: return $24r$8; + /* } */ case 85: + /* */ if (!((resp[0].StatusCode === 200))) { $s = 88; continue; } + /* */ $s = 89; continue; + /* if (!((resp[0].StatusCode === 200))) { */ case 88: + _tuple$8 = strings.Cut(resp[0].Status, " "); + text = _tuple$8[1]; + ok$1 = _tuple$8[2]; + _r$30 = conn$1[0].Close(); /* */ $s = 90; case 90: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$30; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 91; continue; } + /* */ $s = 92; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 91: + _tmp$18 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$19 = errors.New("unknown status code"); + pconn = _tmp$18; + err$1 = _tmp$19; + $24r$9 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 93; case 93: return $24r$9; + /* } */ case 92: + _tmp$20 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$21 = errors.New(text); + pconn = _tmp$20; + err$1 = _tmp$21; + $24r$10 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 94; case 94: return $24r$10; + /* } */ case 89: + /* } */ case 51: + case 46: + /* */ if (!(cm[0].proxyURL === ptrType$17.nil) && cm[0].targetScheme === "https") { $s = 95; continue; } + /* */ $s = 96; continue; + /* if (!(cm[0].proxyURL === ptrType$17.nil) && cm[0].targetScheme === "https") { */ case 95: + _r$31 = pconn.addTLS(ctx, cm[0].tlsHost(), trace); /* */ $s = 97; case 97: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$7 = _r$31; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$7, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 98; continue; } + /* */ $s = 99; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$7, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 98: + _tmp$22 = ptrType$22.nil; + _tmp$23 = err$7; + pconn = _tmp$22; + err$1 = _tmp$23; + $24r$11 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 100; case 100: return $24r$11; + /* } */ case 99: + /* } */ case 96: + s = pconn.tlsState; + /* */ if (!(s === ptrType$28.nil) && s.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual && !(s.NegotiatedProtocol === "")) { $s = 101; continue; } + /* */ $s = 102; continue; + /* if (!(s === ptrType$28.nil) && s.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual && !(s.NegotiatedProtocol === "")) { */ case 101: + _tuple$9 = (_entry = t.TLSNextProto[$String.keyFor(s.NegotiatedProtocol)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$throwNilPointerError, false]); + next = _tuple$9[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$9[1]; + /* */ if (ok$2) { $s = 103; continue; } + /* */ $s = 104; continue; + /* if (ok$2) { */ case 103: + _r$32 = next(cm[0].targetAddr, $assertType(pconn.conn, ptrType$30)); /* */ $s = 105; case 105: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + alt = _r$32; + _tuple$10 = $assertType(alt, erringRoundTripper, true); + e = _tuple$10[0]; + ok$3 = _tuple$10[1]; + /* */ if (ok$3) { $s = 106; continue; } + /* */ $s = 107; continue; + /* if (ok$3) { */ case 106: + _tmp$24 = ptrType$22.nil; + _r$33 = e.RoundTripErr(); /* */ $s = 108; case 108: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$25 = _r$33; + pconn = _tmp$24; + err$1 = _tmp$25; + $24r$12 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 109; case 109: return $24r$12; + /* } */ case 107: + _tmp$26 = new persistConn.ptr(alt, t, $clone(pconn.cacheKey, connectMethodKey), $ifaceNil, ptrType$28.nil, ptrType$29.nil, ptrType$14.nil, new $Int64(0, 0), $chanNil, $chanNil, $chanNil, false, false, new $Int64(0, 0), $chanNil, $chanNil, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), ptrType$25.nil, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, false, false, $throwNilPointerError); + _tmp$27 = $ifaceNil; + pconn = _tmp$26; + err$1 = _tmp$27; + $24r$13 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 110; case 110: return $24r$13; + /* } */ case 104: + /* } */ case 102: + pconn.br = bufio.NewReaderSize(pconn, t.readBufferSize()); + pconn.bw = bufio.NewWriterSize((x$5 = new persistConnWriter.ptr(pconn), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), t.writeBufferSize()); + $go($methodVal(pconn, "readLoop"), []); + $go($methodVal(pconn, "writeLoop"), []); + _tmp$28 = pconn; + _tmp$29 = $ifaceNil; + pconn = _tmp$28; + err$1 = _tmp$29; + $24r$14 = [pconn, err$1]; + $s = 111; case 111: return $24r$14; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [pconn, err$1]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.dialConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, alt, auth, cancel, cm, conn$1, conn$2, conn$3, connectCtx, connectReq, cs, ctx, d, didReadResponse, e, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, err$5, err$6, err$7, firstTLSHost, hdr, newCtx, next, ok, ok$1, ok$2, ok$3, pa, pa$1, pconn, resp, s, t, tc, text, trace, u, wrapErr, x$5, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Transport.prototype.dialConn = function(ctx, cm) { return this.$val.dialConn(ctx, cm); }; + persistConnWriter.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, n, p, w, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + _r$1 = w.pc.conn.Write(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + w.pc.nwrite = (x$5 = w.pc.nwrite, x$6 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConnWriter.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, n, p, w, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConnWriter.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + persistConnWriter.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, n, r, w, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + _r$1 = io.Copy(w.pc.conn, r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + w.pc.nwrite = (x$5 = w.pc.nwrite, x$6 = n, new $Int64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConnWriter.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, n, r, w, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConnWriter.prototype.ReadFrom = function(r) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(r); }; + connectMethod.ptr.prototype.key = function() { + var cm, proxyStr, targetAddr; + cm = this; + proxyStr = ""; + targetAddr = cm.targetAddr; + if (!(cm.proxyURL === ptrType$17.nil)) { + proxyStr = cm.proxyURL.String(); + if ((cm.proxyURL.Scheme === "http" || cm.proxyURL.Scheme === "https") && cm.targetScheme === "http") { + targetAddr = ""; + } + } + return new connectMethodKey.ptr(proxyStr, cm.targetScheme, targetAddr, cm.onlyH1); + }; + connectMethod.prototype.key = function() { return this.$val.key(); }; + connectMethod.ptr.prototype.scheme = function() { + var cm; + cm = this; + if (!(cm.proxyURL === ptrType$17.nil)) { + return cm.proxyURL.Scheme; + } + return cm.targetScheme; + }; + connectMethod.prototype.scheme = function() { return this.$val.scheme(); }; + connectMethod.ptr.prototype.addr = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, cm, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cm = this; + /* */ if (!(cm.proxyURL === ptrType$17.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(cm.proxyURL === ptrType$17.nil)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = canonicalAddr(cm.proxyURL); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return cm.targetAddr; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: connectMethod.ptr.prototype.addr, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, cm, $s};return $f; + }; + connectMethod.prototype.addr = function() { return this.$val.addr(); }; + connectMethod.ptr.prototype.tlsHost = function() { + var cm, h; + cm = this; + h = cm.targetAddr; + if (hasPort(h)) { + h = $substring(h, 0, strings.LastIndex(h, ":")); + } + return h; + }; + connectMethod.prototype.tlsHost = function() { return this.$val.tlsHost(); }; + connectMethodKey.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, h1, k, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + k = this; + h1 = ""; + if (k.onlyH1) { + h1 = ",h1"; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s%s|%s", new sliceType([new $String(k.proxy), new $String(k.scheme), new $String(h1), new $String(k.addr)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: connectMethodKey.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, h1, k, $s};return $f; + }; + connectMethodKey.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderResponseSize = function() { + var pc, v; + pc = this; + v = pc.t.MaxResponseHeaderBytes; + if (!((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0))) { + return v; + } + return new $Int64(0, 10485760); + }; + persistConn.prototype.maxHeaderResponseSize = function() { return this.$val.maxHeaderResponseSize(); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, n, p, pc, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + pc = this; + /* */ if ((x$5 = pc.readLimit, (x$5.$high < 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low <= 0)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x$5 = pc.readLimit, (x$5.$high < 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low <= 0)))) { */ case 1: + _tmp = 0; + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("read limit of %d bytes exhausted", new sliceType([pc.maxHeaderResponseSize()])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + if ((x$6 = (new $Int64(0, p.$length)), x$7 = pc.readLimit, (x$6.$high > x$7.$high || (x$6.$high === x$7.$high && x$6.$low > x$7.$low)))) { + p = $subslice(p, 0, $flatten64(pc.readLimit)); + } + _r$2 = pc.conn.Read(p); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + pc.sawEOF = true; + } + pc.readLimit = (x$8 = pc.readLimit, x$9 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$8.$high - x$9.$high, x$8.$low - x$9.$low)); + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, n, p, pc, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.isBroken = function() { + var {b, pc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + pc = this; + $r = pc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + b = !($interfaceIsEqual(pc.closed, $ifaceNil)); + $r = pc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return b; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.isBroken, $c: true, $r, b, pc, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.prototype.isBroken = function() { return this.$val.isBroken(); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.canceled = function() { + var {$24r, pc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + pc = this; + $r = pc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(pc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = pc.canceledErr; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.canceled, $c: true, $r, $24r, pc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + persistConn.prototype.canceled = function() { return this.$val.canceled(); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.isReused = function() { + var {pc, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + pc = this; + $r = pc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + r = pc.reused; + $r = pc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.isReused, $c: true, $r, pc, r, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.prototype.isReused = function() { return this.$val.isReused(); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.gotIdleConnTrace = function(idleAt) { + var {$24r, _r$1, idleAt, pc, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {idleAt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + t = new httptrace.GotConnInfo.ptr($ifaceNil, false, false, new time.Duration(0, 0)); + pc = this; + $r = pc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(pc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + t.Reused = pc.reused; + t.Conn = pc.conn; + t.WasIdle = true; + /* */ if (!$clone(idleAt, time.Time).IsZero()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!$clone(idleAt, time.Time).IsZero()) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = time.Since($clone(idleAt, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t.IdleTime = _r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $24r = t; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return t; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.gotIdleConnTrace, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, idleAt, pc, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + persistConn.prototype.gotIdleConnTrace = function(idleAt) { return this.$val.gotIdleConnTrace(idleAt); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.cancelRequest = function(err) { + var {err, pc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + pc = this; + $r = pc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(pc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + pc.canceledErr = err; + $r = pc.closeLocked(errRequestCanceled); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.cancelRequest, $c: true, $r, err, pc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + persistConn.prototype.cancelRequest = function(err) { return this.$val.cancelRequest(err); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.closeConnIfStillIdle = function() { + var {_entry, _tuple, ok, pc, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + pc = this; + t = pc.t; + $r = t.idleMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t.idleMu, "Unlock"), []]); + _tuple = (_entry = t.idleLRU.m[ptrType$22.keyFor(pc)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$23.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + t.removeIdleConnLocked(pc); + $r = pc.close(errIdleConnTimeout); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.closeConnIfStillIdle, $c: true, $r, _entry, _tuple, ok, pc, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + persistConn.prototype.closeConnIfStillIdle = function() { return this.$val.closeConnIfStillIdle(); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.mapRoundTripError = function(req, startBytesWritten, err) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, cerr, err, ok, pc, req, reqErr, startBytesWritten, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req, startBytesWritten, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + pc = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$1 = $recv(pc.writeLoopDone); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1[0]; + _r$2 = pc.canceled(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cerr = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cerr, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return cerr; + } + $r = req.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + reqErr = req.err; + $r = req.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(reqErr, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return reqErr; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, errServerClosedIdle)) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, transportReadFromServerError, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + if ((x$5 = pc.nwrite, (x$5.$high === startBytesWritten.$high && x$5.$low === startBytesWritten.$low))) { + $s = -1; return (x$6 = new nothingWrittenError.ptr(err), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + } + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = pc.isBroken(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 5: + if ((x$7 = pc.nwrite, (x$7.$high === startBytesWritten.$high && x$7.$low === startBytesWritten.$low))) { + $s = -1; return (x$8 = new nothingWrittenError.ptr(err), new x$8.constructor.elem(x$8)); + } + _r$4 = fmt.Errorf("net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: %v", new sliceType([err])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.mapRoundTripError, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, cerr, err, ok, pc, req, reqErr, startBytesWritten, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.prototype.mapRoundTripError = function(req, startBytesWritten, err) { return this.$val.mapRoundTripError(req, startBytesWritten, err); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.readLoop = function() { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _selection$1, _selection$2, _selection$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, alive, body$1, bodyEOF, bodyWritable, closeErr, eofc, err, hasBody, pc, rc, replaced, replaced$1, resp, testHookReadLoopBeforeNextRead$1, trace, tryPutIdleConn, waitForBodyRead, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + closeErr = [closeErr]; + eofc = [eofc]; + pc = [pc]; + pc[0] = this; + closeErr[0] = errReadLoopExiting; + $deferred.push([(function(closeErr, eofc, pc) { return function $b() { + var {_r$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = pc[0].close(closeErr[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = pc[0].t.removeIdleConn(pc[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(closeErr, eofc, pc), []]); + tryPutIdleConn = (function(closeErr, eofc, pc) { return function $b(trace) { + var {_r$1, err, trace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {trace}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = pc[0].t.tryPutIdleConn(pc[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + closeErr[0] = err; + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.PutIdleConn === $throwNilPointerError) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err, errKeepAlivesDisabled))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.PutIdleConn === $throwNilPointerError) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err, errKeepAlivesDisabled))) { */ case 4: + $r = trace.PutIdleConn(err); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.PutIdleConn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.PutIdleConn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 7: + $r = trace.PutIdleConn($ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, err, trace, $s};return $f; + }; })(closeErr, eofc, pc); + eofc[0] = new $Chan(structType, 0); + $deferred.push([function(_arg) { $close(_arg); }, [eofc[0]]]); + $r = testHookMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + testHookReadLoopBeforeNextRead$1 = testHookReadLoopBeforeNextRead; + $r = testHookMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + alive = true; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(alive)) { break; } */ if(!(alive)) { $s = 4; continue; } + waitForBodyRead = [waitForBodyRead]; + pc[0].readLimit = pc[0].maxHeaderResponseSize(); + _r$1 = pc[0].br.Peek(1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + $r = pc[0].mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (pc[0].numExpectedResponses === 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (pc[0].numExpectedResponses === 0) { */ case 7: + $r = pc[0].readLoopPeekFailLocked(err); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pc[0].mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 11; case 11: return; + /* } */ case 8: + $r = pc[0].mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $recv(pc[0].reqch); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rc = $clone(_r$2[0], requestAndChan); + _r$3 = httptrace.ContextClientTrace(rc.req.Context()); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trace = _r$3; + resp = ptrType$18.nil; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 15: + _r$4 = pc[0].readResponse($clone(rc, requestAndChan), trace); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + resp = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else { */ case 16: + err = (x$5 = new transportReadFromServerError.ptr(err), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + closeErr[0] = err; + /* } */ case 17: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 19: + /* */ if ((x$6 = pc[0].readLimit, (x$6.$high < 0 || (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low <= 0)))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if ((x$6 = pc[0].readLimit, (x$6.$high < 0 || (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low <= 0)))) { */ case 21: + _r$5 = fmt.Errorf("net/http: server response headers exceeded %d bytes; aborted", new sliceType([pc[0].maxHeaderResponseSize()])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$5; + /* } */ case 22: + _r$6 = $select([[rc.ch, new responseAndError.ptr(arrayType.zero(), ptrType$18.nil, err)], [rc.callerGone]]); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$6; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 25: + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 26: + $s = 28; case 28: return; + /* } */ case 27: + $s = 29; case 29: return; + /* } */ case 20: + pc[0].readLimit = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + $r = pc[0].mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pc[0].numExpectedResponses = pc[0].numExpectedResponses - (1) >> 0; + $r = pc[0].mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bodyWritable = resp.bodyIsWritable(); + hasBody = !(rc.req.Method === "HEAD") && !((x$7 = resp.ContentLength, (x$7.$high === 0 && x$7.$low === 0))); + if (resp.Close || rc.req.Close || resp.StatusCode <= 199 || bodyWritable) { + alive = false; + } + /* */ if (!hasBody || bodyWritable) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (!hasBody || bodyWritable) { */ case 32: + _r$7 = pc[0].t.replaceReqCanceler($clone(rc.cancelKey, cancelKey), $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + replaced = _r$7; + if (!(alive && !pc[0].sawEOF)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 36; continue s; } + _r$8 = pc[0].wroteRequest(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$8; case 36: + if (!(_v$1 && replaced)) { _v = false; $s = 35; continue s; } + _r$9 = tryPutIdleConn(trace); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$9; case 35: + alive = _v; + if (bodyWritable) { + closeErr[0] = errCallerOwnsConn; + } + _r$10 = $select([[rc.ch, new responseAndError.ptr(arrayType.zero(), resp, $ifaceNil)], [rc.callerGone]]); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection$1 = _r$10; + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ $s = 42; continue; + /* if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { */ case 40: + $s = 42; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { */ case 41: + $s = 43; case 43: return; + /* } */ case 42: + $r = testHookReadLoopBeforeNextRead$1(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + /* } */ case 33: + waitForBodyRead[0] = new $Chan($Bool, 2); + body$1 = new bodyEOFSignal.ptr(resp.Body, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, $ifaceNil, (function(closeErr, eofc, pc, waitForBodyRead) { return function $b(err$1) { + var {_r$11, _r$12, cerr, err$1, isEOF, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + isEOF = $interfaceIsEqual(err$1, io.EOF); + $r = $send(waitForBodyRead[0], isEOF); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (isEOF) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (isEOF) { */ case 2: + _r$11 = $recv(eofc[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11[0]; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + _r$12 = pc[0].canceled(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cerr = _r$12; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cerr, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return cerr; + } + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$11, _r$12, cerr, err$1, isEOF, $s};return $f; + }; })(closeErr, eofc, pc, waitForBodyRead), (function(closeErr, eofc, pc, waitForBodyRead) { return function $b() { + var {_r$11, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = $send(waitForBodyRead[0], false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = $recv(eofc[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11[0]; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$11, $s};return $f; + }; })(closeErr, eofc, pc, waitForBodyRead)); + resp.Body = body$1; + if (!(rc.addedGzip)) { _v$2 = false; $s = 47; continue s; } + _r$11 = new Header(resp.Header).Get("Content-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12 = ascii.EqualFold(_r$11, "gzip"); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = _r$12; case 47: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 45: + resp.Body = new gzipReader.ptr(arrayType.zero(), body$1, ptrType$33.nil, $ifaceNil); + $r = new Header(resp.Header).Del("Content-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = new Header(resp.Header).Del("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + resp.ContentLength = new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + resp.Uncompressed = true; + /* } */ case 46: + _r$13 = $select([[rc.ch, new responseAndError.ptr(arrayType.zero(), resp, $ifaceNil)], [rc.callerGone]]); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection$2 = _r$13; + /* */ if (_selection$2[0] === 0) { $s = 53; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$2[0] === 1) { $s = 54; continue; } + /* */ $s = 55; continue; + /* if (_selection$2[0] === 0) { */ case 53: + $s = 55; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$2[0] === 1) { */ case 54: + $s = 56; case 56: return; + /* } */ case 55: + _r$14 = rc.req.Context().Done(); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15 = $select([[waitForBodyRead[0]], [rc.req.Cancel], [_r$14], [pc[0].closech]]); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection$3 = _r$15; + /* */ if (_selection$3[0] === 0) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$3[0] === 1) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$3[0] === 2) { $s = 61; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$3[0] === 3) { $s = 62; continue; } + /* */ $s = 63; continue; + /* if (_selection$3[0] === 0) { */ case 59: + bodyEOF = _selection$3[1][0]; + _r$16 = pc[0].t.replaceReqCanceler($clone(rc.cancelKey, cancelKey), $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + replaced$1 = _r$16; + if (!(alive && bodyEOF && !pc[0].sawEOF)) { _v$4 = false; $s = 66; continue s; } + _r$17 = pc[0].wroteRequest(); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$4 = _r$17; case 66: + if (!(_v$4 && replaced$1)) { _v$3 = false; $s = 65; continue s; } + _r$18 = tryPutIdleConn(trace); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = _r$18; case 65: + alive = _v$3; + /* */ if (bodyEOF) { $s = 69; continue; } + /* */ $s = 70; continue; + /* if (bodyEOF) { */ case 69: + $r = $send(eofc[0], $clone(new structType.ptr(), structType)); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 70: + $s = 63; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$3[0] === 1) { */ case 60: + alive = false; + $r = pc[0].t.CancelRequest(rc.req); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 63; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$3[0] === 2) { */ case 61: + alive = false; + _arg$1 = $clone(rc.cancelKey, cancelKey); + _r$19 = rc.req.Context().Err(); /* */ $s = 73; case 73: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$19; + _r$20 = pc[0].t.cancelRequest(_arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$20; + $s = 63; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$3[0] === 3) { */ case 62: + alive = false; + /* } */ case 63: + $r = testHookReadLoopBeforeNextRead$1(); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.readLoop, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _selection$1, _selection$2, _selection$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, _v$4, alive, body$1, bodyEOF, bodyWritable, closeErr, eofc, err, hasBody, pc, rc, replaced, replaced$1, resp, testHookReadLoopBeforeNextRead$1, trace, tryPutIdleConn, waitForBodyRead, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + persistConn.prototype.readLoop = function() { return this.$val.readLoop(); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.readLoopPeekFailLocked = function(peekErr) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, buf, n, pc, peekErr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {peekErr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + pc = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(pc.closed, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + n = pc.br.Buffered(); + /* */ if (n > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (n > 0) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = pc.br.Peek(n); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + buf = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (is408Message(buf)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (is408Message(buf)) { */ case 4: + $r = pc.closeLocked(errServerClosedIdle); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } else { */ case 5: + $r = log.Printf("Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with %q; err=%v", new sliceType([buf, peekErr])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(peekErr, io.EOF)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(peekErr, io.EOF)) { */ case 9: + $r = pc.closeLocked(errServerClosedIdle); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("readLoopPeekFailLocked: %v", new sliceType([peekErr])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pc.closeLocked(_r$2); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 11: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.readLoopPeekFailLocked, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, buf, n, pc, peekErr, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.prototype.readLoopPeekFailLocked = function(peekErr) { return this.$val.readLoopPeekFailLocked(peekErr); }; + is408Message = function(buf) { + var buf; + if (buf.$length < 12) { + return false; + } + if (!(($bytesToString($subslice(buf, 0, 7))) === "HTTP/1.")) { + return false; + } + return ($bytesToString($subslice(buf, 8, 12))) === " 408"; + }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.readResponse = function(rc, trace) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, continueCh, err, err$1, err$2, is1xx, is1xxNonTerminal, num1xx, pc, peek, rc, resCode, resp, trace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rc, trace}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + resp = ptrType$18.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + pc = this; + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.GotFirstResponseByte === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.GotFirstResponseByte === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = pc.br.Peek(1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + peek = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil) && (peek.$length === 1)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil) && (peek.$length === 1)) { */ case 4: + $r = trace.GotFirstResponseByte(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + /* } */ case 2: + num1xx = 0; + continueCh = rc.continueCh; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = ReadResponse(pc.br, rc.req); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + resp = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [resp, err]; + } + resCode = resp.StatusCode; + /* */ if (!(continueCh === $chanNil)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!(continueCh === $chanNil)) { */ case 10: + /* */ if (resCode === 100) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (resCode >= 200) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (resCode === 100) { */ case 12: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.Got100Continue === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.Got100Continue === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 15: + $r = trace.Got100Continue(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 16: + $r = $send(continueCh, $clone(new structType.ptr(), structType)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + continueCh = $chanNil; + $s = 14; continue; + /* } else if (resCode >= 200) { */ case 13: + $close(continueCh); + continueCh = $chanNil; + /* } */ case 14: + /* } */ case 11: + is1xx = 100 <= resCode && resCode <= 199; + is1xxNonTerminal = is1xx && !((resCode === 101)); + /* */ if (is1xxNonTerminal) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (is1xxNonTerminal) { */ case 19: + num1xx = num1xx + (1) >> 0; + if (num1xx > 5) { + _tmp = ptrType$18.nil; + _tmp$1 = errors.New("net/http: too many 1xx informational responses"); + resp = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [resp, err]; + } + pc.readLimit = pc.maxHeaderResponseSize(); + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.Got1xxResponse === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.Got1xxResponse === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 21: + _r$3 = trace.Got1xxResponse(resCode, (resp.Header)); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = ptrType$18.nil; + _tmp$3 = err$2; + resp = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [resp, err]; + } + /* } */ case 22: + /* continue; */ $s = 7; continue; + /* } */ case 20: + /* break; */ $s = 8; continue; + case 8: + _r$4 = resp.isProtocolSwitch(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (_r$4) { */ case 24: + resp.Body = newReadWriteCloserBody(pc.br, pc.conn); + /* } */ case 25: + resp.TLS = pc.tlsState; + $s = -1; return [resp, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.readResponse, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, continueCh, err, err$1, err$2, is1xx, is1xxNonTerminal, num1xx, pc, peek, rc, resCode, resp, trace, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.prototype.readResponse = function(rc, trace) { return this.$val.readResponse(rc, trace); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.waitForContinue = function(continueCh) { + var continueCh, pc; + pc = this; + if (continueCh === $chanNil) { + return $throwNilPointerError; + } + return (function $b() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _tuple, ok, timer, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + _r$1 = time.NewTimer(pc.t.ExpectContinueTimeout); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + timer = _r$1; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(timer, "Stop"), []]); + _r$2 = $select([[continueCh], [timer.C], [pc.closech]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$2; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 3: + _tuple = _selection[1]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + $24r = ok; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 4: + $24r$1 = true; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 5: + $24r$2 = false; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _tuple, ok, timer, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }); + }; + persistConn.prototype.waitForContinue = function(continueCh) { return this.$val.waitForContinue(continueCh); }; + newReadWriteCloserBody = function(br, rwc) { + var body$1, br, rwc; + body$1 = new readWriteCloserBody.ptr(arrayType.zero(), ptrType$29.nil, rwc); + if (!((br.Buffered() === 0))) { + body$1.br = br; + } + return body$1; + }; + readWriteCloserBody.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, n, n$1, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + /* */ if (!(b.br === ptrType$29.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(b.br === ptrType$29.nil)) { */ case 1: + n$1 = b.br.Buffered(); + if (p.$length > n$1) { + p = $subslice(p, 0, n$1); + } + _r$1 = b.br.Read(p); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (b.br.Buffered() === 0) { + b.br = ptrType$29.nil; + } + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = b.ReadWriteCloser.Read(p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: readWriteCloserBody.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, n, n$1, p, $s};return $f; + }; + readWriteCloserBody.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.writeLoop = function() { + var {_arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, _tuple, bre, err, ok, pc, startBytesWritten, wr, x$5, x$6, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + pc = this; + $deferred.push([function(_arg) { $close(_arg); }, [pc.writeLoopDone]]); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = $select([[pc.writech], [pc.closech]]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$1; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 4: + wr = $clone(_selection[1][0], writeRequest); + startBytesWritten = pc.nwrite; + _r$2 = wr.req.Request.write(pc.bw, pc.isProxy, wr.req.extra, pc.waitForContinue(wr.continueCh)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + _tuple = $assertType(err, requestBodyReadError, true); + bre = $clone(_tuple[0], requestBodyReadError); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 8: + err = bre.error; + $r = wr.req.setError(err); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 9: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 11: + _r$3 = pc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + /* } */ case 12: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ((x$5 = pc.nwrite, (x$5.$high === startBytesWritten.$high && x$5.$low === startBytesWritten.$low))) { + err = (x$6 = new nothingWrittenError.ptr(err), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + } + } + $r = $send(pc.writeErrCh, err); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $send(wr.ch, err); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 16: + $r = pc.close(err); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 19; case 19: return; + /* } */ case 17: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 5: + $s = 20; case 20: return; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.writeLoop, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, _tuple, bre, err, ok, pc, startBytesWritten, wr, x$5, x$6, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + persistConn.prototype.writeLoop = function() { return this.$val.writeLoop(); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.wroteRequest = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _selection$1, err, err$1, pc, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + pc = this; + _selection = $select([[pc.writeErrCh], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 1: + err = _selection[1][0]; + $24r = $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = time.NewTimer(new time.Duration(0, 50000000)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$1; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t, "Stop"), []]); + _r$2 = $select([[pc.writeErrCh], [t.C]]); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection$1 = _r$2; + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { */ case 7: + err$1 = _selection$1[1][0]; + $24r$1 = $interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil); + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { */ case 8: + $24r$2 = false; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 9: + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.wroteRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _selection$1, err, err$1, pc, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + persistConn.prototype.wroteRequest = function() { return this.$val.wroteRequest(); }; + httpError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.err; + }; + httpError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + httpError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.timeout; + }; + httpError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + httpError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return true; + }; + httpError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + nop = function() { + }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.roundTrip = function(req) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, cancelChan, canceled, continueCh, ctxDoneChan, d, err, err$1, gone, headerFn, pc, pcClosed, re, req, requestedGzip, resc, resp, respHeaderTimer, startBytesWritten, timer, writeErrCh, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + err = [err]; + pc = [pc]; + req = [req]; + resp = ptrType$18.nil; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + pc[0] = this; + $r = testHookEnterRoundTrip(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = pc[0].t.replaceReqCanceler($clone(req[0].cancelKey, cancelKey), $methodVal(pc[0], "cancelRequest")); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 2: + $r = pc[0].t.putOrCloseIdleConn(pc[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = ptrType$18.nil; + _tmp$1 = errRequestCanceled; + resp = _tmp; + err[0] = _tmp$1; + $24r = [resp, err[0]]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $r = pc[0].mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pc[0].numExpectedResponses = pc[0].numExpectedResponses + (1) >> 0; + headerFn = pc[0].mutateHeaderFunc; + $r = pc[0].mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(headerFn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(headerFn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 9: + $r = headerFn(req[0].extraHeaders()); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + requestedGzip = false; + if (!(!pc[0].t.DisableCompression)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 15; continue s; } + _r$2 = new Header(req[0].Request.Header).Get("Accept-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$2 === ""; case 15: + if (!(_v$1)) { _v = false; $s = 14; continue s; } + _r$3 = new Header(req[0].Request.Header).Get("Range"); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$3 === ""; case 14: + /* */ if (_v && !(req[0].Request.Method === "HEAD")) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_v && !(req[0].Request.Method === "HEAD")) { */ case 12: + requestedGzip = true; + $r = new Header(req[0].extraHeaders()).Set("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + continueCh = $chanNil; + if (req[0].Request.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) && !($interfaceIsEqual(req[0].Request.Body, $ifaceNil)) && req[0].Request.expectsContinue()) { + continueCh = new $Chan(structType, 1); + } + if (!(pc[0].t.DisableKeepAlives && !req[0].Request.wantsClose())) { _v$2 = false; $s = 21; continue s; } + _r$4 = isProtocolSwitchHeader(req[0].Request.Header); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$2 = !_r$4; case 21: + /* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (_v$2) { */ case 19: + $r = new Header(req[0].extraHeaders()).Set("Connection", "close"); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 20: + gone = new $Chan(structType, 0); + $deferred.push([function(_arg) { $close(_arg); }, [gone]]); + $deferred.push([(function(err, pc, req) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $r = pc[0].t.setReqCanceler($clone(req[0].cancelKey, cancelKey), $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(err, pc, req), []]); + startBytesWritten = pc[0].nwrite; + writeErrCh = new $Chan($error, 1); + $r = $send(pc[0].writech, $clone(new writeRequest.ptr(req[0], writeErrCh, continueCh), writeRequest)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + resc = new $Chan(responseAndError, 0); + $r = $send(pc[0].reqch, $clone(new requestAndChan.ptr(arrayType.zero(), req[0].Request, $clone(req[0].cancelKey, cancelKey), resc, requestedGzip, continueCh, gone), requestAndChan)); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + respHeaderTimer = $chanNil; + cancelChan = req[0].Request.Cancel; + _r$5 = req[0].Request.Context().Done(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctxDoneChan = _r$5; + pcClosed = pc[0].closech; + canceled = false; + /* while (true) { */ case 27: + $r = testHookWaitResLoop(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $select([[writeErrCh], [pcClosed], [respHeaderTimer], [resc], [cancelChan], [ctxDoneChan]]); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$6; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 3) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 4) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 5) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 31: + err$1 = _selection[1][0]; + /* */ if (false) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if (false) { */ case 38: + $r = req[0].logf("writeErrCh resv: %T/%#v", new sliceType([err$1, err$1])); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 39: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ $s = 42; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 41: + _r$7 = fmt.Errorf("write error: %v", new sliceType([err$1])); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = pc[0].close(_r$7); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = ptrType$18.nil; + _r$8 = pc[0].mapRoundTripError(req[0], startBytesWritten, err$1); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = _r$8; + resp = _tmp$2; + err[0] = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [resp, err[0]]; + $s = 46; case 46: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 42: + d = pc[0].t.ResponseHeaderTimeout; + /* */ if ((d.$high > 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low > 0))) { $s = 47; continue; } + /* */ $s = 48; continue; + /* if ((d.$high > 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low > 0))) { */ case 47: + /* */ if (false) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (false) { */ case 49: + $r = req[0].logf("starting timer for %v", new sliceType([d])); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 50: + _r$9 = time.NewTimer(d); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + timer = _r$9; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(timer, "Stop"), []]); + respHeaderTimer = timer.C; + /* } */ case 48: + $s = 37; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 32: + pcClosed = $chanNil; + if (canceled) { _v$3 = true; $s = 55; continue s; } + _r$10 = pc[0].t.replaceReqCanceler($clone(req[0].cancelKey, cancelKey), $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 56; case 56: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$3 = _r$10; case 55: + /* */ if (_v$3) { $s = 53; continue; } + /* */ $s = 54; continue; + /* if (_v$3) { */ case 53: + /* */ if (false) { $s = 57; continue; } + /* */ $s = 58; continue; + /* if (false) { */ case 57: + $r = req[0].logf("closech recv: %T %#v", new sliceType([pc[0].closed, pc[0].closed])); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 58: + _tmp$4 = ptrType$18.nil; + _r$11 = pc[0].mapRoundTripError(req[0], startBytesWritten, pc[0].closed); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$5 = _r$11; + resp = _tmp$4; + err[0] = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [resp, err[0]]; + $s = 61; case 61: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 54: + $s = 37; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 33: + /* */ if (false) { $s = 62; continue; } + /* */ $s = 63; continue; + /* if (false) { */ case 62: + $r = req[0].logf("timeout waiting for response headers.", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 63: + $r = pc[0].close(errTimeout); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$6 = ptrType$18.nil; + _tmp$7 = errTimeout; + resp = _tmp$6; + err[0] = _tmp$7; + $24r$3 = [resp, err[0]]; + $s = 66; case 66: return $24r$3; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 3) { */ case 34: + re = $clone(_selection[1][0], responseAndError); + /* */ if ((re.res === ptrType$18.nil) === ($interfaceIsEqual(re.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 67; continue; } + /* */ $s = 68; continue; + /* if ((re.res === ptrType$18.nil) === ($interfaceIsEqual(re.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 67: + _r$12 = fmt.Sprintf("internal error: exactly one of res or err should be set; nil=%v", new sliceType([new $Bool(re.res === ptrType$18.nil)])); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$12)); + /* } */ case 68: + /* */ if (false) { $s = 70; continue; } + /* */ $s = 71; continue; + /* if (false) { */ case 70: + $r = req[0].logf("resc recv: %p, %T/%#v", new sliceType([re.res, re.err, re.err])); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 71: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(re.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 73; continue; } + /* */ $s = 74; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(re.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 73: + _tmp$8 = ptrType$18.nil; + _r$13 = pc[0].mapRoundTripError(req[0], startBytesWritten, re.err); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$9 = _r$13; + resp = _tmp$8; + err[0] = _tmp$9; + $24r$4 = [resp, err[0]]; + $s = 76; case 76: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 74: + _tmp$10 = re.res; + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + resp = _tmp$10; + err[0] = _tmp$11; + $24r$5 = [resp, err[0]]; + $s = 77; case 77: return $24r$5; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 4) { */ case 35: + _r$14 = pc[0].t.cancelRequest($clone(req[0].cancelKey, cancelKey), errRequestCanceled); /* */ $s = 78; case 78: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + canceled = _r$14; + cancelChan = $chanNil; + $s = 37; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 5) { */ case 36: + _arg$1 = $clone(req[0].cancelKey, cancelKey); + _r$15 = req[0].Request.Context().Err(); /* */ $s = 79; case 79: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$15; + _r$16 = pc[0].t.cancelRequest(_arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + canceled = _r$16; + cancelChan = $chanNil; + ctxDoneChan = $chanNil; + /* } */ case 37: + $s = 27; continue; + case 28: + $s = -1; return [resp, err[0]]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [resp, err[0]]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.roundTrip, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _v, _v$1, _v$2, _v$3, cancelChan, canceled, continueCh, ctxDoneChan, d, err, err$1, gone, headerFn, pc, pcClosed, re, req, requestedGzip, resc, resp, respHeaderTimer, startBytesWritten, timer, writeErrCh, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + persistConn.prototype.roundTrip = function(req) { return this.$val.roundTrip(req); }; + transportRequest.ptr.prototype.logf = function(format, args) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, args, format, logf$1, ok, tr, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + tr = this; + _r$1 = tr.Request.Context().Value((x$5 = new tLogKey.ptr(), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$1, funcType$1, true); + logf$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(_r$2, time.Time).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = logf$1(_r$3 + ": " + format, args); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: transportRequest.ptr.prototype.logf, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, args, format, logf$1, ok, tr, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + transportRequest.prototype.logf = function(format, args) { return this.$val.logf(format, args); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.markReused = function() { + var {pc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + pc = this; + $r = pc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pc.reused = true; + $r = pc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.markReused, $c: true, $r, pc, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.prototype.markReused = function() { return this.$val.markReused(); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.close = function(err) { + var {err, pc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + pc = this; + $r = pc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(pc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $r = pc.closeLocked(err); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.close, $c: true, $r, err, pc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + persistConn.prototype.close = function(err) { return this.$val.close(err); }; + persistConn.ptr.prototype.closeLocked = function(err) { + var {_r$1, err, pc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + pc = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("nil error")); + } + pc.broken = true; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(pc.closed, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(pc.closed, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 1: + pc.closed = err; + $r = pc.t.decConnsPerHost($clone(pc.cacheKey, connectMethodKey)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(pc.alt, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(pc.alt, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 4: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, errCallerOwnsConn))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, errCallerOwnsConn))) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = pc.conn.Close(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + $close(pc.closech); + /* } */ case 5: + /* } */ case 2: + pc.mutateHeaderFunc = $throwNilPointerError; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: persistConn.ptr.prototype.closeLocked, $c: true, $r, _r$1, err, pc, $s};return $f; + }; + persistConn.prototype.closeLocked = function(err) { return this.$val.closeLocked(err); }; + canonicalAddr = function(url$1) { + var {_entry, _r$1, _tuple, addr, err, port, url$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {url$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + addr = url$1.Hostname(); + _r$1 = idnaASCII(addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + addr = v; + } + port = url$1.Port(); + if (port === "") { + port = (_entry = portMap[$String.keyFor(url$1.Scheme)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""); + } + $s = -1; return net.JoinHostPort(addr, port); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: canonicalAddr, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, addr, err, port, url$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + bodyEOFSignal.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, closed, err, es, n, p, rerr, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + es = this; + $r = es.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = es.closed; + _tmp$1 = es.rerr; + closed = _tmp; + rerr = _tmp$1; + $r = es.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (closed) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (closed) { */ case 3: + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = errReadOnClosedResBody; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(rerr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(rerr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = rerr; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$1 = es.body.Read(p); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + $r = es.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(es.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(es.rerr, $ifaceNil)) { + es.rerr = err; + } + _r$2 = es.condfn(err); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + $24r$2 = [n, err]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [n, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: bodyEOFSignal.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, closed, err, es, n, p, rerr, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + bodyEOFSignal.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + bodyEOFSignal.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, err, es, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + es = this; + $r = es.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(es.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (es.closed) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (es.closed) { */ case 2: + $24r = $ifaceNil; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + es.closed = true; + /* */ if (!(es.earlyCloseFn === $throwNilPointerError) && !($interfaceIsEqual(es.rerr, io.EOF))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(es.earlyCloseFn === $throwNilPointerError) && !($interfaceIsEqual(es.rerr, io.EOF))) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = es.earlyCloseFn(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$2 = es.body.Close(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + _r$3 = es.condfn(err); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$3; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: bodyEOFSignal.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, err, es, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + bodyEOFSignal.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + bodyEOFSignal.ptr.prototype.condfn = function(err) { + var {_r$1, err, es, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + es = this; + if (es.fn === $throwNilPointerError) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$1 = es.fn(err); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + es.fn = $throwNilPointerError; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: bodyEOFSignal.ptr.prototype.condfn, $c: true, $r, _r$1, err, es, $s};return $f; + }; + bodyEOFSignal.prototype.condfn = function(err) { return this.$val.condfn(err); }; + gzipReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, gz, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + gz = this; + /* */ if (gz.zr === ptrType$33.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (gz.zr === ptrType$33.nil) { */ case 1: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(gz.zerr, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(gz.zerr, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = gzip.NewReader(gz.body); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + gz.zr = _tuple[0]; + gz.zerr = _tuple[1]; + /* } */ case 4: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(gz.zerr, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = gz.zerr; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* } */ case 2: + $r = gz.body.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (gz.body.closed) { + err = errReadOnClosedResBody; + } + $r = gz.body.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$2 = gz.zr.Read(p); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: gzipReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, gz, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + gzipReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + gzipReader.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, gz, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + gz = this; + _r$1 = gz.body.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: gzipReader.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, gz, $s};return $f; + }; + gzipReader.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + tlsHandshakeTimeoutError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + return true; + }; + tlsHandshakeTimeoutError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + tlsHandshakeTimeoutError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + return true; + }; + tlsHandshakeTimeoutError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + tlsHandshakeTimeoutError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + return "net/http: TLS handshake timeout"; + }; + tlsHandshakeTimeoutError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + fakeLocker.ptr.prototype.Lock = function() { + }; + fakeLocker.prototype.Lock = function() { return this.$val.Lock(); }; + fakeLocker.ptr.prototype.Unlock = function() { + }; + fakeLocker.prototype.Unlock = function() { return this.$val.Unlock(); }; + cloneTLSConfig = function(cfg) { + var {$24r, _r$1, cfg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cfg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (cfg === ptrType$4.nil) { + $s = -1; return new tls.Config.ptr($ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, sliceType$13.nil, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$34.nil, sliceType$2.nil, "", 0, ptrType$34.nil, false, sliceType$14.nil, false, false, arrayType$1.zero(), $ifaceNil, 0, 0, sliceType$15.nil, false, 0, $ifaceNil, new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0), sliceType$16.nil, sliceType$16.nil); + } + _r$1 = cfg.Clone(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cloneTLSConfig, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, cfg, $s};return $f; + }; + connLRU.ptr.prototype.add = function(pc) { + var _entry, _key, _tuple, cl, ele, ok, pc; + cl = this; + if (cl.ll === ptrType$3.nil) { + cl.ll = list.New(); + cl.m = {}; + } + ele = cl.ll.PushFront(pc); + _tuple = (_entry = cl.m[ptrType$22.keyFor(pc)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$23.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $panic(new $String("persistConn was already in LRU")); + } + _key = pc; (cl.m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$22.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: ele }; + }; + connLRU.prototype.add = function(pc) { return this.$val.add(pc); }; + connLRU.ptr.prototype.removeOldest = function() { + var cl, ele, pc; + cl = this; + ele = cl.ll.Back(); + pc = $assertType(ele.Value, ptrType$22); + cl.ll.Remove(ele); + delete cl.m[ptrType$22.keyFor(pc)]; + return pc; + }; + connLRU.prototype.removeOldest = function() { return this.$val.removeOldest(); }; + connLRU.ptr.prototype.remove = function(pc) { + var _entry, _tuple, cl, ele, ok, pc; + cl = this; + _tuple = (_entry = cl.m[ptrType$22.keyFor(pc)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$23.nil, false]); + ele = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + cl.ll.Remove(ele); + delete cl.m[ptrType$22.keyFor(pc)]; + } + }; + connLRU.prototype.remove = function(pc) { return this.$val.remove(pc); }; + connLRU.ptr.prototype.len = function() { + var cl; + cl = this; + return $keys(cl.m).length; + }; + connLRU.prototype.len = function() { return this.$val.len(); }; + errorReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, err, n, p, r; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = r.err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + }; + errorReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + byteReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, br, err, n, p; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + br = this; + if (br.done) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + return [n, err]; + } + if (p.$length === 0) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + return [n, err]; + } + br.done = true; + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = br.b); + _tmp$4 = 1; + _tmp$5 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [n, err]; + }; + byteReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + newTransferWriter = function(r) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _v, _v$1, atLeastHTTP11, err, r, rr, rr$1, t, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = ptrType$35.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + t = new transferWriter.ptr("", $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, false, new $Int64(0, 0), false, sliceType$2.nil, false, false, false, $ifaceNil, false, $chanNil); + atLeastHTTP11 = false; + _ref = r; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$18, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + rr = _ref.$val; + /* */ if (!((x$5 = rr.ContentLength, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))) && $interfaceIsEqual(rr.Body, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = rr.ContentLength, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))) && $interfaceIsEqual(rr.Body, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 4: + _tmp = ptrType$35.nil; + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("http: Request.ContentLength=%d with nil Body", new sliceType([rr.ContentLength])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$1 = _r$1; + t = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [t, err]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + t.Method = valueOrDefault(rr.Method, "GET"); + t.Close = rr.Close; + t.TransferEncoding = rr.TransferEncoding; + t.Header = rr.Header; + t.Trailer = rr.Trailer; + t.Body = rr.Body; + t.BodyCloser = rr.Body; + t.ContentLength = rr.outgoingLength(); + if (!((x$6 = t.ContentLength, (x$6.$high < 0 || (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low < 0))) && (t.TransferEncoding.$length === 0))) { _v = false; $s = 10; continue s; } + _r$2 = t.shouldSendChunkedRequestBody(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$2; case 10: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 8: + t.TransferEncoding = new sliceType$2(["chunked"]); + /* } */ case 9: + if (!(!((x$7 = t.ContentLength, (x$7.$high === 0 && x$7.$low === 0))))) { _v$1 = false; $s = 14; continue s; } + _r$3 = isKnownInMemoryReader(t.Body); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = !_r$3; case 14: + /* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_v$1) { */ case 12: + t.FlushHeaders = true; + /* } */ case 13: + atLeastHTTP11 = true; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$18, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + rr$1 = _ref.$val; + t.IsResponse = true; + if (!(rr$1.Request === ptrType$11.nil)) { + t.Method = rr$1.Request.Method; + } + t.Body = rr$1.Body; + t.BodyCloser = rr$1.Body; + t.ContentLength = rr$1.ContentLength; + t.Close = rr$1.Close; + t.TransferEncoding = rr$1.TransferEncoding; + t.Header = rr$1.Header; + t.Trailer = rr$1.Trailer; + atLeastHTTP11 = rr$1.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1); + t.ResponseToHEAD = noResponseBodyExpected(t.Method); + /* } */ case 3: + if (t.ResponseToHEAD) { + t.Body = $ifaceNil; + if (chunked(t.TransferEncoding)) { + t.ContentLength = new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + } + } else { + if (!atLeastHTTP11 || $interfaceIsEqual(t.Body, $ifaceNil)) { + t.TransferEncoding = sliceType$2.nil; + } + if (chunked(t.TransferEncoding)) { + t.ContentLength = new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(t.Body, $ifaceNil)) { + t.ContentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + } + } + if (!chunked(t.TransferEncoding)) { + t.Trailer = false; + } + _tmp$2 = t; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + t = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [t, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newTransferWriter, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _v, _v$1, atLeastHTTP11, err, r, rr, rr$1, t, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + transferWriter.ptr.prototype.shouldSendChunkedRequestBody = function() { + var {t, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if ((x$5 = t.ContentLength, (x$5.$high > 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low >= 0))) || $interfaceIsEqual(t.Body, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (t.Method === "CONNECT") { + $s = -1; return false; + } + /* */ if (requestMethodUsuallyLacksBody(t.Method)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (requestMethodUsuallyLacksBody(t.Method)) { */ case 1: + $r = t.probeRequestBody(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return !($interfaceIsEqual(t.Body, $ifaceNil)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: transferWriter.ptr.prototype.shouldSendChunkedRequestBody, $c: true, $r, t, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + transferWriter.prototype.shouldSendChunkedRequestBody = function() { return this.$val.shouldSendChunkedRequestBody(); }; + transferWriter.ptr.prototype.probeRequestBody = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _selection, rres, t, timer, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = [t]; + t[0] = this; + t[0].ByteReadCh = new $Chan(readResult, 1); + $go((function(t) { return function $b(body$1) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, body$1, buf, rres, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {body$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + buf = arrayType$2.zero(); + rres = new readResult.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, $ifaceNil, 0); + _r$1 = body$1.Read(new sliceType$3(buf)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + rres.n = _tuple[0]; + rres.err = _tuple[1]; + if (rres.n === 1) { + rres.b = buf[0]; + } + $r = $send(t[0].ByteReadCh, $clone($clone(rres, readResult), readResult)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $close(t[0].ByteReadCh); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, body$1, buf, rres, $s};return $f; + }; })(t), [t[0].Body]); + _r$1 = time.NewTimer(new time.Duration(0, 200000000)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + timer = _r$1; + _r$2 = $select([[t[0].ByteReadCh], [timer.C]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$2; + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + rres = $clone(_selection[1][0], readResult); + timer.Stop(); + if ((rres.n === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(rres.err, io.EOF)) { + t[0].Body = $ifaceNil; + t[0].ContentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + } else if (rres.n === 1) { + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(rres.err, $ifaceNil))) { + t[0].Body = io.MultiReader(new sliceType$17([new byteReader.ptr(rres.b, false), (x$5 = new errorReader.ptr(rres.err), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))])); + } else { + t[0].Body = io.MultiReader(new sliceType$17([new byteReader.ptr(rres.b, false), t[0].Body])); + } + } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(rres.err, $ifaceNil))) { + t[0].Body = (x$6 = new errorReader.ptr(rres.err), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + } + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + t[0].Body = io.MultiReader(new sliceType$17([(x$7 = new finishAsyncByteRead.ptr(t[0]), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7)), t[0].Body])); + t[0].FlushHeaders = true; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: transferWriter.ptr.prototype.probeRequestBody, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, rres, t, timer, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + transferWriter.prototype.probeRequestBody = function() { return this.$val.probeRequestBody(); }; + noResponseBodyExpected = function(requestMethod) { + var requestMethod; + return requestMethod === "HEAD"; + }; + transferWriter.ptr.prototype.shouldSendContentLength = function() { + var t, x$5, x$6, x$7; + t = this; + if (chunked(t.TransferEncoding)) { + return false; + } + if ((x$5 = t.ContentLength, (x$5.$high > 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low > 0)))) { + return true; + } + if ((x$6 = t.ContentLength, (x$6.$high < 0 || (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low < 0)))) { + return false; + } + if (t.Method === "POST" || t.Method === "PUT" || t.Method === "PATCH") { + return true; + } + if ((x$7 = t.ContentLength, (x$7.$high === 0 && x$7.$low === 0)) && isIdentity(t.TransferEncoding)) { + if (t.Method === "GET" || t.Method === "HEAD") { + return false; + } + return true; + } + return false; + }; + transferWriter.prototype.shouldSendContentLength = function() { return this.$val.shouldSendContentLength(); }; + transferWriter.ptr.prototype.writeHeader = function(w, trace) { + var {$24r, _1, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, k, keys, t, trace, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, trace}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + /* */ if (t.Close && !hasToken(new Header(t.Header).get("Connection"), "close")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (t.Close && !hasToken(new Header(t.Header).get("Connection"), "close")) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = io.WriteString(w, "Connection: close\r\n"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 4: + $r = trace.WroteHeaderField("Connection", new sliceType$2(["close"])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (t.shouldSendContentLength()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (chunked(t.TransferEncoding)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (t.shouldSendContentLength()) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = io.WriteString(w, "Content-Length: "); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + _r$3 = io.WriteString(w, strconv.FormatInt(t.ContentLength, 10) + "\r\n"); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + err$2 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 12: + $r = trace.WroteHeaderField("Content-Length", new sliceType$2([strconv.FormatInt(t.ContentLength, 10)])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if (chunked(t.TransferEncoding)) { */ case 8: + _r$4 = io.WriteString(w, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + err$3 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 16: + $r = trace.WroteHeaderField("Transfer-Encoding", new sliceType$2(["chunked"])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 17: + /* } */ case 9: + /* */ if (!(t.Trailer === false)) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!(t.Trailer === false)) { */ case 19: + keys = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, $keys(t.Trailer).length); + _ref = t.Trailer; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 21: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 22; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 21; continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + _r$5 = CanonicalHeaderKey(k); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + k = _r$5; + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === ("Transfer-Encoding") || _1 === ("Trailer") || _1 === ("Content-Length")) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("Transfer-Encoding") || _1 === ("Trailer") || _1 === ("Content-Length")) { */ case 25: + _r$6 = badStringError("invalid Trailer key", k); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$6; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r; + /* } */ case 26: + case 24: + keys = $append(keys, k); + _i++; + $s = 21; continue; + case 22: + /* */ if (keys.$length > 0) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (keys.$length > 0) { */ case 29: + $r = sort.Strings(keys); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = io.WriteString(w, "Trailer: " + strings.Join(keys, ",") + "\r\n"); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$7; + err$4 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 33: + $r = trace.WroteHeaderField("Trailer", keys); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 34: + /* } */ case 30: + /* } */ case 20: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: transferWriter.ptr.prototype.writeHeader, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, k, keys, t, trace, w, $s};return $f; + }; + transferWriter.prototype.writeHeader = function(w, trace) { return this.$val.writeHeader(w, trace); }; + transferWriter.ptr.prototype.writeBody = function(w) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, body$1, bw, closed, cw, dst, err, err$1, err$2, ncopy, nextra, ok, t, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + closed = [closed]; + err = [err]; + t = [t]; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + t[0] = this; + ncopy = new $Int64(0, 0); + closed[0] = false; + $deferred.push([(function(closed, err, t) { return function $b() { + var {_r$1, closeErr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (closed[0] || $interfaceIsEqual(t[0].BodyCloser, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$1 = t[0].BodyCloser.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + closeErr = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(closeErr, $ifaceNil)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil)) { + err[0] = closeErr; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, closeErr, $s};return $f; + }; })(closed, err, t), []]); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(t[0].Body, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(t[0].Body, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = t[0].unwrapBody(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + body$1 = _r$1; + /* */ if (chunked(t[0].TransferEncoding)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ((x$5 = t[0].ContentLength, (x$5.$high === -1 && x$5.$low === 4294967295))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (chunked(t[0].TransferEncoding)) { */ case 4: + _tuple = $assertType(w, ptrType$14, true); + bw = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok && !t[0].IsResponse) { + w = new internal.FlushAfterChunkWriter.ptr(bw); + } + cw = internal.NewChunkedWriter(w); + _r$2 = t[0].doBodyCopy(cw, body$1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + err[0] = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil)) { */ case 9: + _r$3 = cw.Close(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$3; + /* } */ case 10: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if ((x$5 = t[0].ContentLength, (x$5.$high === -1 && x$5.$low === 4294967295))) { */ case 5: + dst = w; + if (t[0].Method === "CONNECT") { + dst = (x$6 = new bufioFlushWriter.ptr(dst), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + } + _r$4 = t[0].doBodyCopy(dst, body$1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + ncopy = _tuple$2[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$2[1]; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + _r$5 = t[0].doBodyCopy(w, io.LimitReader(body$1, t[0].ContentLength)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$5; + ncopy = _tuple$3[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r = err[0]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* } */ case 15: + nextra = new $Int64(0, 0); + _r$6 = t[0].doBodyCopy(io.Discard, body$1); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$6; + nextra = _tuple$4[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$4[1]; + ncopy = (x$7 = nextra, new $Int64(ncopy.$high + x$7.$high, ncopy.$low + x$7.$low)); + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$1 = err[0]; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(t[0].BodyCloser, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(t[0].BodyCloser, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 21: + closed[0] = true; + _r$7 = t[0].BodyCloser.Close(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$7; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 24: + err[0] = err$1; + $24r$2 = err[0]; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 25: + /* } */ case 22: + /* */ if (!t[0].ResponseToHEAD && !((x$8 = t[0].ContentLength, (x$8.$high === -1 && x$8.$low === 4294967295))) && !((x$9 = t[0].ContentLength, (x$9.$high === ncopy.$high && x$9.$low === ncopy.$low)))) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!t[0].ResponseToHEAD && !((x$8 = t[0].ContentLength, (x$8.$high === -1 && x$8.$low === 4294967295))) && !((x$9 = t[0].ContentLength, (x$9.$high === ncopy.$high && x$9.$low === ncopy.$low)))) { */ case 27: + _r$8 = fmt.Errorf("http: ContentLength=%d with Body length %d", new sliceType([t[0].ContentLength, ncopy])); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$8; + $24r$3 = err[0]; + $s = 30; case 30: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 28: + /* */ if (chunked(t[0].TransferEncoding)) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (chunked(t[0].TransferEncoding)) { */ case 31: + /* */ if (!(t[0].Trailer === false)) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (!(t[0].Trailer === false)) { */ case 33: + _r$9 = new Header(t[0].Trailer).Write(w); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$9; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 36: + err[0] = err$2; + $24r$4 = err[0]; + $s = 38; case 38: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 37: + /* } */ case 34: + _r$10 = io.WriteString(w, "\r\n"); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$10; + err[0] = _tuple$5[1]; + /* } */ case 32: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$5 = err[0]; + $s = 40; case 40: return $24r$5; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return err[0]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: transferWriter.ptr.prototype.writeBody, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, body$1, bw, closed, cw, dst, err, err$1, err$2, ncopy, nextra, ok, t, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + transferWriter.prototype.writeBody = function(w) { return this.$val.writeBody(w); }; + transferWriter.ptr.prototype.doBodyCopy = function(dst, src) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, dst, err, n, src, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + t = this; + _r$1 = io.Copy(dst, src); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF))) { + t.bodyReadError = err; + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: transferWriter.ptr.prototype.doBodyCopy, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, dst, err, n, src, t, $s};return $f; + }; + transferWriter.prototype.doBodyCopy = function(dst, src) { return this.$val.doBodyCopy(dst, src); }; + transferWriter.ptr.prototype.unwrapBody = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, ok, r, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(reflect.TypeOf(t.Body), nopCloserType)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(reflect.TypeOf(t.Body), nopCloserType)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = reflect.ValueOf(t.Body); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, reflect.Value).Field(0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(_r$2, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$3, io.Reader); + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(t.Body, ptrType$20, true); + r = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + r.didRead = true; + $s = -1; return r.ReadCloser; + } + $s = -1; return t.Body; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: transferWriter.ptr.prototype.unwrapBody, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, ok, r, t, $s};return $f; + }; + transferWriter.prototype.unwrapBody = function() { return this.$val.unwrapBody(); }; + transferReader.ptr.prototype.protoAtLeast = function(m, n) { + var m, n, t; + t = this; + return t.ProtoMajor > m || ((t.ProtoMajor === m) && t.ProtoMinor >= n); + }; + transferReader.prototype.protoAtLeast = function(m, n) { return this.$val.protoAtLeast(m, n); }; + bodyAllowedForStatus = function(status) { + var status; + if (status >= 100 && status <= 199) { + return false; + } else if ((status === 204)) { + return false; + } else if ((status === 304)) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + suppressedHeaders = function(status) { + var status; + if ((status === 304)) { + return suppressedHeaders304; + } else if (!bodyAllowedForStatus(status)) { + return suppressedHeadersNoBody; + } + return sliceType$2.nil; + }; + readTransfer = function(msg, r) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, err$1, err$2, isResponse, msg, n, r, realLength, rr, rr$1, rr$2, rr$3, rr$4, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = $ifaceNil; + t = new transferReader.ptr(false, 0, "GET", 0, 0, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0), false, false, false); + isResponse = false; + _ref = msg; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$18, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$18, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + rr = _ref.$val; + t.Header = rr.Header; + t.StatusCode = rr.StatusCode; + t.ProtoMajor = rr.ProtoMajor; + t.ProtoMinor = rr.ProtoMinor; + _r$1 = shouldClose(t.ProtoMajor, t.ProtoMinor, t.Header, true); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t.Close = _r$1; + isResponse = true; + if (!(rr.Request === ptrType$11.nil)) { + t.RequestMethod = rr.Request.Method; + } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + rr$1 = _ref.$val; + t.Header = rr$1.Header; + t.RequestMethod = rr$1.Method; + t.ProtoMajor = rr$1.ProtoMajor; + t.ProtoMinor = rr$1.ProtoMinor; + t.StatusCode = 200; + t.Close = rr$1.Close; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + rr$2 = _ref; + $panic(new $String("unexpected type")); + /* } */ case 4: + if ((t.ProtoMajor === 0) && (t.ProtoMinor === 0)) { + _tmp = 1; + _tmp$1 = 1; + t.ProtoMajor = _tmp; + t.ProtoMinor = _tmp$1; + } + _r$2 = t.parseTransferEncoding(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + err = err$1; + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = fixLength(isResponse, t.StatusCode, t.RequestMethod, t.Header, t.Chunked); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + realLength = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = err; + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* */ if (isResponse && t.RequestMethod === "HEAD") { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (isResponse && t.RequestMethod === "HEAD") { */ case 8: + _r$4 = parseContentLength(new Header(t.Header).get("Content-Length")); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + err = err$2; + $s = -1; return err; + } else { + t.ContentLength = n; + } + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + t.ContentLength = realLength; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$5 = fixTrailer(t.Header, t.Chunked); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$5; + t.Trailer = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + err = err; + $s = -1; return err; + } + _ref$1 = msg; + if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$18, true)[1]) { + if ((realLength.$high === -1 && realLength.$low === 4294967295) && !t.Chunked && bodyAllowedForStatus(t.StatusCode)) { + t.Close = true; + } + } + if (t.Chunked) { + if (noResponseBodyExpected(t.RequestMethod) || !bodyAllowedForStatus(t.StatusCode)) { + t.Body = new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody); + } else { + t.Body = new body.ptr(internal.NewChunkedReader(r), msg, r, t.Close, false, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, false, $throwNilPointerError); + } + } else if ((realLength.$high === 0 && realLength.$low === 0)) { + t.Body = new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody); + } else if ((realLength.$high > 0 || (realLength.$high === 0 && realLength.$low > 0))) { + t.Body = new body.ptr(io.LimitReader(r, realLength), $ifaceNil, ptrType$29.nil, t.Close, false, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, false, $throwNilPointerError); + } else if (t.Close) { + t.Body = new body.ptr(r, $ifaceNil, ptrType$29.nil, t.Close, false, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, false, $throwNilPointerError); + } else { + t.Body = new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody); + } + _ref$2 = msg; + if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { + rr$3 = _ref$2.$val; + rr$3.Body = t.Body; + rr$3.ContentLength = t.ContentLength; + if (t.Chunked) { + rr$3.TransferEncoding = new sliceType$2(["chunked"]); + } + rr$3.Close = t.Close; + rr$3.Trailer = t.Trailer; + } else if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$18, true)[1]) { + rr$4 = _ref$2.$val; + rr$4.Body = t.Body; + rr$4.ContentLength = t.ContentLength; + if (t.Chunked) { + rr$4.TransferEncoding = new sliceType$2(["chunked"]); + } + rr$4.Close = t.Close; + rr$4.Trailer = t.Trailer; + } + err = $ifaceNil; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: readTransfer, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, err$1, err$2, isResponse, msg, n, r, realLength, rr, rr$1, rr$2, rr$3, rr$4, t, $s};return $f; + }; + chunked = function(te) { + var te; + return te.$length > 0 && (0 >= te.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te.$array[te.$offset + 0]) === "chunked"; + }; + isIdentity = function(te) { + var te; + return (te.$length === 1) && (0 >= te.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te.$array[te.$offset + 0]) === "identity"; + }; + unsupportedTEError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var uste; + uste = this; + return uste.err; + }; + unsupportedTEError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + isUnsupportedTEError = function(err) { + var _tuple, err, ok; + _tuple = $assertType(err, ptrType$36, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + return ok; + }; + transferReader.ptr.prototype.parseTransferEncoding = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, present, raw, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _tuple = (_entry = t.Header[$String.keyFor("Transfer-Encoding")], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + raw = _tuple[0]; + present = _tuple[1]; + if (!present) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + delete t.Header[$String.keyFor("Transfer-Encoding")]; + if (!t.protoAtLeast(1, 1)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (!((raw.$length === 1))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((raw.$length === 1))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("too many transfer encodings: %q", new sliceType([raw])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new unsupportedTEError.ptr(_r$1); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!ascii.EqualFold((0 >= raw.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : raw.$array[raw.$offset + 0]), "chunked")) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!ascii.EqualFold((0 >= raw.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : raw.$array[raw.$offset + 0]), "chunked")) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf("unsupported transfer encoding: %q", new sliceType([new $String((0 >= raw.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : raw.$array[raw.$offset + 0]))])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = new unsupportedTEError.ptr(_r$2); + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + delete t.Header[$String.keyFor("Content-Length")]; + t.Chunked = true; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: transferReader.ptr.prototype.parseTransferEncoding, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, present, raw, t, $s};return $f; + }; + transferReader.prototype.parseTransferEncoding = function() { return this.$val.parseTransferEncoding(); }; + fixLength = function(isResponse, status, requestMethod, header, chunked$1) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _1, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, chunked$1, cl, contentLens, ct, err, first, header, isRequest, isResponse, n, requestMethod, status, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {isResponse, status, requestMethod, header, chunked$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + isRequest = !isResponse; + contentLens = (_entry = header[$String.keyFor("Content-Length")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + /* */ if (contentLens.$length > 1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (contentLens.$length > 1) { */ case 1: + first = textproto.TrimString((0 >= contentLens.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : contentLens.$array[contentLens.$offset + 0])); + _ref = $subslice(contentLens, 1); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + ct = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (!(first === textproto.TrimString(ct))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(first === textproto.TrimString(ct))) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("http: message cannot contain multiple Content-Length headers; got %q", new sliceType([contentLens])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new $Int64(0, 0), _r$1]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $r = new Header(header).Del("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = new Header(header).Add("Content-Length", first); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + contentLens = (_entry$1 = header[$String.keyFor("Content-Length")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil); + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (noResponseBodyExpected(requestMethod)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (noResponseBodyExpected(requestMethod)) { */ case 11: + /* */ if (isRequest && contentLens.$length > 0 && !((contentLens.$length === 1) && (0 >= contentLens.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : contentLens.$array[contentLens.$offset + 0]) === "0")) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (isRequest && contentLens.$length > 0 && !((contentLens.$length === 1) && (0 >= contentLens.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : contentLens.$array[contentLens.$offset + 0]) === "0")) { */ case 13: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("http: method cannot contain a Content-Length; got %q", new sliceType([contentLens])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [new $Int64(0, 0), _r$2]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 14: + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 12: + if ((_q = status / 100, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 1) { + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + } + _1 = status; + if ((_1 === (204)) || (_1 === (304))) { + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + } + if (chunked$1) { + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(-1, 4294967295), $ifaceNil]; + } + cl = ""; + if (contentLens.$length === 1) { + cl = textproto.TrimString((0 >= contentLens.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : contentLens.$array[contentLens.$offset + 0])); + } + /* */ if (!(cl === "")) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!(cl === "")) { */ case 17: + _r$3 = parseContentLength(cl); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(-1, 4294967295), err]; + } + $s = -1; return [n, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 18: + $r = new Header(header).Del("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (isRequest) { + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(-1, 4294967295), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fixLength, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _1, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, chunked$1, cl, contentLens, ct, err, first, header, isRequest, isResponse, n, requestMethod, status, $s};return $f; + }; + shouldClose = function(major, minor, header, removeCloseHeader) { + var {_entry, conv, hasClose, header, major, minor, removeCloseHeader, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {major, minor, header, removeCloseHeader}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (major < 1) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + conv = (_entry = header[$String.keyFor("Connection")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + hasClose = httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken(conv, "close"); + if ((major === 1) && (minor === 0)) { + $s = -1; return hasClose || !httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken(conv, "keep-alive"); + } + /* */ if (hasClose && removeCloseHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (hasClose && removeCloseHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = new Header(header).Del("Connection"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return hasClose; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: shouldClose, $c: true, $r, _entry, conv, hasClose, header, major, minor, removeCloseHeader, $s};return $f; + }; + fixTrailer = function(header, chunked$1) { + var {_entry, _i, _ref, _tuple, chunked$1, err, header, ok, trailer, v, vv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {header, chunked$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = [err]; + trailer = [trailer]; + _tuple = (_entry = header[$String.keyFor("Trailer")], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + vv = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + if (!chunked$1) { + $s = -1; return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + $r = new Header(header).Del("Trailer"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trailer[0] = {}; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + _ref = vv; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = foreachHeaderElement(v, (function(err, trailer) { return function $b(key) { + var {_1, _key, _r$1, _r$2, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = CanonicalHeaderKey(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r$1; + _1 = key; + /* */ if (_1 === ("Transfer-Encoding") || _1 === ("Trailer") || _1 === ("Content-Length")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("Transfer-Encoding") || _1 === ("Trailer") || _1 === ("Content-Length")) { */ case 3: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil)) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = badStringError("bad trailer key", key); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$2; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 4: + case 2: + _key = key; (trailer[0] || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: sliceType$2.nil }; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _1, _key, _r$1, _r$2, key, $s};return $f; + }; })(err, trailer)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [false, err[0]]; + } + if ($keys(trailer[0]).length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [false, $ifaceNil]; + } + $s = -1; return [trailer[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: fixTrailer, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _ref, _tuple, chunked$1, err, header, ok, trailer, v, vv, $s};return $f; + }; + body.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, n, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + $r = b.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(b.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (b.closed) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (b.closed) { */ case 2: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrBodyReadAfterClose; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$1 = b.readLocked(p); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [n, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: body.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, n, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + body.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + body.ptr.prototype.readLocked = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, e, err, lr, lr$1, n, ok, ok$1, p, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + if (b.sawEOF) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$1 = b.src.Read(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { */ case 2: + b.sawEOF = true; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.hdr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(b.hdr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = b.readTrailer(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + err = e; + b.sawEOF = false; + b.closed = true; + } + b.hdr = $ifaceNil; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(b.src, ptrType$37, true); + lr = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok && (x$5 = lr.N, (x$5.$high > 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low > 0)))) { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 3: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && n > 0) { + _tuple$2 = $assertType(b.src, ptrType$37, true); + lr$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (ok$1 && (x$6 = lr$1.N, (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 0))) { + err = io.EOF; + b.sawEOF = true; + } + } + /* */ if (b.sawEOF && !(b.onHitEOF === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (b.sawEOF && !(b.onHitEOF === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 8: + $r = b.onHitEOF(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 9: + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: body.ptr.prototype.readLocked, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, e, err, lr, lr$1, n, ok, ok$1, p, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + body.prototype.readLocked = function(p) { return this.$val.readLocked(p); }; + seeUpcomingDoubleCRLF = function(r) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, buf, err, peekSize, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + peekSize = 4; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = r.Peek(peekSize); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + buf = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (bytes.HasSuffix(buf, doubleCRLF)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + peekSize = peekSize + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: seeUpcomingDoubleCRLF, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, buf, err, peekSize, r, $s};return $f; + }; + body.ptr.prototype.readTrailer = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, buf, err, hdr, rr, rr$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + _r$1 = b.r.Peek(2); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + buf = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (bytes.Equal(buf, singleCRLF)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (bytes.Equal(buf, singleCRLF)) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = b.r.Discard(2); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 3: + if (buf.$length < 2) { + $s = -1; return errTrailerEOF; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = seeUpcomingDoubleCRLF(b.r); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$3) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!_r$3) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return errors.New("http: suspiciously long trailer after chunked body"); + /* } */ case 6: + _r$4 = textproto.NewReader(b.r); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = _r$4.ReadMIMEHeader(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$5; + hdr = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + $s = -1; return errTrailerEOF; + } + $s = -1; return err; + } + _ref = b.hdr; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$11, true)[1]) { + rr = _ref.$val; + mergeSetHeader((rr.$ptr_Trailer || (rr.$ptr_Trailer = new ptrType$38(function() { return this.$target.Trailer; }, function($v) { this.$target.Trailer = $v; }, rr))), (hdr)); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$18, true)[1]) { + rr$1 = _ref.$val; + mergeSetHeader((rr$1.$ptr_Trailer || (rr$1.$ptr_Trailer = new ptrType$38(function() { return this.$target.Trailer; }, function($v) { this.$target.Trailer = $v; }, rr$1))), (hdr)); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: body.ptr.prototype.readTrailer, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, buf, err, hdr, rr, rr$1, $s};return $f; + }; + body.prototype.readTrailer = function() { return this.$val.readTrailer(); }; + mergeSetHeader = function(dst, src) { + var _entry, _i, _key, _keys, _ref, dst, k, src, vv; + if (dst.$get() === false) { + dst.$set(src); + return; + } + _ref = src; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + _key = k; (dst.$get() || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: vv }; + _i++; + } + }; + body.ptr.prototype.unreadDataSizeLocked = function() { + var _tuple, b, lr, ok; + b = this; + _tuple = $assertType(b.src, ptrType$37, true); + lr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return lr.N; + } + return new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + }; + body.prototype.unreadDataSizeLocked = function() { return this.$val.unreadDataSizeLocked(); }; + body.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, err, lr, n, ok, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + b = this; + $r = b.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(b.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (b.closed) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (b.closed) { */ case 2: + $24r = $ifaceNil; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + err = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (b.sawEOF) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(b.hdr, $ifaceNil) && b.closing) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (b.doEarlyClose) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (b.sawEOF) { */ case 6: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(b.hdr, $ifaceNil) && b.closing) { */ case 7: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if (b.doEarlyClose) { */ case 8: + _tuple = $assertType(b.src, ptrType$37, true); + lr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok && (x$5 = lr.N, (x$5.$high > 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low > 262144)))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (ok && (x$5 = lr.N, (x$5.$high > 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low > 262144)))) { */ case 11: + b.earlyClose = true; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else { */ case 12: + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + _r$1 = io.CopyN(io.Discard, (x$6 = new bodyLocked.ptr(b), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)), new $Int64(0, 262144)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + err = $ifaceNil; + } + if ((n.$high === 0 && n.$low === 262144)) { + b.earlyClose = true; + } + /* } */ case 13: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + _r$2 = io.Copy(io.Discard, (x$7 = new bodyLocked.ptr(b), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7))); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* } */ case 10: + case 5: + b.closed = true; + $24r$1 = err; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: body.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, b, err, lr, n, ok, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + body.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + body.ptr.prototype.didEarlyClose = function() { + var {$24r, b, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + b = this; + $r = b.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(b.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = b.earlyClose; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: body.ptr.prototype.didEarlyClose, $c: true, $r, $24r, b, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + body.prototype.didEarlyClose = function() { return this.$val.didEarlyClose(); }; + body.ptr.prototype.bodyRemains = function() { + var {$24r, b, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + b = this; + $r = b.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(b.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = !b.sawEOF; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: body.ptr.prototype.bodyRemains, $c: true, $r, $24r, b, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + body.prototype.bodyRemains = function() { return this.$val.bodyRemains(); }; + body.ptr.prototype.registerOnHitEOF = function(fn) { + var {b, fn, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + b = this; + $r = b.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(b.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + b.onHitEOF = fn; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: body.ptr.prototype.registerOnHitEOF, $c: true, $r, b, fn, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + body.prototype.registerOnHitEOF = function(fn) { return this.$val.registerOnHitEOF(fn); }; + bodyLocked.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, bl, err, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + bl = this; + if (bl.b.closed) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrBodyReadAfterClose; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$1 = bl.b.readLocked(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: bodyLocked.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, bl, err, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + bodyLocked.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + parseContentLength = function(cl) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, cl, err, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cl}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cl = textproto.TrimString(cl); + if (cl === "") { + $s = -1; return [new $Int64(-1, 4294967295), $ifaceNil]; + } + _tuple = strconv.ParseUint(cl, 10, 63); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = badStringError("bad Content-Length", cl); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [new $Int64(0, 0), _r$1]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return [(new $Int64(n.$high, n.$low)), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parseContentLength, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, cl, err, n, $s};return $f; + }; + finishAsyncByteRead.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fr, n, p, rres, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fr = this; + if (p.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$1 = $recv(fr.tw.ByteReadCh); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rres = $clone(_r$1[0], readResult); + _tmp = rres.n; + _tmp$1 = rres.err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + if (n === 1) { + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = rres.b); + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = io.EOF; + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: finishAsyncByteRead.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, err, fr, n, p, rres, $s};return $f; + }; + finishAsyncByteRead.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + isKnownInMemoryReader = function(r) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tuple, ok, r, r$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = r; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$39, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, ptrType$40, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, ptrType$41, true)[1]) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(reflect.TypeOf(r), nopCloserType)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(reflect.TypeOf(r), nopCloserType)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = reflect.ValueOf(r); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, reflect.Value).Field(0); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(_r$2, reflect.Value).Interface(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = isKnownInMemoryReader($assertType(_r$3, io.Reader)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(r, ptrType$20, true); + r$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = isKnownInMemoryReader(r$1.ReadCloser); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$5; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isKnownInMemoryReader, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tuple, ok, r, r$1, $s};return $f; + }; + bufioFlushWriter.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, bw, err, ferr, fw, n, ok, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + fw = this; + _r$1 = fw.w.Write(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + _tuple$1 = $assertType(fw.w, ptrType$14, true); + bw = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (n > 0 && ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (n > 0 && ok) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ferr = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ferr, $ifaceNil)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = ferr; + } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: bufioFlushWriter.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, bw, err, ferr, fw, n, ok, p, $s};return $f; + }; + bufioFlushWriter.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + StatusText = function(code) { + var _entry, code; + return (_entry = statusText[$Int.keyFor(code)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""); + }; + $pkg.StatusText = StatusText; + socksDialer.ptr.prototype.connect = function(ctx, c, address) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$15, $24r$16, $24r$17, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _, _1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, a, address, am, am$1, ams, b, c, cmdErr, ctx, ctxErr, d, deadline, done, err, err$1, errCh, host, ip, ip4, ip6, l, ok, port, x$5, x$6, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, c, address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + a = [a]; + c = [c]; + ctx = [ctx]; + ctxErr = [ctxErr]; + done = [done]; + errCh = [errCh]; + _ = $ifaceNil; + ctxErr[0] = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + _r$1 = sockssplitHostPort(address); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + host = _tuple[0]; + port = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = err; + _ = _tmp; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$1; + $24r = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = ctx[0].Deadline(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + deadline = $clone(_tuple$1[0], time.Time); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok && !$clone(deadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (ok && !$clone(deadline, time.Time).IsZero()) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = c[0].SetDeadline($clone(deadline, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c[0], "SetDeadline"), [$clone(socksnoDeadline, time.Time)]]); + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctx[0], context.Background()))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctx[0], context.Background()))) { */ case 9: + errCh[0] = new $Chan($error, 1); + done[0] = new $Chan(structType, 0); + $deferred.push([(function(a, c, ctx, ctxErr, done, errCh) { return function $b() { + var {_r$4, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $close(done[0]); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil)) { */ case 1: + _r$4 = $recv(errCh[0]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctxErr[0] = _r$4[0]; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$4, $s};return $f; + }; })(a, c, ctx, ctxErr, done, errCh), []]); + $go((function(a, c, ctx, ctxErr, done, errCh) { return function $b() { + var {_r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _selection, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$4 = ctx[0].Done(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $select([[_r$4], [done[0]]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$5; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 3: + _r$6 = c[0].SetDeadline($clone(socksaLongTimeAgo, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = ctx[0].Err(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $send(errCh[0], _r$7); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 4: + $r = $send(errCh[0], $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _selection, $s};return $f; + }; })(a, c, ctx, ctxErr, done, errCh), []); + /* } */ case 10: + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, (6 + host.length >> 0)); + b = $append(b, 5); + /* */ if ((d.AuthMethods.$length === 0) || d.Authenticate === $throwNilPointerError) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ((d.AuthMethods.$length === 0) || d.Authenticate === $throwNilPointerError) { */ case 11: + b = $append(b, 1, 0); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else { */ case 12: + ams = d.AuthMethods; + /* */ if (ams.$length > 255) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (ams.$length > 255) { */ case 14: + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$3 = errors.New("too many authentication methods"); + _ = _tmp$2; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 15: + b = $append(b, ((ams.$length << 24 >>> 24))); + _ref = ams; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + am = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + b = $append(b, ((am << 24 >>> 24))); + _i++; + } + /* } */ case 13: + _r$4 = c[0].Write(b); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + ctxErr[0] = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + $24r$2 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 19: + _r$5 = io.ReadFull(c[0], $subslice(b, 0, 2)); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$5; + ctxErr[0] = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 22: + $24r$3 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 23: + /* */ if (!(((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 5))) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (!(((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 5))) { */ case 25: + _tmp$4 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$5 = errors.New("unexpected protocol version " + strconv.Itoa((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) >> 0)))); + _ = _tmp$4; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$5; + $24r$4 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 27; case 27: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 26: + am$1 = (((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) >> 0)); + /* */ if (am$1 === 255) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (am$1 === 255) { */ case 28: + _tmp$6 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$7 = errors.New("no acceptable authentication methods"); + _ = _tmp$6; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$7; + $24r$5 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 30; case 30: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 29: + /* */ if (!(d.Authenticate === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!(d.Authenticate === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 31: + _r$6 = d.Authenticate(ctx[0], c[0], am$1); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctxErr[0] = _r$6; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 34: + $24r$6 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 36; case 36: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 35: + /* } */ case 32: + b = $subslice(b, 0, 0); + b = $append(b, 5, ((d.cmd << 24 >>> 24)), 0); + ip = net.ParseIP(host); + /* */ if (!(ip === net.IP.nil)) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ $s = 38; continue; + /* if (!(ip === net.IP.nil)) { */ case 37: + ip4 = ip.To4(); + /* */ if (!(ip4 === net.IP.nil)) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (!(ip4 === net.IP.nil)) { */ case 40: + b = $append(b, 1); + b = $appendSlice(b, $convertSliceType(ip4, sliceType$3)); + $s = 42; continue; + /* } else { */ case 41: + ip6 = ip.To16(); + /* */ if (!(ip6 === net.IP.nil)) { $s = 43; continue; } + /* */ $s = 44; continue; + /* if (!(ip6 === net.IP.nil)) { */ case 43: + b = $append(b, 4); + b = $appendSlice(b, $convertSliceType(ip6, sliceType$3)); + $s = 45; continue; + /* } else { */ case 44: + _tmp$8 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$9 = errors.New("unknown address type"); + _ = _tmp$8; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$9; + $24r$7 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 46; case 46: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 45: + /* } */ case 42: + $s = 39; continue; + /* } else { */ case 38: + /* */ if (host.length > 255) { $s = 47; continue; } + /* */ $s = 48; continue; + /* if (host.length > 255) { */ case 47: + _tmp$10 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$11 = errors.New("FQDN too long"); + _ = _tmp$10; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$11; + $24r$8 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 49; case 49: return $24r$8; + /* } */ case 48: + b = $append(b, 3); + b = $append(b, ((host.length << 24 >>> 24))); + b = $appendSlice(b, host); + /* } */ case 39: + b = $append(b, (((port >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((port << 24 >>> 24))); + _r$7 = c[0].Write(b); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$7; + ctxErr[0] = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 51; continue; } + /* */ $s = 52; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 51: + $24r$9 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 53; case 53: return $24r$9; + /* } */ case 52: + _r$8 = io.ReadFull(c[0], $subslice(b, 0, 4)); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$8; + ctxErr[0] = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ $s = 56; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 55: + $24r$10 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 57; case 57: return $24r$10; + /* } */ case 56: + /* */ if (!(((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 5))) { $s = 58; continue; } + /* */ $s = 59; continue; + /* if (!(((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 5))) { */ case 58: + _tmp$12 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$13 = errors.New("unexpected protocol version " + strconv.Itoa((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) >> 0)))); + _ = _tmp$12; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$13; + $24r$11 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 60; case 60: return $24r$11; + /* } */ case 59: + cmdErr = (((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) >> 0)); + /* */ if (!((cmdErr === 0))) { $s = 61; continue; } + /* */ $s = 62; continue; + /* if (!((cmdErr === 0))) { */ case 61: + _tmp$14 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$15 = errors.New("unknown error " + new socksReply(cmdErr).String()); + _ = _tmp$14; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$15; + $24r$12 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 63; case 63: return $24r$12; + /* } */ case 62: + /* */ if (!(((2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]) === 0))) { $s = 64; continue; } + /* */ $s = 65; continue; + /* if (!(((2 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 2]) === 0))) { */ case 64: + _tmp$16 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$17 = errors.New("non-zero reserved field"); + _ = _tmp$16; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$17; + $24r$13 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 66; case 66: return $24r$13; + /* } */ case 65: + l = 2; + a[0] = new socksAddr.ptr("", net.IP.nil, 0); + _1 = (3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]); + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 68; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 69; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 70; continue; } + /* */ $s = 71; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 68: + l = l + (4) >> 0; + a[0].IP = $makeSlice(net.IP, 4); + $s = 72; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 69: + l = l + (16) >> 0; + a[0].IP = $makeSlice(net.IP, 16); + $s = 72; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 70: + _r$9 = io.ReadFull(c[0], $subslice(b, 0, 1)); /* */ $s = 73; case 73: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$9; + err$1 = _tuple$6[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 74; continue; } + /* */ $s = 75; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 74: + _tmp$18 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$19 = err$1; + _ = _tmp$18; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$19; + $24r$14 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 76; case 76: return $24r$14; + /* } */ case 75: + l = l + ((((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) >> 0))) >> 0; + $s = 72; continue; + /* } else { */ case 71: + _tmp$20 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$21 = errors.New("unknown address type " + strconv.Itoa((((3 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 3]) >> 0)))); + _ = _tmp$20; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$21; + $24r$15 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 77; case 77: return $24r$15; + /* } */ case 72: + case 67: + if (b.$capacity < l) { + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, l); + } else { + b = $subslice(b, 0, l); + } + _r$10 = io.ReadFull(c[0], b); /* */ $s = 78; case 78: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$7 = _r$10; + ctxErr[0] = _tuple$7[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 79; continue; } + /* */ $s = 80; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ctxErr[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 79: + $24r$16 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 81; case 81: return $24r$16; + /* } */ case 80: + if (!(a[0].IP === net.IP.nil)) { + $copySlice(a[0].IP, b); + } else { + a[0].Name = ($bytesToString($subslice(b, 0, (b.$length - 2 >> 0)))); + } + a[0].Port = ((((x$5 = b.$length - 2 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x$5])) >> 0)) << 8 >> 0) | (((x$6 = b.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= b.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + x$6])) >> 0)); + _tmp$22 = a[0]; + _tmp$23 = $ifaceNil; + _ = _tmp$22; + ctxErr[0] = _tmp$23; + $24r$17 = [_, ctxErr[0]]; + $s = 82; case 82: return $24r$17; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [_, ctxErr[0]]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: socksDialer.ptr.prototype.connect, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$15, $24r$16, $24r$17, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _, _1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, a, address, am, am$1, ams, b, c, cmdErr, ctx, ctxErr, d, deadline, done, err, err$1, errCh, host, ip, ip4, ip6, l, ok, port, x$5, x$6, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + socksDialer.prototype.connect = function(ctx, c, address) { return this.$val.connect(ctx, c, address); }; + sockssplitHostPort = function(address) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, address, err, host, port, portnum, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = net.SplitHostPort(address); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + host = _tuple[0]; + port = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ["", 0, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = strconv.Atoi(port); + portnum = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return ["", 0, err]; + } + if (1 > portnum || portnum > 65535) { + $s = -1; return ["", 0, errors.New("port number out of range " + port)]; + } + $s = -1; return [host, portnum, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sockssplitHostPort, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, address, err, host, port, portnum, $s};return $f; + }; + socksCommand.prototype.String = function() { + var _1, cmd; + cmd = this.$val; + _1 = cmd; + if (_1 === (1)) { + return "socks connect"; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + return "socks bind"; + } else { + return "socks " + strconv.Itoa(((cmd >> 0))); + } + }; + $ptrType(socksCommand).prototype.String = function() { return new socksCommand(this.$get()).String(); }; + socksReply.prototype.String = function() { + var _1, code; + code = this.$val; + _1 = code; + if (_1 === (0)) { + return "succeeded"; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return "general SOCKS server failure"; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + return "connection not allowed by ruleset"; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + return "network unreachable"; + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + return "host unreachable"; + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + return "connection refused"; + } else if (_1 === (6)) { + return "TTL expired"; + } else if (_1 === (7)) { + return "command not supported"; + } else if (_1 === (8)) { + return "address type not supported"; + } else { + return "unknown code: " + strconv.Itoa(((code >> 0))); + } + }; + $ptrType(socksReply).prototype.String = function() { return new socksReply(this.$get()).String(); }; + socksAddr.ptr.prototype.Network = function() { + var a; + a = this; + return "socks"; + }; + socksAddr.prototype.Network = function() { return this.$val.Network(); }; + socksAddr.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var a, port; + a = this; + if (a === ptrType$42.nil) { + return ""; + } + port = strconv.Itoa(a.Port); + if (a.IP === net.IP.nil) { + return net.JoinHostPort(a.Name, port); + } + return net.JoinHostPort(a.IP.String(), port); + }; + socksAddr.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + socksConn.ptr.prototype.BoundAddr = function() { + var c; + c = this; + if (c === ptrType$43.nil) { + return $ifaceNil; + } + return c.boundAddr; + }; + socksConn.prototype.BoundAddr = function() { return this.$val.BoundAddr(); }; + socksDialer.ptr.prototype.DialContext = function(ctx, network, address) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, a, address, c, ctx, d, dd, dst, dst$1, dst$2, dst$3, err, err$1, network, proxy, proxy$1, proxy$2, proxy$3, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + err = d.validateTarget(network, address); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = d.pathAddrs(address); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + proxy = _tuple[0]; + dst = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new net.OpError.ptr(new socksCommand(d.cmd).String(), network, proxy, dst, err)]; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(ctx, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(ctx, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = d.pathAddrs(address); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + proxy$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + dst$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new net.OpError.ptr(new socksCommand(d.cmd).String(), network, proxy$1, dst$1, errors.New("nil context"))]; + /* } */ case 5: + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + c = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (!(d.ProxyDial === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(d.ProxyDial === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = d.ProxyDial(ctx, d.proxyNetwork, d.proxyAddress); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + c = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + dd = new net.Dialer.ptr(new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), $ifaceNil, false, new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil, $chanNil, $throwNilPointerError); + _r$4 = dd.DialContext(ctx, d.proxyNetwork, d.proxyAddress); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + c = _tuple$3[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* } */ case 9: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + _r$5 = d.pathAddrs(address); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$5; + proxy$2 = _tuple$4[0]; + dst$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new net.OpError.ptr(new socksCommand(d.cmd).String(), network, proxy$2, dst$2, err$1)]; + /* } */ case 13: + _r$6 = d.connect(ctx, c, address); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$6; + a = _tuple$5[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 16: + _r$7 = c.Close(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = d.pathAddrs(address); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$6 = _r$8; + proxy$3 = _tuple$6[0]; + dst$3 = _tuple$6[1]; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new net.OpError.ptr(new socksCommand(d.cmd).String(), network, proxy$3, dst$3, err$1)]; + /* } */ case 17: + $s = -1; return [new socksConn.ptr(c, a), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: socksDialer.ptr.prototype.DialContext, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, a, address, c, ctx, d, dd, dst, dst$1, dst$2, dst$3, err, err$1, network, proxy, proxy$1, proxy$2, proxy$3, $s};return $f; + }; + socksDialer.prototype.DialContext = function(ctx, network, address) { return this.$val.DialContext(ctx, network, address); }; + socksDialer.ptr.prototype.DialWithConn = function(ctx, c, network, address) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, a, address, c, ctx, d, dst, dst$1, dst$2, err, err$1, network, proxy, proxy$1, proxy$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, c, network, address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + err = d.validateTarget(network, address); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = d.pathAddrs(address); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + proxy = _tuple[0]; + dst = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new net.OpError.ptr(new socksCommand(d.cmd).String(), network, proxy, dst, err)]; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(ctx, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(ctx, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = d.pathAddrs(address); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + proxy$1 = _tuple$1[0]; + dst$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new net.OpError.ptr(new socksCommand(d.cmd).String(), network, proxy$1, dst$1, errors.New("nil context"))]; + /* } */ case 5: + _r$3 = d.connect(ctx, c, address); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + a = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + _r$4 = d.pathAddrs(address); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + proxy$2 = _tuple$3[0]; + dst$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new net.OpError.ptr(new socksCommand(d.cmd).String(), network, proxy$2, dst$2, err$1)]; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = -1; return [a, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: socksDialer.ptr.prototype.DialWithConn, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, a, address, c, ctx, d, dst, dst$1, dst$2, err, err$1, network, proxy, proxy$1, proxy$2, $s};return $f; + }; + socksDialer.prototype.DialWithConn = function(ctx, c, network, address) { return this.$val.DialWithConn(ctx, c, network, address); }; + socksDialer.ptr.prototype.Dial = function(network, address) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, address, c, d, dst, dst$1, err, err$1, err$2, network, proxy, proxy$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {network, address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + d = this; + err = d.validateTarget(network, address); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = d.pathAddrs(address); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + proxy = _tuple[0]; + dst = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new net.OpError.ptr(new socksCommand(d.cmd).String(), network, proxy, dst, err)]; + /* } */ case 2: + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + c = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (!(d.ProxyDial === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(d.ProxyDial === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = d.ProxyDial(context.Background(), d.proxyNetwork, d.proxyAddress); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + c = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r$3 = net.Dial(d.proxyNetwork, d.proxyAddress); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + c = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + _r$4 = d.pathAddrs(address); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + proxy$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + dst$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new net.OpError.ptr(new socksCommand(d.cmd).String(), network, proxy$1, dst$1, err$1)]; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$5 = d.DialWithConn(context.Background(), c, network, address); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$5; + err$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 13: + _r$6 = c.Close(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err$2]; + /* } */ case 14: + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: socksDialer.ptr.prototype.Dial, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, address, c, d, dst, dst$1, err, err$1, err$2, network, proxy, proxy$1, $s};return $f; + }; + socksDialer.prototype.Dial = function(network, address) { return this.$val.Dial(network, address); }; + socksDialer.ptr.prototype.validateTarget = function(network, address) { + var _1, _2, address, d, network; + d = this; + _1 = network; + if (_1 === ("tcp") || _1 === ("tcp6") || _1 === ("tcp4")) { + } else { + return errors.New("network not implemented"); + } + _2 = d.cmd; + if ((_2 === (1)) || (_2 === (2))) { + } else { + return errors.New("command not implemented"); + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + socksDialer.prototype.validateTarget = function(network, address) { return this.$val.validateTarget(network, address); }; + socksDialer.ptr.prototype.pathAddrs = function(address) { + var {_i, _r$1, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, a, address, d, dst, err, err$1, host, i, port, proxy, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {address}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + proxy = $ifaceNil; + dst = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + d = this; + _ref = new sliceType$2([d.proxyAddress, address]); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = sockssplitHostPort(s); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + host = _tuple[0]; + port = _tuple[1]; + err$1 = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$2 = err$1; + proxy = _tmp; + dst = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [proxy, dst, err]; + } + a = new socksAddr.ptr("", net.IP.nil, port); + a.IP = net.ParseIP(host); + if (a.IP === net.IP.nil) { + a.Name = host; + } + if (i === 0) { + proxy = a; + } else { + dst = a; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [proxy, dst, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: socksDialer.ptr.prototype.pathAddrs, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, a, address, d, dst, err, err$1, host, i, port, proxy, s, $s};return $f; + }; + socksDialer.prototype.pathAddrs = function(address) { return this.$val.pathAddrs(address); }; + socksNewDialer = function(network, address) { + var address, network; + return new socksDialer.ptr(1, network, address, $throwNilPointerError, sliceType$12.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + }; + socksUsernamePassword.ptr.prototype.Authenticate = function(ctx, rw, auth) { + var {_1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, auth, b, ctx, err, err$1, rw, up, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, rw, auth}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + up = this; + _1 = auth; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 3: + if ((up.Username.length === 0) || up.Username.length > 255 || (up.Password.length === 0) || up.Password.length > 255) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("invalid username/password"); + } + b = new sliceType$3([1]); + b = $append(b, ((up.Username.length << 24 >>> 24))); + b = $appendSlice(b, up.Username); + b = $append(b, ((up.Password.length << 24 >>> 24))); + b = $appendSlice(b, up.Password); + _r$1 = rw.Write(b); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$2 = io.ReadFull(rw, $subslice(b, 0, 2)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + if (!(((0 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 0]) === 1))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("invalid username/password version"); + } + if (!(((1 >= b.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : b.$array[b.$offset + 1]) === 0))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("username/password authentication failed"); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + $s = -1; return errors.New("unsupported authentication method " + strconv.Itoa(((auth >> 0)))); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: socksUsernamePassword.ptr.prototype.Authenticate, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, auth, b, ctx, err, err$1, rw, up, $s};return $f; + }; + socksUsernamePassword.prototype.Authenticate = function(ctx, rw, auth) { return this.$val.Authenticate(ctx, rw, auth); }; + DetectContentType = function(data) { + var {_i, _r$1, _ref, ct, data, firstNonWS, sig, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (data.$length > 512) { + data = $subslice(data, 0, 512); + } + firstNonWS = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(firstNonWS < data.$length && isWS(((firstNonWS < 0 || firstNonWS >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + firstNonWS])))) { break; } + firstNonWS = firstNonWS + (1) >> 0; + } + _ref = sniffSignatures; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + sig = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = sig.match(data, firstNonWS); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ct = _r$1; + if (!(ct === "")) { + $s = -1; return ct; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return "application/octet-stream"; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: DetectContentType, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _ref, ct, data, firstNonWS, sig, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.DetectContentType = DetectContentType; + isWS = function(b) { + var _1, b; + _1 = b; + if ((_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (32))) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + isTT = function(b) { + var _1, b; + _1 = b; + if ((_1 === (32)) || (_1 === (62))) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + exactSig.ptr.prototype.match = function(data, firstNonWS) { + var data, e, firstNonWS; + e = this; + if (bytes.HasPrefix(data, e.sig)) { + return e.ct; + } + return ""; + }; + exactSig.prototype.match = function(data, firstNonWS) { return this.$val.match(data, firstNonWS); }; + maskedSig.ptr.prototype.match = function(data, firstNonWS) { + var _i, _ref, data, firstNonWS, i, m, maskedData, pb, x$5; + m = this; + if (m.skipWS) { + data = $subslice(data, firstNonWS); + } + if (!((m.pat.$length === m.mask.$length))) { + return ""; + } + if (data.$length < m.pat.$length) { + return ""; + } + _ref = m.pat; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + pb = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + maskedData = (((i < 0 || i >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + i]) & (x$5 = m.mask, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + i]))) >>> 0; + if (!((maskedData === pb))) { + return ""; + } + _i++; + } + return m.ct; + }; + maskedSig.prototype.match = function(data, firstNonWS) { return this.$val.match(data, firstNonWS); }; + htmlSig.prototype.match = function(data, firstNonWS) { + var _i, _ref, b, data, db, firstNonWS, h, i, x$5; + h = this; + data = $subslice(data, firstNonWS); + if (data.$length < (h.$length + 1 >> 0)) { + return ""; + } + _ref = h; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + db = ((i < 0 || i >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + i]); + if (65 <= b && b <= 90) { + db = (db & (223)) >>> 0; + } + if (!((b === db))) { + return ""; + } + _i++; + } + if (!isTT((x$5 = h.$length, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= data.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : data.$array[data.$offset + x$5])))) { + return ""; + } + return "text/html; charset=utf-8"; + }; + $ptrType(htmlSig).prototype.match = function(data, firstNonWS) { return this.$get().match(data, firstNonWS); }; + mp4Sig.ptr.prototype.match = function(data, firstNonWS) { + var _r$1, boxSize, data, firstNonWS, st; + if (data.$length < 12) { + return ""; + } + boxSize = (($clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(data, 0, 4)) >> 0)); + if (data.$length < boxSize || !(((_r$1 = boxSize % 4, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { + return ""; + } + if (!bytes.Equal($subslice(data, 4, 8), mp4ftype)) { + return ""; + } + st = 8; + while (true) { + if (!(st < boxSize)) { break; } + if (st === 12) { + st = st + (4) >> 0; + continue; + } + if (bytes.Equal($subslice(data, st, (st + 3 >> 0)), mp4)) { + return "video/mp4"; + } + st = st + (4) >> 0; + } + return ""; + }; + mp4Sig.prototype.match = function(data, firstNonWS) { return this.$val.match(data, firstNonWS); }; + textSig.ptr.prototype.match = function(data, firstNonWS) { + var _i, _ref, b, data, firstNonWS; + _ref = $subslice(data, firstNonWS); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if ((b <= 8) || ((b === 11)) || (14 <= b && b <= 26) || (28 <= b && b <= 31)) { + return ""; + } + _i++; + } + return "text/plain; charset=utf-8"; + }; + textSig.prototype.match = function(data, firstNonWS) { return this.$val.match(data, firstNonWS); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.hijacked = function() { + var {$24r, c, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = this; + $r = c.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = c.hijackedv; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.hijacked, $c: true, $r, $24r, c, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + conn.prototype.hijacked = function() { return this.$val.hijacked(); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.hijackLocked = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, buf, c, err, err$1, rwc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rwc = $ifaceNil; + buf = ptrType$44.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + if (c.hijackedv) { + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = ptrType$44.nil; + _tmp$2 = $pkg.ErrHijacked; + rwc = _tmp; + buf = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [rwc, buf, err]; + } + $r = c.r.abortPendingRead(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c.hijackedv = true; + rwc = c.rwc; + _r$1 = rwc.SetDeadline(new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + buf = bufio.NewReadWriter(c.bufr, bufio.NewWriter(rwc)); + /* */ if (c.r.hasByte) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (c.r.hasByte) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = c.bufr.Peek(c.bufr.Buffered() + 1 >> 0); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$4 = ptrType$44.nil; + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("unexpected Peek failure reading buffered byte: %v", new sliceType([err$1])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$5 = _r$3; + rwc = _tmp$3; + buf = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r = [rwc, buf, err]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 4: + $r = c.setState(rwc, 3, true); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [rwc, buf, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.hijackLocked, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, buf, c, err, err$1, rwc, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.hijackLocked = function() { return this.$val.hijackLocked(); }; + chunkWriter.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, cw, err, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + cw = this; + /* */ if (!cw.wroteHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!cw.wroteHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = cw.writeHeader(p); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + if (cw.res.req.Method === "HEAD") { + _tmp = p.$length; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* */ if (cw.chunking) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (cw.chunking) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = fmt.Fprintf(cw.res.conn.bufw, "%x\r\n", new sliceType([new $Int(p.$length)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = cw.res.conn.rwc.Close(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 8: + /* } */ case 5: + _r$3 = cw.res.conn.bufw.Write(p); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (cw.chunking && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (cw.chunking && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 11: + _r$4 = cw.res.conn.bufw.Write(crlf); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* } */ case 12: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + _r$5 = cw.res.conn.rwc.Close(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 15: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chunkWriter.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, cw, err, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + chunkWriter.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + chunkWriter.ptr.prototype.flush = function() { + var {_r$1, cw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cw = this; + /* */ if (!cw.wroteHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!cw.wroteHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = cw.writeHeader(sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = cw.res.conn.bufw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chunkWriter.ptr.prototype.flush, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cw, $s};return $f; + }; + chunkWriter.prototype.flush = function() { return this.$val.flush(); }; + chunkWriter.ptr.prototype.close = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, bw, cw, trailers, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cw = this; + /* */ if (!cw.wroteHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!cw.wroteHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = cw.writeHeader(sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (cw.chunking) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (cw.chunking) { */ case 4: + bw = cw.res.conn.bufw; + _r$1 = bw.WriteString("0\r\n"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = cw.res.finalTrailers(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trailers = _r$2; + /* */ if (!(trailers === false)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(trailers === false)) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = new Header(trailers).Write(bw); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$4 = bw.WriteString("\r\n"); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chunkWriter.ptr.prototype.close, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, bw, cw, trailers, $s};return $f; + }; + chunkWriter.prototype.close = function() { return this.$val.close(); }; + response.ptr.prototype.finalTrailers = function() { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _key, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, k, k$1, t, v, vv, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + t = false; + _ref = w.handlerHeader; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + if (strings.HasPrefix(k, "Trailer:")) { + if (t === false) { + t = {}; + } + _key = strings.TrimPrefix(k, "Trailer:"); (t || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: vv }; + } + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = w.trailers; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + k$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (t === false) { + t = {}; + } + _ref$2 = (_entry$1 = w.handlerHeader[$String.keyFor(k$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil); + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + v = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + $r = new Header(t).Add(k$1, v); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$2++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _i$1++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return t; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.finalTrailers, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _key, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, k, k$1, t, v, vv, w, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.finalTrailers = function() { return this.$val.finalTrailers(); }; + $ptrType(atomicBool).prototype.isSet = function() { + var _ptr, b; + b = this; + return !((atomic.LoadInt32(((_ptr = b, new ptrType$45(function() { return (_ptr.$get() >> 0); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(($v >> 0)); }, _ptr.$target)))) === 0)); + }; + $ptrType(atomicBool).prototype.setTrue = function() { + var _ptr, b; + b = this; + atomic.StoreInt32(((_ptr = b, new ptrType$45(function() { return (_ptr.$get() >> 0); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(($v >> 0)); }, _ptr.$target))), 1); + }; + $ptrType(atomicBool).prototype.setFalse = function() { + var _ptr, b; + b = this; + atomic.StoreInt32(((_ptr = b, new ptrType$45(function() { return (_ptr.$get() >> 0); }, function($v) { _ptr.$set(($v >> 0)); }, _ptr.$target))), 0); + }; + response.ptr.prototype.declareTrailer = function(k) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, k, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + _r$1 = CanonicalHeaderKey(k); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + k = _r$1; + _r$2 = httpguts.ValidTrailerHeader(k); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + w.trailers = $append(w.trailers, k); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.declareTrailer, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, k, w, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.declareTrailer = function(k) { return this.$val.declareTrailer(k); }; + response.ptr.prototype.requestTooLarge = function() { + var {w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + w.closeAfterReply = true; + w.requestBodyLimitHit = true; + /* */ if (!w.wroteHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!w.wroteHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = new Header(w.Header()).Set("Connection", "close"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.requestTooLarge, $c: true, $r, w, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.requestTooLarge = function() { return this.$val.requestTooLarge(); }; + response.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom = function(src) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, buf, bufp, err, err$1, err$2, n, n0, n0$1, n0$2, ok, rf, src, w, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {src}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + _r$1 = copyBufPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bufp = $assertType(_r$1, ptrType$6); + buf = bufp.$get(); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(copyBufPool, "Put"), [bufp]]); + _tuple = $assertType(w.conn.rwc, io.ReaderFrom, true); + rf = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = io.CopyBuffer((x$5 = new writerOnly.ptr(w), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), src, buf); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!w.cw.wroteHeader) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!w.cw.wroteHeader) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = io.CopyBuffer((x$6 = new writerOnly.ptr(w), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)), io.LimitReader(src, new $Int64(0, 512)), buf); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + n0 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + n = (x$7 = n0, new $Int64(n.$high + x$7.$high, n.$low + x$7.$low)); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) || (n0.$high < 0 || (n0.$high === 0 && n0.$low < 512))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) || (n0.$high < 0 || (n0.$high === 0 && n0.$low < 512))) { */ case 9: + _tmp = n; + _tmp$1 = err$1; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 7: + _r$4 = w.w.Flush(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + $r = w.cw.flush(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!w.cw.chunking && w.bodyAllowed()) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!w.cw.chunking && w.bodyAllowed()) { */ case 14: + _r$5 = rf.ReadFrom(src); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$5; + n0$1 = _tuple$3[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + n = (x$8 = n0$1, new $Int64(n.$high + x$8.$high, n.$low + x$8.$low)); + w.written = (x$9 = w.written, x$10 = n0$1, new $Int64(x$9.$high + x$10.$high, x$9.$low + x$10.$low)); + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err$2; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r$2 = [n, err]; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 15: + _r$6 = io.CopyBuffer((x$11 = new writerOnly.ptr(w), new x$11.constructor.elem(x$11)), src, buf); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$6; + n0$2 = _tuple$4[0]; + err = _tuple$4[1]; + n = (x$12 = n0$2, new $Int64(n.$high + x$12.$high, n.$low + x$12.$low)); + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = err; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r$3 = [n, err]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [n, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.ReadFrom, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, buf, bufp, err, err$1, err$2, n, n0, n0$1, n0$2, ok, rf, src, w, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + response.prototype.ReadFrom = function(src) { return this.$val.ReadFrom(src); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.newConn = function(rwc) { + var {_r$1, c, rwc, srv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rwc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + srv = this; + c = new conn.ptr(srv, $throwNilPointerError, rwc, "", ptrType$28.nil, $ifaceNil, ptrType$47.nil, ptrType$29.nil, ptrType$14.nil, "", new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), new structType$1.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0)), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false); + /* */ if (false) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (false) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = newLoggingConn("server", c.rwc); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c.rwc = _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return c; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.newConn, $c: true, $r, _r$1, c, rwc, srv, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.newConn = function(rwc) { return this.$val.newConn(rwc); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.lock = function() { + var {cr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cr = this; + $r = cr.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (cr.cond === ptrType$48.nil) { + cr.cond = sync.NewCond(cr.mu); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: connReader.ptr.prototype.lock, $c: true, $r, cr, $s};return $f; + }; + connReader.prototype.lock = function() { return this.$val.lock(); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.unlock = function() { + var {cr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cr = this; + $r = cr.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: connReader.ptr.prototype.unlock, $c: true, $r, cr, $s};return $f; + }; + connReader.prototype.unlock = function() { return this.$val.unlock(); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.startBackgroundRead = function() { + var {_r$1, cr, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cr = this; + $r = cr.lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cr, "unlock"), []]); + if (cr.inRead) { + $panic(new $String("invalid concurrent Body.Read call")); + } + /* */ if (cr.hasByte) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (cr.hasByte) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + cr.inRead = true; + _r$1 = cr.conn.rwc.SetReadDeadline(new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $go($methodVal(cr, "backgroundRead"), []); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: connReader.ptr.prototype.startBackgroundRead, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cr, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + connReader.prototype.startBackgroundRead = function() { return this.$val.startBackgroundRead(); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.backgroundRead = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, cr, err, n, ne, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cr = this; + _r$1 = cr.conn.rwc.Read(new sliceType$3(cr.byteBuf)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $r = cr.lock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (n === 1) { + cr.hasByte = true; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(err, net.Error, true); + ne = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!(ok && cr.aborted)) { _v = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$2 = ne.Timeout(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$2; case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 3: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + $r = cr.handleReadError(err); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + cr.aborted = false; + cr.inRead = false; + $r = cr.unlock(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cr.cond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: connReader.ptr.prototype.backgroundRead, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, cr, err, n, ne, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + connReader.prototype.backgroundRead = function() { return this.$val.backgroundRead(); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.abortPendingRead = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, cr, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cr = this; + $r = cr.lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cr, "unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (!cr.inRead) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!cr.inRead) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + cr.aborted = true; + _r$1 = cr.conn.rwc.SetReadDeadline($clone(aLongTimeAgo, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(cr.inRead)) { break; } */ if(!(cr.inRead)) { $s = 7; continue; } + $r = cr.cond.Wait(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + _r$2 = cr.conn.rwc.SetReadDeadline(new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: connReader.ptr.prototype.abortPendingRead, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, cr, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + connReader.prototype.abortPendingRead = function() { return this.$val.abortPendingRead(); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.setReadLimit = function(remain) { + var cr, remain; + cr = this; + cr.remain = remain; + }; + connReader.prototype.setReadLimit = function(remain) { return this.$val.setReadLimit(remain); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.setInfiniteReadLimit = function() { + var cr; + cr = this; + cr.remain = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + }; + connReader.prototype.setInfiniteReadLimit = function() { return this.$val.setInfiniteReadLimit(); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.hitReadLimit = function() { + var cr, x$5; + cr = this; + return (x$5 = cr.remain, (x$5.$high < 0 || (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low <= 0))); + }; + connReader.prototype.hitReadLimit = function() { return this.$val.hitReadLimit(); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.handleReadError = function(param) { + var {cr, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cr = this; + $r = cr.conn.cancelCtx(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cr.closeNotify(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: connReader.ptr.prototype.handleReadError, $c: true, $r, cr, param, $s};return $f; + }; + connReader.prototype.handleReadError = function(param) { return this.$val.handleReadError(param); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.closeNotify = function() { + var {_tuple, cr, res, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cr = this; + _tuple = $assertType(cr.conn.curReq.Load(), ptrType$49, true); + res = _tuple[0]; + /* */ if (!(res === ptrType$49.nil) && atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((res.$ptr_didCloseNotify || (res.$ptr_didCloseNotify = new ptrType$45(function() { return this.$target.didCloseNotify; }, function($v) { this.$target.didCloseNotify = $v; }, res))), 0, 1)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(res === ptrType$49.nil) && atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((res.$ptr_didCloseNotify || (res.$ptr_didCloseNotify = new ptrType$45(function() { return this.$target.didCloseNotify; }, function($v) { this.$target.didCloseNotify = $v; }, res))), 0, 1)) { */ case 1: + $r = $send(res.closeNotifyCh, true); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: connReader.ptr.prototype.closeNotify, $c: true, $r, _tuple, cr, res, $s};return $f; + }; + connReader.prototype.closeNotify = function() { return this.$val.closeNotify(); }; + connReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, cr, err, n, p, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + cr = this; + $r = cr.lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (cr.inRead) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (cr.inRead) { */ case 2: + $r = cr.unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = cr.conn.hijacked(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 5: + $panic(new $String("invalid Body.Read call. After hijacked, the original Request must not be used")); + /* } */ case 6: + $panic(new $String("invalid concurrent Body.Read call")); + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (cr.hitReadLimit()) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (cr.hitReadLimit()) { */ case 8: + $r = cr.unlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 9: + /* */ if (p.$length === 0) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (p.$length === 0) { */ case 11: + $r = cr.unlock(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 12: + if ((x$5 = (new $Int64(0, p.$length)), x$6 = cr.remain, (x$5.$high > x$6.$high || (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low > x$6.$low)))) { + p = $subslice(p, 0, $flatten64(cr.remain)); + } + /* */ if (cr.hasByte) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (cr.hasByte) { */ case 14: + (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = cr.byteBuf[0]); + cr.hasByte = false; + $r = cr.unlock(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$4 = 1; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 15: + cr.inRead = true; + $r = cr.unlock(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = cr.conn.rwc.Read(p); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $r = cr.lock(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cr.inRead = false; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 20: + $r = cr.handleReadError(err); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 21: + cr.remain = (x$7 = cr.remain, x$8 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$7.$high - x$8.$high, x$7.$low - x$8.$low)); + $r = cr.unlock(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cr.cond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = err; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: connReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, cr, err, n, p, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s};return $f; + }; + connReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + bufioWriterPool = function(size) { + var _1, size; + _1 = size; + if (_1 === (2048)) { + return bufioWriter2kPool; + } else if (_1 === (4096)) { + return bufioWriter4kPool; + } + return ptrType$50.nil; + }; + newBufioReader = function(r) { + var {_r$1, br, r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = bufioReaderPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { + br = $assertType(v, ptrType$29); + br.Reset(r); + $s = -1; return br; + } + $s = -1; return bufio.NewReader(r); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newBufioReader, $c: true, $r, _r$1, br, r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + putBufioReader = function(br) { + var br; + br.Reset($ifaceNil); + bufioReaderPool.Put(br); + }; + newBufioWriterSize = function(w, size) { + var {_r$1, bw, pool, size, v, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, size}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + pool = bufioWriterPool(size); + /* */ if (!(pool === ptrType$50.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(pool === ptrType$50.nil)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = pool.Get(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { + bw = $assertType(v, ptrType$14); + bw.Reset(w); + $s = -1; return bw; + } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return bufio.NewWriterSize(w, size); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newBufioWriterSize, $c: true, $r, _r$1, bw, pool, size, v, w, $s};return $f; + }; + putBufioWriter = function(bw) { + var bw, pool; + bw.Reset($ifaceNil); + pool = bufioWriterPool(bw.Available()); + if (!(pool === ptrType$50.nil)) { + pool.Put(bw); + } + }; + Server.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderBytes = function() { + var srv; + srv = this; + if (srv.MaxHeaderBytes > 0) { + return srv.MaxHeaderBytes; + } + return 1048576; + }; + Server.prototype.maxHeaderBytes = function() { return this.$val.maxHeaderBytes(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.initialReadLimitSize = function() { + var srv, x$5; + srv = this; + return (x$5 = (new $Int64(0, srv.maxHeaderBytes())), new $Int64(x$5.$high + 0, x$5.$low + 4096)); + }; + Server.prototype.initialReadLimitSize = function() { return this.$val.initialReadLimitSize(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.tlsHandshakeTimeout = function() { + var _i, _ref, ret, srv, v; + srv = this; + ret = new time.Duration(0, 0); + _ref = $toNativeArray($kindInt64, [srv.ReadHeaderTimeout, srv.ReadTimeout, srv.WriteTimeout]); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < 3)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref[_i]); + if ((v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low <= 0))) { + _i++; + continue; + } + if ((ret.$high === 0 && ret.$low === 0) || (v.$high < ret.$high || (v.$high === ret.$high && v.$low < ret.$low))) { + ret = v; + } + _i++; + } + return ret; + }; + Server.prototype.tlsHandshakeTimeout = function() { return this.$val.tlsHandshakeTimeout(); }; + expectContinueReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _v, ecr, err, n, p, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + ecr = this; + if ((ecr.$ptr_closed || (ecr.$ptr_closed = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.closed; }, function($v) { this.$target.closed = $v; }, ecr))).isSet()) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrBodyReadAfterClose; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + w = ecr.resp; + if (!(!w.wroteContinue && (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue || (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.canWriteContinue; }, function($v) { this.$target.canWriteContinue = $v; }, w))).isSet())) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$1 = w.conn.hijacked(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + w.wroteContinue = true; + $r = w.writeContinueMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((w.$ptr_canWriteContinue || (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.canWriteContinue; }, function($v) { this.$target.canWriteContinue = $v; }, w))).isSet()) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if ((w.$ptr_canWriteContinue || (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.canWriteContinue; }, function($v) { this.$target.canWriteContinue = $v; }, w))).isSet()) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = w.conn.bufw.WriteString("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = w.conn.bufw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue || (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.canWriteContinue; }, function($v) { this.$target.canWriteContinue = $v; }, w))).setFalse(); + /* } */ case 7: + $r = w.writeContinueMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$4 = ecr.readCloser.Read(p); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + (ecr.$ptr_sawEOF || (ecr.$ptr_sawEOF = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.sawEOF; }, function($v) { this.$target.sawEOF = $v; }, ecr))).setTrue(); + } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: expectContinueReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _v, ecr, err, n, p, w, $s};return $f; + }; + expectContinueReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + expectContinueReader.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, ecr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ecr = this; + (ecr.$ptr_closed || (ecr.$ptr_closed = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.closed; }, function($v) { this.$target.closed = $v; }, ecr))).setTrue(); + _r$1 = ecr.readCloser.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: expectContinueReader.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, ecr, $s};return $f; + }; + expectContinueReader.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + appendTime = function(b, t) { + var {_q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _q$4, _q$5, _q$6, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, day, dd, hh, mm, mn, mon, ss, t, yy, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b, t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + time.Time.copy(t, $clone(t, time.Time).UTC()); + _r$1 = $clone(t, time.Time).Date(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + yy = _tuple[0]; + mm = _tuple[1]; + dd = _tuple[2]; + _r$2 = $clone(t, time.Time).Clock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + hh = _tuple$1[0]; + mn = _tuple$1[1]; + ss = _tuple$1[2]; + _r$3 = $clone(t, time.Time).Weekday(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + day = $substring("SunMonTueWedThuFriSat", ($imul(3, _r$3))); + mon = $substring("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec", ($imul(3, ((mm - 1 >> 0))))); + $s = -1; return $append(b, day.charCodeAt(0), day.charCodeAt(1), day.charCodeAt(2), 44, 32, (((48 + (_q = dd / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((48 + (_r$4 = dd % 10, _r$4 === _r$4 ? _r$4 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), 32, mon.charCodeAt(0), mon.charCodeAt(1), mon.charCodeAt(2), 32, (((48 + (_q$1 = yy / 1000, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((48 + (_r$5 = ((_q$2 = yy / 100, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) % 10, _r$5 === _r$5 ? _r$5 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((48 + (_r$6 = ((_q$3 = yy / 10, (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))) % 10, _r$6 === _r$6 ? _r$6 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((48 + (_r$7 = yy % 10, _r$7 === _r$7 ? _r$7 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), 32, (((48 + (_q$4 = hh / 10, (_q$4 === _q$4 && _q$4 !== 1/0 && _q$4 !== -1/0) ? _q$4 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((48 + (_r$8 = hh % 10, _r$8 === _r$8 ? _r$8 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), 58, (((48 + (_q$5 = mn / 10, (_q$5 === _q$5 && _q$5 !== 1/0 && _q$5 !== -1/0) ? _q$5 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((48 + (_r$9 = mn % 10, _r$9 === _r$9 ? _r$9 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), 58, (((48 + (_q$6 = ss / 10, (_q$6 === _q$6 && _q$6 !== 1/0 && _q$6 !== -1/0) ? _q$6 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((48 + (_r$10 = ss % 10, _r$10 === _r$10 ? _r$10 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), 32, 71, 77, 84); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendTime, $c: true, $r, _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _q$4, _q$5, _q$6, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, day, dd, hh, mm, mn, mon, ss, t, yy, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.ptr.prototype.readRequest = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, body$1, c, cancelCtx, ctx, d, d$1, d$2, err, haveHost, hdrDeadline, hosts, isH2Upgrade, k, ok, peek, req, t0, v, vv, w, wholeReqDeadline, x$5, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = [c]; + d = [d]; + w = ptrType$49.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + c[0] = this; + _r$1 = c[0].hijacked(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 1: + _tmp = ptrType$49.nil; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrHijacked; + w = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [w, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + wholeReqDeadline = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + hdrDeadline = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + _r$2 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t0 = $clone(_r$2, time.Time); + d$1 = c[0].server.readHeaderTimeout(); + if ((d$1.$high > 0 || (d$1.$high === 0 && d$1.$low > 0))) { + time.Time.copy(hdrDeadline, $clone(t0, time.Time).Add(d$1)); + } + d$2 = c[0].server.ReadTimeout; + if ((d$2.$high > 0 || (d$2.$high === 0 && d$2.$low > 0))) { + time.Time.copy(wholeReqDeadline, $clone(t0, time.Time).Add(d$2)); + } + _r$3 = c[0].rwc.SetReadDeadline($clone(hdrDeadline, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + d[0] = c[0].server.WriteTimeout; + /* */ if ((d[0].$high > 0 || (d[0].$high === 0 && d[0].$low > 0))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ((d[0].$high > 0 || (d[0].$high === 0 && d[0].$low > 0))) { */ case 7: + $deferred.push([(function(c, d) { return function $b() { + var {_r$4, _r$5, _r$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$4 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $clone(_r$4, time.Time).Add(d[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = c[0].rwc.SetWriteDeadline($clone(_r$5, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, d), []]); + /* } */ case 8: + c[0].r.setReadLimit(c[0].server.initialReadLimitSize()); + /* */ if (c[0].lastMethod === "POST") { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (c[0].lastMethod === "POST") { */ case 9: + _r$4 = c[0].bufr.Peek(4); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + peek = _tuple[0]; + _r$5 = c[0].bufr.Discard(numLeadingCRorLF(peek)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 10: + _r$6 = readRequest(c[0].bufr); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$6; + req = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + /* */ if (c[0].r.hitReadLimit()) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (c[0].r.hitReadLimit()) { */ case 16: + _tmp$2 = ptrType$49.nil; + _tmp$3 = errTooLarge; + w = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [w, err]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 17: + _tmp$4 = ptrType$49.nil; + _tmp$5 = err; + w = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [w, err]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 15: + /* */ if (!http1ServerSupportsRequest(req)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!http1ServerSupportsRequest(req)) { */ case 20: + _tmp$6 = ptrType$49.nil; + _tmp$7 = (x$5 = new statusError.ptr(505, "unsupported protocol version"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + w = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $24r$3 = [w, err]; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 21: + c[0].lastMethod = req.Method; + c[0].r.setInfiniteReadLimit(); + _tuple$2 = (_entry = req.Header[$String.keyFor("Host")], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + hosts = _tuple$2[0]; + haveHost = _tuple$2[1]; + isH2Upgrade = req.isH2Upgrade(); + /* */ if (req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) && (!haveHost || (hosts.$length === 0)) && !isH2Upgrade && !(req.Method === "CONNECT")) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) && (!haveHost || (hosts.$length === 0)) && !isH2Upgrade && !(req.Method === "CONNECT")) { */ case 23: + _tmp$8 = ptrType$49.nil; + _tmp$9 = badRequestError("missing required Host header"); + w = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $24r$4 = [w, err]; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 24: + /* */ if ((hosts.$length === 1) && !httpguts.ValidHostHeader((0 >= hosts.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hosts.$array[hosts.$offset + 0]))) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if ((hosts.$length === 1) && !httpguts.ValidHostHeader((0 >= hosts.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hosts.$array[hosts.$offset + 0]))) { */ case 26: + _tmp$10 = ptrType$49.nil; + _tmp$11 = badRequestError("malformed Host header"); + w = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $24r$5 = [w, err]; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 27: + _ref = req.Header; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 29: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 30; continue; } + _entry$1 = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry$1 === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 29; continue; + } + k = _entry$1.k; + vv = _entry$1.v; + /* */ if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName(k)) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName(k)) { */ case 31: + _tmp$12 = ptrType$49.nil; + _tmp$13 = badRequestError("invalid header name"); + w = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $24r$6 = [w, err]; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 32: + _ref$1 = vv; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 34: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 35; continue; } + v = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + /* */ if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(v)) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(v)) { */ case 36: + _tmp$14 = ptrType$49.nil; + _tmp$15 = badRequestError("invalid header value"); + w = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $24r$7 = [w, err]; + $s = 38; case 38: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 37: + _i$1++; + $s = 34; continue; + case 35: + _i++; + $s = 29; continue; + case 30: + delete req.Header[$String.keyFor("Host")]; + _r$7 = context.WithCancel(ctx); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$7; + ctx = _tuple$3[0]; + cancelCtx = _tuple$3[1]; + req.ctx = ctx; + req.RemoteAddr = c[0].remoteAddr; + req.TLS = c[0].tlsState; + _tuple$4 = $assertType(req.Body, ptrType$52, true); + body$1 = _tuple$4[0]; + ok = _tuple$4[1]; + if (ok) { + body$1.doEarlyClose = true; + } + /* */ if (!$clone(hdrDeadline, time.Time).Equal($clone(wholeReqDeadline, time.Time))) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (!$clone(hdrDeadline, time.Time).Equal($clone(wholeReqDeadline, time.Time))) { */ case 40: + _r$8 = c[0].rwc.SetReadDeadline($clone(wholeReqDeadline, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + /* } */ case 41: + w = new response.ptr(c[0], req, req.Body, cancelCtx, false, false, req.wantsHttp10KeepAlive(), req.wantsClose(), 0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), ptrType$14.nil, new chunkWriter.ptr(ptrType$49.nil, false, false, false), {}, false, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(-1, 4294967295), 0, false, false, sliceType$2.nil, 0, arrayType$3.zero(), arrayType$4.zero(), arrayType$5.zero(), new $Chan($Bool, 1), 0); + if (isH2Upgrade) { + w.closeAfterReply = true; + } + w.cw.res = w; + _r$9 = newBufioWriterSize(w.cw, 2048); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + w.w = _r$9; + _tmp$16 = w; + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + w = _tmp$16; + err = _tmp$17; + $24r$8 = [w, err]; + $s = 44; case 44: return $24r$8; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [w, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.readRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, body$1, c, cancelCtx, ctx, d, d$1, d$2, err, haveHost, hdrDeadline, hosts, isH2Upgrade, k, ok, peek, req, t0, v, vv, w, wholeReqDeadline, x$5, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + conn.prototype.readRequest = function(ctx) { return this.$val.readRequest(ctx); }; + http1ServerSupportsRequest = function(req) { + var req; + if (req.ProtoMajor === 1) { + return true; + } + if ((req.ProtoMajor === 2) && (req.ProtoMinor === 0) && req.Method === "PRI" && req.RequestURI === "*") { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + response.ptr.prototype.Header = function() { + var w; + w = this; + if (w.cw.header === false && w.wroteHeader && !w.cw.wroteHeader) { + w.cw.header = new Header(w.handlerHeader).Clone(); + } + w.calledHeader = true; + return w.handlerHeader; + }; + response.prototype.Header = function() { return this.$val.Header(); }; + checkWriteHeaderCode = function(code) { + var {_r$1, code, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (code < 100 || code > 999) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (code < 100 || code > 999) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid WriteHeader code %v", new sliceType([new $Int(code)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: checkWriteHeaderCode, $c: true, $r, _r$1, code, $s};return $f; + }; + relevantCaller = function() { + var _tuple, frame, frame$1, frames, more, n, pc; + pc = $makeSlice(sliceType$18, 16); + n = runtime.Callers(1, pc); + frames = runtime.CallersFrames($subslice(pc, 0, n)); + frame = new runtime.Frame.ptr(0, ptrType$54.nil, "", "", 0, 0); + while (true) { + _tuple = frames.Next(); + frame$1 = $clone(_tuple[0], runtime.Frame); + more = _tuple[1]; + if (!strings.HasPrefix(frame$1.Function, "net/http.")) { + return frame$1; + } + if (!more) { + break; + } + } + return frame; + }; + response.ptr.prototype.WriteHeader = function(code) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, caller, caller$1, cl, code, err, v, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + _r$1 = w.conn.hijacked(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 1: + caller = $clone(relevantCaller(), runtime.Frame); + $r = w.conn.server.logf("http: response.WriteHeader on hijacked connection from %s (%s:%d)", new sliceType([new $String(caller.Function), new $String(path.Base(caller.File)), new $Int(caller.Line)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (w.wroteHeader) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (w.wroteHeader) { */ case 5: + caller$1 = $clone(relevantCaller(), runtime.Frame); + $r = w.conn.server.logf("http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from %s (%s:%d)", new sliceType([new $String(caller$1.Function), new $String(path.Base(caller$1.File)), new $Int(caller$1.Line)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 6: + $r = checkWriteHeaderCode(code); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + w.wroteHeader = true; + w.status = code; + if (w.calledHeader && w.cw.header === false) { + w.cw.header = new Header(w.handlerHeader).Clone(); + } + cl = new Header(w.handlerHeader).get("Content-Length"); + /* */ if (!(cl === "")) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(cl === "")) { */ case 9: + _tuple = strconv.ParseInt(cl, 10, 64); + v = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low >= 0))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && (v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low >= 0))) { */ case 11: + w.contentLength = v; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else { */ case 12: + $r = w.conn.server.logf("http: invalid Content-Length of %q", new sliceType([new $String(cl)])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = new Header(w.handlerHeader).Del("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.WriteHeader, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, caller, caller$1, cl, code, err, v, w, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.WriteHeader = function(code) { return this.$val.WriteHeader(code); }; + extraHeader.ptr.prototype.Write = function(w) { + var {_i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, h, i, v, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + /* */ if (!(h.date === sliceType$3.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(h.date === sliceType$3.nil)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = w.Write(headerDate); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = w.Write(h.date); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = w.Write(crlf); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!(h.contentLength === sliceType$3.nil)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(h.contentLength === sliceType$3.nil)) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = w.Write(headerContentLength); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = w.Write(h.contentLength); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = w.Write(crlf); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + /* } */ case 7: + _ref = new sliceType$2([h.contentType, h.connection, h.transferEncoding]); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 12; continue; } + i = _i; + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + /* */ if (!(v === "")) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!(v === "")) { */ case 13: + _r$7 = w.Write(((i < 0 || i >= extraHeaderKeys.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : extraHeaderKeys.$array[extraHeaderKeys.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = w.Write(colonSpace); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _r$9 = w.WriteString(v); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + _r$10 = w.Write(crlf); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + /* } */ case 14: + _i++; + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: extraHeader.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, h, i, v, w, $s};return $f; + }; + extraHeader.prototype.Write = function(w) { return this.$val.Write(w); }; + chunkWriter.ptr.prototype.writeHeader = function(p) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _key, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _v, bdy, bdy$1, bdy$2, ce, code, connectionHeaderSet, cw, delConnectionHeader, delHeader, discard, ecr, err, excludeHeader, hasCE, hasCL, hasTE, haveType, header, isHEAD, k, k$1, keepAlivesEnabled, ok, owned, p, sentLength, setHeader, te, tooBig, trailers, v, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + excludeHeader = [excludeHeader]; + header = [header]; + owned = [owned]; + cw = this; + if (cw.wroteHeader) { + $s = -1; return; + } + cw.wroteHeader = true; + w = cw.res; + keepAlivesEnabled = w.conn.server.doKeepAlives(); + isHEAD = w.req.Method === "HEAD"; + header[0] = cw.header; + owned[0] = !(header[0] === false); + if (!owned[0]) { + header[0] = w.handlerHeader; + } + excludeHeader[0] = false; + delHeader = (function(excludeHeader, header, owned) { return function $b(key) { + var {_entry, _key, _tuple, key, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (owned[0]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (owned[0]) { */ case 1: + $r = new Header(header[0]).Del(key); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple = (_entry = header[0][$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if (excludeHeader[0] === false) { + excludeHeader[0] = {}; + } + _key = key; (excludeHeader[0] || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: true }; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _tuple, key, ok, $s};return $f; + }; })(excludeHeader, header, owned); + setHeader = new extraHeader.ptr("", "", "", sliceType$3.nil, sliceType$3.nil); + trailers = false; + _ref = cw.header; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + if (strings.HasPrefix(k, "Trailer:")) { + if (excludeHeader[0] === false) { + excludeHeader[0] = {}; + } + _key = k; (excludeHeader[0] || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: true }; + trailers = true; + } + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = (_entry$1 = cw.header[$String.keyFor("Trailer")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil); + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + v = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + trailers = true; + $r = foreachHeaderElement(v, $methodVal(cw.res, "declareTrailer")); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$1++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + te = new Header(header[0]).get("Transfer-Encoding"); + hasTE = !(te === ""); + if ((w.$ptr_handlerDone || (w.$ptr_handlerDone = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.handlerDone; }, function($v) { this.$target.handlerDone = $v; }, w))).isSet() && !trailers && !hasTE && bodyAllowedForStatus(w.status) && new Header(header[0]).get("Content-Length") === "" && (!isHEAD || p.$length > 0)) { + w.contentLength = (new $Int64(0, p.$length)); + setHeader.contentLength = strconv.AppendInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(cw.res.clenBuf), 0, 0), (new $Int64(0, p.$length)), 10); + } + if (w.wants10KeepAlive && keepAlivesEnabled) { + sentLength = !(new Header(header[0]).get("Content-Length") === ""); + if (sentLength && new Header(header[0]).get("Connection") === "keep-alive") { + w.closeAfterReply = false; + } + } + hasCL = !((x$5 = w.contentLength, (x$5.$high === -1 && x$5.$low === 4294967295))); + if (w.wants10KeepAlive && (isHEAD || hasCL || !bodyAllowedForStatus(w.status))) { + _tuple = (_entry$2 = header[0][$String.keyFor("Connection")], _entry$2 !== undefined ? [_entry$2.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + connectionHeaderSet = _tuple[1]; + if (!connectionHeaderSet) { + setHeader.connection = "keep-alive"; + } + } else if (!w.req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) || w.wantsClose) { + w.closeAfterReply = true; + } + if (new Header(header[0]).get("Connection") === "close" || !keepAlivesEnabled) { + w.closeAfterReply = true; + } + _tuple$1 = $assertType(w.req.Body, ptrType$55, true); + ecr = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok && !(ecr.$ptr_sawEOF || (ecr.$ptr_sawEOF = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.sawEOF; }, function($v) { this.$target.sawEOF = $v; }, ecr))).isSet()) { + w.closeAfterReply = true; + } + /* */ if (!((x$6 = w.req.ContentLength, (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 0))) && !w.closeAfterReply) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((x$6 = w.req.ContentLength, (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 0))) && !w.closeAfterReply) { */ case 4: + _tmp = false; + _tmp$1 = false; + discard = _tmp; + tooBig = _tmp$1; + _ref$2 = w.req.Body; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$55, true)[1]) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$52, true)[1]) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$55, true)[1]) { */ case 6: + bdy = _ref$2.$val; + if (bdy.resp.wroteContinue) { + discard = true; + } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref$2, ptrType$52, true)[1]) { */ case 7: + bdy$1 = _ref$2.$val; + $r = bdy$1.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (bdy$1.closed) { + if (!bdy$1.sawEOF) { + w.closeAfterReply = true; + } + } else if ((x$7 = bdy$1.unreadDataSizeLocked(), (x$7.$high > 0 || (x$7.$high === 0 && x$7.$low >= 262144)))) { + tooBig = true; + } else { + discard = true; + } + $r = bdy$1.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else { */ case 8: + bdy$2 = _ref$2; + discard = true; + /* } */ case 9: + /* */ if (discard) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (discard) { */ case 12: + _r$1 = io.CopyN(io.Discard, w.reqBody, new $Int64(0, 262145)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$1; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + _1 = err; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, ($pkg.ErrBodyReadAfterClose))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (io.EOF))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 16: + tooBig = true; + $s = 20; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, ($pkg.ErrBodyReadAfterClose))) { */ case 17: + $s = 20; continue; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(_1, (io.EOF))) { */ case 18: + _r$2 = w.reqBody.Close(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + w.closeAfterReply = true; + } + $s = 20; continue; + /* } else { */ case 19: + w.closeAfterReply = true; + /* } */ case 20: + case 15: + /* } */ case 13: + /* */ if (tooBig) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (tooBig) { */ case 22: + $r = w.requestTooLarge(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = delHeader("Connection"); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + setHeader.connection = "close"; + /* } */ case 23: + /* } */ case 5: + code = w.status; + /* */ if (bodyAllowedForStatus(code)) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (bodyAllowedForStatus(code)) { */ case 26: + _tuple$3 = (_entry$3 = header[0][$String.keyFor("Content-Type")], _entry$3 !== undefined ? [_entry$3.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + haveType = _tuple$3[1]; + _r$3 = new Header(header[0]).Get("Content-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r$3; + hasCE = ce.length > 0; + /* */ if (!hasCE && !haveType && !hasTE && p.$length > 0) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (!hasCE && !haveType && !hasTE && p.$length > 0) { */ case 30: + _r$4 = DetectContentType(p); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + setHeader.contentType = _r$4; + /* } */ case 31: + $s = 28; continue; + /* } else { */ case 27: + _ref$3 = suppressedHeaders(code); + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 33: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$3.$length)) { $s = 34; continue; } + k$1 = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$3.$array[_ref$3.$offset + _i$2]); + $r = delHeader(k$1); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$2++; + $s = 33; continue; + case 34: + /* } */ case 28: + /* */ if (!new Header(header[0]).has("Date")) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (!new Header(header[0]).has("Date")) { */ case 36: + _arg = $subslice(new sliceType$3(cw.res.dateBuf), 0, 0); + _r$5 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = $clone(_r$5, time.Time); + _r$6 = appendTime(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + setHeader.date = _r$6; + /* } */ case 37: + /* */ if (hasCL && hasTE && !(te === "identity")) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (hasCL && hasTE && !(te === "identity")) { */ case 40: + $r = w.conn.server.logf("http: WriteHeader called with both Transfer-Encoding of %q and a Content-Length of %d", new sliceType([new $String(te), w.contentLength])); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = delHeader("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hasCL = false; + /* } */ case 41: + /* */ if (w.req.Method === "HEAD" || !bodyAllowedForStatus(code) || (code === 204)) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ if (hasCL) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ if (w.req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1)) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ $s = 47; continue; + /* if (w.req.Method === "HEAD" || !bodyAllowedForStatus(code) || (code === 204)) { */ case 44: + $r = delHeader("Transfer-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 48; continue; + /* } else if (hasCL) { */ case 45: + $r = delHeader("Transfer-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 48; continue; + /* } else if (w.req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1)) { */ case 46: + /* */ if (hasTE && te === "identity") { $s = 51; continue; } + /* */ $s = 52; continue; + /* if (hasTE && te === "identity") { */ case 51: + cw.chunking = false; + w.closeAfterReply = true; + $r = delHeader("Transfer-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 53; continue; + /* } else { */ case 52: + cw.chunking = true; + setHeader.transferEncoding = "chunked"; + /* */ if (hasTE && te === "chunked") { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ $s = 56; continue; + /* if (hasTE && te === "chunked") { */ case 55: + $r = delHeader("Transfer-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 56: + /* } */ case 53: + $s = 48; continue; + /* } else { */ case 47: + w.closeAfterReply = true; + $r = delHeader("Transfer-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 48: + /* */ if (cw.chunking) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ $s = 60; continue; + /* if (cw.chunking) { */ case 59: + $r = delHeader("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 60: + if (!w.req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 0)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if (!(w.closeAfterReply && (!keepAlivesEnabled || !hasToken(new Header(cw.header).get("Connection"), "close")))) { _v = false; $s = 62; continue s; } + _r$7 = isProtocolSwitchResponse(w.status, header[0]); /* */ $s = 63; case 63: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$7; case 62: + delConnectionHeader = _v; + /* */ if (delConnectionHeader) { $s = 64; continue; } + /* */ $s = 65; continue; + /* if (delConnectionHeader) { */ case 64: + $r = delHeader("Connection"); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (w.req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1)) { + setHeader.connection = "close"; + } + /* } */ case 65: + $r = writeStatusLine(w.conn.bufw, w.req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1), code, new sliceType$3(w.statusBuf)); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = new Header(cw.header).WriteSubset(w.conn.bufw, excludeHeader[0]); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $r = $clone(setHeader, extraHeader).Write(w.conn.bufw); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = w.conn.bufw.Write(crlf); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: chunkWriter.ptr.prototype.writeHeader, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _key, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _v, bdy, bdy$1, bdy$2, ce, code, connectionHeaderSet, cw, delConnectionHeader, delHeader, discard, ecr, err, excludeHeader, hasCE, hasCL, hasTE, haveType, header, isHEAD, k, k$1, keepAlivesEnabled, ok, owned, p, sentLength, setHeader, te, tooBig, trailers, v, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + chunkWriter.prototype.writeHeader = function(p) { return this.$val.writeHeader(p); }; + foreachHeaderElement = function(v, fn) { + var {_i, _ref, f, fn, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = textproto.TrimString(v); + if (v === "") { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if (!strings.Contains(v, ",")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!strings.Contains(v, ",")) { */ case 1: + $r = fn(v); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _ref = strings.Split(v, ","); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + f = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + f = textproto.TrimString(f); + /* */ if (!(f === "")) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(f === "")) { */ case 6: + $r = fn(f); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + _i++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: foreachHeaderElement, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, f, fn, v, $s};return $f; + }; + writeStatusLine = function(bw, is11, code, scratch) { + var {_entry, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, bw, code, is11, ok, scratch, text, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {bw, is11, code, scratch}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (is11) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (is11) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = bw.WriteString("HTTP/1.1 "); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$2 = bw.WriteString("HTTP/1.0 "); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 3: + _tuple = (_entry = statusText[$Int.keyFor(code)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + text = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = bw.Write(strconv.AppendInt($subslice(scratch, 0, 0), (new $Int64(0, code)), 10)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = bw.WriteByte(32); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + _r$5 = bw.WriteString(text); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + _r$6 = bw.WriteString("\r\n"); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else { */ case 7: + _r$7 = fmt.Fprintf(bw, "%03d status code %d\r\n", new sliceType([new $Int(code), new $Int(code)])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: writeStatusLine, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, bw, code, is11, ok, scratch, text, $s};return $f; + }; + response.ptr.prototype.bodyAllowed = function() { + var w; + w = this; + if (!w.wroteHeader) { + $panic(new $String("")); + } + return bodyAllowedForStatus(w.status); + }; + response.prototype.bodyAllowed = function() { return this.$val.bodyAllowed(); }; + response.ptr.prototype.Write = function(data) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, data, err, n, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + _r$1 = w.write(data.$length, data, ""); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, data, err, n, w, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.Write = function(data) { return this.$val.Write(data); }; + response.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(data) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, data, err, n, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + _r$1 = w.write(data.length, sliceType$3.nil, data); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, data, err, n, w, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.WriteString = function(data) { return this.$val.WriteString(data); }; + response.ptr.prototype.write = function(lenData, dataB, dataS) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, caller, dataB, dataS, err, lenData, n, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {lenData, dataB, dataS}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + _r$1 = w.conn.hijacked(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (lenData > 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (lenData > 0) { */ case 4: + caller = $clone(relevantCaller(), runtime.Frame); + $r = w.conn.server.logf("http: response.Write on hijacked connection from %s (%s:%d)", new sliceType([new $String(caller.Function), new $String(path.Base(caller.File)), new $Int(caller.Line)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrHijacked; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ((w.$ptr_canWriteContinue || (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.canWriteContinue; }, function($v) { this.$target.canWriteContinue = $v; }, w))).isSet()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ((w.$ptr_canWriteContinue || (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.canWriteContinue; }, function($v) { this.$target.canWriteContinue = $v; }, w))).isSet()) { */ case 7: + $r = w.writeContinueMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue || (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.canWriteContinue; }, function($v) { this.$target.canWriteContinue = $v; }, w))).setFalse(); + $r = w.writeContinueMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (!w.wroteHeader) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!w.wroteHeader) { */ case 11: + $r = w.WriteHeader(200); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 12: + if (lenData === 0) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if (!w.bodyAllowed()) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = $pkg.ErrBodyNotAllowed; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + w.written = (x$5 = w.written, x$6 = (new $Int64(0, lenData)), new $Int64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)); + if (!((x$7 = w.contentLength, (x$7.$high === -1 && x$7.$low === 4294967295))) && (x$8 = w.written, x$9 = w.contentLength, (x$8.$high > x$9.$high || (x$8.$high === x$9.$high && x$8.$low > x$9.$low)))) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = $pkg.ErrContentLength; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* */ if (!(dataB === sliceType$3.nil)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!(dataB === sliceType$3.nil)) { */ case 14: + _r$2 = w.w.Write(dataB); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 15: + _r$3 = w.w.WriteString(dataS); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 16: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.write, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, caller, dataB, dataS, err, lenData, n, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.write = function(lenData, dataB, dataS) { return this.$val.write(lenData, dataB, dataS); }; + response.ptr.prototype.finishRequest = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + (w.$ptr_handlerDone || (w.$ptr_handlerDone = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.handlerDone; }, function($v) { this.$target.handlerDone = $v; }, w))).setTrue(); + /* */ if (!w.wroteHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!w.wroteHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = w.WriteHeader(200); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = w.w.Flush(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + putBufioWriter(w.w); + $r = w.cw.close(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = w.conn.bufw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $r = w.conn.r.abortPendingRead(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = w.reqBody.Close(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* */ if (!(w.req.MultipartForm === ptrType$31.nil)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(w.req.MultipartForm === ptrType$31.nil)) { */ case 9: + _r$4 = w.req.MultipartForm.RemoveAll(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.finishRequest, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, w, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.finishRequest = function() { return this.$val.finishRequest(); }; + response.ptr.prototype.shouldReuseConnection = function() { + var {_r$1, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + if (w.closeAfterReply) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (!(w.req.Method === "HEAD") && !((x$5 = w.contentLength, (x$5.$high === -1 && x$5.$low === 4294967295))) && w.bodyAllowed() && !((x$6 = w.contentLength, x$7 = w.written, (x$6.$high === x$7.$high && x$6.$low === x$7.$low)))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(w.conn.werr, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$1 = w.closedRequestBodyEarly(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return true; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.shouldReuseConnection, $c: true, $r, _r$1, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.shouldReuseConnection = function() { return this.$val.shouldReuseConnection(); }; + response.ptr.prototype.closedRequestBodyEarly = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, _v, body$1, ok, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + _tuple = $assertType(w.req.Body, ptrType$52, true); + body$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!(ok)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$1 = body$1.didEarlyClose(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.closedRequestBodyEarly, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, _v, body$1, ok, w, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.closedRequestBodyEarly = function() { return this.$val.closedRequestBodyEarly(); }; + response.ptr.prototype.Flush = function() { + var {_r$1, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + /* */ if (!w.wroteHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!w.wroteHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = w.WriteHeader(200); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = w.w.Flush(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $r = w.cw.flush(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.Flush, $c: true, $r, _r$1, w, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.Flush = function() { return this.$val.Flush(); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.finalFlush = function() { + var {_r$1, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (!(c.bufr === ptrType$29.nil)) { + putBufioReader(c.bufr); + c.bufr = ptrType$29.nil; + } + /* */ if (!(c.bufw === ptrType$14.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(c.bufw === ptrType$14.nil)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = c.bufw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + putBufioWriter(c.bufw); + c.bufw = ptrType$14.nil; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.finalFlush, $c: true, $r, _r$1, c, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.finalFlush = function() { return this.$val.finalFlush(); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.close = function() { + var {_r$1, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + $r = c.finalFlush(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = c.rwc.Close(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.close, $c: true, $r, _r$1, c, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.close = function() { return this.$val.close(); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.closeWriteAndWait = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, c, ok, tcp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + $r = c.finalFlush(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(c.rwc, closeWriter, true); + tcp = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = tcp.CloseWrite(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $r = time.Sleep(new time.Duration(0, 500000000)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.closeWriteAndWait, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, c, ok, tcp, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.closeWriteAndWait = function() { return this.$val.closeWriteAndWait(); }; + validNextProto = function(proto) { + var _1, proto; + _1 = proto; + if (_1 === ("") || _1 === ("http/1.1") || _1 === ("http/1.0")) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + conn.ptr.prototype.setState = function(nc, state, runHook) { + var {_1, _r$1, _r$2, c, hook, nc, packedState, runHook, srv, state, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {nc, state, runHook}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + srv = c.server; + _1 = state; + /* */ if (_1 === (0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === (0)) { */ case 2: + $r = srv.trackConn(c, true); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if ((_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4))) { */ case 3: + $r = srv.trackConn(c, false); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + case 1: + if (state > 255 || state < 0) { + $panic(new $String("internal error")); + } + _r$1 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, time.Time).Unix(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + packedState = (x$5 = ((x$6 = $shiftLeft64(_r$2, 8), new $Uint64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low))), x$7 = (new $Uint64(0, state)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high | x$7.$high, (x$5.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)); + atomic.StoreUint64((x$8 = c.curState, (x$8.$ptr_atomic || (x$8.$ptr_atomic = new ptrType$56(function() { return this.$target.atomic; }, function($v) { this.$target.atomic = $v; }, x$8)))), packedState); + if (!runHook) { + $s = -1; return; + } + hook = srv.ConnState; + /* */ if (!(hook === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(hook === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 9: + $r = hook(nc, state); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.setState, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, _r$2, c, hook, nc, packedState, runHook, srv, state, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.prototype.setState = function(nc, state, runHook) { return this.$val.setState(nc, state, runHook); }; + conn.ptr.prototype.getState = function() { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, c, packedState, state, unixSec, x$5, x$6; + state = 0; + unixSec = new $Int64(0, 0); + c = this; + packedState = atomic.LoadUint64((x$5 = c.curState, (x$5.$ptr_atomic || (x$5.$ptr_atomic = new ptrType$56(function() { return this.$target.atomic; }, function($v) { this.$target.atomic = $v; }, x$5))))); + _tmp = ((new $Uint64(packedState.$high & 0, (packedState.$low & 255) >>> 0).$low >> 0)); + _tmp$1 = ((x$6 = $shiftRightUint64(packedState, 8), new $Int64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low))); + state = _tmp; + unixSec = _tmp$1; + return [state, unixSec]; + }; + conn.prototype.getState = function() { return this.$val.getState(); }; + badRequestError = function(e) { + var e, x$5; + return (x$5 = new statusError.ptr(400, e), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + }; + statusError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return StatusText(e.code) + ": " + e.text; + }; + statusError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + isCommonNetReadError = function(err) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, err, neterr, oe, ok, ok$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, net.Error, true); + neterr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!(ok)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$1 = neterr.Timeout(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 2: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(err, ptrType$57, true); + oe = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok$1 && oe.Op === "read") { + $s = -1; return true; + } + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isCommonNetReadError, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, err, neterr, oe, ok, ok$1, $s};return $f; + }; + conn.ptr.prototype.serve = function(ctx) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _v, c, cancelCtx, code, ctx, d, dl, err, err$1, err$2, fn, h, inFlightResponse, ok, ok$1, ok$2, proto, publicErr, re, req, tlsConn, tlsTO, v, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + c = [c]; + inFlightResponse = [inFlightResponse]; + c[0] = this; + _r$1 = c[0].rwc.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.String(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c[0].remoteAddr = _r$2; + _arg = ctx; + _arg$1 = $pkg.LocalAddrContextKey; + _r$3 = c[0].rwc.LocalAddr(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$3; + _r$4 = context.WithValue(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctx = _r$4; + inFlightResponse[0] = ptrType$49.nil; + $deferred.push([(function(c, inFlightResponse) { return function $b() { + var {_r$5, _r$6, buf, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = $recover(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.ErrAbortHandler))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.ErrAbortHandler))) { */ case 1: + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 65536); + buf = $subslice(buf, 0, runtime.Stack(buf, false)); + $r = c[0].server.logf("http: panic serving %v: %v\n%s", new sliceType([new $String(c[0].remoteAddr), err, buf])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!(inFlightResponse[0] === ptrType$49.nil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(inFlightResponse[0] === ptrType$49.nil)) { */ case 4: + $r = inFlightResponse[0].cancelCtx(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + _r$5 = c[0].hijacked(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$5) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!_r$5) { */ case 7: + /* */ if (!(inFlightResponse[0] === ptrType$49.nil)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!(inFlightResponse[0] === ptrType$49.nil)) { */ case 10: + $r = inFlightResponse[0].conn.r.abortPendingRead(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = inFlightResponse[0].reqBody.Close(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + /* } */ case 11: + $r = c[0].close(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = c[0].setState(c[0].rwc, 4, true); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$5, _r$6, buf, err, $s};return $f; + }; })(c, inFlightResponse), []]); + _tuple = $assertType(c[0].rwc, ptrType$30, true); + tlsConn = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 5: + tlsTO = c[0].server.tlsHandshakeTimeout(); + /* */ if ((tlsTO.$high > 0 || (tlsTO.$high === 0 && tlsTO.$low > 0))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ((tlsTO.$high > 0 || (tlsTO.$high === 0 && tlsTO.$low > 0))) { */ case 7: + _r$5 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, time.Time).Add(tlsTO); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + dl = $clone(_r$6, time.Time); + _r$7 = c[0].rwc.SetReadDeadline($clone(dl, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = c[0].rwc.SetWriteDeadline($clone(dl, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$9 = tlsConn.HandshakeContext(ctx); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$9; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(err, tls.RecordHeaderError, true); + re = $clone(_tuple$1[0], tls.RecordHeaderError); + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1 && !($interfaceIsEqual(re.Conn, $ifaceNil)) && tlsRecordHeaderLooksLikeHTTP($clone(re.RecordHeader, arrayType$6))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (ok$1 && !($interfaceIsEqual(re.Conn, $ifaceNil)) && tlsRecordHeaderLooksLikeHTTP($clone(re.RecordHeader, arrayType$6))) { */ case 16: + _r$10 = io.WriteString(re.Conn, "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\nClient sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.\n"); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + _r$11 = re.Conn.Close(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + $s = 20; case 20: return; + /* } */ case 17: + _r$12 = c[0].rwc.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$12; + _arg$4 = err; + $r = c[0].server.logf("http: TLS handshake error from %s: %v", new sliceType([_arg$3, _arg$4])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 23; case 23: return; + /* } */ case 15: + /* */ if ((tlsTO.$high > 0 || (tlsTO.$high === 0 && tlsTO.$low > 0))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if ((tlsTO.$high > 0 || (tlsTO.$high === 0 && tlsTO.$low > 0))) { */ case 24: + _r$13 = c[0].rwc.SetReadDeadline(new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13; + _r$14 = c[0].rwc.SetWriteDeadline(new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + /* } */ case 25: + c[0].tlsState = new tls.ConnectionState.ptr(0, false, false, 0, "", false, "", sliceType$10.nil, sliceType$11.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$3.nil, sliceType$3.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + _r$15 = tlsConn.ConnectionState(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tls.ConnectionState.copy(c[0].tlsState, _r$15); + proto = c[0].tlsState.NegotiatedProtocol; + /* */ if (validNextProto(proto)) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (validNextProto(proto)) { */ case 29: + fn = (_entry = c[0].server.TLSNextProto[$String.keyFor(proto)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $throwNilPointerError); + /* */ if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 31: + h = new initALPNRequest.ptr(ctx, tlsConn, new serverHandler.ptr(c[0].server)); + $r = c[0].setState(c[0].rwc, 1, false); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fn(c[0].server, tlsConn, new h.constructor.elem(h)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 32: + $s = 35; case 35: return; + /* } */ case 30: + /* } */ case 6: + _r$16 = context.WithCancel(ctx); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$16; + ctx = _tuple$2[0]; + cancelCtx = _tuple$2[1]; + c[0].cancelCtx = cancelCtx; + $deferred.push([cancelCtx, []]); + c[0].r = new connReader.ptr(c[0], new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, arrayType$2.zero(), ptrType$48.nil, false, false, new $Int64(0, 0)); + _r$17 = newBufioReader(c[0].r); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c[0].bufr = _r$17; + _r$18 = newBufioWriterSize((x$5 = new checkConnErrorWriter.ptr(c[0]), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), 4096); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c[0].bufw = _r$18; + /* while (true) { */ case 39: + _r$19 = c[0].readRequest(ctx); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$19; + w = _tuple$3[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!((x$6 = c[0].r.remain, x$7 = c[0].server.initialReadLimitSize(), (x$6.$high === x$7.$high && x$6.$low === x$7.$low)))) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (!((x$6 = c[0].r.remain, x$7 = c[0].server.initialReadLimitSize(), (x$6.$high === x$7.$high && x$6.$low === x$7.$low)))) { */ case 42: + $r = c[0].setState(c[0].rwc, 1, true); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 43: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 45: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, errTooLarge)) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ if (isUnsupportedTEError(err$1)) { $s = 49; continue; } + _r$20 = isCommonNetReadError(err$1); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$20) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ $s = 51; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, errTooLarge)) { */ case 48: + _r$21 = fmt.Fprintf(c[0].rwc, "HTTP/1.1 431 Request Header Fields Too Large\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n431 Request Header Fields Too Large", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$21; + $r = c[0].closeWriteAndWait(); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 56; case 56: return; + /* } else if (isUnsupportedTEError(err$1)) { */ case 49: + code = 501; + _r$22 = fmt.Fprintf(c[0].rwc, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s%sUnsupported transfer encoding", new sliceType([new $Int(code), new $String(StatusText(code)), new $String("\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n")])); /* */ $s = 57; case 57: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$22; + $s = 58; case 58: return; + /* } else if (_r$20) { */ case 50: + $s = 59; case 59: return; + /* } else { */ case 51: + _tuple$4 = $assertType(err$1, statusError, true); + v = $clone(_tuple$4[0], statusError); + ok$2 = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (ok$2) { $s = 60; continue; } + /* */ $s = 61; continue; + /* if (ok$2) { */ case 60: + _r$23 = fmt.Fprintf(c[0].rwc, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s: %s%s%d %s: %s", new sliceType([new $Int(v.code), new $String(StatusText(v.code)), new $String(v.text), new $String("\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"), new $Int(v.code), new $String(StatusText(v.code)), new $String(v.text)])); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; _r$23 = _r$23.$blk(); } if (_r$23 && _r$23.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$23; + $s = 63; case 63: return; + /* } */ case 61: + publicErr = "400 Bad Request"; + _r$24 = fmt.Fprintf(c[0].rwc, "HTTP/1.1 " + publicErr + "\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" + publicErr, new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$24 = _r$24.$blk(); } if (_r$24 && _r$24.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$24; + $s = 65; case 65: return; + /* } */ case 52: + case 47: + /* } */ case 46: + req = w.req; + /* */ if (req.expectsContinue()) { $s = 66; continue; } + /* */ if (!(new Header(req.Header).get("Expect") === "")) { $s = 67; continue; } + /* */ $s = 68; continue; + /* if (req.expectsContinue()) { */ case 66: + if (req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) && !((x$8 = req.ContentLength, (x$8.$high === 0 && x$8.$low === 0)))) { + req.Body = new expectContinueReader.ptr(w, req.Body, 0, 0); + (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue || (w.$ptr_canWriteContinue = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.canWriteContinue; }, function($v) { this.$target.canWriteContinue = $v; }, w))).setTrue(); + } + $s = 68; continue; + /* } else if (!(new Header(req.Header).get("Expect") === "")) { */ case 67: + $r = w.sendExpectationFailed(); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 70; case 70: return; + /* } */ case 68: + c[0].curReq.Store(w); + _r$25 = requestBodyRemains(req.Body); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; _r$25 = _r$25.$blk(); } if (_r$25 && _r$25.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$25) { $s = 71; continue; } + /* */ $s = 72; continue; + /* if (_r$25) { */ case 71: + $r = registerOnHitEOF(req.Body, $methodVal(w.conn.r, "startBackgroundRead")); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 73; continue; + /* } else { */ case 72: + $r = w.conn.r.startBackgroundRead(); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 73: + inFlightResponse[0] = w; + $r = new serverHandler.ptr(c[0].server).ServeHTTP(w, w.req); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + inFlightResponse[0] = ptrType$49.nil; + $r = w.cancelCtx(); /* */ $s = 78; case 78: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$26 = c[0].hijacked(); /* */ $s = 81; case 81: if($c) { $c = false; _r$26 = _r$26.$blk(); } if (_r$26 && _r$26.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$26) { $s = 79; continue; } + /* */ $s = 80; continue; + /* if (_r$26) { */ case 79: + $s = 82; case 82: return; + /* } */ case 80: + $r = w.finishRequest(); /* */ $s = 83; case 83: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$27 = w.shouldReuseConnection(); /* */ $s = 86; case 86: if($c) { $c = false; _r$27 = _r$27.$blk(); } if (_r$27 && _r$27.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$27) { $s = 84; continue; } + /* */ $s = 85; continue; + /* if (!_r$27) { */ case 84: + if (w.requestBodyLimitHit) { _v = true; $s = 89; continue s; } + _r$28 = w.closedRequestBodyEarly(); /* */ $s = 90; case 90: if($c) { $c = false; _r$28 = _r$28.$blk(); } if (_r$28 && _r$28.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$28; case 89: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 87; continue; } + /* */ $s = 88; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 87: + $r = c[0].closeWriteAndWait(); /* */ $s = 91; case 91: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 88: + $s = 92; case 92: return; + /* } */ case 85: + $r = c[0].setState(c[0].rwc, 2, true); /* */ $s = 93; case 93: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c[0].curReq.Store((ptrType$49.nil)); + /* */ if (!w.conn.server.doKeepAlives()) { $s = 94; continue; } + /* */ $s = 95; continue; + /* if (!w.conn.server.doKeepAlives()) { */ case 94: + $s = 96; case 96: return; + /* } */ case 95: + d = c[0].server.idleTimeout(); + /* */ if (!((d.$high === 0 && d.$low === 0))) { $s = 97; continue; } + /* */ $s = 98; continue; + /* if (!((d.$high === 0 && d.$low === 0))) { */ case 97: + _r$29 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 99; case 99: if($c) { $c = false; _r$29 = _r$29.$blk(); } if (_r$29 && _r$29.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$30 = $clone(_r$29, time.Time).Add(d); /* */ $s = 100; case 100: if($c) { $c = false; _r$30 = _r$30.$blk(); } if (_r$30 && _r$30.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$31 = c[0].rwc.SetReadDeadline($clone(_r$30, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 101; case 101: if($c) { $c = false; _r$31 = _r$31.$blk(); } if (_r$31 && _r$31.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$31; + _r$32 = c[0].bufr.Peek(4); /* */ $s = 102; case 102: if($c) { $c = false; _r$32 = _r$32.$blk(); } if (_r$32 && _r$32.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$32; + err$2 = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 103; continue; } + /* */ $s = 104; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 103: + $s = 105; case 105: return; + /* } */ case 104: + /* } */ case 98: + _r$33 = c[0].rwc.SetReadDeadline(new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); /* */ $s = 106; case 106: if($c) { $c = false; _r$33 = _r$33.$blk(); } if (_r$33 && _r$33.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$33; + $s = 39; continue; + case 40: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: conn.ptr.prototype.serve, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _v, c, cancelCtx, code, ctx, d, dl, err, err$1, err$2, fn, h, inFlightResponse, ok, ok$1, ok$2, proto, publicErr, re, req, tlsConn, tlsTO, v, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + conn.prototype.serve = function(ctx) { return this.$val.serve(ctx); }; + response.ptr.prototype.sendExpectationFailed = function() { + var {w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + $r = new Header(w.Header()).Set("Connection", "close"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = w.WriteHeader(417); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = w.finishRequest(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.sendExpectationFailed, $c: true, $r, w, $s};return $f; + }; + response.prototype.sendExpectationFailed = function() { return this.$val.sendExpectationFailed(); }; + response.ptr.prototype.Hijack = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, buf, c, err, rwc, w, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + rwc = $ifaceNil; + buf = ptrType$44.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + if ((w.$ptr_handlerDone || (w.$ptr_handlerDone = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.handlerDone; }, function($v) { this.$target.handlerDone = $v; }, w))).isSet()) { + $panic(new $String("net/http: Hijack called after ServeHTTP finished")); + } + /* */ if (w.wroteHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (w.wroteHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = w.cw.flush(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + c = w.conn; + $r = c.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(c.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$1 = c.hijackLocked(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + rwc = _tuple[0]; + buf = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + putBufioWriter(w.w); + w.w = ptrType$14.nil; + } + _tmp = rwc; + _tmp$1 = buf; + _tmp$2 = err; + rwc = _tmp; + buf = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + $24r = [rwc, buf, err]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [rwc, buf, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: response.ptr.prototype.Hijack, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, buf, c, err, rwc, w, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + response.prototype.Hijack = function() { return this.$val.Hijack(); }; + response.ptr.prototype.CloseNotify = function() { + var w; + w = this; + if ((w.$ptr_handlerDone || (w.$ptr_handlerDone = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.handlerDone; }, function($v) { this.$target.handlerDone = $v; }, w))).isSet()) { + $panic(new $String("net/http: CloseNotify called after ServeHTTP finished")); + } + return w.closeNotifyCh; + }; + response.prototype.CloseNotify = function() { return this.$val.CloseNotify(); }; + registerOnHitEOF = function(rc, fn) { + var {_r$1, _ref, fn, rc, v, v$1, v$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rc, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = rc; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$55, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$52, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$55, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + v = _ref.$val; + $r = registerOnHitEOF(v.readCloser, fn); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$52, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + v$1 = _ref.$val; + $r = v$1.registerOnHitEOF(fn); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + v$2 = _ref; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("%T", new sliceType([rc])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("unexpected type " + _r$1)); + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: registerOnHitEOF, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _ref, fn, rc, v, v$1, v$2, $s};return $f; + }; + requestBodyRemains = function(rc) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, rc, v, v$1, v$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(rc, new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _ref = rc; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$55, true)[1]) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$52, true)[1]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$55, true)[1]) { */ case 1: + v = _ref.$val; + _r$1 = requestBodyRemains(v.readCloser); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$52, true)[1]) { */ case 2: + v$1 = _ref.$val; + _r$2 = v$1.bodyRemains(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } else { */ case 3: + v$2 = _ref; + _r$3 = fmt.Sprintf("%T", new sliceType([rc])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String("unexpected type " + _r$3)); + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: requestBodyRemains, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, rc, v, v$1, v$2, $s};return $f; + }; + HandlerFunc.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(w, r) { + var {f, r, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + $r = f(w, r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: HandlerFunc.prototype.ServeHTTP, $c: true, $r, f, r, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(HandlerFunc).prototype.ServeHTTP = function(w, r) { return new HandlerFunc(this.$get()).ServeHTTP(w, r); }; + Error = function(w, error, code) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, code, error, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, error, code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = w.Header(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = new Header(_r$1).Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = w.Header(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = new Header(_r$2).Set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = w.WriteHeader(code); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = fmt.Fprintln(w, new sliceType([new $String(error)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Error, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, code, error, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Error = Error; + NotFound = function(w, r) { + var {r, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = Error(w, "404 page not found", 404); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NotFound, $c: true, $r, r, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NotFound = NotFound; + NotFoundHandler = function() { + return new HandlerFunc((NotFound)); + }; + $pkg.NotFoundHandler = NotFoundHandler; + Redirect = function(w, r, url$1, code) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, body$1, code, err, h, hadCT, i, olddir, oldpath, query, r, trailing, u, url$1, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, r, url$1, code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = url.Parse(url$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + u = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + if (u.Scheme === "" && u.Host === "") { + oldpath = r.URL.Path; + if (oldpath === "") { + oldpath = "/"; + } + if (url$1 === "" || !((url$1.charCodeAt(0) === 47))) { + _tuple$1 = path.Split(oldpath); + olddir = _tuple$1[0]; + url$1 = olddir + url$1; + } + query = ""; + i = strings.Index(url$1, "?"); + if (!((i === -1))) { + _tmp = $substring(url$1, 0, i); + _tmp$1 = $substring(url$1, i); + url$1 = _tmp; + query = _tmp$1; + } + trailing = strings.HasSuffix(url$1, "/"); + url$1 = path.Clean(url$1); + if (trailing && !strings.HasSuffix(url$1, "/")) { + url$1 = url$1 + ("/"); + } + url$1 = url$1 + (query); + } + } + _r$2 = w.Header(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$2; + _tuple$2 = (_entry = h[$String.keyFor("Content-Type")], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + hadCT = _tuple$2[1]; + $r = new Header(h).Set("Location", hexEscapeNonASCII(url$1)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!hadCT && (r.Method === "GET" || r.Method === "HEAD")) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!hadCT && (r.Method === "GET" || r.Method === "HEAD")) { */ case 4: + $r = new Header(h).Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $r = w.WriteHeader(code); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!hadCT && r.Method === "GET") { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!hadCT && r.Method === "GET") { */ case 8: + _r$3 = htmlEscape(url$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + body$1 = "" + (_entry$1 = statusText[$Int.keyFor(code)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : "") + ".\n"; + _r$4 = fmt.Fprintln(w, new sliceType([new $String(body$1)])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Redirect, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, body$1, code, err, h, hadCT, i, olddir, oldpath, query, r, trailing, u, url$1, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Redirect = Redirect; + htmlEscape = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r$1, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = htmlReplacer.Replace(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: htmlEscape, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, s, $s};return $f; + }; + redirectHandler.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(w, r) { + var {r, rh, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rh = this; + $r = Redirect(w, r, rh.url, rh.code); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: redirectHandler.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP, $c: true, $r, r, rh, w, $s};return $f; + }; + redirectHandler.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(w, r) { return this.$val.ServeHTTP(w, r); }; + RedirectHandler = function(url$1, code) { + var code, url$1; + return new redirectHandler.ptr(url$1, code); + }; + $pkg.RedirectHandler = RedirectHandler; + cleanPath = function(p) { + var np, p; + if (p === "") { + return "/"; + } + if (!((p.charCodeAt(0) === 47))) { + p = "/" + p; + } + np = path.Clean(p); + if ((p.charCodeAt((p.length - 1 >> 0)) === 47) && !(np === "/")) { + if ((p.length === (np.length + 1 >> 0)) && strings.HasPrefix(p, np)) { + np = p; + } else { + np = np + ("/"); + } + } + return np; + }; + stripHostPort = function(h) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, h, host, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {h}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!strings.Contains(h, ":")) { + $s = -1; return h; + } + _r$1 = net.SplitHostPort(h); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + host = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return h; + } + $s = -1; return host; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stripHostPort, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, h, host, $s};return $f; + }; + ServeMux.ptr.prototype.match = function(path$1) { + var _entry, _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, e, h, mux, ok, path$1, pattern, v; + h = $ifaceNil; + pattern = ""; + mux = this; + _tuple = (_entry = mux.m[$String.keyFor(path$1)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new muxEntry.ptr($ifaceNil, ""), false]); + v = $clone(_tuple[0], muxEntry); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + _tmp = v.h; + _tmp$1 = v.pattern; + h = _tmp; + pattern = _tmp$1; + return [h, pattern]; + } + _ref = mux.es; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + e = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), muxEntry); + if (strings.HasPrefix(path$1, e.pattern)) { + _tmp$2 = e.h; + _tmp$3 = e.pattern; + h = _tmp$2; + pattern = _tmp$3; + return [h, pattern]; + } + _i++; + } + _tmp$4 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$5 = ""; + h = _tmp$4; + pattern = _tmp$5; + return [h, pattern]; + }; + ServeMux.prototype.match = function(path$1) { return this.$val.match(path$1); }; + ServeMux.ptr.prototype.redirectToPathSlash = function(host, path$1, u) { + var {host, mux, path$1, shouldRedirect, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {host, path$1, u}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mux = this; + $r = mux.mu.RLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + shouldRedirect = mux.shouldRedirectRLocked(host, path$1); + $r = mux.mu.RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!shouldRedirect) { + $s = -1; return [u, false]; + } + path$1 = path$1 + "/"; + u = new url.URL.ptr("", "", ptrType$21.nil, "", path$1, "", false, u.RawQuery, "", ""); + $s = -1; return [u, true]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ServeMux.ptr.prototype.redirectToPathSlash, $c: true, $r, host, mux, path$1, shouldRedirect, u, $s};return $f; + }; + ServeMux.prototype.redirectToPathSlash = function(host, path$1, u) { return this.$val.redirectToPathSlash(host, path$1, u); }; + ServeMux.ptr.prototype.shouldRedirectRLocked = function(host, path$1) { + var _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, c$1, exist, exist$1, host, mux, n, p, path$1; + mux = this; + p = new sliceType$2([path$1, host + path$1]); + _ref = p; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _tuple = (_entry = mux.m[$String.keyFor(c)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new muxEntry.ptr($ifaceNil, ""), false]); + exist = _tuple[1]; + if (exist) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + n = path$1.length; + if (n === 0) { + return false; + } + _ref$1 = p; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + c$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _tuple$1 = (_entry$1 = mux.m[$String.keyFor(c$1 + "/")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [new muxEntry.ptr($ifaceNil, ""), false]); + exist$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (exist$1) { + return !((path$1.charCodeAt((n - 1 >> 0)) === 47)); + } + _i$1++; + } + return false; + }; + ServeMux.prototype.shouldRedirectRLocked = function(host, path$1) { return this.$val.shouldRedirectRLocked(host, path$1); }; + ServeMux.ptr.prototype.Handler = function(r) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, h, host, mux, ok, ok$1, path$1, pattern, r, u, u$1, u$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = $ifaceNil; + pattern = ""; + mux = this; + /* */ if (r.Method === "CONNECT") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r.Method === "CONNECT") { */ case 1: + _r$1 = mux.redirectToPathSlash(r.URL.Host, r.URL.Path, r.URL); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + u = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + _tmp = RedirectHandler(u.String(), 301); + _tmp$1 = u.Path; + h = _tmp; + pattern = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [h, pattern]; + } + _r$2 = mux.handler(r.Host, r.URL.Path); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + h = _tuple$1[0]; + pattern = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [h, pattern]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = stripHostPort(r.Host); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + host = _r$3; + path$1 = cleanPath(r.URL.Path); + _r$4 = mux.redirectToPathSlash(host, path$1, r.URL); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + u$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (ok$1) { + _tmp$2 = RedirectHandler(u$1.String(), 301); + _tmp$3 = u$1.Path; + h = _tmp$2; + pattern = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [h, pattern]; + } + /* */ if (!(path$1 === r.URL.Path)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(path$1 === r.URL.Path)) { */ case 8: + _r$5 = mux.handler(host, path$1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$5; + pattern = _tuple$3[1]; + u$2 = new url.URL.ptr("", "", ptrType$21.nil, "", path$1, "", false, r.URL.RawQuery, "", ""); + _tmp$4 = RedirectHandler(u$2.String(), 301); + _tmp$5 = pattern; + h = _tmp$4; + pattern = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [h, pattern]; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$6 = mux.handler(host, r.URL.Path); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$6; + h = _tuple$4[0]; + pattern = _tuple$4[1]; + $24r$1 = [h, pattern]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ServeMux.ptr.prototype.Handler, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, h, host, mux, ok, ok$1, path$1, pattern, r, u, u$1, u$2, $s};return $f; + }; + ServeMux.prototype.Handler = function(r) { return this.$val.Handler(r); }; + ServeMux.ptr.prototype.handler = function(host, path$1) { + var {$24r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, h, host, mux, path$1, pattern, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {host, path$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + h = $ifaceNil; + pattern = ""; + mux = this; + $r = mux.mu.RLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(mux.mu, "RUnlock"), []]); + if (mux.hosts) { + _tuple = mux.match(host + path$1); + h = _tuple[0]; + pattern = _tuple[1]; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(h, $ifaceNil)) { + _tuple$1 = mux.match(path$1); + h = _tuple$1[0]; + pattern = _tuple$1[1]; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(h, $ifaceNil)) { + _tmp = NotFoundHandler(); + _tmp$1 = ""; + h = _tmp; + pattern = _tmp$1; + } + $24r = [h, pattern]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [h, pattern]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: ServeMux.ptr.prototype.handler, $c: true, $r, $24r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, h, host, mux, path$1, pattern, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + ServeMux.prototype.handler = function(host, path$1) { return this.$val.handler(host, path$1); }; + ServeMux.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(w, r) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, h, mux, r, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mux = this; + /* */ if (r.RequestURI === "*") { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r.RequestURI === "*") { */ case 1: + /* */ if (r.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (r.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1)) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = w.Header(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = new Header(_r$1).Set("Connection", "close"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + $r = w.WriteHeader(400); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = mux.Handler(r); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + h = _tuple[0]; + $r = h.ServeHTTP(w, r); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ServeMux.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, h, mux, r, w, $s};return $f; + }; + ServeMux.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(w, r) { return this.$val.ServeHTTP(w, r); }; + ServeMux.ptr.prototype.Handle = function(pattern, handler) { + var {_entry, _key, _r$1, _tuple, e, exist, handler, mux, pattern, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pattern, handler}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + mux = this; + $r = mux.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(mux.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + if (pattern === "") { + $panic(new $String("http: invalid pattern")); + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(handler, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("http: nil handler")); + } + _tuple = (_entry = mux.m[$String.keyFor(pattern)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [new muxEntry.ptr($ifaceNil, ""), false]); + exist = _tuple[1]; + if (exist) { + $panic(new $String("http: multiple registrations for " + pattern)); + } + if (mux.m === false) { + mux.m = {}; + } + e = new muxEntry.ptr(handler, pattern); + _key = pattern; (mux.m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $clone(e, muxEntry) }; + /* */ if (pattern.charCodeAt((pattern.length - 1 >> 0)) === 47) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (pattern.charCodeAt((pattern.length - 1 >> 0)) === 47) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = appendSorted(mux.es, $clone(e, muxEntry)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + mux.es = _r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!((pattern.charCodeAt(0) === 47))) { + mux.hosts = true; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: ServeMux.ptr.prototype.Handle, $c: true, $r, _entry, _key, _r$1, _tuple, e, exist, handler, mux, pattern, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + ServeMux.prototype.Handle = function(pattern, handler) { return this.$val.Handle(pattern, handler); }; + appendSorted = function(es, e) { + var {_r$1, e, es, i, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {es, e}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = [e]; + es = [es]; + n = es[0].$length; + _r$1 = sort.Search(n, (function(e, es) { return function(i) { + var i; + return ((i < 0 || i >= es[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : es[0].$array[es[0].$offset + i]).pattern.length < e[0].pattern.length; + }; })(e, es)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = _r$1; + if (i === n) { + $s = -1; return $append(es[0], e[0]); + } + es[0] = $append(es[0], new muxEntry.ptr($ifaceNil, "")); + $copySlice($subslice(es[0], (i + 1 >> 0)), $subslice(es[0], i)); + muxEntry.copy(((i < 0 || i >= es[0].$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : es[0].$array[es[0].$offset + i]), e[0]); + $s = -1; return es[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: appendSorted, $c: true, $r, _r$1, e, es, i, n, $s};return $f; + }; + ServeMux.ptr.prototype.HandleFunc = function(pattern, handler) { + var {handler, mux, pattern, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {pattern, handler}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + mux = this; + if (handler === $throwNilPointerError) { + $panic(new $String("http: nil handler")); + } + $r = mux.Handle(pattern, new HandlerFunc((handler))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ServeMux.ptr.prototype.HandleFunc, $c: true, $r, handler, mux, pattern, $s};return $f; + }; + ServeMux.prototype.HandleFunc = function(pattern, handler) { return this.$val.HandleFunc(pattern, handler); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.getDoneChan = function() { + var {$24r, s, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + s = this; + $r = s.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(s.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = s.getDoneChanLocked(); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $chanNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.getDoneChan, $c: true, $r, $24r, s, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Server.prototype.getDoneChan = function() { return this.$val.getDoneChan(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.getDoneChanLocked = function() { + var s; + s = this; + if (s.doneChan === $chanNil) { + s.doneChan = new $Chan(structType, 0); + } + return s.doneChan; + }; + Server.prototype.getDoneChanLocked = function() { return this.$val.getDoneChanLocked(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.closeDoneChanLocked = function() { + var _selection, ch, s; + s = this; + ch = s.getDoneChanLocked(); + _selection = $select([[ch], []]); + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + $close(ch); + } + }; + Server.prototype.closeDoneChanLocked = function() { return this.$val.closeDoneChanLocked(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, c, err, srv, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + srv = this; + (srv.$ptr_inShutdown || (srv.$ptr_inShutdown = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.inShutdown; }, function($v) { this.$target.inShutdown = $v; }, srv))).setTrue(); + $r = srv.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(srv.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + srv.closeDoneChanLocked(); + _r$1 = srv.closeListenersLocked(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + _ref = srv.activeConn; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + c = _entry.k; + _r$2 = c.rwc.Close(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + delete srv.activeConn[ptrType$53.keyFor(c)]; + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $24r = err; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, c, err, srv, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Server.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.Shutdown = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _selection, _v, ctx, f, lnerr, nextPollInterval, pollIntervalBase, srv, timer, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + pollIntervalBase = [pollIntervalBase]; + srv = this; + (srv.$ptr_inShutdown || (srv.$ptr_inShutdown = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.inShutdown; }, function($v) { this.$target.inShutdown = $v; }, srv))).setTrue(); + $r = srv.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = srv.closeListenersLocked(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + lnerr = _r$1; + srv.closeDoneChanLocked(); + _ref = srv.onShutdown; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + f = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $go(f, []); + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $r = srv.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + pollIntervalBase[0] = new time.Duration(0, 1000000); + nextPollInterval = (function(pollIntervalBase) { return function $b() { + var {_r$2, interval, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = rand.Intn((((x$6 = $div64(pollIntervalBase[0], new time.Duration(0, 10), false), x$6.$low + ((x$6.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + interval = (x$5 = (new time.Duration(0, _r$2)), new time.Duration(pollIntervalBase[0].$high + x$5.$high, pollIntervalBase[0].$low + x$5.$low)); + pollIntervalBase[0] = $mul64(pollIntervalBase[0], (new time.Duration(0, 2))); + if ((pollIntervalBase[0].$high > 0 || (pollIntervalBase[0].$high === 0 && pollIntervalBase[0].$low > 500000000))) { + pollIntervalBase[0] = new time.Duration(0, 500000000); + } + $s = -1; return interval; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$2, interval, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; })(pollIntervalBase); + _r$2 = nextPollInterval(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = time.NewTimer(_r$2); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + timer = _r$3; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(timer, "Stop"), []]); + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + _r$4 = srv.closeIdleConns(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$4)) { _v = false; $s = 12; continue s; } + _r$5 = srv.numListeners(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$5 === 0; case 12: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 10: + $24r = lnerr; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r; + /* } */ case 11: + _r$6 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7 = $select([[_r$6], [timer.C]]); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$7; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 18: + _r$8 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$8; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 19: + _r$9 = nextPollInterval(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10 = timer.Reset(_r$9); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + /* } */ case 20: + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.Shutdown, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _selection, _v, ctx, f, lnerr, nextPollInterval, pollIntervalBase, srv, timer, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Server.prototype.Shutdown = function(ctx) { return this.$val.Shutdown(ctx); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.RegisterOnShutdown = function(f) { + var {f, srv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + srv = this; + $r = srv.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + srv.onShutdown = $append(srv.onShutdown, f); + $r = srv.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.RegisterOnShutdown, $c: true, $r, f, srv, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.RegisterOnShutdown = function(f) { return this.$val.RegisterOnShutdown(f); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.numListeners = function() { + var {$24r, s, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + s = this; + $r = s.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(s.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = $keys(s.listeners).length; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return 0; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.numListeners, $c: true, $r, $24r, s, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Server.prototype.numListeners = function() { return this.$val.numListeners(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.closeIdleConns = function() { + var {$24r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _v, c, quiescent, s, st, unixSec, x$5, x$6, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + s = this; + $r = s.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(s.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + quiescent = true; + _ref = s.activeConn; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + c = _entry.k; + _tuple = c.getState(); + st = _tuple[0]; + unixSec = _tuple[1]; + if (!(st === 0)) { _v = false; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$1 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, time.Time).Unix(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = (x$5 = (x$6 = _r$2, new $Int64(x$6.$high - 0, x$6.$low - 5)), (unixSec.$high < x$5.$high || (unixSec.$high === x$5.$high && unixSec.$low < x$5.$low))); case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + st = 2; + /* } */ case 5: + if (!((st === 2)) || (unixSec.$high === 0 && unixSec.$low === 0)) { + quiescent = false; + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _r$3 = c.rwc.Close(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + delete s.activeConn[ptrType$53.keyFor(c)]; + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $24r = quiescent; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.closeIdleConns, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _v, c, quiescent, s, st, unixSec, x$5, x$6, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Server.prototype.closeIdleConns = function() { return this.$val.closeIdleConns(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.closeListenersLocked = function() { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, cerr, err, ln, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = s.listeners; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + ln = _entry.k; + _r$1 = (ln.$get()).Close(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cerr = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cerr, $ifaceNil)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = cerr; + } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.closeListenersLocked, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, cerr, err, ln, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.closeListenersLocked = function() { return this.$val.closeListenersLocked(); }; + ConnState.prototype.String = function() { + var _entry, c; + c = this.$val; + return (_entry = stateName[ConnState.keyFor(c)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""); + }; + $ptrType(ConnState).prototype.String = function() { return new ConnState(this.$get()).String(); }; + serverHandler.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(rw, req) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, allowQuerySemicolonsInUse, handler, req, rw, sh, x$5, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rw, req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + allowQuerySemicolonsInUse = [allowQuerySemicolonsInUse]; + sh = [sh]; + sh[0] = this; + handler = sh[0].srv.Handler; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(handler, $ifaceNil)) { + handler = $pkg.DefaultServeMux; + } + if (req.RequestURI === "*" && req.Method === "OPTIONS") { + handler = (x$5 = new globalOptionsHandler.ptr(), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + } + /* */ if (!(req.URL === ptrType$17.nil) && strings.Contains(req.URL.RawQuery, ";")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(req.URL === ptrType$17.nil) && strings.Contains(req.URL.RawQuery, ";")) { */ case 1: + allowQuerySemicolonsInUse[0] = 0; + _r$1 = context.WithValue(req.Context(), silenceSemWarnContextKey, new funcType((function(allowQuerySemicolonsInUse, sh) { return function() { + atomic.StoreInt32((allowQuerySemicolonsInUse.$ptr || (allowQuerySemicolonsInUse.$ptr = new ptrType$45(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, allowQuerySemicolonsInUse))), 1); + }; })(allowQuerySemicolonsInUse, sh))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = req.WithContext(_r$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + req = _r$2; + $deferred.push([(function(allowQuerySemicolonsInUse, sh) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (atomic.LoadInt32((allowQuerySemicolonsInUse.$ptr || (allowQuerySemicolonsInUse.$ptr = new ptrType$45(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, allowQuerySemicolonsInUse)))) === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (atomic.LoadInt32((allowQuerySemicolonsInUse.$ptr || (allowQuerySemicolonsInUse.$ptr = new ptrType$45(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, allowQuerySemicolonsInUse)))) === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = sh[0].srv.logf("http: URL query contains semicolon, which is no longer a supported separator; parts of the query may be stripped when parsed; see golang.org/issue/25192", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(allowQuerySemicolonsInUse, sh), []]); + /* } */ case 2: + $r = handler.ServeHTTP(rw, req); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: serverHandler.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, allowQuerySemicolonsInUse, handler, req, rw, sh, x$5, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + serverHandler.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(rw, req) { return this.$val.ServeHTTP(rw, req); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.ListenAndServe = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, addr, err, ln, srv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + srv = this; + if (srv.shuttingDown()) { + $s = -1; return $pkg.ErrServerClosed; + } + addr = srv.Addr; + if (addr === "") { + addr = ":http"; + } + _r$1 = net.Listen("tcp", addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + ln = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$2 = srv.Serve(ln); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.ListenAndServe, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, addr, err, ln, srv, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.ListenAndServe = function() { return this.$val.ListenAndServe(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.shouldConfigureHTTP2ForServe = function() { + var srv; + srv = this; + if (srv.TLSConfig === ptrType$4.nil) { + return true; + } + return strSliceContains(srv.TLSConfig.NextProtos, "h2"); + }; + Server.prototype.shouldConfigureHTTP2ForServe = function() { return this.$val.shouldConfigureHTTP2ForServe(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.Serve = function(l) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, baseCtx, c, cc, connCtx, ctx, err, err$1, fn, l, max, ne, ok, origListener, rw, srv, tempDelay, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {l}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + l = [l]; + srv = this; + fn = testHookServerServe; + /* */ if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = fn(srv, l[0]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + origListener = l[0]; + l[0] = new onceCloseListener.ptr(l[0], new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), $ifaceNil); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(l[0], "Close"), []]); + _r$1 = srv.setupHTTP2_Serve(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r = err; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$2 = srv.trackListener((l.$ptr || (l.$ptr = new ptrType$59(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, l))), true); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 8: + $24r$1 = $pkg.ErrServerClosed; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(srv, "trackListener"), [(l.$ptr || (l.$ptr = new ptrType$59(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, l))), false]]); + baseCtx = context.Background(); + /* */ if (!(srv.BaseContext === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!(srv.BaseContext === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 12: + _r$3 = srv.BaseContext(origListener); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + baseCtx = _r$3; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(baseCtx, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("BaseContext returned a nil context")); + } + /* } */ case 13: + tempDelay = new time.Duration(0, 0); + _r$4 = context.WithValue(baseCtx, $pkg.ServerContextKey, srv); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctx = _r$4; + /* while (true) { */ case 16: + _r$5 = l[0].Accept(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$5; + rw = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 19: + _r$6 = srv.getDoneChan(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = $select([[_r$6], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 22: + $24r$2 = $pkg.ErrServerClosed; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r$2; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 23: + /* } */ case 24: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(err$1, net.Error, true); + ne = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!(ok)) { _v = false; $s = 28; continue s; } + _r$7 = ne.Temporary(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$7; case 28: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 26: + if ((tempDelay.$high === 0 && tempDelay.$low === 0)) { + tempDelay = new time.Duration(0, 5000000); + } else { + tempDelay = $mul64(tempDelay, (new time.Duration(0, 2))); + } + max = new time.Duration(0, 1000000000); + if ((tempDelay.$high > max.$high || (tempDelay.$high === max.$high && tempDelay.$low > max.$low))) { + tempDelay = max; + } + $r = srv.logf("http: Accept error: %v; retrying in %v", new sliceType([err$1, tempDelay])); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.Sleep(tempDelay); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* continue; */ $s = 16; continue; + /* } */ case 27: + $24r$3 = err$1; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 20: + connCtx = ctx; + cc = srv.ConnContext; + /* */ if (!(cc === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (!(cc === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 33: + _r$8 = cc(connCtx, rw); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + connCtx = _r$8; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(connCtx, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("ConnContext returned nil")); + } + /* } */ case 34: + tempDelay = new time.Duration(0, 0); + _r$9 = srv.newConn(rw); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c = _r$9; + $r = c.setState(c.rwc, 0, true); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $go($methodVal(c, "serve"), [connCtx]); + $s = 16; continue; + case 17: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.Serve, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, baseCtx, c, cc, connCtx, ctx, err, err$1, fn, l, max, ne, ok, origListener, rw, srv, tempDelay, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Server.prototype.Serve = function(l) { return this.$val.Serve(l); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.ServeTLS = function(l, certFile, keyFile) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, certFile, config, configHasCert, err, err$1, keyFile, l, srv, tlsListener, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {l, certFile, keyFile}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + srv = this; + _r$1 = srv.setupHTTP2_ServeTLS(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$2 = cloneTLSConfig(srv.TLSConfig); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + config = _r$2; + if (!strSliceContains(config.NextProtos, "http/1.1")) { + config.NextProtos = $append(config.NextProtos, "http/1.1"); + } + configHasCert = config.Certificates.$length > 0 || !(config.GetCertificate === $throwNilPointerError); + /* */ if (!configHasCert || !(certFile === "") || !(keyFile === "")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!configHasCert || !(certFile === "") || !(keyFile === "")) { */ case 3: + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + config.Certificates = $makeSlice(sliceType$13, 1); + _r$3 = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certFile, keyFile); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + tls.Certificate.copy((x$5 = config.Certificates, (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0])), _tuple[0]); + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + /* } */ case 4: + tlsListener = tls.NewListener(l, config); + _r$4 = srv.Serve(tlsListener); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.ServeTLS, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, certFile, config, configHasCert, err, err$1, keyFile, l, srv, tlsListener, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.ServeTLS = function(l, certFile, keyFile) { return this.$val.ServeTLS(l, certFile, keyFile); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.trackListener = function(ln, add) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _key, add, ln, s, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ln, add}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + s = this; + $r = s.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(s.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + if (s.listeners === false) { + s.listeners = {}; + } + /* */ if (add) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (add) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (s.shuttingDown()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (s.shuttingDown()) { */ case 5: + $24r = false; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + _key = ln; (s.listeners || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$59.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new structType.ptr() }; + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + delete s.listeners[ptrType$59.keyFor(ln)]; + /* } */ case 4: + $24r$1 = true; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.trackListener, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _key, add, ln, s, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Server.prototype.trackListener = function(ln, add) { return this.$val.trackListener(ln, add); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.trackConn = function(c, add) { + var {_key, add, c, s, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c, add}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + s = this; + $r = s.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(s.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + if (s.activeConn === false) { + s.activeConn = {}; + } + if (add) { + _key = c; (s.activeConn || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$53.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new structType.ptr() }; + } else { + delete s.activeConn[ptrType$53.keyFor(c)]; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.trackConn, $c: true, $r, _key, add, c, s, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Server.prototype.trackConn = function(c, add) { return this.$val.trackConn(c, add); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.idleTimeout = function() { + var s, x$5; + s = this; + if (!((x$5 = s.IdleTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { + return s.IdleTimeout; + } + return s.ReadTimeout; + }; + Server.prototype.idleTimeout = function() { return this.$val.idleTimeout(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.readHeaderTimeout = function() { + var s, x$5; + s = this; + if (!((x$5 = s.ReadHeaderTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { + return s.ReadHeaderTimeout; + } + return s.ReadTimeout; + }; + Server.prototype.readHeaderTimeout = function() { return this.$val.readHeaderTimeout(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.doKeepAlives = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return (atomic.LoadInt32((s.$ptr_disableKeepAlives || (s.$ptr_disableKeepAlives = new ptrType$45(function() { return this.$target.disableKeepAlives; }, function($v) { this.$target.disableKeepAlives = $v; }, s)))) === 0) && !s.shuttingDown(); + }; + Server.prototype.doKeepAlives = function() { return this.$val.doKeepAlives(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.shuttingDown = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return (s.$ptr_inShutdown || (s.$ptr_inShutdown = new ptrType$51(function() { return this.$target.inShutdown; }, function($v) { this.$target.inShutdown = $v; }, s))).isSet(); + }; + Server.prototype.shuttingDown = function() { return this.$val.shuttingDown(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.SetKeepAlivesEnabled = function(v) { + var {_r$1, srv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + srv = this; + if (v) { + atomic.StoreInt32((srv.$ptr_disableKeepAlives || (srv.$ptr_disableKeepAlives = new ptrType$45(function() { return this.$target.disableKeepAlives; }, function($v) { this.$target.disableKeepAlives = $v; }, srv))), 0); + $s = -1; return; + } + atomic.StoreInt32((srv.$ptr_disableKeepAlives || (srv.$ptr_disableKeepAlives = new ptrType$45(function() { return this.$target.disableKeepAlives; }, function($v) { this.$target.disableKeepAlives = $v; }, srv))), 1); + _r$1 = srv.closeIdleConns(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.SetKeepAlivesEnabled, $c: true, $r, _r$1, srv, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.SetKeepAlivesEnabled = function(v) { return this.$val.SetKeepAlivesEnabled(v); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.logf = function(format, args) { + var {args, format, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + /* */ if (!(s.ErrorLog === ptrType$58.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(s.ErrorLog === ptrType$58.nil)) { */ case 1: + $r = s.ErrorLog.Printf(format, args); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + $r = log.Printf(format, args); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.logf, $c: true, $r, args, format, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.logf = function(format, args) { return this.$val.logf(format, args); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.ListenAndServeTLS = function(certFile, keyFile) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, addr, certFile, err, keyFile, ln, srv, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {certFile, keyFile}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + srv = this; + /* */ if (srv.shuttingDown()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (srv.shuttingDown()) { */ case 1: + $24r = $pkg.ErrServerClosed; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + addr = srv.Addr; + if (addr === "") { + addr = ":https"; + } + _r$1 = net.Listen("tcp", addr); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + ln = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + $24r$1 = err; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(ln, "Close"), []]); + _r$2 = srv.ServeTLS(ln, certFile, keyFile); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$2; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.ListenAndServeTLS, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, addr, certFile, err, keyFile, ln, srv, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Server.prototype.ListenAndServeTLS = function(certFile, keyFile) { return this.$val.ListenAndServeTLS(certFile, keyFile); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.setupHTTP2_ServeTLS = function() { + var {srv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + srv = this; + $r = srv.nextProtoOnce.Do($methodVal(srv, "onceSetNextProtoDefaults")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return srv.nextProtoErr; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.setupHTTP2_ServeTLS, $c: true, $r, srv, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.setupHTTP2_ServeTLS = function() { return this.$val.setupHTTP2_ServeTLS(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.setupHTTP2_Serve = function() { + var {srv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + srv = this; + $r = srv.nextProtoOnce.Do($methodVal(srv, "onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return srv.nextProtoErr; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.setupHTTP2_Serve, $c: true, $r, srv, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.setupHTTP2_Serve = function() { return this.$val.setupHTTP2_Serve(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve = function() { + var {srv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + srv = this; + /* */ if (srv.shouldConfigureHTTP2ForServe()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (srv.shouldConfigureHTTP2ForServe()) { */ case 1: + $r = srv.onceSetNextProtoDefaults(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve, $c: true, $r, srv, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve = function() { return this.$val.onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve(); }; + Server.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _v, conf, srv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + srv = this; + if (omitBundledHTTP2) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$1 = godebug.Get("http2server"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1 === "0"; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (srv.TLSNextProto === false) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (srv.TLSNextProto === false) { */ case 5: + conf = new http2Server.ptr(0, 0, 0, false, new time.Duration(0, 0), 0, 0, (function() { + return http2NewPriorityWriteScheduler(ptrType$61.nil); + }), $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$60.nil); + _r$2 = http2ConfigureServer(srv, conf); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + srv.nextProtoErr = _r$2; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Server.ptr.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _v, conf, srv, $s};return $f; + }; + Server.prototype.onceSetNextProtoDefaults = function() { return this.$val.onceSetNextProtoDefaults(); }; + onceCloseListener.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {oc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + oc = this; + $r = oc.once.Do($methodVal(oc, "close")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return oc.closeErr; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: onceCloseListener.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, oc, $s};return $f; + }; + onceCloseListener.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + onceCloseListener.ptr.prototype.close = function() { + var {_r$1, oc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + oc = this; + _r$1 = oc.Listener.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + oc.closeErr = _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: onceCloseListener.ptr.prototype.close, $c: true, $r, _r$1, oc, $s};return $f; + }; + onceCloseListener.prototype.close = function() { return this.$val.close(); }; + globalOptionsHandler.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(w, r) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, mb, r, w, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = w.Header(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = new Header(_r$1).Set("Content-Length", "0"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((x$5 = r.ContentLength, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = r.ContentLength, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { */ case 3: + mb = MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, new $Int64(0, 4096)); + _r$2 = io.Copy(io.Discard, mb); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: globalOptionsHandler.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, mb, r, w, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + globalOptionsHandler.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(w, r) { return this.$val.ServeHTTP(w, r); }; + initALPNRequest.ptr.prototype.BaseContext = function() { + var h; + h = this; + return h.ctx; + }; + initALPNRequest.prototype.BaseContext = function() { return this.$val.BaseContext(); }; + initALPNRequest.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(rw, req) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, h, req, rw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rw, req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + /* */ if (req.TLS === ptrType$28.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (req.TLS === ptrType$28.nil) { */ case 1: + req.TLS = new tls.ConnectionState.ptr(0, false, false, 0, "", false, "", sliceType$10.nil, sliceType$11.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$3.nil, sliceType$3.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + _r$1 = h.c.ConnectionState(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tls.ConnectionState.copy(req.TLS, _r$1); + /* } */ case 2: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(req.Body, $ifaceNil)) { + req.Body = new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody); + } + /* */ if (req.RemoteAddr === "") { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (req.RemoteAddr === "") { */ case 4: + _r$2 = h.c.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = _r$2.String(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + req.RemoteAddr = _r$3; + /* } */ case 5: + $r = $clone(h.h, serverHandler).ServeHTTP(rw, req); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: initALPNRequest.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, h, req, rw, $s};return $f; + }; + initALPNRequest.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(rw, req) { return this.$val.ServeHTTP(rw, req); }; + newLoggingConn = function(baseName, c) { + var {$24r, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _r$1, baseName, c, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {baseName, c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $r = uniqNameMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(uniqNameMu, "Unlock"), []]); + _key = baseName; (uniqNameNext || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: (_entry = uniqNameNext[$String.keyFor(baseName)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : 0) + (1) >> 0 }; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", new sliceType([new $String(baseName), new $Int((_entry$1 = uniqNameNext[$String.keyFor(baseName)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : 0))])); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new loggingConn.ptr(_r$1, c); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: newLoggingConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _r$1, baseName, c, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + loggingConn.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, c, err, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + $r = log.Printf("%s.Write(%d) = ....", new sliceType([new $String(c.name), new $Int(p.$length)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = c.Conn.Write(p); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $r = log.Printf("%s.Write(%d) = %d, %v", new sliceType([new $String(c.name), new $Int(p.$length), new $Int(n), err])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: loggingConn.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, c, err, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + loggingConn.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + loggingConn.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, c, err, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + $r = log.Printf("%s.Read(%d) = ....", new sliceType([new $String(c.name), new $Int(p.$length)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = c.Conn.Read(p); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $r = log.Printf("%s.Read(%d) = %d, %v", new sliceType([new $String(c.name), new $Int(p.$length), new $Int(n), err])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: loggingConn.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, c, err, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + loggingConn.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + loggingConn.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r$1, c, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + err = $ifaceNil; + c = this; + $r = log.Printf("%s.Close() = ...", new sliceType([new $String(c.name)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = c.Conn.Close(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + $r = log.Printf("%s.Close() = %v", new sliceType([new $String(c.name), err])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: loggingConn.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r$1, c, err, $s};return $f; + }; + loggingConn.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + checkConnErrorWriter.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, n, p, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + _r$1 = w.c.rwc.Write(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && $interfaceIsEqual(w.c.werr, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && $interfaceIsEqual(w.c.werr, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 2: + w.c.werr = err; + $r = w.c.cancelCtx(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: checkConnErrorWriter.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, n, p, w, $s};return $f; + }; + checkConnErrorWriter.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + numLeadingCRorLF = function(v) { + var _i, _ref, b, n, v; + n = 0; + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if ((b === 13) || (b === 10)) { + n = n + (1) >> 0; + _i++; + continue; + } + break; + } + return n; + }; + strSliceContains = function(ss, s) { + var _i, _ref, s, ss, v; + _ref = ss; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (v === s) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + tlsRecordHeaderLooksLikeHTTP = function(hdr) { + var _1, hdr; + _1 = ($bytesToString(new sliceType$3(hdr))); + if (_1 === ("GET /") || _1 === ("HEAD ") || _1 === ("POST ") || _1 === ("PUT /") || _1 === ("OPTIO")) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + Transport.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, ac, body$1, buf, err, err$1, errCh, failure, fetchPromise, h, h$1, h$2, headers, key, opt, req, resp, respCh, success, t, value, values, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + errCh = [errCh]; + failure = [failure]; + req = [req]; + respCh = [respCh]; + success = [success]; + t = this; + /* */ if (!(t.Dial === $throwNilPointerError) || !(t.DialContext === $throwNilPointerError) || !(t.DialTLS === $throwNilPointerError) || !(t.DialTLSContext === $throwNilPointerError) || jsFetchMissing) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(t.Dial === $throwNilPointerError) || !(t.DialContext === $throwNilPointerError) || !(t.DialTLS === $throwNilPointerError) || !(t.DialTLSContext === $throwNilPointerError) || jsFetchMissing) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = t.roundTrip(req[0]); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + ac = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("AbortController"), js.Value); + /* */ if (!$clone(ac, js.Value).IsUndefined()) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!$clone(ac, js.Value).IsUndefined()) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = $clone(ac, js.Value).New(sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + js.Value.copy(ac, _r$2); + /* } */ case 6: + _r$3 = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("Object"), js.Value).New(sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + opt = $clone(_r$3, js.Value); + $clone(opt, js.Value).Set("method", new $String(req[0].Method)); + $clone(opt, js.Value).Set("credentials", new $String("same-origin")); + _r$4 = new Header(req[0].Header).Get("js.fetch:credentials"); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h = _r$4; + /* */ if (!(h === "")) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!(h === "")) { */ case 10: + $clone(opt, js.Value).Set("credentials", new $String(h)); + $r = new Header(req[0].Header).Del("js.fetch:credentials"); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 11: + _r$5 = new Header(req[0].Header).Get("js.fetch:mode"); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h$1 = _r$5; + /* */ if (!(h$1 === "")) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!(h$1 === "")) { */ case 14: + $clone(opt, js.Value).Set("mode", new $String(h$1)); + $r = new Header(req[0].Header).Del("js.fetch:mode"); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 15: + _r$6 = new Header(req[0].Header).Get("js.fetch:redirect"); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + h$2 = _r$6; + /* */ if (!(h$2 === "")) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!(h$2 === "")) { */ case 18: + $clone(opt, js.Value).Set("redirect", new $String(h$2)); + $r = new Header(req[0].Header).Del("js.fetch:redirect"); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 19: + if (!$clone(ac, js.Value).IsUndefined()) { + $clone(opt, js.Value).Set("signal", (x$5 = $clone(ac, js.Value).Get("signal"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); + } + _r$7 = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("Headers"), js.Value).New(sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + headers = $clone(_r$7, js.Value); + _ref = req[0].Header; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 22: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 23; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 22; continue; + } + key = _entry.k; + values = _entry.v; + _ref$1 = values; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 24: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 25; continue; } + value = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$8 = $clone(headers, js.Value).Call("append", new sliceType([new $String(key), new $String(value)])); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + _i$1++; + $s = 24; continue; + case 25: + _i++; + $s = 22; continue; + case 23: + $clone(opt, js.Value).Set("headers", new headers.constructor.elem(headers)); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(req[0].Body, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(req[0].Body, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 27: + _r$9 = io.ReadAll(req[0].Body); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$9; + body$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 30: + _r$10 = req[0].Body.Close(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err]; + /* } */ case 31: + _r$11 = req[0].Body.Close(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11; + /* */ if (!((body$1.$length === 0))) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!((body$1.$length === 0))) { */ case 34: + _r$12 = $clone(uint8Array, js.Value).New(new sliceType([new $Int(body$1.$length)])); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buf = $clone(_r$12, js.Value); + js.CopyBytesToJS($clone(buf, js.Value), body$1); + $clone(opt, js.Value).Set("body", new buf.constructor.elem(buf)); + /* } */ case 35: + /* } */ case 28: + _r$13 = $clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Call("fetch", new sliceType([new $String(req[0].URL.String()), new opt.constructor.elem(opt)])); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fetchPromise = $clone(_r$13, js.Value); + respCh[0] = new $Chan(ptrType$18, 1); + errCh[0] = new $Chan($error, 1); + _tmp = new js.Func.ptr(new js.Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType.zero())); + _tmp$1 = new js.Func.ptr(new js.Value.ptr(null, false, arrayType.zero())); + success[0] = $clone(_tmp, js.Func); + failure[0] = $clone(_tmp$1, js.Func); + js.Func.copy(success[0], js.FuncOf((function(errCh, failure, req, respCh, success) { return function $b(this$1, args) { + var {_entry$1, _key, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple$1, args, b, body$2, ck, cl, clHeader, code, contentLength, err$1, header, headersIt, key$1, n, pair, result, this$1, value$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {this$1, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $clone(success[0], js.Func).Release(); + $clone(failure[0], js.Func).Release(); + result = $clone((0 >= args.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args.$array[args.$offset + 0]), js.Value); + header = $makeMap($String.keyFor, []); + _r$14 = $clone($clone(result, js.Value).Get("headers"), js.Value).Call("entries", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + headersIt = $clone(_r$14, js.Value); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + _r$15 = $clone(headersIt, js.Value).Call("next", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = $clone(_r$15, js.Value); + if ($clone($clone(n, js.Value).Get("done"), js.Value).Bool()) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + pair = $clone($clone(n, js.Value).Get("value"), js.Value); + _tmp$2 = $clone($clone(pair, js.Value).Index(0), js.Value).String(); + _tmp$3 = $clone($clone(pair, js.Value).Index(1), js.Value).String(); + key$1 = _tmp$2; + value$1 = _tmp$3; + _r$16 = CanonicalHeaderKey(key$1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ck = _r$16; + _key = ck; (header || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $append((_entry$1 = header[$String.keyFor(ck)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil), value$1) }; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + contentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + _r$17 = new Header(header).Get("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clHeader = _r$17; + /* */ if (!(clHeader === "")) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(clHeader === "")) { */ case 8: + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseInt(clHeader, 10, 64); + cl = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 11: + _r$18 = fmt.Errorf("net/http: ill-formed Content-Length header: %v", new sliceType([err$1])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $send(errCh[0], _r$18); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 12: + /* */ if ((cl.$high < 0 || (cl.$high === 0 && cl.$low < 0))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if ((cl.$high < 0 || (cl.$high === 0 && cl.$low < 0))) { */ case 15: + _r$19 = fmt.Errorf("net/http: invalid Content-Length header: %q", new sliceType([new $String(clHeader)])); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $send(errCh[0], _r$19); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 16: + contentLength = cl; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + contentLength = new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + /* } */ case 10: + case 7: + b = $clone($clone(result, js.Value).Get("body"), js.Value); + body$2 = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (!$clone(b, js.Value).IsUndefined() && !$clone(b, js.Value).IsNull()) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!$clone(b, js.Value).IsUndefined() && !$clone(b, js.Value).IsNull()) { */ case 19: + _r$20 = $clone(b, js.Value).Call("getReader", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$20 = _r$20.$blk(); } if (_r$20 && _r$20.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + body$2 = new streamReader.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, $clone(_r$20, js.Value), $ifaceNil); + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else { */ case 20: + _r$21 = $clone(result, js.Value).Call("arrayBuffer", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$21 = _r$21.$blk(); } if (_r$21 && _r$21.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + body$2 = new arrayReader.ptr($clone(_r$21, js.Value), sliceType$3.nil, false, $ifaceNil); + /* } */ case 21: + code = $clone($clone(result, js.Value).Get("status"), js.Value).Int(); + _r$22 = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", new sliceType([new $Int(code), new $String(StatusText(code))])); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$22 = _r$22.$blk(); } if (_r$22 && _r$22.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $send(respCh[0], new Response.ptr(_r$22, code, "", 0, 0, header, body$2, contentLength, sliceType$2.nil, false, false, false, req[0], ptrType$28.nil)); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _entry$1, _key, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple$1, args, b, body$2, ck, cl, clHeader, code, contentLength, err$1, header, headersIt, key$1, n, pair, result, this$1, value$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(errCh, failure, req, respCh, success))); + js.Func.copy(failure[0], js.FuncOf((function(errCh, failure, req, respCh, success) { return function $b(this$1, args) { + var {_r$14, args, this$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {this$1, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $clone(success[0], js.Func).Release(); + $clone(failure[0], js.Func).Release(); + _r$14 = fmt.Errorf("net/http: fetch() failed: %s", new sliceType([new $String($clone($clone((0 >= args.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args.$array[args.$offset + 0]), js.Value).Get("message"), js.Value).String())])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $send(errCh[0], _r$14); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$14, args, this$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(errCh, failure, req, respCh, success))); + _r$14 = $clone(fetchPromise, js.Value).Call("then", new sliceType([new success[0].constructor.elem(success[0]), new failure[0].constructor.elem(failure[0])])); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$14; + _r$15 = req[0].Context().Done(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$16 = $select([[_r$15], [respCh[0]], [errCh[0]]]); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$16; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 43; continue; } + /* */ $s = 44; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 41: + /* */ if (!$clone(ac, js.Value).IsUndefined()) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ $s = 46; continue; + /* if (!$clone(ac, js.Value).IsUndefined()) { */ case 45: + _r$17 = $clone(ac, js.Value).Call("abort", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$17; + /* } */ case 46: + _r$18 = req[0].Context().Err(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [ptrType$18.nil, _r$18]; + $s = 49; case 49: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 42: + resp = _selection[1][0]; + $s = -1; return [resp, $ifaceNil]; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 43: + err$1 = _selection[1][0]; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err$1]; + /* } */ case 44: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Transport.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, ac, body$1, buf, err, err$1, errCh, failure, fetchPromise, h, h$1, h$2, headers, key, opt, req, resp, respCh, success, t, value, values, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + Transport.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { return this.$val.RoundTrip(req); }; + streamReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, bCh, err, err$1, errCh, failure, n, p, r, success, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + bCh = [bCh]; + errCh = [errCh]; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = r.err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r.pending.$length === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (r.pending.$length === 0) { */ case 4: + bCh[0] = new $Chan(sliceType$3, 1); + errCh[0] = new $Chan($error, 1); + success = $clone(js.FuncOf((function(bCh, errCh) { return function $b(this$1, args) { + var {args, result, this$1, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {this$1, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + result = $clone((0 >= args.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args.$array[args.$offset + 0]), js.Value); + /* */ if ($clone($clone(result, js.Value).Get("done"), js.Value).Bool()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($clone($clone(result, js.Value).Get("done"), js.Value).Bool()) { */ case 1: + $r = $send(errCh[0], io.EOF); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 2: + value = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, $clone($clone($clone(result, js.Value).Get("value"), js.Value).Get("byteLength"), js.Value).Int()); + js.CopyBytesToGo(value, $clone($clone(result, js.Value).Get("value"), js.Value)); + $r = $send(bCh[0], value); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, args, result, this$1, value, $s};return $f; + }; })(bCh, errCh)), js.Func); + $deferred.push([$methodVal($clone(success, js.Func), "Release"), []]); + failure = $clone(js.FuncOf((function(bCh, errCh) { return function $b(this$1, args) { + var {args, this$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {this$1, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = $send(errCh[0], errors.New($clone($clone((0 >= args.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args.$array[args.$offset + 0]), js.Value).Get("message"), js.Value).String())); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, args, this$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(bCh, errCh)), js.Func); + $deferred.push([$methodVal($clone(failure, js.Func), "Release"), []]); + _r$1 = $clone(r.stream, js.Value).Call("read", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, js.Value).Call("then", new sliceType([new success.constructor.elem(success), new failure.constructor.elem(failure)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = $select([[bCh[0]], [errCh[0]]]); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$3; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 9: + b = _selection[1][0]; + r.pending = b; + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 10: + err$1 = _selection[1][0]; + r.err = err$1; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = err$1; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + /* } */ case 5: + n = $copySlice(p, r.pending); + r.pending = $subslice(r.pending, n); + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [n, err]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [n, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: streamReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, bCh, err, err$1, errCh, failure, n, p, r, success, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + streamReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + streamReader.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = $clone(r.stream, js.Value).Call("cancel", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(r.err, $ifaceNil)) { + r.err = errClosed; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: streamReader.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + streamReader.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + arrayReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, b, bCh, err, err$1, errCh, failure, n, p, r, success, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + bCh = [bCh]; + errCh = [errCh]; + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + r = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = r.err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!r.read) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!r.read) { */ case 4: + r.read = true; + bCh[0] = new $Chan(sliceType$3, 1); + errCh[0] = new $Chan($error, 1); + success = $clone(js.FuncOf((function(bCh, errCh) { return function $b(this$1, args) { + var {_r$1, args, this$1, uint8arrayWrapper, value, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {this$1, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = $clone(uint8Array, js.Value).New(new sliceType([(x$5 = (0 >= args.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args.$array[args.$offset + 0]), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + uint8arrayWrapper = $clone(_r$1, js.Value); + value = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, $clone($clone(uint8arrayWrapper, js.Value).Get("byteLength"), js.Value).Int()); + js.CopyBytesToGo(value, $clone(uint8arrayWrapper, js.Value)); + $r = $send(bCh[0], value); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, args, this$1, uint8arrayWrapper, value, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; })(bCh, errCh)), js.Func); + $deferred.push([$methodVal($clone(success, js.Func), "Release"), []]); + failure = $clone(js.FuncOf((function(bCh, errCh) { return function $b(this$1, args) { + var {args, this$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {this$1, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = $send(errCh[0], errors.New($clone($clone((0 >= args.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args.$array[args.$offset + 0]), js.Value).Get("message"), js.Value).String())); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, args, this$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(bCh, errCh)), js.Func); + $deferred.push([$methodVal($clone(failure, js.Func), "Release"), []]); + _r$1 = $clone(r.arrayPromise, js.Value).Call("then", new sliceType([new success.constructor.elem(success), new failure.constructor.elem(failure)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = $select([[bCh[0]], [errCh[0]]]); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$2; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 8: + b = _selection[1][0]; + r.pending = b; + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 9: + err$1 = _selection[1][0]; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = err$1; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (r.pending.$length === 0) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (r.pending.$length === 0) { */ case 12: + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [n, err]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 13: + n = $copySlice(p, r.pending); + r.pending = $subslice(r.pending, n); + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $24r$3 = [n, err]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [n, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: arrayReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, b, bCh, err, err$1, errCh, failure, n, p, r, success, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + arrayReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + arrayReader.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var r; + r = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(r.err, $ifaceNil)) { + r.err = errClosed; + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + arrayReader.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + Response.ptr.prototype.Cookies = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = readSetCookies(r.Header); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Response.ptr.prototype.Cookies, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Response.prototype.Cookies = function() { return this.$val.Cookies(); }; + Response.ptr.prototype.Location = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, lv, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = new Header(r.Header).Get("Location"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + lv = _r$1; + if (lv === "") { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$17.nil, $pkg.ErrNoLocation]; + } + /* */ if (!(r.Request === ptrType$11.nil) && !(r.Request.URL === ptrType$17.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(r.Request === ptrType$11.nil) && !(r.Request.URL === ptrType$17.nil)) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = r.Request.URL.Parse(lv); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$3 = url.Parse(lv); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Response.ptr.prototype.Location, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, lv, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Response.prototype.Location = function() { return this.$val.Location(); }; + ReadResponse = function(r, req) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, err, line, mimeHeader, ok, proto, r, req, resp, status, statusCode, tp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r, req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = textproto.NewReader(r); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tp = _r$1; + resp = new Response.ptr("", 0, "", 0, 0, false, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$2.nil, false, false, false, req, ptrType$28.nil); + _r$2 = tp.ReadLine(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + line = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err]; + } + _tuple$1 = strings.Cut(line, " "); + proto = _tuple$1[0]; + status = _tuple$1[1]; + ok = _tuple$1[2]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 3: + _r$3 = badStringError("malformed HTTP response", line); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$18.nil, _r$3]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + resp.Proto = proto; + resp.Status = strings.TrimLeft(status, " "); + _tuple$2 = strings.Cut(resp.Status, " "); + statusCode = _tuple$2[0]; + /* */ if (!((statusCode.length === 3))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!((statusCode.length === 3))) { */ case 7: + _r$4 = badStringError("malformed HTTP status code", statusCode); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [ptrType$18.nil, _r$4]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + _tuple$3 = strconv.Atoi(statusCode); + resp.StatusCode = _tuple$3[0]; + err = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || resp.StatusCode < 0) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || resp.StatusCode < 0) { */ case 11: + _r$5 = badStringError("malformed HTTP status code", statusCode); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [ptrType$18.nil, _r$5]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 12: + _tuple$4 = ParseHTTPVersion(resp.Proto); + resp.ProtoMajor = _tuple$4[0]; + resp.ProtoMinor = _tuple$4[1]; + ok = _tuple$4[2]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 15: + _r$6 = badStringError("malformed HTTP version", resp.Proto); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [ptrType$18.nil, _r$6]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 16: + _r$7 = tp.ReadMIMEHeader(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$7; + mimeHeader = _tuple$5[0]; + err = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err]; + } + resp.Header = (mimeHeader); + fixPragmaCacheControl(resp.Header); + _r$8 = readTransfer(resp, r); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [resp, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ReadResponse, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, err, line, mimeHeader, ok, proto, r, req, resp, status, statusCode, tp, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ReadResponse = ReadResponse; + fixPragmaCacheControl = function(header) { + var _entry, _entry$1, _key, _tuple, _tuple$1, header, hp, ok, presentcc; + _tuple = (_entry = header[$String.keyFor("Pragma")], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + hp = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok && hp.$length > 0 && (0 >= hp.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hp.$array[hp.$offset + 0]) === "no-cache") { + _tuple$1 = (_entry$1 = header[$String.keyFor("Cache-Control")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + presentcc = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!presentcc) { + _key = "Cache-Control"; (header || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new sliceType$2(["no-cache"]) }; + } + } + }; + Response.ptr.prototype.ProtoAtLeast = function(major, minor) { + var major, minor, r; + r = this; + return r.ProtoMajor > major || (r.ProtoMajor === major) && r.ProtoMinor >= minor; + }; + Response.prototype.ProtoAtLeast = function(major, minor) { return this.$val.ProtoAtLeast(major, minor); }; + Response.ptr.prototype.Write = function(w) { + var {_entry, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, buf, contentLengthAlreadySent, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, n, ok, r, r1, text, tw, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + text = r.Status; + if (text === "") { + ok = false; + _tuple = (_entry = statusText[$Int.keyFor(r.StatusCode)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + text = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + text = "status code " + strconv.Itoa(r.StatusCode); + } + } else { + text = strings.TrimPrefix(text, strconv.Itoa(r.StatusCode) + " "); + } + _r$1 = fmt.Fprintf(w, "HTTP/%d.%d %03d %s\r\n", new sliceType([new $Int(r.ProtoMajor), new $Int(r.ProtoMinor), new $Int(r.StatusCode), new $String(text)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + r1 = new Response.ptr("", 0, "", 0, 0, false, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$2.nil, false, false, false, ptrType$11.nil, ptrType$28.nil); + Response.copy(r1, r); + /* */ if ((x$5 = r1.ContentLength, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(r1.Body, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((x$5 = r1.ContentLength, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(r1.Body, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + buf = arrayType$2.zero(); + _r$2 = r1.Body.Read(new sliceType$3(buf)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, io.EOF))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + if (n === 0) { + r1.Body = new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody); + } else { + r1.ContentLength = new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + r1.Body = (x$6 = new structType$2.ptr(io.MultiReader(new sliceType$17([bytes.NewReader($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, 1)), r.Body])), r.Body), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + } + /* } */ case 3: + if ((x$7 = r1.ContentLength, (x$7.$high === -1 && x$7.$low === 4294967295)) && !r1.Close && r1.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) && !chunked(r1.TransferEncoding) && !r1.Uncompressed) { + r1.Close = true; + } + _r$3 = newTransferWriter(r1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$3; + tw = _tuple$3[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + _r$4 = tw.writeHeader(w, ptrType$19.nil); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$4; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + _r$5 = new Header(r.Header).WriteSubset(w, respExcludeHeader); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$5; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + contentLengthAlreadySent = tw.shouldSendContentLength(); + /* */ if ((x$8 = r1.ContentLength, (x$8.$high === 0 && x$8.$low === 0)) && !chunked(r1.TransferEncoding) && !contentLengthAlreadySent && bodyAllowedForStatus(r.StatusCode)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ((x$8 = r1.ContentLength, (x$8.$high === 0 && x$8.$low === 0)) && !chunked(r1.TransferEncoding) && !contentLengthAlreadySent && bodyAllowedForStatus(r.StatusCode)) { */ case 8: + _r$6 = io.WriteString(w, "Content-Length: 0\r\n"); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$6; + err$3 = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$3; + } + /* } */ case 9: + _r$7 = io.WriteString(w, "\r\n"); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$7; + err$4 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$4, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$4; + } + _r$8 = tw.writeBody(w); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Response.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, buf, contentLengthAlreadySent, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, err$4, n, ok, r, r1, text, tw, w, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s};return $f; + }; + Response.prototype.Write = function(w) { return this.$val.Write(w); }; + Response.ptr.prototype.closeBody = function() { + var {_r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.Body, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.Body, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = r.Body.Close(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Response.ptr.prototype.closeBody, $c: true, $r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Response.prototype.closeBody = function() { return this.$val.closeBody(); }; + Response.ptr.prototype.bodyIsWritable = function() { + var _tuple, ok, r; + r = this; + _tuple = $assertType(r.Body, io.Writer, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + return ok; + }; + Response.prototype.bodyIsWritable = function() { return this.$val.bodyIsWritable(); }; + Response.ptr.prototype.isProtocolSwitch = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = isProtocolSwitchResponse(r.StatusCode, r.Header); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Response.ptr.prototype.isProtocolSwitch, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Response.prototype.isProtocolSwitch = function() { return this.$val.isProtocolSwitch(); }; + isProtocolSwitchResponse = function(code, h) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _v, code, h, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {code, h}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!(code === 101)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$1 = isProtocolSwitchHeader(h); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isProtocolSwitchResponse, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _v, code, h, $s};return $f; + }; + isProtocolSwitchHeader = function(h) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$1, h, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {h}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = new Header(h).Get("Upgrade"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = !(_r$1 === "") && httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken((_entry = h[$String.keyFor("Connection")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil), "Upgrade"); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isProtocolSwitchHeader, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$1, h, $s};return $f; + }; + ProtocolError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var pe; + pe = this; + return pe.ErrorString; + }; + ProtocolError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + badStringError = function(what, val) { + var {$24r, _r$1, val, what, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {what, val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("%s %q", new sliceType([new $String(what), new $String(val)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: badStringError, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, val, what, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.ptr.prototype.Context = function() { + var r; + r = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(r.ctx, $ifaceNil))) { + return r.ctx; + } + return context.Background(); + }; + Request.prototype.Context = function() { return this.$val.Context(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.WithContext = function(ctx) { + var ctx, r, r2; + r = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(ctx, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("nil context")); + } + r2 = new Request.ptr("", ptrType$17.nil, "", 0, 0, false, $ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$2.nil, false, "", false, false, ptrType$31.nil, false, "", "", ptrType$28.nil, $chanNil, ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil); + Request.copy(r2, r); + r2.ctx = ctx; + r2.URL = cloneURL(r.URL); + return r2; + }; + Request.prototype.WithContext = function(ctx) { return this.$val.WithContext(ctx); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.Clone = function(ctx) { + var ctx, r, r2, s, s2; + r = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(ctx, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("nil context")); + } + r2 = new Request.ptr("", ptrType$17.nil, "", 0, 0, false, $ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$2.nil, false, "", false, false, ptrType$31.nil, false, "", "", ptrType$28.nil, $chanNil, ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil); + Request.copy(r2, r); + r2.ctx = ctx; + r2.URL = cloneURL(r.URL); + if (!(r.Header === false)) { + r2.Header = new Header(r.Header).Clone(); + } + if (!(r.Trailer === false)) { + r2.Trailer = new Header(r.Trailer).Clone(); + } + s = r.TransferEncoding; + if (!(s === sliceType$2.nil)) { + s2 = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, s.$length); + $copySlice(s2, s); + r2.TransferEncoding = s2; + } + r2.Form = cloneURLValues(r.Form); + r2.PostForm = cloneURLValues(r.PostForm); + r2.MultipartForm = cloneMultipartForm(r.MultipartForm); + return r2; + }; + Request.prototype.Clone = function(ctx) { return this.$val.Clone(ctx); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.ProtoAtLeast = function(major, minor) { + var major, minor, r; + r = this; + return r.ProtoMajor > major || (r.ProtoMajor === major) && r.ProtoMinor >= minor; + }; + Request.prototype.ProtoAtLeast = function(major, minor) { return this.$val.ProtoAtLeast(major, minor); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.UserAgent = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = new Header(r.Header).Get("User-Agent"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.UserAgent, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.UserAgent = function() { return this.$val.UserAgent(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.Cookies = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = readCookies(r.Header, ""); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.Cookies, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.Cookies = function() { return this.$val.Cookies(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.Cookie = function(name) { + var {_i, _r$1, _ref, c, name, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = readCookies(r.Header, name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = _r$1; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $s = -1; return [c, $ifaceNil]; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$62.nil, $pkg.ErrNoCookie]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.Cookie, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _ref, c, name, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.Cookie = function(name) { return this.$val.Cookie(name); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.AddCookie = function(c) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, c, c$1, r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = sanitizeCookieName(c.Name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$1); + _r$2 = sanitizeCookieValue(c.Value); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new $String(_r$2); + _r$3 = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", new sliceType([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s = _r$3; + _r$4 = new Header(r.Header).Get("Cookie"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + c$1 = _r$4; + /* */ if (!(c$1 === "")) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(c$1 === "")) { */ case 5: + $r = new Header(r.Header).Set("Cookie", c$1 + "; " + s); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + $r = new Header(r.Header).Set("Cookie", s); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.AddCookie, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, c, c$1, r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.AddCookie = function(c) { return this.$val.AddCookie(c); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.Referer = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = new Header(r.Header).Get("Referer"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.Referer, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.Referer = function() { return this.$val.Referer(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.MultipartReader = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if (r.MultipartForm === multipartByReader) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$63.nil, errors.New("http: MultipartReader called twice")]; + } + if (!(r.MultipartForm === ptrType$31.nil)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$63.nil, errors.New("http: multipart handled by ParseMultipartForm")]; + } + r.MultipartForm = multipartByReader; + _r$1 = r.multipartReader(true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.MultipartReader, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.MultipartReader = function() { return this.$val.MultipartReader(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.multipartReader = function(allowMixed) { + var {_entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, allowMixed, boundary, d, err, ok, params, r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {allowMixed}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = new Header(r.Header).Get("Content-Type"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$1; + if (v === "") { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$63.nil, $pkg.ErrNotMultipart]; + } + _r$2 = mime.ParseMediaType(v); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + d = _tuple[0]; + params = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || !(d === "multipart/form-data" || allowMixed && d === "multipart/mixed")) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$63.nil, $pkg.ErrNotMultipart]; + } + _tuple$1 = (_entry = params[$String.keyFor("boundary")], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + boundary = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$63.nil, $pkg.ErrMissingBoundary]; + } + $s = -1; return [multipart.NewReader(r.Body, boundary), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.multipartReader, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, allowMixed, boundary, d, err, ok, params, r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.multipartReader = function(allowMixed) { return this.$val.multipartReader(allowMixed); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.isH2Upgrade = function() { + var r; + r = this; + return r.Method === "PRI" && ($keys(r.Header).length === 0) && r.URL.Path === "*" && r.Proto === "HTTP/2.0"; + }; + Request.prototype.isH2Upgrade = function() { return this.$val.isH2Upgrade(); }; + valueOrDefault = function(value, def) { + var def, value; + if (!(value === "")) { + return value; + } + return def; + }; + Request.ptr.prototype.Write = function(w) { + var {$24r, _r$1, r, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = r.write(w, false, false, $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, r, w, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.Write = function(w) { return this.$val.Write(w); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.WriteProxy = function(w) { + var {$24r, _r$1, r, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = r.write(w, true, false, $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.WriteProxy, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, r, w, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.WriteProxy = function(w) { return this.$val.WriteProxy(w); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.write = function(w, usingProxy, extraHeaders, waitForContinue) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$15, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, bw, bw$1, bw$2, closed, err, err$1, extraHeaders, host, ok, ok$1, ok$2, r, ruri, trace, tw, userAgent, usingProxy, w, waitForContinue, x$5, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, usingProxy, extraHeaders, waitForContinue}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + closed = [closed]; + err = [err]; + r = [r]; + trace = [trace]; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + r[0] = this; + _r$1 = httptrace.ContextClientTrace(r[0].Context()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trace[0] = _r$1; + /* */ if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].WroteRequest === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].WroteRequest === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 2: + $deferred.push([(function(closed, err, r, trace) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = trace[0].WroteRequest(new httptrace.WroteRequestInfo.ptr(err[0])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(closed, err, r, trace), []]); + /* } */ case 3: + closed[0] = false; + $deferred.push([(function(closed, err, r, trace) { return function $b() { + var {_r$2, closeErr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (closed[0]) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$2 = r[0].closeBody(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + closeErr = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(closeErr, $ifaceNil)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil)) { + err[0] = closeErr; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$2, closeErr, $s};return $f; + }; })(closed, err, r, trace), []]); + _r$2 = cleanHost(r[0].Host); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + host = _r$2; + /* */ if (host === "") { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (host === "") { */ case 5: + /* */ if (r[0].URL === ptrType$17.nil) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (r[0].URL === ptrType$17.nil) { */ case 7: + err[0] = errMissingHost; + $24r = err[0]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$3 = cleanHost(r[0].URL.Host); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + host = _r$3; + /* } */ case 6: + host = removeZone(host); + ruri = r[0].URL.RequestURI(); + if (usingProxy && !(r[0].URL.Scheme === "") && r[0].URL.Opaque === "") { + ruri = r[0].URL.Scheme + "://" + host + ruri; + } else if (r[0].Method === "CONNECT" && r[0].URL.Path === "") { + ruri = host; + if (!(r[0].URL.Opaque === "")) { + ruri = r[0].URL.Opaque; + } + } + /* */ if (stringContainsCTLByte(ruri)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (stringContainsCTLByte(ruri)) { */ case 11: + err[0] = errors.New("net/http: can't write control character in Request.URL"); + $24r$1 = err[0]; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 12: + bw = ptrType$14.nil; + _tuple = $assertType(w, io.ByteWriter, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + bw = bufio.NewWriter(w); + w = bw; + } + _r$4 = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", new sliceType([new $String(valueOrDefault(r[0].Method, "GET")), new $String(ruri)])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + err[0] = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 15: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$2 = err[0]; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 16: + _r$5 = fmt.Fprintf(w, "Host: %s\r\n", new sliceType([new $String(host)])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$5; + err[0] = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 19: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$3 = err[0]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 20: + /* */ if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 22: + $r = trace[0].WroteHeaderField("Host", new sliceType$2([host])); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 23: + userAgent = "Go-http-client/1.1"; + /* */ if (new Header(r[0].Header).has("User-Agent")) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (new Header(r[0].Header).has("User-Agent")) { */ case 25: + _r$6 = new Header(r[0].Header).Get("User-Agent"); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + userAgent = _r$6; + /* } */ case 26: + /* */ if (!(userAgent === "")) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!(userAgent === "")) { */ case 28: + _r$7 = fmt.Fprintf(w, "User-Agent: %s\r\n", new sliceType([new $String(userAgent)])); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$7; + err[0] = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 31: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$4 = err[0]; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 32: + /* */ if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 34: + $r = trace[0].WroteHeaderField("User-Agent", new sliceType$2([userAgent])); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 35: + /* } */ case 29: + _r$8 = newTransferWriter(r[0]); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$8; + tw = _tuple$4[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 38: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$5 = err[0]; + $s = 40; case 40: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 39: + _r$9 = tw.writeHeader(w, trace[0]); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$9; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 42: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$6 = err[0]; + $s = 44; case 44: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 43: + _r$10 = new Header(r[0].Header).writeSubset(w, reqWriteExcludeHeader, trace[0]); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$10; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ $s = 47; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 46: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$7 = err[0]; + $s = 48; case 48: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 47: + /* */ if (!(extraHeaders === false)) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (!(extraHeaders === false)) { */ case 49: + _r$11 = new Header(extraHeaders).write(w, trace[0]); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$11; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 52; continue; } + /* */ $s = 53; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 52: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$8 = err[0]; + $s = 54; case 54: return $24r$8; + /* } */ case 53: + /* } */ case 50: + _r$12 = io.WriteString(w, "\r\n"); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$12; + err[0] = _tuple$5[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ $s = 57; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 56: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$9 = err[0]; + $s = 58; case 58: return $24r$9; + /* } */ case 57: + /* */ if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].WroteHeaders === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 59; continue; } + /* */ $s = 60; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].WroteHeaders === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 59: + $r = trace[0].WroteHeaders(); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 60: + /* */ if (!(waitForContinue === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 62; continue; } + /* */ $s = 63; continue; + /* if (!(waitForContinue === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 62: + _tuple$6 = $assertType(w, ptrType$14, true); + bw$1 = _tuple$6[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$6[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 64; continue; } + /* */ $s = 65; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 64: + _r$13 = bw$1.Flush(); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$13; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 67; continue; } + /* */ $s = 68; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 67: + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$10 = err[0]; + $s = 69; case 69: return $24r$10; + /* } */ case 68: + /* } */ case 65: + /* */ if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].Wait100Continue === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 70; continue; } + /* */ $s = 71; continue; + /* if (!(trace[0] === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace[0].Wait100Continue === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 70: + $r = trace[0].Wait100Continue(); /* */ $s = 72; case 72: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 71: + _r$14 = waitForContinue(); /* */ $s = 75; case 75: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$14) { $s = 73; continue; } + /* */ $s = 74; continue; + /* if (!_r$14) { */ case 73: + closed[0] = true; + _r$15 = r[0].closeBody(); /* */ $s = 76; case 76: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$15; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $24r$11 = err[0]; + $s = 77; case 77: return $24r$11; + /* } */ case 74: + /* } */ case 63: + _tuple$7 = $assertType(w, ptrType$14, true); + bw$2 = _tuple$7[0]; + ok$2 = _tuple$7[1]; + /* */ if (ok$2 && tw.FlushHeaders) { $s = 78; continue; } + /* */ $s = 79; continue; + /* if (ok$2 && tw.FlushHeaders) { */ case 78: + _r$16 = bw$2.Flush(); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$16; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 81; continue; } + /* */ $s = 82; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 81: + err[0] = err$1; + $24r$12 = err[0]; + $s = 83; case 83: return $24r$12; + /* } */ case 82: + /* } */ case 79: + closed[0] = true; + _r$17 = tw.writeBody(w); /* */ $s = 84; case 84: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$17; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 85; continue; } + /* */ $s = 86; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 85: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(tw.bodyReadError, err[0])) { + err[0] = (x$5 = new requestBodyReadError.ptr(err[0]), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + } + err[0] = err[0]; + $24r$13 = err[0]; + $s = 87; case 87: return $24r$13; + /* } */ case 86: + /* */ if (!(bw === ptrType$14.nil)) { $s = 88; continue; } + /* */ $s = 89; continue; + /* if (!(bw === ptrType$14.nil)) { */ case 88: + _r$18 = bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 90; case 90: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$18; + $24r$14 = err[0]; + $s = 91; case 91: return $24r$14; + /* } */ case 89: + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $24r$15 = err[0]; + $s = 92; case 92: return $24r$15; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return err[0]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.write, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$12, $24r$13, $24r$14, $24r$15, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, bw, bw$1, bw$2, closed, err, err$1, extraHeaders, host, ok, ok$1, ok$2, r, ruri, trace, tw, userAgent, usingProxy, w, waitForContinue, x$5, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + Request.prototype.write = function(w, usingProxy, extraHeaders, waitForContinue) { return this.$val.write(w, usingProxy, extraHeaders, waitForContinue); }; + idnaASCII = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (ascii.Is(v)) { + $s = -1; return [v, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$1 = idna.Lookup.ToASCII(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: idnaASCII, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + cleanHost = function(in$1) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, a, a$1, err, err$1, host, i, in$1, port, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {in$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = strings.IndexAny(in$1, " /"); + if (!((i === -1))) { + in$1 = $substring(in$1, 0, i); + } + _r$1 = net.SplitHostPort(in$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + host = _tuple[0]; + port = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = idnaASCII(in$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + a = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return in$1; + } + $s = -1; return a; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$3 = idnaASCII(host); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + a$1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return in$1; + } + $s = -1; return net.JoinHostPort(a$1, port); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: cleanHost, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, a, a$1, err, err$1, host, i, in$1, port, $s};return $f; + }; + removeZone = function(host) { + var host, i, j; + if (!strings.HasPrefix(host, "[")) { + return host; + } + i = strings.LastIndex(host, "]"); + if (i < 0) { + return host; + } + j = strings.LastIndex($substring(host, 0, i), "%"); + if (j < 0) { + return host; + } + return $substring(host, 0, j) + $substring(host, i); + }; + ParseHTTPVersion = function(vers) { + var _1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, maj, major, min, minor, ok, vers; + major = 0; + minor = 0; + ok = false; + _1 = vers; + if (_1 === ("HTTP/1.1")) { + _tmp = 1; + _tmp$1 = 1; + _tmp$2 = true; + major = _tmp; + minor = _tmp$1; + ok = _tmp$2; + return [major, minor, ok]; + } else if (_1 === ("HTTP/1.0")) { + _tmp$3 = 1; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = true; + major = _tmp$3; + minor = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [major, minor, ok]; + } + if (!strings.HasPrefix(vers, "HTTP/")) { + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 0; + _tmp$8 = false; + major = _tmp$6; + minor = _tmp$7; + ok = _tmp$8; + return [major, minor, ok]; + } + if (!((vers.length === 8))) { + _tmp$9 = 0; + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = false; + major = _tmp$9; + minor = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [major, minor, ok]; + } + if (!((vers.charCodeAt(6) === 46))) { + _tmp$12 = 0; + _tmp$13 = 0; + _tmp$14 = false; + major = _tmp$12; + minor = _tmp$13; + ok = _tmp$14; + return [major, minor, ok]; + } + _tuple = strconv.ParseUint($substring(vers, 5, 6), 10, 0); + maj = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$15 = 0; + _tmp$16 = 0; + _tmp$17 = false; + major = _tmp$15; + minor = _tmp$16; + ok = _tmp$17; + return [major, minor, ok]; + } + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseUint($substring(vers, 7, 8), 10, 0); + min = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$18 = 0; + _tmp$19 = 0; + _tmp$20 = false; + major = _tmp$18; + minor = _tmp$19; + ok = _tmp$20; + return [major, minor, ok]; + } + _tmp$21 = ((maj.$low >> 0)); + _tmp$22 = ((min.$low >> 0)); + _tmp$23 = true; + major = _tmp$21; + minor = _tmp$22; + ok = _tmp$23; + return [major, minor, ok]; + }; + $pkg.ParseHTTPVersion = ParseHTTPVersion; + validMethod = function(method) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _v, method, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {method}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!(method.length > 0)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$1 = strings.IndexFunc(method, isNotToken); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1 === -1; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: validMethod, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _v, method, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.ptr.prototype.BasicAuth = function() { + var {_r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, auth, ok, password, r, username, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + username = ""; + password = ""; + ok = false; + r = this; + _r$1 = new Header(r.Header).Get("Authorization"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + auth = _r$1; + if (auth === "") { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = false; + username = _tmp; + password = _tmp$1; + ok = _tmp$2; + $s = -1; return [username, password, ok]; + } + _tuple = parseBasicAuth(auth); + username = _tuple[0]; + password = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + $s = -1; return [username, password, ok]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.BasicAuth, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tuple, auth, ok, password, r, username, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.BasicAuth = function() { return this.$val.BasicAuth(); }; + parseBasicAuth = function(auth) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, auth, c, cs, err, ok, password, username; + username = ""; + password = ""; + ok = false; + if (auth.length < 6 || !ascii.EqualFold($substring(auth, 0, 6), "Basic ")) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = false; + username = _tmp; + password = _tmp$1; + ok = _tmp$2; + return [username, password, ok]; + } + _tuple = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString($substring(auth, 6)); + c = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$3 = ""; + _tmp$4 = ""; + _tmp$5 = false; + username = _tmp$3; + password = _tmp$4; + ok = _tmp$5; + return [username, password, ok]; + } + cs = ($bytesToString(c)); + _tuple$1 = strings.Cut(cs, ":"); + username = _tuple$1[0]; + password = _tuple$1[1]; + ok = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!ok) { + _tmp$6 = ""; + _tmp$7 = ""; + _tmp$8 = false; + username = _tmp$6; + password = _tmp$7; + ok = _tmp$8; + return [username, password, ok]; + } + _tmp$9 = username; + _tmp$10 = password; + _tmp$11 = true; + username = _tmp$9; + password = _tmp$10; + ok = _tmp$11; + return [username, password, ok]; + }; + Request.ptr.prototype.SetBasicAuth = function(username, password) { + var {password, r, username, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {username, password}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + $r = new Header(r.Header).Set("Authorization", "Basic " + basicAuth(username, password)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.SetBasicAuth, $c: true, $r, password, r, username, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.SetBasicAuth = function(username, password) { return this.$val.SetBasicAuth(username, password); }; + parseRequestLine = function(line) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, line, method, ok, ok1, ok2, proto, requestURI, rest; + method = ""; + requestURI = ""; + proto = ""; + ok = false; + _tuple = strings.Cut(line, " "); + method = _tuple[0]; + rest = _tuple[1]; + ok1 = _tuple[2]; + _tuple$1 = strings.Cut(rest, " "); + requestURI = _tuple$1[0]; + proto = _tuple$1[1]; + ok2 = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!ok1 || !ok2) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + _tmp$2 = ""; + _tmp$3 = false; + method = _tmp; + requestURI = _tmp$1; + proto = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [method, requestURI, proto, ok]; + } + _tmp$4 = method; + _tmp$5 = requestURI; + _tmp$6 = proto; + _tmp$7 = true; + method = _tmp$4; + requestURI = _tmp$5; + proto = _tmp$6; + ok = _tmp$7; + return [method, requestURI, proto, ok]; + }; + newTextprotoReader = function(br) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, br, tr, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {br}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = textprotoReaderPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(v, $ifaceNil))) { + tr = $assertType(v, ptrType$64); + tr.R = br; + $s = -1; return tr; + } + _r$2 = textproto.NewReader(br); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newTextprotoReader, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, br, tr, v, $s};return $f; + }; + putTextprotoReader = function(r) { + var r; + r.R = ptrType$29.nil; + textprotoReaderPool.Put(r); + }; + readRequest = function(b) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, err, justAuthority, mimeHeader, ok, rawurl, req, s, tp, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + err = [err]; + tp = [tp]; + req = ptrType$11.nil; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + _r$1 = newTextprotoReader(b); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tp[0] = _r$1; + req = new Request.ptr("", ptrType$17.nil, "", 0, 0, false, $ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$2.nil, false, "", false, false, ptrType$31.nil, false, "", "", ptrType$28.nil, $chanNil, ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil); + s = ""; + _r$2 = tp[0].ReadLine(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + s = _tuple[0]; + err[0] = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + _tmp = ptrType$11.nil; + _tmp$1 = err[0]; + req = _tmp; + err[0] = _tmp$1; + $24r = [req, err[0]]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + $deferred.push([(function(err, tp) { return function() { + putTextprotoReader(tp[0]); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], io.EOF)) { + err[0] = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + }; })(err, tp), []]); + ok = false; + _tuple$1 = parseRequestLine(s); + req.Method = _tuple$1[0]; + req.RequestURI = _tuple$1[1]; + req.Proto = _tuple$1[2]; + ok = _tuple$1[3]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 6: + _tmp$2 = ptrType$11.nil; + _r$3 = badStringError("malformed HTTP request", s); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$3 = _r$3; + req = _tmp$2; + err[0] = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [req, err[0]]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$4 = validMethod(req.Method); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$4) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!_r$4) { */ case 10: + _tmp$4 = ptrType$11.nil; + _r$5 = badStringError("invalid method", req.Method); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$5 = _r$5; + req = _tmp$4; + err[0] = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [req, err[0]]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + rawurl = req.RequestURI; + _tuple$2 = ParseHTTPVersion(req.Proto); + req.ProtoMajor = _tuple$2[0]; + req.ProtoMinor = _tuple$2[1]; + ok = _tuple$2[2]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 15: + _tmp$6 = ptrType$11.nil; + _r$6 = badStringError("malformed HTTP version", req.Proto); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$7 = _r$6; + req = _tmp$6; + err[0] = _tmp$7; + $24r$3 = [req, err[0]]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 16: + justAuthority = req.Method === "CONNECT" && !strings.HasPrefix(rawurl, "/"); + if (justAuthority) { + rawurl = "http://" + rawurl; + } + _r$7 = url.ParseRequestURI(rawurl); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$7; + req.URL = _tuple$3[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 20: + _tmp$8 = ptrType$11.nil; + _tmp$9 = err[0]; + req = _tmp$8; + err[0] = _tmp$9; + $24r$4 = [req, err[0]]; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 21: + if (justAuthority) { + req.URL.Scheme = ""; + } + _r$8 = tp[0].ReadMIMEHeader(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$8; + mimeHeader = _tuple$4[0]; + err[0] = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 24: + _tmp$10 = ptrType$11.nil; + _tmp$11 = err[0]; + req = _tmp$10; + err[0] = _tmp$11; + $24r$5 = [req, err[0]]; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 25: + req.Header = (mimeHeader); + /* */ if ((_entry = req.Header[$String.keyFor("Host")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil).$length > 1) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if ((_entry = req.Header[$String.keyFor("Host")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil).$length > 1) { */ case 27: + _tmp$12 = ptrType$11.nil; + _r$9 = fmt.Errorf("too many Host headers", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$13 = _r$9; + req = _tmp$12; + err[0] = _tmp$13; + $24r$6 = [req, err[0]]; + $s = 30; case 30: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 28: + req.Host = req.URL.Host; + if (req.Host === "") { + req.Host = new Header(req.Header).get("Host"); + } + fixPragmaCacheControl(req.Header); + _r$10 = shouldClose(req.ProtoMajor, req.ProtoMinor, req.Header, false); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + req.Close = _r$10; + _r$11 = readTransfer(req, b); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$11; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 33: + _tmp$14 = ptrType$11.nil; + _tmp$15 = err[0]; + req = _tmp$14; + err[0] = _tmp$15; + $24r$7 = [req, err[0]]; + $s = 35; case 35: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 34: + if (req.isH2Upgrade()) { + req.ContentLength = new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + req.Close = true; + } + _tmp$16 = req; + _tmp$17 = $ifaceNil; + req = _tmp$16; + err[0] = _tmp$17; + $24r$8 = [req, err[0]]; + $s = 36; case 36: return $24r$8; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [req, err[0]]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: readRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, b, err, justAuthority, mimeHeader, ok, rawurl, req, s, tp, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + MaxBytesReader = function(w, r, n) { + var n, r, w; + if ((n.$high < 0 || (n.$high === 0 && n.$low < 0))) { + n = new $Int64(0, 0); + } + return new maxBytesReader.ptr(w, r, n, $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.MaxBytesReader = MaxBytesReader; + maxBytesReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, l, n, ok, p, res, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + l = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(l.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = l.err; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if (p.$length === 0) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if ((x$5 = (new $Int64(0, p.$length)), x$6 = (x$7 = l.n, new $Int64(x$7.$high + 0, x$7.$low + 1)), (x$5.$high > x$6.$high || (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low > x$6.$low)))) { + p = $subslice(p, 0, $flatten64((x$8 = l.n, new $Int64(x$8.$high + 0, x$8.$low + 1)))); + } + _r$1 = l.r.Read(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ((x$9 = (new $Int64(0, n)), x$10 = l.n, (x$9.$high < x$10.$high || (x$9.$high === x$10.$high && x$9.$low <= x$10.$low)))) { + l.n = (x$11 = l.n, x$12 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$11.$high - x$12.$high, x$11.$low - x$12.$low)); + l.err = err; + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = err; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + n = (((x$13 = l.n, x$13.$low + ((x$13.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + l.n = new $Int64(0, 0); + _tuple$1 = $assertType(l.w, requestTooLarger, true); + res = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + $r = res.requestTooLarge(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + l.err = errors.New("http: request body too large"); + _tmp$6 = n; + _tmp$7 = l.err; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: maxBytesReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, l, n, ok, p, res, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + maxBytesReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + maxBytesReader.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + l = this; + _r$1 = l.r.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: maxBytesReader.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, l, $s};return $f; + }; + maxBytesReader.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + copyValues = function(dst, src) { + var _entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _keys, _ref, dst, k, src, vs; + _ref = src; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vs = _entry.v; + _key = k; (dst || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $appendSlice((_entry$1 = dst[$String.keyFor(k)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil), vs) }; + _i++; + } + }; + parsePostForm = function(r) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, ct, e, err, maxFormSize, ok, r, reader, vs, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + vs = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(r.Body, $ifaceNil)) { + err = errors.New("missing form body"); + $s = -1; return [vs, err]; + } + _r$1 = new Header(r.Header).Get("Content-Type"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ct = _r$1; + if (ct === "") { + ct = "application/octet-stream"; + } + _r$2 = mime.ParseMediaType(ct); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + ct = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (ct === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (ct === "multipart/form-data") { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (ct === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { */ case 4: + reader = r.Body; + maxFormSize = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295); + _tuple$1 = $assertType(r.Body, ptrType$65, true); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + maxFormSize = new $Int64(0, 10485760); + reader = io.LimitReader(r.Body, new $Int64(maxFormSize.$high + 0, maxFormSize.$low + 1)); + } + _r$3 = io.ReadAll(reader); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + b = _tuple$2[0]; + e = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = e; + } + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + if ((x$5 = (new $Int64(0, b.$length)), (x$5.$high > maxFormSize.$high || (x$5.$high === maxFormSize.$high && x$5.$low > maxFormSize.$low)))) { + err = errors.New("http: POST too large"); + $s = -1; return [vs, err]; + } + _r$4 = url.ParseQuery(($bytesToString(b))); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + vs = _tuple$3[0]; + e = _tuple$3[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = e; + } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (ct === "multipart/form-data") { */ case 5: + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + $s = -1; return [vs, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: parsePostForm, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, b, ct, e, err, maxFormSize, ok, r, reader, vs, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.ptr.prototype.ParseForm = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, newValues, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (r.PostForm === false) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r.PostForm === false) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (r.Method === "POST" || r.Method === "PUT" || r.Method === "PATCH") { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (r.Method === "POST" || r.Method === "PUT" || r.Method === "PATCH") { */ case 3: + _r$1 = parsePostForm(r); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + r.PostForm = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* } */ case 4: + if (r.PostForm === false) { + r.PostForm = {}; + } + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (r.Form === false) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (r.Form === false) { */ case 6: + if ($keys(r.PostForm).length > 0) { + r.Form = {}; + copyValues(r.Form, r.PostForm); + } + newValues = false; + /* */ if (!(r.URL === ptrType$17.nil)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(r.URL === ptrType$17.nil)) { */ case 8: + e = $ifaceNil; + _r$2 = url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + newValues = _tuple$1[0]; + e = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = e; + } + /* } */ case 9: + if (newValues === false) { + newValues = {}; + } + if (r.Form === false) { + r.Form = newValues; + } else { + copyValues(r.Form, newValues); + } + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.ParseForm, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, e, err, newValues, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.ParseForm = function() { return this.$val.ParseForm(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.ParseMultipartForm = function(maxMemory) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _key, _key$1, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, f, k, maxMemory, mr, parseFormErr, r, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {maxMemory}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if (r.MultipartForm === multipartByReader) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("http: multipart handled by MultipartReader"); + } + parseFormErr = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (r.Form === false) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r.Form === false) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = r.ParseForm(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + parseFormErr = _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + if (!(r.MultipartForm === ptrType$31.nil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$2 = r.multipartReader(false); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + mr = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + _r$3 = mr.ReadForm(maxMemory); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + f = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + if (r.PostForm === false) { + r.PostForm = {}; + } + _ref = f.Value; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + v = _entry.v; + _key = k; (r.Form || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $appendSlice((_entry$1 = r.Form[$String.keyFor(k)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil), v) }; + _key$1 = k; (r.PostForm || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $appendSlice((_entry$2 = r.PostForm[$String.keyFor(k)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : sliceType$2.nil), v) }; + _i++; + } + r.MultipartForm = f; + $s = -1; return parseFormErr; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.ParseMultipartForm, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _key, _key$1, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, f, k, maxMemory, mr, parseFormErr, r, v, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.ParseMultipartForm = function(maxMemory) { return this.$val.ParseMultipartForm(maxMemory); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.FormValue = function(key) { + var {_entry, _r$1, key, r, vs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* */ if (r.Form === false) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r.Form === false) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = r.ParseMultipartForm(new $Int64(0, 33554432)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + vs = (_entry = r.Form[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (vs.$length > 0) { + $s = -1; return (0 >= vs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vs.$array[vs.$offset + 0]); + } + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.FormValue, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, key, r, vs, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.FormValue = function(key) { return this.$val.FormValue(key); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.PostFormValue = function(key) { + var {_entry, _r$1, key, r, vs, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + /* */ if (r.PostForm === false) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r.PostForm === false) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = r.ParseMultipartForm(new $Int64(0, 33554432)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + vs = (_entry = r.PostForm[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (vs.$length > 0) { + $s = -1; return (0 >= vs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vs.$array[vs.$offset + 0]); + } + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.PostFormValue, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, key, r, vs, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.PostFormValue = function(key) { return this.$val.PostFormValue(key); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.FormFile = function(key) { + var {_entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, err, err$1, f, fhs, key, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if (r.MultipartForm === multipartByReader) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, ptrType$66.nil, errors.New("http: multipart handled by MultipartReader")]; + } + /* */ if (r.MultipartForm === ptrType$31.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (r.MultipartForm === ptrType$31.nil) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = r.ParseMultipartForm(new $Int64(0, 33554432)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, ptrType$66.nil, err]; + } + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!(r.MultipartForm === ptrType$31.nil) && !(r.MultipartForm.File === false)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(r.MultipartForm === ptrType$31.nil) && !(r.MultipartForm.File === false)) { */ case 4: + fhs = (_entry = r.MultipartForm.File[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$20.nil); + /* */ if (fhs.$length > 0) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (fhs.$length > 0) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = (0 >= fhs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fhs.$array[fhs.$offset + 0]).Open(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + f = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + $s = -1; return [f, (0 >= fhs.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : fhs.$array[fhs.$offset + 0]), err$1]; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, ptrType$66.nil, $pkg.ErrMissingFile]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.FormFile, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, err, err$1, f, fhs, key, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.FormFile = function(key) { return this.$val.FormFile(key); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.expectsContinue = function() { + var r; + r = this; + return hasToken(new Header(r.Header).get("Expect"), "100-continue"); + }; + Request.prototype.expectsContinue = function() { return this.$val.expectsContinue(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.wantsHttp10KeepAlive = function() { + var r; + r = this; + if (!((r.ProtoMajor === 1)) || !((r.ProtoMinor === 0))) { + return false; + } + return hasToken(new Header(r.Header).get("Connection"), "keep-alive"); + }; + Request.prototype.wantsHttp10KeepAlive = function() { return this.$val.wantsHttp10KeepAlive(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.wantsClose = function() { + var r; + r = this; + if (r.Close) { + return true; + } + return hasToken(new Header(r.Header).get("Connection"), "close"); + }; + Request.prototype.wantsClose = function() { return this.$val.wantsClose(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.closeBody = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(r.Body, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$1 = r.Body.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.closeBody, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.closeBody = function() { return this.$val.closeBody(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.isReplayable = function() { + var _1, r; + r = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(r.Body, $ifaceNil) || $interfaceIsEqual(r.Body, new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody)) || !(r.GetBody === $throwNilPointerError)) { + _1 = valueOrDefault(r.Method, "GET"); + if (_1 === ("GET") || _1 === ("HEAD") || _1 === ("OPTIONS") || _1 === ("TRACE")) { + return true; + } + if (new Header(r.Header).has("Idempotency-Key") || new Header(r.Header).has("X-Idempotency-Key")) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + }; + Request.prototype.isReplayable = function() { return this.$val.isReplayable(); }; + Request.ptr.prototype.outgoingLength = function() { + var r, x$5; + r = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(r.Body, $ifaceNil) || $interfaceIsEqual(r.Body, new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))) { + return new $Int64(0, 0); + } + if (!((x$5 = r.ContentLength, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { + return r.ContentLength; + } + return new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + }; + Request.prototype.outgoingLength = function() { return this.$val.outgoingLength(); }; + requestMethodUsuallyLacksBody = function(method) { + var _1, method; + _1 = method; + if (_1 === ("GET") || _1 === ("HEAD") || _1 === ("DELETE") || _1 === ("OPTIONS") || _1 === ("PROPFIND") || _1 === ("SEARCH")) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + Request.ptr.prototype.requiresHTTP1 = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _v, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + r = this; + _r$1 = new Header(r.Header).Get("Connection"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = hasToken(_r$1, "upgrade"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(_r$2)) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$3 = new Header(r.Header).Get("Upgrade"); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = ascii.EqualFold(_r$3, "websocket"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$4; case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Request.ptr.prototype.requiresHTTP1, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _v, r, $s};return $f; + }; + Request.prototype.requiresHTTP1 = function() { return this.$val.requiresHTTP1(); }; + contextKey.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var k; + k = this; + return "net/http context value " + k.name; + }; + contextKey.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + hasPort = function(s) { + var s; + return strings.LastIndex(s, ":") > strings.LastIndex(s, "]"); + }; + isNotToken = function(r) { + var r; + return !httpguts.IsTokenRune(r); + }; + stringContainsCTLByte = function(s) { + var b, i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + b = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (b < 32 || (b === 127)) { + return true; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + }; + hexEscapeNonASCII = function(s) { + var b, i, i$1, newLen, s; + newLen = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) >= 128) { + newLen = newLen + (3) >> 0; + } else { + newLen = newLen + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if (newLen === s.length) { + return s; + } + b = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, newLen); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i$1) >= 128) { + b = $append(b, 37); + b = strconv.AppendInt(b, (new $Int64(0, s.charCodeAt(i$1))), 16); + } else { + b = $append(b, s.charCodeAt(i$1)); + } + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + return ($bytesToString(b)); + }; + noBody.ptr.prototype.Read = function(param) { + var param; + return [0, io.EOF]; + }; + noBody.prototype.Read = function(param) { return this.$val.Read(param); }; + noBody.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + return $ifaceNil; + }; + noBody.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + noBody.ptr.prototype.WriteTo = function(param) { + var param; + return [new $Int64(0, 0), $ifaceNil]; + }; + noBody.prototype.WriteTo = function(param) { return this.$val.WriteTo(param); }; + Header.prototype.Add = function(key, value) { + var {h, key, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + $r = new textproto.MIMEHeader((h)).Add(key, value); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Header.prototype.Add, $c: true, $r, h, key, value, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.Add = function(key, value) { return new Header(this.$get()).Add(key, value); }; + Header.prototype.Set = function(key, value) { + var {h, key, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + $r = new textproto.MIMEHeader((h)).Set(key, value); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Header.prototype.Set, $c: true, $r, h, key, value, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.Set = function(key, value) { return new Header(this.$get()).Set(key, value); }; + Header.prototype.Get = function(key) { + var {$24r, _r$1, h, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + _r$1 = new textproto.MIMEHeader((h)).Get(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Header.prototype.Get, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, h, key, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.Get = function(key) { return new Header(this.$get()).Get(key); }; + Header.prototype.Values = function(key) { + var {$24r, _r$1, h, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + _r$1 = new textproto.MIMEHeader((h)).Values(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Header.prototype.Values, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, h, key, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.Values = function(key) { return new Header(this.$get()).Values(key); }; + Header.prototype.get = function(key) { + var _entry, h, key, v; + h = this.$val; + v = (_entry = h[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (v.$length > 0) { + return (0 >= v.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : v.$array[v.$offset + 0]); + } + return ""; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.get = function(key) { return new Header(this.$get()).get(key); }; + Header.prototype.has = function(key) { + var _entry, _tuple, h, key, ok; + h = this.$val; + _tuple = (_entry = h[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + return ok; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.has = function(key) { return new Header(this.$get()).has(key); }; + Header.prototype.Del = function(key) { + var {h, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + $r = new textproto.MIMEHeader((h)).Del(key); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Header.prototype.Del, $c: true, $r, h, key, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.Del = function(key) { return new Header(this.$get()).Del(key); }; + Header.prototype.Write = function(w) { + var {$24r, _r$1, h, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + _r$1 = new Header(h).write(w, ptrType$19.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Header.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, h, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.Write = function(w) { return new Header(this.$get()).Write(w); }; + Header.prototype.write = function(w, trace) { + var {$24r, _r$1, h, trace, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, trace}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + _r$1 = new Header(h).writeSubset(w, false, trace); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Header.prototype.write, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, h, trace, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.write = function(w, trace) { return new Header(this.$get()).write(w, trace); }; + Header.prototype.Clone = function() { + var _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _key, _key$1, _keys, _keys$1, _ref, _ref$1, h, h2, k, n, nv, sv, vv, vv$1, x$5; + h = this.$val; + if (h === false) { + return false; + } + nv = 0; + _ref = h; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + vv = _entry.v; + nv = nv + (vv.$length) >> 0; + _i++; + } + sv = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, nv); + h2 = (x$5 = $keys(h).length, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref$1 = h; + _i$1 = 0; + _keys$1 = $keys(_ref$1); + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _keys$1.length)) { break; } + _entry$1 = _ref$1[_keys$1[_i$1]]; + if (_entry$1 === undefined) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + k = _entry$1.k; + vv$1 = _entry$1.v; + if (vv$1 === sliceType$2.nil) { + _key = k; (h2 || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: sliceType$2.nil }; + _i$1++; + continue; + } + n = $copySlice(sv, vv$1); + _key$1 = k; (h2 || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $subslice(sv, 0, n, n) }; + sv = $subslice(sv, n); + _i$1++; + } + return h2; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.Clone = function() { return new Header(this.$get()).Clone(); }; + stringWriter.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, err, n, s, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + _r$1 = w.w.Write((new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(s)))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringWriter.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, err, n, s, w, $s};return $f; + }; + stringWriter.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); }; + headerSorter.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return s.kvs.$length; + }; + headerSorter.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + headerSorter.ptr.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, i, j, s, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8; + s = this; + _tmp = $clone((x$5 = s.kvs, ((j < 0 || j >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + j])), keyValues); + _tmp$1 = $clone((x$6 = s.kvs, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + i])), keyValues); + keyValues.copy((x$7 = s.kvs, ((i < 0 || i >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + i])), _tmp); + keyValues.copy((x$8 = s.kvs, ((j < 0 || j >= x$8.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8.$array[x$8.$offset + j])), _tmp$1); + }; + headerSorter.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { return this.$val.Swap(i, j); }; + headerSorter.ptr.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { + var i, j, s, x$5, x$6; + s = this; + return (x$5 = s.kvs, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + i])).key < (x$6 = s.kvs, ((j < 0 || j >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + j])).key; + }; + headerSorter.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { return this.$val.Less(i, j); }; + Header.prototype.sortedKeyValues = function(exclude) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, exclude, h, hs, k, kvs, vv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {exclude}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + kvs = sliceType$6.nil; + hs = ptrType$67.nil; + h = this.$val; + _r$1 = headerSorterPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + hs = $assertType(_r$1, ptrType$67); + if (hs.kvs.$capacity < $keys(h).length) { + hs.kvs = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, 0, $keys(h).length); + } + kvs = $subslice(hs.kvs, 0, 0); + _ref = h; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + if (!(_entry$1 = exclude[$String.keyFor(k)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : false)) { + kvs = $append(kvs, new keyValues.ptr(k, vv)); + } + _i++; + } + hs.kvs = kvs; + $r = sort.Sort(hs); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = kvs; + _tmp$1 = hs; + kvs = _tmp; + hs = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [kvs, hs]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Header.prototype.sortedKeyValues, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, exclude, h, hs, k, kvs, vv, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.sortedKeyValues = function(exclude) { return new Header(this.$get()).sortedKeyValues(exclude); }; + Header.prototype.WriteSubset = function(w, exclude) { + var {$24r, _r$1, exclude, h, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, exclude}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + _r$1 = new Header(h).writeSubset(w, exclude, ptrType$19.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Header.prototype.WriteSubset, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, exclude, h, w, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.WriteSubset = function(w, exclude) { return new Header(this.$get()).WriteSubset(w, exclude); }; + Header.prototype.writeSubset = function(w, exclude, trace) { + var {_i, _i$1, _i$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, exclude, formattedVals, h, kv, kvs, ok, s, sorter, trace, v, w, ws, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, exclude, trace}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this.$val; + _tuple = $assertType(w, io.StringWriter, true); + ws = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + ws = (x$5 = new stringWriter.ptr(w), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + } + _r$1 = new Header(h).sortedKeyValues(exclude); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + kvs = _tuple$1[0]; + sorter = _tuple$1[1]; + formattedVals = sliceType$2.nil; + _ref = kvs; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + kv = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), keyValues); + if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName(kv.key)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _ref$1 = kv.values; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + v = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$2 = headerNewlineToSpace.Replace(v); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$2; + v = textproto.TrimString(v); + _ref$2 = new sliceType$2([kv.key, ": ", v, "\r\n"]); + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 8; continue; } + s = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + _r$3 = ws.WriteString(s); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + headerSorterPool.Put(sorter); + $s = -1; return err; + } + _i$2++; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { + formattedVals = $append(formattedVals, v); + } + _i$1++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 10: + $r = trace.WroteHeaderField(kv.key, formattedVals); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + formattedVals = sliceType$2.nil; + /* } */ case 11: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + headerSorterPool.Put(sorter); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Header.prototype.writeSubset, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, err, exclude, formattedVals, h, kv, kvs, ok, s, sorter, trace, v, w, ws, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(Header).prototype.writeSubset = function(w, exclude, trace) { return new Header(this.$get()).writeSubset(w, exclude, trace); }; + CanonicalHeaderKey = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r$1, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CanonicalHeaderKey, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.CanonicalHeaderKey = CanonicalHeaderKey; + hasToken = function(v, token) { + var b, endPos, sp, token, v; + if (token.length > v.length || token === "") { + return false; + } + if (v === token) { + return true; + } + sp = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(sp <= (v.length - token.length >> 0))) { break; } + b = v.charCodeAt(sp); + if (!((b === token.charCodeAt(0))) && !((((b | 32) >>> 0) === token.charCodeAt(0)))) { + sp = sp + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if (sp > 0 && !isTokenBoundary(v.charCodeAt((sp - 1 >> 0)))) { + sp = sp + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + endPos = sp + token.length >> 0; + if (!((endPos === v.length)) && !isTokenBoundary(v.charCodeAt(endPos))) { + sp = sp + (1) >> 0; + continue; + } + if (ascii.EqualFold($substring(v, sp, (sp + token.length >> 0)), token)) { + return true; + } + sp = sp + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + }; + isTokenBoundary = function(b) { + var b; + return (b === 32) || (b === 44) || (b === 9); + }; + http2asciiEqualFold = function(s, t) { + var i, s, t; + if (!((s.length === t.length))) { + return false; + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (!((http2lower(s.charCodeAt(i)) === http2lower(t.charCodeAt(i))))) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + http2lower = function(b) { + var b; + if (65 <= b && b <= 90) { + return b + 32 << 24 >>> 24; + } + return b; + }; + http2isASCIIPrint = function(s) { + var i, s; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + if (s.charCodeAt(i) < 32 || s.charCodeAt(i) > 126) { + return false; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return true; + }; + http2asciiToLower = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, lower, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + lower = ""; + ok = false; + if (!http2isASCIIPrint(s)) { + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = false; + lower = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [lower, ok]; + } + _r$1 = strings.ToLower(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = _r$1; + _tmp$3 = true; + lower = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + $24r = [lower, ok]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2asciiToLower, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, lower, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + http2isBadCipher = function(cipher) { + var _1, cipher; + _1 = cipher; + if ((_1 === (0)) || (_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (2)) || (_1 === (3)) || (_1 === (4)) || (_1 === (5)) || (_1 === (6)) || (_1 === (7)) || (_1 === (8)) || (_1 === (9)) || (_1 === (10)) || (_1 === (11)) || (_1 === (12)) || (_1 === (13)) || (_1 === (14)) || (_1 === (15)) || (_1 === (16)) || (_1 === (17)) || (_1 === (18)) || (_1 === (19)) || (_1 === (20)) || (_1 === (21)) || (_1 === (22)) || (_1 === (23)) || (_1 === (24)) || (_1 === (25)) || (_1 === (26)) || (_1 === (27)) || (_1 === (30)) || (_1 === (31)) || (_1 === (32)) || (_1 === (33)) || (_1 === (34)) || (_1 === (35)) || (_1 === (36)) || (_1 === (37)) || (_1 === (38)) || (_1 === (39)) || (_1 === (40)) || (_1 === (41)) || (_1 === (42)) || (_1 === (43)) || (_1 === (44)) || (_1 === (45)) || (_1 === (46)) || (_1 === (47)) || (_1 === (48)) || (_1 === (49)) || (_1 === (50)) || (_1 === (51)) || (_1 === (52)) || (_1 === (53)) || (_1 === (54)) || (_1 === (55)) || (_1 === (56)) || (_1 === (57)) || (_1 === (58)) || (_1 === (59)) || (_1 === (60)) || (_1 === (61)) || (_1 === (62)) || (_1 === (63)) || (_1 === (64)) || (_1 === (65)) || (_1 === (66)) || (_1 === (67)) || (_1 === (68)) || (_1 === (69)) || (_1 === (70)) || (_1 === (103)) || (_1 === (104)) || (_1 === (105)) || (_1 === (106)) || (_1 === (107)) || (_1 === (108)) || (_1 === (109)) || (_1 === (132)) || (_1 === (133)) || (_1 === (134)) || (_1 === (135)) || (_1 === (136)) || (_1 === (137)) || (_1 === (138)) || (_1 === (139)) || (_1 === (140)) || (_1 === (141)) || (_1 === (142)) || (_1 === (143)) || (_1 === (144)) || (_1 === (145)) || (_1 === (146)) || (_1 === (147)) || (_1 === (148)) || (_1 === (149)) || (_1 === (150)) || (_1 === (151)) || (_1 === (152)) || (_1 === (153)) || (_1 === (154)) || (_1 === (155)) || (_1 === (156)) || (_1 === (157)) || (_1 === (160)) || (_1 === (161)) || (_1 === (164)) || (_1 === (165)) || (_1 === (166)) || (_1 === (167)) || (_1 === (168)) || (_1 === (169)) || (_1 === (172)) || (_1 === (173)) || (_1 === (174)) || (_1 === (175)) || (_1 === (176)) || (_1 === (177)) || (_1 === (178)) || (_1 === (179)) || (_1 === (180)) || (_1 === (181)) || (_1 === (182)) || (_1 === (183)) || (_1 === (184)) || (_1 === (185)) || (_1 === (186)) || (_1 === (187)) || (_1 === (188)) || (_1 === (189)) || (_1 === (190)) || (_1 === (191)) || (_1 === (192)) || (_1 === (193)) || (_1 === (194)) || (_1 === (195)) || (_1 === (196)) || (_1 === (197)) || (_1 === (255)) || (_1 === (49153)) || (_1 === (49154)) || (_1 === (49155)) || (_1 === (49156)) || (_1 === (49157)) || (_1 === (49158)) || (_1 === (49159)) || (_1 === (49160)) || (_1 === (49161)) || (_1 === (49162)) || (_1 === (49163)) || (_1 === (49164)) || (_1 === (49165)) || (_1 === (49166)) || (_1 === (49167)) || (_1 === (49168)) || (_1 === (49169)) || (_1 === (49170)) || (_1 === (49171)) || (_1 === (49172)) || (_1 === (49173)) || (_1 === (49174)) || (_1 === (49175)) || (_1 === (49176)) || (_1 === (49177)) || (_1 === (49178)) || (_1 === (49179)) || (_1 === (49180)) || (_1 === (49181)) || (_1 === (49182)) || (_1 === (49183)) || (_1 === (49184)) || (_1 === (49185)) || (_1 === (49186)) || (_1 === (49187)) || (_1 === (49188)) || (_1 === (49189)) || (_1 === (49190)) || (_1 === (49191)) || (_1 === (49192)) || (_1 === (49193)) || (_1 === (49194)) || (_1 === (49197)) || (_1 === (49198)) || (_1 === (49201)) || (_1 === (49202)) || (_1 === (49203)) || (_1 === (49204)) || (_1 === (49205)) || (_1 === (49206)) || (_1 === (49207)) || (_1 === (49208)) || (_1 === (49209)) || (_1 === (49210)) || (_1 === (49211)) || (_1 === (49212)) || (_1 === (49213)) || (_1 === (49214)) || (_1 === (49215)) || (_1 === (49216)) || (_1 === (49217)) || (_1 === (49218)) || (_1 === (49219)) || (_1 === (49220)) || (_1 === (49221)) || (_1 === (49222)) || (_1 === (49223)) || (_1 === (49224)) || (_1 === (49225)) || (_1 === (49226)) || (_1 === (49227)) || (_1 === (49228)) || (_1 === (49229)) || (_1 === (49230)) || (_1 === (49231)) || (_1 === (49232)) || (_1 === (49233)) || (_1 === (49236)) || (_1 === (49237)) || (_1 === (49240)) || (_1 === (49241)) || (_1 === (49242)) || (_1 === (49243)) || (_1 === (49246)) || (_1 === (49247)) || (_1 === (49250)) || (_1 === (49251)) || (_1 === (49252)) || (_1 === (49253)) || (_1 === (49254)) || (_1 === (49255)) || (_1 === (49256)) || (_1 === (49257)) || (_1 === (49258)) || (_1 === (49259)) || (_1 === (49262)) || (_1 === (49263)) || (_1 === (49264)) || (_1 === (49265)) || (_1 === (49266)) || (_1 === (49267)) || (_1 === (49268)) || (_1 === (49269)) || (_1 === (49270)) || (_1 === (49271)) || (_1 === (49272)) || (_1 === (49273)) || (_1 === (49274)) || (_1 === (49275)) || (_1 === (49278)) || (_1 === (49279)) || (_1 === (49282)) || (_1 === (49283)) || (_1 === (49284)) || (_1 === (49285)) || (_1 === (49288)) || (_1 === (49289)) || (_1 === (49292)) || (_1 === (49293)) || (_1 === (49294)) || (_1 === (49295)) || (_1 === (49298)) || (_1 === (49299)) || (_1 === (49300)) || (_1 === (49301)) || (_1 === (49302)) || (_1 === (49303)) || (_1 === (49304)) || (_1 === (49305)) || (_1 === (49306)) || (_1 === (49307)) || (_1 === (49308)) || (_1 === (49309)) || (_1 === (49312)) || (_1 === (49313)) || (_1 === (49316)) || (_1 === (49317)) || (_1 === (49320)) || (_1 === (49321))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.GetClientConn = function(req, addr) { + var {$24r, _r$1, addr, p, req, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$1 = p.getClientConn(req, addr, true); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.GetClientConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, addr, p, req, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientConnPool.prototype.GetClientConn = function(req, addr) { return this.$val.GetClientConn(req, addr); }; + http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.getClientConn = function(req, addr, dialOnMiss) { + var {_entry, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, addr, call, cc, cc$1, cc$2, dialOnMiss, err, err$1, p, req, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req, addr, dialOnMiss}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + /* */ if (http2isConnectionCloseRequest(req) && dialOnMiss) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (http2isConnectionCloseRequest(req) && dialOnMiss) { */ case 1: + $r = http2traceGetConn(req, addr); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = p.t.dialClientConn(req.Context(), addr, true); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + cc = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$68.nil, err]; + } + $s = -1; return [cc, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 2: + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = (_entry = p.conns[$String.keyFor(addr)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$21.nil); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 9; continue; } + cc$1 = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$2 = cc$1.ReserveNewRequest(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_r$2) { */ case 10: + /* */ if (!cc$1.getConnCalled) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!cc$1.getConnCalled) { */ case 13: + $r = http2traceGetConn(req, addr); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 14: + cc$1.getConnCalled = false; + $r = p.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [cc$1, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 11: + _i++; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + /* */ if (!dialOnMiss) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!dialOnMiss) { */ case 17: + $r = p.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$68.nil, http2ErrNoCachedConn]; + /* } */ case 18: + $r = http2traceGetConn(req, addr); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + call = p.getStartDialLocked(req.Context(), addr); + $r = p.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $recv(call.done); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3[0]; + _r$4 = http2shouldRetryDial(call, req); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (_r$4) { */ case 23: + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 24: + _tmp = call.res; + _tmp$1 = call.err; + cc$2 = _tmp; + err$1 = _tmp$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$68.nil, err$1]; + } + _r$5 = cc$2.ReserveNewRequest(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 26: + $s = -1; return [cc$2, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 27: + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$68.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.getClientConn, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, addr, call, cc, cc$1, cc$2, dialOnMiss, err, err$1, p, req, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientConnPool.prototype.getClientConn = function(req, addr, dialOnMiss) { return this.$val.getClientConn(req, addr, dialOnMiss); }; + http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.getStartDialLocked = function(ctx, addr) { + var _entry, _key, _tuple, addr, call, call$1, ctx, ok, p; + p = this; + _tuple = (_entry = p.dialing[$String.keyFor(addr)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$69.nil, false]); + call = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return call; + } + call$1 = new http2dialCall.ptr(arrayType.zero(), p, ctx, new $Chan(structType, 0), ptrType$68.nil, $ifaceNil); + if (p.dialing === false) { + p.dialing = {}; + } + _key = addr; (p.dialing || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: call$1 }; + $go($methodVal(call$1, "dial"), [call$1.ctx, addr]); + return call$1; + }; + http2clientConnPool.prototype.getStartDialLocked = function(ctx, addr) { return this.$val.getStartDialLocked(ctx, addr); }; + http2dialCall.ptr.prototype.dial = function(ctx, addr) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, addr, c, ctx, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = c.p.t.dialClientConn(ctx, addr, false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + c.res = _tuple[0]; + c.err = _tuple[1]; + $close(c.done); + $r = c.p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delete c.p.dialing[$String.keyFor(addr)]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(c.err, $ifaceNil)) { + c.p.addConnLocked(addr, c.res); + } + $r = c.p.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2dialCall.ptr.prototype.dial, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, addr, c, ctx, $s};return $f; + }; + http2dialCall.prototype.dial = function(ctx, addr) { return this.$val.dial(ctx, addr); }; + http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.addConnIfNeeded = function(key, t, c) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, c, call, cc, dup, err, key, p, t, used, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key, t, c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + used = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = (_entry = p.conns[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$21.nil); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + cc = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = cc.CanTakeNewRequest(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 4: + $r = p.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = false; + _tmp$1 = $ifaceNil; + used = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [used, err]; + /* } */ case 5: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + _tuple = (_entry$1 = p.addConnCalls[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [ptrType$70.nil, false]); + call = _tuple[0]; + dup = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!dup) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!dup) { */ case 8: + if (p.addConnCalls === false) { + p.addConnCalls = {}; + } + call = new http2addConnCall.ptr(arrayType.zero(), p, new $Chan(structType, 0), $ifaceNil); + _key = key; (p.addConnCalls || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: call }; + $go($methodVal(call, "run"), [t, key, c]); + /* } */ case 9: + $r = p.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $recv(call.done); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2[0]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(call.err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp$2 = false; + _tmp$3 = call.err; + used = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [used, err]; + } + _tmp$4 = !dup; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + used = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [used, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.addConnIfNeeded, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, c, call, cc, dup, err, key, p, t, used, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientConnPool.prototype.addConnIfNeeded = function(key, t, c) { return this.$val.addConnIfNeeded(key, t, c); }; + http2addConnCall.ptr.prototype.run = function(t, key, tc) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, c, cc, err, key, p, t, tc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, key, tc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + _r$1 = t.NewClientConn(tc); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + cc = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + p = c.p; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + c.err = err; + } else { + cc.getConnCalled = true; + p.addConnLocked(key, cc); + } + delete p.addConnCalls[$String.keyFor(key)]; + $r = p.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $close(c.done); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2addConnCall.ptr.prototype.run, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, c, cc, err, key, p, t, tc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2addConnCall.prototype.run = function(t, key, tc) { return this.$val.run(t, key, tc); }; + http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.addConnLocked = function(key, cc) { + var _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _key, _key$1, _ref, cc, key, p, v; + p = this; + _ref = (_entry = p.conns[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$21.nil); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (v === cc) { + return; + } + _i++; + } + if (p.conns === false) { + p.conns = {}; + } + if (p.keys === false) { + p.keys = {}; + } + _key = key; (p.conns || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $append((_entry$1 = p.conns[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$21.nil), cc) }; + _key$1 = cc; (p.keys || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$68.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $append((_entry$2 = p.keys[ptrType$68.keyFor(cc)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : sliceType$2.nil), key) }; + }; + http2clientConnPool.prototype.addConnLocked = function(key, cc) { return this.$val.addConnLocked(key, cc); }; + http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.MarkDead = function(cc) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _ref, _tuple, cc, key, newList, ok, p, vv, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + _ref = (_entry = p.keys[ptrType$68.keyFor(cc)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + key = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _tuple = (_entry$1 = p.conns[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [sliceType$21.nil, false]); + vv = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + _i++; + continue; + } + newList = http2filterOutClientConn(vv, cc); + if (newList.$length > 0) { + _key = key; (p.conns || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: newList }; + } else { + delete p.conns[$String.keyFor(key)]; + } + _i++; + } + delete p.keys[ptrType$68.keyFor(cc)]; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.MarkDead, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _ref, _tuple, cc, key, newList, ok, p, vv, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientConnPool.prototype.MarkDead = function(cc) { return this.$val.MarkDead(cc); }; + http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.closeIdleConnections = function() { + var {_entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, cc, p, vv, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + _ref = p.conns; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + vv = _entry.v; + _ref$1 = vv; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + cc = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + $r = cc.closeIfIdle(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$1++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnPool.ptr.prototype.closeIdleConnections, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, cc, p, vv, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientConnPool.prototype.closeIdleConnections = function() { return this.$val.closeIdleConnections(); }; + http2filterOutClientConn = function(in$1, exclude) { + var _i, _ref, exclude, in$1, out, v, x$5; + out = $subslice(in$1, 0, 0); + _ref = in$1; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!(v === exclude)) { + out = $append(out, v); + } + _i++; + } + if (!((in$1.$length === out.$length))) { + (x$5 = in$1.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= in$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + x$5] = ptrType$68.nil)); + } + return out; + }; + http2noDialClientConnPool.ptr.prototype.GetClientConn = function(req, addr) { + var {$24r, _r$1, addr, p, req, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req, addr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$1 = p.http2clientConnPool.getClientConn(req, addr, false); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2noDialClientConnPool.ptr.prototype.GetClientConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, addr, p, req, $s};return $f; + }; + http2noDialClientConnPool.prototype.GetClientConn = function(req, addr) { return this.$val.GetClientConn(req, addr); }; + http2shouldRetryDial = function(call, req) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _v, call, req, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {call, req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(call.err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(call.ctx, req.Context())) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$1 = errors.Is(call.err, context.Canceled); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!_r$1)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$2 = errors.Is(call.err, context.DeadlineExceeded); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$2; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = call.ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = !($interfaceIsEqual(_r$3, $ifaceNil)); + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2shouldRetryDial, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _v, call, req, $s};return $f; + }; + http2getDataBufferChunk = function(size) { + var {$24r, _r$1, i, size, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {size}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < (http2dataChunkSizeClasses.$length - 1 >> 0))) { break; } + if ((x$5 = (new $Int64(0, ((i < 0 || i >= http2dataChunkSizeClasses.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : http2dataChunkSizeClasses.$array[http2dataChunkSizeClasses.$offset + i]))), (size.$high < x$5.$high || (size.$high === x$5.$high && size.$low <= x$5.$low)))) { + break; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _r$1 = ((i < 0 || i >= http2dataChunkPools.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : http2dataChunkPools[i]).Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = $assertType(_r$1, sliceType$3); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2getDataBufferChunk, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, i, size, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2putDataBufferChunk = function(p) { + var {_i, _r$1, _ref, i, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = http2dataChunkSizeClasses; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + n = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (p.$length === n) { + ((i < 0 || i >= http2dataChunkPools.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : http2dataChunkPools[i]).Put(p); + $s = -1; return; + } + _i++; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("unexpected buffer len=%v", new sliceType([new $Int(p.$length)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2putDataBufferChunk, $c: true, $r, _i, _r$1, _ref, i, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + http2dataBuffer.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {b, end, n, ntotal, p, readFrom, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (b.size === 0) { + $s = -1; return [0, http2errReadEmpty]; + } + ntotal = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(p.$length > 0 && b.size > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(p.$length > 0 && b.size > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + readFrom = b.bytesFromFirstChunk(); + n = $copySlice(p, readFrom); + p = $subslice(p, n); + ntotal = ntotal + (n) >> 0; + b.r = b.r + (n) >> 0; + b.size = b.size - (n) >> 0; + /* */ if (b.r === (x$5 = b.chunks, (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0])).$length) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (b.r === (x$5 = b.chunks, (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0])).$length) { */ case 3: + $r = http2putDataBufferChunk((x$6 = b.chunks, (0 >= x$6.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + 0]))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + end = b.chunks.$length - 1 >> 0; + $copySlice($subslice(b.chunks, 0, end), $subslice(b.chunks, 1)); + (x$7 = b.chunks, ((end < 0 || end >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + end] = sliceType$3.nil)); + b.chunks = $subslice(b.chunks, 0, end); + b.r = 0; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [ntotal, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2dataBuffer.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, b, end, n, ntotal, p, readFrom, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + http2dataBuffer.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + http2dataBuffer.ptr.prototype.bytesFromFirstChunk = function() { + var b, x$5, x$6; + b = this; + if (b.chunks.$length === 1) { + return $subslice((x$5 = b.chunks, (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0])), b.r, b.w); + } + return $subslice((x$6 = b.chunks, (0 >= x$6.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + 0])), b.r); + }; + http2dataBuffer.prototype.bytesFromFirstChunk = function() { return this.$val.bytesFromFirstChunk(); }; + http2dataBuffer.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var b; + b = this; + return b.size; + }; + http2dataBuffer.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + http2dataBuffer.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_r$1, b, chunk, n, ntotal, p, want, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + ntotal = p.$length; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(p.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(p.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + want = (new $Int64(0, p.$length)); + if ((x$5 = b.expected, (x$5.$high > want.$high || (x$5.$high === want.$high && x$5.$low > want.$low)))) { + want = b.expected; + } + _r$1 = b.lastChunkOrAlloc(want); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + chunk = _r$1; + n = $copySlice($subslice(chunk, b.w), p); + p = $subslice(p, n); + b.w = b.w + (n) >> 0; + b.size = b.size + (n) >> 0; + b.expected = (x$6 = b.expected, x$7 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$6.$high - x$7.$high, x$6.$low - x$7.$low)); + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [ntotal, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2dataBuffer.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r$1, b, chunk, n, ntotal, p, want, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + http2dataBuffer.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + http2dataBuffer.ptr.prototype.lastChunkOrAlloc = function(want) { + var {_r$1, b, chunk, last, want, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {want}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + if (!((b.chunks.$length === 0))) { + last = (x$5 = b.chunks, x$6 = b.chunks.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + x$6])); + if (b.w < last.$length) { + $s = -1; return last; + } + } + _r$1 = http2getDataBufferChunk(want); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + chunk = _r$1; + b.chunks = $append(b.chunks, chunk); + b.w = 0; + $s = -1; return chunk; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2dataBuffer.ptr.prototype.lastChunkOrAlloc, $c: true, $r, _r$1, b, chunk, last, want, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2dataBuffer.prototype.lastChunkOrAlloc = function(want) { return this.$val.lastChunkOrAlloc(want); }; + http2ErrCode.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, e, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this.$val; + _tuple = (_entry = http2errCodeName[http2ErrCode.keyFor(e)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return s; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("unknown error code 0x%x", new sliceType([new $Uint32(((e >>> 0)))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ErrCode.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, e, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2ErrCode).prototype.String = function() { return new http2ErrCode(this.$get()).String(); }; + http2ErrCode.prototype.stringToken = function() { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, e, ok, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this.$val; + _tuple = (_entry = http2errCodeName[http2ErrCode.keyFor(e)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return s; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("ERR_UNKNOWN_%d", new sliceType([new $Uint32(((e >>> 0)))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ErrCode.prototype.stringToken, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, e, ok, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2ErrCode).prototype.stringToken = function() { return new http2ErrCode(this.$get()).stringToken(); }; + http2ConnectionError.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this.$val; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("connection error: %s", new sliceType([new http2ErrCode(((e >>> 0)))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ConnectionError.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2ConnectionError).prototype.Error = function() { return new http2ConnectionError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + http2streamError = function(id, code) { + var code, id; + return new http2StreamError.ptr(id, code, $ifaceNil); + }; + http2StreamError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.Cause, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e.Cause, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("stream error: stream ID %d; %v; %v", new sliceType([new $Uint32(e.StreamID), new http2ErrCode(e.Code), e.Cause])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf("stream error: stream ID %d; %v", new sliceType([new $Uint32(e.StreamID), new http2ErrCode(e.Code)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2StreamError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, e, $s};return $f; + }; + http2StreamError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + http2goAwayFlowError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + return "connection exceeded flow control window size"; + }; + http2goAwayFlowError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + http2connError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("http2: connection error: %v: %v", new sliceType([new http2ErrCode(e.Code), new $String(e.Reason)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2connError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + http2connError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + http2pseudoHeaderError.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this.$val; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid pseudo-header %q", new sliceType([new $String((e))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2pseudoHeaderError.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2pseudoHeaderError).prototype.Error = function() { return new http2pseudoHeaderError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + http2duplicatePseudoHeaderError.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this.$val; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("duplicate pseudo-header %q", new sliceType([new $String((e))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2duplicatePseudoHeaderError.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2duplicatePseudoHeaderError).prototype.Error = function() { return new http2duplicatePseudoHeaderError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + http2headerFieldNameError.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this.$val; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid header field name %q", new sliceType([new $String((e))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2headerFieldNameError.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2headerFieldNameError).prototype.Error = function() { return new http2headerFieldNameError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + http2headerFieldValueError.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this.$val; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid header field value %q", new sliceType([new $String((e))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2headerFieldValueError.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2headerFieldValueError).prototype.Error = function() { return new http2headerFieldValueError(this.$get()).Error(); }; + http2flow.ptr.prototype.setConnFlow = function(cf) { + var cf, f; + f = this; + f.conn = cf; + }; + http2flow.prototype.setConnFlow = function(cf) { return this.$val.setConnFlow(cf); }; + http2flow.ptr.prototype.available = function() { + var f, n; + f = this; + n = f.n; + if (!(f.conn === ptrType$71.nil) && f.conn.n < n) { + n = f.conn.n; + } + return n; + }; + http2flow.prototype.available = function() { return this.$val.available(); }; + http2flow.ptr.prototype.take = function(n) { + var f, n; + f = this; + if (n > f.available()) { + $panic(new $String("internal error: took too much")); + } + f.n = f.n - (n) >> 0; + if (!(f.conn === ptrType$71.nil)) { + f.conn.n = f.conn.n - (n) >> 0; + } + }; + http2flow.prototype.take = function(n) { return this.$val.take(n); }; + http2flow.ptr.prototype.add = function(n) { + var f, n, sum; + f = this; + sum = f.n + n >> 0; + if ((sum > n) === (f.n > 0)) { + f.n = sum; + return true; + } + return false; + }; + http2flow.prototype.add = function(n) { return this.$val.add(n); }; + http2FrameType.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, ok, s, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this.$val; + _tuple = (_entry = http2frameName[http2FrameType.keyFor(t)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return s; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_FRAME_TYPE_%d", new sliceType([new $Uint8(((t << 24 >>> 24)))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2FrameType.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, ok, s, t, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2FrameType).prototype.String = function() { return new http2FrameType(this.$get()).String(); }; + http2Flags.prototype.Has = function(v) { + var f, v; + f = this.$val; + return (((f & v) >>> 0)) === v; + }; + $ptrType(http2Flags).prototype.Has = function(v) { return new http2Flags(this.$get()).Has(v); }; + http2typeFrameParser = function(t) { + var _entry, f, t; + f = (_entry = http2frameParsers[http2FrameType.keyFor(t)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : $throwNilPointerError); + if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { + return f; + } + return http2parseUnknownFrame; + }; + http2FrameHeader.ptr.prototype.Header = function() { + var h; + h = this; + return h; + }; + http2FrameHeader.prototype.Header = function() { return this.$val.Header(); }; + http2FrameHeader.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, buf, h, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + buf = [buf]; + h = this; + buf[0] = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, 0, 0); + _r$1 = buf[0].WriteString("[FrameHeader "); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $r = $clone(h, http2FrameHeader).writeDebug(buf[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = buf[0].WriteByte(93); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return buf[0].String(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2FrameHeader.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, buf, h, $s};return $f; + }; + http2FrameHeader.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + http2FrameHeader.ptr.prototype.writeDebug = function(buf) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, buf, h, i, name, set, y, y$1, y$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {buf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + h = this; + _r$1 = new http2FrameType(h.Type).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = buf.WriteString(_r$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* */ if (!((h.Flags === 0))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((h.Flags === 0))) { */ case 3: + _r$3 = buf.WriteString(" flags="); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + set = 0; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(i < 8)) { break; } */ if(!(i < 8)) { $s = 7; continue; } + if (((h.Flags & (((y = i, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) << 24 >>> 24))) >>> 0) === 0) { + i = i + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + set = set + (1) >> 0; + /* */ if (set > 1) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (set > 1) { */ case 8: + _r$4 = buf.WriteByte(124); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 9: + name = (_entry = (_entry$1 = http2flagName[http2FrameType.keyFor(h.Type)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : false)[http2Flags.keyFor((((y$1 = i, y$1 < 32 ? (1 << y$1) : 0) << 24 >>> 24)))], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""); + /* */ if (!(name === "")) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!(name === "")) { */ case 11: + _r$5 = buf.WriteString(name); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else { */ case 12: + _r$6 = fmt.Fprintf(buf, "0x%x", new sliceType([new $Int(((y$2 = i, y$2 < 32 ? (1 << y$2) : 0) >> 0))])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + /* } */ case 13: + i = i + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (!((h.StreamID === 0))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!((h.StreamID === 0))) { */ case 16: + _r$7 = fmt.Fprintf(buf, " stream=%d", new sliceType([new $Uint32(h.StreamID)])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + /* } */ case 17: + _r$8 = fmt.Fprintf(buf, " len=%d", new sliceType([new $Uint32(h.Length)])); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2FrameHeader.ptr.prototype.writeDebug, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, buf, h, i, name, set, y, y$1, y$2, $s};return $f; + }; + http2FrameHeader.prototype.writeDebug = function(buf) { return this.$val.writeDebug(buf); }; + http2FrameHeader.ptr.prototype.checkValid = function() { + var h; + h = this; + if (!h.valid) { + $panic(new $String("Frame accessor called on non-owned Frame")); + } + }; + http2FrameHeader.prototype.checkValid = function() { return this.$val.checkValid(); }; + http2FrameHeader.ptr.prototype.invalidate = function() { + var h; + h = this; + h.valid = false; + }; + http2FrameHeader.prototype.invalidate = function() { return this.$val.invalidate(); }; + http2readFrameHeader = function(buf, r) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, buf, err, r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {buf, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = io.ReadFull(r, $subslice(buf, 0, 9)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0), err]; + } + $s = -1; return [new http2FrameHeader.ptr(true, (((3 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 3]) << 24 >>> 24)), (((4 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 4]) << 24 >>> 24)), ((((((((0 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]) >>> 0)) << 16 >>> 0) | ((((1 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 1]) >>> 0)) << 8 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | (((2 >= buf.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 2]) >>> 0))) >>> 0), ($clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(buf, 5)) & 2147483647) >>> 0), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2readFrameHeader, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, buf, err, r, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderListSize = function() { + var fr; + fr = this; + if (fr.MaxHeaderListSize === 0) { + return 16777216; + } + return fr.MaxHeaderListSize; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.maxHeaderListSize = function() { return this.$val.maxHeaderListSize(); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.startWrite = function(ftype, flags, streamID) { + var f, flags, ftype, streamID; + f = this; + f.wbuf = $append($subslice(f.wbuf, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0, ((ftype << 24 >>> 24)), ((flags << 24 >>> 24)), (((streamID >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((streamID >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((streamID >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((streamID << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + http2Framer.prototype.startWrite = function(ftype, flags, streamID) { return this.$val.startWrite(ftype, flags, streamID); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.endWrite = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, f, length, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + length = f.wbuf.$length - 9 >> 0; + if (length >= 16777216) { + $s = -1; return http2ErrFrameTooLarge; + } + $unused($append($subslice(f.wbuf, 0, 0), (((length >> 16 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((length >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((length << 24 >>> 24)))); + /* */ if (f.logWrites) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (f.logWrites) { */ case 1: + $r = f.logWrite(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = f.w.Write(f.wbuf); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil) && !((n === f.wbuf.$length))) { + err = io.ErrShortWrite; + } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.endWrite, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, f, length, n, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.endWrite = function() { return this.$val.endWrite(); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.logWrite = function() { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, err, f, fr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (f.debugFramer === ptrType$72.nil) { + f.debugFramerBuf = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, 0, 0); + f.debugFramer = http2NewFramer($ifaceNil, f.debugFramerBuf); + f.debugFramer.logReads = false; + f.debugFramer.AllowIllegalReads = true; + } + _r$1 = f.debugFramerBuf.Write(f.wbuf); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = f.debugFramer.ReadFrame(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + fr = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + $r = f.debugWriteLoggerf("http2: Framer %p: failed to decode just-written frame", new sliceType([f])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 4: + _arg = f; + _r$3 = http2summarizeFrame(fr); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new $String(_r$3); + $r = f.debugWriteLoggerf("http2: Framer %p: wrote %v", new sliceType([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.logWrite, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, err, f, fr, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.logWrite = function() { return this.$val.logWrite(); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.writeByte = function(v) { + var f, v; + f = this; + f.wbuf = $append(f.wbuf, v); + }; + http2Framer.prototype.writeByte = function(v) { return this.$val.writeByte(v); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.writeBytes = function(v) { + var f, v; + f = this; + f.wbuf = $appendSlice(f.wbuf, v); + }; + http2Framer.prototype.writeBytes = function(v) { return this.$val.writeBytes(v); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.writeUint16 = function(v) { + var f, v; + f = this; + f.wbuf = $append(f.wbuf, (((v >>> 8 << 16 >>> 16) << 24 >>> 24)), ((v << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + http2Framer.prototype.writeUint16 = function(v) { return this.$val.writeUint16(v); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.writeUint32 = function(v) { + var f, v; + f = this; + f.wbuf = $append(f.wbuf, (((v >>> 24 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((v >>> 16 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), (((v >>> 8 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)), ((v << 24 >>> 24))); + }; + http2Framer.prototype.writeUint32 = function(v) { return this.$val.writeUint32(v); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.SetReuseFrames = function() { + var fr; + fr = this; + if (!(fr.frameCache === ptrType$73.nil)) { + return; + } + fr.frameCache = new http2frameCache.ptr(new http2DataFrame.ptr(new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0), sliceType$3.nil)); + }; + http2Framer.prototype.SetReuseFrames = function() { return this.$val.SetReuseFrames(); }; + http2frameCache.ptr.prototype.getDataFrame = function() { + var fc; + fc = this; + if (fc === ptrType$73.nil) { + return new http2DataFrame.ptr(new http2FrameHeader.ptr(false, 0, 0, 0, 0), sliceType$3.nil); + } + return fc.dataFrame; + }; + http2frameCache.prototype.getDataFrame = function() { return this.$val.getDataFrame(); }; + http2NewFramer = function(w, r) { + var fr, r, w; + fr = new http2Framer.ptr(r, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, (function(param) { + var param; + }), 0, 0, arrayType$7.zero(), $throwNilPointerError, sliceType$3.nil, 0, w, sliceType$3.nil, false, false, ptrType$74.nil, 0, http2logFrameReads, http2logFrameWrites, ptrType$72.nil, ptrType$40.nil, log.Printf, log.Printf, ptrType$73.nil); + fr.getReadBuf = (function(size) { + var size; + if (fr.readBuf.$capacity >= ((size >> 0))) { + return $subslice(fr.readBuf, 0, size); + } + fr.readBuf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, size); + return fr.readBuf; + }); + fr.SetMaxReadFrameSize(16777215); + return fr; + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.SetMaxReadFrameSize = function(v) { + var fr, v; + fr = this; + if (v > 16777215) { + v = 16777215; + } + fr.maxReadSize = v; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.SetMaxReadFrameSize = function(v) { return this.$val.SetMaxReadFrameSize(v); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.ErrorDetail = function() { + var fr; + fr = this; + return fr.errDetail; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.ErrorDetail = function() { return this.$val.ErrorDetail(); }; + http2terminalReadFrameError = function(err) { + var _tuple, err, ok; + _tuple = $assertType(err, http2StreamError, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return false; + } + return !($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)); + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.ReadFrame = function() { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _returncast, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, ce, err, err$1, err$2, f, fh, fr, ok, payload, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fr = this; + fr.errDetail = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fr.lastFrame, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(fr.lastFrame, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + $r = fr.lastFrame.invalidate(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = http2readFrameHeader(new sliceType$3(fr.headerBuf), fr.r); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + fh = $clone(_tuple[0], http2FrameHeader); + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + if (fh.Length > fr.maxReadSize) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, http2ErrFrameTooLarge]; + } + _r$2 = fr.getReadBuf(fh.Length); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + payload = _r$2; + _r$3 = io.ReadFull(fr.r, payload); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err$1]; + } + _r$4 = http2typeFrameParser(fh.Type)(fr.frameCache, $clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), fr.countError, payload); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$4; + f = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + _tuple$3 = $assertType(err, http2connError, true); + ce = $clone(_tuple$3[0], http2connError); + ok = _tuple$3[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, fr.connError(ce.Code, ce.Reason)]; + } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + _r$5 = fr.checkFrameOrder(f); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$5; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err$2]; + } + /* */ if (fr.logReads) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (fr.logReads) { */ case 9: + _arg = fr; + _r$6 = http2summarizeFrame(f); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = new $String(_r$6); + $r = fr.debugReadLoggerf("http2: Framer %p: read %v", new sliceType([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if ((fh.Type === 1) && !(fr.ReadMetaHeaders === ptrType$74.nil)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ((fh.Type === 1) && !(fr.ReadMetaHeaders === ptrType$74.nil)) { */ case 13: + _r$7 = fr.readMetaFrame($assertType(f, ptrType$75)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _returncast = _r$7; + $24r = [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* } */ case 14: + $s = -1; return [f, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.ReadFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _returncast, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, ce, err, err$1, err$2, f, fh, fr, ok, payload, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.ReadFrame = function() { return this.$val.ReadFrame(); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.connError = function(code, reason) { + var code, fr, reason; + fr = this; + fr.errDetail = errors.New(reason); + return new http2ConnectionError(((code >>> 0))); + }; + http2Framer.prototype.connError = function(code, reason) { return this.$val.connError(code, reason); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.checkFrameOrder = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, f, fh, fr, last, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + fr = this; + last = fr.lastFrame; + fr.lastFrame = f; + if (fr.AllowIllegalReads) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$1 = f.Header(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fh = $clone(_r$1, http2FrameHeader); + /* */ if (!((fr.lastHeaderStream === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (fh.Type === 9) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((fr.lastHeaderStream === 0))) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (!((fh.Type === 9))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!((fh.Type === 9))) { */ case 5: + _arg = new http2FrameType(fh.Type); + _arg$1 = new $Uint32(fh.StreamID); + _r$2 = last.Header(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new http2FrameType(_r$2.Type); + _arg$3 = new $Uint32(fr.lastHeaderStream); + _r$3 = fmt.Sprintf("got %s for stream %d; expected CONTINUATION following %s for stream %d", new sliceType([_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$3; + _r$4 = fr.connError(1, _arg$4); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (!((fh.StreamID === fr.lastHeaderStream))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!((fh.StreamID === fr.lastHeaderStream))) { */ case 11: + _r$5 = fmt.Sprintf("got CONTINUATION for stream %d; expected stream %d", new sliceType([new $Uint32(fh.StreamID), new $Uint32(fr.lastHeaderStream)])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$5 = _r$5; + _r$6 = fr.connError(1, _arg$5); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$6; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 12: + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (fh.Type === 9) { */ case 3: + _r$7 = fmt.Sprintf("unexpected CONTINUATION for stream %d", new sliceType([new $Uint32(fh.StreamID)])); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = _r$7; + _r$8 = fr.connError(1, _arg$6); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$8; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 4: + _1 = fh.Type; + if ((_1 === (1)) || (_1 === (9))) { + if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(4)) { + fr.lastHeaderStream = 0; + } else { + fr.lastHeaderStream = fh.StreamID; + } + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.checkFrameOrder, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, f, fh, fr, last, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.checkFrameOrder = function(f) { return this.$val.checkFrameOrder(f); }; + http2DataFrame.ptr.prototype.StreamEnded = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return new http2Flags(f.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(1); + }; + http2DataFrame.prototype.StreamEnded = function() { return this.$val.StreamEnded(); }; + http2DataFrame.ptr.prototype.Data = function() { + var f; + f = this; + f.http2FrameHeader.checkValid(); + return f.data; + }; + http2DataFrame.prototype.Data = function() { return this.$val.Data(); }; + http2parseDataFrame = function(fc, fh, countError, payload) { + var {_tuple, countError, err, f, fc, fh, padSize, payload, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fc, fh, countError, payload}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (fh.StreamID === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (fh.StreamID === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = countError("frame_data_stream_0"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, (x$5 = new http2connError.ptr(1, "DATA frame with stream ID 0"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))]; + /* } */ case 2: + f = fc.getDataFrame(); + http2FrameHeader.copy(f.http2FrameHeader, fh); + padSize = 0; + /* */ if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(8)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(8)) { */ case 4: + err = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = http2readByte(payload); + payload = _tuple[0]; + padSize = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + $r = countError("frame_data_pad_byte_short"); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (((padSize >> 0)) > payload.$length) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (((padSize >> 0)) > payload.$length) { */ case 9: + $r = countError("frame_data_pad_too_big"); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, (x$6 = new http2connError.ptr(1, "pad size larger than data payload"), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))]; + /* } */ case 10: + f.data = $subslice(payload, 0, (payload.$length - ((padSize >> 0)) >> 0)); + $s = -1; return [f, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2parseDataFrame, $c: true, $r, _tuple, countError, err, f, fc, fh, padSize, payload, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2validStreamIDOrZero = function(streamID) { + var streamID; + return ((streamID & 2147483648) >>> 0) === 0; + }; + http2validStreamID = function(streamID) { + var streamID; + return !((streamID === 0)) && (((streamID & 2147483648) >>> 0) === 0); + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteData = function(streamID, endStream, data) { + var {$24r, _r$1, data, endStream, f, streamID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID, endStream, data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + _r$1 = f.WriteDataPadded(streamID, endStream, data, sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteData, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, data, endStream, f, streamID, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WriteData = function(streamID, endStream, data) { return this.$val.WriteData(streamID, endStream, data); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteDataPadded = function(streamID, endStream, data, pad) { + var {$24r, _i, _r$1, _ref, b, data, endStream, f, flags, pad, streamID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID, endStream, data, pad}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (!http2validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites) { + $s = -1; return http2errStreamID; + } + if (pad.$length > 0) { + if (pad.$length > 255) { + $s = -1; return http2errPadLength; + } + if (!f.AllowIllegalWrites) { + _ref = pad; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (!((b === 0))) { + $s = -1; return http2errPadBytes; + } + _i++; + } + } + } + flags = 0; + if (endStream) { + flags = (flags | (1)) >>> 0; + } + if (!(pad === sliceType$3.nil)) { + flags = (flags | (8)) >>> 0; + } + f.startWrite(0, flags, streamID); + if (!(pad === sliceType$3.nil)) { + f.wbuf = $append(f.wbuf, ((pad.$length << 24 >>> 24))); + } + f.wbuf = $appendSlice(f.wbuf, data); + f.wbuf = $appendSlice(f.wbuf, pad); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteDataPadded, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r$1, _ref, b, data, endStream, f, flags, pad, streamID, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WriteDataPadded = function(streamID, endStream, data, pad) { return this.$val.WriteDataPadded(streamID, endStream, data, pad); }; + http2parseSettingsFrame = function(param, fh, countError, p) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, countError, f, fh, ok, p, param, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param, fh, countError, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(1) && fh.Length > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(1) && fh.Length > 0) { */ case 1: + $r = countError("frame_settings_ack_with_length"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(6)]; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!((fh.StreamID === 0))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((fh.StreamID === 0))) { */ case 4: + $r = countError("frame_settings_has_stream"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(1)]; + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (!(((_r$1 = p.$length % 6, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(((_r$1 = p.$length % 6, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) { */ case 7: + $r = countError("frame_settings_mod_6"); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(6)]; + /* } */ case 8: + f = new http2SettingsFrame.ptr($clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), p); + _tuple = f.Value(4); + v = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok && v > 2147483647) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (ok && v > 2147483647) { */ case 10: + $r = countError("frame_settings_window_size_too_big"); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(3)]; + /* } */ case 11: + $s = -1; return [f, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2parseSettingsFrame, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, countError, f, fh, ok, p, param, v, $s};return $f; + }; + http2SettingsFrame.ptr.prototype.IsAck = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return new http2Flags(f.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(1); + }; + http2SettingsFrame.prototype.IsAck = function() { return this.$val.IsAck(); }; + http2SettingsFrame.ptr.prototype.Value = function(id) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, f, i, id, ok, s, v; + v = 0; + ok = false; + f = this; + f.http2FrameHeader.checkValid(); + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < f.NumSettings())) { break; } + s = $clone(f.Setting(i), http2Setting); + if (s.ID === id) { + _tmp = s.Val; + _tmp$1 = true; + v = _tmp; + ok = _tmp$1; + return [v, ok]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = false; + v = _tmp$2; + ok = _tmp$3; + return [v, ok]; + }; + http2SettingsFrame.prototype.Value = function(id) { return this.$val.Value(id); }; + http2SettingsFrame.ptr.prototype.Setting = function(i) { + var buf, f, i; + f = this; + buf = f.p; + return new http2Setting.ptr((($clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint16($subslice(buf, ($imul(i, 6)), (($imul(i, 6)) + 2 >> 0))) << 16 >>> 16)), $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(buf, (($imul(i, 6)) + 2 >> 0), (($imul(i, 6)) + 6 >> 0)))); + }; + http2SettingsFrame.prototype.Setting = function(i) { return this.$val.Setting(i); }; + http2SettingsFrame.ptr.prototype.NumSettings = function() { + var _q, f; + f = this; + return (_q = f.p.$length / 6, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")); + }; + http2SettingsFrame.prototype.NumSettings = function() { return this.$val.NumSettings(); }; + http2SettingsFrame.ptr.prototype.HasDuplicates = function() { + var _entry, _key, f, i, i$1, id, idi, idj, j, num, seen; + f = this; + num = f.NumSettings(); + if (num === 0) { + return false; + } + if (num < 10) { + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < num)) { break; } + idi = f.Setting(i).ID; + j = i + 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(j < num)) { break; } + idj = f.Setting(j).ID; + if (idi === idj) { + return true; + } + j = j + (1) >> 0; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + } + seen = $makeMap(http2SettingID.keyFor, []); + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < num)) { break; } + id = f.Setting(i$1).ID; + if ((_entry = seen[http2SettingID.keyFor(id)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false)) { + return true; + } + _key = id; (seen || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[http2SettingID.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: true }; + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + return false; + }; + http2SettingsFrame.prototype.HasDuplicates = function() { return this.$val.HasDuplicates(); }; + http2SettingsFrame.ptr.prototype.ForeachSetting = function(fn) { + var {_r$1, err, f, fn, i, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + f.http2FrameHeader.checkValid(); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < f.NumSettings())) { break; } */ if(!(i < f.NumSettings())) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$1 = fn($clone(f.Setting(i), http2Setting)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2SettingsFrame.ptr.prototype.ForeachSetting, $c: true, $r, _r$1, err, f, fn, i, $s};return $f; + }; + http2SettingsFrame.prototype.ForeachSetting = function(fn) { return this.$val.ForeachSetting(fn); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteSettings = function(settings) { + var {$24r, _i, _r$1, _ref, f, s, settings, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {settings}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + f.startWrite(4, 0, 0); + _ref = settings; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + s = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), http2Setting); + f.writeUint16(((s.ID << 16 >>> 16))); + f.writeUint32(s.Val); + _i++; + } + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteSettings, $c: true, $r, $24r, _i, _r$1, _ref, f, s, settings, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WriteSettings = function(settings) { return this.$val.WriteSettings(settings); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteSettingsAck = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + f.startWrite(4, 1, 0); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteSettingsAck, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, f, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WriteSettingsAck = function() { return this.$val.WriteSettingsAck(); }; + http2PingFrame.ptr.prototype.IsAck = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return new http2Flags(f.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(1); + }; + http2PingFrame.prototype.IsAck = function() { return this.$val.IsAck(); }; + http2parsePingFrame = function(param, fh, countError, payload) { + var {countError, f, fh, param, payload, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param, fh, countError, payload}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!((payload.$length === 8))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((payload.$length === 8))) { */ case 1: + $r = countError("frame_ping_length"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(6)]; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!((fh.StreamID === 0))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((fh.StreamID === 0))) { */ case 4: + $r = countError("frame_ping_has_stream"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(1)]; + /* } */ case 5: + f = new http2PingFrame.ptr($clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), arrayType$8.zero()); + $copySlice(new sliceType$3(f.Data), payload); + $s = -1; return [f, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2parsePingFrame, $c: true, $r, countError, f, fh, param, payload, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WritePing = function(ack, data) { + var {$24r, _r$1, ack, data, f, flags, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ack, data}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + flags = 0; + if (ack) { + flags = 1; + } + f.startWrite(6, flags, 0); + f.writeBytes(new sliceType$3(data)); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WritePing, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, ack, data, f, flags, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WritePing = function(ack, data) { return this.$val.WritePing(ack, data); }; + http2GoAwayFrame.ptr.prototype.DebugData = function() { + var f; + f = this; + f.http2FrameHeader.checkValid(); + return f.debugData; + }; + http2GoAwayFrame.prototype.DebugData = function() { return this.$val.DebugData(); }; + http2parseGoAwayFrame = function(param, fh, countError, p) { + var {countError, fh, p, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param, fh, countError, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!((fh.StreamID === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((fh.StreamID === 0))) { */ case 1: + $r = countError("frame_goaway_has_stream"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(1)]; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (p.$length < 8) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (p.$length < 8) { */ case 4: + $r = countError("frame_goaway_short"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(6)]; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [new http2GoAwayFrame.ptr($clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), ($clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(p, 0, 4)) & 2147483647) >>> 0, (($clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(p, 4, 8)) >>> 0)), $subslice(p, 8)), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2parseGoAwayFrame, $c: true, $r, countError, fh, p, param, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteGoAway = function(maxStreamID, code, debugData) { + var {$24r, _r$1, code, debugData, f, maxStreamID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {maxStreamID, code, debugData}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + f.startWrite(7, 0, 0); + f.writeUint32((maxStreamID & 2147483647) >>> 0); + f.writeUint32(((code >>> 0))); + f.writeBytes(debugData); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteGoAway, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, code, debugData, f, maxStreamID, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WriteGoAway = function(maxStreamID, code, debugData) { return this.$val.WriteGoAway(maxStreamID, code, debugData); }; + http2UnknownFrame.ptr.prototype.Payload = function() { + var f; + f = this; + f.http2FrameHeader.checkValid(); + return f.p; + }; + http2UnknownFrame.prototype.Payload = function() { return this.$val.Payload(); }; + http2parseUnknownFrame = function(param, fh, countError, p) { + var countError, fh, p, param; + return [new http2UnknownFrame.ptr($clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), p), $ifaceNil]; + }; + http2parseWindowUpdateFrame = function(param, fh, countError, p) { + var {countError, fh, inc, p, param, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param, fh, countError, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!((p.$length === 4))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((p.$length === 4))) { */ case 1: + $r = countError("frame_windowupdate_bad_len"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(6)]; + /* } */ case 2: + inc = ($clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(p, 0, 4)) & 2147483647) >>> 0; + /* */ if (inc === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (inc === 0) { */ case 4: + /* */ if (fh.StreamID === 0) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (fh.StreamID === 0) { */ case 6: + $r = countError("frame_windowupdate_zero_inc_conn"); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(1)]; + /* } */ case 7: + $r = countError("frame_windowupdate_zero_inc_stream"); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, (x$5 = http2streamError(fh.StreamID, 1), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))]; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [new http2WindowUpdateFrame.ptr($clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), inc), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2parseWindowUpdateFrame, $c: true, $r, countError, fh, inc, p, param, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteWindowUpdate = function(streamID, incr) { + var {$24r, _r$1, f, incr, streamID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID, incr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if ((incr < 1 || incr > 2147483647) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("illegal window increment value"); + } + f.startWrite(8, 0, streamID); + f.writeUint32(incr); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteWindowUpdate, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, f, incr, streamID, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WriteWindowUpdate = function(streamID, incr) { return this.$val.WriteWindowUpdate(streamID, incr); }; + http2HeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment = function() { + var f; + f = this; + f.http2FrameHeader.checkValid(); + return f.headerFragBuf; + }; + http2HeadersFrame.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment = function() { return this.$val.HeaderBlockFragment(); }; + http2HeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.HeadersEnded = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return new http2Flags(f.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(4); + }; + http2HeadersFrame.prototype.HeadersEnded = function() { return this.$val.HeadersEnded(); }; + http2HeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.StreamEnded = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return new http2Flags(f.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(1); + }; + http2HeadersFrame.prototype.StreamEnded = function() { return this.$val.StreamEnded(); }; + http2HeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.HasPriority = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return new http2Flags(f.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(32); + }; + http2HeadersFrame.prototype.HasPriority = function() { return this.$val.HasPriority(); }; + http2parseHeadersFrame = function(param, fh, countError, p) { + var {_, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, countError, err, fh, hf, p, padLength, param, v, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param, fh, countError, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + hf = new http2HeadersFrame.ptr($clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), new http2PriorityParam.ptr(0, false, 0), sliceType$3.nil); + /* */ if (fh.StreamID === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (fh.StreamID === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = countError("frame_headers_zero_stream"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = (x$5 = new http2connError.ptr(1, "HEADERS frame with stream ID 0"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + _ = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* } */ case 2: + padLength = 0; + /* */ if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(8)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(8)) { */ case 4: + _tuple = http2readByte(p); + p = _tuple[0]; + padLength = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + $r = countError("frame_headers_pad_short"); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(32)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(32)) { */ case 9: + v = 0; + _tuple$1 = http2readUint32(p); + p = _tuple$1[0]; + v = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 11: + $r = countError("frame_headers_prio_short"); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$3 = err; + _ = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* } */ case 12: + hf.Priority.StreamDep = (v & 2147483647) >>> 0; + hf.Priority.Exclusive = !((v === hf.Priority.StreamDep)); + _tuple$2 = http2readByte(p); + p = _tuple$2[0]; + hf.Priority.Weight = _tuple$2[1]; + err = _tuple$2[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + $r = countError("frame_headers_prio_weight_short"); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$4 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$5 = err; + _ = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* } */ case 15: + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if ((p.$length - ((padLength >> 0)) >> 0) < 0) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if ((p.$length - ((padLength >> 0)) >> 0) < 0) { */ case 17: + $r = countError("frame_headers_pad_too_big"); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$6 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$7 = (x$6 = http2streamError(fh.StreamID, 1), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + _ = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* } */ case 18: + hf.headerFragBuf = $subslice(p, 0, (p.$length - ((padLength >> 0)) >> 0)); + _tmp$8 = hf; + _tmp$9 = $ifaceNil; + _ = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2parseHeadersFrame, $c: true, $r, _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, countError, err, fh, hf, p, padLength, param, v, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteHeaders = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, f, flags, p, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (!http2validStreamID(p.StreamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites) { + $s = -1; return http2errStreamID; + } + flags = 0; + if (!((p.PadLength === 0))) { + flags = (flags | (8)) >>> 0; + } + if (p.EndStream) { + flags = (flags | (1)) >>> 0; + } + if (p.EndHeaders) { + flags = (flags | (4)) >>> 0; + } + if (!$clone(p.Priority, http2PriorityParam).IsZero()) { + flags = (flags | (32)) >>> 0; + } + f.startWrite(1, flags, p.StreamID); + if (!((p.PadLength === 0))) { + f.writeByte(p.PadLength); + } + if (!$clone(p.Priority, http2PriorityParam).IsZero()) { + v = p.Priority.StreamDep; + if (!http2validStreamIDOrZero(v) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites) { + $s = -1; return http2errDepStreamID; + } + if (p.Priority.Exclusive) { + v = (v | (2147483648)) >>> 0; + } + f.writeUint32(v); + f.writeByte(p.Priority.Weight); + } + f.wbuf = $appendSlice(f.wbuf, p.BlockFragment); + f.wbuf = $appendSlice(f.wbuf, $subslice(http2padZeros, 0, p.PadLength)); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteHeaders, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, f, flags, p, v, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WriteHeaders = function(p) { return this.$val.WriteHeaders(p); }; + http2PriorityParam.ptr.prototype.IsZero = function() { + var p; + p = this; + return $equal(p, new http2PriorityParam.ptr(0, false, 0), http2PriorityParam); + }; + http2PriorityParam.prototype.IsZero = function() { return this.$val.IsZero(); }; + http2parsePriorityFrame = function(param, fh, countError, payload) { + var {$24r, _r$1, countError, fh, param, payload, streamID, v, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param, fh, countError, payload}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (fh.StreamID === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (fh.StreamID === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = countError("frame_priority_zero_stream"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, (x$5 = new http2connError.ptr(1, "PRIORITY frame with stream ID 0"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))]; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!((payload.$length === 5))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((payload.$length === 5))) { */ case 4: + $r = countError("frame_priority_bad_length"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("PRIORITY frame payload size was %d; want 5", new sliceType([new $Int(payload.$length)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [$ifaceNil, (x$6 = new http2connError.ptr(6, _r$1), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + v = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(payload, 0, 4)); + streamID = (v & 2147483647) >>> 0; + $s = -1; return [new http2PriorityFrame.ptr($clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), new http2PriorityParam.ptr(streamID, !((streamID === v)), (4 >= payload.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : payload.$array[payload.$offset + 4]))), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2parsePriorityFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, countError, fh, param, payload, streamID, v, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WritePriority = function(streamID, p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, f, p, streamID, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (!http2validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites) { + $s = -1; return http2errStreamID; + } + if (!http2validStreamIDOrZero(p.StreamDep)) { + $s = -1; return http2errDepStreamID; + } + f.startWrite(2, 0, streamID); + v = p.StreamDep; + if (p.Exclusive) { + v = (v | (2147483648)) >>> 0; + } + f.writeUint32(v); + f.writeByte(p.Weight); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WritePriority, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, f, p, streamID, v, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WritePriority = function(streamID, p) { return this.$val.WritePriority(streamID, p); }; + http2parseRSTStreamFrame = function(param, fh, countError, p) { + var {countError, fh, p, param, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param, fh, countError, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!((p.$length === 4))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((p.$length === 4))) { */ case 1: + $r = countError("frame_rststream_bad_len"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(6)]; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (fh.StreamID === 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (fh.StreamID === 0) { */ case 4: + $r = countError("frame_rststream_zero_stream"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new http2ConnectionError(1)]; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [new http2RSTStreamFrame.ptr($clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), (($clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(p, 0, 4)) >>> 0))), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2parseRSTStreamFrame, $c: true, $r, countError, fh, p, param, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteRSTStream = function(streamID, code) { + var {$24r, _r$1, code, f, streamID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID, code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (!http2validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites) { + $s = -1; return http2errStreamID; + } + f.startWrite(3, 0, streamID); + f.writeUint32(((code >>> 0))); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteRSTStream, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, code, f, streamID, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WriteRSTStream = function(streamID, code) { return this.$val.WriteRSTStream(streamID, code); }; + http2parseContinuationFrame = function(param, fh, countError, p) { + var {countError, fh, p, param, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param, fh, countError, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (fh.StreamID === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (fh.StreamID === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = countError("frame_continuation_zero_stream"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, (x$5 = new http2connError.ptr(1, "CONTINUATION frame with stream ID 0"), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))]; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return [new http2ContinuationFrame.ptr($clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), p), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2parseContinuationFrame, $c: true, $r, countError, fh, p, param, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ContinuationFrame.ptr.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment = function() { + var f; + f = this; + f.http2FrameHeader.checkValid(); + return f.headerFragBuf; + }; + http2ContinuationFrame.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment = function() { return this.$val.HeaderBlockFragment(); }; + http2ContinuationFrame.ptr.prototype.HeadersEnded = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return new http2Flags(f.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(4); + }; + http2ContinuationFrame.prototype.HeadersEnded = function() { return this.$val.HeadersEnded(); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteContinuation = function(streamID, endHeaders, headerBlockFragment) { + var {$24r, _r$1, endHeaders, f, flags, headerBlockFragment, streamID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID, endHeaders, headerBlockFragment}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (!http2validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites) { + $s = -1; return http2errStreamID; + } + flags = 0; + if (endHeaders) { + flags = (flags | (4)) >>> 0; + } + f.startWrite(9, flags, streamID); + f.wbuf = $appendSlice(f.wbuf, headerBlockFragment); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteContinuation, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, endHeaders, f, flags, headerBlockFragment, streamID, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WriteContinuation = function(streamID, endHeaders, headerBlockFragment) { return this.$val.WriteContinuation(streamID, endHeaders, headerBlockFragment); }; + http2PushPromiseFrame.ptr.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment = function() { + var f; + f = this; + f.http2FrameHeader.checkValid(); + return f.headerFragBuf; + }; + http2PushPromiseFrame.prototype.HeaderBlockFragment = function() { return this.$val.HeaderBlockFragment(); }; + http2PushPromiseFrame.ptr.prototype.HeadersEnded = function() { + var f; + f = this; + return new http2Flags(f.http2FrameHeader.Flags).Has(4); + }; + http2PushPromiseFrame.prototype.HeadersEnded = function() { return this.$val.HeadersEnded(); }; + http2parsePushPromise = function(param, fh, countError, p) { + var {_, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, countError, err, fh, p, padLength, param, pp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {param, fh, countError, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ = $ifaceNil; + err = $ifaceNil; + pp = new http2PushPromiseFrame.ptr($clone(fh, http2FrameHeader), 0, sliceType$3.nil); + /* */ if (pp.http2FrameHeader.StreamID === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (pp.http2FrameHeader.StreamID === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = countError("frame_pushpromise_zero_stream"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$1 = new http2ConnectionError(1); + _ = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* } */ case 2: + padLength = 0; + /* */ if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(8)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (new http2Flags(fh.Flags).Has(8)) { */ case 4: + _tuple = http2readByte(p); + p = _tuple[0]; + padLength = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + $r = countError("frame_pushpromise_pad_short"); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 5: + _tuple$1 = http2readUint32(p); + p = _tuple$1[0]; + pp.PromiseID = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + $r = countError("frame_pushpromise_promiseid_short"); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* } */ case 10: + pp.PromiseID = (pp.PromiseID & 2147483647) >>> 0; + /* */ if (((padLength >> 0)) > p.$length) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (((padLength >> 0)) > p.$length) { */ case 12: + $r = countError("frame_pushpromise_pad_too_big"); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$2 = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$3 = new http2ConnectionError(1); + _ = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* } */ case 13: + pp.headerFragBuf = $subslice(p, 0, (p.$length - ((padLength >> 0)) >> 0)); + _tmp$4 = pp; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + _ = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [_, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2parsePushPromise, $c: true, $r, _, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, _tuple$1, countError, err, fh, p, padLength, param, pp, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WritePushPromise = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, f, flags, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + if (!http2validStreamID(p.StreamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites) { + $s = -1; return http2errStreamID; + } + flags = 0; + if (!((p.PadLength === 0))) { + flags = (flags | (8)) >>> 0; + } + if (p.EndHeaders) { + flags = (flags | (4)) >>> 0; + } + f.startWrite(5, flags, p.StreamID); + if (!((p.PadLength === 0))) { + f.writeByte(p.PadLength); + } + if (!http2validStreamID(p.PromiseID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites) { + $s = -1; return http2errStreamID; + } + f.writeUint32(p.PromiseID); + f.wbuf = $appendSlice(f.wbuf, p.BlockFragment); + f.wbuf = $appendSlice(f.wbuf, $subslice(http2padZeros, 0, p.PadLength)); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WritePushPromise, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, f, flags, p, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WritePushPromise = function(p) { return this.$val.WritePushPromise(p); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteRawFrame = function(t, flags, streamID, payload) { + var {$24r, _r$1, f, flags, payload, streamID, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, flags, streamID, payload}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this; + f.startWrite(t, flags, streamID); + f.writeBytes(payload); + _r$1 = f.endWrite(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.WriteRawFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, f, flags, payload, streamID, t, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.WriteRawFrame = function(t, flags, streamID, payload) { return this.$val.WriteRawFrame(t, flags, streamID, payload); }; + http2readByte = function(p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, err, p, remain; + remain = sliceType$3.nil; + b = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (p.$length === 0) { + _tmp = sliceType$3.nil; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + remain = _tmp; + b = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [remain, b, err]; + } + _tmp$3 = $subslice(p, 1); + _tmp$4 = (0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + remain = _tmp$3; + b = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [remain, b, err]; + }; + http2readUint32 = function(p) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, err, p, remain, v; + remain = sliceType$3.nil; + v = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + if (p.$length < 4) { + _tmp = sliceType$3.nil; + _tmp$1 = 0; + _tmp$2 = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + remain = _tmp; + v = _tmp$1; + err = _tmp$2; + return [remain, v, err]; + } + _tmp$3 = $subslice(p, 4); + _tmp$4 = $clone(binary.BigEndian, binary.bigEndian).Uint32($subslice(p, 0, 4)); + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + remain = _tmp$3; + v = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + return [remain, v, err]; + }; + http2MetaHeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.PseudoValue = function(pseudo) { + var _i, _ref, hf, mh, pseudo; + mh = this; + _ref = mh.Fields; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + hf = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), hpack.HeaderField); + if (!$clone(hf, hpack.HeaderField).IsPseudo()) { + return ""; + } + if ($substring(hf.Name, 1) === pseudo) { + return hf.Value; + } + _i++; + } + return ""; + }; + http2MetaHeadersFrame.prototype.PseudoValue = function(pseudo) { return this.$val.PseudoValue(pseudo); }; + http2MetaHeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.RegularFields = function() { + var _i, _ref, hf, i, mh; + mh = this; + _ref = mh.Fields; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + hf = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), hpack.HeaderField); + if (!$clone(hf, hpack.HeaderField).IsPseudo()) { + return $subslice(mh.Fields, i); + } + _i++; + } + return sliceType$22.nil; + }; + http2MetaHeadersFrame.prototype.RegularFields = function() { return this.$val.RegularFields(); }; + http2MetaHeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.PseudoFields = function() { + var _i, _ref, hf, i, mh; + mh = this; + _ref = mh.Fields; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + hf = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), hpack.HeaderField); + if (!$clone(hf, hpack.HeaderField).IsPseudo()) { + return $subslice(mh.Fields, 0, i); + } + _i++; + } + return mh.Fields; + }; + http2MetaHeadersFrame.prototype.PseudoFields = function() { return this.$val.PseudoFields(); }; + http2MetaHeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.checkPseudos = function() { + var _1, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, hf, hf2, i, isRequest, isResponse, mh, pf; + mh = this; + _tmp = false; + _tmp$1 = false; + isRequest = _tmp; + isResponse = _tmp$1; + pf = mh.PseudoFields(); + _ref = pf; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + hf = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), hpack.HeaderField); + _1 = hf.Name; + if (_1 === (":method") || _1 === (":path") || _1 === (":scheme") || _1 === (":authority")) { + isRequest = true; + } else if (_1 === (":status")) { + isResponse = true; + } else { + return new http2pseudoHeaderError((hf.Name)); + } + _ref$1 = $subslice(pf, 0, i); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + hf2 = $clone(((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]), hpack.HeaderField); + if (hf.Name === hf2.Name) { + return new http2duplicatePseudoHeaderError((hf.Name)); + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + if (isRequest && isResponse) { + return http2errMixPseudoHeaderTypes; + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + http2MetaHeadersFrame.prototype.checkPseudos = function() { return this.$val.checkPseudos(); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderStringLen = function() { + var fr, v; + fr = this; + v = fr.maxHeaderListSize(); + if (((((v >> 0)) >>> 0)) === v) { + return ((v >> 0)); + } + return 0; + }; + http2Framer.prototype.maxHeaderStringLen = function() { return this.$val.maxHeaderStringLen(); }; + http2Framer.ptr.prototype.readMetaFrame = function(hf) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, f, fr, frag, hc, hdec, hf, invalid, mh, remainSize, sawRegular, x$5, x$6, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + fr = [fr]; + hdec = [hdec]; + invalid = [invalid]; + mh = [mh]; + remainSize = [remainSize]; + sawRegular = [sawRegular]; + fr[0] = this; + /* */ if (fr[0].AllowIllegalReads) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (fr[0].AllowIllegalReads) { */ case 1: + $24r = [ptrType$76.nil, errors.New("illegal use of AllowIllegalReads with ReadMetaHeaders")]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + mh[0] = new http2MetaHeadersFrame.ptr(hf, sliceType$22.nil, false); + remainSize[0] = fr[0].maxHeaderListSize(); + sawRegular[0] = false; + invalid[0] = $ifaceNil; + hdec[0] = fr[0].ReadMetaHeaders; + hdec[0].SetEmitEnabled(true); + hdec[0].SetMaxStringLength(fr[0].maxHeaderStringLen()); + hdec[0].SetEmitFunc((function(fr, hdec, invalid, mh, remainSize, sawRegular) { return function $b(hf$1) { + var {hf$1, isPseudo, size, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hf$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs && fr[0].logReads) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs && fr[0].logReads) { */ case 1: + $r = fr[0].debugReadLoggerf("http2: decoded hpack field %+v", new sliceType([new hf$1.constructor.elem(hf$1)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(hf$1.Value)) { + invalid[0] = new http2headerFieldValueError((hf$1.Value)); + } + isPseudo = strings.HasPrefix(hf$1.Name, ":"); + if (isPseudo) { + if (sawRegular[0]) { + invalid[0] = http2errPseudoAfterRegular; + } + } else { + sawRegular[0] = true; + if (!http2validWireHeaderFieldName(hf$1.Name)) { + invalid[0] = new http2headerFieldNameError((hf$1.Name)); + } + } + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(invalid[0], $ifaceNil))) { + hdec[0].SetEmitEnabled(false); + $s = -1; return; + } + size = $clone(hf$1, hpack.HeaderField).Size(); + if (size > remainSize[0]) { + hdec[0].SetEmitEnabled(false); + mh[0].Truncated = true; + $s = -1; return; + } + remainSize[0] = remainSize[0] - (size) >>> 0; + mh[0].Fields = $append(mh[0].Fields, hf$1); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, hf$1, isPseudo, size, $s};return $f; + }; })(fr, hdec, invalid, mh, remainSize, sawRegular)); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(hdec[0], "SetEmitFunc"), [(function(fr, hdec, invalid, mh, remainSize, sawRegular) { return function(hf$1) { + var hf$1; + }; })(fr, hdec, invalid, mh, remainSize, sawRegular)]]); + hc = hf; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = hc.HeaderBlockFragment(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + frag = _r$1; + _r$2 = hdec[0].Write(frag); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + $24r$1 = [ptrType$76.nil, new http2ConnectionError(9)]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$3 = hc.HeadersEnded(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 11: + /* break; */ $s = 5; continue; + /* } */ case 12: + _r$4 = fr[0].ReadFrame(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + f = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 15: + $24r$2 = [ptrType$76.nil, err$1]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } else { */ case 16: + hc = $assertType(f, ptrType$77); + /* } */ case 17: + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + mh[0].http2HeadersFrame.headerFragBuf = sliceType$3.nil; + mh[0].http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.invalidate(); + err$2 = hdec[0].Close(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 19: + $24r$3 = [ptrType$76.nil, new http2ConnectionError(9)]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 20: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(invalid[0], $ifaceNil))) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(invalid[0], $ifaceNil))) { */ case 22: + fr[0].errDetail = invalid[0]; + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 24: + $r = log.Printf("http2: invalid header: %v", new sliceType([invalid[0]])); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 25: + $24r$4 = [ptrType$76.nil, (x$5 = new http2StreamError.ptr(mh[0].http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 1, invalid[0]), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))]; + $s = 27; case 27: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 23: + err$3 = mh[0].checkPseudos(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$3, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 28: + fr[0].errDetail = err$3; + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 30: + $r = log.Printf("http2: invalid pseudo headers: %v", new sliceType([err$3])); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 31: + $24r$5 = [ptrType$76.nil, (x$6 = new http2StreamError.ptr(mh[0].http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 1, err$3), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))]; + $s = 33; case 33: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 29: + $24r$6 = [mh[0], $ifaceNil]; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$6; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [ptrType$76.nil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2Framer.ptr.prototype.readMetaFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, err$2, err$3, f, fr, frag, hc, hdec, hf, invalid, mh, remainSize, sawRegular, x$5, x$6, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2Framer.prototype.readMetaFrame = function(hf) { return this.$val.readMetaFrame(hf); }; + http2summarizeFrame = function(f) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, buf, data, f, f$1, f$2, f$3, f$4, f$5, f$6, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + buf = [buf]; + n = [n]; + buf[0] = new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, 0, 0); + _r$1 = f.Header(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(_r$1, http2FrameHeader).writeDebug(buf[0]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = f; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$78, true)[1]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$79, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$80, true)[1]) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$81, true)[1]) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$82, true)[1]) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$83, true)[1]) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$78, true)[1]) { */ case 3: + f$1 = _ref.$val; + n[0] = 0; + _r$2 = f$1.ForeachSetting((function(buf, n) { return function $b(s) { + var {_r$2, _r$3, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n[0] = n[0] + (1) >> 0; + /* */ if (n[0] === 1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (n[0] === 1) { */ case 1: + _r$2 = buf[0].WriteString(", settings:"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = fmt.Fprintf(buf[0], " %v=%v,", new sliceType([new http2SettingID(s.ID), new $Uint32(s.Val)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _r$3, s, $s};return $f; + }; })(buf, n)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + if (n[0] > 0) { + buf[0].Truncate(buf[0].Len() - 1 >> 0); + } + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$79, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + f$2 = _ref.$val; + data = f$2.Data(); + if (data.$length > 256) { + data = $subslice(data, 0, 256); + } + _r$3 = fmt.Fprintf(buf[0], " data=%q", new sliceType([data])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* */ if (f$2.Data().$length > 256) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (f$2.Data().$length > 256) { */ case 12: + _r$4 = fmt.Fprintf(buf[0], " (%d bytes omitted)", new sliceType([new $Int((f$2.Data().$length - 256 >> 0))])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 13: + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$80, true)[1]) { */ case 5: + f$3 = _ref.$val; + /* */ if (f$3.http2FrameHeader.StreamID === 0) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (f$3.http2FrameHeader.StreamID === 0) { */ case 15: + _r$5 = buf[0].WriteString(" (conn)"); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 16: + _r$6 = fmt.Fprintf(buf[0], " incr=%v", new sliceType([new $Uint32(f$3.Increment)])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$81, true)[1]) { */ case 6: + f$4 = _ref.$val; + _r$7 = fmt.Fprintf(buf[0], " ping=%q", new sliceType([new sliceType$3(f$4.Data)])); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$82, true)[1]) { */ case 7: + f$5 = _ref.$val; + _r$8 = fmt.Fprintf(buf[0], " LastStreamID=%v ErrCode=%v Debug=%q", new sliceType([new $Uint32(f$5.LastStreamID), new http2ErrCode(f$5.ErrCode), f$5.debugData])); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + $s = 9; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$83, true)[1]) { */ case 8: + f$6 = _ref.$val; + _r$9 = fmt.Fprintf(buf[0], " ErrCode=%v", new sliceType([new http2ErrCode(f$6.ErrCode)])); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = -1; return buf[0].String(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2summarizeFrame, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, buf, data, f, f$1, f$2, f$3, f$4, f$5, f$6, n, $s};return $f; + }; + http2traceHasWroteHeaderField = function(trace) { + var trace; + return !(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError); + }; + http2traceWroteHeaderField = function(trace, k, v) { + var {k, trace, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {trace, k, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaderField === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = trace.WroteHeaderField(k, new sliceType$2([v])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2traceWroteHeaderField, $c: true, $r, k, trace, v, $s};return $f; + }; + http2traceGot1xxResponseFunc = function(trace) { + var trace; + if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil)) { + return trace.Got1xxResponse; + } + return $throwNilPointerError; + }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.dialTLSWithContext = function(ctx, network, addr, cfg) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, addr, cfg, cn, ctx, dialer, err, network, t, tlsCn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, network, addr, cfg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + dialer = new tls.Dialer.ptr(ptrType$84.nil, cfg); + _r$1 = dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + cn = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$30.nil, err]; + } + tlsCn = $assertType(cn, ptrType$30); + $s = -1; return [tlsCn, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.dialTLSWithContext, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, addr, cfg, cn, ctx, dialer, err, network, t, tlsCn, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.dialTLSWithContext = function(ctx, network, addr, cfg) { return this.$val.dialTLSWithContext(ctx, network, addr, cfg); }; + http2newGoroutineLock = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!http2DebugGoroutines) { + $s = -1; return new http2goroutineLock(0, 0); + } + _r$1 = http2curGoroutineID(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ((x$5 = _r$1, new http2goroutineLock(x$5.$high, x$5.$low))); + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2newGoroutineLock, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2goroutineLock.prototype.check = function() { + var {_r$1, g, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + g = this; + if (!http2DebugGoroutines) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$1 = http2curGoroutineID(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((x$5 = _r$1, x$6 = (new $Uint64(g.$high, g.$low)), (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low === x$6.$low)))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = _r$1, x$6 = (new $Uint64(g.$high, g.$low)), (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low === x$6.$low)))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("running on the wrong goroutine")); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2goroutineLock.prototype.check, $c: true, $r, _r$1, g, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2goroutineLock).prototype.check = function() { return this.$get().check(); }; + http2goroutineLock.prototype.checkNotOn = function() { + var {_r$1, g, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + g = this; + if (!http2DebugGoroutines) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$1 = http2curGoroutineID(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((x$5 = _r$1, x$6 = (new $Uint64(g.$high, g.$low)), (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low === x$6.$low))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((x$5 = _r$1, x$6 = (new $Uint64(g.$high, g.$low)), (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low === x$6.$low))) { */ case 1: + $panic(new $String("running on the wrong goroutine")); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2goroutineLock.prototype.checkNotOn, $c: true, $r, _r$1, g, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2goroutineLock).prototype.checkNotOn = function() { return this.$get().checkNotOn(); }; + http2curGoroutineID = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, b, bp, err, i, n, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + _r$1 = http2littleBuf.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bp = $assertType(_r$1, ptrType$6); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(http2littleBuf, "Put"), [bp]]); + b = bp.$get(); + b = $subslice(b, 0, runtime.Stack(b, false)); + b = bytes.TrimPrefix(b, http2goroutineSpace); + i = bytes.IndexByte(b, 32); + /* */ if (i < 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (i < 0) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf("No space found in %q", new sliceType([b])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$2)); + /* } */ case 3: + b = $subslice(b, 0, i); + _tuple = http2parseUintBytes(b, 10, 64); + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse goroutine ID out of %q: %v", new sliceType([b, err])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$3)); + /* } */ case 6: + $24r = n; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return new $Uint64(0, 0); } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2curGoroutineID, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, b, bp, err, i, n, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2parseUintBytes = function(s, base, bitSize) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, base, bitSize, cutoff, d, err, i, maxVal, n, n1, s, s0, v, x$5, x$6, $s; + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = new $Uint64(0, 0); + err = $ifaceNil; + _tmp = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _tmp$1 = new $Uint64(0, 0); + cutoff = _tmp; + maxVal = _tmp$1; + if (bitSize === 0) { + bitSize = 32; + } + s0 = s; + /* */ if (s.$length < 1) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (2 <= base && base <= 36) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if ((base === 0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (s.$length < 1) { */ case 2: + err = strconv.ErrSyntax; + /* goto Error */ $s = 7; continue; + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if (2 <= base && base <= 36) { */ case 3: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else if ((base === 0)) { */ case 4: + /* */ if (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 48) && s.$length > 1 && (((1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]) === 120) || ((1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]) === 88))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 48)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 48) && s.$length > 1 && (((1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]) === 120) || ((1 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 1]) === 88))) { */ case 9: + base = 16; + s = $subslice(s, 2); + /* */ if (s.$length < 1) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (s.$length < 1) { */ case 13: + err = strconv.ErrSyntax; + /* goto Error */ $s = 7; continue; + /* } */ case 14: + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else if (((0 >= s.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + 0]) === 48)) { */ case 10: + base = 8; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + base = 10; + /* } */ case 12: + case 8: + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + err = errors.New("invalid base " + strconv.Itoa(base)); + /* goto Error */ $s = 7; continue; + /* } */ case 6: + case 1: + n = new $Uint64(0, 0); + cutoff = http2cutoff64(base); + maxVal = (x$5 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), ((bitSize >>> 0))), new $Uint64(x$5.$high - 0, x$5.$low - 1)); + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 15: + /* if (!(i < s.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < s.$length)) { $s = 16; continue; } + v = 0; + d = ((i < 0 || i >= s.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : s.$array[s.$offset + i]); + /* */ if (48 <= d && d <= 57) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ if (97 <= d && d <= 122) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ if (65 <= d && d <= 90) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (48 <= d && d <= 57) { */ case 18: + v = d - 48 << 24 >>> 24; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (97 <= d && d <= 122) { */ case 19: + v = (d - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (65 <= d && d <= 90) { */ case 20: + v = (d - 65 << 24 >>> 24) + 10 << 24 >>> 24; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else { */ case 21: + n = new $Uint64(0, 0); + err = strconv.ErrSyntax; + /* goto Error */ $s = 7; continue; + /* } */ case 22: + case 17: + /* */ if (((v >> 0)) >= base) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (((v >> 0)) >= base) { */ case 23: + n = new $Uint64(0, 0); + err = strconv.ErrSyntax; + /* goto Error */ $s = 7; continue; + /* } */ case 24: + /* */ if ((n.$high > cutoff.$high || (n.$high === cutoff.$high && n.$low >= cutoff.$low))) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if ((n.$high > cutoff.$high || (n.$high === cutoff.$high && n.$low >= cutoff.$low))) { */ case 25: + n = new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295); + err = strconv.ErrRange; + /* goto Error */ $s = 7; continue; + /* } */ case 26: + n = $mul64(n, ((new $Uint64(0, base)))); + n1 = (x$6 = (new $Uint64(0, v)), new $Uint64(n.$high + x$6.$high, n.$low + x$6.$low)); + /* */ if ((n1.$high < n.$high || (n1.$high === n.$high && n1.$low < n.$low)) || (n1.$high > maxVal.$high || (n1.$high === maxVal.$high && n1.$low > maxVal.$low))) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if ((n1.$high < n.$high || (n1.$high === n.$high && n1.$low < n.$low)) || (n1.$high > maxVal.$high || (n1.$high === maxVal.$high && n1.$low > maxVal.$low))) { */ case 27: + n = new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295); + err = strconv.ErrRange; + /* goto Error */ $s = 7; continue; + /* } */ case 28: + n = n1; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 15; continue; + case 16: + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* Error: */ case 7: + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = new strconv.NumError.ptr("ParseUint", ($bytesToString(s0)), err); + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } + }; + http2cutoff64 = function(base) { + var base, x$5; + if (base < 2) { + return new $Uint64(0, 0); + } + return (x$5 = $div64(new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), (new $Uint64(0, base)), false), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + 0, x$5.$low + 1)); + }; + http2buildCommonHeaderMapsOnce = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = http2commonBuildOnce.Do(http2buildCommonHeaderMaps); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2buildCommonHeaderMapsOnce, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + http2buildCommonHeaderMaps = function() { + var {_i, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _ref, chk, common, v, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + common = new sliceType$2(["accept", "accept-charset", "accept-encoding", "accept-language", "accept-ranges", "age", "access-control-allow-origin", "allow", "authorization", "cache-control", "content-disposition", "content-encoding", "content-language", "content-length", "content-location", "content-range", "content-type", "cookie", "date", "etag", "expect", "expires", "from", "host", "if-match", "if-modified-since", "if-none-match", "if-unmodified-since", "last-modified", "link", "location", "max-forwards", "proxy-authenticate", "proxy-authorization", "range", "referer", "refresh", "retry-after", "server", "set-cookie", "strict-transport-security", "trailer", "transfer-encoding", "user-agent", "vary", "via", "www-authenticate"]); + http2commonLowerHeader = (x$5 = common.$length, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + http2commonCanonHeader = (x$6 = common.$length, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = common; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r$1 = CanonicalHeaderKey(v); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + chk = _r$1; + _key = chk; (http2commonLowerHeader || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: v }; + _key$1 = v; (http2commonCanonHeader || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: chk }; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2buildCommonHeaderMaps, $c: true, $r, _i, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _ref, chk, common, v, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2lowerHeader = function(v) { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, ascii$1, lower, ok, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + lower = ""; + ascii$1 = false; + $r = http2buildCommonHeaderMapsOnce(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = http2commonLowerHeader[$String.keyFor(v)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + _tmp = s; + _tmp$1 = true; + lower = _tmp; + ascii$1 = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [lower, ascii$1]; + } + _r$1 = http2asciiToLower(v); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + lower = _tuple$1[0]; + ascii$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [lower, ascii$1]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2lowerHeader, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, ascii$1, lower, ok, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + init = function() { + var {_r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = os.Getenv("GODEBUG"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + e = _r$1; + if (strings.Contains(e, "http2debug=1")) { + http2VerboseLogs = true; + } + if (strings.Contains(e, "http2debug=2")) { + http2VerboseLogs = true; + http2logFrameWrites = true; + http2logFrameReads = true; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: init, $c: true, $r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + http2streamState.prototype.String = function() { + var st; + st = this.$val; + return ((st < 0 || st >= http2stateName.length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : http2stateName[st]); + }; + $ptrType(http2streamState).prototype.String = function() { return new http2streamState(this.$get()).String(); }; + http2Setting.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("[%v = %d]", new sliceType([new http2SettingID(s.ID), new $Uint32(s.Val)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Setting.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, s, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Setting.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + http2Setting.ptr.prototype.Valid = function() { + var _1, s; + s = this; + _1 = s.ID; + if (_1 === (2)) { + if (!((s.Val === 1)) && !((s.Val === 0))) { + return new http2ConnectionError(1); + } + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + if (s.Val > 2147483647) { + return new http2ConnectionError(3); + } + } else if (_1 === (5)) { + if (s.Val < 16384 || s.Val > 16777215) { + return new http2ConnectionError(1); + } + } + return $ifaceNil; + }; + http2Setting.prototype.Valid = function() { return this.$val.Valid(); }; + http2SettingID.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, ok, s, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this.$val; + _tuple = (_entry = http2settingName[http2SettingID.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + v = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return v; + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_SETTING_%d", new sliceType([new $Uint16(((s << 16 >>> 16)))])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2SettingID.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, ok, s, v, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2SettingID).prototype.String = function() { return new http2SettingID(this.$get()).String(); }; + http2validWireHeaderFieldName = function(v) { + var _i, _ref, _rune, r, v; + if (v.length === 0) { + return false; + } + _ref = v; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; } + _rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i); + r = _rune[0]; + if (!httpguts.IsTokenRune(r)) { + return false; + } + if (65 <= r && r <= 90) { + return false; + } + _i += _rune[1]; + } + return true; + }; + http2httpCodeString = function(code) { + var _1, code; + _1 = code; + if (_1 === (200)) { + return "200"; + } else if (_1 === (404)) { + return "404"; + } + return strconv.Itoa(code); + }; + http2gate.prototype.Done = function() { + var {g, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + g = this.$val; + $r = $send(g, $clone(new structType.ptr(), structType)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2gate.prototype.Done, $c: true, $r, g, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2gate).prototype.Done = function() { return new http2gate(this.$get()).Done(); }; + http2gate.prototype.Wait = function() { + var {_r$1, g, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + g = this.$val; + _r$1 = $recv(g); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1[0]; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2gate.prototype.Wait, $c: true, $r, _r$1, g, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2gate).prototype.Wait = function() { return new http2gate(this.$get()).Wait(); }; + $ptrType(http2closeWaiter).prototype.Init = function() { + var cw; + cw = this; + cw.$set(new $Chan(structType, 0)); + }; + http2closeWaiter.prototype.Close = function() { + var cw; + cw = this.$val; + $close(cw); + }; + $ptrType(http2closeWaiter).prototype.Close = function() { return new http2closeWaiter(this.$get()).Close(); }; + http2closeWaiter.prototype.Wait = function() { + var {_r$1, cw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cw = this.$val; + _r$1 = $recv(cw); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1[0]; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2closeWaiter.prototype.Wait, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cw, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2closeWaiter).prototype.Wait = function() { return new http2closeWaiter(this.$get()).Wait(); }; + http2newBufferedWriter = function(w) { + var w; + return new http2bufferedWriter.ptr(arrayType.zero(), w, ptrType$14.nil); + }; + http2bufferedWriter.ptr.prototype.Available = function() { + var w; + w = this; + if (w.bw === ptrType$14.nil) { + return 4096; + } + return w.bw.Available(); + }; + http2bufferedWriter.prototype.Available = function() { return this.$val.Available(); }; + http2bufferedWriter.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, bw, err, n, p, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + /* */ if (w.bw === ptrType$14.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (w.bw === ptrType$14.nil) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = http2bufWriterPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bw = $assertType(_r$1, ptrType$14); + bw.Reset(w.w); + w.bw = bw; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = w.bw.Write(p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2bufferedWriter.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, bw, err, n, p, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2bufferedWriter.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + http2bufferedWriter.ptr.prototype.Flush = function() { + var {_r$1, bw, err, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + bw = w.bw; + if (bw === ptrType$14.nil) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$1 = bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + bw.Reset($ifaceNil); + http2bufWriterPool.Put(bw); + w.bw = ptrType$14.nil; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2bufferedWriter.ptr.prototype.Flush, $c: true, $r, _r$1, bw, err, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2bufferedWriter.prototype.Flush = function() { return this.$val.Flush(); }; + http2mustUint31 = function(v) { + var v; + if (v < 0 || v > 2147483647) { + $panic(new $String("out of range")); + } + return ((v >>> 0)); + }; + http2bodyAllowedForStatus = function(status) { + var status; + if (status >= 100 && status <= 199) { + return false; + } else if ((status === 204)) { + return false; + } else if ((status === 304)) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + http2httpError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.msg; + }; + http2httpError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + http2httpError.ptr.prototype.Timeout = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return e.timeout; + }; + http2httpError.prototype.Timeout = function() { return this.$val.Timeout(); }; + http2httpError.ptr.prototype.Temporary = function() { + var e; + e = this; + return true; + }; + http2httpError.prototype.Temporary = function() { return this.$val.Temporary(); }; + http2sorter.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return s.v.$length; + }; + http2sorter.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + http2sorter.ptr.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, i, j, s, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8; + s = this; + _tmp = (x$5 = s.v, ((j < 0 || j >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + j])); + _tmp$1 = (x$6 = s.v, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + i])); + (x$7 = s.v, ((i < 0 || i >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + i] = _tmp)); + (x$8 = s.v, ((j < 0 || j >= x$8.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$8.$array[x$8.$offset + j] = _tmp$1)); + }; + http2sorter.prototype.Swap = function(i, j) { return this.$val.Swap(i, j); }; + http2sorter.ptr.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { + var i, j, s, x$5, x$6; + s = this; + return (x$5 = s.v, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + i])) < (x$6 = s.v, ((j < 0 || j >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + j])); + }; + http2sorter.prototype.Less = function(i, j) { return this.$val.Less(i, j); }; + http2sorter.ptr.prototype.Keys = function(h) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _ref, h, k, keys, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {h}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + keys = $subslice(s.v, 0, 0); + _ref = h; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + keys = $append(keys, k); + _i++; + } + s.v = keys; + $r = sort.Sort(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return keys; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2sorter.ptr.prototype.Keys, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _ref, h, k, keys, s, $s};return $f; + }; + http2sorter.prototype.Keys = function(h) { return this.$val.Keys(h); }; + http2sorter.ptr.prototype.SortStrings = function(ss) { + var {s, save, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ss}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + save = s.v; + s.v = ss; + $r = sort.Sort(s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + s.v = save; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2sorter.ptr.prototype.SortStrings, $c: true, $r, s, save, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + http2sorter.prototype.SortStrings = function(ss) { return this.$val.SortStrings(ss); }; + http2validPseudoPath = function(v) { + var v; + return (v.length > 0 && (v.charCodeAt(0) === 47)) || v === "*"; + }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.setBuffer = function(b) { + var {b, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {b}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil)) || !($interfaceIsEqual(p.breakErr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil)) || !($interfaceIsEqual(p.breakErr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + p.b = b; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2pipe.ptr.prototype.setBuffer, $c: true, $r, b, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2pipe.prototype.setBuffer = function(b) { return this.$val.setBuffer(b); }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.Len = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(p.b, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(p.b, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 2: + $24r = p.unread; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$1 = p.b.Len(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return 0; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2pipe.ptr.prototype.Len, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2pipe.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.Read = function(d) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _v, d, err, n, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(p.c.L, $ifaceNil)) { + p.c.L = p.mu; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.breakErr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.breakErr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = p.breakErr; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + if (!(!($interfaceIsEqual(p.b, $ifaceNil)))) { _v = false; $s = 9; continue s; } + _r$1 = p.b.Len(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1 > 0; case 9: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = p.b.Read(d); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 13: + /* */ if (!(p.readFn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!(p.readFn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 15: + $r = p.readFn(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p.readFn = $throwNilPointerError; + /* } */ case 16: + p.b = $ifaceNil; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = p.err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r$2 = [n, err]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 14: + $r = p.c.Wait(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [n, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2pipe.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _v, d, err, n, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2pipe.prototype.Read = function(d) { return this.$val.Read(d); }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.Write = function(d) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, d, err, n, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(p.c.L, $ifaceNil)) { + p.c.L = p.mu; + } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.c, "Signal"), []]); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = http2errClosedPipeWrite; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.breakErr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.breakErr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + p.unread = p.unread + (d.$length) >> 0; + _tmp$2 = d.$length; + _tmp$3 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$1 = p.b.Write(d); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r$2 = [n, err]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [n, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2pipe.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, d, err, n, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2pipe.prototype.Write = function(d) { return this.$val.Write(d); }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.CloseWithError = function(err) { + var {err, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = p.closeWithError((p.$ptr_err || (p.$ptr_err = new ptrType$85(function() { return this.$target.err; }, function($v) { this.$target.err = $v; }, p))), err, $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2pipe.ptr.prototype.CloseWithError, $c: true, $r, err, p, $s};return $f; + }; + http2pipe.prototype.CloseWithError = function(err) { return this.$val.CloseWithError(err); }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.BreakWithError = function(err) { + var {err, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = p.closeWithError((p.$ptr_breakErr || (p.$ptr_breakErr = new ptrType$85(function() { return this.$target.breakErr; }, function($v) { this.$target.breakErr = $v; }, p))), err, $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2pipe.ptr.prototype.BreakWithError, $c: true, $r, err, p, $s};return $f; + }; + http2pipe.prototype.BreakWithError = function(err) { return this.$val.BreakWithError(err); }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.closeWithErrorAndCode = function(err, fn) { + var {err, fn, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = p.closeWithError((p.$ptr_err || (p.$ptr_err = new ptrType$85(function() { return this.$target.err; }, function($v) { this.$target.err = $v; }, p))), err, fn); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2pipe.ptr.prototype.closeWithErrorAndCode, $c: true, $r, err, fn, p, $s};return $f; + }; + http2pipe.prototype.closeWithErrorAndCode = function(err, fn) { return this.$val.closeWithErrorAndCode(err, fn); }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.closeWithError = function(dst, err, fn) { + var {_r$1, dst, err, fn, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {dst, err, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $panic(new $String("err must be non-nil")); + } + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + if ($interfaceIsEqual(p.c.L, $ifaceNil)) { + p.c.L = p.mu; + } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.c, "Signal"), []]); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(dst.$get(), $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(dst.$get(), $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $s = 4; case 4: return; + /* } */ case 3: + p.readFn = fn; + /* */ if (dst === (p.$ptr_breakErr || (p.$ptr_breakErr = new ptrType$85(function() { return this.$target.breakErr; }, function($v) { this.$target.breakErr = $v; }, p)))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (dst === (p.$ptr_breakErr || (p.$ptr_breakErr = new ptrType$85(function() { return this.$target.breakErr; }, function($v) { this.$target.breakErr = $v; }, p)))) { */ case 5: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.b, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.b, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _r$1 = p.b.Len(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p.unread = p.unread + (_r$1) >> 0; + /* } */ case 8: + p.b = $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 6: + dst.$set(err); + p.closeDoneLocked(); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2pipe.ptr.prototype.closeWithError, $c: true, $r, _r$1, dst, err, fn, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2pipe.prototype.closeWithError = function(dst, err, fn) { return this.$val.closeWithError(dst, err, fn); }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.closeDoneLocked = function() { + var _selection, p; + p = this; + if (p.donec === $chanNil) { + return; + } + _selection = $select([[p.donec], []]); + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + $close(p.donec); + } + }; + http2pipe.prototype.closeDoneLocked = function() { return this.$val.closeDoneLocked(); }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.Err = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.breakErr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.breakErr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $24r = p.breakErr; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $24r$1 = p.err; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2pipe.ptr.prototype.Err, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2pipe.prototype.Err = function() { return this.$val.Err(); }; + http2pipe.ptr.prototype.Done = function() { + var {$24r, p, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + p = this; + $r = p.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(p.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + if (p.donec === $chanNil) { + p.donec = new $Chan(structType, 0); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.err, $ifaceNil)) || !($interfaceIsEqual(p.breakErr, $ifaceNil))) { + p.closeDoneLocked(); + } + } + $24r = p.donec; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $chanNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2pipe.ptr.prototype.Done, $c: true, $r, $24r, p, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2pipe.prototype.Done = function() { return this.$val.Done(); }; + http2Server.ptr.prototype.initialConnRecvWindowSize = function() { + var s; + s = this; + if (s.MaxUploadBufferPerConnection > 65535) { + return s.MaxUploadBufferPerConnection; + } + return 1048576; + }; + http2Server.prototype.initialConnRecvWindowSize = function() { return this.$val.initialConnRecvWindowSize(); }; + http2Server.ptr.prototype.initialStreamRecvWindowSize = function() { + var s; + s = this; + if (s.MaxUploadBufferPerStream > 0) { + return s.MaxUploadBufferPerStream; + } + return 1048576; + }; + http2Server.prototype.initialStreamRecvWindowSize = function() { return this.$val.initialStreamRecvWindowSize(); }; + http2Server.ptr.prototype.maxReadFrameSize = function() { + var s, v; + s = this; + v = s.MaxReadFrameSize; + if (v >= 16384 && v <= 16777215) { + return v; + } + return 1048576; + }; + http2Server.prototype.maxReadFrameSize = function() { return this.$val.maxReadFrameSize(); }; + http2Server.ptr.prototype.maxConcurrentStreams = function() { + var s, v; + s = this; + v = s.MaxConcurrentStreams; + if (v > 0) { + return v; + } + return 250; + }; + http2Server.prototype.maxConcurrentStreams = function() { return this.$val.maxConcurrentStreams(); }; + http2Server.ptr.prototype.maxQueuedControlFrames = function() { + var s; + s = this; + return 10000; + }; + http2Server.prototype.maxQueuedControlFrames = function() { return this.$val.maxQueuedControlFrames(); }; + http2serverInternalState.ptr.prototype.registerConn = function(sc) { + var {_key, s, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {sc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + if (s === ptrType$60.nil) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = s.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = sc; (s.activeConns || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$13.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: new structType.ptr() }; + $r = s.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverInternalState.ptr.prototype.registerConn, $c: true, $r, _key, s, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverInternalState.prototype.registerConn = function(sc) { return this.$val.registerConn(sc); }; + http2serverInternalState.ptr.prototype.unregisterConn = function(sc) { + var {s, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {sc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + if (s === ptrType$60.nil) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = s.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + delete s.activeConns[ptrType$13.keyFor(sc)]; + $r = s.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverInternalState.ptr.prototype.unregisterConn, $c: true, $r, s, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverInternalState.prototype.unregisterConn = function(sc) { return this.$val.unregisterConn(sc); }; + http2serverInternalState.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdown = function() { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _ref, s, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + if (s === ptrType$60.nil) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = s.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = s.activeConns; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + sc = _entry.k; + $r = sc.startGracefulShutdown(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $r = s.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverInternalState.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdown, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _ref, s, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverInternalState.prototype.startGracefulShutdown = function() { return this.$val.startGracefulShutdown(); }; + http2ConfigureServer = function(s, conf) { + var {$24r, _1, _i, _key, _r$1, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, conf, cs, h1, h2, haveRequired, protoHandler, s, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s, conf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + conf = [conf]; + if (s === ptrType$46.nil) { + $panic(new $String("nil *http.Server")); + } + if (conf[0] === ptrType$86.nil) { + conf[0] = new http2Server.ptr(0, 0, 0, false, new time.Duration(0, 0), 0, 0, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$60.nil); + } + conf[0].state = new http2serverInternalState.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), {}); + _tmp = s; + _tmp$1 = conf[0]; + h1 = _tmp; + h2 = _tmp$1; + if ((x$5 = h2.IdleTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))) { + if (!((x$6 = h1.IdleTimeout, (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 0)))) { + h2.IdleTimeout = h1.IdleTimeout; + } else { + h2.IdleTimeout = h1.ReadTimeout; + } + } + $r = s.RegisterOnShutdown($methodVal(conf[0].state, "startGracefulShutdown")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (s.TLSConfig === ptrType$4.nil) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (!(s.TLSConfig.CipherSuites === sliceType$14.nil) && s.TLSConfig.MinVersion < 772) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (s.TLSConfig === ptrType$4.nil) { */ case 2: + s.TLSConfig = new tls.Config.ptr($ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, sliceType$13.nil, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$34.nil, sliceType$2.nil, "", 0, ptrType$34.nil, false, sliceType$14.nil, false, false, arrayType$1.zero(), $ifaceNil, 0, 0, sliceType$15.nil, false, 0, $ifaceNil, new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0), sliceType$16.nil, sliceType$16.nil); + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (!(s.TLSConfig.CipherSuites === sliceType$14.nil) && s.TLSConfig.MinVersion < 772) { */ case 3: + haveRequired = false; + _ref = s.TLSConfig.CipherSuites; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + cs = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _1 = cs; + if ((_1 === (49199)) || (_1 === (49195))) { + haveRequired = true; + } + _i++; + } + /* */ if (!haveRequired) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!haveRequired) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("http2: TLSConfig.CipherSuites is missing an HTTP/2-required AES_128_GCM_SHA256 cipher (need at least one of TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 or TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + /* } */ case 4: + s.TLSConfig.PreferServerCipherSuites = true; + if (!http2strSliceContains(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, "h2")) { + s.TLSConfig.NextProtos = $append(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, "h2"); + } + if (!http2strSliceContains(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, "http/1.1")) { + s.TLSConfig.NextProtos = $append(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, "http/1.1"); + } + if (s.TLSNextProto === false) { + s.TLSNextProto = $makeMap($String.keyFor, []); + } + protoHandler = (function(conf) { return function $b(hs, c, h) { + var {_r$2, _tuple, bc, c, ctx, h, hs, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hs, c, h}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!(http2testHookOnConn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(http2testHookOnConn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = http2testHookOnConn(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + ctx = $ifaceNil; + _tuple = $assertType(h, baseContexter, true); + bc = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = bc.BaseContext(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctx = _r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + $r = conf[0].ServeConn(c, new http2ServeConnOpts.ptr(ctx, hs, h)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _tuple, bc, c, ctx, h, hs, ok, $s};return $f; + }; })(conf); + _key = "h2"; (s.TLSNextProto || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: protoHandler }; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ConfigureServer, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _i, _key, _r$1, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, conf, cs, h1, h2, haveRequired, protoHandler, s, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ServeConnOpts.ptr.prototype.context = function() { + var o; + o = this; + if (!(o === ptrType$87.nil) && !($interfaceIsEqual(o.Context, $ifaceNil))) { + return o.Context; + } + return context.Background(); + }; + http2ServeConnOpts.prototype.context = function() { return this.$val.context(); }; + http2ServeConnOpts.ptr.prototype.baseConfig = function() { + var o; + o = this; + if (!(o === ptrType$87.nil) && !(o.BaseConfig === ptrType$46.nil)) { + return o.BaseConfig; + } + return new Server.ptr("", $ifaceNil, ptrType$4.nil, new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), 0, false, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$58.nil, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, 0, 0, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), $ifaceNil, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, $chanNil, sliceType$19.nil); + }; + http2ServeConnOpts.prototype.baseConfig = function() { return this.$val.baseConfig(); }; + http2ServeConnOpts.ptr.prototype.handler = function() { + var o; + o = this; + if (!(o === ptrType$87.nil)) { + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(o.Handler, $ifaceNil))) { + return o.Handler; + } + if (!(o.BaseConfig === ptrType$46.nil) && !($interfaceIsEqual(o.BaseConfig.Handler, $ifaceNil))) { + return o.BaseConfig.Handler; + } + } + return $pkg.DefaultServeMux; + }; + http2ServeConnOpts.prototype.handler = function() { return this.$val.handler(); }; + http2Server.ptr.prototype.ServeConn = function(c, opts) { + var {_arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, baseCtx, c, cancel, fr, hook, ok, opts, s, sc, tc, x$5, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + s = this; + _r$1 = http2serverConnBaseContext(c, opts); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + baseCtx = _tuple[0]; + cancel = _tuple[1]; + $deferred.push([cancel, []]); + _r$2 = c.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = _r$2.String(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = http2newGoroutineLock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sc = new http2serverConn.ptr(s, opts.baseConfig(), c, http2newBufferedWriter(c), opts.handler(), baseCtx, ptrType$72.nil, new $Chan(structType, 0), new $Chan(http2readFrameResult, 0), new $Chan(http2FrameWriteRequest, 8), new $Chan(http2frameWriteResult, 1), new $Chan(http2bodyReadMsg, 0), new $Chan($emptyInterface, 8), new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil), new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil), ptrType$28.nil, _r$3, $ifaceNil, _r$4, true, false, false, 0, 0, 4294967295, s.maxConcurrentStreams(), 0, 0, 0, 0, {}, 65535, 16384, 4096, 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 0, ptrType$25.nil, ptrType$25.nil, new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$89.nil, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0))); + $r = s.state.registerConn(sc); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(s.state, "unregisterConn"), [sc]]); + /* */ if (!((x$5 = sc.hs.WriteTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = sc.hs.WriteTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { */ case 6: + _r$5 = sc.conn.SetWriteDeadline(new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (!(s.NewWriteScheduler === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(s.NewWriteScheduler === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 9: + _r$6 = s.NewWriteScheduler(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sc.writeSched = _r$6; + $s = 11; continue; + /* } else { */ case 10: + sc.writeSched = http2NewRandomWriteScheduler(); + /* } */ case 11: + sc.flow.add(65535); + sc.inflow.add(65535); + _r$7 = hpack.NewEncoder(sc.headerWriteBuf); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sc.hpackEncoder = _r$7; + fr = http2NewFramer(sc.bw, c); + if (!(s.CountError === $throwNilPointerError)) { + fr.countError = s.CountError; + } + _r$8 = hpack.NewDecoder(4096, $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fr.ReadMetaHeaders = _r$8; + fr.MaxHeaderListSize = sc.maxHeaderListSize(); + fr.SetMaxReadFrameSize(s.maxReadFrameSize()); + sc.framer = fr; + _tuple$1 = $assertType(c, http2connectionStater, true); + tc = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 15: + sc.tlsState = new tls.ConnectionState.ptr(0, false, false, 0, "", false, "", sliceType$10.nil, sliceType$11.nil, sliceType$5.nil, sliceType$3.nil, sliceType$3.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + _r$9 = tc.ConnectionState(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tls.ConnectionState.copy(sc.tlsState, _r$9); + /* */ if (sc.tlsState.Version < 771) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (sc.tlsState.Version < 771) { */ case 18: + $r = sc.rejectConn(12, "TLS version too low"); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 21; case 21: return; + /* } */ case 19: + if (sc.tlsState.ServerName === "") { + } + /* */ if (!s.PermitProhibitedCipherSuites && http2isBadCipher(sc.tlsState.CipherSuite)) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (!s.PermitProhibitedCipherSuites && http2isBadCipher(sc.tlsState.CipherSuite)) { */ case 22: + _r$10 = fmt.Sprintf("Prohibited TLS 1.2 Cipher Suite: %x", new sliceType([new $Uint16(sc.tlsState.CipherSuite)])); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$10; + $r = sc.rejectConn(12, _arg); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 26; case 26: return; + /* } */ case 23: + /* } */ case 16: + hook = http2testHookGetServerConn; + /* */ if (!(hook === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!(hook === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 27: + $r = hook(sc); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 28: + $r = sc.serve(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2Server.ptr.prototype.ServeConn, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, baseCtx, c, cancel, fr, hook, ok, opts, s, sc, tc, x$5, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2Server.prototype.ServeConn = function(c, opts) { return this.$val.ServeConn(c, opts); }; + http2serverConnBaseContext = function(c, opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, c, cancel, ctx, hs, opts, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ctx = $ifaceNil; + cancel = $throwNilPointerError; + _r$1 = context.WithCancel(opts.context()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + ctx = _tuple[0]; + cancel = _tuple[1]; + _arg = ctx; + _arg$1 = $pkg.LocalAddrContextKey; + _r$2 = c.LocalAddr(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = _r$2; + _r$3 = context.WithValue(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctx = _r$3; + hs = opts.baseConfig(); + /* */ if (!(hs === ptrType$46.nil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(hs === ptrType$46.nil)) { */ case 4: + _r$4 = context.WithValue(ctx, $pkg.ServerContextKey, hs); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctx = _r$4; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [ctx, cancel]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConnBaseContext, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, c, cancel, ctx, hs, opts, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.rejectConn = function(err, debug) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, debug, err, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err, debug}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.vlogf("http2: server rejecting conn: %v, %s", new sliceType([new http2ErrCode(err), new $String(debug)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = sc.framer.WriteGoAway(0, err, (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(debug)))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = sc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = sc.conn.Close(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.rejectConn, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, debug, err, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.rejectConn = function(err, debug) { return this.$val.rejectConn(err, debug); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderListSize = function() { + var n, sc; + sc = this; + n = sc.hs.MaxHeaderBytes; + if (n <= 0) { + n = 1048576; + } + return (((n + 320 >> 0) >>> 0)); + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.maxHeaderListSize = function() { return this.$val.maxHeaderListSize(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.curOpenStreams = function() { + var {sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return sc.curClientStreams + sc.curPushedStreams >>> 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.curOpenStreams, $c: true, $r, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.curOpenStreams = function() { return this.$val.curOpenStreams(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.Framer = function() { + var sc; + sc = this; + return sc.framer; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.Framer = function() { return this.$val.Framer(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.CloseConn = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + _r$1 = sc.conn.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.CloseConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.CloseConn = function() { return this.$val.CloseConn(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.Flush = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + _r$1 = sc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.Flush, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.Flush = function() { return this.$val.Flush(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.HeaderEncoder = function() { + var sc; + sc = this; + return [sc.hpackEncoder, sc.headerWriteBuf]; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.HeaderEncoder = function() { return this.$val.HeaderEncoder(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.state = function(streamID) { + var {_entry, _r$1, _tuple, ok, sc, st, streamID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = sc.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + st = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return [st.state, st]; + } + if ((_r$1 = streamID % 2, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 1) { + if (streamID <= sc.maxClientStreamID) { + $s = -1; return [4, ptrType$10.nil]; + } + } else { + if (streamID <= sc.maxPushPromiseID) { + $s = -1; return [4, ptrType$10.nil]; + } + } + $s = -1; return [0, ptrType$10.nil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.state, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, _tuple, ok, sc, st, streamID, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.state = function(streamID) { return this.$val.state(streamID); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.setConnState = function(state) { + var {sc, state, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {state}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + /* */ if (!(sc.hs.ConnState === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(sc.hs.ConnState === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = sc.hs.ConnState(sc.conn, state); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.setConnState, $c: true, $r, sc, state, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.setConnState = function(state) { return this.$val.setConnState(state); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.vlogf = function(format, args) { + var {args, format, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 1: + $r = sc.logf(format, args); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.vlogf, $c: true, $r, args, format, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.vlogf = function(format, args) { return this.$val.vlogf(format, args); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.logf = function(format, args) { + var {args, format, lg, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + lg = sc.hs.ErrorLog; + /* */ if (!(lg === ptrType$58.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(lg === ptrType$58.nil)) { */ case 1: + $r = lg.Printf(format, args); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + $r = log.Printf(format, args); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.logf, $c: true, $r, args, format, lg, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.logf = function(format, args) { return this.$val.logf(format, args); }; + http2errno = function(v) { + var {_r$1, rv, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = reflect.ValueOf(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rv = _r$1; + if ($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Kind() === 12) { + $s = -1; return (($clone(rv, reflect.Value).Uint().$low >>> 0)); + } + $s = -1; return 0; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2errno, $c: true, $r, _r$1, rv, v, $s};return $f; + }; + http2isClosedConnError = function(err) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, n, oe, ok, ok$1, se, str, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$1 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + str = _r$1; + if (strings.Contains(str, "use of closed network connection")) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + /* */ if (false) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (false) { */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(err, ptrType$57, true); + oe = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok && oe.Op === "read") { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (ok && oe.Op === "read") { */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(oe.Err, ptrType$90, true); + se = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1 && se.Syscall === "wsarecv") { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (ok$1 && se.Syscall === "wsarecv") { */ case 6: + _r$2 = http2errno(se.Err); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = _r$2; + if ((n === 10054) || (n === 10053)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 5: + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2isClosedConnError, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, n, oe, ok, ok$1, se, str, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.condlogf = function(err, format, args) { + var {_r$1, _v, args, err, format, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err, format, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF) || $interfaceIsEqual(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF)) { _v = true; $s = 4; continue s; } + _r$1 = http2isClosedConnError(err); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1; case 4: + /* */ if (_v || $interfaceIsEqual(err, http2errPrefaceTimeout)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v || $interfaceIsEqual(err, http2errPrefaceTimeout)) { */ case 1: + $r = sc.vlogf(format, args); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + $r = sc.logf(format, args); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.condlogf, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _v, args, err, format, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.condlogf = function(err, format, args) { return this.$val.condlogf(err, format, args); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.canonicalHeader = function(v) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _key, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, cv, ok, sc, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = http2buildCommonHeaderMapsOnce(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = http2commonCanonHeader[$String.keyFor(v)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : ["", false]); + cv = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return cv; + } + _tuple$1 = (_entry$1 = sc.canonHeader[$String.keyFor(v)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : ["", false]); + cv = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return cv; + } + if (sc.canonHeader === false) { + sc.canonHeader = {}; + } + _r$1 = CanonicalHeaderKey(v); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cv = _r$1; + if ($keys(sc.canonHeader).length < 32) { + _key = v; (sc.canonHeader || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: cv }; + } + $s = -1; return cv; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.canonicalHeader, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, cv, ok, sc, v, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.canonicalHeader = function(v) { return this.$val.canonicalHeader(v); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.readFrames = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, _selection$1, _tuple, err, f, gate, gateDone, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + gate = new $Chan(structType, 0); + gateDone = $methodVal(new http2gate(gate), "Done"); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = sc.framer.ReadFrame(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + _r$2 = $select([[sc.readFrameCh, new http2readFrameResult.ptr(f, err, gateDone)], [sc.doneServing]]); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$2; + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _r$3 = $select([[gate], [sc.doneServing]]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection$1 = _r$3; + if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { + } else if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if (http2terminalReadFrameError(err)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.readFrames, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, _selection$1, _tuple, err, f, gate, gateDone, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.readFrames = function() { return this.$val.readFrames(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.writeFrameAsync = function(wr) { + var {_r$1, err, sc, wr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {wr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + _r$1 = wr.write.writeFrame(sc); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + $r = $send(sc.wroteFrameCh, $clone(new http2frameWriteResult.ptr(arrayType.zero(), $clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest), err), http2frameWriteResult)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.writeFrameAsync, $c: true, $r, _r$1, err, sc, wr, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.writeFrameAsync = function(wr) { return this.$val.writeFrameAsync(wr); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.closeAllStreamsOnConnClose = function() { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _ref, sc, st, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref = sc.streams; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + st = _entry.v; + $r = sc.closeStream(st, http2errClientDisconnected); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.closeAllStreamsOnConnClose, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _ref, sc, st, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.closeAllStreamsOnConnClose = function() { return this.$val.closeAllStreamsOnConnClose(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.stopShutdownTimer = function() { + var {sc, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = sc.shutdownTimer; + if (!(t === ptrType$25.nil)) { + t.Stop(); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.stopShutdownTimer, $c: true, $r, sc, t, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.stopShutdownTimer = function() { return this.$val.stopShutdownTimer(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.notePanic = function() { + var {_r$1, e, sc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + sc = this; + /* */ if (!(http2testHookOnPanicMu === ptrType$2.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(http2testHookOnPanicMu === ptrType$2.nil)) { */ case 1: + $r = http2testHookOnPanicMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(http2testHookOnPanicMu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!(http2testHookOnPanic === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(http2testHookOnPanic === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 4: + e = $recover(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = http2testHookOnPanic(sc, e); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 8: + $panic(e); + /* } */ case 9: + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.notePanic, $c: true, $r, _r$1, e, sc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.notePanic = function() { return this.$val.notePanic(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.serve = function() { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _selection, _selection$1, _tuple, _v, diff, err, gracefulShutdownComplete, loopNum, m, msg, ok, res, res$1, sc, se, sentGoAway, settingsTimer, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, wr, wroteRes, x$5, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(sc, "notePanic"), []]); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(sc.conn, "Close"), []]); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(sc, "closeAllStreamsOnConnClose"), []]); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(sc, "stopShutdownTimer"), []]); + $deferred.push([function(_arg) { $close(_arg); }, [sc.doneServing]]); + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = sc.conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$1; + _arg$2 = sc.hs; + $r = sc.vlogf("http2: server connection from %v on %p", new sliceType([_arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $r = sc.writeFrame(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr(new http2writeSettings([new http2Setting.ptr(5, sc.srv.maxReadFrameSize()), new http2Setting.ptr(3, sc.advMaxStreams), new http2Setting.ptr(6, sc.maxHeaderListSize()), new http2Setting.ptr(4, ((sc.srv.initialStreamRecvWindowSize() >>> 0)))]), ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sc.unackedSettings = sc.unackedSettings + (1) >> 0; + diff = sc.srv.initialConnRecvWindowSize() - 65535 >> 0; + /* */ if (diff > 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (diff > 0) { */ case 7: + $r = sc.sendWindowUpdate(ptrType$10.nil, ((diff >> 0))); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + _r$2 = sc.readPreface(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 11: + _arg$3 = err; + _r$3 = sc.conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$4 = _r$3; + _arg$5 = err; + $r = sc.condlogf(_arg$3, "http2: server: error reading preface from client %v: %v", new sliceType([_arg$4, _arg$5])); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 15; case 15: return; + /* } */ case 12: + $r = sc.setConnState(1); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sc.setConnState(2); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((x$5 = sc.srv.IdleTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = sc.srv.IdleTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { */ case 18: + _r$4 = time.AfterFunc(sc.srv.IdleTimeout, $methodVal(sc, "onIdleTimer")); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sc.idleTimer = _r$4; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(sc.idleTimer, "Stop"), []]); + /* } */ case 19: + $go($methodVal(sc, "readFrames"), []); + _r$5 = time.AfterFunc(new time.Duration(0, 2000000000), $methodVal(sc, "onSettingsTimer")); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + settingsTimer = _r$5; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(settingsTimer, "Stop"), []]); + loopNum = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 22: + loopNum = loopNum + (1) >> 0; + _r$6 = $select([[sc.wantWriteFrameCh], [sc.wroteFrameCh], [sc.readFrameCh], [sc.bodyReadCh], [sc.serveMsgCh]]); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$6; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 3) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 4) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* switch (0) { default: if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 25: + wr = $clone(_selection[1][0], http2FrameWriteRequest); + _tuple = $assertType(wr.write, http2StreamError, true); + se = $clone(_tuple[0], http2StreamError); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 31: + $r = sc.resetStream($clone(se, http2StreamError)); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 30; continue; + /* } */ case 32: + $r = sc.writeFrame($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest)); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 26: + res = $clone(_selection[1][0], http2frameWriteResult); + $r = sc.wroteFrame($clone(res, http2frameWriteResult)); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 27: + res$1 = $clone(_selection[1][0], http2readFrameResult); + /* */ if (sc.writingFrameAsync) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (sc.writingFrameAsync) { */ case 36: + _selection$1 = $select([[sc.wroteFrameCh], []]); + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { */ case 38: + wroteRes = $clone(_selection$1[1][0], http2frameWriteResult); + $r = sc.wroteFrame($clone(wroteRes, http2frameWriteResult)); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 40; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { */ case 39: + /* } */ case 40: + /* } */ case 37: + _r$7 = sc.processFrameFromReader($clone(res$1, http2readFrameResult)); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$7) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ $s = 43; continue; + /* if (!_r$7) { */ case 42: + $s = 45; case 45: return; + /* } */ case 43: + $r = res$1.readMore(); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(settingsTimer === ptrType$25.nil)) { + settingsTimer.Stop(); + settingsTimer = ptrType$25.nil; + } + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 3) { */ case 28: + m = $clone(_selection[1][0], http2bodyReadMsg); + $r = sc.noteBodyRead(m.st, m.n); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 30; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 4) { */ case 29: + msg = _selection[1][0]; + _ref = msg; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, funcType$2, true)[1]) { $s = 48; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$15, true)[1]) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$91, true)[1]) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ $s = 51; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, funcType$2, true)[1]) { */ case 48: + v = _ref.$val; + $r = v(loopNum); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 52; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$15, true)[1]) { */ case 49: + v$1 = _ref.$val; + _1 = v$1; + /* */ if (_1 === (http2settingsTimerMsg)) { $s = 55; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (http2idleTimerMsg)) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (http2shutdownTimerMsg)) { $s = 57; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (http2gracefulShutdownMsg)) { $s = 58; continue; } + /* */ $s = 59; continue; + /* if (_1 === (http2settingsTimerMsg)) { */ case 55: + _r$8 = sc.conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$6 = _r$8; + $r = sc.logf("timeout waiting for SETTINGS frames from %v", new sliceType([_arg$6])); /* */ $s = 62; case 62: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 63; case 63: return; + /* } else if (_1 === (http2idleTimerMsg)) { */ case 56: + $r = sc.vlogf("connection is idle", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sc.goAway(0); /* */ $s = 65; case 65: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 60; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (http2shutdownTimerMsg)) { */ case 57: + _r$9 = sc.conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 66; case 66: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$7 = _r$9; + $r = sc.vlogf("GOAWAY close timer fired; closing conn from %v", new sliceType([_arg$7])); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 68; case 68: return; + /* } else if (_1 === (http2gracefulShutdownMsg)) { */ case 58: + $r = sc.startGracefulShutdownInternal(); /* */ $s = 69; case 69: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 60; continue; + /* } else { */ case 59: + $panic(new $String("unknown timer")); + /* } */ case 60: + case 54: + $s = 52; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$91, true)[1]) { */ case 50: + v$2 = _ref.$val; + $r = sc.startPush(v$2); /* */ $s = 70; case 70: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 52; continue; + /* } else { */ case 51: + v$3 = _ref; + _r$10 = fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type %T", new sliceType([v$3])); /* */ $s = 71; case 71: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$10)); + /* } */ case 52: + /* } } */ case 30: + /* */ if (sc.queuedControlFrames > sc.srv.maxQueuedControlFrames()) { $s = 72; continue; } + /* */ $s = 73; continue; + /* if (sc.queuedControlFrames > sc.srv.maxQueuedControlFrames()) { */ case 72: + $r = sc.vlogf("http2: too many control frames in send queue, closing connection", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 74; case 74: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 75; case 75: return; + /* } */ case 73: + sentGoAway = sc.inGoAway && !sc.needToSendGoAway && !sc.writingFrame; + if (!(sc.goAwayCode === 0)) { _v = false; $s = 76; continue s; } + _r$11 = sc.curOpenStreams(); /* */ $s = 77; case 77: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$11 === 0; case 76: + gracefulShutdownComplete = _v; + /* */ if (sentGoAway && sc.shutdownTimer === ptrType$25.nil && (!((sc.goAwayCode === 0)) || gracefulShutdownComplete)) { $s = 78; continue; } + /* */ $s = 79; continue; + /* if (sentGoAway && sc.shutdownTimer === ptrType$25.nil && (!((sc.goAwayCode === 0)) || gracefulShutdownComplete)) { */ case 78: + $r = sc.shutDownIn(http2goAwayTimeout); /* */ $s = 80; case 80: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 79: + $s = 22; continue; + case 23: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.serve, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _arg$5, _arg$6, _arg$7, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _selection, _selection$1, _tuple, _v, diff, err, gracefulShutdownComplete, loopNum, m, msg, ok, res, res$1, sc, se, sentGoAway, settingsTimer, v, v$1, v$2, v$3, wr, wroteRes, x$5, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.serve = function() { return this.$val.serve(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.onSettingsTimer = function() { + var {sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.sendServeMsg(http2settingsTimerMsg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.onSettingsTimer, $c: true, $r, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.onSettingsTimer = function() { return this.$val.onSettingsTimer(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.onIdleTimer = function() { + var {sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.sendServeMsg(http2idleTimerMsg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.onIdleTimer, $c: true, $r, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.onIdleTimer = function() { return this.$val.onIdleTimer(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.onShutdownTimer = function() { + var {sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.sendServeMsg(http2shutdownTimerMsg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.onShutdownTimer, $c: true, $r, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.onShutdownTimer = function() { return this.$val.onShutdownTimer(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.sendServeMsg = function(msg) { + var {_r$1, _selection, msg, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.checkNotOn(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = $select([[sc.serveMsgCh, msg], [sc.doneServing]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$1; + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.sendServeMsg, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _selection, msg, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.sendServeMsg = function(msg) { return this.$val.sendServeMsg(msg); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.readPreface = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, err, errc, sc, timer, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + errc = [errc]; + sc = [sc]; + sc[0] = this; + errc[0] = new $Chan($error, 1); + $go((function(errc, sc) { return function $b() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, buf, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 24); + _r$1 = io.ReadFull(sc[0].conn, buf); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (!bytes.Equal(buf, http2clientPreface)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + $r = $send(errc[0], err); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (!bytes.Equal(buf, http2clientPreface)) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("bogus greeting %q", new sliceType([buf])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $send(errc[0], _r$2); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $r = $send(errc[0], $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, buf, err, $s};return $f; + }; })(errc, sc), []); + _r$1 = time.NewTimer(new time.Duration(2, 1410065408)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + timer = _r$1; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(timer, "Stop"), []]); + _r$2 = $select([[timer.C], [errc[0]]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$2; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 3: + $24r = http2errPrefaceTimeout; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 4: + err = _selection[1][0]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 7: + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 9: + _r$3 = sc[0].conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$3; + $r = sc[0].vlogf("http2: server: client %v said hello", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 8: + $24r$1 = err; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.readPreface, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, err, errc, sc, timer, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.readPreface = function() { return this.$val.readPreface(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.writeDataFromHandler = function(stream, data, endStream) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _selection, _selection$1, ch, data, endStream, err, frameWriteDone, sc, stream, writeArg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {stream, data, endStream}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + _r$1 = http2errChanPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ch = $assertType(_r$1, chanType); + _r$2 = http2writeDataPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + writeArg = $assertType(_r$2, ptrType$92); + http2writeData.copy(writeArg, new http2writeData.ptr(stream.id, data, endStream)); + _r$3 = sc.writeFrameFromHandler(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr(writeArg, stream, ch)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + frameWriteDone = false; + _r$4 = $select([[ch], [sc.doneServing], [stream.cw]]); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$4; + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + err = _selection[1][0]; + frameWriteDone = true; + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + $s = -1; return http2errClientDisconnected; + } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { + _selection$1 = $select([[ch], []]); + if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { + err = _selection$1[1][0]; + frameWriteDone = true; + } else if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { + $s = -1; return http2errStreamClosed; + } + } + http2errChanPool.Put(new chanType(ch)); + if (frameWriteDone) { + http2writeDataPool.Put(writeArg); + } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.writeDataFromHandler, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _selection, _selection$1, ch, data, endStream, err, frameWriteDone, sc, stream, writeArg, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.writeDataFromHandler = function(stream, data, endStream) { return this.$val.writeDataFromHandler(stream, data, endStream); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.writeFrameFromHandler = function(wr) { + var {_r$1, _selection, sc, wr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {wr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.checkNotOn(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = $select([[sc.wantWriteFrameCh, $clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest)], [sc.doneServing]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$1; + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + $s = -1; return http2errClientDisconnected; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.writeFrameFromHandler, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _selection, sc, wr, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.writeFrameFromHandler = function(wr) { return this.$val.writeFrameFromHandler(wr); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(wr) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, ignoreWrite, isReset, sc, state, wr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {wr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ignoreWrite = false; + /* */ if (!(($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).StreamID() === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).StreamID() === 0))) { */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(wr.write, http2StreamError, true); + isReset = _tuple[1]; + _r$1 = sc.state($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).StreamID()); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + state = _tuple$1[0]; + if ((state === 4) && !isReset) { + ignoreWrite = true; + } + /* } */ case 3: + _ref = wr.write; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$93, true)[1]) { + wr.stream.wroteHeaders = true; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame, true)[1]) { + if (wr.stream.wroteHeaders) { + if (!(wr.done === $chanNil)) { + $panic(new $String("wr.done != nil for write100ContinueHeadersFrame")); + } + ignoreWrite = true; + } + } + /* */ if (!ignoreWrite) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!ignoreWrite) { */ case 5: + /* */ if ($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).isControl()) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).isControl()) { */ case 7: + sc.queuedControlFrames = sc.queuedControlFrames + (1) >> 0; + /* */ if (sc.queuedControlFrames < 0) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (sc.queuedControlFrames < 0) { */ case 9: + _r$2 = sc.conn.Close(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 8: + $r = sc.writeSched.Push($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + $r = sc.scheduleFrameWrite(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, ignoreWrite, isReset, sc, state, wr, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.writeFrame = function(wr) { return this.$val.writeFrame(wr); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.startFrameWrite = function(wr) { + var {_1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, ok, sc, st, wpp, wr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {wr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (sc.writingFrame) { + $panic(new $String("internal error: can only be writing one frame at a time")); + } + st = wr.stream; + /* */ if (!(st === ptrType$10.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(st === ptrType$10.nil)) { */ case 2: + _1 = st.state; + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 5: + _ref = wr.write; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, http2StreamError, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, http2handlerPanicRST, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, http2writeWindowUpdate, true)[1]) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, http2StreamError, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, http2handlerPanicRST, true)[1] || $assertType(_ref, http2writeWindowUpdate, true)[1]) { */ case 8: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else { */ case 9: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("internal error: attempt to send frame on a half-closed-local stream: %v", new sliceType([new wr.constructor.elem(wr)])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + /* } */ case 10: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf("internal error: attempt to send frame on a closed stream: %v", new sliceType([new wr.constructor.elem(wr)])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$2)); + /* } */ case 7: + case 4: + /* } */ case 3: + _tuple = $assertType(wr.write, ptrType$94, true); + wpp = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 13: + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$3 = wpp.allocatePromisedID(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + wpp.promisedID = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 16: + sc.writingFrameAsync = false; + $r = wr.replyToWriter(err); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 17: + /* } */ case 14: + sc.writingFrame = true; + sc.needsFrameFlush = true; + _r$4 = wr.write.staysWithinBuffer(sc.bw.Available()); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (_r$4) { */ case 19: + sc.writingFrameAsync = false; + _r$5 = wr.write.writeFrame(sc); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$5; + $r = sc.wroteFrame(new http2frameWriteResult.ptr(arrayType.zero(), $clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest), err$1)); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 21; continue; + /* } else { */ case 20: + sc.writingFrameAsync = true; + $go($methodVal(sc, "writeFrameAsync"), [$clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest)]); + /* } */ case 21: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.startFrameWrite, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, err$1, ok, sc, st, wpp, wr, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.startFrameWrite = function(wr) { return this.$val.startFrameWrite(wr); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.wroteFrame = function(res) { + var {_1, _entry, _ref, _tuple, ok, res, sc, st, st$1, v, v$1, wr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {res}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!sc.writingFrame) { + $panic(new $String("internal error: expected to be already writing a frame")); + } + sc.writingFrame = false; + sc.writingFrameAsync = false; + wr = $clone(res.wr, http2FrameWriteRequest); + /* */ if (http2writeEndsStream(wr.write)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (http2writeEndsStream(wr.write)) { */ case 2: + st = wr.stream; + if (st === ptrType$10.nil) { + $panic(new $String("internal error: expecting non-nil stream")); + } + _1 = st.state; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 6: + st.state = 2; + $r = sc.resetStream($clone(http2streamError(st.id, 0), http2StreamError)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 8; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 7: + $r = sc.closeStream(st, http2errHandlerComplete); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + case 5: + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + _ref = wr.write; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, http2StreamError, true)[1]) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, http2handlerPanicRST, true)[1]) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, http2StreamError, true)[1]) { */ case 11: + v = $clone(_ref.$val, http2StreamError); + _tuple = (_entry = sc.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(v.StreamID)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + st$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 14: + $r = sc.closeStream(st$1, new v.constructor.elem(v)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 15: + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, http2handlerPanicRST, true)[1]) { */ case 12: + v$1 = $clone(_ref.$val, http2handlerPanicRST); + $r = sc.closeStream(wr.stream, http2errHandlerPanicked); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 4: + $r = wr.replyToWriter(res.err); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sc.scheduleFrameWrite(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.wroteFrame, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _ref, _tuple, ok, res, sc, st, st$1, v, v$1, wr, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.wroteFrame = function(res) { return this.$val.wroteFrame(res); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.scheduleFrameWrite = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, ok, sc, wr, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (sc.writingFrame || sc.inFrameScheduleLoop) { + $s = -1; return; + } + sc.inFrameScheduleLoop = true; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(!sc.writingFrameAsync)) { break; } */ if(!(!sc.writingFrameAsync)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (sc.needToSendGoAway) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (sc.needToSendGoAway) { */ case 4: + sc.needToSendGoAway = false; + $r = sc.startFrameWrite(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr(new http2writeGoAway.ptr(sc.maxClientStreamID, sc.goAwayCode), ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (sc.needToSendSettingsAck) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (sc.needToSendSettingsAck) { */ case 7: + sc.needToSendSettingsAck = false; + $r = sc.startFrameWrite(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr((x$5 = new http2writeSettingsAck.ptr(), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (!sc.inGoAway || (sc.goAwayCode === 0)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!sc.inGoAway || (sc.goAwayCode === 0)) { */ case 10: + _r$1 = sc.writeSched.Pop(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + wr = $clone(_tuple[0], http2FrameWriteRequest); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 13: + if ($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).isControl()) { + sc.queuedControlFrames = sc.queuedControlFrames - (1) >> 0; + } + $r = sc.startFrameWrite($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 14: + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if (sc.needsFrameFlush) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (sc.needsFrameFlush) { */ case 16: + $r = sc.startFrameWrite(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr((x$6 = new http2flushFrameWriter.ptr(), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)), ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil)); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sc.needsFrameFlush = false; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 17: + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + case 3: + sc.inFrameScheduleLoop = false; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.scheduleFrameWrite, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, ok, sc, wr, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.scheduleFrameWrite = function() { return this.$val.scheduleFrameWrite(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdown = function() { + var {sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = [sc]; + sc[0] = this; + $r = sc[0].serveG.checkNotOn(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sc[0].shutdownOnce.Do((function(sc) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = sc[0].sendServeMsg(http2gracefulShutdownMsg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(sc)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdown, $c: true, $r, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.startGracefulShutdown = function() { return this.$val.startGracefulShutdown(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdownInternal = function() { + var {sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.goAway(0); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.startGracefulShutdownInternal, $c: true, $r, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.startGracefulShutdownInternal = function() { return this.$val.startGracefulShutdownInternal(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.goAway = function(code) { + var {code, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (sc.inGoAway) { + if (sc.goAwayCode === 0) { + sc.goAwayCode = code; + } + $s = -1; return; + } + sc.inGoAway = true; + sc.needToSendGoAway = true; + sc.goAwayCode = code; + $r = sc.scheduleFrameWrite(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.goAway, $c: true, $r, code, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.goAway = function(code) { return this.$val.goAway(code); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.shutDownIn = function(d) { + var {_r$1, d, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {d}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = time.AfterFunc(d, $methodVal(sc, "onShutdownTimer")); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sc.shutdownTimer = _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.shutDownIn, $c: true, $r, _r$1, d, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.shutDownIn = function(d) { return this.$val.shutDownIn(d); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.resetStream = function(se) { + var {_entry, _tuple, ok, sc, se, st, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {se}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sc.writeFrame(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr(new se.constructor.elem(se), ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = (_entry = sc.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(se.StreamID)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$10.nil, false]); + st = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + st.resetQueued = true; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.resetStream, $c: true, $r, _entry, _tuple, ok, sc, se, st, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.resetStream = function(se) { return this.$val.resetStream(se); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processFrameFromReader = function(res) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _v, clientGone, err, ev, ev$1, ev$2, ev$3, f, res, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {res}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = res.err; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, http2ErrFrameTooLarge)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, http2ErrFrameTooLarge)) { */ case 5: + $r = sc.goAway(6); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 6: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF) || $interfaceIsEqual(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF)) { _v = true; $s = 8; continue s; } + _r$1 = http2isClosedConnError(err); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1; case 8: + clientGone = _v; + if (clientGone) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + f = res.f; + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 10: + _r$2 = http2summarizeFrame(f); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$2); + $r = sc.vlogf("http2: server read frame %v", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 11: + _r$3 = sc.processFrame(f); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return true; + } + /* } */ case 4: + _ref = err; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, http2StreamError, true)[1]) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, http2goAwayFlowError, true)[1]) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, http2ConnectionError, true)[1]) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, http2StreamError, true)[1]) { */ case 15: + ev = $clone(_ref.$val, http2StreamError); + $r = sc.resetStream($clone(ev, http2StreamError)); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, http2goAwayFlowError, true)[1]) { */ case 16: + ev$1 = $clone(_ref.$val, http2goAwayFlowError); + $r = sc.goAway(3); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, http2ConnectionError, true)[1]) { */ case 17: + ev$2 = _ref.$val; + _r$4 = sc.conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$4; + _arg$2 = new http2ConnectionError(ev$2); + $r = sc.logf("http2: server connection error from %v: %v", new sliceType([_arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sc.goAway(((ev$2 >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return true; + /* } else { */ case 18: + ev$3 = _ref; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(res.err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(res.err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 25: + _r$5 = sc.conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$3 = _r$5; + _arg$4 = err; + $r = sc.vlogf("http2: server closing client connection; error reading frame from client %s: %v", new sliceType([_arg$3, _arg$4])); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 27; continue; + /* } else { */ case 26: + $r = sc.logf("http2: server closing client connection: %v", new sliceType([err])); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 27: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 19: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processFrameFromReader, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _arg$4, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _v, clientGone, err, ev, ev$1, ev$2, ev$3, f, res, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processFrameFromReader = function(res) { return this.$val.processFrameFromReader(res); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processFrame = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, f, f$1, f$10, f$2, f$3, f$4, f$5, f$6, f$7, f$8, f$9, ok, sc, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!sc.sawFirstSettings) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!sc.sawFirstSettings) { */ case 2: + _tuple = $assertType(f, ptrType$78, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = sc.countError("first_settings", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + sc.sawFirstSettings = true; + /* } */ case 3: + _ref = f; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$78, true)[1]) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$76, true)[1]) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$80, true)[1]) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$81, true)[1]) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$79, true)[1]) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$83, true)[1]) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$95, true)[1]) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$82, true)[1]) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$96, true)[1]) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$78, true)[1]) { */ case 8: + f$1 = _ref.$val; + _r$2 = sc.processSettings(f$1); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$1; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$76, true)[1]) { */ case 9: + f$2 = _ref.$val; + _r$3 = sc.processHeaders(f$2); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$3; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$2; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$80, true)[1]) { */ case 10: + f$3 = _ref.$val; + _r$4 = sc.processWindowUpdate(f$3); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$4; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$3; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$81, true)[1]) { */ case 11: + f$4 = _ref.$val; + _r$5 = sc.processPing(f$4); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$5; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$4; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$79, true)[1]) { */ case 12: + f$5 = _ref.$val; + _r$6 = sc.processData(f$5); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$6; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$5; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$83, true)[1]) { */ case 13: + f$6 = _ref.$val; + _r$7 = sc.processResetStream(f$6); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$6 = _r$7; + $s = 30; case 30: return $24r$6; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$95, true)[1]) { */ case 14: + f$7 = _ref.$val; + _r$8 = sc.processPriority(f$7); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$7 = _r$8; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$7; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$82, true)[1]) { */ case 15: + f$8 = _ref.$val; + _r$9 = sc.processGoAway(f$8); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$8 = _r$9; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$8; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$96, true)[1]) { */ case 16: + f$9 = _ref.$val; + _r$10 = sc.countError("push_promise", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$9 = _r$10; + $s = 36; case 36: return $24r$9; + /* } else { */ case 17: + f$10 = _ref; + _r$11 = f$10.Header(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = (x$5 = _r$11, new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + $r = sc.vlogf("http2: server ignoring frame: %v", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 18: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _arg, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, f, f$1, f$10, f$2, f$3, f$4, f$5, f$6, f$7, f$8, f$9, ok, sc, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processFrame = function(f) { return this.$val.processFrame(f); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processPing = function(f) { + var {$24r, _r$1, f, sc, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (f.IsAck()) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (!((f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID === 0))) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = sc.countError("ping_on_stream", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + if (sc.inGoAway && !((sc.goAwayCode === 0))) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + $r = sc.writeFrame(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr((x$5 = new http2writePingAck.ptr(f), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processPing, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, f, sc, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processPing = function(f) { return this.$val.processPing(f); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processWindowUpdate = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, f, sc, st, state, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID === 0))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (!sc.flow.add(((f.Increment >> 0)))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!((f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID === 0))) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = sc.state(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + state = _tuple[0]; + st = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (state === 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (state === 0) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = sc.countError("stream_idle", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r; + /* } */ case 8: + if (st === ptrType$10.nil) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (!st.flow.add(((f.Increment >> 0)))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!st.flow.add(((f.Increment >> 0)))) { */ case 11: + _r$3 = sc.countError("bad_flow", (x$5 = http2streamError(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 3), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 12: + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (!sc.flow.add(((f.Increment >> 0)))) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return (x$6 = new http2goAwayFlowError.ptr(), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + /* } */ case 5: + case 2: + $r = sc.scheduleFrameWrite(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processWindowUpdate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, f, sc, st, state, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processWindowUpdate = function(f) { return this.$val.processWindowUpdate(f); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processResetStream = function(f) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, f, sc, st, state, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = sc.state(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + state = _tuple[0]; + st = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (state === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (state === 0) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = sc.countError("reset_idle_stream", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (!(st === ptrType$10.nil)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(st === ptrType$10.nil)) { */ case 7: + $r = st.cancelCtx(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sc.closeStream(st, (x$5 = http2streamError(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, f.ErrCode), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processResetStream, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, f, sc, st, state, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processResetStream = function(f) { return this.$val.processResetStream(f); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.closeStream = function(st, err) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, err, p, sc, st, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {st, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ((st.state === 0) || (st.state === 4)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((st.state === 0) || (st.state === 4)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("invariant; can't close stream in state %v", new sliceType([new http2streamState(st.state)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + /* } */ case 3: + st.state = 4; + if (!(st.writeDeadline === ptrType$25.nil)) { + st.writeDeadline.Stop(); + } + if (st.isPushed()) { + sc.curPushedStreams = sc.curPushedStreams - (1) >>> 0; + } else { + sc.curClientStreams = sc.curClientStreams - (1) >>> 0; + } + delete sc.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(st.id)]; + /* */ if ($keys(sc.streams).length === 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if ($keys(sc.streams).length === 0) { */ case 5: + $r = sc.setConnState(2); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((x$5 = sc.srv.IdleTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = sc.srv.IdleTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = sc.idleTimer.Reset(sc.srv.IdleTimeout); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$3 = http2h1ServerKeepAlivesDisabled(sc.hs); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 11: + $r = sc.startGracefulShutdownInternal(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 12: + /* } */ case 6: + p = st.body; + /* */ if (!(p === ptrType$97.nil)) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!(p === ptrType$97.nil)) { */ case 15: + _arg = ptrType$10.nil; + _r$4 = p.Len(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$4; + $r = sc.sendWindowUpdate(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = p.CloseWithError(err); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 16: + new http2closeWaiter(st.cw).Close(); + $r = sc.writeSched.CloseStream(st.id); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.closeStream, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, err, p, sc, st, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.closeStream = function(st, err) { return this.$val.closeStream(st, err); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processSettings = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, err, f, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (f.IsAck()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (f.IsAck()) { */ case 2: + sc.unackedSettings = sc.unackedSettings - (1) >> 0; + /* */ if (sc.unackedSettings < 0) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (sc.unackedSettings < 0) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = sc.countError("ack_mystery", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (f.NumSettings() > 100 || f.HasDuplicates()) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (f.NumSettings() > 100 || f.HasDuplicates()) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = sc.countError("settings_big_or_dups", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$3 = f.ForeachSetting($methodVal(sc, "processSetting")); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$3; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + sc.needToSendSettingsAck = true; + $r = sc.scheduleFrameWrite(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processSettings, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, err, f, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processSettings = function(f) { return this.$val.processSettings(f); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processSetting = function(s) { + var {$24r, _1, _r$1, err, s, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = $clone(s, http2Setting).Valid(); + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 2: + $r = sc.vlogf("http2: server processing setting %v", new sliceType([new s.constructor.elem(s)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + _1 = s.ID; + /* */ if (_1 === (1)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (2)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_1 === (1)) { */ case 6: + sc.headerTableSize = s.Val; + $r = sc.hpackEncoder.SetMaxDynamicTableSize(s.Val); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (2)) { */ case 7: + sc.pushEnabled = !((s.Val === 0)); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 8: + sc.clientMaxStreams = s.Val; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 9: + _r$1 = sc.processSettingInitialWindowSize(s.Val); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 10: + sc.maxFrameSize = ((s.Val >> 0)); + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 11: + sc.peerMaxHeaderListSize = s.Val; + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 12: + $r = sc.vlogf("http2: server ignoring unknown setting %v", new sliceType([new s.constructor.elem(s)])); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + case 5: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processSetting, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _r$1, err, s, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processSetting = function(s) { return this.$val.processSetting(s); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processSettingInitialWindowSize = function(val) { + var {$24r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, growth, old, sc, st, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {val}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + old = sc.initialStreamSendWindowSize; + sc.initialStreamSendWindowSize = ((val >> 0)); + growth = ((val >> 0)) - old >> 0; + _ref = sc.streams; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + st = _entry.v; + /* */ if (!st.flow.add(growth)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!st.flow.add(growth)) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = sc.countError("setting_win_size", new http2ConnectionError(3)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processSettingInitialWindowSize, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, growth, old, sc, st, val, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processSettingInitialWindowSize = function(val) { return this.$val.processSettingInitialWindowSize(val); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processData = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, data, err, f, id, pad, sc, st, state, wrote, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + id = $clone(f.http2FrameHeader, http2FrameHeader).Header().StreamID; + if (sc.inGoAway && (!((sc.goAwayCode === 0)) || id > sc.maxClientStreamID)) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + data = f.Data(); + _r$1 = sc.state(id); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + state = _tuple[0]; + st = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if ((id === 0) || (state === 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ((id === 0) || (state === 0)) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = sc.countError("data_on_idle", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (st === ptrType$10.nil || !((state === 1)) || st.gotTrailerHeader || st.resetQueued) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (st === ptrType$10.nil || !((state === 1)) || st.gotTrailerHeader || st.resetQueued) { */ case 7: + /* */ if (sc.inflow.available() < ((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (sc.inflow.available() < ((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))) { */ case 9: + _r$3 = sc.countError("data_flow", (x$5 = http2streamError(id, 3), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + sc.inflow.take(((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))); + $r = sc.sendWindowUpdate(ptrType$10.nil, ((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(st === ptrType$10.nil) && st.resetQueued) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$4 = sc.countError("closed", (x$6 = http2streamError(id, 5), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$4; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 8: + if (st.body === ptrType$97.nil) { + $panic(new $String("internal error: should have a body in this state")); + } + /* */ if (!((x$7 = st.declBodyBytes, (x$7.$high === -1 && x$7.$low === 4294967295))) && (x$8 = (x$9 = st.bodyBytes, x$10 = (new $Int64(0, data.$length)), new $Int64(x$9.$high + x$10.$high, x$9.$low + x$10.$low)), x$11 = st.declBodyBytes, (x$8.$high > x$11.$high || (x$8.$high === x$11.$high && x$8.$low > x$11.$low)))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!((x$7 = st.declBodyBytes, (x$7.$high === -1 && x$7.$low === 4294967295))) && (x$8 = (x$9 = st.bodyBytes, x$10 = (new $Int64(0, data.$length)), new $Int64(x$9.$high + x$10.$high, x$9.$low + x$10.$low)), x$11 = st.declBodyBytes, (x$8.$high > x$11.$high || (x$8.$high === x$11.$high && x$8.$low > x$11.$low)))) { */ case 16: + _r$5 = fmt.Errorf("sender tried to send more than declared Content-Length of %d bytes", new sliceType([st.declBodyBytes])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = st.body.CloseWithError(_r$5); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = sc.countError("send_too_much", (x$12 = http2streamError(id, 1), new x$12.constructor.elem(x$12))); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$6; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 17: + /* */ if (f.http2FrameHeader.Length > 0) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (f.http2FrameHeader.Length > 0) { */ case 22: + /* */ if (st.inflow.available() < ((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (st.inflow.available() < ((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))) { */ case 24: + _r$7 = sc.countError("flow_on_data_length", (x$13 = http2streamError(id, 3), new x$13.constructor.elem(x$13))); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$7; + $s = 27; case 27: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 25: + st.inflow.take(((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))); + /* */ if (data.$length > 0) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (data.$length > 0) { */ case 28: + _r$8 = st.body.Write(data); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$8; + wrote = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 31: + $r = sc.sendWindowUpdate(ptrType$10.nil, ((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0)) - wrote >> 0); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = sc.countError("body_write_err", (x$14 = http2streamError(id, 5), new x$14.constructor.elem(x$14))); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$9; + $s = 35; case 35: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 32: + if (!((wrote === data.$length))) { + $panic(new $String("internal error: bad Writer")); + } + st.bodyBytes = (x$15 = st.bodyBytes, x$16 = (new $Int64(0, data.$length)), new $Int64(x$15.$high + x$16.$high, x$15.$low + x$16.$low)); + /* } */ case 29: + pad = ((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0)) - ((data.$length >> 0)) >> 0; + /* */ if (pad > 0) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (pad > 0) { */ case 36: + $r = sc.sendWindowUpdate32(ptrType$10.nil, pad); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sc.sendWindowUpdate32(st, pad); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 37: + /* } */ case 23: + /* */ if (f.StreamEnded()) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (f.StreamEnded()) { */ case 40: + $r = st.endStream(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 41: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processData, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, data, err, f, id, pad, sc, st, state, wrote, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processData = function(f) { return this.$val.processData(f); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processGoAway = function(f) { + var {f, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((f.ErrCode === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((f.ErrCode === 0))) { */ case 2: + $r = sc.logf("http2: received GOAWAY %+v, starting graceful shutdown", new sliceType([f])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + $r = sc.vlogf("http2: received GOAWAY %+v, starting graceful shutdown", new sliceType([f])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + $r = sc.startGracefulShutdownInternal(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sc.pushEnabled = false; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processGoAway, $c: true, $r, f, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processGoAway = function(f) { return this.$val.processGoAway(f); }; + http2stream.ptr.prototype.isPushed = function() { + var _r$1, st; + st = this; + return (_r$1 = st.id % 2, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0; + }; + http2stream.prototype.isPushed = function() { return this.$val.isPushed(); }; + http2stream.ptr.prototype.endStream = function() { + var {_r$1, sc, st, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + st = this; + sc = st.sc; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((x$5 = st.declBodyBytes, (x$5.$high === -1 && x$5.$low === 4294967295))) && !((x$6 = st.declBodyBytes, x$7 = st.bodyBytes, (x$6.$high === x$7.$high && x$6.$low === x$7.$low)))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = st.declBodyBytes, (x$5.$high === -1 && x$5.$low === 4294967295))) && !((x$6 = st.declBodyBytes, x$7 = st.bodyBytes, (x$6.$high === x$7.$high && x$6.$low === x$7.$low)))) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("request declared a Content-Length of %d but only wrote %d bytes", new sliceType([st.declBodyBytes, st.bodyBytes])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = st.body.CloseWithError(_r$1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else { */ case 3: + $r = st.body.closeWithErrorAndCode(io.EOF, $methodVal(st, "copyTrailersToHandlerRequest")); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = st.body.CloseWithError(io.EOF); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + st.state = 3; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2stream.ptr.prototype.endStream, $c: true, $r, _r$1, sc, st, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + http2stream.prototype.endStream = function() { return this.$val.endStream(); }; + http2stream.ptr.prototype.copyTrailersToHandlerRequest = function() { + var _entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _keys, _ref, _tuple, k, ok, st, vv; + st = this; + _ref = st.trailer; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + _tuple = (_entry$1 = st.reqTrailer[$String.keyFor(k)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + _key = k; (st.reqTrailer || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: vv }; + } + _i++; + } + }; + http2stream.prototype.copyTrailersToHandlerRequest = function() { return this.$val.copyTrailersToHandlerRequest(); }; + http2stream.ptr.prototype.onWriteTimeout = function() { + var {_r$1, st, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + st = this; + _r$1 = st.sc.writeFrameFromHandler(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr((x$5 = http2streamError(st.id, 2), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2stream.ptr.prototype.onWriteTimeout, $c: true, $r, _r$1, st, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2stream.prototype.onWriteTimeout = function() { return this.$val.onWriteTimeout(); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processHeaders = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, f, handler, id, initialState, req, rw, sc, st, st$1, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + id = f.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID; + if (sc.inGoAway) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (!(((_r$1 = id % 2, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 1))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(((_r$1 = id % 2, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 1))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = sc.countError("headers_even", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + st = (_entry = sc.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(f.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$10.nil); + /* */ if (!(st === ptrType$10.nil)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(st === ptrType$10.nil)) { */ case 6: + if (st.resetQueued) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (st.state === 3) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (st.state === 3) { */ case 8: + _r$3 = sc.countError("headers_half_closed", (x$5 = http2streamError(id, 5), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$4 = st.processTrailerHeaders(f); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$4; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (id <= sc.maxClientStreamID) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (id <= sc.maxClientStreamID) { */ case 14: + _r$5 = sc.countError("stream_went_down", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$5; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 15: + sc.maxClientStreamID = id; + if (!(sc.idleTimer === ptrType$25.nil)) { + sc.idleTimer.Stop(); + } + /* */ if ((sc.curClientStreams + 1 >>> 0) > sc.advMaxStreams) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if ((sc.curClientStreams + 1 >>> 0) > sc.advMaxStreams) { */ case 18: + /* */ if (sc.unackedSettings === 0) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (sc.unackedSettings === 0) { */ case 20: + _r$6 = sc.countError("over_max_streams", (x$6 = http2streamError(id, 1), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$6; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 21: + _r$7 = sc.countError("over_max_streams_race", (x$7 = http2streamError(id, 7), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7))); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = _r$7; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 19: + initialState = 1; + if (f.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()) { + initialState = 3; + } + _r$8 = sc.newStream(id, 0, initialState); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + st$1 = _r$8; + /* */ if (f.http2HeadersFrame.HasPriority()) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (f.http2HeadersFrame.HasPriority()) { */ case 27: + _r$9 = sc.checkPriority(f.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, $clone(f.http2HeadersFrame.Priority, http2PriorityParam)); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$9; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $r = sc.writeSched.AdjustStream(st$1.id, $clone(f.http2HeadersFrame.Priority, http2PriorityParam)); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 28: + _r$10 = sc.newWriterAndRequest(st$1, f); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$10; + rw = _tuple[0]; + req = _tuple[1]; + err$1 = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + st$1.reqTrailer = req.Trailer; + if (!(st$1.reqTrailer === false)) { + st$1.trailer = {}; + } + st$1.body = $assertType(req.Body, ptrType$12).pipe; + st$1.declBodyBytes = req.ContentLength; + handler = $methodVal(sc.handler, "ServeHTTP"); + /* */ if (f.Truncated) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (f.Truncated) { */ case 32: + handler = http2handleHeaderListTooLong; + $s = 34; continue; + /* } else { */ case 33: + _r$11 = http2checkValidHTTP2RequestHeaders(req.Header); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$11; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + handler = http2new400Handler(err$2); + } + /* } */ case 34: + /* */ if (!((x$8 = sc.hs.ReadTimeout, (x$8.$high === 0 && x$8.$low === 0)))) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (!((x$8 = sc.hs.ReadTimeout, (x$8.$high === 0 && x$8.$low === 0)))) { */ case 36: + _r$12 = sc.conn.SetReadDeadline(new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$12; + /* } */ case 37: + $go($methodVal(sc, "runHandler"), [rw, req, handler]); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processHeaders, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, f, handler, id, initialState, req, rw, sc, st, st$1, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processHeaders = function(f) { return this.$val.processHeaders(f); }; + http2stream.ptr.prototype.processTrailerHeaders = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _entry, _i, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, f, hf, key, sc, st, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + st = this; + sc = st.sc; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (st.gotTrailerHeader) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (st.gotTrailerHeader) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = sc.countError("dup_trailers", new http2ConnectionError(1)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + st.gotTrailerHeader = true; + /* */ if (!f.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!f.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = sc.countError("trailers_not_ended", (x$5 = http2streamError(st.id, 1), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (f.PseudoFields().$length > 0) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (f.PseudoFields().$length > 0) { */ case 10: + _r$3 = sc.countError("trailers_pseudo", (x$6 = http2streamError(st.id, 1), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$3; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if (!(st.trailer === false)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!(st.trailer === false)) { */ case 14: + _ref = f.RegularFields(); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 16: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 17; continue; } + hf = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), hpack.HeaderField); + _r$4 = sc.canonicalHeader(hf.Name); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r$4; + _r$5 = httpguts.ValidTrailerHeader(key); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$5) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (!_r$5) { */ case 19: + _r$6 = sc.countError("trailers_bogus", (x$7 = http2streamError(st.id, 1), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7))); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$6; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 20: + _key = key; (st.trailer || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $append((_entry = st.trailer[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil), hf.Value) }; + _i++; + $s = 16; continue; + case 17: + /* } */ case 15: + $r = st.endStream(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2stream.ptr.prototype.processTrailerHeaders, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _entry, _i, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, f, hf, key, sc, st, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + http2stream.prototype.processTrailerHeaders = function(f) { return this.$val.processTrailerHeaders(f); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.checkPriority = function(streamID, p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, p, sc, streamID, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID, p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + /* */ if (streamID === p.StreamDep) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (streamID === p.StreamDep) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = sc.countError("priority", (x$5 = http2streamError(streamID, 1), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.checkPriority, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, p, sc, streamID, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.checkPriority = function(streamID, p) { return this.$val.checkPriority(streamID, p); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processPriority = function(f) { + var {_r$1, err, f, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + if (sc.inGoAway) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + _r$1 = sc.checkPriority(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, $clone(f.http2PriorityParam, http2PriorityParam)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $r = sc.writeSched.AdjustStream(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, $clone(f.http2PriorityParam, http2PriorityParam)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.processPriority, $c: true, $r, _r$1, err, f, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.processPriority = function(f) { return this.$val.processPriority(f); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.newStream = function(id, pusherID, state) { + var {_key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, cancelCtx, ctx, id, pusherID, sc, st, state, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {id, pusherID, state}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (id === 0) { + $panic(new $String("internal error: cannot create stream with id 0")); + } + _r$1 = context.WithCancel(sc.baseCtx); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + ctx = _tuple[0]; + cancelCtx = _tuple[1]; + st = new http2stream.ptr(sc, id, ptrType$97.nil, $chanNil, ctx, cancelCtx, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil), new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil), state, false, false, false, ptrType$25.nil, false, false); + (st.$ptr_cw || (st.$ptr_cw = new ptrType$98(function() { return this.$target.cw; }, function($v) { this.$target.cw = $v; }, st))).Init(); + st.flow.conn = sc.flow; + st.flow.add(sc.initialStreamSendWindowSize); + st.inflow.conn = sc.inflow; + st.inflow.add(sc.srv.initialStreamRecvWindowSize()); + /* */ if (!((x$5 = sc.hs.WriteTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = sc.hs.WriteTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = time.AfterFunc(sc.hs.WriteTimeout, $methodVal(st, "onWriteTimeout")); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + st.writeDeadline = _r$2; + /* } */ case 4: + _key = id; (sc.streams || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: st }; + $r = sc.writeSched.OpenStream(st.id, new http2OpenStreamOptions.ptr(pusherID)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (st.isPushed()) { + sc.curPushedStreams = sc.curPushedStreams + (1) >>> 0; + } else { + sc.curClientStreams = sc.curClientStreams + (1) >>> 0; + } + _r$3 = sc.curOpenStreams(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3 === 1) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (_r$3 === 1) { */ case 7: + $r = sc.setConnState(1); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + $s = -1; return st; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.newStream, $c: true, $r, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, cancelCtx, ctx, id, pusherID, sc, st, state, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.newStream = function(id, pusherID, state) { return this.$val.newStream(id, pusherID, state); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.newWriterAndRequest = function(st, f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, bodyOpen, cl, err, err$1, f, hf, isConnect, ok, req, rp, rw, sc, st, vv, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {st, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rp = new http2requestParam.ptr(f.PseudoValue("method"), f.PseudoValue("scheme"), f.PseudoValue("authority"), f.PseudoValue("path"), false); + isConnect = rp.method === "CONNECT"; + /* */ if (isConnect) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (rp.method === "" || rp.path === "" || (!(rp.scheme === "https") && !(rp.scheme === "http"))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (isConnect) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (!(rp.path === "") || !(rp.scheme === "") || rp.authority === "") { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(rp.path === "") || !(rp.scheme === "") || rp.authority === "") { */ case 5: + _r$1 = sc.countError("bad_connect", (x$5 = http2streamError(f.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 1), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$16.nil, ptrType$11.nil, _r$1]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = 4; continue; + /* } else if (rp.method === "" || rp.path === "" || (!(rp.scheme === "https") && !(rp.scheme === "http"))) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = sc.countError("bad_path_method", (x$6 = http2streamError(f.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 1), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [ptrType$16.nil, ptrType$11.nil, _r$2]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 4: + bodyOpen = !f.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded(); + /* */ if (rp.method === "HEAD" && bodyOpen) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (rp.method === "HEAD" && bodyOpen) { */ case 11: + _r$3 = sc.countError("head_body", (x$7 = http2streamError(f.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 1), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7))); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [ptrType$16.nil, ptrType$11.nil, _r$3]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 12: + rp.header = {}; + _ref = f.RegularFields(); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 15: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 16; continue; } + hf = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), hpack.HeaderField); + _r$4 = sc.canonicalHeader(hf.Name); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = new Header(rp.header).Add(_r$4, hf.Value); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 15; continue; + case 16: + /* */ if (rp.authority === "") { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (rp.authority === "") { */ case 19: + _r$5 = new Header(rp.header).Get("Host"); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rp.authority = _r$5; + /* } */ case 20: + _r$6 = sc.newWriterAndRequestNoBody(st, $clone(rp, http2requestParam)); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$6; + rw = _tuple[0]; + req = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$16.nil, ptrType$11.nil, err]; + } + if (bodyOpen) { + _tuple$1 = (_entry = rp.header[$String.keyFor("Content-Length")], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + vv = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + _tuple$2 = strconv.ParseUint((0 >= vv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv.$array[vv.$offset + 0]), 10, 63); + cl = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + req.ContentLength = (new $Int64(cl.$high, cl.$low)); + } else { + req.ContentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + } + } else { + req.ContentLength = new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + } + $assertType(req.Body, ptrType$12).pipe = new http2pipe.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new sync.Cond.ptr(new sync.noCopy.ptr(), $ifaceNil, new sync.notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, $chanNil), new http2dataBuffer.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0, 0, req.ContentLength), 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $chanNil, $throwNilPointerError); + } + $s = -1; return [rw, req, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.newWriterAndRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, bodyOpen, cl, err, err$1, f, hf, isConnect, ok, req, rp, rw, sc, st, vv, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.newWriterAndRequest = function(st, f) { return this.$val.newWriterAndRequest(st, f); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.newWriterAndRequestNoBody = function(st, rp) { + var {$24r, _1, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, body$1, bwSave, cookies, err, key, needsContinue, req, requestURI, rp, rw, rws, sc, st, tlsState, trailer, url_, v, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {st, rp}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tlsState = ptrType$28.nil; + if (rp.scheme === "https") { + tlsState = sc.tlsState; + } + _r$1 = new Header(rp.header).Get("Expect"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + needsContinue = _r$1 === "100-continue"; + /* */ if (needsContinue) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (needsContinue) { */ case 3: + $r = new Header(rp.header).Del("Expect"); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + cookies = (_entry = rp.header[$String.keyFor("Cookie")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + /* */ if (cookies.$length > 1) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (cookies.$length > 1) { */ case 6: + $r = new Header(rp.header).Set("Cookie", strings.Join(cookies, "; ")); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + trailer = false; + _ref = (_entry$1 = rp.header[$String.keyFor("Trailer")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 9: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 10; continue; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = strings.Split(v, ","); + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 11: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 12; continue; } + key = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + _r$2 = CanonicalHeaderKey(textproto.TrimString(key)); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r$2; + _1 = key; + if (_1 === ("Transfer-Encoding") || _1 === ("Trailer") || _1 === ("Content-Length")) { + } else { + if (trailer === false) { + trailer = {}; + } + _key = key; (trailer || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: sliceType$2.nil }; + } + _i$1++; + $s = 11; continue; + case 12: + _i++; + $s = 9; continue; + case 10: + delete rp.header[$String.keyFor("Trailer")]; + url_ = ptrType$17.nil; + requestURI = ""; + /* */ if (rp.method === "CONNECT") { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (rp.method === "CONNECT") { */ case 14: + url_ = new url.URL.ptr("", "", ptrType$21.nil, rp.authority, "", "", false, "", "", ""); + requestURI = rp.authority; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else { */ case 15: + err = $ifaceNil; + _r$3 = url.ParseRequestURI(rp.path); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + url_ = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 18: + _r$4 = sc.countError("bad_path", (x$5 = http2streamError(st.id, 1), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$16.nil, ptrType$11.nil, _r$4]; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r; + /* } */ case 19: + requestURI = rp.path; + /* } */ case 16: + body$1 = new http2requestBody.ptr(arrayType.zero(), st, sc, false, false, ptrType$97.nil, needsContinue); + req = new Request.ptr(rp.method, url_, "HTTP/2.0", 2, 0, rp.header, body$1, $throwNilPointerError, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$2.nil, false, rp.authority, false, false, ptrType$31.nil, trailer, sc.remoteAddrStr, requestURI, tlsState, $chanNil, ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil); + req = req.WithContext(st.ctx); + _r$5 = http2responseWriterStatePool.Get(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rws = $assertType(_r$5, ptrType$99); + bwSave = rws.bw; + http2responseWriterState.copy(rws, new http2responseWriterState.ptr(ptrType$10.nil, ptrType$11.nil, ptrType$12.nil, ptrType$13.nil, ptrType$14.nil, false, false, sliceType$2.nil, 0, false, false, false, false, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $chanNil)); + rws.conn = sc; + rws.bw = bwSave; + rws.bw.Reset((x$6 = new http2chunkWriter.ptr(rws), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))); + rws.stream = st; + rws.req = req; + rws.body = body$1; + rw = new http2responseWriter.ptr(rws); + $s = -1; return [rw, req, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.newWriterAndRequestNoBody, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, body$1, bwSave, cookies, err, key, needsContinue, req, requestURI, rp, rw, rws, sc, st, tlsState, trailer, url_, v, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.newWriterAndRequestNoBody = function(st, rp) { return this.$val.newWriterAndRequestNoBody(st, rp); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.runHandler = function(rw, req, handler) { + var {didPanic, handler, req, rw, sc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rw, req, handler}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + didPanic = [didPanic]; + rw = [rw]; + sc = [sc]; + sc[0] = this; + didPanic[0] = true; + $deferred.push([(function(didPanic, rw, sc) { return function $b() { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$1, _r$2, buf, e, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = rw[0].rws.stream.cancelCtx(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (didPanic[0]) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (didPanic[0]) { */ case 2: + e = $recover(); + _r$1 = sc[0].writeFrameFromHandler(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr((x$5 = new http2handlerPanicRST.ptr(rw[0].rws.stream.id), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), rw[0].rws.stream, $chanNil)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(e, $pkg.ErrAbortHandler))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil)) && !($interfaceIsEqual(e, $pkg.ErrAbortHandler))) { */ case 5: + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 65536); + buf = $subslice(buf, 0, runtime.Stack(buf, false)); + _r$2 = sc[0].conn.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = _r$2; + _arg$1 = e; + _arg$2 = buf; + $r = sc[0].logf("http2: panic serving %v: %v\n%s", new sliceType([_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + $r = rw[0].handlerDone(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r$1, _r$2, buf, e, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; })(didPanic, rw, sc), []]); + $r = handler(rw[0], req); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + didPanic[0] = false; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.runHandler, $c: true, $r, didPanic, handler, req, rw, sc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.runHandler = function(rw, req, handler) { return this.$val.runHandler(rw, req, handler); }; + http2handleHeaderListTooLong = function(w, r) { + var {_r$1, r, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = w.WriteHeader(431); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = io.WriteString(w, "

HTTP Error 431

Request Header Field(s) Too Large

"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2handleHeaderListTooLong, $c: true, $r, _r$1, r, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.writeHeaders = function(st, headerData) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, err, err$1, errc, headerData, sc, st, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {st, headerData}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.checkNotOn(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errc = $chanNil; + /* */ if (!(headerData.h === false)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(headerData.h === false)) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = http2errChanPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errc = $assertType(_r$1, chanType); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$2 = sc.writeFrameFromHandler(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr(headerData, st, errc)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* */ if (!(errc === $chanNil)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(errc === $chanNil)) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = $select([[errc], [sc.doneServing], [st.cw]]); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$3; + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + err$1 = _selection[1][0]; + http2errChanPool.Put(new chanType(errc)); + $s = -1; return err$1; + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + $s = -1; return http2errClientDisconnected; + } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { + $s = -1; return http2errStreamClosed; + } + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.writeHeaders, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _selection, err, err$1, errc, headerData, sc, st, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.writeHeaders = function(st, headerData) { return this.$val.writeHeaders(st, headerData); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.write100ContinueHeaders = function(st) { + var {_r$1, sc, st, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {st}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + _r$1 = sc.writeFrameFromHandler(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr((x$5 = new http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame.ptr(st.id), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), st, $chanNil)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.write100ContinueHeaders, $c: true, $r, _r$1, sc, st, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.write100ContinueHeaders = function(st) { return this.$val.write100ContinueHeaders(st); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.noteBodyReadFromHandler = function(st, n, err) { + var {_r$1, _selection, err, n, sc, st, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {st, n, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.checkNotOn(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (n > 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (n > 0) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = $select([[sc.bodyReadCh, new http2bodyReadMsg.ptr(st, n)], [sc.doneServing]]); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$1; + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.noteBodyReadFromHandler, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _selection, err, n, sc, st, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.noteBodyReadFromHandler = function(st, n, err) { return this.$val.noteBodyReadFromHandler(st, n, err); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.noteBodyRead = function(st, n) { + var {n, sc, st, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {st, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sc.sendWindowUpdate(ptrType$10.nil, n); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((st.state === 3)) && !((st.state === 4))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((st.state === 3)) && !((st.state === 4))) { */ case 3: + $r = sc.sendWindowUpdate(st, n); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.noteBodyRead, $c: true, $r, n, sc, st, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.noteBodyRead = function(st, n) { return this.$val.noteBodyRead(st, n); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.sendWindowUpdate = function(st, n) { + var {n, sc, st, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {st, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(n >= 2147483647)) { break; } */ if(!(n >= 2147483647)) { $s = 3; continue; } + $r = sc.sendWindowUpdate32(st, 2147483647); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + n = n - (2147483647) >> 0; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $r = sc.sendWindowUpdate32(st, ((n >> 0))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.sendWindowUpdate, $c: true, $r, n, sc, st, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.sendWindowUpdate = function(st, n) { return this.$val.sendWindowUpdate(st, n); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.sendWindowUpdate32 = function(st, n) { + var {n, ok, sc, st, streamID, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {st, n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + $r = sc.serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (n === 0) { + $s = -1; return; + } + if (n < 0) { + $panic(new $String("negative update")); + } + streamID = 0; + if (!(st === ptrType$10.nil)) { + streamID = st.id; + } + $r = sc.writeFrame(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr((x$5 = new http2writeWindowUpdate.ptr(streamID, ((n >>> 0))), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), st, $chanNil)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ok = false; + if (st === ptrType$10.nil) { + ok = sc.inflow.add(n); + } else { + ok = st.inflow.add(n); + } + if (!ok) { + $panic(new $String("internal error; sent too many window updates without decrements?")); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.sendWindowUpdate32, $c: true, $r, n, ok, sc, st, streamID, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.sendWindowUpdate32 = function(st, n) { return this.$val.sendWindowUpdate32(st, n); }; + http2requestBody.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {b, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + /* */ if (!(b.pipe === ptrType$97.nil) && !b.closed) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(b.pipe === ptrType$97.nil) && !b.closed) { */ case 1: + $r = b.pipe.BreakWithError(http2errClosedBody); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + b.closed = true; + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2requestBody.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, b, $s};return $f; + }; + http2requestBody.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + http2requestBody.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + /* */ if (b.needsContinue) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (b.needsContinue) { */ case 1: + b.needsContinue = false; + $r = b.conn.write100ContinueHeaders(b.stream); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + if (b.pipe === ptrType$97.nil || b.sawEOF) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = io.EOF; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + _r$1 = b.pipe.Read(p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + b.sawEOF = true; + } + if (b.conn === ptrType$13.nil && http2inTests) { + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + $r = b.conn.noteBodyReadFromHandler(b.stream, n, err); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2requestBody.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, err, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + http2requestBody.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + http2chunkWriter.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, cw, err, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + cw = this; + _r$1 = cw.rws.writeChunk(p); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2chunkWriter.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, cw, err, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + http2chunkWriter.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + http2responseWriterState.ptr.prototype.hasTrailers = function() { + var rws; + rws = this; + return rws.trailers.$length > 0; + }; + http2responseWriterState.prototype.hasTrailers = function() { return this.$val.hasTrailers(); }; + http2responseWriterState.ptr.prototype.hasNonemptyTrailers = function() { + var _entry, _i, _ref, _tuple, ok, rws, trailer; + rws = this; + _ref = rws.trailers; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + trailer = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _tuple = (_entry = rws.handlerHeader[$String.keyFor(trailer)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + http2responseWriterState.prototype.hasNonemptyTrailers = function() { return this.$val.hasNonemptyTrailers(); }; + http2responseWriterState.ptr.prototype.declareTrailer = function(k) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, k, rws, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {k}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rws = this; + _r$1 = CanonicalHeaderKey(k); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + k = _r$1; + _r$2 = httpguts.ValidTrailerHeader(k); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 2: + $r = rws.conn.logf("ignoring invalid trailer %q", new sliceType([new $String(k)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + if (!http2strSliceContains(rws.trailers, k)) { + rws.trailers = $append(rws.trailers, k); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriterState.ptr.prototype.declareTrailer, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, k, rws, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriterState.prototype.declareTrailer = function(k) { return this.$val.declareTrailer(k); }; + http2responseWriterState.ptr.prototype.writeChunk = function(p) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, ce, cl, clen, ctype, date, endStream, endStream$1, err, err$1, err$2, hasCE, hasContentType, hasNonemptyTrailers, isHeadResp, n, ok, ok$1, p, rws, v, v$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + rws = this; + /* */ if (!rws.wroteHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!rws.wroteHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = rws.writeHeader(200); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + isHeadResp = rws.req.Method === "HEAD"; + /* */ if (!rws.sentHeader) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!rws.sentHeader) { */ case 4: + rws.sentHeader = true; + _tmp = ""; + _tmp$1 = ""; + ctype = _tmp; + clen = _tmp$1; + _r$1 = new Header(rws.snapHeader).Get("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + clen = _r$1; + /* */ if (!(clen === "")) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(clen === "")) { */ case 7: + $r = new Header(rws.snapHeader).Del("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = strconv.ParseUint(clen, 10, 63); + cl = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + rws.sentContentLen = (new $Int64(cl.$high, cl.$low)); + } else { + clen = ""; + } + /* } */ case 8: + if (clen === "" && rws.handlerDone && http2bodyAllowedForStatus(rws.status) && (p.$length > 0 || !isHeadResp)) { + clen = strconv.Itoa(p.$length); + } + _tuple$1 = (_entry = rws.snapHeader[$String.keyFor("Content-Type")], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + hasContentType = _tuple$1[1]; + _r$2 = new Header(rws.snapHeader).Get("Content-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r$2; + hasCE = ce.length > 0; + /* */ if (!hasCE && !hasContentType && http2bodyAllowedForStatus(rws.status) && p.$length > 0) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!hasCE && !hasContentType && http2bodyAllowedForStatus(rws.status) && p.$length > 0) { */ case 11: + _r$3 = DetectContentType(p); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ctype = _r$3; + /* } */ case 12: + date = ""; + _tuple$2 = (_entry$1 = rws.snapHeader[$String.keyFor("Date")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? [_entry$1.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 14: + _r$4 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $clone(_r$4, time.Time).UTC(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, time.Time).Format("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + date = _r$6; + /* } */ case 15: + _ref = (_entry$2 = rws.snapHeader[$String.keyFor("Trailer")], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : sliceType$2.nil); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 19: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 20; continue; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = http2foreachHeaderElement(v, $methodVal(rws, "declareTrailer")); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 19; continue; + case 20: + _tuple$3 = (_entry$3 = rws.snapHeader[$String.keyFor("Connection")], _entry$3 !== undefined ? [_entry$3.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + ok$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (ok$1) { */ case 22: + _r$7 = new Header(rws.snapHeader).Get("Connection"); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = _r$7; + delete rws.snapHeader[$String.keyFor("Connection")]; + /* */ if (v$1 === "close") { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (v$1 === "close") { */ case 25: + $r = rws.conn.startGracefulShutdown(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 26: + /* } */ case 23: + endStream = (rws.handlerDone && !rws.hasTrailers() && (p.$length === 0)) || isHeadResp; + _r$8 = rws.conn.writeHeaders(rws.stream, new http2writeResHeaders.ptr(rws.stream.id, rws.status, rws.snapHeader, sliceType$2.nil, endStream, date, ctype, clen)); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$8; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + rws.dirty = true; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if (endStream) { + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* } */ case 5: + if (isHeadResp) { + _tmp$6 = p.$length; + _tmp$7 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + if ((p.$length === 0) && !rws.handlerDone) { + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* */ if (rws.handlerDone) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (rws.handlerDone) { */ case 29: + $r = rws.promoteUndeclaredTrailers(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 30: + hasNonemptyTrailers = rws.hasNonemptyTrailers(); + endStream$1 = rws.handlerDone && !hasNonemptyTrailers; + /* */ if (p.$length > 0 || endStream$1) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (p.$length > 0 || endStream$1) { */ case 32: + _r$9 = rws.conn.writeDataFromHandler(rws.stream, p, endStream$1); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$9; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { + rws.dirty = true; + _tmp$10 = 0; + _tmp$11 = err$2; + n = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* } */ case 33: + /* */ if (rws.handlerDone && hasNonemptyTrailers) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ $s = 36; continue; + /* if (rws.handlerDone && hasNonemptyTrailers) { */ case 35: + _r$10 = rws.conn.writeHeaders(rws.stream, new http2writeResHeaders.ptr(rws.stream.id, 0, rws.handlerHeader, rws.trailers, true, "", "", "")); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$10; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + rws.dirty = true; + } + _tmp$12 = p.$length; + _tmp$13 = err; + n = _tmp$12; + err = _tmp$13; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* } */ case 36: + _tmp$14 = p.$length; + _tmp$15 = $ifaceNil; + n = _tmp$14; + err = _tmp$15; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriterState.ptr.prototype.writeChunk, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, ce, cl, clen, ctype, date, endStream, endStream$1, err, err$1, err$2, hasCE, hasContentType, hasNonemptyTrailers, isHeadResp, n, ok, ok$1, p, rws, v, v$1, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriterState.prototype.writeChunk = function(p) { return this.$val.writeChunk(p); }; + http2responseWriterState.ptr.prototype.promoteUndeclaredTrailers = function() { + var {_entry, _i, _key, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, k, rws, sorter, trailerKey, vv, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rws = this; + _ref = rws.handlerHeader; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + if (!strings.HasPrefix(k, "Trailer:")) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + trailerKey = strings.TrimPrefix(k, "Trailer:"); + $r = rws.declareTrailer(trailerKey); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = CanonicalHeaderKey(trailerKey); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = _r$1; (rws.handlerHeader || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: vv }; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (rws.trailers.$length > 1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (rws.trailers.$length > 1) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = http2sorterPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sorter = $assertType(_r$2, ptrType$100); + $r = sorter.SortStrings(rws.trailers); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + http2sorterPool.Put(sorter); + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriterState.ptr.prototype.promoteUndeclaredTrailers, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _key, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, k, rws, sorter, trailerKey, vv, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriterState.prototype.promoteUndeclaredTrailers = function() { return this.$val.promoteUndeclaredTrailers(); }; + http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.Flush = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, err, rws, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + rws = w.rws; + if (rws === ptrType$99.nil) { + $panic(new $String("Header called after Handler finished")); + } + /* */ if (rws.bw.Buffered() > 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (rws.bw.Buffered() > 0) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = rws.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$2 = rws.writeChunk(sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.Flush, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, err, rws, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriter.prototype.Flush = function() { return this.$val.Flush(); }; + http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.CloseNotify = function() { + var {ch, cw, rws, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ch = [ch]; + cw = [cw]; + w = this; + rws = w.rws; + if (rws === ptrType$99.nil) { + $panic(new $String("CloseNotify called after Handler finished")); + } + $r = rws.closeNotifierMu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ch[0] = rws.closeNotifierCh; + /* */ if (ch[0] === $chanNil) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ch[0] === $chanNil) { */ case 2: + ch[0] = new $Chan($Bool, 1); + rws.closeNotifierCh = ch[0]; + cw[0] = rws.stream.cw; + $go((function(ch, cw) { return function $b() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = new http2closeWaiter(cw[0]).Wait(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $send(ch[0], true); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; })(ch, cw), []); + /* } */ case 3: + $r = rws.closeNotifierMu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return ch[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.CloseNotify, $c: true, $r, ch, cw, rws, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriter.prototype.CloseNotify = function() { return this.$val.CloseNotify(); }; + http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.Header = function() { + var rws, w; + w = this; + rws = w.rws; + if (rws === ptrType$99.nil) { + $panic(new $String("Header called after Handler finished")); + } + if (rws.handlerHeader === false) { + rws.handlerHeader = {}; + } + return rws.handlerHeader; + }; + http2responseWriter.prototype.Header = function() { return this.$val.Header(); }; + http2checkWriteHeaderCode = function(code) { + var {_r$1, code, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (code < 100 || code > 999) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (code < 100 || code > 999) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("invalid WriteHeader code %v", new sliceType([new $Int(code)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2checkWriteHeaderCode, $c: true, $r, _r$1, code, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.WriteHeader = function(code) { + var {code, rws, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + rws = w.rws; + if (rws === ptrType$99.nil) { + $panic(new $String("WriteHeader called after Handler finished")); + } + $r = rws.writeHeader(code); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.WriteHeader, $c: true, $r, code, rws, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriter.prototype.WriteHeader = function(code) { return this.$val.WriteHeader(code); }; + http2responseWriterState.ptr.prototype.writeHeader = function(code) { + var {code, rws, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {code}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rws = this; + /* */ if (!rws.wroteHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!rws.wroteHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = http2checkWriteHeaderCode(code); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + rws.wroteHeader = true; + rws.status = code; + if ($keys(rws.handlerHeader).length > 0) { + rws.snapHeader = http2cloneHeader(rws.handlerHeader); + } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriterState.ptr.prototype.writeHeader, $c: true, $r, code, rws, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriterState.prototype.writeHeader = function(code) { return this.$val.writeHeader(code); }; + http2cloneHeader = function(h) { + var _entry, _i, _key, _keys, _ref, h, h2, k, vv, vv2, x$5; + h2 = (x$5 = $keys(h).length, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + _ref = h; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + vv2 = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, vv.$length); + $copySlice(vv2, vv); + _key = k; (h2 || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: vv2 }; + _i++; + } + return h2; + }; + http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, err, n, p, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + _r$1 = w.write(p.$length, p, ""); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, err, n, p, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriter.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, err, n, s, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + _r$1 = w.write(s.length, sliceType$3.nil, s); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.WriteString, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, err, n, s, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriter.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); }; + http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.write = function(lenData, dataB, dataS) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, dataB, dataS, err, lenData, n, rws, w, x$10, x$11, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {lenData, dataB, dataS}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + w = this; + rws = w.rws; + if (rws === ptrType$99.nil) { + $panic(new $String("Write called after Handler finished")); + } + /* */ if (!rws.wroteHeader) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!rws.wroteHeader) { */ case 1: + $r = w.WriteHeader(200); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + if (!http2bodyAllowedForStatus(rws.status)) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrBodyNotAllowed; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + rws.wroteBytes = (x$5 = rws.wroteBytes, x$6 = (x$7 = (new $Int64(0, dataB.$length)), x$8 = (new $Int64(0, dataS.length)), new $Int64(x$7.$high + x$8.$high, x$7.$low + x$8.$low)), new $Int64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)); + if (!((x$9 = rws.sentContentLen, (x$9.$high === 0 && x$9.$low === 0))) && (x$10 = rws.wroteBytes, x$11 = rws.sentContentLen, (x$10.$high > x$11.$high || (x$10.$high === x$11.$high && x$10.$low > x$11.$low)))) { + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = errors.New("http2: handler wrote more than declared Content-Length"); + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* */ if (!(dataB === sliceType$3.nil)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(dataB === sliceType$3.nil)) { */ case 4: + _r$1 = rws.bw.Write(dataB); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 5: + _r$2 = rws.bw.WriteString(dataS); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.write, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, dataB, dataS, err, lenData, n, rws, w, x$10, x$11, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriter.prototype.write = function(lenData, dataB, dataS) { return this.$val.write(lenData, dataB, dataS); }; + http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.handlerDone = function() { + var {dirty, rws, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + rws = w.rws; + dirty = rws.dirty; + rws.handlerDone = true; + $r = w.Flush(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + w.rws = ptrType$99.nil; + if (!dirty) { + http2responseWriterStatePool.Put(rws); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.handlerDone, $c: true, $r, dirty, rws, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriter.prototype.handlerDone = function() { return this.$val.handlerDone(); }; + http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.Push = function(target, opts) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _selection, _selection$1, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, k, msg, opts, sc, st, target, u, w, wantScheme, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {target, opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + st = w.rws.stream; + sc = st.sc; + $r = sc.serveG.checkNotOn(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (st.isPushed()) { + $s = -1; return http2ErrRecursivePush; + } + if (opts === ptrType$101.nil) { + opts = new PushOptions.ptr("", false); + } + if (opts.Method === "") { + opts.Method = "GET"; + } + if (opts.Header === false) { + opts.Header = $makeMap($String.keyFor, []); + } + wantScheme = "http"; + if (!(w.rws.req.TLS === ptrType$28.nil)) { + wantScheme = "https"; + } + _r$1 = url.Parse(target); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + u = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + /* */ if (u.Scheme === "") { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (u.Scheme === "") { */ case 3: + /* */ if (!strings.HasPrefix(target, "/")) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!strings.HasPrefix(target, "/")) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("target must be an absolute URL or an absolute path: %q", new sliceType([new $String(target)])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + u.Scheme = wantScheme; + u.Host = w.rws.req.Host; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + /* */ if (!(u.Scheme === wantScheme)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!(u.Scheme === wantScheme)) { */ case 10: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("cannot push URL with scheme %q from request with scheme %q", new sliceType([new $String(u.Scheme), new $String(wantScheme)])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 11: + if (u.Host === "") { + $s = -1; return errors.New("URL must have a host"); + } + /* } */ case 5: + _ref = opts.Header; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 14: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 15; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 14; continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + /* */ if (strings.HasPrefix(k, ":")) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (strings.HasPrefix(k, ":")) { */ case 16: + _r$4 = fmt.Errorf("promised request headers cannot include pseudo header %q", new sliceType([new $String(k)])); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$4; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 17: + /* */ if (http2asciiEqualFold(k, "content-length") || http2asciiEqualFold(k, "content-encoding") || http2asciiEqualFold(k, "trailer") || http2asciiEqualFold(k, "te") || http2asciiEqualFold(k, "expect") || http2asciiEqualFold(k, "host")) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (http2asciiEqualFold(k, "content-length") || http2asciiEqualFold(k, "content-encoding") || http2asciiEqualFold(k, "trailer") || http2asciiEqualFold(k, "te") || http2asciiEqualFold(k, "expect") || http2asciiEqualFold(k, "host")) { */ case 20: + _r$5 = fmt.Errorf("promised request headers cannot include %q", new sliceType([new $String(k)])); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = _r$5; + $s = 23; case 23: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 21: + _i++; + $s = 14; continue; + case 15: + _r$6 = http2checkValidHTTP2RequestHeaders(opts.Header); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$6; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err$1; + } + /* */ if (!(opts.Method === "GET") && !(opts.Method === "HEAD")) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (!(opts.Method === "GET") && !(opts.Method === "HEAD")) { */ case 25: + _r$7 = fmt.Errorf("method %q must be GET or HEAD", new sliceType([new $String(opts.Method)])); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = _r$7; + $s = 28; case 28: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 26: + _r$8 = http2errChanPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + msg = new http2startPushRequest.ptr(st, opts.Method, u, http2cloneHeader(opts.Header), $assertType(_r$8, chanType)); + _r$9 = $select([[sc.doneServing], [st.cw], [sc.serveMsgCh, msg]]); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$9; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 31: + $s = -1; return http2errClientDisconnected; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 32: + $s = -1; return http2errStreamClosed; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 33: + /* } */ case 34: + _r$10 = $select([[sc.doneServing], [st.cw], [msg.done]]); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection$1 = _r$10; + if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { + $s = -1; return http2errClientDisconnected; + } else if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { + $s = -1; return http2errStreamClosed; + } else if (_selection$1[0] === 2) { + err$2 = _selection$1[1][0]; + http2errChanPool.Put(new chanType(msg.done)); + $s = -1; return err$2; + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2responseWriter.ptr.prototype.Push, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _selection, _selection$1, _tuple, err, err$1, err$2, k, msg, opts, sc, st, target, u, w, wantScheme, $s};return $f; + }; + http2responseWriter.prototype.Push = function(target, opts) { return this.$val.Push(target, opts); }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.startPush = function(msg) { + var {allocatePromisedID, msg, sc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + msg = [msg]; + sc = [sc]; + sc[0] = this; + $r = sc[0].serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((msg[0].parent.state === 1)) && !((msg[0].parent.state === 3))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((msg[0].parent.state === 1)) && !((msg[0].parent.state === 3))) { */ case 2: + $r = $send(msg[0].done, http2errStreamClosed); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!sc[0].pushEnabled) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!sc[0].pushEnabled) { */ case 5: + $r = $send(msg[0].done, $pkg.ErrNotSupported); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 6: + allocatePromisedID = (function(msg, sc) { return function $b() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, err, promised, promisedID, req, rw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = sc[0].serveG.check(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!sc[0].pushEnabled) { + $s = -1; return [0, $pkg.ErrNotSupported]; + } + if ((sc[0].curPushedStreams + 1 >>> 0) > sc[0].clientMaxStreams) { + $s = -1; return [0, http2ErrPushLimitReached]; + } + /* */ if ((sc[0].maxPushPromiseID + 2 >>> 0) >= 2147483648) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ((sc[0].maxPushPromiseID + 2 >>> 0) >= 2147483648) { */ case 2: + $r = sc[0].startGracefulShutdownInternal(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [0, http2ErrPushLimitReached]; + /* } */ case 3: + sc[0].maxPushPromiseID = sc[0].maxPushPromiseID + (2) >>> 0; + promisedID = sc[0].maxPushPromiseID; + _r$1 = sc[0].newStream(promisedID, msg[0].parent.id, 3); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + promised = _r$1; + _r$2 = sc[0].newWriterAndRequestNoBody(promised, new http2requestParam.ptr(msg[0].method, msg[0].url.Scheme, msg[0].url.Host, msg[0].url.RequestURI(), http2cloneHeader(msg[0].header))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + rw = _tuple[0]; + req = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = fmt.Sprintf("newWriterAndRequestNoBody(%+v): %v", new sliceType([msg[0].url, err])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$3)); + /* } */ case 8: + $go($methodVal(sc[0], "runHandler"), [rw, req, $methodVal(sc[0].handler, "ServeHTTP")]); + $s = -1; return [promisedID, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, err, promised, promisedID, req, rw, $s};return $f; + }; })(msg, sc); + $r = sc[0].writeFrame(new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr(new http2writePushPromise.ptr(msg[0].parent.id, msg[0].method, msg[0].url, msg[0].header, allocatePromisedID, 0), msg[0].parent, msg[0].done)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.startPush, $c: true, $r, allocatePromisedID, msg, sc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.startPush = function(msg) { return this.$val.startPush(msg); }; + http2foreachHeaderElement = function(v, fn) { + var {_i, _ref, f, fn, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + v = textproto.TrimString(v); + if (v === "") { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if (!strings.Contains(v, ",")) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!strings.Contains(v, ",")) { */ case 1: + $r = fn(v); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _ref = strings.Split(v, ","); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + f = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + f = textproto.TrimString(f); + /* */ if (!(f === "")) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(f === "")) { */ case 6: + $r = fn(f); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + _i++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2foreachHeaderElement, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, f, fn, v, $s};return $f; + }; + http2checkValidHTTP2RequestHeaders = function(h) { + var {$24r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, h, k, ok, te, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {h}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = http2connHeaders; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + k = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _tuple = (_entry = h[$String.keyFor(k)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [sliceType$2.nil, false]); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("request header %q is not valid in HTTP/2", new sliceType([new $String(k)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + te = (_entry$1 = h[$String.keyFor("Te")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (te.$length > 0 && (te.$length > 1 || (!((0 >= te.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te.$array[te.$offset + 0]) === "trailers") && !((0 >= te.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : te.$array[te.$offset + 0]) === "")))) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("request header \"TE\" may only be \"trailers\" in HTTP/2"); + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2checkValidHTTP2RequestHeaders, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, h, k, ok, te, $s};return $f; + }; + http2new400Handler = function(err) { + var err; + return (function $b(w, r) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$1, r, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = w; + _r$1 = err.Error(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$1; + $r = Error(_arg, _arg$1, 400); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, r, w, $s};return $f; + }); + }; + http2h1ServerKeepAlivesDisabled = function(hs) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _tuple, hs, hs$1, ok, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {hs}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x$5 = hs; + _tuple = $assertType(x$5, I, true); + hs$1 = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = hs$1.doKeepAlives(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = !_r$1; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2h1ServerKeepAlivesDisabled, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _tuple, hs, hs$1, ok, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.countError = function(name, err) { + var {_entry, _r$1, _ref, code, codeStr, e, e$1, e$2, err, f, name, sc, typ, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + sc = this; + if (sc === ptrType$13.nil || sc.srv === ptrType$86.nil) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + f = sc.srv.CountError; + if (f === $throwNilPointerError) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + typ = ""; + code = 0; + _ref = err; + if ($assertType(_ref, http2ConnectionError, true)[1]) { + e = _ref.$val; + typ = "conn"; + code = ((e >>> 0)); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, http2StreamError, true)[1]) { + e$1 = $clone(_ref.$val, http2StreamError); + typ = "stream"; + code = (e$1.Code); + } else { + e$2 = _ref; + $s = -1; return err; + } + codeStr = (_entry = http2errCodeName[http2ErrCode.keyFor(code)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ""); + if (codeStr === "") { + codeStr = strconv.Itoa(((code >> 0))); + } + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", new sliceType([new $String(typ), new $String(codeStr), new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = f(_r$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2serverConn.ptr.prototype.countError, $c: true, $r, _entry, _r$1, _ref, code, codeStr, e, e$1, e$2, err, f, name, sc, typ, $s};return $f; + }; + http2serverConn.prototype.countError = function(name, err) { return this.$val.countError(name, err); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.maxHeaderListSize = function() { + var t; + t = this; + if (t.MaxHeaderListSize === 0) { + return 10485760; + } + if (t.MaxHeaderListSize === 4294967295) { + return 0; + } + return t.MaxHeaderListSize; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.maxHeaderListSize = function() { return this.$val.maxHeaderListSize(); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.disableCompression = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return t.DisableCompression || (!(t.t1 === ptrType$27.nil) && t.t1.DisableCompression); + }; + http2Transport.prototype.disableCompression = function() { return this.$val.disableCompression(); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.pingTimeout = function() { + var t, x$5; + t = this; + if ((x$5 = t.PingTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))) { + return new time.Duration(3, 2115098112); + } + return t.PingTimeout; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.pingTimeout = function() { return this.$val.pingTimeout(); }; + http2configureTransports = function(t1) { + var {_key, _r$1, connPool, err, m, t1, t2, upgradeFn, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + connPool = [connPool]; + t2 = [t2]; + connPool[0] = new http2clientConnPool.ptr(ptrType$102.nil, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, false, false); + t2[0] = new http2Transport.ptr($throwNilPointerError, ptrType$4.nil, (x$5 = new http2noDialClientConnPool.ptr(connPool[0]), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)), false, false, 0, false, new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), $throwNilPointerError, t1, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), $ifaceNil); + connPool[0].t = t2[0]; + _r$1 = http2registerHTTPSProtocol(t1, new http2noDialH2RoundTripper.ptr(t2[0])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$102.nil, err]; + } + if (t1.TLSClientConfig === ptrType$4.nil) { + t1.TLSClientConfig = new tls.Config.ptr($ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, sliceType$13.nil, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$34.nil, sliceType$2.nil, "", 0, ptrType$34.nil, false, sliceType$14.nil, false, false, arrayType$1.zero(), $ifaceNil, 0, 0, sliceType$15.nil, false, 0, $ifaceNil, new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0), sliceType$16.nil, sliceType$16.nil); + } + if (!http2strSliceContains(t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos, "h2")) { + t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos = $appendSlice(new sliceType$2(["h2"]), t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos); + } + if (!http2strSliceContains(t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos, "http/1.1")) { + t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos = $append(t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos, "http/1.1"); + } + upgradeFn = (function(connPool, t2) { return function $b(authority, c) { + var {_r$2, _r$3, _tuple, addr, authority, c, err$1, used, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {authority, c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = http2authorityAddr("https", authority); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + addr = _r$2; + _r$3 = connPool[0].addConnIfNeeded(addr, t2[0], c); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + used = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $go($methodVal(c, "Close"), []); + $s = -1; return (x$6 = new http2erringRoundTripper.ptr(err$1), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6)); + } else if (!used) { + $go($methodVal(c, "Close"), []); + } + $s = -1; return t2[0]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, addr, authority, c, err$1, used, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; })(connPool, t2); + m = t1.TLSNextProto; + if ($keys(m).length === 0) { + t1.TLSNextProto = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "h2", v: upgradeFn }]); + } else { + _key = "h2"; (m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: upgradeFn }; + } + $s = -1; return [t2[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2configureTransports, $c: true, $r, _key, _r$1, connPool, err, m, t1, t2, upgradeFn, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.connPool = function() { + var {t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + $r = t.connPoolOnce.Do($methodVal(t, "initConnPool")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return t.connPoolOrDef; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.connPool, $c: true, $r, t, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.connPool = function() { return this.$val.connPool(); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.initConnPool = function() { + var t; + t = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(t.ConnPool, $ifaceNil))) { + t.connPoolOrDef = t.ConnPool; + } else { + t.connPoolOrDef = new http2clientConnPool.ptr(t, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, false, false); + } + }; + http2Transport.prototype.initConnPool = function() { return this.$val.initConnPool(); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.get1xxTraceFunc = function() { + var cs, fn; + cs = this; + fn = http2got1xxFuncForTests; + if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { + return fn; + } + return http2traceGot1xxResponseFunc(cs.trace); + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.get1xxTraceFunc = function() { return this.$val.get1xxTraceFunc(); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.abortStream = function(err) { + var {cs, err, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cs = this; + $r = cs.cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cs.cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $r = cs.abortStreamLocked(err); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.abortStream, $c: true, $r, cs, err, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.abortStream = function(err) { return this.$val.abortStream(err); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.abortStreamLocked = function(err) { + var {_r$1, cs, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cs = [cs]; + err = [err]; + cs[0] = this; + $r = cs[0].abortOnce.Do((function(cs, err) { return function() { + cs[0].abortErr = err[0]; + $close(cs[0].abort); + }; })(cs, err)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cs[0].reqBody, $ifaceNil)) && !cs[0].reqBodyClosed) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cs[0].reqBody, $ifaceNil)) && !cs[0].reqBodyClosed) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = cs[0].reqBody.Close(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + cs[0].reqBodyClosed = true; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!(cs[0].cc.cond === ptrType$48.nil)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(cs[0].cc.cond === ptrType$48.nil)) { */ case 5: + $r = cs[0].cc.cond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.abortStreamLocked, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cs, err, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.abortStreamLocked = function(err) { return this.$val.abortStreamLocked(err); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.abortRequestBodyWrite = function() { + var {_r$1, cc, cs, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cs = this; + cc = cs.cc; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cs.reqBody, $ifaceNil)) && !cs.reqBodyClosed) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cs.reqBody, $ifaceNil)) && !cs.reqBodyClosed) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = cs.reqBody.Close(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + cs.reqBodyClosed = true; + $r = cc.cond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.abortRequestBodyWrite, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cc, cs, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.abortRequestBodyWrite = function() { return this.$val.abortRequestBodyWrite(); }; + http2stickyErrWriter.ptr.prototype.Write = function(p) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _v, err, err$1, n, nn, p, sew, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + sew = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(sew.err.$get(), $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = sew.err.$get(); + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (!((x$5 = sew.timeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = sew.timeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = $clone(_r$1, time.Time).Add(sew.timeout); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = sew.conn.SetWriteDeadline($clone(_r$2, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$4 = sew.conn.Write($subslice(p, n)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + nn = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + n = n + (nn) >> 0; + if (!(n < p.$length && nn > 0)) { _v = false; $s = 11; continue s; } + _r$5 = errors.Is(err$1, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$5; case 11: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 9: + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (!((x$6 = sew.timeout, (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 0)))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!((x$6 = sew.timeout, (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low === 0)))) { */ case 13: + _r$6 = sew.conn.SetWriteDeadline(new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + /* } */ case 14: + sew.err.$set(err$1); + _tmp$2 = n; + _tmp$3 = err$1; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2stickyErrWriter.ptr.prototype.Write, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _v, err, err$1, n, nn, p, sew, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2stickyErrWriter.prototype.Write = function(p) { return this.$val.Write(p); }; + http2noCachedConnError.ptr.prototype.IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError = function() { + }; + http2noCachedConnError.prototype.IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError = function() { return this.$val.IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError(); }; + http2noCachedConnError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + return "http2: no cached connection was available"; + }; + http2noCachedConnError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + http2isNoCachedConnError = function(err) { + var _tuple, err, ok; + _tuple = $assertType(err, interfaceType, true); + ok = _tuple[1]; + return ok; + }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { + var {$24r, _r$1, req, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = t.RoundTripOpt(req, new http2RoundTripOpt.ptr(false)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, req, t, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { return this.$val.RoundTrip(req); }; + http2authorityAddr = function(scheme, authority) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, addr, authority, err, err$1, host, port, scheme, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {scheme, authority}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + addr = ""; + _r$1 = net.SplitHostPort(authority); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + host = _tuple[0]; + port = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + port = "443"; + if (scheme === "http") { + port = "80"; + } + host = authority; + } + _r$2 = idna.ToASCII(host); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + a = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { + host = a; + } + if (strings.HasPrefix(host, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(host, "]")) { + addr = host + ":" + port; + $s = -1; return addr; + } + addr = net.JoinHostPort(host, port); + $s = -1; return addr; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2authorityAddr, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, a, addr, authority, err, err$1, host, port, scheme, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.RoundTripOpt = function(req, opt) { + var {_r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, addr, backoff, cc, err, opt, req, res, retry, reused, t, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req, opt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + if (!(req.URL.Scheme === "https" || (req.URL.Scheme === "http" && t.AllowHTTP))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, errors.New("http2: unsupported scheme")]; + } + _r$1 = http2authorityAddr(req.URL.Scheme, req.URL.Host); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + addr = _r$1; + retry = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = t.connPool(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = _r$2.GetClientConn(req, addr); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + cc = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + $r = t.vlogf("http2: Transport failed to get client conn for %s: %v", new sliceType([new $String(addr), err])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err]; + /* } */ case 7: + reused = !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32((cc.$ptr_reused || (cc.$ptr_reused = new ptrType$103(function() { return this.$target.reused; }, function($v) { this.$target.reused = $v; }, cc))), 0, 1); + $r = http2traceGotConn(req, cc, reused); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = cc.RoundTrip(req); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + res = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && retry <= 6) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && retry <= 6) { */ case 11: + _r$5 = http2shouldRetryRequest(req, err); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$5; + req = _tuple$2[0]; + err = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 14: + if (retry === 0) { + retry = retry + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + backoff = (((y = ((((retry >>> 0)) - 1 >>> 0)), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0)); + _r$6 = rand.Float64(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + backoff = backoff + (backoff * (0.1 * _r$6)); + _r$7 = time.After($mul64(new time.Duration(0, 1000000000), (new time.Duration(0, backoff)))); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = req.Context().Done(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9 = $select([[_r$7], [_r$8]]); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$9; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 20: + retry = retry + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + $s = 22; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 21: + _r$10 = req.Context().Err(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$10; + /* } */ case 22: + /* } */ case 15: + /* } */ case 12: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 24: + $r = t.vlogf("RoundTrip failure: %v", new sliceType([err])); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err]; + /* } */ case 25: + $s = -1; return [res, $ifaceNil]; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.RoundTripOpt, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, addr, backoff, cc, err, opt, req, res, retry, reused, t, y, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.RoundTripOpt = function(req, opt) { return this.$val.RoundTripOpt(req, opt); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.CloseIdleConnections = function() { + var {_r$1, _tuple, cp, ok, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = t.connPool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$1, http2clientConnPoolIdleCloser, true); + cp = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + $r = cp.closeIdleConnections(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.CloseIdleConnections, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, cp, ok, t, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.CloseIdleConnections = function() { return this.$val.CloseIdleConnections(); }; + http2shouldRetryRequest = function(req, err) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, body$1, err, err$1, newReq, req, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + newReq = [newReq]; + if (!http2canRetryError(err)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$11.nil, err]; + } + if ($interfaceIsEqual(req.Body, $ifaceNil) || $interfaceIsEqual(req.Body, new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))) { + $s = -1; return [req, $ifaceNil]; + } + /* */ if (!(req.GetBody === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(req.GetBody === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = req.GetBody(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + body$1 = _tuple[0]; + err$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$11.nil, err$1]; + } + newReq[0] = $clone(req, Request); + newReq[0].Body = body$1; + $s = -1; return [newReq[0], $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 2: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, http2errClientConnUnusable)) { + $s = -1; return [req, $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("http2: Transport: cannot retry err [%v] after Request.Body was written; define Request.GetBody to avoid this error", new sliceType([err])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [ptrType$11.nil, _r$2]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2shouldRetryRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, body$1, err, err$1, newReq, req, $s};return $f; + }; + http2canRetryError = function(err) { + var _tuple, err, ok, se; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, http2errClientConnUnusable) || $interfaceIsEqual(err, http2errClientConnGotGoAway)) { + return true; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, http2StreamError, true); + se = $clone(_tuple[0], http2StreamError); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + if ((se.Code === 1) && $interfaceIsEqual(se.Cause, http2errFromPeer)) { + return true; + } + return se.Code === 7; + } + return false; + }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.dialClientConn = function(ctx, addr, singleUse) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, ctx, err, host, singleUse, t, tconn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, addr, singleUse}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = net.SplitHostPort(addr); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + host = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$68.nil, err]; + } + _arg = addr; + _r$2 = t.newTLSConfig(host); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = t.dialTLS(ctx)("tcp", _arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$3; + tconn = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$68.nil, err]; + } + _r$4 = t.newClientConn(tconn, singleUse); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.dialClientConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, addr, ctx, err, host, singleUse, t, tconn, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.dialClientConn = function(ctx, addr, singleUse) { return this.$val.dialClientConn(ctx, addr, singleUse); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.newTLSConfig = function(host) { + var {_r$1, cfg, host, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {host}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + cfg = new tls.Config.ptr($ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, sliceType$13.nil, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$34.nil, sliceType$2.nil, "", 0, ptrType$34.nil, false, sliceType$14.nil, false, false, arrayType$1.zero(), $ifaceNil, 0, 0, sliceType$15.nil, false, 0, $ifaceNil, new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0), sliceType$16.nil, sliceType$16.nil); + /* */ if (!(t.TLSClientConfig === ptrType$4.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(t.TLSClientConfig === ptrType$4.nil)) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = t.TLSClientConfig.Clone(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + tls.Config.copy(cfg, _r$1); + /* } */ case 2: + if (!http2strSliceContains(cfg.NextProtos, "h2")) { + cfg.NextProtos = $appendSlice(new sliceType$2(["h2"]), cfg.NextProtos); + } + if (cfg.ServerName === "") { + cfg.ServerName = host; + } + $s = -1; return cfg; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.newTLSConfig, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cfg, host, t, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.newTLSConfig = function(host) { return this.$val.newTLSConfig(host); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.dialTLS = function(ctx) { + var ctx, t; + t = this; + if (!(t.DialTLS === $throwNilPointerError)) { + return t.DialTLS; + } + return (function $b(network, addr, cfg) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, addr, cfg, err, network, p, state, tlsCn, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {network, addr, cfg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = t.dialTLSWithContext(ctx, network, addr, cfg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + tlsCn = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, err]; + } + _r$2 = tlsCn.ConnectionState(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + state = $clone(_r$2, tls.ConnectionState); + p = state.NegotiatedProtocol; + /* */ if (!(p === "h2")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(p === "h2")) { */ case 3: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("http2: unexpected ALPN protocol %q; want %q", new sliceType([new $String(p), new $String("h2")])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [$ifaceNil, _r$3]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + if (!state.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, errors.New("http2: could not negotiate protocol mutually")]; + } + $s = -1; return [tlsCn, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, addr, cfg, err, network, p, state, tlsCn, $s};return $f; + }); + }; + http2Transport.prototype.dialTLS = function(ctx) { return this.$val.dialTLS(ctx); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.disableKeepAlives = function() { + var t; + t = this; + return !(t.t1 === ptrType$27.nil) && t.t1.DisableKeepAlives; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.disableKeepAlives = function() { return this.$val.disableKeepAlives(); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.expectContinueTimeout = function() { + var t; + t = this; + if (t.t1 === ptrType$27.nil) { + return new time.Duration(0, 0); + } + return t.t1.ExpectContinueTimeout; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.expectContinueTimeout = function() { return this.$val.expectContinueTimeout(); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.NewClientConn = function(c) { + var {$24r, _r$1, c, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + _r$1 = t.newClientConn(c, t.disableKeepAlives()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.NewClientConn, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, c, t, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.NewClientConn = function(c) { return this.$val.NewClientConn(c); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.newClientConn = function(c, singleUse) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, cc, cs, d, initialSettings, max, ok, singleUse, state, t, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {c, singleUse}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + state = [state]; + t = this; + cc = new http2ClientConn.ptr(t, c, ptrType$28.nil, 0, singleUse, false, new $Chan(structType, 0), $ifaceNil, new time.Duration(0, 0), ptrType$25.nil, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), ptrType$48.nil, new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil), new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil), false, false, false, false, true, ptrType$82.nil, "", {}, 0, 1, 0, {}, ptrType$29.nil, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), 16384, 100, new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295), 65535, new $Chan(structType, 1), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), ptrType$14.nil, ptrType$72.nil, $ifaceNil, new bytes.Buffer.ptr(sliceType$3.nil, 0, 0), ptrType$89.nil); + d = t.idleConnTimeout(); + /* */ if (!((d.$high === 0 && d.$low === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((d.$high === 0 && d.$low === 0))) { */ case 1: + cc.idleTimeout = d; + _r$1 = time.AfterFunc(d, $methodVal(cc, "onIdleTimeout")); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cc.idleTimer = _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 4: + _arg = cc; + _r$2 = c.RemoteAddr(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + $r = t.vlogf("http2: Transport creating client conn %p to %v", new sliceType([_arg, _arg$1])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + cc.cond = sync.NewCond(cc.mu); + cc.flow.add(65535); + cc.bw = bufio.NewWriter((x$5 = new http2stickyErrWriter.ptr(c, t.WriteByteTimeout, (cc.$ptr_werr || (cc.$ptr_werr = new ptrType$85(function() { return this.$target.werr; }, function($v) { this.$target.werr = $v; }, cc)))), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); + cc.br = bufio.NewReader(c); + cc.fr = http2NewFramer(cc.bw, cc.br); + if (!(t.CountError === $throwNilPointerError)) { + cc.fr.countError = t.CountError; + } + _r$3 = hpack.NewDecoder(4096, $throwNilPointerError); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cc.fr.ReadMetaHeaders = _r$3; + cc.fr.MaxHeaderListSize = t.maxHeaderListSize(); + _r$4 = hpack.NewEncoder(cc.hbuf); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cc.henc = _r$4; + if (t.AllowHTTP) { + cc.nextStreamID = 3; + } + _tuple = $assertType(c, http2connectionStater, true); + cs = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 10: + _r$5 = cs.ConnectionState(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + state[0] = $clone(_r$5, tls.ConnectionState); + cc.tlsState = state[0]; + /* } */ case 11: + initialSettings = new sliceType$23([new http2Setting.ptr(2, 0), new http2Setting.ptr(4, 4194304)]); + max = t.maxHeaderListSize(); + if (!((max === 0))) { + initialSettings = $append(initialSettings, new http2Setting.ptr(6, max)); + } + _r$6 = cc.bw.Write(http2clientPreface); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + _r$7 = cc.fr.WriteSettings(initialSettings); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, 1073741824); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + cc.inflow.add(1073807359); + _r$9 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$9; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cc.werr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cc.werr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 17: + _r$10 = cc.Close(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$68.nil, cc.werr]; + /* } */ case 18: + $go($methodVal(cc, "readLoop"), []); + $s = -1; return [cc, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.newClientConn, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, c, cc, cs, d, initialSettings, max, ok, singleUse, state, t, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.newClientConn = function(c, singleUse) { return this.$val.newClientConn(c, singleUse); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.healthCheck = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, cancel, cc, ctx, err, pingTimeout, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + pingTimeout = cc.t.pingTimeout(); + _r$1 = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), pingTimeout); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + ctx = _tuple[0]; + cancel = _tuple[1]; + $deferred.push([cancel, []]); + _r$2 = cc.Ping(ctx); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + _r$3 = cc.closeForLostPing(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + _r$4 = cc.t.connPool(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$4.MarkDead(cc); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 8; case 8: return; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.healthCheck, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, cancel, cc, ctx, err, pingTimeout, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.healthCheck = function() { return this.$val.healthCheck(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.SetDoNotReuse = function() { + var {cc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + cc.doNotReuse = true; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.SetDoNotReuse, $c: true, $r, cc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.SetDoNotReuse = function() { return this.$val.SetDoNotReuse(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.setGoAway = function(f) { + var {_entry, _i, _keys, _ref, cc, cs, f, last, old, streamID, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + old = cc.goAway; + cc.goAway = f; + if (cc.goAwayDebug === "") { + cc.goAwayDebug = ($bytesToString(f.DebugData())); + } + if (!(old === ptrType$82.nil) && !((old.ErrCode === 0))) { + cc.goAway.ErrCode = old.ErrCode; + } + last = f.LastStreamID; + _ref = cc.streams; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + streamID = _entry.k; + cs = _entry.v; + /* */ if (streamID > last) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (streamID > last) { */ case 4: + $r = cs.abortStreamLocked(http2errClientConnGotGoAway); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 5: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.setGoAway, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _keys, _ref, cc, cs, f, last, old, streamID, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.setGoAway = function(f) { return this.$val.setGoAway(f); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.CanTakeNewRequest = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, cc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$1 = cc.canTakeNewRequestLocked(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.CanTakeNewRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, cc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.CanTakeNewRequest = function() { return this.$val.CanTakeNewRequest(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.ReserveNewRequest = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, cc, st, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$1 = cc.idleStateLocked(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + st = $clone(_r$1, http2clientConnIdleState); + /* */ if (!st.canTakeNewRequest) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!st.canTakeNewRequest) { */ case 3: + $24r = false; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + cc.streamsReserved = cc.streamsReserved + (1) >> 0; + $24r$1 = true; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return false; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.ReserveNewRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, cc, st, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.ReserveNewRequest = function() { return this.$val.ReserveNewRequest(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.State = function() { + var {$24r, cc, maxConcurrent, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + maxConcurrent = cc.maxConcurrentStreams; + if (!cc.seenSettings) { + maxConcurrent = 0; + } + $r = cc.wmu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $24r = new http2ClientConnState.ptr(cc.closed, cc.closing || cc.singleUse || cc.doNotReuse || !(cc.goAway === ptrType$82.nil), $keys(cc.streams).length, cc.streamsReserved, cc.pendingRequests, maxConcurrent, $clone(cc.lastIdle, time.Time)); + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return new http2ClientConnState.ptr(false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.State, $c: true, $r, $24r, cc, maxConcurrent, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.State = function() { return this.$val.State(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.idleStateLocked = function() { + var {_r$1, _v, cc, maxConcurrentOkay, st, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + st = new http2clientConnIdleState.ptr(false); + cc = this; + if (cc.singleUse && cc.nextStreamID > 1) { + $s = -1; return st; + } + maxConcurrentOkay = false; + if (cc.t.StrictMaxConcurrentStreams) { + maxConcurrentOkay = true; + } else { + maxConcurrentOkay = (x$5 = (new $Int64(0, (($keys(cc.streams).length + cc.streamsReserved >> 0) + 1 >> 0))), x$6 = (new $Int64(0, cc.maxConcurrentStreams)), (x$5.$high < x$6.$high || (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low <= x$6.$low))); + } + if (!(cc.goAway === ptrType$82.nil && !cc.closed && !cc.closing && maxConcurrentOkay && !cc.doNotReuse && (x$7 = (x$8 = (new $Int64(0, cc.nextStreamID)), x$9 = $mul64(new $Int64(0, 2), (new $Int64(0, cc.pendingRequests))), new $Int64(x$8.$high + x$9.$high, x$8.$low + x$9.$low)), (x$7.$high < 0 || (x$7.$high === 0 && x$7.$low < 2147483647))))) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$1 = cc.tooIdleLocked(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$1; case 1: + st.canTakeNewRequest = _v; + $s = -1; return st; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.idleStateLocked, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _v, cc, maxConcurrentOkay, st, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.idleStateLocked = function() { return this.$val.idleStateLocked(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.canTakeNewRequestLocked = function() { + var {_r$1, cc, st, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + _r$1 = cc.idleStateLocked(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + st = $clone(_r$1, http2clientConnIdleState); + $s = -1; return st.canTakeNewRequest; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.canTakeNewRequestLocked, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cc, st, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.canTakeNewRequestLocked = function() { return this.$val.canTakeNewRequestLocked(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.tooIdleLocked = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _v, cc, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + if (!(!((x$5 = cc.idleTimeout, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))) && !$clone(cc.lastIdle, time.Time).IsZero())) { _v = false; $s = 1; continue s; } + _r$1 = time.Since($clone($clone(cc.lastIdle, time.Time).Round(new time.Duration(0, 0)), time.Time)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = (x$6 = _r$1, x$7 = cc.idleTimeout, (x$6.$high > x$7.$high || (x$6.$high === x$7.$high && x$6.$low > x$7.$low))); case 1: + $24r = _v; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.tooIdleLocked, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _v, cc, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.tooIdleLocked = function() { return this.$val.tooIdleLocked(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.onIdleTimeout = function() { + var {cc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + $r = cc.closeIfIdle(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.onIdleTimeout, $c: true, $r, cc, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.onIdleTimeout = function() { return this.$val.onIdleTimeout(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.closeIfIdle = function() { + var {_r$1, cc, nextID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if ($keys(cc.streams).length > 0 || cc.streamsReserved > 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if ($keys(cc.streams).length > 0 || cc.streamsReserved > 0) { */ case 2: + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 3: + cc.closed = true; + nextID = cc.nextStreamID; + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 6: + $r = cc.vlogf("http2: Transport closing idle conn %p (forSingleUse=%v, maxStream=%v)", new sliceType([cc, new $Bool(cc.singleUse), new $Uint32((nextID - 2 >>> 0))])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + _r$1 = cc.tconn.Close(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.closeIfIdle, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cc, nextID, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.closeIfIdle = function() { return this.$val.closeIfIdle(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.Shutdown = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _selection, cancelled, cc, ctx, done, err, err$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cancelled = [cancelled]; + cc = [cc]; + done = [done]; + cc[0] = this; + _r$1 = cc[0].sendGoAway(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + done[0] = new $Chan($error, 1); + cancelled[0] = false; + $go((function(cancelled, cc, done) { return function $b() { + var {_r$2, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $r = cc[0].mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc[0].mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (($keys(cc[0].streams).length === 0) || cc[0].closed) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (($keys(cc[0].streams).length === 0) || cc[0].closed) { */ case 4: + cc[0].closed = true; + _r$2 = cc[0].tconn.Close(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $send(done[0], _r$2); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + /* } */ case 5: + if (cancelled[0]) { + /* break; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + $r = cc[0].cond.Wait(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$2, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; })(cancelled, cc, done), []); + $r = http2shutdownEnterWaitStateHook(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $select([[done[0]], [_r$2]]); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$3; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 5: + err$1 = _selection[1][0]; + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 6: + $r = cc[0].mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cancelled[0] = true; + $r = cc[0].cond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cc[0].mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.Shutdown, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _selection, cancelled, cc, ctx, done, err, err$1, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.Shutdown = function(ctx) { return this.$val.Shutdown(ctx); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.sendGoAway = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, cc, closing, err, err$1, maxStreamID, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + closing = cc.closing; + cc.closing = true; + maxStreamID = cc.nextStreamID; + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (closing) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (closing) { */ case 3: + $24r = $ifaceNil; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.wmu, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$1 = cc.fr.WriteGoAway(maxStreamID, 0, sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + $24r$1 = err; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 9: + _r$2 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$2; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 12: + $24r$2 = err$1; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 13: + $24r$3 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.sendGoAway, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, _r$2, cc, closing, err, err$1, maxStreamID, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.sendGoAway = function() { return this.$val.sendGoAway(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.closeForError = function(err) { + var {$24r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, cc, cs, err, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cc.closed = true; + _ref = cc.streams; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + cs = _entry.v; + $r = cs.abortStreamLocked(err); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.cond, "Broadcast"), []]); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$1 = cc.tconn.Close(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.closeForError, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, cc, cs, err, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.closeForError = function(err) { return this.$val.closeForError(err); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, cc, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + err = errors.New("http2: client connection force closed via ClientConn.Close"); + _r$1 = cc.closeForError(err); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, cc, err, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.closeForLostPing = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, cc, err, f, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + err = errors.New("http2: client connection lost"); + f = cc.t.CountError; + /* */ if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(f === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = f("conn_close_lost_ping"); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = cc.closeForError(err); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.closeForLostPing, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, cc, err, f, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.closeForLostPing = function() { return this.$val.closeForLostPing(); }; + http2commaSeparatedTrailers = function(req) { + var {$24r, _1, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, k, keys, req, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + keys = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, $keys(req.Trailer).length); + _ref = req.Trailer; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + _r$1 = CanonicalHeaderKey(k); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + k = _r$1; + _1 = k; + /* */ if (_1 === ("Transfer-Encoding") || _1 === ("Trailer") || _1 === ("Content-Length")) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("Transfer-Encoding") || _1 === ("Trailer") || _1 === ("Content-Length")) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("invalid Trailer key %q", new sliceType([new $String(k)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = ["", _r$2]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + case 4: + keys = $append(keys, k); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (keys.$length > 0) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (keys.$length > 0) { */ case 9: + $r = sort.Strings(keys); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [strings.Join(keys, ","), $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return ["", $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2commaSeparatedTrailers, $c: true, $r, $24r, _1, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, k, keys, req, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.responseHeaderTimeout = function() { + var cc; + cc = this; + if (!(cc.t.t1 === ptrType$27.nil)) { + return cc.t.t1.ResponseHeaderTimeout; + } + return new time.Duration(0, 0); + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.responseHeaderTimeout = function() { return this.$val.responseHeaderTimeout(); }; + http2checkConnHeaders = function(req) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, req, v, vv, vv$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = new Header(req.Header).Get("Upgrade"); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$1; + /* */ if (!(v === "")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(v === "")) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("http2: invalid Upgrade request header: %q", new sliceType([(_entry = req.Header[$String.keyFor("Upgrade")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil)])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + vv = (_entry$1 = req.Header[$String.keyFor("Transfer-Encoding")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil); + /* */ if (vv.$length > 0 && (vv.$length > 1 || !((0 >= vv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv.$array[vv.$offset + 0]) === "") && !((0 >= vv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv.$array[vv.$offset + 0]) === "chunked"))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (vv.$length > 0 && (vv.$length > 1 || !((0 >= vv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv.$array[vv.$offset + 0]) === "") && !((0 >= vv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv.$array[vv.$offset + 0]) === "chunked"))) { */ case 6: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("http2: invalid Transfer-Encoding request header: %q", new sliceType([vv])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$3; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + vv$1 = (_entry$2 = req.Header[$String.keyFor("Connection")], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : sliceType$2.nil); + /* */ if (vv$1.$length > 0 && (vv$1.$length > 1 || !((0 >= vv$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv$1.$array[vv$1.$offset + 0]) === "") && !http2asciiEqualFold((0 >= vv$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv$1.$array[vv$1.$offset + 0]), "close") && !http2asciiEqualFold((0 >= vv$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv$1.$array[vv$1.$offset + 0]), "keep-alive"))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (vv$1.$length > 0 && (vv$1.$length > 1 || !((0 >= vv$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv$1.$array[vv$1.$offset + 0]) === "") && !http2asciiEqualFold((0 >= vv$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv$1.$array[vv$1.$offset + 0]), "close") && !http2asciiEqualFold((0 >= vv$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv$1.$array[vv$1.$offset + 0]), "keep-alive"))) { */ case 10: + _r$4 = fmt.Errorf("http2: invalid Connection request header: %q", new sliceType([vv$1])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$4; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 11: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2checkConnHeaders, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, req, v, vv, vv$1, $s};return $f; + }; + http2actualContentLength = function(req) { + var req, x$5; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(req.Body, $ifaceNil) || $interfaceIsEqual(req.Body, new $pkg.NoBody.constructor.elem($pkg.NoBody))) { + return new $Int64(0, 0); + } + if (!((x$5 = req.ContentLength, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0)))) { + return req.ContentLength; + } + return new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.decrStreamReservations = function() { + var {cc, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + cc.decrStreamReservationsLocked(); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.decrStreamReservations, $c: true, $r, cc, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.decrStreamReservations = function() { return this.$val.decrStreamReservations(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.decrStreamReservationsLocked = function() { + var cc; + cc = this; + if (cc.streamsReserved > 0) { + cc.streamsReserved = cc.streamsReserved - (1) >> 0; + } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.decrStreamReservationsLocked = function() { return this.$val.decrStreamReservationsLocked(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _selection, _selection$1, cc, cs, ctx, err, handleResponseHeaders, req, waitDone, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = [cc]; + cs = [cs]; + ctx = [ctx]; + req = [req]; + waitDone = [waitDone]; + cc[0] = this; + ctx[0] = req[0].Context(); + _r$1 = httptrace.ContextClientTrace(ctx[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cs[0] = new http2clientStream.ptr(cc[0], ctx[0], req[0].Cancel, _r$1, 0, new http2pipe.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new sync.Cond.ptr(new sync.noCopy.ptr(), $ifaceNil, new sync.notifyList.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, $chanNil), $ifaceNil, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $chanNil, $throwNilPointerError), false, req[0].Method === "HEAD", new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), new $Chan(structType, 0), $ifaceNil, new $Chan(structType, 0), new $Chan(structType, 0), $chanNil, new $Chan(structType, 0), ptrType$18.nil, new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil), new http2flow.ptr(arrayType.zero(), 0, ptrType$71.nil), new $Int64(0, 0), $ifaceNil, req[0].Body, http2actualContentLength(req[0]), false, false, false, false, false, false, 0, false, false, false, ptrType$38.nil); + $go($methodVal(cs[0], "doRequest"), [req[0]]); + waitDone[0] = (function(cc, cs, ctx, req, waitDone) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _selection, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = ctx[0].Done(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $select([[cs[0].donec], [_r$2], [cs[0].reqCancel]]); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$3; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 4: + _r$4 = ctx[0].Err(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 5: + $s = -1; return http2errRequestCanceled; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _selection, $s};return $f; + }; })(cc, cs, ctx, req, waitDone); + handleResponseHeaders = (function(cc, cs, ctx, req, waitDone) { return function $b() { + var {_r$2, err, res, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + res = cs[0].res; + /* */ if (res.StatusCode > 299) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (res.StatusCode > 299) { */ case 1: + $r = cs[0].abortRequestBodyWrite(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + res.Request = req[0]; + res.TLS = cc[0].tlsState; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(res.Body, http2noBody) && (x$5 = http2actualContentLength(req[0]), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(res.Body, http2noBody) && (x$5 = http2actualContentLength(req[0]), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = waitDone[0](); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err]; + } + /* } */ case 5: + $s = -1; return [res, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$2, err, res, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; })(cc, cs, ctx, req, waitDone); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = ctx[0].Done(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $select([[cs[0].respHeaderRecv], [cs[0].abort], [_r$2], [cs[0].reqCancel]]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$3; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 3) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 6: + _r$4 = handleResponseHeaders(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 7: + _selection$1 = $select([[cs[0].respHeaderRecv], []]); + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { */ case 13: + _r$5 = handleResponseHeaders(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$5; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { */ case 14: + _r$6 = waitDone[0](); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, cs[0].abortErr]; + /* } */ case 15: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 8: + _r$7 = ctx[0].Err(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$7; + $r = cs[0].abortStream(err); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err]; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 3) { */ case 9: + $r = cs[0].abortStream(http2errRequestCanceled); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, http2errRequestCanceled]; + /* } */ case 10: + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _selection, _selection$1, cc, cs, ctx, err, handleResponseHeaders, req, waitDone, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { return this.$val.RoundTrip(req); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.doRequest = function(req) { + var {_r$1, cs, err, req, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cs = this; + _r$1 = cs.writeRequest(req); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + $r = cs.cleanupWriteRequest(err); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.doRequest, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cs, err, req, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.doRequest = function(req) { return this.$val.doRequest(req); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.writeRequest = function(req) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _selection$1, _selection$2, _v, _v$1, cc, continueTimeout, cs, ctx, d, err, err$1, err$2, hasBody, req, respHeaderRecv, respHeaderTimer, timer, timer$1, x$5, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + err = $ifaceNil; + cs = this; + cc = cs.cc; + ctx = cs.ctx; + _r$1 = http2checkConnHeaders(req); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + err = err$1; + $24r = err; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + if (cc.reqHeaderMu === $chanNil) { + $panic(new $String("RoundTrip on uninitialized ClientConn")); + } + _r$2 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $select([[cc.reqHeaderMu, new structType.ptr()], [cs.reqCancel], [_r$2]]); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$3; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 7: + $s = 10; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 8: + err = http2errRequestCanceled; + $24r$1 = err; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 9: + _r$4 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$4; + $24r$2 = err; + $s = 13; case 13: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 10: + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(cc.idleTimer === ptrType$25.nil)) { + cc.idleTimer.Stop(); + } + cc.decrStreamReservationsLocked(); + _r$5 = cc.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked(cs); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$5; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 16: + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $recv(cc.reqHeaderMu); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6[0]; + err = err$2; + $24r$3 = err; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 17: + cc.addStreamLocked(cs); + if (http2isConnectionCloseRequest(req)) { + cc.doNotReuse = true; + } + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(!cc.t.disableCompression())) { _v$1 = false; $s = 25; continue s; } + _r$7 = new Header(req.Header).Get("Accept-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v$1 = _r$7 === ""; case 25: + if (!(_v$1)) { _v = false; $s = 24; continue s; } + _r$8 = new Header(req.Header).Get("Range"); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$8 === ""; case 24: + /* */ if (_v && !cs.isHead) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (_v && !cs.isHead) { */ case 22: + cs.requestedGzip = true; + /* } */ case 23: + continueTimeout = cc.t.expectContinueTimeout(); + if (!((continueTimeout.$high === 0 && continueTimeout.$low === 0))) { + if (!httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken((_entry = req.Header[$String.keyFor("Expect")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil), "100-continue")) { + continueTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 0); + } else { + cs.on100 = new $Chan(structType, 1); + } + } + _r$9 = cs.encodeAndWriteHeaders(req); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$9; + _r$10 = $recv(cc.reqHeaderMu); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$10[0]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 30: + err = err; + $24r$4 = err; + $s = 32; case 32: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 31: + hasBody = !((x$5 = cs.reqBodyContentLength, (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))); + /* */ if (!hasBody) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ $s = 34; continue; + /* if (!hasBody) { */ case 33: + cs.sentEndStream = true; + $s = 35; continue; + /* } else { */ case 34: + /* */ if (!((continueTimeout.$high === 0 && continueTimeout.$low === 0))) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (!((continueTimeout.$high === 0 && continueTimeout.$low === 0))) { */ case 36: + $r = http2traceWait100Continue(cs.trace); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$11 = time.NewTimer(continueTimeout); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + timer = _r$11; + _r$12 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$13 = $select([[timer.C], [cs.on100], [cs.abort], [_r$12], [cs.reqCancel]]); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection$1 = _r$13; + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { $s = 42; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { $s = 43; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 2) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 3) { $s = 45; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$1[0] === 4) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ $s = 47; continue; + /* if (_selection$1[0] === 0) { */ case 42: + err = $ifaceNil; + $s = 47; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 1) { */ case 43: + err = $ifaceNil; + $s = 47; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 2) { */ case 44: + err = cs.abortErr; + $s = 47; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 3) { */ case 45: + _r$14 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$14; + $s = 47; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$1[0] === 4) { */ case 46: + err = http2errRequestCanceled; + /* } */ case 47: + timer.Stop(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 49: + $r = http2traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, err); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = err; + $24r$5 = err; + $s = 52; case 52: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 50: + /* } */ case 37: + _r$15 = cs.writeRequestBody(req); /* */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$15; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 54; continue; } + /* */ $s = 55; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 54: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, http2errStopReqBodyWrite))) { $s = 57; continue; } + /* */ $s = 58; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, http2errStopReqBodyWrite))) { */ case 57: + $r = http2traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, err); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = err; + $24r$6 = err; + $s = 60; case 60: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 58: + $s = 56; continue; + /* } else { */ case 55: + cs.sentEndStream = true; + /* } */ case 56: + /* } */ case 35: + $r = http2traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, err); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + respHeaderTimer = $chanNil; + respHeaderRecv = $chanNil; + d = cc.responseHeaderTimeout(); + /* */ if (!((d.$high === 0 && d.$low === 0))) { $s = 62; continue; } + /* */ $s = 63; continue; + /* if (!((d.$high === 0 && d.$low === 0))) { */ case 62: + _r$16 = time.NewTimer(d); /* */ $s = 64; case 64: if($c) { $c = false; _r$16 = _r$16.$blk(); } if (_r$16 && _r$16.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + timer$1 = _r$16; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(timer$1, "Stop"), []]); + respHeaderTimer = timer$1.C; + respHeaderRecv = cs.respHeaderRecv; + /* } */ case 63: + /* while (true) { */ case 65: + _r$17 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 67; case 67: if($c) { $c = false; _r$17 = _r$17.$blk(); } if (_r$17 && _r$17.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$18 = $select([[cs.peerClosed], [respHeaderTimer], [respHeaderRecv], [cs.abort], [_r$17], [cs.reqCancel]]); /* */ $s = 68; case 68: if($c) { $c = false; _r$18 = _r$18.$blk(); } if (_r$18 && _r$18.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection$2 = _r$18; + /* */ if (_selection$2[0] === 0) { $s = 69; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$2[0] === 1) { $s = 70; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$2[0] === 2) { $s = 71; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$2[0] === 3) { $s = 72; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$2[0] === 4) { $s = 73; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection$2[0] === 5) { $s = 74; continue; } + /* */ $s = 75; continue; + /* if (_selection$2[0] === 0) { */ case 69: + err = $ifaceNil; + $24r$7 = err; + $s = 76; case 76: return $24r$7; + /* } else if (_selection$2[0] === 1) { */ case 70: + err = http2errTimeout; + $24r$8 = err; + $s = 77; case 77: return $24r$8; + /* } else if (_selection$2[0] === 2) { */ case 71: + respHeaderRecv = $chanNil; + respHeaderTimer = $chanNil; + $s = 75; continue; + /* } else if (_selection$2[0] === 3) { */ case 72: + err = cs.abortErr; + $24r$9 = err; + $s = 78; case 78: return $24r$9; + /* } else if (_selection$2[0] === 4) { */ case 73: + _r$19 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 79; case 79: if($c) { $c = false; _r$19 = _r$19.$blk(); } if (_r$19 && _r$19.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$19; + $24r$10 = err; + $s = 80; case 80: return $24r$10; + /* } else if (_selection$2[0] === 5) { */ case 74: + err = http2errRequestCanceled; + $24r$11 = err; + $s = 81; case 81: return $24r$11; + /* } */ case 75: + $s = 65; continue; + case 66: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return err; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.writeRequest, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$10, $24r$11, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, $24r$9, _entry, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _selection, _selection$1, _selection$2, _v, _v$1, cc, continueTimeout, cs, ctx, d, err, err$1, err$2, hasBody, req, respHeaderRecv, respHeaderTimer, timer, timer$1, x$5, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.writeRequest = function(req) { return this.$val.writeRequest(req); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.encodeAndWriteHeaders = function(req) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, cc, contentLen, cs, ctx, endStream, err, hasBody, hasTrailers, hdrs, req, trailers, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cs = this; + cc = cs.cc; + ctx = cs.ctx; + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.wmu, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$1 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = $select([[cs.abort], [_r$1], [cs.reqCancel], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 3) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 3: + $24r = cs.abortErr; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 5: + $24r$2 = http2errRequestCanceled; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$2; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 3) { */ case 6: + /* } */ case 7: + _r$3 = http2commaSeparatedTrailers(req); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + trailers = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 13: + $24r$3 = err; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 14: + hasTrailers = !(trailers === ""); + contentLen = http2actualContentLength(req); + hasBody = !((contentLen.$high === 0 && contentLen.$low === 0)); + _r$4 = cc.encodeHeaders(req, cs.requestedGzip, trailers, contentLen); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + hdrs = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 17: + $24r$4 = err; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 18: + endStream = !hasBody && !hasTrailers; + cs.sentHeaders = true; + _r$5 = cc.writeHeaders(cs.ID, endStream, ((cc.maxFrameSize >> 0)), hdrs); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$5; + $r = http2traceWroteHeaders(cs.trace); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$5 = err; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$5; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.encodeAndWriteHeaders, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, cc, contentLen, cs, ctx, endStream, err, hasBody, hasTrailers, hdrs, req, trailers, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.encodeAndWriteHeaders = function(req) { return this.$val.encodeAndWriteHeaders(req); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.cleanupWriteRequest = function(err) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _selection, _tuple, bodyClosed, cc, cs, err, ok, se, werr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cs = this; + cc = cs.cc; + /* */ if (cs.ID === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (cs.ID === 0) { */ case 1: + $r = cc.decrStreamReservations(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bodyClosed = cs.reqBodyClosed; + cs.reqBodyClosed = true; + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!bodyClosed && !($interfaceIsEqual(cs.reqBody, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!bodyClosed && !($interfaceIsEqual(cs.reqBody, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 6: + _r$1 = cs.reqBody.Close(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && cs.sentEndStream) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) && cs.sentEndStream) { */ case 9: + _selection = $select([[cs.peerClosed], []]); + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + err = $ifaceNil; + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + } + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 11: + $r = cs.abortStream(err); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (cs.sentHeaders) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (cs.sentHeaders) { */ case 15: + _tuple = $assertType(err, http2StreamError, true); + se = $clone(_tuple[0], http2StreamError); + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 17: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(se.Cause, http2errFromPeer))) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(se.Cause, http2errFromPeer))) { */ case 20: + $r = cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, se.Code, err); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 21: + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else { */ case 18: + $r = cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, 8, err); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 19: + /* } */ case 16: + $r = cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(err); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 13; continue; + /* } else { */ case 12: + /* */ if (cs.sentHeaders && !cs.sentEndStream) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (cs.sentHeaders && !cs.sentEndStream) { */ case 25: + $r = cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, 0, $ifaceNil); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 26: + $r = cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(http2errRequestCanceled); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + /* */ if (!((cs.ID === 0))) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (!((cs.ID === 0))) { */ case 29: + $r = cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 30: + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + werr = cc.werr; + $r = cc.wmu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(werr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(werr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 34: + _r$2 = cc.Close(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 35: + $close(cs.donec); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.cleanupWriteRequest, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _tuple, bodyClosed, cc, cs, err, ok, se, werr, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.cleanupWriteRequest = function(err) { return this.$val.cleanupWriteRequest(err); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked = function(cs) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _selection, _v, cc, cs, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cs}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + time.Time.copy(cc.lastActive, _r$1); + if (cc.closed) { _v = true; $s = 6; continue s; } + _r$2 = cc.canTakeNewRequestLocked(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$2; case 6: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return http2errClientConnUnusable; + /* } */ case 5: + time.Time.copy(cc.lastIdle, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); + if ((x$5 = (new $Int64(0, $keys(cc.streams).length)), x$6 = (new $Int64(0, cc.maxConcurrentStreams)), (x$5.$high < x$6.$high || (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low < x$6.$low)))) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + cc.pendingRequests = cc.pendingRequests + (1) >> 0; + $r = cc.cond.Wait(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cc.pendingRequests = cc.pendingRequests - (1) >> 0; + _selection = $select([[cs.abort], []]); + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + $s = -1; return cs.abortErr; + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _v, cc, cs, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked = function(cs) { return this.$val.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked(cs); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.writeHeaders = function(streamID, endStream, maxFrameSize, hdrs) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, cc, chunk, endHeaders, endStream, first, hdrs, maxFrameSize, streamID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID, endStream, maxFrameSize, hdrs}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + first = true; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(hdrs.$length > 0 && $interfaceIsEqual(cc.werr, $ifaceNil))) { break; } */ if(!(hdrs.$length > 0 && $interfaceIsEqual(cc.werr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + chunk = hdrs; + if (chunk.$length > maxFrameSize) { + chunk = $subslice(chunk, 0, maxFrameSize); + } + hdrs = $subslice(hdrs, chunk.$length); + endHeaders = hdrs.$length === 0; + /* */ if (first) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (first) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = cc.fr.WriteHeaders(new http2HeadersFrameParam.ptr(streamID, chunk, endStream, endHeaders, 0, new http2PriorityParam.ptr(0, false, 0))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + first = false; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + _r$2 = cc.fr.WriteContinuation(streamID, endHeaders, chunk); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 5: + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _r$3 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return cc.werr; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.writeHeaders, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, cc, chunk, endHeaders, endStream, first, hdrs, maxFrameSize, streamID, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.writeHeaders = function(streamID, endStream, maxFrameSize, hdrs) { return this.$val.writeHeaders(streamID, endStream, maxFrameSize, hdrs); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.frameScratchBufferLen = function(maxFrameSize) { + var cl, cs, maxFrameSize, n, x$5; + cs = this; + n = (new $Int64(0, maxFrameSize)); + if ((n.$high > 0 || (n.$high === 0 && n.$low > 524288))) { + n = new $Int64(0, 524288); + } + cl = cs.reqBodyContentLength; + if (!((cl.$high === -1 && cl.$low === 4294967295)) && (x$5 = new $Int64(cl.$high + 0, cl.$low + 1), (x$5.$high < n.$high || (x$5.$high === n.$high && x$5.$low < n.$low)))) { + n = new $Int64(cl.$high + 0, cl.$low + 1); + } + if ((n.$high < 0 || (n.$high === 0 && n.$low < 1))) { + return 1; + } + return (((n.$low + ((n.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.frameScratchBufferLen = function(maxFrameSize) { return this.$val.frameScratchBufferLen(maxFrameSize); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.writeRequestBody = function(req) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, allowed, body$1, bodyClosed, bp, buf, cc, cs, data, err, err$1, ferr, hasContentLen, hasTrailers, maxFrameSize, n, n1, ok, remain, remainLen, req, sawEOF, scratch, scratchLen, sentEnd, trailer, trls, x$5, x$6, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + buf = [buf]; + err = $ifaceNil; + cs = this; + cc = cs.cc; + body$1 = cs.reqBody; + sentEnd = false; + hasTrailers = !(req.Trailer === false); + remainLen = cs.reqBodyContentLength; + hasContentLen = !((remainLen.$high === -1 && remainLen.$low === 4294967295)); + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + maxFrameSize = ((cc.maxFrameSize >> 0)); + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + scratchLen = cs.frameScratchBufferLen(maxFrameSize); + buf[0] = sliceType$3.nil; + _r$1 = http2bufPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = $assertType(_r$1, ptrType$6, true); + bp = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok && bp.$get().$length >= scratchLen) { + $deferred.push([$methodVal(http2bufPool, "Put"), [bp]]); + buf[0] = bp.$get(); + } else { + buf[0] = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, scratchLen); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(http2bufPool, "Put"), [(buf.$ptr || (buf.$ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, buf)))]]); + } + sawEOF = false; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(!sawEOF)) { break; } */ if(!(!sawEOF)) { $s = 5; continue; } + _r$2 = body$1.Read($subslice(buf[0], 0, buf[0].$length)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (hasContentLen) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (hasContentLen) { */ case 7: + remainLen = (x$5 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(remainLen.$high - x$5.$high, remainLen.$low - x$5.$low)); + /* */ if ((remainLen.$high === 0 && remainLen.$low === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ((remainLen.$high === 0 && remainLen.$low === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 9: + scratch = arrayType$2.zero(); + n1 = 0; + _r$3 = body$1.Read(new sliceType$3(scratch)); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$2 = _r$3; + n1 = _tuple$2[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + remainLen = (x$6 = (new $Int64(0, n1)), new $Int64(remainLen.$high - x$6.$high, remainLen.$low - x$6.$low)); + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if ((remainLen.$high < 0 || (remainLen.$high === 0 && remainLen.$low < 0))) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if ((remainLen.$high < 0 || (remainLen.$high === 0 && remainLen.$low < 0))) { */ case 12: + err$1 = http2errReqBodyTooLong; + err = err$1; + $24r = err; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } */ case 13: + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 15: + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + bodyClosed = cs.reqBodyClosed; + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (bodyClosed) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, io.EOF)) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (bodyClosed) { */ case 20: + err = http2errStopReqBodyWrite; + $24r$1 = err; + $s = 24; case 24: return $24r$1; + /* } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, io.EOF)) { */ case 21: + sawEOF = true; + err$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 23; continue; + /* } else { */ case 22: + err = err$1; + $24r$2 = err; + $s = 25; case 25: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 23: + case 19: + /* } */ case 16: + remain = $subslice(buf[0], 0, n); + /* while (true) { */ case 26: + /* if (!(remain.$length > 0 && $interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { break; } */ if(!(remain.$length > 0 && $interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 27; continue; } + allowed = 0; + _r$4 = cs.awaitFlowControl(remain.$length); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$4; + allowed = _tuple$3[0]; + err$1 = _tuple$3[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 29; continue; } + /* */ $s = 30; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 29: + err = err$1; + $24r$3 = err; + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 30: + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + data = $subslice(remain, 0, allowed); + remain = $subslice(remain, allowed); + sentEnd = sawEOF && (remain.$length === 0) && !hasTrailers; + _r$5 = cc.fr.WriteData(cs.ID, sentEnd, data); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$5; + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 34: + _r$6 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$6; + /* } */ case 35: + $r = cc.wmu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 26; continue; + case 27: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ $s = 39; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 38: + err = err$1; + $24r$4 = err; + $s = 40; case 40: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 39: + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + /* */ if (sentEnd) { $s = 41; continue; } + /* */ $s = 42; continue; + /* if (sentEnd) { */ case 41: + err = $ifaceNil; + $24r$5 = err; + $s = 43; case 43: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 42: + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trailer = req.Trailer; + err = cs.abortErr; + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 46; continue; } + /* */ $s = 47; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 46: + err = err; + $24r$6 = err; + $s = 48; case 48: return $24r$6; + /* } */ case 47: + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.wmu, "Unlock"), []]); + trls = sliceType$3.nil; + /* */ if ($keys(trailer).length > 0) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ $s = 51; continue; + /* if ($keys(trailer).length > 0) { */ case 50: + _r$7 = cc.encodeTrailers(trailer); /* */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$4 = _r$7; + trls = _tuple$4[0]; + err = _tuple$4[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 53; continue; } + /* */ $s = 54; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 53: + err = err; + $24r$7 = err; + $s = 55; case 55: return $24r$7; + /* } */ case 54: + /* } */ case 51: + /* */ if (trls.$length > 0) { $s = 56; continue; } + /* */ $s = 57; continue; + /* if (trls.$length > 0) { */ case 56: + _r$8 = cc.writeHeaders(cs.ID, true, maxFrameSize, trls); /* */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$8; + $s = 58; continue; + /* } else { */ case 57: + _r$9 = cc.fr.WriteData(cs.ID, true, sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 60; case 60: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$9; + /* } */ case 58: + _r$10 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 61; case 61: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ferr = _r$10; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(ferr, $ifaceNil)) && $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + err = ferr; + } + err = err; + $24r$8 = err; + $s = 62; case 62: return $24r$8; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return err; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.writeRequestBody, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, $24r$6, $24r$7, $24r$8, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, allowed, body$1, bodyClosed, bp, buf, cc, cs, data, err, err$1, ferr, hasContentLen, hasTrailers, maxFrameSize, n, n1, ok, remain, remainLen, req, sawEOF, scratch, scratchLen, sentEnd, trailer, trls, x$5, x$6, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.writeRequestBody = function(req) { return this.$val.writeRequestBody(req); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.awaitFlowControl = function(maxBytes) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, a, cc, cs, ctx, err, maxBytes, take, taken, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {maxBytes}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + taken = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + cs = this; + cc = cs.cc; + ctx = cs.ctx; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (cc.closed) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (cc.closed) { */ case 4: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = http2errClientConnClosed; + taken = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [taken, err]; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + /* */ if (cs.reqBodyClosed) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (cs.reqBodyClosed) { */ case 7: + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = http2errStopReqBodyWrite; + taken = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [taken, err]; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$1 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = $select([[cs.abort], [_r$1], [cs.reqCancel], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 3) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 11: + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = cs.abortErr; + taken = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [taken, err]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$2; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 12: + _tmp$6 = 0; + _r$2 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$7 = _r$2; + taken = _tmp$6; + err = _tmp$7; + $24r$3 = [taken, err]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$3; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 13: + _tmp$8 = 0; + _tmp$9 = http2errRequestCanceled; + taken = _tmp$8; + err = _tmp$9; + $24r$4 = [taken, err]; + $s = 19; case 19: return $24r$4; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 3) { */ case 14: + /* } */ case 15: + a = cs.flow.available(); + /* */ if (a > 0) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (a > 0) { */ case 20: + take = a; + if (((take >> 0)) > maxBytes) { + take = ((maxBytes >> 0)); + } + if (take > ((cc.maxFrameSize >> 0))) { + take = ((cc.maxFrameSize >> 0)); + } + cs.flow.take(take); + _tmp$10 = take; + _tmp$11 = $ifaceNil; + taken = _tmp$10; + err = _tmp$11; + $24r$5 = [taken, err]; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$5; + /* } */ case 21: + $r = cc.cond.Wait(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return [taken, err]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [taken, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.awaitFlowControl, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _r$1, _r$2, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, a, cc, cs, ctx, err, maxBytes, take, taken, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.awaitFlowControl = function(maxBytes) { return this.$val.awaitFlowControl(maxBytes); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.encodeHeaders = function(req, addGzipHeader, trailers, contentLength) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, addGzipHeader, cc, contentLength, enumerateHeaders, err, hlSize, host, k, orig, path$1, req, trace, traceHeaders, trailers, v, vv, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req, addGzipHeader, trailers, contentLength}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + addGzipHeader = [addGzipHeader]; + cc = [cc]; + contentLength = [contentLength]; + hlSize = [hlSize]; + host = [host]; + path$1 = [path$1]; + req = [req]; + trace = [trace]; + traceHeaders = [traceHeaders]; + trailers = [trailers]; + cc[0] = this; + cc[0].hbuf.Reset(); + if (req[0].URL === ptrType$17.nil) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$3.nil, http2errNilRequestURL]; + } + host[0] = req[0].Host; + if (host[0] === "") { + host[0] = req[0].URL.Host; + } + _r$1 = httpguts.PunycodeHostPort(host[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + host[0] = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$3.nil, err]; + } + path$1[0] = ""; + /* */ if (!(req[0].Method === "CONNECT")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(req[0].Method === "CONNECT")) { */ case 2: + path$1[0] = req[0].URL.RequestURI(); + /* */ if (!http2validPseudoPath(path$1[0])) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!http2validPseudoPath(path$1[0])) { */ case 4: + orig = path$1[0]; + path$1[0] = strings.TrimPrefix(path$1[0], req[0].URL.Scheme + "://" + host[0]); + /* */ if (!http2validPseudoPath(path$1[0])) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!http2validPseudoPath(path$1[0])) { */ case 6: + /* */ if (!(req[0].URL.Opaque === "")) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(req[0].URL.Opaque === "")) { */ case 8: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("invalid request :path %q from URL.Opaque = %q", new sliceType([new $String(orig), new $String(req[0].URL.Opaque)])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [sliceType$3.nil, _r$2]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 9: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("invalid request :path %q", new sliceType([new $String(orig)])); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [sliceType$3.nil, _r$3]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 10: + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 5: + /* } */ case 3: + _ref = req[0].Header; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 15: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 16; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 15; continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + /* */ if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName(k)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName(k)) { */ case 17: + _r$4 = fmt.Errorf("invalid HTTP header name %q", new sliceType([new $String(k)])); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [sliceType$3.nil, _r$4]; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 18: + _ref$1 = vv; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 21: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 22; continue; } + v = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + /* */ if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(v)) { $s = 23; continue; } + /* */ $s = 24; continue; + /* if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(v)) { */ case 23: + _r$5 = fmt.Errorf("invalid HTTP header value %q for header %q", new sliceType([new $String(v), new $String(k)])); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [sliceType$3.nil, _r$5]; + $s = 26; case 26: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 24: + _i$1++; + $s = 21; continue; + case 22: + _i++; + $s = 15; continue; + case 16: + enumerateHeaders = (function(addGzipHeader, cc, contentLength, hlSize, host, path$1, req, trace, traceHeaders, trailers) { return function $b(f) { + var {_entry$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _keys$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, didUA, f, k$1, m, p, v$1, v$2, vv$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = f(":authority", host[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + m = req[0].Method; + if (m === "") { + m = "GET"; + } + $r = f(":method", m); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(req[0].Method === "CONNECT")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!(req[0].Method === "CONNECT")) { */ case 3: + $r = f(":path", path$1[0]); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = f(":scheme", req[0].URL.Scheme); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (!(trailers[0] === "")) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(trailers[0] === "")) { */ case 7: + $r = f("trailer", trailers[0]); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + didUA = false; + _ref$2 = req[0].Header; + _i$2 = 0; + _keys$1 = $keys(_ref$2); + /* while (true) { */ case 10: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _keys$1.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _keys$1.length)) { $s = 11; continue; } + _entry$1 = _ref$2[_keys$1[_i$2]]; + if (_entry$1 === undefined) { + _i$2++; + /* continue; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + k$1 = _entry$1.k; + vv$1 = _entry$1.v; + /* */ if (http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "host") || http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "content-length")) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "connection") || http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "proxy-connection") || http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "transfer-encoding") || http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "upgrade") || http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "keep-alive")) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "user-agent")) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "cookie")) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "host") || http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "content-length")) { */ case 12: + _i$2++; + /* continue; */ $s = 10; continue; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "connection") || http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "proxy-connection") || http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "transfer-encoding") || http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "upgrade") || http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "keep-alive")) { */ case 13: + _i$2++; + /* continue; */ $s = 10; continue; + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "user-agent")) { */ case 14: + didUA = true; + if (vv$1.$length < 1) { + _i$2++; + /* continue; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + vv$1 = $subslice(vv$1, 0, 1); + if ((0 >= vv$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv$1.$array[vv$1.$offset + 0]) === "") { + _i$2++; + /* continue; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + $s = 16; continue; + /* } else if (http2asciiEqualFold(k$1, "cookie")) { */ case 15: + _ref$3 = vv$1; + _i$3 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 17: + /* if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { $s = 18; continue; } + v$1 = ((_i$3 < 0 || _i$3 >= _ref$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$3.$array[_ref$3.$offset + _i$3]); + /* while (true) { */ case 19: + p = strings.IndexByte(v$1, 59); + if (p < 0) { + /* break; */ $s = 20; continue; + } + $r = f("cookie", $substring(v$1, 0, p)); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + p = p + (1) >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!((p + 1 >> 0) <= v$1.length && (v$1.charCodeAt(p) === 32))) { break; } + p = p + (1) >> 0; + } + v$1 = $substring(v$1, p); + $s = 19; continue; + case 20: + /* */ if (v$1.length > 0) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (v$1.length > 0) { */ case 22: + $r = f("cookie", v$1); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 23: + _i$3++; + $s = 17; continue; + case 18: + _i$2++; + /* continue; */ $s = 10; continue; + /* } */ case 16: + _ref$4 = vv$1; + _i$4 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 25: + /* if (!(_i$4 < _ref$4.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$4 < _ref$4.$length)) { $s = 26; continue; } + v$2 = ((_i$4 < 0 || _i$4 >= _ref$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$4.$array[_ref$4.$offset + _i$4]); + $r = f(k$1, v$2); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$4++; + $s = 25; continue; + case 26: + _i$2++; + $s = 10; continue; + case 11: + /* */ if (http2shouldSendReqContentLength(req[0].Method, contentLength[0])) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (http2shouldSendReqContentLength(req[0].Method, contentLength[0])) { */ case 28: + $r = f("content-length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength[0], 10)); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 29: + /* */ if (addGzipHeader[0]) { $s = 31; continue; } + /* */ $s = 32; continue; + /* if (addGzipHeader[0]) { */ case 31: + $r = f("accept-encoding", "gzip"); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 32: + /* */ if (!didUA) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ $s = 35; continue; + /* if (!didUA) { */ case 34: + $r = f("user-agent", "Go-http-client/2.0"); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 35: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _entry$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _keys$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, didUA, f, k$1, m, p, v$1, v$2, vv$1, $s};return $f; + }; })(addGzipHeader, cc, contentLength, hlSize, host, path$1, req, trace, traceHeaders, trailers); + hlSize[0] = new $Uint64(0, 0); + $r = enumerateHeaders((function(addGzipHeader, cc, contentLength, hlSize, host, path$1, req, trace, traceHeaders, trailers) { return function(name, value) { + var hf, name, value, x$5; + hf = new hpack.HeaderField.ptr(name, value, false); + hlSize[0] = (x$5 = (new $Uint64(0, $clone(hf, hpack.HeaderField).Size())), new $Uint64(hlSize[0].$high + x$5.$high, hlSize[0].$low + x$5.$low)); + }; })(addGzipHeader, cc, contentLength, hlSize, host, path$1, req, trace, traceHeaders, trailers)); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if ((x$5 = cc[0].peerMaxHeaderListSize, (hlSize[0].$high > x$5.$high || (hlSize[0].$high === x$5.$high && hlSize[0].$low > x$5.$low)))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$3.nil, http2errRequestHeaderListSize]; + } + _r$6 = httptrace.ContextClientTrace(req[0].Context()); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trace[0] = _r$6; + traceHeaders[0] = http2traceHasWroteHeaderField(trace[0]); + $r = enumerateHeaders((function(addGzipHeader, cc, contentLength, hlSize, host, path$1, req, trace, traceHeaders, trailers) { return function $b(name, value) { + var {_r$7, _tuple$1, ascii$1, name, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$7 = http2asciiToLower(name); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$7; + name = _tuple$1[0]; + ascii$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ascii$1) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = cc[0].writeHeader(name, value); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (traceHeaders[0]) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (traceHeaders[0]) { */ case 3: + $r = http2traceWroteHeaderField(trace[0], name, value); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$7, _tuple$1, ascii$1, name, value, $s};return $f; + }; })(addGzipHeader, cc, contentLength, hlSize, host, path$1, req, trace, traceHeaders, trailers)); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [cc[0].hbuf.Bytes(), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.encodeHeaders, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _entry, _i, _i$1, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, addGzipHeader, cc, contentLength, enumerateHeaders, err, hlSize, host, k, orig, path$1, req, trace, traceHeaders, trailers, v, vv, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.encodeHeaders = function(req, addGzipHeader, trailers, contentLength) { return this.$val.encodeHeaders(req, addGzipHeader, trailers, contentLength); }; + http2shouldSendReqContentLength = function(method, contentLength) { + var _1, contentLength, method; + if ((contentLength.$high > 0 || (contentLength.$high === 0 && contentLength.$low > 0))) { + return true; + } + if ((contentLength.$high < 0 || (contentLength.$high === 0 && contentLength.$low < 0))) { + return false; + } + _1 = method; + if (_1 === ("POST") || _1 === ("PUT") || _1 === ("PATCH")) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.encodeTrailers = function(trailer) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _keys, _keys$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tuple, ascii$1, cc, hf, hlSize, k, k$1, lowKey, trailer, v, v$1, vv, vv$1, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {trailer}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + cc.hbuf.Reset(); + hlSize = new $Uint64(0, 0); + _ref = trailer; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + _ref$1 = vv; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + hf = new hpack.HeaderField.ptr(k, v, false); + hlSize = (x$5 = (new $Uint64(0, $clone(hf, hpack.HeaderField).Size())), new $Uint64(hlSize.$high + x$5.$high, hlSize.$low + x$5.$low)); + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + if ((x$6 = cc.peerMaxHeaderListSize, (hlSize.$high > x$6.$high || (hlSize.$high === x$6.$high && hlSize.$low > x$6.$low)))) { + $s = -1; return [sliceType$3.nil, http2errRequestHeaderListSize]; + } + _ref$2 = trailer; + _i$2 = 0; + _keys$1 = $keys(_ref$2); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _keys$1.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _keys$1.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _entry$1 = _ref$2[_keys$1[_i$2]]; + if (_entry$1 === undefined) { + _i$2++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + k$1 = _entry$1.k; + vv$1 = _entry$1.v; + _r$1 = http2asciiToLower(k$1); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + lowKey = _tuple[0]; + ascii$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!ascii$1) { + _i$2++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _ref$3 = vv$1; + _i$3 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + v$1 = ((_i$3 < 0 || _i$3 >= _ref$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$3.$array[_ref$3.$offset + _i$3]); + $r = cc.writeHeader(lowKey, v$1); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$3++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + _i$2++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return [cc.hbuf.Bytes(), $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.encodeTrailers, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _keys, _keys$1, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tuple, ascii$1, cc, hf, hlSize, k, k$1, lowKey, trailer, v, v$1, vv, vv$1, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.encodeTrailers = function(trailer) { return this.$val.encodeTrailers(trailer); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.writeHeader = function(name, value) { + var {_r$1, cc, name, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, value}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 1: + $r = log.Printf("http2: Transport encoding header %q = %q", new sliceType([new $String(name), new $String(value)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = cc.henc.WriteField(new hpack.HeaderField.ptr(name, value, false)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.writeHeader, $c: true, $r, _r$1, cc, name, value, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.writeHeader = function(name, value) { return this.$val.writeHeader(name, value); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.addStreamLocked = function(cs) { + var _key, cc, cs; + cc = this; + cs.flow.add(((cc.initialWindowSize >> 0))); + cs.flow.setConnFlow(cc.flow); + cs.inflow.add(4194304); + cs.inflow.setConnFlow(cc.inflow); + cs.ID = cc.nextStreamID; + cc.nextStreamID = cc.nextStreamID + (2) >>> 0; + _key = cs.ID; (cc.streams || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: cs }; + if (cs.ID === 0) { + $panic(new $String("assigned stream ID 0")); + } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.addStreamLocked = function(cs) { return this.$val.addStreamLocked(cs); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.forgetStreamID = function(id) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, cc, closeOnIdle, id, slen, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {id}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + slen = $keys(cc.streams).length; + delete cc.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(id)]; + if (!(($keys(cc.streams).length === (slen - 1 >> 0)))) { + $panic(new $String("forgetting unknown stream id")); + } + _r$1 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + time.Time.copy(cc.lastActive, _r$1); + /* */ if (($keys(cc.streams).length === 0) && !(cc.idleTimer === ptrType$25.nil)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (($keys(cc.streams).length === 0) && !(cc.idleTimer === ptrType$25.nil)) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = cc.idleTimer.Reset(cc.idleTimeout); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + time.Time.copy(cc.lastIdle, _r$3); + /* } */ case 4: + $r = cc.cond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + closeOnIdle = cc.singleUse || cc.doNotReuse || cc.t.disableKeepAlives(); + /* */ if (closeOnIdle && (cc.streamsReserved === 0) && ($keys(cc.streams).length === 0)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (closeOnIdle && (cc.streamsReserved === 0) && ($keys(cc.streams).length === 0)) { */ case 8: + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 10: + $r = cc.vlogf("http2: Transport closing idle conn %p (forSingleUse=%v, maxStream=%v)", new sliceType([cc, new $Bool(cc.singleUse), new $Uint32((cc.nextStreamID - 2 >>> 0))])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 11: + cc.closed = true; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.tconn, "Close"), []]); + /* } */ case 9: + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.forgetStreamID, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, cc, closeOnIdle, id, slen, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.forgetStreamID = function(id) { return this.$val.forgetStreamID(id); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.readLoop = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _tuple, cc, ce, ok, rl, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = this; + rl = new http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr(arrayType.zero(), cc); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(rl, "cleanup"), []]); + _r$1 = rl.run(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cc.readerErr = _r$1; + _tuple = $assertType(cc.readerErr, http2ConnectionError, true); + ce = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 2: + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = cc.fr.WriteGoAway(0, ((ce >>> 0)), sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $r = cc.wmu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.readLoop, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, cc, ce, ok, rl, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.readLoop = function() { return this.$val.readLoop(); }; + http2GoAwayError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("http2: server sent GOAWAY and closed the connection; LastStreamID=%v, ErrCode=%v, debug=%q", new sliceType([new $Uint32(e.LastStreamID), new http2ErrCode(e.ErrCode), new $String(e.DebugData)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2GoAwayError.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; + http2GoAwayError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + http2isEOFOrNetReadError = function(err) { + var _tuple, err, ne, ok; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + return true; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, ptrType$57, true); + ne = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + return ok && ne.Op === "read"; + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.cleanup = function() { + var {_arg, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _selection, cc, cs, err, rl, x$5, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + rl = this; + cc = rl.cc; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.tconn, "Close"), []]); + _r$1 = cc.t.connPool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(_r$1, "MarkDead"), [cc]]); + $deferred.push([function(_arg) { $close(_arg); }, [cc.readerDone]]); + if (!(cc.idleTimer === ptrType$25.nil)) { + cc.idleTimer.Stop(); + } + err = cc.readerErr; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!(cc.goAway === ptrType$82.nil) && http2isEOFOrNetReadError(err)) { + err = (x$5 = new http2GoAwayError.ptr(cc.goAway.LastStreamID, cc.goAway.ErrCode, cc.goAwayDebug), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + } else if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF)) { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + } + cc.closed = true; + _ref = cc.streams; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _keys.length)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + cs = _entry.v; + _selection = $select([[cs.peerClosed], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 5: + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 6: + $r = cs.abortStreamLocked(err); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + _i++; + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + $r = cc.cond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.cleanup, $c: true, $r, _arg, _entry, _i, _keys, _r$1, _ref, _selection, cc, cs, err, rl, x$5, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.cleanup = function() { return this.$val.cleanup(); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.countReadFrameError = function(err) { + var {_arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, cc, ce, err, errCode, f, ok, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + f = cc.t.CountError; + if (f === $throwNilPointerError || $interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _tuple = $assertType(err, http2ConnectionError, true); + ce = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + errCode = ((ce >>> 0)); + _r$1 = new http2ErrCode(errCode).stringToken(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$1); + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf("read_frame_conn_error_%s", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = f(_r$2); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$3 = errors.Is(err, io.EOF); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 6: + $r = f("read_frame_eof"); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$4 = errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$4) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (_r$4) { */ case 10: + $r = f("read_frame_unexpected_eof"); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 11: + _r$5 = errors.Is(err, http2ErrFrameTooLarge); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$5) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (_r$5) { */ case 14: + $r = f("read_frame_too_large"); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 15: + $r = f("read_frame_other"); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.countReadFrameError, $c: true, $r, _arg, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple, cc, ce, err, errCode, f, ok, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.countReadFrameError = function(err) { return this.$val.countReadFrameError(err); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.run = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, cc, cs, err, f, f$1, f$2, f$3, f$4, f$5, f$6, f$7, f$8, f$9, gotSettings, ok, ok$1, readIdleTimeout, rl, se, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + rl = this; + cc = rl.cc; + gotSettings = false; + readIdleTimeout = cc.t.ReadIdleTimeout; + t = ptrType$25.nil; + /* */ if (!((readIdleTimeout.$high === 0 && readIdleTimeout.$low === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!((readIdleTimeout.$high === 0 && readIdleTimeout.$low === 0))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = time.AfterFunc(readIdleTimeout, $methodVal(cc, "healthCheck")); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + t = _r$1; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(t, "Stop"), []]); + /* } */ case 2: + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = cc.fr.ReadFrame(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + f = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!(t === ptrType$25.nil)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(t === ptrType$25.nil)) { */ case 7: + _r$3 = t.Reset(readIdleTimeout); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 10: + $r = cc.vlogf("http2: Transport readFrame error on conn %p: (%T) %v", new sliceType([cc, err, err])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 11: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(err, http2StreamError, true); + se = $clone(_tuple$1[0], http2StreamError); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 13: + _r$4 = rl.streamByID(se.StreamID); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cs = _r$4; + /* */ if (!(cs === ptrType$104.nil)) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!(cs === ptrType$104.nil)) { */ case 17: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(se.Cause, $ifaceNil)) { + se.Cause = cc.fr.errDetail; + } + $r = rl.endStreamError(cs, new se.constructor.elem(se)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 18: + /* continue; */ $s = 4; continue; + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 14: + $r = cc.countReadFrameError(err); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = err; + $s = 21; case 21: return $24r; + /* } */ case 15: + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 22; continue; } + /* */ $s = 23; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 22: + _r$5 = http2summarizeFrame(f); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg = new $String(_r$5); + $r = cc.vlogf("http2: Transport received %s", new sliceType([_arg])); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 23: + /* */ if (!gotSettings) { $s = 26; continue; } + /* */ $s = 27; continue; + /* if (!gotSettings) { */ case 26: + _tuple$2 = $assertType(f, ptrType$78, true); + ok$1 = _tuple$2[1]; + /* */ if (!ok$1) { $s = 28; continue; } + /* */ $s = 29; continue; + /* if (!ok$1) { */ case 28: + $r = cc.logf("protocol error: received %T before a SETTINGS frame", new sliceType([f])); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = new http2ConnectionError(1); + $s = 31; case 31: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 29: + gotSettings = true; + /* } */ case 27: + _ref = f; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$76, true)[1]) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$79, true)[1]) { $s = 33; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$82, true)[1]) { $s = 34; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$83, true)[1]) { $s = 35; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$78, true)[1]) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$96, true)[1]) { $s = 37; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$80, true)[1]) { $s = 38; continue; } + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$81, true)[1]) { $s = 39; continue; } + /* */ $s = 40; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$76, true)[1]) { */ case 32: + f$1 = _ref.$val; + _r$6 = rl.processHeaders(f$1); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$6; + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$79, true)[1]) { */ case 33: + f$2 = _ref.$val; + _r$7 = rl.processData(f$2); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$7; + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$82, true)[1]) { */ case 34: + f$3 = _ref.$val; + _r$8 = rl.processGoAway(f$3); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$8; + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$83, true)[1]) { */ case 35: + f$4 = _ref.$val; + _r$9 = rl.processResetStream(f$4); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$9; + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$78, true)[1]) { */ case 36: + f$5 = _ref.$val; + _r$10 = rl.processSettings(f$5); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$10; + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$96, true)[1]) { */ case 37: + f$6 = _ref.$val; + err = rl.processPushPromise(f$6); + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$80, true)[1]) { */ case 38: + f$7 = _ref.$val; + _r$11 = rl.processWindowUpdate(f$7); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$11; + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$81, true)[1]) { */ case 39: + f$8 = _ref.$val; + _r$12 = rl.processPing(f$8); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$12; + $s = 41; continue; + /* } else { */ case 40: + f$9 = _ref; + $r = cc.logf("Transport: unhandled response frame type %T", new sliceType([f$9])); /* */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 41: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 50; continue; } + /* */ $s = 51; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 50: + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 52; continue; } + /* */ $s = 53; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 52: + _arg$1 = cc; + _r$13 = http2summarizeFrame(f); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$2 = new $String(_r$13); + _arg$3 = err; + $r = cc.vlogf("http2: Transport conn %p received error from processing frame %v: %v", new sliceType([_arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3])); /* */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 53: + $24r$2 = err; + $s = 56; case 56: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 51: + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.run, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, cc, cs, err, f, f$1, f$2, f$3, f$4, f$5, f$6, f$7, f$8, f$9, gotSettings, ok, ok$1, readIdleTimeout, rl, se, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.run = function() { return this.$val.run(); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processHeaders = function(f) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, cs, err, f, ok, res, rl, x$5, x$6, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rl = this; + _r$1 = rl.streamByID(f.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cs = _r$1; + if (cs === ptrType$104.nil) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + /* */ if (cs.readClosed) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (cs.readClosed) { */ case 2: + $r = rl.endStreamError(cs, (x$5 = new http2StreamError.ptr(f.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 1, errors.New("protocol error: headers after END_STREAM")), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (!cs.firstByte) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!cs.firstByte) { */ case 5: + /* */ if (!(cs.trace === ptrType$19.nil)) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!(cs.trace === ptrType$19.nil)) { */ case 7: + $r = http2traceFirstResponseByte(cs.trace); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 8: + cs.firstByte = true; + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (!cs.pastHeaders) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!cs.pastHeaders) { */ case 10: + cs.pastHeaders = true; + $s = 12; continue; + /* } else { */ case 11: + _r$2 = rl.processTrailers(cs, f); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r; + /* } */ case 12: + _r$3 = rl.handleResponse(cs, f); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + res = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 16: + _tuple$1 = $assertType(err, http2ConnectionError, true); + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $r = rl.endStreamError(cs, (x$6 = new http2StreamError.ptr(f.http2HeadersFrame.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 1, err), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 17: + if (res === ptrType$18.nil) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + cs.resTrailer = (res.$ptr_Trailer || (res.$ptr_Trailer = new ptrType$38(function() { return this.$target.Trailer; }, function($v) { this.$target.Trailer = $v; }, res))); + cs.res = res; + $close(cs.respHeaderRecv); + /* */ if (f.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()) { $s = 19; continue; } + /* */ $s = 20; continue; + /* if (f.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()) { */ case 19: + $r = rl.endStream(cs); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 20: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processHeaders, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, cs, err, f, ok, res, rl, x$5, x$6, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.processHeaders = function(f) { return this.$val.processHeaders(f); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.handleResponse = function(cs, f) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, cl, clens, cs, err, err$1, err$2, f, fn, header, hf, key, regularFields, res, rl, status, statusCode, strs, t, vv, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cs, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rl = this; + if (f.Truncated) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, http2errResponseHeaderListSize]; + } + status = f.PseudoValue("status"); + if (status === "") { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, errors.New("malformed response from server: missing status pseudo header")]; + } + _tuple = strconv.Atoi(status); + statusCode = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, errors.New("malformed response from server: malformed non-numeric status pseudo header")]; + } + regularFields = f.RegularFields(); + strs = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, regularFields.$length); + header = (x$5 = regularFields.$length, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 > 2147483647) ? $throwRuntimeError("makemap: size out of range") : {})); + res = new Response.ptr(status + " " + StatusText(statusCode), statusCode, "HTTP/2.0", 2, 0, header, $ifaceNil, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$2.nil, false, false, false, ptrType$11.nil, ptrType$28.nil); + _ref = regularFields; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + t = [t]; + hf = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), hpack.HeaderField); + _r$1 = CanonicalHeaderKey(hf.Name); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r$1; + /* */ if (key === "Trailer") { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (key === "Trailer") { */ case 4: + t[0] = res.Trailer; + if (t[0] === false) { + t[0] = {}; + res.Trailer = t[0]; + } + $r = http2foreachHeaderElement(hf.Value, (function(t) { return function $b(v) { + var {_key, _r$2, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$2 = CanonicalHeaderKey(v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _key = _r$2; (t[0] || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: sliceType$2.nil }; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _key, _r$2, v, $s};return $f; + }; })(t)); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + vv = (_entry = header[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (vv === sliceType$2.nil && strs.$length > 0) { + _tmp = $subslice(strs, 0, 1, 1); + _tmp$1 = $subslice(strs, 1); + vv = _tmp; + strs = _tmp$1; + (0 >= vv.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv.$array[vv.$offset + 0] = hf.Value); + _key = key; (header || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: vv }; + } else { + _key$1 = key; (header || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: $append(vv, hf.Value) }; + } + /* } */ case 6: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (statusCode >= 100 && statusCode <= 199) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (statusCode >= 100 && statusCode <= 199) { */ case 8: + if (f.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, errors.New("1xx informational response with END_STREAM flag")]; + } + cs.num1xx = cs.num1xx + (1) << 24 >>> 24; + if (cs.num1xx > 5) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, errors.New("http2: too many 1xx informational responses")]; + } + fn = cs.get1xxTraceFunc(); + /* */ if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 10: + _r$2 = fn(statusCode, (header)); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$2; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, err$1]; + } + /* } */ case 11: + /* */ if (statusCode === 100) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (statusCode === 100) { */ case 13: + $r = http2traceGot100Continue(cs.trace); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = $select([[cs.on100, new structType.ptr()], []]); + if (_selection[0] === 0) { + } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { + } + /* } */ case 14: + cs.pastHeaders = false; + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* } */ case 9: + res.ContentLength = new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + clens = (_entry$1 = res.Header[$String.keyFor("Content-Length")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (clens.$length === 1) { + _tuple$1 = strconv.ParseUint((0 >= clens.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : clens.$array[clens.$offset + 0]), 10, 63); + cl = _tuple$1[0]; + err$2 = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil)) { + res.ContentLength = (new $Int64(cl.$high, cl.$low)); + } else { + } + } else if (clens.$length > 1) { + } else if (f.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded() && !cs.isHead) { + res.ContentLength = new $Int64(0, 0); + } + if (cs.isHead) { + res.Body = http2noBody; + $s = -1; return [res, $ifaceNil]; + } + if (f.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()) { + if ((x$6 = res.ContentLength, (x$6.$high > 0 || (x$6.$high === 0 && x$6.$low > 0)))) { + res.Body = (x$7 = new http2missingBody.ptr(), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7)); + } else { + res.Body = http2noBody; + } + $s = -1; return [res, $ifaceNil]; + } + $r = cs.bufPipe.setBuffer(new http2dataBuffer.ptr(sliceType$5.nil, 0, 0, 0, res.ContentLength)); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cs.bytesRemain = res.ContentLength; + res.Body = (x$8 = new http2transportResponseBody.ptr(cs), new x$8.constructor.elem(x$8)); + if (!(cs.requestedGzip)) { _v = false; $s = 19; continue s; } + _r$3 = new Header(res.Header).Get("Content-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = http2asciiEqualFold(_r$3, "gzip"); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$4; case 19: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 17: + $r = new Header(res.Header).Del("Content-Encoding"); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = new Header(res.Header).Del("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + res.ContentLength = new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + res.Body = new http2gzipReader.ptr(arrayType.zero(), res.Body, ptrType$33.nil, $ifaceNil); + res.Uncompressed = true; + /* } */ case 18: + $s = -1; return [res, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.handleResponse, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _key, _key$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _selection, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _v, cl, clens, cs, err, err$1, err$2, f, fn, header, hf, key, regularFields, res, rl, status, statusCode, strs, t, vv, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.handleResponse = function(cs, f) { return this.$val.handleResponse(cs, f); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processTrailers = function(cs, f) { + var {_entry, _i, _key, _r$1, _ref, cs, f, hf, key, rl, trailer, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cs, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rl = this; + if (cs.pastTrailers) { + $s = -1; return new http2ConnectionError(1); + } + cs.pastTrailers = true; + if (!f.http2HeadersFrame.StreamEnded()) { + $s = -1; return new http2ConnectionError(1); + } + if (f.PseudoFields().$length > 0) { + $s = -1; return new http2ConnectionError(1); + } + trailer = {}; + _ref = f.RegularFields(); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + hf = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), hpack.HeaderField); + _r$1 = CanonicalHeaderKey(hf.Name); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + key = _r$1; + _key = key; (trailer || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $append((_entry = trailer[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil), hf.Value) }; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + cs.trailer = trailer; + $r = rl.endStream(cs); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processTrailers, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _key, _r$1, _ref, cs, f, hf, key, rl, trailer, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.processTrailers = function(cs, f) { return this.$val.processTrailers(cs, f); }; + http2transportResponseBody.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, cc, connAdd, cs, err, n, p, streamAdd, v, v$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + b = this; + cs = b.cs; + cc = cs.cc; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cs.readErr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(cs.readErr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = cs.readErr; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = b.cs.bufPipe.Read(p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + n = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!((x$5 = cs.bytesRemain, (x$5.$high === -1 && x$5.$low === 4294967295)))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!((x$5 = cs.bytesRemain, (x$5.$high === -1 && x$5.$low === 4294967295)))) { */ case 5: + /* */ if ((x$6 = (new $Int64(0, n)), x$7 = cs.bytesRemain, (x$6.$high > x$7.$high || (x$6.$high === x$7.$high && x$6.$low > x$7.$low)))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if ((x$6 = (new $Int64(0, n)), x$7 = cs.bytesRemain, (x$6.$high > x$7.$high || (x$6.$high === x$7.$high && x$6.$low > x$7.$low)))) { */ case 7: + n = (((x$8 = cs.bytesRemain, x$8.$low + ((x$8.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 9: + err = errors.New("net/http: server replied with more than declared Content-Length; truncated"); + $r = cs.abortStream(err); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + cs.readErr = err; + _tmp$2 = (((x$9 = cs.bytesRemain, x$9.$low + ((x$9.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0)); + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $24r$1 = [n, err]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + cs.bytesRemain = (x$10 = cs.bytesRemain, x$11 = (new $Int64(0, n)), new $Int64(x$10.$high - x$11.$high, x$10.$low - x$11.$low)); + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF) && (x$12 = cs.bytesRemain, (x$12.$high > 0 || (x$12.$high === 0 && x$12.$low > 0)))) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, io.EOF) && (x$12 = cs.bytesRemain, (x$12.$high > 0 || (x$12.$high === 0 && x$12.$low > 0)))) { */ case 13: + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF; + cs.readErr = err; + _tmp$4 = n; + _tmp$5 = err; + n = _tmp$4; + err = _tmp$5; + $24r$2 = [n, err]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 14: + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (n === 0) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (n === 0) { */ case 16: + $24r$3 = [n, err]; + $s = 18; case 18: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 17: + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tmp$6 = 0; + _tmp$7 = 0; + connAdd = _tmp$6; + streamAdd = _tmp$7; + v = cc.inflow.available(); + if (v < 536870912) { + connAdd = 1073741824 - v >> 0; + cc.inflow.add(connAdd); + } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 20: + _r$2 = cs.bufPipe.Len(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v$1 = ((cs.inflow.available() >> 0)) + _r$2 >> 0; + if (v$1 < 4190208) { + streamAdd = (((4194304 - v$1 >> 0) >> 0)); + cs.inflow.add(streamAdd); + } + /* } */ case 21: + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((connAdd === 0)) || !((streamAdd === 0))) { $s = 24; continue; } + /* */ $s = 25; continue; + /* if (!((connAdd === 0)) || !((streamAdd === 0))) { */ case 24: + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.wmu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (!((connAdd === 0))) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (!((connAdd === 0))) { */ case 27: + _r$3 = cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, http2mustUint31(connAdd)); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 28: + /* */ if (!((streamAdd === 0))) { $s = 30; continue; } + /* */ $s = 31; continue; + /* if (!((streamAdd === 0))) { */ case 30: + _r$4 = cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(cs.ID, http2mustUint31(streamAdd)); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 31: + _r$5 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 25: + $24r$4 = [n, err]; + $s = 34; case 34: return $24r$4; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [n, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2transportResponseBody.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, b, cc, connAdd, cs, err, n, p, streamAdd, v, v$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2transportResponseBody.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + http2transportResponseBody.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _selection, b, cc, cs, unread, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + b = this; + cs = b.cs; + cc = cs.cc; + _r$1 = cs.bufPipe.Len(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + unread = _r$1; + /* */ if (unread > 0) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (unread > 0) { */ case 2: + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (unread > 0) { + cc.inflow.add(((unread >> 0))); + } + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (unread > 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (unread > 0) { */ case 7: + _r$2 = cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, ((unread >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$3 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $r = cc.wmu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $r = cs.bufPipe.BreakWithError(http2errClosedResponseBody); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cs.abortStream(http2errClosedResponseBody); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = cs.ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = $select([[cs.donec], [_r$4], [cs.reqCancel]]); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$5; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 18; continue; } + /* */ $s = 19; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 16: + $s = 19; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 17: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 18: + $s = -1; return http2errRequestCanceled; + /* } */ case 19: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2transportResponseBody.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _selection, b, cc, cs, unread, $s};return $f; + }; + http2transportResponseBody.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processData = function(f) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, cc, cs, data, didReset, err, f, neverSent, pad, refund, rl, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rl = this; + cc = rl.cc; + _r$1 = rl.streamByID(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cs = _r$1; + data = f.Data(); + /* */ if (cs === ptrType$104.nil) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (cs === ptrType$104.nil) { */ case 2: + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + neverSent = cc.nextStreamID; + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID >= neverSent) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID >= neverSent) { */ case 6: + $r = cc.logf("http2: Transport received unsolicited DATA frame; closing connection", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return new http2ConnectionError(1); + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (f.http2FrameHeader.Length > 0) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (f.http2FrameHeader.Length > 0) { */ case 9: + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cc.inflow.add(((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))); + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, (f.http2FrameHeader.Length)); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $r = cc.wmu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 3: + /* */ if (cs.readClosed) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (cs.readClosed) { */ case 17: + $r = cc.logf("protocol error: received DATA after END_STREAM", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rl.endStreamError(cs, (x$5 = new http2StreamError.ptr(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 1, $ifaceNil), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 18: + /* */ if (!cs.firstByte) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (!cs.firstByte) { */ case 21: + $r = cc.logf("protocol error: received DATA before a HEADERS frame", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rl.endStreamError(cs, (x$6 = new http2StreamError.ptr(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 1, $ifaceNil), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 22: + /* */ if (f.http2FrameHeader.Length > 0) { $s = 25; continue; } + /* */ $s = 26; continue; + /* if (f.http2FrameHeader.Length > 0) { */ case 25: + /* */ if (cs.isHead && data.$length > 0) { $s = 27; continue; } + /* */ $s = 28; continue; + /* if (cs.isHead && data.$length > 0) { */ case 27: + $r = cc.logf("protocol error: received DATA on a HEAD request", new sliceType([])); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rl.endStreamError(cs, (x$7 = new http2StreamError.ptr(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID, 1, $ifaceNil), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7))); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 28: + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (cs.inflow.available() >= ((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))) { $s = 32; continue; } + /* */ $s = 33; continue; + /* if (cs.inflow.available() >= ((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))) { */ case 32: + cs.inflow.take(((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0))); + $s = 34; continue; + /* } else { */ case 33: + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return new http2ConnectionError(3); + /* } */ case 34: + refund = 0; + pad = ((f.http2FrameHeader.Length >> 0)) - data.$length >> 0; + if (pad > 0) { + refund = refund + (pad) >> 0; + } + didReset = false; + err = $ifaceNil; + /* */ if (data.$length > 0) { $s = 36; continue; } + /* */ $s = 37; continue; + /* if (data.$length > 0) { */ case 36: + _r$4 = cs.bufPipe.Write(data); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$4; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + didReset = true; + refund = refund + (data.$length) >> 0; + } + /* } */ case 37: + if (refund > 0) { + cc.inflow.add(((refund >> 0))); + if (!didReset) { + cs.inflow.add(((refund >> 0))); + } + } + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (refund > 0) { $s = 40; continue; } + /* */ $s = 41; continue; + /* if (refund > 0) { */ case 40: + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, ((refund >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* */ if (!didReset) { $s = 44; continue; } + /* */ $s = 45; continue; + /* if (!didReset) { */ case 44: + _r$6 = cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(cs.ID, ((refund >>> 0))); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6; + /* } */ case 45: + _r$7 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + $r = cc.wmu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 41: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 49; continue; } + /* */ $s = 50; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 49: + $r = rl.endStreamError(cs, err); /* */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } */ case 50: + /* } */ case 26: + /* */ if (f.StreamEnded()) { $s = 52; continue; } + /* */ $s = 53; continue; + /* if (f.StreamEnded()) { */ case 52: + $r = rl.endStream(cs); /* */ $s = 54; case 54: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 53: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processData, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _tuple, cc, cs, data, didReset, err, f, neverSent, pad, refund, rl, x$5, x$6, x$7, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.processData = function(f) { return this.$val.processData(f); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.endStream = function(cs) { + var {cs, rl, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cs}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + rl = this; + /* */ if (!cs.readClosed) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!cs.readClosed) { */ case 1: + cs.readClosed = true; + $r = rl.cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(rl.cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + $r = cs.bufPipe.closeWithErrorAndCode(io.EOF, $methodVal(cs, "copyTrailers")); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $close(cs.peerClosed); + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.endStream, $c: true, $r, cs, rl, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.endStream = function(cs) { return this.$val.endStream(cs); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.endStreamError = function(cs, err) { + var {cs, err, rl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {cs, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rl = this; + cs.readAborted = true; + $r = cs.abortStream(err); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.endStreamError, $c: true, $r, cs, err, rl, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.endStreamError = function(cs, err) { return this.$val.endStreamError(cs, err); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.streamByID = function(id) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _entry, cs, id, rl, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {id}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + rl = this; + $r = rl.cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(rl.cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + cs = (_entry = rl.cc.streams[$Uint32.keyFor(id)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$104.nil); + /* */ if (!(cs === ptrType$104.nil) && !cs.readAborted) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(cs === ptrType$104.nil) && !cs.readAborted) { */ case 2: + $24r = cs; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $24r$1 = ptrType$104.nil; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return ptrType$104.nil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.streamByID, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _entry, cs, id, rl, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.streamByID = function(id) { return this.$val.streamByID(id); }; + http2clientStream.ptr.prototype.copyTrailers = function() { + var _entry, _i, _key, _keys, _ref, cs, k, t, vv; + cs = this; + _ref = cs.trailer; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + t = cs.resTrailer; + if (t.$get() === false) { + t.$set({}); + } + _key = k; (t.$get() || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: vv }; + _i++; + } + }; + http2clientStream.prototype.copyTrailers = function() { return this.$val.copyTrailers(); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processGoAway = function(f) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, cc, f, fn, rl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rl = this; + cc = rl.cc; + _r$1 = cc.t.connPool(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = _r$1.MarkDead(cc); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!((f.ErrCode === 0))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((f.ErrCode === 0))) { */ case 3: + $r = cc.vlogf("transport got GOAWAY with error code = %v", new sliceType([new http2ErrCode(f.ErrCode)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + fn = cc.t.CountError; + /* */ if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = new http2ErrCode(f.ErrCode).stringToken(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fn("recv_goaway_" + _r$2); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + /* } */ case 4: + $r = cc.setGoAway(f); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processGoAway, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, cc, f, fn, rl, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.processGoAway = function(f) { return this.$val.processGoAway(f); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processSettings = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, cc, err, f, rl, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + rl = this; + cc = rl.cc; + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.wmu, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$1 = rl.processSettingsNoWrite(f); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + $24r = err; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 4: + /* */ if (!f.IsAck()) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!f.IsAck()) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = cc.fr.WriteSettingsAck(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + _r$3 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* } */ case 7: + $24r$1 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processSettings, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, cc, err, f, rl, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.processSettings = function(f) { return this.$val.processSettings(f); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processSettingsNoWrite = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, cc, err, f, rl, seenMaxConcurrentStreams, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + cc = [cc]; + seenMaxConcurrentStreams = [seenMaxConcurrentStreams]; + rl = this; + cc[0] = rl.cc; + $r = cc[0].mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc[0].mu, "Unlock"), []]); + /* */ if (f.IsAck()) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (f.IsAck()) { */ case 2: + /* */ if (cc[0].wantSettingsAck) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (cc[0].wantSettingsAck) { */ case 4: + cc[0].wantSettingsAck = false; + $24r = $ifaceNil; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } */ case 5: + $24r$1 = new http2ConnectionError(1); + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + seenMaxConcurrentStreams[0] = false; + _r$1 = f.ForeachSetting((function(cc, seenMaxConcurrentStreams) { return function $b(s) { + var {_1, _entry, _i, _keys, _ref, cs, delta, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {s}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _1 = s.ID; + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (6)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 2: + cc[0].maxFrameSize = s.Val; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 3: + cc[0].maxConcurrentStreams = s.Val; + seenMaxConcurrentStreams[0] = true; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (6)) { */ case 4: + cc[0].peerMaxHeaderListSize = (new $Uint64(0, s.Val)); + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 5: + if (s.Val > 2147483647) { + $s = -1; return new http2ConnectionError(3); + } + delta = ((s.Val >> 0)) - ((cc[0].initialWindowSize >> 0)) >> 0; + _ref = cc[0].streams; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + cs = _entry.v; + cs.flow.add(delta); + _i++; + } + $r = cc[0].cond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cc[0].initialWindowSize = s.Val; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else { */ case 6: + $r = cc[0].vlogf("Unhandled Setting: %v", new sliceType([new s.constructor.elem(s)])); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + case 1: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _i, _keys, _ref, cs, delta, s, $s};return $f; + }; })(cc, seenMaxConcurrentStreams)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 9: + $24r$2 = err; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 10: + if (!cc[0].seenSettings) { + if (!seenMaxConcurrentStreams[0]) { + cc[0].maxConcurrentStreams = 1000; + } + cc[0].seenSettings = true; + } + $24r$3 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$3; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processSettingsNoWrite, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, _r$1, cc, err, f, rl, seenMaxConcurrentStreams, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.processSettingsNoWrite = function(f) { return this.$val.processSettingsNoWrite(f); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processWindowUpdate = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, cc, cs, f, fl, rl, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + rl = this; + cc = rl.cc; + _r$1 = rl.streamByID(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cs = _r$1; + /* */ if (!((f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID === 0)) && cs === ptrType$104.nil) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID === 0)) && cs === ptrType$104.nil) { */ case 2: + $24r = $ifaceNil; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + fl = cc.flow; + if (!(cs === ptrType$104.nil)) { + fl = cs.flow; + } + /* */ if (!fl.add(((f.Increment >> 0)))) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!fl.add(((f.Increment >> 0)))) { */ case 6: + $24r$1 = new http2ConnectionError(3); + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 7: + $r = cc.cond.Broadcast(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = $ifaceNil; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processWindowUpdate, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _r$1, cc, cs, f, fl, rl, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.processWindowUpdate = function(f) { return this.$val.processWindowUpdate(f); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processResetStream = function(f) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, cs, f, fn, rl, serr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rl = this; + _r$1 = rl.streamByID(f.http2FrameHeader.StreamID); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + cs = _r$1; + if (cs === ptrType$104.nil) { + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + } + serr = $clone(http2streamError(cs.ID, f.ErrCode), http2StreamError); + serr.Cause = http2errFromPeer; + /* */ if (f.ErrCode === 1) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (f.ErrCode === 1) { */ case 2: + $r = rl.cc.SetDoNotReuse(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + fn = cs.cc.t.CountError; + /* */ if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(fn === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = new http2ErrCode(f.ErrCode).stringToken(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fn("recv_rststream_" + _r$2); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 6: + $r = cs.abortStream(new serr.constructor.elem(serr)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(new serr.constructor.elem(serr)); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processResetStream, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, cs, f, fn, rl, serr, $s};return $f; + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.processResetStream = function(f) { return this.$val.processResetStream(f); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.Ping = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _entry, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, cc, ctx, err, err$1, errc, found, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = [cc]; + errc = [errc]; + p = [p]; + cc[0] = this; + c = new $Chan(structType, 0); + p[0] = arrayType$8.zero(); + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = rand$1.Read(new sliceType$3(p[0])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $r = cc[0].mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = (_entry = cc[0].pings[arrayType$8.keyFor(p[0])], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$chanNil, false]); + found = _tuple$1[1]; + /* */ if (!found) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!found) { */ case 5: + _key = $clone(p[0], arrayType$8); (cc[0].pings || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[arrayType$8.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: c }; + $r = cc[0].mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 6: + $r = cc[0].mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + errc[0] = new $Chan($error, 1); + $go((function(cc, errc, p) { return function $b() { + var {_r$2, _r$3, err$1, err$2, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $r = cc[0].wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc[0].wmu, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$2 = cc[0].fr.WritePing(false, $clone(p[0], arrayType$8)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$1 = _r$2; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + $r = $send(errc[0], err$1); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 6; case 6: return; + /* } */ case 4: + _r$3 = cc[0].bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err$2 = _r$3; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$2, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + $r = $send(errc[0], err$2); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = 11; case 11: return; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$2, _r$3, err$1, err$2, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; })(cc, errc, p), []); + _r$2 = ctx.Done(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $select([[c], [errc[0]], [_r$2], [cc[0].readerDone]]); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$3; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 2) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 3) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ $s = 15; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 11: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 12: + err$1 = _selection[1][0]; + $s = -1; return err$1; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 2) { */ case 13: + _r$4 = ctx.Err(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$4; + $s = 17; case 17: return $24r; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 3) { */ case 14: + $s = -1; return cc[0].readerErr; + /* } */ case 15: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.Ping, $c: true, $r, $24r, _entry, _key, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _selection, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, cc, ctx, err, err$1, errc, found, p, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.Ping = function(ctx) { return this.$val.Ping(ctx); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processPing = function(f) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, c, cc, cc$1, err, f, ok, rl, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + rl = this; + /* */ if (f.IsAck()) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (f.IsAck()) { */ case 1: + cc = rl.cc; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc.mu, "Unlock"), []]); + _tuple = (_entry = cc.pings[arrayType$8.keyFor(f.Data)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$chanNil, false]); + c = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + $close(c); + delete cc.pings[arrayType$8.keyFor(f.Data)]; + } + $24r = $ifaceNil; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + cc$1 = rl.cc; + $r = cc$1.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(cc$1.wmu, "Unlock"), []]); + _r$1 = cc$1.fr.WritePing(true, $clone(f.Data, arrayType$8)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 7: + $24r$1 = err; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 8: + _r$2 = cc$1.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$2; + $s = 11; case 11: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processPing, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, c, cc, cc$1, err, f, ok, rl, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.processPing = function(f) { return this.$val.processPing(f); }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.ptr.prototype.processPushPromise = function(f) { + var f, rl; + rl = this; + return new http2ConnectionError(1); + }; + http2clientConnReadLoop.prototype.processPushPromise = function(f) { return this.$val.processPushPromise(f); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.writeStreamReset = function(streamID, code, err) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, cc, code, err, streamID, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID, code, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + $r = cc.wmu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = cc.fr.WriteRSTStream(streamID, code); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _r$2 = cc.bw.Flush(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $r = cc.wmu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.writeStreamReset, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, cc, code, err, streamID, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.writeStreamReset = function(streamID, code, err) { return this.$val.writeStreamReset(streamID, code, err); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.logf = function(format, args) { + var {args, cc, format, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + $r = cc.t.logf(format, args); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.logf, $c: true, $r, args, cc, format, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.logf = function(format, args) { return this.$val.logf(format, args); }; + http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.vlogf = function(format, args) { + var {args, cc, format, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cc = this; + $r = cc.t.vlogf(format, args); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2ClientConn.ptr.prototype.vlogf, $c: true, $r, args, cc, format, $s};return $f; + }; + http2ClientConn.prototype.vlogf = function(format, args) { return this.$val.vlogf(format, args); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.vlogf = function(format, args) { + var {args, format, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 1: + $r = t.logf(format, args); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.vlogf, $c: true, $r, args, format, t, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.vlogf = function(format, args) { return this.$val.vlogf(format, args); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.logf = function(format, args) { + var {args, format, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {format, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + t = this; + $r = log.Printf(format, args); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2Transport.ptr.prototype.logf, $c: true, $r, args, format, t, $s};return $f; + }; + http2Transport.prototype.logf = function(format, args) { return this.$val.logf(format, args); }; + http2missingBody.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + return $ifaceNil; + }; + http2missingBody.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + http2missingBody.ptr.prototype.Read = function(param) { + var param; + return [0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF]; + }; + http2missingBody.prototype.Read = function(param) { return this.$val.Read(param); }; + http2strSliceContains = function(ss, s) { + var _i, _ref, s, ss, v; + _ref = ss; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (v === s) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + return false; + }; + http2erringRoundTripper.ptr.prototype.RoundTripErr = function() { + var rt; + rt = this; + return rt.err; + }; + http2erringRoundTripper.prototype.RoundTripErr = function() { return this.$val.RoundTripErr(); }; + http2erringRoundTripper.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip = function(param) { + var param, rt; + rt = this; + return [ptrType$18.nil, rt.err]; + }; + http2erringRoundTripper.prototype.RoundTrip = function(param) { return this.$val.RoundTrip(param); }; + http2gzipReader.ptr.prototype.Read = function(p) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, gz, n, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {p}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = 0; + err = $ifaceNil; + gz = this; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(gz.zerr, $ifaceNil))) { + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = gz.zerr; + n = _tmp; + err = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* */ if (gz.zr === ptrType$33.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (gz.zr === ptrType$33.nil) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = gzip.NewReader(gz.body); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + gz.zr = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + gz.zerr = err; + _tmp$2 = 0; + _tmp$3 = err; + n = _tmp$2; + err = _tmp$3; + $s = -1; return [n, err]; + } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = gz.zr.Read(p); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + n = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + $24r = [n, err]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2gzipReader.ptr.prototype.Read, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, gz, n, p, $s};return $f; + }; + http2gzipReader.prototype.Read = function(p) { return this.$val.Read(p); }; + http2gzipReader.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, gz, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + gz = this; + _r$1 = gz.body.Close(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2gzipReader.ptr.prototype.Close, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, gz, $s};return $f; + }; + http2gzipReader.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + http2isConnectionCloseRequest = function(req) { + var _entry, req; + return req.Close || httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken((_entry = req.Header[$String.keyFor("Connection")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil), "close"); + }; + http2registerHTTPSProtocol = function(t, rt) { + var {$24r, err, rt, t, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t, rt}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + err = [err]; + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $deferred.push([(function(err) { return function $b() { + var {_r$1, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = $recover(); + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("%v", new sliceType([e])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = _r$1; + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r$1, e, $s};return $f; + }; })(err), []]); + $r = t.RegisterProtocol("https", new rt.constructor.elem(rt)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err[0] = $ifaceNil; + $24r = err[0]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return err[0]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2registerHTTPSProtocol, $c: true, $r, $24r, err, rt, t, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2noDialH2RoundTripper.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { + var {_r$1, _tuple, err, req, res, rt, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + rt = this; + _r$1 = rt.http2Transport.RoundTrip(req); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + res = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (http2isNoCachedConnError(err)) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, $pkg.ErrSkipAltProtocol]; + } + $s = -1; return [res, err]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2noDialH2RoundTripper.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tuple, err, req, res, rt, $s};return $f; + }; + http2noDialH2RoundTripper.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { return this.$val.RoundTrip(req); }; + http2Transport.ptr.prototype.idleConnTimeout = function() { + var t; + t = this; + if (!(t.t1 === ptrType$27.nil)) { + return t.t1.IdleConnTimeout; + } + return new time.Duration(0, 0); + }; + http2Transport.prototype.idleConnTimeout = function() { return this.$val.idleConnTimeout(); }; + http2traceGetConn = function(req, hostPort) { + var {_r$1, hostPort, req, trace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req, hostPort}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = httptrace.ContextClientTrace(req.Context()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trace = _r$1; + if (trace === ptrType$19.nil || trace.GetConn === $throwNilPointerError) { + $s = -1; return; + } + $r = trace.GetConn(hostPort); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2traceGetConn, $c: true, $r, _r$1, hostPort, req, trace, $s};return $f; + }; + http2traceGotConn = function(req, cc, reused) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, cc, ci, req, reused, trace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req, cc, reused}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = httptrace.ContextClientTrace(req.Context()); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + trace = _r$1; + if (trace === ptrType$19.nil || trace.GotConn === $throwNilPointerError) { + $s = -1; return; + } + ci = new httptrace.GotConnInfo.ptr(cc.tconn, false, false, new time.Duration(0, 0)); + ci.Reused = reused; + $r = cc.mu.Lock(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ci.WasIdle = ($keys(cc.streams).length === 0) && reused; + /* */ if (ci.WasIdle && !$clone(cc.lastActive, time.Time).IsZero()) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (ci.WasIdle && !$clone(cc.lastActive, time.Time).IsZero()) { */ case 3: + _r$2 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = $clone(_r$2, time.Time).Sub($clone(cc.lastActive, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ci.IdleTime = _r$3; + /* } */ case 4: + $r = cc.mu.Unlock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = trace.GotConn($clone(ci, httptrace.GotConnInfo)); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2traceGotConn, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, cc, ci, req, reused, trace, $s};return $f; + }; + http2traceWroteHeaders = function(trace) { + var {trace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {trace}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaders === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteHeaders === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = trace.WroteHeaders(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2traceWroteHeaders, $c: true, $r, trace, $s};return $f; + }; + http2traceGot100Continue = function(trace) { + var {trace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {trace}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.Got100Continue === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.Got100Continue === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = trace.Got100Continue(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2traceGot100Continue, $c: true, $r, trace, $s};return $f; + }; + http2traceWait100Continue = function(trace) { + var {trace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {trace}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.Wait100Continue === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.Wait100Continue === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = trace.Wait100Continue(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2traceWait100Continue, $c: true, $r, trace, $s};return $f; + }; + http2traceWroteRequest = function(trace, err) { + var {err, trace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {trace, err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteRequest === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.WroteRequest === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = trace.WroteRequest(new httptrace.WroteRequestInfo.ptr(err)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2traceWroteRequest, $c: true, $r, err, trace, $s};return $f; + }; + http2traceFirstResponseByte = function(trace) { + var {trace, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {trace}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.GotFirstResponseByte === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(trace === ptrType$19.nil) && !(trace.GotFirstResponseByte === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 1: + $r = trace.GotFirstResponseByte(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2traceFirstResponseByte, $c: true, $r, trace, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writeEndsStream = function(w) { + var _ref, v, v$1, v$2, w; + _ref = w; + if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$92, true)[1]) { + v = _ref.$val; + return v.endStream; + } else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$93, true)[1]) { + v$1 = _ref.$val; + return v$1.endStream; + } else if (_ref === $ifaceNil) { + v$2 = _ref; + $panic(new $String("writeEndsStream called on nil writeFramer")); + } + return false; + }; + http2flushFrameWriter.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, ctx, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = ctx.Flush(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2flushFrameWriter.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, ctx, $s};return $f; + }; + http2flushFrameWriter.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2flushFrameWriter.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max; + return false; + }; + http2flushFrameWriter.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2writeSettings.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max, s; + s = this; + return (9 + ($imul(6, s.$length)) >> 0) <= max; + }; + $ptrType(http2writeSettings).prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$get().staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2writeSettings.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r$1 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.WriteSettings(($convertSliceType(s, sliceType$23))); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writeSettings.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, s, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(http2writeSettings).prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$get().writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2writeGoAway.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, ctx, err, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + _r$1 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.WriteGoAway(p.maxStreamID, p.code, sliceType$3.nil); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$2; + _r$3 = ctx.Flush(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writeGoAway.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, ctx, err, p, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writeGoAway.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2writeGoAway.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max; + return false; + }; + http2writeGoAway.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2writeData.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("writeData(stream=%d, p=%d, endStream=%v)", new sliceType([new $Uint32(w.streamID), new $Int(w.p.$length), new $Bool(w.endStream)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writeData.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writeData.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + http2writeData.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + _r$1 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.WriteData(w.streamID, w.endStream, w.p); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writeData.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writeData.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2writeData.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max, w; + w = this; + return (9 + w.p.$length >> 0) <= max; + }; + http2writeData.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2handlerPanicRST.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, hp, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + hp = this; + _r$1 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.WriteRSTStream(hp.StreamID, 2); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2handlerPanicRST.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, hp, $s};return $f; + }; + http2handlerPanicRST.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2handlerPanicRST.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var hp, max; + hp = this; + return 13 <= max; + }; + http2handlerPanicRST.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2StreamError.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, se, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + se = this; + _r$1 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.WriteRSTStream(se.StreamID, se.Code); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2StreamError.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, se, $s};return $f; + }; + http2StreamError.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2StreamError.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max, se; + se = this; + return 13 <= max; + }; + http2StreamError.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2writePingAck.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + _r$1 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.WritePing(true, $clone(w.pf.Data, arrayType$8)); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writePingAck.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writePingAck.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2writePingAck.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max, w; + w = this; + return 17 <= max; + }; + http2writePingAck.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2writeSettingsAck.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.WriteSettingsAck(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writeSettingsAck.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writeSettingsAck.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2writeSettingsAck.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max; + return 9 <= max; + }; + http2writeSettingsAck.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2splitHeaderBlock = function(ctx, headerBlock, fn) { + var {_r$1, ctx, err, first, fn, frag, headerBlock, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, headerBlock, fn}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + first = true; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(headerBlock.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(headerBlock.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; } + frag = headerBlock; + if (frag.$length > 16384) { + frag = $subslice(frag, 0, 16384); + } + headerBlock = $subslice(headerBlock, frag.$length); + _r$1 = fn(ctx, frag, first, headerBlock.$length === 0); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + first = false; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2splitHeaderBlock, $c: true, $r, _r$1, ctx, err, first, fn, frag, headerBlock, $s};return $f; + }; + http2encKV = function(enc, k, v) { + var {_r$1, enc, k, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {enc, k, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (http2VerboseLogs) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (http2VerboseLogs) { */ case 1: + $r = log.Printf("http2: server encoding header %q = %q", new sliceType([new $String(k), new $String(v)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 2: + _r$1 = enc.WriteField(new hpack.HeaderField.ptr(k, v, false)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2encKV, $c: true, $r, _r$1, enc, k, v, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writeResHeaders.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max, w; + w = this; + return false; + }; + http2writeResHeaders.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2writeResHeaders.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, buf, ctx, enc, headerBlock, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + _r$1 = ctx.HeaderEncoder(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + enc = _tuple[0]; + buf = _tuple[1]; + buf.Reset(); + /* */ if (!((w.httpResCode === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!((w.httpResCode === 0))) { */ case 2: + $r = http2encKV(enc, ":status", http2httpCodeString(w.httpResCode)); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $r = http2encodeHeaders(enc, w.h, w.trailers); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!(w.contentType === "")) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (!(w.contentType === "")) { */ case 6: + $r = http2encKV(enc, "content-type", w.contentType); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + /* */ if (!(w.contentLength === "")) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(w.contentLength === "")) { */ case 9: + $r = http2encKV(enc, "content-length", w.contentLength); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (!(w.date === "")) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (!(w.date === "")) { */ case 12: + $r = http2encKV(enc, "date", w.date); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 13: + headerBlock = buf.Bytes(); + if ((headerBlock.$length === 0) && w.trailers === sliceType$2.nil) { + $panic(new $String("unexpected empty hpack")); + } + _r$2 = http2splitHeaderBlock(ctx, headerBlock, $methodVal(w, "writeHeaderBlock")); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writeResHeaders.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, buf, ctx, enc, headerBlock, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writeResHeaders.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2writeResHeaders.ptr.prototype.writeHeaderBlock = function(ctx, frag, firstFrag, lastFrag) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, ctx, firstFrag, frag, lastFrag, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, frag, firstFrag, lastFrag}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + /* */ if (firstFrag) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (firstFrag) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.WriteHeaders(new http2HeadersFrameParam.ptr(w.streamID, frag, w.endStream, lastFrag, 0, new http2PriorityParam.ptr(0, false, 0))); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$3 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = _r$3.WriteContinuation(w.streamID, lastFrag, frag); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$4; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writeResHeaders.ptr.prototype.writeHeaderBlock, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, ctx, firstFrag, frag, lastFrag, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writeResHeaders.prototype.writeHeaderBlock = function(ctx, frag, firstFrag, lastFrag) { return this.$val.writeHeaderBlock(ctx, frag, firstFrag, lastFrag); }; + http2writePushPromise.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max, w; + w = this; + return false; + }; + http2writePushPromise.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2writePushPromise.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, buf, ctx, enc, headerBlock, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + _r$1 = ctx.HeaderEncoder(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + enc = _tuple[0]; + buf = _tuple[1]; + buf.Reset(); + $r = http2encKV(enc, ":method", w.method); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = http2encKV(enc, ":scheme", w.url.Scheme); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = http2encKV(enc, ":authority", w.url.Host); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = http2encKV(enc, ":path", w.url.RequestURI()); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = http2encodeHeaders(enc, w.h, sliceType$2.nil); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + headerBlock = buf.Bytes(); + if (headerBlock.$length === 0) { + $panic(new $String("unexpected empty hpack")); + } + _r$2 = http2splitHeaderBlock(ctx, headerBlock, $methodVal(w, "writeHeaderBlock")); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writePushPromise.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, buf, ctx, enc, headerBlock, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writePushPromise.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2writePushPromise.ptr.prototype.writeHeaderBlock = function(ctx, frag, firstFrag, lastFrag) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, ctx, firstFrag, frag, lastFrag, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx, frag, firstFrag, lastFrag}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + /* */ if (firstFrag) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (firstFrag) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.WritePushPromise(new http2PushPromiseParam.ptr(w.streamID, w.promisedID, frag, lastFrag, 0)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 6; case 6: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$3 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = _r$3.WriteContinuation(w.streamID, lastFrag, frag); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$4; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writePushPromise.ptr.prototype.writeHeaderBlock, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, ctx, firstFrag, frag, lastFrag, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writePushPromise.prototype.writeHeaderBlock = function(ctx, frag, firstFrag, lastFrag) { return this.$val.writeHeaderBlock(ctx, frag, firstFrag, lastFrag); }; + http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, buf, ctx, enc, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + w = this; + _r$1 = ctx.HeaderEncoder(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + enc = _tuple[0]; + buf = _tuple[1]; + buf.Reset(); + $r = http2encKV(enc, ":status", "100"); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = _r$2.WriteHeaders(new http2HeadersFrameParam.ptr(w.streamID, buf.Bytes(), false, true, 0, new http2PriorityParam.ptr(0, false, 0))); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, buf, ctx, enc, w, $s};return $f; + }; + http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max, w; + w = this; + return 29 <= max; + }; + http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2writeWindowUpdate.ptr.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { + var max, wu; + wu = this; + return 13 <= max; + }; + http2writeWindowUpdate.prototype.staysWithinBuffer = function(max) { return this.$val.staysWithinBuffer(max); }; + http2writeWindowUpdate.ptr.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, wu, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {ctx}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + wu = this; + _r$1 = ctx.Framer(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.WriteWindowUpdate(wu.streamID, wu.n); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2writeWindowUpdate.ptr.prototype.writeFrame, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, ctx, wu, $s};return $f; + }; + http2writeWindowUpdate.prototype.writeFrame = function(ctx) { return this.$val.writeFrame(ctx); }; + http2encodeHeaders = function(enc, h, keys) { + var {_entry, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, ascii$1, enc, h, isTE, k, k$1, keys, sorter, v, vv, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {enc, h, keys}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + /* */ if (keys === sliceType$2.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (keys === sliceType$2.nil) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = http2sorterPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + sorter = $assertType(_r$1, ptrType$100); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(http2sorterPool, "Put"), [sorter]]); + _r$2 = sorter.Keys(h); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + keys = _r$2; + /* } */ case 2: + _ref = keys; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 5: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 6; continue; } + k = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + vv = (_entry = h[$String.keyFor(k)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + _r$3 = http2lowerHeader(k); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$3; + k$1 = _tuple[0]; + ascii$1 = _tuple[1]; + if (!ascii$1) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + if (!http2validWireHeaderFieldName(k$1)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 5; continue; + } + isTE = k$1 === "transfer-encoding"; + _ref$1 = vv; + _i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 8: + /* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 9; continue; } + v = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (!httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(v)) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + if (isTE && !(v === "trailers")) { + _i$1++; + /* continue; */ $s = 8; continue; + } + $r = http2encKV(enc, k$1, v); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i$1++; + $s = 8; continue; + case 9: + _i++; + $s = 5; continue; + case 6: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: http2encodeHeaders, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, ascii$1, enc, h, isTE, k, k$1, keys, sorter, v, vv, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr.prototype.StreamID = function() { + var _tuple, ok, se, wr; + wr = this; + if (wr.stream === ptrType$10.nil) { + _tuple = $assertType(wr.write, http2StreamError, true); + se = $clone(_tuple[0], http2StreamError); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return se.StreamID; + } + return 0; + } + return wr.stream.id; + }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.prototype.StreamID = function() { return this.$val.StreamID(); }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr.prototype.isControl = function() { + var wr; + wr = this; + return wr.stream === ptrType$10.nil; + }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.prototype.isControl = function() { return this.$val.isControl(); }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr.prototype.DataSize = function() { + var _tuple, ok, wd, wr; + wr = this; + _tuple = $assertType(wr.write, ptrType$92, true); + wd = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + return wd.p.$length; + } + return 0; + }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.prototype.DataSize = function() { return this.$val.DataSize(); }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr.prototype.Consume = function(n) { + var _tuple, allowed, consumed, empty, n, ok, rest, wd, wr; + wr = this; + empty = new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil); + _tuple = $assertType(wr.write, ptrType$92, true); + wd = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok || (wd.p.$length === 0)) { + return [wr, empty, 1]; + } + allowed = wr.stream.flow.available(); + if (n < allowed) { + allowed = n; + } + if (wr.stream.sc.maxFrameSize < allowed) { + allowed = wr.stream.sc.maxFrameSize; + } + if (allowed <= 0) { + return [empty, empty, 0]; + } + if (wd.p.$length > ((allowed >> 0))) { + wr.stream.flow.take(allowed); + consumed = new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr(new http2writeData.ptr(wd.streamID, $subslice(wd.p, 0, allowed), false), wr.stream, $chanNil); + rest = new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr(new http2writeData.ptr(wd.streamID, $subslice(wd.p, allowed), wd.endStream), wr.stream, wr.done); + return [consumed, rest, 2]; + } + wr.stream.flow.take(((wd.p.$length >> 0))); + return [wr, empty, 1]; + }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.prototype.Consume = function(n) { return this.$val.Consume(n); }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, des, ok, s, wr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + wr = this; + des = ""; + _tuple = $assertType(wr.write, fmt.Stringer, true); + s = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (ok) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = s.String(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + des = _r$1; + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf("%T", new sliceType([wr.write])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + des = _r$2; + /* } */ case 3: + _r$3 = fmt.Sprintf("[FrameWriteRequest stream=%d, ch=%v, writer=%v]", new sliceType([new $Uint32($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).StreamID()), new $Bool(!(wr.done === $chanNil)), new $String(des)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 7; case 7: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, des, ok, s, wr, $s};return $f; + }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr.prototype.replyToWriter = function(err) { + var {_r$1, _selection, err, wr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {err}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + wr = this; + if (wr.done === $chanNil) { + $s = -1; return; + } + _selection = $select([[wr.done, err], []]); + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 1: + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("unbuffered done channel passed in for type %T", new sliceType([wr.write])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + /* } */ case 3: + wr.write = $ifaceNil; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr.prototype.replyToWriter, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _selection, err, wr, $s};return $f; + }; + http2FrameWriteRequest.prototype.replyToWriter = function(err) { return this.$val.replyToWriter(err); }; + http2writeQueue.ptr.prototype.empty = function() { + var q; + q = this; + return q.s.$length === 0; + }; + http2writeQueue.prototype.empty = function() { return this.$val.empty(); }; + http2writeQueue.ptr.prototype.push = function(wr) { + var q, wr; + q = this; + q.s = $append(q.s, wr); + }; + http2writeQueue.prototype.push = function(wr) { return this.$val.push(wr); }; + http2writeQueue.ptr.prototype.shift = function() { + var q, wr, x$5, x$6, x$7; + q = this; + if (q.s.$length === 0) { + $panic(new $String("invalid use of queue")); + } + wr = $clone((x$5 = q.s, (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0])), http2FrameWriteRequest); + $copySlice(q.s, $subslice(q.s, 1)); + http2FrameWriteRequest.copy((x$6 = q.s, x$7 = q.s.$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + x$7])), new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil)); + q.s = $subslice(q.s, 0, (q.s.$length - 1 >> 0)); + return wr; + }; + http2writeQueue.prototype.shift = function() { return this.$val.shift(); }; + http2writeQueue.ptr.prototype.consume = function(n) { + var _1, _tuple, consumed, n, numresult, q, rest, x$5, x$6; + q = this; + if (q.s.$length === 0) { + return [new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil), false]; + } + _tuple = $clone((x$5 = q.s, (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0])), http2FrameWriteRequest).Consume(n); + consumed = $clone(_tuple[0], http2FrameWriteRequest); + rest = $clone(_tuple[1], http2FrameWriteRequest); + numresult = _tuple[2]; + _1 = numresult; + if (_1 === (0)) { + return [new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil), false]; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + q.shift(); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + http2FrameWriteRequest.copy((x$6 = q.s, (0 >= x$6.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + 0])), rest); + } + return [consumed, true]; + }; + http2writeQueue.prototype.consume = function(n) { return this.$val.consume(n); }; + $ptrType(http2writeQueuePool).prototype.put = function(q) { + var _i, _ref, i, p, q, x$5; + p = this; + _ref = q.s; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + http2FrameWriteRequest.copy((x$5 = q.s, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + i])), new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil)); + _i++; + } + q.s = $subslice(q.s, 0, 0); + p.$set($append(p.$get(), q)); + }; + $ptrType(http2writeQueuePool).prototype.get = function() { + var ln, p, q, x$5, x$6, x$7; + p = this; + ln = p.$get().$length; + if (ln === 0) { + return new http2writeQueue.ptr(sliceType$24.nil); + } + x$5 = ln - 1 >> 0; + q = (x$6 = p.$get(), ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + x$5])); + (x$7 = p.$get(), ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + x$5] = ptrType$105.nil)); + p.$set($subslice((p.$get()), 0, x$5)); + return q; + }; + http2NewPriorityWriteScheduler = function(cfg) { + var _key, cfg, ws; + if (cfg === ptrType$61.nil) { + cfg = new http2PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig.ptr(10, 10, false); + } + ws = new http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr(new http2priorityNode.ptr(new http2writeQueue.ptr(sliceType$24.nil), 0, 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil), {}, 0, sliceType$25.nil, sliceType$25.nil, cfg.MaxClosedNodesInTree, cfg.MaxIdleNodesInTree, 0, cfg.ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites, sliceType$25.nil, http2writeQueuePool.nil); + _key = 0; (ws.nodes || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: ws.root }; + if (cfg.ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites) { + ws.writeThrottleLimit = 1024; + } else { + ws.writeThrottleLimit = 2147483647; + } + return ws; + }; + http2priorityNode.ptr.prototype.setParent = function(parent) { + var n, parent, parent$1; + n = this; + if (n === parent) { + $panic(new $String("setParent to self")); + } + if (n.parent === parent) { + return; + } + parent$1 = n.parent; + if (!(parent$1 === ptrType$106.nil)) { + if (n.prev === ptrType$106.nil) { + parent$1.kids = n.next; + } else { + n.prev.next = n.next; + } + if (!(n.next === ptrType$106.nil)) { + n.next.prev = n.prev; + } + } + n.parent = parent; + if (parent === ptrType$106.nil) { + n.next = ptrType$106.nil; + n.prev = ptrType$106.nil; + } else { + n.next = parent.kids; + n.prev = ptrType$106.nil; + if (!(n.next === ptrType$106.nil)) { + n.next.prev = n; + } + parent.kids = n; + } + }; + http2priorityNode.prototype.setParent = function(parent) { return this.$val.setParent(parent); }; + http2priorityNode.ptr.prototype.addBytes = function(b) { + var b, n, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8; + n = this; + n.bytes = (x$5 = n.bytes, x$6 = b, new $Int64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)); + while (true) { + if (!(!(n === ptrType$106.nil))) { break; } + n.subtreeBytes = (x$7 = n.subtreeBytes, x$8 = b, new $Int64(x$7.$high + x$8.$high, x$7.$low + x$8.$low)); + n = n.parent; + } + }; + http2priorityNode.prototype.addBytes = function(b) { return this.$val.addBytes(b); }; + http2priorityNode.ptr.prototype.walkReadyInOrder = function(openParent, tmp, f) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _v, f, i, k, k$1, k$2, n, needSort, openParent, tmp, w, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {openParent, tmp, f}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + n = this; + if (!(!n.q.empty())) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$1 = f(n, openParent); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = _r$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 2: + if (n.kids === ptrType$106.nil) { + $s = -1; return false; + } + if (!((n.id === 0))) { + openParent = openParent || ((n.state === 0)); + } + w = n.kids.weight; + needSort = false; + k = n.kids.next; + while (true) { + if (!(!(k === ptrType$106.nil))) { break; } + if (!((k.weight === w))) { + needSort = true; + break; + } + k = k.next; + } + /* */ if (!needSort) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!needSort) { */ case 5: + k$1 = n.kids; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(!(k$1 === ptrType$106.nil))) { break; } */ if(!(!(k$1 === ptrType$106.nil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + _r$2 = k$1.walkReadyInOrder(openParent, tmp, f); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_r$2) { */ case 9: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 10: + k$1 = k$1.next; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return false; + /* } */ case 6: + tmp.$set($subslice((tmp.$get()), 0, 0)); + while (true) { + if (!(!(n.kids === ptrType$106.nil))) { break; } + tmp.$set($append(tmp.$get(), n.kids)); + n.kids.setParent(ptrType$106.nil); + } + $r = sort.Sort(($convertSliceType(tmp.$get(), http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings))); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + i = tmp.$get().$length - 1 >> 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i >= 0)) { break; } + (x$5 = tmp.$get(), ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + i])).setParent(n); + i = i - (1) >> 0; + } + k$2 = n.kids; + /* while (true) { */ case 13: + /* if (!(!(k$2 === ptrType$106.nil))) { break; } */ if(!(!(k$2 === ptrType$106.nil))) { $s = 14; continue; } + _r$3 = k$2.walkReadyInOrder(openParent, tmp, f); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$3) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (_r$3) { */ case 15: + $s = -1; return true; + /* } */ case 16: + k$2 = k$2.next; + $s = 13; continue; + case 14: + $s = -1; return false; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2priorityNode.ptr.prototype.walkReadyInOrder, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _v, f, i, k, k$1, k$2, n, needSort, openParent, tmp, w, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2priorityNode.prototype.walkReadyInOrder = function(openParent, tmp, f) { return this.$val.walkReadyInOrder(openParent, tmp, f); }; + http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings.prototype.Len = function() { + var z; + z = this; + return z.$length; + }; + $ptrType(http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings).prototype.Len = function() { return this.$get().Len(); }; + http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings.prototype.Swap = function(i, k) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, i, k, z; + z = this; + _tmp = ((k < 0 || k >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + k]); + _tmp$1 = ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i] = _tmp); + ((k < 0 || k >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + k] = _tmp$1); + }; + $ptrType(http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings).prototype.Swap = function(i, k) { return this.$get().Swap(i, k); }; + http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings.prototype.Less = function(i, k) { + var _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, bi, bk, i, k, wi, wk, z; + z = this; + _tmp = ((((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i]).weight + 1 << 24 >>> 24)); + _tmp$1 = ($flatten64(((i < 0 || i >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + i]).subtreeBytes)); + wi = _tmp; + bi = _tmp$1; + _tmp$2 = ((((k < 0 || k >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + k]).weight + 1 << 24 >>> 24)); + _tmp$3 = ($flatten64(((k < 0 || k >= z.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : z.$array[z.$offset + k]).subtreeBytes)); + wk = _tmp$2; + bk = _tmp$3; + if ((bi === 0) && (bk === 0)) { + return wi >= wk; + } + if (bk === 0) { + return false; + } + return bi / bk <= wi / wk; + }; + $ptrType(http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings).prototype.Less = function(i, k) { return this.$get().Less(i, k); }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.OpenStream = function(streamID, options) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _key, _r$1, curr, n, options, parent, streamID, ws, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID, options}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ws = this; + curr = (_entry = ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$106.nil); + /* */ if (!(curr === ptrType$106.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(curr === ptrType$106.nil)) { */ case 1: + /* */ if (!((curr.state === 2))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!((curr.state === 2))) { */ case 3: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("stream %d already opened", new sliceType([new $Uint32(streamID)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + /* } */ case 4: + curr.state = 0; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + parent = (_entry$1 = ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(options.PusherID)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : ptrType$106.nil); + if (parent === ptrType$106.nil) { + parent = ws.root; + } + n = new http2priorityNode.ptr($clone((ws.$ptr_queuePool || (ws.$ptr_queuePool = new ptrType$107(function() { return this.$target.queuePool; }, function($v) { this.$target.queuePool = $v; }, ws))).get(), http2writeQueue), streamID, 15, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil); + n.setParent(parent); + _key = streamID; (ws.nodes || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: n }; + if (streamID > ws.maxID) { + ws.maxID = streamID; + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.OpenStream, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _key, _r$1, curr, n, options, parent, streamID, ws, $s};return $f; + }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.prototype.OpenStream = function(streamID, options) { return this.$val.OpenStream(streamID, options); }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.CloseStream = function(streamID) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _r$1, _r$2, n, q, streamID, ws, x$5, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {streamID}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + q = [q]; + ws = this; + if (streamID === 0) { + $panic(new $String("violation of WriteScheduler interface: cannot close stream 0")); + } + /* */ if ((_entry = ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$106.nil) === ptrType$106.nil) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ((_entry = ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$106.nil) === ptrType$106.nil) { */ case 1: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprintf("violation of WriteScheduler interface: unknown stream %d", new sliceType([new $Uint32(streamID)])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$1)); + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!(((_entry$1 = ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : ptrType$106.nil).state === 0))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!(((_entry$1 = ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : ptrType$106.nil).state === 0))) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf("violation of WriteScheduler interface: stream %d already closed", new sliceType([new $Uint32(streamID)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $panic(new $String(_r$2)); + /* } */ case 5: + n = (_entry$2 = ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : ptrType$106.nil); + n.state = 1; + n.addBytes((x$5 = n.bytes, new $Int64(-x$5.$high, -x$5.$low))); + q[0] = $clone(n.q, http2writeQueue); + (ws.$ptr_queuePool || (ws.$ptr_queuePool = new ptrType$107(function() { return this.$target.queuePool; }, function($v) { this.$target.queuePool = $v; }, ws))).put(q[0]); + n.q.s = sliceType$24.nil; + if (ws.maxClosedNodesInTree > 0) { + ws.addClosedOrIdleNode((ws.$ptr_closedNodes || (ws.$ptr_closedNodes = new ptrType$108(function() { return this.$target.closedNodes; }, function($v) { this.$target.closedNodes = $v; }, ws))), ws.maxClosedNodesInTree, n); + } else { + ws.removeNode(n); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.CloseStream, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _r$1, _r$2, n, q, streamID, ws, x$5, $s};return $f; + }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.prototype.CloseStream = function(streamID) { return this.$val.CloseStream(streamID); }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.AdjustStream = function(streamID, priority) { + var _entry, _entry$1, _key, k, n, next, parent, priority, streamID, ws, x$5; + ws = this; + if (streamID === 0) { + $panic(new $String("adjustPriority on root")); + } + n = (_entry = ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$106.nil); + if (n === ptrType$106.nil) { + if (streamID <= ws.maxID || (ws.maxIdleNodesInTree === 0)) { + return; + } + ws.maxID = streamID; + n = new http2priorityNode.ptr($clone((ws.$ptr_queuePool || (ws.$ptr_queuePool = new ptrType$107(function() { return this.$target.queuePool; }, function($v) { this.$target.queuePool = $v; }, ws))).get(), http2writeQueue), streamID, 15, 2, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil, ptrType$106.nil); + n.setParent(ws.root); + _key = streamID; (ws.nodes || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: n }; + ws.addClosedOrIdleNode((ws.$ptr_idleNodes || (ws.$ptr_idleNodes = new ptrType$108(function() { return this.$target.idleNodes; }, function($v) { this.$target.idleNodes = $v; }, ws))), ws.maxIdleNodesInTree, n); + } + parent = (_entry$1 = ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(priority.StreamDep)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : ptrType$106.nil); + if (parent === ptrType$106.nil) { + n.setParent(ws.root); + n.weight = 15; + return; + } + if (n === parent) { + return; + } + x$5 = parent.parent; + while (true) { + if (!(!(x$5 === ptrType$106.nil))) { break; } + if (x$5 === n) { + parent.setParent(n.parent); + break; + } + x$5 = x$5.parent; + } + if (priority.Exclusive) { + k = parent.kids; + while (true) { + if (!(!(k === ptrType$106.nil))) { break; } + next = k.next; + if (!(k === n)) { + k.setParent(n); + } + k = next; + } + } + n.setParent(parent); + n.weight = priority.Weight; + }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.prototype.AdjustStream = function(streamID, priority) { return this.$val.AdjustStream(streamID, priority); }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.Push = function(wr) { + var _entry, id, n, wr, ws; + ws = this; + n = ptrType$106.nil; + id = $clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).StreamID(); + if (id === 0) { + n = ws.root; + } else { + n = (_entry = ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(id)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$106.nil); + if (n === ptrType$106.nil) { + if ($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).DataSize() > 0) { + $panic(new $String("add DATA on non-open stream")); + } + n = ws.root; + } + } + n.q.push($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest)); + }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.prototype.Push = function(wr) { return this.$val.Push(wr); }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.Pop = function() { + var {_r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, ok, wr, ws, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ok = [ok]; + wr = [wr]; + ws = [ws]; + wr[0] = new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil); + ok[0] = false; + ws[0] = this; + _r$1 = ws[0].root.walkReadyInOrder(false, (ws[0].$ptr_tmp || (ws[0].$ptr_tmp = new ptrType$108(function() { return this.$target.tmp; }, function($v) { this.$target.tmp = $v; }, ws[0]))), (function(ok, wr, ws) { return function(n, openParent) { + var _tuple, limit, n, openParent; + limit = 2147483647; + if (openParent) { + limit = ws[0].writeThrottleLimit; + } + _tuple = n.q.consume(limit); + http2FrameWriteRequest.copy(wr[0], _tuple[0]); + ok[0] = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok[0]) { + return false; + } + n.addBytes((new $Int64(0, $clone(wr[0], http2FrameWriteRequest).DataSize()))); + if (openParent) { + ws[0].writeThrottleLimit = ws[0].writeThrottleLimit + (1024) >> 0; + if (ws[0].writeThrottleLimit < 0) { + ws[0].writeThrottleLimit = 2147483647; + } + } else if (ws[0].enableWriteThrottle) { + ws[0].writeThrottleLimit = 1024; + } + return true; + }; })(ok, wr, ws)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + _tmp = $clone(wr[0], http2FrameWriteRequest); + _tmp$1 = ok[0]; + http2FrameWriteRequest.copy(wr[0], _tmp); + ok[0] = _tmp$1; + $s = -1; return [wr[0], ok[0]]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.Pop, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, ok, wr, ws, $s};return $f; + }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.prototype.Pop = function() { return this.$val.Pop(); }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.addClosedOrIdleNode = function(list$1, maxSize, n) { + var list$1, maxSize, n, ws, x$5, x$6; + ws = this; + if (maxSize === 0) { + return; + } + if (list$1.$get().$length === maxSize) { + ws.removeNode((x$5 = list$1.$get(), (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0]))); + x$6 = $subslice((list$1.$get()), 1); + $copySlice(list$1.$get(), x$6); + list$1.$set($subslice((list$1.$get()), 0, x$6.$length)); + } + list$1.$set($append(list$1.$get(), n)); + }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.prototype.addClosedOrIdleNode = function(list$1, maxSize, n) { return this.$val.addClosedOrIdleNode(list$1, maxSize, n); }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.removeNode = function(n) { + var k, n, ws; + ws = this; + k = n.kids; + while (true) { + if (!(!(k === ptrType$106.nil))) { break; } + k.setParent(n.parent); + k = k.next; + } + n.setParent(ptrType$106.nil); + delete ws.nodes[$Uint32.keyFor(n.id)]; + }; + http2priorityWriteScheduler.prototype.removeNode = function(n) { return this.$val.removeNode(n); }; + http2NewRandomWriteScheduler = function() { + return new http2randomWriteScheduler.ptr(new http2writeQueue.ptr(sliceType$24.nil), {}, http2writeQueuePool.nil); + }; + http2randomWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.OpenStream = function(streamID, options) { + var options, streamID, ws; + ws = this; + }; + http2randomWriteScheduler.prototype.OpenStream = function(streamID, options) { return this.$val.OpenStream(streamID, options); }; + http2randomWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.CloseStream = function(streamID) { + var _entry, _tuple, ok, q, streamID, ws; + ws = this; + _tuple = (_entry = ws.sq[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$105.nil, false]); + q = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + return; + } + delete ws.sq[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)]; + (ws.$ptr_queuePool || (ws.$ptr_queuePool = new ptrType$107(function() { return this.$target.queuePool; }, function($v) { this.$target.queuePool = $v; }, ws))).put(q); + }; + http2randomWriteScheduler.prototype.CloseStream = function(streamID) { return this.$val.CloseStream(streamID); }; + http2randomWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.AdjustStream = function(streamID, priority) { + var priority, streamID, ws; + ws = this; + }; + http2randomWriteScheduler.prototype.AdjustStream = function(streamID, priority) { return this.$val.AdjustStream(streamID, priority); }; + http2randomWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.Push = function(wr) { + var _entry, _key, _tuple, id, ok, q, wr, ws; + ws = this; + if ($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).isControl()) { + ws.zero.push($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest)); + return; + } + id = $clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest).StreamID(); + _tuple = (_entry = ws.sq[$Uint32.keyFor(id)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$105.nil, false]); + q = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (!ok) { + q = (ws.$ptr_queuePool || (ws.$ptr_queuePool = new ptrType$107(function() { return this.$target.queuePool; }, function($v) { this.$target.queuePool = $v; }, ws))).get(); + _key = id; (ws.sq || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$Uint32.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: q }; + } + q.push($clone(wr, http2FrameWriteRequest)); + }; + http2randomWriteScheduler.prototype.Push = function(wr) { return this.$val.Push(wr); }; + http2randomWriteScheduler.ptr.prototype.Pop = function() { + var _entry, _i, _keys, _ref, _tuple, ok, q, streamID, wr, ws; + ws = this; + if (!ws.zero.empty()) { + return [ws.zero.shift(), true]; + } + _ref = ws.sq; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + streamID = _entry.k; + q = _entry.v; + _tuple = q.consume(2147483647); + wr = $clone(_tuple[0], http2FrameWriteRequest); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + if (q.empty()) { + delete ws.sq[$Uint32.keyFor(streamID)]; + (ws.$ptr_queuePool || (ws.$ptr_queuePool = new ptrType$107(function() { return this.$target.queuePool; }, function($v) { this.$target.queuePool = $v; }, ws))).put(q); + } + return [wr, true]; + } + _i++; + } + return [new http2FrameWriteRequest.ptr($ifaceNil, ptrType$10.nil, $chanNil), false]; + }; + http2randomWriteScheduler.prototype.Pop = function() { return this.$val.Pop(); }; + readSetCookies = function(h) { + var {_1, _2, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, ascii$1, attr, c, cookieCount, cookies, err, err$1, exptime, h, i, isASCII, line, lowerAttr, lowerVal, name, ok, parts, secs, val, value, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {h}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cookieCount = (_entry = h[$String.keyFor("Set-Cookie")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil).$length; + if (cookieCount === 0) { + $s = -1; return new sliceType$29([]); + } + cookies = $makeSlice(sliceType$29, 0, cookieCount); + _ref = (_entry$1 = h[$String.keyFor("Set-Cookie")], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : sliceType$2.nil); + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + line = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + parts = strings.Split(textproto.TrimString(line), ";"); + if ((parts.$length === 1) && (0 >= parts.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parts.$array[parts.$offset + 0]) === "") { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + (0 >= parts.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parts.$array[parts.$offset + 0] = textproto.TrimString((0 >= parts.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parts.$array[parts.$offset + 0]))); + _tuple = strings.Cut((0 >= parts.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parts.$array[parts.$offset + 0]), "="); + name = _tuple[0]; + value = _tuple[1]; + ok = _tuple[2]; + if (!ok) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r$1 = isCookieNameValid(name); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 3: + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + _tuple$1 = parseCookieValue(value, true); + value = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + c = new Cookie.ptr(name, value, "", "", new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), "", 0, false, false, 0, line, sliceType$2.nil); + i = 1; + /* while (true) { */ case 6: + /* if (!(i < parts.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < parts.$length)) { $s = 7; continue; } + ((i < 0 || i >= parts.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parts.$array[parts.$offset + i] = textproto.TrimString(((i < 0 || i >= parts.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parts.$array[parts.$offset + i]))); + if (((i < 0 || i >= parts.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parts.$array[parts.$offset + i]).length === 0) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + _tuple$2 = strings.Cut(((i < 0 || i >= parts.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parts.$array[parts.$offset + i]), "="); + attr = _tuple$2[0]; + val = _tuple$2[1]; + _r$2 = ascii.ToLower(attr); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$3 = _r$2; + lowerAttr = _tuple$3[0]; + isASCII = _tuple$3[1]; + if (!isASCII) { + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + _tuple$4 = parseCookieValue(val, false); + val = _tuple$4[0]; + ok = _tuple$4[1]; + if (!ok) { + c.Unparsed = $append(c.Unparsed, ((i < 0 || i >= parts.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parts.$array[parts.$offset + i])); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + _1 = lowerAttr; + /* */ if (_1 === ("samesite")) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("secure")) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("httponly")) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("domain")) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("max-age")) { $s = 14; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("expires")) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("path")) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ $s = 17; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("samesite")) { */ case 10: + _r$3 = ascii.ToLower(val); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$5 = _r$3; + lowerVal = _tuple$5[0]; + ascii$1 = _tuple$5[1]; + if (!ascii$1) { + c.SameSite = 1; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + } + _2 = lowerVal; + if (_2 === ("lax")) { + c.SameSite = 2; + } else if (_2 === ("strict")) { + c.SameSite = 3; + } else if (_2 === ("none")) { + c.SameSite = 4; + } else { + c.SameSite = 1; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("secure")) { */ case 11: + c.Secure = true; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("httponly")) { */ case 12: + c.HttpOnly = true; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("domain")) { */ case 13: + c.Domain = val; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("max-age")) { */ case 14: + _tuple$6 = strconv.Atoi(val); + secs = _tuple$6[0]; + err = _tuple$6[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || !((secs === 0)) && (val.charCodeAt(0) === 48)) { + /* break; */ $s = 9; continue; + } + if (secs <= 0) { + secs = -1; + } + c.MaxAge = secs; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("expires")) { */ case 15: + c.RawExpires = val; + _r$4 = time.Parse("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST", val); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$7 = _r$4; + exptime = $clone(_tuple$7[0], time.Time); + err$1 = _tuple$7[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 20; continue; } + /* */ $s = 21; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 20: + _r$5 = time.Parse("Mon, 02-Jan-2006 15:04:05 MST", val); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$8 = _r$5; + time.Time.copy(exptime, _tuple$8[0]); + err$1 = _tuple$8[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) { + time.Time.copy(c.Expires, new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil)); + /* break; */ $s = 9; continue; + } + /* } */ case 21: + time.Time.copy(c.Expires, $clone(exptime, time.Time).UTC()); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + $s = 17; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("path")) { */ case 16: + c.Path = val; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 6; continue; + /* } */ case 17: + case 9: + c.Unparsed = $append(c.Unparsed, ((i < 0 || i >= parts.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : parts.$array[parts.$offset + i])); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 6; continue; + case 7: + cookies = $append(cookies, c); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return cookies; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: readSetCookies, $c: true, $r, _1, _2, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, ascii$1, attr, c, cookieCount, cookies, err, err$1, exptime, h, i, isASCII, line, lowerAttr, lowerVal, name, ok, parts, secs, val, value, $s};return $f; + }; + Cookie.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {_1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _v, b, buf, c, d, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (c === ptrType$62.nil) { _v = true; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r$1 = isCookieNameValid(c.Name); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r$1; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return ""; + /* } */ case 2: + b = new strings.Builder.ptr(ptrType$111.nil, sliceType$3.nil); + b.Grow((((c.Name.length + c.Value.length >> 0) + c.Domain.length >> 0) + c.Path.length >> 0) + 110 >> 0); + b.WriteString(c.Name); + b.WriteRune(61); + _r$2 = sanitizeCookieValue(c.Value); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3 = b.WriteString(_r$2); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + /* */ if (c.Path.length > 0) { $s = 7; continue; } + /* */ $s = 8; continue; + /* if (c.Path.length > 0) { */ case 7: + b.WriteString("; Path="); + _r$4 = sanitizeCookiePath(c.Path); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5 = b.WriteString(_r$4); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$5; + /* } */ case 8: + /* */ if (c.Domain.length > 0) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (c.Domain.length > 0) { */ case 11: + /* */ if (validCookieDomain(c.Domain)) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (validCookieDomain(c.Domain)) { */ case 13: + d = c.Domain; + if (d.charCodeAt(0) === 46) { + d = $substring(d, 1); + } + b.WriteString("; Domain="); + b.WriteString(d); + $s = 15; continue; + /* } else { */ case 14: + $r = log.Printf("net/http: invalid Cookie.Domain %q; dropping domain attribute", new sliceType([new $String(c.Domain)])); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 15: + /* } */ case 12: + buf = arrayType$3.zero(); + _r$6 = validCookieExpires($clone(c.Expires, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$6) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (_r$6) { */ case 17: + b.WriteString("; Expires="); + _r$7 = $clone($clone(c.Expires, time.Time).UTC(), time.Time).AppendFormat($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, 0), "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8 = b.Write(_r$7); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + /* } */ case 18: + if (c.MaxAge > 0) { + b.WriteString("; Max-Age="); + b.Write(strconv.AppendInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, 0), (new $Int64(0, c.MaxAge)), 10)); + } else if (c.MaxAge < 0) { + b.WriteString("; Max-Age=0"); + } + if (c.HttpOnly) { + b.WriteString("; HttpOnly"); + } + if (c.Secure) { + b.WriteString("; Secure"); + } + _1 = c.SameSite; + if (_1 === (1)) { + } else if (_1 === (4)) { + b.WriteString("; SameSite=None"); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + b.WriteString("; SameSite=Lax"); + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + b.WriteString("; SameSite=Strict"); + } + $s = -1; return b.String(); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Cookie.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _v, b, buf, c, d, $s};return $f; + }; + Cookie.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Cookie.ptr.prototype.Valid = function() { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, c, i, i$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + c = this; + if (c === ptrType$62.nil) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("http: nil Cookie"); + } + _r$1 = isCookieNameValid(c.Name); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return errors.New("http: invalid Cookie.Name"); + /* } */ case 2: + _r$2 = validCookieExpires($clone(c.Expires, time.Time)); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!_r$2) { */ case 4: + $s = -1; return errors.New("http: invalid Cookie.Expires"); + /* } */ case 5: + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(i < c.Value.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < c.Value.length)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ if (!validCookieValueByte(c.Value.charCodeAt(i))) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!validCookieValueByte(c.Value.charCodeAt(i))) { */ case 9: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("http: invalid byte %q in Cookie.Value", new sliceType([new $Uint8(c.Value.charCodeAt(i))])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$3; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r; + /* } */ case 10: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + /* */ if (c.Path.length > 0) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (c.Path.length > 0) { */ case 13: + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 15: + /* if (!(i$1 < c.Path.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < c.Path.length)) { $s = 16; continue; } + /* */ if (!validCookiePathByte(c.Path.charCodeAt(i$1))) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!validCookiePathByte(c.Path.charCodeAt(i$1))) { */ case 17: + _r$4 = fmt.Errorf("http: invalid byte %q in Cookie.Path", new sliceType([new $Uint8(c.Path.charCodeAt(i$1))])); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$4; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 18: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 15; continue; + case 16: + /* } */ case 14: + if (c.Domain.length > 0) { + if (!validCookieDomain(c.Domain)) { + $s = -1; return errors.New("http: invalid Cookie.Domain"); + } + } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Cookie.ptr.prototype.Valid, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, c, i, i$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Cookie.prototype.Valid = function() { return this.$val.Valid(); }; + readCookies = function(h, filter) { + var {_entry, _i, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, cookies, filter, h, line, lines, name, ok, part, val, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {h, filter}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + lines = (_entry = h[$String.keyFor("Cookie")], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$2.nil); + if (lines.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return new sliceType$29([]); + } + cookies = $makeSlice(sliceType$29, 0, (lines.$length + strings.Count((0 >= lines.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : lines.$array[lines.$offset + 0]), ";") >> 0)); + _ref = lines; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + line = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + line = textproto.TrimString(line); + part = ""; + /* while (true) { */ case 3: + /* if (!(line.length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(line.length > 0)) { $s = 4; continue; } + _tuple = strings.Cut(line, ";"); + part = _tuple[0]; + line = _tuple[1]; + part = textproto.TrimString(part); + if (part === "") { + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + _tuple$1 = strings.Cut(part, "="); + name = _tuple$1[0]; + val = _tuple$1[1]; + _r$1 = isCookieNameValid(name); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (!_r$1) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!_r$1) { */ case 5: + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + /* } */ case 6: + if (!(filter === "") && !(filter === name)) { + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + _tuple$2 = parseCookieValue(val, true); + val = _tuple$2[0]; + ok = _tuple$2[1]; + if (!ok) { + /* continue; */ $s = 3; continue; + } + cookies = $append(cookies, new Cookie.ptr(name, val, "", "", new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), "", 0, false, false, 0, "", sliceType$2.nil)); + $s = 3; continue; + case 4: + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return cookies; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: readCookies, $c: true, $r, _entry, _i, _r$1, _ref, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, cookies, filter, h, line, lines, name, ok, part, val, $s};return $f; + }; + validCookieDomain = function(v) { + var v; + if (isCookieDomainName(v)) { + return true; + } + if (!(net.ParseIP(v) === net.IP.nil) && !strings.Contains(v, ":")) { + return true; + } + return false; + }; + validCookieExpires = function(t) { + var {$24r, _r$1, t, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {t}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = $clone(t, time.Time).Year(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1 >= 1601; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: validCookieExpires, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, t, $s};return $f; + }; + isCookieDomainName = function(s) { + var c, i, last, ok, partlen, s; + if (s.length === 0) { + return false; + } + if (s.length > 255) { + return false; + } + if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 46) { + s = $substring(s, 1); + } + last = 46; + ok = false; + partlen = 0; + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < s.length)) { break; } + c = s.charCodeAt(i); + if (97 <= c && c <= 122 || 65 <= c && c <= 90) { + ok = true; + partlen = partlen + (1) >> 0; + } else if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { + partlen = partlen + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((c === 45)) { + if (last === 46) { + return false; + } + partlen = partlen + (1) >> 0; + } else if ((c === 46)) { + if ((last === 46) || (last === 45)) { + return false; + } + if (partlen > 63 || (partlen === 0)) { + return false; + } + partlen = 0; + } else { + return false; + } + last = c; + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + if ((last === 45) || partlen > 63) { + return false; + } + return ok; + }; + sanitizeCookieName = function(n) { + var {$24r, _r$1, n, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {n}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = cookieNameSanitizer.Replace(n); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sanitizeCookieName, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, n, $s};return $f; + }; + sanitizeCookieValue = function(v) { + var {_r$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = sanitizeOrWarn("Cookie.Value", validCookieValueByte, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + v = _r$1; + if (v.length === 0) { + $s = -1; return v; + } + if (strings.ContainsAny(v, " ,")) { + $s = -1; return "\"" + v + "\""; + } + $s = -1; return v; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sanitizeCookieValue, $c: true, $r, _r$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + validCookieValueByte = function(b) { + var b; + return 32 <= b && b < 127 && !((b === 34)) && !((b === 59)) && !((b === 92)); + }; + sanitizeCookiePath = function(v) { + var {$24r, _r$1, v, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = sanitizeOrWarn("Cookie.Path", validCookiePathByte, v); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sanitizeCookiePath, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, v, $s};return $f; + }; + validCookiePathByte = function(b) { + var b; + return 32 <= b && b < 127 && !((b === 59)); + }; + sanitizeOrWarn = function(fieldName, valid, v) { + var {_r$1, _r$2, b, buf, fieldName, i, i$1, ok, v, valid, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fieldName, valid, v}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ok = true; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < v.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < v.length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _r$1 = valid(v.charCodeAt(i)); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_r$1) { */ case 3: + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + $r = log.Printf("net/http: invalid byte %q in %s; dropping invalid bytes", new sliceType([new $Uint8(v.charCodeAt(i)), new $String(fieldName)])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ok = false; + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + case 2: + if (ok) { + $s = -1; return v; + } + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, v.length); + i$1 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 7: + /* if (!(i$1 < v.length)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < v.length)) { $s = 8; continue; } + b = v.charCodeAt(i$1); + _r$2 = valid(b); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$2) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (_r$2) { */ case 9: + buf = $append(buf, b); + /* } */ case 10: + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + $s = 7; continue; + case 8: + $s = -1; return ($bytesToString(buf)); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: sanitizeOrWarn, $c: true, $r, _r$1, _r$2, b, buf, fieldName, i, i$1, ok, v, valid, $s};return $f; + }; + parseCookieValue = function(raw, allowDoubleQuote) { + var allowDoubleQuote, i, raw; + if (allowDoubleQuote && raw.length > 1 && (raw.charCodeAt(0) === 34) && (raw.charCodeAt((raw.length - 1 >> 0)) === 34)) { + raw = $substring(raw, 1, (raw.length - 1 >> 0)); + } + i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i < raw.length)) { break; } + if (!validCookieValueByte(raw.charCodeAt(i))) { + return ["", false]; + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + } + return [raw, true]; + }; + isCookieNameValid = function(raw) { + var {$24r, _r$1, raw, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {raw}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (raw === "") { + $s = -1; return false; + } + _r$1 = strings.IndexFunc(raw, isNotToken); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1 < 0; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: isCookieNameValid, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, raw, $s};return $f; + }; + cloneURLValues = function(v) { + var v; + if (v === false) { + return false; + } + return (new Header((v)).Clone()); + }; + cloneURL = function(u) { + var u, u2; + if (u === ptrType$17.nil) { + return ptrType$17.nil; + } + u2 = new url.URL.ptr("", "", ptrType$21.nil, "", "", "", false, "", "", ""); + url.URL.copy(u2, u); + if (!(u.User === ptrType$21.nil)) { + u2.User = new url.Userinfo.ptr("", "", false); + url.Userinfo.copy(u2.User, u.User); + } + return u2; + }; + cloneMultipartForm = function(f) { + var _entry, _i, _i$1, _key, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, f, f2, i, k, m, v, vv, vv2; + if (f === ptrType$31.nil) { + return ptrType$31.nil; + } + f2 = new multipart.Form.ptr((new Header((f.Value)).Clone()), false); + if (!(f.File === false)) { + m = {}; + _ref = f.File; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + vv = _entry.v; + vv2 = $makeSlice(sliceType$20, vv.$length); + _ref$1 = vv; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i = _i$1; + v = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + ((i < 0 || i >= vv2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : vv2.$array[vv2.$offset + i] = cloneMultipartFileHeader(v)); + _i$1++; + } + _key = k; (m || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: vv2 }; + _i++; + } + f2.File = m; + } + return f2; + }; + cloneMultipartFileHeader = function(fh) { + var fh, fh2; + if (fh === ptrType$66.nil) { + return ptrType$66.nil; + } + fh2 = new multipart.FileHeader.ptr("", false, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$3.nil, ""); + multipart.FileHeader.copy(fh2, fh); + fh2.Header = (new Header((fh.Header)).Clone()); + return fh2; + }; + basicAuth = function(username, password) { + var auth, password, username; + auth = username + ":" + password; + return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString((new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(auth)))); + }; + noTransport.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { + var req; + return [ptrType$18.nil, errors.New("net/http: neither of Fetch nor XMLHttpRequest APIs is available")]; + }; + noTransport.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { return this.$val.RoundTrip(req); }; + XHRTransport.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _entry, _i, _i$1, _key, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _ref$1, _selection, _tuple, body$1, err, err$1, errCh, key, req, resp, respCh, t, value, values, xhr, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {req}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + errCh = [errCh]; + req = [req]; + respCh = [respCh]; + xhr = [xhr]; + t = this; + xhr[0] = new ($global.XMLHttpRequest)(); + if (t.inflight === false) { + t.inflight = $makeMap(ptrType$11.keyFor, []); + } + _key = req[0]; (t.inflight || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$11.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: xhr[0] }; + $deferred.push([function(_arg, _arg$1) { delete _arg[ptrType$11.keyFor(_arg$1)]; }, [t.inflight, req[0]]]); + respCh[0] = new $Chan(ptrType$18, 0); + errCh[0] = new $Chan($error, 0); + xhr[0].onload = $externalize((function(errCh, req, respCh, xhr) { return function $b() { + var {_1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, body$1, contentLength, err, header, l, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = textproto.NewReader(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewReader((new sliceType$3($stringToBytes($internalize(xhr[0].getAllResponseHeaders(), $String) + "\n")))))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = _r$1.ReadMIMEHeader(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$2; + header = _tuple[0]; + body$1 = $assertType($internalize(new ($global.Uint8Array)(xhr[0].response), $emptyInterface), sliceType$3); + contentLength = new $Int64(-1, 4294967295); + _1 = req[0].Method; + /* */ if (_1 === ("HEAD")) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("HEAD")) { */ case 4: + _r$3 = new textproto.MIMEHeader(header).Get("Content-Length"); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = strconv.ParseInt(_r$3, 10, 64); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$4; + l = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[1]; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + contentLength = l; + } + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + contentLength = (new $Int64(0, body$1.$length)); + /* } */ case 6: + case 3: + $r = $send(respCh[0], new Response.ptr($internalize(xhr[0].status, $String) + " " + $internalize(xhr[0].statusText, $String), $parseInt(xhr[0].status) >> 0, "", 0, 0, (header), ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body$1)), contentLength, sliceType$2.nil, false, false, false, req[0], ptrType$28.nil)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _1, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, body$1, contentLength, err, header, l, $s};return $f; + }; })(errCh, req, respCh, xhr), funcType); + xhr[0].onerror = $externalize((function(errCh, req, respCh, xhr) { return function $b(e) { + var {e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = $send(errCh[0], errors.New("net/http: XMLHttpRequest failed")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, e, $s};return $f; + }; })(errCh, req, respCh, xhr), funcType$3); + xhr[0].onabort = $externalize((function(errCh, req, respCh, xhr) { return function $b(e) { + var {e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {e}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = $send(errCh[0], errors.New("net/http: request canceled")); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, e, $s};return $f; + }; })(errCh, req, respCh, xhr), funcType$3); + xhr[0].open($externalize(req[0].Method, $String), $externalize(req[0].URL.String(), $String)); + xhr[0].responseType = $externalize("arraybuffer", $String); + _ref = req[0].Header; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + key = _entry.k; + values = _entry.v; + _ref$1 = values; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + value = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + xhr[0].setRequestHeader($externalize(key, $String), $externalize(value, $String)); + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + /* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(req[0].Body, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if ($interfaceIsEqual(req[0].Body, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 1: + xhr[0].send(); + $s = 3; continue; + /* } else { */ case 2: + _r$1 = ioutil.ReadAll(req[0].Body); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + body$1 = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 5: + _r$2 = req[0].Body.Close(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $24r = [ptrType$18.nil, err]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$3 = req[0].Body.Close(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + xhr[0].send($externalize(body$1, sliceType$3)); + /* } */ case 3: + _r$4 = $select([[respCh[0]], [errCh[0]]]); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _selection = _r$4; + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 0) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ if (_selection[0] === 1) { $s = 12; continue; } + /* */ $s = 13; continue; + /* if (_selection[0] === 0) { */ case 11: + resp = _selection[1][0]; + $24r$1 = [resp, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 14; case 14: return $24r$1; + /* } else if (_selection[0] === 1) { */ case 12: + err$1 = _selection[1][0]; + $24r$2 = [ptrType$18.nil, err$1]; + $s = 15; case 15: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 13: + $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [ptrType$18.nil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: XHRTransport.ptr.prototype.RoundTrip, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _arg, _arg$1, _entry, _i, _i$1, _key, _keys, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _ref$1, _selection, _tuple, body$1, err, err$1, errCh, key, req, resp, respCh, t, value, values, xhr, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + XHRTransport.prototype.RoundTrip = function(req) { return this.$val.RoundTrip(req); }; + XHRTransport.ptr.prototype.CancelRequest = function(req) { + var _entry, _tuple, ok, req, t, xhr; + t = this; + _tuple = (_entry = t.inflight[ptrType$11.keyFor(req)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [null, false]); + xhr = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + xhr.abort(); + } + }; + XHRTransport.prototype.CancelRequest = function(req) { return this.$val.CancelRequest(req); }; + ptrType$27.methods = [{prop: "writeBufferSize", name: "writeBufferSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "readBufferSize", name: "readBufferSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$27], false)}, {prop: "hasCustomTLSDialer", name: "hasCustomTLSDialer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "onceSetNextProtoDefaults", name: "onceSetNextProtoDefaults", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "useRegisteredProtocol", name: "useRegisteredProtocol", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "alternateRoundTripper", name: "alternateRoundTripper", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [RoundTripper], false)}, {prop: "roundTrip", name: "roundTrip", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}, {prop: "RegisterProtocol", name: "RegisterProtocol", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, RoundTripper], [], false)}, {prop: "CloseIdleConnections", name: "CloseIdleConnections", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "CancelRequest", name: "CancelRequest", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [], false)}, {prop: "cancelRequest", name: "cancelRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([cancelKey, $error], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "connectMethodForRequest", name: "connectMethodForRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$114], [connectMethod, $error], false)}, {prop: "putOrCloseIdleConn", name: "putOrCloseIdleConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$22], [], false)}, {prop: "maxIdleConnsPerHost", name: "maxIdleConnsPerHost", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "tryPutIdleConn", name: "tryPutIdleConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$22], [$error], false)}, {prop: "queueForIdleConn", name: "queueForIdleConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$24], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "removeIdleConn", name: "removeIdleConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$22], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "removeIdleConnLocked", name: "removeIdleConnLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$22], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "setReqCanceler", name: "setReqCanceler", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([cancelKey, funcType$4], [], false)}, {prop: "replaceReqCanceler", name: "replaceReqCanceler", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([cancelKey, funcType$4], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "dial", name: "dial", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [net.Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "customDialTLS", name: "customDialTLS", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [net.Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "getConn", name: "getConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$114, connectMethod], [ptrType$22, $error], false)}, {prop: "queueForDial", name: "queueForDial", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$24], [], false)}, {prop: "dialConnFor", name: "dialConnFor", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$24], [], false)}, {prop: "decConnsPerHost", name: "decConnsPerHost", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([connectMethodKey], [], false)}, {prop: "dialConn", name: "dialConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context, connectMethod], [ptrType$22, $error], false)}, {prop: "RoundTrip", name: "RoundTrip", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$114.methods = [{prop: "extraHeaders", name: "extraHeaders", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [Header], false)}, {prop: "setError", name: "setError", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "logf", name: "logf", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}]; + ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + transportReadFromServerError.methods = [{prop: "Unwrap", name: "Unwrap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$24.methods = [{prop: "waiting", name: "waiting", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "tryDeliver", name: "tryDeliver", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$22, $error], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "cancel", name: "cancel", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$27, $error], [], false)}]; + ptrType$115.methods = [{prop: "len", name: "len", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "pushBack", name: "pushBack", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$24], [], false)}, {prop: "popFront", name: "popFront", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$24], false)}, {prop: "peekFront", name: "peekFront", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$24], false)}, {prop: "cleanFront", name: "cleanFront", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + persistConnWriter.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [$Int64, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$116.methods = [{prop: "proxyAuth", name: "proxyAuth", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "key", name: "key", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [connectMethodKey], false)}, {prop: "scheme", name: "scheme", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "addr", name: "addr", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "tlsHost", name: "tlsHost", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + connectMethodKey.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$22.methods = [{prop: "shouldRetryRequest", name: "shouldRetryRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11, $error], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "addTLS", name: "addTLS", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, ptrType$19], [$error], false)}, {prop: "maxHeaderResponseSize", name: "maxHeaderResponseSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "isBroken", name: "isBroken", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "canceled", name: "canceled", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "isReused", name: "isReused", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "gotIdleConnTrace", name: "gotIdleConnTrace", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([time.Time], [httptrace.GotConnInfo], false)}, {prop: "cancelRequest", name: "cancelRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "closeConnIfStillIdle", name: "closeConnIfStillIdle", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "mapRoundTripError", name: "mapRoundTripError", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$114, $Int64, $error], [$error], false)}, {prop: "readLoop", name: "readLoop", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "readLoopPeekFailLocked", name: "readLoopPeekFailLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "readResponse", name: "readResponse", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([requestAndChan, ptrType$19], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}, {prop: "waitForContinue", name: "waitForContinue", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([chanType$2], [funcType$10], false)}, {prop: "writeLoop", name: "writeLoop", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "wroteRequest", name: "wroteRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "roundTrip", name: "roundTrip", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$114], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}, {prop: "markReused", name: "markReused", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "closeLocked", name: "closeLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}]; + ptrType$117.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$118.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$32.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "condfn", name: "condfn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$119.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + tlsHandshakeTimeoutError.methods = [{prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + fakeLocker.methods = [{prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$120.methods = [{prop: "add", name: "add", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$22], [], false)}, {prop: "removeOldest", name: "removeOldest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$22], false)}, {prop: "remove", name: "remove", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$22], [], false)}, {prop: "len", name: "len", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}]; + errorReader.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$121.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$35.methods = [{prop: "shouldSendChunkedRequestBody", name: "shouldSendChunkedRequestBody", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "probeRequestBody", name: "probeRequestBody", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "shouldSendContentLength", name: "shouldSendContentLength", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "writeHeader", name: "writeHeader", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, ptrType$19], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeBody", name: "writeBody", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$error], false)}, {prop: "doBodyCopy", name: "doBodyCopy", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, io.Reader], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "unwrapBody", name: "unwrapBody", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [io.Reader], false)}]; + ptrType$122.methods = [{prop: "protoAtLeast", name: "protoAtLeast", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "parseTransferEncoding", name: "parseTransferEncoding", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$36.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$52.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "readLocked", name: "readLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "readTrailer", name: "readTrailer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "unreadDataSizeLocked", name: "unreadDataSizeLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "didEarlyClose", name: "didEarlyClose", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "bodyRemains", name: "bodyRemains", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "registerOnHitEOF", name: "registerOnHitEOF", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([funcType], [], false)}]; + bodyLocked.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + finishAsyncByteRead.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + bufioFlushWriter.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + socksCommand.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + socksReply.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$42.methods = [{prop: "Network", name: "Network", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$43.methods = [{prop: "BoundAddr", name: "BoundAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [net.Addr], false)}]; + ptrType$123.methods = [{prop: "connect", name: "connect", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context, net.Conn, $String], [net.Addr, $error], false)}, {prop: "DialContext", name: "DialContext", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String], [net.Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "DialWithConn", name: "DialWithConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, net.Conn, $String, $String], [net.Addr, $error], false)}, {prop: "Dial", name: "Dial", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [net.Conn, $error], false)}, {prop: "validateTarget", name: "validateTarget", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "pathAddrs", name: "pathAddrs", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String], [net.Addr, net.Addr, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$124.methods = [{prop: "Authenticate", name: "Authenticate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context, io.ReadWriter, socksAuthMethod], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$125.methods = [{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3, $Int], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$126.methods = [{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3, $Int], [$String], false)}]; + htmlSig.methods = [{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3, $Int], [$String], false)}]; + mp4Sig.methods = [{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3, $Int], [$String], false)}]; + textSig.methods = [{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3, $Int], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$53.methods = [{prop: "hijacked", name: "hijacked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "hijackLocked", name: "hijackLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [net.Conn, ptrType$44, $error], false)}, {prop: "readRequest", name: "readRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [ptrType$49, $error], false)}, {prop: "finalFlush", name: "finalFlush", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "closeWriteAndWait", name: "closeWriteAndWait", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "setState", name: "setState", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([net.Conn, ConnState, $Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "getState", name: "getState", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [ConnState, $Int64], false)}, {prop: "serve", name: "serve", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [], false)}]; + ptrType$127.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "flush", name: "flush", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "writeHeader", name: "writeHeader", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [], false)}]; + ptrType$49.methods = [{prop: "finalTrailers", name: "finalTrailers", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [Header], false)}, {prop: "declareTrailer", name: "declareTrailer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "requestTooLarge", name: "requestTooLarge", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "needsSniff", name: "needsSniff", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrom", name: "ReadFrom", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Reader], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "Header", name: "Header", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Header], false)}, {prop: "WriteHeader", name: "WriteHeader", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "bodyAllowed", name: "bodyAllowed", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "write", name: "write", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int, sliceType$3, $String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "finishRequest", name: "finishRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "shouldReuseConnection", name: "shouldReuseConnection", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "closedRequestBodyEarly", name: "closedRequestBodyEarly", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Flush", name: "Flush", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "sendExpectationFailed", name: "sendExpectationFailed", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Hijack", name: "Hijack", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [net.Conn, ptrType$44, $error], false)}, {prop: "CloseNotify", name: "CloseNotify", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [chanType$9], false)}]; + ptrType$51.methods = [{prop: "isSet", name: "isSet", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "setTrue", name: "setTrue", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "setFalse", name: "setFalse", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$47.methods = [{prop: "lock", name: "lock", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "unlock", name: "unlock", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "startBackgroundRead", name: "startBackgroundRead", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "backgroundRead", name: "backgroundRead", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "abortPendingRead", name: "abortPendingRead", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "setReadLimit", name: "setReadLimit", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "setInfiniteReadLimit", name: "setInfiniteReadLimit", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "hitReadLimit", name: "hitReadLimit", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "handleReadError", name: "handleReadError", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "closeNotify", name: "closeNotify", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$55.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + extraHeader.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$14], [], false)}]; + statusError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + HandlerFunc.methods = [{prop: "ServeHTTP", name: "ServeHTTP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ResponseWriter, ptrType$11], [], false)}]; + ptrType$128.methods = [{prop: "ServeHTTP", name: "ServeHTTP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ResponseWriter, ptrType$11], [], false)}]; + ptrType$129.methods = [{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String], [Handler, $String], false)}, {prop: "redirectToPathSlash", name: "redirectToPathSlash", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, $String, ptrType$17], [ptrType$17, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "shouldRedirectRLocked", name: "shouldRedirectRLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Handler", name: "Handler", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [Handler, $String], false)}, {prop: "handler", name: "handler", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [Handler, $String], false)}, {prop: "ServeHTTP", name: "ServeHTTP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ResponseWriter, ptrType$11], [], false)}, {prop: "Handle", name: "Handle", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, Handler], [], false)}, {prop: "HandleFunc", name: "HandleFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, funcType$15], [], false)}]; + ptrType$46.methods = [{prop: "newConn", name: "newConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([net.Conn], [ptrType$53], false)}, {prop: "maxHeaderBytes", name: "maxHeaderBytes", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "initialReadLimitSize", name: "initialReadLimitSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "tlsHandshakeTimeout", name: "tlsHandshakeTimeout", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [time.Duration], false)}, {prop: "getDoneChan", name: "getDoneChan", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [chanType$2], false)}, {prop: "getDoneChanLocked", name: "getDoneChanLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [chanType$1], false)}, {prop: "closeDoneChanLocked", name: "closeDoneChanLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Shutdown", name: "Shutdown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [$error], false)}, {prop: "RegisterOnShutdown", name: "RegisterOnShutdown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType], [], false)}, {prop: "numListeners", name: "numListeners", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "closeIdleConns", name: "closeIdleConns", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "closeListenersLocked", name: "closeListenersLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "ListenAndServe", name: "ListenAndServe", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "shouldConfigureHTTP2ForServe", name: "shouldConfigureHTTP2ForServe", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Serve", name: "Serve", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([net.Listener], [$error], false)}, {prop: "ServeTLS", name: "ServeTLS", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([net.Listener, $String, $String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "trackListener", name: "trackListener", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$59, $Bool], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "trackConn", name: "trackConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$53, $Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "idleTimeout", name: "idleTimeout", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [time.Duration], false)}, {prop: "readHeaderTimeout", name: "readHeaderTimeout", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [time.Duration], false)}, {prop: "doKeepAlives", name: "doKeepAlives", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "shuttingDown", name: "shuttingDown", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "SetKeepAlivesEnabled", name: "SetKeepAlivesEnabled", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "logf", name: "logf", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "ListenAndServeTLS", name: "ListenAndServeTLS", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "setupHTTP2_ServeTLS", name: "setupHTTP2_ServeTLS", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "setupHTTP2_Serve", name: "setupHTTP2_Serve", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve", name: "onceSetNextProtoDefaults_Serve", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "onceSetNextProtoDefaults", name: "onceSetNextProtoDefaults", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ConnState.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + serverHandler.methods = [{prop: "ServeHTTP", name: "ServeHTTP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ResponseWriter, ptrType$11], [], false)}]; + ptrType$131.methods = [{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + globalOptionsHandler.methods = [{prop: "ServeHTTP", name: "ServeHTTP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ResponseWriter, ptrType$11], [], false)}]; + initALPNRequest.methods = [{prop: "BaseContext", name: "BaseContext", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [context.Context], false)}, {prop: "ServeHTTP", name: "ServeHTTP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ResponseWriter, ptrType$11], [], false)}]; + ptrType$132.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + checkConnErrorWriter.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$133.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$134.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$18.methods = [{prop: "Cookies", name: "Cookies", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$29], false)}, {prop: "Location", name: "Location", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$17, $error], false)}, {prop: "ProtoAtLeast", name: "ProtoAtLeast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$error], false)}, {prop: "closeBody", name: "closeBody", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "bodyIsWritable", name: "bodyIsWritable", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "isProtocolSwitch", name: "isProtocolSwitch", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$135.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$11.methods = [{prop: "Context", name: "Context", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [context.Context], false)}, {prop: "WithContext", name: "WithContext", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [ptrType$11], false)}, {prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [ptrType$11], false)}, {prop: "ProtoAtLeast", name: "ProtoAtLeast", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "UserAgent", name: "UserAgent", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Cookies", name: "Cookies", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$29], false)}, {prop: "Cookie", name: "Cookie", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [ptrType$62, $error], false)}, {prop: "AddCookie", name: "AddCookie", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$62], [], false)}, {prop: "Referer", name: "Referer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "MultipartReader", name: "MultipartReader", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$63, $error], false)}, {prop: "multipartReader", name: "multipartReader", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [ptrType$63, $error], false)}, {prop: "isH2Upgrade", name: "isH2Upgrade", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteProxy", name: "WriteProxy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$error], false)}, {prop: "write", name: "write", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, $Bool, Header, funcType$10], [$error], false)}, {prop: "BasicAuth", name: "BasicAuth", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $String, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "SetBasicAuth", name: "SetBasicAuth", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "ParseForm", name: "ParseForm", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "ParseMultipartForm", name: "ParseMultipartForm", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$error], false)}, {prop: "FormValue", name: "FormValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "PostFormValue", name: "PostFormValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "FormFile", name: "FormFile", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [multipart.File, ptrType$66, $error], false)}, {prop: "expectsContinue", name: "expectsContinue", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "wantsHttp10KeepAlive", name: "wantsHttp10KeepAlive", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "wantsClose", name: "wantsClose", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "closeBody", name: "closeBody", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "isReplayable", name: "isReplayable", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "outgoingLength", name: "outgoingLength", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "requiresHTTP1", name: "requiresHTTP1", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$65.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$136.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + noBody.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteTo", name: "WriteTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$Int64, $error], false)}]; + Header.methods = [{prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Values", name: "Values", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "get", name: "get", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "has", name: "has", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Del", name: "Del", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer], [$error], false)}, {prop: "write", name: "write", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, ptrType$19], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Clone", name: "Clone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Header], false)}, {prop: "sortedKeyValues", name: "sortedKeyValues", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([mapType$11], [sliceType$6, ptrType$67], false)}, {prop: "WriteSubset", name: "WriteSubset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, mapType$11], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeSubset", name: "writeSubset", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([io.Writer, mapType$11, ptrType$19], [$error], false)}]; + stringWriter.methods = [{prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$67.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Less", name: "Less", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "GetClientConn", name: "GetClientConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11, $String], [ptrType$68, $error], false)}, {prop: "getClientConn", name: "getClientConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11, $String, $Bool], [ptrType$68, $error], false)}, {prop: "getStartDialLocked", name: "getStartDialLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [ptrType$69], false)}, {prop: "addConnIfNeeded", name: "addConnIfNeeded", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, ptrType$102, ptrType$30], [$Bool, $error], false)}, {prop: "addConnLocked", name: "addConnLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, ptrType$68], [], false)}, {prop: "MarkDead", name: "MarkDead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$68], [], false)}, {prop: "closeIdleConnections", name: "closeIdleConnections", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$69.methods = [{prop: "dial", name: "dial", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String], [], false)}]; + ptrType$70.methods = [{prop: "run", name: "run", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$102, $String, ptrType$30], [], false)}]; + http2noDialClientConnPool.methods = [{prop: "GetClientConn", name: "GetClientConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11, $String], [ptrType$68, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$137.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "bytesFromFirstChunk", name: "bytesFromFirstChunk", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "lastChunkOrAlloc", name: "lastChunkOrAlloc", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [sliceType$3], false)}]; + http2ErrCode.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "stringToken", name: "stringToken", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2ConnectionError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2StreamError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}, {prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + http2goAwayFlowError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2connError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2pseudoHeaderError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2duplicatePseudoHeaderError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2headerFieldNameError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2headerFieldValueError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$71.methods = [{prop: "setConnFlow", name: "setConnFlow", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$71], [], false)}, {prop: "available", name: "available", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "take", name: "take", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "add", name: "add", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [$Bool], false)}]; + http2FrameType.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2Flags.methods = [{prop: "Has", name: "Has", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([http2Flags], [$Bool], false)}]; + http2FrameHeader.methods = [{prop: "Header", name: "Header", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [http2FrameHeader], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "writeDebug", name: "writeDebug", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$40], [], false)}]; + ptrType$138.methods = [{prop: "checkValid", name: "checkValid", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "invalidate", name: "invalidate", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$72.methods = [{prop: "maxHeaderListSize", name: "maxHeaderListSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "startWrite", name: "startWrite", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2FrameType, http2Flags, $Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "endWrite", name: "endWrite", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "logWrite", name: "logWrite", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "writeByte", name: "writeByte", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint8], [], false)}, {prop: "writeBytes", name: "writeBytes", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [], false)}, {prop: "writeUint16", name: "writeUint16", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint16], [], false)}, {prop: "writeUint32", name: "writeUint32", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "SetReuseFrames", name: "SetReuseFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "SetMaxReadFrameSize", name: "SetMaxReadFrameSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "ErrorDetail", name: "ErrorDetail", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "ReadFrame", name: "ReadFrame", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [http2Frame, $error], false)}, {prop: "connError", name: "connError", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2ErrCode, $String], [$error], false)}, {prop: "checkFrameOrder", name: "checkFrameOrder", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2Frame], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteData", name: "WriteData", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Bool, sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteDataPadded", name: "WriteDataPadded", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Bool, sliceType$3, sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteSettings", name: "WriteSettings", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$23], [$error], true)}, {prop: "WriteSettingsAck", name: "WriteSettingsAck", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WritePing", name: "WritePing", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool, arrayType$8], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteGoAway", name: "WriteGoAway", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2ErrCode, sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteWindowUpdate", name: "WriteWindowUpdate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Uint32], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteHeaders", name: "WriteHeaders", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([http2HeadersFrameParam], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WritePriority", name: "WritePriority", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2PriorityParam], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteRSTStream", name: "WriteRSTStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2ErrCode], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteContinuation", name: "WriteContinuation", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Bool, sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WritePushPromise", name: "WritePushPromise", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([http2PushPromiseParam], [$error], false)}, {prop: "WriteRawFrame", name: "WriteRawFrame", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([http2FrameType, http2Flags, $Uint32, sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "maxHeaderStringLen", name: "maxHeaderStringLen", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "readMetaFrame", name: "readMetaFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$75], [ptrType$76, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$73.methods = [{prop: "getDataFrame", name: "getDataFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$79], false)}]; + ptrType$79.methods = [{prop: "StreamEnded", name: "StreamEnded", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Data", name: "Data", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}]; + ptrType$78.methods = [{prop: "IsAck", name: "IsAck", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([http2SettingID], [$Uint32, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Setting", name: "Setting", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [http2Setting], false)}, {prop: "NumSettings", name: "NumSettings", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "HasDuplicates", name: "HasDuplicates", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ForeachSetting", name: "ForeachSetting", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$23], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$81.methods = [{prop: "IsAck", name: "IsAck", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$82.methods = [{prop: "DebugData", name: "DebugData", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}]; + ptrType$139.methods = [{prop: "Payload", name: "Payload", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}]; + ptrType$75.methods = [{prop: "HeaderBlockFragment", name: "HeaderBlockFragment", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "HeadersEnded", name: "HeadersEnded", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "StreamEnded", name: "StreamEnded", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "HasPriority", name: "HasPriority", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + http2PriorityParam.methods = [{prop: "IsZero", name: "IsZero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$77.methods = [{prop: "HeaderBlockFragment", name: "HeaderBlockFragment", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "HeadersEnded", name: "HeadersEnded", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$96.methods = [{prop: "HeaderBlockFragment", name: "HeaderBlockFragment", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "HeadersEnded", name: "HeadersEnded", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$76.methods = [{prop: "PseudoValue", name: "PseudoValue", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "RegularFields", name: "RegularFields", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$22], false)}, {prop: "PseudoFields", name: "PseudoFields", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$22], false)}, {prop: "checkPseudos", name: "checkPseudos", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + http2goroutineLock.methods = [{prop: "check", name: "check", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "checkNotOn", name: "checkNotOn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + http2streamState.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2Setting.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Valid", name: "Valid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + http2SettingID.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2gate.methods = [{prop: "Done", name: "Done", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Wait", name: "Wait", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + http2closeWaiter.methods = [{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Wait", name: "Wait", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$98.methods = [{prop: "Init", name: "Init", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$88.methods = [{prop: "Available", name: "Available", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Flush", name: "Flush", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$140.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$100.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Less", name: "Less", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Keys", name: "Keys", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Header], [sliceType$2], false)}, {prop: "SortStrings", name: "SortStrings", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$2], [], false)}]; + ptrType$97.methods = [{prop: "setBuffer", name: "setBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2pipeBuffer], [], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "CloseWithError", name: "CloseWithError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "BreakWithError", name: "BreakWithError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "closeWithErrorAndCode", name: "closeWithErrorAndCode", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error, funcType], [], false)}, {prop: "closeWithError", name: "closeWithError", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$85, $error, funcType], [], false)}, {prop: "closeDoneLocked", name: "closeDoneLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Done", name: "Done", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [chanType$2], false)}]; + ptrType$86.methods = [{prop: "initialConnRecvWindowSize", name: "initialConnRecvWindowSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "initialStreamRecvWindowSize", name: "initialStreamRecvWindowSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "maxReadFrameSize", name: "maxReadFrameSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "maxConcurrentStreams", name: "maxConcurrentStreams", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "maxQueuedControlFrames", name: "maxQueuedControlFrames", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ServeConn", name: "ServeConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([net.Conn, ptrType$87], [], false)}]; + ptrType$60.methods = [{prop: "registerConn", name: "registerConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$13], [], false)}, {prop: "unregisterConn", name: "unregisterConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$13], [], false)}, {prop: "startGracefulShutdown", name: "startGracefulShutdown", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + ptrType$87.methods = [{prop: "context", name: "context", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [context.Context], false)}, {prop: "baseConfig", name: "baseConfig", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$46], false)}, {prop: "handler", name: "handler", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [Handler], false)}]; + ptrType$13.methods = [{prop: "rejectConn", name: "rejectConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2ErrCode, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "maxHeaderListSize", name: "maxHeaderListSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "curOpenStreams", name: "curOpenStreams", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "Framer", name: "Framer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$72], false)}, {prop: "CloseConn", name: "CloseConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Flush", name: "Flush", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "HeaderEncoder", name: "HeaderEncoder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$89, ptrType$40], false)}, {prop: "state", name: "state", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [http2streamState, ptrType$10], false)}, {prop: "setConnState", name: "setConnState", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ConnState], [], false)}, {prop: "vlogf", name: "vlogf", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "logf", name: "logf", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "condlogf", name: "condlogf", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error, $String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "canonicalHeader", name: "canonicalHeader", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "readFrames", name: "readFrames", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "writeFrameAsync", name: "writeFrameAsync", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2FrameWriteRequest], [], false)}, {prop: "closeAllStreamsOnConnClose", name: "closeAllStreamsOnConnClose", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "stopShutdownTimer", name: "stopShutdownTimer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "notePanic", name: "notePanic", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "serve", name: "serve", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "awaitGracefulShutdown", name: "awaitGracefulShutdown", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([chanType$2, chanType$1], [], false)}, {prop: "onSettingsTimer", name: "onSettingsTimer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "onIdleTimer", name: "onIdleTimer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "onShutdownTimer", name: "onShutdownTimer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "sendServeMsg", name: "sendServeMsg", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "readPreface", name: "readPreface", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeDataFromHandler", name: "writeDataFromHandler", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, sliceType$3, $Bool], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeFrameFromHandler", name: "writeFrameFromHandler", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2FrameWriteRequest], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2FrameWriteRequest], [], false)}, {prop: "startFrameWrite", name: "startFrameWrite", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2FrameWriteRequest], [], false)}, {prop: "wroteFrame", name: "wroteFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2frameWriteResult], [], false)}, {prop: "scheduleFrameWrite", name: "scheduleFrameWrite", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "startGracefulShutdown", name: "startGracefulShutdown", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "startGracefulShutdownInternal", name: "startGracefulShutdownInternal", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "goAway", name: "goAway", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2ErrCode], [], false)}, {prop: "shutDownIn", name: "shutDownIn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([time.Duration], [], false)}, {prop: "resetStream", name: "resetStream", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2StreamError], [], false)}, {prop: "processFrameFromReader", name: "processFrameFromReader", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2readFrameResult], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "processFrame", name: "processFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2Frame], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processPing", name: "processPing", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$81], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processWindowUpdate", name: "processWindowUpdate", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$80], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processResetStream", name: "processResetStream", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$83], [$error], false)}, {prop: "closeStream", name: "closeStream", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, $error], [], false)}, {prop: "processSettings", name: "processSettings", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$78], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processSetting", name: "processSetting", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2Setting], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processSettingInitialWindowSize", name: "processSettingInitialWindowSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processData", name: "processData", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$79], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processGoAway", name: "processGoAway", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$82], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processHeaders", name: "processHeaders", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$76], [$error], false)}, {prop: "checkPriority", name: "checkPriority", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2PriorityParam], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processPriority", name: "processPriority", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$95], [$error], false)}, {prop: "newStream", name: "newStream", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Uint32, http2streamState], [ptrType$10], false)}, {prop: "newWriterAndRequest", name: "newWriterAndRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, ptrType$76], [ptrType$16, ptrType$11, $error], false)}, {prop: "newWriterAndRequestNoBody", name: "newWriterAndRequestNoBody", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, http2requestParam], [ptrType$16, ptrType$11, $error], false)}, {prop: "runHandler", name: "runHandler", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$16, ptrType$11, funcType$15], [], false)}, {prop: "writeHeaders", name: "writeHeaders", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, ptrType$93], [$error], false)}, {prop: "write100ContinueHeaders", name: "write100ContinueHeaders", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10], [], false)}, {prop: "noteBodyReadFromHandler", name: "noteBodyReadFromHandler", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, $Int, $error], [], false)}, {prop: "noteBodyRead", name: "noteBodyRead", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "sendWindowUpdate", name: "sendWindowUpdate", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "sendWindowUpdate32", name: "sendWindowUpdate32", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$10, $Int32], [], false)}, {prop: "startPush", name: "startPush", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$91], [], false)}, {prop: "countError", name: "countError", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, $error], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "isPushed", name: "isPushed", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "endStream", name: "endStream", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "copyTrailersToHandlerRequest", name: "copyTrailersToHandlerRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "onWriteTimeout", name: "onWriteTimeout", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "processTrailerHeaders", name: "processTrailerHeaders", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$76], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$12.methods = [{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$16.methods = [{prop: "Flush", name: "Flush", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "CloseNotify", name: "CloseNotify", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [chanType$9], false)}, {prop: "Header", name: "Header", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Header], false)}, {prop: "WriteHeader", name: "WriteHeader", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "write", name: "write", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int, sliceType$3, $String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "handlerDone", name: "handlerDone", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Push", name: "Push", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, ptrType$101], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$99.methods = [{prop: "hasTrailers", name: "hasTrailers", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "hasNonemptyTrailers", name: "hasNonemptyTrailers", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "declareTrailer", name: "declareTrailer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "writeChunk", name: "writeChunk", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "promoteUndeclaredTrailers", name: "promoteUndeclaredTrailers", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "writeHeader", name: "writeHeader", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}]; + http2chunkWriter.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$102.methods = [{prop: "dialTLSWithContext", name: "dialTLSWithContext", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $String, ptrType$4], [ptrType$30, $error], false)}, {prop: "maxHeaderListSize", name: "maxHeaderListSize", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "disableCompression", name: "disableCompression", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "pingTimeout", name: "pingTimeout", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [time.Duration], false)}, {prop: "connPool", name: "connPool", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [http2ClientConnPool], false)}, {prop: "initConnPool", name: "initConnPool", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "RoundTrip", name: "RoundTrip", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}, {prop: "RoundTripOpt", name: "RoundTripOpt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11, http2RoundTripOpt], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}, {prop: "CloseIdleConnections", name: "CloseIdleConnections", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "dialClientConn", name: "dialClientConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context, $String, $Bool], [ptrType$68, $error], false)}, {prop: "newTLSConfig", name: "newTLSConfig", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String], [ptrType$4], false)}, {prop: "dialTLS", name: "dialTLS", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [funcType$25], false)}, {prop: "disableKeepAlives", name: "disableKeepAlives", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "expectContinueTimeout", name: "expectContinueTimeout", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [time.Duration], false)}, {prop: "NewClientConn", name: "NewClientConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([net.Conn], [ptrType$68, $error], false)}, {prop: "newClientConn", name: "newClientConn", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([net.Conn, $Bool], [ptrType$68, $error], false)}, {prop: "vlogf", name: "vlogf", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "logf", name: "logf", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "idleConnTimeout", name: "idleConnTimeout", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [time.Duration], false)}]; + ptrType$68.methods = [{prop: "healthCheck", name: "healthCheck", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "SetDoNotReuse", name: "SetDoNotReuse", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "setGoAway", name: "setGoAway", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$82], [], false)}, {prop: "CanTakeNewRequest", name: "CanTakeNewRequest", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ReserveNewRequest", name: "ReserveNewRequest", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "State", name: "State", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [http2ClientConnState], false)}, {prop: "idleState", name: "idleState", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [http2clientConnIdleState], false)}, {prop: "idleStateLocked", name: "idleStateLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [http2clientConnIdleState], false)}, {prop: "canTakeNewRequestLocked", name: "canTakeNewRequestLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "tooIdleLocked", name: "tooIdleLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "onIdleTimeout", name: "onIdleTimeout", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "closeIfIdle", name: "closeIfIdle", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "isDoNotReuseAndIdle", name: "isDoNotReuseAndIdle", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Shutdown", name: "Shutdown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [$error], false)}, {prop: "sendGoAway", name: "sendGoAway", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "closeForError", name: "closeForError", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "closeForLostPing", name: "closeForLostPing", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "responseHeaderTimeout", name: "responseHeaderTimeout", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [time.Duration], false)}, {prop: "decrStreamReservations", name: "decrStreamReservations", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "decrStreamReservationsLocked", name: "decrStreamReservationsLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "RoundTrip", name: "RoundTrip", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}, {prop: "awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked", name: "awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$104], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeHeaders", name: "writeHeaders", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, $Bool, $Int, sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "encodeHeaders", name: "encodeHeaders", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11, $Bool, $String, $Int64], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "encodeTrailers", name: "encodeTrailers", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([Header], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "writeHeader", name: "writeHeader", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, $String], [], false)}, {prop: "addStreamLocked", name: "addStreamLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$104], [], false)}, {prop: "forgetStreamID", name: "forgetStreamID", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "readLoop", name: "readLoop", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "countReadFrameError", name: "countReadFrameError", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "Ping", name: "Ping", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([context.Context], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeStreamReset", name: "writeStreamReset", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2ErrCode, $error], [], false)}, {prop: "logf", name: "logf", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "vlogf", name: "vlogf", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}]; + ptrType$104.methods = [{prop: "get1xxTraceFunc", name: "get1xxTraceFunc", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [funcType$26], false)}, {prop: "abortStream", name: "abortStream", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "abortStreamLocked", name: "abortStreamLocked", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "abortRequestBodyWrite", name: "abortRequestBodyWrite", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "doRequest", name: "doRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [], false)}, {prop: "writeRequest", name: "writeRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [$error], false)}, {prop: "encodeAndWriteHeaders", name: "encodeAndWriteHeaders", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [$error], false)}, {prop: "cleanupWriteRequest", name: "cleanupWriteRequest", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}, {prop: "frameScratchBufferLen", name: "frameScratchBufferLen", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "writeRequestBody", name: "writeRequestBody", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [$error], false)}, {prop: "awaitFlowControl", name: "awaitFlowControl", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Int32, $error], false)}, {prop: "copyTrailers", name: "copyTrailers", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]; + http2stickyErrWriter.methods = [{prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + http2noCachedConnError.methods = [{prop: "IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError", name: "IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$141.methods = [{prop: "cleanup", name: "cleanup", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "run", name: "run", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processHeaders", name: "processHeaders", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$76], [$error], false)}, {prop: "handleResponse", name: "handleResponse", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$104, ptrType$76], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}, {prop: "processTrailers", name: "processTrailers", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$104, ptrType$76], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processData", name: "processData", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$79], [$error], false)}, {prop: "endStream", name: "endStream", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$104], [], false)}, {prop: "endStreamError", name: "endStreamError", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$104, $error], [], false)}, {prop: "streamByID", name: "streamByID", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [ptrType$104], false)}, {prop: "processGoAway", name: "processGoAway", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$82], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processSettings", name: "processSettings", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$78], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processSettingsNoWrite", name: "processSettingsNoWrite", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$78], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processWindowUpdate", name: "processWindowUpdate", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$80], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processResetStream", name: "processResetStream", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$83], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processPing", name: "processPing", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$81], [$error], false)}, {prop: "processPushPromise", name: "processPushPromise", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$96], [$error], false)}]; + http2GoAwayError.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + http2transportResponseBody.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + http2missingBody.methods = [{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]; + http2erringRoundTripper.methods = [{prop: "RoundTripErr", name: "RoundTripErr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "RoundTrip", name: "RoundTrip", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$142.methods = [{prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + http2noDialH2RoundTripper.methods = [{prop: "RoundTrip", name: "RoundTrip", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}]; + http2flushFrameWriter.methods = [{prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}, {prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + http2writeSettings.methods = [{prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$143.methods = [{prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}, {prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$92.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}, {prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + http2handlerPanicRST.methods = [{prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}, {prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + http2writePingAck.methods = [{prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}, {prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + http2writeSettingsAck.methods = [{prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}, {prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$93.methods = [{prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeHeaderBlock", name: "writeHeaderBlock", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext, sliceType$3, $Bool, $Bool], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$94.methods = [{prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}, {prop: "writeHeaderBlock", name: "writeHeaderBlock", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext, sliceType$3, $Bool, $Bool], [$error], false)}]; + http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame.methods = [{prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}, {prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + http2writeWindowUpdate.methods = [{prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}]; + http2FrameWriteRequest.methods = [{prop: "StreamID", name: "StreamID", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "isControl", name: "isControl", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "DataSize", name: "DataSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Consume", name: "Consume", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [http2FrameWriteRequest, http2FrameWriteRequest, $Int], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$144.methods = [{prop: "replyToWriter", name: "replyToWriter", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$error], [], false)}]; + ptrType$105.methods = [{prop: "empty", name: "empty", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "push", name: "push", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2FrameWriteRequest], [], false)}, {prop: "shift", name: "shift", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [http2FrameWriteRequest], false)}, {prop: "consume", name: "consume", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int32], [http2FrameWriteRequest, $Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$107.methods = [{prop: "put", name: "put", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$105], [], false)}, {prop: "get", name: "get", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$105], false)}]; + ptrType$106.methods = [{prop: "setParent", name: "setParent", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$106], [], false)}, {prop: "addBytes", name: "addBytes", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "walkReadyInOrder", name: "walkReadyInOrder", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Bool, ptrType$108, funcType$28], [$Bool], false)}]; + http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings.methods = [{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Swap", name: "Swap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Less", name: "Less", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$145.methods = [{prop: "OpenStream", name: "OpenStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2OpenStreamOptions], [], false)}, {prop: "CloseStream", name: "CloseStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AdjustStream", name: "AdjustStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2PriorityParam], [], false)}, {prop: "Push", name: "Push", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([http2FrameWriteRequest], [], false)}, {prop: "Pop", name: "Pop", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [http2FrameWriteRequest, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "addClosedOrIdleNode", name: "addClosedOrIdleNode", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$108, $Int, ptrType$106], [], false)}, {prop: "removeNode", name: "removeNode", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([ptrType$106], [], false)}]; + ptrType$146.methods = [{prop: "OpenStream", name: "OpenStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2OpenStreamOptions], [], false)}, {prop: "CloseStream", name: "CloseStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "AdjustStream", name: "AdjustStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2PriorityParam], [], false)}, {prop: "Push", name: "Push", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([http2FrameWriteRequest], [], false)}, {prop: "Pop", name: "Pop", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [http2FrameWriteRequest, $Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$62.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Valid", name: "Valid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + noTransport.methods = [{prop: "RoundTrip", name: "RoundTrip", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}]; + ptrType$151.methods = [{prop: "RoundTrip", name: "RoundTrip", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}, {prop: "CancelRequest", name: "CancelRequest", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [], false)}]; + Transport.init("net/http", [{prop: "idleMu", name: "idleMu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "closeIdle", name: "closeIdle", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "idleConn", name: "idleConn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "idleConnWait", name: "idleConnWait", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "idleLRU", name: "idleLRU", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: connLRU, tag: ""}, {prop: "reqMu", name: "reqMu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "reqCanceler", name: "reqCanceler", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "altMu", name: "altMu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "altProto", name: "altProto", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomic.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "connsPerHostMu", name: "connsPerHostMu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "connsPerHost", name: "connsPerHost", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "connsPerHostWait", name: "connsPerHostWait", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Proxy", name: "Proxy", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "DialContext", name: "DialContext", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "Dial", name: "Dial", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "DialTLSContext", name: "DialTLSContext", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "DialTLS", name: "DialTLS", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLSClientConfig", name: "TLSClientConfig", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLSHandshakeTimeout", name: "TLSHandshakeTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "DisableKeepAlives", name: "DisableKeepAlives", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "DisableCompression", name: "DisableCompression", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxIdleConns", name: "MaxIdleConns", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxIdleConnsPerHost", name: "MaxIdleConnsPerHost", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxConnsPerHost", name: "MaxConnsPerHost", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "IdleConnTimeout", name: "IdleConnTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "ResponseHeaderTimeout", name: "ResponseHeaderTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "ExpectContinueTimeout", name: "ExpectContinueTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLSNextProto", name: "TLSNextProto", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: mapType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "ProxyConnectHeader", name: "ProxyConnectHeader", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "GetProxyConnectHeader", name: "GetProxyConnectHeader", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxResponseHeaderBytes", name: "MaxResponseHeaderBytes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "WriteBufferSize", name: "WriteBufferSize", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ReadBufferSize", name: "ReadBufferSize", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextProtoOnce", name: "nextProtoOnce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "h2transport", name: "h2transport", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: h2Transport, tag: ""}, {prop: "tlsNextProtoWasNil", name: "tlsNextProtoWasNil", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ForceAttemptHTTP2", name: "ForceAttemptHTTP2", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + cancelKey.init("net/http", [{prop: "req", name: "req", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$11, tag: ""}]); + h2Transport.init([{prop: "CloseIdleConnections", name: "CloseIdleConnections", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]); + transportRequest.init("net/http", [{prop: "Request", name: "Request", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: ptrType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "extra", name: "extra", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "trace", name: "trace", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$19, tag: ""}, {prop: "cancelKey", name: "cancelKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: cancelKey, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + readTrackingBody.init("net/http", [{prop: "ReadCloser", name: "ReadCloser", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "didRead", name: "didRead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "didClose", name: "didClose", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + transportReadFromServerError.init("net/http", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + wantConn.init("net/http", [{prop: "cm", name: "cm", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: connectMethod, tag: ""}, {prop: "key", name: "key", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: connectMethodKey, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "ready", name: "ready", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "beforeDial", name: "beforeDial", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "afterDial", name: "afterDial", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "pc", name: "pc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$22, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + wantConnQueue.init("net/http", [{prop: "head", name: "head", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "headPos", name: "headPos", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "tail", name: "tail", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$8, tag: ""}]); + erringRoundTripper.init([{prop: "RoundTripErr", name: "RoundTripErr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]); + persistConnWriter.init("net/http", [{prop: "pc", name: "pc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$22, tag: ""}]); + connectMethod.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "proxyURL", name: "proxyURL", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$17, tag: ""}, {prop: "targetScheme", name: "targetScheme", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "targetAddr", name: "targetAddr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "onlyH1", name: "onlyH1", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + connectMethodKey.init("net/http", [{prop: "proxy", name: "proxy", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "scheme", name: "scheme", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "addr", name: "addr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "onlyH1", name: "onlyH1", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + persistConn.init("net/http", [{prop: "alt", name: "alt", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: RoundTripper, tag: ""}, {prop: "t", name: "t", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$27, tag: ""}, {prop: "cacheKey", name: "cacheKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: connectMethodKey, tag: ""}, {prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}, {prop: "tlsState", name: "tlsState", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$28, tag: ""}, {prop: "br", name: "br", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$29, tag: ""}, {prop: "bw", name: "bw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "nwrite", name: "nwrite", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "reqch", name: "reqch", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "writech", name: "writech", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "closech", name: "closech", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "isProxy", name: "isProxy", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sawEOF", name: "sawEOF", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "readLimit", name: "readLimit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "writeErrCh", name: "writeErrCh", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType, tag: ""}, {prop: "writeLoopDone", name: "writeLoopDone", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "idleAt", name: "idleAt", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "idleTimer", name: "idleTimer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$25, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "numExpectedResponses", name: "numExpectedResponses", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "closed", name: "closed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "canceledErr", name: "canceledErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "broken", name: "broken", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "reused", name: "reused", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "mutateHeaderFunc", name: "mutateHeaderFunc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$11, tag: ""}]); + readWriteCloserBody.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "br", name: "br", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$29, tag: ""}, {prop: "ReadWriteCloser", name: "ReadWriteCloser", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: io.ReadWriteCloser, tag: ""}]); + nothingWrittenError.init("net/http", [{prop: "error", name: "error", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + responseAndError.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "res", name: "res", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$18, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + requestAndChan.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "req", name: "req", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "cancelKey", name: "cancelKey", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: cancelKey, tag: ""}, {prop: "ch", name: "ch", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "addedGzip", name: "addedGzip", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "continueCh", name: "continueCh", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "callerGone", name: "callerGone", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$2, tag: ""}]); + writeRequest.init("net/http", [{prop: "req", name: "req", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$114, tag: ""}, {prop: "ch", name: "ch", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "continueCh", name: "continueCh", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$2, tag: ""}]); + httpError.init("net/http", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "timeout", name: "timeout", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + tLogKey.init("", []); + bodyEOFSignal.init("net/http", [{prop: "body", name: "body", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "closed", name: "closed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "rerr", name: "rerr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "fn", name: "fn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$12, tag: ""}, {prop: "earlyCloseFn", name: "earlyCloseFn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$13, tag: ""}]); + gzipReader.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "body", name: "body", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$32, tag: ""}, {prop: "zr", name: "zr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$33, tag: ""}, {prop: "zerr", name: "zerr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + tlsHandshakeTimeoutError.init("", []); + fakeLocker.init("", []); + connLRU.init("net/http", [{prop: "ll", name: "ll", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$6, tag: ""}]); + errorReader.init("net/http", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + byteReader.init("net/http", [{prop: "b", name: "b", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + transferWriter.init("net/http", [{prop: "Method", name: "Method", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Body", name: "Body", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "BodyCloser", name: "BodyCloser", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: io.Closer, tag: ""}, {prop: "ResponseToHEAD", name: "ResponseToHEAD", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ContentLength", name: "ContentLength", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "TransferEncoding", name: "TransferEncoding", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Header", name: "Header", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "Trailer", name: "Trailer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "IsResponse", name: "IsResponse", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "bodyReadError", name: "bodyReadError", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "FlushHeaders", name: "FlushHeaders", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ByteReadCh", name: "ByteReadCh", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: chanType$8, tag: ""}]); + transferReader.init("", [{prop: "Header", name: "Header", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "StatusCode", name: "StatusCode", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "RequestMethod", name: "RequestMethod", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "ProtoMajor", name: "ProtoMajor", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ProtoMinor", name: "ProtoMinor", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Body", name: "Body", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "ContentLength", name: "ContentLength", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Chunked", name: "Chunked", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Trailer", name: "Trailer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}]); + unsupportedTEError.init("net/http", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + body.init("net/http", [{prop: "src", name: "src", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "hdr", name: "hdr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$29, tag: ""}, {prop: "closing", name: "closing", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "doEarlyClose", name: "doEarlyClose", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "sawEOF", name: "sawEOF", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "closed", name: "closed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "earlyClose", name: "earlyClose", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "onHitEOF", name: "onHitEOF", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}]); + bodyLocked.init("net/http", [{prop: "b", name: "b", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$52, tag: ""}]); + finishAsyncByteRead.init("net/http", [{prop: "tw", name: "tw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$35, tag: ""}]); + bufioFlushWriter.init("net/http", [{prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}]); + socksAddr.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "IP", name: "IP", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: net.IP, tag: ""}, {prop: "Port", name: "Port", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + socksConn.init("net/http", [{prop: "Conn", name: "Conn", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}, {prop: "boundAddr", name: "boundAddr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: net.Addr, tag: ""}]); + socksDialer.init("net/http", [{prop: "cmd", name: "cmd", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: socksCommand, tag: ""}, {prop: "proxyNetwork", name: "proxyNetwork", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "proxyAddress", name: "proxyAddress", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "ProxyDial", name: "ProxyDial", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "AuthMethods", name: "AuthMethods", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$12, tag: ""}, {prop: "Authenticate", name: "Authenticate", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$14, tag: ""}]); + socksUsernamePassword.init("", [{prop: "Username", name: "Username", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Password", name: "Password", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + sniffSig.init([{prop: "match", name: "match", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3, $Int], [$String], false)}]); + exactSig.init("net/http", [{prop: "sig", name: "sig", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "ct", name: "ct", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + maskedSig.init("net/http", [{prop: "mask", name: "mask", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "pat", name: "pat", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "skipWS", name: "skipWS", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ct", name: "ct", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + htmlSig.init($Uint8); + mp4Sig.init("", []); + textSig.init("", []); + Handler.init([{prop: "ServeHTTP", name: "ServeHTTP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ResponseWriter, ptrType$11], [], false)}]); + ResponseWriter.init([{prop: "Header", name: "Header", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Header], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteHeader", name: "WriteHeader", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}]); + conn.init("net/http", [{prop: "server", name: "server", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$46, tag: ""}, {prop: "cancelCtx", name: "cancelCtx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.CancelFunc, tag: ""}, {prop: "rwc", name: "rwc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}, {prop: "remoteAddr", name: "remoteAddr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "tlsState", name: "tlsState", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$28, tag: ""}, {prop: "werr", name: "werr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$47, tag: ""}, {prop: "bufr", name: "bufr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$29, tag: ""}, {prop: "bufw", name: "bufw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastMethod", name: "lastMethod", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "curReq", name: "curReq", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomic.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "curState", name: "curState", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: structType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "hijackedv", name: "hijackedv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + chunkWriter.init("net/http", [{prop: "res", name: "res", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$49, tag: ""}, {prop: "header", name: "header", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "wroteHeader", name: "wroteHeader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "chunking", name: "chunking", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + response.init("net/http", [{prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$53, tag: ""}, {prop: "req", name: "req", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "reqBody", name: "reqBody", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "cancelCtx", name: "cancelCtx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.CancelFunc, tag: ""}, {prop: "wroteHeader", name: "wroteHeader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "wroteContinue", name: "wroteContinue", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "wants10KeepAlive", name: "wants10KeepAlive", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "wantsClose", name: "wantsClose", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "canWriteContinue", name: "canWriteContinue", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomicBool, tag: ""}, {prop: "writeContinueMu", name: "writeContinueMu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "cw", name: "cw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chunkWriter, tag: ""}, {prop: "handlerHeader", name: "handlerHeader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "calledHeader", name: "calledHeader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "written", name: "written", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "contentLength", name: "contentLength", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "status", name: "status", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "closeAfterReply", name: "closeAfterReply", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "requestBodyLimitHit", name: "requestBodyLimitHit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "trailers", name: "trailers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "handlerDone", name: "handlerDone", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomicBool, tag: ""}, {prop: "dateBuf", name: "dateBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "clenBuf", name: "clenBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "statusBuf", name: "statusBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "closeNotifyCh", name: "closeNotifyCh", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "didCloseNotify", name: "didCloseNotify", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}]); + writerOnly.init("", [{prop: "Writer", name: "Writer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}]); + readResult.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "n", name: "n", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "b", name: "b", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + connReader.init("net/http", [{prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$53, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "hasByte", name: "hasByte", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "byteBuf", name: "byteBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "cond", name: "cond", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$48, tag: ""}, {prop: "inRead", name: "inRead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "aborted", name: "aborted", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "remain", name: "remain", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}]); + expectContinueReader.init("net/http", [{prop: "resp", name: "resp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$49, tag: ""}, {prop: "readCloser", name: "readCloser", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "closed", name: "closed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomicBool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sawEOF", name: "sawEOF", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomicBool, tag: ""}]); + extraHeader.init("net/http", [{prop: "contentType", name: "contentType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "connection", name: "connection", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "transferEncoding", name: "transferEncoding", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "date", name: "date", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "contentLength", name: "contentLength", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + closeWriter.init([{prop: "CloseWrite", name: "CloseWrite", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]); + statusError.init("net/http", [{prop: "code", name: "code", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "text", name: "text", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + HandlerFunc.init([ResponseWriter, ptrType$11], [], false); + redirectHandler.init("net/http", [{prop: "url", name: "url", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "code", name: "code", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + ServeMux.init("net/http", [{prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.RWMutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "m", name: "m", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "es", name: "es", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "hosts", name: "hosts", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + muxEntry.init("net/http", [{prop: "h", name: "h", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Handler, tag: ""}, {prop: "pattern", name: "pattern", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Server.init("net/http", [{prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Handler", name: "Handler", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Handler, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLSConfig", name: "TLSConfig", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "ReadTimeout", name: "ReadTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "ReadHeaderTimeout", name: "ReadHeaderTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "WriteTimeout", name: "WriteTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "IdleTimeout", name: "IdleTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxHeaderBytes", name: "MaxHeaderBytes", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLSNextProto", name: "TLSNextProto", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: mapType$8, tag: ""}, {prop: "ConnState", name: "ConnState", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$17, tag: ""}, {prop: "ErrorLog", name: "ErrorLog", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$58, tag: ""}, {prop: "BaseContext", name: "BaseContext", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$18, tag: ""}, {prop: "ConnContext", name: "ConnContext", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$19, tag: ""}, {prop: "inShutdown", name: "inShutdown", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: atomicBool, tag: ""}, {prop: "disableKeepAlives", name: "disableKeepAlives", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextProtoOnce", name: "nextProtoOnce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextProtoErr", name: "nextProtoErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "listeners", name: "listeners", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "activeConn", name: "activeConn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "doneChan", name: "doneChan", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "onShutdown", name: "onShutdown", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$19, tag: ""}]); + serverHandler.init("net/http", [{prop: "srv", name: "srv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$46, tag: ""}]); + onceCloseListener.init("net/http", [{prop: "Listener", name: "Listener", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: net.Listener, tag: ""}, {prop: "once", name: "once", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "closeErr", name: "closeErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + globalOptionsHandler.init("", []); + initALPNRequest.init("net/http", [{prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "c", name: "c", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$30, tag: ""}, {prop: "h", name: "h", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: serverHandler, tag: ""}]); + loggingConn.init("net/http", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Conn", name: "Conn", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}]); + checkConnErrorWriter.init("net/http", [{prop: "c", name: "c", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$53, tag: ""}]); + streamReader.init("net/http", [{prop: "pending", name: "pending", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "stream", name: "stream", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: js.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + arrayReader.init("net/http", [{prop: "arrayPromise", name: "arrayPromise", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: js.Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "pending", name: "pending", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "read", name: "read", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + Response.init("", [{prop: "Status", name: "Status", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "StatusCode", name: "StatusCode", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Proto", name: "Proto", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "ProtoMajor", name: "ProtoMajor", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ProtoMinor", name: "ProtoMinor", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Header", name: "Header", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "Body", name: "Body", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "ContentLength", name: "ContentLength", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "TransferEncoding", name: "TransferEncoding", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Uncompressed", name: "Uncompressed", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Trailer", name: "Trailer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "Request", name: "Request", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLS", name: "TLS", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$28, tag: ""}]); + ProtocolError.init("", [{prop: "ErrorString", name: "ErrorString", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Request.init("net/http", [{prop: "Method", name: "Method", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "URL", name: "URL", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$17, tag: ""}, {prop: "Proto", name: "Proto", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "ProtoMajor", name: "ProtoMajor", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ProtoMinor", name: "ProtoMinor", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Header", name: "Header", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "Body", name: "Body", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "GetBody", name: "GetBody", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$20, tag: ""}, {prop: "ContentLength", name: "ContentLength", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "TransferEncoding", name: "TransferEncoding", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Host", name: "Host", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Form", name: "Form", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: url.Values, tag: ""}, {prop: "PostForm", name: "PostForm", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: url.Values, tag: ""}, {prop: "MultipartForm", name: "MultipartForm", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$31, tag: ""}, {prop: "Trailer", name: "Trailer", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "RemoteAddr", name: "RemoteAddr", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "RequestURI", name: "RequestURI", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLS", name: "TLS", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$28, tag: ""}, {prop: "Cancel", name: "Cancel", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: chanType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "Response", name: "Response", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$18, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}]); + requestBodyReadError.init("net/http", [{prop: "error", name: "error", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + maxBytesReader.init("net/http", [{prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ResponseWriter, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "n", name: "n", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + incomparable.init(funcType, 0); + contextKey.init("net/http", [{prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + noBody.init("", []); + PushOptions.init("", [{prop: "Method", name: "Method", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Header", name: "Header", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Header, tag: ""}]); + Header.init($String, sliceType$2); + stringWriter.init("net/http", [{prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}]); + keyValues.init("net/http", [{prop: "key", name: "key", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "values", name: "values", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + headerSorter.init("net/http", [{prop: "kvs", name: "kvs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}]); + http2ClientConnPool.init([{prop: "GetClientConn", name: "GetClientConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11, $String], [ptrType$68, $error], false)}, {prop: "MarkDead", name: "MarkDead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$68], [], false)}]); + http2clientConnPoolIdleCloser.init([{prop: "GetClientConn", name: "GetClientConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11, $String], [ptrType$68, $error], false)}, {prop: "MarkDead", name: "MarkDead", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$68], [], false)}, {prop: "closeIdleConnections", name: "closeIdleConnections", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]); + http2clientConnPool.init("net/http", [{prop: "t", name: "t", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$102, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "conns", name: "conns", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$12, tag: ""}, {prop: "dialing", name: "dialing", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "keys", name: "keys", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "addConnCalls", name: "addConnCalls", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$15, tag: ""}]); + http2dialCall.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "res", name: "res", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$68, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + http2addConnCall.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + http2noDialClientConnPool.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2clientConnPool", name: "http2clientConnPool", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: ptrType$9, tag: ""}]); + http2dataBuffer.init("net/http", [{prop: "chunks", name: "chunks", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "size", name: "size", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "expected", name: "expected", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}]); + http2StreamError.init("", [{prop: "StreamID", name: "StreamID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Code", name: "Code", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2ErrCode, tag: ""}, {prop: "Cause", name: "Cause", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + http2goAwayFlowError.init("", []); + http2connError.init("", [{prop: "Code", name: "Code", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2ErrCode, tag: ""}, {prop: "Reason", name: "Reason", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + http2flow.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "n", name: "n", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$71, tag: ""}]); + http2FrameHeader.init("net/http", [{prop: "valid", name: "valid", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2FrameType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Flags", name: "Flags", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2Flags, tag: ""}, {prop: "Length", name: "Length", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "StreamID", name: "StreamID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + http2Frame.init([{prop: "Header", name: "Header", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [http2FrameHeader], false)}, {prop: "invalidate", name: "invalidate", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]); + http2Framer.init("net/http", [{prop: "r", name: "r", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Reader, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastFrame", name: "lastFrame", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2Frame, tag: ""}, {prop: "errDetail", name: "errDetail", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "countError", name: "countError", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$21, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastHeaderStream", name: "lastHeaderStream", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxReadSize", name: "maxReadSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "headerBuf", name: "headerBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: arrayType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "getReadBuf", name: "getReadBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$22, tag: ""}, {prop: "readBuf", name: "readBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxWriteSize", name: "maxWriteSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}, {prop: "wbuf", name: "wbuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "AllowIllegalWrites", name: "AllowIllegalWrites", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "AllowIllegalReads", name: "AllowIllegalReads", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ReadMetaHeaders", name: "ReadMetaHeaders", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$74, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxHeaderListSize", name: "MaxHeaderListSize", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "logReads", name: "logReads", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "logWrites", name: "logWrites", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "debugFramer", name: "debugFramer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$72, tag: ""}, {prop: "debugFramerBuf", name: "debugFramerBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$40, tag: ""}, {prop: "debugReadLoggerf", name: "debugReadLoggerf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "debugWriteLoggerf", name: "debugWriteLoggerf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "frameCache", name: "frameCache", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$73, tag: ""}]); + http2frameCache.init("net/http", [{prop: "dataFrame", name: "dataFrame", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2DataFrame, tag: ""}]); + http2DataFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "data", name: "data", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + http2SettingsFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + http2PingFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "Data", name: "Data", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: arrayType$8, tag: ""}]); + http2GoAwayFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "LastStreamID", name: "LastStreamID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "ErrCode", name: "ErrCode", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2ErrCode, tag: ""}, {prop: "debugData", name: "debugData", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + http2UnknownFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + http2WindowUpdateFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "Increment", name: "Increment", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + http2HeadersFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "Priority", name: "Priority", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2PriorityParam, tag: ""}, {prop: "headerFragBuf", name: "headerFragBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + http2HeadersFrameParam.init("", [{prop: "StreamID", name: "StreamID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "BlockFragment", name: "BlockFragment", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "EndStream", name: "EndStream", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "EndHeaders", name: "EndHeaders", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "PadLength", name: "PadLength", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "Priority", name: "Priority", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2PriorityParam, tag: ""}]); + http2PriorityFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "http2PriorityParam", name: "http2PriorityParam", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2PriorityParam, tag: ""}]); + http2PriorityParam.init("", [{prop: "StreamDep", name: "StreamDep", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Exclusive", name: "Exclusive", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Weight", name: "Weight", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + http2RSTStreamFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "ErrCode", name: "ErrCode", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2ErrCode, tag: ""}]); + http2ContinuationFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "headerFragBuf", name: "headerFragBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + http2PushPromiseFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2FrameHeader", name: "http2FrameHeader", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: http2FrameHeader, tag: ""}, {prop: "PromiseID", name: "PromiseID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "headerFragBuf", name: "headerFragBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}]); + http2PushPromiseParam.init("", [{prop: "StreamID", name: "StreamID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "PromiseID", name: "PromiseID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "BlockFragment", name: "BlockFragment", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "EndHeaders", name: "EndHeaders", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "PadLength", name: "PadLength", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}]); + http2MetaHeadersFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2HeadersFrame", name: "http2HeadersFrame", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: ptrType$75, tag: ""}, {prop: "Fields", name: "Fields", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$22, tag: ""}, {prop: "Truncated", name: "Truncated", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + http2Setting.init("", [{prop: "ID", name: "ID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2SettingID, tag: ""}, {prop: "Val", name: "Val", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + http2gate.init(structType, false, false); + http2closeWaiter.init(structType, false, false); + http2bufferedWriter.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "w", name: "w", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.Writer, tag: ""}, {prop: "bw", name: "bw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$14, tag: ""}]); + http2httpError.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "msg", name: "msg", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "timeout", name: "timeout", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + http2connectionStater.init([{prop: "ConnectionState", name: "ConnectionState", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [tls.ConnectionState], false)}]); + http2sorter.init("net/http", [{prop: "v", name: "v", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + http2incomparable.init(funcType, 0); + http2pipe.init("net/http", [{prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "c", name: "c", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Cond, tag: ""}, {prop: "b", name: "b", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2pipeBuffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "unread", name: "unread", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "breakErr", name: "breakErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "donec", name: "donec", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "readFn", name: "readFn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}]); + http2pipeBuffer.init([{prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$Int, $error], false)}]); + http2Server.init("net/http", [{prop: "MaxHandlers", name: "MaxHandlers", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxConcurrentStreams", name: "MaxConcurrentStreams", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxReadFrameSize", name: "MaxReadFrameSize", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "PermitProhibitedCipherSuites", name: "PermitProhibitedCipherSuites", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "IdleTimeout", name: "IdleTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxUploadBufferPerConnection", name: "MaxUploadBufferPerConnection", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxUploadBufferPerStream", name: "MaxUploadBufferPerStream", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "NewWriteScheduler", name: "NewWriteScheduler", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$24, tag: ""}, {prop: "CountError", name: "CountError", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$21, tag: ""}, {prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$60, tag: ""}]); + http2serverInternalState.init("net/http", [{prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "activeConns", name: "activeConns", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$16, tag: ""}]); + http2ServeConnOpts.init("", [{prop: "Context", name: "Context", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "BaseConfig", name: "BaseConfig", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$46, tag: ""}, {prop: "Handler", name: "Handler", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: Handler, tag: ""}]); + http2serverConn.init("net/http", [{prop: "srv", name: "srv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$86, tag: ""}, {prop: "hs", name: "hs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$46, tag: ""}, {prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}, {prop: "bw", name: "bw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$88, tag: ""}, {prop: "handler", name: "handler", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Handler, tag: ""}, {prop: "baseCtx", name: "baseCtx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "framer", name: "framer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$72, tag: ""}, {prop: "doneServing", name: "doneServing", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "readFrameCh", name: "readFrameCh", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "wantWriteFrameCh", name: "wantWriteFrameCh", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$12, tag: ""}, {prop: "wroteFrameCh", name: "wroteFrameCh", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "bodyReadCh", name: "bodyReadCh", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "serveMsgCh", name: "serveMsgCh", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$15, tag: ""}, {prop: "flow", name: "flow", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2flow, tag: ""}, {prop: "inflow", name: "inflow", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2flow, tag: ""}, {prop: "tlsState", name: "tlsState", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$28, tag: ""}, {prop: "remoteAddrStr", name: "remoteAddrStr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "writeSched", name: "writeSched", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2WriteScheduler, tag: ""}, {prop: "serveG", name: "serveG", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2goroutineLock, tag: ""}, {prop: "pushEnabled", name: "pushEnabled", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sawFirstSettings", name: "sawFirstSettings", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "needToSendSettingsAck", name: "needToSendSettingsAck", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "unackedSettings", name: "unackedSettings", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "queuedControlFrames", name: "queuedControlFrames", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "clientMaxStreams", name: "clientMaxStreams", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "advMaxStreams", name: "advMaxStreams", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "curClientStreams", name: "curClientStreams", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "curPushedStreams", name: "curPushedStreams", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxClientStreamID", name: "maxClientStreamID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxPushPromiseID", name: "maxPushPromiseID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "streams", name: "streams", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$17, tag: ""}, {prop: "initialStreamSendWindowSize", name: "initialStreamSendWindowSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxFrameSize", name: "maxFrameSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "headerTableSize", name: "headerTableSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "peerMaxHeaderListSize", name: "peerMaxHeaderListSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "canonHeader", name: "canonHeader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$18, tag: ""}, {prop: "writingFrame", name: "writingFrame", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "writingFrameAsync", name: "writingFrameAsync", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "needsFrameFlush", name: "needsFrameFlush", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "inGoAway", name: "inGoAway", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "inFrameScheduleLoop", name: "inFrameScheduleLoop", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "needToSendGoAway", name: "needToSendGoAway", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "goAwayCode", name: "goAwayCode", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2ErrCode, tag: ""}, {prop: "shutdownTimer", name: "shutdownTimer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$25, tag: ""}, {prop: "idleTimer", name: "idleTimer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$25, tag: ""}, {prop: "headerWriteBuf", name: "headerWriteBuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: bytes.Buffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "hpackEncoder", name: "hpackEncoder", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$89, tag: ""}, {prop: "shutdownOnce", name: "shutdownOnce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}]); + http2stream.init("net/http", [{prop: "sc", name: "sc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "id", name: "id", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "body", name: "body", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$97, tag: ""}, {prop: "cw", name: "cw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2closeWaiter, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "cancelCtx", name: "cancelCtx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "bodyBytes", name: "bodyBytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "declBodyBytes", name: "declBodyBytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "flow", name: "flow", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2flow, tag: ""}, {prop: "inflow", name: "inflow", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2flow, tag: ""}, {prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2streamState, tag: ""}, {prop: "resetQueued", name: "resetQueued", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "gotTrailerHeader", name: "gotTrailerHeader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "wroteHeaders", name: "wroteHeaders", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "writeDeadline", name: "writeDeadline", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$25, tag: ""}, {prop: "trailer", name: "trailer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "reqTrailer", name: "reqTrailer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}]); + http2readFrameResult.init("net/http", [{prop: "f", name: "f", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2Frame, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "readMore", name: "readMore", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType, tag: ""}]); + http2frameWriteResult.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "wr", name: "wr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2FrameWriteRequest, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + http2requestParam.init("net/http", [{prop: "method", name: "method", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "scheme", name: "scheme", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "authority", name: "authority", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "path", name: "path", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "header", name: "header", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}]); + http2bodyReadMsg.init("net/http", [{prop: "st", name: "st", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "n", name: "n", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + http2requestBody.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "stream", name: "stream", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "closed", name: "closed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sawEOF", name: "sawEOF", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "pipe", name: "pipe", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$97, tag: ""}, {prop: "needsContinue", name: "needsContinue", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + http2responseWriter.init("net/http", [{prop: "rws", name: "rws", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$99, tag: ""}]); + http2responseWriterState.init("net/http", [{prop: "stream", name: "stream", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "req", name: "req", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "body", name: "body", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$12, tag: ""}, {prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "bw", name: "bw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "handlerHeader", name: "handlerHeader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "snapHeader", name: "snapHeader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "trailers", name: "trailers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "status", name: "status", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "wroteHeader", name: "wroteHeader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sentHeader", name: "sentHeader", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "handlerDone", name: "handlerDone", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "dirty", name: "dirty", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sentContentLen", name: "sentContentLen", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "wroteBytes", name: "wroteBytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "closeNotifierMu", name: "closeNotifierMu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "closeNotifierCh", name: "closeNotifierCh", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$10, tag: ""}]); + http2chunkWriter.init("net/http", [{prop: "rws", name: "rws", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$99, tag: ""}]); + http2startPushRequest.init("net/http", [{prop: "parent", name: "parent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "method", name: "method", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "url", name: "url", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$17, tag: ""}, {prop: "header", name: "header", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType, tag: ""}]); + http2Transport.init("net/http", [{prop: "DialTLS", name: "DialTLS", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$25, tag: ""}, {prop: "TLSClientConfig", name: "TLSClientConfig", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "ConnPool", name: "ConnPool", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2ClientConnPool, tag: ""}, {prop: "DisableCompression", name: "DisableCompression", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "AllowHTTP", name: "AllowHTTP", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxHeaderListSize", name: "MaxHeaderListSize", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "StrictMaxConcurrentStreams", name: "StrictMaxConcurrentStreams", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "ReadIdleTimeout", name: "ReadIdleTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "PingTimeout", name: "PingTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "WriteByteTimeout", name: "WriteByteTimeout", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "CountError", name: "CountError", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: funcType$21, tag: ""}, {prop: "t1", name: "t1", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$27, tag: ""}, {prop: "connPoolOnce", name: "connPoolOnce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "connPoolOrDef", name: "connPoolOrDef", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2ClientConnPool, tag: ""}]); + http2ClientConn.init("net/http", [{prop: "t", name: "t", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$102, tag: ""}, {prop: "tconn", name: "tconn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}, {prop: "tlsState", name: "tlsState", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$28, tag: ""}, {prop: "reused", name: "reused", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "singleUse", name: "singleUse", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "getConnCalled", name: "getConnCalled", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerDone", name: "readerDone", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerErr", name: "readerErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "idleTimeout", name: "idleTimeout", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "idleTimer", name: "idleTimer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$25, tag: ""}, {prop: "mu", name: "mu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "cond", name: "cond", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$48, tag: ""}, {prop: "flow", name: "flow", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2flow, tag: ""}, {prop: "inflow", name: "inflow", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2flow, tag: ""}, {prop: "doNotReuse", name: "doNotReuse", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "closing", name: "closing", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "closed", name: "closed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "seenSettings", name: "seenSettings", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "wantSettingsAck", name: "wantSettingsAck", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "goAway", name: "goAway", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$82, tag: ""}, {prop: "goAwayDebug", name: "goAwayDebug", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "streams", name: "streams", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$19, tag: ""}, {prop: "streamsReserved", name: "streamsReserved", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "nextStreamID", name: "nextStreamID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "pendingRequests", name: "pendingRequests", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "pings", name: "pings", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$20, tag: ""}, {prop: "br", name: "br", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$29, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastActive", name: "lastActive", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "lastIdle", name: "lastIdle", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxFrameSize", name: "maxFrameSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxConcurrentStreams", name: "maxConcurrentStreams", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "peerMaxHeaderListSize", name: "peerMaxHeaderListSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "initialWindowSize", name: "initialWindowSize", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "reqHeaderMu", name: "reqHeaderMu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "wmu", name: "wmu", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "bw", name: "bw", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$14, tag: ""}, {prop: "fr", name: "fr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$72, tag: ""}, {prop: "werr", name: "werr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "hbuf", name: "hbuf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: bytes.Buffer, tag: ""}, {prop: "henc", name: "henc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$89, tag: ""}]); + http2clientStream.init("net/http", [{prop: "cc", name: "cc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$68, tag: ""}, {prop: "ctx", name: "ctx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: context.Context, tag: ""}, {prop: "reqCancel", name: "reqCancel", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "trace", name: "trace", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$19, tag: ""}, {prop: "ID", name: "ID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "bufPipe", name: "bufPipe", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2pipe, tag: ""}, {prop: "requestedGzip", name: "requestedGzip", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "isHead", name: "isHead", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "abortOnce", name: "abortOnce", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sync.Once, tag: ""}, {prop: "abort", name: "abort", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "abortErr", name: "abortErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "peerClosed", name: "peerClosed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "donec", name: "donec", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "on100", name: "on100", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "respHeaderRecv", name: "respHeaderRecv", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "res", name: "res", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$18, tag: ""}, {prop: "flow", name: "flow", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2flow, tag: ""}, {prop: "inflow", name: "inflow", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2flow, tag: ""}, {prop: "bytesRemain", name: "bytesRemain", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "readErr", name: "readErr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}, {prop: "reqBody", name: "reqBody", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "reqBodyContentLength", name: "reqBodyContentLength", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "reqBodyClosed", name: "reqBodyClosed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sentEndStream", name: "sentEndStream", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "sentHeaders", name: "sentHeaders", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "firstByte", name: "firstByte", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "pastHeaders", name: "pastHeaders", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "pastTrailers", name: "pastTrailers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "num1xx", name: "num1xx", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "readClosed", name: "readClosed", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "readAborted", name: "readAborted", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "trailer", name: "trailer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "resTrailer", name: "resTrailer", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$38, tag: ""}]); + http2stickyErrWriter.init("net/http", [{prop: "conn", name: "conn", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: net.Conn, tag: ""}, {prop: "timeout", name: "timeout", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: time.Duration, tag: ""}, {prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$85, tag: ""}]); + http2noCachedConnError.init("", []); + http2RoundTripOpt.init("", [{prop: "OnlyCachedConn", name: "OnlyCachedConn", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + http2ClientConnState.init("", [{prop: "Closed", name: "Closed", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Closing", name: "Closing", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "StreamsActive", name: "StreamsActive", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "StreamsReserved", name: "StreamsReserved", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "StreamsPending", name: "StreamsPending", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxConcurrentStreams", name: "MaxConcurrentStreams", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "LastIdle", name: "LastIdle", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}]); + http2clientConnIdleState.init("net/http", [{prop: "canTakeNewRequest", name: "canTakeNewRequest", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + http2clientConnReadLoop.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "cc", name: "cc", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$68, tag: ""}]); + http2GoAwayError.init("", [{prop: "LastStreamID", name: "LastStreamID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "ErrCode", name: "ErrCode", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: http2ErrCode, tag: ""}, {prop: "DebugData", name: "DebugData", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + http2transportResponseBody.init("net/http", [{prop: "cs", name: "cs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$104, tag: ""}]); + http2missingBody.init("", []); + http2erringRoundTripper.init("net/http", [{prop: "err", name: "err", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + http2gzipReader.init("net/http", [{prop: "_$0", name: "_", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2incomparable, tag: ""}, {prop: "body", name: "body", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: io.ReadCloser, tag: ""}, {prop: "zr", name: "zr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$33, tag: ""}, {prop: "zerr", name: "zerr", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + http2noDialH2RoundTripper.init("net/http", [{prop: "http2Transport", name: "http2Transport", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: ptrType$102, tag: ""}]); + http2writeFramer.init([{prop: "staysWithinBuffer", name: "staysWithinBuffer", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([$Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "writeFrame", name: "writeFrame", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([http2writeContext], [$error], false)}]); + http2writeContext.init([{prop: "CloseConn", name: "CloseConn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Flush", name: "Flush", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Framer", name: "Framer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$72], false)}, {prop: "HeaderEncoder", name: "HeaderEncoder", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$89, ptrType$40], false)}]); + http2flushFrameWriter.init("", []); + http2writeSettings.init(http2Setting); + http2writeGoAway.init("net/http", [{prop: "maxStreamID", name: "maxStreamID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "code", name: "code", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2ErrCode, tag: ""}]); + http2writeData.init("net/http", [{prop: "streamID", name: "streamID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "p", name: "p", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "endStream", name: "endStream", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + http2handlerPanicRST.init("", [{prop: "StreamID", name: "StreamID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + http2writePingAck.init("net/http", [{prop: "pf", name: "pf", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$81, tag: ""}]); + http2writeSettingsAck.init("", []); + http2writeResHeaders.init("net/http", [{prop: "streamID", name: "streamID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "httpResCode", name: "httpResCode", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "h", name: "h", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "trailers", name: "trailers", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}, {prop: "endStream", name: "endStream", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "date", name: "date", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "contentType", name: "contentType", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "contentLength", name: "contentLength", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + http2writePushPromise.init("net/http", [{prop: "streamID", name: "streamID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "method", name: "method", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "url", name: "url", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$17, tag: ""}, {prop: "h", name: "h", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: Header, tag: ""}, {prop: "allocatePromisedID", name: "allocatePromisedID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: funcType$27, tag: ""}, {prop: "promisedID", name: "promisedID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + http2write100ContinueHeadersFrame.init("net/http", [{prop: "streamID", name: "streamID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + http2writeWindowUpdate.init("net/http", [{prop: "streamID", name: "streamID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "n", name: "n", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + http2WriteScheduler.init([{prop: "AdjustStream", name: "AdjustStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2PriorityParam], [], false)}, {prop: "CloseStream", name: "CloseStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32], [], false)}, {prop: "OpenStream", name: "OpenStream", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint32, http2OpenStreamOptions], [], false)}, {prop: "Pop", name: "Pop", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [http2FrameWriteRequest, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Push", name: "Push", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([http2FrameWriteRequest], [], false)}]); + http2OpenStreamOptions.init("", [{prop: "PusherID", name: "PusherID", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]); + http2FrameWriteRequest.init("net/http", [{prop: "write", name: "write", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2writeFramer, tag: ""}, {prop: "stream", name: "stream", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$10, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: chanType, tag: ""}]); + http2writeQueue.init("net/http", [{prop: "s", name: "s", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$24, tag: ""}]); + http2writeQueuePool.init(ptrType$105); + http2PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig.init("", [{prop: "MaxClosedNodesInTree", name: "MaxClosedNodesInTree", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxIdleNodesInTree", name: "MaxIdleNodesInTree", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites", name: "ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]); + http2priorityNode.init("net/http", [{prop: "q", name: "q", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2writeQueue, tag: ""}, {prop: "id", name: "id", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "weight", name: "weight", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2priorityNodeState, tag: ""}, {prop: "bytes", name: "bytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "subtreeBytes", name: "subtreeBytes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "parent", name: "parent", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$106, tag: ""}, {prop: "kids", name: "kids", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$106, tag: ""}, {prop: "prev", name: "prev", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$106, tag: ""}, {prop: "next", name: "next", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$106, tag: ""}]); + http2sortPriorityNodeSiblings.init(ptrType$106); + http2priorityWriteScheduler.init("net/http", [{prop: "root", name: "root", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2priorityNode, tag: ""}, {prop: "nodes", name: "nodes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$21, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxID", name: "maxID", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "closedNodes", name: "closedNodes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$25, tag: ""}, {prop: "idleNodes", name: "idleNodes", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$25, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxClosedNodesInTree", name: "maxClosedNodesInTree", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "maxIdleNodesInTree", name: "maxIdleNodesInTree", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "writeThrottleLimit", name: "writeThrottleLimit", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "enableWriteThrottle", name: "enableWriteThrottle", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "tmp", name: "tmp", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$25, tag: ""}, {prop: "queuePool", name: "queuePool", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2writeQueuePool, tag: ""}]); + http2randomWriteScheduler.init("net/http", [{prop: "zero", name: "zero", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2writeQueue, tag: ""}, {prop: "sq", name: "sq", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$22, tag: ""}, {prop: "queuePool", name: "queuePool", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: http2writeQueuePool, tag: ""}]); + Cookie.init("", [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Path", name: "Path", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Domain", name: "Domain", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Expires", name: "Expires", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "RawExpires", name: "RawExpires", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "MaxAge", name: "MaxAge", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "Secure", name: "Secure", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "HttpOnly", name: "HttpOnly", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "SameSite", name: "SameSite", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: SameSite, tag: ""}, {prop: "Raw", name: "Raw", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Unparsed", name: "Unparsed", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$2, tag: ""}]); + RoundTripper.init([{prop: "RoundTrip", name: "RoundTrip", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$11], [ptrType$18, $error], false)}]); + noTransport.init("", []); + XHRTransport.init("net/http", [{prop: "inflight", name: "inflight", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: mapType$23, tag: ""}]); + requestTooLarger.init([{prop: "requestTooLarge", name: "requestTooLarge", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]); + baseContexter.init([{prop: "BaseContext", name: "BaseContext", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [context.Context], false)}]); + I.init([{prop: "doKeepAlives", name: "doKeepAlives", pkg: "net/http", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bufio.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = gzip.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = list.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = context.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rand$1.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = tls.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = base64.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = binary.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js$1.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = godebug.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fs.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = ioutil.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = log.$init(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = rand.$init(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = mime.$init(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = multipart.$init(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = net.$init(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = httptrace.$init(); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = internal.$init(); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = ascii.$init(); /* */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = textproto.$init(); /* */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = url.$init(); /* */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = path.$init(); /* */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = filepath.$init(); /* */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 33; case 33: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 34; case 34: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = utf8.$init(); /* */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = httpguts.$init(); /* */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = httpproxy.$init(); /* */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = hpack.$init(); /* */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = idna.$init(); /* */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + envProxyOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + envProxyFuncValue = $throwNilPointerError; + zeroDialer = new net.Dialer.ptr(new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), $ifaceNil, false, new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), ptrType$1.nil, $chanNil, $throwNilPointerError); + bufioReaderPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + bufioWriter2kPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + bufioWriter4kPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + defaultServeMux = new ServeMux.ptr(new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0), false, sliceType$1.nil, false); + testHookServerServe = $throwNilPointerError; + uniqNameMu = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); + textprotoReaderPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + omitBundledHTTP2 = false; + http2commonBuildOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + http2commonLowerHeader = false; + http2commonCanonHeader = false; + http2VerboseLogs = false; + http2logFrameWrites = false; + http2logFrameReads = false; + http2inTests = false; + http2testHookOnConn = $throwNilPointerError; + http2testHookGetServerConn = $throwNilPointerError; + http2testHookOnPanicMu = ptrType$2.nil; + http2testHookOnPanic = $throwNilPointerError; + http2got1xxFuncForTests = $throwNilPointerError; + http2bufPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, $throwNilPointerError); + errCannotRewind = errors.New("net/http: cannot rewind body after connection loss"); + $pkg.ErrSkipAltProtocol = errors.New("net/http: skip alternate protocol"); + $unused(new Transport.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, false, new connLRU.ptr(ptrType$3.nil, false), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, ProxyFromEnvironment, defaultTransportDialContext(new net.Dialer.ptr(new time.Duration(6, 4230196224), new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil), $ifaceNil, false, new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(6, 4230196224), ptrType$1.nil, $chanNil, $throwNilPointerError)), $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$4.nil, new time.Duration(2, 1410065408), false, false, 100, 0, 0, new time.Duration(20, 4100654080), new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 1000000000), false, false, $throwNilPointerError, new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), $ifaceNil, false, true)); + errKeepAlivesDisabled = errors.New("http: putIdleConn: keep alives disabled"); + errConnBroken = errors.New("http: putIdleConn: connection is in bad state"); + errCloseIdle = errors.New("http: putIdleConn: CloseIdleConnections was called"); + errTooManyIdle = errors.New("http: putIdleConn: too many idle connections"); + errTooManyIdleHost = errors.New("http: putIdleConn: too many idle connections for host"); + errCloseIdleConns = errors.New("http: CloseIdleConnections called"); + errReadLoopExiting = errors.New("http: persistConn.readLoop exiting"); + errIdleConnTimeout = errors.New("http: idle connection timeout"); + errServerClosedIdle = errors.New("http: server closed idle connection"); + errCallerOwnsConn = errors.New("read loop ending; caller owns writable underlying conn"); + errTimeout = new httpError.ptr("net/http: timeout awaiting response headers", true); + errRequestCanceledConn = errors.New("net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection"); + testHookEnterRoundTrip = nop; + testHookWaitResLoop = nop; + testHookRoundTripRetried = nop; + testHookPrePendingDial = nop; + testHookPostPendingDial = nop; + testHookMu = (x = new fakeLocker.ptr(), new x.constructor.elem(x)); + testHookReadLoopBeforeNextRead = nop; + portMap = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "http", v: "80" }, { k: "https", v: "443" }, { k: "socks5", v: "1080" }]); + errReadOnClosedResBody = errors.New("http: read on closed response body"); + suppressedHeaders304 = new sliceType$2(["Content-Type", "Content-Length", "Transfer-Encoding"]); + suppressedHeadersNoBody = new sliceType$2(["Content-Length", "Transfer-Encoding"]); + $pkg.ErrBodyReadAfterClose = errors.New("http: invalid Read on closed Body"); + singleCRLF = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("\r\n"))); + doubleCRLF = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("\r\n\r\n"))); + errTrailerEOF = errors.New("http: unexpected EOF reading trailer"); + nopCloserType = reflect.TypeOf(io.NopCloser($ifaceNil)); + statusText = $makeMap($Int.keyFor, [{ k: 100, v: "Continue" }, { k: 101, v: "Switching Protocols" }, { k: 102, v: "Processing" }, { k: 103, v: "Early Hints" }, { k: 200, v: "OK" }, { k: 201, v: "Created" }, { k: 202, v: "Accepted" }, { k: 203, v: "Non-Authoritative Information" }, { k: 204, v: "No Content" }, { k: 205, v: "Reset Content" }, { k: 206, v: "Partial Content" }, { k: 207, v: "Multi-Status" }, { k: 208, v: "Already Reported" }, { k: 226, v: "IM Used" }, { k: 300, v: "Multiple Choices" }, { k: 301, v: "Moved Permanently" }, { k: 302, v: "Found" }, { k: 303, v: "See Other" }, { k: 304, v: "Not Modified" }, { k: 305, v: "Use Proxy" }, { k: 307, v: "Temporary Redirect" }, { k: 308, v: "Permanent Redirect" }, { k: 400, v: "Bad Request" }, { k: 401, v: "Unauthorized" }, { k: 402, v: "Payment Required" }, { k: 403, v: "Forbidden" }, { k: 404, v: "Not Found" }, { k: 405, v: "Method Not Allowed" }, { k: 406, v: "Not Acceptable" }, { k: 407, v: "Proxy Authentication Required" }, { k: 408, v: "Request Timeout" }, { k: 409, v: "Conflict" }, { k: 410, v: "Gone" }, { k: 411, v: "Length Required" }, { k: 412, v: "Precondition Failed" }, { k: 413, v: "Request Entity Too Large" }, { k: 414, v: "Request URI Too Long" }, { k: 415, v: "Unsupported Media Type" }, { k: 416, v: "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" }, { k: 417, v: "Expectation Failed" }, { k: 418, v: "I'm a teapot" }, { k: 421, v: "Misdirected Request" }, { k: 422, v: "Unprocessable Entity" }, { k: 423, v: "Locked" }, { k: 424, v: "Failed Dependency" }, { k: 425, v: "Too Early" }, { k: 426, v: "Upgrade Required" }, { k: 428, v: "Precondition Required" }, { k: 429, v: "Too Many Requests" }, { k: 431, v: "Request Header Fields Too Large" }, { k: 451, v: "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" }, { k: 500, v: "Internal Server Error" }, { k: 501, v: "Not Implemented" }, { k: 502, v: "Bad Gateway" }, { k: 503, v: "Service Unavailable" }, { k: 504, v: "Gateway Timeout" }, { k: 505, v: "HTTP Version Not Supported" }, { k: 506, v: "Variant Also Negotiates" }, { k: 507, v: "Insufficient Storage" }, { k: 508, v: "Loop Detected" }, { k: 510, v: "Not Extended" }, { k: 511, v: "Network Authentication Required" }]); + socksnoDeadline = new time.Time.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil); + socksaLongTimeAgo = $clone(time.Unix(new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(0, 0)), time.Time); + sniffSignatures = new sliceType$4([(new htmlSig($stringToBytes("", ">", "\"", """, "'", "'"])); + $pkg.DefaultServeMux = defaultServeMux; + stateName = $makeMap(ConnState.keyFor, [{ k: 0, v: "new" }, { k: 1, v: "active" }, { k: 2, v: "idle" }, { k: 3, v: "hijacked" }, { k: 4, v: "closed" }]); + silenceSemWarnContextKey = new contextKey.ptr("silence-semicolons"); + $pkg.ErrServerClosed = errors.New("http: Server closed"); + $pkg.ErrHandlerTimeout = errors.New("http: Handler timeout"); + uniqNameNext = {}; + uint8Array = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("Uint8Array"), js.Value); + jsFetchMissing = $clone($clone(js.Global(), js.Value).Get("fetch"), js.Value).IsUndefined(); + errClosed = errors.New("net/http: reader is closed"); + respExcludeHeader = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "Content-Length", v: true }, { k: "Transfer-Encoding", v: true }, { k: "Trailer", v: true }]); + $pkg.ErrNoLocation = errors.New("http: no Location header in response"); + $pkg.ErrMissingFile = errors.New("http: no such file"); + $pkg.ErrNotSupported = new ProtocolError.ptr("feature not supported"); + $pkg.ErrMissingBoundary = new ProtocolError.ptr("no multipart boundary param in Content-Type"); + $pkg.ErrNotMultipart = new ProtocolError.ptr("request Content-Type isn't multipart/form-data"); + reqWriteExcludeHeader = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "Host", v: true }, { k: "User-Agent", v: true }, { k: "Content-Length", v: true }, { k: "Transfer-Encoding", v: true }, { k: "Trailer", v: true }]); + $pkg.ErrNoCookie = errors.New("http: named cookie not present"); + multipartByReader = new multipart.Form.ptr({}, {}); + errMissingHost = errors.New("http: Request.Write on Request with no Host or URL set"); + aLongTimeAgo = $clone(time.Unix(new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(0, 0)), time.Time); + $pkg.NoBody = new noBody.ptr(); + headerNewlineToSpace = strings.NewReplacer(new sliceType$2(["\n", " ", "\r", " "])); + headerSorterPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new headerSorter.ptr(sliceType$6.nil); + })); + http2dataChunkSizeClasses = new sliceType$7([1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384]); + http2dataChunkPools = $toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 1024); + })), new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 2048); + })), new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 4096); + })), new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 8192); + })), new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 16384); + }))]); + http2errReadEmpty = errors.New("read from empty dataBuffer"); + http2errCodeName = $makeMap(http2ErrCode.keyFor, [{ k: 0, v: "NO_ERROR" }, { k: 1, v: "PROTOCOL_ERROR" }, { k: 2, v: "INTERNAL_ERROR" }, { k: 3, v: "FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR" }, { k: 4, v: "SETTINGS_TIMEOUT" }, { k: 5, v: "STREAM_CLOSED" }, { k: 6, v: "FRAME_SIZE_ERROR" }, { k: 7, v: "REFUSED_STREAM" }, { k: 8, v: "CANCEL" }, { k: 9, v: "COMPRESSION_ERROR" }, { k: 10, v: "CONNECT_ERROR" }, { k: 11, v: "ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM" }, { k: 12, v: "INADEQUATE_SECURITY" }, { k: 13, v: "HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED" }]); + http2errFromPeer = errors.New("received from peer"); + http2errMixPseudoHeaderTypes = errors.New("mix of request and response pseudo headers"); + http2errPseudoAfterRegular = errors.New("pseudo header field after regular"); + http2padZeros = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 255); + http2frameName = $makeMap(http2FrameType.keyFor, [{ k: 0, v: "DATA" }, { k: 1, v: "HEADERS" }, { k: 2, v: "PRIORITY" }, { k: 3, v: "RST_STREAM" }, { k: 4, v: "SETTINGS" }, { k: 5, v: "PUSH_PROMISE" }, { k: 6, v: "PING" }, { k: 7, v: "GOAWAY" }, { k: 8, v: "WINDOW_UPDATE" }, { k: 9, v: "CONTINUATION" }]); + http2flagName = $makeMap(http2FrameType.keyFor, [{ k: 0, v: $makeMap(http2Flags.keyFor, [{ k: 1, v: "END_STREAM" }, { k: 8, v: "PADDED" }]) }, { k: 1, v: $makeMap(http2Flags.keyFor, [{ k: 1, v: "END_STREAM" }, { k: 4, v: "END_HEADERS" }, { k: 8, v: "PADDED" }, { k: 32, v: "PRIORITY" }]) }, { k: 4, v: $makeMap(http2Flags.keyFor, [{ k: 1, v: "ACK" }]) }, { k: 6, v: $makeMap(http2Flags.keyFor, [{ k: 1, v: "ACK" }]) }, { k: 9, v: $makeMap(http2Flags.keyFor, [{ k: 4, v: "END_HEADERS" }]) }, { k: 5, v: $makeMap(http2Flags.keyFor, [{ k: 4, v: "END_HEADERS" }, { k: 8, v: "PADDED" }]) }]); + http2fhBytes = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + var buf, buf$24ptr; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 9); + return (buf$24ptr || (buf$24ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return buf; }, function($v) { buf = $convertSliceType($v, sliceType$3); }))); + })); + http2ErrFrameTooLarge = errors.New("http2: frame too large"); + http2errStreamID = errors.New("invalid stream ID"); + http2errDepStreamID = errors.New("invalid dependent stream ID"); + http2errPadLength = errors.New("pad length too large"); + http2errPadBytes = errors.New("padding bytes must all be zeros unless AllowIllegalWrites is enabled"); + _r = os.Getenv("DEBUG_HTTP2_GOROUTINES"); /* */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + http2DebugGoroutines = _r === "1"; + http2goroutineSpace = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("goroutine "))); + http2littleBuf = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + var buf, buf$24ptr; + buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 64); + return (buf$24ptr || (buf$24ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return buf; }, function($v) { buf = $convertSliceType($v, sliceType$3); }))); + })); + http2clientPreface = (new sliceType$3($stringToBytes("PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n"))); + http2stateName = $toNativeArray($kindString, ["Idle", "Open", "HalfClosedLocal", "HalfClosedRemote", "Closed"]); + http2frameParsers = $makeMap(http2FrameType.keyFor, [{ k: 0, v: http2parseDataFrame }, { k: 1, v: http2parseHeadersFrame }, { k: 2, v: http2parsePriorityFrame }, { k: 3, v: http2parseRSTStreamFrame }, { k: 4, v: http2parseSettingsFrame }, { k: 5, v: http2parsePushPromise }, { k: 6, v: http2parsePingFrame }, { k: 7, v: http2parseGoAwayFrame }, { k: 8, v: http2parseWindowUpdateFrame }, { k: 9, v: http2parseContinuationFrame }]); + http2settingName = $makeMap(http2SettingID.keyFor, [{ k: 1, v: "HEADER_TABLE_SIZE" }, { k: 2, v: "ENABLE_PUSH" }, { k: 3, v: "MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS" }, { k: 4, v: "INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE" }, { k: 5, v: "MAX_FRAME_SIZE" }, { k: 6, v: "MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE" }]); + http2bufWriterPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return bufio.NewWriterSize($ifaceNil, 4096); + })); + http2errTimeout = new http2httpError.ptr(arrayType.zero(), "http2: timeout awaiting response headers", true); + http2sorterPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new http2sorter.ptr(sliceType$2.nil); + })); + http2errClosedPipeWrite = errors.New("write on closed buffer"); + http2errClientDisconnected = errors.New("client disconnected"); + http2errClosedBody = errors.New("body closed by handler"); + http2errHandlerComplete = errors.New("http2: request body closed due to handler exiting"); + http2errStreamClosed = errors.New("http2: stream closed"); + http2responseWriterStatePool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + var rws, x$4; + rws = new http2responseWriterState.ptr(ptrType$10.nil, ptrType$11.nil, ptrType$12.nil, ptrType$13.nil, ptrType$14.nil, false, false, sliceType$2.nil, 0, false, false, false, false, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), $chanNil); + rws.bw = bufio.NewWriterSize((x$4 = new http2chunkWriter.ptr(rws), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)), 4096); + return rws; + })); + http2settingsTimerMsg = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$15); + http2idleTimerMsg = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$15); + http2shutdownTimerMsg = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$15); + http2gracefulShutdownMsg = $newDataPointer(0, ptrType$15); + http2errPrefaceTimeout = errors.New("timeout waiting for client preface"); + http2errChanPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new chanType(new $Chan($error, 1)); + })); + http2writeDataPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new http2writeData.ptr(0, sliceType$3.nil, false); + })); + http2errHandlerPanicked = errors.New("http2: handler panicked"); + http2goAwayTimeout = new time.Duration(0, 1000000000); + http2ErrRecursivePush = errors.New("http2: recursive push not allowed"); + http2ErrPushLimitReached = errors.New("http2: push would exceed peer's SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS"); + http2connHeaders = new sliceType$2(["Connection", "Keep-Alive", "Proxy-Connection", "Transfer-Encoding", "Upgrade"]); + http2ErrNoCachedConn = (x$4 = new http2noCachedConnError.ptr(), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4)); + http2errClientConnClosed = errors.New("http2: client conn is closed"); + http2errClientConnUnusable = errors.New("http2: client conn not usable"); + http2errClientConnGotGoAway = errors.New("http2: Transport received Server's graceful shutdown GOAWAY"); + http2shutdownEnterWaitStateHook = (function() { + }); + http2errRequestCanceled = errors.New("net/http: request canceled"); + errRequestCanceled = http2errRequestCanceled; + http2errStopReqBodyWrite = errors.New("http2: aborting request body write"); + http2errStopReqBodyWriteAndCancel = errors.New("http2: canceling request"); + http2errReqBodyTooLong = errors.New("http2: request body larger than specified content length"); + http2errNilRequestURL = errors.New("http2: Request.URI is nil"); + http2errClosedResponseBody = errors.New("http2: response body closed"); + http2errResponseHeaderListSize = errors.New("http2: response header list larger than advertised limit"); + http2errRequestHeaderListSize = errors.New("http2: request header list larger than peer's advertised limit"); + http2noBody = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(sliceType$3.nil)); + errSeeker = errors.New("seeker can't seek"); + errNoOverlap = errors.New("invalid range: failed to overlap"); + unixEpochTime = $clone(time.Unix(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0)), time.Time); + errMissingSeek = errors.New("io.File missing Seek method"); + errMissingReadDir = errors.New("io.File directory missing ReadDir method"); + cookieNameSanitizer = strings.NewReplacer(new sliceType$2(["\n", "-", "\r", "-"])); + $pkg.ErrUseLastResponse = errors.New("net/http: use last response"); + $pkg.DefaultTransport = (function() { + var x$5; + if (!($global.fetch === undefined)) { + return new Transport.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, false, new connLRU.ptr(ptrType$3.nil, false), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), new atomic.Value.ptr($ifaceNil), new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), false, false, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, ptrType$4.nil, new time.Duration(0, 0), false, false, 0, 0, 0, new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), new time.Duration(0, 0), false, false, $throwNilPointerError, new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)), $ifaceNil, false, false); + } else if (!($global.XMLHttpRequest === undefined)) { + return new XHRTransport.ptr(false); + } else { + return (x$5 = new noTransport.ptr(), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5)); + } + })(); + $r = init(); /* */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["go.uber.org/zap"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, json, errors, flag, fmt, atomic, multierr, bufferpool, zapcore, io, ioutil, log, math, http, url, os, runtime, sort, strings, sync, time, SugaredLogger, invalidPair, invalidPairs, programCounters, nopCloserSink, errSinkNotFound, Option, optionFunc, Logger, AtomicLevel, errArray, errArrayElem, SamplingConfig, Config, bools, complex128s, complex64s, durations, float64s, float32s, ints, int64s, int32s, int16s, int8s, stringArray, times, uints, uint64s, uint32s, uint16s, uintptrs, errorResponse, payload, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, ptrType, ptrType$1, sliceType$4, ptrType$2, sliceType$5, ptrType$3, sliceType$6, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, sliceType$7, sliceType$8, sliceType$9, sliceType$10, sliceType$11, sliceType$12, sliceType$13, sliceType$14, sliceType$15, sliceType$16, sliceType$17, sliceType$18, sliceType$19, sliceType$20, sliceType$21, sliceType$22, sliceType$23, sliceType$24, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, mapType, _stacktracePool, _zapStacktracePrefixes, _zapStacktraceVendorContains, _sinkMutex, _sinkFactories, _globalL, _globalS, _errArrayElemPool, errNoEncoderNameSpecified, _encoderNameToConstructor, _encoderMutex, Open, open, CombineWriteSyncers, takeStacktrace, isZapFrame, newProgramCounters, addPrefix, init, resetSinkRegistry, newSink, newFileSink, WrapCore, Fields, ErrorOutput, Development, AddCaller, AddStacktrace, New, NewNop, NewAtomicLevel, NewAtomicLevelAt, Skip, Binary, Bool, Complex128, Complex64, Float64, Float32, Int, Int64, Int32, Int16, Int8, String, Uint, Uint64, Uint32, Uint16, Uint8, Uintptr, Reflect, Stringer, Time, Stack, Duration, Object, Any, Error, NamedError, newEncoder, NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig, NewDevelopmentConfig, Array, Bools, Complex128s, Complex64s, Durations, Float64s, Float32s, Ints, Int64s, Int32s, Int16s, Int8s, Strings, Times, Uints, Uint64s, Uint32s, Uint16s, Uintptrs, Errors; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + json = $packages["encoding/json"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + flag = $packages["flag"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + atomic = $packages["go.uber.org/atomic"]; + multierr = $packages["go.uber.org/multierr"]; + bufferpool = $packages["go.uber.org/zap/internal/bufferpool"]; + zapcore = $packages["go.uber.org/zap/zapcore"]; + io = $packages["io"]; + ioutil = $packages["io/ioutil"]; + log = $packages["log"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + http = $packages["net/http"]; + url = $packages["net/url"]; + os = $packages["os"]; + runtime = $packages["runtime"]; + sort = $packages["sort"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + time = $packages["time"]; + SugaredLogger = $pkg.SugaredLogger = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.SugaredLogger", true, "go.uber.org/zap", true, function(base_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.base = ptrType.nil; + return; + } + this.base = base_; + }); + invalidPair = $pkg.invalidPair = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.invalidPair", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, function(position_, key_, value_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.position = 0; + this.key = $ifaceNil; + this.value = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.position = position_; + this.key = key_; + this.value = value_; + }); + invalidPairs = $pkg.invalidPairs = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.invalidPairs", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + programCounters = $pkg.programCounters = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.programCounters", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, function(pcs_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.pcs = sliceType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.pcs = pcs_; + }); + nopCloserSink = $pkg.nopCloserSink = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.nopCloserSink", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, function(WriteSyncer_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.WriteSyncer = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.WriteSyncer = WriteSyncer_; + }); + errSinkNotFound = $pkg.errSinkNotFound = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.errSinkNotFound", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, function(scheme_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.scheme = ""; + return; + } + this.scheme = scheme_; + }); + Option = $pkg.Option = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "zap.Option", true, "go.uber.org/zap", true, null); + optionFunc = $pkg.optionFunc = $newType(4, $kindFunc, "zap.optionFunc", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + Logger = $pkg.Logger = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.Logger", true, "go.uber.org/zap", true, function(core_, development_, name_, errorOutput_, addCaller_, addStack_, callerSkip_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.core = $ifaceNil; + this.development = false; + this.name = ""; + this.errorOutput = $ifaceNil; + this.addCaller = false; + this.addStack = $ifaceNil; + this.callerSkip = 0; + return; + } + this.core = core_; + this.development = development_; + this.name = name_; + this.errorOutput = errorOutput_; + this.addCaller = addCaller_; + this.addStack = addStack_; + this.callerSkip = callerSkip_; + }); + AtomicLevel = $pkg.AtomicLevel = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.AtomicLevel", true, "go.uber.org/zap", true, function(l_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.l = ptrType$5.nil; + return; + } + this.l = l_; + }); + errArray = $pkg.errArray = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.errArray", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + errArrayElem = $pkg.errArrayElem = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.errArrayElem", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, function(error_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.error = $ifaceNil; + return; + } + this.error = error_; + }); + SamplingConfig = $pkg.SamplingConfig = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.SamplingConfig", true, "go.uber.org/zap", true, function(Initial_, Thereafter_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Initial = 0; + this.Thereafter = 0; + return; + } + this.Initial = Initial_; + this.Thereafter = Thereafter_; + }); + Config = $pkg.Config = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.Config", true, "go.uber.org/zap", true, function(Level_, Development_, DisableCaller_, DisableStacktrace_, Sampling_, Encoding_, EncoderConfig_, OutputPaths_, ErrorOutputPaths_, InitialFields_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Level = new AtomicLevel.ptr(ptrType$5.nil); + this.Development = false; + this.DisableCaller = false; + this.DisableStacktrace = false; + this.Sampling = ptrType$9.nil; + this.Encoding = ""; + this.EncoderConfig = new zapcore.EncoderConfig.ptr("", "", "", "", "", "", "", $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError); + this.OutputPaths = sliceType$1.nil; + this.ErrorOutputPaths = sliceType$1.nil; + this.InitialFields = false; + return; + } + this.Level = Level_; + this.Development = Development_; + this.DisableCaller = DisableCaller_; + this.DisableStacktrace = DisableStacktrace_; + this.Sampling = Sampling_; + this.Encoding = Encoding_; + this.EncoderConfig = EncoderConfig_; + this.OutputPaths = OutputPaths_; + this.ErrorOutputPaths = ErrorOutputPaths_; + this.InitialFields = InitialFields_; + }); + bools = $pkg.bools = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.bools", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + complex128s = $pkg.complex128s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.complex128s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + complex64s = $pkg.complex64s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.complex64s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + durations = $pkg.durations = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.durations", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + float64s = $pkg.float64s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.float64s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + float32s = $pkg.float32s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.float32s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + ints = $pkg.ints = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.ints", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + int64s = $pkg.int64s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.int64s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + int32s = $pkg.int32s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.int32s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + int16s = $pkg.int16s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.int16s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + int8s = $pkg.int8s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.int8s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + stringArray = $pkg.stringArray = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.stringArray", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + times = $pkg.times = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.times", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + uints = $pkg.uints = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.uints", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + uint64s = $pkg.uint64s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.uint64s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + uint32s = $pkg.uint32s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.uint32s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + uint16s = $pkg.uint16s = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.uint16s", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + uintptrs = $pkg.uintptrs = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "zap.uintptrs", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, null); + errorResponse = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.errorResponse", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, function(Error_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Error = ""; + return; + } + this.Error = Error_; + }); + payload = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "zap.payload", true, "go.uber.org/zap", false, function(Level_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Level = ptrType$6.nil; + return; + } + this.Level = Level_; + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(zapcore.WriteSyncer); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(io.Closer); + ptrType = $ptrType(Logger); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(zapcore.CheckedEntry); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(zapcore.Field); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(programCounters); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($Uintptr); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(url.Userinfo); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(Option); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(time.Location); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(atomic.Int32); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(zapcore.Level); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType($Bool); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType($Complex128); + sliceType$10 = $sliceType($Complex64); + sliceType$11 = $sliceType($Float64); + sliceType$12 = $sliceType($Float32); + sliceType$13 = $sliceType($Int); + sliceType$14 = $sliceType($Int64); + sliceType$15 = $sliceType($Int32); + sliceType$16 = $sliceType($Int16); + sliceType$17 = $sliceType($Int8); + sliceType$18 = $sliceType($Uint); + sliceType$19 = $sliceType($Uint64); + sliceType$20 = $sliceType($Uint32); + sliceType$21 = $sliceType($Uint16); + sliceType$22 = $sliceType(time.Time); + sliceType$23 = $sliceType(time.Duration); + sliceType$24 = $sliceType($error); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(errArrayElem); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(SamplingConfig); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(SugaredLogger); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(errSinkNotFound); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(http.Request); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(AtomicLevel); + mapType = $mapType($String, $emptyInterface); + Open = function(paths) { + var {_r, _tuple, close, err, paths, writer, writers, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {paths}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = open(paths); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + writers = _tuple[0]; + close = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $throwNilPointerError, err]; + } + writer = CombineWriteSyncers(writers); + $s = -1; return [writer, close, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Open, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, close, err, paths, writer, writers, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Open = Open; + open = function(paths) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, close, closers, err, openErr, path, paths, sink, writers, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {paths}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + closers = [closers]; + writers = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, paths.$length); + closers[0] = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, paths.$length); + close = (function(closers) { return function $b() { + var {_i, _r, _ref, c, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _ref = closers[0]; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = c.Close(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, c, $s};return $f; + }; })(closers); + openErr = $ifaceNil; + _ref = paths; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + path = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = newSink(path); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + sink = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 4: + _arg = openErr; + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("couldn't open sink %q: %v", new sliceType([new $String(path), err])); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$1; + _r$2 = multierr.Append(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + openErr = _r$2; + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + /* } */ case 5: + writers = $append(writers, sink); + closers[0] = $append(closers[0], sink); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(openErr, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(openErr, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 8: + $r = close(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [writers, $throwNilPointerError, openErr]; + /* } */ case 9: + $s = -1; return [writers, close, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: open, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _tuple, close, closers, err, openErr, path, paths, sink, writers, $s};return $f; + }; + CombineWriteSyncers = function(writers) { + var writers; + if (writers.$length === 0) { + return zapcore.AddSync(ioutil.Discard); + } + return zapcore.Lock(zapcore.NewMultiWriteSyncer(writers)); + }; + $pkg.CombineWriteSyncers = CombineWriteSyncers; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Desugar = function() { + var base, s; + s = this; + base = s.base.clone(); + base.callerSkip = base.callerSkip - (2) >> 0; + return base; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Desugar = function() { return this.$val.Desugar(); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Named = function(name) { + var name, s; + s = this; + return new SugaredLogger.ptr(s.base.Named(name)); + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Named = function(name) { return this.$val.Named(name); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.With = function(args) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, args, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r = s.sweetenFields(args); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = s.base.With(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = new SugaredLogger.ptr(_r$1); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.With, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, args, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.With = function(args) { return this.$val.With(args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Debug = function(args) { + var {args, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(-1, "", args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Debug, $c: true, $r, args, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Debug = function(args) { return this.$val.Debug(args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Info = function(args) { + var {args, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(0, "", args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Info, $c: true, $r, args, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Info = function(args) { return this.$val.Info(args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Warn = function(args) { + var {args, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(1, "", args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Warn, $c: true, $r, args, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Warn = function(args) { return this.$val.Warn(args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Error = function(args) { + var {args, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(2, "", args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, args, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Error = function(args) { return this.$val.Error(args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.DPanic = function(args) { + var {args, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(3, "", args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.DPanic, $c: true, $r, args, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.DPanic = function(args) { return this.$val.DPanic(args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Panic = function(args) { + var {args, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(4, "", args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Panic, $c: true, $r, args, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Panic = function(args) { return this.$val.Panic(args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Fatal = function(args) { + var {args, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(5, "", args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Fatal, $c: true, $r, args, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Fatal = function(args) { return this.$val.Fatal(args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Debugf = function(template, args) { + var {args, s, template, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {template, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(-1, template, args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Debugf, $c: true, $r, args, s, template, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Debugf = function(template, args) { return this.$val.Debugf(template, args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Infof = function(template, args) { + var {args, s, template, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {template, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(0, template, args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Infof, $c: true, $r, args, s, template, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Infof = function(template, args) { return this.$val.Infof(template, args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Warnf = function(template, args) { + var {args, s, template, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {template, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(1, template, args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Warnf, $c: true, $r, args, s, template, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Warnf = function(template, args) { return this.$val.Warnf(template, args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Errorf = function(template, args) { + var {args, s, template, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {template, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(2, template, args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Errorf, $c: true, $r, args, s, template, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Errorf = function(template, args) { return this.$val.Errorf(template, args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.DPanicf = function(template, args) { + var {args, s, template, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {template, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(3, template, args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.DPanicf, $c: true, $r, args, s, template, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.DPanicf = function(template, args) { return this.$val.DPanicf(template, args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Panicf = function(template, args) { + var {args, s, template, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {template, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(4, template, args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Panicf, $c: true, $r, args, s, template, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Panicf = function(template, args) { return this.$val.Panicf(template, args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Fatalf = function(template, args) { + var {args, s, template, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {template, args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(5, template, args, sliceType.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Fatalf, $c: true, $r, args, s, template, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Fatalf = function(template, args) { return this.$val.Fatalf(template, args); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Debugw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { + var {keysAndValues, msg, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, keysAndValues}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(-1, msg, sliceType.nil, keysAndValues); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Debugw, $c: true, $r, keysAndValues, msg, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Debugw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { return this.$val.Debugw(msg, keysAndValues); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Infow = function(msg, keysAndValues) { + var {keysAndValues, msg, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, keysAndValues}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(0, msg, sliceType.nil, keysAndValues); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Infow, $c: true, $r, keysAndValues, msg, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Infow = function(msg, keysAndValues) { return this.$val.Infow(msg, keysAndValues); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Warnw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { + var {keysAndValues, msg, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, keysAndValues}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(1, msg, sliceType.nil, keysAndValues); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Warnw, $c: true, $r, keysAndValues, msg, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Warnw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { return this.$val.Warnw(msg, keysAndValues); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Errorw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { + var {keysAndValues, msg, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, keysAndValues}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(2, msg, sliceType.nil, keysAndValues); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Errorw, $c: true, $r, keysAndValues, msg, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Errorw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { return this.$val.Errorw(msg, keysAndValues); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.DPanicw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { + var {keysAndValues, msg, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, keysAndValues}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(3, msg, sliceType.nil, keysAndValues); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.DPanicw, $c: true, $r, keysAndValues, msg, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.DPanicw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { return this.$val.DPanicw(msg, keysAndValues); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Panicw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { + var {keysAndValues, msg, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, keysAndValues}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(4, msg, sliceType.nil, keysAndValues); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Panicw, $c: true, $r, keysAndValues, msg, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Panicw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { return this.$val.Panicw(msg, keysAndValues); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Fatalw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { + var {keysAndValues, msg, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, keysAndValues}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + $r = s.log(5, msg, sliceType.nil, keysAndValues); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Fatalw, $c: true, $r, keysAndValues, msg, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Fatalw = function(msg, keysAndValues) { return this.$val.Fatalw(msg, keysAndValues); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Sync = function() { + var {$24r, _r, s, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + _r = s.base.Sync(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.Sync, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, s, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.Sync = function() { return this.$val.Sync(); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.log = function(lvl, template, fmtArgs, context) { + var {_r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _v, ce, context, fmtArgs, lvl, msg, s, template, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {lvl, template, fmtArgs, context}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + if (!(lvl < 3)) { _v = false; $s = 3; continue s; } + _r = s.base.Core().Enabled(lvl); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _v = !_r; case 3: + /* */ if (_v) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (_v) { */ case 1: + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 2: + msg = template; + /* */ if (msg === "" && fmtArgs.$length > 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (!(msg === "") && fmtArgs.$length > 0) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (msg === "" && fmtArgs.$length > 0) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = fmt.Sprint(fmtArgs); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + msg = _r$1; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (!(msg === "") && fmtArgs.$length > 0) { */ case 6: + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf(template, fmtArgs); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + msg = _r$2; + /* } */ case 7: + _r$3 = s.base.Check(lvl, msg); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r$3; + /* */ if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 11; continue; } + /* */ $s = 12; continue; + /* if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { */ case 11: + _r$4 = s.sweetenFields(context); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = ce.Write(_r$4); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 12: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.log, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _v, ce, context, fmtArgs, lvl, msg, s, template, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.log = function(lvl, template, fmtArgs, context) { return this.$val.log(lvl, template, fmtArgs, context); }; + SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.sweetenFields = function(args) { + var {_q, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, args, f, fields, i, invalid, key, keyStr, ok, ok$1, s, val, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {args}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + s = this; + if (args.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return sliceType$4.nil; + } + fields = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, 0, args.$length); + invalid = invalidPairs.nil; + i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(i < args.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < args.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + _tuple = $assertType(((i < 0 || i >= args.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args.$array[args.$offset + i]), zapcore.Field, true); + f = $clone(_tuple[0], zapcore.Field); + ok = _tuple[1]; + if (ok) { + fields = $append(fields, f); + i = i + (1) >> 0; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + /* */ if (i === (args.$length - 1 >> 0)) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (i === (args.$length - 1 >> 0)) { */ case 3: + $r = s.base.DPanic("Ignored key without a value.", new sliceType$4([$clone(Any("ignored", ((i < 0 || i >= args.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args.$array[args.$offset + i])), zapcore.Field)])); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* break; */ $s = 2; continue; + /* } */ case 4: + _tmp = ((i < 0 || i >= args.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args.$array[args.$offset + i]); + _tmp$1 = (x = i + 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= args.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : args.$array[args.$offset + x])); + key = _tmp; + val = _tmp$1; + _tuple$1 = $assertType(key, $String, true); + keyStr = _tuple$1[0]; + ok$1 = _tuple$1[1]; + if (!ok$1) { + if (invalid.$capacity === 0) { + invalid = $makeSlice(invalidPairs, 0, (_q = args.$length / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"))); + } + invalid = $append(invalid, new invalidPair.ptr(i, key, val)); + } else { + fields = $append(fields, Any(keyStr, val)); + } + i = i + (2) >> 0; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + /* */ if (invalid.$length > 0) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (invalid.$length > 0) { */ case 6: + $r = s.base.DPanic("Ignored key-value pairs with non-string keys.", new sliceType$4([$clone(Array("invalid", invalid), zapcore.Field)])); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 7: + $s = -1; return fields; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: SugaredLogger.ptr.prototype.sweetenFields, $c: true, $r, _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, args, f, fields, i, invalid, key, keyStr, ok, ok$1, s, val, x, $s};return $f; + }; + SugaredLogger.prototype.sweetenFields = function(args) { return this.$val.sweetenFields(args); }; + invalidPair.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject = function(enc) { + var {enc, p, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + p = this; + $r = enc.AddInt64("position", (new $Int64(0, p.position))); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(Any("key", p.key), zapcore.Field).AddTo(enc); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = $clone(Any("value", p.value), zapcore.Field).AddTo(enc); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: invalidPair.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject, $c: true, $r, enc, p, $s};return $f; + }; + invalidPair.prototype.MarshalLogObject = function(enc) { return this.$val.MarshalLogObject(enc); }; + invalidPairs.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(enc) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, enc, err, i, ps, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ps = this; + err = $ifaceNil; + _ref = ps; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + _arg = err; + _r = enc.AppendObject((x = ((i < 0 || i >= ps.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ps.$array[ps.$offset + i]), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _r$1 = multierr.Append(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return err; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: invalidPairs.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, enc, err, i, ps, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(invalidPairs).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(enc) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(enc); }; + takeStacktrace = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, buffer, frame, frames, i, more, numFrames, programCounters$1, skipZapFrames, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + _r = bufferpool.Get(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + buffer = _r; + $deferred.push([$methodVal(buffer, "Free"), []]); + _r$1 = _stacktracePool.Get(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + programCounters$1 = $assertType(_r$1, ptrType$2); + $deferred.push([$methodVal(_stacktracePool, "Put"), [programCounters$1]]); + numFrames = 0; + while (true) { + numFrames = runtime.Callers(2, programCounters$1.pcs); + if (numFrames < programCounters$1.pcs.$length) { + break; + } + programCounters$1 = newProgramCounters($imul(programCounters$1.pcs.$length, 2)); + } + i = 0; + skipZapFrames = true; + frames = runtime.CallersFrames($subslice(programCounters$1.pcs, 0, numFrames)); + _tuple = frames.Next(); + frame = $clone(_tuple[0], runtime.Frame); + more = _tuple[1]; + while (true) { + if (!(more)) { break; } + if (skipZapFrames && isZapFrame(frame.Function)) { + _tuple$1 = frames.Next(); + runtime.Frame.copy(frame, _tuple$1[0]); + more = _tuple$1[1]; + continue; + } else { + skipZapFrames = false; + } + if (!((i === 0))) { + buffer.AppendByte(10); + } + i = i + (1) >> 0; + buffer.AppendString(frame.Function); + buffer.AppendByte(10); + buffer.AppendByte(9); + buffer.AppendString(frame.File); + buffer.AppendByte(58); + buffer.AppendInt((new $Int64(0, frame.Line))); + _tuple$2 = frames.Next(); + runtime.Frame.copy(frame, _tuple$2[0]); + more = _tuple$2[1]; + } + $24r = buffer.String(); + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return ""; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: takeStacktrace, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, buffer, frame, frames, i, more, numFrames, programCounters$1, skipZapFrames, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + isZapFrame = function(function$1) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, contains, function$1, prefix; + _ref = _zapStacktracePrefixes; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + prefix = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (strings.HasPrefix(function$1, prefix)) { + return true; + } + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = _zapStacktraceVendorContains; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + contains = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (strings.Contains(function$1, contains)) { + return true; + } + _i$1++; + } + return false; + }; + newProgramCounters = function(size) { + var size; + return new programCounters.ptr($makeSlice(sliceType$5, size)); + }; + addPrefix = function(prefix, ss) { + var _i, _ref, i, prefix, s, ss, withPrefix; + withPrefix = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, ss.$length); + _ref = ss; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= withPrefix.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : withPrefix.$array[withPrefix.$offset + i] = prefix + s); + _i++; + } + return withPrefix; + }; + init = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = resetSinkRegistry(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: init, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + resetSinkRegistry = function() { + var {$s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $r = _sinkMutex.Lock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(_sinkMutex, "Unlock"), []]); + _sinkFactories = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "file", v: newFileSink }]); + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: resetSinkRegistry, $c: true, $r, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + nopCloserSink.ptr.prototype.Close = function() { + return $ifaceNil; + }; + nopCloserSink.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); }; + errSinkNotFound.ptr.prototype.Error = function() { + var {$24r, _r, e, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + _r = fmt.Sprintf("no sink found for scheme %q", new sliceType([new $String(e.scheme)])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: errSinkNotFound.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, e, $s};return $f; + }; + errSinkNotFound.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); }; + newSink = function(rawURL) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _entry, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, factory, ok, rawURL, u, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rawURL}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = url.Parse(rawURL); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + u = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("can't parse %q as a URL: %v", new sliceType([new $String(rawURL), err])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [$ifaceNil, _r$1]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + if (u.Scheme === "") { + u.Scheme = "file"; + } + $r = _sinkMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = (_entry = _sinkFactories[$String.keyFor(u.Scheme)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$throwNilPointerError, false]); + factory = _tuple$1[0]; + ok = _tuple$1[1]; + $r = _sinkMutex.RUnlock(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (!ok) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, new errSinkNotFound.ptr(u.Scheme)]; + } + _r$2 = factory(u); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = _r$2; + $s = 9; case 9: return $24r$1; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newSink, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _entry, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple, _tuple$1, err, factory, ok, rawURL, u, $s};return $f; + }; + newFileSink = function(u) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _returncast, hn, u, x, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {u}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + /* */ if (!(u.User === ptrType$3.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(u.User === ptrType$3.nil)) { */ case 1: + _r = fmt.Errorf("user and password not allowed with file URLs: got %v", new sliceType([u])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [$ifaceNil, _r]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if (!(u.Fragment === "")) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!(u.Fragment === "")) { */ case 5: + _r$1 = fmt.Errorf("fragments not allowed with file URLs: got %v", new sliceType([u])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [$ifaceNil, _r$1]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + /* */ if (!(u.RawQuery === "")) { $s = 9; continue; } + /* */ $s = 10; continue; + /* if (!(u.RawQuery === "")) { */ case 9: + _r$2 = fmt.Errorf("query parameters not allowed with file URLs: got %v", new sliceType([u])); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = [$ifaceNil, _r$2]; + $s = 12; case 12: return $24r$2; + /* } */ case 10: + /* */ if (!(u.Port() === "")) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (!(u.Port() === "")) { */ case 13: + _r$3 = fmt.Errorf("ports not allowed with file URLs: got %v", new sliceType([u])); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$3 = [$ifaceNil, _r$3]; + $s = 16; case 16: return $24r$3; + /* } */ case 14: + hn = u.Hostname(); + /* */ if (!(hn === "") && !(hn === "localhost")) { $s = 17; continue; } + /* */ $s = 18; continue; + /* if (!(hn === "") && !(hn === "localhost")) { */ case 17: + _r$4 = fmt.Errorf("file URLs must leave host empty or use localhost: got %v", new sliceType([u])); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$4 = [$ifaceNil, _r$4]; + $s = 20; case 20: return $24r$4; + /* } */ case 18: + _1 = u.Path; + if (_1 === ("stdout")) { + $s = -1; return [(x = new nopCloserSink.ptr(os.Stdout), new x.constructor.elem(x)), $ifaceNil]; + } else if (_1 === ("stderr")) { + $s = -1; return [(x$1 = new nopCloserSink.ptr(os.Stderr), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1)), $ifaceNil]; + } + _r$5 = os.OpenFile(u.Path, 1089, 420); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _returncast = _r$5; + $24r$5 = [_returncast[0], _returncast[1]]; + $s = 22; case 22: return $24r$5; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: newFileSink, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, $24r$3, $24r$4, $24r$5, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _returncast, hn, u, x, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + optionFunc.prototype.apply = function(log$1) { + var {f, log$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {log$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + f = this.$val; + $r = f(log$1); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: optionFunc.prototype.apply, $c: true, $r, f, log$1, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(optionFunc).prototype.apply = function(log$1) { return new optionFunc(this.$get()).apply(log$1); }; + WrapCore = function(f) { + var f; + return new optionFunc(((function $b(log$1) { + var {_r, log$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {log$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = f(log$1.core); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + log$1.core = _r; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r, log$1, $s};return $f; + }))); + }; + $pkg.WrapCore = WrapCore; + Fields = function(fs) { + var fs; + return new optionFunc(((function $b(log$1) { + var {_r, log$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {log$1}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = log$1.core.With(fs); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + log$1.core = _r; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r, log$1, $s};return $f; + }))); + }; + $pkg.Fields = Fields; + ErrorOutput = function(w) { + var w; + return new optionFunc(((function(log$1) { + var log$1; + log$1.errorOutput = w; + }))); + }; + $pkg.ErrorOutput = ErrorOutput; + Development = function() { + return new optionFunc(((function(log$1) { + var log$1; + log$1.development = true; + }))); + }; + $pkg.Development = Development; + AddCaller = function() { + return new optionFunc(((function(log$1) { + var log$1; + log$1.addCaller = true; + }))); + }; + $pkg.AddCaller = AddCaller; + AddStacktrace = function(lvl) { + var lvl; + return new optionFunc(((function(log$1) { + var log$1; + log$1.addStack = lvl; + }))); + }; + $pkg.AddStacktrace = AddStacktrace; + New = function(core, options) { + var {$24r, _r, core, log$1, options, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {core, options}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if ($interfaceIsEqual(core, $ifaceNil)) { + $s = -1; return NewNop(); + } + log$1 = new Logger.ptr(core, false, "", zapcore.Lock(os.Stderr), false, new zapcore.Level(6), 0); + _r = log$1.WithOptions(options); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: New, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, core, log$1, options, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.New = New; + NewNop = function() { + return new Logger.ptr(zapcore.NewNopCore(), false, "", zapcore.AddSync(ioutil.Discard), false, new zapcore.Level(6), 0); + }; + $pkg.NewNop = NewNop; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Sugar = function() { + var core, log$1; + log$1 = this; + core = log$1.clone(); + core.callerSkip = core.callerSkip + (2) >> 0; + return new SugaredLogger.ptr(core); + }; + Logger.prototype.Sugar = function() { return this.$val.Sugar(); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Named = function(s) { + var l, log$1, s; + log$1 = this; + if (s === "") { + return log$1; + } + l = log$1.clone(); + if (log$1.name === "") { + l.name = s; + } else { + l.name = strings.Join(new sliceType$1([l.name, s]), "."); + } + return l; + }; + Logger.prototype.Named = function(s) { return this.$val.Named(s); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.WithOptions = function(opts) { + var {_i, _ref, c, log$1, opt, opts, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + c = log$1.clone(); + _ref = opts; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + opt = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + $r = opt.apply(c); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return c; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.WithOptions, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, c, log$1, opt, opts, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.WithOptions = function(opts) { return this.$val.WithOptions(opts); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.With = function(fields) { + var {_r, fields, l, log$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + if (fields.$length === 0) { + $s = -1; return log$1; + } + l = log$1.clone(); + _r = l.core.With(fields); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + l.core = _r; + $s = -1; return l; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.With, $c: true, $r, _r, fields, l, log$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.With = function(fields) { return this.$val.With(fields); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Check = function(lvl, msg) { + var {$24r, _r, log$1, lvl, msg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {lvl, msg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + _r = log$1.check(lvl, msg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Check, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, log$1, lvl, msg, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Check = function(lvl, msg) { return this.$val.Check(lvl, msg); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Debug = function(msg, fields) { + var {_r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + _r = log$1.check(-1, msg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r; + /* */ if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { */ case 2: + $r = ce.Write(fields); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Debug, $c: true, $r, _r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Debug = function(msg, fields) { return this.$val.Debug(msg, fields); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Info = function(msg, fields) { + var {_r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + _r = log$1.check(0, msg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r; + /* */ if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { */ case 2: + $r = ce.Write(fields); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Info, $c: true, $r, _r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Info = function(msg, fields) { return this.$val.Info(msg, fields); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Warn = function(msg, fields) { + var {_r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + _r = log$1.check(1, msg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r; + /* */ if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { */ case 2: + $r = ce.Write(fields); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Warn, $c: true, $r, _r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Warn = function(msg, fields) { return this.$val.Warn(msg, fields); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Error = function(msg, fields) { + var {_r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + _r = log$1.check(2, msg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r; + /* */ if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { */ case 2: + $r = ce.Write(fields); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Error, $c: true, $r, _r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Error = function(msg, fields) { return this.$val.Error(msg, fields); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.DPanic = function(msg, fields) { + var {_r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + _r = log$1.check(3, msg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r; + /* */ if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { */ case 2: + $r = ce.Write(fields); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.DPanic, $c: true, $r, _r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.DPanic = function(msg, fields) { return this.$val.DPanic(msg, fields); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Panic = function(msg, fields) { + var {_r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + _r = log$1.check(4, msg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r; + /* */ if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { */ case 2: + $r = ce.Write(fields); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Panic, $c: true, $r, _r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Panic = function(msg, fields) { return this.$val.Panic(msg, fields); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Fatal = function(msg, fields) { + var {_r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {msg, fields}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + _r = log$1.check(5, msg); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r; + /* */ if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!(ce === ptrType$1.nil)) { */ case 2: + $r = ce.Write(fields); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Fatal, $c: true, $r, _r, ce, fields, log$1, msg, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Fatal = function(msg, fields) { return this.$val.Fatal(msg, fields); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Sync = function() { + var {$24r, _r, log$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + _r = log$1.core.Sync(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.Sync, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, log$1, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.Sync = function() { return this.$val.Sync(); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.Core = function() { + var log$1; + log$1 = this; + return log$1.core; + }; + Logger.prototype.Core = function() { return this.$val.Core(); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.clone = function() { + var copy, log$1; + log$1 = this; + copy = $clone(log$1, Logger); + return copy; + }; + Logger.prototype.clone = function() { return this.$val.clone(); }; + Logger.ptr.prototype.check = function(lvl, msg) { + var {_1, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, ce, ent, log$1, lvl, msg, willWrite, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {lvl, msg}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + log$1 = this; + _r = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ent = new zapcore.Entry.ptr(lvl, $clone(_r, time.Time), log$1.name, msg, new zapcore.EntryCaller.ptr(false, 0, "", 0), ""); + _r$1 = log$1.core.Check($clone(ent, zapcore.Entry), ptrType$1.nil); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r$1; + willWrite = !(ce === ptrType$1.nil); + _1 = ent.Level; + /* */ if (_1 === (4)) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (5)) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === (3)) { $s = 6; continue; } + /* */ $s = 7; continue; + /* if (_1 === (4)) { */ case 4: + _r$2 = ce.Should($clone(ent, zapcore.Entry), 1); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r$2; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (5)) { */ case 5: + _r$3 = ce.Should($clone(ent, zapcore.Entry), 2); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r$3; + $s = 7; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === (3)) { */ case 6: + /* */ if (log$1.development) { $s = 10; continue; } + /* */ $s = 11; continue; + /* if (log$1.development) { */ case 10: + _r$4 = ce.Should($clone(ent, zapcore.Entry), 1); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce = _r$4; + /* } */ case 11: + /* } */ case 7: + case 3: + if (!willWrite) { + $s = -1; return ce; + } + ce.ErrorOutput = log$1.errorOutput; + /* */ if (log$1.addCaller) { $s = 13; continue; } + /* */ $s = 14; continue; + /* if (log$1.addCaller) { */ case 13: + _tuple = runtime.Caller(log$1.callerSkip + 2 >> 0); + zapcore.EntryCaller.copy(ce.Entry.Caller, zapcore.NewEntryCaller(_tuple[0], _tuple[1], _tuple[2], _tuple[3])); + /* */ if (!ce.Entry.Caller.Defined) { $s = 15; continue; } + /* */ $s = 16; continue; + /* if (!ce.Entry.Caller.Defined) { */ case 15: + _arg = log$1.errorOutput; + _r$5 = time.Now(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$6 = $clone(_r$5, time.Time).UTC(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = (x = _r$6, new x.constructor.elem(x)); + _r$7 = fmt.Fprintf(_arg, "%v Logger.check error: failed to get caller\n", new sliceType([_arg$1])); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$7; + _r$8 = log$1.errorOutput.Sync(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$8; + /* } */ case 16: + /* } */ case 14: + _r$9 = log$1.addStack.Enabled(ce.Entry.Level); /* */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ if (_r$9) { $s = 21; continue; } + /* */ $s = 22; continue; + /* if (_r$9) { */ case 21: + _r$10 = Stack(""); /* */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ce.Entry.Stack = _r$10.String; + /* } */ case 22: + $s = -1; return ce; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Logger.ptr.prototype.check, $c: true, $r, _1, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _tuple, ce, ent, log$1, lvl, msg, willWrite, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Logger.prototype.check = function(lvl, msg) { return this.$val.check(lvl, msg); }; + NewAtomicLevel = function() { + return new AtomicLevel.ptr(atomic.NewInt32(0)); + }; + $pkg.NewAtomicLevel = NewAtomicLevel; + NewAtomicLevelAt = function(l) { + var a, l; + a = $clone(NewAtomicLevel(), AtomicLevel); + $clone(a, AtomicLevel).SetLevel(l); + return a; + }; + $pkg.NewAtomicLevelAt = NewAtomicLevelAt; + AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.Enabled = function(l) { + var l, lvl; + lvl = this; + return new zapcore.Level($clone(lvl, AtomicLevel).Level()).Enabled(l); + }; + AtomicLevel.prototype.Enabled = function(l) { return this.$val.Enabled(l); }; + AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.Level = function() { + var lvl; + lvl = this; + return ((((lvl.l.Load() << 24 >> 24)) << 24 >> 24)); + }; + AtomicLevel.prototype.Level = function() { return this.$val.Level(); }; + AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.SetLevel = function(l) { + var l, lvl; + lvl = this; + lvl.l.Store(((l >> 0))); + }; + AtomicLevel.prototype.SetLevel = function(l) { return this.$val.SetLevel(l); }; + AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, lvl, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + lvl = this; + _r = new zapcore.Level($clone(lvl, AtomicLevel).Level()).String(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, lvl, $s};return $f; + }; + AtomicLevel.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { + var {_r, err, l, l$24ptr, lvl, text, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {text}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + lvl = this; + if (lvl.l === ptrType$5.nil) { + lvl.l = new atomic.Int32.ptr(0); + } + l = 0; + _r = (l$24ptr || (l$24ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return l; }, function($v) { l = $v; }))).UnmarshalText(text); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return err; + } + $clone(lvl, AtomicLevel).SetLevel(l); + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText, $c: true, $r, _r, err, l, l$24ptr, lvl, text, $s};return $f; + }; + AtomicLevel.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(text) { return this.$val.UnmarshalText(text); }; + AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.MarshalText = function() { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, err, lvl, text, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + text = sliceType$7.nil; + err = $ifaceNil; + lvl = this; + _r = new zapcore.Level($clone(lvl, AtomicLevel).Level()).MarshalText(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + text = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + $24r = [text, err]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.MarshalText, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, err, lvl, text, $s};return $f; + }; + AtomicLevel.prototype.MarshalText = function() { return this.$val.MarshalText(); }; + AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(w, r) { + var {_1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, current, enc, errmess, lvl, r, req, w, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {w, r}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + current = [current]; + r = [r]; + req = [req]; + lvl = this; + enc = json.NewEncoder(w); + _1 = r[0].Method; + /* */ if (_1 === ("GET")) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ if (_1 === ("PUT")) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (_1 === ("GET")) { */ case 2: + current[0] = $clone(lvl, AtomicLevel).Level(); + _r = enc.Encode((x = new payload.ptr((current.$ptr || (current.$ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, current)))), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else if (_1 === ("PUT")) { */ case 3: + req[0] = new payload.ptr(ptrType$6.nil); + _r$1 = (function(current, r, req) { return function $b() { + var {$24r, _r$1, _r$2, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r$1 = json.NewDecoder(r[0].Body).Decode(req[0]); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + err = _r$1; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 2: + _r$2 = fmt.Sprintf("Request body must be well-formed JSON: %v", new sliceType([err])); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$2; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + if (req[0].Level === ptrType$6.nil) { + $s = -1; return "Must specify a logging level."; + } + $s = -1; return ""; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r$1, _r$2, err, $s};return $f; + }; })(current, r, req)(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + errmess = _r$1; + /* */ if (!(errmess === "")) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(errmess === "")) { */ case 8: + $r = w.WriteHeader(400); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2 = enc.Encode((x$1 = new errorResponse.ptr(errmess), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$2; + $s = -1; return; + /* } */ case 9: + $clone(lvl, AtomicLevel).SetLevel(req[0].Level.$get()); + _r$3 = enc.Encode(new req[0].constructor.elem(req[0])); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$3; + $s = 5; continue; + /* } else { */ case 4: + $r = w.WriteHeader(405); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4 = enc.Encode((x$2 = new errorResponse.ptr("Only GET and PUT are supported."), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2))); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$4; + /* } */ case 5: + case 1: + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: AtomicLevel.ptr.prototype.ServeHTTP, $c: true, $r, _1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, current, enc, errmess, lvl, r, req, w, x, x$1, x$2, $s};return $f; + }; + AtomicLevel.prototype.ServeHTTP = function(w, r) { return this.$val.ServeHTTP(w, r); }; + Skip = function() { + return new zapcore.Field.ptr("", 26, new $Int64(0, 0), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Skip = Skip; + Binary = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 3, new $Int64(0, 0), "", val); + }; + $pkg.Binary = Binary; + Bool = function(key, val) { + var ival, key, val; + ival = new $Int64(0, 0); + if (val) { + ival = new $Int64(0, 1); + } + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 4, ival, "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Bool = Bool; + Complex128 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 6, new $Int64(0, 0), "", val); + }; + $pkg.Complex128 = Complex128; + Complex64 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 7, new $Int64(0, 0), "", val); + }; + $pkg.Complex64 = Complex64; + Float64 = function(key, val) { + var key, val, x; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 9, ((x = math.Float64bits(val), new $Int64(x.$high, x.$low))), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Float64 = Float64; + Float32 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 10, (new $Int64(0, math.Float32bits(val))), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Float32 = Float32; + Int = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return Int64(key, (new $Int64(0, val))); + }; + $pkg.Int = Int; + Int64 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 11, val, "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Int64 = Int64; + Int32 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 12, (new $Int64(0, val)), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Int32 = Int32; + Int16 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 13, (new $Int64(0, val)), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Int16 = Int16; + Int8 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 14, (new $Int64(0, val)), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Int8 = Int8; + String = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 15, new $Int64(0, 0), val, $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.String = String; + Uint = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return Uint64(key, (new $Uint64(0, val))); + }; + $pkg.Uint = Uint; + Uint64 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 17, (new $Int64(val.$high, val.$low)), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Uint64 = Uint64; + Uint32 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 18, (new $Int64(0, val)), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Uint32 = Uint32; + Uint16 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 19, (new $Int64(0, val)), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Uint16 = Uint16; + Uint8 = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 20, (new $Int64(0, val)), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Uint8 = Uint8; + Uintptr = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 21, (new $Int64(0, val.constructor === Number ? val : 1)), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Uintptr = Uintptr; + Reflect = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 22, new $Int64(0, 0), "", val); + }; + $pkg.Reflect = Reflect; + Stringer = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 24, new $Int64(0, 0), "", val); + }; + $pkg.Stringer = Stringer; + Time = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 16, $clone(val, time.Time).UnixNano(), "", $clone(val, time.Time).Location()); + }; + $pkg.Time = Time; + Stack = function(key) { + var {$24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, key, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {key}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _arg = key; + _r = takeStacktrace(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r; + _r$1 = String(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Stack, $c: true, $r, $24r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, key, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.Stack = Stack; + Duration = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 8, (new $Int64(val.$high, val.$low)), "", $ifaceNil); + }; + $pkg.Duration = Duration; + Object = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 2, new $Int64(0, 0), "", val); + }; + $pkg.Object = Object; + Any = function(key, value) { + var _ref, key, val, val$1, val$10, val$11, val$12, val$13, val$14, val$15, val$16, val$17, val$18, val$19, val$2, val$20, val$21, val$22, val$23, val$24, val$25, val$26, val$27, val$28, val$29, val$3, val$30, val$31, val$32, val$33, val$34, val$35, val$36, val$37, val$38, val$39, val$4, val$40, val$41, val$42, val$43, val$5, val$6, val$7, val$8, val$9, value; + _ref = value; + if ($assertType(_ref, zapcore.ObjectMarshaler, true)[1]) { + val = _ref; + return Object(key, val); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, zapcore.ArrayMarshaler, true)[1]) { + val$1 = _ref; + return Array(key, val$1); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Bool, true)[1]) { + val$2 = _ref.$val; + return Bool(key, val$2); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$8, true)[1]) { + val$3 = _ref.$val; + return Bools(key, val$3); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Complex128, true)[1]) { + val$4 = _ref.$val; + return Complex128(key, val$4); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$9, true)[1]) { + val$5 = _ref.$val; + return Complex128s(key, val$5); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Complex64, true)[1]) { + val$6 = _ref.$val; + return Complex64(key, val$6); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$10, true)[1]) { + val$7 = _ref.$val; + return Complex64s(key, val$7); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Float64, true)[1]) { + val$8 = _ref.$val; + return Float64(key, val$8); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$11, true)[1]) { + val$9 = _ref.$val; + return Float64s(key, val$9); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Float32, true)[1]) { + val$10 = _ref.$val; + return Float32(key, val$10); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$12, true)[1]) { + val$11 = _ref.$val; + return Float32s(key, val$11); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int, true)[1]) { + val$12 = _ref.$val; + return Int(key, val$12); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$13, true)[1]) { + val$13 = _ref.$val; + return Ints(key, val$13); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int64, true)[1]) { + val$14 = _ref.$val; + return Int64(key, val$14); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$14, true)[1]) { + val$15 = _ref.$val; + return Int64s(key, val$15); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int32, true)[1]) { + val$16 = _ref.$val; + return Int32(key, val$16); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$15, true)[1]) { + val$17 = _ref.$val; + return Int32s(key, val$17); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int16, true)[1]) { + val$18 = _ref.$val; + return Int16(key, val$18); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$16, true)[1]) { + val$19 = _ref.$val; + return Int16s(key, val$19); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Int8, true)[1]) { + val$20 = _ref.$val; + return Int8(key, val$20); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$17, true)[1]) { + val$21 = _ref.$val; + return Int8s(key, val$21); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $String, true)[1]) { + val$22 = _ref.$val; + return String(key, val$22); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$1, true)[1]) { + val$23 = _ref.$val; + return Strings(key, val$23); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint, true)[1]) { + val$24 = _ref.$val; + return Uint(key, val$24); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$18, true)[1]) { + val$25 = _ref.$val; + return Uints(key, val$25); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint64, true)[1]) { + val$26 = _ref.$val; + return Uint64(key, val$26); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$19, true)[1]) { + val$27 = _ref.$val; + return Uint64s(key, val$27); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint32, true)[1]) { + val$28 = _ref.$val; + return Uint32(key, val$28); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$20, true)[1]) { + val$29 = _ref.$val; + return Uint32s(key, val$29); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint16, true)[1]) { + val$30 = _ref.$val; + return Uint16(key, val$30); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$21, true)[1]) { + val$31 = _ref.$val; + return Uint16s(key, val$31); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uint8, true)[1]) { + val$32 = _ref.$val; + return Uint8(key, val$32); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$7, true)[1]) { + val$33 = _ref.$val; + return Binary(key, val$33); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $Uintptr, true)[1]) { + val$34 = _ref.$val; + return Uintptr(key, val$34); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$5, true)[1]) { + val$35 = _ref.$val; + return Uintptrs(key, val$35); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, time.Time, true)[1]) { + val$36 = $clone(_ref.$val, time.Time); + return Time(key, $clone(val$36, time.Time)); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$22, true)[1]) { + val$37 = _ref.$val; + return Times(key, val$37); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, time.Duration, true)[1]) { + val$38 = _ref.$val; + return Duration(key, val$38); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$23, true)[1]) { + val$39 = _ref.$val; + return Durations(key, val$39); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, $error, true)[1]) { + val$40 = _ref; + return NamedError(key, val$40); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, sliceType$24, true)[1]) { + val$41 = _ref.$val; + return Errors(key, val$41); + } else if ($assertType(_ref, fmt.Stringer, true)[1]) { + val$42 = _ref; + return Stringer(key, val$42); + } else { + val$43 = _ref; + return Reflect(key, val$43); + } + }; + $pkg.Any = Any; + Error = function(err) { + var err; + return NamedError("error", err); + }; + $pkg.Error = Error; + NamedError = function(key, err) { + var err, key; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) { + return Skip(); + } + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 25, new $Int64(0, 0), "", err); + }; + $pkg.NamedError = NamedError; + errArray.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _ref, arr, elem, errs, i, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + errs = this; + _ref = errs; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + if ($interfaceIsEqual(((i < 0 || i >= errs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : errs.$array[errs.$offset + i]), $ifaceNil)) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 1; continue; + } + _r = _errArrayElemPool.Get(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + elem = $assertType(_r, ptrType$8); + elem.error = ((i < 0 || i >= errs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : errs.$array[errs.$offset + i]); + _r$1 = arr.AppendObject(elem); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1; + elem.error = $ifaceNil; + _errArrayElemPool.Put(elem); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: errArray.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, arr, elem, errs, i, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(errArray).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + errArrayElem.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject = function(enc) { + var {e, enc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {enc}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + e = this; + $r = $clone(Error(e.error), zapcore.Field).AddTo(enc); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: errArrayElem.ptr.prototype.MarshalLogObject, $c: true, $r, e, enc, $s};return $f; + }; + errArrayElem.prototype.MarshalLogObject = function(enc) { return this.$val.MarshalLogObject(enc); }; + newEncoder = function(name, encoderConfig) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _r, _r$1, _tuple, constructor, encoderConfig, name, ok, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {name, encoderConfig}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + $r = _encoderMutex.RLock(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $deferred.push([$methodVal(_encoderMutex, "RUnlock"), []]); + /* */ if (name === "") { $s = 2; continue; } + /* */ $s = 3; continue; + /* if (name === "") { */ case 2: + $24r = [$ifaceNil, errNoEncoderNameSpecified]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } */ case 3: + _tuple = (_entry = _encoderNameToConstructor[$String.keyFor(name)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [$throwNilPointerError, false]); + constructor = _tuple[0]; + ok = _tuple[1]; + /* */ if (!ok) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (!ok) { */ case 5: + _r = fmt.Errorf("no encoder registered for name %q", new sliceType([new $String(name)])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$1 = [$ifaceNil, _r]; + $s = 8; case 8: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 6: + _r$1 = constructor($clone(encoderConfig, zapcore.EncoderConfig)); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r$2 = _r$1; + $s = 10; case 10: return $24r$2; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: newEncoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, $24r$2, _entry, _r, _r$1, _tuple, constructor, encoderConfig, name, ok, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig = function() { + return new zapcore.EncoderConfig.ptr("M", "L", "T", "N", "C", "S", "\n", zapcore.CapitalLevelEncoder, zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder, zapcore.StringDurationEncoder, zapcore.ShortCallerEncoder, $throwNilPointerError); + }; + $pkg.NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig = NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig; + NewDevelopmentConfig = function() { + return new Config.ptr($clone(NewAtomicLevelAt(-1), AtomicLevel), true, false, false, ptrType$9.nil, "console", $clone(NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig(), zapcore.EncoderConfig), new sliceType$1(["stderr"]), new sliceType$1(["stderr"]), false); + }; + $pkg.NewDevelopmentConfig = NewDevelopmentConfig; + Config.ptr.prototype.Build = function(opts) { + var {_arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, cfg, enc, err, errSink, log$1, opts, sink, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {opts}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cfg = this; + _r = $clone(cfg, Config).buildEncoder(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + enc = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType.nil, err]; + } + _r$1 = $clone(cfg, Config).openSinks(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + sink = _tuple$1[0]; + errSink = _tuple$1[1]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [ptrType.nil, err]; + } + _arg = zapcore.NewCore(enc, sink, (x = cfg.Level, new x.constructor.elem(x))); + _r$2 = $clone(cfg, Config).buildOptions(errSink); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _arg$1 = _r$2; + _r$3 = New(_arg, _arg$1); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + log$1 = _r$3; + /* */ if (opts.$length > 0) { $s = 5; continue; } + /* */ $s = 6; continue; + /* if (opts.$length > 0) { */ case 5: + _r$4 = log$1.WithOptions(opts); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + log$1 = _r$4; + /* } */ case 6: + $s = -1; return [log$1, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.Build, $c: true, $r, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _tuple, _tuple$1, cfg, enc, err, errSink, log$1, opts, sink, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.Build = function(opts) { return this.$val.Build(opts); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.buildOptions = function(errSink) { + var {_entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, cfg, errSink, fs, k, k$1, keys, opts, stackLevel, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {errSink}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cfg = [cfg]; + cfg[0] = this; + opts = new sliceType$6([ErrorOutput(errSink)]); + if (cfg[0].Development) { + opts = $append(opts, Development()); + } + if (!cfg[0].DisableCaller) { + opts = $append(opts, AddCaller()); + } + stackLevel = 2; + if (cfg[0].Development) { + stackLevel = 1; + } + if (!cfg[0].DisableStacktrace) { + opts = $append(opts, AddStacktrace(new zapcore.Level(stackLevel))); + } + /* */ if (!(cfg[0].Sampling === ptrType$9.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (!(cfg[0].Sampling === ptrType$9.nil)) { */ case 1: + opts = $append(opts, WrapCore((function(cfg) { return function(core) { + var core; + return zapcore.NewSampler(core, new time.Duration(0, 1000000000), (cfg[0].Sampling.Initial), (cfg[0].Sampling.Thereafter)); + }; })(cfg))); + /* } */ case 2: + /* */ if ($keys(cfg[0].InitialFields).length > 0) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if ($keys(cfg[0].InitialFields).length > 0) { */ case 3: + fs = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, 0, $keys(cfg[0].InitialFields).length); + keys = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 0, $keys(cfg[0].InitialFields).length); + _ref = cfg[0].InitialFields; + _i = 0; + _keys = $keys(_ref); + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _keys.length)) { break; } + _entry = _ref[_keys[_i]]; + if (_entry === undefined) { + _i++; + continue; + } + k = _entry.k; + keys = $append(keys, k); + _i++; + } + $r = sort.Strings(keys); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _ref$1 = keys; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + k$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + fs = $append(fs, Any(k$1, (_entry$1 = cfg[0].InitialFields[$String.keyFor(k$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : $ifaceNil))); + _i$1++; + } + opts = $append(opts, Fields(fs)); + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return opts; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.buildOptions, $c: true, $r, _entry, _entry$1, _i, _i$1, _keys, _ref, _ref$1, cfg, errSink, fs, k, k$1, keys, opts, stackLevel, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.buildOptions = function(errSink) { return this.$val.buildOptions(errSink); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.openSinks = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, cfg, closeOut, err, errSink, sink, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cfg = this; + _r = Open(cfg.OutputPaths); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + sink = _tuple[0]; + closeOut = _tuple[1]; + err = _tuple[2]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, err]; + } + _r$1 = Open(cfg.ErrorOutputPaths); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$1; + errSink = _tuple$1[0]; + err = _tuple$1[2]; + /* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; } + /* */ $s = 4; continue; + /* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3: + $r = closeOut(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return [$ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, err]; + /* } */ case 4: + $s = -1; return [sink, errSink, $ifaceNil]; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.openSinks, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, cfg, closeOut, err, errSink, sink, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.openSinks = function() { return this.$val.openSinks(); }; + Config.ptr.prototype.buildEncoder = function() { + var {$24r, _r, cfg, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + cfg = this; + _r = newEncoder(cfg.Encoding, $clone(cfg.EncoderConfig, zapcore.EncoderConfig)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Config.ptr.prototype.buildEncoder, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, cfg, $s};return $f; + }; + Config.prototype.buildEncoder = function() { return this.$val.buildEncoder(); }; + Array = function(key, val) { + var key, val; + return new zapcore.Field.ptr(key, 1, new $Int64(0, 0), "", val); + }; + $pkg.Array = Array; + Bools = function(key, bs) { + var bs, key; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(bs, bools))); + }; + $pkg.Bools = Bools; + Complex128s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, complex128s))); + }; + $pkg.Complex128s = Complex128s; + Complex64s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, complex64s))); + }; + $pkg.Complex64s = Complex64s; + Durations = function(key, ds) { + var ds, key; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(ds, durations))); + }; + $pkg.Durations = Durations; + Float64s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, float64s))); + }; + $pkg.Float64s = Float64s; + Float32s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, float32s))); + }; + $pkg.Float32s = Float32s; + Ints = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, ints))); + }; + $pkg.Ints = Ints; + Int64s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, int64s))); + }; + $pkg.Int64s = Int64s; + Int32s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, int32s))); + }; + $pkg.Int32s = Int32s; + Int16s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, int16s))); + }; + $pkg.Int16s = Int16s; + Int8s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, int8s))); + }; + $pkg.Int8s = Int8s; + Strings = function(key, ss) { + var key, ss; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(ss, stringArray))); + }; + $pkg.Strings = Strings; + Times = function(key, ts) { + var key, ts; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(ts, times))); + }; + $pkg.Times = Times; + Uints = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, uints))); + }; + $pkg.Uints = Uints; + Uint64s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, uint64s))); + }; + $pkg.Uint64s = Uint64s; + Uint32s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, uint32s))); + }; + $pkg.Uint32s = Uint32s; + Uint16s = function(key, nums) { + var key, nums; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(nums, uint16s))); + }; + $pkg.Uint16s = Uint16s; + Uintptrs = function(key, us) { + var key, us; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(us, uintptrs))); + }; + $pkg.Uintptrs = Uintptrs; + Errors = function(key, errs) { + var errs, key; + return Array(key, ($convertSliceType(errs, errArray))); + }; + $pkg.Errors = Errors; + bools.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, bs, i, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + bs = this; + _ref = bs; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendBool(((i < 0 || i >= bs.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : bs.$array[bs.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: bools.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, bs, i, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(bools).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + complex128s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendComplex128(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: complex128s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(complex128s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + complex64s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendComplex64(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: complex64s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(complex64s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + durations.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, ds, i, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ds = this; + _ref = ds; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendDuration(((i < 0 || i >= ds.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ds.$array[ds.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: durations.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, ds, i, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(durations).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + float64s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendFloat64(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: float64s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(float64s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + float32s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendFloat32(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: float32s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(float32s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + ints.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendInt(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ints.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(ints).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + int64s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendInt64(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: int64s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(int64s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + int32s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendInt32(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: int32s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(int32s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + int16s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendInt16(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: int16s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(int16s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + int8s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendInt8(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: int8s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(int8s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + stringArray.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, ss, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ss = this; + _ref = ss; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendString(((i < 0 || i >= ss.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ss.$array[ss.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: stringArray.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, ss, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(stringArray).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + times.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, ts, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ts = this; + _ref = ts; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendTime($clone(((i < 0 || i >= ts.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ts.$array[ts.$offset + i]), time.Time)); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: times.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, ts, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(times).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + uints.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendUint(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uints.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(uints).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + uint64s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendUint64(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uint64s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(uint64s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + uint32s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendUint32(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uint32s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(uint32s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + uint16s.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendUint16(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uint16s.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(uint16s).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + uintptrs.prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { + var {_i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {arr}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + nums = this; + _ref = nums; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i = _i; + $r = arr.AppendUintptr(((i < 0 || i >= nums.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nums.$array[nums.$offset + i])); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return $ifaceNil; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: uintptrs.prototype.MarshalLogArray, $c: true, $r, _i, _ref, arr, i, nums, $s};return $f; + }; + $ptrType(uintptrs).prototype.MarshalLogArray = function(arr) { return this.$get().MarshalLogArray(arr); }; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "Desugar", name: "Desugar", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Named", name: "Named", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [ptrType$10], false)}, {prop: "With", name: "With", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType$10], true)}, {prop: "Debug", name: "Debug", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Info", name: "Info", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Warn", name: "Warn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "DPanic", name: "DPanic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Panic", name: "Panic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Fatal", name: "Fatal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Debugf", name: "Debugf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Infof", name: "Infof", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Warnf", name: "Warnf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Errorf", name: "Errorf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "DPanicf", name: "DPanicf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Panicf", name: "Panicf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Fatalf", name: "Fatalf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Debugw", name: "Debugw", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Infow", name: "Infow", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Warnw", name: "Warnw", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Errorw", name: "Errorw", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "DPanicw", name: "DPanicw", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Panicw", name: "Panicw", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Fatalw", name: "Fatalw", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [], true)}, {prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "log", name: "log", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap", typ: $funcType([zapcore.Level, $String, sliceType, sliceType], [], false)}, {prop: "sweetenFields", name: "sweetenFields", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [sliceType$4], false)}]; + invalidPair.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogObject", name: "MarshalLogObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ObjectEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + invalidPairs.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + nopCloserSink.methods = [{prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$11.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + optionFunc.methods = [{prop: "apply", name: "apply", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}]; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Sugar", name: "Sugar", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$10], false)}, {prop: "Named", name: "Named", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "WithOptions", name: "WithOptions", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [ptrType], true)}, {prop: "With", name: "With", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$4], [ptrType], true)}, {prop: "Check", name: "Check", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.Level, $String], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Debug", name: "Debug", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$4], [], true)}, {prop: "Info", name: "Info", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$4], [], true)}, {prop: "Warn", name: "Warn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$4], [], true)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$4], [], true)}, {prop: "DPanic", name: "DPanic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$4], [], true)}, {prop: "Panic", name: "Panic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$4], [], true)}, {prop: "Fatal", name: "Fatal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$4], [], true)}, {prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Core", name: "Core", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [zapcore.Core], false)}, {prop: "clone", name: "clone", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "check", name: "check", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap", typ: $funcType([zapcore.Level, $String], [ptrType$1], false)}]; + AtomicLevel.methods = [{prop: "Enabled", name: "Enabled", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.Level], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Level", name: "Level", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [zapcore.Level], false)}, {prop: "SetLevel", name: "SetLevel", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.Level], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "MarshalText", name: "MarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$7, $error], false)}, {prop: "ServeHTTP", name: "ServeHTTP", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([http.ResponseWriter, ptrType$12], [], false)}]; + ptrType$13.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$7], [$error], false)}]; + errArray.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogObject", name: "MarshalLogObject", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ObjectEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + Config.methods = [{prop: "Build", name: "Build", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$6], [ptrType, $error], true)}, {prop: "buildOptions", name: "buildOptions", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap", typ: $funcType([zapcore.WriteSyncer], [sliceType$6], false)}, {prop: "openSinks", name: "openSinks", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap", typ: $funcType([], [zapcore.WriteSyncer, zapcore.WriteSyncer, $error], false)}, {prop: "buildEncoder", name: "buildEncoder", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap", typ: $funcType([], [zapcore.Encoder, $error], false)}]; + bools.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + complex128s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + complex64s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + durations.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + float64s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + float32s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + ints.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + int64s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + int32s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + int16s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + int8s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + stringArray.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + times.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + uints.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + uint64s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + uint32s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + uint16s.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + uintptrs.methods = [{prop: "MarshalLogArray", name: "MarshalLogArray", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([zapcore.ArrayEncoder], [$error], false)}]; + SugaredLogger.init("go.uber.org/zap", [{prop: "base", name: "base", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]); + invalidPair.init("go.uber.org/zap", [{prop: "position", name: "position", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "key", name: "key", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "value", name: "value", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}]); + invalidPairs.init(invalidPair); + programCounters.init("go.uber.org/zap", [{prop: "pcs", name: "pcs", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]); + nopCloserSink.init("", [{prop: "WriteSyncer", name: "WriteSyncer", embedded: true, exported: true, typ: zapcore.WriteSyncer, tag: ""}]); + errSinkNotFound.init("go.uber.org/zap", [{prop: "scheme", name: "scheme", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}]); + Option.init([{prop: "apply", name: "apply", pkg: "go.uber.org/zap", typ: $funcType([ptrType], [], false)}]); + optionFunc.init([ptrType], [], false); + Logger.init("go.uber.org/zap", [{prop: "core", name: "core", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: zapcore.Core, tag: ""}, {prop: "development", name: "development", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "name", name: "name", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "errorOutput", name: "errorOutput", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: zapcore.WriteSyncer, tag: ""}, {prop: "addCaller", name: "addCaller", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "addStack", name: "addStack", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: zapcore.LevelEnabler, tag: ""}, {prop: "callerSkip", name: "callerSkip", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int, tag: ""}]); + AtomicLevel.init("go.uber.org/zap", [{prop: "l", name: "l", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}]); + errArray.init($error); + errArrayElem.init("go.uber.org/zap", [{prop: "error", name: "error", embedded: true, exported: false, typ: $error, tag: ""}]); + SamplingConfig.init("", [{prop: "Initial", name: "Initial", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: "json:\"initial\" yaml:\"initial\""}, {prop: "Thereafter", name: "Thereafter", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int, tag: "json:\"thereafter\" yaml:\"thereafter\""}]); + Config.init("", [{prop: "Level", name: "Level", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: AtomicLevel, tag: "json:\"level\" yaml:\"level\""}, {prop: "Development", name: "Development", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: "json:\"development\" yaml:\"development\""}, {prop: "DisableCaller", name: "DisableCaller", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: "json:\"disableCaller\" yaml:\"disableCaller\""}, {prop: "DisableStacktrace", name: "DisableStacktrace", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: "json:\"disableStacktrace\" yaml:\"disableStacktrace\""}, {prop: "Sampling", name: "Sampling", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$9, tag: "json:\"sampling\" yaml:\"sampling\""}, {prop: "Encoding", name: "Encoding", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: "json:\"encoding\" yaml:\"encoding\""}, {prop: "EncoderConfig", name: "EncoderConfig", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: zapcore.EncoderConfig, tag: "json:\"encoderConfig\" yaml:\"encoderConfig\""}, {prop: "OutputPaths", name: "OutputPaths", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: "json:\"outputPaths\" yaml:\"outputPaths\""}, {prop: "ErrorOutputPaths", name: "ErrorOutputPaths", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: sliceType$1, tag: "json:\"errorOutputPaths\" yaml:\"errorOutputPaths\""}, {prop: "InitialFields", name: "InitialFields", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: mapType, tag: "json:\"initialFields\" yaml:\"initialFields\""}]); + bools.init($Bool); + complex128s.init($Complex128); + complex64s.init($Complex64); + durations.init(time.Duration); + float64s.init($Float64); + float32s.init($Float32); + ints.init($Int); + int64s.init($Int64); + int32s.init($Int32); + int16s.init($Int16); + int8s.init($Int8); + stringArray.init($String); + times.init(time.Time); + uints.init($Uint); + uint64s.init($Uint64); + uint32s.init($Uint32); + uint16s.init($Uint16); + uintptrs.init($Uintptr); + errorResponse.init("", [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $String, tag: "json:\"error\""}]); + payload.init("", [{prop: "Level", name: "Level", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: ptrType$6, tag: "json:\"level\""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = json.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = flag.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = atomic.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = multierr.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = bufferpool.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = zapcore.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = io.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = ioutil.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = log.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = http.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = url.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = os.$init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = runtime.$init(); /* */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sort.$init(); /* */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = time.$init(); /* */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _sinkMutex = new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0); + _sinkFactories = false; + _encoderMutex = new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0); + _stacktracePool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return newProgramCounters(64); + })); + _zapStacktracePrefixes = addPrefix("go.uber.org/zap", new sliceType$1([".", "/"])); + _zapStacktraceVendorContains = addPrefix("/vendor/", _zapStacktracePrefixes); + _globalL = NewNop(); + _globalS = _globalL.Sugar(); + _errArrayElemPool = new sync.Pool.ptr(sliceType.nil, (function() { + return new errArrayElem.ptr($ifaceNil); + })); + errNoEncoderNameSpecified = errors.New("no encoder name specified"); + _encoderNameToConstructor = $makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "console", v: (function $b(encoderConfig) { + var {$24r, _r, encoderConfig, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {encoderConfig}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder($clone(encoderConfig, zapcore.EncoderConfig)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, encoderConfig, $s};return $f; + }) }, { k: "json", v: (function $b(encoderConfig) { + var {$24r, _r, encoderConfig, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {encoderConfig}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = zapcore.NewJSONEncoder($clone(encoderConfig, zapcore.EncoderConfig)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, $ifaceNil]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, encoderConfig, $s};return $f; + }) }]); + $r = init(); /* */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["dnmshared"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, zlib, sharedprotos, base64, xml, errors, fmt, vector, resolv, zap, zapcore, ioutil, math, strconv, strings, SatResult, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, sliceType, sliceType$1, funcType, arrayType, arrayType$1, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, sliceType$4, sliceType$10, ptrType$13, sliceType$11, GenerateRectCollider, generateRectColliderInCollisionSpace, GenerateConvexPolygonCollider, CalcPushbacks, isPolygonPairOverlapped, isPolygonPairSeparatedByDir, WorldToVirtualGridPos, VirtualGridToWorldPos, WorldToPolygonColliderBLPos, PolygonColliderBLToWorldPos, PolygonColliderBLToVirtualGridPos, VirtualGridToPolygonColliderBLPos, init, AlignPolygon2DToBoundingBox; + bytes = $packages["bytes"]; + zlib = $packages["compress/zlib"]; + sharedprotos = $packages["dnmshared/sharedprotos"]; + base64 = $packages["encoding/base64"]; + xml = $packages["encoding/xml"]; + errors = $packages["errors"]; + fmt = $packages["fmt"]; + vector = $packages["github.com/kvartborg/vector"]; + resolv = $packages["github.com/solarlune/resolv"]; + zap = $packages["go.uber.org/zap"]; + zapcore = $packages["go.uber.org/zap/zapcore"]; + ioutil = $packages["io/ioutil"]; + math = $packages["math"]; + strconv = $packages["strconv"]; + strings = $packages["strings"]; + SatResult = $pkg.SatResult = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "dnmshared.SatResult", true, "dnmshared", true, function(Overlap_, OverlapX_, OverlapY_, AContainedInB_, BContainedInA_, Axis_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.Overlap = 0; + this.OverlapX = 0; + this.OverlapY = 0; + this.AContainedInB = false; + this.BContainedInA = false; + this.Axis = vector.Vector.nil; + return; + } + this.Overlap = Overlap_; + this.OverlapX = OverlapX_; + this.OverlapY = OverlapY_; + this.AContainedInB = AContainedInB_; + this.BContainedInA = BContainedInA_; + this.Axis = Axis_; + }); + ptrType = $ptrType(zap.Logger); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType($packages["go.uber.org/atomic"].Int32); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(zap.SamplingConfig); + sliceType = $sliceType($String); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($packages["sync"].Mutex, 0); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageInfo); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(sharedprotos.Vec2D); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType(ptrType$6); + sliceType$10 = $sliceType($Float64); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(SatResult); + sliceType$11 = $sliceType(zap.Option); + GenerateRectCollider = function(wx, wy, w, h, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag) { + var {$24r, _r, _tuple, blX, blY, bottomPadding, data, h, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, tag, topPadding, w, wx, wy, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {wx, wy, w, h, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tuple = WorldToPolygonColliderBLPos(wx, wy, w * 0.5, h * 0.5, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY); + blX = _tuple[0]; + blY = _tuple[1]; + _r = generateRectColliderInCollisionSpace(blX, blY, leftPadding + w + rightPadding, bottomPadding + h + topPadding, data, tag); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: GenerateRectCollider, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _tuple, blX, blY, bottomPadding, data, h, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, tag, topPadding, w, wx, wy, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.GenerateRectCollider = GenerateRectCollider; + generateRectColliderInCollisionSpace = function(blX, blY, w, h, data, tag) { + var {blX, blY, collider, data, h, shape, tag, w, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {blX, blY, w, h, data, tag}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + collider = resolv.NewObject(blX, blY, w, h, new sliceType([tag])); + shape = resolv.NewRectangle(0, 0, w, h); + $r = collider.SetShape(shape); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + collider.Data = data; + $s = -1; return collider; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: generateRectColliderInCollisionSpace, $c: true, $r, blX, blY, collider, data, h, shape, tag, w, $s};return $f; + }; + GenerateConvexPolygonCollider = function(unalignedSrc, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag) { + var {_i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, aligned, collider, data, h, i, i$1, j, p, pi, pj, shape, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, tag, unalignedSrc, w, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {unalignedSrc, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + aligned = AlignPolygon2DToBoundingBox(unalignedSrc); + _tmp = 0; + _tmp$1 = 0; + w = _tmp; + h = _tmp$1; + shape = resolv.NewConvexPolygon(sliceType$10.nil); + _ref = aligned.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + pi = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = aligned.Points; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + j = _i$1; + pj = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (i === j) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + if (math.Abs(pj.X - pi.X) > w) { + w = math.Abs(pj.X - pi.X); + } + if (math.Abs(pj.Y - pi.Y) > h) { + h = math.Abs(pj.Y - pi.Y); + } + _i$1++; + } + _i++; + } + i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(i$1 < aligned.Points.$length)) { break; } + p = (x = aligned.Points, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i$1])); + shape.AddPoints(new sliceType$10([p.X, p.Y])); + i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0; + } + collider = resolv.NewObject(aligned.Anchor.X + spaceOffsetX, aligned.Anchor.Y + spaceOffsetY, w, h, new sliceType([tag])); + $r = collider.SetShape(shape); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + collider.Data = data; + $s = -1; return collider; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: GenerateConvexPolygonCollider, $c: true, $r, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, aligned, collider, data, h, i, i$1, j, p, pi, pj, shape, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, tag, unalignedSrc, w, x, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.GenerateConvexPolygonCollider = GenerateConvexPolygonCollider; + CalcPushbacks = function(oldDx, oldDy, playerShape, barrierShape) { + var {$24r, $24r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, barrierShape, oldDx, oldDy, origX, origY, overlapResult, overlapped, playerShape, pushbackX, pushbackY, $s, $deferred, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {oldDx, oldDy, playerShape, barrierShape}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred); + origX = [origX]; + origY = [origY]; + playerShape = [playerShape]; + _tuple = playerShape[0].Position(); + origX[0] = _tuple[0]; + origY[0] = _tuple[1]; + $deferred.push([(function(origX, origY, playerShape) { return function() { + playerShape[0].SetPosition(origX[0], origY[0]); + }; })(origX, origY, playerShape), []]); + playerShape[0].SetPosition(origX[0] + oldDx, origY[0] + oldDy); + overlapResult = new SatResult.ptr(0, 0, 0, true, true, new vector.Vector([0, 0])); + overlapped = isPolygonPairOverlapped(playerShape[0], barrierShape, overlapResult); + /* */ if (overlapped) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (overlapped) { */ case 1: + _tmp = overlapResult.Overlap * overlapResult.OverlapX; + _tmp$1 = overlapResult.Overlap * overlapResult.OverlapY; + pushbackX = _tmp; + pushbackY = _tmp$1; + $24r = [true, pushbackX, pushbackY, overlapResult]; + $s = 4; case 4: return $24r; + /* } else { */ case 2: + $24r$1 = [false, 0, 0, overlapResult]; + $s = 5; case 5: return $24r$1; + /* } */ case 3: + $s = -1; return [false, 0, 0, ptrType$13.nil]; + /* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; return [false, 0, 0, ptrType$13.nil]; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) { var $f = {$blk: CalcPushbacks, $c: true, $r, $24r, $24r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, barrierShape, oldDx, oldDy, origX, origY, overlapResult, overlapped, playerShape, pushbackX, pushbackY, $s, $deferred};return $f; } } + }; + $pkg.CalcPushbacks = CalcPushbacks; + isPolygonPairOverlapped = function(a, b, result) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, a, aCnt, axis, axis$1, b, bCnt, result, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7; + _tmp = a.Points.$length; + _tmp$1 = b.Points.$length; + aCnt = _tmp; + bCnt = _tmp$1; + if ((1 === aCnt) && (1 === bCnt)) { + if (!(ptrType$13.nil === result)) { + result.Overlap = 0; + } + return ((x = (x$1 = a.Points, (0 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 0])), (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0])) === (x$2 = (x$3 = b.Points, (0 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0])), (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0]))) && ((x$4 = (x$5 = a.Points, (0 >= x$5.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + 0])), (1 >= x$4.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + 1])) === (x$6 = (x$7 = b.Points, (0 >= x$7.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + 0])), (1 >= x$6.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + 1]))); + } + if (1 < aCnt) { + _ref = a.SATAxes(); + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + axis = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (isPolygonPairSeparatedByDir(a, b, axis.Unit(), result)) { + return false; + } + _i++; + } + } + if (1 < bCnt) { + _ref$1 = b.SATAxes(); + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + axis$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + if (isPolygonPairSeparatedByDir(a, b, axis$1.Unit(), result)) { + return false; + } + _i$1++; + } + } + return true; + }; + isPolygonPairSeparatedByDir = function(a, b, e, result) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, a, aEnd, aStart, absoluteOverlap, b, bEnd, bStart, currentOverlap, dot, dot$1, e, option1, option1$1, option2, option2$1, overlap, p, p$1, result, sign, x, x$1; + _tmp = 1.7976931348623157e+308; + _tmp$1 = -1.7976931348623157e+308; + _tmp$2 = 1.7976931348623157e+308; + _tmp$3 = -1.7976931348623157e+308; + aStart = _tmp; + aEnd = _tmp$1; + bStart = _tmp$2; + bEnd = _tmp$3; + _ref = a.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + p = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + dot = ((0 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]) + a.X) * (0 >= e.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : e.$array[e.$offset + 0]) + ((1 >= p.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p.$array[p.$offset + 1]) + a.Y) * (1 >= e.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : e.$array[e.$offset + 1]); + if (aStart > dot) { + aStart = dot; + } + if (aEnd < dot) { + aEnd = dot; + } + _i++; + } + _ref$1 = b.Points; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + p$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + dot$1 = ((0 >= p$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p$1.$array[p$1.$offset + 0]) + b.X) * (0 >= e.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : e.$array[e.$offset + 0]) + ((1 >= p$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : p$1.$array[p$1.$offset + 1]) + b.Y) * (1 >= e.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : e.$array[e.$offset + 1]); + if (bStart > dot$1) { + bStart = dot$1; + } + if (bEnd < dot$1) { + bEnd = dot$1; + } + _i$1++; + } + if (aStart > bEnd || aEnd < bStart) { + return true; + } + if (!(ptrType$13.nil === result)) { + overlap = 0; + if (aStart < bStart) { + result.AContainedInB = false; + if (aEnd < bEnd) { + overlap = aEnd - bStart; + result.BContainedInA = false; + } else { + option1 = aEnd - bStart; + option2 = bEnd - aStart; + if (option1 < option2) { + overlap = option1; + } else { + overlap = -option2; + } + } + } else { + result.BContainedInA = false; + if (aEnd > bEnd) { + overlap = aStart - bEnd; + result.AContainedInB = false; + } else { + option1$1 = aEnd - bStart; + option2$1 = bEnd - aStart; + if (option1$1 < option2$1) { + overlap = option1$1; + } else { + overlap = -option2$1; + } + } + } + currentOverlap = result.Overlap; + absoluteOverlap = overlap; + if (overlap < 0) { + absoluteOverlap = -overlap; + } + if (((0 === (x = result.Axis, (0 >= x.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]))) && (0 === (x$1 = result.Axis, (1 >= x$1.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + 1])))) || currentOverlap > absoluteOverlap) { + sign = 1; + if (overlap < 0) { + sign = -1; + } + result.Overlap = absoluteOverlap; + result.OverlapX = (0 >= e.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : e.$array[e.$offset + 0]) * sign; + result.OverlapY = (1 >= e.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : e.$array[e.$offset + 1]) * sign; + } + result.Axis = e; + } + return false; + }; + WorldToVirtualGridPos = function(wx, wy, worldToVirtualGridRatio) { + var virtualGridX, virtualGridY, worldToVirtualGridRatio, wx, wy; + virtualGridX = ((math.Round(wx * worldToVirtualGridRatio) >> 0)); + virtualGridY = ((math.Round(wy * worldToVirtualGridRatio) >> 0)); + return [virtualGridX, virtualGridY]; + }; + $pkg.WorldToVirtualGridPos = WorldToVirtualGridPos; + VirtualGridToWorldPos = function(vx, vy, virtualGridToWorldRatio) { + var virtualGridToWorldRatio, vx, vy, wx, wy; + wx = (vx) * virtualGridToWorldRatio; + wy = (vy) * virtualGridToWorldRatio; + return [wx, wy]; + }; + $pkg.VirtualGridToWorldPos = VirtualGridToWorldPos; + WorldToPolygonColliderBLPos = function(wx, wy, halfBoundingW, halfBoundingH, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY) { + var bottomPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, halfBoundingH, halfBoundingW, leftPadding, rightPadding, topPadding, wx, wy; + return [wx - halfBoundingW - leftPadding + collisionSpaceOffsetX, wy - halfBoundingH - bottomPadding + collisionSpaceOffsetY]; + }; + $pkg.WorldToPolygonColliderBLPos = WorldToPolygonColliderBLPos; + PolygonColliderBLToWorldPos = function(cx, cy, halfBoundingW, halfBoundingH, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY) { + var bottomPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, cx, cy, halfBoundingH, halfBoundingW, leftPadding, rightPadding, topPadding; + return [cx + halfBoundingW + leftPadding - collisionSpaceOffsetX, cy + halfBoundingH + bottomPadding - collisionSpaceOffsetY]; + }; + $pkg.PolygonColliderBLToWorldPos = PolygonColliderBLToWorldPos; + PolygonColliderBLToVirtualGridPos = function(cx, cy, halfBoundingW, halfBoundingH, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, worldToVirtualGridRatio) { + var _tuple, bottomPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, cx, cy, halfBoundingH, halfBoundingW, leftPadding, rightPadding, topPadding, worldToVirtualGridRatio, wx, wy; + _tuple = PolygonColliderBLToWorldPos(cx, cy, halfBoundingW, halfBoundingH, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY); + wx = _tuple[0]; + wy = _tuple[1]; + return WorldToVirtualGridPos(wx, wy, worldToVirtualGridRatio); + }; + $pkg.PolygonColliderBLToVirtualGridPos = PolygonColliderBLToVirtualGridPos; + VirtualGridToPolygonColliderBLPos = function(vx, vy, halfBoundingW, halfBoundingH, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, virtualGridToWorldRatio) { + var _tuple, bottomPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, halfBoundingH, halfBoundingW, leftPadding, rightPadding, topPadding, virtualGridToWorldRatio, vx, vy, wx, wy; + _tuple = VirtualGridToWorldPos(vx, vy, virtualGridToWorldRatio); + wx = _tuple[0]; + wy = _tuple[1]; + return WorldToPolygonColliderBLPos(wx, wy, halfBoundingW, halfBoundingH, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY); + }; + $pkg.VirtualGridToPolygonColliderBLPos = VirtualGridToPolygonColliderBLPos; + init = function() { + var {_r, _tuple, err, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + zap.Config.copy($pkg.LoggerConfig, zap.NewDevelopmentConfig()); + $clone($pkg.LoggerConfig.Level, zap.AtomicLevel).SetLevel(0); + $pkg.LoggerConfig.Development = false; + $pkg.LoggerConfig.Sampling = new zap.SamplingConfig.ptr(100, 100); + $pkg.LoggerConfig.EncoderConfig.EncodeLevel = zapcore.CapitalColorLevelEncoder; + err = $ifaceNil; + _r = $clone($pkg.LoggerConfig, zap.Config).Build(sliceType$11.nil); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r; + $pkg.Logger = _tuple[0]; + err = _tuple[1]; + if (!($interfaceIsEqual($ifaceNil, err))) { + $panic(err); + } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: init, $c: true, $r, _r, _tuple, err, $s};return $f; + }; + AlignPolygon2DToBoundingBox = function(input) { + var _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, boundingBoxBL, i, input, output, p, p$1, x; + boundingBoxBL = new sharedprotos.Vec2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil), 0, sliceType$1.nil, 1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308); + _ref = input.Points; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + p = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + if (p.X < boundingBoxBL.X) { + boundingBoxBL.X = p.X; + } + if (p.Y < boundingBoxBL.Y) { + boundingBoxBL.Y = p.Y; + } + _i++; + } + output = new sharedprotos.Polygon2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil), 0, sliceType$1.nil, new sharedprotos.Vec2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil), 0, sliceType$1.nil, input.Anchor.X + boundingBoxBL.X, input.Anchor.Y + boundingBoxBL.Y), $makeSlice(sliceType$4, input.Points.$length)); + _ref$1 = input.Points; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i = _i$1; + p$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + (x = output.Points, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x.$array[x.$offset + i] = new sharedprotos.Vec2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$5.nil), 0, sliceType$1.nil, p$1.X - boundingBoxBL.X, p$1.Y - boundingBoxBL.Y))); + _i$1++; + } + return output; + }; + $pkg.AlignPolygon2DToBoundingBox = AlignPolygon2DToBoundingBox; + SatResult.init("", [{prop: "Overlap", name: "Overlap", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "OverlapX", name: "OverlapX", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "OverlapY", name: "OverlapY", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Float64, tag: ""}, {prop: "AContainedInB", name: "AContainedInB", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "BContainedInA", name: "BContainedInA", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "Axis", name: "Axis", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: vector.Vector, tag: ""}]); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = bytes.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = zlib.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sharedprotos.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = base64.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = xml.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = errors.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = fmt.$init(); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = vector.$init(); /* */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = resolv.$init(); /* */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = zap.$init(); /* */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = zapcore.$init(); /* */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = ioutil.$init(); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = math.$init(); /* */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strconv.$init(); /* */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = strings.$init(); /* */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.Logger = ptrType.nil; + $pkg.LoggerConfig = new zap.Config.ptr(new zap.AtomicLevel.ptr(ptrType$1.nil), false, false, false, ptrType$2.nil, "", new zapcore.EncoderConfig.ptr("", "", "", "", "", "", "", $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError), sliceType.nil, sliceType.nil, false); + $r = init(); /* */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["jsexport/protos"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, sharedprotos, protoreflect, protoimpl, reflect, sync, PlayerDownsync, InputFrameDecoded, InputFrameUpsync, InputFrameDownsync, HeartbeatUpsync, WsReq, WsResp, InputsBufferSnapshot, Barrier, MeleeBullet, BattleColliderInfo, RoomDownsyncFrame, x, sliceType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, ptrType$13, ptrType$14, ptrType$15, sliceType$3, funcType, arrayType, arrayType$1, ptrType$16, sliceType$4, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, sliceType$7, sliceType$8, sliceType$9, ptrType$17, ptrType$18, sliceType$10, sliceType$11, mapType, mapType$1, mapType$2, mapType$3, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDesc, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescOnce, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescData, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_goTypes, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_depIdxs, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP, init, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_init; + sharedprotos = $packages["dnmshared/sharedprotos"]; + protoreflect = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"]; + protoimpl = $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"]; + reflect = $packages["reflect"]; + sync = $packages["sync"]; + PlayerDownsync = $pkg.PlayerDownsync = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.PlayerDownsync", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, Id_, VirtualGridX_, VirtualGridY_, DirX_, DirY_, VelX_, VelY_, Speed_, BattleState_, JoinIndex_, ColliderRadius_, Removed_, Score_, LastMoveGmtMillis_, FramesToRecover_, Hp_, MaxHp_, CharacterState_, InAir_, Name_, DisplayName_, Avatar_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.Id = 0; + this.VirtualGridX = 0; + this.VirtualGridY = 0; + this.DirX = 0; + this.DirY = 0; + this.VelX = 0; + this.VelY = 0; + this.Speed = 0; + this.BattleState = 0; + this.JoinIndex = 0; + this.ColliderRadius = 0; + this.Removed = false; + this.Score = 0; + this.LastMoveGmtMillis = 0; + this.FramesToRecover = 0; + this.Hp = 0; + this.MaxHp = 0; + this.CharacterState = 0; + this.InAir = false; + this.Name = ""; + this.DisplayName = ""; + this.Avatar = ""; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.Id = Id_; + this.VirtualGridX = VirtualGridX_; + this.VirtualGridY = VirtualGridY_; + this.DirX = DirX_; + this.DirY = DirY_; + this.VelX = VelX_; + this.VelY = VelY_; + this.Speed = Speed_; + this.BattleState = BattleState_; + this.JoinIndex = JoinIndex_; + this.ColliderRadius = ColliderRadius_; + this.Removed = Removed_; + this.Score = Score_; + this.LastMoveGmtMillis = LastMoveGmtMillis_; + this.FramesToRecover = FramesToRecover_; + this.Hp = Hp_; + this.MaxHp = MaxHp_; + this.CharacterState = CharacterState_; + this.InAir = InAir_; + this.Name = Name_; + this.DisplayName = DisplayName_; + this.Avatar = Avatar_; + }); + InputFrameDecoded = $pkg.InputFrameDecoded = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.InputFrameDecoded", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, Dx_, Dy_, BtnALevel_, BtnBLevel_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.Dx = 0; + this.Dy = 0; + this.BtnALevel = 0; + this.BtnBLevel = 0; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.Dx = Dx_; + this.Dy = Dy_; + this.BtnALevel = BtnALevel_; + this.BtnBLevel = BtnBLevel_; + }); + InputFrameUpsync = $pkg.InputFrameUpsync = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.InputFrameUpsync", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, InputFrameId_, Encoded_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.InputFrameId = 0; + this.Encoded = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.InputFrameId = InputFrameId_; + this.Encoded = Encoded_; + }); + InputFrameDownsync = $pkg.InputFrameDownsync = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.InputFrameDownsync", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, InputFrameId_, InputList_, ConfirmedList_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.InputFrameId = 0; + this.InputList = sliceType$5.nil; + this.ConfirmedList = new $Uint64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.InputFrameId = InputFrameId_; + this.InputList = InputList_; + this.ConfirmedList = ConfirmedList_; + }); + HeartbeatUpsync = $pkg.HeartbeatUpsync = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.HeartbeatUpsync", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, ClientTimestamp_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.ClientTimestamp = new $Int64(0, 0); + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.ClientTimestamp = ClientTimestamp_; + }); + WsReq = $pkg.WsReq = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.WsReq", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, MsgId_, PlayerId_, Act_, JoinIndex_, AckingFrameId_, AckingInputFrameId_, InputFrameUpsyncBatch_, Hb_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.MsgId = 0; + this.PlayerId = 0; + this.Act = 0; + this.JoinIndex = 0; + this.AckingFrameId = 0; + this.AckingInputFrameId = 0; + this.InputFrameUpsyncBatch = sliceType$6.nil; + this.Hb = ptrType$4.nil; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.MsgId = MsgId_; + this.PlayerId = PlayerId_; + this.Act = Act_; + this.JoinIndex = JoinIndex_; + this.AckingFrameId = AckingFrameId_; + this.AckingInputFrameId = AckingInputFrameId_; + this.InputFrameUpsyncBatch = InputFrameUpsyncBatch_; + this.Hb = Hb_; + }); + WsResp = $pkg.WsResp = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.WsResp", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, Ret_, EchoedMsgId_, Act_, Rdf_, InputFrameDownsyncBatch_, BciFrame_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.Ret = 0; + this.EchoedMsgId = 0; + this.Act = 0; + this.Rdf = ptrType$11.nil; + this.InputFrameDownsyncBatch = sliceType$7.nil; + this.BciFrame = ptrType$10.nil; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.Ret = Ret_; + this.EchoedMsgId = EchoedMsgId_; + this.Act = Act_; + this.Rdf = Rdf_; + this.InputFrameDownsyncBatch = InputFrameDownsyncBatch_; + this.BciFrame = BciFrame_; + }); + InputsBufferSnapshot = $pkg.InputsBufferSnapshot = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.InputsBufferSnapshot", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, RefRenderFrameId_, UnconfirmedMask_, ToSendInputFrameDownsyncs_, ShouldForceResync_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.RefRenderFrameId = 0; + this.UnconfirmedMask = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.ToSendInputFrameDownsyncs = sliceType$7.nil; + this.ShouldForceResync = false; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.RefRenderFrameId = RefRenderFrameId_; + this.UnconfirmedMask = UnconfirmedMask_; + this.ToSendInputFrameDownsyncs = ToSendInputFrameDownsyncs_; + this.ShouldForceResync = ShouldForceResync_; + }); + Barrier = $pkg.Barrier = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.Barrier", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, Boundary_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.Boundary = ptrType$12.nil; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.Boundary = Boundary_; + }); + MeleeBullet = $pkg.MeleeBullet = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.MeleeBullet", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, BattleLocalId_, StartupFrames_, ActiveFrames_, RecoveryFrames_, RecoveryFramesOnBlock_, RecoveryFramesOnHit_, Moveforward_, HitboxOffset_, HitboxSize_, OriginatedRenderFrameId_, HitStunFrames_, BlockStunFrames_, Pushback_, ReleaseTriggerType_, Damage_, OffenderJoinIndex_, OffenderPlayerId_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.BattleLocalId = 0; + this.StartupFrames = 0; + this.ActiveFrames = 0; + this.RecoveryFrames = 0; + this.RecoveryFramesOnBlock = 0; + this.RecoveryFramesOnHit = 0; + this.Moveforward = ptrType$13.nil; + this.HitboxOffset = 0; + this.HitboxSize = ptrType$13.nil; + this.OriginatedRenderFrameId = 0; + this.HitStunFrames = 0; + this.BlockStunFrames = 0; + this.Pushback = 0; + this.ReleaseTriggerType = 0; + this.Damage = 0; + this.OffenderJoinIndex = 0; + this.OffenderPlayerId = 0; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.BattleLocalId = BattleLocalId_; + this.StartupFrames = StartupFrames_; + this.ActiveFrames = ActiveFrames_; + this.RecoveryFrames = RecoveryFrames_; + this.RecoveryFramesOnBlock = RecoveryFramesOnBlock_; + this.RecoveryFramesOnHit = RecoveryFramesOnHit_; + this.Moveforward = Moveforward_; + this.HitboxOffset = HitboxOffset_; + this.HitboxSize = HitboxSize_; + this.OriginatedRenderFrameId = OriginatedRenderFrameId_; + this.HitStunFrames = HitStunFrames_; + this.BlockStunFrames = BlockStunFrames_; + this.Pushback = Pushback_; + this.ReleaseTriggerType = ReleaseTriggerType_; + this.Damage = Damage_; + this.OffenderJoinIndex = OffenderJoinIndex_; + this.OffenderPlayerId = OffenderPlayerId_; + }); + BattleColliderInfo = $pkg.BattleColliderInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.BattleColliderInfo", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, StageName_, StrToVec2DListMap_, StrToPolygon2DListMap_, StageDiscreteW_, StageDiscreteH_, StageTileW_, StageTileH_, IntervalToPing_, WillKickIfInactiveFor_, BoundRoomId_, BattleDurationFrames_, BattleDurationNanos_, ServerFps_, InputDelayFrames_, InputScaleFrames_, NstDelayFrames_, InputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance_, MaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate_, PlayerBattleState_, RollbackEstimatedDtMillis_, RollbackEstimatedDtNanos_, WorldToVirtualGridRatio_, VirtualGridToWorldRatio_, SpAtkLookupFrames_, RenderCacheSize_, MeleeSkillConfig_, SnapIntoPlatformOverlap_, SnapIntoPlatformThreshold_, JumpingInitVelY_, GravityX_, GravityY_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.StageName = ""; + this.StrToVec2DListMap = false; + this.StrToPolygon2DListMap = false; + this.StageDiscreteW = 0; + this.StageDiscreteH = 0; + this.StageTileW = 0; + this.StageTileH = 0; + this.IntervalToPing = 0; + this.WillKickIfInactiveFor = 0; + this.BoundRoomId = 0; + this.BattleDurationFrames = 0; + this.BattleDurationNanos = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.ServerFps = 0; + this.InputDelayFrames = 0; + this.InputScaleFrames = 0; + this.NstDelayFrames = 0; + this.InputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance = 0; + this.MaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate = 0; + this.PlayerBattleState = 0; + this.RollbackEstimatedDtMillis = 0; + this.RollbackEstimatedDtNanos = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.WorldToVirtualGridRatio = 0; + this.VirtualGridToWorldRatio = 0; + this.SpAtkLookupFrames = 0; + this.RenderCacheSize = 0; + this.MeleeSkillConfig = false; + this.SnapIntoPlatformOverlap = 0; + this.SnapIntoPlatformThreshold = 0; + this.JumpingInitVelY = 0; + this.GravityX = 0; + this.GravityY = 0; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.StageName = StageName_; + this.StrToVec2DListMap = StrToVec2DListMap_; + this.StrToPolygon2DListMap = StrToPolygon2DListMap_; + this.StageDiscreteW = StageDiscreteW_; + this.StageDiscreteH = StageDiscreteH_; + this.StageTileW = StageTileW_; + this.StageTileH = StageTileH_; + this.IntervalToPing = IntervalToPing_; + this.WillKickIfInactiveFor = WillKickIfInactiveFor_; + this.BoundRoomId = BoundRoomId_; + this.BattleDurationFrames = BattleDurationFrames_; + this.BattleDurationNanos = BattleDurationNanos_; + this.ServerFps = ServerFps_; + this.InputDelayFrames = InputDelayFrames_; + this.InputScaleFrames = InputScaleFrames_; + this.NstDelayFrames = NstDelayFrames_; + this.InputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance = InputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance_; + this.MaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate = MaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate_; + this.PlayerBattleState = PlayerBattleState_; + this.RollbackEstimatedDtMillis = RollbackEstimatedDtMillis_; + this.RollbackEstimatedDtNanos = RollbackEstimatedDtNanos_; + this.WorldToVirtualGridRatio = WorldToVirtualGridRatio_; + this.VirtualGridToWorldRatio = VirtualGridToWorldRatio_; + this.SpAtkLookupFrames = SpAtkLookupFrames_; + this.RenderCacheSize = RenderCacheSize_; + this.MeleeSkillConfig = MeleeSkillConfig_; + this.SnapIntoPlatformOverlap = SnapIntoPlatformOverlap_; + this.SnapIntoPlatformThreshold = SnapIntoPlatformThreshold_; + this.JumpingInitVelY = JumpingInitVelY_; + this.GravityX = GravityX_; + this.GravityY = GravityY_; + }); + RoomDownsyncFrame = $pkg.RoomDownsyncFrame = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.RoomDownsyncFrame", true, "jsexport/protos", true, function(state_, sizeCache_, unknownFields_, Id_, PlayersArr_, CountdownNanos_, MeleeBullets_, BackendUnconfirmedMask_, ShouldForceResync_, Players_) { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + this.state = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil); + this.sizeCache = 0; + this.unknownFields = sliceType.nil; + this.Id = 0; + this.PlayersArr = sliceType$8.nil; + this.CountdownNanos = new $Int64(0, 0); + this.MeleeBullets = sliceType$9.nil; + this.BackendUnconfirmedMask = new $Uint64(0, 0); + this.ShouldForceResync = false; + this.Players = false; + return; + } + this.state = state_; + this.sizeCache = sizeCache_; + this.unknownFields = unknownFields_; + this.Id = Id_; + this.PlayersArr = PlayersArr_; + this.CountdownNanos = CountdownNanos_; + this.MeleeBullets = MeleeBullets_; + this.BackendUnconfirmedMask = BackendUnconfirmedMask_; + this.ShouldForceResync = ShouldForceResync_; + this.Players = Players_; + }); + x = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "protos.x", true, "jsexport/protos", false, function() { + this.$val = this; + if (arguments.length === 0) { + return; + } + }); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageInfo); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($emptyInterface); + ptrType = $ptrType(PlayerDownsync); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(InputFrameDecoded); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(InputFrameUpsync); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(InputFrameDownsync); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(HeartbeatUpsync); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(WsReq); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(WsResp); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(InputsBufferSnapshot); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(Barrier); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(MeleeBullet); + ptrType$10 = $ptrType(BattleColliderInfo); + ptrType$11 = $ptrType(RoomDownsyncFrame); + ptrType$12 = $ptrType(sharedprotos.Polygon2D); + ptrType$13 = $ptrType(sharedprotos.Vec2D); + ptrType$14 = $ptrType(sharedprotos.Vec2DList); + ptrType$15 = $ptrType(sharedprotos.Polygon2DList); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Int32); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType(sync.Mutex, 0); + ptrType$16 = $ptrType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageInfo); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Int); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType($Uint64); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(ptrType$2); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType(ptrType$3); + sliceType$8 = $sliceType(ptrType); + sliceType$9 = $sliceType(ptrType$9); + ptrType$17 = $ptrType($Int32); + ptrType$18 = $ptrType(sliceType); + sliceType$10 = $sliceType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].EnumInfo); + sliceType$11 = $sliceType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].ExtensionInfo); + mapType = $mapType($String, ptrType$14); + mapType$1 = $mapType($String, ptrType$15); + mapType$2 = $mapType($Int32, ptrType$9); + mapType$3 = $mapType($Int32, ptrType); + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + PlayerDownsync.copy(x, new PlayerDownsync.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, "", "", "")); + if (false) { + mi = (0 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 0]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (0 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 0]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([0])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.Id; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetId = function() { return this.$val.GetId(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetVirtualGridX = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.VirtualGridX; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetVirtualGridX = function() { return this.$val.GetVirtualGridX(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetVirtualGridY = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.VirtualGridY; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetVirtualGridY = function() { return this.$val.GetVirtualGridY(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetDirX = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.DirX; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetDirX = function() { return this.$val.GetDirX(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetDirY = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.DirY; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetDirY = function() { return this.$val.GetDirY(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetVelX = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.VelX; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetVelX = function() { return this.$val.GetVelX(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetVelY = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.VelY; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetVelY = function() { return this.$val.GetVelY(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetSpeed = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.Speed; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetSpeed = function() { return this.$val.GetSpeed(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetBattleState = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.BattleState; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetBattleState = function() { return this.$val.GetBattleState(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetJoinIndex = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.JoinIndex; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetJoinIndex = function() { return this.$val.GetJoinIndex(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetColliderRadius = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.ColliderRadius; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetColliderRadius = function() { return this.$val.GetColliderRadius(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetRemoved = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.Removed; + } + return false; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetRemoved = function() { return this.$val.GetRemoved(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetScore = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.Score; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetScore = function() { return this.$val.GetScore(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetLastMoveGmtMillis = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.LastMoveGmtMillis; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetLastMoveGmtMillis = function() { return this.$val.GetLastMoveGmtMillis(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetFramesToRecover = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.FramesToRecover; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetFramesToRecover = function() { return this.$val.GetFramesToRecover(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetHp = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.Hp; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetHp = function() { return this.$val.GetHp(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetMaxHp = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.MaxHp; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetMaxHp = function() { return this.$val.GetMaxHp(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetCharacterState = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.CharacterState; + } + return 0; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetCharacterState = function() { return this.$val.GetCharacterState(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetInAir = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.InAir; + } + return false; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetInAir = function() { return this.$val.GetInAir(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetName = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.Name; + } + return ""; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetName = function() { return this.$val.GetName(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetDisplayName = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.DisplayName; + } + return ""; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetDisplayName = function() { return this.$val.GetDisplayName(); }; + PlayerDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetAvatar = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType.nil)) { + return x.Avatar; + } + return ""; + }; + PlayerDownsync.prototype.GetAvatar = function() { return this.$val.GetAvatar(); }; + InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + InputFrameDecoded.copy(x, new InputFrameDecoded.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + if (false) { + mi = (1 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 1]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + InputFrameDecoded.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + InputFrameDecoded.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + InputFrameDecoded.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (1 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 1]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$1.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + InputFrameDecoded.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([1])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + InputFrameDecoded.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.GetDx = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$1.nil)) { + return x.Dx; + } + return 0; + }; + InputFrameDecoded.prototype.GetDx = function() { return this.$val.GetDx(); }; + InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.GetDy = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$1.nil)) { + return x.Dy; + } + return 0; + }; + InputFrameDecoded.prototype.GetDy = function() { return this.$val.GetDy(); }; + InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.GetBtnALevel = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$1.nil)) { + return x.BtnALevel; + } + return 0; + }; + InputFrameDecoded.prototype.GetBtnALevel = function() { return this.$val.GetBtnALevel(); }; + InputFrameDecoded.ptr.prototype.GetBtnBLevel = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$1.nil)) { + return x.BtnBLevel; + } + return 0; + }; + InputFrameDecoded.prototype.GetBtnBLevel = function() { return this.$val.GetBtnBLevel(); }; + InputFrameUpsync.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + InputFrameUpsync.copy(x, new InputFrameUpsync.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0))); + if (false) { + mi = (2 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 2]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + InputFrameUpsync.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + InputFrameUpsync.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputFrameUpsync.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + InputFrameUpsync.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + InputFrameUpsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + InputFrameUpsync.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + InputFrameUpsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (2 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 2]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$2.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputFrameUpsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + InputFrameUpsync.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + InputFrameUpsync.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([2])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputFrameUpsync.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + InputFrameUpsync.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + InputFrameUpsync.ptr.prototype.GetInputFrameId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$2.nil)) { + return x.InputFrameId; + } + return 0; + }; + InputFrameUpsync.prototype.GetInputFrameId = function() { return this.$val.GetInputFrameId(); }; + InputFrameUpsync.ptr.prototype.GetEncoded = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$2.nil)) { + return x.Encoded; + } + return new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + InputFrameUpsync.prototype.GetEncoded = function() { return this.$val.GetEncoded(); }; + InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + InputFrameDownsync.copy(x, new InputFrameDownsync.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, sliceType$5.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0))); + if (false) { + mi = (3 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 3]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + InputFrameDownsync.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + InputFrameDownsync.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + InputFrameDownsync.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (3 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 3]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$3.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + InputFrameDownsync.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([3])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + InputFrameDownsync.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetInputFrameId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$3.nil)) { + return x.InputFrameId; + } + return 0; + }; + InputFrameDownsync.prototype.GetInputFrameId = function() { return this.$val.GetInputFrameId(); }; + InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetInputList = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$3.nil)) { + return x.InputList; + } + return sliceType$5.nil; + }; + InputFrameDownsync.prototype.GetInputList = function() { return this.$val.GetInputList(); }; + InputFrameDownsync.ptr.prototype.GetConfirmedList = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$3.nil)) { + return x.ConfirmedList; + } + return new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + InputFrameDownsync.prototype.GetConfirmedList = function() { return this.$val.GetConfirmedList(); }; + HeartbeatUpsync.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + HeartbeatUpsync.copy(x, new HeartbeatUpsync.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, new $Int64(0, 0))); + if (false) { + mi = (4 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 4]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + HeartbeatUpsync.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + HeartbeatUpsync.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: HeartbeatUpsync.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + HeartbeatUpsync.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + HeartbeatUpsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + HeartbeatUpsync.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + HeartbeatUpsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (4 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 4]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$4.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: HeartbeatUpsync.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + HeartbeatUpsync.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + HeartbeatUpsync.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([4])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: HeartbeatUpsync.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + HeartbeatUpsync.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + HeartbeatUpsync.ptr.prototype.GetClientTimestamp = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$4.nil)) { + return x.ClientTimestamp; + } + return new $Int64(0, 0); + }; + HeartbeatUpsync.prototype.GetClientTimestamp = function() { return this.$val.GetClientTimestamp(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + WsReq.copy(x, new WsReq.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, sliceType$6.nil, ptrType$4.nil)); + if (false) { + mi = (5 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 5]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + WsReq.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WsReq.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + WsReq.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + WsReq.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (5 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 5]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$5.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WsReq.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + WsReq.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([5])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WsReq.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + WsReq.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.GetMsgId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$5.nil)) { + return x.MsgId; + } + return 0; + }; + WsReq.prototype.GetMsgId = function() { return this.$val.GetMsgId(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.GetPlayerId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$5.nil)) { + return x.PlayerId; + } + return 0; + }; + WsReq.prototype.GetPlayerId = function() { return this.$val.GetPlayerId(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.GetAct = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$5.nil)) { + return x.Act; + } + return 0; + }; + WsReq.prototype.GetAct = function() { return this.$val.GetAct(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.GetJoinIndex = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$5.nil)) { + return x.JoinIndex; + } + return 0; + }; + WsReq.prototype.GetJoinIndex = function() { return this.$val.GetJoinIndex(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.GetAckingFrameId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$5.nil)) { + return x.AckingFrameId; + } + return 0; + }; + WsReq.prototype.GetAckingFrameId = function() { return this.$val.GetAckingFrameId(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.GetAckingInputFrameId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$5.nil)) { + return x.AckingInputFrameId; + } + return 0; + }; + WsReq.prototype.GetAckingInputFrameId = function() { return this.$val.GetAckingInputFrameId(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.GetInputFrameUpsyncBatch = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$5.nil)) { + return x.InputFrameUpsyncBatch; + } + return sliceType$6.nil; + }; + WsReq.prototype.GetInputFrameUpsyncBatch = function() { return this.$val.GetInputFrameUpsyncBatch(); }; + WsReq.ptr.prototype.GetHb = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$5.nil)) { + return x.Hb; + } + return ptrType$4.nil; + }; + WsReq.prototype.GetHb = function() { return this.$val.GetHb(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + WsResp.copy(x, new WsResp.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$11.nil, sliceType$7.nil, ptrType$10.nil)); + if (false) { + mi = (6 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 6]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + WsResp.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WsResp.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + WsResp.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + WsResp.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (6 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 6]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$6.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WsResp.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + WsResp.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([6])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: WsResp.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + WsResp.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.GetRet = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$6.nil)) { + return x.Ret; + } + return 0; + }; + WsResp.prototype.GetRet = function() { return this.$val.GetRet(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.GetEchoedMsgId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$6.nil)) { + return x.EchoedMsgId; + } + return 0; + }; + WsResp.prototype.GetEchoedMsgId = function() { return this.$val.GetEchoedMsgId(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.GetAct = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$6.nil)) { + return x.Act; + } + return 0; + }; + WsResp.prototype.GetAct = function() { return this.$val.GetAct(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.GetRdf = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$6.nil)) { + return x.Rdf; + } + return ptrType$11.nil; + }; + WsResp.prototype.GetRdf = function() { return this.$val.GetRdf(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.GetInputFrameDownsyncBatch = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$6.nil)) { + return x.InputFrameDownsyncBatch; + } + return sliceType$7.nil; + }; + WsResp.prototype.GetInputFrameDownsyncBatch = function() { return this.$val.GetInputFrameDownsyncBatch(); }; + WsResp.ptr.prototype.GetBciFrame = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$6.nil)) { + return x.BciFrame; + } + return ptrType$10.nil; + }; + WsResp.prototype.GetBciFrame = function() { return this.$val.GetBciFrame(); }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + InputsBufferSnapshot.copy(x, new InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), sliceType$7.nil, false)); + if (false) { + mi = (7 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 7]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (7 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 7]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$7.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([7])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.GetRefRenderFrameId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$7.nil)) { + return x.RefRenderFrameId; + } + return 0; + }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.prototype.GetRefRenderFrameId = function() { return this.$val.GetRefRenderFrameId(); }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.GetUnconfirmedMask = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$7.nil)) { + return x.UnconfirmedMask; + } + return new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.prototype.GetUnconfirmedMask = function() { return this.$val.GetUnconfirmedMask(); }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.GetToSendInputFrameDownsyncs = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$7.nil)) { + return x.ToSendInputFrameDownsyncs; + } + return sliceType$7.nil; + }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.prototype.GetToSendInputFrameDownsyncs = function() { return this.$val.GetToSendInputFrameDownsyncs(); }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.ptr.prototype.GetShouldForceResync = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$7.nil)) { + return x.ShouldForceResync; + } + return false; + }; + InputsBufferSnapshot.prototype.GetShouldForceResync = function() { return this.$val.GetShouldForceResync(); }; + Barrier.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + Barrier.copy(x, new Barrier.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, ptrType$12.nil)); + if (false) { + mi = (8 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 8]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + Barrier.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + Barrier.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Barrier.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Barrier.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + Barrier.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + Barrier.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + Barrier.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (8 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 8]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$8.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Barrier.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + Barrier.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + Barrier.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([8])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: Barrier.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + Barrier.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + Barrier.ptr.prototype.GetBoundary = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$8.nil)) { + return x.Boundary; + } + return ptrType$12.nil; + }; + Barrier.prototype.GetBoundary = function() { return this.$val.GetBoundary(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + MeleeBullet.copy(x, new MeleeBullet.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$13.nil, 0, ptrType$13.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + if (false) { + mi = (9 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 9]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (9 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 9]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([9])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetBattleLocalId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.BattleLocalId; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetBattleLocalId = function() { return this.$val.GetBattleLocalId(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetStartupFrames = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.StartupFrames; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetStartupFrames = function() { return this.$val.GetStartupFrames(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetActiveFrames = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.ActiveFrames; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetActiveFrames = function() { return this.$val.GetActiveFrames(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetRecoveryFrames = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.RecoveryFrames; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetRecoveryFrames = function() { return this.$val.GetRecoveryFrames(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetRecoveryFramesOnBlock = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.RecoveryFramesOnBlock; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetRecoveryFramesOnBlock = function() { return this.$val.GetRecoveryFramesOnBlock(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetRecoveryFramesOnHit = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.RecoveryFramesOnHit; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetRecoveryFramesOnHit = function() { return this.$val.GetRecoveryFramesOnHit(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetMoveforward = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.Moveforward; + } + return ptrType$13.nil; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetMoveforward = function() { return this.$val.GetMoveforward(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetHitboxOffset = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.HitboxOffset; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetHitboxOffset = function() { return this.$val.GetHitboxOffset(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetHitboxSize = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.HitboxSize; + } + return ptrType$13.nil; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetHitboxSize = function() { return this.$val.GetHitboxSize(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetOriginatedRenderFrameId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.OriginatedRenderFrameId; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetOriginatedRenderFrameId = function() { return this.$val.GetOriginatedRenderFrameId(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetHitStunFrames = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.HitStunFrames; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetHitStunFrames = function() { return this.$val.GetHitStunFrames(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetBlockStunFrames = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.BlockStunFrames; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetBlockStunFrames = function() { return this.$val.GetBlockStunFrames(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetPushback = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.Pushback; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetPushback = function() { return this.$val.GetPushback(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetReleaseTriggerType = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.ReleaseTriggerType; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetReleaseTriggerType = function() { return this.$val.GetReleaseTriggerType(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetDamage = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.Damage; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetDamage = function() { return this.$val.GetDamage(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetOffenderJoinIndex = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.OffenderJoinIndex; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetOffenderJoinIndex = function() { return this.$val.GetOffenderJoinIndex(); }; + MeleeBullet.ptr.prototype.GetOffenderPlayerId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$9.nil)) { + return x.OffenderPlayerId; + } + return 0; + }; + MeleeBullet.prototype.GetOffenderPlayerId = function() { return this.$val.GetOffenderPlayerId(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + BattleColliderInfo.copy(x, new BattleColliderInfo.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, "", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); + if (false) { + mi = (10 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 10]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (10 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 10]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([10])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetStageName = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.StageName; + } + return ""; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetStageName = function() { return this.$val.GetStageName(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetStrToVec2DListMap = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.StrToVec2DListMap; + } + return false; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetStrToVec2DListMap = function() { return this.$val.GetStrToVec2DListMap(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetStrToPolygon2DListMap = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.StrToPolygon2DListMap; + } + return false; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetStrToPolygon2DListMap = function() { return this.$val.GetStrToPolygon2DListMap(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetStageDiscreteW = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.StageDiscreteW; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetStageDiscreteW = function() { return this.$val.GetStageDiscreteW(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetStageDiscreteH = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.StageDiscreteH; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetStageDiscreteH = function() { return this.$val.GetStageDiscreteH(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetStageTileW = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.StageTileW; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetStageTileW = function() { return this.$val.GetStageTileW(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetStageTileH = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.StageTileH; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetStageTileH = function() { return this.$val.GetStageTileH(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetIntervalToPing = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.IntervalToPing; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetIntervalToPing = function() { return this.$val.GetIntervalToPing(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetWillKickIfInactiveFor = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.WillKickIfInactiveFor; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetWillKickIfInactiveFor = function() { return this.$val.GetWillKickIfInactiveFor(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetBoundRoomId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.BoundRoomId; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetBoundRoomId = function() { return this.$val.GetBoundRoomId(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetBattleDurationFrames = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.BattleDurationFrames; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetBattleDurationFrames = function() { return this.$val.GetBattleDurationFrames(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetBattleDurationNanos = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.BattleDurationNanos; + } + return new $Int64(0, 0); + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetBattleDurationNanos = function() { return this.$val.GetBattleDurationNanos(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetServerFps = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.ServerFps; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetServerFps = function() { return this.$val.GetServerFps(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetInputDelayFrames = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.InputDelayFrames; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetInputDelayFrames = function() { return this.$val.GetInputDelayFrames(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetInputScaleFrames = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.InputScaleFrames; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetInputScaleFrames = function() { return this.$val.GetInputScaleFrames(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetNstDelayFrames = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.NstDelayFrames; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetNstDelayFrames = function() { return this.$val.GetNstDelayFrames(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetInputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.InputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetInputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance = function() { return this.$val.GetInputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetMaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.MaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetMaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate = function() { return this.$val.GetMaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetPlayerBattleState = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.PlayerBattleState; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetPlayerBattleState = function() { return this.$val.GetPlayerBattleState(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetRollbackEstimatedDtMillis = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.RollbackEstimatedDtMillis; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetRollbackEstimatedDtMillis = function() { return this.$val.GetRollbackEstimatedDtMillis(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetRollbackEstimatedDtNanos = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.RollbackEstimatedDtNanos; + } + return new $Int64(0, 0); + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetRollbackEstimatedDtNanos = function() { return this.$val.GetRollbackEstimatedDtNanos(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetWorldToVirtualGridRatio = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.WorldToVirtualGridRatio; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetWorldToVirtualGridRatio = function() { return this.$val.GetWorldToVirtualGridRatio(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetVirtualGridToWorldRatio = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.VirtualGridToWorldRatio; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetVirtualGridToWorldRatio = function() { return this.$val.GetVirtualGridToWorldRatio(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetSpAtkLookupFrames = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.SpAtkLookupFrames; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetSpAtkLookupFrames = function() { return this.$val.GetSpAtkLookupFrames(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetRenderCacheSize = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.RenderCacheSize; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetRenderCacheSize = function() { return this.$val.GetRenderCacheSize(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetMeleeSkillConfig = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.MeleeSkillConfig; + } + return false; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetMeleeSkillConfig = function() { return this.$val.GetMeleeSkillConfig(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetSnapIntoPlatformOverlap = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.SnapIntoPlatformOverlap; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetSnapIntoPlatformOverlap = function() { return this.$val.GetSnapIntoPlatformOverlap(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetSnapIntoPlatformThreshold = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.SnapIntoPlatformThreshold; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetSnapIntoPlatformThreshold = function() { return this.$val.GetSnapIntoPlatformThreshold(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetJumpingInitVelY = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.JumpingInitVelY; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetJumpingInitVelY = function() { return this.$val.GetJumpingInitVelY(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetGravityX = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.GravityX; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetGravityX = function() { return this.$val.GetGravityX(); }; + BattleColliderInfo.ptr.prototype.GetGravityY = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$10.nil)) { + return x.GravityY; + } + return 0; + }; + BattleColliderInfo.prototype.GetGravityY = function() { return this.$val.GetGravityY(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.Reset = function() { + var mi, ms, x; + x = this; + RoomDownsyncFrame.copy(x, new RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType$16.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, 0, sliceType$8.nil, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$9.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0), false, false)); + if (false) { + mi = (11 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 11]); + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.Reset = function() { return this.$val.Reset(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.String = function() { + var {$24r, _r, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStringOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.String, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, $s};return $f; + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.ProtoMessage = function() { return this.$val.ProtoMessage(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { + var {$24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + x = this; + mi = (11 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 11]); + if (false && !(x === ptrType$11.nil)) { + ms = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).MessageStateOf((x)); + if (ms.LoadMessageInfo() === ptrType$16.nil) { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi); + } + $s = -1; return ms; + } + _r = mi.MessageOf(x); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.ProtoReflect, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, mi, ms, x, $s};return $f; + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.ProtoReflect = function() { return this.$val.ProtoReflect(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.Descriptor = function() { + var {$24r, _r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = [_r, new sliceType$4([11])]; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.Descriptor, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, $s};return $f; + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.Descriptor = function() { return this.$val.Descriptor(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.GetId = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$11.nil)) { + return x.Id; + } + return 0; + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.GetId = function() { return this.$val.GetId(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.GetPlayersArr = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$11.nil)) { + return x.PlayersArr; + } + return sliceType$8.nil; + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.GetPlayersArr = function() { return this.$val.GetPlayersArr(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.GetCountdownNanos = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$11.nil)) { + return x.CountdownNanos; + } + return new $Int64(0, 0); + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.GetCountdownNanos = function() { return this.$val.GetCountdownNanos(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.GetMeleeBullets = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$11.nil)) { + return x.MeleeBullets; + } + return sliceType$9.nil; + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.GetMeleeBullets = function() { return this.$val.GetMeleeBullets(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.GetBackendUnconfirmedMask = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$11.nil)) { + return x.BackendUnconfirmedMask; + } + return new $Uint64(0, 0); + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.GetBackendUnconfirmedMask = function() { return this.$val.GetBackendUnconfirmedMask(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.GetShouldForceResync = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$11.nil)) { + return x.ShouldForceResync; + } + return false; + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.GetShouldForceResync = function() { return this.$val.GetShouldForceResync(); }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr.prototype.GetPlayers = function() { + var x; + x = this; + if (!(x === ptrType$11.nil)) { + return x.Players; + } + return false; + }; + RoomDownsyncFrame.prototype.GetPlayers = function() { return this.$val.GetPlayers(); }; + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescOnce.Do((function $b() { + var {_r, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = $clone(protoimpl.X, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].Export).CompressGZIP(file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescData); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescData = _r; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: $b, $c: true, $r, _r, $s};return $f; + })); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescData; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescGZIP, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + init = function() { + var {$s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: init, $c: true, $r, $s};return $f; + }; + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_init = function() { + var {_r, _r$1, out, x$1, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + if (!($interfaceIsEqual($pkg.File_room_downsync_frame_proto, $ifaceNil))) { + $s = -1; return; + } + /* */ if (true) { $s = 1; continue; } + /* */ $s = 2; continue; + /* if (true) { */ case 1: + (0 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 0]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _1, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType); + _1 = i; + if (_1 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_1 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (1 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 1]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _2, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$1); + _2 = i; + if (_2 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_2 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_2 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (2 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 2]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _3, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$2); + _3 = i; + if (_3 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_3 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_3 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (3 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 3]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _4, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$3); + _4 = i; + if (_4 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_4 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_4 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (4 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 4]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _5, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$4); + _5 = i; + if (_5 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_5 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_5 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (5 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 5]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _6, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$5); + _6 = i; + if (_6 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_6 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_6 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (6 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 6]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _7, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$6); + _7 = i; + if (_7 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_7 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_7 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (7 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 7]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _8, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$7); + _8 = i; + if (_8 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_8 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_8 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (8 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 8]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _9, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$8); + _9 = i; + if (_9 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_9 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_9 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (9 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 9]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _10, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$9); + _10 = i; + if (_10 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_10 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_10 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (10 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 10]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _11, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$10); + _11 = i; + if (_11 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_11 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_11 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + (11 >= file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$array[file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes.$offset + 11]).Exporter = (function(v, i) { + var _12, i, v, v$1; + v$1 = $assertType(v, ptrType$11); + _12 = i; + if (_12 === (0)) { + return v$1.state; + } else if (_12 === (1)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache || (v$1.$ptr_sizeCache = new ptrType$17(function() { return this.$target.sizeCache; }, function($v) { this.$target.sizeCache = $v; }, v$1))); + } else if (_12 === (2)) { + return (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields || (v$1.$ptr_unknownFields = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.unknownFields; }, function($v) { this.$target.unknownFields = $v; }, v$1))); + } else { + return $ifaceNil; + } + }); + /* } */ case 2: + _r = reflect.TypeOf((x$1 = new x.ptr(), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))).PkgPath(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype"].Builder.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc"].Builder.ptr(_r, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDesc, 0, 16, 0, 0, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil), file_room_downsync_frame_proto_goTypes, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_depIdxs, sliceType$10.nil, file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes, sliceType$11.nil, $ifaceNil).Build(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + out = $clone(_r$1, $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype"].Out); + $pkg.File_room_downsync_frame_proto = out.File; + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDesc = sliceType.nil; + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_goTypes = sliceType$2.nil; + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_depIdxs = sliceType$3.nil; + $s = -1; return; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: file_room_downsync_frame_proto_init, $c: true, $r, _r, _r$1, out, x$1, $s};return $f; + }; + ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetId", name: "GetId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetVirtualGridX", name: "GetVirtualGridX", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetVirtualGridY", name: "GetVirtualGridY", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetDirX", name: "GetDirX", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetDirY", name: "GetDirY", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetVelX", name: "GetVelX", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetVelY", name: "GetVelY", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetSpeed", name: "GetSpeed", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetBattleState", name: "GetBattleState", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetJoinIndex", name: "GetJoinIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetColliderRadius", name: "GetColliderRadius", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "GetRemoved", name: "GetRemoved", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "GetScore", name: "GetScore", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetLastMoveGmtMillis", name: "GetLastMoveGmtMillis", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetFramesToRecover", name: "GetFramesToRecover", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetHp", name: "GetHp", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetMaxHp", name: "GetMaxHp", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetCharacterState", name: "GetCharacterState", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetInAir", name: "GetInAir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "GetName", name: "GetName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "GetDisplayName", name: "GetDisplayName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "GetAvatar", name: "GetAvatar", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]; + ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetDx", name: "GetDx", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetDy", name: "GetDy", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetBtnALevel", name: "GetBtnALevel", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetBtnBLevel", name: "GetBtnBLevel", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}]; + ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetInputFrameId", name: "GetInputFrameId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetEncoded", name: "GetEncoded", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}]; + ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetInputFrameId", name: "GetInputFrameId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetInputList", name: "GetInputList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$5], false)}, {prop: "GetConfirmedList", name: "GetConfirmedList", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}]; + ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetClientTimestamp", name: "GetClientTimestamp", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}]; + ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetMsgId", name: "GetMsgId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetPlayerId", name: "GetPlayerId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetAct", name: "GetAct", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetJoinIndex", name: "GetJoinIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetAckingFrameId", name: "GetAckingFrameId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetAckingInputFrameId", name: "GetAckingInputFrameId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetInputFrameUpsyncBatch", name: "GetInputFrameUpsyncBatch", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$6], false)}, {prop: "GetHb", name: "GetHb", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$4], false)}]; + ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetRet", name: "GetRet", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetEchoedMsgId", name: "GetEchoedMsgId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetAct", name: "GetAct", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetRdf", name: "GetRdf", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$11], false)}, {prop: "GetInputFrameDownsyncBatch", name: "GetInputFrameDownsyncBatch", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$7], false)}, {prop: "GetBciFrame", name: "GetBciFrame", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$10], false)}]; + ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetRefRenderFrameId", name: "GetRefRenderFrameId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetUnconfirmedMask", name: "GetUnconfirmedMask", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "GetToSendInputFrameDownsyncs", name: "GetToSendInputFrameDownsyncs", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$7], false)}, {prop: "GetShouldForceResync", name: "GetShouldForceResync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}]; + ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetBoundary", name: "GetBoundary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$12], false)}]; + ptrType$9.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetBattleLocalId", name: "GetBattleLocalId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetStartupFrames", name: "GetStartupFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetActiveFrames", name: "GetActiveFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetRecoveryFrames", name: "GetRecoveryFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetRecoveryFramesOnBlock", name: "GetRecoveryFramesOnBlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetRecoveryFramesOnHit", name: "GetRecoveryFramesOnHit", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetMoveforward", name: "GetMoveforward", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$13], false)}, {prop: "GetHitboxOffset", name: "GetHitboxOffset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "GetHitboxSize", name: "GetHitboxSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$13], false)}, {prop: "GetOriginatedRenderFrameId", name: "GetOriginatedRenderFrameId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetHitStunFrames", name: "GetHitStunFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetBlockStunFrames", name: "GetBlockStunFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetPushback", name: "GetPushback", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "GetReleaseTriggerType", name: "GetReleaseTriggerType", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetDamage", name: "GetDamage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetOffenderJoinIndex", name: "GetOffenderJoinIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetOffenderPlayerId", name: "GetOffenderPlayerId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}]; + ptrType$10.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetStageName", name: "GetStageName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "GetStrToVec2DListMap", name: "GetStrToVec2DListMap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [mapType], false)}, {prop: "GetStrToPolygon2DListMap", name: "GetStrToPolygon2DListMap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [mapType$1], false)}, {prop: "GetStageDiscreteW", name: "GetStageDiscreteW", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetStageDiscreteH", name: "GetStageDiscreteH", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetStageTileW", name: "GetStageTileW", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetStageTileH", name: "GetStageTileH", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetIntervalToPing", name: "GetIntervalToPing", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetWillKickIfInactiveFor", name: "GetWillKickIfInactiveFor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetBoundRoomId", name: "GetBoundRoomId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetBattleDurationFrames", name: "GetBattleDurationFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetBattleDurationNanos", name: "GetBattleDurationNanos", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "GetServerFps", name: "GetServerFps", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetInputDelayFrames", name: "GetInputDelayFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetInputScaleFrames", name: "GetInputScaleFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint32], false)}, {prop: "GetNstDelayFrames", name: "GetNstDelayFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetInputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance", name: "GetInputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetMaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate", name: "GetMaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetPlayerBattleState", name: "GetPlayerBattleState", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetRollbackEstimatedDtMillis", name: "GetRollbackEstimatedDtMillis", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "GetRollbackEstimatedDtNanos", name: "GetRollbackEstimatedDtNanos", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "GetWorldToVirtualGridRatio", name: "GetWorldToVirtualGridRatio", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "GetVirtualGridToWorldRatio", name: "GetVirtualGridToWorldRatio", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "GetSpAtkLookupFrames", name: "GetSpAtkLookupFrames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetRenderCacheSize", name: "GetRenderCacheSize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetMeleeSkillConfig", name: "GetMeleeSkillConfig", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [mapType$2], false)}, {prop: "GetSnapIntoPlatformOverlap", name: "GetSnapIntoPlatformOverlap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "GetSnapIntoPlatformThreshold", name: "GetSnapIntoPlatformThreshold", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "GetJumpingInitVelY", name: "GetJumpingInitVelY", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetGravityX", name: "GetGravityX", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetGravityY", name: "GetGravityY", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}]; + ptrType$11.methods = [{prop: "Reset", name: "Reset", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ProtoMessage", name: "ProtoMessage", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "ProtoReflect", name: "ProtoReflect", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [protoreflect.Message], false)}, {prop: "Descriptor", name: "Descriptor", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType, sliceType$4], false)}, {prop: "GetId", name: "GetId", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32], false)}, {prop: "GetPlayersArr", name: "GetPlayersArr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$8], false)}, {prop: "GetCountdownNanos", name: "GetCountdownNanos", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "GetMeleeBullets", name: "GetMeleeBullets", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$9], false)}, {prop: "GetBackendUnconfirmedMask", name: "GetBackendUnconfirmedMask", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "GetShouldForceResync", name: "GetShouldForceResync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "GetPlayers", name: "GetPlayers", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [mapType$3], false)}]; + PlayerDownsync.init("jsexport/protos", [{prop: "state", name: "state", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState, tag: ""}, {prop: "sizeCache", name: "sizeCache", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "unknownFields", name: "unknownFields", embedded: false, exported: false, typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "Id", name: "Id", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: "protobuf:\"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3\" json:\"id,omitempty\""}, {prop: "VirtualGridX", name: "VirtualGridX", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Int32, tag: 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{prop: "ShouldForceResync", name: "ShouldForceResync", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: $Bool, tag: "protobuf:\"varint,6,opt,name=shouldForceResync,proto3\" json:\"shouldForceResync,omitempty\""}, {prop: "Players", name: "Players", embedded: false, exported: true, typ: mapType$3, tag: "protobuf:\"bytes,99,rep,name=players,proto3\" json:\"players,omitempty\" protobuf_key:\"varint,1,opt,name=key,proto3\" protobuf_val:\"bytes,2,opt,name=value,proto3\""}]); + x.init("", []); + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = sharedprotos.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoreflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protoimpl.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = reflect.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sync.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.File_room_downsync_frame_proto = $ifaceNil; + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(0, new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0)); + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDesc = new sliceType([10, 25, 114, 111, 111, 109, 95, 100, 111, 119, 110, 115, 121, 110, 99, 95, 102, 114, 97, 109, 101, 46, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 18, 6, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 26, 14, 103, 101, 111, 109, 101, 116, 114, 121, 46, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 34, 240, 4, 10, 14, 80, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 68, 111, 119, 110, 115, 121, 110, 99, 18, 14, 10, 2, 105, 100, 24, 1, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 2, 105, 100, 18, 34, 10, 12, 118, 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5, 82, 20, 98, 97, 116, 116, 108, 101, 68, 117, 114, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 18, 48, 10, 19, 98, 97, 116, 116, 108, 101, 68, 117, 114, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 78, 97, 110, 111, 115, 24, 13, 32, 1, 40, 3, 82, 19, 98, 97, 116, 116, 108, 101, 68, 117, 114, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 78, 97, 110, 111, 115, 18, 28, 10, 9, 115, 101, 114, 118, 101, 114, 70, 112, 115, 24, 14, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 9, 115, 101, 114, 118, 101, 114, 70, 112, 115, 18, 42, 10, 16, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 68, 101, 108, 97, 121, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 24, 15, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 16, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 68, 101, 108, 97, 121, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 18, 42, 10, 16, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 83, 99, 97, 108, 101, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 24, 16, 32, 1, 40, 13, 82, 16, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 83, 99, 97, 108, 101, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 18, 38, 10, 14, 110, 115, 116, 68, 101, 108, 97, 121, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 24, 17, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 14, 110, 115, 116, 68, 101, 108, 97, 121, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 18, 70, 10, 30, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 85, 112, 115, 121, 110, 99, 68, 101, 108, 97, 121, 84, 111, 108, 101, 114, 97, 110, 99, 101, 24, 18, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 30, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 85, 112, 115, 121, 110, 99, 68, 101, 108, 97, 121, 84, 111, 108, 101, 114, 97, 110, 99, 101, 18, 72, 10, 31, 109, 97, 120, 67, 104, 97, 115, 105, 110, 103, 82, 101, 110, 100, 101, 114, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 80, 101, 114, 85, 112, 100, 97, 116, 101, 24, 19, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 31, 109, 97, 120, 67, 104, 97, 115, 105, 110, 103, 82, 101, 110, 100, 101, 114, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 80, 101, 114, 85, 112, 100, 97, 116, 101, 18, 44, 10, 17, 112, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 66, 97, 116, 116, 108, 101, 83, 116, 97, 116, 101, 24, 20, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 17, 112, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 66, 97, 116, 116, 108, 101, 83, 116, 97, 116, 101, 18, 60, 10, 25, 114, 111, 108, 108, 98, 97, 99, 107, 69, 115, 116, 105, 109, 97, 116, 101, 100, 68, 116, 77, 105, 108, 108, 105, 115, 24, 21, 32, 1, 40, 1, 82, 25, 114, 111, 108, 108, 98, 97, 99, 107, 69, 115, 116, 105, 109, 97, 116, 101, 100, 68, 116, 77, 105, 108, 108, 105, 115, 18, 58, 10, 24, 114, 111, 108, 108, 98, 97, 99, 107, 69, 115, 116, 105, 109, 97, 116, 101, 100, 68, 116, 78, 97, 110, 111, 115, 24, 22, 32, 1, 40, 3, 82, 24, 114, 111, 108, 108, 98, 97, 99, 107, 69, 115, 116, 105, 109, 97, 116, 101, 100, 68, 116, 78, 97, 110, 111, 115, 18, 56, 10, 23, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 84, 111, 86, 105, 114, 116, 117, 97, 108, 71, 114, 105, 100, 82, 97, 116, 105, 111, 24, 23, 32, 1, 40, 1, 82, 23, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 84, 111, 86, 105, 114, 116, 117, 97, 108, 71, 114, 105, 100, 82, 97, 116, 105, 111, 18, 56, 10, 23, 118, 105, 114, 116, 117, 97, 108, 71, 114, 105, 100, 84, 111, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 82, 97, 116, 105, 111, 24, 24, 32, 1, 40, 1, 82, 23, 118, 105, 114, 116, 117, 97, 108, 71, 114, 105, 100, 84, 111, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 82, 97, 116, 105, 111, 18, 44, 10, 17, 115, 112, 65, 116, 107, 76, 111, 111, 107, 117, 112, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 24, 25, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 17, 115, 112, 65, 116, 107, 76, 111, 111, 107, 117, 112, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 115, 18, 40, 10, 15, 114, 101, 110, 100, 101, 114, 67, 97, 99, 104, 101, 83, 105, 122, 101, 24, 26, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 15, 114, 101, 110, 100, 101, 114, 67, 97, 99, 104, 101, 83, 105, 122, 101, 18, 92, 10, 16, 109, 101, 108, 101, 101, 83, 107, 105, 108, 108, 67, 111, 110, 102, 105, 103, 24, 27, 32, 3, 40, 11, 50, 48, 46, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 66, 97, 116, 116, 108, 101, 67, 111, 108, 108, 105, 100, 101, 114, 73, 110, 102, 111, 46, 77, 101, 108, 101, 101, 83, 107, 105, 108, 108, 67, 111, 110, 102, 105, 103, 69, 110, 116, 114, 121, 82, 16, 109, 101, 108, 101, 101, 83, 107, 105, 108, 108, 67, 111, 110, 102, 105, 103, 18, 56, 10, 23, 115, 110, 97, 112, 73, 110, 116, 111, 80, 108, 97, 116, 102, 111, 114, 109, 79, 118, 101, 114, 108, 97, 112, 24, 28, 32, 1, 40, 1, 82, 23, 115, 110, 97, 112, 73, 110, 116, 111, 80, 108, 97, 116, 102, 111, 114, 109, 79, 118, 101, 114, 108, 97, 112, 18, 60, 10, 25, 115, 110, 97, 112, 73, 110, 116, 111, 80, 108, 97, 116, 102, 111, 114, 109, 84, 104, 114, 101, 115, 104, 111, 108, 100, 24, 29, 32, 1, 40, 1, 82, 25, 115, 110, 97, 112, 73, 110, 116, 111, 80, 108, 97, 116, 102, 111, 114, 109, 84, 104, 114, 101, 115, 104, 111, 108, 100, 18, 40, 10, 15, 106, 117, 109, 112, 105, 110, 103, 73, 110, 105, 116, 86, 101, 108, 89, 24, 30, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 15, 106, 117, 109, 112, 105, 110, 103, 73, 110, 105, 116, 86, 101, 108, 89, 18, 26, 10, 8, 103, 114, 97, 118, 105, 116, 121, 88, 24, 31, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 8, 103, 114, 97, 118, 105, 116, 121, 88, 18, 26, 10, 8, 103, 114, 97, 118, 105, 116, 121, 89, 24, 32, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 8, 103, 114, 97, 118, 105, 116, 121, 89, 26, 93, 10, 22, 83, 116, 114, 84, 111, 86, 101, 99, 50, 68, 76, 105, 115, 116, 77, 97, 112, 69, 110, 116, 114, 121, 18, 16, 10, 3, 107, 101, 121, 24, 1, 32, 1, 40, 9, 82, 3, 107, 101, 121, 18, 45, 10, 5, 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 24, 2, 32, 1, 40, 11, 50, 23, 46, 115, 104, 97, 114, 101, 100, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 86, 101, 99, 50, 68, 76, 105, 115, 116, 82, 5, 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 58, 2, 56, 1, 26, 101, 10, 26, 83, 116, 114, 84, 111, 80, 111, 108, 121, 103, 111, 110, 50, 68, 76, 105, 115, 116, 77, 97, 112, 69, 110, 116, 114, 121, 18, 16, 10, 3, 107, 101, 121, 24, 1, 32, 1, 40, 9, 82, 3, 107, 101, 121, 18, 49, 10, 5, 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 24, 2, 32, 1, 40, 11, 50, 27, 46, 115, 104, 97, 114, 101, 100, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 80, 111, 108, 121, 103, 111, 110, 50, 68, 76, 105, 115, 116, 82, 5, 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 58, 2, 56, 1, 26, 88, 10, 21, 77, 101, 108, 101, 101, 83, 107, 105, 108, 108, 67, 111, 110, 102, 105, 103, 69, 110, 116, 114, 121, 18, 16, 10, 3, 107, 101, 121, 24, 1, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 3, 107, 101, 121, 18, 41, 10, 5, 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 24, 2, 32, 1, 40, 11, 50, 19, 46, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 77, 101, 108, 101, 101, 66, 117, 108, 108, 101, 116, 82, 5, 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 58, 2, 56, 1, 34, 184, 3, 10, 17, 82, 111, 111, 109, 68, 111, 119, 110, 115, 121, 110, 99, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 18, 14, 10, 2, 105, 100, 24, 1, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 2, 105, 100, 18, 54, 10, 10, 112, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 115, 65, 114, 114, 24, 2, 32, 3, 40, 11, 50, 22, 46, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 80, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 68, 111, 119, 110, 115, 121, 110, 99, 82, 10, 112, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 115, 65, 114, 114, 18, 38, 10, 14, 99, 111, 117, 110, 116, 100, 111, 119, 110, 78, 97, 110, 111, 115, 24, 3, 32, 1, 40, 3, 82, 14, 99, 111, 117, 110, 116, 100, 111, 119, 110, 78, 97, 110, 111, 115, 18, 55, 10, 12, 109, 101, 108, 101, 101, 66, 117, 108, 108, 101, 116, 115, 24, 4, 32, 3, 40, 11, 50, 19, 46, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 77, 101, 108, 101, 101, 66, 117, 108, 108, 101, 116, 82, 12, 109, 101, 108, 101, 101, 66, 117, 108, 108, 101, 116, 115, 18, 54, 10, 22, 98, 97, 99, 107, 101, 110, 100, 85, 110, 99, 111, 110, 102, 105, 114, 109, 101, 100, 77, 97, 115, 107, 24, 5, 32, 1, 40, 4, 82, 22, 98, 97, 99, 107, 101, 110, 100, 85, 110, 99, 111, 110, 102, 105, 114, 109, 101, 100, 77, 97, 115, 107, 18, 44, 10, 17, 115, 104, 111, 117, 108, 100, 70, 111, 114, 99, 101, 82, 101, 115, 121, 110, 99, 24, 6, 32, 1, 40, 8, 82, 17, 115, 104, 111, 117, 108, 100, 70, 111, 114, 99, 101, 82, 101, 115, 121, 110, 99, 18, 64, 10, 7, 112, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 115, 24, 99, 32, 3, 40, 11, 50, 38, 46, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 82, 111, 111, 109, 68, 111, 119, 110, 115, 121, 110, 99, 70, 114, 97, 109, 101, 46, 80, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 115, 69, 110, 116, 114, 121, 82, 7, 112, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 115, 26, 82, 10, 12, 80, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 115, 69, 110, 116, 114, 121, 18, 16, 10, 3, 107, 101, 121, 24, 1, 32, 1, 40, 5, 82, 3, 107, 101, 121, 18, 44, 10, 5, 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 24, 2, 32, 1, 40, 11, 50, 22, 46, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 46, 80, 108, 97, 121, 101, 114, 68, 111, 119, 110, 115, 121, 110, 99, 82, 5, 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 58, 2, 56, 1, 66, 17, 90, 15, 106, 115, 101, 120, 112, 111, 114, 116, 47, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 115, 98, 6, 112, 114, 111, 116, 111, 51]); + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDescData = file_room_downsync_frame_proto_rawDesc; + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_msgTypes = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 16); + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_goTypes = new sliceType$2([(ptrType.nil), (ptrType$1.nil), (ptrType$2.nil), (ptrType$3.nil), (ptrType$4.nil), (ptrType$5.nil), (ptrType$6.nil), (ptrType$7.nil), (ptrType$8.nil), (ptrType$9.nil), (ptrType$10.nil), (ptrType$11.nil), $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, $ifaceNil, (ptrType$12.nil), (ptrType$13.nil), (ptrType$14.nil), (ptrType$15.nil)]); + file_room_downsync_frame_proto_depIdxs = new sliceType$3([2, 4, 11, 3, 10, 3, 16, 17, 17, 12, 13, 14, 0, 9, 15, 18, 19, 9, 0, 19, 19, 19, 19, 0]); + $r = init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["jsexport/models"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, dnmshared, sharedprotos, resolv, protos, sliceType, sliceType$1, funcType, arrayType, arrayType$1, ptrType, sliceType$2, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, ptrType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, sliceType$7, DecodeInput, CalcHardPushbacksNorms, ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrame; + dnmshared = $packages["dnmshared"]; + sharedprotos = $packages["dnmshared/sharedprotos"]; + resolv = $packages["github.com/solarlune/resolv"]; + protos = $packages["jsexport/protos"]; + sliceType = $sliceType($Int32); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(sliceType); + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($packages["sync"].Mutex, 0); + ptrType = $ptrType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageInfo); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType($Uint8); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(sharedprotos.Vec2D); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($String); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(resolv.Collision); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(protos.Barrier); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(resolv.ConvexPolygon); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(protos.PlayerDownsync); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(ptrType$4); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType(sliceType$3); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(protos.InputFrameDownsync); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(resolv.Object); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(protos.MeleeBullet); + sliceType$7 = $sliceType(ptrType$7); + DecodeInput = function(encodedInput) { + var btnALevel, btnBLevel, encodedDirection, encodedInput, x, x$1, x$2, x$3; + encodedDirection = new $Uint64(encodedInput.$high & 0, (encodedInput.$low & 15) >>> 0); + btnALevel = (((x = $shiftRightUint64(encodedInput, 4), new $Uint64(x.$high & 0, (x.$low & 1) >>> 0)).$low >> 0)); + btnBLevel = (((x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(encodedInput, 5), new $Uint64(x$1.$high & 0, (x$1.$low & 1) >>> 0)).$low >> 0)); + return new protos.InputFrameDecoded.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType.nil), 0, sliceType$2.nil, (x$2 = (($flatten64(encodedDirection) < 0 || $flatten64(encodedDirection) >= $pkg.DIRECTION_DECODER.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : $pkg.DIRECTION_DECODER.$array[$pkg.DIRECTION_DECODER.$offset + $flatten64(encodedDirection)]), (0 >= x$2.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])), (x$3 = (($flatten64(encodedDirection) < 0 || $flatten64(encodedDirection) >= $pkg.DIRECTION_DECODER.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : $pkg.DIRECTION_DECODER.$array[$pkg.DIRECTION_DECODER.$offset + $flatten64(encodedDirection)]), (1 >= x$3.$length ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 1])), btnALevel, btnBLevel); + }; + $pkg.DecodeInput = DecodeInput; + CalcHardPushbacksNorms = function(playerCollider, playerShape, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, pEffPushback) { + var {_i, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, barrierShape, collision, obj, overlapResult, overlapped, pEffPushback, playerCollider, playerShape, pushbackX, pushbackY, ret, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {playerCollider, playerShape, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, pEffPushback}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ret = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, 10); + _r = playerCollider.Check(0, 0, new sliceType$4([])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + collision = _r; + if (ptrType$1.nil === collision) { + $s = -1; return ret; + } + _ref = collision.Objects; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 2: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; } + obj = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _ref$1 = obj.Data; + /* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$2, true)[1]) { $s = 4; continue; } + /* */ $s = 5; continue; + /* if ($assertType(_ref$1, ptrType$2, true)[1]) { */ case 4: + barrierShape = $assertType(obj.Shape, ptrType$3); + _r$1 = dnmshared.CalcPushbacks(0, 0, playerShape, barrierShape); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple = _r$1; + overlapped = _tuple[0]; + pushbackX = _tuple[1]; + pushbackY = _tuple[2]; + overlapResult = _tuple[3]; + if (!overlapped) { + _i++; + /* continue; */ $s = 2; continue; + } + _tmp = (overlapResult.Overlap - snapIntoPlatformOverlap) * overlapResult.OverlapX; + _tmp$1 = (overlapResult.Overlap - snapIntoPlatformOverlap) * overlapResult.OverlapY; + pushbackX = _tmp; + pushbackY = _tmp$1; + ret = $append(ret, new sharedprotos.Vec2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType.nil), 0, sliceType$2.nil, overlapResult.OverlapX, overlapResult.OverlapY)); + pEffPushback.X = pEffPushback.X + (pushbackX); + pEffPushback.Y = pEffPushback.Y + (pushbackY); + $s = 6; continue; + /* } else { */ case 5: + /* } */ case 6: + _i++; + $s = 2; continue; + case 3: + $s = -1; return ret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CalcHardPushbacksNorms, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, barrierShape, collision, obj, overlapResult, overlapped, pEffPushback, playerCollider, playerShape, pushbackX, pushbackY, ret, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.CalcHardPushbacksNorms = CalcHardPushbacksNorms; + ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrame = function(delayedInputFrame, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame, currRenderFrame, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, gravityX, gravityY, jumpingInitVelY, inputDelayFrames, inputScaleFrames, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, snapIntoPlatformThreshold, worldToVirtualGridRatio, virtualGridToWorldRatio) { + var {_1, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _i$5, _i$6, _index, _index$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _ref$5, _ref$6, _ref$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, bShape, bottomPadding, characStateAlreadyInAir, characStateIsInterruptWaivable, collision, collisionPlayerIndex, collisionPlayerIndex$1, collisionPlayerIndex$2, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, currPlayerDownsync, currPlayerDownsync$1, currPlayerDownsync$2, currPlayerDownsync$3, currPlayerDownsync$4, currRenderFrame, decodedInput, delayedInputFrame, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame, effPushbacks, fallStopping, gravityX, gravityY, halfColliderHeight, halfColliderHeight$1, halfColliderWidth, halfColliderWidth$1, hardPushbackNorm, hardPushbackNorms, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, inputDelayFrames, inputList, inputScaleFrames, isAnotherPlayer, isBarrier, isBullet, joinIndex, joinIndex$1, joinIndex$2, joinIndex$3, jumpingInitVelY, landedOnGravityPushback, leftPadding, newVx, newVy, nextRenderFramePlayers, normAlignmentWithGravity, obj, oldNextCharacterState, overlapResult, overlapped, playerCollider, playerCollider$1, playerCollider$2, playerShape, prevBtnBLevel, prevDecodedInput, projectedMagnitude, pushbackX, pushbackY, rightPadding, roomCapacity, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, snapIntoPlatformThreshold, thatPlayerInNextFrame, thatPlayerInNextFrame$1, thatPlayerInNextFrame$2, thatPlayerInNextFrame$3, topPadding, virtualGridToWorldRatio, worldToVirtualGridRatio, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {delayedInputFrame, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame, currRenderFrame, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, gravityX, gravityY, jumpingInitVelY, inputDelayFrames, inputScaleFrames, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, snapIntoPlatformThreshold, worldToVirtualGridRatio, virtualGridToWorldRatio}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _tmp = snapIntoPlatformOverlap; + _tmp$1 = snapIntoPlatformOverlap; + _tmp$2 = snapIntoPlatformOverlap; + _tmp$3 = snapIntoPlatformOverlap; + topPadding = _tmp; + bottomPadding = _tmp$1; + leftPadding = _tmp$2; + rightPadding = _tmp$3; + roomCapacity = currRenderFrame.PlayersArr.$length; + nextRenderFramePlayers = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, roomCapacity); + _ref = currRenderFrame.PlayersArr; + _i = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } + i = _i; + currPlayerDownsync = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + ((i < 0 || i >= nextRenderFramePlayers.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextRenderFramePlayers.$array[nextRenderFramePlayers.$offset + i] = new protos.PlayerDownsync.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType.nil), 0, sliceType$2.nil, currPlayerDownsync.Id, currPlayerDownsync.VirtualGridX, currPlayerDownsync.VirtualGridY, currPlayerDownsync.DirX, currPlayerDownsync.DirY, currPlayerDownsync.VelX, currPlayerDownsync.VelY, currPlayerDownsync.Speed, currPlayerDownsync.BattleState, currPlayerDownsync.JoinIndex, 0, currPlayerDownsync.Removed, currPlayerDownsync.Score, 0, currPlayerDownsync.FramesToRecover - 1 >> 0, currPlayerDownsync.Hp, currPlayerDownsync.MaxHp, currPlayerDownsync.CharacterState, true, "", "", "")); + if (((i < 0 || i >= nextRenderFramePlayers.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextRenderFramePlayers.$array[nextRenderFramePlayers.$offset + i]).FramesToRecover < 0) { + ((i < 0 || i >= nextRenderFramePlayers.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextRenderFramePlayers.$array[nextRenderFramePlayers.$offset + i]).FramesToRecover = 0; + } + _i++; + } + effPushbacks = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, roomCapacity); + hardPushbackNorms = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, roomCapacity); + if (!(ptrType$5.nil === delayedInputFrame)) { + inputList = delayedInputFrame.InputList; + _ref$1 = currRenderFrame.PlayersArr; + _i$1 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } + i$1 = _i$1; + currPlayerDownsync$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]); + joinIndex = currPlayerDownsync$1.JoinIndex; + thatPlayerInNextFrame = ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= nextRenderFramePlayers.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextRenderFramePlayers.$array[nextRenderFramePlayers.$offset + i$1]); + if (0 < thatPlayerInNextFrame.FramesToRecover) { + _i$1++; + continue; + } + decodedInput = DecodeInput((x = joinIndex - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= inputList.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : inputList.$array[inputList.$offset + x]))); + prevBtnBLevel = 0; + if (!(ptrType$5.nil === delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame)) { + prevDecodedInput = DecodeInput((x$1 = delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame.InputList, x$2 = joinIndex - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + x$2]))); + prevBtnBLevel = prevDecodedInput.BtnBLevel; + } + if (decodedInput.BtnBLevel > prevBtnBLevel) { + characStateAlreadyInAir = false; + if ((4 === thatPlayerInNextFrame.CharacterState) || (5 === thatPlayerInNextFrame.CharacterState) || (6 === thatPlayerInNextFrame.CharacterState)) { + characStateAlreadyInAir = true; + } + characStateIsInterruptWaivable = false; + if ((0 === thatPlayerInNextFrame.CharacterState) || (1 === thatPlayerInNextFrame.CharacterState) || (4 === thatPlayerInNextFrame.CharacterState)) { + characStateIsInterruptWaivable = true; + } + if (!characStateAlreadyInAir && characStateIsInterruptWaivable) { + thatPlayerInNextFrame.VelY = jumpingInitVelY; + } + } + if (!((0 === decodedInput.Dx)) || !((0 === decodedInput.Dy))) { + thatPlayerInNextFrame.DirX = decodedInput.Dx; + thatPlayerInNextFrame.DirY = decodedInput.Dy; + thatPlayerInNextFrame.VelX = $imul(decodedInput.Dx, currPlayerDownsync$1.Speed); + thatPlayerInNextFrame.CharacterState = 1; + } else { + thatPlayerInNextFrame.CharacterState = 0; + thatPlayerInNextFrame.VelX = 0; + } + _i$1++; + } + } + _ref$2 = currRenderFrame.PlayersArr; + _i$2 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$2.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + i$2 = _i$2; + currPlayerDownsync$2 = ((_i$2 < 0 || _i$2 >= _ref$2.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$2]); + joinIndex$1 = currPlayerDownsync$2.JoinIndex; + _tmp$4 = 0; + _tmp$5 = 0; + (x$3 = joinIndex$1 - 1 >> 0, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= effPushbacks.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : effPushbacks.$array[effPushbacks.$offset + x$3])).X = _tmp$4; + (x$4 = joinIndex$1 - 1 >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= effPushbacks.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : effPushbacks.$array[effPushbacks.$offset + x$4])).Y = _tmp$5; + collisionPlayerIndex = 131072 + joinIndex$1 >> 0; + playerCollider = (_entry = collisionSysMap[$Int32.keyFor(collisionPlayerIndex)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : ptrType$6.nil); + thatPlayerInNextFrame$1 = ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= nextRenderFramePlayers.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextRenderFramePlayers.$array[nextRenderFramePlayers.$offset + i$2]); + _tmp$6 = currPlayerDownsync$2.VirtualGridX + currPlayerDownsync$2.VelX >> 0; + _tmp$7 = currPlayerDownsync$2.VirtualGridY + currPlayerDownsync$2.VelY >> 0; + newVx = _tmp$6; + newVy = _tmp$7; + if (thatPlayerInNextFrame$1.VelY === jumpingInitVelY) { + newVy = newVy + (thatPlayerInNextFrame$1.VelY) >> 0; + } + _tmp$8 = currPlayerDownsync$2.ColliderRadius; + _tmp$9 = currPlayerDownsync$2.ColliderRadius + currPlayerDownsync$2.ColliderRadius; + halfColliderWidth = _tmp$8; + halfColliderHeight = _tmp$9; + _tuple = dnmshared.VirtualGridToPolygonColliderBLPos(newVx, newVy, halfColliderWidth, halfColliderHeight, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, virtualGridToWorldRatio); + playerCollider.X = _tuple[0]; + playerCollider.Y = _tuple[1]; + $r = playerCollider.Update(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if (currPlayerDownsync$2.InAir) { + thatPlayerInNextFrame$1.VelX = thatPlayerInNextFrame$1.VelX + (gravityX) >> 0; + thatPlayerInNextFrame$1.VelY = thatPlayerInNextFrame$1.VelY + (gravityY) >> 0; + } + _i$2++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + _ref$3 = currRenderFrame.PlayersArr; + _i$3 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 4: + /* if (!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$3 < _ref$3.$length)) { $s = 5; continue; } + i$3 = _i$3; + currPlayerDownsync$3 = ((_i$3 < 0 || _i$3 >= _ref$3.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$3.$array[_ref$3.$offset + _i$3]); + joinIndex$2 = currPlayerDownsync$3.JoinIndex; + collisionPlayerIndex$1 = 131072 + joinIndex$2 >> 0; + playerCollider$1 = (_entry$1 = collisionSysMap[$Int32.keyFor(collisionPlayerIndex$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : ptrType$6.nil); + playerShape = $assertType(playerCollider$1.Shape, ptrType$3); + _r = CalcHardPushbacksNorms(playerCollider$1, playerShape, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, (x$5 = joinIndex$2 - 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= effPushbacks.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : effPushbacks.$array[effPushbacks.$offset + x$5]))); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + (x$6 = joinIndex$2 - 1 >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= hardPushbackNorms.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hardPushbackNorms.$array[hardPushbackNorms.$offset + x$6] = _r)); + thatPlayerInNextFrame$2 = ((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= nextRenderFramePlayers.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextRenderFramePlayers.$array[nextRenderFramePlayers.$offset + i$3]); + fallStopping = false; + _r$1 = playerCollider$1.Check(0, 0, new sliceType$4([])); /* */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + collision = _r$1; + /* */ if (!(ptrType$1.nil === collision)) { $s = 8; continue; } + /* */ $s = 9; continue; + /* if (!(ptrType$1.nil === collision)) { */ case 8: + _ref$4 = collision.Objects; + _i$4 = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 10: + /* if (!(_i$4 < _ref$4.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$4 < _ref$4.$length)) { $s = 11; continue; } + obj = ((_i$4 < 0 || _i$4 >= _ref$4.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$4.$array[_ref$4.$offset + _i$4]); + _tmp$10 = false; + _tmp$11 = false; + _tmp$12 = false; + isBarrier = _tmp$10; + isAnotherPlayer = _tmp$11; + isBullet = _tmp$12; + _ref$5 = obj.Data; + if ($assertType(_ref$5, ptrType$2, true)[1]) { + isBarrier = true; + } else if ($assertType(_ref$5, ptrType$4, true)[1]) { + isAnotherPlayer = true; + } else if ($assertType(_ref$5, ptrType$7, true)[1]) { + isBullet = true; + } + if (isBullet) { + _i$4++; + /* continue; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + bShape = $assertType(obj.Shape, ptrType$3); + _r$2 = dnmshared.CalcPushbacks(0, 0, playerShape, bShape); /* */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _tuple$1 = _r$2; + overlapped = _tuple$1[0]; + pushbackX = _tuple$1[1]; + pushbackY = _tuple$1[2]; + overlapResult = _tuple$1[3]; + if (!overlapped) { + _i$4++; + /* continue; */ $s = 10; continue; + } + normAlignmentWithGravity = overlapResult.OverlapX * 0 + overlapResult.OverlapY * -1; + landedOnGravityPushback = snapIntoPlatformThreshold < normAlignmentWithGravity; + if (landedOnGravityPushback) { + _tmp$13 = (overlapResult.Overlap - snapIntoPlatformOverlap) * overlapResult.OverlapX; + _tmp$14 = (overlapResult.Overlap - snapIntoPlatformOverlap) * overlapResult.OverlapY; + pushbackX = _tmp$13; + pushbackY = _tmp$14; + thatPlayerInNextFrame$2.InAir = false; + } + if (isAnotherPlayer) { + _tmp$15 = (overlapResult.Overlap - snapIntoPlatformOverlap * 2) * overlapResult.OverlapX; + _tmp$16 = (overlapResult.Overlap - snapIntoPlatformOverlap * 2) * overlapResult.OverlapY; + pushbackX = _tmp$15; + pushbackY = _tmp$16; + } + _ref$6 = (x$7 = joinIndex$2 - 1 >> 0, ((x$7 < 0 || x$7 >= hardPushbackNorms.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : hardPushbackNorms.$array[hardPushbackNorms.$offset + x$7])); + _i$5 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$5 < _ref$6.$length)) { break; } + hardPushbackNorm = $clone(((_i$5 < 0 || _i$5 >= _ref$6.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$6.$array[_ref$6.$offset + _i$5]), sharedprotos.Vec2D); + projectedMagnitude = pushbackX * hardPushbackNorm.X + pushbackY * hardPushbackNorm.Y; + if (isBarrier || (isAnotherPlayer && 0 > projectedMagnitude)) { + pushbackX = pushbackX - (projectedMagnitude * hardPushbackNorm.X); + pushbackY = pushbackY - (projectedMagnitude * hardPushbackNorm.Y); + } + _i$5++; + } + _index = joinIndex$2 - 1 >> 0; + ((_index < 0 || _index >= effPushbacks.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : effPushbacks.$array[effPushbacks.$offset + _index]).X = ((_index < 0 || _index >= effPushbacks.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : effPushbacks.$array[effPushbacks.$offset + _index]).X + (pushbackX); + _index$1 = joinIndex$2 - 1 >> 0; + ((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= effPushbacks.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : effPushbacks.$array[effPushbacks.$offset + _index$1]).Y = ((_index$1 < 0 || _index$1 >= effPushbacks.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : effPushbacks.$array[effPushbacks.$offset + _index$1]).Y + (pushbackY); + if (currPlayerDownsync$3.InAir && landedOnGravityPushback) { + fallStopping = true; + } + _i$4++; + $s = 10; continue; + case 11: + /* } */ case 9: + if (fallStopping) { + thatPlayerInNextFrame$2.VelX = 0; + thatPlayerInNextFrame$2.VelY = 0; + thatPlayerInNextFrame$2.CharacterState = 0; + thatPlayerInNextFrame$2.FramesToRecover = 0; + } + if (currPlayerDownsync$3.InAir) { + oldNextCharacterState = thatPlayerInNextFrame$2.CharacterState; + _1 = oldNextCharacterState; + if ((_1 === (0)) || (_1 === (1))) { + thatPlayerInNextFrame$2.CharacterState = 4; + } else if (_1 === (2)) { + thatPlayerInNextFrame$2.CharacterState = 5; + } else if (_1 === (3)) { + thatPlayerInNextFrame$2.CharacterState = 6; + } + } + _i$3++; + $s = 4; continue; + case 5: + _ref$7 = currRenderFrame.PlayersArr; + _i$6 = 0; + while (true) { + if (!(_i$6 < _ref$7.$length)) { break; } + i$4 = _i$6; + currPlayerDownsync$4 = ((_i$6 < 0 || _i$6 >= _ref$7.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref$7.$array[_ref$7.$offset + _i$6]); + joinIndex$3 = currPlayerDownsync$4.JoinIndex; + collisionPlayerIndex$2 = 131072 + joinIndex$3 >> 0; + playerCollider$2 = (_entry$2 = collisionSysMap[$Int32.keyFor(collisionPlayerIndex$2)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : ptrType$6.nil); + thatPlayerInNextFrame$3 = ((i$4 < 0 || i$4 >= nextRenderFramePlayers.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : nextRenderFramePlayers.$array[nextRenderFramePlayers.$offset + i$4]); + _tmp$17 = currPlayerDownsync$4.ColliderRadius; + _tmp$18 = currPlayerDownsync$4.ColliderRadius + currPlayerDownsync$4.ColliderRadius; + halfColliderWidth$1 = _tmp$17; + halfColliderHeight$1 = _tmp$18; + _tuple$2 = dnmshared.PolygonColliderBLToVirtualGridPos(playerCollider$2.X - (x$8 = joinIndex$3 - 1 >> 0, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= effPushbacks.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : effPushbacks.$array[effPushbacks.$offset + x$8])).X, playerCollider$2.Y - (x$9 = joinIndex$3 - 1 >> 0, ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= effPushbacks.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : effPushbacks.$array[effPushbacks.$offset + x$9])).Y, halfColliderWidth$1, halfColliderHeight$1, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, worldToVirtualGridRatio); + thatPlayerInNextFrame$3.VirtualGridX = _tuple$2[0]; + thatPlayerInNextFrame$3.VirtualGridY = _tuple$2[1]; + _i$6++; + } + $s = -1; return new protos.RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType.nil), 0, sliceType$2.nil, currRenderFrame.Id + 1 >> 0, nextRenderFramePlayers, new $Int64(0, 0), sliceType$7.nil, new $Uint64(0, 0), false, false); + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrame, $c: true, $r, _1, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _i$5, _i$6, _index, _index$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _ref$5, _ref$6, _ref$7, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, bShape, bottomPadding, characStateAlreadyInAir, characStateIsInterruptWaivable, collision, collisionPlayerIndex, collisionPlayerIndex$1, collisionPlayerIndex$2, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, currPlayerDownsync, currPlayerDownsync$1, currPlayerDownsync$2, currPlayerDownsync$3, currPlayerDownsync$4, currRenderFrame, decodedInput, delayedInputFrame, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame, effPushbacks, fallStopping, gravityX, gravityY, halfColliderHeight, halfColliderHeight$1, halfColliderWidth, halfColliderWidth$1, hardPushbackNorm, hardPushbackNorms, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, inputDelayFrames, inputList, inputScaleFrames, isAnotherPlayer, isBarrier, isBullet, joinIndex, joinIndex$1, joinIndex$2, joinIndex$3, jumpingInitVelY, landedOnGravityPushback, leftPadding, newVx, newVy, nextRenderFramePlayers, normAlignmentWithGravity, obj, oldNextCharacterState, overlapResult, overlapped, playerCollider, playerCollider$1, playerCollider$2, playerShape, prevBtnBLevel, prevDecodedInput, projectedMagnitude, pushbackX, pushbackY, rightPadding, roomCapacity, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, snapIntoPlatformThreshold, thatPlayerInNextFrame, thatPlayerInNextFrame$1, thatPlayerInNextFrame$2, thatPlayerInNextFrame$3, topPadding, virtualGridToWorldRatio, worldToVirtualGridRatio, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrame = ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrame; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = dnmshared.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sharedprotos.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = resolv.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protos.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $pkg.DIRECTION_DECODER = new sliceType$1([new sliceType([0, 0]), new sliceType([0, 2]), new sliceType([0, -2]), new sliceType([2, 0]), new sliceType([-2, 0]), new sliceType([1, 1]), new sliceType([-1, -1]), new sliceType([1, -1]), new sliceType([-1, 1])]); + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); +$packages["jsexport"] = (function() { + var $pkg = {}, $init, dnmshared, sharedprotos, js, resolv, models, protos, funcType, arrayType, arrayType$1, ptrType, sliceType, ptrType$1, sliceType$1, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, sliceType$2, ptrType$4, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, ptrType$5, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, funcType$1, funcType$2, funcType$3, funcType$4, funcType$5, funcType$6, funcType$7, funcType$8, funcType$9, ptrType$6, funcType$10, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, ptrType$9, mapType, funcType$11, funcType$12, mapType$1, NewCollisionSpaceJs, NewVec2DJs, NewPolygon2DJs, NewBarrierJs, NewPlayerDownsyncJs, NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs, NewInputFrameDownsyncJs, GetPlayersArrJs, GenerateRectColliderJs, GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs, CheckCollisionJs, ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs, main; + dnmshared = $packages["dnmshared"]; + sharedprotos = $packages["dnmshared/sharedprotos"]; + js = $packages["github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"]; + resolv = $packages["github.com/solarlune/resolv"]; + models = $packages["jsexport/models"]; + protos = $packages["jsexport/protos"]; + funcType = $funcType([], [], false); + arrayType = $arrayType(funcType, 0); + arrayType$1 = $arrayType($packages["sync"].Mutex, 0); + ptrType = $ptrType($packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageInfo); + sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8); + ptrType$1 = $ptrType(sharedprotos.Vec2D); + sliceType$1 = $sliceType(ptrType$1); + ptrType$2 = $ptrType(sharedprotos.Polygon2D); + ptrType$3 = $ptrType(protos.PlayerDownsync); + sliceType$2 = $sliceType(ptrType$3); + ptrType$4 = $ptrType(protos.MeleeBullet); + sliceType$3 = $sliceType(ptrType$4); + sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Uint64); + ptrType$5 = $ptrType(js.Object); + sliceType$5 = $sliceType(ptrType$5); + sliceType$6 = $sliceType($String); + funcType$1 = $funcType([$Float64, $Float64], [ptrType$5], false); + funcType$2 = $funcType([ptrType$1, sliceType$1], [ptrType$5], false); + funcType$3 = $funcType([ptrType$2], [ptrType$5], false); + funcType$4 = $funcType([$Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Bool, $Float64], [ptrType$5], false); + funcType$5 = $funcType([$Int32, sliceType$2, sliceType$3], [ptrType$5], false); + funcType$6 = $funcType([$Int, $Int, $Int, $Int], [ptrType$5], false); + funcType$7 = $funcType([$Int32, sliceType$4, $Uint64], [ptrType$5], false); + funcType$8 = $funcType([$Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $emptyInterface, $String], [ptrType$5], false); + funcType$9 = $funcType([ptrType$2, $Float64, $Float64, $emptyInterface, $String], [ptrType$5], false); + ptrType$6 = $ptrType(protos.RoomDownsyncFrame); + funcType$10 = $funcType([ptrType$6], [sliceType$5], false); + ptrType$7 = $ptrType(protos.InputFrameDownsync); + ptrType$8 = $ptrType(resolv.Space); + ptrType$9 = $ptrType(resolv.Object); + mapType = $mapType($Int32, ptrType$9); + funcType$11 = $funcType([ptrType$7, ptrType$7, ptrType$6, ptrType$8, mapType, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Int32, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64, $Float64], [ptrType$5], false); + funcType$12 = $funcType([ptrType$9, $Float64, $Float64], [ptrType$5], false); + mapType$1 = $mapType($String, $emptyInterface); + NewCollisionSpaceJs = function(spaceW, spaceH, minStepW, minStepH) { + var minStepH, minStepW, spaceH, spaceW; + return js.MakeWrapper(resolv.NewSpace(spaceW, spaceH, minStepW, minStepH)); + }; + $pkg.NewCollisionSpaceJs = NewCollisionSpaceJs; + NewVec2DJs = function(x, y) { + var {$24r, _r, x, y, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {x, y}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = js.MakeFullWrapper(new sharedprotos.Vec2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, x, y)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewVec2DJs, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, x, y, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewVec2DJs = NewVec2DJs; + NewPolygon2DJs = function(anchor, points) { + var {$24r, _r, anchor, points, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {anchor, points}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = js.MakeFullWrapper(new sharedprotos.Polygon2D.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, anchor, points)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewPolygon2DJs, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, anchor, points, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewPolygon2DJs = NewPolygon2DJs; + NewBarrierJs = function(boundary) { + var boundary; + return js.MakeWrapper(new protos.Barrier.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, boundary)); + }; + $pkg.NewBarrierJs = NewBarrierJs; + NewPlayerDownsyncJs = function(id, virtualGridX, virtualGridY, dirX, dirY, velX, velY, speed, battleState, characterState, joinIndex, hp, maxHp, inAir, colliderRadius) { + var battleState, characterState, colliderRadius, dirX, dirY, hp, id, inAir, joinIndex, maxHp, speed, velX, velY, virtualGridX, virtualGridY; + return js.MakeWrapper(new protos.PlayerDownsync.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, id, virtualGridX, virtualGridY, dirX, dirY, velX, velY, speed, battleState, joinIndex, colliderRadius, false, 0, 0, 0, hp, maxHp, characterState, inAir, "", "", "")); + }; + $pkg.NewPlayerDownsyncJs = NewPlayerDownsyncJs; + NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs = function(id, playersArr, meleeBullets) { + var {$24r, _r, id, meleeBullets, playersArr, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {id, playersArr, meleeBullets}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = js.MakeFullWrapper(new protos.RoomDownsyncFrame.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, id, playersArr, new $Int64(0, 0), meleeBullets, new $Uint64(0, 0), false, false)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, id, meleeBullets, playersArr, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs = NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs; + NewInputFrameDownsyncJs = function(inputFrameId, inputList, confirmedList) { + var {$24r, _r, confirmedList, inputFrameId, inputList, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {inputFrameId, inputList, confirmedList}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = js.MakeFullWrapper(new protos.InputFrameDownsync.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl"].MessageState.ptr(new $packages["google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma"].NoUnkeyedLiterals.ptr(), arrayType.zero(), arrayType$1.zero(), ptrType.nil), 0, sliceType.nil, inputFrameId, inputList, confirmedList)); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r; + $s = 2; case 2: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: NewInputFrameDownsyncJs, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, confirmedList, inputFrameId, inputList, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.NewInputFrameDownsyncJs = NewInputFrameDownsyncJs; + GetPlayersArrJs = function(rdf) { + var {_i, _r, _ref, player, rdf, ret, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {rdf}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + ret = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, 0, rdf.PlayersArr.$length); + _ref = rdf.PlayersArr; + _i = 0; + /* while (true) { */ case 1: + /* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; } + player = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]); + _r = js.MakeFullWrapper(player); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + ret = $append(ret, _r); + _i++; + $s = 1; continue; + case 2: + $s = -1; return ret; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: GetPlayersArrJs, $c: true, $r, _i, _r, _ref, player, rdf, ret, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.GetPlayersArrJs = GetPlayersArrJs; + GenerateRectColliderJs = function(wx, wy, w, h, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, bottomPadding, data, h, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, tag, topPadding, w, wx, wy, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {wx, wy, w, h, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = dnmshared.GenerateRectCollider(wx, wy, w, h, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = js.MakeFullWrapper(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: GenerateRectColliderJs, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, bottomPadding, data, h, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, tag, topPadding, w, wx, wy, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.GenerateRectColliderJs = GenerateRectColliderJs; + GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs = function(unalignedSrc, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, data, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, tag, unalignedSrc, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {unalignedSrc, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = dnmshared.GenerateConvexPolygonCollider(unalignedSrc, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = js.MakeFullWrapper(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, data, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, tag, unalignedSrc, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs = GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs; + CheckCollisionJs = function(obj, dx, dy) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, dx, dy, obj, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {obj, dx, dy}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = obj.Check(dx, dy, new sliceType$6([])); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = js.MakeFullWrapper(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: CheckCollisionJs, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, dx, dy, obj, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.CheckCollisionJs = CheckCollisionJs; + ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs = function(delayedInputFrame, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame, currRenderFrame, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, gravityX, gravityY, jumpingInitVelY, inputDelayFrames, inputScaleFrames, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, snapIntoPlatformThreshold, worldToVirtualGridRatio, virtualGridToWorldRatio) { + var {$24r, _r, _r$1, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, currRenderFrame, delayedInputFrame, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame, gravityX, gravityY, inputDelayFrames, inputScaleFrames, jumpingInitVelY, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, snapIntoPlatformThreshold, virtualGridToWorldRatio, worldToVirtualGridRatio, $s, $r, $c} = $restore(this, {delayedInputFrame, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame, currRenderFrame, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, gravityX, gravityY, jumpingInitVelY, inputDelayFrames, inputScaleFrames, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, snapIntoPlatformThreshold, worldToVirtualGridRatio, virtualGridToWorldRatio}); + /* */ $s = $s || 0; s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + _r = models.ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrame(delayedInputFrame, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame, currRenderFrame, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, gravityX, gravityY, jumpingInitVelY, inputDelayFrames, inputScaleFrames, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, snapIntoPlatformThreshold, worldToVirtualGridRatio, virtualGridToWorldRatio); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + _r$1 = js.MakeFullWrapper(_r); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $24r = _r$1; + $s = 3; case 3: return $24r; + /* */ } return; } var $f = {$blk: ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs, $c: true, $r, $24r, _r, _r$1, collisionSpaceOffsetX, collisionSpaceOffsetY, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, currRenderFrame, delayedInputFrame, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame, gravityX, gravityY, inputDelayFrames, inputScaleFrames, jumpingInitVelY, snapIntoPlatformOverlap, snapIntoPlatformThreshold, virtualGridToWorldRatio, worldToVirtualGridRatio, $s};return $f; + }; + $pkg.ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs = ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs; + main = function() { + $global.gopkgs = $externalize($makeMap($String.keyFor, [{ k: "NewVec2DJs", v: new funcType$1(NewVec2DJs) }, { k: "NewPolygon2DJs", v: new funcType$2(NewPolygon2DJs) }, { k: "NewBarrierJs", v: new funcType$3(NewBarrierJs) }, { k: "NewPlayerDownsyncJs", v: new funcType$4(NewPlayerDownsyncJs) }, { k: "NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs", v: new funcType$5(NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs) }, { k: "NewCollisionSpaceJs", v: new funcType$6(NewCollisionSpaceJs) }, { k: "NewInputFrameDownsyncJs", v: new funcType$7(NewInputFrameDownsyncJs) }, { k: "GenerateRectColliderJs", v: new funcType$8(GenerateRectColliderJs) }, { k: "GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs", v: new funcType$9(GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs) }, { k: "GetPlayersArrJs", v: new funcType$10(GetPlayersArrJs) }, { k: "ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs", v: new funcType$11(ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs) }, { k: "CheckCollisionJs", v: new funcType$12(CheckCollisionJs) }]), mapType$1); + }; + $init = function() { + $pkg.$init = function() {}; + /* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: + $r = dnmshared.$init(); /* */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = sharedprotos.$init(); /* */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = js.$init(); /* */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = resolv.$init(); /* */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = models.$init(); /* */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + $r = protos.$init(); /* */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; } + if ($pkg === $mainPkg) { + main(); + $mainFinished = true; + } + /* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f; + }; + $pkg.$init = $init; + return $pkg; +})(); $synthesizeMethods(); $initAllLinknames(); var $mainPkg = $packages["jsexport"]; diff --git a/frontend/assets/plugin_scripts/jsexport.js.meta b/frontend/assets/plugin_scripts/jsexport.js.meta index bbae039..508c038 100644 --- a/frontend/assets/plugin_scripts/jsexport.js.meta +++ b/frontend/assets/plugin_scripts/jsexport.js.meta @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "ver": "1.0.5", - "uuid": "565a29f2-d75b-45a2-8596-b27e6415960d", + "uuid": "c402c9d1-1d32-4dbb-993a-6bfa0099fa2b", "isPlugin": true, "loadPluginInWeb": true, "loadPluginInNative": true, diff --git a/frontend/assets/scenes/offline_map_2.fire b/frontend/assets/scenes/offline_map_2.fire index 6ba3709..7059ef0 100644 --- a/frontend/assets/scenes/offline_map_2.fire +++ b/frontend/assets/scenes/offline_map_2.fire @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ "array": [ 0, 0, - 216.05530045313827, + 216.50635094610968, 0, 0, 0, diff --git a/frontend/assets/scripts/OfflineMapBackend.js b/frontend/assets/scripts/OfflineMapBackend.js index fa5636c..e24747d 100644 --- a/frontend/assets/scripts/OfflineMapBackend.js +++ b/frontend/assets/scripts/OfflineMapBackend.js @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ cc.Class({ self.snapIntoPlatformOverlap = 0.1; self.snapIntoPlatformThreshold = 0.5; // a platform must be "horizontal enough" for a character to "stand on" self.jumpingInitVelY = 7 * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio; // unit: (virtual grid length/renderFrame) - [self.gravityX, self.gravityY] = [0, -0.5*self.worldToVirtualGridRatio]; // unit: (virtual grid length/renderFrame^2) + [self.gravityX, self.gravityY] = [0, -0.5 * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio]; // unit: (virtual grid length/renderFrame^2) const tiledMapIns = self.node.getComponent(cc.TiledMap); @@ -107,12 +107,13 @@ cc.Class({ self.node.setPosition(cc.v2(0, 0)); self._resetCurrentMatch(); - const spaceW = newMapSize.width * newTileSize.width; - const spaceH = newMapSize.height * newTileSize.height; - const spaceOffsetX = (spaceW >> 1); - const spaceOffsetY = (spaceH >> 1); - const minStep = 8; + const spaceW = newMapSize.width * newTileSize.width; + const spaceH = newMapSize.height * newTileSize.height; + self.spaceOffsetX = (spaceW >> 1); + self.spaceOffsetY = (spaceH >> 1); + const minStep = 8; self.gopkgsCollisionSys = gopkgs.NewCollisionSpaceJs(spaceW, spaceH, minStep, minStep); + self.gopkgsCollisionSysMap = {}; // [WARNING] Don't use "JavaScript Map" which could cause loss of type information when passing through Golang transpiled functions! let barrierIdCounter = 0; const boundaryObjs = tileCollisionManager.extractBoundaryObjects(self.node); @@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ cc.Class({ const gopkgsBoundary = gopkgs.NewPolygon2DJs(gopkgsBoundaryAnchor, gopkgsBoundaryPts); const gopkgsBarrier = gopkgs.NewBarrierJs(gopkgsBoundary); - const newBarrierCollider = gopkgs.GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs(gopkgsBoundary, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, gopkgsBarrier, "Barrier"); + const newBarrierCollider = gopkgs.GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs(gopkgsBoundary, self.spaceOffsetX, self.spaceOffsetY, gopkgsBarrier, "Barrier"); self.gopkgsCollisionSys.Add(newBarrierCollider); if (false && self.showCriticalCoordinateLabels) { @@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ cc.Class({ // console.log("Created barrier: ", newBarrierCollider); ++barrierIdCounter; const collisionBarrierIndex = (self.collisionBarrierIndexPrefix + barrierIdCounter); - self.collisionSysMap.set(collisionBarrierIndex, newBarrierCollider); + self.gopkgsCollisionSysMap[collisionBarrierIndex] = newBarrierCollider; } const startPlayer1 = gopkgs.NewPlayerDownsyncJs(10, self.worldToVirtualGridPos(boundaryObjs.playerStartingPositions[0].x, boundaryObjs.playerStartingPositions[0].y)[0], self.worldToVirtualGridPos(boundaryObjs.playerStartingPositions[0].x, boundaryObjs.playerStartingPositions[0].y)[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio, 0, window.ATK_CHARACTER_STATE.InAirIdle1[0], 1, 100, 100, true, 12); @@ -171,7 +172,11 @@ cc.Class({ const startRdf = gopkgs.NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs(window.MAGIC_ROOM_DOWNSYNC_FRAME_ID.BATTLE_START, [startPlayer1, startPlayer2], []); self.selfPlayerInfo = { - id: 11 + Id: 11, + JoinIndex: 2, + // For compatibility + id: 11, + joinIndex: 2, }; self.onRoomDownsyncFrame(startRdf); @@ -200,7 +205,7 @@ cc.Class({ currSelfInput = prevAndCurrInputs[1]; } - const [prevRdf, rdf] = self.rollbackAndChase(self.renderFrameId, self.renderFrameId + 1, self.collisionSys, self.collisionSysMap, false); + const [prevRdf, rdf] = self.rollbackAndChase(self.renderFrameId, self.renderFrameId + 1, self.gopkgsCollisionSys, self.gopkgsCollisionSysMap, false); self.applyRoomDownsyncFrameDynamics(rdf, prevRdf); self.showDebugBoundaries(rdf); ++self.renderFrameId; @@ -229,7 +234,7 @@ cc.Class({ if (notSelfUnconfirmed) { shouldForceDumping2 = false; shouldForceResync = false; - self.othersForcedDownsyncRenderFrameDict.set(rdf.id, rdf); + self.othersForcedDownsyncRenderFrameDict.set(rdf.Id, rdf); } /* TODO @@ -250,8 +255,7 @@ cc.Class({ } // The logic below applies to (window.MAGIC_ROOM_DOWNSYNC_FRAME_ID.BATTLE_START == rdf.id || window.RING_BUFF_NON_CONSECUTIVE_SET == dumpRenderCacheRet) - const players = rdf.Players; - self._initPlayerRichInfoDict(players); + self._initPlayerRichInfoDict(gopkgs.GetPlayersArrJs(rdf)); if (shouldForceDumping1 || shouldForceDumping2 || shouldForceResync) { // In fact, not having "window.RING_BUFF_CONSECUTIVE_SET == dumpRenderCacheRet" should already imply that "self.renderFrameId <= rdf.id", but here we double check and log the anomaly @@ -273,4 +277,121 @@ cc.Class({ // [WARNING] Leave all graphical updates in "update(dt)" by "applyRoomDownsyncFrameDynamics" return dumpRenderCacheRet; }, + + rollbackAndChase(renderFrameIdSt, renderFrameIdEd, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, isChasing) { + const self = this; + let prevLatestRdf = null, + latestRdf = null; + for (let i = renderFrameIdSt; i < renderFrameIdEd; i++) { + const currRdf = self.recentRenderCache.getByFrameId(i); // typed "RoomDownsyncFrame"; [WARNING] When "true == isChasing" and using Firefox, this function could be interruptted by "onRoomDownsyncFrame(rdf)" asynchronously anytime, making this line return "null"! + if (null == currRdf) { + throw `Couldn't find renderFrame for i=${i} to rollback (are you using Firefox?), self.renderFrameId=${self.renderFrameId}, lastAllConfirmedInputFrameId=${self.lastAllConfirmedInputFrameId}, might've been interruptted by onRoomDownsyncFrame`; + } + const j = self._convertToInputFrameId(i, self.inputDelayFrames); + const delayedInputFrame = self.recentInputCache.getByFrameId(j); // Don't make prediction here, the inputFrameDownsyncs in recentInputCache was already predicted while prefabbing + if (null == delayedInputFrame) { + // Shouldn't happen! + throw `Failed to get cached delayedInputFrame for i=${i}, j=${j}, renderFrameId=${self.renderFrameId}, lastUpsyncInputFrameId=${self.lastUpsyncInputFrameId}, lastAllConfirmedInputFrameId=${self.lastAllConfirmedInputFrameId}, chaserRenderFrameId=${self.chaserRenderFrameId}; recentRenderCache=${self._stringifyRecentRenderCache(false)}, recentInputCache=${self._stringifyRecentInputCache(false)}`; + } + + const delayedInputFrameJs = gopkgs.NewInputFrameDownsyncJs(j, delayedInputFrame.inputList, delayedInputFrame.confirmedList); + const jPrev = self._convertToInputFrameId(i - 1, self.inputDelayFrames); + const delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame = self.recentInputCache.getByFrameId(jPrev); + const delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrameJs = gopkgs.NewInputFrameDownsyncJs(jPrev, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame.inputList, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrame.confirmedList); + const nextRdf = gopkgs.ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs(delayedInputFrameJs, delayedInputFrameForPrevRenderFrameJs, currRdf, collisionSys, collisionSysMap, self.gravityX, self.gravityY, self.jumpingInitVelY, self.inputDelayFrames, self.inputScaleFrames, self.spaceOffsetX, self.spaceOffsetY, self.snapIntoPlatformOverlap, self.snapIntoPlatformThreshold, self.worldToVirtualGridRatio, self.virtualGridToWorldRatio); + + if (true == isChasing) { + // [WARNING] Move the cursor "self.chaserRenderFrameId" when "true == isChasing", keep in mind that "self.chaserRenderFrameId" is not monotonic! + self.chaserRenderFrameId = nextRdf.id; + } else if (nextRdf.id == self.chaserRenderFrameId + 1) { + self.chaserRenderFrameId = nextRdf.id; // To avoid redundant calculation + } + self.recentRenderCache.setByFrameId(nextRdf, nextRdf.id); + prevLatestRdf = currRdf; + latestRdf = nextRdf; + } + + return [prevLatestRdf, latestRdf]; + }, + + _initPlayerRichInfoDict(playersArr) { + const self = this; + for (let k in playersArr) { + const immediatePlayerInfo = playersArr[k]; + const playerId = immediatePlayerInfo.Id; + if (self.playerRichInfoDict.has(playerId)) continue; // Skip already put keys + self.playerRichInfoDict.set(playerId, immediatePlayerInfo); + + const nodeAndScriptIns = self.spawnPlayerNode(immediatePlayerInfo.JoinIndex, immediatePlayerInfo.VirtualGridX, immediatePlayerInfo.VirtualGridY, immediatePlayerInfo); + + Object.assign(self.playerRichInfoDict.get(playerId), { + node: nodeAndScriptIns[0], + scriptIns: nodeAndScriptIns[1], + }); + + if (self.selfPlayerInfo.Id == playerId) { + self.selfPlayerInfo = Object.assign(self.selfPlayerInfo, immediatePlayerInfo); + nodeAndScriptIns[1].showArrowTipNode(); + } + } + self.playerRichInfoArr = new Array(self.playerRichInfoDict.size); + self.playerRichInfoDict.forEach((playerRichInfo, playerId) => { + self.playerRichInfoArr[playerRichInfo.JoinIndex - 1] = playerRichInfo; + }); + }, + + applyRoomDownsyncFrameDynamics(rdf, prevRdf) { + const self = this; + const playersArr = gopkgs.GetPlayersArrJs(rdf); + for (let k in playersArr) { + const currPlayerDownsync = playersArr[k]; + const prevRdfPlayer = (null == prevRdf ? null : gopkgs.GetPlayersArrJs(prevRdf)[k]); + const [wx, wy] = self.virtualGridToWorldPos(currPlayerDownsync.VirtualGridX, currPlayerDownsync.VirtualGridY); + const playerRichInfo = self.playerRichInfoArr[k]; + playerRichInfo.node.setPosition(wx, wy); + playerRichInfo.scriptIns.updateSpeed(currPlayerDownsync.Speed); + currPlayerDownsync.characterState = currPlayerDownsync.CharacterState; + currPlayerDownsync.dirX = currPlayerDownsync.DirX; + currPlayerDownsync.dirY = currPlayerDownsync.DirY; + currPlayerDownsync.framesToRecover = currPlayerDownsync.FrameToRecover; + playerRichInfo.scriptIns.updateCharacterAnim(currPlayerDownsync, prevRdfPlayer, false); + } + }, + + spawnPlayerNode(joinIndex, vx, vy, playerDownsyncInfo) { + const self = this; + const newPlayerNode = cc.instantiate(self.controlledCharacterPrefab) + const playerScriptIns = newPlayerNode.getComponent("ControlledCharacter"); + if (1 == joinIndex) { + playerScriptIns.setSpecies("SoldierWaterGhost"); + } else if (2 == joinIndex) { + playerScriptIns.setSpecies("UltramanTiga"); + } + + const [wx, wy] = self.virtualGridToWorldPos(vx, vy); + newPlayerNode.setPosition(wx, wy); + playerScriptIns.mapNode = self.node; + const halfColliderWidth = playerDownsyncInfo.ColliderRadius, + halfColliderHeight = playerDownsyncInfo.ColliderRadius + playerDownsyncInfo.ColliderRadius; // avoid multiplying + const colliderWidth = halfColliderWidth + halfColliderWidth, + colliderHeight = halfColliderHeight + halfColliderHeight; // avoid multiplying + const newPlayerCollider = gopkgs.GenerateRectColliderJs(wx, wy, colliderWidth, colliderHeight, self.snapIntoPlatformOverlap, self.snapIntoPlatformOverlap, self.snapIntoPlatformOverlap, self.snapIntoPlatformOverlap, self.spaceOffsetX, self.spaceOffsetY, playerDownsyncInfo, "Player"); + self.gopkgsCollisionSys.Add(newPlayerCollider); + const collisionPlayerIndex = self.collisionPlayerIndexPrefix + joinIndex; + self.gopkgsCollisionSysMap[collisionPlayerIndex] = newPlayerCollider; + + console.log(`Created new player collider: joinIndex=${joinIndex}, colliderRadius=${playerDownsyncInfo.ColliderRadius}`); + + safelyAddChild(self.node, newPlayerNode); + setLocalZOrder(newPlayerNode, 5); + + newPlayerNode.active = true; + playerDownsyncInfo.characterState = playerDownsyncInfo.CharacterState; + playerDownsyncInfo.dirX = playerDownsyncInfo.DirX; + playerDownsyncInfo.dirY = playerDownsyncInfo.DirY; + playerDownsyncInfo.framesToRecover = playerDownsyncInfo.FrameToRecover; + playerScriptIns.updateCharacterAnim(playerDownsyncInfo, null, true); + + return [newPlayerNode, playerScriptIns]; + }, }); diff --git a/jsexport/Makefile b/jsexport/Makefile index 29860ff..2152701 100644 --- a/jsexport/Makefile +++ b/jsexport/Makefile @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ all: help GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io serve: + gopherjs clean gopherjs serve $(PROJECTNAME) build: diff --git a/jsexport/main.go b/jsexport/main.go index 2d93229..e991dbb 100644 --- a/jsexport/main.go +++ b/jsexport/main.go @@ -61,6 +61,23 @@ func NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs(id int32, playersArr []*PlayerDownsync, meleeBullets }) } +func NewInputFrameDownsyncJs(inputFrameId int32, inputList []uint64, confirmedList uint64) *js.Object { + return js.MakeFullWrapper(&InputFrameDownsync{ + InputFrameId: inputFrameId, + InputList: inputList, + ConfirmedList: confirmedList, + }) +} + +func GetPlayersArrJs(rdf *RoomDownsyncFrame) []*js.Object { + // We couldn't just use the existing getters or field names to access non-primitive fields in Js + ret := make([]*js.Object, 0, len(rdf.PlayersArr)) + for _, player := range rdf.PlayersArr { + ret = append(ret, js.MakeFullWrapper(player)) + } + return ret +} + func GenerateRectColliderJs(wx, wy, w, h, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY float64, data interface{}, tag string) *js.Object { /* [WARNING] It's important to note that we don't need "js.MakeFullWrapper" for a call sequence as follows. @@ -70,13 +87,15 @@ func GenerateRectColliderJs(wx, wy, w, h, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding space.Add(a); ``` The "space" variable doesn't need access to the field of "a" in JavaScript level to run "space.Add(...)" method, which is good. + + However, the full wrapper access here is used for updating "collider.X/collider.Y" at JavaScript runtime. */ - return js.MakeWrapper(GenerateRectCollider(wx, wy, w, h, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag)) + return js.MakeFullWrapper(GenerateRectCollider(wx, wy, w, h, topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag)) } func GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs(unalignedSrc *Polygon2D, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY float64, data interface{}, tag string) *js.Object { - return js.MakeWrapper(GenerateConvexPolygonCollider(unalignedSrc, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag)) + return js.MakeFullWrapper(GenerateConvexPolygonCollider(unalignedSrc, spaceOffsetX, spaceOffsetY, data, tag)) } func CheckCollisionJs(obj *resolv.Object, dx, dy float64) *js.Object { @@ -92,14 +111,17 @@ func ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs(delayedInputFrame, del func main() { js.Global.Set("gopkgs", map[string]interface{}{ - "NewVec2DJs": NewVec2DJs, - "NewPolygon2DJs": NewPolygon2DJs, - "NewBarrierJs": NewBarrierJs, - "NewPlayerDownsyncJs": NewPlayerDownsyncJs, - "NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs": NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs, - "NewCollisionSpaceJs": NewCollisionSpaceJs, - "GenerateRectColliderJs": GenerateRectColliderJs, - "GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs": GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs, - "CheckCollisionJs": CheckCollisionJs, + "NewVec2DJs": NewVec2DJs, + "NewPolygon2DJs": NewPolygon2DJs, + "NewBarrierJs": NewBarrierJs, + "NewPlayerDownsyncJs": NewPlayerDownsyncJs, + "NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs": NewRoomDownsyncFrameJs, + "NewCollisionSpaceJs": NewCollisionSpaceJs, + "NewInputFrameDownsyncJs": NewInputFrameDownsyncJs, + "GenerateRectColliderJs": GenerateRectColliderJs, + "GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs": GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs, + "GetPlayersArrJs": GetPlayersArrJs, + "ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs": ApplyInputFrameDownsyncDynamicsOnSingleRenderFrameJs, + "CheckCollisionJs": CheckCollisionJs, }) }